path: root/src/rabbit_invariable_queue.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/rabbit_invariable_queue.erl')
1 files changed, 264 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/rabbit_invariable_queue.erl b/src/rabbit_invariable_queue.erl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b4fd9156
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/rabbit_invariable_queue.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+%% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+%% License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% The Original Code is RabbitMQ.
+%% The Initial Developers of the Original Code are LShift Ltd,
+%% Cohesive Financial Technologies LLC, and Rabbit Technologies Ltd.
+%% Portions created before 22-Nov-2008 00:00:00 GMT by LShift Ltd,
+%% Cohesive Financial Technologies LLC, or Rabbit Technologies Ltd
+%% are Copyright (C) 2007-2008 LShift Ltd, Cohesive Financial
+%% Technologies LLC, and Rabbit Technologies Ltd.
+%% Portions created by LShift Ltd are Copyright (C) 2007-2010 LShift
+%% Ltd. Portions created by Cohesive Financial Technologies LLC are
+%% Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Cohesive Financial Technologies
+%% LLC. Portions created by Rabbit Technologies Ltd are Copyright
+%% (C) 2007-2010 Rabbit Technologies Ltd.
+%% All Rights Reserved.
+%% Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
+-export([init/3, terminate/1, delete_and_terminate/1, purge/1, publish/2,
+ publish_delivered/3, fetch/2, ack/2, tx_publish/3, tx_ack/3,
+ tx_rollback/2, tx_commit/3, requeue/2, len/1, is_empty/1,
+ set_ram_duration_target/2, ram_duration/1, needs_sync/1, sync/1,
+ handle_pre_hibernate/1, status/1]).
+-record(iv_state, { queue, qname, len, pending_ack }).
+-record(tx, { pending_messages, pending_acks, is_persistent }).
+-type(ack() :: guid() | 'blank_ack').
+-type(state() :: #iv_state { queue :: queue(),
+ qname :: queue_name(),
+ len :: non_neg_integer(),
+ pending_ack :: dict()
+ }).
+start(DurableQueues) ->
+ ok = rabbit_sup:start_child(rabbit_persister, [DurableQueues]).
+init(QName, IsDurable, Recover) ->
+ Q = queue:from_list(case IsDurable andalso Recover of
+ true -> rabbit_persister:queue_content(QName);
+ false -> []
+ end),
+ #iv_state { queue = Q, qname = QName, len = queue:len(Q),
+ pending_ack = dict:new() }.
+terminate(State) ->
+ State #iv_state { queue = queue:new(), len = 0, pending_ack = dict:new() }.
+delete_and_terminate(State = #iv_state { qname = QName, pending_ack = PA }) ->
+ ok = persist_acks(none, QName, dict:fetch_keys(PA), PA),
+ {_PLen, State1} = purge(State),
+ terminate(State1).
+purge(State = #iv_state { len = Len, queue = Q, qname = QName }) ->
+ %% We do not purge messages pending acks.
+ {AckTags, PA} =
+ rabbit_misc:queue_fold(
+ fun ({#basic_message { is_persistent = false }, _IsDelivered}, Acc) ->
+ Acc;
+ ({Msg = #basic_message { guid = Guid }, IsDelivered},
+ {AckTagsN, PAN}) ->
+ ok = persist_delivery(QName, Msg, IsDelivered),
+ {[Guid | AckTagsN], dict:store(Guid, Msg, PAN)}
+ end, {[], dict:new()}, Q),
+ ok = persist_acks(none, QName, AckTags, PA),
+ {Len, State #iv_state { len = 0, queue = queue:new() }}.
+publish(Msg, State = #iv_state { queue = Q, qname = QName, len = Len }) ->
+ ok = persist_message(none, QName, Msg),
+ State #iv_state { queue = queue:in({Msg, false}, Q), len = Len + 1 }.
+publish_delivered(false, _Msg, State) ->
+ {blank_ack, State};
+publish_delivered(true, Msg = #basic_message { guid = Guid },
+ State = #iv_state { qname = QName, len = 0,
+ pending_ack = PA }) ->
+ ok = persist_message(none, QName, Msg),
+ ok = persist_delivery(QName, Msg, false),
+ {Guid, State #iv_state { pending_ack = dict:store(Guid, Msg, PA) }}.
+fetch(_AckRequired, State = #iv_state { len = 0 }) ->
+ {empty, State};
+fetch(AckRequired, State = #iv_state { queue = Q, qname = QName, len = Len,
+ pending_ack = PA }) ->
+ {{value, {Msg = #basic_message { guid = Guid }, IsDelivered}}, Q1} =
+ queue:out(Q),
+ Len1 = Len - 1,
+ ok = persist_delivery(QName, Msg, IsDelivered),
+ PA1 = dict:store(Guid, Msg, PA),
+ {AckTag, PA2} = case AckRequired of
+ true -> {Guid, PA1};
+ false -> ok = persist_acks(none, QName, [Guid], PA1),
+ {blank_ack, PA}
+ end,
+ {{Msg, IsDelivered, AckTag, Len1},
+ State #iv_state { queue = Q1, len = Len1, pending_ack = PA2 }}.
+ack(AckTags, State = #iv_state { qname = QName, pending_ack = PA }) ->
+ ok = persist_acks(none, QName, AckTags, PA),
+ PA1 = remove_acks(AckTags, PA),
+ State #iv_state { pending_ack = PA1 }.
+tx_publish(Txn, Msg, State = #iv_state { qname = QName }) ->
+ Tx = #tx { pending_messages = Pubs } = lookup_tx(Txn),
+ store_tx(Txn, Tx #tx { pending_messages = [Msg | Pubs] }),
+ ok = persist_message(Txn, QName, Msg),
+ State.
+tx_ack(Txn, AckTags, State = #iv_state { qname = QName, pending_ack = PA }) ->
+ Tx = #tx { pending_acks = Acks } = lookup_tx(Txn),
+ store_tx(Txn, Tx #tx { pending_acks = [AckTags | Acks] }),
+ ok = persist_acks(Txn, QName, AckTags, PA),
+ State.
+tx_rollback(Txn, State = #iv_state { qname = QName }) ->
+ #tx { pending_acks = AckTags } = lookup_tx(Txn),
+ ok = do_if_persistent(fun rabbit_persister:rollback_transaction/1,
+ Txn, QName),
+ erase_tx(Txn),
+ {lists:flatten(AckTags), State}.
+tx_commit(Txn, Fun, State = #iv_state { qname = QName, pending_ack = PA,
+ queue = Q, len = Len }) ->
+ #tx { pending_acks = AckTags, pending_messages = PubsRev } = lookup_tx(Txn),
+ ok = do_if_persistent(fun rabbit_persister:commit_transaction/1,
+ Txn, QName),
+ erase_tx(Txn),
+ Fun(),
+ AckTags1 = lists:flatten(AckTags),
+ PA1 = remove_acks(AckTags1, PA),
+ {Q1, Len1} = lists:foldr(fun (Msg, {QN, LenN}) ->
+ {queue:in({Msg, false}, QN), LenN + 1}
+ end, {Q, Len}, PubsRev),
+ {AckTags1, State #iv_state { pending_ack = PA1, queue = Q1, len = Len1 }}.
+requeue(AckTags, State = #iv_state { pending_ack = PA, queue = Q,
+ len = Len }) ->
+ %% We don't need to touch the persister here - the persister will
+ %% already have these messages published and delivered as
+ %% necessary. The complication is that the persister's seq_id will
+ %% now be wrong, given the position of these messages in our queue
+ %% here. However, the persister's seq_id is only used for sorting
+ %% on startup, and requeue is silent as to where the requeued
+ %% messages should appear, thus the persister is permitted to sort
+ %% based on seq_id, even though it'll likely give a different
+ %% order to the last known state of our queue, prior to shutdown.
+ {Q1, Len1} = lists:foldl(
+ fun (Guid, {QN, LenN}) ->
+ {ok, Msg = #basic_message {}} = dict:find(Guid, PA),
+ {queue:in({Msg, true}, QN), LenN + 1}
+ end, {Q, Len}, AckTags),
+ PA1 = remove_acks(AckTags, PA),
+ State #iv_state { pending_ack = PA1, queue = Q1, len = Len1 }.
+len(#iv_state { len = Len }) -> Len.
+is_empty(State) -> 0 == len(State).
+set_ram_duration_target(_DurationTarget, State) -> State.
+ram_duration(State) -> {0, State}.
+needs_sync(_State) -> false.
+sync(State) -> State.
+handle_pre_hibernate(State) -> State.
+status(_State) -> [].
+remove_acks(AckTags, PA) -> lists:foldl(fun dict:erase/2, PA, AckTags).
+lookup_tx(Txn) ->
+ case get({txn, Txn}) of
+ undefined -> #tx { pending_messages = [],
+ pending_acks = [],
+ is_persistent = false };
+ V -> V
+ end.
+store_tx(Txn, Tx) ->
+ put({txn, Txn}, Tx).
+erase_tx(Txn) ->
+ erase({txn, Txn}).
+mark_tx_persistent(Txn) ->
+ store_tx(Txn, (lookup_tx(Txn)) #tx { is_persistent = true }).
+is_tx_persistent(Txn) ->
+ (lookup_tx(Txn)) #tx.is_persistent.
+do_if_persistent(F, Txn, QName) ->
+ ok = case is_tx_persistent(Txn) of
+ false -> ok;
+ true -> F({Txn, QName})
+ end.
+persist_message(_Txn, _QName, #basic_message { is_persistent = false }) ->
+ ok;
+persist_message(Txn, QName, Msg) ->
+ Msg1 = Msg #basic_message {
+ %% don't persist any recoverable decoded properties,
+ %% rebuild from properties_bin on restore
+ content = rabbit_binary_parser:clear_decoded_content(
+ Msg #basic_message.content)},
+ persist_work(Txn, QName,
+ [{publish, Msg1, {QName, Msg1 #basic_message.guid}}]).
+persist_delivery(_QName, #basic_message { is_persistent = false },
+ _IsDelivered) ->
+ ok;
+persist_delivery(_QName, _Message, true) ->
+ ok;
+persist_delivery(QName, #basic_message { guid = Guid }, _IsDelivered) ->
+ persist_work(none, QName, [{deliver, {QName, Guid}}]).
+persist_acks(Txn, QName, AckTags, PA) ->
+ persist_work(Txn, QName,
+ [{ack, {QName, Guid}} || Guid <- AckTags,
+ begin
+ {ok, Msg} = dict:find(Guid, PA),
+ Msg #basic_message.is_persistent
+ end]).
+persist_work(_Txn,_QName, []) ->
+ ok;
+persist_work(none, _QName, WorkList) ->
+ rabbit_persister:dirty_work(WorkList);
+persist_work(Txn, QName, WorkList) ->
+ mark_tx_persistent(Txn),
+ rabbit_persister:extend_transaction({Txn, QName}, WorkList).