path: root/deps/rabbitmq_cli/test/core/parser_test.exs
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Diffstat (limited to 'deps/rabbitmq_cli/test/core/parser_test.exs')
1 files changed, 369 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_cli/test/core/parser_test.exs b/deps/rabbitmq_cli/test/core/parser_test.exs
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index 0000000000..b483db1fdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/rabbitmq_cli/test/core/parser_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+## This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+## License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+## file, You can obtain one at
+## Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+## Mock command for command specific parser
+defmodule RabbitMQ.CLI.Seagull.Commands.HerringGullCommand do
+ @behaviour RabbitMQ.CLI.CommandBehaviour
+ use RabbitMQ.CLI.DefaultOutput
+ def usage(), do: ["herring_gull"]
+ def validate(_,_), do: :ok
+ def merge_defaults(_,_), do: {[], %{}}
+ def banner(_,_), do: ""
+ def run(_,_), do: :ok
+ def switches(), do: [herring: :string, garbage: :boolean]
+ def aliases(), do: [h: :herring, g: :garbage]
+defmodule RabbitMQ.CLI.Seagull.Commands.PacificGullCommand do
+ @behaviour RabbitMQ.CLI.CommandBehaviour
+ use RabbitMQ.CLI.DefaultOutput
+ def usage(), do: ["pacific_gull"]
+ def validate(_,_), do: :ok
+ def merge_defaults(_,_), do: {[], %{}}
+ def banner(_,_), do: ""
+ def run(_,_), do: :ok
+defmodule RabbitMQ.CLI.Seagull.Commands.HermannGullCommand do
+ @behaviour RabbitMQ.CLI.CommandBehaviour
+ use RabbitMQ.CLI.DefaultOutput
+ def usage(), do: ["hermann_gull"]
+ def validate(_,_), do: :ok
+ def merge_defaults(_,_), do: {[], %{}}
+ def banner(_,_), do: ""
+ def run(_,_), do: :ok
+defmodule ParserTest do
+ use ExUnit.Case, async: true
+ import ExUnit.CaptureIO
+ import TestHelper
+ @subject RabbitMQ.CLI.Core.Parser
+ setup_all do
+ Code.ensure_loaded(RabbitMQ.CLI.Seagull.Commands.HerringGullCommand)
+ Code.ensure_loaded(RabbitMQ.CLI.Seagull.Commands.PacificGullCommand)
+ set_scope(:seagull)
+ on_exit(fn ->
+ set_scope(:none)
+ end)
+ :ok
+ end
+ test "one arity 0 command, no options" do
+ assert @subject.parse_global(["sandwich"]) == {["sandwich"], %{}, []}
+ end
+ test "one arity 1 command, no options" do
+ assert @subject.parse_global(["sandwich", "pastrami"]) == {["sandwich", "pastrami"], %{}, []}
+ end
+ test "no commands, no options (empty string)" do
+ assert @subject.parse_global([""]) == {[""], %{}, []}
+ end
+ test "no commands, no options (empty array)" do
+ assert @subject.parse_global([]) == {[],%{}, []}
+ end
+ test "one arity 1 command, one double-dash quiet flag" do
+ assert @subject.parse_global(["sandwich", "pastrami", "--quiet"]) ==
+ {["sandwich", "pastrami"], %{quiet: true}, []}
+ end
+ test "one arity 1 command, one single-dash quiet flag" do
+ assert @subject.parse_global(["sandwich", "pastrami", "-q"]) ==
+ {["sandwich", "pastrami"], %{quiet: true}, []}
+ end
+ test "one arity 1 command, one double-dash silent flag" do
+ assert @subject.parse_global(["sandwich", "pastrami", "--silent"]) ==
+ {["sandwich", "pastrami"], %{silent: true}, []}
+ end
+ test "one arity 1 command, one single-dash silent flag" do
+ assert @subject.parse_global(["sandwich", "pastrami", "-s"]) ==
+ {["sandwich", "pastrami"], %{silent: true}, []}
+ end
+ test "one arity 0 command, one single-dash node option" do
+ assert @subject.parse_global(["sandwich", "-n", "rabbitmq@localhost"]) ==
+ {["sandwich"], %{node: :rabbitmq@localhost}, []}
+ end
+ test "one arity 1 command, one single-dash node option" do
+ assert @subject.parse_global(["sandwich", "pastrami", "-n", "rabbitmq@localhost"]) ==
+ {["sandwich", "pastrami"], %{node: :rabbitmq@localhost}, []}
+ end
+ test "one arity 1 command, one single-dash node option and one quiet flag" do
+ assert @subject.parse_global(["sandwich", "pastrami", "-n", "rabbitmq@localhost", "--quiet"]) ==
+ {["sandwich", "pastrami"], %{node: :rabbitmq@localhost, quiet: true}, []}
+ end
+ test "single-dash node option before command" do
+ assert @subject.parse_global(["-n", "rabbitmq@localhost", "sandwich", "pastrami"]) ==
+ {["sandwich", "pastrami"], %{node: :rabbitmq@localhost}, []}
+ end
+ test "no commands, one double-dash node option" do
+ assert @subject.parse_global(["--node=rabbitmq@localhost"]) == {[], %{node: :rabbitmq@localhost}, []}
+ end
+ test "no commands, one single-dash -p option" do
+ assert @subject.parse_global(["-p", "sandwich"]) == {[], %{vhost: "sandwich"}, []}
+ end
+ test "global parse treats command-specific arguments as invalid (ignores them)" do
+ command_line = ["seagull", "--herring", "atlantic", "-g", "-p", "my_vhost"]
+ {args, options, invalid} = @subject.parse_global(command_line)
+ assert {args, options, invalid} ==
+ {["seagull", "atlantic"], %{vhost: "my_vhost"}, [{"--herring", nil}, {"-g", nil}]}
+ end
+ test "global parse treats command-specific arguments that are separated by an equals sign as invalid (ignores them)" do
+ command_line = ["seagull", "--herring=atlantic", "-g", "-p", "my_vhost"]
+ {args, options, invalid} = @subject.parse_global(command_line)
+ assert {args, options, invalid} ==
+ {["seagull"], %{vhost: "my_vhost"}, [{"--herring", nil}, {"-g", nil}]}
+ end
+ test "command-specific parse recognizes command switches" do
+ command_line = ["seagull", "--herring", "atlantic", "-g", "-p", "my_vhost"]
+ command = RabbitMQ.CLI.Seagull.Commands.HerringGullCommand
+ assert @subject.parse_command_specific(command_line, command) ==
+ {["seagull"], %{vhost: "my_vhost", herring: "atlantic", garbage: true}, []}
+ end
+ test "command-specific parse recognizes command switches that are separated by an equals sign" do
+ command_line = ["seagull", "--herring=atlantic", "-g", "-p", "my_vhost"]
+ command = RabbitMQ.CLI.Seagull.Commands.HerringGullCommand
+ assert @subject.parse_command_specific(command_line, command) ==
+ {["seagull"], %{vhost: "my_vhost", herring: "atlantic", garbage: true}, []}
+ end
+ test "command-specific switches and aliases are optional" do
+ command_line = ["seagull", "-p", "my_vhost"]
+ command = RabbitMQ.CLI.Seagull.Commands.PacificGullCommand
+ assert @subject.parse_command_specific(command_line, command) ==
+ {["seagull"], %{vhost: "my_vhost"}, []}
+ end
+ test "--timeout can be specified before command" do
+ # for backwards compatibility
+ assert @subject.parse_global(["-n", "rabbitmq@localhost", "--timeout", "5", "sandwich", "pastrami"]) ==
+ {["sandwich", "pastrami"], %{node: :rabbitmq@localhost, timeout: 5}, []}
+ end
+ test "-t can be specified before command" do
+ # for backwards compatibility
+ assert @subject.parse_global(["-n", "rabbitmq@localhost", "-t", "5", "sandwich", "pastrami"]) ==
+ {["sandwich", "pastrami"], %{node: :rabbitmq@localhost, timeout: 5}, []}
+ end
+ test "parse/1 returns command name" do
+ command_line = ["pacific_gull", "fly", "-p", "my_vhost"]
+ command = RabbitMQ.CLI.Seagull.Commands.PacificGullCommand
+ assert @subject.parse(command_line) ==
+ {command, "pacific_gull", ["fly"], %{vhost: "my_vhost"}, []}
+ end
+ test "parse/1 returns command name when a global flag comes before the command" do
+ command_line = ["-p", "my_vhost", "pacific_gull", "fly"]
+ command = RabbitMQ.CLI.Seagull.Commands.PacificGullCommand
+ assert @subject.parse(command_line) ==
+ {command, "pacific_gull", ["fly"], %{vhost: "my_vhost"}, []}
+ end
+ test "parse/1 returns command name when a global flag separated by an equals sign comes before the command" do
+ command_line = ["-p=my_vhost", "pacific_gull", "fly"]
+ command = RabbitMQ.CLI.Seagull.Commands.PacificGullCommand
+ assert @subject.parse(command_line) ==
+ {command, "pacific_gull", ["fly"], %{vhost: "my_vhost"}, []}
+ end
+ test "parse/1 returns :no_command when given an empty argument list" do
+ command_line = ["-p", "my_vhost"]
+ assert @subject.parse(command_line) ==
+ {:no_command, "", [], %{vhost: "my_vhost"}, []}
+ end
+ test "parse/1 returns :no_command and command name when command isn't known" do
+ command_line = ["atlantic_gull", "-p", "my_vhost"]
+ assert @subject.parse(command_line) ==
+ {:no_command, "atlantic_gull", [], %{vhost: "my_vhost"}, []}
+ end
+ test "parse/1 returns :no command if command-specific options come before the command" do
+ command_line = ["--herring", "atlantic", "herring_gull", "-p", "my_vhost"]
+ assert @subject.parse(command_line) ==
+ {:no_command, "atlantic", ["herring_gull"],
+ %{vhost: "my_vhost"}, [{"--herring", nil}]}
+ end
+ test "parse/1 returns command name if a global option comes before the command" do
+ command_line = ["-p", "my_vhost", "herring_gull"]
+ command = RabbitMQ.CLI.Seagull.Commands.HerringGullCommand
+ assert @subject.parse(command_line) ==
+ {command, "herring_gull", [], %{vhost: "my_vhost"}, []}
+ end
+ test "parse/1 returns command name if multiple global options come before the command" do
+ command_line = ["-p", "my_vhost", "-q", "-n", "rabbit@test", "herring_gull"]
+ command = RabbitMQ.CLI.Seagull.Commands.HerringGullCommand
+ assert @subject.parse(command_line) ==
+ {command, "herring_gull", [], %{vhost: "my_vhost", node: :rabbit@test, quiet: true}, []}
+ end
+ test "parse/1 returns command name if multiple global options separated by an equals sign come before the command" do
+ command_line = ["-p=my_vhost", "-q", "--node=rabbit@test", "herring_gull"]
+ command = RabbitMQ.CLI.Seagull.Commands.HerringGullCommand
+ assert @subject.parse(command_line) ==
+ {command, "herring_gull", [], %{vhost: "my_vhost", node: :rabbit@test, quiet: true}, []}
+ end
+ test "parse/1 returns command with command specific options" do
+ command_line = ["herring_gull", "--herring", "atlantic",
+ "-g", "fly", "-p", "my_vhost"]
+ command = RabbitMQ.CLI.Seagull.Commands.HerringGullCommand
+ assert @subject.parse(command_line) ==
+ {command, "herring_gull", ["fly"],
+ %{vhost: "my_vhost", herring: "atlantic", garbage: true}, []}
+ end
+ test "parse/1 returns command with command specific options that are separated by an equals sign" do
+ command_line = ["herring_gull", "--herring=atlantic",
+ "-g", "fly", "-p=my_vhost"]
+ command = RabbitMQ.CLI.Seagull.Commands.HerringGullCommand
+ assert @subject.parse(command_line) ==
+ {command, "herring_gull", ["fly"],
+ %{vhost: "my_vhost", herring: "atlantic", garbage: true}, []}
+ end
+ test "parse/1 expands command-defined aliases" do
+ command_line = ["herring_gull", "fly", "-g"]
+ command = RabbitMQ.CLI.Seagull.Commands.HerringGullCommand
+ assert @subject.parse(command_line) ==
+ {command, "herring_gull", ["fly"], %{garbage: true}, []}
+ end
+ test "parse/1 returns invalid/extra options for command" do
+ command_line = ["pacific_gull", "fly",
+ "--herring", "atlantic",
+ "-p", "my_vhost"]
+ pacific_gull = RabbitMQ.CLI.Seagull.Commands.PacificGullCommand
+ assert @subject.parse(command_line) ==
+ {pacific_gull, "pacific_gull", ["fly", "atlantic"],
+ %{vhost: "my_vhost"},
+ [{"--herring", nil}]}
+ end
+ test "parse/1 suggests similar command" do
+ # One letter difference
+ assert @subject.parse(["pacific_gulf"]) ==
+ {{:suggest, "pacific_gull"}, "pacific_gulf", [], %{}, []}
+ # One letter missing
+ assert @subject.parse(["pacific_gul"]) ==
+ {{:suggest, "pacific_gull"}, "pacific_gul", [], %{}, []}
+ # One letter extra
+ assert @subject.parse(["pacific_gulll"]) ==
+ {{:suggest, "pacific_gull"}, "pacific_gulll", [], %{}, []}
+ # Five letter difference
+ assert @subject.parse(["pacifistcatl"]) ==
+ {{:suggest, "pacific_gull"}, "pacifistcatl", [], %{}, []}
+ # Five letters missing
+ assert @subject.parse(["pacific"]) ==
+ {{:suggest, "pacific_gull"}, "pacific", [], %{}, []}
+ # Closest to similar
+ assert @subject.parse(["herrdog_gull"]) ==
+ {{:suggest, "herring_gull"}, "herrdog_gull", [], %{}, []}
+ # Closest to similar
+ assert @subject.parse(["hermaug_gull"]) ==
+ {{:suggest, "hermann_gull"}, "hermaug_gull", [], %{}, []}
+ end
+ @tag cd: "fixtures"
+ test "parse/1 supports aliases" do
+ aliases = """
+ larus_pacificus = pacific_gull
+ gull_with_herring = herring_gull --herring atlantic
+ flying_gull = herring_gull fly
+ garbage_gull = herring_gull -g
+ complex_gull = herring_gull --herring pacific -g --formatter=erlang eat
+ invalid_gull = herring_gull --invalid
+ unknown_gull = mysterious_gull
+ """
+ aliases_file_name = "aliases.ini"
+ File.write(aliases_file_name, aliases)
+ on_exit(fn() ->
+ File.rm(aliases_file_name)
+ end)
+ assert @subject.parse(["larus_pacificus", "--aliases-file", aliases_file_name]) ==
+ {RabbitMQ.CLI.Seagull.Commands.PacificGullCommand,
+ "larus_pacificus",
+ [],
+ %{aliases_file: aliases_file_name},
+ []}
+ assert @subject.parse(["gull_with_herring", "--aliases-file", aliases_file_name]) ==
+ {RabbitMQ.CLI.Seagull.Commands.HerringGullCommand,
+ "gull_with_herring",
+ [],
+ %{aliases_file: aliases_file_name, herring: "atlantic"},
+ []}
+ assert @subject.parse(["flying_gull", "--aliases-file", aliases_file_name]) ==
+ {RabbitMQ.CLI.Seagull.Commands.HerringGullCommand,
+ "flying_gull",
+ ["fly"],
+ %{aliases_file: aliases_file_name},
+ []}
+ assert @subject.parse(["garbage_gull", "--aliases-file", aliases_file_name]) ==
+ {RabbitMQ.CLI.Seagull.Commands.HerringGullCommand,
+ "garbage_gull",
+ [],
+ %{aliases_file: aliases_file_name, garbage: true},
+ []}
+ assert @subject.parse(["complex_gull", "--aliases-file", aliases_file_name]) ==
+ {RabbitMQ.CLI.Seagull.Commands.HerringGullCommand,
+ "complex_gull",
+ ["eat"],
+ %{aliases_file: aliases_file_name, garbage: true, herring: "pacific", formatter: "erlang"},
+ []}
+ assert @subject.parse(["invalid_gull", "--aliases-file", aliases_file_name]) ==
+ {RabbitMQ.CLI.Seagull.Commands.HerringGullCommand,
+ "invalid_gull",
+ [],
+ %{aliases_file: aliases_file_name},
+ [{"--invalid", nil}]}
+ assert @subject.parse(["unknown_gull", "--aliases-file", aliases_file_name]) ==
+ {:no_command, "unknown_gull", [], %{aliases_file: aliases_file_name}, []}
+ File.rm(aliases_file_name)
+ assert capture_io(:stderr,
+ fn ->
+ assert @subject.parse(["larus_pacificus", "--aliases-file", aliases_file_name]) ==
+ {:no_command, "larus_pacificus", [], %{aliases_file: aliases_file_name}, []}
+ end) =~ "Error reading aliases file"
+ end