path: root/src
diff options
authorTony Garnock-Jones <>2009-12-14 17:32:28 +0000
committerTony Garnock-Jones <>2009-12-14 17:32:28 +0000
commitaaba4cd2812af39f63d087373b8442f0c4e4696c (patch)
treedd42e0ebd70e1687c53fc85fd947a24999304a41 /src
parentfd5e53e50fa3e16d791893c7f6837f17a5ebbb48 (diff)
Add "-rabbit_boot_step" module attribute to specify startup sequence.
- The plugin activator prepares the startup plan. - This means that it's no longer going to work to run without a boot script. Consequently, I've added a call to rabbitmq-activate-plugins to the Makefile for the 'all' target. - I've refactored the old boot sequence to use the new method for specifying boot steps. I've conservatively put dependencies forcing them into a straight line, as they were before. - Since the plugin activator runs so frequently, I've made it suppress the (spurious) warnings we get about core beam files being out of date on Ubuntu.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
2 files changed, 166 insertions, 121 deletions
diff --git a/src/rabbit.erl b/src/rabbit.erl
index 4d6bd009..e5507063 100644
--- a/src/rabbit.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit.erl
@@ -33,12 +33,36 @@
--export([prepare/0, start/0, stop/0, stop_and_halt/0, status/0, rotate_logs/1]).
+-export([prepare/0, start/0, finish_boot/1, stop/0, stop_and_halt/0, status/0, rotate_logs/1]).
-export([start/2, stop/1]).
+%% Boot steps.
+-export([boot_database/0, boot_core_processes/0, boot_recovery/0,
+ boot_persister/0, boot_guid_generator/0,
+ boot_builtin_applications/0, boot_tcp_listeners/0,
+ boot_ssl_listeners/0]).
+-rabbit_boot_step({boot_database/0, [{description, "database"}]}).
+-rabbit_boot_step({boot_core_processes/0, [{description, "core processes"},
+ {post, {?MODULE, boot_database/0}}]}).
+-rabbit_boot_step({boot_recovery/0, [{description, "recovery"},
+ {post, {?MODULE, boot_core_processes/0}}]}).
+-rabbit_boot_step({boot_persister/0, [{description, "persister"},
+ {post, {?MODULE, boot_recovery/0}}]}).
+-rabbit_boot_step({boot_guid_generator/0, [{description, "guid generator"},
+ {post, {?MODULE, boot_persister/0}}]}).
+-rabbit_boot_step({boot_builtin_applications/0, [{description, "builtin applications"},
+ {post, {?MODULE, boot_guid_generator/0}}]}).
+-rabbit_boot_step({boot_tcp_listeners/0, [{description, "TCP listeners"},
+ {post, {?MODULE, boot_builtin_applications/0}}]}).
+-rabbit_boot_step({boot_ssl_listeners/0, [{description, "SSL listeners"},
+ {post, {?MODULE, boot_tcp_listeners/0}}]}).
@@ -59,6 +83,8 @@
-spec(prepare/0 :: () -> 'ok').
-spec(start/0 :: () -> 'ok').
+-spec(finish_boot/1 :: ([any()]) -> 'ok').
+-spec(run_boot_steps/0 :: () -> 'ok').
-spec(stop/0 :: () -> 'ok').
-spec(stop_and_halt/0 :: () -> 'ok').
-spec(rotate_logs/1 :: (file_suffix()) -> 'ok' | {'error', any()}).
@@ -115,103 +141,99 @@ rotate_logs(BinarySuffix) ->
start(normal, []) ->
- {ok, SupPid} = rabbit_sup:start_link(),
+ {ok, _SupPid} = rabbit_sup:start_link().
+finish_boot(BootSteps) ->
+ %% We set our group_leader so we appear to OTP to be part of the
+ %% rabbit application.
+ case application_controller:get_master(rabbit) of
+ undefined ->
+ exit({?MODULE, finish_boot, could_not_find_rabbit});
+ MasterPid when is_pid(MasterPid) ->
+ group_leader(MasterPid, self())
+ end,
+ [ok = run_boot_step(Step) || Step <- BootSteps],
+ io:format("~nbroker running~n"),
+ ok.
- HookModules = discover_static_hooks(startup_hook),
- lists:foreach(
- fun ({Phase, Msg, Thunk}) ->
- io:format("starting ~-20s ...", [Msg]),
- ok = run_static_hooks(HookModules, startup_hook, {pre, Phase}),
- Thunk(),
- ok = run_static_hooks(HookModules, startup_hook, {post, Phase}),
- io:format("done~n");
- ({Phase, Msg, M, F, A}) ->
- io:format("starting ~-20s ...", [Msg]),
- ok = run_static_hooks(HookModules, startup_hook, {pre, Phase}),
- apply(M, F, A),
- ok = run_static_hooks(HookModules, startup_hook, {post, Phase}),
- io:format("done~n")
- end,
- [{database, "database",
- fun () -> ok = rabbit_mnesia:init() end},
- {core_processes, "core processes",
- fun () ->
- ok = start_child(rabbit_log),
- ok = rabbit_hooks:start(),
- ok = rabbit_binary_generator:
- check_empty_content_body_frame_size(),
- ok = rabbit_alarm:start(),
- {ok, MemoryWatermark} =
- application:get_env(vm_memory_high_watermark),
- ok = case MemoryWatermark == 0 of
- true ->
- ok;
- false ->
- start_child(vm_memory_monitor, [MemoryWatermark])
- end,
- ok = rabbit_amqqueue:start(),
- ok = start_child(rabbit_router),
- ok = start_child(rabbit_node_monitor)
- end},
- {recovery, "recovery",
- fun () ->
- ok = maybe_insert_default_data(),
- ok = rabbit_exchange:recover(),
- ok = rabbit_amqqueue:recover()
- end},
- {persister, "persister",
- fun () ->
- ok = start_child(rabbit_persister)
- end},
- {guid_generator, "guid generator",
- fun () ->
- ok = start_child(rabbit_guid)
- end},
- {builtin_applications, "builtin applications",
- fun () ->
- {ok, DefaultVHost} = application:get_env(default_vhost),
- ok = error_logger:add_report_handler(
- rabbit_error_logger, [DefaultVHost]),
- ok = start_builtin_amq_applications()
- end},
- {tcp_listeners, "TCP listeners",
- fun () ->
- ok = rabbit_networking:start(),
- {ok, TcpListeners} = application:get_env(tcp_listeners),
- lists:foreach(
- fun ({Host, Port}) ->
- ok = rabbit_networking:start_tcp_listener(Host, Port)
+run_boot_step({ModFunSpec = {Module, {Fun, 0}}, Attributes}) ->
+ Description = case lists:keysearch(description, 1, Attributes) of
+ {value, {_, D}} -> D;
+ false -> lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~w:~w", [Module, Fun]))
- TcpListeners)
- end},
- {ssl_listeners, "SSL listeners",
- fun () ->
- case application:get_env(ssl_listeners) of
- {ok, []} ->
- ok;
- {ok, SslListeners} ->
- ok = rabbit_misc:start_applications([crypto, ssl]),
- {ok, SslOpts} = application:get_env(ssl_options),
- [rabbit_networking:start_ssl_listener
- (Host, Port, SslOpts) || {Host, Port} <- SslListeners],
- ok
- end
- end}]),
+ io:format("starting ~-20s ...", [Description]),
+ case catch Module:Fun() of
+ {'EXIT', Reason} ->
+ io:format("FAILED~nReason: ~p~n", [Reason]),
+ ChainedReason = {?MODULE, finish_boot, failed, ModFunSpec, Reason},
+ error_logger:error_report(ChainedReason),
+ timer:sleep(1000),
+ exit(ChainedReason);
+ ok ->
+ io:format("done~n"),
+ ok
+ end.
- io:format("~nbroker running~n"),
+boot_database() ->
+ ok = rabbit_mnesia:init().
+boot_core_processes() ->
+ ok = start_child(rabbit_log),
+ ok = rabbit_hooks:start(),
+ ok = rabbit_binary_generator:check_empty_content_body_frame_size(),
+ ok = rabbit_alarm:start(),
+ {ok, MemoryWatermark} = application:get_env(vm_memory_high_watermark),
+ ok = case MemoryWatermark == 0 of
+ true ->
+ ok;
+ false ->
+ start_child(vm_memory_monitor, [MemoryWatermark])
+ end,
+ ok = rabbit_amqqueue:start(),
+ ok = start_child(rabbit_router),
+ ok = start_child(rabbit_node_monitor).
- {ok, SupPid}.
+boot_recovery() ->
+ ok = maybe_insert_default_data(),
+ ok = rabbit_exchange:recover(),
+ ok = rabbit_amqqueue:recover().
+boot_persister() ->
+ ok = start_child(rabbit_persister).
+boot_guid_generator() ->
+ ok = start_child(rabbit_guid).
+boot_builtin_applications() ->
+ {ok, DefaultVHost} = application:get_env(default_vhost),
+ ok = error_logger:add_report_handler(rabbit_error_logger, [DefaultVHost]),
+ ok = start_builtin_amq_applications().
+boot_tcp_listeners() ->
+ ok = rabbit_networking:start(),
+ {ok, TcpListeners} = application:get_env(tcp_listeners),
+ [ok = rabbit_networking:start_tcp_listener(Host, Port)
+ || {Host, Port} <- TcpListeners],
+ ok.
+boot_ssl_listeners() ->
+ case application:get_env(ssl_listeners) of
+ {ok, []} ->
+ ok;
+ {ok, SslListeners} ->
+ ok = rabbit_misc:start_applications([crypto, ssl]),
+ {ok, SslOpts} = application:get_env(ssl_options),
+ [rabbit_networking:start_ssl_listener(Host, Port, SslOpts)
+ || {Host, Port} <- SslListeners],
+ ok
+ end.
stop(_State) ->
terminated_ok = error_logger:delete_report_handler(rabbit_error_logger),
@@ -375,20 +397,3 @@ log_rotation_result(ok, {error, SaslLogError}) ->
{error, {cannot_rotate_sasl_logs, SaslLogError}};
log_rotation_result(ok, ok) ->
-discover_static_hooks(Hook) ->
- %% App files don't let us stick arbitrary keys in, so we do
- %% something a bit icky here and go for "convention over
- %% configuration", choosing to examine modules with names starting
- %% with 'rabbit_static_hook_' to see if they have appropriate
- %% exported hook functions.
- [M || {App, _, _} <- application:loaded_applications(),
- M <- begin {ok, Ms} = application:get_key(App, modules), Ms end,
- case atom_to_list(M) of "rabbit_static_hook_" ++ _ -> true; _ -> false end,
- {module, M} == code:load_file(M),
- erlang:function_exported(M, Hook, 1)].
-run_static_hooks(HookModules, Hook, Event) ->
- ok = lists:foreach(fun (M) ->
- {M, Hook, ok} = {M, Hook, M:Hook(Event)}
- end, HookModules).
diff --git a/src/rabbit_plugin_activator.erl b/src/rabbit_plugin_activator.erl
index 9f787920..6f6dd2ed 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_plugin_activator.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_plugin_activator.erl
@@ -96,12 +96,20 @@ start() ->
{ok, Module, Warnings} ->
%% This gets lots of spurious no-source warnings when we
%% have .ez files, so we want to supress them to prevent
- %% hiding real issues.
+ %% hiding real issues. On Ubuntu, we also get warnings
+ %% about kernel/stdlib sources being out of date, which we
+ %% also ignore for the same reason.
WarningStr = Module:format_warning(
[W || W <- Warnings,
case W of
{warning, {source_not_found, _}} -> false;
- _ -> true
+ {warning, {obj_out_of_date, {_,_,WApp,_,_}}}
+ when WApp == mnesia;
+ WApp == stdlib;
+ WApp == kernel;
+ WApp == sasl;
+ WApp == os_mon -> false;
+ _ -> true
case length(WarningStr) of
0 -> ok;
@@ -113,7 +121,7 @@ start() ->
[ScriptFile, Module:format_error(Error)])
- case post_process_script(ScriptFile) of
+ case post_process_script(ScriptFile, boot_steps(AllApps)) of
ok -> ok;
{error, Reason} ->
error("post processing of boot script file ~s failed:~n~w",
@@ -140,6 +148,37 @@ determine_version(App) ->
{ok, Vsn} = application:get_key(App, vsn),
{App, Vsn}.
+boot_steps(AllApps) ->
+ [application:load(App) || App <- AllApps],
+ Modules = lists:usort(
+ lists:append([Modules
+ || {ok, Modules} <- [application:get_key(App, modules)
+ || App <- AllApps]])),
+ UnsortedSteps =
+ lists:flatmap(fun (Module) ->
+ [{{Module, FunSpec}, Attributes}
+ || {rabbit_boot_step, [{FunSpec, Attributes}]}
+ <- Module:module_info(attributes)]
+ end, Modules),
+ sort_boot_steps(UnsortedSteps).
+sort_boot_steps(UnsortedSteps) ->
+ G = digraph:new(),
+ [digraph:add_vertex(G, ModFunSpec, Step) || Step = {ModFunSpec, _Attrs} <- UnsortedSteps],
+ lists:foreach(fun ({ModFunSpec, Attributes}) ->
+ [digraph:add_edge(G, ModFunSpec, PostModFunSpec)
+ || {post, PostModFunSpec} <- Attributes],
+ [digraph:add_edge(G, PreModFunSpec, ModFunSpec)
+ || {pre, PreModFunSpec} <- Attributes]
+ end, UnsortedSteps),
+ SortedStepsRev = [begin
+ {ModFunSpec, Step} = digraph:vertex(G, ModFunSpec),
+ Step
+ end || ModFunSpec <- digraph_utils:topsort(G)],
+ SortedSteps = lists:reverse(SortedStepsRev),
+ digraph:delete(G),
+ SortedSteps.
assert_dir(Dir) ->
case filelib:is_dir(Dir) of
true -> ok;
@@ -219,10 +258,12 @@ expand_dependencies(Current, [Next|Rest]) ->
expand_dependencies(sets:add_element(Next, Current), Rest ++ Unique)
-post_process_script(ScriptFile) ->
+post_process_script(ScriptFile, BootSteps) ->
case file:consult(ScriptFile) of
{ok, [{script, Name, Entries}]} ->
- NewEntries = process_entries(Entries),
+ NewEntries = lists:flatmap(fun (Entry) ->
+ process_entry(Entry, BootSteps)
+ end, Entries),
case file:open(ScriptFile, [write]) of
{ok, Fd} ->
io:format(Fd, "%% script generated at ~w ~w~n~p.~n",
@@ -236,13 +277,12 @@ post_process_script(ScriptFile) ->
{error, {failed_to_load_script, Reason}}
-process_entries([]) ->
- [];
-process_entries([Entry = {apply,{application,start_boot,[stdlib,permanent]}} |
- Rest]) ->
- [Entry, {apply,{rabbit,prepare,[]}} | Rest];
-process_entries([Entry|Rest]) ->
- [Entry | process_entries(Rest)].
+process_entry(Entry = {apply,{application,start_boot,[stdlib,permanent]}}, _BootSteps) ->
+ [Entry, {apply,{rabbit,prepare,[]}}];
+process_entry(Entry = {progress, started}, BootSteps) ->
+ [{apply,{rabbit,finish_boot,[BootSteps]}}, Entry];
+process_entry(Entry, _BootSteps) ->
+ [Entry].
error(Fmt, Args) ->
io:format("ERROR: " ++ Fmt ++ "~n", Args),