path: root/deps/rabbitmq_management/src/rabbit_mgmt_wm_health_check_protocol_listener.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'deps/rabbitmq_management/src/rabbit_mgmt_wm_health_check_protocol_listener.erl')
1 files changed, 127 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_management/src/rabbit_mgmt_wm_health_check_protocol_listener.erl b/deps/rabbitmq_management/src/rabbit_mgmt_wm_health_check_protocol_listener.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a0b7e4e6dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/rabbitmq_management/src/rabbit_mgmt_wm_health_check_protocol_listener.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+%% file, You can obtain one at
+%% Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+%% An HTTP API counterpart of 'rabbitmq-diagnostics check_protocol_listener'
+-export([init/2, to_json/2, content_types_provided/2, is_authorized/2]).
+init(Req, _State) ->
+ {cowboy_rest, rabbit_mgmt_headers:set_common_permission_headers(Req, ?MODULE), #context{}}.
+variances(Req, Context) ->
+ {[<<"accept-encoding">>, <<"origin">>], Req, Context}.
+content_types_provided(ReqData, Context) ->
+ {rabbit_mgmt_util:responder_map(to_json), ReqData, Context}.
+resource_exists(ReqData, Context) ->
+ {case protocol(ReqData) of
+ none -> false;
+ _ -> true
+ end, ReqData, Context}.
+to_json(ReqData, Context) ->
+ Protocol = normalize_protocol(protocol(ReqData)),
+ Listeners = rabbit_networking:active_listeners(),
+ Local = [L || #listener{node = N} = L <- Listeners, N == node()],
+ ProtoListeners = [L || #listener{protocol = P} = L <- Local, atom_to_list(P) == Protocol],
+ case ProtoListeners of
+ [] ->
+ Msg = <<"No active listener">>,
+ failure(Msg, Protocol, [P || #listener{protocol = P} <- Local], ReqData, Context);
+ _ ->
+ rabbit_mgmt_util:reply([{status, ok},
+ {protocol, list_to_binary(Protocol)}], ReqData, Context)
+ end.
+failure(Message, Missing, Protocols, ReqData, Context) ->
+ {Response, ReqData1, Context1} = rabbit_mgmt_util:reply([{status, failed},
+ {reason, Message},
+ {missing, list_to_binary(Missing)},
+ {protocols, Protocols}],
+ ReqData, Context),
+ {stop, cowboy_req:reply(503, #{}, Response, ReqData1), Context1}.
+is_authorized(ReqData, Context) ->
+ rabbit_mgmt_util:is_authorized(ReqData, Context).
+protocol(ReqData) ->
+ rabbit_mgmt_util:id(protocol, ReqData).
+normalize_protocol(Protocol) ->
+ case string:lowercase(binary_to_list(Protocol)) of
+ "amqp091" -> "amqp";
+ "amqp0.9.1" -> "amqp";
+ "amqp0-9-1" -> "amqp";
+ "amqp0_9_1" -> "amqp";
+ "amqp10" -> "amqp";
+ "amqp1.0" -> "amqp";
+ "amqp1-0" -> "amqp";
+ "amqp1_0" -> "amqp";
+ "amqps" -> "amqp/ssl";
+ "mqtt3.1" -> "mqtt";
+ "mqtt3.1.1" -> "mqtt";
+ "mqtt31" -> "mqtt";
+ "mqtt311" -> "mqtt";
+ "mqtt3_1" -> "mqtt";
+ "mqtt3_1_1" -> "mqtt";
+ "mqtts" -> "mqtt/ssl";
+ "mqtt+tls" -> "mqtt/ssl";
+ "mqtt+ssl" -> "mqtt/ssl";
+ "stomp1.0" -> "stomp";
+ "stomp1.1" -> "stomp";
+ "stomp1.2" -> "stomp";
+ "stomp10" -> "stomp";
+ "stomp11" -> "stomp";
+ "stomp12" -> "stomp";
+ "stomp1_0" -> "stomp";
+ "stomp1_1" -> "stomp";
+ "stomp1_2" -> "stomp";
+ "stomps" -> "stomp/ssl";
+ "stomp+tls" -> "stomp/ssl";
+ "stomp+ssl" -> "stomp/ssl";
+ "https" -> "https";
+ "http1" -> "http";
+ "http1.1" -> "http";
+ "http_api" -> "http";
+ "management" -> "http";
+ "management_ui" -> "http";
+ "ui" -> "http";
+ "cli" -> "clustering";
+ "distribution" -> "clustering";
+ "webmqtt" -> "http/web-mqtt";
+ "web-mqtt" -> "http/web-mqtt";
+ "web_mqtt" -> "http/web-mqtt";
+ "webmqtt/tls" -> "https/web-mqtt";
+ "web-mqtt/tls" -> "https/web-mqtt";
+ "webmqtt/ssl" -> "https/web-mqtt";
+ "web-mqtt/ssl" -> "https/web-mqtt";
+ "webmqtt+tls" -> "https/web-mqtt";
+ "web-mqtt+tls" -> "https/web-mqtt";
+ "webmqtt+ssl" -> "https/web-mqtt";
+ "web-mqtt+ssl" -> "https/web-mqtt";
+ "webstomp" -> "http/web-stomp";
+ "web-stomp" -> "http/web-stomp";
+ "web_stomp" -> "http/web-stomp";
+ "webstomp/tls" -> "https/web-stomp";
+ "web-stomp/tls" -> "https/web-stomp";
+ "webstomp/ssl" -> "https/web-stomp";
+ "web-stomp/ssl" -> "https/web-stomp";
+ "webstomp+tls" -> "https/web-stomp";
+ "web-stomp+tls" -> "https/web-stomp";
+ "webstomp+ssl" -> "https/web-stomp";
+ "web-stomp+ssl" -> "https/web-stomp";
+ Any -> Any
+ end.