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authorJohn Keiser <>2015-05-12 11:53:16 -0700
committerJohn Keiser <>2015-05-12 11:53:16 -0700
commitd9270917fdc8da99bc518dad1003fdbfbbbe63f4 (patch)
parent68feeac7473923b6a7e5b8aac3bb614dcbca2dca (diff)
Total spitball of what a resource-centric lookup could bejk/node_map_power_to_the_resource
1 files changed, 534 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/chef/mixin/provided.rb b/lib/chef/mixin/provided.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5721cb2be1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/chef/mixin/provided.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
+class Chef
+ def providers
+ ProviderPriorityMap.instance
+ end
+ def resources
+ ResourcePriorityMap.instance
+ end
+ def set_resource_priority_array(name, resources, **filters, &block)
+ resources.set_priority_array(name, resources, **filters, &block)
+ end
+ def get_resource_priority_array(name)
+ resources.get_priority_array(name)
+ end
+ def set_provider_priority_array(name, providers, **filters, &block)
+ resources.set_priority_array(name, providers, **filters, &block)
+ end
+ def get_resource_priority_array(name)
+ resources.get_priority_array(name)
+ end
+ class NodeEntry
+ #
+ # Say whether this Entry supports the given instance or arguments.
+ #
+ # In general, if not enough information is supplied to make a determination,
+ # this methods should return `true`.
+ #
+ # @param args The arguments that will be passed to handle().
+ # @param block The block that will be passed to handle().
+ #
+ # @return `false` if the handler does not support the arguments given;
+ # `true` otherwise.
+ #
+ def handles?(*args, &block)
+ true
+ end
+ include Comparable
+ #
+ # The comparison operator for a handler says whether one handler is
+ # *preferred* over another handler. This allows handlers to remain sorted.
+ #
+ # @param other The other Entry.
+ #
+ # @return [Integer, nil] - 1 if this handler is preferred over the other handler
+ # - 0 if neither is preferred over the other
+ # - -1 if the other handler is preferred over this one
+ # - nil if preference cannot be determined.
+ # - if not implemented, always returns nil.
+ #
+ def <=>(other)
+ nil
+ end
+ #
+ # NodeEntries can be added to a NodeMap. They interact with the NodeMap by
+ # being sortable, and by telling the parent whether they are supported on
+ # the given node by returning true or false to matches_node?
+ #
+ # A NodeEntry can match on OS, platform, and other node information.
+ #
+ class NodeEntry
+ #
+ # Create a new NodeEntry.
+ #
+ # @param platform [BlackWhiteList, Array[String], String] The platform or list of
+ # platforms on which this handler runs.
+ # @param platform_version [BlackWhiteList, Array[String], String] The platform version or
+ # list of platform versions on which this handler runs.
+ # @param platform_family [BlackWhiteList, Array[String], String] The platform family or
+ # list of platform families on which this handler runs.
+ # @param os [BlackWhiteList, Array[String], String] The os or list of os's on which this
+ # handler runs.
+ # @param node_block [Proc] A custom filter that will be passed `instance.node`
+ # and returns `true` if this handler runs on the given platform.
+ #
+ def initialize(platform: nil, platform_version: nil, platform_family: nil, os: nil, node_block: nil)
+ @node_filters ||= {}
+ @node_filters[:platform_version] = black_white_list(platform_version) { |v| }
+ @node_filters[:platform] = black_white_list(platform)
+ @node_filters[:platform_family] = black_white_list(platform_family)
+ @node_filters[:os] = black_white_list(os)
+ @node_filters.delete_if { |k, v| v.nil? }
+ @node_block = node_block
+ end
+ #
+ # Filters that will be run against the node.
+ #
+ # @return [Hash[Symbol, BlackWhiteList]] The list of filters
+ #
+ attr_reader :node_filters
+ #
+ # A block which will be passed `instance.node`, and returns `true` if this
+ # handler will run against the given node.
+ #
+ # @return [Proc, nil] The block, or `nil` if not specified.
+ #
+ attr_reader :node_block
+ #
+ # Order NodeEntries in order of specificity.
+ #
+ # Entries that specify a "platform", for example, are always preferred
+ # over handlers that specify an "os". The order:
+ #
+ # 1. platform_version
+ # 2. platform
+ # 3. platform_family
+ # 4. os
+ # 5. node_block
+ #
+ # @param other The other NodeEntry.
+ #
+ # @return [Integer, nil] - 1 if this handler is preferred over the other handler
+ # - 0 if neither is preferred over the other
+ # - -1 if the other handler is preferred over this one
+ # - nil if preference cannot be determined.
+ # - if not implemented, always returns nil.
+ #
+ def <=>(other)
+ return nil if !other.is_a?(NodeEntry)
+ # Things with more specific filters are preferred over things with less
+ # specific filters.
+ node_filters[:platform_version].nil? <=> other.node_filters[:platform_version].nil? ||
+ node_filters[:platform].nil? <=> other.node_filters[:platform].nil? ||
+ node_filters[:platform_family].nil? <=> other.node_filters[:platform_family].nil? ||
+ node_filters[:os].nil? <=> other.node_filters[:os].nil? ||
+ node_block.nil? <=> other.node_block.nil?
+ end
+ #
+ # Determines if this handler can handle the given node, by checking
+ # node[:os], node[:platform_family], node[:platform] and node[:platform_version]
+ # against the relevant node filters, and by calling node_block if it is there.
+ #
+ # @param node The node to match against.
+ #
+ def matches_node?(node)
+ node_filters.all? { |key, filter| filter === node[key] } &&
+ node_block === node
+ end
+ alias :=== :matches_node?
+ protected
+ def black_white_list(filter, &block)
+ case filter
+ when nil, BlackWhiteList
+ filter
+ else
+ WhiteBlacklist.parse(filter, &block)
+ end
+ end
+ def node_block_matches?(node)
+ node
+ end
+ end
+ class WhiteBlacklist
+ def self.parse(*values, &block)
+ # Extract the blacklist (strings starting with !) from the input
+ blacklist, whitelist = values.partition { |v| v.is_a?(String) && v.start_with?('!') }
+ blacklist = { |v| v[1..-1] }
+ return nil if whitelist.empty? && blacklist.empty?
+!(&block) if block
+!(&block) if block
+, blacklist)
+ end
+ def initialize(whitelist, blacklist)
+ @whitelist = whitelist || []
+ @blacklist = blacklist || []
+ end
+ attr_reader :whitelist
+ attr_reader :blacklist
+ def ===(value)
+ # If any blacklist value matches, we don't match
+ return false if blacklist.any? { |v| v === value }
+ # If the whitelist is empty, or anything matches, we match.
+ whitelist.empty? || whitelist.any? { |v| v == :all || v === value }
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # Entry that runs an action.
+ #
+ # ```ruby
+ # file_handler.resolve(file_resource, :create)
+ # # => Chef::Provider::File
+ # ```
+ #
+ class ProviderEntry < NodeEntry
+ #
+ # Create a new ProviderEntry.
+ #
+ # @param provider_class [Class] The provider class on which new(resource,
+ # action).run_action will be called.
+ # @param resource_class [BlackWhiteList, Array[Class, String], Class, String] The resource
+ # resource classes this provider can run against. If specified as
+ # strings, the classes will be looked up in the global namespace.
+ # @param action [BlackWhiteList, Array[String], String] The action or
+ # actions this handler can run.
+ # @param node_filters The filters to pass to NodeMatchEntry
+ #
+ def initialize(provider_class, resource_class: nil, action: nil, **node_filters)
+ super(**node_filters)
+ @resource_class = resource_class
+ @action = black_white_list(action) { |action| action.to_sym}
+ end
+ #
+ # The provider class that will be instantiated to run the action.
+ #
+ # @return [Class] The provider class.
+ #
+ attr_reader :provider_class
+ #
+ # The classes of resource against which this handler will run.
+ #
+ # @return [BlackWhiteList[Class], nil] The list of classes, or `nil` if not specified.
+ #
+ attr_reader :resource_class
+ #
+ # The actions this handler can run.
+ #
+ # @return [BlackWhiteList[String], nil] The list of actions, or `nil` if not specified.
+ #
+ attr_reader :action
+ #
+ # Orders ActionRunners by the specificity of their filters.
+ #
+ # Entries that specify a "platform", for example, are always preferred
+ # over handlers that specify an "os". The order:
+ #
+ # 1. action
+ # 2. resource_class
+ # 3. provider_class implements supports?
+ # 4. platform_version
+ # 5. platform
+ # 6. platform_family
+ # 7. os
+ # 8. node_block
+ # 9. provider_class implements provides?
+ #
+ # @param other The other ActionEntry.
+ #
+ # @return [Integer, nil] - 1 if this handler is preferred over the other handler
+ # - 0 if neither is preferred over the other
+ # - -1 if the other handler is preferred over this one
+ # - nil if preference cannot be determined.
+ # - if not implemented, always returns nil.
+ #
+ def <=>(other)
+ return super if !other.is_a?(ProviderEntry)
+ action.nil? <=> other.action.nil? ||
+ resource_classes.nil? <=> other.resource_class.nil? ||
+ implements_supports? <=> other.implements_supports? ||
+ super ||
+ implements_provides? <=> other.implements_provides?
+ end
+ #
+ # Whether provider_class implements provides?
+ #
+ # @return [Boolean] true if the provider_class implements provides?
+ #
+ def implements_provides?
+ provider_class.method(:provides?).owner != Chef::Provider
+ end
+ #
+ # Whether provider_class implements supports?
+ #
+ # @return [Boolean] true if the provider_class implements supports?
+ #
+ def implements_supports?
+ provider_class.method(:supports?).owner != Chef::Provider
+ end
+ #
+ # Whether the provider_class handles the given instance and action
+ #
+ # @param resource The resource we want to run the action on
+ #
+ def runs_action?(resource, action)
+ black_white_list_matches?(resource_class, resource.class) &&
+ black_white_list_matches?(self.action, action) &&
+ matches_node?(resource.node) &&
+ (implements_provides? && provider_class.provides?(resource.node, resource)) &&
+ (implements_supports? && provider_class.supports?(resource, action)
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # Entry that declares a resource.
+ #
+ # ```ruby
+ # Chef.resources.resolve(my_recipe, :file, '/x.txt') do
+ # content 'Hello World'
+ # end
+ # # => Chef::Resource::File
+ # ```
+ #
+ class ResourceEntry
+ include NodeEntry
+ attr_reader :name
+ attr_reader :resource_class
+ #
+ # Create a new ResourceEntry
+ #
+ # @param resource_class [Class] The resource class that will be resolved
+ # if handles? returns true.
+ # @param node_filters The filters to pass to NodeMatchEntry
+ #
+ def initialize(name, resource_class, **node_filters)
+ super(**node_filters)
+ @name = name
+ @resource_class = resource_class
+ end
+ #
+ # Whether resource_class implements provides?
+ #
+ # @return [Boolean] true if the resource_class implements provides?
+ #
+ def implements_provides?
+ provider_class.method(:provides?).owner != Chef::Resource
+ end
+ #
+ # Orders ResourceEntries by the specificity of their filters.
+ #
+ # Entries that specify a "platform", for example, are always preferred
+ # over handlers that specify an "os". The order:
+ #
+ # 1. platform_version
+ # 2. platform
+ # 3. platform_family
+ # 4. os
+ # 5. node_block
+ # 6. resource_class implements provides?
+ #
+ # @param other The other Entry.
+ #
+ # @return [Integer, nil] - 1 if this handler is preferred over the other handler
+ # - 0 if neither is preferred over the other
+ # - -1 if the other handler is preferred over this one
+ # - nil if preference cannot be determined.
+ # - if not implemented, always returns nil.
+ #
+ def <=>(other)
+ return super if !other.is_a?(ResourceEntry)
+ super ||
+ implements_provides? <=> other.implements_provides?
+ end
+ def builds_resource?(recipe, *args, &block)
+ matches_node?(recipe.node) &&
+ (implements_provides? && resource_class.provides?(resource.node, resource))
+ end
+ end
+ class NodeMap
+ def register_handler(key, handler)
+ map[key] ||= []
+ # Insert at the first spot where we are preferred over the other
+ insert_at = map[key].index { |other| handler >= other } || 0
+ map[key].insert(insert_at, handler)
+ end
+ def resolve(key, *args, &block)
+ candidates(*args, &block).first
+ end
+ def candidates(key, *args, &block)
+ return [] unless map[key]
+ map[key].select { |handler| handler.handles?(*args, &block) }
+ end
+ def each_handler(key=nil, &block)
+ if key
+ (map[key] || []).each(&block)
+ else
+ map.each_value.flat_map(&block)
+ end
+ end
+ def handlers(key=nil)
+ key ? (map[key] || []) : map.values.flatten(1)
+ end
+ def clear
+ @map.clear
+ end
+ # @api private
+ def resolve_for_node(node, key)
+ candidates(node, key).first
+ end
+ # @api private
+ def candidates_for_node(node, key)
+ return [] unless map[key]
+ map[key].select { |handler| handler.handles_node?(node) }
+ end
+ protected
+ def map
+ @map ||= {}
+ end
+ end
+ class ResourceRegistry < EntryRegistry
+ def register(name, resource_class, **filter)
+ register_handler(name,, resource_class, filter))
+ end
+ end
+ class ProviderRegistry < EntryRegistry
+ def register(name, provider_class, **filter)
+ register_handler(name,, filter))
+ end
+ def resolve(resource, action)
+ super(resource.resource_name, resource, action)
+ end
+ def candidates(resource, action)
+ super(resource.resource_name, resource, action)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+# Implementation of existing things
+class Chef::Resource
+ def provider_for_action(action)
+ Chef.providers.resolve(self, action)
+ end
+ def self.resource_for_node(node, name)
+ Chef.resources.resolve_for_node(node, name)
+ end
+ def provider(name)
+ Chef.providers.resolve_for_node(node, name)
+ end
+# Backcompat / deprecate
+class Chef
+ class Chef::Resource
+ end
+ class Chef::ProviderResolver < FilteredMap
+ def initialize(node, resource, action=nil)
+ super(Chef.providers, node: node, resource: resource, action: action)
+ end
+ def node
+ defaults[:node]
+ end
+ def resource
+ defaults[:resource]
+ end
+ def action
+ defaults[:action]
+ end
+ end
+ class Chef::ResourceResolver < FilteredMap
+ def initialize(node, name)
+ super(Chef.resources, node: node, name: name)
+ end
+ def node
+ defaults[:node]
+ end
+ def resource
+ defaults[:name]
+ end
+ end
+ class Chef::PriorityMap
+ def initialize(handler_registry)
+ @handler_registry = handler_registry
+ end
+ def set_priority_array(resource_name, priority_array, **filter, &block)
+ Array(priority_array).reverse_each do |handler_class|
+ handler_registry.register(handler_class, **filter, &block)
+ end
+ end
+ def get_priority_array(node, resource_name)
+ handler_registry.candidates_for_node(node, resource_name)
+ end
+ end
+ class Chef::ProviderPriorityMap < Chef::PriorityMap
+ def self.instance
+ new(Chef.providers)
+ end
+ end
+ class Chef::ResourcePriorityMap < Chef::PriorityMap
+ def self.instance
+ new(Chef.resources)
+ end
+ end
+ class NodeMap
+ # TODO Do we need to change it? Can people live without any global ones?
+ end