path: root/deps/rabbitmq_cli/lib/rabbitmq/cli/plugins/commands/enable_command.ex
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Diffstat (limited to 'deps/rabbitmq_cli/lib/rabbitmq/cli/plugins/commands/enable_command.ex')
1 files changed, 156 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_cli/lib/rabbitmq/cli/plugins/commands/enable_command.ex b/deps/rabbitmq_cli/lib/rabbitmq/cli/plugins/commands/enable_command.ex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..530a2cbb6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/rabbitmq_cli/lib/rabbitmq/cli/plugins/commands/enable_command.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+## This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+## License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+## file, You can obtain one at
+## Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+defmodule RabbitMQ.CLI.Plugins.Commands.EnableCommand do
+ alias RabbitMQ.CLI.Plugins.Helpers, as: PluginHelpers
+ alias RabbitMQ.CLI.Core.{DocGuide, Validators}
+ import RabbitMQ.CLI.Core.{CodePath, Paths}
+ @behaviour RabbitMQ.CLI.CommandBehaviour
+ def formatter(), do: RabbitMQ.CLI.Formatters.Plugins
+ def merge_defaults(args, opts) do
+ {args, Map.merge(%{online: false, offline: false, all: false}, opts)}
+ end
+ def distribution(%{offline: true}), do: :none
+ def distribution(%{offline: false}), do: :cli
+ def switches(), do: [online: :boolean, offline: :boolean, all: :boolean]
+ def validate([], %{all: false}) do
+ {:validation_failure, :not_enough_args}
+ end
+ def validate([_ | _], %{all: true}) do
+ {:validation_failure, {:bad_argument, "Cannot set both --all and a list of plugins"}}
+ end
+ def validate(_, %{online: true, offline: true}) do
+ {:validation_failure, {:bad_argument, "Cannot set both online and offline"}}
+ end
+ def validate(_, _) do
+ :ok
+ end
+ def validate_execution_environment(args, opts) do
+ Validators.chain(
+ [
+ &PluginHelpers.can_set_plugins_with_mode/2,
+ &require_rabbit_and_plugins/2,
+ &PluginHelpers.enabled_plugins_file/2,
+ &plugins_dir/2
+ ],
+ [args, opts]
+ )
+ end
+ def run(plugin_names, %{all: all_flag} = opts) do
+ plugins =
+ case all_flag do
+ false -> for s <- plugin_names, do: String.to_atom(s)
+ true -> PluginHelpers.plugin_names(PluginHelpers.list(opts))
+ end
+ case PluginHelpers.validate_plugins(plugins, opts) do
+ :ok -> do_run(plugins, opts)
+ other -> other
+ end
+ end
+ use RabbitMQ.CLI.Plugins.ErrorOutput
+ def banner([], %{all: true, node: node_name}) do
+ "Enabling ALL plugins on node #{node_name}"
+ end
+ def banner(plugins, %{node: node_name}) do
+ ["Enabling plugins on node #{node_name}:" | plugins]
+ end
+ def usage, do: "enable <plugin1> [ <plugin2>] | --all [--offline] [--online]"
+ def usage_additional() do
+ [
+ ["<plugin1> [ <plugin2>]", "names of plugins to enable separated by a space"],
+ ["--online", "contact target node to enable the plugins. Changes are applied immediately."],
+ ["--offline", "update enabled plugins file directly without contacting target node. Changes will be delayed until the node is restarted."],
+ ["--all", "enable all available plugins. Not recommended as some plugins may conflict or otherwise be incompatible!"]
+ ]
+ end
+ def usage_doc_guides() do
+ [
+ DocGuide.plugins()
+ ]
+ end
+ def help_section(), do: :plugin_management
+ def description(), do: "Enables one or more plugins"
+ #
+ # Implementation
+ #
+ def do_run(plugins, %{node: node_name} = opts) do
+ enabled = PluginHelpers.read_enabled(opts)
+ all = PluginHelpers.list(opts)
+ implicit = :rabbit_plugins.dependencies(false, enabled, all)
+ enabled_implicitly = MapSet.difference(,
+ plugins_to_set =
+ MapSet.union(
+ MapSet.difference(, enabled_implicitly)
+ )
+ mode = PluginHelpers.mode(opts)
+ case PluginHelpers.set_enabled_plugins(MapSet.to_list(plugins_to_set), opts) do
+ {:ok, enabled_plugins} ->
+ {:stream,
+ Stream.concat([
+ [:rabbit_plugins.strictly_plugins(enabled_plugins, all)],
+ RabbitMQ.CLI.Core.Helpers.defer(fn ->
+ case PluginHelpers.update_enabled_plugins(enabled_plugins, mode, node_name, opts) do
+ %{set: new_enabled} = result ->
+ enabled = new_enabled -- implicit
+ filter_strictly_plugins(
+ Map.put(result, :enabled, :rabbit_plugins.strictly_plugins(enabled, all)),
+ all,
+ [:set, :started, :stopped]
+ )
+ other ->
+ other
+ end
+ end)
+ ])}
+ {:error, _} = err ->
+ err
+ end
+ end
+ defp filter_strictly_plugins(map, _all, []) do
+ map
+ end
+ defp filter_strictly_plugins(map, all, [head | tail]) do
+ case map[head] do
+ nil ->
+ filter_strictly_plugins(map, all, tail)
+ other ->
+ value = :rabbit_plugins.strictly_plugins(other, all)
+ filter_strictly_plugins(Map.put(map, head, value), all, tail)
+ end
+ end