path: root/deps/rabbitmq_cli/lib/rabbitmq/cli/queues/commands/grow_command.ex
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Diffstat (limited to 'deps/rabbitmq_cli/lib/rabbitmq/cli/queues/commands/grow_command.ex')
1 files changed, 126 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_cli/lib/rabbitmq/cli/queues/commands/grow_command.ex b/deps/rabbitmq_cli/lib/rabbitmq/cli/queues/commands/grow_command.ex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e0ce903fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/rabbitmq_cli/lib/rabbitmq/cli/queues/commands/grow_command.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+## This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+## License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+## file, You can obtain one at
+## Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+defmodule RabbitMQ.CLI.Queues.Commands.GrowCommand do
+ alias RabbitMQ.CLI.Core.DocGuide
+ import RabbitMQ.CLI.Core.DataCoercion
+ @behaviour RabbitMQ.CLI.CommandBehaviour
+ defp default_opts, do: %{vhost_pattern: ".*",
+ queue_pattern: ".*",
+ errors_only: false}
+ def switches(),
+ do: [
+ vhost_pattern: :string,
+ queue_pattern: :string,
+ errors_only: :boolean
+ ]
+ def merge_defaults(args, opts) do
+ {args, Map.merge(default_opts(), opts)}
+ end
+ def validate(args, _) when length(args) < 2 do
+ {:validation_failure, :not_enough_args}
+ end
+ def validate(args, _) when length(args) > 2 do
+ {:validation_failure, :too_many_args}
+ end
+ def validate([_, s], _) do
+ case s do
+ "all" -> :ok
+ "even" -> :ok
+ _ ->
+ {:validation_failure, "strategy '#{s}' is not recognised."}
+ end
+ end
+ use RabbitMQ.CLI.Core.RequiresRabbitAppRunning
+ def run([node, strategy], %{node: node_name,
+ vhost_pattern: vhost_pat,
+ queue_pattern: queue_pat,
+ errors_only: errors_only}) do
+ case :rabbit_misc.rpc_call(node_name, :rabbit_quorum_queue, :grow, [
+ to_atom(node),
+ vhost_pat,
+ queue_pat,
+ to_atom(strategy)]) do
+ {:error, _} = error -> error;
+ {:badrpc, _} = error -> error;
+ results when errors_only ->
+ for {{:resource, vhost, _kind, name}, {:errors, _, _} = res} <- results,
+ do: [{:vhost, vhost},
+ {:name, name},
+ {:size, format_size res},
+ {:result, format_result res}]
+ results ->
+ for {{:resource, vhost, _kind, name}, res} <- results,
+ do: [{:vhost, vhost},
+ {:name, name},
+ {:size, format_size res},
+ {:result, format_result res}]
+ end
+ end
+ use RabbitMQ.CLI.DefaultOutput
+ def formatter(), do: RabbitMQ.CLI.Formatters.Table
+ def usage, do: "grow <node> <all | even> [--vhost-pattern <pattern>] [--queue-pattern <pattern>]"
+ def usage_additional do
+ [
+ ["<node>", "node name to place replicas on"],
+ ["<all | even>", "how many matching quorum queues should have a replica added on this node: all or half (evenly numbered)?"],
+ ["--queue-pattern <pattern>", "regular expression to match queue names"],
+ ["--vhost-pattern <pattern>", "regular expression to match virtual host names"],
+ ["--errors-only", "only list queues which reported an error"]
+ ]
+ end
+ def usage_doc_guides() do
+ [
+ DocGuide.quorum_queues()
+ ]
+ end
+ def help_section, do: :cluster_management
+ def description, do: "Grows quorum queue clusters by adding a member (replica) to all or half of matching quorum queues on the given node."
+ def banner([node, strategy], _) do
+ "Growing #{strategy} quorum queues on #{node}..."
+ end
+ #
+ # Implementation
+ #
+ defp format_size({:ok, size}) do
+ size
+ end
+ defp format_size({:error, _size, :timeout}) do
+ # the actual size is uncertain here
+ "?"
+ end
+ defp format_size({:error, size, _}) do
+ size
+ end
+ defp format_result({:ok, _size}) do
+ "ok"
+ end
+ defp format_result({:error, _size, :timeout}) do
+ "error: the operation timed out and may not have been completed"
+ end
+ defp format_result({:error, _size, err}) do
+ :io.format "error: ~W", [err, 10]
+ end