path: root/deps/rabbitmq_shovel/src/rabbit_shovel_behaviour.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'deps/rabbitmq_shovel/src/rabbit_shovel_behaviour.erl')
1 files changed, 172 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_shovel/src/rabbit_shovel_behaviour.erl b/deps/rabbitmq_shovel/src/rabbit_shovel_behaviour.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..00cfe9b0ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/rabbitmq_shovel/src/rabbit_shovel_behaviour.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+%% file, You can obtain one at
+%% Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ % dynamic calls
+ parse/3,
+ connect_dest/1,
+ connect_source/1,
+ init_dest/1,
+ init_source/1,
+ close_dest/1,
+ close_source/1,
+ handle_dest/2,
+ handle_source/2,
+ source_uri/1,
+ dest_uri/1,
+ source_protocol/1,
+ dest_protocol/1,
+ source_endpoint/1,
+ dest_endpoint/1,
+ forward/4,
+ ack/3,
+ nack/3,
+ % common functions
+ decr_remaining_unacked/1,
+ decr_remaining/2
+ ]).
+-type tag() :: non_neg_integer().
+-type uri() :: string() | binary().
+-type ack_mode() :: 'no_ack' | 'on_confirm' | 'on_publish'.
+-type source_config() :: #{module => atom(),
+ uris => [uri()],
+ atom() => term()
+ }.
+-type dest_config() :: #{module => atom(),
+ uris => [uri()],
+ atom() => term()
+ }.
+-type state() :: #{source => source_config(),
+ dest => dest_config(),
+ ack_mode => ack_mode(),
+ atom() => term()}.
+-export_type([state/0, source_config/0, dest_config/0, uri/0]).
+-callback parse(binary(), {source | destination, Conf :: proplists:proplist()}) ->
+ source_config() | dest_config().
+-callback connect_source(state()) -> state().
+-callback connect_dest(state()) -> state().
+-callback init_source(state()) -> state().
+-callback init_dest(state()) -> state().
+-callback source_uri(state()) -> uri().
+-callback dest_uri(state()) -> uri().
+-callback source_protocol(state()) -> atom().
+-callback dest_protocol(state()) -> atom().
+-callback source_endpoint(state()) -> proplists:proplist().
+-callback dest_endpoint(state()) -> proplists:proplist().
+-callback close_dest(state()) -> ok.
+-callback close_source(state()) -> ok.
+-callback handle_source(Msg :: any(), state()) ->
+ not_handled | state() | {stop, any()}.
+-callback handle_dest(Msg :: any(), state()) ->
+ not_handled | state() | {stop, any()}.
+-callback ack(Tag :: tag(), Multi :: boolean(), state()) -> state().
+-callback nack(Tag :: tag(), Multi :: boolean(), state()) -> state().
+-callback forward(Tag :: tag(), Props :: #{atom() => any()},
+ Payload :: binary(), state()) -> state().
+-spec parse(atom(), binary(), {source | destination, proplists:proplist()}) ->
+ source_config() | dest_config().
+parse(Mod, Name, Conf) ->
+ Mod:parse(Name, Conf).
+-spec connect_source(state()) -> state().
+connect_source(State = #{source := #{module := Mod}}) ->
+ Mod:connect_source(State).
+-spec connect_dest(state()) -> state().
+connect_dest(State = #{dest := #{module := Mod}}) ->
+ Mod:connect_dest(State).
+-spec init_source(state()) -> state().
+init_source(State = #{source := #{module := Mod}}) ->
+ Mod:init_source(State).
+-spec init_dest(state()) -> state().
+init_dest(State = #{dest := #{module := Mod}}) ->
+ Mod:init_dest(State).
+-spec close_source(state()) -> ok.
+close_source(State = #{source := #{module := Mod}}) ->
+ Mod:close_source(State).
+-spec close_dest(state()) -> ok.
+close_dest(State = #{dest := #{module := Mod}}) ->
+ Mod:close_dest(State).
+-spec handle_source(any(), state()) ->
+ not_handled | state() | {stop, any()}.
+handle_source(Msg, State = #{source := #{module := Mod}}) ->
+ Mod:handle_source(Msg, State).
+-spec handle_dest(any(), state()) ->
+ not_handled | state() | {stop, any()}.
+handle_dest(Msg, State = #{dest := #{module := Mod}}) ->
+ Mod:handle_dest(Msg, State).
+source_uri(#{source := #{module := Mod}} = State) ->
+ Mod:source_uri(State).
+dest_uri(#{dest := #{module := Mod}} = State) ->
+ Mod:dest_uri(State).
+source_protocol(#{source := #{module := Mod}} = State) ->
+ Mod:source_protocol(State).
+dest_protocol(#{dest := #{module := Mod}} = State) ->
+ Mod:dest_protocol(State).
+source_endpoint(#{source := #{module := Mod}} = State) ->
+ Mod:source_endpoint(State).
+dest_endpoint(#{dest := #{module := Mod}} = State) ->
+ Mod:dest_endpoint(State).
+-spec forward(tag(), #{atom() => any()}, binary(), state()) -> state().
+forward(Tag, Props, Payload, #{dest := #{module := Mod}} = State) ->
+ Mod:forward(Tag, Props, Payload, State).
+-spec ack(tag(), boolean(), state()) -> state().
+ack(Tag, Multi, #{source := #{module := Mod}} = State) ->
+ Mod:ack(Tag, Multi, State).
+-spec nack(tag(), boolean(), state()) -> state().
+nack(Tag, Multi, #{source := #{module := Mod}} = State) ->
+ Mod:nack(Tag, Multi, State).
+%% Common functions
+decr_remaining_unacked(State = #{source := #{remaining_unacked := unlimited}}) ->
+ State;
+decr_remaining_unacked(State = #{source := #{remaining_unacked := 0}}) ->
+ State;
+decr_remaining_unacked(State = #{source := #{remaining_unacked := N} = Src}) ->
+ State#{source => Src#{remaining_unacked => N - 1}}.
+decr_remaining(_N, State = #{source := #{remaining := unlimited}}) ->
+ State;
+decr_remaining(N, State = #{source := #{remaining := M} = Src,
+ name := Name}) ->
+ case M > N of
+ true -> State#{source => Src#{remaining => M - N}};
+ false ->
+ error_logger:info_msg("shutting down shovel ~s, none remaining ~p~n",
+ [Name, State]),
+ exit({shutdown, autodelete})
+ end.