path: root/wasm/setjmp_core.S
diff options
authorYuta Saito <>2022-01-15 23:10:48 +0900
committerYuta Saito <>2022-01-19 11:19:06 +0900
commit65f95f26ff0e7b4be4704fedc52344a26d22a4e2 (patch)
treee4bd17869d8dd479855592f3a571aacae19e964c /wasm/setjmp_core.S
parente41b121e94ccce9877824e55f865885bbabe40c3 (diff)
[wasm] add asyncify based setjmp, fiber, register scan emulation setup build tools and register objects main.c: wrap main with rb_wasm_rt_start to handle asyncify unwinds tool/m4/ruby_wasm_tools.m4: setup default command based on WASI_SDK_PATH environment variable. checks wasm-opt which is used for asyncify. tool/wasm-clangw wasm/wasm-opt: a clang wrapper which replaces real wasm-opt with do-nothing wasm-opt to avoid misoptimization before asyncify. asyncify is performed at POSTLINK, but clang linker driver tries to run optimization by wasm-opt unconditionally. inlining pass at wasm level breaks asyncify's assumption, so should not optimize before POSTLIK. wasm/ wasm specific rules to compile objects
Diffstat (limited to 'wasm/setjmp_core.S')
1 files changed, 27 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/wasm/setjmp_core.S b/wasm/setjmp_core.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4a7194056e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wasm/setjmp_core.S
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ # extern int _rb_wasm_setjmp_internal(rb_wasm_jmp_buf *env);
+ .functype _rb_wasm_setjmp_internal (i32) -> (i32)
+ # extern int __stack_pointer;
+ .globaltype __stack_pointer, i32
+ # A wrapper of _rb_wasm_setjmp_internal to save and restore stack pointer
+ # This cannot be implemented in C because there is no way to manipulate stack pointer
+ # without C-epilogue.
+ # extern int _rb_wasm_setjmp(rb_wasm_jmp_buf *env);
+ .section .text._rb_wasm_setjmp,"",@
+ .globl _rb_wasm_setjmp
+ .type _rb_wasm_setjmp,@function
+ .functype _rb_wasm_setjmp (i32) -> (i32)
+ .local i32, i32
+ # save sp (this local is stored in asyncify stack and restored when rewinding)
+ global.get __stack_pointer
+ local.set 1
+ local.get 0
+ call _rb_wasm_setjmp_internal
+ # restore sp
+ local.get 1
+ global.set __stack_pointer
+ end_function