path: root/deps/rabbitmq_management/test/rabbit_mgmt_only_http_SUITE.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'deps/rabbitmq_management/test/rabbit_mgmt_only_http_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 1716 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_management/test/rabbit_mgmt_only_http_SUITE.erl b/deps/rabbitmq_management/test/rabbit_mgmt_only_http_SUITE.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..38bb2bac1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/rabbitmq_management/test/rabbit_mgmt_only_http_SUITE.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,1716 @@
+%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+%% file, You can obtain one at
+%% Copyright (c) 2016-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+-import(rabbit_ct_client_helpers, [close_connection/1, close_channel/1,
+ open_unmanaged_connection/1]).
+-import(rabbit_mgmt_test_util, [assert_list/2, assert_item/2, test_item/2,
+ assert_keys/2, assert_no_keys/2,
+ http_get/2, http_get/3, http_get/5,
+ http_get_no_map/2,
+ http_put/4, http_put/6,
+ http_post/4, http_post/6,
+ http_upload_raw/8,
+ http_delete/3, http_delete/5,
+ http_put_raw/4, http_post_accept_json/4,
+ req/4, auth_header/2,
+ assert_permanent_redirect/3,
+ uri_base_from/2, format_for_upload/1,
+ amqp_port/1]).
+-import(rabbit_misc, [pget/2]).
+-define(COLLECT_INTERVAL, 1000).
+-define(PATH_PREFIX, "/custom-prefix").
+all() ->
+ [
+ {group, all_tests_with_prefix},
+ {group, all_tests_without_prefix},
+ {group, stats_disabled_on_request}
+ ].
+groups() ->
+ [
+ {all_tests_with_prefix, [], all_tests()},
+ {all_tests_without_prefix, [], all_tests()},
+ {stats_disabled_on_request, [], [disable_with_disable_stats_parameter_test]},
+ {invalid_config, [], [invalid_config_test]}
+ ].
+all_tests() -> [
+ overview_test,
+ nodes_test,
+ vhosts_test,
+ connections_test,
+ exchanges_test,
+ queues_test,
+ mirrored_queues_test,
+ quorum_queues_test,
+ queues_well_formed_json_test,
+ permissions_vhost_test,
+ permissions_connection_channel_consumer_test,
+ consumers_cq_test,
+ consumers_qq_test,
+ arguments_test,
+ queue_actions_test,
+ exclusive_queue_test,
+ connections_channels_pagination_test,
+ exchanges_pagination_test,
+ exchanges_pagination_permissions_test,
+ queue_pagination_test,
+ queue_pagination_columns_test,
+ queues_pagination_permissions_test,
+ samples_range_test,
+ sorting_test,
+ columns_test,
+ if_empty_unused_test,
+ queues_enable_totals_test,
+ double_encoded_json_test
+ ].
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Testsuite setup/teardown.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+merge_app_env(Config, DisableStats) ->
+ Config1 = rabbit_ct_helpers:merge_app_env(Config,
+ {rabbit, [
+ {collect_statistics_interval, ?COLLECT_INTERVAL}
+ ]}),
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:merge_app_env(Config1,
+ {rabbitmq_management, [
+ {disable_management_stats, DisableStats},
+ {sample_retention_policies,
+ [{global, [{605, 1}]},
+ {basic, [{605, 1}]},
+ {detailed, [{10, 1}]}]
+ }]}).
+start_broker(Config) ->
+ Setup0 = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:setup_steps(),
+ Setup1 = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:setup_steps(),
+ Steps = Setup0 ++ Setup1,
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:run_setup_steps(Config, Steps).
+finish_init(Group, Config) when Group == all_tests_with_prefix ->
+ finish_init(Group, Config, true);
+finish_init(Group, Config) when Group == all_tests_without_prefix ->
+ finish_init(Group, Config, true);
+finish_init(Group, Config) when Group == stats_disabled_on_request ->
+ finish_init(Group, Config, false);
+finish_init(Group, Config) when Group == invalid_config_test ->
+ finish_init(Group, Config, true).
+finish_init(Group, Config, DisableStats) ->
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:log_environment(),
+ inets:start(),
+ NodeConf = [{rmq_nodename_suffix, Group}],
+ Config1 = rabbit_ct_helpers:set_config(Config, NodeConf),
+ merge_app_env(Config1, DisableStats).
+init_per_group(all_tests_with_prefix=Group, Config0) ->
+ PathConfig = {rabbitmq_management, [{path_prefix, ?PATH_PREFIX}]},
+ Config1 = rabbit_ct_helpers:merge_app_env(Config0, PathConfig),
+ Config2 = finish_init(Group, Config1),
+ Config3 = start_broker(Config2),
+ Nodes = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:get_node_configs(
+ Config3, nodename),
+ Ret = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(
+ Config3, 0,
+ rabbit_feature_flags,
+ is_supported_remotely,
+ [Nodes, [quorum_queue], 60000]),
+ case Ret of
+ true ->
+ ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(
+ Config3, 0, rabbit_feature_flags, enable, [quorum_queue]),
+ Config3;
+ false ->
+ end_per_group(Group, Config3),
+ {skip, "Quorum queues are unsupported"}
+ end;
+init_per_group(Group, Config0) ->
+ Config1 = finish_init(Group, Config0),
+ Config2 = start_broker(Config1),
+ Nodes = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:get_node_configs(
+ Config2, nodename),
+ Ret = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(
+ Config2, 0,
+ rabbit_feature_flags,
+ is_supported_remotely,
+ [Nodes, [quorum_queue], 60000]),
+ case Ret of
+ true ->
+ ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(
+ Config2, 0, rabbit_feature_flags, enable, [quorum_queue]),
+ Config2;
+ false ->
+ end_per_group(Group, Config2),
+ {skip, "Quorum queues are unsupported"}
+ end.
+end_per_group(_, Config) ->
+ inets:stop(),
+ Teardown0 = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:teardown_steps(),
+ Teardown1 = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:teardown_steps(),
+ Steps = Teardown0 ++ Teardown1,
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:run_teardown_steps(Config, Steps).
+init_per_testcase(Testcase = permissions_vhost_test, Config) ->
+ rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:delete_vhost(Config, <<"myvhost">>),
+ rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:delete_vhost(Config, <<"myvhost1">>),
+ rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:delete_vhost(Config, <<"myvhost2">>),
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:testcase_started(Config, Testcase);
+init_per_testcase(Testcase, Config) ->
+ rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:close_all_connections(Config, 0, <<"rabbit_mgmt_only_http_SUITE:init_per_testcase">>),
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:testcase_started(Config, Testcase).
+end_per_testcase(Testcase, Config) ->
+ rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:close_all_connections(Config, 0, <<"rabbit_mgmt_only_http_SUITE:end_per_testcase">>),
+ Config1 = end_per_testcase0(Testcase, Config),
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:testcase_finished(Config1, Testcase).
+end_per_testcase0(Testcase = queues_enable_totals_test, Config) ->
+ rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0, application, unset_env,
+ [rabbitmq_management, enable_queue_totals]),
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:testcase_finished(Config, Testcase);
+end_per_testcase0(Testcase = queues_test, Config) ->
+ rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:delete_vhost(Config, <<"downvhost">>),
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:testcase_finished(Config, Testcase);
+end_per_testcase0(Testcase = permissions_vhost_test, Config) ->
+ rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:delete_vhost(Config, <<"myvhost1">>),
+ rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:delete_vhost(Config, <<"myvhost2">>),
+ rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:delete_user(Config, <<"myuser1">>),
+ rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:delete_user(Config, <<"myuser2">>),
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:testcase_finished(Config, Testcase);
+end_per_testcase0(_, Config) ->
+ Config.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Testcases.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+overview_test(Config) ->
+ Overview = http_get(Config, "/overview"),
+ ?assert(maps:is_key(node, Overview)),
+ ?assert(maps:is_key(object_totals, Overview)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(queue_totals, Overview)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(churn_rates, Overview)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(message_stats, Overview)),
+ http_put(Config, "/users/myuser", [{password, <<"myuser">>},
+ {tags, <<"management">>}], {group, '2xx'}),
+ OverviewU = http_get(Config, "/overview", "myuser", "myuser", ?OK),
+ ?assert(maps:is_key(node, OverviewU)),
+ ?assert(maps:is_key(object_totals, OverviewU)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(queue_totals, OverviewU)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(churn_rates, OverviewU)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(message_stats, OverviewU)),
+ http_delete(Config, "/users/myuser", {group, '2xx'}),
+ passed.
+nodes_test(Config) ->
+ http_put(Config, "/users/user", [{password, <<"user">>},
+ {tags, <<"management">>}], {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/users/monitor", [{password, <<"monitor">>},
+ {tags, <<"monitoring">>}], {group, '2xx'}),
+ DiscNode = #{type => <<"disc">>, running => true},
+ assert_list([DiscNode], http_get(Config, "/nodes")),
+ assert_list([DiscNode], http_get(Config, "/nodes", "monitor", "monitor", ?OK)),
+ http_get(Config, "/nodes", "user", "user", ?NOT_AUTHORISED),
+ [Node] = http_get(Config, "/nodes"),
+ Path = "/nodes/" ++ binary_to_list(maps:get(name, Node)),
+ NodeReply = http_get(Config, Path, ?OK),
+ assert_item(DiscNode, NodeReply),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(channel_closed, NodeReply)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(disk_free, NodeReply)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(fd_used, NodeReply)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(io_file_handle_open_attempt_avg_time, NodeReply)),
+ ?assert(maps:is_key(name, NodeReply)),
+ assert_item(DiscNode, http_get(Config, Path, "monitor", "monitor", ?OK)),
+ http_get(Config, Path, "user", "user", ?NOT_AUTHORISED),
+ http_delete(Config, "/users/user", {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_delete(Config, "/users/monitor", {group, '2xx'}),
+ passed.
+%% This test is rather over-verbose as we're trying to test understanding of
+%% Webmachine
+vhosts_test(Config) ->
+ assert_list([#{name => <<"/">>}], http_get(Config, "/vhosts")),
+ %% Create a new one
+ http_put(Config, "/vhosts/myvhost", none, {group, '2xx'}),
+ %% PUT should be idempotent
+ http_put(Config, "/vhosts/myvhost", none, {group, '2xx'}),
+ %% Check it's there
+ [GetFirst | _] = GetAll = http_get(Config, "/vhosts"),
+ assert_list([#{name => <<"/">>}, #{name => <<"myvhost">>}], GetAll),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(message_stats, GetFirst)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(messages_ready_details, GetFirst)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(recv_oct, GetFirst)),
+ ?assert(maps:is_key(cluster_state, GetFirst)),
+ %% Check individually
+ Get = http_get(Config, "/vhosts/%2F", ?OK),
+ assert_item(#{name => <<"/">>}, Get),
+ assert_item(#{name => <<"myvhost">>},http_get(Config, "/vhosts/myvhost")),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(message_stats, Get)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(messages_ready_details, Get)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(recv_oct, Get)),
+ ?assert(maps:is_key(cluster_state, Get)),
+ %% Crash it
+ rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:force_vhost_failure(Config, <<"myvhost">>),
+ [NodeData] = http_get(Config, "/nodes"),
+ Node = binary_to_atom(maps:get(name, NodeData), utf8),
+ assert_item(#{name => <<"myvhost">>, cluster_state => #{Node => <<"stopped">>}},
+ http_get(Config, "/vhosts/myvhost")),
+ %% Restart it
+ http_post(Config, "/vhosts/myvhost/start/" ++ atom_to_list(Node), [], {group, '2xx'}),
+ assert_item(#{name => <<"myvhost">>, cluster_state => #{Node => <<"running">>}},
+ http_get(Config, "/vhosts/myvhost")),
+ %% Delete it
+ http_delete(Config, "/vhosts/myvhost", {group, '2xx'}),
+ %% It's not there
+ http_get(Config, "/vhosts/myvhost", ?NOT_FOUND),
+ http_delete(Config, "/vhosts/myvhost", ?NOT_FOUND),
+ passed.
+connections_test(Config) ->
+ {Conn, _Ch} = open_connection_and_channel(Config),
+ LocalPort = local_port(Conn),
+ Path = binary_to_list(
+ rabbit_mgmt_format:print(
+ "/connections/",
+ [LocalPort, amqp_port(Config)])),
+ timer:sleep(1500),
+ Connection = http_get(Config, Path, ?OK),
+ ?assertEqual(1, maps:size(Connection)),
+ ?assert(maps:is_key(name, Connection)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(recv_oct_details, Connection)),
+ http_delete(Config, Path, {group, '2xx'}),
+ %% TODO rabbit_reader:shutdown/2 returns before the connection is
+ %% closed. It may not be worth fixing.
+ Fun = fun() ->
+ try
+ http_get(Config, Path, ?NOT_FOUND),
+ true
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ false
+ end
+ end,
+ wait_until(Fun, 60),
+ close_connection(Conn),
+ passed.
+exchanges_test(Config) ->
+ %% Can list exchanges
+ http_get(Config, "/exchanges", {group, '2xx'}),
+ %% Can pass booleans or strings
+ Good = [{type, <<"direct">>}, {durable, <<"true">>}],
+ http_put(Config, "/vhosts/myvhost", none, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_get(Config, "/exchanges/myvhost/foo", ?NOT_FOUND),
+ http_put(Config, "/exchanges/myvhost/foo", Good, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/exchanges/myvhost/foo", Good, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_get(Config, "/exchanges/%2F/foo", ?NOT_FOUND),
+ Exchange = http_get(Config, "/exchanges/myvhost/foo"),
+ assert_item(#{name => <<"foo">>,
+ vhost => <<"myvhost">>,
+ type => <<"direct">>,
+ durable => true,
+ auto_delete => false,
+ internal => false,
+ arguments => #{}},
+ Exchange),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(message_stats, Exchange)),
+ http_put(Config, "/exchanges/badvhost/bar", Good, ?NOT_FOUND),
+ http_put(Config, "/exchanges/myvhost/bar", [{type, <<"bad_exchange_type">>}],
+ http_put(Config, "/exchanges/myvhost/bar", [{type, <<"direct">>},
+ {durable, <<"troo">>}],
+ http_put(Config, "/exchanges/myvhost/foo", [{type, <<"direct">>}],
+ http_delete(Config, "/exchanges/myvhost/foo", {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_delete(Config, "/exchanges/myvhost/foo", ?NOT_FOUND),
+ http_delete(Config, "/vhosts/myvhost", {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_get(Config, "/exchanges/badvhost", ?NOT_FOUND),
+ passed.
+queues_test(Config) ->
+ Good = [{durable, true}],
+ GoodQQ = [{durable, true}, {arguments, [{'x-queue-type', 'quorum'}]}],
+ http_get(Config, "/queues/%2F/foo", ?NOT_FOUND),
+ http_put(Config, "/queues/%2F/foo", GoodQQ, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/queues/%2F/foo", GoodQQ, {group, '2xx'}),
+ rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:add_vhost(Config, <<"downvhost">>),
+ rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:set_full_permissions(Config, <<"downvhost">>),
+ http_put(Config, "/queues/downvhost/foo", Good, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/queues/downvhost/bar", Good, {group, '2xx'}),
+ rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:force_vhost_failure(Config, <<"downvhost">>),
+ %% The vhost is down
+ Node = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:get_node_config(Config, 0, nodename),
+ DownVHost = #{name => <<"downvhost">>, tracing => false, cluster_state => #{Node => <<"stopped">>}},
+ assert_item(DownVHost, http_get(Config, "/vhosts/downvhost")),
+ DownQueues = http_get(Config, "/queues/downvhost"),
+ DownQueue = http_get(Config, "/queues/downvhost/foo"),
+ assert_list([#{name => <<"bar">>,
+ vhost => <<"downvhost">>,
+ state => <<"stopped">>,
+ durable => true,
+ auto_delete => false,
+ exclusive => false,
+ arguments => #{}},
+ #{name => <<"foo">>,
+ vhost => <<"downvhost">>,
+ state => <<"stopped">>,
+ durable => true,
+ auto_delete => false,
+ exclusive => false,
+ arguments => #{}}], DownQueues),
+ assert_item(#{name => <<"foo">>,
+ vhost => <<"downvhost">>,
+ state => <<"stopped">>,
+ durable => true,
+ auto_delete => false,
+ exclusive => false,
+ arguments => #{}}, DownQueue),
+ http_put(Config, "/queues/badvhost/bar", Good, ?NOT_FOUND),
+ http_put(Config, "/queues/%2F/bar",
+ [{durable, <<"troo">>}],
+ http_put(Config, "/queues/%2F/foo",
+ [{durable, false}],
+ Policy = [{pattern, <<"baz">>},
+ {definition, [{<<"ha-mode">>, <<"all">>}]}],
+ http_put(Config, "/policies/%2F/HA", Policy, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/queues/%2F/baz", Good, {group, '2xx'}),
+ Queues = http_get(Config, "/queues/%2F"),
+ Queue = http_get(Config, "/queues/%2F/foo"),
+ NodeBin = atom_to_binary(Node, utf8),
+ assert_list([#{name => <<"baz">>,
+ vhost => <<"/">>,
+ durable => true,
+ auto_delete => false,
+ exclusive => false,
+ arguments => #{},
+ node => NodeBin,
+ slave_nodes => [],
+ synchronised_slave_nodes => []},
+ #{name => <<"foo">>,
+ vhost => <<"/">>,
+ durable => true,
+ auto_delete => false,
+ exclusive => false,
+ arguments => #{'x-queue-type' => <<"quorum">>},
+ leader => NodeBin,
+ members => [NodeBin]}], Queues),
+ assert_item(#{name => <<"foo">>,
+ vhost => <<"/">>,
+ durable => true,
+ auto_delete => false,
+ exclusive => false,
+ arguments => #{'x-queue-type' => <<"quorum">>},
+ leader => NodeBin,
+ members => [NodeBin]}, Queue),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(messages, Queue)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(message_stats, Queue)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(messages_details, Queue)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(reductions_details, Queue)),
+ ?assertEqual(NodeBin, maps:get(leader, Queue)),
+ ?assertEqual([NodeBin], maps:get(members, Queue)),
+ ?assertEqual([NodeBin], maps:get(online, Queue)),
+ http_delete(Config, "/queues/%2F/foo", {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_delete(Config, "/queues/%2F/baz", {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_delete(Config, "/queues/%2F/foo", ?NOT_FOUND),
+ http_get(Config, "/queues/badvhost", ?NOT_FOUND),
+ http_delete(Config, "/queues/downvhost/foo", {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_delete(Config, "/queues/downvhost/bar", {group, '2xx'}),
+ passed.
+queues_enable_totals_test(Config) ->
+ rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0, application, set_env,
+ [rabbitmq_management, enable_queue_totals, true]),
+ Good = [{durable, true}],
+ GoodQQ = [{durable, true}, {arguments, [{'x-queue-type', 'quorum'}]}],
+ http_get(Config, "/queues/%2F/foo", ?NOT_FOUND),
+ http_put(Config, "/queues/%2F/foo", GoodQQ, {group, '2xx'}),
+ Policy = [{pattern, <<"baz">>},
+ {definition, [{<<"ha-mode">>, <<"all">>}]}],
+ http_put(Config, "/policies/%2F/HA", Policy, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/queues/%2F/baz", Good, {group, '2xx'}),
+ {Conn, Ch} = open_connection_and_channel(Config),
+ Publish = fun(Q) ->
+ amqp_channel:call(
+ Ch, #'basic.publish'{exchange = <<"">>,
+ routing_key = Q},
+ #amqp_msg{payload = <<"message">>})
+ end,
+ Publish(<<"baz">>),
+ Publish(<<"foo">>),
+ Publish(<<"foo">>),
+ Fun = fun() ->
+ length(rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0, ets, tab2list,
+ [queue_coarse_metrics])) == 2
+ end,
+ wait_until(Fun, 60),
+ Queues = http_get(Config, "/queues/%2F"),
+ Queue = http_get(Config, "/queues/%2F/foo"),
+ Node = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:get_node_config(Config, 0, nodename),
+ NodeBin = atom_to_binary(Node, utf8),
+ assert_list([#{name => <<"baz">>,
+ vhost => <<"/">>,
+ durable => true,
+ auto_delete => false,
+ exclusive => false,
+ arguments => #{},
+ node => NodeBin,
+ slave_nodes => [],
+ messages => 1,
+ messages_ready => 1,
+ messages_unacknowledged => 0,
+ synchronised_slave_nodes => []},
+ #{name => <<"foo">>,
+ vhost => <<"/">>,
+ durable => true,
+ auto_delete => false,
+ exclusive => null,
+ arguments => #{'x-queue-type' => <<"quorum">>},
+ leader => NodeBin,
+ messages => 2,
+ messages_ready => 2,
+ messages_unacknowledged => 0,
+ members => [NodeBin]}], Queues),
+ assert_item(#{name => <<"foo">>,
+ vhost => <<"/">>,
+ durable => true,
+ auto_delete => false,
+ exclusive => false,
+ arguments => #{'x-queue-type' => <<"quorum">>},
+ leader => NodeBin,
+ members => [NodeBin]}, Queue),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(messages, Queue)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(messages_ready, Queue)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(messages_unacknowledged, Queue)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(message_stats, Queue)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(messages_details, Queue)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(reductions_details, Queue)),
+ http_delete(Config, "/queues/%2F/foo", {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_delete(Config, "/queues/%2F/baz", {group, '2xx'}),
+ close_connection(Conn),
+ passed.
+mirrored_queues_test(Config) ->
+ Policy = [{pattern, <<".*">>},
+ {definition, [{<<"ha-mode">>, <<"all">>}]}],
+ http_put(Config, "/policies/%2F/HA", Policy, {group, '2xx'}),
+ Good = [{durable, true}, {arguments, []}],
+ http_get(Config, "/queues/%2f/ha", ?NOT_FOUND),
+ http_put(Config, "/queues/%2f/ha", Good, {group, '2xx'}),
+ {Conn, Ch} = open_connection_and_channel(Config),
+ Publish = fun() ->
+ amqp_channel:call(
+ Ch, #'basic.publish'{exchange = <<"">>,
+ routing_key = <<"ha">>},
+ #amqp_msg{payload = <<"message">>})
+ end,
+ Publish(),
+ Publish(),
+ Queue = http_get(Config, "/queues/%2f/ha?lengths_age=60&lengths_incr=5&msg_rates_age=60&msg_rates_incr=5&data_rates_age=60&data_rates_incr=5"),
+ %% It's really only one node, but the only thing that matters in this test is to verify the
+ %% key exists
+ Nodes = lists:sort(rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:get_node_configs(Config, nodename)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(messages, Queue)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(messages_details, Queue)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(reductions_details, Queue)),
+ ?assert(true, lists:member(maps:get(node, Queue), Nodes)),
+ ?assertEqual([], get_nodes(slave_nodes, Queue)),
+ ?assertEqual([], get_nodes(synchronised_slave_nodes, Queue)),
+ http_delete(Config, "/queues/%2f/ha", {group, '2xx'}),
+ close_connection(Conn).
+quorum_queues_test(Config) ->
+ Good = [{durable, true}, {arguments, [{'x-queue-type', 'quorum'}]}],
+ http_get(Config, "/queues/%2f/qq", ?NOT_FOUND),
+ http_put(Config, "/queues/%2f/qq", Good, {group, '2xx'}),
+ {Conn, Ch} = open_connection_and_channel(Config),
+ Publish = fun() ->
+ amqp_channel:call(
+ Ch, #'basic.publish'{exchange = <<"">>,
+ routing_key = <<"qq">>},
+ #amqp_msg{payload = <<"message">>})
+ end,
+ Publish(),
+ Publish(),
+ Queue = http_get(Config, "/queues/%2f/qq?lengths_age=60&lengths_incr=5&msg_rates_age=60&msg_rates_incr=5&data_rates_age=60&data_rates_incr=5"),
+ %% It's really only one node, but the only thing that matters in this test is to verify the
+ %% key exists
+ Nodes = lists:sort(rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:get_node_configs(Config, nodename)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(messages, Queue)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(messages_details, Queue)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(reductions_details, Queue)),
+ ?assert(true, lists:member(maps:get(leader, Queue, undefined), Nodes)),
+ ?assertEqual(Nodes, get_nodes(members, Queue)),
+ ?assertEqual(Nodes, get_nodes(online, Queue)),
+ http_delete(Config, "/queues/%2f/qq", {group, '2xx'}),
+ close_connection(Conn).
+get_nodes(Tag, Queue) ->
+ lists:sort([binary_to_atom(B, utf8) || B <- maps:get(Tag, Queue)]).
+queues_well_formed_json_test(Config) ->
+ %% TODO This test should be extended to the whole API
+ Good = [{durable, true}],
+ http_put(Config, "/queues/%2F/foo", Good, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/queues/%2F/baz", Good, {group, '2xx'}),
+ Queues = http_get_no_map(Config, "/queues/%2F"),
+ %% Ensure keys are unique
+ [begin
+ Sorted = lists:sort(Q),
+ Sorted = lists:usort(Q)
+ end || Q <- Queues],
+ http_delete(Config, "/queues/%2F/foo", {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_delete(Config, "/queues/%2F/baz", {group, '2xx'}),
+ passed.
+permissions_vhost_test(Config) ->
+ QArgs = #{},
+ PermArgs = [{configure, <<".*">>}, {write, <<".*">>}, {read, <<".*">>}],
+ http_put(Config, "/users/myadmin", [{password, <<"myadmin">>},
+ {tags, <<"administrator">>}], {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/users/myuser", [{password, <<"myuser">>},
+ {tags, <<"management">>}], {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/vhosts/myvhost1", none, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/vhosts/myvhost2", none, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/permissions/myvhost1/myuser", PermArgs, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/permissions/myvhost1/guest", PermArgs, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/permissions/myvhost2/guest", PermArgs, {group, '2xx'}),
+ assert_list([#{name => <<"/">>},
+ #{name => <<"myvhost1">>},
+ #{name => <<"myvhost2">>}], http_get(Config, "/vhosts", ?OK)),
+ assert_list([#{name => <<"myvhost1">>}],
+ http_get(Config, "/vhosts", "myuser", "myuser", ?OK)),
+ http_put(Config, "/queues/myvhost1/myqueue", QArgs, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/queues/myvhost2/myqueue", QArgs, {group, '2xx'}),
+ Test1 =
+ fun(Path) ->
+ Results = http_get(Config, Path, "myuser", "myuser", ?OK),
+ [case maps:get(vhost, Result) of
+ <<"myvhost2">> ->
+ throw({got_result_from_vhost2_in, Path, Result});
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end || Result <- Results]
+ end,
+ Test2 =
+ fun(Path1, Path2) ->
+ http_get(Config, Path1 ++ "/myvhost1/" ++ Path2, "myuser", "myuser",
+ ?OK),
+ http_get(Config, Path1 ++ "/myvhost2/" ++ Path2, "myuser", "myuser",
+ end,
+ Test3 =
+ fun(Path1) ->
+ http_get(Config, Path1 ++ "/myvhost1/", "myadmin", "myadmin",
+ ?OK)
+ end,
+ Test1("/exchanges"),
+ Test2("/exchanges", ""),
+ Test2("/exchanges", ""),
+ Test3("/exchanges"),
+ Test1("/queues"),
+ Test2("/queues", ""),
+ Test3("/queues"),
+ Test2("/queues", "myqueue"),
+ Test1("/bindings"),
+ Test2("/bindings", ""),
+ Test3("/bindings"),
+ Test2("/queues", "myqueue/bindings"),
+ Test2("/exchanges", "amq.default/bindings/source"),
+ Test2("/exchanges", "amq.default/bindings/destination"),
+ Test2("/bindings", "e/amq.default/q/myqueue"),
+ Test2("/bindings", "e/amq.default/q/myqueue/myqueue"),
+ http_delete(Config, "/vhosts/myvhost1", {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_delete(Config, "/vhosts/myvhost2", {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_delete(Config, "/users/myuser", {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_delete(Config, "/users/myadmin", {group, '2xx'}),
+ passed.
+%% Opens a new connection and a channel on it.
+%% The channel is not managed by rabbit_ct_client_helpers and
+%% should be explicitly closed by the caller.
+open_connection_and_channel(Config) ->
+ Conn = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_connection(Config, 0),
+ {ok, Ch} = amqp_connection:open_channel(Conn),
+ {Conn, Ch}.
+get_conn(Config, Username, Password) ->
+ Port = amqp_port(Config),
+ {ok, Conn} = amqp_connection:start(#amqp_params_network{
+ port = Port,
+ username = list_to_binary(Username),
+ password = list_to_binary(Password)}),
+ LocalPort = local_port(Conn),
+ ConnPath = rabbit_misc:format(
+ "/connections/",
+ [LocalPort, Port]),
+ ChPath = rabbit_misc:format(
+ "/channels/",
+ [LocalPort, Port]),
+ ConnChPath = rabbit_misc:format(
+ "/connections/",
+ [LocalPort, Port]),
+ {Conn, ConnPath, ChPath, ConnChPath}.
+permissions_connection_channel_consumer_test(Config) ->
+ PermArgs = [{configure, <<".*">>}, {write, <<".*">>}, {read, <<".*">>}],
+ http_put(Config, "/users/user", [{password, <<"user">>},
+ {tags, <<"management">>}], {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/permissions/%2F/user", PermArgs, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/users/monitor", [{password, <<"monitor">>},
+ {tags, <<"monitoring">>}], {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/permissions/%2F/monitor", PermArgs, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/queues/%2F/test", #{}, {group, '2xx'}),
+ {Conn1, UserConn, UserCh, UserConnCh} = get_conn(Config, "user", "user"),
+ {Conn2, MonConn, MonCh, MonConnCh} = get_conn(Config, "monitor", "monitor"),
+ {Conn3, AdmConn, AdmCh, AdmConnCh} = get_conn(Config, "guest", "guest"),
+ {ok, Ch1} = amqp_connection:open_channel(Conn1),
+ {ok, Ch2} = amqp_connection:open_channel(Conn2),
+ {ok, Ch3} = amqp_connection:open_channel(Conn3),
+ [amqp_channel:subscribe(
+ Ch, #'basic.consume'{queue = <<"test">>}, self()) ||
+ Ch <- [Ch1, Ch2, Ch3]],
+ timer:sleep(1500),
+ AssertLength = fun (Path, User, Len) ->
+ Res = http_get(Config, Path, User, User, ?OK),
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:await_condition(
+ fun () ->
+ Len =:= length(Res)
+ end)
+ end,
+ AssertDisabled = fun(Path) ->
+ http_get(Config, Path, "user", "user", ?BAD_REQUEST),
+ http_get(Config, Path, "monitor", "monitor", ?BAD_REQUEST),
+ http_get(Config, Path, "guest", "guest", ?BAD_REQUEST),
+ http_get(Config, Path, ?BAD_REQUEST)
+ end,
+ AssertLength("/connections", "user", 1),
+ AssertLength("/connections", "monitor", 3),
+ AssertLength("/connections", "guest", 3),
+ AssertDisabled("/channels"),
+ AssertDisabled("/consumers"),
+ AssertDisabled("/consumers/%2F"),
+ AssertRead = fun(Path, UserStatus) ->
+ http_get(Config, Path, "user", "user", UserStatus),
+ http_get(Config, Path, "monitor", "monitor", ?OK),
+ http_get(Config, Path, ?OK)
+ end,
+ AssertRead(UserConn, ?OK),
+ AssertRead(MonConn, ?NOT_AUTHORISED),
+ AssertRead(AdmConn, ?NOT_AUTHORISED),
+ AssertDisabled(UserCh),
+ AssertDisabled(MonCh),
+ AssertDisabled(AdmCh),
+ AssertRead(UserConnCh, ?OK),
+ AssertRead(MonConnCh, ?NOT_AUTHORISED),
+ AssertRead(AdmConnCh, ?NOT_AUTHORISED),
+ AssertClose = fun(Path, User, Status) ->
+ http_delete(Config, Path, User, User, Status)
+ end,
+ AssertClose(UserConn, "monitor", ?NOT_AUTHORISED),
+ AssertClose(MonConn, "user", ?NOT_AUTHORISED),
+ AssertClose(AdmConn, "guest", {group, '2xx'}),
+ AssertClose(MonConn, "guest", {group, '2xx'}),
+ AssertClose(UserConn, "user", {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_delete(Config, "/users/user", {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_delete(Config, "/users/monitor", {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_get(Config, "/connections/foo", ?NOT_FOUND),
+ http_get(Config, "/channels/foo", ?BAD_REQUEST),
+ http_delete(Config, "/queues/%2F/test", {group, '2xx'}),
+ passed.
+consumers_cq_test(Config) ->
+ consumers_test(Config, [{'x-queue-type', <<"classic">>}]).
+consumers_qq_test(Config) ->
+ consumers_test(Config, [{'x-queue-type', <<"quorum">>}]).
+consumers_test(Config, Args) ->
+ http_delete(Config, "/queues/%2F/test", [?NO_CONTENT, ?NOT_FOUND]),
+ QArgs = [{auto_delete, false}, {durable, true},
+ {arguments, Args}],
+ http_put(Config, "/queues/%2F/test", QArgs, {group, '2xx'}),
+ {Conn, _ConnPath, _ChPath, _ConnChPath} = get_conn(Config, "guest", "guest"),
+ {ok, Ch} = amqp_connection:open_channel(Conn),
+ amqp_channel:subscribe(
+ Ch, #'basic.consume'{queue = <<"test">>,
+ no_ack = false,
+ consumer_tag = <<"my-ctag">> }, self()),
+ timer:sleep(1500),
+ http_get(Config, "/consumers", ?BAD_REQUEST),
+ amqp_connection:close(Conn),
+ http_delete(Config, "/queues/%2F/test", {group, '2xx'}),
+ passed.
+defs(Config, Key, URI, CreateMethod, Args) ->
+ defs(Config, Key, URI, CreateMethod, Args,
+ fun(URI2) -> http_delete(Config, URI2, {group, '2xx'}) end).
+defs_v(Config, Key, URI, CreateMethod, Args) ->
+ Rep1 = fun (S, S2) -> re:replace(S, "<vhost>", S2, [{return, list}]) end,
+ ReplaceVHostInArgs = fun(M, V2) -> maps:map(fun(vhost, _) -> V2;
+ (_, V1) -> V1 end, M) end,
+ %% Test against default vhost
+ defs(Config, Key, Rep1(URI, "%2F"), CreateMethod, ReplaceVHostInArgs(Args, <<"/">>)),
+ %% Test against new vhost
+ http_put(Config, "/vhosts/test", none, {group, '2xx'}),
+ PermArgs = [{configure, <<".*">>}, {write, <<".*">>}, {read, <<".*">>}],
+ http_put(Config, "/permissions/test/guest", PermArgs, {group, '2xx'}),
+ DeleteFun0 = fun(URI2) ->
+ http_delete(Config, URI2, {group, '2xx'})
+ end,
+ DeleteFun1 = fun(_) ->
+ http_delete(Config, "/vhosts/test", {group, '2xx'})
+ end,
+ defs(Config, Key, Rep1(URI, "test"),
+ CreateMethod, ReplaceVHostInArgs(Args, <<"test">>),
+ DeleteFun0, DeleteFun1).
+create(Config, CreateMethod, URI, Args) ->
+ case CreateMethod of
+ put -> http_put(Config, URI, Args, {group, '2xx'}),
+ URI;
+ put_update -> http_put(Config, URI, Args, {group, '2xx'}),
+ URI;
+ post -> Headers = http_post(Config, URI, Args, {group, '2xx'}),
+ rabbit_web_dispatch_util:unrelativise(
+ URI, pget("location", Headers))
+ end.
+defs(Config, Key, URI, CreateMethod, Args, DeleteFun) ->
+ defs(Config, Key, URI, CreateMethod, Args, DeleteFun, DeleteFun).
+defs(Config, Key, URI, CreateMethod, Args, DeleteFun0, DeleteFun1) ->
+ %% Create the item
+ URI2 = create(Config, CreateMethod, URI, Args),
+ %% Make sure it ends up in definitions
+ Definitions = http_get(Config, "/definitions", ?OK),
+ true = lists:any(fun(I) -> test_item(Args, I) end, maps:get(Key, Definitions)),
+ %% Delete it
+ DeleteFun0(URI2),
+ %% Post the definitions back, it should get recreated in correct form
+ http_post(Config, "/definitions", Definitions, {group, '2xx'}),
+ assert_item(Args, http_get(Config, URI2, ?OK)),
+ %% And delete it again
+ DeleteFun1(URI2),
+ passed.
+register_parameters_and_policy_validator(Config) ->
+ rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0, rabbit_mgmt_runtime_parameters_util, register, []),
+ rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0, rabbit_mgmt_runtime_parameters_util, register_policy_validator, []).
+unregister_parameters_and_policy_validator(Config) ->
+ rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0, rabbit_mgmt_runtime_parameters_util, unregister_policy_validator, []),
+ rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0, rabbit_mgmt_runtime_parameters_util, unregister, []).
+arguments_test(Config) ->
+ XArgs = [{type, <<"headers">>},
+ {arguments, [{'alternate-exchange', <<"">>}]}],
+ QArgs = [{arguments, [{'x-expires', 1800000}]}],
+ BArgs = [{routing_key, <<"">>},
+ {arguments, [{'x-match', <<"all">>},
+ {foo, <<"bar">>}]}],
+ http_put(Config, "/exchanges/%2F/myexchange", XArgs, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/queues/%2F/arguments_test", QArgs, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_post(Config, "/bindings/%2F/e/myexchange/q/arguments_test", BArgs, {group, '2xx'}),
+ Definitions = http_get(Config, "/definitions", ?OK),
+ http_delete(Config, "/exchanges/%2F/myexchange", {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_delete(Config, "/queues/%2F/arguments_test", {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_post(Config, "/definitions", Definitions, {group, '2xx'}),
+ #{'alternate-exchange' := <<"">>} =
+ maps:get(arguments, http_get(Config, "/exchanges/%2F/myexchange", ?OK)),
+ #{'x-expires' := 1800000} =
+ maps:get(arguments, http_get(Config, "/queues/%2F/arguments_test", ?OK)),
+ ArgsTable = [{<<"foo">>,longstr,<<"bar">>}, {<<"x-match">>, longstr, <<"all">>}],
+ Hash = table_hash(ArgsTable),
+ PropertiesKey = [$~] ++ Hash,
+ assert_item(
+ #{'x-match' => <<"all">>, foo => <<"bar">>},
+ maps:get(arguments,
+ http_get(Config, "/bindings/%2F/e/myexchange/q/arguments_test/" ++
+ PropertiesKey, ?OK))
+ ),
+ http_delete(Config, "/exchanges/%2F/myexchange", {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_delete(Config, "/queues/%2F/arguments_test", {group, '2xx'}),
+ passed.
+table_hash(Table) ->
+ binary_to_list(rabbit_mgmt_format:args_hash(Table)).
+queue_actions_test(Config) ->
+ http_put(Config, "/queues/%2F/q", #{}, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_post(Config, "/queues/%2F/q/actions", [{action, sync}], {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_post(Config, "/queues/%2F/q/actions", [{action, cancel_sync}], {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_post(Config, "/queues/%2F/q/actions", [{action, change_colour}], ?BAD_REQUEST),
+ http_delete(Config, "/queues/%2F/q", {group, '2xx'}),
+ passed.
+double_encoded_json_test(Config) ->
+ Payload = rabbit_json:encode(rabbit_json:encode(#{<<"durable">> => true, <<"auto_delete">> => false})),
+ %% double-encoded JSON response is a 4xx, e.g. a Bad Request, and not a 500
+ http_put_raw(Config, "/queues/%2F/q", Payload, {group, '4xx'}),
+ passed.
+exclusive_queue_test(Config) ->
+ {Conn, Ch} = open_connection_and_channel(Config),
+ #'queue.declare_ok'{queue = QName} =
+ amqp_channel:call(Ch, #'queue.declare'{exclusive = true}),
+ timer:sleep(2000),
+ Path = "/queues/%2F/" ++ rabbit_http_util:quote_plus(QName),
+ Queue = http_get(Config, Path),
+ assert_item(#{name => QName,
+ vhost => <<"/">>,
+ durable => false,
+ auto_delete => false,
+ exclusive => true,
+ arguments => #{}}, Queue),
+ amqp_channel:close(Ch),
+ close_connection(Conn),
+ passed.
+connections_channels_pagination_test(Config) ->
+ %% this test uses "unmanaged" (by Common Test helpers) connections to avoid
+ %% connection caching
+ Conn = open_unmanaged_connection(Config),
+ {ok, Ch} = amqp_connection:open_channel(Conn),
+ Conn1 = open_unmanaged_connection(Config),
+ {ok, Ch1} = amqp_connection:open_channel(Conn1),
+ Conn2 = open_unmanaged_connection(Config),
+ {ok, Ch2} = amqp_connection:open_channel(Conn2),
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:await_condition(
+ fun() ->
+ PageOfTwo = http_get(Config, "/connections?page=1&page_size=2", ?OK),
+ 3 == maps:get(total_count, PageOfTwo) andalso
+ 3 == maps:get(filtered_count, PageOfTwo) andalso
+ 2 == maps:get(item_count, PageOfTwo) andalso
+ 1 == maps:get(page, PageOfTwo) andalso
+ 2 == maps:get(page_size, PageOfTwo) andalso
+ 2 == maps:get(page_count, PageOfTwo) andalso
+ lists:all(fun(C) ->
+ not maps:is_key(recv_oct_details, C)
+ end, maps:get(items, PageOfTwo))
+ end),
+ http_get(Config, "/channels?page=2&page_size=2", ?BAD_REQUEST),
+ amqp_channel:close(Ch),
+ amqp_connection:close(Conn),
+ amqp_channel:close(Ch1),
+ amqp_connection:close(Conn1),
+ amqp_channel:close(Ch2),
+ amqp_connection:close(Conn2),
+ passed.
+exchanges_pagination_test(Config) ->
+ QArgs = #{},
+ PermArgs = [{configure, <<".*">>}, {write, <<".*">>}, {read, <<".*">>}],
+ http_put(Config, "/vhosts/vh1", none, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/permissions/vh1/guest", PermArgs, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_get(Config, "/exchanges/vh1?page=1&page_size=2", ?OK),
+ http_put(Config, "/exchanges/%2F/test0", QArgs, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/exchanges/vh1/test1", QArgs, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/exchanges/%2F/test2_reg", QArgs, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/exchanges/vh1/reg_test3", QArgs, {group, '2xx'}),
+ %% for stats to update
+ timer:sleep(1500),
+ Total = length(rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0, rabbit_exchange, list_names, [])),
+ PageOfTwo = http_get(Config, "/exchanges?page=1&page_size=2", ?OK),
+ ?assertEqual(Total, maps:get(total_count, PageOfTwo)),
+ ?assertEqual(Total, maps:get(filtered_count, PageOfTwo)),
+ ?assertEqual(2, maps:get(item_count, PageOfTwo)),
+ ?assertEqual(1, maps:get(page, PageOfTwo)),
+ ?assertEqual(2, maps:get(page_size, PageOfTwo)),
+ ?assertEqual(round(Total / 2), maps:get(page_count, PageOfTwo)),
+ Items1 = maps:get(items, PageOfTwo),
+ ?assert(lists:all(fun(E) ->
+ not maps:is_key(message_stats, E)
+ end, Items1)),
+ assert_list([#{name => <<"">>, vhost => <<"/">>},
+ #{name => <<"">>, vhost => <<"/">>}
+ ], Items1),
+ ByName = http_get(Config, "/exchanges?page=1&page_size=2&name=reg", ?OK),
+ ?assertEqual(Total, maps:get(total_count, ByName)),
+ ?assertEqual(2, maps:get(filtered_count, ByName)),
+ ?assertEqual(2, maps:get(item_count, ByName)),
+ ?assertEqual(1, maps:get(page, ByName)),
+ ?assertEqual(2, maps:get(page_size, ByName)),
+ ?assertEqual(1, maps:get(page_count, ByName)),
+ Items2 = maps:get(items, ByName),
+ ?assert(lists:all(fun(E) ->
+ not maps:is_key(message_stats, E)
+ end, Items2)),
+ assert_list([#{name => <<"test2_reg">>, vhost => <<"/">>},
+ #{name => <<"reg_test3">>, vhost => <<"vh1">>}
+ ], Items2),
+ RegExByName = http_get(Config,
+ "/exchanges?page=1&page_size=2&name=%5E(?=%5Ereg)&use_regex=true",
+ ?OK),
+ ?assertEqual(Total, maps:get(total_count, RegExByName)),
+ ?assertEqual(1, maps:get(filtered_count, RegExByName)),
+ ?assertEqual(1, maps:get(item_count, RegExByName)),
+ ?assertEqual(1, maps:get(page, RegExByName)),
+ ?assertEqual(2, maps:get(page_size, RegExByName)),
+ ?assertEqual(1, maps:get(page_count, RegExByName)),
+ Items3 = maps:get(items, RegExByName),
+ ?assert(lists:all(fun(E) ->
+ not maps:is_key(message_stats, E)
+ end, Items3)),
+ assert_list([#{name => <<"reg_test3">>, vhost => <<"vh1">>}
+ ], Items3),
+ http_get(Config, "/exchanges?page=1000", ?BAD_REQUEST),
+ http_get(Config, "/exchanges?page=-1", ?BAD_REQUEST),
+ http_get(Config, "/exchanges?page=not_an_integer_value", ?BAD_REQUEST),
+ http_get(Config, "/exchanges?page=1&page_size=not_an_integer_value", ?BAD_REQUEST),
+ http_get(Config, "/exchanges?page=1&page_size=501", ?BAD_REQUEST), %% max 500 allowed
+ http_get(Config, "/exchanges?page=-1&page_size=-2", ?BAD_REQUEST),
+ http_delete(Config, "/exchanges/%2F/test0", {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_delete(Config, "/exchanges/vh1/test1", {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_delete(Config, "/exchanges/%2F/test2_reg", {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_delete(Config, "/exchanges/vh1/reg_test3", {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_delete(Config, "/vhosts/vh1", {group, '2xx'}),
+ passed.
+exchanges_pagination_permissions_test(Config) ->
+ http_put(Config, "/users/admin", [{password, <<"admin">>},
+ {tags, <<"administrator">>}], {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/users/non-admin", [{password, <<"non-admin">>},
+ {tags, <<"management">>}], {group, '2xx'}),
+ Perms = [{configure, <<".*">>},
+ {write, <<".*">>},
+ {read, <<".*">>}],
+ http_put(Config, "/vhosts/vh1", none, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/permissions/vh1/non-admin", Perms, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/permissions/%2F/admin", Perms, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/permissions/vh1/admin", Perms, {group, '2xx'}),
+ QArgs = #{},
+ http_put(Config, "/exchanges/%2F/test0", QArgs, "admin", "admin", {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/exchanges/vh1/test1", QArgs, "non-admin", "non-admin", {group, '2xx'}),
+ %% for stats to update
+ timer:sleep(1500),
+ FirstPage = http_get(Config, "/exchanges?page=1&name=test1", "non-admin", "non-admin", ?OK),
+ ?assertEqual(8, maps:get(total_count, FirstPage)),
+ ?assertEqual(1, maps:get(item_count, FirstPage)),
+ ?assertEqual(1, maps:get(page, FirstPage)),
+ ?assertEqual(100, maps:get(page_size, FirstPage)),
+ ?assertEqual(1, maps:get(page_count, FirstPage)),
+ Items = maps:get(items, FirstPage),
+ ?assert(lists:all(fun(C) ->
+ not maps:is_key(message_stats, C)
+ end, Items)),
+ assert_list([#{name => <<"test1">>, vhost => <<"vh1">>}
+ ], Items),
+ http_delete(Config, "/exchanges/%2F/test0", {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_delete(Config, "/exchanges/vh1/test1", {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_delete(Config, "/users/admin", {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_delete(Config, "/users/non-admin", {group, '2xx'}),
+ passed.
+queue_pagination_test(Config) ->
+ QArgs = #{},
+ PermArgs = [{configure, <<".*">>}, {write, <<".*">>}, {read, <<".*">>}],
+ http_put(Config, "/vhosts/vh1", none, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/permissions/vh1/guest", PermArgs, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_get(Config, "/queues/vh1?page=1&page_size=2", ?OK),
+ http_put(Config, "/queues/%2F/test0", QArgs, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/queues/vh1/test1", QArgs, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/queues/%2F/test2_reg", QArgs, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/queues/vh1/reg_test3", QArgs, {group, '2xx'}),
+ %% for stats to update
+ timer:sleep(1500),
+ Total = length(rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0, rabbit_amqqueue, list_names, [])),
+ PageOfTwo = http_get(Config, "/queues?page=1&page_size=2", ?OK),
+ ?assertEqual(Total, maps:get(total_count, PageOfTwo)),
+ ?assertEqual(Total, maps:get(filtered_count, PageOfTwo)),
+ ?assertEqual(2, maps:get(item_count, PageOfTwo)),
+ ?assertEqual(1, maps:get(page, PageOfTwo)),
+ ?assertEqual(2, maps:get(page_size, PageOfTwo)),
+ ?assertEqual(2, maps:get(page_count, PageOfTwo)),
+ Items1 = maps:get(items, PageOfTwo),
+ ?assert(lists:all(fun(C) ->
+ not maps:is_key(message_stats, C)
+ end, Items1)),
+ assert_list([#{name => <<"test0">>, vhost => <<"/">>},
+ #{name => <<"test2_reg">>, vhost => <<"/">>}
+ ], Items1),
+ SortedByName = http_get(Config, "/queues?sort=name&page=1&page_size=2", ?OK),
+ ?assertEqual(Total, maps:get(total_count, SortedByName)),
+ ?assertEqual(Total, maps:get(filtered_count, SortedByName)),
+ ?assertEqual(2, maps:get(item_count, SortedByName)),
+ ?assertEqual(1, maps:get(page, SortedByName)),
+ ?assertEqual(2, maps:get(page_size, SortedByName)),
+ ?assertEqual(2, maps:get(page_count, SortedByName)),
+ Items2 = maps:get(items, SortedByName),
+ ?assert(lists:all(fun(C) ->
+ not maps:is_key(message_stats, C)
+ end, Items2)),
+ assert_list([#{name => <<"reg_test3">>, vhost => <<"vh1">>},
+ #{name => <<"test0">>, vhost => <<"/">>}
+ ], Items2),
+ FirstPage = http_get(Config, "/queues?page=1", ?OK),
+ ?assertEqual(Total, maps:get(total_count, FirstPage)),
+ ?assertEqual(Total, maps:get(filtered_count, FirstPage)),
+ ?assertEqual(4, maps:get(item_count, FirstPage)),
+ ?assertEqual(1, maps:get(page, FirstPage)),
+ ?assertEqual(100, maps:get(page_size, FirstPage)),
+ ?assertEqual(1, maps:get(page_count, FirstPage)),
+ Items3 = maps:get(items, FirstPage),
+ ?assert(lists:all(fun(C) ->
+ not maps:is_key(message_stats, C)
+ end, Items3)),
+ assert_list([#{name => <<"test0">>, vhost => <<"/">>},
+ #{name => <<"test1">>, vhost => <<"vh1">>},
+ #{name => <<"test2_reg">>, vhost => <<"/">>},
+ #{name => <<"reg_test3">>, vhost =><<"vh1">>}
+ ], Items3),
+ ReverseSortedByName = http_get(Config,
+ "/queues?page=2&page_size=2&sort=name&sort_reverse=true",
+ ?OK),
+ ?assertEqual(Total, maps:get(total_count, ReverseSortedByName)),
+ ?assertEqual(Total, maps:get(filtered_count, ReverseSortedByName)),
+ ?assertEqual(2, maps:get(item_count, ReverseSortedByName)),
+ ?assertEqual(2, maps:get(page, ReverseSortedByName)),
+ ?assertEqual(2, maps:get(page_size, ReverseSortedByName)),
+ ?assertEqual(2, maps:get(page_count, ReverseSortedByName)),
+ Items4 = maps:get(items, ReverseSortedByName),
+ ?assert(lists:all(fun(C) ->
+ not maps:is_key(message_stats, C)
+ end, Items4)),
+ assert_list([#{name => <<"test0">>, vhost => <<"/">>},
+ #{name => <<"reg_test3">>, vhost => <<"vh1">>}
+ ], Items4),
+ ByName = http_get(Config, "/queues?page=1&page_size=2&name=reg", ?OK),
+ ?assertEqual(Total, maps:get(total_count, ByName)),
+ ?assertEqual(2, maps:get(filtered_count, ByName)),
+ ?assertEqual(2, maps:get(item_count, ByName)),
+ ?assertEqual(1, maps:get(page, ByName)),
+ ?assertEqual(2, maps:get(page_size, ByName)),
+ ?assertEqual(1, maps:get(page_count, ByName)),
+ Items5 = maps:get(items, ByName),
+ ?assert(lists:all(fun(C) ->
+ not maps:is_key(message_stats, C)
+ end, Items5)),
+ assert_list([#{name => <<"test2_reg">>, vhost => <<"/">>},
+ #{name => <<"reg_test3">>, vhost => <<"vh1">>}
+ ], Items5),
+ RegExByName = http_get(Config,
+ "/queues?page=1&page_size=2&name=%5E(?=%5Ereg)&use_regex=true",
+ ?OK),
+ ?assertEqual(Total, maps:get(total_count, RegExByName)),
+ ?assertEqual(1, maps:get(filtered_count, RegExByName)),
+ ?assertEqual(1, maps:get(item_count, RegExByName)),
+ ?assertEqual(1, maps:get(page, RegExByName)),
+ ?assertEqual(2, maps:get(page_size, RegExByName)),
+ ?assertEqual(1, maps:get(page_count, RegExByName)),
+ Items6 = maps:get(items, RegExByName),
+ ?assert(lists:all(fun(C) ->
+ not maps:is_key(message_stats, C)
+ end, Items6)),
+ assert_list([#{name => <<"reg_test3">>, vhost => <<"vh1">>}
+ ], Items6),
+ http_get(Config, "/queues?page=1000", ?BAD_REQUEST),
+ http_get(Config, "/queues?page=-1", ?BAD_REQUEST),
+ http_get(Config, "/queues?page=not_an_integer_value", ?BAD_REQUEST),
+ http_get(Config, "/queues?page=1&page_size=not_an_integer_value", ?BAD_REQUEST),
+ http_get(Config, "/queues?page=1&page_size=501", ?BAD_REQUEST), %% max 500 allowed
+ http_get(Config, "/queues?page=-1&page_size=-2", ?BAD_REQUEST),
+ http_delete(Config, "/queues/%2F/test0", {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_delete(Config, "/queues/vh1/test1", {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_delete(Config, "/queues/%2F/test2_reg", {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_delete(Config, "/queues/vh1/reg_test3", {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_delete(Config, "/vhosts/vh1", {group, '2xx'}),
+ passed.
+queue_pagination_columns_test(Config) ->
+ QArgs = #{},
+ PermArgs = [{configure, <<".*">>}, {write, <<".*">>}, {read, <<".*">>}],
+ http_put(Config, "/vhosts/vh1", none, [?CREATED, ?NO_CONTENT]),
+ http_put(Config, "/permissions/vh1/guest", PermArgs, [?CREATED, ?NO_CONTENT]),
+ http_get(Config, "/queues/vh1?columns=name&page=1&page_size=2", ?OK),
+ http_put(Config, "/queues/%2F/queue_a", QArgs, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/queues/vh1/queue_b", QArgs, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/queues/%2F/queue_c", QArgs, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/queues/vh1/queue_d", QArgs, {group, '2xx'}),
+ PageOfTwo = http_get(Config, "/queues?columns=name&page=1&page_size=2", ?OK),
+ ?assertEqual(4, maps:get(total_count, PageOfTwo)),
+ ?assertEqual(4, maps:get(filtered_count, PageOfTwo)),
+ ?assertEqual(2, maps:get(item_count, PageOfTwo)),
+ ?assertEqual(1, maps:get(page, PageOfTwo)),
+ ?assertEqual(2, maps:get(page_size, PageOfTwo)),
+ ?assertEqual(2, maps:get(page_count, PageOfTwo)),
+ assert_list([#{name => <<"queue_a">>},
+ #{name => <<"queue_c">>}
+ ], maps:get(items, PageOfTwo)),
+ ColumnNameVhost = http_get(Config, "/queues/vh1?columns=name&page=1&page_size=2", ?OK),
+ ?assertEqual(2, maps:get(total_count, ColumnNameVhost)),
+ ?assertEqual(2, maps:get(filtered_count, ColumnNameVhost)),
+ ?assertEqual(2, maps:get(item_count, ColumnNameVhost)),
+ ?assertEqual(1, maps:get(page, ColumnNameVhost)),
+ ?assertEqual(2, maps:get(page_size, ColumnNameVhost)),
+ ?assertEqual(1, maps:get(page_count, ColumnNameVhost)),
+ assert_list([#{name => <<"queue_b">>},
+ #{name => <<"queue_d">>}
+ ], maps:get(items, ColumnNameVhost)),
+ ColumnsNameVhost = http_get(Config, "/queues?columns=name,vhost&page=2&page_size=2", ?OK),
+ ?assertEqual(4, maps:get(total_count, ColumnsNameVhost)),
+ ?assertEqual(4, maps:get(filtered_count, ColumnsNameVhost)),
+ ?assertEqual(2, maps:get(item_count, ColumnsNameVhost)),
+ ?assertEqual(2, maps:get(page, ColumnsNameVhost)),
+ ?assertEqual(2, maps:get(page_size, ColumnsNameVhost)),
+ ?assertEqual(2, maps:get(page_count, ColumnsNameVhost)),
+ assert_list([
+ #{name => <<"queue_b">>,
+ vhost => <<"vh1">>},
+ #{name => <<"queue_d">>,
+ vhost => <<"vh1">>}
+ ], maps:get(items, ColumnsNameVhost)),
+ http_delete(Config, "/queues/%2F/queue_a", {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_delete(Config, "/queues/vh1/queue_b", {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_delete(Config, "/queues/%2F/queue_c", {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_delete(Config, "/queues/vh1/queue_d", {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_delete(Config, "/vhosts/vh1", {group, '2xx'}),
+ passed.
+queues_pagination_permissions_test(Config) ->
+ http_delete(Config, "/vhosts/vh1", [?NO_CONTENT, ?NOT_FOUND]),
+ http_delete(Config, "/queues/%2F/test0", [?NO_CONTENT, ?NOT_FOUND]),
+ http_delete(Config, "/users/admin", [?NO_CONTENT, ?NOT_FOUND]),
+ http_delete(Config, "/users/non-admin", [?NO_CONTENT, ?NOT_FOUND]),
+ http_put(Config, "/users/non-admin", [{password, <<"non-admin">>},
+ {tags, <<"management">>}], {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/users/admin", [{password, <<"admin">>},
+ {tags, <<"administrator">>}], {group, '2xx'}),
+ Perms = [{configure, <<".*">>},
+ {write, <<".*">>},
+ {read, <<".*">>}],
+ http_put(Config, "/vhosts/vh1", none, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/permissions/vh1/non-admin", Perms, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/permissions/%2F/admin", Perms, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/permissions/vh1/admin", Perms, {group, '2xx'}),
+ QArgs = #{},
+ http_put(Config, "/queues/%2F/test0", QArgs, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/queues/vh1/test1", QArgs, "non-admin","non-admin", {group, '2xx'}),
+ FirstPage = http_get(Config, "/queues?page=1", "non-admin", "non-admin", ?OK),
+ ?assertEqual(1, maps:get(total_count, FirstPage)),
+ ?assertEqual(1, maps:get(item_count, FirstPage)),
+ ?assertEqual(1, maps:get(page, FirstPage)),
+ ?assertEqual(100, maps:get(page_size, FirstPage)),
+ ?assertEqual(1, maps:get(page_count, FirstPage)),
+ assert_list([#{name => <<"test1">>, vhost => <<"vh1">>}
+ ], maps:get(items, FirstPage)),
+ FirstPageAdm = http_get(Config, "/queues?page=1", "admin", "admin", ?OK),
+ ?assertEqual(2, maps:get(total_count, FirstPageAdm)),
+ ?assertEqual(2, maps:get(item_count, FirstPageAdm)),
+ ?assertEqual(1, maps:get(page, FirstPageAdm)),
+ ?assertEqual(100, maps:get(page_size, FirstPageAdm)),
+ ?assertEqual(1, maps:get(page_count, FirstPageAdm)),
+ assert_list([#{name => <<"test1">>, vhost => <<"vh1">>},
+ #{name => <<"test0">>, vhost => <<"/">>}
+ ], maps:get(items, FirstPageAdm)),
+ http_delete(Config, "/queues/%2F/test0", {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_delete(Config, "/queues/vh1/test1","admin","admin", {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_delete(Config, "/users/admin", {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_delete(Config, "/users/non-admin", {group, '2xx'}),
+ passed.
+samples_range_test(Config) ->
+ {Conn, Ch} = open_connection_and_channel(Config),
+ %% Connections
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:await_condition(
+ fun() ->
+ 1 == length(http_get(Config, "/connections?lengths_age=60&lengths_incr=1", ?OK))
+ end),
+ [Connection] = http_get(Config, "/connections?lengths_age=60&lengths_incr=1", ?OK),
+ ?assert(maps:is_key(name, Connection)),
+ amqp_channel:close(Ch),
+ amqp_connection:close(Conn),
+ %% Exchanges
+ [Exchange1 | _] = http_get(Config, "/exchanges?lengths_age=60&lengths_incr=1", ?OK),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(message_stats, Exchange1)),
+ Exchange2 = http_get(Config, "/exchanges/%2F/", ?OK),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(message_stats, Exchange2)),
+ %% Nodes
+ [Node] = http_get(Config, "/nodes?lengths_age=60&lengths_incr=1", ?OK),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(channel_closed_details, Node)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(channel_closed, Node)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(disk_free, Node)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(io_read_count, Node)),
+ %% Overview
+ Overview = http_get(Config, "/overview?lengths_age=60&lengths_incr=1", ?OK),
+ ?assert(maps:is_key(node, Overview)),
+ ?assert(maps:is_key(object_totals, Overview)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(queue_totals, Overview)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(churn_rates, Overview)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(message_stats, Overview)),
+ %% Queues
+ http_put(Config, "/queues/%2F/test0", #{}, {group, '2xx'}),
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:await_condition(
+ fun() ->
+ 1 == length(http_get(Config, "/queues/%2F?lengths_age=60&lengths_incr=1", ?OK))
+ end),
+ [Queue1] = http_get(Config, "/queues/%2F?lengths_age=60&lengths_incr=1", ?OK),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(message_stats, Queue1)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(messages_details, Queue1)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(reductions_details, Queue1)),
+ Queue2 = http_get(Config, "/queues/%2F/test0?lengths_age=60&lengths_incr=1", ?OK),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(message_stats, Queue2)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(messages_details, Queue2)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(reductions_details, Queue2)),
+ http_delete(Config, "/queues/%2F/test0", {group, '2xx'}),
+ %% Vhosts
+ http_put(Config, "/vhosts/vh1", none, {group, '2xx'}),
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:await_condition(
+ fun() ->
+ length(http_get(Config, "/vhosts?lengths_age=60&lengths_incr=1", ?OK)) > 1
+ end),
+ [VHost | _] = http_get(Config, "/vhosts?lengths_age=60&lengths_incr=1", ?OK),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(message_stats, VHost)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(messages_ready_details, VHost)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(recv_oct, VHost)),
+ ?assert(maps:is_key(cluster_state, VHost)),
+ http_delete(Config, "/vhosts/vh1", {group, '2xx'}),
+ passed.
+disable_with_disable_stats_parameter_test(Config) ->
+ {Conn, Ch} = open_connection_and_channel(Config),
+ %% Ensure we have some queue and exchange stats, needed later
+ http_put(Config, "/queues/%2F/test0", #{}, {group, '2xx'}),
+ timer:sleep(1500),
+ amqp_channel:call(Ch, #'basic.publish'{exchange = <<>>,
+ routing_key = <<"test0">>},
+ #amqp_msg{payload = <<"message">>}),
+ %% Channels.
+ timer:sleep(1500),
+ %% Check first that stats are available
+ http_get(Config, "/channels", ?OK),
+ %% Now we can disable them
+ http_get(Config, "/channels?disable_stats=true", ?BAD_REQUEST),
+ %% Connections.
+ %% Check first that stats are available
+ [ConnectionStats] = http_get(Config, "/connections", ?OK),
+ ?assert(maps:is_key(recv_oct_details, ConnectionStats)),
+ %% Now we can disable them
+ [Connection] = http_get(Config, "/connections?disable_stats=true", ?OK),
+ ?assert(maps:is_key(name, Connection)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(recv_oct_details, Connection)),
+ amqp_channel:close(Ch),
+ amqp_connection:close(Conn),
+ %% Exchanges.
+ %% Check first that stats are available
+ %% Exchange stats aren't published - even as 0 - until some messages have gone
+ %% through. At the end of this test we ensure that at least the default exchange
+ %% has something to show.
+ ExchangeStats = http_get(Config, "/exchanges", ?OK),
+ ?assert(lists:any(fun(E) ->
+ maps:is_key(message_stats, E)
+ end, ExchangeStats)),
+ %% Now we can disable them
+ Exchanges = http_get(Config, "/exchanges?disable_stats=true", ?OK),
+ ?assert(lists:all(fun(E) ->
+ not maps:is_key(message_stats, E)
+ end, Exchanges)),
+ Exchange = http_get(Config, "/exchanges/%2F/", ?OK),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(message_stats, Exchange)),
+ %% Nodes.
+ %% Check that stats are available
+ [NodeStats] = http_get(Config, "/nodes", ?OK),
+ ?assert(maps:is_key(channel_closed_details, NodeStats)),
+ %% Now we can disable them
+ [Node] = http_get(Config, "/nodes?disable_stats=true", ?OK),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(channel_closed_details, Node)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(channel_closed, Node)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(disk_free, Node)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(io_read_count, Node)),
+ %% Overview.
+ %% Check that stats are available
+ OverviewStats = http_get(Config, "/overview", ?OK),
+ ?assert(maps:is_key(message_stats, OverviewStats)),
+ %% Now we can disable them
+ Overview = http_get(Config, "/overview?disable_stats=true&lengths_age=60&lengths_incr=1", ?OK),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(queue_totals, Overview)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(churn_rates, Overview)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(message_stats, Overview)),
+ %% Queues.
+ %% Check that stats are available
+ [QueueStats] = http_get(Config, "/queues/%2F?lengths_age=60&lengths_incr=1", ?OK),
+ ?assert(maps:is_key(message_stats, QueueStats)),
+ %% Now we can disable them
+ [Queue] = http_get(Config, "/queues/%2F?disable_stats=true", ?OK),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(message_stats, Queue)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(messages_details, Queue)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(reductions_details, Queue)),
+ http_delete(Config, "/queues/%2F/test0", {group, '2xx'}),
+ %% Vhosts.
+ %% Check that stats are available
+ VHostStats = http_get(Config, "/vhosts?lengths_age=60&lengths_incr=1", ?OK),
+ ?assert(lists:all(fun(E) ->
+ maps:is_key(message_stats, E) and
+ maps:is_key(messages_ready_details, E)
+ end, VHostStats)),
+ %% Now we can disable them
+ VHosts = http_get(Config, "/vhosts?disable_stats=true&lengths_age=60&lengths_incr=1", ?OK),
+ ?assert(lists:all(fun(E) ->
+ not maps:is_key(message_stats, E) and
+ not maps:is_key(messages_ready_details, E)
+ end, VHosts)),
+ passed.
+sorting_test(Config) ->
+ QArgs = #{},
+ PermArgs = [{configure, <<".*">>}, {write, <<".*">>}, {read, <<".*">>}],
+ http_put(Config, "/vhosts/vh1", none, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/permissions/vh1/guest", PermArgs, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/queues/%2F/test0", QArgs, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/queues/vh1/test1", QArgs, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/queues/%2F/test2", QArgs, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/queues/vh1/test3", QArgs, {group, '2xx'}),
+ List1 = http_get(Config, "/queues", ?OK),
+ assert_list([#{name => <<"test0">>},
+ #{name => <<"test2">>},
+ #{name => <<"test1">>},
+ #{name => <<"test3">>}], List1),
+ ?assert(lists:all(fun(E) ->
+ not maps:is_key(message_stats, E)
+ end, List1)),
+ List2 = http_get(Config, "/queues?sort=name", ?OK),
+ assert_list([#{name => <<"test0">>},
+ #{name => <<"test1">>},
+ #{name => <<"test2">>},
+ #{name => <<"test3">>}], List2),
+ ?assert(lists:all(fun(E) ->
+ not maps:is_key(message_stats, E)
+ end, List2)),
+ List3 = http_get(Config, "/queues?sort=vhost", ?OK),
+ assert_list([#{name => <<"test0">>},
+ #{name => <<"test2">>},
+ #{name => <<"test1">>},
+ #{name => <<"test3">>}], List3),
+ ?assert(lists:all(fun(E) ->
+ not maps:is_key(message_stats, E)
+ end, List3)),
+ List4 = http_get(Config, "/queues?sort_reverse=true", ?OK),
+ assert_list([#{name => <<"test3">>},
+ #{name => <<"test1">>},
+ #{name => <<"test2">>},
+ #{name => <<"test0">>}], List4),
+ ?assert(lists:all(fun(E) ->
+ not maps:is_key(message_stats, E)
+ end, List4)),
+ List5 = http_get(Config, "/queues?sort=name&sort_reverse=true", ?OK),
+ assert_list([#{name => <<"test3">>},
+ #{name => <<"test2">>},
+ #{name => <<"test1">>},
+ #{name => <<"test0">>}], List5),
+ ?assert(lists:all(fun(E) ->
+ not maps:is_key(message_stats, E)
+ end, List5)),
+ List6 = http_get(Config, "/queues?sort=vhost&sort_reverse=true", ?OK),
+ assert_list([#{name => <<"test3">>},
+ #{name => <<"test1">>},
+ #{name => <<"test2">>},
+ #{name => <<"test0">>}], List6),
+ ?assert(lists:all(fun(E) ->
+ not maps:is_key(message_stats, E)
+ end, List6)),
+ %% Rather poor but at least test it doesn't blow up with dots
+ http_get(Config, "/queues?", ?OK),
+ http_delete(Config, "/queues/%2F/test0", {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_delete(Config, "/queues/vh1/test1", {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_delete(Config, "/queues/%2F/test2", {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_delete(Config, "/queues/vh1/test3", {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_delete(Config, "/vhosts/vh1", {group, '2xx'}),
+ passed.
+columns_test(Config) ->
+ Path = "/queues/%2F/columns.test",
+ TTL = 30000,
+ http_delete(Config, Path, [{group, '2xx'}, 404]),
+ http_put(Config, Path, [{arguments, [{<<"x-message-ttl">>, TTL}]}],
+ {group, '2xx'}),
+ Item = #{arguments => #{'x-message-ttl' => TTL}, name => <<"columns.test">>},
+ timer:sleep(2000),
+ [Item] = http_get(Config, "/queues?columns=arguments.x-message-ttl,name", ?OK),
+ Item = http_get(Config, "/queues/%2F/columns.test?columns=arguments.x-message-ttl,name", ?OK),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(message_stats, Item)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(messages_details, Item)),
+ ?assert(not maps:is_key(reductions_details, Item)),
+ http_delete(Config, Path, {group, '2xx'}),
+ passed.
+if_empty_unused_test(Config) ->
+ http_put(Config, "/exchanges/%2F/test", #{}, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_put(Config, "/queues/%2F/test", #{}, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_post(Config, "/bindings/%2F/e/test/q/test", #{}, {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_post(Config, "/exchanges/%2F/amq.default/publish",
+ msg(<<"test">>, #{}, <<"Hello world">>), ?OK),
+ http_delete(Config, "/queues/%2F/test?if-empty=true", ?BAD_REQUEST),
+ http_delete(Config, "/exchanges/%2F/test?if-unused=true", ?BAD_REQUEST),
+ http_delete(Config, "/queues/%2F/test/contents", {group, '2xx'}),
+ {Conn, _ConnPath, _ChPath, _ConnChPath} = get_conn(Config, "guest", "guest"),
+ {ok, Ch} = amqp_connection:open_channel(Conn),
+ amqp_channel:subscribe(Ch, #'basic.consume'{queue = <<"test">> }, self()),
+ http_delete(Config, "/queues/%2F/test?if-unused=true", ?BAD_REQUEST),
+ amqp_connection:close(Conn),
+ http_delete(Config, "/queues/%2F/test?if-empty=true", {group, '2xx'}),
+ http_delete(Config, "/exchanges/%2F/test?if-unused=true", {group, '2xx'}),
+ passed.
+invalid_config_test(Config) ->
+ {Conn, _Ch} = open_connection_and_channel(Config),
+ timer:sleep(1500),
+ %% Check first that stats aren't available (configured on test setup)
+ http_get(Config, "/channels", ?BAD_REQUEST),
+ http_get(Config, "/connections", ?BAD_REQUEST),
+ http_get(Config, "/exchanges", ?BAD_REQUEST),
+ %% Now we can set an invalid config, stats are still available (defaults to 'false')
+ rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0, application, set_env,
+ [rabbitmq_management, disable_management_stats, 50]),
+ http_get(Config, "/channels", ?OK),
+ http_get(Config, "/connections", ?OK),
+ http_get(Config, "/exchanges", ?OK),
+ %% Set a valid config again
+ rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0, application, set_env,
+ [rabbitmq_management, disable_management_stats, true]),
+ http_get(Config, "/channels", ?BAD_REQUEST),
+ http_get(Config, "/connections", ?BAD_REQUEST),
+ http_get(Config, "/exchanges", ?BAD_REQUEST),
+ %% Now we can set an invalid config in the agent, stats are still available
+ %% (defaults to 'false')
+ rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0, application, set_env,
+ [rabbitmq_management_agent, disable_metrics_collector, "koala"]),
+ http_get(Config, "/channels", ?OK),
+ http_get(Config, "/connections", ?OK),
+ http_get(Config, "/exchanges", ?OK),
+ amqp_connection:close(Conn),
+ passed.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Helpers.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+msg(Key, Headers, Body) ->
+ msg(Key, Headers, Body, <<"string">>).
+msg(Key, Headers, Body, Enc) ->
+ #{exchange => <<"">>,
+ routing_key => Key,
+ properties => #{delivery_mode => 2,
+ headers => Headers},
+ payload => Body,
+ payload_encoding => Enc}.
+local_port(Conn) ->
+ [{sock, Sock}] = amqp_connection:info(Conn, [sock]),
+ {ok, Port} = inet:port(Sock),
+ Port.
+spawn_invalid(_Config, 0) ->
+ ok;
+spawn_invalid(Config, N) ->
+ Self = self(),
+ spawn(fun() ->
+ timer:sleep(rand:uniform(250)),
+ {ok, Sock} = gen_tcp:connect("localhost", amqp_port(Config), [list]),
+ ok = gen_tcp:send(Sock, "Some Data"),
+ receive_msg(Self)
+ end),
+ spawn_invalid(Config, N-1).
+receive_msg(Self) ->
+ receive
+ {tcp, _, [$A, $M, $Q, $P | _]} ->
+ Self ! done
+ after
+ 60000 ->
+ Self ! no_reply
+ end.
+wait_for_answers(0) ->
+ ok;
+wait_for_answers(N) ->
+ receive
+ done ->
+ wait_for_answers(N-1);
+ no_reply ->
+ throw(no_reply)
+ end.
+publish(Ch) ->
+ amqp_channel:call(Ch, #'basic.publish'{exchange = <<"">>,
+ routing_key = <<"myqueue">>},
+ #amqp_msg{payload = <<"message">>}),
+ receive
+ stop_publish ->
+ ok
+ after 50 ->
+ publish(Ch)
+ end.
+wait_until(_Fun, 0) ->
+ ?assert(wait_failed);
+wait_until(Fun, N) ->
+ case Fun() of
+ true ->
+ timer:sleep(1500);
+ false ->
+ timer:sleep(?COLLECT_INTERVAL + 100),
+ wait_until(Fun, N - 1)
+ end.
+http_post_json(Config, Path, Body, Assertion) ->
+ http_upload_raw(Config, post, Path, Body, "guest", "guest",
+ Assertion, [{"Content-Type", "application/json"}]).