path: root/src/rabbit_tests.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/rabbit_tests.erl')
1 files changed, 49 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/src/rabbit_tests.erl b/src/rabbit_tests.erl
index 833ccc26..46a8f7df 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_tests.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_tests.erl
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ test_content_prop_roundtrip(Datum, Binary) ->
all_tests() ->
passed = test_priority_queue(),
+ passed = test_pg_local(),
passed = test_unfold(),
passed = test_parsing(),
passed = test_topic_matching(),
@@ -183,6 +184,28 @@ test_simple_n_element_queue(N) ->
{true, false, N, ToListRes, Items} = test_priority_queue(Q),
+test_pg_local() ->
+ [P, Q] = [spawn(fun () -> receive X -> X end end) || _ <- [x, x]],
+ check_pg_local(ok, [], []),
+ check_pg_local(pg_local:join(a, P), [P], []),
+ check_pg_local(pg_local:join(b, P), [P], [P]),
+ check_pg_local(pg_local:join(a, P), [P, P], [P]),
+ check_pg_local(pg_local:join(a, Q), [P, P, Q], [P]),
+ check_pg_local(pg_local:join(b, Q), [P, P, Q], [P, Q]),
+ check_pg_local(pg_local:join(b, Q), [P, P, Q], [P, Q, Q]),
+ check_pg_local(pg_local:leave(a, P), [P, Q], [P, Q, Q]),
+ check_pg_local(pg_local:leave(b, P), [P, Q], [Q, Q]),
+ check_pg_local(pg_local:leave(a, P), [Q], [Q, Q]),
+ check_pg_local(pg_local:leave(a, P), [Q], [Q, Q]),
+ [X ! done || X <- [P, Q]],
+ check_pg_local(ok, [], []),
+ passed.
+check_pg_local(ok, APids, BPids) ->
+ ok = pg_local:sync(),
+ [true, true] = [lists:sort(Pids) == lists:sort(pg_local:get_members(Key)) ||
+ {Key, Pids} <- [{a, APids}, {b, BPids}]].
test_unfold() ->
{[], test} = rabbit_misc:unfold(fun (_V) -> false end, test),
List = lists:seq(2,20,2),
@@ -689,10 +712,17 @@ test_user_management() ->
test_server_status() ->
- %% create a queue so we have something to list
- Q = #amqqueue{} = rabbit_amqqueue:declare(
- rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, queue, <<"foo">>),
- false, false, []),
+ %% create a few things so there is some useful information to list
+ Writer = spawn(fun () -> receive shutdown -> ok end end),
+ Ch = rabbit_channel:start_link(1, self(), Writer, <<"user">>, <<"/">>),
+ [Q, Q2] = [#amqqueue{} = rabbit_amqqueue:declare(
+ rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, queue, Name),
+ false, false, []) ||
+ Name <- [<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>]],
+ ok = rabbit_amqqueue:claim_queue(Q, self()),
+ ok = rabbit_amqqueue:basic_consume(Q, true, self(), Ch, undefined,
+ <<"ctag">>, true, undefined),
%% list queues
ok = info_action(list_queues, rabbit_amqqueue:info_keys(), true),
@@ -703,19 +733,29 @@ test_server_status() ->
%% list bindings
ok = control_action(list_bindings, []),
- %% cleanup
- {ok, _} = rabbit_amqqueue:delete(Q, false, false),
%% list connections
[#listener{host = H, port = P} | _] =
[L || L = #listener{node = N} <- rabbit_networking:active_listeners(),
N =:= node()],
- {ok, C} = gen_tcp:connect(H, P, []),
+ {ok, _C} = gen_tcp:connect(H, P, []),
ok = info_action(list_connections,
rabbit_networking:connection_info_keys(), false),
- ok = gen_tcp:close(C),
+ %% close_connection
+ [ConnPid] = rabbit_networking:connections(),
+ ok = control_action(close_connection, [rabbit_misc:pid_to_string(ConnPid),
+ "go away"]),
+ %% list channels
+ ok = info_action(list_channels, rabbit_channel:info_keys(), false),
+ %% list consumers
+ ok = control_action(list_consumers, []),
+ %% cleanup
+ [{ok, _} = rabbit_amqqueue:delete(QR, false, false) || QR <- [Q, Q2]],
+ ok = rabbit_channel:shutdown(Ch),