path: root/ext/date/lib
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authortadf <tadf@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2011-05-21 12:25:03 +0000
committertadf <tadf@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2011-05-21 12:25:03 +0000
commit559c025a22e7a1df0182c505017eec7cb3d2228e (patch)
tree94a871cf9f9b59e144a2d31b44cd0d4c884c98f4 /ext/date/lib
parent42cb637942628ab87119482e4bcf372cdc19f6d6 (diff)
* ext/date/date_{core,parse}.c: moved nearly all core code from ext/date/lib.
* ext/date/lib/{date,date/format}.rb: removed nearly all code. git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
Diffstat (limited to 'ext/date/lib')
2 files changed, 2 insertions, 2171 deletions
diff --git a/ext/date/lib/date.rb b/ext/date/lib/date.rb
index c6448017f7..d235d76e6f 100644
--- a/ext/date/lib/date.rb
+++ b/ext/date/lib/date.rb
@@ -1,239 +1,10 @@
-# date.rb - date and time library
-# Author: Tadayoshi Funaba 1998-2011
-# Documentation: William Webber <>
-# == Overview
-# This file provides two classes for working with
-# dates and times.
-# The first class, Date, represents dates.
-# It works with years, months, weeks, and days.
-# See the Date class documentation for more details.
-# The second, DateTime, extends Date to include hours,
-# minutes, seconds, and fractions of a second. It
-# provides basic support for time zones. See the
-# DateTime class documentation for more details.
-# === Ways of calculating the date.
-# In common usage, the date is reckoned in years since or
-# before the Common Era (CE/BCE, also known as AD/BC), then
-# as a month and day-of-the-month within the current year.
-# This is known as the *Civil* *Date*, and abbreviated
-# as +civil+ in the Date class.
-# Instead of year, month-of-the-year, and day-of-the-month,
-# the date can also be reckoned in terms of year and
-# day-of-the-year. This is known as the *Ordinal* *Date*,
-# and is abbreviated as +ordinal+ in the Date class. (Note
-# that referring to this as the Julian date is incorrect.)
-# The date can also be reckoned in terms of year, week-of-the-year,
-# and day-of-the-week. This is known as the *Commercial*
-# *Date*, and is abbreviated as +commercial+ in the
-# Date class. The commercial week runs Monday (day-of-the-week
-# 1) to Sunday (day-of-the-week 7), in contrast to the civil
-# week which runs Sunday (day-of-the-week 0) to Saturday
-# (day-of-the-week 6). The first week of the commercial year
-# starts on the Monday on or before January 1, and the commercial
-# year itself starts on this Monday, not January 1.
-# For scientific purposes, it is convenient to refer to a date
-# simply as a day count, counting from an arbitrary initial
-# day. The date first chosen for this was January 1, 4713 BCE.
-# A count of days from this date is the *Julian* *Day* *Number*
-# or *Julian* *Date*, which is abbreviated as +jd+ in the
-# Date class. This is in local time, and counts from midnight
-# on the initial day. The stricter usage is in UTC, and counts
-# from midday on the initial day. This is referred to in the
-# Date class as the *Astronomical* *Julian* *Day* *Number*, and
-# abbreviated as +ajd+. In the Date class, the Astronomical
-# Julian Day Number includes fractional days.
-# Another absolute day count is the *Modified* *Julian* *Day*
-# *Number*, which takes November 17, 1858 as its initial day.
-# This is abbreviated as +mjd+ in the Date class. There
-# is also an *Astronomical* *Modified* *Julian* *Day* *Number*,
-# which is in UTC and includes fractional days. This is
-# abbreviated as +amjd+ in the Date class. Like the Modified
-# Julian Day Number (and unlike the Astronomical Julian
-# Day Number), it counts from midnight.
-# Alternative calendars such as the Ethiopic Solar Calendar,
-# the Islamic Lunar Calendar, or the French Revolutionary Calendar
-# are not supported by the Date class; nor are calendars that
-# are based on an Era different from the Common Era, such as
-# the Japanese Era.
-# === Calendar Reform
-# The standard civil year is 365 days long. However, the
-# solar year is fractionally longer than this. To account
-# for this, a *leap* *year* is occasionally inserted. This
-# is a year with 366 days, the extra day falling on February 29.
-# In the early days of the civil calendar, every fourth
-# year without exception was a leap year. This way of
-# reckoning leap years is the *Julian* *Calendar*.
-# However, the solar year is marginally shorter than 365 1/4
-# days, and so the *Julian* *Calendar* gradually ran slow
-# over the centuries. To correct this, every 100th year
-# (but not every 400th year) was excluded as a leap year.
-# This way of reckoning leap years, which we use today, is
-# the *Gregorian* *Calendar*.
-# The Gregorian Calendar was introduced at different times
-# in different regions. The day on which it was introduced
-# for a particular region is the *Day* *of* *Calendar*
-# *Reform* for that region. This is abbreviated as +sg+
-# (for Start of Gregorian calendar) in the Date class.
-# Two such days are of particular
-# significance. The first is October 15, 1582, which was
-# the Day of Calendar Reform for Italy and most Catholic
-# countries. The second is September 14, 1752, which was
-# the Day of Calendar Reform for England and its colonies
-# (including what is now the United States). These two
-# dates are available as the constants Date::ITALY and
-# Date::ENGLAND, respectively. (By comparison, Germany and
-# Holland, less Catholic than Italy but less stubborn than
-# England, changed over in 1698; Sweden in 1753; Russia not
-# till 1918, after the Revolution; and Greece in 1923. Many
-# Orthodox churches still use the Julian Calendar. A complete
-# list of Days of Calendar Reform can be found at
-# Switching from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar
-# involved skipping a number of days to make up for the
-# accumulated lag, and the later the switch was (or is)
-# done, the more days need to be skipped. So in 1582 in Italy,
-# 4th October was followed by 15th October, skipping 10 days; in 1752
-# in England, 2nd September was followed by 14th September, skipping
-# 11 days; and if I decided to switch from Julian to Gregorian
-# Calendar this midnight, I would go from 27th July 2003 (Julian)
-# today to 10th August 2003 (Gregorian) tomorrow, skipping
-# 13 days. The Date class is aware of this gap, and a supposed
-# date that would fall in the middle of it is regarded as invalid.
-# The Day of Calendar Reform is relevant to all date representations
-# involving years. It is not relevant to the Julian Day Numbers,
-# except for converting between them and year-based representations.
-# In the Date and DateTime classes, the Day of Calendar Reform or
-# +sg+ can be specified a number of ways. First, it can be as
-# the Julian Day Number of the Day of Calendar Reform. Second,
-# it can be using the constants Date::ITALY or Date::ENGLAND; these
-# are in fact the Julian Day Numbers of the Day of Calendar Reform
-# of the respective regions. Third, it can be as the constant
-# Date::JULIAN, which means to always use the Julian Calendar.
-# Finally, it can be as the constant Date::GREGORIAN, which means
-# to always use the Gregorian Calendar.
-# Note: in the Julian Calendar, New Years Day was March 25. The
-# Date class does not follow this convention.
-# === Offsets
-# DateTime objects support a simple representation
-# of offsets. Offsets are represented as an offset
-# from UTC (UTC is not identical GMT; GMT is a historical term),
-# as a fraction of a day. This offset is the
-# how much local time is later (or earlier) than UTC.
-# As you travel east, the offset increases until you
-# reach the dateline in the middle of the Pacific Ocean;
-# as you travel west, the offset decreases. This offset
-# is abbreviated as +of+ in the Date class.
-# This simple representation of offsets does not take
-# into account the common practice of Daylight Savings
-# Time or Summer Time.
-# Most DateTime methods return the date and the
-# time in local time. The two exceptions are
-# #ajd() and #amjd(), which return the date and time
-# in UTC time, including fractional days.
-# The Date class does not support offsets, in that
-# there is no way to create a Date object with non-utc offset.
-# == Examples of use
-# === Print out the date of every Sunday between two dates.
-# def print_sundays(d1, d2)
-# d1 += 1 until d1.sunday?
-# d1.step(d2, 7) do |d|
-# puts d.strftime('%B %-d')
-# end
-# end
-# print_sundays(, 4, 8),, 5, 23))
+# date.rb: Written by Tadayoshi Funaba 1998-2011
+require 'date_core'
require 'date/format'
-# Class representing a date.
-# See the documentation to the file date.rb for an overview.
-# Internally, the date is represented as an Astronomical
-# Julian Day Number, +ajd+. The Day of Calendar Reform, +sg+, is
-# also stored, for conversions to other date formats. (There
-# is also an +of+ field for a time zone offset, but this
-# is only for the use of the DateTime subclass.)
-# A new Date object is created using one of the object creation
-# class methods named after the corresponding date format, and the
-# arguments appropriate to that date format; for instance,
-# Date::civil() (aliased to Date::new()) with year, month,
-# and day-of-month, or Date::ordinal() with year and day-of-year.
-# All of these object creation class methods also take the
-# Day of Calendar Reform as an optional argument.
-# Date objects are immutable once created.
-# Once a Date has been created, date values
-# can be retrieved for the different date formats supported
-# using instance methods. For instance, #mon() gives the
-# Civil month, #cwday() gives the Commercial day of the week,
-# and #yday() gives the Ordinal day of the year. Date values
-# can be retrieved in any format, regardless of what format
-# was used to create the Date instance.
-# The Date class includes the Comparable module, allowing
-# date objects to be compared and sorted, ranges of dates
-# to be created, and so forth.
class Date
- include Comparable
- # Full month names, in English. Months count from 1 to 12; a
- # month's numerical representation indexed into this array
- # gives the name of that month (hence the first element is nil).
- MONTHNAMES = [nil] + %w(January February March April May June July
- August September October November December)
- # Full names of days of the week, in English. Days of the week
- # count from 0 to 6 (except in the commercial week); a day's numerical
- # representation indexed into this array gives the name of that day.
- DAYNAMES = %w(Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday)
- # Abbreviated month names, in English.
- ABBR_MONTHNAMES = [nil] + %w(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
- Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec)
- # Abbreviated day names, in English.
- ABBR_DAYNAMES = %w(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat)
- xs.each{|x| x.freeze unless x.nil?}.freeze
- end
- # now only for marshal dumped
class Infinity < Numeric # :nodoc:
include Comparable
@@ -287,1361 +58,4 @@ class Date
- # The Julian Day Number of the Day of Calendar Reform for Italy
- # and the Catholic countries.
- ITALY = 2299161 # 1582-10-15
- # The Julian Day Number of the Day of Calendar Reform for England
- # and her Colonies.
- ENGLAND = 2361222 # 1752-09-14
- # A constant used to indicate that a Date should always use the
- # Julian calendar.
- # A constant used to indicate that a Date should always use the
- # Gregorian calendar.
- HALF_DAYS_IN_DAY = Rational(1, 2) # :nodoc:
- HOURS_IN_DAY = Rational(1, 24) # :nodoc:
- MINUTES_IN_DAY = Rational(1, 1440) # :nodoc:
- SECONDS_IN_DAY = Rational(1, 86400) # :nodoc:
- MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY = Rational(1, 86400*10**3) # :nodoc:
- NANOSECONDS_IN_DAY = Rational(1, 86400*10**9) # :nodoc:
- MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND = Rational(1, 10**3) # :nodoc:
- NANOSECONDS_IN_SECOND = Rational(1, 10**9) # :nodoc:
- MJD_EPOCH_IN_AJD = Rational(4800001, 2) # 1858-11-17 # :nodoc:
- UNIX_EPOCH_IN_AJD = Rational(4881175, 2) # 1970-01-01 # :nodoc:
- MJD_EPOCH_IN_CJD = 2400001 # :nodoc:
- UNIX_EPOCH_IN_CJD = 2440588 # :nodoc:
- LD_EPOCH_IN_CJD = 2299160 # :nodoc:
- t = do
- private
- def find_fdoy(y, sg) # :nodoc:
- j = nil
- 1.upto(31) do |d|
- break if j = _valid_civil_r?(y, 1, d, sg)
- end
- j
- end
- def find_ldoy(y, sg) # :nodoc:
- j = nil
- 31.downto(1) do |d|
- break if j = _valid_civil_r?(y, 12, d, sg)
- end
- j
- end
- def find_fdom(y, m, sg) # :nodoc:
- j = nil
- 1.upto(31) do |d|
- break if j = _valid_civil_r?(y, m, d, sg)
- end
- j
- end
- def find_ldom(y, m, sg) # :nodoc:
- j = nil
- 31.downto(1) do |d|
- break if j = _valid_civil_r?(y, m, d, sg)
- end
- j
- end
- # Convert an Ordinal Date to a Julian Day Number.
- #
- # +y+ and +d+ are the year and day-of-year to convert.
- # +sg+ specifies the Day of Calendar Reform.
- #
- # Returns the corresponding Julian Day Number.
- def ordinal_to_jd(y, d, sg=GREGORIAN) # :nodoc:
- find_fdoy(y, sg) + d - 1
- end
- # Convert a Julian Day Number to an Ordinal Date.
- #
- # +jd+ is the Julian Day Number to convert.
- # +sg+ specifies the Day of Calendar Reform.
- #
- # Returns the corresponding Ordinal Date as
- # [year, day_of_year]
- def jd_to_ordinal(jd, sg=GREGORIAN) # :nodoc:
- y = jd_to_civil(jd, sg)[0]
- j = find_fdoy(y, sg)
- doy = jd - j + 1
- return y, doy
- end
- # Convert a Civil Date to a Julian Day Number.
- # +y+, +m+, and +d+ are the year, month, and day of the
- # month. +sg+ specifies the Day of Calendar Reform.
- #
- # Returns the corresponding Julian Day Number.
- def civil_to_jd(y, m, d, sg=GREGORIAN) # :nodoc:
- if m <= 2
- y -= 1
- m += 12
- end
- a = (y / 100.0).floor
- b = 2 - a + (a / 4.0).floor
- jd = (365.25 * (y + 4716)).floor +
- (30.6001 * (m + 1)).floor +
- d + b - 1524
- if jd < sg
- jd -= b
- end
- jd
- end
- # Convert a Julian Day Number to a Civil Date. +jd+ is
- # the Julian Day Number. +sg+ specifies the Day of
- # Calendar Reform.
- #
- # Returns the corresponding [year, month, day_of_month]
- # as a three-element array.
- def jd_to_civil(jd, sg=GREGORIAN) # :nodoc:
- if jd < sg
- a = jd
- else
- x = ((jd - 1867216.25) / 36524.25).floor
- a = jd + 1 + x - (x / 4.0).floor
- end
- b = a + 1524
- c = ((b - 122.1) / 365.25).floor
- d = (365.25 * c).floor
- e = ((b - d) / 30.6001).floor
- dom = b - d - (30.6001 * e).floor
- if e <= 13
- m = e - 1
- y = c - 4716
- else
- m = e - 13
- y = c - 4715
- end
- return y, m, dom
- end
- # Convert a Commercial Date to a Julian Day Number.
- #
- # +y+, +w+, and +d+ are the (commercial) year, week of the year,
- # and day of the week of the Commercial Date to convert.
- # +sg+ specifies the Day of Calendar Reform.
- def commercial_to_jd(y, w, d, sg=GREGORIAN) # :nodoc:
- j = find_fdoy(y, sg) + 3
- (j - (((j - 1) + 1) % 7)) +
- 7 * (w - 1) +
- (d - 1)
- end
- # Convert a Julian Day Number to a Commercial Date
- #
- # +jd+ is the Julian Day Number to convert.
- # +sg+ specifies the Day of Calendar Reform.
- #
- # Returns the corresponding Commercial Date as
- # [commercial_year, week_of_year, day_of_week]
- def jd_to_commercial(jd, sg=GREGORIAN) # :nodoc:
- a = jd_to_civil(jd - 3, sg)[0]
- j = commercial_to_jd(a + 1, 1, 1, sg)
- if jd >= j
- y = a + 1
- else
- j = commercial_to_jd(a, 1, 1, sg)
- y = a
- end
- w = 1 + ((jd - j) / 7).floor
- d = (jd + 1) % 7
- d = 7 if d == 0
- return y, w, d
- end
- def weeknum_to_jd(y, w, d, f=0, sg=GREGORIAN) # :nodoc:
- a = find_fdoy(y, sg) + 6
- (a - ((a - f) + 1) % 7 - 7) + 7 * w + d
- end
- def jd_to_weeknum(jd, f=0, sg=GREGORIAN) # :nodoc:
- y, _, d = jd_to_civil(jd, sg)
- a = find_fdoy(y, sg) + 6
- w, d = (jd - (a - ((a - f) + 1) % 7) + 7).divmod(7)
- return y, w, d
- end
- def nth_kday_to_jd(y, m, n, k, sg=GREGORIAN) # :nodoc:
- j = if n > 0
- find_fdom(y, m, sg) - 1
- else
- find_ldom(y, m, sg) + 7
- end
- (j - (((j - k) + 1) % 7)) + 7 * n
- end
- def jd_to_nth_kday(jd, sg=GREGORIAN) # :nodoc:
- y, m, = jd_to_civil(jd, sg)
- j = find_fdom(y, m, sg)
- return y, m, ((jd - j) / 7).floor + 1, jd_to_wday(jd)
- end
- # Convert an Astronomical Julian Day Number to a (civil) Julian
- # Day Number.
- #
- # +ajd+ is the Astronomical Julian Day Number to convert.
- # +of+ is the offset from UTC as a fraction of a day (defaults to 0).
- #
- # Returns the (civil) Julian Day Number as [day_number,
- # fraction] where +fraction+ is always 1/2.
- def ajd_to_jd(ajd, of=0) (ajd + of + HALF_DAYS_IN_DAY).divmod(1) end # :nodoc:
- # Convert a (civil) Julian Day Number to an Astronomical Julian
- # Day Number.
- #
- # +jd+ is the Julian Day Number to convert, and +fr+ is a
- # fractional day.
- # +of+ is the offset from UTC as a fraction of a day (defaults to 0).
- #
- # Returns the Astronomical Julian Day Number as a single
- # numeric value.
- def jd_to_ajd(jd, fr, of=0) jd + fr - of - HALF_DAYS_IN_DAY end # :nodoc:
- # Convert a fractional day +fr+ to [hours, minutes, seconds,
- # fraction_of_a_second]
- def day_fraction_to_time(fr) # :nodoc:
- ss, fr = fr.divmod(SECONDS_IN_DAY) # 4p
- h, ss = ss.divmod(3600)
- min, s = ss.divmod(60)
- return h, min, s, fr * 86400
- end
- def day_fraction_to_time_wo_sf(fr) # :nodoc:
- ss = fr.div(SECONDS_IN_DAY) # 4p
- h, ss = ss.divmod(3600)
- min, s = ss.divmod(60)
- return h, min, s
- end
- # Convert an +h+ hour, +min+ minutes, +s+ seconds period
- # to a fractional day.
- begin
- Rational(Rational(1, 2), 2) # a challenge
- def time_to_day_fraction(h, min, s)
- Rational(h * 3600 + min * 60 + s, 86400) # 4p
- end
- rescue
- def time_to_day_fraction(h, min, s)
- if Integer === h && Integer === min && Integer === s
- Rational(h * 3600 + min * 60 + s, 86400) # 4p
- else
- (h * 3600 + min * 60 + s).to_r/86400 # 4p
- end
- end
- end
- # Convert an Astronomical Modified Julian Day Number to an
- # Astronomical Julian Day Number.
- def amjd_to_ajd(amjd) amjd + MJD_EPOCH_IN_AJD end # :nodoc:
- # Convert an Astronomical Julian Day Number to an
- # Astronomical Modified Julian Day Number.
- def ajd_to_amjd(ajd) ajd - MJD_EPOCH_IN_AJD end # :nodoc:
- # Convert a Modified Julian Day Number to a Julian
- # Day Number.
- def mjd_to_jd(mjd) mjd + MJD_EPOCH_IN_CJD end # :nodoc:
- # Convert a Julian Day Number to a Modified Julian Day
- # Number.
- def jd_to_mjd(jd) jd - MJD_EPOCH_IN_CJD end # :nodoc:
- # Convert a count of the number of days since the adoption
- # of the Gregorian Calendar (in Italy) to a Julian Day Number.
- def ld_to_jd(ld) ld + LD_EPOCH_IN_CJD end # :nodoc:
- # Convert a Julian Day Number to the number of days since
- # the adoption of the Gregorian Calendar (in Italy).
- def jd_to_ld(jd) jd - LD_EPOCH_IN_CJD end # :nodoc:
- # Convert a Julian Day Number to the day of the week.
- #
- # Sunday is day-of-week 0; Saturday is day-of-week 6.
- def jd_to_wday(jd) (jd + 1) % 7 end # :nodoc:
- # Is +jd+ a valid Julian Day Number?
- #
- # If it is, returns it. In fact, any value is treated as a valid
- # Julian Day Number.
- def _valid_jd_r? (jd, sg=GREGORIAN) jd end # :nodoc:
- # Do the year +y+ and day-of-year +d+ make a valid Ordinal Date?
- # Returns the corresponding Julian Day Number if they do, or
- # nil if they don't.
- #
- # +d+ can be a negative number, in which case it counts backwards
- # from the end of the year (-1 being the last day of the year).
- # No year wraparound is performed, however, so valid values of
- # +d+ are -365 .. -1, 1 .. 365 on a non-leap-year,
- # -366 .. -1, 1 .. 366 on a leap year.
- # A date falling in the period skipped in the Day of Calendar Reform
- # adjustment is not valid.
- #
- # +sg+ specifies the Day of Calendar Reform.
- def _valid_ordinal_r? (y, d, sg=GREGORIAN) # :nodoc:
- if d < 0
- return unless j = find_ldoy(y, sg)
- ny, nd = jd_to_ordinal(j + d + 1, sg)
- return unless ny == y
- d = nd
- end
- jd = ordinal_to_jd(y, d, sg)
- return unless [y, d] == jd_to_ordinal(jd, sg)
- jd
- end
- # Do year +y+, month +m+, and day-of-month +d+ make a
- # valid Civil Date? Returns the corresponding Julian
- # Day Number if they do, nil if they don't.
- #
- # +m+ and +d+ can be negative, in which case they count
- # backwards from the end of the year and the end of the
- # month respectively. No wraparound is performed, however,
- # and invalid values cause an ArgumentError to be raised.
- # A date falling in the period skipped in the Day of Calendar
- # Reform adjustment is not valid.
- #
- # +sg+ specifies the Day of Calendar Reform.
- def _valid_civil_r? (y, m, d, sg=GREGORIAN) # :nodoc:
- if m < 0
- m += 13
- end
- if d < 0
- return unless j = find_ldom(y, m, sg)
- ny, nm, nd = jd_to_civil(j + d + 1, sg)
- return unless [ny, nm] == [y, m]
- d = nd
- end
- jd = civil_to_jd(y, m, d, sg)
- return unless [y, m, d] == jd_to_civil(jd, sg)
- jd
- end
- # Do year +y+, week-of-year +w+, and day-of-week +d+ make a
- # valid Commercial Date? Returns the corresponding Julian
- # Day Number if they do, nil if they don't.
- #
- # Monday is day-of-week 1; Sunday is day-of-week 7.
- #
- # +w+ and +d+ can be negative, in which case they count
- # backwards from the end of the year and the end of the
- # week respectively. No wraparound is performed, however,
- # and invalid values cause an ArgumentError to be raised.
- # A date falling in the period skipped in the Day of Calendar
- # Reform adjustment is not valid.
- #
- # +sg+ specifies the Day of Calendar Reform.
- def _valid_commercial_r? (y, w, d, sg=GREGORIAN) # :nodoc:
- if d < 0
- d += 8
- end
- if w < 0
- ny, nw, =
- jd_to_commercial(commercial_to_jd(y + 1, 1, 1, sg) + w * 7, sg)
- return unless ny == y
- w = nw
- end
- jd = commercial_to_jd(y, w, d, sg)
- return unless [y, w, d] == jd_to_commercial(jd, sg)
- jd
- end
- def _valid_weeknum_r? (y, w, d, f, sg=GREGORIAN) # :nodoc:
- if d < 0
- d += 7
- end
- if w < 0
- ny, nw, =
- jd_to_weeknum(weeknum_to_jd(y + 1, 1, f, f, sg) + w * 7, f, sg)
- return unless ny == y
- w = nw
- end
- jd = weeknum_to_jd(y, w, d, f, sg)
- return unless [y, w, d] == jd_to_weeknum(jd, f, sg)
- jd
- end
- def _valid_nth_kday_r? (y, m, n, k, sg=GREGORIAN) # :nodoc:
- if k < 0
- k += 7
- end
- if n < 0
- ny, nm = (y * 12 + m).divmod(12)
- nm, = (nm + 1) .divmod(1)
- ny, nm, nn, =
- jd_to_nth_kday(nth_kday_to_jd(ny, nm, 1, k, sg) + n * 7, sg)
- return unless [ny, nm] == [y, m]
- n = nn
- end
- jd = nth_kday_to_jd(y, m, n, k, sg)
- return unless [y, m, n, k] == jd_to_nth_kday(jd, sg)
- jd
- end
- # Do hour +h+, minute +min+, and second +s+ constitute a valid time?
- #
- # If they do, returns their value as a fraction of a day. If not,
- # returns nil.
- #
- # The 24-hour clock is used. Negative values of +h+, +min+, and
- # +sec+ are treating as counting backwards from the end of the
- # next larger unit (e.g. a +min+ of -2 is treated as 58). No
- # wraparound is performed.
- def _valid_time_r? (h, min, s) # :nodoc:
- h += 24 if h < 0
- min += 60 if min < 0
- s += 60 if s < 0
- return unless ((0...24) === h &&
- (0...60) === min &&
- (0...60) === s) ||
- (24 == h &&
- 0 == min &&
- 0 == s)
- time_to_day_fraction(h, min, s)
- end
- end
- extend t
- include t
- # Is a year a leap year in the Julian calendar?
- #
- # All years divisible by 4 are leap years in the Julian calendar.
- def self.julian_leap? (y) y % 4 == 0 end
- # Is a year a leap year in the Gregorian calendar?
- #
- # All years divisible by 4 are leap years in the Gregorian calendar,
- # except for years divisible by 100 and not by 400.
- def self.gregorian_leap? (y) y % 4 == 0 && y % 100 != 0 || y % 400 == 0 end
- class << self; alias_method :leap?, :gregorian_leap? end
- def!(ajd=0, of=0, sg=ITALY)
- jd, df = ajd_to_jd(ajd, 0)
- if !(Fixnum === jd) ||
- jd < sg || df !=0 || of != 0 ||
- jd < -327 || jd > 366963925
- return new_r!(ajd, of, sg)
- end
- new_l!(jd, sg)
- end
- def self.jd_r(jd=0, sg=ITALY) # :nodoc:
- jd = _valid_jd_r?(jd, sg)
- new_r!(jd_to_ajd(jd, 0, 0), 0, sg)
- end
- private_class_method :jd_r
- def self.ordinal_r(y=-4712, d=1, sg=ITALY) # :nodoc:
- unless jd = _valid_ordinal_r?(y, d, sg)
- raise ArgumentError, 'invalid date'
- end
- new_r!(jd_to_ajd(jd, 0, 0), 0, sg)
- end
- private_class_method :ordinal_r
- def self.civil_r(y=-4712, m=1, d=1, sg=ITALY) # :nodoc:
- unless jd = _valid_civil_r?(y, m, d, sg)
- raise ArgumentError, 'invalid date'
- end
- new_r!(jd_to_ajd(jd, 0, 0), 0, sg)
- end
- private_class_method :civil_r
- def self.commercial_r(y=-4712, w=1, d=1, sg=ITALY) # :nodoc:
- unless jd = _valid_commercial_r?(y, w, d, sg)
- raise ArgumentError, 'invalid date'
- end
- new_r!(jd_to_ajd(jd, 0, 0), 0, sg)
- end
- private_class_method :commercial_r
- def self.weeknum(y=-4712, w=0, d=1, f=0, sg=ITALY)
- unless jd = _valid_weeknum_r?(y, w, d, f, sg)
- raise ArgumentError, 'invalid date'
- end
- new!(jd_to_ajd(jd, 0, 0), 0, sg)
- end
- private_class_method :weeknum
- def self.nth_kday(y=-4712, m=1, n=1, k=1, sg=ITALY)
- unless jd = _valid_nth_kday_r?(y, m, n, k, sg)
- raise ArgumentError, 'invalid date'
- end
- new!(jd_to_ajd(jd, 0, 0), 0, sg)
- end
- private_class_method :nth_kday
- def self.rewrite_frags(elem) # :nodoc:
- elem ||= {}
- if seconds = elem[:seconds]
- d, fr = seconds.divmod(86400)
- h, fr = fr.divmod(3600)
- min, fr = fr.divmod(60)
- s, fr = fr.divmod(1)
- elem[:jd] = UNIX_EPOCH_IN_CJD + d
- elem[:hour] = h
- elem[:min] = min
- elem[:sec] = s
- elem[:sec_fraction] = fr
- elem.delete(:seconds)
- elem.delete(:offset)
- end
- elem
- end
- private_class_method :rewrite_frags
- def self.complete_frags(elem) # :nodoc:
- i = 0
- g = [[:time, [:hour, :min, :sec]],
- [nil, [:jd]],
- [:ordinal, [:year, :yday, :hour, :min, :sec]],
- [:civil, [:year, :mon, :mday, :hour, :min, :sec]],
- [:commercial, [:cwyear, :cweek, :cwday, :hour, :min, :sec]],
- [:wday, [:wday, :hour, :min, :sec]],
- [:wnum0, [:year, :wnum0, :wday, :hour, :min, :sec]],
- [:wnum1, [:year, :wnum1, :wday, :hour, :min, :sec]],
- [nil, [:cwyear, :cweek, :wday, :hour, :min, :sec]],
- [nil, [:year, :wnum0, :cwday, :hour, :min, :sec]],
- [nil, [:year, :wnum1, :cwday, :hour, :min, :sec]]].
- collect{|k, a| e = elem.values_at(*a).compact; [k, a, e]}.
- select{|k, a, e| e.size > 0}.
- sort_by{|k, a, e| [e.size, i -= 1]}.last
- d = nil
- if g && g[0] && (g[1].size - g[2].size) != 0
- d ||=
- case g[0]
- when :ordinal
- elem[:year] ||= d.year
- elem[:yday] ||= 1
- when :civil
- g[1].each do |e|
- break if elem[e]
- elem[e] = d.__send__(e)
- end
- elem[:mon] ||= 1
- elem[:mday] ||= 1
- when :commercial
- g[1].each do |e|
- break if elem[e]
- elem[e] = d.__send__(e)
- end
- elem[:cweek] ||= 1
- elem[:cwday] ||= 1
- when :wday
- elem[:jd] ||= (d - d.wday + elem[:wday]).jd
- when :wnum0
- g[1].each do |e|
- break if elem[e]
- elem[e] = d.__send__(e)
- end
- elem[:wnum0] ||= 0
- elem[:wday] ||= 0
- when :wnum1
- g[1].each do |e|
- break if elem[e]
- elem[e] = d.__send__(e)
- end
- elem[:wnum1] ||= 0
- elem[:wday] ||= 1
- end
- end
- if g && g[0] == :time
- if self <= DateTime
- d ||=
- elem[:jd] ||= d.jd
- end
- end
- elem[:hour] ||= 0
- elem[:min] ||= 0
- elem[:sec] ||= 0
- elem[:sec] = [elem[:sec], 59].min
- elem
- end
- private_class_method :complete_frags
- def self.valid_date_frags?(elem, sg) # :nodoc:
- catch :jd do
- a = elem.values_at(:jd)
- if a.all?
- if jd = _valid_jd_r?(*(a << sg))
- throw :jd, jd
- end
- end
- a = elem.values_at(:year, :yday)
- if a.all?
- if jd = _valid_ordinal_r?(*(a << sg))
- throw :jd, jd
- end
- end
- a = elem.values_at(:year, :mon, :mday)
- if a.all?
- if jd = _valid_civil_r?(*(a << sg))
- throw :jd, jd
- end
- end
- a = elem.values_at(:cwyear, :cweek, :cwday)
- if a[2].nil? && elem[:wday]
- a[2] = elem[:wday].nonzero? || 7
- end
- if a.all?
- if jd = _valid_commercial_r?(*(a << sg))
- throw :jd, jd
- end
- end
- a = elem.values_at(:year, :wnum0, :wday)
- if a[2].nil? && elem[:cwday]
- a[2] = elem[:cwday] % 7
- end
- if a.all?
- if jd = _valid_weeknum_r?(*(a << 0 << sg))
- throw :jd, jd
- end
- end
- a = elem.values_at(:year, :wnum1, :wday)
- if a[2]
- a[2] = (a[2] - 1) % 7
- end
- if a[2].nil? && elem[:cwday]
- a[2] = (elem[:cwday] - 1) % 7
- end
- if a.all?
- if jd = _valid_weeknum_r?(*(a << 1 << sg))
- throw :jd, jd
- end
- end
- end
- end
- private_class_method :valid_date_frags?
- def self.valid_time_frags? (elem) # :nodoc:
- h, min, s = elem.values_at(:hour, :min, :sec)
- _valid_time_r?(h, min, s)
- end
- private_class_method :valid_time_frags?
- def self.new_by_frags(elem, sg) # :nodoc:
- elem = rewrite_frags(elem)
- elem = complete_frags(elem)
- unless jd = valid_date_frags?(elem, sg)
- raise ArgumentError, 'invalid date'
- end
- new!(jd_to_ajd(jd, 0, 0), 0, sg)
- end
- private_class_method :new_by_frags
- # Create a new Date object by parsing from a String
- # according to a specified format.
- #
- # +str+ is a String holding a date representation.
- # +fmt+ is the format that the date is in. See
- # date/format.rb for details on supported formats.
- #
- # The default +str+ is '-4712-01-01', and the default
- # +fmt+ is '%F', which means Year-Month-Day_of_Month.
- # This gives Julian Day Number day 0.
- #
- # +sg+ specifies the Day of Calendar Reform.
- #
- # An ArgumentError will be raised if +str+ cannot be
- # parsed.
- def self.strptime(str='-4712-01-01', fmt='%F', sg=ITALY)
- elem = _strptime(str, fmt)
- new_by_frags(elem, sg)
- end
- # Create a new Date object by parsing from a String,
- # without specifying the format.
- #
- # +str+ is a String holding a date representation.
- # +comp+ specifies whether to interpret 2-digit years
- # as 19XX (>= 69) or 20XX (< 69); the default is to.
- # The method will attempt to parse a date from the String
- # using various heuristics; see #_parse in date/format.rb
- # for more details. If parsing fails, an ArgumentError
- # will be raised.
- #
- # The default +str+ is '-4712-01-01'; this is Julian
- # Day Number day 0.
- #
- # +sg+ specifies the Day of Calendar Reform.
- def self.parse(str='-4712-01-01', comp=true, sg=ITALY)
- elem = _parse(str, comp)
- new_by_frags(elem, sg)
- end
- def self.iso8601(str='-4712-01-01', sg=ITALY) # :nodoc:
- elem = _iso8601(str)
- new_by_frags(elem, sg)
- end
- def self.rfc3339(str='-4712-01-01T00:00:00+00:00', sg=ITALY) # :nodoc:
- elem = _rfc3339(str)
- new_by_frags(elem, sg)
- end
- def self.xmlschema(str='-4712-01-01', sg=ITALY) # :nodoc:
- elem = _xmlschema(str)
- new_by_frags(elem, sg)
- end
- def self.rfc2822(str='Mon, 1 Jan -4712 00:00:00 +0000', sg=ITALY) # :nodoc:
- elem = _rfc2822(str)
- new_by_frags(elem, sg)
- end
- class << self; alias_method :rfc822, :rfc2822 end
- def self.httpdate(str='Mon, 01 Jan -4712 00:00:00 GMT', sg=ITALY) # :nodoc:
- elem = _httpdate(str)
- new_by_frags(elem, sg)
- end
- def self.jisx0301(str='-4712-01-01', sg=ITALY) # :nodoc:
- elem = _jisx0301(str)
- new_by_frags(elem, sg)
- end
- class << self
- def once(*ids) # :nodoc: -- restricted
- for id in ids
- module_eval <<-"end;"
- alias_method :__#{id.object_id}__, :#{id.to_s}
- private :__#{id.object_id}__
- def #{id.to_s}(*args)
- __ca__[#{id.object_id}] ||= __#{id.object_id}__(*args)
- end
- end;
- end
- end # <<dummy
- private :once
- end
- def amjd_r() ajd_to_amjd(ajd) end
- once :amjd_r
- def daynum() ajd_to_jd(ajd, offset) end
- once :daynum
- private :daynum
- def jd_r() daynum[0] end # :nodoc:
- def day_fraction_r() daynum[1] end # :nodoc:
- def mjd_r() jd_to_mjd(jd) end # :nodoc:
- def ld_r() jd_to_ld(jd) end # :nodoc:
- once :jd_r, :day_fraction_r, :mjd_r, :ld_r
- private :jd_r, :day_fraction_r, :mjd_r, :ld_r
- def civil() jd_to_civil(jd, start) end # :nodoc:
- def ordinal() jd_to_ordinal(jd, start) end # :nodoc:
- def commercial() jd_to_commercial(jd, start) end # :nodoc:
- def weeknum0() jd_to_weeknum(jd, 0, start) end # :nodoc:
- def weeknum1() jd_to_weeknum(jd, 1, start) end # :nodoc:
- once :civil, :ordinal, :commercial, :weeknum0, :weeknum1
- private :civil, :ordinal, :commercial, :weeknum0, :weeknum1
- def year_r() civil[0] end # :nodoc:
- def yday_r() ordinal[1] end # :nodoc:
- def mon_r() civil[1] end # :nodoc:
- def mday_r() civil[2] end # :nodoc:
- private :year_r, :yday_r, :mon_r, :mday_r
- def wnum0_r() weeknum0[1] end # :nodoc:
- def wnum1_r() weeknum1[1] end # :nodoc:
- private :wnum0_r, :wnum1_r
- def time() day_fraction_to_time(day_fraction) end # :nodoc:
- def time_wo_sf() day_fraction_to_time_wo_sf(day_fraction) end # :nodoc:
- def time_sf() day_fraction % SECONDS_IN_DAY * 86400 end # :nodoc:
- once :time, :time_wo_sf, :time_sf
- private :time, :time_wo_sf, :time_sf
- def hour_r() time_wo_sf[0] end # :nodoc: # 4p
- def min_r() time_wo_sf[1] end # :nodoc: # 4p
- def sec_r() time_wo_sf[2] end # :nodoc: # 4p
- def sec_fraction_r() time_sf end # 4p
- private :hour_r, :min_r, :sec_r, :sec_fraction_r
- def zone_r # :nodoc: # 4p - strftime('%:z')
- sign = if offset < 0 then '-' else '+' end
- fr = offset.abs
- ss = fr.div(SECONDS_IN_DAY)
- hh, ss = ss.divmod(3600)
- mm = ss.div(60)
- format('%s%02d:%02d', sign, hh, mm)
- end
- private :zone_r
- def cwyear_r() commercial[0] end # :nodoc:
- def cweek_r() commercial[1] end # :nodoc:
- def cwday_r() commercial[2] end # :nodoc:
- private :cwyear_r, :cweek_r, :cwday_r
- def wday_r() jd_to_wday(jd) end # :nodoc:
- once :wday_r
- private :wday_r
- MONTHNAMES.each_with_index do |n, i|
- if n
- define_method(n.downcase + '?'){mon == i}
- end
- end
- DAYNAMES.each_with_index do |n, i|
- define_method(n.downcase + '?'){wday == i}
- end
- def nth_kday? (n, k) # :nodoc:
- k == wday && jd === nth_kday_to_jd(year, mon, n, k, start)
- end
- private :nth_kday?
- def julian_r? () jd < start end # :nodoc:
- def gregorian_r? () !julian? end # :nodoc:
- once :julian_r?, :gregorian_r?
- private :julian_r?, :gregorian_r?
- def fix_style # :nodoc:
- if julian?
- then self.class::JULIAN
- else self.class::GREGORIAN end
- end
- private :fix_style
- def leap_r? # :nodoc:
- jd_to_civil(civil_to_jd(year, 3, 1, fix_style) - 1,
- fix_style)[-1] == 29
- end
- once :leap_r?
- private :leap_r?
- def new_start_r(sg=self.class::ITALY) self.class.new_r!(ajd, offset, sg) end # :nodoc:
- private :new_start_r
- # Create a copy of this Date object that uses the Italian/Catholic
- # Day of Calendar Reform.
- def italy() new_start(self.class::ITALY) end
- # Create a copy of this Date object that uses the English/Colonial
- # Day of Calendar Reform.
- def england() new_start(self.class::ENGLAND) end
- # Create a copy of this Date object that always uses the Julian
- # Calendar.
- def julian() new_start(self.class::JULIAN) end
- # Create a copy of this Date object that always uses the Gregorian
- # Calendar.
- def gregorian() new_start(self.class::GREGORIAN) end
- def new_offset_r(of=0) # :nodoc:
- if String === of
- of = Rational(zone_to_diff(of) || 0, 86400)
- elsif Float === of
- of = Rational((of * 86400).round, 86400)
- end
- self.class.new_r!(ajd, of, start)
- end
- private :new_offset_r
- def plus_r (n) # :nodoc:
- case n
- when Numeric
- if Float === n
- n = Rational((n * 86400000000000).round, 86400000000000)
- end
- return self.class.new_r!(ajd + n, offset, start)
- end
- raise TypeError, 'expected numeric'
- end
- private :plus_r
- def minus_r (x) # :nodoc:
- case x
- when Numeric
- if Float === x
- x = Rational((x * 86400000000000).round, 86400000000000)
- end
- return self.class.new_r!(ajd - x, offset, start)
- when Date
- return ajd - x.ajd
- end
- raise TypeError, 'expected numeric or date'
- end
- private :minus_r
- def cmp_r (other) # :nodoc:
- case other
- when Numeric; return ajd <=> other
- when Date; return ajd <=> other.ajd
- else
- begin
- l, r = other.coerce(self)
- return l <=> r
- rescue NoMethodError
- end
- end
- nil
- end
- private :cmp_r
- def equal_r (other) # :nodoc:
- case other
- when Numeric; return jd == other
- when Date; return jd == other.jd
- else
- begin
- l, r = other.coerce(self)
- return l === r
- rescue NoMethodError
- end
- end
- false
- end
- private :equal_r
- def next_day(n=1) self + n end
- def prev_day(n=1) self - n end
- # Return a new Date one day after this one.
- def next() next_day end
- alias_method :succ, :next
- # Return a new Date object that is +n+ months later than
- # the current one.
- #
- # If the day-of-the-month of the current Date is greater
- # than the last day of the target month, the day-of-the-month
- # of the returned Date will be the last day of the target month.
- def >> (n)
- y, m = (year * 12 + (mon - 1) + n).divmod(12)
- m, = (m + 1) .divmod(1)
- d = mday
- until jd2 = _valid_civil_r?(y, m, d, start)
- d -= 1
- raise ArgumentError, 'invalid date' unless d > 0
- end
- self + (jd2 - jd)
- end
- # Return a new Date object that is +n+ months earlier than
- # the current one.
- #
- # If the day-of-the-month of the current Date is greater
- # than the last day of the target month, the day-of-the-month
- # of the returned Date will be the last day of the target month.
- def << (n) self >> -n end
- def next_month(n=1) self >> n end
- def prev_month(n=1) self << n end
- def next_year(n=1) self >> n * 12 end
- def prev_year(n=1) self << n * 12 end
- require 'enumerator'
- # Step the current date forward +step+ days at a
- # time (or backward, if +step+ is negative) until
- # we reach +limit+ (inclusive), yielding the resultant
- # date at each step.
- def step(limit, step=1) # :yield: date
- if
- raise ArgumentError, "step can't be 0"
- end
- unless block_given?
- return to_enum(:step, limit, step)
- end
- da = self
- op = %w(- <= >=)[step <=> 0]
- while da.__send__(op, limit)
- yield da
- da += step
- end
- self
- end
- # Step forward one day at a time until we reach +max+
- # (inclusive), yielding each date as we go.
- def upto(max, &block) # :yield: date
- step(max, +1, &block)
- end
- # Step backward one day at a time until we reach +min+
- # (inclusive), yielding each date as we go.
- def downto(min, &block) # :yield: date
- step(min, -1, &block)
- end
- def eql_r? (other) Date === other && self == other end # :nodoc:
- private :eql_r?
- def hash_r() ajd.hash end # :nodoc:
- private :hash_r
- def inspect_r # :nodoc:
- format('#<%s[R]: %s (%s,%s,%s)>', self.class, to_s_r, ajd, offset, start)
- end
- private :inspect_r
- def to_s_r() format('%.4d-%02d-%02d', year, mon, mday) end # :nodoc: # 4p
- private :to_s_r
-# Class representing a date and time.
-# See the documentation to the file date.rb for an overview.
-# DateTime objects are immutable once created.
-# == Other methods.
-# The following methods are defined in Date, but declared private
-# there. They are made public in DateTime. They are documented
-# here.
-# === hour()
-# Get the hour-of-the-day of the time. This is given
-# using the 24-hour clock, counting from midnight. The first
-# hour after midnight is hour 0; the last hour of the day is
-# hour 23.
-# === min()
-# Get the minute-of-the-hour of the time.
-# === sec()
-# Get the second-of-the-minute of the time.
-# === sec_fraction()
-# Get the fraction of a second of the time. This is returned as
-# a +Rational+.
-# === zone()
-# Get the time zone as a String. This is representation of the
-# time offset such as "+10:00".
-# === offset()
-# Get the time zone offset as a fraction of a day. This is returned
-# as a +Rational+.
-# === new_offset(of=0)
-# Create a new DateTime object, identical to the current one, except
-# with a new time zone offset of +of+. +of+ is the new offset from
-# UTC as a fraction of a day.
-class DateTime < Date
- def!(ajd=0, of=0, sg=ITALY)
- jd, df = ajd_to_jd(ajd, 0)
- df, sf = (df * 86400).divmod(1)
- sf, ssf = (sf * 1000000000).divmod(1)
- odf, osf = (of * 86400).divmod(1)
- if !(Fixnum === jd) ||
- jd < sg || ssf != 0 || osf != 0 ||
- jd < -327 || jd > 366963925
- return new_r!(ajd, of, sg)
- end
- new_l!(jd, df, sf, odf, sg)
- end
- def self.jd_r(jd=0, h=0, min=0, s=0, of=0, sg=ITALY) # :nodoc:
- unless (jd = _valid_jd_r?(jd, sg)) &&
- (fr = _valid_time_r?(h, min, s))
- raise ArgumentError, 'invalid date'
- end
- if String === of
- of = Rational(zone_to_diff(of) || 0, 86400)
- elsif Float === of
- of = Rational((of * 86400).round, 86400)
- end
- new_r!(jd_to_ajd(jd, fr, of), of, sg)
- end
- private_class_method :jd_r
- def self.ordinal_r(y=-4712, d=1, h=0, min=0, s=0, of=0, sg=ITALY) # :nodoc:
- unless (jd = _valid_ordinal_r?(y, d, sg)) &&
- (fr = _valid_time_r?(h, min, s))
- raise ArgumentError, 'invalid date'
- end
- if String === of
- of = Rational(zone_to_diff(of) || 0, 86400)
- elsif Float === of
- of = Rational((of * 86400).round, 86400)
- end
- new_r!(jd_to_ajd(jd, fr, of), of, sg)
- end
- private_class_method :ordinal_r
- def self.civil_r(y=-4712, m=1, d=1, h=0, min=0, s=0, of=0, sg=ITALY) # :nodoc:
- unless (jd = _valid_civil_r?(y, m, d, sg)) &&
- (fr = _valid_time_r?(h, min, s))
- raise ArgumentError, 'invalid date'
- end
- if String === of
- of = Rational(zone_to_diff(of) || 0, 86400)
- elsif Float === of
- of = Rational((of * 86400).round, 86400)
- end
- new_r!(jd_to_ajd(jd, fr, of), of, sg)
- end
- private_class_method :civil_r
- def self.commercial_r(y=-4712, w=1, d=1, h=0, min=0, s=0, of=0, sg=ITALY) # :nodoc:
- unless (jd = _valid_commercial_r?(y, w, d, sg)) &&
- (fr = _valid_time_r?(h, min, s))
- raise ArgumentError, 'invalid date'
- end
- if String === of
- of = Rational(zone_to_diff(of) || 0, 86400)
- elsif Float === of
- of = Rational((of * 86400).round, 86400)
- end
- new_r!(jd_to_ajd(jd, fr, of), of, sg)
- end
- private_class_method :commercial_r
- def self.weeknum(y=-4712, w=0, d=1, f=0, h=0, min=0, s=0, of=0, sg=ITALY) # :nodoc:
- unless (jd = _valid_weeknum_r?(y, w, d, f, sg)) &&
- (fr = _valid_time_r?(h, min, s))
- raise ArgumentError, 'invalid date'
- end
- if String === of
- of = Rational(zone_to_diff(of) || 0, 86400)
- elsif Float === of
- of = Rational((of * 86400).round, 86400)
- end
- new!(jd_to_ajd(jd, fr, of), of, sg)
- end
- private_class_method :weeknum
- def self.nth_kday(y=-4712, m=1, n=1, k=1, h=0, min=0, s=0, of=0, sg=ITALY) # :nodoc:
- unless (jd = _valid_nth_kday_r?(y, m, n, k, sg)) &&
- (fr = _valid_time_r?(h, min, s))
- raise ArgumentError, 'invalid date'
- end
- if String === of
- of = Rational(zone_to_diff(of) || 0, 86400)
- elsif Float === of
- of = Rational((of * 86400).round, 86400)
- end
- new!(jd_to_ajd(jd, fr, of), of, sg)
- end
- private_class_method :nth_kday
- def self.new_by_frags(elem, sg) # :nodoc:
- elem = rewrite_frags(elem)
- elem = complete_frags(elem)
- unless (jd = valid_date_frags?(elem, sg)) &&
- (fr = valid_time_frags?(elem))
- raise ArgumentError, 'invalid date'
- end
- fr += (elem[:sec_fraction] || 0) / 86400
- of = Rational(elem[:offset] || 0, 86400)
- new!(jd_to_ajd(jd, fr, of), of, sg)
- end
- private_class_method :new_by_frags
- # Create a new DateTime object by parsing from a String
- # according to a specified format.
- #
- # +str+ is a String holding a date-time representation.
- # +fmt+ is the format that the date-time is in. See
- # date/format.rb for details on supported formats.
- #
- # The default +str+ is '-4712-01-01T00:00:00+00:00', and the default
- # +fmt+ is '%FT%T%z'. This gives midnight on Julian Day Number day 0.
- #
- # +sg+ specifies the Day of Calendar Reform.
- #
- # An ArgumentError will be raised if +str+ cannot be
- # parsed.
- def self.strptime(str='-4712-01-01T00:00:00+00:00', fmt='%FT%T%z', sg=ITALY)
- elem = _strptime(str, fmt)
- new_by_frags(elem, sg)
- end
- # Create a new DateTime object by parsing from a String,
- # without specifying the format.
- #
- # +str+ is a String holding a date-time representation.
- # +comp+ specifies whether to interpret 2-digit years
- # as 19XX (>= 69) or 20XX (< 69); the default is to.
- # The method will attempt to parse a date-time from the String
- # using various heuristics; see #_parse in date/format.rb
- # for more details. If parsing fails, an ArgumentError
- # will be raised.
- #
- # The default +str+ is '-4712-01-01T00:00:00+00:00'; this is Julian
- # Day Number day 0.
- #
- # +sg+ specifies the Day of Calendar Reform.
- def self.parse(str='-4712-01-01T00:00:00+00:00', comp=true, sg=ITALY)
- elem = _parse(str, comp)
- new_by_frags(elem, sg)
- end
- def self.iso8601(str='-4712-01-01T00:00:00+00:00', sg=ITALY) # :nodoc:
- elem = _iso8601(str)
- new_by_frags(elem, sg)
- end
- def self.xmlschema(str='-4712-01-01T00:00:00+00:00', sg=ITALY) # :nodoc:
- elem = _xmlschema(str)
- new_by_frags(elem, sg)
- end
- def self.rfc2822(str='Mon, 1 Jan -4712 00:00:00 +0000', sg=ITALY) # :nodoc:
- elem = _rfc2822(str)
- new_by_frags(elem, sg)
- end
- class << self; alias_method :rfc822, :rfc2822 end
- def self.httpdate(str='Mon, 01 Jan -4712 00:00:00 GMT', sg=ITALY) # :nodoc:
- elem = _httpdate(str)
- new_by_frags(elem, sg)
- end
- def self.jisx0301(str='-4712-01-01T00:00:00+00:00', sg=ITALY) # :nodoc:
- elem = _jisx0301(str)
- new_by_frags(elem, sg)
- end
- def to_s_r # :nodoc: # 4p
- format('%.4d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d%s',
- year, mon, mday, hour, min, sec, zone)
- end
- private :to_s_r
-class Time
- def to_time() getlocal end
- def to_date
- jd = Date.__send__(:civil_to_jd, year, mon, mday, Date::ITALY)
-!(Date.__send__(:jd_to_ajd, jd, 0, 0), 0, Date::ITALY)
- end
- def to_datetime
- jd = DateTime.__send__(:civil_to_jd, year, mon, mday, DateTime::ITALY)
- fr = DateTime.__send__(:time_to_day_fraction, hour, min, [sec, 59].min) +
- Rational(subsec, 86400)
- of = Rational(utc_offset, 86400)
-!(DateTime.__send__(:jd_to_ajd, jd, fr, of),
- of, DateTime::ITALY)
- end
-class Date
- def to_time() Time.local(year, mon, mday) end
- def to_date() self end
- def to_datetime()!(jd_to_ajd(jd, 0, 0), offset, start) end
-class DateTime < Date
- def to_time
- d = new_offset(0)
- d.instance_eval do
- Time.utc(year, mon, mday, hour, min, sec +
- sec_fraction)
- end.
- getlocal
- end
- def to_date()!(jd_to_ajd(jd, 0, 0), 0, start) end
- def to_datetime() self end
-require 'date_core'
diff --git a/ext/date/lib/date/format.rb b/ext/date/lib/date/format.rb
index 3da4c40f51..892e7aacaa 100644
--- a/ext/date/lib/date/format.rb
+++ b/ext/date/lib/date/format.rb
@@ -1,584 +1 @@
# format.rb: Written by Tadayoshi Funaba 1999-2011
-class Date
- module Format # :nodoc:
- MONTHS = {
- 'january' => 1, 'february' => 2, 'march' => 3, 'april' => 4,
- 'may' => 5, 'june' => 6, 'july' => 7, 'august' => 8,
- 'september'=> 9, 'october' =>10, 'november' =>11, 'december' =>12
- }
- DAYS = {
- 'sunday' => 0, 'monday' => 1, 'tuesday' => 2, 'wednesday'=> 3,
- 'thursday' => 4, 'friday' => 5, 'saturday' => 6
- }
- 'jan' => 1, 'feb' => 2, 'mar' => 3, 'apr' => 4,
- 'may' => 5, 'jun' => 6, 'jul' => 7, 'aug' => 8,
- 'sep' => 9, 'oct' =>10, 'nov' =>11, 'dec' =>12
- }
- 'sun' => 0, 'mon' => 1, 'tue' => 2, 'wed' => 3,
- 'thu' => 4, 'fri' => 5, 'sat' => 6
- }
- ZONES = {
- 'ut' => 0*3600, 'gmt' => 0*3600, 'est' => -5*3600, 'edt' => -4*3600,
- 'cst' => -6*3600, 'cdt' => -5*3600, 'mst' => -7*3600, 'mdt' => -6*3600,
- 'pst' => -8*3600, 'pdt' => -7*3600,
- 'a' => 1*3600, 'b' => 2*3600, 'c' => 3*3600, 'd' => 4*3600,
- 'e' => 5*3600, 'f' => 6*3600, 'g' => 7*3600, 'h' => 8*3600,
- 'i' => 9*3600, 'k' => 10*3600, 'l' => 11*3600, 'm' => 12*3600,
- 'n' => -1*3600, 'o' => -2*3600, 'p' => -3*3600, 'q' => -4*3600,
- 'r' => -5*3600, 's' => -6*3600, 't' => -7*3600, 'u' => -8*3600,
- 'v' => -9*3600, 'w' =>-10*3600, 'x' =>-11*3600, 'y' =>-12*3600,
- 'z' => 0*3600,
- 'utc' => 0*3600, 'wet' => 0*3600,
- 'at' => -2*3600, 'brst'=> -2*3600, 'ndt' => -(2*3600+1800),
- 'art' => -3*3600, 'adt' => -3*3600, 'brt' => -3*3600, 'clst'=> -3*3600,
- 'nst' => -(3*3600+1800),
- 'ast' => -4*3600, 'clt' => -4*3600,
- 'akdt'=> -8*3600, 'ydt' => -8*3600,
- 'akst'=> -9*3600, 'hadt'=> -9*3600, 'hdt' => -9*3600, 'yst' => -9*3600,
- 'ahst'=>-10*3600, 'cat' =>-10*3600, 'hast'=>-10*3600, 'hst' =>-10*3600,
- 'nt' =>-11*3600,
- 'idlw'=>-12*3600,
- 'bst' => 1*3600, 'cet' => 1*3600, 'fwt' => 1*3600, 'met' => 1*3600,
- 'mewt'=> 1*3600, 'mez' => 1*3600, 'swt' => 1*3600, 'wat' => 1*3600,
- 'west'=> 1*3600,
- 'cest'=> 2*3600, 'eet' => 2*3600, 'fst' => 2*3600, 'mest'=> 2*3600,
- 'mesz'=> 2*3600, 'sast'=> 2*3600, 'sst' => 2*3600,
- 'bt' => 3*3600, 'eat' => 3*3600, 'eest'=> 3*3600, 'msk' => 3*3600,
- 'msd' => 4*3600, 'zp4' => 4*3600,
- 'zp5' => 5*3600, 'ist' => (5*3600+1800),
- 'zp6' => 6*3600,
- 'wast'=> 7*3600,
- 'cct' => 8*3600, 'sgt' => 8*3600, 'wadt'=> 8*3600,
- 'jst' => 9*3600, 'kst' => 9*3600,
- 'east'=> 10*3600, 'gst' => 10*3600,
- 'eadt'=> 11*3600,
- 'idle'=> 12*3600, 'nzst'=> 12*3600, 'nzt' => 12*3600,
- 'nzdt'=> 13*3600,
- 'afghanistan' => 16200, 'alaskan' => -32400,
- 'arab' => 10800, 'arabian' => 14400,
- 'arabic' => 10800, 'atlantic' => -14400,
- 'aus central' => 34200, 'aus eastern' => 36000,
- 'azores' => -3600, 'canada central' => -21600,
- 'cape verde' => -3600, 'caucasus' => 14400,
- 'cen. australia' => 34200, 'central america' => -21600,
- 'central asia' => 21600, 'central europe' => 3600,
- 'central european' => 3600, 'central pacific' => 39600,
- 'central' => -21600, 'china' => 28800,
- 'dateline' => -43200, 'e. africa' => 10800,
- 'e. australia' => 36000, 'e. europe' => 7200,
- 'e. south america' => -10800, 'eastern' => -18000,
- 'egypt' => 7200, 'ekaterinburg' => 18000,
- 'fiji' => 43200, 'fle' => 7200,
- 'greenland' => -10800, 'greenwich' => 0,
- 'gtb' => 7200, 'hawaiian' => -36000,
- 'india' => 19800, 'iran' => 12600,
- 'jerusalem' => 7200, 'korea' => 32400,
- 'mexico' => -21600, 'mid-atlantic' => -7200,
- 'mountain' => -25200, 'myanmar' => 23400,
- 'n. central asia' => 21600, 'nepal' => 20700,
- 'new zealand' => 43200, 'newfoundland' => -12600,
- 'north asia east' => 28800, 'north asia' => 25200,
- 'pacific sa' => -14400, 'pacific' => -28800,
- 'romance' => 3600, 'russian' => 10800,
- 'sa eastern' => -10800, 'sa pacific' => -18000,
- 'sa western' => -14400, 'samoa' => -39600,
- 'se asia' => 25200, 'malay peninsula' => 28800,
- 'south africa' => 7200, 'sri lanka' => 21600,
- 'taipei' => 28800, 'tasmania' => 36000,
- 'tokyo' => 32400, 'tonga' => 46800,
- 'us eastern' => -18000, 'us mountain' => -25200,
- 'vladivostok' => 36000, 'w. australia' => 28800,
- 'w. central africa' => 3600, 'w. europe' => 3600,
- 'west asia' => 18000, 'west pacific' => 36000,
- 'yakutsk' => 32400
- }
- x.freeze
- end
- end
- # Returns a String representing this Date in the form:
- # Sun Sep 30 00:00:00 1977.
- def asctime() strftime('%c') end
- alias_method :ctime, :asctime
- # Returns a String representing this Date in the form:
- # 1977-09-30.
- #
- # This form is in accordance with
- # ISO8601[].
- def iso8601() strftime('%F') end
- # Returns a String representing this Date in the form:
- # 1977-09-30T00:00:00+00:00
- #
- # This form is in accordance with the format for a timestamp in
- # RFC3339[].
- def rfc3339() strftime('%FT%T%:z') end
- # Synonym for Date.iso8601.
- def xmlschema() iso8601 end # :nodoc:
- # Returns a String representing this Date in the form:
- # Fri, 30 Sep 1977 00:00:00 +0000
- #
- # This form is in accordance with the format for a full
- # date and time specification in
- # RFC2822[].
- def rfc2822() strftime('%a, %-d %b %Y %T %z') end
- alias_method :rfc822, :rfc2822
- def httpdate() new_offset(0).strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %T GMT') end # :nodoc:
- # Returns a String representing this Date in a form
- # that is in accordance with the Japanese specification
- # JIS X 0301.
- def jisx0301
- if jd < 2405160
- strftime('%F')
- else
- case jd
- when 2405160...2419614
- g = 'M%02d' % (year - 1867)
- when 2419614...2424875
- g = 'T%02d' % (year - 1911)
- when 2424875...2447535
- g = 'S%02d' % (year - 1925)
- else
- g = 'H%02d' % (year - 1988)
- end
- g + strftime('.%m.%d')
- end
- end
- def self._iso8601(str) # :nodoc:
- if /\A\s*(?:([-+]?\d{2,}|-)-(\d{2})?-(\d{2})|
- ([-+]?\d{2,})?-(\d{3})|
- (\d{4}|\d{2})?-w(\d{2})-(\d)|
- -w-(\d))
- (?:t
- (\d{2}):(\d{2})(?::(\d{2})(?:[,.](\d+))?)?
- (z|[-+]\d{2}(?::?\d{2})?)?)?\s*\z/ix =~ str
- if $3
- e = {
- :mday => $3.to_i
- }
- if $1 != '-'
- y = $1.to_i
- if $1.size < 4
- y += if y >= 69 then 1900 else 2000 end
- end
- e[:year] = y
- end
- if $2.nil?
- return if $1 != '-'
- else
- e[:mon] = $2.to_i
- end
- elsif $5
- e = {
- :yday => $5.to_i
- }
- if $4
- y = $4.to_i
- if $4.size < 4
- y += if y >= 69 then 1900 else 2000 end
- end
- e[:year] = y
- end
- elsif $8
- e = {
- :cweek => $7.to_i,
- :cwday => $8.to_i
- }
- if $6
- y = $6.to_i
- if $6.size < 4
- y += if y >= 69 then 1900 else 2000 end
- end
- e[:cwyear] = y
- end
- elsif $9
- e = {
- :cwday => $9.to_i
- }
- end
- if $10
- e[:hour] = $10.to_i
- e[:min] = $11.to_i
- e[:sec] = $12.to_i if $12
- end
- if $13
- e[:sec_fraction] = Rational($13.to_i, 10**$13.size)
- end
- if $14
- e[:zone] = $14
- e[:offset] = zone_to_diff($14)
- end
- e
- elsif /\A\s*(?:([-+]?(?:\d{4}|\d{2})|--)(\d{2}|-)(\d{2})|
- ([-+]?(?:\d{4}|\d{2}))(\d{3})|
- -(\d{3})|
- (\d{4}|\d{2})w(\d{2})(\d)|
- -w(\d{2})(\d)|
- -w-(\d))
- (?:t?
- (\d{2})(\d{2})(?:(\d{2})(?:[,.](\d+))?)?
- (z|[-+]\d{2}(?:\d{2})?)?)?\s*\z/ix =~ str
- if $3
- e = {
- :mday => $3.to_i
- }
- if $1 != '--'
- y = $1.to_i
- if $1.size < 4
- y += if y >= 69 then 1900 else 2000 end
- end
- e[:year] = y
- end
- if $2 == '-'
- return if $1 != '--'
- else
- e[:mon] = $2.to_i
- end
- elsif $5
- e = {
- :yday => $5.to_i
- }
- y = $4.to_i
- if $4.size < 4
- y += if y >= 69 then 1900 else 2000 end
- end
- e[:year] = y
- elsif $6
- e = {
- :yday => $6.to_i
- }
- elsif $9
- e = {
- :cweek => $8.to_i,
- :cwday => $9.to_i
- }
- y = $7.to_i
- if $7.size < 4
- y += if y >= 69 then 1900 else 2000 end
- end
- e[:cwyear] = y
- elsif $11
- e = {
- :cweek => $10.to_i,
- :cwday => $11.to_i
- }
- elsif $12
- e = {
- :cwday => $12.to_i
- }
- end
- if $13
- e[:hour] = $13.to_i
- e[:min] = $14.to_i
- e[:sec] = $15.to_i if $15
- end
- if $16
- e[:sec_fraction] = Rational($16.to_i, 10**$16.size)
- end
- if $17
- e[:zone] = $17
- e[:offset] = zone_to_diff($17)
- end
- e
- elsif /\A\s*(?:(\d{2}):(\d{2})(?::(\d{2})(?:[,.](\d+))?)?
- (z|[-+]\d{2}(:?\d{2})?)?)?\s*\z/ix =~ str
- e = {}
- e[:hour] = $1.to_i if $1
- e[:min] = $2.to_i if $2
- e[:sec] = $3.to_i if $3
- if $4
- e[:sec_fraction] = Rational($4.to_i, 10**$4.size)
- end
- if $5
- e[:zone] = $5
- e[:offset] = zone_to_diff($5)
- end
- e
- elsif /\A\s*(?:(\d{2})(\d{2})(?:(\d{2})(?:[,.](\d+))?)?
- (z|[-+]\d{2}(\d{2})?)?)?\s*\z/ix =~ str
- e = {}
- e[:hour] = $1.to_i if $1
- e[:min] = $2.to_i if $2
- e[:sec] = $3.to_i if $3
- if $4
- e[:sec_fraction] = Rational($4.to_i, 10**$4.size)
- end
- if $5
- e[:zone] = $5
- e[:offset] = zone_to_diff($5)
- end
- e
- end
- end
- def self._rfc3339(str) # :nodoc:
- if /\A\s*(-?\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) # allow minus, anyway
- (?:t|\s)
- (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})(?:\.(\d+))?
- (z|[-+]\d{2}:\d{2})\s*\z/ix =~ str
- e = {
- :year => $1.to_i,
- :mon => $2.to_i,
- :mday => $3.to_i,
- :hour => $4.to_i,
- :min => $5.to_i,
- :sec => $6.to_i,
- :zone => $8,
- :offset => zone_to_diff($8)
- }
- e[:sec_fraction] = Rational($7.to_i, 10**$7.size) if $7
- e
- end
- end
- def self._xmlschema(str) # :nodoc:
- if /\A\s*(-?\d{4,})(?:-(\d{2})(?:-(\d{2}))?)?
- (?:t
- (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})(?:\.(\d+))?)?
- (z|[-+]\d{2}:\d{2})?\s*\z/ix =~ str
- e = {}
- e[:year] = $1.to_i
- e[:mon] = $2.to_i if $2
- e[:mday] = $3.to_i if $3
- e[:hour] = $4.to_i if $4
- e[:min] = $5.to_i if $5
- e[:sec] = $6.to_i if $6
- e[:sec_fraction] = Rational($7.to_i, 10**$7.size) if $7
- if $8
- e[:zone] = $8
- e[:offset] = zone_to_diff($8)
- end
- e
- elsif /\A\s*(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})(?:\.(\d+))?
- (z|[-+]\d{2}:\d{2})?\s*\z/ix =~ str
- e = {}
- e[:hour] = $1.to_i if $1
- e[:min] = $2.to_i if $2
- e[:sec] = $3.to_i if $3
- e[:sec_fraction] = Rational($4.to_i, 10**$4.size) if $4
- if $5
- e[:zone] = $5
- e[:offset] = zone_to_diff($5)
- end
- e
- elsif /\A\s*(?:--(\d{2})(?:-(\d{2}))?|---(\d{2}))
- (z|[-+]\d{2}:\d{2})?\s*\z/ix =~ str
- e = {}
- e[:mon] = $1.to_i if $1
- e[:mday] = $2.to_i if $2
- e[:mday] = $3.to_i if $3
- if $4
- e[:zone] = $4
- e[:offset] = zone_to_diff($4)
- end
- e
- end
- end
- def self._rfc2822(str) # :nodoc:
- if /\A\s*(?:(#{Format::ABBR_DAYS.keys.join('|')})\s*,\s+)?
- (\d{1,2})\s+
- (#{Format::ABBR_MONTHS.keys.join('|')})\s+
- (-?\d{2,})\s+ # allow minus, anyway
- (\d{2}):(\d{2})(?::(\d{2}))?\s*
- ([-+]\d{4}|ut|gmt|e[sd]t|c[sd]t|m[sd]t|p[sd]t|[a-ik-z])\s*\z/iox =~ str
- y = $4.to_i
- if $4.size < 4
- y += if y >= 50 then 1900 else 2000 end
- end
- e = {
- :wday => Format::ABBR_DAYS[$1.downcase],
- :mday => $2.to_i,
- :mon => Format::ABBR_MONTHS[$3.downcase],
- :year => y,
- :hour => $5.to_i,
- :min => $6.to_i,
- :zone => $8,
- :offset => zone_to_diff($8)
- }
- e[:sec] = $7.to_i if $7
- e
- end
- end
- class << self; alias_method :_rfc822, :_rfc2822 end
- def self._httpdate(str) # :nodoc:
- if /\A\s*(#{Format::ABBR_DAYS.keys.join('|')})\s*,\s+
- (\d{2})\s+
- (#{Format::ABBR_MONTHS.keys.join('|')})\s+
- (-?\d{4})\s+ # allow minus, anyway
- (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})\s+
- (gmt)\s*\z/iox =~ str
- {
- :wday => Format::ABBR_DAYS[$1.downcase],
- :mday => $2.to_i,
- :mon => Format::ABBR_MONTHS[$3.downcase],
- :year => $4.to_i,
- :hour => $5.to_i,
- :min => $6.to_i,
- :sec => $7.to_i,
- :zone => $8,
- :offset => 0
- }
- elsif /\A\s*(#{Format::DAYS.keys.join('|')})\s*,\s+
- (\d{2})\s*-\s*
- (#{Format::ABBR_MONTHS.keys.join('|')})\s*-\s*
- (\d{2})\s+
- (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})\s+
- (gmt)\s*\z/iox =~ str
- y = $4.to_i
- if y >= 0 && y <= 99
- y += if y >= 69 then 1900 else 2000 end
- end
- {
- :wday => Format::DAYS[$1.downcase],
- :mday => $2.to_i,
- :mon => Format::ABBR_MONTHS[$3.downcase],
- :year => y,
- :hour => $5.to_i,
- :min => $6.to_i,
- :sec => $7.to_i,
- :zone => $8,
- :offset => 0
- }
- elsif /\A\s*(#{Format::ABBR_DAYS.keys.join('|')})\s+
- (#{Format::ABBR_MONTHS.keys.join('|')})\s+
- (\d{1,2})\s+
- (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})\s+
- (\d{4})\s*\z/iox =~ str
- {
- :wday => Format::ABBR_DAYS[$1.downcase],
- :mon => Format::ABBR_MONTHS[$2.downcase],
- :mday => $3.to_i,
- :hour => $4.to_i,
- :min => $5.to_i,
- :sec => $6.to_i,
- :year => $7.to_i
- }
- end
- end
- def self._jisx0301(str) # :nodoc:
- if /\A\s*([mtsh])?(\d{2})\.(\d{2})\.(\d{2})
- (?:t
- (?:(\d{2}):(\d{2})(?::(\d{2})(?:[,.](\d*))?)?
- (z|[-+]\d{2}(?::?\d{2})?)?)?)?\s*\z/ix =~ str
- era = {
- 'm'=>1867,
- 't'=>1911,
- 's'=>1925,
- 'h'=>1988
- }[$1 ? $1.downcase : 'h']
- e = {
- :year => $2.to_i + era,
- :mon => $3.to_i,
- :mday => $4.to_i
- }
- if $5
- e[:hour] = $5.to_i
- e[:min] = $6.to_i if $6
- e[:sec] = $7.to_i if $7
- end
- if $8
- e[:sec_fraction] = Rational($8.to_i, 10**$8.size)
- end
- if $9
- e[:zone] = $9
- e[:offset] = zone_to_diff($9)
- end
- e
- else
- _iso8601(str)
- end
- end
- def self.zone_to_diff(zone) # :nodoc:
- zone = zone.downcase
- if zone.sub!(/\s+(standard|daylight)\s+time\z/, '')
- dst = $1 == 'daylight'
- else
- dst = zone.sub!(/\s+dst\z/, '')
- end
- if Format::ZONES.include?(zone)
- offset = Format::ZONES[zone]
- offset += 3600 if dst
- elsif zone.sub!(/\A(?:gmt|utc?)?([-+])/, '')
- sign = $1
- if zone.include?(':')
- hour, min, sec, = zone.split(':')
- elsif zone.include?(',') || zone.include?('.')
- hour, fr, = zone.split(/[,.]/)
- min = Rational(fr.to_i, 10**fr.size) * 60
- else
- if (zone.size % 2) == 1
- hour = zone[0,1]
- min = zone[1,2]
- sec = zone[3,2]
- else
- hour = zone[0,2]
- min = zone[2,2]
- sec = zone[4,2]
- end
- end
- offset = hour.to_i * 3600 + min.to_i * 60 + sec.to_i
- offset *= -1 if sign == '-'
- end
- offset
- end
- private_class_method :zone_to_diff
-class DateTime < Date
- def iso8601_timediv(n) # :nodoc:
- strftime('T%T' +
- if n < 1
- ''
- else
- '.%0*d' % [n, (sec_fraction / Rational(1, 10**n)).round]
- end +
- '%:z')
- end
- private :iso8601_timediv
- def iso8601(n=0)
- super() + iso8601_timediv(n)
- end
- def rfc3339(n=0) iso8601(n) end
- def xmlschema(n=0) iso8601(n) end # :nodoc:
- def jisx0301(n=0)
- super() + iso8601_timediv(n)
- end