BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
Travis-jruby- jruby- Jonsson6 years
add-changelog-note-about-270CHANGELOG: Update about add 2.7.0 to CIOlle Jonsson4 years
allow-blank-values-with-shortarg-syntaxExplicitly require shellwordsLee Jarvis3 years
break-testsBreak testsLee Jarvis3 years
ci-jruby-newCI: Use jruby- Jonsson4 years
fix/update-ci-matrixCI: Use 2.6.3Olle Jonsson5 years
fix/update-jrubyTravis: Jruby Jonsson6 years
masterBump version to 4.10.1Lee Jarvis15 months
pedantic-equalsHandle equals character for non-option valuesLee Jarvis6 years
use-jruby- Use ruby 2.4.9, 2.5.7, 2.6.5Olle Jonsson5 years
v4.10.1slop-4.10.1.tar.gz  Lee Jarvis15 months
v4.10.0slop-4.10.0.tar.gz  Lee Jarvis15 months
v4.9.3slop-4.9.3.tar.gz  Lee Jarvis20 months
v4.9.2slop-4.9.2.tar.gz  Lee Jarvis2 years
v4.9.1slop-4.9.1.tar.gz  Lee Jarvis3 years
v4.9.0slop-4.9.0.tar.gz  Lee Jarvis3 years
v4.8.2slop-4.8.2.tar.gz  Lee Jarvis4 years
v4.8.1slop-4.8.1.tar.gz  Lee Jarvis4 years
v4.8.0slop-4.8.0.tar.gz  Lee Jarvis4 years
v4.7.0slop-4.7.0.tar.gz  Lee Jarvis5 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2013-01-12version 3.4.0v3.4.0Lee Jarvis3-4/+6
2013-01-09added link to api docsLee Jarvis1-1/+1
2013-01-09only create rdoc task if we can load rdoc/taskLee Jarvis1-13/+14
2013-01-08commented out the wrong thing, fmlLee Jarvis1-1/+1
2013-01-08comment out rdoc stuff for now because apparently travis doesnt like meLee Jarvis1-9/+9
2013-01-08added rdoc taskLee Jarvis1-0/+15
2013-01-08use respond_to_missing rather than respond_to?Lee Jarvis1-7/+2
2013-01-08avoid overriding #inspectLee Jarvis1-5/+0
2013-01-08fix commands exampleLee Jarvis1-2/+2
2013-01-08add [command] to banner if commands existLee Jarvis1-1/+1