diff options
1 files changed, 110 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index a39f73f..92454c4 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,27 +1,118 @@
-## Note on Patches/Pull Requests
+Contributing to Hashie
-Thanks for taking the time to contribute back! To make it easier for us to
-review your changes, try to follow these guidelines:
+Hashie is work of [many contributors]( You're encouraged to submit [pull requests](, [propose features and discuss issues](
-* Keep changesets small and on topic. Itching to refactor or clean something
- up? Do it in a separate branch.
-* Stay consistent with existing code conventions.
-* Break changes into smaller logical commits.
+#### Fork the Project
-To propose a change:
+Fork the [project on Github]( and check out your copy.
-* [Fork the project.](
-* Make your feature addition or bug fix.
-* Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
-* Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
-* [Send me a pull request]( Bonus points for topic branches.
-* [Check that your pull request passes the build](
+git clone
+cd hashie
+git remote add upstream
-## Bug triage
+#### Create a Topic Branch
-Have a problem? File an [issue here](
+Make sure your fork is up-to-date and create a topic branch for your feature or bug fix.
-To make bug squashing easier, include the following in your issue:
+git checkout master
+git pull upstream master
+git checkout -b my-feature-branch
-* What version of hashie are you using?
-* Is it still a problem in master? \ No newline at end of file
+#### Bundle Install and Test
+Ensure that you can build the project and run tests.
+bundle install
+bundle exec rake
+#### Write Tests
+Try to write a test that reproduces the problem you're trying to fix or describes a feature that you want to build. Add to [spec/hashie](spec/hashie).
+We definitely appreciate pull requests that highlight or reproduce a problem, even without a fix.
+#### Write Code
+Implement your feature or bug fix.
+Ruby style is enforced with [Rubocop](, run `bundle exec rubocop` and fix any style issues highlighted.
+Make sure that `bundle exec rake` completes without errors.
+#### Write Documentation
+Document any external behavior in the [README](
+#### Update Changelog
+Add a line to [CHANGELOG]( under *Next Release*. Make it look like every other line, including your name and link to your Github account.
+#### Commit Changes
+Make sure git knows your name and email address:
+git config --global "Your Name"
+git config --global ""
+Writing good commit logs is important. A commit log should describe what changed and why.
+git add ...
+git commit
+#### Push
+git push origin my-feature-branch
+#### Make a Pull Request
+Go to and select your feature branch. Click the 'Pull Request' button and fill out the form. Pull requests are usually reviewed within a few days.
+#### Rebase
+If you've been working on a change for a while, rebase with upstream/master.
+git fetch upstream
+git rebase upstream/master
+git push origin my-feature-branch -f
+#### Update CHANGELOG Again
+Update the [CHANGELOG]( with the pull request number. A typical entry looks as follows.
+* [#123]( Reticulated splines - [@contributor](
+Amend your previous commit and force push the changes.
+git commit --amend
+git push origin my-feature-branch -f
+#### Check on Your Pull Request
+Go back to your pull request after a few minutes and see whether it passed muster with Travis-CI. Everything should look green, otherwise fix issues and amend your commit as described above.
+#### Be Patient
+It's likely that your change will not be merged and that the nitpicky maintainers will ask you to do more, or fix seemingly benign problems. Hang on there!
+#### Thank You
+Please do know that we really appreciate and value your time and work. We love you, really.