diff options
7 files changed, 399 insertions, 132 deletions
diff --git a/ChangeLog.txt b/ChangeLog.txt
index d6b0878..e688b19 100644
--- a/ChangeLog.txt
+++ b/ChangeLog.txt
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
.?lastupdate: $Date$
.?version: $Rev$
+: Rev.79 (2007-05-23)
+ .- [update] CHANGES, ReleaseNote.txt, website/index.txt
: Rev.78 (2007-05-22)
.- [enhance] add '-T' (don't expand tab characters)
.- [enhance] add 'contrib/erubis-run.rb' (thanks to Andrew R Jackson)
diff --git a/ReleaseNote.txt b/ReleaseNote.txt
index 78adfb3..a24a572 100644
--- a/ReleaseNote.txt
+++ b/ReleaseNote.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,145 @@
+$ [ANN] Erubis 2.3.0 release - a fast and extensible eRuby implementation
+Hi all,
+I have just released Erubis 2.3.0.
+Erubis is another implementation of eRuby and it gives more speed
+to Ruby on Rails application.
+ * Very fast, almost three times faster than ERB and
+ even ten percent faster than eruby (implemented in C)
+ * File caching of converted Ruby script support, which
+ makes eRuby about 40-50 percent faster.
+ * Support multi-language
+ (Ruby,PHP,C,Java,Scheme,Perl,Javascript)
+ * Auto escaping support
+ * Auto trimming spaces around '<% %>'
+ * Embedded pattern changeable (default '<% %>')
+ * Context object available and easy to combine eRuby
+ template with YAML datafile or Ruby script
+ * Easy to extend in subclass
+ * Ruby on Rails support
+ * Mod_ruby support
+Installation is very easy.
+.* Just type 'gem install -r erubis' if you have installed RubyGems.
+.* Or download erubis_2.3.0.tar.bz2 and type 'ruby setup.rb'.
+See users' guide (erubis_2.3.0/doc/users-guide.html)
+for details.
+ * New class 'Erubis::FastEruby' is added.
+ It is a subclass of Erubis::Eruby and includes InterpolationEnhancer.
+ Erubis::FastEruby is compatible with and faster than Erubis::Eruby.
+ * New enhancer 'InterpolationEnhancer' is added.
+ This enhancer uses expression interpolation to eliminate method call
+ of String#<<. In the result, this enhancer makes Eruby a little faster.
+ --------------------
+ ## Assume that input is '<a href="<%=url%>"><%=name%></a>'.
+ ## Eruby convert input into the following code. String#<< is called 5 times.
+ _buf << '<a href="'; _buf << (url).to_s; _buf << '">'; _buf << (name).to_s; _buf << '</a>';
+ ## When InterpolationEnhancer is used, String#<< is called only once.
+ _buf << %Q`<a href="#{url}">#{name}</a>`;
+ --------------------
+ * New enhancer 'ErboutEnhancer' is added.
+ ErboutEnhancer set '_erbout' as well as '_buf' to be compatible with ERB.
+ ====================
+ $ cat ex.rhtml
+ <p>Hello</p>
+ $ erubis -x ex.rhtml
+ _buf = ''; _buf << '<p>Hello</p>
+ ';
+ _buf.to_s
+ $ erubis -xE Erbout ex.rhtml
+ _erbout = _buf = ''; _buf << '<p>Hello</p>
+ ';
+ _buf.to_s
+ ====================
+ * [experimental]
+ New enhancer 'DeleteIndentEnhancer' is added.
+ This enhancer deletes indentation of HTML file.
+ ====================
+ $ cat ex.rhtml
+ <div>
+ <ul>
+ <% for item in ['AAA', 'BBB', 'CCC'] %>
+ <li><%= item %></li>
+ <% end %>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ $ erubis ex.rhtml
+ <div>
+ <ul>
+ <li>AAA</li>
+ <li>BBB</li>
+ <li>CCC</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ $ erubis -E DeleteIndent ex.rhtml
+ <div>
+ <ul>
+ <li>AAA</li>
+ <li>BBB</li>
+ <li>CCC</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ ====================
+ * Mod_ruby is supported (very thanks to Andrew R Jackson!).
+ See users-guide and 'contrib/erubis-run.rb' for details.
+ * New command-line option '-X', '-N', '-U', and '-C' are added.
+ These are intended to be a replacement of 'notext' command.
+ = '-X' shows only ruby statements and expressions.
+ = '-N' adds line numbers.
+ = '-U' compress empty lines into a line.
+ = '-C' removes empty lines.
+ * 'helpers/rails_helper.rb' is changed to use ErboutEnhancer.
+ The following is an examle to use Erubis with Ruby on Rails.
+ File 'config/environment.rb':
+ ----------------------------------------
+ require 'erubis/helpers/rails_helper'
+ #Erubis::Helpers::RailsHelper.engine_class = Erubis::Eruby # or Erubis::FastEruby
+ #Erubis::Helpers::RailsHelper.init_properties = {}
+ #Erubis::Helpers::RailsHelper.show_src = false # set true for debugging
+ ----------------------------------------
+ * Command 'notext' has been removed. Use '-X', '-N', '-U', and '-C'
+ instead.
+ * Tab characters in YAML file are expaneded automatically.
+ If you want not to expand tab characters, add command-line optio '-T'.
+ * Benchmark scripts (benchmark/bench.*) are rewrited.
+ * Users-guide (doc/users-guide.html) is updated.
+Have fun!
$ [ANN] Erubis 2.2.0 release - a fast eRuby implementation
Hi all,
diff --git a/Rookbook.yaml b/Rookbook.yaml
index 5a9bc2b..49a84df 100644
--- a/Rookbook.yaml
+++ b/Rookbook.yaml
@@ -129,7 +129,8 @@ recipes:
rm_f "#{dir}/test/Rookbook.yaml", "#{dir}/test/test.log"
- store 'benchmark/{bench.rb,bench_context.yaml}', 'benchmark/Makefile', dir
+ store 'benchmark/{bench.rb,bench_context.yaml}',
+ 'benchmark/templates/*', 'benchmark/Makefile', dir
Dir.glob('examples/*').each { |d| chdir d do sys 'make clean' end }
store 'examples/**/*', dir
@@ -163,8 +164,8 @@ recipes:
chmod 0644, "#{dir}/**/*", :filetype=>'file'
- chmod 0755, "#{dir}/{bin,contrib}/*", :filetype=>'file'
- chmod 0644, "#{dir}/contrib/*.patch"
+ chmod 0755, "#{dir}/bin/*", :filetype=>'file'
+ chmod 0755, "#{dir}/contrib/{erubis,inline-require}", :filetype=>'file'
- product: :duplicate
method*: |
diff --git a/doc/users-guide.html b/doc/users-guide.html
index b8898f6..e49baa8 100644
--- a/doc/users-guide.html
+++ b/doc/users-guide.html
@@ -21,35 +21,6 @@
<a name="preface"></a>
<h2 class="section1">Preface</h2>
-<p>Erubis is an implementation of eRuby.
-It has the following features.
-<ul type="disc">
-<li><a href="#topics-benchmark">Very fast</a>, almost three times faster than ERB and about ten percent faster than eruby (implemented in C)
-<li><a href="#topics-caching">File caching of converted Ruby script support</a>
-<li><a href="#tut-escape">Auto escaping support</a>
-<li><a href="#tut-trim">Auto trimming spaces around '&lt;% %&gt;'</a>
-<li><a href="#tut-pattern">Embedded pattern changeable</a> (default '&lt;% %&gt;')
-<li><a href="#tut-pi">Enable to handle Processing Instructions (PI) as embedded pattern</a> (ex. '&lt;?rb ... ?&gt;')
-<li><a href="#lang">Multi-language support</a> (Ruby/PHP/C/Java/Scheme/Perl/Javascript)
-<li><a href="#tut-context">Context object available</a> and <a href="#tut-datafile">easy to combine eRuby template with YAML datafile</a>
-<li><a href="#printenabled-enhancer">Print statement available</a>
-<li><a href="#enhancer">Easy to expand and customize in subclass</a>
-<li><a href="#topics-rails">Ruby on Rails support</a>
-<li><a href="#topcs-modruby">mod_ruby support</a>
<p>Erubis is implemented in pure Ruby. It requires Ruby 1.8 or higher.
<a name="toc"></a>
@@ -151,6 +122,8 @@ It has the following features.
<li><a href="#topics-rails">Ruby on Rails Support</a>
+ <li><a href="#topics-php">NoTextEnhancer and NoCodeEnhancer in PHP</a>
+ </li>
<li><a href="#topcs-modruby">Helper Class for mod_ruby</a>
<li><a href="#topics-benchmark">Benchmark</a>
@@ -1243,6 +1216,11 @@ The following is an example to use some enhancers in command-line.
<dd class="dd1">
[experimental] convert '&lt;p&gt;&lt;%= text %&gt;&lt;/p&gt;' into '_buf &lt;&lt; %Q`&lt;p&gt;#{text}&lt;/p&gt;`'.
+<dt class="dt1">
+<a href="#deleteindent-enhancer">DeleteIndentEnhancer</a> (language-independent)</dt>
+<dd class="dd1">
+ [experimental] delete indentation of HTML file and eliminate page size.
<p>If you required 'erubis/engine/enhanced', Eruby subclasses which include each enhancers are defined.
For example, class BiPatternEruby includes BiPatternEnhancer.
@@ -2472,6 +2450,93 @@ It is useful for debugging.
+<a name="topics-php"></a>
+<h3 class="section2">NoTextEnhancer and NoCodeEnhancer in PHP</h3>
+<p>NoTextEnhancer and NoCodEnahncer are quite useful not only for eRuby but also for PHP.
+The former "drops" HTML text and show up embedded Ruby/PHP code
+and the latter drops embedded Ruby/PHP code and leave HTML text.
+<p>For example, see the following PHP script.
+<a name="notext-example.php"></a>
+<div class="program_caption">
+<pre class="program">&lt;html&gt;
+ &lt;body&gt;
+ &lt;h3&gt;List&lt;/h3&gt;
+ &lt;?php if (!$list || count($list) == 0) { ?&gt;
+ &lt;p&gt;not found.&lt;/p&gt;
+ &lt;?php } else { ?&gt;
+ &lt;table&gt;
+ &lt;tbody&gt;
+ &lt;?php $i = 0; ?&gt;
+ &lt;?php foreach ($list as $item) { ?&gt;
+ &lt;tr bgcolor="&lt;?php echo ++$i % 2 == 1 ? '#FFCCCC' : '#CCCCFF'; ?&gt;"&gt;
+ &lt;td&gt;&lt;?php echo $item; ?&gt;&lt;/td&gt;
+ &lt;/tr&gt;
+ &lt;?php } ?&gt;
+ &lt;/tbody&gt;
+ &lt;/table&gt;
+ &lt;?php } ?&gt;
+ &lt;/body&gt;
+<p>This is complex because PHP code and HTML document are mixed.
+NoTextEnhancer can separate PHP code from HTML document.
+<a name="notext-php.result"></a>
+<div class="terminal_caption">
+example of using NoTextEnhancer with PHP file</div>
+<pre class="terminal">$ erubis -l php --pi=php -N -E NoText --trim=false notext-example.php
+ 1:
+ 2:
+ 3:
+ 4: &lt;?php if (!$list || count($list) == 0) { ?&gt;
+ 5:
+ 6: &lt;?php } else { ?&gt;
+ 7:
+ 8:
+ 9: &lt;?php $i = 0; ?&gt;
+ 10: &lt;?php foreach ($list as $item) { ?&gt;
+ 11: &lt;?php echo ++$i % 2 == 1 ? '#FFCCCC' : '#CCCCFF'; ?&gt;
+ 12: &lt;?php echo $item; ?&gt;
+ 13:
+ 14: &lt;?php } ?&gt;
+ 15:
+ 16:
+ 17: &lt;?php } ?&gt;
+ 18:
+ 19:
+<p>In the same way, NoCodeEnhancer can extract HTML tags.
+<a name="nocode-php.result"></a>
+<div class="terminal_caption">
+example of using NoCodeEnhancer with PHP file</div>
+<pre class="terminal">$ erubis -l php --pi=php -N -E NoCode --trim=false notext-example.php
+ 1: &lt;html&gt;
+ 2: &lt;body&gt;
+ 3: &lt;h3&gt;List&lt;/h3&gt;
+ 4:
+ 5: &lt;p&gt;not found.&lt;/p&gt;
+ 6:
+ 7: &lt;table&gt;
+ 8: &lt;tbody&gt;
+ 9:
+ 10:
+ 11: &lt;tr bgcolor=""&gt;
+ 12: &lt;td&gt;&lt;/td&gt;
+ 13: &lt;/tr&gt;
+ 14:
+ 15: &lt;/tbody&gt;
+ 16: &lt;/table&gt;
+ 17:
+ 18: &lt;/body&gt;
+ 19: &lt;/html&gt;
<a name="topcs-modruby"></a>
<h3 class="section2">Helper Class for mod_ruby</h3>
<p>Thanks Andrew R Jackson, he developed 'erubis-run.rb' which enables you to use Erubis with mod_ruby.
diff --git a/doc/users-guide.txt b/doc/users-guide.txt
index e0318b2..90df4cb 100644
--- a/doc/users-guide.txt
+++ b/doc/users-guide.txt
@@ -10,20 +10,20 @@ release: $Release$
.$ Preface | preface*
-Erubis is an implementation of eRuby.
-It has the following features.
-.* {{<Very fast|#topics-benchmark>}}, almost three times faster than ERB and about ten percent faster than eruby (implemented in C)
-.* {{<File caching of converted Ruby script support|#topics-caching>}}
-.* {{<Auto escaping support|#tut-escape>}}
-.* {{<Auto trimming spaces around '<% %>'|#tut-trim>}}
-.* {{<Embedded pattern changeable|#tut-pattern>}} (default '<% %>')
-.* {{<Enable to handle Processing Instructions (PI) as embedded pattern|#tut-pi>}} (ex. '<?rb ... ?>')
-.* {{<Multi-language support|#lang>}} (Ruby/PHP/C/Java/Scheme/Perl/Javascript)
-.* {{<Context object available|#tut-context>}} and {{<easy to combine eRuby template with YAML datafile|#tut-datafile>}}
-.* {{<Print statement available|#printenabled-enhancer>}}
-.* {{<Easy to expand and customize in subclass|#enhancer>}}
-.* {{<Ruby on Rails support|#topics-rails>}}
-.* {{<mod_ruby support|#topcs-modruby>}}
+.#Erubis is an implementation of eRuby.
+.#It has the following features.
+.#.* {{<Very fast|#topics-benchmark>}}, almost three times faster than ERB and about ten percent faster than eruby (implemented in C)
+.#.* {{<File caching of converted Ruby script support|#topics-caching>}}
+.#.* {{<Auto escaping support|#tut-escape>}}
+.#.* {{<Auto trimming spaces around '<% %>'|#tut-trim>}}
+.#.* {{<Embedded pattern changeable|#tut-pattern>}} (default '<% %>')
+.#.* {{<Enable to handle Processing Instructions (PI) as embedded pattern|#tut-pi>}} (ex. '<?rb ... ?>')
+.#.* {{<Multi-language support|#lang>}} (Ruby/PHP/C/Java/Scheme/Perl/Javascript)
+.#.* {{<Context object available|#tut-context>}} and {{<easy to combine eRuby template with YAML datafile|#tut-datafile>}}
+.#.* {{<Print statement available|#printenabled-enhancer>}}
+.#.* {{<Easy to expand and customize in subclass|#enhancer>}}
+.#.* {{<Ruby on Rails support|#topics-rails>}}
+.#.* {{<mod_ruby support|#topcs-modruby>}}
Erubis is implemented in pure Ruby. It requires Ruby 1.8 or higher.
@@ -1131,6 +1131,8 @@ The following is the list of enhancers.
[experimental] Enable you to add header and footer in eRuby script.
.: {{<InterpolationEnhancer|#interpolation-enhancer>}} (only for Eruby)
[experimental] convert '<p><%= text %></p>' into '_buf << %Q`<p>#{text}</p>`'.
+.: {{<DeleteIndentEnhancer|#deleteindent-enhancer>}} (language-independent)
+ [experimental] delete indentation of HTML file and eliminate page size.
If you required 'erubis/engine/enhanced', Eruby subclasses which include each enhancers are defined.
@@ -1879,7 +1881,7 @@ You can use Erubis::FastEruby class instead of Erubis::Eruby class.
InterpolationEnhancer is only for Eruby.
-.$$ DeleteIndentEnhancer | interpolation-enhancer
+.$$ DeleteIndentEnhancer | deleteindent-enhancer
DeleteIndentEnhancer deletes indentation of HTML file.
@@ -2571,53 +2573,89 @@ It is useful for debugging.
-.#.$$ NoTextEnhancer and NoCodeEnhancer in PHP | topics-php
-.#NoTextEnhancer and NoCodEnahncer are quite useful not only for eRuby but also for PHP.
-.#The former "drops" HTML text and show up embedded Ruby/PHP code
-.#and the latter drops embedded Ruby/PHP code and leave HTML text.
-.#For example, see the following PHP script.
-.#.? notext-example.php
-.#.-------------------- notext-example.php
-.# <body>
-.# <h3>List</h3>
-.# <?php if (!$list || count($list) == 0) { ?>
-.# <p>not found.</p>
-.# <?php } else { ?>
-.# <table>
-.# <tbody>
-.# <?php $i = 0; ?>
-.# <?php foreach ($list as $item) { ?>
-.# <tr bgcolor="<?php echo ++$i % 2 == 1 ? '#FFCCCC' : '#CCCCFF'; ?>">
-.# <td><?php echo $item; ?></td>
-.# </tr>
-.# <?php } ?>
-.# </tbody>
-.# </table>
-.# <?php } ?>
-.# </body>
-.#This is complex because PHP code and HTML document are mixed.
-.#NoTextEnhancer can separate PHP code from HTML document.
-.#.? example of using NoTextEnhancer with PHP file
-.#$ erubis -l php -E NoText -p '<\?php \?>' --trim=false notext-example.php | cat -n
-.#.<<<:! erubis -l php -E NoText -p '<\?php \?>' --trim=false guide.d/notext-example.php | cat -n
-.#In the same way, NoCodeEnhancer can extract HTML tags.
-.#.? example of using NoCodeEnhancer with PHP file
-.#$ erubis -l php -E NoCode -p '<\?php \?>' notext-example.php | cat -n
-.#.<<<:! erubis -l php -E NoCode -p '<\?php \?>' guide.d/notext-example.php | cat -n
+.$$ NoTextEnhancer and NoCodeEnhancer in PHP | topics-php
+NoTextEnhancer and NoCodEnahncer are quite useful not only for eRuby but also for PHP.
+The former "drops" HTML text and show up embedded Ruby/PHP code
+and the latter drops embedded Ruby/PHP code and leave HTML text.
+For example, see the following PHP script.
+.? notext-example.php
+.-------------------- notext-example.php
+ <body>
+ <h3>List</h3>
+ <?php if (!$list || count($list) == 0) { ?>
+ <p>not found.</p>
+ <?php } else { ?>
+ <table>
+ <tbody>
+ <?php $i = 0; ?>
+ <?php foreach ($list as $item) { ?>
+ <tr bgcolor="<?php echo ++$i % 2 == 1 ? '#FFCCCC' : '#CCCCFF'; ?>">
+ <td><?php echo $item; ?></td>
+ </tr>
+ <?php } ?>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ <?php } ?>
+ </body>
+This is complex because PHP code and HTML document are mixed.
+NoTextEnhancer can separate PHP code from HTML document.
+.? example of using NoTextEnhancer with PHP file
+.==================== notext-php.result
+$ erubis -l php --pi=php -N -E NoText --trim=false notext-example.php
+ 1:
+ 2:
+ 3:
+ 4: <?php if (!$list || count($list) == 0) { ?>
+ 5:
+ 6: <?php } else { ?>
+ 7:
+ 8:
+ 9: <?php $i = 0; ?>
+ 10: <?php foreach ($list as $item) { ?>
+ 11: <?php echo ++$i % 2 == 1 ? '#FFCCCC' : '#CCCCFF'; ?>
+ 12: <?php echo $item; ?>
+ 13:
+ 14: <?php } ?>
+ 15:
+ 16:
+ 17: <?php } ?>
+ 18:
+ 19:
+In the same way, NoCodeEnhancer can extract HTML tags.
+.? example of using NoCodeEnhancer with PHP file
+.==================== nocode-php.result
+$ erubis -l php --pi=php -N -E NoCode --trim=false notext-example.php
+ 1: <html>
+ 2: <body>
+ 3: <h3>List</h3>
+ 4:
+ 5: <p>not found.</p>
+ 6:
+ 7: <table>
+ 8: <tbody>
+ 9:
+ 10:
+ 11: <tr bgcolor="">
+ 12: <td></td>
+ 13: </tr>
+ 14:
+ 15: </tbody>
+ 16: </table>
+ 17:
+ 18: </body>
+ 19: </html>
diff --git a/website/index.txt b/website/index.txt
index 45bf6a6..684bfef 100644
--- a/website/index.txt
+++ b/website/index.txt
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
.$ News
+.* [2007-05-23] {{<erubis_2.3.0|download.cgi>}} released.
.* [2007-02-12] {{<erubis_2.2.0|download.cgi>}} released.
.* [2006-09-28] {{<erubis-j_1.0.0|download.cgi>}} (porting to Java) released.
.* [2006-09-24] {{<erubis_2.1.0|download.cgi>}} released.
@@ -36,6 +37,7 @@
Erubis is a fast, secure, and very extensible implementation of eRuby.
It has the following features.
.* Very fast, almost three times faster than ERB and about ten percent faster than eruby (implemented in C).
+.* File caching of converted Ruby script support.
.* Auto escaping (sanitizing) support, it means that '<%= %>' can be escaped in default.
It is desirable for web application.
.* Spaces around '<% %>' are trimmed automatically only when '<%' is at the beginning of line and '%>' is at the end of line.
@@ -53,6 +55,7 @@ It has the following features.
.- Another embedded pattern support
.- etc...
.* Ruby on Rails support.
+.* Mod_ruby support.
eRuby means "embedded Ruby" in documents.
Embedded patterns are '{{,<% {{/statement/}} %>,}}' and '{{,<%= {{/expression/}} %>,}}'.
@@ -60,10 +63,12 @@ The following is an example of eRuby. '<% ... %>' means Ruby statement and '<%=
.? example.eruby
.-------------------- example.eruby
-Hello <%= @user %>!
-<% for item in @list %>
- * <%= item %>
-<% end %>
+<h1>{{*<%= @title %>*}}</h1>
+ {{*<% for item in @items %>*}}
+ <li><%= item %></td>
+ {{*<% end %>*}}
This will be compiled into Ruby program code.
@@ -82,11 +87,11 @@ $ erubis -f data.yaml example.eruby
.-------------------- data.yaml
-user: Erubis
- - aaa
- - bbb
- - ccc
+title: Erubis Example
+ - AAA
+ - BBB
+ - CCC
@@ -102,25 +107,25 @@ You can use Erubis in Java with Rhino.
.$ Download
- .* Erubis (implemented in Ruby)
+ .* Erubis 2.3.0 (implemented in Ruby)
.- if you have installed RubyGems, just type `{{,gem install -r erubis,}}' to install Erubis
.- Or {{<download|download.cgi>}}.^
(Erubis requires {{<abstract|>}} library.
Download and install it at first.)
- .* Erubis-J (implemented in Java) {{!(New!)!}}
+ .* Erubis-J 1.0.0 (implemented in Java) {{!(New!)!}}
.- {{<download|download.cgi?project=erubisj>}}
.$ Documents
.#.* {{<README|README.en.html>}}
- .* Erubis (implemented in Ruby)
+ .* Erubis 2.3.0 (implemented in Ruby)
.- {{<User's guide|users-guide.html>}}
.#.- {{<ReleaseNote|ReleaseNote.txt>}}
- .* Erubis-J (implemented in Java)
+ .* Erubis-J 1.0.0 (implemented in Java)
.- {{<User's guide|erubisj-users-guide.html>}}
.#.- {{<Changelog|erubisj-ChangeLog>}}
.#.- {{<ReleaseNote|erubisj-ReleaseNote.txt>}}
.$ License
- .* Erubis is released under MIT License.
- .* Erubis-J is released under LGPL License.
+ .* Erubis is released under the MIT License.
+ .* Erubis-J is released under the LGPL License.
diff --git a/website/index.xhtml b/website/index.xhtml
index 452052f..c6b6844 100644
--- a/website/index.xhtml
+++ b/website/index.xhtml
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
<a name="News"></a>
<h2 class="section">News</h2>
<ul class="ul1">
+<li>[2007-05-23] <a href="download.cgi">erubis_2.3.0</a> released.
<li>[2007-02-12] <a href="download.cgi">erubis_2.2.0</a> released.
<li>[2006-09-28] <a href="download.cgi">erubis-j_1.0.0</a> (porting to Java) released.
@@ -59,6 +61,8 @@ It has the following features.
<ul class="ul1">
<li>Very fast, almost three times faster than ERB and about ten percent faster than eruby (implemented in C).
+<li>File caching of converted Ruby script support.
<li>Auto escaping (sanitizing) support, it means that '&lt;%= %&gt;' can be escaped in default.
It is desirable for web application.
@@ -91,6 +95,8 @@ It has the following features.
<li>Ruby on Rails support.
+<li>Mod_ruby support.
<p>eRuby means "embedded Ruby" in documents.
Embedded patterns are '<code>&lt;% <em>statement</em> %&gt;</code>' and '<code>&lt;%= <em>expression</em> %&gt;</code>'.
@@ -98,33 +104,40 @@ The following is an example of eRuby. '&lt;% ... %&gt;' means Ruby statement and
<a name="example.eruby"></a>
<div class="program_caption">example.eruby</div>
-<pre class="program">Hello &lt;%= @user %&gt;!
-&lt;% for item in @list %&gt;
- * &lt;%= item %&gt;
-&lt;% end %&gt;
+<pre class="program">&lt;h1&gt;<strong>&lt;%= @title %&gt;</strong>&lt;/h1&gt;
+ <strong>&lt;% for item in @items %&gt;</strong>
+ &lt;li&gt;&lt;%= item %&gt;&lt;/td&gt;
+ <strong>&lt;% end %&gt;</strong>
<p>This will be compiled into Ruby program code.
<pre class="terminal">$ erubis -x example.eruby
-_buf = ''; _buf &lt;&lt; 'Hello '; _buf &lt;&lt; ( @user ).to_s; _buf &lt;&lt; '!
-'; for item in @list
- _buf &lt;&lt; ' * '; _buf &lt;&lt; ( item ).to_s; _buf &lt;&lt; '
-'; end
+_buf = ''; _buf &lt;&lt; '&lt;h1&gt;'; _buf &lt;&lt; ( @title ).to_s; _buf &lt;&lt; '&lt;/h1&gt;
+'; for item in @items
+ _buf &lt;&lt; ' &lt;li&gt;'; _buf &lt;&lt; ( item ).to_s; _buf &lt;&lt; '&lt;/td&gt;
+'; end
+ _buf &lt;&lt; '&lt;/ul&gt;
<p>Or you can execute eRuby script directry.
<pre class="terminal">$ cat data.yaml
-user: Erubis
- - aaa
- - bbb
- - ccc
+title: Erubis Example
+ - AAA
+ - BBB
+ - CCC
$ erubis -f data.yaml example.eruby
-Hello Erubis!
- * aaa
- * bbb
- * ccc
+&lt;h1&gt;Erubis Example&lt;/h1&gt;
+ &lt;li&gt;AAA&lt;/td&gt;
+ &lt;li&gt;BBB&lt;/td&gt;
+ &lt;li&gt;CCC&lt;/td&gt;
<p>Erubis is implemented in Ruby and is now ported into Java.
You can use Erubis in Java with Rhino.
@@ -135,7 +148,7 @@ You can use Erubis in Java with Rhino.
<a name="Download"></a>
<h2 class="section">Download</h2>
<ul class="ul1">
- <li>Erubis (implemented in Ruby)
+ <li>Erubis 2.3.0 (implemented in Ruby)
<ul class="ul2">
<li>if you have installed RubyGems, just type `<code>gem install -r erubis</code>' to install Erubis
@@ -145,7 +158,7 @@ You can use Erubis in Java with Rhino.
- <li>Erubis-J (implemented in Java) <span style="color:#FF0000">(New!)</span>
+ <li>Erubis-J 1.0.0 (implemented in Java) <span style="color:#FF0000">(New!)</span>
<ul class="ul2">
<li><a href="download.cgi?project=erubisj">download</a>
@@ -158,7 +171,7 @@ You can use Erubis in Java with Rhino.
<a name="Documents"></a>
<h2 class="section">Documents</h2>
<ul class="ul1">
- <li>Erubis (implemented in Ruby)
+ <li>Erubis 2.3.0 (implemented in Ruby)
<ul class="ul2">
<li><a href="users-guide.html">User's guide</a>
@@ -166,7 +179,7 @@ You can use Erubis in Java with Rhino.
- <li>Erubis-J (implemented in Java)
+ <li>Erubis-J 1.0.0 (implemented in Java)
<ul class="ul2">
<li><a href="erubisj-users-guide.html">User's guide</a>
@@ -179,9 +192,9 @@ You can use Erubis in Java with Rhino.
<a name="License"></a>
<h2 class="section">License</h2>
<ul class="ul1">
- <li>Erubis is released under MIT License.
+ <li>Erubis is released under the MIT License.
- <li>Erubis-J is released under LGPL License.
+ <li>Erubis-J is released under the LGPL License.