diff options
authorMatthias Radestock <>2013-01-25 14:44:09 +0000
committerMatthias Radestock <>2013-01-25 14:44:09 +0000
commitbbf452f939e48c705dbf03b34a7349e72d46d768 (patch)
parent20b8546190e1fefed20d7a49f5efe474ec3b1dd3 (diff)
base startup precedence decisions on starting nodes onlybug25405
rather than all nodes Since otherwise two simultaneously starting nodes could both end up waiting for a third, dead node.
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/src/rabbit_mnesia.erl b/src/rabbit_mnesia.erl
index e758d265..201754ac 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_mnesia.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_mnesia.erl
@@ -132,35 +132,34 @@ init_from_config({[], NodeType}) ->
init_db_and_upgrade([node()], NodeType, false);
init_from_config({TryNodes0, NodeType} = Config) ->
- [First | _] = TryNodes = lists:usort(nodes_excl_me(TryNodes0)),
+ TryNodes = nodes_excl_me(TryNodes0),
case discover_cluster(TryNodes) of
{ok, {_, DiscNodes, _}} ->
init_db_and_upgrade(DiscNodes, NodeType, true),
- {error, tables_not_present} when node() < First andalso
- NodeType =:= disc ->
- %% We came up simultaneously with some other virgin nodes which
- %% also wanted to cluster with us. Exactly one of these nodes
- %% needs to proceed with an unclustered startup. We pick the node
- %% that is alphabetically first.
- %% that is alphabetically first.
- error_logger:info_msg(
- "Virgin node started simultaneously with ~p; "
- "this node has precedence~n", [TryNodes]),
- init_db_and_upgrade([node()], disc, false);
- {error, tables_not_present} when NodeType =:= disc ->
- %% See above.
- error_logger:info_msg(
- "Virgin node started simultaneously with ~p; "
- "waiting for another node to start.~n", [TryNodes]),
- timer:sleep(1000),
- init_from_config(Config);
+ {error, {tables_not_present, StartingNodes}} when NodeType =:= disc ->
+ %% We came up simultaneously with some other virgin nodes
+ %% which also wanted to cluster with us. Exactly one of
+ %% these nodes needs to proceed with an unclustered
+ %% startup. We pick the node that is alphabetically first.
+ Log = fun (Msg) ->
+ error_logger:info_msg(
+ "Virgin node started simultaneously with ~p; " ++
+ Msg ++ ".~n", [StartingNodes])
+ end,
+ case lists:any(fun (N) -> N < node() end, StartingNodes) of
+ false -> Log("this node has precedence"),
+ init_db_and_upgrade([node()], disc, false);
+ true -> Log("waiting for another node to start"),
+ timer:sleep(1000),
+ init_from_config(Config)
+ end;
{error, _} ->
%% Note that if we are a ram node this will fail - but that's all
%% right, we want to fail anyway.
"Could not find any alive node from configuration ~p - "
- "assuming this is the first~n", [TryNodes]),
+ "assuming this is the first.~n", [TryNodes]),
init_db_and_upgrade([node()], NodeType, false)
@@ -621,10 +620,14 @@ running_disc_nodes() ->
discover_cluster(Nodes) when is_list(Nodes) ->
- lists:foldl(
- fun (_, {ok, Res}) -> {ok, Res};
- (Node, E) -> prefer_result(discover_cluster(Node), E)
- end, {error, no_nodes_provided}, Nodes);
+ lists:foldl(fun (_, {ok, Res}) ->
+ {ok, Res};
+ (Node, {error, E}) ->
+ case discover_cluster(Node) of
+ {ok, Res} -> {ok, Res};
+ {error, E1} -> {error, merge_errors(Node, E1, E)}
+ end
+ end, {error, no_nodes_provided}, Nodes);
discover_cluster(Node) when Node =:= node() ->
{error, {cannot_discover_cluster, "Cannot cluster node with itself"}};
discover_cluster(Node) ->
@@ -638,19 +641,18 @@ discover_cluster(Node) ->
{ok, Res} -> {ok, Res}
-prefer_result(E1, E2) -> case result_priority(E1) > result_priority(E2) of
- true -> E1;
- false -> E2
- end.
-%% We prioritise like this since when we are in init_from_config/1
+%% We combine errors this way since when we are in init_from_config/1
%% with a mixture of nodes that report tables_not_present and other
%% errors, we want to ignore the latter nodes (essentially treating
%% them as absent) and try sequencing the startup of the other nodes.
-result_priority({ok, _}) -> 99;
-result_priority({error, no_nodes_provided}) -> 0;
-result_priority({error, tables_not_present}) -> 2;
-result_priority({error, _}) -> 1.
+merge_errors(N, tables_not_present, {tables_not_present, Nodes}) ->
+ {tables_not_present, [N | Nodes]};
+merge_errors(N, tables_not_present, _) ->
+ {tables_not_present, [N]};
+merge_errors(_, _, {tables_not_present, _} = E) ->
+ E;
+merge_errors(_, E, _) ->
+ E.
schema_ok_or_move() ->
case rabbit_table:check_schema_integrity() of