path: root/check_xref
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'check_xref')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 291 deletions
diff --git a/check_xref b/check_xref
deleted file mode 100755
index ff38ebd0..00000000
--- a/check_xref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,291 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env escript
-%% -*- erlang -*-
-%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
-%% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License
-%% at
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and
-%% limitations under the License.
-%% The Original Code is RabbitMQ.
-%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is GoPivotal, Inc.
-%% Copyright (c) 2010-2014 GoPivotal, Inc. All rights reserved.
-main(["-h"]) ->
- io:format("usage: check_xref PluginDirectory (options)~n"
- "options:~n"
- " -q - quiet mode (only prints errors)~n"
- " -X - disables all filters~n");
-main([PluginsDir|Argv]) ->
- put({?MODULE, quiet}, lists:member("-q", Argv)),
- put({?MODULE, no_filters}, lists:member("-X", Argv)),
- {ok, Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
- code:add_pathz(filename:join(Cwd, "ebin")),
- LibDir = filename:join(Cwd, "lib"),
- case filelib:is_dir(LibDir) of
- false -> ok;
- true -> os:cmd("rm -rf " ++ LibDir)
- end,
- Rc = try
- check(Cwd, PluginsDir, LibDir, checks())
- catch
- _:Err ->
- io:format(user, "failed: ~p~n", [Err]),
- 1
- end,
- shutdown(Rc, LibDir).
-shutdown(Rc, LibDir) ->
- os:cmd("rm -rf " ++ LibDir),
- erlang:halt(Rc).
-check(Cwd, PluginsDir, LibDir, Checks) ->
- {ok, Plugins} = file:list_dir(PluginsDir),
- ok = file:make_dir(LibDir),
- put({?MODULE, third_party}, []),
- [begin
- Source = filename:join(PluginsDir, Plugin),
- Target = filename:join(LibDir, Plugin),
- IsExternal = external_dependency(Plugin),
- AppN = case IsExternal of
- true -> filename:join(LibDir, unmangle_name(Plugin));
- false -> filename:join(
- LibDir, filename:basename(Plugin, ".ez"))
- end,
- report(info, "mkdir -p ~s~n", [Target]),
- filelib:ensure_dir(Target),
- report(info, "cp ~s ~s~n", [Source, Target]),
- {ok, _} = file:copy(Source, Target),
- report(info, "unzip -d ~s ~s~n", [LibDir, Target]),
- {ok, _} = zip:unzip(Target, [{cwd, LibDir}]),
- UnpackDir = filename:join(LibDir, filename:basename(Target, ".ez")),
- report(info, "mv ~s ~s~n", [UnpackDir, AppN]),
- ok = file:rename(UnpackDir, AppN),
- code:add_patha(filename:join(AppN, "ebin")),
- case IsExternal of
- true -> App = list_to_atom(hd(string:tokens(filename:basename(AppN),
- "-"))),
- report(info, "loading ~p~n", [App]),
- application:load(App),
- store_third_party(App);
- _ -> ok
- end
- end || Plugin <- Plugins,
- lists:suffix(".ez", Plugin)],
- RabbitAppEbin = filename:join([LibDir, "rabbit", "ebin"]),
- filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join(RabbitAppEbin, "foo")),
- {ok, Beams} = file:list_dir("ebin"),
- [{ok, _} = file:copy(filename:join("ebin", Beam),
- filename:join(RabbitAppEbin, Beam)) || Beam <- Beams],
- xref:start(?MODULE),
- xref:set_default(?MODULE, [{verbose, false}, {warnings, false}]),
- xref:set_library_path(?MODULE, code:get_path()),
- xref:add_release(?MODULE, Cwd, {name, rabbit}),
- store_unresolved_calls(),
- Results = lists:flatten([perform_analysis(Q) || Q <- Checks]),
- report(Results).
-%% Analysis
-perform_analysis({Query, Description, Severity}) ->
- perform_analysis({Query, Description, Severity, fun(_) -> false end});
-perform_analysis({Query, Description, Severity, Filter}) ->
- report_progress("Checking whether any code ~s "
- "(~s)~n", [Description, Query]),
- case analyse(Query) of
- {ok, Analysis} ->
- [filter(Result, Filter) ||
- Result <- process_analysis(Query, Description,
- Severity, Analysis)];
- {error, Module, Reason} ->
- {analysis_error, {Module, Reason}}
- end.
-partition(Results) ->
- lists:partition(fun({{_, L}, _}) -> L =:= error end, Results).
-analyse(Query) when is_atom(Query) ->
- xref:analyse(?MODULE, Query, [{verbose, false}]);
-analyse(Query) when is_list(Query) ->
- xref:q(?MODULE, Query).
-process_analysis(Query, Tag, Severity, Analysis) when is_atom(Query) ->
- [{{Tag, Severity}, MFA} || MFA <- Analysis];
-process_analysis(Query, Tag, Severity, Analysis) when is_list(Query) ->
- [{{Tag, Severity}, Result} || Result <- Analysis].
-checks() ->
- [{"(XXL)(Lin) ((XC - UC) || (XU - X - B))",
- "has call to undefined function(s)",
- error, filters()},
- {"(Lin) (L - LU)",
- "has unused local function(s)",
- error, filters()},
- {"(E | \"(rabbit|amqp).*\":_/_ || \"gen_server2?\":call/2)",
- "has 5 sec timeout in",
- error, filters()},
- {"(Lin) (LU * (X - XU))",
- "has exported function(s) only used locally",
- warning, filters()},
- {"(Lin) (DF * (XU + LU))", "used deprecated function(s)",
- warning, filters()}].
-%% {"(Lin) (X - XU)", "possibly unused export",
-%% warning, fun filter_unused/1}].
-%% noise filters (can be disabled with -X) - strip uninteresting analyses
-filter(Result, Filter) ->
- case Filter(Result) of
- false -> Result;
- true -> [] %% NB: this gets flattened out later on....
- end.
-filters() ->
- case get({?MODULE, no_filters}) of
- true -> fun(_) -> false end;
- _ -> filter_chain([fun is_unresolved_call/1, fun is_callback/1,
- fun is_unused/1, fun is_irrelevant/1])
- end.
-filter_chain(FnChain) ->
- fun(AnalysisResult) ->
- Result = cleanup(AnalysisResult),
- lists:foldl(fun(F, false) -> F(Result);
- (_F, true) -> true
- end, false, FnChain)
- end.
-cleanup({{_, _},{{{{_,_,_}=MFA1,_},{{_,_,_}=MFA2,_}},_}}) -> {MFA1, MFA2};
-cleanup({{_, _},{{{_,_,_}=MFA1,_},{{_,_,_}=MFA2,_}}}) -> {MFA1, MFA2};
-cleanup({{_, _},{{_,_,_}=MFA1,{_,_,_}=MFA2},_}) -> {MFA1, MFA2};
-cleanup({{_, _},{{_,_,_}=MFA1,{_,_,_}=MFA2}}) -> {MFA1, MFA2};
-cleanup({{_, _}, {_,_,_}=MFA}) -> MFA;
-cleanup({{_, _}, {{_,_,_}=MFA,_}}) -> MFA;
-cleanup({{_,_,_}=MFA, {_,_,_}}) -> MFA;
-cleanup({{_,_,_}=MFA, {_,_,_},_}) -> MFA;
-cleanup(Other) -> Other.
-is_irrelevant({{M,_,_}, {_,_,_}}) ->
- is_irrelevant(M);
-is_irrelevant({M,_,_}) ->
- is_irrelevant(M);
-is_irrelevant(Mod) when is_atom(Mod) ->
- lists:member(Mod, get({?MODULE, third_party})).
-is_unused({{_,_,_}=MFA, {_,_,_}}) ->
- is_unused(MFA);
-is_unused({M,_F,_A}) ->
- lists:suffix("_tests", atom_to_list(M));
-is_unused(_) ->
- false.
-is_unresolved_call({_, F, A}) ->
- UC = get({?MODULE, unresolved_calls}),
- sets:is_element({'$M_EXPR', F, A}, UC);
-is_unresolved_call(_) ->
- false.
-%% TODO: cache this....
-is_callback({M,_,_}=MFA) ->
- Attributes = M:module_info(attributes),
- Behaviours = proplists:append_values(behaviour, Attributes),
- {_, Callbacks} = lists:foldl(fun acc_behaviours/2, {M, []}, Behaviours),
- lists:member(MFA, Callbacks);
-is_callback(_) ->
- false.
-acc_behaviours(B, {M, CB}=Acc) ->
- case catch(B:behaviour_info(callbacks)) of
- [{_,_} | _] = Callbacks ->
- {M, CB ++ [{M, F, A} || {F,A} <- Callbacks]};
- _ ->
- Acc
- end.
-%% reporting/output
-report(Results) ->
- [report_failures(F) || F <- Results],
- {Errors, Warnings} = partition(Results),
- report(info, "Completed: ~p errors, ~p warnings~n",
- [length(Errors), length(Warnings)]),
- case length(Errors) > 0 of
- true -> 1;
- false -> 0
- end.
-report_failures({analysis_error, {Mod, Reason}}) ->
- report(error, "~s:0 Analysis Error: ~p~n", [source_file(Mod), Reason]);
-report_failures({{Tag, Level}, {{{{M,_,_},L},{{M2,F2,A2},_}},_}}) ->
- report(Level, "~s:~w ~s ~p:~p/~p~n",
- [source_file(M), L, Tag, M2, F2, A2]);
-report_failures({{Tag, Level}, {{M,F,A},L}}) ->
- report(Level, "~s:~w ~s ~p:~p/~p~n", [source_file(M), L, Tag, M, F, A]);
-report_failures({{Tag, Level}, {M,F,A}}) ->
- report(Level, "~s:unknown ~s ~p:~p/~p~n", [source_file(M), Tag, M, F, A]);
-report_failures(Term) ->
- report(error, "Ignoring ~p~n", [Term]),
- ok.
-report_progress(Fmt, Args) ->
- report(info, Fmt, Args).
-report(Level, Fmt, Args) ->
- case {get({?MODULE, quiet}), Level} of
- {true, error} -> do_report(lookup_prefix(Level), Fmt, Args);
- {false, _} -> do_report(lookup_prefix(Level), Fmt, Args);
- _ -> ok
- end.
-do_report(Prefix, Fmt, Args) ->
- io:format(Prefix ++ Fmt, Args).
-lookup_prefix(error) -> "ERROR: ";
-lookup_prefix(warning) -> "WARNING: ";
-lookup_prefix(info) -> "INFO: ".
-source_file(M) ->
- proplists:get_value(source, M:module_info(compile)).
-%% setup/code-path/file-system ops
-store_third_party(App) ->
- {ok, AppConfig} = application:get_all_key(App),
- AppModules = proplists:get_value(modules, AppConfig),
- put({?MODULE, third_party}, AppModules ++ get({?MODULE, third_party})).
-%% TODO: this ought not to be maintained in such a fashion
-external_dependency(Path) ->
- lists:any(fun(P) -> lists:prefix(P, Path) end,
- ["mochiweb", "webmachine", "rfc4627", "eldap"]).
-unmangle_name(Path) ->
- [Name, Vsn | _] = re:split(Path, "-", [{return, list}]),
- string:join([Name, Vsn], "-").
-store_unresolved_calls() ->
- {ok, UCFull} = analyse("UC"),
- UC = [MFA || {_, {_,_,_} = MFA} <- UCFull],
- put({?MODULE, unresolved_calls}, sets:from_list(UC)).