path: root/deps/rabbitmq_auth_backend_oauth2/test/scope_SUITE.erl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/rabbitmq_auth_backend_oauth2/test/scope_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 341 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_auth_backend_oauth2/test/scope_SUITE.erl b/deps/rabbitmq_auth_backend_oauth2/test/scope_SUITE.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1338f28f50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/rabbitmq_auth_backend_oauth2/test/scope_SUITE.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+%% file, You can obtain one at
+%% Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+all() ->
+ [
+ permission_all,
+ permission_vhost,
+ permission_resource,
+ permission_topic
+ ].
+permission_all(_Config) ->
+ WildcardScopeWrite = <<"write:*/*">>,
+ WildcardScopeWriteTopic = <<"write:*/*/*">>,
+ WildcardScopeRead = <<"read:*/*">>,
+ WildcardScopeReadTopic = <<"read:*/*/*">>,
+ WildcardScopeConfigure = <<"configure:*/*">>,
+ WildcardScopeConfigureTopic = <<"configure:*/*/*">>,
+ ReadScopes = [WildcardScopeRead, WildcardScopeReadTopic],
+ WriteScopes = [WildcardScopeWrite, WildcardScopeWriteTopic],
+ ConfigureScopes = [WildcardScopeConfigure, WildcardScopeConfigureTopic],
+ ExampleVhosts = [<<"/">>, <<"foo">>, <<"*">>, <<"foo/bar">>, <<"юникод"/utf8>>],
+ ExampleResources = [<<"foo">>, <<"foo/bar">>, <<"*">>, <<"*/*">>, <<"юникод"/utf8>>],
+ [ vhost_allowed(<<"/">>, Scope) ||
+ Scope <- ReadScopes ++ WriteScopes ++ ConfigureScopes ],
+ [ vhost_allowed(<<"foo">>, Scope) ||
+ Scope <- ReadScopes ++ WriteScopes ++ ConfigureScopes ],
+ [ vhost_allowed(<<"*">>, Scope) ||
+ Scope <- ReadScopes ++ WriteScopes ++ ConfigureScopes ],
+ [ vhost_allowed(<<"foo/bar">>, Scope) ||
+ Scope <- ReadScopes ++ WriteScopes ++ ConfigureScopes ],
+ [ vhost_allowed(<<"юникод"/utf8>>, Scope) ||
+ Scope <- ReadScopes ++ WriteScopes ++ ConfigureScopes ],
+ [ read_allowed(Vhost, Resource, Scope) ||
+ Scope <- ReadScopes,
+ Vhost <- ExampleVhosts,
+ Resource <- ExampleResources ],
+ [ write_allowed(Vhost, Resource, Scope) ||
+ Scope <- WriteScopes,
+ Vhost <- ExampleVhosts,
+ Resource <- ExampleResources ],
+ [ configure_allowed(Vhost, Resource, Scope) ||
+ Scope <- ConfigureScopes,
+ Vhost <- ExampleVhosts,
+ Resource <- ExampleResources ],
+ [ read_refused(Vhost, Resource, Scope) ||
+ Scope <- WriteScopes ++ ConfigureScopes,
+ Vhost <- ExampleVhosts,
+ Resource <- ExampleResources ],
+ [ write_refused(Vhost, Resource, Scope) ||
+ Scope <- ReadScopes ++ ConfigureScopes,
+ Vhost <- ExampleVhosts,
+ Resource <- ExampleResources ],
+ [ configure_refused(Vhost, Resource, Scope) ||
+ Scope <- WriteScopes ++ ReadScopes,
+ Vhost <- ExampleVhosts,
+ Resource <- ExampleResources ].
+permission_vhost(_Config) ->
+ FooScopeWrite = <<"write:foo/*">>,
+ FooScopeWriteTopic = <<"write:foo/*/*">>,
+ FooScopeRead = <<"read:foo/*">>,
+ FooScopeReadTopic = <<"read:foo/*/*">>,
+ FooScopeConfigure = <<"configure:foo/*">>,
+ FooScopeConfigureTopic = <<"configure:foo/*/*">>,
+ ComplexVHost = <<"foo/bar/*/">>,
+ EncodedVhost = cow_qs:urlencode(ComplexVHost),
+ EncodedScopeWrite = <<"write:", EncodedVhost/binary, "/*">>,
+ EncodedScopeWriteTopic = <<"write:", EncodedVhost/binary, "/*/*">>,
+ EncodedScopeRead = <<"read:", EncodedVhost/binary, "/*">>,
+ EncodedScopeReadTopic = <<"read:", EncodedVhost/binary, "/*/*">>,
+ EncodedScopeConfigure = <<"configure:", EncodedVhost/binary, "/*">>,
+ EncodedScopeConfigureTopic = <<"configure:", EncodedVhost/binary, "/*/*">>,
+ FooReadScopes = [FooScopeRead, FooScopeReadTopic],
+ EncodedReadScopes = [EncodedScopeRead, EncodedScopeReadTopic],
+ FooWriteScopes = [FooScopeWrite, FooScopeWriteTopic],
+ EncodedWriteScopes = [EncodedScopeWrite, EncodedScopeWriteTopic],
+ FooConfigureScopes = [FooScopeConfigure, FooScopeConfigureTopic],
+ EncodedConfigureScopes = [EncodedScopeConfigure, EncodedScopeConfigureTopic],
+ ExampleResources = [<<"foo">>, <<"foo/bar">>, <<"*">>, <<"*/*">>, <<"юникод"/utf8>>],
+ Tags = [<<"tag:management">>, <<"tag:policymaker">>],
+ [ vhost_allowed(<<"foo">>, Scope) ||
+ Scope <- FooReadScopes ++ FooWriteScopes ++ FooConfigureScopes ],
+ [ vhost_allowed(ComplexVHost, [Scope] ++ Tags) ||
+ Scope <- EncodedReadScopes ++ EncodedWriteScopes ++ EncodedConfigureScopes ],
+ [ read_allowed(<<"foo">>, Resource, [Scope] ++ Tags) ||
+ Scope <- FooReadScopes,
+ Resource <- ExampleResources ],
+ [ write_allowed(<<"foo">>, Resource, [Scope] ++ Tags) ||
+ Scope <- FooWriteScopes,
+ Resource <- ExampleResources ],
+ [ configure_allowed(<<"foo">>, Resource, [Scope] ++ Tags) ||
+ Scope <- FooConfigureScopes,
+ Resource <- ExampleResources ],
+ [ read_refused(<<"foo">>, Resource, [Scope] ++ Tags) ||
+ Scope <- FooWriteScopes ++ FooConfigureScopes ++
+ EncodedWriteScopes ++ EncodedConfigureScopes,
+ Resource <- ExampleResources ],
+ [ write_refused(<<"foo">>, Resource, [Scope] ++ Tags) ||
+ Scope <- FooReadScopes ++ FooConfigureScopes ++
+ EncodedReadScopes ++ EncodedConfigureScopes,
+ Resource <- ExampleResources ],
+ [ configure_refused(<<"foo">>, Resource, [Scope] ++ Tags) ||
+ Scope <- FooWriteScopes ++ FooReadScopes ++
+ EncodedWriteScopes ++ EncodedReadScopes,
+ Resource <- ExampleResources ],
+ [ read_allowed(ComplexVHost, Resource, Scope) ||
+ Scope <- EncodedReadScopes,
+ Resource <- ExampleResources ],
+ [ write_allowed(ComplexVHost, Resource, Scope) ||
+ Scope <- EncodedWriteScopes,
+ Resource <- ExampleResources ],
+ [ configure_allowed(ComplexVHost, Resource, Scope) ||
+ Scope <- EncodedConfigureScopes,
+ Resource <- ExampleResources ],
+ [ read_refused(ComplexVHost, Resource, Scope) ||
+ Scope <- EncodedWriteScopes ++ EncodedConfigureScopes ++
+ FooWriteScopes ++ FooConfigureScopes,
+ Resource <- ExampleResources ],
+ [ write_refused(ComplexVHost, Resource, Scope) ||
+ Scope <- EncodedReadScopes ++ EncodedConfigureScopes ++
+ FooReadScopes ++ FooConfigureScopes,
+ Resource <- ExampleResources ],
+ [ configure_refused(ComplexVHost, Resource, Scope) ||
+ Scope <- EncodedWriteScopes ++ EncodedReadScopes ++
+ FooWriteScopes ++ FooReadScopes,
+ Resource <- ExampleResources ].
+permission_resource(_Config) ->
+ ComplexResource = <<"bar*/baz">>,
+ EncodedResource = cow_qs:urlencode(ComplexResource),
+ ScopeWrite = <<"write:*/", EncodedResource/binary>>,
+ ScopeWriteTopic = <<"write:*/", EncodedResource/binary, "/*">>,
+ ScopeRead = <<"read:*/", EncodedResource/binary>>,
+ ScopeReadTopic = <<"read:*/", EncodedResource/binary, "/*">>,
+ ScopeConfigure = <<"configure:*/", EncodedResource/binary>>,
+ ScopeConfigureTopic = <<"configure:*/", EncodedResource/binary, "/*">>,
+ ExampleVhosts = [<<"/">>, <<"foo">>, <<"*">>, <<"foo/bar">>, <<"юникод"/utf8>>],
+ ExampleResources = [<<"foo">>, <<"foo/bar">>, <<"*">>, <<"*/*">>, <<"юникод"/utf8>>],
+ %% Resource access is allowed for complex resource with any vhost
+ [ read_allowed(Vhost, ComplexResource, Scope) ||
+ Scope <- [ScopeRead, ScopeReadTopic],
+ Vhost <- ExampleVhosts ],
+ [ write_allowed(Vhost, ComplexResource, Scope) ||
+ Scope <- [ScopeWrite, ScopeWriteTopic],
+ Vhost <- ExampleVhosts ],
+ [ configure_allowed(Vhost, ComplexResource, Scope) ||
+ Scope <- [ScopeConfigure, ScopeConfigureTopic],
+ Vhost <- ExampleVhosts ],
+ %% Resource access is refused for any other resource
+ [ read_refused(Vhost, Resource, Scope) ||
+ Scope <- [ScopeWrite, ScopeWriteTopic,
+ ScopeRead, ScopeReadTopic,
+ ScopeConfigure, ScopeConfigureTopic],
+ Vhost <- ExampleVhosts,
+ Resource <- ExampleResources ],
+ [ write_refused(Vhost, Resource, Scope) ||
+ Scope <- [ScopeWrite, ScopeWriteTopic,
+ ScopeRead, ScopeReadTopic,
+ ScopeConfigure, ScopeConfigureTopic],
+ Vhost <- ExampleVhosts,
+ Resource <- ExampleResources ],
+ [ configure_refused(Vhost, Resource, Scope) ||
+ Scope <- [ScopeWrite, ScopeWriteTopic,
+ ScopeRead, ScopeReadTopic,
+ ScopeConfigure, ScopeConfigureTopic],
+ Vhost <- ExampleVhosts,
+ Resource <- ExampleResources ].
+permission_topic(_Config) ->
+ TopicWildcardRead = <<"read:*/*/*">>,
+ TopicVhostRead = <<"read:vhost/*/*">>,
+ TopicResourceRead = <<"read:*/exchange/*">>,
+ TopicRoutingKeyRead = <<"read:*/*/rout">>,
+ TopicRoutingSuffixKeyRead = <<"read:*/*/*rout">>,
+ ExampleVhosts = [<<"/">>, <<"foo">>, <<"*">>, <<"foo/bar">>, <<"юникод"/utf8>>],
+ ExampleResources = [<<"foo">>, <<"foo/bar">>, <<"*">>, <<"*/*">>, <<"юникод"/utf8>>],
+ ExampleRoutingKeys = [<<"rout">>, <<"norout">>, <<"some_other">>],
+ [ topic_read_allowed(VHost, Resource, RoutingKey, TopicWildcardRead) ||
+ VHost <- ExampleVhosts,
+ Resource <- ExampleResources,
+ RoutingKey <- ExampleRoutingKeys],
+ [ topic_read_allowed(<<"vhost">>, Resource, RoutingKey, TopicVhostRead) ||
+ Resource <- ExampleResources,
+ RoutingKey <- ExampleRoutingKeys],
+ [ topic_read_allowed(VHost, <<"exchange">>, RoutingKey, TopicResourceRead) ||
+ VHost <- ExampleVhosts,
+ RoutingKey <- ExampleRoutingKeys],
+ [ topic_read_allowed(VHost, Resource, <<"rout">>, TopicRoutingKeyRead) ||
+ VHost <- ExampleVhosts,
+ Resource <- ExampleResources],
+ [ topic_read_allowed(VHost, Resource, RoutingKey, TopicRoutingSuffixKeyRead) ||
+ VHost <- ExampleVhosts,
+ Resource <- ExampleResources,
+ RoutingKey <- [<<"rout">>, <<"norout">>, <<"sprout">>]],
+ [ topic_read_refused(VHost, Resource, RoutingKey, TopicVhostRead) ||
+ VHost <- ExampleVhosts,
+ Resource <- ExampleResources,
+ RoutingKey <- ExampleRoutingKeys],
+ [ topic_read_refused(VHost, Resource, RoutingKey, TopicResourceRead) ||
+ VHost <- ExampleVhosts,
+ Resource <- ExampleResources,
+ RoutingKey <- ExampleRoutingKeys],
+ [ topic_read_refused(VHost, Resource, RoutingKey, TopicRoutingKeyRead) ||
+ VHost <- ExampleVhosts,
+ Resource <- ExampleResources,
+ RoutingKey <- [<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>]].
+vhost_allowed(Vhost, Scopes) when is_list(Scopes) ->
+ ?assertEqual(true, rabbit_oauth2_scope:vhost_access(Vhost, Scopes));
+vhost_allowed(Vhost, Scope) ->
+ vhost_allowed(Vhost, [Scope]).
+read_allowed(Vhost, Resource, Scopes) when is_list(Scopes) ->
+ resource_perm(Vhost, Resource, Scopes, read, true);
+read_allowed(Vhost, Resource, Scope) ->
+ resource_perm(Vhost, Resource, Scope, read, true).
+read_refused(Vhost, Resource, Scopes) when is_list(Scopes) ->
+ resource_perm(Vhost, Resource, Scopes, read, false);
+read_refused(Vhost, Resource, Scope) ->
+ resource_perm(Vhost, Resource, Scope, read, false).
+write_allowed(Vhost, Resource, Scopes) when is_list(Scopes) ->
+ resource_perm(Vhost, Resource, Scopes, write, true);
+write_allowed(Vhost, Resource, Scope) ->
+ resource_perm(Vhost, Resource, Scope, write, true).
+write_refused(Vhost, Resource, Scopes) when is_list(Scopes) ->
+ resource_perm(Vhost, Resource, Scopes, write, false);
+write_refused(Vhost, Resource, Scope) ->
+ resource_perm(Vhost, Resource, Scope, write, false).
+configure_allowed(Vhost, Resource, Scopes) when is_list(Scopes) ->
+ resource_perm(Vhost, Resource, Scopes, configure, true);
+configure_allowed(Vhost, Resource, Scope) ->
+ resource_perm(Vhost, Resource, Scope, configure, true).
+configure_refused(Vhost, Resource, Scopes) when is_list(Scopes) ->
+ resource_perm(Vhost, Resource, Scopes, configure, false);
+configure_refused(Vhost, Resource, Scope) ->
+ resource_perm(Vhost, Resource, Scope, configure, false).
+resource_perm(Vhost, Resource, Scopes, Permission, Result) when is_list(Scopes) ->
+ [ ?assertEqual(Result, rabbit_oauth2_scope:resource_access(
+ #resource{virtual_host = Vhost,
+ kind = Kind,
+ name = Resource},
+ Permission,
+ Scopes)) || Kind <- [queue, exchange] ];
+resource_perm(Vhost, Resource, Scope, Permission, Result) ->
+ resource_perm(Vhost, Resource, [Scope], Permission, Result).
+topic_read_allowed(Vhost, Resource, RoutingKey, Scopes) when is_list(Scopes) ->
+ topic_perm(Vhost, Resource, RoutingKey, Scopes, read, true);
+topic_read_allowed(Vhost, Resource, RoutingKey, Scope) ->
+ topic_perm(Vhost, Resource, RoutingKey, Scope, read, true).
+topic_read_refused(Vhost, Resource, RoutingKey, Scopes) when is_list(Scopes) ->
+ topic_perm(Vhost, Resource, RoutingKey, Scopes, read, false);
+topic_read_refused(Vhost, Resource, RoutingKey, Scope) ->
+ topic_perm(Vhost, Resource, RoutingKey, Scope, read, false).
+topic_perm(Vhost, Resource, RoutingKey, Scopes, Permission, Result) when is_list(Scopes) ->
+ ?assertEqual(Result, rabbit_oauth2_scope:topic_access(
+ #resource{virtual_host = Vhost,
+ kind = topic,
+ name = Resource},
+ Permission,
+ #{routing_key => RoutingKey},
+ Scopes));
+topic_perm(Vhost, Resource, RoutingKey, Scope, Permission, Result) ->
+ topic_perm(Vhost, Resource, RoutingKey, [Scope], Permission, Result).