path: root/src/util.h
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Reclaim page cache of RDB file (#11248)Tian2023-02-121-0/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | # Background The RDB file is usually generated and used once and seldom used again, but the content would reside in page cache until OS evicts it. A potential problem is that once the free memory exhausts, the OS have to reclaim some memory from page cache or swap anonymous page out, which may result in a jitters to the Redis service. Supposing an exact scenario, a high-capacity machine hosts many redis instances, and we're upgrading the Redis together. The page cache in host machine increases as RDBs are generated. Once the free memory drop into low watermark(which is more likely to happen in older Linux kernel like 3.10, before [watermark_scale_factor]( is introduced, the `low watermark` is linear to `min watermark`, and there'is not too much buffer space for `kswapd` to be wake up to reclaim memory), a `direct reclaim` happens, which means the process would stall to wait for memory allocation. # What the PR does The PR introduces a capability to reclaim the cache when the RDB is operated. Generally there're two cases, read and write the RDB. For read it's a little messy to address the incremental reclaim, so the reclaim is done in one go in background after the load is finished to avoid blocking the work thread. For write, incremental reclaim amortizes the work of reclaim so no need to put it into background, and the peak watermark of cache can be reduced in this way. Two cases are addresses specially, replication and restart, for both of which the cache is leveraged to speed up the processing, so the reclaim is postponed to a right time. To do this, a flag is added to`rdbSave` and `rdbLoad` to control whether the cache need to be kept, with the default value false. # Something deserve noting 1. Though `posix_fadvise` is the POSIX standard, but only few platform support it, e.g. Linux, FreeBSD 10.0. 2. In Linux `posix_fadvise` only take effect on writeback-ed pages, so a `sync`(or `fsync`, `fdatasync`) is needed to flush the dirty page before `posix_fadvise` if we reclaim write cache. # About test A unit test is added to verify the effect of `posix_fadvise`. In integration test overall cache increase is checked, as well as the cache backed by RDB as a specific TCL test is executed in isolated Github action job.
* Speedup GEODIST with fixedpoint_d2string as an optimized version of snprintf ↵filipe oliveira2022-12-041-0/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | %.4f (#11552) GEODIST used snprintf("%.4f") for the reply using addReplyDoubleDistance, which was slow. This PR optimizes it without breaking compatibility by following the approach of ll2string with some changes to match the use case of distance and precision. I.e. we multiply it by 10000 format it as an integer, and then add a decimal point. This can achieve about 35% increase in the achievable ops/sec. Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <>
* optimizing d2string() and addReplyDouble() with grisu2: double to string ↵filipe oliveira2022-10-151-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | conversion based on Florian Loitsch's Grisu-algorithm (#10587) All commands / use cases that heavily rely on double to a string representation conversion, (e.g. meaning take a double-precision floating-point number like 1.5 and return a string like "1.5" ), could benefit from a performance boost by swapping snprintf(buf,len,"%.17g",value) by the equivalent [fpconv_dtoa]( or any other algorithm that ensures 100% coverage of conversion. This is a well-studied topic and Projects like MongoDB. RedPanda, PyTorch leverage libraries ( fmtlib ) that use the optimized double to string conversion underneath. The positive impact can be substantial. This PR uses the grisu2 approach ( grisu explained on section 5 ). test suite changes: Despite being compatible, in some cases it produces a different result from printf, and some tests had to be adjusted. one case is that `%.17g` (which means %e or %f which ever is shorter), chose to use `5000000000` instead of 5e+9, which sounds like a bug? In other cases, we changed TCL to compare numbers instead of strings to ignore minor rounding issues (`expr 0.8 == 0.79999999999999999`)
* Avoid using unsafe C functions (#10932)ranshid2022-07-181-0/+3
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | replace use of: sprintf --> snprintf strcpy/strncpy --> redis_strlcpy strcat/strncat --> redis_strlcat **why are we making this change?** Much of the code uses some unsafe variants or deprecated buffer handling functions. While most cases are probably not presenting any issue on the known path programming errors and unterminated strings might lead to potential buffer overflows which are not covered by tests. **As part of this PR we change** 1. added implementation for redis_strlcpy and redis_strlcat based on the strl implementation: 2. change all occurrences of use of sprintf with use of snprintf 3. change occurrences of use of strcpy/strncpy with redis_strlcpy 4. change occurrences of use of strcat/strncat with redis_strlcat 5. change the behavior of ll2string/ull2string/ld2string so that it will always place null termination ('\0') on the output buffer in the first index. this was done in order to make the use of these functions more safe in cases were the user will not check the output returned by them (for example in rdbRemoveTempFile) 6. we added a compiler directive to issue a deprecation error in case a use of sprintf/strcpy/strcat is found during compilation which will result in error during compile time. However keep in mind that since the deprecation attribute is not supported on all compilers, this is expected to fail during push workflows. **NOTE:** while this is only an initial milestone. We might also consider using the *_s implementation provided by the C11 Extensions (however not yet widly supported). I would also suggest to start looking at static code analyzers to track unsafe use cases. For example LLVM clang checker supports security.insecureAPI.DeprecatedOrUnsafeBufferHandling which can help locate unsafe function usage. The main reason not to onboard it at this stage is that the alternative excepted by clang is to use the C11 extensions which are not always supported by stdlib.
* Fsync directory while persisting AOF manifest, RDB file, and config file ↵Tian2022-06-201-0/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (#10737) The current process to persist files is `write` the data, `fsync` and `rename` the file, but a underlying problem is that the rename may be lost when a sudden crash like power outage and the directory hasn't been persisted. The article [Ensuring data reaches disk]( mentions a safe way to update file should be: 1. create a new temp file (on the same file system!) 2. write data to the temp file 3. fsync() the temp file 4. rename the temp file to the appropriate name 5. fsync() the containing directory This commit handles CONFIG REWRITE, AOF manifest, and RDB file (both for persistence, and the one the replica gets from the master). It doesn't handle (yet), ACL SAVE and Cluster configs, since these don't yet follow this pattern.
* Optimize integer zset scores in listpack (converting to string and back) ↵Oran Agra2022-04-171-0/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (#10486) When the score doesn't have fractional part, and can be stored as an integer, we use the integer capabilities of listpack to store it, rather than convert it to string. This already existed before this PR (lpInsert dose that conversion implicitly). But to do that, we would have first converted the score from double to string (calling `d2string`), then pass the string to `lpAppend` which identified it as being an integer and convert it back to an int. Now, instead of converting it to a string, we store it using lpAppendInteger`. Unrelated: --- * Fix the double2ll range check (negative and positive ranges, and also the comparison operands were slightly off. but also, the range could be made much larger, see comment). * Unify the double to string conversion code in rdb.c with the one in util.c * Small optimization in lpStringToInt64, don't attempt to convert strings that are obviously too long. Benchmark; --- Up to 20% improvement in certain tight loops doing zzlInsert with large integers. (if listpack is pre-allocated to avoid realloc, and insertion is sorted from largest to smaller)
* Module Configurations (#10285)Nick Chun2022-03-301-0/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This feature adds the ability to add four different types (Bool, Numeric, String, Enum) of configurations to a module to be accessed via the redis config file, and the CONFIG command. **Configuration Names**: We impose a restriction that a module configuration always starts with the module name and contains a '.' followed by the config name. If a module passes "config1" as the name to a register function, it will be registered as MODULENAME.config1. **Configuration Persistence**: Module Configurations exist only as long as a module is loaded. If a module is unloaded, the configurations are removed. There is now also a minimal core API for removal of standardConfig objects from configs by name. **Get and Set Callbacks**: Storage of config values is owned by the module that registers them, and provides callbacks for Redis to access and manipulate the values. This is exposed through a GET and SET callback. The get callback returns a typed value of the config to redis. The callback takes the name of the configuration, and also a privdata pointer. Note that these only take the CONFIGNAME portion of the config, not the entire MODULENAME.CONFIGNAME. ``` typedef RedisModuleString * (*RedisModuleConfigGetStringFunc)(const char *name, void *privdata); typedef long long (*RedisModuleConfigGetNumericFunc)(const char *name, void *privdata); typedef int (*RedisModuleConfigGetBoolFunc)(const char *name, void *privdata); typedef int (*RedisModuleConfigGetEnumFunc)(const char *name, void *privdata); ``` Configs must also must specify a set callback, i.e. what to do on a CONFIG SET XYZ 123 or when loading configurations from cli/.conf file matching these typedefs. *name* is again just the CONFIGNAME portion, *val* is the parsed value from the core, *privdata* is the registration time privdata pointer, and *err* is for providing errors to a client. ``` typedef int (*RedisModuleConfigSetStringFunc)(const char *name, RedisModuleString *val, void *privdata, RedisModuleString **err); typedef int (*RedisModuleConfigSetNumericFunc)(const char *name, long long val, void *privdata, RedisModuleString **err); typedef int (*RedisModuleConfigSetBoolFunc)(const char *name, int val, void *privdata, RedisModuleString **err); typedef int (*RedisModuleConfigSetEnumFunc)(const char *name, int val, void *privdata, RedisModuleString **err); ``` Modules can also specify an optional apply callback that will be called after value(s) have been set via CONFIG SET: ``` typedef int (*RedisModuleConfigApplyFunc)(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, void *privdata, RedisModuleString **err); ``` **Flags:** We expose 7 new flags to the module, which are used as part of the config registration. ``` #define REDISMODULE_CONFIG_MODIFIABLE 0 /* This is the default for a module config. */ #define REDISMODULE_CONFIG_IMMUTABLE (1ULL<<0) /* Can this value only be set at startup? */ #define REDISMODULE_CONFIG_SENSITIVE (1ULL<<1) /* Does this value contain sensitive information */ #define REDISMODULE_CONFIG_HIDDEN (1ULL<<4) /* This config is hidden in `config get <pattern>` (used for tests/debugging) */ #define REDISMODULE_CONFIG_PROTECTED (1ULL<<5) /* Becomes immutable if enable-protected-configs is enabled. */ #define REDISMODULE_CONFIG_DENY_LOADING (1ULL<<6) /* This config is forbidden during loading. */ /* Numeric Specific Configs */ #define REDISMODULE_CONFIG_MEMORY (1ULL<<7) /* Indicates if this value can be set as a memory value */ ``` **Module Registration APIs**: ``` int (*RedisModule_RegisterBoolConfig)(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, char *name, int default_val, unsigned int flags, RedisModuleConfigGetBoolFunc getfn, RedisModuleConfigSetBoolFunc setfn, RedisModuleConfigApplyFunc applyfn, void *privdata); int (*RedisModule_RegisterNumericConfig)(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, const char *name, long long default_val, unsigned int flags, long long min, long long max, RedisModuleConfigGetNumericFunc getfn, RedisModuleConfigSetNumericFunc setfn, RedisModuleConfigApplyFunc applyfn, void *privdata); int (*RedisModule_RegisterStringConfig)(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, const char *name, const char *default_val, unsigned int flags, RedisModuleConfigGetStringFunc getfn, RedisModuleConfigSetStringFunc setfn, RedisModuleConfigApplyFunc applyfn, void *privdata); int (*RedisModule_RegisterEnumConfig)(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, const char *name, int default_val, unsigned int flags, const char **enum_values, const int *int_values, int num_enum_vals, RedisModuleConfigGetEnumFunc getfn, RedisModuleConfigSetEnumFunc setfn, RedisModuleConfigApplyFunc applyfn, void *privdata); int (*RedisModule_LoadConfigs)(RedisModuleCtx *ctx); ``` The module name will be auto appended along with a "." to the front of the name of the config. **What RM_Register[...]Config does**: A RedisModule struct now keeps a list of ModuleConfig objects which look like: ``` typedef struct ModuleConfig { sds name; /* Name of config without the module name appended to the front */ void *privdata; /* Optional data passed into the module config callbacks */ union get_fn { /* The get callback specificed by the module */ RedisModuleConfigGetStringFunc get_string; RedisModuleConfigGetNumericFunc get_numeric; RedisModuleConfigGetBoolFunc get_bool; RedisModuleConfigGetEnumFunc get_enum; } get_fn; union set_fn { /* The set callback specified by the module */ RedisModuleConfigSetStringFunc set_string; RedisModuleConfigSetNumericFunc set_numeric; RedisModuleConfigSetBoolFunc set_bool; RedisModuleConfigSetEnumFunc set_enum; } set_fn; RedisModuleConfigApplyFunc apply_fn; RedisModule *module; } ModuleConfig; ``` It also registers a standardConfig in the configs array, with a pointer to the ModuleConfig object associated with it. **What happens on a CONFIG GET/SET MODULENAME.MODULECONFIG:** For CONFIG SET, we do the same parsing as is done in config.c and pass that as the argument to the module set callback. For CONFIG GET, we call the module get callback and return that value to config.c to return to a client. **CONFIG REWRITE**: Starting up a server with module configurations in a .conf file but no module load directive will fail. The flip side is also true, specifying a module load and a bunch of module configurations will load those configurations in using the module defined set callbacks on a RM_LoadConfigs call. Configs being rewritten works the same way as it does for standard configs, as the module has the ability to specify a default value. If a module is unloaded with configurations specified in the .conf file those configurations will be commented out from the .conf file on the next config rewrite. **RM_LoadConfigs:** `RedisModule_LoadConfigs(RedisModuleCtx *ctx);` This last API is used to make configs available within the onLoad() after they have been registered. The expected usage is that a module will register all of its configs, then call LoadConfigs to trigger all of the set callbacks, and then can error out if any of them were malformed. LoadConfigs will attempt to set all configs registered to either a .conf file argument/loadex argument or their default value if an argument is not specified. **LoadConfigs is a required function if configs are registered. ** Also note that LoadConfigs **does not** call the apply callbacks, but a module can do that directly after the LoadConfigs call. **New Command: MODULE LOADEX [CONFIG NAME VALUE] [ARGS ...]:** This command provides the ability to provide startup context information to a module. LOADEX stands for "load extended" similar to GETEX. Note that provided config names need the full MODULENAME.MODULECONFIG name. Any additional arguments a module might want are intended to be specified after ARGS. Everything after ARGS is passed to onLoad as RedisModuleString **argv. Co-authored-by: Madelyn Olson <> Co-authored-by: Madelyn Olson <> Co-authored-by: sundb <> Co-authored-by: Madelyn Olson <> Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <> Co-authored-by: Yossi Gottlieb <>
* introduce MAX_D2STRING_CHARS instead of 128 const (#10487)Oran Agra2022-03-281-1/+10
| | | | | | | | | There are a few places that use a hard coded const of 128 to allocate a buffer for d2string. Replace these with a clear macro. Note that In theory, converting double into string could take as much as nearly 400 chars, but since d2string uses `%g` and not `%f`, it won't pass some 40 chars. unrelated: restore some changes to auto generated commands.c that got accidentally reverted in #10293
* improve string2ll() to avoid extra conversion for long integer string. (#10408)DarrenJiang132022-03-141-0/+3
| | | | | | | For an integer string like "123456789012345678901" which could cause overflow-failure in string2ll() conversion, we could compare its length at the beginning to avoid extra work. * move LONG_STR_SIZE to be in declared in util.h, next to MAX_LONG_DOUBLE_CHARS
* Fix additional AOF filename issues. (#10110)Yossi Gottlieb2022-01-181-1/+0
| | | | | | | | This extends the previous fix (#10049) to address any form of non-printable or whitespace character (including newlines, quotes, non-printables, etc.) Also, removes the limitation on appenddirname, to align with the way filenames are handled elsewhere in Redis.
* Support whitespace characters in appendfilename, and ban them in ↵chenyang80942022-01-101-0/+1
| | | | | | appenddirname (#10049) 1. Ban whitespace characters in `appenddirname` 2. Handle the case where `appendfilename` contains spaces (for backwards compatibility)
* Changed latency histogram output to omit trailing 0s and periods (#10075)Madelyn Olson2022-01-091-0/+1
| | | Changed latency percentile output to omit trailing 0s and periods
* Implement Multi Part AOF mechanism to avoid AOFRW overheads. (#9788)chenyang80942022-01-031-0/+5
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Implement Multi-Part AOF mechanism to avoid overheads during AOFRW. Introducing a folder with multiple AOF files tracked by a manifest file. The main issues with the the original AOFRW mechanism are: * buffering of commands that are processed during rewrite (consuming a lot of RAM) * freezes of the main process when the AOFRW completes to drain the remaining part of the buffer and fsync it. * double disk IO for the data that arrives during AOFRW (had to be written to both the old and new AOF files) The main modifications of this PR: 1. Remove the AOF rewrite buffer and related code. 2. Divide the AOF into multiple files, they are classified as two types, one is the the `BASE` type, it represents the full amount of data (Maybe AOF or RDB format) after each AOFRW, there is only one `BASE` file at most. The second is `INCR` type, may have more than one. They represent the incremental commands since the last AOFRW. 3. Use a AOF manifest file to record and manage these AOF files mentioned above. 4. The original configuration of `appendfilename` will be the base part of the new file name, for example: `appendonly.aof.1.base.rdb` and `appendonly.aof.2.incr.aof` 5. Add manifest-related TCL tests, and modified some existing tests that depend on the `appendfilename` 6. Remove the `aof_rewrite_buffer_length` field in info. 7. Add `aof-disable-auto-gc` configuration. By default we're automatically deleting HISTORY type AOFs. It also gives users the opportunity to preserve the history AOFs. just for testing use now. 8. Add AOFRW limiting measure. When the AOFRW failures reaches the threshold (3 times now), we will delay the execution of the next AOFRW by 1 minute. If the next AOFRW also fails, it will be delayed by 2 minutes. The next is 4, 8, 16, the maximum delay is 60 minutes (1 hour). During the limit period, we can still use the 'bgrewriteaof' command to execute AOFRW immediately. 9. Support upgrade (load) data from old version redis. 10. Add `appenddirname` configuration, as the directory name of the append only files. All AOF files and manifest file will be placed in this directory. 11. Only the last AOF file (BASE or INCR) can be truncated. Otherwise redis will exit even if `aof-load-truncated` is enabled. Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <>
* Add --large-memory flag for REDIS_TEST to enable tests that consume more ↵sundb2021-11-161-1/+1
| | | | | than 100mb (#9784) This is a preparation step in order to add a new test in quicklist.c see #9776
* config memory limits: handle values larger than (signed) LLONG_MAX (#9313)Wen Hui2021-08-231-1/+2
| | | | | | | This aims to solve the issue in CONFIG SET maxmemory can only set maxmemory to up to 9223372036854775807 (2^63) while the maxmemory should be ULLONG. Added a memtoull function to convert a string representing an amount of memory into the number of bytes (similar to memtoll but for ull). Also added ull2string to convert a ULLong to string (Similar to ll2string).
* Fixed some typos, add a spell check ci and others minor fix (#8890)Binbin2021-06-101-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This PR adds a spell checker CI action that will fail future PRs if they introduce typos and spelling mistakes. This spell checker is based on blacklist of common spelling mistakes, so it will not catch everything, but at least it is also unlikely to cause false positives. Besides that, the PR also fixes many spelling mistakes and types, not all are a result of the spell checker we use. Here's a summary of other changes: 1. Scanned the entire source code and fixes all sorts of typos and spelling mistakes (including missing or extra spaces). 2. Outdated function / variable / argument names in comments 3. Fix outdated keyspace masks error log when we check `config.notify-keyspace-events` in loadServerConfigFromString. 4. Trim the white space at the end of line in `module.c`. Check: 5. Some outdated https link URLs. 6. Fix some outdated comment. Such as: - In README: about the rdb, we used to said create a `thread`, change to `process` - dbRandomKey function coment (about the dictGetRandomKey, change to dictGetFairRandomKey) - notifyKeyspaceEvent fucntion comment (add type arg) - Some others minor fix in comment (Most of them are incorrectly quoted by variable names) 7. Modified the error log so that users can easily distinguish between TCP and TLS in `changeBindAddr`
* Add run all test support with define REDIS_TEST (#8570)sundb2021-03-101-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | 1. Add `redis-server test all` support to run all tests. 2. Add redis test to daily ci. 3. Add `--accurate` option to run slow tests for more iterations (so that by default we run less cycles (shorter time, and less prints). 4. Move dict benchmark to REDIS_TEST. 5. fix some leaks in tests 6. make quicklist tests run on a specific fill set of options rather than huge ranges 7. move some prints in quicklist test outside their loops to reduce prints 8. removing sds.h from dict.c since it is now used in both redis-server and redis-cli (uses hiredis sds)
* Escape unsafe field name characters in INFO. (#8492)Yossi Gottlieb2021-02-151-0/+2
| | | | Fixes #8489
* Update getTimeZone to long (#8346)Raghav Muddur2021-01-181-1/+1
* Merge branch 'unstable' into rm_get_server_infoSalvatore Sanfilippo2019-11-211-1/+8
| * Module API for loading and saving long doubleOran Agra2019-11-031-1/+8
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | looks like each platform implements long double differently (different bit count) so we can't save them as binary, and we also want to avoid creating a new RDB format version, so we save these are hex strings using "%La". This commit includes a change in the arguments of ld2string to support this. as well as tests for coverage and short reads. coded by @guybe7
* | Add RM_ServerInfoGetFieldUnsignedOran Agra2019-11-041-0/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | rename RM_ServerInfoGetFieldNumerical RM_ServerInfoGetFieldSigned move string2ull to util.c fix leak in RM_GetServerInfo when duplicate info fields exist
* | Add module api for looking into INFO fieldsOran Agra2019-11-031-0/+1
|/ | | | | | | | | | | | | - Add RM_GetServerInfo and friends - Add auto memory for new opaque struct - Add tests for new APIs other minor fixes: - add const in various char pointers - requested_section in modulesCollectInfo was actually not sds but char* - extract new string2d out of getDoubleFromObject for code reuse Add module API for
* stringmatchlen() fuzz test added.antirez2018-12-111-0/+1
| | | | | Verified to be able to trigger at least #5632. Does not report other issues.
* Fix non Linux build.David Carlier2018-10-261-0/+1
| | | | | timezone global is a linux-ism whereas it is a function under BSD. Here a helper to get the timezone value in a more portable manner.
* enlarged buffer given to ld2stringGuy Benoish2017-01-111-0/+5
* Fix HINCRBYFLOAT to work with long doubles.antirez2015-11-041-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | During the refactoring needed for lazy free, specifically the conversion of t_hash from struct robj to plain SDS strings, HINCRBFLOAT was accidentally moved away from long doubles to doubles for internal processing of increments and formatting. The diminished precision created more obvious artifacts in the way small numbers are formatted once we convert from decimal number in radix 10 to double and back to its string in radix 10. By using more precision, we now have less surprising results at least with small numbers like "1.23", exactly like in the previous versions of Redis. See issue #2846.
* Lazyfree: Hash converted to use plain SDS WIP 2.antirez2015-10-011-0/+1
* Lazyfree: Hash converted to use plain SDS WIP 1.antirez2015-10-011-0/+1
* Utils: Include stdint.h and fix signess in sdigits10().antirez2015-02-271-0/+1
* Utils: added function to get radix 10 string length of signed integer.antirez2015-02-271-0/+2
* Allow all code tests to run using Redis argsMatt Stancliff2014-12-231-0/+4
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Previously, many files had individual main() functions for testing, but each required being compiled with their own testing flags. That gets difficult when you have 8 different flags you need to set just to run all tests (plus, some test files required other files to be compiled aaginst them, and it seems some didn't build at all without including the rest of Redis). Now all individual test main() funcions are renamed to a test function for the file itself and one global REDIS_TEST define enables testing across the entire codebase. Tests can now be run with: - `./redis-server test <test>` e.g. ./redis-server test ziplist If REDIS_TEST is not defined, then no tests get included and no tests are included in the final redis-server binary.
* pathIsBaseName() added to utils.cantirez2013-07-021-0/+1
| | | | | The function is used to test that the specified string looks like just as the basename of a path, without any absolute or relative path.
* getAbsolutePath() moved into utils.cantirez2013-07-021-0/+3
* BSD license added to every C source and header file.antirez2012-11-081-0/+29
* string2* functions take a const pointerPieter Noordhuis2012-01-021-2/+2
* Tests for string2ll; move isObject* to object.cPieter Noordhuis2011-05-051-0/+12