Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Redis Agra2021-07-212-2/+49
* On 32 bit platform, the bit position of GETBIT/SETBIT/BITFIELD/BITCOUNT,BITPO...Huang Zhw2021-07-214-20/+48
* longer timeout in replication test (#8963)Oran Agra2021-07-211-1/+1
* Remove testmodule in src/modules/Makefile. (#9250)Huang Zhw2021-07-211-6/+1
* Fix failing basics moduleapi test on 32bit CI (#9140)Oran Agra2021-07-212-2/+8
* Adjustments to recent RM_StringTruncate fix (#3718) (#9125)Oran Agra2021-07-214-33/+49
* Fix missing separator in module info line (usedby and using lists) (#9241)Huang Zhw2021-07-211-1/+2
* SMOVE only notify dstset when the addition is successful. (#9244)Binbin2021-07-212-1/+23
* Set TCP keepalive on inbound clusterbus connections (#9230)qetu37902021-07-211-0/+1
* Fix compatibility with OpenSSL 1.1.0. (#9233)Yossi Gottlieb2021-07-211-0/+2
* fix valgrind issues with recently added test in modules/blockonbackground (#9...Oran Agra2021-07-211-1/+4
* Fix CLIENT UNBLOCK crashing modules. (#9167)Yossi Gottlieb2021-07-215-3/+119
* redis-cli cluster import command may issue wrong MIGRATE command. (#8945)Huang Zhw2021-07-211-4/+3
* Fix accidental deletion of sinterstore command when we meet wrong type error....Binbin2021-07-212-22/+215
* Change return value type for ZPOPMAX/MIN in RESP3 (#8981)Jason Elbaum2021-07-212-4/+48
* Direct redis-cli repl prints to stderr, because --rdb can print to stdout. ff...Mikhail Fesenko2021-07-212-8/+25
* Fix ziplist length updates on bigendian platforms (#2080)Rob Snyder2021-07-211-1/+1
* Test infra, handle RESP3 attributes and big-numbers and bools (#9235)Oran Agra2021-07-215-34/+115
* hrandfield and zrandmember with count should return emptyarray when key does ...Binbin2021-07-215-4/+47
* Tests: add a way to read raw RESP protocol reponses (#9193)Oran Agra2021-07-212-1/+46
* redis-cli --rdb: fix broken fsync/ftruncate for stdout (#9135)Mikhail Fesenko2021-07-211-3/+5
* fix ZRANGESTORE - should return 0 when src points to an empty key (#9089)Leibale Eidelman2021-07-212-1/+19
* Include sizeof(struct stream) in objectComputeSize (#9164)guybe72021-07-211-1/+1
* ZRANDMEMBER WITHSCORES with negative COUNT may return bad score (#9162)Binbin2021-07-212-14/+33
* modules: Add newlen == 0 handling to RM_StringTruncate (#3717) (#3718)Evan2021-07-216-16/+110
* Fix coredump after Client Unpause command when threaded I/O is enabled (#9041)yvette9032021-07-211-1/+2
* Module API for current command name (#8792)guybe72021-07-212-0/+11
* Fix XTRIM or XADD with LIMIT may delete more entries than Count. (#9048)Huang Zhw2021-07-212-4/+23
* XTRIM call streamParseAddOrTrimArgsOrReply use wrong arg xadd. (#9047)Huang Zhw2021-07-211-1/+1
* stabilize tests that involved with load handlers (#8967)YaacovHazan2021-07-2110-53/+37
* Fail EXEC command in case a watched key is expired (#9194)perryitay2021-07-214-3/+46
* Do not install a file event to send data to rewrite child when parent stop se...Huang Zhw2021-07-211-1/+3
* Avoid exiting to allow diskless loading to recover from RDB short read on mod...Omer Shadmi2021-07-211-3/+5
* Fix race in client side tracking (#9116)Oran Agra2021-07-212-1/+17
* redis-cli: support for REDIS_REPLY_SET in CSV and RAW output. (#7338)Maxim Galushka2021-07-211-0/+2
* Fix 6.2.4 release month to June (#9027)M Sazzadul Hoque2021-06-011-1/+1
* Redis Agra2021-06-012-2/+27
* Fix integer overflow in STRALGO LCS (CVE-2021-32625) (#9011)Oran Agra2021-06-011-1/+17
* unregister AE_READABLE from the read pipe in backgroundSaveDoneHandlerSocket ...YaacovHazan2021-06-012-0/+40
* fix sentinel test failure (#8983)Wen Hui2021-06-011-2/+2
* [SENTINEL] reset sentinel-user/pass to NULL when user config with empty strin...Wen Hui2021-06-011-2/+4
* Hide migrate command from slowlog if they include auth (#8859)Madelyn Olson2021-06-0112-53/+122
* sinterstore: add missing keyspace del event when any source set not exists. (...patpatbear2021-06-011-0/+1
* Fix crash unlinking a stream with groups rax and no groups (#8932)Oran Agra2021-06-011-1/+1
* fix redis-benchmark to ignore unsupported configs (#8916)Oran Agra2021-06-011-3/+4
* Fix wrong COW memory in log (#8917)Wang Yuan2021-06-011-1/+1
* Enforce client output buffer soft limit when no traffic. (#8833)yoav-steinberg2021-06-014-64/+87
* Redis Agra2021-05-032-2/+36
* Resolve nonsense static analysis warningsOran Agra2021-05-037-15/+15
* Fix integer overflow in STRALGO LCS (CVE-2021-29477)Oran Agra2021-05-031-1/+1