diff options
authorNoah Gibbs <>2021-06-29 16:36:05 +0100
committerAlan Wu <>2021-10-20 18:19:36 -0400
commitd2e9932908cf1a1075d07157bfa520a1714d43b0 (patch)
parent33227b1094d349bd64a2a588825cdf530ea5c459 (diff)
Convert YJIT stats reporting on exit from C to Ruby.
2 files changed, 70 insertions, 135 deletions
diff --git a/yjit.rb b/yjit.rb
index 3998e4fda8..db283fe33b 100644
--- a/yjit.rb
+++ b/yjit.rb
@@ -139,18 +139,78 @@ module YJIT
# Format and print out counters
def _print_stats
- counters = runtime_stats
- return unless counters
+ stats = runtime_stats
+ return unless stats
$stderr.puts("***YJIT: Printing YJIT statistics on exit***")
- $stderr.puts("Number of bindings allocated: %d\n" % counters[:binding_allocations])
- $stderr.puts("Number of locals modified through binding: %d\n" % counters[:binding_set])
- print_counters(counters, prefix: 'send_', prompt: 'method call exit reasons: ')
- print_counters(counters, prefix: 'leave_', prompt: 'leave exit reasons: ')
- print_counters(counters, prefix: 'getivar_', prompt: 'getinstancevariable exit reasons:')
- print_counters(counters, prefix: 'setivar_', prompt: 'setinstancevariable exit reasons:')
- print_counters(counters, prefix: 'oaref_', prompt: 'opt_aref exit reasons: ')
+ $stderr.puts("Number of bindings allocated: %d\n" % stats[:binding_allocations])
+ $stderr.puts("Number of locals modified through binding: %d\n" % stats[:binding_set])
+ print_counters(stats, prefix: 'send_', prompt: 'method call exit reasons: ')
+ print_counters(stats, prefix: 'leave_', prompt: 'leave exit reasons: ')
+ print_counters(stats, prefix: 'getivar_', prompt: 'getinstancevariable exit reasons:')
+ print_counters(stats, prefix: 'setivar_', prompt: 'setinstancevariable exit reasons:')
+ print_counters(stats, prefix: 'oaref_', prompt: 'opt_aref exit reasons: ')
+ total_exits = total_exit_count(stats)
+ # Number of instructions that finish executing in YJIT
+ retired_in_yjit = stats[:exec_instruction] - total_exits
+ # Average length of instruction sequences executed by YJIT
+ avg_len_in_yjit = retired_in_yjit.to_f / total_exits
+ # Proportion of instructions that retire in YJIT
+ total_insns_count = retired_in_yjit + stats[:vm_insns_count]
+ yjit_ratio_pct = 100.0 * retired_in_yjit.to_f / total_insns_count
+ $stderr.puts "compiled_iseq_count: " + ("%10d" % stats[:compiled_iseq_count])
+ $stderr.puts "inline_code_size: " + ("%10d" % stats[:inline_code_size])
+ $stderr.puts "outlined_code_size: " + ("%10d" % stats[:outlined_code_size])
+ $stderr.puts "total_exit_count: " + ("%10d" % total_exits)
+ $stderr.puts "total_insns_count: " + ("%10d" % total_insns_count)
+ $stderr.puts "vm_insns_count: " + ("%10d" % stats[:vm_insns_count])
+ $stderr.puts "yjit_insns_count: " + ("%10d" % stats[:exec_instruction])
+ $stderr.puts "ratio_in_yjit: " + ("%9.1f" % yjit_ratio_pct) + "%"
+ $stderr.puts "avg_len_in_yjit: " + ("%10.1f" % avg_len_in_yjit)
+ print_sorted_exit_counts(stats, prefix: "exit_")
+ end
+ def print_sorted_exit_counts(stats, prefix:, how_many: 20, left_pad: 4)
+ exits = []
+ stats.each do |k, v|
+ if k.start_with?(prefix)
+ exits.push [k.to_s.delete_prefix(prefix), v]
+ end
+ end
+ exits = exits.sort_by { |name, count| -count }[0...how_many]
+ total_exits = total_exit_count(stats)
+ top_n_total = { |name, count| count }.sum
+ top_n_exit_pct = top_n_total / total_exits
+ $stderr.puts "Top-#{how_many} most frequent exit ops (#{"%.1f" % top_n_exit_pct}% of exits):"
+ longest_insn_name_len = { |name, count| name.length }.max
+ exits.each do |name, count|
+ padding = longest_insn_name_len + left_pad
+ padded_name = "%#{padding}s" % name
+ padded_count = "%10d" % count
+ percent = 100.0 * count / total_exits
+ formatted_percent = "%.1f" % percent
+ $stderr.puts("#{padded_name}: #{padded_count} (#{formatted_percent})" )
+ end
+ end
+ def total_exit_count(stats, prefix: "exit_")
+ total = 0
+ stats.each do |k,v|
+ total += v if k.start_with?(prefix)
+ end
+ total
def print_counters(counters, prefix:, prompt:)
diff --git a/yjit_iface.c b/yjit_iface.c
index e8a6dde969..a019458074 100644
--- a/yjit_iface.c
+++ b/yjit_iface.c
@@ -796,9 +796,6 @@ reset_stats_bang(rb_execution_context_t *ec, VALUE self)
#include "yjit.rbinc"
-// implementation for --yjit-stats
rb_yjit_collect_vm_usage_insn(int insn)
@@ -825,128 +822,6 @@ rb_yjit_count_side_exit_op(const VALUE *exit_pc)
return exit_pc; // This function must return exit_pc!
-struct insn_count {
- int64_t insn;
- int64_t count;
-static int
-insn_count_sort_comp(const void *a, const void *b)
- const struct insn_count *count_a = a;
- const struct insn_count *count_b = b;
- if (count_a->count > count_b->count) {
- return -1;
- }
- else if (count_a->count < count_b->count) {
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-static struct insn_count insn_sorting_buffer[VM_INSTRUCTION_SIZE];
-static const struct insn_count *
-sort_insn_count_array(int64_t *array)
- for (int i = 0; i < VM_INSTRUCTION_SIZE; i++) {
- insn_sorting_buffer[i] = (struct insn_count) { i, array[i] };
- }
- qsort(insn_sorting_buffer, VM_INSTRUCTION_SIZE, sizeof(insn_sorting_buffer[0]), &insn_count_sort_comp);
- return insn_sorting_buffer;
-// Compute the total interpreter exit count
-static int64_t
- size_t total_exit_count = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < VM_INSTRUCTION_SIZE; i++) {
- total_exit_count += exit_op_count[i];
- }
- return total_exit_count;
-static void
-print_insn_count_buffer(int how_many, int left_pad)
- size_t total_exit_count = calc_total_exit_count();
- // Sort the exit ops by decreasing frequency
- const struct insn_count *sorted_exit_ops = sort_insn_count_array(exit_op_count);
- // Compute the longest instruction name and top10_exit_count
- size_t longest_insn_len = 0;
- size_t top10_exit_count = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < how_many; i++) {
- const char *instruction_name = insn_name(sorted_exit_ops[i].insn);
- size_t len = strlen(instruction_name);
- if (len > longest_insn_len) {
- longest_insn_len = len;
- }
- top10_exit_count += sorted_exit_ops[i].count;
- }
- double top10_exit_percent = 100.0 * top10_exit_count / total_exit_count;
- fprintf(stderr, "top-%d most frequent exit ops (%.1f%% of exits):\n", how_many, top10_exit_percent);
- // Print the top-N most frequent exit counts
- for (int i = 0; i < how_many; i++) {
- const char *instruction_name = insn_name(sorted_exit_ops[i].insn);
- size_t padding = left_pad + longest_insn_len - strlen(instruction_name);
- for (size_t j = 0; j < padding; j++) {
- fputc(' ', stderr);
- }
- double percent = 100 * sorted_exit_ops[i].count / (double)total_exit_count;
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: %10" PRId64 " (%.1f%%)\n", instruction_name, sorted_exit_ops[i].count, percent);
- }
-static void
- if (!rb_yjit_opts.gen_stats) {
- return;
- }
- // Warn if the executable code block is out of the relative
- // 32-bit jump range away from compiled C code
- ptrdiff_t start_diff = (cb->mem_block + cb->mem_size) - (uint8_t*)&print_yjit_stats;
- if (start_diff < INT32_MIN || start_diff > INT32_MAX) {
- fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: end of code block past rel32 offset range from C code\n");
- }
- // Compute the total exit count
- int64_t total_exit_count = calc_total_exit_count();
- // Number of instructions that finish executing in YJIT. See :count-placement:.
- int64_t retired_in_yjit = yjit_runtime_counters.exec_instruction - total_exit_count;
- // Average length of instruction sequences executed by YJIT
- double avg_len_in_yjit = (double)retired_in_yjit / total_exit_count;
- // Proportion of instructions that retire in YJIT
- int64_t total_insns_count = retired_in_yjit + yjit_runtime_counters.vm_insns_count;
- double ratio = retired_in_yjit / (double)total_insns_count;
- fprintf(stderr, "compiled_iseq_count: %10" PRId64 "\n", yjit_runtime_counters.compiled_iseq_count);
- fprintf(stderr, "inline_code_size: %10d\n", cb->write_pos);
- fprintf(stderr, "outlined_code_size: %10d\n", ocb->write_pos);
- fprintf(stderr, "total_exit_count: %10" PRId64 "\n", total_exit_count);
- fprintf(stderr, "total_insns_count: %10" PRId64 "\n", total_insns_count);
- fprintf(stderr, "vm_insns_count: %10" PRId64 "\n", yjit_runtime_counters.vm_insns_count);
- fprintf(stderr, "yjit_insns_count: %10" PRId64 "\n", yjit_runtime_counters.exec_instruction);
- fprintf(stderr, "ratio_in_yjit: %9.1f%%\n", ratio * 100);
- fprintf(stderr, "avg_len_in_yjit: %10.1f\n", avg_len_in_yjit);
- // Print the top-N most frequent exit ops
- print_insn_count_buffer(20, 4);
-#endif // if RUBY_DEBUG
rb_yjit_iseq_mark(const struct rb_iseq_constant_body *body)