path: root/spec/functional/resource/deploy_revision_spec.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/functional/resource/deploy_revision_spec.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 881 deletions
diff --git a/spec/functional/resource/deploy_revision_spec.rb b/spec/functional/resource/deploy_revision_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 572609d8ff..0000000000
--- a/spec/functional/resource/deploy_revision_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,881 +0,0 @@
-# Author:: Daniel DeLeo (<>)
-# Copyright:: Copyright 2012-2016, Chef Software Inc.
-# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-require "spec_helper"
-require "tmpdir"
-# Deploy relies heavily on symlinks, so it doesn't work on windows.
-describe Chef::Resource::DeployRevision, :unix_only => true, :requires_git => true do
- let(:file_cache_path) { Dir.mktmpdir }
- let(:deploy_directory) { Dir.mktmpdir }
- # By making restart or other operations write to this file, we can externally
- # track the order in which those operations happened.
- let(:observe_order_file) {"deploy-resource-observe-operations") }
- before do
- Chef::Log.level = :info
- @old_file_cache_path = Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]
- Chef::Config[:file_cache_path] = file_cache_path
- end
- after do
- Chef::Config[:file_cache_path] = @old_file_cache_path
- FileUtils.remove_entry_secure deploy_directory if File.exist?(deploy_directory)
- FileUtils.remove_entry_secure file_cache_path
- observe_order_file.close
- FileUtils.remove_entry_secure observe_order_file.path
- end
- before(:all) do
- @ohai =
- @ohai.all_plugins(%w{platform os})
- end
- let(:node) do
- do |n|
- "rspec-test"
- n.consume_external_attrs(, {})
- end
- end
- let(:event_dispatch) { }
- let(:run_context) {, {}, event_dispatch) }
- # These tests use git's bundle feature, which is a way to export an entire
- # git repo (or subset of commits) as a single file.
- #
- # Generally you can treat a git bundle as a regular git remote.
- #
- # See also:
- let(:git_bundle_repo) { File.expand_path("git_bundles/sinatra-test-app.gitbundle", CHEF_SPEC_DATA) }
- let(:git_bundle_with_in_repo_callbacks) { File.expand_path("git_bundles/sinatra-test-app-with-callback-files.gitbundle", CHEF_SPEC_DATA) }
- let(:git_bundle_with_in_repo_symlinks) { File.expand_path("git_bundles/sinatra-test-app-with-symlinks.gitbundle", CHEF_SPEC_DATA) }
- # This is the fourth version
- let(:latest_rev) { "3eb5ca6c353c83d9179dd3b29347539829b401f3" }
- # This is the third version
- let(:previous_rev) { "6d19a6dbecc8e37f5b2277345885c0c783eb8fb1" }
- # This is the second version
- let(:second_rev) { "0827e1b0e5043608ac0a824da5c558e252154ad0" }
- # This is the sixth version, it is on the "with-deploy-scripts" branch
- let(:rev_with_in_repo_callbacks) { "2404d015882659754bdb93ad6e4b4d3d02691a82" }
- # This is the fifth version in the "with-symlinks" branch
- let(:rev_with_in_repo_symlinks) { "5a4748c52aaea8250b4346a9b8ede95ee3755e28" }
- # Read values from the +observe_order_file+ and split each line. This way you
- # can see in which order things really happened.
- def actual_operations_order
- end
- # 1. touch `restart.txt` in cwd so we know that the command is run with the
- # right cwd.
- # 2. Append +tag+ to the `observe_order_file` so we can check the order in
- # which operations happen later in the test.
- def shell_restart_command(tag)
- "touch restart.txt && echo '#{tag}' >> #{observe_order_file.path}"
- end
- let(:basic_deploy_resource) do
-, run_context).tap do |r|
- "deploy-revision-unit-test"
- r.repo git_bundle_repo
- r.symlink_before_migrate({})
- r.symlinks({})
- end
- end
- let(:deploy_to_latest_rev) do
- basic_deploy_resource.dup.tap do |r|
- r.revision(latest_rev)
- r.restart_command shell_restart_command(:deploy_to_latest_rev)
- end
- end
- let(:deploy_to_previous_rev) do
- basic_deploy_resource.dup.tap do |r|
- r.revision(previous_rev)
- r.restart_command shell_restart_command(:deploy_to_previous_rev)
- end
- end
- let(:deploy_to_latest_rev_again) do
- basic_deploy_resource.dup.tap do |r|
- r.revision(latest_rev)
- r.restart_command shell_restart_command(:deploy_to_latest_rev_again)
- end
- end
- let(:deploy_to_previous_rev_again) do
- basic_deploy_resource.dup.tap do |r|
- r.revision(previous_rev)
- r.restart_command shell_restart_command(:deploy_to_previous_rev_again)
- end
- end
- let(:deploy_to_second_rev) do
- basic_deploy_resource.dup.tap do |r|
- r.revision(second_rev)
- r.restart_command shell_restart_command(:deploy_to_second_rev)
- end
- end
- let(:deploy_to_second_rev_again) do
- basic_deploy_resource.dup.tap do |r|
- r.revision(second_rev)
- r.restart_command shell_restart_command(:deploy_to_second_rev_again)
- end
- end
- let(:deploy_to_second_rev_again_again) do
- basic_deploy_resource.dup.tap do |r|
- r.revision(second_rev)
- r.restart_command shell_restart_command(:deploy_to_second_rev_again_again)
- end
- end
- # Computes the full path for +path+ relative to the deploy directory
- def rel_path(path)
- File.expand_path(path, deploy_directory)
- end
- def actual_current_rev
- Dir.chdir(rel_path("current")) do
- `git rev-parse HEAD`.strip
- end
- end
- def self.the_app_is_deployed_at_revision(target_rev_spec)
- it "deploys the app to the target revision (#{target_rev_spec})" do
- target_rev = send(target_rev_spec)
- expect(File).to exist(rel_path("current"))
- expect(actual_current_rev).to eq(target_rev)
- # Is the app code actually there?
- expect(File).to exist(rel_path("current/app/app.rb"))
- end
- end
- context "when deploying a simple app" do
- describe "for the first time, with the required directory layout precreated" do
- before do
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(rel_path("releases"))
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(rel_path("shared"))
- deploy_to_latest_rev.run_action(:deploy)
- end
- the_app_is_deployed_at_revision(:latest_rev)
- it "restarts the application" do
- expect(File).to exist(rel_path("current/restart.txt"))
- expect(actual_operations_order).to eq(%w{deploy_to_latest_rev})
- end
- it "is marked as updated" do
- expect(deploy_to_latest_rev).to be_updated_by_last_action
- end
- end
- describe "back to a previously deployed revision, with the directory structure precreated" do
- before do
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(rel_path("releases"))
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(rel_path("shared"))
- deploy_to_latest_rev.run_action(:deploy)
- deploy_to_previous_rev.run_action(:deploy)
- deploy_to_latest_rev_again.run_action(:deploy)
- end
- the_app_is_deployed_at_revision(:latest_rev)
- it "restarts the application after rolling back" do
- expect(actual_operations_order).to eq(%w{deploy_to_latest_rev deploy_to_previous_rev deploy_to_latest_rev_again})
- end
- it "is marked updated" do
- expect(deploy_to_latest_rev_again).to be_updated_by_last_action
- end
- it "deploys the right code" do
- expect("current/app/app.rb"))).to include("this is the fourth version of the app")
- end
- end
- describe "for the first time, with no existing directory layout" do
- before do
- deploy_to_latest_rev.run_action(:deploy)
- end
- it "creates the required directory tree" do
- expect(File).to be_directory(rel_path("releases"))
- expect(File).to be_directory(rel_path("shared"))
- expect(File).to be_directory(rel_path("releases/#{latest_rev}"))
- expect(File).to be_directory(rel_path("current/tmp"))
- expect(File).to be_directory(rel_path("current/config"))
- expect(File).to be_directory(rel_path("current/public"))
- expect(File).to be_symlink(rel_path("current"))
- expect(File.readlink(rel_path("current"))).to eq(rel_path("releases/#{latest_rev}"))
- end
- the_app_is_deployed_at_revision(:latest_rev)
- it "restarts the application" do
- expect(File).to exist(rel_path("current/restart.txt"))
- expect(actual_operations_order).to eq(%w{deploy_to_latest_rev})
- end
- it "is marked as updated" do
- expect(deploy_to_latest_rev).to be_updated_by_last_action
- end
- end
- describe "again to the current revision" do
- before do
- deploy_to_latest_rev.run_action(:deploy)
- deploy_to_latest_rev.run_action(:deploy)
- end
- the_app_is_deployed_at_revision(:latest_rev)
- it "does not restart the app" do
- expect(actual_operations_order).to eq(%w{deploy_to_latest_rev})
- end
- it "is not marked updated" do
- expect(deploy_to_latest_rev).not_to be_updated_by_last_action
- end
- end
- describe "again with force_deploy" do
- before do
- deploy_to_latest_rev.run_action(:force_deploy)
- deploy_to_latest_rev_again.run_action(:force_deploy)
- end
- the_app_is_deployed_at_revision(:latest_rev)
- it "restarts the app" do
- expect(actual_operations_order).to eq(%w{deploy_to_latest_rev deploy_to_latest_rev_again})
- end
- it "is marked updated" do
- expect(deploy_to_latest_rev).to be_updated_by_last_action
- end
- end
- describe "again to a new revision" do
- before do
- deploy_to_previous_rev.run_action(:deploy)
- deploy_to_latest_rev.run_action(:deploy)
- end
- the_app_is_deployed_at_revision(:latest_rev)
- it "restarts the application after the new deploy" do
- expect(actual_operations_order).to eq(%w{deploy_to_previous_rev deploy_to_latest_rev})
- end
- it "is marked updated" do
- expect(deploy_to_previous_rev).to be_updated_by_last_action
- end
- it "leaves the old copy of the app around for rollback" do
- expect(File).to exist(File.join(deploy_directory, "releases", previous_rev))
- end
- end
- describe "back to a previously deployed revision (implicit rollback)" do
- before do
- deploy_to_latest_rev.run_action(:deploy)
- deploy_to_previous_rev.run_action(:deploy)
- deploy_to_latest_rev_again.run_action(:deploy)
- end
- the_app_is_deployed_at_revision(:latest_rev)
- it "restarts the application after rolling back" do
- expect(actual_operations_order).to eq(%w{deploy_to_latest_rev deploy_to_previous_rev deploy_to_latest_rev_again})
- end
- it "is marked updated" do
- expect(deploy_to_latest_rev_again).to be_updated_by_last_action
- end
- it "deploys the right code" do
- expect("current/app/app.rb"))).to include("this is the fourth version of the app")
- end
- end
- describe "back to a previously deployed revision where resource rev == latest revision (explicit rollback)" do
- before do
- deploy_to_previous_rev.run_action(:deploy)
- @previous_rev_all_releases = deploy_to_previous_rev.provider_for_action(:deploy).all_releases
- deploy_to_latest_rev.run_action(:deploy)
- @latest_rev_all_releases = deploy_to_latest_rev.provider_for_action(:deploy).all_releases
- deploy_to_latest_rev_again.run_action(:rollback)
- @previous_rev_again_all_releases = deploy_to_latest_rev_again.provider_for_action(:deploy).all_releases
- end
- the_app_is_deployed_at_revision(:previous_rev)
- it "restarts the application after rolling back" do
- expect(actual_operations_order).to eq(%w{deploy_to_previous_rev deploy_to_latest_rev deploy_to_latest_rev_again})
- end
- it "is marked updated" do
- expect(deploy_to_latest_rev_again).to be_updated_by_last_action
- end
- it "deploys the right code" do
- expect("current/app/app.rb"))).to include("this is the third version of the app")
- end
- it "all_releases after first deploy should have one entry" do
- expect(@previous_rev_all_releases.length).to eq(1)
- end
- it "all_releases after second deploy should have two entries" do
- expect(@latest_rev_all_releases.length).to eq(2)
- end
- it "all_releases after rollback should have one entry" do
- expect(@previous_rev_again_all_releases.length).to eq(1)
- end
- it "all_releases after rollback should be the same as after the first deploy" do
- expect(@previous_rev_again_all_releases).to eq(@previous_rev_all_releases)
- end
- end
- describe "back to a previously deployed revision where resource rev == previous revision (explicit rollback)" do
- before do
- deploy_to_previous_rev.run_action(:deploy)
- @previous_rev_all_releases = deploy_to_previous_rev.provider_for_action(:deploy).all_releases
- deploy_to_latest_rev.run_action(:deploy)
- @latest_rev_all_releases = deploy_to_latest_rev.provider_for_action(:deploy).all_releases
- deploy_to_previous_rev_again.run_action(:rollback)
- # FIXME: only difference with previous test is using latest_rev_again insetad of previous_rev_again
- @previous_rev_again_all_releases = deploy_to_latest_rev_again.provider_for_action(:deploy).all_releases
- end
- the_app_is_deployed_at_revision(:previous_rev)
- it "restarts the application after rolling back" do
- expect(actual_operations_order).to eq(%w{deploy_to_previous_rev deploy_to_latest_rev deploy_to_previous_rev_again})
- end
- it "is marked updated" do
- expect(deploy_to_previous_rev_again).to be_updated_by_last_action
- end
- it "deploys the right code" do
- expect("current/app/app.rb"))).to include("this is the third version of the app")
- end
- it "all_releases after first deploy should have one entry" do
- expect(@previous_rev_all_releases.length).to eq(1)
- end
- it "all_releases after second deploy should have two entries" do
- expect(@latest_rev_all_releases.length).to eq(2)
- end
- it "all_releases after rollback should have one entry" do
- expect(@previous_rev_again_all_releases.length).to eq(1)
- end
- it "all_releases after rollback should be the same as after the first deploy" do
- expect(@previous_rev_again_all_releases).to eq(@previous_rev_all_releases)
- end
- end
- describe "back to a previously deployed revision where resource rev == latest revision (explicit rollback)" do
- before do
- deploy_to_second_rev.run_action(:deploy)
- @first_deploy_all_releases = deploy_to_second_rev.provider_for_action(:deploy).all_releases
- deploy_to_previous_rev.run_action(:deploy)
- @second_deploy_all_releases = deploy_to_previous_rev.provider_for_action(:deploy).all_releases
- deploy_to_previous_rev_again.run_action(:rollback)
- @third_deploy_all_releases = deploy_to_previous_rev_again.provider_for_action(:deploy).all_releases
- deploy_to_latest_rev.run_action(:deploy)
- @fourth_deploy_all_releases = deploy_to_latest_rev.provider_for_action(:deploy).all_releases
- deploy_to_latest_rev_again.run_action(:rollback)
- @fifth_deploy_all_releases = deploy_to_latest_rev_again.provider_for_action(:deploy).all_releases
- end
- the_app_is_deployed_at_revision(:second_rev)
- it "restarts the application after rolling back" do
- expect(actual_operations_order).to eq(%w{deploy_to_second_rev deploy_to_previous_rev deploy_to_previous_rev_again deploy_to_latest_rev deploy_to_latest_rev_again})
- end
- it "is marked updated" do
- expect(deploy_to_latest_rev_again).to be_updated_by_last_action
- end
- it "deploys the right code" do
- expect("current/app/app.rb"))).to include("this is the second version of the app")
- end
- it "all_releases after rollback should have one entry" do
- expect(@fifth_deploy_all_releases.length).to eq(1)
- end
- it "all_releases after rollback should be the same as after the first deploy" do
- expect(@fifth_deploy_all_releases).to eq(@first_deploy_all_releases)
- end
- end
- describe "back to a previously deployed revision where resource rev == latest revision (explicit rollback)" do
- before do
- deploy_to_second_rev.run_action(:deploy)
- @first_deploy_all_releases = deploy_to_second_rev.provider_for_action(:deploy).all_releases
- deploy_to_previous_rev.run_action(:deploy)
- @second_deploy_all_releases = deploy_to_previous_rev.provider_for_action(:deploy).all_releases
- deploy_to_second_rev_again.run_action(:rollback)
- @third_deploy_all_releases = deploy_to_second_rev_again.provider_for_action(:deploy).all_releases
- deploy_to_latest_rev.run_action(:deploy)
- @fourth_deploy_all_releases = deploy_to_latest_rev.provider_for_action(:deploy).all_releases
- deploy_to_second_rev_again_again.run_action(:rollback)
- @fifth_deploy_all_releases = deploy_to_second_rev_again_again.provider_for_action(:deploy).all_releases
- end
- the_app_is_deployed_at_revision(:second_rev)
- it "restarts the application after rolling back" do
- expect(actual_operations_order).to eq(%w{deploy_to_second_rev deploy_to_previous_rev deploy_to_second_rev_again deploy_to_latest_rev deploy_to_second_rev_again_again})
- end
- it "is marked updated" do
- expect(deploy_to_second_rev_again_again).to be_updated_by_last_action
- end
- it "deploys the right code" do
- expect("current/app/app.rb"))).to include("this is the second version of the app")
- end
- it "all_releases after rollback should have one entry" do
- expect(@fifth_deploy_all_releases.length).to eq(1)
- end
- it "all_releases after rollback should be the same as after the first deploy" do
- expect(@fifth_deploy_all_releases).to eq(@first_deploy_all_releases)
- end
- end
- # CHEF-3435
- describe "to a deploy_to path that does not yet exist" do
- let(:top_level_tmpdir) { Dir.mktmpdir }
- # override top level deploy_directory let block with one that is two
- # directories deeper
- let(:deploy_directory) { File.expand_path("nested/deeper", top_level_tmpdir) }
- after do
- FileUtils.remove_entry_secure top_level_tmpdir
- end
- before do
- expect(File).not_to exist(deploy_directory)
- deploy_to_latest_rev.run_action(:deploy)
- end
- it "creates the required directory tree" do
- expect(File).to be_directory(rel_path("releases"))
- expect(File).to be_directory(rel_path("shared"))
- expect(File).to be_directory(rel_path("releases/#{latest_rev}"))
- expect(File).to be_directory(rel_path("current/tmp"))
- expect(File).to be_directory(rel_path("current/config"))
- expect(File).to be_directory(rel_path("current/public"))
- expect(File).to be_symlink(rel_path("current"))
- expect(File.readlink(rel_path("current"))).to eq(rel_path("releases/#{latest_rev}"))
- end
- the_app_is_deployed_at_revision(:latest_rev)
- end
- end
- context "when deploying an app with inline recipe callbacks" do
- # Use closures to capture and mutate this variable. This allows us to track
- # ordering of operations.
- callback_order = []
- let(:deploy_to_latest_with_inline_recipes) do
- deploy_to_latest_rev.dup.tap do |r|
- r.symlink_before_migrate "config/" => ""
- r.before_migrate do
- callback_order << :before_migrate
- file "#{release_path}/before_migrate.txt" do
- # The content here isn't relevant, but it gets printed when running
- # the tests. Could be handy for debugging.
- content callback_order.inspect
- end
- end
- r.before_symlink do
- callback_order << :before_symlink
- current_release_path = release_path
- ruby_block "ensure before symlink" do
- block do
- if ::File.exist?(::File.join(current_release_path, "/tmp"))
- raise "Ordering issue with provider, expected symlinks to not have been created"
- end
- end
- end
- file "#{release_path}/before_symlink.txt" do
- content callback_order.inspect
- end
- end
- r.before_restart do
- callback_order << :before_restart
- current_release_path = release_path
- ruby_block "ensure after symlink" do
- block do
- unless ::File.exist?(::File.join(current_release_path, "/tmp"))
- raise "Ordering issue with provider, expected symlinks to have been created"
- end
- end
- end
- file "#{release_path}/tmp/before_restart.txt" do
- content callback_order.inspect
- end
- end
- r.after_restart do
- callback_order << :after_restart
- file "#{release_path}/tmp/after_restart.txt" do
- content callback_order.inspect
- end
- end
- end
- end
- before do
- callback_order.clear # callback_order variable is global for this context group
- deploy_to_latest_with_inline_recipes.run_action(:deploy)
- end
- the_app_is_deployed_at_revision(:latest_rev)
- it "is marked updated" do
- expect(deploy_to_latest_with_inline_recipes).to be_updated_by_last_action
- end
- it "calls the callbacks in order" do
- expect(callback_order).to eq([:before_migrate, :before_symlink, :before_restart, :after_restart])
- end
- it "runs chef resources in the callbacks" do
- expect(File).to exist(rel_path("current/before_migrate.txt"))
- expect(File).to exist(rel_path("current/before_symlink.txt"))
- expect(File).to exist(rel_path("current/tmp/before_restart.txt"))
- expect(File).to exist(rel_path("current/tmp/after_restart.txt"))
- end
- end
- context "when deploying an app with in-repo callback scripts" do
- let(:deploy_with_in_repo_callbacks) do
- basic_deploy_resource.dup.tap do |r|
- r.repo git_bundle_with_in_repo_callbacks
- r.revision rev_with_in_repo_callbacks
- end
- end
- before do
- deploy_with_in_repo_callbacks.run_action(:deploy)
- end
- the_app_is_deployed_at_revision(:rev_with_in_repo_callbacks)
- it "runs chef resources in the callbacks" do
- expect(File).to exist(rel_path("current/before_migrate.txt"))
- expect(File).to exist(rel_path("current/before_symlink.txt"))
- expect(File).to exist(rel_path("current/tmp/before_restart.txt"))
- expect(File).to exist(rel_path("current/tmp/after_restart.txt"))
- end
- end
- context "when deploying an app with migrations" do
- let(:deploy_with_migration) do
- basic_deploy_resource.dup.tap do |r|
- # Need this so we can call methods from this test inside the inline
- # recipe callbacks
- spec_context = self
- r.revision latest_rev
- # enable migrations
- r.migrate true
- # abuse `shell_restart_command` so we can observe order of when the
- # miration command gets run
- r.migration_command shell_restart_command("migration")
- r.before_migrate do
- # inline recipe callbacks don't cwd, so you have to get the release
- # directory as a local and "capture" it in the closure.
- current_release = release_path
- execute spec_context.shell_restart_command("before_migrate") do
- cwd current_release
- end
- end
- r.before_symlink do
- current_release = release_path
- execute spec_context.shell_restart_command("before_symlink") do
- cwd current_release
- end
- end
- r.before_restart do
- current_release = release_path
- execute spec_context.shell_restart_command("before_restart") do
- cwd current_release
- end
- end
- r.after_restart do
- current_release = release_path
- execute spec_context.shell_restart_command("after_restart") do
- cwd current_release
- end
- end
- end
- end
- before do
- deploy_with_migration.run_action(:deploy)
- end
- it "runs migrations in between the before_migrate and before_symlink steps" do
- expect(actual_operations_order).to eq(%w{before_migrate migration before_symlink before_restart after_restart})
- end
- end
- context "when deploying an app with in-repo symlinks" do
- let(:deploy_with_in_repo_symlinks) do
- basic_deploy_resource.dup.tap do |r|
- r.repo git_bundle_with_in_repo_symlinks
- r.revision rev_with_in_repo_symlinks
- end
- end
- it "should not raise an exception calling File.utime on symlinks" do
- expect { deploy_with_in_repo_symlinks.run_action(:deploy) }.not_to raise_error
- end
- end
- context "when a previously deployed application has been nuked" do
- shared_examples_for "a redeployed application" do
- it "should redeploy the application" do
- expect(File).to be_directory(rel_path("releases"))
- expect(File).to be_directory(rel_path("shared"))
- expect(File).to be_directory(rel_path("releases/#{latest_rev}"))
- expect(File).to be_directory(rel_path("current/tmp"))
- expect(File).to be_directory(rel_path("current/config"))
- expect(File).to be_directory(rel_path("current/public"))
- expect(File).to be_symlink(rel_path("current"))
- expect(File.readlink(rel_path("current"))).to eq(rel_path("releases/#{latest_rev}"))
- end
- end
- # background: If a deployment is hosed and the user decides to rm -rf the
- # deployment dir, deploy resource should detect that and nullify its cache.
- context "by removing the entire deploy directory" do
- before do
- deploy_to_latest_rev.dup.run_action(:deploy)
- FileUtils.rm_rf(deploy_directory)
- deploy_to_latest_rev.dup.run_action(:deploy)
- end
- include_examples "a redeployed application"
- end
- context "by removing the current/ directory" do
- before do
- deploy_to_latest_rev.dup.run_action(:deploy)
- FileUtils.rm(rel_path("current"))
- deploy_to_latest_rev.dup.run_action(:deploy)
- end
- include_examples "a redeployed application"
- end
- end
- context "when a deployment fails" do
- shared_examples_for "a recovered deployment" do
- it "should redeploy the application" do
- expect(File).to be_directory(rel_path("releases"))
- expect(File).to be_directory(rel_path("shared"))
- expect(File).to be_directory(rel_path("releases/#{latest_rev}"))
- expect(File).to be_directory(rel_path("current/tmp"))
- expect(File).to be_directory(rel_path("current/config"))
- expect(File).to be_directory(rel_path("current/public"))
- expect(File).to be_symlink(rel_path("current"))
- expect(File.readlink(rel_path("current"))).to eq(rel_path("releases/#{latest_rev}"))
- # if callbacks ran, we know the app was deployed and not merely rolled
- # back to a (busted) prior deployment.
- expect(callback_order).to eq([:before_migrate,
- :before_symlink,
- :before_restart,
- :after_restart ])
- end
- end
- let!(:callback_order) { [] }
- let(:deploy_to_latest_with_callback_tracking) do
- resource = deploy_to_latest_rev.dup
- tracker = callback_order
- resource.before_migrate { tracker << :before_migrate }
- resource.before_symlink { tracker << :before_symlink }
- resource.before_restart { tracker << :before_restart }
- resource.after_restart { tracker << :after_restart }
- resource
- end
- [:before_migrate, :before_symlink, :before_restart, :after_restart].each do |callback|
- context "in the `#{callback}' callback" do
- before do
- expect { deploy_that_fails.run_action(:deploy) }.to raise_error(Exception, %r{I am a failed deploy})
- deploy_to_latest_with_callback_tracking.run_action(:deploy)
- end
- let(:deploy_that_fails) do
- resource = deploy_to_latest_rev.dup
- errant_callback = lambda { |x| raise Exception, "I am a failed deploy" }
- resource.send(callback, &errant_callback)
- resource
- end
- include_examples "a recovered deployment"
- end
- end
- context "in the service restart step" do
- let(:deploy_that_fails) do
- resource = deploy_to_latest_rev.dup
- resource.restart_command("RUBYOPT=\"\" ruby -e 'exit 1'")
- resource
- end
- before do
- expect { deploy_that_fails.run_action(:deploy) }.to raise_error(Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed)
- deploy_to_latest_with_callback_tracking.run_action(:deploy)
- end
- include_examples "a recovered deployment"
- end
- context "when cloning the app code" do
- class BadTimeScmProvider
- def initialize(new_resource, run_context)
- end
- def load_current_resource
- end
- def revision_slug
- "5"
- end
- def run_action(action)
- raise "network error"
- end
- end
- let(:deploy_that_fails) do
- resource = deploy_to_latest_rev.dup
- resource.scm_provider(BadTimeScmProvider)
- resource
- end
- before do
- expect { deploy_that_fails.run_action(:deploy) }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, /network error/)
- deploy_to_latest_with_callback_tracking.run_action(:deploy)
- end
- include_examples "a recovered deployment"
- end
- context "and then is deployed to a different revision" do
- let(:deploy_that_fails) do
- resource = deploy_to_previous_rev.dup
- resource.after_restart { |x| raise Exception, "I am a failed deploy" }
- resource
- end
- before do
- expect { deploy_that_fails.run_action(:deploy) }.to raise_error(Exception, %r{I am a failed deploy})
- deploy_to_latest_rev.run_action(:deploy)
- end
- it "removes the unsuccessful deploy after a later successful deploy" do
- expect(::File).not_to exist(File.join(deploy_directory, "releases", previous_rev))
- end
- end
- end