path: root/lib/minitest/test_task.rb
diff options
authorRyan Davis <>2022-12-15 11:36:29 -0800
committerRyan Davis <>2022-12-15 11:36:29 -0800
commit58e04a76b43e88ea7783647314b5ff6edc5cfd74 (patch)
tree894fdc8d24709fbe9eb8eef0dc84c9cf962e6a01 /lib/minitest/test_task.rb
parenta5a1153a8482bf60aaa05cf5fd7f8828755c15ea (diff)
! Removed Minitest::TestTask. Shipped with minitest 5.16+ now!
! Removed direct support for rspec, test/unit. Still extendable tho. ! Removed support for old style readme parsing. [git-p4: depot-paths = "//src/hoe/dev/": change = 13614]
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/minitest/test_task.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 314 deletions
diff --git a/lib/minitest/test_task.rb b/lib/minitest/test_task.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index cee8c4e..0000000
--- a/lib/minitest/test_task.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
-require "shellwords"
-require "rbconfig"
-require "rake/tasklib"
-warn <<~EOM
- minitest/test_task.rb is now packaged with minitest. If you see
- this, you are getting it from hoe instead. If you're NOT able to
- upgrade minitest to pick this up, please drop an issue on
- seattlerb/hoe and let me know.
- Required from #{caller[2]}
-module Minitest # :nodoc:
- ##
- # Minitest::TestTask is a rake helper that generates several rake
- # tasks under the main test task's name-space.
- #
- # task <name> :: the main test task
- # task <name>:cmd :: prints the command to use
- # task <name>:deps :: runs each test file by itself to find dependency errors
- # task <name>:slow :: runs the tests and reports the slowest 25 tests.
- #
- # Examples:
- #
- # Minitest::TestTask.create
- #
- # The most basic and default setup.
- #
- # Minitest::TestTask.create :my_tests
- #
- # The most basic/default setup, but with a custom name
- #
- # Minitest::TestTask.create :unit do |t|
- # t.test_globs = ["test/unit/**/*_test.rb"]
- # t.warning = false
- # end
- #
- # Customize the name and only run unit tests.
- class TestTask < Rake::TaskLib
- WINDOWS = RbConfig::CONFIG["host_os"] =~ /mswin|mingw/ # :nodoc:
- ##
- # Create several test-oriented tasks under +name+. Takes an
- # optional block to customize variables.
- def self.create name = :test, &block
- task = new name
- task.instance_eval(&block) if block
- task.process_env
- task.define
- task
- end
- ##
- # Extra arguments to pass to the tests. Defaults empty but gets
- # populated by a number of enviroment variables:
- #
- # N (-n flag) :: a string or regexp of tests to run.
- # X (-e flag) :: a string or regexp of tests to exclude.
- # A (arg) :: quick way to inject an arbitrary argument (eg A=--help).
- #
- # See #process_env
- attr_accessor :extra_args
- ##
- # The code to load the framework. Defaults to requiring
- # minitest/autorun...
- #
- # Why do I have this as an option?
- attr_accessor :framework
- ##
- # Extra library directories to include. Defaults to %w[lib test
- # .]. Also uses $MT_LIB_EXTRAS allowing you to dynamically
- # override/inject directories for custom runs.
- attr_accessor :libs
- ##
- # The name of the task and base name for the other tasks generated.
- attr_accessor :name
- ##
- # File globs to find test files. Defaults to something sensible to
- # find test files under the test directory.
- attr_accessor :test_globs
- ##
- # Turn on ruby warnings (-w flag). Defaults to true.
- attr_accessor :warning
- ##
- # Optional: Additional ruby to run before the test framework is loaded.
- attr_accessor :test_prelude
- ##
- # Print out commands as they run. Defaults to Rake's +trace+ (-t
- # flag) option.
- attr_accessor :verbose
- ##
- # Use TestTask.create instead.
- def initialize name = :test # :nodoc:
- self.extra_args = []
- self.framework = %(require "minitest/autorun")
- self.libs = %w[lib test .]
- = name
- self.test_globs = ["test/**/{test,spec}_*.rb",
- "test/**/*_{test,spec}.rb"]
- self.test_prelude = nil
- self.verbose = Rake.application.options.trace
- self.warning = true
- end
- ##
- # Extract variables from the environment and convert them to
- # command line arguments. See #extra_args.
- #
- # Environment Variables:
- #
- # MT_LIB_EXTRAS :: Extra libs to dynamically override/inject for custom runs.
- # N :: Tests to run (string or /regexp/).
- # X :: Tests to exclude (string or /regexp/).
- # A :: Any extra arguments. Honors shell quoting.
- #
- # Deprecated:
- #
- # TESTOPTS :: For argument passing, use +A+.
- # N :: For parallel testing, use +MT_CPU+.
- # FILTER :: Same as +TESTOPTS+.
- def process_env
- warn "TESTOPTS is deprecated in Minitest::TestTask. Use A instead" if
- warn "FILTER is deprecated in Minitest::TestTask. Use A instead" if
- warn "N is deprecated in Minitest::TestTask. Use MT_CPU instead" if
- ENV["N"] && ENV["N"].to_i > 0
- lib_extras = (ENV["MT_LIB_EXTRAS"] || "").split File::PATH_SEPARATOR
- self.libs[0,0] = lib_extras
- extra_args << "-n" << ENV["N"] if ENV["N"]
- extra_args << "-e" << ENV["X"] if ENV["X"]
- extra_args.concat Shellwords.split(ENV["TESTOPTS"]) if ENV["TESTOPTS"]
- extra_args.concat Shellwords.split(ENV["FILTER"]) if ENV["FILTER"]
- extra_args.concat Shellwords.split(ENV["A"]) if ENV["A"]
- ENV.delete "N" if ENV["N"]
- extra_args.compact!
- end
- def define # :nodoc:
- default_tasks = []
- desc "Run the test suite. Use N, X, A, and TESTOPTS to add flags/args."
- task name do
- ruby make_test_cmd, verbose:verbose
- end
- desc "Print out the test command. Good for profiling and other tools."
- task "#{name}:cmd" do
- puts "ruby #{make_test_cmd}"
- end
- desc "Show which test files fail when run in isolation."
- task "#{name}:isolated" do
- tests = Dir[*self.test_globs].uniq
- # 3 seems to be the magic number... (tho not by that much)
- bad, good, n = {}, [], (ENV.delete("K") || 3).to_i
- file = ENV.delete("F")
- times = {}
- tt0 =
- n.threads_do tests.sort do |path|
- t0 =
- output = `#{Gem.ruby} #{make_test_cmd path} 2>&1`
- t1 = - t0
- times[path] = t1
- if $?.success?
- $stderr.print "."
- good << path
- else
- $stderr.print "x"
- bad[path] = output
- end
- end
- puts "done"
- puts "Ran in %.2f seconds" % [ - tt0 ]
- if file then
- require "json"
- file, "w" do |io|
- io.puts JSON.pretty_generate times
- end
- end
- unless good.empty?
- puts
- puts "# Good tests:"
- puts
- good.sort.each do |path|
- puts "%.2fs: %s" % [times[path], path]
- end
- end
- unless bad.empty?
- puts
- puts "# Bad tests:"
- puts
- bad.keys.sort.each do |path|
- puts "%.2fs: %s" % [times[path], path]
- end
- puts
- puts "# Bad Test Output:"
- puts
- bad.sort.each do |path, output|
- puts
- puts "# #{path}:"
- puts output
- end
- exit 1
- end
- end
- task "#{name}:deps" => "#{name}:isolated" # now just an alias
- desc "Show bottom 25 tests wrt time."
- task "#{name}:slow" do
- sh ["rake #{name} TESTOPTS=-v",
- "egrep '#test_.* s = .'",
- "sort -n -k2 -t=",
- "tail -25"].join " | "
- end
- default_tasks << name
- desc "Run the default task(s)."
- task :default => default_tasks
- end
- ##
- # Generate the test command-line.
- def make_test_cmd globs = test_globs
- tests = []
- tests.concat Dir[*globs].sort.shuffle # TODO: SEED -> srand first?
-! { |f| %(require "#{f}") }
- runner = []
- runner << test_prelude if test_prelude
- runner << framework
- runner.concat tests
- runner = runner.join "; "
- args = []
- args << "-I#{libs.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)}" unless libs.empty?
- args << "-w" if warning
- args << '-e'
- args << "'#{runner}'"
- args << '--'
- args <<
- args.join " "
- end
- end
-class Work < Queue
- def initialize jobs = []
- super()
- jobs.each do |job|
- self << job
- end
- close
- end
-class Integer
- def threads_do(jobs) # :nodoc:
- require "thread"
- q = jobs
- {
- do
- while job = q.pop # go until quit value
- yield job
- end
- end
- }.each(&:join)
- end