path: root/doc/users-guide.html
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Diffstat (limited to 'doc/users-guide.html')
1 files changed, 193 insertions, 82 deletions
diff --git a/doc/users-guide.html b/doc/users-guide.html
index f2c99f0..dcb80ae 100644
--- a/doc/users-guide.html
+++ b/doc/users-guide.html
@@ -25,29 +25,29 @@
It has the following features.
<ul type="disc">
-<li><a href="#topics-benchmark">Very fast</a>, almost three times faster than ERB and about ten percent faster than eruby (implemented in C)
+<li>Very fast, almost three times faster than ERB and about ten percent faster than eruby (implemented in C)
-<li><a href="#topics-caching">File caching of converted Ruby script support</a>
+<li>File caching of converted Ruby script support
-<li><a href="#tut-escape">Auto escaping support</a>
+<li>Auto escaping support
-<li><a href="#tut-trim">Auto trimming spaces around '&lt;% %&gt;'</a>
+<li>Auto trimming spaces around '&lt;% %&gt;'
-<li><a href="#tut-pattern">Embedded pattern changeable</a> (default '&lt;% %&gt;')
+<li>Embedded pattern changeable (default '&lt;% %&gt;')
-<li><a href="#tut-pi">Enable to handle Processing Instructions (PI) as embedded pattern</a> (ex. '&lt;?rb ... ?&gt;')
+<li>Enable to handle Processing Instructions (PI) as embedded pattern (ex. '&lt;?rb ... ?&gt;')
-<li><a href="#lang">Multi-language support</a> (Ruby/PHP/C/Java/Scheme/Perl/Javascript)
+<li>Multi-language support (Ruby/PHP/C/Java/Scheme/Perl/Javascript)
-<li><a href="#tut-context">Context object available</a> and <a href="#tut-datafile">easy to combine eRuby template with YAML datafile</a>
+<li>Context object available and easy to combine eRuby template with YAML datafile
-<li><a href="#printenabled-enhancer">Print statement available</a>
+<li>Print statement available
-<li><a href="#enhancer">Easy to expand and customize in subclass</a>
+<li>Easy to expand and customize in subclass
-<li><a href="#topics-rails">Ruby on Rails support</a>
+<li><a href="#rails">Ruby on Rails support</a>
-<li><a href="#topcs-modruby">mod_ruby support</a>
+<li>mod_ruby support|#topcs-modruby
<p>Erubis is implemented in pure Ruby. It requires Ruby 1.8 or higher.
@@ -139,6 +139,16 @@ It has the following features.
+ <li><a href="#rails">Ruby on Rails Support</a>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="#rails-settings">Settings</a>
+ </li>
+ <li><a href="#rails-preprocessing">Preprosessing</a>
+ </li>
+ <li><a href="#rails-others">Others</a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
<li><a href="#topics">Other Topics</a>
<li><a href="#topics-fasteruby">Class Erubis::FastEruby</a>
@@ -149,8 +159,6 @@ It has the following features.
<li><a href="#topics-tinyeruby">Erubis::TinyEruby class</a>
- <li><a href="#topics-rails">Ruby on Rails Support</a>
- </li>
<li><a href="#topics-php">NoTextEnhancer and NoCodeEnhancer in PHP</a>
<li><a href="#topcs-modruby">Helper Class for mod_ruby</a>
@@ -2281,6 +2289,176 @@ document.write(_buf.join(""));
+<a name="rails"></a>
+<h2 class="section1">Ruby on Rails Support</h2>
+<p>Erubis supports Ruby on Rails.
+This section describes how to use Erubis with Ruby on Rails.
+<a name="rails-settings"></a>
+<h3 class="section2">Settings</h3>
+<ol type="1">
+<li>Add the following code to your 'config/environment.rb'.
+<div class="program_caption">
+<pre class="program">require 'erubis/helpers/rails_helper'
+#Erubis::Helpers::RailsHelper.engine_class = Erubis::Eruby # or Erubis::FastEruby
+#Erubis::Helpers::RailsHelper.init_properties = {}
+#Erubis::Helpers::RailsHelper.show_src = false
+#Erubis::Helpers::RailsHelper.preprocessing = true
+<p> This will replace ERB in Rails by Erubis entirely.
+<li>(Optional) apply the following patch to 'action_pack/lib/action_view/base.rb'.
+<div class="program_caption">
+<pre class="program">--- lib/action_view/base.rb (original)
++++ lib/action_view/base.rb (working copy)
+@@ -445,6 +445,11 @@
+ end
+ end
++ # convert template into ruby code
++ def convert_template_into_ruby_code(template)
++, nil, @@erb_trim_mode).src
++ end
+ # Create source code for given template
+ def create_template_source(extension, template, render_symbol, locals)
+ if template_requires_setup?(extension)
+@@ -458,7 +463,7 @@
+ "update_page do |page|\n#{template}\nend"
+ end
+ else
+- body =, nil, @@erb_trim_mode).src
++ body = convert_template_into_ruby_code(template)
+ end
+ @@template_args[render_symbol] ||= {}
+<p> This patch is included in erubis_2.X.X/contrib directory and the following is an
+ example to apply this patch.
+<div class="terminal_caption">
+how to apply patch:</div>
+<pre class="terminal">$ cd /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-1.13.1/lib/action_view/
+$ sudo patch -p1 &lt; /tmp/erubis_2.X.X/contrib/action_view_base_rb.patch
+<p> Notice that this patch is not necessary if you are using Ruby on Rails ver 1.1 or 1.2, but it is recommended.
+<li>Restart web server.
+<pre class="terminal">$ ruby script/server
+<p>The setting is above all.
+<a name="rails-preprocessing"></a>
+<h3 class="section2">Preprosessing</h3>
+Erubis supports preprocessing of template files.
+Preprocessing make your Ruby on Rails application about 20-40 percent faster.
+To enable preprocessing, set Erubis::Helpers::RailsHelper.preprocessing to true in your 'environment.rb' file.
+<p>For example, assume the following template.
+This is slow because link_to() method is called every time when template is rendered.
+<pre class="program">&lt;%= link_to 'Create', :action=&gt;'create' %&gt;
+<p>The following is faster than the above, but not flexible because url is fixed.
+<pre class="program">&lt;a href="/users/create"&gt;Create&lt;/a&gt;
+<p>Preprocessing solves this problem.
+If you use '[%= %]' instead of '&lt;%= %&gt;', preprocessor evaluate it only once when template is loaded.
+<pre class="program"><strong>[%= link_to 'Create', :action=&gt;'create'%]</strong>
+<p>The above is evaluated by preprocessor and replaced to the following code automatically.
+<pre class="program">&lt;a href="/users/create"&gt;Create&lt;/a&gt;
+<p>Notice that this is done only once when template file is loaded.
+It means that link_to() method is not called when template is rendered.
+<p>If link_to() method have variable arguments, use <code>_?()</code> helper method.
+<pre class="program">&lt;% for use in @users %&gt;
+[%= link_to <strong>_?('')</strong>, :action=&gt;'show', :id=&gt;<strong>_?('')</strong> %]
+&lt;% end %&gt;
+<p>The above is evaluated by preprocessor when template is loaded and expanded into the following code.
+This will be much faster because link_to() method is not called when rendering.
+<pre class="program">&lt;% for user in @users %&gt;
+&lt;a href="/users/show/<strong>&lt;;</strong>"&gt;<strong>&lt;;</strong>&lt;/a&gt;
+&lt;% end %&gt;
+<p>Preprocessing statement (<code>[% %]</code>) is also available as well as preprocessing expression (<code>[%= %]</code>).
+<pre class="program">&lt;select name="state"&gt;
+ &lt;option value=""&gt;-&lt;/option&gt;
+<strong>[% for code in states.keys.sort %]</strong>
+ &lt;option value="<strong>[%= code %]</strong>"&gt;<strong>[%= states[code] %]</strong>&lt;/option&gt;
+<strong>[% end %]</strong>
+<p>The above will be evaluated by preprocessor and expanded into the following when template is loaded.
+In the result, rendering speed will be much faster because for-loop is not executed when rendering.
+<pre class="program">&lt;select name="state"&gt;
+ &lt;option value=""&gt;-&lt;/option&gt;
+ &lt;option value="AK"&gt;Alaska&lt;/option&gt;
+ &lt;option value="AL"&gt;Alabama&lt;/option&gt;
+ &lt;option value="AR"&gt;Arkansas&lt;/option&gt;
+ &lt;option value="AS"&gt;American Samoa&lt;/option&gt;
+ &lt;option value="AZ"&gt;Arizona&lt;/option&gt;
+ &lt;option value="CA"&gt;California&lt;/option&gt;
+ &lt;option value="CO"&gt;Colorado&lt;/option&gt;
+ ....
+<p>Notice that it is not recommended to use preprocessing with tag helpers,
+because tag helpers generate different html code when form parameter has errors or not.
+<p>Helper methods of Ruby on Rails are divided into two groups.
+<ul type="disc">
+<li>link_to() or _() (method of gettext package) are not need to call for every time
+ as template is rendered because it returns same value when same arguments are passed.
+ These methods can be got faster by preprocessing.
+<li>Tag helper methods should be called for every time as template is rendered
+ because it may return differrent value even if the same arguments are passed.
+ Preprocessing is not available with these methods.
+<a name="rails-others"></a>
+<h3 class="section2">Others</h3>
+<ul type="disc">
+<li>ActionView::Helpers::CaptureHelper#capture() and ActionView::Helpers::Texthelper#concat() are available.
+<ul type="disc">
+<li>If Erubis::Helper::Rails.show_src is ture, Erubis prints converted Ruby code into log file (ex. 'log/development.log').
+<p>If it is nil (default), Erubis prints converted Ruby code into log file only when development mode.
+ It is useful for debugging.
<a name="topics"></a>
<h2 class="section1">Other Topics</h2>
<a name="topics-fasteruby"></a>
@@ -2412,73 +2590,6 @@ try Erubis::TinyEruby class.
-<a name="topics-rails"></a>
-<h3 class="section2">Ruby on Rails Support</h3>
-<p>Erubis supports Ruby on Rails.
-<ol type="1">
-<li>Add the following code to your 'config/environment.rb'.
-<div class="program_caption">
-<pre class="program">require 'erubis/helpers/rails_helper'
-#Erubis::Helpers::RailsHelper.engine_class = Erubis::Eruby # or Erubis::FastEruby
-#Erubis::Helpers::RailsHelper.init_properties = {}
-#Erubis::Helpers::RailsHelper.show_src = false
-<p> This will replace ERB in Rails by Erubis entirely.
-<li>(Optional) apply the following patch to 'action_pack/lib/action_view/base.rb'.
-<div class="program_caption">
-<pre class="program">--- lib/action_view/base.rb (original)
-+++ lib/action_view/base.rb (working copy)
-@@ -445,6 +445,11 @@
- end
- end
-+ # convert template into ruby code
-+ def convert_template_into_ruby_code(template)
-+, nil, @@erb_trim_mode).src
-+ end
- # Create source code for given template
- def create_template_source(extension, template, render_symbol, locals)
- if template_requires_setup?(extension)
-@@ -458,7 +463,7 @@
- "update_page do |page|\n#{template}\nend"
- end
- else
-- body =, nil, @@erb_trim_mode).src
-+ body = convert_template_into_ruby_code(template)
- end
- @@template_args[render_symbol] ||= {}
-<p> This patch is included in erubis_2.X.X/contrib directory and the following is an
- example to apply this patch.
-<div class="terminal_caption">
-how to apply patch:</div>
-<pre class="terminal">$ cd /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-1.13.1/lib/action_view/
-$ sudo patch -p1 &lt; /tmp/erubis_2.X.X/contrib/action_view_base_rb.patch
-<p> Notice that this patch is not necessary if you are using Ruby on Rails ver 1.1 or 1.2, but it is recommended.
-<li>Restart web server.
-<pre class="terminal">$ ruby script/server
-<p>ActionView::Helpers::CaptureHelper#capture() and ActionView::Helpers::Texthelper#concat() are available.
-<p>If Erubis::Helper::Rails.show_src is ture, Erubis prints converted Ruby code into log file (ex. 'log/development.log').
-It is useful for debugging.
<a name="topics-php"></a>
<h3 class="section2">NoTextEnhancer and NoCodeEnhancer in PHP</h3>
<p>NoTextEnhancer and NoCodEnahncer are quite useful not only for eRuby but also for PHP.
@@ -2618,7 +2729,7 @@ $ sudo chmod 775 .
<p>You must set your directories to be writable by web server process, because
Apache::ErubisRun calls Erubis::Eruby.load_file() internally which creates cache files
-in the same directory as '*.rhtml' file.
+in the same directory in which '*.rhtml' file exists.