diff options
authorJohn Keiser <>2015-01-23 14:11:26 -0800
committerJohn Keiser <>2015-01-23 14:51:30 -0800
commit320aa0fe43158c8c89bfab7f1494271eb9da7cd0 (patch)
parentf27001eb9a22c34dfab2ac38c2f66978fc8bb46c (diff)
Add lots of comments to Resource, section methods by who uses themjk/resource_comments
1 files changed, 804 insertions, 396 deletions
diff --git a/lib/chef/resource.rb b/lib/chef/resource.rb
index bf49cd9d26..3dc0ae409b 100644
--- a/lib/chef/resource.rb
+++ b/lib/chef/resource.rb
@@ -38,110 +38,58 @@ require 'chef/mixin/descendants_tracker'
class Chef
class Resource
- FORBIDDEN_IVARS = [:@run_context, :@not_if, :@only_if, :@enclosing_provider]
- HIDDEN_IVARS = [:@allowed_actions, :@resource_name, :@source_line, :@run_context, :@name, :@not_if, :@only_if, :@elapsed_time, :@enclosing_provider]
+ #
+ # Generic User DSL (not resource-specific)
+ #
include Chef::DSL::DataQuery
- include Chef::Mixin::ParamsValidate
include Chef::DSL::PlatformIntrospection
include Chef::DSL::RegistryHelper
include Chef::DSL::RebootPending
- include Chef::Mixin::ConvertToClassName
- include Chef::Mixin::Deprecation
- extend Chef::Mixin::ConvertToClassName
- extend Chef::Mixin::DescendantsTracker
- if Module.method(:const_defined?).arity == 1
- def self.strict_const_defined?(const)
- const_defined?(const)
- end
- else
- def self.strict_const_defined?(const)
- const_defined?(const, false)
- end
- end
- class << self
- # back-compat
- # NOTE: that we do not support unregistering classes as descendents like
- # we used to for LWRP unloading because that was horrible and removed in
- # Chef-12.
- alias :resource_classes :descendants
- alias :find_subclass_by_name :find_descendants_by_name
- end
- # Set or return the list of "state attributes" implemented by the Resource
- # subclass. State attributes are attributes that describe the desired state
- # of the system, such as file permissions or ownership. In general, state
- # attributes are attributes that could be populated by examining the state
- # of the system (e.g., File.stat can tell you the permissions on an
- # existing file). Contrarily, attributes that are not "state attributes"
- # usually modify the way Chef itself behaves, for example by providing
- # additional options for a package manager to use when installing a
- # package.
- # This list is used by the Chef client auditing system to extract
- # information from resources to describe changes made to the system.
- def self.state_attrs(*attr_names)
- @state_attrs ||= []
- @state_attrs = attr_names unless attr_names.empty?
- # Return *all* state_attrs that this class has, including inherited ones
- if superclass.respond_to?(:state_attrs)
- superclass.state_attrs + @state_attrs
- else
- @state_attrs
- end
- end
- # Set or return the "identity attribute" for this resource class. This is
- # generally going to be the "name attribute" for this resource. In other
- # words, the resource type plus this attribute uniquely identify a given
- # bit of state that chef manages. For a File resource, this would be the
- # path, for a package resource, it will be the package name. This will show
- # up in chef-client's audit records as a searchable field.
- def self.identity_attr(attr_name=nil)
- @identity_attr ||= nil
- @identity_attr = attr_name if attr_name
- # If this class doesn't have an identity attr, we'll defer to the superclass:
- if @identity_attr || !superclass.respond_to?(:identity_attr)
- @identity_attr
- else
- superclass.identity_attr
- end
+ # The node the current Chef run is using.
+ #
+ # Corresponds to `run_context.node`.
+ #
+ # @return [Chef::Node] The node the current Chef run is using.
+ #
+ def node
+ run_context && run_context.node
- def self.dsl_name
- convert_to_snake_case(name, 'Chef::Resource')
+ #
+ # Find existing resources by searching the list of existing resources. Possible
+ # forms are:
+ #
+ # find(:file => "foobar")
+ # find(:file => [ "foobar", "baz" ])
+ # find("file[foobar]", "file[baz]")
+ # find("file[foobar,baz]")
+ #
+ # Calls `run_context.resource_collection.find(*args)`
+ #
+ # @return the matching resource, or an Array of matching resources.
+ #
+ # @raise ArgumentError if you feed it bad lookup information
+ # @raise RuntimeError if it can't find the resources you are looking for.
+ #
+ def resources(*args)
+ run_context.resource_collection.find(*args)
- attr_accessor :params
- attr_accessor :provider
- attr_accessor :allowed_actions
- attr_accessor :run_context
- attr_accessor :cookbook_name
- attr_accessor :recipe_name
- attr_accessor :enclosing_provider
- attr_accessor :source_line
- attr_accessor :retries
- attr_accessor :retry_delay
- attr_accessor :declared_type
- attr_reader :updated
- attr_reader :resource_name
- attr_reader :not_if_args
- attr_reader :only_if_args
- attr_reader :elapsed_time
- attr_reader :default_guard_interpreter
- # Each notify entry is a resource/action pair, modeled as an
- # Struct with a #resource and #action member
+ #
+ # Resource User Interface (for users)
+ #
+ #
+ # Create a new Resource.
+ #
+ # @param name The name of this resource (corresponds to the #name attribute,
+ # used for notifications to this resource).
+ # @param run_context The context of the Chef run. Corresponds to #run_context.
+ #
def initialize(name, run_context=nil)
@name = name
@run_context = run_context
@@ -171,89 +119,45 @@ class Chef
@sensitive = false
- # Returns a Hash of attribute => value for the state attributes declared in
- # the resource's class definition.
- def state
- self.class.state_attrs.inject({}) do |state_attrs, attr_name|
- state_attrs[attr_name] = send(attr_name)
- state_attrs
- end
- end
- # Returns the value of the identity attribute, if declared. Falls back to
- # #name if no identity attribute is declared.
- def identity
- if identity_attr = self.class.identity_attr
- send(identity_attr)
- else
- name
- end
- end
- def updated=(true_or_false)
- Chef::Log.warn("Chef::Resource#updated=(true|false) is deprecated. Please call #updated_by_last_action(true|false) instead.")
- Chef::Log.warn("Called from:")
- caller[0..3].each {|line| Chef::Log.warn(line)}
- updated_by_last_action(true_or_false)
- @updated = true_or_false
- end
- def node
- run_context && run_context.node
- end
- # If an unknown method is invoked, determine whether the enclosing Provider's
- # lexical scope can fulfill the request. E.g. This happens when the Resource's
- # block invokes new_resource.
- def method_missing(method_symbol, *args, &block)
- if enclosing_provider && enclosing_provider.respond_to?(method_symbol)
- enclosing_provider.send(method_symbol, *args, &block)
- else
- raise NoMethodError, "undefined method `#{method_symbol.to_s}' for #{self.class.to_s}"
- end
- end
- def load_from(resource)
- resource.instance_variables.each do |iv|
- unless iv == :@source_line || iv == :@action || iv == :@not_if || iv == :@only_if
- self.instance_variable_set(iv, resource.instance_variable_get(iv))
- end
- end
- end
- def supports(args={})
- if args.any?
- @supports = args
- else
- @supports
+ #
+ # The name of this particular resource.
+ #
+ # This special resource attribute is set automatically from the declaration
+ # of the resource, e.g.
+ #
+ # execute 'Vitruvius' do
+ # command 'ls'
+ # end
+ #
+ # Will set the name to "Vitruvius".
+ #
+ # This is also used in to_s to show the resource name, e.g. `execute[Vitruvius]`.
+ #
+ # @param name [String] The name to set.
+ # @return [String] The name of this Resource.
+ #
+ def name(name=nil)
+ if !name.nil?
+ raise ArgumentError, "name must be a string!" unless name.kind_of?(String)
+ @name = name
+ @name
- def provider(arg=nil)
- klass = if arg.kind_of?(String) || arg.kind_of?(Symbol)
- lookup_provider_constant(arg)
- else
- arg
- end
- set_or_return(
- :provider,
- klass,
- :kind_of => [ Class ]
- )
- end
+ #
+ # The action or actions that will be taken when this resource is run.
+ #
+ # @param arg [Array[Symbol], Symbol] A list of actions (e.g. `:create`)
+ # @return [Array[Symbol]] the list of actions.
+ #
def action(arg=nil)
if arg
action_list = arg.kind_of?(Array) ? arg : [ arg ]
action_list = action_list.collect { |a| a.to_sym }
action_list.each do |action|
- {
- :action => action,
- },
- {
- :action => { :kind_of => Symbol, :equal_to => @allowed_actions },
- }
+ { action: action },
+ { action: { kind_of: Symbol, equal_to: @allowed_actions } }
@action = action_list
@@ -262,71 +166,60 @@ class Chef
- def name(name=nil)
- if !name.nil?
- raise ArgumentError, "name must be a string!" unless name.kind_of?(String)
- @name = name
- end
- @name
- end
- def noop(tf=nil)
- if !tf.nil?
- raise ArgumentError, "noop must be true or false!" unless tf == true || tf == false
- @noop = tf
- end
- @noop
- end
- def ignore_failure(arg=nil)
- set_or_return(
- :ignore_failure,
- arg,
- :kind_of => [ TrueClass, FalseClass ]
- )
- end
- def retries(arg=nil)
- set_or_return(
- :retries,
- arg,
- :kind_of => Integer
- )
- end
- def retry_delay(arg=nil)
- set_or_return(
- :retry_delay,
- arg,
- :kind_of => Integer
- )
- end
- def sensitive(arg=nil)
- set_or_return(
- :sensitive,
- arg,
- :kind_of => [ TrueClass, FalseClass ]
- )
- end
- def epic_fail(arg=nil)
- ignore_failure(arg)
- end
- def guard_interpreter(arg=nil)
- if arg.nil?
- @guard_interpreter || @default_guard_interpreter
- else
- set_or_return(
- :guard_interpreter,
- arg,
- :kind_of => Symbol
- )
- end
- end
- # Sets up a notification from this resource to the resource specified by +resource_spec+.
+ #
+ # Sets up a notification that will run a particular action on another resource
+ # if and when *this* resource is updated by an action.
+ #
+ # If the action does nothing--does not update this resource, the
+ # notification never triggers.)
+ #
+ # Only one resource may be specified per notification.
+ #
+ # `delayed` notifications will only *ever* happen once per resource, so if
+ # multiple resources all notify a single resource to perform the same action,
+ # the action will only happen once. However, if they ask for different
+ # actions, each action will happen once, in the order they were updated.
+ #
+ # `immediate` notifications will cause the action to be triggered once per
+ # notification, regardless of how many other resources have triggered the
+ # notification as well.
+ #
+ # @param action The action to run on the other resource.
+ # @param resource_spec [String, Hash, Chef::Resource] The resource to run.
+ # @param timing [String, Symbol] When to notify. Has these values:
+ # - `delayed`: Will run the action on the other resource after all other
+ # actions have been run. This is the default.
+ # - `immediate`, `immediately`: Will run the action on the other resource
+ # immediately (before any other action is run).
+ #
+ # @example Resource by string
+ # file '/foo.txt' do
+ # content 'hi'
+ # notifies :create, 'file[/bar.txt]'
+ # end
+ # file '/bar.txt' do
+ # action :nothing
+ # content 'hi'
+ # end
+ # @example Resource by hash
+ # file '/foo.txt' do
+ # content 'hi'
+ # notifies :create, file: '/bar.txt'
+ # end
+ # file '/bar.txt' do
+ # action :nothing
+ # content 'hi'
+ # end
+ # @example Direct Resource
+ # bar = file '/bar.txt' do
+ # action :nothing
+ # content 'hi'
+ # end
+ # file '/foo.txt' do
+ # content 'hi'
+ # notifies :create, bar
+ # end
+ #
def notifies(action, resource_spec, timing=:delayed)
# when using old-style resources(:template => "/foo.txt") style, you
# could end up with multiple resources.
@@ -342,79 +235,348 @@ class Chef
notifies_immediately(action, resource)
raise ArgumentError, "invalid timing: #{timing} for notifies(#{action}, #{resources.inspect}, #{timing}) resource #{self} "\
- "Valid timings are: :delayed, :immediate, :immediately"
+ "Valid timings are: :delayed, :immediate, :immediately"
- # Iterates over all immediate and delayed notifications, calling
- # resolve_resource_reference on each in turn, causing them to
- # resolve lazy/forward references.
- def resolve_notification_references
- run_context.immediate_notifications(self).each { |n|
- n.resolve_resource_reference(run_context.resource_collection)
- }
- run_context.delayed_notifications(self).each {|n|
- n.resolve_resource_reference(run_context.resource_collection)
- }
+ #
+ # Subscribes to updates from other resources, causing a particular action to
+ # run on *this* resource when the other resource is updated.
+ #
+ # If multiple resources are specified, this resource action will be run if
+ # *any* of them change.
+ #
+ # This notification will only trigger *once*, no matter how many other
+ # resources are updated (or how many actions are run by a particular resource).
+ #
+ # @param action The action to run on the other resource.
+ # @param resources [String, Resource, Array[String, Resource]] The resources to subscribe to.
+ # @param timing [String, Symbol] When to notify. Has these values:
+ # - `delayed`: An update will cause the action to run after all other
+ # actions have been run. This is the default.
+ # - `immediate`, `immediately`: The action will run immediately following
+ # the other resource being updated.
+ #
+ # @example Resources by string
+ # file '/foo.txt' do
+ # content 'hi'
+ # action :nothing
+ # subscribes :create, 'file[/bar.txt]'
+ # end
+ # file '/bar.txt' do
+ # content 'hi'
+ # end
+ # @example Direct resource
+ # bar = file '/bar.txt' do
+ # content 'hi'
+ # end
+ # file '/foo.txt' do
+ # content 'hi'
+ # action :nothing
+ # subscribes :create, '/bar.txt'
+ # end
+ # @example Multiple resources by string
+ # file '/foo.txt' do
+ # content 'hi'
+ # action :nothing
+ # subscribes :create, [ 'file[/bar.txt]', 'file[/baz.txt]' ]
+ # end
+ # file '/bar.txt' do
+ # content 'hi'
+ # end
+ # file '/baz.txt' do
+ # content 'hi'
+ # end
+ # @example Multiple resources
+ # bar = file '/bar.txt' do
+ # content 'hi'
+ # end
+ # baz = file '/bar.txt' do
+ # content 'hi'
+ # end
+ # file '/foo.txt' do
+ # content 'hi'
+ # action :nothing
+ # subscribes :create, [ bar, baz ]
+ # end
+ #
+ def subscribes(action, resources, timing=:delayed)
+ resources = [resources].flatten
+ resources.each do |resource|
+ if resource.is_a?(String)
+ resource =, run_context)
+ end
+ if resource.run_context.nil?
+ resource.run_context = run_context
+ end
+ resource.notifies(action, self, timing)
+ end
+ true
- def notifies_immediately(action, resource_spec)
- run_context.notifies_immediately(, action, self))
+ #
+ # A command or block that indicates whether to actually run this resource.
+ # The command or block is run just before the action actually executes, and
+ # the action will be skipped if the block returns false.
+ #
+ # If a block is specified, it must return `true` in order for the Resource
+ # to be executed.
+ #
+ # If a command is specified, the resource's #guard_interpreter will run the
+ # command and interpret the results according to `opts`. For example, the
+ # default `execute` resource will be treated as `false` if the command
+ # returns a non-zero exit code, and `true` if it returns 0. Thus, in the
+ # default case:
+ #
+ # - `only_if "your command"` will perform the action only if `your command`
+ # returns 0.
+ # - `only_if "your command", valid_exit_codes: [ 1, 2, 3 ]` will perform the
+ # action only if `your command` returns 1, 2, or 3.
+ #
+ # @param command [String] A string to execute.
+ # @param opts [Hash] Options control the execution of the command
+ # @param block [Proc] A ruby block to run. Ignored if a command is given.
+ #
+ def only_if(command=nil, opts={}, &block)
+ if command || block_given?
+ @only_if << Conditional.only_if(self, command, opts, &block)
+ end
+ @only_if
- def notifies_delayed(action, resource_spec)
- run_context.notifies_delayed(, action, self))
+ #
+ # A command or block that indicates whether to actually run this resource.
+ # The command or block is run just before the action actually executes, and
+ # the action will be skipped if the block returns true.
+ #
+ # If a block is specified, it must return `false` in order for the Resource
+ # to be executed.
+ #
+ # If a command is specified, the resource's #guard_interpreter will run the
+ # command and interpret the results according to `opts`. For example, the
+ # default `execute` resource will be treated as `false` if the command
+ # returns a non-zero exit code, and `true` if it returns 0. Thus, in the
+ # default case:
+ #
+ # - `not_if "your command"` will perform the action only if `your command`
+ # returns a non-zero code.
+ # - `only_if "your command", valid_exit_codes: [ 1, 2, 3 ]` will perform the
+ # action only if `your command` returns something other than 1, 2, or 3.
+ #
+ # @param command [String] A string to execute.
+ # @param opts [Hash] Options control the execution of the command
+ # @param block [Proc] A ruby block to run. Ignored if a command is given.
+ #
+ def not_if(command=nil, opts={}, &block)
+ if command || block_given?
+ @not_if << Conditional.not_if(self, command, opts, &block)
+ end
+ @not_if
- def immediate_notifications
- run_context.immediate_notifications(self)
+ #
+ # The number of times to retry this resource if it fails by throwing an
+ # exception while running an action. Default: 0
+ #
+ # When the retries have run out, the Resource will throw the last
+ # exception.
+ #
+ # @param arg [Integer] The number of retries.
+ # @return [Integer] The number of retries.
+ #
+ def retries(arg=nil)
+ set_or_return(:retries, arg, kind_of: Integer)
+ attr_writer :retries
- def delayed_notifications
- run_context.delayed_notifications(self)
+ #
+ # The number of seconds to wait between retries. Default: 2.
+ #
+ # @param arg [Integer] The number of seconds to wait between retries.
+ # @return [Integer] The number of seconds to wait between retries.
+ #
+ def retry_delay(arg=nil)
+ set_or_return(:retry_delay, arg, kind_of: Integer)
+ attr_writer :retry_delay
- def resources(*args)
- run_context.resource_collection.find(*args)
+ #
+ # Whether to treat this resource's data as sensitive. If set, no resource
+ # data will be displayed in log output.
+ #
+ # @param arg [Boolean] Whether this resource is sensitive or not.
+ # @return [Boolean] Whether this resource is sensitive or not.
+ #
+ def sensitive(arg=nil)
+ set_or_return(:sensitive, arg, :kind_of => [ TrueClass, FalseClass ])
+ attr_writer :sensitive
- def subscribes(action, resources, timing=:delayed)
- resources = [resources].flatten
- resources.each do |resource|
- if resource.is_a?(String)
- resource =, run_context)
- end
- if resource.run_context.nil?
- resource.run_context = run_context
- end
- resource.notifies(action, self, timing)
+ # ??? TODO unreferenced. Delete?
+ attr_reader :not_if_args
+ # ??? TODO unreferenced. Delete?
+ attr_reader :only_if_args
+ #
+ # The time it took (in seconds) to run the most recently-run action. Not
+ # cumulative across actions. This is set to 0 as soon as a new action starts
+ # running, and set to the elapsed time at the end of the action.
+ #
+ # @return [Integer] The time (in seconds) it took to process the most recent
+ # action. Not cumulative.
+ #
+ attr_reader :elapsed_time
+ #
+ # The guard interpreter that will be used to process `only_if` and `not_if`
+ # statements. If left unset, the #default_guard_interpreter will be used.
+ #
+ # Must be a resource class like `Chef::Resource::Execute`, or
+ # a corresponding to the name of a resource. The resource must descend from
+ # `Chef::Resource::Execute`.
+ #
+ # TODO this needs to be coerced on input so that retrieval is consistent.
+ #
+ # @param arg [Class, Symbol, String] The Guard interpreter resource class/
+ # symbol/name.
+ # @return [Class, Symbol, String] The Guard interpreter resource.
+ #
+ def guard_interpreter(arg=nil)
+ if arg.nil?
+ @guard_interpreter || @default_guard_interpreter
+ else
+ set_or_return(:guard_interpreter, arg, :kind_of => Symbol)
- true
- def validate_resource_spec!(resource_spec)
- run_context.resource_collection.validate_lookup_spec!(resource_spec)
+ #
+ # Get the value of the state attributes in this resource as a hash.
+ #
+ # @return [Hash{Symbol => Object}] A Hash of attribute => value for the
+ # Resource class's `state_attrs`.
+ def state
+ self.class.state_attrs.inject({}) do |state_attrs, attr_name|
+ state_attrs[attr_name] = send(attr_name)
+ state_attrs
+ end
- def is(*args)
- if args.size == 1
- args.first
+ #
+ # The value of the identity attribute, if declared. Falls back to #name if
+ # no identity attribute is declared.
+ #
+ # @return The value of the identity attribute.
+ #
+ def identity
+ if identity_attr = self.class.identity_attr
+ send(identity_attr)
- return *args
+ name
- # We usually want to store and reference resources by their declared type and not the actual type that
- # was looked up by the Resolver (IE, "package" becomes YumPackage class). If we have not been provided
- # the declared key we want to fall back on the old to_s key.
- def declared_key
- return to_s if declared_type.nil?
- "#{declared_type}[#{@name}]"
+ #
+ # Whether to ignore failures. If set to `true`, and this resource when an
+ # action is run, the resource will be marked as failed but no exception will
+ # be thrown (and no error will be output). Defaults to `false`.
+ #
+ # TODO ignore_failure and retries seem to be mutually exclusive; I doubt
+ # that was intended.
+ #
+ # @param arg [Boolean] Whether to ignore failures.
+ # @return Whether this resource will ignore failures.
+ #
+ def ignore_failure(arg=nil)
+ set_or_return(:ignore_failure, arg, kind_of: [ TrueClass, FalseClass ])
+ end
+ attr_writer :ignore_failure
+ #
+ # Equivalent to #ignore_failure.
+ #
+ def epic_fail(arg=nil)
+ ignore_failure(arg)
+ end
+ #
+ # Make this resource into an exact (shallow) copy of the other resource.
+ #
+ # @param resource [Chef::Resource] The resource to copy from.
+ #
+ def load_from(resource)
+ resource.instance_variables.each do |iv|
+ unless iv == :@source_line || iv == :@action || iv == :@not_if || iv == :@only_if
+ self.instance_variable_set(iv, resource.instance_variable_get(iv))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # Runs the given action on this resource, immediately.
+ #
+ # @param action The action to run (e.g. `:create`)
+ # @param notification_type The notification type that triggered this (if any)
+ # @param notifying_resource The resource that triggered this notification (if any)
+ #
+ # @raise Any error that occurs during the actual action.
+ #
+ def run_action(action, notification_type=nil, notifying_resource=nil)
+ # reset state in case of multiple actions on the same resource.
+ @elapsed_time = 0
+ start_time =
+ events.resource_action_start(self, action, notification_type, notifying_resource)
+ # Try to resolve lazy/forward references in notifications again to handle
+ # the case where the resource was defined lazily (ie. in a ruby_block)
+ resolve_notification_references
+ validate_action(action)
+ if Chef::Config[:verbose_logging] || Chef::Log.level == :debug
+ # This can be noisy
+"Processing #{self} action #{action} (#{defined_at})")
+ end
+ # ensure that we don't leave @updated_by_last_action set to true
+ # on accident
+ updated_by_last_action(false)
+ # Don't modify @retries directly and keep it intact, so that the
+ # recipe_snippet from ResourceFailureInspector can print the value
+ # that was set in the resource block initially.
+ remaining_retries = retries
+ begin
+ return if should_skip?(action)
+ provider_for_action(action).run_action
+ rescue Exception => e
+ if ignore_failure
+ Chef::Log.error("#{custom_exception_message(e)}; ignore_failure is set, continuing")
+ events.resource_failed(self, action, e)
+ elsif remaining_retries > 0
+ events.resource_failed_retriable(self, action, remaining_retries, e)
+ remaining_retries -= 1
+"Retrying execution of #{self}, #{remaining_retries} attempt(s) left")
+ sleep retry_delay
+ retry
+ else
+ events.resource_failed(self, action, e)
+ raise customize_exception(e)
+ end
+ ensure
+ @elapsed_time = - start_time
+ # Reporting endpoint doesn't accept a negative resource duration so set it to 0.
+ # A negative value can occur when a resource changes the system time backwards
+ @elapsed_time = 0 if @elapsed_time < 0
+ events.resource_completed(self)
+ end
+ #
+ # Generic Ruby and Data Structure Stuff (for user)
+ #
def to_s
@@ -474,46 +636,350 @@ class Chef
- # If command is a block, returns true if the block returns true, false if it returns false.
- # ("Only run this resource if the block is true")
+ def self.json_create(o)
+ resource =["instance_vars"]["@name"])
+ o["instance_vars"].each do |k,v|
+ resource.instance_variable_set("@#{k}".to_sym, v)
+ end
+ resource
+ end
+ #
+ # Resource Definition Interface (for resource developers)
+ #
+ include Chef::Mixin::ParamsValidate
+ include Chef::Mixin::Deprecation
- # If the command is not a block, executes the command. If it returns any status other than
- # 0, it returns false (clearly, a 0 status code is true)
+ # The provider class for this resource.
- # === Parameters
- # command<String>:: A a string to execute.
- # opts<Hash>:: Options control the execution of the command
- # block<Proc>:: A ruby block to run. Ignored if a command is given.
+ # If this is not set, `provider_for_action` will dynamically determine the
+ # provider.
- # === Evaluation
- # * evaluates to true if the block is true, or if the command returns 0
- # * evaluates to false if the block is false, or if the command returns a non-zero exit code.
- def only_if(command=nil, opts={}, &block)
- if command || block_given?
- @only_if << Conditional.only_if(self, command, opts, &block)
+ # @param arg [String, Symbol, Class] Sets the provider class for this resource.
+ # If passed a String or Symbol, e.g. `:file` or `"file"`, looks up the
+ # provider based on the name.
+ # @return The provider class for this resource.
+ #
+ def provider(arg=nil)
+ klass = if arg.kind_of?(String) || arg.kind_of?(Symbol)
+ lookup_provider_constant(arg)
+ else
+ arg
+ end
+ set_or_return(:provider, klass, kind_of: [ Class ])
+ end
+ def provider=(arg)
+ provider(arg)
+ end
+ # Set or return the list of "state attributes" implemented by the Resource
+ # subclass. State attributes are attributes that describe the desired state
+ # of the system, such as file permissions or ownership. In general, state
+ # attributes are attributes that could be populated by examining the state
+ # of the system (e.g., File.stat can tell you the permissions on an
+ # existing file). Contrarily, attributes that are not "state attributes"
+ # usually modify the way Chef itself behaves, for example by providing
+ # additional options for a package manager to use when installing a
+ # package.
+ #
+ # This list is used by the Chef client auditing system to extract
+ # information from resources to describe changes made to the system.
+ def self.state_attrs(*attr_names)
+ @state_attrs ||= []
+ @state_attrs = attr_names unless attr_names.empty?
+ # Return *all* state_attrs that this class has, including inherited ones
+ if superclass.respond_to?(:state_attrs)
+ superclass.state_attrs + @state_attrs
+ else
+ @state_attrs
+ end
+ end
+ # Set or return the "identity attribute" for this resource class. This is
+ # generally going to be the "name attribute" for this resource. In other
+ # words, the resource type plus this attribute uniquely identify a given
+ # bit of state that chef manages. For a File resource, this would be the
+ # path, for a package resource, it will be the package name. This will show
+ # up in chef-client's audit records as a searchable field.
+ def self.identity_attr(attr_name=nil)
+ @identity_attr ||= nil
+ @identity_attr = attr_name if attr_name
+ # If this class doesn't have an identity attr, we'll defer to the superclass:
+ if @identity_attr || !superclass.respond_to?(:identity_attr)
+ @identity_attr
+ else
+ superclass.identity_attr
- @only_if
- # If command is a block, returns false if the block returns true, true if it returns false.
- # ("Do not run this resource if the block is true")
- # If the command is not a block, executes the command. If it returns a 0 exitstatus, returns false.
- # ("Do not run this resource if the command returns 0")
+ # The guard interpreter that will be used to process `only_if` and `not_if`
+ # statements by default. If left unset, or set to `:default`, the guard
+ # interpreter used will be Chef::GuardInterpreter::DefaultGuardInterpreter.
- # === Parameters
- # command<String>:: A a string to execute.
- # opts<Hash>:: Options control the execution of the command
- # block<Proc>:: A ruby block to run. Ignored if a command is given.
+ # Must be a resource class like `Chef::Resource::Execute`, or
+ # a corresponding to the name of a resource. The resource must descend from
+ # `Chef::Resource::Execute`.
- # === Evaluation
- # * evaluates to true if the block is false, or if the command returns a non-zero exit status.
- # * evaluates to false if the block is true, or if the command returns a 0 exit status.
- def not_if(command=nil, opts={}, &block)
- if command || block_given?
- @not_if << Conditional.not_if(self, command, opts, &block)
+ # TODO this needs to be coerced on input so that retrieval is consistent.
+ #
+ # @return [Class, Symbol, String] the default Guard interpreter resource.
+ #
+ attr_reader :default_guard_interpreter
+ #
+ # The list of actions this Resource is allowed to have. Setting `action`
+ # will fail unless it is in this list. Default: [ :nothing ]
+ #
+ # @return [Array<Symbol>] The list of actions this Resource is allowed to
+ # have.
+ #
+ attr_accessor :allowed_actions
+ #
+ # Whether or not this resource was updated during an action. If multiple
+ # actions are set on the resource, this will be `true` if *any* action
+ # caused an update to happen.
+ #
+ # @return [Boolean] Whether the resource was updated during an action.
+ #
+ attr_reader :updated
+ #
+ # Whether or not this resource was updated during an action. If multiple
+ # actions are set on the resource, this will be `true` if *any* action
+ # caused an update to happen.
+ #
+ # @return [Boolean] Whether the resource was updated during an action.
+ #
+ def updated?
+ updated
+ end
+ #
+ # Whether or not this resource was updated during the most recent action.
+ # This is set to `false` at the beginning of each action.
+ #
+ # @param true_or_false [Boolean] Whether the resource was updated during the
+ # current / most recent action.
+ # @return [Boolean] Whether the resource was updated during the most recent action.
+ #
+ def updated_by_last_action(true_or_false)
+ @updated ||= true_or_false
+ @updated_by_last_action = true_or_false
+ end
+ #
+ # Whether or not this resource was updated during the most recent action.
+ # This is set to `false` at the beginning of each action.
+ #
+ # @return [Boolean] Whether the resource was updated during the most recent action.
+ #
+ def updated_by_last_action?
+ @updated_by_last_action
+ end
+ #
+ # Set whether this class was updated during an action.
+ #
+ # @deprecated Multiple actions are supported by resources. Please call {}#updated_by_last_action} instead.
+ #
+ def updated=(true_or_false)
+ Chef::Log.warn("Chef::Resource#updated=(true|false) is deprecated. Please call #updated_by_last_action(true|false) instead.")
+ Chef::Log.warn("Called from:")
+ caller[0..3].each {|line| Chef::Log.warn(line)}
+ updated_by_last_action(true_or_false)
+ @updated = true_or_false
+ end
+ #
+ # The DSL name of this resource (e.g. `package` or `yum_package`)
+ #
+ # @return [String] The DSL name of this resource.
+ def self.dsl_name
+ convert_to_snake_case(name, 'Chef::Resource')
+ end
+ #
+ # The name of this resource (e.g. `file`)
+ #
+ # @return [String] The name of this resource.
+ #
+ attr_reader :resource_name
+ #
+ # Sets a list of capabilities of the real resource. For example, `:remount`
+ # (for filesystems) and `:restart` (for services).
+ #
+ # TODO Calling resource.supports({}) will not set this to empty; it will do
+ # a get instead. That's wrong.
+ #
+ # @param args Hash{Symbol=>Boolean} If non-empty, sets the capabilities of
+ # this resource. Default: {}
+ # @return Hash{Symbol=>Boolean} An array of things this resource supports.
+ #
+ def supports(args={})
+ if args.any?
+ @supports = args
+ else
+ @supports
- @not_if
+ end
+ def supports=(args)
+ supports(args)
+ end
+ #
+ # A hook called after a resource is created. Meant to be overriden by
+ # subclasses.
+ #
+ def after_created
+ nil
+ end
+ #
+ # The module where Chef should look for providers for this resource.
+ # The provider for `MyResource` will be looked up using
+ # `provider_base::MyResource`. Defaults to `Chef::Provider`.
+ #
+ # @param arg [Module] The module containing providers for this resource
+ # @return [Module] The module containing providers for this resource
+ #
+ # @example
+ # class MyResource < Chef::Resource
+ # provider_base Chef::Provider::Deploy
+ # # ...other stuff
+ # end
+ #
+ def self.provider_base(arg=nil)
+ @provider_base ||= arg
+ @provider_base ||= Chef::Provider
+ end
+ #
+ # Internal Resource Interface (for Chef)
+ #
+ FORBIDDEN_IVARS = [:@run_context, :@not_if, :@only_if, :@enclosing_provider]
+ HIDDEN_IVARS = [:@allowed_actions, :@resource_name, :@source_line, :@run_context, :@name, :@not_if, :@only_if, :@elapsed_time, :@enclosing_provider]
+ include Chef::Mixin::ConvertToClassName
+ extend Chef::Mixin::ConvertToClassName
+ extend Chef::Mixin::DescendantsTracker
+ # XXX: this is required for definition params inside of the scope of a
+ # subresource to work correctly.
+ attr_accessor :params
+ # @return [Chef::RunContext] The run context for this Resource. This is
+ # where the context for the current Chef run is stored, including the node
+ # and the resource collection.
+ attr_accessor :run_context
+ # @return [String] The cookbook this resource was declared in.
+ attr_accessor :cookbook_name
+ # @return [String] The recipe this resource was declared in.
+ attr_accessor :recipe_name
+ # @return [Chef::Provider] The provider this resource was declared in (if
+ # it was declared in an LWRP). When you call methods that do not exist
+ # on this Resource, Chef will try to call the method on the provider
+ # as well before giving up.
+ attr_accessor :enclosing_provider
+ # @return [String] The source line where this resource was declared.
+ # Expected to come from caller() or a stack trace, it usually follows one
+ # of these formats:
+ # /some/path/to/file.rb:80:in `wombat_tears'
+ # C:/some/path/to/file.rb:80 in 1`wombat_tears'
+ attr_accessor :source_line
+ # @return [String] The actual name that was used to create this resource.
+ # Sometimes, when you say something like `package 'blah'`, the system will
+ # create a different resource (i.e. `YumPackage`). When this happens, the
+ # user will expect to see the thing they wrote, not the type that was
+ # returned. May be `nil`, in which case callers should read #resource_name.
+ # See #declared_key.
+ attr_accessor :declared_type
+ #
+ # Iterates over all immediate and delayed notifications, calling
+ # resolve_resource_reference on each in turn, causing them to
+ # resolve lazy/forward references.
+ def resolve_notification_references
+ run_context.immediate_notifications(self).each { |n|
+ n.resolve_resource_reference(run_context.resource_collection)
+ }
+ run_context.delayed_notifications(self).each {|n|
+ n.resolve_resource_reference(run_context.resource_collection)
+ }
+ end
+ # Helper for #notifies
+ def notifies_immediately(action, resource_spec)
+ run_context.notifies_immediately(, action, self))
+ end
+ # Helper for #notifies
+ def notifies_delayed(action, resource_spec)
+ run_context.notifies_delayed(, action, self))
+ end
+ if Module.method(:const_defined?).arity == 1
+ def self.strict_const_defined?(const)
+ const_defined?(const)
+ end
+ else
+ def self.strict_const_defined?(const)
+ const_defined?(const, false)
+ end
+ end
+ class << self
+ # back-compat
+ # NOTE: that we do not support unregistering classes as descendents like
+ # we used to for LWRP unloading because that was horrible and removed in
+ # Chef-12.
+ alias :resource_classes :descendants
+ alias :find_subclass_by_name :find_descendants_by_name
+ end
+ # If an unknown method is invoked, determine whether the enclosing Provider's
+ # lexical scope can fulfill the request. E.g. This happens when the Resource's
+ # block invokes new_resource.
+ def method_missing(method_symbol, *args, &block)
+ if enclosing_provider && enclosing_provider.respond_to?(method_symbol)
+ enclosing_provider.send(method_symbol, *args, &block)
+ else
+ raise NoMethodError, "undefined method `#{method_symbol.to_s}' for #{self.class.to_s}"
+ end
+ end
+ # Helper for #notifies
+ def validate_resource_spec!(resource_spec)
+ run_context.resource_collection.validate_lookup_spec!(resource_spec)
+ end
+ # We usually want to store and reference resources by their declared type and not the actual type that
+ # was looked up by the Resolver (IE, "package" becomes YumPackage class). If we have not been provided
+ # the declared key we want to fall back on the old to_s key.
+ def declared_key
+ return to_s if declared_type.nil?
+ "#{declared_type}[#{@name}]"
+ end
+ def immediate_notifications
+ run_context.immediate_notifications(self)
+ end
+ def delayed_notifications
+ run_context.delayed_notifications(self)
def defined_at
@@ -531,6 +997,11 @@ class Chef
+ #
+ # The cookbook in which this Resource was defined (if any).
+ #
+ # @return Chef::CookbookVersion The cookbook in which this Resource was defined.
+ #
def cookbook_version
if cookbook_name
@@ -541,56 +1012,6 @@ class Chef
- def run_action(action, notification_type=nil, notifying_resource=nil)
- # reset state in case of multiple actions on the same resource.
- @elapsed_time = 0
- start_time =
- events.resource_action_start(self, action, notification_type, notifying_resource)
- # Try to resolve lazy/forward references in notifications again to handle
- # the case where the resource was defined lazily (ie. in a ruby_block)
- resolve_notification_references
- validate_action(action)
- if Chef::Config[:verbose_logging] || Chef::Log.level == :debug
- # This can be noisy
-"Processing #{self} action #{action} (#{defined_at})")
- end
- # ensure that we don't leave @updated_by_last_action set to true
- # on accident
- updated_by_last_action(false)
- # Don't modify @retries directly and keep it intact, so that the
- # recipe_snippet from ResourceFailureInspector can print the value
- # that was set in the resource block initially.
- remaining_retries = retries
- begin
- return if should_skip?(action)
- provider_for_action(action).run_action
- rescue Exception => e
- if ignore_failure
- Chef::Log.error("#{custom_exception_message(e)}; ignore_failure is set, continuing")
- events.resource_failed(self, action, e)
- elsif remaining_retries > 0
- events.resource_failed_retriable(self, action, remaining_retries, e)
- remaining_retries -= 1
-"Retrying execution of #{self}, #{remaining_retries} attempt(s) left")
- sleep retry_delay
- retry
- else
- events.resource_failed(self, action, e)
- raise customize_exception(e)
- end
- ensure
- @elapsed_time = - start_time
- # Reporting endpoint doesn't accept a negative resource duration so set it to 0.
- # A negative value can occur when a resource changes the system time backwards
- @elapsed_time = 0 if @elapsed_time < 0
- events.resource_completed(self)
- end
- end
def validate_action(action)
raise ArgumentError, "nil is not a valid action for resource #{self}" if action.nil?
@@ -601,6 +1022,30 @@ class Chef
+ # ??? TODO Seems unused. Delete?
+ def noop(tf=nil)
+ if !tf.nil?
+ raise ArgumentError, "noop must be true or false!" unless tf == true || tf == false
+ @noop = tf
+ end
+ @noop
+ end
+ # TODO Seems unused. Delete?
+ def is(*args)
+ if args.size == 1
+ args.first
+ else
+ return *args
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # Preface an exception message with generic Resource information.
+ #
+ # @param e [StandardError] An exception with `e.message`
+ # @return [String] An exception message customized with class name.
+ #
def custom_exception_message(e)
"#{self} (#{defined_at}) had an error: #{}: #{e.message}"
@@ -610,6 +1055,7 @@ class Chef
# Evaluates not_if and only_if conditionals. Returns a falsey value if any
# of the conditionals indicate that this resource should be skipped, i.e.,
# if an only_if evaluates to false or a not_if evaluates to true.
@@ -635,48 +1081,6 @@ class Chef
- def updated_by_last_action(true_or_false)
- @updated ||= true_or_false
- @updated_by_last_action = true_or_false
- end
- def updated_by_last_action?
- @updated_by_last_action
- end
- def updated?
- updated
- end
- def self.json_create(o)
- resource =["instance_vars"]["@name"])
- o["instance_vars"].each do |k,v|
- resource.instance_variable_set("@#{k}".to_sym, v)
- end
- resource
- end
- # Hook to allow a resource to run specific code after creation
- def after_created
- nil
- end
- # Resources that want providers namespaced somewhere other than
- # Chef::Provider can set the namespace with +provider_base+
- # Ex:
- # class MyResource < Chef::Resource
- # provider_base Chef::Provider::Deploy
- # # ...other stuff
- # end
- def self.provider_base(arg=nil)
- @provider_base ||= arg
- @provider_base ||= Chef::Provider
- end
- def self.node_map
- @@node_map ||=
- end
# Maps a short_name (and optionally a platform and version) to a
# Chef::Resource. This allows finer grained per platform resource
# attributes and the end of overloaded resource definitions
@@ -719,6 +1123,10 @@ class Chef
+ def self.node_map
+ @@node_map ||=
+ end
# Returns the class of a Chef::Resource based on the short name
# ==== Parameters
# short_name<Symbol>:: short_name of the resource (ie :directory)