path: root/src/listpack.c
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authorViktor Söderqvist <>2022-11-09 18:50:07 +0100
committerGitHub <>2022-11-09 19:50:07 +0200
commit4e472a1a7fc0dc2c7da2b48ac7342e9385b4f92a (patch)
tree62715e6a8fb51264449aa6ef0866f92d9d1e00bf /src/listpack.c
parent07d187066a86a9a3124af740373bf5bf49e345ff (diff)
Listpack encoding for sets (#11290)
Small sets with not only integer elements are listpack encoded, by default up to 128 elements, max 64 bytes per element, new config `set-max-listpack-entries` and `set-max-listpack-value`. This saves memory for small sets compared to using a hashtable. Sets with only integers, even very small sets, are still intset encoded (up to 1G limit, etc.). Larger sets are hashtable encoded. This PR increments the RDB version, and has an effect on OBJECT ENCODING Possible conversions when elements are added: intset -> listpack listpack -> hashtable intset -> hashtable Note: No conversion happens when elements are deleted. If all elements are deleted and then added again, the set is deleted and recreated, thus implicitly converted to a smaller encoding.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/listpack.c')
1 files changed, 243 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/src/listpack.c b/src/listpack.c
index db9a1b4ab..bfa364f98 100644
--- a/src/listpack.c
+++ b/src/listpack.c
@@ -1063,6 +1063,55 @@ unsigned char *lpDeleteRange(unsigned char *lp, long index, unsigned long num) {
return lp;
+/* Delete the elements 'ps' passed as an array of 'count' element pointers and
+ * return the resulting listpack. The elements must be given in the same order
+ * as they apper in the listpack. */
+unsigned char *lpBatchDelete(unsigned char *lp, unsigned char **ps, unsigned long count) {
+ if (count == 0) return lp;
+ unsigned char *dst = ps[0];
+ size_t total_bytes = lpGetTotalBytes(lp);
+ unsigned char *lp_end = lp + total_bytes; /* After the EOF element. */
+ assert(lp_end[-1] == LP_EOF);
+ /*
+ * ----+--------+-----------+--------+---------+-----+---+
+ * ... | Delete | Keep | Delete | Keep | ... |EOF|
+ * ... |xxxxxxxx| |xxxxxxxx| | ... | |
+ * ----+--------+-----------+--------+---------+-----+---+
+ * ^ ^ ^ ^
+ * | | | |
+ * ps[i] | ps[i+1] |
+ * skip keep_start keep_end lp_end
+ *
+ * The loop memmoves the bytes between keep_start and keep_end to dst.
+ */
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ unsigned char *skip = ps[i];
+ assert(skip != NULL && skip[0] != LP_EOF);
+ unsigned char *keep_start = lpSkip(skip);
+ unsigned char *keep_end;
+ if (i + 1 < count) {
+ keep_end = ps[i + 1];
+ /* Deleting consecutive elements. Nothing to keep between them. */
+ if (keep_start == keep_end) continue;
+ } else {
+ /* Keep the rest of the listpack including the EOF marker. */
+ keep_end = lp_end;
+ }
+ assert(keep_end > keep_start);
+ size_t bytes_to_keep = keep_end - keep_start;
+ memmove(dst, keep_start, bytes_to_keep);
+ dst += bytes_to_keep;
+ }
+ /* Update total size and num elements. */
+ size_t deleted_bytes = lp_end - dst;
+ total_bytes -= deleted_bytes;
+ assert(lp[total_bytes - 1] == LP_EOF);
+ lpSetTotalBytes(lp, total_bytes);
+ uint32_t numele = lpGetNumElements(lp);
+ if (numele != LP_HDR_NUMELE_UNKNOWN) lpSetNumElements(lp, numele - count);
+ return lpShrinkToFit(lp);
/* Merge listpacks 'first' and 'second' by appending 'second' to 'first'.
* NOTE: The larger listpack is reallocated to contain the new merged listpack.
@@ -1383,6 +1432,43 @@ void lpRandomPair(unsigned char *lp, unsigned long total_count, listpackEntry *k
val->sval = lpGetValue(p, &(val->slen), &(val->lval));
+/* Randomly select 'count' entries and store them in the 'entries' array, which
+ * needs to have space for 'count' listpackEntry structs. The order is random
+ * and duplicates are possible. */
+void lpRandomEntries(unsigned char *lp, unsigned int count, listpackEntry *entries) {
+ struct pick {
+ unsigned int index;
+ unsigned int order;
+ } *picks = lp_malloc(count * sizeof(struct pick));
+ unsigned int total_size = lpLength(lp);
+ assert(total_size);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ picks[i].index = rand() % total_size;
+ picks[i].order = i;
+ }
+ /* Sort by index. */
+ qsort(picks, count, sizeof(struct pick), uintCompare);
+ /* Iterate over listpack in index order and store the values in the entries
+ * array respecting the original order. */
+ unsigned char *p = lpFirst(lp);
+ unsigned int j = 0; /* index in listpack */
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ /* Advance listpack pointer to until we reach 'index' listpack. */
+ while (j < picks[i].index) {
+ p = lpNext(lp, p);
+ j++;
+ }
+ int storeorder = picks[i].order;
+ unsigned int len = 0;
+ long long llval = 0;
+ unsigned char *str = lpGetValue(p, &len, &llval);
+ lpSaveValue(str, len, llval, &entries[storeorder]);
+ }
+ lp_free(picks);
/* Randomly select count of key value pairs and store into 'keys' and
* 'vals' args. The order of the picked entries is random, and the selections
* are non-unique (repetitions are possible).
@@ -1449,34 +1535,83 @@ unsigned int lpRandomPairsUnique(unsigned char *lp, unsigned int count, listpack
if (count > total_size)
count = total_size;
- /* To only iterate once, every time we try to pick a member, the probability
- * we pick it is the quotient of the count left we want to pick and the
- * count still we haven't visited in the dict, this way, we could make every
- * member be equally picked.*/
p = lpFirst(lp);
unsigned int picked = 0, remaining = count;
while (picked < count && p) {
- double randomDouble = ((double)rand()) / RAND_MAX;
- double threshold = ((double)remaining) / (total_size - index);
- if (randomDouble <= threshold) {
+ assert((p = lpNextRandom(lp, p, &index, remaining, 1)));
+ key = lpGetValue(p, &klen, &klval);
+ lpSaveValue(key, klen, klval, &keys[picked]);
+ assert((p = lpNext(lp, p)));
+ index++;
+ if (vals) {
key = lpGetValue(p, &klen, &klval);
- lpSaveValue(key, klen, klval, &keys[picked]);
- assert((p = lpNext(lp, p)));
- if (vals) {
- key = lpGetValue(p, &klen, &klval);
- lpSaveValue(key, klen, klval, &vals[picked]);
- }
- remaining--;
- picked++;
- } else {
- assert((p = lpNext(lp, p)));
+ lpSaveValue(key, klen, klval, &vals[picked]);
p = lpNext(lp, p);
+ remaining--;
+ picked++;
return picked;
+/* Iterates forward to the "next random" element, given we are yet to pick
+ * 'remaining' unique elements between the starting element 'p' (inclusive) and
+ * the end of the list. The 'index' needs to be initialized according to the
+ * current zero-based index matching the position of the starting element 'p'
+ * and is updated to match the returned element's zero-based index. If
+ * 'even_only' is nonzero, an element with an even index is picked, which is
+ * useful if the listpack represents a key-value pair sequence.
+ *
+ * Note that this function can return p. In order to skip the previously
+ * returned element, you need to call lpNext() or lpDelete() after each call to
+ * lpNextRandom(). Idea:
+ *
+ * assert(remaining <= lpLength(lp));
+ * p = lpFirst(lp);
+ * i = 0;
+ * while (remaining > 0) {
+ * p = lpNextRandom(lp, p, &i, remaining--, 0);
+ *
+ * // ... Do stuff with p ...
+ *
+ * p = lpNext(lp, p);
+ * i++;
+ * }
+ */
+unsigned char *lpNextRandom(unsigned char *lp, unsigned char *p, unsigned int *index,
+ unsigned int remaining, int even_only)
+ /* To only iterate once, every time we try to pick a member, the probability
+ * we pick it is the quotient of the count left we want to pick and the
+ * count still we haven't visited. This way, we could make every member be
+ * equally likely to be picked. */
+ unsigned int i = *index;
+ unsigned int total_size = lpLength(lp);
+ while (i < total_size && p != NULL) {
+ if (even_only && i % 2 != 0) {
+ p = lpNext(lp, p);
+ i++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Do we pick this element? */
+ unsigned int available = total_size - i;
+ if (even_only) available /= 2;
+ double randomDouble = ((double)rand()) / RAND_MAX;
+ double threshold = ((double)remaining) / available;
+ if (randomDouble <= threshold) {
+ *index = i;
+ return p;
+ }
+ p = lpNext(lp, p);
+ i++;
+ }
+ return NULL;
/* Print info of listpack which is used in debugCommand */
void lpRepr(unsigned char *lp) {
unsigned char *p, *vstr;
@@ -1902,6 +2037,21 @@ int listpackTest(int argc, char *argv[], int flags) {
+ TEST("Batch delete") {
+ unsigned char *lp = createList(); /* char *mixlist[] = {"hello", "foo", "quux", "1024"} */
+ assert(lpLength(lp) == 4); /* Pre-condition */
+ unsigned char *p0 = lpFirst(lp),
+ *p1 = lpNext(lp, p0),
+ *p2 = lpNext(lp, p1),
+ *p3 = lpNext(lp, p2);
+ unsigned char *ps[] = {p0, p1, p3};
+ lp = lpBatchDelete(lp, ps, 3);
+ assert(lpLength(lp) == 1);
+ verifyEntry(lpFirst(lp), (unsigned char*)mixlist[2], strlen(mixlist[2]));
+ assert(lpValidateIntegrity(lp, lpBytes(lp), 1, NULL, NULL) == 1);
+ lpFree(lp);
+ }
TEST("Delete foo while iterating") {
lp = createList();
p = lpFirst(lp);
@@ -2048,6 +2198,82 @@ int listpackTest(int argc, char *argv[], int flags) {
+ TEST("lpNextRandom normal usage") {
+ /* Create some data */
+ unsigned char *lp = lpNew(0);
+ unsigned char buf[100] = "asdf";
+ unsigned int size = 100;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ lp = lpAppend(lp, buf, i);
+ }
+ assert(lpLength(lp) == size);
+ /* Pick a subset of the elements of every possible subset size */
+ for (unsigned int count = 0; count <= size; count++) {
+ unsigned int remaining = count;
+ unsigned char *p = lpFirst(lp);
+ unsigned char *prev = NULL;
+ unsigned index = 0;
+ while (remaining > 0) {
+ assert(p != NULL);
+ p = lpNextRandom(lp, p, &index, remaining--, 0);
+ assert(p != NULL);
+ assert(p != prev);
+ prev = p;
+ p = lpNext(lp, p);
+ index++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ TEST("lpNextRandom corner cases") {
+ unsigned char *lp = lpNew(0);
+ unsigned i = 0;
+ /* Pick from empty listpack returns NULL. */
+ assert(lpNextRandom(lp, NULL, &i, 2, 0) == NULL);
+ /* Add some elements and find their pointers within the listpack. */
+ lp = lpAppend(lp, (unsigned char *)"abc", 3);
+ lp = lpAppend(lp, (unsigned char *)"def", 3);
+ lp = lpAppend(lp, (unsigned char *)"ghi", 3);
+ assert(lpLength(lp) == 3);
+ unsigned char *p0 = lpFirst(lp);
+ unsigned char *p1 = lpNext(lp, p0);
+ unsigned char *p2 = lpNext(lp, p1);
+ assert(lpNext(lp, p2) == NULL);
+ /* Pick zero elements returns NULL. */
+ i = 0; assert(lpNextRandom(lp, lpFirst(lp), &i, 0, 0) == NULL);
+ /* Pick all returns all. */
+ i = 0; assert(lpNextRandom(lp, p0, &i, 3, 0) == p0 && i == 0);
+ i = 1; assert(lpNextRandom(lp, p1, &i, 2, 0) == p1 && i == 1);
+ i = 2; assert(lpNextRandom(lp, p2, &i, 1, 0) == p2 && i == 2);
+ /* Pick more than one when there's only one left returns the last one. */
+ i = 2; assert(lpNextRandom(lp, p2, &i, 42, 0) == p2 && i == 2);
+ /* Pick all even elements returns p0 and p2. */
+ i = 0; assert(lpNextRandom(lp, p0, &i, 10, 1) == p0 && i == 0);
+ i = 1; assert(lpNextRandom(lp, p1, &i, 10, 1) == p2 && i == 2);
+ /* Don't crash even for bad index. */
+ for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) {
+ unsigned char *p;
+ switch (j % 4) {
+ case 0: p = p0; break;
+ case 1: p = p1; break;
+ case 2: p = p2; break;
+ case 3: p = NULL; break;
+ }
+ i = j % 7;
+ unsigned int remaining = j % 5;
+ p = lpNextRandom(lp, p, &i, remaining, 0);
+ assert(p == p0 || p == p1 || p == p2 || p == NULL);
+ }
+ }
TEST("Random pair with one element") {
listpackEntry key, val;
unsigned char *lp = lpNew(0);