path: root/deps/rabbitmq_prometheus/test/rabbit_prometheus_http_SUITE.erl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/rabbitmq_prometheus/test/rabbit_prometheus_http_SUITE.erl')
1 files changed, 282 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_prometheus/test/rabbit_prometheus_http_SUITE.erl b/deps/rabbitmq_prometheus/test/rabbit_prometheus_http_SUITE.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9ef4a43efa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/rabbitmq_prometheus/test/rabbit_prometheus_http_SUITE.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+%% file, You can obtain one at
+%% Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+all() ->
+ [
+ {group, default_config},
+ {group, config_path},
+ {group, config_port},
+ {group, aggregated_metrics},
+ {group, per_object_metrics},
+ {group, commercial}
+ ].
+groups() ->
+ [
+ {default_config, [], generic_tests()},
+ {config_path, [], generic_tests()},
+ {config_port, [], generic_tests()},
+ {aggregated_metrics, [], [
+ aggregated_metrics_test,
+ specific_erlang_metrics_present_test
+ ]},
+ {per_object_metrics, [], [
+ per_object_metrics_test,
+ specific_erlang_metrics_present_test
+ ]},
+ {commercial, [], [
+ build_info_product_test
+ ]}
+ ].
+generic_tests() ->
+ [
+ get_test,
+ content_type_test,
+ encoding_test,
+ gzip_encoding_test,
+ build_info_test,
+ identity_info_test
+ ].
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Testsuite setup/teardown.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+init_per_group(default_config, Config) ->
+ init_per_group(default_config, Config, []);
+init_per_group(config_path, Config0) ->
+ PathConfig = {rabbitmq_prometheus, [{path, "/bunnieshop"}]},
+ Config1 = rabbit_ct_helpers:merge_app_env(Config0, PathConfig),
+ init_per_group(config_path, Config1, [{prometheus_path, "/bunnieshop"}]);
+init_per_group(config_port, Config0) ->
+ PathConfig = {rabbitmq_prometheus, [{tcp_config, [{port, 15772}]}]},
+ Config1 = rabbit_ct_helpers:merge_app_env(Config0, PathConfig),
+ init_per_group(config_port, Config1, [{prometheus_port, 15772}]);
+init_per_group(per_object_metrics, Config0) ->
+ PathConfig = {rabbitmq_prometheus, [{return_per_object_metrics, true}]},
+ Config1 = rabbit_ct_helpers:merge_app_env(Config0, PathConfig),
+ init_per_group(aggregated_metrics, Config1);
+init_per_group(aggregated_metrics, Config0) ->
+ Config1 = rabbit_ct_helpers:merge_app_env(
+ Config0,
+ [{rabbit, [{collect_statistics, coarse}, {collect_statistics_interval, 100}]}]
+ ),
+ Config2 = init_per_group(aggregated_metrics, Config1, []),
+ ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:enable_feature_flag(Config2, quorum_queue),
+ A = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:get_node_config(Config2, 0, nodename),
+ Ch = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_channel(Config2, A),
+ Q = <<"prometheus_test_queue">>,
+ amqp_channel:call(Ch,
+ #'queue.declare'{queue = Q,
+ durable = true,
+ arguments = [{<<"x-queue-type">>, longstr, <<"quorum">>}]
+ }),
+ amqp_channel:cast(Ch,
+ #'basic.publish'{routing_key = Q},
+ #amqp_msg{payload = <<"msg">>}),
+ timer:sleep(150),
+ {#'basic.get_ok'{}, #amqp_msg{}} = amqp_channel:call(Ch, #'basic.get'{queue = Q}),
+ %% We want to check consumer metrics, so we need at least 1 consumer bound
+ %% but we don't care what it does if anything as long as the runner process does
+ %% not have to handle the consumer's messages.
+ ConsumerPid = sleeping_consumer(),
+ #'basic.consume_ok'{consumer_tag = CTag} =
+ amqp_channel:subscribe(Ch, #'basic.consume'{queue = Q}, ConsumerPid),
+ timer:sleep(10000),
+ Config2 ++ [{channel_pid, Ch}, {queue_name, Q}, {consumer_tag, CTag}, {consumer_pid, ConsumerPid}];
+init_per_group(commercial, Config0) ->
+ ProductConfig = {rabbit, [{product_name, "WolfMQ"}, {product_version, "2020"}]},
+ Config1 = rabbit_ct_helpers:merge_app_env(Config0, ProductConfig),
+ init_per_group(commercial, Config1, []).
+init_per_group(Group, Config0, Extra) ->
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:log_environment(),
+ inets:start(),
+ NodeConf = [{rmq_nodename_suffix, Group}] ++ Extra,
+ Config1 = rabbit_ct_helpers:set_config(Config0, NodeConf),
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:run_setup_steps(Config1, rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:setup_steps()
+ ++ rabbit_ct_client_helpers:setup_steps()).
+end_per_group(aggregated_metrics, Config) ->
+ Ch = ?config(channel_pid, Config),
+ CTag = ?config(consumer_tag, Config),
+ amqp_channel:call(Ch, #'basic.cancel'{consumer_tag = CTag}),
+ ConsumerPid = ?config(consumer_pid, Config),
+ ConsumerPid ! stop,
+ amqp_channel:call(Ch, #'queue.delete'{queue = ?config(queue_name, Config)}),
+ rabbit_ct_client_helpers:close_channel(Ch),
+ end_per_group_(Config);
+end_per_group(_, Config) ->
+ end_per_group_(Config).
+end_per_group_(Config) ->
+ inets:stop(),
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:run_teardown_steps(Config, rabbit_ct_client_helpers:teardown_steps()
+ ++ rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:teardown_steps()).
+init_per_testcase(Testcase, Config) ->
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:testcase_started(Config, Testcase).
+end_per_testcase(Testcase, Config) ->
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:testcase_finished(Config, Testcase).
+%% a no-op consumer
+sleeping_consumer_loop() ->
+ receive
+ stop -> ok;
+ #'basic.consume_ok'{} -> sleeping_consumer_loop();
+ #'basic.cancel'{} -> sleeping_consumer_loop();
+ {#'basic.deliver'{}, _Payload} -> sleeping_consumer_loop()
+ end.
+sleeping_consumer() ->
+ spawn(fun() ->
+ sleeping_consumer_loop()
+ end).
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Testcases.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+get_test(Config) ->
+ {_Headers, Body} = http_get_with_pal(Config, [], 200),
+ %% Check that the body looks like a valid response
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "TYPE", [{capture, none}])),
+ Port = proplists:get_value(prometheus_port, Config, 15692),
+ URI = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("http://localhost:~p/metricsooops", [Port])),
+ {ok, {{_, CodeAct, _}, _, _}} = httpc:request(get, {URI, []}, ?HTTPC_OPTS, []),
+ ?assertMatch(404, CodeAct).
+content_type_test(Config) ->
+ {Headers, Body} = http_get_with_pal(Config, [{"accept", "text/plain"}], 200),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(proplists:get_value("content-type", Headers),
+ "text/plain", [{capture, none}])),
+ %% Check that the body looks like a valid response
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^# TYPE", [{capture, none}, multiline])),
+ http_get_with_pal(Config, [{"accept", "text/plain, text/html"}], 200),
+ http_get_with_pal(Config, [{"accept", "*/*"}], 200),
+ http_get_with_pal(Config, [{"accept", "text/xdvi"}], 406),
+ http_get_with_pal(Config, [{"accept", "application/"}], 406).
+encoding_test(Config) ->
+ {Headers, Body} = http_get(Config, [{"accept-encoding", "deflate"}], 200),
+ ?assertMatch("identity", proplists:get_value("content-encoding", Headers)),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^# TYPE", [{capture, none}, multiline])).
+gzip_encoding_test(Config) ->
+ {Headers, Body} = http_get(Config, [{"accept-encoding", "gzip"}], 200),
+ ?assertMatch("gzip", proplists:get_value("content-encoding", Headers)),
+ %% If the body is not gzip, zlib:gunzip will crash
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(zlib:gunzip(Body), "^# TYPE", [{capture, none}, multiline])).
+aggregated_metrics_test(Config) ->
+ {_Headers, Body} = http_get_with_pal(Config, [], 200),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^# TYPE", [{capture, none}, multiline])),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^# HELP", [{capture, none}, multiline])),
+ ?assertEqual(nomatch, re:run(Body, ?config(queue_name, Config), [{capture, none}])),
+ %% Check the first metric value from each ETS table owned by rabbitmq_metrics
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^rabbitmq_channel_consumers ", [{capture, none}, multiline])),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^rabbitmq_channel_messages_published_total ", [{capture, none}, multiline])),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^rabbitmq_channel_process_reductions_total ", [{capture, none}, multiline])),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^rabbitmq_channel_get_ack_total ", [{capture, none}, multiline])),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^rabbitmq_connections_opened_total ", [{capture, none}, multiline])),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^rabbitmq_connection_incoming_bytes_total ", [{capture, none}, multiline])),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^rabbitmq_connection_incoming_packets_total ", [{capture, none}, multiline])),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^rabbitmq_queue_messages_published_total ", [{capture, none}, multiline])),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^rabbitmq_process_open_fds ", [{capture, none}, multiline])),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^rabbitmq_process_max_fds ", [{capture, none}, multiline])),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^rabbitmq_io_read_ops_total ", [{capture, none}, multiline])),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^rabbitmq_raft_term_total ", [{capture, none}, multiline])),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^rabbitmq_queue_messages_ready ", [{capture, none}, multiline])),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^rabbitmq_queue_consumers ", [{capture, none}, multiline])),
+ %% Check the first metric value in each ETS table that requires converting
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^rabbitmq_erlang_uptime_seconds ", [{capture, none}, multiline])),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^rabbitmq_io_read_time_seconds_total ", [{capture, none}, multiline])),
+ %% Check the first TOTALS metric value
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^rabbitmq_connections ", [{capture, none}, multiline])),
+ %% Check raft_entry_commit_latency_seconds because we are aggregating it
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^rabbitmq_raft_entry_commit_latency_seconds ", [{capture, none}, multiline])).
+per_object_metrics_test(Config) ->
+ {_Headers, Body} = http_get_with_pal(Config, [], 200),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^# TYPE", [{capture, none}, multiline])),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^# HELP", [{capture, none}, multiline])),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, ?config(queue_name, Config), [{capture, none}])),
+ %% Check the first metric value from each ETS table owned by rabbitmq_metrics
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^rabbitmq_channel_consumers{", [{capture, none}, multiline])),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^rabbitmq_channel_messages_published_total{", [{capture, none}, multiline])),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^rabbitmq_channel_process_reductions_total{", [{capture, none}, multiline])),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^rabbitmq_channel_get_ack_total{", [{capture, none}, multiline])),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^rabbitmq_connections_opened_total ", [{capture, none}, multiline])),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^rabbitmq_connection_incoming_bytes_total{", [{capture, none}, multiline])),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^rabbitmq_connection_incoming_packets_total{", [{capture, none}, multiline])),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^rabbitmq_queue_messages_published_total{", [{capture, none}, multiline])),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^rabbitmq_process_open_fds ", [{capture, none}, multiline])),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^rabbitmq_process_max_fds ", [{capture, none}, multiline])),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^rabbitmq_io_read_ops_total ", [{capture, none}, multiline])),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^rabbitmq_raft_term_total{", [{capture, none}, multiline])),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^rabbitmq_queue_messages_ready{", [{capture, none}, multiline])),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^rabbitmq_queue_consumers{", [{capture, none}, multiline])),
+ %% Check the first metric value in each ETS table that requires converting
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^rabbitmq_erlang_uptime_seconds ", [{capture, none}, multiline])),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^rabbitmq_io_read_time_seconds_total ", [{capture, none}, multiline])),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^rabbitmq_raft_entry_commit_latency_seconds{", [{capture, none}, multiline])),
+ %% Check the first TOTALS metric value
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^rabbitmq_connections ", [{capture, none}, multiline])).
+build_info_test(Config) ->
+ {_Headers, Body} = http_get_with_pal(Config, [], 200),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^rabbitmq_build_info{", [{capture, none}, multiline])),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "rabbitmq_version=\"", [{capture, none}])),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "prometheus_plugin_version=\"", [{capture, none}])),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "prometheus_client_version=\"", [{capture, none}])),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "erlang_version=\"", [{capture, none}])).
+build_info_product_test(Config) ->
+ {_Headers, Body} = http_get_with_pal(Config, [], 200),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "product_name=\"WolfMQ\"", [{capture, none}])),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "product_version=\"2020\"", [{capture, none}])),
+ %% Check that RabbitMQ version is still displayed
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "rabbitmq_version=\"", [{capture, none}])).
+identity_info_test(Config) ->
+ {_Headers, Body} = http_get_with_pal(Config, [], 200),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^rabbitmq_identity_info{", [{capture, none}, multiline])),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "rabbitmq_node=", [{capture, none}])),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "rabbitmq_cluster=", [{capture, none}])).
+specific_erlang_metrics_present_test(Config) ->
+ {_Headers, Body} = http_get_with_pal(Config, [], 200),
+ ?assertEqual(match, re:run(Body, "^erlang_vm_dist_node_queue_size_bytes{", [{capture, none}, multiline])).
+http_get(Config, ReqHeaders, CodeExp) ->
+ Path = proplists:get_value(prometheus_path, Config, "/metrics"),
+ Port = proplists:get_value(prometheus_port, Config, 15692),
+ URI = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("http://localhost:~p~s", [Port, Path])),
+ {ok, {{_HTTP, CodeAct, _}, Headers, Body}} =
+ httpc:request(get, {URI, ReqHeaders}, ?HTTPC_OPTS, []),
+ ?assertMatch(CodeExp, CodeAct),
+ {Headers, Body}.
+http_get_with_pal(Config, ReqHeaders, CodeExp) ->
+ {Headers, Body} = http_get(Config, ReqHeaders, CodeExp),
+ %% Print and log response body - it makes is easier to find why a match failed
+ ct:pal(Body),
+ {Headers, Body}.