path: root/man/bundle-update.1.ronn
diff options
authorHiroshi SHIBATA <>2020-12-08 16:36:29 +0900
committerHiroshi SHIBATA <>2020-12-08 17:30:02 +0900
commit473f9d2df0ddd7fdb5cc73fa3ad49b2f19f22b06 (patch)
tree6b39312502d32474da0157f5d55620fabd6454ea /man/bundle-update.1.ronn
parent4aca77edde91f826aa243e268bf1ef5214530583 (diff)
Merge prepare version of Bundler 2.2.0
Diffstat (limited to 'man/bundle-update.1.ronn')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 350 deletions
diff --git a/man/bundle-update.1.ronn b/man/bundle-update.1.ronn
deleted file mode 100644
index 397fecadcb..0000000000
--- a/man/bundle-update.1.ronn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,350 +0,0 @@
-bundle-update(1) -- Update your gems to the latest available versions
-`bundle update` <*gems> [--all]
- [--group=NAME]
- [--source=NAME]
- [--local]
- [--ruby]
- [--bundler[=VERSION]]
- [--full-index]
- [--jobs=JOBS]
- [--quiet]
- [--patch|--minor|--major]
- [--redownload]
- [--strict]
- [--conservative]
-Update the gems specified (all gems, if `--all` flag is used), ignoring
-the previously installed gems specified in the `Gemfile.lock`. In
-general, you should use [bundle install(1)](bundle-install.1.html) to install the same exact
-gems and versions across machines.
-You would use `bundle update` to explicitly update the version of a
-* `--all`:
- Update all gems specified in Gemfile.
-* `--group=<name>`, `-g=[<name>]`:
- Only update the gems in the specified group. For instance, you can update all gems
- in the development group with `bundle update --group development`. You can also
- call `bundle update rails --group test` to update the rails gem and all gems in
- the test group, for example.
-* `--source=<name>`:
- The name of a `:git` or `:path` source used in the Gemfile(5). For
- instance, with a `:git` source of ``,
- you would call `bundle update --source rails`
-* `--local`:
- Do not attempt to fetch gems remotely and use the gem cache instead.
-* `--ruby`:
- Update the locked version of Ruby to the current version of Ruby.
-* `--bundler`:
- Update the locked version of bundler to the invoked bundler version.
-* `--full-index`:
- Fall back to using the single-file index of all gems.
-* `--jobs=[<number>]`, `-j[<number>]`:
- Specify the number of jobs to run in parallel. The default is `1`.
-* `--retry=[<number>]`:
- Retry failed network or git requests for <number> times.
-* `--quiet`:
- Only output warnings and errors.
-* `--redownload`:
- Force downloading every gem.
-* `--patch`:
- Prefer updating only to next patch version.
-* `--minor`:
- Prefer updating only to next minor version.
-* `--major`:
- Prefer updating to next major version (default).
-* `--strict`:
- Do not allow any gem to be updated past latest `--patch` | `--minor` | `--major`.
-* `--conservative`:
- Use bundle install conservative update behavior and do not allow shared dependencies to be updated.
-If you run `bundle update --all`, bundler will ignore
-any previously installed gems and resolve all dependencies again
-based on the latest versions of all gems available in the sources.
-Consider the following Gemfile(5):
- source ""
- gem "rails", "3.0.0.rc"
- gem "nokogiri"
-When you run [bundle install(1)](bundle-install.1.html) the first time, bundler will resolve
-all of the dependencies, all the way down, and install what you need:
- Fetching gem metadata from
- Resolving dependencies...
- Installing builder 2.1.2
- Installing abstract 1.0.0
- Installing rack 1.2.8
- Using bundler 1.7.6
- Installing rake 10.4.0
- Installing polyglot 0.3.5
- Installing mime-types 1.25.1
- Installing i18n 0.4.2
- Installing mini_portile 0.6.1
- Installing tzinfo 0.3.42
- Installing rack-mount 0.6.14
- Installing rack-test 0.5.7
- Installing treetop 1.4.15
- Installing thor 0.14.6
- Installing activesupport 3.0.0.rc
- Installing erubis 2.6.6
- Installing activemodel 3.0.0.rc
- Installing arel 0.4.0
- Installing mail 2.2.20
- Installing activeresource 3.0.0.rc
- Installing actionpack 3.0.0.rc
- Installing activerecord 3.0.0.rc
- Installing actionmailer 3.0.0.rc
- Installing railties 3.0.0.rc
- Installing rails 3.0.0.rc
- Installing nokogiri 1.6.5
- Bundle complete! 2 Gemfile dependencies, 26 gems total.
- Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.
-As you can see, even though you have two gems in the Gemfile(5), your application
-needs 26 different gems in order to run. Bundler remembers the exact versions
-it installed in `Gemfile.lock`. The next time you run [bundle install(1)](bundle-install.1.html), bundler skips
-the dependency resolution and installs the same gems as it installed last time.
-After checking in the `Gemfile.lock` into version control and cloning it on another
-machine, running [bundle install(1)](bundle-install.1.html) will _still_ install the gems that you installed
-last time. You don't need to worry that a new release of `erubis` or `mail` changes
-the gems you use.
-However, from time to time, you might want to update the gems you are using to the
-newest versions that still match the gems in your Gemfile(5).
-To do this, run `bundle update --all`, which will ignore the `Gemfile.lock`, and resolve
-all the dependencies again. Keep in mind that this process can result in a significantly
-different set of the 25 gems, based on the requirements of new gems that the gem
-authors released since the last time you ran `bundle update --all`.
-Sometimes, you want to update a single gem in the Gemfile(5), and leave the rest of the
-gems that you specified locked to the versions in the `Gemfile.lock`.
-For instance, in the scenario above, imagine that `nokogiri` releases version `1.4.4`, and
-you want to update it _without_ updating Rails and all of its dependencies. To do this,
-run `bundle update nokogiri`.
-Bundler will update `nokogiri` and any of its dependencies, but leave alone Rails and
-its dependencies.
-Sometimes, multiple gems declared in your Gemfile(5) are satisfied by the same
-second-level dependency. For instance, consider the case of `thin` and
- source ""
- gem "thin"
- gem "rack-perftools-profiler"
-The `thin` gem depends on `rack >= 1.0`, while `rack-perftools-profiler` depends
-on `rack ~> 1.0`. If you run bundle install, you get:
- Fetching source index for
- Installing daemons (1.1.0)
- Installing eventmachine (0.12.10) with native extensions
- Installing open4 (1.0.1)
- Installing perftools.rb (0.4.7) with native extensions
- Installing rack (1.2.1)
- Installing rack-perftools_profiler (0.0.2)
- Installing thin (1.2.7) with native extensions
- Using bundler (1.0.0.rc.3)
-In this case, the two gems have their own set of dependencies, but they share
-`rack` in common. If you run `bundle update thin`, bundler will update `daemons`,
-`eventmachine` and `rack`, which are dependencies of `thin`, but not `open4` or
-`perftools.rb`, which are dependencies of `rack-perftools_profiler`. Note that
-`bundle update thin` will update `rack` even though it's _also_ a dependency of
-In short, by default, when you update a gem using `bundle update`, bundler will
-update all dependencies of that gem, including those that are also dependencies
-of another gem.
-To prevent updating shared dependencies, prior to version 1.14 the only option
-was the `CONSERVATIVE UPDATING` behavior in [bundle install(1)](bundle-install.1.html):
-In this scenario, updating the `thin` version manually in the Gemfile(5),
-and then running [bundle install(1)](bundle-install.1.html) will only update `daemons` and `eventmachine`,
-but not `rack`. For more information, see the `CONSERVATIVE UPDATING` section
-of [bundle install(1)](bundle-install.1.html).
-Starting with 1.14, specifying the `--conservative` option will also prevent shared
-dependencies from being updated.
-Version 1.14 introduced 4 patch-level options that will influence how gem
-versions are resolved. One of the following options can be used: `--patch`,
-`--minor` or `--major`. `--strict` can be added to further influence resolution.
-* `--patch`:
- Prefer updating only to next patch version.
-* `--minor`:
- Prefer updating only to next minor version.
-* `--major`:
- Prefer updating to next major version (default).
-* `--strict`:
- Do not allow any gem to be updated past latest `--patch` | `--minor` | `--major`.
-When Bundler is resolving what versions to use to satisfy declared
-requirements in the Gemfile or in parent gems, it looks up all
-available versions, filters out any versions that don't satisfy
-the requirement, and then, by default, sorts them from newest to
-oldest, considering them in that order.
-Providing one of the patch level options (e.g. `--patch`) changes the
-sort order of the satisfying versions, causing Bundler to consider the
-latest `--patch` or `--minor` version available before other versions.
-Note that versions outside the stated patch level could still be
-resolved to if necessary to find a suitable dependency graph.
-For example, if gem 'foo' is locked at 1.0.2, with no gem requirement
-defined in the Gemfile, and versions 1.0.3, 1.0.4, 1.1.0, 1.1.1, 2.0.0
-all exist, the default order of preference by default (`--major`) will
-be "2.0.0, 1.1.1, 1.1.0, 1.0.4, 1.0.3, 1.0.2".
-If the `--patch` option is used, the order of preference will change to
-"1.0.4, 1.0.3, 1.0.2, 1.1.1, 1.1.0, 2.0.0".
-If the `--minor` option is used, the order of preference will change to
-"1.1.1, 1.1.0, 1.0.4, 1.0.3, 1.0.2, 2.0.0".
-Combining the `--strict` option with any of the patch level options
-will remove any versions beyond the scope of the patch level option,
-to ensure that no gem is updated that far.
-To continue the previous example, if both `--patch` and `--strict`
-options are used, the available versions for resolution would be
-"1.0.4, 1.0.3, 1.0.2". If `--minor` and `--strict` are used, it would
-be "1.1.1, 1.1.0, 1.0.4, 1.0.3, 1.0.2".
-Gem requirements as defined in the Gemfile will still be the first
-determining factor for what versions are available. If the gem
-requirement for `foo` in the Gemfile is '~> 1.0', that will accomplish
-the same thing as providing the `--minor` and `--strict` options.
-Given the following gem specifications:
- foo 1.4.3, requires: ~> bar 2.0
- foo 1.4.4, requires: ~> bar 2.0
- foo 1.4.5, requires: ~> bar 2.1
- foo 1.5.0, requires: ~> bar 2.1
- foo 1.5.1, requires: ~> bar 3.0
- bar with versions 2.0.3, 2.0.4, 2.1.0, 2.1.1, 3.0.0
- gem 'foo'
- foo (1.4.3)
- bar (~> 2.0)
- bar (2.0.3)
- # Command Line Result
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- 1 bundle update --patch 'foo 1.4.5', 'bar 2.1.1'
- 2 bundle update --patch foo 'foo 1.4.5', 'bar 2.1.1'
- 3 bundle update --minor 'foo 1.5.1', 'bar 3.0.0'
- 4 bundle update --minor --strict 'foo 1.5.0', 'bar 2.1.1'
- 5 bundle update --patch --strict 'foo 1.4.4', 'bar 2.0.4'
-In case 1, bar is upgraded to 2.1.1, a minor version increase, because
-the dependency from foo 1.4.5 required it.
-In case 2, only foo is requested to be unlocked, but bar is also
-allowed to move because it's not a declared dependency in the Gemfile.
-In case 3, bar goes up a whole major release, because a minor increase
-is preferred now for foo, and when it goes to 1.5.1, it requires 3.0.0
-of bar.
-In case 4, foo is preferred up to a minor version, but 1.5.1 won't work
-because the --strict flag removes bar 3.0.0 from consideration since
-it's a major increment.
-In case 5, both foo and bar have any minor or major increments removed
-from consideration because of the --strict flag, so the most they can
-move is up to 1.4.4 and 2.0.4.
-In general, when working with an application managed with bundler, you should
-use the following workflow:
-* After you create your Gemfile(5) for the first time, run
- $ bundle install
-* Check the resulting `Gemfile.lock` into version control
- $ git add Gemfile.lock
-* When checking out this repository on another development machine, run
- $ bundle install
-* When checking out this repository on a deployment machine, run
- $ bundle install --deployment
-* After changing the Gemfile(5) to reflect a new or update dependency, run
- $ bundle install
-* Make sure to check the updated `Gemfile.lock` into version control
- $ git add Gemfile.lock
-* If [bundle install(1)](bundle-install.1.html) reports a conflict, manually update the specific
- gems that you changed in the Gemfile(5)
- $ bundle update rails thin
-* If you want to update all the gems to the latest possible versions that
- still match the gems listed in the Gemfile(5), run
- $ bundle update --all