path: root/deps/rabbitmq_web_stomp/src/rabbit_web_stomp_listener.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'deps/rabbitmq_web_stomp/src/rabbit_web_stomp_listener.erl')
1 files changed, 212 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_web_stomp/src/rabbit_web_stomp_listener.erl b/deps/rabbitmq_web_stomp/src/rabbit_web_stomp_listener.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b644329d1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/rabbitmq_web_stomp/src/rabbit_web_stomp_listener.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+%% file, You can obtain one at
+%% Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ init/0,
+ stop/1,
+ list_connections/0,
+ close_all_client_connections/1
+%% for testing purposes
+-export([get_binding_address/1, get_tcp_port/1, get_tcp_conf/2]).
+-import(rabbit_misc, [pget/2]).
+-define(TCP_PROTOCOL, 'http/web-stomp').
+-define(TLS_PROTOCOL, 'https/web-stomp').
+%% API
+-spec init() -> ok.
+init() ->
+ WsFrame = get_env(ws_frame, text),
+ CowboyOpts0 = maps:from_list(get_env(cowboy_opts, [])),
+ CowboyOpts = CowboyOpts0#{proxy_header => get_env(proxy_protocol, false)},
+ CowboyWsOpts = maps:from_list(get_env(cowboy_ws_opts, [])),
+ VhostRoutes = [
+ {get_env(ws_path, "/ws"), rabbit_web_stomp_handler, [{type, WsFrame}, {ws_opts, CowboyWsOpts}]}
+ ],
+ Routes = cowboy_router:compile([{'_', VhostRoutes}]), % any vhost
+ case get_env(tcp_config, []) of
+ [] -> ok;
+ TCPConf0 -> start_tcp_listener(TCPConf0, CowboyOpts, Routes)
+ end,
+ case get_env(ssl_config, []) of
+ [] -> ok;
+ TLSConf0 -> start_tls_listener(TLSConf0, CowboyOpts, Routes)
+ end,
+ ok.
+stop(State) ->
+ rabbit_networking:stop_ranch_listener_of_protocol(?TCP_PROTOCOL),
+ rabbit_networking:stop_ranch_listener_of_protocol(?TLS_PROTOCOL),
+ State.
+-spec list_connections() -> [pid()].
+list_connections() ->
+ PlainPids = connection_pids_of_protocol(?TCP_PROTOCOL),
+ TLSPids = connection_pids_of_protocol(?TLS_PROTOCOL),
+ PlainPids ++ TLSPids.
+-spec close_all_client_connections(string()) -> {'ok', non_neg_integer()}.
+close_all_client_connections(Reason) ->
+ Connections = list_connections(),
+ [rabbit_web_stomp_handler:close_connection(Pid, Reason) || Pid <- Connections],
+ {ok, length(Connections)}.
+%% Implementation
+connection_pids_of_protocol(Protocol) ->
+ case rabbit_networking:ranch_ref_of_protocol(Protocol) of
+ undefined -> [];
+ AcceptorRef ->
+ lists:map(fun cowboy_ws_connection_pid/1, ranch:procs(AcceptorRef, connections))
+ end.
+-spec cowboy_ws_connection_pid(pid()) -> pid().
+cowboy_ws_connection_pid(RanchConnPid) ->
+ Children = supervisor:which_children(RanchConnPid),
+ {cowboy_clear, Pid, _, _} = lists:keyfind(cowboy_clear, 1, Children),
+ Pid.
+start_tcp_listener(TCPConf0, CowboyOpts0, Routes) ->
+ NumTcpAcceptors = case application:get_env(rabbitmq_web_stomp, num_tcp_acceptors) of
+ undefined -> get_env(num_acceptors, 10);
+ {ok, NumTcp} -> NumTcp
+ end,
+ Port = get_tcp_port(application:get_all_env(rabbitmq_web_stomp)),
+ TCPConf = get_tcp_conf(TCPConf0, Port),
+ RanchTransportOpts = #{
+ socket_opts => TCPConf,
+ connection_type => supervisor,
+ max_connections => get_max_connections(),
+ num_acceptors => NumTcpAcceptors
+ },
+ CowboyOpts = CowboyOpts0#{env => #{dispatch => Routes},
+ middlewares => [cowboy_router,
+ rabbit_web_stomp_middleware,
+ cowboy_handler]},
+ case ranch:start_listener(rabbit_networking:ranch_ref(TCPConf),
+ ranch_tcp,
+ RanchTransportOpts,
+ rabbit_web_stomp_connection_sup,
+ CowboyOpts) of
+ {ok, _} -> ok;
+ {error, {already_started, _}} -> ok;
+ {error, ErrTCP} ->
+ rabbit_log_connection:error(
+ "Failed to start a WebSocket (HTTP) listener. Error: ~p,"
+ " listener settings: ~p~n",
+ [ErrTCP, TCPConf]),
+ throw(ErrTCP)
+ end,
+ listener_started(?TCP_PROTOCOL, TCPConf),
+ rabbit_log_connection:info(
+ "rabbit_web_stomp: listening for HTTP connections on ~s:~w~n",
+ [get_binding_address(TCPConf), Port]).
+start_tls_listener(TLSConf0, CowboyOpts0, Routes) ->
+ rabbit_networking:ensure_ssl(),
+ NumSslAcceptors = case application:get_env(rabbitmq_web_stomp, num_ssl_acceptors) of
+ undefined -> get_env(num_acceptors, 10);
+ {ok, NumSsl} -> NumSsl
+ end,
+ TLSPort = proplists:get_value(port, TLSConf0),
+ TLSConf = maybe_parse_ip(TLSConf0),
+ RanchTransportOpts = #{
+ socket_opts => TLSConf,
+ connection_type => supervisor,
+ max_connections => get_max_connections(),
+ num_acceptors => NumSslAcceptors
+ },
+ CowboyOpts = CowboyOpts0#{env => #{dispatch => Routes},
+ middlewares => [cowboy_router,
+ rabbit_web_stomp_middleware,
+ cowboy_handler]},
+ case ranch:start_listener(rabbit_networking:ranch_ref(TLSConf),
+ ranch_ssl,
+ RanchTransportOpts,
+ rabbit_web_stomp_connection_sup,
+ CowboyOpts) of
+ {ok, _} -> ok;
+ {error, {already_started, _}} -> ok;
+ {error, ErrTLS} ->
+ rabbit_log_connection:error(
+ "Failed to start a TLS WebSocket (HTTPS) listener. Error: ~p,"
+ " listener settings: ~p~n",
+ [ErrTLS, TLSConf]),
+ throw(ErrTLS)
+ end,
+ listener_started(?TLS_PROTOCOL, TLSConf),
+ rabbit_log_connection:info(
+ "rabbit_web_stomp: listening for HTTPS connections on ~s:~w~n",
+ [get_binding_address(TLSConf), TLSPort]).
+listener_started(Protocol, Listener) ->
+ Port = rabbit_misc:pget(port, Listener),
+ [rabbit_networking:tcp_listener_started(Protocol, Listener,
+ IPAddress, Port)
+ || {IPAddress, _Port, _Family}
+ <- rabbit_networking:tcp_listener_addresses(Port)],
+ ok.
+get_env(Key, Default) ->
+ rabbit_misc:get_env(rabbitmq_web_stomp, Key, Default).
+get_tcp_port(Configuration) ->
+ %% The 'tcp_config' option may include the port, and we already have
+ %% a 'port' option. We prioritize the 'port' option in 'tcp_config' (if any)
+ %% over the one found at the root of the env proplist.
+ TcpConfiguration = proplists:get_value(tcp_config, Configuration, []),
+ case proplists:get_value(port, TcpConfiguration) of
+ undefined ->
+ proplists:get_value(port, Configuration, 15674);
+ Port ->
+ Port
+ end.
+get_tcp_conf(TcpConfiguration, Port0) ->
+ Port = [{port, Port0} | proplists:delete(port, TcpConfiguration)],
+ maybe_parse_ip(Port).
+maybe_parse_ip(Configuration) ->
+ case proplists:get_value(ip, Configuration) of
+ undefined ->
+ Configuration;
+ IP when is_tuple(IP) ->
+ Configuration;
+ IP when is_list(IP) ->
+ {ok, ParsedIP} = inet_parse:address(IP),
+ [{ip, ParsedIP} | proplists:delete(ip, Configuration)]
+ end.
+get_binding_address(Configuration) ->
+ case proplists:get_value(ip, Configuration) of
+ undefined ->
+ "";
+ IP when is_tuple(IP) ->
+ inet:ntoa(IP);
+ IP when is_list(IP) ->
+ IP
+ end.
+get_max_connections() ->
+ rabbit_misc:get_env(rabbitmq_web_stomp, max_connections, infinity).