path: root/deps/rabbitmq_cli/lib/rabbitmq/cli/ctl/commands/help_command.ex
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Diffstat (limited to 'deps/rabbitmq_cli/lib/rabbitmq/cli/ctl/commands/help_command.ex')
1 files changed, 343 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_cli/lib/rabbitmq/cli/ctl/commands/help_command.ex b/deps/rabbitmq_cli/lib/rabbitmq/cli/ctl/commands/help_command.ex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8f459cc83f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/rabbitmq_cli/lib/rabbitmq/cli/ctl/commands/help_command.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+## This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+## License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+## file, You can obtain one at
+## Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+alias RabbitMQ.CLI.CommandBehaviour
+defmodule RabbitMQ.CLI.Ctl.Commands.HelpCommand do
+ alias RabbitMQ.CLI.Core.{CommandModules, Config, ExitCodes}
+ alias RabbitMQ.CLI.Core.CommandModules
+ import RabbitMQ.CLI.Core.ANSI
+ @behaviour RabbitMQ.CLI.CommandBehaviour
+ def scopes(), do: [:ctl, :diagnostics, :plugins, :queues, :upgrade]
+ def switches(), do: [list_commands: :boolean]
+ def distribution(_), do: :none
+ use RabbitMQ.CLI.Core.MergesNoDefaults
+ def validate([], _), do: :ok
+ def validate([_command], _), do: :ok
+ def validate(args, _) when length(args) > 1 do
+ {:validation_failure, :too_many_args}
+ end
+ def run([command_name | _], opts) do
+ CommandModules.load(opts)
+ module_map = CommandModules.module_map()
+ case module_map[command_name] do
+ nil ->
+ # command not found
+ # {:error, all_usage(opts)}
+ case RabbitMQ.CLI.AutoComplete.suggest_command(command_name, module_map) do
+ {:suggest, suggested} ->
+ suggest_message = "\nCommand '#{command_name}' not found. \n" <>
+ "Did you mean '#{suggested}'? \n"
+ {:error, ExitCodes.exit_usage(), suggest_message}
+ nil ->
+ {:error, ExitCodes.exit_usage(), "\nCommand '#{command_name}' not found."}
+ end
+ command ->
+ {:ok, command_usage(command, opts)}
+ end
+ end
+ def run([], opts) do
+ CommandModules.load(opts)
+ case opts[:list_commands] do
+ true ->
+ {:ok, commands_description()}
+ _ ->
+ {:ok, all_usage(opts)}
+ end
+ end
+ def output({:ok, result}, _) do
+ {:ok, result}
+ end
+ def output({:error, result}, _) do
+ {:error, ExitCodes.exit_usage(), result}
+ end
+ use RabbitMQ.CLI.DefaultOutput
+ def banner(_, _), do: nil
+ def help_section(), do: :help
+ def description(), do: "Displays usage information for a command"
+ def usage(), do: "help (<command> | [--list-commands])"
+ def usage_additional() do
+ [
+ ["--list-commands", "only output a list of discovered commands"]
+ ]
+ end
+ #
+ # Implementation
+ #
+ def all_usage(opts) do
+ tool_name = program_name(opts)
+ tool_usage(tool_name) ++
+ ["\n\nAvailable commands:\n"] ++ commands_description() ++
+ help_footer(tool_name)
+ end
+ def command_usage(command, opts) do
+ Enum.join([base_usage(command, opts)] ++
+ command_description(command) ++
+ additional_usage(command) ++
+ relevant_doc_guides(command) ++
+ general_options_usage(),
+ "\n\n") <> "\n"
+ end
+ defp tool_usage(tool_name) do
+ [
+ "\n#{bright("Usage")}\n\n" <>
+ "#{tool_name} [--node <node>] [--timeout <timeout>] [--longnames] [--quiet] <command> [<command options>]"
+ ]
+ end
+ def base_usage(command, opts) do
+ tool_name = program_name(opts)
+ maybe_timeout =
+ case command_supports_timeout(command) do
+ true -> " [--timeout <timeout>]"
+ false -> ""
+ end
+ Enum.join([
+ "\n#{bright("Usage")}\n\n",
+ "#{tool_name} [--node <node>] [--longnames] [--quiet] " <>
+ flatten_string(command.usage(), maybe_timeout)
+ ])
+ end
+ defp flatten_string(list, additional) when is_list(list) do
+ list
+ |> line -> line <> additional end)
+ |> Enum.join("\n")
+ end
+ defp flatten_string(str, additional) when is_binary(str) do
+ str <> additional
+ end
+ defp general_options_usage() do
+ [
+ "#{bright("General Options")}
+The following options are accepted by most or all commands.
+short | long | description
+-? | --help | displays command help
+-n <node> | --node <node> | connect to node <node>
+-l | --longnames | use long host names
+-t | --timeout <n> | for commands that support it, operation timeout in seconds
+-q | --quiet | suppress informational messages
+-s | --silent | suppress informational messages
+ | and table header row
+-p | --vhost | for commands that are scoped to a virtual host,
+ | | virtual host to use
+ | --formatter | alternative result formatter to use
+ | if supported: json, pretty_table, table, csv, erlang
+ not all commands support all (or any) alternative formatters."]
+ end
+ defp command_description(command) do
+ case CommandBehaviour.description(command) do
+ "" -> []
+ other -> [other <> ".\n"]
+ end
+ end
+ defp list_item_formatter([option, description]) do
+ "#{option}\n\t#{description}\n"
+ end
+ defp list_item_formatter({option, description}) do
+ "#{option}\n\t#{description}\n"
+ end
+ defp list_item_formatter(line) do
+ "#{line}\n"
+ end
+ defp additional_usage(command) do
+ command_usage =
+ case CommandBehaviour.usage_additional(command) do
+ list when is_list(list) -> list |>
+ bin when is_binary(bin) -> ["#{bin}\n"]
+ end
+ case command_usage do
+ [] -> []
+ usage ->
+ [flatten_string(["#{bright("Arguments and Options")}\n" | usage], "")]
+ end
+ end
+ defp relevant_doc_guides(command) do
+ guide_list =
+ case CommandBehaviour.usage_doc_guides(command) do
+ list when is_list(list) -> list |> ln -> " * #{ln}\n" end)
+ bin when is_binary(bin) -> [" * #{bin}\n"]
+ end
+ case guide_list do
+ [] -> []
+ usage ->
+ [flatten_string(["#{bright("Relevant Doc Guides")}\n" | usage], "")]
+ end
+ end
+ defp help_footer(tool_name) do
+ ["Use '#{tool_name} help <command>' to learn more about a specific command"]
+ end
+ defp command_supports_timeout(command) do
+ nil != CommandBehaviour.switches(command)[:timeout]
+ end
+ defp commands_description() do
+ module_map = CommandModules.module_map()
+ pad_commands_to = Enum.reduce(module_map, 0,
+ fn({name, _}, longest) ->
+ name_length = String.length(name)
+ case name_length > longest do
+ true -> name_length
+ false -> longest
+ end
+ end)
+ lines = module_map
+ |>
+ fn({name, cmd}) ->
+ description = CommandBehaviour.description(cmd)
+ help_section = CommandBehaviour.help_section(cmd)
+ {name, {description, help_section}}
+ end)
+ |> Enum.group_by(fn({_, {_, help_section}}) -> help_section end)
+ |> Enum.sort_by(
+ fn({help_section, _}) ->
+ case help_section do
+ :deprecated -> 999
+ :other -> 100
+ {:plugin, _} -> 99
+ :help -> 1
+ :node_management -> 2
+ :cluster_management -> 3
+ :replication -> 3
+ :user_management -> 4
+ :access_control -> 5
+ :observability_and_health_checks -> 6
+ :parameters -> 7
+ :policies -> 8
+ :virtual_hosts -> 9
+ _ -> 98
+ end
+ end)
+ |>
+ fn({help_section, section_helps}) ->
+ [
+ "\n" <> bright(section_head(help_section)) <> ":\n\n" |
+ Enum.sort(section_helps)
+ |>
+ fn({name, {description, _}}) ->
+ " #{String.pad_trailing(name, pad_commands_to)} #{description}\n"
+ end)
+ ]
+ end)
+ |> Enum.concat()
+ lines ++ ["\n"]
+ end
+ defp section_head(help_section) do
+ case help_section do
+ :help ->
+ "Help"
+ :user_management ->
+ "Users"
+ :cluster_management ->
+ "Cluster"
+ :replication ->
+ "Replication"
+ :node_management ->
+ "Nodes"
+ :queues ->
+ "Queues"
+ :observability_and_health_checks ->
+ "Monitoring, observability and health checks"
+ :virtual_hosts ->
+ "Virtual hosts"
+ :access_control ->
+ "Access Control"
+ :parameters ->
+ "Parameters"
+ :policies ->
+ "Policies"
+ :configuration ->
+ "Configuration and Environment"
+ :feature_flags ->
+ "Feature flags"
+ :other ->
+ "Other"
+ {:plugin, plugin} ->
+ plugin_section(plugin) <> " plugin"
+ custom ->
+ snake_case_to_capitalized_string(custom)
+ end
+ end
+ defp strip_rabbitmq_prefix(value, regex) do
+ Regex.replace(regex, value, "")
+ end
+ defp format_known_plugin_name_fragments(value) do
+ case value do
+ ["amqp1.0"] -> "AMQP 1.0"
+ ["amqp1", "0"] -> "AMQP 1.0"
+ ["management"] -> "Management"
+ ["management", "agent"] -> "Management"
+ ["mqtt"] -> "MQTT"
+ ["stomp"] -> "STOMP"
+ ["web", "mqtt"] -> "Web MQTT"
+ ["web", "stomp"] -> "Web STOMP"
+ [other] -> snake_case_to_capitalized_string(other)
+ fragments -> snake_case_to_capitalized_string(Enum.join(fragments, "_"))
+ end
+ end
+ defp plugin_section(plugin) do
+ regex = Regex.recompile!(~r/^rabbitmq_/)
+ to_string(plugin)
+ # drop rabbitmq_
+ |> strip_rabbitmq_prefix(regex)
+ |> String.split("_")
+ |> format_known_plugin_name_fragments()
+ end
+ defp snake_case_to_capitalized_string(value) do
+ to_string(value)
+ |> String.split("_")
+ |>
+ |> Enum.join(" ")
+ end
+ defp program_name(opts) do
+ Config.get_option(:script_name, opts)
+ end