path: root/deps/rabbitmq_cli/lib/rabbitmqctl.ex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/rabbitmq_cli/lib/rabbitmqctl.ex')
1 files changed, 620 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_cli/lib/rabbitmqctl.ex b/deps/rabbitmq_cli/lib/rabbitmqctl.ex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..42a0f20434
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/rabbitmq_cli/lib/rabbitmqctl.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,620 @@
+## This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+## License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+## file, You can obtain one at
+## Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+defmodule RabbitMQCtl do
+ alias RabbitMQ.CLI.Core.{
+ CommandModules,
+ Config,
+ Distribution,
+ ExitCodes,
+ Helpers,
+ Output,
+ Parser
+ }
+ alias RabbitMQ.CLI.{CommandBehaviour, FormatterBehaviour}
+ alias RabbitMQ.CLI.Ctl.Commands.HelpCommand
+ # Enable unit tests for private functions
+ @compile if Mix.env() == :test, do: :export_all
+ @type options() :: map()
+ @type command_result() :: {:error, ExitCodes.exit_code(), term()} | term()
+ def main(["--auto-complete" | []]) do
+ handle_shutdown(:ok)
+ end
+ def main(unparsed_command) do
+ exec_command(unparsed_command, &process_output/3)
+ |> handle_shutdown
+ end
+ def exec_command([] = unparsed_command, _) do
+ {_args, parsed_options, _} = Parser.parse_global(unparsed_command)
+ # this invocation is considered to be invalid. curl and grep do the
+ # same thing.
+ {:error, ExitCodes.exit_usage(), Enum.join(HelpCommand.all_usage(parsed_options), "")};
+ end
+ def exec_command(["--help"] = unparsed_command, _) do
+ {_args, parsed_options, _} = Parser.parse_global(unparsed_command)
+ # the user asked for --help and we are displaying it to her,
+ # reporting a success
+ {:ok, ExitCodes.exit_ok(), Enum.join(HelpCommand.all_usage(parsed_options), "")};
+ end
+ def exec_command(["--version"] = _unparsed_command, opts) do
+ # rewrite `--version` as `version`
+ exec_command(["version"], opts)
+ end
+ def exec_command(["--auto-complete" | args], opts) do
+ # rewrite `--auto-complete` as `autocomplete`
+ exec_command(["autocomplete" | args], opts)
+ end
+ def exec_command(unparsed_command, output_fun) do
+ {command, command_name, arguments, parsed_options, invalid} = Parser.parse(unparsed_command)
+ case {command, invalid} do
+ {:no_command, _} ->
+ command_not_found_string =
+ case command_name do
+ "" -> ""
+ _ -> "\nCommand '#{command_name}' not found. \n"
+ end
+ usage_string =
+ command_not_found_string <>
+ Enum.join(HelpCommand.all_usage(parsed_options), "")
+ {:error, ExitCodes.exit_usage(), usage_string}
+ {{:suggest, suggested}, _} ->
+ suggest_message =
+ "\nCommand '#{command_name}' not found. \n" <>
+ "Did you mean '#{suggested}'? \n"
+ {:error, ExitCodes.exit_usage(), suggest_message}
+ {_, [_ | _]} ->
+ argument_validation_error_output(
+ {:bad_option, invalid},
+ command,
+ unparsed_command,
+ parsed_options
+ )
+ _ ->
+ options = parsed_options |> merge_all_defaults |> normalise_options
+ try do
+ do_exec_parsed_command(unparsed_command, output_fun, arguments, command, options)
+ catch error_type, error ->
+ maybe_print_stacktrace(error_type, error, __STACKTRACE__, options)
+ format_error(error, options, command)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def do_exec_parsed_command(unparsed_command, output_fun, arguments, command, options) do
+ case options[:help] do
+ true ->
+ {:ok, ExitCodes.exit_ok(), HelpCommand.command_usage(command, options)};
+ _ ->
+ {arguments, options} = command.merge_defaults(arguments, options)
+ maybe_with_distribution(command, options, fn ->
+ # rabbitmq/rabbitmq-cli#278
+ case Helpers.normalise_node_option(options) do
+ {:error, _} = err ->
+ format_error(err, options, command)
+ {:ok, options} ->
+ # The code below implements a tiny decision tree that has
+ # to do with CLI argument and environment state validation.
+ case command.validate(arguments, options) do
+ :ok ->
+ # then optionally validate execution environment
+ case CommandBehaviour.validate_execution_environment(command, arguments, options) do
+ :ok ->
+ result = proceed_to_execution(command, arguments, options)
+ handle_command_output(result, command, options, output_fun)
+ {:validation_failure, err} ->
+ environment_validation_error_output(err, command, unparsed_command, options)
+ {:error, _} = err ->
+ format_error(err, options, command)
+ end
+ {:validation_failure, err} ->
+ argument_validation_error_output(err, command, unparsed_command, options)
+ {:error, _} = err ->
+ format_error(err, options, command)
+ end
+ end
+ end)
+ end
+ end
+ defp proceed_to_execution(command, arguments, options) do
+ maybe_print_banner(command, arguments, options)
+ maybe_run_command(command, arguments, options)
+ end
+ defp maybe_run_command(_, _, %{dry_run: true}) do
+ :ok
+ end
+ defp maybe_run_command(command, arguments, options) do
+ try do
+, options) |> command.output(options)
+ catch error_type, error ->
+ maybe_print_stacktrace(error_type, error, __STACKTRACE__, options)
+ format_error(error, options, command)
+ end
+ end
+ def maybe_print_stacktrace(error_type, :undef = error, stacktrace, _opts) do
+ do_print_stacktrace(error_type, error, stacktrace)
+ end
+ def maybe_print_stacktrace(error_type, :function_clause = error, stacktrace, _opts) do
+ do_print_stacktrace(error_type, error, stacktrace)
+ end
+ def maybe_print_stacktrace(error_type, :badarg = error, stacktrace, _opts) do
+ do_print_stacktrace(error_type, error, stacktrace)
+ end
+ def maybe_print_stacktrace(error_type, {:case_clause, _val} = error, stacktrace, _opts) do
+ do_print_stacktrace(error_type, error, stacktrace)
+ end
+ def maybe_print_stacktrace(error_type, error, stacktrace, %{print_stacktrace: true}) do
+ do_print_stacktrace(error_type, error, stacktrace)
+ end
+ def maybe_print_stacktrace(_error_type, _error, _stacktrace, %{print_stacktrace: false}) do
+ nil
+ end
+ def maybe_print_stacktrace(_error_type, _error, _stacktrace, _opts) do
+ nil
+ end
+ defp do_print_stacktrace(error_type, error, stacktrace) do
+ IO.puts("Stack trace: \n")
+ IO.puts(Exception.format(error_type, error, stacktrace))
+ end
+ def handle_command_output(output, command, options, output_fun) do
+ case output do
+ {:error, _, _} = err ->
+ format_error(err, options, command)
+ {:error, _} = err ->
+ format_error(err, options, command)
+ _ ->
+ output_fun.(output, command, options)
+ end
+ end
+ defp process_output(output, command, options) do
+ formatter = Config.get_formatter(command, options)
+ printer = Config.get_printer(command, options)
+ output
+ |> Output.format_output(formatter, options)
+ |> Output.print_output(printer, options)
+ |> case do
+ {:error, _} = err -> format_error(err, options, command)
+ other -> other
+ end
+ end
+ defp output_device(exit_code) do
+ case exit_code == ExitCodes.exit_ok() do
+ true -> :stdio
+ false -> :stderr
+ end
+ end
+ defp handle_shutdown({:error, exit_code, nil}) do
+ exit_program(exit_code)
+ end
+ defp handle_shutdown({_, exit_code, output}) do
+ device = output_device(exit_code)
+ for line <- List.flatten([output]) do
+ IO.puts(device, Helpers.string_or_inspect(line))
+ end
+ exit_program(exit_code)
+ end
+ defp handle_shutdown(_) do
+ exit_program(ExitCodes.exit_ok())
+ end
+ def merge_all_defaults(%{} = options) do
+ options
+ |> merge_defaults_node
+ |> merge_defaults_timeout
+ |> merge_defaults_longnames
+ end
+ defp merge_defaults_node(%{} = opts) do
+ longnames_opt = Config.get_option(:longnames, opts)
+ try do
+ default_rabbit_nodename = Helpers.get_rabbit_hostname(longnames_opt)
+ Map.merge(%{node: default_rabbit_nodename}, opts)
+ catch _error_type, _err ->
+ opts
+ end
+ end
+ defp merge_defaults_timeout(%{} = opts), do: Map.merge(%{timeout: :infinity}, opts)
+ defp merge_defaults_longnames(%{} = opts), do: Map.merge(%{longnames: false}, opts)
+ defp normalise_options(opts) do
+ opts |> normalise_timeout
+ end
+ defp normalise_timeout(%{timeout: timeout} = opts)
+ when is_integer(timeout) do
+ Map.put(opts, :timeout, timeout * 1000)
+ end
+ defp normalise_timeout(opts) do
+ opts
+ end
+ # Suppress banner if --quiet option is provided
+ defp maybe_print_banner(_, _, %{quiet: true}) do
+ nil
+ end
+ # Suppress banner if --silent option is provided
+ defp maybe_print_banner(_, _, %{silent: true}) do
+ nil
+ end
+ defp maybe_print_banner(command, args, opts) do
+ # Suppress banner if a machine-readable formatter is used
+ formatter = Map.get(opts, :formatter)
+ case FormatterBehaviour.machine_readable?(formatter) do
+ true -> nil
+ false ->
+ case command.banner(args, opts) do
+ nil ->
+ nil
+ banner ->
+ case banner do
+ list when is_list(list) ->
+ for line <- list, do: IO.puts(line)
+ binary when is_binary(binary) ->
+ IO.puts(binary)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def argument_validation_error_output(err_detail, command, unparsed_command, options) do
+ err = format_validation_error(err_detail)
+ base_error =
+ "Error (argument validation): #{err}\nArguments given:\n\t#{
+ unparsed_command |> Enum.join(" ")
+ }"
+ validation_error_output(err_detail, base_error, command, options)
+ end
+ def environment_validation_error_output(err_detail, command, unparsed_command, options) do
+ err = format_validation_error(err_detail)
+ base_error = "Error: #{err}\nArguments given:\n\t#{unparsed_command |> Enum.join(" ")}"
+ validation_error_output(err_detail, base_error, command, options)
+ end
+ defp validation_error_output(err_detail, base_error, command, options) do
+ usage = HelpCommand.base_usage(command, options)
+ message = base_error <> "\n" <> usage
+ {:error, ExitCodes.exit_code_for({:validation_failure, err_detail}), message}
+ end
+ defp format_validation_error(:not_enough_args), do: "not enough arguments."
+ defp format_validation_error({:not_enough_args, detail}), do: "not enough arguments: #{detail}"
+ defp format_validation_error(:too_many_args), do: "too many arguments."
+ defp format_validation_error({:too_many_args, detail}), do: "too many arguments: #{detail}"
+ defp format_validation_error(:bad_argument), do: "Bad argument."
+ defp format_validation_error({:bad_argument, detail}), do: "Bad argument: #{detail}"
+ defp format_validation_error({:unsupported_target, details}) do
+ details
+ end
+ defp format_validation_error({:bad_option, opts}) do
+ header = "Invalid options for this command:"
+ Enum.join(
+ [
+ header
+ | for {key, val} <- opts do
+ "#{key} : #{val}"
+ end
+ ],
+ "\n"
+ )
+ end
+ defp format_validation_error({:bad_info_key, keys}),
+ do: "Info key(s) #{Enum.join(keys, ",")} are not supported"
+ defp format_validation_error(:rabbit_app_is_stopped),
+ do:
+ "this command requires the 'rabbit' app to be running on the target node. Start it with 'rabbitmqctl start_app'."
+ defp format_validation_error(:rabbit_app_is_running),
+ do:
+ "this command requires the 'rabbit' app to be stopped on the target node. Stop it with 'rabbitmqctl stop_app'."
+ defp format_validation_error(:node_running),
+ do: "this command requires the target node to be stopped."
+ defp format_validation_error(:node_not_running),
+ do: "this command requires the target node to be running."
+ defp format_validation_error(:unsupported_formatter),
+ do: "the requested formatter is not supported by this command"
+ defp format_validation_error(err), do: inspect(err)
+ defp exit_program(code) do
+ :net_kernel.stop()
+ exit({:shutdown, code})
+ end
+ defp format_error({:error, {:node_name, :hostname_not_allowed}}, _, _) do
+ {:error, ExitCodes.exit_dataerr(),
+ "Unsupported node name: hostname is invalid (possibly contains unsupported characters).\nIf using FQDN node names, use the -l / --longnames argument."}
+ end
+ defp format_error({:error, {:node_name, :invalid_node_name_head}}, _, _) do
+ {:error, ExitCodes.exit_dataerr(),
+ "Unsupported node name: node name head (the part before the @) is invalid. Only alphanumerics, _ and - characters are allowed.\nIf using FQDN node names, use the -l / --longnames argument"}
+ end
+ defp format_error({:error, {:node_name, err_reason} = result}, opts, module) do
+ op = CommandModules.module_to_command(module)
+ node = opts[:node] || "(failed to parse or compute default value)"
+ {:error, ExitCodes.exit_code_for(result),
+ "Error: operation #{op} failed due to invalid node name (node: #{node}, reason: #{err_reason}).\nIf using FQDN node names, use the -l / --longnames argument"}
+ end
+ defp format_error({:error, {:badrpc_multi, :nodedown, [node | _]} = result}, opts, _) do
+ diagnostics = get_node_diagnostics(node)
+ {:error, ExitCodes.exit_code_for(result),
+ badrpc_error_message_header(node, opts) <> diagnostics}
+ end
+ defp format_error({:error, {:badrpc_multi, :timeout, [node | _]} = result}, opts, module) do
+ op = CommandModules.module_to_command(module)
+ {:error, ExitCodes.exit_code_for(result),
+ "Error: operation #{op} on node #{node} timed out. Timeout value used: #{opts[:timeout]}"}
+ end
+ defp format_error({:error, {:badrpc, :nodedown} = result}, opts, _) do
+ diagnostics = get_node_diagnostics(opts[:node])
+ {:error, ExitCodes.exit_code_for(result),
+ badrpc_error_message_header(opts[:node], opts) <> diagnostics}
+ end
+ defp format_error({:error, {:badrpc, :timeout} = result}, opts, module) do
+ op = CommandModules.module_to_command(module)
+ {:error, ExitCodes.exit_code_for(result),
+ "Error: operation #{op} on node #{opts[:node]} timed out. Timeout value used: #{
+ opts[:timeout]
+ }"}
+ end
+ defp format_error({:error, {:badrpc, {:timeout, to}} = result}, opts, module) do
+ op = CommandModules.module_to_command(module)
+ {:error, ExitCodes.exit_code_for(result),
+ "Error: operation #{op} on node #{opts[:node]} timed out. Timeout value used: #{to}"}
+ end
+ defp format_error({:error, {:badrpc, {:timeout, to, warning}}}, opts, module) do
+ op = CommandModules.module_to_command(module)
+ {:error, ExitCodes.exit_code_for({:timeout, to}),
+ "Error: operation #{op} on node #{opts[:node]} timed out. Timeout value used: #{to}. #{
+ warning
+ }"}
+ end
+ defp format_error({:error, {:no_such_vhost, vhost} = result}, _opts, _) do
+ {:error, ExitCodes.exit_code_for(result), "Virtual host '#{vhost}' does not exist"}
+ end
+ defp format_error({:error, {:incompatible_version, local_version, remote_version} = result}, _opts, _) do
+ {:error, ExitCodes.exit_code_for(result), "Detected potential version incompatibility. CLI tool version: #{local_version}, server: #{remote_version}"}
+ end
+ defp format_error({:error, {:timeout, to} = result}, opts, module) do
+ op = CommandModules.module_to_command(module)
+ {:error, ExitCodes.exit_code_for(result),
+ "Error: operation #{op} on node #{opts[:node]} timed out. Timeout value used: #{to}"}
+ end
+ defp format_error({:error, :timeout = result}, opts, module) do
+ op = CommandModules.module_to_command(module)
+ {:error, ExitCodes.exit_code_for(result),
+ "Error: operation #{op} on node #{opts[:node]} timed out. Timeout value used: #{opts[:timeout]}"}
+ end
+ defp format_error({:error, :timeout, msg}, opts, module) do
+ op = CommandModules.module_to_command(module)
+ {:error, ExitCodes.exit_code_for(:timeout),
+ "Error: operation #{op} on node #{opts[:node]} timed out: #{msg}. Timeout value used: #{opts[:timeout]}"}
+ end
+ # Plugins
+ defp format_error({:error, {:enabled_plugins_mismatch, cli_path, node_path}}, opts, _module) do
+ {:error, ExitCodes.exit_dataerr(),
+ "Could not update enabled plugins file at #{cli_path}: target node #{opts[:node]} uses a different path (#{
+ node_path
+ })"}
+ end
+ defp format_error({:error, {:cannot_read_enabled_plugins_file, path, :eacces}}, _opts, _module) do
+ {:error, ExitCodes.exit_dataerr(),
+ "Could not read enabled plugins file at #{path}: the file does not exist or permission was denied (EACCES)"}
+ end
+ defp format_error({:error, {:cannot_read_enabled_plugins_file, path, :enoent}}, _opts, _module) do
+ {:error, ExitCodes.exit_dataerr(),
+ "Could not read enabled plugins file at #{path}: the file does not exist (ENOENT)"}
+ end
+ defp format_error({:error, {:cannot_write_enabled_plugins_file, path, :eacces}}, _opts, _module) do
+ {:error, ExitCodes.exit_dataerr(),
+ "Could not update enabled plugins file at #{path}: the file does not exist or permission was denied (EACCES)"}
+ end
+ defp format_error({:error, {:cannot_write_enabled_plugins_file, path, :enoent}}, _opts, _module) do
+ {:error, ExitCodes.exit_dataerr(),
+ "Could not update enabled plugins file at #{path}: the file does not exist (ENOENT)"}
+ end
+ # Special case health checks. This makes it easier to change
+ # output of all health checks at once.
+ defp format_error({:error, :check_failed}, %{formatter: "json"}, _) do
+ {:error, ExitCodes.exit_unavailable(), nil}
+ end
+ defp format_error({:error, :check_failed}, _, _) do
+ {:error, ExitCodes.exit_unavailable(), nil}
+ end
+ defp format_error({:error, :check_failed, err}, %{formatter: "json"}, _) when is_map(err) do
+ {:ok, res} = JSON.encode(err)
+ {:error, ExitCodes.exit_unavailable(), res}
+ end
+ defp format_error({:error, :check_failed, err}, %{formatter: "json"}, _) do
+ {:error, ExitCodes.exit_unavailable(), err}
+ end
+ defp format_error({:error, :check_failed, err}, _, _) do
+ {:error, ExitCodes.exit_unavailable(), err}
+ end
+ defp format_error({:error, nil}, _, _) do
+ # the command intends to produce no output, e.g. a return code
+ # is sufficient
+ {:error, ExitCodes.exit_unavailable(), nil}
+ end
+ # Catch all clauses
+ defp format_error({:error, err}, %{formatter: "json"}, _) when is_map(err) do
+ {:ok, res} = JSON.encode(err)
+ {:error, ExitCodes.exit_unavailable(), res}
+ end
+ defp format_error({:error, exit_code, err}, %{formatter: "json"}, _) when is_map(err) do
+ {:ok, res} = JSON.encode(err)
+ {:error, exit_code, res}
+ end
+ defp format_error({:error, exit_code, err}, _, _) do
+ string_err = Helpers.string_or_inspect(err)
+ {:error, exit_code, "Error:\n#{string_err}"}
+ end
+ defp format_error({:error, err} = result, _, _) do
+ string_err = Helpers.string_or_inspect(err)
+ {:error, ExitCodes.exit_code_for(result), "Error:\n#{string_err}"}
+ end
+ defp format_error(error, _opts, _module) do
+ {:error, ExitCodes.exit_software(), "#{inspect(error)}\n"}
+ end
+ defp get_node_diagnostics(nil) do
+ "Target node is not defined"
+ end
+ defp get_node_diagnostics(node_name) do
+ to_string(:rabbit_nodes_common.diagnostics([node_name]))
+ end
+ defp badrpc_error_message_header(node, _opts) do
+ """
+ Error: unable to perform an operation on node '#{node}'. Please see diagnostics information and suggestions below.
+ Most common reasons for this are:
+ * Target node is unreachable (e.g. due to hostname resolution, TCP connection or firewall issues)
+ * CLI tool fails to authenticate with the server (e.g. due to CLI tool's Erlang cookie not matching that of the server)
+ * Target node is not running
+ In addition to the diagnostics info below:
+ * See the CLI, clustering and networking guides on to learn more
+ * Consult server logs on node #{node}
+ * If target node is configured to use long node names, don't forget to use --longnames with CLI tools
+ """
+ end
+ ## Tries to enable erlang distribution, which can be configured
+ ## via distribution callback in the command as :cli, :none or {:custom, fun()}.
+ ## :cli - default rabbitmqctl node name
+ ## :none - do not start a distribution (e.g. offline command)
+ ## {:fun, fun} - run a custom function to enable distribution.
+ ## custom mode is usefult for commands which should have specific node name.
+ ## Runs code if distribution is successful, or not needed.
+ @spec maybe_with_distribution(module(), options(), (() -> command_result())) :: command_result()
+ defp maybe_with_distribution(command, options, code) do
+ try do
+ maybe_with_distribution_without_catch(command, options, code)
+ catch error_type, error ->
+ maybe_print_stacktrace(error_type, error, __STACKTRACE__, options)
+ format_error(error, options, command)
+ end
+ end
+ defp maybe_with_distribution_without_catch(command, options, code) do
+ distribution_type = CommandBehaviour.distribution(command, options)
+ case distribution_type do
+ :none ->
+ code.()
+ :cli ->
+ case Distribution.start(options) do
+ :ok ->
+ code.()
+ {:ok, _} ->
+ code.()
+ {:error, reason} ->
+ {:error, ExitCodes.exit_config(), "Distribution failed: #{inspect(reason)}"}
+ end
+ {:fun, fun} ->
+ case fun.(options) do
+ :ok ->
+ code.()
+ {:error, reason} ->
+ {:error, ExitCodes.exit_config(), "Distribution failed: #{inspect(reason)}"}
+ end
+ end
+ end