diff options
authorHiroshi SHIBATA <>2022-12-09 08:46:14 +0900
committerHiroshi SHIBATA <>2022-12-09 16:36:22 +0900
commit643918ecfe9c980f251247de6acd3be6280da24c (patch)
parent260a00d80e4dcc930b040313a99da29e4b1e6678 (diff)
Merge csv-3.2.6
20 files changed, 1749 insertions, 415 deletions
diff --git a/lib/csv.rb b/lib/csv.rb
index 06a490f34c..0307033941 100644
--- a/lib/csv.rb
+++ b/lib/csv.rb
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
# === Interface
-# * CSV now uses Hash-style parameters to set options.
+# * CSV now uses keyword parameters to set options.
# * CSV no longer has generate_row() or parse_row().
# * The old CSV's Reader and Writer classes have been dropped.
# * CSV::open() is now more like Ruby's open().
@@ -95,16 +95,24 @@ require "stringio"
require_relative "csv/fields_converter"
require_relative "csv/input_record_separator"
-require_relative "csv/match_p"
require_relative "csv/parser"
require_relative "csv/row"
require_relative "csv/table"
require_relative "csv/writer"
-using CSV::MatchP if CSV.const_defined?(:MatchP)
# == \CSV
-# \CSV (comma-separated variables) data is a text representation of a table:
+# === In a Hurry?
+# If you are familiar with \CSV data and have a particular task in mind,
+# you may want to go directly to the:
+# - {Recipes for CSV}[doc/csv/recipes/recipes_rdoc.html].
+# Otherwise, read on here, about the API: classes, methods, and constants.
+# === \CSV Data
+# \CSV (comma-separated values) data is a text representation of a table:
# - A _row_ _separator_ delimits table rows.
# A common row separator is the newline character <tt>"\n"</tt>.
# - A _column_ _separator_ delimits fields in a row.
@@ -346,7 +354,9 @@ using CSV::MatchP if CSV.const_defined?(:MatchP)
# - +row_sep+: Specifies the row separator; used to delimit rows.
# - +col_sep+: Specifies the column separator; used to delimit fields.
# - +quote_char+: Specifies the quote character; used to quote fields.
-# - +field_size_limit+: Specifies the maximum field size allowed.
+# - +field_size_limit+: Specifies the maximum field size + 1 allowed.
+# Deprecated since 3.2.3. Use +max_field_size+ instead.
+# - +max_field_size+: Specifies the maximum field size allowed.
# - +converters+: Specifies the field converters to be used.
# - +unconverted_fields+: Specifies whether unconverted fields are to be available.
# - +headers+: Specifies whether data contains headers,
@@ -703,7 +713,7 @@ using CSV::MatchP if CSV.const_defined?(:MatchP)
# Header converters operate only on headers (and not on other rows).
# There are three ways to use header \converters;
-# these examples use built-in header converter +:dowhcase+,
+# these examples use built-in header converter +:downcase+,
# which downcases each parsed header.
# - Option +header_converters+ with a singleton parsing method:
@@ -853,8 +863,9 @@ class CSV
# <b><tt>index</tt></b>:: The zero-based index of the field in its row.
# <b><tt>line</tt></b>:: The line of the data source this row is from.
# <b><tt>header</tt></b>:: The header for the column, when available.
+ # <b><tt>quoted?</tt></b>:: True or false, whether the original value is quoted or not.
- FieldInfo =, :line, :header)
+ FieldInfo =, :line, :header, :quoted?)
# A Regexp used to find and convert some common Date formats.
DateMatcher = / \A(?: (\w+,?\s+)?\w+\s+\d{1,2},?\s+\d{2,4} |
@@ -862,10 +873,9 @@ class CSV
# A Regexp used to find and convert some common DateTime formats.
DateTimeMatcher =
/ \A(?: (\w+,?\s+)?\w+\s+\d{1,2}\s+\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}:\d{1,2},?\s+\d{2,4} |
- \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} |
- # ISO-8601
+ # ISO-8601 and RFC-3339 (space instead of T) recognized by DateTime.parse
- (?:T\d{2}:\d{2}(?::\d{2}(?:\.\d+)?(?:[+-]\d{2}(?::\d{2})|Z)?)?)?
+ (?:[T\s]\d{2}:\d{2}(?::\d{2}(?:\.\d+)?(?:[+-]\d{2}(?::\d{2})|Z)?)?)?
)\z /x
# The encoding used by all converters.
@@ -915,7 +925,8 @@ class CSV
symbol: lambda { |h|
h.encode(ConverterEncoding).downcase.gsub(/[^\s\w]+/, "").strip.
gsub(/\s+/, "_").to_sym
- }
+ },
+ symbol_raw: lambda { |h| h.encode(ConverterEncoding).to_sym }
# Default values for method options.
@@ -926,6 +937,7 @@ class CSV
quote_char: '"',
# For parsing.
field_size_limit: nil,
+ max_field_size: nil,
converters: nil,
unconverted_fields: nil,
headers: false,
@@ -993,7 +1005,7 @@ class CSV
def instance(data = $stdout, **options)
# create a _signature_ for this method call, data object and options
sig = [data.object_id] +
- options.values_at(*DEFAULT_OPTIONS.keys.sort_by { |sym| sym.to_s })
+ options.values_at(*DEFAULT_OPTIONS.keys)
# fetch or create the instance for this signature
@@instances ||=
@@ -1007,65 +1019,190 @@ class CSV
# :call-seq:
- # filter(**options) {|row| ... }
- # filter(in_string, **options) {|row| ... }
- # filter(in_io, **options) {|row| ... }
- # filter(in_string, out_string, **options) {|row| ... }
- # filter(in_string, out_io, **options) {|row| ... }
- # filter(in_io, out_string, **options) {|row| ... }
- # filter(in_io, out_io, **options) {|row| ... }
- #
- # Reads \CSV input and writes \CSV output.
- #
- # For each input row:
- # - Forms the data into:
- # - A CSV::Row object, if headers are in use.
- # - An \Array of Arrays, otherwise.
- # - Calls the block with that object.
- # - Appends the block's return value to the output.
+ # filter(in_string_or_io, **options) {|row| ... } -> array_of_arrays or csv_table
+ # filter(in_string_or_io, out_string_or_io, **options) {|row| ... } -> array_of_arrays or csv_table
+ # filter(**options) {|row| ... } -> array_of_arrays or csv_table
- # Arguments:
- # * \CSV source:
- # * Argument +in_string+, if given, should be a \String object;
- # it will be put into a new StringIO object positioned at the beginning.
- # * Argument +in_io+, if given, should be an IO object that is
- # open for reading; on return, the IO object will be closed.
- # * If neither +in_string+ nor +in_io+ is given,
- # the input stream defaults to {ARGF}[].
- # * \CSV output:
- # * Argument +out_string+, if given, should be a \String object;
- # it will be put into a new StringIO object positioned at the beginning.
- # * Argument +out_io+, if given, should be an IO object that is
- # ppen for writing; on return, the IO object will be closed.
- # * If neither +out_string+ nor +out_io+ is given,
- # the output stream defaults to <tt>$stdout</tt>.
- # * Argument +options+ should be keyword arguments.
- # - Each argument name that is prefixed with +in_+ or +input_+
- # is stripped of its prefix and is treated as an option
- # for parsing the input.
- # Option +input_row_sep+ defaults to <tt>$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR</tt>.
- # - Each argument name that is prefixed with +out_+ or +output_+
- # is stripped of its prefix and is treated as an option
- # for generating the output.
- # Option +output_row_sep+ defaults to <tt>$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR</tt>.
- # - Each argument not prefixed as above is treated as an option
- # both for parsing the input and for generating the output.
- # - See {Options for Parsing}[#class-CSV-label-Options+for+Parsing]
- # and {Options for Generating}[#class-CSV-label-Options+for+Generating].
+ # - Parses \CSV from a source (\String, \IO stream, or ARGF).
+ # - Calls the given block with each parsed row:
+ # - Without headers, each row is an \Array.
+ # - With headers, each row is a CSV::Row.
+ # - Generates \CSV to an output (\String, \IO stream, or STDOUT).
+ # - Returns the parsed source:
+ # - Without headers, an \Array of \Arrays.
+ # - With headers, a CSV::Table.
- # Example:
- # in_string = "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
+ # When +in_string_or_io+ is given, but not +out_string_or_io+,
+ # parses from the given +in_string_or_io+
+ # and generates to STDOUT.
+ #
+ # \String input without headers:
+ #
+ # in_string = "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2"
+ # CSV.filter(in_string) do |row|
+ # row[0].upcase!
+ # row[1] = - row[1].to_i
+ # end # => [["FOO", 0], ["BAR", -1], ["BAZ", -2]]
+ #
+ # Output (to STDOUT):
+ #
+ # FOO,0
+ # BAR,-1
+ # BAZ,-2
+ #
+ # \String input with headers:
+ #
+ # in_string = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2"
+ # CSV.filter(in_string, headers: true) do |row|
+ # row[0].upcase!
+ # row[1] = - row[1].to_i
+ # end # => #<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:4>
+ #
+ # Output (to STDOUT):
+ #
+ # Name,Value
+ # FOO,0
+ # BAR,-1
+ # BAZ,-2
+ #
+ # \IO stream input without headers:
+ #
+ # File.write('t.csv', "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2")
+ #'t.csv') do |in_io|
+ # CSV.filter(in_io) do |row|
+ # row[0].upcase!
+ # row[1] = - row[1].to_i
+ # end
+ # end # => [["FOO", 0], ["BAR", -1], ["BAZ", -2]]
+ #
+ # Output (to STDOUT):
+ #
+ # FOO,0
+ # BAR,-1
+ # BAZ,-2
+ #
+ # \IO stream input with headers:
+ #
+ # File.write('t.csv', "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2")
+ #'t.csv') do |in_io|
+ # CSV.filter(in_io, headers: true) do |row|
+ # row[0].upcase!
+ # row[1] = - row[1].to_i
+ # end
+ # end # => #<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:4>
+ #
+ # Output (to STDOUT):
+ #
+ # Name,Value
+ # FOO,0
+ # BAR,-1
+ # BAZ,-2
+ #
+ # When both +in_string_or_io+ and +out_string_or_io+ are given,
+ # parses from +in_string_or_io+ and generates to +out_string_or_io+.
+ #
+ # \String output without headers:
+ #
+ # in_string = "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2"
# out_string = ''
# CSV.filter(in_string, out_string) do |row|
- # row[0] = row[0].upcase
- # row[1] *= 4
- # end
- # out_string # => "FOO,0000\nBAR,1111\nBAZ,2222\n"
+ # row[0].upcase!
+ # row[1] = - row[1].to_i
+ # end # => [["FOO", 0], ["BAR", -1], ["BAZ", -2]]
+ # out_string # => "FOO,0\nBAR,-1\nBAZ,-2\n"
+ #
+ # \String output with headers:
+ #
+ # in_string = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2"
+ # out_string = ''
+ # CSV.filter(in_string, out_string, headers: true) do |row|
+ # row[0].upcase!
+ # row[1] = - row[1].to_i
+ # end # => #<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:4>
+ # out_string # => "Name,Value\nFOO,0\nBAR,-1\nBAZ,-2\n"
+ #
+ # \IO stream output without headers:
+ #
+ # in_string = "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2"
+ #'t.csv', 'w') do |out_io|
+ # CSV.filter(in_string, out_io) do |row|
+ # row[0].upcase!
+ # row[1] = - row[1].to_i
+ # end
+ # end # => [["FOO", 0], ["BAR", -1], ["BAZ", -2]]
+ #'t.csv') # => "FOO,0\nBAR,-1\nBAZ,-2\n"
+ #
+ # \IO stream output with headers:
+ #
+ # in_string = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2"
+ #'t.csv', 'w') do |out_io|
+ # CSV.filter(in_string, out_io, headers: true) do |row|
+ # row[0].upcase!
+ # row[1] = - row[1].to_i
+ # end
+ # end # => #<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:4>
+ #'t.csv') # => "Name,Value\nFOO,0\nBAR,-1\nBAZ,-2\n"
+ #
+ # When neither +in_string_or_io+ nor +out_string_or_io+ given,
+ # parses from {ARGF}[rdoc-ref:ARGF]
+ # and generates to STDOUT.
+ #
+ # Without headers:
+ #
+ # # Put Ruby code into a file.
+ # ruby = <<-EOT
+ # require 'csv'
+ # CSV.filter do |row|
+ # row[0].upcase!
+ # row[1] = - row[1].to_i
+ # end
+ # EOT
+ # File.write('t.rb', ruby)
+ # # Put some CSV into a file.
+ # File.write('t.csv', "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2")
+ # # Run the Ruby code with CSV filename as argument.
+ # system(Gem.ruby, "t.rb", "t.csv")
+ #
+ # Output (to STDOUT):
+ #
+ # FOO,0
+ # BAR,-1
+ # BAZ,-2
+ #
+ # With headers:
+ #
+ # # Put Ruby code into a file.
+ # ruby = <<-EOT
+ # require 'csv'
+ # CSV.filter(headers: true) do |row|
+ # row[0].upcase!
+ # row[1] = - row[1].to_i
+ # end
+ # EOT
+ # File.write('t.rb', ruby)
+ # # Put some CSV into a file.
+ # File.write('t.csv', "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2")
+ # # Run the Ruby code with CSV filename as argument.
+ # system(Gem.ruby, "t.rb", "t.csv")
+ #
+ # Output (to STDOUT):
+ #
+ # Name,Value
+ # FOO,0
+ # BAR,-1
+ # BAZ,-2
+ #
+ # Arguments:
+ #
+ # * Argument +in_string_or_io+ must be a \String or an \IO stream.
+ # * Argument +out_string_or_io+ must be a \String or an \IO stream.
+ # * Arguments <tt>**options</tt> must be keyword options.
+ # See {Options for Parsing}[#class-CSV-label-Options+for+Parsing].
def filter(input=nil, output=nil, **options)
# parse options for input, output, or both
in_options, out_options =, {row_sep: InputRecordSeparator.value}
options.each do |key, value|
- case key.to_s
+ case key
when /\Ain(?:put)?_(.+)\Z/
in_options[$1.to_sym] = value
when /\Aout(?:put)?_(.+)\Z/
@@ -1107,111 +1244,90 @@ class CSV
# :call-seq:
- # foreach(path, mode='r', **options) {|row| ... )
- # foreach(io, mode='r', **options {|row| ... )
- # foreach(path, mode='r', headers: ..., **options) {|row| ... )
- # foreach(io, mode='r', headers: ..., **options {|row| ... )
- # foreach(path, mode='r', **options) -> new_enumerator
- # foreach(io, mode='r', **options -> new_enumerator
+ # foreach(path_or_io, mode='r', **options) {|row| ... )
+ # foreach(path_or_io, mode='r', **options) -> new_enumerator
- # Calls the block with each row read from source +path+ or +io+.
+ # Calls the block with each row read from source +path_or_io+.
- # * Argument +path+, if given, must be the path to a file.
- # :include: ../doc/csv/arguments/io.rdoc
- # * Argument +mode+, if given, must be a \File mode
- # See {Open Mode}[IO.html#method-c-new-label-Open+Mode].
- # * Arguments <tt>**options</tt> must be keyword options.
- # See {Options for Parsing}[#class-CSV-label-Options+for+Parsing].
- # * This method optionally accepts an additional <tt>:encoding</tt> option
- # that you can use to specify the Encoding of the data read from +path+ or +io+.
- # You must provide this unless your data is in the encoding
- # given by <tt>Encoding::default_external</tt>.
- # Parsing will use this to determine how to parse the data.
- # You may provide a second Encoding to
- # have the data transcoded as it is read. For example,
- # encoding: 'UTF-32BE:UTF-8'
- # would read +UTF-32BE+ data from the file
- # but transcode it to +UTF-8+ before parsing.
- #
- # ====== Without Option +headers+
+ # \Path input without headers:
- # Without option +headers+, returns each row as an \Array object.
- #
- # These examples assume prior execution of:
# string = "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # path = 't.csv'
- # File.write(path, string)
+ # in_path = 't.csv'
+ # File.write(in_path, string)
+ # CSV.foreach(in_path) {|row| p row }
- # Read rows from a file at +path+:
- # CSV.foreach(path) {|row| p row }
# Output:
- # ["foo", "0"]
- # ["bar", "1"]
- # ["baz", "2"]
- # Read rows from an \IO object:
- # do |file|
- # CSV.foreach(file) {|row| p row }
- # end
- #
- # Output:
# ["foo", "0"]
# ["bar", "1"]
# ["baz", "2"]
- # Returns a new \Enumerator if no block given:
- # CSV.foreach(path) # => #<Enumerator: CSV:foreach("t.csv", "r")>
- # CSV.foreach( # => #<Enumerator: CSV:foreach(#<File:t.csv>, "r")>
+ # \Path input with headers:
+ #
+ # string = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
+ # in_path = 't.csv'
+ # File.write(in_path, string)
+ # CSV.foreach(in_path, headers: true) {|row| p row }
- # Issues a warning if an encoding is unsupported:
- # CSV.foreach(, encoding: 'foo:bar') {|row| }
# Output:
- # warning: Unsupported encoding foo ignored
- # warning: Unsupported encoding bar ignored
- # ====== With Option +headers+
+ # <CSV::Row "Name":"foo" "Value":"0">
+ # <CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":"1">
+ # <CSV::Row "Name":"baz" "Value":"2">
- # With {option +headers+}[#class-CSV-label-Option+headers],
- # returns each row as a CSV::Row object.
+ # \IO stream input without headers:
- # These examples assume prior execution of:
- # string = "Name,Count\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
+ # string = "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
# path = 't.csv'
# File.write(path, string)
- #
- # Read rows from a file at +path+:
- # CSV.foreach(path, headers: true) {|row| p row }
+ #'t.csv') do |in_io|
+ # CSV.foreach(in_io) {|row| p row }
+ # end
# Output:
- # #<CSV::Row "Name":"foo" "Count":"0">
- # #<CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Count":"1">
- # #<CSV::Row "Name":"baz" "Count":"2">
- # Read rows from an \IO object:
- # do |file|
- # CSV.foreach(file, headers: true) {|row| p row }
+ # ["foo", "0"]
+ # ["bar", "1"]
+ # ["baz", "2"]
+ #
+ # \IO stream input with headers:
+ #
+ # string = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
+ # path = 't.csv'
+ # File.write(path, string)
+ #'t.csv') do |in_io|
+ # CSV.foreach(in_io, headers: true) {|row| p row }
# end
# Output:
- # #<CSV::Row "Name":"foo" "Count":"0">
- # #<CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Count":"1">
- # #<CSV::Row "Name":"baz" "Count":"2">
- #
- # ---
- # Raises an exception if +path+ is a \String, but not the path to a readable file:
- # # Raises Errno::ENOENT (No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - nosuch.csv):
- # CSV.foreach('nosuch.csv') {|row| }
+ # <CSV::Row "Name":"foo" "Value":"0">
+ # <CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":"1">
+ # <CSV::Row "Name":"baz" "Value":"2">
- # Raises an exception if +io+ is an \IO object, but not open for reading:
- # io =, 'w') {|row| }
- # # Raises TypeError (no implicit conversion of nil into String):
- # CSV.foreach(io) {|row| }
+ # With no block given, returns an \Enumerator:
- # Raises an exception if +mode+ is invalid:
- # # Raises ArgumentError (invalid access mode nosuch):
- # CSV.foreach(path, 'nosuch') {|row| }
+ # string = "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
+ # path = 't.csv'
+ # File.write(path, string)
+ # CSV.foreach(path) # => #<Enumerator: CSV:foreach("t.csv", "r")>
+ # Arguments:
+ # * Argument +path_or_io+ must be a file path or an \IO stream.
+ # * Argument +mode+, if given, must be a \File mode
+ # See {Open Mode}[].
+ # * Arguments <tt>**options</tt> must be keyword options.
+ # See {Options for Parsing}[#class-CSV-label-Options+for+Parsing].
+ # * This method optionally accepts an additional <tt>:encoding</tt> option
+ # that you can use to specify the Encoding of the data read from +path+ or +io+.
+ # You must provide this unless your data is in the encoding
+ # given by <tt>Encoding::default_external</tt>.
+ # Parsing will use this to determine how to parse the data.
+ # You may provide a second Encoding to
+ # have the data transcoded as it is read. For example,
+ # encoding: 'UTF-32BE:UTF-8'
+ # would read +UTF-32BE+ data from the file
+ # but transcode it to +UTF-8+ before parsing.
def foreach(path, mode="r", **options, &block)
return to_enum(__method__, path, mode, **options) unless block_given?
open(path, mode, **options) do |csv|
@@ -1349,6 +1465,46 @@ class CSV
(new(str, **options) << row).string
+ # :call-seq:
+ # CSV.generate_lines(rows)
+ # CSV.generate_lines(rows, **options)
+ #
+ # Returns the \String created by generating \CSV from
+ # using the specified +options+.
+ #
+ # Argument +rows+ must be an \Array of row. Row is \Array of \String or \CSV::Row.
+ #
+ # Special options:
+ # * Option <tt>:row_sep</tt> defaults to <tt>"\n"</tt> on Ruby 3.0 or later
+ # and <tt>$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR</tt> (<tt>$/</tt>) otherwise.:
+ # * This method accepts an additional option, <tt>:encoding</tt>, which sets the base
+ # Encoding for the output. This method will try to guess your Encoding from
+ # the first non-+nil+ field in +row+, if possible, but you may need to use
+ # this parameter as a backup plan.
+ #
+ # For other +options+,
+ # see {Options for Generating}[#class-CSV-label-Options+for+Generating].
+ #
+ # ---
+ #
+ # Returns the \String generated from an
+ # CSV.generate_lines([['foo', '0'], ['bar', '1'], ['baz', '2']]) # => "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
+ #
+ # ---
+ #
+ # Raises an exception
+ # # Raises NoMethodError (undefined method `each' for :foo:Symbol)
+ # CSV.generate_lines(:foo)
+ #
+ def generate_lines(rows, **options)
+ self.generate(**options) do |csv|
+ rows.each do |row|
+ csv << row
+ end
+ end
+ end
# :call-seq:
# open(file_path, mode = "rb", **options ) -> new_csv
@@ -1357,7 +1513,7 @@ class CSV
# open(io, mode = "rb", **options ) { |csv| ... } -> object
# possible options elements:
- # hash form:
+ # keyword form:
# :invalid => nil # raise error on invalid byte sequence (default)
# :invalid => :replace # replace invalid byte sequence
# :undef => :replace # replace undefined conversion
@@ -1424,10 +1580,14 @@ class CSV
def open(filename, mode="r", **options)
# wrap a File opened with the remaining +args+ with no newline
# decorator
- file_opts = {universal_newline: false}.merge(options)
+ file_opts = options.dup
+ unless file_opts.key?(:newline)
+ file_opts[:universal_newline] ||= false
+ end
+ options.delete_if {|k, _| /newline\z/.match?(k)}
f =, mode, **file_opts)
@@ -1746,6 +1906,7 @@ class CSV
row_sep: :auto,
quote_char: '"',
field_size_limit: nil,
+ max_field_size: nil,
converters: nil,
unconverted_fields: nil,
headers: false,
@@ -1769,8 +1930,19 @@ class CSV
raise"Cannot parse nil as CSV") if data.nil?
if data.is_a?(String)
+ if encoding
+ if encoding.is_a?(String)
+ data_external_encoding, data_internal_encoding = encoding.split(":", 2)
+ if data_internal_encoding
+ data = data.encode(data_internal_encoding, data_external_encoding)
+ else
+ data = data.dup.force_encoding(data_external_encoding)
+ end
+ else
+ data = data.dup.force_encoding(encoding)
+ end
+ end
@io =
- @io.set_encoding(encoding || data.encoding)
@io = data
@@ -1788,11 +1960,14 @@ class CSV
@initial_header_converters = header_converters
@initial_write_converters = write_converters
+ if max_field_size.nil? and field_size_limit
+ max_field_size = field_size_limit - 1
+ end
@parser_options = {
column_separator: col_sep,
row_separator: row_sep,
quote_character: quote_char,
- field_size_limit: field_size_limit,
+ max_field_size: max_field_size,
unconverted_fields: unconverted_fields,
headers: headers,
return_headers: return_headers,
@@ -1860,11 +2035,25 @@ class CSV
# Returns the limit for field size; used for parsing;
# see {Option +field_size_limit+}[#class-CSV-label-Option+field_size_limit]:
#'').field_size_limit # => nil
+ #
+ # Deprecated since 3.2.3. Use +max_field_size+ instead.
def field_size_limit
# :call-seq:
+ # csv.max_field_size -> integer or nil
+ #
+ # Returns the limit for field size; used for parsing;
+ # see {Option +max_field_size+}[#class-CSV-label-Option+max_field_size]:
+ #'').max_field_size # => nil
+ #
+ # Since 3.2.3.
+ def max_field_size
+ parser.max_field_size
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
# csv.skip_lines -> regexp or nil
# Returns the \Regexp used to identify comment lines; used for parsing;
@@ -1994,7 +2183,7 @@ class CSV
# :call-seq:
- # csv.encoding -> endcoding
+ # csv.encoding -> encoding
# Returns the encoding used for parsing and generating;
# see {Character Encodings (M17n or Multilingualization)}[#class-CSV-label-Character+Encodings+-28M17n+or+Multilingualization-29]:
@@ -2362,7 +2551,13 @@ class CSV
# p row
# end
def each(&block)
- parser_enumerator.each(&block)
+ return to_enum(__method__) unless block_given?
+ begin
+ while true
+ yield(
+ end
+ rescue StopIteration
+ end
# :call-seq:
diff --git a/lib/csv/fields_converter.rb b/lib/csv/fields_converter.rb
index b206118d99..d15977d379 100644
--- a/lib/csv/fields_converter.rb
+++ b/lib/csv/fields_converter.rb
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class CSV
- def convert(fields, headers, lineno)
+ def convert(fields, headers, lineno, quoted_fields)
return fields unless need_convert?
fields.collect.with_index do |field, index|
@@ -63,7 +63,8 @@ class CSV
header = nil
- field = converter[field,, lineno, header)]
+ quoted = quoted_fields[index]
+ field = converter[field,, lineno, header, quoted)]
break unless field.is_a?(String) # short-circuit pipeline for speed
diff --git a/lib/csv/input_record_separator.rb b/lib/csv/input_record_separator.rb
index bbf13479f7..7a99343c0c 100644
--- a/lib/csv/input_record_separator.rb
+++ b/lib/csv/input_record_separator.rb
@@ -4,20 +4,7 @@ require "stringio"
class CSV
module InputRecordSeparator
class << self
- is_input_record_separator_deprecated = false
- verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, true
- stderr, $stderr = $stderr,
- input_record_separator = $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR
- begin
- is_input_record_separator_deprecated = (not $stderr.string.empty?)
- ensure
- $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR = input_record_separator
- $stderr = stderr
- $VERBOSE = verbose
- end
- if is_input_record_separator_deprecated
+ if RUBY_VERSION >= "3.0.0"
def value
diff --git a/lib/csv/parser.rb b/lib/csv/parser.rb
index 7e943acf21..afb3131cd5 100644
--- a/lib/csv/parser.rb
+++ b/lib/csv/parser.rb
@@ -2,15 +2,10 @@
require "strscan"
-require_relative "delete_suffix"
require_relative "input_record_separator"
-require_relative "match_p"
require_relative "row"
require_relative "table"
-using CSV::DeleteSuffix if CSV.const_defined?(:DeleteSuffix)
-using CSV::MatchP if CSV.const_defined?(:MatchP)
class CSV
# Note: Don't use this class directly. This is an internal class.
class Parser
@@ -27,6 +22,10 @@ class CSV
class InvalidEncoding < StandardError
+ # Raised when unexpected case is happen.
+ class UnexpectedError < StandardError
+ end
# CSV::Scanner receives a CSV output, scans it and return the content.
# It also controls the life cycle of the object with its methods +keep_start+,
@@ -78,10 +77,10 @@ class CSV
# +keep_end+, +keep_back+, +keep_drop+.
# CSV::InputsScanner.scan() tries to match with pattern at the current position.
- # If there's a match, the scanner advances the “scan pointer” and returns the matched string.
+ # If there's a match, the scanner advances the "scan pointer" and returns the matched string.
# Otherwise, the scanner returns nil.
- # returns the “rest” of the string (i.e. everything after the scan pointer).
+ # returns the "rest" of the string (i.e. everything after the scan pointer).
# If there is no more data (eos? = true), it returns "".
class InputsScanner
@@ -96,11 +95,13 @@ class CSV
def each_line(row_separator)
+ return enum_for(__method__, row_separator) unless block_given?
buffer = nil
input =
position = @scanner.pos
offset = 0
n_row_separator_chars = row_separator.size
+ # trace(__method__, :start, line, input)
while true
input.each_line(row_separator) do |line|
@scanner.pos += line.bytesize
@@ -140,25 +141,28 @@ class CSV
def scan(pattern)
+ # trace(__method__, pattern, :start)
value = @scanner.scan(pattern)
+ # trace(__method__, pattern, :done, :last, value) if @last_scanner
return value if @last_scanner
- if value
- read_chunk if @scanner.eos?
- return value
- else
- nil
- end
+ read_chunk if value and @scanner.eos?
+ # trace(__method__, pattern, :done, value)
+ value
def scan_all(pattern)
+ # trace(__method__, pattern, :start)
value = @scanner.scan(pattern)
+ # trace(__method__, pattern, :done, :last, value) if @last_scanner
return value if @last_scanner
return nil if value.nil?
while @scanner.eos? and read_chunk and (sub_value = @scanner.scan(pattern))
+ # trace(__method__, pattern, :sub, sub_value)
value << sub_value
+ # trace(__method__, pattern, :done, value)
@@ -167,68 +171,126 @@ class CSV
def keep_start
- @keeps.push([@scanner.pos, nil])
+ # trace(__method__, :start)
+ adjust_last_keep
+ @keeps.push([@scanner, @scanner.pos, nil])
+ # trace(__method__, :done)
def keep_end
- start, buffer = @keeps.pop
- keep = @scanner.string.byteslice(start, @scanner.pos - start)
+ # trace(__method__, :start)
+ scanner, start, buffer = @keeps.pop
+ if scanner == @scanner
+ keep = @scanner.string.byteslice(start, @scanner.pos - start)
+ else
+ keep = @scanner.string.byteslice(0, @scanner.pos)
+ end
if buffer
buffer << keep
keep = buffer
+ # trace(__method__, :done, keep)
def keep_back
- start, buffer = @keeps.pop
+ # trace(__method__, :start)
+ scanner, start, buffer = @keeps.pop
if buffer
+ # trace(__method__, :rescan, start, buffer)
string = @scanner.string
- keep = string.byteslice(start, string.bytesize - start)
+ if scanner == @scanner
+ keep = string.byteslice(start, string.bytesize - start)
+ else
+ keep = string
+ end
if keep and not keep.empty?
@last_scanner = false
@scanner =
+ if @scanner != scanner
+ message = "scanners are different but no buffer: "
+ message += "#{@scanner.inspect}(#{@scanner.object_id}): "
+ message += "#{scanner.inspect}(#{scanner.object_id})"
+ raise UnexpectedError, message
+ end
+ # trace(__method__, :repos, start, buffer)
@scanner.pos = start
read_chunk if @scanner.eos?
def keep_drop
- @keeps.pop
+ _, _, buffer = @keeps.pop
+ # trace(__method__, :done, :empty) unless buffer
+ return unless buffer
+ last_keep = @keeps.last
+ # trace(__method__, :done, :no_last_keep) unless last_keep
+ return unless last_keep
+ if last_keep[2]
+ last_keep[2] << buffer
+ else
+ last_keep[2] = buffer
+ end
+ # trace(__method__, :done)
def rest
+ def check(pattern)
+ @scanner.check(pattern)
+ end
- def read_chunk
- return false if @last_scanner
+ def trace(*args)
+ pp([*args, @scanner, @scanner&.string, @scanner&.pos, @keeps])
+ end
- unless @keeps.empty?
- keep = @keeps.last
- keep_start = keep[0]
- string = @scanner.string
- keep_data = string.byteslice(keep_start, @scanner.pos - keep_start)
- if keep_data
- keep_buffer = keep[1]
- if keep_buffer
- keep_buffer << keep_data
- else
- keep[1] = keep_data.dup
- end
+ def adjust_last_keep
+ # trace(__method__, :start)
+ keep = @keeps.last
+ # trace(__method__, :done, :empty) if keep.nil?
+ return if keep.nil?
+ scanner, start, buffer = keep
+ string = @scanner.string
+ if @scanner != scanner
+ start = 0
+ end
+ if start == 0 and @scanner.eos?
+ keep_data = string
+ else
+ keep_data = string.byteslice(start, @scanner.pos - start)
+ end
+ if keep_data
+ if buffer
+ buffer << keep_data
+ else
+ keep[2] = keep_data.dup
- keep[0] = 0
+ # trace(__method__, :done)
+ end
+ def read_chunk
+ return false if @last_scanner
+ adjust_last_keep
input = @inputs.first
case input
when StringIO
string =
raise InvalidEncoding unless string.valid_encoding?
+ # trace(__method__, :stringio, string)
@scanner =
@last_scanner = @inputs.empty?
@@ -237,6 +299,7 @@ class CSV
chunk = input.gets(@row_separator, @chunk_size)
if chunk
raise InvalidEncoding unless chunk.valid_encoding?
+ # trace(__method__, :chunk, chunk)
@scanner =
if input.respond_to?(:eof?) and input.eof?
@@ -244,6 +307,7 @@ class CSV
+ # trace(__method__, :no_chunk)
@scanner ="".encode(@encoding))
@last_scanner = @inputs.empty?
@@ -278,7 +342,11 @@ class CSV
def field_size_limit
- @field_size_limit
+ @max_field_size&.succ
+ end
+ def max_field_size
+ @max_field_size
def skip_lines
@@ -346,6 +414,16 @@ class CSV
message = "Invalid byte sequence in #{@encoding}"
raise, lineno)
+ rescue UnexpectedError => error
+ if @scanner
+ ignore_broken_line
+ lineno = @lineno
+ else
+ lineno = @lineno + 1
+ end
+ message = "This should not be happen: #{error.message}: "
+ message += "Please report this to"
+ raise, lineno)
@@ -390,7 +468,7 @@ class CSV
@backslash_quote = false
@unconverted_fields = @options[:unconverted_fields]
- @field_size_limit = @options[:field_size_limit]
+ @max_field_size = @options[:max_field_size]
@skip_blanks = @options[:skip_blanks]
@fields_converter = @options[:fields_converter]
@header_fields_converter = @options[:header_fields_converter]
@@ -680,9 +758,10 @@ class CSV
case headers
when Array
@raw_headers = headers
+ quoted_fields = [false] * @raw_headers.size
@use_headers = true
when String
- @raw_headers = parse_headers(headers)
+ @raw_headers, quoted_fields = parse_headers(headers)
@use_headers = true
when nil, false
@raw_headers = nil
@@ -692,21 +771,28 @@ class CSV
@use_headers = true
if @raw_headers
- @headers = adjust_headers(@raw_headers)
+ @headers = adjust_headers(@raw_headers, quoted_fields)
@headers = nil
def parse_headers(row)
- CSV.parse_line(row,
- col_sep: @column_separator,
- row_sep: @row_separator,
- quote_char: @quote_character)
+ quoted_fields = []
+ converter = lambda do |field, info|
+ quoted_fields << info.quoted?
+ field
+ end
+ headers = CSV.parse_line(row,
+ col_sep: @column_separator,
+ row_sep: @row_separator,
+ quote_char: @quote_character,
+ converters: [converter])
+ [headers, quoted_fields]
- def adjust_headers(headers)
- adjusted_headers = @header_fields_converter.convert(headers, nil, @lineno)
+ def adjust_headers(headers, quoted_fields)
+ adjusted_headers = @header_fields_converter.convert(headers, nil, @lineno, quoted_fields)
adjusted_headers.each {|h| h.freeze if h.is_a? String}
@@ -729,28 +815,28 @@ class CSV
sample[0, 128].index(@quote_character)
- class UnoptimizedStringIO
- def initialize(string)
- @io =, "rb:#{string.encoding}")
- end
+ class UnoptimizedStringIO # :nodoc:
+ def initialize(string)
+ @io =, "rb:#{string.encoding}")
+ end
- def gets(*args)
- @io.gets(*args)
- end
+ def gets(*args)
+ @io.gets(*args)
+ end
- def each_line(*args, &block)
- @io.each_line(*args, &block)
- end
+ def each_line(*args, &block)
+ @io.each_line(*args, &block)
+ end
- def eof?
- @io.eof?
- end
+ def eof?
+ @io.eof?
+ end
def build_scanner
inputs = @samples.collect do |sample|
@@ -760,10 +846,17 @@ class CSV
inputs << @input
+ begin
+ chunk_size_value = ENV[SCANNER_TEST_CHUNK_SIZE_NAME]
+ rescue # Ractor::IsolationError
+ # Ractor on Ruby 3.0 can't read ENV value.
+ chunk_size_value = SCANNER_TEST_CHUNK_SIZE_VALUE
+ end
+ chunk_size = Integer((chunk_size_value || "1"), 10),
+ chunk_size: chunk_size)
def build_scanner
@@ -826,6 +919,14 @@ class CSV
+ def validate_field_size(field)
+ return unless @max_field_size
+ return if field.size <= @max_field_size
+ ignore_broken_line
+ message = "Field size exceeded: #{field.size} > #{@max_field_size}"
+ raise, @lineno)
+ end
def parse_no_quote(&block)
@scanner.each_line(@row_separator) do |line|
next if @skip_lines and skip_line?(line)
@@ -835,9 +936,16 @@ class CSV
if line.empty?
next if @skip_blanks
row = []
+ quoted_fields = []
line = strip_value(line)
row = line.split(@split_column_separator, -1)
+ quoted_fields = [false] * row.size
+ if @max_field_size
+ row.each do |column|
+ validate_field_size(column)
+ end
+ end
n_columns = row.size
i = 0
while i < n_columns
@@ -846,7 +954,7 @@ class CSV
@last_line = original_line
- emit_row(row, &block)
+ emit_row(row, quoted_fields, &block)
@@ -868,31 +976,37 @@ class CSV
row = []
+ quoted_fields = []
elsif line.include?(@cr) or line.include?(@lf)
@need_robust_parsing = true
return parse_quotable_robust(&block)
row = line.split(@split_column_separator, -1)
+ quoted_fields = []
n_columns = row.size
i = 0
while i < n_columns
column = row[i]
if column.empty?
+ quoted_fields << false
row[i] = nil
n_quotes = column.count(@quote_character)
+ quoted_fields << false
# no quote
elsif n_quotes == 2 and
column.start_with?(@quote_character) and
+ quoted_fields << true
row[i] = column[1..-2]
@need_robust_parsing = true
return parse_quotable_robust(&block)
+ validate_field_size(row[i])
i += 1
@@ -900,13 +1014,14 @@ class CSV
@last_line = original_line
- emit_row(row, &block)
+ emit_row(row, quoted_fields, &block)
def parse_quotable_robust(&block)
row = []
+ quoted_fields = []
while true
@@ -916,32 +1031,39 @@ class CSV
value = parse_column_value
if value
@scanner.scan_all(@strip_value) if @strip_value
- if @field_size_limit and value.size >= @field_size_limit
- ignore_broken_line
- raise"Field size exceeded", @lineno)
- end
+ validate_field_size(value)
if parse_column_end
row << value
+ quoted_fields << @quoted_column_value
elsif parse_row_end
if row.empty? and value.nil?
- emit_row([], &block) unless @skip_blanks
+ emit_row([], [], &block) unless @skip_blanks
row << value
- emit_row(row, &block)
+ quoted_fields << @quoted_column_value
+ emit_row(row, quoted_fields, &block)
row = []
+ quoted_fields = []
elsif @scanner.eos?
break if row.empty? and value.nil?
row << value
- emit_row(row, &block)
+ quoted_fields << @quoted_column_value
+ emit_row(row, quoted_fields, &block)
if @quoted_column_value
+ if liberal_parsing? and (new_line = @scanner.check(@line_end))
+ message =
+ "Illegal end-of-line sequence outside of a quoted field " +
+ "<#{new_line.inspect}>"
+ else
+ message = "Any value after quoted field isn't allowed"
+ end
- message = "Any value after quoted field isn't allowed"
raise, @lineno)
elsif @unquoted_column_value and
(new_line = @scanner.scan(@line_end))
@@ -1034,7 +1156,7 @@ class CSV
if (n_quotes % 2).zero?
quotes[0, (n_quotes - 2) / 2]
- value = quotes[0, (n_quotes - 1) / 2]
+ value = quotes[0, n_quotes / 2]
while true
quoted_value = @scanner.scan_all(@quoted_value)
value << quoted_value if quoted_value
@@ -1058,11 +1180,9 @@ class CSV
n_quotes = quotes.size
if n_quotes == 1
- elsif (n_quotes % 2) == 1
- value << quotes[0, (n_quotes - 1) / 2]
- break
value << quotes[0, n_quotes / 2]
+ break if (n_quotes % 2) == 1
@@ -1098,18 +1218,15 @@ class CSV
def strip_value(value)
return value unless @strip
- return nil if value.nil?
+ return value if value.nil?
case @strip
when String
- size = value.size
- while value.start_with?(@strip)
- size -= 1
- value = value[1, size]
+ while value.delete_prefix!(@strip)
+ # do nothing
- while value.end_with?(@strip)
- size -= 1
- value = value[0, size]
+ while value.delete_suffix!(@strip)
+ # do nothing
@@ -1132,22 +1249,22 @@ class CSV
- def emit_row(row, &block)
+ def emit_row(row, quoted_fields, &block)
@lineno += 1
raw_row = row
if @use_headers
if @headers.nil?
- @headers = adjust_headers(row)
+ @headers = adjust_headers(row, quoted_fields)
return unless @return_headers
row =, row, true)
row =,
- @fields_converter.convert(raw_row, @headers, @lineno))
+ @fields_converter.convert(raw_row, @headers, @lineno, quoted_fields))
# convert fields, if needed...
- row = @fields_converter.convert(raw_row, nil, @lineno)
+ row = @fields_converter.convert(raw_row, nil, @lineno, quoted_fields)
# inject unconverted fields and accessor, if requested...
diff --git a/lib/csv/row.rb b/lib/csv/row.rb
index 7f2e7e7807..86323f7d0a 100644
--- a/lib/csv/row.rb
+++ b/lib/csv/row.rb
@@ -3,30 +3,105 @@
require "forwardable"
class CSV
+ # = \CSV::Row
+ # A \CSV::Row instance represents a \CSV table row.
+ # (see {class CSV}[../CSV.html]).
- # A CSV::Row is part Array and part Hash. It retains an order for the fields
- # and allows duplicates just as an Array would, but also allows you to access
- # fields by name just as you could if they were in a Hash.
+ # The instance may have:
+ # - Fields: each is an object, not necessarily a \String.
+ # - Headers: each serves a key, and also need not be a \String.
- # All rows returned by CSV will be constructed from this class, if header row
- # processing is activated.
+ # === Instance Methods
+ #
+ # \CSV::Row has three groups of instance methods:
+ # - Its own internally defined instance methods.
+ # - Methods included by module Enumerable.
+ # - Methods delegated to class Array.:
+ # * Array#empty?
+ # * Array#length
+ # * Array#size
+ #
+ # == Creating a \CSV::Row Instance
+ #
+ # Commonly, a new \CSV::Row instance is created by parsing \CSV source
+ # that has headers:
+ # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
+ # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
+ # table.each {|row| p row }
+ # Output:
+ # #<CSV::Row "Name":"foo" "Value":"0">
+ # #<CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":"1">
+ # #<CSV::Row "Name":"baz" "Value":"2">
+ #
+ # You can also create a row directly. See ::new.
+ #
+ # == Headers
+ #
+ # Like a \CSV::Table, a \CSV::Row has headers.
+ #
+ # A \CSV::Row that was created by parsing \CSV source
+ # inherits its headers from the table:
+ # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
+ # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
+ # row = table.first
+ # row.headers # => ["Name", "Value"]
+ #
+ # You can also create a new row with headers;
+ # like the keys in a \Hash, the headers need not be Strings:
+ # row =[:name, :value], ['foo', 0])
+ # row.headers # => [:name, :value]
+ #
+ # The new row retains its headers even if added to a table
+ # that has headers:
+ # table << row # => #<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:5>
+ # row.headers # => [:name, :value]
+ # row[:name] # => "foo"
+ # row['Name'] # => nil
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ # == Accessing Fields
+ #
+ # You may access a field in a \CSV::Row with either its \Integer index
+ # (\Array-style) or its header (\Hash-style).
+ #
+ # Fetch a field using method #[]:
+ # row =['Name', 'Value'], ['foo', 0])
+ # row[1] # => 0
+ # row['Value'] # => 0
+ #
+ # Set a field using method #[]=:
+ # row =['Name', 'Value'], ['foo', 0])
+ # row # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"foo" "Value":0>
+ # row[0] = 'bar'
+ # row['Value'] = 1
+ # row # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":1>
class Row
- #
- # Constructs a new CSV::Row from +headers+ and +fields+, which are expected
- # to be Arrays. If one Array is shorter than the other, it will be padded
- # with +nil+ objects.
- #
- # The optional +header_row+ parameter can be set to +true+ to indicate, via
- # CSV::Row.header_row?() and CSV::Row.field_row?(), that this is a header
- # row. Otherwise, the row assumes to be a field row.
- #
- # A CSV::Row object supports the following Array methods through delegation:
- #
- # * empty?()
- # * length()
- # * size()
- #
+ # :call-seq:
+ #, fields, header_row = false) -> csv_row
+ #
+ # Returns the new \CSV::Row instance constructed from
+ # arguments +headers+ and +fields+; both should be Arrays;
+ # note that the fields need not be Strings:
+ # row =['Name', 'Value'], ['foo', 0])
+ # row # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"foo" "Value":0>
+ #
+ # If the \Array lengths are different, the shorter is +nil+-filled:
+ # row =['Name', 'Value', 'Date', 'Size'], ['foo', 0])
+ # row # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"foo" "Value":0 "Date":nil "Size":nil>
+ #
+ # Each \CSV::Row object is either a <i>field row</i> or a <i>header row</i>;
+ # by default, a new row is a field row; for the row created above:
+ # row.field_row? # => true
+ # row.header_row? # => false
+ #
+ # If the optional argument +header_row+ is given as +true+,
+ # the created row is a header row:
+ # row =['Name', 'Value'], ['foo', 0], header_row = true)
+ # row # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"foo" "Value":0>
+ # row.field_row? # => false
+ # row.header_row? # => true
def initialize(headers, fields, header_row = false)
@header_row = header_row
headers.each { |h| h.freeze if h.is_a? String }
@@ -48,6 +123,10 @@ class CSV
extend Forwardable
def_delegators :@row, :empty?, :length, :size
+ # :call-seq:
+ # row.initialize_copy(other_row) -> self
+ #
+ # Calls superclass method.
def initialize_copy(other)
super_return_value = super
@row = @row.collect(&:dup)
@@ -71,7 +150,7 @@ class CSV
# :call-seq:
- # row.headers
+ # row.headers -> array_of_headers
# Returns the headers for this row:
# source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
@@ -83,9 +162,9 @@ class CSV
# :call-seq:
- # field(index)
- # field(header)
- # field(header, offset)
+ # field(index) -> value
+ # field(header) -> value
+ # field(header, offset) -> value
# Returns the field value for the given +index+ or +header+.
@@ -137,9 +216,9 @@ class CSV
# :call-seq:
- # fetch(header)
- # fetch(header, default)
- # fetch(header) {|row| ... }
+ # fetch(header) -> value
+ # fetch(header, default) -> value
+ # fetch(header) {|row| ... } -> value
# Returns the field value as specified by +header+.
@@ -193,7 +272,7 @@ class CSV
# :call-seq:
- # row.has_key?(header)
+ # row.has_key?(header) -> true or false
# Returns +true+ if there is a field with the given +header+,
# +false+ otherwise.
@@ -320,7 +399,7 @@ class CSV
# :call-seq:
- # row.push(*values) ->self
+ # row.push(*values) -> self
# Appends each of the given +values+ to +self+ as a field; returns +self+:
# source = "Name,Name,Name\nFoo,Bar,Baz\n"
@@ -403,7 +482,7 @@ class CSV
# :call-seq:
- # self.fields(*specifiers)
+ # self.fields(*specifiers) -> array_of_fields
# Returns field values per the given +specifiers+, which may be any mixture of:
# - \Integer index.
@@ -471,15 +550,26 @@ class CSV
alias_method :values_at, :fields
- #
# :call-seq:
- # index( header )
- # index( header, offset )
+ # index(header) -> index
+ # index(header, offset) -> index
- # This method will return the index of a field with the provided +header+.
- # The +offset+ can be used to locate duplicate header names, as described in
- # CSV::Row.field().
+ # Returns the index for the given header, if it exists;
+ # otherwise returns +nil+.
+ # With the single argument +header+, returns the index
+ # of the first-found field with the given +header+:
+ # source = "Name,Name,Name\nFoo,Bar,Baz\n"
+ # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
+ # row = table[0]
+ # row.index('Name') # => 0
+ # row.index('NAME') # => nil
+ #
+ # With arguments +header+ and +offset+,
+ # returns the index of the first-found field with given +header+,
+ # but ignoring the first +offset+ fields:
+ # row.index('Name', 1) # => 1
+ # row.index('Name', 3) # => nil
def index(header, minimum_index = 0)
# find the pair
index = headers[minimum_index..-1].index(header)
@@ -487,24 +577,36 @@ class CSV
index.nil? ? nil : index + minimum_index
+ # :call-seq:
+ # row.field?(value) -> true or false
- # Returns +true+ if +data+ matches a field in this row, and +false+
- # otherwise.
- #
+ # Returns +true+ if +value+ is a field in this row, +false+ otherwise:
+ # source = "Name,Name,Name\nFoo,Bar,Baz\n"
+ # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
+ # row = table[0]
+ # row.field?('Bar') # => true
+ # row.field?('BAR') # => false
def field?(data)
fields.include? data
include Enumerable
+ # :call-seq:
+ # row.each {|header, value| ... } -> self
- # Yields each pair of the row as header and field tuples (much like
- # iterating over a Hash). This method returns the row for chaining.
- #
- # If no block is given, an Enumerator is returned.
- #
- # Support for Enumerable.
+ # Calls the block with each header-value pair; returns +self+:
+ # source = "Name,Name,Name\nFoo,Bar,Baz\n"
+ # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
+ # row = table[0]
+ # row.each {|header, value| p [header, value] }
+ # Output:
+ # ["Name", "Foo"]
+ # ["Name", "Bar"]
+ # ["Name", "Baz"]
+ # If no block is given, returns a new Enumerator:
+ # row.each # => #<Enumerator: #<CSV::Row "Name":"Foo" "Name":"Bar" "Name":"Baz">:each>
def each(&block)
return enum_for(__method__) { size } unless block_given?
@@ -515,10 +617,19 @@ class CSV
alias_method :each_pair, :each
+ # :call-seq:
+ # row == other -> true or false
- # Returns +true+ if this row contains the same headers and fields in the
- # same order as +other+.
- #
+ # Returns +true+ if +other+ is a /CSV::Row that has the same
+ # fields (headers and values) in the same order as +self+;
+ # otherwise returns +false+:
+ # source = "Name,Name,Name\nFoo,Bar,Baz\n"
+ # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
+ # row = table[0]
+ # other_row = table[0]
+ # row == other_row # => true
+ # other_row = table[1]
+ # row == other_row # => false
def ==(other)
return @row == other.row if other.is_a? CSV::Row
@row == other
@@ -548,9 +659,31 @@ class CSV
alias_method :to_hash, :to_h
+ # :call-seq:
+ # row.deconstruct_keys(keys) -> hash
+ #
+ # Returns the new \Hash suitable for pattern matching containing only the
+ # keys specified as an argument.
+ def deconstruct_keys(keys)
+ if keys.nil?
+ to_h
+ else
+ keys.to_h { |key| [key, self[key]] }
+ end
+ end
alias_method :to_ary, :to_a
# :call-seq:
+ # row.deconstruct -> array
+ #
+ # Returns the new \Array suitable for pattern matching containing the values
+ # of the row.
+ def deconstruct
+ fields
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
# row.to_csv -> csv_string
# Returns the row as a \CSV String. Headers are not included:
diff --git a/lib/csv/table.rb b/lib/csv/table.rb
index 0b62ae89ae..fb19f5453f 100644
--- a/lib/csv/table.rb
+++ b/lib/csv/table.rb
@@ -3,31 +3,199 @@
require "forwardable"
class CSV
+ # = \CSV::Table
+ # A \CSV::Table instance represents \CSV data.
+ # (see {class CSV}[../CSV.html]).
- # A CSV::Table is a two-dimensional data structure for representing CSV
- # documents. Tables allow you to work with the data by row or column,
- # manipulate the data, and even convert the results back to CSV, if needed.
+ # The instance may have:
+ # - Rows: each is a Table::Row object.
+ # - Headers: names for the columns.
- # All tables returned by CSV will be constructed from this class, if header
- # row processing is activated.
+ # === Instance Methods
+ # \CSV::Table has three groups of instance methods:
+ # - Its own internally defined instance methods.
+ # - Methods included by module Enumerable.
+ # - Methods delegated to class Array.:
+ # * Array#empty?
+ # * Array#length
+ # * Array#size
+ #
+ # == Creating a \CSV::Table Instance
+ #
+ # Commonly, a new \CSV::Table instance is created by parsing \CSV source
+ # using headers:
+ # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
+ # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
+ # table.class # => CSV::Table
+ #
+ # You can also create an instance directly. See ::new.
+ #
+ # == Headers
+ #
+ # If a table has headers, the headers serve as labels for the columns of data.
+ # Each header serves as the label for its column.
+ #
+ # The headers for a \CSV::Table object are stored as an \Array of Strings.
+ #
+ # Commonly, headers are defined in the first row of \CSV source:
+ # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
+ # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
+ # table.headers # => ["Name", "Value"]
+ #
+ # If no headers are defined, the \Array is empty:
+ # table =[])
+ # table.headers # => []
+ #
+ # == Access Modes
+ #
+ # \CSV::Table provides three modes for accessing table data:
+ # - \Row mode.
+ # - Column mode.
+ # - Mixed mode (the default for a new table).
+ #
+ # The access mode for a\CSV::Table instance affects the behavior
+ # of some of its instance methods:
+ # - #[]
+ # - #[]=
+ # - #delete
+ # - #delete_if
+ # - #each
+ # - #values_at
+ #
+ # === \Row Mode
+ #
+ # Set a table to row mode with method #by_row!:
+ # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
+ # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
+ # table.by_row! # => #<CSV::Table mode:row row_count:4>
+ #
+ # Specify a single row by an \Integer index:
+ # # Get a row.
+ # table[1] # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":"1">
+ # # Set a row, then get it.
+ # table[1] =['Name', 'Value'], ['bam', 3])
+ # table[1] # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"bam" "Value":3>
+ #
+ # Specify a sequence of rows by a \Range:
+ # # Get rows.
+ # table[1..2] # => [#<CSV::Row "Name":"bam" "Value":3>, #<CSV::Row "Name":"baz" "Value":"2">]
+ # # Set rows, then get them.
+ # table[1..2] = [
+ #['Name', 'Value'], ['bat', 4]),
+ #['Name', 'Value'], ['bad', 5]),
+ # ]
+ # table[1..2] # => [["Name", #<CSV::Row "Name":"bat" "Value":4>], ["Value", #<CSV::Row "Name":"bad" "Value":5>]]
+ #
+ # === Column Mode
+ #
+ # Set a table to column mode with method #by_col!:
+ # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
+ # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
+ # table.by_col! # => #<CSV::Table mode:col row_count:4>
+ #
+ # Specify a column by an \Integer index:
+ # # Get a column.
+ # table[0]
+ # # Set a column, then get it.
+ # table[0] = ['FOO', 'BAR', 'BAZ']
+ # table[0] # => ["FOO", "BAR", "BAZ"]
+ #
+ # Specify a column by its \String header:
+ # # Get a column.
+ # table['Name'] # => ["FOO", "BAR", "BAZ"]
+ # # Set a column, then get it.
+ # table['Name'] = ['Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz']
+ # table['Name'] # => ["Foo", "Bar", "Baz"]
+ #
+ # === Mixed Mode
+ #
+ # In mixed mode, you can refer to either rows or columns:
+ # - An \Integer index refers to a row.
+ # - A \Range index refers to multiple rows.
+ # - A \String index refers to a column.
+ #
+ # Set a table to mixed mode with method #by_col_or_row!:
+ # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
+ # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
+ # table.by_col_or_row! # => #<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:4>
+ #
+ # Specify a single row by an \Integer index:
+ # # Get a row.
+ # table[1] # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":"1">
+ # # Set a row, then get it.
+ # table[1] =['Name', 'Value'], ['bam', 3])
+ # table[1] # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"bam" "Value":3>
+ #
+ # Specify a sequence of rows by a \Range:
+ # # Get rows.
+ # table[1..2] # => [#<CSV::Row "Name":"bam" "Value":3>, #<CSV::Row "Name":"baz" "Value":"2">]
+ # # Set rows, then get them.
+ # table[1] =['Name', 'Value'], ['bat', 4])
+ # table[2] =['Name', 'Value'], ['bad', 5])
+ # table[1..2] # => [["Name", #<CSV::Row "Name":"bat" "Value":4>], ["Value", #<CSV::Row "Name":"bad" "Value":5>]]
+ #
+ # Specify a column by its \String header:
+ # # Get a column.
+ # table['Name'] # => ["foo", "bat", "bad"]
+ # # Set a column, then get it.
+ # table['Name'] = ['Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz']
+ # table['Name'] # => ["Foo", "Bar", "Baz"]
class Table
+ # :call-seq:
+ #, headers = nil) -> csv_table
+ #
+ # Returns a new \CSV::Table object.
+ #
+ # - Argument +array_of_rows+ must be an \Array of CSV::Row objects.
+ # - Argument +headers+, if given, may be an \Array of Strings.
+ #
+ # ---
+ #
+ # Create an empty \CSV::Table object:
+ # table =[])
+ # table # => #<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:1>
+ #
+ # Create a non-empty \CSV::Table object:
+ # rows = [
+ #[], []),
+ #[], []),
+ #[], []),
+ # ]
+ # table =
+ # table # => #<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:4>
+ #
+ # ---
- # Constructs a new CSV::Table from +array_of_rows+, which are expected
- # to be CSV::Row objects. All rows are assumed to have the same headers.
+ # If argument +headers+ is an \Array of Strings,
+ # those Strings become the table's headers:
+ # table =[], headers: ['Name', 'Age'])
+ # table.headers # => ["Name", "Age"]
- # The optional +headers+ parameter can be set to Array of headers.
- # If headers aren't set, headers are fetched from CSV::Row objects.
- # Otherwise, headers() method will return headers being set in
- # headers argument.
+ # If argument +headers+ is not given and the table has rows,
+ # the headers are taken from the first row:
+ # rows = [
+ #['Foo', 'Bar'], []),
+ #['foo', 'bar'], []),
+ #['FOO', 'BAR'], []),
+ # ]
+ # table =
+ # table.headers # => ["Foo", "Bar"]
- # A CSV::Table object supports the following Array methods through
- # delegation:
+ # If argument +headers+ is not given and the table is empty (has no rows),
+ # the headers are also empty:
+ # table =[])
+ # table.headers # => []
- # * empty?()
- # * length()
- # * size()
+ # ---
+ # Raises an exception if argument +array_of_rows+ is not an \Array object:
+ # # Raises NoMethodError (undefined method `first' for :foo:Symbol):
+ #
+ #
+ # Raises an exception if an element of +array_of_rows+ is not a \CSV::Table object:
+ # # Raises NoMethodError (undefined method `headers' for :foo:Symbol):
+ #[:foo])
def initialize(array_of_rows, headers: nil)
@table = array_of_rows
@headers = headers
@@ -54,88 +222,141 @@ class CSV
extend Forwardable
def_delegators :@table, :empty?, :length, :size
+ # :call-seq:
+ # table.by_col -> table_dup
- # Returns a duplicate table object, in column mode. This is handy for
- # chaining in a single call without changing the table mode, but be aware
- # that this method can consume a fair amount of memory for bigger data sets.
+ # Returns a duplicate of +self+, in column mode
+ # (see {Column Mode}[#class-CSV::Table-label-Column+Mode]):
+ # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
+ # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
+ # table.mode # => :col_or_row
+ # dup_table = table.by_col
+ # dup_table.mode # => :col
+ # dup_table.equal?(table) # => false # It's a dup
- # This method returns the duplicate table for chaining. Don't chain
- # destructive methods (like []=()) this way though, since you are working
- # with a duplicate.
+ # This may be used to chain method calls without changing the mode
+ # (but also will affect performance and memory usage):
+ # dup_table.by_col['Name']
+ # Also note that changes to the duplicate table will not affect the original.
def by_col!
+ # :call-seq:
+ # table.by_col! -> self
- # Switches the mode of this table to column mode. All calls to indexing and
- # iteration methods will work with columns until the mode is changed again.
- #
- # This method returns the table and is safe to chain.
- #
+ # Sets the mode for +self+ to column mode
+ # (see {Column Mode}[#class-CSV::Table-label-Column+Mode]); returns +self+:
+ # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
+ # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
+ # table.mode # => :col_or_row
+ # table1 = table.by_col!
+ # table.mode # => :col
+ # table1.equal?(table) # => true # Returned self
def by_col!
@mode = :col
+ # :call-seq:
+ # table.by_col_or_row -> table_dup
- # Returns a duplicate table object, in mixed mode. This is handy for
- # chaining in a single call without changing the table mode, but be aware
- # that this method can consume a fair amount of memory for bigger data sets.
+ # Returns a duplicate of +self+, in mixed mode
+ # (see {Mixed Mode}[#class-CSV::Table-label-Mixed+Mode]):
+ # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
+ # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true).by_col!
+ # table.mode # => :col
+ # dup_table = table.by_col_or_row
+ # dup_table.mode # => :col_or_row
+ # dup_table.equal?(table) # => false # It's a dup
- # This method returns the duplicate table for chaining. Don't chain
- # destructive methods (like []=()) this way though, since you are working
- # with a duplicate.
+ # This may be used to chain method calls without changing the mode
+ # (but also will affect performance and memory usage):
+ # dup_table.by_col_or_row['Name']
+ # Also note that changes to the duplicate table will not affect the original.
def by_col_or_row!
+ # :call-seq:
+ # table.by_col_or_row! -> self
- # Switches the mode of this table to mixed mode. All calls to indexing and
- # iteration methods will use the default intelligent indexing system until
- # the mode is changed again. In mixed mode an index is assumed to be a row
- # reference while anything else is assumed to be column access by headers.
- #
- # This method returns the table and is safe to chain.
- #
+ # Sets the mode for +self+ to mixed mode
+ # (see {Mixed Mode}[#class-CSV::Table-label-Mixed+Mode]); returns +self+:
+ # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
+ # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true).by_col!
+ # table.mode # => :col
+ # table1 = table.by_col_or_row!
+ # table.mode # => :col_or_row
+ # table1.equal?(table) # => true # Returned self
def by_col_or_row!
@mode = :col_or_row
+ # :call-seq:
+ # table.by_row -> table_dup
- # Returns a duplicate table object, in row mode. This is handy for chaining
- # in a single call without changing the table mode, but be aware that this
- # method can consume a fair amount of memory for bigger data sets.
+ # Returns a duplicate of +self+, in row mode
+ # (see {Row Mode}[#class-CSV::Table-label-Row+Mode]):
+ # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
+ # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
+ # table.mode # => :col_or_row
+ # dup_table = table.by_row
+ # dup_table.mode # => :row
+ # dup_table.equal?(table) # => false # It's a dup
- # This method returns the duplicate table for chaining. Don't chain
- # destructive methods (like []=()) this way though, since you are working
- # with a duplicate.
+ # This may be used to chain method calls without changing the mode
+ # (but also will affect performance and memory usage):
+ # dup_table.by_row[1]
+ # Also note that changes to the duplicate table will not affect the original.
def by_row!
+ # :call-seq:
+ # table.by_row! -> self
- # Switches the mode of this table to row mode. All calls to indexing and
- # iteration methods will work with rows until the mode is changed again.
- #
- # This method returns the table and is safe to chain.
- #
+ # Sets the mode for +self+ to row mode
+ # (see {Row Mode}[#class-CSV::Table-label-Row+Mode]); returns +self+:
+ # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
+ # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
+ # table.mode # => :col_or_row
+ # table1 = table.by_row!
+ # table.mode # => :row
+ # table1.equal?(table) # => true # Returned self
def by_row!
@mode = :row
+ # :call-seq:
+ # table.headers -> array_of_headers
- # Returns the headers for the first row of this table (assumed to match all
- # other rows). The headers Array passed to is returned for
- # empty tables.
+ # Returns a new \Array containing the \String headers for the table.
+ # If the table is not empty, returns the headers from the first row:
+ # rows = [
+ #['Foo', 'Bar'], []),
+ #['FOO', 'BAR'], []),
+ #['foo', 'bar'], []),
+ # ]
+ # table =
+ # table.headers # => ["Foo", "Bar"]
+ # table.delete(0)
+ # table.headers # => ["FOO", "BAR"]
+ # table.delete(0)
+ # table.headers # => ["foo", "bar"]
+ #
+ # If the table is empty, returns a copy of the headers in the table itself:
+ # table.delete(0)
+ # table.headers # => ["Foo", "Bar"]
def headers
if @table.empty?
@@ -145,17 +366,21 @@ class CSV
# :call-seq:
- # table[n] -> row
- # table[range] -> array_of_rows
- # table[header] -> array_of_fields
+ # table[n] -> row or column_data
+ # table[range] -> array_of_rows or array_of_column_data
+ # table[header] -> array_of_column_data
# Returns data from the table; does not modify the table.
# ---
- # The expression <tt>table[n]</tt>, where +n+ is a non-negative \Integer,
- # returns the +n+th row of the table, if that row exists,
- # and if the access mode is <tt>:row</tt> or <tt>:col_or_row</tt>:
+ # Fetch a \Row by Its \Integer Index::
+ # - Form: <tt>table[n]</tt>, +n+ an integer.
+ # - Access mode: <tt>:row</tt> or <tt>:col_or_row</tt>.
+ # - Return value: _nth_ row of the table, if that row exists;
+ # otherwise +nil+.
+ #
+ # Returns the _nth_ row of the table if that row exists:
# source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
# table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
# table.by_row! # => #<CSV::Table mode:row row_count:4>
@@ -168,20 +393,45 @@ class CSV
# Returns +nil+ if +n+ is too large or too small:
# table[4] # => nil
- # table[-4] => nil
+ # table[-4] # => nil
# Raises an exception if the access mode is <tt>:row</tt>
- # and +n+ is not an
- # {Integer-convertible object}[rdoc-ref:implicit_conversion.rdoc@Integer-Convertible+Objects].
+ # and +n+ is not an \Integer:
# table.by_row! # => #<CSV::Table mode:row row_count:4>
# # Raises TypeError (no implicit conversion of String into Integer):
# table['Name']
# ---
- # The expression <tt>table[range]</tt>, where +range+ is a Range object,
- # returns rows from the table, beginning at row <tt>range.first</tt>,
- # if those rows exist, and if the access mode is <tt>:row</tt> or <tt>:col_or_row</tt>:
+ # Fetch a Column by Its \Integer Index::
+ # - Form: <tt>table[n]</tt>, +n+ an \Integer.
+ # - Access mode: <tt>:col</tt>.
+ # - Return value: _nth_ column of the table, if that column exists;
+ # otherwise an \Array of +nil+ fields of length <tt>self.size</tt>.
+ #
+ # Returns the _nth_ column of the table if that column exists:
+ # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
+ # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
+ # table.by_col! # => #<CSV::Table mode:col row_count:4>
+ # table[1] # => ["0", "1", "2"]
+ #
+ # Counts backward from the last column if +n+ is negative:
+ # table[-2] # => ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
+ #
+ # Returns an \Array of +nil+ fields if +n+ is too large or too small:
+ # table[4] # => [nil, nil, nil]
+ # table[-4] # => [nil, nil, nil]
+ #
+ # ---
+ #
+ # Fetch Rows by \Range::
+ # - Form: <tt>table[range]</tt>, +range+ a \Range object.
+ # - Access mode: <tt>:row</tt> or <tt>:col_or_row</tt>.
+ # - Return value: rows from the table, beginning at row <tt>range.start</tt>,
+ # if those rows exists.
+ #
+ # Returns rows from the table, beginning at row <tt>range.first</tt>,
+ # if those rows exist:
# source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
# table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
# table.by_row! # => #<CSV::Table mode:row row_count:4>
@@ -191,11 +441,11 @@ class CSV
# rows = table[1..2] # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":"1">
# rows # => [#<CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":"1">, #<CSV::Row "Name":"baz" "Value":"2">]
- # If there are too few rows, returns all from <tt>range.first</tt> to the end:
+ # If there are too few rows, returns all from <tt>range.start</tt> to the end:
# rows = table[1..50] # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":"1">
# rows # => [#<CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":"1">, #<CSV::Row "Name":"baz" "Value":"2">]
- # Special case: if <tt>range.start == table.size</tt>, returns an empty \Array:
+ # Special case: if <tt>range.start == table.size</tt>, returns an empty \Array:
# table[table.size..50] # => []
# If <tt>range.end</tt> is negative, calculates the ending index from the end:
@@ -211,9 +461,41 @@ class CSV
# ---
- # The expression <tt>table[header]</tt>, where +header+ is a \String,
- # returns column values (\Array of \Strings) if the column exists
- # and if the access mode is <tt>:col</tt> or <tt>:col_or_row</tt>:
+ # Fetch Columns by \Range::
+ # - Form: <tt>table[range]</tt>, +range+ a \Range object.
+ # - Access mode: <tt>:col</tt>.
+ # - Return value: column data from the table, beginning at column <tt>range.start</tt>,
+ # if those columns exist.
+ #
+ # Returns column values from the table, if the column exists;
+ # the values are arranged by row:
+ # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
+ # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
+ # table.by_col!
+ # table[0..1] # => [["foo", "0"], ["bar", "1"], ["baz", "2"]]
+ #
+ # Special case: if <tt>range.start == headers.size</tt>,
+ # returns an \Array (size: <tt>table.size</tt>) of empty \Arrays:
+ # table[table.headers.size..50] # => [[], [], []]
+ #
+ # If <tt>range.end</tt> is negative, calculates the ending index from the end:
+ # table[0..-1] # => [["foo", "0"], ["bar", "1"], ["baz", "2"]]
+ #
+ # If <tt>range.start</tt> is negative, calculates the starting index from the end:
+ # table[-2..2] # => [["foo", "0"], ["bar", "1"], ["baz", "2"]]
+ #
+ # If <tt>range.start</tt> is larger than <tt>table.size</tt>,
+ # returns an \Array of +nil+ values:
+ # table[4..4] # => [nil, nil, nil]
+ #
+ # ---
+ #
+ # Fetch a Column by Its \String Header::
+ # - Form: <tt>table[header]</tt>, +header+ a \String header.
+ # - Access mode: <tt>:col</tt> or <tt>:col_or_row</tt>
+ # - Return value: column data from the table, if that +header+ exists.
+ #
+ # Returns column values from the table, if the column exists:
# source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
# table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
# table.by_col! # => #<CSV::Table mode:col row_count:4>
@@ -238,22 +520,132 @@ class CSV
+ # :call-seq:
+ # table[n] = row -> row
+ # table[n] = field_or_array_of_fields -> field_or_array_of_fields
+ # table[header] = field_or_array_of_fields -> field_or_array_of_fields
- # In the default mixed mode, this method assigns rows for index access and
- # columns for header access. You can force the index association by first
- # calling by_col!() or by_row!().
+ # Puts data onto the table.
- # Rows may be set to an Array of values (which will inherit the table's
- # headers()) or a CSV::Row.
+ # ---
+ #
+ # Set a \Row by Its \Integer Index::
+ # - Form: <tt>table[n] = row</tt>, +n+ an \Integer,
+ # +row+ a \CSV::Row instance or an \Array of fields.
+ # - Access mode: <tt>:row</tt> or <tt>:col_or_row</tt>.
+ # - Return value: +row+.
+ #
+ # If the row exists, it is replaced:
+ # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
+ # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
+ # new_row =['Name', 'Value'], ['bat', 3])
+ # table.by_row! # => #<CSV::Table mode:row row_count:4>
+ # return_value = table[0] = new_row
+ # return_value.equal?(new_row) # => true # Returned the row
+ # table[0].to_h # => {"Name"=>"bat", "Value"=>3}
+ #
+ # With access mode <tt>:col_or_row</tt>:
+ # table.by_col_or_row! # => #<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:4>
+ # table[0] =['Name', 'Value'], ['bam', 4])
+ # table[0].to_h # => {"Name"=>"bam", "Value"=>4}
+ #
+ # With an \Array instead of a \CSV::Row, inherits headers from the table:
+ # array = ['bad', 5]
+ # return_value = table[0] = array
+ # return_value.equal?(array) # => true # Returned the array
+ # table[0].to_h # => {"Name"=>"bad", "Value"=>5}
- # Columns may be set to a single value, which is copied to each row of the
- # column, or an Array of values. Arrays of values are assigned to rows top
- # to bottom in row major order. Excess values are ignored and if the Array
- # does not have a value for each row the extra rows will receive a +nil+.
+ # If the row does not exist, extends the table by adding rows:
+ # assigns rows with +nil+ as needed:
+ # table.size # => 3
+ # table[5] = ['bag', 6]
+ # table.size # => 6
+ # table[3] # => nil
+ # table[4]# => nil
+ # table[5].to_h # => {"Name"=>"bag", "Value"=>6}
+ #
+ # Note that the +nil+ rows are actually +nil+, not a row of +nil+ fields.
- # Assigning to an existing column or row clobbers the data. Assigning to
- # new columns creates them at the right end of the table.
+ # ---
+ # Set a Column by Its \Integer Index::
+ # - Form: <tt>table[n] = array_of_fields</tt>, +n+ an \Integer,
+ # +array_of_fields+ an \Array of \String fields.
+ # - Access mode: <tt>:col</tt>.
+ # - Return value: +array_of_fields+.
+ #
+ # If the column exists, it is replaced:
+ # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
+ # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
+ # new_col = [3, 4, 5]
+ # table.by_col! # => #<CSV::Table mode:col row_count:4>
+ # return_value = table[1] = new_col
+ # return_value.equal?(new_col) # => true # Returned the column
+ # table[1] # => [3, 4, 5]
+ # # The rows, as revised:
+ # table.by_row! # => #<CSV::Table mode:row row_count:4>
+ # table[0].to_h # => {"Name"=>"foo", "Value"=>3}
+ # table[1].to_h # => {"Name"=>"bar", "Value"=>4}
+ # table[2].to_h # => {"Name"=>"baz", "Value"=>5}
+ # table.by_col! # => #<CSV::Table mode:col row_count:4>
+ #
+ # If there are too few values, fills with +nil+ values:
+ # table[1] = [0]
+ # table[1] # => [0, nil, nil]
+ #
+ # If there are too many values, ignores the extra values:
+ # table[1] = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
+ # table[1] # => [0, 1, 2]
+ #
+ # If a single value is given, replaces all fields in the column with that value:
+ # table[1] = 'bat'
+ # table[1] # => ["bat", "bat", "bat"]
+ #
+ # ---
+ #
+ # Set a Column by Its \String Header::
+ # - Form: <tt>table[header] = field_or_array_of_fields</tt>,
+ # +header+ a \String header, +field_or_array_of_fields+ a field value
+ # or an \Array of \String fields.
+ # - Access mode: <tt>:col</tt> or <tt>:col_or_row</tt>.
+ # - Return value: +field_or_array_of_fields+.
+ #
+ # If the column exists, it is replaced:
+ # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
+ # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
+ # new_col = [3, 4, 5]
+ # table.by_col! # => #<CSV::Table mode:col row_count:4>
+ # return_value = table['Value'] = new_col
+ # return_value.equal?(new_col) # => true # Returned the column
+ # table['Value'] # => [3, 4, 5]
+ # # The rows, as revised:
+ # table.by_row! # => #<CSV::Table mode:row row_count:4>
+ # table[0].to_h # => {"Name"=>"foo", "Value"=>3}
+ # table[1].to_h # => {"Name"=>"bar", "Value"=>4}
+ # table[2].to_h # => {"Name"=>"baz", "Value"=>5}
+ # table.by_col! # => #<CSV::Table mode:col row_count:4>
+ #
+ # If there are too few values, fills with +nil+ values:
+ # table['Value'] = [0]
+ # table['Value'] # => [0, nil, nil]
+ #
+ # If there are too many values, ignores the extra values:
+ # table['Value'] = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
+ # table['Value'] # => [0, 1, 2]
+ #
+ # If the column does not exist, extends the table by adding columns:
+ # table['Note'] = ['x', 'y', 'z']
+ # table['Note'] # => ["x", "y", "z"]
+ # # The rows, as revised:
+ # table.by_row!
+ # table[0].to_h # => {"Name"=>"foo", "Value"=>0, "Note"=>"x"}
+ # table[1].to_h # => {"Name"=>"bar", "Value"=>1, "Note"=>"y"}
+ # table[2].to_h # => {"Name"=>"baz", "Value"=>2, "Note"=>"z"}
+ # table.by_col!
+ #
+ # If a single value is given, replaces all fields in the column with that value:
+ # table['Value'] = 'bat'
+ # table['Value'] # => ["bat", "bat", "bat"]
def []=(index_or_header, value)
if @mode == :row or # by index
(@mode == :col_or_row and index_or_header.is_a? Integer)
@@ -463,6 +855,9 @@ class CSV
+ # :call-seq:
+ # table.delete_if {|row_or_column| ... } -> self
+ #
# Removes rows or columns for which the block returns a truthy value;
# returns +self+.
@@ -495,9 +890,8 @@ class CSV
if @mode == :row or @mode == :col_or_row # by index
else # by header
- deleted = []
headers.each do |header|
- deleted << delete(header) if yield([header, self[header]])
+ delete(header) if yield([header, self[header]])
@@ -506,6 +900,9 @@ class CSV
include Enumerable
+ # :call-seq:
+ # table.each {|row_or_column| ... ) -> self
+ #
# Calls the block with each row or column; returns +self+.
# When the access mode is <tt>:row</tt> or <tt>:col_or_row</tt>,
@@ -534,7 +931,9 @@ class CSV
return enum_for(__method__) { @mode == :col ? headers.size : size } unless block_given?
if @mode == :col
- headers.each { |header| yield([header, self[header]]) }
+ headers.each.with_index do |header, i|
+ yield([header, {|row| row[header, i]}])
+ end
@@ -542,6 +941,9 @@ class CSV
self # for chaining
+ # :call-seq:
+ # table == other_table -> true or false
+ #
# Returns +true+ if all each row of +self+ <tt>==</tt>
# the corresponding row of +other_table+, otherwise, +false+.
@@ -565,10 +967,14 @@ class CSV
@table == other
+ # :call-seq:
+ # table.to_a -> array_of_arrays
- # Returns the table as an Array of Arrays. Headers will be the first row,
- # then all of the field rows will follow.
- #
+ # Returns the table as an \Array of \Arrays;
+ # the headers are in the first row:
+ # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
+ # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
+ # table.to_a # => [["Name", "Value"], ["foo", "0"], ["bar", "1"], ["baz", "2"]]
def to_a
array = [headers]
@table.each do |row|
@@ -578,16 +984,29 @@ class CSV
+ # :call-seq:
+ # table.to_csv(**options) -> csv_string
- # Returns the table as a complete CSV String. Headers will be listed first,
- # then all of the field rows.
+ # Returns the table as \CSV string.
+ # See {Options for Generating}[../CSV.html#class-CSV-label-Options+for+Generating].
- # This method assumes you want the Table.headers(), unless you explicitly
- # pass <tt>:write_headers => false</tt>.
+ # Defaults option +write_headers+ to +true+:
+ # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
+ # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
+ # table.to_csv # => "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- def to_csv(write_headers: true, **options)
+ # Omits the headers if option +write_headers+ is given as +false+
+ # (see {Option +write_headers+}[../CSV.html#class-CSV-label-Option+write_headers]):
+ # table.to_csv(write_headers: false) # => "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
+ #
+ # Limit rows if option +limit+ is given like +2+:
+ # table.to_csv(limit: 2) # => "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\n"
+ def to_csv(write_headers: true, limit: nil, **options)
array = write_headers ? [headers.to_csv(**options)] : []
- @table.each do |row|
+ limit ||= @table.size
+ limit = @table.size + 1 + limit if limit < 0
+ limit = 0 if limit < 0
+ @table.first(limit).each do |row|
array.push(row.fields.to_csv(**options)) unless row.header_row?
@@ -613,9 +1032,24 @@ class CSV
- # Shows the mode and size of this table in a US-ASCII String.
+ # :call-seq:
+ # table.inspect => string
+ #
+ # Returns a <tt>US-ASCII</tt>-encoded \String showing table:
+ # - Class: <tt>CSV::Table</tt>.
+ # - Access mode: <tt>:row</tt>, <tt>:col</tt>, or <tt>:col_or_row</tt>.
+ # - Size: Row count, including the header row.
+ #
+ # Example:
+ # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
+ # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
+ # table.inspect # => "#<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:4>\nName,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
+ #
def inspect
- "#<#{self.class} mode:#{@mode} row_count:#{to_a.size}>".encode("US-ASCII")
+ inspected = +"#<#{self.class} mode:#{@mode} row_count:#{to_a.size}>"
+ summary = to_csv(limit: 5)
+ inspected << "\n" << summary if summary.encoding.ascii_compatible?
+ inspected
diff --git a/lib/csv/version.rb b/lib/csv/version.rb
index d1d0dc0e02..e05d63d801 100644
--- a/lib/csv/version.rb
+++ b/lib/csv/version.rb
@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
class CSV
# The version of the installed library.
- VERSION = "3.2.2"
+ VERSION = "3.2.6"
diff --git a/lib/csv/writer.rb b/lib/csv/writer.rb
index 4a9a35c5af..030a295bc9 100644
--- a/lib/csv/writer.rb
+++ b/lib/csv/writer.rb
@@ -1,11 +1,8 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
require_relative "input_record_separator"
-require_relative "match_p"
require_relative "row"
-using CSV::MatchP if CSV.const_defined?(:MatchP)
class CSV
# Note: Don't use this class directly. This is an internal class.
class Writer
@@ -42,7 +39,10 @@ class CSV
@headers ||= row if @use_headers
@lineno += 1
- row = @fields_converter.convert(row, nil, lineno) if @fields_converter
+ if @fields_converter
+ quoted_fields = [false] * row.size
+ row = @fields_converter.convert(row, nil, lineno, quoted_fields)
+ end
i = -1
converted_row = row.collect do |field|
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ class CSV
return unless @headers
converter = @options[:header_fields_converter]
- @headers = converter.convert(@headers, nil, 0)
+ @headers = converter.convert(@headers, nil, 0, [])
@headers.each do |header|
header.freeze if header.is_a?(String)
diff --git a/test/csv/interface/test_read.rb b/test/csv/interface/test_read.rb
index d73622d554..001177036a 100644
--- a/test/csv/interface/test_read.rb
+++ b/test/csv/interface/test_read.rb
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class TestCSVInterfaceRead < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_foreach
rows = []
- CSV.foreach(@input.path, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n").each do |row|
+ CSV.foreach(@input.path, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n") do |row|
rows << row
assert_equal(@rows, rows)
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class TestCSVInterfaceRead < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_foreach_in_ractor
ractor = do |path|
rows = []
- CSV.foreach(path, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n").each do |row|
+ CSV.foreach(path, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n") do |row|
rows << row
@@ -52,13 +52,13 @@ class TestCSVInterfaceRead < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_foreach_mode
rows = []
- CSV.foreach(@input.path, "r", col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n").each do |row|
+ CSV.foreach(@input.path, "r", col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n") do |row|
rows << row
assert_equal(@rows, rows)
- def test_foreach_enumurator
+ def test_foreach_enumerator
rows = CSV.foreach(@input.path, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n").to_a
assert_equal(@rows, rows)
@@ -205,6 +205,16 @@ class TestCSVInterfaceRead < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def test_open_with_newline
+, col_sep: "\t", universal_newline: true) do |csv|
+ assert_equal(@rows, csv.to_a)
+ end
+ File.binwrite(@input.path, "1,2,3\r\n" "4,5\n")
+, newline: :universal) do |csv|
+ assert_equal(@rows, csv.to_a)
+ end
+ end
def test_parse
CSV.parse(@data, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n"))
diff --git a/test/csv/interface/test_write.rb b/test/csv/interface/test_write.rb
index 02c2c5c5ce..0cd39a7663 100644
--- a/test/csv/interface/test_write.rb
+++ b/test/csv/interface/test_write.rb
@@ -85,6 +85,15 @@ testrow
+ def test_generate_lines
+ lines = CSV.generate_lines([["foo", "bar"], [1, 2], [3, 4]])
+ assert_equal(<<-LINES, lines)
+ end
def test_headers_detection
headers = ["a", "b", "c"], "w", headers: true) do |csv|
diff --git a/test/csv/parse/test_convert.rb b/test/csv/parse/test_convert.rb
index 21d9f20b28..c9195c71d9 100644
--- a/test/csv/parse/test_convert.rb
+++ b/test/csv/parse/test_convert.rb
@@ -15,6 +15,22 @@ class TestCSVParseConvert < Test::Unit::TestCase
@time = Time.utc(2018, 12, 30, 6, 41, 29)
@windows_safe_time_data = @time.strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")
+ @preserving_converter = lambda do |field, info|
+ f = field.encode(CSV::ConverterEncoding)
+ return f if info.quoted?
+ begin
+ Integer(f, 10)
+ rescue
+ f
+ end
+ end
+ @quoted_header_converter = lambda do |field, info|
+ f = field.encode(CSV::ConverterEncoding)
+ return f if info.quoted?
+ f.to_sym
+ end
def test_integer
@@ -107,4 +123,43 @@ class TestCSVParseConvert < Test::Unit::TestCase
assert_equal([nil, "empty", "a"],
CSV.parse_line(',"",a', empty_value: "empty"))
+ def test_quoted_parse_line
+ row = CSV.parse_line('1,"2",3', converters: @preserving_converter)
+ assert_equal([1, "2", 3], row)
+ end
+ def test_quoted_parse
+ expected = [["quoted", "unquoted"], ["109", 1], ["10A", 2]]
+ rows = CSV.parse(<<~CSV, converters: @preserving_converter)
+ "quoted",unquoted
+ "109",1
+ "10A",2
+ assert_equal(expected, rows)
+ end
+ def test_quoted_alternating_quote
+ row = CSV.parse_line('"1",2,"3"', converters: @preserving_converter)
+ assert_equal(['1', 2, '3'], row)
+ end
+ def test_quoted_parse_headers
+ expected = [["quoted", :unquoted], ["109", "1"], ["10A", "2"]]
+ table = CSV.parse(<<~CSV, headers: true, header_converters: @quoted_header_converter)
+ "quoted",unquoted
+ "109",1
+ "10A",2
+ assert_equal(expected, table.to_a)
+ end
+ def test_quoted_parse_with_string_headers
+ expected = [["quoted", :unquoted], %w[109 1], %w[10A 2]]
+ table = CSV.parse(<<~CSV, headers: '"quoted",unquoted', header_converters: @quoted_header_converter)
+ "109",1
+ "10A",2
+ assert_equal(expected, table.to_a)
+ end
diff --git a/test/csv/parse/test_general.rb b/test/csv/parse/test_general.rb
index c740462c01..902be2ce4a 100644
--- a/test/csv/parse/test_general.rb
+++ b/test/csv/parse/test_general.rb
@@ -199,6 +199,32 @@ line,5,jkl
field_size_limit: 2048 )
+ def test_field_size_limit_max_allowed
+ column = "abcde"
+ assert_equal([[column]],
+ CSV.parse("\"#{column}\"",
+ field_size_limit: column.size + 1))
+ end
+ def test_field_size_limit_quote_simple
+ column = "abcde"
+ assert_parse_errors_out("\"#{column}\"",
+ field_size_limit: column.size)
+ end
+ def test_field_size_limit_no_quote_implicitly
+ column = "abcde"
+ assert_parse_errors_out("#{column}",
+ field_size_limit: column.size)
+ end
+ def test_field_size_limit_no_quote_explicitly
+ column = "abcde"
+ assert_parse_errors_out("#{column}",
+ field_size_limit: column.size,
+ quote_char: nil)
+ end
def test_field_size_limit_in_extended_column_not_exceeding
data = <<~DATA
@@ -221,6 +247,59 @@ line,5,jkl
assert_parse_errors_out(data, field_size_limit: 5)
+ def test_max_field_size_controls_lookahead
+ assert_parse_errors_out( 'valid,fields,"' + BIG_DATA + '"',
+ max_field_size: 2048 )
+ end
+ def test_max_field_size_max_allowed
+ column = "abcde"
+ assert_equal([[column]],
+ CSV.parse("\"#{column}\"",
+ max_field_size: column.size))
+ end
+ def test_max_field_size_quote_simple
+ column = "abcde"
+ assert_parse_errors_out("\"#{column}\"",
+ max_field_size: column.size - 1)
+ end
+ def test_max_field_size_no_quote_implicitly
+ column = "abcde"
+ assert_parse_errors_out("#{column}",
+ max_field_size: column.size - 1)
+ end
+ def test_max_field_size_no_quote_explicitly
+ column = "abcde"
+ assert_parse_errors_out("#{column}",
+ max_field_size: column.size - 1,
+ quote_char: nil)
+ end
+ def test_max_field_size_in_extended_column_not_exceeding
+ data = <<~DATA
+ "a","b"
+ "
+ 2
+ ",""
+ assert_nothing_raised(CSV::MalformedCSVError) do
+ CSV.parse(data, max_field_size: 3)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_max_field_size_in_extended_column_exceeding
+ data = <<~DATA
+ "a","b"
+ "
+ 2345
+ ",""
+ assert_parse_errors_out(data, max_field_size: 4)
+ end
def test_row_sep_auto_cr
assert_equal([["a"]], CSV.parse("a\r"))
@@ -246,14 +325,7 @@ line,5,jkl
def assert_parse_errors_out(data, **options)
assert_raise(CSV::MalformedCSVError) do
- timeout = 0.2
- if defined?(RubyVM::YJIT.enabled?) and RubyVM::YJIT.enabled?
- timeout = 1 # for --yjit-call-threshold=1
- end
- if defined?(RubyVM::MJIT.enabled?) and RubyVM::MJIT.enabled?
- timeout = 5 # for --jit-wait
- end
- Timeout.timeout(timeout) do
+ Timeout.timeout(0.2) do
CSV.parse(data, **options)
fail("Parse didn't error out")
diff --git a/test/csv/parse/test_header.rb b/test/csv/parse/test_header.rb
index 481c5107c6..e8c3786d68 100644
--- a/test/csv/parse/test_header.rb
+++ b/test/csv/parse/test_header.rb
@@ -218,6 +218,13 @@ A,B,C
assert_equal([:one, :two_three], csv.headers)
+ def test_builtin_symbol_raw_converter
+ csv = CSV.parse( "a b,c d", headers: true,
+ return_headers: true,
+ header_converters: :symbol_raw )
+ assert_equal([:"a b", :"c d"], csv.headers)
+ end
def test_builtin_symbol_converter_with_punctuation
csv = CSV.parse( "One, Two & Three ($)", headers: true,
return_headers: true,
@@ -228,7 +235,7 @@ A,B,C
def test_builtin_converters_with_blank_header
csv = CSV.parse( "one,,three", headers: true,
return_headers: true,
- header_converters: [:downcase, :symbol] )
+ header_converters: [:downcase, :symbol, :symbol_raw] )
assert_equal([:one, nil, :three], csv.headers)
diff --git a/test/csv/parse/test_inputs_scanner.rb b/test/csv/parse/test_inputs_scanner.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..06e1c845d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/csv/parse/test_inputs_scanner.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+require_relative "../helper"
+class TestCSVParseInputsScanner < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ include Helper
+ def test_scan_keep_over_chunks_nested_back
+ input ="abcdefghijklmnl")
+ scanner =[input],
+ Encoding::UTF_8,
+ nil,
+ chunk_size: 2)
+ scanner.keep_start
+ assert_equal("abc", scanner.scan_all(/[a-c]+/))
+ scanner.keep_start
+ assert_equal("def", scanner.scan_all(/[d-f]+/))
+ scanner.keep_back
+ scanner.keep_back
+ assert_equal("abcdefg", scanner.scan_all(/[a-g]+/))
+ end
+ def test_scan_keep_over_chunks_nested_drop_back
+ input ="abcdefghijklmnl")
+ scanner =[input],
+ Encoding::UTF_8,
+ nil,
+ chunk_size: 3)
+ scanner.keep_start
+ assert_equal("ab", scanner.scan(/../))
+ scanner.keep_start
+ assert_equal("c", scanner.scan(/./))
+ assert_equal("d", scanner.scan(/./))
+ scanner.keep_drop
+ scanner.keep_back
+ assert_equal("abcdefg", scanner.scan_all(/[a-g]+/))
+ end
+ def test_each_line_keep_over_chunks_multibyte
+ input ="ab\n\u{3000}a\n")
+ scanner =[input],
+ Encoding::UTF_8,
+ nil,
+ chunk_size: 1)
+ each_line = scanner.each_line("\n")
+ assert_equal("ab\n",
+ scanner.keep_start
+ assert_equal("\u{3000}a\n",
+ scanner.keep_back
+ assert_equal("\u{3000}a\n", scanner.scan_all(/[^,]+/))
+ end
+ def test_each_line_keep_over_chunks_fit_chunk_size
+ input ="\na")
+ scanner =[input],
+ Encoding::UTF_8,
+ nil,
+ chunk_size: 1)
+ each_line = scanner.each_line("\n")
+ assert_equal("\n",
+ scanner.keep_start
+ assert_equal("a",
+ scanner.keep_back
+ end
diff --git a/test/csv/parse/test_liberal_parsing.rb b/test/csv/parse/test_liberal_parsing.rb
index 2f7b34689f..5796d10828 100644
--- a/test/csv/parse/test_liberal_parsing.rb
+++ b/test/csv/parse/test_liberal_parsing.rb
@@ -28,6 +28,17 @@ class TestCSVParseLiberalParsing < Test::Unit::TestCase
CSV.parse_line(input, liberal_parsing: true))
+ def test_endline_after_quoted_field_end
+ csv ="A\r\n\"B\"\nC\r\n", liberal_parsing: true)
+ assert_equal(["A"], csv.gets)
+ error = assert_raise(CSV::MalformedCSVError) do
+ csv.gets
+ end
+ assert_equal('Illegal end-of-line sequence outside of a quoted field <"\n"> in line 2.',
+ error.message)
+ assert_equal(["C"], csv.gets)
+ end
def test_quote_after_column_separator
error = assert_raise(CSV::MalformedCSVError) do
CSV.parse_line('is,this "three," or four,fields', liberal_parsing: true)
diff --git a/test/csv/parse/test_read.rb b/test/csv/parse/test_read.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ba6fe985a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/csv/parse/test_read.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# frozen_string_literal: false
+require_relative "../helper"
+class TestCSVParseRead < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ extend DifferentOFS
+ def test_shift
+ data = <<-CSV
+ csv =
+ assert_equal([
+ ["1"],
+ [["2"], ["3"]],
+ nil,
+ ],
+ [
+ csv.shift,
+ csv.shift,
+ ])
+ end
diff --git a/test/csv/test_data_converters.rb b/test/csv/test_data_converters.rb
index 1620e077be..c20a5d1f4b 100644
--- a/test/csv/test_data_converters.rb
+++ b/test/csv/test_data_converters.rb
@@ -103,4 +103,88 @@ class TestCSVDataConverters < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def test_builtin_date_time_converter_rfc3339_minute
+ rfc3339_string = "2018-01-14 22:25"
+ datetime =, 1, 14, 22, 25)
+ assert_equal(datetime,
+ CSV::Converters[:date_time][rfc3339_string])
+ end
+ def test_builtin_date_time_converter_rfc3339_second
+ rfc3339_string = "2018-01-14 22:25:19"
+ datetime =, 1, 14, 22, 25, 19)
+ assert_equal(datetime,
+ CSV::Converters[:date_time][rfc3339_string])
+ end
+ def test_builtin_date_time_converter_rfc3339_under_second
+ rfc3339_string = "2018-01-14 22:25:19.1"
+ datetime =, 1, 14, 22, 25, 19.1)
+ assert_equal(datetime,
+ CSV::Converters[:date_time][rfc3339_string])
+ end
+ def test_builtin_date_time_converter_rfc3339_under_second_offset
+ rfc3339_string = "2018-01-14 22:25:19.1+09:00"
+ datetime =, 1, 14, 22, 25, 19.1, "+9")
+ assert_equal(datetime,
+ CSV::Converters[:date_time][rfc3339_string])
+ end
+ def test_builtin_date_time_converter_rfc3339_offset
+ rfc3339_string = "2018-01-14 22:25:19+09:00"
+ datetime =, 1, 14, 22, 25, 19, "+9")
+ assert_equal(datetime,
+ CSV::Converters[:date_time][rfc3339_string])
+ end
+ def test_builtin_date_time_converter_rfc3339_utc
+ rfc3339_string = "2018-01-14 22:25:19Z"
+ datetime =, 1, 14, 22, 25, 19)
+ assert_equal(datetime,
+ CSV::Converters[:date_time][rfc3339_string])
+ end
+ def test_builtin_date_time_converter_rfc3339_tab_minute
+ rfc3339_string = "2018-01-14\t22:25"
+ datetime =, 1, 14, 22, 25)
+ assert_equal(datetime,
+ CSV::Converters[:date_time][rfc3339_string])
+ end
+ def test_builtin_date_time_converter_rfc3339_tab_second
+ rfc3339_string = "2018-01-14\t22:25:19"
+ datetime =, 1, 14, 22, 25, 19)
+ assert_equal(datetime,
+ CSV::Converters[:date_time][rfc3339_string])
+ end
+ def test_builtin_date_time_converter_rfc3339_tab_under_second
+ rfc3339_string = "2018-01-14\t22:25:19.1"
+ datetime =, 1, 14, 22, 25, 19.1)
+ assert_equal(datetime,
+ CSV::Converters[:date_time][rfc3339_string])
+ end
+ def test_builtin_date_time_converter_rfc3339_tab_under_second_offset
+ rfc3339_string = "2018-01-14\t22:25:19.1+09:00"
+ datetime =, 1, 14, 22, 25, 19.1, "+9")
+ assert_equal(datetime,
+ CSV::Converters[:date_time][rfc3339_string])
+ end
+ def test_builtin_date_time_converter_rfc3339_tab_offset
+ rfc3339_string = "2018-01-14\t22:25:19+09:00"
+ datetime =, 1, 14, 22, 25, 19, "+9")
+ assert_equal(datetime,
+ CSV::Converters[:date_time][rfc3339_string])
+ end
+ def test_builtin_date_time_converter_rfc3339_tab_utc
+ rfc3339_string = "2018-01-14\t22:25:19Z"
+ datetime =, 1, 14, 22, 25, 19)
+ assert_equal(datetime,
+ CSV::Converters[:date_time][rfc3339_string])
+ end
diff --git a/test/csv/test_encodings.rb b/test/csv/test_encodings.rb
index 8d228c05f3..f08d551f69 100644
--- a/test/csv/test_encodings.rb
+++ b/test/csv/test_encodings.rb
@@ -288,6 +288,37 @@ class TestCSVEncodings < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def test_string_input_transcode
+ value = "\u3042\u3044\u3046"
+ csv =, encoding: "UTF-8:EUC-JP")
+ assert_equal([[value.encode("EUC-JP")]],
+ end
+ def test_string_input_set_encoding_string
+ value = "\u3042\u3044\u3046".encode("EUC-JP")
+ csv ="UTF-8"), encoding: "EUC-JP")
+ assert_equal([[value.encode("EUC-JP")]],
+ end
+ def test_string_input_set_encoding_encoding
+ value = "\u3042\u3044\u3046".encode("EUC-JP")
+ csv ="UTF-8"),
+ encoding: Encoding.find("EUC-JP"))
+ assert_equal([[value.encode("EUC-JP")]],
+ end
def assert_parses(fields, encoding, **options)
diff --git a/test/csv/test_patterns.rb b/test/csv/test_patterns.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..881f03a3a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/csv/test_patterns.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require_relative "helper"
+class TestCSVPatternMatching < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def test_hash
+ case{A B C}, [1, 2, 3])
+ in B: b, C: c
+ assert_equal([2, 3], [b, c])
+ end
+ end
+ def test_hash_rest
+ case{A B C}, [1, 2, 3])
+ in B: b, **rest
+ assert_equal([2, { A: 1, C: 3 }], [b, rest])
+ end
+ end
+ def test_array
+ case{A B C}, [1, 2, 3])
+ in *, matched
+ assert_equal(3, matched)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/test/csv/test_table.rb b/test/csv/test_table.rb
index 968e64eae7..e8ab74044e 100644
--- a/test/csv/test_table.rb
+++ b/test/csv/test_table.rb
@@ -274,6 +274,22 @@ A,B,C,Type,Index
@table.each { |row| assert_instance_of(CSV::Row, row) }
+ def test_each_by_col_duplicated_headers
+ table = CSV.parse(<<-CSV, headers: true)
+ assert_equal([
+ ["a", ["1", "11"]],
+ ["a", ["2", "12"]],
+ [nil, ["3", "13"]],
+ [nil, ["4", "14"]],
+ ["b", ["5", "15"]],
+ ],
+ table.by_col.each.to_a)
+ end
def test_each_split
yielded_values = []
@table.each do |column1, column2, column3|
@@ -320,6 +336,43 @@ A,B,C
assert_equal(csv, @header_table.to_csv)
+ def test_to_csv_limit_positive
+ assert_equal(<<-CSV, @table.to_csv(limit: 2))
+ end
+ def test_to_csv_limit_positive_over
+ assert_equal(<<-CSV, @table.to_csv(limit: 5))
+ end
+ def test_to_csv_limit_zero
+ assert_equal(<<-CSV, @table.to_csv(limit: 0))
+ end
+ def test_to_csv_limit_negative
+ assert_equal(<<-CSV, @table.to_csv(limit: -2))
+ end
+ def test_to_csv_limit_negative_over
+ assert_equal(<<-CSV, @table.to_csv(limit: -5))
+ end
def test_append
# verify that we can chain the call
assert_equal(@table, @table << [10, 11, 12])
@@ -549,7 +602,25 @@ A
assert_send([Encoding, :compatible?,
- "inspect() was not ASCII compatible." )
+ "inspect() was not ASCII compatible." )
+ end
+ def test_inspect_with_rows
+ additional_rows = [{A B C}, [101, 102, 103]),
+{A B C}, [104, 105, 106]),
+{A B C}, [107, 108, 109]) ]
+ table = + additional_rows)
+ str_table = table.inspect
+ assert_equal(<<-CSV, str_table)
+#<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:7>
def test_dig_mixed