path: root/knife/lib/chef/knife/xargs.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'knife/lib/chef/knife/xargs.rb')
1 files changed, 282 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/knife/lib/chef/knife/xargs.rb b/knife/lib/chef/knife/xargs.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fc82d390cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/knife/lib/chef/knife/xargs.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+require_relative "../chef_fs/knife"
+class Chef
+ class Knife
+ class Xargs < Chef::ChefFS::Knife
+ banner "knife xargs [COMMAND] (options)"
+ category "path-based"
+ deps do
+ require "chef/chef_fs/file_system" unless defined?(Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem)
+ require "chef/chef_fs/file_system/exceptions" unless defined?(Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem::Exceptions)
+ end
+ # TODO modify to remote-only / local-only pattern (more like delete)
+ option :local,
+ long: "--local",
+ boolean: true,
+ description: "Xargs local files instead of remote."
+ option :patterns,
+ long: "--pattern [PATTERN]",
+ short: "-p [PATTERN]",
+ description: "Pattern on command line (if these are not specified, a list of patterns is expected on standard input). Multiple patterns may be passed in this way.",
+ arg_arity: [1, -1]
+ option :diff,
+ long: "--[no-]diff",
+ default: true,
+ boolean: true,
+ description: "Whether to show a diff when files change (default: true)."
+ option :dry_run,
+ long: "--dry-run",
+ boolean: true,
+ description: "Prevents changes from actually being uploaded to the server."
+ option :force,
+ long: "--[no-]force",
+ boolean: true,
+ default: false,
+ description: "Force upload of files even if they are not changed (quicker and harmless, but doesn't print out what it changed)."
+ option :replace_first,
+ long: "--replace-first REPLACESTR",
+ short: "-J REPLACESTR",
+ description: "String to replace with filenames. -J will only replace the FIRST occurrence of the replacement string."
+ option :replace_all,
+ long: "--replace REPLACESTR",
+ short: "-I REPLACESTR",
+ description: "String to replace with filenames. -I will replace ALL occurrence of the replacement string."
+ option :max_arguments_per_command,
+ long: "--max-args MAXARGS",
+ short: "-n MAXARGS",
+ description: "Maximum number of arguments per command line."
+ option :max_command_line,
+ long: "--max-chars LENGTH",
+ short: "-s LENGTH",
+ description: "Maximum size of command line, in characters."
+ option :verbose_commands,
+ short: "-t",
+ description: "Print command to be run on the command line."
+ option :null_separator,
+ short: "-0",
+ boolean: true,
+ description: "Use the NULL character (\0) as a separator, instead of whitespace."
+ def run
+ error = false
+ # Get the matches (recursively)
+ files = []
+ pattern_args_from(get_patterns).each do |pattern|
+ Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem.list(config[:local] ? local_fs : chef_fs, pattern).each do |result|
+ if result.dir?
+ # TODO option to include directories
+ ui.warn "#{format_path(result)}: is a directory. Will not run #{command} on it."
+ else
+ files << result
+ ran = false
+ # If the command would be bigger than max command line, back it off a bit
+ # and run a slightly smaller command (with one less arg)
+ if config[:max_command_line]
+ command, tempfiles = create_command(files)
+ begin
+ if command.length > config[:max_command_line].to_i
+ if files.length > 1
+ command, tempfiles_minus_one = create_command(files[0..-2])
+ begin
+ error = true if xargs_files(command, tempfiles_minus_one)
+ files = [ files[-1] ]
+ ran = true
+ ensure
+ destroy_tempfiles(tempfiles)
+ end
+ else
+ error = true if xargs_files(command, tempfiles)
+ files = [ ]
+ ran = true
+ end
+ end
+ ensure
+ destroy_tempfiles(tempfiles)
+ end
+ end
+ # If the command has hit the limit for the # of arguments, run it
+ if !ran && config[:max_arguments_per_command] && files.size >= config[:max_arguments_per_command].to_i
+ command, tempfiles = create_command(files)
+ begin
+ error = true if xargs_files(command, tempfiles)
+ files = []
+ ran = true
+ ensure
+ destroy_tempfiles(tempfiles)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Any leftovers commands shall be run
+ if files.size > 0
+ command, tempfiles = create_command(files)
+ begin
+ error = true if xargs_files(command, tempfiles)
+ ensure
+ destroy_tempfiles(tempfiles)
+ end
+ end
+ if error
+ exit 1
+ end
+ end
+ def get_patterns
+ if config[:patterns]
+ [ config[:patterns] ].flatten
+ elsif config[:null_separator]
+ stdin.binmode
+ else
+ end
+ end
+ def create_command(files)
+ command = name_args.join(" ")
+ # Create the (empty) tempfiles
+ tempfiles = {}
+ begin
+ # Create the temporary files
+ files.each do |file|
+ tempfile =
+ tempfiles[tempfile] = { file: file }
+ end
+ rescue
+ destroy_tempfiles(files)
+ raise
+ end
+ # Create the command
+ paths =" ")
+ if config[:replace_all]
+ final_command = command.gsub(config[:replace_all], paths)
+ elsif config[:replace_first]
+ final_command = command.sub(config[:replace_first], paths)
+ else
+ final_command = "#{command} #{paths}"
+ end
+ [final_command, tempfiles]
+ end
+ def destroy_tempfiles(tempfiles)
+ # Unlink the files now that we're done with them
+ tempfiles.each_key(&:close!)
+ end
+ def xargs_files(command, tempfiles)
+ error = false
+ # Create the temporary files
+ tempfiles.each_pair do |tempfile, file|
+ value = file[:file].read
+ file[:value] = value
+ tempfile.write(value)
+ tempfile.close
+ rescue Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem::OperationNotAllowedError => e
+ ui.error "#{format_path(e.entry)}: #{e.reason}."
+ error = true
+ tempfile.close!
+ tempfiles.delete(tempfile)
+ next
+ rescue Chef::ChefFS::FileSystem::NotFoundError => e
+ ui.error "#{format_path(e.entry)}: No such file or directory"
+ error = true
+ tempfile.close!
+ tempfiles.delete(tempfile)
+ next
+ end
+ return error if error && tempfiles.size == 0
+ # Run the command
+ if config[:verbose_commands] || Chef::Config[:verbosity] && Chef::Config[:verbosity] >= 1
+ output sub_filenames(command, tempfiles)
+ end
+ command_output = `#{command}`
+ command_output = sub_filenames(command_output, tempfiles)
+ stdout.write command_output
+ # Check if the output is different
+ tempfiles.each_pair do |tempfile, file|
+ # Read the new output
+ new_value = IO.binread(tempfile.path)
+ # Upload the output if different
+ if config[:force] || new_value != file[:value]
+ if config[:dry_run]
+ output "Would update #{format_path(file[:file])}"
+ else
+ file[:file].write(new_value)
+ output "Updated #{format_path(file[:file])}"
+ end
+ end
+ # Print a diff of what was uploaded
+ if config[:diff] && new_value != file[:value]
+ old_file =[:file].name)
+ begin
+ old_file.write(file[:value])
+ old_file.close
+ diff = `diff -u #{old_file.path} #{tempfile.path}`
+ diff.gsub!(old_file.path, "#{format_path(file[:file])} (old)")
+ diff.gsub!(tempfile.path, "#{format_path(file[:file])} (new)")
+ stdout.write diff
+ ensure
+ old_file.close!
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ error
+ end
+ def sub_filenames(str, tempfiles)
+ tempfiles.each_pair do |tempfile, file|
+ str = str.gsub(tempfile.path, format_path(file[:file]))
+ end
+ str
+ end
+ end
+ end