path: root/src/rabbit_prelaunch.erl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/rabbit_prelaunch.erl')
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 217 deletions
diff --git a/src/rabbit_prelaunch.erl b/src/rabbit_prelaunch.erl
index 162d44f1..be407a02 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_prelaunch.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_prelaunch.erl
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
%% The Original Code is RabbitMQ.
-%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is VMware, Inc.
-%% Copyright (c) 2007-2012 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.
+%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is GoPivotal, Inc.
+%% Copyright (c) 2007-2013 GoPivotal, Inc. All rights reserved.
@@ -31,212 +31,21 @@
-spec(start/0 :: () -> no_return()).
-spec(stop/0 :: () -> 'ok').
-%% Shut dialyzer up
--spec(terminate/1 :: (string()) -> no_return()).
--spec(terminate/2 :: (string(), [any()]) -> no_return()).
start() ->
- io:format("Activating RabbitMQ plugins ...~n"),
- %% Determine our various directories
- [EnabledPluginsFile, PluginsDistDir, UnpackedPluginDir, NodeStr] =
- init:get_plain_arguments(),
- RootName = UnpackedPluginDir ++ "/rabbit",
- prepare_plugins(EnabledPluginsFile, PluginsDistDir, UnpackedPluginDir),
- %% Build a list of required apps based on the fixed set, and any plugins
- PluginApps = find_plugins(UnpackedPluginDir),
- RequiredApps = ?BaseApps ++ PluginApps,
- %% Build the entire set of dependencies - this will load the
- %% applications along the way
- AllApps = case catch sets:to_list(expand_dependencies(RequiredApps)) of
- {failed_to_load_app, App, Err} ->
- terminate("failed to load application ~s:~n~p",
- [App, Err]);
- AppList ->
- AppList
- end,
- AppVersions = [determine_version(App) || App <- AllApps],
- RabbitVersion = proplists:get_value(rabbit, AppVersions),
- %% Build the overall release descriptor
- RDesc = {release,
- {"rabbit", RabbitVersion},
- {erts, erlang:system_info(version)},
- AppVersions},
- %% Write it out to $RABBITMQ_PLUGINS_EXPAND_DIR/rabbit.rel
- rabbit_file:write_file(RootName ++ ".rel", io_lib:format("~p.~n", [RDesc])),
- %% We exclude mochiweb due to its optional use of fdsrv.
- XRefExclude = [mochiweb],
- %% Compile the script
- ScriptFile = RootName ++ ".script",
- case systools:make_script(RootName, [local, silent,
- {exref, AllApps -- XRefExclude}]) of
- {ok, Module, Warnings} ->
- %% This gets lots of spurious no-source warnings when we
- %% have .ez files, so we want to supress them to prevent
- %% hiding real issues. On Ubuntu, we also get warnings
- %% about kernel/stdlib sources being out of date, which we
- %% also ignore for the same reason.
- WarningStr = Module:format_warning(
- [W || W <- Warnings,
- case W of
- {warning, {source_not_found, _}} -> false;
- {warning, {obj_out_of_date, {_,_,WApp,_,_}}}
- when WApp == mnesia;
- WApp == stdlib;
- WApp == kernel;
- WApp == sasl;
- WApp == crypto;
- WApp == os_mon -> false;
- _ -> true
- end]),
- case length(WarningStr) of
- 0 -> ok;
- _ -> S = string:copies("*", 80),
- io:format("~n~s~n~s~s~n~n", [S, WarningStr, S])
- end,
- ok;
- {error, Module, Error} ->
- terminate("generation of boot script file ~s failed:~n~s",
- [ScriptFile, Module:format_error(Error)])
- end,
- case post_process_script(ScriptFile) of
- ok -> ok;
- {error, Reason} ->
- terminate("post processing of boot script file ~s failed:~n~w",
- [ScriptFile, Reason])
- end,
- case systools:script2boot(RootName) of
- ok -> ok;
- error -> terminate("failed to compile boot script file ~s",
- [ScriptFile])
- end,
- io:format("~w plugins activated:~n", [length(PluginApps)]),
- [io:format("* ~s-~s~n", [App, proplists:get_value(App, AppVersions)])
- || App <- PluginApps],
- io:nl(),
+ [NodeStr] = init:get_plain_arguments(),
ok = duplicate_node_check(NodeStr),
- terminate(0),
+ rabbit_misc:quit(0),
stop() ->
-determine_version(App) ->
- application:load(App),
- {ok, Vsn} = application:get_key(App, vsn),
- {App, Vsn}.
-delete_recursively(Fn) ->
- case rabbit_file:recursive_delete([Fn]) of
- ok -> ok;
- {error, {Path, E}} -> {error, {cannot_delete, Path, E}};
- Error -> Error
- end.
-prepare_plugins(EnabledPluginsFile, PluginsDistDir, DestDir) ->
- AllPlugins = rabbit_plugins:find_plugins(PluginsDistDir),
- Enabled = rabbit_plugins:read_enabled_plugins(EnabledPluginsFile),
- ToUnpack = rabbit_plugins:calculate_required_plugins(Enabled, AllPlugins),
- ToUnpackPlugins = rabbit_plugins:lookup_plugins(ToUnpack, AllPlugins),
- Missing = Enabled -- rabbit_plugins:plugin_names(ToUnpackPlugins),
- case Missing of
- [] -> ok;
- _ -> io:format("Warning: the following enabled plugins were "
- "not found: ~p~n", [Missing])
- end,
- %% Eliminate the contents of the destination directory
- case delete_recursively(DestDir) of
- ok -> ok;
- {error, E} -> terminate("Could not delete dir ~s (~p)", [DestDir, E])
- end,
- case filelib:ensure_dir(DestDir ++ "/") of
- ok -> ok;
- {error, E2} -> terminate("Could not create dir ~s (~p)", [DestDir, E2])
- end,
- [prepare_plugin(Plugin, DestDir) || Plugin <- ToUnpackPlugins].
-prepare_plugin(#plugin{type = ez, location = Location}, PluginDestDir) ->
- zip:unzip(Location, [{cwd, PluginDestDir}]);
-prepare_plugin(#plugin{type = dir, name = Name, location = Location},
- PluginsDestDir) ->
- rabbit_file:recursive_copy(Location,
- filename:join([PluginsDestDir, Name])).
-find_plugins(PluginDir) ->
- [prepare_dir_plugin(PluginName) ||
- PluginName <- filelib:wildcard(PluginDir ++ "/*/ebin/*.app")].
-prepare_dir_plugin(PluginAppDescFn) ->
- %% Add the plugin ebin directory to the load path
- PluginEBinDirN = filename:dirname(PluginAppDescFn),
- code:add_path(PluginEBinDirN),
- %% We want the second-last token
- NameTokens = string:tokens(PluginAppDescFn,"/."),
- PluginNameString = lists:nth(length(NameTokens) - 1, NameTokens),
- list_to_atom(PluginNameString).
-expand_dependencies(Pending) ->
- expand_dependencies(sets:new(), Pending).
-expand_dependencies(Current, []) ->
- Current;
-expand_dependencies(Current, [Next|Rest]) ->
- case sets:is_element(Next, Current) of
- true ->
- expand_dependencies(Current, Rest);
- false ->
- case application:load(Next) of
- ok ->
- ok;
- {error, {already_loaded, _}} ->
- ok;
- {error, Reason} ->
- throw({failed_to_load_app, Next, Reason})
- end,
- {ok, Required} = application:get_key(Next, applications),
- Unique = [A || A <- Required, not(sets:is_element(A, Current))],
- expand_dependencies(sets:add_element(Next, Current), Rest ++ Unique)
- end.
-post_process_script(ScriptFile) ->
- case file:consult(ScriptFile) of
- {ok, [{script, Name, Entries}]} ->
- NewEntries = lists:flatmap(fun process_entry/1, Entries),
- case file:open(ScriptFile, [write]) of
- {ok, Fd} ->
- io:format(Fd, "%% script generated at ~w ~w~n~p.~n",
- [date(), time(), {script, Name, NewEntries}]),
- file:close(Fd),
- ok;
- {error, OReason} ->
- {error, {failed_to_open_script_file_for_writing, OReason}}
- end;
- {error, Reason} ->
- {error, {failed_to_load_script, Reason}}
- end.
-process_entry(Entry = {apply,{application,start_boot,[mnesia,permanent]}}) ->
- [{apply,{rabbit,maybe_hipe_compile,[]}},
- {apply,{rabbit,prepare,[]}}, Entry];
-process_entry(Entry) ->
- [Entry].
%% Check whether a node with the same name is already running
duplicate_node_check([]) ->
@@ -248,32 +57,16 @@ duplicate_node_check(NodeStr) ->
case rabbit_nodes:names(NodeHost) of
{ok, NamePorts} ->
case proplists:is_defined(NodeName, NamePorts) of
- true -> io:format("node with name ~p "
+ true -> io:format("ERROR: node with name ~p "
"already running on ~p~n",
[NodeName, NodeHost]),
io:format(rabbit_nodes:diagnostics([Node]) ++ "~n"),
- terminate(?ERROR_CODE);
+ rabbit_misc:quit(?ERROR_CODE);
false -> ok
{error, EpmdReason} ->
- terminate("epmd error for host ~p: ~p (~s)~n",
+ io:format("ERROR: epmd error for host ~p: ~p (~s)~n",
[NodeHost, EpmdReason,
- case EpmdReason of
- address -> "unable to establish tcp connection";
- timeout -> "timed out establishing tcp connection";
- _ -> inet:format_error(EpmdReason)
- end])
- end.
-terminate(Fmt, Args) ->
- io:format("ERROR: " ++ Fmt ++ "~n", Args),
- terminate(?ERROR_CODE).
-terminate(Status) ->
- case os:type() of
- {unix, _} -> halt(Status);
- {win32, _} -> init:stop(Status),
- receive
- after infinity -> ok
- end
+ rabbit_misc:format_inet_error(EpmdReason)]),
+ rabbit_misc:quit(?ERROR_CODE)