path: root/src/rabbit_guid.erl
diff options
authorFrancesco Mazzoli <>2012-01-17 15:04:04 +0000
committerFrancesco Mazzoli <>2012-01-17 15:04:04 +0000
commite824250c89a1203b9d51868afd4df925e494b1ae (patch)
tree1061e0e647e0999c1d17dec43debefd709506d16 /src/rabbit_guid.erl
parent065f57944a56b7d8183dfa04761247b5b760fdef (diff)
Change naming in rabbit_guid, explicit guid passing in string/0 and binary/0.
Specifically: fast_guid() -> gen() guid() -> secure_gen() string_guid(Prefix) -> string(Guid, Prefix) binstring_guid(Prefix) -> binary(Guid, Prefix)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/rabbit_guid.erl')
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/src/rabbit_guid.erl b/src/rabbit_guid.erl
index 9a464139..5068ad1f 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_guid.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_guid.erl
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
--export([guid/0, fast_guid/0, string_guid/1, binstring_guid/1]).
+-export([gen/0, gen_secure/0, string/2, binary/2]).
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2,
@@ -38,10 +38,10 @@
-type(guid() :: binary()).
-spec(start_link/0 :: () -> rabbit_types:ok_pid_or_error()).
--spec(guid/0 :: () -> guid()).
--spec(fast_guid/0 :: () -> guid()).
--spec(string_guid/1 :: (any()) -> string()).
--spec(binstring_guid/1 :: (any()) -> binary()).
+-spec(gen/0 :: () -> guid()).
+-spec(gen_secure/0 :: () -> guid()).
+-spec(string/2 :: (guid(), any()) -> string()).
+-spec(binary/2 :: (guid(), any()) -> binary()).
@@ -66,9 +66,8 @@ update_disk_serial() ->
-%% Generate an un-hashed guid. To be used when one is hashed in the process
-%% dictionary.
-fresh_guid() ->
+%% Generate an un-hashed guid.
+fresh() ->
%% We don't use erlang:now() here because a) it may return
%% duplicates when the system clock has been rewound prior to a
%% restart, or ids were generated at a high rate (which causes
@@ -81,50 +80,50 @@ fresh_guid() ->
Serial = gen_server:call(?SERVER, serial, infinity),
{Serial, node(), make_ref()}.
+%% generate a GUID. This function should be used when performance is a
+%% priority and predictability is not an issue. Otherwise, use gen_secure/0.
+gen() ->
+ %% We hash a fresh GUID and then XOR it with a process-local counter
+ %% to get a new GUID each time.
+ {S, I} =
+ case get(guid) of
+ undefined -> G = fresh(),
+ <<S0:128/integer>> = erlang:md5(term_to_binary(G)),
+ {S0, 0};
+ {S0, I0} -> {S0, I0+1}
+ end,
+ put(guid, {S, I}),
+ <<(S bxor I):128>>.
%% generate a non-predictable GUID.
%% The id is only unique within a single cluster and as long as the
%% serial store hasn't been deleted.
-%% If you are not concerned with predictability, fast_guid/0 is faster.
-guid() ->
+%% If you are not concerned with predictability, gen/0 is faster.
+gen_secure() ->
%% Here instead of hashing once we hash the GUID and the counter each time,
%% so that the GUID is not predictable.
G = case get(fast_guid) of
- undefined -> {fresh_guid(), 0};
+ undefined -> {fresh(), 0};
{S, I} -> {S, I+1}
put(fast_guid, G),
-%% generate a GUID. This function should be used when performance is a
-%% priority and predictability is not an issue.
-fast_guid() ->
- %% We hash a fresh GUID and then XOR it with a process-local counter
- %% to get a new GUID each time.
- {S, I} =
- case get(guid) of
- undefined -> G = fresh_guid(),
- <<S0:128/integer>> = erlang:md5(term_to_binary(G)),
- {S0, 0};
- {S0, I0} -> {S0, I0+1}
- end,
- put(guid, {S, I}),
- <<(S bxor I):128>>.
%% generate a readable string representation of a GUID.
%% employs base64url encoding, which is safer in more contexts than
%% plain base64.
-string_guid(Prefix) ->
+string(G, Prefix) ->
Prefix ++ "-" ++ lists:foldl(fun ($\+, Acc) -> [$\- | Acc];
($\/, Acc) -> [$\_ | Acc];
($\=, Acc) -> Acc;
(Chr, Acc) -> [Chr | Acc]
- end, [], base64:encode_to_string(guid())).
+ end, [], base64:encode_to_string(G)).
-binstring_guid(Prefix) ->
- list_to_binary(string_guid(Prefix)).
+binary(G, Prefix) ->
+ list_to_binary(string(G, Prefix)).