path: root/deps/rabbitmq_consistent_hash_exchange/src/Elixir.RabbitMQ.CLI.Diagnostics.Commands.ConsistentHashExchangeRingStateCommand.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'deps/rabbitmq_consistent_hash_exchange/src/Elixir.RabbitMQ.CLI.Diagnostics.Commands.ConsistentHashExchangeRingStateCommand.erl')
1 files changed, 134 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_consistent_hash_exchange/src/Elixir.RabbitMQ.CLI.Diagnostics.Commands.ConsistentHashExchangeRingStateCommand.erl b/deps/rabbitmq_consistent_hash_exchange/src/Elixir.RabbitMQ.CLI.Diagnostics.Commands.ConsistentHashExchangeRingStateCommand.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8f61b9726c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/rabbitmq_consistent_hash_exchange/src/Elixir.RabbitMQ.CLI.Diagnostics.Commands.ConsistentHashExchangeRingStateCommand.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+%% file, You can obtain one at
+%% Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ usage/0,
+ usage_additional/0,
+ usage_doc_guides/0,
+ flags/0,
+ validate/2,
+ merge_defaults/2,
+ banner/2,
+ run/2,
+ switches/0,
+ aliases/0,
+ output/2,
+ scopes/0,
+ formatter/0,
+ help_section/0,
+ description/0
+ ]).
+-import(rabbit_data_coercion, [to_binary/1]).
+-define(NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE, <<"Exchange does not exist or is of a different type">>).
+%% Callbacks
+scopes() ->
+ ['diagnostics'].
+switches() ->
+ [].
+aliases() ->
+ [].
+flags() ->
+ [].
+merge_defaults(Args, Opts) ->
+ {Args, maps:merge(#{vhost => <<"/">>}, Opts)}.
+validate([], _Opts) ->
+ {validation_failure, not_enough_args};
+validate([_Exchange], _Opts) ->
+ ok;
+validate(_, _Opts) ->
+ {validation_failure, too_many_args}.
+run([Exchange], #{node := Node, vhost := VirtualHost}) ->
+ case rabbit_misc:rpc_call(Node, rabbit_exchange_type_consistent_hash, ring_state, [VirtualHost, Exchange]) of
+ {badrpc, _} = Error ->
+ Error;
+ {badrpc, _, _} = Error ->
+ Error;
+ {error, _} = Error ->
+ Error;
+ {ok, State} ->
+ {ok, State}
+ end.
+output({error, not_found}, #{node := Node, formatter := <<"json">>}) ->
+ {error, #{
+ <<"result">> => <<"error">>,
+ <<"node">> => Node,
+ <<"message">> => ?NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE
+ }};
+output({ok, #chx_hash_ring{exchange = Resource = #resource{name = Exchange}, bucket_map = Buckets}}, #{node := Node, formatter := <<"json">>}) ->
+ {ok, #{
+ <<"result">> => <<"ok">>,
+ <<"node">> => Node,
+ <<"exchange">> => Exchange,
+ <<"message">> => to_binary(rabbit_misc:format("Consistent hashing ring state for ~s",
+ [rabbit_misc:rs(Resource)])),
+ <<"buckets">> =>
+ maps:from_list(lists:map(fun ({Key, #resource{kind = queue, name = Queue}}) ->
+ {to_binary(Key), Queue}
+ end, maps:to_list(Buckets)))
+ }};
+output({error, not_found}, _Opts) ->
+ {error, 'Elixir.RabbitMQ.CLI.Core.ExitCodes':exit_dataerr(), ?NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE};
+output({ok, #chx_hash_ring{bucket_map = Buckets0}}, _Opts) ->
+ Buckets = maps:map(fun(_Key, #resource{kind = queue, name = Queue}) -> Queue end, Buckets0),
+ {ok, (ring_state_lines(Buckets))};
+output(Result, _Opts) ->
+ 'Elixir.RabbitMQ.CLI.DefaultOutput':output(Result).
+usage() ->
+ <<"consistent_hash_exchange_ring_state <exchange>">>.
+usage_additional() ->
+ [].
+formatter() ->
+ 'Elixir.RabbitMQ.CLI.Formatters.String'.
+usage_doc_guides() ->
+ [].
+help_section() ->
+ {plugin, consistent_hash_exchange}.
+description() ->
+ <<"Displays consistent hashing exchange ring state">>.
+banner([Exchange], #{vhost := VirtualHost}) ->
+ erlang:iolist_to_binary([<<"Inspecting consistent hashing ring state for exchange ">>,
+ to_binary(Exchange),
+ <<" in virtual host ">>,
+ to_binary(rabbit_misc:format("'~s'", [VirtualHost])),
+ <<"...">>]).
+%% Implementation
+ring_state_lines(Buckets) ->
+ Fun = fun (Key, QName, Acc) ->
+ [to_binary(rabbit_misc:format("Ring index: ~b, queue: '~s'~n", [Key, QName])) | Acc]
+ end,
+ lists:usort(maps:fold(Fun, [], Buckets)).