diff options
5 files changed, 91 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/tests/instances.tcl b/tests/instances.tcl
index 8cb616ae8..793bce80d 100644
--- a/tests/instances.tcl
+++ b/tests/instances.tcl
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ set ::sentinel_base_port 20000
set ::redis_base_port 30000
set ::redis_port_count 1024
set ::host ""
+set ::leaked_fds_file [file normalize "tmp/leaked_fds.txt"]
set ::pids {} ; # We kill everything at exit
set ::dirs {} ; # We remove all the temp dirs at exit
set ::run_matching {} ; # If non empty, only tests matching pattern are run.
@@ -410,13 +411,13 @@ proc check_leaks instance_types {
# Execute all the units inside the 'tests' directory.
proc run_tests {} {
- set sentinel_fd_leaks_file "sentinel_fd_leaks"
- if { [file exists $sentinel_fd_leaks_file] } {
- file delete $sentinel_fd_leaks_file
- }
set tests [lsort [glob ../tests/*]]
foreach test $tests {
+ # Remove leaked_fds file before starting
+ if {$::leaked_fds_file != "" && [file exists $::leaked_fds_file]} {
+ file delete $::leaked_fds_file
+ }
if {$::run_matching ne {} && [string match $::run_matching $test] == 0} {
@@ -424,19 +425,19 @@ proc run_tests {} {
puts [colorstr yellow "Testing unit: [lindex [file split $test] end]"]
source $test
check_leaks {redis sentinel}
+ # Check if a leaked fds file was created and abort the test.
+ if {$::leaked_fds_file != "" && [file exists $::leaked_fds_file]} {
+ puts [colorstr red "ERROR: Sentinel has leaked fds to scripts:"]
+ puts [exec cat $::leaked_fds_file]
+ puts "----"
+ incr ::failed
+ }
# Print a message and exists with 0 / 1 according to zero or more failures.
proc end_tests {} {
- set sentinel_fd_leaks_file "sentinel_fd_leaks"
- if { [file exists $sentinel_fd_leaks_file] } {
- # temporarily disabling this error from failing the tests until leaks are fixed.
- #puts [colorstr red "WARNING: sentinel test(s) failed, there are leaked fds in sentinel:"]
- #puts [exec cat $sentinel_fd_leaks_file]
- #exit 1
- }
if {$::failed == 0 } {
puts "GOOD! No errors."
exit 0
diff --git a/tests/sentinel/run.tcl b/tests/sentinel/run.tcl
index c275aa762..64c99c103 100644
--- a/tests/sentinel/run.tcl
+++ b/tests/sentinel/run.tcl
@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ set ::tlsdir "../../tls"
proc main {} {
+ if {$::leaked_fds_file != ""} {
+ set ::env(LEAKED_FDS_FILE) $::leaked_fds_file
+ }
spawn_instance sentinel $::sentinel_base_port $::instances_count [list "sentinel deny-scripts-reconfig no"] "../tests/includes/sentinel.conf"
spawn_instance redis $::redis_base_port $::instances_count
diff --git a/tests/sentinel/tests/helpers/check_leaked_fds.tcl b/tests/sentinel/tests/helpers/check_leaked_fds.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..cb7b5d3d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/sentinel/tests/helpers/check_leaked_fds.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
+# This script detects file descriptors that have leaked from a parent process.
+# Our goal is to detect file descriptors that were opened by the parent and
+# not cleaned up prior to exec(), but not file descriptors that were inherited
+# from the grandparent which the parent knows nothing about. To do that, we
+# look up every potential leak and try to match it against open files by the
+# grandparent process.
+# Get PID of parent process
+proc get_parent_pid {_pid} {
+ set fd [open "/proc/$_pid/status" "r"]
+ set content [read $fd]
+ close $fd
+ if {[regexp {\nPPid:\s+(\d+)} $content _ ppid]} {
+ return $ppid
+ }
+ error "failed to get parent pid"
+# Linux only
+set os [exec uname]
+if {$os != "Linux"} {
+ puts "Only Linux is supported."
+ exit 0
+if {![info exists env(LEAKED_FDS_FILE)]} {
+ puts "Missing LEAKED_FDS_FILE environment variable."
+ exit 0
+set outfile $::env(LEAKED_FDS_FILE)
+set parent_pid [get_parent_pid [pid]]
+set grandparent_pid [get_parent_pid $parent_pid]
+set leaked_fds {}
+# Look for fds that were directly inherited from our parent but not from
+# our grandparent (tcl)
+foreach fd [glob -tails -directory "/proc/self/fd" *] {
+ # Ignore stdin/stdout/stderr
+ if {$fd == 0 || $fd == 1 || $fd == 2} {
+ continue
+ }
+ # Read symlink to get info about the file descriptor. This can be a real
+ # file name or an arbitrary string that identifies the fd.
+ if { [catch {set fdlink [file readlink "/proc/self/fd/$fd"]} err] } {
+ continue
+ }
+ # See if grandparent process has the same fd and info and skip if it does.
+ if { ! [catch {set gp_fdlink [file readlink "/proc/$grandparent_pid/fd/$fd"]} err] } {
+ if {$gp_fdlink == $fdlink} {
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ lappend leaked_fds [list $fd $fdlink]
+# Produce report only if we found leaks
+if {[llength $leaked_fds] > 0} {
+ set fd [open $outfile "w"]
+ puts $fd [join $leaked_fds "\n"]
+ close $fd
diff --git a/tests/sentinel/tests/includes/init-tests.tcl b/tests/sentinel/tests/includes/init-tests.tcl
index b4626caed..be6a8f502 100644
--- a/tests/sentinel/tests/includes/init-tests.tcl
+++ b/tests/sentinel/tests/includes/init-tests.tcl
@@ -41,8 +41,10 @@ test "(init) Sentinels can start monitoring a master" {
S $id SENTINEL SET mymaster down-after-milliseconds 2000
S $id SENTINEL SET mymaster failover-timeout 20000
S $id SENTINEL SET mymaster parallel-syncs 10
- S $id SENTINEL SET mymaster notification-script ../../tests/includes/
- S $id SENTINEL SET mymaster client-reconfig-script ../../tests/includes/
+ if {$::leaked_fds_file != ""} {
+ S $id SENTINEL SET mymaster notification-script ../../tests/helpers/check_leaked_fds.tcl
+ S $id SENTINEL SET mymaster client-reconfig-script ../../tests/helpers/check_leaked_fds.tcl
+ }
diff --git a/tests/sentinel/tests/includes/ b/tests/sentinel/tests/includes/
deleted file mode 100755
index 5de0eaf76..000000000
--- a/tests/sentinel/tests/includes/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-OS=`uname -s`
-if [ ${OS} != "Linux" ]
- exit 0
-# fd 3 is meant to catch the actual access to /proc/pid/fd,
-# in case there's an fd leak by the sentinel,
-# it can take 3, but then the access to /proc will take another fd, and we'll catch that.
-leaked_fd_count=`ls /proc/self/fd | grep -vE '^[0|1|2|3]$' | wc -l`
-if [ $leaked_fd_count -gt 0 ]
- sentinel_fd_leaks_file="../sentinel_fd_leaks"
- if [ ! -f $sentinel_fd_leaks_file ]
- then
- ls -l /proc/self/fd | cat >> $sentinel_fd_leaks_file
- lsof -p $$ | cat >> $sentinel_fd_leaks_file
- fi