path: root/deps/rabbitmq_cli/test/plugins/list_plugins_command_test.exs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/rabbitmq_cli/test/plugins/list_plugins_command_test.exs')
1 files changed, 235 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_cli/test/plugins/list_plugins_command_test.exs b/deps/rabbitmq_cli/test/plugins/list_plugins_command_test.exs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..33d9420435
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/rabbitmq_cli/test/plugins/list_plugins_command_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+## This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+## License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+## file, You can obtain one at
+## Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+defmodule ListPluginsCommandTest do
+ use ExUnit.Case, async: false
+ import TestHelper
+ @command RabbitMQ.CLI.Plugins.Commands.ListCommand
+ def reset_enabled_plugins_to_preconfigured_defaults(context) do
+ set_enabled_plugins([:rabbitmq_stomp, :rabbitmq_federation],
+ :online,
+ get_rabbit_hostname(), context[:opts])
+ end
+ setup_all do
+ RabbitMQ.CLI.Core.Distribution.start()
+ node = get_rabbit_hostname()
+ {:ok, plugins_file} = :rabbit_misc.rpc_call(node,
+ :application, :get_env,
+ [:rabbit, :enabled_plugins_file])
+ {:ok, plugins_dir} = :rabbit_misc.rpc_call(node,
+ :application, :get_env,
+ [:rabbit, :plugins_dir])
+ rabbitmq_home = :rabbit_misc.rpc_call(node, :code, :lib_dir, [:rabbit])
+ IO.puts("plugins list tests default env: enabled plugins = #{plugins_file}, plugins dir = #{plugins_dir}, RabbitMQ home directory = #{rabbitmq_home}")
+ {:ok, [enabled_plugins]} = :file.consult(plugins_file)
+ IO.puts("plugins list tests will assume tnat #{Enum.join(enabled_plugins, ",")} is the list of enabled plugins to revert to")
+ opts = %{enabled_plugins_file: plugins_file,
+ plugins_dir: plugins_dir,
+ rabbitmq_home: rabbitmq_home,
+ minimal: false, verbose: false,
+ enabled: false, implicitly_enabled: false}
+ on_exit(fn ->
+ set_enabled_plugins(enabled_plugins, :online, get_rabbit_hostname(), opts)
+ end)
+ {:ok, opts: opts}
+ end
+ setup context do
+ reset_enabled_plugins_to_preconfigured_defaults(context)
+ {
+ :ok,
+ opts: Map.merge(context[:opts], %{
+ node: get_rabbit_hostname(),
+ timeout: 1000
+ })
+ }
+ end
+ test "validate: specifying both --minimal and --verbose is reported as invalid", context do
+ assert match?(
+ {:validation_failure, {:bad_argument, _}},
+ @command.validate([], Map.merge(context[:opts], %{minimal: true, verbose: true}))
+ )
+ end
+ test "validate: specifying multiple patterns is reported as an error", context do
+ assert @command.validate(["a", "b", "c"], context[:opts]) ==
+ {:validation_failure, :too_many_args}
+ end
+ test "validate_execution_environment: specifying a non-existent enabled_plugins_file is fine", context do
+ assert @command.validate_execution_environment(["a"], Map.merge(context[:opts], %{enabled_plugins_file: "none"})) == :ok
+ end
+ test "validate_execution_environment: specifying non existent plugins_dir is reported as an error", context do
+ assert @command.validate_execution_environment(["a"], Map.merge(context[:opts], %{plugins_dir: "none"})) ==
+ {:validation_failure, :plugins_dir_does_not_exist}
+ end
+ test "will report list of plugins from file for stopped node", context do
+ node = context[:opts][:node]
+ :ok = :rabbit_misc.rpc_call(node, :application, :stop, [:rabbitmq_stomp])
+ on_exit(fn ->
+ :rabbit_misc.rpc_call(node, :application, :start, [:rabbitmq_stomp])
+ end)
+ assert %{status: :node_down,
+ plugins: [%{name: :rabbitmq_federation, enabled: :enabled, running: false},
+ %{name: :rabbitmq_stomp, enabled: :enabled, running: false}]} =
+[".*"], Map.merge(context[:opts], %{node: :nonode}))
+ end
+ test "will report list of started plugins for started node", context do
+ node = context[:opts][:node]
+ :ok = :rabbit_misc.rpc_call(node, :application, :stop, [:rabbitmq_stomp])
+ on_exit(fn ->
+ :rabbit_misc.rpc_call(node, :application, :start, [:rabbitmq_stomp])
+ end)
+ assert %{status: :running,
+ plugins: [%{name: :rabbitmq_federation, enabled: :enabled, running: true},
+ %{name: :rabbitmq_stomp, enabled: :enabled, running: false}]} =
+[".*"], context[:opts])
+ end
+ test "will report description and dependencies for verbose mode", context do
+ assert %{status: :running,
+ plugins: [%{name: :rabbitmq_federation, enabled: :enabled, running: true, description: _, dependencies: [:amqp_client]},
+ %{name: :rabbitmq_stomp, enabled: :enabled, running: true, description: _, dependencies: [:amqp_client]}]} =
+[".*"], Map.merge(context[:opts], %{verbose: true}))
+ end
+ test "will report plugin names in minimal mode", context do
+ assert %{status: :running,
+ plugins: [%{name: :rabbitmq_federation}, %{name: :rabbitmq_stomp}]} =
+[".*"], Map.merge(context[:opts], %{minimal: true}))
+ end
+ test "by default lists all plugins", context do
+ set_enabled_plugins([:rabbitmq_federation], :online, context[:opts][:node], context[:opts])
+ on_exit(fn ->
+ set_enabled_plugins([:rabbitmq_stomp, :rabbitmq_federation], :online, context[:opts][:node], context[:opts])
+ end)
+ assert %{status: :running,
+ plugins: [%{name: :rabbitmq_federation, enabled: :enabled, running: true},
+ %{name: :rabbitmq_stomp, enabled: :not_enabled, running: false}]} =
+[".*"], context[:opts])
+ end
+ test "with enabled flag lists only explicitly enabled plugins", context do
+ set_enabled_plugins([:rabbitmq_federation], :online, context[:opts][:node], context[:opts])
+ on_exit(fn ->
+ set_enabled_plugins([:rabbitmq_stomp, :rabbitmq_federation], :online, context[:opts][:node], context[:opts])
+ end)
+ assert %{status: :running,
+ plugins: [%{name: :rabbitmq_federation, enabled: :enabled, running: true}]} =
+[".*"], Map.merge(context[:opts], %{enabled: true}))
+ end
+ test "with implicitly_enabled flag lists explicitly and implicitly enabled plugins", context do
+ set_enabled_plugins([:rabbitmq_federation], :online, context[:opts][:node], context[:opts])
+ on_exit(fn ->
+ set_enabled_plugins([:rabbitmq_stomp, :rabbitmq_federation], :online, context[:opts][:node], context[:opts])
+ end)
+ assert %{status: :running,
+ plugins: [%{name: :rabbitmq_federation, enabled: :enabled, running: true}]} =
+[".*"], Map.merge(context[:opts], %{implicitly_enabled: true}))
+ end
+ test "will filter plugins by name with pattern provided", context do
+ set_enabled_plugins([:rabbitmq_federation], :online, context[:opts][:node], context[:opts])
+ on_exit(fn ->
+ set_enabled_plugins([:rabbitmq_stomp, :rabbitmq_federation], :online, context[:opts][:node], context[:opts])
+ end)
+ assert %{status: :running,
+ plugins: [%{name: :rabbitmq_federation}]} =
+["fede"], Map.merge(context[:opts], %{minimal: true}))
+ assert %{status: :running,
+ plugins: [%{name: :rabbitmq_stomp}]} =
+["stomp$"], Map.merge(context[:opts], %{minimal: true}))
+ end
+ test "validate: validation is OK when we use multiple plugins directories, one of them does not exist", context do
+ opts = get_opts_with_non_existing_plugins_directory(context)
+ assert @command.validate([], opts) == :ok
+ end
+ test "validate: validation is OK when we use multiple plugins directories, directories do exist", context do
+ opts = get_opts_with_existing_plugins_directory(context)
+ assert @command.validate([], opts) == :ok
+ end
+ test "should succeed when using multiple plugins directories, one of them does not exist", context do
+ opts = get_opts_with_non_existing_plugins_directory(context)
+ assert %{status: :running,
+ plugins: [%{name: :rabbitmq_federation}, %{name: :rabbitmq_stomp}]} =
+[".*"], Map.merge(opts, %{minimal: true}))
+ end
+ test "should succeed when using multiple plugins directories, directories do exist and do contain plugins", context do
+ opts = get_opts_with_existing_plugins_directory(context)
+ assert %{status: :running,
+ plugins: [%{name: :rabbitmq_federation}, %{name: :rabbitmq_stomp}]} =
+[".*"], Map.merge(opts, %{minimal: true}))
+ end
+ test "should list plugins when using multiple plugins directories", context do
+ plugins_directory = fixture_plugins_path("plugins-subdirectory-01")
+ opts = get_opts_with_plugins_directories(context, [plugins_directory])
+ switch_plugins_directories(context[:opts][:plugins_dir], opts[:plugins_dir])
+ reset_enabled_plugins_to_preconfigured_defaults(context)
+ assert %{status: :running,
+ plugins: [%{name: :mock_rabbitmq_plugins_01}, %{name: :mock_rabbitmq_plugins_02},
+ %{name: :rabbitmq_federation}, %{name: :rabbitmq_stomp}]} =
+[".*"], Map.merge(opts, %{minimal: true}))
+ end
+ test "will report list of plugins with latest version picked", context do
+ plugins_directory_01 = fixture_plugins_path("plugins-subdirectory-01")
+ plugins_directory_02 = fixture_plugins_path("plugins-subdirectory-02")
+ opts = get_opts_with_plugins_directories(context, [plugins_directory_01, plugins_directory_02])
+ switch_plugins_directories(context[:opts][:plugins_dir], opts[:plugins_dir])
+ reset_enabled_plugins_to_preconfigured_defaults(context)
+ assert %{status: :running,
+ plugins: [%{name: :mock_rabbitmq_plugins_01, enabled: :not_enabled, running: false, version: '0.2.0'},
+ %{name: :mock_rabbitmq_plugins_02, enabled: :not_enabled, running: false, version: '0.2.0'},
+ %{name: :rabbitmq_federation, enabled: :enabled, running: true},
+ %{name: :rabbitmq_stomp, enabled: :enabled, running: true}]} =
+[".*"], opts)
+ end
+ test "will report both running and pending upgrade versions", context do
+ plugins_directory_01 = fixture_plugins_path("plugins-subdirectory-01")
+ plugins_directory_02 = fixture_plugins_path("plugins-subdirectory-02")
+ opts = get_opts_with_plugins_directories(context, [plugins_directory_01])
+ switch_plugins_directories(context[:opts][:plugins_dir], opts[:plugins_dir])
+ set_enabled_plugins([:mock_rabbitmq_plugins_02, :rabbitmq_federation, :rabbitmq_stomp],
+ :online, get_rabbit_hostname(), opts)
+ assert %{status: :running,
+ plugins: [%{name: :mock_rabbitmq_plugins_01, enabled: :not_enabled, running: false, version: '0.2.0'},
+ %{name: :mock_rabbitmq_plugins_02, enabled: :enabled, running: true, version: '0.1.0', running_version: '0.1.0'},
+ %{name: :rabbitmq_federation, enabled: :enabled, running: true},
+ %{name: :rabbitmq_stomp, enabled: :enabled, running: true}]} =
+[".*"], opts)
+ opts = get_opts_with_plugins_directories(context, [plugins_directory_01, plugins_directory_02])
+ switch_plugins_directories(context[:opts][:plugins_dir], opts[:plugins_dir])
+ assert %{status: :running,
+ plugins: [%{name: :mock_rabbitmq_plugins_01, enabled: :not_enabled, running: false, version: '0.2.0'},
+ %{name: :mock_rabbitmq_plugins_02, enabled: :enabled, running: true, version: '0.2.0', running_version: '0.1.0'},
+ %{name: :rabbitmq_federation, enabled: :enabled, running: true},
+ %{name: :rabbitmq_stomp, enabled: :enabled, running: true}]} =
+[".*"], opts)
+ end