diff options
6 files changed, 213 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Rakefile b/Rakefile
index 00d018f..815e120 100644
--- a/Rakefile
+++ b/Rakefile
@@ -27,3 +27,8 @@ end do |package|
# do nothing: I just need a gem but this block is required
+desc "Run some interactive acceptance tests"
+task :acceptance do
+ load "test/acceptance/acceptance.rb"
diff --git a/test/acceptance/acceptance.rb b/test/acceptance/acceptance.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edef458
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/acceptance/acceptance.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# coding: utf-8
+current_dir = File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__))
+# All acceptance test files begins with 'at_'
+acceptance_test_files = Dir["#{current_dir}/at_*"]
+# Load each acceptance test file making
+# all tests to be run
+acceptance_test_files.each { |file| load file }
+# Print a report
+report = <<EOF
+Well done!
+Below you have a report with all the answers you gave.
+It has also some environment information to help us debugging.
+If any of the tests have not passed on your environment,
+please copy/past the text bellow and send to us.
+If you are familiar with GitHub you can report the failing test
+as a GitHub issue at
+If possible, always check if your issue is already reported
+by someone else. If so, just report that you are also affected
+on the same alredy open issued.
+If you are more confortable with e-mail, you could send it to
+=== HighLine Acceptance Tests Report
+Date: #{}
+HighLine::VERSION: #{HighLine::VERSION}
+Terminal: #{$terminal.terminal.class}
+RUBY_DESCRIPTION: #{RUBY_DESCRIPTION rescue 'not available'}
+Readline::VERSION: #{Readline::VERSION rescue 'not availabe'}
+ENV['TERM']: #{ENV['TERM']}
+puts report
+timestamp ='%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
+filename = "highlinetests-#{timestamp}.log"
+ "#{filename}", 'w+' do |f|
+ f.puts report
+puts "You can also see the above information in"
+puts "a timestamped file named #{filename}"
+puts "at the current directory."
diff --git a/test/acceptance/acceptance_test.rb b/test/acceptance/acceptance_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b321a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/acceptance/acceptance_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+require 'highline/import'
+class HighLine::AcceptanceTest
+ @@answers ||= {}
+ def self.check(&block)
+ caller_file = File.basename(caller[0].split(":")[0])
+ test = new
+ yield test
+ test.caller_file = caller_file
+ test.check
+ end
+ def self.answers
+ @@answers
+ end
+ def self.answers_for_report
+ do |file, answer|
+ "#{file}: #{answer}"
+ end.join("\n")
+ end
+ # A test description to be shown to user.
+ # It should express what the user is
+ # expected to check.
+ attr_accessor :desc
+ # A test action to be checked by the user
+ attr_accessor :action
+ # A text asking the confirmation if
+ # the action worked (y) or not (n).
+ attr_accessor :question
+ # Automatically filled attribute pointing
+ # to the file where the current test
+ # source is located. So we could check
+ # at the report what tests passed or failed.
+ attr_accessor :caller_file
+ def check
+ # Print a header with the test description
+ puts "====="
+ puts " #{caller_file}"
+ puts "====="
+ puts
+ puts desc
+ # Execute the proc/lambda assigned to action
+ puts "---"
+ puts
+ puts
+ puts "---"
+ puts
+ # Gather the user feedback about the test
+ print question
+ answer = STDIN.gets.chomp
+ answer = "y" if answer.empty?
+ @@answers[caller_file] = answer
+ puts
+ end
diff --git a/test/acceptance/at_color_output_using_erb_templates.rb b/test/acceptance/at_color_output_using_erb_templates.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c45f264
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/acceptance/at_color_output_using_erb_templates.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+require_relative 'acceptance_test'
+HighLine::AcceptanceTest.check do |t|
+ t.desc =
+ "This step checks if coloring " \
+ "with erb templates is working ok.\n" \
+ "You should see the word _grass_ " \
+ "colored in green color"
+ t.action = do
+ say "The <%= color('grass', :green) %> should be green!"
+ end
+ t.question = "Do you see the word 'grass' on green color (y/n)? "
diff --git a/test/acceptance/at_echo_false.rb b/test/acceptance/at_echo_false.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2466b8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/acceptance/at_echo_false.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+require_relative 'acceptance_test'
+HighLine::AcceptanceTest.check do |t|
+ t.desc =
+ "This step checks if the 'echo = false' " \
+ "setting is effective in hiding the user " \
+ "typed characters.\n" \
+ "This functionality is useful when asking " \
+ "for passwords.\n" \
+ "When typing the characters you should not " \
+ "see any of them on the screen."
+ t.action = do
+ answer = ask "Enter some characters and press <enter>: " do |q|
+ q.echo = false
+ end
+ puts "You've entered -> #{answer} <-"
+ end
+ t.question = "Were the characters adequately hidden when you typed them (y/n)? "
diff --git a/test/acceptance/at_readline.rb b/test/acceptance/at_readline.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a66f09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/acceptance/at_readline.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+require_relative 'acceptance_test'
+HighLine::AcceptanceTest.check do |t|
+ t.desc =
+ "This step checks if the readline autocomplete " \
+ "feature is working. \n" \
+ "The test has 5 options you can choose from: " \
+ "save, sample, exec, exit and load.\n" \
+ "If you type the first character of one of them and then press \n" \
+ "the <TAB> key you should see the options available for autocomplete.\n\n" \
+ "For example, if I type 's' and then I press <TAB> I should see a list\n" \
+ "with 'save' and 'sample' as possible options for autocomplete.\n\n" \
+ "Although, if I type 'l' and then press the <TAB> key it should be \n" \
+ "readly autcompleted as 'load', because 'load' is the only option\n" \
+ "that begins with the 'l' letter in this particular case.\n\n" \
+ "If I don't type any character but press <TAB> two times, I should\n" \
+ "be able to see ALL available options.\n\n" \
+ "Please, play with Readline autocomplete for a while, pressing <ENTER>\n" \
+ "to see that it really gets the selected answer.\n" \
+ "When ready, just type 'exit' and the loop will finish.\n\n" \
+ "Don't forget to answer 'y' (yes) or 'n' (no) to the question at the end."
+ t.action = do
+ loop do
+ cmd =
+ ask "Enter command: ", %w{ save sample exec exit load } do |q|
+ q.readline = true
+ end
+ say("Executing \"#{cmd}\"...")
+ break if cmd == "exit"
+ end
+ end
+ t.question = "Did the Readline autocomplete work fine (y/n)? "