path: root/src/rabbit_router.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/rabbit_router.erl')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/src/rabbit_router.erl b/src/rabbit_router.erl
index afaf9d45..10f80cc3 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_router.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_router.erl
@@ -30,15 +30,12 @@
- deliver/2,
- match_bindings/2,
- match_routing_key/2]).
+ deliver/2]).
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
terminate/2, code_change/3]).
@@ -132,46 +129,6 @@ deliver_per_node(NodeQPids, Delivery) ->
-%% TODO: Maybe this should be handled by a cursor instead.
-%% TODO: This causes a full scan for each entry with the same exchange
-match_bindings(Name, Match) ->
- Query = qlc:q([QName || #route{binding = Binding = #binding{
- exchange_name = ExchangeName,
- queue_name = QName}} <-
- mnesia:table(rabbit_route),
- ExchangeName == Name,
- Match(Binding)]),
- lookup_qpids(
- try
- mnesia:async_dirty(fun qlc:e/1, [Query])
- catch exit:{aborted, {badarg, _}} ->
- %% work around OTP-7025, which was fixed in R12B-1, by
- %% falling back on a less efficient method
- [QName || #route{binding = Binding = #binding{
- queue_name = QName}} <-
- mnesia:dirty_match_object(
- rabbit_route,
- #route{binding = #binding{exchange_name = Name,
- _ = '_'}}),
- Match(Binding)]
- end).
-match_routing_key(Name, RoutingKey) ->
- MatchHead = #route{binding = #binding{exchange_name = Name,
- queue_name = '$1',
- key = RoutingKey,
- _ = '_'}},
- lookup_qpids(mnesia:dirty_select(rabbit_route, [{MatchHead, [], ['$1']}])).
-lookup_qpids(Queues) ->
- sets:fold(
- fun(Key, Acc) ->
- case mnesia:dirty_read({rabbit_queue, Key}) of
- [#amqqueue{pid = QPid}] -> [QPid | Acc];
- [] -> Acc
- end
- end, [], sets:from_list(Queues)).
init([]) ->