diff options
authorSimon MacMullen <>2011-04-11 17:17:16 +0100
committerSimon MacMullen <>2011-04-11 17:17:16 +0100
commitade694489cbadbe94df9707eb884443d37008157 (patch)
parent35fc07b3387e7a23c104eb906d46af499cd5db9e (diff)
parent69906db00e1c032f44292658e804f02a96f7184c (diff)
Merge from defaultbug23568
88 files changed, 4903 insertions, 3241 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 51b998f4..cdb86aad 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ TARGETS=$(EBIN_DIR)/ $(INCLUDE_DIR)/rabbit_framing.hrl $(BEAM_TARGETS)
MANPAGES=$(patsubst %.xml, %.gz, $(wildcard $(DOCS_DIR)/*.[0-9].xml))
WEB_MANPAGES=$(patsubst %.xml,, $(wildcard $(DOCS_DIR)/*.[0-9].xml) $(DOCS_DIR)/rabbitmq-service.xml)
-USAGES_XML=$(DOCS_DIR)/rabbitmqctl.1.xml $(DOCS_DIR)/rabbitmq-multi.1.xml
USAGES_ERL=$(foreach XML, $(USAGES_XML), $(call usage_xml_to_erl, $(XML)))
ifeq ($(shell python -c 'import simplejson' 2>/dev/null && echo yes),yes)
@@ -177,11 +177,11 @@ stop-rabbit-on-node: all
echo "rabbit:stop()." | $(ERL_CALL)
set-memory-alarm: all
- echo "alarm_handler:set_alarm({vm_memory_high_watermark, []})." | \
+ echo "alarm_handler:set_alarm({{vm_memory_high_watermark, node()}, []})." | \
clear-memory-alarm: all
- echo "alarm_handler:clear_alarm(vm_memory_high_watermark)." | \
+ echo "alarm_handler:clear_alarm({vm_memory_high_watermark, node()})." | \
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ install_bin: all install_dirs
chmod 0755 scripts/*
- for script in rabbitmq-env rabbitmq-server rabbitmqctl rabbitmq-multi; do \
+ for script in rabbitmq-env rabbitmq-server rabbitmqctl; do \
cp scripts/$$script $(TARGET_DIR)/sbin; \
[ -e $(SBIN_DIR)/$$script ] || ln -s $(SCRIPTS_REL_PATH)/$$script $(SBIN_DIR)/$$script; \
diff --git a/ b/
index 1fd5bc69..8cd9dab8 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ def genErl(spec):
-type(amqp_field_type() ::
'longstr' | 'signedint' | 'decimal' | 'timestamp' |
'table' | 'byte' | 'double' | 'float' | 'long' |
- 'short' | 'bool' | 'binary' | 'void').
+ 'short' | 'bool' | 'binary' | 'void' | 'array').
-type(amqp_property_type() ::
'shortstr' | 'longstr' | 'octet' | 'shortint' | 'longint' |
'longlongint' | 'timestamp' | 'bit' | 'table').
diff --git a/docs/rabbitmq-env.conf.5.xml b/docs/rabbitmq-env.conf.5.xml
index 4c7340c2..c887596c 100644
--- a/docs/rabbitmq-env.conf.5.xml
+++ b/docs/rabbitmq-env.conf.5.xml
@@ -76,7 +76,6 @@ NODENAME=hare
<title>See also</title>
- <citerefentry><refentrytitle>rabbitmq-multi</refentrytitle><manvolnum>1</manvolnum></citerefentry>
diff --git a/docs/rabbitmq-multi.1.xml b/docs/rabbitmq-multi.1.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f5c6c2f..00000000
--- a/docs/rabbitmq-multi.1.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" "">
-<refentry lang="en">
- <refentryinfo>
- <productname>RabbitMQ Server</productname>
- <authorgroup>
- <corpauthor>The RabbitMQ Team &lt;<ulink url=""><email></email></ulink>&gt;</corpauthor>
- </authorgroup>
- </refentryinfo>
- <refmeta>
- <refentrytitle>rabbitmq-multi</refentrytitle>
- <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
- <refmiscinfo class="manual">RabbitMQ Server</refmiscinfo>
- </refmeta>
- <refnamediv>
- <refname>rabbitmq-multi</refname>
- <refpurpose>start/stop local cluster RabbitMQ nodes</refpurpose>
- </refnamediv>
- <refsynopsisdiv>
- <cmdsynopsis>
- <command>rabbitmq-multi</command>
- <arg choice="req"><replaceable>command</replaceable></arg>
- <arg choice="opt" rep="repeat"><replaceable>command options</replaceable></arg>
- </cmdsynopsis>
- </refsynopsisdiv>
- <refsect1>
- <title>Description</title>
- <para>
- RabbitMQ is an implementation of AMQP, the emerging standard for high
-performance enterprise messaging. The RabbitMQ server is a robust and
-scalable implementation of an AMQP broker.
- </para>
- <para>
-rabbitmq-multi scripts allows for easy set-up of a cluster on a single
- </para>
- </refsect1>
- <refsect1>
- <title>Commands</title>
- <variablelist>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><cmdsynopsis><command>start_all</command> <arg choice="req"><replaceable>count</replaceable></arg></cmdsynopsis></term>
- <listitem>
- <para>
-Start count nodes with unique names, listening on all IP addresses and
-on sequential ports starting from 5672.
- </para>
- <para role="example-prefix">For example:</para>
- <screen role="example">rabbitmq-multi start_all 3</screen>
- <para role="example">
- Starts 3 local RabbitMQ nodes with unique, sequential port numbers.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><cmdsynopsis><command>status</command></cmdsynopsis></term>
- <listitem>
- <para>
-Print the status of all running RabbitMQ nodes.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><cmdsynopsis><command>stop_all</command></cmdsynopsis></term>
- <listitem>
- <para>
-Stop all local RabbitMQ nodes,
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><cmdsynopsis><command>rotate_logs</command></cmdsynopsis></term>
- <listitem>
- <para>
-Rotate log files for all local and running RabbitMQ nodes.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
- </refsect1>
- <refsect1>
- <title>See also</title>
- <para>
- <citerefentry><refentrytitle>rabbitmq-env.conf</refentrytitle><manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry>
- <citerefentry><refentrytitle>rabbitmq-server</refentrytitle><manvolnum>1</manvolnum></citerefentry>
- <citerefentry><refentrytitle>rabbitmqctl</refentrytitle><manvolnum>1</manvolnum></citerefentry>
- </para>
- </refsect1>
diff --git a/docs/rabbitmq-server.1.xml b/docs/rabbitmq-server.1.xml
index a0458c93..ca63927c 100644
--- a/docs/rabbitmq-server.1.xml
+++ b/docs/rabbitmq-server.1.xml
@@ -125,7 +125,6 @@ Defaults to 5672.
<title>See also</title>
- <citerefentry><refentrytitle>rabbitmq-multi</refentrytitle><manvolnum>1</manvolnum></citerefentry>
diff --git a/docs/rabbitmqctl.1.xml b/docs/rabbitmqctl.1.xml
index bd9fee7d..3550e5ea 100644
--- a/docs/rabbitmqctl.1.xml
+++ b/docs/rabbitmqctl.1.xml
@@ -158,6 +158,28 @@
+ <term><cmdsynopsis><command>wait</command></cmdsynopsis></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Wait for the RabbitMQ application to start.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ This command will wait for the RabbitMQ application to
+ start at the node. As long as the Erlang node is up but
+ the RabbitMQ application is down it will wait
+ indefinitely. If the node itself goes down, or takes
+ more than five seconds to come up, it will fail.
+ </para>
+ <para role="example-prefix">For example:</para>
+ <screen role="example">rabbitmqctl wait</screen>
+ <para role="example">
+ This command will return when the RabbitMQ node has
+ started up.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
diff --git a/ebin/ b/ebin/
index f837684c..014c18b0 100644
--- a/ebin/
+++ b/ebin/
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
{vm_memory_high_watermark, 0.4},
{msg_store_index_module, rabbit_msg_store_ets_index},
{backing_queue_module, rabbit_variable_queue},
+ {frame_max, 131072},
{persister_max_wrap_entries, 500},
{persister_hibernate_after, 10000},
{msg_store_file_size_limit, 16777216},
diff --git a/include/gm_specs.hrl b/include/gm_specs.hrl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ee29706e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/gm_specs.hrl
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+%% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+%% License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% The Original Code is RabbitMQ.
+%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is VMware, Inc.
+%% Copyright (c) 2007-2011 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.
+-type(callback_result() :: 'ok' | {'stop', any()} | {'become', atom(), args()}).
+-type(args() :: any()).
+-type(members() :: [pid()]).
+-spec(joined/2 :: (args(), members()) -> callback_result()).
+-spec(members_changed/3 :: (args(), members(), members()) -> callback_result()).
+-spec(handle_msg/3 :: (args(), pid(), any()) -> callback_result()).
+-spec(terminate/2 :: (args(), term()) -> any()).
diff --git a/include/rabbit.hrl b/include/rabbit.hrl
index b9a01735..9f483c30 100644
--- a/include/rabbit.hrl
+++ b/include/rabbit.hrl
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
-record(listener, {node, protocol, host, ip_address, port}).
--record(basic_message, {exchange_name, routing_key, content, guid,
+-record(basic_message, {exchange_name, routing_keys = [], content, id,
-record(ssl_socket, {tcp, ssl}).
@@ -87,6 +87,9 @@
-define(DESIRED_HIBERNATE, 10000).
-define(STATS_INTERVAL, 5000).
+-define(ROUTING_HEADERS, [<<"CC">>, <<"BCC">>]).
+-define(DELETED_HEADER, <<"BCC">>).
-define(LOGDEBUG0(F), rabbit_log:debug(F)).
-define(LOGDEBUG(F,A), rabbit_log:debug(F,A)).
diff --git a/include/rabbit_auth_mechanism_spec.hrl b/include/rabbit_auth_mechanism_spec.hrl
index 49614d5f..614a3eed 100644
--- a/include/rabbit_auth_mechanism_spec.hrl
+++ b/include/rabbit_auth_mechanism_spec.hrl
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
-spec(description/0 :: () -> [{atom(), any()}]).
+-spec(should_offer/1 :: (rabbit_net:socket()) -> boolean()).
-spec(init/1 :: (rabbit_net:socket()) -> any()).
-spec(handle_response/2 :: (binary(), any()) ->
{'ok', rabbit_types:user()} |
diff --git a/include/rabbit_backing_queue_spec.hrl b/include/rabbit_backing_queue_spec.hrl
index accb2c0e..b2bf6bbb 100644
--- a/include/rabbit_backing_queue_spec.hrl
+++ b/include/rabbit_backing_queue_spec.hrl
@@ -25,11 +25,13 @@
-type(message_properties_transformer() ::
fun ((rabbit_types:message_properties())
-> rabbit_types:message_properties())).
+-type(async_callback() :: fun ((fun ((state()) -> state())) -> 'ok')).
+-type(sync_callback() :: fun ((fun ((state()) -> state())) -> 'ok' | 'error')).
-spec(start/1 :: ([rabbit_amqqueue:name()]) -> 'ok').
-spec(stop/0 :: () -> 'ok').
--spec(init/3 :: (rabbit_amqqueue:name(), is_durable(), attempt_recovery()) ->
- state()).
+-spec(init/5 :: (rabbit_amqqueue:name(), is_durable(), attempt_recovery(),
+ async_callback(), sync_callback()) -> state()).
-spec(terminate/1 :: (state()) -> state()).
-spec(delete_and_terminate/1 :: (state()) -> state()).
-spec(purge/1 :: (state()) -> {purged_msg_count(), state()}).
@@ -41,6 +43,7 @@
(false, rabbit_types:basic_message(),
rabbit_types:message_properties(), state())
-> {undefined, state()}).
+-spec(drain_confirmed/1 :: (state()) -> {[rabbit_guid:guid()], state()}).
-spec(dropwhile/2 ::
(fun ((rabbit_types:message_properties()) -> boolean()), state())
-> state()).
diff --git a/include/rabbit_exchange_type_spec.hrl b/include/rabbit_exchange_type_spec.hrl
index 45c475d8..c80cc196 100644
--- a/include/rabbit_exchange_type_spec.hrl
+++ b/include/rabbit_exchange_type_spec.hrl
@@ -21,8 +21,6 @@
-> rabbit_router:match_result()).
-spec(validate/1 :: (rabbit_types:exchange()) -> 'ok').
-spec(create/2 :: (boolean(), rabbit_types:exchange()) -> 'ok').
--spec(recover/2 :: (rabbit_types:exchange(),
- [rabbit_types:binding()]) -> 'ok').
-spec(delete/3 :: (boolean(), rabbit_types:exchange(),
[rabbit_types:binding()]) -> 'ok').
-spec(add_binding/3 :: (boolean(), rabbit_types:exchange(),
diff --git a/include/rabbit_msg_store.hrl b/include/rabbit_msg_store.hrl
index 9d704f65..e9150a97 100644
--- a/include/rabbit_msg_store.hrl
+++ b/include/rabbit_msg_store.hrl
@@ -22,5 +22,4 @@
- {guid, ref_count, file, offset, total_size}).
+-record(msg_location, {msg_id, ref_count, file, offset, total_size}).
diff --git a/include/rabbit_msg_store_index.hrl b/include/rabbit_msg_store_index.hrl
index 289f8f60..2ae5b000 100644
--- a/include/rabbit_msg_store_index.hrl
+++ b/include/rabbit_msg_store_index.hrl
@@ -29,13 +29,13 @@
-spec(new/1 :: (dir()) -> index_state()).
-spec(recover/1 :: (dir()) -> rabbit_types:ok_or_error2(index_state(), any())).
-spec(lookup/2 ::
- (rabbit_guid:guid(), index_state()) -> ('not_found' | keyvalue())).
+ (rabbit_types:msg_id(), index_state()) -> ('not_found' | keyvalue())).
-spec(insert/2 :: (keyvalue(), index_state()) -> 'ok').
-spec(update/2 :: (keyvalue(), index_state()) -> 'ok').
--spec(update_fields/3 :: (rabbit_guid:guid(), ({fieldpos(), fieldvalue()} |
- [{fieldpos(), fieldvalue()}]),
+-spec(update_fields/3 :: (rabbit_types:msg_id(), ({fieldpos(), fieldvalue()} |
+ [{fieldpos(), fieldvalue()}]),
index_state()) -> 'ok').
--spec(delete/2 :: (rabbit_guid:guid(), index_state()) -> 'ok').
+-spec(delete/2 :: (rabbit_types:msg_id(), index_state()) -> 'ok').
-spec(delete_object/2 :: (keyvalue(), index_state()) -> 'ok').
-spec(delete_by_file/2 :: (fieldvalue(), index_state()) -> 'ok').
-spec(terminate/1 :: (index_state()) -> any()).
diff --git a/packaging/RPMS/Fedora/Makefile b/packaging/RPMS/Fedora/Makefile
index 74a1800a..c67d8fd6 100644
--- a/packaging/RPMS/Fedora/Makefile
+++ b/packaging/RPMS/Fedora/Makefile
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ ifndef RPM_OS
-ifeq "x$(RPM_OS)" "xsuse"
+ifeq "$(RPM_OS)" "suse"
REQUIRES=/sbin/chkconfig /sbin/service
OS_DEFINES=--define '_initrddir /etc/init.d' --define 'dist .suse'
@@ -31,9 +31,13 @@ prepare:
sed -i \
- -e 's|^DEFAULTS_FILE=.*$$|DEFAULTS_FILE=/etc/sysconfig/rabbitmq|' \
-e 's|^LOCK_FILE=.*$$|LOCK_FILE=/var/lock/subsys/$$NAME|' \
+ifeq "$(RPM_OS)" "fedora"
+# Fedora says that only vital services should have Default-Start
+ sed -i -e '/^# Default-Start:/d;/^# Default-Stop:/d' \
+ SOURCES/rabbitmq-server.init
sed -i -e 's|@SU_RABBITMQ_SH_C@|su rabbitmq -s /bin/sh -c|' \
cp rabbitmq-server.logrotate SOURCES/rabbitmq-server.logrotate
@@ -41,5 +45,5 @@ prepare:
server: prepare
rpmbuild -ba --nodeps SPECS/rabbitmq-server.spec $(DEFINES) $(OS_DEFINES)
diff --git a/packaging/RPMS/Fedora/rabbitmq-server.spec b/packaging/RPMS/Fedora/rabbitmq-server.spec
index 5d573bde..f9e9df8b 100644
--- a/packaging/RPMS/Fedora/rabbitmq-server.spec
+++ b/packaging/RPMS/Fedora/rabbitmq-server.spec
@@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/log/rabbitmq
install -p -D -m 0755 %{S:1} %{buildroot}%{_initrddir}/rabbitmq-server
install -p -D -m 0755 %{_rabbit_wrapper} %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/rabbitmqctl
install -p -D -m 0755 %{_rabbit_wrapper} %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/rabbitmq-server
-install -p -D -m 0755 %{_rabbit_wrapper} %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/rabbitmq-multi
install -p -D -m 0755 %{_rabbit_server_ocf} %{buildroot}%{_exec_prefix}/lib/ocf/resource.d/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server
install -p -D -m 0644 %{S:3} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/rabbitmq-server
@@ -65,12 +64,8 @@ mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/rabbitmq
rm %{_maindir}/LICENSE %{_maindir}/LICENSE-MPL-RabbitMQ %{_maindir}/INSTALL
#Build the list of files
-rm -f %{_builddir}/%{name}.files
-echo '%defattr(-,root,root, -)' >> %{_builddir}/%{name}.files
-(cd %{buildroot}; \
- find . -type f ! -regex '\.%{_sysconfdir}.*' \
- ! -regex '\.\(%{_rabbit_erllibdir}\|%{_rabbit_libdir}\).*' \
- | sed -e 's/^\.//' >> %{_builddir}/%{name}.files)
+echo '%defattr(-,root,root, -)' >%{_builddir}/%{name}.files
+find %{buildroot} -path %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir} -prune -o '!' -type d -printf "/%%P\n" >>%{_builddir}/%{name}.files
@@ -117,8 +112,6 @@ done
%attr(0750, rabbitmq, rabbitmq) %dir %{_localstatedir}/lib/rabbitmq
%attr(0750, rabbitmq, rabbitmq) %dir %{_localstatedir}/log/rabbitmq
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/rabbitmq
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/rabbitmq-server
@@ -127,6 +120,12 @@ done
rm -rf %{buildroot}
+* Thu Apr 7 2011 Alexandru Scvortov <> 2.4.1-1
+- New Upstream Release
+* Tue Mar 22 2011 Alexandru Scvortov <> 2.4.0-1
+- New Upstream Release
* Thu Feb 3 2011 2.3.1-1
- New Upstream Release
diff --git a/packaging/common/rabbitmq-server.init b/packaging/common/rabbitmq-server.init
index 39d23983..f3bdc3d2 100644
--- a/packaging/common/rabbitmq-server.init
+++ b/packaging/common/rabbitmq-server.init
@@ -10,82 +10,84 @@
# Provides: rabbitmq-server
# Required-Start: $remote_fs $network
# Required-Stop: $remote_fs $network
-# Default-Start:
-# Default-Stop:
+# Default-Start: 3 4 5
+# Default-Stop: 0 1 2 6
# Description: RabbitMQ broker
# Short-Description: Enable AMQP service provided by RabbitMQ broker
-DEFAULTS_FILE= # This is filled in when building packages
LOCK_FILE= # This is filled in when building packages
test -x $DAEMON || exit 0
-# Include rabbitmq defaults if available
-if [ -f "$DEFAULTS_FILE" ] ; then
set -e
start_rabbitmq () {
- set +e
- $DAEMON start_all ${NODE_COUNT} > ${INIT_LOG_DIR}/startup_log 2> ${INIT_LOG_DIR}/startup_err
- case "$?" in
- 0)
- echo SUCCESS
- [ -n "$LOCK_FILE" ] && touch $LOCK_FILE
+ status_rabbitmq quiet
+ if [ $RETVAL = 0 ] ; then
+ echo RabbitMQ is currently running
+ else
- ;;
- 1)
- echo TIMEOUT - check ${INIT_LOG_DIR}/startup_\{log,err\}
- ;;
- *)
- echo FAILED - check ${INIT_LOG_DIR}/startup_log, _err
- ;;
- esac
- set -e
+ set +e
+ setsid sh -c "$DAEMON > ${INIT_LOG_DIR}/startup_log \
+ 2> ${INIT_LOG_DIR}/startup_err" &
+ $CONTROL wait >/dev/null 2>&1
+ set -e
+ case "$RETVAL" in
+ 0)
+ echo SUCCESS
+ if [ -n "$LOCK_FILE" ] ; then
+ touch $LOCK_FILE
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo FAILED - check ${INIT_LOG_DIR}/startup_\{log, _err\}
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
stop_rabbitmq () {
- set +e
status_rabbitmq quiet
if [ $RETVAL = 0 ] ; then
- $DAEMON stop_all > ${INIT_LOG_DIR}/shutdown_log 2> ${INIT_LOG_DIR}/shutdown_err
+ set +e
+ $CONTROL stop > ${INIT_LOG_DIR}/shutdown_log 2> ${INIT_LOG_DIR}/shutdown_err
+ set -e
if [ $RETVAL = 0 ] ; then
- [ -n "$LOCK_FILE" ] && rm -rf $LOCK_FILE
+ if [ -n "$LOCK_FILE" ] ; then
+ rm -f $LOCK_FILE
+ fi
echo FAILED - check ${INIT_LOG_DIR}/shutdown_log, _err
- echo No nodes running
+ echo RabbitMQ is not running
- set -e
status_rabbitmq() {
set +e
if [ "$1" != "quiet" ] ; then
- $DAEMON status 2>&1
+ $CONTROL status 2>&1
- $DAEMON status > /dev/null 2>&1
+ $CONTROL status > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
set -e
@@ -99,8 +101,18 @@ rotate_logs_rabbitmq() {
set -e
+restart_running_rabbitmq () {
+ status_rabbitmq quiet
+ if [ $RETVAL = 0 ] ; then
+ restart_rabbitmq
+ else
+ echo RabbitMQ is not runnning
+ fi
restart_rabbitmq() {
- stop_rabbitmq
+ stop_rabbitmq
@@ -122,11 +134,16 @@ case "$1" in
echo -n "Rotating log files for $DESC: "
- force-reload|reload|restart|condrestart|try-restart)
+ force-reload|reload|restart)
echo -n "Restarting $DESC: "
echo "$NAME."
+ try-restart)
+ echo -n "Restarting $DESC: "
+ restart_running_rabbitmq
+ echo "$NAME."
+ ;;
echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|rotate-logs|restart|condrestart|try-restart|reload|force-reload}" >&2
diff --git a/packaging/common/rabbitmq-server.ocf b/packaging/common/rabbitmq-server.ocf
index dc0521dd..d58c48ed 100755
--- a/packaging/common/rabbitmq-server.ocf
+++ b/packaging/common/rabbitmq-server.ocf
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
## OCF instance parameters
-## OCF_RESKEY_multi
+## OCF_RESKEY_server
## OCF_RESKEY_nodename
@@ -38,11 +38,11 @@
-: ${OCF_RESKEY_multi=${OCF_RESKEY_multi_default}}
+: ${OCF_RESKEY_server=${OCF_RESKEY_server_default}}
: ${OCF_RESKEY_ctl=${OCF_RESKEY_ctl_default}}
: ${OCF_RESKEY_nodename=${OCF_RESKEY_nodename_default}}
: ${OCF_RESKEY_log_base=${OCF_RESKEY_log_base_default}}
@@ -61,12 +61,12 @@ Resource agent for RabbitMQ-server
<shortdesc lang="en">Resource agent for RabbitMQ-server</shortdesc>
-<parameter name="multi" unique="0" required="0">
+<parameter name="server" unique="0" required="0">
<longdesc lang="en">
-The path to the rabbitmq-multi script
+The path to the rabbitmq-server script
-<shortdesc lang="en">Path to rabbitmq-multi</shortdesc>
-<content type="string" default="${OCF_RESKEY_multi_default}" />
+<shortdesc lang="en">Path to rabbitmq-server</shortdesc>
+<content type="string" default="${OCF_RESKEY_server_default}" />
<parameter name="ctl" unique="0" required="0">
@@ -103,9 +103,9 @@ The IP Port for rabbitmq-server to listen on
<parameter name="config_file" unique="0" required="0">
<longdesc lang="en">
-Location of the config file
+Location of the config file (without the .config suffix)
-<shortdesc lang="en">Config file path</shortdesc>
+<shortdesc lang="en">Config file path (without the .config suffix)</shortdesc>
<content type="string" default="" />
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ Expects to have a fully populated OCF RA-compliant environment set.
@@ -177,8 +177,8 @@ export_vars() {
rabbit_validate_partial() {
- if [ ! -x $RABBITMQ_MULTI ]; then
- ocf_log err "rabbitmq-server multi $RABBITMQ_MULTI does not exist or is not executable";
+ if [ ! -x $RABBITMQ_SERVER ]; then
+ ocf_log err "rabbitmq-server server $RABBITMQ_SERVER does not exist or is not executable";
@@ -189,8 +189,8 @@ rabbit_validate_partial() {
rabbit_validate_full() {
- if [ ! -z $RABBITMQ_CONFIG_FILE ] && [ ! -e $RABBITMQ_CONFIG_FILE ]; then
- ocf_log err "rabbitmq-server config_file $RABBITMQ_CONFIG_FILE does not exist or is not a file";
+ if [ ! -z $RABBITMQ_CONFIG_FILE ] && [ ! -e "${RABBITMQ_CONFIG_FILE}.config" ]; then
+ ocf_log err "rabbitmq-server config_file ${RABBITMQ_CONFIG_FILE}.config does not exist or is not a file";
@@ -210,8 +210,18 @@ rabbit_validate_full() {
rabbit_status() {
+ rabbitmqctl_action "status"
+rabbit_wait() {
+ rabbitmqctl_action "wait"
+rabbitmqctl_action() {
local rc
- $RABBITMQ_CTL $NODENAME_ARG status > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
+ local action
+ action=$1
+ $RABBITMQ_CTL $NODENAME_ARG $action > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
case "$rc" in
@@ -223,7 +233,7 @@ rabbit_status() {
- ocf_log err "Unexpected return from rabbitmqctl $NODENAME_ARG status: $rc"
+ ocf_log err "Unexpected return from rabbitmqctl $NODENAME_ARG $action: $rc"
@@ -238,28 +248,16 @@ rabbit_start() {
- $RABBITMQ_MULTI start_all 1 > ${RABBITMQ_LOG_BASE}/startup_log 2> ${RABBITMQ_LOG_BASE}/startup_err &
- rc=$?
- if [ "$rc" != 0 ]; then
- ocf_log err "rabbitmq-server start command failed: $RABBITMQ_MULTI start_all 1, $rc"
- return $rc
- fi
+ setsid sh -c "$RABBITMQ_SERVER > ${RABBITMQ_LOG_BASE}/startup_log 2> ${RABBITMQ_LOG_BASE}/startup_err" &
- # Spin waiting for the server to come up.
+ # Wait for the server to come up.
# Let the CRM/LRM time us out if required
- start_wait=1
- while [ $start_wait = 1 ]; do
- rabbit_status
- rc=$?
- if [ "$rc" = $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then
- start_wait=0
- elif [ "$rc" != $OCF_NOT_RUNNING ]; then
- ocf_log info "rabbitmq-server start failed: $rc"
- fi
- sleep 1
- done
+ rabbit_wait
+ rc=$?
+ if [ "$rc" != $OCF_SUCCESS ]; then
+ ocf_log info "rabbitmq-server start failed: $rc"
+ fi
@@ -272,11 +270,11 @@ rabbit_stop() {
- $RABBITMQ_MULTI stop_all &
if [ "$rc" != 0 ]; then
- ocf_log err "rabbitmq-server stop command failed: $RABBITMQ_MULTI stop_all, $rc"
+ ocf_log err "rabbitmq-server stop command failed: $RABBITMQ_CTL stop, $rc"
return $rc
diff --git a/packaging/debs/Debian/Makefile b/packaging/debs/Debian/Makefile
index ab05f732..31979a8e 100644
--- a/packaging/debs/Debian/Makefile
+++ b/packaging/debs/Debian/Makefile
@@ -22,9 +22,12 @@ package: clean
cp -r debian $(UNPACKED_DIR)
cp $(COMMON_DIR)/* $(UNPACKED_DIR)/debian/
+# Debian and descendants differ from most other distros in that
+# runlevel 2 should start network services.
sed -i \
- -e 's|^DEFAULTS_FILE=.*$$|DEFAULTS_FILE=/etc/default/rabbitmq|' \
-e 's|^LOCK_FILE=.*$$|LOCK_FILE=|' \
+ -e 's|^\(# Default-Start:\).*$$|\1 2 3 4 5|' \
+ -e 's|^\(# Default-Stop:\).*$$|\1 0 1 6|' \
sed -i -e 's|@SU_RABBITMQ_SH_C@|su rabbitmq -s /bin/sh -c|' \
diff --git a/packaging/debs/Debian/debian/changelog b/packaging/debs/Debian/debian/changelog
index 12165dc0..0383b955 100644
--- a/packaging/debs/Debian/debian/changelog
+++ b/packaging/debs/Debian/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,15 @@
+rabbitmq-server (2.4.1-1) lucid; urgency=low
+ * New Upstream Release
+ -- Alexandru Scvortov <> Thu, 07 Apr 2011 16:49:22 +0100
+rabbitmq-server (2.4.0-1) lucid; urgency=low
+ * New Upstream Release
+ -- Alexandru Scvortov <> Tue, 22 Mar 2011 17:34:31 +0000
rabbitmq-server (2.3.1-1) lucid; urgency=low
* New Upstream Release
diff --git a/packaging/debs/Debian/debian/control b/packaging/debs/Debian/debian/control
index 02da0cc6..45f5c5c4 100644
--- a/packaging/debs/Debian/debian/control
+++ b/packaging/debs/Debian/debian/control
@@ -7,10 +7,7 @@ Standards-Version: 3.8.0
Package: rabbitmq-server
Architecture: all
-# erlang-inets is not a strict dependency, but it's needed to allow
-# the installation of plugins that use mochiweb. Ideally it would be a
-# "Recommends" instead, but gdebi does not install those.
-Depends: erlang-base (>= 1:12.b.3) | erlang-base-hipe (>= 1:12.b.3), erlang-ssl | erlang-nox (<< 1:13.b-dfsg1-1), erlang-os-mon | erlang-nox (<< 1:13.b-dfsg1-1), erlang-mnesia | erlang-nox (<< 1:13.b-dfsg1-1), erlang-inets | erlang-nox (<< 1:13.b-dfsg1-1), adduser, logrotate, ${misc:Depends}
+Depends: erlang-nox (>= 1:12.b.3), adduser, logrotate, ${misc:Depends}
Description: An AMQP server written in Erlang
RabbitMQ is an implementation of AMQP, the emerging standard for high
performance enterprise messaging. The RabbitMQ server is a robust and
diff --git a/packaging/debs/Debian/debian/rules b/packaging/debs/Debian/debian/rules
index 6b6df33b..a785b292 100644
--- a/packaging/debs/Debian/debian/rules
+++ b/packaging/debs/Debian/debian/rules
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ DOCDIR=$(DEB_DESTDIR)usr/share/doc/rabbitmq-server/
mkdir -p $(DOCDIR)
- for script in rabbitmqctl rabbitmq-server rabbitmq-multi; do \
+ for script in rabbitmqctl rabbitmq-server; do \
install -p -D -m 0755 debian/rabbitmq-script-wrapper $(DEB_DESTDIR)usr/sbin/$$script; \
sed -e 's|@RABBIT_LIB@|/usr/lib/rabbitmq/lib/rabbitmq_server-$(DEB_UPSTREAM_VERSION)|g' <debian/ >debian/postrm
diff --git a/packaging/macports/ b/packaging/macports/
index 862a0d1a..809f518b 100644
--- a/packaging/macports/
+++ b/packaging/macports/
@@ -23,12 +23,14 @@ distfiles ${name}-${version}${extract.suffix} \
checksums \
- ${name}-${version}${extract.suffix} md5 @md5-src@ \
- ${name}-${version}${extract.suffix} sha1 @sha1-src@ \
- ${name}-${version}${extract.suffix} rmd160 @rmd160-src@ \
- ${name}-generic-unix-${version}${extract.suffix} md5 @md5-bin@ \
- ${name}-generic-unix-${version}${extract.suffix} sha1 @sha1-bin@ \
- ${name}-generic-unix-${version}${extract.suffix} rmd160 @rmd160-bin@
+ ${name}-${version}${extract.suffix} \
+ md5 @md5-src@ \
+ sha1 @sha1-src@ \
+ rmd160 @rmd160-src@ \
+ ${name}-generic-unix-${version}${extract.suffix} \
+ md5 @md5-bin@ \
+ sha1 @sha1-bin@ \
+ rmd160 @rmd160-bin@
depends_lib port:erlang
depends_build port:libxslt
@@ -83,29 +85,26 @@ post-destroot {
reinplace -E "s:(/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq):${prefix}\\1:g" \
reinplace -E "s:^($var)=/:\\1=${prefix}/:" \
- ${realsbin}/rabbitmq-multi \
${realsbin}/rabbitmq-server \
xinstall -m 555 ${filespath}/rabbitmq-script-wrapper \
- ${wrappersbin}/rabbitmq-multi
+ ${wrappersbin}/rabbitmq-server
reinplace -E "s:MACPORTS_PREFIX/bin:${prefix}/bin:" \
- ${wrappersbin}/rabbitmq-multi
+ ${wrappersbin}/rabbitmq-server
reinplace -E "s:/usr/lib/rabbitmq/bin/:${prefix}/lib/rabbitmq/bin/:" \
- ${wrappersbin}/rabbitmq-multi
+ ${wrappersbin}/rabbitmq-server
reinplace -E "s:/var/lib/rabbitmq:${prefix}/var/lib/rabbitmq:" \
- ${wrappersbin}/rabbitmq-multi
- file copy ${wrappersbin}/rabbitmq-multi ${wrappersbin}/rabbitmq-server
- file copy ${wrappersbin}/rabbitmq-multi ${wrappersbin}/rabbitmqctl
- file copy ${mansrc}/man1/rabbitmq-multi.1.gz ${mandest}/man1/
- file copy ${mansrc}/man1/rabbitmq-server.1.gz ${mandest}/man1/
- file copy ${mansrc}/man1/rabbitmqctl.1.gz ${mandest}/man1/
- file copy ${mansrc}/man5/rabbitmq-env.conf.5.gz ${mandest}/man5/
+ ${wrappersbin}/rabbitmq-server
+ file copy ${wrappersbin}/rabbitmq-server ${wrappersbin}/rabbitmqctl
+ xinstall -m 644 -W ${mansrc}/man1 rabbitmq-server.1.gz rabbitmqctl.1.gz \
+ ${mandest}/man1/
+ xinstall -m 644 -W ${mansrc}/man5 rabbitmq-env.conf.5.gz ${mandest}/man5/
pre-install {
diff --git a/packaging/windows-exe/lib/EnvVarUpdate.nsh b/packaging/windows-exe/lib/EnvVarUpdate.nsh
deleted file mode 100644
index 839d6a02..00000000
--- a/packaging/windows-exe/lib/EnvVarUpdate.nsh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,327 +0,0 @@
- * EnvVarUpdate.nsh
- * : Environmental Variables: append, prepend, and remove entries
- *
- * WARNING: If you use StrFunc.nsh header then include it before this file
- * with all required definitions. This is to avoid conflicts
- *
- * Usage:
- * ${EnvVarUpdate} "ResultVar" "EnvVarName" "Action" "RegLoc" "PathString"
- *
- * Credits:
- * Version 1.0
- * * Cal Turney (turnec2)
- * * Amir Szekely (KiCHiK) and e-circ for developing the forerunners of this
- * function: AddToPath, un.RemoveFromPath, AddToEnvVar, un.RemoveFromEnvVar,
- * WriteEnvStr, and un.DeleteEnvStr
- * * Diego Pedroso (deguix) for StrTok
- * * Kevin English (kenglish_hi) for StrContains
- * * Hendri Adriaens (Smile2Me), Diego Pedroso (deguix), and Dan Fuhry
- * (dandaman32) for StrReplace
- *
- * Version 1.1 (compatibility with StrFunc.nsh)
- * * techtonik
- *
- *
- *
- */
-!verbose push
-!verbose 3
-!include "LogicLib.nsh"
-!include "WinMessages.NSH"
-!include "StrFunc.nsh"
-; ---- Fix for conflict if StrFunc.nsh is already includes in main file -----------------------
-!macro _IncludeStrFunction StrFuncName
- !ifndef ${StrFuncName}_INCLUDED
- ${${StrFuncName}}
- !endif
- !ifndef Un${StrFuncName}_INCLUDED
- ${Un${StrFuncName}}
- !endif
- !define un.${StrFuncName} "${Un${StrFuncName}}"
-!insertmacro _IncludeStrFunction StrTok
-!insertmacro _IncludeStrFunction StrStr
-!insertmacro _IncludeStrFunction StrRep
-; ---------------------------------- Macro Definitions ----------------------------------------
-!macro _EnvVarUpdateConstructor ResultVar EnvVarName Action Regloc PathString
- Push "${EnvVarName}"
- Push "${Action}"
- Push "${RegLoc}"
- Push "${PathString}"
- Call EnvVarUpdate
- Pop "${ResultVar}"
-!define EnvVarUpdate '!insertmacro "_EnvVarUpdateConstructor"'
-!macro _unEnvVarUpdateConstructor ResultVar EnvVarName Action Regloc PathString
- Push "${EnvVarName}"
- Push "${Action}"
- Push "${RegLoc}"
- Push "${PathString}"
- Call un.EnvVarUpdate
- Pop "${ResultVar}"
-!define un.EnvVarUpdate '!insertmacro "_unEnvVarUpdateConstructor"'
-; ---------------------------------- Macro Definitions end-------------------------------------
-;----------------------------------- EnvVarUpdate start----------------------------------------
-!define hklm_all_users 'HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"'
-!define hkcu_current_user 'HKCU "Environment"'
-!macro EnvVarUpdate UN
-Function ${UN}EnvVarUpdate
- Push $0
- Exch 4
- Exch $1
- Exch 3
- Exch $2
- Exch 2
- Exch $3
- Exch
- Exch $4
- Push $5
- Push $6
- Push $7
- Push $8
- Push $9
- Push $R0
- /* After this point:
- -------------------------
- $0 = ResultVar (returned)
- $1 = EnvVarName (input)
- $2 = Action (input)
- $3 = RegLoc (input)
- $4 = PathString (input)
- $5 = Orig EnvVar (read from registry)
- $6 = Len of $0 (temp)
- $7 = tempstr1 (temp)
- $8 = Entry counter (temp)
- $9 = tempstr2 (temp)
- $R0 = tempChar (temp) */
- ; Step 1: Read contents of EnvVarName from RegLoc
- ;
- ; Check for empty EnvVarName
- ${If} $1 == ""
- SetErrors
- DetailPrint "ERROR: EnvVarName is blank"
- Goto EnvVarUpdate_Restore_Vars
- ${EndIf}
- ; Check for valid Action
- ${If} $2 != "A"
- ${AndIf} $2 != "P"
- ${AndIf} $2 != "R"
- SetErrors
- DetailPrint "ERROR: Invalid Action - must be A, P, or R"
- Goto EnvVarUpdate_Restore_Vars
- ${EndIf}
- ${If} $3 == HKLM
- ReadRegStr $5 ${hklm_all_users} $1 ; Get EnvVarName from all users into $5
- ${ElseIf} $3 == HKCU
- ReadRegStr $5 ${hkcu_current_user} $1 ; Read EnvVarName from current user into $5
- ${Else}
- SetErrors
- DetailPrint 'ERROR: Action is [$3] but must be "HKLM" or HKCU"'
- Goto EnvVarUpdate_Restore_Vars
- ${EndIf}
- ; Check for empty PathString
- ${If} $4 == ""
- SetErrors
- DetailPrint "ERROR: PathString is blank"
- Goto EnvVarUpdate_Restore_Vars
- ${EndIf}
- ; Make sure we've got some work to do
- ${If} $5 == ""
- ${AndIf} $2 == "R"
- SetErrors
- DetailPrint "$1 is empty - Nothing to remove"
- Goto EnvVarUpdate_Restore_Vars
- ${EndIf}
- ; Step 2: Scrub EnvVar
- ;
- StrCpy $0 $5 ; Copy the contents to $0
- ; Remove spaces around semicolons (NOTE: spaces before the 1st entry or
- ; after the last one are not removed here but instead in Step 3)
- ${If} $0 != "" ; If EnvVar is not empty ...
- ${Do}
- ${${UN}StrStr} $7 $0 " ;"
- ${If} $7 == ""
- ${ExitDo}
- ${EndIf}
- ${${UN}StrRep} $0 $0 " ;" ";" ; Remove '<space>;'
- ${Loop}
- ${Do}
- ${${UN}StrStr} $7 $0 "; "
- ${If} $7 == ""
- ${ExitDo}
- ${EndIf}
- ${${UN}StrRep} $0 $0 "; " ";" ; Remove ';<space>'
- ${Loop}
- ${Do}
- ${${UN}StrStr} $7 $0 ";;"
- ${If} $7 == ""
- ${ExitDo}
- ${EndIf}
- ${${UN}StrRep} $0 $0 ";;" ";"
- ${Loop}
- ; Remove a leading or trailing semicolon from EnvVar
- StrCpy $7 $0 1 0
- ${If} $7 == ";"
- StrCpy $0 $0 "" 1 ; Change ';<EnvVar>' to '<EnvVar>'
- ${EndIf}
- StrLen $6 $0
- IntOp $6 $6 - 1
- StrCpy $7 $0 1 $6
- ${If} $7 == ";"
- StrCpy $0 $0 $6 ; Change ';<EnvVar>' to '<EnvVar>'
- ${EndIf}
- ; DetailPrint "Scrubbed $1: [$0]" ; Uncomment to debug
- ${EndIf}
- /* Step 3. Remove all instances of the target path/string (even if "A" or "P")
- $6 = bool flag (1 = found and removed PathString)
- $7 = a string (e.g. path) delimited by semicolon(s)
- $8 = entry counter starting at 0
- $9 = copy of $0
- $R0 = tempChar */
- ${If} $5 != "" ; If EnvVar is not empty ...
- StrCpy $9 $0
- StrCpy $0 ""
- StrCpy $8 0
- StrCpy $6 0
- ${Do}
- ${${UN}StrTok} $7 $9 ";" $8 "0" ; $7 = next entry, $8 = entry counter
- ${If} $7 == "" ; If we've run out of entries,
- ${ExitDo} ; were done
- ${EndIf} ;
- ; Remove leading and trailing spaces from this entry (critical step for Action=Remove)
- ${Do}
- StrCpy $R0 $7 1
- ${If} $R0 != " "
- ${ExitDo}
- ${EndIf}
- StrCpy $7 $7 "" 1 ; Remove leading space
- ${Loop}
- ${Do}
- StrCpy $R0 $7 1 -1
- ${If} $R0 != " "
- ${ExitDo}
- ${EndIf}
- StrCpy $7 $7 -1 ; Remove trailing space
- ${Loop}
- ${If} $7 == $4 ; If string matches, remove it by not appending it
- StrCpy $6 1 ; Set 'found' flag
- ${ElseIf} $7 != $4 ; If string does NOT match
- ${AndIf} $0 == "" ; and the 1st string being added to $0,
- StrCpy $0 $7 ; copy it to $0 without a prepended semicolon
- ${ElseIf} $7 != $4 ; If string does NOT match
- ${AndIf} $0 != "" ; and this is NOT the 1st string to be added to $0,
- StrCpy $0 $0;$7 ; append path to $0 with a prepended semicolon
- ${EndIf} ;
- IntOp $8 $8 + 1 ; Bump counter
- ${Loop} ; Check for duplicates until we run out of paths
- ${EndIf}
- ; Step 4: Perform the requested Action
- ;
- ${If} $2 != "R" ; If Append or Prepend
- ${If} $6 == 1 ; And if we found the target
- DetailPrint "Target is already present in $1. It will be removed and"
- ${EndIf}
- ${If} $0 == "" ; If EnvVar is (now) empty
- StrCpy $0 $4 ; just copy PathString to EnvVar
- ${If} $6 == 0 ; If found flag is either 0
- ${OrIf} $6 == "" ; or blank (if EnvVarName is empty)
- DetailPrint "$1 was empty and has been updated with the target"
- ${EndIf}
- ${ElseIf} $2 == "A" ; If Append (and EnvVar is not empty),
- StrCpy $0 $0;$4 ; append PathString
- ${If} $6 == 1
- DetailPrint "appended to $1"
- ${Else}
- DetailPrint "Target was appended to $1"
- ${EndIf}
- ${Else} ; If Prepend (and EnvVar is not empty),
- StrCpy $0 $4;$0 ; prepend PathString
- ${If} $6 == 1
- DetailPrint "prepended to $1"
- ${Else}
- DetailPrint "Target was prepended to $1"
- ${EndIf}
- ${EndIf}
- ${Else} ; If Action = Remove
- ${If} $6 == 1 ; and we found the target
- DetailPrint "Target was found and removed from $1"
- ${Else}
- DetailPrint "Target was NOT found in $1 (nothing to remove)"
- ${EndIf}
- ${If} $0 == ""
- DetailPrint "$1 is now empty"
- ${EndIf}
- ${EndIf}
- ; Step 5: Update the registry at RegLoc with the updated EnvVar and announce the change
- ;
- ClearErrors
- ${If} $3 == HKLM
- WriteRegExpandStr ${hklm_all_users} $1 $0 ; Write it in all users section
- ${ElseIf} $3 == HKCU
- WriteRegExpandStr ${hkcu_current_user} $1 $0 ; Write it to current user section
- ${EndIf}
- IfErrors 0 +4
- MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "Could not write updated $1 to $3"
- DetailPrint "Could not write updated $1 to $3"
- Goto EnvVarUpdate_Restore_Vars
- ; "Export" our change
- SendMessage ${HWND_BROADCAST} ${WM_WININICHANGE} 0 "STR:Environment" /TIMEOUT=5000
- EnvVarUpdate_Restore_Vars:
- ;
- ; Restore the user's variables and return ResultVar
- Pop $R0
- Pop $9
- Pop $8
- Pop $7
- Pop $6
- Pop $5
- Pop $4
- Pop $3
- Pop $2
- Pop $1
- Push $0 ; Push my $0 (ResultVar)
- Exch
- Pop $0 ; Restore his $0
-!macroend ; EnvVarUpdate UN
-!insertmacro EnvVarUpdate ""
-!insertmacro EnvVarUpdate "un."
-;----------------------------------- EnvVarUpdate end----------------------------------------
-!verbose pop
diff --git a/packaging/windows-exe/ b/packaging/windows-exe/
index 6d79ffd4..1ed4064e 100644
--- a/packaging/windows-exe/
+++ b/packaging/windows-exe/
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
!include WinMessages.nsh
!include FileFunc.nsh
!include WordFunc.nsh
-!include lib\EnvVarUpdate.nsh
!define env_hklm 'HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"'
!define uninstall "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\RabbitMQ"
@@ -77,9 +76,6 @@ Section "RabbitMQ Server (required)" Rabbit
File /r "rabbitmq_server-%%VERSION%%"
File "rabbitmq.ico"
- ; Add to PATH
- ${EnvVarUpdate} $0 "PATH" "A" "HKLM" "$INSTDIR\rabbitmq_server-%%VERSION%%\sbin"
; Write the installation path into the registry
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\VMware, Inc.\RabbitMQ Server" "Install_Dir" "$INSTDIR"
@@ -126,6 +122,9 @@ Section "Start Menu" RabbitStartMenu
CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\RabbitMQ Server\Start Service.lnk" "$INSTDIR\rabbitmq_server-%%VERSION%%\sbin\rabbitmq-service.bat" "start" "$INSTDIR\rabbitmq.ico"
CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\RabbitMQ Server\Stop Service.lnk" "$INSTDIR\rabbitmq_server-%%VERSION%%\sbin\rabbitmq-service.bat" "stop" "$INSTDIR\rabbitmq.ico"
+ SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\rabbitmq_server-%%VERSION%%\sbin"
+ CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\RabbitMQ Server\Command Prompt (sbin dir).lnk" "$WINDIR\system32\cmd.exe" "" "$WINDIR\system32\cmd.exe"
+ SetOutPath $INSTDIR
@@ -157,9 +156,6 @@ Section "Uninstall"
ExecWait '"$0" /C "$INSTDIR\rabbitmq_server-%%VERSION%%\sbin\rabbitmq-service.bat" stop'
ExecWait '"$0" /C "$INSTDIR\rabbitmq_server-%%VERSION%%\sbin\rabbitmq-service.bat" remove'
- ; Remove from PATH
- ${un.EnvVarUpdate} $0 "PATH" "R" "HKLM" "$INSTDIR\rabbitmq_server-%%VERSION%%\sbin"
; Remove files and uninstaller
RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\rabbitmq_server-%%VERSION%%"
Delete "$INSTDIR\rabbitmq.ico"
diff --git a/packaging/windows/Makefile b/packaging/windows/Makefile
index abe174e0..dacfa620 100644
--- a/packaging/windows/Makefile
+++ b/packaging/windows/Makefile
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dist:
mv $(SOURCE_DIR)/scripts/rabbitmq-server.bat $(SOURCE_DIR)/sbin
mv $(SOURCE_DIR)/scripts/rabbitmq-service.bat $(SOURCE_DIR)/sbin
mv $(SOURCE_DIR)/scripts/rabbitmqctl.bat $(SOURCE_DIR)/sbin
- mv $(SOURCE_DIR)/scripts/rabbitmq-multi.bat $(SOURCE_DIR)/sbin
rm -rf $(SOURCE_DIR)/scripts
rm -rf $(SOURCE_DIR)/codegen* $(SOURCE_DIR)/Makefile
diff --git a/scripts/rabbitmq-env b/scripts/rabbitmq-env
index 3e173949..a2ef8d3c 100755
--- a/scripts/rabbitmq-env
+++ b/scripts/rabbitmq-env
@@ -37,7 +37,8 @@ RABBITMQ_HOME="${SCRIPT_DIR}/.."
# Load configuration from the rabbitmq.conf file
-if [ -f /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.conf ]; then
+if [ -f /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.conf ] && \
+ [ ! -f /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-env.conf ] ; then
echo -n "WARNING: ignoring /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.conf -- "
echo "location has moved to /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-env.conf"
diff --git a/scripts/rabbitmq-multi b/scripts/rabbitmq-multi
deleted file mode 100755
index ebcf4b63..00000000
--- a/scripts/rabbitmq-multi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-## The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
-## Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-## compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License
-## at
-## Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-## basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-## the License for the specific language governing rights and
-## limitations under the License.
-## The Original Code is RabbitMQ.
-## The Initial Developer of the Original Code is VMware, Inc.
-## Copyright (c) 2007-2011 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.
-SCRIPT_HOME=$(dirname $0)
-. `dirname $0`/rabbitmq-env
-[ "x" = "x$RABBITMQ_NODE_PORT" ] && [ "x" != "x$NODE_PORT" ] && RABBITMQ_NODE_PORT=${NODE_PORT}
-if [ "x" = "x$RABBITMQ_NODE_IP_ADDRESS" ]
- if [ "x" != "x$RABBITMQ_NODE_PORT" ]
- fi
- if [ "x" = "x$RABBITMQ_NODE_PORT" ]
- fi
-export \
-# we need to turn off path expansion because some of the vars, notably
-# RABBITMQ_MULTI_ERL_ARGS, may contain terms that look like globs and
-# there is no other way of preventing their expansion.
-set -f
-exec erl \
- -pa "${RABBITMQ_HOME}/ebin" \
- -noinput \
- -hidden \
- -sname rabbitmq_multi$$ \
- -s rabbit_multi \
- -extra "$@"
diff --git a/scripts/rabbitmq-multi.bat b/scripts/rabbitmq-multi.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index a2d10f2e..00000000
--- a/scripts/rabbitmq-multi.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-@echo off
-REM The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
-REM Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-REM compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License
-REM at
-REM Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-REM basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-REM the License for the specific language governing rights and
-REM limitations under the License.
-REM The Original Code is RabbitMQ.
-REM The Initial Developer of the Original Code is VMware, Inc.
-REM Copyright (c) 2007-2011 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.
-rem Preserve values that might contain exclamation marks before
-rem enabling delayed expansion
-set TDP0=%~dp0
-set STAR=%*
-setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
-if "!RABBITMQ_BASE!"=="" (
-if "!COMPUTERNAME!"=="" (
- set COMPUTERNAME=localhost
- if not "!RABBITMQ_NODE_PORT!"=="" (
- )
-) else (
- if "!RABBITMQ_NODE_PORT!"=="" (
- )
-if exist "!RABBITMQ_CONFIG_FILE!.config" (
-) else (
-if not exist "!ERLANG_HOME!\bin\erl.exe" (
- echo.
- echo ******************************
- echo ERLANG_HOME not set correctly.
- echo ******************************
- echo.
- echo Please either set ERLANG_HOME to point to your Erlang installation or place the
- echo RabbitMQ server distribution in the Erlang lib folder.
- echo.
- exit /B
-"!ERLANG_HOME!\bin\erl.exe" ^
--pa "!TDP0!..\ebin" ^
--noinput -hidden ^
--sname rabbitmq_multi!RANDOM! ^
--s rabbit_multi ^
--extra !STAR!
diff --git a/scripts/rabbitmq-server.bat b/scripts/rabbitmq-server.bat
index 2ca9f2b3..5e2097db 100644
--- a/scripts/rabbitmq-server.bat
+++ b/scripts/rabbitmq-server.bat
@@ -72,17 +72,14 @@ rem Log management (rotation, filtering based of size...) is left as an exercice
if exist "!LOGS!" (
- type "!LOGS!" >> "!LOGS_BACKUP!"
if exist "!SASL_LOGS!" (
- type "!SASL_LOGS!" >> "!SASL_LOGS_BACKUP!"
rem End of log management
@@ -144,10 +141,10 @@ if not "!RABBITMQ_NODE_IP_ADDRESS!"=="" (
+P 1048576 ^
-kernel inet_default_connect_options "[{nodelay, true}]" ^
--kernel error_logger {file,\""!RABBITMQ_LOG_BASE!/!RABBITMQ_NODENAME!.log"\"} ^
+-kernel error_logger {file,\""!LOGS:\=/!"\"} ^
-sasl errlog_type error ^
--sasl sasl_error_logger {file,\""!RABBITMQ_LOG_BASE!/!RABBITMQ_NODENAME!-sasl.log"\"} ^
+-sasl sasl_error_logger {file,\""!SASL_LOGS:\=/!"\"} ^
-os_mon start_cpu_sup true ^
-os_mon start_disksup false ^
-os_mon start_memsup false ^
diff --git a/scripts/rabbitmq-service.bat b/scripts/rabbitmq-service.bat
index bc452fea..aa428a8c 100644
--- a/scripts/rabbitmq-service.bat
+++ b/scripts/rabbitmq-service.bat
@@ -105,17 +105,14 @@ rem Log management (rotation, filtering based on size...) is left as an exercise
if exist "!LOGS!" (
- type "!LOGS!" >> "!LOGS_BACKUP!"
if exist "!SASL_LOGS!" (
- type "!SASL_LOGS!" >> "!SASL_LOGS_BACKUP!"
rem End of log management
@@ -209,10 +206,10 @@ set ERLANG_SERVICE_ARGUMENTS= ^
+A30 ^
-kernel inet_default_connect_options "[{nodelay,true}]" ^
--kernel error_logger {file,\""!RABBITMQ_LOG_BASE!/!RABBITMQ_NODENAME!.log"\"} ^
+-kernel error_logger {file,\""!LOGS:\=/!"\"} ^
-sasl errlog_type error ^
--sasl sasl_error_logger {file,\""!RABBITMQ_LOG_BASE!/!RABBITMQ_NODENAME!-sasl.log"\"} ^
+-sasl sasl_error_logger {file,\""!SASL_LOGS:\=/!"\"} ^
-os_mon start_cpu_sup true ^
-os_mon start_disksup false ^
-os_mon start_memsup false ^
diff --git a/src/file_handle_cache.erl b/src/file_handle_cache.erl
index f41815d0..61b08d49 100644
--- a/src/file_handle_cache.erl
+++ b/src/file_handle_cache.erl
@@ -156,13 +156,6 @@
-define(SERVER, ?MODULE).
-define(RESERVED_FOR_OTHERS, 100).
-%% Googling around suggests that Windows has a limit somewhere around
-%% 16M, eg
-%% however, it turns out that's only available through the win32
-%% API. Via the C Runtime, we have just 512:
@@ -242,7 +235,7 @@
-> val_or_error(ref())).
-spec(close/1 :: (ref()) -> ok_or_error()).
-spec(read/2 :: (ref(), non_neg_integer()) ->
- val_or_error([char()] | binary()) | 'eof').
+ val_or_error([char()] | binary()) | 'eof').
-spec(append/2 :: (ref(), iodata()) -> ok_or_error()).
-spec(sync/1 :: (ref()) -> ok_or_error()).
-spec(position/2 :: (ref(), position()) -> val_or_error(offset())).
@@ -252,7 +245,7 @@
-spec(current_raw_offset/1 :: (ref()) -> val_or_error(offset())).
-spec(flush/1 :: (ref()) -> ok_or_error()).
-spec(copy/3 :: (ref(), ref(), non_neg_integer()) ->
- val_or_error(non_neg_integer())).
+ val_or_error(non_neg_integer())).
-spec(set_maximum_since_use/1 :: (non_neg_integer()) -> 'ok').
-spec(delete/1 :: (ref()) -> ok_or_error()).
-spec(clear/1 :: (ref()) -> ok_or_error()).
@@ -867,34 +860,35 @@ handle_call({open, Pid, Requested, EldestUnusedSince}, From,
false -> {noreply, run_pending_item(Item, State1)}
-handle_call({obtain, Pid}, From, State = #fhc_state { obtain_limit = Limit,
- obtain_count = Count,
- obtain_pending = Pending,
- clients = Clients })
- when Limit =/= infinity andalso Count >= Limit ->
- ok = track_client(Pid, Clients),
- true = ets:update_element(Clients, Pid, {#cstate.blocked, true}),
- Item = #pending { kind = obtain, pid = Pid, requested = 1, from = From },
- {noreply, State #fhc_state { obtain_pending = pending_in(Item, Pending) }};
handle_call({obtain, Pid}, From, State = #fhc_state { obtain_count = Count,
obtain_pending = Pending,
clients = Clients }) ->
- Item = #pending { kind = obtain, pid = Pid, requested = 1, from = From },
ok = track_client(Pid, Clients),
- case needs_reduce(State #fhc_state { obtain_count = Count + 1 }) of
- true ->
- true = ets:update_element(Clients, Pid, {#cstate.blocked, true}),
- {noreply, reduce(State #fhc_state {
- obtain_pending = pending_in(Item, Pending) })};
- false ->
- {noreply, run_pending_item(Item, State)}
- end;
+ Item = #pending { kind = obtain, pid = Pid, requested = 1, from = From },
+ Enqueue = fun () ->
+ true = ets:update_element(Clients, Pid,
+ {#cstate.blocked, true}),
+ State #fhc_state {
+ obtain_pending = pending_in(Item, Pending) }
+ end,
+ {noreply,
+ case obtain_limit_reached(State) of
+ true -> Enqueue();
+ false -> case needs_reduce(State #fhc_state {
+ obtain_count = Count + 1 }) of
+ true -> reduce(Enqueue());
+ false -> adjust_alarm(
+ State, run_pending_item(Item, State))
+ end
+ end};
handle_call({set_limit, Limit}, _From, State) ->
- {reply, ok, maybe_reduce(
- process_pending(State #fhc_state {
- limit = Limit,
- obtain_limit = obtain_limit(Limit) }))};
+ {reply, ok, adjust_alarm(
+ State, maybe_reduce(
+ process_pending(
+ State #fhc_state {
+ limit = Limit,
+ obtain_limit = obtain_limit(Limit) })))};
handle_call(get_limit, _From, State = #fhc_state { limit = Limit }) ->
{reply, Limit, State};
@@ -923,9 +917,9 @@ handle_cast({close, Pid, EldestUnusedSince},
_ -> dict:store(Pid, EldestUnusedSince, Elders)
ets:update_counter(Clients, Pid, {#cstate.pending_closes, -1, 0, 0}),
- {noreply, process_pending(
+ {noreply, adjust_alarm(State, process_pending(
update_counts(open, Pid, -1,
- State #fhc_state { elders = Elders1 }))};
+ State #fhc_state { elders = Elders1 })))};
handle_cast({transfer, FromPid, ToPid}, State) ->
ok = track_client(ToPid, State#fhc_state.clients),
@@ -947,13 +941,15 @@ handle_info({'DOWN', _MRef, process, Pid, _Reason},
ets:lookup(Clients, Pid),
true = ets:delete(Clients, Pid),
FilterFun = fun (#pending { pid = Pid1 }) -> Pid1 =/= Pid end,
- {noreply, process_pending(
- State #fhc_state {
- open_count = OpenCount - Opened,
- open_pending = filter_pending(FilterFun, OpenPending),
- obtain_count = ObtainCount - Obtained,
- obtain_pending = filter_pending(FilterFun, ObtainPending),
- elders = dict:erase(Pid, Elders) })}.
+ {noreply, adjust_alarm(
+ State,
+ process_pending(
+ State #fhc_state {
+ open_count = OpenCount - Opened,
+ open_pending = filter_pending(FilterFun, OpenPending),
+ obtain_count = ObtainCount - Obtained,
+ obtain_pending = filter_pending(FilterFun, ObtainPending),
+ elders = dict:erase(Pid, Elders) }))}.
terminate(_Reason, State = #fhc_state { clients = Clients }) ->
@@ -974,12 +970,13 @@ queue_fold(Fun, Init, Q) ->
filter_pending(Fun, {Count, Queue}) ->
{Delta, Queue1} =
- queue_fold(fun (Item, {DeltaN, QueueN}) ->
- case Fun(Item) of
- true -> {DeltaN, queue:in(Item, QueueN)};
- false -> {DeltaN - requested(Item), QueueN}
- end
- end, {0, queue:new()}, Queue),
+ queue_fold(
+ fun (Item = #pending { requested = Requested }, {DeltaN, QueueN}) ->
+ case Fun(Item) of
+ true -> {DeltaN, queue:in(Item, QueueN)};
+ false -> {DeltaN - Requested, QueueN}
+ end
+ end, {0, queue:new()}, Queue),
{Count + Delta, Queue1}.
pending_new() ->
@@ -1013,8 +1010,17 @@ obtain_limit(Limit) -> case ?OBTAIN_LIMIT(Limit) of
OLimit -> OLimit
-requested({_Kind, _Pid, Requested, _From}) ->
- Requested.
+obtain_limit_reached(#fhc_state { obtain_limit = Limit,
+ obtain_count = Count}) ->
+ Limit =/= infinity andalso Count >= Limit.
+adjust_alarm(OldState, NewState) ->
+ case {obtain_limit_reached(OldState), obtain_limit_reached(NewState)} of
+ {false, true} -> alarm_handler:set_alarm({file_descriptor_limit, []});
+ {true, false} -> alarm_handler:clear_alarm(file_descriptor_limit);
+ _ -> ok
+ end,
+ NewState.
process_pending(State = #fhc_state { limit = infinity }) ->
@@ -1117,7 +1123,7 @@ reduce(State = #fhc_state { open_pending = OpenPending,
case CStates of
[] -> ok;
_ -> case (Sum / ClientCount) -
AverageAge when AverageAge > 0 ->
notify_age(CStates, AverageAge);
_ ->
@@ -1141,11 +1147,12 @@ notify_age(CStates, AverageAge) ->
end, CStates).
notify_age0(Clients, CStates, Required) ->
- Notifications =
- [CState || CState <- CStates, CState#cstate.callback =/= undefined],
- {L1, L2} = lists:split(random:uniform(length(Notifications)),
- Notifications),
- notify(Clients, Required, L2 ++ L1).
+ case [CState || CState <- CStates, CState#cstate.callback =/= undefined] of
+ [] -> ok;
+ Notifications -> S = random:uniform(length(Notifications)),
+ {L1, L2} = lists:split(S, Notifications),
+ notify(Clients, Required, L2 ++ L1)
+ end.
notify(_Clients, _Required, []) ->
@@ -1170,29 +1177,20 @@ track_client(Pid, Clients) ->
false -> ok
-%% For all unices, assume ulimit exists. Further googling suggests
-%% that BSDs (incl OS X), solaris and linux all agree that ulimit -n
-%% is file handles
+%% To increase the number of file descriptors: on Windows set ERL_MAX_PORTS
+%% environment variable, on Linux set `ulimit -n`.
ulimit() ->
- case os:type() of
- {win32, _OsName} ->
- {unix, _OsName} ->
- %% Under Linux, Solaris and FreeBSD, ulimit is a shell
- %% builtin, not a command. In OS X and AIX it's a command.
- %% Fortunately, os:cmd invokes the cmd in a shell env, so
- %% we're safe in all cases.
- case os:cmd("ulimit -n") of
- "unlimited" ->
- infinity;
- String = [C|_] when $0 =< C andalso C =< $9 ->
- list_to_integer(
- lists:takewhile(
- fun (D) -> $0 =< D andalso D =< $9 end, String));
- _ ->
- %% probably a variant of
- %% "/bin/sh: line 1: ulimit: command not found\n"
- unknown
+ case proplists:get_value(max_fds, erlang:system_info(check_io)) of
+ MaxFds when is_integer(MaxFds) andalso MaxFds > 1 ->
+ case os:type() of
+ {win32, _OsName} ->
+ %% On Windows max_fds is twice the number of open files:
+ %%
+ MaxFds div 2;
+ _Any ->
+ %% For other operating systems trust Erlang.
+ MaxFds
_ ->
diff --git a/src/gen_server2.erl b/src/gen_server2.erl
index 94296f97..43e0a8f5 100644
--- a/src/gen_server2.erl
+++ b/src/gen_server2.erl
@@ -453,8 +453,8 @@ unregister_name({global,Name}) ->
_ = global:unregister_name(Name);
unregister_name(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) ->
-% Under R12 let's just ignore it, as we have a single term as Name.
-% On R13 it will never get here, as we get tuple with 'local/global' atom.
+%% Under R12 let's just ignore it, as we have a single term as Name.
+%% On R13 it will never get here, as we get tuple with 'local/global' atom.
unregister_name(_Name) -> ok.
extend_backoff(undefined) ->
diff --git a/src/gm.erl b/src/gm.erl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8b7dc70c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gm.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,1379 @@
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+%% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+%% License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% The Original Code is RabbitMQ.
+%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is VMware, Inc.
+%% Copyright (c) 2007-2011 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.
+%% Guaranteed Multicast
+%% ====================
+%% This module provides the ability to create named groups of
+%% processes to which members can be dynamically added and removed,
+%% and for messages to be broadcast within the group that are
+%% guaranteed to reach all members of the group during the lifetime of
+%% the message. The lifetime of a message is defined as being, at a
+%% minimum, the time from which the message is first sent to any
+%% member of the group, up until the time at which it is known by the
+%% member who published the message that the message has reached all
+%% group members.
+%% The guarantee given is that provided a message, once sent, makes it
+%% to members who do not all leave the group, the message will
+%% continue to propagate to all group members.
+%% Another way of stating the guarantee is that if member P publishes
+%% messages m and m', then for all members P', if P' is a member of
+%% the group prior to the publication of m, and P' receives m', then
+%% P' will receive m.
+%% Note that only local-ordering is enforced: i.e. if member P sends
+%% message m and then message m', then for-all members P', if P'
+%% receives m and m', then they will receive m' after m. Causality
+%% ordering is _not_ enforced. I.e. if member P receives message m
+%% and as a result publishes message m', there is no guarantee that
+%% other members P' will receive m before m'.
+%% API Use
+%% -------
+%% Mnesia must be started. Use the idempotent create_tables/0 function
+%% to create the tables required.
+%% start_link/3
+%% Provide the group name, the callback module name, and any arguments
+%% you wish to be passed into the callback module's functions. The
+%% joined/2 function will be called when we have joined the group,
+%% with the arguments passed to start_link and a list of the current
+%% members of the group. See the comments in behaviour_info/1 below
+%% for further details of the callback functions.
+%% leave/1
+%% Provide the Pid. Removes the Pid from the group. The callback
+%% terminate/2 function will be called.
+%% broadcast/2
+%% Provide the Pid and a Message. The message will be sent to all
+%% members of the group as per the guarantees given above. This is a
+%% cast and the function call will return immediately. There is no
+%% guarantee that the message will reach any member of the group.
+%% confirmed_broadcast/2
+%% Provide the Pid and a Message. As per broadcast/2 except that this
+%% is a call, not a cast, and only returns 'ok' once the Message has
+%% reached every member of the group. Do not call
+%% confirmed_broadcast/2 directly from the callback module otherwise
+%% you will deadlock the entire group.
+%% group_members/1
+%% Provide the Pid. Returns a list of the current group members.
+%% Implementation Overview
+%% -----------------------
+%% One possible means of implementation would be a fan-out from the
+%% sender to every member of the group. This would require that the
+%% group is fully connected, and, in the event that the original
+%% sender of the message disappears from the group before the message
+%% has made it to every member of the group, raises questions as to
+%% who is responsible for sending on the message to new group members.
+%% In particular, the issue is with [ Pid ! Msg || Pid <- Members ] -
+%% if the sender dies part way through, who is responsible for
+%% ensuring that the remaining Members receive the Msg? In the event
+%% that within the group, messages sent are broadcast from a subset of
+%% the members, the fan-out arrangement has the potential to
+%% substantially impact the CPU and network workload of such members,
+%% as such members would have to accommodate the cost of sending each
+%% message to every group member.
+%% Instead, if the members of the group are arranged in a chain, then
+%% it becomes easier to reason about who within the group has received
+%% each message and who has not. It eases issues of responsibility: in
+%% the event of a group member disappearing, the nearest upstream
+%% member of the chain is responsible for ensuring that messages
+%% continue to propagate down the chain. It also results in equal
+%% distribution of sending and receiving workload, even if all
+%% messages are being sent from just a single group member. This
+%% configuration has the further advantage that it is not necessary
+%% for every group member to know of every other group member, and
+%% even that a group member does not have to be accessible from all
+%% other group members.
+%% Performance is kept high by permitting pipelining and all
+%% communication between joined group members is asynchronous. In the
+%% chain A -> B -> C -> D, if A sends a message to the group, it will
+%% not directly contact C or D. However, it must know that D receives
+%% the message (in addition to B and C) before it can consider the
+%% message fully sent. A simplistic implementation would require that
+%% D replies to C, C replies to B and B then replies to A. This would
+%% result in a propagation delay of twice the length of the chain. It
+%% would also require, in the event of the failure of C, that D knows
+%% to directly contact B and issue the necessary replies. Instead, the
+%% chain forms a ring: D sends the message on to A: D does not
+%% distinguish A as the sender, merely as the next member (downstream)
+%% within the chain (which has now become a ring). When A receives
+%% from D messages that A sent, it knows that all members have
+%% received the message. However, the message is not dead yet: if C
+%% died as B was sending to C, then B would need to detect the death
+%% of C and forward the message on to D instead: thus every node has
+%% to remember every message published until it is told that it can
+%% forget about the message. This is essential not just for dealing
+%% with failure of members, but also for the addition of new members.
+%% Thus once A receives the message back again, it then sends to B an
+%% acknowledgement for the message, indicating that B can now forget
+%% about the message. B does so, and forwards the ack to C. C forgets
+%% the message, and forwards the ack to D, which forgets the message
+%% and finally forwards the ack back to A. At this point, A takes no
+%% further action: the message and its acknowledgement have made it to
+%% every member of the group. The message is now dead, and any new
+%% member joining the group at this point will not receive the
+%% message.
+%% We therefore have two roles:
+%% 1. The sender, who upon receiving their own messages back, must
+%% then send out acknowledgements, and upon receiving their own
+%% acknowledgements back perform no further action.
+%% 2. The other group members who upon receiving messages and
+%% acknowledgements must update their own internal state accordingly
+%% (the sending member must also do this in order to be able to
+%% accommodate failures), and forwards messages on to their downstream
+%% neighbours.
+%% Implementation: It gets trickier
+%% --------------------------------
+%% Chain A -> B -> C -> D
+%% A publishes a message which B receives. A now dies. B and D will
+%% detect the death of A, and will link up, thus the chain is now B ->
+%% C -> D. B forwards A's message on to C, who forwards it to D, who
+%% forwards it to B. Thus B is now responsible for A's messages - both
+%% publications and acknowledgements that were in flight at the point
+%% at which A died. Even worse is that this is transitive: after B
+%% forwards A's message to C, B dies as well. Now C is not only
+%% responsible for B's in-flight messages, but is also responsible for
+%% A's in-flight messages.
+%% Lemma 1: A member can only determine which dead members they have
+%% inherited responsibility for if there is a total ordering on the
+%% conflicting additions and subtractions of members from the group.
+%% Consider the simultaneous death of B and addition of B' that
+%% transitions a chain from A -> B -> C to A -> B' -> C. Either B' or
+%% C is responsible for in-flight messages from B. It is easy to
+%% ensure that at least one of them thinks they have inherited B, but
+%% if we do not ensure that exactly one of them inherits B, then we
+%% could have B' converting publishes to acks, which then will crash C
+%% as C does not believe it has issued acks for those messages.
+%% More complex scenarios are easy to concoct: A -> B -> C -> D -> E
+%% becoming A -> C' -> E. Who has inherited which of B, C and D?
+%% However, for non-conflicting membership changes, only a partial
+%% ordering is required. For example, A -> B -> C becoming A -> A' ->
+%% B. The addition of A', between A and B can have no conflicts with
+%% the death of C: it is clear that A has inherited C's messages.
+%% For ease of implementation, we adopt the simple solution, of
+%% imposing a total order on all membership changes.
+%% On the death of a member, it is ensured the dead member's
+%% neighbours become aware of the death, and the upstream neighbour
+%% now sends to its new downstream neighbour its state, including the
+%% messages pending acknowledgement. The downstream neighbour can then
+%% use this to calculate which publishes and acknowledgements it has
+%% missed out on, due to the death of its old upstream. Thus the
+%% downstream can catch up, and continues the propagation of messages
+%% through the group.
+%% Lemma 2: When a member is joining, it must synchronously
+%% communicate with its upstream member in order to receive its
+%% starting state atomically with its addition to the group.
+%% New members must start with the same state as their nearest
+%% upstream neighbour. This ensures that it is not surprised by
+%% acknowledgements they are sent, and that should their downstream
+%% neighbour die, they are able to send the correct state to their new
+%% downstream neighbour to ensure it can catch up. Thus in the
+%% transition A -> B -> C becomes A -> A' -> B -> C becomes A -> A' ->
+%% C, A' must start with the state of A, so that it can send C the
+%% correct state when B dies, allowing C to detect any missed
+%% messages.
+%% If A' starts by adding itself to the group membership, A could then
+%% die, without A' having received the necessary state from A. This
+%% would leave A' responsible for in-flight messages from A, but
+%% having the least knowledge of all, of those messages. Thus A' must
+%% start by synchronously calling A, which then immediately sends A'
+%% back its state. A then adds A' to the group. If A dies at this
+%% point then A' will be able to see this (as A' will fail to appear
+%% in the group membership), and thus A' will ignore the state it
+%% receives from A, and will simply repeat the process, trying to now
+%% join downstream from some other member. This ensures that should
+%% the upstream die as soon as the new member has been joined, the new
+%% member is guaranteed to receive the correct state, allowing it to
+%% correctly process messages inherited due to the death of its
+%% upstream neighbour.
+%% The canonical definition of the group membership is held by a
+%% distributed database. Whilst this allows the total ordering of
+%% changes to be achieved, it is nevertheless undesirable to have to
+%% query this database for the current view, upon receiving each
+%% message. Instead, we wish for members to be able to cache a view of
+%% the group membership, which then requires a cache invalidation
+%% mechanism. Each member maintains its own view of the group
+%% membership. Thus when the group's membership changes, members may
+%% need to become aware of such changes in order to be able to
+%% accurately process messages they receive. Because of the
+%% requirement of a total ordering of conflicting membership changes,
+%% it is not possible to use the guaranteed broadcast mechanism to
+%% communicate these changes: to achieve the necessary ordering, it
+%% would be necessary for such messages to be published by exactly one
+%% member, which can not be guaranteed given that such a member could
+%% die.
+%% The total ordering we enforce on membership changes gives rise to a
+%% view version number: every change to the membership creates a
+%% different view, and the total ordering permits a simple
+%% monotonically increasing view version number.
+%% Lemma 3: If a message is sent from a member that holds view version
+%% N, it can be correctly processed by any member receiving the
+%% message with a view version >= N.
+%% Initially, let us suppose that each view contains the ordering of
+%% every member that was ever part of the group. Dead members are
+%% marked as such. Thus we have a ring of members, some of which are
+%% dead, and are thus inherited by the nearest alive downstream
+%% member.
+%% In the chain A -> B -> C, all three members initially have view
+%% version 1, which reflects reality. B publishes a message, which is
+%% forward by C to A. B now dies, which A notices very quickly. Thus A
+%% updates the view, creating version 2. It now forwards B's
+%% publication, sending that message to its new downstream neighbour,
+%% C. This happens before C is aware of the death of B. C must become
+%% aware of the view change before it interprets the message its
+%% received, otherwise it will fail to learn of the death of B, and
+%% thus will not realise it has inherited B's messages (and will
+%% likely crash).
+%% Thus very simply, we have that each subsequent view contains more
+%% information than the preceding view.
+%% However, to avoid the views growing indefinitely, we need to be
+%% able to delete members which have died _and_ for which no messages
+%% are in-flight. This requires that upon inheriting a dead member, we
+%% know the last publication sent by the dead member (this is easy: we
+%% inherit a member because we are the nearest downstream member which
+%% implies that we know at least as much than everyone else about the
+%% publications of the dead member), and we know the earliest message
+%% for which the acknowledgement is still in flight.
+%% In the chain A -> B -> C, when B dies, A will send to C its state
+%% (as C is the new downstream from A), allowing C to calculate which
+%% messages it has missed out on (described above). At this point, C
+%% also inherits B's messages. If that state from A also includes the
+%% last message published by B for which an acknowledgement has been
+%% seen, then C knows exactly which further acknowledgements it must
+%% receive (also including issuing acknowledgements for publications
+%% still in-flight that it receives), after which it is known there
+%% are no more messages in flight for B, thus all evidence that B was
+%% ever part of the group can be safely removed from the canonical
+%% group membership.
+%% Thus, for every message that a member sends, it includes with that
+%% message its view version. When a member receives a message it will
+%% update its view from the canonical copy, should its view be older
+%% than the view version included in the message it has received.
+%% The state held by each member therefore includes the messages from
+%% each publisher pending acknowledgement, the last publication seen
+%% from that publisher, and the last acknowledgement from that
+%% publisher. In the case of the member's own publications or
+%% inherited members, this last acknowledgement seen state indicates
+%% the last acknowledgement retired, rather than sent.
+%% Proof sketch
+%% ------------
+%% We need to prove that with the provided operational semantics, we
+%% can never reach a state that is not well formed from a well-formed
+%% starting state.
+%% Operational semantics (small step): straight-forward message
+%% sending, process monitoring, state updates.
+%% Well formed state: dead members inherited by exactly one non-dead
+%% member; for every entry in anyone's pending-acks, either (the
+%% publication of the message is in-flight downstream from the member
+%% and upstream from the publisher) or (the acknowledgement of the
+%% message is in-flight downstream from the publisher and upstream
+%% from the member).
+%% Proof by induction on the applicable operational semantics.
+%% Related work
+%% ------------
+%% The ring configuration and double traversal of messages around the
+%% ring is similar (though developed independently) to the LCR
+%% protocol by [Levy 2008]. However, LCR differs in several
+%% ways. Firstly, by using vector clocks, it enforces a total order of
+%% message delivery, which is unnecessary for our purposes. More
+%% significantly, it is built on top of a "group communication system"
+%% which performs the group management functions, taking
+%% responsibility away from the protocol as to how to cope with safely
+%% adding and removing members. When membership changes do occur, the
+%% protocol stipulates that every member must perform communication
+%% with every other member of the group, to ensure all outstanding
+%% deliveries complete, before the entire group transitions to the new
+%% view. This, in total, requires two sets of all-to-all synchronous
+%% communications.
+%% This is not only rather inefficient, but also does not explain what
+%% happens upon the failure of a member during this process. It does
+%% though entirely avoid the need for inheritance of responsibility of
+%% dead members that our protocol incorporates.
+%% In [Marandi et al 2010], a Paxos-based protocol is described. This
+%% work explicitly focuses on the efficiency of communication. LCR
+%% (and our protocol too) are more efficient, but at the cost of
+%% higher latency. The Ring-Paxos protocol is itself built on top of
+%% IP-multicast, which rules it out for many applications where
+%% point-to-point communication is all that can be required. They also
+%% have an excellent related work section which I really ought to
+%% read...
+%% [Levy 2008] The Complexity of Reliable Distributed Storage, 2008.
+%% [Marandi et al 2010] Ring Paxos: A High-Throughput Atomic Broadcast
+%% Protocol
+-export([create_tables/0, start_link/3, leave/1, broadcast/2,
+ confirmed_broadcast/2, group_members/1]).
+-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2,
+ code_change/3, prioritise_cast/2, prioritise_info/2]).
+-export([table_definitions/0, flush/1]).
+-define(GROUP_TABLE, gm_group).
+-define(HIBERNATE_AFTER_MIN, 1000).
+-define(DESIRED_HIBERNATE, 10000).
+-define(BROADCAST_TIMER, 25).
+-define(SETS, ordsets).
+-define(DICT, orddict).
+ { self,
+ left,
+ right,
+ group_name,
+ module,
+ view,
+ pub_count,
+ members_state,
+ callback_args,
+ confirms,
+ broadcast_buffer,
+ broadcast_timer
+ }).
+-record(gm_group, { name, version, members }).
+-record(view_member, { id, aliases, left, right }).
+-record(member, { pending_ack, last_pub, last_ack }).
+-define(TABLE, {?GROUP_TABLE, [{record_name, gm_group},
+ {attributes, record_info(fields, gm_group)}]}).
+-define(TABLE_MATCH, {match, #gm_group { _ = '_' }}).
+-define(TAG, '$gm').
+-type(group_name() :: any()).
+-spec(create_tables/0 :: () -> 'ok').
+-spec(start_link/3 :: (group_name(), atom(), any()) ->
+ {'ok', pid()} | {'error', any()}).
+-spec(leave/1 :: (pid()) -> 'ok').
+-spec(broadcast/2 :: (pid(), any()) -> 'ok').
+-spec(confirmed_broadcast/2 :: (pid(), any()) -> 'ok').
+-spec(group_members/1 :: (pid()) -> [pid()]).
+behaviour_info(callbacks) ->
+ [
+ %% The joined, members_changed and handle_msg callbacks can all
+ %% return any of the following terms:
+ %%
+ %% 'ok' - the callback function returns normally
+ %%
+ %% {'stop', Reason} - the callback indicates the member should
+ %% stop with reason Reason and should leave the group.
+ %%
+ %% {'become', Module, Args} - the callback indicates that the
+ %% callback module should be changed to Module and that the
+ %% callback functions should now be passed the arguments
+ %% Args. This allows the callback module to be dynamically
+ %% changed.
+ %% Called when we've successfully joined the group. Supplied with
+ %% Args provided in start_link, plus current group members.
+ {joined, 2},
+ %% Supplied with Args provided in start_link, the list of new
+ %% members and the list of members previously known to us that
+ %% have since died. Note that if a member joins and dies very
+ %% quickly, it's possible that we will never see that member
+ %% appear in either births or deaths. However we are guaranteed
+ %% that (1) we will see a member joining either in the births
+ %% here, or in the members passed to joined/2 before receiving
+ %% any messages from it; and (2) we will not see members die that
+ %% we have not seen born (or supplied in the members to
+ %% joined/2).
+ {members_changed, 3},
+ %% Supplied with Args provided in start_link, the sender, and the
+ %% message. This does get called for messages injected by this
+ %% member, however, in such cases, there is no special
+ %% significance of this invocation: it does not indicate that the
+ %% message has made it to any other members, let alone all other
+ %% members.
+ {handle_msg, 3},
+ %% Called on gm member termination as per rules in gen_server,
+ %% with the Args provided in start_link plus the termination
+ %% Reason.
+ {terminate, 2}
+ ];
+behaviour_info(_Other) ->
+ undefined.
+create_tables() ->
+ create_tables([?TABLE]).
+create_tables([]) ->
+ ok;
+create_tables([{Table, Attributes} | Tables]) ->
+ case mnesia:create_table(Table, Attributes) of
+ {atomic, ok} -> create_tables(Tables);
+ {aborted, {already_exists, gm_group}} -> create_tables(Tables);
+ Err -> Err
+ end.
+table_definitions() ->
+ {Name, Attributes} = ?TABLE,
+ [{Name, [?TABLE_MATCH | Attributes]}].
+start_link(GroupName, Module, Args) ->
+ gen_server2:start_link(?MODULE, [GroupName, Module, Args], []).
+leave(Server) ->
+ gen_server2:cast(Server, leave).
+broadcast(Server, Msg) ->
+ gen_server2:cast(Server, {broadcast, Msg}).
+confirmed_broadcast(Server, Msg) ->
+ gen_server2:call(Server, {confirmed_broadcast, Msg}, infinity).
+group_members(Server) ->
+ gen_server2:call(Server, group_members, infinity).
+flush(Server) ->
+ gen_server2:cast(Server, flush).
+init([GroupName, Module, Args]) ->
+ {MegaSecs, Secs, MicroSecs} = now(),
+ random:seed(MegaSecs, Secs, MicroSecs),
+ gen_server2:cast(self(), join),
+ Self = self(),
+ {ok, #state { self = Self,
+ left = {Self, undefined},
+ right = {Self, undefined},
+ group_name = GroupName,
+ module = Module,
+ view = undefined,
+ pub_count = 0,
+ members_state = undefined,
+ callback_args = Args,
+ confirms = queue:new(),
+ broadcast_buffer = [],
+ broadcast_timer = undefined }, hibernate,
+handle_call({confirmed_broadcast, _Msg}, _From,
+ State = #state { members_state = undefined }) ->
+ reply(not_joined, State);
+handle_call({confirmed_broadcast, Msg}, _From,
+ State = #state { self = Self,
+ right = {Self, undefined},
+ module = Module,
+ callback_args = Args }) ->
+ handle_callback_result({Module:handle_msg(Args, Self, Msg), ok, State});
+handle_call({confirmed_broadcast, Msg}, From, State) ->
+ internal_broadcast(Msg, From, State);
+handle_call(group_members, _From,
+ State = #state { members_state = undefined }) ->
+ reply(not_joined, State);
+handle_call(group_members, _From, State = #state { view = View }) ->
+ reply(alive_view_members(View), State);
+handle_call({add_on_right, _NewMember}, _From,
+ State = #state { members_state = undefined }) ->
+ reply(not_ready, State);
+handle_call({add_on_right, NewMember}, _From,
+ State = #state { self = Self,
+ group_name = GroupName,
+ view = View,
+ members_state = MembersState,
+ module = Module,
+ callback_args = Args }) ->
+ Group = record_new_member_in_group(
+ GroupName, Self, NewMember,
+ fun (Group1) ->
+ View1 = group_to_view(Group1),
+ ok = send_right(NewMember, View1,
+ {catchup, Self, prepare_members_state(
+ MembersState)})
+ end),
+ View2 = group_to_view(Group),
+ State1 = check_neighbours(State #state { view = View2 }),
+ Result = callback_view_changed(Args, Module, View, View2),
+ handle_callback_result({Result, {ok, Group}, State1}).
+handle_cast({?TAG, ReqVer, Msg},
+ State = #state { view = View,
+ group_name = GroupName,
+ module = Module,
+ callback_args = Args }) ->
+ {Result, State1} =
+ case needs_view_update(ReqVer, View) of
+ true ->
+ View1 = group_to_view(read_group(GroupName)),
+ {callback_view_changed(Args, Module, View, View1),
+ check_neighbours(State #state { view = View1 })};
+ false ->
+ {ok, State}
+ end,
+ handle_callback_result(
+ if_callback_success(
+ Result, fun handle_msg_true/3, fun handle_msg_false/3, Msg, State1));
+handle_cast({broadcast, _Msg}, State = #state { members_state = undefined }) ->
+ noreply(State);
+handle_cast({broadcast, Msg},
+ State = #state { self = Self,
+ right = {Self, undefined},
+ module = Module,
+ callback_args = Args }) ->
+ handle_callback_result({Module:handle_msg(Args, Self, Msg), State});
+handle_cast({broadcast, Msg}, State) ->
+ internal_broadcast(Msg, none, State);
+handle_cast(join, State = #state { self = Self,
+ group_name = GroupName,
+ members_state = undefined,
+ module = Module,
+ callback_args = Args }) ->
+ View = join_group(Self, GroupName),
+ MembersState =
+ case alive_view_members(View) of
+ [Self] -> blank_member_state();
+ _ -> undefined
+ end,
+ State1 = check_neighbours(State #state { view = View,
+ members_state = MembersState }),
+ handle_callback_result(
+ {Module:joined(Args, all_known_members(View)), State1});
+handle_cast(leave, State) ->
+ {stop, normal, State};
+handle_cast(flush, State) ->
+ noreply(
+ flush_broadcast_buffer(State #state { broadcast_timer = undefined })).
+handle_info({'DOWN', MRef, process, _Pid, _Reason},
+ State = #state { self = Self,
+ left = Left,
+ right = Right,
+ group_name = GroupName,
+ view = View,
+ module = Module,
+ callback_args = Args,
+ confirms = Confirms }) ->
+ Member = case {Left, Right} of
+ {{Member1, MRef}, _} -> Member1;
+ {_, {Member1, MRef}} -> Member1;
+ _ -> undefined
+ end,
+ case Member of
+ undefined ->
+ noreply(State);
+ _ ->
+ View1 =
+ group_to_view(record_dead_member_in_group(Member, GroupName)),
+ State1 = State #state { view = View1 },
+ {Result, State2} =
+ case alive_view_members(View1) of
+ [Self] ->
+ maybe_erase_aliases(
+ State1 #state {
+ members_state = blank_member_state(),
+ confirms = purge_confirms(Confirms) });
+ _ ->
+ %% here we won't be pointing out any deaths:
+ %% the concern is that there maybe births
+ %% which we'd otherwise miss.
+ {callback_view_changed(Args, Module, View, View1),
+ State1}
+ end,
+ handle_callback_result({Result, check_neighbours(State2)})
+ end.
+terminate(Reason, State = #state { module = Module,
+ callback_args = Args }) ->
+ flush_broadcast_buffer(State),
+ Module:terminate(Args, Reason).
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+prioritise_cast(flush, _State) -> 1;
+prioritise_cast(_ , _State) -> 0.
+prioritise_info({'DOWN', _MRef, process, _Pid, _Reason}, _State) -> 1;
+prioritise_info(_ , _State) -> 0.
+handle_msg(check_neighbours, State) ->
+ %% no-op - it's already been done by the calling handle_cast
+ {ok, State};
+handle_msg({catchup, Left, MembersStateLeft},
+ State = #state { self = Self,
+ left = {Left, _MRefL},
+ right = {Right, _MRefR},
+ view = View,
+ members_state = undefined }) ->
+ ok = send_right(Right, View, {catchup, Self, MembersStateLeft}),
+ MembersStateLeft1 = build_members_state(MembersStateLeft),
+ {ok, State #state { members_state = MembersStateLeft1 }};
+handle_msg({catchup, Left, MembersStateLeft},
+ State = #state { self = Self,
+ left = {Left, _MRefL},
+ view = View,
+ members_state = MembersState })
+ when MembersState =/= undefined ->
+ MembersStateLeft1 = build_members_state(MembersStateLeft),
+ AllMembers = lists:usort(?DICT:fetch_keys(MembersState) ++
+ ?DICT:fetch_keys(MembersStateLeft1)),
+ {MembersState1, Activity} =
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun (Id, MembersStateActivity) ->
+ #member { pending_ack = PALeft, last_ack = LA } =
+ find_member_or_blank(Id, MembersStateLeft1),
+ with_member_acc(
+ fun (#member { pending_ack = PA } = Member, Activity1) ->
+ case is_member_alias(Id, Self, View) of
+ true ->
+ {_AcksInFlight, Pubs, _PA1} =
+ find_prefix_common_suffix(PALeft, PA),
+ {Member #member { last_ack = LA },
+ activity_cons(Id, pubs_from_queue(Pubs),
+ [], Activity1)};
+ false ->
+ {Acks, _Common, Pubs} =
+ find_prefix_common_suffix(PA, PALeft),
+ {Member,
+ activity_cons(Id, pubs_from_queue(Pubs),
+ acks_from_queue(Acks),
+ Activity1)}
+ end
+ end, Id, MembersStateActivity)
+ end, {MembersState, activity_nil()}, AllMembers),
+ handle_msg({activity, Left, activity_finalise(Activity)},
+ State #state { members_state = MembersState1 });
+handle_msg({catchup, _NotLeft, _MembersState}, State) ->
+ {ok, State};
+handle_msg({activity, Left, Activity},
+ State = #state { self = Self,
+ left = {Left, _MRefL},
+ view = View,
+ members_state = MembersState,
+ confirms = Confirms })
+ when MembersState =/= undefined ->
+ {MembersState1, {Confirms1, Activity1}} =
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun ({Id, Pubs, Acks}, MembersStateConfirmsActivity) ->
+ with_member_acc(
+ fun (Member = #member { pending_ack = PA,
+ last_pub = LP,
+ last_ack = LA },
+ {Confirms2, Activity2}) ->
+ case is_member_alias(Id, Self, View) of
+ true ->
+ {ToAck, PA1} =
+ find_common(queue_from_pubs(Pubs), PA,
+ queue:new()),
+ LA1 = last_ack(Acks, LA),
+ AckNums = acks_from_queue(ToAck),
+ Confirms3 = maybe_confirm(
+ Self, Id, Confirms2, AckNums),
+ {Member #member { pending_ack = PA1,
+ last_ack = LA1 },
+ {Confirms3,
+ activity_cons(
+ Id, [], AckNums, Activity2)}};
+ false ->
+ PA1 = apply_acks(Acks, join_pubs(PA, Pubs)),
+ LA1 = last_ack(Acks, LA),
+ LP1 = last_pub(Pubs, LP),
+ {Member #member { pending_ack = PA1,
+ last_pub = LP1,
+ last_ack = LA1 },
+ {Confirms2,
+ activity_cons(Id, Pubs, Acks, Activity2)}}
+ end
+ end, Id, MembersStateConfirmsActivity)
+ end, {MembersState, {Confirms, activity_nil()}}, Activity),
+ State1 = State #state { members_state = MembersState1,
+ confirms = Confirms1 },
+ Activity3 = activity_finalise(Activity1),
+ {Result, State2} = maybe_erase_aliases(State1),
+ ok = maybe_send_activity(Activity3, State2),
+ if_callback_success(
+ Result, fun activity_true/3, fun activity_false/3, Activity3, State2);
+handle_msg({activity, _NotLeft, _Activity}, State) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+noreply(State) ->
+ {noreply, ensure_broadcast_timer(State), hibernate}.
+reply(Reply, State) ->
+ {reply, Reply, ensure_broadcast_timer(State), hibernate}.
+ensure_broadcast_timer(State = #state { broadcast_buffer = [],
+ broadcast_timer = undefined }) ->
+ State;
+ensure_broadcast_timer(State = #state { broadcast_buffer = [],
+ broadcast_timer = TRef }) ->
+ timer:cancel(TRef),
+ State #state { broadcast_timer = undefined };
+ensure_broadcast_timer(State = #state { broadcast_timer = undefined }) ->
+ {ok, TRef} = timer:apply_after(?BROADCAST_TIMER, ?MODULE, flush, [self()]),
+ State #state { broadcast_timer = TRef };
+ensure_broadcast_timer(State) ->
+ State.
+internal_broadcast(Msg, From, State = #state { self = Self,
+ pub_count = PubCount,
+ module = Module,
+ confirms = Confirms,
+ callback_args = Args,
+ broadcast_buffer = Buffer }) ->
+ Result = Module:handle_msg(Args, Self, Msg),
+ Buffer1 = [{PubCount, Msg} | Buffer],
+ Confirms1 = case From of
+ none -> Confirms;
+ _ -> queue:in({PubCount, From}, Confirms)
+ end,
+ State1 = State #state { pub_count = PubCount + 1,
+ confirms = Confirms1,
+ broadcast_buffer = Buffer1 },
+ case From =/= none of
+ true ->
+ handle_callback_result({Result, flush_broadcast_buffer(State1)});
+ false ->
+ handle_callback_result(
+ {Result, State1 #state { broadcast_buffer = Buffer1 }})
+ end.
+flush_broadcast_buffer(State = #state { broadcast_buffer = [] }) ->
+ State;
+flush_broadcast_buffer(State = #state { self = Self,
+ members_state = MembersState,
+ broadcast_buffer = Buffer }) ->
+ Pubs = lists:reverse(Buffer),
+ Activity = activity_cons(Self, Pubs, [], activity_nil()),
+ ok = maybe_send_activity(activity_finalise(Activity), State),
+ MembersState1 = with_member(
+ fun (Member = #member { pending_ack = PA }) ->
+ PA1 = queue:join(PA, queue:from_list(Pubs)),
+ Member #member { pending_ack = PA1 }
+ end, Self, MembersState),
+ State #state { members_state = MembersState1,
+ broadcast_buffer = [] }.
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% View construction and inspection
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+needs_view_update(ReqVer, {Ver, _View}) ->
+ Ver < ReqVer.
+view_version({Ver, _View}) ->
+ Ver.
+is_member_alive({dead, _Member}) -> false;
+is_member_alive(_) -> true.
+is_member_alias(Self, Self, _View) ->
+ true;
+is_member_alias(Member, Self, View) ->
+ ?SETS:is_element(Member,
+ ((fetch_view_member(Self, View)) #view_member.aliases)).
+dead_member_id({dead, Member}) -> Member.
+store_view_member(VMember = #view_member { id = Id }, {Ver, View}) ->
+ {Ver, ?DICT:store(Id, VMember, View)}.
+with_view_member(Fun, View, Id) ->
+ store_view_member(Fun(fetch_view_member(Id, View)), View).
+fetch_view_member(Id, {_Ver, View}) ->
+ ?DICT:fetch(Id, View).
+find_view_member(Id, {_Ver, View}) ->
+ ?DICT:find(Id, View).
+blank_view(Ver) ->
+ {Ver, ?DICT:new()}.
+alive_view_members({_Ver, View}) ->
+ ?DICT:fetch_keys(View).
+all_known_members({_Ver, View}) ->
+ ?DICT:fold(
+ fun (Member, #view_member { aliases = Aliases }, Acc) ->
+ ?SETS:to_list(Aliases) ++ [Member | Acc]
+ end, [], View).
+group_to_view(#gm_group { members = Members, version = Ver }) ->
+ Alive = lists:filter(fun is_member_alive/1, Members),
+ [_|_] = Alive, %% ASSERTION - can't have all dead members
+ add_aliases(link_view(Alive ++ Alive ++ Alive, blank_view(Ver)), Members).
+link_view([Left, Middle, Right | Rest], View) ->
+ case find_view_member(Middle, View) of
+ error ->
+ link_view(
+ [Middle, Right | Rest],
+ store_view_member(#view_member { id = Middle,
+ aliases = ?SETS:new(),
+ left = Left,
+ right = Right }, View));
+ {ok, _} ->
+ View
+ end;
+link_view(_, View) ->
+ View.
+add_aliases(View, Members) ->
+ Members1 = ensure_alive_suffix(Members),
+ {EmptyDeadSet, View1} =
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun (Member, {DeadAcc, ViewAcc}) ->
+ case is_member_alive(Member) of
+ true ->
+ {?SETS:new(),
+ with_view_member(
+ fun (VMember =
+ #view_member { aliases = Aliases }) ->
+ VMember #view_member {
+ aliases = ?SETS:union(Aliases, DeadAcc) }
+ end, ViewAcc, Member)};
+ false ->
+ {?SETS:add_element(dead_member_id(Member), DeadAcc),
+ ViewAcc}
+ end
+ end, {?SETS:new(), View}, Members1),
+ 0 = ?SETS:size(EmptyDeadSet), %% ASSERTION
+ View1.
+ensure_alive_suffix(Members) ->
+ queue:to_list(ensure_alive_suffix1(queue:from_list(Members))).
+ensure_alive_suffix1(MembersQ) ->
+ {{value, Member}, MembersQ1} = queue:out_r(MembersQ),
+ case is_member_alive(Member) of
+ true -> MembersQ;
+ false -> ensure_alive_suffix1(queue:in_r(Member, MembersQ1))
+ end.
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% View modification
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+join_group(Self, GroupName) ->
+ join_group(Self, GroupName, read_group(GroupName)).
+join_group(Self, GroupName, {error, not_found}) ->
+ join_group(Self, GroupName, prune_or_create_group(Self, GroupName));
+join_group(Self, _GroupName, #gm_group { members = [Self] } = Group) ->
+ group_to_view(Group);
+join_group(Self, GroupName, #gm_group { members = Members } = Group) ->
+ case lists:member(Self, Members) of
+ true ->
+ group_to_view(Group);
+ false ->
+ case lists:filter(fun is_member_alive/1, Members) of
+ [] ->
+ join_group(Self, GroupName,
+ prune_or_create_group(Self, GroupName));
+ Alive ->
+ Left = lists:nth(random:uniform(length(Alive)), Alive),
+ Handler =
+ fun () ->
+ join_group(
+ Self, GroupName,
+ record_dead_member_in_group(Left, GroupName))
+ end,
+ try
+ case gen_server2:call(
+ Left, {add_on_right, Self}, infinity) of
+ {ok, Group1} -> group_to_view(Group1);
+ not_ready -> join_group(Self, GroupName)
+ end
+ catch
+ exit:{R, _}
+ when R =:= noproc; R =:= normal; R =:= shutdown ->
+ Handler();
+ exit:{{R, _}, _}
+ when R =:= nodedown; R =:= shutdown ->
+ Handler()
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+read_group(GroupName) ->
+ case mnesia:dirty_read(?GROUP_TABLE, GroupName) of
+ [] -> {error, not_found};
+ [Group] -> Group
+ end.
+prune_or_create_group(Self, GroupName) ->
+ {atomic, Group} =
+ mnesia:sync_transaction(
+ fun () -> GroupNew = #gm_group { name = GroupName,
+ members = [Self],
+ version = 0 },
+ case mnesia:read({?GROUP_TABLE, GroupName}) of
+ [] ->
+ mnesia:write(GroupNew),
+ GroupNew;
+ [Group1 = #gm_group { members = Members }] ->
+ case lists:any(fun is_member_alive/1, Members) of
+ true -> Group1;
+ false -> mnesia:write(GroupNew),
+ GroupNew
+ end
+ end
+ end),
+ Group.
+record_dead_member_in_group(Member, GroupName) ->
+ {atomic, Group} =
+ mnesia:sync_transaction(
+ fun () -> [Group1 = #gm_group { members = Members, version = Ver }] =
+ mnesia:read({?GROUP_TABLE, GroupName}),
+ case lists:splitwith(
+ fun (Member1) -> Member1 =/= Member end, Members) of
+ {_Members1, []} -> %% not found - already recorded dead
+ Group1;
+ {Members1, [Member | Members2]} ->
+ Members3 = Members1 ++ [{dead, Member} | Members2],
+ Group2 = Group1 #gm_group { members = Members3,
+ version = Ver + 1 },
+ mnesia:write(Group2),
+ Group2
+ end
+ end),
+ Group.
+record_new_member_in_group(GroupName, Left, NewMember, Fun) ->
+ {atomic, Group} =
+ mnesia:sync_transaction(
+ fun () ->
+ [#gm_group { members = Members, version = Ver } = Group1] =
+ mnesia:read({?GROUP_TABLE, GroupName}),
+ {Prefix, [Left | Suffix]} =
+ lists:splitwith(fun (M) -> M =/= Left end, Members),
+ Members1 = Prefix ++ [Left, NewMember | Suffix],
+ Group2 = Group1 #gm_group { members = Members1,
+ version = Ver + 1 },
+ ok = Fun(Group2),
+ mnesia:write(Group2),
+ Group2
+ end),
+ Group.
+erase_members_in_group(Members, GroupName) ->
+ DeadMembers = [{dead, Id} || Id <- Members],
+ {atomic, Group} =
+ mnesia:sync_transaction(
+ fun () ->
+ [Group1 = #gm_group { members = [_|_] = Members1,
+ version = Ver }] =
+ mnesia:read({?GROUP_TABLE, GroupName}),
+ case Members1 -- DeadMembers of
+ Members1 -> Group1;
+ Members2 -> Group2 =
+ Group1 #gm_group { members = Members2,
+ version = Ver + 1 },
+ mnesia:write(Group2),
+ Group2
+ end
+ end),
+ Group.
+maybe_erase_aliases(State = #state { self = Self,
+ group_name = GroupName,
+ view = View,
+ members_state = MembersState,
+ module = Module,
+ callback_args = Args }) ->
+ #view_member { aliases = Aliases } = fetch_view_member(Self, View),
+ {Erasable, MembersState1}
+ = ?SETS:fold(
+ fun (Id, {ErasableAcc, MembersStateAcc} = Acc) ->
+ #member { last_pub = LP, last_ack = LA } =
+ find_member_or_blank(Id, MembersState),
+ case can_erase_view_member(Self, Id, LA, LP) of
+ true -> {[Id | ErasableAcc],
+ erase_member(Id, MembersStateAcc)};
+ false -> Acc
+ end
+ end, {[], MembersState}, Aliases),
+ State1 = State #state { members_state = MembersState1 },
+ case Erasable of
+ [] -> {ok, State1};
+ _ -> View1 = group_to_view(
+ erase_members_in_group(Erasable, GroupName)),
+ {callback_view_changed(Args, Module, View, View1),
+ State1 #state { view = View1 }}
+ end.
+can_erase_view_member(Self, Self, _LA, _LP) -> false;
+can_erase_view_member(_Self, _Id, N, N) -> true;
+can_erase_view_member(_Self, _Id, _LA, _LP) -> false.
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% View monitoring and maintanence
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ensure_neighbour(_Ver, Self, {Self, undefined}, Self) ->
+ {Self, undefined};
+ensure_neighbour(Ver, Self, {Self, undefined}, RealNeighbour) ->
+ ok = gen_server2:cast(RealNeighbour, {?TAG, Ver, check_neighbours}),
+ {RealNeighbour, maybe_monitor(RealNeighbour, Self)};
+ensure_neighbour(_Ver, _Self, {RealNeighbour, MRef}, RealNeighbour) ->
+ {RealNeighbour, MRef};
+ensure_neighbour(Ver, Self, {RealNeighbour, MRef}, Neighbour) ->
+ true = erlang:demonitor(MRef),
+ Msg = {?TAG, Ver, check_neighbours},
+ ok = gen_server2:cast(RealNeighbour, Msg),
+ ok = case Neighbour of
+ Self -> ok;
+ _ -> gen_server2:cast(Neighbour, Msg)
+ end,
+ {Neighbour, maybe_monitor(Neighbour, Self)}.
+maybe_monitor(Self, Self) ->
+ undefined;
+maybe_monitor(Other, _Self) ->
+ erlang:monitor(process, Other).
+check_neighbours(State = #state { self = Self,
+ left = Left,
+ right = Right,
+ view = View,
+ broadcast_buffer = Buffer }) ->
+ #view_member { left = VLeft, right = VRight }
+ = fetch_view_member(Self, View),
+ Ver = view_version(View),
+ Left1 = ensure_neighbour(Ver, Self, Left, VLeft),
+ Right1 = ensure_neighbour(Ver, Self, Right, VRight),
+ Buffer1 = case Right1 of
+ {Self, undefined} -> [];
+ _ -> Buffer
+ end,
+ State1 = State #state { left = Left1, right = Right1,
+ broadcast_buffer = Buffer1 },
+ ok = maybe_send_catchup(Right, State1),
+ State1.
+maybe_send_catchup(Right, #state { right = Right }) ->
+ ok;
+maybe_send_catchup(_Right, #state { self = Self,
+ right = {Self, undefined} }) ->
+ ok;
+maybe_send_catchup(_Right, #state { members_state = undefined }) ->
+ ok;
+maybe_send_catchup(_Right, #state { self = Self,
+ right = {Right, _MRef},
+ view = View,
+ members_state = MembersState }) ->
+ send_right(Right, View,
+ {catchup, Self, prepare_members_state(MembersState)}).
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Catch_up delta detection
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+find_prefix_common_suffix(A, B) ->
+ {Prefix, A1} = find_prefix(A, B, queue:new()),
+ {Common, Suffix} = find_common(A1, B, queue:new()),
+ {Prefix, Common, Suffix}.
+%% Returns the elements of A that occur before the first element of B,
+%% plus the remainder of A.
+find_prefix(A, B, Prefix) ->
+ case {queue:out(A), queue:out(B)} of
+ {{{value, Val}, _A1}, {{value, Val}, _B1}} ->
+ {Prefix, A};
+ {{empty, A1}, {{value, _A}, _B1}} ->
+ {Prefix, A1};
+ {{{value, {NumA, _MsgA} = Val}, A1},
+ {{value, {NumB, _MsgB}}, _B1}} when NumA < NumB ->
+ find_prefix(A1, B, queue:in(Val, Prefix));
+ {_, {empty, _B1}} ->
+ {A, Prefix} %% Prefix well be empty here
+ end.
+%% A should be a prefix of B. Returns the commonality plus the
+%% remainder of B.
+find_common(A, B, Common) ->
+ case {queue:out(A), queue:out(B)} of
+ {{{value, Val}, A1}, {{value, Val}, B1}} ->
+ find_common(A1, B1, queue:in(Val, Common));
+ {{empty, _A}, _} ->
+ {Common, B}
+ end.
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Members helpers
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+with_member(Fun, Id, MembersState) ->
+ store_member(
+ Id, Fun(find_member_or_blank(Id, MembersState)), MembersState).
+with_member_acc(Fun, Id, {MembersState, Acc}) ->
+ {MemberState, Acc1} = Fun(find_member_or_blank(Id, MembersState), Acc),
+ {store_member(Id, MemberState, MembersState), Acc1}.
+find_member_or_blank(Id, MembersState) ->
+ case ?DICT:find(Id, MembersState) of
+ {ok, Result} -> Result;
+ error -> blank_member()
+ end.
+erase_member(Id, MembersState) ->
+ ?DICT:erase(Id, MembersState).
+blank_member() ->
+ #member { pending_ack = queue:new(), last_pub = -1, last_ack = -1 }.
+blank_member_state() ->
+ ?DICT:new().
+store_member(Id, MemberState, MembersState) ->
+ ?DICT:store(Id, MemberState, MembersState).
+prepare_members_state(MembersState) ->
+ ?DICT:to_list(MembersState).
+build_members_state(MembersStateList) ->
+ ?DICT:from_list(MembersStateList).
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Activity assembly
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+activity_nil() ->
+ queue:new().
+activity_cons(_Id, [], [], Tail) ->
+ Tail;
+activity_cons(Sender, Pubs, Acks, Tail) ->
+ queue:in({Sender, Pubs, Acks}, Tail).
+activity_finalise(Activity) ->
+ queue:to_list(Activity).
+maybe_send_activity([], _State) ->
+ ok;
+maybe_send_activity(Activity, #state { self = Self,
+ right = {Right, _MRefR},
+ view = View }) ->
+ send_right(Right, View, {activity, Self, Activity}).
+send_right(Right, View, Msg) ->
+ ok = gen_server2:cast(Right, {?TAG, view_version(View), Msg}).
+callback(Args, Module, Activity) ->
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun ({Id, Pubs, _Acks}, ok) ->
+ lists:foldl(fun ({_PubNum, Pub}, ok) ->
+ Module:handle_msg(Args, Id, Pub);
+ (_, Error) ->
+ Error
+ end, ok, Pubs);
+ (_, Error) ->
+ Error
+ end, ok, Activity).
+callback_view_changed(Args, Module, OldView, NewView) ->
+ OldMembers = all_known_members(OldView),
+ NewMembers = all_known_members(NewView),
+ Births = NewMembers -- OldMembers,
+ Deaths = OldMembers -- NewMembers,
+ case {Births, Deaths} of
+ {[], []} -> ok;
+ _ -> Module:members_changed(Args, Births, Deaths)
+ end.
+handle_callback_result({Result, State}) ->
+ if_callback_success(
+ Result, fun no_reply_true/3, fun no_reply_false/3, undefined, State);
+handle_callback_result({Result, Reply, State}) ->
+ if_callback_success(
+ Result, fun reply_true/3, fun reply_false/3, Reply, State).
+no_reply_true (_Result, _Undefined, State) -> noreply(State).
+no_reply_false({stop, Reason}, _Undefined, State) -> {stop, Reason, State}.
+reply_true (_Result, Reply, State) -> reply(Reply, State).
+reply_false({stop, Reason}, Reply, State) -> {stop, Reason, Reply, State}.
+handle_msg_true (_Result, Msg, State) -> handle_msg(Msg, State).
+handle_msg_false(Result, _Msg, State) -> {Result, State}.
+activity_true(_Result, Activity, State = #state { module = Module,
+ callback_args = Args }) ->
+ {callback(Args, Module, Activity), State}.
+activity_false(Result, _Activity, State) ->
+ {Result, State}.
+if_callback_success(ok, True, _False, Arg, State) ->
+ True(ok, Arg, State);
+ {become, Module, Args} = Result, True, _False, Arg, State) ->
+ True(Result, Arg, State #state { module = Module,
+ callback_args = Args });
+if_callback_success({stop, _Reason} = Result, _True, False, Arg, State) ->
+ False(Result, Arg, State).
+maybe_confirm(_Self, _Id, Confirms, []) ->
+ Confirms;
+maybe_confirm(Self, Self, Confirms, [PubNum | PubNums]) ->
+ case queue:out(Confirms) of
+ {empty, _Confirms} ->
+ Confirms;
+ {{value, {PubNum, From}}, Confirms1} ->
+ gen_server2:reply(From, ok),
+ maybe_confirm(Self, Self, Confirms1, PubNums);
+ {{value, {PubNum1, _From}}, _Confirms} when PubNum1 > PubNum ->
+ maybe_confirm(Self, Self, Confirms, PubNums)
+ end;
+maybe_confirm(_Self, _Id, Confirms, _PubNums) ->
+ Confirms.
+purge_confirms(Confirms) ->
+ [gen_server2:reply(From, ok) || {_PubNum, From} <- queue:to_list(Confirms)],
+ queue:new().
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Msg transformation
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+acks_from_queue(Q) ->
+ [PubNum || {PubNum, _Msg} <- queue:to_list(Q)].
+pubs_from_queue(Q) ->
+ queue:to_list(Q).
+queue_from_pubs(Pubs) ->
+ queue:from_list(Pubs).
+apply_acks([], Pubs) ->
+ Pubs;
+apply_acks(List, Pubs) ->
+ {_, Pubs1} = queue:split(length(List), Pubs),
+ Pubs1.
+join_pubs(Q, []) -> Q;
+join_pubs(Q, Pubs) -> queue:join(Q, queue_from_pubs(Pubs)).
+last_ack([], LA) ->
+ LA;
+last_ack(List, LA) ->
+ LA1 = lists:last(List),
+ true = LA1 > LA, %% ASSERTION
+ LA1.
+last_pub([], LP) ->
+ LP;
+last_pub(List, LP) ->
+ {PubNum, _Msg} = lists:last(List),
+ true = PubNum > LP, %% ASSERTION
+ PubNum.
diff --git a/src/gm_soak_test.erl b/src/gm_soak_test.erl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dae42ac7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gm_soak_test.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+%% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+%% License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% The Original Code is RabbitMQ.
+%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is VMware, Inc.
+%% Copyright (c) 2007-2011 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.
+-export([joined/2, members_changed/3, handle_msg/3, terminate/2]).
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Soak test
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+get_state() ->
+ get(state).
+with_state(Fun) ->
+ put(state, Fun(get_state())).
+inc() ->
+ case 1 + get(count) of
+ 100000 -> Now = now(),
+ Start = put(ts, Now),
+ Diff = timer:now_diff(Now, Start),
+ Rate = 100000 / (Diff / 1000000),
+ io:format("~p seeing ~p msgs/sec~n", [self(), Rate]),
+ put(count, 0);
+ N -> put(count, N)
+ end.
+joined([], Members) ->
+ io:format("Joined ~p (~p members)~n", [self(), length(Members)]),
+ put(state, dict:from_list([{Member, empty} || Member <- Members])),
+ put(count, 0),
+ put(ts, now()),
+ ok.
+members_changed([], Births, Deaths) ->
+ with_state(
+ fun (State) ->
+ State1 =
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun (Born, StateN) ->
+ false = dict:is_key(Born, StateN),
+ dict:store(Born, empty, StateN)
+ end, State, Births),
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun (Died, StateN) ->
+ true = dict:is_key(Died, StateN),
+ dict:store(Died, died, StateN)
+ end, State1, Deaths)
+ end),
+ ok.
+handle_msg([], From, {test_msg, Num}) ->
+ inc(),
+ with_state(
+ fun (State) ->
+ ok = case dict:find(From, State) of
+ {ok, died} ->
+ exit({{from, From},
+ {received_posthumous_delivery, Num}});
+ {ok, empty} -> ok;
+ {ok, Num} -> ok;
+ {ok, Num1} when Num < Num1 ->
+ exit({{from, From},
+ {duplicate_delivery_of, Num1},
+ {expecting, Num}});
+ {ok, Num1} ->
+ exit({{from, From},
+ {missing_delivery_of, Num},
+ {received_early, Num1}});
+ error ->
+ exit({{from, From},
+ {received_premature_delivery, Num}})
+ end,
+ dict:store(From, Num + 1, State)
+ end),
+ ok.
+terminate([], Reason) ->
+ io:format("Left ~p (~p)~n", [self(), Reason]),
+ ok.
+spawn_member() ->
+ spawn_link(
+ fun () ->
+ {MegaSecs, Secs, MicroSecs} = now(),
+ random:seed(MegaSecs, Secs, MicroSecs),
+ %% start up delay of no more than 10 seconds
+ timer:sleep(random:uniform(10000)),
+ {ok, Pid} = gm:start_link(?MODULE, ?MODULE, []),
+ Start = random:uniform(10000),
+ send_loop(Pid, Start, Start + random:uniform(10000)),
+ gm:leave(Pid),
+ spawn_more()
+ end).
+spawn_more() ->
+ [spawn_member() || _ <- lists:seq(1, 4 - random:uniform(4))].
+send_loop(_Pid, Target, Target) ->
+ ok;
+send_loop(Pid, Count, Target) when Target > Count ->
+ case random:uniform(3) of
+ 3 -> gm:confirmed_broadcast(Pid, {test_msg, Count});
+ _ -> gm:broadcast(Pid, {test_msg, Count})
+ end,
+ timer:sleep(random:uniform(5) - 1), %% sleep up to 4 ms
+ send_loop(Pid, Count + 1, Target).
+test() ->
+ ok = gm:create_tables(),
+ spawn_member(),
+ spawn_member().
diff --git a/src/gm_speed_test.erl b/src/gm_speed_test.erl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..defb0f29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gm_speed_test.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+%% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+%% License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% The Original Code is RabbitMQ.
+%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is VMware, Inc.
+%% Copyright (c) 2007-2011 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.
+-export([joined/2, members_changed/3, handle_msg/3, terminate/2]).
+%% callbacks
+joined(Owner, _Members) ->
+ Owner ! joined,
+ ok.
+members_changed(_Owner, _Births, _Deaths) ->
+ ok.
+handle_msg(Owner, _From, ping) ->
+ Owner ! ping,
+ ok.
+terminate(Owner, _Reason) ->
+ Owner ! terminated,
+ ok.
+%% other
+wile_e_coyote(Time, WriteUnit) ->
+ {ok, Pid} = gm:start_link(?MODULE, ?MODULE, self()),
+ receive joined -> ok end,
+ timer:sleep(1000), %% wait for all to join
+ timer:send_after(Time, stop),
+ Start = now(),
+ {Sent, Received} = loop(Pid, WriteUnit, 0, 0),
+ End = now(),
+ ok = gm:leave(Pid),
+ receive terminated -> ok end,
+ Elapsed = timer:now_diff(End, Start) / 1000000,
+ io:format("Sending rate: ~p msgs/sec~nReceiving rate: ~p msgs/sec~n~n",
+ [Sent/Elapsed, Received/Elapsed]),
+ ok.
+loop(Pid, WriteUnit, Sent, Received) ->
+ case read(Received) of
+ {stop, Received1} -> {Sent, Received1};
+ {ok, Received1} -> ok = write(Pid, WriteUnit),
+ loop(Pid, WriteUnit, Sent + WriteUnit, Received1)
+ end.
+read(Count) ->
+ receive
+ ping -> read(Count + 1);
+ stop -> {stop, Count}
+ after 5 ->
+ {ok, Count}
+ end.
+write(_Pid, 0) -> ok;
+write(Pid, N) -> ok = gm:broadcast(Pid, ping),
+ write(Pid, N - 1).
+test(Time, WriteUnit, Nodes) ->
+ ok = gm:create_tables(),
+ [spawn(Node, ?MODULE, wile_e_coyote, [Time, WriteUnit]) || Node <- Nodes].
diff --git a/src/gm_tests.erl b/src/gm_tests.erl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ca0ffd64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gm_tests.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+%% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+%% License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% The Original Code is RabbitMQ.
+%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is VMware, Inc.
+%% Copyright (c) 2007-2011 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ test_broadcast/0,
+ test_confirmed_broadcast/0,
+ test_member_death/0,
+ test_receive_in_order/0,
+ all_tests/0]).
+-export([joined/2, members_changed/3, handle_msg/3, terminate/2]).
+-define(RECEIVE_OR_THROW(Body, Bool, Error),
+ receive Body ->
+ true = Bool,
+ passed
+ after 1000 ->
+ throw(Error)
+ end).
+joined(Pid, Members) ->
+ Pid ! {joined, self(), Members},
+ ok.
+members_changed(Pid, Births, Deaths) ->
+ Pid ! {members_changed, self(), Births, Deaths},
+ ok.
+handle_msg(Pid, From, Msg) ->
+ Pid ! {msg, self(), From, Msg},
+ ok.
+terminate(Pid, Reason) ->
+ Pid ! {termination, self(), Reason},
+ ok.
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Functional tests
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+all_tests() ->
+ passed = test_join_leave(),
+ passed = test_broadcast(),
+ passed = test_confirmed_broadcast(),
+ passed = test_member_death(),
+ passed = test_receive_in_order(),
+ passed.
+test_join_leave() ->
+ with_two_members(fun (_Pid, _Pid2) -> passed end).
+test_broadcast() ->
+ test_broadcast(fun gm:broadcast/2).
+test_confirmed_broadcast() ->
+ test_broadcast(fun gm:confirmed_broadcast/2).
+test_member_death() ->
+ with_two_members(
+ fun (Pid, Pid2) ->
+ {ok, Pid3} = gm:start_link(?MODULE, ?MODULE, self()),
+ passed = receive_joined(Pid3, [Pid, Pid2, Pid3],
+ timeout_joining_gm_group_3),
+ passed = receive_birth(Pid, Pid3, timeout_waiting_for_birth_3_1),
+ passed = receive_birth(Pid2, Pid3, timeout_waiting_for_birth_3_2),
+ unlink(Pid3),
+ exit(Pid3, kill),
+ %% Have to do some broadcasts to ensure that all members
+ %% find out about the death.
+ passed = (test_broadcast_fun(fun gm:confirmed_broadcast/2))(
+ Pid, Pid2),
+ passed = receive_death(Pid, Pid3, timeout_waiting_for_death_3_1),
+ passed = receive_death(Pid2, Pid3, timeout_waiting_for_death_3_2),
+ passed
+ end).
+test_receive_in_order() ->
+ with_two_members(
+ fun (Pid, Pid2) ->
+ Numbers = lists:seq(1,1000),
+ [begin ok = gm:broadcast(Pid, N), ok = gm:broadcast(Pid2, N) end
+ || N <- Numbers],
+ passed = receive_numbers(
+ Pid, Pid, {timeout_for_msgs, Pid, Pid}, Numbers),
+ passed = receive_numbers(
+ Pid, Pid2, {timeout_for_msgs, Pid, Pid2}, Numbers),
+ passed = receive_numbers(
+ Pid2, Pid, {timeout_for_msgs, Pid2, Pid}, Numbers),
+ passed = receive_numbers(
+ Pid2, Pid2, {timeout_for_msgs, Pid2, Pid2}, Numbers),
+ passed
+ end).
+test_broadcast(Fun) ->
+ with_two_members(test_broadcast_fun(Fun)).
+test_broadcast_fun(Fun) ->
+ fun (Pid, Pid2) ->
+ ok = Fun(Pid, magic_message),
+ passed = receive_or_throw({msg, Pid, Pid, magic_message},
+ timeout_waiting_for_msg),
+ passed = receive_or_throw({msg, Pid2, Pid, magic_message},
+ timeout_waiting_for_msg)
+ end.
+with_two_members(Fun) ->
+ ok = gm:create_tables(),
+ {ok, Pid} = gm:start_link(?MODULE, ?MODULE, self()),
+ passed = receive_joined(Pid, [Pid], timeout_joining_gm_group_1),
+ {ok, Pid2} = gm:start_link(?MODULE, ?MODULE, self()),
+ passed = receive_joined(Pid2, [Pid, Pid2], timeout_joining_gm_group_2),
+ passed = receive_birth(Pid, Pid2, timeout_waiting_for_birth_2),
+ passed = Fun(Pid, Pid2),
+ ok = gm:leave(Pid),
+ passed = receive_death(Pid2, Pid, timeout_waiting_for_death_1),
+ passed =
+ receive_termination(Pid, normal, timeout_waiting_for_termination_1),
+ ok = gm:leave(Pid2),
+ passed =
+ receive_termination(Pid2, normal, timeout_waiting_for_termination_2),
+ receive X -> throw({unexpected_message, X})
+ after 0 -> passed
+ end.
+receive_or_throw(Pattern, Error) ->
+ ?RECEIVE_OR_THROW(Pattern, true, Error).
+receive_birth(From, Born, Error) ->
+ ?RECEIVE_OR_THROW({members_changed, From, Birth, Death},
+ ([Born] == Birth) andalso ([] == Death),
+ Error).
+receive_death(From, Died, Error) ->
+ ?RECEIVE_OR_THROW({members_changed, From, Birth, Death},
+ ([] == Birth) andalso ([Died] == Death),
+ Error).
+receive_joined(From, Members, Error) ->
+ ?RECEIVE_OR_THROW({joined, From, Members1},
+ lists:usort(Members) == lists:usort(Members1),
+ Error).
+receive_termination(From, Reason, Error) ->
+ ?RECEIVE_OR_THROW({termination, From, Reason1},
+ Reason == Reason1,
+ Error).
+receive_numbers(_Pid, _Sender, _Error, []) ->
+ passed;
+receive_numbers(Pid, Sender, Error, [N | Numbers]) ->
+ ?RECEIVE_OR_THROW({msg, Pid, Sender, M},
+ M == N,
+ Error),
+ receive_numbers(Pid, Sender, Error, Numbers).
diff --git a/src/rabbit.erl b/src/rabbit.erl
index d8e5e2c5..e6e80b4a 100644
--- a/src/rabbit.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit.erl
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
%% Boot steps.
--export([maybe_insert_default_data/0, boot_delegate/0]).
+-export([maybe_insert_default_data/0, boot_delegate/0, recover/0]).
-rabbit_boot_step({pre_boot, [{description, "rabbit boot start"}]}).
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
[{mfa, {rabbit_mnesia, init, []}},
- {requires, pre_boot},
+ {requires, file_handle_cache},
{enables, external_infrastructure}]}).
@@ -128,15 +128,9 @@
{requires, core_initialized},
{enables, routing_ready}]}).
- [{description, "exchange recovery"},
- {mfa, {rabbit_exchange, recover, []}},
- {requires, empty_db_check},
- {enables, routing_ready}]}).
- [{description, "queue supervisor and queue recovery"},
- {mfa, {rabbit_amqqueue, start, []}},
+ [{description, "exchange, queue and binding recovery"},
+ {mfa, {rabbit, recover, []}},
{requires, empty_db_check},
{enables, routing_ready}]}).
@@ -191,13 +185,15 @@
-spec(maybe_insert_default_data/0 :: () -> 'ok').
-spec(boot_delegate/0 :: () -> 'ok').
+-spec(recover/0 :: () -> 'ok').
prepare() ->
- ok = ensure_working_log_handlers().
+ ok = ensure_working_log_handlers(),
+ ok = rabbit_upgrade:maybe_upgrade_mnesia().
start() ->
@@ -220,7 +216,8 @@ stop_and_halt() ->
status() ->
- [{running_applications, application:which_applications()}] ++
+ [{pid, list_to_integer(os:getpid())},
+ {running_applications, application:which_applications()}] ++
rotate_logs(BinarySuffix) ->
@@ -237,6 +234,7 @@ rotate_logs(BinarySuffix) ->
start(normal, []) ->
case erts_version_check() of
ok ->
+ ok = rabbit_mnesia:delete_previously_running_nodes(),
{ok, SupPid} = rabbit_sup:start_link(),
true = register(rabbit, self()),
@@ -249,6 +247,7 @@ start(normal, []) ->
stop(_State) ->
+ ok = rabbit_mnesia:record_running_nodes(),
terminated_ok = error_logger:delete_report_handler(rabbit_error_logger),
ok = rabbit_alarm:stop(),
ok = case rabbit_mnesia:is_clustered() of
@@ -379,7 +378,7 @@ config_files() ->
error -> []
print_banner() ->
{ok, Product} = application:get_key(id),
@@ -465,6 +464,9 @@ boot_delegate() ->
{ok, Count} = application:get_env(rabbit, delegate_count),
rabbit_sup:start_child(delegate_sup, [Count]).
+recover() ->
+ rabbit_binding:recover(rabbit_exchange:recover(), rabbit_amqqueue:start()).
maybe_insert_default_data() ->
case rabbit_mnesia:is_db_empty() of
true -> insert_default_data();
diff --git a/src/rabbit_alarm.erl b/src/rabbit_alarm.erl
index 37e40981..d38ecb91 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_alarm.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_alarm.erl
@@ -18,12 +18,14 @@
--export([start/0, stop/0, register/2]).
+-export([start/0, stop/0, register/2, on_node_up/1, on_node_down/1]).
-export([init/1, handle_call/2, handle_event/2, handle_info/2,
terminate/2, code_change/3]).
--record(alarms, {alertees, vm_memory_high_watermark = false}).
+-export([remote_conserve_memory/2]). %% Internal use only
+-record(alarms, {alertees, alarmed_nodes}).
@@ -33,6 +35,8 @@
-spec(start/0 :: () -> 'ok').
-spec(stop/0 :: () -> 'ok').
-spec(register/2 :: (pid(), mfa_tuple()) -> boolean()).
+-spec(on_node_up/1 :: (node()) -> 'ok').
+-spec(on_node_down/1 :: (node()) -> 'ok').
@@ -56,39 +60,57 @@ register(Pid, HighMemMFA) ->
{register, Pid, HighMemMFA},
+on_node_up(Node) -> gen_event:notify(alarm_handler, {node_up, Node}).
+on_node_down(Node) -> gen_event:notify(alarm_handler, {node_down, Node}).
+%% Can't use alarm_handler:{set,clear}_alarm because that doesn't
+%% permit notifying a remote node.
+remote_conserve_memory(Pid, true) ->
+ gen_event:notify({alarm_handler, node(Pid)},
+ {set_alarm, {{vm_memory_high_watermark, node()}, []}});
+remote_conserve_memory(Pid, false) ->
+ gen_event:notify({alarm_handler, node(Pid)},
+ {clear_alarm, {vm_memory_high_watermark, node()}}).
init([]) ->
- {ok, #alarms{alertees = dict:new()}}.
+ {ok, #alarms{alertees = dict:new(),
+ alarmed_nodes = sets:new()}}.
-handle_call({register, Pid, {M, F, A} = HighMemMFA},
- State = #alarms{alertees = Alertess}) ->
- _MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
- ok = case State#alarms.vm_memory_high_watermark of
- true -> apply(M, F, A ++ [Pid, true]);
- false -> ok
- end,
- NewAlertees = dict:store(Pid, HighMemMFA, Alertess),
- {ok, State#alarms.vm_memory_high_watermark,
- State#alarms{alertees = NewAlertees}};
+handle_call({register, Pid, HighMemMFA}, State) ->
+ {ok, 0 < sets:size(State#alarms.alarmed_nodes),
+ internal_register(Pid, HighMemMFA, State)};
handle_call(_Request, State) ->
{ok, not_understood, State}.
-handle_event({set_alarm, {vm_memory_high_watermark, []}}, State) ->
- ok = alert(true, State#alarms.alertees),
- {ok, State#alarms{vm_memory_high_watermark = true}};
+handle_event({set_alarm, {{vm_memory_high_watermark, Node}, []}}, State) ->
+ {ok, maybe_alert(fun sets:add_element/2, Node, State)};
-handle_event({clear_alarm, vm_memory_high_watermark}, State) ->
- ok = alert(false, State#alarms.alertees),
- {ok, State#alarms{vm_memory_high_watermark = false}};
+handle_event({clear_alarm, {vm_memory_high_watermark, Node}}, State) ->
+ {ok, maybe_alert(fun sets:del_element/2, Node, State)};
+handle_event({node_up, Node}, State) ->
+ %% Must do this via notify and not call to avoid possible deadlock.
+ ok = gen_event:notify(
+ {alarm_handler, Node},
+ {register, self(), {?MODULE, remote_conserve_memory, []}}),
+ {ok, State};
+handle_event({node_down, Node}, State) ->
+ {ok, maybe_alert(fun sets:del_element/2, Node, State)};
+handle_event({register, Pid, HighMemMFA}, State) ->
+ {ok, internal_register(Pid, HighMemMFA, State)};
handle_event(_Event, State) ->
{ok, State}.
handle_info({'DOWN', _MRef, process, Pid, _Reason},
- State = #alarms{alertees = Alertess}) ->
- {ok, State#alarms{alertees = dict:erase(Pid, Alertess)}};
+ State = #alarms{alertees = Alertees}) ->
+ {ok, State#alarms{alertees = dict:erase(Pid, Alertees)}};
handle_info(_Info, State) ->
{ok, State}.
@@ -100,10 +122,45 @@ code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
{ok, State}.
-alert(_Alert, undefined) ->
- ok;
-alert(Alert, Alertees) ->
- dict:fold(fun (Pid, {M, F, A}, Acc) ->
- ok = erlang:apply(M, F, A ++ [Pid, Alert]),
- Acc
+maybe_alert(SetFun, Node, State = #alarms{alarmed_nodes = AN,
+ alertees = Alertees}) ->
+ AN1 = SetFun(Node, AN),
+ BeforeSz = sets:size(AN),
+ AfterSz = sets:size(AN1),
+ %% If we have changed our alarm state, inform the remotes.
+ IsLocal = Node =:= node(),
+ if IsLocal andalso BeforeSz < AfterSz -> ok = alert_remote(true, Alertees);
+ IsLocal andalso BeforeSz > AfterSz -> ok = alert_remote(false, Alertees);
+ true -> ok
+ end,
+ %% If the overall alarm state has changed, inform the locals.
+ case {BeforeSz, AfterSz} of
+ {0, 1} -> ok = alert_local(true, Alertees);
+ {1, 0} -> ok = alert_local(false, Alertees);
+ {_, _} -> ok
+ end,
+ State#alarms{alarmed_nodes = AN1}.
+alert_local(Alert, Alertees) -> alert(Alert, Alertees, fun erlang:'=:='/2).
+alert_remote(Alert, Alertees) -> alert(Alert, Alertees, fun erlang:'=/='/2).
+alert(Alert, Alertees, NodeComparator) ->
+ Node = node(),
+ dict:fold(fun (Pid, {M, F, A}, ok) ->
+ case NodeComparator(Node, node(Pid)) of
+ true -> apply(M, F, A ++ [Pid, Alert]);
+ false -> ok
+ end
end, ok, Alertees).
+internal_register(Pid, {M, F, A} = HighMemMFA,
+ State = #alarms{alertees = Alertees}) ->
+ _MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
+ case sets:is_element(node(), State#alarms.alarmed_nodes) of
+ true -> ok = apply(M, F, A ++ [Pid, true]);
+ false -> ok
+ end,
+ NewAlertees = dict:store(Pid, HighMemMFA, Alertees),
+ State#alarms{alertees = NewAlertees}.
diff --git a/src/rabbit_amqqueue.erl b/src/rabbit_amqqueue.erl
index 46b78c39..77d3841b 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_amqqueue.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_amqqueue.erl
@@ -17,23 +17,24 @@
-export([start/0, stop/0, declare/5, delete_immediately/1, delete/3, purge/1]).
--export([internal_declare/2, internal_delete/1,
- maybe_run_queue_via_backing_queue/2,
- maybe_run_queue_via_backing_queue_async/2,
- sync_timeout/1, update_ram_duration/1, set_ram_duration_target/2,
- set_maximum_since_use/2, maybe_expire/1, drop_expired/1]).
-export([lookup/1, with/2, with_or_die/2, assert_equivalence/5,
check_exclusive_access/2, with_exclusive_access_or_die/3,
stat/1, deliver/2, requeue/3, ack/4, reject/4]).
-export([list/1, info_keys/0, info/1, info/2, info_all/1, info_all/2]).
-export([consumers/1, consumers_all/1]).
-export([basic_get/3, basic_consume/7, basic_cancel/4]).
-export([notify_sent/2, unblock/2, flush_all/2]).
-export([commit_all/3, rollback_all/3, notify_down_all/2, limit_all/3]).
+%% internal
+-export([internal_declare/2, internal_delete/1,
+ run_backing_queue/2, run_backing_queue_async/2,
+ sync_timeout/1, update_ram_duration/1, set_ram_duration_target/2,
+ set_maximum_since_use/2, maybe_expire/1, drop_expired/1,
+ emit_stats/1]).
@@ -52,11 +53,11 @@
-type(qmsg() :: {name(), pid(), msg_id(), boolean(), rabbit_types:message()}).
-type(msg_id() :: non_neg_integer()).
-type(ok_or_errors() ::
- 'ok' | {'error', [{'error' | 'exit' | 'throw', any()}]}).
+ 'ok' | {'error', [{'error' | 'exit' | 'throw', any()}]}).
-type(queue_or_not_found() :: rabbit_types:amqqueue() | 'not_found').
--spec(start/0 :: () -> 'ok').
+-spec(start/0 :: () -> [name()]).
-spec(stop/0 :: () -> 'ok').
-spec(declare/5 ::
(name(), boolean(), boolean(),
@@ -100,13 +101,13 @@
-spec(emit_stats/1 :: (rabbit_types:amqqueue()) -> 'ok').
-spec(delete_immediately/1 :: (rabbit_types:amqqueue()) -> 'ok').
-spec(delete/3 ::
- (rabbit_types:amqqueue(), 'false', 'false')
+ (rabbit_types:amqqueue(), 'false', 'false')
-> qlen();
- (rabbit_types:amqqueue(), 'true' , 'false')
+ (rabbit_types:amqqueue(), 'true' , 'false')
-> qlen() | rabbit_types:error('in_use');
- (rabbit_types:amqqueue(), 'false', 'true' )
+ (rabbit_types:amqqueue(), 'false', 'true' )
-> qlen() | rabbit_types:error('not_empty');
- (rabbit_types:amqqueue(), 'true' , 'true' )
+ (rabbit_types:amqqueue(), 'true' , 'true' )
-> qlen() |
rabbit_types:error('in_use') |
@@ -122,10 +123,10 @@
-spec(notify_down_all/2 :: ([pid()], pid()) -> ok_or_errors()).
-spec(limit_all/3 :: ([pid()], pid(), pid() | 'undefined') -> ok_or_errors()).
-spec(basic_get/3 :: (rabbit_types:amqqueue(), pid(), boolean()) ->
- {'ok', non_neg_integer(), qmsg()} | 'empty').
+ {'ok', non_neg_integer(), qmsg()} | 'empty').
-spec(basic_consume/7 ::
- (rabbit_types:amqqueue(), boolean(), pid(), pid() | 'undefined',
- rabbit_types:ctag(), boolean(), any())
+ (rabbit_types:amqqueue(), boolean(), pid(), pid() | 'undefined',
+ rabbit_types:ctag(), boolean(), any())
-> rabbit_types:ok_or_error('exclusive_consume_unavailable')).
-spec(basic_cancel/4 ::
(rabbit_types:amqqueue(), pid(), rabbit_types:ctag(), any()) -> 'ok').
@@ -140,10 +141,10 @@
rabbit_types:connection_exit() |
fun ((boolean()) -> rabbit_types:ok_or_error('not_found') |
--spec(maybe_run_queue_via_backing_queue/2 ::
- (pid(), (fun ((A) -> {[rabbit_guid:guid()], A}))) -> 'ok').
--spec(maybe_run_queue_via_backing_queue_async/2 ::
- (pid(), (fun ((A) -> {[rabbit_guid:guid()], A}))) -> 'ok').
+-spec(run_backing_queue/2 ::
+ (pid(), (fun ((A) -> {[rabbit_types:msg_id()], A}))) -> 'ok').
+-spec(run_backing_queue_async/2 ::
+ (pid(), (fun ((A) -> {[rabbit_types:msg_id()], A}))) -> 'ok').
-spec(sync_timeout/1 :: (pid()) -> 'ok').
-spec(update_ram_duration/1 :: (pid()) -> 'ok').
-spec(set_ram_duration_target/2 :: (pid(), number() | 'infinity') -> 'ok').
@@ -165,8 +166,7 @@ start() ->
{rabbit_amqqueue_sup, start_link, []},
transient, infinity, supervisor, [rabbit_amqqueue_sup]}),
- _RealDurableQueues = recover_durable_queues(DurableQueues),
- ok.
+ recover_durable_queues(DurableQueues).
stop() ->
ok = supervisor:terminate_child(rabbit_sup, rabbit_amqqueue_sup),
@@ -186,8 +186,8 @@ find_durable_queues() ->
recover_durable_queues(DurableQueues) ->
Qs = [start_queue_process(Q) || Q <- DurableQueues],
- [Q || Q <- Qs,
- gen_server2:call(, {init, true}, infinity) == Q].
+ [QName || Q = #amqqueue{name = QName, pid = Pid} <- Qs,
+ gen_server2:call(Pid, {init, true}, infinity) == {new, Q}].
declare(QueueName, Durable, AutoDelete, Args, Owner) ->
ok = check_declare_arguments(QueueName, Args),
@@ -214,8 +214,8 @@ internal_declare(Q = #amqqueue{name = QueueName}, false) ->
[] -> ok = store_queue(Q),
B = add_default_binding(Q),
fun (Tx) -> B(Tx), Q end;
- [_] -> %% Q exists on stopped node
- rabbit_misc:const(not_found)
+ %% Q exists on stopped node
+ [_] -> rabbit_misc:const(not_found)
[ExistingQ = #amqqueue{pid = QPid}] ->
case rabbit_misc:is_process_alive(QPid) of
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ with_exclusive_access_or_die(Name, ReaderPid, F) ->
fun (Q) -> check_exclusive_access(Q, ReaderPid), F(Q) end).
assert_args_equivalence(#amqqueue{name = QueueName, arguments = Args},
- RequiredArgs) ->
+ RequiredArgs) ->
rabbit_misc:assert_args_equivalence(Args, RequiredArgs, QueueName,
@@ -438,11 +438,11 @@ internal_delete(QueueName) ->
-maybe_run_queue_via_backing_queue(QPid, Fun) ->
- gen_server2:call(QPid, {maybe_run_queue_via_backing_queue, Fun}, infinity).
+run_backing_queue(QPid, Fun) ->
+ gen_server2:call(QPid, {run_backing_queue, Fun}, infinity).
-maybe_run_queue_via_backing_queue_async(QPid, Fun) ->
- gen_server2:cast(QPid, {maybe_run_queue_via_backing_queue, Fun}).
+run_backing_queue_async(QPid, Fun) ->
+ gen_server2:cast(QPid, {run_backing_queue, Fun}).
sync_timeout(QPid) ->
gen_server2:cast(QPid, sync_timeout).
diff --git a/src/rabbit_amqqueue_process.erl b/src/rabbit_amqqueue_process.erl
index e794b4aa..2b0fe17e 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_amqqueue_process.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_amqqueue_process.erl
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
handle_info/2, handle_pre_hibernate/1, prioritise_call/3,
prioritise_cast/2, prioritise_info/2]).
-% Queue's state
+%% Queue's state
-record(q, {q,
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
- guid_to_channel,
+ msg_id_to_channel,
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ init(Q) ->
expiry_timer_ref = undefined,
ttl = undefined,
stats_timer = rabbit_event:init_stats_timer(),
- guid_to_channel = dict:new()}, hibernate,
+ msg_id_to_channel = dict:new()}, hibernate,
terminate(shutdown, State = #q{backing_queue = BQ}) ->
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ declare(Recover, From,
ok = rabbit_memory_monitor:register(
self(), {rabbit_amqqueue,
set_ram_duration_target, [self()]}),
- BQS = BQ:init(QName, IsDurable, Recover),
+ BQS = bq_init(BQ, QName, IsDurable, Recover),
State1 = process_args(State#q{backing_queue_state = BQS}),
infos(?CREATION_EVENT_KEYS, State1)),
@@ -159,6 +159,20 @@ declare(Recover, From,
Q1 -> {stop, normal, {existing, Q1}, State}
+bq_init(BQ, QName, IsDurable, Recover) ->
+ Self = self(),
+ BQ:init(QName, IsDurable, Recover,
+ fun (Fun) ->
+ rabbit_amqqueue:run_backing_queue_async(Self, Fun)
+ end,
+ fun (Fun) ->
+ rabbit_misc:with_exit_handler(
+ fun () -> error end,
+ fun () ->
+ rabbit_amqqueue:run_backing_queue(Self, Fun)
+ end)
+ end).
process_args(State = #q{q = #amqqueue{arguments = Arguments}}) ->
lists:foldl(fun({Arg, Fun}, State1) ->
case rabbit_misc:table_lookup(Arguments, Arg) of
@@ -201,13 +215,15 @@ noreply(NewState) ->
{NewState1, Timeout} = next_state(NewState),
{noreply, NewState1, Timeout}.
-next_state(State) ->
- State1 = #q{backing_queue = BQ, backing_queue_state = BQS} =
- ensure_rate_timer(State),
- State2 = ensure_stats_timer(State1),
- case BQ:needs_idle_timeout(BQS) of
- true -> {ensure_sync_timer(State2), 0};
- false -> {stop_sync_timer(State2), hibernate}
+next_state(State = #q{backing_queue = BQ, backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
+ {MsgIds, BQS1} = BQ:drain_confirmed(BQS),
+ State1 = ensure_stats_timer(
+ ensure_rate_timer(
+ confirm_messages(MsgIds, State#q{
+ backing_queue_state = BQS1}))),
+ case BQ:needs_idle_timeout(BQS1) of
+ true -> {ensure_sync_timer(State1), 0};
+ false -> {stop_sync_timer(State1), hibernate}
ensure_sync_timer(State = #q{sync_timer_ref = undefined}) ->
@@ -283,17 +299,16 @@ lookup_ch(ChPid) ->
ch_record(ChPid) ->
Key = {ch, ChPid},
case get(Key) of
- undefined ->
- MonitorRef = erlang:monitor(process, ChPid),
- C = #cr{consumer_count = 0,
- ch_pid = ChPid,
- monitor_ref = MonitorRef,
- acktags = sets:new(),
- is_limit_active = false,
- txn = none,
- unsent_message_count = 0},
- put(Key, C),
- C;
+ undefined -> MonitorRef = erlang:monitor(process, ChPid),
+ C = #cr{consumer_count = 0,
+ ch_pid = ChPid,
+ monitor_ref = MonitorRef,
+ acktags = sets:new(),
+ is_limit_active = false,
+ txn = none,
+ unsent_message_count = 0},
+ put(Key, C),
+ C;
C = #cr{} -> C
@@ -319,18 +334,16 @@ erase_ch_record(#cr{ch_pid = ChPid,
erase({ch, ChPid}),
-all_ch_record() ->
- [C || {{ch, _}, C} <- get()].
+all_ch_record() -> [C || {{ch, _}, C} <- get()].
is_ch_blocked(#cr{unsent_message_count = Count, is_limit_active = Limited}) ->
Limited orelse Count >= ?UNSENT_MESSAGE_LIMIT.
ch_record_state_transition(OldCR, NewCR) ->
- BlockedOld = is_ch_blocked(OldCR),
- BlockedNew = is_ch_blocked(NewCR),
- if BlockedOld andalso not(BlockedNew) -> unblock;
- BlockedNew andalso not(BlockedOld) -> block;
- true -> ok
+ case {is_ch_blocked(OldCR), is_ch_blocked(NewCR)} of
+ {true, false} -> unblock;
+ {false, true} -> block;
+ {_, _} -> ok
deliver_msgs_to_consumers(Funs = {PredFun, DeliverFun}, FunAcc,
@@ -365,13 +378,12 @@ deliver_msgs_to_consumers(Funs = {PredFun, DeliverFun}, FunAcc,
case ch_record_state_transition(C, NewC) of
ok -> {queue:in(QEntry, ActiveConsumersTail),
- block ->
- {ActiveConsumers1, BlockedConsumers1} =
- move_consumers(ChPid,
- ActiveConsumersTail,
- BlockedConsumers),
- {ActiveConsumers1,
- queue:in(QEntry, BlockedConsumers1)}
+ block -> {ActiveConsumers1, BlockedConsumers1} =
+ move_consumers(ChPid,
+ ActiveConsumersTail,
+ BlockedConsumers),
+ {ActiveConsumers1,
+ queue:in(QEntry, BlockedConsumers1)}
State2 = State1#q{
active_consumers = NewActiveConsumers,
@@ -396,56 +408,65 @@ deliver_msgs_to_consumers(Funs = {PredFun, DeliverFun}, FunAcc,
{FunAcc, State}
-deliver_from_queue_pred(IsEmpty, _State) ->
- not IsEmpty.
+deliver_from_queue_pred(IsEmpty, _State) -> not IsEmpty.
deliver_from_queue_deliver(AckRequired, false, State) ->
{{Message, IsDelivered, AckTag, Remaining}, State1} =
fetch(AckRequired, State),
{{Message, IsDelivered, AckTag}, 0 == Remaining, State1}.
-confirm_messages(Guids, State = #q{guid_to_channel = GTC}) ->
- {CMs, GTC1} =
- lists:foldl(
- fun(Guid, {CMs, GTC0}) ->
- case dict:find(Guid, GTC0) of
- {ok, {ChPid, MsgSeqNo}} ->
- {[{ChPid, MsgSeqNo} | CMs], dict:erase(Guid, GTC0)};
- _ ->
- {CMs, GTC0}
- end
- end, {[], GTC}, Guids),
- case lists:usort(CMs) of
- [{Ch, MsgSeqNo} | CMs1] ->
- [rabbit_channel:confirm(ChPid, MsgSeqNos) ||
- {ChPid, MsgSeqNos} <- group_confirms_by_channel(
- CMs1, [{Ch, [MsgSeqNo]}])];
- [] ->
- ok
- end,
- State#q{guid_to_channel = GTC1}.
-group_confirms_by_channel([], Acc) ->
- Acc;
-group_confirms_by_channel([{Ch, Msg1} | CMs], [{Ch, Msgs} | Acc]) ->
- group_confirms_by_channel(CMs, [{Ch, [Msg1 | Msgs]} | Acc]);
-group_confirms_by_channel([{Ch, Msg1} | CMs], Acc) ->
- group_confirms_by_channel(CMs, [{Ch, [Msg1]} | Acc]).
-record_confirm_message(#delivery{msg_seq_no = undefined}, State) ->
- {no_confirm, State};
-record_confirm_message(#delivery{sender = ChPid,
+confirm_messages([], State) ->
+ State;
+confirm_messages(MsgIds, State = #q{msg_id_to_channel = MTC}) ->
+ {CMs, MTC1} = lists:foldl(
+ fun(MsgId, {CMs, MTC0}) ->
+ case dict:find(MsgId, MTC0) of
+ {ok, {ChPid, MsgSeqNo}} ->
+ {gb_trees_cons(ChPid, MsgSeqNo, CMs),
+ dict:erase(MsgId, MTC0)};
+ _ ->
+ {CMs, MTC0}
+ end
+ end, {gb_trees:empty(), MTC}, MsgIds),
+ gb_trees_foreach(fun(ChPid, MsgSeqNos) ->
+ rabbit_channel:confirm(ChPid, MsgSeqNos)
+ end, CMs),
+ State#q{msg_id_to_channel = MTC1}.
+gb_trees_foreach(_, none) ->
+ ok;
+gb_trees_foreach(Fun, {Key, Val, It}) ->
+ Fun(Key, Val),
+ gb_trees_foreach(Fun, gb_trees:next(It));
+gb_trees_foreach(Fun, Tree) ->
+ gb_trees_foreach(Fun, gb_trees:next(gb_trees:iterator(Tree))).
+gb_trees_cons(Key, Value, Tree) ->
+ case gb_trees:lookup(Key, Tree) of
+ {value, Values} -> gb_trees:update(Key, [Value | Values], Tree);
+ none -> gb_trees:insert(Key, [Value], Tree)
+ end.
+should_confirm_message(#delivery{msg_seq_no = undefined}, _State) ->
+ never;
+should_confirm_message(#delivery{sender = ChPid,
msg_seq_no = MsgSeqNo,
message = #basic_message {
is_persistent = true,
- guid = Guid}},
- State =
- #q{guid_to_channel = GTC,
- q = #amqqueue{durable = true}}) ->
- {confirm,
- State#q{guid_to_channel = dict:store(Guid, {ChPid, MsgSeqNo}, GTC)}};
-record_confirm_message(_Delivery, State) ->
- {no_confirm, State}.
+ id = MsgId}},
+ #q{q = #amqqueue{durable = true}}) ->
+ {eventually, ChPid, MsgSeqNo, MsgId};
+should_confirm_message(_Delivery, _State) ->
+ immediately.
+needs_confirming({eventually, _, _, _}) -> true;
+needs_confirming(_) -> false.
+maybe_record_confirm_message({eventually, ChPid, MsgSeqNo, MsgId},
+ State = #q{msg_id_to_channel = MTC}) ->
+ State#q{msg_id_to_channel = dict:store(MsgId, {ChPid, MsgSeqNo}, MTC)};
+maybe_record_confirm_message(_Confirm, State) ->
+ State.
run_message_queue(State) ->
Funs = {fun deliver_from_queue_pred/2,
@@ -459,13 +480,12 @@ run_message_queue(State) ->
attempt_delivery(#delivery{txn = none,
sender = ChPid,
message = Message,
- msg_seq_no = MsgSeqNo},
- {NeedsConfirming, State = #q{backing_queue = BQ}}) ->
- %% must confirm immediately if it has a MsgSeqNo and not NeedsConfirming
- case {NeedsConfirming, MsgSeqNo} of
- {_, undefined} -> ok;
- {no_confirm, _} -> rabbit_channel:confirm(ChPid, [MsgSeqNo]);
- {confirm, _} -> ok
+ msg_seq_no = MsgSeqNo} = Delivery,
+ State = #q{backing_queue = BQ}) ->
+ Confirm = should_confirm_message(Delivery, State),
+ case Confirm of
+ immediately -> rabbit_channel:confirm(ChPid, [MsgSeqNo]);
+ _ -> ok
PredFun = fun (IsEmpty, _State) -> not IsEmpty end,
DeliverFun =
@@ -477,46 +497,42 @@ attempt_delivery(#delivery{txn = none,
AckRequired, Message,
- needs_confirming = (NeedsConfirming =:= confirm)},
+ needs_confirming = needs_confirming(Confirm)},
{{Message, false, AckTag}, true,
State1#q{backing_queue_state = BQS1}}
{Delivered, State1} =
deliver_msgs_to_consumers({ PredFun, DeliverFun }, false, State),
- {Delivered, NeedsConfirming, State1};
-attempt_delivery(#delivery{txn = Txn,
+ {Delivered, Confirm, State1};
+attempt_delivery(#delivery{txn = Txn,
sender = ChPid,
- message = Message},
- {NeedsConfirming,
- State = #q{backing_queue = BQ,
- backing_queue_state = BQS}}) ->
+ message = Message} = Delivery,
+ State = #q{backing_queue = BQ,
+ backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
store_ch_record((ch_record(ChPid))#cr{txn = Txn}),
- {true,
- NeedsConfirming,
- State#q{backing_queue_state =
- BQ:tx_publish(Txn, Message, ?BASE_MESSAGE_PROPERTIES, BQS)}}.
-deliver_or_enqueue(Delivery, State) ->
- case attempt_delivery(Delivery, record_confirm_message(Delivery, State)) of
- {true, _, State1} ->
- {true, State1};
- {false, NeedsConfirming, State1 = #q{backing_queue = BQ,
- backing_queue_state = BQS}} ->
- #delivery{message = Message} = Delivery,
- BQS1 = BQ:publish(Message,
- (message_properties(State)) #message_properties{
- needs_confirming =
- (NeedsConfirming =:= confirm)},
- BQS),
- {false, ensure_ttl_timer(State1#q{backing_queue_state = BQS1})}
+ BQS1 = BQ:tx_publish(Txn, Message, ?BASE_MESSAGE_PROPERTIES, BQS),
+ {true, should_confirm_message(Delivery, State),
+ State#q{backing_queue_state = BQS1}}.
+deliver_or_enqueue(Delivery = #delivery{message = Message}, State) ->
+ {Delivered, Confirm, State1} = attempt_delivery(Delivery, State),
+ State2 = #q{backing_queue = BQ, backing_queue_state = BQS} =
+ maybe_record_confirm_message(Confirm, State1),
+ case Delivered of
+ true -> State2;
+ false -> BQS1 =
+ BQ:publish(Message,
+ (message_properties(State)) #message_properties{
+ needs_confirming = needs_confirming(Confirm)},
+ BQS),
+ ensure_ttl_timer(State2#q{backing_queue_state = BQS1})
requeue_and_run(AckTags, State = #q{backing_queue = BQ, ttl=TTL}) ->
- maybe_run_queue_via_backing_queue(
- fun (BQS) ->
- {[], BQ:requeue(AckTags, reset_msg_expiry_fun(TTL), BQS)}
- end, State).
+ run_backing_queue(
+ fun (BQS) -> BQ:requeue(AckTags, reset_msg_expiry_fun(TTL), BQS) end,
+ State).
fetch(AckRequired, State = #q{backing_queue_state = BQS,
backing_queue = BQ}) ->
@@ -619,13 +635,10 @@ maybe_send_reply(ChPid, Msg) -> ok = rabbit_channel:send_command(ChPid, Msg).
qname(#q{q = #amqqueue{name = QName}}) -> QName.
backing_queue_idle_timeout(State = #q{backing_queue = BQ}) ->
- maybe_run_queue_via_backing_queue(
- fun (BQS) -> {[], BQ:idle_timeout(BQS)} end, State).
+ run_backing_queue(fun (BQS) -> BQ:idle_timeout(BQS) end, State).
-maybe_run_queue_via_backing_queue(Fun, State = #q{backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
- {Guids, BQS1} = Fun(BQS),
- run_message_queue(
- confirm_messages(Guids, State#q{backing_queue_state = BQS1})).
+run_backing_queue(Fun, State = #q{backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
+ run_message_queue(State#q{backing_queue_state = Fun(BQS)}).
commit_transaction(Txn, From, C = #cr{acktags = ChAckTags},
State = #q{backing_queue = BQ,
@@ -666,9 +679,8 @@ drop_expired_messages(State = #q{backing_queue_state = BQS,
backing_queue = BQ}) ->
Now = now_micros(),
BQS1 = BQ:dropwhile(
- fun (#message_properties{expiry = Expiry}) ->
- Now > Expiry
- end, BQS),
+ fun (#message_properties{expiry = Expiry}) -> Now > Expiry end,
+ BQS),
ensure_ttl_timer(State#q{backing_queue_state = BQS1}).
ensure_ttl_timer(State = #q{backing_queue = BQ,
@@ -727,10 +739,10 @@ i(Item, _) ->
consumers(#q{active_consumers = ActiveConsumers,
blocked_consumers = BlockedConsumers}) ->
- fun ({ChPid, #consumer{tag = ConsumerTag,
- ack_required = AckRequired}}, Acc) ->
- [{ChPid, ConsumerTag, AckRequired} | Acc]
- end, [], queue:join(ActiveConsumers, BlockedConsumers)).
+ fun ({ChPid, #consumer{tag = ConsumerTag,
+ ack_required = AckRequired}}, Acc) ->
+ [{ChPid, ConsumerTag, AckRequired} | Acc]
+ end, [], queue:join(ActiveConsumers, BlockedConsumers)).
emit_stats(State) ->
emit_stats(State, []).
@@ -752,33 +764,33 @@ emit_consumer_deleted(ChPid, ConsumerTag) ->
{channel, ChPid},
{queue, self()}]).
prioritise_call(Msg, _From, _State) ->
case Msg of
- info -> 9;
- {info, _Items} -> 9;
- consumers -> 9;
- {maybe_run_queue_via_backing_queue, _Fun} -> 6;
- _ -> 0
+ info -> 9;
+ {info, _Items} -> 9;
+ consumers -> 9;
+ {run_backing_queue, _Fun} -> 6;
+ _ -> 0
prioritise_cast(Msg, _State) ->
case Msg of
- update_ram_duration -> 8;
- delete_immediately -> 8;
- {set_ram_duration_target, _Duration} -> 8;
- {set_maximum_since_use, _Age} -> 8;
- maybe_expire -> 8;
- drop_expired -> 8;
- emit_stats -> 7;
- {ack, _Txn, _MsgIds, _ChPid} -> 7;
- {reject, _MsgIds, _Requeue, _ChPid} -> 7;
- {notify_sent, _ChPid} -> 7;
- {unblock, _ChPid} -> 7;
- {maybe_run_queue_via_backing_queue, _Fun} -> 6;
- sync_timeout -> 6;
- _ -> 0
+ update_ram_duration -> 8;
+ delete_immediately -> 8;
+ {set_ram_duration_target, _Duration} -> 8;
+ {set_maximum_since_use, _Age} -> 8;
+ maybe_expire -> 8;
+ drop_expired -> 8;
+ emit_stats -> 7;
+ {ack, _Txn, _AckTags, _ChPid} -> 7;
+ {reject, _AckTags, _Requeue, _ChPid} -> 7;
+ {notify_sent, _ChPid} -> 7;
+ {unblock, _ChPid} -> 7;
+ {run_backing_queue, _Fun} -> 6;
+ sync_timeout -> 6;
+ _ -> 0
prioritise_info({'DOWN', _MonitorRef, process, DownPid, _Reason},
@@ -802,7 +814,7 @@ handle_call({init, Recover}, From,
_ -> rabbit_log:warning(
"Queue ~p exclusive owner went away~n", [QName])
- BQS = BQ:init(QName, IsDurable, Recover),
+ BQS = bq_init(BQ, QName, IsDurable, Recover),
%% Rely on terminate to delete the queue.
{stop, normal, State#q{backing_queue_state = BQS}}
@@ -819,8 +831,7 @@ handle_call({info, Items}, _From, State) ->
handle_call(consumers, _From, State) ->
reply(consumers(State), State);
-handle_call({deliver_immediately, Delivery},
- _From, State) ->
+handle_call({deliver_immediately, Delivery}, _From, State) ->
%% Synchronous, "immediate" delivery mode
%% FIXME: Is this correct semantics?
@@ -834,15 +845,16 @@ handle_call({deliver_immediately, Delivery},
%% just all ready-to-consume queues get the message, with unready
%% queues discarding the message?
- {Delivered, _NeedsConfirming, State1} =
- attempt_delivery(Delivery, record_confirm_message(Delivery, State)),
- reply(Delivered, State1);
+ {Delivered, Confirm, State1} = attempt_delivery(Delivery, State),
+ reply(Delivered, case Delivered of
+ true -> maybe_record_confirm_message(Confirm, State1);
+ false -> State1
+ end);
handle_call({deliver, Delivery}, From, State) ->
%% Synchronous, "mandatory" delivery mode. Reply asap.
gen_server2:reply(From, true),
- {_Delivered, NewState} = deliver_or_enqueue(Delivery, State),
- noreply(NewState);
+ noreply(deliver_or_enqueue(Delivery, State));
handle_call({commit, Txn, ChPid}, From, State) ->
case lookup_ch(ChPid) of
@@ -911,15 +923,13 @@ handle_call({basic_consume, NoAck, ChPid, LimiterPid,
case is_ch_blocked(C) of
true -> State1#q{
blocked_consumers =
- add_consumer(
- ChPid, Consumer,
- State1#q.blocked_consumers)};
+ add_consumer(ChPid, Consumer,
+ State1#q.blocked_consumers)};
false -> run_message_queue(
active_consumers =
- add_consumer(
- ChPid, Consumer,
- State1#q.active_consumers)})
+ add_consumer(ChPid, Consumer,
+ State1#q.active_consumers)})
emit_consumer_created(ChPid, ConsumerTag, ExclusiveConsume,
not NoAck),
@@ -994,20 +1004,19 @@ handle_call({requeue, AckTags, ChPid}, From, State) ->
noreply(requeue_and_run(AckTags, State))
-handle_call({maybe_run_queue_via_backing_queue, Fun}, _From, State) ->
- reply(ok, maybe_run_queue_via_backing_queue(Fun, State)).
+handle_call({run_backing_queue, Fun}, _From, State) ->
+ reply(ok, run_backing_queue(Fun, State)).
-handle_cast({maybe_run_queue_via_backing_queue, Fun}, State) ->
- noreply(maybe_run_queue_via_backing_queue(Fun, State));
+handle_cast({run_backing_queue, Fun}, State) ->
+ noreply(run_backing_queue(Fun, State));
handle_cast(sync_timeout, State) ->
noreply(backing_queue_idle_timeout(State#q{sync_timer_ref = undefined}));
handle_cast({deliver, Delivery}, State) ->
%% Asynchronous, non-"mandatory", non-"immediate" deliver mode.
- {_Delivered, NewState} = deliver_or_enqueue(Delivery, State),
- noreply(NewState);
+ noreply(deliver_or_enqueue(Delivery, State));
handle_cast({ack, Txn, AckTags, ChPid},
State = #q{backing_queue = BQ, backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
diff --git a/src/rabbit_auth_backend_internal.erl b/src/rabbit_auth_backend_internal.erl
index a564480b..f70813d1 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_auth_backend_internal.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_auth_backend_internal.erl
@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@
-spec(clear_admin/1 :: (rabbit_types:username()) -> 'ok').
-spec(list_users/0 :: () -> [{rabbit_types:username(), boolean()}]).
-spec(lookup_user/1 :: (rabbit_types:username())
- -> rabbit_types:ok(rabbit_types:internal_user())
- | rabbit_types:error('not_found')).
+ -> rabbit_types:ok(rabbit_types:internal_user())
+ | rabbit_types:error('not_found')).
-spec(set_permissions/5 ::(rabbit_types:username(), rabbit_types:vhost(),
regexp(), regexp(), regexp()) -> 'ok').
-spec(clear_permissions/2 :: (rabbit_types:username(), rabbit_types:vhost())
@@ -85,10 +85,9 @@ check_user_login(Username, []) ->
internal_check_user_login(Username, fun(_) -> true end);
check_user_login(Username, [{password, Password}]) ->
- Username,
- fun(#internal_user{password_hash = Hash}) ->
- check_password(Password, Hash)
- end);
+ Username, fun(#internal_user{password_hash = Hash}) ->
+ check_password(Password, Hash)
+ end);
check_user_login(Username, AuthProps) ->
exit({unknown_auth_props, Username, AuthProps}).
@@ -131,12 +130,11 @@ check_resource_access(#user{username = Username},
[] ->
[#user_permission{permission = P}] ->
- PermRegexp =
- case element(permission_index(Permission), P) of
- %% <<"^$">> breaks Emacs' erlang mode
- <<"">> -> <<$^, $$>>;
- RE -> RE
- end,
+ PermRegexp = case element(permission_index(Permission), P) of
+ %% <<"^$">> breaks Emacs' erlang mode
+ <<"">> -> <<$^, $$>>;
+ RE -> RE
+ end,
case re:run(Name, PermRegexp, [{capture, none}]) of
match -> true;
nomatch -> false
@@ -221,11 +219,9 @@ salted_md5(Salt, Cleartext) ->
Salted = <<Salt/binary, Cleartext/binary>>,
-set_admin(Username) ->
- set_admin(Username, true).
+set_admin(Username) -> set_admin(Username, true).
-clear_admin(Username) ->
- set_admin(Username, false).
+clear_admin(Username) -> set_admin(Username, false).
set_admin(Username, IsAdmin) ->
R = update_user(Username, fun(User) ->
diff --git a/src/rabbit_auth_mechanism.erl b/src/rabbit_auth_mechanism.erl
index 1d14f9f0..897199ee 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_auth_mechanism.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_auth_mechanism.erl
@@ -23,6 +23,10 @@ behaviour_info(callbacks) ->
%% A description.
{description, 0},
+ %% If this mechanism is enabled, should it be offered for a given socket?
+ %% (primarily so EXTERNAL can be SSL-only)
+ {should_offer, 1},
%% Called before authentication starts. Should create a state
%% object to be passed through all the stages of authentication.
{init, 1},
diff --git a/src/rabbit_auth_mechanism_amqplain.erl b/src/rabbit_auth_mechanism_amqplain.erl
index 5e422eee..b8682a46 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_auth_mechanism_amqplain.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_auth_mechanism_amqplain.erl
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
--export([description/0, init/1, handle_response/2]).
+-export([description/0, should_offer/1, init/1, handle_response/2]).
@@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ description() ->
[{name, <<"AMQPLAIN">>},
{description, <<"QPid AMQPLAIN mechanism">>}].
+should_offer(_Sock) ->
+ true.
init(_Sock) ->
@@ -51,5 +54,5 @@ handle_response(Response, _State) ->
_ ->
"AMQPLAIN auth info ~w is missing LOGIN or PASSWORD field",
- [LoginTable]}
+ [LoginTable]}
diff --git a/src/rabbit_auth_mechanism_cr_demo.erl b/src/rabbit_auth_mechanism_cr_demo.erl
index 7fd20f8b..acbb6e48 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_auth_mechanism_cr_demo.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_auth_mechanism_cr_demo.erl
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
--export([description/0, init/1, handle_response/2]).
+-export([description/0, should_offer/1, init/1, handle_response/2]).
@@ -43,6 +43,9 @@ description() ->
{description, <<"RabbitMQ Demo challenge-response authentication "
+should_offer(_Sock) ->
+ true.
init(_Sock) ->
@@ -50,10 +53,8 @@ handle_response(Response, State = #state{username = undefined}) ->
{challenge, <<"Please tell me your password">>,
State#state{username = Response}};
-handle_response(Response, #state{username = Username}) ->
- case Response of
- <<"My password is ", Password/binary>> ->
- rabbit_access_control:check_user_pass_login(Username, Password);
- _ ->
- {protocol_error, "Invalid response '~s'", [Response]}
- end.
+handle_response(<<"My password is ", Password/binary>>,
+ #state{username = Username}) ->
+ rabbit_access_control:check_user_pass_login(Username, Password);
+handle_response(Response, _State) ->
+ {protocol_error, "Invalid response '~s'", [Response]}.
diff --git a/src/rabbit_auth_mechanism_plain.erl b/src/rabbit_auth_mechanism_plain.erl
index 1ca07018..2448acb6 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_auth_mechanism_plain.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_auth_mechanism_plain.erl
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
--export([description/0, init/1, handle_response/2]).
+-export([description/0, should_offer/1, init/1, handle_response/2]).
@@ -41,6 +41,9 @@ description() ->
[{name, <<"PLAIN">>},
{description, <<"SASL PLAIN authentication mechanism">>}].
+should_offer(_Sock) ->
+ true.
init(_Sock) ->
@@ -62,15 +65,12 @@ extract_user_pass(Response) ->
extract_elem(<<0:8, Rest/binary>>) ->
- Count = next_null_pos(Rest),
+ Count = next_null_pos(Rest, 0),
<<Elem:Count/binary, Rest1/binary>> = Rest,
{ok, Elem, Rest1};
extract_elem(_) ->
-next_null_pos(Bin) ->
- next_null_pos(Bin, 0).
next_null_pos(<<>>, Count) -> Count;
next_null_pos(<<0:8, _Rest/binary>>, Count) -> Count;
next_null_pos(<<_:8, Rest/binary>>, Count) -> next_null_pos(Rest, Count + 1).
diff --git a/src/rabbit_backing_queue.erl b/src/rabbit_backing_queue.erl
index 6a21e10f..0ca8d260 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_backing_queue.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_backing_queue.erl
@@ -33,7 +33,21 @@ behaviour_info(callbacks) ->
{stop, 0},
%% Initialise the backing queue and its state.
- {init, 3},
+ %%
+ %% Takes
+ %% 1. the queue name
+ %% 2. a boolean indicating whether the queue is durable
+ %% 3. a boolean indicating whether the queue is an existing queue
+ %% that should be recovered
+ %% 4. an asynchronous callback which accepts a function of type
+ %% backing-queue-state to backing-queue-state. This callback
+ %% function can be safely invoked from any process, which
+ %% makes it useful for passing messages back into the backing
+ %% queue, especially as the backing queue does not have
+ %% control of its own mailbox.
+ %% 5. a synchronous callback. Same as the asynchronous callback
+ %% but waits for completion and returns 'error' on error.
+ {init, 5},
%% Called on queue shutdown when queue isn't being deleted.
{terminate, 1},
@@ -54,6 +68,35 @@ behaviour_info(callbacks) ->
%% (i.e. saves the round trip through the backing queue).
{publish_delivered, 4},
+ %% Return ids of messages which have been confirmed since
+ %% the last invocation of this function (or initialisation).
+ %%
+ %% Message ids should only appear in the result of
+ %% drain_confirmed under the following circumstances:
+ %%
+ %% 1. The message appears in a call to publish_delivered/4 and
+ %% the first argument (ack_required) is false; or
+ %% 2. The message is fetched from the queue with fetch/2 and the
+ %% first argument (ack_required) is false; or
+ %% 3. The message is acked (ack/2 is called for the message); or
+ %% 4. The message is fully fsync'd to disk in such a way that the
+ %% recovery of the message is guaranteed in the event of a
+ %% crash of this rabbit node (excluding hardware failure).
+ %%
+ %% In addition to the above conditions, a message id may only
+ %% appear in the result of drain_confirmed if
+ %% #message_properties.needs_confirming = true when the msg was
+ %% published (through whichever means) to the backing queue.
+ %%
+ %% It is legal for the same message id to appear in the results
+ %% of multiple calls to drain_confirmed, which means that the
+ %% backing queue is not required to keep track of which messages
+ %% it has already confirmed. The confirm will be issued to the
+ %% publisher the first time the message id appears in the result
+ %% of drain_confirmed. All subsequent appearances of that message
+ %% id will be ignored.
+ {drain_confirmed, 1},
%% Drop messages from the head of the queue while the supplied
%% predicate returns true.
{dropwhile, 2},
@@ -62,7 +105,7 @@ behaviour_info(callbacks) ->
{fetch, 2},
%% Acktags supplied are for messages which can now be forgotten
- %% about. Must return 1 guid per Ack, in the same order as Acks.
+ %% about. Must return 1 msg_id per Ack, in the same order as Acks.
{ack, 2},
%% A publish, but in the context of a transaction.
diff --git a/src/rabbit_basic.erl b/src/rabbit_basic.erl
index c5bd9575..3cf73e80 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_basic.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_basic.erl
@@ -18,10 +18,9 @@
--export([publish/1, message/4, properties/1, delivery/5]).
+-export([publish/1, message/3, message/4, properties/1, delivery/5]).
-export([publish/4, publish/7]).
-export([build_content/2, from_content/1]).
@@ -41,8 +40,11 @@
-spec(message/4 ::
(rabbit_exchange:name(), rabbit_router:routing_key(),
- properties_input(), binary()) ->
- (rabbit_types:message() | rabbit_types:error(any()))).
+ properties_input(), binary()) -> rabbit_types:message()).
+-spec(message/3 ::
+ (rabbit_exchange:name(), rabbit_router:routing_key(),
+ rabbit_types:decoded_content()) ->
+ rabbit_types:ok_or_error2(rabbit_types:message(), any())).
-spec(properties/1 ::
(properties_input()) -> rabbit_framing:amqp_property_record()).
-spec(publish/4 ::
@@ -56,9 +58,6 @@
-spec(from_content/1 :: (rabbit_types:content()) ->
{rabbit_framing:amqp_property_record(), binary()}).
--spec(is_message_persistent/1 :: (rabbit_types:decoded_content()) ->
- (boolean() |
- {'invalid', non_neg_integer()})).
@@ -98,19 +97,40 @@ from_content(Content) ->
{Props, list_to_binary(lists:reverse(FragmentsRev))}.
-message(ExchangeName, RoutingKeyBin, RawProperties, BodyBin) ->
+%% This breaks the spec rule forbidding message modification
+strip_header(#content{properties = #'P_basic'{headers = undefined}}
+ = DecodedContent, _Key) ->
+ DecodedContent;
+strip_header(#content{properties = Props = #'P_basic'{headers = Headers}}
+ = DecodedContent, Key) ->
+ case lists:keysearch(Key, 1, Headers) of
+ false -> DecodedContent;
+ {value, Found} -> Headers0 = lists:delete(Found, Headers),
+ rabbit_binary_generator:clear_encoded_content(
+ DecodedContent#content{
+ properties = Props#'P_basic'{
+ headers = Headers0}})
+ end.
+message(ExchangeName, RoutingKey,
+ #content{properties = Props} = DecodedContent) ->
+ try
+ {ok, #basic_message{
+ exchange_name = ExchangeName,
+ content = strip_header(DecodedContent, ?DELETED_HEADER),
+ id = rabbit_guid:guid(),
+ is_persistent = is_message_persistent(DecodedContent),
+ routing_keys = [RoutingKey |
+ header_routes(Props#'P_basic'.headers)]}}
+ catch
+ {error, _Reason} = Error -> Error
+ end.
+message(ExchangeName, RoutingKey, RawProperties, BodyBin) ->
Properties = properties(RawProperties),
Content = build_content(Properties, BodyBin),
- case is_message_persistent(Content) of
- {invalid, Other} ->
- {error, {invalid_delivery_mode, Other}};
- IsPersistent when is_boolean(IsPersistent) ->
- #basic_message{exchange_name = ExchangeName,
- routing_key = RoutingKeyBin,
- content = Content,
- guid = rabbit_guid:guid(),
- is_persistent = IsPersistent}
- end.
+ {ok, Msg} = message(ExchangeName, RoutingKey, Content),
+ Msg.
properties(P = #'P_basic'{}) ->
@@ -152,5 +172,18 @@ is_message_persistent(#content{properties = #'P_basic'{
1 -> false;
2 -> true;
undefined -> false;
- Other -> {invalid, Other}
+ Other -> throw({error, {delivery_mode_unknown, Other}})
+%% Extract CC routes from headers
+header_routes(undefined) ->
+ [];
+header_routes(HeadersTable) ->
+ lists:append(
+ [case rabbit_misc:table_lookup(HeadersTable, HeaderKey) of
+ {array, Routes} -> [Route || {longstr, Route} <- Routes];
+ undefined -> [];
+ {Type, _Val} -> throw({error, {unacceptable_type_in_header,
+ Type,
+ binary_to_list(HeaderKey)}})
+ end || HeaderKey <- ?ROUTING_HEADERS]).
diff --git a/src/rabbit_binary_generator.erl b/src/rabbit_binary_generator.erl
index dc81ace6..68511a32 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_binary_generator.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_binary_generator.erl
@@ -18,12 +18,13 @@
-% EMPTY_CONTENT_BODY_FRAME_SIZE, 8 = 1 + 2 + 4 + 1
-% - 1 byte of frame type
-% - 2 bytes of channel number
-% - 4 bytes of frame payload length
-% - 1 byte of payload trailer FRAME_END byte
-% See definition of check_empty_content_body_frame_size/0, an assertion called at startup.
+%% EMPTY_CONTENT_BODY_FRAME_SIZE, 8 = 1 + 2 + 4 + 1
+%% - 1 byte of frame type
+%% - 2 bytes of channel number
+%% - 4 bytes of frame payload length
+%% - 1 byte of payload trailer FRAME_END byte
+%% See definition of check_empty_content_body_frame_size/0,
+%% an assertion called at startup.
diff --git a/src/rabbit_binding.erl b/src/rabbit_binding.erl
index 96a22dca..c2c8dc1f 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_binding.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_binding.erl
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
--export([recover/0, exists/1, add/1, remove/1, add/2, remove/2, list/1]).
+-export([recover/2, exists/1, add/1, add/2, remove/1, remove/2, list/1]).
-export([list_for_source/1, list_for_destination/1,
-export([new_deletions/0, combine_deletions/2, add_deletion/3,
@@ -38,24 +38,24 @@
-type(bind_errors() :: rabbit_types:error('source_not_found' |
'destination_not_found' |
--type(bind_res() :: 'ok' | bind_errors()).
+-type(bind_ok_or_error() :: 'ok' | bind_errors() |
+ rabbit_types:error('binding_not_found')).
+-type(bind_res() :: bind_ok_or_error() | rabbit_misc:const(bind_ok_or_error())).
-type(inner_fun() ::
rabbit_types:exchange() | rabbit_types:amqqueue()) ->
-type(bindings() :: [rabbit_types:binding()]).
--type(add_res() :: bind_res() | rabbit_misc:const(bind_res())).
--type(bind_or_error() :: bind_res() | rabbit_types:error('binding_not_found')).
--type(remove_res() :: bind_or_error() | rabbit_misc:const(bind_or_error())).
-opaque(deletions() :: dict()).
--spec(recover/0 :: () -> [rabbit_types:binding()]).
+-spec(recover/2 :: ([rabbit_exchange:name()], [rabbit_amqqueue:name()]) ->
+ 'ok').
-spec(exists/1 :: (rabbit_types:binding()) -> boolean() | bind_errors()).
--spec(add/1 :: (rabbit_types:binding()) -> add_res()).
--spec(remove/1 :: (rabbit_types:binding()) -> remove_res()).
--spec(add/2 :: (rabbit_types:binding(), inner_fun()) -> add_res()).
--spec(remove/2 :: (rabbit_types:binding(), inner_fun()) -> remove_res()).
+-spec(add/1 :: (rabbit_types:binding()) -> bind_res()).
+-spec(add/2 :: (rabbit_types:binding(), inner_fun()) -> bind_res()).
+-spec(remove/1 :: (rabbit_types:binding()) -> bind_res()).
+-spec(remove/2 :: (rabbit_types:binding(), inner_fun()) -> bind_res()).
-spec(list/1 :: (rabbit_types:vhost()) -> bindings()).
-spec(list_for_source/1 ::
(rabbit_types:binding_source()) -> bindings()).
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
-spec(info_all/1 :: (rabbit_types:vhost()) -> [rabbit_types:infos()]).
-spec(info_all/2 ::(rabbit_types:vhost(), rabbit_types:info_keys())
- -> [rabbit_types:infos()]).
+ -> [rabbit_types:infos()]).
-spec(has_for_source/1 :: (rabbit_types:binding_source()) -> boolean()).
-spec(remove_for_source/1 :: (rabbit_types:binding_source()) -> bindings()).
-spec(remove_for_destination/1 ::
@@ -93,14 +93,27 @@
destination_name, destination_kind,
routing_key, arguments]).
-recover() ->
- rabbit_misc:table_fold(
- fun (Route = #route{binding = B}, Acc) ->
- {_, ReverseRoute} = route_with_reverse(Route),
- ok = mnesia:write(rabbit_route, Route, write),
- ok = mnesia:write(rabbit_reverse_route, ReverseRoute, write),
- [B | Acc]
- end, [], rabbit_durable_route).
+recover(XNames, QNames) ->
+ XNameSet = sets:from_list(XNames),
+ QNameSet = sets:from_list(QNames),
+ rabbit_misc:table_filter(
+ fun (#route{binding = #binding{destination = Dst =
+ #resource{kind = Kind}}}) ->
+ sets:is_element(Dst, case Kind of
+ exchange -> XNameSet;
+ queue -> QNameSet
+ end)
+ end,
+ fun (R = #route{binding = B = #binding{source = Src}}, Tx) ->
+ case Tx of
+ true -> ok = sync_transient_binding(R, fun mnesia:write/3);
+ false -> ok
+ end,
+ {ok, X} = rabbit_exchange:lookup(Src),
+ rabbit_exchange:callback(X, add_binding, [Tx, X, B])
+ end,
+ rabbit_durable_route),
+ ok.
exists(Binding) ->
@@ -110,8 +123,6 @@ exists(Binding) ->
add(Binding) -> add(Binding, fun (_Src, _Dst) -> ok end).
-remove(Binding) -> remove(Binding, fun (_Src, _Dst) -> ok end).
add(Binding, InnerFun) ->
@@ -120,51 +131,46 @@ add(Binding, InnerFun) ->
%% in general, we want to fail on that in preference to
%% anything else
case InnerFun(Src, Dst) of
- ok ->
- case mnesia:read({rabbit_route, B}) of
- [] -> ok = sync_binding(B, all_durable([Src, Dst]),
- fun mnesia:write/3),
- fun (Tx) ->
- ok = rabbit_exchange:callback(
- Src, add_binding, [Tx, Src, B]),
- rabbit_event:notify_if(
- not Tx, binding_created, info(B))
- end;
- [_] -> fun rabbit_misc:const_ok/1
- end;
- {error, _} = Err ->
- rabbit_misc:const(Err)
+ ok -> case mnesia:read({rabbit_route, B}) of
+ [] -> add(Src, Dst, B);
+ [_] -> fun rabbit_misc:const_ok/1
+ end;
+ {error, _} = Err -> rabbit_misc:const(Err)
+add(Src, Dst, B) ->
+ Durable = all_durable([Src, Dst]),
+ case (not Durable orelse mnesia:read({rabbit_durable_route, B}) =:= []) of
+ true -> ok = sync_binding(B, Durable, fun mnesia:write/3),
+ fun (Tx) -> ok = rabbit_exchange:callback(Src, add_binding,
+ [Tx, Src, B]),
+ rabbit_event:notify_if(not Tx, binding_created,
+ info(B))
+ end;
+ false -> rabbit_misc:const({error, binding_not_found})
+ end.
+remove(Binding) -> remove(Binding, fun (_Src, _Dst) -> ok end).
remove(Binding, InnerFun) ->
fun (Src, Dst, B) ->
- Result =
- case mnesia:match_object(rabbit_route, #route{binding = B},
- write) of
- [] ->
- {error, binding_not_found};
- [_] ->
- case InnerFun(Src, Dst) of
- ok ->
- ok = sync_binding(B, all_durable([Src, Dst]),
- fun mnesia:delete_object/3),
- {ok, maybe_auto_delete(B#binding.source,
- [B], new_deletions())};
- {error, _} = E ->
- E
- end
- end,
- case Result of
- {error, _} = Err ->
- rabbit_misc:const(Err);
- {ok, Deletions} ->
- fun (Tx) -> ok = process_deletions(Deletions, Tx) end
+ case mnesia:read(rabbit_route, B, write) of
+ [] -> rabbit_misc:const({error, binding_not_found});
+ [_] -> case InnerFun(Src, Dst) of
+ ok -> remove(Src, Dst, B);
+ {error, _} = Err -> rabbit_misc:const(Err)
+ end
+remove(Src, Dst, B) ->
+ ok = sync_binding(B, all_durable([Src, Dst]), fun mnesia:delete_object/3),
+ Deletions = maybe_auto_delete(B#binding.source, [B], new_deletions()),
+ fun (Tx) -> ok = process_deletions(Deletions, Tx) end.
list(VHostPath) ->
VHostResource = rabbit_misc:r(VHostPath, '_'),
Route = #route{binding = #binding{source = VHostResource,
@@ -259,31 +265,31 @@ binding_action(Binding = #binding{source = SrcName,
Fun(Src, Dst, Binding#binding{args = SortedArgs})
-sync_binding(Binding, Durable, Fun) ->
- ok = case Durable of
- true -> Fun(rabbit_durable_route,
- #route{binding = Binding}, write);
- false -> ok
- end,
+sync_binding(Binding, true, Fun) ->
+ ok = Fun(rabbit_durable_route, #route{binding = Binding}, write),
+ ok = sync_transient_binding(Binding, Fun);
+sync_binding(Binding, false, Fun) ->
+ ok = sync_transient_binding(Binding, Fun).
+sync_transient_binding(Binding, Fun) ->
{Route, ReverseRoute} = route_with_reverse(Binding),
ok = Fun(rabbit_route, Route, write),
- ok = Fun(rabbit_reverse_route, ReverseRoute, write),
- ok.
+ ok = Fun(rabbit_reverse_route, ReverseRoute, write).
call_with_source_and_destination(SrcName, DstName, Fun) ->
SrcTable = table_for_resource(SrcName),
DstTable = table_for_resource(DstName),
- ErrFun = fun (Err) -> rabbit_misc:const(Err) end,
+ ErrFun = fun (Err) -> rabbit_misc:const({error, Err}) end,
fun () ->
case {mnesia:read({SrcTable, SrcName}),
mnesia:read({DstTable, DstName})} of
{[Src], [Dst]} -> Fun(Src, Dst);
- {[], [_] } -> ErrFun({error, source_not_found});
- {[_], [] } -> ErrFun({error, destination_not_found});
- {[], [] } -> ErrFun({error,
- source_and_destination_not_found})
- end
+ {[], [_] } -> ErrFun(source_not_found);
+ {[_], [] } -> ErrFun(destination_not_found);
+ {[], [] } -> ErrFun(source_and_destination_not_found)
+ end
table_for_resource(#resource{kind = exchange}) -> rabbit_exchange;
@@ -331,17 +337,18 @@ group_bindings_fold(Fun, SrcName, Acc, Removed, Bindings) ->
group_bindings_fold(Fun, Fun(SrcName, Bindings, Acc), Removed).
maybe_auto_delete(XName, Bindings, Deletions) ->
- case mnesia:read({rabbit_exchange, XName}) of
- [] ->
- add_deletion(XName, {undefined, not_deleted, Bindings}, Deletions);
- [X] ->
- add_deletion(XName, {X, not_deleted, Bindings},
- case rabbit_exchange:maybe_auto_delete(X) of
- not_deleted -> Deletions;
- {deleted, Deletions1} -> combine_deletions(
- Deletions, Deletions1)
- end)
- end.
+ {Entry, Deletions1} =
+ case mnesia:read({rabbit_exchange, XName}) of
+ [] -> {{undefined, not_deleted, Bindings}, Deletions};
+ [X] -> case rabbit_exchange:maybe_auto_delete(X) of
+ not_deleted ->
+ {{X, not_deleted, Bindings}, Deletions};
+ {deleted, Deletions2} ->
+ {{X, deleted, Bindings},
+ combine_deletions(Deletions, Deletions2)}
+ end
+ end,
+ add_deletion(XName, Entry, Deletions1).
delete_forward_routes(Route) ->
ok = mnesia:delete_object(rabbit_route, Route, write),
diff --git a/src/rabbit_channel.erl b/src/rabbit_channel.erl
index 34a5e5a4..0c12614c 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_channel.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_channel.erl
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
--export([start_link/9, do/2, do/3, flush/1, shutdown/1]).
+-export([start_link/10, do/2, do/3, flush/1, shutdown/1]).
-export([send_command/2, deliver/4, flushed/2, confirm/2]).
-export([list/0, info_keys/0, info/1, info/2, info_all/0, info_all/1]).
-export([emit_stats/1, ready_for_close/1]).
@@ -29,13 +29,13 @@
handle_info/2, handle_pre_hibernate/1, prioritise_call/3,
--record(ch, {state, protocol, channel, reader_pid, writer_pid, limiter_pid,
- start_limiter_fun, transaction_id, tx_participants, next_tag,
- uncommitted_ack_q, unacked_message_q,
+-record(ch, {state, protocol, channel, reader_pid, writer_pid, conn_pid,
+ limiter_pid, start_limiter_fun, transaction_id, tx_participants,
+ next_tag, uncommitted_ack_q, unacked_message_q,
user, virtual_host, most_recently_declared_queue,
- consumer_mapping, blocking, queue_collector_pid, stats_timer,
- confirm_enabled, publish_seqno, unconfirmed_mq, unconfirmed_qm,
- confirmed, capabilities}).
+ consumer_mapping, blocking, consumer_monitors, queue_collector_pid,
+ stats_timer, confirm_enabled, publish_seqno, unconfirmed_mq,
+ unconfirmed_qm, confirmed, capabilities}).
@@ -67,10 +67,10 @@
-type(channel_number() :: non_neg_integer()).
--spec(start_link/9 ::
- (channel_number(), pid(), pid(), rabbit_types:protocol(),
- rabbit_types:user(), rabbit_types:vhost(), rabbit_framing:amqp_table(),
- pid(), fun ((non_neg_integer()) -> rabbit_types:ok(pid()))) ->
+-spec(start_link/10 ::
+ (channel_number(), pid(), pid(), pid(), rabbit_types:protocol(),
+ rabbit_types:user(), rabbit_types:vhost(), rabbit_framing:amqp_table(),
+ pid(), fun ((non_neg_integer()) -> rabbit_types:ok(pid()))) ->
-spec(do/2 :: (pid(), rabbit_framing:amqp_method_record()) -> 'ok').
-spec(do/3 :: (pid(), rabbit_framing:amqp_method_record(),
@@ -96,11 +96,11 @@
-start_link(Channel, ReaderPid, WriterPid, Protocol, User, VHost, Capabilities,
- CollectorPid, StartLimiterFun) ->
+start_link(Channel, ReaderPid, WriterPid, ConnPid, Protocol, User, VHost,
+ Capabilities, CollectorPid, StartLimiterFun) ->
- ?MODULE, [Channel, ReaderPid, WriterPid, Protocol, User, VHost,
- Capabilities, CollectorPid, StartLimiterFun], []).
+ ?MODULE, [Channel, ReaderPid, WriterPid, ConnPid, Protocol, User,
+ VHost, Capabilities, CollectorPid, StartLimiterFun], []).
do(Pid, Method) ->
do(Pid, Method, none).
@@ -154,8 +154,8 @@ ready_for_close(Pid) ->
-init([Channel, ReaderPid, WriterPid, Protocol, User, VHost, Capabilities,
- CollectorPid, StartLimiterFun]) ->
+init([Channel, ReaderPid, WriterPid, ConnPid, Protocol, User, VHost,
+ Capabilities, CollectorPid, StartLimiterFun]) ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
ok = pg_local:join(rabbit_channels, self()),
StatsTimer = rabbit_event:init_stats_timer(),
@@ -164,6 +164,7 @@ init([Channel, ReaderPid, WriterPid, Protocol, User, VHost, Capabilities,
channel = Channel,
reader_pid = ReaderPid,
writer_pid = WriterPid,
+ conn_pid = ConnPid,
limiter_pid = undefined,
start_limiter_fun = StartLimiterFun,
transaction_id = none,
@@ -176,6 +177,7 @@ init([Channel, ReaderPid, WriterPid, Protocol, User, VHost, Capabilities,
most_recently_declared_queue = <<>>,
consumer_mapping = dict:new(),
blocking = dict:new(),
+ consumer_monitors = dict:new(),
queue_collector_pid = CollectorPid,
stats_timer = StatsTimer,
confirm_enabled = false,
@@ -247,6 +249,11 @@ handle_cast(ready_for_close, State = #ch{state = closing,
handle_cast(terminate, State) ->
{stop, normal, State};
+handle_cast({command, #'basic.consume_ok'{consumer_tag = ConsumerTag} = Msg},
+ State = #ch{writer_pid = WriterPid}) ->
+ ok = rabbit_writer:send_command(WriterPid, Msg),
+ noreply(monitor_consumer(ConsumerTag, State));
handle_cast({command, Msg}, State = #ch{writer_pid = WriterPid}) ->
ok = rabbit_writer:send_command(WriterPid, Msg),
@@ -254,7 +261,7 @@ handle_cast({command, Msg}, State = #ch{writer_pid = WriterPid}) ->
handle_cast({deliver, ConsumerTag, AckRequired,
Msg = {_QName, QPid, _MsgId, Redelivered,
#basic_message{exchange_name = ExchangeName,
- routing_key = RoutingKey,
+ routing_keys = [RoutingKey | _CcRoutes],
content = Content}}},
State = #ch{writer_pid = WriterPid,
next_tag = DeliveryTag}) ->
@@ -288,23 +295,15 @@ handle_cast({confirm, MsgSeqNos, From}, State) ->
handle_info(timeout, State) ->
-handle_info({'DOWN', _MRef, process, QPid, Reason},
- State = #ch{unconfirmed_qm = UQM}) ->
- MsgSeqNos = case gb_trees:lookup(QPid, UQM) of
- {value, MsgSet} -> gb_sets:to_list(MsgSet);
- none -> []
- end,
- %% We remove the MsgSeqNos from UQM before calling
- %% process_confirms to prevent each MsgSeqNo being removed from
- %% the set one by one which which would be inefficient
- State1 = State#ch{unconfirmed_qm = gb_trees:delete_any(QPid, UQM)},
- {MXs, State2} = process_confirms(MsgSeqNos, QPid, State1),
- erase_queue_stats(QPid),
- State3 = (case Reason of
- normal -> fun record_confirms/2;
- _ -> fun send_nacks/2
- end)(MXs, State2),
- noreply(queue_blocked(QPid, State3)).
+handle_info({'DOWN', MRef, process, QPid, Reason},
+ State = #ch{consumer_monitors = ConsumerMonitors}) ->
+ noreply(
+ case dict:find(MRef, ConsumerMonitors) of
+ error ->
+ handle_publishing_queue_down(QPid, Reason, State);
+ {ok, ConsumerTag} ->
+ handle_consuming_queue_down(MRef, ConsumerTag, State)
+ end).
handle_pre_hibernate(State = #ch{stats_timer = StatsTimer}) ->
ok = clear_permission_cache(),
@@ -366,11 +365,12 @@ ok_msg(false, Msg) -> Msg.
send_exception(Reason, State = #ch{protocol = Protocol,
channel = Channel,
writer_pid = WriterPid,
- reader_pid = ReaderPid}) ->
+ reader_pid = ReaderPid,
+ conn_pid = ConnPid}) ->
{CloseChannel, CloseMethod} =
rabbit_binary_generator:map_exception(Channel, Reason, Protocol),
rabbit_log:error("connection ~p, channel ~p - error:~n~p~n",
- [ReaderPid, Channel, Reason]),
+ [ConnPid, Channel, Reason]),
%% something bad's happened: rollback_and_notify may not be 'ok'
{_Result, State1} = rollback_and_notify(State),
case CloseChannel of
@@ -513,23 +513,24 @@ record_confirms(MXs, State = #ch{confirmed = C}) ->
confirm([], _QPid, State) ->
confirm(MsgSeqNos, QPid, State) ->
- {MXs, State1} = process_confirms(MsgSeqNos, QPid, State),
+ {MXs, State1} = process_confirms(MsgSeqNos, QPid, false, State),
record_confirms(MXs, State1).
-process_confirms(MsgSeqNos, QPid, State = #ch{unconfirmed_mq = UMQ,
- unconfirmed_qm = UQM}) ->
+process_confirms(MsgSeqNos, QPid, Nack, State = #ch{unconfirmed_mq = UMQ,
+ unconfirmed_qm = UQM}) ->
{MXs, UMQ1, UQM1} =
- fun(MsgSeqNo, {_DMs, UMQ0, _UQM} = Acc) ->
+ fun(MsgSeqNo, {_MXs, UMQ0, _UQM} = Acc) ->
case gb_trees:lookup(MsgSeqNo, UMQ0) of
- {value, XQ} -> remove_unconfirmed(MsgSeqNo, QPid, XQ, Acc,
- State);
+ {value, XQ} -> remove_unconfirmed(MsgSeqNo, QPid, XQ,
+ Acc, Nack, State);
none -> Acc
end, {[], UMQ, UQM}, MsgSeqNos),
{MXs, State#ch{unconfirmed_mq = UMQ1, unconfirmed_qm = UQM1}}.
-remove_unconfirmed(MsgSeqNo, QPid, {XName, Qs}, {MXs, UMQ, UQM}, State) ->
+remove_unconfirmed(MsgSeqNo, QPid, {XName, Qs}, {MXs, UMQ, UQM}, Nack,
+ State) ->
%% these confirms will be emitted even when a queue dies, but that
%% should be fine, since the queue stats get erased immediately
maybe_incr_stats([{{QPid, XName}, 1}], confirm, State),
@@ -544,8 +545,10 @@ remove_unconfirmed(MsgSeqNo, QPid, {XName, Qs}, {MXs, UMQ, UQM}, State) ->
Qs1 = gb_sets:del_element(QPid, Qs),
- case gb_sets:is_empty(Qs1) of
- true ->
+ %% If QPid somehow died initiating a nack, clear the message from
+ %% internal data-structures. Also, cleanup empty entries.
+ case (Nack orelse gb_sets:is_empty(Qs1)) of
+ true ->
{[{MsgSeqNo, XName} | MXs], gb_trees:delete(MsgSeqNo, UMQ), UQM1};
false ->
{MXs, gb_trees:update(MsgSeqNo, {XName, Qs1}, UMQ), UQM1}
@@ -593,32 +596,33 @@ handle_method(#'basic.publish'{exchange = ExchangeNameBin,
%% certain to want to look at delivery-mode and priority.
DecodedContent = rabbit_binary_parser:ensure_content_decoded(Content),
check_user_id_header(, State),
- IsPersistent = is_message_persistent(DecodedContent),
{MsgSeqNo, State1} =
case ConfirmEnabled of
false -> {undefined, State};
true -> SeqNo = State#ch.publish_seqno,
{SeqNo, State#ch{publish_seqno = SeqNo + 1}}
- Message = #basic_message{exchange_name = ExchangeName,
- routing_key = RoutingKey,
- content = DecodedContent,
- guid = rabbit_guid:guid(),
- is_persistent = IsPersistent},
- {RoutingRes, DeliveredQPids} =
- rabbit_exchange:publish(
- Exchange,
- rabbit_basic:delivery(Mandatory, Immediate, TxnKey, Message,
- MsgSeqNo)),
- State2 = process_routing_result(RoutingRes, DeliveredQPids, ExchangeName,
- MsgSeqNo, Message, State1),
- maybe_incr_stats([{ExchangeName, 1} |
- [{{QPid, ExchangeName}, 1} ||
- QPid <- DeliveredQPids]], publish, State2),
- {noreply, case TxnKey of
- none -> State2;
- _ -> add_tx_participants(DeliveredQPids, State2)
- end};
+ case rabbit_basic:message(ExchangeName, RoutingKey, DecodedContent) of
+ {ok, Message} ->
+ {RoutingRes, DeliveredQPids} =
+ rabbit_exchange:publish(
+ Exchange,
+ rabbit_basic:delivery(Mandatory, Immediate, TxnKey, Message,
+ MsgSeqNo)),
+ State2 = process_routing_result(RoutingRes, DeliveredQPids,
+ ExchangeName, MsgSeqNo, Message,
+ State1),
+ maybe_incr_stats([{ExchangeName, 1} |
+ [{{QPid, ExchangeName}, 1} ||
+ QPid <- DeliveredQPids]], publish, State2),
+ {noreply, case TxnKey of
+ none -> State2;
+ _ -> add_tx_participants(DeliveredQPids, State2)
+ end};
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ rabbit_misc:protocol_error(precondition_failed,
+ "invalid message: ~p", [Reason])
+ end;
handle_method(#'basic.nack'{delivery_tag = DeliveryTag,
multiple = Multiple,
@@ -648,17 +652,17 @@ handle_method(#'basic.ack'{delivery_tag = DeliveryTag,
handle_method(#'basic.get'{queue = QueueNameBin,
no_ack = NoAck},
_, State = #ch{writer_pid = WriterPid,
- reader_pid = ReaderPid,
+ conn_pid = ConnPid,
next_tag = DeliveryTag}) ->
QueueName = expand_queue_name_shortcut(QueueNameBin, State),
check_read_permitted(QueueName, State),
case rabbit_amqqueue:with_exclusive_access_or_die(
- QueueName, ReaderPid,
+ QueueName, ConnPid,
fun (Q) -> rabbit_amqqueue:basic_get(Q, self(), NoAck) end) of
{ok, MessageCount,
Msg = {_QName, QPid, _MsgId, Redelivered,
#basic_message{exchange_name = ExchangeName,
- routing_key = RoutingKey,
+ routing_keys = [RoutingKey | _CcRoutes],
content = Content}}} ->
State1 = lock_message(not(NoAck),
ack_record(DeliveryTag, none, Msg),
@@ -687,9 +691,9 @@ handle_method(#'basic.consume'{queue = QueueNameBin,
no_ack = NoAck,
exclusive = ExclusiveConsume,
nowait = NoWait},
- _, State = #ch{reader_pid = ReaderPid,
- limiter_pid = LimiterPid,
- consumer_mapping = ConsumerMapping }) ->
+ _, State = #ch{conn_pid = ConnPid,
+ limiter_pid = LimiterPid,
+ consumer_mapping = ConsumerMapping}) ->
case dict:find(ConsumerTag, ConsumerMapping) of
error ->
QueueName = expand_queue_name_shortcut(QueueNameBin, State),
@@ -704,20 +708,26 @@ handle_method(#'basic.consume'{queue = QueueNameBin,
%% behalf. This is for symmetry with basic.cancel - see
%% the comment in that method for why.
case rabbit_amqqueue:with_exclusive_access_or_die(
- QueueName, ReaderPid,
+ QueueName, ConnPid,
fun (Q) ->
- rabbit_amqqueue:basic_consume(
- Q, NoAck, self(), LimiterPid,
- ActualConsumerTag, ExclusiveConsume,
- ok_msg(NoWait, #'basic.consume_ok'{
- consumer_tag = ActualConsumerTag}))
+ {rabbit_amqqueue:basic_consume(
+ Q, NoAck, self(), LimiterPid,
+ ActualConsumerTag, ExclusiveConsume,
+ ok_msg(NoWait, #'basic.consume_ok'{
+ consumer_tag = ActualConsumerTag})),
+ Q}
end) of
- ok ->
- {noreply, State#ch{consumer_mapping =
- dict:store(ActualConsumerTag,
- QueueName,
- ConsumerMapping)}};
- {error, exclusive_consume_unavailable} ->
+ {ok, Q} ->
+ State1 = State#ch{consumer_mapping =
+ dict:store(ActualConsumerTag,
+ {Q, undefined},
+ ConsumerMapping)},
+ {noreply,
+ case NoWait of
+ true -> monitor_consumer(ActualConsumerTag, State1);
+ false -> State1
+ end};
+ {{error, exclusive_consume_unavailable}, _Q} ->
access_refused, "~s in exclusive use",
@@ -730,26 +740,31 @@ handle_method(#'basic.consume'{queue = QueueNameBin,
handle_method(#'basic.cancel'{consumer_tag = ConsumerTag,
nowait = NoWait},
- _, State = #ch{consumer_mapping = ConsumerMapping }) ->
+ _, State = #ch{consumer_mapping = ConsumerMapping,
+ consumer_monitors = ConsumerMonitors}) ->
OkMsg = #'basic.cancel_ok'{consumer_tag = ConsumerTag},
case dict:find(ConsumerTag, ConsumerMapping) of
error ->
%% Spec requires we ignore this situation.
return_ok(State, NoWait, OkMsg);
- {ok, QueueName} ->
- NewState = State#ch{consumer_mapping =
- dict:erase(ConsumerTag,
- ConsumerMapping)},
- case rabbit_amqqueue:with(
- QueueName,
- fun (Q) ->
- %% In order to ensure that no more messages
- %% are sent to the consumer after the
- %% cancel_ok has been sent, we get the
- %% queue process to send the cancel_ok on
- %% our behalf. If we were sending the
- %% cancel_ok ourselves it might overtake a
- %% message sent previously by the queue.
+ {ok, {Q, MRef}} ->
+ ConsumerMonitors1 =
+ case MRef of
+ undefined -> ConsumerMonitors;
+ _ -> true = erlang:demonitor(MRef),
+ dict:erase(MRef, ConsumerMonitors)
+ end,
+ NewState = State#ch{consumer_mapping = dict:erase(ConsumerTag,
+ ConsumerMapping),
+ consumer_monitors = ConsumerMonitors1},
+ %% In order to ensure that no more messages are sent to
+ %% the consumer after the cancel_ok has been sent, we get
+ %% the queue process to send the cancel_ok on our
+ %% behalf. If we were sending the cancel_ok ourselves it
+ %% might overtake a message sent previously by the queue.
+ case rabbit_misc:with_exit_handler(
+ fun () -> {error, not_found} end,
+ fun () ->
Q, self(), ConsumerTag,
ok_msg(NoWait, #'basic.cancel_ok'{
@@ -908,10 +923,10 @@ handle_method(#'queue.declare'{queue = QueueNameBin,
nowait = NoWait,
arguments = Args} = Declare,
_, State = #ch{virtual_host = VHostPath,
- reader_pid = ReaderPid,
+ conn_pid = ConnPid,
queue_collector_pid = CollectorPid}) ->
Owner = case ExclusiveDeclare of
- true -> ReaderPid;
+ true -> ConnPid;
false -> none
ActualNameBin = case QueueNameBin of
@@ -954,13 +969,13 @@ handle_method(#'queue.declare'{queue = QueueNameBin,
passive = true,
nowait = NoWait},
_, State = #ch{virtual_host = VHostPath,
- reader_pid = ReaderPid}) ->
+ conn_pid = ConnPid}) ->
QueueName = rabbit_misc:r(VHostPath, queue, QueueNameBin),
check_configure_permitted(QueueName, State),
{{ok, MessageCount, ConsumerCount}, #amqqueue{} = Q} =
QueueName, fun (Q) -> {rabbit_amqqueue:stat(Q), Q} end),
- ok = rabbit_amqqueue:check_exclusive_access(Q, ReaderPid),
+ ok = rabbit_amqqueue:check_exclusive_access(Q, ConnPid),
return_queue_declare_ok(QueueName, NoWait, MessageCount, ConsumerCount,
@@ -968,11 +983,11 @@ handle_method(#'queue.delete'{queue = QueueNameBin,
if_unused = IfUnused,
if_empty = IfEmpty,
nowait = NoWait},
- _, State = #ch{reader_pid = ReaderPid}) ->
+ _, State = #ch{conn_pid = ConnPid}) ->
QueueName = expand_queue_name_shortcut(QueueNameBin, State),
check_configure_permitted(QueueName, State),
case rabbit_amqqueue:with_exclusive_access_or_die(
- QueueName, ReaderPid,
+ QueueName, ConnPid,
fun (Q) -> rabbit_amqqueue:delete(Q, IfUnused, IfEmpty) end) of
{error, in_use} ->
@@ -1004,11 +1019,11 @@ handle_method(#'queue.unbind'{queue = QueueNameBin,
handle_method(#'queue.purge'{queue = QueueNameBin,
nowait = NoWait},
- _, State = #ch{reader_pid = ReaderPid}) ->
+ _, State = #ch{conn_pid = ConnPid}) ->
QueueName = expand_queue_name_shortcut(QueueNameBin, State),
check_read_permitted(QueueName, State),
{ok, PurgedMessageCount} = rabbit_amqqueue:with_exclusive_access_or_die(
- QueueName, ReaderPid,
+ QueueName, ConnPid,
fun (Q) -> rabbit_amqqueue:purge(Q) end),
return_ok(State, NoWait,
#'queue.purge_ok'{message_count = PurgedMessageCount});
@@ -1079,10 +1094,57 @@ handle_method(_MethodRecord, _Content, _State) ->
+monitor_consumer(ConsumerTag, State = #ch{consumer_mapping = ConsumerMapping,
+ consumer_monitors = ConsumerMonitors,
+ capabilities = Capabilities}) ->
+ case rabbit_misc:table_lookup(
+ Capabilities, <<"consumer_cancel_notify">>) of
+ {bool, true} ->
+ {#amqqueue{pid = QPid} = Q, undefined} =
+ dict:fetch(ConsumerTag, ConsumerMapping),
+ MRef = erlang:monitor(process, QPid),
+ State#ch{consumer_mapping =
+ dict:store(ConsumerTag, {Q, MRef}, ConsumerMapping),
+ consumer_monitors =
+ dict:store(MRef, ConsumerTag, ConsumerMonitors)};
+ _ ->
+ State
+ end.
+handle_publishing_queue_down(QPid, Reason, State = #ch{unconfirmed_qm = UQM}) ->
+ MsgSeqNos = case gb_trees:lookup(QPid, UQM) of
+ {value, MsgSet} -> gb_sets:to_list(MsgSet);
+ none -> []
+ end,
+ %% We remove the MsgSeqNos from UQM before calling
+ %% process_confirms to prevent each MsgSeqNo being removed from
+ %% the set one by one which which would be inefficient
+ State1 = State#ch{unconfirmed_qm = gb_trees:delete_any(QPid, UQM)},
+ {Nack, SendFun} = case Reason of
+ normal -> {false, fun record_confirms/2};
+ _ -> {true, fun send_nacks/2}
+ end,
+ {MXs, State2} = process_confirms(MsgSeqNos, QPid, Nack, State1),
+ erase_queue_stats(QPid),
+ State3 = SendFun(MXs, State2),
+ queue_blocked(QPid, State3).
+handle_consuming_queue_down(MRef, ConsumerTag,
+ State = #ch{consumer_mapping = ConsumerMapping,
+ consumer_monitors = ConsumerMonitors,
+ writer_pid = WriterPid}) ->
+ ConsumerMapping1 = dict:erase(ConsumerTag, ConsumerMapping),
+ ConsumerMonitors1 = dict:erase(MRef, ConsumerMonitors),
+ Cancel = #'basic.cancel'{consumer_tag = ConsumerTag,
+ nowait = true},
+ ok = rabbit_writer:send_command(WriterPid, Cancel),
+ State#ch{consumer_mapping = ConsumerMapping1,
+ consumer_monitors = ConsumerMonitors1}.
binding_action(Fun, ExchangeNameBin, DestinationType, DestinationNameBin,
RoutingKey, Arguments, ReturnMethod, NoWait,
State = #ch{virtual_host = VHostPath,
- reader_pid = ReaderPid}) ->
+ conn_pid = ConnPid }) ->
%% FIXME: connection exception (!) on failure??
%% (see rule named "failure" in spec-XML)
%% FIXME: don't allow binding to internal exchanges -
@@ -1098,7 +1160,7 @@ binding_action(Fun, ExchangeNameBin, DestinationType, DestinationNameBin,
key = ActualRoutingKey,
args = Arguments},
fun (_X, Q = #amqqueue{}) ->
- try rabbit_amqqueue:check_exclusive_access(Q, ReaderPid)
+ try rabbit_amqqueue:check_exclusive_access(Q, ConnPid)
catch exit:Reason -> {error, Reason}
(_X, #exchange{}) ->
@@ -1123,7 +1185,7 @@ binding_action(Fun, ExchangeNameBin, DestinationType, DestinationNameBin,
basic_return(#basic_message{exchange_name = ExchangeName,
- routing_key = RoutingKey,
+ routing_keys = [RoutingKey | _CcRoutes],
content = Content},
#ch{protocol = Protocol, writer_pid = WriterPid}, Reason) ->
{_Close, ReplyCode, ReplyText} = Protocol:lookup_amqp_exception(Reason),
@@ -1249,16 +1311,9 @@ limit_queues(LPid, #ch{consumer_mapping = Consumers}) ->
rabbit_amqqueue:limit_all(consumer_queues(Consumers), self(), LPid).
consumer_queues(Consumers) ->
- [QPid || QueueName <-
- sets:to_list(
- dict:fold(fun (_ConsumerTag, QueueName, S) ->
- sets:add_element(QueueName, S)
- end, sets:new(), Consumers)),
- case rabbit_amqqueue:lookup(QueueName) of
- {ok, Q} -> QPid =, true;
- %% queue has been deleted in the meantime
- {error, not_found} -> QPid = none, false
- end].
+ lists:usort([QPid ||
+ {_Key, {#amqqueue{pid = QPid}, _MRef}}
+ <- dict:to_list(Consumers)]).
%% tell the limiter about the number of acks that have been received
%% for messages delivered to subscribed consumers, but not acks for
@@ -1274,22 +1329,15 @@ notify_limiter(LimiterPid, Acked) ->
Count -> rabbit_limiter:ack(LimiterPid, Count)
-is_message_persistent(Content) ->
- case rabbit_basic:is_message_persistent(Content) of
- {invalid, Other} ->
- rabbit_log:warning("Unknown delivery mode ~p - "
- "treating as 1, non-persistent~n",
- [Other]),
- false;
- IsPersistent when is_boolean(IsPersistent) ->
- IsPersistent
- end.
process_routing_result(unroutable, _, XName, MsgSeqNo, Msg, State) ->
ok = basic_return(Msg, State, no_route),
+ maybe_incr_stats([{Msg#basic_message.exchange_name, 1}],
+ return_unroutable, State),
record_confirm(MsgSeqNo, XName, State);
process_routing_result(not_delivered, _, XName, MsgSeqNo, Msg, State) ->
ok = basic_return(Msg, State, no_consumers),
+ maybe_incr_stats([{Msg#basic_message.exchange_name, 1}],
+ return_not_delivered, State),
record_confirm(MsgSeqNo, XName, State);
process_routing_result(routed, [], XName, MsgSeqNo, _, State) ->
record_confirm(MsgSeqNo, XName, State);
@@ -1364,13 +1412,13 @@ coalesce_and_send(MsgSeqNos, MkMsgFun,
infos(Items, State) -> [{Item, i(Item, State)} || Item <- Items].
-i(pid, _) -> self();
-i(connection, #ch{reader_pid = ReaderPid}) -> ReaderPid;
-i(number, #ch{channel = Channel}) -> Channel;
-i(user, #ch{user = User}) -> User#user.username;
-i(vhost, #ch{virtual_host = VHost}) -> VHost;
-i(transactional, #ch{transaction_id = TxnKey}) -> TxnKey =/= none;
-i(confirm, #ch{confirm_enabled = CE}) -> CE;
+i(pid, _) -> self();
+i(connection, #ch{conn_pid = ConnPid}) -> ConnPid;
+i(number, #ch{channel = Channel}) -> Channel;
+i(user, #ch{user = User}) -> User#user.username;
+i(vhost, #ch{virtual_host = VHost}) -> VHost;
+i(transactional, #ch{transaction_id = TxnKey}) -> TxnKey =/= none;
+i(confirm, #ch{confirm_enabled = CE}) -> CE;
i(consumer_count, #ch{consumer_mapping = ConsumerMapping}) ->
i(messages_unconfirmed, #ch{unconfirmed_mq = UMQ}) ->
diff --git a/src/rabbit_channel_sup.erl b/src/rabbit_channel_sup.erl
index 9cc407bc..65ccca02 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_channel_sup.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_channel_sup.erl
@@ -58,22 +58,23 @@ start_link({tcp, Sock, Channel, FrameMax, ReaderPid, Protocol, User, VHost,
{channel, {rabbit_channel, start_link,
- [Channel, ReaderPid, WriterPid, Protocol, User, VHost,
- Capabilities, Collector, start_limiter_fun(SupPid)]},
+ [Channel, ReaderPid, WriterPid, ReaderPid, Protocol,
+ User, VHost, Capabilities, Collector,
+ start_limiter_fun(SupPid)]},
intrinsic, ?MAX_WAIT, worker, [rabbit_channel]}),
{ok, AState} = rabbit_command_assembler:init(Protocol),
{ok, SupPid, {ChannelPid, AState}};
-start_link({direct, Channel, ClientChannelPid, Protocol, User, VHost,
+start_link({direct, Channel, ClientChannelPid, ConnPid, Protocol, User, VHost,
Capabilities, Collector}) ->
{ok, SupPid} = supervisor2:start_link(?MODULE, []),
{ok, ChannelPid} =
- SupPid,
- {channel, {rabbit_channel, start_link,
- [Channel, ClientChannelPid, ClientChannelPid, Protocol,
- User, VHost, Capabilities, Collector,
- start_limiter_fun(SupPid)]},
- intrinsic, ?MAX_WAIT, worker, [rabbit_channel]}),
+ SupPid,
+ {channel, {rabbit_channel, start_link,
+ [Channel, ClientChannelPid, ClientChannelPid, ConnPid,
+ Protocol, User, VHost, Capabilities, Collector,
+ start_limiter_fun(SupPid)]},
+ intrinsic, ?MAX_WAIT, worker, [rabbit_channel]}),
{ok, SupPid, {ChannelPid, none}}.
diff --git a/src/rabbit_client_sup.erl b/src/rabbit_client_sup.erl
index dbdc6cd4..15e92542 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_client_sup.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_client_sup.erl
@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@
-spec(start_link/1 :: (mfa()) ->
- rabbit_types:ok_pid_or_error()).
+ rabbit_types:ok_pid_or_error()).
-spec(start_link/2 :: ({'local', atom()}, mfa()) ->
- rabbit_types:ok_pid_or_error()).
+ rabbit_types:ok_pid_or_error()).
diff --git a/src/rabbit_control.erl b/src/rabbit_control.erl
index 3a18950f..1af91f4c 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_control.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_control.erl
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
-export([start/0, stop/0, action/5, diagnostics/1]).
-define(RPC_TIMEOUT, infinity).
+-define(WAIT_FOR_VM_ATTEMPTS, 5).
-define(QUIET_OPT, "-q").
-define(NODE_OPT, "-n").
@@ -102,24 +103,22 @@ print_badrpc_diagnostics(Node) ->
diagnostics(Node) ->
{_NodeName, NodeHost} = rabbit_misc:nodeparts(Node),
- [
- {"diagnostics:", []},
- case net_adm:names(NodeHost) of
- {error, EpmdReason} ->
- {"- unable to connect to epmd on ~s: ~w",
- [NodeHost, EpmdReason]};
- {ok, NamePorts} ->
- {"- nodes and their ports on ~s: ~p",
- [NodeHost, [{list_to_atom(Name), Port} ||
- {Name, Port} <- NamePorts]]}
- end,
- {"- current node: ~w", [node()]},
- case init:get_argument(home) of
- {ok, [[Home]]} -> {"- current node home dir: ~s", [Home]};
- Other -> {"- no current node home dir: ~p", [Other]}
- end,
- {"- current node cookie hash: ~s", [rabbit_misc:cookie_hash()]}
- ].
+ [{"diagnostics:", []},
+ case net_adm:names(NodeHost) of
+ {error, EpmdReason} ->
+ {"- unable to connect to epmd on ~s: ~w",
+ [NodeHost, EpmdReason]};
+ {ok, NamePorts} ->
+ {"- nodes and their ports on ~s: ~p",
+ [NodeHost, [{list_to_atom(Name), Port} ||
+ {Name, Port} <- NamePorts]]}
+ end,
+ {"- current node: ~w", [node()]},
+ case init:get_argument(home) of
+ {ok, [[Home]]} -> {"- current node home dir: ~s", [Home]};
+ Other -> {"- no current node home dir: ~p", [Other]}
+ end,
+ {"- current node cookie hash: ~s", [rabbit_misc:cookie_hash()]}].
stop() ->
@@ -128,6 +127,8 @@ usage() ->
io:format("~s", [rabbit_ctl_usage:usage()]),
action(stop, Node, [], _Opts, Inform) ->
Inform("Stopping and halting node ~p", [Node]),
call(Node, {rabbit, stop_and_halt, []});
@@ -151,15 +152,19 @@ action(force_reset, Node, [], _Opts, Inform) ->
action(cluster, Node, ClusterNodeSs, _Opts, Inform) ->
ClusterNodes = lists:map(fun list_to_atom/1, ClusterNodeSs),
Inform("Clustering node ~p with ~p",
- [Node, ClusterNodes]),
+ [Node, ClusterNodes]),
rpc_call(Node, rabbit_mnesia, cluster, [ClusterNodes]);
action(force_cluster, Node, ClusterNodeSs, _Opts, Inform) ->
ClusterNodes = lists:map(fun list_to_atom/1, ClusterNodeSs),
Inform("Forcefully clustering node ~p with ~p (ignoring offline nodes)",
- [Node, ClusterNodes]),
+ [Node, ClusterNodes]),
rpc_call(Node, rabbit_mnesia, force_cluster, [ClusterNodes]);
+action(wait, Node, [], _Opts, Inform) ->
+ Inform("Waiting for ~p", [Node]),
+ wait_for_application(Node, ?WAIT_FOR_VM_ATTEMPTS);
action(status, Node, [], _Opts, Inform) ->
Inform("Status of node ~p", [Node]),
case call(Node, {rabbit, status, []}) of
@@ -295,11 +300,29 @@ action(list_permissions, Node, [], Opts, Inform) ->
display_list(call(Node, {rabbit_auth_backend_internal,
list_vhost_permissions, [VHost]})).
+wait_for_application(Node, Attempts) ->
+ case rpc_call(Node, application, which_applications, [infinity]) of
+ {badrpc, _} = E -> case Attempts of
+ 0 -> E;
+ _ -> wait_for_application0(Node, Attempts - 1)
+ end;
+ Apps -> case proplists:is_defined(rabbit, Apps) of
+ %% We've seen the node up; if it goes down
+ %% die immediately.
+ true -> ok;
+ false -> wait_for_application0(Node, 0)
+ end
+ end.
+wait_for_application0(Node, Attempts) ->
+ timer:sleep(1000),
+ wait_for_application(Node, Attempts).
default_if_empty(List, Default) when is_list(List) ->
- if List == [] ->
- Default;
- true ->
- [list_to_atom(X) || X <- List]
+ if List == [] -> Default;
+ true -> [list_to_atom(X) || X <- List]
display_info_list(Results, InfoItemKeys) when is_list(Results) ->
@@ -362,12 +385,9 @@ rpc_call(Node, Mod, Fun, Args) ->
%% characters. We don't escape characters above 127, since they may
%% form part of UTF-8 strings.
-escape(Atom) when is_atom(Atom) ->
- escape(atom_to_list(Atom));
-escape(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
- escape(binary_to_list(Bin));
-escape(L) when is_list(L) ->
- escape_char(lists:reverse(L), []).
+escape(Atom) when is_atom(Atom) -> escape(atom_to_list(Atom));
+escape(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> escape(binary_to_list(Bin));
+escape(L) when is_list(L) -> escape_char(lists:reverse(L), []).
escape_char([$\\ | T], Acc) ->
escape_char(T, [$\\, $\\ | Acc]);
@@ -382,19 +402,15 @@ escape_char([], Acc) ->
prettify_amqp_table(Table) ->
[{escape(K), prettify_typed_amqp_value(T, V)} || {K, T, V} <- Table].
-prettify_typed_amqp_value(Type, Value) ->
- case Type of
- longstr -> escape(Value);
- table -> prettify_amqp_table(Value);
- array -> [prettify_typed_amqp_value(T, V) || {T, V} <- Value];
- _ -> Value
- end.
+prettify_typed_amqp_value(longstr, Value) -> escape(Value);
+prettify_typed_amqp_value(table, Value) -> prettify_amqp_table(Value);
+prettify_typed_amqp_value(array, Value) -> [prettify_typed_amqp_value(T, V) ||
+ {T, V} <- Value];
+prettify_typed_amqp_value(_Type, Value) -> Value.
-% the slower shutdown on windows required to flush stdout
+%% the slower shutdown on windows required to flush stdout
quit(Status) ->
case os:type() of
- {unix, _} ->
- halt(Status);
- {win32, _} ->
- init:stop(Status)
+ {unix, _} -> halt(Status);
+ {win32, _} -> init:stop(Status)
diff --git a/src/rabbit_direct.erl b/src/rabbit_direct.erl
index 586563f6..0810c762 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_direct.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_direct.erl
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
--export([boot/0, connect/4, start_channel/7]).
+-export([boot/0, connect/4, start_channel/8]).
@@ -26,10 +26,10 @@
-spec(boot/0 :: () -> 'ok').
-spec(connect/4 :: (binary(), binary(), binary(), rabbit_types:protocol()) ->
- {'ok', {rabbit_types:user(),
- rabbit_framing:amqp_table()}}).
--spec(start_channel/7 ::
- (rabbit_channel:channel_number(), pid(), rabbit_types:protocol(),
+ {'ok', {rabbit_types:user(),
+ rabbit_framing:amqp_table()}}).
+-spec(start_channel/8 ::
+ (rabbit_channel:channel_number(), pid(), pid(), rabbit_types:protocol(),
rabbit_types:user(), rabbit_types:vhost(), rabbit_framing:amqp_table(),
pid()) -> {'ok', pid()}).
@@ -40,12 +40,12 @@
boot() ->
{ok, _} =
- rabbit_sup,
- {rabbit_direct_client_sup,
- {rabbit_client_sup, start_link,
- [{local, rabbit_direct_client_sup},
- {rabbit_channel_sup, start_link, []}]},
- transient, infinity, supervisor, [rabbit_client_sup]}),
+ rabbit_sup,
+ {rabbit_direct_client_sup,
+ {rabbit_client_sup, start_link,
+ [{local, rabbit_direct_client_sup},
+ {rabbit_channel_sup, start_link, []}]},
+ transient, infinity, supervisor, [rabbit_client_sup]}),
@@ -69,11 +69,11 @@ connect(Username, Password, VHost, Protocol) ->
{error, broker_not_found_on_node}
-start_channel(Number, ClientChannelPid, Protocol, User, VHost, Capabilities,
- Collector) ->
+start_channel(Number, ClientChannelPid, ConnPid, Protocol, User, VHost,
+ Capabilities, Collector) ->
{ok, _, {ChannelPid, _}} =
- rabbit_direct_client_sup,
- [{direct, Number, ClientChannelPid, Protocol, User, VHost,
- Capabilities, Collector}]),
+ rabbit_direct_client_sup,
+ [{direct, Number, ClientChannelPid, ConnPid, Protocol, User, VHost,
+ Capabilities, Collector}]),
{ok, ChannelPid}.
diff --git a/src/rabbit_error_logger.erl b/src/rabbit_error_logger.erl
index 0120f0d6..3fb0817a 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_error_logger.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_error_logger.erl
@@ -67,8 +67,12 @@ publish(_Other, _Format, _Data, _State) ->
publish1(RoutingKey, Format, Data, LogExch) ->
+ %% 0-9-1 says the timestamp is a "64 bit POSIX timestamp". That's
+ %% second resolution, not millisecond.
+ Timestamp = rabbit_misc:now_ms() div 1000,
{ok, _RoutingRes, _DeliveredQPids} =
rabbit_basic:publish(LogExch, RoutingKey, false, false, none,
- #'P_basic'{content_type = <<"text/plain">>},
+ #'P_basic'{content_type = <<"text/plain">>,
+ timestamp = Timestamp},
list_to_binary(io_lib:format(Format, Data))),
diff --git a/src/rabbit_event.erl b/src/rabbit_event.erl
index 40ade4b7..9ed532db 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_event.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_event.erl
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ ensure_stats_timer(State = #state{level = none}, _Fun) ->
ensure_stats_timer(State = #state{timer = undefined}, Fun) ->
{ok, TRef} = timer:apply_after(?STATS_INTERVAL,
- erlang, apply, [Fun, []]),
+ erlang, apply, [Fun, []]),
State#state{timer = TRef};
ensure_stats_timer(State, _Fun) ->
@@ -130,15 +130,8 @@ notify_if(true, Type, Props) -> notify(Type, Props);
notify_if(false, _Type, _Props) -> ok.
notify(Type, Props) ->
- try
- %% TODO: switch to os:timestamp() when we drop support for
- %% Erlang/OTP < R13B01
- gen_event:notify(rabbit_event, #event{type = Type,
- props = Props,
- timestamp = now()})
- catch error:badarg ->
- %% badarg means rabbit_event is no longer registered. We never
- %% unregister it so the great likelihood is that we're shutting
- %% down the broker but some events were backed up. Ignore it.
- ok
- end.
+ %% TODO: switch to os:timestamp() when we drop support for
+ %% Erlang/OTP < R13B01
+ gen_event:notify(rabbit_event, #event{type = Type,
+ props = Props,
+ timestamp = now()}).
diff --git a/src/rabbit_exchange.erl b/src/rabbit_exchange.erl
index 92259195..42111773 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_exchange.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_exchange.erl
@@ -18,12 +18,13 @@
--export([recover/0, declare/6, lookup/1, lookup_or_die/1, list/1, info_keys/0,
- info/1, info/2, info_all/1, info_all/2, publish/2, delete/2]).
+-export([recover/0, callback/3, declare/6,
+ assert_equivalence/6, assert_args_equivalence/2, check_type/1,
+ lookup/1, lookup_or_die/1, list/1,
+ info_keys/0, info/1, info/2, info_all/1, info_all/2,
+ publish/2, delete/2]).
%% this must be run inside a mnesia tx
--export([assert_equivalence/6, assert_args_equivalence/2, check_type/1]).
@@ -33,8 +34,10 @@
-type(name() :: rabbit_types:r('exchange')).
-type(type() :: atom()).
+-type(fun_name() :: atom()).
--spec(recover/0 :: () -> 'ok').
+-spec(recover/0 :: () -> [name()]).
+-spec(callback/3:: (rabbit_types:exchange(), fun_name(), [any()]) -> 'ok').
-spec(declare/6 ::
(name(), type(), boolean(), boolean(), boolean(),
@@ -62,7 +65,7 @@
-> rabbit_types:infos()).
-spec(info_all/1 :: (rabbit_types:vhost()) -> [rabbit_types:infos()]).
-spec(info_all/2 ::(rabbit_types:vhost(), rabbit_types:info_keys())
- -> [rabbit_types:infos()]).
+ -> [rabbit_types:infos()]).
-spec(publish/2 :: (rabbit_types:exchange(), rabbit_types:delivery())
-> {rabbit_router:routing_result(), [pid()]}).
-spec(delete/2 ::
@@ -72,7 +75,6 @@
-> 'not_deleted' | {'deleted', rabbit_binding:deletions()}).
--spec(callback/3:: (rabbit_types:exchange(), atom(), [any()]) -> 'ok').
@@ -81,25 +83,22 @@
-define(INFO_KEYS, [name, type, durable, auto_delete, internal, arguments]).
recover() ->
- Xs = rabbit_misc:table_fold(
- fun (X, Acc) ->
- ok = mnesia:write(rabbit_exchange, X, write),
- [X | Acc]
- end, [], rabbit_durable_exchange),
- Bs = rabbit_binding:recover(),
- recover_with_bindings(
- lists:keysort(#binding.source, Bs),
- lists:keysort(, Xs), []).
-recover_with_bindings([B = #binding{source = XName} | Rest],
- Xs = [#exchange{name = XName} | _],
- Bindings) ->
- recover_with_bindings(Rest, Xs, [B | Bindings]);
-recover_with_bindings(Bs, [X = #exchange{type = Type} | Xs], Bindings) ->
- (type_to_module(Type)):recover(X, Bindings),
- recover_with_bindings(Bs, Xs, []);
-recover_with_bindings([], [], []) ->
- ok.
+ Xs = rabbit_misc:table_filter(
+ fun (#exchange{name = XName}) ->
+ mnesia:read({rabbit_exchange, XName}) =:= []
+ end,
+ fun (X, Tx) ->
+ case Tx of
+ true -> ok = mnesia:write(rabbit_exchange, X, write);
+ false -> ok
+ end,
+ rabbit_exchange:callback(X, create, [Tx, X])
+ end,
+ rabbit_durable_exchange),
+ [XName || #exchange{name = XName} <- Xs].
+callback(#exchange{type = XType}, Fun, Args) ->
+ apply(type_to_module(XType), Fun, Args).
declare(XName, Type, Durable, AutoDelete, Internal, Args) ->
X = #exchange{name = XName,
@@ -126,7 +125,7 @@ declare(XName, Type, Durable, AutoDelete, Internal, Args) ->
fun ({new, Exchange}, Tx) ->
- callback(Exchange, create, [Tx, Exchange]),
+ ok = (type_to_module(Type)):create(Tx, Exchange),
rabbit_event:notify_if(not Tx, exchange_created, info(Exchange)),
({existing, Exchange}, _Tx) ->
@@ -135,11 +134,6 @@ declare(XName, Type, Durable, AutoDelete, Internal, Args) ->
-%% Used with atoms from records; e.g., the type is expected to exist.
-type_to_module(T) ->
- {ok, Module} = rabbit_registry:lookup_module(exchange, T),
- Module.
%% Used with binaries sent over the wire; the type may not exist.
check_type(TypeBin) ->
case rabbit_registry:binary_to_type(TypeBin) of
@@ -266,9 +260,9 @@ process_route(#resource{kind = queue} = QName,
call_with_exchange(XName, Fun, PrePostCommitFun) ->
fun () -> case mnesia:read({rabbit_exchange, XName}) of
- [] -> {error, not_found};
- [X] -> Fun(X)
- end
+ [] -> {error, not_found};
+ [X] -> Fun(X)
+ end
end, PrePostCommitFun).
delete(XName, IfUnused) ->
@@ -294,9 +288,6 @@ maybe_auto_delete(#exchange{auto_delete = true} = X) ->
{deleted, X, [], Deletions} -> {deleted, Deletions}
-callback(#exchange{type = XType}, Fun, Args) ->
- apply(type_to_module(XType), Fun, Args).
conditional_delete(X = #exchange{name = XName}) ->
case rabbit_binding:has_for_source(XName) of
false -> unconditional_delete(X);
@@ -308,3 +299,8 @@ unconditional_delete(X = #exchange{name = XName}) ->
ok = mnesia:delete({rabbit_exchange, XName}),
Bindings = rabbit_binding:remove_for_source(XName),
{deleted, X, Bindings, rabbit_binding:remove_for_destination(XName)}.
+%% Used with atoms from records; e.g., the type is expected to exist.
+type_to_module(T) ->
+ {ok, Module} = rabbit_registry:lookup_module(exchange, T),
+ Module.
diff --git a/src/rabbit_exchange_type.erl b/src/rabbit_exchange_type.erl
index 547583e9..cd96407c 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_exchange_type.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_exchange_type.erl
@@ -26,16 +26,13 @@ behaviour_info(callbacks) ->
%% called BEFORE declaration, to check args etc; may exit with #amqp_error{}
{validate, 1},
- %% called after declaration when previously absent
+ %% called after declaration and recovery
{create, 2},
- %% called when recovering
- {recover, 2},
- %% called after exchange deletion.
+ %% called after exchange (auto)deletion.
{delete, 3},
- %% called after a binding has been added
+ %% called after a binding has been added or recovered
{add_binding, 3},
%% called after bindings have been deleted.
diff --git a/src/rabbit_exchange_type_direct.erl b/src/rabbit_exchange_type_direct.erl
index c51b0913..40078b1a 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_exchange_type_direct.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_exchange_type_direct.erl
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
-export([description/0, route/2]).
--export([validate/1, create/2, recover/2, delete/3,
+-export([validate/1, create/2, delete/3,
add_binding/3, remove_bindings/3, assert_args_equivalence/2]).
@@ -36,12 +36,11 @@ description() ->
{description, <<"AMQP direct exchange, as per the AMQP specification">>}].
route(#exchange{name = Name},
- #delivery{message = #basic_message{routing_key = RoutingKey}}) ->
- rabbit_router:match_routing_key(Name, RoutingKey).
+ #delivery{message = #basic_message{routing_keys = Routes}}) ->
+ rabbit_router:match_routing_key(Name, Routes).
validate(_X) -> ok.
create(_Tx, _X) -> ok.
-recover(_X, _Bs) -> ok.
delete(_Tx, _X, _Bs) -> ok.
add_binding(_Tx, _X, _B) -> ok.
remove_bindings(_Tx, _X, _Bs) -> ok.
diff --git a/src/rabbit_exchange_type_fanout.erl b/src/rabbit_exchange_type_fanout.erl
index 382fb627..f32ef917 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_exchange_type_fanout.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_exchange_type_fanout.erl
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
-export([description/0, route/2]).
--export([validate/1, create/2, recover/2, delete/3, add_binding/3,
+-export([validate/1, create/2, delete/3, add_binding/3,
remove_bindings/3, assert_args_equivalence/2]).
@@ -36,11 +36,10 @@ description() ->
{description, <<"AMQP fanout exchange, as per the AMQP specification">>}].
route(#exchange{name = Name}, _Delivery) ->
- rabbit_router:match_routing_key(Name, '_').
+ rabbit_router:match_routing_key(Name, ['_']).
validate(_X) -> ok.
create(_Tx, _X) -> ok.
-recover(_X, _Bs) -> ok.
delete(_Tx, _X, _Bs) -> ok.
add_binding(_Tx, _X, _B) -> ok.
remove_bindings(_Tx, _X, _Bs) -> ok.
diff --git a/src/rabbit_exchange_type_headers.erl b/src/rabbit_exchange_type_headers.erl
index d3529b06..139feb04 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_exchange_type_headers.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_exchange_type_headers.erl
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
-export([description/0, route/2]).
--export([validate/1, create/2, recover/2, delete/3, add_binding/3,
+-export([validate/1, create/2, delete/3, add_binding/3,
remove_bindings/3, assert_args_equivalence/2]).
@@ -114,7 +114,6 @@ headers_match([{PK, PT, PV} | PRest], [{DK, DT, DV} | DRest],
validate(_X) -> ok.
create(_Tx, _X) -> ok.
-recover(_X, _Bs) -> ok.
delete(_Tx, _X, _Bs) -> ok.
add_binding(_Tx, _X, _B) -> ok.
remove_bindings(_Tx, _X, _Bs) -> ok.
diff --git a/src/rabbit_exchange_type_topic.erl b/src/rabbit_exchange_type_topic.erl
index c1741b30..74c566b8 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_exchange_type_topic.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_exchange_type_topic.erl
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
-export([description/0, route/2]).
--export([validate/1, create/2, recover/2, delete/3, add_binding/3,
+-export([validate/1, create/2, delete/3, add_binding/3,
remove_bindings/3, assert_args_equivalence/2]).
@@ -40,19 +40,15 @@ description() ->
%% NB: This may return duplicate results in some situations (that's ok)
route(#exchange{name = X},
- #delivery{message = #basic_message{routing_key = Key}}) ->
- Words = split_topic_key(Key),
- mnesia:async_dirty(fun trie_match/2, [X, Words]).
+ #delivery{message = #basic_message{routing_keys = Routes}}) ->
+ lists:append([begin
+ Words = split_topic_key(RKey),
+ mnesia:async_dirty(fun trie_match/2, [X, Words])
+ end || RKey <- Routes]).
validate(_X) -> ok.
create(_Tx, _X) -> ok.
-recover(_Exchange, Bs) ->
- rabbit_misc:execute_mnesia_transaction(
- fun () ->
- lists:foreach(fun (B) -> internal_add_binding(B) end, Bs)
- end).
delete(true, #exchange{name = X}, _Bs) ->
@@ -65,17 +61,58 @@ add_binding(true, _Exchange, Binding) ->
add_binding(false, _Exchange, _Binding) ->
-remove_bindings(true, _X, Bs) ->
- lists:foreach(fun remove_binding/1, Bs),
+remove_bindings(true, #exchange{name = X}, Bs) ->
+ %% The remove process is split into two distinct phases. In the
+ %% first phase we gather the lists of bindings and edges to
+ %% delete, then in the second phase we process all the
+ %% deletions. This is to prevent interleaving of read/write
+ %% operations in mnesia that can adversely affect performance.
+ {ToDelete, Paths} =
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun(#binding{source = S, key = K, destination = D}, {Acc, PathAcc}) ->
+ Path = [{FinalNode, _} | _] =
+ follow_down_get_path(S, split_topic_key(K)),
+ {[{FinalNode, D} | Acc],
+ decrement_bindings(X, Path, maybe_add_path(X, Path, PathAcc))}
+ end, {[], gb_trees:empty()}, Bs),
+ [trie_remove_binding(X, FinalNode, D) || {FinalNode, D} <- ToDelete],
+ [trie_remove_edge(X, Parent, Node, W) ||
+ {Node, {Parent, W, {0, 0}}} <- gb_trees:to_list(Paths)],
remove_bindings(false, _X, _Bs) ->
-remove_binding(#binding{source = X, key = K, destination = D}) ->
- Path = [{FinalNode, _} | _] = follow_down_get_path(X, split_topic_key(K)),
- trie_remove_binding(X, FinalNode, D),
- remove_path_if_empty(X, Path),
- ok.
+maybe_add_path(_X, [{root, none}], PathAcc) ->
+ PathAcc;
+maybe_add_path(X, [{Node, W}, {Parent, _} | _], PathAcc) ->
+ case gb_trees:is_defined(Node, PathAcc) of
+ true -> PathAcc;
+ false -> gb_trees:insert(Node, {Parent, W, {trie_binding_count(X, Node),
+ trie_child_count(X, Node)}},
+ PathAcc)
+ end.
+decrement_bindings(X, Path, PathAcc) ->
+ with_path_acc(X, fun({Bindings, Edges}) -> {Bindings - 1, Edges} end,
+ Path, PathAcc).
+decrement_edges(X, Path, PathAcc) ->
+ with_path_acc(X, fun({Bindings, Edges}) -> {Bindings, Edges - 1} end,
+ Path, PathAcc).
+with_path_acc(_X, _Fun, [{root, none}], PathAcc) ->
+ PathAcc;
+with_path_acc(X, Fun, [{Node, _} | ParentPath], PathAcc) ->
+ {Parent, W, Counts} = gb_trees:get(Node, PathAcc),
+ NewCounts = Fun(Counts),
+ NewPathAcc = gb_trees:update(Node, {Parent, W, NewCounts}, PathAcc),
+ case NewCounts of
+ {0, 0} -> decrement_edges(X, ParentPath,
+ maybe_add_path(X, ParentPath, NewPathAcc));
+ _ -> NewPathAcc
+ end.
assert_args_equivalence(X, Args) ->
rabbit_exchange:assert_args_equivalence(X, Args).
@@ -144,29 +181,20 @@ follow_down(X, CurNode, AccFun, Acc, Words = [W | RestW]) ->
error -> {error, Acc, Words}
-remove_path_if_empty(_, [{root, none}]) ->
- ok;
-remove_path_if_empty(X, [{Node, W} | [{Parent, _} | _] = RestPath]) ->
- case trie_has_any_bindings(X, Node) orelse trie_has_any_children(X, Node) of
- true -> ok;
- false -> trie_remove_edge(X, Parent, Node, W),
- remove_path_if_empty(X, RestPath)
- end.
trie_child(X, Node, Word) ->
- case mnesia:read(rabbit_topic_trie_edge,
- #trie_edge{exchange_name = X,
- node_id = Node,
- word = Word}) of
+ case mnesia:read({rabbit_topic_trie_edge,
+ #trie_edge{exchange_name = X,
+ node_id = Node,
+ word = Word}}) of
[#topic_trie_edge{node_id = NextNode}] -> {ok, NextNode};
[] -> error
trie_bindings(X, Node) ->
MatchHead = #topic_trie_binding{
- trie_binding = #trie_binding{exchange_name = X,
- node_id = Node,
- destination = '$1'}},
+ trie_binding = #trie_binding{exchange_name = X,
+ node_id = Node,
+ destination = '$1'}},
mnesia:select(rabbit_topic_trie_binding, [{MatchHead, [], ['$1']}]).
trie_add_edge(X, FromNode, ToNode, W) ->
@@ -192,25 +220,28 @@ trie_remove_binding(X, Node, D) ->
trie_binding_op(X, Node, D, Op) ->
ok = Op(rabbit_topic_trie_binding,
- trie_binding = #trie_binding{exchange_name = X,
- node_id = Node,
- destination = D}},
+ trie_binding = #trie_binding{exchange_name = X,
+ node_id = Node,
+ destination = D}},
-trie_has_any_children(X, Node) ->
- has_any(rabbit_topic_trie_edge,
+trie_child_count(X, Node) ->
+ count(rabbit_topic_trie_edge,
#topic_trie_edge{trie_edge = #trie_edge{exchange_name = X,
node_id = Node,
_ = '_'},
_ = '_'}).
-trie_has_any_bindings(X, Node) ->
- has_any(rabbit_topic_trie_binding,
+trie_binding_count(X, Node) ->
+ count(rabbit_topic_trie_binding,
- trie_binding = #trie_binding{exchange_name = X,
- node_id = Node,
- _ = '_'},
- _ = '_'}).
+ trie_binding = #trie_binding{exchange_name = X,
+ node_id = Node,
+ _ = '_'},
+ _ = '_'}).
+count(Table, Match) ->
+ length(mnesia:match_object(Table, Match, read)).
trie_remove_all_edges(X) ->
@@ -221,17 +252,8 @@ trie_remove_all_edges(X) ->
trie_remove_all_bindings(X) ->
- trie_binding = #trie_binding{exchange_name = X, _ = '_'},
- _ = '_'}).
-has_any(Table, MatchHead) ->
- Select = mnesia:select(Table, [{MatchHead, [], ['$_']}], 1, read),
- select_while_no_result(Select) /= '$end_of_table'.
-select_while_no_result({[], Cont}) ->
- select_while_no_result(mnesia:select(Cont));
-select_while_no_result(Other) ->
- Other.
+ trie_binding = #trie_binding{exchange_name = X, _ = '_'},
+ _ = '_'}).
remove_all(Table, Pattern) ->
lists:foreach(fun (R) -> mnesia:delete_object(Table, R, write) end,
diff --git a/src/rabbit_memory_monitor.erl b/src/rabbit_memory_monitor.erl
index 2f8c940b..996b0a98 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_memory_monitor.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_memory_monitor.erl
@@ -111,11 +111,11 @@ stop() ->
init([]) ->
MemoryLimit = trunc(?MEMORY_LIMIT_SCALING *
- (try
- vm_memory_monitor:get_memory_limit()
- catch
- exit:{noproc, _} -> ?MEMORY_SIZE_FOR_DISABLED_VMM
- end)),
+ (try
+ vm_memory_monitor:get_memory_limit()
+ catch
+ exit:{noproc, _} -> ?MEMORY_SIZE_FOR_DISABLED_VMM
+ end)),
{ok, TRef} = timer:apply_interval(?DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL,
?SERVER, update, []),
diff --git a/src/rabbit_misc.erl b/src/rabbit_misc.erl
index abc27c5f..cec10ff6 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_misc.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_misc.erl
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
-export([makenode/1, nodeparts/1, cookie_hash/0, tcp_name/3]).
-export([upmap/2, map_in_order/2]).
-export([dirty_read_all/1, dirty_foreach_key/2, dirty_dump_log/1]).
-export([read_term_file/1, write_term_file/2]).
-export([append_file/2, ensure_parent_dirs_exist/1]).
@@ -48,8 +48,7 @@
-export([pid_to_string/1, string_to_pid/1]).
-export([version_compare/2, version_compare/3]).
--export([recursive_delete/1, recursive_copy/2, dict_cons/3, orddict_cons/3,
- unlink_and_capture_exit/1]).
+-export([recursive_delete/1, recursive_copy/2, dict_cons/3, orddict_cons/3]).
-export([all_module_attributes/1, build_acyclic_graph/3]).
@@ -105,7 +104,7 @@
({atom(), any()}) -> rabbit_types:ok_or_error2(any(), 'not_found')).
-spec(table_lookup/2 ::
(rabbit_framing:amqp_table(), binary())
- -> 'undefined' | {rabbit_framing:amqp_field_type(), any()}).
+ -> 'undefined' | {rabbit_framing:amqp_field_type(), any()}).
-spec(r/2 :: (rabbit_types:vhost(), K)
-> rabbit_types:r3(rabbit_types:vhost(), K, '_')
when is_subtype(K, atom())).
@@ -146,7 +145,8 @@
-> atom()).
-spec(upmap/2 :: (fun ((A) -> B), [A]) -> [B]).
-spec(map_in_order/2 :: (fun ((A) -> B), [A]) -> [B]).
--spec(table_fold/3 :: (fun ((any(), A) -> A), A, atom()) -> A).
+-spec(table_filter/3:: (fun ((A) -> boolean()), fun ((A, boolean()) -> 'ok'),
+ atom()) -> [A]).
-spec(dirty_read_all/1 :: (atom()) -> [any()]).
-spec(dirty_foreach_key/2 :: (fun ((any()) -> any()), atom())
-> 'ok' | 'aborted').
@@ -178,7 +178,6 @@
-> rabbit_types:ok_or_error({file:filename(), file:filename(), any()})).
-spec(dict_cons/3 :: (any(), any(), dict()) -> dict()).
-spec(orddict_cons/3 :: (any(), any(), orddict:orddict()) -> orddict:orddict()).
--spec(unlink_and_capture_exit/1 :: (pid()) -> 'ok').
-spec(get_options/2 :: ([optdef()], [string()])
-> {[string()], [{string(), any()}]}).
-spec(all_module_attributes/1 :: (atom()) -> [{atom(), [term()]}]).
@@ -461,20 +460,23 @@ map_in_order(F, L) ->
lists:foldl(fun (E, Acc) -> [F(E) | Acc] end, [], L)).
-%% Fold over each entry in a table, executing the cons function in a
-%% transaction. This is often far more efficient than wrapping a tx
-%% around the lot.
+%% Apply a pre-post-commit function to all entries in a table that
+%% satisfy a predicate, and return those entries.
%% We ignore entries that have been modified or removed.
-table_fold(F, Acc0, TableName) ->
+table_filter(Pred, PrePostCommitFun, TableName) ->
- fun (E, Acc) -> execute_mnesia_transaction(
- fun () -> case mnesia:match_object(TableName, E, read) of
- [] -> Acc;
- _ -> F(E, Acc)
- end
- end)
- end, Acc0, dirty_read_all(TableName)).
+ fun (E, Acc) ->
+ case execute_mnesia_transaction(
+ fun () -> mnesia:match_object(TableName, E, read) =/= []
+ andalso Pred(E) end,
+ fun (false, _Tx) -> false;
+ (true, Tx) -> PrePostCommitFun(E, Tx), true
+ end) of
+ false -> Acc;
+ true -> [E | Acc]
+ end
+ end, [], dirty_read_all(TableName)).
dirty_read_all(TableName) ->
mnesia:dirty_select(TableName, [{'$1',[],['$1']}]).
@@ -749,18 +751,12 @@ dict_cons(Key, Value, Dict) ->
orddict_cons(Key, Value, Dict) ->
orddict:update(Key, fun (List) -> [Value | List] end, [Value], Dict).
-unlink_and_capture_exit(Pid) ->
- unlink(Pid),
- receive {'EXIT', Pid, _} -> ok
- after 0 -> ok
- end.
-% Separate flags and options from arguments.
-% get_options([{flag, "-q"}, {option, "-p", "/"}],
-% ["set_permissions","-p","/","guest",
-% "-q",".*",".*",".*"])
-% == {["set_permissions","guest",".*",".*",".*"],
-% [{"-q",true},{"-p","/"}]}
+%% Separate flags and options from arguments.
+%% get_options([{flag, "-q"}, {option, "-p", "/"}],
+%% ["set_permissions","-p","/","guest",
+%% "-q",".*",".*",".*"])
+%% == {["set_permissions","guest",".*",".*",".*"],
+%% [{"-q",true},{"-p","/"}]}
get_options(Defs, As) ->
lists:foldl(fun(Def, {AsIn, RsIn}) ->
{AsOut, Value} = case Def of
@@ -871,4 +867,3 @@ is_process_alive(Pid) ->
true -> true;
_ -> false
diff --git a/src/rabbit_mnesia.erl b/src/rabbit_mnesia.erl
index 8b8f2f2d..fbcf07ae 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_mnesia.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_mnesia.erl
@@ -18,9 +18,12 @@
-export([ensure_mnesia_dir/0, dir/0, status/0, init/0, is_db_empty/0,
- cluster/1, force_cluster/1, reset/0, force_reset/0,
+ cluster/1, force_cluster/1, reset/0, force_reset/0, init_db/3,
is_clustered/0, running_clustered_nodes/0, all_clustered_nodes/0,
- empty_ram_only_tables/0, copy_db/1, wait_for_tables/1]).
+ empty_ram_only_tables/0, copy_db/1, wait_for_tables/1,
+ create_cluster_nodes_config/1, read_cluster_nodes_config/0,
+ record_running_nodes/0, read_previously_running_nodes/0,
+ delete_previously_running_nodes/0, running_nodes_filename/0]).
@@ -42,6 +45,7 @@
-spec(dir/0 :: () -> file:filename()).
-spec(ensure_mnesia_dir/0 :: () -> 'ok').
-spec(init/0 :: () -> 'ok').
+-spec(init_db/3 :: ([node()], boolean(), rabbit_misc:thunk('ok')) -> 'ok').
-spec(is_db_empty/0 :: () -> boolean()).
-spec(cluster/1 :: ([node()]) -> 'ok').
-spec(force_cluster/1 :: ([node()]) -> 'ok').
@@ -55,6 +59,12 @@
-spec(create_tables/0 :: () -> 'ok').
-spec(copy_db/1 :: (file:filename()) -> rabbit_types:ok_or_error(any())).
-spec(wait_for_tables/1 :: ([atom()]) -> 'ok').
+-spec(create_cluster_nodes_config/1 :: ([node()]) -> 'ok').
+-spec(read_cluster_nodes_config/0 :: () -> [node()]).
+-spec(record_running_nodes/0 :: () -> 'ok').
+-spec(read_previously_running_nodes/0 :: () -> [node()]).
+-spec(delete_previously_running_nodes/0 :: () -> 'ok').
+-spec(running_nodes_filename/0 :: () -> file:filename()).
@@ -78,9 +88,10 @@ status() ->
{running_nodes, running_clustered_nodes()}].
init() ->
- ok = ensure_mnesia_running(),
- ok = ensure_mnesia_dir(),
- ok = init_db(read_cluster_nodes_config(), true),
+ ensure_mnesia_running(),
+ ensure_mnesia_dir(),
+ ok = init_db(read_cluster_nodes_config(), true,
+ fun maybe_upgrade_local_or_record_desired/0),
is_db_empty() ->
@@ -98,11 +109,12 @@ force_cluster(ClusterNodes) ->
%% node. If Force is false, only connections to online nodes are
%% allowed.
cluster(ClusterNodes, Force) ->
- ok = ensure_mnesia_not_running(),
- ok = ensure_mnesia_dir(),
+ ensure_mnesia_not_running(),
+ ensure_mnesia_dir(),
rabbit_misc:ensure_ok(mnesia:start(), cannot_start_mnesia),
- ok = init_db(ClusterNodes, Force),
+ ok = init_db(ClusterNodes, Force,
+ fun maybe_upgrade_local_or_record_desired/0),
ok = create_cluster_nodes_config(ClusterNodes)
@@ -129,10 +141,10 @@ empty_ram_only_tables() ->
Node = node(),
fun (TabName) ->
- case lists:member(Node, mnesia:table_info(TabName, ram_copies)) of
- true -> {atomic, ok} = mnesia:clear_table(TabName);
- false -> ok
- end
+ case lists:member(Node, mnesia:table_info(TabName, ram_copies)) of
+ true -> {atomic, ok} = mnesia:clear_table(TabName);
+ false -> ok
+ end
end, table_names()),
@@ -232,8 +244,8 @@ trie_edge_match() ->
#trie_edge{exchange_name = exchange_name_match(),
trie_binding_match() ->
- #trie_edge{exchange_name = exchange_name_match(),
- _='_'}.
+ #trie_binding{exchange_name = exchange_name_match(),
+ _='_'}.
exchange_name_match() ->
queue_name_match() ->
@@ -282,45 +294,48 @@ ensure_schema_integrity() ->
check_schema_integrity() ->
Tables = mnesia:system_info(tables),
- case [Error || {Tab, TabDef} <- table_definitions(),
- case lists:member(Tab, Tables) of
- false ->
- Error = {table_missing, Tab},
- true;
- true ->
- {_, ExpAttrs} = proplists:lookup(attributes, TabDef),
- Attrs = mnesia:table_info(Tab, attributes),
- Error = {table_attributes_mismatch, Tab,
- ExpAttrs, Attrs},
- Attrs /= ExpAttrs
- end] of
- [] -> check_table_integrity();
- Errors -> {error, Errors}
+ case check_tables(fun (Tab, TabDef) ->
+ case lists:member(Tab, Tables) of
+ false -> {error, {table_missing, Tab}};
+ true -> check_table_attributes(Tab, TabDef)
+ end
+ end) of
+ ok -> ok = wait_for_tables(),
+ check_tables(fun check_table_content/2);
+ Other -> Other
-check_table_integrity() ->
- ok = wait_for_tables(),
- case lists:all(fun ({Tab, TabDef}) ->
- {_, Match} = proplists:lookup(match, TabDef),
- read_test_table(Tab, Match)
- end, table_definitions()) of
- true -> ok;
- false -> {error, invalid_table_content}
+check_table_attributes(Tab, TabDef) ->
+ {_, ExpAttrs} = proplists:lookup(attributes, TabDef),
+ case mnesia:table_info(Tab, attributes) of
+ ExpAttrs -> ok;
+ Attrs -> {error, {table_attributes_mismatch, Tab, ExpAttrs, Attrs}}
-read_test_table(Tab, Match) ->
+check_table_content(Tab, TabDef) ->
+ {_, Match} = proplists:lookup(match, TabDef),
case mnesia:dirty_first(Tab) of
'$end_of_table' ->
- true;
+ ok;
Key ->
ObjList = mnesia:dirty_read(Tab, Key),
MatchComp = ets:match_spec_compile([{Match, [], ['$_']}]),
case ets:match_spec_run(ObjList, MatchComp) of
- ObjList -> true;
- _ -> false
+ ObjList -> ok;
+ _ -> {error, {table_content_invalid, Tab, Match, ObjList}}
+check_tables(Fun) ->
+ case [Error || {Tab, TabDef} <- table_definitions(),
+ case Fun(Tab, TabDef) of
+ ok -> Error = none, false;
+ {error, Error} -> true
+ end] of
+ [] -> ok;
+ Errors -> {error, Errors}
+ end.
%% The cluster node config file contains some or all of the disk nodes
%% that are members of the cluster this node is / should be a part of.
@@ -364,11 +379,40 @@ delete_cluster_nodes_config() ->
FileName, Reason}})
+running_nodes_filename() ->
+ filename:join(dir(), "nodes_running_at_shutdown").
+record_running_nodes() ->
+ FileName = running_nodes_filename(),
+ Nodes = running_clustered_nodes() -- [node()],
+ %% Don't check the result: we're shutting down anyway and this is
+ %% a best-effort-basis.
+ rabbit_misc:write_term_file(FileName, [Nodes]),
+ ok.
+read_previously_running_nodes() ->
+ FileName = running_nodes_filename(),
+ case rabbit_misc:read_term_file(FileName) of
+ {ok, [Nodes]} -> Nodes;
+ {error, enoent} -> [];
+ {error, Reason} -> throw({error, {cannot_read_previous_nodes_file,
+ FileName, Reason}})
+ end.
+delete_previously_running_nodes() ->
+ FileName = running_nodes_filename(),
+ case file:delete(FileName) of
+ ok -> ok;
+ {error, enoent} -> ok;
+ {error, Reason} -> throw({error, {cannot_delete_previous_nodes_file,
+ FileName, Reason}})
+ end.
%% Take a cluster node config and create the right kind of node - a
%% standalone disk node, or disk or ram node connected to the
%% specified cluster nodes. If Force is false, don't allow
%% connections to offline nodes.
-init_db(ClusterNodes, Force) ->
+init_db(ClusterNodes, Force, SecondaryPostMnesiaFun) ->
UClusterNodes = lists:usort(ClusterNodes),
ProperClusterNodes = UClusterNodes -- [node()],
case mnesia:change_config(extra_db_nodes, ProperClusterNodes) of
@@ -384,28 +428,21 @@ init_db(ClusterNodes, Force) ->
true -> ok
- case {Nodes, mnesia:system_info(use_dir), all_clustered_nodes()} of
- {[], true, [_]} ->
- %% True single disc node, attempt upgrade
- case rabbit_upgrade:maybe_upgrade() of
- ok -> ok = wait_for_tables(),
- ensure_schema_ok();
- version_not_available -> schema_ok_or_move()
- end;
- {[], true, _} ->
- %% "Master" (i.e. without config) disc node in cluster,
- %% verify schema
- ok = wait_for_tables(),
- ensure_version_ok(rabbit_upgrade:read_version()),
- ensure_schema_ok();
- {[], false, _} ->
+ case {Nodes, mnesia:system_info(use_dir)} of
+ {[], false} ->
%% Nothing there at all, start from scratch
ok = create_schema();
- {[AnotherNode|_], _, _} ->
+ {[], true} ->
+ %% We're the first node up
+ case rabbit_upgrade:maybe_upgrade_local() of
+ ok -> ensure_schema_integrity();
+ version_not_available -> ok = schema_ok_or_move()
+ end,
+ ok;
+ {[AnotherNode|_], _} ->
%% Subsequent node in cluster, catch up
- ensure_version_ok(rabbit_upgrade:read_version()),
- rpc:call(AnotherNode, rabbit_upgrade, read_version, [])),
+ rpc:call(AnotherNode, rabbit_version, recorded, [])),
IsDiskNode = ClusterNodes == [] orelse
lists:member(node(), ClusterNodes),
ok = wait_for_replicated_tables(),
@@ -414,7 +451,9 @@ init_db(ClusterNodes, Force) ->
true -> disc;
false -> ram
- ensure_schema_ok()
+ ok = SecondaryPostMnesiaFun(),
+ ensure_schema_integrity(),
+ ok
{error, Reason} ->
%% one reason we may end up here is if we try to join
@@ -423,6 +462,14 @@ init_db(ClusterNodes, Force) ->
throw({error, {unable_to_join_cluster, ClusterNodes, Reason}})
+maybe_upgrade_local_or_record_desired() ->
+ case rabbit_upgrade:maybe_upgrade_local() of
+ ok -> ok;
+ %% If we're just starting up a new node we won't have a
+ %% version
+ version_not_available -> ok = rabbit_version:record_desired()
+ end.
schema_ok_or_move() ->
case check_schema_integrity() of
ok ->
@@ -439,19 +486,13 @@ schema_ok_or_move() ->
ensure_version_ok({ok, DiscVersion}) ->
- case rabbit_upgrade:desired_version() of
- DiscVersion -> ok;
- DesiredVersion -> throw({error, {schema_mismatch,
- DesiredVersion, DiscVersion}})
+ DesiredVersion = rabbit_version:desired(),
+ case rabbit_version:matches(DesiredVersion, DiscVersion) of
+ true -> ok;
+ false -> throw({error, {version_mismatch, DesiredVersion, DiscVersion}})
ensure_version_ok({error, _}) ->
- ok = rabbit_upgrade:write_version().
-ensure_schema_ok() ->
- case check_schema_integrity() of
- ok -> ok;
- {error, Reason} -> throw({error, {schema_invalid, Reason}})
- end.
+ ok = rabbit_version:record_desired().
create_schema() ->
@@ -460,9 +501,8 @@ create_schema() ->
ok = create_tables(),
- ok = ensure_schema_integrity(),
- ok = wait_for_tables(),
- ok = rabbit_upgrade:write_version().
+ ensure_schema_integrity(),
+ ok = rabbit_version:record_desired().
move_db() ->
@@ -482,18 +522,13 @@ move_db() ->
{error, Reason} -> throw({error, {cannot_backup_mnesia,
MnesiaDir, BackupDir, Reason}})
- ok = ensure_mnesia_dir(),
+ ensure_mnesia_dir(),
rabbit_misc:ensure_ok(mnesia:start(), cannot_start_mnesia),
copy_db(Destination) ->
- mnesia:stop(),
- case rabbit_misc:recursive_copy(dir(), Destination) of
- ok ->
- rabbit_misc:ensure_ok(mnesia:start(), cannot_start_mnesia);
- {error, E} ->
- {error, E}
- end.
+ ok = ensure_mnesia_not_running(),
+ rabbit_misc:recursive_copy(dir(), Destination).
create_tables() ->
lists:foreach(fun ({Tab, TabDef}) ->
@@ -525,13 +560,13 @@ create_local_table_copies(Type) ->
HasDiscOnlyCopies -> disc_only_copies;
true -> ram_copies
-%% unused code - commented out to keep dialyzer happy
-%% Type =:= disc_only ->
-%% if
-%% HasDiscCopies or HasDiscOnlyCopies ->
-%% disc_only_copies;
-%% true -> ram_copies
-%% end;
+%%% unused code - commented out to keep dialyzer happy
+%%% Type =:= disc_only ->
+%%% if
+%%% HasDiscCopies or HasDiscOnlyCopies ->
+%%% disc_only_copies;
+%%% true -> ram_copies
+%%% end;
Type =:= ram ->
@@ -552,16 +587,14 @@ create_local_table_copy(Tab, Type) ->
-wait_for_replicated_tables() ->
- wait_for_tables(replicated_table_names()).
+wait_for_replicated_tables() -> wait_for_tables(replicated_table_names()).
-wait_for_tables() ->
- wait_for_tables(table_names()).
+wait_for_tables() -> wait_for_tables(table_names()).
wait_for_tables(TableNames) ->
- Nonexistent = TableNames -- mnesia:system_info(tables),
- case mnesia:wait_for_tables(TableNames -- Nonexistent, 30000) of
- ok -> ok;
+ case mnesia:wait_for_tables(TableNames, 30000) of
+ ok ->
+ ok;
{timeout, BadTabs} ->
throw({error, {timeout_waiting_for_tables, BadTabs}});
{error, Reason} ->
@@ -569,12 +602,12 @@ wait_for_tables(TableNames) ->
reset(Force) ->
- ok = ensure_mnesia_not_running(),
+ ensure_mnesia_not_running(),
Node = node(),
case Force of
true -> ok;
false ->
- ok = ensure_mnesia_dir(),
+ ensure_mnesia_dir(),
rabbit_misc:ensure_ok(mnesia:start(), cannot_start_mnesia),
{Nodes, RunningNodes} =
diff --git a/src/rabbit_msg_file.erl b/src/rabbit_msg_file.erl
index cfea4982..b7de27d4 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_msg_file.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_msg_file.erl
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
--export([append/3, read/2, scan/2]).
+-export([append/3, read/2, scan/4]).
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
-define(WRITE_OK_SIZE_BITS, 8).
-define(WRITE_OK_MARKER, 255).
--define(GUID_SIZE_BYTES, 16).
+-define(MSG_ID_SIZE_BYTES, 16).
-define(SCAN_BLOCK_SIZE, 4194304). %% 4MB
@@ -39,83 +39,87 @@
-type(position() :: non_neg_integer()).
-type(msg_size() :: non_neg_integer()).
-type(file_size() :: non_neg_integer()).
+-type(message_accumulator(A) ::
+ fun (({rabbit_types:msg_id(), msg_size(), position(), binary()}, A) ->
+ A)).
--spec(append/3 :: (io_device(), rabbit_guid:guid(), msg()) ->
+-spec(append/3 :: (io_device(), rabbit_types:msg_id(), msg()) ->
rabbit_types:ok_or_error2(msg_size(), any())).
-spec(read/2 :: (io_device(), msg_size()) ->
- rabbit_types:ok_or_error2({rabbit_guid:guid(), msg()},
+ rabbit_types:ok_or_error2({rabbit_types:msg_id(), msg()},
--spec(scan/2 :: (io_device(), file_size()) ->
- {'ok', [{rabbit_guid:guid(), msg_size(), position()}],
- position()}).
+-spec(scan/4 :: (io_device(), file_size(), message_accumulator(A), A) ->
+ {'ok', A, position()}).
-append(FileHdl, Guid, MsgBody)
- when is_binary(Guid) andalso size(Guid) =:= ?GUID_SIZE_BYTES ->
+append(FileHdl, MsgId, MsgBody)
+ when is_binary(MsgId) andalso size(MsgId) =:= ?MSG_ID_SIZE_BYTES ->
MsgBodyBin = term_to_binary(MsgBody),
MsgBodyBinSize = size(MsgBodyBin),
- Size = MsgBodyBinSize + ?GUID_SIZE_BYTES,
+ Size = MsgBodyBinSize + ?MSG_ID_SIZE_BYTES,
case file_handle_cache:append(FileHdl,
- Guid:?GUID_SIZE_BYTES/binary,
- MsgBodyBin:MsgBodyBinSize/binary,
+ MsgId:?MSG_ID_SIZE_BYTES/binary,
+ MsgBodyBin:MsgBodyBinSize/binary,
ok -> {ok, Size + ?FILE_PACKING_ADJUSTMENT};
KO -> KO
read(FileHdl, TotalSize) ->
- BodyBinSize = Size - ?GUID_SIZE_BYTES,
+ BodyBinSize = Size - ?MSG_ID_SIZE_BYTES,
case file_handle_cache:read(FileHdl, TotalSize) of
- Guid:?GUID_SIZE_BYTES/binary,
- MsgBodyBin:BodyBinSize/binary,
- {ok, {Guid, binary_to_term(MsgBodyBin)}};
+ MsgId:?MSG_ID_SIZE_BYTES/binary,
+ MsgBodyBin:BodyBinSize/binary,
+ {ok, {MsgId, binary_to_term(MsgBodyBin)}};
KO -> KO
-scan(FileHdl, FileSize) when FileSize >= 0 ->
- scan(FileHdl, FileSize, <<>>, 0, [], 0).
+scan(FileHdl, FileSize, Fun, Acc) when FileSize >= 0 ->
+ scan(FileHdl, FileSize, <<>>, 0, 0, Fun, Acc).
-scan(_FileHdl, FileSize, _Data, FileSize, Acc, ScanOffset) ->
+scan(_FileHdl, FileSize, _Data, FileSize, ScanOffset, _Fun, Acc) ->
{ok, Acc, ScanOffset};
-scan(FileHdl, FileSize, Data, ReadOffset, Acc, ScanOffset) ->
+scan(FileHdl, FileSize, Data, ReadOffset, ScanOffset, Fun, Acc) ->
Read = lists:min([?SCAN_BLOCK_SIZE, (FileSize - ReadOffset)]),
case file_handle_cache:read(FileHdl, Read) of
{ok, Data1} ->
{Data2, Acc1, ScanOffset1} =
- scan(<<Data/binary, Data1/binary>>, Acc, ScanOffset),
+ scanner(<<Data/binary, Data1/binary>>, ScanOffset, Fun, Acc),
ReadOffset1 = ReadOffset + size(Data1),
- scan(FileHdl, FileSize, Data2, ReadOffset1, Acc1, ScanOffset1);
+ scan(FileHdl, FileSize, Data2, ReadOffset1, ScanOffset1, Fun, Acc1);
_KO ->
{ok, Acc, ScanOffset}
-scan(<<>>, Acc, Offset) ->
+scanner(<<>>, Offset, _Fun, Acc) ->
{<<>>, Acc, Offset};
-scan(<<0:?INTEGER_SIZE_BITS, _Rest/binary>>, Acc, Offset) ->
+scanner(<<0:?INTEGER_SIZE_BITS, _Rest/binary>>, Offset, _Fun, Acc) ->
{<<>>, Acc, Offset}; %% Nothing to do other than stop.
-scan(<<Size:?INTEGER_SIZE_BITS, GuidAndMsg:Size/binary,
- WriteMarker:?WRITE_OK_SIZE_BITS, Rest/binary>>, Acc, Offset) ->
+scanner(<<Size:?INTEGER_SIZE_BITS, MsgIdAndMsg:Size/binary,
+ WriteMarker:?WRITE_OK_SIZE_BITS, Rest/binary>>, Offset, Fun, Acc) ->
case WriteMarker of
%% Here we take option 5 from
%% in
- %% which we read the Guid as a number, and then convert it
+ %% which we read the MsgId as a number, and then convert it
%% back to a binary in order to work around bugs in
%% Erlang's GC.
- <<GuidNum:?GUID_SIZE_BITS, _Msg/binary>> =
- <<GuidAndMsg:Size/binary>>,
- <<Guid:?GUID_SIZE_BYTES/binary>> = <<GuidNum:?GUID_SIZE_BITS>>,
- scan(Rest, [{Guid, TotalSize, Offset} | Acc], Offset + TotalSize);
+ <<MsgIdNum:?MSG_ID_SIZE_BITS, Msg/binary>> =
+ <<MsgIdAndMsg:Size/binary>>,
+ <<MsgId:?MSG_ID_SIZE_BYTES/binary>> =
+ <<MsgIdNum:?MSG_ID_SIZE_BITS>>,
+ scanner(Rest, Offset + TotalSize, Fun,
+ Fun({MsgId, TotalSize, Offset, Msg}, Acc));
_ ->
- scan(Rest, Acc, Offset + TotalSize)
+ scanner(Rest, Offset + TotalSize, Fun, Acc)
-scan(Data, Acc, Offset) ->
+scanner(Data, Offset, _Fun, Acc) ->
{Data, Acc, Offset}.
diff --git a/src/rabbit_msg_store.erl b/src/rabbit_msg_store.erl
index 7f3cf35f..3f4162cd 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_msg_store.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_msg_store.erl
@@ -21,11 +21,13 @@
-export([start_link/4, successfully_recovered_state/1,
client_init/4, client_terminate/1, client_delete_and_terminate/1,
client_ref/1, close_all_indicated/1,
- write/3, read/2, contains/2, remove/2, release/2, sync/3]).
+ write/3, read/2, contains/2, remove/2, sync/3]).
-export([sync/1, set_maximum_since_use/2,
has_readers/2, combine_files/3, delete_file/2]). %% internal
+-export([transform_dir/3, force_recovery/2]). %% upgrade
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
terminate/2, code_change/3, prioritise_call/3, prioritise_cast/2]).
@@ -33,9 +35,10 @@
--define(SYNC_INTERVAL, 25). %% milliseconds
+-define(SYNC_INTERVAL, 5). %% milliseconds
-define(CLEAN_FILENAME, "").
-define(FILE_SUMMARY_FILENAME, "file_summary.ets").
+-define(TRANSFORM_TMP, "transform_tmp").
-define(BINARY_MODE, [raw, binary]).
-define(READ_MODE, [read]).
@@ -64,15 +67,14 @@
gc_pid, %% pid of our GC
file_handles_ets, %% tid of the shared file handles table
file_summary_ets, %% tid of the file summary table
- dedup_cache_ets, %% tid of dedup cache table
cur_file_cache_ets, %% tid of current file cache table
dying_clients, %% set of dying clients
clients, %% map of references of all registered clients
%% to callbacks
successfully_recovered, %% boolean: did we recover state?
file_size_limit, %% how big are our files allowed to get?
- cref_to_guids %% client ref to synced messages mapping
- }).
+ cref_to_msg_ids %% client ref to synced messages mapping
+ }).
{ server,
@@ -84,9 +86,8 @@
- dedup_cache_ets,
- }).
+ }).
{file, valid_total_size, left, right, file_size, locked, readers}).
@@ -127,32 +128,30 @@
gc_pid :: pid(),
file_handles_ets :: ets:tid(),
file_summary_ets :: ets:tid(),
- dedup_cache_ets :: ets:tid(),
cur_file_cache_ets :: ets:tid()}).
--type(startup_fun_state() ::
- {(fun ((A) -> 'finished' | {rabbit_guid:guid(), non_neg_integer(), A})),
- A}).
--type(maybe_guid_fun() :: 'undefined' | fun ((gb_set()) -> any())).
+-type(msg_ref_delta_gen(A) ::
+ fun ((A) -> 'finished' |
+ {rabbit_types:msg_id(), non_neg_integer(), A})).
+-type(maybe_msg_id_fun() :: 'undefined' | fun ((gb_set()) -> any())).
-type(maybe_close_fds_fun() :: 'undefined' | fun (() -> 'ok')).
-type(deletion_thunk() :: fun (() -> boolean())).
-spec(start_link/4 ::
(atom(), file:filename(), [binary()] | 'undefined',
- startup_fun_state()) -> rabbit_types:ok_pid_or_error()).
+ {msg_ref_delta_gen(A), A}) -> rabbit_types:ok_pid_or_error()).
-spec(successfully_recovered_state/1 :: (server()) -> boolean()).
--spec(client_init/4 :: (server(), client_ref(), maybe_guid_fun(),
+-spec(client_init/4 :: (server(), client_ref(), maybe_msg_id_fun(),
maybe_close_fds_fun()) -> client_msstate()).
-spec(client_terminate/1 :: (client_msstate()) -> 'ok').
-spec(client_delete_and_terminate/1 :: (client_msstate()) -> 'ok').
-spec(client_ref/1 :: (client_msstate()) -> client_ref()).
--spec(write/3 :: (rabbit_guid:guid(), msg(), client_msstate()) -> 'ok').
--spec(read/2 :: (rabbit_guid:guid(), client_msstate()) ->
- {rabbit_types:ok(msg()) | 'not_found', client_msstate()}).
--spec(contains/2 :: (rabbit_guid:guid(), client_msstate()) -> boolean()).
--spec(remove/2 :: ([rabbit_guid:guid()], client_msstate()) -> 'ok').
--spec(release/2 :: ([rabbit_guid:guid()], client_msstate()) -> 'ok').
--spec(sync/3 :: ([rabbit_guid:guid()], fun (() -> any()), client_msstate()) ->
- 'ok').
+-spec(write/3 :: (rabbit_types:msg_id(), msg(), client_msstate()) -> 'ok').
+-spec(read/2 :: (rabbit_types:msg_id(), client_msstate()) ->
+ {rabbit_types:ok(msg()) | 'not_found', client_msstate()}).
+-spec(contains/2 :: (rabbit_types:msg_id(), client_msstate()) -> boolean()).
+-spec(remove/2 :: ([rabbit_types:msg_id()], client_msstate()) -> 'ok').
+-spec(sync/3 ::
+ ([rabbit_types:msg_id()], fun (() -> any()), client_msstate()) -> 'ok').
-spec(sync/1 :: (server()) -> 'ok').
-spec(set_maximum_since_use/2 :: (server(), non_neg_integer()) -> 'ok').
@@ -160,6 +159,9 @@
-spec(combine_files/3 :: (non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer(), gc_state()) ->
-spec(delete_file/2 :: (non_neg_integer(), gc_state()) -> deletion_thunk()).
+-spec(force_recovery/2 :: (file:filename(), server()) -> 'ok').
+-spec(transform_dir/3 :: (file:filename(), server(),
+ fun ((any()) -> (rabbit_types:ok_or_error2(msg(), any())))) -> 'ok').
@@ -171,8 +173,8 @@
%% The components:
-%% Index: this is a mapping from Guid to #msg_location{}:
-%% {Guid, RefCount, File, Offset, TotalSize}
+%% Index: this is a mapping from MsgId to #msg_location{}:
+%% {MsgId, RefCount, File, Offset, TotalSize}
%% By default, it's in ets, but it's also pluggable.
%% FileSummary: this is an ets table which maps File to #file_summary{}:
%% {File, ValidTotalSize, Left, Right, FileSize, Locked, Readers}
@@ -273,7 +275,7 @@
%% alternating full files and files with only one tiny message in
%% them).
-%% Messages are reference-counted. When a message with the same guid
+%% Messages are reference-counted. When a message with the same msg id
%% is written several times we only store it once, and only remove it
%% from the store when it has been removed the same number of times.
@@ -390,7 +392,7 @@ successfully_recovered_state(Server) ->
client_init(Server, Ref, MsgOnDiskFun, CloseFDsFun) ->
{IState, IModule, Dir, GCPid,
- FileHandlesEts, FileSummaryEts, DedupCacheEts, CurFileCacheEts} =
+ FileHandlesEts, FileSummaryEts, CurFileCacheEts} =
Server, {new_client_state, Ref, MsgOnDiskFun, CloseFDsFun}, infinity),
#client_msstate { server = Server,
@@ -402,7 +404,6 @@ client_init(Server, Ref, MsgOnDiskFun, CloseFDsFun) ->
gc_pid = GCPid,
file_handles_ets = FileHandlesEts,
file_summary_ets = FileSummaryEts,
- dedup_cache_ets = DedupCacheEts,
cur_file_cache_ets = CurFileCacheEts }.
client_terminate(CState = #client_msstate { client_ref = Ref }) ->
@@ -416,44 +417,31 @@ client_delete_and_terminate(CState = #client_msstate { client_ref = Ref }) ->
client_ref(#client_msstate { client_ref = Ref }) -> Ref.
-write(Guid, Msg,
+write(MsgId, Msg,
CState = #client_msstate { cur_file_cache_ets = CurFileCacheEts,
client_ref = CRef }) ->
- ok = update_msg_cache(CurFileCacheEts, Guid, Msg),
- ok = server_cast(CState, {write, CRef, Guid}).
- CState = #client_msstate { dedup_cache_ets = DedupCacheEts,
- cur_file_cache_ets = CurFileCacheEts }) ->
- %% 1. Check the dedup cache
- case fetch_and_increment_cache(DedupCacheEts, Guid) of
- not_found ->
- %% 2. Check the cur file cache
- case ets:lookup(CurFileCacheEts, Guid) of
- [] ->
- Defer = fun() ->
- {server_call(CState, {read, Guid}), CState}
- end,
- case index_lookup_positive_ref_count(Guid, CState) of
- not_found -> Defer();
- MsgLocation -> client_read1(MsgLocation, Defer, CState)
- end;
- [{Guid, Msg, _CacheRefCount}] ->
- %% Although we've found it, we don't know the
- %% refcount, so can't insert into dedup cache
- {{ok, Msg}, CState}
+ ok = update_msg_cache(CurFileCacheEts, MsgId, Msg),
+ ok = server_cast(CState, {write, CRef, MsgId}).
+ CState = #client_msstate { cur_file_cache_ets = CurFileCacheEts }) ->
+ %% Check the cur file cache
+ case ets:lookup(CurFileCacheEts, MsgId) of
+ [] ->
+ Defer = fun() -> {server_call(CState, {read, MsgId}), CState} end,
+ case index_lookup_positive_ref_count(MsgId, CState) of
+ not_found -> Defer();
+ MsgLocation -> client_read1(MsgLocation, Defer, CState)
- Msg ->
+ [{MsgId, Msg, _CacheRefCount}] ->
{{ok, Msg}, CState}
-contains(Guid, CState) -> server_call(CState, {contains, Guid}).
+contains(MsgId, CState) -> server_call(CState, {contains, MsgId}).
remove([], _CState) -> ok;
-remove(Guids, CState = #client_msstate { client_ref = CRef }) ->
- server_cast(CState, {remove, CRef, Guids}).
-release([], _CState) -> ok;
-release(Guids, CState) -> server_cast(CState, {release, Guids}).
-sync(Guids, K, CState) -> server_cast(CState, {sync, Guids, K}).
+remove(MsgIds, CState = #client_msstate { client_ref = CRef }) ->
+ server_cast(CState, {remove, CRef, MsgIds}).
+sync(MsgIds, K, CState) -> server_cast(CState, {sync, MsgIds, K}).
sync(Server) ->
gen_server2:cast(Server, sync).
@@ -471,11 +459,11 @@ server_call(#client_msstate { server = Server }, Msg) ->
server_cast(#client_msstate { server = Server }, Msg) ->
gen_server2:cast(Server, Msg).
-client_read1(#msg_location { guid = Guid, file = File } = MsgLocation, Defer,
+client_read1(#msg_location { msg_id = MsgId, file = File } = MsgLocation, Defer,
CState = #client_msstate { file_summary_ets = FileSummaryEts }) ->
case ets:lookup(FileSummaryEts, File) of
[] -> %% File has been GC'd and no longer exists. Go around again.
- read(Guid, CState);
+ read(MsgId, CState);
[#file_summary { locked = Locked, right = Right }] ->
client_read2(Locked, Right, MsgLocation, Defer, CState)
@@ -497,7 +485,7 @@ client_read2(true, _Right, _MsgLocation, Defer, _CState) ->
%% the safest and simplest thing to do.
client_read2(false, _Right,
- MsgLocation = #msg_location { guid = Guid, file = File },
+ MsgLocation = #msg_location { msg_id = MsgId, file = File },
CState = #client_msstate { file_summary_ets = FileSummaryEts }) ->
%% It's entirely possible that everything we're doing from here on
@@ -506,12 +494,11 @@ client_read2(false, _Right,
FileSummaryEts, File, {#file_summary.readers, +1},
fun (_) -> client_read3(MsgLocation, Defer, CState) end,
- fun () -> read(Guid, CState) end).
+ fun () -> read(MsgId, CState) end).
-client_read3(#msg_location { guid = Guid, file = File }, Defer,
+client_read3(#msg_location { msg_id = MsgId, file = File }, Defer,
CState = #client_msstate { file_handles_ets = FileHandlesEts,
file_summary_ets = FileSummaryEts,
- dedup_cache_ets = DedupCacheEts,
gc_pid = GCPid,
client_ref = Ref }) ->
Release =
@@ -533,7 +520,7 @@ client_read3(#msg_location { guid = Guid, file = File }, Defer,
%% too).
case ets:lookup(FileSummaryEts, File) of
[] -> %% GC has deleted our file, just go round again.
- read(Guid, CState);
+ read(MsgId, CState);
[#file_summary { locked = true }] ->
%% If we get a badarg here, then the GC has finished and
%% deleted our file. Try going around again. Otherwise,
@@ -543,8 +530,8 @@ client_read3(#msg_location { guid = Guid, file = File }, Defer,
%% GC ends, we +1 readers, msg_store ets:deletes (and
%% unlocks the dest)
try Release(),
- Defer()
- catch error:badarg -> read(Guid, CState)
+ Defer()
+ catch error:badarg -> read(MsgId, CState)
[#file_summary { locked = false }] ->
%% Ok, we're definitely safe to continue - a GC involving
@@ -557,7 +544,7 @@ client_read3(#msg_location { guid = Guid, file = File }, Defer,
%% us doing the lookup and the +1 on the readers. (Same as
%% badarg scenario above, but we don't have a missing file
%% - we just have the /wrong/ file).
- case index_lookup(Guid, CState) of
+ case index_lookup(MsgId, CState) of
#msg_location { file = File } = MsgLocation ->
%% Still the same file.
{ok, CState1} = close_all_indicated(CState),
@@ -568,8 +555,8 @@ client_read3(#msg_location { guid = Guid, file = File }, Defer,
%% Could the msg_store now mark the file to be
%% closed? No: marks for closing are issued only
%% when the msg_store has locked the file.
- {Msg, CState2} = %% This will never be the current file
- read_from_disk(MsgLocation, CState1, DedupCacheEts),
+ %% This will never be the current file
+ {Msg, CState2} = read_from_disk(MsgLocation, CState1),
Release(), %% this MUST NOT fail with badarg
{{ok, Msg}, CState2};
#msg_location {} = MsgLocation -> %% different file!
@@ -583,9 +570,9 @@ client_read3(#msg_location { guid = Guid, file = File }, Defer,
-clear_client(CRef, State = #msstate { cref_to_guids = CTG,
+clear_client(CRef, State = #msstate { cref_to_msg_ids = CTM,
dying_clients = DyingClients }) ->
- State #msstate { cref_to_guids = dict:erase(CRef, CTG),
+ State #msstate { cref_to_msg_ids = dict:erase(CRef, CTM),
dying_clients = sets:del_element(CRef, DyingClients) }.
@@ -633,13 +620,21 @@ init([Server, BaseDir, ClientRefs, StartupFunState]) ->
%% CleanShutdown <=> msg location index and file_summary both
%% recovered correctly.
- DedupCacheEts = ets:new(rabbit_msg_store_dedup_cache, [set, public]),
FileHandlesEts = ets:new(rabbit_msg_store_shared_file_handles,
[ordered_set, public]),
CurFileCacheEts = ets:new(rabbit_msg_store_cur_file, [set, public]),
{ok, FileSizeLimit} = application:get_env(msg_store_file_size_limit),
+ {ok, GCPid} = rabbit_msg_store_gc:start_link(
+ #gc_state { dir = Dir,
+ index_module = IndexModule,
+ index_state = IndexState,
+ file_summary_ets = FileSummaryEts,
+ file_handles_ets = FileHandlesEts,
+ msg_store = self()
+ }),
State = #msstate { dir = Dir,
index_module = IndexModule,
index_state = IndexState,
@@ -651,17 +646,16 @@ init([Server, BaseDir, ClientRefs, StartupFunState]) ->
sum_valid_data = 0,
sum_file_size = 0,
pending_gc_completion = orddict:new(),
- gc_pid = undefined,
+ gc_pid = GCPid,
file_handles_ets = FileHandlesEts,
file_summary_ets = FileSummaryEts,
- dedup_cache_ets = DedupCacheEts,
cur_file_cache_ets = CurFileCacheEts,
dying_clients = sets:new(),
clients = Clients,
successfully_recovered = CleanShutdown,
file_size_limit = FileSizeLimit,
- cref_to_guids = dict:new()
- },
+ cref_to_msg_ids = dict:new()
+ },
%% If we didn't recover the msg location index then we need to
%% rebuild it now.
@@ -674,17 +668,7 @@ init([Server, BaseDir, ClientRefs, StartupFunState]) ->
{ok, Offset} = file_handle_cache:position(CurHdl, Offset),
ok = file_handle_cache:truncate(CurHdl),
- {ok, GCPid} = rabbit_msg_store_gc:start_link(
- #gc_state { dir = Dir,
- index_module = IndexModule,
- index_state = IndexState,
- file_summary_ets = FileSummaryEts,
- file_handles_ets = FileHandlesEts,
- msg_store = self()
- }),
- {ok, maybe_compact(
- State1 #msstate { current_file_handle = CurHdl, gc_pid = GCPid }),
+ {ok, maybe_compact(State1 #msstate { current_file_handle = CurHdl }),
@@ -692,7 +676,7 @@ prioritise_call(Msg, _From, _State) ->
case Msg of
successfully_recovered_state -> 7;
{new_client_state, _Ref, _MODC, _CloseFDsFun} -> 7;
- {read, _Guid} -> 2;
+ {read, _MsgId} -> 2;
_ -> 0
@@ -710,29 +694,27 @@ handle_call(successfully_recovered_state, _From, State) ->
reply(State #msstate.successfully_recovered, State);
handle_call({new_client_state, CRef, MsgOnDiskFun, CloseFDsFun}, _From,
- State = #msstate { dir = Dir,
- index_state = IndexState,
- index_module = IndexModule,
- file_handles_ets = FileHandlesEts,
- file_summary_ets = FileSummaryEts,
- dedup_cache_ets = DedupCacheEts,
- cur_file_cache_ets = CurFileCacheEts,
- clients = Clients,
- gc_pid = GCPid }) ->
+ State = #msstate { dir = Dir,
+ index_state = IndexState,
+ index_module = IndexModule,
+ file_handles_ets = FileHandlesEts,
+ file_summary_ets = FileSummaryEts,
+ cur_file_cache_ets = CurFileCacheEts,
+ clients = Clients,
+ gc_pid = GCPid }) ->
Clients1 = dict:store(CRef, {MsgOnDiskFun, CloseFDsFun}, Clients),
- reply({IndexState, IndexModule, Dir, GCPid,
- FileHandlesEts, FileSummaryEts, DedupCacheEts, CurFileCacheEts},
- State #msstate { clients = Clients1 });
+ reply({IndexState, IndexModule, Dir, GCPid, FileHandlesEts, FileSummaryEts,
+ CurFileCacheEts}, State #msstate { clients = Clients1 });
handle_call({client_terminate, CRef}, _From, State) ->
reply(ok, clear_client(CRef, State));
-handle_call({read, Guid}, From, State) ->
- State1 = read_message(Guid, From, State),
+handle_call({read, MsgId}, From, State) ->
+ State1 = read_message(MsgId, From, State),
-handle_call({contains, Guid}, From, State) ->
- State1 = contains_message(Guid, From, State),
+handle_call({contains, MsgId}, From, State) ->
+ State1 = contains_message(MsgId, From, State),
handle_cast({client_dying, CRef},
@@ -745,53 +727,47 @@ handle_cast({client_delete, CRef}, State = #msstate { clients = Clients }) ->
State1 = State #msstate { clients = dict:erase(CRef, Clients) },
noreply(remove_message(CRef, CRef, clear_client(CRef, State1)));
-handle_cast({write, CRef, Guid},
+handle_cast({write, CRef, MsgId},
State = #msstate { cur_file_cache_ets = CurFileCacheEts }) ->
- true = 0 =< ets:update_counter(CurFileCacheEts, Guid, {3, -1}),
- [{Guid, Msg, _CacheRefCount}] = ets:lookup(CurFileCacheEts, Guid),
+ true = 0 =< ets:update_counter(CurFileCacheEts, MsgId, {3, -1}),
+ [{MsgId, Msg, _CacheRefCount}] = ets:lookup(CurFileCacheEts, MsgId),
- case write_action(should_mask_action(CRef, Guid, State), Guid, State) of
+ case write_action(should_mask_action(CRef, MsgId, State), MsgId, State) of
{write, State1} ->
- write_message(CRef, Guid, Msg, State1);
+ write_message(CRef, MsgId, Msg, State1);
{ignore, CurFile, State1 = #msstate { current_file = CurFile }} ->
{ignore, _File, State1} ->
- true = ets:delete_object(CurFileCacheEts, {Guid, Msg, 0}),
+ true = ets:delete_object(CurFileCacheEts, {MsgId, Msg, 0}),
{confirm, CurFile, State1 = #msstate { current_file = CurFile }}->
- record_pending_confirm(CRef, Guid, State1);
+ record_pending_confirm(CRef, MsgId, State1);
{confirm, _File, State1} ->
- true = ets:delete_object(CurFileCacheEts, {Guid, Msg, 0}),
+ true = ets:delete_object(CurFileCacheEts, {MsgId, Msg, 0}),
- fun (MsgOnDiskFun, CTG) ->
- MsgOnDiskFun(gb_sets:singleton(Guid), written),
+ fun (MsgOnDiskFun, CTM) ->
+ MsgOnDiskFun(gb_sets:singleton(MsgId), written),
end, CRef, State1)
-handle_cast({remove, CRef, Guids}, State) ->
+handle_cast({remove, CRef, MsgIds}, State) ->
State1 = lists:foldl(
- fun (Guid, State2) -> remove_message(Guid, CRef, State2) end,
- State, Guids),
- noreply(maybe_compact(
- client_confirm(CRef, gb_sets:from_list(Guids), removed, State1)));
-handle_cast({release, Guids}, State =
- #msstate { dedup_cache_ets = DedupCacheEts }) ->
- lists:foreach(
- fun (Guid) -> decrement_cache(DedupCacheEts, Guid) end, Guids),
- noreply(State);
+ fun (MsgId, State2) -> remove_message(MsgId, CRef, State2) end,
+ State, MsgIds),
+ noreply(maybe_compact(client_confirm(CRef, gb_sets:from_list(MsgIds),
+ removed, State1)));
-handle_cast({sync, Guids, K},
+handle_cast({sync, MsgIds, K},
State = #msstate { current_file = CurFile,
current_file_handle = CurHdl,
on_sync = Syncs }) ->
{ok, SyncOffset} = file_handle_cache:last_sync_offset(CurHdl),
- case lists:any(fun (Guid) ->
+ case lists:any(fun (MsgId) ->
#msg_location { file = File, offset = Offset } =
- index_lookup(Guid, State),
+ index_lookup(MsgId, State),
File =:= CurFile andalso Offset >= SyncOffset
- end, Guids) of
+ end, MsgIds) of
false -> K(),
true -> noreply(State #msstate { on_sync = [K | Syncs] })
@@ -835,7 +811,6 @@ terminate(_Reason, State = #msstate { index_state = IndexState,
gc_pid = GCPid,
file_handles_ets = FileHandlesEts,
file_summary_ets = FileSummaryEts,
- dedup_cache_ets = DedupCacheEts,
cur_file_cache_ets = CurFileCacheEts,
clients = Clients,
dir = Dir }) ->
@@ -845,16 +820,16 @@ terminate(_Reason, State = #msstate { index_state = IndexState,
State1 = case CurHdl of
undefined -> State;
_ -> State2 = internal_sync(State),
- file_handle_cache:close(CurHdl),
+ ok = file_handle_cache:close(CurHdl),
State3 = close_all_handles(State1),
- store_file_summary(FileSummaryEts, Dir),
- [ets:delete(T) ||
- T <- [FileSummaryEts, DedupCacheEts, FileHandlesEts, CurFileCacheEts]],
+ ok = store_file_summary(FileSummaryEts, Dir),
+ [true = ets:delete(T) ||
+ T <- [FileSummaryEts, FileHandlesEts, CurFileCacheEts]],
- store_recovery_terms([{client_refs, dict:fetch_keys(Clients)},
- {index_module, IndexModule}], Dir),
+ ok = store_recovery_terms([{client_refs, dict:fetch_keys(Clients)},
+ {index_module, IndexModule}], Dir),
State3 #msstate { index_state = undefined,
current_file_handle = undefined }.
@@ -873,16 +848,16 @@ reply(Reply, State) ->
{State1, Timeout} = next_state(State),
{reply, Reply, State1, Timeout}.
-next_state(State = #msstate { sync_timer_ref = undefined,
- on_sync = Syncs,
- cref_to_guids = CTG }) ->
- case {Syncs, dict:size(CTG)} of
+next_state(State = #msstate { sync_timer_ref = undefined,
+ on_sync = Syncs,
+ cref_to_msg_ids = CTM }) ->
+ case {Syncs, dict:size(CTM)} of
{[], 0} -> {State, hibernate};
_ -> {start_sync_timer(State), 0}
-next_state(State = #msstate { on_sync = Syncs,
- cref_to_guids = CTG }) ->
- case {Syncs, dict:size(CTG)} of
+next_state(State = #msstate { on_sync = Syncs,
+ cref_to_msg_ids = CTM }) ->
+ case {Syncs, dict:size(CTM)} of
{[], 0} -> {stop_sync_timer(State), hibernate};
_ -> {State, 0}
@@ -899,66 +874,69 @@ stop_sync_timer(State = #msstate { sync_timer_ref = TRef }) ->
internal_sync(State = #msstate { current_file_handle = CurHdl,
on_sync = Syncs,
- cref_to_guids = CTG }) ->
+ cref_to_msg_ids = CTM }) ->
State1 = stop_sync_timer(State),
- CGs = dict:fold(fun (CRef, Guids, NS) ->
- case gb_sets:is_empty(Guids) of
+ CGs = dict:fold(fun (CRef, MsgIds, NS) ->
+ case gb_sets:is_empty(MsgIds) of
true -> NS;
- false -> [{CRef, Guids} | NS]
+ false -> [{CRef, MsgIds} | NS]
- end, [], CTG),
- case {Syncs, CGs} of
- {[], []} -> ok;
- _ -> file_handle_cache:sync(CurHdl)
- end,
+ end, [], CTM),
+ ok = case {Syncs, CGs} of
+ {[], []} -> ok;
+ _ -> file_handle_cache:sync(CurHdl)
+ end,
[K() || K <- lists:reverse(Syncs)],
- [client_confirm(CRef, Guids, written, State1) || {CRef, Guids} <- CGs],
- State1 #msstate { cref_to_guids = dict:new(), on_sync = [] }.
+ State2 = lists:foldl(
+ fun ({CRef, MsgIds}, StateN) ->
+ client_confirm(CRef, MsgIds, written, StateN)
+ end, State1, CGs),
+ State2 #msstate { on_sync = [] }.
-write_action({true, not_found}, _Guid, State) ->
+write_action({true, not_found}, _MsgId, State) ->
{ignore, undefined, State};
-write_action({true, #msg_location { file = File }}, _Guid, State) ->
+write_action({true, #msg_location { file = File }}, _MsgId, State) ->
{ignore, File, State};
-write_action({false, not_found}, _Guid, State) ->
+write_action({false, not_found}, _MsgId, State) ->
{write, State};
write_action({Mask, #msg_location { ref_count = 0, file = File,
total_size = TotalSize }},
- Guid, State = #msstate { file_summary_ets = FileSummaryEts }) ->
+ MsgId, State = #msstate { file_summary_ets = FileSummaryEts }) ->
case {Mask, ets:lookup(FileSummaryEts, File)} of
{false, [#file_summary { locked = true }]} ->
- ok = index_delete(Guid, State),
+ ok = index_delete(MsgId, State),
{write, State};
{false_if_increment, [#file_summary { locked = true }]} ->
- %% The msg for Guid is older than the client death
+ %% The msg for MsgId is older than the client death
%% message, but as it is being GC'd currently we'll have
%% to write a new copy, which will then be younger, so
%% ignore this write.
{ignore, File, State};
{_Mask, [#file_summary {}]} ->
- ok = index_update_ref_count(Guid, 1, State),
+ ok = index_update_ref_count(MsgId, 1, State),
State1 = adjust_valid_total_size(File, TotalSize, State),
{confirm, File, State1}
write_action({_Mask, #msg_location { ref_count = RefCount, file = File }},
- Guid, State) ->
- ok = index_update_ref_count(Guid, RefCount + 1, State),
+ MsgId, State) ->
+ ok = index_update_ref_count(MsgId, RefCount + 1, State),
%% We already know about it, just update counter. Only update
%% field otherwise bad interaction with concurrent GC
{confirm, File, State}.
-write_message(CRef, Guid, Msg, State) ->
- write_message(Guid, Msg, record_pending_confirm(CRef, Guid, State)).
+write_message(CRef, MsgId, Msg, State) ->
+ write_message(MsgId, Msg, record_pending_confirm(CRef, MsgId, State)).
-write_message(Guid, Msg,
+write_message(MsgId, Msg,
State = #msstate { current_file_handle = CurHdl,
current_file = CurFile,
sum_valid_data = SumValid,
sum_file_size = SumFileSize,
file_summary_ets = FileSummaryEts }) ->
{ok, CurOffset} = file_handle_cache:current_virtual_offset(CurHdl),
- {ok, TotalSize} = rabbit_msg_file:append(CurHdl, Guid, Msg),
+ {ok, TotalSize} = rabbit_msg_file:append(CurHdl, MsgId, Msg),
ok = index_insert(
- #msg_location { guid = Guid, ref_count = 1, file = CurFile,
+ #msg_location { msg_id = MsgId, ref_count = 1, file = CurFile,
offset = CurOffset, total_size = TotalSize }, State),
[#file_summary { right = undefined, locked = false }] =
ets:lookup(FileSummaryEts, CurFile),
@@ -970,31 +948,23 @@ write_message(Guid, Msg,
sum_valid_data = SumValid + TotalSize,
sum_file_size = SumFileSize + TotalSize }).
-read_message(Guid, From,
- State = #msstate { dedup_cache_ets = DedupCacheEts }) ->
- case index_lookup_positive_ref_count(Guid, State) of
- not_found ->
- gen_server2:reply(From, not_found),
- State;
- MsgLocation ->
- case fetch_and_increment_cache(DedupCacheEts, Guid) of
- not_found -> read_message1(From, MsgLocation, State);
- Msg -> gen_server2:reply(From, {ok, Msg}),
- State
- end
+read_message(MsgId, From, State) ->
+ case index_lookup_positive_ref_count(MsgId, State) of
+ not_found -> gen_server2:reply(From, not_found),
+ State;
+ MsgLocation -> read_message1(From, MsgLocation, State)
-read_message1(From, #msg_location { guid = Guid, ref_count = RefCount,
- file = File, offset = Offset } = MsgLoc,
+read_message1(From, #msg_location { msg_id = MsgId, file = File,
+ offset = Offset } = MsgLoc,
State = #msstate { current_file = CurFile,
current_file_handle = CurHdl,
file_summary_ets = FileSummaryEts,
- dedup_cache_ets = DedupCacheEts,
cur_file_cache_ets = CurFileCacheEts }) ->
case File =:= CurFile of
true -> {Msg, State1} =
%% can return [] if msg in file existed on startup
- case ets:lookup(CurFileCacheEts, Guid) of
+ case ets:lookup(CurFileCacheEts, MsgId) of
[] ->
{ok, RawOffSet} =
@@ -1002,10 +972,8 @@ read_message1(From, #msg_location { guid = Guid, ref_count = RefCount,
true -> file_handle_cache:flush(CurHdl);
false -> ok
- read_from_disk(MsgLoc, State, DedupCacheEts);
- [{Guid, Msg1, _CacheRefCount}] ->
- ok = maybe_insert_into_cache(
- DedupCacheEts, RefCount, Guid, Msg1),
+ read_from_disk(MsgLoc, State);
+ [{MsgId, Msg1, _CacheRefCount}] ->
{Msg1, State}
gen_server2:reply(From, {ok, Msg}),
@@ -1013,56 +981,51 @@ read_message1(From, #msg_location { guid = Guid, ref_count = RefCount,
false -> [#file_summary { locked = Locked }] =
ets:lookup(FileSummaryEts, File),
case Locked of
- true -> add_to_pending_gc_completion({read, Guid, From},
+ true -> add_to_pending_gc_completion({read, MsgId, From},
File, State);
- false -> {Msg, State1} =
- read_from_disk(MsgLoc, State, DedupCacheEts),
+ false -> {Msg, State1} = read_from_disk(MsgLoc, State),
gen_server2:reply(From, {ok, Msg}),
-read_from_disk(#msg_location { guid = Guid, ref_count = RefCount,
- file = File, offset = Offset,
- total_size = TotalSize },
- State, DedupCacheEts) ->
+read_from_disk(#msg_location { msg_id = MsgId, file = File, offset = Offset,
+ total_size = TotalSize }, State) ->
{Hdl, State1} = get_read_handle(File, State),
{ok, Offset} = file_handle_cache:position(Hdl, Offset),
- {ok, {Guid, Msg}} =
+ {ok, {MsgId, Msg}} =
case rabbit_msg_file:read(Hdl, TotalSize) of
- {ok, {Guid, _}} = Obj ->
+ {ok, {MsgId, _}} = Obj ->
Rest ->
{error, {misread, [{old_state, State},
{file_num, File},
{offset, Offset},
- {guid, Guid},
+ {msg_id, MsgId},
{read, Rest},
{proc_dict, get()}
- ok = maybe_insert_into_cache(DedupCacheEts, RefCount, Guid, Msg),
{Msg, State1}.
-contains_message(Guid, From,
+contains_message(MsgId, From,
State = #msstate { pending_gc_completion = Pending }) ->
- case index_lookup_positive_ref_count(Guid, State) of
+ case index_lookup_positive_ref_count(MsgId, State) of
not_found ->
gen_server2:reply(From, false),
#msg_location { file = File } ->
case orddict:is_key(File, Pending) of
true -> add_to_pending_gc_completion(
- {contains, Guid, From}, File, State);
+ {contains, MsgId, From}, File, State);
false -> gen_server2:reply(From, true),
-remove_message(Guid, CRef,
- State = #msstate { file_summary_ets = FileSummaryEts,
- dedup_cache_ets = DedupCacheEts }) ->
- case should_mask_action(CRef, Guid, State) of
+remove_message(MsgId, CRef,
+ State = #msstate { file_summary_ets = FileSummaryEts }) ->
+ case should_mask_action(CRef, MsgId, State) of
{true, _Location} ->
{false_if_increment, #msg_location { ref_count = 0 }} ->
@@ -1075,25 +1038,24 @@ remove_message(Guid, CRef,
total_size = TotalSize }} when RefCount > 0 ->
%% only update field, otherwise bad interaction with
%% concurrent GC
- Dec =
- fun () -> index_update_ref_count(Guid, RefCount - 1, State) end,
+ Dec = fun () ->
+ index_update_ref_count(MsgId, RefCount - 1, State)
+ end,
case RefCount of
%% don't remove from CUR_FILE_CACHE_ETS_NAME here
%% because there may be further writes in the mailbox
%% for the same msg.
- 1 -> ok = remove_cache_entry(DedupCacheEts, Guid),
- case ets:lookup(FileSummaryEts, File) of
+ 1 -> case ets:lookup(FileSummaryEts, File) of
[#file_summary { locked = true }] ->
- {remove, Guid, CRef}, File, State);
+ {remove, MsgId, CRef}, File, State);
[#file_summary {}] ->
ok = Dec(),
File, adjust_valid_total_size(File, -TotalSize,
- _ -> ok = decrement_cache(DedupCacheEts, Guid),
- ok = Dec(),
+ _ -> ok = Dec(),
@@ -1113,12 +1075,12 @@ run_pending(Files, State) ->
lists:reverse(orddict:fetch(File, Pending)))
end, State, Files).
-run_pending_action({read, Guid, From}, State) ->
- read_message(Guid, From, State);
-run_pending_action({contains, Guid, From}, State) ->
- contains_message(Guid, From, State);
-run_pending_action({remove, Guid, CRef}, State) ->
- remove_message(Guid, CRef, State).
+run_pending_action({read, MsgId, From}, State) ->
+ read_message(MsgId, From, State);
+run_pending_action({contains, MsgId, From}, State) ->
+ contains_message(MsgId, From, State);
+run_pending_action({remove, MsgId, CRef}, State) ->
+ remove_message(MsgId, CRef, State).
safe_ets_update_counter(Tab, Key, UpdateOp, SuccessFun, FailThunk) ->
@@ -1140,44 +1102,46 @@ orddict_store(Key, Val, Dict) ->
false = orddict:is_key(Key, Dict),
orddict:store(Key, Val, Dict).
-update_pending_confirms(Fun, CRef, State = #msstate { clients = Clients,
- cref_to_guids = CTG }) ->
+update_pending_confirms(Fun, CRef,
+ State = #msstate { clients = Clients,
+ cref_to_msg_ids = CTM }) ->
case dict:fetch(CRef, Clients) of
{undefined, _CloseFDsFun} -> State;
- {MsgOnDiskFun, _CloseFDsFun} -> CTG1 = Fun(MsgOnDiskFun, CTG),
- State #msstate { cref_to_guids = CTG1 }
+ {MsgOnDiskFun, _CloseFDsFun} -> CTM1 = Fun(MsgOnDiskFun, CTM),
+ State #msstate {
+ cref_to_msg_ids = CTM1 }
-record_pending_confirm(CRef, Guid, State) ->
+record_pending_confirm(CRef, MsgId, State) ->
- fun (_MsgOnDiskFun, CTG) ->
- dict:update(CRef, fun (Guids) -> gb_sets:add(Guid, Guids) end,
- gb_sets:singleton(Guid), CTG)
+ fun (_MsgOnDiskFun, CTM) ->
+ dict:update(CRef, fun (MsgIds) -> gb_sets:add(MsgId, MsgIds) end,
+ gb_sets:singleton(MsgId), CTM)
end, CRef, State).
-client_confirm(CRef, Guids, ActionTaken, State) ->
+client_confirm(CRef, MsgIds, ActionTaken, State) ->
- fun (MsgOnDiskFun, CTG) ->
- MsgOnDiskFun(Guids, ActionTaken),
- case dict:find(CRef, CTG) of
- {ok, Gs} -> Guids1 = gb_sets:difference(Gs, Guids),
- case gb_sets:is_empty(Guids1) of
- true -> dict:erase(CRef, CTG);
- false -> dict:store(CRef, Guids1, CTG)
+ fun (MsgOnDiskFun, CTM) ->
+ MsgOnDiskFun(MsgIds, ActionTaken),
+ case dict:find(CRef, CTM) of
+ {ok, Gs} -> MsgIds1 = gb_sets:difference(Gs, MsgIds),
+ case gb_sets:is_empty(MsgIds1) of
+ true -> dict:erase(CRef, CTM);
+ false -> dict:store(CRef, MsgIds1, CTM)
- error -> CTG
+ error -> CTM
end, CRef, State).
-%% Detect whether the Guid is older or younger than the client's death
+%% Detect whether the MsgId is older or younger than the client's death
%% msg (if there is one). If the msg is older than the client death
%% msg, and it has a 0 ref_count we must only alter the ref_count, not
%% rewrite the msg - rewriting it would make it younger than the death
%% msg and thus should be ignored. Note that this (correctly) returns
%% false when testing to remove the death msg itself.
-should_mask_action(CRef, Guid,
+should_mask_action(CRef, MsgId,
State = #msstate { dying_clients = DyingClients }) ->
- case {sets:is_element(CRef, DyingClients), index_lookup(Guid, State)} of
+ case {sets:is_element(CRef, DyingClients), index_lookup(MsgId, State)} of
{false, Location} ->
{false, Location};
{true, not_found} ->
@@ -1250,7 +1214,7 @@ safe_file_delete(File, Dir, FileHandlesEts) ->
close_all_indicated(#client_msstate { file_handles_ets = FileHandlesEts,
client_ref = Ref } =
- CState) ->
+ CState) ->
Objs = ets:match_object(FileHandlesEts, {{Ref, '_'}, close}),
{ok, lists:foldl(fun ({Key = {_Ref, File}, close}, CStateM) ->
true = ets:delete(FileHandlesEts, Key),
@@ -1314,48 +1278,14 @@ list_sorted_file_names(Dir, Ext) ->
%% message cache helper functions
-maybe_insert_into_cache(DedupCacheEts, RefCount, Guid, Msg)
- when RefCount > 1 ->
- update_msg_cache(DedupCacheEts, Guid, Msg);
-maybe_insert_into_cache(_DedupCacheEts, _RefCount, _Guid, _Msg) ->
- ok.
-update_msg_cache(CacheEts, Guid, Msg) ->
- case ets:insert_new(CacheEts, {Guid, Msg, 1}) of
+update_msg_cache(CacheEts, MsgId, Msg) ->
+ case ets:insert_new(CacheEts, {MsgId, Msg, 1}) of
true -> ok;
false -> safe_ets_update_counter_ok(
- CacheEts, Guid, {3, +1},
- fun () -> update_msg_cache(CacheEts, Guid, Msg) end)
+ CacheEts, MsgId, {3, +1},
+ fun () -> update_msg_cache(CacheEts, MsgId, Msg) end)
-remove_cache_entry(DedupCacheEts, Guid) ->
- true = ets:delete(DedupCacheEts, Guid),
- ok.
-fetch_and_increment_cache(DedupCacheEts, Guid) ->
- case ets:lookup(DedupCacheEts, Guid) of
- [] ->
- not_found;
- [{_Guid, Msg, _RefCount}] ->
- safe_ets_update_counter_ok(
- DedupCacheEts, Guid, {3, +1},
- %% someone has deleted us in the meantime, insert us
- fun () -> ok = update_msg_cache(DedupCacheEts, Guid, Msg) end),
- Msg
- end.
-decrement_cache(DedupCacheEts, Guid) ->
- true = safe_ets_update_counter(
- DedupCacheEts, Guid, {3, -1},
- fun (N) when N =< 0 -> true = ets:delete(DedupCacheEts, Guid);
- (_N) -> true
- end,
- %% Guid is not in there because although it's been
- %% delivered, it's never actually been read (think:
- %% persistent message held in RAM)
- fun () -> true end),
- ok.
%% index
@@ -1458,8 +1388,8 @@ recover_file_summary(false, _Dir) ->
recover_file_summary(true, Dir) ->
Path = filename:join(Dir, ?FILE_SUMMARY_FILENAME),
case ets:file2tab(Path) of
- {ok, Tid} -> file:delete(Path),
- {true, Tid};
+ {ok, Tid} -> ok = file:delete(Path),
+ {true, Tid};
{error, _Error} -> recover_file_summary(false, Dir)
@@ -1467,19 +1397,19 @@ count_msg_refs(Gen, Seed, State) ->
case Gen(Seed) of
finished ->
- {_Guid, 0, Next} ->
+ {_MsgId, 0, Next} ->
count_msg_refs(Gen, Next, State);
- {Guid, Delta, Next} ->
- ok = case index_lookup(Guid, State) of
+ {MsgId, Delta, Next} ->
+ ok = case index_lookup(MsgId, State) of
not_found ->
- index_insert(#msg_location { guid = Guid,
+ index_insert(#msg_location { msg_id = MsgId,
file = undefined,
ref_count = Delta },
#msg_location { ref_count = RefCount } = StoreEntry ->
NewRefCount = RefCount + Delta,
case NewRefCount of
- 0 -> index_delete(Guid, State);
+ 0 -> index_delete(MsgId, State);
_ -> index_update(StoreEntry #msg_location {
ref_count = NewRefCount },
@@ -1523,15 +1453,17 @@ scan_file_for_valid_messages(Dir, FileName) ->
case open_file(Dir, FileName, ?READ_MODE) of
{ok, Hdl} -> Valid = rabbit_msg_file:scan(
Hdl, filelib:file_size(
- form_filename(Dir, FileName))),
- %% if something really bad has happened,
- %% the close could fail, but ignore
- file_handle_cache:close(Hdl),
+ form_filename(Dir, FileName)),
+ fun scan_fun/2, []),
+ ok = file_handle_cache:close(Hdl),
{error, enoent} -> {ok, [], 0};
{error, Reason} -> {error, {unable_to_scan_file, FileName, Reason}}
+scan_fun({MsgId, TotalSize, Offset, _Msg}, Acc) ->
+ [{MsgId, TotalSize, Offset} | Acc].
%% Takes the list in *ascending* order (i.e. eldest message
%% first). This is the opposite of what scan_file_for_valid_messages
%% produces. The list of msgs that is produced is youngest first.
@@ -1579,8 +1511,8 @@ build_index(Gatherer, Left, [],
sum_file_size = SumFileSize }) ->
case gatherer:out(Gatherer) of
empty ->
+ unlink(Gatherer),
ok = gatherer:stop(Gatherer),
- ok = rabbit_misc:unlink_and_capture_exit(Gatherer),
ok = index_delete_by_file(undefined, State),
Offset = case ets:lookup(FileSummaryEts, Left) of
[] -> 0;
@@ -1609,8 +1541,8 @@ build_index_worker(Gatherer, State = #msstate { dir = Dir },
scan_file_for_valid_messages(Dir, filenum_to_name(File)),
{ValidMessages, ValidTotalSize} =
- fun (Obj = {Guid, TotalSize, Offset}, {VMAcc, VTSAcc}) ->
- case index_lookup(Guid, State) of
+ fun (Obj = {MsgId, TotalSize, Offset}, {VMAcc, VTSAcc}) ->
+ case index_lookup(MsgId, State) of
#msg_location { file = undefined } = StoreEntry ->
ok = index_update(StoreEntry #msg_location {
file = File, offset = Offset,
@@ -1628,7 +1560,7 @@ build_index_worker(Gatherer, State = #msstate { dir = Dir },
%% file size.
[] -> {undefined, case ValidMessages of
[] -> 0;
- _ -> {_Guid, TotalSize, Offset} =
+ _ -> {_MsgId, TotalSize, Offset} =
Offset + TotalSize
@@ -1683,8 +1615,8 @@ maybe_compact(State = #msstate { sum_valid_data = SumValid,
pending_gc_completion = Pending,
file_summary_ets = FileSummaryEts,
file_size_limit = FileSizeLimit })
- when (SumFileSize > 2 * FileSizeLimit andalso
- (SumFileSize - SumValid) / SumFileSize > ?GARBAGE_FRACTION) ->
+ when SumFileSize > 2 * FileSizeLimit andalso
+ (SumFileSize - SumValid) / SumFileSize > ?GARBAGE_FRACTION ->
%% TODO: the algorithm here is sub-optimal - it may result in a
%% complete traversal of FileSummaryEts.
case ets:first(FileSummaryEts) of
@@ -1747,10 +1679,10 @@ delete_file_if_empty(File, State = #msstate {
locked = false }] =
ets:lookup(FileSummaryEts, File),
case ValidData of
- 0 -> %% don't delete the file_summary_ets entry for File here
- %% because we could have readers which need to be able to
- %% decrement the readers count.
- true = ets:update_element(FileSummaryEts, File,
+ %% don't delete the file_summary_ets entry for File here
+ %% because we could have readers which need to be able to
+ %% decrement the readers count.
+ 0 -> true = ets:update_element(FileSummaryEts, File,
{#file_summary.locked, true}),
ok = rabbit_msg_store_gc:delete(GCPid, File),
Pending1 = orddict_store(File, [], Pending),
@@ -1803,17 +1735,17 @@ combine_files(Source, Destination,
dir = Dir,
msg_store = Server }) ->
[#file_summary {
- readers = 0,
- left = Destination,
- valid_total_size = SourceValid,
- file_size = SourceFileSize,
- locked = true }] = ets:lookup(FileSummaryEts, Source),
+ readers = 0,
+ left = Destination,
+ valid_total_size = SourceValid,
+ file_size = SourceFileSize,
+ locked = true }] = ets:lookup(FileSummaryEts, Source),
[#file_summary {
- readers = 0,
- right = Source,
- valid_total_size = DestinationValid,
- file_size = DestinationFileSize,
- locked = true }] = ets:lookup(FileSummaryEts, Destination),
+ readers = 0,
+ right = Source,
+ valid_total_size = DestinationValid,
+ file_size = DestinationFileSize,
+ locked = true }] = ets:lookup(FileSummaryEts, Destination),
SourceName = filenum_to_name(Source),
DestinationName = filenum_to_name(Destination),
@@ -1893,8 +1825,8 @@ load_and_vacuum_message_file(File, #gc_state { dir = Dir,
scan_file_for_valid_messages(Dir, filenum_to_name(File)),
%% foldl will reverse so will end up with msgs in ascending offset order
- fun ({Guid, TotalSize, Offset}, Acc = {List, Size}) ->
- case Index:lookup(Guid, IndexState) of
+ fun ({MsgId, TotalSize, Offset}, Acc = {List, Size}) ->
+ case Index:lookup(MsgId, IndexState) of
#msg_location { file = File, total_size = TotalSize,
offset = Offset, ref_count = 0 } = Entry ->
ok = Index:delete_object(Entry, IndexState),
@@ -1919,13 +1851,13 @@ copy_messages(WorkList, InitOffset, FinalOffset, SourceHdl, DestinationHdl,
- fun (#msg_location { guid = Guid, offset = Offset,
+ fun (#msg_location { msg_id = MsgId, offset = Offset,
total_size = TotalSize },
{CurOffset, Block = {BlockStart, BlockEnd}}) ->
%% CurOffset is in the DestinationFile.
%% Offset, BlockStart and BlockEnd are in the SourceFile
%% update MsgLocation to reflect change of file and offset
- ok = Index:update_fields(Guid,
+ ok = Index:update_fields(MsgId,
[{#msg_location.file, Destination},
{#msg_location.offset, CurOffset}],
@@ -1956,3 +1888,54 @@ copy_messages(WorkList, InitOffset, FinalOffset, SourceHdl, DestinationHdl,
{got, FinalOffsetZ},
{destination, Destination}]}
+force_recovery(BaseDir, Store) ->
+ Dir = filename:join(BaseDir, atom_to_list(Store)),
+ case file:delete(filename:join(Dir, ?CLEAN_FILENAME)) of
+ ok -> ok;
+ {error, enoent} -> ok
+ end,
+ recover_crashed_compactions(BaseDir),
+ ok.
+foreach_file(D, Fun, Files) ->
+ [ok = Fun(filename:join(D, File)) || File <- Files].
+foreach_file(D1, D2, Fun, Files) ->
+ [ok = Fun(filename:join(D1, File), filename:join(D2, File)) || File <- Files].
+transform_dir(BaseDir, Store, TransformFun) ->
+ Dir = filename:join(BaseDir, atom_to_list(Store)),
+ TmpDir = filename:join(Dir, ?TRANSFORM_TMP),
+ TransformFile = fun (A, B) -> transform_msg_file(A, B, TransformFun) end,
+ CopyFile = fun (Src, Dst) -> {ok, _Bytes} = file:copy(Src, Dst), ok end,
+ case filelib:is_dir(TmpDir) of
+ true -> throw({error, transform_failed_previously});
+ false -> FileList = list_sorted_file_names(Dir, ?FILE_EXTENSION),
+ foreach_file(Dir, TmpDir, TransformFile, FileList),
+ foreach_file(Dir, fun file:delete/1, FileList),
+ foreach_file(TmpDir, Dir, CopyFile, FileList),
+ foreach_file(TmpDir, fun file:delete/1, FileList),
+ ok = file:del_dir(TmpDir)
+ end.
+transform_msg_file(FileOld, FileNew, TransformFun) ->
+ ok = rabbit_misc:ensure_parent_dirs_exist(FileNew),
+ {ok, RefOld} = file_handle_cache:open(FileOld, [raw, binary, read], []),
+ {ok, RefNew} = file_handle_cache:open(FileNew, [raw, binary, write],
+ [{write_buffer,
+ {ok, _Acc, _IgnoreSize} =
+ rabbit_msg_file:scan(
+ RefOld, filelib:file_size(FileOld),
+ fun({MsgId, _Size, _Offset, BinMsg}, ok) ->
+ {ok, MsgNew} = case binary_to_term(BinMsg) of
+ <<>> -> {ok, <<>>}; %% dying client marker
+ Msg -> TransformFun(Msg)
+ end,
+ {ok, _} = rabbit_msg_file:append(RefNew, MsgId, MsgNew),
+ ok
+ end, ok),
+ ok = file_handle_cache:close(RefOld),
+ ok = file_handle_cache:close(RefNew),
+ ok.
diff --git a/src/rabbit_msg_store_ets_index.erl b/src/rabbit_msg_store_ets_index.erl
index 077400d6..d6dc5568 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_msg_store_ets_index.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_msg_store_ets_index.erl
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
new(Dir) ->
file:delete(filename:join(Dir, ?FILENAME)),
- Tid = ets:new(?MSG_LOC_NAME, [set, public, {keypos, #msg_location.guid}]),
+ Tid = ets:new(?MSG_LOC_NAME, [set, public, {keypos, #msg_location.msg_id}]),
#state { table = Tid, dir = Dir }.
recover(Dir) ->
diff --git a/src/rabbit_multi.erl b/src/rabbit_multi.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index ebd7fe8a..00000000
--- a/src/rabbit_multi.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,349 +0,0 @@
-%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
-%% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License
-%% at
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and
-%% limitations under the License.
-%% The Original Code is RabbitMQ.
-%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is VMware, Inc.
-%% Copyright (c) 2007-2011 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.
--export([start/0, stop/0]).
--define(RPC_SLEEP, 500).
--spec(start/0 :: () -> no_return()).
--spec(stop/0 :: () -> 'ok').
--spec(usage/0 :: () -> no_return()).
-start() ->
- RpcTimeout =
- case init:get_argument(maxwait) of
- {ok,[[N1]]} -> 1000 * list_to_integer(N1);
- _ -> ?MAX_WAIT
- end,
- case init:get_plain_arguments() of
- [] ->
- usage();
- FullCommand ->
- {Command, Args} = parse_args(FullCommand),
- case catch action(Command, Args, RpcTimeout) of
- ok ->
- io:format("done.~n"),
- halt();
- {'EXIT', {function_clause, [{?MODULE, action, _} | _]}} ->
- print_error("invalid command '~s'",
- [string:join(FullCommand, " ")]),
- usage();
- timeout ->
- print_error("timeout starting some nodes.", []),
- halt(1);
- Other ->
- print_error("~p", [Other]),
- halt(2)
- end
- end.
-print_error(Format, Args) ->
- rabbit_misc:format_stderr("Error: " ++ Format ++ "~n", Args).
-parse_args([Command | Args]) ->
- {list_to_atom(Command), Args}.
-stop() ->
- ok.
-usage() ->
- io:format("~s", [rabbit_multi_usage:usage()]),
- halt(1).
-action(start_all, [NodeCount], RpcTimeout) ->
- io:format("Starting all nodes...~n", []),
- application:load(rabbit),
- {_NodeNamePrefix, NodeHost} = NodeName = rabbit_misc:nodeparts(
- case net_adm:names(NodeHost) of
- {error, EpmdReason} ->
- throw({cannot_connect_to_epmd, NodeHost, EpmdReason});
- {ok, _} ->
- ok
- end,
- {NodePids, Running} =
- case list_to_integer(NodeCount) of
- 1 -> {NodePid, Started} = start_node(rabbit_misc:makenode(NodeName),
- RpcTimeout),
- {[NodePid], Started};
- N -> start_nodes(N, N, [], true, NodeName,
- get_node_tcp_listener(), RpcTimeout)
- end,
- write_pids_file(NodePids),
- case Running of
- true -> ok;
- false -> timeout
- end;
-action(status, [], RpcTimeout) ->
- io:format("Status of all running nodes...~n", []),
- call_all_nodes(
- fun ({Node, Pid}) ->
- RabbitRunning =
- case is_rabbit_running(Node, RpcTimeout) of
- false -> not_running;
- true -> running
- end,
- io:format("Node '~p' with Pid ~p: ~p~n",
- [Node, Pid, RabbitRunning])
- end);
-action(stop_all, [], RpcTimeout) ->
- io:format("Stopping all nodes...~n", []),
- call_all_nodes(fun ({Node, Pid}) ->
- io:format("Stopping node ~p~n", [Node]),
- rpc:call(Node, rabbit, stop_and_halt, []),
- case kill_wait(Pid, RpcTimeout, false) of
- false -> kill_wait(Pid, RpcTimeout, true);
- true -> ok
- end,
- io:format("OK~n", [])
- end),
- delete_pids_file();
-action(rotate_logs, [], RpcTimeout) ->
- action(rotate_logs, [""], RpcTimeout);
-action(rotate_logs, [Suffix], RpcTimeout) ->
- io:format("Rotating logs for all nodes...~n", []),
- BinarySuffix = list_to_binary(Suffix),
- call_all_nodes(
- fun ({Node, _}) ->
- io:format("Rotating logs for node ~p", [Node]),
- case rpc:call(Node, rabbit, rotate_logs,
- [BinarySuffix], RpcTimeout) of
- {badrpc, Error} -> io:format(": ~p.~n", [Error]);
- ok -> io:format(": ok.~n", [])
- end
- end).
-%% PNodePid is the list of PIDs
-%% Running is a boolean exhibiting success at some moment
-start_nodes(0, _, PNodePid, Running, _, _, _) -> {PNodePid, Running};
-start_nodes(N, Total, PNodePid, Running, NodeNameBase, Listener, RpcTimeout) ->
- {NodePre, NodeSuff} = NodeNameBase,
- NodeNumber = Total - N,
- NodePre1 = case NodeNumber of
- %% For compatibility with running a single node
- 0 -> NodePre;
- _ -> NodePre ++ "_" ++ integer_to_list(NodeNumber)
- end,
- Node = rabbit_misc:makenode({NodePre1, NodeSuff}),
- os:putenv("RABBITMQ_NODENAME", atom_to_list(Node)),
- case Listener of
- {NodeIpAddress, NodePortBase} ->
- NodePort = NodePortBase + NodeNumber,
- os:putenv("RABBITMQ_NODE_PORT", integer_to_list(NodePort)),
- os:putenv("RABBITMQ_NODE_IP_ADDRESS", NodeIpAddress);
- undefined ->
- ok
- end,
- {NodePid, Started} = start_node(Node, RpcTimeout),
- start_nodes(N - 1, Total, [NodePid | PNodePid],
- Started and Running, NodeNameBase, Listener, RpcTimeout).
-start_node(Node, RpcTimeout) ->
- io:format("Starting node ~s...~n", [Node]),
- case rpc:call(Node, os, getpid, []) of
- {badrpc, _} ->
- Port = run_rabbitmq_server(),
- Started = wait_for_rabbit_to_start(Node, RpcTimeout, Port),
- Pid = case rpc:call(Node, os, getpid, []) of
- {badrpc, _} -> throw(cannot_get_pid);
- PidS -> list_to_integer(PidS)
- end,
- io:format("~s~n", [case Started of
- true -> "OK";
- false -> "timeout"
- end]),
- {{Node, Pid}, Started};
- PidS ->
- Pid = list_to_integer(PidS),
- throw({node_already_running, Node, Pid})
- end.
-wait_for_rabbit_to_start(_ , RpcTimeout, _) when RpcTimeout < 0 ->
- false;
-wait_for_rabbit_to_start(Node, RpcTimeout, Port) ->
- case is_rabbit_running(Node, RpcTimeout) of
- true -> true;
- false -> receive
- {'EXIT', Port, PosixCode} ->
- throw({node_start_failed, PosixCode})
- after ?RPC_SLEEP ->
- wait_for_rabbit_to_start(
- Node, RpcTimeout - ?RPC_SLEEP, Port)
- end
- end.
-run_rabbitmq_server() ->
- with_os([{unix, fun run_rabbitmq_server_unix/0},
- {win32, fun run_rabbitmq_server_win32/0}]).
-run_rabbitmq_server_unix() ->
- CmdLine = getenv("RABBITMQ_SCRIPT_HOME") ++ "/rabbitmq-server -noinput",
- erlang:open_port({spawn, CmdLine}, [nouse_stdio]).
-run_rabbitmq_server_win32() ->
- Cmd = filename:nativename(os:find_executable("cmd")),
- CmdLine = "\"" ++ getenv("RABBITMQ_SCRIPT_HOME") ++
- "\\rabbitmq-server.bat\" -noinput -detached",
- erlang:open_port({spawn_executable, Cmd},
- [{arg0, Cmd}, {args, ["/q", "/s", "/c", CmdLine]},
- nouse_stdio]).
-is_rabbit_running(Node, RpcTimeout) ->
- case rpc:call(Node, rabbit, status, [], RpcTimeout) of
- {badrpc, _} -> false;
- Status -> case proplists:get_value(running_applications, Status) of
- undefined -> false;
- Apps -> lists:keymember(rabbit, 1, Apps)
- end
- end.
-with_os(Handlers) ->
- {OsFamily, _} = os:type(),
- case proplists:get_value(OsFamily, Handlers) of
- undefined -> throw({unsupported_os, OsFamily});
- Handler -> Handler()
- end.
-pids_file() -> getenv("RABBITMQ_PIDS_FILE").
-write_pids_file(Pids) ->
- FileName = pids_file(),
- Handle = case file:open(FileName, [write]) of
- {ok, Device} ->
- Device;
- {error, Reason} ->
- throw({cannot_create_pids_file, FileName, Reason})
- end,
- try
- ok = io:write(Handle, Pids),
- ok = io:put_chars(Handle, [$.])
- after
- case file:close(Handle) of
- ok -> ok;
- {error, Reason1} ->
- throw({cannot_create_pids_file, FileName, Reason1})
- end
- end,
- ok.
-delete_pids_file() ->
- FileName = pids_file(),
- case file:delete(FileName) of
- ok -> ok;
- {error, enoent} -> ok;
- {error, Reason} -> throw({cannot_delete_pids_file, FileName, Reason})
- end.
-read_pids_file() ->
- FileName = pids_file(),
- case file:consult(FileName) of
- {ok, [Pids]} -> Pids;
- {error, enoent} -> [];
- {error, Reason} -> throw({cannot_read_pids_file, FileName, Reason})
- end.
-kill_wait(Pid, TimeLeft, Forceful) when TimeLeft < 0 ->
- Cmd = with_os([{unix, fun () -> if Forceful -> "kill -9";
- true -> "kill"
- end
- end},
- %% Kill forcefully always on Windows, since erl.exe
- %% seems to completely ignore non-forceful killing
- %% even when everything is working
- {win32, fun () -> "taskkill /f /pid" end}]),
- os:cmd(Cmd ++ " " ++ integer_to_list(Pid)),
- false; % Don't assume what we did just worked!
-% Returns true if the process is dead, false otherwise.
-kill_wait(Pid, TimeLeft, Forceful) ->
- timer:sleep(?RPC_SLEEP),
- io:format(".", []),
- is_dead(Pid) orelse kill_wait(Pid, TimeLeft - ?RPC_SLEEP, Forceful).
-% Test using some OS clunkiness since we shouldn't trust
-% rpc:call(os, getpid, []) at this point
-is_dead(Pid) ->
- PidS = integer_to_list(Pid),
- with_os([{unix, fun () ->
- system("kill -0 " ++ PidS
- ++ " >/dev/null 2>&1") /= 0
- end},
- {win32, fun () ->
- Res = os:cmd("tasklist /nh /fi \"pid eq " ++
- PidS ++ "\" 2>&1"),
- case re:run(Res, "erl\\.exe", [{capture, none}]) of
- match -> false;
- _ -> true
- end
- end}]).
-% Like system(3)
-system(Cmd) ->
- ShCmd = "sh -c '" ++ escape_quotes(Cmd) ++ "'",
- Port = erlang:open_port({spawn, ShCmd}, [exit_status,nouse_stdio]),
- receive {Port, {exit_status, Status}} -> Status end.
-% Escape the quotes in a shell command so that it can be used in "sh -c 'cmd'"
-escape_quotes(Cmd) ->
- lists:flatten(lists:map(fun ($') -> "'\\''"; (Ch) -> Ch end, Cmd)).
-call_all_nodes(Func) ->
- case read_pids_file() of
- [] -> throw(no_nodes_running);
- NodePids -> lists:foreach(Func, NodePids)
- end.
-getenv(Var) ->
- case os:getenv(Var) of
- false -> throw({missing_env_var, Var});
- Value -> Value
- end.
-get_node_tcp_listener() ->
- try
- list_to_integer(getenv("RABBITMQ_NODE_PORT"))}
- catch _ ->
- case application:get_env(rabbit, tcp_listeners) of
- {ok, [{_IpAddy, _Port} = Listener]} ->
- Listener;
- {ok, [Port]} when is_number(Port) ->
- {"", Port};
- {ok, []} ->
- undefined;
- {ok, Other} ->
- throw({cannot_start_multiple_nodes, multiple_tcp_listeners,
- Other});
- undefined ->
- throw({missing_configuration, tcp_listeners})
- end
- end.
diff --git a/src/rabbit_networking.erl b/src/rabbit_networking.erl
index 36f61628..53be0190 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_networking.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_networking.erl
@@ -24,7 +24,8 @@
%%used by TCP-based transports, e.g. STOMP adapter
+ ensure_ssl/0, ssl_transform_fun/1]).
-export([tcp_listener_started/3, tcp_listener_stopped/3,
start_client/1, start_ssl_client/2]).
@@ -88,19 +89,8 @@ boot_ssl() ->
{ok, []} ->
{ok, SslListeners} ->
- ok = rabbit_misc:start_applications([crypto, public_key, ssl]),
- {ok, SslOptsConfig} = application:get_env(ssl_options),
- % unknown_ca errors are silently ignored prior to R14B unless we
- % supply this verify_fun - remove when at least R14B is required
- SslOpts =
- case proplists:get_value(verify, SslOptsConfig, verify_none) of
- verify_none -> SslOptsConfig;
- verify_peer -> [{verify_fun, fun([]) -> true;
- ([_|_]) -> false
- end}
- | SslOptsConfig]
- end,
- [start_ssl_listener(Listener, SslOpts) || Listener <- SslListeners],
+ [start_ssl_listener(Listener, ensure_ssl())
+ || Listener <- SslListeners],
@@ -147,6 +137,34 @@ resolve_family({_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_}, auto) -> inet6;
resolve_family(IP, auto) -> throw({error, {strange_family, IP}});
resolve_family(_, F) -> F.
+ensure_ssl() ->
+ ok = rabbit_misc:start_applications([crypto, public_key, ssl]),
+ {ok, SslOptsConfig} = application:get_env(rabbit, ssl_options),
+ % unknown_ca errors are silently ignored prior to R14B unless we
+ % supply this verify_fun - remove when at least R14B is required
+ case proplists:get_value(verify, SslOptsConfig, verify_none) of
+ verify_none -> SslOptsConfig;
+ verify_peer -> [{verify_fun, fun([]) -> true;
+ ([_|_]) -> false
+ end}
+ | SslOptsConfig]
+ end.
+ssl_transform_fun(SslOpts) ->
+ fun (Sock) ->
+ case catch ssl:ssl_accept(Sock, SslOpts, ?SSL_TIMEOUT * 1000) of
+ {ok, SslSock} ->
+ rabbit_log:info("upgraded TCP connection ~p to SSL~n",
+ [self()]),
+ {ok, #ssl_socket{tcp = Sock, ssl = SslSock}};
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ {error, {ssl_upgrade_error, Reason}};
+ {'EXIT', Reason} ->
+ {error, {ssl_upgrade_failure, Reason}}
+ end
+ end.
check_tcp_listener_address(NamePrefix, Port) when is_integer(Port) ->
check_tcp_listener_address_auto(NamePrefix, Port);
@@ -246,21 +264,7 @@ start_client(Sock) ->
start_client(Sock, fun (S) -> {ok, S} end).
start_ssl_client(SslOpts, Sock) ->
- start_client(
- Sock,
- fun (Sock1) ->
- case catch ssl:ssl_accept(Sock1, SslOpts, ?SSL_TIMEOUT * 1000) of
- {ok, SslSock} ->
- rabbit_log:info("upgraded TCP connection ~p to SSL~n",
- [self()]),
- {ok, #ssl_socket{tcp = Sock1, ssl = SslSock}};
- {error, Reason} ->
- {error, {ssl_upgrade_error, Reason}};
- {'EXIT', Reason} ->
- {error, {ssl_upgrade_failure, Reason}}
- end
- end).
+ start_client(Sock, ssl_transform_fun(SslOpts)).
connections() ->
[rabbit_connection_sup:reader(ConnSup) ||
diff --git a/src/rabbit_node_monitor.erl b/src/rabbit_node_monitor.erl
index 817abaa2..1f30a2fc 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_node_monitor.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_node_monitor.erl
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ handle_call(_Request, _From, State) ->
handle_cast({rabbit_running_on, Node}, State) ->
rabbit_log:info("node ~p up~n", [Node]),
erlang:monitor(process, {rabbit, Node}),
+ ok = rabbit_alarm:on_node_up(Node),
{noreply, State};
handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
{noreply, State}.
@@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
handle_info({nodedown, Node}, State) ->
rabbit_log:info("node ~p down~n", [Node]),
ok = handle_dead_rabbit(Node),
- {noreply, State};
+ {noreply, State};
handle_info({'DOWN', _MRef, process, {rabbit, Node}, _Reason}, State) ->
rabbit_log:info("node ~p lost 'rabbit'~n", [Node]),
ok = handle_dead_rabbit(Node),
@@ -92,10 +93,10 @@ code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
-%% TODO: This may turn out to be a performance hog when there are
-%% lots of nodes. We really only need to execute this code on
-%% *one* node, rather than all of them.
+%% TODO: This may turn out to be a performance hog when there are lots
+%% of nodes. We really only need to execute some of these statements
+%% on *one* node, rather than all of them.
handle_dead_rabbit(Node) ->
ok = rabbit_networking:on_node_down(Node),
- ok = rabbit_amqqueue:on_node_down(Node).
+ ok = rabbit_amqqueue:on_node_down(Node),
+ ok = rabbit_alarm:on_node_down(Node).
diff --git a/src/rabbit_prelaunch.erl b/src/rabbit_prelaunch.erl
index d9d92788..79deb46c 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_prelaunch.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_prelaunch.erl
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ post_process_script(ScriptFile) ->
{error, {failed_to_load_script, Reason}}
-process_entry(Entry = {apply,{application,start_boot,[rabbit,permanent]}}) ->
+process_entry(Entry = {apply,{application,start_boot,[mnesia,permanent]}}) ->
[{apply,{rabbit,prepare,[]}}, Entry];
process_entry(Entry) ->
@@ -250,16 +250,21 @@ duplicate_node_check(NodeStr) ->
case net_adm:names(NodeHost) of
{ok, NamePorts} ->
case proplists:is_defined(NodeName, NamePorts) of
- true -> io:format("node with name ~p "
- "already running on ~p~n",
- [NodeName, NodeHost]),
- [io:format(Fmt ++ "~n", Args) ||
- {Fmt, Args} <- rabbit_control:diagnostics(Node)],
- terminate(?ERROR_CODE);
- false -> ok
+ true -> io:format("node with name ~p "
+ "already running on ~p~n",
+ [NodeName, NodeHost]),
+ [io:format(Fmt ++ "~n", Args) ||
+ {Fmt, Args} <- rabbit_control:diagnostics(Node)],
+ terminate(?ERROR_CODE);
+ false -> ok
- {error, EpmdReason} -> terminate("unexpected epmd error: ~p~n",
- [EpmdReason])
+ {error, EpmdReason} ->
+ terminate("epmd error for host ~p: ~p (~s)~n",
+ [NodeHost, EpmdReason,
+ case EpmdReason of
+ address -> "unable to establish tcp connection";
+ _ -> inet:format_error(EpmdReason)
+ end])
terminate(Fmt, Args) ->
diff --git a/src/rabbit_queue_index.erl b/src/rabbit_queue_index.erl
index 76b1136f..aaf3df78 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_queue_index.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_queue_index.erl
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
%% and seeding the message store on start up.
%% Note that in general, the representation of a message's state as
-%% the tuple: {('no_pub'|{Guid, MsgProps, IsPersistent}),
+%% the tuple: {('no_pub'|{MsgId, MsgProps, IsPersistent}),
%% ('del'|'no_del'), ('ack'|'no_ack')} is richer than strictly
%% necessary for most operations. However, for startup, and to ensure
%% the safe and correct combination of journal entries with entries
@@ -126,31 +126,33 @@
%% (range: 0 - 16383)
-define(REL_SEQ_ONLY_PREFIX, 00).
%% publish record is binary 1 followed by a bit for is_persistent,
%% then 14 bits of rel seq id, 64 bits for message expiry and 128 bits
%% of md5sum msg id
--define(PUBLISH_PREFIX, 1).
+-define(PUB_PREFIX, 1).
+-define(PUB_PREFIX_BITS, 1).
-define(EXPIRY_BYTES, 8).
-define(EXPIRY_BITS, (?EXPIRY_BYTES * 8)).
-define(NO_EXPIRY, 0).
--define(GUID_BYTES, 16). %% md5sum is 128 bit or 16 bytes
--define(GUID_BITS, (?GUID_BYTES * 8)).
-%% 16 bytes for md5sum + 8 for expiry + 2 for seq, bits and prefix
+-define(MSG_ID_BYTES, 16). %% md5sum is 128 bit or 16 bytes
+-define(MSG_ID_BITS, (?MSG_ID_BYTES * 8)).
+%% 16 bytes for md5sum + 8 for expiry
+%% + 2 for seq, bits and prefix
%% 1 publish, 1 deliver, 1 ack per msg
%% ---- misc ----
--define(PUB, {_, _, _}). %% {Guid, MsgProps, IsPersistent}
+-define(PUB, {_, _, _}). %% {MsgId, MsgProps, IsPersistent}
-define(READ_MODE, [binary, raw, read]).
-define(READ_AHEAD_MODE, [{read_ahead, ?SEGMENT_TOTAL_SIZE} | ?READ_MODE]).
@@ -159,7 +161,7 @@
-record(qistate, { dir, segments, journal_handle, dirty_count,
- max_journal_entries, on_sync, unsynced_guids }).
+ max_journal_entries, on_sync, unsynced_msg_ids }).
-record(segment, { num, path, journal_entries, unacked }).
@@ -167,7 +169,7 @@
--rabbit_upgrade({add_queue_ttl, []}).
+-rabbit_upgrade({add_queue_ttl, local, []}).
@@ -177,7 +179,7 @@
path :: file:filename(),
journal_entries :: array(),
unacked :: non_neg_integer()
- })).
+ })).
-type(seq_id() :: integer()).
-type(seg_dict() :: {dict(), [segment()]}).
-type(on_sync_fun() :: fun ((gb_set()) -> ok)).
@@ -187,21 +189,21 @@
dirty_count :: integer(),
max_journal_entries :: non_neg_integer(),
on_sync :: on_sync_fun(),
- unsynced_guids :: [rabbit_guid:guid()]
- }).
--type(startup_fun_state() ::
- {fun ((A) -> 'finished' | {rabbit_guid:guid(), non_neg_integer(), A}),
- A}).
+ unsynced_msg_ids :: [rabbit_types:msg_id()]
+ }).
+-type(contains_predicate() :: fun ((rabbit_types:msg_id()) -> boolean())).
+-type(walker(A) :: fun ((A) -> 'finished' |
+ {rabbit_types:msg_id(), non_neg_integer(), A})).
-type(shutdown_terms() :: [any()]).
-spec(init/2 :: (rabbit_amqqueue:name(), on_sync_fun()) -> qistate()).
-spec(shutdown_terms/1 :: (rabbit_amqqueue:name()) -> shutdown_terms()).
-spec(recover/5 :: (rabbit_amqqueue:name(), shutdown_terms(), boolean(),
- fun ((rabbit_guid:guid()) -> boolean()), on_sync_fun()) ->
- {'undefined' | non_neg_integer(), qistate()}).
+ contains_predicate(), on_sync_fun()) ->
+ {'undefined' | non_neg_integer(), qistate()}).
-spec(terminate/2 :: ([any()], qistate()) -> qistate()).
-spec(delete_and_terminate/1 :: (qistate()) -> qistate()).
--spec(publish/5 :: (rabbit_guid:guid(), seq_id(),
+-spec(publish/5 :: (rabbit_types:msg_id(), seq_id(),
rabbit_types:message_properties(), boolean(), qistate())
-> qistate()).
-spec(deliver/2 :: ([seq_id()], qistate()) -> qistate()).
@@ -209,14 +211,13 @@
-spec(sync/2 :: ([seq_id()], qistate()) -> qistate()).
-spec(flush/1 :: (qistate()) -> qistate()).
-spec(read/3 :: (seq_id(), seq_id(), qistate()) ->
- {[{rabbit_guid:guid(), seq_id(),
+ {[{rabbit_types:msg_id(), seq_id(),
boolean(), boolean()}], qistate()}).
-spec(next_segment_boundary/1 :: (seq_id()) -> seq_id()).
-spec(bounds/1 :: (qistate()) ->
- {non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer(), qistate()}).
--spec(recover/1 :: ([rabbit_amqqueue:name()]) ->
- {[[any()]], startup_fun_state()}).
+ {non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer(), qistate()}).
+-spec(recover/1 :: ([rabbit_amqqueue:name()]) -> {[[any()]], {walker(A), A}}).
-spec(add_queue_ttl/0 :: () -> 'ok').
@@ -259,22 +260,22 @@ delete_and_terminate(State) ->
ok = rabbit_misc:recursive_delete([Dir]),
-publish(Guid, SeqId, MsgProps, IsPersistent,
- State = #qistate { unsynced_guids = UnsyncedGuids })
- when is_binary(Guid) ->
- ?GUID_BYTES = size(Guid),
+publish(MsgId, SeqId, MsgProps, IsPersistent,
+ State = #qistate { unsynced_msg_ids = UnsyncedMsgIds })
+ when is_binary(MsgId) ->
+ ?MSG_ID_BYTES = size(MsgId),
{JournalHdl, State1} = get_journal_handle(
State #qistate {
- unsynced_guids = [Guid | UnsyncedGuids] }),
+ unsynced_msg_ids = [MsgId | UnsyncedMsgIds] }),
ok = file_handle_cache:append(
JournalHdl, [<<(case IsPersistent of
- create_pub_record_body(Guid, MsgProps)]),
+ create_pub_record_body(MsgId, MsgProps)]),
- add_to_journal(SeqId, {Guid, MsgProps, IsPersistent}, State1)).
+ add_to_journal(SeqId, {MsgId, MsgProps, IsPersistent}, State1)).
deliver(SeqIds, State) ->
deliver_or_ack(del, SeqIds, State).
@@ -284,8 +285,8 @@ ack(SeqIds, State) ->
%% This is only called when there are outstanding confirms and the
%% queue is idle.
-sync(State = #qistate { unsynced_guids = Guids }) ->
- sync_if([] =/= Guids, State).
+sync(State = #qistate { unsynced_msg_ids = MsgIds }) ->
+ sync_if([] =/= MsgIds, State).
sync(SeqIds, State) ->
%% The SeqIds here contains the SeqId of every publish and ack in
@@ -388,7 +389,7 @@ blank_state(QueueName) ->
dirty_count = 0,
max_journal_entries = MaxJournal,
on_sync = fun (_) -> ok end,
- unsynced_guids = [] }.
+ unsynced_msg_ids = [] }.
clean_file_name(Dir) -> filename:join(Dir, ?CLEAN_FILENAME).
@@ -470,8 +471,9 @@ recover_segment(ContainsCheckFun, CleanShutdown,
{SegEntries1, UnackedCountDelta} =
segment_plus_journal(SegEntries, JEntries),
- fun (RelSeq, {{Guid, _MsgProps, _IsPersistent}, Del, no_ack}, Segment1) ->
- recover_message(ContainsCheckFun(Guid), CleanShutdown,
+ fun (RelSeq, {{MsgId, _MsgProps, _IsPersistent}, Del, no_ack},
+ Segment1) ->
+ recover_message(ContainsCheckFun(MsgId), CleanShutdown,
Del, RelSeq, Segment1)
Segment #segment { unacked = UnackedCount + UnackedCountDelta },
@@ -512,20 +514,20 @@ queue_index_walker({start, DurableQueues}) when is_list(DurableQueues) ->
queue_index_walker({next, Gatherer}) when is_pid(Gatherer) ->
case gatherer:out(Gatherer) of
empty ->
+ unlink(Gatherer),
ok = gatherer:stop(Gatherer),
- ok = rabbit_misc:unlink_and_capture_exit(Gatherer),
- {value, {Guid, Count}} ->
- {Guid, Count, {next, Gatherer}}
+ {value, {MsgId, Count}} ->
+ {MsgId, Count, {next, Gatherer}}
queue_index_walker_reader(QueueName, Gatherer) ->
State = #qistate { segments = Segments, dir = Dir } =
[ok = segment_entries_foldr(
- fun (_RelSeq, {{Guid, _MsgProps, true}, _IsDelivered, no_ack},
+ fun (_RelSeq, {{MsgId, _MsgProps, true}, _IsDelivered, no_ack},
ok) ->
- gatherer:in(Gatherer, {Guid, 1});
+ gatherer:in(Gatherer, {MsgId, 1});
(_RelSeq, _Value, Acc) ->
end, ok, segment_find_or_new(Seg, Dir, Segments)) ||
@@ -537,27 +539,21 @@ queue_index_walker_reader(QueueName, Gatherer) ->
%% expiry/binary manipulation
-create_pub_record_body(Guid, #message_properties{expiry = Expiry}) ->
- [Guid, expiry_to_binary(Expiry)].
+create_pub_record_body(MsgId, #message_properties { expiry = Expiry }) ->
+ [MsgId, expiry_to_binary(Expiry)].
expiry_to_binary(undefined) -> <<?NO_EXPIRY:?EXPIRY_BITS>>;
expiry_to_binary(Expiry) -> <<Expiry:?EXPIRY_BITS>>.
-read_pub_record_body(Hdl) ->
- case file_handle_cache:read(Hdl, ?GUID_BYTES + ?EXPIRY_BYTES) of
- {ok, Bin} ->
- %% work around for binary data fragmentation. See
- %% rabbit_msg_file:read_next/2
- <<GuidNum:?GUID_BITS, Expiry:?EXPIRY_BITS>> = Bin,
- <<Guid:?GUID_BYTES/binary>> = <<GuidNum:?GUID_BITS>>,
- Exp = case Expiry of
- ?NO_EXPIRY -> undefined;
- X -> X
- end,
- {Guid, #message_properties{expiry = Exp}};
- Error ->
- Error
- end.
+parse_pub_record_body(<<MsgIdNum:?MSG_ID_BITS, Expiry:?EXPIRY_BITS>>) ->
+ %% work around for binary data fragmentation. See
+ %% rabbit_msg_file:read_next/2
+ <<MsgId:?MSG_ID_BYTES/binary>> = <<MsgIdNum:?MSG_ID_BITS>>,
+ Exp = case Expiry of
+ ?NO_EXPIRY -> undefined;
+ X -> X
+ end,
+ {MsgId, #message_properties { expiry = Exp }}.
%% journal manipulation
@@ -666,8 +662,8 @@ recover_journal(State) ->
journal_minus_segment(JEntries, SegEntries),
Segment #segment { journal_entries = JEntries1,
unacked = (UnackedCountInJournal +
- UnackedCountInSeg -
- UnackedCountDuplicates) }
+ UnackedCountInSeg -
+ UnackedCountDuplicates) }
end, Segments),
State1 #qistate { segments = Segments1 }.
@@ -680,15 +676,16 @@ load_journal_entries(State = #qistate { journal_handle = Hdl }) ->
load_journal_entries(add_to_journal(SeqId, ack, State));
_ ->
- case read_pub_record_body(Hdl) of
- {Guid, MsgProps} ->
- Publish = {Guid, MsgProps,
- case Prefix of
- end},
+ case file_handle_cache:read(Hdl, ?PUB_RECORD_BODY_BYTES) of
+ {ok, Bin} ->
+ {MsgId, MsgProps} = parse_pub_record_body(Bin),
+ IsPersistent = case Prefix of
+ end,
- add_to_journal(SeqId, Publish, State));
+ add_to_journal(
+ SeqId, {MsgId, MsgProps, IsPersistent}, State));
_ErrOrEoF -> %% err, we've lost at least a publish
@@ -716,9 +713,9 @@ sync_if(true, State = #qistate { journal_handle = JournalHdl }) ->
ok = file_handle_cache:sync(JournalHdl),
-notify_sync(State = #qistate { unsynced_guids = UG, on_sync = OnSyncFun }) ->
+notify_sync(State = #qistate { unsynced_msg_ids = UG, on_sync = OnSyncFun }) ->
- State #qistate { unsynced_guids = [] }.
+ State #qistate { unsynced_msg_ids = [] }.
%% segment manipulation
@@ -796,19 +793,19 @@ write_entry_to_segment(RelSeq, {Pub, Del, Ack}, Hdl) ->
ok = case Pub of
no_pub ->
- {Guid, MsgProps, IsPersistent} ->
+ {MsgId, MsgProps, IsPersistent} ->
- (bool_to_int(IsPersistent)):1,
- RelSeq:?REL_SEQ_BITS>>,
- create_pub_record_body(Guid, MsgProps)])
+ (bool_to_int(IsPersistent)):1,
+ RelSeq:?REL_SEQ_BITS>>,
+ create_pub_record_body(MsgId, MsgProps)])
ok = case {Del, Ack} of
{no_del, no_ack} ->
_ ->
- RelSeq:?REL_SEQ_BITS>>,
+ RelSeq:?REL_SEQ_BITS>>,
Hdl, case {Del, Ack} of
{del, ack} -> [Binary, Binary];
@@ -821,10 +818,10 @@ read_bounded_segment(Seg, {StartSeg, StartRelSeq}, {EndSeg, EndRelSeq},
{Messages, Segments}, Dir) ->
Segment = segment_find_or_new(Seg, Dir, Segments),
- fun (RelSeq, {{Guid, MsgProps, IsPersistent}, IsDelivered, no_ack}, Acc)
+ fun (RelSeq, {{MsgId, MsgProps, IsPersistent}, IsDelivered, no_ack}, Acc)
when (Seg > StartSeg orelse StartRelSeq =< RelSeq) andalso
(Seg < EndSeg orelse EndRelSeq >= RelSeq) ->
- [ {Guid, reconstruct_seq_id(StartSeg, RelSeq), MsgProps,
+ [ {MsgId, reconstruct_seq_id(StartSeg, RelSeq), MsgProps,
IsPersistent, IsDelivered == del} | Acc ];
(_RelSeq, _Value, Acc) ->
@@ -845,36 +842,40 @@ load_segment(KeepAcked, #segment { path = Path }) ->
false -> {array_new(), 0};
true -> {ok, Hdl} = file_handle_cache:open(Path, ?READ_AHEAD_MODE, []),
{ok, 0} = file_handle_cache:position(Hdl, bof),
- Res = load_segment_entries(KeepAcked, Hdl, array_new(), 0),
+ {ok, SegData} = file_handle_cache:read(
+ Res = load_segment_entries(KeepAcked, SegData, array_new(), 0),
ok = file_handle_cache:close(Hdl),
-load_segment_entries(KeepAcked, Hdl, SegEntries, UnackedCount) ->
- case file_handle_cache:read(Hdl, ?REL_SEQ_ONLY_ENTRY_LENGTH_BYTES) of
- IsPersistentNum:1, RelSeq:?REL_SEQ_BITS>>} ->
- {Guid, MsgProps} = read_pub_record_body(Hdl),
- Obj = {{Guid, MsgProps, 1 == IsPersistentNum}, no_del, no_ack},
- SegEntries1 = array:set(RelSeq, Obj, SegEntries),
- load_segment_entries(KeepAcked, Hdl, SegEntries1,
- UnackedCount + 1);
- RelSeq:?REL_SEQ_BITS>>} ->
- {UnackedCountDelta, SegEntries1} =
- case array:get(RelSeq, SegEntries) of
- {Pub, no_del, no_ack} ->
- { 0, array:set(RelSeq, {Pub, del, no_ack}, SegEntries)};
- {Pub, del, no_ack} when KeepAcked ->
- {-1, array:set(RelSeq, {Pub, del, ack}, SegEntries)};
- {_Pub, del, no_ack} ->
- {-1, array:reset(RelSeq, SegEntries)}
- end,
- load_segment_entries(KeepAcked, Hdl, SegEntries1,
- UnackedCount + UnackedCountDelta);
- _ErrOrEoF ->
- {SegEntries, UnackedCount}
- end.
+ IsPersistentNum:1, RelSeq:?REL_SEQ_BITS,
+ PubRecordBody:?PUB_RECORD_BODY_BYTES/binary,
+ SegData/binary>>,
+ SegEntries, UnackedCount) ->
+ {MsgId, MsgProps} = parse_pub_record_body(PubRecordBody),
+ Obj = {{MsgId, MsgProps, 1 == IsPersistentNum}, no_del, no_ack},
+ SegEntries1 = array:set(RelSeq, Obj, SegEntries),
+ load_segment_entries(KeepAcked, SegData, SegEntries1, UnackedCount + 1);
+ RelSeq:?REL_SEQ_BITS, SegData/binary>>,
+ SegEntries, UnackedCount) ->
+ {UnackedCountDelta, SegEntries1} =
+ case array:get(RelSeq, SegEntries) of
+ {Pub, no_del, no_ack} ->
+ { 0, array:set(RelSeq, {Pub, del, no_ack}, SegEntries)};
+ {Pub, del, no_ack} when KeepAcked ->
+ {-1, array:set(RelSeq, {Pub, del, ack}, SegEntries)};
+ {_Pub, del, no_ack} ->
+ {-1, array:reset(RelSeq, SegEntries)}
+ end,
+ load_segment_entries(KeepAcked, SegData, SegEntries1,
+ UnackedCount + UnackedCountDelta);
+load_segment_entries(_KeepAcked, _SegData, SegEntries, UnackedCount) ->
+ {SegEntries, UnackedCount}.
array_new() ->
array:new([{default, undefined}, fixed, {size, ?SEGMENT_ENTRY_COUNT}]).
@@ -1002,17 +1003,17 @@ add_queue_ttl_journal(<<?ACK_JPREFIX:?JPREFIX_BITS, SeqId:?SEQ_BITS,
Rest/binary>>) ->
add_queue_ttl_journal(<<Prefix:?JPREFIX_BITS, SeqId:?SEQ_BITS,
- Guid:?GUID_BYTES/binary, Rest/binary>>) ->
- {[<<Prefix:?JPREFIX_BITS, SeqId:?SEQ_BITS>>, Guid,
+ MsgId:?MSG_ID_BYTES/binary, Rest/binary>>) ->
+ {[<<Prefix:?JPREFIX_BITS, SeqId:?SEQ_BITS>>, MsgId,
expiry_to_binary(undefined)], Rest};
add_queue_ttl_journal(_) ->
-add_queue_ttl_segment(<<?PUBLISH_PREFIX:?PUBLISH_PREFIX_BITS, IsPersistentNum:1,
- RelSeq:?REL_SEQ_BITS, Guid:?GUID_BYTES/binary,
+add_queue_ttl_segment(<<?PUB_PREFIX:?PUB_PREFIX_BITS, IsPersistentNum:1,
+ RelSeq:?REL_SEQ_BITS, MsgId:?MSG_ID_BYTES/binary,
Rest/binary>>) ->
- RelSeq:?REL_SEQ_BITS>>, Guid, expiry_to_binary(undefined)], Rest};
+ {[<<?PUB_PREFIX:?PUB_PREFIX_BITS, IsPersistentNum:1, RelSeq:?REL_SEQ_BITS>>,
+ MsgId, expiry_to_binary(undefined)], Rest};
RelSeq:?REL_SEQ_BITS, Rest>>) ->
@@ -1035,8 +1036,8 @@ foreach_queue_index(Funs) ->
end || QueueDirName <- QueueDirNames],
empty = gatherer:out(Gatherer),
- ok = gatherer:stop(Gatherer),
- ok = rabbit_misc:unlink_and_capture_exit(Gatherer).
+ unlink(Gatherer),
+ ok = gatherer:stop(Gatherer).
transform_queue(Dir, Gatherer, {JournalFun, SegmentFun}) ->
ok = transform_file(filename:join(Dir, ?JOURNAL_FILENAME), JournalFun),
diff --git a/src/rabbit_reader.erl b/src/rabbit_reader.erl
index 3908b646..42af91a8 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_reader.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_reader.erl
@@ -35,9 +35,8 @@
-define(CLOSING_TIMEOUT, 1).
--define(FRAME_MAX, 131072). %% set to zero once QPid fix their negotiation
-record(v1, {parent, sock, connection, callback, recv_length, recv_ref,
connection_state, queue_collector, heartbeater, stats_timer,
@@ -62,7 +61,7 @@
State#v1.connection_state =:= blocking orelse
State#v1.connection_state =:= blocked)).
@@ -158,14 +157,15 @@ server_properties(Protocol) ->
{copyright, ?COPYRIGHT_MESSAGE},
{information, ?INFORMATION_MESSAGE}]]],
- %% Filter duplicated properties in favor of config file provided values
+ %% Filter duplicated properties in favour of config file provided values
lists:usort(fun ({K1,_,_}, {K2,_,_}) -> K1 =< K2 end,
server_capabilities(rabbit_framing_amqp_0_9_1) ->
[{<<"publisher_confirms">>, bool, true},
{<<"exchange_exchange_bindings">>, bool, true},
- {<<"basic.nack">>, bool, true}];
+ {<<"basic.nack">>, bool, true},
+ {<<"consumer_cancel_notify">>, bool, true}];
server_capabilities(_) ->
@@ -201,7 +201,8 @@ start_connection(Parent, ChannelSupSupPid, Collector, StartHeartbeatFun, Deb,
timeout_sec = ?HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT,
frame_max = ?FRAME_MIN_SIZE,
vhost = none,
- client_properties = none},
+ client_properties = none,
+ capabilities = []},
callback = uninitialized_callback,
recv_length = 0,
recv_ref = none,
@@ -564,7 +565,7 @@ start_connection({ProtocolMajor, ProtocolMinor, _ProtocolRevision},
version_major = ProtocolMajor,
version_minor = ProtocolMinor,
server_properties = server_properties(Protocol),
- mechanisms = auth_mechanisms_binary(),
+ mechanisms = auth_mechanisms_binary(Sock),
locales = <<"en_US">> },
ok = send_on_channel0(Sock, Start, Protocol),
switch_callback(State#v1{connection = Connection#connection{
@@ -592,14 +593,14 @@ handle_method0(MethodName, FieldsBin,
State = #v1{connection = #connection{protocol = Protocol}}) ->
HandleException =
fun(R) ->
- case ?IS_RUNNING(State) of
- true -> send_exception(State, 0, R);
- %% We don't trust the client at this point - force
- %% them to wait for a bit so they can't DOS us with
- %% repeated failed logins etc.
- false -> timer:sleep(?SILENT_CLOSE_DELAY * 1000),
- throw({channel0_error, State#v1.connection_state, R})
- end
+ case ?IS_RUNNING(State) of
+ true -> send_exception(State, 0, R);
+ %% We don't trust the client at this point - force
+ %% them to wait for a bit so they can't DOS us with
+ %% repeated failed logins etc.
+ false -> timer:sleep(?SILENT_CLOSE_DELAY * 1000),
+ throw({channel0_error, State#v1.connection_state, R})
+ end
handle_method0(Protocol:decode_method_fields(MethodName, FieldsBin),
@@ -616,7 +617,7 @@ handle_method0(#'connection.start_ok'{mechanism = Mechanism,
State0 = #v1{connection_state = starting,
connection = Connection,
sock = Sock}) ->
- AuthMechanism = auth_mechanism_to_module(Mechanism),
+ AuthMechanism = auth_mechanism_to_module(Mechanism, Sock),
Capabilities =
case rabbit_misc:table_lookup(ClientProperties, <<"capabilities">>) of
{table, Capabilities1} -> Capabilities1;
@@ -641,14 +642,15 @@ handle_method0(#'connection.tune_ok'{frame_max = FrameMax,
connection = Connection,
sock = Sock,
start_heartbeat_fun = SHF}) ->
- if (FrameMax /= 0) and (FrameMax < ?FRAME_MIN_SIZE) ->
+ ServerFrameMax = server_frame_max(),
+ if FrameMax /= 0 andalso FrameMax < ?FRAME_MIN_SIZE ->
not_allowed, "frame_max=~w < ~w min size",
[FrameMax, ?FRAME_MIN_SIZE]);
- (?FRAME_MAX /= 0) and (FrameMax > ?FRAME_MAX) ->
+ ServerFrameMax /= 0 andalso FrameMax > ServerFrameMax ->
not_allowed, "frame_max=~w > ~w max size",
- [FrameMax, ?FRAME_MAX]);
+ [FrameMax, ServerFrameMax]);
true ->
Frame = rabbit_binary_generator:build_heartbeat_frame(),
SendFun = fun() -> catch rabbit_net:send(Sock, Frame) end,
@@ -679,7 +681,8 @@ handle_method0(#''{virtual_host = VHostPath},
State#v1{connection_state = running,
connection = NewConnection}),
- infos(?CREATION_EVENT_KEYS, State1)),
+ [{type, network} |
+ infos(?CREATION_EVENT_KEYS, State1)]),
fun() -> internal_emit_stats(State1) end),
@@ -706,17 +709,23 @@ handle_method0(_Method, #v1{connection_state = S}) ->
channel_error, "unexpected method in connection state ~w", [S]).
+%% Compute frame_max for this instance. Could simply use 0, but breaks
+%% QPid Java client.
+server_frame_max() ->
+ {ok, FrameMax} = application:get_env(rabbit, frame_max),
+ FrameMax.
send_on_channel0(Sock, Method, Protocol) ->
ok = rabbit_writer:internal_send_command(Sock, 0, Method, Protocol).
-auth_mechanism_to_module(TypeBin) ->
+auth_mechanism_to_module(TypeBin, Sock) ->
case rabbit_registry:binary_to_type(TypeBin) of
{error, not_found} ->
command_invalid, "unknown authentication mechanism '~s'",
T ->
- case {lists:member(T, auth_mechanisms()),
+ case {lists:member(T, auth_mechanisms(Sock)),
rabbit_registry:lookup_module(auth_mechanism, T)} of
{true, {ok, Module}} ->
@@ -727,15 +736,14 @@ auth_mechanism_to_module(TypeBin) ->
-auth_mechanisms() ->
+auth_mechanisms(Sock) ->
{ok, Configured} = application:get_env(auth_mechanisms),
- [Name || {Name, _Module} <- rabbit_registry:lookup_all(auth_mechanism),
- lists:member(Name, Configured)].
+ [Name || {Name, Module} <- rabbit_registry:lookup_all(auth_mechanism),
+ Module:should_offer(Sock), lists:member(Name, Configured)].
-auth_mechanisms_binary() ->
+auth_mechanisms_binary(Sock) ->
- string:join(
- [atom_to_list(A) || A <- auth_mechanisms()], " ")).
+ string:join([atom_to_list(A) || A <- auth_mechanisms(Sock)], " ")).
State = #v1{auth_mechanism = AuthMechanism,
@@ -757,7 +765,7 @@ auth_phase(Response,
State#v1{auth_state = AuthState1};
{ok, User} ->
Tune = #'connection.tune'{channel_max = 0,
- frame_max = ?FRAME_MAX,
+ frame_max = server_frame_max(),
heartbeat = 0},
ok = send_on_channel0(Sock, Tune, Protocol),
State#v1{connection_state = tuning,
diff --git a/src/rabbit_router.erl b/src/rabbit_router.erl
index 692d2473..f6a1c92f 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_router.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_router.erl
@@ -37,7 +37,8 @@
fun ((rabbit_types:binding()) -> boolean())) ->
-spec(match_routing_key/2 :: (rabbit_types:binding_source(),
- routing_key() | '_') -> match_result()).
+ [routing_key()] | ['_']) ->
+ match_result()).
@@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ deliver(QNames, Delivery = #delivery{mandatory = false,
{routed, QPids};
deliver(QNames, Delivery = #delivery{mandatory = Mandatory,
- immediate = Immediate}) ->
+ immediate = Immediate}) ->
QPids = lookup_qpids(QNames),
{Success, _} =
@@ -66,7 +67,7 @@ deliver(QNames, Delivery = #delivery{mandatory = Mandatory,
rabbit_amqqueue:deliver(Pid, Delivery)
{Routed, Handled} =
- lists:foldl(fun fold_deliveries/2, {false, []}, Success),
+ lists:foldl(fun fold_deliveries/2, {false, []}, Success),
check_delivery(Mandatory, Immediate, {Routed, Handled}).
@@ -82,12 +83,22 @@ match_bindings(SrcName, Match) ->
mnesia:async_dirty(fun qlc:e/1, [Query]).
-match_routing_key(SrcName, RoutingKey) ->
+match_routing_key(SrcName, [RoutingKey]) ->
MatchHead = #route{binding = #binding{source = SrcName,
destination = '$1',
key = RoutingKey,
_ = '_'}},
- mnesia:dirty_select(rabbit_route, [{MatchHead, [], ['$1']}]).
+ mnesia:dirty_select(rabbit_route, [{MatchHead, [], ['$1']}]);
+match_routing_key(SrcName, [_|_] = RoutingKeys) ->
+ Condition = list_to_tuple(['orelse' | [{'=:=', '$2', RKey} ||
+ RKey <- RoutingKeys]]),
+ MatchHead = #route{binding = #binding{source = SrcName,
+ destination = '$1',
+ key = '$2',
+ _ = '_'}},
+ mnesia:dirty_select(rabbit_route, [{MatchHead, [Condition], ['$1']}]).
diff --git a/src/rabbit_ssl.erl b/src/rabbit_ssl.erl
index e831ee51..e0defa9e 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_ssl.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_ssl.erl
@@ -87,10 +87,10 @@ cert_info(F, Cert) ->
find_by_type(Type, {rdnSequence, RDNs}) ->
case [V || #'AttributeTypeAndValue'{type = T, value = V}
- <- lists:flatten(RDNs),
- T == Type] of
- [{printableString, S}] -> S;
- [] -> not_found
+ <- lists:flatten(RDNs),
+ T == Type] of
+ [Val] -> format_asn1_value(Val);
+ [] -> not_found
@@ -162,12 +162,85 @@ escape_rdn_value([C | S], middle) ->
format_asn1_value({ST, S}) when ST =:= teletexString; ST =:= printableString;
ST =:= universalString; ST =:= utf8String;
ST =:= bmpString ->
- if is_binary(S) -> binary_to_list(S);
- true -> S
- end;
+ format_directory_string(ST, S);
format_asn1_value({utcTime, [Y1, Y2, M1, M2, D1, D2, H1, H2,
- Min1, Min2, S1, S2, $Z]}) ->
+ Min1, Min2, S1, S2, $Z]}) ->
[Y1, Y2, M1, M2, D1, D2, H1, H2, Min1, Min2, S1, S2]);
format_asn1_value(V) ->
io_lib:format("~p", [V]).
+%% DirectoryString { INTEGER : maxSize } ::= CHOICE {
+%% teletexString TeletexString (SIZE (1..maxSize)),
+%% printableString PrintableString (SIZE (1..maxSize)),
+%% bmpString BMPString (SIZE (1..maxSize)),
+%% universalString UniversalString (SIZE (1..maxSize)),
+%% uTF8String UTF8String (SIZE (1..maxSize)) }
+%% Precise definitions of printable / teletexString are hard to come
+%% by. This is what I reconstructed:
+%% printableString:
+%% "intended to represent the limited character sets available to
+%% mainframe input terminals"
+%% A-Z a-z 0-9 ' ( ) + , - . / : = ? [space]
+%% teletexString:
+%% "a sizable volume of software in the world treats TeletexString
+%% (T61String) as a simple 8-bit string with mostly Windows Latin 1
+%% (superset of iso-8859-1) encoding"
+%% (However according to that link X.680 actually defines
+%% TeletexString in some much more involved and crazy way. I suggest
+%% we treat it as ISO-8859-1 since Erlang does not support Windows
+%% Latin 1).
+%% bmpString:
+%% UCS-2 according to RFC 3641. Hence cannot represent Unicode
+%% characters above 65535 (outside the "Basic Multilingual Plane").
+%% universalString:
+%% UCS-4 according to RFC 3641.
+%% utf8String:
+%% UTF-8 according to RFC 3641.
+%% Within Rabbit we assume UTF-8 encoding. Since printableString is a
+%% subset of ASCII it is also a subset of UTF-8. The others need
+%% converting. Fortunately since the Erlang SSL library does the
+%% decoding for us (albeit into a weird format, see below), we just
+%% need to handle encoding into UTF-8. Note also that utf8Strings come
+%% back as binary.
+%% Note for testing: the default Ubuntu configuration for openssl will
+%% only create printableString or teletexString types no matter what
+%% you do. Edit string_mask in the [req] section of
+%% /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf to change this (see comments there). You
+%% probably also need to set utf8 = yes to get it to accept UTF-8 on
+%% the command line. Also note I could not get openssl to generate a
+%% universalString.
+format_directory_string(printableString, S) -> S;
+format_directory_string(teletexString, S) -> utf8_list_from(S);
+format_directory_string(bmpString, S) -> utf8_list_from(S);
+format_directory_string(universalString, S) -> utf8_list_from(S);
+format_directory_string(utf8String, S) -> binary_to_list(S).
+utf8_list_from(S) ->
+ binary_to_list(
+ unicode:characters_to_binary(flatten_ssl_list(S), utf32, utf8)).
+%% The Erlang SSL implementation invents its own representation for
+%% non-ascii strings - looking like [97,{0,0,3,187}] (that's LATIN
+%% SMALL LETTER A followed by GREEK SMALL LETTER LAMDA). We convert
+%% this into a list of unicode characters, which we can tell
+%% unicode:characters_to_binary is utf32.
+flatten_ssl_list(L) -> [flatten_ssl_list_item(I) || I <- L].
+flatten_ssl_list_item({A, B, C, D}) ->
+ A * (1 bsl 24) + B * (1 bsl 16) + C * (1 bsl 8) + D;
+flatten_ssl_list_item(N) when is_number (N) ->
+ N.
diff --git a/src/rabbit_tests.erl b/src/rabbit_tests.erl
index 09695d95..38492984 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_tests.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_tests.erl
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ test_content_prop_roundtrip(Datum, Binary) ->
Binary = rabbit_binary_generator:encode_properties(Types, Values). %% assertion
all_tests() ->
+ passed = gm_tests:all_tests(),
application:set_env(rabbit, file_handles_high_watermark, 10, infinity),
ok = file_handle_cache:set_limit(10),
passed = test_file_handle_cache(),
@@ -56,6 +57,7 @@ all_tests() ->
passed = test_cluster_management(),
passed = test_user_management(),
passed = test_server_status(),
+ passed = test_confirms(),
passed = maybe_run_cluster_dependent_tests(),
passed = test_configurable_server_properties(),
@@ -424,35 +426,35 @@ test_content_properties() ->
[{<<"one">>, signedint, 1},
{<<"two">>, signedint, 2}]}]}],
- % property-flags
- 16#8000:16,
+ %% property-flags
+ 16#8000:16,
- % property-list:
+ %% property-list:
- % table
- 117:32, % table length in bytes
+ %% table
+ 117:32, % table length in bytes
- 11,"a signedint", % name
- "I",12345678:32, % type and value
+ 11,"a signedint", % name
+ "I",12345678:32, % type and value
- 9,"a longstr",
- "S",10:32,"yes please",
+ 9,"a longstr",
+ "S",10:32,"yes please",
- 9,"a decimal",
- "D",123,12345678:32,
+ 9,"a decimal",
+ "D",123,12345678:32,
- 11,"a timestamp",
- "T", 123456789012345:64,
+ 11,"a timestamp",
+ "T", 123456789012345:64,
- 14,"a nested table",
- "F",
- 18:32,
+ 14,"a nested table",
+ "F",
+ 18:32,
- 3,"one",
- "I",1:32,
+ 3,"one",
+ "I",1:32,
- 3,"two",
- "I",2:32 >>),
+ 3,"two",
+ "I",2:32 >>),
case catch rabbit_binary_parser:parse_properties([bit, bit, bit, bit], <<16#A0,0,1>>) of
{'EXIT', content_properties_binary_overflow} -> passed;
V -> exit({got_success_but_expected_failure, V})
@@ -479,28 +481,28 @@ test_field_values() ->
- % property-flags
- 16#8000:16,
- % table length in bytes
- 228:32,
- 7,"longstr", "S", 21:32, "Here is a long string", % = 34
- 9,"signedint", "I", 12345:32/signed, % + 15 = 49
- 7,"decimal", "D", 3, 123456:32, % + 14 = 63
- 9,"timestamp", "T", 109876543209876:64, % + 19 = 82
- 5,"table", "F", 31:32, % length of table % + 11 = 93
- 3,"one", "I", 54321:32, % + 9 = 102
- 3,"two", "S", 13:32, "A long string",% + 22 = 124
- 4,"byte", "b", 255:8, % + 7 = 131
- 4,"long", "l", 1234567890:64, % + 14 = 145
- 5,"short", "s", 655:16, % + 9 = 154
- 4,"bool", "t", 1, % + 7 = 161
- 6,"binary", "x", 15:32, "a binary string", % + 27 = 188
- 4,"void", "V", % + 6 = 194
- 5,"array", "A", 23:32, % + 11 = 205
- "I", 54321:32, % + 5 = 210
- "S", 13:32, "A long string" % + 18 = 228
- >>),
+ %% property-flags
+ 16#8000:16,
+ %% table length in bytes
+ 228:32,
+ 7,"longstr", "S", 21:32, "Here is a long string", % = 34
+ 9,"signedint", "I", 12345:32/signed, % + 15 = 49
+ 7,"decimal", "D", 3, 123456:32, % + 14 = 63
+ 9,"timestamp", "T", 109876543209876:64, % + 19 = 82
+ 5,"table", "F", 31:32, % length of table % + 11 = 93
+ 3,"one", "I", 54321:32, % + 9 = 102
+ 3,"two", "S", 13:32, "A long string", % + 22 = 124
+ 4,"byte", "b", 255:8, % + 7 = 131
+ 4,"long", "l", 1234567890:64, % + 14 = 145
+ 5,"short", "s", 655:16, % + 9 = 154
+ 4,"bool", "t", 1, % + 7 = 161
+ 6,"binary", "x", 15:32, "a binary string", % + 27 = 188
+ 4,"void", "V", % + 6 = 194
+ 5,"array", "A", 23:32, % + 11 = 205
+ "I", 54321:32, % + 5 = 210
+ "S", 13:32, "A long string" % + 18 = 228
+ >>),
%% Test that content frames don't exceed frame-max
@@ -596,66 +598,64 @@ test_topic_matching() ->
exchange_op_callback(X, create, []),
%% add some bindings
- Bindings = lists:map(
- fun ({Key, Q}) ->
- #binding{source = XName,
+ Bindings = [#binding{source = XName,
key = list_to_binary(Key),
destination = #resource{virtual_host = <<"/">>,
kind = queue,
- name = list_to_binary(Q)}}
- end, [{"a.b.c", "t1"},
- {"a.*.c", "t2"},
- {"a.#.b", "t3"},
- {"a.b.b.c", "t4"},
- {"#", "t5"},
- {"#.#", "t6"},
- {"#.b", "t7"},
- {"*.*", "t8"},
- {"a.*", "t9"},
- {"*.b.c", "t10"},
- {"a.#", "t11"},
- {"a.#.#", "t12"},
- {"b.b.c", "t13"},
- {"a.b.b", "t14"},
- {"a.b", "t15"},
- {"b.c", "t16"},
- {"", "t17"},
- {"*.*.*", "t18"},
- {"vodka.martini", "t19"},
- {"a.b.c", "t20"},
- {"*.#", "t21"},
- {"#.*.#", "t22"},
- {"*.#.#", "t23"},
- {"#.#.#", "t24"},
- {"*", "t25"},
- {"#.b.#", "t26"}]),
+ name = list_to_binary(Q)}} ||
+ {Key, Q} <- [{"a.b.c", "t1"},
+ {"a.*.c", "t2"},
+ {"a.#.b", "t3"},
+ {"a.b.b.c", "t4"},
+ {"#", "t5"},
+ {"#.#", "t6"},
+ {"#.b", "t7"},
+ {"*.*", "t8"},
+ {"a.*", "t9"},
+ {"*.b.c", "t10"},
+ {"a.#", "t11"},
+ {"a.#.#", "t12"},
+ {"b.b.c", "t13"},
+ {"a.b.b", "t14"},
+ {"a.b", "t15"},
+ {"b.c", "t16"},
+ {"", "t17"},
+ {"*.*.*", "t18"},
+ {"vodka.martini", "t19"},
+ {"a.b.c", "t20"},
+ {"*.#", "t21"},
+ {"#.*.#", "t22"},
+ {"*.#.#", "t23"},
+ {"#.#.#", "t24"},
+ {"*", "t25"},
+ {"#.b.#", "t26"}]],
lists:foreach(fun (B) -> exchange_op_callback(X, add_binding, [B]) end,
%% test some matches
- test_topic_expect_match(X,
- [{"a.b.c", ["t1", "t2", "t5", "t6", "t10", "t11", "t12",
- "t18", "t20", "t21", "t22", "t23", "t24",
- "t26"]},
- {"a.b", ["t3", "t5", "t6", "t7", "t8", "t9", "t11",
- "t12", "t15", "t21", "t22", "t23", "t24",
- "t26"]},
- {"a.b.b", ["t3", "t5", "t6", "t7", "t11", "t12", "t14",
- "t18", "t21", "t22", "t23", "t24", "t26"]},
- {"", ["t5", "t6", "t17", "t24"]},
- {"b.c.c", ["t5", "t6", "t18", "t21", "t22", "t23", "t24",
- "t26"]},
- {"a.a.a.a.a", ["t5", "t6", "t11", "t12", "t21", "t22", "t23",
- "t24"]},
- {"vodka.gin", ["t5", "t6", "t8", "t21", "t22", "t23",
- "t24"]},
- {"vodka.martini", ["t5", "t6", "t8", "t19", "t21", "t22", "t23",
- "t24"]},
- {"b.b.c", ["t5", "t6", "t10", "t13", "t18", "t21", "t22",
- "t23", "t24", "t26"]},
- {"", ["t5", "t6", "t21", "t22", "t23", "t24"]},
- {"oneword", ["t5", "t6", "t21", "t22", "t23", "t24",
- "t25"]}]),
+ test_topic_expect_match(
+ X, [{"a.b.c", ["t1", "t2", "t5", "t6", "t10", "t11", "t12",
+ "t18", "t20", "t21", "t22", "t23", "t24",
+ "t26"]},
+ {"a.b", ["t3", "t5", "t6", "t7", "t8", "t9", "t11",
+ "t12", "t15", "t21", "t22", "t23", "t24",
+ "t26"]},
+ {"a.b.b", ["t3", "t5", "t6", "t7", "t11", "t12", "t14",
+ "t18", "t21", "t22", "t23", "t24", "t26"]},
+ {"", ["t5", "t6", "t17", "t24"]},
+ {"b.c.c", ["t5", "t6", "t18", "t21", "t22", "t23",
+ "t24", "t26"]},
+ {"a.a.a.a.a", ["t5", "t6", "t11", "t12", "t21", "t22",
+ "t23", "t24"]},
+ {"vodka.gin", ["t5", "t6", "t8", "t21", "t22", "t23",
+ "t24"]},
+ {"vodka.martini", ["t5", "t6", "t8", "t19", "t21", "t22", "t23",
+ "t24"]},
+ {"b.b.c", ["t5", "t6", "t10", "t13", "t18", "t21",
+ "t22", "t23", "t24", "t26"]},
+ {"", ["t5", "t6", "t21", "t22", "t23", "t24"]},
+ {"oneword", ["t5", "t6", "t21", "t22", "t23", "t24",
+ "t25"]}]),
%% remove some bindings
RemovedBindings = [lists:nth(1, Bindings), lists:nth(5, Bindings),
@@ -667,22 +667,23 @@ test_topic_matching() ->
%% test some matches
- test_topic_expect_match(X,
- [{"a.b.c", ["t2", "t6", "t10", "t12", "t18", "t20", "t22",
- "t23", "t24", "t26"]},
- {"a.b", ["t3", "t6", "t7", "t8", "t9", "t12", "t15",
- "t22", "t23", "t24", "t26"]},
- {"a.b.b", ["t3", "t6", "t7", "t12", "t14", "t18", "t22",
- "t23", "t24", "t26"]},
- {"", ["t6", "t17", "t24"]},
- {"b.c.c", ["t6", "t18", "t22", "t23", "t24", "t26"]},
- {"a.a.a.a.a", ["t6", "t12", "t22", "t23", "t24"]},
- {"vodka.gin", ["t6", "t8", "t22", "t23", "t24"]},
- {"vodka.martini", ["t6", "t8", "t22", "t23", "t24"]},
- {"b.b.c", ["t6", "t10", "t13", "t18", "t22", "t23",
- "t24", "t26"]},
- {"", ["t6", "t22", "t23", "t24"]},
- {"oneword", ["t6", "t22", "t23", "t24", "t25"]}]),
+ test_topic_expect_match(
+ X,
+ [{"a.b.c", ["t2", "t6", "t10", "t12", "t18", "t20", "t22",
+ "t23", "t24", "t26"]},
+ {"a.b", ["t3", "t6", "t7", "t8", "t9", "t12", "t15",
+ "t22", "t23", "t24", "t26"]},
+ {"a.b.b", ["t3", "t6", "t7", "t12", "t14", "t18", "t22",
+ "t23", "t24", "t26"]},
+ {"", ["t6", "t17", "t24"]},
+ {"b.c.c", ["t6", "t18", "t22", "t23", "t24", "t26"]},
+ {"a.a.a.a.a", ["t6", "t12", "t22", "t23", "t24"]},
+ {"vodka.gin", ["t6", "t8", "t22", "t23", "t24"]},
+ {"vodka.martini", ["t6", "t8", "t22", "t23", "t24"]},
+ {"b.b.c", ["t6", "t10", "t13", "t18", "t22", "t23",
+ "t24", "t26"]},
+ {"", ["t6", "t22", "t23", "t24"]},
+ {"oneword", ["t6", "t22", "t23", "t24", "t25"]}]),
%% remove the entire exchange
exchange_op_callback(X, delete, [RemainingBindings]),
@@ -692,23 +693,28 @@ test_topic_matching() ->
exchange_op_callback(X, Fun, ExtraArgs) ->
- fun () -> rabbit_exchange:callback(X, Fun, [true, X] ++ ExtraArgs) end),
+ fun () -> rabbit_exchange:callback(X, Fun, [true, X] ++ ExtraArgs) end),
rabbit_exchange:callback(X, Fun, [false, X] ++ ExtraArgs).
test_topic_expect_match(X, List) ->
- fun ({Key, Expected}) ->
- BinKey = list_to_binary(Key),
- Res = rabbit_exchange_type_topic:route(
- X, #delivery{message = #basic_message{routing_key =
- BinKey}}),
- ExpectedRes = lists:map(
- fun (Q) -> #resource{virtual_host = <<"/">>,
- kind = queue,
- name = list_to_binary(Q)}
- end, Expected),
- true = (lists:usort(ExpectedRes) =:= lists:usort(Res))
- end, List).
+ fun ({Key, Expected}) ->
+ BinKey = list_to_binary(Key),
+ Message = rabbit_basic:message(, BinKey,
+ #'P_basic'{}, <<>>),
+ Res = rabbit_exchange_type_topic:route(
+ X, #delivery{mandatory = false,
+ immediate = false,
+ txn = none,
+ sender = self(),
+ message = Message}),
+ ExpectedRes = lists:map(
+ fun (Q) -> #resource{virtual_host = <<"/">>,
+ kind = queue,
+ name = list_to_binary(Q)}
+ end, Expected),
+ true = (lists:usort(ExpectedRes) =:= lists:usort(Res))
+ end, List).
test_app_management() ->
%% starting, stopping, status
@@ -817,7 +823,7 @@ test_log_management_during_startup() ->
ok = delete_log_handlers([sasl_report_tty_h]),
ok = case catch control_action(start_app, []) of
ok -> exit({got_success_but_expected_failure,
- log_rotation_tty_no_handlers_test});
+ log_rotation_tty_no_handlers_test});
{error, {cannot_log_to_tty, _, _}} -> ok
@@ -842,8 +848,8 @@ test_log_management_during_startup() ->
ok = add_log_handlers([{error_logger_file_h, MainLog}]),
ok = case control_action(start_app, []) of
ok -> exit({got_success_but_expected_failure,
- log_rotation_no_write_permission_dir_test});
- {error, {cannot_log_to_file, _, _}} -> ok
+ log_rotation_no_write_permission_dir_test});
+ {error, {cannot_log_to_file, _, _}} -> ok
%% start application with logging to a subdirectory which
@@ -853,9 +859,9 @@ test_log_management_during_startup() ->
ok = add_log_handlers([{error_logger_file_h, MainLog}]),
ok = case control_action(start_app, []) of
ok -> exit({got_success_but_expected_failure,
- log_rotatation_parent_dirs_test});
+ log_rotatation_parent_dirs_test});
{error, {cannot_log_to_file, _,
- {error, {cannot_create_parent_dirs, _, eacces}}}} -> ok
+ {error, {cannot_create_parent_dirs, _, eacces}}}} -> ok
ok = set_permissions(TmpDir, 8#00700),
ok = set_permissions(TmpLog, 8#00600),
@@ -875,22 +881,22 @@ test_log_management_during_startup() ->
test_option_parser() ->
- % command and arguments should just pass through
+ %% command and arguments should just pass through
ok = check_get_options({["mock_command", "arg1", "arg2"], []},
[], ["mock_command", "arg1", "arg2"]),
- % get flags
+ %% get flags
ok = check_get_options(
{["mock_command", "arg1"], [{"-f", true}, {"-f2", false}]},
[{flag, "-f"}, {flag, "-f2"}], ["mock_command", "arg1", "-f"]),
- % get options
+ %% get options
ok = check_get_options(
{["mock_command"], [{"-foo", "bar"}, {"-baz", "notbaz"}]},
[{option, "-foo", "notfoo"}, {option, "-baz", "notbaz"}],
["mock_command", "-foo", "bar"]),
- % shuffled and interleaved arguments and options
+ %% shuffled and interleaved arguments and options
ok = check_get_options(
{["a1", "a2", "a3"], [{"-o1", "hello"}, {"-o2", "noto2"}, {"-f", true}]},
[{option, "-o1", "noto1"}, {flag, "-f"}, {option, "-o2", "noto2"}],
@@ -1119,8 +1125,9 @@ test_server_status() ->
%% create a few things so there is some useful information to list
Writer = spawn(fun () -> receive shutdown -> ok end end),
{ok, Ch} = rabbit_channel:start_link(
- 1, self(), Writer, rabbit_framing_amqp_0_9_1, user(<<"user">>),
- <<"/">>, [], self(), fun (_) -> {ok, self()} end),
+ 1, self(), Writer, self(), rabbit_framing_amqp_0_9_1,
+ user(<<"user">>), <<"/">>, [], self(),
+ fun (_) -> {ok, self()} end),
[Q, Q2] = [Queue || Name <- [<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>],
{new, Queue = #amqqueue{}} <-
@@ -1142,7 +1149,7 @@ test_server_status() ->
[_|_] = rabbit_binding:list_for_source(
rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, exchange, <<"">>)),
[_] = rabbit_binding:list_for_destination(
- rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, queue, <<"foo">>)),
+ rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, queue, <<"foo">>)),
[_] = rabbit_binding:list_for_source_and_destination(
rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, exchange, <<"">>),
rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, queue, <<"foo">>)),
@@ -1175,12 +1182,19 @@ test_server_status() ->
-test_spawn(Receiver) ->
+test_writer(Pid) ->
+ receive
+ shutdown -> ok;
+ {send_command, Method} -> Pid ! Method, test_writer(Pid)
+ end.
+test_spawn() ->
Me = self(),
- Writer = spawn(fun () -> Receiver(Me) end),
+ Writer = spawn(fun () -> test_writer(Me) end),
{ok, Ch} = rabbit_channel:start_link(
- 1, Me, Writer, rabbit_framing_amqp_0_9_1, user(<<"guest">>),
- <<"/">>, [], self(), fun (_) -> {ok, self()} end),
+ 1, Me, Writer, Me, rabbit_framing_amqp_0_9_1,
+ user(<<"guest">>), <<"/">>, [], self(),
+ fun (_) -> {ok, self()} end),
ok = rabbit_channel:do(Ch, #''{}),
receive #'channel.open_ok'{} -> ok
after 1000 -> throw(failed_to_receive_channel_open_ok)
@@ -1194,20 +1208,9 @@ user(Username) ->
impl = #internal_user{username = Username,
is_admin = true}}.
-test_statistics_receiver(Pid) ->
- receive
- shutdown ->
- ok;
- {send_command, Method} ->
- Pid ! Method,
- test_statistics_receiver(Pid)
- end.
test_statistics_event_receiver(Pid) ->
- Foo ->
- Pid ! Foo,
- test_statistics_event_receiver(Pid)
+ Foo -> Pid ! Foo, test_statistics_event_receiver(Pid)
test_statistics_receive_event(Ch, Matcher) ->
@@ -1224,6 +1227,66 @@ test_statistics_receive_event1(Ch, Matcher) ->
after 1000 -> throw(failed_to_receive_event)
+test_confirms() ->
+ {_Writer, Ch} = test_spawn(),
+ DeclareBindDurableQueue =
+ fun() ->
+ rabbit_channel:do(Ch, #'queue.declare'{durable = true}),
+ receive #'queue.declare_ok'{queue = Q0} ->
+ rabbit_channel:do(Ch, #'queue.bind'{
+ queue = Q0,
+ exchange = <<"">>,
+ routing_key = "magic" }),
+ receive #'queue.bind_ok'{} ->
+ Q0
+ after 1000 ->
+ throw(failed_to_bind_queue)
+ end
+ after 1000 ->
+ throw(failed_to_declare_queue)
+ end
+ end,
+ %% Declare and bind two queues
+ QName1 = DeclareBindDurableQueue(),
+ QName2 = DeclareBindDurableQueue(),
+ %% Get the first one's pid (we'll crash it later)
+ {ok, Q1} = rabbit_amqqueue:lookup(rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, queue, QName1)),
+ QPid1 =,
+ %% Enable confirms
+ rabbit_channel:do(Ch, #''{}),
+ receive
+ #'confirm.select_ok'{} -> ok
+ after 1000 -> throw(failed_to_enable_confirms)
+ end,
+ %% Publish a message
+ rabbit_channel:do(Ch, #'basic.publish'{exchange = <<"">>,
+ routing_key = "magic"
+ },
+ rabbit_basic:build_content(
+ #'P_basic'{delivery_mode = 2}, <<"">>)),
+ %% Crash the queue
+ QPid1 ! boom,
+ %% Wait for a nack
+ receive
+ #'basic.nack'{} -> ok;
+ #'basic.ack'{} -> throw(received_ack_instead_of_nack)
+ after 2000 -> throw(did_not_receive_nack)
+ end,
+ receive
+ #'basic.ack'{} -> throw(received_ack_when_none_expected)
+ after 1000 -> ok
+ end,
+ %% Cleanup
+ rabbit_channel:do(Ch, #'queue.delete'{queue = QName2}),
+ receive
+ #'queue.delete_ok'{} -> ok
+ after 1000 -> throw(failed_to_cleanup_queue)
+ end,
+ unlink(Ch),
+ ok = rabbit_channel:shutdown(Ch),
+ passed.
test_statistics() ->
application:set_env(rabbit, collect_statistics, fine),
@@ -1231,7 +1294,7 @@ test_statistics() ->
%% by far the most complex code though.
%% Set up a channel and queue
- {_Writer, Ch} = test_spawn(fun test_statistics_receiver/1),
+ {_Writer, Ch} = test_spawn(),
rabbit_channel:do(Ch, #'queue.declare'{}),
QName = receive #'queue.declare_ok'{queue = Q0} ->
@@ -1304,9 +1367,9 @@ test_delegates_async(SecondaryNode) ->
make_responder(FMsg) -> make_responder(FMsg, timeout).
make_responder(FMsg, Throw) ->
fun () ->
- receive Msg -> FMsg(Msg)
- after 1000 -> throw(Throw)
- end
+ receive Msg -> FMsg(Msg)
+ after 1000 -> throw(Throw)
+ end
spawn_responders(Node, Responder, Count) ->
@@ -1317,10 +1380,10 @@ await_response(0) ->
await_response(Count) ->
response -> ok,
- await_response(Count - 1)
+ await_response(Count - 1)
after 1000 ->
- io:format("Async reply not received~n"),
- throw(timeout)
+ io:format("Async reply not received~n"),
+ throw(timeout)
must_exit(Fun) ->
@@ -1336,7 +1399,7 @@ test_delegates_sync(SecondaryNode) ->
BadSender = fun (_Pid) -> exit(exception) end,
Responder = make_responder(fun ({'$gen_call', From, invoked}) ->
- gen_server:reply(From, response)
+ gen_server:reply(From, response)
BadResponder = make_responder(fun ({'$gen_call', From, invoked}) ->
@@ -1348,7 +1411,7 @@ test_delegates_sync(SecondaryNode) ->
must_exit(fun () -> delegate:invoke(spawn(BadResponder), BadSender) end),
must_exit(fun () ->
- delegate:invoke(spawn(SecondaryNode, BadResponder), BadSender) end),
+ delegate:invoke(spawn(SecondaryNode, BadResponder), BadSender) end),
LocalGoodPids = spawn_responders(node(), Responder, 2),
RemoteGoodPids = spawn_responders(SecondaryNode, Responder, 2),
@@ -1382,18 +1445,8 @@ test_delegates_sync(SecondaryNode) ->
-test_queue_cleanup_receiver(Pid) ->
- receive
- shutdown ->
- ok;
- {send_command, Method} ->
- Pid ! Method,
- test_queue_cleanup_receiver(Pid)
- end.
test_queue_cleanup(_SecondaryNode) ->
- {_Writer, Ch} = test_spawn(fun test_queue_cleanup_receiver/1),
+ {_Writer, Ch} = test_spawn(),
rabbit_channel:do(Ch, #'queue.declare'{ queue = ?CLEANUP_QUEUE_NAME }),
receive #'queue.declare_ok'{queue = ?CLEANUP_QUEUE_NAME} ->
@@ -1404,7 +1457,7 @@ test_queue_cleanup(_SecondaryNode) ->
rabbit_channel:do(Ch, #'queue.declare'{ passive = true,
- #'channel.close'{reply_code = 404} ->
+ #'channel.close'{reply_code = ?NOT_FOUND} ->
after 2000 ->
@@ -1437,7 +1490,7 @@ test_declare_on_dead_queue(SecondaryNode) ->
control_action(Command, Args) ->
control_action(Command, node(), Args, default_options()).
@@ -1550,23 +1603,42 @@ test_file_handle_cache() ->
ok = file_handle_cache:set_limit(5), %% 1 or 2 sockets, 2 msg_stores
TmpDir = filename:join(rabbit_mnesia:dir(), "tmp"),
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join(TmpDir, "nothing")),
+ [Src1, Dst1, Src2, Dst2] = Files =
+ [filename:join(TmpDir, Str) || Str <- ["file1", "file2", "file3", "file4"]],
+ Content = <<"foo">>,
+ CopyFun = fun (Src, Dst) ->
+ ok = file:write_file(Src, Content),
+ {ok, SrcHdl} = file_handle_cache:open(Src, [read], []),
+ {ok, DstHdl} = file_handle_cache:open(Dst, [write], []),
+ Size = size(Content),
+ {ok, Size} = file_handle_cache:copy(SrcHdl, DstHdl, Size),
+ ok = file_handle_cache:delete(SrcHdl),
+ ok = file_handle_cache:delete(DstHdl)
+ end,
Pid = spawn(fun () -> {ok, Hdl} = file_handle_cache:open(
- filename:join(TmpDir, "file3"),
+ filename:join(TmpDir, "file5"),
[write], []),
- receive close -> ok end,
- file_handle_cache:delete(Hdl)
+ receive {next, Pid1} -> Pid1 ! {next, self()} end,
+ file_handle_cache:delete(Hdl),
+ %% This will block and never return, so we
+ %% exercise the fhc tidying up the pending
+ %% queue on the death of a process.
+ ok = CopyFun(Src1, Dst1)
- Src = filename:join(TmpDir, "file1"),
- Dst = filename:join(TmpDir, "file2"),
- Content = <<"foo">>,
- ok = file:write_file(Src, Content),
- {ok, SrcHdl} = file_handle_cache:open(Src, [read], []),
- {ok, DstHdl} = file_handle_cache:open(Dst, [write], []),
- Size = size(Content),
- {ok, Size} = file_handle_cache:copy(SrcHdl, DstHdl, Size),
- ok = file_handle_cache:delete(SrcHdl),
- file_handle_cache:delete(DstHdl),
- Pid ! close,
+ ok = CopyFun(Src1, Dst1),
+ ok = file_handle_cache:set_limit(2),
+ Pid ! {next, self()},
+ receive {next, Pid} -> ok end,
+ timer:sleep(100),
+ Pid1 = spawn(fun () -> CopyFun(Src2, Dst2) end),
+ timer:sleep(100),
+ erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
+ erlang:monitor(process, Pid1),
+ exit(Pid, kill),
+ exit(Pid1, kill),
+ receive {'DOWN', _MRef, process, Pid, _Reason} -> ok end,
+ receive {'DOWN', _MRef1, process, Pid1, _Reason1} -> ok end,
+ [file:delete(File) || File <- Files],
ok = file_handle_cache:set_limit(Limit),
@@ -1601,50 +1673,50 @@ restart_msg_store_empty() ->
ok = rabbit_variable_queue:start_msg_store(
undefined, {fun (ok) -> finished end, ok}).
-guid_bin(X) ->
+msg_id_bin(X) ->
msg_store_client_init(MsgStore, Ref) ->
rabbit_msg_store:client_init(MsgStore, Ref, undefined, undefined).
-msg_store_contains(Atom, Guids, MSCState) ->
+msg_store_contains(Atom, MsgIds, MSCState) ->
Atom = lists:foldl(
- fun (Guid, Atom1) when Atom1 =:= Atom ->
- rabbit_msg_store:contains(Guid, MSCState) end,
- Atom, Guids).
+ fun (MsgId, Atom1) when Atom1 =:= Atom ->
+ rabbit_msg_store:contains(MsgId, MSCState) end,
+ Atom, MsgIds).
-msg_store_sync(Guids, MSCState) ->
+msg_store_sync(MsgIds, MSCState) ->
Ref = make_ref(),
Self = self(),
- ok = rabbit_msg_store:sync(Guids, fun () -> Self ! {sync, Ref} end,
+ ok = rabbit_msg_store:sync(MsgIds, fun () -> Self ! {sync, Ref} end,
{sync, Ref} -> ok
10000 ->
- io:format("Sync from msg_store missing for guids ~p~n", [Guids]),
+ io:format("Sync from msg_store missing for msg_ids ~p~n", [MsgIds]),
-msg_store_read(Guids, MSCState) ->
- lists:foldl(fun (Guid, MSCStateM) ->
- {{ok, Guid}, MSCStateN} = rabbit_msg_store:read(
- Guid, MSCStateM),
+msg_store_read(MsgIds, MSCState) ->
+ lists:foldl(fun (MsgId, MSCStateM) ->
+ {{ok, MsgId}, MSCStateN} = rabbit_msg_store:read(
+ MsgId, MSCStateM),
- end, MSCState, Guids).
+ end, MSCState, MsgIds).
-msg_store_write(Guids, MSCState) ->
- ok = lists:foldl(
- fun (Guid, ok) -> rabbit_msg_store:write(Guid, Guid, MSCState) end,
- ok, Guids).
+msg_store_write(MsgIds, MSCState) ->
+ ok = lists:foldl(fun (MsgId, ok) ->
+ rabbit_msg_store:write(MsgId, MsgId, MSCState)
+ end, ok, MsgIds).
-msg_store_remove(Guids, MSCState) ->
- rabbit_msg_store:remove(Guids, MSCState).
+msg_store_remove(MsgIds, MSCState) ->
+ rabbit_msg_store:remove(MsgIds, MSCState).
-msg_store_remove(MsgStore, Ref, Guids) ->
+msg_store_remove(MsgStore, Ref, MsgIds) ->
with_msg_store_client(MsgStore, Ref,
fun (MSCStateM) ->
- ok = msg_store_remove(Guids, MSCStateM),
+ ok = msg_store_remove(MsgIds, MSCStateM),
@@ -1654,140 +1726,138 @@ with_msg_store_client(MsgStore, Ref, Fun) ->
foreach_with_msg_store_client(MsgStore, Ref, Fun, L) ->
- lists:foldl(fun (Guid, MSCState) -> Fun(Guid, MSCState) end,
+ lists:foldl(fun (MsgId, MSCState) -> Fun(MsgId, MSCState) end,
msg_store_client_init(MsgStore, Ref), L)).
test_msg_store() ->
Self = self(),
- Guids = [guid_bin(M) || M <- lists:seq(1,100)],
- {Guids1stHalf, Guids2ndHalf} = lists:split(50, Guids),
+ MsgIds = [msg_id_bin(M) || M <- lists:seq(1,100)],
+ {MsgIds1stHalf, MsgIds2ndHalf} = lists:split(50, MsgIds),
Ref = rabbit_guid:guid(),
MSCState = msg_store_client_init(?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE, Ref),
%% check we don't contain any of the msgs we're about to publish
- false = msg_store_contains(false, Guids, MSCState),
+ false = msg_store_contains(false, MsgIds, MSCState),
%% publish the first half
- ok = msg_store_write(Guids1stHalf, MSCState),
+ ok = msg_store_write(MsgIds1stHalf, MSCState),
%% sync on the first half
- ok = msg_store_sync(Guids1stHalf, MSCState),
+ ok = msg_store_sync(MsgIds1stHalf, MSCState),
%% publish the second half
- ok = msg_store_write(Guids2ndHalf, MSCState),
+ ok = msg_store_write(MsgIds2ndHalf, MSCState),
%% sync on the first half again - the msg_store will be dirty, but
%% we won't need the fsync
- ok = msg_store_sync(Guids1stHalf, MSCState),
+ ok = msg_store_sync(MsgIds1stHalf, MSCState),
%% check they're all in there
- true = msg_store_contains(true, Guids, MSCState),
+ true = msg_store_contains(true, MsgIds, MSCState),
%% publish the latter half twice so we hit the caching and ref count code
- ok = msg_store_write(Guids2ndHalf, MSCState),
+ ok = msg_store_write(MsgIds2ndHalf, MSCState),
%% check they're still all in there
- true = msg_store_contains(true, Guids, MSCState),
+ true = msg_store_contains(true, MsgIds, MSCState),
%% sync on the 2nd half, but do lots of individual syncs to try
%% and cause coalescing to happen
ok = lists:foldl(
- fun (Guid, ok) -> rabbit_msg_store:sync(
- [Guid], fun () -> Self ! {sync, Guid} end,
- MSCState)
- end, ok, Guids2ndHalf),
+ fun (MsgId, ok) -> rabbit_msg_store:sync(
+ [MsgId], fun () -> Self ! {sync, MsgId} end,
+ MSCState)
+ end, ok, MsgIds2ndHalf),
- fun(Guid, ok) ->
+ fun(MsgId, ok) ->
- {sync, Guid} -> ok
+ {sync, MsgId} -> ok
10000 ->
- io:format("Sync from msg_store missing (guid: ~p)~n",
- [Guid]),
+ io:format("Sync from msg_store missing (msg_id: ~p)~n",
+ [MsgId]),
- end, ok, Guids2ndHalf),
+ end, ok, MsgIds2ndHalf),
%% it's very likely we're not dirty here, so the 1st half sync
%% should hit a different code path
- ok = msg_store_sync(Guids1stHalf, MSCState),
+ ok = msg_store_sync(MsgIds1stHalf, MSCState),
%% read them all
- MSCState1 = msg_store_read(Guids, MSCState),
+ MSCState1 = msg_store_read(MsgIds, MSCState),
%% read them all again - this will hit the cache, not disk
- MSCState2 = msg_store_read(Guids, MSCState1),
+ MSCState2 = msg_store_read(MsgIds, MSCState1),
%% remove them all
- ok = rabbit_msg_store:remove(Guids, MSCState2),
+ ok = rabbit_msg_store:remove(MsgIds, MSCState2),
%% check first half doesn't exist
- false = msg_store_contains(false, Guids1stHalf, MSCState2),
+ false = msg_store_contains(false, MsgIds1stHalf, MSCState2),
%% check second half does exist
- true = msg_store_contains(true, Guids2ndHalf, MSCState2),
+ true = msg_store_contains(true, MsgIds2ndHalf, MSCState2),
%% read the second half again
- MSCState3 = msg_store_read(Guids2ndHalf, MSCState2),
- %% release the second half, just for fun (aka code coverage)
- ok = rabbit_msg_store:release(Guids2ndHalf, MSCState3),
+ MSCState3 = msg_store_read(MsgIds2ndHalf, MSCState2),
%% read the second half again, just for fun (aka code coverage)
- MSCState4 = msg_store_read(Guids2ndHalf, MSCState3),
+ MSCState4 = msg_store_read(MsgIds2ndHalf, MSCState3),
ok = rabbit_msg_store:client_terminate(MSCState4),
%% stop and restart, preserving every other msg in 2nd half
ok = rabbit_variable_queue:stop_msg_store(),
ok = rabbit_variable_queue:start_msg_store(
[], {fun ([]) -> finished;
- ([Guid|GuidsTail])
- when length(GuidsTail) rem 2 == 0 ->
- {Guid, 1, GuidsTail};
- ([Guid|GuidsTail]) ->
- {Guid, 0, GuidsTail}
- end, Guids2ndHalf}),
+ ([MsgId|MsgIdsTail])
+ when length(MsgIdsTail) rem 2 == 0 ->
+ {MsgId, 1, MsgIdsTail};
+ ([MsgId|MsgIdsTail]) ->
+ {MsgId, 0, MsgIdsTail}
+ end, MsgIds2ndHalf}),
MSCState5 = msg_store_client_init(?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE, Ref),
%% check we have the right msgs left
- fun (Guid, Bool) ->
- not(Bool = rabbit_msg_store:contains(Guid, MSCState5))
- end, false, Guids2ndHalf),
+ fun (MsgId, Bool) ->
+ not(Bool = rabbit_msg_store:contains(MsgId, MSCState5))
+ end, false, MsgIds2ndHalf),
ok = rabbit_msg_store:client_terminate(MSCState5),
%% restart empty
MSCState6 = msg_store_client_init(?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE, Ref),
%% check we don't contain any of the msgs
- false = msg_store_contains(false, Guids, MSCState6),
+ false = msg_store_contains(false, MsgIds, MSCState6),
%% publish the first half again
- ok = msg_store_write(Guids1stHalf, MSCState6),
+ ok = msg_store_write(MsgIds1stHalf, MSCState6),
%% this should force some sort of sync internally otherwise misread
ok = rabbit_msg_store:client_terminate(
- msg_store_read(Guids1stHalf, MSCState6)),
+ msg_store_read(MsgIds1stHalf, MSCState6)),
MSCState7 = msg_store_client_init(?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE, Ref),
- ok = rabbit_msg_store:remove(Guids1stHalf, MSCState7),
+ ok = rabbit_msg_store:remove(MsgIds1stHalf, MSCState7),
ok = rabbit_msg_store:client_terminate(MSCState7),
%% restart empty
- restart_msg_store_empty(), %% now safe to reuse guids
+ restart_msg_store_empty(), %% now safe to reuse msg_ids
%% push a lot of msgs in... at least 100 files worth
{ok, FileSize} = application:get_env(rabbit, msg_store_file_size_limit),
PayloadSizeBits = 65536,
BigCount = trunc(100 * FileSize / (PayloadSizeBits div 8)),
- GuidsBig = [guid_bin(X) || X <- lists:seq(1, BigCount)],
+ MsgIdsBig = [msg_id_bin(X) || X <- lists:seq(1, BigCount)],
Payload = << 0:PayloadSizeBits >>,
ok = with_msg_store_client(
fun (MSCStateM) ->
- [ok = rabbit_msg_store:write(Guid, Payload, MSCStateM) ||
- Guid <- GuidsBig],
+ [ok = rabbit_msg_store:write(MsgId, Payload, MSCStateM) ||
+ MsgId <- MsgIdsBig],
%% now read them to ensure we hit the fast client-side reading
ok = foreach_with_msg_store_client(
- fun (Guid, MSCStateM) ->
+ fun (MsgId, MSCStateM) ->
{{ok, Payload}, MSCStateN} = rabbit_msg_store:read(
- Guid, MSCStateM),
+ MsgId, MSCStateM),
- end, GuidsBig),
+ end, MsgIdsBig),
%% .., then 3s by 1...
ok = msg_store_remove(?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE, Ref,
- [guid_bin(X) || X <- lists:seq(BigCount, 1, -3)]),
+ [msg_id_bin(X) || X <- lists:seq(BigCount, 1, -3)]),
%% .., then remove 3s by 2, from the young end first. This hits
%% GC (under 50% good data left, but no empty files. Must GC).
ok = msg_store_remove(?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE, Ref,
- [guid_bin(X) || X <- lists:seq(BigCount-1, 1, -3)]),
+ [msg_id_bin(X) || X <- lists:seq(BigCount-1, 1, -3)]),
%% .., then remove 3s by 3, from the young end first. This hits
%% GC...
ok = msg_store_remove(?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE, Ref,
- [guid_bin(X) || X <- lists:seq(BigCount-2, 1, -3)]),
+ [msg_id_bin(X) || X <- lists:seq(BigCount-2, 1, -3)]),
%% ensure empty
ok = with_msg_store_client(
fun (MSCStateM) ->
- false = msg_store_contains(false, GuidsBig, MSCStateM),
+ false = msg_store_contains(false, MsgIdsBig, MSCStateM),
%% restart empty
@@ -1807,8 +1877,8 @@ init_test_queue() ->
PersistentClient = msg_store_client_init(?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE, PRef),
Res = rabbit_queue_index:recover(
TestQueue, Terms, false,
- fun (Guid) ->
- rabbit_msg_store:contains(Guid, PersistentClient)
+ fun (MsgId) ->
+ rabbit_msg_store:contains(MsgId, PersistentClient)
fun nop/1),
ok = rabbit_msg_store:client_delete_and_terminate(PersistentClient),
@@ -1839,25 +1909,25 @@ queue_index_publish(SeqIds, Persistent, Qi) ->
MSCState = msg_store_client_init(MsgStore, Ref),
- {A, B = [{_SeqId, LastGuidWritten} | _]} =
+ {A, B = [{_SeqId, LastMsgIdWritten} | _]} =
- fun (SeqId, {QiN, SeqIdsGuidsAcc}) ->
- Guid = rabbit_guid:guid(),
+ fun (SeqId, {QiN, SeqIdsMsgIdsAcc}) ->
+ MsgId = rabbit_guid:guid(),
QiM = rabbit_queue_index:publish(
- Guid, SeqId, #message_properties{}, Persistent, QiN),
- ok = rabbit_msg_store:write(Guid, Guid, MSCState),
- {QiM, [{SeqId, Guid} | SeqIdsGuidsAcc]}
+ MsgId, SeqId, #message_properties{}, Persistent, QiN),
+ ok = rabbit_msg_store:write(MsgId, MsgId, MSCState),
+ {QiM, [{SeqId, MsgId} | SeqIdsMsgIdsAcc]}
end, {Qi, []}, SeqIds),
%% do this just to force all of the publishes through to the msg_store:
- true = rabbit_msg_store:contains(LastGuidWritten, MSCState),
+ true = rabbit_msg_store:contains(LastMsgIdWritten, MSCState),
ok = rabbit_msg_store:client_delete_and_terminate(MSCState),
{A, B}.
verify_read_with_published(_Delivered, _Persistent, [], _) ->
verify_read_with_published(Delivered, Persistent,
- [{Guid, SeqId, _Props, Persistent, Delivered}|Read],
- [{SeqId, Guid}|Published]) ->
+ [{MsgId, SeqId, _Props, Persistent, Delivered}|Read],
+ [{SeqId, MsgId}|Published]) ->
verify_read_with_published(Delivered, Persistent, Read, Published);
verify_read_with_published(_Delivered, _Persistent, _Read, _Published) ->
@@ -1865,10 +1935,10 @@ verify_read_with_published(_Delivered, _Persistent, _Read, _Published) ->
test_queue_index_props() ->
fun(Qi0) ->
- Guid = rabbit_guid:guid(),
+ MsgId = rabbit_guid:guid(),
Props = #message_properties{expiry=12345},
- Qi1 = rabbit_queue_index:publish(Guid, 1, Props, true, Qi0),
- {[{Guid, 1, Props, _, _}], Qi2} =
+ Qi1 = rabbit_queue_index:publish(MsgId, 1, Props, true, Qi0),
+ {[{MsgId, 1, Props, _, _}], Qi2} =
rabbit_queue_index:read(1, 2, Qi1),
@@ -1890,19 +1960,19 @@ test_queue_index() ->
fun (Qi0) ->
{0, 0, Qi1} = rabbit_queue_index:bounds(Qi0),
- {Qi2, SeqIdsGuidsA} = queue_index_publish(SeqIdsA, false, Qi1),
+ {Qi2, SeqIdsMsgIdsA} = queue_index_publish(SeqIdsA, false, Qi1),
{0, SegmentSize, Qi3} = rabbit_queue_index:bounds(Qi2),
{ReadA, Qi4} = rabbit_queue_index:read(0, SegmentSize, Qi3),
ok = verify_read_with_published(false, false, ReadA,
- lists:reverse(SeqIdsGuidsA)),
+ lists:reverse(SeqIdsMsgIdsA)),
%% should get length back as 0, as all the msgs were transient
{0, Qi6} = restart_test_queue(Qi4),
{0, 0, Qi7} = rabbit_queue_index:bounds(Qi6),
- {Qi8, SeqIdsGuidsB} = queue_index_publish(SeqIdsB, true, Qi7),
+ {Qi8, SeqIdsMsgIdsB} = queue_index_publish(SeqIdsB, true, Qi7),
{0, TwoSegs, Qi9} = rabbit_queue_index:bounds(Qi8),
{ReadB, Qi10} = rabbit_queue_index:read(0, SegmentSize, Qi9),
ok = verify_read_with_published(false, true, ReadB,
- lists:reverse(SeqIdsGuidsB)),
+ lists:reverse(SeqIdsMsgIdsB)),
%% should get length back as MostOfASegment
LenB = length(SeqIdsB),
{LenB, Qi12} = restart_test_queue(Qi10),
@@ -1910,7 +1980,7 @@ test_queue_index() ->
Qi14 = rabbit_queue_index:deliver(SeqIdsB, Qi13),
{ReadC, Qi15} = rabbit_queue_index:read(0, SegmentSize, Qi14),
ok = verify_read_with_published(true, true, ReadC,
- lists:reverse(SeqIdsGuidsB)),
+ lists:reverse(SeqIdsMsgIdsB)),
Qi16 = rabbit_queue_index:ack(SeqIdsB, Qi15),
Qi17 = rabbit_queue_index:flush(Qi16),
%% Everything will have gone now because #pubs == #acks
@@ -1926,12 +1996,12 @@ test_queue_index() ->
%% a) partial pub+del+ack, then move to new segment
fun (Qi0) ->
- {Qi1, _SeqIdsGuidsC} = queue_index_publish(SeqIdsC,
+ {Qi1, _SeqIdsMsgIdsC} = queue_index_publish(SeqIdsC,
false, Qi0),
Qi2 = rabbit_queue_index:deliver(SeqIdsC, Qi1),
Qi3 = rabbit_queue_index:ack(SeqIdsC, Qi2),
Qi4 = rabbit_queue_index:flush(Qi3),
- {Qi5, _SeqIdsGuidsC1} = queue_index_publish([SegmentSize],
+ {Qi5, _SeqIdsMsgIdsC1} = queue_index_publish([SegmentSize],
false, Qi4),
@@ -1939,10 +2009,10 @@ test_queue_index() ->
%% b) partial pub+del, then move to new segment, then ack all in old segment
fun (Qi0) ->
- {Qi1, _SeqIdsGuidsC2} = queue_index_publish(SeqIdsC,
+ {Qi1, _SeqIdsMsgIdsC2} = queue_index_publish(SeqIdsC,
false, Qi0),
Qi2 = rabbit_queue_index:deliver(SeqIdsC, Qi1),
- {Qi3, _SeqIdsGuidsC3} = queue_index_publish([SegmentSize],
+ {Qi3, _SeqIdsMsgIdsC3} = queue_index_publish([SegmentSize],
false, Qi2),
Qi4 = rabbit_queue_index:ack(SeqIdsC, Qi3),
@@ -1951,8 +2021,8 @@ test_queue_index() ->
%% c) just fill up several segments of all pubs, then +dels, then +acks
fun (Qi0) ->
- {Qi1, _SeqIdsGuidsD} = queue_index_publish(SeqIdsD,
- false, Qi0),
+ {Qi1, _SeqIdsMsgIdsD} = queue_index_publish(SeqIdsD,
+ false, Qi0),
Qi2 = rabbit_queue_index:deliver(SeqIdsD, Qi1),
Qi3 = rabbit_queue_index:ack(SeqIdsD, Qi2),
@@ -1985,12 +2055,12 @@ test_queue_index() ->
%% exercise journal_minus_segment, not segment_plus_journal.
fun (Qi0) ->
- {Qi1, _SeqIdsGuidsE} = queue_index_publish([0,1,2,4,5,7],
+ {Qi1, _SeqIdsMsgIdsE} = queue_index_publish([0,1,2,4,5,7],
true, Qi0),
Qi2 = rabbit_queue_index:deliver([0,1,4], Qi1),
Qi3 = rabbit_queue_index:ack([0], Qi2),
{5, Qi4} = restart_test_queue(Qi3),
- {Qi5, _SeqIdsGuidsF} = queue_index_publish([3,6,8], true, Qi4),
+ {Qi5, _SeqIdsMsgIdsF} = queue_index_publish([3,6,8], true, Qi4),
Qi6 = rabbit_queue_index:deliver([2,3,5,6], Qi5),
Qi7 = rabbit_queue_index:ack([1,2,3], Qi6),
{5, Qi8} = restart_test_queue(Qi7),
@@ -2002,6 +2072,10 @@ test_queue_index() ->
+variable_queue_init(QName, IsDurable, Recover) ->
+ rabbit_variable_queue:init(QName, IsDurable, Recover,
+ fun nop/1, fun nop/1, fun nop/2, fun nop/1).
variable_queue_publish(IsPersistent, Count, VQ) ->
fun (_N, VQN) ->
@@ -2032,8 +2106,7 @@ assert_props(List, PropVals) ->
with_fresh_variable_queue(Fun) ->
ok = empty_test_queue(),
- VQ = rabbit_variable_queue:init(test_queue(), true, false,
- fun nop/2, fun nop/1),
+ VQ = variable_queue_init(test_queue(), true, false),
S0 = rabbit_variable_queue:status(VQ),
assert_props(S0, [{q1, 0}, {q2, 0},
{delta, {delta, undefined, 0, undefined}},
@@ -2194,7 +2267,7 @@ check_variable_queue_status(VQ0, Props) ->
variable_queue_wait_for_shuffling_end(VQ) ->
case rabbit_variable_queue:needs_idle_timeout(VQ) of
true -> variable_queue_wait_for_shuffling_end(
- rabbit_variable_queue:idle_timeout(VQ));
+ rabbit_variable_queue:idle_timeout(VQ));
false -> VQ
@@ -2208,8 +2281,7 @@ test_variable_queue_all_the_bits_not_covered_elsewhere1(VQ0) ->
{VQ5, _AckTags1} = variable_queue_fetch(Count, false, false,
Count, VQ4),
_VQ6 = rabbit_variable_queue:terminate(VQ5),
- VQ7 = rabbit_variable_queue:init(test_queue(), true, true,
- fun nop/2, fun nop/1),
+ VQ7 = variable_queue_init(test_queue(), true, true),
{{_Msg1, true, _AckTag1, Count1}, VQ8} =
rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(true, VQ7),
VQ9 = variable_queue_publish(false, 1, VQ8),
@@ -2225,8 +2297,7 @@ test_variable_queue_all_the_bits_not_covered_elsewhere2(VQ0) ->
VQ4 = rabbit_variable_queue:requeue(AckTags, fun(X) -> X end, VQ3),
VQ5 = rabbit_variable_queue:idle_timeout(VQ4),
_VQ6 = rabbit_variable_queue:terminate(VQ5),
- VQ7 = rabbit_variable_queue:init(test_queue(), true, true,
- fun nop/2, fun nop/1),
+ VQ7 = variable_queue_init(test_queue(), true, true),
{empty, VQ8} = rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(false, VQ7),
@@ -2249,7 +2320,7 @@ test_queue_recover() ->
after 10000 -> exit(timeout_waiting_for_queue_death)
- ok = rabbit_amqqueue:start(),
+ rabbit_amqqueue:start(),
fun (Q1 = #amqqueue { pid = QPid1 }) ->
@@ -2257,8 +2328,7 @@ test_queue_recover() ->
{ok, CountMinusOne, {QName, QPid1, _AckTag, true, _Msg}} =
rabbit_amqqueue:basic_get(Q1, self(), false),
exit(QPid1, shutdown),
- VQ1 = rabbit_variable_queue:init(QName, true, true,
- fun nop/2, fun nop/1),
+ VQ1 = variable_queue_init(QName, true, true),
{{_Msg1, true, _AckTag1, CountMinusOne}, VQ2} =
rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(true, VQ1),
_VQ3 = rabbit_variable_queue:delete_and_terminate(VQ2),
diff --git a/src/rabbit_types.erl b/src/rabbit_types.erl
index 3dbe740f..1f0f8bbe 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_types.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_types.erl
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
-export_type([txn/0, maybe/1, info/0, infos/0, info_key/0, info_keys/0,
- message/0, basic_message/0,
+ message/0, msg_id/0, basic_message/0,
delivery/0, content/0, decoded_content/0, undecoded_content/0,
unencoded_content/0, encoded_content/0, message_properties/0,
vhost/0, ctag/0, amqp_error/0, r/1, r2/2, r3/3, listener/0,
@@ -42,39 +42,40 @@
%% TODO: make this more precise by tying specific class_ids to
%% specific properties
-type(undecoded_content() ::
- #content{class_id :: rabbit_framing:amqp_class_id(),
- properties :: 'none',
- properties_bin :: binary(),
- payload_fragments_rev :: [binary()]} |
- #content{class_id :: rabbit_framing:amqp_class_id(),
- properties :: rabbit_framing:amqp_property_record(),
- properties_bin :: 'none',
- payload_fragments_rev :: [binary()]}).
+ #content{class_id :: rabbit_framing:amqp_class_id(),
+ properties :: 'none',
+ properties_bin :: binary(),
+ payload_fragments_rev :: [binary()]} |
+ #content{class_id :: rabbit_framing:amqp_class_id(),
+ properties :: rabbit_framing:amqp_property_record(),
+ properties_bin :: 'none',
+ payload_fragments_rev :: [binary()]}).
-type(unencoded_content() :: undecoded_content()).
-type(decoded_content() ::
- #content{class_id :: rabbit_framing:amqp_class_id(),
- properties :: rabbit_framing:amqp_property_record(),
- properties_bin :: maybe(binary()),
- payload_fragments_rev :: [binary()]}).
+ #content{class_id :: rabbit_framing:amqp_class_id(),
+ properties :: rabbit_framing:amqp_property_record(),
+ properties_bin :: maybe(binary()),
+ payload_fragments_rev :: [binary()]}).
-type(encoded_content() ::
- #content{class_id :: rabbit_framing:amqp_class_id(),
- properties :: maybe(rabbit_framing:amqp_property_record()),
- properties_bin :: binary(),
- payload_fragments_rev :: [binary()]}).
+ #content{class_id :: rabbit_framing:amqp_class_id(),
+ properties :: maybe(rabbit_framing:amqp_property_record()),
+ properties_bin :: binary(),
+ payload_fragments_rev :: [binary()]}).
-type(content() :: undecoded_content() | decoded_content()).
+-type(msg_id() :: rabbit_guid:guid()).
-type(basic_message() ::
- #basic_message{exchange_name :: rabbit_exchange:name(),
- routing_key :: rabbit_router:routing_key(),
- content :: content(),
- guid :: rabbit_guid:guid(),
- is_persistent :: boolean()}).
+ #basic_message{exchange_name :: rabbit_exchange:name(),
+ routing_keys :: [rabbit_router:routing_key()],
+ content :: content(),
+ id :: msg_id(),
+ is_persistent :: boolean()}).
-type(message() :: basic_message()).
-type(delivery() ::
- #delivery{mandatory :: boolean(),
- immediate :: boolean(),
- txn :: maybe(txn()),
- sender :: pid(),
- message :: message()}).
+ #delivery{mandatory :: boolean(),
+ immediate :: boolean(),
+ txn :: maybe(txn()),
+ sender :: pid(),
+ message :: message()}).
-type(message_properties() ::
#message_properties{expiry :: pos_integer() | 'undefined',
needs_confirming :: boolean()}).
@@ -89,9 +90,9 @@
-type(infos() :: [info()]).
-type(amqp_error() ::
- #amqp_error{name :: rabbit_framing:amqp_exception(),
- explanation :: string(),
- method :: rabbit_framing:amqp_method_name()}).
+ #amqp_error{name :: rabbit_framing:amqp_exception(),
+ explanation :: string(),
+ method :: rabbit_framing:amqp_method_name()}).
-type(r(Kind) ::
r2(vhost(), Kind)).
@@ -103,34 +104,34 @@
name :: Name}).
-type(listener() ::
- #listener{node :: node(),
- protocol :: atom(),
- host :: rabbit_networking:hostname(),
- port :: rabbit_networking:ip_port()}).
+ #listener{node :: node(),
+ protocol :: atom(),
+ host :: rabbit_networking:hostname(),
+ port :: rabbit_networking:ip_port()}).
-type(binding_source() :: rabbit_exchange:name()).
-type(binding_destination() :: rabbit_amqqueue:name() | rabbit_exchange:name()).
-type(binding() ::
- #binding{source :: rabbit_exchange:name(),
- destination :: binding_destination(),
- key :: rabbit_binding:key(),
- args :: rabbit_framing:amqp_table()}).
+ #binding{source :: rabbit_exchange:name(),
+ destination :: binding_destination(),
+ key :: rabbit_binding:key(),
+ args :: rabbit_framing:amqp_table()}).
-type(amqqueue() ::
- #amqqueue{name :: rabbit_amqqueue:name(),
- durable :: boolean(),
- auto_delete :: boolean(),
- exclusive_owner :: rabbit_types:maybe(pid()),
- arguments :: rabbit_framing:amqp_table(),
- pid :: rabbit_types:maybe(pid())}).
+ #amqqueue{name :: rabbit_amqqueue:name(),
+ durable :: boolean(),
+ auto_delete :: boolean(),
+ exclusive_owner :: rabbit_types:maybe(pid()),
+ arguments :: rabbit_framing:amqp_table(),
+ pid :: rabbit_types:maybe(pid())}).
-type(exchange() ::
- #exchange{name :: rabbit_exchange:name(),
- type :: rabbit_exchange:type(),
- durable :: boolean(),
- auto_delete :: boolean(),
- arguments :: rabbit_framing:amqp_table()}).
+ #exchange{name :: rabbit_exchange:name(),
+ type :: rabbit_exchange:type(),
+ durable :: boolean(),
+ auto_delete :: boolean(),
+ arguments :: rabbit_framing:amqp_table()}).
-type(connection() :: pid()).
diff --git a/src/rabbit_upgrade.erl b/src/rabbit_upgrade.erl
index 89acc10c..a2abb1e5 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_upgrade.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_upgrade.erl
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
--export([maybe_upgrade/0, read_version/0, write_version/0, desired_version/0]).
+-export([maybe_upgrade_mnesia/0, maybe_upgrade_local/0]).
@@ -27,141 +27,260 @@
--type(step() :: atom()).
--type(version() :: [step()]).
--spec(maybe_upgrade/0 :: () -> 'ok' | 'version_not_available').
--spec(read_version/0 :: () -> rabbit_types:ok_or_error2(version(), any())).
--spec(write_version/0 :: () -> 'ok').
--spec(desired_version/0 :: () -> version()).
+-spec(maybe_upgrade_mnesia/0 :: () -> 'ok').
+-spec(maybe_upgrade_local/0 :: () -> 'ok' | 'version_not_available').
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-%% Try to upgrade the schema. If no information on the existing schema
-%% could be found, do nothing. rabbit_mnesia:check_schema_integrity()
-%% will catch the problem.
-maybe_upgrade() ->
- case read_version() of
- {ok, CurrentHeads} ->
- with_upgrade_graph(
- fun (G) ->
- case unknown_heads(CurrentHeads, G) of
- [] -> case upgrades_to_apply(CurrentHeads, G) of
- [] -> ok;
- Upgrades -> apply_upgrades(Upgrades)
- end;
- Unknown -> throw({error,
- {future_upgrades_found, Unknown}})
- end
- end);
- {error, enoent} ->
- version_not_available
+%% The upgrade logic is quite involved, due to the existence of
+%% clusters.
+%% Firstly, we have two different types of upgrades to do: Mnesia and
+%% everythinq else. Mnesia upgrades must only be done by one node in
+%% the cluster (we treat a non-clustered node as a single-node
+%% cluster). This is the primary upgrader. The other upgrades need to
+%% be done by all nodes.
+%% The primary upgrader has to start first (and do its Mnesia
+%% upgrades). Secondary upgraders need to reset their Mnesia database
+%% and then rejoin the cluster. They can't do the Mnesia upgrades as
+%% well and then merge databases since the cookie for each table will
+%% end up different and the merge will fail.
+%% This in turn means that we need to determine whether we are the
+%% primary or secondary upgrader *before* Mnesia comes up. If we
+%% didn't then the secondary upgrader would try to start Mnesia, and
+%% either hang waiting for a node which is not yet up, or fail since
+%% its schema differs from the other nodes in the cluster.
+%% Also, the primary upgrader needs to start Mnesia to do its
+%% upgrades, but needs to forcibly load tables rather than wait for
+%% them (in case it was not the last node to shut down, in which case
+%% it would wait forever).
+%% This in turn means that maybe_upgrade_mnesia/0 has to be patched
+%% into the boot process by prelaunch before the mnesia application is
+%% started. By the time Mnesia is started the upgrades have happened
+%% (on the primary), or Mnesia has been reset (on the secondary) and
+%% rabbit_mnesia:init_db/3 can then make the node rejoin the cluster
+%% in the normal way.
+%% The non-mnesia upgrades are then triggered by
+%% rabbit_mnesia:init_db/3. Of course, it's possible for a given
+%% upgrade process to only require Mnesia upgrades, or only require
+%% non-Mnesia upgrades. In the latter case no Mnesia resets and
+%% reclusterings occur.
+%% The primary upgrader needs to be a disc node. Ideally we would like
+%% it to be the last disc node to shut down (since otherwise there's a
+%% risk of data loss). On each node we therefore record the disc nodes
+%% that were still running when we shut down. A disc node that knows
+%% other nodes were up when it shut down, or a ram node, will refuse
+%% to be the primary upgrader, and will thus not start when upgrades
+%% are needed.
+%% However, this is racy if several nodes are shut down at once. Since
+%% rabbit records the running nodes, and shuts down before mnesia, the
+%% race manifests as all disc nodes thinking they are not the primary
+%% upgrader. Therefore the user can remove the record of the last disc
+%% node to shut down to get things going again. This may lose any
+%% mnesia changes that happened after the node chosen as the primary
+%% upgrader was shut down.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ensure_backup_taken() ->
+ case filelib:is_file(lock_filename()) of
+ false -> case filelib:is_dir(backup_dir()) of
+ false -> ok = take_backup();
+ _ -> ok
+ end;
+ true -> throw({error, previous_upgrade_failed})
-read_version() ->
- case rabbit_misc:read_term_file(schema_filename()) of
- {ok, [Heads]} -> {ok, Heads};
- {error, _} = Err -> Err
+take_backup() ->
+ BackupDir = backup_dir(),
+ case rabbit_mnesia:copy_db(BackupDir) of
+ ok -> info("upgrades: Mnesia dir backed up to ~p~n",
+ [BackupDir]);
+ {error, E} -> throw({could_not_back_up_mnesia_dir, E})
-write_version() ->
- ok = rabbit_misc:write_term_file(schema_filename(), [desired_version()]),
- ok.
+ensure_backup_removed() ->
+ case filelib:is_dir(backup_dir()) of
+ true -> ok = remove_backup();
+ _ -> ok
+ end.
-desired_version() ->
- with_upgrade_graph(fun (G) -> heads(G) end).
+remove_backup() ->
+ ok = rabbit_misc:recursive_delete([backup_dir()]),
+ info("upgrades: Mnesia backup removed~n", []).
-%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+maybe_upgrade_mnesia() ->
+ AllNodes = rabbit_mnesia:all_clustered_nodes(),
+ case rabbit_version:upgrades_required(mnesia) of
+ {error, version_not_available} ->
+ case AllNodes of
+ [_] -> ok;
+ _ -> die("Cluster upgrade needed but upgrading from "
+ "< 2.1.1.~nUnfortunately you will need to "
+ "rebuild the cluster.", [])
+ end;
+ {error, _} = Err ->
+ throw(Err);
+ {ok, []} ->
+ ok;
+ {ok, Upgrades} ->
+ ensure_backup_taken(),
+ ok = case upgrade_mode(AllNodes) of
+ primary -> primary_upgrade(Upgrades, AllNodes);
+ secondary -> secondary_upgrade(AllNodes)
+ end
+ end.
-with_upgrade_graph(Fun) ->
- case rabbit_misc:build_acyclic_graph(
- fun vertices/2, fun edges/2,
- rabbit_misc:all_module_attributes(rabbit_upgrade)) of
- {ok, G} -> try
- Fun(G)
- after
- true = digraph:delete(G)
- end;
- {error, {vertex, duplicate, StepName}} ->
- throw({error, {duplicate_upgrade_step, StepName}});
- {error, {edge, {bad_vertex, StepName}, _From, _To}} ->
- throw({error, {dependency_on_unknown_upgrade_step, StepName}});
- {error, {edge, {bad_edge, StepNames}, _From, _To}} ->
- throw({error, {cycle_in_upgrade_steps, StepNames}})
+upgrade_mode(AllNodes) ->
+ case nodes_running(AllNodes) of
+ [] ->
+ AfterUs = rabbit_mnesia:read_previously_running_nodes(),
+ case {is_disc_node(), AfterUs} of
+ {true, []} ->
+ primary;
+ {true, _} ->
+ Filename = rabbit_mnesia:running_nodes_filename(),
+ die("Cluster upgrade needed but other disc nodes shut "
+ "down after this one.~nPlease first start the last "
+ "disc node to shut down.~n~nNote: if several disc "
+ "nodes were shut down simultaneously they may "
+ "all~nshow this message. In which case, remove "
+ "the lock file on one of them and~nstart that node. "
+ "The lock file on this node is:~n~n ~s ", [Filename]);
+ {false, _} ->
+ die("Cluster upgrade needed but this is a ram node.~n"
+ "Please first start the last disc node to shut down.",
+ [])
+ end;
+ [Another|_] ->
+ MyVersion = rabbit_version:desired_for_scope(mnesia),
+ ErrFun = fun (ClusterVersion) ->
+ %% The other node(s) are running an
+ %% unexpected version.
+ die("Cluster upgrade needed but other nodes are "
+ "running ~p~nand I want ~p",
+ [ClusterVersion, MyVersion])
+ end,
+ case rpc:call(Another, rabbit_version, desired_for_scope,
+ [mnesia]) of
+ {badrpc, {'EXIT', {undef, _}}} -> ErrFun(unknown_old_version);
+ {badrpc, Reason} -> ErrFun({unknown, Reason});
+ CV -> case rabbit_version:matches(
+ MyVersion, CV) of
+ true -> secondary;
+ false -> ErrFun(CV)
+ end
+ end
-vertices(Module, Steps) ->
- [{StepName, {Module, StepName}} || {StepName, _Reqs} <- Steps].
+is_disc_node() ->
+ %% This is pretty ugly but we can't start Mnesia and ask it (will hang),
+ %% we can't look at the config file (may not include us even if we're a
+ %% disc node).
+ filelib:is_regular(filename:join(dir(), "rabbit_durable_exchange.DCD")).
+die(Msg, Args) ->
+ %% We don't throw or exit here since that gets thrown
+ %% straight out into do_boot, generating an erl_crash.dump
+ %% and displaying any error message in a confusing way.
+ error_logger:error_msg(Msg, Args),
+ io:format("~n~n****~n~n" ++ Msg ++ "~n~n****~n~n~n", Args),
+ error_logger:logfile(close),
+ halt(1).
+primary_upgrade(Upgrades, Nodes) ->
+ Others = Nodes -- [node()],
+ ok = apply_upgrades(
+ mnesia,
+ Upgrades,
+ fun () ->
+ force_tables(),
+ case Others of
+ [] -> ok;
+ _ -> info("mnesia upgrades: Breaking cluster~n", []),
+ [{atomic, ok} = mnesia:del_table_copy(schema, Node)
+ || Node <- Others]
+ end
+ end),
+ ok.
-edges(_Module, Steps) ->
- [{Require, StepName} || {StepName, Requires} <- Steps, Require <- Requires].
+force_tables() ->
+ [mnesia:force_load_table(T) || T <- rabbit_mnesia:table_names()].
-unknown_heads(Heads, G) ->
- [H || H <- Heads, digraph:vertex(G, H) =:= false].
+secondary_upgrade(AllNodes) ->
+ %% must do this before we wipe out schema
+ IsDiscNode = is_disc_node(),
+ rabbit_misc:ensure_ok(mnesia:delete_schema([node()]),
+ cannot_delete_schema),
+ %% Note that we cluster with all nodes, rather than all disc nodes
+ %% (as we can't know all disc nodes at this point). This is safe as
+ %% we're not writing the cluster config, just setting up Mnesia.
+ ClusterNodes = case IsDiscNode of
+ true -> AllNodes;
+ false -> AllNodes -- [node()]
+ end,
+ rabbit_misc:ensure_ok(mnesia:start(), cannot_start_mnesia),
+ ok = rabbit_mnesia:init_db(ClusterNodes, true, fun () -> ok end),
+ ok = rabbit_version:record_desired_for_scope(mnesia),
+ ok.
-upgrades_to_apply(Heads, G) ->
- %% Take all the vertices which can reach the known heads. That's
- %% everything we've already applied. Subtract that from all
- %% vertices: that's what we have to apply.
- Unsorted = sets:to_list(
- sets:subtract(
- sets:from_list(digraph:vertices(G)),
- sets:from_list(digraph_utils:reaching(Heads, G)))),
- %% Form a subgraph from that list and find a topological ordering
- %% so we can invoke them in order.
- [element(2, digraph:vertex(G, StepName)) ||
- StepName <- digraph_utils:topsort(digraph_utils:subgraph(G, Unsorted))].
+nodes_running(Nodes) ->
+ [N || N <- Nodes, node_running(N)].
-heads(G) ->
- lists:sort([V || V <- digraph:vertices(G), digraph:out_degree(G, V) =:= 0]).
+node_running(Node) ->
+ case rpc:call(Node, application, which_applications, []) of
+ {badrpc, _} -> false;
+ Apps -> lists:keysearch(rabbit, 1, Apps) =/= false
+ end.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
-apply_upgrades(Upgrades) ->
- LockFile = lock_filename(dir()),
- case rabbit_misc:lock_file(LockFile) of
- ok ->
- BackupDir = dir() ++ "-upgrade-backup",
- info("Upgrades: ~w to apply~n", [length(Upgrades)]),
- case rabbit_mnesia:copy_db(BackupDir) of
- ok ->
- %% We need to make the backup after creating the
- %% lock file so that it protects us from trying to
- %% overwrite the backup. Unfortunately this means
- %% the lock file exists in the backup too, which
- %% is not intuitive. Remove it.
- ok = file:delete(lock_filename(BackupDir)),
- info("Upgrades: Mnesia dir backed up to ~p~n", [BackupDir]),
- [apply_upgrade(Upgrade) || Upgrade <- Upgrades],
- info("Upgrades: All upgrades applied successfully~n", []),
- ok = write_version(),
- ok = rabbit_misc:recursive_delete([BackupDir]),
- info("Upgrades: Mnesia backup removed~n", []),
- ok = file:delete(LockFile);
- {error, E} ->
- %% If we can't backup, the upgrade hasn't started
- %% hence we don't need the lockfile since the real
- %% mnesia dir is the good one.
- ok = file:delete(LockFile),
- throw({could_not_back_up_mnesia_dir, E})
- end;
- {error, eexist} ->
- throw({error, previous_upgrade_failed})
+maybe_upgrade_local() ->
+ case rabbit_version:upgrades_required(local) of
+ {error, version_not_available} -> version_not_available;
+ {error, _} = Err -> throw(Err);
+ {ok, []} -> ensure_backup_removed(),
+ ok;
+ {ok, Upgrades} -> mnesia:stop(),
+ ensure_backup_taken(),
+ ok = apply_upgrades(local, Upgrades,
+ fun () -> ok end),
+ ensure_backup_removed(),
+ ok
-apply_upgrade({M, F}) ->
- info("Upgrades: Applying ~w:~w~n", [M, F]),
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+apply_upgrades(Scope, Upgrades, Fun) ->
+ ok = rabbit_misc:lock_file(lock_filename()),
+ info("~s upgrades: ~w to apply~n", [Scope, length(Upgrades)]),
+ rabbit_misc:ensure_ok(mnesia:start(), cannot_start_mnesia),
+ Fun(),
+ [apply_upgrade(Scope, Upgrade) || Upgrade <- Upgrades],
+ info("~s upgrades: All upgrades applied successfully~n", [Scope]),
+ ok = rabbit_version:record_desired_for_scope(Scope),
+ ok = file:delete(lock_filename()).
+apply_upgrade(Scope, {M, F}) ->
+ info("~s upgrades: Applying ~w:~w~n", [Scope, M, F]),
ok = apply(M, F, []).
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
dir() -> rabbit_mnesia:dir().
-schema_filename() -> filename:join(dir(), ?VERSION_FILENAME).
+lock_filename() -> lock_filename(dir()).
lock_filename(Dir) -> filename:join(Dir, ?LOCK_FILENAME).
+backup_dir() -> dir() ++ "-upgrade-backup".
%% NB: we cannot use rabbit_log here since it may not have been
%% started yet
diff --git a/src/rabbit_upgrade_functions.erl b/src/rabbit_upgrade_functions.erl
index b9dbe418..7567c29e 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_upgrade_functions.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_upgrade_functions.erl
@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@
--rabbit_upgrade({remove_user_scope, []}).
--rabbit_upgrade({hash_passwords, []}).
--rabbit_upgrade({add_ip_to_listener, []}).
--rabbit_upgrade({internal_exchanges, []}).
--rabbit_upgrade({user_to_internal_user, [hash_passwords]}).
--rabbit_upgrade({topic_trie, []}).
+-rabbit_upgrade({remove_user_scope, mnesia, []}).
+-rabbit_upgrade({hash_passwords, mnesia, []}).
+-rabbit_upgrade({add_ip_to_listener, mnesia, []}).
+-rabbit_upgrade({internal_exchanges, mnesia, []}).
+-rabbit_upgrade({user_to_internal_user, mnesia, [hash_passwords]}).
+-rabbit_upgrade({topic_trie, mnesia, []}).
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/src/rabbit_variable_queue.erl b/src/rabbit_variable_queue.erl
index 7142d560..ff7252fd 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_variable_queue.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_variable_queue.erl
@@ -16,18 +16,18 @@
--export([init/3, terminate/1, delete_and_terminate/1,
- purge/1, publish/3, publish_delivered/4, fetch/2, ack/2,
- tx_publish/4, tx_ack/3, tx_rollback/2, tx_commit/4,
+-export([init/5, terminate/1, delete_and_terminate/1,
+ purge/1, publish/3, publish_delivered/4, drain_confirmed/1,
+ fetch/2, ack/2, tx_publish/4, tx_ack/3, tx_rollback/2, tx_commit/4,
requeue/3, len/1, is_empty/1, dropwhile/2,
set_ram_duration_target/2, ram_duration/1,
needs_idle_timeout/1, idle_timeout/1, handle_pre_hibernate/1,
- status/1]).
+ status/1, multiple_routing_keys/0]).
-export([start/1, stop/0]).
%% exported for testing only
--export([start_msg_store/2, stop_msg_store/0, init/5]).
+-export([start_msg_store/2, stop_msg_store/0, init/7]).
%% Definitions:
@@ -150,13 +150,16 @@
%% responsive.
%% In the queue we keep track of both messages that are pending
-%% delivery and messages that are pending acks. This ensures that
-%% purging (deleting the former) and deletion (deleting the former and
-%% the latter) are both cheap and do require any scanning through qi
-%% segments.
+%% delivery and messages that are pending acks. In the event of a
+%% queue purge, we only need to load qi segments if the queue has
+%% elements in deltas (i.e. it came under significant memory
+%% pressure). In the event of a queue deletion, in addition to the
+%% preceding, by keeping track of pending acks in RAM, we do not need
+%% to search through qi segments looking for messages that are yet to
+%% be acknowledged.
%% Pending acks are recorded in memory either as the tuple {SeqId,
-%% Guid, MsgProps} (tuple-form) or as the message itself (message-
+%% MsgId, MsgProps} (tuple-form) or as the message itself (message-
%% form). Acks for persistent messages are always stored in the tuple-
%% form. Acks for transient messages are also stored in tuple-form if
%% the message has been sent to disk as part of the memory reduction
@@ -238,6 +241,9 @@
+ async_callback,
+ sync_callback,
@@ -252,6 +258,7 @@
+ confirmed,
@@ -261,20 +268,20 @@
{ seq_id,
- guid,
+ msg_id,
- }).
+ }).
{ start_seq_id, %% start_seq_id is inclusive
end_seq_id %% end_seq_id is exclusive
- }).
+ }).
-record(tx, { pending_messages, pending_acks }).
@@ -294,6 +301,8 @@
+-rabbit_upgrade({multiple_routing_keys, local, []}).
-type(timestamp() :: {non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()}).
@@ -330,11 +339,14 @@
{any(), binary()}},
on_sync :: sync(),
durable :: boolean(),
+ transient_threshold :: non_neg_integer(),
+ async_callback :: async_callback(),
+ sync_callback :: sync_callback(),
len :: non_neg_integer(),
persistent_count :: non_neg_integer(),
- transient_threshold :: non_neg_integer(),
target_ram_count :: non_neg_integer() | 'infinity',
ram_msg_count :: non_neg_integer(),
ram_msg_count_prev :: non_neg_integer(),
@@ -345,12 +357,15 @@
msgs_on_disk :: gb_set(),
msg_indices_on_disk :: gb_set(),
unconfirmed :: gb_set(),
+ confirmed :: gb_set(),
ack_out_counter :: non_neg_integer(),
ack_in_counter :: non_neg_integer(),
ack_rates :: rates() }).
+-spec(multiple_routing_keys/0 :: () -> 'ok').
-define(BLANK_DELTA, #delta { start_seq_id = undefined,
@@ -393,25 +408,26 @@ stop_msg_store() ->
ok = rabbit_sup:stop_child(?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE),
ok = rabbit_sup:stop_child(?TRANSIENT_MSG_STORE).
-init(QueueName, IsDurable, Recover) ->
- Self = self(),
- init(QueueName, IsDurable, Recover,
- fun (Guids, ActionTaken) ->
- msgs_written_to_disk(Self, Guids, ActionTaken)
+init(QueueName, IsDurable, Recover, AsyncCallback, SyncCallback) ->
+ init(QueueName, IsDurable, Recover, AsyncCallback, SyncCallback,
+ fun (MsgIds, ActionTaken) ->
+ msgs_written_to_disk(AsyncCallback, MsgIds, ActionTaken)
- fun (Guids) -> msg_indices_written_to_disk(Self, Guids) end).
+ fun (MsgIds) -> msg_indices_written_to_disk(AsyncCallback, MsgIds) end).
-init(QueueName, IsDurable, false, MsgOnDiskFun, MsgIdxOnDiskFun) ->
+init(QueueName, IsDurable, false, AsyncCallback, SyncCallback,
+ MsgOnDiskFun, MsgIdxOnDiskFun) ->
IndexState = rabbit_queue_index:init(QueueName, MsgIdxOnDiskFun),
- init(IsDurable, IndexState, 0, [],
+ init(IsDurable, IndexState, 0, [], AsyncCallback, SyncCallback,
case IsDurable of
true -> msg_store_client_init(?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE,
- MsgOnDiskFun);
+ MsgOnDiskFun, AsyncCallback);
false -> undefined
- msg_store_client_init(?TRANSIENT_MSG_STORE, undefined));
+ msg_store_client_init(?TRANSIENT_MSG_STORE, undefined, AsyncCallback));
-init(QueueName, true, true, MsgOnDiskFun, MsgIdxOnDiskFun) ->
+init(QueueName, true, true, AsyncCallback, SyncCallback,
+ MsgOnDiskFun, MsgIdxOnDiskFun) ->
Terms = rabbit_queue_index:shutdown_terms(QueueName),
{PRef, TRef, Terms1} =
case [persistent_ref, transient_ref] -- proplists:get_keys(Terms) of
@@ -421,18 +437,18 @@ init(QueueName, true, true, MsgOnDiskFun, MsgIdxOnDiskFun) ->
_ -> {rabbit_guid:guid(), rabbit_guid:guid(), []}
PersistentClient = msg_store_client_init(?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE, PRef,
- MsgOnDiskFun),
+ MsgOnDiskFun, AsyncCallback),
TransientClient = msg_store_client_init(?TRANSIENT_MSG_STORE, TRef,
- undefined),
+ undefined, AsyncCallback),
{DeltaCount, IndexState} =
QueueName, Terms1,
- fun (Guid) ->
- rabbit_msg_store:contains(Guid, PersistentClient)
+ fun (MsgId) ->
+ rabbit_msg_store:contains(MsgId, PersistentClient)
- init(true, IndexState, DeltaCount, Terms1,
+ init(true, IndexState, DeltaCount, Terms1, AsyncCallback, SyncCallback,
PersistentClient, TransientClient).
terminate(State) ->
@@ -505,12 +521,16 @@ publish(Msg, MsgProps, State) ->
{_SeqId, State1} = publish(Msg, MsgProps, false, false, State),
-publish_delivered(false, #basic_message { guid = Guid },
- _MsgProps, State = #vqstate { len = 0 }) ->
- blind_confirm(self(), gb_sets:singleton(Guid)),
+publish_delivered(false, #basic_message { id = MsgId },
+ #message_properties { needs_confirming = NeedsConfirming },
+ State = #vqstate { async_callback = Callback, len = 0 }) ->
+ case NeedsConfirming of
+ true -> blind_confirm(Callback, gb_sets:singleton(MsgId));
+ false -> ok
+ end,
{undefined, a(State)};
publish_delivered(true, Msg = #basic_message { is_persistent = IsPersistent,
- guid = Guid },
+ id = MsgId },
MsgProps = #message_properties {
needs_confirming = NeedsConfirming },
State = #vqstate { len = 0,
@@ -526,7 +546,7 @@ publish_delivered(true, Msg = #basic_message { is_persistent = IsPersistent,
{MsgStatus1, State1} = maybe_write_to_disk(false, false, MsgStatus, State),
State2 = record_pending_ack(m(MsgStatus1), State1),
PCount1 = PCount + one_if(IsPersistent1),
- UC1 = gb_sets_maybe_insert(NeedsConfirming, Guid, UC),
+ UC1 = gb_sets_maybe_insert(NeedsConfirming, MsgId, UC),
{SeqId, a(reduce_memory_use(
State2 #vqstate { next_seq_id = SeqId + 1,
out_counter = OutCount + 1,
@@ -534,9 +554,12 @@ publish_delivered(true, Msg = #basic_message { is_persistent = IsPersistent,
persistent_count = PCount1,
unconfirmed = UC1 }))}.
+drain_confirmed(State = #vqstate { confirmed = C }) ->
+ {gb_sets:to_list(C), State #vqstate { confirmed = gb_sets:new() }}.
dropwhile(Pred, State) ->
{_OkOrEmpty, State1} = dropwhile1(Pred, State),
- State1.
+ a(State1).
dropwhile1(Pred, State) ->
@@ -577,12 +600,12 @@ internal_queue_out(Fun, State = #vqstate { q4 = Q4 }) ->
read_msg(MsgStatus = #msg_status { msg = undefined,
- guid = Guid,
+ msg_id = MsgId,
is_persistent = IsPersistent },
State = #vqstate { ram_msg_count = RamMsgCount,
msg_store_clients = MSCState}) ->
{{ok, Msg = #basic_message {}}, MSCState1} =
- msg_store_read(MSCState, IsPersistent, Guid),
+ msg_store_read(MSCState, IsPersistent, MsgId),
{MsgStatus #msg_status { msg = Msg },
State #vqstate { ram_msg_count = RamMsgCount + 1,
msg_store_clients = MSCState1 }};
@@ -591,7 +614,7 @@ read_msg(MsgStatus, State) ->
internal_fetch(AckRequired, MsgStatus = #msg_status {
seq_id = SeqId,
- guid = Guid,
+ msg_id = MsgId,
msg = Msg,
is_persistent = IsPersistent,
is_delivered = IsDelivered,
@@ -610,7 +633,7 @@ internal_fetch(AckRequired, MsgStatus = #msg_status {
%% 2. Remove from msg_store and queue index, if necessary
Rem = fun () ->
- ok = msg_store_remove(MSCState, IsPersistent, [Guid])
+ ok = msg_store_remove(MSCState, IsPersistent, [MsgId])
Ack = fun () -> rabbit_queue_index:ack([SeqId], IndexState1) end,
IndexState2 =
@@ -623,12 +646,12 @@ internal_fetch(AckRequired, MsgStatus = #msg_status {
%% 3. If an ack is required, add something sensible to PA
{AckTag, State1} = case AckRequired of
- true -> StateN = record_pending_ack(
- MsgStatus #msg_status {
- is_delivered = true }, State),
- {SeqId, StateN};
- false -> {undefined, State}
- end,
+ true -> StateN = record_pending_ack(
+ MsgStatus #msg_status {
+ is_delivered = true }, State),
+ {SeqId, StateN};
+ false -> {undefined, State}
+ end,
PCount1 = PCount - one_if(IsPersistent andalso not AckRequired),
Len1 = Len - 1,
@@ -669,25 +692,31 @@ tx_rollback(Txn, State = #vqstate { durable = IsDurable,
#tx { pending_acks = AckTags, pending_messages = Pubs } = lookup_tx(Txn),
ok = case IsDurable of
- true -> msg_store_remove(MSCState, true, persistent_guids(Pubs));
+ true -> msg_store_remove(MSCState, true,
+ persistent_msg_ids(Pubs));
false -> ok
{lists:append(AckTags), a(State)}.
tx_commit(Txn, Fun, MsgPropsFun,
State = #vqstate { durable = IsDurable,
+ async_callback = AsyncCallback,
+ sync_callback = SyncCallback,
msg_store_clients = MSCState }) ->
#tx { pending_acks = AckTags, pending_messages = Pubs } = lookup_tx(Txn),
AckTags1 = lists:append(AckTags),
- PersistentGuids = persistent_guids(Pubs),
- HasPersistentPubs = PersistentGuids =/= [],
+ PersistentMsgIds = persistent_msg_ids(Pubs),
+ HasPersistentPubs = PersistentMsgIds =/= [],
a(case IsDurable andalso HasPersistentPubs of
- true -> ok = msg_store_sync(
- MSCState, true, PersistentGuids,
- msg_store_callback(PersistentGuids, Pubs, AckTags1,
- Fun, MsgPropsFun)),
+ true -> MsgStoreCallback =
+ fun () -> msg_store_callback(
+ PersistentMsgIds, Pubs, AckTags1, Fun,
+ MsgPropsFun, AsyncCallback, SyncCallback)
+ end,
+ ok = msg_store_sync(MSCState, true, PersistentMsgIds,
+ fun () -> spawn(MsgStoreCallback) end),
false -> tx_commit_post_msg_store(HasPersistentPubs, Pubs, AckTags1,
Fun, MsgPropsFun, State)
@@ -699,15 +728,15 @@ requeue(AckTags, MsgPropsFun, State) ->
needs_confirming = false }
- ack(fun msg_store_release/3,
+ ack(fun (_, _, _) -> ok end,
fun (#msg_status { msg = Msg, msg_props = MsgProps }, State1) ->
{_SeqId, State2} = publish(Msg, MsgPropsFun1(MsgProps),
true, false, State1),
- ({IsPersistent, Guid, MsgProps}, State1) ->
+ ({IsPersistent, MsgId, MsgProps}, State1) ->
#vqstate { msg_store_clients = MSCState } = State1,
{{ok, Msg = #basic_message{}}, MSCState1} =
- msg_store_read(MSCState, IsPersistent, Guid),
+ msg_store_read(MSCState, IsPersistent, MsgId),
State2 = State1 #vqstate { msg_store_clients = MSCState1 },
{_SeqId, State3} = publish(Msg, MsgPropsFun1(MsgProps),
true, true, State2),
@@ -768,8 +797,8 @@ ram_duration(State = #vqstate {
RamAckCount = gb_trees:size(RamAckIndex),
Duration = %% msgs+acks / (msgs+acks/sec) == sec
- case AvgEgressRate == 0 andalso AvgIngressRate == 0 andalso
- AvgAckEgressRate == 0 andalso AvgAckIngressRate == 0 of
+ case (AvgEgressRate == 0 andalso AvgIngressRate == 0 andalso
+ AvgAckEgressRate == 0 andalso AvgAckIngressRate == 0) of
true -> infinity;
false -> (RamMsgCountPrev + RamMsgCount +
RamAckCount + RamAckCountPrev) /
@@ -896,12 +925,12 @@ cons_if(true, E, L) -> [E | L];
cons_if(false, _E, L) -> L.
gb_sets_maybe_insert(false, _Val, Set) -> Set;
-%% when requeueing, we re-add a guid to the unconfirmed set
+%% when requeueing, we re-add a msg_id to the unconfirmed set
gb_sets_maybe_insert(true, Val, Set) -> gb_sets:add(Val, Set).
-msg_status(IsPersistent, SeqId, Msg = #basic_message { guid = Guid },
+msg_status(IsPersistent, SeqId, Msg = #basic_message { id = MsgId },
MsgProps) ->
- #msg_status { seq_id = SeqId, guid = Guid, msg = Msg,
+ #msg_status { seq_id = SeqId, msg_id = MsgId, msg = Msg,
is_persistent = IsPersistent, is_delivered = false,
msg_on_disk = false, index_on_disk = false,
msg_props = MsgProps }.
@@ -920,38 +949,33 @@ with_immutable_msg_store_state(MSCState, IsPersistent, Fun) ->
-msg_store_client_init(MsgStore, MsgOnDiskFun) ->
- msg_store_client_init(MsgStore, rabbit_guid:guid(), MsgOnDiskFun).
+msg_store_client_init(MsgStore, MsgOnDiskFun, Callback) ->
+ msg_store_client_init(MsgStore, rabbit_guid:guid(), MsgOnDiskFun, Callback).
-msg_store_client_init(MsgStore, Ref, MsgOnDiskFun) ->
+msg_store_client_init(MsgStore, Ref, MsgOnDiskFun, Callback) ->
+ CloseFDsFun = msg_store_close_fds_fun(MsgStore =:= ?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE),
- MsgStore, Ref, MsgOnDiskFun,
- msg_store_close_fds_fun(MsgStore =:= ?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE)).
+ MsgStore, Ref, MsgOnDiskFun, fun () -> Callback(CloseFDsFun) end).
-msg_store_write(MSCState, IsPersistent, Guid, Msg) ->
+msg_store_write(MSCState, IsPersistent, MsgId, Msg) ->
MSCState, IsPersistent,
- fun (MSCState1) -> rabbit_msg_store:write(Guid, Msg, MSCState1) end).
+ fun (MSCState1) -> rabbit_msg_store:write(MsgId, Msg, MSCState1) end).
-msg_store_read(MSCState, IsPersistent, Guid) ->
+msg_store_read(MSCState, IsPersistent, MsgId) ->
MSCState, IsPersistent,
- fun (MSCState1) -> rabbit_msg_store:read(Guid, MSCState1) end).
+ fun (MSCState1) -> rabbit_msg_store:read(MsgId, MSCState1) end).
-msg_store_remove(MSCState, IsPersistent, Guids) ->
+msg_store_remove(MSCState, IsPersistent, MsgIds) ->
MSCState, IsPersistent,
- fun (MCSState1) -> rabbit_msg_store:remove(Guids, MCSState1) end).
+ fun (MCSState1) -> rabbit_msg_store:remove(MsgIds, MCSState1) end).
-msg_store_release(MSCState, IsPersistent, Guids) ->
+msg_store_sync(MSCState, IsPersistent, MsgIds, Fun) ->
MSCState, IsPersistent,
- fun (MCSState1) -> rabbit_msg_store:release(Guids, MCSState1) end).
-msg_store_sync(MSCState, IsPersistent, Guids, Callback) ->
- with_immutable_msg_store_state(
- MSCState, IsPersistent,
- fun (MSCState1) -> rabbit_msg_store:sync(Guids, Callback, MSCState1) end).
+ fun (MSCState1) -> rabbit_msg_store:sync(MsgIds, Fun, MSCState1) end).
msg_store_close_fds(MSCState, IsPersistent) ->
@@ -959,15 +983,9 @@ msg_store_close_fds(MSCState, IsPersistent) ->
fun (MSCState1) -> rabbit_msg_store:close_all_indicated(MSCState1) end).
msg_store_close_fds_fun(IsPersistent) ->
- Self = self(),
- fun () ->
- rabbit_amqqueue:maybe_run_queue_via_backing_queue_async(
- Self,
- fun (State = #vqstate { msg_store_clients = MSCState }) ->
- {ok, MSCState1} =
- msg_store_close_fds(MSCState, IsPersistent),
- {[], State #vqstate { msg_store_clients = MSCState1 }}
- end)
+ fun (State = #vqstate { msg_store_clients = MSCState }) ->
+ {ok, MSCState1} = msg_store_close_fds(MSCState, IsPersistent),
+ State #vqstate { msg_store_clients = MSCState1 }
maybe_write_delivered(false, _SeqId, IndexState) ->
@@ -985,21 +1003,21 @@ store_tx(Txn, Tx) -> put({txn, Txn}, Tx).
erase_tx(Txn) -> erase({txn, Txn}).
-persistent_guids(Pubs) ->
- [Guid || {#basic_message { guid = Guid,
- is_persistent = true }, _MsgProps} <- Pubs].
+persistent_msg_ids(Pubs) ->
+ [MsgId || {#basic_message { id = MsgId,
+ is_persistent = true }, _MsgProps} <- Pubs].
betas_from_index_entries(List, TransientThreshold, IndexState) ->
{Filtered, Delivers, Acks} =
- fun ({Guid, SeqId, MsgProps, IsPersistent, IsDelivered},
+ fun ({MsgId, SeqId, MsgProps, IsPersistent, IsDelivered},
{Filtered1, Delivers1, Acks1}) ->
case SeqId < TransientThreshold andalso not IsPersistent of
true -> {Filtered1,
cons_if(not IsDelivered, SeqId, Delivers1),
[SeqId | Acks1]};
false -> {[m(#msg_status { msg = undefined,
- guid = Guid,
+ msg_id = MsgId,
seq_id = SeqId,
is_persistent = IsPersistent,
is_delivered = IsDelivered,
@@ -1053,7 +1071,7 @@ update_rate(Now, Then, Count, {OThen, OCount}) ->
init(IsDurable, IndexState, DeltaCount, Terms,
- PersistentClient, TransientClient) ->
+ AsyncCallback, SyncCallback, PersistentClient, TransientClient) ->
{LowSeqId, NextSeqId, IndexState1} = rabbit_queue_index:bounds(IndexState),
DeltaCount1 = proplists:get_value(persistent_count, Terms, DeltaCount),
@@ -1079,6 +1097,9 @@ init(IsDurable, IndexState, DeltaCount, Terms,
durable = IsDurable,
transient_threshold = NextSeqId,
+ async_callback = AsyncCallback,
+ sync_callback = SyncCallback,
len = DeltaCount1,
persistent_count = DeltaCount1,
@@ -1093,6 +1114,7 @@ init(IsDurable, IndexState, DeltaCount, Terms,
msgs_on_disk = gb_sets:new(),
msg_indices_on_disk = gb_sets:new(),
unconfirmed = gb_sets:new(),
+ confirmed = gb_sets:new(),
ack_out_counter = 0,
ack_in_counter = 0,
ack_rates = blank_rate(Now, 0) },
@@ -1105,24 +1127,20 @@ blank_rate(Timestamp, IngressLength) ->
avg_ingress = 0.0,
timestamp = Timestamp }.
-msg_store_callback(PersistentGuids, Pubs, AckTags, Fun, MsgPropsFun) ->
- Self = self(),
- F = fun () -> rabbit_amqqueue:maybe_run_queue_via_backing_queue(
- Self, fun (StateN) -> {[], tx_commit_post_msg_store(
- true, Pubs, AckTags,
- Fun, MsgPropsFun, StateN)}
- end)
- end,
- fun () -> spawn(fun () -> ok = rabbit_misc:with_exit_handler(
- fun () -> remove_persistent_messages(
- PersistentGuids)
- end, F)
- end)
+msg_store_callback(PersistentMsgIds, Pubs, AckTags, Fun, MsgPropsFun,
+ AsyncCallback, SyncCallback) ->
+ case SyncCallback(fun (StateN) ->
+ tx_commit_post_msg_store(true, Pubs, AckTags,
+ Fun, MsgPropsFun, StateN)
+ end) of
+ ok -> ok;
+ error -> remove_persistent_messages(PersistentMsgIds, AsyncCallback)
-remove_persistent_messages(Guids) ->
- PersistentClient = msg_store_client_init(?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE, undefined),
- ok = rabbit_msg_store:remove(Guids, PersistentClient),
+remove_persistent_messages(MsgIds, AsyncCallback) ->
+ PersistentClient = msg_store_client_init(?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE,
+ undefined, AsyncCallback),
+ ok = rabbit_msg_store:remove(MsgIds, PersistentClient),
tx_commit_post_msg_store(HasPersistentPubs, Pubs, AckTags, Fun, MsgPropsFun,
@@ -1140,7 +1158,7 @@ tx_commit_post_msg_store(HasPersistentPubs, Pubs, AckTags, Fun, MsgPropsFun,
case dict:fetch(AckTag, PA) of
#msg_status {} ->
- {IsPersistent, _Guid, _MsgProps} ->
+ {IsPersistent, _MsgId, _MsgProps} ->
false -> []
@@ -1206,38 +1224,38 @@ purge_betas_and_deltas(LensByStore,
remove_queue_entries(Fold, Q, LensByStore, IndexState, MSCState) ->
- {GuidsByStore, Delivers, Acks} =
+ {MsgIdsByStore, Delivers, Acks} =
Fold(fun remove_queue_entries1/2, {orddict:new(), [], []}, Q),
- ok = orddict:fold(fun (IsPersistent, Guids, ok) ->
- msg_store_remove(MSCState, IsPersistent, Guids)
- end, ok, GuidsByStore),
- {sum_guids_by_store_to_len(LensByStore, GuidsByStore),
+ ok = orddict:fold(fun (IsPersistent, MsgIds, ok) ->
+ msg_store_remove(MSCState, IsPersistent, MsgIds)
+ end, ok, MsgIdsByStore),
+ {sum_msg_ids_by_store_to_len(LensByStore, MsgIdsByStore),
rabbit_queue_index:deliver(Delivers, IndexState))}.
- #msg_status { guid = Guid, seq_id = SeqId,
+ #msg_status { msg_id = MsgId, seq_id = SeqId,
is_delivered = IsDelivered, msg_on_disk = MsgOnDisk,
index_on_disk = IndexOnDisk, is_persistent = IsPersistent },
- {GuidsByStore, Delivers, Acks}) ->
+ {MsgIdsByStore, Delivers, Acks}) ->
{case MsgOnDisk of
- true -> rabbit_misc:orddict_cons(IsPersistent, Guid, GuidsByStore);
- false -> GuidsByStore
+ true -> rabbit_misc:orddict_cons(IsPersistent, MsgId, MsgIdsByStore);
+ false -> MsgIdsByStore
cons_if(IndexOnDisk andalso not IsDelivered, SeqId, Delivers),
cons_if(IndexOnDisk, SeqId, Acks)}.
-sum_guids_by_store_to_len(LensByStore, GuidsByStore) ->
+sum_msg_ids_by_store_to_len(LensByStore, MsgIdsByStore) ->
- fun (IsPersistent, Guids, LensByStore1) ->
- orddict:update_counter(IsPersistent, length(Guids), LensByStore1)
- end, LensByStore, GuidsByStore).
+ fun (IsPersistent, MsgIds, LensByStore1) ->
+ orddict:update_counter(IsPersistent, length(MsgIds), LensByStore1)
+ end, LensByStore, MsgIdsByStore).
%% Internal gubbins for publishing
-publish(Msg = #basic_message { is_persistent = IsPersistent, guid = Guid },
+publish(Msg = #basic_message { is_persistent = IsPersistent, id = MsgId },
MsgProps = #message_properties { needs_confirming = NeedsConfirming },
IsDelivered, MsgOnDisk,
State = #vqstate { q1 = Q1, q3 = Q3, q4 = Q4,
@@ -1257,7 +1275,7 @@ publish(Msg = #basic_message { is_persistent = IsPersistent, guid = Guid },
true -> State1 #vqstate { q4 = queue:in(m(MsgStatus1), Q4) }
PCount1 = PCount + one_if(IsPersistent1),
- UC1 = gb_sets_maybe_insert(NeedsConfirming, Guid, UC),
+ UC1 = gb_sets_maybe_insert(NeedsConfirming, MsgId, UC),
{SeqId, State2 #vqstate { next_seq_id = SeqId + 1,
len = Len + 1,
in_counter = InCount + 1,
@@ -1269,14 +1287,14 @@ maybe_write_msg_to_disk(_Force, MsgStatus = #msg_status {
msg_on_disk = true }, _MSCState) ->
maybe_write_msg_to_disk(Force, MsgStatus = #msg_status {
- msg = Msg, guid = Guid,
+ msg = Msg, msg_id = MsgId,
is_persistent = IsPersistent }, MSCState)
when Force orelse IsPersistent ->
Msg1 = Msg #basic_message {
%% don't persist any recoverable decoded properties
content = rabbit_binary_parser:clear_decoded_content(
Msg #basic_message.content)},
- ok = msg_store_write(MSCState, IsPersistent, Guid, Msg1),
+ ok = msg_store_write(MSCState, IsPersistent, MsgId, Msg1),
MsgStatus #msg_status { msg_on_disk = true };
maybe_write_msg_to_disk(_Force, MsgStatus, _MSCState) ->
@@ -1286,7 +1304,7 @@ maybe_write_index_to_disk(_Force, MsgStatus = #msg_status {
true = MsgStatus #msg_status.msg_on_disk, %% ASSERTION
{MsgStatus, IndexState};
maybe_write_index_to_disk(Force, MsgStatus = #msg_status {
- guid = Guid,
+ msg_id = MsgId,
seq_id = SeqId,
is_persistent = IsPersistent,
is_delivered = IsDelivered,
@@ -1294,7 +1312,7 @@ maybe_write_index_to_disk(Force, MsgStatus = #msg_status {
when Force orelse IsPersistent ->
true = MsgStatus #msg_status.msg_on_disk, %% ASSERTION
IndexState1 = rabbit_queue_index:publish(
- Guid, SeqId, MsgProps, IsPersistent, IndexState),
+ MsgId, SeqId, MsgProps, IsPersistent, IndexState),
{MsgStatus #msg_status { index_on_disk = true },
maybe_write_delivered(IsDelivered, SeqId, IndexState1)};
maybe_write_index_to_disk(_Force, MsgStatus, IndexState) ->
@@ -1313,7 +1331,7 @@ maybe_write_to_disk(ForceMsg, ForceIndex, MsgStatus,
record_pending_ack(#msg_status { seq_id = SeqId,
- guid = Guid,
+ msg_id = MsgId,
is_persistent = IsPersistent,
msg_on_disk = MsgOnDisk,
msg_props = MsgProps } = MsgStatus,
@@ -1322,8 +1340,8 @@ record_pending_ack(#msg_status { seq_id = SeqId,
ack_in_counter = AckInCount}) ->
{AckEntry, RAI1} =
case MsgOnDisk of
- true -> {{IsPersistent, Guid, MsgProps}, RAI};
- false -> {MsgStatus, gb_trees:insert(SeqId, Guid, RAI)}
+ true -> {{IsPersistent, MsgId, MsgProps}, RAI};
+ false -> {MsgStatus, gb_trees:insert(SeqId, MsgId, RAI)}
PA1 = dict:store(SeqId, AckEntry, PA),
State #vqstate { pending_ack = PA1,
@@ -1334,28 +1352,28 @@ remove_pending_ack(KeepPersistent,
State = #vqstate { pending_ack = PA,
index_state = IndexState,
msg_store_clients = MSCState }) ->
- {PersistentSeqIds, GuidsByStore} =
+ {PersistentSeqIds, MsgIdsByStore} =
dict:fold(fun accumulate_ack/3, accumulate_ack_init(), PA),
State1 = State #vqstate { pending_ack = dict:new(),
ram_ack_index = gb_trees:empty() },
case KeepPersistent of
- true -> case orddict:find(false, GuidsByStore) of
- error -> State1;
- {ok, Guids} -> ok = msg_store_remove(MSCState, false,
- Guids),
+ true -> case orddict:find(false, MsgIdsByStore) of
+ error -> State1;
+ {ok, MsgIds} -> ok = msg_store_remove(MSCState, false,
+ MsgIds),
false -> IndexState1 =
rabbit_queue_index:ack(PersistentSeqIds, IndexState),
- [ok = msg_store_remove(MSCState, IsPersistent, Guids)
- || {IsPersistent, Guids} <- orddict:to_list(GuidsByStore)],
+ [ok = msg_store_remove(MSCState, IsPersistent, MsgIds)
+ || {IsPersistent, MsgIds} <- orddict:to_list(MsgIdsByStore)],
State1 #vqstate { index_state = IndexState1 }
ack(_MsgStoreFun, _Fun, [], State) ->
ack(MsgStoreFun, Fun, AckTags, State) ->
- {{PersistentSeqIds, GuidsByStore},
+ {{PersistentSeqIds, MsgIdsByStore},
State1 = #vqstate { index_state = IndexState,
msg_store_clients = MSCState,
persistent_count = PCount,
@@ -1371,10 +1389,10 @@ ack(MsgStoreFun, Fun, AckTags, State) ->
gb_trees:delete_any(SeqId, RAI)})}
end, {accumulate_ack_init(), State}, AckTags),
IndexState1 = rabbit_queue_index:ack(PersistentSeqIds, IndexState),
- [ok = MsgStoreFun(MSCState, IsPersistent, Guids)
- || {IsPersistent, Guids} <- orddict:to_list(GuidsByStore)],
- PCount1 = PCount - find_persistent_count(sum_guids_by_store_to_len(
- orddict:new(), GuidsByStore)),
+ [ok = MsgStoreFun(MSCState, IsPersistent, MsgIds)
+ || {IsPersistent, MsgIds} <- orddict:to_list(MsgIdsByStore)],
+ PCount1 = PCount - find_persistent_count(sum_msg_ids_by_store_to_len(
+ orddict:new(), MsgIdsByStore)),
State1 #vqstate { index_state = IndexState1,
persistent_count = PCount1,
ack_out_counter = AckOutCount + length(AckTags) }.
@@ -1384,12 +1402,12 @@ accumulate_ack_init() -> {[], orddict:new()}.
accumulate_ack(_SeqId, #msg_status { is_persistent = false, %% ASSERTIONS
msg_on_disk = false,
index_on_disk = false },
- {PersistentSeqIdsAcc, GuidsByStore}) ->
- {PersistentSeqIdsAcc, GuidsByStore};
-accumulate_ack(SeqId, {IsPersistent, Guid, _MsgProps},
- {PersistentSeqIdsAcc, GuidsByStore}) ->
+ {PersistentSeqIdsAcc, MsgIdsByStore}) ->
+ {PersistentSeqIdsAcc, MsgIdsByStore};
+accumulate_ack(SeqId, {IsPersistent, MsgId, _MsgProps},
+ {PersistentSeqIdsAcc, MsgIdsByStore}) ->
{cons_if(IsPersistent, SeqId, PersistentSeqIdsAcc),
- rabbit_misc:orddict_cons(IsPersistent, Guid, GuidsByStore)}.
+ rabbit_misc:orddict_cons(IsPersistent, MsgId, MsgIdsByStore)}.
find_persistent_count(LensByStore) ->
case orddict:find(true, LensByStore) of
@@ -1408,12 +1426,14 @@ confirm_commit_index(State = #vqstate { index_state = IndexState }) ->
false -> State
-remove_confirms(GuidSet, State = #vqstate { msgs_on_disk = MOD,
- msg_indices_on_disk = MIOD,
- unconfirmed = UC }) ->
- State #vqstate { msgs_on_disk = gb_sets:difference(MOD, GuidSet),
- msg_indices_on_disk = gb_sets:difference(MIOD, GuidSet),
- unconfirmed = gb_sets:difference(UC, GuidSet) }.
+record_confirms(MsgIdSet, State = #vqstate { msgs_on_disk = MOD,
+ msg_indices_on_disk = MIOD,
+ unconfirmed = UC,
+ confirmed = C }) ->
+ State #vqstate { msgs_on_disk = gb_sets:difference(MOD, MsgIdSet),
+ msg_indices_on_disk = gb_sets:difference(MIOD, MsgIdSet),
+ unconfirmed = gb_sets:difference(UC, MsgIdSet),
+ confirmed = gb_sets:union (C, MsgIdSet) }.
needs_index_sync(#vqstate { msg_indices_on_disk = MIOD,
unconfirmed = UC }) ->
@@ -1430,38 +1450,32 @@ needs_index_sync(#vqstate { msg_indices_on_disk = MIOD,
%% subtraction.
not (gb_sets:is_empty(UC) orelse gb_sets:is_subset(UC, MIOD)).
-msgs_confirmed(GuidSet, State) ->
- {gb_sets:to_list(GuidSet), remove_confirms(GuidSet, State)}.
-blind_confirm(QPid, GuidSet) ->
- rabbit_amqqueue:maybe_run_queue_via_backing_queue_async(
- QPid, fun (State) -> msgs_confirmed(GuidSet, State) end).
-msgs_written_to_disk(QPid, GuidSet, removed) ->
- blind_confirm(QPid, GuidSet);
-msgs_written_to_disk(QPid, GuidSet, written) ->
- rabbit_amqqueue:maybe_run_queue_via_backing_queue_async(
- QPid, fun (State = #vqstate { msgs_on_disk = MOD,
- msg_indices_on_disk = MIOD,
- unconfirmed = UC }) ->
- msgs_confirmed(gb_sets:intersection(GuidSet, MIOD),
- State #vqstate {
- msgs_on_disk =
- gb_sets:intersection(
- gb_sets:union(MOD, GuidSet), UC) })
- end).
-msg_indices_written_to_disk(QPid, GuidSet) ->
- rabbit_amqqueue:maybe_run_queue_via_backing_queue_async(
- QPid, fun (State = #vqstate { msgs_on_disk = MOD,
- msg_indices_on_disk = MIOD,
- unconfirmed = UC }) ->
- msgs_confirmed(gb_sets:intersection(GuidSet, MOD),
- State #vqstate {
- msg_indices_on_disk =
- gb_sets:intersection(
- gb_sets:union(MIOD, GuidSet), UC) })
- end).
+blind_confirm(Callback, MsgIdSet) ->
+ Callback(fun (State) -> record_confirms(MsgIdSet, State) end).
+msgs_written_to_disk(Callback, MsgIdSet, removed) ->
+ blind_confirm(Callback, MsgIdSet);
+msgs_written_to_disk(Callback, MsgIdSet, written) ->
+ Callback(fun (State = #vqstate { msgs_on_disk = MOD,
+ msg_indices_on_disk = MIOD,
+ unconfirmed = UC }) ->
+ Confirmed = gb_sets:intersection(UC, MsgIdSet),
+ record_confirms(gb_sets:intersection(MsgIdSet, MIOD),
+ State #vqstate {
+ msgs_on_disk =
+ gb_sets:union(MOD, Confirmed) })
+ end).
+msg_indices_written_to_disk(Callback, MsgIdSet) ->
+ Callback(fun (State = #vqstate { msgs_on_disk = MOD,
+ msg_indices_on_disk = MIOD,
+ unconfirmed = UC }) ->
+ Confirmed = gb_sets:intersection(UC, MsgIdSet),
+ record_confirms(gb_sets:intersection(MsgIdSet, MOD),
+ State #vqstate {
+ msg_indices_on_disk =
+ gb_sets:union(MIOD, Confirmed) })
+ end).
%% Phase changes
@@ -1538,17 +1552,16 @@ limit_ram_acks(Quota, State = #vqstate { pending_ack = PA,
true ->
{Quota, State};
false ->
- {SeqId, Guid, RAI1} = gb_trees:take_largest(RAI),
+ {SeqId, MsgId, RAI1} = gb_trees:take_largest(RAI),
MsgStatus = #msg_status {
- guid = Guid, %% ASSERTION
+ msg_id = MsgId, %% ASSERTION
is_persistent = false, %% ASSERTION
msg_props = MsgProps } = dict:fetch(SeqId, PA),
{_, State1} = maybe_write_to_disk(true, false, MsgStatus, State),
+ PA1 = dict:store(SeqId, {false, MsgId, MsgProps}, PA),
limit_ram_acks(Quota - 1,
- State1 #vqstate {
- pending_ack =
- dict:store(SeqId, {false, Guid, MsgProps}, PA),
- ram_ack_index = RAI1 })
+ State1 #vqstate { pending_ack = PA1,
+ ram_ack_index = RAI1 })
@@ -1801,3 +1814,27 @@ push_betas_to_deltas(Generator, Limit, Q, Count, RamIndexCount, IndexState) ->
Generator, Limit, Qa, Count + 1, RamIndexCount1, IndexState1)
+%% Upgrading
+multiple_routing_keys() ->
+ transform_storage(
+ fun ({basic_message, ExchangeName, Routing_Key, Content,
+ MsgId, Persistent}) ->
+ {ok, {basic_message, ExchangeName, [Routing_Key], Content,
+ MsgId, Persistent}};
+ (_) -> {error, corrupt_message}
+ end),
+ ok.
+%% Assumes message store is not running
+transform_storage(TransformFun) ->
+ transform_store(?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE, TransformFun),
+ transform_store(?TRANSIENT_MSG_STORE, TransformFun).
+transform_store(Store, TransformFun) ->
+ rabbit_msg_store:force_recovery(rabbit_mnesia:dir(), Store),
+ rabbit_msg_store:transform_dir(rabbit_mnesia:dir(), Store, TransformFun).
diff --git a/src/rabbit_version.erl b/src/rabbit_version.erl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..400abc10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/rabbit_version.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+%% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License
+%% at
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% The Original Code is RabbitMQ.
+%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is VMware, Inc.
+%% Copyright (c) 2007-2011 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.
+-export([recorded/0, matches/2, desired/0, desired_for_scope/1,
+ record_desired/0, record_desired_for_scope/1,
+ upgrades_required/1]).
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+-export_type([scope/0, step/0]).
+-type(scope() :: atom()).
+-type(scope_version() :: [atom()]).
+-type(step() :: {atom(), atom()}).
+-type(version() :: [atom()]).
+-spec(recorded/0 :: () -> rabbit_types:ok_or_error2(version(), any())).
+-spec(matches/2 :: ([A], [A]) -> boolean()).
+-spec(desired/0 :: () -> version()).
+-spec(desired_for_scope/1 :: (scope()) -> scope_version()).
+-spec(record_desired/0 :: () -> 'ok').
+-spec(record_desired_for_scope/1 ::
+ (scope()) -> rabbit_types:ok_or_error(any())).
+-spec(upgrades_required/1 ::
+ (scope()) -> rabbit_types:ok_or_error2([step()], any())).
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+-define(VERSION_FILENAME, "schema_version").
+-define(SCOPES, [mnesia, local]).
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+recorded() -> case rabbit_misc:read_term_file(schema_filename()) of
+ {ok, [V]} -> {ok, V};
+ {error, _} = Err -> Err
+ end.
+record(V) -> ok = rabbit_misc:write_term_file(schema_filename(), [V]).
+recorded_for_scope(Scope) ->
+ case recorded() of
+ {error, _} = Err ->
+ Err;
+ {ok, Version} ->
+ {ok, case lists:keysearch(Scope, 1, categorise_by_scope(Version)) of
+ false -> [];
+ {value, {Scope, SV1}} -> SV1
+ end}
+ end.
+record_for_scope(Scope, ScopeVersion) ->
+ case recorded() of
+ {error, _} = Err ->
+ Err;
+ {ok, Version} ->
+ Version1 = lists:keystore(Scope, 1, categorise_by_scope(Version),
+ {Scope, ScopeVersion}),
+ ok = record([Name || {_Scope, Names} <- Version1, Name <- Names])
+ end.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+matches(VerA, VerB) ->
+ lists:usort(VerA) =:= lists:usort(VerB).
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+desired() -> [Name || Scope <- ?SCOPES, Name <- desired_for_scope(Scope)].
+desired_for_scope(Scope) -> with_upgrade_graph(fun heads/1, Scope).
+record_desired() -> record(desired()).
+record_desired_for_scope(Scope) ->
+ record_for_scope(Scope, desired_for_scope(Scope)).
+upgrades_required(Scope) ->
+ case recorded_for_scope(Scope) of
+ {error, enoent} ->
+ {error, version_not_available};
+ {ok, CurrentHeads} ->
+ with_upgrade_graph(
+ fun (G) ->
+ case unknown_heads(CurrentHeads, G) of
+ [] -> {ok, upgrades_to_apply(CurrentHeads, G)};
+ Unknown -> {error, {future_upgrades_found, Unknown}}
+ end
+ end, Scope)
+ end.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+with_upgrade_graph(Fun, Scope) ->
+ case rabbit_misc:build_acyclic_graph(
+ fun (Module, Steps) -> vertices(Module, Steps, Scope) end,
+ fun (Module, Steps) -> edges(Module, Steps, Scope) end,
+ rabbit_misc:all_module_attributes(rabbit_upgrade)) of
+ {ok, G} -> try
+ Fun(G)
+ after
+ true = digraph:delete(G)
+ end;
+ {error, {vertex, duplicate, StepName}} ->
+ throw({error, {duplicate_upgrade_step, StepName}});
+ {error, {edge, {bad_vertex, StepName}, _From, _To}} ->
+ throw({error, {dependency_on_unknown_upgrade_step, StepName}});
+ {error, {edge, {bad_edge, StepNames}, _From, _To}} ->
+ throw({error, {cycle_in_upgrade_steps, StepNames}})
+ end.
+vertices(Module, Steps, Scope0) ->
+ [{StepName, {Module, StepName}} || {StepName, Scope1, _Reqs} <- Steps,
+ Scope0 == Scope1].
+edges(_Module, Steps, Scope0) ->
+ [{Require, StepName} || {StepName, Scope1, Requires} <- Steps,
+ Require <- Requires,
+ Scope0 == Scope1].
+unknown_heads(Heads, G) ->
+ [H || H <- Heads, digraph:vertex(G, H) =:= false].
+upgrades_to_apply(Heads, G) ->
+ %% Take all the vertices which can reach the known heads. That's
+ %% everything we've already applied. Subtract that from all
+ %% vertices: that's what we have to apply.
+ Unsorted = sets:to_list(
+ sets:subtract(
+ sets:from_list(digraph:vertices(G)),
+ sets:from_list(digraph_utils:reaching(Heads, G)))),
+ %% Form a subgraph from that list and find a topological ordering
+ %% so we can invoke them in order.
+ [element(2, digraph:vertex(G, StepName)) ||
+ StepName <- digraph_utils:topsort(digraph_utils:subgraph(G, Unsorted))].
+heads(G) ->
+ lists:sort([V || V <- digraph:vertices(G), digraph:out_degree(G, V) =:= 0]).
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+categorise_by_scope(Version) when is_list(Version) ->
+ Categorised =
+ [{Scope, Name} || {_Module, Attributes} <-
+ rabbit_misc:all_module_attributes(rabbit_upgrade),
+ {Name, Scope, _Requires} <- Attributes,
+ lists:member(Name, Version)],
+ orddict:to_list(
+ lists:foldl(fun ({Scope, Name}, CatVersion) ->
+ rabbit_misc:orddict_cons(Scope, Name, CatVersion)
+ end, orddict:new(), Categorised)).
+dir() -> rabbit_mnesia:dir().
+schema_filename() -> filename:join(dir(), ?VERSION_FILENAME).
diff --git a/src/rabbit_vhost.erl b/src/rabbit_vhost.erl
index efebef06..24c130ed 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_vhost.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_vhost.erl
@@ -48,15 +48,15 @@ add(VHostPath) ->
(ok, false) ->
- rabbit_misc:r(VHostPath, exchange, Name),
- Type, true, false, false, []) ||
- {Name,Type} <-
- [{<<"">>, direct},
- {<<"">>, direct},
- {<<"amq.topic">>, topic},
- {<<"amq.match">>, headers}, %% per 0-9-1 pdf
- {<<"amq.headers">>, headers}, %% per 0-9-1 xml
- {<<"amq.fanout">>, fanout}]],
+ rabbit_misc:r(VHostPath, exchange, Name),
+ Type, true, false, false, []) ||
+ {Name,Type} <-
+ [{<<"">>, direct},
+ {<<"">>, direct},
+ {<<"amq.topic">>, topic},
+ {<<"amq.match">>, headers}, %% per 0-9-1 pdf
+ {<<"amq.headers">>, headers}, %% per 0-9-1 xml
+ {<<"amq.fanout">>, fanout}]],
rabbit_log:info("Added vhost ~p~n", [VHostPath]),
diff --git a/src/rabbit_writer.erl b/src/rabbit_writer.erl
index eba86a55..ac3434d2 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_writer.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_writer.erl
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
-define(HIBERNATE_AFTER, 5000).
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
start(Sock, Channel, FrameMax, Protocol, ReaderPid) ->
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ handle_message({inet_reply, _, Status}, _State) ->
handle_message(Message, _State) ->
exit({writer, message_not_understood, Message}).
send_command(W, MethodRecord) ->
W ! {send_command, MethodRecord},
@@ -157,13 +157,13 @@ send_command_and_notify(W, Q, ChPid, MethodRecord, Content) ->
W ! {send_command_and_notify, Q, ChPid, MethodRecord, Content},
call(Pid, Msg) ->
{ok, Res} = gen:call(Pid, '$gen_call', Msg, infinity),
assemble_frame(Channel, MethodRecord, Protocol) ->
?LOGMESSAGE(out, Channel, MethodRecord, none),
diff --git a/src/supervisor2.erl b/src/supervisor2.erl
index 1a240856..ec1ee9cd 100644
--- a/src/supervisor2.erl
+++ b/src/supervisor2.erl
@@ -38,6 +38,9 @@
%% child is a supervisor and it exits normally (i.e. with reason of
%% 'shutdown') then the child's parent also exits normally.
+%% 5) normal, and {shutdown, _} exit reasons are all treated the same
+%% (i.e. are regarded as normal exits)
%% All modifications are (C) 2010-2011 VMware, Inc.
%% %CopyrightBegin%
@@ -544,17 +547,12 @@ do_restart({RestartType, Delay}, Reason, Child, State) ->
do_restart(permanent, Reason, Child, State) ->
report_error(child_terminated, Reason, Child,,
restart(Child, State);
-do_restart(intrinsic, normal, Child, State) ->
- {shutdown, state_del_child(Child, State)};
-do_restart(intrinsic, shutdown, Child = #child{child_type = supervisor},
- State) ->
- {shutdown, state_del_child(Child, State)};
-do_restart(_, normal, Child, State) ->
- NState = state_del_child(Child, State),
- {ok, NState};
-do_restart(_, shutdown, Child, State) ->
- NState = state_del_child(Child, State),
- {ok, NState};
+do_restart(Type, normal, Child, State) ->
+ del_child_and_maybe_shutdown(Type, Child, State);
+do_restart(Type, {shutdown, _}, Child, State) ->
+ del_child_and_maybe_shutdown(Type, Child, State);
+do_restart(Type, shutdown, Child = #child{child_type = supervisor}, State) ->
+ del_child_and_maybe_shutdown(Type, Child, State);
do_restart(Type, Reason, Child, State) when Type =:= transient orelse
Type =:= intrinsic ->
report_error(child_terminated, Reason, Child,,
@@ -564,6 +562,11 @@ do_restart(temporary, Reason, Child, State) ->
NState = state_del_child(Child, State),
{ok, NState}.
+del_child_and_maybe_shutdown(intrinsic, Child, State) ->
+ {shutdown, state_del_child(Child, State)};
+del_child_and_maybe_shutdown(_, Child, State) ->
+ {ok, state_del_child(Child, State)}.
restart(Child, State) ->
case add_restart(State) of
{ok, NState} ->
diff --git a/src/test_sup.erl b/src/test_sup.erl
index b4df1fd0..150235da 100644
--- a/src/test_sup.erl
+++ b/src/test_sup.erl
@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ test_supervisor_delayed_restart(SupPid) ->
with_sup(RestartStrategy, Fun) ->
{ok, SupPid} = supervisor2:start_link(?MODULE, [RestartStrategy]),
Res = Fun(SupPid),
+ unlink(SupPid),
exit(SupPid, shutdown),
- rabbit_misc:unlink_and_capture_exit(SupPid),
init([RestartStrategy]) ->
diff --git a/src/vm_memory_monitor.erl b/src/vm_memory_monitor.erl
index 44e1e4b5..dcc6aff5 100644
--- a/src/vm_memory_monitor.erl
+++ b/src/vm_memory_monitor.erl
@@ -175,10 +175,10 @@ internal_update(State = #state { memory_limit = MemLimit,
case {Alarmed, NewAlarmed} of
{false, true} ->
emit_update_info(set, MemUsed, MemLimit),
- alarm_handler:set_alarm({vm_memory_high_watermark, []});
+ alarm_handler:set_alarm({{vm_memory_high_watermark, node()}, []});
{true, false} ->
emit_update_info(clear, MemUsed, MemLimit),
- alarm_handler:clear_alarm(vm_memory_high_watermark);
+ alarm_handler:clear_alarm({vm_memory_high_watermark, node()});
_ ->