diff options
authorJenny Shen <>2023-02-15 10:51:43 -0500
committerHiroshi SHIBATA <>2023-04-12 11:51:04 +0900
commit6e7bf0677d74a721e3be95e7e60d3033228bb73d (patch)
parent27322e51a757f0ac6d1fd66802e02978def9904f (diff)
[rubygems/rubygems] Add WebauthnListener class Co-authored-by: Ashley Ellis Pierce <> Co-authored-by: Jacques Chester <>
2 files changed, 203 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/rubygems/webauthn_listener.rb b/lib/rubygems/webauthn_listener.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ab80281ef5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rubygems/webauthn_listener.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require_relative "webauthn_listener/response/response_ok"
+require_relative "webauthn_listener/response/response_no_content"
+require_relative "webauthn_listener/response/response_bad_request"
+require_relative "webauthn_listener/response/response_not_found"
+require_relative "webauthn_listener/response/response_method_not_allowed"
+# The WebauthnListener class retrieves an OTP after a user successfully WebAuthns with the Gem host.
+# An instance opens a socket using the TCPServer instance given and listens for a request from the Gem host.
+# The request should be a GET request to the root path and contains the OTP code in the form
+# of a query parameter `code`. The listener will return the code which will be used as the OTP for
+# API requests.
+# Types of responses sent by the listener after receiving a request:
+# - 200 OK: OTP code was successfully retrieved
+# - 204 No Content: If the request was an OPTIONS request
+# - 400 Bad Request: If the request did not contain a query parameter `code`
+# - 404 Not Found: The request was not to the root path
+# - 405 Method Not Allowed: OTP code was not retrieved because the request was not a GET/OPTIONS request
+# Example usage:
+# server =
+# otp = Gem::WebauthnListener.wait_for_otp_code("https://rubygems.example", server)
+class Gem::WebauthnListener
+ attr_reader :host
+ def initialize(host)
+ @host = host
+ end
+ def self.wait_for_otp_code(host, server)
+ new(host).fetch_otp_from_connection(server)
+ end
+ def fetch_otp_from_connection(server)
+ loop do
+ socket = server.accept
+ request_line = socket.gets
+ method, req_uri, _protocol = request_line.split(" ")
+ req_uri = URI.parse(req_uri)
+ unless root_path?(req_uri)
+ ResponseNotFound.send(socket, host)
+ raise Gem::WebauthnVerificationError, "Page at #{req_uri.path} not found."
+ end
+ case method.upcase
+ when "OPTIONS"
+ ResponseNoContent.send(socket, host)
+ next # will be GET
+ when "GET"
+ if otp = parse_otp_from_uri(req_uri)
+ ResponseOk.send(socket, host)
+ return otp
+ end
+ ResponseBadRequest.send(socket, host)
+ raise Gem::WebauthnVerificationError, "Did not receive OTP from #{host}."
+ else
+ ResponseMethodNotAllowed.send(socket, host)
+ raise Gem::WebauthnVerificationError, "Invalid HTTP method #{method.upcase} received."
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def root_path?(uri)
+ uri.path == "/"
+ end
+ def parse_otp_from_uri(uri)
+ require "cgi"
+ return if uri.query.nil?
+ CGI.parse(uri.query).dig("code", 0)
+ end
diff --git a/test/rubygems/test_webauthn_listener.rb b/test/rubygems/test_webauthn_listener.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5677546e42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rubygems/test_webauthn_listener.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require_relative "helper"
+require "rubygems/webauthn_listener"
+class WebauthnListenerTest < Gem::TestCase
+ def setup
+ super
+ @server = 0
+ @port = @server.addr[1].to_s
+ end
+ def test_wait_for_otp_code_get_follows_options
+ wait_for_otp_code
+ assert Gem::MockBrowser.options(URI("http://localhost:#{@port}?code=xyz")).is_a? Net::HTTPNoContent
+ assert Gem::MockBrowser.get(URI("http://localhost:#{@port}?code=xyz")).is_a? Net::HTTPOK
+ end
+ def test_wait_for_otp_code_options_request
+ wait_for_otp_code
+ response = Gem::MockBrowser.options URI("http://localhost:#{@port}?code=xyz")
+ assert response.is_a? Net::HTTPNoContent
+ assert_equal, response["access-control-allow-origin"]
+ assert_equal "POST", response["access-control-allow-methods"]
+ assert_equal "Content-Type, Authorization, x-csrf-token", response["access-control-allow-headers"]
+ assert_equal "close", response["Connection"]
+ end
+ def test_wait_for_otp_code_get_request
+ wait_for_otp_code
+ response = Gem::MockBrowser.get URI("http://localhost:#{@port}?code=xyz")
+ assert response.is_a? Net::HTTPOK
+ assert_equal "text/plain", response["Content-Type"]
+ assert_equal "7", response["Content-Length"]
+ assert_equal, response["access-control-allow-origin"]
+ assert_equal "POST", response["access-control-allow-methods"]
+ assert_equal "Content-Type, Authorization, x-csrf-token", response["access-control-allow-headers"]
+ assert_equal "close", response["Connection"]
+ assert_equal "success", response.body
+ @thread.join
+ assert_equal "xyz", @thread[:otp]
+ end
+ def test_wait_for_otp_code_invalid_post_req_method
+ wait_for_otp_code_expect_error_with_message("Security device verification failed: Invalid HTTP method POST received.")
+ response = URI("http://localhost:#{@port}?code=xyz")
+ assert response
+ assert response.is_a? Net::HTTPMethodNotAllowed
+ assert_equal "GET, OPTIONS", response["allow"]
+ assert_equal "close", response["Connection"]
+ @thread.join
+ assert_nil @thread[:otp]
+ end
+ def test_wait_for_otp_code_incorrect_path
+ wait_for_otp_code_expect_error_with_message("Security device verification failed: Page at /path not found.")
+ response = URI("http://localhost:#{@port}/path?code=xyz")
+ assert response.is_a? Net::HTTPNotFound
+ assert_equal "close", response["Connection"]
+ @thread.join
+ assert_nil @thread[:otp]
+ end
+ def test_wait_for_otp_code_no_params_response
+ wait_for_otp_code_expect_error_with_message("Security device verification failed: Did not receive OTP from")
+ response = Gem::MockBrowser.get URI("http://localhost:#{@port}")
+ assert response.is_a? Net::HTTPBadRequest
+ assert_equal "text/plain", response["Content-Type"]
+ assert_equal "22", response["Content-Length"]
+ assert_equal "close", response["Connection"]
+ assert_equal "missing code parameter", response.body
+ @thread.join
+ assert_nil @thread[:otp]
+ end
+ def test_wait_for_otp_code_incorrect_params
+ wait_for_otp_code_expect_error_with_message("Security device verification failed: Did not receive OTP from")
+ response = Gem::MockBrowser.get URI("http://localhost:#{@port}?param=xyz")
+ assert response.is_a? Net::HTTPBadRequest
+ assert_equal "text/plain", response["Content-Type"]
+ assert_equal "22", response["Content-Length"]
+ assert_equal "close", response["Connection"]
+ assert_equal "missing code parameter", response.body
+ @thread.join
+ assert_nil @thread[:otp]
+ end
+ private
+ def wait_for_otp_code
+ @thread = do
+ Thread.current[:otp] = Gem::WebauthnListener.wait_for_otp_code(, @server)
+ end
+ @thread.abort_on_exception = true
+ @thread.report_on_exception = false
+ end
+ def wait_for_otp_code_expect_error_with_message(message)
+ @thread = do
+ error = assert_raise Gem::WebauthnVerificationError do
+ Thread.current[:otp] = Gem::WebauthnListener.wait_for_otp_code(, @server)
+ end
+ assert_equal message, error.message
+ end
+ @thread.abort_on_exception = true
+ @thread.report_on_exception = false
+ end