diff options
2 files changed, 180 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/rake-compiler b/bin/rake-compiler
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27041c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/rake-compiler
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# Copyright (c) 2008 Luis Lavena
+# This source code is released under the MIT License.
+# See LICENSE file for details
+ require 'rake'
+rescue LoadError
+ require 'rubygems'
+ require 'rake'
+# Move into user home to initialize Rake
+Dir.chdir File.expand_path("~") do
+ Rake.application.init('rake-compiler')
+# Load the already cooked tasks ;-)
+load File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w{.. tasks cross Rakefile})
+# delegate control to Rake
diff --git a/tasks/cross/Rakefile b/tasks/cross/Rakefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb80ab3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tasks/cross/Rakefile
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+# Cross-compile ruby, using Rake
+# This source code is released under the MIT License.
+# See LICENSE file for details
+# This code is inspired and based on notes from the following sites:
+# This recipe only cleanup the dependency chain and automate it.
+# Also opens the door to usage different ruby versions
+# for cross-compilation.
+require 'rake'
+require 'rake/clean'
+require 'yaml'
+RUBY = "ruby-#{ENV['VERSION'] || '1.8.6-p287'}"
+# grab the major "1.8" or "1.9" part of the version number
+MAJOR = RUBY.match(/.*-(\d.\d).\d/)[1]
+# define a location where sources will be stored
+directory ".rake-compiler/sources/#{RUBY}"
+directory ".rake-compiler/builds/#{RUBY}"
+# clean intermediate files and folders
+# remove the final products and sources
+# ruby source file should be stored there
+file ".rake-compiler/sources/#{RUBY}.tar.gz" => ['.rake-compiler/sources'] do |t|
+ # download the source file using wget or curl
+ chdir File.dirname( do
+ url = "{MAJOR}/#{File.basename(}"
+ sh "wget #{url} || curl -O #{url}"
+ end
+# Extract the sources
+file ".rake-compiler/sources/#{RUBY}" => [".rake-compiler/sources/#{RUBY}.tar.gz"] do |t|
+ chdir File.dirname( do
+ t.prerequisites.each { |f| sh "tar xfz #{File.basename(f)}" }
+ end
+# backup
+file ".rake-compiler/sources/#{RUBY}/" => [".rake-compiler/sources/#{RUBY}"] do |t|
+ cp ".rake-compiler/sources/#{RUBY}/",
+# correct the makefiles
+file ".rake-compiler/sources/#{RUBY}/" => [".rake-compiler/sources/#{RUBY}/"] do |t|
+ content =, 'rb') { |f| }
+ out = ""
+ content.each_line do |line|
+ if line =~ /^\s*ALT_SEPARATOR =/
+ out << "\t\t ALT_SEPARATOR = \"\\\\\\\\\"; \\\n"
+ else
+ out << line
+ end
+ end
+, 'wb') { |f| f.write(out) }
+task :mingw32 do
+ unless File.exist?('/usr/bin/i586-mingw32msvc-gcc') then
+ warn "You need to install mingw32 cross compile functionality"
+ warn "to be able to continue."
+ warn "Please refer to your distro documentation about installation."
+ fail
+ end
+task :environment do
+ ENV['ac_cv_func_getpgrp_void'] = 'no'
+ ENV['ac_cv_func_setpgrp_void'] = 'yes'
+ ENV['rb_cv_negative_time_t'] = 'no'
+ ENV['ac_cv_func_memcmp_working'] = 'yes'
+ ENV['rb_cv_binary_elf' ] = 'no'
+# generate the makefile in a clean build location
+file ".rake-compiler/builds/#{RUBY}/Makefile" => [".rake-compiler/builds/#{RUBY}",
+ ".rake-compiler/sources/#{RUBY}/"] do |t|
+ # set the configure options
+ options = [
+ '--host=i586-mingw32msvc',
+ '--target=i386-mingw32',
+ '--build=i686-linux',
+ '--enable-shared'
+ ]
+ chdir File.dirname( do
+ prefix = File.expand_path("../../ruby/#{RUBY}")
+ options << "--prefix=#{prefix}"
+ sh File.expand_path("../../sources/#{RUBY}/configure"), *options
+ end
+# make
+file ".rake-compiler/builds/#{RUBY}/ruby.exe" => [".rake-compiler/builds/#{RUBY}/Makefile"] do |t|
+ chdir File.dirname(t.prerequisites.first) do
+ sh "make"
+ end
+# make install
+file ".rake-compiler/ruby/#{RUBY}/bin/ruby.exe" => [".rake-compiler/builds/#{RUBY}/ruby.exe"] do |t|
+ chdir File.dirname(t.prerequisites.first) do
+ sh "make install"
+ end
+# rbconfig.rb location
+file ".rake-compiler/ruby/#{RUBY}/lib/ruby/#{MAJOR}/i386-mingw32/rbconfig.rb" => [".rake-compiler/ruby/#{RUBY}/bin/ruby.exe"]
+file '.rake-compiler/config.yml' => [".rake-compiler/ruby/#{RUBY}/lib/ruby/#{MAJOR}/i386-mingw32/rbconfig.rb"] do |t|
+ if File.exist?( then
+ puts "Updating #{}"
+ config = YAML.load_file(
+ else
+ puts "Generating #{}"
+ config = {}
+ end
+ config["rbconfig-#{MAJOR}"] = File.expand_path(t.prerequisites.first)
+, 'w') do |f|
+ f.puts config.to_yaml
+ end
+task :default do
+desc "Build #{RUBY} suitable for cross-platform development."
+task 'cross-ruby' => [:mingw32, :environment, '.rake-compiler/config.yml']