diff options
48 files changed, 638 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index d75ff26e..140c6e80 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1289,6 +1289,7 @@ tests/Makefile
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/ b/tests/ntriples-2013/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..489f2556
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+# -*- Mode: Makefile -*-
+# - automake file for Raptor N-Triples 2013 tests
+# Copyright (C) 2013, David Beckett
+# This package is Free Software and part of Redland
+# It is licensed under the following three licenses as alternatives:
+# 1. GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) V2.1 or any newer version
+# 2. GNU General Public License (GPL) V2 or any newer version
+# 3. Apache License, V2.0 or any newer version
+# You may not use this file except in compliance with at least one of
+# the above three licenses.
+# See LICENSE.html or LICENSE.txt at the top of this package for the
+# complete terms and further detail along with the license texts for
+# the licenses in COPYING.LIB, COPYING and LICENSE-2.0.txt respectively.
+RDFXML_DIR = ../rdfxml
+ nt-syntax-file-01.nt \
+ nt-syntax-file-02.nt \
+ nt-syntax-file-03.nt \
+ nt-syntax-uri-01.nt \
+ nt-syntax-uri-02.nt \
+ nt-syntax-uri-03.nt \
+ nt-syntax-uri-04.nt \
+ nt-syntax-string-01.nt \
+ nt-syntax-string-02.nt \
+ nt-syntax-string-03.nt \
+ nt-syntax-str-esc-01.nt \
+ nt-syntax-str-esc-02.nt \
+ nt-syntax-str-esc-03.nt \
+ nt-syntax-bnode-01.nt \
+ nt-syntax-bnode-02.nt \
+ nt-syntax-datatypes-01.nt \
+ nt-syntax-datatypes-02.nt \
+ nt-syntax-subm-01.nt
+ nt-syntax-bad-uri-01.nt \
+ nt-syntax-bad-uri-02.nt \
+ nt-syntax-bad-uri-03.nt \
+ nt-syntax-bad-uri-04.nt \
+ nt-syntax-bad-uri-05.nt \
+ nt-syntax-bad-uri-06.nt \
+ nt-syntax-bad-uri-07.nt \
+ nt-syntax-bad-uri-08.nt \
+ nt-syntax-bad-uri-09.nt \
+ nt-syntax-bad-prefix-01.nt \
+ nt-syntax-bad-base-01.nt \
+ nt-syntax-bad-struct-01.nt \
+ nt-syntax-bad-struct-02.nt \
+ nt-syntax-bad-lang-01.nt \
+ nt-syntax-bad-esc-01.nt \
+ nt-syntax-bad-esc-02.nt \
+ nt-syntax-bad-esc-03.nt \
+ nt-syntax-bad-string-01.nt \
+ nt-syntax-bad-string-02.nt \
+ nt-syntax-bad-string-03.nt \
+ nt-syntax-bad-string-04.nt \
+ nt-syntax-bad-string-05.nt \
+ nt-syntax-bad-string-06.nt \
+ nt-syntax-bad-string-07.nt \
+ nt-syntax-bad-num-01.nt \
+ nt-syntax-bad-num-02.nt \
+ nt-syntax-bad-num-03.nt
+# Used to make N-triples output consistent
+# for rdf-schema.ttl
+# for rdfs-namespace.ttl
+RAPPER = $(top_builddir)/utils/rapper
+RDFDIFF = $(top_builddir)/utils/rdfdiff
+ @(cd $(top_builddir)/utils ; $(MAKE) rapper$(EXEEXT))
+ @(cd $(top_builddir)/utils ; $(MAKE) rdfdiff$(EXEEXT))
+check-local: check-good-ntriples check-bad-ntriples
+check_good_ntriples_deps = $(TEST_GOOD_FILES)
+check-good-ntriples: build-rapper $(check_good_ntriples_deps)
+ @set +e; result=0; errors=0; failures=''; \
+ $(RECHO) "Testing good N-Triples syntax passes"; \
+ for test in $(TEST_GOOD_FILES); do \
+ name=`basename $$test .ttl` ; \
+ baseuri=$(BASE_URI)$$test; \
+ $(RECHO) $(RECHO_N) "Checking $$test $(RECHO_C)"; \
+ $(RAPPER) -q -i ntriples -o ntriples file:$(srcdir)/$$test $$baseuri > $$name.res 2> $$name.err; \
+ status=$$?; \
+ if test $$status != 0 -a $$status != 2 ; then \
+ $(RECHO) "FAILED returned status $$status"; result=1; \
+ $(RECHO) $(RAPPER) -q -i ntriples -o ntriples $(srcdir)/$$test $$baseuri '>' $$name.res; \
+ cat $$name.err; \
+ errors=`expr $$errors + 1`; \
+ failures="$$failures $$test"; \
+ elif test $$status = 2 ; then \
+ $(RECHO) "ok with warnings"; grep Warning $$name.err; \
+ else \
+ $(RECHO) "ok"; \
+ fi; \
+ rm -f $$name.res $$name.err; \
+ done; \
+ $(RECHO) "Result: $$errors errors:$$failures"; \
+ set -e; exit $$result
+check_bad_ntriples_deps = $(TEST_BAD_FILES)
+check-bad-ntriples: build-rapper $(check_bad_ntriples_deps)
+ @set +e; result=0; errors=0; failures=''; \
+ $(RECHO) "Testing bad N-Triples fails"; \
+ for test in $(TEST_BAD_FILES) ; do \
+ name=`basename $$test .ttl` ; \
+ baseuri=$(BASE_URI)$$test; \
+ $(RECHO) $(RECHO_N) "Checking $$test $(RECHO_C)"; \
+ $(RAPPER) -q -i ntriples -o ntriples file:$(srcdir)/$$test $$baseuri > $$name.res 2> $$name.err; \
+ status=$$?; \
+ if test $$status -eq 1 ; then \
+ $(RECHO) "ok"; \
+ elif test $$status -eq 2 ; then \
+ $(RECHO) "FAILED - parsing succeeded with a warning"; result=1; \
+ $(RECHO) $(RAPPER) -q -i ntriples -o ntriples file:$(srcdir)/$$test $$baseuri '>' $$name.res; \
+ cat $$name.res; grep Warning $$name.err; \
+ errors=`expr $$errors + 1`; \
+ failures="$$failures $$test"; \
+ elif test $$status -eq 0 ; then \
+ $(RECHO) "FAILED - parsing succeeded but should have failed"; result=1; \
+ $(RECHO) $(RAPPER) -q -i ntriples -o ntriples file:$(srcdir)/$$test $$baseuri '>' $$name.res; \
+ cat $$name.res; \
+ errors=`expr $$errors + 1`; \
+ failures="$$failures $$test"; \
+ else \
+ $(RECHO) "FAILED - parsing failed with unknown status $$status"; result=1; \
+ $(RECHO) $(RAPPER) -q -i ntriples -o ntriples file:$(srcdir)/$$test $$baseuri '>' $$name.res; \
+ cat $$name.err; \
+ cat $$name.res; \
+ errors=`expr $$errors + 1`; \
+ failures="$$failures $$test"; \
+ fi; \
+ rm -f $$name.res $$name.err ; \
+ done; \
+ $(RECHO) "Result: $$errors errors:$$failures"; \
+ set -e; exit $$result
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/manifest.ttl b/tests/ntriples-2013/manifest.ttl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..236c7c99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/manifest.ttl
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+# N-Triples Syntax tests
+@prefix rdf: <> .
+@prefix rdfs: <> .
+@prefix mf: <> .
+@prefix qt: <> .
+@prefix rdft: <> .
+<> rdf:type mf:Manifest ;
+ rdfs:comment "N-Triples tests" ;
+ mf:entries
+ (
+ <#nt-syntax-file-01>
+ <#nt-syntax-file-02>
+ <#nt-syntax-file-03>
+ <#nt-syntax-uri-01>
+ <#nt-syntax-uri-02>
+ <#nt-syntax-uri-03>
+ <#nt-syntax-uri-04>
+ <#nt-syntax-string-01>
+ <#nt-syntax-string-02>
+ <#nt-syntax-string-03>
+ <#nt-syntax-str-esc-01>
+ <#nt-syntax-str-esc-02>
+ <#nt-syntax-str-esc-03>
+ <#nt-syntax-bnode-01>
+ <#nt-syntax-bnode-02>
+ <#nt-syntax-datatypes-01>
+ <#nt-syntax-datatypes-02>
+ <#nt-syntax-bad-uri-01>
+ <#nt-syntax-bad-uri-02>
+ <#nt-syntax-bad-uri-03>
+ <#nt-syntax-bad-uri-04>
+ <#nt-syntax-bad-uri-05>
+ <#nt-syntax-bad-uri-06>
+ <#nt-syntax-bad-uri-07>
+ <#nt-syntax-bad-uri-08>
+ <#nt-syntax-bad-uri-09>
+ <#nt-syntax-bad-prefix-01>
+ <#nt-syntax-bad-base-01>
+ <#nt-syntax-bad-struct-01>
+ <#nt-syntax-bad-struct-02>
+ <#nt-syntax-bad-lang-01>
+ <#nt-syntax-bad-esc-01>
+ <#nt-syntax-bad-esc-02>
+ <#nt-syntax-bad-esc-03>
+ <#nt-syntax-bad-string-01>
+ <#nt-syntax-bad-string-02>
+ <#nt-syntax-bad-string-03>
+ <#nt-syntax-bad-string-04>
+ <#nt-syntax-bad-string-05>
+ <#nt-syntax-bad-string-06>
+ <#nt-syntax-bad-string-07>
+ <#nt-syntax-bad-num-01>
+ <#nt-syntax-bad-num-02>
+ <#nt-syntax-bad-num-03>
+ <#nt-syntax-subm-01>
+ ) .
+<#nt-syntax-file-01> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesPositiveSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsPositiveSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-file-01" ;
+ rdfs:comment "Empty file" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-file-01.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-file-02> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesPositiveSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsPositiveSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-file-02" ;
+ rdfs:comment "Only comment" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-file-02.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-file-03> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesPositiveSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsPositiveSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-file-03" ;
+ rdfs:comment "One comment, one empty line" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-file-03.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-uri-01> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesPositiveSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsPositiveSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-uri-01" ;
+ rdfs:comment "Only IRIs" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-uri-01.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-uri-02> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesPositiveSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsPositiveSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-uri-02" ;
+ rdfs:comment "IRIs with Unicode escape" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-uri-02.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-uri-03> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesPositiveSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsPositiveSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-uri-03" ;
+ rdfs:comment "IRIs with long Unicode escape" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-uri-03.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-uri-04> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesPositiveSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsPositiveSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-uri-04" ;
+ rdfs:comment "Legal IRIs" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-uri-04.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-string-01> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesPositiveSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsPositiveSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-string-01" ;
+ rdfs:comment "string literal" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-string-01.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-string-02> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesPositiveSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsPositiveSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-string-02" ;
+ rdfs:comment "langString literal" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-string-02.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-string-03> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesPositiveSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsPositiveSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-string-03" ;
+ rdfs:comment "langString literal with region" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-string-03.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-str-esc-01> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesPositiveSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsPositiveSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-str-esc-01" ;
+ rdfs:comment "string literal with escaped newline" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-str-esc-01.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-str-esc-02> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesPositiveSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsPositiveSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-str-esc-02" ;
+ rdfs:comment "string literal with Unicode escape" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-str-esc-02.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-str-esc-03> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesPositiveSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsPositiveSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-str-esc-03" ;
+ rdfs:comment "string literal with long Unicode escape" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-str-esc-03.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-bnode-01> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesPositiveSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsPositiveSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-bnode-01" ;
+ rdfs:comment "bnode subject" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-bnode-01.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-bnode-02> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesPositiveSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsPositiveSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-bnode-02" ;
+ rdfs:comment "bnode object" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-bnode-02.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-datatypes-01> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesPositiveSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsPositiveSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-datatypes-01" ;
+ rdfs:comment "xsd:byte literal" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-datatypes-01.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-datatypes-02> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesPositiveSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsPositiveSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-datatypes-02" ;
+ rdfs:comment "integer as xsd:string" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-datatypes-02.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-bad-uri-01> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesNegativeSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsNegativeSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-bad-uri-01" ;
+ rdfs:comment "Bad IRI : space (negative test)" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-bad-uri-01.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-bad-uri-02> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesNegativeSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsNegativeSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-bad-uri-02" ;
+ rdfs:comment "Bad IRI : bad escape (negative test)" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-bad-uri-02.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-bad-uri-03> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesNegativeSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsNegativeSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-bad-uri-03" ;
+ rdfs:comment "Bad IRI : bad long escape (negative test)" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-bad-uri-03.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-bad-uri-04> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesNegativeSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsNegativeSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-bad-uri-04" ;
+ rdfs:comment "Bad IRI : character escapes not allowed (negative test)" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-bad-uri-04.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-bad-uri-05> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesNegativeSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsNegativeSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-bad-uri-05" ;
+ rdfs:comment "Bad IRI : character escapes not allowed (2) (negative test)" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-bad-uri-05.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-bad-uri-06> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesNegativeSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsNegativeSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-bad-uri-06" ;
+ rdfs:comment "Bad IRI : relative IRI not allowed in subject (negative test)" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-bad-uri-06.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-bad-uri-07> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesNegativeSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsNegativeSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-bad-uri-07" ;
+ rdfs:comment "Bad IRI : relative IRI not allowed in predicate (negative test)" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-bad-uri-07.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-bad-uri-08> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesNegativeSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsNegativeSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-bad-uri-08" ;
+ rdfs:comment "Bad IRI : relative IRI not allowed in object (negative test)" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-bad-uri-08.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-bad-uri-09> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesNegativeSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsNegativeSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-bad-uri-09" ;
+ rdfs:comment "Bad IRI : relative IRI not allowed in datatype (negative test)" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-bad-uri-09.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-bad-prefix-01> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesNegativeSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsNegativeSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-bad-prefix-01" ;
+ rdfs:comment "@prefix not allowed in n-triples (negative test)" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-bad-prefix-01.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-bad-base-01> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesNegativeSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsNegativeSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-bad-base-01" ;
+ rdfs:comment "@base not allowed in N-Triples (negative test)" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-bad-base-01.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-bad-struct-01> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesNegativeSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsNegativeSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-bad-struct-01" ;
+ rdfs:comment "N-Triples does not have objectList (negative test)" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-bad-struct-01.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-bad-struct-02> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesNegativeSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsNegativeSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-bad-struct-02" ;
+ rdfs:comment "N-Triples does not have predicateObjectList (negative test)" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-bad-struct-02.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-bad-lang-01> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesNegativeSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsNegativeSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-bad-lang-01" ;
+ rdfs:comment "langString with bad lang (negative test)" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-bad-lang-01.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-bad-esc-01> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesNegativeSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsNegativeSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-bad-esc-01" ;
+ rdfs:comment "Bad string escape (negative test)" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-bad-esc-01.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-bad-esc-02> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesNegativeSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsNegativeSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-bad-esc-02" ;
+ rdfs:comment "Bad string escape (negative test)" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-bad-esc-02.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-bad-esc-03> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesNegativeSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsNegativeSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-bad-esc-03" ;
+ rdfs:comment "Bad string escape (negative test)" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-bad-esc-03.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-bad-string-01> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesNegativeSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsNegativeSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-bad-string-01" ;
+ rdfs:comment "mismatching string literal open/close (negative test)" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-bad-string-01.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-bad-string-02> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesNegativeSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsNegativeSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-bad-string-02" ;
+ rdfs:comment "mismatching string literal open/close (negative test)" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-bad-string-02.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-bad-string-03> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesNegativeSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsNegativeSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-bad-string-03" ;
+ rdfs:comment "single quotes (negative test)" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-bad-string-03.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-bad-string-04> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesNegativeSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsNegativeSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-bad-string-04" ;
+ rdfs:comment "long single string literal (negative test)" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-bad-string-04.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-bad-string-05> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesNegativeSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsNegativeSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-bad-string-05" ;
+ rdfs:comment "long double string literal (negative test)" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-bad-string-05.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-bad-string-06> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesNegativeSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsNegativeSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-bad-string-06" ;
+ rdfs:comment "string literal with no end (negative test)" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-bad-string-06.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-bad-string-07> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesNegativeSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsNegativeSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-bad-string-07" ;
+ rdfs:comment "string literal with no start (negative test)" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-bad-string-07.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-bad-num-01> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesNegativeSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsNegativeSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-bad-num-01" ;
+ rdfs:comment "no numbers in N-Triples (integer) (negative test)" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-bad-num-01.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-bad-num-02> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesNegativeSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsNegativeSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-bad-num-02" ;
+ rdfs:comment "no numbers in N-Triples (decimal) (negative test)" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-bad-num-02.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-bad-num-03> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesNegativeSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsNegativeSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-bad-num-03" ;
+ rdfs:comment "no numbers in N-Triples (float) (negative test)" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-bad-num-03.nt> ;
+ .
+<#nt-syntax-subm-01> rdf:type rdft:TestNTriplesPositiveSyntax, rdft:TestNQuadsPositiveSyntax ;
+ mf:name "nt-syntax-subm-01" ;
+ rdfs:comment "Submission test from Original RDF Test Cases" ;
+ mf:action <nt-syntax-subm-01.nt> ;
+ .
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-base-01.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-base-01.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dff1b3b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-base-01.nt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+@base <http://example/> .
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-esc-01.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-esc-01.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f7a88add
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-esc-01.nt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# Bad string escape
+<http://example/s> <http://example/p> "a\zb" .
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-esc-02.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-esc-02.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..72711d49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-esc-02.nt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# Bad string escape
+<http://example/s> <http://example/p> "\uWXYZ" .
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-esc-03.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-esc-03.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3a4522fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-esc-03.nt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# Bad string escape
+<http://example/s> <http://example/p> "\U0000WXYZ" .
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-lang-01.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-lang-01.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a4d952c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-lang-01.nt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# Bad lang tag
+<http://example/s> <http://example/p> "string"@1 .
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-num-01.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-num-01.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2be6f516
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-num-01.nt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<http://example/s> <http://example/p> 1 .
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-num-02.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-num-02.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e1d5b06c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-num-02.nt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<http://example/s> <http://example/p> 1.0 .
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-num-03.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-num-03.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a9be82fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-num-03.nt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<http://example/s> <http://example/p> 1.0e0 .
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-prefix-01.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-prefix-01.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..89e08cc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-prefix-01.nt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+@prefix : <http://example/> .
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-string-01.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-string-01.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..988af87a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-string-01.nt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<http://example/s> <http://example/p> "abc' .
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-string-02.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-string-02.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e1d5b06c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-string-02.nt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<http://example/s> <http://example/p> 1.0 .
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-string-03.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-string-03.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..64d343da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-string-03.nt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<http://example/s> <http://example/p> 1.0e1 .
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-string-04.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-string-04.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..af4ff28f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-string-04.nt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<http://example/s> <http://example/p> '''abc''' .
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-string-05.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-string-05.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..75ad4b2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-string-05.nt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<http://example/s> <http://example/p> """abc""" .
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-string-06.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-string-06.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..56dcbc60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-string-06.nt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<http://example/s> <http://example/p> "abc .
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-string-07.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-string-07.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7f1ee800
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-string-07.nt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<http://example/s> <http://example/p> abc" .
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-struct-01.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-struct-01.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d546d564
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-struct-01.nt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<http://example/s> <http://example/p> <http://example/o>, <http://example/o2> .
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-struct-02.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-struct-02.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1f388c6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-struct-02.nt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<http://example/s> <http://example/p> <http://example/o>; <http://example/p2>, <http://example/o2> .
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-uri-01.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-uri-01.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0e69dc0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-uri-01.nt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# Bad IRI : space.
+<http://example/ space> <http://example/p> <http://example/o> .
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-uri-02.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-uri-02.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..36d91af9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-uri-02.nt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# Bad IRI : bad escape
+<http://example/\u00ZZ11> <http://example/p> <http://example/o> .
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-uri-03.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-uri-03.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f512345f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-uri-03.nt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# Bad IRI : bad escape
+<http://example/\U00ZZ1111> <http://example/p> <http://example/o> .
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-uri-04.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-uri-04.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5cab062c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-uri-04.nt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# Bad IRI : character escapes not allowed.
+<http://example/\n> <http://example/p> <http://example/o> .
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-uri-05.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-uri-05.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..be0a21e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-uri-05.nt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# Bad IRI : character escapes not allowed.
+<http://example/\/> <http://example/p> <http://example/o> .
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-uri-06.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-uri-06.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b4e64592
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-uri-06.nt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# No relative IRIs in N-Triples
+<s> <http://example/p> <http://example/o> .
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-uri-07.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-uri-07.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..74534dde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-uri-07.nt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# No relative IRIs in N-Triples
+<http://example/s> <p> <http://example/o> .
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-uri-08.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-uri-08.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..41a953d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-uri-08.nt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# No relative IRIs in N-Triples
+<http://example/s> <http://example/p> <o> .
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-uri-09.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-uri-09.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..58821da8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bad-uri-09.nt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# No relative IRIs in N-Triples
+<http://example/s> <http://example/p> "foo"^^<dt> .
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bnode-01.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bnode-01.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5fb0d0f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bnode-01.nt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+_:a <http://example/p> <http://example/o> .
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bnode-02.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bnode-02.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..737e81b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-bnode-02.nt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<http://example/s> <http://example/p> _:a .
+_:a <http://example/p> <http://example/o> .
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-datatypes-01.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-datatypes-01.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..91263091
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-datatypes-01.nt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<http://example/s> <http://example/p> "123"^^<> .
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-datatypes-02.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-datatypes-02.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d49cc27d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-datatypes-02.nt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<http://example/s> <http://example/p> "123"^^<> .
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-file-01.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-file-01.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-file-01.nt
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-file-02.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-file-02.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e6d327d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-file-02.nt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+#Empty file.
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-file-03.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-file-03.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a9ca0358
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-file-03.nt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+#One comment, one empty line.
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-str-esc-01.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-str-esc-01.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3925f2ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-str-esc-01.nt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<http://example/s> <http://example/p> "a\n" .
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-str-esc-02.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-str-esc-02.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e7d032f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-str-esc-02.nt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<http://example/s> <http://example/p> "a\u0020b" .
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-str-esc-03.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-str-esc-03.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b8588c79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-str-esc-03.nt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<http://example/s> <http://example/p> "a\U00000020b" .
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-string-01.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-string-01.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5333aefe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-string-01.nt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<http://example/s> <http://example/p> "string" .
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-string-02.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-string-02.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1ab55a33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-string-02.nt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<http://example/s> <http://example/p> "string"@en .
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-string-03.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-string-03.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b34ca0f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-string-03.nt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<http://example/s> <http://example/p> "string"@en-uk .
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-subm-01.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-subm-01.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..91b49889
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-subm-01.nt
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# Copyright World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts Institute of
+# Technology, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en
+# Automatique, Keio University).
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Please see the full Copyright clause at
+# <>
+# Test file with a variety of legal N-Triples
+# Dave Beckett -
+# $Id: test.nt,v 1.7 2003/10/06 15:52:19 dbeckett2 Exp $
+# comment lines
+ # comment line after whitespace
+# empty blank line, then one with spaces and tabs
+<> <> <> .
+_:anon <> <> .
+<> <> _:anon .
+# spaces and tabs throughout:
+ <> <> <> .
+# line ending with CR NL (ASCII 13, ASCII 10)
+<> <> <> .
+# 2 statement lines separated by single CR (ASCII 10)
+<> <> <> .
+<> <> <> .
+# All literal escapes
+<> <> "simple literal" .
+<> <> "backslash:\\" .
+<> <> "dquote:\"" .
+<> <> "newline:\n" .
+<> <> "return\r" .
+<> <> "tab:\t" .
+# Space is optional before final .
+<> <> <>.
+<> <> "x".
+<> <> _:anon.
+# \u and \U escapes
+# latin small letter e with acute symbol \u00E9 - 3 UTF-8 bytes #xC3 #A9
+<> <> "\u00E9" .
+# Euro symbol \u20ac - 3 UTF-8 bytes #xE2 #x82 #xAC
+<> <> "\u20AC" .
+# resource18 test removed
+# resource19 test removed
+# resource20 test removed
+# XML Literals as Datatyped Literals
+<> <> ""^^<> .
+<> <> " "^^<> .
+<> <> "x"^^<> .
+<> <> "\""^^<> .
+<> <> "<a></a>"^^<> .
+<> <> "a <b></b>"^^<> .
+<> <> "a <b></b> c"^^<> .
+<> <> "a\n<b></b>\nc"^^<> .
+<> <> "chat"^^<> .
+# resource28 test removed 2003-08-03
+# resource29 test removed 2003-08-03
+# Plain literals with languages
+<> <> "chat"@fr .
+<> <> "chat"@en .
+# Typed Literals
+<> <> "abc"^^<> .
+# resource33 test removed 2003-08-03
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-uri-01.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-uri-01.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..02e6ba98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-uri-01.nt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<http://example/s> <http://example/p> <http://example/o> .
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-uri-02.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-uri-02.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..664feea1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-uri-02.nt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# x53 is capital S
+<http://example/\u0053> <http://example/p> <http://example/o> .
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-uri-03.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-uri-03.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b5aeb26e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-uri-03.nt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# x53 is capital S
+<http://example/\U00000053> <http://example/p> <http://example/o> .
diff --git a/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-uri-04.nt b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-uri-04.nt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..49bacca7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ntriples-2013/nt-syntax-uri-04.nt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# IRI with all chars in it.
+<http://example/s> <http://example/p> <scheme:!$%25&'()*+,-./0123456789:/@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~?#> .