path: root/src
diff options
authorViktor Söderqvist <>2022-02-03 09:25:37 +0100
committerGitHub <>2022-02-03 10:25:37 +0200
commitf4ecc799c87fa504b375afc17a7f8302789254b5 (patch)
tree70166cc853f6a9b9b14f3368565c33210e2f219c /src
parentc9e1602f9016c169e1e72ce305aab53cbc97c616 (diff)
Add 'Available since' to module API function docs (#10229)
The script which generates the markdown docs from module.c is updated to include the version in which each module API function was introduced. The script uses git tags to find this information. If git is not available or if we're not in a git repo, the 'since' is silently skipped. The line `**Available since:** (version)` is added after the function prototype Rename to utils/generate-module-api-doc.rb
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 174 deletions
diff --git a/src/modules/gendoc.rb b/src/modules/gendoc.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f83b1ad9d..000000000
--- a/src/modules/gendoc.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
-# gendoc.rb -- Converts the top-comments inside module.c to modules API
-# reference documentation in markdown format.
-# Convert the C comment to markdown
-def markdown(s)
- s = s.gsub(/\*\/$/,"")
- s = s.gsub(/^ ?\* ?/,"")
- s = s.gsub(/^\/\*\*? ?/,"")
- s.chop! while s[-1] == "\n" || s[-1] == " "
- lines = s.split("\n")
- newlines = []
- # Fix some markdown, except in code blocks indented by 4 spaces.
- lines.each{|l|
- if not l.start_with?(' ')
- # Rewrite RM_Xyz() to `RedisModule_Xyz()`. The () suffix is
- # optional. Even RM_Xyz*() with * as wildcard is handled.
- l = l.gsub(/(?<!`)RM_([A-z]+(?:\*?\(\))?)/, '`RedisModule_\1`')
- # Add backquotes around RedisModule functions and type where missing.
- l = l.gsub(/(?<!`)RedisModule[A-z]+(?:\*?\(\))?/){|x| "`#{x}`"}
- # Add backquotes around c functions like malloc() where missing.
- l = l.gsub(/(?<![`A-z])[a-z_]+\(\)/, '`\0`')
- # Add backquotes around macro and var names containing underscores.
- l = l.gsub(/(?<![`A-z\*])[A-Za-z]+_[A-Za-z0-9_]+/){|x| "`#{x}`"}
- # Link URLs preceded by space or newline (not already linked)
- l = l.gsub(/(^| )(https?:\/\/[A-Za-z0-9_\/\.\-]+[A-Za-z0-9\/])/,
- '\1[\2](\2)')
- # Replace double-dash with unicode ndash
- l = l.gsub(/ -- /, ' – ')
- end
- # Link function names to their definition within the page
- l = l.gsub(/`(RedisModule_[A-z0-9]+)[()]*`/) {|x|
- $index[$1] ? "[#{x}](\##{$1})" : x
- }
- newlines << l
- }
- return newlines.join("\n")
-# Linebreak a prototype longer than 80 characters on the commas, but only
-# between balanced parentheses so that we don't linebreak args which are
-# function pointers, and then aligning each arg under each other.
-def linebreak_proto(proto, indent)
- if proto.bytesize <= 80
- return proto
- end
- parts = proto.split(/,\s*/);
- if parts.length == 1
- return proto;
- end
- align_pos = proto.index("(") + 1;
- align = " " * align_pos
- result = parts.shift;
- bracket_balance = 0;
- parts.each{|part|
- if bracket_balance == 0
- result += ",\n" + indent + align
- else
- result += ", "
- end
- result += part
- bracket_balance += part.count("(") - part.count(")")
- }
- return result;
-# Given the source code array and the index at which an exported symbol was
-# detected, extracts and outputs the documentation.
-def docufy(src,i)
- m = /RM_[A-z0-9]+/.match(src[i])
- name = m[0]
- name = name.sub("RM_","RedisModule_")
- proto = src[i].sub("{","").strip+";\n"
- proto = proto.sub("RM_","RedisModule_")
- proto = linebreak_proto(proto, " ");
- # Add a link target with the function name. (We don't trust the exact id of
- # the generated one, which depends on the Markdown implementation.)
- puts "<span id=\"#{name}\"></span>\n\n"
- puts "### `#{name}`\n\n"
- puts " #{proto}\n"
- comment = ""
- while true
- i = i-1
- comment = src[i]+comment
- break if src[i] =~ /\/\*/
- end
- comment = markdown(comment)
- puts comment+"\n\n"
-# Print a comment from line until */ is found, as markdown.
-def section_doc(src, i)
- name = get_section_heading(src, i)
- comment = "<span id=\"#{section_name_to_id(name)}\"></span>\n\n"
- while true
- # append line, except if it's a horizontal divider
- comment = comment + src[i] if src[i] !~ /^[\/ ]?\*{1,2} ?-{50,}/
- break if src[i] =~ /\*\//
- i = i+1
- end
- comment = markdown(comment)
- puts comment+"\n\n"
-# generates an id suitable for links within the page
-def section_name_to_id(name)
- return "section-" +
- name.strip.downcase.gsub(/[^a-z0-9]+/, '-').gsub(/^-+|-+$/, '')
-# Returns the name of the first section heading in the comment block for which
-# is_section_doc(src, i) is true
-def get_section_heading(src, i)
- if src[i] =~ /^\/\*\*? \#+ *(.*)/
- heading = $1
- elsif src[i+1] =~ /^ ?\* \#+ *(.*)/
- heading = $1
- end
- return heading.gsub(' -- ', ' – ')
-# Returns true if the line is the start of a generic documentation section. Such
-# section must start with the # symbol, i.e. a markdown heading, on the first or
-# the second line.
-def is_section_doc(src, i)
- return src[i] =~ /^\/\*\*? \#/ ||
- (src[i] =~ /^\/\*/ && src[i+1] =~ /^ ?\* \#/)
-def is_func_line(src, i)
- line = src[i]
- return line =~ /RM_/ &&
- line[0] != ' ' && line[0] != '#' && line[0] != '/' &&
- src[i-1] =~ /\*\//
-puts "# Modules API reference\n\n"
-puts "<!-- This file is generated from module.c using gendoc.rb -->\n\n"
-src = ++ "/../module.c").to_a
-# Build function index
-$index = {}
-src.each_with_index do |line,i|
- if is_func_line(src, i)
- line =~ /RM_([A-z0-9]+)/
- name = "RedisModule_#{$1}"
- $index[name] = true
- end
-# Print TOC
-puts "## Sections\n\n"
-src.each_with_index do |_line,i|
- if is_section_doc(src, i)
- name = get_section_heading(src, i)
- puts "* [#{name}](\##{section_name_to_id(name)})\n"
- end
-puts "* [Function index](#section-function-index)\n\n"
-# Docufy: Print function prototype and markdown docs
-src.each_with_index do |_line,i|
- if is_func_line(src, i)
- docufy(src, i)
- elsif is_section_doc(src, i)
- section_doc(src, i)
- end
-# Print function index
-puts "<span id=\"section-function-index\"></span>\n\n"
-puts "## Function index\n\n"
-$index.keys.sort.each{|x| puts "* [`#{x}`](\##{x})\n"}
-puts "\n"