path: root/packaging/release-rsync
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'packaging/release-rsync')
1 files changed, 13 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/packaging/release-rsync b/packaging/release-rsync
index 5ceda93e..35295a71 100755
--- a/packaging/release-rsync
+++ b/packaging/release-rsync
@@ -161,8 +161,6 @@ foreach my $fn (@tweak_files) {
close OUT;
-system 'make gen';
print $break;
system "git diff --color | less -p '^diff .*'";
@@ -193,15 +191,6 @@ EOT
print "<Press Enter to continue> ";
$_ = <STDIN>;
-@_ = @extra_files;
-map { s#^#rsync-$lastversion/# } @_;
-$_[0] =~ s/configure\.sh/configure/; # XXX remove soon
-system "tar xzf $lasttar_file @_";
-rename("rsync-$lastversion", 'a');
-rename("a/configure", "a/"); # XXX remove soon
-system "rsync -a @extra_files rsync-$version/";
system "git commit -a -m 'Preparing for release of $version'" and exit 1;
system "git tag -s -m 'Version $version.' v$version" and exit 1;
@@ -245,21 +234,26 @@ if ($diffdir ne $dest) {
chdir($curdir) or die $!;
-print "Creating $srctar_file ...\n";
-(my $srctar_tmp = $srctar_file) =~ s/\.gz$//;
-system "git archive --format=tar --prefix=rsync-$version/ v$version >$srctar_tmp";
-system "fakeroot tar rf $srctar_tmp rsync-$version/*; gzip -9 $srctar_tmp";
print "Creating $diff_file ...\n";
-rename("rsync-$version", 'b');
+@_ = @extra_files;
+map { s#^#rsync-$lastversion/# } @_;
+system "tar xzf $lasttar_file @_";
+rename("rsync-$lastversion", 'a');
+system "make gen; rsync -a @extra_files b/";
my $sed_script = 's:^((---|\+\+\+) [ab]/[^\t]+)\t.*:\1:';
system "(git diff v$lastversion v$version; diff -up a b | sed -r '$sed_script') | gzip -9 >$diff_file";
-system "rm -rf a b";
+system "rm -rf a";
+rename('b', "rsync-$version");
+print "Creating $srctar_file ...\n";
+system "git archive --format=tar --prefix=rsync-$version/ v$version | tar xf -";
+system "support/git-set-file-times --prefix=rsync-$version/";
+system "fakeroot tar czf $srctar_file rsync-$version; rm -rf rsync-$version";
system "support/patch-update --gen";
symlink('.', "rsync-$version");
-system "tar czf $pattar_file rsync-$version/patches";
+system "fakeroot tar czf $pattar_file rsync-$version/patches";
print "Updating the other files in $dest ...\n";