path: root/src/rabbit_tests.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/rabbit_tests.erl')
1 files changed, 284 insertions, 109 deletions
diff --git a/src/rabbit_tests.erl b/src/rabbit_tests.erl
index 60ee26e5..2e46304f 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_tests.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_tests.erl
@@ -61,7 +61,9 @@ all_tests() ->
passed = test_runtime_parameters(),
passed = test_policy_validation(),
passed = test_server_status(),
+ passed = test_amqp_connection_refusal(),
passed = test_confirms(),
+ passed = test_with_state(),
passed =
fun run_cluster_dependent_tests/1,
@@ -562,8 +564,9 @@ test_topic_matching() ->
XName = #resource{virtual_host = <<"/">>,
kind = exchange,
name = <<"test_exchange">>},
- X = #exchange{name = XName, type = topic, durable = false,
- auto_delete = false, arguments = []},
+ X0 = #exchange{name = XName, type = topic, durable = false,
+ auto_delete = false, arguments = []},
+ X = rabbit_exchange_decorator:set(X0),
%% create
exchange_op_callback(X, create, []),
@@ -911,10 +914,11 @@ test_arguments_parser() ->
test_dynamic_mirroring() ->
%% Just unit tests of the node selection logic, see multi node
%% tests for the rest...
- Test = fun ({NewM, NewSs, ExtraSs}, Policy, Params, {OldM, OldSs}, All) ->
- {NewM, NewSs0} =
- rabbit_mirror_queue_misc:suggested_queue_nodes(
- Policy, Params, {OldM, OldSs}, All),
+ Test = fun ({NewM, NewSs, ExtraSs}, Policy, Params,
+ {MNode, SNodes, SSNodes}, All) ->
+ {ok, M} = rabbit_mirror_queue_misc:module(Policy),
+ {NewM, NewSs0} = M:suggested_queue_nodes(
+ Params, MNode, SNodes, SSNodes, All),
NewSs1 = lists:sort(NewSs0),
case dm_list_match(NewSs, NewSs1, ExtraSs) of
ok -> ok;
@@ -922,28 +926,36 @@ test_dynamic_mirroring() ->
- Test({a,[b,c],0},<<"all">>,'_',{a,[]}, [a,b,c]),
- Test({a,[b,c],0},<<"all">>,'_',{a,[b,c]},[a,b,c]),
- Test({a,[b,c],0},<<"all">>,'_',{a,[d]}, [a,b,c]),
+ Test({a,[b,c],0},<<"all">>,'_',{a,[], []}, [a,b,c]),
+ Test({a,[b,c],0},<<"all">>,'_',{a,[b,c],[b,c]},[a,b,c]),
+ Test({a,[b,c],0},<<"all">>,'_',{a,[d], [d]}, [a,b,c]),
+ N = fun (Atoms) -> [list_to_binary(atom_to_list(A)) || A <- Atoms] end,
%% Add a node
- Test({a,[b,c],0},<<"nodes">>,[<<"a">>,<<"b">>,<<"c">>],{a,[b]},[a,b,c,d]),
- Test({b,[a,c],0},<<"nodes">>,[<<"a">>,<<"b">>,<<"c">>],{b,[a]},[a,b,c,d]),
+ Test({a,[b,c],0},<<"nodes">>,N([a,b,c]),{a,[b],[b]},[a,b,c,d]),
+ Test({b,[a,c],0},<<"nodes">>,N([a,b,c]),{b,[a],[a]},[a,b,c,d]),
%% Add two nodes and drop one
- Test({a,[b,c],0},<<"nodes">>,[<<"a">>,<<"b">>,<<"c">>],{a,[d]},[a,b,c,d]),
+ Test({a,[b,c],0},<<"nodes">>,N([a,b,c]),{a,[d],[d]},[a,b,c,d]),
%% Don't try to include nodes that are not running
- Test({a,[b], 0},<<"nodes">>,[<<"a">>,<<"b">>,<<"f">>],{a,[b]},[a,b,c,d]),
+ Test({a,[b], 0},<<"nodes">>,N([a,b,f]),{a,[b],[b]},[a,b,c,d]),
%% If we can't find any of the nodes listed then just keep the master
- Test({a,[], 0},<<"nodes">>,[<<"f">>,<<"g">>,<<"h">>],{a,[b]},[a,b,c,d]),
- %% And once that's happened, still keep the master even when not listed
- Test({a,[b,c],0},<<"nodes">>,[<<"b">>,<<"c">>], {a,[]}, [a,b,c,d]),
- Test({a,[], 1},<<"exactly">>,2,{a,[]}, [a,b,c,d]),
- Test({a,[], 2},<<"exactly">>,3,{a,[]}, [a,b,c,d]),
- Test({a,[c], 0},<<"exactly">>,2,{a,[c]}, [a,b,c,d]),
- Test({a,[c], 1},<<"exactly">>,3,{a,[c]}, [a,b,c,d]),
- Test({a,[c], 0},<<"exactly">>,2,{a,[c,d]},[a,b,c,d]),
- Test({a,[c,d],0},<<"exactly">>,3,{a,[c,d]},[a,b,c,d]),
+ Test({a,[], 0},<<"nodes">>,N([f,g,h]),{a,[b],[b]},[a,b,c,d]),
+ %% And once that's happened, still keep the master even when not listed,
+ %% if nothing is synced
+ Test({a,[b,c],0},<<"nodes">>,N([b,c]), {a,[], []}, [a,b,c,d]),
+ Test({a,[b,c],0},<<"nodes">>,N([b,c]), {a,[b],[]}, [a,b,c,d]),
+ %% But if something is synced we can lose the master - but make
+ %% sure we pick the new master from the nodes which are synced!
+ Test({b,[c], 0},<<"nodes">>,N([b,c]), {a,[b],[b]},[a,b,c,d]),
+ Test({b,[c], 0},<<"nodes">>,N([c,b]), {a,[b],[b]},[a,b,c,d]),
+ Test({a,[], 1},<<"exactly">>,2,{a,[], []}, [a,b,c,d]),
+ Test({a,[], 2},<<"exactly">>,3,{a,[], []}, [a,b,c,d]),
+ Test({a,[c], 0},<<"exactly">>,2,{a,[c], [c]}, [a,b,c,d]),
+ Test({a,[c], 1},<<"exactly">>,3,{a,[c], [c]}, [a,b,c,d]),
+ Test({a,[c], 0},<<"exactly">>,2,{a,[c,d],[c,d]},[a,b,c,d]),
+ Test({a,[c,d],0},<<"exactly">>,3,{a,[c,d],[c,d]},[a,b,c,d]),
@@ -1085,25 +1097,20 @@ test_policy_validation() ->
{error_string, _} = SetPol("testpos", [-1, 0, 1]),
{error_string, _} = SetPol("testeven", [ 1, 2, 3]),
+ ok = control_action(clear_policy, ["name"]),
test_server_status() ->
%% create a few things so there is some useful information to list
- Writer = spawn(fun test_writer/0),
- {ok, Ch} = rabbit_channel:start_link(
- 1, self(), Writer, self(), "", rabbit_framing_amqp_0_9_1,
- user(<<"user">>), <<"/">>, [], self(),
- rabbit_limiter:make_token(self())),
+ {_Writer, Limiter, Ch} = test_channel(),
[Q, Q2] = [Queue || Name <- [<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>],
{new, Queue = #amqqueue{}} <-
rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, queue, Name),
false, false, [], none)]],
ok = rabbit_amqqueue:basic_consume(
- Q, true, Ch, rabbit_limiter:make_token(),
- <<"ctag">>, true, undefined),
+ Q, true, Ch, Limiter, false, <<"ctag">>, true, none, undefined),
%% list queues
ok = info_action(list_queues, rabbit_amqqueue:info_keys(), true),
@@ -1123,11 +1130,9 @@ test_server_status() ->
rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, queue, <<"foo">>)),
%% list connections
- [#listener{host = H, port = P} | _] =
- [L || L = #listener{node = N} <- rabbit_networking:active_listeners(),
- N =:= node()],
- {ok, _C} = gen_tcp:connect(H, P, []),
+ {H, P} = find_listener(),
+ {ok, C} = gen_tcp:connect(H, P, []),
+ gen_tcp:send(C, <<"AMQP", 0, 0, 9, 1>>),
ok = info_action(list_connections,
rabbit_networking:connection_info_keys(), false),
@@ -1164,7 +1169,24 @@ test_server_status() ->
-test_writer() -> test_writer(none).
+test_amqp_connection_refusal() ->
+ [passed = test_amqp_connection_refusal(V) ||
+ V <- [<<"AMQP",9,9,9,9>>, <<"AMQP",0,1,0,0>>, <<"XXXX",0,0,9,1>>]],
+ passed.
+test_amqp_connection_refusal(Header) ->
+ {H, P} = find_listener(),
+ {ok, C} = gen_tcp:connect(H, P, [binary, {active, false}]),
+ ok = gen_tcp:send(C, Header),
+ {ok, <<"AMQP",0,0,9,1>>} = gen_tcp:recv(C, 8, 100),
+ ok = gen_tcp:close(C),
+ passed.
+find_listener() ->
+ [#listener{host = H, port = P} | _] =
+ [L || L = #listener{node = N} <- rabbit_networking:active_listeners(),
+ N =:= node()],
+ {H, P}.
test_writer(Pid) ->
@@ -1175,13 +1197,17 @@ test_writer(Pid) ->
shutdown -> ok
-test_spawn() ->
+test_channel() ->
Me = self(),
Writer = spawn(fun () -> test_writer(Me) end),
+ {ok, Limiter} = rabbit_limiter:start_link(),
{ok, Ch} = rabbit_channel:start_link(
1, Me, Writer, Me, "", rabbit_framing_amqp_0_9_1,
- user(<<"guest">>), <<"/">>, [], Me,
- rabbit_limiter:make_token(self())),
+ user(<<"guest">>), <<"/">>, [], Me, Limiter),
+ {Writer, Limiter, Ch}.
+test_spawn() ->
+ {Writer, _Limiter, Ch} = test_channel(),
ok = rabbit_channel:do(Ch, #''{}),
receive #'channel.open_ok'{} -> ok
after ?TIMEOUT -> throw(failed_to_receive_channel_open_ok)
@@ -1275,6 +1301,11 @@ test_confirms() ->
+test_with_state() ->
+ fhc_state = gen_server2:with_state(file_handle_cache,
+ fun (S) -> element(1, S) end),
+ passed.
test_statistics_event_receiver(Pid) ->
Foo -> Pid ! Foo, test_statistics_event_receiver(Pid)
@@ -1306,8 +1337,7 @@ test_statistics() ->
QName = receive #'queue.declare_ok'{queue = Q0} -> Q0
after ?TIMEOUT -> throw(failed_to_receive_queue_declare_ok)
- {ok, Q} = rabbit_amqqueue:lookup(rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, queue, QName)),
- QPid =,
+ QRes = rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, queue, QName),
X = rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, exchange, <<"">>),
rabbit_tests_event_receiver:start(self(), [node()], [channel_stats]),
@@ -1331,9 +1361,9 @@ test_statistics() ->
channel_queue_exchange_stats, E)) > 0
- [{QPid,[{get,1}]}] = proplists:get_value(channel_queue_stats, Event2),
+ [{QRes, [{get,1}]}] = proplists:get_value(channel_queue_stats, Event2),
[{X,[{publish,1}]}] = proplists:get_value(channel_exchange_stats, Event2),
- [{{QPid,X},[{publish,1}]}] =
+ [{{QRes,X},[{publish,1}]}] =
proplists:get_value(channel_queue_exchange_stats, Event2),
%% Check the stats remove stuff on queue deletion
@@ -1358,31 +1388,31 @@ test_refresh_events(SecondaryNode) ->
[channel_created, queue_created]),
{_Writer, Ch} = test_spawn(),
- expect_events(Ch, channel_created),
+ expect_events(pid, Ch, channel_created),
{_Writer2, Ch2} = test_spawn(SecondaryNode),
- expect_events(Ch2, channel_created),
+ expect_events(pid, Ch2, channel_created),
- {new, #amqqueue { pid = QPid } = Q} =
+ {new, #amqqueue{name = QName} = Q} =
rabbit_amqqueue:declare(test_queue(), false, false, [], none),
- expect_events(QPid, queue_created),
+ expect_events(name, QName, queue_created),
rabbit_amqqueue:delete(Q, false, false),
-expect_events(Pid, Type) ->
- expect_event(Pid, Type),
+expect_events(Tag, Key, Type) ->
+ expect_event(Tag, Key, Type),
- expect_event(Pid, Type).
+ expect_event(Tag, Key, Type).
-expect_event(Pid, Type) ->
+expect_event(Tag, Key, Type) ->
receive #event{type = Type, props = Props} ->
- case pget(pid, Props) of
- Pid -> ok;
- _ -> expect_event(Pid, Type)
+ case pget(Tag, Props) of
+ Key -> ok;
+ _ -> expect_event(Tag, Key, Type)
after ?TIMEOUT -> throw({failed_to_receive_event, Type})
@@ -1554,7 +1584,7 @@ control_action(Command, Node, Args, Opts) ->
info_action(Command, Args, CheckVHost) ->
ok = control_action(Command, []),
- if CheckVHost -> ok = control_action(Command, []);
+ if CheckVHost -> ok = control_action(Command, [], ["-p", "/"]);
true -> ok
ok = control_action(Command, lists:map(fun atom_to_list/1, Args)),
@@ -2237,6 +2267,10 @@ variable_queue_publish(IsPersistent, Count, VQ) ->
variable_queue_publish(IsPersistent, Count, fun (_N, P) -> P end, VQ).
variable_queue_publish(IsPersistent, Count, PropFun, VQ) ->
+ variable_queue_publish(IsPersistent, 1, Count, PropFun,
+ fun (_N) -> <<>> end, VQ).
+variable_queue_publish(IsPersistent, Start, Count, PropFun, PayloadFun, VQ) ->
fun (N, VQN) ->
@@ -2245,16 +2279,18 @@ variable_queue_publish(IsPersistent, Count, PropFun, VQ) ->
<<>>, #'P_basic'{delivery_mode = case IsPersistent of
true -> 2;
false -> 1
- end}, <<>>),
- PropFun(N, #message_properties{}), self(), VQN)
- end, VQ, lists:seq(1, Count)).
+ end},
+ PayloadFun(N)),
+ PropFun(N, #message_properties{}), false, self(), VQN)
+ end, VQ, lists:seq(Start, Start + Count - 1)).
variable_queue_fetch(Count, IsPersistent, IsDelivered, Len, VQ) ->
lists:foldl(fun (N, {VQN, AckTagsAcc}) ->
Rem = Len - N,
{{#basic_message { is_persistent = IsPersistent },
- IsDelivered, AckTagN, Rem}, VQM} =
+ IsDelivered, AckTagN}, VQM} =
rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(true, VQN),
+ Rem = rabbit_variable_queue:len(VQM),
{VQM, [AckTagN | AckTagsAcc]}
end, {VQ, []}, lists:seq(1, Count)).
@@ -2320,38 +2356,126 @@ test_variable_queue() ->
fun test_variable_queue_partial_segments_delta_thing/1,
fun test_variable_queue_all_the_bits_not_covered_elsewhere1/1,
fun test_variable_queue_all_the_bits_not_covered_elsewhere2/1,
+ fun test_drop/1,
fun test_variable_queue_fold_msg_on_disk/1,
- fun test_dropwhile/1,
+ fun test_dropfetchwhile/1,
fun test_dropwhile_varying_ram_duration/1,
+ fun test_fetchwhile_varying_ram_duration/1,
fun test_variable_queue_ack_limiting/1,
- fun test_variable_queue_requeue/1]],
+ fun test_variable_queue_purge/1,
+ fun test_variable_queue_requeue/1,
+ fun test_variable_queue_fold/1]],
-test_variable_queue_requeue(VQ0) ->
- Interval = 50,
- Count = rabbit_queue_index:next_segment_boundary(0) + 2 * Interval,
+test_variable_queue_fold(VQ0) ->
+ {PendingMsgs, RequeuedMsgs, FreshMsgs, VQ1} =
+ variable_queue_with_holes(VQ0),
+ Count = rabbit_variable_queue:depth(VQ1),
+ Msgs = lists:sort(PendingMsgs ++ RequeuedMsgs ++ FreshMsgs),
+ lists:foldl(fun (Cut, VQ2) ->
+ test_variable_queue_fold(Cut, Msgs, PendingMsgs, VQ2)
+ end, VQ1, [0, 1, 2, Count div 2,
+ Count - 1, Count, Count + 1, Count * 2]).
+test_variable_queue_fold(Cut, Msgs, PendingMsgs, VQ0) ->
+ {Acc, VQ1} = rabbit_variable_queue:fold(
+ fun (M, _, Pending, A) ->
+ MInt = msg2int(M),
+ Pending = lists:member(MInt, PendingMsgs), %% assert
+ case MInt =< Cut of
+ true -> {cont, [MInt | A]};
+ false -> {stop, A}
+ end
+ end, [], VQ0),
+ Expected = lists:takewhile(fun (I) -> I =< Cut end, Msgs),
+ Expected = lists:reverse(Acc), %% assertion
+ VQ1.
+msg2int(#basic_message{content = #content{ payload_fragments_rev = P}}) ->
+ binary_to_term(list_to_binary(lists:reverse(P))).
+ack_subset(AckSeqs, Interval, Rem) ->
+ lists:filter(fun ({_Ack, N}) -> (N + Rem) rem Interval == 0 end, AckSeqs).
+requeue_one_by_one(Acks, VQ) ->
+ lists:foldl(fun (AckTag, VQN) ->
+ {_MsgId, VQM} = rabbit_variable_queue:requeue(
+ [AckTag], VQN),
+ end, VQ, Acks).
+%% Create a vq with messages in q1, delta, and q3, and holes (in the
+%% form of pending acks) in the latter two.
+variable_queue_with_holes(VQ0) ->
+ Interval = 64,
+ Count = rabbit_queue_index:next_segment_boundary(0)*2 + 2 * Interval,
Seq = lists:seq(1, Count),
VQ1 = rabbit_variable_queue:set_ram_duration_target(0, VQ0),
- VQ2 = variable_queue_publish(false, Count, VQ1),
- {VQ3, Acks} = variable_queue_fetch(Count, false, false, Count, VQ2),
- Subset = lists:foldl(fun ({Ack, N}, Acc) when N rem Interval == 0 ->
- [Ack | Acc];
- (_, Acc) ->
- Acc
- end, [], lists:zip(Acks, Seq)),
- {_MsgIds, VQ4} = rabbit_variable_queue:requeue(Acks -- Subset, VQ3),
- VQ5 = lists:foldl(fun (AckTag, VQN) ->
- {_MsgId, VQM} = rabbit_variable_queue:requeue(
- [AckTag], VQN),
- end, VQ4, Subset),
- VQ6 = lists:foldl(fun (AckTag, VQa) ->
- {{#basic_message{}, true, AckTag, _}, VQb} =
+ VQ2 = variable_queue_publish(
+ false, 1, Count,
+ fun (_, P) -> P end, fun erlang:term_to_binary/1, VQ1),
+ {VQ3, AcksR} = variable_queue_fetch(Count, false, false, Count, VQ2),
+ Acks = lists:reverse(AcksR),
+ AckSeqs = lists:zip(Acks, Seq),
+ [{Subset1, _Seq1}, {Subset2, _Seq2}, {Subset3, Seq3}] =
+ [lists:unzip(ack_subset(AckSeqs, Interval, I)) || I <- [0, 1, 2]],
+ %% we requeue in three phases in order to exercise requeuing logic
+ %% in various vq states
+ {_MsgIds, VQ4} = rabbit_variable_queue:requeue(
+ Acks -- (Subset1 ++ Subset2 ++ Subset3), VQ3),
+ VQ5 = requeue_one_by_one(Subset1, VQ4),
+ %% by now we have some messages (and holes) in delt
+ VQ6 = requeue_one_by_one(Subset2, VQ5),
+ VQ7 = rabbit_variable_queue:set_ram_duration_target(infinity, VQ6),
+ %% add the q1 tail
+ VQ8 = variable_queue_publish(
+ true, Count + 1, 64,
+ fun (_, P) -> P end, fun erlang:term_to_binary/1, VQ7),
+ %% assertions
+ [false = case V of
+ {delta, _, 0, _} -> true;
+ 0 -> true;
+ _ -> false
+ end || {K, V} <- rabbit_variable_queue:status(VQ8),
+ lists:member(K, [q1, delta, q3])],
+ Depth = Count + 64,
+ Depth = rabbit_variable_queue:depth(VQ8),
+ Len = Depth - length(Subset3),
+ Len = rabbit_variable_queue:len(VQ8),
+ {Seq3, Seq -- Seq3, lists:seq(Count + 1, Count + 64), VQ8}.
+test_variable_queue_requeue(VQ0) ->
+ {_PendingMsgs, RequeuedMsgs, FreshMsgs, VQ1} =
+ variable_queue_with_holes(VQ0),
+ Msgs =
+ lists:zip(RequeuedMsgs,
+ lists:duplicate(length(RequeuedMsgs), true)) ++
+ lists:zip(FreshMsgs,
+ lists:duplicate(length(FreshMsgs), false)),
+ VQ2 = lists:foldl(fun ({I, Requeued}, VQa) ->
+ {{M, MRequeued, _}, VQb} =
rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(true, VQa),
+ Requeued = MRequeued, %% assertion
+ I = msg2int(M), %% assertion
- end, VQ5, lists:reverse(Acks)),
- {empty, VQ7} = rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(true, VQ6),
- VQ7.
+ end, VQ1, Msgs),
+ {empty, VQ3} = rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(true, VQ2),
+ VQ3.
+test_variable_queue_purge(VQ0) ->
+ LenDepth = fun (VQ) ->
+ {rabbit_variable_queue:len(VQ),
+ rabbit_variable_queue:depth(VQ)}
+ end,
+ VQ1 = variable_queue_publish(false, 10, VQ0),
+ {VQ2, Acks} = variable_queue_fetch(6, false, false, 10, VQ1),
+ {4, VQ3} = rabbit_variable_queue:purge(VQ2),
+ {0, 6} = LenDepth(VQ3),
+ {_, VQ4} = rabbit_variable_queue:requeue(lists:sublist(Acks, 2), VQ3),
+ {2, 6} = LenDepth(VQ4),
+ VQ5 = rabbit_variable_queue:purge_acks(VQ4),
+ {2, 2} = LenDepth(VQ5),
+ VQ5.
test_variable_queue_ack_limiting(VQ0) ->
%% start by sending in a bunch of messages
@@ -2382,41 +2506,86 @@ test_variable_queue_ack_limiting(VQ0) ->
-test_dropwhile(VQ0) ->
+test_drop(VQ0) ->
+ %% start by sending a messages
+ VQ1 = variable_queue_publish(false, 1, VQ0),
+ %% drop message with AckRequired = true
+ {{MsgId, AckTag}, VQ2} = rabbit_variable_queue:drop(true, VQ1),
+ true = rabbit_variable_queue:is_empty(VQ2),
+ true = AckTag =/= undefinded,
+ %% drop again -> empty
+ {empty, VQ3} = rabbit_variable_queue:drop(false, VQ2),
+ %% requeue
+ {[MsgId], VQ4} = rabbit_variable_queue:requeue([AckTag], VQ3),
+ %% drop message with AckRequired = false
+ {{MsgId, undefined}, VQ5} = rabbit_variable_queue:drop(false, VQ4),
+ true = rabbit_variable_queue:is_empty(VQ5),
+ VQ5.
+test_dropfetchwhile(VQ0) ->
Count = 10,
%% add messages with sequential expiry
VQ1 = variable_queue_publish(
- false, Count,
- fun (N, Props) -> Props#message_properties{expiry = N} end, VQ0),
+ false, 1, Count,
+ fun (N, Props) -> Props#message_properties{expiry = N} end,
+ fun erlang:term_to_binary/1, VQ0),
+ %% fetch the first 5 messages
+ {#message_properties{expiry = 6}, {Msgs, AckTags}, VQ2} =
+ rabbit_variable_queue:fetchwhile(
+ fun (#message_properties{expiry = Expiry}) -> Expiry =< 5 end,
+ fun (Msg, AckTag, {MsgAcc, AckAcc}) ->
+ {[Msg | MsgAcc], [AckTag | AckAcc]}
+ end, {[], []}, VQ1),
+ true = lists:seq(1, 5) == [msg2int(M) || M <- lists:reverse(Msgs)],
+ %% requeue them
+ {_MsgIds, VQ3} = rabbit_variable_queue:requeue(AckTags, VQ2),
%% drop the first 5 messages
- {_, undefined, VQ2} = rabbit_variable_queue:dropwhile(
- fun(#message_properties { expiry = Expiry }) ->
- Expiry =< 5
- end, false, VQ1),
- %% fetch five now
- VQ3 = lists:foldl(fun (_N, VQN) ->
- {{#basic_message{}, _, _, _}, VQM} =
+ {#message_properties{expiry = 6}, VQ4} =
+ rabbit_variable_queue:dropwhile(
+ fun (#message_properties {expiry = Expiry}) -> Expiry =< 5 end, VQ3),
+ %% fetch 5
+ VQ5 = lists:foldl(fun (N, VQN) ->
+ {{Msg, _, _}, VQM} =
rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(false, VQN),
+ true = msg2int(Msg) == N,
- end, VQ2, lists:seq(6, Count)),
+ end, VQ4, lists:seq(6, Count)),
%% should be empty now
- {empty, VQ4} = rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(false, VQ3),
+ true = rabbit_variable_queue:is_empty(VQ5),
- VQ4.
+ VQ5.
test_dropwhile_varying_ram_duration(VQ0) ->
+ test_dropfetchwhile_varying_ram_duration(
+ fun (VQ1) ->
+ {_, VQ2} = rabbit_variable_queue:dropwhile(
+ fun (_) -> false end, VQ1),
+ VQ2
+ end, VQ0).
+test_fetchwhile_varying_ram_duration(VQ0) ->
+ test_dropfetchwhile_varying_ram_duration(
+ fun (VQ1) ->
+ {_, ok, VQ2} = rabbit_variable_queue:fetchwhile(
+ fun (_) -> false end,
+ fun (_, _, A) -> A end,
+ ok, VQ1),
+ VQ2
+ end, VQ0).
+test_dropfetchwhile_varying_ram_duration(Fun, VQ0) ->
VQ1 = variable_queue_publish(false, 1, VQ0),
VQ2 = rabbit_variable_queue:set_ram_duration_target(0, VQ1),
- {_, undefined, VQ3} = rabbit_variable_queue:dropwhile(
- fun(_) -> false end, false, VQ2),
+ VQ3 = Fun(VQ2),
VQ4 = rabbit_variable_queue:set_ram_duration_target(infinity, VQ3),
VQ5 = variable_queue_publish(false, 1, VQ4),
- {_, undefined, VQ6} =
- rabbit_variable_queue:dropwhile(fun(_) -> false end, false, VQ5),
+ VQ6 = Fun(VQ5),
test_variable_queue_dynamic_duration_change(VQ0) ->
@@ -2451,7 +2620,8 @@ publish_fetch_and_ack(0, _Len, VQ0) ->
publish_fetch_and_ack(N, Len, VQ0) ->
VQ1 = variable_queue_publish(false, 1, VQ0),
- {{_Msg, false, AckTag, Len}, VQ2} = rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(true, VQ1),
+ {{_Msg, false, AckTag}, VQ2} = rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(true, VQ1),
+ Len = rabbit_variable_queue:len(VQ2),
{_Guids, VQ3} = rabbit_variable_queue:ack([AckTag], VQ2),
publish_fetch_and_ack(N-1, Len, VQ3).
@@ -2516,8 +2686,8 @@ test_variable_queue_all_the_bits_not_covered_elsewhere1(VQ0) ->
Count, VQ4),
_VQ6 = rabbit_variable_queue:terminate(shutdown, VQ5),
VQ7 = variable_queue_init(test_amqqueue(true), true),
- {{_Msg1, true, _AckTag1, Count1}, VQ8} =
- rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(true, VQ7),
+ {{_Msg1, true, _AckTag1}, VQ8} = rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(true, VQ7),
+ Count1 = rabbit_variable_queue:len(VQ8),
VQ9 = variable_queue_publish(false, 1, VQ8),
VQ10 = rabbit_variable_queue:set_ram_duration_target(0, VQ9),
{VQ11, _AckTags2} = variable_queue_fetch(Count1, true, true, Count, VQ10),
@@ -2539,7 +2709,8 @@ test_variable_queue_all_the_bits_not_covered_elsewhere2(VQ0) ->
test_variable_queue_fold_msg_on_disk(VQ0) ->
VQ1 = variable_queue_publish(true, 1, VQ0),
{VQ2, AckTags} = variable_queue_fetch(1, true, false, 1, VQ1),
- VQ3 = rabbit_variable_queue:fold(fun (_M, _A) -> ok end, VQ2, AckTags),
+ {ok, VQ3} = rabbit_variable_queue:ackfold(fun (_M, _A, ok) -> ok end,
+ ok, VQ2, AckTags),
test_queue_recover() ->
@@ -2555,18 +2726,20 @@ test_queue_recover() ->
+ {ok, Limiter} = rabbit_limiter:start_link(),
fun (Q1 = #amqqueue { pid = QPid1 }) ->
CountMinusOne = Count - 1,
{ok, CountMinusOne, {QName, QPid1, _AckTag, true, _Msg}} =
- rabbit_amqqueue:basic_get(Q1, self(), false),
+ rabbit_amqqueue:basic_get(Q1, self(), false, Limiter),
exit(QPid1, shutdown),
VQ1 = variable_queue_init(Q, true),
- {{_Msg1, true, _AckTag1, CountMinusOne}, VQ2} =
+ {{_Msg1, true, _AckTag1}, VQ2} =
rabbit_variable_queue:fetch(true, VQ1),
+ CountMinusOne = rabbit_variable_queue:len(VQ2),
_VQ3 = rabbit_variable_queue:delete_and_terminate(shutdown, VQ2),
- rabbit_amqqueue:internal_delete(QName, QPid1)
+ rabbit_amqqueue:internal_delete(QName)
@@ -2580,9 +2753,11 @@ test_variable_queue_delete_msg_store_files_callback() ->
rabbit_amqqueue:set_ram_duration_target(QPid, 0),
+ {ok, Limiter} = rabbit_limiter:start_link(),
CountMinusOne = Count - 1,
{ok, CountMinusOne, {QName, QPid, _AckTag, false, _Msg}} =
- rabbit_amqqueue:basic_get(Q, self(), true),
+ rabbit_amqqueue:basic_get(Q, self(), true, Limiter),
{ok, CountMinusOne} = rabbit_amqqueue:purge(Q),
%% give the queue a second to receive the close_fds callback msg