path: root/deps/rabbitmq_cli/lib/rabbitmq/cli/diagnostics/commands/list_network_interfaces_command.ex
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Diffstat (limited to 'deps/rabbitmq_cli/lib/rabbitmq/cli/diagnostics/commands/list_network_interfaces_command.ex')
1 files changed, 77 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_cli/lib/rabbitmq/cli/diagnostics/commands/list_network_interfaces_command.ex b/deps/rabbitmq_cli/lib/rabbitmq/cli/diagnostics/commands/list_network_interfaces_command.ex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d41409b8c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/rabbitmq_cli/lib/rabbitmq/cli/diagnostics/commands/list_network_interfaces_command.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+## This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+## License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+## file, You can obtain one at
+## Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+defmodule RabbitMQ.CLI.Diagnostics.Commands.ListNetworkInterfacesCommand do
+ @moduledoc """
+ Displays all network interfaces (NICs) reported by the target node.
+ """
+ import RabbitMQ.CLI.Core.Platform, only: [line_separator: 0]
+ import RabbitMQ.CLI.Core.ANSI
+ @behaviour RabbitMQ.CLI.CommandBehaviour
+ def switches(), do: [timeout: :integer, offline: :boolean]
+ def aliases(), do: [t: :timeout]
+ use RabbitMQ.CLI.Core.MergesNoDefaults
+ use RabbitMQ.CLI.Core.AcceptsNoPositionalArguments
+ def run([], %{offline: true}) do
+ :rabbit_net.getifaddrs()
+ end
+ def run([], %{node: node_name, timeout: timeout}) do
+ :rabbit_misc.rpc_call(node_name, :rabbit_net, :getifaddrs, [], timeout)
+ end
+ def output(nic_map, %{node: node_name, formatter: "json"}) when map_size(nic_map) == 0 do
+ {:ok, %{"result" => "ok", "node" => node_name, "interfaces" => %{}}}
+ end
+ def output(nic_map, %{node: node_name}) when map_size(nic_map) == 0 do
+ {:ok, "Node #{node_name} reported no network interfaces"}
+ end
+ def output(nic_map0, %{node: node_name, formatter: "json"}) do
+ nic_map =, fn ({k, v}) -> {to_string(k), v} end)
+ {:ok,
+ %{
+ "result" => "ok",
+ "interfaces" => Enum.into(nic_map, %{}),
+ "message" => "Node #{node_name} reported network interfaces"
+ }}
+ end
+ def output(nic_map, _) when is_map(nic_map) do
+ lines = nic_lines(nic_map)
+ {:ok, Enum.join(lines, line_separator())}
+ end
+ use RabbitMQ.CLI.DefaultOutput
+ def help_section(), do: :observability_and_health_checks
+ def description(), do: "Lists network interfaces (NICs) on the target node"
+ def usage, do: "list_network_interfaces"
+ def banner([], %{node: node_name}) do
+ "Asking node #{node_name} to report its network interfaces ..."
+ end
+ #
+ # Implementation
+ #
+ defp nic_lines(nic_map) do
+ Enum.reduce(nic_map, [],
+ fn({iface, props}, acc) ->
+ iface_lines = Enum.reduce(props, [],
+ fn({prop, val}, inner_acc) ->
+ ["#{prop}: #{val}" | inner_acc]
+ end)
+ header = "#{bright("Interface #{iface}")}\n"
+ acc ++ [header | iface_lines] ++ ["\n"]
+ end)
+ end