path: root/Guardfile
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Add Ruby 3.1 to CI (#558)Peter Goldstein2022-01-271-0/+2
* Bring integration tests into main test harnessMichael Herold2017-02-031-3/+19
* Upgraded to RuboCop 0.34.2.dblock2015-10-251-1/+1
* Fix: working guard.dB2014-08-241-1/+1
* Update Rubocop to 0.25.0 and get it passingMichael Herold2014-08-231-3/+3
* Remove reference to singleton_class, that's Ruby 1.9 only.Michael Bleigh2011-08-021-1/+1
* Switch to Bundler for gem management and Guard for autotesting.Michael Bleigh2011-07-221-0/+5