path: root/doc/ChangeLog
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11 files changed, 205515 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/ChangeLog/ChangeLog-0.06_to_0.52 b/doc/ChangeLog/ChangeLog-0.06_to_0.52
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..63826081b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/ChangeLog/ChangeLog-0.06_to_0.52
@@ -0,0 +1,1147 @@
+Fri Oct 14 13:22:18 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * version 0.52: ……なんてこったい.
+ * eval.c(rb_call): returnの処理が間違っていたので, マシンによって
+ はreturnで関数を終了するだけでなくtoplevelまでつき抜けていた.
+ * object.c: Builtinクラスを新設. 組み込み関数をKernelから移した.
+ nilが組み込み関数を理解するとトラブルの元である.
+ * dbm.c: Dictと同様にeachが[key,value]を返すように.
+ * version 0.51
+Thu Oct 13 12:13:48 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * eval.c(SETUP_ARGS): 付加演算子が配列でない時には配列に変換する.
+ * parse.y: 括弧なしのメソッド呼び出しでも`*'による付加引数が使える
+ ようにした. ただし, 通常引数が一つもない場合は乗算演算子と区別が
+ つかないので, 必ず括弧が必要.
+Wed Oct 12 10:09:07 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * eval.c(rb_call): キャッシュの計算をinline化. キャッシュミスがあ
+ れば関数呼び出しでメソッドを検索する. methods.cはなくなった.
+ * eval.c(rb_eval): ローカル変数用の領域をalloca()するように変更.
+ サイズの変更が必要になれば改めてmalloc()するように.
+ * parse.y: error recoveryの際にlex_stateを更新しておくように.
+Tue Oct 11 17:10:46 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * socket.c(for_fd): ファイル記述子(Fixnum)からソケットインスタンス
+ を得るメソッド. たとえばinetdから起動されたサーバで標準入出力に
+ ソケット操作を行なうために使う. つまりSocket.for_fd($stdin)で標
+ 準入力に対応するソケットオブジェクトが得られる.
+ * io.c(to_i): IOクラスのインスタンスを整数に変換するとそのファイル
+ 記述子を返すように.
+ * numeric.c(num2int): to_iメソッドを使ってできる限り整数に変換する.
+ 以前はnum2fixだけが全てのオブジェクトに対してto_iメソッドを適用
+ していた.
+ * sprintf.c(Fsprintf): 整数表示の際, オブジェクトをできる限り整数
+ に変換するように(to_iメソッドを使う).
+Fri Oct 7 14:06:32 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * eval.c(Fcaller): 必要性がよく分からないのでドキュメントから削除.
+ 将来デバッガを作る時に復活させよう.
+ * eval.c(rb_call): Cで記述されたメソッド呼び出しでは環境をスタック
+ にセーブしないことによって高速化.
+Wed Oct 5 15:00:58 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * ruby.h: 一時env.hに移動してたQselfの定義を復活. ただし今回は関数
+ として実現(env.hでは変数として再定義してある).
+ * ruby.h: TRUEでsyntax errorにならないよう#undefを追加.
+ * eval.c(rb_eval): thread化に挑戦したが, 失敗(速くならなかった).
+ が, Scopingなどの無駄なコードの削除とメソッド呼び出しの引数セッ
+ トのinline化で若干の高速化を実現した. 副作用として, argc, argv形
+ 式の関数呼び出しの仕様が変化した(argvにselfを含まなくなった).
+ * eval.c(rb_call): メソッド呼び出しの高速化.
+Tue Oct 4 11:40:53 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * ruby-mode.el: 修飾子に対応した.
+ * parse.y: 多重代入にrestをつけた. この機能を使えばoptional引数の
+ 解析が簡単にできる(はず).
+ * pack.c(unpack): uuencode形式のdecodeの際に文字列の長さが間違って
+ いた.
+Mon Oct 3 15:58:41 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * file.c(type): ファイルタイプを文字列で返すメソッド.
+Fri Sep 30 11:36:07 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * object.c: デフォルトの真の値である%TRUEの値を1(Fixnum)からtに変
+ 更した. to_sで文字列に変換した時にも`t'と表示される. 更に踏み込
+ んで`t'を予約語にしてlispのようにしようかとも思ったが, そこまで
+ は決心できなかった. 一文字のローカル変数はかなり使いそうな気がす
+ るので….
+ * array.c,dict.c: equalを再定義しているクラスで, hashを正しく定義
+ した.
+Wed Sep 28 23:30:28 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * eval.c(Ffail): 今までfailはカーネルクラスのメソッドであったが,
+ 構文に組み込んだ. この変更によって, 1)`fail'は予約語となり, ロー
+ カル変数に用いることができなくなった. 2)`fail'単体で例外を発生す
+ るようになった. 3)failはメソッドではなくなったので再定義される可
+ 能性がなくなった.
+ * dic.c, dbm.c(indexes): Arrayのindexesと同様の機能を持つメソッド
+ を追加.
+ * array.c(indexes): 引数をインデックスとする要素の配列を返す. 整数
+ の配列を引数とする時には引数の要素をインデックスとする要素の配列
+ を返す.
+Mon Sep 19 13:42:31 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * array.c(aset): 部分配列に対する代入で配列以外のオブジェクトが指
+ 定された場合に多重代入と同じルールで配列化するようにした.
+ * io.c(print): 引数として与えられた各オブジェクトにprint_onメッセー
+ ジを与えるように. 実行速度は落ちるが柔軟性は増す.
+Fri Sep 16 14:59:18 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * glob.c: ワイルドカードの導入. bashに使われているGNUのglobルーチ
+ ンを流用した.
+Mon Sep 12 18:36:58 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * parse.y(value_expr): 式がnilの時に対応.
+ * class.c: ICLASSのclassが必ずClass/Moduleを指すように.
+Tue Sep 6 16:23:28 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * re.c: 正規表現内で「\数字」形式が指定できるように.
+ * parse.y:「do expr using var ... end」形式はなくなった. 寂しい気
+Mon Sep 5 10:59:01 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * numeric.c(next): Numericクラスにもnextを提供.
+ * string.c(upto): uptoを提供.
+ * range.c(each): nextを使ったインタフェースからuptoを使うように変
+ 更した. この方が一つのメソッドで処理をまとめで行なうことができる.
+Fri Sep 2 15:25:39 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * dict.c(each): 戻り値を[key, value]のペアに変更. 今までのeachは
+Thu Sep 1 10:49:04 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * 成功した(特別な戻り値を持たない)システムコールは`0'を返すように.
+Wed Aug 31 00:26:51 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * string.c: チェックサムを得るメソッド`sum'を作った.
+ * class.c(include_class_new): ICLASSのclassをもとのクラスにした.
+ gcの際に元クラスをマークする必要があるのが, フィールドを増やす余
+ 地が無いので, classフィールドを流用した. 私の見積りが間違ってい
+ て, ICLASSのインスタンスにメッセージを送る事があれば, おかしな動
+ 作をするだろう.
+ * eval.c(masign): 式(a,b = nil)の値を[nil]からnilに変更した.
+Mon Aug 29 11:56:09 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * class.c: rb_define_mfuncを無くして, メタクラスにモジュールをイン
+ クルードするようにした.
+ * error.c(yyerror): 同じ行で複数のsyntax errorをリポートしないよう
+ にした.
+ * file.c: FileTestモジュールにファイルテストメソッドを分離した.
+ * parse.y: 演算子を指定する時のlex_stateを正しく設定した.
+Sat Aug 27 01:23:34 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * parse.y: if/whileなどの複合式をprimaryに移動した. これによって例
+ えば「if cond then a else b end.message()」のような式が書けるよ
+ うになった.
+Fri Aug 26 10:46:30 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * spec: 整理された文法にしたがって書き直した.
+ * parse.y: ここ数日で混乱していた文法を整理した. 括弧を省略したメ
+ ソッド呼び出しができるようになったこと, modifierが付けられるよう
+ になったこと, returnにリストが渡せるようになったことが主な変更点
+ である.
+ * process周りが怪しいがとにかくSolaris 2.3で動くように.
+ * parse.y: 曖昧性がない場合にはメソッド呼び出しの引数の括弧を省略
+ できるように. 省略できるメソッド呼び出しの条件は, 1)かならず1個
+ 以上の引数を必要とすること, 2)第1引数が`+', `-', `(', `[', `{',
+ `/'など, 式の始まりに置かれた時と途中に現れた時とで解釈が違う記
+ 号で始まらないこと, である.
+Thu Aug 25 13:54:58 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * parse.y(cond): 条件式の展開部にbugがあった.
+Wed Aug 24 00:01:15 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * parse.y: returnはコンマで区切ったリストも受け取るように. つまり,
+ return a, b, cはreturn [a, b, c]と同じ意味になる.
+ * parse.y: yield以外の大域脱出制御式をexprからexpr0に移した. よっ
+ てメソッドの引数に制御式を使えなくなる(これで困る人はいないはず).
+ * parse.y: `+'の定数展開の際に演算子の優先順位を忘れていた.
+ * eval.c: untilの戻り値はnilになった.
+ * parse.y: modifierとしてのif/unless/while/untilを追加.
+ * parse.y: 文法からendの後ろにつけるキーワードを削除. ほとんど使わ
+ なかった上に, emacsではruby-modeがあれば対応のチェックが機械的に
+ 出来るため.
+Tue Aug 23 18:08:33 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * eval.c: スクリプト実行開始前に例外が発生した時にcore dumpした.
+ 組み込み用にコードを変更した時にenbugしてしまった.
+Tue Aug 23 00:07:17 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * eval.c: doの戻り値がいつもnilになっていた.
+ * parse.y: loop制御変数の多重代入化にbugがあった.
+ * parse.y(expand_op): 文字列も畳み込みの対象に.
+Mon Aug 22 10:50:01 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * parse.y(expand_op): `+'に関しては結合則を使って, より多く定数畳
+ み込みを行なうように.
+ * ruby.c(proc_options): argcが0の時にも対応.
+ * parse.y: forなどの制御変数に多重代入も使えるように.
+Sat Aug 20 00:59:40 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * parse.y(call_op): 演算子`~'の取り扱いをルール部へ移動.
+Fri Aug 19 11:44:13 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * main.c: rubyをほかのプログラムに組み込めるようにmain()を分割した.
+ それにともない, プログラムの呼び出し構造を修正した.
+ * parse.y: 条件式の定義を変更. ifなどの条件式の中でだけ`&&'や`||'
+ および`!'の引数が条件式になるように. この変更により条件式以外の
+ 場所での `&&', `||', `!'演算子の動作が直観に一致する.
+ * parse.y: 実引数の`*'の後に続く引数はexprに制限した. 今までは全て
+ の文が有効であったが, ここで定義文があってもしょうがない.
+Thu Aug 18 10:21:45 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * re.c: 正規表現ルーチンの初期化部分を削除してしまっていた. これで
+ はemacsの正規表現になってしまう.
+ * version.c: copyright表示を追加.
+ * version.c: バージョン表示をstderrに.
+ * gccがない場合testに失敗していた.
+Fri Aug 12 14:12:23 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * array.c(astore): 配列の拡大する時にある程度の大きさをまとめて拡
+ 大するように.
+ * io.c(Fprint): 配列に対しては一度文字列に変換することなく, 直接内
+ 容を出力するように.
+ * string.c(str_new): memmoveからmemcpyへ置き換えた. これでもかなり
+ 速度が違う.
+ * ruby.h: データメンバの取り出しで名前を文字列からIDで指定するよう
+ にした. かなりの高速化になる.
+ * io.c: $ARGFという変数で引数列からなる仮想ファイルをオブジェクト
+ として扱えるようにした. 今まではトップレベルのgets()などを使って
+ アクセスしていたが, どうもオブジェクト指向的ではなかった.
+Thu Aug 11 11:43:15 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * gc.c: mark_location()の間違った呼び出し方の行が残っていた.
+ * method.c: プロトタイプ宣言が足りなかった.
+Wed Aug 10 15:54:46 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * variable.c: -vオプションが指定されている時は初期化されていない,
+ 大域変数, インスタンス変数, ローカル変数を参照した時点でwarning
+ を出すようにした.
+Tue Aug 9 11:50:48 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * bignum.c: 冪乗に関しても多倍長演算を行なうように. 特に浮動小数点
+ 数の範囲を越えた時の処理を的確に行なうように.
+ * eval.c: メソッド定義後は構文木から, メソッド定義部分を外す. 無駄
+ な再定義が起こらないようにするためと2重にfree()されないため.
+ * array.c(Fary_aref): 引数が1つでFixnumの時, Range checkを行なわな
+ いように修正.
+ * eval.c: メソッドの引数の数をコンパイル時に計算して若干の高速化.
+Mon Aug 8 13:06:24 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * object.c: nilによる比較連鎖をなくした.
+ * parse.y: bit演算子の優先順位を比較演算子よりも強くした. Cとは異
+ なることになるが, 直観には合致する.
+ * gc.c: クラスを解放する時, 個々のメソッド毎にキャッシュをクリアす
+ るのではなく, クラス単位でクリアするように.
+Thu Aug 4 18:45:09 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * methods.c(method_free): 解放されたメソッドに関してキャッシュをク
+ リアしておく必要があった.
+ * gc.c: Dataクラスのデータ部分をfree()し忘れていた.
+Wed Aug 3 09:58:14 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * parse.y: def func .. end形式による関数メソッドの定義はなくなった.
+ * methods.c: func形式のメソッドをなくした. あっても, あまり意味が
+ ないので.
+ * eval.c: $0への代入でps(1)の出力が変化するように.
+ * io.c(Fsyscall): syscall()を実現.
+Mon Aug 1 13:41:11 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * parse.y: ダブルクォートで囲まれた文字列や正規表現中で"#{変数名}"
+ または"#変数名"という形式で変数の内容を埋め込むことができるよう
+ になった.
+ * io.c: 関数メソッドsystem2()はなくなった. 今はバッククォートがあ
+ るからね.
+ * parse.y: `cmd`によってコマンドを文字列に展開することができるよう
+ になった.
+ * parse.y: __FILE__, __LINE__を追加. それぞれファイル名(文字列),
+ 行番号(整数)を値とする疑似変数.
+Fri Jul 29 13:16:07 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * methods.h: メソッドをオブジェクトとして扱うのをやめる. メソッド
+ のメモリ管理にはリファレンスカウントを使うことにした. これでオブ
+ ジェクトの数が減ってほんの少しだけGCが速くなる(かな).
+ * purifyによってメモリ関係のバグを検査した(見つかる,見つかる…).
+ * gc.c: GCをプログラマが変数をマークする形式から, スタックとレジス
+ タからマークする方法に変更. 移植性が下がるような気もするが, siod
+ やscmでも採用されているから多分大丈夫だろう. Linux on i486でも動
+ 作を確認した.
+Wed Jul 27 16:13:13 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * eval.c(Eval): トップレベルでは構造木をfreeしないように. どうせ解
+ 放されるから時間の無駄である.
+ * array.c, dict.c: "=="を構造一致に変更.
+Fri Jul 22 10:14:09 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * error.c: 組み込みタイプの名前を登録し忘れていた.
+Thu Jul 21 14:06:48 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * parse.y(freenode),eval.c(Eval): 解析木を解放し忘れていた.
+Mon Jul 18 10:19:15 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * parse.y: 多重代入を処理するルールにバグがあって, 3要素以上の多重
+ 代入に失敗していた.
+ * eval.c(rb_eval): 多重代入で, 右辺が配列でない時には`to_a'メソッ
+ ドで配列に変換して代入するようにした. 今までの仕様だと右辺値が第
+ 1要素にそのまま代入されていたが, structなど配列に変換できるもの
+ は変換した方が嬉しい気がする.
+ * dbm.c,dict.c(delete_if): メソッド追加.
+ * process.c(wait,waitpid): システムコールwaitpidまたはwait4がある
+ 時はそちらを使うように. configureもそれらをチェックするように変更.
+ * dbm.c, dict.c(clear): メソッド追加.
+Fri Jul 15 10:54:45 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * array.c(Fary_fill,Fary_clear): メソッドを追加.
+ * string.c(Fstr_split): $;の値が長さ1の文字列である時, これを正規
+ 表現化しないで, 単なる文字として分割する.
+ * string.c(Fstr_aset/Fstr_aref): インデックスが文字列の範囲外だっ
+ た時の動作をArrayを参考に修正した.
+ * array.c(astore,Fary_aset): 領域をreallocした後, ゼロでクリアする
+ ように. 今まで配列にゴミが入っていた.
+ * array.c: []/[]=でのインデックス関係を整理. 基本的に負のインデッ
+ クスに代入しない限り例外は起きないように変更した. 必要に応じて適
+ 当に解釈して, 必要ならば領域を拡張するように.
+Thu Jul 14 11:18:07 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * autoexec.c: 削除. autoload関係の機能は今後検討しよう.
+ * dict.c: 辞書クラスの正式名称をDictに変更した. 別名としてHashを用
+ 意した. 今までDictionaryなどと長い名前にしていたが誰も使っていな
+ * parse.y: Dictを生成する構文を追加. こちらを{..}にした.
+ * parse.y: 配列を生成する構文を[..]に変更した. 過去のRubyスクリプ
+ トとの互換性が保てないが, Dictを生成する構文を導入するに当たり,
+ perl5に合わせて(意識して), 変更する時期は今しかないと考えた.
+ * eval.c(Feval): eval()でメソッドを定義する時, 定義されるクラスを
+ メソッドの所属するクラスにした. 今まではObjectクラスに定義されて
+ いた.
+ * parse.y: ローカル引数がない時のeval()で落ちていた.
+Tue Jul 12 09:41:28 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * pack.c: uuencode形式のサポート.
+ * `-0'を`-R'に. 出力レコードセパレータをコマンドラインから指定する
+ 方法はなくなった. どうも, 仕様がゆれるなあ.
+Mon Jul 11 09:51:24 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * ruby.c: `-r'オプションは`-0'オプションになった. 当面は`-r'も有効
+ だが変更される可能性がある. `-R'は当面はそのまま.
+ * version.c: version表示に日付を含めた.
+ * parse.y: private methodの復活. RubyのprivateメソッドはC++におけ
+ るprotected methodに該当するもので, `@'で始まる名前を持つ.
+ * env.h: struct ENVIRONの定義を分離.
+ * parse.y: `\$var', `\@var', `%var'も許すように.
+ * variable.c(Fdefined): idも引数として受け付けるように.
+ * parse.y: if文/unless文にキーワードthenを追加. thenなしというのは,
+ 意外と間違いが多いので. もちろん省略できる.
+Sat Jul 9 02:16:04 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * eval.c(rb_eval): class/moduleの評価で新しいスコープを割り当てて
+ いなかった. スコープ割り当て部分をrb_call()からrb_eval()に移した.
+ * eval.c(rb_call): realloc()に渡される事のある, ローカル変数用の領
+ 域をalloca()していた. たまに落ちるわけだ.
+ * string.c(Fstr_times): 割り当てた領域を越えた部分を変更していた.
+Wed Jul 6 15:52:42 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * socket.c: Socket -> BasicSocket, RawSocket -> Socket に改名.
+ * string.c(ucfirst,lcfirst): 最初の1文字だけの大文字/小文字変換.
+ * numeric.c(chr): 整数の文字列化メソッド.
+ * inits.c, dbm.c: DBMが使えない時はクラスそのものを定義しないよう
+ にした. 利用できないクラスはnilとすることを今後のポリシーとしよ
+ う(いままではアクセスした時点でエラーが発生していた). autoexec()
+ のあり方も検討が必要になりそうだ.
+ * bignum.c(bigadd): バグ修正.
+Thu Jul 7 11:12:18 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * eval.c(Fload,Feval): eval_treeをクリアし忘れていた.
+ * _inspect: オブジェクトを可読形式の文字列に変換する(主にデバッグ
+ 出力用).
+Wed Jul 6 00:57:18 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * numeric.c, bignum.c: 整数に対する`[]'演算子. nビット目がセットさ
+ れているかどうかを返す.
+Tue Jul 5 12:48:39 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * io.c(Feof): 追加. コマンドラインからなる仮想ファイルについても
+ EOFが検出できるように.
+ * ruby.c: -l/-r/-R/-Xオプションの追加.
+ * ruby.c: -n/-pオプションのloopの付加などをメインルーチンに移動し
+ た. これで, オプションの解析途中で(`-c'オプションのせいで)終了な
+ どといったことはない.
+ * io.c(Fgets): 高速化. 凝ったことをしない方が速かった. 虚しい.
+Mon Jul 4 15:55:48 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * Socket:getsockname/getpeername - ようやく仕様が安定した.
+ * io.c(Fgets): eachでgetsを記述するのではなく, getsでeachを記述す
+ るようにした.
+Fri Jul 1 10:35:49 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * $ENV[env] = nil/$ENV.delete(env)で環境変数を削除できるようになっ
+ た. $ENV.deleteは環境変数の以前の値を返す.
+ * !~の定義が間違っていた.
+ * Dict,DBM:[]= - nilの代入によって要素を削除できるようになった. こ
+ れにともないnilはDictの要素になれなくなった.
+ * ソースの整理. 盲腸のような使われていないコードをなくしたり, 変数
+ 名を付け変えたりした.
+Fri Jul 1 00:21:29 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * Array:join() - 要素数0の配列に対して空文字列を返す.
+ * RawSocket:open(),socketpair() - 文字列で指定できるドメインとタイ
+ プをいくつか追加した.
+Thu Jun 30 13:51:29 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * -fオプションをなくした. 昔(loadのなかった頃)の名残なので, 今となっ
+ ては必要ないだろう.
+ * -sオプションを追加. perlの-sオプションと同じ動きをする.
+ * RawSocketクラスを提供する. Socketに対するシステムコールレベルの
+ アクセスが可能になった.
+Thu Jun 30 00:27:19 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * Socket - bug fixes.
+ * linuxではsyscall(SYS_select)が正常に動作しない.
+ * Socket:addr,peeraddr - 配列としてsockaddrの情報を返す.
+Wed Jun 29 00:14:20 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * Socket:setopt,getopt - setsockopt(2), getsockopt(2)へのアクセス
+ を実現.
+ * sprintf() - rubyにはunsignedは無いので, %uを取り除いた.
+ * sprintf() - %b, %x, %oでは2の補数表現, %B, %X, %Oでは符号付き表
+ 現で出力するように. ここ数日でsprintf()の仕様がゆらいでいたが,
+ これで落ち着きそうだ.
+Tue Jun 28 14:42:03 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * Bignum:<<,>> - 2の補数をとる処理を除いた. シフト演算には関係ない
+ 処理だった.
+ * Bignum:^ - bug fix. 符合が反対だった.
+ * sprintf() - 2進出力子"%b"を追加.
+ * sprintf() - %x, %oでFixnumを出力する時, 2の補数表示を行なわない.
+ * sprintf() - %x, %oはやはり負の数の時は`-'を出力するように.
+Mon Jun 27 14:56:13 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * sprintf() - Bignumについても%d, %oは(2の補数表現に変換して)正の
+ 整数を表示するようにした.
+ * Bignumに対する論理演算の定義を修正した. 負の数は2の補数表現であ
+ るとみなし, かつ仮想的に左側に無限に1が連続しているような演算結
+ 果を得る.
+ * Fixnum:<<,>> - 符合付シフトに変更.
+ * Bignum:>> - 負の整数のシフトに対応した.
+ * __END__, ^D, ^Zでスクリプトを終了できる.
+ * -xオプションを追加. #! ..rubyなる行まで読み飛ばす.
+ * -cオプションを追加. コンパイルのみを行う.
+Sat Jun 25 01:37:21 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * Fixnum:<< - 必要に応じてBignumに拡張して左シフトするように. よっ
+ て, シフト幅が32を越えるとCやPerlとは違った値を返す.
+Fri Jun 24 10:01:28 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * ioctl()/fcntl() - システムコールを呼び出す前にバッファの大きさを
+ 調節するようにした.
+ * String:toupper/tolower - 文字列を置き換えたコピーを作るのではな
+ く, 元の文字列の内容を変更するようにした.
+ * inplace editを実現した. perlと同じように`-i'オプションで指定する.
+ もっとも, こちらはMS-DOSのこととか考えてないけど.
+ * デフォルトの出力先を追加した. 今までは$stdoutに代入するしか方法
+ はなかった.
+Fri Jun 17 10:55:08 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * 環境変数にアクセスする方法としてgetenv()/setenv()以外に$ENVを用
+ 意した. $ENVは文字列-文字列の辞書であるかのように動作するEnvDict
+ オブジェクトが代入されている(eachはassocを与える).
+ * nilに代入するとcore dumpした. コンパイル時のチェックを強化.
+ * Struct: struct_new()の引数をGCプロテクトする必要がある. せめてス
+ タック領域だけでもスキャンできるようにしなければいけないんだろう
+ か? でも, 移植性がなあ.
+Fri Jun 17 01:01:46 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * Time::asctime() - 日付のフォーマットで日が落ちていた.
+ * Stat: StatはEtcなどと同様にStructで実現したので, Statクラスは無
+ くなった.
+Thu Jun 16 10:32:23 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * bignum.c: いくつかのバグを修正した. Fixnumを渡すべきところで普通
+ のintを渡していた. 失敗.
+ * big2str() - 1桁ずつbaseで割る代わりに, 4桁ずつ割算を行なうように
+ した. これで多倍長割算の回数が1/4になる. さらに整数->数(文字)へ
+ の変換をテーブルを用いるようにした.
+ * rb_ivar_get_1() - すでに何らかのインスタンス変数を持つオブジェク
+ トでは, 未定義のインスタンス変数の値が不定値になっていた.
+ * yylex() - インスタンス変数の認識に失敗していた. attr()は正しく動
+ 作していたので, 混用すると動作しなかった. 全部違っていたから動い
+ ていたのね.
+ * Object:attr() - すでにアクセスメソッドが定義されている時にはデフォ
+ ルトのアクセスメソッドを定義しないようにした. もっともアクセスメ
+ ソッドと同名のメソッドの区別はRubyには存在しないけど, それは仕方
+ がないよね.
+ * pack.c: エンディアンをautoconfで判定するようにしたので, v/Vが使
+ えるようになった. またntoh?()/hton?()も自前で用意した.
+ * Stat: st_rdevをアクセスするメソッドを追加. さらにシステムがstat
+ 構造体にst_blksize, st_blockを持っているかをautoconfでチェックす
+ るようにした.
+ * ドキュメントを少し整備した.
+ * INT2FIX()のうち, 31bit幅が保証できないものは, int2inum()に置き換
+ えた.
+Wed Jun 15 10:18:27 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * sprintf() - bignumの出力の時, 出力幅を正しく計算するようにした.
+ * str2inum() - baseが0の時, baseを自動判定するように(0xで始まる時
+ 16 進, 0で始まる時8進).
+Tue Jun 14 16:08:42 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * gc.c: Bignum型を追加するのを忘れていた. 組み込み型を追加した時に
+ は必ずmark()とsweep()にその型に関する処理を追加する必要がある.
+ * bignum: 割算も動いたような気がする. アルゴリズムを理解していない
+ ので, 自信がない.
+Mon Jun 13 14:36:55 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * まだサポートしていないメソッドなどがあるが, 曲がりなりにもBignum
+ が使えるようになる. これでioctlも使える.
+Fri Jun 10 17:26:42 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * Comparable: 基礎となるメソッドを`=='と`>'から`<=>'に変更した. 今
+ 後Comparableのサブクラスは`<=>'だけを再定義する必要がある.
+Wed Jun 8 13:12:18 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * Need_Fixnum()をほとんどなくして, NUM2INT()で直接intに変換するこ
+ とにした. これで31bitに丸めて桁落ちをおこす問題がなくなる.
+Tue Jun 7 09:45:31 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * ruby.h: マクロFIXABLE(n)を追加. ついでにFIXNUM周りの定義を変更し
+ て, 移植性を高めた(つもり).
+ * C++の予約語であるnewを削除した. しかし, もうひとつの予約語である
+ classに関しては, 置き換える単語が思いつかないこともあってそのま
+ まになっている.
+ * 31bitを越えそうなINT2FIX()を関数呼び出しに変えた. 将来bignumが導
+ 入された時には自動的にbignumを返すようにする.
+ * readline() - 引数の`-'は標準入力を意味するようになった.
+ * ruby.h: 右シフトが論理シフトか算術シフトかは処理系依存のようなの
+ で, ruby.hでcppを使ってチェックするようにした. これでうまくいく
+ と思うのだが, 手元に符合付intを論理シフトする処理系がないので確
+ 認できない. NEWS-OSのCCは確か右シフトはいつも論理シフトだったよ
+ うな気がするんだけど….
+Mon Jun 6 10:10:22 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * FIX2INT()の定義を変更した. どうして昔はうまく動かなかったんだろ
+ うか? もしかして, 右シフトの符号拡張は処理系依存?
+ * FIX2INT()とFIX2UINT()を使い分けるようにした. もっともfixnumは31
+ ビットしかないので, 本質的な解決にはならないのだが(ioctlが組み込
+ みたかった).
+ * printを関数的メソッドから通常メソッドに変更. 引数が与えられない
+ 時にはレシーバをプリントするようにした. これでprintをメッセージ
+ 形式でも実行できるようになった. 例:
+ ruby -e 'readlines().sort.print'
+ 上のスクリプトは, 引数として与えられた(あるいは標準入力から読み
+ 込まれた)文字列を各行毎にソートして表示する.
+ * eval.c: argc,argvパターンで引数を受けるメソッドに引数が一つも与
+ えられない時, argvがnilになっていた(argv[0]にアクセスすると落ち
+ てしまう).
+ * _exit()を追加. こちらは例外処理など行なわない.
+ * dbmクラス: クラス名称をDBM(大文字)に統一した.
+Sat Jun 4 00:51:04 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * ループ変数にも属性や配列要素を指定できるようにした.
+Fri Jun 3 09:49:48 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * 多重代入において, 属性代入, 配列要素への代入も行なえるようにした.
+ * Need_Fixnum(): nilを0に変換するように.
+ * Enumerable:min, max, index, includes - 追加. min, maxは要素が
+ `<=>'メソッドを持つことを仮定している.
+ * Dict/Dbm:length - 要素数を返すメソッド.
+ * Dbmクラスにto_aメソッドを追加.
+ * Sunにおけるsortの誤動作の件, 昨日の修正でfixされた. しかし, それ
+ でなぜ動かなかったのかは明らかではないが…. 比較関数がどんな値を
+ 返しても指定した領域外をアクセスするのはバグではないか.
+ * ファイルの全内容を読んで, 各行を配列として返すメソッドはpythonを
+ 参考にして`readlines'という名前にした. それにともないgetsに対し
+ てreadlineという別名を用意した.
+Fri Jun 3 00:08:38 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * Array:sort - 判別関数の戻り値はFixnumではなく, Intであるべきだっ
+ た. 間違い. Sunで動作がおかしかったのはこのせいかも知れない.
+Thu Jun 2 11:48:37 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * IO:read_all() - ストリームの最後まで入力して, 各行を要素とする配
+ 列を返すメソッドを追加. また関数メソッド read_all()も追加した.
+ これは引数のファイルから読み込んで各行を要素とする配列を返す. 意
+ 味的には
+ def read_all()
+ ary = {}
+ while gets()
+ ary.push($_)
+ end
+ end
+ とほぼ等価である.
+ * String:atoiメソッドを削除. to_aメソッドからaが配列であるとの連想
+ を呼んで, 混乱を招かないため. 代わりにto_iメソッドを使うこと.
+ * 配列への変換メソッドto_aを導入した. 通常のオブジェクトは自分自身
+ を唯一の要素とする長さ1の配列を返す. 配列は自分自身を, 辞書はキー
+ と値のペアの配列を返す. Enumeratedをincludeしたクラスは, eachが
+ 返す各要素を含む配列を返す.
+ * file.c: 不定個の引数を受けとるメソッド(chmod,chown,utimes)を書き
+ 換えて, 整理した. それに伴い, 最初に全ての引数の型チェックを行な
+ うようにした. 型チェックに失敗すると処理を行なわずに例外を発生さ
+ せる.
+ * 不必要なテストを行なわないように修正した.
+Tue May 31 10:41:08 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * String:pack(): 2進数の文字列変換(B,b)で0と1が逆だった.
+ * Math.c: 実数系のメソッドに引数として整数が渡された時に自動的に変
+ 換するようにした.
+ * toupper(), tolower(): 文字列の判定ミスで変換されていなかった.
+ * getopt_long()の仕様によって, スクリプトへの引数がインタプリタの
+ 引数だと解釈されていた. 引数パターン文字列の先頭に`+'を追加.
+ * config.hを削除した. DEFINEはMakefileで与えられる.
+ * sprintf(): "%d"に文字列が与えられた時にはアドレスではなく内容を
+ 整数に変換するようにした. ついでに浮動小数点数も変換するように変
+ 更した.
+ * regexp.c: rubyの拡張正規表現(\d, \D, \s, \S)の処理で割り当てた領
+ 域を越えてバッファに書き込んでいた. 処理前にバッファをきちんと拡
+ 張するようにした. これで昨日問題にしていたメモリの問題は解決でき
+ たと思う.
+ * yylex(): ダブルクォート文字列中でダブルクォートを表現するため
+ のバックスラッシュ表現ができなかった.
+Mon May 30 10:07:42 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * 演算子`!'の右辺も条件式であるとした. これによって, この演算子を
+ 再定義する人は混乱するかも知れないが, 大多数のこの演算子を使う人
+ は混乱を避けることができると思う.
+ * autoconfを使って, 自動的にMakefile, config.hを生成するようにした.
+ これで, 多くのマシンでは`configure'を実行した後, `make'一発でコ
+ ンパイルできると思う.
+ * clone: サブクラスに対して用いられた場合, 元のオブジェクトと同じ
+ クラスのインスタンスを返すように(以前はビルトインクラスの場合を
+ 考えてなかった).
+ * ビルトインクラスのサブクラスも作れるように, リテラルのあるクラス
+ にもnewメソッドを追加した.
+ * malloc()で落ちる. purifyが必要かも知れない.
+ * re.c: rb_global_variable()の呼びだし形式の間違い. 変数へのポイン
+ タを渡さなければいけない.
+ * parse.y: ローカル変数の扱いに引数の評価順に依存する移植性のない
+ 部分があった.
+ * attr(): 属性設定のバグを直した. いつ内部仕様が変わったんだろう…?
+Sat May 28 23:08:18 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * 正規表現キャッシュの文字列一致判定をポインタ一致から内容一致に変
+ 更した. そういえば文字列リテラルは一回毎に新しくオブジェクトが生
+ 成されるのだった.
+Fri May 27 11:42:00 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * trから文字削除(delete), 文字圧縮(squeeze)を分離した. それにとも
+ ないtrのオプション引数はなくなった.
+Thu May 26 10:32:55 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * スクリプト読み込みルーチンを書き直して, 通常ファイル以外のファイ
+ ル名や空文字列がスクリプトとして与えられた場合に対応した. また,
+ 標準入力からスクリプトを読み込む時に, 一時ファイルが/tmpに残らな
+ いようにした.
+ * Fixnum:id2name - IDから文字列に戻す関数. String:internの逆.
+ * Array: 配列の範囲外の要素をアクセスした時に例外を発生させずに,
+ nilを返すようにした. 配列は自動的に拡張される.
+ * string:stripを追加.
+ * -nオプションが-eオプションを複数指定した時も動作するように.
+ * parse.yで<sys/types.h>もインクルードするようにした.
+ * fname周りの細かいbugを修正.
+Wed May 26 11:45:10 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * 定数をキャッシュするようにした. 繰り返しが多い場合には有効のはず
+ だが, 一度しかアクセスしない場合は遅くなるなあ.
+Wed May 25 00:42:24 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * 多重代入文(foo, bar = 1, 2)の採用.
+ * 条件式部に文字列あるいは正規表現リテラルをおくと`=~'演算子によっ
+ て`$_'と比較される. 更に`...'の両辺では整数リテラルが`$.'と比較
+ される.
+Mon May 23 23:27:03 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * &式 形式はなくなった. 代わりにkernel:apply(id, args..)を導入.
+ * def op () ..形式の導入. opは再定義可能な演算子.
+ * constantの代入時チェック. 既に初期化されている定数に代入した場合
+ は例外が発生する.
+ * 多重代入文.
+Thu May 19 22:57:07 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * 複合文でもvoid valueのチェックを行うようにした.
+ * untilの動作の修正(do..until型だった).
+Wed May 18 01:06:25 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * 移植に関する若干の問題を修正.
+ * 別名の構文を「def a b」にした.
+ * until/unless: 演算子から制御文へ. 例外を捕捉する機能はそのまま.
+ * 選択可能な機能をconfig.hからdefines.hに移動.
+Fri May 13 23:20:21 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * -yオプションを新設. -dオプションからコンパイラのデバッグ部分を分
+ 離した.
+Tue Apr 25 20:17:33 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * マルチバイト文字列を識別子に使えるように. 個人的には使いたくは無
+ いけどなあ.
+ * `-v'フラグの状態を$verboseでアクセスできるように.
+ * CVSの導入に伴い, バージョン管理の方法を変更.
+ * 真面目にChangeLogをつける事にした.
+Tue Mar 8 10:09:25 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz at nws119)
+ * %変数名 によるクラス定数を導入.
+ * undef メソッド によるメソッド定義の取り消しを導入.
+ * rb_get_method_bodyではthe_envを変更せず, rb_call()で明示的に変更
+ するように. これでresponds_toなどで環境が破壊されない.
+Mon Mar 7 17:46:15 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz at nws119)
+ * 「&文字列」形式. 「式.文字列」型のメッセージセンドはなくなった.
+ * 自己代入形式(+=. -=, ...)
+ * obj.attr = expr形式の採用.
+Thu Feb 24 16:23:28 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz at nws119)
+ * toint, tofloat, print_stringをそれぞれto_i, to_f, to_sに変更.
+ * String:clone - Copy on Writeの実現.
+Tue Feb 22 11:11:44 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz at nws119)
+ * re.c: マッチした文字列の保存に失敗していた.
+ * trap: 可能ならば処理に時間のかかるシステムコール(read, wait,
+ sigpause, select)をフックして割り込み処理の即答性を高める(DOSな
+ どでは無理だなあ).
+ * trap: 割り込みをその場で処理するか(迅速だが危険), 安全なタイミン
+ グで処理するかを選択できるように.
+Tue Feb 17 11:11:12 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz at nws119)
+ * trap: 割り込みハンドラ.
+Wed Feb 16 12:29:12 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz at nws119)
+ * String:crypt: 暗号化ルーチン
+ * "::"演算子の追加. a::b は {a, b}と同義. a::b::c は {a, {b, c}}と
+ 同義(右結合). 同義とはいうものの, "::"演算子を使った方が少しだけ
+ メモリ効率が良い.
+ * Dir.rmdir(), File.unlink(), File.utime() -- 各システムコールへの
+ インタフェース.
+ * kill -- kill(2) I/F
+ * select(): readのチェックではstdioにバッファリングされているかど
+ うかをチェックするように.
+Tue Feb 15 15:08:31 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz at nws119)
+ * file.c: statをキャッシュするように.
+ * File:utime()を追加.
+ * unliteralize(): フラグを破壊していた.
+ * Bug(): coreを吐くように.
+ * String:tr -- tr(1)互換. 引数パターンがちょっと違うけど….
+Mon Feb 14 18:24:13 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz at nws119)
+ * unless, untilが例外も偽と見なすように.
+ * select() -- select(2) I/F
+ * Array:pack, String:unpack: perlのpack/unpackの同等品
+Tue Feb 8 17:11:10 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz at nws119)
+ * setenv()のないシステムのためにputenv()を使ったコードも用意した.
+Mon Feb 7 09:52:44 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz at nws119)
+ * 引数の一番最後に`*'を置けるようにした. これでrest引数のリストを
+ 操作する必要が少なくなる.
+Fri Feb 4 18:23:26 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz at nws119)
+ * ruby-mode.elを書き直す. ずいぶんましになったと思う.
+ * 文字列リテラルのCopy on Writeを実現. これで文字列がリテラルであ
+ るからといっていちいちcloneしなくても済む.
+Tue Feb 1 09:21:09 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz at nws119)
+ * sub(), gsub()で, マッチした文字列を$&, $1..$9でアクセスできるよ
+ うにした. 同時にマッチした部分文字列をコピーしておくように(元の
+ 文字列が変更されても状態を保存するため).
+Mon Jan 31 15:16:58 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz at nws119)
+ * プライベートメソッドの仕様を変更. 今までは同じクラスのメソッドか
+ らしかアクセスできなかったが, サブクラスのメソッドからもアクセス
+ できるようにした(C++におけるprotected メンバ関数).
+ * メソッドサーチのアルゴリズムを改善し, 10%程度の高速化を行なった.
+ * 高速化. Cで記述されたメソッドを呼び出す時にはsetjmpを呼ばないよ
+ うにした. これでCメソッドを多用する場合には3倍程度高速になった.
+Fri Jan 28 15:44:04 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz at nws119)
+ * sh-modeを元にruby-mode.elを作る. 演算子で終る, 2行に渡る文には対
+ 応していないけど….
+Thu Jan 27 11:35:19 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz at nws119)
+ * freenode(): NODE_NILの解放忘れ.
+ * 字句解析部のバグ修正(コメントの後の状態を戻し忘れ).
+ * protect .. endのバグ修正. GC_LINKのネストが不正だった.
+ * joinのバグ修正(使っているオブジェクトをfreeしていた).
+ * splitのバグ修正(アルゴリズムがおかしかった).
+ * fork()を追加.
+Wed Jan 26 17:09:56 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz at nws119)
+ * ファイルテストメソッドの追加.
+ * rb_autoexec(): クラスを初めてアクセスした時の挙動を制御できるよ
+ うにした. これでautoloadも実現できる. これにともないメソッド
+ unknownはなくなった.
+Tue Jan 25 15:51:36 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz at nws119)
+ * Dbmクラス, Mathモジュールを作成.
+ * -Iオプションでサーチパスに追加できるように.
+ * サーチパスを変数$load_pathに設定できるように.
+ * load(): ダイナミックロードを使えるようにした.
+Tue Jan 18 14:14:01 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz at nws119)
+ * Comparable:"<=>"
+ * Float,Fixnum:"**"
+ * Array:sort
+Fri Jan 14 16:53:37 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz at nws119)
+ * version 0.07
+ * メソッドに関するドキュメントを充実させた.
+ * String:index(): 引数positionを増やした.
+Thu Jan 13 15:13:52 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz at nws119)
+ * 未初期化の変数アクセスをなくした.
+ * 無駄なhash tableのアロケーションを削除.
+ * Purify'd(on Sun)
+ * ~RE と ~STRのコンパイル時展開の抑制.
+ * Sunへ移植. signal()の戻り値. RDataのbug修正.
+ * parse.y: nlsルールを削除.
+ * yylex(): 改行と符合の解析部分を変更.
+ * missing/strftime.c: 移植用.
+ * Time:strftime: その他のメソッドもstrftimeを利用するように.
+ * メソッド再定義時にメソッドキャッシュをクリアする.
+Fri Jan 7 15:23:20 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz at nws119)
+ * Float:coerce(): FixnumとFloat以外の引数を与えられるた時には例外
+ を発生するように.
+ * Stat: stat構造体の全てのメンバに対するアクセスメソッドを用意.
+ * 未定義のクラス/モジュールへの参照がunknownメソッドを呼び出すよう
+ にした.
+ * baseline - version 0.06.
diff --git a/doc/ChangeLog/ChangeLog-0.50_to_0.60 b/doc/ChangeLog/ChangeLog-0.50_to_0.60
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5f5b03ff40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/ChangeLog/ChangeLog-0.50_to_0.60
@@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
+Thu Dec 8 00:32:21 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * io.c($<.file,$<.filename): きちんと初期化.
+ * parse.y(rb_class2name): includeしているクラス名を正常に表示でき
+ なかった.
+Wed Dec 7 15:40:36 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * dln.c: config.hをincludeしていなかった.
+ * missing/strdup.c: 忘れていた.
+Fri Dec 2 15:21:44 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * 関数の命名ルールを変えた(クラスメソッド: Sxxx_xxx,ユーティリティ
+ メソッドxxx_xxxなど).
+ * re.c(casefold): 個々の正規表現オブジェクトが大文字小文字を無視す
+ るかどうかを設定できるようにした.
+Thu Dec 1 01:44:51 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * missing.c: システムで提供されないファイルの扱いを変更した.
+ * io.c($<): 変数`$<'が指しているものを現在読み込み中のファイル名か
+ ら仮想ファイル($ARGF)に変更した.また,現在読み込み中のファイル
+ 名とファイルオブジェクトにアクセスするメソッドも用意した.
+ * ruby.h(data_new): Dataオブジェクトの割り当て方法を改善した.
+Wed Nov 30 15:36:13 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * Makefile: ルールを整理した.
+Tue Nov 29 00:09:26 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * array.c(`|'): 引数が配列でなく,かつそのオブジェクトが要素として
+ 含まれていない時,そのオブジェクトを追加する.あればなにもしない.
+ * process.c(gid,egid): GIDをアクセスするメソッド.
+ * io.c(print): 文字列と配列に対する処理を組み込んで若干の高速化を
+ 図った.出力が多い場合に効いてくるようだ.
+ * parse.y(parse_string): ""で囲まれた文字列内では対応するエスケー
+ プがない`\'を残さないように.つまり,今後は"\k" -> "k"である(以
+ 前は"\k"だった).
+Mon Nov 28 18:02:31 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * re.c(re_regsub): 置換文字列の置換えが不完全だった.
+ * 一時オブジェクトの解放をすべてGCに任せた.今のままではまずいタイ
+ ミングでオブジェクトを解放する可能性があった.昔のGCの時にはこれ
+ でも良かったのだが.
+Tue Nov 22 00:15:24 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * eval.c($"): 既にロードしたファイル名の配列.
+Mon Nov 21 01:09:50 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * array.c(&,|): 集合としての積演算と和演算.
+ * io.c($<): 文字列を代入した時には自動的にopenするように.IOのサブ
+ クラスかどうかのチェックも行う.
+Sun Nov 19 23:02:27 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * eval.c($:): $LOAD_PATHの別名.
+ * io.c($>): デフォルト出力先.IO.defaultは無くなった.
+ * io.c($<): $FILENAMEの別名
+ * glob.c(each): ワイルドカードにマッチするものがない場合,パターン
+ そのものを与えるように.
+ * file.c(chmod,chown,unlink,utime): `\'でワイルドカードをエスケー
+ プできるように.
+Fri Nov 18 00:20:42 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * version 0.55 released
+ * file.c(chmod,chown,unlink,utime): 引数として与えられた文字列にワ
+ イルドカードが含まれている場合にはGlobオブジェクトに変換する.
+Wed Nov 16 17:33:48 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * file.c(chmod,chown,unlink,utime): 引数としてワイルドカードも受け
+ 付けるように. その場合はマッチするファイル全体に適用される.
+Fri Nov 11 00:07:28 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * string.c(strip): 文字列そのものを変更するように.
+ * eval.c(rb_cal): 環境をスタックに積むタイミングが間違っていたので,
+ 不適切なエラーメッセージが出る時があった.
+ * eval.c(rb_undefined): メソッドが無い時とメソッドにアクセスできな
+ い時とでメッセージを替えた.
+ * string.c: toupper/tolowerはupcase/downcaseを使って実現.
+ * string.c: lcfirst/ucfirstは削除.
+Thu Nov 10 16:15:16 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * string.c: sub/gsubは置換後の文字列を返すようにした.
+ * string.c: toupper/tolower/lcfirstなどを文字列を変更するものとし
+ ないものの2 種類を提供するようにした.
+Tue Nov 1 17:52:09 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * eval.c: 変数展開にバグがあって元の文字列を破壊していた.
+Thu Oct 27 09:56:48 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * eval.c: rest引数の処理が間違っていた.
+ * env.c(rb_yield): ローカル変数の設定が間違っていた.
+Wed Oct 26 19:01:43 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * eval.c: 引数セットの高速化.
+ * process.c: sleepのバグ.
+ * parse.y, gnuglob.c: Sunのccでもコンパイルできるように.
+Tue Oct 25 00:36:16 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * eval.c: 若干の高速化. スタックの処理によってrb_call()が少し遅く
+ なった分の穴埋めくらいか.
+ * eval.c: blockをenvから外すなどしてスタックを軽くした.
+Mon Oct 24 11:47:54 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * re.c: 正規表現アクセス用の変数($`, $', $+)を追加.
+ * re.c($KANJI): 処理する漢字コードをrubyプログラム内から設定できる
+ ようにした.
+Sat Oct 22 00:42:41 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * eval.c: イテレータ内のredoとretryの処理にバグがあった.
+Fri Oct 21 00:53:21 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * string.c(swapcase): 文字列の大文字小文字を置き換える.
+ * string.c(ljust,rjust,center): 文字列のレイアウト用メソッド.
+ sprintf()でも同じようなことはできるが.
+ * socket.c(recv,recvfrom): flags引数を省略可能にした. 省略時の値は
+ 0である.
+ * socket.c(recvfrom): recvと同様だが, データと相手アドレスのペアを
+ 返す.
+ * socket.c(accept): 戻り値をつながったソケットから, ソケットとアド
+ レスのペアに変更した.
+ * eval.c(eval): the_classをセットする時に, last_moduleがincludeさ
+ れているモジュール(T_ICLASS)であれば, 定義元のモジュールの方をセッ
+ トするように. この修正がないとICLASSに対してメソッドが呼ばれる可
+ 能性があり, 不審な動作をする(はず).
+ * class.c: オブジェクトのcloneの際に特異クラス(特異メソッド用のク
+ ラス)をきちんとコピーするようにした. 今までは個々のメソッドのコ
+ ピーを忘れていた.
+ * numeric.c: Numericのnewとcloneをundefした.
+Thu Oct 20 11:30:00 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * version 0.53 released.
+ * parse.y: TopLevelのdef文は関数メソッドを定義するようにした.
+ * parse.y: def文のprivate指定はなくなった. export/noexportメソッド
+ を使ってもらうことにした.
+ * parse.y: case文にthenを含むことができるようになった.
+Wed Oct 19 13:09:58 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * object.c(export,unexport): 関数メソッドの設定用メソッド.
+ * eval.c, class.c: 関数的メソッドを復活させ(またか…), `@'による
+ privateメソッドをなくした. やはり, 関数的なものは関数的に呼びた
+ い気がしてきた. こう仕様が変動しててはいけないような気もするなあ.
+ * eval.c: メソッドの構成を変更し, 別名管理と関数メソッドの管理を分
+ 離した.
+ * eval.c: the_env->last_funcをCメソッドの時にも更新する. これがな
+ いとStructのアクセスが動作しない.
+Fri Oct 14 13:22:18 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * version 0.52 released: ……なんてこったい.
+ * eval.c(rb_call): returnの処理が間違っていたので, マシンによって
+ はreturnで関数を終了するだけでなくtoplevelまでつき抜けていた.
+ * dbm.c: Dictと同様にeachが[key,value]を返すように.
+ * version 0.51 released
+Thu Oct 13 12:13:48 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * eval.c(SETUP_ARGS): 付加引数が配列でない時には配列に変換する.
+ * parse.y: 括弧なしのメソッド呼び出しでも`*'による付加引数が使える
+ ようにした. ただし, 通常引数が一つもない場合は乗算演算子と区別が
+ つかないので, 必ず括弧が必要.
+Wed Oct 12 10:09:07 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * eval.c(rb_call): キャッシュの計算をinline化. キャッシュミスがあ
+ れば関数呼び出しでメソッドを検索する. methods.cはなくなった.
+ * eval.c(rb_eval): ローカル変数用の領域をalloca()するように変更.
+ サイズの変更が必要になれば改めてmalloc()するように.
+ * parse.y: error recoveryの際にlex_stateを更新しておくように.
+Tue Oct 11 17:10:46 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * socket.c(for_fd): ファイル記述子(Fixnum)からソケットインスタンス
+ を得るメソッド. たとえばinetdから起動されたサーバで標準入出力に
+ ソケット操作を行なうために使う. つまりSocket.for_fd($stdin)で標
+ 準入力に対応するソケットオブジェクトが得られる.
+ * io.c(to_i): IOクラスのインスタンスを整数に変換するとそのファイル
+ 記述子を返すように.
+ * numeric.c(num2int): to_iメソッドを使ってできる限り整数に変換する.
+ 以前はnum2fixだけが全てのオブジェクトに対してto_iメソッドを適用
+ していた.
+ * sprintf.c(Fsprintf): 整数表示の際, オブジェクトをできる限り整数
+ に変換するように(to_iメソッドを使う).
+Fri Oct 7 14:06:32 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * eval.c(Fcaller): 必要性がよく分からないのでドキュメントから削除.
+ 将来デバッガを作る時に復活させよう.
+ * eval.c(rb_call): Cで記述されたメソッド呼び出しでは環境をスタック
+ にセーブしないことによって高速化.
+Wed Oct 5 15:00:58 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * ruby.h: 一時env.hに移動してたQselfの定義を復活. ただし今回は関数
+ として実現(env.hでは変数として再定義してある).
+ * ruby.h: TRUEでsyntax errorにならないよう#undefを追加.
+ * eval.c(rb_eval): thread化に挑戦したが, 失敗(速くならなかった).
+ が, Scopingなどの無駄なコードの削除とメソッド呼び出しの引数セッ
+ トのinline化で若干の高速化を実現した. 副作用として, argc, argv形
+ 式の関数呼び出しの仕様が変化した(argvにselfを含まなくなった).
+ * eval.c(rb_call): メソッド呼び出しの高速化.
+Tue Oct 4 11:40:53 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * ruby-mode.el: 修飾子に対応した.
+ * parse.y: 多重代入にrestをつけた. この機能を使えばoptional引数の
+ 解析が簡単にできる(はず).
+ * pack.c(unpack): uuencode形式のdecodeの際に文字列の長さが間違って
+ いた.
+Mon Oct 3 15:58:41 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * file.c(type): ファイルタイプを文字列で返すメソッド.
+Fri Sep 30 11:36:07 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * object.c: デフォルトの真の値である%TRUEの値を1(Fixnum)からtに変
+ 更した. to_sで文字列に変換した時にも`t'と表示される. 更に踏み込
+ んで`t'を予約語にしてlispのようにしようかとも思ったが, そこまで
+ は決心できなかった. 一文字のローカル変数はかなり使いそうな気がす
+ るので….
+ * array.c,dict.c: equalを再定義しているクラスで, hashを正しく定義
+ した.
+Wed Sep 28 23:30:28 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * eval.c(Ffail): 今までfailはカーネルクラスのメソッドであったが,
+ 構文に組み込んだ. この変更によって, 1)`fail'は予約語となり, ロー
+ カル変数に用いることができなくなった. 2)`fail'単体で例外を発生す
+ るようになった. 3)failはメソッドではなくなったので再定義される可
+ 能性がなくなった.
+ * dic.c, dbm.c(indexes): Arrayのindexesと同様の機能を持つメソッド
+ を追加.
+ * array.c(indexes): 引数をインデックスとする要素の配列を返す. 整数
+ の配列を引数とする時には引数の要素をインデックスとする要素の配列
+ を返す.
+Mon Sep 19 13:42:31 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * array.c(aset): 部分配列に対する代入で配列以外のオブジェクトが指
+ 定された場合に多重代入と同じルールで配列化するようにした.
+ * io.c(print): 引数として与えられた各オブジェクトにprint_onメッセー
+ ジを与えるように. 実行速度は落ちるが柔軟性は増す.
+Fri Sep 16 14:59:18 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * glob.c: ワイルドカードの導入. bashに使われているGNUのglobルーチ
+ ンを流用した.
+Mon Sep 12 18:36:58 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * parse.y(value_expr): 式がnilの時に対応.
+ * class.c: ICLASSのclassが必ずClass/Moduleを指すように.
+Tue Sep 6 16:23:28 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * re.c: 正規表現内で「\数字」形式が指定できるように.
+ * parse.y:「do expr using var ... end」形式はなくなった. 寂しい気
+Mon Sep 5 10:59:01 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * numeric.c(next): Numericクラスにもnextを提供.
+ * string.c(upto): uptoを提供.
+ * range.c(each): nextを使ったインタフェースからuptoを使うように変
+ 更した. この方が一つのメソッドで処理をまとめで行なうことができる.
+Fri Sep 2 15:25:39 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * dict.c(each): 戻り値を[key, value]のペアに変更. 今までのeachは
+Thu Sep 1 10:49:04 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * 成功した(特別な戻り値を持たない)システムコールは`0'を返すように.
+Wed Aug 31 00:26:51 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * string.c: チェックサムを得るメソッド`sum'を作った.
+ * class.c(include_class_new): ICLASSのclassをもとのクラスにした.
+ gcの際に元クラスをマークする必要があるのが, フィールドを増やす余
+ 地が無いので, classフィールドを流用した. 私の見積りが間違ってい
+ て, ICLASSのインスタンスにメッセージを送る事があれば, おかしな動
+ 作をするだろう.
+ * eval.c(masign): 式(a,b = nil)の値を[nil]からnilに変更した.
+Mon Aug 29 11:56:09 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * class.c: rb_define_mfuncを無くして, メタクラスにモジュールをイン
+ クルードするようにした.
+ * error.c(yyerror): 同じ行で複数のsyntax errorをリポートしないよう
+ にした.
+ * file.c: FileTestモジュールにファイルテストメソッドを分離した.
+ * parse.y: 演算子を指定する時のlex_stateを正しく設定した.
+Sat Aug 27 01:23:34 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * parse.y: if/whileなどの複合式をprimaryに移動した. これによって例
+ えば「if cond then a else b end.message()」のような式が書けるよ
+ うになった.
+Fri Aug 26 10:46:30 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * spec: 整理された文法にしたがって書き直した.
+ * parse.y: ここ数日で混乱していた文法を整理した. 括弧を省略したメ
+ ソッド呼び出しができるようになったこと, modifierが付けられるよう
+ になったこと, returnにリストが渡せるようになったことが主な変更点
+ である.
+ * process周りが怪しいがとにかくSolaris 2.3で動くように.
+ * parse.y: 曖昧性がない場合にはメソッド呼び出しの引数の括弧を省略
+ できるように. 省略できるメソッド呼び出しの条件は, 1)かならず1個
+ 以上の引数を必要とすること, 2)第1引数が`+', `-', `(', `[', `{',
+ `/'など, 式の始まりに置かれた時と途中に現れた時とで解釈が違う記
+ 号で始まらないこと, である.
+Thu Aug 25 13:54:58 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * parse.y(cond): 条件式の展開部にbugがあった.
+Wed Aug 24 00:01:15 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * parse.y: returnはコンマで区切ったリストも受け取るように. つまり,
+ return a, b, cはreturn [a, b, c]と同じ意味になる.
+ * parse.y: yield以外の大域脱出制御式をexprからexpr0に移した. よっ
+ てメソッドの引数に制御式を使えなくなる(これで困る人はいないはず).
+ * parse.y: `+'の定数展開の際に演算子の優先順位を忘れていた.
+ * eval.c: untilの戻り値はnilになった.
+ * parse.y: modifierとしてのif/unless/while/untilを追加.
+ * parse.y: 文法からendの後ろにつけるキーワードを削除. ほとんど使わ
+ なかった上に, emacsではruby-modeがあれば対応のチェックが機械的に
+ 出来るため.
+Tue Aug 23 18:08:33 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * eval.c: スクリプト実行開始前に例外が発生した時にcore dumpした.
+ 組み込み用にコードを変更した時にenbugしてしまった.
+Tue Aug 23 00:07:17 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * eval.c: doの戻り値がいつもnilになっていた.
+ * parse.y: loop制御変数の多重代入化にbugがあった.
+ * parse.y(expand_op): 文字列も畳み込みの対象に.
+Mon Aug 22 10:50:01 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * parse.y(expand_op): `+'に関しては結合則を使って, より多く定数畳
+ み込みを行なうように.
+ * ruby.c(proc_options): argcが0の時にも対応.
+ * parse.y: forなどの制御変数に多重代入も使えるように.
+Sat Aug 20 00:59:40 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * parse.y(call_op): 演算子`~'の取り扱いをルール部へ移動.
+Fri Aug 19 11:44:13 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * main.c: rubyをほかのプログラムに組み込めるようにmain()を分割した.
+ それにともない, プログラムの呼び出し構造を修正した.
+ * parse.y: 条件式の定義を変更. ifなどの条件式の中でだけ`&&'や`||'
+ および`!'の引数が条件式になるように. この変更により条件式以外の
+ 場所での `&&', `||', `!'演算子の動作が直観に一致する.
+ * parse.y: 実引数の`*'の後に続く引数はexprに制限した. 今までは全て
+ の文が有効
diff --git a/doc/ChangeLog/ChangeLog-0.60_to_1.1 b/doc/ChangeLog/ChangeLog-0.60_to_1.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..59d195e780
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/ChangeLog/ChangeLog-0.60_to_1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,3955 @@
+Tue Aug 12 16:02:18 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c: option variables: $-0, $-p(readonly), $-v,
+ $-I(load_path), $-a(readonly), $-K, $-d, $-F, $-i, $-l.
+ * parse.y (yylex): ignore rd (ruby document) in the code.
+Mon Aug 11 12:37:58 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (Init_Regexp): $-K as alias to the $KCODE.
+ * io.c (Init_IO): new virtual variable $-i for the value of -i
+ option.
+ * enum.c (Init_Enumerable): include? as alias of member?
+Fri Aug 8 11:16:50 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (io_foreach): now the record separator can be specified.
+ * io.c (io_s_readlines): new method to read in whole file (or
+ command output) from path.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (Init_socket): recvfrom did not work.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_send): forgot to check nil for false
+ value.
+Thu Aug 7 11:40:01 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (mod_constants): lists constants defined in the
+ modules/classes.
+ * variable.c (rb_const_set): no longer warns about constant
+ overriding by subclasses.
+ * eval.c (mod_eval): does eval() on module's context. local
+ variables are shared with outer scope.
+ * object.c (Init_Object): remove private_attr/public_attr.
+Wed Aug 6 14:21:36 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (mod_attr): forgot to check nil for false value.
+Mon Aug 4 11:50:28 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (class_s_new): need not to specify names to create
+ classes (or modules) dynamically.
+ * variable.c (rb_class_path): scan class constants for anonymous
+ classes/modules to make up paths.
+Wed Jul 30 08:45:12 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): stop to cache const value in nodes.
+Sat Jul 26 03:17:22 1997 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_to_s): wrong .0 at end.
+Sat Jul 26 00:36:36 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (error_print): always print exception type in the
+ toplevel exception handler.
+ * string.c (str_hash): wrong hash value.
+Thu Jul 24 11:05:51 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (uscore_get): proper error message for unset $_.
+Wed Jul 23 09:56:55 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (obj_methods): returns list of method names of the
+ specified object.
+ * class.c (mod_instance_methods): returns list of method names of
+ the class instance.
+Fri Jul 11 22:38:55 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (class_superclass): returns class's superclass
+ itself. (1.1)
+ * object.c (obj_type): returns object's class itself. (1.1)
+ * class.c (mod_included_modules): list included modules.
+ * object.c (class_superclass): raises error for Object.
+Thu Jul 3 09:54:02 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (SETUP_ARGS): save source position, remove nd_line().
+ * eval.c (rb_call): replace modulo by bit-masking.
+ * eval.c (POP_SCOPE): force recycle scope object to reduce gc rate.
+ * gc.c (obj_free): aboid calling run_final() when no finalizer is set.
+ * eval.c (PUSH_VARS): do not allocate the dynamic scope's end-mark
+ object.
+Wed Jul 2 14:25:07 1997 KIMURA Koichi <>
+ * Native mswin32 support.
+Tue Jul 1 09:59:00 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.0-970701
+ * parse.y (mrhs): allow rest-star(*) in right hand side.
+Tue Jun 24 19:04:31 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.0-970624
+Sat Jun 20 22:22:51 1997 Michio "Karl" Jinbo <>
+ * eval.c: freebsd 3.0 <sys/select.h> support.
+Fri Jun 20 01:24:45 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.0-970620
+ * gc.c: eliminate uninitilalized field of Hash, Array etc., to
+ avoid dumping core.
+Thu Jun 19 01:29:44 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.0-970619
+ * string.c (str_split_method): wrong limit.
+Sat Jun 14 01:54:16 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (rb_singleton_class): no singleton for special
+ constants (now raises exception).
+ * eval.c (ruby_init): cbase in TOPLEVEL_BINDING need to be
+ initialized.
+Sat Jun 14 01:01:16 1997 maeda shugo <>
+ * array.c (sort_2): wrong comparison.
+Sat Jun 14 00:53:44 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (hash_foreach): safe iteration.
+Fri Jun 13 14:04:56 1997 Michio "Karl" Jinbo <>
+ * -Bshareable option for netbsd.
+Fri Jun 13 01:16:22 1997 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * io.c (pipe_open): call io_unbuffered() only for writable pipes.
+Thu Jun 12 01:14:15 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.0-970612
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_new): use io_unbuffered().
+ * ext/marshal/marshal.c (w_long): compact long format, which
+ supports 64 bit architectures (unless longs are >32 bit size).
+ * ext/marshal/marshal.c: allows recursive data for marshaling.
+ * parse.y (rb_intern): raise exception for non-internable string.
+ * ext/marshal/marshal.c (marshal_load): allows direct loading from
+ strings.
+ * ext/marshal/marshal.c (marshal_dump): allows direct dump to strings.
+ * ext/marshal/marshal.c (marshal_dump): interface changed.
+Wed Jun 11 18:26:00 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (rb_newobj): remove needless memset().
+Mon Jun 9 13:03:43 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): reduce condition checks from while/until loop.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): wrong jump point for `next'.
+Fri Jun 6 11:47:39 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (ruby_set_argv): initialize dln_argv0 for dln_a_out.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (open_unix): display path name for exceptions.
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): option -S did not work well.
+Fri May 30 02:14:44 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.0-970530
+ * eval.c (eval): set $! properly if exception raised in eval().
+ * io.c (io_write): now handles non T_FILE object.
+ * io.c (io_defset): $< can be anything which has `write' method.
+Thu May 29 15:40:22 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (eval): $@ is always an array (not string).
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): avoid corrupting memory for unexpected
+ input strings.
+Wed May 28 12:46:13 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.0-970528
+ * process.c (rb_waitpid): do not block other threads.
+Tue May 27 12:02:31 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_init): split initialize and processing command line
+ options.
+ * ruby.c (ruby_options): ruby_init(0, 0, envp) dumps core.
+Tue May 20 18:59:45 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_ivar_set): invalid instance variable access for
+ built-in object raises TypeError.
+Fri May 16 17:32:21 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.0-970516
+ * dir.c (push_globs): was freeing non heap pointer.
+ * gc.c: remove some duplicated prototypes.
+ * ext/kconv/kconv.c: fix prototypes.
+Fri May 9 11:38:59 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.0-970509
+ * gc.c (obj_free): avoid free(NULL).
+ * eval.c (rb_check_safe_str): argument missing for TypeError().
+Thu May 8 01:14:28 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (file_s_dirname): need to return "." for path without
+ slashes.
+Wed May 7 19:18:48 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * process.c (f_fork): child processe does not inherit parent's
+ itimer setting on linux. call setitimer() again in the child
+ process.
+Sat May 3 02:49:43 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c: modified for portability and add to the
+ standard distribution.
+Wed Apr 30 00:34:00 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (file_s_size): returns 0 for empty files (not FALSE).
+Fri Apr 25 02:17:50 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.0-970425
+ * eval.c (f_load): free unused name-table.
+ * eval.c (f_load): copy local variable name-table.
+ * gc.c (obj_free): avoid free(NULL).
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): forgot to make link from the scope object to
+ NODE_SCOPE. It may crash the interpreter.
+Thu Apr 24 00:35:09 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * random.c (f_srand): save old seed anyway. srand() returns no
+ value on some systems.
+ * gc.c (obj_free): avoid double free of the local variable name
+ table.
+ * parse.y (top_local_setup): modify realloc to handle offset.
+Tue Apr 22 12:58:26 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.0-970422
+Thu Apr 17 00:40:51 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * (rb_cv_bsdpgrp): proper check for BSD
+ setpgrp/setpgrp.
+Wed Apr 16 16:14:02 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (proc_call): proc called in other thread must be orphan.
+Tue Apr 15 10:46:31 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.0-970415
+ * gc.c (obj_free): NODE_SCOPE marked from SCOPE object.
+ * gc.c (gc_mark): some nodes marked wrong.
+ * process.c (proc_getpgrp): wrong argument
+Fri Apr 14 18:32:42 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.0-970414
+Fri Apr 12 01:20:12 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.h: String pointer changed to unsigned char.
+Fri Apr 11 10:27:29 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.0-970411
+ * create libruby.a before linking ruby.
+ * string.c (str_strip_bang): >0x80 characters for isspace().
+ * eval.c (proc_call): set safe-level temporally
+ * eval.c (proc_s_new): save safe-level in the proc context.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): no class/module extension in safe mode.
+Thu Apr 10 02:10:41 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (gc_mark): remove some pointer checks for speeding up.
+ * ruby.c (ruby_options): set $0 temporally for -r option.
+ * eval.c: built-in security feature.
+ * gc.c (gc_sweep): do not free nodes during compile.
+ * parse.y (yycompile): set flag when compiling.
+Wed Apr 9 10:19:02 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c: forgot to include <ctype.h> for isspace().
+ * file.c: provide S_ISREG for some platforms.
+ * io.c (Init_IO): added some $< operations.
+ * lib/ping.rb: check host upness using TCP echo.
+Tue Apr 8 00:10:15 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (arg_read): bug with 0 length input.
+Mon Apr 7 11:36:16 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/fcntl/fcntl.c: module for fcntl constants.
+ * eval.c (rb_alias): bug when original was an alias.
+ * parse.y (primary): syntax to access singleton class.
+ * eval.c (mod_public_method): method's to specify visibitily of
+ the class methods. make_method_{public,private} removed.
+Fri Apr 4 21:43:57 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.0-970404
+ * gc.c (obj_free): finalizer added for experiment.
+Thu Apr 3 02:12:31 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (thread_schedule): make Fatal rise on main_thread on
+ deadlocks.
+ * eval.c (thread_join): raise ThreadError instead of Fatal, in
+ case of deadlock.
+ * regex.c (re_compile_fastmap): uninitialized local variable.
+ * parse.y (parse_regx): new option //[nes] to specify character
+ code for regexp literals. Last specified code option is valid.
+ * re.c (reg_s_new): additional 3rd argument to specify compiled
+ regexp's character code.
+ * re.c (reg_new_1): regexp character code can be specified for
+ each regexp object.
+Wed Apr 2 14:51:06 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (thread_create): handle uncaught throw.
+ * eval.c (thread_create): halt on some deadlock conditions.
+ * regex.c (is_in_list): wrong result for non-mbc higher-byte
+ characters.
+ * regex.c (re_match): wrong skip for multi-byte characters.
+ * regex.c (re_compile_fastmap): wrong fastmap in non-mbc mode.
+ * hash.c (Init_Hash): hash compatible features added to ENV.
+Tue Apr 1 15:24:06 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (obj_extend): remove Object#extend as an iterator which
+ is in experimental state, since it unveils internal singleton
+ classes.
+Mon Mar 31 14:29:39 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.0-970331
+Sun Mar 30 19:40:57 1997 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * parse.y (terms): avoided win32 gcc's optimization bug.
+Sat Mar 29 11:21:58 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * struct.c (make_struct): St[val,..] creates new structure.
+Fri Mar 28 11:24:51 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (obj_make_private): new method make_method_{public,private}
+ to change visibility of singleton methods.
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): enables numeric literal >= 0x80 in
+ the character class.
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): enabled numeric literal >= 0x80,
+ in multibyte mode.
+ * regex.c (re_compile_fastmap): modified exantn and charset(_not)
+ to set fastmap for higher bytes properly.
+ * regex.c (is_in_list): now matches numeric literals.
+Thu Mar 27 13:34:20 1997 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): extra null byte after unpacked string.
+Wed Mar 26 15:20:34 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): register numbers must be fit in a
+ byte (0 <= regnum <= 0xff).
+ * regex.c (re_compile_fastmap): forgot to set mbchar map for
+ charset_not if RE_MBCTYPE is on.
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): set list bits for multi-byte
+ characters for \W, \S, \D in range expression.
+ * object.c (obj_is_kind_of): defined that nil itself is kind of
+ nil. TRUE is kind of TRUE, FALSE is kind of FALSE likewise.
+ This change makes `obj.kind_of?(eval(obj.type))' always true.
+Tue Mar 25 14:08:43 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/English.rb: provides nicer English alias for the variables.
+ * parse.y (expr): alias $var1 $var2 makes alias of the global
+ variable.
+Mon Mar 24 18:23:20 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.0-970324
+Thu Mar 20 22:04:59 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (mod_modfunc): forget to clear method cache.
+Wed Mar 19 17:06:55 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (program): set methods' default private/public status
+ correctly under eval().
+ * eval.c (eval): set the_class correctly while evaluating string.
+Tue Mar 18 12:23:53 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (eval): yield can be called from eval().
+ * version 1.0-970318
+ * parse.y (program): regexp in condition expression should do
+ matching operation with $_.
+ * re.c (reg_regsub): wrong substitution.
+Fri Mar 14 14:36:28 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (hash_invert): returns value to key mapping of the
+ associative array.
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: set environment variable SOCKS_SERVER to
+ compile with libsocks.a.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (socks_s_open): SOCKSsocket class to access
+ internet via SOCKS library.
+ * sprintf.c (f_sprintf): unsigned formats display leading double
+ dots for imaginary sequence of signed bit to the left.
+ * sprintf.c (f_sprintf): correct width and precision formatting
+ for big integers.
+ * parse.y (yylex): enables negative hex/octal numbers and `_' in
+ non-decimal numbers.
+ * sprintf.c (f_sprintf): %u added for unsigned decimal format.
+Thu Mar 13 10:24:27 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sprintf.c (f_sprintf): wrong output for bignums.
+ * array.c (ary_reverse_each): iterates in reverse order.
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): L unpacked signed long.
+ * io.c (f_backquote): now returns an empty string for no output.
+Wed Mar 12 10:20:30 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socks/socks.c: socket module with socks library.
+Mon Mar 10 20:44:22 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (reg_regsub): \& for substitution. \`, \', and \+ are
+ available also.
+Thu Mar 6 01:47:03 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.0-970306
+ * sample/rubydb.el (gud): ruby debugger emacs interface
+ * lib/debug.rb: ruby debugger
+ * parse.y (exprs): more accurate line number display.
+Wed Mar 5 21:31:46 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.0-970305
+Tue Mar 4 12:28:32 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): search through RUBYPATH and PATH for
+ option -S.
+Mon Mar 3 22:44:55 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (thread_status): returns nil for exception terminated
+ threads.
+ * eval.c (thread_value): re-raise exceptions.
+Sat Mar 1 00:59:47 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): restore $! value after rescue clause, to
+ re-raise exceptions correctly.
+Fri Feb 28 16:43:38 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.0-970228
+Thu Feb 27 11:23:41 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): redo raises exception
+ * eval.c (thread_schedule): bug in interrupt handling by rescue.
+Wed Feb 26 00:55:36 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (eval): forgot to restore dynamic local variable
+ bindings.
+Tue Feb 25 11:22:08 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/aix_ld.rb: AIX dynamic load support (not tested).
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): wrong return value for defined? super.
+ * error.c (exception): more error check.
+ * re.c (reg_regsub): wrong substitution when sub expanded to null
+ string.
+Fri Feb 21 13:01:47 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.0-970221
+ * eval.c (f_require): volatile added. register variable was
+ recycled, so that GC did not mark that variable.
+ * object.c (Init_Object): forget to mark main object (was mostly
+ ok, but made trouble with early GC.)
+Thu Feb 20 11:50:50 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.0-970220
+Thu Feb 20 11:25:50 1997 Yasuo OHBA <>
+ * lib/date.rb: update
+Thu Feb 20 08:25:57 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): forgot tokfix() before rb_intern().
+ * lib/tk.rb (TkVariable): give up using trace_var.
+Wed Feb 19 00:24:35 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.0-970219
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): packed by null for A specifier. must be
+ space filled.
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): bug in skipping spaces
+ * gc.c (xmalloc): garbage collect for every 4 Meg. allocation.
+ * string.c (str_split_method): limit worked wrong way.
+ * io.c (io_gets_method): misunderstand 0xff in binary files when
+ $/ == nil.
+ * re.c (reg_regsub): re-implement.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (thread_connect): remove O_NONBLOCK, which
+ is not defined on some platform like NeXT.
+Mon Feb 17 13:08:30 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.0-970217
+ * object.c (mod_eqq): === extended for subclass check (to use case
+ as typecase).
+Sat Feb 15 02:07:22 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): wrong match backref at end of pattern.
+ * io.c (arg_read): now works beyond end of file.
+Thu Feb 13 16:21:24 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (expr): return/yield now accept normal argument format.
+ * parse.y (yylex): a star in `yield *x' must not be multiplication
+ operator.
+Wed Feb 12 15:06:44 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_plus): bug in simple addition.
+ * eval.c (thread_raise): raise exceptions from outside.
+ * eval.c (Init_Thread): Thread#alive? -- alias for Thread#status.
+Mon Feb 10 00:38:55 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.h (Data_Make_Struct): rename macros.
+Sun Feb 8 11:48:13 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (f_syscall): argument offset was wrong.
+Fri Feb 7 18:01:17 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.0-970207
+ * eval.c: add volatiles to avoid variable crobbering by longjmp().
+ * eval.c (f_raise): 1st argument can be the GlobalExit object now.
+ * array.c (ary_unshift): no longer accept more than 2 args.
+ * eval.c (f_raise): bug if 2nd argument is the exception.
+Tue Feb 4 00:37:29 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.0-970204
+ * eval.c (eval): check compile errors by nerrs.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): check syntax error by nerrs, not by the return
+ value, which may be NULL.
+ * eval.c (compile): Do not clear errinfo.
+Mon Feb 3 10:13:06 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (obj_extend): move real inclusion to Module#extend_object
+ to allow redfinition.
+ * object.c (Init_Object): Kernel class is now Module. Object class
+ became the true root class.
+ * object.c (obj_inspect): remove useless buffer.
+ * hash.c (any_cmp): disable interrupts and context switching.
+ * st.c: remove ALLOW_INTS to disable interrupt during operations.
+Fri Jan 31 22:10:08 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (hash_rehash): re-register all key-value.
+Thu Jan 30 02:14:49 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (io_reopen): re-implement according to clone() way.
+ * io.c (io_clone): copy IO object.
+ * struct.c (struct_eql): compare elements by eql?.
+ * io.c (io_mode_flags): detect "rb", "wb" etc.
+ * io.h (FMODE_BINMODE): added.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (Init_socket): undef
+ * file.c (Init_File):[,mode])
+ * io.c (Init_IO):[,mode])
+ * eval.c (rb_method_boundp): forgot to enable priv argument.
+ * object.c (Init_Object): remove `=~' from Kernel class.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (open_inet): initialize sockaddr before
+ calling bind(2).
+ * sample/ruby-mode.el (ruby-calculate-indent): skip comment lines
+Wed Jan 29 18:43:22 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (Init_Thread): DEFER_INTS during initializing threads.
+ * hash.c (Init_Hash): Hash#eql? checks for object identity.
+ * eval.c (thread_set_critical): wrong value assigned.
+Mon Jan 27 16:10:51 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (io_print): remove print_on().
+ * eval.c (f_missing): proper error message for undefined method
+ without argument
+Sat Jan 25 23:32:32 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_sub_s): false alert - sub() does not modify string.
+ * array.c (ary_times): negative multiplication detected
+ * string.c (str_times): negative multiplication detected
+Fri Jan 24 10:51:39 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_arg): month -> 0 == "jan" == "1" == "01", little bit
+ confusing but wanted to conform japanese style.
+ * version 1.0-970124
+Fri Jan 24 09:52:49 1997 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * util.c (_fixpath): supports SJIS filenames on DJGPP.
+Thu Jan 23 16:52:06 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * README.EXT: update. partially translated into English.
+ * ext/ inherit $LDFLAGS to the final link.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (Init_socket): add various constants.
+Mon Jan 23 11:40:59 1997 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * eval.c (Init_Thread): allocate main_thread first to avoid crash.
+Thu Jan 23 02:09:26 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (ObjectSpace): API modified. each_object method will do all
+ the iteration.
+ * eval.c (proc_call): wrong return from nested lambda.
+ * ext/GD/GD.c: debugged.
+Wed Jan 22 16:12:25 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.0-970122
+ * gc.c (gc_mark): forgot to mark match->str.
+ * ext/GD/GD.c: GD interface module.
+ * eval.c (PUSH_BLOCK): wrong value pushed as the block level.
+Mon Jan 20 14:01:31 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (thread_run): no context switch in the critical section.
+Mon Jan 20 09:40:59 1997 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * utils.c: supports 8+3 filenames
+Sat Jan 18 01:23:03 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.0-970118
+ * regex.c (PATFETCH): need cast to unsigned char.
+ * io.c (io_ctl): bug in case when arg is not a string.
+ * lib/tk.rb: forgot that Kernel#type returns the class name now.
+ * regex.c (re_search): "abc\n" =~ "^$" should not match.
+Fri Jan 17 12:31:37 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.0-970117
+ * ruby.c (ruby_options): constant PLATFORM, which is in the {cpu}-{os}
+ form, defined.
+ * platform information embedded in the interpreter.
+ * regex.c (re_search): /^$/ did not match to "" by wrong exit condition.
+ * lib/thread.rb: re-write Mutex/Queue based on Thread.critical.
+ * eval.c (thread_set_critical): remove Thread.exclusive, add
+ Thread.critical = TRUE/FALSE instead.
+ * re.c (reg_search): re-compile pattern if needed
+ * regex.c (PATFETCH): do translate at compile time
+Thu Jan 16 00:49:10 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_frame): forgot to mark frame->cbase.
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): /a$|b)/ causes error.
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): /(^|b)/ causes error.
+ * version 1.0-970116
+ * re.c (Init_Regexp): set RE_CONTEXTUAL_INVALID_OPS flag.
+Tue Jan 14 02:09:06 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (proc_call): Proc#callをイテレータとして呼んだ時に対応
+ * nextstep対応?
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): a[b]=cで無駄な配列を割り当てない
+ * eval.c (f_send): イテレータとして呼ばれたらイテレータとしてメソッ
+ ドを呼ぶ.
+ * string.c (str_new4): match共有用の生成関数
+ * re.c (reg_search): matchの実体(文字列)をマッチを行った文字列と
+ copy-on-writeで共有
+ * string.c (str_hash): toupperをかける条件が違っていた
+ * array.c (sort_2): FixnumとStringを特別扱いして高速化
+Mon Jan 13 11:03:53 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (thread_create): threadが生成されるまで割込みを設定しない
+ * eval.c (Init_Thread): 割込みタイミングを100msecに
+Sat Jan 11 00:17:05 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_search): マッチに失敗する場合があった(本当に直ったか?)
+ * io.c (io_ioctl,io_fcntl): 第2引数を省略可能に
+ * io.c (io_ioctl,io_fcntl): 戻り値がIOだった.整数(システムコール
+ の戻り値)を返すようにした.
+ * io.c (io_ctl): 引数が整数の時に対応
+ * io.c (io_fcntl): file.cから移動
+Fri Jan 10 17:01:47 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.0-970110
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (thread_connect): open(connect(2))で他の
+ threadをブロックしないように
+ * eval.c (thread_create): exitでないときにexitだと思い込む
+Mon Jan 6 17:42:22 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_sub_s): 文字列長より長いoffsetの検出
+ * regex.c (re_search): 空にマッチするパターン後の$で失敗
+Thu Jan 2 16:36:23 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (file_reopen): Fileのreopen(pathまたはIOで指定).
+ * io.c (io_reopen): IOのreopen(IOで指定) -- change classつき
+Wed Jan 1 11:09:01 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (f_select): timeoutでnilを返す
+Fri Dec 27 13:06:44 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (file_s_open): サブクラスではそのクラスのインスタンスを返
+ すように.
+Fri Dec 27 08:58:27 1996 <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_to_s): index()を使わない.strstr()に.
+Thu Dec 26 01:34:17 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/tk.rb: placeが使えるように
+ * pack.c (endian): マクロDYNAMIC_ENDIANを指定すると実行時にendian
+ を判定するように.
+ * eval.c (thread_alloc): 初期化忘れのメンバがあった.
+Wed Dec 25 00:33:19 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.0-961225
+ * io.c (Init_IO): newを無効化
+ * lib/tkthcore.rb: tk_call "global $foo; set foo 5"などもできるように
+ * eval.c (thread_restore_context): $~, $_でスタックを壊していた
+ * process.c (rb_waitpid): threadに一応対応
+Tue Dec 24 15:20:58 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.99.4-961224
+ * charがunsignedかどうかもチェック
+ * regex.c (SIGN_EXTEND_CHAR): __CHAR_UNSIGNED__にも対応
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): 明示的にsigned charを指定.
+Mon Dec 23 14:41:23 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (load_file): 標準入力からのスクリプトで一時ファイルを使わ
+ ないように
+ * object.c (f_integer): `0x', `0'などでbaseを解釈するように.
+Fri Dec 20 01:44:39 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * (flock.o): flockに対応
+Thu Dec 19 20:13:32 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.99.4-961219
+Wed Dec 18 00:06:48 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * glob.c (glob_filename): strrchrがマクロの場合に対応
+ * <sys/select.h>をチェック
+ * ext/kconv/kconv.c: 1.62ベースに
+ * ext/kconv/kconv.c: Kconvモジュール
+ * string.c (str_substr): lenが元の文字列より長い時に対応
+ * parse.y (iterator): 「$bar do .. end」などは許さないように
+ * parse.y (iterator): FID(foo!,foo?)をdo形式のイテレータにできる.
+ * missing/flock.c (flock): lockf()を使って代替
+ * file.c (file_flock): flockを実装
+Tue Dec 17 12:13:38 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.99.4-961217
+Fri Dec 13 02:05:03 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * RUBYLIBのカレントを後回し(@mix/awk offline)
+ * dln.c: AIXに対応した?(@mix/awk offline)
+ * eval.c (thread_schedule): critical sectionでも明示的なコンテキス
+ トスイッチは起きないとまずい
+ * re.c (reg_search): matchに失敗した時に$~をnilに.
+ * re.c (reg_search): 毎回matchを生成するように
+Thu Dec 12 17:03:30 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_to_s): 2.0.to_s -> 2.0に
+ * eval.c (thread_save_context): $_, $~をthread毎に保存
+ * eval.c (thread_kill): main threadではexit(0)
+ * string.c (str_split_method): 間違った結果を返していた
+Thu Dec 12 15:32:48 1996 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * dir.c: CYGWIN32対応
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: CYGWIN32対応
+ * io.c: CYGWIN32対応
+Thu Dec 12 14:43:51 1996 Jun Kuroda <>
+ * lib/tk.rb: wish4.2も探索候補に含める
+ * config.guess: JCC対応
+Thu Dec 12 00:41:17 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.99.4-961212
+ * parse.y (parse_string): """..."""はやはり無くすことにした
+ * parse.y (parse_regx): %r|...|でterminatorを \ でエスケープできる
+ ように
+ * signal.c (posix_signal): sigactionを使うsignal
+ * posix signal/bsd signalの検出
+Wed Dec 11 17:47:35 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (thread_schedule): critical sectionではコンテキストスイッ
+ チが起きないように
+ * lib/thread.rb: SharedMutexクラス
+ * lib/jcode.rb: String#scanを使うように
+Tue Dec 10 12:21:28 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.99.3-961210
+ * string.c (str_split_method): 正規表現に()を含む時にバグ
+ * lib/jcode.rb: ちょっとましになった
+ * string.c (tr_setup_table): 置換文字が短すぎる(2文字)のときのバグ
+Mon Dec 9 11:38:04 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_scan): 文字列のマッチを行う.イテレータとしても動
+ 作する
+ * regex.c (re_copy_registers): allocatedが初期化されていなかった
+ * re.c (match_to_s): $~の文字列化
+ * re.c (match_to_a): $~を配列化できるように
+ * re.c (match_getter): レジスタが初期化されていなかった
+Thu Dec 5 11:06:10 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_split_method): マッチしなかった括弧は空文字列を
+ pushするべきではない
+ * string.c (str_succ): アルファベットを含まない文字に対応
+Wed Dec 4 10:48:09 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.99.3-961204
+ * io.c (io_binmode): DJGPPでのbinmode対応
+ * sprintf.c (f_sprintf): intの範囲の数値は直接sprintfで変換する
+ * sprintf.c (f_sprintf): "%02s"に頼らない
+ * re.c (reg_search): indexでSEGV
+Tue Dec 3 10:09:36 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.99.3-961203
+ * ext/ (install): INSTALL_DATAからINSTALLに変更
+ * dln.c: hpux対応
+ * string.c (str_aset_method): 負の値を含む範囲でも例外を起こさない
+ * array.c (ary_replace): 負の値を含む範囲でも例外を起こさない
+ * array.c (beg_len): beg==endの時,長さ0に
+Mon Dec 2 14:07:12 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * HP shl対応
+ * string.c (str_upto): beg > endの時無限ループに落ちるのを止めた
+ * range.c (range_each): String#uptoが再定義された場合に対応
+ * string.c (str_split_method): "ABC".split(/(B)/)が誤動作
+Sat Nov 30 01:43:52 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): undefでSEGV
+Fri Nov 29 12:17:59 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sample/ruby-mode.el (ruby-parse-region): %Q#..#などに対応.しか
+ し,区切り文字が演算子で行末にある場合には対応できなかった.
+ * re.c (reg_raise): 例外でもスラッシュをエスケープ
+ * re.c (reg_inspect): スラッシュをエスケープ
+ * parse.y (parse_string): `%[QqXxRr](.)..\1'なる文字列形式(テスト
+ 採用)
+ * parse.y (parse_qstring): '''...'''の形式
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c (Init_dbm): 述語key?,value?の追加
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c (Init_dbm): includes->include?
+ * hash.c (Init_Hash): 述語key?,value?,include?の追加
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): unlessでelse節が実行されない(うーん)
+ * string.c (str_sub_iter_s): イテレータブロック内でマッチが行われ
+ ると位置がずれる(時に無限ループに落ちる)
+ * string.c (str_resize): lenが0の時sizeの調整が行われなかった
+Thu Nov 28 00:59:54 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.99.3-961128
+ * parse.y (parse_string): 3-quote styleの文字列(例:"""abc"d"e""")
+ * (EXTSTATIC): extを静的にリンクする時にはrubyはdllを
+ 使うように
+ * io.c (Init_IO): getsの引数が間違っていた
+ * string.c (str_each_line): RSを明示的に指定できるように
+Wed Nov 27 12:37:46 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.99.3-961127
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): iver defined? でselfを指定するのを忘れた
+ * io.c: gets等でRSを明示的に指定できるように
+ * ext/ (install): static linkに失敗
+Tue Nov 26 10:33:04 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.99.3-961126
+ * string.c (str_sub_s): 置換後の文字列長さが間違っていた
+Mon Nov 25 09:11:22 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_rshift): 32以上の右シフトで0を返すように(Cの
+ rshiftは(x>>(y%32))を返していた).
+ * string.c (str_gsub): 置換が行われない場合があった
+ * string.c (str_resize): 本当に必要な時だけrealloc
+Thu Nov 21 04:13:21 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * (EXTSTATIC): --with-static-linked-extで全てのモジュー
+ ルを静的リンクするように
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): 行末の改行がない時にもチェックサムをスキッ
+ プするように
+Wed Nov 20 21:42:51 1996 Yasuo OHBA <>
+ * freebsd対応
+Wed Nov 20 10:24:24 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/ (install): 通常リンク用のLDFLAGSとダイナミックリ
+ ンク用のDLDFALGSを分離
+ * ext/ (install): コンパイルの成功したものを静的リンク
+ のリストに追加する
+ * eval.c (f_missing): オブジェクトの文字列表現が長すぎる時バッファ
+ を書き潰していた
+ * process.c (proc_exec_v): forkした後例外を発生させてはいけない
+Tue Nov 19 13:28:15 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.99.3-961119
+ * eval.c (mod_method_defined): Module#method_defined? の追加
+ * parse.y (call_args): 引数が唯一のコマンドコールである時のバグ(戻
+ り値が展開されてしまう)
+Mon Nov 18 13:28:18 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_sub): 失敗した時にnilを返していた
+ * string.c (str_split_method): 検索開始位置が移動してなかった
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_getservbyaname): まだ間違っていた
+ * version 0.99.3-961118
+ * string.c (str_sub_s): 元の文字列を置換するのを止めた
+ * pack.c (encodes): 領域外をアクセスしていた
+Fri Nov 15 17:10:35 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (big_divmod): Bignumが引数の場合の対応忘れ
+ * sample/ruby-mode.el (ruby-expr-beg): word?形式への対応が不完全
+Wed Nov 13 15:42:40 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_tr_s_bang): tr_sでtrが行われていなかった
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): autoloadクラスのチェック
+ * string.c (f_sub): subがsub!と同じ動作になっていた
+ * eval.c (thread_sleep): stopとsleepの分離
+Mon Nov 11 13:53:19 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.99.3-961111
+ * numeric.c (fix_step): to, stepが整数以外の場合に対応
+ * eval.c (rb_call): dynamic varがdynamic scopingになっていた(これ
+ はまずい)
+ * string.c (str_chop_bang): 長さ0の文字列のchopで,領域外のアクセ
+ スが発生していた.
+ * parse.y (yyerror): 割り当てた領域外をアクセスしていた
+Fri Nov 8 11:54:46 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (thread_yield): scopeをheapにコピー
+Thu Nov 7 09:56:53 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (num_coerce): とりあえず両辺をFloatに変換することに
+Wed Nov 6 10:45:13 1996 Yasuo OHBA <>
+ * lib/parsearg.rb: 第2引数を変更.
+Tue Nov 5 14:21:09 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.99.3-961105
+Sat Nov 2 01:11:40 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (big_pow): typo (dy -> dx)
+ * bignum.c (big_divmod): 知らない型はfloatに変換してみる
+ * numeric.c (fix_lshift): 境界条件のバグ(負になっていた)
+ * bignum.c (big_pow): 無駄なfloatへの変換をなくした
+ * math.c (math_atan2): typo(x -> y)
+Fri Nov 1 15:30:59 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_gethostname): gethostnameがない時には
+ unameを使ってホスト名を得る
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (etc_getlogin): getloginがNULLを返しても環境変数を
+ 調べるように
+ * object.c (krn_clone): オブジェクトのフラグもコピー
+ * hash.c (rb_cmp): ハッシュの比較を`=='でなく`eql?'に変更
+ * math.c (Need_Float): Float()を使って変換する
+ * compar.c (cmp_gt): 以前の右辺を返す仕様の名残が残っていた
+Thu Oct 31 12:55:51 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.99.3-961031
+ * numeric.c (Init_Numeric): typo
+ * eval.c (error_print): 長すぎるtrace backを途中省略する
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): 全角のrangeに対応
+Wed Oct 30 03:03:18 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.99.3-961030
+ * io.c (f_ungetc): 関数を追加
+ * eval.c (dyna_var_asgn): return値忘れ
+Tue Oct 29 10:05:28 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (f_split): 関数splitを追加
+ * eval.c (rb_call): ネストした外側のクラス/モジュールの定数を参照
+ できるように
+Mon Oct 28 09:51:03 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_sub): offsetが文字の末尾にある時のチェック
+ * regex.c (re_match): 割り当てるレジスタの数が1多かった
+ * io.c (io_gets): $/ = ""の動作をperlに合わせる(awkとはちょっと違
+ うらしい)
+ * io.c (io_gets): $/ = nilの時少し高速化
+ * string.c (str_split_method): 括弧がnullにマッチした時にも無視し
+ ないように
+ * string.c (str_split_method): 括弧にマッチした分はlimitの数に含め
+ ないように.
+ * numeric.c (num_coerce_bin): coerceの定義を変更,2要素の配列
+ [x,y]を返すように
+ * sample/ruby-mode.el (ruby-calculate-indent): "do |aa|"の対応を改
+ 善した.
+Sat Oct 26 01:43:51 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/marshal/marshal.c (w_object): ビルトインクラスのサブクラスを
+ 正しく復旧できるように
+ * ext/marshal/marshal.c (w_object): ユーザ定義dumpの優先
+ * numeric.c (flo_coerce): Float()を使って定義
+ * numeric.c (Init_Numeric): Numericのnewのundefはまずい
+ * ext/marshal/marshal.c (w_symbol): シンボルの内容(文字列)は一度し
+ かファイルに書き出さない.
+ * sample/ruby-mode.el (ruby-parse-region): if/while修飾子に対応し
+ なくなっていた
+ * bignum.c (Init_Bignum): Bignum.newを除く
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): 引数評価後にファイル名と行番号を再設定
+ * numeric.c (flo_div): typo
+ * sample/ruby-mode.el (ruby-parse-region): def /, def `に対応
+Fri Oct 25 09:26:29 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sample/ruby-mode.el (ruby-calculate-indent): "do |aa|"に対応
+ * array.c (ary_aset): indexがfixnumの場合ちょっと高速化
+ * eval.c (thread_fd_writable): 書き込み前のselectチェック
+ * array.c (ary_assoc): 無限ループに落ちた
+ * eval.c (thread_wait_for): selectがエラー終了した時,linux以外で
+ の動作が正しくなかった.
+Thu Oct 24 08:26:48 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (backtrace): `$@'を文字列から配列に変更した.
+ * eval.c (eval): eval中の例外発生位置を保存する
+ * bignum.c (bigsub): オペランドの大小比較の失敗
+ * re.c (reg_search): 直接参照がない時にも`$~'がセットされるように
+Wed Oct 23 10:40:10 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.99.2-961023
+ * ext/marshal/marshal.c (r_bytes): mallocをやめ,allocaを使う
+ * sample/ruby-mode.el (ruby-calculate-indent): 括弧の対応を変更.
+ ()内ではインデントをレベルを合わせるように
+Tue Oct 22 12:59:11 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (hash_s_new): sizeを指定できるように
+ * ext/marshal/marshal.c (w_object): dumpする深さ制限を指定できるよ
+ うに
+ * array.c (ary_s_new): sizeを指定した時の初期化忘れ
+ * object.c (f_float): big2dblの宣言忘れ.
+ * bignum.c (bigsub): 大きさの近いBignum同士の演算で結果が負になる
+ 場合に間違いがあった.
+ * array.c (ary_aset): 置換先と置換元が同じ長さの時内容を
+ shift(memmove)しないように.
+ * ext/marshal/marshal.c (marshal_dump): ファイルフォーマットにバー
+ ジョンを埋め込むように
+ * ext/marshal/marshal.c (tmpnam): linux-aout-dln用に定義
+Mon Oct 21 08:40:20 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_gethostbyname): hostent構造体の情報
+ を返す
+ (sock_s_gethostbyaddr): IPアドレスからhostent構造体を得る
+ (sock_s_getservbyaname): getservbyname(3)
+Fri Oct 18 10:37:36 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sample/ruby-mode.el (ruby-indent-to): 移動先カラムが負になるバグ
+ * eval.c (compile): evalで元ソースの行番号でエラーを表示する
+Thu Oct 17 09:52:28 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (eval): evalで文法エラーがあった時にSEGV
+ * lib/safe.rb: Restricted.evalの中だけ制限を加える.
+ * eval.c (error_print): バックトレースの出力.callerで例外発生位置
+ を調整した時に問題が出る(そんなことをしなければ良いのだが…)
+ * eval.c (make_backtrace): バックトレースの生成
+Wed Oct 16 12:56:22 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby-man-0.99.2-jp/index.html: 日本語版ドキュメントの完成(長かった…)
+ * re.c (reg_regcomp): $=がnilの時の処理
+ * string.c (f_chop): $_に対するchop
+Tue Oct 15 11:04:23 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.99.2-961015
+Mon Oct 14 18:22:38 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (thread_schedule): BOW対応.selectが-1を返した時にバグ(実
+ はdo .. whileがcontinueで先頭にジャンプすると思い込んでいた.条
+ 件の直前だったのね ^^);;;;;
+ * sample/ruby-mode.el (ruby-mode-syntax-table): ?のsyntaxが"/"では
+ まずいらしい
+ * hash.c (rb_hash): name conflict
+Fri Oct 11 00:23:05 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.99.2-961011
+ * ext/marshal/marshal.c (w_object): 結局動いていなかった循環オブジェ
+ クト対応を外した.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash): Fixnumと文字列の高速化
+ * ext/marshal/marshal.c (w_object): 無駄なデータの削除(フォーマッ
+ トの非互換性)
+ * io.c (io_readline): 戻り値の不備
+ * ext/marshal/marshal.c (marshal_dumps): MSDOS対応
+ * ruby.c (load_file): MSDOS対応
+Wed Oct 9 17:46:27 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/ (install): 無駄なコピーを避ける
+ * string.c (str_sub_method): マッチがなかった時のString#subの値が
+ 違っていた.
+ * eval.c (obj_extend): extendした時にobject_extendedを呼ぶように
+Tue Oct 8 00:55:38 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (thread_alloc): 割当の平均化
+ * eval.c (thread_schedule): joinのバグを修正
+ * eval.c (thread_wait_for): selectへの割込みなどに対応
+ * eval.c (thread_select): linuxのselectの挙動に対応(timeoutが変化
+ する)
+Mon Oct 7 09:47:19 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.99.2-961007
+ * eval.c (PUSH_BLOCK): the_classの保存を忘れていた.
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c (fdbm_store): sizeの保存する場所が間違っていた
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (s_accept): thread対応していなかった
+Sat Oct 5 01:32:27 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (io_readchar): EOFで例外を発生させる
+Fri Oct 4 11:59:54 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/marshal/marshal.c (w_object): HashとObjectの復旧に必要なハッ
+ シュテーブルが渡されていなかった.
+ * variable.c (rb_path2class): ユーザ定義クラスの復旧に失敗していた
+ * variable.c (rb_path2class): クラスが存在しない時のエラーをFatal
+ からNameErrorへ.
+ * range.c (range_s_new): first,lastが両方Numericの時エラーになって
+ いた.
+ * range.c: start->first, end->last
+Wed Oct 2 02:02:46 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c: DJGPPでchmod,chownを使えるように(ってDOSにchownがあるのか?)
+ * class.c (rb_singleton_class): ビルトインクラスもextendしたり特異
+ メソッドを追加したりできるように
+ * variable.c (rb_set_class_path): ユーザ定義のトップレベルクラスに
+ pathを設定しない
+ * eval.c (eval): 例外がRuntimeErrorに化けていた
+ * eval.c (eval): eval中の例外の表現の改善
+ * eval.c (eval): eval_with_bindingとの一本化
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): クラス/モジュール定義の中から定義中のクラス/モ
+ ジュールが参照できるように
+Tue Oct 1 01:40:09 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.99.2-961001
+ * parse.y: cur_crefが2度宣言されていた
+ * signal.c (trap): SIGSEGV,SIGBUSのない機種に対応
+ * io.c (Init_IO): 引数タイプの指定間違い
+Mon Sep 30 15:28:00 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.99.2-960930
+ * config.guess,config.sub: $host_osが正しく設定されない
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): yieldで正しくないselfが設定されていた
+ * eval.c (ruby_run): toplevelの例外処理のバグ
+Mon Sep 30 09:13:26 1996 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * djgpp対応
+Sat Sep 28 02:45:10 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.99.2-960928
+ * sample/ruby-mode.el (ruby-beginning-of-block): ブロックの先頭に
+ 移動(正しくインデントしていないと動作しない)
+ (ruby-end-of-block): 同上
+ * eval.c (class_s_new): Class#newがイテレータとして呼ばれた時は
+ initializeもイテレータとして呼ばれるように
+ * signal.c (sigsegv): SEGVでbacktraceを表示するように
+Fri Sep 27 09:51:07 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.99.2-960927
+ * eval.c (error_print): 引数のないraiseでメッセージが正しく表示さ
+ れるように.
+ * eval.c (rb_longjmp): mesgがnilの時RuntimeErrorを生成する.
+ * eval.c (f_raise): 引数がない時に対応
+ * eval.c (thread_mark): stack上にないデータのアドレス変換を行って
+ いた.
+ * eval.c (Init_Thread): 割込みの間隔が1秒と長すぎた.
+Thu Sep 26 16:02:45 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (thread_schedule): 一度ペンディングになるとフラグがクリア
+ されていなかった.
+ * process.c (rb_proc_exec): system/execの引数が空文字列であった場
+ 合,例外を発生すべきだった.
+ * config.sub/config.guess: 新しいものに置き換え
+Thu Sep 26 15:41:35 1996 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * io.c (next_argv): -i.bakをBOWとDOSに対応.
+Thu Sep 26 01:31:43 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (io_sysread): EOFで例外
+ * io.c (f_readline): EOFで例外を発生するように.getsは互換性のため
+ nilを返すままにする
+ * eval.c (proc_call): lambdaからのreturnでIN_BLOCKフラグが立ったま
+ まだった
+ * eval.c (PUSH_BLOCK2): threadに対応するためBlockを一度stackにコピー
+Wed Sep 25 11:54:11 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (method_call): Const::method()形式を使えるようにしてみた.
+ 引数括弧は省略できない.
+ * sample/test.rb: Process.killの存在を確かめてからテストを行う
+ * eval.c (eval_with_binding): 第2引数としてbinding(またはlambda)を
+ 与えるとその環境でevalを実行するようにした
+ * eval.c (f_binding): 現在のbindingを返す関数
+ * eval.c: block構造体にthe_classを保存するメンバを追加
+ * process.c (Init_process): kill,wait,waitpidをProcessに移動
+Tue Sep 24 02:44:43 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sample/ruby-mode.el: いろいろ問題が多いので以前の高速化は破棄.
+ 別のアプローチを使った.
+ * lib/tk.rb (Tk.pack): 複数のウィンドウを受け付けるpack
+Sat Sep 21 11:08:09 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (exprs): 空文も受け付けるように文法を変更.今までは改行
+ の連続だけが許されていた.
+Fri Sep 20 11:39:18 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * Failの大半を名前つき例外に変更.
+ * re.c (Init_Regexp): 名前つき例外を導入.
+ * eval.c (f_missing): Objectはinspectしない.
+ * object.c (inspect_i): Object#inspectでloopに対応.
+ * regex.c (re_search): /^$/が""にマッチしなかった.
+Thu Sep 19 19:25:12 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_search): /^$/が非空行にマッチしていた.
+Tue Sep 17 10:28:11 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.99.2-960917
+Mon Sep 16 10:47:56 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sample/ruby-mode.el (ruby-calculate-indent): 演算子継続の場合の
+ 文字列の判定のバグ
+ * sample/ruby-mode.el (ruby-calculate-indent): elseなどの次の行の
+ インデント計算を正しく.
+Sat Sep 14 08:37:19 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.99.2-960914
+Fri Sep 13 08:06:03 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (tcpaddr): port番号にntohsをつけ忘れ
+ * dln.c (link_undef): テーブルの種類が間違っていた.
+ * bignum.c (bigadd): 引き算が発生する時に計算違いが起きていた.
+ * parse.y (iter_do_block): do..endでもdynamic variableを.
+ * bignum.c (big_pow): より正確な計算を(整数同士ではfloatに変換しな
+ い).
+Thu Sep 12 13:11:55 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_set_class_path): Stringクラスが初期化される前に
+ Stringを作っていた.組込みクラスにはpathはいらない
+ * parse.y (yylex): 0.1が0になっていた
+ * parse.y (yylex): 行番号の不整合
+ * gc.c (oblist_live_obj): 今「生きている」全部のオブジェクトを返す
+ イテレータ.そのクラス(またはサブクラス)の全部のインスタンスを返
+ すeach_object_ofも定義した.
+ * class.c (rb_define_class_id): 無駄なクラスを割り当てていた.結果
+ として未初期化のクラスオブジェクトが存在していた.
+Wed Sep 11 00:56:23 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): octalの定数の検出をより正確に(090はエラーとか).
+ * bignum.c (big_minus): yがxより大きい場合にエラー.
+ * parse.y (yylex): エラー行番号の表示をより正確に
+ * sample/ruby-mode.el (ruby-expr-beg): 変数名が1文字の時誤動作して
+ いた.
+ * sample/ruby-mode.el (ruby-calculate-indent): ?/でループに落ちい
+ たバグを修正.
+ * enum.c (enum_min,enum_max): sortのようにイテレータとしても動作す
+ るように.
+ * enum.c (enum_find_all): typo
+Tue Sep 10 12:07:12 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * node.h (nd_line): NODEのlineをflagsに押し込めてオブジェクトサイ
+ ズを小さくした.制限:32bit intのマシンの場合,ファイルの行数が
+ 32767を越えると正常に表示されない.
+ * st.c: hashとcompareの関数メンバを構造体にパック,クラス的な使い
+ 方を行う.1 tableあたり4 byteの節約.
+Mon Sep 9 16:35:54 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (file_truncate): 提供されない時には特別な例外を発生するよ
+ うに.
+ * eval.c (Init_Proc): 不適切な位置のlocal-jumpを例外に.
+Sat Sep 7 17:06:15 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (proc_call): まだスコープがスタック上にある時には局所脱出
+ を有効にする.これで,procを生成してcallすることは,スコープを脱
+ 出しない限り,yieldと同じ意味を持つことになる.
+Fri Sep 6 13:30:59 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sample/ruby-mode.el (ruby-indent-to): インデントが変わらない時に
+ はバッファを変更しない.
+ (ruby-calculate-indent): まず文字列の内部か判断してから,前の行
+ からパーズを行う.defunが大きくなった時の高速化.
+ (ruby-in-string-p): 文字列の内部かどうかを判断する関数(以前の
+ parseから分離)
+ (ruby-parse-region): 文字列に対する処理をはずす.
+ (ruby-beginning-of-block): ブロックの先頭に
+ (ruby-end-of-block): ブロックの末尾に(遅い…)
+Thu Sep 5 14:23:07 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (file_s_split): [dirname,basename]にsplitする.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): evalの中でも定数の値が正しくなるように.これで
+ 定数に関しては静的なスコープが保証されるようになった.
+ * st.c (rehash): ハッシュ拡大の系数を2から1.79に.割算がより良い値
+ を返すように.
+Thu Sep 5 00:32:07 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (class_superclass) クラスのスーパークラスを返すメソッド.
+Wed Sep 4 16:54:56 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * random.c (f_rand): Bignumやlongの範囲を越えるFloatに対する乱数も
+ 発生できるように.
+ * struct.c (struct_alloc): Fatalではなく例外を発生させるように(通
+ 常の使用で発生しうる).
+ * struct.c (struct_s_members): Structの特異メソッドではなく,生成
+ されたStructクラスの特異メソッドにした.
+ * st.c (st_init_table): ruby専用にパラメタを固定にした(サイ
+ ズが減った)
+Mon Sep 2 11:37:59 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (ary_shift): capaがあまりにも大きい時には領域をREALLOC
+ (ary_pop): 同上
+ * string.c (str_inspect): multibyte character 対応にミス.
+ (str_inspect): unsigned charにしないと符号展開されてしまう
+ * parse.y (primary): `::'をprimaryに移動 Foo::Bar.Bazがエラーにな
+ らないように.
+ * parse.y (primary): オペレータ形式の特異メソッドが定義できない
+ * random.c (f_rand): maxが0の時に対応
+ * io.c (io_printf): 関数を定義していたがインタプリタに登録していな
+ かった.
+ * file.c (file_s_basename): 第2引数が無い時にエラー.
+Thu Aug 29 10:49:40 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (expr): イテレータの新形式に「method do .. end」形式を採
+ 用した.もちろん昔の形式も有効.
+ * sample/ruby-mode.el (ruby-calculate-indent): endの数の方が多い場
+ 合にもエラーを起こさないように.
+Wed Aug 28 09:41:36 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (upto,downto,step,times): 対象がfixnumの範囲を越えても
+ 動作するように.
+Mon Aug 26 10:04:37 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * missing/setenv.c (envix): typo(missing `== 0' for memcmp)
+ * dir.c (dir_foreach): foreach(dir open -> read loop -> closeまで)
+ * io.c (io_foreach): foreach(file open -> read loop -> closeまで)
+ * Fatalのうち捕捉可能ないくつかを例外に.
+Sat Aug 24 23:56:37 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (bigdivmod): FIX2INT -> INT2FIX 大間違い
+Fri Aug 23 18:13:03 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_free_registers): allocateしていない時には当然 free
+ してはいけない.
+Thu Aug 22 01:20:35 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (thread_create): 外側から強制終了させられたthreadは
+ cleanupする必要が無い.
+Wed Aug 21 09:57:28 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (thread_create): threadを終了させた大域脱出の情報を
+ main_threadに渡すように.
+ * parse.y (call_args): 最終引数に括弧を省略したメソッド呼出しを置
+ けるように(例: print foo bar, baz == print(foo(bar,baz)))
+Tue Aug 20 13:37:16 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (masign): 多重代入とrest引数の動作を合わせて空の配列を代
+ 入するように.
+ * parse.y (arg): defined?の強度をもうちょっと強く
+ * eval.c (error_print): -wで例外名も表示するように
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): 新構文に対応
+ (handle_rescue): 捕捉する例外を kind_of? で同定
+ * parse.y (primary): rescueの構文を変更(同定引数の追加,複数rescue)
+ * Fail()のかなりを適当な例外を使うように
+ * eval.c (thread_interrupt): Interrupt(今はnon-local jump)は
+ main-threadに送られるように.
+ * eval.c (rb_longjmp): $! の内容を文字列から例外クラスに変更
+ (rb_raise): rb_fail から名称変更
+ (rb_interrupt): 例外化
+ (rb_exit): 例外化
+ * error.c (Init_Exception): 例外クラスの新設(文字列のサブクラス)
+Mon Aug 19 19:40:52 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * signal.c (trap): 古いハンドラを返すように.
+Wed Aug 14 00:07:18 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_trap_eval): ハンドラのためにthreadをforkすることを止
+ めた.
+ * eval.c (thread_mark): thread毎の $!, $@ をマークし忘れ
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c (fdbm_delete): イテレータとして呼ばれた場合,要素
+ が無ければブロックを評価する.
+ * hash.c (hash_delete): イテレータとして呼ばれた場合,要素が無けれ
+ ばブロックを評価する.
+ * array.c (ary_delete): イテレータとして呼ばれた場合,要素が無けれ
+ ばブロックを評価する.
+ * eval.c (rb_interrupt): SIGINTのデフォルトをexitから特別な大域脱
+ 出に.やはり割り込まれた位置の表示が無いのは寂しいので.
+Tue Aug 13 01:34:00 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_exit): sub-thread内でのexitもstatusを保存するように
+ (thread_create): 自thread内のexitに対応
+ * signal.c (sighandle): SIGINTのデフォルトハンドラはexitするように
+ (以前は例外を発生していた).
+ * 例外の一部をFatalに.
+ * string.c (str_aset): 文字列の置換の対象が部分文字列でなかった時,
+ 例外を発生させないように
+ * eval.c (proc_call): Procの中からbreak/nextは通し,他のものは通さ
+ ないように
+Mon Aug 12 14:15:09 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (krn_type): 文字列を返す
+ * eval.c (thread_create): sub-thread内でのexitに対応
+ * numeric.c (fix_type): 文字列を返す
+ * io.c (f_p): デバッグ用データ表示メソッド
+ * eval.c (f_missing): nil/TRUE/FALSEを特別扱い
+ * string.c (str_inspect): 長い文字列を短縮表示.inspectの働きを
+ human readable stringの生成に統一(re-generatable string は正式に
+ 無くなった).
+Sat Aug 10 16:54:21 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (Init_Object): kernel/nil/false/trueのクラス名を変更(小
+ 文字に),rubyスクリプトからアクセスできないように.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): CONSTANTのアクセス先を単純化.crefを使わない.
+ * eval.c (f_eval): 特異メソッド内でも定数の値が正しくなるように
+Fri Aug 9 12:23:17 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (ary_concat): append -> concat Stringに合わせた
+ * parse.y (yylex): `$;'が使えなかった.
+ * array.c (ary_push_method): 複数引数を受け付けるように.
+ (ary_unshift): 複数引数を受け付けるように.
+ * io.c (io_popen): IO.popenでcommand pipeが開けるように.
+ * object.c (Init_Object): KernelとNilをruby scriptからアクセスでき
+ ないように.
+Thu Aug 8 01:21:47 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (f_integer): 整数への変換関数
+ (f_float): 実数への変換関数
+ (f_string): 文字列への変換関数
+ (f_array): 配列への変換関数
+ * bignum.c (big_to_i): FIXNUMの範囲でない時はBignumのまま返すよう
+ に変更.
+Wed Aug 7 09:28:38 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.99.1-960807
+ * parse.y (mlhs): 「*foo = 1,2,3」タイプの多重代入も可能に.
+ * object.c (Init_Object): クラスTrue/Falseをruby scriptからアクセ
+ スできないように.
+ * object.c (nil_inspect): inspect表現は"nil"に
+ * io.c (io_print): nilのprintをnilに.
+ * object.c (nil_to_s): nilの文字列表現を""に.
+Tue Aug 6 01:12:32 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dir.c (dir_s_open): file descripterが足りない時にはgcしてからも
+ う一度openしてみる.
+ * io.c (rb_fopen): すべてのfopen()についてfile descripterが足りな
+ い時にはgcしてからもう一度openしてみる.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (Init_socket): 定数の追加.
+ * sample/ruby-mode.el (ruby-indent-to): インデント後のカーソル位置
+ の調整を正しく.
+ * gc.c (gc): 割込みチェックを行わない(Cコードの中で安心して
+ malloc()が使えなくなるので).
+ * st.c (call_hash_func): signalとthreadによる割込みに対応.
+ * sig.h (DEFER_INTS): 割込み禁止区間の指定
+ * eval.c (f_require): threadによるrequireの競合に対応(最初の
+ requireが終了するまで他のthreadは待つ).
+ * bignum.c (str2inum): 0x80000000の値が負になっていた
+ * sprintf.c (f_sprintf): 文字列末尾,行末の単独の`%'に対応
+ * bignum.c (big_cmp): 比較の結果が逆になる時があった.
+Mon Aug 5 10:58:13 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * process.c (proc_exec_v): 例外のメッセージを分かりやすく.
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c (fdbm_store): nilを格納すると要素の削除になる
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c: サイズをキャッシュ.
+Sat Aug 3 01:52:52 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_fail): `fail'が引数無しで呼ばれた時だけ以前の`$@'を保
+ 存するように.
+ * eval.c (f_fail): frameの調整
+Fri Aug 2 11:26:21 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (bsock_setopt): valとしてTRUE/FALSE/Fixnumも
+ 受け付けるように.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (Init_socket): SO_REUSEADDR等の定数の追加
+ * ext/md5/md5init.c: md5モジュール(初の複数ファイルからなるモジュー
+ ルでもある)
+ * ruby.h (Make_Data_Struct): Data: objectのinstance変数に格納 ->
+ Data型のObjectに(Dir,Time,Proc,Thread,DBM)
+Thu Aug 1 11:38:44 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c (fdbm_store): valueが文字で無い時に対応
+Wed Jul 31 10:53:42 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (open_inet): htonsが必要であった
+ (tcpaddr): ntohlで変換した
+ * process.c (rb_proc_exec): execvp -> execv
+Tue Jul 30 17:48:33 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c: `$?'をthread localに
+ * (install): install時にstripを行う
+ * install時のstripの検出
+ * version 0.99.1-960730
+Tue Jul 30 16:40:35 1996 SHIROYAMA Takayuki <>
+ * dln.c (dln_load): NeXT dln(mach-o)対応.configureは未対応
+Tue Jul 30 09:46:51 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * process.c (f_system): 複数引数もとれるように
+ * process.c (f_exec): 複数引数もとれるように
+ * array.c (ary_append): 配列(またはEnum)の要素を破壊的に追加
+ * array.c (ary_plus): Enumはその要素を追加
+ * file.c (file_s_open): File.openを追加
+ * struct.c (struct_new): FIX2INTを忘れていた
+ * file.c (Init_File): exists? -> exist?
+ * object.c (obj_is_kind_of): is_kind_of? -> kind_of?, is_a?
+ * object.c (obj_is_instance_of): is_instance_of? -> instance_of?
+Mon Jul 29 16:40:02 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (parse_regx): 式展開を行った場合,casefoldの設定ができて
+ いなかった.
+ * object.c (true_type): TRUE/FALSEにtypeを実装.
+ * parse.y (read_escape): 3文字以内のoctalに対応(\0とか)
+Fri Jul 26 00:31:45 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (ary_reverse_bang): in-placeで配列を反転させる
+ (ary_sort_bang): in-placeでsortする
+ (ary_sort): sortした配列を返すように
+ (ary_delete_at): 指定した位置の要素を削除する
+ * eval.c (rb_call): stack深さチェックを毎回は行わないように
+ * error.c (Warning): 実行中のwarningが表示されていなかった
+ * eval.c (compile): 例外発生を分離.
+ * eval.c (f_eval): 変数rb_in_evalを正しく管理するように
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c (fdbm_store): 格納するkeyを文字列に変換
+ * eval.c (rb_call): 無限再帰のチェックを大域脱出を行うC methodにも
+ 対応させた.threadのstack深さチェックルーチンを流用.
+ * parse.y (yylex): 第1引数のunary -/+の判定が間違っていた.
+ * parse.y (yylex): unary +で数字を余計に読んでいた(ex. +5 -> 55)
+Thu Jul 25 12:15:04 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): 曖昧でない引数に対して警告を出していた.
+ * eval.c (iterator_p): 引数で呼んでも正しい結果を返すように.
+ * parse.y: break/next/redo/retryのメソッド化.
+ * sample/ruby-mode.el (ruby-calculate-indent): nestのチェックミス
+ * sample/ruby-mode.el (ruby-parse-region): 予約語のチェックを強化
+ * parse.y (primary): unless/untilの復活
+Tue Jul 23 18:50:10 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (Array#empty?), Hash.c (Hash#empty?), ext/dbm/dbm.c (DBM#empty?):
+ 空の判定述語
+ * eval.c (f_unless): ifの逆をするイテレータ
+ * eval.c (f_until): whileの逆をするイテレータ
+ * parse.y: notの優先順位をand/orより高く
+ * parse.y (expr): `!'を引数括弧を省略したcallでも有効に
+Mon Jul 22 10:15:38 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.99-960722
+ * array.c (ary_print_on): OFSのNILチェックが不完全
+ * ruby.c (load_file): 標準入力からのスクリプトが空の時に対応.
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): -wでは引数無しの時には標準入力からスクリ
+ プトをとる(-vではたんに終了する).
+ * array.c (ary_compact): nilの要素を取り除くメソッド
+ * array.c (ary_nitems): nilでない要素を数えるメソッド
+Sun Jul 20 00:51:53 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): -w optionを追加
+ * parse.y: {}が閉じていない時には展開しない文字列を
+Fri Jul 19 16:16:05 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.99-960719
+ * lib/find.rb: 石塚版(pruneの拡張付き)
+ * file.c (test_l): lstatで調べないとね.
+ * eval.c (f_throw): 第2引数を省略可能に.
+ * parse.y (str_extend): {}のネストに対応
+Thu Jul 18 18:25:46 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.99-960718
+ * parse.y (str_extend): 文字列中の式展開に \" ' ` / を含む事ができ
+ るように.
+Tue Jul 16 15:55:31 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sample/ruby-mode.el (ruby-parse-region): 正規表現内のエスケープ
+ に対応
+ * version 0.99-960716
+Fri Jul 12 10:06:19 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (f_select): 引数のclose check.
+ * ruby.c (load_file): #!行の引数チェックを第1引数に限定(実をいうと
+ DOS改行対策)
+Wed Jul 10 17:18:35 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.99-960710
+ * time.c (time_s_timegm/time_s_timelocal): 時間を生成するメソッド
+Mon Jun 17 15:59:20 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.99-960617
+ * parse.y (yyerror): エラー表示の簡略化.
+Wed Jun 12 14:11:01 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * signal.c (rb_trap_exit): trap 0はthreadを生成せずに処理する.
+Fri Jun 7 10:17:01 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c/hash.c (indexes): 配列1引数のパターンを無くした.配列の
+ 場合は`*ary'を使ってもらおう.
+ * eval.c (thread_wait_threads): main_threadが終了する前に他の
+ threadを待つ(強制的には終了させない).
+ (ruby_run): 他のthreadを待っている間にシグナルが来たら,全thread
+ を強制終了させる.
+ * eval.c (rb_fail): メソッド名を`$!'に埋め込む.
+ * eval.c (thread_create): main_threadのコンテクストがセーブされな
+ い場合があった.
+ * process.c (f_sleep): 時間を指定せず,threadがひとつしかない状況
+ にも対応.
+ * eval.c (thread_create): create後,fnを呼び出す前にcontext switch
+ が起きると違うcontextでfnが実行されてしまうバグ.
+Mon Jun 3 08:03:17 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * struct.c (struct_s_def): メンバの指定を文字列,シンボル(FIXNUM)
+ 双方で可能にした.
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (Init_etc): 構造体オブジェクトをGCから保護した.
+ * error.c (rb_sys_fail): nil/FALSEを引数として受け付けるように.
+Thu May 30 16:19:08 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (thread_select): EINTRに対応.
+Wed May 29 11:04:51 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (f_catch): catch/throwを実装した.
+Tue May 28 13:30:52 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.99-960528
+ * eval.c (thread_cleanup): main threadが終了すると他のthreadも終了
+ することの明確化.
+ * signal.c (trap): SIGINTのデフォルトの設定ミス(本当にSIG_DFLでは
+ まずかった).rubyではちゃんとハンドルしないと.
+ * eval.c (thread_interrupt): SIGINTはmain_threadに例外を発生させる
+ ように.
+Mon May 27 15:13:31 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (thread_status): threadの状態を返すメソッド.threadの終了
+ を待たない.
+ * eval.c (thread_value): 一種のpromiseを実装するためのメソッド.
+ * eval.c (thread_join): 待っているthreadが例外を起こした時には,
+ joinがその例外を発生するように.
+ * eval.c (thread_create): threadでの例外をpropagateしないように.
+Fri May 24 10:47:53 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (Init_Enumerable): `size' as alias to the `length'
+ * eval.c (thread_save_context): `$@', `$!'をスレッド毎にセーブ.
+ * eval.c (superclass): エラー表示をより親切に.
+Thu May 23 10:38:41 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.99-960523
+ * eval.c (superclass): エラー時にスーパークラス名を(分かれば)表示
+ するように.
+Wed May 22 19:48:42 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (superclass): スーパークラスの指定子を`:'から`<'に変更.
+Tue May 21 09:27:59 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/thread.rb: threadをサポートするクラス(Mutex, Queue).
+Mon May 20 09:39:49 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_cmp): 浮動小数点数も扱えるように.
+ (time_minus): Time - Timeが浮動小数点数を返すように.
+Fri May 17 15:40:10 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * process.c (rb_proc_exec): Thread対応時にexecの直前に
+Tue May 14 02:12:44 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * signal.c (sighandle): SIGINTに対してデフォルトで例外を発生させる
+ のをやめ,status 130でexitするようにした.
+ * eval.c (thread_schedule): Threadのバグはほとんどとれたようだ.
+Fri May 10 11:21:08 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (thread_schedule): ユーザレベルThread機能.効率はともかく
+ 移植性はある.今後,thread間の通信機能を実装する予定.
+Thu May 2 21:22:31 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_timeval): struct timevalを直接返すように(static変数
+ を使わない).
+Wed May 1 17:27:32 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * process.c (f_sleep): 整数以外のtimeを指定できるように.
+Thu Apr 25 08:19:15 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (file_s_dirname): ファイル名が"/"を含まない時,"."を返す
+ ように(GNU dirnameの仕様).
+ * file.c (file_s_basename): まだnilと0を混同しているソースが残って
+ いた.
+ * parse.y (exprs): エラーリカバリを追加.
+Wed Apr 24 15:51:05 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_chop_bang): CRLFの場合2 bytesをchop!するように.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (tcp_svr_s_open): まだnilと0を混同しているソー
+ スが残っていた.
+Tue Apr 23 18:14:25 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): "A/a"のバグ.余計なpaddingが入っていた.
+Thu Apr 18 13:02:11 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * アーキテクチャ依存部を別ディレクトリにインストール
+ するように.
+ * parse.y (yyerror): エラー発生時にエラー行とその位置を表示するよ
+ うに.
+Wed Apr 17 14:22:42 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * defines.h: SAFE_SIGHANDLEを無くし,危険な選択はできないように.
+ * io.c (io_ungetc): 新機能.
+ * ruby.c (load_file): ファイルからの読み込み方式が変わったのに対応.
+ * parse.y (compile_file): ファイルからの入力を一度全部読み込むのを
+ 止めて,getsを使うことにした.
+Wed Apr 10 17:40:11 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.98
+Tue Apr 9 09:54:30 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (iter_block): イテレータブロックの指定をメソッド呼び出し
+ に限定.文法の明確化.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): 条件式の正規表現の比較をinline化.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): defined? の 定義情報(種別)を文字列で返す.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): option -n/-pのトップレベルループのinline展開.
+ * parse.y (cond0): 条件式中の文字列は比較の対象としない
+Wed Mar 27 12:33:54 1996 Tairo Nomura <>
+ * defines.h: NeXT対応
+Wed Mar 27 10:02:44 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y: 予約語の変更 continue -> next
+Mon Mar 25 07:34:37 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (parse_regx): o(once)オプションを追加.
+Fri Mar 22 14:25:35 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.97d
+ * eval.c (dyna_var_defined): 動的ローカル変数の定義チェック用ルー
+ チン.
+ * parse.y (gettable): eval()の中での動的ローカル変数(既に値を持っ
+ ているもの)の検出に失敗していた.
+Tue Mar 19 10:46:47 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.97c
+ * re.c (reg_s_new): compile時にsegmentation fault.
+ * parse.y (str_extend): いつもevalするように.
+Wed Mar 13 11:00:42 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (str_extend): 文字列中の式展開の不備を無くした.
+ * parse.y: 下手なエラーリカバリを外した.
+Tue Mar 12 12:30:20 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rescue): 間違ってensureでも例外を捕捉していた.
+Wed Mar 6 12:11:03 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (var_extend): 変数展開"#{}"で,任意の式を書けるようにし
+ た,これで「変数」展開では無くなっちゃったなあ.
+ * regex.c (init_syntax_once): `_'をwordに追加.
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): `\w',`\W'の判定をsyntax tableを使
+ うように.
+Tue Feb 27 10:15:32 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (obj_inspect): 表示するインスタンス変数が無い時には,
+ to_sを使う.
+ * dlnの検出を自動的に.
+Mon Feb 26 19:55:33 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (readin): read(2)で一度にファイルが読み込めない場合に対応.
+Sat Feb 24 14:47:18 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.97b
+Fri Feb 23 11:26:02 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (rb_define_module): C言語で定義されたモジュールのPATHの
+ 設定忘れ.文字列化でcore dump.
+ * eval.c (mod_include): 戻り値をnilに.
+ * version 0.97a
+Thu Feb 22 21:03:42 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (ary_times): 「配列*文字列」がjoinと同じ働きをするように.
+Wed Feb 21 11:18:09 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * : fileCountをcache.
+ * : LinuxでELF環境を自動的に検出できるよう.
+Tue Feb 20 11:18:09 1996 Mitsuhide Satou <>
+ * FreeBSD dynamic link対応.
+Fri Feb 16 08:50:01 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (obj_inspect): インスタンス変数を持たないオブジェクトも
+ 正しく表示されるように.
+Wed Feb 14 16:56:44 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): 条件式の`2..2'など左辺成立直後に右辺が成立する
+ パターンにバグ.
+Tue Feb 13 18:22:22 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.97
+Fri Feb 9 21:32:55 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/tkscrollbox.rb: スクロールでtclの設定を行い,ruby<->wishの不
+ 要な通信を無くした.
+Wed Feb 7 10:26:52 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_aref): indexをunsigned intでとっていた.
+ * string.c (str_aref): 範囲外のindexに対してnilを返す.
+ * parse.y (special_local_set): `$_'が宣言無しに使われた場合に対応.
+ 関数をvariable.cから移動.
+ * string.c (str_sub): 置換開始位置が間違っていた.
+Tue Feb 6 16:17:31 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sample/ruby-mode.el (ruby-parse-region): コメントの読み飛ばしの
+ バグ.
+Fri Feb 2 18:35:28 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (lastline_get): `$_'を`$~'と同じようにSCOPEローカルな
+ 変数にした.
+Thu Feb 1 14:14:07 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c: statのcacheをやめた.
+Wed Jan 31 07:13:08 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (proc_s_new): procの中でyieldを呼ばれた時にcore dumpして
+ いた.とりあえず例外を発生させる.
+ * variable.c (rb_class2path): singleton classに対応.
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (Init_etc): struct_defineのターミネータがnilだった
+ (0でなければならない).
+ * ext/marshal/marshal.c: TRUE/FALSEを吐き出せるように.
+ * eval.c (rb_get_method_body): キャッシュのalias対応,いままでは
+ aliasはキャッシュに入っていなかった.
+Tue Jan 30 09:55:13 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): NODE_BLOCK - tail recursive(というほどでもない
+ が).
+ * io.c (io_pipe): pipe(2)を実装した.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): Qselfをなくした.thread対応への第一歩.先は遠
+ いが….
+ * eval.c (proc_call): procの中でのreturnはprocの終了を意味するよう
+ に.ただし,procからのyieldの中でのreturnは例外を発生する.
+Wed Jan 24 11:33:48 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.96a
+ * dir.c (dir_each): `$_'の値を変更するのをやめた.
+ * io.c (f_readlines): nilとFALSEの分離のあおりで無限ループに落ちて
+ いた.
+ * ruby.c (ruby_options): $0の設定ミス.
+Tue Jan 23 15:28:21 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): ``は文字列を引数とするメソッド(`)呼び出しのシ
+ ンタックスシュガーであるとした.
+ * ruby.c (addpath): `-I'オプションでディレクトリが「前に」追加され
+ るように変更.
+Fri Jan 19 11:23:12 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dln.c (load_1): N_INDR対応(出来たような気がする).
+Thu Jan 18 18:14:20 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.texi: FALSEとnilの分離を反映した.
+Tue Jan 16 17:39:23 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.96 - とりあえずnilとFALSEを区別する版
+Wed Jan 10 15:31:48 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (reg_match): マッチしなかった時の戻り値はFALSE.
+ * object.c (rb_equal): `0 == nil'がTRUEになるバグ.
+Tue Jan 9 00:44:58 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * nilとFALSEが分離可能に変更.
+ * nilとFALSEと0の区別を厳密に.
+ * struct.c (struct_new): 引数を0で終る必要が無くなった.
+ * object.c (inspect_i): オブジェクトのチェックのバグ(Fixnumでcore
+ dumpしていた).
+ * range.c (range_to_s): Rangeの表示を改善.
+ * object.c (true_inspect): TRUEの表示を`TRUE'に.
+Mon Jan 8 15:02:33 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_mul): divide by zero errorが発生した(オーバーフロー
+ 検出のバグ)
+ * texinfo.texをパッケージに含めた.
+Sun Dec 31 00:08:49 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): `::'では,そのクラスで定義された定数を参照する
+ ように変更.
+ * string.c (Init_String): eachをeach_lineに戻した.
+Thu Dec 28 12:31:55 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): caseの演算子を`=~'から`==='に.
+ * variable.c (rb_const_set): クラス定数の再定義を許す(同じクラスで
+ は不可).警告は出す.
+Wed Dec 27 13:27:52 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.95c
+ * ext/tkutil/tkutil.c: wishがあってもなくても一応コンパイルだけは
+ するように.
+ * lib/tk.rb: 環境変数PATHから{wish|wish4.0}を探すように.
+Tue Dec 26 01:03:42 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sample/ruby-mode.el (ruby-parse-region): 正規表現の検出強化.
+ * numeric.c (fix_mul): 乗算のオーバーフロー検出アルゴリズムのバグ.
+ * ext/ ./install-shを使う場合のPATHを調整.
+ * (install): lib/*.rbを一つずつインストール.
+ * io.c (io_each_line): イテレータの戻り値をnilで統一.
+Fri Dec 22 10:34:32 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.95b
+ * variable.c (f_untrace_var): 第2引数を指定すると特定のtraceを削除
+ できるように.
+ * variable.c (f_trace_var): 第2引数がnilの時,traceを削除する.
+ * lib/tk.rb (file_readable/file_writable): 第2引数をnilにすること
+ によるevent handlerの削除.
+ * parse.y (variable): ドキュメントに`__FILE__'と`__LINE__'が残って
+ いた.`caller(0)'で代用したはずだったのに.
+ * eval.c (f_eval): $!のリセット.
+ * error.c (err_sprintf): 勝手に"\n"を付加するのを止めた.
+ * parse.y (f_arglist): 引数リスト直後のif/whileの読み間違い.
+ lex_stateの値が設定されていなかった.
+Thu Dec 21 00:56:57 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.95a - ^^;;;
+ * lib/tkscrollbox.rb: パッケージに入ってなかった.
+ * FILE structureのチェックにバグ.
+ * (clean): ext以下をinstallしていた.
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: Solarisにおける-lnlsのチェック.
+ * array.c (beg_len): バグがあった….悲しい.
+ * version 0.95 - fj.sourcesに
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): rescueのロジックをrb_rescue()に一元化.
+Wed Dec 20 19:30:58 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * 不要なコンパイルの回避(より完全に).
+ * class.c (singleton_class_new): `single'->`singleton'
+Tue Dec 19 07:14:33 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (closed?): IOがcloseされているかどうかを知る述語.
+ * parse.y (primary): 特異メソッドの引数のlex_stateが不適切.
+ * lib/tk.rb: tcl->rubyの変換関数の用意.
+ * ext/ (install): installの2重コンパイルの回避.
+ * array.c (range_beg_len): range指定の不適切なエラーを訂正.
+ * string.c (str_aref): range指定のバグを削除.
+ * lib/tk.rb (tk_split_list): Tclのリストに対応.
+Mon Dec 18 09:58:12 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.94
+ * dln.c (dln_load): HP対応(未確認)
+ * eval.c (Init_Proc): BlockをProcに改名.
+Sat Dec 16 13:46:14 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): retryでイテレータの再実行ができるように.
+Fri Dec 15 17:14:30 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c: proc:lambdaの親しみやすい別名
+Thu Dec 14 17:21:55 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (dyna_var_asgn): イテレータブロック内で最初に初期化された
+ ローカル変数の有効範囲をそのブロック内に限定.これでlambdaと呼べ
+ ないことはない.
+Wed Dec 13 02:30:58 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c: autoloadのマークミス.
+ * lib/tk.rb: wishからの複数行の戻り値に対応
+ * lib/tkcomposite.rb: 複合widget
+ * variable.c (rb_class2path): ICLASSに対応してなかった.
+ * eval.c (ruby_run): exit(0)のバグ
+Sat Dec 9 01:21:24 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/marshal/marshal.c (dumps|load): 文字列に対する入出力を可能に
+ した(ただし実はファイル経由なのだ).
+Fri Dec 8 18:29:11 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/marshal/marshal.c: シンボルを一度だけ初期化する.
+Thu Dec 7 07:58:50 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): 第1引数の正規表現の認識にエラーがあった.同時に
+ 状態数を減らした.
+ * string.c (str_sub): 置換でスキップ幅が大きすぎた.
+Wed Dec 6 15:14:23 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_sub_method): sub/gsub(!なし)は置換が行なわれなかっ
+ た時,置換前の文字列を返す.
+Tue Dec 5 00:55:15 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): 括弧を省略した時の引数展開の`*'に対応.
+ * eval.c (ruby_run): EXITハンドラ内での例外に対応.
+ * bignum.c (big_cmp): BignumとFixnumの比較で落ちる.
+Mon Dec 4 14:21:18 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (call_op): コンパイル時の定数式の展開をやめた.労多くし
+ て益少ないと判断したので.
+Thu Nov 30 01:35:15 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/tk.rb: {Radio,Check}Buttonのvariableの実装.
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): Block.callがネストした時のバグ.
+ * io.c (f_select): 常に配列3つをふくむ配列を返すように
+ * lib/tk.rb: fileeventをruby側で実装.
+Wed Nov 29 17:53:23 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_ivar_get): selfを常に指定するように.
+Tue Nov 14 00:07:29 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/tk.rb: Tk4.0対応
+Mon Nov 13 16:23:32 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.93
+Thu Nov 9 23:26:01 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (gc_mark): モジュールのMixinのマーク忘れ.
+ * parse.y (f_arglist): メソッド定義の引数を括弧で括らなくても良い
+ ようにした.
+Wed Nov 8 00:17:51 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): 未初期化のローカル変数があった.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): pendig signalのチェックをeval実行後に行うよう
+ にした.でないとシグナルの発生と検出が遠く離れてしまう事がある.
+ * parse.y: class文のsuperclass部を定数から式に拡張した.
+ * lib/tk.rb: Tkのほぼ全ウィンドウクラスに対応.キャンバスとテキス
+ ト上のオブジェクトが残っている.
+Tue Nov 7 08:18:37 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * signal.c (trap): ブロックを指定できるように.
+Mon Nov 6 16:44:00 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (f_caller): 呼出元の情報を得る.
+ * ext/tkutil/tkutil.c: wishのstderr出力を監視することで,エラー処
+ 理を行う.
+ * ext/tkutil/tkutil.c: wishとの通信部をCで記述.
+Sat Nov 4 01:12:59 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sample/ruby-mode.el (ruby-calculate-indent): インデントの計算を
+ もう少しスマートにした(正規表現のチェック,継続行のチェック).
+ * eval.c (rb_call): 無限再帰を避けるため,関数のネストレベルの制限
+ を行なう.
+ * lib/tk.rb: Tkインターフェース.まだ不完全だが.
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): 空のBlockのバグ.
+ * sample/ruby-mode.el (ruby-calculate-indent): 行末の演算子による
+ 行継続に対応.
+Fri Nov 3 12:56:21 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call): 本体が空の関数の実行にバグ.
+ * parse.y (var_extend): 文字列の末尾の変数展開のバグ.
+ * variable.c (rb_gvar_set): traceの評価時にに変数値を与えるように.
+ * eval.c (f_require): ruby scriptのrequireにbug.
+ * variable.c (rb_const_get): モジュールのinclude対策.
+Thu Oct 19 13:56:06 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dln.c (dln_load): HP対応でのtypo.
+Wed Oct 18 17:39:39 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.92
+ * object.c (krn_type): オブジェクトの動的な型を返すメソッド.
+Tue Oct 17 00:48:18 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): -X オプション.chdirだけを行う.
+ * re.c (reg_search): 漢字コードを途中で変更できるように.コンパイ
+ ル時のコードが変更された時にはマッチの直前に正規表現の再コンパイ
+ ルを行う.定数KCODEから変数$KCODEへ.
+ * parse.y: ()のなかにcompexprを許す.
+ * re.c (reg_search): メモリリークを直した.
+Fri Oct 13 13:19:19 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_sub): 文字列置換にバグ.
+ * string.c (str_strip_bang): 文字列の後ろの長さの調整が行われてい
+ なかった.
+ * re.c (reg_search): $&, $1...はローカルに束縛するようになった.呼
+ び出したメソッドでのマッチは現スコープの$&などの値に影響しない.
+ マッチの情報をスコープ外で得たいときには$~を使って束縛情報を持ち
+ 出す必要がある.
+Thu Oct 12 00:33:33 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (reg_search): String:split, String:indexでは$&, $1...が変化
+ しないようにした.
+ * io.c (rb_str_setter): setterの仕様が変更になっていた.
+ * variable.c (f_trace_var): 第2引数を省略してイテレータとして呼べ
+ るように.
+Wed Oct 11 11:50:59 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.91
+ * variable.c (var_setter): 引数が間違っていた.致命的バグ.
+ * io.c (pipe_open): $stderrの値が変更されている時にはそちらを
+ 子プロセスのstderrに設定する.
+Mon Oct 9 13:06:33 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (mod_to_s): モジュール内のモジュールは`::'を使った表現
+ で表示されるように.
+ * variable.c (rb_gvar_set): 代入によるループが発生しないように,
+ trace内での代入ではtraceを評価しない.
+ * struct.c (struct_equal): structのequal判定にクラスの一致を含めた.
+Sat Oct 7 00:18:32 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): defined?の機能を拡張(yieldのチェック,superの
+ 存在など).
+Fri Oct 6 12:06:47 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.90
+ * st.c (st_foreach): 要素を削除した時に要素数が変化していなかった.
+ * hash.c (hash_values): バグ修正.keysを返していた….
+ * parse.y (call_op): defined? の引数では定数の畳み込みを行わない
+ (チェックする前にコンパイルエラーになっては困る).
+ * スコープ生成の一部見直し.
+Thu Oct 5 00:29:43 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * 関数とクラスの命名規則を変更した.関数名,変数名の全面書き換え.
+ * gc.c (looks_pointerp): ヒープチェックの高速化.
+ * struct.c (Fstruct_aset): 構造体に対する`[]='.
+ (struct_set): 構造体メンバに対する代入.
+Wed Oct 4 09:54:07 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.89
+ * eval.c (Frequire): ダイナミックロードのエラーチェックを厳しく.
+ * struct.c: structの構造を完全に書き換えた.以前は順序付きの
+ id->valueの連想配列であったが,今度は構造体毎に新しいクラスを生
+ 成するようにした.
+ * parse.y: `::'の意味をAssocの生成からクラス(モジュール)内の定数ア
+ クセスへ変更.
+ * assoc.c: なくす.
+Tue Oct 3 13:31:08 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (Ftrace_var): trace_var, 大域変数への書き込みhookを設
+ 定する.
+ * variable.c: global_entryの構成を書き換えた.これでtrace_varを実
+ 装できる.
+ * file.c (Ffile_stat): "&"で直前のfstatの結果も参照できるように.
+Fri Sep 29 14:15:13 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.88
+ * dln.c (dln_load): AIXとHPに対応したコードを入れた(動作は未確認).
+ * ext/ 必要に応じて,定数EXTLIBを定義するように.
+ * dln.c (dln_load): dln独立に書き換える.将来の拡張用.
+ (load_1): dln_a_outにおいてソースコードでライブラリを明示的にロー
+ ドする必要がないように変更した.
+Thu Sep 28 13:31:37 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sample/ruby-mode.el: もっとましなhilit19対応(正規表現).
+Wed Sep 27 04:12:44 1995 Takahasi Mamoru <>
+ * sample/test.rb: echoで-nを使わないように(SysV対策).
+ * ext/ sub -> sub!
+Tue Sep 26 19:12:42 1995 Yasuo OHBA <>
+ * dln.c (dln_find_1): `.', `..'から始まるパスに対応した.
+Mon Sep 25 12:33:03 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.87
+Sat Sep 23 10:00:18 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (Fmod_modfunc): メソッドをprivateにし,同時に特異メソッド
+ も定義するメソッド.パッケージ的使い方のモジュール用.
+Fri Sep 22 11:02:44 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/find.rb: findを提供するライブラリ
+ * variable.c (rb_define_variable): hookの設定を分離.
+ (add_hook): 1変数に対して複数のhookを設定できるように.
+Thu Sep 21 00:22:11 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (Fstr_frozen): 文字列が更新不可かどうかをチェックする述
+ 語メソッド.
+ * hash.c (Fhash_aset): keyが文字列の時,キーの内容が変化しないよう
+ に,dupしてfreezeする.
+Wed Sep 20 16:12:44 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.86
+ * ext/ (have_header): キャッシュにバグ.
+ * ext/ (have_library): 引数の順序が変わった.
+Thu Sep 14 18:00:59 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (obj_is_instance_of): is_member_ofから名称変更.
+ Wed Sep 13 15:44:35 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (Fstr_tr_bang): 範囲外の文字に対する変換バグ.
+Tue Sep 12 14:27:58 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (Sfile_expand_path): expand_file_name -> expand_pathに名
+ 称変更.
+ * enum.c (Fenum_member): includes? -> member? に名称変更.
+ * string.c (Fstr_each_byte): StringはByteArrayであるという基本に戻っ
+ て,eachの定義をeach_byteに変更した.今までのeachはeach_lineでア
+ クセスできる.
+Mon Sep 11 18:31:17 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (cache_stat): ファイル名として"&"を指定すると直前の
+ stat(2)の結果を再利用するように.
+Fri Sep 8 14:18:51 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.texi: `!', `?'に対応してアップデート.
+ * parse.y: defined -> defined?
+ * file.c: FileOpの一文字メソッドをなくす.一文字テストはtestメソッ
+ ドにまかせる.
+ * parse.y (yylex): 変数名の後ろに`?'も許す.述語メソッドの後ろに
+ `?'を追加する.
+Thu Sep 7 20:01:33 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c: 文字列の中身を更新するメソッドの名前の終りに`!'を付加.
+ `!'の無いバージョンも用意した.
+ * parse.y: 変数名の後ろに`!'を許す.
+Wed Sep 6 14:12:19 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.85
+ * string.c (Fstr_dup): 文字列の複製を作る
+ (Fstr_freeze): 文字列の更新不可属性を設定できるように.
+ (Fsub/Fgsub): $_の内容をdupしてから置換を行うように.
+ * ruby.h (CLONESETUP): flagsの状態もコピー
+Tue Sep 5 01:27:50 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sample/test.rb: 失敗の検出を厳しく.
+Fri Aug 25 14:31:02 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * process.c (Ffork): イテレータとしても動作するように.
+ * version 0.84
+ * signal.c (sig_beg): ハンドラが設定されている時には再設定しない.
+ * ext/ (create_makefile): shared objectのリンクの際に
+ `-l'オプションを指定するように.
+ * signal.c (trap): `EXIT'で終了処理を行う設定が出来る.
+Wed Aug 16 00:13:22 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * signal.c (sig_beg): デフォルトではbegin節の中でだけSIGINTを捕捉
+ するように変更.
+ * io.c (io_ctl): fcntlを持たないシステムにも対応.
+ * 各ディレクトリに分散していたMANIFESTをまとめた.拡張モジュール毎
+ には必要.
+ * string.c (Sstr_new,str_sub,Fstr_crypt): 引数を自動的に文字列に変
+ 換するように.
+Sat Aug 12 00:44:02 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (Fstr_crypt): PD cryptを用意した.
+Fri Aug 11 14:37:03 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * assoc.c (Fassoc_clone): assocもcloneできるように.
+ * io.c: マクロREAD_DATA_PENDINGの定義を変更(Linux対応)
+ * io.c (io_fptr_finalize): fptrの解放時の処理を指定できるように.
+Wed Aug 9 16:52:41 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_provided): 複数のfeatureをロードすると無限ループに落
+ ちるという単純な(しかし凶悪な)ミス.
+ * ext/ (install): dlopen対応を行った.今までdlnにしか十
+ 分に対応していなかった.
+Tue Aug 8 14:17:06 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.83
+Mon Aug 7 12:47:41 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y: resque -> rescue.恥ずかしいがtypoを残しておくわけには
+ いかないよなあ.なんで今まで気がつかなかったのか….
+Thu Aug 3 18:18:05 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * missing/nt.c: NT移植用の関数群をまとめた.
+ * variable.c (rb_const_get): また例外を発生するようにした.defined
+ がある以上例外を発生させない理由がないので(例外が発生した方がタ
+ イプミスの検出などの点で有利).
+ * variable.c (Fautoload): autoloadを実装.今度は使えるか.
+Mon Jul 31 15:44:21 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (arg_ambiguous): 第1引数のあいまいさを警告(-vオプション
+ で有効).
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): `-v'オプションをつけて`def'が呼ばれると不必要
+ なエラーメッセージが出た.
+ * parse.y (yylex): メソッドの第1引数の判定をもうちょっと賢くした.
+Fri Jul 28 19:04:43 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): `+/-/['の直前に空白が来るかどうかで動作を変更し
+ た(混乱のもとか?)
+Wed Jul 26 09:21:23 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.82a
+ * sprintf.c (Fsprintf): `%s'で'\0'を含む文字列に対応.
+ * pack.c (Fpck_pack): packの要素確保のバグ.
+ * eval.c (Floop): 無限ループのイテレータ.
+ * io.c (next_argv): 存在しないファイル名が指定された時のエラー処理
+ が行われていなかった.
+Mon Jul 24 17:37:34 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.82
+ * ext/ (install): 拡張モジュールをstatic linkする場合は
+ そのモジュールが既にrequireされたのと同じようにfeatureを設定する.
+ これで拡張モジュールの機能が必要な時には(static linkされているか
+ どうかにかかわらず)requireすればよくなる.
+ * eval.c (Frequire): `$"'に格納する文字列をフルパスでなくフィーチャ
+ 名とする.rubyスクリプトをロードした時には`.rb',オブジェクトを
+ ロードした時には`.o'をフィーチャ名に付加する.lispのrequireと
+ provideの働きに(少し)近い.
+Thu Jul 20 12:50:05 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * (test): make testができるように.
+ * struct.c (struct_new): typo.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): `defined'を追加.メソッド/変数/定数の定義状態
+ を知る事が出来る.
+Wed Jul 19 18:04:01 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.81
+Mon Jul 17 14:53:51 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_const_get): 未初期化のCONSTANTの値をnilにした.し
+ かし,今後また例外に戻す可能性はある.要はoptionalなクラス/モジュー
+ ルが存在するかチェックしたいだけなんだな.
+ * st.c (int): grow_factorを固定にした(大嶋さんのマシンに対応).
+Fri Jul 14 00:48:40 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/ キャッシュのバグを修正.
+ * parse.y (var_extend): #{$数字}に対応した.
+ * dln.c (dln_load_1): `Init_FILENAME'だけを有効に.`init_*'は今後
+ 実行しない.
+ * ext/etc/etc.c : Etcモジュールを拡張モジュールとして分離.実はNT
+ 対応への布石だったりするかもしれない.
+Tue Jul 11 17:12:48 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gcc -Wallで出たwarningを元にソースを変更.
+ * signal.c (trap): typo.
+Fri Jul 7 10:08:51 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.80
+ * ruby.texi: texinfo documentを提供.specとruby.1は無くなった.
+ * signal.c (Ftrap): 割込み禁止中の例外発生に対応.
+ * eval.c (Flambda): Blockオブジェクトを返す.Block.newと同義.
+Thu Jul 6 00:35:03 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * signal.c (Ftrap): SIG_DFLの処理を変更.SIGINTへのデフォルトハン
+ ドラを用意(例外を発生する).
+ * file.c (Sfile_expand_fname): パス名を絶対パスに展開するメソッド.
+ (Sfile_basename): basenameを得るメソッド.拡張子も外せる.
+ (Sfile_dirname): basenameの反対.
+ * eval.c (rb_call): argument評価中の例外発生に対応.
+ * file.c (Ftest): `M', `A', `C'を追加.
+Tue Jul 4 12:36:33 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (Ftest): ファイルテスト用メソッド.
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): `-r'オプションを追加.
+ * parse.y (f_args): デフォルト引数を追加.
+ * eval.c (rb_call): 該当する引数が無い時,rest引数の値をnilに.
+ * numeric.c (num_equal): 数値以外との比較で例外が発生していた.
+ FALSEを返すように.
+ * eval.c (masign): 多重代入のrest部の動作がおかしかった.
+Sat Jun 17 01:03:16 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (gettable): 未初期化のローカル変数の参照(独立した識別子)
+ は正式にメソッド呼び出しとした.
+ * parse.y (read_escape): tokenbufを使わないように修正.それにとも
+ ない,`\C-x',`\M-x'などのエスケープ表現を復活.これでドキュメン
+ トと実際の処理系が一致した.
+Thu Jun 15 15:42:00 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (re_regcomp): cacheのチェックを改善.
+Mon Jun 12 18:50:51 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 0.79
+Sat Jun 10 00:25:01 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (re_regcomp): cache判定に`$='の値も反映させた.
+ * sample/test.rb: test suite作成.
+Fri Jun 9 15:58:34 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <matz@ix-02>
+ * re.c (re_regcomp): cacheの判定が間違っていた.
+Fri Jun 9 00:01:35 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * eval.c (rb_yield): block構造体に初期化していないメンバ(iter)があっ
+ たのでイテレータのネストが正しく動作しなかった.
+Thu Jun 8 00:59:03 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * re.c (=~): String以外との比較がFALSEを返すように(例外を発生して
+ いた).
+ * 判定した値をファイルにキャッシュするようにした.
+ * assoc.c (to_a): to_aメソッドが再定義されていなかった.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): 初期化されていないローカル変数へのアクセスを引
+ 数の無いメソッド呼び出しと解釈する.ただし,(現状では)メソッドが
+ 定義されていない場合,エラーにせず変数未初期化のwaringを出して
+ nilを返している.「ruby -pe print」などが実行できるという意味で
+ はありがたいこの仕様は,しかし今後の検討が必要である.-- メソッ
+ ド呼び出しとするのを止めるか(以前の仕様),いつもメソッド呼び出し
+ とする(未定義ならばエラー)か,今の仕様で行くか.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): 初期化されていないローカル変数へのアクセスで
+ (evalなどで)初期化された事が分かった時には以後初期化されたローカ
+ ル変数とみなす.
+Wed Jun 7 11:58:12 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <matz@ix-02>
+ * eval.c (rb_fail): 例外処理後も`$!'をクリアしないように.
+ (rb_fail): `$!'変数に最後に改行を追加しない.
+ * io.c (Fprint): privateメソッドに変更.引数を取らない時の動作を変
+ 更(`$_'を出力する).
+ (Fio_print): 出力先指定のprintメソッド.
+ (Fio_printf): 出力先指定のprintfメソッド.
+ * parse.y: not演算子の追加.優先順位の低い`!'演算子.
+Mon Jun 5 19:00:55 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <matz@ix-02>
+ * version 0.78
+Fri Jun 2 17:52:03 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <matz@ix-02>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): -Iオプションで`$:'への追加される順番を修
+ 正した.
+Fri Jun 2 00:36:34 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * parse.y: while修飾子の動作を通常のwhileと同じにした.ただし,
+ begin式へのwhile修飾子だけはdo..while型のループとなる.
+Wed May 31 18:36:30 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <matz@ix-02>
+ * version 0.77
+Mon May 29 18:39:37 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <matz@ix-02>
+ * ext/ (install): 拡張モジュールもインストールできるよ
+ うに.
+Fri May 26 14:43:01 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <matz@ix-02>
+ * process.c (Fsystem): 戻り値をサブプロセスの失敗/成功を表す真偽値
+ にした.終了ステータスは`$?'で得る.
+Tue May 23 10:58:11 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <matz@ix-02>
+ * string.c (Fstr_upto): 無限ループに陥らないように.
+ * parse.y (cond): `||'などの右辺に制御式が書けるように,条件式がか
+ ならずしも値を持たなくても良いようにした.
+ * ext/marshal/marshal.c: オブジェクトの読み書きをメソッドの再定義
+ でコントロールできるように.インスタンスが`_dump_to'というメソッ
+ ドを定義している時はそちらを使うように.
+ * ext/ static linkも設定できるような仕様にした.
+ ext/Setupというファイルにディレクトリ名を記述するとそのディレク
+ トリに存在するモジュールはstatic linkされる(はず).
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): `..'を文法に組み込み,`..'と`...'の動作をperl
+ に合わせた.
+Sat May 20 01:22:48 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * io.c (select): timeout時と割込み時の動作の明確化.
+Fri May 19 15:33:23 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <matz@ix-02>
+ * version 0.76
+Fri May 19 00:48:08 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * string.c (Fstr_each): イテレータブロック中で文字列の変更が行われ
+ たかどうかをチェック.ポインタの値が変わっていれば例外を発生する.
+ * ruby-mode.el: ruby-electric-braceの新設.
+Thu May 18 12:27:23 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <matz@ix-02>
+ * string.c (Fstr_tr): trの置換対象に`\0'を含む時に正しく置換を行わ
+ ないバグがあった.更に置換文字列をASCII順に指定しないと動作しな
+ い問題もあった.結果としてtrを書き換えたので,copyrightの問題は
+ 無くなった(と思う).
+ * gc.c (gc): the_scopeをマークしていなかったので,ローカル変数の指
+ しているオブジェクトが間違って解放される場合があった.
+ * gc.c (mark_locations_array): 若干の高速化.
+Mon May 15 11:43:49 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto <matz@ix-02>
+ * ext/ Dynamic Loadモジュールのコンパイル用チェックを
+ 行うruby script.autoconfに近い感覚で使える.新しいモジュールを
+ 提供したい人はextの下にディレクトリを作るだけで良い.必須のファ
+ イルはファイル名の一覧を記録した`MANIFEST'というファイルのみ.必
+ 要に応じて`depend'(ファイルの依存関係を記述するファイル gcc -MM
+ の出力),`extconf.rb'(コンパイル用にライブラリと関数の存在チェッ
+ クするファイル)を用意できる.
+ * eval.c (rb_call): rubyメソッドの引数チェック時に未初期化の
+ jmp_bufを使用していた.
+ * parse.y: `or'と`and'の優先順位を同じにした.
+Wed May 3 18:21:36 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * dln.c: Linuxでは`__.SYMDEF/'であった.
+ * dln.c: system callのエラーチェックを忘れていた.
+Wed Apr 26 09:50:56 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * parse.y: イテレータブロックの変数宣言を`|'で括るようにした.これ
+ でイテレータ変数がない時は宣言そのものを省略できる.文法の変更は
+ 久しぶりだ.
+Tue Apr 25 12:04:17 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * eval.c(require): loadからダイナミックロードの機能を移してきた.
+ さらに拡張子の補完機能を追加してユーザがdln/dlopenの差を意識する
+ 必要のないようにした.
+ * string.c(sub,sub): イテレータとしても動作するように.
+ * object.c: init_object -> initialize.
+Mon Apr 24 14:22:39 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * NEWS-OS 3.4対応
+ * io.c: Solarisのstdioの動作が違うようだ.signalでEOFを返してしま
+ う….perlでも同様の問題がある.
+Fri Apr 21 20:04:39 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * version 0.75
+ * signal.c: trapがなくなっていた.うーむ.
+ * configure: Solaris 2.3対応.
+ * io.c: #elifのないcppもある.
+ * dir.c: autoconf 2.xへの対応が不十分
+Thu Apr 20 12:31:24 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * version 0.74
+ * env.h, gc.c, regex.c: IRIXへの移植対応
+ * configure: dlopen用にpicを生成するoptionの検出のため,システムタ
+ イプをチェックするように.
+Tue Apr 18 19:08:17 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * gc.c(xrealloc): ptr=nilの時,malloc()と同じ働きを
+ * array.c(astore): 空の配列の0番目の要素に代入するとsize=0で
+ realloc()を呼んでいた.
+ * configure, glob.c: Solaris 2.xでコンパイルできるように
+Mon Apr 10 18:36:06 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * version 0.73
+Fri Apr 7 13:51:08 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * cons.c->assoc.c: consの余計な機能は外してpairとしての機能だけを
+ 残した.Enumerableをincludeするのもやめた.
+ * string.c(esub): 文字列置換イテレータ.perlのs///eの相当する.
+Wed Apr 5 11:35:21 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * version 0.72
+ * EWS4800対応
+ * file.c: utimesがない時はutimeを使うように.
+Mon Apr 3 15:19:41 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * version 0.71
+ * regexp.c(re_match): バグがあった.match_2を削除した時にenbugして
+ いたのだった.
+Mon Mar 27 15:41:43 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * dict.c: Dict->Hashに全面的に移行.
+Thu Mar 23 20:30:00 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * dbm.c,socket.c: extディレクトリに分離.
+ * configure: dln周りのチェックの強化
+ * dln.c: initの呼び出しをdlopen()版に合わせた.
+Mon Mar 20 17:45:08 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * configure: autoconf 2.2に対応(一部).
+Fri Mar 17 15:56:44 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * dln.c: dlopenのあるマシンではそちらを使うように.ただし,ちゃん
+ と動いているかどうかは自信がない.
+ * regex.c: virtual concatenationをやめた.
+Thu Mar 16 11:32:57 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * version 0.70
+ * eval.c,regex.c: gccでのコンパイルエラー.
+ * io.c: inplace-editで拡張子が指定されない場合,もとのファイルを削
+ 除する.
+Wed Mar 15 14:59:18 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * version 0.69
+ * eval.c(method_missing): unknownから名称変更.
+ * eval.c(single_method_added): 特異メソッドが定義された時に呼ばれ
+ るメソッド.hookとして使える.実際に定義される直前に呼ばれる.
+Tue Mar 14 14:46:44 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * ruby.c(proc_options): 引数の解析を自分でやることにより引数指定の
+ 方法がperlに近付いた.getopt_longはもう使わない.
+ * dir.c(glob): `{}'のネストを許すようにした.
+Mon Mar 13 17:56:25 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * glob.c: Glob(ワイルドカードオブジェクト)はなくなった.ワイルドカー
+ ドの展開はDir.glob(文字列)を使う.ワイルドカードのマッチは正規表
+ 現で代用.
+Fri Mar 10 18:35:46 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * eval.c: Mathのようなモジュールは自分自身でextendする.
+ * eval.c: クラスやモジュールを定義する時,既に同名のものがあれば追
+ 加定義となるように.ただし.superクラスの違いなどはチェックする.
+ * regex.c: debug.
+ * math.c: 定数PIとEを定義.
+Thu Mar 9 21:35:12 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * regex.c: EUC,SJISモードでは0x80以上の8進,16進リテラルを禁止.
+ * regex.c: クラス内でも数値リテラル・文字クラスが使えるようした.
+Wed Mar 8 17:39:05 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * regex.c: \200など括弧の数以上の表現は8進リテラルと解釈する.ただ
+ し,\1から\9までは例外.
+ * regex.c: \9以上のリファレンスも有効にした.
+Tue Mar 7 14:26:01 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * eval.c(public/private): スコープ制御メソッドの名称変更.静的なア
+ クセスも出来るようにしてみたが,不採用.
+Mon Mar 6 19:34:32 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * eval.c(inlcude): メソッド化.動的にモジュールをインクルードでき
+ るように.さらに任意のオブジェクトにもモジュールをインクルードで
+ きるメソッド `extend'も用意した.
+ * parse.y: 文法からincludeを削除.メソッド化.
+Tue Feb 28 15:35:10 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * parse.y: 配列,連想配列の最後に`,'をおけるように.
+Fri Feb 24 13:15:43 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * version 0.68
+Thu Feb 23 11:19:19 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * eval.c: resque節のselfの値が間違っていた.
+ * eval.c(rb_clear_cache): キャッシュのクリアし忘れがあった.
+ * eval.c: 定数のスコープをクラス内の静的スコープに変更した.これに
+ よって,特異メソッドから参照される定数は,レシーバのクラスではな
+ く,定義されたスコープのクラスの定数となる.
+Wed Feb 22 00:51:38 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * regex.c: ignorecaseを正規表現のコンパイル前に指定しないと正しく
+ 動作しない.修正.
+ * string.c(toupper,tolower): bug fix.
+ * ENV,VERSION: readonly変数から定数へ.
+Tue Feb 21 18:56:56 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * io.c(STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR): 定数として定義.
+ * io.c(select): bug fix.
+ * version 0.67
+Mon Feb 20 16:10:14 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * parse.y(yylex): 定数を`%識別子'から,第1文字が大文字の識別子に変
+ 更.それにともないクラスは定数となった.
+ * eval.c: クラス定義内のselfがクラス定義外部のthe_classだった.
+ * variable.c(rb_name_class): クラス名をインスタンス変数に格納する.
+Thu Feb 16 15:36:17 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * parse.y: BLOCKをbraceで表現する文法に変更したものを作ってみる.
+ MLに提示してみるが反応がない.
+ * object.c(do,forever): なくした.
+Wed Feb 15 13:20:49 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * re.c(new): 第2引数が与えられて,かつnilでないときだけ設定するよ
+ うに(以前はnilの時にも設定を行なっていた).
+ * parse.y(parse_regexp): 正規表現リテラルで大文字小文字を無視する
+ かどうか指定できるように.
+Tue Feb 14 00:55:33 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * parse.y: (compexpr) -> (expr).
+Fri Feb 10 16:30:00 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * ruby.c(load_file): scriptを読み込む時だけ"#!"の解析を行うように.
+ * ruby.c(readin): ファイル読み込み時に先頭に"#!"があり,その行が
+ "ruby"という文字列を含む時,rubyに引数が与えられていれば,その引
+ 数も有効になる.
+ * parse.y(yylex): コメント行の終りが`\'であった時,次の行に継続し
+ ているとみなすようにした.
+Thu Feb 9 16:18:37 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * version 0.66
+ * parse.y: protectをbeginに変更.begin..endは例外処理だけでなく,
+ 文括弧としても働くことになった.
+Wed Feb 1 19:48:24 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * version 0.65
+ * string.c(str_replace): 置き換える文字列の長さが等しい時メモリコ
+ ピーをしない.
+ * string.c(rindex): バグ修正.
+Mon Jan 30 11:23:05 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * parse.y(value_expr): ifのチェックを追加.
+ * gc.c(gc_mark): free cellの扱いにバグ.
+ * parse.y: 文法の変更(よりシンプルに).例外を減らした.
+Thu Jan 26 00:52:55 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * parse.y: 引数として連想配列を置くことができるように.この場合,
+ 連想配列リテラルが最終引数となる.
+ * parse.y: 配列参照の`[]'内が空でもよいことにした.
+Tue Jan 24 14:45:15 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * class.c(rb_include_module): `-v'を指定した時にはincludeしたモジュー
+ ルとクラス定数が衝突していないかチェックする.
+Mon Jan 23 10:42:09 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * parse.y(rb_class2name): メタクラスに関するbug fix.
+ * dict.c: Dict[..]で辞書の生成が出来るように.
+ * array.c: Array[..]で配列の生成が出来るように.
+ * parse.y: 辞書の表現として{a,b,..}という形式も許すように.
+Fri Jan 20 10:28:38 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * re.c(Regexp.quote): 正規表現をエスケープするメソッド.
+ * 無駄なrb_intern()を減らした.
+ * parse.y: `!', `!=', `!~'を特殊演算子にする.よってこれらは再定義
+ できなくなった.
+Wed Jan 18 13:20:41 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * parse.y: 文法の整理(unless,untilをなくした).
+Tue Jan 17 11:11:27 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * eval.c: defでメソッド再定義時にはスーパークラスのメソッドの可視
+ 性を継承する.最初の定義の時は今までと同じデフォルト(トップレベ
+ ルで関数的,クラス定義内で通常メソッド).
+ * object.c(Class#new): オブジェクトの生成時に関数的メソッド
+ init_objectが必ず呼ばれるように変更.
+ * eval.c: 未定義のメソッドに対してunknownメソッドが呼ばれるように
+ なった.エラー表示が今までと同じになるようにenvを調節している.
+Fri Jan 13 14:40:30 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * gc.c: gcを若干書き換えて整理した.が,あまり変化はなかったようだ.
+ * parse.y(yylex): symbolを\symから:symに変更した.
+Thu Jan 12 01:39:28 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * eval.c: 新規関数 rb_eval_string().
+ * gc.c: gc_mark()を一部非再帰化.
+ * variable.c(rb_ivar_{get,set}): インスタンス変数のアクセス周りで
+ チェックが足りなかった.
+ * variable.c: クラス定数とインスタンス変数でハッシュテーブルを共有
+ するようにした.
+ * ruby.h: iv_tblをRBasicからRObjectとRClassへ移動した.これにより,
+ ObjectとClass,Moduleしかインスタンス変数を持てなくなる.が,メモ
+ リ効率は若干向上する.
+Tue Jan 10 00:58:20 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * 0.64 released
+ * eval.c: レシーバと引数は常にiterではない.
+ * cons.c(aref,aset): negative offset対応.
+Mon Jan 9 14:40:39 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * parse.y: foo{..}の形式において,fooをローカル変数やクラス名では
+ なく,引数なしの関数型メソッド呼び出しとみなすようにした.
+ * list.c -> cons.c: 名称変更(クラス名も).
+ * list.c: a::b::c::nilをリスト(a b c)とみなすlisp形式から,a::b::c
+ をリスト(a b c)とみなすruby形式に変更.[], []=, eachもそれに会わ
+ せた仕様とする.
+ * list.c: consペアとしての機能を強調.仕様変更.
+Sat Jan 7 01:26:26 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * eval.c: 自己代入の不具合修正.
+ * eval.c(masign): 多重代入が配列もリストもとれるようにした.
+ * list.c: assocを2要素の配列からList(CONSペア)に変更した.
+Fri Jan 6 13:42:12 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * parse.y: a[b]+=cやa.b+=cなどの自己代入形式で,aやbを2度評価しな
+ くなった.
+ * eval.c: iterator設定のバグフィックス.
+ * list.c: Listクラスを新設.
+Thu Jan 5 13:55:00 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * parse.y: SCOPEのメモリリークをなくした.
+ * eval.c: built-inメソッドへの引数の引き渡し方を変更して,配列の生
+ 成数を減らした.
+ * re.c: match-dataを毎回生成することをやめた.`$~'をアクセスした時
+ にon-demandで生成する.
+ * string.c etc: 不必要なmemmoveをmemcpyに置換.
+ * parse.y: =~, !~は副作用があるのでコンパイル時に展開できない.
+Tue Jan 3 02:04:36 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * eval.c: rest引数のbug fix.
+ * eval.c,gc.c: scopeをオブジェクトにした.
+ * eval.c: envとscopeの扱いを変更した.
+Wed Dec 28 09:46:57 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * parse.y: evalでローカル変数が追加された場合に対応した.
+ * parse.y: 演算子を含むaliasのbug fix.
+Tue Dec 27 16:45:20 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * parse.y: def A Bをalias A Bに変更.
+ * eval.c: alias関係のbug修正.nodeをオブジェクト化した時にenbugし
+ たようだ.
+ * signal.c: システムコールの再定義を止めた.
+ * io.c(select): write/exceptのフラグ設定にバグ.
+ * static link用オプションをMake変数として独立させた.
+Tue Dec 20 00:46:19 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * 0.63 released
+ * eval.c(rb_call): superの呼び出しで落ちる.argc, argvの設定を忘れ
+ ていた.
+ * parse.y(read_escape): 展開エラー.
+ * variable.c: 定義済みの変数のhookを変更しないように.
+Mon Dec 19 12:01:10 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * parse.y(cond): 条件式に代入式が置かれた場合,`-v'オプションで警
+ 告が出るように.
+ * parse.y(**): 冪乗演算子`**'の優先順位を単項演算子より高くした.
+ * parse.y(and,or): 優先順位の低い演算子`and', `or'.
+ * 0.62 released.
+ * eval.c: 不必要になったPUSH_ENV, POP_ENVを減らした.
+ * env.h: ENVIONからselfをはずした.PUSH_ENVはsuperの準備のためだけ
+ に用いることにした.
+ * eval.c: 下記のオブジェクト化で遅くなった実行速度をもとに戻した.
+Mon Dec 17 23:01:10 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * eval.c: env.{argv,argc}とscope.local_varsのオブジェクト化.
+ * eval.c: 1スコープ内で複数Blockを生成したときのバグを修正.
+Fri Dec 16 15:52:06 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * parse.y: `&&'と`||'の両辺はいつでも条件式とした.
+Thu Dec 15 00:16:04 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@dyna)
+ * eval.c(Block): Blockオブジェクトを実現.
+ * node.h: NODE_QLISTはなくなった.
+ * eval.c(rb_call): 引数への代入を名前で一つずつ代入するのをやめて,
+ 一度にコピーするようにした.
+ * eval.c(rb_call): rubyで記述されたメソッドへの引数渡しをinline化.
+ * eval.c: イテレータ判定処理の全面書き換え.不適切なイテレータ呼び
+ 出しをなくした.例えば「[foo(),bar()]{i|baz(i)}」でfooもbarもイ
+ テレータとして呼び出され*ない*.
+ * eval.c(rb_call): SCOPE処理をinline化.メソッド呼び出しの若干の高
+ 速化.
+Wed Dec 14 18:09:33 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * node.h: nodeもオブジェクトにする.よってGCで回収される.
+Thu Dec 8 14:17:29 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02)
+ * 0.60 released - alpha test baseline.
diff --git a/doc/ChangeLog/ChangeLog-1.8.0 b/doc/ChangeLog/ChangeLog-1.8.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6d9453d011
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/ChangeLog/ChangeLog-1.8.0
@@ -0,0 +1,24350 @@
+Mon Aug 4 17:21:19 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (class_instance_method_list): methods defined in
+ singleton class and extended modules should be included.
+ [ruby-dev:21119]
+Mon Aug 4 13:05:57 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (method_proc): should specify YIELD_FUNC_SVALUE.
+ [ruby-dev:21107]
+ * marshal.c (w_object): should not call w_extended for USRMARSHAL
+ dump. [ruby-dev:21106]
+Mon Aug 4 10:42:00 2003 Nathaniel Talbott <>
+ * lib/test/unit/ui/console/testrunner.rb: Flushed io in the
+ Console::TestRunner so that it will output immediately.
+Mon Aug 4 10:27:22 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * util.h: remove unnecessary parentheses. [ruby-dev:20879]
+Mon Aug 4 10:00:47 2003 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (receive_responses): raise exception to
+ client_thread. Thanks to William Webber.
+Mon Aug 4 09:22:53 2003 William Webber <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb: convert RD to RDoc.
+Mon Aug 4 02:34:05 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_utime): never use utime() of C runtime.
+ [ruby-talk:77782]
+Sun Aug 3 23:56:50 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call_super): should propagate previous block for
+ super call. [ruby-talk:77884]
+Sun Aug 3 22:07:47 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkentry.rb: support 'validatecommand' option of
+ TkEntry/TkSpinbox widget
+ * ext/tk/sample/{demos-en,demos-jp}/spin.rb: add
+Sun Aug 3 19:25:28 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (call_trace_func): clear exception flag temporarily.
+ [ruby-dev:21090]
+Sun Aug 3 18:03:44 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * regex.h (re_mbctab): should refer to RUBY_EXPORT. [ruby-ext:02199]
+ * lib/un.h (help): new. % ruby -run -e help cp
+Sun Aug 3 08:53:06 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/sample/{demos-en,demos-jp}/image3.rb: add
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkcanvas.rb: bug fix on Tk object ID management
+ * ext/tk/lib/tktext.rb: ditto
+Sun Aug 3 02:55:52 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * process.c: modify macro to detect 'MacOS X' [ruby-talk:77849]
+ * ext/tcltklib/lib/tcltk.rb: bug fix ( NOT MAINTAINED : only
+ for running 'line2.rb' demo. )
+Sun Aug 3 02:45:06 2003 Koji Arai <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_to_s): get rid of buffer overflow.
+Sat Aug 2 23:51:52 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (appendline): clearerr(3) before raising exception, since
+ exception may be captured by rescue. [ruby-talk:77794]
+Sat Aug 2 09:58:13 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: bug fix --- TkGrid failed to treat
+ * ext/tk/sample/demos-en/, demos-jp/: add or modify some
+ widget demo scripts
+Sat Aug 2 20:59:38 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/https.rb: change an option name.
+ :SSLCertStore -> :SSLCertificateStore.
+Sat Aug 2 19:18:40 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: respond_to? needs 2nd argument.
+ Thanks Jim Bob. [ruby-talk:77796]
+Sat Aug 2 15:11:54 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (--no-undefined): annoying option removed.
+Sat Aug 2 14:53:55 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (pkg_config): get configuration by pkg-config. [new]
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: use pkg_config.
+Sat Aug 2 13:45:17 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c: add "#pragma weak" for __libc_ia64_register_backing_store_base.
+ [ruby-dev:21072]
+Sat Aug 2 14:02:39 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c (classname): find regular class name if not set.
+ [ruby-dev:20496]
+Sat Aug 2 09:58:13 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: bug fix --- forgot to entry a widget class
+ name of 'labelframe' widget
+ * ext/tk/sample/{demos-en,demos-jp}/{labelframe.rb,paned1.rb,
+ paned2.rb,spin.rb}: add demo-scripts to the JP/EN widget demos
+Sat Aug 2 05:04:30 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkentry.rb: bug fix of TkEntry#delete
+ * ext/tk/samples/: bug fix of some widget demos
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: support <TkVariable object> == <Symbol>
+ * ext/tk/lib/*.rb: freeze some object for security reason
+Sat Aug 2 03:30:25 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (rb_obj_singleton_methods): should not go up to
+ ancestors unless the recursive flag is set. [ruby-list:38007]
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): expand [] to nil if avalue is set.
+ [ruby-dev:21058]
+ * hash.c (env_each_key): use env_keys to avoid environment modify
+ on the fly.
+ * hash.c (env_each_value): use env_values for safety.
+ * hash.c (env_each): allocate environment array first.
+Fri Aug 2 03:20:00 2003 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * lib/yaml/store.rb (YAML::Store#initialize): filename is first
+ argument. Thanks Kent Dahl.
+Sat Aug 2 00:49:31 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: refine document.
+Fri Aug 1 23:57:45 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_mark_locations): no need to swap arguments.
+ * gc.c (STACK_LENGTH): insufficient for growing up stack
+ architectures.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc, Init_stack) ditto.
+Fri Aug 1 23:33:36 2003 Masatoshi Seki <mas@snow.local.>
+ * rubytest.rb: set dldpath on darwin.
+Fri Aug 1 23:07:38 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: convert RD to RDoc. Thanks William Webber.
+ [ruby-doc:456]
+Fri Aug 1 19:48:56 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (syck_emitter_write_m): forgot to declare
+ "self", making it default to "int".
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (syck_emitter_simple_write): ditto.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc): should mark backing store region on IA64.
+Fri Aug 1 18:51:10 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * process.c: bug fix --- preprocessor errors occur on OpenBSD-current
+Fri Aug 1 17:13:23 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: should replace literally.
+Fri Aug 1 16:22:57 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_check_readable, rb_io_check_writable): ensure not
+ closed at first.
+ * io.c (rb_io_getline): check readable always. (ruby-bugs:PR#1069)
+ * io.c (rb_io_each_byte): ditto.
+Fri Aug 1 16:02:46 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (READ_DATA_PENDING_PTR): cast to get rid of warnings.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (unix_send_io, unix_recv_io): ditto.
+Fri Aug 1 15:53:24 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (isInternalCmd): shouldn't return if find end of str.
+ [ruby-talk:77678]
+Fri Aug 1 13:45:14 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call_super): propagate previous block if a block is
+ given. [ruby-talk:77577]
+Fri Aug 1 09:54:38 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_fill): array length may be changed during the
+ block execution. [ruby-talk:77579]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_zip): ditto.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_fill): ditto.
+ * hash.c (env_reject_bang): length may be changed during the block
+ execution.
+ * hash.c (env_clear): ditto.
+Fri Aug 1 04:58:55 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: bug fix --- forget to eval given block to
+ method
+ * ext/tk/sample/tkoptdb-safeTk.rb: new sample script
+Fri Aug 1 00:52:58 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (Init_stack): IA64 requires STACK_LEVEL_MAX to be less than
+ magic number when optimizer turned on, regardless of rlimit
+ values.
+Thu Jul 31 23:44:00 2003 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/erb.rb: import erb-2.0.4b4.
+Thu Jul 31 23:04:45 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/sample/resource.en, ext/tk/sample/
+ wrong resource file format
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: add Tk::Encoding.{encoding_convertfrom,
+ encoding_convertto}
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: add TkOptionDB.read_with_encoding to read
+ non-utf8 resource file
+Thu Jul 31 23:02:47 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/etc/etc.c: revert getenv()'s prototype. use it only when _WIN32
+ is not defined.
+Thu Jul 31 20:52:40 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: (IMPORTANT BUG FIX) scan of event keywords
+ doesn't work on recent versions of Tck/Tk
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: initialize error of instance variable on
+ TkComposite
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: initialize error on encoding-system on
+ MultiTkIp
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: trouble on destroying widgets
+ * ext/tk/sample/demos-en/, demos-jp/: add JP and EN version of
+ Ruby/Tk widget demos
+Thu Jul 31 15:25:12 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_collect): must get length of array for each
+ iteration. reported on [ruby-talk:77500], and fixed by
+ K.Sasada <> on [ruby-talk:77504]
+Thu Jul 31 14:11:54 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: move gmake specific features
+ into GNUmakefile.
+Thu Jul 31 12:36:11 2003 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * bin/erb, lib/erb.rb: add explicit trim mode.
+Thu Jul 31 04:59:10 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_num_coerce_relop): export function.
+Thu Jul 31 08:18:00 2003 Nathaniel Talbott <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: A useful return code is now set if tests fail when
+ running automatically using the Console::TestRunner.
+Thu Jul 31 07:59:18 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: wrap the command-proc of TkScale --- pass
+ the numeric object to the proc
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: better support for widgets created on
+ Tk interpreter (without Ruby)
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: a little more stable on Multiple Tk
+ interpreters running
+Thu Jul 31 00:17:19 2003 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (return_code): obsolete.
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (last_response_code): new method. lastresp is now
+ alias to last_response_code.
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (last_response): new method.
+Wed Jul 30 23:55:44 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (w_object): check has been dropped. "_dump must return
+ string." [ruby-dev:21024]
+Wed Jul 30 22:35:19 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (dir_config): allow multiple directories separated
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): DLDFLAGS include $LDFLAGS again.
+ [ruby-talk:76894]
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (init_mkmf): not default $LDFLAGS to LDFLAGS for
+ ruby itself, but default $DLDFLAGS to DLDFLAGS.
+Wed Jul 30 16:17:06 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (w_object): marshal_dump should not take any
+ argument.
+Wed Jul 30 15:54:04 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_sslctx_initialize): should initialize
+ instance variables. [ruby-talk:77362]
+Wed Jul 30 15:39:54 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): -F set compiled regular expression to $;.
+ [ruby-talk:77381]
+ * string.c (Init_String): no setter type check for $;
+Wed Jul 30 15:10:02 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (rb_raise): snprintf() termination moved to
+ win32/win32.c.
+ * win32/win32.c (valid_filename, str_grow): unused.
+ * win32/win32.c (NTLoginName, ChildRecord): make static.
+ * win32/win32.c (CreateChild): argument check.
+ * win32/win32.c (kill): should not call CloseHandle() when
+ OpenProcess() failed.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_vsnprintf, rb_w32_snprintf): ensure buffer
+ terminated. [ruby-talk:69672]
+Wed Jul 30 10:54:10 2003 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (get): fix wrong argument name. Thanks to William
+ Webber.
+Wed Jul 30 10:31:37 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (iconv_convert): append unchanged portion
+ after overflow. [ruby-dev:21006]
+ * ext/iconv/extconf.rb: check if iconv() 2nd argument is const.
+Wed Jul 30 09:31:55 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (os2-emx): renamed from os2_emx, add flags to
+ CFLAGS and LDFLAGS, and remove lib prefix. [ruby-dev:20993]
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_rename): retry with removing new file on
+ DOSISH. [ruby-dev:21007]
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb (sendmsg, recvmsg): check functions.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (unix_send_io, unix_recv_io): raise
+ NotImplementedError unless system calls are available.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_initialize): rename from sock_init()
+ to get rid of conflict with OS/2 socket library.
+Wed Jul 30 07:23:14 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkentry.rb: fix lack of methods for TkEntry
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tkdialog.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkentry.rb,
+ ext/tk/sample/safe-tk.rb, ext/tk/sample/tktimer2.rb: bug fix
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: MultiTkIp.new_* accept a block to
+ eval under the new interpreter
+Wed Jul 30 04:36:30 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c,
+ ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkafter.rb: additional check of
+ Tk interpreters' status for a little more safety
+Wed Jul 30 02:37:12 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (w_object): if object responds to 'marshal_dump',
+ Marshal.dump uses it to dump object. unlike '_dump',
+ marshal_dump returns any kind of object.
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): restore instance by calling
+ 'marshal_load' method. unlike '_load', it's an instance
+ method, to handle cyclic reference.
+ * marshal.c (marshal_load): all objects read from file should be
+ tainted. [ruby-core:01325]
+Wed Jul 30 01:47:51 2003 Hugh Sasse <>
+ * lib/timeout.rb (Timeout::timeout): execute immediately if sec is
+ zero.
+Wed Jul 30 01:36:18 2003 Aron Griffis <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (socks_init): typo fixed. [ruby-talk:77232]
+Wed Jul 30 00:48:43 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: the default value for --enable-socks is
+ taken from ENV["SOCKS_SERVER"]. [ruby-talk:77232]
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): add -W option. -W0 to shut up all warning
+ messages. [ruby-talk:77227]
+ * error.c (rb_warn): no message will be printed if the value of
+ $VERBOSE is "nil", i.e. perfect silence.
+ * ruby.c (verbose_setter): $VERBOSE value is either true, false,
+ or nil.
+ * io.c (Init_IO): no "read" check for $stdin. in addition some
+ function names has been changed.
+Tue Jul 29 23:10:19 2003 Yoshida Masato <>
+ * regex.c (re_match_exec): incorrect multibyte match.
+Tue Jul 29 22:36:50 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb (send0): do taint check only when $SAFE > 0
+Tue Jul 29 19:20:34 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (install): support preserve timestamp.
+ * instruby.rb (install): use FileUtils::install preserve mode.
+ * lib/un.rb: new. % ruby -run -e cp -- -p foo bar
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: use un.rb instead of ftools.rb.
+ * MANIFEST: add lib/un.rb.
+ * ext/extmk.rb (INSTALL_PROG, INSTALL_DATA): modify verbose messages.
+Tue Jul 29 18:55:22 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: unify coding style.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: ditto.
+Tue Jul 29 17:27:59 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ruby.h (LLONG_MIN): fix typo.
+Tue Jul 29 16:38:44 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb (Net::SMTP::send0): add taint check.
+Tue Jul 29 15:41:02 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * instruby.rb (install): preserve the timestamp for Mac OS X ranlib
+ problem.
+Tue Jul 29 01:14:51 2003 Rick Ohnemus <>
+ * ruby.h (LLONG_MIN): wrong value.
+Mon Jul 28 22:57:52 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_f_getc): $stdin may not be IO. [ruby-dev:20973]
+Tue Jul 29 16:20:36 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c: bug fix and
+ change mainloop_abort_on_no_widget_cmd => mainloop_abort_on_exception
+ ( to avoid thread timing trouble on accessing destroyed widgets )
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: change default mode of
+ mainloop_abort_on_exception on multi-tk.rb
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: fix a bug of the procedure for
+ 'Delete' button on the safe-Tk frmae
+Tue Jul 29 12:22:28 2003 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/token.c: prefixed many constants and definitions
+ with YAML_ to avoid name clash.
+ * ext/syck/gram.c: ditto.
+ * ext/syck/gram.h: ditto.
+Tue Jul 29 12:15:37 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/etc/etc.c: add real prototype to getenv().
+ * win32/win32.h: add arguments to definitions of functions if possible.
+Tue Jul 29 08:05:30 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkdialog.rb, ext/tk/lib/tktext.rb,
+ ext/tk/sample/tkbiff.rb, ext/tk/sample/tkdialog.rb,
+ ext/tk/sample/tkform.rb: bug fix ( tested with Ruby/Tk widget demo )
+Tue Jul 29 04:22:08 2003 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/syck.h: Added 'syck' yacc prefixes.
+ * ext/syck/gram.c: ditto.
+ * ext/syck/token.c: ditto.
+ * ext/syck: Added ruby.h reference to source files.
+Tue Jul 29 03:53:28 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/net/https.rb (use_ssl=): raise ProtocolError if
+ connection is set up already.
+Tue Jul 29 01:45:32 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c: use RTEST()
+Tue Jul 29 01:24:32 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c: bug fix
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: bug fix and pack options are pssed
+ to the safeTk container
+ * ext/tk/sample/safe-tk.rb: add example for pack options of
+ safeTk container
+Mon Jul 28 23:23:08 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (Init_File): IO should include File::Const.
+ [ruby-dev:20964]
+Mon Jul 28 18:53:03 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: check again after pkg-config for MinGW on
+ Cygwin.
+Mon Jul 28 15:32:04 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_gets): only "gets" should set $_.
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_getline): should not set $_ here.
+ * io.c (argf_to_s): argf.to_s returns "ARGF".
+ * io.c (set_defout_var, set_deferr_var): make $defout and $deferr
+ obsolete.
+ * io.c (set_input_var, set_output_var): allow $stdin, $stdout,
+ $stderr not to be instance of IO.
+ * io.c (rb_f_readline): forward method to current_file. gets,
+ readline, readlines, getc, readchar, tell, seek, pos=, rewind,
+ fileno, to_io, eof, each_line, each_byte, binmode, and closed?
+ as well.
+ * io.c (argf_forward): utility function to forward method to
+ current_file.
+Mon Jul 28 06:10:13 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c: bug fix
+ * ext/lib/tk/multi-tk.rb: bug fix
+ * ext/lib/tk/multi-tk.rb: add methods depend on Tcl's 'interp' command
+ * ext/lib/tk/multi-tk.rb: suppot safe-level control of each interpreter
+Mon Jul 28 03:08:47 2003 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/set.rb: each() should return self.
+Mon Jul 28 01:35:32 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_chomp_bang): defer rb_str_modify() to actual
+ modify point. other methods, replace, tr, delete, squeeze,
+ lstrip, and rstrip as well.
+ * string.c (rb_str_rstrip_bang): remove trailing '\0' at the end
+ of string.
+ * string.c (rb_str_lstrip_bang): do not strip '\0' from the left.
+Sun Jul 27 21:16:30 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: better support MinGW. add
+ dir_config("kerberos") and with_config("pkg-config").
+ * mkconfig.rb: initialize global variables to avoid warnings.
+Sun Jul 27 19:35:06 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c: add some methods to support
+ multiple interpreters (low level)
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: new library to support multiple Tk
+ interpreters (high level)
+ * ext/tcltklib/demo/safeTk.rb: new sample of safeTk interpreter
+ * ext/tk/sample/safe-tk.rb: new sample of multi-tk.rb
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: bug fix and add feature to supprt multi-tk
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkafter.rb: ditto
+Sun Jul 27 14:43:37 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/debug.rb: fix breakpoint parameter parsing/checking.
+ (?:(file|class):)(line_number|method)
+Sun Jul 27 10:21:28 2003 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/drb/unix.rb: add UNIXFileOwner, UNIXFileGroup.
+Sun Jul 27 03:10:43 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (io_reopen): avoid dup2() equal handles not to close itself and
+ to get rid of a msvcrt bug. [ruby-dev:20919]
+Sun Jul 27 00:37:16 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/tmpdir.rb: use GetWindowsDirectory, not GetSystemDirectory.
+ [ruby-talk:77073]
+Sat Jul 26 21:25:21 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (rb_fdopen): set errno if it's zero on win32 platforms.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (TO_SOCKET): define special version when
+ _WIN32 is defined. this is ruby's problem, not OpenSSL.
+ * win32/win32.c: remove some old comments.
+Sat Jul 26 14:26:57 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb (TkCore::chooseDirectory): back up wrongly
+ removed method.
+Sat Jul 26 14:14:12 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c: includes Enumerable as well as IO.
+ [ruby-talk:77058]
+Sat Jul 26 07:00:53 2003 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/erb.rb: fix % line.
+Sat Jul 26 05:31:09 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.h: fix comment.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c (ossl_debug): should enable if no va-args
+ macro supplied.
+Sat Jul 26 04:04:36 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: refine va-args macro detection.
+ [ruby-talk:76983]
+Sat Jul 26 01:33:51 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_setup): need to pass the real
+ socket to SSL_get_fd on native win32 platforms.
+Sat Jul 26 01:20:29 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_mod_const_missing): "const_missing" should not
+ appear in the caller(); add call frame adjustment.
+ * eval.c (rb_method_missing): simplify call frame adjustment.
+Fri Jul 26 00:04:25 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/openssl/sample: add samples.
+ - cert2text.rb: dump certificate file as text.
+ - crlstore.rb: CRL store implementation. Fetch CRL via HTTP when
+ http-access2 is installed.
+ - certstore.rb: certificate store implementation.
+ - cert_store_view.rb: certificate store viewer with FXRuby. Uses
+ c_rehash.rb, crlstore.rb and certstore.rb.
+Fri Jul 25 16:43:03 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c: add TclTkIp#create_slave,
+ TclTkIp#_make_safe and TclTkIp#safe?
+ * ext/tcltklib/MANUAL.euc: modify descriptions
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: bug fix [ruby-talk:76980] and modify to
+ support multi Tk IPs
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkafter.rb: modify to support multi Tk IPs
+Fri Jul 25 15:47:39 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: add check for BN_rand_range() and
+ BN_pseudo_rand_range().
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_bn.c (ossl_bn_s_rand_range): should raise
+ NotImplementedError if BN_rand_range() wan not defined.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_bn.c (ossl_bn_s_pseudo_rand_range): should raise
+ NotImplementedError if BN_pseudo_rand_range() wan not defined.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs7.c (ossl_pkcs7_s_encrypt): avoid compiler
+ warning for OpenSSL-0.9.6.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs7.c (ossl_pkcs7si_initialize): ditto.
+Fri Jul 25 14:34:55 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (tcp_s_gethostbyname): was using
+ uninitialized size_t value. [ruby-talk:76946]
+Fri Jul 25 13:38:38 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_options_m): use rb_reg_options() to mask internal
+ flags.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_initialize_m): allow nil as third argument and
+ ignore, and mask code flags if the argument is given.
+ [ruby-dev:20885]
+ * re.c (rb_reg_options): get common flags directly.
+Fri Jul 25 03:52:21 2003 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * lib/yaml/dbm.rb: replace indexes with values_at.
+Fri Jul 25 02:55:59 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: add check for libsocket and libnsl.
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: use pkg-config to build CFLAGS and LDFLAGS.
+Fri Jul 25 01:27:59 2003 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/emitter.c (syck_emitter_flush): accepts count
+ of bytes to flush. anchor offsets now functional.
+ * ext/syck/syck.h (syck_emitter_flush): ditto.
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c: ditto.
+ * ext/syck/token.c: URI escaping now supported.
+Thu Jul 24 16:41:31 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (have_type): check if a type is defined.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (check_sizeof): check size of a type.
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb: check if type DBM is defined.
+ [ruby-talk:76693]
+Thu Jul 24 16:18:40 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ChangeLog (add-log-time-format): "%c" contains timezone on
+ XEmacs.
+Thu Jul 24 16:05:22 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (AC_C_VOLATILE): check if volatile works.
+ * defines.h (volatile): removed.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_group): Thread#group. [new]
+Thu Jul 24 15:50:42 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: add check for win32 OpenSSL libraries.
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: add check for __VA_ARGS__.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.h: avoid non C99 compiler errors.
+Thu Jul 24 13:32:56 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (thgroup_add): no warning for terminated threads.
+Thu Jul 24 13:09:26 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb: added.
+Thu Jul 24 11:21:10 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/io/wait/extconf.rb: removed unnecessary backward
+ compatibility stuff.
+Thu Jul 24 11:09:10 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: revert use of dir_config.
+Thu Jul 24 09:58:32 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/Win32API/lib/win32/resolv.rb: added.
+ * lib/resolv.rb: support Win32 platforms. based on Tietew's work
+ [ruby-dev:15573].
+Thu Jul 24 04:05:46 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ssl.h: undef X509_NAME and PKCS7_SIGNER_INFO to
+ avoid name confliction on mswin32.
+ * ext/openssl/ssl.c (ossl_protect_obj2bio): avoid VC++ warnings
+ in function prototype.
+ * ext/openssl/ssl.c (ossl_protect_membio2str): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ssl.c (ossl_protect_x509_ary2sk): ditto.
+Thu Jul 24 03:44:04 2003 Michal Rokos <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: cut check for OpenSSL version
+Thu Jul 24 03:41:30 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c (ip_init): need at least one statement after
+ label.
+Thu Jul 24 01:48:03 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI::QueryExtension::[]): should return StringIO (or
+ Tempfile) for multipart/form.
+ * variable.c (rb_define_const): give warning for non constant
+ name. [ruby-core:01287]
+Thu Jul 24 01:51:08 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick: imported.
+ * MANIFEST: added webrick files.
+Thu Jul 24 01:32:04 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/tmpdir.rb (tmpdir): new method. remove TMPDIR.
+ use GetSystemWindowsDirectory(GetSystemDirectory), not GetTempPath.
+Thu Jul 24 01:08:43 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl: imported.
+Wed Jul 23 23:06:59 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * file.c (DOSISH): better Cygwin support.
+Wed Jul 23 19:13:21 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_split_m): the receiver may be empty string.
+Wed Jul 23 18:43:00 2003 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/erb.rb: import erb-2.0.4b1.
+Wed Jul 23 18:21:52 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/io/wait: imported.
+Wed Jul 23 16:07:35 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * process.c: unify indentation
+ * add --enable-setreuid option
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c: accepts 'ip-name' and 'options'
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: support arguments of
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk*.rb: preparations for multi-Tk interpreter support
+Wed Jul 23 15:49:01 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_lstrip_bang): strip NUL along with white
+ spaces. [ruby-talk:76659]
+ * string.c (rb_str_rstrip_bang): ditto.
+Wed Jul 23 14:19:17 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (log_src, checking_for, create_header):
+ Logging.message is printf like format.
+Wed Jul 23 10:11:15 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (check_iconv): check if Iconv instance.
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (iconv_convert): stringify argument.
+Wed Jul 23 02:39:46 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * process.c: add a module for raw syscalls to control UID/GID
+ * process.c: add modules for portable UID/GID control
+Tue Jul 22 19:16:40 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (iconv_failure_initialize): limit
+ inspect message. [ruby-dev:20785]
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (rb_str_derive): share with original
+ string if possible. [ruby-dev:20785]
+Tue Jul 22 17:22:34 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_mod_const_missing): new method. [ruby-core:00441]
+ * variable.c (rb_const_get_at): allow "const_missing" hook.
+ * variable.c (rb_const_get_0): ditto.
+ * eval.c (method_missing): rename from rb_undefined to clarify.
+ * eval.c (ruby_finalize_0): update exit status if any of END proc
+ raises SystemExit. [ruby-core:01256]
+ * signal.c (rb_trap_exit): wrap rb_eval_cmd
+ * eval.c (rb_exec_end_proc): reduce rb_protect().
+Tue Jul 22 17:15:57 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * MANIFEST (lib/cgi/session/pstore.rb, lib/yaml/baseemitter.rb):
+ added.
+Tue Jul 22 10:52:19 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/tmpdir.rb: remove charcters after "\000" and regularize path.
+Tue Jul 22 02:22:45 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (num_equal): should not use rb_equal().
+ * string.c (rb_str_equal): should return nil for non string
+ operand to conform comparable convention. [ruby-dev:20759]
+Tue Jul 22 00:19:19 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/tmpdir.rb: new library to get temporary directory path,
+ using GetTempPath on Win32 environment.
+ * lib/tempfile.rb: now uses tmpdir.rb.
+ * lib/cgi/session.rb, ib/drb/unix.rb: ditto.
+Mon Jul 21 01:53:43 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_string_value_cstr): check null byte in the string
+ before retrieving C ptr. accessed via macro StringValueCStr.
+ * file.c: use StringValueCStr to retrieve paths to system calls.
+ * file.c (sys_fail2): raise error for two operand system calls
+ such as rename, link, symlink. (ruby-bugs PR#1047)
+Sun Jul 20 11:03:25 2003 UENO Katsuhiro <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (gzfile_read_header): gz->z.input may be nil after
+ finishing reading a gzip header.
+Sat Jul 19 22:25:47 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_match2): add warning to "~string".
+ [ruby-list:37751]
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (Net::FTP::open): takes block. suggested by Gavin
+ Sinclair in [ruby-core:01237].
+Sat Jul 19 19:03:24 2003 Takaaki Uematsu <>
+ * wince/stdlib.c: add bsearch().
+Sat Jul 19 12:34:45 2003 David Black <>
+ * lib/scanf.rb: import.
+Sat Jul 19 11:27:25 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc: import.
+ * eval.c (thgroup_add): should return group for terminated thread
+ case.
+ * eval.c (thgroup_add): do not raise ThreadError on terminated
+ thread addition for compatibility. just warning.
+Sat Jul 19 04:50:56 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/iconv/charset_alias.rb, ext/iconv/extconf.rb: make wrapper
+ script which maps charset names. [ruby-dev:20625]
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (charset_map): charset name map.
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (iconv_dfree): no exception while
+ finalization.
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (iconv_s_conv): new method Iconv.conv.
+ [ruby-dev:20588]
+Sat Jul 19 03:09:18 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/Win32API/lib/win32/registry.rb (Win32::Registry::Error):
+ inherit StandardError instead of SystemCallError.
+Sat Jul 19 02:00:39 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_attr): extra calls of method_added. [ruby-talk:76361]
+Fri Jul 18 18:44:22 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (init_mkmf): clear $INSTALLFILES. [ruby-dev:20727]
+Fri Jul 18 17:34:39 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (rm_f): use FileUtils.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (modified?): return mtime of the target if
+ it exists and newer than times.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (install_files): add a current directory
+ file even if it does not exist yet.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (configuration): do not add $LDFLAGS to
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): check whether Makefile is newer
+ than depend and MANIFEST.
+Fri Jul 18 14:57:19 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (make_cmdvector): recognize quote within string.
+ based on Nobu's patch ([ruby-win32:450]). [ruby-talk:75853]
+Fri Jul 18 13:04:36 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_missing): VCALL is called only for LOCAL_ID. no
+ check required.
+ * parse.y (primary): primary:tFID generates NODE_FCALL.
+ [ruby-dev:20641]
+Thu Jul 17 18:50:26 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (match_captures): rename from "groups".
+Thu Jul 17 17:57:32 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_clear_cache_by_class): check both klass and origin.
+Thu Jul 17 13:46:25 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_init): set ruby_running to true after
+ initialization.
+Thu Jul 17 13:42:53 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/ftools.rb (File::makedirs): do not handle "//" as a directory.
+Thu Jul 17 06:40:28 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: recover and fix typo : Tk.chooseDirectory
+ (Tk8.4 feature)
+Wed Jul 16 16:23:58 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_proc_new): call svalue_to_avalue for yield argument.
+Wed Jul 16 00:31:00 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_disable_super, rb_enable_super): deprecate.
+ * eval.c (thgroup_s_alloc): re-implement group struct.
+ * eval.c (thgroup_add): add check for enclose and frozen status.
+Tue Jul 15 19:50:49 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_add_method, rb_alias): need to clear cache by
+ ID when method defined in parent class is cached for
+ grand child classes. [ruby-dev:20672]
+Tue Jul 15 14:38:21 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb: remove elements conversion to_f, to_i, to_r.
+ * lib/cgi/session/pstore.rb: add new file.
+Tue Jul 15 03:30:41 2003 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (syck_mark_emitter): forgot to rb_gc_mark the
+ outgoing IO object.
+Sun Jul 13 14:55:36 2003 Koji Arai <>
+ * process.c (proc_getgroups, proc_setmaxgroups): fix typo.
+Sat Jul 12 17:01:28 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * struct.c (struct_entry): add prototype to avoid VC++ warnings.
+Sat Jul 12 04:43:57 2003 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/emitter.c: new emitter code.
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c: Emitter class.
+ * lib/yaml.rb: Load Syck emitter, if available.
+ * lib/yaml/stream.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/yaml/baseemitter.rb: underlying class for all emitters.
+ * lib/yaml/rubytypes.rb: use BaseEmitter abstraction.
+ * lib/yaml/emitter.rb: ditto.
+Sat Jul 12 04:23:13 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_undef): need to clear cache for inherited class.
+ (rubicon/builtin/TestModulePrivate.rb:test_undef_method)
+Sat Jul 12 01:21:54 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (avalue_to_svalue): typo.
+ * eval.c (rb_load): rb_prohibit_interrupt must not underflow.
+ * parse.y (NODE_STRTERM, tokadd_string, parse_string): moved
+ string nest level from a static variable to NODE_STRTERM, to
+ preserve it from word to word in %W/%w.
+Fri Jul 11 22:37:18 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (aix): needs ruby.imp even with gcc.
+ (ruby-bugs:PR#1007)
+Fri Jul 11 18:37:37 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * instruby.rb: do not handle directories. [ruby-dev:20613]
+Fri Jul 11 16:09:09 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * util.c (ruby_strtod): exp should be less than MDMAXEXPT.
+Fri Jul 11 07:17:47 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: not create a Tcl/Tk interpreter if already
+ defined TkCore::INTERP
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: bugfix on TkWindow#configure
+Thu Jul 10 14:42:02 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * math.c (math_log): nan takes a dummy argument on Cygwin 1.5.0.
+Wed Jul 9 23:50:46 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * regex.c (mbctab_sjis): 0x80 is not shift jis first byte.
+ [ruby-dev:20516]
+Wed Jul 9 15:38:28 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * instruby.rb: do not install shared libraries as man pages.
+ * mkconfig.rb: support text-mount on Cygwin.
+Wed Jul 9 11:09:57 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * re.c (match_entry): add prototype to avoid VC++ warnings.
+Wed Jul 9 03:48:27 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_load): put rb_load_file() in a thread critical
+ section. [ruby-dev:20490]
+ * eval.c (compile): put rb_compile_string() in a thread critical
+ section.
+Tue Jul 8 02:35:41 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_const_get_0): should not warn if constant is not
+ defined. (ruby-bugs-ja PR#509)
+ * bignum.c (rb_big2dbl): give a warning on overflow.
+ (ruby-bugs-ja PR#510)
+ * util.c (ruby_strtod): change MDMAXEXPT from 511 to 308.
+ * pack.c (utf8_to_uv): long is sufficient. LONG_LONG is not
+ required.
+Tue Jul 8 01:43:16 2003 Koji Arai <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big2str): support 32 bit (without `long long' type)
+ machines. (ruby-bugs-ja PR#512)
+Mon Jul 7 10:22:46 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb (gdbm_compat, qdbm): add check for gdbm_compat
+ and qdbm.
+Mon Jul 7 01:34:49 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call_super): k->super maybe NULL if klass is Kernel.
+ [ruby-dev:20519]
+ * gc.c (obj_free): clear method cache when freeing class/module.
+Sat Jul 5 23:32:06 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_remove_method): allow "remove_method" to accept
+ multiple arguments.
+Sat Jul 5 00:22:59 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * node.h (NEW_NODE): cast arguments to rb_node_newnode().
+Fri Jul 4 21:48:44 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c, ext/syck/syck.c, ext/syck/syck.h,
+ ext/syck/token.c: C++ style comments are not allowed.
+ (ruby-bugs:PR#1008)
+Thu Jul 3 23:41:30 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/timeout.rb: add optional exception argument for compatibility
+ function.
+Thu Jul 3 14:22:46 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_values_at): extract common procedure from
+ rb_ary_values_at. follow DRY principle.
+ * re.c (match_values_at): values_at should understand ranges.
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_values_at): ditto.
+ * struct.c (inspect_struct): inspect format changed; add "struct "
+ at the top.
+ * sprintf.c (rb_f_sprintf): "%p" specifier for inspect output.
+ (RCR#69)
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_undef_method): allow "undef_method" to accept
+ multiple arguments. (RCR#146)
+ * lib/timeout.rb: put timeout in Timeout module. (RCR#121)
+ [ruby-talk:61028]
+ * re.c (match_groups): new method added. (RCR#139)
+ * variable.c (rb_mod_const_of): should exclude constant defined
+ in Object, unless retrieving constants of Object.
+Thu Jul 3 12:13:05 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (VPATH): convert from Windows form to Unix form on
+ MinGW. This fixes the build with GNU make 3.80-1 for Cygwin.
+Wed Jul 2 23:27:34 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_new4): do not allocate new string if original
+ is frozen or already have copy-on-write entry. [ruby-talk:74940]
+Wed Jul 2 13:22:39 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_shared_replace): clear flags before copy.
+ * string.c (rb_str_replace): ditto.
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): override visibility mode for module_eval
+ etc. (ruby-bugs-ja PR#505)
+Wed Jul 2 11:45:34 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: synchronize document with source code.
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: ditto.
+Wed Jul 2 11:39:50 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: unify SMTP and SMTPCommand.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: new exception class SMTPError.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: new exception class SMTPAuthenticationError.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: new exception class SMTPServerBusy.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: new exception class SMTPSyntaxError.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: new exception class SMTPFatalError.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: new exception class SMTPUnknownError.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: change critical section protect algorithm.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb (SMTP#do_start): check authentication args
+ before all.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: new method send_message (alias send_mail).
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: new method open_message_stream (alias ready).
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: POPBadResponse is a POPError.
+ * lib/net/pop.rb (POPMail#pop): ban ReadAdapter.
+ * lib/net/pop.rb (POPMail#top): ditto.
+ * lib/net/pop.rb (POP3Command): change critical section protect
+ algorithm.
+ * lib/net/pop.rb (POP3Command#auth): USER and PASS should be one
+ critical block.
+ * lib/net/pop.rb (POP3Command#retr): ban `dest' argument using
+ iterator.
+ * lib/net/pop.rb (POP3Command#top): ditto.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: #read_message_to -> #each_message_chunk
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: #D -> #LOG
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: #D_off -> #LOG_off
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: #D_on -> #LOG_on
+Wed Jul 2 11:10:47 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: set old class aliases for backward
+ compatibility. [ruby-talk:74863]
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: ditto.
+Wed Jul 2 01:32:40 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/net/pop.rb (Net::POP3#start): typofix.
+Tue Jul 1 22:08:19 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: TkWindow include TkWinfo
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: treat unknown widget classes as subclasses
+ of TkWindow
+Tue Jul 1 19:02:12 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * parse.y (rb_intern): should use mbclen instead of mblen.
+Tue Jul 1 10:36:19 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c (rb_define_class, rb_define_module): also set constant under
+ Object. [ruby-dev:20445]
+ * object.c (boot_defclass): ditto.
+ * variable.c (rb_const_get_at, rb_const_get_0, rb_mod_const_at,
+ rb_const_defined, mod_av_set, rb_const_assign): toplevel constants
+ are now under Object, rb_class_tbl remains for GC.
+Mon Jun 30 17:53:06 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (mnew): ignore metaclasses have no influence, for rklass.
+ [ruby-talk:74706]
+Sun Jun 29 06:59:07 2003 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb, lib/drb/invokemethod.rb: import drb-2.0.4
+ (use LocalJumpError#reason)
+Sat Jun 28 12:28:54 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (rb_cv_stack_grow_dir): check stack growing direction.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_restore_context): prior configuration macro.
+ * gc.c (ruby_stack_length): always return the address of lower edge.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_mark_locations): remove margin. [ruby-dev:20462]
+ * gc.c (rb_gc, Init_stack): prior configuration macro.
+ * gc.c (Init_stack): add safety margin.
+Fri Jun 27 14:41:22 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_split_m): remove white spaces on the head of
+ the last element, when limit is specified. [ruby-talk:74506]
+Fri Jun 27 03:24:54 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (io_fflush): need to check if closed after thread switch.
+ [ruby-dev:20351]
+ * io.c (fptr_finalize): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_rindex_m): fixed wrong fix. should move backward
+ first only when matching from the end.
+Thu Jun 26 21:34:49 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c (class_instance_method_list): get rid of warning about
+ argument type mismatch, and inline method_list().
+ [ruby-core:01198]
+Wed Jun 25 14:40:33 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: add and modify methods ---
+ TkWidget.database_class, TkWidget.database_classname,
+ TkWidget#database_class, TkWidget#database_classname
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: instances of a subclass of TkToplevel or
+ TkFrame are created with ":class=>subclass" option as default.
+ * ext/tk/sample/tkoptdb.rb: add a new part
+Wed Jun 25 12:52:58 2003 Matthew Dempsky <>
+ * class.c (rb_generic_class_instance_methods): merge argument
+ check (and warning) into one function; following DRY principle.
+ [ruby-core:01193]
+Wed Jun 25 05:49:10 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: add widget destroy hook binding to TkBindTag::ALL
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkcanvas.rb: Although requiring manual control of GC,
+ memory eating problem of TkCanvas Items is fixed.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tktext.rb: add some methods and bug fix
+Wed Jun 25 00:14:30 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (autoload_delete): should delete Qundef from iv_tbl.
+ (ruby-bugs-ja PR#504)
+Tue Jun 24 16:46:07 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: bug fix on TkToplevel, TkFrame,
+ TkPanedwindow, TkOptionDB
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: TkOptionDB --- make it more secure to use procs
+ defined on resourceDB
+ * ext/tk/sample/tkoptdb.rb, resource.ja, resource.en:
+ sample script how to use TkOptionDB.
+Tue Jun 24 14:22:41 2003 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * lib/yaml/types.rb: replaced Kernel::Hash reference with Object::Hash
+ from [ruby-talk:74270]
+Tue Jun 24 17:59:30 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): show yielded block position not only yielding
+ point. [ruby-dev:20441]
+Tue Jun 24 16:47:07 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (HTTPHeader#proxy_basic_auth): missing `@'.
+ Thanks Douglas Koszerek. (ruby-bugs:PR975)
+Tue Jun 24 14:31:17 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * config.guess: have wrongly returned "alphaev56-unknown-linux-"
+ on Linux/Alpha. [ruby-dev:20434]
+Tue Jun 24 04:54:46 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * always add -mieee for gcc/alpha. [ruby-dev:20429]
+Tue Jun 24 02:40:09 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_unshift_m): need to check number of arguments.
+ [ruby-talk:74189]
+Mon Jun 23 23:59:56 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * io.c (io_close): missing prototype. [ruby-dev:20422]
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (bsock_do_not_rev_lookup_set): ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (foletype_guid, foletype_progid): ditto.
+ * error.c (syserr_initialize): length argument of sprintf() is an
+ int.
+Mon Jun 23 23:28:14 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * MANIFEST: add wince files.
+ * ext/tk/MANIFEST: add sample/tkmenubutton.rb.
+Mon Jun 23 17:40:58 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (find_dirsep): get rid of warnings.
+ * eval.c (error_print): temporary value might be disposed by GC.
+ * hash.c (env_has_value, env_index): should not increment NULL.
+ * io.c (io_read, rb_io_sysread): not read when length is 0.
+ * io.c (rb_io_reopen): ensure initialized IO.
+ * io.c (rb_io_init_copy): sychronize file pointer.
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_pipe): make exception proof.
+ * string.c (rb_str_rindex_m): Fixnum 0 matched end of string.
+Mon Jun 23 16:18:12 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_open_file): initialize flags.
+ * time.c (time_arg): initialize v[6] even when argc is 10 to
+ avoid valgrind error.
+Mon Jun 23 14:22:44 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: bug fix on TkRoot and TkToplevel
+Mon Jun 23 08:24:01 2003 Florian Frank <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_upto): generate sequence according to "succ"
+ order. formerly check was done by dictionary order.
+ [ruby-talk:74138]
+Mon Jun 23 00:27:32 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_string_value): fill constant empty string along
+ with setting ELTS_SHARED if str->ptr is NULL. [ruby-core:01179]
+ * string.c (rb_string_value_ptr): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_check_string_type): ditto.
+Sun Jun 22 23:42:20 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (str_gsub): move END(0) check before mbclen2().
+ * string.c (scan_once): reduce END(0) check.
+ * io.c (rb_io_initialize): accept fixnum mode.
+ * eval.c (error_print): replace strchr() by memchr(), einfo may
+ contain "\0".
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): range check for "@" move; initialize check
+ for "m".
+ * error.c (syserr_initialize): avoid buffer overflow.
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_readlink): expand buffer until readlink
+ succeed.
+Sun Jun 22 16:17:02 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: and accept Wm
+ commands as elements
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: TkMenu --- add some methods
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: TkOptionMenubutton --- bug fix
+ * ext/tk/sample/tkmenubutton.rb: sample of TkMenubutton and
+ TkOptionMenubutton
+Sat Jun 21 23:15:08 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (proc_invoke): should not propagate distination tag if
+ tag is already handled in this level. (ruby-bugs-ja PR#501)
+ * object.c (str_to_id): check for empty string before intern.
+ [ruby-talk:74006]
+Sat Jun 21 13:56:09 2003 Takaaki Uematsu <>
+ * wince/Makefile.sub: undefine HAVE__SETJMP.
+ * wince/resource.rb: include winver.h in wince3.0.
+Sat Jun 21 12:55:17 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: and accept Wm commands
+ as elements of a hash argument.
+ * ext/tk/sample/tktimer2.rb: add comments about the usage of a
+ TkTimer object.
+Sat Jun 21 08:47:22 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk*.rb: remove direct-accesses to TkComm::INTERP and
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk*.rb: use TkINTERP_SETUP_SCRIPTS constant for setting
+ up the interpreter
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c: support to create a safe interpreter
+ with safe-Tk
+Fri Jun 20 23:28:27 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (proc_invoke): should not propagate TAG_BREAK and
+ TAG_RETURN from orphan Proc object. [ruby-core:01148]
+Fri Jun 20 15:04:28 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * defines.h (PATH_ENV): name of PATH environment. [new].
+ * defines.h (ENV_IGNORECASE): define for case insensitive platforms
+ to access environment variables.
+ * dln.c (dln_find_exe): use PATH_ENV instead of "PATH".
+ * hash.c (env_delete, rb_f_getenv, env_fetch, rb_env_path_tainted,
+ env_aset): ditto.
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): ditto.
+Fri Jun 20 14:52:46 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c: Tk interpreter returns TAINTED strings.
+Fri Jun 20 03:09:21 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (new_yield): distinguish "yield 1,2" and "yield [1,2]".
+ [ruby-dev:20360]
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): support new_yield() change.
+ * variable.c (rb_const_get_0): warn for Foo::BAR when BAR is a
+ toplevel constant (i.e. a constant defined under Object).
+ [ruby-list:36935]
+ * parse.y (no_blockarg): separate no block argument check and
+ ret_args argument processing.
+Fri Jun 20 00:45:19 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/csv.rb: import csv module.
+Thu Jun 19 22:51:41 2003 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/drb.rb, lib/drb/drb.rb, lib/drb/eq.rb,
+ lib/drb/extserv.rb, lib/drb/extservm.rb, lib/drb/gw.rb,
+ lib/drb/invokemethod.rb, lib/drb/observer.rb,
+ lib/drb/timeridconv.rb, lib/drb/unix.rb: import drb-2.0.4b3
+Thu Jun 19 16:14:43 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c (lib_do_one_event): change default
+ value of the argument
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c (lib_do_one_event): returns true/false
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c: add TclTkLib::EventFlag::NONE ( == 0 )
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c: add set_no_event_wait() and
+ get_no_event_wait()
+ * ext/tcltklib/MANUAL.euc: modify
+ * ext/tcltklib/README.euc: ditto
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: change default value of TkCore.do_one_event
+ argument
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: add TkCore.set_no_event_wait(wait) and
+ TkCore.get_no_event_wait
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: add Tk.exit ( == destroy root widget )
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkafter.rb: rename TkAfter => TkTimer (TkAfter is
+ an alias name)
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkafter.rb: set_callback returns self
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkafter.rb: continue() raises an exception, if already
+ running or no procedure.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkafter.rb: skip() raises an exception, if not running.
+ * ext/tk/sample/tktimer2.rb: new sample for TkTimer class.
+Thu Jun 19 16:13:54 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * rubytest.rb: add library path to include standard libraries.
+Thu Jun 19 13:13:10 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * hash.c (env_delete, rb_f_getenv, env_fetch): case insensitive to
+ access environment variables on DOSISH platforms.
+Thu Jun 19 00:51:47 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * range.c (rb_range_beg_len): out_of_range check after adjusting
+ end point. [ruby-dev:20370]
+Wed Jun 18 23:59:11 2003 Guy Decoux <>
+ * parse.y (call_args): the first argument to arg_cancat() should
+ be NODE_LIST. [ruby-core:01151]
+Wed Jun 18 23:41:27 2003 Marc Cartright <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (zstream_run): In a particular situation,
+ deflate/inflate will return Z_BUF_ERROR, even though another call
+ is required by the zlib library.
+Wed Jun 18 19:46:21 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: bug fix
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: rename 'no_create' option to 'without_creating'
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: add TkWindow#pack_in, TkWindow#grid_in,
+ TkWindow#place_in
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: add TkWindow#bind_class and TkWindow#database_class
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: add TkBindTag.new_by_name and TkDatabaseClass
+ for binding to database class
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: check varname whether already exsist or not.
+ (
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: TkTextWin#bbox returns an array of four numbers
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: autoload TkDialog2, TkWarning2
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: scan event callback arguments and convert
+ to proper type
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: accepts a block
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: If given taglist, TkWindow#bindtags(taglist)
+ returns taglist
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: add TkWindow#bindtags=(taglist)
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: Tk.focue and Tk.focus_lastfor return nil
+ if there is no target widget.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: Tk::Wm.client returns the argument string
+ when setting name
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: TkGrid.columnconfiginfo and rowconfiginfo
+ given a slot return a number.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: TkWindow.grid_columnconfiginfo and
+ grid_rowconfiginfo --- ditto
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: rename and define alias :: TkOption ==> TkOptionDB
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: define alias :: TkTimer ==> TkAfter
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: some instance methods change from public to private
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: some TkComm methods change to module functions
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: add support for -displayof option to some
+ TkWinfo methods
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: bind, bind_append and bind_remove ---
+ returns the target of event-binding
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: add Tk8.4 features
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: add TkPaneWindow
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkdialog.rb: bug fix
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkdialog.rb: some methods return self
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkdialog.rb: add TkTextMark#+(mod) and TkTextMark#-(mod)
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkdialog.rb: add some methods
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkcanvas.rb: bug fix and some methods return self
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkentry.rb: some methods return self
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkentry.rb: TkEntry#bbox returns an array of four numbers
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkentry.rb: scan validatecommand arguments and
+ convert to proper type
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkbgerror.rb: support to define a error handler by user
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c: [ruby-talk:60759]
+Wed Jun 18 13:50:06 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): should dispatch based on ID type.
+Wed Jun 18 12:53:42 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): should restore scope_vmode during yield.
+ [ruby-dev:20361]
+Wed Jun 18 01:13:36 2003 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (rb_syck_load_handler): merge key implemented.
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (transfer_find_i): removed use of String#=~ in favor
+ of Regexp#match.
+ * lib/yaml.rb: YAML::try_implicit returns.
+ * lib/yaml/rubytypes.rb: Regexps added for type matching.
+ * lib/yaml/emitter.rb: fix String + nil error.
+Tue Jun 17 17:01:08 2003 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/gram.c: added grammar for certain empty sequence entries.
+ * ext/syck/handler.c, ext/syck/syck.c, ext/syck/syck.h: track bad anchors.
+ * ext/syck/token.c: added pause token, tag possible circular references.
+ * lib/yaml/rubytypes.rb: parsing YMD time as Date instance.
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c: ditto. DomainType, PrivateType, BadAlias classes.
+Tue Jun 17 21:28:27 2003 Ariff Abdullah <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_opendir): need to set errno. [ruby-talk:73761]
+Mon Jun 16 19:01:25 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c: remove rb_cBlock.
+Mon Jun 16 18:06:33 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_fix2uint): renamed from rb_fix2int on IA64.
+Mon Jun 16 17:02:57 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (proc_invoke): format the message for localjump_error().
+Mon Jun 16 16:23:56 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/dl/dl.c (rb_dl_callback): use rb_block_proc() instead of
+ rb_block_new().
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ev_on_event): ditto.
+Mon Jun 16 16:06:47 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (proc_alloc): re-unification of Block and Proc. Block
+ class is no longer available.
+Mon Jun 16 14:43:14 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub: undefine HAVE_GETGROUPS.
+Sat Jun 14 16:58:41 2003 Guy Decoux <>
+ * regex.c (calculate_must_string): should handle option_set
+ properly. [ruby-talk:73481]
+ * regex.c (re_compile_fastmap): a bug in flag manipulation.
+ [ruby-talk:73549]
+Sat Jun 14 17:59:59 2003 Guy Decoux <>
+ * eval.c (method_arity): should handle NODE_BMETHOD and
+ NODE_DMETHOD. [ruby-core:01138]
+Fri Jun 13 09:24:39 2003 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (storebinary): seek correctly. Thanks, William Webber.
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (putbinaryfile): rescue FTPPermError.
+Thu Jun 12 22:13:13 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb : add 'no_create' option to widget
+ initialize method.
+ * ext/tk/MANIFEST : forgot to commit when added tkmacpkg.rb
+ and tkwinpkg.rb
+ * ext/tk/lib/README : ditto.
+Thu Jun 12 21:14:11 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb : widget configure returns self (for method
+ call chain)
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkmacpkg.rb : Mac resource (not new but not
+ included until now)
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkwinpkg.rb : Win DDE and registry (not new but not
+ included until now)
+Tue Jun 10 14:26:30 2003 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/token.c: preserve newlines prepended to a block.
+ * ext/syck/implicit.c (syck_match_implicit): added !merge and !default.
+ * lib/yaml/constants.rb: remove '\z' escape.
+ * lib/yaml/emitter.rb: ensure reset of @seq_map shortcut flag.
+ * lib/yaml/encoding.rb: remove Unicode translation methods.
+ * lib/yaml/rubytypes.rb: improved round-tripping of Strings.
+ [ruby-core:1134]
+Tue Jun 10 01:07:54 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/irb.rb (IRB::Irb::eval_input): warn and exit if $SAFE >=3
+ after input evaluation.
+ * lib/irb.rb (IRB::Irb::eval_input): untaint input string. now
+ irb works for levels 1 and 2.
+Mon Jun 9 19:02:33 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * checks presence of grp.h and setgroups().
+ * process.c (proc_getgroups, proc_setgroups): raise
+ NotImplementedError unless available. [ruby-talk:73014]
+Mon Jun 9 18:09:11 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c: fixed 100% CPU problem of Tk.mainloop
+Mon Jun 9 15:50:24 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c: renewal Tk.mainloop
+Sun Jun 8 13:37:21 2003 Takaaki Uematsu <>
+ * wince/setup.mak: set SUBSYSTEM in each platform.
+ * wince/stdlib.c: fix mblen() bug.
+Sat Jun 7 22:22:03 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (syck_loader_transfer): should not use
+ rb_cProc directly, since type_proc may be Proc, Block, or
+ Method.
+ * parse.y (value_expr0): class and module statements should not be
+ warned for "void value expression". [ruby-talk:72989]
+Sat Jun 7 01:46:41 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (add_final): should determine type by respond_to?
+ * gc.c (define_final): ditto.
+ * io.c (rb_io_ctl): should not depend on respond_to?
+ * range.c (range_step): rb_check_string_type().
+Fri Jun 6 20:29:14 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (error_print): needs to be exception proof.
+ * eval.c (error_handle, rb_longjmp): bails out when exception
+ reentered. (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#487), [ruby-core:01119],
+ [ruby-core:01122]
+ * eval.c (Init_Proc): pre-allocates critical error objects.
+Fri Jun 6 20:29:14 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (cmd_brace_block, do_block, brace_block): initialize block
+ variables at the beginning of the block. [ruby-talk:72521]
+Fri Jun 6 18:49:11 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * process.c (proc_setgroups): new functions.
+Fri Jun 6 18:33:27 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (define_final): eliminate rb_f_lambda() call.
+ * class.c (rb_scan_args): ditto.
+ * signal.c (sig_trap): ditto.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_initialize): ditto.
+ * variable.c (rb_f_trace_var): ditto.
+ * ext/dl/dl.c (rb_dl_callback): ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ev_on_event): ditto.
+Fri Jun 6 16:10:01 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: define Net::HTTPResponse#to_ary for backward
+ compatibility. [ruby-talk:72927]
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: add warning.
+Fri Jun 6 13:30:57 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_cleanup): $SAFE is turned off in the finalization.
+ Each END proc should preserve its own $SAFE level. [ruby-core:01119]
+ * marshal.c (marshal_load): remove unused variable "hash".
+ [ruby-core:01120]
+ * hash.c (env_str_new): freeze strings from ENV. [ruby-talk:72860]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_first): optional argument to retrieve first n
+ elements.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_last): optional argument to retrieve last n
+ elements.
+Thu Jun 5 21:31:55 2003 Takaaki Uematsu <>
+ * wince/stdlib.c: add mblen().
+Thu Jun 5 18:33:46 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (window_s_allocate,curses_finalize):
+ avoid VC++ warnings.
+Thu Jun 5 17:44:11 2003 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (syck_parser_mark): was a bit heavy on the GC.
+ * lib/yaml.rb (YAML::transfer): added.
+Thu Jun 5 16:11:50 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub, win32/Makefile.sub, wince/Makefile.sub
+ (MISSING): link with missing/erf.c.
+ * missing.h (erf, erfc): fix prototype.
+ * missing/erf.c: new. [ruby-list:37753]
+Thu Jun 5 15:09:06 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * math.c (math_erf,math_erfc): new function. [ruby-list:37753]
+Thu Jun 5 14:49:43 2003 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c: using GC nodes caused segfault. [ruby-core:1071]
+Thu Jun 5 13:48:57 2003 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/token.c: directives choked on a period.
+ * ext/syck/gram.y: anchors work above a collection. [ruby-core:1071]
+ * ext/syck/handler.c, ext/syck/syck.c: ensure a fresh strtable between
+ parser iterations.
+Wed Jun 4 12:06:59 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_finalize): no longer need to turn off $DEBUG in the
+ finalizer. (ruby-bugs-ja PR#473)
+Tue Jun 3 22:20:49 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call_super): should search superclass method based on
+ orig_func, not last_func.
+Tue Jun 3 09:59:27 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call_super): inheritance line adjustment moved from
+ rb_call(). [ruby-core:01113]
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): use rb_call_super() to follow DRY principle.
+Mon Jun 2 02:20:52 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (push_values_at): Array#values_at should work with
+ ranges too.
+ * range.c (rb_range_beg_len): length calculation was wrong.
+ * eval.c (rb_call): should set T_ICLASS in the frame->last_class.
+ [ruby-core:01110]
+Sun Jun 1 21:50:01 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * should not use def file, use ld with
+ --export-all-symbols option on Cygwin/MinGW.
+ * defines.h: ditto.
+ * cygwin/ ditto.
+ * ext/digest/defs.h: avoid warnings on Cygwin.
+Sun Jun 01 13:33:49 2003 Takaaki Uematsu <>
+ * wince/string_wce.c: add strpbrk() for hpcpro support.
+ * wince/setup.mak: add hpcpro(CE2.11) & armv4t(CE.NET) support.
+ * wince/resource.rb: ditto.
+ * wince/Makefile.sub: ditto.
+Sun Jun 1 10:38:28 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c (rb_autoload_load): autoloaded constants under a module
+ belong to the module. [ruby-core:01094], [ruby-dev:20309]
+Sat May 31 04:36:54 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (rb_intern): should handle multibyte name.
+Fri May 30 23:18:01 2003 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (rb_syck_mktime): seconds calculated wrong.
+ * ext/syck/gram.c: flexibility to anchors and transfer methods on
+ collections.
+ * ext/syck/token.c: hex escapes.
+ * lib/yaml/basenode.rb: YamlNode references changed to YAML::BaseNode.
+Fri May 30 22:28:04 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_num2uint, rb_fix2int): new function to convert
+ values over INT_MAX. [ruby-core:01099]
+ * ruby.h (NUM2UINT, FIX2INT): ditto.
+Fri May 30 15:01:05 2003 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/token.c: preserve any indentation past an explicit
+ indentation.
+Fri May 30 14:55:44 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_Array): exclude Kernel#to_a instead of Object#to_a.
+ (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#483)
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser::Switch#parse_arg): not splat.
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser::Switch#conv_arg): splat if no
+ conversion supplied.
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser::Switch::PlacedArgument#parse):
+ override next switch after argument conversion.
+Fri May 30 14:41:34 2003 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/handler.c, ext/syck/syck.h: removed syck_fold_format().
+ * ext/syck/gram.c: flexibility for aliases and anchors.
+ * ext/syck/token.c: folding now handled in the tokenizer.
+Fri May 30 06:21:18 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c (rb_autoload_load): should delete autoloaded
+ symbol itself before load. [ruby-core:01097]
+ * variable.c (rb_mod_remove_const): must not return Qundef.
+Thu May 29 14:59:10 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * win32/win32.c (_CRTIMP): redefine _CRTIMP on MinGW.
+ * remove '-D__USE_CRTIMP' from XCFLAGS on MinGW.
+ * win32/win32.c (NtMakeCmdVector): handle quotes only if not instring.
+Thu May 29 09:11:01 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (ev_const_defined, ev_const_get), variable.c
+ (rb_const_get_at, rb_const_get, rb_mod_remove_const): use Qundef
+ as autoload marker. [ruby-dev:18103], [ruby-dev:18184]
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_autoload, rb_mod_autoload_p): new method;
+ Module#autoload, Module#autoload?.
+ * variable.c (rb_autoload, rb_autoload_load, rb_autoload_p):
+ manage autoload constants per classes/modules.
+ * variable.c (rb_const_defined_at, rb_const_defined): return false
+ for autoloading constants.
+ * class.c (rb_define_class, rb_define_module), eval.c (rb_eval),
+ variable.c (rb_mod_const_at, rb_const_assign): removed autoload
+ stuff.
+ * intern.h: prototypes; rb_autoload, rb_autoload_load,
+ rb_autoload_p.
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser::Switch::PlacedArgument::parse):
+ do not treat unmatched argument as an option.
+Wed May 28 08:44:26 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_f_syscall): type dispatch should be based on
+ rb_check_string_type(), not FIXNUM_P(), because values may be a
+ bignum. [ruby-talk:72257]
+Tue May 27 20:33:18 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c, util.c: removed duplicated includes/defines.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_addrinfo): get rid of SEGV at NULL ptr
+ String. increase buffer size for 64bit platforms.
+Tue May 27 02:34:14 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): should pass the current klass value to
+ block_invoke, which may be called via "super". [ruby-core:01077]
+ * eval.c (block_invoke): now takes 4th argument "klass".
+ * eval.c (block_alloc): should propagate BLOCK_PROC to
+ ruby_block.
+Mon May 26 23:51:38 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): should not use "yield" method, use "call"
+ instead. (ruby-bugs-ja PR#476)
+Mon May 26 21:39:46 2003 MoonWolf <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb, lib/optparse.rb, lib/tracer.rb: use Method#to_block
+ instead of deprecated Method#to_proc. (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#477)
+Mon May 26 21:21:20 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser::Switch::parse,
+ OptionParser::order): use {Block,Proc}#call instead of deprecated
+ #yield.
+Mon May 26 16:39:10 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (Init_Proc): Block/Proc separation. [huge change]
+ * eval.c (block_arity): returns exact arity number for Procs out
+ of methods. also gives 1 for {|a|..}.
+ * string.c (rb_str_match): revert use of String#index for
+ invocation like string =~ string.
+ * eval.c (rb_Array): move Object#to_a exclusion hack from
+ splat_value(). need to be in eval.c for a while.
+Sun May 25 23:48:21 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_quad_pack): should negate negative bignum.
+ (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#474)
+Sun May 25 03:27:25 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: support LOGIN authentication, based on
+ the patch by Kazuhiko Izawa. [ruby-talk:78981]
+Sat May 24 18:19:51 2003 Takaaki Uematsu <>
+ * wince/Makefile.sub: add eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0 support.
+ * wince/resource.rb: ditto.
+ * wince/setup.mak: ditto.
+ * wince/configure.bat: ditto.
+ * wince/mkexports.rb: delete japanese comments.
+Fri May 23 18:34:05 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_longjmp): get rid of reentering while debug warning.
+ (ruby-bugs-ja:PR473)
+Fri May 23 15:16:16 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): sign-extend if sizeof long is bigger than
+ 32. (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#472)
+Fri May 23 14:19:29 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_finalize): turn off ruby_debug flag before calling
+ at_exit procs and finalizers. (ruby-bugs-ja:PR473)
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c (lib_mainloop_core): OK to block if
+ there's no other thread. (ruby-bugs:PR#861)
+Thu May 22 18:07:46 2003 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/token.c: single- and double-quoted root-level fix.
+ * lib/yaml.rb (YAML::object_maker): can create object attributes (such as
+ found in Exception class)
+ * lib/yaml/rubytypes.rb: roundtripping of Exception and subclasses.
+Fri May 23 01:26:26 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_clone): defer copying freezing state after
+ calling initialize_copy(). [ruby-dev:20276]
+Thu May 22 17:12:10 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (run_final): use rb_thread_critical instead of DEFER_INTS.
+ [ruby-dev:20272]
+ * marshal.c: try to make ArgumentError and TypeError consistent.
+ [ruby-core:01068]
+Thu May 22 15:46:37 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_define_alloc_func): need not to disable
+ rb_call_super() for allocation functions. [ruby-core:1065]
+Thu May 22 06:21:33 2003 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (rb_syck_err_handler): raise ArgumentError on
+ malformed YAML.
+ * lib/yaml/rubytypes.rb: String#to_yaml was missing space indicators at
+ the end of a line.
+Thu May 22 05:43:24 2003 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (syck_parser_load): root-level false was returning
+ nil.
+ * ext/syck/token.c: root-level transfer method bug.
+ * ext/syck/gram.c: root-level empty gave a parse error.
+ * lib/yaml/rubytypes.rb: Symbol#to_yaml generating method call error.
+Thu May 22 02:46:38 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): splat NODE_RESTARY. [ruby-dev:20268]
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_fd_close): raise for writing threads.
+ [ruby-dev:20269]
+ * io.c (rb_io_close, io_reopen): ditto.
+ * io.c (io_reopen): keep stdio objects for stdin, stdout,
+ and stderr. [ruby-dev:19442]
+Thu May 22 01:11:15 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (strings, word_list): must create new instance always.
+ * parse.y (yylex): slight optimization.
+Wed May 21 23:07:08 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * error.c (rb_sys_fail): should not specify errno explicitly.
+ [ruby-dev:20264]
+Wed May 21 20:51:47 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, bcc32/Makefile.sub, win32/Makefile.sub,
+ wince/Makefile.sub: update dependencies.
+Wed May 21 17:44:16 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * error.c (syserr_initialize): prohibit specifying errno for
+ subclasses of SystemCallError. in addition, if initialize is
+ called for SystenCallError instance, its class be changed.
+ [ruby-dev:20257]
+ * gc.c (run_final): to protect thread context switch, finalizers
+ are wrapped in DEFER_INTS/ENABLE_INTS.
+Wed May 21 13:26:08 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb: get rid of warnings.
+Tue May 20 18:59:54 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_save_context): prohibit rb_gc_force_recycle()
+ on thread saved ruby_dyna_vars. [ruby-dev:20236]
+Tue May 20 17:39:15 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (init_copy): call initialize_copy at the end of copy
+ process.
+Tue May 20 17:15:55 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (syserr_initialize): use Errno constants as default
+ errno for subclasses. [ruby-dev:20241]
+Tue May 20 15:26:25 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * st.h: define ST_DATA_T_DEFINED for portability.
+ * ext/syck/syck.h: add typedef, st_data_t for Ruby 1.6.
+ * ext/syck/syck.c (syck_st_free_nodes): return int.
+ * ext/syck/syck.c (syck_add_sym): cast the data to st_data_t
+ to avoid error on bcc32.
+ * ext/syck/syck.c (syck_lookup_sym): ditto.
+ * ext/syck/syck.c (syck_free_parser): NULL is not integer.
+Tue May 20 13:29:04 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (kill): set errno after calling raise().
+Tue May 20 10:51:26 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_missing): create exception instance by ordinal
+ method. [ruby-dev:20033]
+ * error.c (rb_name_error, rb_sys_fail): ditto.
+ * error.c (exc_to_s, exit_status, name_err_name,
+ nometh_err_args, syserr_errno, syserr_eqq): access
+ attributes.
+ * error.c (name_err_initialize, nometh_err_initialize,
+ syserr_initialize): initialize attributes.
+Tue May 20 10:26:56 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): give warning for multiple values for a
+ block parameter.
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_values): a function to yield multiple values.
+ * array.c (sort_1): use rb_yield_values.
+ * enum.c (min_ii, max_ii): ditto.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_update_block_i, delete_if_i, select_i,
+ each_pair_i, env_each, env_reject_bang, env_select,
+ env_update_i): ditto.
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_each_pair): ditto.
+ * eval.c (top_include): should include module in the current self,
+ not ruby_top_self. [ruby-dev:20198]
+ * eval.c (top_include): stop inclusion to ruby_wrapper; give
+ warning.
+Mon May 19 18:54:30 2003 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/token.c, ext/syck/implicit.c: expanded character set to
+ allow UTF-8, other Ruby encodings.
+Mon May 19 16:47:00 2003 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/syck.c, ext/syck/syck.h, ext/syck/token.c, ext/syck/gram.c:
+ count line numbers only if line pointer has increased.
+Tue May 20 00:45:40 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dir.c (push_braces): do not push_braces() unless rbrace is found.
+ (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#469)
+Tue May 20 00:09:41 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (pty_finalize_syswait): join (using Thread#value)
+ before detach pid. [ruby-talk:71519]
+Mon May 19 23:02:10 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (PUSH_FRAME): save outer ruby_block. [ruby-list:37677],
+ [ruby-dev:20202]
+ * eval.c (BEGIN_CALLARGS): restore outer block by using
+ ruby_block->outer.
+ * eval.c (block_pass): do not alter block->prev, but block->outer.
+ * array.c (get_inspect_tbl): warning on wrong condition.
+Mon May 19 16:13:57 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * class.c: add #include "version.h".
+ * hash.c: ditto.
+ * string.c: ditto.
+Mon May 19 15:33:27 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (localjump_xvalue): renamed exitstatus to exit_value
+ since it's not exit "status" after all.
+ * eval.c (localjump_error): add reason to LocalJumpError.
+ * compar.c (rb_cmpint): raise error via rb_cmperr(), if cmp value
+ is nil. now take new 2 arguments.
+ * time.c (time_cmp): 2003-05-16 fix was incomplete.
+ (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#458)
+Mon May 19 14:42:50 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_mod_cmp): stupid comparison fixed.
+ * io.c (Init_IO): ARGF.path added (alias to ARGF.filename).
+ [ruby-dev:20197]
+Mon May 19 13:58:03 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (init_copy): rename copy_object as initialize_copy,
+ since it works as copy constructor.
+ * eval.c (rb_add_method): initialize_copy should always be
+ private, like initialize.
+Mon May 19 13:51:50 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_quote): \n \r \f \v quoting was wrong.
+ [ruby-dev:20203]
+ * re.c (rb_reg_quote): rb_reg_quote(" ") should be "\\ ", not
+ "\\s".
+Mon May 19 08:08:51 2003 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb: use warn() instead of $stderr.puts().
+ * sample/cal.rb: ditto.
+Sat May 17 12:02:25 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (get_inspect_tbl): check whether inspect_tbl value is a
+ valid array. (ruby-bugs-ja PR#65)
+ * array.c (inspect_ensure,rb_protect_inspect,rb_inspecting_p):
+ use get_inspect_tbl().
+Sat May 17 11:50:26 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_abort): call exit(1) if exception is raised. This
+ patch was made by Nobuyoshi Nakada <> on
+ 2002-05-30. (ruby-bugs-ja PR#236)
+ * signal.c: disable Ruby's interrupt handler at the beginning.
+ (ruby-bugs-ja PR#236)
+Sat May 17 02:17:42 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rational.rb (Integer::denominator): fixed typo.
+ (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#466)
+Sat May 17 00:18:11 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (ruby_connect): connect() after EINPROGRESS
+ returns EINVAL on some platforms, need to check true error
+ status. [ruby-core:01037]
+Sat May 17 00:21:51 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_class_allocate_instance): singleton class check
+ moved to rb_obj_alloc(). (ruby-bugs-ja PR#345)
+Fri May 16 23:55:50 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_quote): should escape white space characters,
+ \t, \f, \n, \r. (ruby-bugs-ja PR#231)
+Fri May 16 12:40:40 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (block_pass): chain previous block to the pushing block.
+ [ruby-list:37677]
+ * time.c (time_cmp): does not compare with numbers for
+ interchangeability. (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#458)
+Thu May 15 21:55:54 2003 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/gram.c: fixes to one-line documents and end of stream
+ documents.
+ * ext/syck/syck.c, ext/syck/syck.h: add root_on_error to parser
+ struct, specifying the symbol to be returned on a parse error.
+Thu May 15 18:44:31 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb (OpenURI::Redirect#initialize): call super to
+ initialize mesg.
+ * lib/open-uri.rb (OpenURI::Meta#charset): call block to guess charset
+ if block is given and charset is not given.
+Thu May 15 16:55:16 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_mod_le): returns nil if two classes/modules are not
+ in class-superclass relationship.
+ * object.c (rb_mod_cmp): uses new rb_mod_le() behavior.
+Thu May 15 07:45:30 2003 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c, ext/syck/implicit.c: timestamp repairs to
+ timezone and milliseconds.
+ * ext/syck/syck.c (syck_parser_reset_levels): duplicate string literal
+ to avoid warning.
+Thu May 15 13:26:48 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (rb_class_instance_methods): default will be changed in
+ 1.8.1.
+ * io.c (set_stdio): better message.
+Thu May 15 13:18:11 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (set_stdio): $stdin, $stdout, $stderr now became read-only.
+ * variable.c (readonly_setter): message changed.
+Thu May 15 09:50:51 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/syck/syck.c (syck_parser_pop_level): add prototype.
+ * ext/syck/syck.c (syck_strndup): should return value.
+Thu May 15 09:32:25 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (kill): fix typo and add signal 0 support.
+Wed May 14 20:09:26 2003 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/gram.c: sequence-in-map shortcut, transfer methods on
+ sequence-in-sequence, memory leak in mapping merge.
+ * ext/syck/syck.c: memory leak in domain anchoring.
+ * lib/yaml/rubytypes.rb, lib/yaml/types.rb: eliminated 1.6.x code.
+Wed May 14 19:56:43 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c: add prototypes to avoid VC++ warnings.
+Wed May 14 12:23:46 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTP#start): should check whether HTTP
+ session is opened before finishing. (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#463)
+Wed May 14 09:12:55 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: reduce warning. (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#462)
+Tue May 13 22:31:04 2003 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * lib/yaml/rubytypes.rb, lib/yaml/types.rb: using Object#object_id
+ rather than deprecated Object#id.
+ * ext/syck/token.c: changed ASCII escapes to octal notation.
+ * ext/Setup*: added entries for static linking of Syck extension.
+Tue May 13 20:31:58 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * add '--Wl,--enable-auto-import' to DLDFLAGS
+ on Cygwin/MinGW.
+ * add '-D__USE_CRTIMP' to XCFLAGS on MinGW.
+ * ext/syck/handler.c: add proper casts.
+ * ext/syck/syck.c: ditto.
+Tue May 13 17:58:08 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ *, bcc32/Makefile.sub, win32/Makefile.sub: define
+ * win32/win32.h (fsync): define as _commit().
+Tue May 13 15:35:35 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_match_exec): \Z changed to be consistent with new $
+ (endbuf) behavior.
+Tue May 13 14:48:07 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (error_pos): use $deferr for output instead of stderr
+ directly.
+ * eval.c (error_print,error_handle,rb_longjmp,rb_thread_schedule):
+ ditto.
+Tue May 13 06:34:19 2003 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * lib/yaml/rubytypes.rb: object and struct loading
+ * lib/yaml.rb: YAML::detect_implicit will discover typing for a Ruby
+ string
+ * ext/syck/: Fixed portable comments, misuse of NULL and methods without
+ return VALUEs.
+Mon May 12 18:08:21 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (Init_IO): new variable $deferr which is default output
+ port of error messages.
+ * io.c (rb_warn_m): new method "warn". [new]
+ * error.c (warn_print): use $deferr.
+ * error.c (rb_bug): ditto.
+ * error.c (err_append): ditto.
+Sun May 11 13:50:12 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pp.rb: refine to_s test.
+ * lib/pp.rb (PP::ObjectMixin#pretty_print): refine to_s handling.
+Sun May 11 06:32:13 2003 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/implicit.c, ext/syck/rubyext.c: transfer methods applied to
+ native loading
+ * ext/syck/token.c: fix for transfer methods on same indentation as nested
+ mapping
+ * lib/yaml/rubytypes.rb: all type names in lowercase
+Sat May 10 19:55:18 2003 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/gram.c ext/syck/handler.c ext/syck/implicit.c
+ ext/syck/node.c ext/syck/rubyext.c ext/syck/syck.c
+ ext/syck/syck.h ext/syck/token.c: updated to Syck 0.27
+ * lib/yaml/loader.rb: new YAML::Loader class
+ * lib/yaml.rb: loading of type families leverages YAML::DefaultLoader
+Sat May 10 19:00:08 2003 Takaaki Uematsu <>
+ * wince/string.c: file removed.
+ * wince/stdlib.c: file added.
+Sat May 10 16:17:02 2003 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (decode_utf7): new method.
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (encode_utf7): new method.
+Fri May 9 21:25:50 2003 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ruby/ext/syck, ruby/lib/yaml: Initial checkin of YAML substances.
+Fri May 9 16:38:30 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_reopen): It should be possible to reopen closed IO.
+ [ruby-talk:70941]
+ * io.c (rb_io_reopen): inherit original file mode unless specified.
+Thu May 8 18:44:09 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc): check odd alignment stack on m68k machines.
+Thu May 8 12:56:04 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compar.c (rb_cmperr): raise comparison failure.
+ * intern.h: prototype; rb_cmperr
+ * numeric.c (flo_gt, flo_ge, flo_lt, flo_le, fix_gt, fix_ge,
+ fix_lt, fix_le): should fail unless the argument is comparable.
+ (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#456)
+ * numeric.c (int_upto, int_downto): should fail unless the
+ argument is comparable. (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#454)
+Wed May 7 13:30:11 2003 Masahiro TANAKA <>
+ * numeric.c (num_step): better error treatment of float values.
+Tue May 6 17:51:54 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: rename method: POP3#mail_size -> n_mails
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: rename method: POP3#bytes -> n_bytes
+Tue May 6 17:21:01 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/.cvsignore: new file.
+ * ext/zlib/.cvsignore: new file.
+Tue May 6 14:39:36 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_methods): list singleton methods if recur
+ argument is false; list all methods otherwise.
+Mon May 5 21:19:25 2003 Koji Arai <>
+ * ext/gdbm/gdbm.c (fgdbm_values_at): new method to replace
+ select(index..).
+ * ext/sdbm/init.c (fsdbm_values_at): ditto.
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c (fdbm_values_at): ditto.
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c (DBM::VERSION): defined.
+ * ext/gdbm/testgdbm.rb: replace select with values_at.
+ * ext/sdbm/testsdbm.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/dbm/testdbm.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/dbm/testdbm.rb (setup):, 0400) cause EACCESS
+ on Berkeley DB[234].
+Mon May 5 22:57:07 2003 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * sample/cal.rb: use values_at instead of select.
+ * sample/biorhythm.rb: ditto.
+Mon May 5 18:59:45 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * sample/test.rb: substitute 'select' with 'values_at'.
+ * lib/date.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/parsedate.rb: ditto.
+Mon May 5 00:46:10 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_values_at): new method to replace select(index..).
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_values_at,env_values_at): ditto.
+ * re.c (match_values_at): ditto.
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_values_at): ditto.
+ * re.c (match_select): add iterator behavior.
+Sun May 4 19:08:53 2003 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date/format.rb: synchronized with date2 3.3.2.
+Sun May 4 15:21:18 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: ESMTP -> SMTP transition wrongly fails.
+Sun May 4 15:06:37 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: APOP did not work. [ruby-dev:20149]
+Sat May 3 21:14:29 2003 Johan Holmberg <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c, ext/digest/sha2/sha2.c, ext/iconv/iconv.c,
+ ext/racc/cparse/cparse.c: include "ruby.h" at the top to shut up
+ "_FILE_OFFSET_BITS redefined" warning on Solaris.
+Sat May 3 11:00:12 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (rb_class_protected_instance_methods): now gives
+ warnings to show migration path. The default will be reversed
+ on Jan 2004.
+Sat May 3 00:58:53 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_methods): now accepts recurse parameter.
+ * lib/delegate.rb (Delegator::initialize): instance_methods
+ etc. now recurse by default. need to specify false.
+Sat May 3 00:22:00 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: reintroduce Protocol.protocol_param.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: ditto.
+Fri May 2 23:29:53 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: remove Protocol class.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb (SMTP): ditto.
+ * lib/net/pop.rb (POP3): ditto.
+ * lib/net/http.rb (HTTP): ditto.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: remove Command class.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb (SMTPCommand): ditto.
+ * lib/net/pop.rb (POP3Command): ditto.
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: remove APOPCommand class.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: remove Code class and its all subclasses.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: remove Response class and its all
+ subclasses.
+ * lib/net/pop.rb (POPMail): new method unique_id (alias uidl).
+Fri May 2 18:17:37 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * compar.c (cmp_gt): raises ArgumentError when "<=>" give nil.
+ inspired by discussion on comp.lang.python.
+Fri May 2 17:37:01 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/cgi/session.rb (CGI::Session::initialize): updated to
+ support 2003-04-23 change in cgi.rb [ruby-core:1002]
+Fri May 2 17:21:02 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (method_list): classify methods based on nearest
+ visibility. [ruby-dev:20127]
+ * class.c (rb_class_instance_methods): recurse by default. other
+ method listing methods as well.
+Fri May 2 09:38:06 2003 Warren Brown <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_ljust): now takes optional argument to specify
+ pad string. [ruby-talk:70482]
+ * string.c (rb_str_rjust): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_center): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_justify): utility function.
+Fri May 2 04:10:59 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_add_method): call singleton_method_added or
+ method_added for every method definition (after ruby_running).
+ [ruby-talk:70471]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_reverse_bang): Array#reverse! should not return
+ nil even for arrays sized less than 2.
+Thu May 1 23:18:01 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (argf_eof): should not block after reading all argument
+ files. (ruby-bugs-ja PR#449)
+Fri May 2 15:10:41 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: use hashes to pass options.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: new option mkdir(:mode), mkdir_p(:mode).
+ * instruby.rb: follow fileutils.rb feature change.
+Thu May 1 08:24:00 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_match_exec): $ _always_ matches at the end of string.
+Wed Apr 30 14:12:00 2003 (kimura wataru)
+ * net/imap.rb: support THREAD extension.
+Sun Apr 27 23:13:20 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_to_i): disallow negative radix.
+ [ruby-dev:20087]
+Sat Apr 26 23:34:42 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (open_args): warning message changed to "don't put space
+ before argument parentheses".
+Sat Apr 26 14:25:00 2003 Takaaki Uematsu <>
+ * wince/ : files removed.
+ (config, dll.mak, exe.mak, mswince-ruby17.def,
+ io.c, process.c, signal.c, string.c, time.c)
+ * wince/ : files added.
+ (assert.c, Makefile.sub, mkexports.rb, io_wce.c,
+ process_wce.c, signal_wce.c, string_wce.c,
+ time_wce.c)
+ * wince/configure.bat : like mswin32 style.
+ * wince/direct.c : remove "static" at _currentdir.
+ * wince/io.h : change definition.
+ * wince/stdio.c : _fdopen -> fdopen.
+ * wince/process.h : add _P_OVERLAY.
+ * wince/time.h : change definition.
+ * wince/wincemain.c : add wce_SetCurrentDir.
+ * wince/wince.c : add wce_SetCurrentDir and wce_fopen.
+ fix GetModuleFileNameA to return correct "lpFileName".
+ * wince/wince.h : remove #ifdef.
+ * wince/sys/utime.h, utime.c : rename _utime to utime.
+ * wince/sys/stat.c : expand relative directory in stat.
+Sat Apr 26 06:33:04 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (argf_read): should read all argument files.
+Fri Apr 25 18:46:00 2003 Takaaki Uematsu <>
+ * gc.c: STACK_LEVEL_MAX=65535 on mswince.
+Fri Apr 25 18:40:07 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (argf_read): read should not span two files. [ruby-dev:20073]
+Fri Apr 25 18:19:03 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (splat_value): split splat_value() and avalue_splat().
+ * io.c: there's no way to set non-IO value to current_file, thus
+ no need for argf_forward().
+Fri Apr 25 02:03:25 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (proc_invoke): Proc#yield should pass through retry and
+ break like keyword yield. [ruby-talk:70034]
+ * eval.c (proc_invoke): orphan Proc now raises LocalJumpError for
+ break and retry again.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): ARGSCAT should splat the argument.
+ * eval.c (splat_value): splat operation function.
+Thu Apr 24 23:37:02 2003 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb (Matrix#minor): Used Range#size, which no longer
+ exists.
+ * lib/complex.rb (new!): had been made private, but
+ Kernel#Complex called it. Re-exposed as new!.
+ * lib/matrix.rb (Matrix.row_vector): Fix method name typo
+Thu Apr 24 19:40:02 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb: add -Wl,--no-undefined to LDSHARED only
+ if GNU ld is 2.11 or later.
+Wed Apr 23 14:05:40 2003 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/ipaddr.rb (include?): Support non-IPAddr parameters.
+ [ruby-core:00980]
+Wed Apr 23 13:31:10 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI::QueryExtension::[]): always return Value
+ object.
+Wed Apr 23 08:39:27 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/zlib/extconf.rb: bccwin32 is win32 too.
+Tue Apr 22 20:58:00 2003 Takaaki Uematsu <>
+ * ruby.c: don't call VirtualQuery in ruby_init_loadpath()
+ on mswince.
+Tue Apr 22 19:08:53 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (save_mantissa, load_mantissa): for interoperability
+ should count cut-down bit from topmost.
+Tue Apr 22 09:20:40 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (arg_ambiguous): hopefully better message.
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI::QueryExtension::initialize_query): to_ary
+ removed.
+Tue Apr 22 06:06:22 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::DNS::Resource#hash): use XOR to accumulate
+ hash value.
+ * lib/tsort.rb (TSort#each_strongly_connected_component): don't use
+ block argument.
+ (each_strongly_connected_component_from): ditto.
+Mon Apr 21 21:59:48 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c: one more digit for decimal point. [ruby-talk:69808]
+Mon Apr 21 21:25:59 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_is_finite_p): use finite() if available.
+ * win32/win32.h (isinf, isnan): define as macro.
+ [ruby-win32:00533]
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub, win32/Makefile.sub: no longer use
+ missing/isinf.c, missing/isnan.c.
+Mon Apr 21 18:36:28 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_cstr_to_inum): unnecessarily long buffer was used
+ for radix 9. [ruby-dev:20057]
+Mon Apr 21 17:44:34 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (block_append, value_expr0, assign_in_cond,
+ warn_unless_e_option, warning_unless_e_option, range_op,
+ cond0): adjust line number in warning.
+Mon Apr 21 00:47:42 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * sample/test.rb: avoid the MSVCRT *printf problem(float).
+ [ruby-dev:20037]
+Mon Apr 21 00:11:15 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (w_float): append least mantissa bits to get rid
+ of roundoff problem. [ruby-talk:69518]
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): load least mantissa bits.
+Sun Apr 20 23:24:25 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * win32/win32.c (NtInitialize): set the floating-point control word
+ on bcc32.
+ * win32/win32.h, bcc32/Makefile.sub: use missing/isinf.c, should not
+ use _finite() because it returns 0 if NaN.
+Sun Apr 20 03:09:30 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * parse.y (void_expr0): node might become NULL after calling
+ remove_begin().
+Sat Apr 19 21:55:10 2003 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/Setup*: Add zlib and remove bogus and obsolete entries.
+Sat Apr 19 14:47:07 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc): use rb_gc_mark_maybe() to mark registered C
+ addresses. C variables may not hold valid reference to Ruby
+ objects. [ruby-core:00975]
+Sat Apr 19 00:56:13 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_eql): should compare values with "eql?".
+Fri Apr 18 23:29:08 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * range.c (range_check): <=> returns nil for invalid values;
+ should check.
+Fri Apr 18 15:26:50 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * error.c (rb_raise): workaround for some implementations of
+ vsnprintf.
+Fri Apr 18 02:23:42 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): should not set RE_OPTIMIZE_ANCHOR,
+ if anychar_repeat is enclosed by parentheses.
+Fri Apr 18 01:49:18 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * util.c (ruby_strtod): improved conversion accuracy.
+Thu Apr 17 14:39:23 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c (each_pair): add prototype to avoid VC++ warnings.
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (Init_readline): follow readline 4.2
+ prototype.
+Thu Apr 17 14:22:36 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (cond0): warn only range literals whose both side are
+ literals. [ruby-core:00964]
+Thu Apr 17 11:10:59 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c: add the defined operator for bcc32.
+Wed Apr 16 00:14:06 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-special-char-p): should test at the
+ point if no argument. fixed by Michael Scholz
+ <>.
+Tue Apr 15 19:35:08 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: rm_r should raise Errno::ENOENT if file
+ does not exist ([ruby-core:958]). Thanks Johan Holmberg.
+Tue Apr 15 19:12:21 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_hash): new methods Struct#hash, Struct#eql?.
+ (ruby-bugs:PR#758)
+Tue Apr 15 16:05:11 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_fix2str): buffer was insufficient.
+ (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#431)
+Mon Apr 14 19:45:56 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (file_expand_path): root must follow buf when
+ reallocated. [ruby-talk:69339], [ruby-dev:20025]
+Mon Apr 14 03:22:33 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * rubyio.h (struct OpenFile): add noraise flag to finalizer.
+ * io.c (Init_IO): define $/, $-0, and $\ as string-only
+ variables.
+ * string.c (rb_str_split_m): does not generate empty string if
+ the receiver is empty.
+ * io.c (fptr_finalize): should raise error on EBADF for readable
+ IOs as well.
+Mon Apr 14 15:54:18 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_cstr_to_inum, rb_big2str): allow 2-36 as radix.
+ * numeric.c (rb_fix2str): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_to_i): ditto.
+Sun Apr 13 03:20:31 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (try_func): remove COMMON_HEADERS at first for
+ performance.
+Sat Apr 12 20:59:40 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-beginning-of-arg): substitute
+ ruby-backward-arg.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-calculate-indent): fixed wrong
+ indentation in brace block and parentheses.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-forward-sexp, ruby-backward-sexp):
+ support special char literal, and negative arguments.
+Sat Apr 12 17:52:47 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (rb_stat): use rb_check_convert_type() to retrieve IO.
+Fri Apr 11 19:00:14 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_stat): check arguments. [ruby-dev:20007]
+ [ruby-win32:535]
+Fri Apr 11 15:56:08 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (coerce_rescue): prevent inspected String from GC.
+ * numeric.c (flo_eq, rb_dbl_cmp, flo_gt, flo_ge, flo_lt, flo_le,
+ flo_eql): correct NaN comparison. (ruby-bugs:PR#744)
+ * sample/test.rb: NaN comparison test.
+Fri Apr 11 14:48:47 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (rb_stat): dereference using StringValuePtr().
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_stat): use rb_stat(). [ruby-dev:20007]
+Fri Apr 11 10:51:08 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/benchmark.rb (Benchmark::bm): get rid of warning.
+ [ruby-talk:69124]
+Fri Apr 11 02:41:35 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (set_stdin): assigned value must respond to "read" and
+ "getc".
+ * io.c (set_outfile): assigned value must respond to "write".
+ (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#425)
+Thu Apr 10 21:12:19 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: Exception line was accidentally removed.
+ [ruby-dev:19989]
+Thu Apr 10 18:42:13 2003 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_times): added some checks for request size.
+Thu Apr 10 03:22:38 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_mod_name): always return empty string for
+ anonymous class/module. (ruby-bugs-ja PR#424)
+ * config.sub: stop forcing addition of -gnu to -linux.
+ * variable.c (classname): refactoring.
+ * variable.c (rb_class_path): __tmp__classpath__ handling moved
+ from classname().
+Thu Apr 10 01:52:24 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_obj_is_method): indefinite return value.
+Thu Apr 10 00:39:32 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): /[\--\-]/ was warned. warn /]/.
+ * mkconfig.rb: escape `]' in regexp.
+Thu Apr 10 00:27:07 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * time.c (time_strftime): RSTRING(format)->ptr might become NULL.
+Wed Apr 9 23:54:50 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_obj_remove_instance_variable): better message.
+ [ruby-talk:68987]
+ * variable.c (rb_mod_remove_const): ditto.
+ * object.c (rb_obj_ivar_get): ditto.
+ * object.c (rb_obj_ivar_set): ditto.
+ * parse.y (yylex): ditto.
+Wed Apr 9 21:51:20 2003 Dave Thomas <>
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_define_method): Allow UnboundMethod as
+ parameter.
+Wed Apr 9 18:30:58 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (top_include): include module to wrapper module if
+ wrapper is present. experimental. [ruby-list:37539]
+Wed Apr 9 17:24:21 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_mark_children): introduce this function again; this
+ is required when stack was very tight. [ruby-talk:68916]
+Wed Apr 9 15:49:30 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (bigdivmod): small typo.
+Wed Apr 9 15:35:04 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c: include <unistd.h> only when
+ HAVE_UNISTD_H is defined.
+Wed Apr 9 14:05:00 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (w_object): preserve extended module on struct.
+ (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#422)
+Wed Apr 9 03:43:14 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (BIGZEROP): macro to determine if x is a bignum zero.
+Tue Apr 8 11:49:31 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (Init_Proc): make Method and UnboundMethod independent.
+ They are like instance and its class. [ruby-core:00941]
+ * parse.y (yylex): disallow global variables like "$1ve".
+ [ruby-core:00945]
+ * marshal.c (marshal_dump): Marshal.dump(0, false) should cause an
+ error. (ruby-bugs-ja PR#421)
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): warn if '-' is the edge of
+ character range.
+Mon Apr 7 15:49:09 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_unpack_sockaddr_in): remove struct
+ size check. getnameinfo(3) can handle. [ruby-dev:19967]
+Mon Apr 7 01:33:31 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (io_read): do not call rb_sys_fail() when required data
+ length is zero. (ruby-bugs-ja PR#420)
+ * eval.c (umethod_proc): should raise TypeError, instead of
+ returning error causing Proc. Following the principle of "fail
+ early". [ruby-core:00927]
+Sun Apr 6 18:29:21 2003 UENO Katsuhiro <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c: the return value of GzipReader#getc must be
+ unsigned.
+Sun Apr 6 00:35:37 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * sample/exyacc.rb: use Regexp in gsub!.
+Sat Apr 5 23:41:28 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): small but serious typo.
+Sat Apr 5 04:23:05 2003 Warren Brown <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_f_sprintf): was decrementing width even if there
+ is no sign character.
+Sat Apr 5 01:41:28 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (backtrace): skip internal allocator frame.
+ (ruby-bugs-ja PR#416)
+Fri Apr 4 10:53:22 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (assign): should prepare mrhs by svalue_to_mrhs().
+Wed Apr 2 15:11:23 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * README.EXT, README.EXT.ja (3.3): clarified -1 as free for
+ Data_Wrap_Struct(). [ruby-dev:19881]
+Mon Mar 31 11:11:36 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_missing): use "inspect" for T_OBJECT as well.
+Mon Mar 31 10:50:48 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (env_reject_bang): untaint key string.
+ * hash.c (env_delete_m): execute block only if deleting key does
+ not exist.
+Sat Mar 29 17:54:46 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): do not call rb_str_buf_cat() with NULL ptr,
+ which causes SEGV; jump to grow instead. [ruby-dev:19944]
+Sat Mar 29 15:19:48 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * instruby.rb, ext/extmk.rb, lib/benchmark.rb, lib/cgi.rb,
+ lib/debug.rb, lib/getoptlong.rb, lib/optparse.rb, lib/time.rb,
+ lib/date/format.rb, lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb lib/uri/common.rb: revert
+ escape for `-' in character class.
+Sat Mar 29 09:48:35 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (avalue_to_svalue): use rb_check_array_type() again.
+ Clarify how "to_ary" and "to_a" work. [ruby-talk:68155]
+ * eval.c (svalue_to_avalue): ditto.
+ * eval.c (svalue_to_mrhs): ditto.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): unary splat to use to_a, but we need a hack to
+ exclude Object#to_a until it's removed.
+ * object.c (rb_Array): check obj.respond_to?("to_a"). Currently
+ all object respond_to "to_a", but Object#to_a will be removed.
+ * range.c (Init_Range): undefine to_ary.
+ * re.c (Init_Regexp): ditto.
+Sat Mar 29 09:47:52 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * MANIFEST (ext/aix_mksym.rb): remove obsolete file.
+Fri Mar 29 06:21:24 2003 UENO Katsuhiro <>
+ * ext/zlib: merge from rough.
+Fri Mar 28 19:33:39 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c (rb_class_path): hold temporary class path in a
+ instance variable to get rid of GC. [ruby-dev:19932]
+ * variable.c (classname): remove temporary class path when exact
+ name found.
+Fri Mar 28 18:29:23 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): do not warn if "-" is at the top
+ or last of character class.
+Thu Mar 27 12:10:15 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): fix [:name:] handling.
+ /[\[:digit:]]/ was treated as /[[:digit:]]/.
+ /[[:-@]/ was treated as /[\[:\-@]/.
+ /[%-[:digit:]]/ was treated as /[%-\[:digit:]\]/.
+Thu Mar 27 03:26:40 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_capitalize_bang): check length before upcase
+ first character. (ruby-bugs:PR#697)
+Wed Mar 26 20:25:10 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dln.c (dln_find_1): break if path list end, even for too long
+ path names. (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#412)
+Wed Mar 26 13:19:32 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (avalue_splat): new function to do unary * (splat)
+ operator.
+ * eval.c (avalue_to_svalue,svalue_to_avalue,svalue_to_mrhs): do
+ not use implicit "to_ary" conversion.
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (GetWINDOW,GetMOUSE): add taint check.
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (curses_init_screen): ditto.
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (window_initialize): ditto.
+ * gc.c (os_each_obj): prohibit ObjectSpace#each_object in safe
+ mode ($SAFE >= 4).
+Tue Mar 25 23:26:02 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * signal.c (trap): return "DEFAULT" and "IGNORE" respectively for
+ previous sighandler SIG_DFL and SIG_IGN. [ruby-talk:67860]
+Tue Mar 25 12:24:15 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): call avalue_to_mrhs() to assign block
+ parameter |a|. [ruby-dev:19897]
+ * ruby.c (ruby_set_argv): freeze argument strings.
+Tue Mar 25 12:01:54 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_initialize): should check rb_secure(4).
+ * dir.c (dir_s_getwd): should check rb_secure(4).
+ * object.c (rb_obj_infect): function version of OBJ_INFECT().
+ * eval.c (rb_secure_update): new function to check object update.
+Tue Mar 25 10:18:05 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c: should infect also return values of
+ #inspect.
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c: use snprintf() instead of sprintf().
+Mon Mar 24 16:55:04 2003 Takaaki Tateishi <>
+ * ext/dl/dl.c: added rb_secure(4). (Thanks to Minero Aoki)
+ * ext/dl/sym.c: ditto.
+ * ext/dl/ptr.c: ditto.
+Mon Mar 24 00:09:02 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (block_append): warn unused literal.
+Sun Mar 23 22:22:04 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/jcode.rb (tr!, delete!, szueeze!): add empty string checking.
+Sun Mar 23 19:54:53 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_call_finalizer_at_exit): use free() if dfree is -1.
+Sat Mar 22 15:50:29 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (make_time_t): try search_time_t if mktime/timegm is failed.
+Sat Mar 22 13:26:33 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb, lib/jcode.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: reorder character
+ class /[\]\[]/ to /[\[\]]/ for readability.
+Sat Mar 22 12:44:15 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/date/format.rb, lib/uri/common.rb: escape `[', `]', `-' in
+ character class in regexp to avoid warning.
+Sat Mar 22 07:39:32 2003 Ulf Betlehem <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_fread): may lose data on nonblocking read.
+Fri Mar 21 23:40:41 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): fix previous change.
+ * instruby.rb, ext/extmk.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, lib/benchmark.rb,
+ lib/cgi.rb, lib/debug.rb, lib/getoptlong.rb, lib/jcode.rb,
+ lib/optparse.rb, lib/time.rb, lib/date/format.rb,
+ lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb: escape `[', `]', `-' in character class in
+ regexp to avoid warning.
+Fri Mar 21 23:23:45 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): give warning for unescaped square
+ brackets and minus in character class. [ruby-dev:19868]
+Fri Mar 21 18:12:20 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (bmcall): missing type.
+Fri Mar 21 01:29:35 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_f_sprintf): copy sign bits only if value is
+ negative.
+ * missing.h: include <stdarg.h> or <varargs.h> if HAVE_VSNPRINTF
+ is not defined.
+Thu Mar 20 18:31:37 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser#order!): follow recent change
+ of proc argument.
+Thu Mar 20 16:12:53 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_to_s): change format specifier to "%.15g" to
+ avoid unnecessary 9s (e.g. 99.59999999999999). (ruby-bugs-ja PR#406)
+Thu Mar 20 16:03:18 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (stmt, primary): get rid of SEGV at empty or invalid
+ condition. (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#410)
+ * parse.y (cond_negative): negate condition node when NODE_NOT.
+Thu Mar 20 10:45:29 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * eval.c (bmcall): add volatile to avoid GC problem.
+Thu Mar 20 10:10:49 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (load_dyna): clear ruby_errinfo. (ruby-bugs-ja PR#409)
+Wed Mar 19 23:05:30 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/tracer.rb (trace_func): save and recover Thread.critical state.
+ Fixed by Fukumoto Atsushi <> [ruby-dev:19830]
+Wed Mar 19 02:55:46 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (read_all): make str empty if given. (ruby-bugs-ja PR#408)
+ * io.c (io_read): ditto.
+ * io.c (rb_io_sysread): ditto.
+Tue Mar 18 18:24:03 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * range.c: do not override min and max.
+Sun Mar 16 12:29:55 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pp.rb (object_address_group): use to_s instead of name
+ to get name of class.
+Fri Mar 14 08:53:29 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sprintf.c (remove_sign_bits): octal left most digit for negative
+ numbers may be '3'. (ruby-bugs-ja PR#407)
+ * sprintf.c (rb_f_sprintf): should prefix sign bits if bignum is
+ negative, using sign_bits().
+Wed Mar 12 16:48:19 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * io.c (prep_stdio): set binmode only if the file descriptor
+ is not connected to a terminal on Cygwin.
+Wed Mar 12 11:23:49 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (avalue_to_mrhs): split argument passing and assignment
+ conversion.
+ * eval.c (svalue_to_mrhs): ditto.
+ * eval.c (avalue_to_svalue): avalue_to_svalue([[1,2]]) should be
+ [[1,2]], not [1,2] to wrap-around.
+Tue Mar 11 21:00:59 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: Digest string wrongly included '\n' when user
+ name is too long (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#404).
+Tue Mar 11 20:07:01 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: speeding up by avoiding extra flush.
+ (suggested by Brian Candler <> [ruby-talk:66516])
+Tue Mar 11 04:30:12 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (massign): remove unnecessary array unpacking; it should
+ be handled before massign() by svalue_to_mrhs().
+ * eval.c (svalue_to_mrhs): '*a = v' value conversion to avalue
+ (i.e. [1] => [[1]], [1,2] => [1,2]).
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): use svalue_to_mrhs.
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): ditto.
+ * eval.c (proc_invoke): break from "Proc#yield" is legal.
+Mon Mar 10 23:19:29 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (rb_find_file): need world writable directory check for
+ relative paths too.
+Mon Mar 10 11:23:00 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (rb_find_file): world writable directory check if
+ $SAFE >= 1 (was $SAFE >= 2).
+Mon Mar 10 01:59:47 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: do not dispatch LIST when a mailbox is empty.
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: merge the 'STAT' patch from Frank S.Fejes
+ <>, with modifications (listed below).
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: new method Net::POP#mail_size.
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: new method Net::POP#bytes.
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: new method Net::POPCommand#stat.
+Sun Mar 9 19:30:25 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (mkdir, mkdir_p): revert.
+ * instruby.rb (umask): umask 0022, not 0.
+Sun Mar 9 17:09:40 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (mkdir, mkdir_p): set mode to 0755.
+ * (fake.rb): set ALT_SEPARATOR to the default value.
+Sat Mar 8 11:30:59 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (massign): fix a bug not to expand in assignment to sole
+ lhs. [ruby-dev:19766]
+Fri Mar 7 21:57:25 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pp.rb (Kernel.pp): module function.
+ (MatchData#pretty_print): new method.
+Fri Mar 7 20:27:19 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/extconf.rb (find_tcl, find_tk): return true if
+ non-versioned found. [ruby-dev:19759]
+Fri Mar 7 15:05:35 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb: add QDBM support.
+Fri Mar 7 12:59:39 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (massign): deal with sole lhs, assign rest args from
+ converted array. [ruby-dev:19751]
+Fri Mar 7 03:31:36 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (dsym): :"symbol string" style should not contain `\0'.
+ * process.c (proc_detach): new method Process.detach(pid) which
+ create background watcher thread to issue waitpid. [new]
+ * process.c (rb_detach_process): utility function to detach
+ process from C code.
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (pty_finalize_syswait): terminate watcher thread,
+ and detach child process (by creating new idle waitpid watcher
+ thread).
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (pty_syswait): may lost signal stopped child.
+Fri Mar 7 00:30:33 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/Win32API/Win32API.c: no longer use inline-asms.
+ * ext/Win32API/extconf.rb: no need to add gcc options.
+Thu Mar 6 13:02:10 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (reswords): fix reswords list.
+Wed Mar 5 12:13:21 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * better YACC support on HP-UX.
+Wed Mar 5 05:55:20 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_cat): remove ptr NULL check and MEMZERO(). ptr
+ must be non NULL.
+Tue Mar 4 23:12:07 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, bcc32/Makefile.sub, win32/Makefile.sub: define
+ RUBY_EXPORT to export symbols.
+ * defines.h: use RUBY_EXTERN instead of EXTERN.
+ * intern.h, re.h, ruby.h, rubysig.h: ditto.
+ * win32/win32.h: remove EXTERN definition.
+Tue Mar 4 17:54:30 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_aref): raise TypeError if index is a symbol.
+ [ruby-list:37217]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_aset): ditto.
+Tue Nov 13 14:39:11 2001 WATANABE Tetsuya <>
+ * missing/strftime.c: HP-UX support.
+Tue Mar 4 15:08:08 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * better HP-UX support.
+ * missing/strftime.c: ditto.
+Tue Mar 4 10:11:32 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_popen): do not call rb_io_close() directly, call
+ "close" method instead. [ruby-dev:19717]
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_open): ditto.
+ * hash.c (rb_any_hash): remove DEFER_INTS. all do_hash() calls in
+ st.c are at the top of functions. No reentrant problem.
+Tue Mar 4 01:19:21 2003 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/dl/MANIFEST: Exclude .cvsignore. [found by: eban]
+Tue Mar 4 01:17:08 2003 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/Win32API/MANIFEST: Belatedly add lib/win32/registry.rb.
+ [found by: eban]
+Tue Mar 4 00:33:04 2003 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * MANIFEST: Belatedly add Test::Unit files. D'oh!
+Sun Mar 2 09:51:47 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (w_nbyte): should output always via rb_io_write().
+ * marshal.c (dump_ensure): ditto.
+ * marshal.c (marshal_dump): should call "binmode" method, if it
+ responds to.
+ * marshal.c (r_byte): should input always via "getc" method.
+ * marshal.c (r_bytes0): should input always via "read" method.
+ * marshal.c (marshal_load): need not to set up FILE* fp;
+Mon Mar 3 11:29:04 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (arg): parse 'lhs = a rescue b' as 'lhs=(a rescue b)'.
+Mon Mar 3 02:53:52 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_fread): should not clearerr() if there's no filled
+ buffer (i.e. rb_io_fread() returning zero).
+Mon Mar 3 01:42:35 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-expr-beg): escaped char syntax.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-parse-partial): ditto.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-parse-partial): no deep indent for
+ block.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-backward-arg): skip arguments backward.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-calculate-indent): too deep indentation.
+Fri Feb 28 23:50:32 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (map_errno): map OS error to errno. [new]
+ * win32/win32.c (pipe_exec, CreateChild, poll_child_status, waitpid,
+ kill, link, rb_w32_rename, unixtime_to_filetime, rb_w32_utime): use
+ map_errno() instead of using GetLastError() directly.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_select, rb_w32_accept, rb_w32_bind,
+ rb_w32_connect, rb_w32_getpeername, rb_w32_getsockname,
+ rb_w32_getsockopt, rb_w32_ioctlsocket, rb_w32_listen, rb_w32_recv,
+ rb_w32_recvfrom, rb_w32_send, rb_w32_sendto, rb_w32_setsockopt,
+ rb_w32_shutdown, rb_w32_socket, rb_w32_gethostbyaddr,
+ rb_w32_gethostbyname, rb_w32_gethostname, rb_w32_getprotobyname,
+ rb_w32_getprotobynumber, rb_w32_getservbyname, rb_w32_getservbyport,
+ rb_w32_fclose, rb_w32_close): map winsock error to errno.
+Fri Feb 28 22:54:10 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (flock): supports larger files, and maps error
+ code.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_asynchronize): returns errno from child
+ thread.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_fclose, rb_w32_close): ensures unlocked.
+Wed Feb 26 17:38:16 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb: replace as well.
+Tue Feb 25 23:03:08 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/debug.rb (DEBUGGER__::Context#debug_command): bp filename must
+ be the basename of it. [ruby-talk:65644]
+Mon Feb 24 17:49:35 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (yycompile): zero clear ruby_eval_tree_begin if
+ compilation failed.
+Mon Feb 24 08:06:29 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_new): need no MEMZERO().
+Sun Feb 23 17:57:06 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/fileutils (fu_stream_blksize): wrong logical condition.
+ (and -> or).
+Sat Feb 22 03:12:56 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_gt): use rb_num_coerce_cmp() instead of
+ rb_num_coerce_bin.
+ * numeric.c (fix_ge, fix_lt, fix_le): ditto.
+ * numeric.c (flo_gt, flo_ge, flo_lt, flo_le): ditto.
+Sat Feb 22 02:45:20 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_create): may called from place higher than
+ rb_gc_stack_start.
+ * gc.c (Init_stack): update rb_gc_stack_start if it is lower (or
+ higher if stack grows down) than the previous value.
+Fri Feb 21 21:03:41 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: new method FileUtils#copy_stream.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: new method FileUtils#compare_file.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: new method FileUtils#compare_stream.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: new method FileUtils#rmtree (alias of rm_rf).
+Fri Feb 21 17:19:27 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_require): do not need to abort if a DLEXT file
+ is not found.
+Fri Feb 21 13:39:25 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_cmp_m): should use LONG2NUM().
+Fri Feb 21 12:45:50 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_cmp_m): two small bugs fixed.
+Fri Feb 21 08:03:09 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_mark): inline rb_gc_mark_children().
+ * gc.c (gc_sweep): new tactics to increase malloc_limit mildly.
+Fri Feb 21 05:16:14 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_cmp_m): return nil if str2 does not respond to
+ both "to_str" and "<=>".
+ * compar.c (cmp_gt): return nil if "<=>" returns nil (means
+ incomparable).
+ * compar.c (cmp_ge, cmp_lt, cmp_le): ditto.
+ * compar.c (cmp_between): use RTEST(), since cmp_lt and cmp_gt may
+ return nil.
+Thu Feb 20 19:05:51 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_start_0): main thread swapped by fork() may
+ terminate rb_thread_start_0() successfully. call ruby_stop(0);
+ this change was suggested by Rudi Cilibrasi
+ <>.
+Thu Feb 20 18:44:51 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (file_expand_path): fix wrong behavior for root file.
+ expand_path("..", "//machine/share") => "//machine/share"
+ expand_path("..", "c:/a") => "c:/"
+ expand_path("..", "/a") => "/"
+Thu Feb 20 18:11:01 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (file_expand_path): should not upward beyond share name.
+Thu Feb 20 15:45:33 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * missing.h (strtoul): fix prototype of strtoul.
+Thu Feb 20 10:11:30 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (clhs): allow "Foo::Bar = x".
+Thu Feb 20 04:07:06 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (primary): "self[n]=x" can be legal even when "[]=" is
+ private. changes submitted in [ruby-talk:63982]
+ * parse.y (aryset): ditto.
+ * parse.y (attrset): "" can be legal even when "foo="
+ is private.
+ * eval.c (is_defined): private "[]=" and "foo=" support.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval, assign): ditto.
+Thu Feb 20 03:58:34 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): "foo=" should not always be public.
+Thu Feb 20 01:23:59 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_restore_context): inhibit interrupts in
+ critical section while context switching. [ruby-talk:64785]
+Wed Feb 19 18:27:42 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * node.h (nd_cpath): nested class/module declaration.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): ditto.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_mark_children): ditto.
+ * parse.y (cpath): ditto.
+Tue Feb 18 21:39:27 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): should not report uninitialized warning by
+ attribute reader method.
+ * variable.c (rb_attr_get): new function to get instance variable
+ without uninitialized warning.
+ * io.c (argf_to_io): should prefetch argv.
+Tue Feb 18 00:13:50 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-comment-column): customize comment
+ column. [new]
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-deep-indent-paren): deep indentation
+ parentheses. [new]
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-expr-beg): fix for / after $?.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-parse-partial, ruby-calculate-indent):
+ deep indentation support.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-forward-sexp, ruby-backward-sexp):
+ move forward/backward across one balanced expression. [new]
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-indent-exp): indent balanced
+ expression. [new]
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-electric-brace): indent before
+ show matching parenthesis. (contributed by NABEYA Kenichi)
+Mon Feb 17 14:36:56 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_opendir, rb_w32_utime): need parens.
+Mon Feb 17 14:13:25 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (link): implement with CreateHardLink().
+ * win32/win32.c, win32/win32.h (rb_w32_utime): enable utime() to
+ directory if on NT. [new] (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#393)
+Mon Feb 17 13:28:51 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (file_expand_path): strip last slash when path is
+ root.
+Sun Feb 16 19:22:31 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (file_expand_path): buffer might be reallocated while
+ expanding default directory.
+ * file.c (file_expand_path): default directory was being
+ ignored if path was full path with no drive letter, under
+Sun Feb 16 03:14:33 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * io.c (prep_stdio, Init_io): always set binmode on Cygwin.
+Sat Feb 15 01:01:45 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (file_expand_path): fix surplus path separators while
+ expanding at root directory. [ruby-dev:19572]
+Fri Feb 14 14:25:24 2003 akira yamada <>
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb, lib/uri/ldap.rb, lib/uri/mailto.ldap: all foo=()
+ returns arguments passed by caller.
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (Generic#to_str, Generic#to_s): removed to_str.
+ Suggested by Tanaka Akira <> at [ruby-dev:19475].
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (Generic#==): should not generate an URI object
+ from argument. Suggested by Tanaka Akira <> at
+ [ruby-dev:19475].
+Thu Feb 13 11:54:50 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (ruby_init_loadpath): ensures buffer terminated
+ before use strncpy().
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): avoid SEGV at -S with no arguments.
+ script argument is in effect only when -e is not given.
+ (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#391)
+Thu Feb 13 01:30:10 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_schedule): current thread may be dead when
+ deadlock. (ruby-bugs:PR#588)
+Thu Feb 13 00:28:52 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * range.c (range_step): step might be float 0 < x < 1.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_schedule): pause if no runnable thread when
+ there's only one thread.
+Thu Feb 13 00:09:47 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (strrdirsep): ignore trailing directory separators.
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_expand_path): File.expand_path(".","/") should
+ return "/". (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#389)
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_basename): also ignore trailing directory
+ separators, in compliance with SUSv3. (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#390)
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_dirname, rb_file_s_extname): ditto.
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_dirname): append "." if drive only.
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_split): get rid of converting twice.
+Mon Feb 10 20:55:15 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (parse_args): add '-n' to $mflags BEFORE "--".
+ do not add DESTDIR if already included in $mflags.
+Mon Feb 10 19:54:30 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils#uptodate?): use mtime for
+ comparison.
+Mon Feb 10 10:14:26 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_to_a): return value should be an Array if the
+ receiver is an instance of subclass of Array.
+ * string.c (rb_str_to_s): return value should be a String if the
+ receiver is an instance of subclass of String.
+Mon Feb 10 03:33:42 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * io.c (rb_file_sysopen): rb_file_sysopen_internal() needs four
+ arguments.
+Sun Feb 9 15:16:04 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ define to 1.
+ * ruby.h (NORETURN_STYLE_NEW): ditto.
+Sun Feb 9 12:28:18 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (init_mkmf): add libdir to LIBPATH unless cross
+ compiling.
+Sun Feb 9 08:34:45 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: 4xx raises Net::ProtoServerError, 5xx raises
+ Net::ProtoFatalError (for backward compatibility).
+Sun Feb 9 07:07:26 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: new method FileUtils.pwd (really).
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: FileUtils.pwd, cmp, identical?, uptodate? does
+ not accept any option.
+Sat Feb 8 18:35:30 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-forward-string): fixed void variable
+ error.
+Sat Feb 8 16:23:11 2003 NABEYA Kenichi <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-font-lock-keywords): method name can
+ be delimited by tab.
+Sat Feb 8 03:57:32 2003 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/irb/workspace.rb, lib/irb/ext/math-mode.rb,
+ lib/irb/ext/multi-irb.rb, lib/irb/lc/error.rb,
+ lib/irb/lc/help-message, lib/irb/lc/ja/error.rb,
+ lib/shell/command-processor.rb, lib/shell/error.rb,
+ lib/shell/filter.rb: Fix typos and grammos. [approved by: keiju]
+Sat Feb 8 03:34:28 2003 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * intern.h (HAVE_RB_DEFINE_ALLOC_FUNC): New boolean macro to make
+ it easier to write extensions that work with both ~1.6 and 1.8~.
+ * intern.h (RB_CVAR_SET_4ARGS): Ditto.
+ * ruby.h (NORETURN_STYLE_NEW): Ditto.
+Sat Feb 8 00:47:24 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call): calls method_missing when superclass method
+ does not exist.
+ * eval.c (rb_f_missing): now handles "no super" case.
+ * object.c (rb_obj_ivar_get): Object#instance_variable_get: new
+ method to get instance variable value without eval(). [new]
+ * object.c (rb_obj_ivar_set): Object#instance_variable_set: new
+ method to set instance variable value without eval(). [new]
+Fri Feb 7 15:35:21 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * intern.h, re.c (rb_memsearch): returns long.
+ * string.c (rb_str_index): should return offset position.
+Fri Feb 7 15:30:15 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (proc_invoke): should propagate self to super
+ methods. [ruby-dev:19510]
+Thu Feb 6 19:04:32 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_initialize_m): should not preset "kcode" unless
+ encoding is explicitly specified.
+Thu Feb 6 19:01:32 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: new method FileUtils.pwd.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: default label is ''.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: using module_eval again, to avoid ruby's bug.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: fix wrong examples in rdoc.
+Thu Feb 6 17:43:56 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/complex.rb (Complex#==): should not raise error by type
+ mismatch.
+ * lib/rational.rb (Rational#==): ditto.
+Thu Feb 6 11:44:40 2003 MoonWolf <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_initialize_m): 3rd argument was ignored.
+Thu Feb 6 01:09:05 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_count): return 0 for empty string (was
+ returning nil).
+Wed Feb 5 19:41:37 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb: dispatch code restructured to make it openable
+ that has `open' method.
+ * lib/open-uri.rb: Location: field may has a relative URI.
+ pointed out by erik eriksson <>.
+Wed Feb 5 17:11:02 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): no .<digit> float literal anymore.
+Tue Feb 4 16:11:30 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_equal): a == b is true when b is non T_ARRAY
+ object, if b has "to_ary" and b == a.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_equal): a == b is true when b is non T_HASH
+ object, if b has "to_hash" and b == a.
+ * string.c (rb_str_equal): a == b is true when b is non T_STRING
+ object, if b has "to_str" and b == a.
+Mon Feb 3 23:46:48 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (argf_getline): should not increment lineno at EOF.
+Mon Feb 3 16:49:19 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (Init_Object): default Object#=== now calls "=="
+ internally.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_initialize_m): should honor option status of
+ original regexp.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_equal): ary2 should be T_ARRAY (no to_ary
+ conversion).
+ * array.c (rb_ary_eql): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_equal): str2 should be T_STRING (no to_str
+ conversion).
+Mon Feb 3 16:32:52 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * re.c (rb_memsearch): a little improvement.
+Mon Feb 3 13:18:05 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_memsearch): algorithm body of String#index.
+ * error.c (Init_Exception): "to_str" removed.
+ * eval.c (eval): should not rely on Exception#to_str
+ * eval.c (compile_error): ditto.
+ * error.c (err_append): ditto.
+Sat Feb 1 23:56:29 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_merge): Hash#merge, non destructive "update".
+ now there's also Hash#merge! which is an alias to "update".
+Fri Jan 31 14:16:59 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_index): search using Karp-Rabin algorithm.
+Fri Jan 31 12:45:11 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_obj_classname): new function.
+ * string.c (rb_str_dup): should preserve original's class (but not
+ hidden singleton class).
+ * string.c (rb_str_substr): ditto.
+ * parse.y: backout EXPR_CMDARG removal.
+Fri Jan 31 09:40:07 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser::List::accept): default
+ pattern must not be nil.
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser::make_switch): NoArgument doesn't
+ override other styles.
+Thu Jan 30 16:46:43 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser::Switch::PlacedArgument): added.
+ if the next argument doesn't start with '-', use it as the
+ value.
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser::make_switch): fixed a bug of
+ pattern.
+ * lib/optparse.rb (Array): no need to guard.
+Thu Jan 30 08:27:19 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_expand_path): removed a sludge.
+Wed Jan 29 03:24:39 2003 Michal Rokos <>
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): memory leak fixed.
+Tue Jan 28 04:45:03 2003 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * instruby.rb (parse_args), ext/extmk.rb (parse_args): Prepend a
+ hyphen to the first argument of MAKEFLAGS only if appropriate.
+ Remove wrong comments.
+Mon Jan 27 03:30:06 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * error.c (get_syserror): use snprintf() instead of sprintf(). pointed
+ out by knu.
+Mon Jan 27 02:06:38 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * error.c (get_syserror): some Windows' errno have 5 digits. pointed
+ out by znz.
+Sun Jan 26 19:23:10 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * instruby.rb ($mflags.set?): Check $make instead of $nmake, since
+ there is no such a variable.
+ * instruby.rb ($mflags.set?), ext/extmk.rb ($mflags.set?): Return
+ false if unmatched.
+Sun Jan 26 19:08:30 2003 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/shellwords.rb: Embed rdoc style comments.
+ * lib/shellwords.rb (shellwords): Use String#lstrip!.
+ * lib/shellwords.rb (shellwords): Recognize an object that
+ responds to to_str() by using
+Sun Jan 26 17:53:04 2003 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * instruby.rb (parse_args), ext/extmk.rb (parse_args): Detect -n
+ and emulate a dry run. Use 'make' in case no --make argument is
+ given.
+Sun Jan 26 07:18:42 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * instruby.rb: re-define individual methods verbosely rather than
+ including FileUtils::Verbose, in order to suppress messages from
+ FileUtils#cmp.
+ * instruby.rb (makedirs): make same directory only once even if
+ dryrun.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils::Verbose, FileUtils::NoWrite):
+ re-define methods with define_method instead of module_eval.
+Sun Jan 26 03:37:18 2003 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * instruby.rb, ext/extmk.rb,, win32/Makefile.sub,
+ bcc32/Makefile.sub: Replace the complicated MFLAGS/MAKEFLAGS
+ parser with something plain and comprehensible. This fixes a
+ bug where make flags were wrongly reordered and the resulted
+ command line often did not make sense especially when BSD make
+ is used with extra arguments given. Tested with FreeBSD and
+ Linux by me and mswin32, bccwin32 and mingw by usa.
+Fri Jan 24 18:15:33 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y: tMINUS should have lower precedence than tPOW.
+Fri Jan 24 05:12:55 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-font-lock-syntactic-keywords): deal
+ with escaped $ and ? at the end of strings. [ruby-talk:62297]
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-font-lock-keywords): added defined?.
+Thu Jan 23 17:25:04 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): do not warn discarding already undefined
+ method.
+ * lib/rational.rb: undef quo before replacing.
+Thu Jan 23 15:49:57 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (arg): missing arguments.
+Thu Jan 23 14:56:52 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/rational.rb: modified to support "quo".
+ * numeric.c (num_quo): should return most exact quotient value,
+ i.e. float by default, rational if available.
+ * numeric.c (num_div): "div" should return x.divmod(x)[0].
+Thu Jan 23 13:24:18 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_arg): was accessing garbage argv value.
+Thu Jan 23 06:37:01 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * instruby.rb: should not contain destdir in shebang line.
+Wed Jan 22 23:19:57 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (pipe_exec): remove unnecessary SetStdHandle().
+Wed Jan 22 20:20:59 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (arg): syntaxify tPOW negative number hack.
+ * parse.y (negate_lit): new function to negate literal numeric
+ values in compile time.
+Wed Jan 22 15:36:54 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_match_exec): charset info may be stored in MBC
+ region when $KCODE != NONE.
+Wed Jan 22 14:22:53 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * error.c (set_syserr): should preserve duplicated error names.
+Tue Jan 21 20:29:31 2003 Michal Rokos <>
+ * mkmf.rb: make possible to add files to clean and distclean targets
+Tue Jan 21 18:05:25 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub (LIBRUBY_A): link dmyext.
+Tue Jan 21 16:59:18 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * instruby.rb: use real interpreter pathname at shebang line.
+ [ruby-dev:19370]
+Tue Jan 21 16:22:32 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (arg): put back old ** behavior for negative number
+ right operand.
+Tue Jan 21 14:46:12 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pp.rb: Use Test::Unit.
+ * lib/prettyprint.rb: Ditto
+ * lib/time.rb: Ditto
+ * lib/tsort.rb: Ditto
+Tue Jan 21 04:15:50 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pp.rb: Use redefined `to_s' as well as `inspect'.
+ Useless `pretty_print' methods removed.
+ (PP::ObjectMixin#pretty_print_inspect): new method.
+Mon Jan 20 21:48:43 2003 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * (MANTYPE): Detect if the system's nroff(1) groks
+ mdoc. Provide a new option --with-mantype={doc|man} in case the
+ check does not work as expected.
+ * (MANTYPE): Define MANTYPE and pass it to
+ instruby.rb.
+ * instruby.rb: Convert mdoc manpages to man for systems which
+ nroff(1) does not grok mdoc.
+Mon Jan 20 21:25:18 2003 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb ( If a block is given, call it with
+ tempfile as an argument and automatically close the tempfile
+ when the block terminates.
+Mon Jan 20 21:02:50 2003 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * mdoc2man.rb: Properly put nested braces, parentheses and angles.
+ * mdoc2man.rb: Add support for .An and .Aq/.Ao/.Ac.
+ * mdoc2man.rb: Add support for .Dl.
+ * mdoc2man.rb: Make .Pf macro actually work.
+ * mdoc2man.rb: Properly handle .Os.
+ * mdoc2man.rb: Correctly omit spaces around punctuation
+ characters.
+Mon Jan 20 19:43:41 2003 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * mdoc2man.rb: Make this work as a library.
+Mon Jan 20 18:22:40 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_require): purge too many goto's.
+Mon Jan 20 17:50:05 2003 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * mdoc2man.rb (parse_macro): Understand .Ux.
+Mon Jan 20 17:32:56 2003 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * mdoc2man.rb: New file. A mdoc to man converter ported from
+ Perl.
+Mon Jan 20 15:40:15 2003 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ruby.1: Properly close .Bl with .El.
+Mon Jan 20 04:14:17 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (egrep_cpp): use inspect to show options.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (dir_config): prior configured directories to
+ defaults.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (dir_config): extract first word to determine
+ make command type.
+Mon Jan 20 02:15:53 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/aix_mksym.rb: no longer used.
+Mon Jan 20 00:17:16 2003 Matt Armstrong <>
+ * file.c (eaccess): under windows, make eaccess() just call
+ access(). [ruby-core:716], [ruby-bugs:PR#556]
+Sun Jan 19 23:08:18 2003 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/shellwords.rb (shellwords): A backslash ('\') in single
+ quotes should not be regarded as meta character. This bug or
+ maybe feature was inherited from Perl's
+Sun Jan 19 14:01:12 2003 UENO Katsuhiro <>
+ * regex.c (is_in_list): should work well with UTF-8.
+ * regex.c (re_match_exec): ditto.
+Sat Jan 18 14:53:49 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_cstr_to_inum): should not erase all 0s, but
+ squeeze into one. [ruby-dev:19377]
+Fri Jan 17 03:33:42 2003 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_f_sprintf): Fix a bug caused by an uninitialized
+ variable v, that a bignum unexpectedly gets converted into a
+ string with its higher figures all filled with ./f/7/1,
+ depending on the base. This bug seems to have been introduced
+ in rev.1.27.
+ * sprintf.c (rb_f_sprintf): Use switch instead of a sequence of
+ else-if's.
+Wed Jan 15 15:18:38 2003 moumar <>
+ * (ARCHFILE): set even unless --enable-shared on
+ AIX. [ruby-talk:61466]
+ * marshal.c (math.h): should be included after ruby.h on AIX.
+ [ruby-talk:61366]
+Tue Jan 14 21:47:56 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_require): do not search adding .rb/.so suffixes if
+ the suffix specified. [ruby-dev:18702]
+Tue Jan 14 18:36:41 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (enum_all): now works without block.
+ * enum.c (enum_any): ditto.
+Tue Jan 14 01:21:32 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (next_argv): not always set binmode.
+Mon Jan 13 20:45:19 2003 Guy Decoux <>
+ * parse.y (list_append): avoid O(n) search using node->nd_next->nd_end.
+ * parse.y (list_concat): ditto.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): NODE_ARRY nd_end adoption.
+Mon Jan 13 02:22:11 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/win32.rb: eliminate unnecessary "A" adding.
+Sun Jan 12 16:07:17 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * io.c (next_argv): inherit binmode from $defout.
+Sat Jan 11 22:50:47 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/win32.rb: compatibility improvement.
+Sat Jan 11 01:44:16 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_CHECK_IO_NEED): added more tests.
+ * io.c (rb_io_check_readable): seek after synchronized write.
+Fri Jan 10 01:23:45 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-font-lock-syntactic-keywords): syntax
+ classes are not allowed inside character classes.
+ [ruby-talk:60996]
+Thu Jan 9 23:28:01 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * AC_MSG_FAILURE is a new macro in 2.54b or later.
+Thu Jan 9 17:05:24 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_CHECK_IO_NEED): check whether fseek() and
+ fflush() are needed.
+ * io.c (flush_before_seek): flush write stream only.
+ * io.c (rb_io_check_readable): seek instead of flush if the last
+ operation was write.
+ * io.c (rb_io_check_writable): seek instead of flush if the last
+ operation was read.
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub, win32/Makefile.sub: needs to seek between
+ R/W.
+Thu Jan 9 16:31:51 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): should not discard nested NODE_BLOCK.
+Thu Jan 9 15:12:30 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (stmt): NODE_NOT elimination for if/unless/while/until node.
+ * parse.y (primary): ditto.
+Thu Jan 9 13:26:18 2003 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * st.h, st.c: Back out the introduction of st_*_func_t. Some
+ compilers complain about function type mismatch.
+Thu Jan 9 02:10:44 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): reduce recursive rb_eval() call by using sort
+ of continuation passing style.
+Wed Jan 8 17:10:32 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/Win32API/lib/win32/registry.rb: added. [new]
+Wed Jan 8 15:54:05 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c: remove ruby_last_node and assignments seems to be
+ unnecessary
+ * intern.h: debug does not run if ID_ALLOCATOR is zero.
+Wed Jan 8 15:04:11 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * range.c (range_each): treat fixnums specially to boost.
+ * numeric.c (num_step): remove rb_scan_args() for small speedup.
+Tue Jan 7 17:56:08 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (svalue_to_avalue): should return converted array.
+Tue Jan 7 07:48:01 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_local_variables): skip $_, $~ and flip states in
+ dynamic variables. [ruby-core:00681]
+Tue Jan 7 02:46:29 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (env_clear): new Hash compatible method.
+ * hash.c (env_shift, env_invert, env_replace, env_update): ditto.
+Mon Jan 6 23:36:29 2003 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * st.h, st.c: Introduce new conventional typedef's, st_data_t,
+ st_compare_func_t, st_hash_func_t and st_each_func_t.
+ * st.h, st.c: Do explicit function declarations and do not rely on
+ implicit declarations.
+ * class.c, eval.c, gc.c, hash.c, marshal.c, parse.y, variable.c:
+ Add proper casts to avoid warnings.
+Mon Jan 6 20:44:43 2003 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * intern.h (rb_check_array_type): Declare rb_check_array_type().
+ * ext/digest/md5/md5ossl.c: Include stdio.h for sprintf() and
+ string.h for memcmp().
+ * ext/dl/ptr.c: Include ctype.h for isdigit().
+Mon Jan 6 18:43:17 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * file.c: improve DOSISH drive letter support.
+Mon Jan 6 18:31:45 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (ln): add ' -f' in the verbose message.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (cp_r): add 'p' in the verbose message.
+Mon Jan 6 16:44:52 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_join): dispatch based on "to_str".
+ * array.c (rb_ary_times, rb_ary_equal): ditto.
+Mon Jan 6 13:26:35 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * process.c (proc_exec_v): follow to proc_spawn_v(). call do_aspawn()
+ on Win32.
+ * process.c (rb_proc_exec): call do_spawn() on Win32.
+ * win32/win32.c, win32/win32.h (do_spawn, do_aspawn): add mode flag.
+ * process.c (proc_spawn_v, rb_f_system): follow above change.
+Mon Jan 6 05:11:15 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb: make $0 normal variable.
+Mon Jan 6 02:32:46 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * struct.c (make_struct): needs meta class.
+Sun Jan 5 22:54:05 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (ln): `argv' is not a argument.
+Sun Jan 5 17:44:37 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): set $0 temporarily while loading
+ extconf.rb.
+Sun Jan 5 14:46:46 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * instruby.rb: need paren in regexp(make -n install).
+ * ext/extmk.rb (sysquote): do not need to quote on mswin/bccwin/mingw.
+ * ext/extmk.rb ($mflags): uniq items and remove '-' and '--'.
+ move options to the lead.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (install): model on the real install
+ command(message).
+Sun Jan 5 09:36:46 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (ruby_init_loadpath): under Windows, get the module
+ path from an internal address instead of hard coded library
+ name.
+ * cygwin/, bcc32/Makefile.sub,
+ win32/Makefile.sub (CPPFLAGS): removed LIBRUBY_SO macro.
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub, win32/Makefile.sub (config.h): no longer
+ depends on makefiles.
+Sun Jan 5 04:17:05 2003 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * gc.c (SET_STACK_END): Issue a FLUSH_REGISTER_WINDOWS here too.
+ This fixes make test on FreeBSD/sparc64.
+Sun Jan 5 03:43:47 2003 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * defines.h (FLUSH_REGISTER_WINDOWS): Make the flushw call an
+ inline function so it can be used as an expression.
+ * eval.c (EXEC_TAG, THREAD_SAVE_CONTEXT): Consistently call
+ FLUSH_REGISTER_WINDOWS before calling setjmp(). (I suspect that
+ every setjmp() implementation should take care of register
+ windows, though)
+Sun Jan 5 03:12:32 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * file.c (utimbuf): use utimbuf instead of _utimbuf if defined _WIN32.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (LIBS): use oldnames.lib.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_getcwd): follow above change.
+ * win32/win32.h: ditto.
+ * wince/direct.c, wince/direct.h (getcwd): ditto.
+ * wince/io.h: ditto.
+ * wince/string.c, wince/wince.h (stricmp, strnicmp): ditto.
+Sat Jan 4 15:18:50 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * process.c (rb_proc_exec): use same logic as DJGPP on win32 ports.
+ * process.c (rb_f_system): ditto.
+ * win32/win32.c, win32/win32.h (do_aspawn): [new]. for arrayed
+ arguments.
+ * win32/win32.c (CreateChild): add new argument for real filename of
+ executing process.
+ * win32/win32.c (NtHasRedirection, pipe_exec): follow above change.
+Sat Jan 4 14:29:52 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * set rb_cv_need_io_flush_between_seek=yes.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.h): define NEED_IO_FLUSH_BETWEE_SEEK.
+ (pointed out by moriq [ruby-dev:19299])
+Sat Jan 4 03:12:14 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (umethod_bind): exact class match is not required. relax
+ the restriction to subclasses.
+Sat Jan 4 01:33:40 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_lchmod): get rid of gcc-3 -O3 warning.
+Fri Jan 3 22:26:07 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (rb_proc_times): need to initialize first.
+Fri Jan 3 01:10:17 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): call "inherited" before executing class body.
+ * class.c (rb_define_class): call "inherited" after defining the
+ constant.
+ * class.c (rb_define_class_under): ditto.
+Thu Jan 2 19:37:30 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (massign): expand first element if RHS is an array and
+ its size is 1, and LHS has concrete assignment target (i.e. LHS
+ has target(s) other than *var).
+ * eval.c (massign): avoid unnecessary avalue/svalue conversion.
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): ditto
+ * array.c (rb_ary_update): do not allocate unused array if rpl is
+ nil (i.e. merely removing elements).
+Thu Jan 2 13:55:08 2003 Mathieu Bouchard <>
+ * io.c (io_read): should resize supplied string if it's shorter
+ than expected.
+Thu Jan 2 11:01:20 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (bmcall): arguments should be an array.
+Wed Jan 1 18:18:45 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * better DJGPP support. add GNUmakefile.
+ * djgpp/GNUmakefile: new.
+Wed Jan 1 04:16:18 2003 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * node.h (struct RNode): Change argc from int to long. Otherwise
+ NEW_CFUNC() sets argc to a wrong value on platforms where
+ sizeof(int) != sizeof(long) and the byte order is big-endian.
+ This fixes breakage on FreeBSD/sparc64.
+Tue Dec 31 23:22:50 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (massign): removed awkward conversion between yvalue,
+ mvalue, etc.
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): new parameter added to tell whether val is
+ an array value or not.
+ * parse.y (yield_args): restructuring: new nodes: NODE_RESTARY2,
+Tue Dec 31 21:13:51 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ *, {win32,bcc32}/Makefile.sub: add new target:
+ what-where, no-install.
+ * mkconfig.rb: add const: CROSS_COMPILING.
+ * ext/extmk.rb: no-install support. add MAKEDIRS macro.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: add !ifdef .. !endif for Borland make.
+ * process.c: improve DJGPP support. system "ls", "-l".
+Tue Dec 31 20:16:37 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/socket/addrinfo.h (NI_MAXHOST): Define NI_MAXHOST and
+ NI_MAXSERV only if they are not defined yet. This fixes build
+ on such platforms as OpenBSD.
+Tue Dec 31 20:07:49 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/extconf.rb (find_tcl, find_tk): Look for both
+ lib{tcl,tk}M.N and lib{tcl,tk}MN on all platforms. *BSD have
+ Tcl/Tk libraries named this way.
+Tue Dec 31 19:48:21 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * Improve OpenBSD support. [obtained from: OpenBSD
+ ports]
+ * dln.c (FUNCNAME_PATTERN): Ditto.
+Tue Dec 31 19:21:02 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_transpose): Properly declare ary as a VALUE.
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_chmod): Do not directly cast an int to void *
+ to avoid a warning.
+ * defines.h (FLUSH_REGISTER_WINDOWS): Add support for
+ FreeBSD/sparc64. miniruby still coredumps in a different place,
+ though.
+Tue Dec 31 07:47:15 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parse_string): readjusted.
+ * parse.y (heredoc_identifier): readjusted.
+ * parse.y (here_document): make EOL codes of single-quoted
+ here-documents consistent.
+ * parse.y (yylex): reduced unnecessary conditionals.
+Tue Dec 31 04:49:51 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ruby.1: mdoc'ify.
+Tue Dec 31 01:30:29 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): do not accept " __END__\n". ([ruby-dev:19245])
+Mon Dec 30 21:10:59 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): use strncmp instead of strcmp.
+ accept "__END__\r\n". ([ruby-dev:19241])
+Mon Dec 30 20:32:14 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_mark_frame): should mark frame->node.
+Mon Dec 30 19:10:30 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb: split --make argument contains options, assume
+ the first word of --make-flags is always options even unless
+ preceded by -, and ignore letter-case of options if nmake.
+ * instruby.rb: extract -n option also from --make and
+ --make-flags.
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub, win32/Makefile.sub: not prepend - to
+Mon Dec 30 16:44:14 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_substr): should share the shared string if
+ present, instead of the original string. (ruby-bugs:PR#528)
+Mon Dec 30 05:10:00 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (tcp_svr_init): local host to
+ init_inetsock() is VALUE but not pointer.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_unpack_sockaddr_in): get rid of
+ gcc-3 -O3 warning.
+Sun Dec 29 23:45:53 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_sweep): adjust GC trigger.
+ * dln.c (init_funcname_len): get rid of gcc-3 -O3 warning.
+ * eval.c (copy_node_scope): ditto.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_foreach, delete_if_i, select_i, each_value_i,
+ each_key_i, each_pair_i, envix): ditto.
+ * range.c (range_each_func): ditto.
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_chmod): ditto.
+Sun Dec 29 15:30:37 2002 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (fu_parseargs): should not inherit ftools.rb's
+ misfeature.
+Sun Dec 29 05:08:13 2002 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (cmp): return false if file size differs.
+Sat Dec 28 19:21:24 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * instruby.rb: remove junk args.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): remove a trouble library
+ before making a shared library.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: invoke instruby.rb with the --make-flags option.
+Sat Dec 28 03:09:58 2002 Wakou Aoyama <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI#[]): improvement. thanks to Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA
+ <>
+Sat Dec 28 00:34:03 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * {win32,bcc32}/Makefile.sub: remove `=' from --make-flags options.
+ nmake quotes args if included `=' in args.
+ * instruby.rb: use getopts.rb.
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb (-DDBM_HDR): substitute ' with " to avoid
+ a error on Win32.
+ * ext/gdbm/gdbm.c: add prototypes to avoid VC++ warnings.
+Fri Dec 27 21:41:57 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bcc32/setup.mak, win32/setup.mak(-prologue-): move srcdir from
+ CPP input or UNC path will be removed as a comment.
+Fri Dec 27 17:55:00 2002 Takaaki Uematsu <>
+ * wince/config, wince/configure.bat: replace 1.7 with 1.8
+ in macros.
+Fri Dec 27 13:28:14 2002 Minero Aoki <>
+ * instruby.rb: fileutils.rb accepts only one argument.
+Fri Dec 27 13:23:29 2002 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (fu_parseargs): reject illegal options
+ correctly.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (uptodate?): parameter declaration was wrong.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: change coding styles.
+Fri Dec 27 09:25:22 2002 ABE Shigeru <>
+ * process.c (rb_proc_times): avoid WindowsXP crash using volatile
+ variables.
+Fri Dec 27 02:56:58 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * instruby.rb: check only `-' option, and use fileutils instead of
+ ftools.
+Fri Dec 27 02:45:17 2002 Wakou Aoyama <>
+ * lib/net/telnet.rb: Telnet#print not add "\n".
+ * lib/cgi.rb: cgi['key'] is equal cgi['key'][0]
+Thu Dec 26 22:33:18 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (create_makefile): check only `-' option.
+ * cleanups for MinGW. remove -D__NO_ISOCEXT in $CFLAGS.
+ * win32/win32.h: prototypes for isinf, isnan are not needed on MinGW.
+Thu Dec 26 19:22:00 2002 YOSHIDA Kazuhiro <>
+ * win32/setup.mak (-prologue-): moved srcdir macro definition.
+ [ruby-win32:420].
+Wed Dec 25 18:26:44 2002 K.Kosako <>
+ * regex.c (re_match): fixed wrong \G behavior. (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#377)
+Wed Dec 25 16:41:16 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_match_exec): fix odd \G behavior based on the patch
+ from Nobu.
+Wed Dec 25 11:05:11 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bcc32/setup.mak (-generic-): removed garbages.
+Wed Dec 25 10:36:20 2002 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub, win32/Makefile.sub (RUBY_SO_NAME, config.h):
+ use $(MAJOR) and $(MINOR). based on Nobu's patch. [ruby-win32:413]
+ * bcc32/setup.mak, win32/setup.mak (-prologue-): define MAJOR, MINOR
+ and TEENY from version.h. based on Nobu's patch. [ruby-win32:413]
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.h): add HAVE_FLOAT_H.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (parse.obj): depend on win32/win32.h.
+Tue Dec 24 23:49:16 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/irb/completion.rb: Use Object#class rather than Object#type.
+Tue Dec 24 23:37:40 2002 TADA Tadashi <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb (Cookie::parse), lib/cgi-lib.rb (initialize): Do not
+ pass to split() a bare string longer than 2 characters as
+ separator.
+Tue Dec 24 19:19:24 2002 Tietew <>
+ * numeric.c (DBL_MAX_10_EXP): fix typo. [ruby-dev:19175]
+Tue Dec 24 17:02:46 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_undefined): use NoMethodError instead of fatal.
+Tue Dec 24 02:12:45 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/README: Synchronize with reality.
+Tue Dec 24 02:05:51 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * MANIFEST, lib/README, lib/ipaddr.rb: Add ipaddr.rb from rough.
+Sun Dec 22 04:07:47 2002 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c (fdbm_alloc): allocator takes only one argument.
+Sun Dec 22 02:49:25 2002 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * array.c (ary_alloc), dir.c (dir_s_alloc), eval.c (thgroup_s_alloc),
+ file.c (rb_stat_s_alloc), hash.c (hash_alloc), io.c (io_alloc),
+ object.c (rb_module_s_alloc, rb_class_allocate_instance),
+ re.c (match_alloc, rb_reg_s_alloc), string.c (str_alloc),
+ time.c (time_s_alloc), ext/digest/digest.c (rb_digest_base_alloc),
+ ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c (ip_alloc),
+ ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (fole_s_allocate, fev_s_allocate)
+ : add prototype to get rid of VC++ warnings.
+ * ext/sdbm/init.c (fsdbm_alloc): allocator takes only one argument.
+Sun Dec 22 00:36:43 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): accept pure ruby libraries.
+Sat Dec 21 23:59:42 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (ins_methods_i): should not show ID_ALLOCATOR.
+ * class.c (ins_methods_prot_i): ditto.
+ * class.c (ins_methods_priv_i): ditto.
+ * class.c (ins_methods_pub_i): ditto.
+ * eval.c (call_trace_func): ditto.
+ * eval.c (rb_undefined): ditto.
+Sat Dec 21 07:27:24 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-parse-partial): keywords must not be
+ preceded by @ or $.
+Fri Dec 20 20:29:04 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c, ext/dbm/dbm.c, ext/digest/digest.c,
+ ext/dl/handle.c, ext/dl/ptr.c, ext/dl/sym.c, ext/gdbm/gdbm.c,
+ ext/iconv/iconv.c, ext/sdbm/init.c, ext/stringio/stringio.c,
+ ext/strscan/strscan.c, ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c,
+ ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: use rb_define_alloc_func().
+Fri Dec 20 18:29:04 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_fwrite): separated from io_write().
+ * marshal.c (w_byten): use rb_io_fwrite() to support non-blocking
+ IO, and added error check.
+ * rubyio.h: prototypes; rb_io_fwrite
+Fri Dec 20 17:40:59 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (Init_Object): should not remove Class#allocate.
+ * lib/profiler.rb: separate profiling functions, without
+ trace_func and at_exit setting.
+Fri Dec 20 16:20:04 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (do_block): split "do" block and tLBRACE_ARG block.
+ * parse.y (cmd_brace_block): new tLBRACE_ARG block rule
+ * parse.y (command): can take optional cmd_brace_block; use %prec
+ to resolve shift/reduce conflict. (ruby-bugs-ja PR#372)
+ * eval.c (ruby_finalize): trace_func should be cleared here (after
+ executing exit procs and finalizers).
+ * eval.c (rb_define_alloc_func): new allocation framework, based
+ on Nobu's work [ruby-dev:19116]. "allocate" method is no longer
+ used for object allocation.
+Fri Dec 20 05:06:49 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/README, lib/cgi/ftplib.rb, lib/telnet.rb: Delete ftplib.rb
+ and telnet.rb. It has been quite some time sinc they were
+ obsoleted and made to emit warnings.
+Fri Dec 20 04:58:22 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb: Embed Rdoc style comments.
+ * lib/tempfile.rb: Add length as an alias for size.
+Fri Dec 20 03:57:32 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb: Add Tempfile#close!() as a shorthand for
+ Tempfile#close(true).
+ * lib/tempfile.rb: Add Tempfile#{unlink,delete}().
+Fri Dec 20 03:53:01 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/README, lib/cgi/final.rb, lib/cgi/session.rb: Delete
+ final.rb, which was obsoleted long ago.
+Fri Dec 20 00:16:06 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_match_pre, rb_reg_match_post, match_to_a,
+ match_select): return instances of same class as the original
+ string. [ruby-dev:19119]
+Thu Dec 19 22:55:49 2002 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * numeric.c (DBL_EPSILON): fix typo.
+Thu Dec 19 22:35:20 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (assign): avoid [BUG] at multiple attribute assignment.
+Thu Dec 19 01:00:09 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (num_step): use DBL_EPSILON.
+ * array.c (rb_check_array_type): new function: return an array
+ (convert if possible), or nil.
+ * string.c (rb_check_string_type): new function: return a string
+ (convert if possible), or nil.
+ * numeric.c (rb_dbl_cmp): returns nil if values are not
+ comparable.
+ * numeric.c (fix_cmp,flo_cmp): use rb_num_coerce_cmp()
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_cmp): ditto.
+ * numeric.c (rb_num_coerce_cmp): new coercing function for "<=>",
+ which does not raise TypeError.
+ * numeric.c (do_coerce): can be suppress exception now.
+ * object.c (rb_mod_cmp): should return nil for non class/module
+ objects.
+Thu Dec 19 04:21:10 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb: add a missing ||. (found by: ruby -wc)
+Wed Dec 18 17:53:05 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_eqq): return false if the argument is not a
+ string. now returns boolean value.
+ * class.c (rb_include_module): argument should be T_MODULE, not
+ T_class, nor T_ICLASS.
+Wed Dec 18 03:52:55 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_new4): handle tail shared string.
+ (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#370)
+ * string.c (rb_str_dup_frozen): ditto.
+Tue Dec 17 21:08:29 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * node.h (NODE_ATTRASGN): new node, assignment to attribute.
+ [ruby-core:00637].
+ * eval.c (is_defined, rb_eval): ditto.
+ * parse.y (attrset, node_assign): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_substr): tail sharing. [ruby-core:00650]
+ * re.c (rb_reg_nth_match): ditto.
+Tue Dec 17 16:52:38 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (is_defined): "defined?" should return "assignment" for
+ attribute assignment (e.g. and indexed assignment
+ (e.g. a[2] = 44).
+ * parse.y (aryset): use NODE_ATTRASGN.
+Tue Dec 17 04:03:45 2002 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb: new file.
+Tue Dec 17 00:28:19 2002 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * file.c (utimbuf): need to define for VC++.
+Mon Dec 16 15:53:20 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (nextc): get rid of overrun. (pointed out by akr
+ [ruby-list:36773])
+Sun Dec 15 21:16:44 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (init_mkmf): add $(topdir) to $LIBPATH if $extmk.
+ remove adding $(archdir) to $LIBPATH.
+Sat Dec 15 12:15:00 2002 Takaaki Uematsu <>
+ *, defines.h, dir.c, dir.h, dln.c, error.c,
+ eval.c, file.c, hash.c, io.c, main.c, missing.c,
+ process.c, ruby.c, rubysig.h, signal.c, st.c, util.c, util.h,
+ bcc/Makefile.sub, win32/Makefile.sub, win32/win32.h,
+ ext/Win32API/Win32API.c, ext/socket/getaddrinfo.c,
+ ext/socket/getnameinfo.c, ext/socket/socket.c,
+ ext/tcltklib/stubs.c
+ : replace "NT" with "_WIN32", add DOSISH_DRIVE_LETTER
+ * wince/exe.mak : delete \r at the end of lines.
+ * wince/mswince-ruby17.def : delete rb_obj_become
+Sun Dec 15 11:43:26 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (dispose_string): dispose String object.
+ * parse.y (heredoc_restore, here_document): fix memory leak.
+Sat Dec 14 14:25:00 2002 Takaaki Uematsu <>
+ * wince/sys : add stat.c, stat.h, timeb.c, timeb.h,
+ types.h, utime.c, utime.h
+ * wince/dll.mak : object file name changed.
+ * wince/io.c : add empty dup2().
+ * wince/io.h : add dup2 definition.
+Sat Dec 14 01:51:29 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb (rb_check): support for GNU dbm 1.8.3.
+ (-with-dbm-type=gdbm_compat). link against -lgdbm_compat
+ and -lgdbm.
+Fri Dec 13 23:42:16 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb (db_check): check existence of the function
+ in the specified library before checking it in libc.
+Fri Dec 13 17:15:49 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (generic_ivar_get): should always warn uninitialized
+ instance variables.
+Fri Dec 13 12:33:22 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (expr): rescue clause was ignored.
+Thu Dec 12 18:19:14 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ to the option of $CC.
+ * set LIBRUBYARG to '-l$(RUBY_SO_NAME)' if the
+ target os is cygwin and --disable-shared option is supplied.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (init_mkmf): expand config["LIBRUBY"] and
+ config["LIBRUBY_A"]. don't link $LIBRUBYARG_STATIC if
+ --disable-shared option is supplied.
+ * (RUBY_CPPOUTFILE): should be a better message.
+ * ext/Win32API/extconf.rb: join with a space.
+Thu Dec 12 17:27:19 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_hash): define Regexp#hash to make regexps to be
+ hash keys.
+ * re.c (Init_Regexp): define Regexp#eql? (alias to Regexp#==).
+Thu Dec 12 16:26:31 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): singleton class instance can't be loaded.
+ (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#366)
+Wed Dec 11 23:35:43 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (create_makefile): -no-undefined -> --no-undefined.
+Wed Dec 11 17:54:59 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (io_read): takes optional second argument to specify a
+ string to be written. the string should not be frozen.
+ * io.c (rb_io_sysread): ditto.
+Wed Dec 11 11:30:28 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/digest/digest.c (rb_digest_base_copy): renamed "become".
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_copy): ditto.
+Wed Dec 11 00:45:00 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/getoptlong.rb (GetoptLong::Error): provide a common ancestor
+ for GetoptLong error classes (RCR#129).
+Tue Dec 10 17:42:39 2002 K.Kosako <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_copy_object): fixed memory leak.
+Tue Dec 10 17:30:35 2002 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * pack.c (utf8_limits): fix the limit of 4 bytes UTF-8 sequence.
+Tue Dec 10 12:01:15 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (mnew): original class of method defined in module should
+ be the module not intermediate class. [ruby-dev:19040]
+Tue Dec 10 01:16:52 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_f_sprintf): preceding ".." for negative numbers
+ still left; removed.
+ * sprintf.c (rb_f_sprintf): should not prepend '0' if width > prec
+ for example "%5.3d".
+Sat Dec 7 18:14:23 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * process.c (Init_process): add Process.exit and Process.abort
+ * pack.c (utf8_to_uv): raise ArgumentError for malformed/redundant
+ UTF-8 sequences.
+Fri Dec 6 03:46:00 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * process.c (last_status_set): add pid attribute to Process::Status.
+Wed Dec 4 17:31:42 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * pack.c (uv_to_utf8): limit maximum length of the encoded string
+ to 6 bytes, even when the platform supports 8 bytes long integers.
+ * pack.c (utf8_to_uv): do not decode sequences longer than 6 bytes.
+ * object.c (copy_object): use "copy_object" method, not "become".
+Wed Dec 4 16:37:11 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (copy_object): copy finalizers as well if any.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_copy_finalizer): new function to copy finalizers.
+Tue Dec 3 01:13:41 2002 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pp.rb (PP.singleline_pp): new method.
+Sun Dec 1 23:04:03 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser::new): same as OptionParser#on but
+ returns new OptionParser::switch.
+Sun Dec 1 22:43:29 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_stat): empty path is invalid, and return
+ ENOENT rather than EBADF in such case. [ruby-talk:57177]
+Fri Nov 29 18:01:48 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * pack.c (utf8_to_uv): added checks for malformed or redundant
+ UTF-8 sequences.
+Thu Nov 28 12:08:30 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: Avoid the use of "clean::" in favor of "clean:" in
+ order not to let make(1) choke if there is another dependency on
+ the target added in a depend file.
+Thu Nov 28 02:40:42 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: Make sure to dig the destination directory before
+ installing a file there. Formerly "make install" could fail
+ depending on make(1)'s mood of the moment, especially when -jN
+ is given.
+Wed Nov 27 17:39:38 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/syslog/syslog.c: Cut redundancy.
+ * ext/syslog/syslog.c: Do not leak ident.
+Wed Nov 27 17:25:29 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/syslog/syslog.c, ext/syslog/test.rb: Syslog.close should
+ raise RuntimeError when not opened.
+ * ext/syslog/syslog.c, ext/syslog/test.rb:
+ Syslog.{ident,options,facility,mask} should all return nil when
+ not opened.
+ * ext/syslog/syslog.c, ext/syslog/test.rb: Change back the output
+ format of inspect().
+Wed Nov 27 16:25:43 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/test.rb: Switch from RUnit to Test::Unit.
+Wed Nov 27 16:14:12 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/syslog/syslog.c: Fix a problem where Syslog.ident was not
+ marked and could thus be GC'd.
+Wed Nov 27 16:11:53 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/syslog/test.rb: Switch from RUnit to Test::Unit.
+ * ext/syslog/test.rb: The output format of inspect() is slightly
+ altered.
+Wed Nov 27 06:43:26 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (exit_initialize): add SystemExit#initialize to set
+ instance variable status. (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#362)
+ Now accepts status as optional first argument.
+ * eval.c (error_handle): now SystemExit have status always.
+ * eval.c (system_exit): just instantiate SystemExit without raise.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_start_0): initialize SystemExit properly.
+Tue Nov 26 10:17:04 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dln.c (init_funcname_len): remove MAXPATHLEN dependency.
+Mon Nov 25 19:55:38 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): return true if not dynamic and not static.
+Mon Nov 25 01:08:40 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * dln.c: revert and add the MAXPATHLEN definition on mswin32/mingw32.
+Sun Nov 24 20:36:53 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * dln.c: move the MAXPATHLEN definition in front.
+Fri Nov 22 22:55:01 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_f_sprintf): preceding ".." for negative
+ hexadecimal numbers should not appear if prec (e.g. %.4) is
+ specified.
+ * pack.c (NUM2I32): support platforms which does not have 32bit
+ integers (e.g. Cray).
+Fri Nov 22 19:20:36 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * instruby.rb: Install batch files on Windows. [Submitted by usa]
+Fri Nov 22 18:31:46 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_add_method): node may be NULL.
+Thu Nov 21 20:53:06 2002 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: changes coding style.
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: ditto.
+Thu Nov 21 20:17:08 2002 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: changes coding style.
+Thu Nov 21 20:04:06 2002 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: should not overwrite Host: header.
+ (This patch is contributed by
+Thu Nov 21 20:01:33 2002 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: support Proxy-Authorization.
+ (This patch is contributed by Alexander Bokovoy)
+Thu Nov 21 11:03:39 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (rb_find_file_ext): should not terminate searching with
+ empty path, just ignore.
+ * dir.c: remove <sys/parm.h> inclusion.
+Wed Nov 20 02:07:12 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * compar.c (cmp_eq,cmp_gt,cmp_ge,cmp_lt,cmp_le): check using
+ rb_cmpint().
+ * error.c (init_syserr): remove sys_nerr dependency.
+Wed Nov 20 01:52:21 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (num_cmp): added to satisfy Comparable assumption.
+ * eval.c (rb_add_method): "initialize" should be public if it is a
+ singleton method.
+Tue Nov 19 22:37:23 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_match): avoid dereferencing if size == 0.
+ (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#360)
+Tue Nov 19 20:40:39 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_cmp): should return nil if an operand is not a
+ number nor time. (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#359)
+ * file.c (rb_stat_cmp): should return nil if an operand is not
+ File::Stat.
+Tue Nov 19 14:35:09 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_zip): iterates over items in the receiver.
+ zipped with nil if argument arrays are shorter. if arrays are
+ longer, left items are ignored. now works with blocks.
+ * enum.c (zip_i): changed for new behavior.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_transpose): added. [new]
+Tue Nov 19 05:12:21 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * instruby.rb: Do not install various working files under bin/.
+Tue Nov 19 05:07:39 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * instruby.rb: not rewrite installed scripts when dry-run mode.
+ * lib/ostruct.rb (OpenStruct::initialize): should symbolize keys
+ instead of values.
+Tue Nov 19 02:24:10 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * instruby.rb: Rewrite installed scripts' shebang lines.
+ * instruby.rb: Use File.join() where appropriate.
+Tue Nov 19 01:53:35 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * bin/irb: Moved from sample/irb.rb.
+ * instruby.rb: Install script files under bin/ with ruby's program
+ prefix and suffix.
+Mon Nov 18 02:13:36 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb: Make this library thread safe.
+ * lib/tempfile.rb: Do not pick a name which was once used and is
+ still scheduled for removal.
+ * lib/tempfile.rb: A lock file need not and must not be scheduled
+ for removal.
+ * lib/tempfile.rb: Compare Max_try with the number of mkdir
+ failures instead of the suffix counter.
+ * lib/tempfile.rb: Overall cleanup and add some important notices.
+Sun Nov 17 22:57:31 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (dsym): garbage returned. (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#358)
+Fri Nov 15 07:40:08 2002 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * observer.rb: raise NoMethodError instead of NameError.
+ [ruby-dev:18788]
+ * ostruct.rb: ditto. fix a bug in inspect which called String#+ with
+ Symbol. [ruby-dev:18788]
+ * profile.rb: illegal use of Array#sort!. replaced it with non-bang
+ method. [ruby-dev:18792]
+Thu Nov 14 22:40:29 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (LIBRUBY_A): append -static. [ruby-dev:18689]
+ argument to link static/shared library respectively.
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub, win32/Makefile.sub: ditto.
+ * instruby.rb (LIBRUBY_A): install to libdir.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (link_command): link static library of ruby, or
+ try_run fails unless LIBRUBY_SO is installed. [ruby-dev:18646]
+ * eval.c (call_trace_func): toplevel caller was missing.
+ [ruby-dev:18754]
+ * eval.c (proc_to_s): adjust created line number.
+ * parse.y (primary, do_block, brace_block): adjust line number of
+ block to beginning line, instead of the first statement inside
+ the block.
+Thu Nov 14 08:23:42 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * math.c (math_acos): check errno after operation. ditto for
+ asin, acosh, atanh, log, log10 and sqrt.
+ * eval.c (rb_add_method): initialize should always be private.
+ * parse.y (expr): add rescue modifier rule.
+ * parse.y (command_call): return, break and next with argument is
+ now part of this rule.
+Wed Nov 13 16:22:38 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (DLDFLAGS): removed -Wl,-no-undefined to
+ ext/extmk.rb, in order to allow references to symbols in other
+ extension libraries for mkmf.rb. [ruby-dev:18724]
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): ditto.
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): exit when make failed.
+Sun Nov 10 03:46:18 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/set.rb: retire contain?() and add superset?(),
+ proper_superset?() subset?(), and proper_subset?().
+ [obtained from: Jason Voegele's set.rb]
+ * lib/set.rb: define several aliases: union() for |(),
+ difference() for -(), and intersection() for &().
+ [obtained from: Jason Voegele's set.rb]
+ * lib/set.rb: deal with a s/id/object_id/ leftover.
+Sat Nov 9 16:06:57 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/stubs.c: should include "util.h" for ruby_strdup.
+Sat Nov 9 11:39:45 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c: remove ENABLE_TRACE/DISABLE_TRACE to trace child nodes of
+ c-call. [ruby-dev:18699]
+Fri Nov 8 04:16:55 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): "a" in "a /5" should be considered as a local
+ variable. [experimental]
+Thu Nov 7 09:51:37 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): should enable trace for non-cfunc nodes.
+ [ruby-dev:18645]
+ * eval.c (blk_orphan): a block created in a different thread is
+ orphan. [ruby-dev:17471]
+Wed Nov 6 16:57:06 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (rb_define_method): do not set NOEX_CFUNC if klass is
+ really a module, whose methods must be safe for receiver's type.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): nosuper should not be inherited unless the
+ overwritten method is an undef placeholder.
+Tue Nov 5 00:46:04 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb: Properly pass the given target to
+ make(1). [pointed out by eban]
+Mon Nov 4 20:03:53 2002 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * instruby.rb, lib/mkmf.rb: use CONFIG["ENABLE_SHARED"] instead of
+ checking whether CONFIG["configure-args"] includes "--enable-shared".
+Mon Nov 4 16:49:14 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (primary): allow 'when'-less case statement; persuaded
+ by Sean Chittenden.
+Mon Nov 4 06:28:09 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ *, ext/extmk.rb, bcc32/Makefile.sub,
+ win32/Makefile.sub: Introduce better command line syntax
+ (--make/--make-flags/--extstatic) to extmk.rb and instruby.rb.
+ Previously such command as 'make -j3 install' with pmake doesn't
+ fail. Formerly extmk.rb was receiving "make -j 3 -j 3" via the
+ command line arguments and just ended up recognizing the first
+ "3" as destdir. [with help of usa]
+Mon Nov 4 03:59:51 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/getopts.rb: Do not choke on characters that cannot be used
+ in a variable name. Replace them with `_'. Define a hash named
+ $OPT for convenience.
+Sat Nov 2 00:38:55 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (Init_Object): added Object#object_id, new name for
+ Object#id. [new]
+ * object.c (rb_obj_id_obsolete): give warning for Object#id.
+ * numeric.c (fix_intern): added Fixnum#to_sym. [new]
+ * object.c (sym_to_sym): rename from Symbol#intern
+Fri Nov 1 14:21:06 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (enum_zip): added Enumerable#zip. [new]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_zip): added Array#zip.
+Thu Oct 31 20:10:18 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * error.c (init_syserr): remove sys_nerr dependency.
+Thu Oct 31 09:31:51 2002 K.Kosako <>
+ * eval.c (rb_export_method): undef'ed method visibility should not
+ be changed.
+Wed Oct 30 17:00:47 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_public_method_defined, etc.): new methods:
+ public_method_defined?, private_method_defined?,
+ protected_method_defined?
+ * object.c (rb_obj_public_methods): new method
+ Object#public_methods.
+ * class.c (ins_methods_i): Object#methods should list both public
+ and protected methods.
+ * class.c (rb_class_public_instance_methods): new method
+ Module#public_instance_methods.
+Wed Oct 30 06:29:00 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * eval.c, file.c, gc.c, io.c, object.c, ruby.c, ruby.h, struct.c,
+ ext/socket/socket.c: differentiate long and int; use proper
+ printf type specifiers and do casts where appropriate.
+Wed Oct 30 04:07:33 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (error_print, rb_longjmp, rb_thread_schedule): flush
+ error message. [ruby-dev:18582]
+ * eval.c (ruby_cleanup): added. just clean up without exit.
+ [ruby-dev:18582]
+ * eval.c (ruby_exec): added. execute main evaluation tree without
+ exit. [ruby-dev:18582]
+ * intern.h: prototypes; ruby_cleanup, ruby_exec
+Tue Oct 29 02:00:08 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): use dummy_makefile to create dummy
+ Makefile.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (find_executable0): EXEEXT is optional.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (dummy_makefile): make dummy Makefile content.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): define EXTLIB replacing -l.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb ($bccwin): detect Borland make by help message.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (CLEANINGS): common rules to clean.
+Mon Oct 28 01:27:17 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * djgpp/config.sed (@program_transform_name@): use `%', not `,'.
+Sun Oct 27 22:59:50 2002 KONISHI Hiromasa <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb(78) : The unnecessary error when installing by bccwin32
+ is controlled.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb(773) : Also in the case of bccwin32, the path was added.
+Sun Oct 27 17:07:25 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * djgpp/*: sync with the latest.
+ * ext/extmk.rb, lib/mkmf.rb: flush $stdout.
+ undef these macros on DJGPP.
+Sat Oct 26 10:11:47 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * node.h (nd_type): cast the value to int.
+Sat Oct 26 04:27:35 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c (fdbm_indexes, fdbm_select): add a missing
+ argument and prevent coredump when a nonexistent key is
+ specified.
+ * ext/sdbm/init.c (fsdbm_indexes, fsdbm_select): ditto.
+Sat Oct 26 03:28:43 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * eval.c, gc.c: use a common set of alloca() #ifdef's. This fixes
+ the build with Intel C Compiler for Linux.
+ * eval.c (rb_f_require): declare old_func with a real type, not
+ just type modifiers.
+Fri Oct 25 02:55:01 2002 Minero Aoki <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_split_m): RSTRING(str)->ptr might become NULL.
+ [ruby-dev:18581]
+Thu Oct 24 21:57:02 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (LIBPATHFLAG): avoid $ substitution.
+ [ruby-dev:18577]
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): expand $srcdir.
+ * ext/win32ole/extconf.rb: should not override $CFLAGS, but
+ append.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (config_string): use given config hash.
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub (.rc.res): directory part may be empty in
+ Borland make.
+Thu Oct 24 03:38:07 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): site-install target for backward
+ compatibility.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (init_mkmf): libdir prior to topdir.
+ * (LIBPATHFLAG): should escape $. [ruby-dev:18572]
+ * mkconfig.rb: never substitute escaped $$.
+ * instruby.rb: not install LIBRUBY_SO unless enable-shared.
+ [ruby-dev:18569]
+Wed Oct 23 19:16:06 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): added NODE_DSYM, symbol literal with
+ interpolation.
+ * node.h: ditto.
+ * intern.h: prototypes; rb_is_junk_id, rb_str_dump, rb_str_intern
+ * object.c (sym_inspect): escape and quote for non-alphanumeric
+ symbols.
+ * parse.y (dsym, tokadd_string, yylex): extended symbol literals.
+ * parse.y (rb_is_junk_id): added.
+ * string.c (rb_str_dump, rb_str_intern) : make extern.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): deffile should be removed by
+ distclean, not clean.
+Tue Oct 22 23:56:41 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (init_mkmf): add dir_config("opt").
+Tue Oct 22 19:44:03 2002 KONISHI Hiromasa <>
+ * bcc32/configure.bat : The command line when calling setup.mak is
+ corrected.
+ * bcc32/readme.bcc32 : It follows up about the option of configure.bat.
+Tue Oct 22 15:23:19 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * instruby.rb: add dryrun mode.
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): add install: target to dummy Makefile.
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): avoid Borland make's quirk behavior.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (link_command): opt is not a makefile macro.
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub ($(LIBRUBY_SO) $(LIBRUBY)): EXTOBJS were not
+ linked.
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub (ext/extinit.obj): missing.
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub (TRY_LINK): options have to place before any
+ non-option arguments.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (TRY_LINK): need -link and -libpath options.
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub, win32/Makefile.sub (RANLIB): logical
+ operator never work with
+Tue Oct 22 00:59:59 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * (RUBY_CPPOUTFILE): fix cache file bug.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (link_command): put 'opt' after conftest.c for
+ static linking.
+Mon Oct 21 22:53:02 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (XCFLAGS): CFLAGS to compile ruby itself.
+ * (LIBEXT): suffix for static libraries.
+ * (LIBPATHFLAG): switch template to specify library
+ path.
+ * (LINK_SO): command to link shared objects.
+ * (DEFFILE, ARCHFILE): miscellaneous system dependent
+ files.
+ * (EXPORT_PREFIX): prefix to exported symbols on
+ Windows.
+ libraries, macros and headers used in common.
+ * (RUBYW_INSTALL_NAME, rubyw_install_name): GUI mode
+ executable name.
+ * (CFLAGS): append XCFLAGS.
+ * (PREP): miscellaneous system dependent files.
+ * (ruby.imp, ext/extinit.o): moved from ext/extmk.rb.
+ * (fake.rb): CROSS_COMPILING keeps building platform.
+ * (MAKEFILES): depend on *.in and config.status.
+ * (parse.c): replace "" with actual name for
+ byacc.
+ * ext/extmk.rb, lib/mkmf.rb: integrated.
+ * ext/extmk.rb: propagate MFLAGS.
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): make dummy Makefile to clean even if no
+ Makefile is made.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (older): accept multiple file names and Time
+ objects.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (xsystem): split and quote.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (cpp_include): make include directives.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (try_func): try whether specified function is
+ available.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (install_files): default to site-install.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (checking_for): added.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (find_executable0): just find executable file with
+ no message.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_header): output header file is variable.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): separate sections.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (init_mkmf): initialize global variables.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub, bcc32/Makefile.sub (CPP, AR): added.
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub (ARCH): fixed to i386.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub, bcc32/Makefile.sub (miniruby): should not
+ link EXTOBJS.
+ * ext/dl/extconf.rb: use try_cpp to cross compile.
+ * ext/dl/extconf.rb: not modify files in source directory.
+Fri Oct 18 23:11:21 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (value_expr0): allow return/break/next/redo/retry in rhs
+ of logical operator. [ruby-dev:18534]
+ * parse.y (remove_begin): eliminate useless NODE_BEGIN.
+ [ruby-dev:18535]
+Fri Oct 18 01:02:44 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * hash.c, eval.c: Use (*_NSGetEnviron()) instead of environ on
+ Darwin for namespace cleanness. [ruby-core:00537]
+ * dln.c (dln_load): Fix Darwin support that has been disabled and
+ switch to using it on Darwin instead of the system dlopen().
+ [ruby-core:00541]
+Thu Oct 17 19:17:56 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (w_byten): added; write n bytes from s to arg.
+ * marshal.c (dump): flush buffered data.
+ * marshal.c (marshal_dump, r_byte, r_bytes0, marshal_load): unify
+ marshaling I/O. [ruby-talk:53368]
+Thu Oct 17 12:58:24 2002 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: stat.blksize might be 0/nil.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: change coding style.
+Wed Oct 16 22:35:53 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_f_sprintf): disallow mixed usage of numbered and
+ unnumbered arguments. [ruby-dev:18531]
+ get rid of memory leak at exception. [ruby-core:00460]
+Wed Oct 16 13:36:29 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c (rb_global_entry): not add global entry until
+ initialized to avoid accessing it while GC. [ruby-dev:18514]
+ * variable.c (rb_alias_variable): ditto.
+Wed Oct 16 01:03:54 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_str_to_dbl): RString ptr might be NULL.
+ * object.c (rb_cstr_to_dbl): p pointer might be NULL.
+ * bignum.c (rb_str_to_inum): RString ptr might be NULL.
+ * bignum.c (rb_cstr_to_inum): str pointer might be NULL.
+Sat Oct 12 23:44:11 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_putc): wrong condition to fill or flush on
+ bccwin32. [ruby-win32:408]
+Fri Oct 11 15:58:06 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (arg): rescue modifier is now an operator with
+ precedence right below assignments. i.e. "a = b rescue c" now
+ parsed as "a = (b rescue c)", not as "(a = b) rescue c". [new]
+ [experimental]
+Fri Oct 11 06:05:30 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_fclose, rb_w32_close): use closesocket()
+ for socket. [ruby-win32:382]
+ * win32/win32.c (StartSockets): set NtSocketsInitialized.
+ * win32/win32.h: prototypes; rb_w32_fclose, rb_w32_close
+Fri Oct 11 00:24:57 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (ruby_xmalloc, ruby_xrealloc): restrict total allocation
+ size according to memories consumed by live objects.
+ [ruby-dev:18482]
+ * gc.c (gc_sweep): estimate how live objects consume memories.
+Thu Oct 10 17:26:12 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/stubs.c (ruby_tcltk_stubs): fix memory leak.
+ [ruby-dev:18478]
+Thu Oct 10 15:20:18 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/weakref.rb (WeakRef::@@final): use Hash#delete.
+ * lib/weakref.rb (WeakRef::__getobj__): examine if alive or not by
+ ID_REV_MAP to deal with recycled object. [ruby-dev:18472]
+ * lib/weakref.rb (WeakRef::weakref_alive?): ditto.
+Wed Oct 9 07:11:25 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_sweep): also adjust heaps_limits when free unused heap
+ page. [ruby-core:00526]
+ * io.c (io_fflush): condition to retry can occur.
+ * io.c (io_write): returned 0 wrongly if no error occurred.
+Tue Oct 8 14:19:07 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (io_write): must check returned value from fwrite() before
+ test with ferror(). (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#350)
+Tue Oct 8 10:55:23 2002 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/prettyprint.rb (PrettyPrint.singleline_format): new method.
+Mon Oct 7 16:43:07 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (bigdivrem): bignum zero's len should not be 0.
+Mon Oct 7 15:36:42 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (bigdivmod): wrong condition check for Bignum zero.
+ * bignum.c (Init_Bignum): need to add Bignum#div.
+Sun Oct 6 00:49:15 2002 Minero Aoki <>
+ * eval.c (rb_load): should not pass blocks to the loaded file.
+ [ruby-dev:18458]
+Fri Oct 4 20:25:38 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_interrupt, rb_thread_signal_raise): no need to
+ save dead thread context. (same as [ruby-dev:18322])
+ (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#349)
+Fri Oct 4 13:05:58 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * (RUBY_PROG_GNU_LD): check whether the linker is GNU ld.
+ * ext/extmk.rb (create_makefile): add -Wl,-no-undefined to $DLDFLAGS
+ on Linux if GNU ld is used and --enable-shared is specified.
+Fri Oct 4 02:21:16 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_rshift): num should be initialized by carry
+ bits if x is negative.
+ * bignum.c (bigdivmod): len for bignum zero is 1, not 0.
+Thu Oct 3 20:22:11 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bcc32/mkexports.rb: to work on cygwin via telnet.
+ [ruby-win32:358]
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c (ip_invoke): requires command name
+ argument. [ruby-dev:18438]
+ * eval.c (ruby_init, ruby_options): Init_stack() with local
+ location. (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#277)
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): disable trace call. [ruby-dev:18074]
+ * eval.c (eval, rb_load): enable trace call. [ruby-dev:18074]
+ * eval.c (rb_f_require): set source file name for extension
+ libraries. [ruby-dev:18445]
+ * gc.c (Init_stack): prefer address of argument rather than local
+ variable to initialize rb_gc_stack_start.
+ * ruby.c (translate_char): translate a character in a string;
+ DOSISH only. [ruby-dev:18274]
+ * ruby.c (ruby_init_loadpath): added argv[0] handling under
+ Human68K. [ruby-dev:18274]
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): translate directory separator in $0 to
+ '/'. [ruby-dev:18274]
+Thu Oct 3 00:27:26 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb (Delegator::initialize): use Object#class
+ instead of deprecated Object#type.
+Wed Oct 2 23:32:48 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_CHECK_IO_NEED_FLUSH): check whether fflush()
+ is needed.
+ * io.c (flush_before_seek): flush before seek if buffered data
+ may remain.
+ * io.c (rb_io_check_readable): flush if the last operation was
+ write.
+ * io.c (rb_io_check_writable): flush if the last operation was
+ read.
+ * rubyio.h (FMODE_RBUF): added.
+Wed Oct 2 23:09:20 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_wait_readable): handle retryable errors.
+ * io.c (rb_io_wait_writable): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (bsock_send): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (s_recvfrom): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (s_accept): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (udp_send): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/getaddrinfo.c (afdl): made private structures constant.
+ * rubyio.h: prototype; rb_io_wait_readable(), rb_io_wait_writable().
+Wed Oct 2 13:03:58 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * set ac_cv_func_setitimer to "no" on Cygwin.
+Wed Oct 2 10:59:29 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (gc_sweep): free unused heap page to reduce process size if
+ possible.
+ * object.c (rb_obj_type): deprecated Object#type; use Object#class.
+Tue Oct 1 23:48:32 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (init_sock): no need for special finalizer,
+ socket descriptor is no longer duplicated in 1.7.
+ [ruby-talk:50732]
+ * win32/win32.c, win32/win32.h (rb_w32_fddup, rb_w32_fdclose):
+ delete.
+Mon Sep 30 20:29:10 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_inspect): not need to raise IOError for closed
+ stream. [ruby-talk:51871]
+Mon Sep 30 03:48:15 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * range.c (range_check): need no Fixnum check.
+Sun Sep 29 18:30:24 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_open_osfhandle): adjust
+ rb_w32_open_osfhandle() with _open_osfhandle().
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_accept, rb_w32_socket): return -1 on
+ error.
+ * win32/win32.h: should use file descriptor instead of SOCKET.
+Sun Sep 29 06:33:03 2002 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (is_socket, rb_w32_select, rb_w32_accept, rb_w32_bind,
+ rb_w32_connect, rb_w32_getpeername, rb_w32_getsockname,
+ rb_w32_getsockopt, rb_w32_ioctlsocket, rb_w32_listen, rb_w32_recv,
+ rb_w32_recvfrom, rb_w32_send, rb_w32_sendto, rb_w32_setsockopt,
+ rb_w32_shutdown, rb_w32_socket, rb_w32_gethostbyaddr,
+ rb_w32_gethostbyname, rb_w32_gethostname, rb_w32_getprotobyname,
+ rb_w32_getprotobynumber, rb_w32_getservbyname, rb_w32_getservbyport):
+ need to protect WSAGetLastError() by RUBY_CRITICAL. [ruby-talk:51778]
+Sat Sep 28 20:06:36 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * keywords: add braces around initializers.
+Sat Sep 28 13:19:29 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_become): should check self-assignment after
+ conversion.
+Sat Sep 28 10:40:44 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_become): Hash#become should check added
+ self-assignment.
+ * class.c (rb_make_metaclass): metaclass of a superclass may be
+ NULL at boot time.
+Sat Sep 28 09:50:03 2002 KONISHI Hiromasa <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb: The condition judgment without necessity was deleted.
+Fri Sep 27 18:40:42 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_deadlock): more verbose message at deadlock.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_schedule): ditto.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_join): ditto.
+Fri Sep 27 13:24:35 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): Class#inherited should be called after the
+ execution of the class body.
+Fri Sep 27 02:41:53 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/sha1: Use OpenSSL's SHA1 engine if available. It is
+ much faster than what we have now (sha1.[ch]). Add a knob
+ (--with-bundled-sha1) to extconf.rb which makes it use the
+ bundled one anyway.
+Fri Sep 27 02:25:14 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/rmd160: Use OpenSSL's RMD160 engine if available. It
+ is much faster than what we have now (rmd160.[ch]). Add a knob
+ (--with-bundled-rmd160) to extconf.rb which makes it use the
+ bundled one anyway.
+Fri Sep 27 01:23:39 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/md5: Use OpenSSL's MD5 engine if available. It is
+ much faster than what we have now (md5.[ch]). Add a knob
+ (--with-bundled-md5) to extconf.rb which makes it use the
+ bundled one anyway.
+Thu Sep 26 22:44:21 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/digest.c (rb_digest_base_s_digest): Fix a double
+ free() bug mingled with allocation framework deployment.
+ * ext/digest/digest.c (rb_digest_base_s_hexdigest): Get rid of
+ redundant struct allocation.
+Thu Sep 26 09:52:52 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (primary): remove "return outside of method" check at
+ compile time.
+Wed Sep 25 23:51:29 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): must not closedir() when exception raised
+ while globbing "**".
+ * marshal.c (w_uclass): unused variable.
+ * re.c (match_clone): unused.
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): get rid of implicit promotion from
+ plain char to int.
+Wed Sep 25 17:46:46 2002 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (libpathflag): restore ENV['LIB'] when some error
+ occurred.
+Wed Sep 25 16:14:51 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_match): p1 may exceed pend limit.
+Mon Sep 23 23:22:43 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): must not clear ruby_current_node, or
+ backtrace cannot be generated.
+ * intern.h (ruby_yyparse): rather than yyparse().
+ * parse.y (yylex): nextc() returns -1 at end of input, not 0.
+ * parse.y (newline_node): reduce duplicated newline node.
+ * parse.y (literal_concat): get rid of warning.
+ * parse.y (new_evstr): fixed junk code.
+Mon Sep 23 19:57:52 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * (RUBY_MINGW32): new macro. check for the MinGW
+ compiler environment.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: refactoring.
+Mon Sep 23 08:27:11 2002 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (appendline): forget to terminate with nul.
+Mon Sep 23 02:46:29 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_run): should set toplevel visibility again here.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): should not rely on ruby_class == rb_cObject
+ check. Besides allow implicit publicity for attribute set
+ methods.
+ * parse.y (primary): need not to check class_nest, just set
+ whether method is an attrset or not.
+Sun Sep 22 21:49:42 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (call_trace_func): should not call trace function while
+ compilation.
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): also inside c-func.
+ * parse.y (yycompile): ditto.
+ * ruby.c (require_libraries): preserve source file/line for each
+ require.
+Sun Sep 22 17:08:11 2002 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_each_line): p might be at the top of the
+ string.
+Sat Sep 21 23:28:28 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (rb_make_metaclass): class of metaclass should be
+ metaclass of superclass, unless class itself is a metaclass;
+ class of metaclass of metaclass should point back to self.
+ eh, confusing, isn't it.
+ * class.c (rb_singleton_class): check if its class is singleton
+ AND attached to self.
+Sat Sep 21 22:23:41 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_raise): no need to save dead thread context.
+ [ruby-dev:18322]
+Fri Sep 20 23:02:01 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (block_append): eliminate unused literal nodes.
+ * parse.y (literal_concat): refined literal concatenation.
+Fri Sep 20 19:43:40 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/set.rb: Merge rough/lib/set.rb rev.1.5-1.15.
+Wed Sep 18 12:41:16 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): should define class/module under ruby_cbase.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): should set class/module path based on
+ ruby_cbase, not ruby_class.
+ * eval.c (module_setup): use ruby_cbase instead of ruby_class.
+Tue Sep 17 21:06:04 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_die): put thread dead state.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_atfork): free stack buffer at fork too.
+Tue Sep 17 01:13:31 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_nesting): load wrapping module should appear in
+ Module#nesting list. (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#328)
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_remove): free stack buffer on remove.
+Tue Sep 17 00:58:35 2002 Minero Aoki <>
+ * io.c: add parameter prototype.
+ * re.c: ditto.
+Sun Sep 15 21:14:22 2002 KONISHI Hiromasa <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_opendir, rb_w32_stat): Corresponds to
+ the unjust path containing ".
+Sun Sep 15 19:48:55 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * (OUTFLAG, CPPOUTFILE): moved from lib/mkmf.rb.
+ check whether ${CPP} accepts the -o option.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (OUTFLAG, CPPOUTFILE): ditto.
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub (OUTFLAG, CPPOUTFILE): ditto.
+ * djgpp/config.sed (OUTFLAG, CPPOUTFILE): ditto.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (OUTFLAG, CPPOUTFILE): use CONFIG.
+ make easy to understand log.
+ * mkconfig.rb (val): should not strip.
+Sat Sep 14 20:13:42 2002 KONISHI Hiromasa <>
+ * error.c(rb_sys_fail): remove case EPIPE on bcc32 .
+Fri Sep 13 23:39:49 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (glob_func_caller): add prototype to get rid of warning.
+Fri Sep 13 18:35:12 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): avoid uninitialized global/class variable
+ warnings at `||='. [ruby-dev:18278]
+ * parse.y (stmt, arg): ditto
+Fri Sep 13 13:28:04 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb ($INSTALLFILES): avoid warning when $VERBOSE mode.
+Thu Sep 12 23:20:10 2002 KONISHI Hiromasa <>
+ * bcc32/setup.mak : Control of a message.
+ * bcc32/makefile.sub : include resource.
+Thu Sep 12 18:10:03 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): fixed freeing buffer. (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#332)
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): should pass matched path. (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#333)
+Thu Sep 12 00:09:32 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_trap_eval): preserve thread status and so on.
+ [ruby-talk:40337], [ruby-core:00019]
+Wed Sep 11 21:25:52 2002 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * pp.rb (ARGF.pretty_print): implemented.
+ (PP.pp): arguments reordered.
+Wed Sep 11 18:55:38 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (proc_to_s): refined format. [ruby-dev:18215]
+Wed Sep 11 17:47:17 2002 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c, win32/win32.h (rb_w32_getpid): negate pid under Win9x.
+ [ruby-dev:18262]
+Wed Sep 11 12:58:57 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * string.c (get_pat): Add an extra argument "quote".
+ * string.c (rb_str_match_m): Do not bother to convert if a regexp
+ is given.
+Wed Sep 11 11:33:40 2002 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub: remove unnecessary `.dll' from filename of
+ dll's resource file.
+ * cygwin/ ditto. [ruby-dev:17103]
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: ditto. [ruby-dev:17103]
+ * win32/resource.rb: ditto. [ruby-dev:17103]
+Wed Sep 11 09:59:46 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_wait_readable): added.
+ * io.c (rb_io_wait_writable): added.
+ * io.c (io_read_retryable): added.
+ * io.c (io_write): retry on EINTR, ERESTART and EWOULDBLOCK.
+ [ruby-dev:17855], [ruby-dev:17878], [ruby-core:00444]
+ * io.c (rb_io_fread): ditto.
+ * io.c (read_all): ditto.
+ * io.c (appendline): ditto.
+ * io.c (rb_io_each_byte): ditto.
+ * io.c (rb_io_getc): ditto.
+Wed Sep 11 09:29:24 2002 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (ext): make directory `ext' on compile dir.
+ [ruby-dev:18255]
+Wed Sep 11 00:41:10 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_define_method): initialize orig_func too.
+ (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#330)
+Wed Sep 11 00:01:32 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): prevent memory leak using rb_protect().
+ * string.c (rb_str_associate): no need to check freeze flag.
+ * string.c (rb_str_resize): should honor STR_ASSOC flag on
+ resize.
+ * string.c (rb_str_resize): proper STR_ASSOC handling. pointed
+ out by Michal Rokos.
+ * string.c (rb_str_buf_cat): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_cat): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_buf_append): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_append): ditto.
+Tue Sep 10 23:35:46 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (nextc): restore line number after here documents.
+ (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#331)
+ * parse.y (heredoc_restore): ditto.
+Tue Sep 10 18:26:52 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb, lib/mkmf.rb ($INCFLAGS): new var for -I$(topdir).
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: add #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN to improve compile
+ times.
+Tue Sep 10 17:16:14 2002 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (miniruby): shouldn't link $(EXTOBJS).
+ [ruby-dev:17059]
+ * win32/Makefile.sub ($(LIBRUBY_A), $(LIBRUBY)): avoid lib.exe's
+ warning. [ruby-dev:17059]
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: remove unnecessary rules. [ruby-dev:17059]
+ * win32/configure.bat, win32/setup.mak, win32/README.win32: enable to
+ pass some arguments to configure. [ruby-dev:17059]
+Mon Sep 9 23:43:33 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * win32/win32.h (S_I?USR): define only if not mingw32.
+Mon Sep 9 11:21:04 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_set_string): reinitialize
+ properly.
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_become): added self-assign check
+ and experimental auto-conversion to StringIO.
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_reopen): added.
+Sun Sep 8 21:29:25 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * time.c (time_free): prototype; struct time_object -> void *.
+ avoid GCC warnings.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb, ext/extmk.rb ($LINK, $CPP): move to lib/mkmf.rb.
+Sun Sep 8 19:02:28 2002 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * time.c: prototype; time_free() to avoid VC++ warnings.
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c: prototype; invoke_queue_handler() to avoid
+ VC++ warning.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_stat): remove S_IWGRP and S_IWOTH bits from
+ st_mode.
+ * win32/win32.h (S_I*): define if not defined.
+Sun Sep 8 14:38:31 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * modify program_prefix only if specified
+ --program-prefix.
+ * don't generate ext/extmk.rb.
+ * execute directly $(srcdir)/ext/extmk.rb.
+ remove -Cext option, "Dir::chdir 'ext'" in ext/extmk.rb.
+ * {win32,bccwin32}/Makefile.sub: ditto.
+ * instruby.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/extmk.rb: renamed from ext/
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (module Logging): create log files (mkmf.log)
+ in each extension module directories.
+ * ext/extmk.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (macro_defined?): new method.
+ * ext/.cvsignore: remove extmk.rb.
+ * ext/*/.cvsignore: add "*.def".
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (have_struct_member): moved from ext/socket/extconf.rb.
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: use macro_defined? instead of egrep_cpp.
+ * ext/etc/extconf.rb: use have_struct_member.
+ * ext/etc/etc.c: add prefix HAVE_ST_ to PW_ macros.
+Sun Sep 8 14:36:40 2002 KONISHI Hiromasa <>
+ * bcc32/configure.bat : Control of a message.
+ * bcc32/makefile.sub : @(sitearch) typo.
+ * ext/ : [bccwin32] libdir is added to a library path.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb : ditto.
+Sat Sep 7 23:32:56 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/inf-ruby.el (inferior-ruby-error-regexp-alist): regexp
+ alist for error message from ruby.
+ * misc/inf-ruby.el (inferior-ruby-mode): fixed for Emacs.
+ * misc/inf-ruby.el (ruby-send-region): compilation-parse-errors
+ doesn't parse first line, so insert separators before each
+ evaluations.
+Sat Sep 7 19:46:57 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/set.rb: Disallow Add even more tests.
+ [Submitted by: "Christoph" <>]
+Sat Sep 7 19:23:56 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/set.rb: Fix a bug in flatten()'s recursive set detection.
+ [Submitted by: "Christoph" <>] Some tests
+ against the bug are added.
+ * lib/set.rb: Resurrect the test suite by putting it after
+ __END__ and executing `eval'.
+Sat Sep 7 08:41:39 2002 Minero Aoki <>
+ * parse.y (rb_gc_mark_parser): ruby_eval_tree is marked in eval.c.
+Fri Sep 6 20:01:38 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb ($CC): command to compile C source.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (logging): added.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (try_compile): added.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (egrep_cpp): use internal grep when pattern is
+ Regexp, otherwise use external egrep command but get rid of
+ pipe of
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (have_func): local variable should be volatile not
+ to be eliminated by optimization.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): link with CONFIG["LIBS"].
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): emit .SUFFIXES:.
+Fri Sep 6 12:11:22 2002 Minero Aoki <>
+ * parse.y (rb_gc_mark_parser): should mark ALL global variables
+ defined in parse.y.
+Fri Sep 6 01:15:23 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (ruby_xmalloc): remove MALLOC_LIMIT to avoid frequent
+ garbage collection.
+Fri Sep 6 11:47:37 2002 Minero Aoki <>
+ * parse.y (rb_gc_mark_parser): should mark global variables
+ defined in parse.y.
+Fri Sep 6 10:34:32 2002 Minero Aoki <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_puts): RSTRING(line)->ptr might be NULL.
+Fri Sep 6 10:26:37 2002 Minero Aoki <>
+ * parse.y: should not put non-NODE-VALUEs in the semantic stack.
+Fri Sep 6 05:48:26 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_path_check): nothing to check under DOSISH.
+ [ruby-list:35772]
+Fri Sep 6 05:03:50 2002 Minero Aoki <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc): should mark parser.
+ * parse.y (rb_gc_mark_parser): new function.
+ * intern.h (rb_gc_mark_parser): added.
+Thu Sep 5 18:32:32 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_path2class): should not use rb_eval_string().
+Thu Sep 5 17:18:22 2002 Michal Rokos <>
+ * dln.c: fix memory leak in dln_load (ruby-core:405) and
+ in load_1 (ruby-core:407)
+Thu Sep 5 15:43:54 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (w_extended): should allow marshaling of object which
+ is extended by named module.
+ * class.c (rb_make_metaclass): super may be T_ICLASS, need to skip.
+Thu Sep 5 13:09:22 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): overriding false constant with class/module
+ definition should be error. (PR#327)
+Thu Sep 5 01:24:26 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * extmk.rb (create_makefile): add macro MAKEDIRS, INSTALL_PROG,
+ * extmk.rb (create_makefile): support for building to any directory.
+ * extmk.rb (xsystem): move to mkmf.rb.
+ * mkmf.rb (xsystem): support for extmk.rb
+ * mkmf.rb ($CPP): remove '-E' option. add CPPFLAGS.
+Wed Sep 4 16:15:17 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/set.rb: ==(o) should be aware of all the Set variant
+ instances, not just those of its subclasses. [Submitted by:
+ "Christoph" <>]
+ * lib/set.rb: - Fix eql?(). [ditto]
+Wed Sep 4 15:23:23 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (rb_make_metaclass): obj.meta.super.meta should be equal
+ to obj.meta.meta.super (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#324).
+Wed Sep 4 05:10:16 2002 Koji Arai <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): the warning message "invalid
+ character syntax" was never issued (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#323).
+Wed Sep 4 01:08:45 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (r_bytes): do not use alloca (ruby-bugs:PR#382).
+Tue Sep 3 17:12:59 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * extmk.rb: require mkmf.rb. remove duplicate methods.
+ use Config::CONFIG["FOO"] instead of @FOO@.
+ * mkmf.rb: support for extmk.rb.
+Mon Sep 2 23:01:50 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_search): MatchData must be rb_cMatch.
+ (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#319)
+Mon Sep 2 21:21:46 2002 Minero Aoki <>
+ * gc.c (gc_sweep): does reclaim nodes in also compile time, if we
+ can.
+ * ruby.c (load_file): omit GC if we can.
+ * parse.y (ruby_parser_stack_on_heap): new function.
+ * intern.h (ruby_parser_stack_on_heap): added.
+Mon Sep 2 18:45:07 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_copy_generic_ivar): remove old generic instance
+ variable table if it exists.
+Sun Sep 1 15:54:33 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * config.guess: fixed for Linux/PPC.
+Sat Aug 31 09:38:12 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (rb_make_metaclass): metaclass of a metaclass is a
+ metaclass itself.
+Fri Aug 30 22:45:16 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/set.rb: Added.
+Fri Aug 30 20:58:54 2002 KONISHI Hiromasa <>
+ * ext/Win32API/Win32API.c (Win32API_Call): typo.
+Fri Aug 30 19:45:52 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c (rb_const_assign): st_delete() takes pointer to key.
+Fri Aug 30 19:40:28 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/Win32API/Win32API.c (Win32API_Call): RSTRING()->ptr may be
+ * ext/nkf/nkf.c (rb_nkf_guess): ditto.
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_s_set_completion_append_character):
+ ditto.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_getaddrinfo, sock_s_getnameinfo):
+ ditto.
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c (ip_toUTF8, ip_fromUTF8): ditto.
+Fri Aug 30 01:32:17 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (rb_singleton_class): superclass of a metaclass
+ should be a metaclass of superclass.
+ * range.c (range_eq): two instances must belong to a same class to
+ be equal.
+ * range.c (range_eql): ditto.
+ * io.c (rb_io_taint_check): frozen check added.
+ * file.c (rb_stat_become): frozen check added.
+ * object.c (rb_obj_become): ditto.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_become): ditto.
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_become): ditto.
+ * time.c (time_become): ditto.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_become): should call rb_ary_modify().
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_become): should call rb_hash_modify().
+ * compar.c (cmp_equal): should not use NUM2LONG(), since <=> may
+ return bignum.
+ * compar.c (cmp_gt, cmp_ge, cmp_lt, cmp_le, cmp_between): ditto.
+Thu Aug 29 23:34:42 2002 KONISHI Hiromasa <>
+ * bcc32/MakeFile.sub (sitearch): add.
+Thu Aug 29 13:36:42 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * io.c (read_all): should use off_t instead of long.
+Thu Aug 29 00:55:55 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (r_object): yield loaded objects, not intermediates.
+ (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#296)
+Thu Aug 29 00:06:54 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_become): should not free ptr if it's shared.
+ * eval.c (rb_alias): prohibit making an alias named "allocate" if
+ klass is a metaclass.
+Wed Aug 28 23:59:15 2002 Michal Rokos <>
+ * signal.c: remove #ifdef SIGINT for struct signals.
+ * variable.c: get rid of fix length buffer in rb_class_path.
+Wed Aug 28 23:34:32 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (appendline): data was lost when raw mode.
+Wed Aug 28 22:57:34 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_string_value_ptr): StringValuePtr() should never
+ return NULL pointer.
+Wed Aug 28 19:12:46 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_initialize): RSTRING(mode)->ptr
+ can be NULL.
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_ungetc): fix buffer overflow.
+Wed Aug 28 18:19:55 2002 Michal Rokos <>
+ * file.c: fix memory leak in rb_stat_init.
+Wed Aug 28 17:45:03 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (kill): negate pid under Win9x.
+Wed Aug 28 16:36:40 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * (ar): don't check ar twice.
+Wed Aug 28 15:00:29 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_delete_bang): should check if str->ptr is 0.
+ * string.c (rb_str_squeeze_bang): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_count): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_lstrip_bang): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_rstrip_bang): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_intern): ditto.
+Wed Aug 28 11:37:35 2002 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.h: define SIGINT and SIGKILL if not defined.
+ * win32/win32.c: remove definition of SIGINT and SIGKILL.
+Tue Aug 27 19:50:27 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (require_libraries): prevent ruby_sourcefile from GC.
+Tue Aug 27 15:03:35 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (rb_find_file): $LOAD_PATH must not be empty.
+ * file.c (rb_find_file_ext): ditto.
+Tue Aug 27 02:35:21 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * range.c (range_eq): class check should be based on range.class,
+ instead of Range to work with Range.dup.
+ * range.c (range_eql): ditto.
+Mon Aug 26 18:17:56 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (rb_mod_dup): need to preserve metaclass and flags.
+Mon Aug 26 10:44:18 2002 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * object.c (rb_cstr_to_dbl): had a buffer overrun.
+Sun Aug 25 20:10:32 2002 Wakou Aoyama <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI#form): fix ruby-bugs-ja:PR#280, add default action.
+Sat Aug 24 15:32:16 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (call_trace_func): restore source file/line, as trace
+ function installed in required library with -r option can be
+ called while parsing. (ruby-bugs:PR#372)
+ * eval.c (module_setup): unused variable. [ruby-core:00358]
+Sat Aug 24 14:59:02 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (w_class): integrate singleton check into a function
+ to follow DRY principle.
+ * marshal.c (w_uclass): should check singleton method.
+ * object.c (rb_obj_dup): dmark and dfree functions must be match
+ for T_DATA type.
+ * object.c (rb_obj_dup): class of the duped object must be match
+ to the class of the original.
+Sat Aug 24 13:57:28 2002 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/time.rb (Time.rfc2822, Time#rfc2822): preserve localtimeness.
+ * lib/pp.rb: pretty_print_cycled is renamed to pretty_print_cycle.
+Fri Aug 23 23:59:57 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (method_call): check receiver is defined.
+ * eval.c (umethod_call): removed.
+Fri Aug 23 23:39:17 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_quote): do not escape \t, \f, \r, \n, for they are
+ not regular expression metacharacters.
+ * time.c (time_s_alloc): use time_free instead of free (null check,
+ also serves for type mark).
+ * time.c (time_s_at): check dfree function too.
+Fri Aug 23 17:06:48 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * RUBY_SO_NAME is msvcrt-rubyXX on mswin32/mingw32.
+ * (sitearch): new var.
+ * mkconfig.rb, lib/mkmf.rb (sitearch): ditto.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub, win32/setup.mak (sitearch): ditto.
+ * instruby.rb: ditto.
+Wed Aug 21 16:53:00 2002 Michal Rokos <>
+ * *.c: int, long types cleanup.
+ * parse.y: ditto.
+ * re.h, regex.h, ruby.h: ditto.
+Wed Aug 21 16:43:19 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_cleanup): should not modify the global
+ variable curr_thread.
+Wed Aug 21 16:14:26 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * set ac_cv_func__setjmp to "no" on Cygwin.
+ * set ac_cv_func_crypt to "no" on MinGW.
+Tue Aug 20 21:47 2002 KONISHI Hiromasa <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_fread): remove case EPIPE on bcc32 .
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_getc): clear EPIPE error on bcc32.
+Tue Aug 20 19:39:03 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_expand_path): accept drive letter on Cygwin.
+ * file.c (is_absolute_path): ditto.
+Tue Aug 20 12:12:25 2002 Tietew <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_putc): output via rb_io_write().
+Mon Aug 19 19:01:55 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/inf-ruby.el (inf-ruby-keys): ruby-send-definition
+ conflicted with ruby-insert-end.
+ * misc/inf-ruby.el (inferior-ruby-mode): compilation-minor-mode.
+ * misc/inf-ruby.el (ruby-send-region): send as here document to
+ adjust source file/line. [ruby-talk:47113], [ruby-dev:17965]
+ * misc/inf-ruby.el (ruby-send-terminator): added to make unique
+ terminator.
+Mon Aug 19 17:08:19 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_initialize_m): frozen check should be moved here
+ from rb_reg_initialize().
+Mon Aug 19 15:38:44 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (sort_2): comparison should be done as signed long.
+ * array.c (sort_2): should return int, not VALUE.
+Mon Aug 19 12:38:33 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_save_context, rb_thread_restore_context):
+ save/restore SEH chain on MS-Windows at thread switch.
+ [ruby-win32:273]
+ * eval.c (win32_get_exception_list, win32_set_exception_list):
+ added.
+Sat Aug 17 23:01:25 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (sort_2): *a - *b may overflow.
+Sat Aug 17 00:25:08 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (ary_new): len*sizeof(VALUE) may be a positive value.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_initialize): ditto.
+Fri Aug 16 15:58:16 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * io.c (NOFILE): define NOFILE as 64 if not defined.
+ * signal.c (sighandler_t): rename to sh_t on dietlibc.
+Fri Aug 16 15:37:04 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_cstr_to_inum): new decimal and octal string.
+Fri Aug 16 13:17:11 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_class_allocate_instance): move singleton class
+ check from rb_obj_alloc().
+Fri Aug 16 11:47:24 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_fread): renamed from io_fread and made extern.
+ * marshal.c (r_bytes0): check if successfully read, use
+ rb_io_fread() instead of fread() to be preemptive.
+ (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#294, 295)
+ * rubyio.h (rb_io_fread): added.
+Fri Aug 16 07:57:26 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (compile_error): must not clear ruby_sourcefile here.
+ (ruby-bugs:PR#364).
+ * eval.c (rb_longjmp): set ruby_sourcefile before making
+ backtrace.
+Thu Aug 15 20:38:58 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_current_node) : added to set sourceline on demand.
+ * eval.c (error_pos, error_print, rb_longjmp, assign): set source
+ file/line.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): store current node instead of file/line, and
+ preserve it at return.
+ * eval.c (module_setup): ditto.
+ * eval.c (struct thread): store node instead of file/line.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_raise): ditto.
+ * intern.h (ruby_current_node): added.
+ * intern.h (ruby_set_current_source): added.
+ * parse.y (stmt, arg): not fix position of assignment.
+ * parse.y (node_assign): ditto.
+ * parse.y (yycompile): clear current node.
+Thu Aug 15 00:48:46 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_initialize): should not modify frozen Regexp.
+Tue Aug 13 18:33:18 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c (ip_init): allocation framework.
+Tue Aug 13 15:32:14 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_replace): should copy ifnone.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_dup): should preserve HASH_PROC_DEFAULT and
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_shift): shift from empty hash should not return
+ its default proc.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_default_proc): new method. [new]
+Tue Aug 13 00:37:11 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_aref): no need for Bignum check.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_aset): explicit Bignum check removed.
+ * numeric.c (fix_aref): normalize bignum before bit-op.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_rand): max may be Bignum zero.
+ * bignum.c (rb_cstr_to_inum): should normalize bignums, to avoid
+ returning fixable bignum value.
+ * bignum.c (rb_uint2big): there should be no zero sized bignum.
+Mon Aug 12 23:45:28 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/ extmake() that works properly for both tkutil
+ (tk/ and digest/sha1.
+Mon Aug 12 22:29:35 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ruby.c (set_arg0): Correct the position of #endif.
+Mon Aug 12 17:25:06 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_equal): should check HASH_PROC_DEFAULT too.
+Mon Aug 12 16:15:37 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_cmp): raise for NaN. (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#284).
+Sun Aug 11 09:34:07 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): set line number from all nodes.
+ * eval.c (proc_to_s): show source file/line if available.
+ * marshal.c (r_object): register TYPE_BIGNUM regardless real type.
+Sat Aug 10 23:47:16 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_cmp): use dbl2big() for Floats, instead of
+ big2dbl().
+ * bignum.c (Init_Bignum): rb_big_zero_p() removed. There may be
+ Bignum zero.
+Fri Aug 9 13:31:40 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/Win32API/extconf.rb: check existence of <windows.h>.
+Thu Aug 8 09:37:02 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (NilClass): must provide conversion block.
+ * lib/optparse.rb (String): ditto.
+Thu Aug 8 00:45:15 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): new argument added for original method name.
+ preserve original method name in frame->orig_func.
+ * eval.c (is_defined): use frame->orig_func, not last_func.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): ditto.
+ * eval.c (method_call): supply data->oid also to rb_call0().
+ * object.c (rb_class_allocate_instance): call rb_obj_alloc() when
+ called from alias, thus invoke original "allocate".
+ * eval.c (remove_method): removing allocate from classes should
+ cause NameError.
+Wed Aug 7 22:12:54 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser::Completion::convert): returned
+ all values not first one.
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser::Switch::parse): return values as
+ is.
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser::order): ditto.
+ * lib/optparse/time.rb: prior time.rb.
+ * lib/optparse/uri.rb: require standard uri module. thanks to
+ Minero Aoki.
+Wed Aug 7 09:51:54 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_equal): should check default values.
+Wed Aug 7 08:44:32 2002 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/racc/cparse/cparse.c: reduce goto.
+Tue Aug 6 15:19:39 2002 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_rindex): must return -1 if unmatched.
+Mon Aug 5 22:41:18 2002 Minero Aoki <>
+ * MANIFEST: add lib/racc/parser.rb.
+ * ext/racc/cparse/cparse.c: code refine.
+ * ext/racc/cparse/MANIFEST: add depend.
+Sun Aug 4 22:30:50 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c: follow allocation framework.
+Sat Aug 3 21:23:56 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): set constant in cbase scope.
+ * eval.c (assign): ditto.
+Fri Aug 2 09:12:32 2002 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c: follow allocation framework.
+Fri Aug 2 01:21:52 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (s_recvfrom): update RSTRING len.
+Thu Aug 1 17:47:15 2002 Tachino Nobuhiro <>
+ * parse.y (tokadd_string): ignore backslashed spaces in %w.
+Thu Aug 1 14:14:15 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (enum_find): do not use rb_eval_cmd(); should not accept
+ a string for if_none.
+Wed Jul 31 14:11:43 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_undef): undef should be done for klass, not ruby_class.
+Tue Jul 30 19:48:51 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-accurate-end-of-block): restrict search
+ region.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-parse-partial): reversed wrong patch.
+Tue Jul 30 17:21:13 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-accurate-end-of-block): incomplete block
+ caused infinite loop.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-parse-partial): returns nil unless
+ delimiters found.
+Tue Jul 30 15:24:07 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/stubs.c (ruby_tcltk_stubs): win32_getenv returns
+ the same address always, so allocate string by ruby_strdup.
+ * win32/win32.c: prototype; rb_w32_open_osfhandle().
+Tue Jul 30 09:11:07 2002 Minero Aoki <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_join_m): add parameter type declaration.
+Tue Jul 30 08:37:11 2002 Minero Aoki <>
+ * eval.c (localjump_error): add parameter type declaration.
+Mon Jul 29 16:00:54 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/ always use File.expand_path for $top_srcdir.
+Sat Jul 27 23:07:52 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (num_to_int): default to_int implementation for every
+ numeric class.
+Sat Jul 27 08:09:03 2002 Booker C. Bense <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_quote): initial part of the string was never copied
+ to the quoted string.
+Fri Jul 26 23:03:53 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): no need to convert to string twice.
+Fri Jul 26 18:32:37 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-expr-beg): wrong indent at modifiers
+ after ?.
+Fri Jul 26 16:01:16 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/ (create_makefile): use Regexp in gsub.
+ * sample/mkproto.rb: ditto and fix bug.
+Fri Jul 26 14:31:06 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * random.c: replace with Mersenne Twister RNG.
+Fri Jul 26 12:14:48 2002 Minero Aoki <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): modify to accept a code like "m (a){...}".
+Thu Jul 25 09:05:02 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-delimiter): include here document.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-deep-arglist): skips spaces after
+ parenthesis when 'space.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-imenu-create-index): fix for nested
+ classes.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-accurate-end-of-block): added. scan a
+ block in the order.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-expr-beg): support for here document.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-parse-partial): splitted from
+ ruby-parse-region.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-move-to-block): skips RD style comments.
+Wed Jul 24 09:47:42 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (jump_tag_but_local_jump): preserve retval in
+ LocalJumpError exceptions.
+ * parse.y (command): no more check for "super outside of method".
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_define_method): should set last_class and
+ last_func in the block->frame.
+Mon Jul 22 17:23:00 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (error_handle): should handle TAG_THROW as well.
+Fri Jul 19 10:52:32 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): new decimal notation '0d4567'.
+Thu Jul 18 11:52:02 2002 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (set_socket): new method.
+Thu Jul 18 06:51:24 2002 Minero Aoki <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): fix typo.
+Wed Jul 17 18:41:28 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): new octal notation '0o777'.
+Mon Jul 15 18:36:42 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (string_content): every string_content node should
+ return string only. use NODE_EVSTR to coercing.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): NODE_EVSTR support.
+Mon Jul 15 10:35:35 2002 Minero Aoki <>
+ * parse.y (heredoc_identifier): fix typo.
+Sat Jul 13 09:30:04 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (literal_concat_string): wrong optimization.
+Sat Jul 13 01:25:38 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::DNS::open, close): new.
+ * lib/optparse.rb, lib/optparse: import.
+Fri Jul 12 06:34:05 2002 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: rename HTTP.get_uri get_response.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: HTTP.get_print accepts URI objects.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: HTTP.get had not work with URI objects.
+Fri Jul 12 02:15:58 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_match): fix for string match.
+Fri Jul 12 00:02:50 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_gets_internal): fixed for record
+ separator longer than 1.
+Thu Jul 11 17:59:20 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_quote): avoid unnecessary string allocation.
+ * string.c (get_pat): quote metacharacters before compiling a
+ string into a regex.
+ * string.c (rb_str_split_m): special treatment of strings of size
+ 1, but AWK emulation. now uses get_pat().
+ * string.c (rb_str_match_m): quote metacharacters.
+ * string.c (rb_str_match2): ditto.
+Thu Jul 11 12:59:23 2002 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb: untaint strings read from /etc/hosts and
+ /etc/resolv.conf to prevent SecurityError when $SAFE==1.
+Thu Jul 11 09:00:43 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_slice_bang): if there's no corresponding
+ substring, slice! should return nil without exception.
+Tue Jul 9 20:03:55 2002 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * irb 0.9
+Sat Jul 6 07:35:02 2002 Jamie Herre <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_insert): type fixed.
+Fri Jul 5 09:17:00 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_split_m): accept separator value nil as well.
+Fri Jul 5 08:59:15 2002 Michal Rokos <>
+ * enum.c: Fix bug in enum_sort_by and some code indents
+Fri Jul 5 05:00:40 2002 Wakou Aoyama <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI#initialize): improvement for mod_ruby.
+ thanks to Sean Chittenden <>, Shugo Maeda
+ <>
+Fri Jul 5 00:10:09 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_become): was leaking memory.
+Thu Jul 4 23:43:26 2002 Minero Aoki <>
+ * parse.y: remove useless function str_extend_p().
+Wed Jul 3 14:26:40 2002 Sean Chittenden <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (get): new method.
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (putt): ditto.
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (binary): ditto.
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (binary=): ditto.
+Wed Jul 3 13:57:53 2002 Sean Chittenden <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (getbinaryfile): the second argument (localfile)
+ is now optional.
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (gettextfile): ditto.
+Wed Jul 3 13:45:42 2002 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb: use &block and yield for speed.
+Wed Jul 3 02:32:31 2002 Wakou Aoyama <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI#initialize): improvement for mod_ruby.
+Tue Jul 2 14:53:10 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (rb_include_module): should not alter other
+ classes/modules by inclusion. by this fix, local order may not
+ be preserved for some cases.
+ * class.c (include_class_new): module may be T_ICLASS; retrieve
+ original module information.
+Tue Jul 2 14:13:11 2002 Wakou Aoyama <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI#header): accept any type as value.
+Sun Jun 30 17:05:29 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * (seekdir, telldir): add ac_cv_func_telldir=yes,
+ ac_cv_func_seekdir=yes for MinGW.
+Sat Jun 29 01:43:32 2002 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (pipe_finalize, pipe_popen): two-way pipe support for win32.
+ * win32/win32.c (ChildRecord, FindFreeChildSlot): ditto.
+ * win32/win32.c, win32/win32.h (pipe_exec): new function for two-way
+ pipe support for win32.
+ * win32/win32.c, win32/win32.h (FindPipedChildSlot, rb_w32_popen,
+ rb_w32_pclose): removed functions for two-way pipe support for win32.
+Fri Jun 28 23:49:34 2002 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): change names of local variables because their
+ names are overlapped.
+Fri Jun 28 17:54:07 2002 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pp.rb: fix object address.
+Thu Jun 27 23:55:50 2002 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_stat): fix buffer overflow. (ruby-bugs:PR#329)
+Thu Jun 27 20:57:45 2002 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/prettyprint.rb, lib/pp.rb: convenience methods added.
+Thu Jun 27 15:22:18 2002 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/prettyprint.rb: re-implemented for incremental output to handle
+ huge data. API is changed a bit.
+ * lib/pp.rb: adapt new pretty printing API.
+Thu Jun 27 08:28:18 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (literal_concat_string): non-string last expression in
+ #{} was ignored when followed by literal.
+Thu Jun 27 03:42:04 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_expr_str): need to process backslashes properly.
+Wed Jun 26 17:33:38 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_any_to_a): declare Object#to_a to be obsolete.
+ * object.c (rb_Array): do not convert nil into [] automagically.
+Wed Jun 26 15:40:00 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (words, qwords): word list literal rules.
+ * parse.y (parse_string): ditto.
+ * parse.y (yylex): %W: word list literal with interpolation. [new]
+Tue Jun 25 18:53:34 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (string1, xstring, regexp): moved lex_strnest
+ initialization to string_contents/xstring_contents.
+Tue Jun 25 19:24:38 2002 KONISHI Hiromasa <>
+ * dln.c: remove definition rb_loaderror().
+Tue Jun 25 00:34:54 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_Integer): use "to_int" instead of
+ "to_i". [experimental]
+ * object.c (nil_to_f): new method.
+ * object.c (rb_Integer): Symbols and nil should cause error.
+ * object.c (rb_Float): nil should cause error.
+Tue Jun 25 00:21:00 2002 KONISHI Hiromasa <>
+ * dln.c: remark definition rb_loaderror().
+Tue Jun 25 00:14:07 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (string_dvar): allow back references in interpolation.
+Mon Jun 24 16:32:31 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): NODE_EVSTR is no longer used.
+ * eval.c (eval): not enforce to make assigned variables dynamic.
+ * parse.y (string): split rules to strings/xstring/regexp to allow
+ arbitrary statements inside string interpolation.
+ * parse.y (here_document): splitted into three phases.
+ * parse.y (literall_append, literal_concat): added.
+ append/concatenate string literals.
+ * sample/test.rb (valid_syntax): adjust line number for BEGIN.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): get rid of nested string.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (install_rb): site-install didn't work properly.
+Sun Jun 23 00:19:10 2002 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb, lib/date/format.rb, sample/cal.rb, sample/goodfriday.rb:
+ updated to the new version (based on date2 3.3).
+Sat Jun 22 14:41:33 2002 Guy Decoux <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_addrinfo): make all 3 versions of
+ getaddrinfo happy. [ruby-core:00184]
+Fri Jun 21 18:49:58 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): __END__ should not be effective within
+ string literals.
+Thu Jun 20 21:09:37 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_readline): get rid of
+ libreadline's bug. (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#268)
+Thu Jun 20 17:10:27 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/ftool.rb (BUFSIZE): tuning, set buffer length to 8192.
+ * (__NO_ISOCEXT): add for mingw-runtime 2.0-2.
+ * (__MSVCRT__): removed because it is defined
+ in the GCC specs.
+Wed Jun 19 14:46:18 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb, lib/mkmf.rb (xsystem): open the log file if xsystem
+ is called.
+Wed Jun 19 01:01:13 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (here_document): should be aware of __END__ within here
+ documents.
+Wed Jun 19 00:50:50 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): ? followed by successive word characters is
+ ternary operator not numeric literal.
+ * parse.y (yylex): commands after break/next/rescue can take
+ arguments. (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#265)
+Tue Jun 18 19:20:16 2002 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/mkexports.rb: remove unnecessary exports. (ruby-dev:17418)
+Tue Jun 18 12:50:17 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): should pushback proper char after '<<'.
+ * parse.y (range_op, cond0, cond): get rid of doubled warnings.
+ * parse.y (value_expr): reduce recursion level.
+ * parse.y (logop): ditto.
+Mon Jun 17 11:11:34 2002 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_crypt): result need not be tainted always.
+Mon Jun 17 10:51:37 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dln.c (dln_load): need to preserve dln_strerror() result,
+ calling other dl family can clear it.
+Sat Jun 15 22:56:37 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): obsolete '?<whitespace>'; use '?\s', '?\n',
+ etc, instead.
+Sat Jun 15 18:51:13 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): Use lstat() instead of stat() so it catches
+ a dead symlink. Given a dead symlink named "a", Dir.glob("?")
+ did catch it but Dir.glob("a") somehow didn't.
+Sat Jun 15 01:59:05 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): no here document after a dot.
+ * parse.y (yylex): should have set lex_state after '`'.
+ * parse.y (yylex): should have set lex_state properly after
+Fri Jun 14 21:01:48 2002 KONISHI Hiromasa <>
+ * bcc32/mkexports.rb: insert sleep(1) for win9x.
+ * bcc32/configure.bat: change return code LF -> CRLF for win9x.
+ * win32/win32.c: fix rb_w32_open_osfhandle()
+Fri Jun 14 15:22:19 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (read_escape): deny zero-width hexadecimal character.
+ (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#260)
+ * parse.y (tokadd_escape): ditto.
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): ditto.
+Fri Jun 14 00:49:54 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big2dbl): return canonical HUGE_VAL for infinity.
+Thu Jun 13 09:43:37 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (svalue_to_avalue): v may be Qundef. This fix was
+ suggested by Guy Decoux.
+Thu Jun 13 00:33:49 2002 takuma ozawa <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_s_create): use rb_hash_aset() instead of calling
+ st_insert() directly, to dup&freeze string keys.
+Thu Jun 13 00:12:54 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): proper error message for "@@0".
+ * parse.y (yylex): paren to parse_string() must be zero for
+ unparenthesized strings.
+ * parse.y (str_extend): broken string when unterminated "#{".
+ * enum.c (enum_sort_by): had a bug in 1 element enumeration.
+Wed Jun 12 18:04:44 2002 akira yamada <>
+ * uri/common.rb (REGEXP::PATTERN::X_ABS_URI): 'file:/foo' is valid.
+ * uri/generic.rb (Generic#xxx=): should return substituted value.
+ (ruby-dev:16728.)
+ * test/generic.rb (test_set_component): added tests for the above
+ change.
+Wed Jun 12 02:38:00 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (stmt): fix typo.
+Wed Jun 12 01:10:55 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): 'do' should return kDO_BLOCK on EXPR_ENDARG.
+ * parse.y (singleton): "def (()).a end" dumped core.
+ * parse.y (range_op): node may be null.
+ * parse.y (match_gen): ditto.
+Tue Jun 11 19:20:34 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * (LIBRUBY): rename to lib$(LIBRUBY_SO).a on Cygwin/MinGW.
+ *, cygwin/GNUmakefile: use dllwrap when --disable-shared
+ is specified.
+Tue Jun 11 17:12:04 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (arg): void value check for "..", "...", "!", and "not".
+ * parse.y (match_gen): void value check for "=~".
+ * parse.y (value_expr): check NODE_AND and NODE_OR recursively.
+ * parse.y (cond0): void value check added for conditionals.
+Tue Jun 11 13:18:47 2002 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (noop): new method.
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (site): ditto.
+Tue Jun 11 13:15:41 2002 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub: set PROCESSOR_LEVEL to 6 if it's too big value.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: ditto.
+Tue Jun 11 12:37:46 2002 KONISHI Hiromasa <>
+ * bcc32/configure.bat fix.
+Tue Jun 11 10:18:23 2002 KONISHI Hiromasa <>
+ * new platform [bccwin32] merged.
+ - create new folder bcc32
+ - modify any files for bccwin32
+ error.c, file.c, hash.c, io.c, instruby.rb,
+ ext/,
+ lib/mkmf.rb, lib/ftools.rb,
+ ext/digest/defs.h,
+ ext/dl/depend, ext/dl/dl.c, ext/dl/sym.c, ext/dl/extconf.rb,
+ ext/socket/extconf.rb,
+ ext/pty/extconf.rb,
+ ext/tcltklib/extconf.rb
+ ext/Win32API/Win32API.c,
+ win32/dir.h, win32/win32.c, win32/win32.h, win32/resource.rb
+Mon Jun 10 19:02:19 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_lshift): negative shift count means right shift.
+ (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#248)
+ * numeric.c (fix_rshift): return -1 when left side operand is
+ negative. (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#247)
+ * parse.y (yylex): `0_' should be an error. (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#249)
+Mon Jun 10 01:53:54 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): ruby_frame->last_func may be null, if it's
+ called outside of a method.
+ * parse.y (arg): use INT2NUM, not INT2FIX for tUMINUS.
+ * parse.y (arg): unnecessary negative tPOW treatment.
+ * parse.y (tokadd_escape): wrong backslash escapement.
+Sun Jun 9 17:40:41 2002 Takaaki Tateishi <>
+ * ext/dl: change the callback mechanism.
+Sat Jun 8 00:48:38 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (stmt,arg): too much void value check.
+ * parse.y (stmt,arg): need to check void value on rules which does
+ not use node_assign().
+Thu Jun 6 19:50:39 2002 KONISHI Hiromasa <>
+ * sample/biorhythm.rb (getPosiiton,etc)
+ fix at changing Date module ( Date is changed Fixnum to Rational )
+Thu Jun 6 17:42:39 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (ipaddr): need not to taint hostnames.
+Thu Jun 6 12:04:30 2002 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.status): use sub! instead of []= because
+ []= causes exception.
+Thu Jun 6 11:42:15 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/thread.rb (Queue::pop): get rid of race condition.
+Wed Jun 5 01:56:47 2002 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c: Stop the running zombi-eventloop when
+ mainloop_watchdog is killed.
+Tue Jun 4 23:09:24 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * range.c (range_include): should be based on "<=>", whereas
+ member? still is based on "each".
+ * range.c (range_min,range_max): redefine methods based on "<=>".
+Tue Jun 4 18:28:37 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: The IPv6 stack of Cygwin is still incomplete.
+ * ext/Win32API/extconf.rb: refactoring.
+Tue Jun 4 07:03:33 2002 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkfont.rb: Fix bugs on TkFont.init_widget_font for Tk8.x.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkafter.rb: Add self to 1st argument of interval-
+ and loop-proc
+ TkAfter#current_interval returns an interval (sleep) time value
+ TkAfter#current_args returns an array of arguments
+ TkAfter#return_value returns a return value of last loop-proc
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk*.rb: Allow to use Symbols for parameters.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkcanvas.rb: (TkcItem) Add 'coords' parameter to the
+ canvas item constructor (for new notation of constructor).
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c: New 'mainloop' and 'mainloop_watchdog'.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: (Tk.restart) Add 'app-name' paramater and
+ 'use' parameter.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: Add new parameter 'widgetname' to the widget
+ constructor to support effective use of Resource Database.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: TkOption::get always returns a tainted string.
+Tue Jun 4 00:45:50 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/addrinfo.h: typo.
+ * ext/socket/getaddrinfo.c (gai_strerror): make literals const.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (init_inetsock): ensures resources are
+ freed at exceptions.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (init_unixsock): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (udp_connect): ditto.
+Mon Jun 3 20:39:51 2002 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/extconf.rb : change PLATFORM with RUBY_PLATFORM.
+Mon Jun 3 07:07:07 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (here_document): check if identifier is terminated.
+ (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#239)
+ * parse.y (yylex): should pushback proper char after '**'.
+ (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#240)
+Mon Jun 3 05:56:17 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_aset): should raise error if an indexing string
+ is not found in the receiver.
+ * sprintf.c (rb_f_sprintf): "%d" should convert objects into
+ integers using Integer().
+Sat Jun 1 19:20:07 2002 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole: merge from rough.
+Fri May 31 17:11:42 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb (Tempfile::size): added.
+Thu May 30 12:52:42 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * range.c (range_step): iteration done using "+" if elements are
+ Numeric. Otherwise using "succ".
+ * range.c (range_each): iteration done using "succ". If the
+ elements does not respond to "succ", raise TypeError. As a
+ result, all Enumerable methods, e.g. collect, require elements
+ to respond to "succ".
+ * range.c (range_member): comparison done using "each", if
+ elements are non-Numeric or no-"succ" objects. Otherwise
+ compare using "<=>".
+ * range.c (Init_Range): remove "size" and "length".
+Thu May 30 09:16:36 2002 Wakou Aoyama <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb: if StringIO is usable then use it.
+Wed May 29 18:55:47 2002 KONISHI Hiromasa <>
+ * function renames my* and win32_* to rb_w32_* in win32/win32.c
+ fixed files win32/win32.c, win32/win32.h, win32/dir.h,
+ hash.c, rubysig.h, signal.c, ext/socket/socket.c
+Wed May 29 17:32:55 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * time.c (tmcmp, search_time_t): activate unless HAVE_TIMEGM.
+Wed May 29 13:45:15 2002 Wakou Aoyama <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb: not use const if GET, HEAD. check multipart form head.
+Tue May 28 17:56:02 2002 Sean Chittenden <>
+ * parse.y: yyparse #defines moved from intern.h
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): access prefixed "ruby_yydebug".
+ * applied modifies to pacify some of gcc -Wall warnings.
+Tue May 28 14:07:00 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (arg): no more ugly hack for "**", so that "-2**2" to be
+ parsed as "(-2)**2", whereas "- 2**2" or "-(2)**2" to be parsed
+ as "-(2**2)".
+ * parse.y (yylex): '-2' to be literal fixnum. [new]
+Tue May 28 12:13:37 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (scope_node): trick to keep the node has a scope.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): NODE_EVSTR: write back local_tbl to the node.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): NODE_SCOPE: hold the scope node in ruby_scope.
+ * eval.c (module_setup): ditto.
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): ditto.
+ * node.h (NEW_DASGN, NEW_DASGN_CURR): remove surplus semicolons.
+Fri May 24 09:06:29 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_arg): nil test against v[6] (usec).
+Thu May 23 16:39:21 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): option parsing problem.
+ (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#233)
+Thu May 23 09:13:56 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): removed "-*-" support for #! line.
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_sysopen): new method to get a raw file
+ descriptor. [new]
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (tcp_sysaccept): new method to return an
+ accepted socket fd (integer). [new]
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (unix_sysaccept,sock_sysaccept): ditto.
+Wed May 22 21:26:47 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): -T consumes digits only.
+Wed May 22 20:18:31 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * need not link vsnprintf.o on MinGW.
+Wed May 22 18:34:23 2002 Minero Aoki <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): Here-document label ate '-'.
+Tue May 21 13:25:18 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-font-lock-keywords): symbols end with
+ '_'.
+Tue May 21 04:48:37 2002 Sean Chittenden <>
+ * lib/cgi-lib.rb: Checking for constant MOD_RUBY instead of
+ environment variable. Remove a mod_ruby warning and use
+ Apache::request.headers_out[] instead.
+Tue May 21 01:16:46 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (bodystmt): ensure clause was executed on else clause
+ without rescue clause.
+Tue May 21 00:20:25 2002 Takaaki Tateishi <>
+ * ext/dl/ptr.c: rename PtrData::alloc to PtrData::malloc.
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/struct.c: rename Struct#alloc to Struct#malloc.
+Mon May 20 14:29:14 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (Init_Object): should do exact match for Module#==.
+ * compar.c (cmp_eq): returns 'false' if <=> returns 'nil'.
+ * compar.c (cmp_gt,cmp_ge,cmp_lt,cmp_le,cmp_between): ditto.
+Mon May 20 13:28:52 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_clone): writing stream was not copied properly.
+Sat May 18 21:38:11 2002 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb, lib/date/format.rb, lib/parsedate.rb:
+ updated to the new version (based on date2 3.2.1).
+Sat May 18 21:18:00 2002 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.h): add VC++4/5 support about noreturn
+ directive.
+Sat May 18 02:16:41 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): should propagate taintedness.
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): ditto.
+Fri May 17 16:16:19 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * sample/test.rb: use eval instead of './miniruby -c',
+ in order to check a syntax error.
+Thu May 16 14:46:34 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_select): cleanup conditional compilation.
+Wed May 15 06:13:35 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_schedule): need to preserve errno before
+ calling rb_trap_exec().
+ * regex.c (calculate_must_string): a bug in charset/charset_not
+ parsing.
+Tue May 14 18:17:44 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: config.h inlined. and catch up with the
+ latest change.
+ * win32/ no longer used.
+Tue May 14 14:49:05 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * gc.c (is_pointer_to_heap): avoid GCC 3.1 warnings.
+ * missing/strftime.c (timezone): it should take no argument on Cygwin.
+Tue May 14 03:07:35 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_clear_cache_by_class): new function.
+ * eval.c (set_method_visibility): should have clear cache for
+ updated visibility.
+Mon May 13 14:38:33 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * djgpp/config.hin, djgpp/config.sed: catch up with the latest change.
+Mon May 13 01:59:55 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_to_s): default format precision to be "%.16g".
+ * util.c (ruby_strtod): use own strtod(3) implementation to avoid
+ locale hell. Due to this change "0xff".to_f no longer returns 255.0
+Sun May 12 03:01:08 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * missing.h: add for missing/*.c.
+ * ruby.h: add `#include "missing.h"'.
+ * add the dependency of missing.h by gcc -MM.
+ * MANIFEST: add missing.h
+Sat May 11 23:24:52 2002 Takaaki Tateishi <>
+ * ext/dl: enable dl's stack emulation for constructing function call.
+Sat May 11 10:52:09 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): remove escaping backslashes.
+Sat May 11 02:46:43 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (avalue_to_yvalue): new function to distinguish yvalue
+ (no-arg == Qundef) from svalue (no-arg == Qnil).
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): use avalue_to_yvalue().
+ * eval.c (assign): warn if val == Qundef where it means rhs is
+ void (e.g. yield without value or call without argument).
+Fri May 10 19:00:47 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (here_document): preserve line number begins here
+ document.
+Fri May 10 01:55:44 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_join): added an argument to limit time to wait
+ the thread.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_join_m): new. and added optional argument.
+Wed May 8 23:48:40 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (value_expr): need not to warn for WHILE and UNTIL,
+ since they can have return value (via valued break).
+Tue May 7 17:13:40 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * forgot to add '-Wl,' to the gcc option on Cygwin/MinGW.
+Tue May 7 15:41:33 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (iconv_try): should initialize exceptions
+ properly. (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#232)
+Tue May 7 15:28:03 2002 Minero Aoki <>
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): The destination of the goto jump was wrong.
+Tue May 7 09:17:51 2002 Minero Aoki <>
+ * eval.c (superclass): undesirable "unexpected return" when the
+ superclass is not a Class.
+Sun May 5 06:53:45 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: exclude topdir from the system configuration
+ section and prevent it from being overridden.
+Fri May 3 20:19:00 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * add #include <errno.h> in AC_CHECK_DECLS().
+ * win32/ define HAVE_DECL_SYS_NERR.
+Thu May 2 23:42:40 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_s_quote): # also should be quoted.
+Thu May 2 18:27:13 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/, lib/mkmf.rb: use 'do...end' instead of '{}' for
+ Borland make.
+Thu May 2 08:01:56 2002 Chris Thomas <>
+ * error.c: use HAVE_DECL_SYS_NERR instead of platform names.
+Tue Apr 30 09:23:05 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (num_step): better iteration condition for float
+ values; suggested by Masahiro TANAKA <>.
+Tue Apr 30 05:59:42 2002 Michal Rokos <>
+ * range.c (range_step): step (for Range#step method) <= 0 makes no
+ sense, thus ArgError will be raised.
+ * range.c (range_each): Range#each method is special case for
+ Range#step(1)
+Mon Apr 29 18:46:42 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (rb_find_file): load must be done from an absolute path if
+ $SAFE >= 4.
+Sun Apr 28 17:01:56 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * win32/win32.c (insert): fix prototype for ANSI C.
+Fri Apr 26 13:47:15 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (enum_partition): new method. [new]
+Fri Apr 26 13:41:00 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_s_quote): quote whitespaces for /x cases.
+Fri Apr 26 06:48:23 2002 Takaaki Tateishi <>
+ * ext/dl/ptr.c (cary2ary): missing break in switch statements.
+Fri Apr 26 09:35:47 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_proc_new): make Proc from C function. [new]
+ * intern.h (rb_proc_new): prototype.
+Wed Apr 24 14:56:46 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (proc_to_proc): return self. [new]
+ * eval.c (block_pass): no need to convert if block is Proc.
+Wed Apr 24 14:21:41 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * set size of the initial stack from
+ 2MB to 32MB on MinGW/Cygwin.
+Wed Apr 24 14:06:35 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (num_step): try to reduce residual on Float operations.
+Wed Apr 24 06:48:31 2002 Koji Arai <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_mode_flags): both 'r+b' and 'rb+' should be allowed.
+ * io.c (rb_io_mode_modenum): ditto.
+Wed Apr 24 01:16:14 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_mark): must check if ptr is NULL
+ first. [ruby-talk:38873]
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): should print depend file when
+ make is other than nmake.
+Wed Apr 24 00:37:12 2002 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/ (create_makefile): use `{$(srcdir)}' directive instead
+ of `$(srcdir)/' when including depend file.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): add `{$(srcdir)}' when including depend
+ file.
+Tue Apr 23 12:58:18 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (rb_memerror): rename from mem_error, and exported.
+ * gc.c (Init_GC): pre-allocate NoMemoryError instance.
+ * object.c (convert_type): error message changed from "failed to
+ convert" to "cannot convert", since it does not try to convert
+ if an object does not respond to the converting method.
+Mon Apr 22 09:31:30 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (block_pass): convert Method to Proc using
+ rb_check_convert_type().
+ * object.c (rb_check_convert_type): always convert T_DATA
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_cleanup): should not terminate main_thread by
+ Fatal error.
+ * regex.c (is_in_list): need to not exclude NUL and NEWLINE.
+Sat Apr 20 00:19:13 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_expr_str): wrong backslash escapement.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_expr_str): do not escape embedded space
+ characters.
+Fri Apr 19 22:03:40 2002 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: add -DNT to $CFLAGS instead of $CPPFLAGS.
+ * win32/setup.mak: ditto.
+Fri Apr 19 17:24:22 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (w_object): T_DATA process patch from Joel VanderWerf
+ <vjoel@PATH.Berkeley.EDU>. This is temporary hack; it remains
+ undocumented, and it will be removed when marshaling is
+ re-designed.
+ * marshal.c (r_object): ditto.
+Fri Apr 19 17:10:55 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (num_step): Integer#step is moved to Numeric#step;
+ Fixnum#step is merged into this method.
+ * numeric.c (int_dotimes): Fixnum#times is merged.
+ * numeric.c (int_upto): Fixnum#upto is merged.
+ * numeric.c (int_downto): Fixnum#downto is merged.
+Fri Apr 19 16:22:55 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: include <windows.h>, <winsock.h> on _WIN32.
+ * win32/win32.c: include <mswsock.h> on __MINGW32__.
+ * cleanup for autoconf 2.5x.
+ * use gcc -shared instead of dllwrap on Cygwin/MinGW.
+ * ext/extmk.rb, lib/mkmf.rb: get rid of "--def=".
+Fri Apr 19 14:57:44 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_to_s): remove redundant shy group.
+Fri Apr 19 01:08:20 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_cleanup): current thread may be THREAD_STOPPED,
+ for example when terminated from signal handler.
+Thu Apr 18 19:03:15 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): remove /p support.
+ * regex.h: ditto.
+ * parse.y (parse_regx): ditto.
+Thu Apr 18 17:01:43 2002 Takaaki Tateishi <>
+ * ext/dl/ptr.c (rb_dlptr_cast): removed.
+Thu Apr 18 17:01:43 2002 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_to_s): new function for Regexp#to_s.
+Wed Apr 17 23:55:34 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/Setup*, ext/bigfloat/*: Back out the import of BigFloat in
+ favor of its forthcoming successor, BigDecimal.
+Wed Apr 17 16:53:33 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_expr_str): should treat backslash specially in
+ escaping.
+Wed Apr 17 08:16:41 2002 Michal Rokos <>
+ * io.c: complete off_t handling; missing argument for
+ fptr_finalize(); polished rb_scan_args call.
+Wed Apr 17 00:01:59 2002 Michal Rokos <>
+ * dir.c: wrap multi-statement macro by do { } while (0)
+ * eval.c, numeric,c, sprintf.c, util.c: ditto.
+Tue Apr 16 08:59:50 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (assign): convert mrhs to mvalue.
+Mon Apr 15 18:12:57 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_eq): check `y == x' if y is neither Fixnum,
+ Bignum, nor Float.
+Mon Apr 15 09:27:31 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): should treat 'U' in character unit, not in
+ byte unit.
+ * error.c (exc_initialize): should clear backtrace information.
+Sat Apr 13 23:42:43 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_fptr_cleanup): should close IO created by
+ * rubyio.h: remove FMODE_FDOPEN
+Fri Apr 12 12:54:04 2002 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: use missing/acosh.c.
+ * win32/ define HAVE_COSH, HAVE_SINH, and HAVE_TANH.
+Fri Apr 12 02:58:55 2002 Koji Arai <>
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_select): fix typo.
+Fri Apr 12 00:34:17 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * MANIFEST (missing/acosh.c): added.
+ * (missing/acosh.c): ditto.
+ * (missing/fileblocks.c): ditto.
+ * (AC_REPLACE_FUNCS): check acosh() on behalf of
+ inverse hyperbolic functions, asinh() and atanh().
+ * missing/acosh.c: added for acosh(), asinh() and atanh().
+Thu Apr 11 20:01:44 2002 Masahiro Tomita <>
+ * io.c (io_write): check error if written data is less than
+ specified size to detect EPIPE.
+Thu Apr 11 19:10:37 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * io.c (remain_size): IO#read returns "" if file.size == 0.
+ * random.c (rand_init): add check for initstate(3).
+ * ditto.
+Thu Apr 11 09:31:19 2002 Takaaki Tateishi <>
+ * ext/dl/ptr.c: raise() -> rb_raise(). (Thanks Tetsuya Watanabe)
+ * ext/dl/sym.c: ditto.
+Thu Apr 11 07:57:48 2002 Michal Rokos <>
+ * eval.c (assign): ruby_verbose should be surrounded by RTEST().
+ * object.c (rb_str2cstr): ditto.
+ * parse.y (void_expr): ditto.
+ * parse.y (void_stmts): ditto.
+ * variable.c (rb_ivar_get): ditto.
+ * variable.c (rb_cvar_set): ditto.
+ * variable.c (rb_cvar_get): ditto.
+Thu Apr 11 07:02:31 2002 Takaaki Tateishi <>
+ * ext/dl: Add dl.txt instead of README and README.html.
+Thu Apr 11 01:55:52 2002 Wakou Aoyama <>
+ * lib/cgi/session.rb: support for multipart form.
+Wed Apr 10 18:42:23 2002 Tachino Nobuhiro <>
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): should have proceed link when link->path
+ was non existing symbolic link.
+Wed Apr 10 17:30:19 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_obj_remove_instance_variable): raise NameError if
+ specified instance variable is not defined.
+ * variable.c (generic_ivar_remove): modified to check ivar
+ existence.
+Wed Apr 10 14:16:45 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-font-lock-keywords): fontify symbols for
+ unary operators and aset.
+Tue Apr 9 13:40:31 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (try_link0): need expand macro in command, sync with
+ ext/
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (try_cpp): ditto.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (egrep_cpp): ditto.
+Tue Apr 9 12:44:59 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (check_modifiable): performance
+ improvement. avoid calling rb_str_modify() twice.
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_ungetc): ditto.
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_putc): ditto.
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_write): ditto, and use
+ rb_str_cat() as possible.
+Tue Apr 9 05:17:48 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * re.c (match_select): fix index references and make
+ MatchData#select actually work.
+Tue Apr 9 00:20:52 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_extname): new method based on the proposal
+ (and patch) from Mike Hall. [new]
+Mon Apr 8 04:50:51 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (error_handle): default to 1 unless status is set.
+ * eval.c (ruby_options): guard error_handle() with PROT_NONE.
+ * eval.c (ruby_stop): ditto.
+Mon Apr 8 01:22:24 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * math.c (math_acosh): added. [new]
+ * math.c (math_asinh): ditto.
+ * math.c (math_atanh): ditto.
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_each_pair): method added. [new]
+Sat Apr 6 02:04:49 2002 Guy Decoux <>
+ * class.c (rb_singleton_class): wrong condition; was creating
+ unnecessary singleton class.
+Sat Apr 6 01:09:41 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sprintf.c (remove_sign_bits): simplifies the condition.
+ * bignum.c (get2comp): calculate proper carry over.
+Fri Apr 5 05:07:28 2002 Takaaki Tateishi <>
+ * ext/dl: Add dl/struct.rb.
+Thu Apr 4 14:08:52 2002 Takaaki Tateishi <>
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/import.rb: Get rid of ineffective
+ encoding/decoding procedures.
+Thu Apr 4 01:08:23 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (int_step): step may be a float less than 1.
+Wed Apr 3 20:42:34 2002 Takaaki Tateishi <>
+ * ext/dl: Merge Nakada's patch.
+ * ext/dl/dl.h: define StringValuePtr for ruby-1.6.
+Wed Apr 3 15:37:24 2002 Takaaki Tateishi <>
+ * ext/dl: Add dl/types.rb.
+Wed Apr 3 01:54:10 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/ (enable_config): follow lib/mkmf.rb.
+Tue Apr 2 19:59:13 2002 Takaaki Tateishi <>
+ * ext/dl: Merge from rough.
+Tue Apr 2 15:17:54 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * (CPPFLAGS): remove @includedir@.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): ditto.
+ * ext/ (create_makefile): ditto.
+Tue Apr 2 15:09:05 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_addrinfo): should clear addrinfo hints.
+Mon Apr 1 23:48:12 2002 Takaaki Tateishi <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: install any files using $INSTALLFILES.
+ (see also [ruby-dev:16683])
+Mon Apr 1 17:25:50 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_fptr_cleanup): need flush even when io will not be
+ closed.
+ * io.c (rb_io_initialize): was calling wrong function
+ rb_io_mode_flags().
+Mon Apr 1 16:52:00 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/sdbm/init.c (each_pair): moved prototype before the
+ definition.
+ * ext/racc/cparse/cparse.c (call_scaniter): ditto.
+Mon Apr 1 15:11:40 2002 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/racc/cparse/cparse.c: prototype; call_scaniter().
+ * ext/sdbm/init.c: prototype; each_pair().
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c: prototypes; _timer_for_tcl() and ip_ruby(),
+ Nobu's patch at [ruby-dev:14483].
+Mon Apr 1 10:56:40 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (match_setter): it's OK to assign nil to $~.
+Mon Apr 1 03:55:46 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_fptr_cleanup): do not close IO created by for_fd().
+ * io.c (rb_io_initialize): mark IO created by for_fd
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (bsock_s_for_fd): ditto.
+Fri Mar 29 20:21:58 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): default FLAGS to empty strings.
+Fri Mar 29 16:36:52 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (arg_config): should use Shellwords::shellwords like
+ ext/
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (enable_config): default had priority over command
+ line options and configure_args.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: support autoconf 2.53 style variables from
+ environment.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: add directory options.
+Fri Mar 29 15:49:29 2002 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * win32/README.win32: follow recent changes.
+Fri Mar 29 14:44:05 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (io_fflush): DRY patch from /Christoph applied.
+Thu Mar 28 18:58:13 2002 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.status): reflect user defined $CC in
+ config.status.
+Thu Mar 28 18:03:51 2002 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c: add taint check.
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c: #getch/#get_byte should set regexp
+ registers.
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c: remove useless #include directive.
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c: refactor struct strscanner.
+Thu Mar 28 14:51:38 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_addrinfo): should specify socktype
+ from outside.
+Wed Mar 27 17:04:30 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (argf_binmode): should call next_argv() to initialize ARGF.
+ * io.c (argf_filename): ditto.
+ * io.c (argf_file): ditto.
+Wed Mar 27 14:47:32 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * io.c (READ_DATA_PENDING): has supported for uClibc,
+ so remove uClibc stuff.
+Wed Mar 27 13:14:43 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_sysseek): new method based on a patch from Aristarkh
+ A Zagorodnikov <>. [new]
+ * io.c (READ_DATA_PENDING): use !feof(fp) for default behavior.
+Tue Mar 26 20:28:50 2002 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: HTTP.get accepts URI.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: new method HTTP.get_uri.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: add some HTTP 1.1 response codes.
+Tue Mar 26 20:25:28 2002 Minero Aoki <>
+ * doc/net/protocol.rd.ja, smtp.rd.ja, pop.rd.ja: removed.
+ * MANIFEST: remove doc/net/* entries.
+Tue Mar 26 18:45:15 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * (FILE_READPTR): check bufread instead of bufend
+ for uClibc.
+ * ext/ (arg_config): should use Shellwords::shellwords.
+Tue Mar 26 01:56:33 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (primary): while/until statement modifiers to "begin"
+ statement now work as "do .. while" even when begin statement
+ has "rescue" or "ensure" [new].
+ * parse.y (bodystmt): rescue/ensure is allowed at every bodies,
+ i.e. method bodies, begin bodies, class bodies[new], and module
+ bodies[new].
+Mon Mar 25 22:10:04 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_addrinfo): should specify ai_socktype
+ for getaddrinfo hints.
+Mon Mar 25 17:18:48 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (rb_push_glob): local variable 'maxnest' was
+ uninitialized.
+Mon Mar 25 16:53:30 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_abort): embed aborting message into exception
+ object [new].
+ * eval.c (terminate_process): utility function for exit and abort.
+Tue Mar 26 14:04:47 2002 okabe katsuyuki <>
+ * win32/mkexports.rb: support VC++.NET.
+Tue Mar 26 14:00:17 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/bigfloat/bigfloat.c: Fix the initializer's function name
+ according to the new library name. (pointed out by nobu)
+Tue Mar 26 11:12:01 2002 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: new file.
+Tue Mar 26 03:23:50 2002 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pp.rb (pp): return nil like p.
+Tue Mar 26 01:48:01 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/bigfloat/extconf.rb: Downcase the library name. (
+ ->
+ * ext/bigfloat/bigfloat.c (BigFloat_inspect): Alter the inspect
+ format not to look like an array. (pointed out by akr)
+ * ext/bigfloat/bigfloat.c (BigFloat_hash): Implement BigFloat#hash.
+ * ext/bigfloat/bigfloat.c (BigFloat_dump, BigFloat_load):
+ Support marshaling.
+Tue Mar 26 00:38:11 2002 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * (FILE_READPTR): check _p for 4.4BSD.
+Mon Mar 25 23:39:25 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (FILE_READPTR): new. for IO#gets improvement.
+ * io.c (READ_DATA_PENDING_PTR): ditto.
+ * io.c (remain_size): separated from read_all().
+ * io.c (read_all): argument changed.
+ * io.c (appendline): new. get a line and append to string.
+ * io.c (swallow): new. swallow continuous line delimiters.
+ * io.c (rb_io_getline_fast): add delimiter argument.
+ * io.c (rb_io_getline): performance improvement.
+Mon Mar 25 19:30:25 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/ (arg_config): get rid of single quotes
+ for autoconf 2.53.
+Mon Mar 25 17:49:41 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * regex.c (mbc_startpos_func): VC6 seems to be unable to
+ understand forward declaration for static variables.
+ * dir.c (rb_push_glob): local variable 'maxnest' was
+ uninitialized.
+Mon Mar 25 13:24:20 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (bsock_do_not_rev_lookup_set): should not be
+ allowed when $SAFE > 3.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_ready): THREAD_TO_KILL threads should not turn
+ into THREAD_RUNNABLE on wakeup.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_list): THREAD_TO_KILL threads should be in the
+ list.
+ * eval.c (thgroup_list): ditto; by moving gid clearance from
+ rb_thread_cleanup().
+Mon Mar 25 11:06:19 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dln.c (dln_argv0): unused unless USE_DLN_A_OUT.
+ * regex.c (mbc_startpos_func): should be static.
+Sun Mar 24 12:19:09 2002 Koji Arai <>
+ * dir.c (fnmatch): "*/bar" (with FNM_PATHNAME flag) does not
+ match "foo/bar".
+Sun Mar 24 00:46:05 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * util.c (push_element): avoid warning for djgpp.
+Sat Mar 23 01:50:30 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (read_all): files on /proc filesystem with zero stat size,
+ may have contents.
+Fri Mar 22 18:07:29 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (tcp_s_gethostbyname): refactored.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_gethostbyname): ditto.
+Fri Mar 22 16:46:54 2002 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/ replace mkdir with mkpath to compile racc/cparse.
+Fri Mar 22 16:22:55 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * the VMS support patch submitted by Akiyoshi, Masamichi
+ <> is merged.
+Fri Mar 22 16:27:24 2002 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/racc/parser.rb: new file.
+ * ext/racc/MANIFEST, cparse.c, depend, extconf.rb: new files.
+ * lib/README: add racc/parser.rb.
+ * ext/Setup*: add racc/cparse.
+Fri Mar 22 15:04:03 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (exec_under): changing ruby_class is OK, but should not
+ alter cbase.
+ * eval.c (yield_under_i): ditto.
+Fri Mar 22 15:44:38 2002 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/strscan/MANIFEST, strscan.c, depend, extconf.rb: new files.
+ * ext/Setup*: add strscan entry.
+Fri Mar 22 14:32:14 2002 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: Protocol#start should return self.
+Fri Mar 22 14:14:21 2002 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb: fix arguments to create exceptions.
+ Patch from (ruby-bugs:PR#278)
+Fri Mar 22 13:51:11 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/bigfloat/.cvsignore, ext/bigfloat/MANIFEST: BigFloat 1.1.8
+ has been imported. Add .cvsignore and MANIFEST.
+Fri Mar 22 04:07:55 2002 Koji Arai <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_f_printf): discard meaningless prefix ".." for '%u'.
+Thu Mar 21 01:11:37 2002 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.status): fix install path (prefix).
+Thu Mar 21 01:03:05 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/configsub.rb: latest autoconf style support.
+Wed Mar 20 22:16:25 2002 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * mkconfig.rb: close duplicated $stdout before renaming rbconfig.rb.
+Wed Mar 20 21:54:17 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: made variables configurable.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.h): updates RUBY_PLATFORM from
+ Makefile.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.status): ditto. and use recent
+ autoconf format.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (clean): separate ext and local clean up.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (distclean): ditto.
+ * win32/ no longer used.
+Wed Mar 20 20:12:35 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c (rb_const_list): a temporary table must be freed.
+Wed Mar 20 19:44:09 2002 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * mkconfig.rb: don't touch rbconfig.rb if there is a trouble.
+Wed Mar 20 16:05:37 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (is_defined): should check receiver only once.
+ * eval.c (is_defined): should handle NODE_NEWLINE.
+Wed Mar 20 11:29:25 2002 Aristarkh A Zagorodnikov <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_expand_path): memory leak fixed.
+Wed Mar 20 00:36:43 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * util.c (ruby_getcwd): the content of buf is uncertain and must
+ not be printed when getcwd(buf, size) has failed.
+Mon Mar 18 22:19:52 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (check_modifiable): wrong declaration.
+Mon Mar 18 18:04:05 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/digest: add depend file.
+ * ext/digest/md5: ditto.
+ * ext/digest/rmd160: ditto.
+ * ext/digest/sha1: ditto.
+ * ext/digest/sha2: ditto.
+ * ext/iconv/MANIFEST: ditto.
+ * ext/stringio/MANIFEST: ditto.
+ * ext/syslog: ditto.
+Mon Mar 18 17:18:06 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_abort): should not bypass cleanup.
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (check_modifiable): void function.
+Mon Mar 18 12:52:01 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/iconv/extconf.rb: workaround for GNU libiconv.
+Mon Mar 18 10:55:03 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parse_string): part of multi-byte sequence must not
+ match to paren.
+ * parse.y (parse_qstring): ditto.
+ * parse.y (parse_quotedwords): ditto.
+ * parse.y (str_extend): handle multi-byte characters.
+Mon Mar 18 10:31:20 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enum.c (enum_find): catch a value before recycle.
+ * enum.c (enum_all): ditto.
+ * enum.c (enum_any): ditto.
+ * enum.c (enum_min): ditto.
+ * enum.c (enum_max): ditto.
+Sun Mar 17 20:08:04 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/iconv/depend: added.
+ * ext/stringio/depend: added.
+Sat Mar 16 22:43:53 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * missing/fileblocks.c: add for autoconf.
+Sat Mar 16 15:30:40 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_search): should clear last_match if pos is out of
+ string range.
+ * string.c (rb_str_index_m): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_rindex): ditto.
+Sat Mar 16 09:04:58 2002 Koji Arai <>
+ * enum.c (enum_inject): use the first iterated element as the
+ initial value when omitted.
+ * enum.c (inject_i): ditto.
+ * enum.c (Init_Enumerable): Enumerable#inject now takes variable
+ count arguments.
+Fri Mar 15 19:47:31 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (StartSockets): remove duplicated lines.
+Fri Mar 15 17:44:08 2002 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * bignum.c, intern.h (rb_ull2big, rb_ll2big, rb_ull2inum, rb_ll2inum,
+ big2ull, rb_big2ull, rb_big2ll): use LONG_LONG macro instead of
+ long long.
+ * numeric.c, intern.h, ruby.h (rb_num2ll, rb_num2ull): ditto.
+ * ruby.h: use _I64_MAX and _I64_MIN if they are defined (for VC++).
+Fri Mar 15 14:02:43 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c: fixed document, Iconv#new is no longer an
+ iterator. thanks to Tanaka Akira <>.
+Thu Mar 14 22:17:45 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/iconv: imported.
+Thu Mar 14 16:42:37 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (rb_define_class): should handle autoload.
+ * class.c (rb_define_module): ditto.
+Thu Mar 14 16:18:12 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * autoconf 2.53 support. use AC_LIBOBJ.
+Thu Mar 14 00:29:12 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_match): should clear $~ if operand is nil.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_match2): ditto.
+Thu Mar 14 12:32:59 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c: fixed frozen string bug. ungetc no
+ longer raises on readonly stream unless modifies actually.
+Thu Mar 14 08:57:41 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (rb_push_glob): avoid SEGV when a block given.
+Thu Mar 14 00:16:02 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_subpat_set): must make str independent after
+ rb_reg_search() matched.
+Wed Mar 13 19:05:15 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * dir.c: FNM_PERIOD is obsoleted and FNM_DOTMATCH is introduced
+ instead, which has the opposite meaning of FNM_PERIOD.
+ * dir.c: Dir::glob now accepts optional FNM_* flags via the second
+ argument, whereas Dir::[] doesn't.
+Wed Mar 13 18:36:55 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/getopts.rb: single_options can be nil[*], and is not not
+ optional. ([*]Pointed out by gotoken)
+Wed Mar 13 17:23:46 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * configure: merge Jonathan Baker's large file support patch
+ [ruby-talk:35316], with read_all patch in [ruby-talk:35470].
+Wed Mar 13 04:06:48 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_abort): optional message argument that be printed
+ on termination.
+Tue Mar 12 17:12:06 2002 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb: don't complete domains for absolute FQNs.
+Mon Mar 11 23:08:48 2002 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/tsort.rb: new file.
+Mon Mar 11 21:03:37 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio: new.
+Mon Mar 11 18:03:37 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): '\0111' should be '\011' plus '1',
+ since octal literals are formed by three digits at most.
+Mon Mar 11 14:44:38 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (w_object): module inclusion using extend() should
+ also be detected.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval_cmd): cbase should not be NULL; it should be
+ either ruby_wrapper or Object.
+Sun Mar 10 02:18:22 2002 Koji Arai <>
+ * enum.c (enum_each_with_index): should return self.
+ * process.c (proc_setpgrp): should return value for non-void function.
+ * process.c (proc_getpgid): should raise exception if getpgid() return -1.
+ * string.c (rb_str_ljust): should return a duplicated string.
+ * string.c (rb_str_rjust): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_center): ditto.
+Sat Mar 9 08:45:58 2002 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb (have_struct_member): don't print checked
+ result.
+Fri Mar 8 12:19:15 2002 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb: use its own thread group for background threads.
+Fri Mar 8 02:21:32 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (cvar_cbase): utility function to find innermost non
+ singleton cbase.
+ * eval.c (is_defined): adopt new cvar behavior.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): ditto.
+ * eval.c (assign): ditto.
+Thu Mar 7 20:08:25 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_source_filename): added. holds unique strings for file
+ names with GC space.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_mark): mark source file name.
+ * gc.c (gc_sweep): ditto.
+ * gc.c (Init_GC): initialize source file name table.
+ * intern.h (rb_source_filename): added.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval_string): use rb_source_filename().
+ * parse.y (yycompile): ditto.
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): ditto.
+ * ruby.c (load_file): ditto.
+ * ruby.c (ruby_script): ditto.
+ * ruby.c (ruby_prog_init): ditto.
+Wed Mar 6 17:58:08 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * dln.c (dln_load): use LoadLibrary instead of LoadLibraryEx.
+Wed Mar 6 16:50:37 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (rb_mod_clone): should not call rb_obj_clone(), since
+ Module does not provide "allocate".
+ * class.c (rb_singleton_class): should create new singleton class
+ if obj is a class or module and attached object is different,
+ which means metaclass of singleton class is sought.
+ * time.c (time_s_alloc): now follows allocation framework.
+Tue Mar 5 05:56:29 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/getopts.rb: Rewrite to fix some bugs and complete features.
+ - Accept options with the colon in the first argument;
+ getopts("a:bcd:") is equivalent to getopts("bc", "a:", "d:").
+ - Do not discard the argument that caused an error.
+ - Do not discard '-', which commonly stands for stdin or stdout.
+ - Allow specifying a long option with a value using '='.
+ (command --long-option=value)
+ - Stop reading options when it meets a non-option argument.
+Mon Mar 4 13:19:18 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/ (dir_config): Sync with mkmf.rb: Fix a bug where
+ --with-xx-{include,lib} is ignored when --with-xx-dir is
+ specified.
+Mon Mar 4 00:09:55 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): should initialize outer class variables from
+ methods in singleton class definitions.
+ * eval.c (assign): ditto.
+Fri Mar 1 11:29:10 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/socket/{addinfo.h,getaddrinfo.c} (gai_strerror): add const
+ qualifier only for uClibc.
+Fri Mar 1 11:22:51 2002 Amos Gouaux <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb: added document.
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (getquotaroot): new method.
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (setacl): remove the rights if the rights
+ parameter is nil.
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (getacl): return an array of MailboxACLItem.
+Fri Mar 1 06:25:49 2002 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb (have_struct_member): new method.
+ check msg_control and msg_accrights in struct msghdr. check
+ sys/uio.h.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: include sys/uio.h if available.
+ (thread_read_select): new function.
+ (unix_send_io): ditto.
+ (unix_recv_io): ditto.
+ (unix_s_socketpair): ditto.
+ (Init_socket): define UNIXSocket#send_io, UNIXSocket#recv_io,
+ UNIXSocket.socketpair and UNIXSocket.pair.
+ * dln.c (dln_load): fix typo.
+Wed Feb 27 16:30:50 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_include): load modules in argument order.
+ * st.c (st_init_table_with_size): num_bins should be prime numbers
+ (no decrement).
+ * st.c (rehash): ditto.
+Wed Feb 27 13:18:49 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * io.c (READ_DATA_PENDING): uClibc support.
+ * random.c (rand_init): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/{addinfo.h,getaddrinfo.c} (gai_strerror): ditto.
+Wed Feb 27 07:05:17 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/sha2/sha2.c: Merge from rough. Fix a couple of
+ off-by-one errors in Aaron Gifford's code.
+ Obtained from: KAME via FreeBSD
+ KAME PR: 393
+ FreeBSD PR: kern/34242
+Wed Feb 27 03:36:47 2002 Koji Arai <>
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c (fdbm_select): 1.7 behavior.
+ * ext/gdbm/gdbm.c (fgdbm_select): ditto.
+ * ext/sdbm/sdbm.c (fsdbm_select): ditto.
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c (fdbm_delete): adopt Hash#delete behavior.
+ * ext/sdbm/sdbm.c (fsdbm_delete): ditto.
+ * ext/gdbm/gdbm.c: need not to dup key to the block.
+ * ext/sdbm/sdbm.c : replace RuntimeError with SDBMError.
+Tue Feb 26 21:34:07 2002 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_2comp): void function cannot return any value.
+Tue Feb 26 16:52:12 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_missing): NoMethod error messages for true, false,
+ nil must respond visibility like for other objects.
+Tue Feb 26 15:41:30 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): call trace_func for if/while conditions.
+ * marshal.c (r_object): separate r_regist from proc calling.
+Tue Feb 26 11:25:50 2002 akira yamada <>
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb: merge0 should return [oth, oth] if oth is
+ absolute URI.
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb: registry part must not be allowed for any
+ schemes for the Internet. (RFC2396, section 3.2.2 and 3.2.1.)
+Mon Feb 25 21:22:41 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/syslog/syslog.c: Merge from rough. Use SafeStringValue().
+Mon Feb 25 21:12:08 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/syslog/syslog.c: Merge from rough. Turn Syslog into a
+ module keeping backward compatibility intact.
+Mon Feb 25 19:35:48 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sample/test.rb (system): test with scripts under the source
+ directory.
+Mon Feb 25 15:14:01 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (method_inspect): should not dump core for unbound
+ singleton methods.
+ * object.c (rb_mod_to_s): better description.
+Mon Feb 25 13:32:13 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/shell.rb (Shell::expand_path): relative to @cwd.
+Mon Feb 25 06:30:11 2002 Koji Arai <>
+ * hash.c (env_select): should path the assoc list.
+Sun Feb 24 17:20:22 2002 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/*/*.h: Merge from rough.
+ - Avoid namespace pollution. (MD5_* -> rb_Digest_MD5_*, etc.)
+Sat Feb 23 21:12:13 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * process.c (rb_syswait): thread kludge; should be fixed to
+ support native thread.
+Fri Feb 22 21:20:53 2002 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: set read_timeout dynamically.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: @@newimpl is always true in the main trunk.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: HTTP.port -> default_port
+ * lib/net/http.rb: HTTPResponse.read_response_status ->
+ read_status_line
+Fri Feb 22 19:56:15 2002 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * win32/ set LIBRUBY_SO.
+Fri Feb 22 03:34:38 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (get2comp): need to specify to carry or not.
+ * io.c (rb_io_inspect): embed path info.
+Fri Feb 22 11:30:01 2002 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/prettyprint.rb: FillGroup implemented.
+Thu Feb 21 21:40:18 2002 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * ext/ (create_makefile): remove unnecessary -L option from
+ LIBS macro.
+Thu Feb 21 02:49:12 2002 Koji Arai <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): wrong # comment treatment.
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): ditto.
+Wed Feb 20 15:15:03 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * intern.h: prototypes; rb_io_addstr(), rb_io_printf(),
+ rb_io_print(), rb_io_puts()
+ * io.c (rb_io_addstr): make extern.
+ * io.c (rb_io_printf): ditto.
+ * io.c (rb_io_print): ditto.
+ * io.c (rb_io_puts): ditto.
+Wed Feb 20 13:41:35 2002 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_close): return Qnil.
+Wed Feb 20 12:41:59 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_any_cmp): should handle Qundef in keys.
+ * eval.c (remove_method): should not remove a empty method to
+ implement "undef".
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): should allow singleton class def for
+ true/false/nil.
+Tue Feb 19 21:43:32 2002 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: rename Protocol.port to default_port.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: rename BufferedSocket class to
+ InternetMessageIO.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: rename InternetMessageIO#write_pendstr to
+ write_message.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: new method
+ InternetMessageIO#through_message.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: rename InternetMessageIO#read_pendstr to
+ read_message_to.
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: rename InternetMessageIO#read_pendlist to
+ each_list_item
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: Now block size is 1024.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: new methods SMTP#esmtp? and #esmtp=.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: Using singleton method syntax instead of
+ singleton class clause, to avoid behavior change of class
+ variables in ruby 1.7.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: HTTPResponse class does not inherit from
+ Net::Response.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: divide HTTP#connecting into
+ {begin,end}_transport.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: unused class Accumulator removed.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: Net::HTTP reads response. not HTTPRequest.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: proxy related class-instance-variables are not
+ initialized correctly.
+Tue Feb 19 20:20:12 2002 Ed Sinjiashvili <>
+ * parse.y (str_extend): backslash escape was done wrong.
+Tue Feb 19 17:10:25 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (path_check_1): do not fail on world writable *parent*
+ directories too.
+Tue Feb 19 15:51:41 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (path_check_1): do not warn on world writable *parent*
+ directories.
+ * class.c (rb_include_module): should preserve ancestor order in
+ the included class/module.
+Tue Feb 19 14:45:32 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (path_check_1): should check directory sticky bits.
+ * process.c (security): need not to warn twice.
+ * marshal.c (r_object): complete restoration before calling
+ r_regist().
+Tue Feb 19 14:24:36 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): operators in the "op" rule should make
+ lex_state EXPR_ARG on EXPR_FNAME and EXPR_DOT.
+Tue Feb 19 13:38:10 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval_string_wrap): should hide the toplevel local
+ variable bindings by PUSH_SCOPE().
+Tue Feb 19 13:21:51 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * regex.c: fix prototypes of xmalloc(), xcalloc() and xrealloc().
+Tue Feb 19 13:16:08 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_ungetc): don't fail pushed EOF back.
+Mon Feb 18 20:48:40 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): avoid infinite loop at comment.
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): ditto.
+Mon Feb 18 14:06:28 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-block-hanging-re): rescue block was too
+ indented.
+Mon Feb 18 13:56:44 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (expr_value, arg_value, primary_value): value_expr()
+ check in place.
+ * eval.c (block_pass): "&nil" should clear block given.
+Mon Feb 18 02:05:56 2002 Wolfgang Jahrling <>
+ * dir.c (push_braces): remove MAXPATHLEN dependency.
+ * dir.c (dir_s_globd): ditto.
+ * dln.c (init_funcname): ditto.
+ * dln.c (load_1): ditto.
+ * dln.c (dln_load): ditto.
+ * add GNU/Hurd switches.
+Fri Feb 15 17:44:26 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): allows comment in template strings.
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): ditto.
+Sun Feb 17 23:41:37 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * mkconfig.rb (Config::expand): expand ${} too.
+ * ext/ (try_link0): expand command.
+ * ext/ (try_cpp): ditto.
+ * ext/ (extmake): default $LIBPATH to $libdir
+Sun Feb 17 21:39:24 2002 Tetsuya Watanabe <>
+ * ext/digest/md5/md5init.c (Init_md5): rb_cvar_declare() is
+ replaced by rb_cvar_set().
+ * ext/digest/rmd160/rmd160init.c (Init_rmd160): ditto.
+ * ext/digest/sha1/sha1init.c (Init_sha1): ditto.
+ * ext/digest/sha2/sha2init.c (Init_sha2): ditto.
+Sun Feb 17 18:10:09 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c (rb_define_class): warn unless superclass is specified
+ explicitly.
+ * class.c (rb_define_class_under): ditto.
+Thu Feb 16 02:11:08 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-font-lock-keywords): fontify
+ instance/class/global variables start with '_'.
+Fri Feb 15 14:40:38 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): replace rb_cvar_declare() by rb_cvar_set().
+ * eval.c (assign): ditto.
+ * variable.c (rb_cvar_set): 4th argument (warn) added; define new
+ class variable if it's not defined yet.
+ * variable.c (rb_cvar_declare): removed.
+Fri Feb 15 13:36:58 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_rshift): should properly convert the negative
+ value to 2's compliment.
+Thu Feb 14 17:38:35 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y: avoid SEGV at OP_ASIGN to pseudo variable.
+Thu Feb 14 14:13:16 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * struct.c (Init_Struct): should undefine "allocate" for Struct
+ class (it's redefined in the subclasses).
+Wed Feb 13 17:58:12 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (stmt): local variable declaration order was changed
+ since 1.6
+ * parse.y (arg): ditto.
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): add templates 'q' and 'Q'.
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): ditto.
+ * bignum.c (rb_quad_pack): new utility function.
+ * bignum.c (rb_quad_unpack): ditto.
+Tue Feb 12 01:21:34 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (assignable): should emit CVASGN within the method
+ body.
+Mon Feb 11 06:13:53 2002 Matt Armstrong <>
+ * dir.c (dir_s_glob): should not warn even if no match found.
+Mon Feb 11 04:25:54 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): clean up class variable behavior.
+ * eval.c (assign): ditto.
+ * eval.c (is_defined): ditto.
+ * variable.c (rb_mod_class_variables): need not to call rb_cvar_singleton().
+ * variable.c (rb_cvar_singleton): removed.
+Mon Feb 11 00:10:41 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_fastmap): skip begpos.
+Sun Feb 10 16:52:53 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (load_file): avoid SEGV on '#' only input.
+Fri Feb 8 23:07:23 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): singleton check should be moved from yycompile
+ to here.
+ * eval.c (is_defined): check should be added here too.
+Fri Feb 8 05:31:48 2002 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: HTTP.Proxy should use self for proxy-class's
+ super class.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: initialize HTTP.proxy_port by HTTP.port.
+Fri Feb 8 01:27:33 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yycompile): should inherit "in_single" if eval happened
+ in a singleton method.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): class variables from singleton methods defined
+ within singleton class statement should work like ones defined
+ by singleton def statements.
+Thu Feb 7 13:44:08 2002 akira yamada <>
+ * uri/common.rb (URI::join): new method.
+ * uri/generic.rb (Generic#merge): URI.parse("http://a/")+"b" should
+ return "http://a/b" but it returned "http://a//b".
+ * uri/generic.rb (Generic#check_path): corrected error message,
+ @path -> v
+Thu Feb 7 00:18:43 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (io_write): flag when buffered write is done.
+ * io.c (fptr_finalize): do not raise error on EBADF if write
+ buffer is empty.
+Wed Feb 6 17:18:54 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * keep old config.h unless changed.
+Wed Feb 6 13:28:53 2002 Amos Gouaux <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb: OpenSSL support.
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (setquota): unset quota if the second argument
+ is nil.
+Wed Feb 6 13:05:11 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_readlines): avoid calling GetOpenFile() repeatedly.
+ * io.c (rb_io_each_line): ditto.
+ * io.c (argf_getline): ditto.
+ * process.c: should include <time.h> to get proper CLK_TCK.
+Wed Feb 6 02:10:30 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (fptr_finalize): ignore EBADF when f and f2 use same
+ descriptor.
+Tue Feb 5 16:17:20 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (fptr_finalize): should raise error when fclose fails.
+ * eval.c (method_inspect): proper output format to distinguish
+ methods and singleton methods.
+Mon Feb 4 22:44:58 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_expand_path): should terminate.
+Mon Feb 4 15:38:29 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_class_real): should not follow ICLASS link
+ * variable.c (classname): should follow ICLASS link explicitly.
+ * eval.c (rb_call): ditto.
+Fri Feb 1 19:10:04 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * intern.h: prototypes for new functions; rb_cstr_to_inum(),
+ rb_str_to_inum(), rb_cstr_to_dbl(), rb_str_to_dbl()
+ * bignum.c (rb_cstr_to_inum): changed from rb_cstr2inum(), and
+ added argument badcheck to be consistent with parser. [new]
+ * bignum.c (rb_str_to_inum): ditto.
+ * bignum.c (rb_cstr2inum): wrapper of rb_cstr_to_inum() now.
+ * bignum.c (rb_str2inum): ditto.
+ * object.c (rb_cstr_to_dbl): float number parser. [new]
+ * object.c (rb_str_to_dbl): ditto.
+ * object.c (rb_Float): use rb_cstr_to_dbl() for strict check.
+ * object.c (rb_Integer): use rb_str_to_inum() for strict check.
+ * string.c (rb_str_to_f): use rb_str_to_dbl() with less check.
+ * string.c (rb_str_to_i): use rb_str_to_inum() with less check.
+ * string.c (rb_str_hex): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_oct): ditto.
+ * sprintf.c (rb_f_sprintf): ditto.
+ * time.c (obj2long): ditto.
+ * parse.y (yylex): use rb_cstr_to_inum() for strict check.
+Fri Feb 1 17:46:39 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * regex.c (mbc_startpos): become macro.
+ * regex.c (euc_startpos): added for improvement.
+ * regex.c (sjis_startpos): ditto.
+ * regex.c (utf8_startpos): ditto.
+Fri Feb 1 00:03:30 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (rb_stat_inspect): print dev, rdev in hexadecimal.
+Thu Jan 31 20:45:33 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (dir_config): prior --with flag.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (arg_config): avoid special variables for
+ font-lock-mode.
+Thu Jan 31 13:22:36 2002 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pp.rb (File::Stat#pretty_print): print rdev_major and rdev_minor.
+Wed Jan 30 15:58:04 2002 K.Kosako <>
+ * regex.c (re_adjust_startpos): fix for SJIS and UTF-8.
+ * regex.c (mbc_startpos): ditto.
+Wed Jan 30 13:37:05 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_search): should set regs.allocated.
+Wed Jan 30 02:25:38 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * regex.c (re_adjust_startpos): search start of multibyte
+ backward.
+ * regex.c (mbc_startpos): ditto.
+Tue Jan 29 17:59:20 2002 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * file.c: `major' and `minor' macro needs sys/mkdev.h on SunOS 5.x.
+ * add check for `sys/mkdev.h'.
+ * lib/pp.rb: don't print a mode File::Stat as decimal number.
+Mon Jan 28 19:16:58 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_fill): shouldn't yield unless block given.
+Mon Jan 28 18:33:18 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): strict check for numbers.
+Mon Jan 28 18:01:01 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (rb_stat_rdev_major): added. [new]
+ * file.c (rb_stat_rdev_minor): added. [new]
+ * file.c (rb_stat_inspect): print mode in octal.
+Mon Jan 28 13:29:41 2002 K.Kosako <>
+ * eval.c (is_defined): defined?(Foo::Baz) should check constants
+ only, no methods.
+ * eval.c (is_defined): should not dump core on defined?(a::b)
+ where a is not a class nor a module.
+Mon Jan 28 02:50:12 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (Init_Object): remove dup and clone from TrueClass,
+ FalseClass, and NilClass.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_fill): Array#fill takes block to get the value to
+ fill.
+Sat Jan 26 20:05:18 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_to_i): to_i(0) auto-detects base radix.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_initialize): fill by the block evaluation value
+ if block is given.
+Fri Jan 25 17:48:43 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * (solaris): add '-shared' only for GNU ld.
+Fri Jan 25 17:16:23 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (rb_include_module): detect cyclic module inclusion.
+Fri Jan 25 02:17:56 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_cleanup): need not to free thread stacks at
+ process termination.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_fetch): use the block to get the default value
+ if the block is given.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_schedule): should check time only if BOTH
+Thu Jan 24 11:49:05 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (umethod_bind): should update rklass field.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_update): if a block is given, yields [key,
+ value1, value2] to the block to resolve conflict.
+Thu Jan 24 05:42:01 2002 Koji Arai <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_split_m): no need to consider KANJI
+ characters, if the length of separator is 1 (byte).
+Wed Jan 23 16:07:31 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (Init_Array): remove Array#filter.
+Wed Jan 23 13:27:44 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): restore source file/line after yield.
+Wed Jan 23 02:00:14 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_mod_initialize): should accept zero argument.
+ * object.c (rb_mod_cmp): should raise ArgumentError if
+ inheritance/inclusion relation between two classes/modules is
+ not defined. [new]
+Tue Jan 22 17:45:23 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_fsync): new method. [new]
+Mon Jan 21 22:57:18 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * signal.c (ruby_signal): must define sighandler_t for every
+ occasion.
+Mon Jan 21 08:25:30 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_stop): should not trace error handler.
+ * signal.c (install_sighandler): do not install sighandler unless
+ the old value is SIG_DFL.
+ * io.c (io_write): should not raise exception on O_NONBLOCK io.
+ * dir.c (dir_set_pos): seek should return dir, pos= should not.
+Sat Jan 19 02:31:45 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): need not to clear method cache for NODE_CLASS,
+ * gc.c (obj_free): need not to clear method cache on class/module
+ finalization.
+Fri Jan 18 23:38:03 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_fetch): index out of range raises exception
+ unless optional second argument is specified.
+Fri Jan 18 17:32:09 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_new): block check moved from initialize to this
+ method.
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_open): open should call initialize too. IO#for_fd
+ also calls initialize. [new]
+Fri Jan 18 10:26:33 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * error.c (rb_sys_fail): replace INT2FIX() by INT2NUM() since
+ errno value may not fit in Fixnum size on Hurd.
+ * error.c (set_syserr): ditto.
+Fri Jan 18 10:12:00 2002 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (tcp_svr_s_open): fix typo.
+Fri Jan 18 02:27:48 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dir.c (dir_s_glob): returns nil if block given.
+ * io.c (rb_io_each_byte): should return self.
+ * io.c (rb_io_close_m): close check added.
+ * dir.c (dir_seek): should return pos.
+Fri Jan 18 01:21:53 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (fixpos): orig may be (NODE*)1, which should not be
+ dereferenced.
+Thu Jan 17 16:21:42 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (block_pass): allow "retry" from within argument passed
+ block. [new]
+ * eval.c (localjump_error): should preserve exit status in the
+ exception object. [new]
+ * eval.c (proc_invoke): should raise exception for "break" if it's
+ yielding, not calling. [new]
+ * eval.c (block_pass): should NOT raise exception for "break". [new]
+ * eval.c (block_pass): should allow block argument relay even in
+ the tainted mode.
+Thu Jan 17 09:43:05 2002 TAKAHASHI Kaoru <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-add-log-current-method): New function
+ for `add-log-current-defun-function'.
+Thu Jan 17 04:51:48 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: support subclassing by proper "initialize"
+ calling convention. [new]
+Wed Jan 16 18:25:08 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * st.c: primes should be primes.
+Wed Jan 16 12:29:14 2002 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/timeout.rb (timeout): new optional argument to specify an
+ exception class.
+ * lib/resolv.rb: use Resolv::ResolvTimeout for internal timeout to
+ avoid problem with timeout of application.
+Wed Jan 16 11:12:30 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (rb_Float): remove underscores between digits.
+ * bignum.c (rb_cstr2inum): reject prefix followed by spaces only.
+ * class.c (rb_class_inherited): should use Object when no super
+ class.
+Tue Jan 15 01:11:44 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (is_defined): method defined? check should honor
+ protected too.
+Mon Jan 14 13:06:02 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (block_pass): should not pass tainted block, if $SAFE > 0.
+Sun Jan 13 09:31:41 2002 Koji Arai <>
+ * variable.c (rb_mod_remove_cvar): should pass the char*.
+Fri Jan 11 05:06:25 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c (rb_make_metaclass): [new]
+ * class.c (rb_define_class_id): use rb_make_metaclass(), don't
+ call Class#inherited hook.
+ * class.c (rb_class_inherited): [new]
+ * class.c (rb_define_class): call Class#inherited hook here.
+ * class.c (rb_define_class_under): ditto after class path is set.
+ * class.c (rb_singleton_class): use rb_make_metaclass().
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): same as rb_define_class_under().
+ * intern.h: prototypes of rb_make_metaclass() and
+ rb_class_inherited().
+ * object.c (rb_class_s_new): use rb_make_metaclass() and
+ rb_class_inherited().
+ * object.c (Init_Object): use rb_make_metaclass().
+ * struct.c (make_struct): use rb_class_inherited().
+Thu Jan 10 19:15:15 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_add_method): should clear cache by id always.
+ * eval.c (rb_disable_super): no longer need to clear cache before
+ rb_add_method().
+ * eval.c (rb_export_method): ditto.
+ * eval.c (rb_attr): ditto.
+ * eval.c (rb_undef): ditto.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): ditto.
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_modfunc): ditto.
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_define_method): ditto.
+Thu Jan 10 11:42:47 2002 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * win32/resource.rb: Modify copyright in resource script.
+Thu Jan 10 07:15:44 2002 takuma ozawa <>
+ * re.c (match_select): should propagate taintness.
+Thu Jan 10 00:54:57 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_set_default): Hash#default= should return the
+ new value.
+Wed Jan 9 20:21:09 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-calculate-indent): indentation after
+ comment at beginning of buffer failed.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (font-lock-defaults): unless XEmacs, set
+ font-lock variables in ruby-mode-hook.
+Tue Jan 8 15:56:20 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_to_i): accepts optional base argument. [new]
+ * numeric.c (rb_fix2str): should not handle negative fixnum values
+ int32 via calling sprintf() directly.
+Tue Jan 8 15:54:02 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_add_method): clear replaced method from the cache.
+Mon Jan 7 12:38:47 2002 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/time.rb (Time#xmlschema): new optional argument
+ fractional_seconds to specify a number of digits of
+ fractional part of the time.
+Sat Jan 5 13:18:11 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * range.c (range_member): beginning check was
+ wrong. [ruby-talk:30252]
+Sat Jan 5 03:07:34 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_new2): NULL pointer check added.
+Sat Jan 5 00:19:12 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (yycompile): strdup()'ed twice.
+Fri Jan 4 18:29:10 2002 Michal Rokos <>
+ * class.c (rb_define_module_under): should locate predefined
+ module using rb_const_defined_at().
+Fri Jan 4 17:23:49 2002 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-forward-string): forward a string. [new]
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-parse-region): handle nested parentheses
+ in a string and terminators in #{}.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-calculate-indent): ditto.
+Wed Jan 2 23:34:25 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): add -I. to CPPFLAGS.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): srcdir support(.def and depend file).
+Wed Jan 2 11:51:56 2002 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * process.c (rb_f_system): abandon vfork.
+ * io.c (pipe_open): ditto.
+Tue Jan 1 02:16:48 2002 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/curses/extconf.rb: add dir_config.
+ * (fake.rb): set RUBY_VERSION.
+Mon Dec 31 14:20:46 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (yycompile): always store copy of filename.
+ * parse.y (rb_compile_file): no longer need to strdup() here.
+Mon Dec 31 05:26:40 2001 Ferris McCormick <>
+ * defines.h: sparc linux needs different FLUSH_REGISTER_WINDOWS
+Mon Dec 31 04:27:28 2001 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: Protocol#start returns the return value of
+ block.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: set timeout limit by default.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: new methods WriteAdapter#write, puts,
+ print, printf.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: rename HTTP#get2 to request_get, post2 to
+ request_post ...
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: should not resolve HELO domain automatically.
+Sun Dec 30 00:59:16 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/, lib/mkmf.rb (have_library): accept -lm
+ unconditionally on mswin32/mingw32.
+Sat Dec 29 01:55:42 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_search): abandon stclass optimization.
+Fri Dec 28 14:39:05 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_cmpint): fixed typo.
+Thu Dec 27 18:43:04 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_cstr2inum): deny "0_".
+Thu Dec 27 01:54:02 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_cstr2inum): allow "0\n" and so on.
+Wed Dec 26 19:24:21 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * error.c (rb_invalid_str): utility function to show inspect()'ed
+ string.
+ * bignum.c (rb_cstr2inum): prints invalid strings in inspect()'ed
+ format.
+ * object.c (rb_Float): ditto.
+Wed Dec 26 02:41:29 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_convert_type): no longer use rb_rescue().
+Tue Dec 25 18:32:16 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_search): initialize taint status of match object.
+Tue Dec 25 02:37:49 2001 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pp.rb, lib/prettyprint.rb: new files.
+Tue Dec 25 02:11:17 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_convert_type): check method response check before
+ invoking rb_rescue().
+ * object.c (rb_check_convert_type): ditto.
+Mon Dec 24 02:37:40 2001 Le Wang <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-font-lock-syntactic-keywords):
+ fix font-lock problem [ruby-talk:29296].
+Sat Dec 22 22:52:14 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_timeval): wrong cast to time_t.
+ * time.c (time_plus): ditto.
+Fri Dec 21 20:33:34 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * parse.y (str_extend): make up "#$;" handling.
+Fri Dec 21 16:18:17 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dln.h, ruby.h, util.h: enable prototypes in C++.
+Fri Dec 21 15:12:41 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_plus): result should not be negative unless
+ NEGATIVE_TIME_T is defined.
+ * time.c (time_new_internal): should check tv_sec overflow too.
+ * time.c (time_timeval): should check time_t range when time is
+ initialized from float.
+ * time.c (time_plus): uses modf(3).
+Fri Dec 21 03:15:52 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_define_method): must not convert Method to Proc.
+Fri Dec 21 01:17:57 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (with_destdir): new.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: prefix target directories with $(DESTDIR) all.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: no need to mkdir $(libdir)
+Thu Dec 20 14:08:20 2001 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: rename Net::Socket to Net::BufferedSocket
+Thu Dec 20 13:51:52 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * variable.c (rb_cvar_set): add frozen class/module check.
+ * variable.c (rb_cvar_declare): add frozen class/module check.
+Thu Dec 20 01:01:50 2001 takuma ozawa <>
+ * re.c (match_to_a): should propagate taint.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_s_quote): ditto.
+Wed Dec 19 16:58:29 2001 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c: new methods
+ Readline::basic_word_break_characters,
+ Readline::basic_word_break_characters=,
+ Readline::completer_word_break_characters,
+ Readline::completer_word_break_characters=,
+ Readline::basic_quote_characters,
+ Readline::basic_quote_characters=,
+ Readline::completer_quote_characters,
+ Readline::completer_quote_characters=,
+ Readline::filename_quote_characters,
+ Readline::filename_quote_characters=.
+Wed Dec 19 14:05:00 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_define_method): define_method should follow
+ default method visibility.
+ * eval.c (rb_attr): should warn if the default method visibility
+ is "module_function" (can be error).
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_define_method): should define class/module method
+ also if the visibility is "module_function".
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_define_method): should call hook method
+ "method_added", and "singleton_method_added".
+Wed Dec 19 11:42:13 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * string.c: use RESIZE_CAPA for capacity change.
+Wed Dec 19 03:08:40 2001 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/time.rb: date.rb is not required anymore.
+ * lib/resolv.rb: fix document. refine IPv6 regex.
+Tue Dec 18 23:24:53 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (Init_socket): add listen method to
+ TCPServer and UNIXServer.
+Tue Dec 18 17:54:53 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * sample/test.rb: Hash#indexes -> Hash#select.
+Tue Dec 18 01:02:13 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_schedule): should not select a thread which is
+ not yet initialized.
+Mon Dec 17 18:53:49 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_replace): swap arguments of OBJ_INFECT.
+Mon Dec 17 16:52:20 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * intern.h: add prototypes.
+ rb_gc_enable(), rb_gc_disable(), rb_gc_start(), rb_str_new5()
+ rb_str_buf_append(), rb_str_buf_cat(), rb_str_buf_cat2(),
+ rb_str_dup_frozen()
+ * ruby.h: added declaration.
+ rb_defout, rb_stdin, rb_stdout, rb_stderr, ruby_errinfo
+ * rubyio.h: changed double include guard macro to RUBYIO_H.
+ * array.c (inspect_call): make static.
+ * eval.c (dvar_asgn): ditto.
+ * io.c (rb_io_close_read): ditto.
+ * lex.c (rb_reserved_word): ditto.
+ * ruby.c: (req_list_head, req_list_last): ditto.
+ * ruby.c (require_libraries): ditto.
+Mon Dec 17 15:41:24 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_plus): wrong boundary check.
+ * time.c (time_minus): ditto.
+Mon Dec 17 15:19:32 2001 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c: new method `gmtoff', `gmt_offset' and `utc_offset'.
+ (time_utc_offset): new function.
+ (Init_Time): bind above methods to `time_utc_offset'.
+ * time.c: 64bit time_t support.
+ (time_s_at): use NUM2LONG instead of NUM2INT for tv_sec.
+ (time_arg): initialize tm_isdst correctly.
+ use long to initialize tm_year.
+ (search_time_t): renamed from `make_time_t'.
+ (make_time_t): call `timegm' and `mktime' instead of `search_time_t'
+ if available.
+ (time_to_i): use LONG2NUM instead of INT2NUM.
+ (time_localtime): check localtime failure.
+ (time_gmtime): check gmtime failure.
+ (time_year): use LONG2NUM instead of INT2FIX.
+ (time_to_a): use long for tm_year.
+ (time_dump): check tm_year which is not representable with 17bit.
+ (time_load): initialize tm_isdst.
+ * check existence of `mktime' and `timegm'.
+ check existence of tm_gmtoff field of struct tm.
+ fix negative time_t for 64bit time_t.
+ * missing/strftime.c: fix overflow by tm_year + 1900.
+ * lib/time.rb: use Time#utc_offset.
+Mon Dec 17 00:02:04 2001 Guy Decoux <>
+ * variable.c (find_class_path): should initialize iv_tbl if it's
+Fri Dec 14 04:23:36 2001 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: new method Net::POP3.APOP
+ * lib/net/http.rb: set default Content-Type to
+ x-www-form-urlencoded (causes warning)
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: remove Net::NetPrivate module.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: ditto.
+Fri Dec 14 00:16:06 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (rb_define_class): should return the existing class if
+ the class is already defined and its superclass is identical to
+ the specified superclass.
+ * class.c (rb_define_class_under): ditto.
+ * class.c (rb_define_module): should return the existing module if
+ the module is already defined.
+Thu Dec 13 09:52:59 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_new_internal): avoid loop to calculate negative
+ div, mod.
+ * time.c (time_cmp): should handle Bignums.
+Tue Dec 11 17:39:16 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_pop): should ELTS_SHARED flag check before
+Tue Dec 11 12:45:28 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_match_m): should convert an argument into
+ regexp if it's a string.
+Tue Dec 11 03:40:23 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_select): Array#select(n,m,...) now works like
+ Array#indexes(n,m,..). [new, experimental]
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_select): ditto.
+ * hash.c (env_select): ditto.
+ * re.c (match_select): ditto.
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_select): ditto.
+Tue Dec 11 03:17:19 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (rb_class_real): follow included modules.
+Mon Dec 10 23:37:51 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * util.h: change prototype of ruby_qsort() to accord with its
+ definition.
+Mon Dec 10 20:30:01 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * gc.c (STR_ASSOC): use FL_USER3 instead of FL_USER2.
+Mon Dec 10 17:40:02 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * parse.y (str_extend): make up pushback call.
+Mon Dec 10 02:09:28 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_modify): should copy the internal buffer if the
+ modifying buffer is shared.
+ * array.c (ary_make_shared): make an internal buffer of an array
+ to be shared.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_shift): avoid sliding an internal buffer by
+ using shared buffer.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_subseq): avoid copying the buffer.
+Mon Dec 10 01:06:56 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (gettable): should freeze __FILE__ string.
+Sun Dec 9 18:06:26 2001 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: calls on_connect before conn_command
+Sat Dec 8 23:27:44 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_puts): old behavior restored. rationale: a) if you
+ want to call to_s for arrays, you can just call print a, "\n".
+ b) to_s wastes memory if array (and sum of its contents) is
+ huge. c) now any object that has to_ary is treated as an array,
+ using rb_check_convert_type().
+Sat Dec 8 22:40:38 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_initialize): now accepts a block to calculate
+ the default value. [new]
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_aref): call "default" method to get the value
+ corresponding to the non existing key.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_default): get the default value based on the
+ block given to 'new'. Now it takes an optional "key" argument.
+ "default" became the method to get the value for non existing
+ key. Users may override "default" method to change the hash
+ behavior.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_set_default): clear the flag if a block is given
+ to 'new'
+Sat Dec 8 02:29:54 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (Init_Object): undef Data.allocate, left
+Fri Dec 7 19:12:14 2001 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: requires at least one arg.
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: requires at least one arg.
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: uses "raise *" instead of simple raise.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: requires at least one arg.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: changes implicit start algorithm.
+Fri Dec 7 15:49:39 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * ext/ ignore adding -Wl,-R to DLDFLAGS when the directory
+ is $topdir.
+Fri Dec 7 13:58:58 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (window_scrollok): use RTEST().
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (window_idlok): ditto.
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (window_keypad): ditto.
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (window_idlok): idlok() may return void on
+ some platforms; so don't use return value.
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (window_scrollok): ditto for consistency.
+ * ext/curses/curses.c: replace FIX2INT() by typechecking NUM2INT().
+Fri Dec 7 09:51:00 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (str_extend): should not process immature #$x and
+ #@x interpolation, e.g #@#@ etc.
+Fri Dec 7 03:21:18 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (enum_sort_by): sort_by does not have to be stable always.
+ * enum.c (enum_sort_by): call qsort directly to gain performance.
+Thu Dec 6 18:52:28 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * ext/ add -Wl,-R flags to DLDFLAGS on netbsdelf.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: ditto.
+Thu Dec 6 09:15:14 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * util.c (ruby_qsort): ruby_qsort(qs6) is now native thread safe.
+ * error.c (rb_sys_fail): it must be a bug if it's called when
+ errno == 0.
+Wed Dec 5 23:36:56 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (WC2MBC1ST): should not pass through > 0x80 number in UTF-8.
+Wed Dec 5 20:05:18 2001 Florian Frank <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (bsock_send): should raise EWOULDBLOCK
+ exception.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (s_recvfrom): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (s_accept): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (udp_send): ditto.
+Tue Dec 4 17:43:10 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.h (DUPSETUP): new SETUP macro for duplication.
+ * time.c (time_dup): implement in Time class using DUPSETUP.
+ * time.c (time_getlocaltime): new method; probably requires
+ better name than getlocaltime. [new,experimental]
+ * time.c (time_getgmtime): ditto.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_dup): uses DUPSETUP.
+ * string.c (rb_str_dup): uses DUPSETUP. now properly copies
+ instance variables too.
+Tue Dec 4 03:49:06 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (io_fread): EAGAIN/EWOULDBLOCK should not terminate and
+ throw away the input.
+ * time.c (time_new_internal): underflow adjustment must not use
+ negative div/mod.
+ * time.c (time_cmp): should consider tv_usec on non Fixnum number
+ comparison.
+Sun Dec 9 23:00:54 2001 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * matrix.rb: Vector#* bug. reported from Massimiliano Mirra
+ <>.
+Sun Dec 9 22:15:59 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enum.c (enum_sort_by): should replace with last elements.
+Mon Dec 3 16:06:57 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: remove -L/usr/local/lib.
+ * add -Wl,-export-dynamic on NetBSD.
+Mon Dec 3 16:04:16 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * not use X11BASE, since it's not always set.
+Mon Dec 3 13:53:49 2001 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (rb_strftime): buffer length condition was wrong.
+ * time.c (time_strftime): should backup buf to the original
+ buffer.
+Mon Dec 3 09:59:08 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_plus): must detect result overflow.
+ * time.c (time_minus): ditto.
+ * time.c (time_new_internal): round usec overflow and underflow
+ here.
+ * time.c (time_plus): move operand overflow/underflow check to
+ time_new_internal().
+ * time.c (time_minus): ditto.
+ * time.c (time_cmp): should consider tv_usec too.
+Mon Dec 3 03:32:22 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * apply patch from NetBSD's pkgsrc (patch-aa).
+Sun Dec 2 22:01:52 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * use GCC, not without_gcc. remove without_gcc.
+ * ext/curses/extconf.rb: check for curses.h.
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb: check if $CFLAGS includes DBM_HDR.
+Sat Dec 1 12:13:20 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_gmtime): time_modify() should be called even if tm
+ struct is not calculated yet.
+Fri Nov 30 17:02:55 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * set target_cpu to i386 on cygwin and mingw32.
+ * default --enable-shared to yes on cygwin and mingw32.
+Fri Nov 30 00:25:28 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * README.EXT: Appendix B is duplicated.
+ * README.EXT.ja: ditto.
+Thu Nov 29 00:28:07 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_equal): object with to_str must be treated as a
+ string.
+Wed Nov 28 18:46:28 2001 Ville Mattila <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_select): should subtract timeofday() from
+ limit, not reverse.
+Wed Nov 28 16:03:28 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * util.c (scan_hex): x is not a hexadecimal digit.
+Wed Nov 28 13:38:04 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_schedule): should treat the case that
+ select(2) returns 0, if a thread is under both WAIT_SELECT and
+ WAIT_TIME. Jakub Travnik <> actually fixed
+ this bug.
+Tue Nov 27 02:15:25 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (w_float): must distinguish -0.0 from 0.0.
+Mon Nov 26 20:57:24 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/Setup*, ext/syslog/*: import the "syslog" module from the
+ rough ruby project.
+Mon Nov 26 16:14:42 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_all): tweak mark order for little bit better scan.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_mark): ditto.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc): ditto.
+Mon Nov 26 16:54:59 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * win32/win32.c (mypopen): fixed that mypclose() didn't really close
+ pipe.
+ * win32/win32.c (CreateChild): set STARTF_USESTDHANDLES flag only
+ when some handles are passed.
+Mon Nov 26 16:31:28 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (sort_by_i): slight performance boost.
+Sun Nov 25 21:02:18 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * parse.y (str_extend): change types of second and third arguments
+ from char to int.
+Thu Nov 22 20:15:28 2001 TAMURA Takashi <>
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_rest): should call gc_mark_children(), not gc_mark().
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_mark): may cause infinite loop.
+Thu Nov 22 00:28:13 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (str_extend): should check nesting parentheses in #{}.
+Wed Nov 21 12:22:52 2001 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb: CGI#header: do not set Apache.request.status for
+ Location: if Apache.request.status is already set.
+Wed Nov 21 02:24:18 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * process.c (pst_wstopsig): returns nil unless WIFSTOPPED() is
+ non-zero.
+ * process.c (pst_wtermsig): returns nil unless WIFSIGNALED() is
+ non-zero.
+ * process.c (pst_wexitstatus): returns nil unless WIFEXITED() is
+ non-zero.
+Wed Nov 21 00:17:54 2001 Ville Mattila <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_select): tv_sec and tv_usec should not be
+ negative.
+ * signal.c (posix_signal): do not set SA_RESTART for SIGVTALRM.
+Tue Nov 20 21:09:22 2001 Guy Decoux <>
+ * parse.y (call_args2): block_arg may follow the first argument in
+ call_args2.
+Tue Nov 20 02:01:15 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (stack_check): should avoid stack length check during
+ raising SystemStackError exception.
+Tue Nov 20 01:07:13 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (str_extend): should not terminate string interpolation
+ with newlines in here-docs and newline terminated strings.
+Mon Nov 19 17:58:49 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_modfunc): should follow NODE_ZSUPER link; based
+ on Guy Decoux's patch in [ruby-talk:25478].
+Mon Nov 19 16:09:33 2001 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_succ): there was buffer overrun.
+Mon Nov 19 14:14:58 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (str_extend): term can be any character.
+Mon Nov 19 04:58:42 2001 Wakou Aoyama <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb (header): support for Apache. thanks to
+ Shugo Maeda <>.
+Sun Nov 18 19:37:55 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y: needless conditionals.
+ * parse.y (parse_regx): parse error at unterminated regex /#{.
+ (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#142)
+Sat Nov 17 12:37:39 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): should give length to utf8_to_uv().
+ * pack.c (utf8_to_uv): add length check.
+Sat Nov 17 01:41:52 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * massages: replace "wrong #" by "wrong number".
+ * marshal.c (w_float): output Infinity and NaN explicitly.
+ * marshal.c (r_object): support new explicit float format.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_wait_for): select may cause ERESTART on
+ Solaris.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_select): ditto.
+Thu Nov 15 15:29:39 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_join): non-nil separator must be converted to
+ String. and separators' total length was wrong.
+Thu Nov 15 03:37:17 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * hash.c (ruby_setenv): remove USE_WIN32_RTL_ENV block since it's
+ obsoleted.
+ * win32/win32.c, win32/win32.h: sort out #if 0 - #endif or others.
+Thu Nov 15 00:07:12 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_to_s): if rb_output_fs is nil, insert newlines
+ between array elements (use rb_default_rs as newline literal)
+ [experimental].
+Wed Nov 14 15:16:23 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * gc.c (init_mark_stack): no need to clear mark_stack.
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_all): need to handle finalizer mark.
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_rest): use MEMCPY instead of memcpy.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_mark): earlier const check to avoid pusing special
+ constants into mark stack.
+Wed Nov 14 01:12:07 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * win32/win32.c (waitpid): fix wait count.
+ * win32/win32.c (poll_child_status): rename from wait_child().
+Wed Nov 14 01:33:49 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_to_s): 'to_s' now takes optional argument to
+ specify radix. [new]
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_to_s): ditto. [new]
+Tue Nov 13 19:50:30 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * do not override CC if set.
+Tue Nov 13 16:49:16 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * win32/win32.c (mypopen): return error status instead of calling
+ rb_sys_fail().
+ * win32/win32.c (do_spawn): ditto.
+Tue Nov 13 14:39:11 2001 WATANABE Tetsuya <>
+ * signal.c (sighandle): should not re-register sighandler if
+ POSIX_SIGNAL is defined.
+Tue Nov 13 12:55:59 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * win32/win32.c (do_spawn): use CreateChild() instead of calling
+ CreateProcess() directly. Original patches comes from Patrick Cheng.
+ * win32/win32.c (mypopen): ditto.
+ * win32/win32.c (mypclose): use rb_syswait() instead of waiting in this
+ function.
+ * win32/win32.c (waitpid): use wait_child() instead of _cwait().
+ * win32/win32.c (CreateChild): added. [new]
+ * win32/win32.c (wait_child): added. [new]
+ * win32/win32.c (FindFirstChildSlot): added. [new]
+ * win32/win32.c (FindChildSlot): added. [new]
+ * win32/win32.c (FindPipedChildSlot): added. [new]
+ * win32/win32.c (CloseChildHandle): added. [new]
+ * win32/win32.c (FindFreeChildSlot): added. [new]
+Tue Nov 13 12:38:12 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * hash.c (envix): use GET_ENVIRON and FREE_ENVIRON to get environment
+ variables list.
+ * hash.c (env_keys): ditto.
+ * hash.c (env_each_key): ditto.
+ * hash.c (env_values): ditto.
+ * hash.c (env_keys): ditto.
+ * hash.c (env_each_value): ditto.
+ * hash.c (env_each): ditto.
+ * hash.c (env_inspect): ditto.
+ * hash.c (env_to_a): ditto.
+ * hash.c (env_size): ditto.
+ * hash.c (env_empty_p): ditto.
+ * hash.c (env_has_value): ditto.
+ * hash.c (env_index): ditto.
+ * hash.c (env_to_hash): ditto.
+ * win32/win32.c (win32_getenv): use static buffer.
+ * win32/win32.c, win32/win32.h (win32_get_environ): get environment
+ variables list. [new]
+ * win32/win32.c, win32/win32.h (win32_free_environ): free environment
+ variables list. [new]
+Mon Nov 12 16:48:48 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (error_print): errat array may be empty.
+Mon Nov 12 01:30:37 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval_cmd): should not upgrade safe level unless
+ explicitly specified by argument newly added.
+ * signal.c (sig_trap): should not allow tainted trap closure.
+ * variable.c (rb_f_trace_var): should not allow trace_var on safe
+ level higher than 3.
+ * variable.c (rb_f_trace_var): should not allow tainted trace
+ closure.
+Sun Nov 11 00:12:23 2001 TAMURA Takashi <>
+ * gc.c: do not use static stack until system stack overflows.
+Sat Nov 10 03:57:09 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (eval): should call Exception#exception instead of
+ calling rb_exc_new3() directly.
+ * error.c (exc_exception): set "mesg" directly to the clone. it
+ might be better to set mesg via some method for flexibility.
+Sat Nov 10 00:14:24 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (cvar_override_check): should print original module
+ name, if 'a' is T_ICLASS.
+ * parse.y (yylex): float '1_.0' should not be allowed.
+ * variable.c (var_getter): should care about var as Qfalse
+ (ruby-bugs#PR199).
+Fri Nov 9 13:50:06 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * win32/ make CFLAGS same as Makefile's one.
+Thu Nov 8 20:20:37 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_trap_eval): avoid annoying warning with signal.
+ [ruby-talk:23225]
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): adjust caller source file/line while
+ evaluating optional arguments.
+Thu Nov 8 18:41:58 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (cmpint): <=> or block for {min,max} may return bignum.
+ * array.c (sort_1): use rb_compint.
+ * array.c (sort_2): ditto.
+ * enum.c (min_ii): ditto.
+ * enum.c (min_ii): ditto.
+ * enum.c (max_i): ditto.
+ * enum.c (max_ii): ditto.
+Thu Nov 8 18:21:02 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (path_check_1): forgot to initialize 'p'.
+Thu Nov 8 14:52:15 2001 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * mkconfig.rb: use String#dump to generate Ruby string literal.
+Thu Nov 8 15:46:54 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * range.c (range_eql): should override 'eql?'
+ * array.c (rb_ary_hash): should override 'hash' too.
+Tue Nov 6 14:38:48 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * process.c (security): always give warning for insecure PATH.
+ * dir.c (my_getcwd): do not rely on MAXPATHLEN.
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_readlink): ditto.
+ * file.c (path_check_1): ditto.
+Tue Nov 6 14:17:14 2001 Amos Gouaux <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (getquota_response): use astring for mailbox
+ names.
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (getacl_response): ditto.
+Mon Nov 5 17:09:55 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): should not call rb_f_block_given_p().
+Sat Nov 3 23:33:18 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_chomp_bang): should terminate string by NUL.
+Sat Nov 3 22:28:51 2001 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * matrix.rb (Matrix#column_vectors, Matrix#row_vectors): ditto bug.
+ this bug report and fix by
+ * forwardable.rb: change raise to Kernel::raise
+Sat Nov 3 10:11:57 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): better error message.
+Thu Nov 1 14:08:42 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_aref): idx may be a Bignum.
+ * numeric.c (fix_aref): negative index must return zero.
+Thu Nov 1 13:23:50 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_children): should NOT treat last element of
+ structs and arrays specially.
+Wed Oct 31 16:59:25 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (exec_under): should initialize ruby_frame->self;
+Wed Oct 31 15:09:28 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (POP_VARS): should not set DVAR_DONT_RECYCLE if _old
+ ruby_vars is already force_recycled.
+Wed Oct 31 10:28:49 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc): handles mark stack overflow.
+ * gc.c (PUSH_MARK): use static mark stack, no more recursion.
+Wed Oct 31 02:44:06 2001 Wakou Aoyama <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb: CGI::Cookie::parse(): Ignore duplicate keys caused by
+ Netscape bug.
+Tue Oct 30 18:21:51 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * win32/mkexports.rb: follow the change of rb_io_puts().
+Tue Oct 30 14:04:04 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_chomp_bang): do smart chomp if $/ == '\n'. [new]
+ * io.c (rb_io_puts): don't treat Array specially.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_cmp): should convert bignum to float.
+ * eval.c (rb_f_eval): can't modify untainted binding.
+Mon Oct 29 16:08:30 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): should preserve p0 value.
+Mon Oct 29 14:56:44 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * intern.h (rb_protect_inspect): follow the change of array.c.
+ * eval.c (rb_exec_end_proc): follow the change of rb_protect().
+ * eval.c (method_proc, umethod_proc, rb_catch): cast the first
+ parameter of rb_iterate() to avoid VC++ warning.
+ * range.c (range_step): ditto.
+ * ext/sdbm/init.c (fsdbm_update, fsdbm_replace): ditto.
+Mon Oct 29 07:57:31 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (str_extend): should allow interpolation of $-x.
+ * variable.c (rb_cvar_set): empty iv_tbl may cause infinite loop.
+ * variable.c (rb_cvar_get): ditto.
+ * variable.c (cvar_override_check): ditto.
+Sat Oct 27 23:01:19 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_eq): convert Bignum to Float, instead of
+ reverse.
+Fri Oct 26 06:19:29 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_localtime): getting tm should not be prohibited for
+ frozen time objects.
+ * time.c (time_gmtime): ditto.
+ * version.c (Init_version): freeze RUBY_VERSION,
+ * file.c (Init_File): freeze File::SEPARATOR, ALT_SEPARATOR and
+ * file.c (rb_stat_cmp): should check operand type before calling
+ get_stat().
+Thu Oct 25 10:28:15 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval_cmd): should not invoke "call" with a block on
+ any occasion.
+Wed Oct 24 03:25:31 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_aref): idx may be a Bignum.
+Tue Oct 23 01:21:19 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (proc_invoke): fix self switching in Proc#call
+ (ruby-bugs-ja#PR108) and GC failure. use Qundef instead of 0
+ to direct not switching self.
+ * eval.c (call_trace_func): ditto.
+ * eval.c (call_end_proc): ditto.
+ * eval.c (proc_call): ditto.
+ * eval.c (proc_yield): ditto.
+Tue Oct 23 01:15:43 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * variable.c (rb_global_entry): reconstruct global variable
+ aliasing (sharing global_entry->var with other global_entry).
+ * variable.c (undef_getter): ditto.
+ * variable.c (undef_setter): ditto.
+ * variable.c (val_setter): ditto.
+ * variable.c (mark_global_entry): ditto.
+ * variable.c (rb_define_hooked_variable): ditto.
+ * variable.c (rb_f_trace_var): ditto.
+ * variable.c (remove_trace): ditto.
+ * variable.c (rb_f_untrace_var): ditto.
+ * variable.c (rb_gvar_get): ditto.
+ * variable.c (trace_en): ditto.
+ * variable.c (rb_gvar_set): ditto.
+ * variable.c (rb_gvar_defined): ditto.
+ * variable.c (rb_alias_variable): ditto.
+Mon Oct 22 18:53:55 2001 Masahiro Tanaka <>
+ * numeric.c (num_remainder): a bug in Numeric#remainder.
+Mon Oct 22 15:21:55 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_exec_end_proc): END might be called within END
+ block.
+ * class.c (rb_mod_clone): should not copy class name, since clone
+ should remain anonymous.
+Fri Oct 19 23:40:37 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c (remove_trace): should not access already freed area.
+ * variable.c (rb_f_untrace_var): fix memory leak.
+Fri Oct 19 17:55:14 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (w_uclass): cloned class is not user
+ class. (ruby-bugs-ja#PR103)
+ * marshal.c (r_object): Struct subclass couldn't
+ load. (ruby-bugs-ja#PR104)
+Wed Oct 17 14:12:50 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c (alias_fixup): added. ad hoc support for ordinary
+ global variable aliasing. when original entry is set, make the
+ alias to refer directly as possible.
+ * variable.c (alias_getter, alias_setter): ditto.
+ * variable.c (rb_alias_variable): ditto. and no need to mark alias
+ variables.
+ * variable.c (rb_gvar_defined): refer the original entry of an alias.
+Tue Oct 16 23:29:26 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): self in a block given to define_method now be
+ switched to the receiver of the method.
+ * eval.c (proc_invoke): added new parameter to allow self
+ switching.
+Tue Oct 16 21:38:15 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_missing): check stack level with rb_stack_check().
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): ditto.
+ * eval.c, intern.h (rb_stack_check): added. [new]
+Tue Oct 16 13:18:47 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (rb_mod_initialize): optional block with
+ [new] (from 2001-10-10)
+Tue Oct 16 00:07:06 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): disallow alpha-numeric and mbchar for
+ terminator of %string.
+Mon Oct 15 18:00:05 2001 Pit Capitain <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_index): wrong increment for non alphanumeric
+ string.
+Mon Oct 15 05:23:02 2001 Koji Arai <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_f_sprintf): support "%B".
+Wed Oct 10 03:11:47 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (rb_stat_clone): should copy internal data too.
+ * numeric.c (num_clone): Numeric should not be copied by clone.
+ * object.c (rb_obj_clone): should check immediate values.
+ * parse.y (command): `yield' should take command_args.
+ * parse.y (parse_quotedwords): %w(...) is not a string.
+Tue Oct 9 18:40:35 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * process.c (Init_process): activate the case NT.
+Tue Oct 9 17:08:00 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (thread_status_name): separated from
+ rb_thread_inspect(). return string expression for thread status.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_status, rb_thread_inspect): use
+ thread_status_name().
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_priority_set): return the priority not but
+ self.
+Sat Oct 6 23:07:08 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): NODE_MATCH3 was confusing left and right. sigh.
+Fri Oct 5 15:19:46 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (w_unique): should not dump anonymous class.
+Fri Oct 5 11:59:13 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (proc_s_new): revived.
+ * eval.c (Init_Proc): define instead of Proc.allocate to
+ inhibit from creating uninitialized Proc.
+Thu Oct 4 14:11:03 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (ruby_connect): EALREADY is the equivalent
+ for EINPROGRESS in ws2_32.lib.
+Wed Oct 3 20:11:06 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_s_alloc): avoid infinite recursion.
+Wed Oct 3 16:49:49 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/gdbm/gdbm.c (rb_gdbm_fetch): str is a VALUE now.
+Wed Oct 3 13:32:06 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (r_object): better allocation type check for
+ TYPE_UCLASS. usage of allocation framework is disabled for now.
+ * variable.c (rb_class_path): Module may have subclass.
+ * string.c (rb_str_update): should maintain original negative
+ offset.
+ * string.c (rb_str_subpat_set): ditto
+ * string.c (rb_str_aset): ditto.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_nth_match): should check negative nth.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_nth_defined): ditto.
+Tue Oct 2 19:12:47 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/ftools.rb (catname): allow trailing '/' for the destination.
+Tue Oct 2 18:31:20 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): should override existing class.
+Tue Oct 2 17:08:49 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_alloc): general instance allocation framework.
+ use of NEWOBJ() is deprecated except within 'allocate' method.
+Tue Oct 2 08:04:52 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (r_object): TYPE_UCLASS check should be inversed.
+Mon Oct 1 19:18:54 2001 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (unix_addr): getsockname(2) may result len = 0.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (unix_peeraddr): getpeername(2) may result
+ len = 0.
+Mon Oct 1 09:59:07 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_subpat_set): support function for new argument
+ pattern String#[re,offset] = val. [new]
+Sat Sep 29 02:30:06 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (POP_BLOCK): rb_gc_force_recycle() was called too much.
+ Should not be called if SCOPE_DONT_RECYCLE is set.
+Wed Sep 26 22:21:52 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_aref_m): new argument pattern
+ String#[re,offset]. [new]
+Wed Sep 26 19:02:39 2001 Guy Decoux <>
+ * parse.y: allow 'primary[] = arg'
+Tue Sep 25 10:46:42 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * win32/win32.c (isInternalCmd): check return value of NtMakeCmdVector
+ (Tietew <>'s patch).
+Mon Sep 24 00:55:06 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_substr): should return an instance of
+ receiver's class.
+ * string.c (rb_str_succ): ditto.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_subseq): ditto.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_initialize):[1,2,3]) => [1,2,3]. [new]
+Sat Sep 22 22:16:08 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_reverse): should return an instance of
+ receiver's class.
+ * string.c (rb_str_times): ditto.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_times): ditto
+ * string.c (str_gsub): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_ljust): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_rjust): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_center): ditto.
+Sat Sep 22 12:13:39 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (eval): retrieves file, line information from binding.
+Thu Sep 20 21:25:00 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (MATCH_DATA): access via rb_svar().
+Thu Sep 20 15:20:00 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c, intern.h (rb_svar): return reference to special variable
+ from local variable index. [new]
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): use rb_svar() for NODE_FLIP{2,3}.
+ * parse.y (rb_(backref|lastline)_(get|set)): access via rb_svar().
+ * eval.c (proc_invoke): push dynamic variables.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_yield): push special variables as dynamic
+ variables($_, $~ and FLIP states).
+Thu Sep 20 15:20:00 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * intern.h, parse.y (rb_is_local_id): return true if the ID is
+ local symbol. [new]
+ * parse.y (internal_id): make new ID for internal use. [new]
+ * parse.y (cond0): allocate internal ID for NODE_FLIP{2,3}.
+ * eval.c (rb_f_local_variables): use rb_is_local_id() to select
+ visible local variables.
+Thu Sep 20 15:20:00 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_start_0): SCOPE_SHARED is removed.
+ * eval.c, intern.h (rb_thread_scope_shared_p): removed. special
+ variables are no longer shared by threads.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_search): MATCHDATA is no longer shared by threads.
+Tue Sep 18 11:44:26 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_init): => "" [new]
+Tue Sep 11 20:53:56 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dir.c (dir_path): new method.
+ * dir.c (dir_initialize): wrap DIR into struct, along with path
+ information.
+Sat Sep 8 07:13:42 2001 Wakou Aoyama <>
+ * lib/net/telnet.rb: waitfor(): improvement. thanks to
+Sat Sep 8 04:34:17 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_restore_context): save current value of
+ lastline and lastmatch in the thread struct for later restore.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_save_context): restore lastline and lastmatch.
+Fri Sep 7 11:27:56 2001 akira yamada <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_to_s): should handle negative float value.
+Fri Sep 7 09:44:44 2001 Wakou Aoyama <>
+ * lib/net/telnet.rb: waitfor(): bug fix.
+Fri Sep 7 07:11:34 2001 Wakou Aoyama <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb: CGI#doctype(): bug fix (html4Fr).
+ * lib/net/telnet.rb, lib/cgi.rb: remove VERSION, RELEASE_DATE,
+ * lib/cgi.rb: CGI#header(): bug fix.
+ * lib/net/telnet.rb, lib/cgi.rb: concat --> +=
+Thu Sep 6 17:38:18 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (dir_s_chdir): raise if environment variable HOME/LOGDIR
+ not set.
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): avoid infinite loop on a file name with
+ wildcard characters. (ruby-bugs#PR177)
+Thu Sep 6 14:25:15 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/digest.c (rb_digest_base_s_hexdigest): remove a debug
+ print.
+Thu Sep 6 13:56:14 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/digest.c (rb_digest_base_s_digest,
+ rb_digest_base_s_hexdigest): ensure that a string is given.
+Thu Sep 6 13:28:51 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/jcode.rb (_regexp_quote): fix quote handling, again.
+Thu Sep 6 07:28:56 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_find_file_ext): add const qualifiers to ext.
+ * intern.h (rb_find_file_ext): ditto.
+Thu Sep 6 07:16:14 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (Init_socket): remove duplicating constants.
+Thu Sep 6 03:15:24 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (rb_include_module): should check whole ancestors to
+ avoid duplicate module inclusion.
+Wed Sep 5 20:02:27 2001 Shin'ya Adzumi <>
+ * string.c (trnext): should check backslash before updating "now"
+ position.
+Wed Sep 5 17:41:11 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/jcode.rb (_regexp_quote): fix quote handling.
+Tue Sep 4 01:03:18 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (Init_Regexp): to_s to be alias to inspect.
+Mon Sep 3 22:46:59 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): should support 'keyword='.
+Mon Sep 3 20:26:08 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * intern.h (rb_find_file_ext): changed from rb_find_file_noext().
+Mon Sep 3 15:12:49 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): should not adjust argc/argv if -e option
+ is supplied.
+Mon Sep 3 14:11:17 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * error.c: unbreak the build on *BSD with gcc 3.0.1 by removing
+ the conflicting declaration of sys_nerr for *BSD.
+Sat Sep 1 18:50:07 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): should not alter origargv[].
+ * ruby.c (set_arg0): long strings for $0 dumped core.
+Sat Sep 1 09:50:54 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (set_arg0): prevent SEGV when val is longer than the
+ original arguments.
+ * ruby.c (ruby_process_options): initialize total length of
+ original arguments at first.
+Sat Sep 1 14:05:28 2001 Brian F. Feldman <>
+ * ruby.c (set_arg0): use setprogtitle() if it's available.
+Sat Sep 1 03:49:11 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_popen): accept integer flags as mode.
+Fri Aug 31 19:46:05 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_find_file_ext): extension table can be supplied from
+ outside. renamed.
+ * eval.c (rb_f_require): replace rb_find_file_noext by
+ rb_find_file_ext.
+Fri Aug 31 19:26:55 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_provided): should also check feature without
+ extension.
+Fri Aug 31 13:06:33 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_to_s): do not rely on decimal point to be '.'
+Wed Aug 29 02:18:53 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): ternary ? can be followed by newline.
+Tue Aug 28 00:40:48 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_require): should check static linked libraries
+ before raising exception.
+Fri Aug 24 15:17:40 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_equal): check identity equality first.
+ * string.c (rb_str_equal): ditto.
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_equal): ditto.
+Fri Aug 24 14:38:17 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * dln.c (dln_strerror): fix a bug that sometimes made null message on
+ win32 (Tietew <>'s patch).
+ * win32/win32.c (mystrerror): ditto.
+Fri Aug 24 03:15:07 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (Init_Numeric): undef Integer::new.
+Fri Aug 24 00:46:44 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): NODE_WHILE should update result for each
+ conditional evaluation.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): NODE_UNTIL should return last evaluated value
+ (or value given to break).
+Thu Aug 23 21:59:38 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enum.c (sort_by_i): fix typo.
+Thu Aug 23 10:10:59 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (is_defined): should not dump core for "defined?(())".
+ * eval.c (umethod_bind): recv can be an instance of descender of
+ oklass if oklass is a Module.
+Wed Aug 22 23:20:03 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_equal): check identity equality first.
+Wed Aug 22 19:58:59 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (intersect_fds): counts intersecting fds.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_schedule): only fds requested by
+ each thread count as select_value.
+Tue Aug 21 22:28:09 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (group_member): should check real gid only.
+ * file.c (eaccess): do not cache euid, since effective euid may be
+ changed via Process.euid=().
+ * file.c (eaccess): return -1 unless every specified access mode
+ is permitted.
+Tue Aug 21 16:09:27 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): while/until returns the value which is given
+ to break.
+ * parse.y (value_expr): using while/until/class/def as an
+ expression is now gives a warning, not an error.
+Tue Aug 21 11:56:02 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * range.c (range_eqq): should compare strings based on magical
+ increment (using String#upto), not dictionary order.
+Mon Aug 20 19:53:16 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/digest/sha2/extconf.rb: fix support for cross-compiling.
+ * mkconfig.rb: fix support for autoconf 2.52.
+Mon Aug 20 17:24:15 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (enum_sort_by): new method for Schewartzian transformed
+ stable sort.
+Mon Aug 20 16:09:05 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (mod_av_set): detect constant overriding for built-in
+ classes/modules.
+Mon Aug 20 15:14:27 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (tokadd_escape): escaped backslashes too much.
+Mon Aug 20 13:24:08 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * range.c (range_step): 'iter' here should be an array.
+Mon Aug 20 12:43:08 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (w_object): should retrieve __member__ data from
+ non-singleton class.
+Sat Aug 18 23:11:14 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_cvar_get): class variable override check added.
+ * variable.c (rb_cvar_set): ditto
+ * variable.c (rb_cvar_declare): ditto.
+Fri Aug 17 12:13:48 2001 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: requires at least one arg.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: ditto.
+Fri Aug 17 00:49:51 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (parse_regx): handle backslash escaping of delimiter here.
+Thu Aug 16 23:03:40 2001 Koji Arai <>
+ * io.c: prevent recursive malloc calls on NEC UX/4800.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: ditto.
+Thu Aug 16 13:54:04 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (s_recvfrom): fix typo.
+Thu Aug 16 09:53:28 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (s_recvfrom): avoid VC++6 warning.
+Thu Aug 16 03:50:33 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * win32/win32.c (NtCmdGlob): avoid VC++ warning.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: add -I$(srcdir) to CPPFLAGS.
+Wed Aug 15 04:59:15 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/*/extconf.rb: really fix so that they build from any
+ directory.
+Wed Aug 15 04:04:02 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/sha2/extconf.rb: fix so that they build from any
+ directory.
+Wed Aug 15 01:59:19 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/defs.h: Define NO_UINT64_T instead of emitting an
+ error to fail.
+ * ext/digest/sha2/extconf.rb: Do not exit on error, and utilize
+ NO_UINT64_T to detect if the system has a 64bit integer type.
+Tue Aug 14 21:14:07 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/sha2/extconf.rb: do not create Makefile when no 64bit
+ integer type is detected.
+Tue Aug 14 17:09:12 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * range.c (range_step): new method.
+Tue Aug 14 11:49:00 2001 TOYOFUKU Chikanobu <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_cmp): remove needless conditional.
+Tue Aug 14 03:23:25 2001 Koji Arai <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_lstrip_bang) `return Qnil' was missing.
+Mon Aug 13 14:16:46 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * bignum.c, marshal.c: Detypo: s/SIZEOF_ING/SIZEOF_INT/.
+Sun Aug 12 15:01:58 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_cat): fix buffer overflow.
+ * string.c (rb_str_append): nothing to append actually when `str2'
+ is empty.
+Sat Aug 11 14:43:47 2001 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * array.c (rb_inspecting_p): initialize inspect_key if it is
+ not initialized yet.
+Fri Aug 10 22:14:37 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (cond0): operands of logical operators are not treated
+ as conditional expression anymore, but propagate conditional
+ status if used in conditionals.
+Tue Aug 7 09:10:32 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * win32/win32.h: fix problems with BC++ (ruby-bugs#PR161).
+Mon Aug 6 23:47:46 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): associates p/P strings once at last
+ (reverted to 1.26).
+ * string.c (rb_str_associate): associates an Array at once, not
+ but a String. realloc's when str_buf.
+Mon Aug 6 17:01:33 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_gc_mark_threads): should mark ruby_cref.
+Mon Aug 6 14:31:37 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * numeric.c (num_divmod): fix typo.
+Mon Aug 6 03:29:03 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_lstrip_bang): new method.
+ * string.c (rb_str_rstrip_bang): new method.
+Mon Aug 6 00:35:03 2001 Guy Decoux <>
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_modify): should check frozen and taint
+ status.
+Sun Aug 5 19:28:39 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_associate): should consider STR_ASSOC too.
+Sun Aug 5 07:46:18 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_undefined): do not recurse if method_missing is
+ undefined.
+Thu Aug 2 21:37:32 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * process.c (proc_waitpid): now all arguments are optional.
+ * process.c (Init_process): waitpid is now alias to wait.
+ * process.c (Init_process): waitpid2 is now alias to wait2.
+ * process.c (rb_waitpid): made public.
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (pty_getpty): avoid disturbing SIGCHLD using
+ thread and rb_waitpid.
+Thu Aug 2 11:23:07 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * process.c (proc_getpgrp): now takes no argument on all
+ platforms.
+ * process.c (proc_setpgrp): ditto.
+Thu Aug 2 01:29:42 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (strrdirsep): removed meaningless code.
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_expand_path): reverted to 1.66.
+Wed Aug 1 16:17:47 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_pack_sockaddr_in): added
+ Socket::pack_sockaddr_in(). [new]
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_pack_sockaddr_un): added
+ Socket::pack_sockaddr_un(). [new]
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_pack_sockaddr_in): added
+ Socket::unpack_sockaddr_in(). [new]
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_pack_sockaddr_un): added
+ Socket::unpack_sockaddr_un(). [new]
+Wed Aug 1 15:42:16 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_run): avoid VC++ warning.
+Tue Jul 31 17:30:53 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * marshal.c (Init_marshal): fix typos.
+Tue Jul 31 15:16:39 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (last_status_set): nothing returned, should be void.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (load_addr_info): ditto.
+Tue Jul 31 12:11:42 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (Init_marshal): new constant Marshal::MAJOR_VERSION
+ and Marshal::MINOR_VERSION.
+Tue Jul 31 07:18:04 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_expand_path): scans per path element not per
+ byte/character, including fix of [ruby-talk:18152] and
+ multi-byte pathname support.
+Tue Jul 31 11:52:10 2001 akira yamada <>
+ * marshal.c (marshal_load): ruby_verbose test should be wrapped by
+ RTEST().
+Mon Jul 30 17:54:23 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_index): should return nil (not the default
+ value) if value is not in the hash.
+Mon Jul 30 12:55:47 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (num_div): new method added. alias to '/' which
+ should be preserved even if '/' is redefined (e.g. by
+ mathn). [new]
+Mon Jul 30 11:12:14 2001 Amos Gouaux <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb: added new commands for managing folder quotas
+ and folder ACLs.
+Mon Jul 30 03:19:53 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_cstr2inum): "0 ff".hex should return 0, not 255.
+Fri Jul 27 22:29:41 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_expand_path): fixed using CharNext().
+Fri Jul 27 18:07:27 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_provided): extension should be guessed using
+ rb_find_file_noext().
+ * eval.c (rb_f_require): should call rb_feature_p() after
+ extension completion.
+Fri Jul 27 16:25:52 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): add CHECK_INTS before next, redo, retry to
+ avoid potential uninterruptable infinite loop.
+Thu Jul 26 11:27:12 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * file.c (rb_find_file_noext, rb_find_file): fix tilde expansion
+ problem.
+Wed Jul 25 17:54:20 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_expand_path): use CharNext() to expand.
+Wed Jul 25 17:16:26 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * intern.h: add some missing function prototypes.
+Wed Jul 25 15:50:05 2001 Guy Decoux <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_expand_path): should not expand "." and ".."
+ not following dirsep.
+Wed Jul 25 12:15:32 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * file.c (rb_find_file_noext): should update f by expanded path.
+ * file.c (rb_find_file): ditto.
+Tue Jul 24 23:10:47 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (strrdirsep): multi-byte pathname and DOSish separator
+ support. originally comes from Patrick Cheng. [new]
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_basename, rb_file_s_dirname): use
+ strrdirsep(). comes from Patrick Cheng.
+ * file.c (is_absolute_path): restricted in DOSish absolute path
+ with drive letter, and UNC support. originally comes from
+ Patrick Cheng.
+ * file.c (getcwd): define macro using getwd() unless provided.
+Tue Jul 24 19:23:15 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/, lib/mkmf.rb: dig the target subdirectory for
+ lib/* files properly in case of create_makefile("dir/name").
+Mon Jul 23 00:26:04 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_provide_feature): should not tweak extension used for
+ loading.
+Sun Jul 22 21:16:43 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/, lib/mkmf.rb: introduce a couple of new make
+ variables: CLEANFILES and DISTCLEANFILES. They'd typically be
+ defined in a file "depend".
+Sat Jul 21 09:40:10 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (io_fread): use fread(3) if PENDING_COUNT is available.
+Fri Jul 20 22:55:01 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * gc.c (ruby_xrealloc): fix a dangling bug which led memory
+ reallocation to fail even though the second try after a GC
+ succeeds.
+Fri Jul 20 03:00:46 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * class.c (rb_mod_include_p): Module#include? added. [new]
+Fri Jul 20 01:05:50 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (ignorecase_setter): give warning on modifying $=.
+ * string.c (rb_str_casecmp): new method. [new]
+ * string.c (rb_str_eql): separated from rb_str_equal(), make it
+ always be case sensitive. [new]
+ * string.c (rb_str_hash): made it always be case sensitive.
+Thu Jul 19 13:03:15 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_require): should not include path in $" value
+ * file.c (rb_find_file): should return 0 explicitly on failure.
+Tue Jul 17 11:44:40 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * ruby.h: enable volatile directive with VC++.
+ * regex.c: ditto.
+Tue Jul 17 06:01:12 2001 Minero Aoki <>
+ * doc/net/smtp.rd.ja, pop.rd.ja, http.rd.ja: new files.
+ * MANIFEST: add doc/net/{http,pop,smtp}.rd.ja.
+Tue Jul 17 11:22:01 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (NUM_FAILURE_ITEMS): was confusing NUM_REG_ITEMS and
+ NUM_NONREG_ITEMS, which have happened to be same value.
+Tue Jul 17 11:08:34 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * ext/ modify RM macro because don't
+ recognize single quotation as quote character.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: ditto.
+Tue Jul 17 01:38:15 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (rb_class_new): subclass check moved to this function.
+ * class.c (rb_class_boot): check less version of rb_class_new().
+Man Jul 16 13:21:30 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * file.c (file_load_ok): fix typo.
+Mon Jul 16 12:58:07 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (proc_invoke): should preserve iter status for embedded
+ frame in the block.
+Mon Jul 16 00:04:39 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_expand_path): may overrun buffer on stack.
+Sun Jul 15 01:38:28 2001 Guy Decoux <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_insert): forgot to call rb_str_modify().
+Sat Jul 14 12:26:30 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/digest/*/extconf.rb: fix so that they build from any
+ directory.
+Sat Jul 14 06:20:17 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: HTTP#proxy? did not worked.
+Sat Jul 14 02:56:19 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/ support multi-level ext/ directories.
+ (e.g. you can have ext/foo, ext/foo/bar and ext/foo/baz)
+Sat Jul 14 02:55:02 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/.cvsignore: let cvs ignore extinit.c.
+Fri Jul 13 23:47:35 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_search): should consider reverse search.
+Fri Jul 13 22:26:09 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: use File::split to split a target into a prefix and
+ a module name. This also works around a just found bug of
+ String#rindex.
+ * ext/ ditto.
+Fri Jul 13 02:36:10 2001 Minero Aoki <>
+ * dir.c (dir_s_chdir): warn only when invoked from multiple
+ threads or block is not given.
+Thu Jul 12 15:11:48 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (ruby_connect): workaround for the setup of
+ Cygwin socket(EALREADY).
+Mon Jul 9 16:49:30 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/ modify RM macro.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: ditto.
+Sun Jul 8 20:52:02 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ruby.h: fix a wrong function name: rb_iglob() -> rb_globi().
+Sun Jul 8 16:04:35 2001 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: rename HTTP#request_by_name to send_request.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb (ProtoSocket#read): modify typo.
+Sat Jul 7 17:45:35 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_convert_type): should use rb_rescue(), not rb_rescue2().
+ * range.c (range_init): ditto.
+Fri Jul 6 18:01:10 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_dup): copies (actually does not free)
+ generic_ivar on dupif original owns them.
+Fri Jul 6 02:15:06 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb: a tempfile must be created with mode 0600.
+Thu Jul 5 20:28:53 2001 Tietew <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_each_line): should propagate taint mark.
+ * ext/nkf/nkf.c (rb_nkf_kconv): ditto.
+Fri Jul 6 14:54:27 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_require): revamp for simpler implementation.
+ * file.c (rb_find_file_noext): use String object, instead of
+ passing char* around.
+ * file.c (rb_find_file): ditto.
+Thu Jul 5 22:01:02 2001 Mitsuhiro Kondo <>
+ * dln.c (dln_load): should use NSLINKMODULE_OPTION_BINDNOW.
+Thu Jul 5 13:44:03 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (load_file): local variables 'c' remain uninitialized on
+ xflag.
+Thu Jul 5 10:00:59 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_match): prefetched escaped character too early.
+Wed Jul 4 08:58:30 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): add argument check for attr_readers.
+Wed Jul 4 04:22:44 2001 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (HTTP#request_by_name): arg order changes.
+Wed Jul 4 04:07:36 2001 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (HTTP#request_by_name): bug fix.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: does not write Connection: by default.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: "start" for started protocol is an error.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: "finish" for finished protocol is an error.
+Wed Jul 4 03:17:31 2001 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: new method HTTP#request_by_name (test)
+ * lib/net/http.rb: new class HTTPGenericRequest
+Tue Jul 3 23:58:29 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: distclean should remove mkmf.log as well.
+Tue Jul 3 18:35:49 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval_string_wrap): should push frame (and adjust
+ cbase) before wrapped eval.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval_cmd): ditto.
+ * eval.c (eval): should update ruby_class always after all.
+Tue Jul 3 14:56:27 2001 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * eval.c (block_pass): do not change wrapper information.
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): preserve wrapper information.
+Tue Jul 3 08:59:50 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (rb_name_error): raise NameError instead of LoadError.
+Mon Jul 2 17:22:00 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * error.c (exc_exception): clone the receiver exception instead of
+ creating brand new exception object of the receiver.
+Mon Jul 2 09:53:12 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval_string_wrap): extend new ruby_top_self, not
+ original self.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval_cmd): respect ruby_wrapper if set.
+ * eval.c (eval): do not update ruby_class unless scope is not
+ provided.
+Sun Jul 1 10:51:15 2001 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * eval.c (eval): preserve wrapper information.
+ * eval.c (proc_invoke): ditto.
+ * eval.c (block_pass): ditto.
+Sat Jun 30 02:55:45 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (void_expr): too much warnings for void context
+ (e.g. foo[1] that can be mere Proc call).
+Fri Jun 29 17:23:18 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * error.c (rb_name_error): new function to raise NameError with
+ name attribute set.
+ * eval.c (rb_f_missing): set name and args in the exception
+ object. [new]
+ * error.c (name_name): NameError#name - new method.
+ * error.c (nometh_args): NoMethodError#args - new method.
+Fri Jun 29 15:29:31 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lex.c (rb_reserved_word): lex_state after tRESCUE should be
+Thu Jun 28 00:21:28 2001 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb: resolve 'ruby -w' warnings.
+ * lib/irb/locale.rb: resolve 'ruby -w' warnings.
+ * lib/irb/multi-irb.rb: resolve 'ruby -w' warnings.
+ * lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb: fix problem for "\\M-\\..." and "\\C-\\..."
+ and resolve 'ruby -w' warnings.
+ * lib/irb/ruby-token.rb: fix typo
+ * lib/shell/command-processor.rb: resolve 'ruby -w' warnings.
+Wed Jun 27 08:53:26 2001 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: new methods POP3.auth_only, POP3#auth_only
+ * lib/net/http.rb: HTTP.Proxy returns self if ADDRESS is nil.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: new method ProtocolError#response
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb,smtp.rb,pop.rb,http.rb: add document.
+Tue Jun 26 18:42:42 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (add_heap): allocation size of the heap unit is doubled for
+ each allocation.
+Mon Jun 25 09:54:48 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dir.c (isdelim): space, tab, and newline are no longer
+ delimiters for glob patterns.
+Sat Jun 23 22:28:52 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (svalue_to_avalue): new conversion scheme between single
+ value and array values.
+ * eval.c (avalue_to_svalue): ditto.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): REXPAND now uses avalue_to_svalue(), return
+ and yield too.
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): use avalue_to_svalue().
+ * eval.c (proc_invoke): Proc#call gives avaules, whereas
+ Proc#yield gives mvalues.
+ * eval.c (bmcall): convert given value (svalue) to avalue.
+Sat Jun 23 18:28:52 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_event): a non-void function
+ should return a value.
+Fri Jun 22 23:17:28 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (ruby_connect): workaround for the setup of
+ Cygwin socket.
+Fri Jun 22 23:11:17 2001 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb/locale.rb: fix for require "kconv" problem
+Fri Jun 22 18:08:45 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): no mvalue_to_svalue conversion here.
+ * eval.c (massign): takes svalue, convert it to mvalue inside.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): parameters for yield/return are always
+ svalues now.
+ * eval.c (svalue_to_mvalue): more strict conversion.
+ * eval.c (mvalue_to_svalue): ditto.
+Fri Jun 22 17:12:23 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * st.c (new_size): prime hash size enabled.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (Init_socket): SO_* constants added.
+Tue Jun 19 22:24:07 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * gc.c (rb_setjmp): avoid GCC 3.0 warnings.
+Tue Jun 19 18:19:30 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c: add new methods:
+ Readline::completion_append_character and
+ Readline::completion_append_character=.
+Tue Jun 19 16:29:50 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (svalue_to_mvalue): new function to convert from svalue
+ to mvalue. [experimental]
+ * eval.c (mvalue_to_svalue): new function to convert from mvalue
+ to svalue.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): use mvalue_to_svalue().
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): use mvalue_to_svalue().
+ * eval.c (proc_invoke): proper mvalue handling.
+Mon Jun 18 17:38:50 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_require): searches ".rb" and ".so" at the same
+ time. previous behavior (search ".rb", then ".so") has a
+ security risk (ruby-bugs#PR140).
+ * array.c (rb_ary_to_ary): new function to replace internal
+ rb_Array(), which never calls to_a, but to_ary (rb_Array() might
+ call both). [new]
+Mon Jun 18 00:43:20 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (PUSH_FAILURE_POINT): push option status again.
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): avoid pushing unnecessary
+ option_set.
+Sat Jun 16 10:58:48 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_load): tainted string is OK if wrapped *and*
+ $SAFE >= 4.
+Thu Jun 14 16:27:07 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_start_0): should not nail down higher blocks
+ before preserving original context (i.e. should not alter
+ original context).
+Wed Jun 13 19:34:59 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * dir.c (Init_Dir): add a new method File::fnmatch? along with
+ File::Constants::FNM_*. While I am here, FNM_NOCASE is renamed
+ to FNM_CASEFOLD which is commonly used by *BSD and GNU libc.
+Wed Jun 13 09:33:45 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (proc_yield): new method equivalent to Proc#call but no
+ check for number of arguments. [new]
+Tue Jun 12 14:21:28 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: target_prefix is only for installation, not for
+ build.
+Tue Jun 12 00:41:18 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (method_eq): new method Method#==. [new]
+Mon Jun 11 14:29:41 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+Sun Jun 10 17:31:47 2001 Guy Decoux <>
+ * gc.c (STR_NO_ORIG): STR_NO_ORIG value was different between
+ string.c and gc.c
+Sat Jun 9 22:10:04 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): should convert *non-array at the end of
+ arguments by using Array().
+Sat Jun 9 17:04:30 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (ruby_setenv): readline library leaves their environment
+ strings uncopied. "free" check revised.
+Sat Jun 9 16:31:03 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * ext/ Use -F and -T for mswin32 because cl.exe doesn't
+ support -o officially and cl.exe considers that *.cc and *.cxx are
+ OBJs.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: ditto.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: Use del instead of rm.
+ All these changes are derived from Nobuyoshi Nakada's patch.
+ Thanks.
+Fri Jun 8 22:37:40 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (Init_stack): avoid __builtin_frame_address(2) to retrieve
+ stack bottom line.
+Fri Jun 8 18:14:12 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * st.c (numhash): should shuffle bits by dividing by prime number.
+Fri Jun 8 17:05:21 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): multiple assignment behavior fixed, which
+ results "*a = nil" makes "a == []" now.
+Fri Jun 8 15:25:09 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_require): should set SCOPE_PUBLIC before calling
+ dln_load().
+Thu Jun 7 17:28:00 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): exclude kDO_BLOCK too much by false condition.
+Wed Jun 6 23:02:36 2001 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/sync.rb: bug fix if obj.initialize has parameters when
+ obj.extend(Sync_m)
+ * lib/mutex_m.rb: modified bit
+Wed Jun 6 16:11:06 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_load): should check if tainted even when wrap is
+ specified.
+Wed Jun 6 14:34:27 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (mrhs_basic): "*arg" should always be expanded by REXPAND.
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): too much optimization for the
+ cases like /(.|a)b/.
+Tue Jun 5 23:58:43 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (fc_i): removed vast string allocation.
+Tue Jun 5 16:45:48 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * error.c (Init_Exception): NameError went under StandardError,
+ and NoMethodError went under NameError.
+Tue Jun 5 16:40:06 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (rb_intern): non identifier symbols should be
+ categorized as ID_JUNK. [new]
+Tue Jun 5 16:15:58 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_mod_const_at): use hash table as internal
+ data. [new]
+ * variable.c (rb_mod_const_of): ditto.
+ * variable.c (rb_const_list): new function to convert internal
+ data (hash table) to array of strings.
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_s_constants): data handling scheme has changed.
+Tue Jun 5 15:16:06 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_add_method): should not call rb_secure(), for
+ last_func may not be set.
+ * io.c (rb_io_ctl): ioctl should accept any integer within C long
+ range.
+Tue Jun 5 13:41:13 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/etc/extconf.rb: use egrep_cpp.
+Tue Jun 5 12:44:59 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (r_object): wrong type check for modules.
+ * marshal.c (w_object): should not dump anonymous classes/modules.
+Tue Jun 5 01:19:34 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_open_file): use rb_file_sysopen_internal() if the 3rd
+ argument (permission flags) is given. [new, should be backported?]
+ * io.c (rb_io_mode_binmode): mode string (e.g. "r+") to flags to
+ open(2).
+Mon Jun 4 23:55:54 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): NODE_REXPAND expand an array of 1 element as
+ the element itself. [new, should be backported?]
+ * parse.y (ret_args): should treat "*[a]" in rhs expression as
+ "a", not "[a]".
+Mon Jun 4 04:14:53 2001 Wakou Aoyama <>
+ * lib/shellwords.rb: don't destroy argument.
+Sat Jun 2 23:23:05 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): should push option modifier at the
+ right place.
+Sat Jun 2 23:05:20 2001 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/cgi/session.rb: don't use module_function for Class.
+Sat Jun 2 00:02:22 2001 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * irb messages: fix typos.
+Fri Jun 1 17:26:24 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * hash.c (replace_i): ignore when key == Qundef.
+Fri Jun 1 16:50:59 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (call_args2): confusion with list_append() and
+ list_concat() was fixed.
+Fri Jun 1 15:01:40 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): fixed 'print CGI::bar() {}, "\n"' syntax
+ breakage, adding new lex_state status. sigh. [new]
+Fri Jun 1 11:21:04 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * use waitpid on mingw32.
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb: include <ndbm.h>, not <gdbm.h>.
+Thu May 31 18:34:57 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_unlink): should not allow if $SAFE >= 2.
+Thu May 31 17:23:25 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * range.c (Init_Range): define "to_ary".
+Thu May 31 13:30:25 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * mkconfig.rb, ext/configsub.rb: VERSION -> RUBY_VERSION.
+Thu May 31 08:00:58 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * win32/dir.h: re-add.
+Thu May 31 01:25:59 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * default --with-libc_r to `no' until the problem is
+ fixed. (FreeBSD only)
+Tue May 29 17:24:23 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): unexpected SecurityError happens when -T4.
+Tue May 29 18:46:04 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): * \1 .. \9 should be
+ backreferences always.
+ * regex.c (re_match): backreferences corresponding to
+ unclosed/unmatched parentheses should fail always.
+Tue May 29 16:35:49 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_cat): use rb_str_buf_cat() if possible. [new]
+ * string.c (rb_str_append): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_buf_cat): remove unnecessary check (type,
+ taint, modify) to gain performance.
+ * string.c (rb_str_buf_append): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_buf_finish): removed.
+Tue May 29 02:05:55 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_buf_new): buffering string function. [new]
+ * string.c (rb_str_buf_append): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_buf_cat): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_buf_finish): ditto.
+Mon May 28 23:20:43 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * remove unnecessary AC_CANONICAL_BUILD
+ * defines.h: #define HAVE_SETITIMER on Cygwin(bug fixed).
+ * ruby.c: use relative path from LIBRUBY_SO.
+ * ruby.c: don't use -mwin32 option on Cygwin.
+ * cygwin/ ditto.
+ * ext/sdbm/_sdbm: ditto.
+ * ext/tcltklib/extconf.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tcltklib/stubs.c: ditto.
+Mon May 28 22:12:01 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/ make the priority of the make rule of .c
+ higher than .C .
+Mon May 28 13:22:19 2001 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (make_time_t): local time adjustment revised.
+Mon May 28 02:20:38 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): teach has_magic() to handle flags and get
+ glob_helper to properly support FNM_NOESCAPE.
+ * dir.c (fnmatch): fix a bug when FNM_PATHNAME and FNM_PERIOD are
+ specified at the same time.
+Sat May 26 09:55:26 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y: accomplish extended syntax described in [ruby-talk:14525]
+ using tSPC token. [new, experimental]
+Sat May 26 07:05:45 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * MANIFEST: add win32/dir.h .
+Fri May 25 20:03:51 2001 Pascal Rigaux <>
+ * dln.c (dln_find_1): should exclude directories in executable
+ file lookup.
+Fri May 25 18:00:26 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (rb_obj_singleton_methods): list methods in extended
+ modules if optional argument is true. [new]
+Fri May 25 14:19:25 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_replace): add taint status infection
+ * string.c (rb_str_crypt): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_ljust): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_rjust): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_center): ditto.
+Fri May 25 05:39:03 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/sha1/sha1-ruby.c (sha1_hexdigest): fix buffer overflow. The
+ buffer for a SHA-1 hexdigest needs to be 41 bytes in length.
+Fri May 25 01:47:39 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * MANIFEST: update the entries I forgot to add or remove.
+Fri May 25 00:57:25 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/sha1/sha1-ruby.c (sha1_new): separate initialize() from
+ new().
+ * ext/md5/md5init.c (md5i_new): ditto.
+Fri May 25 00:53:41 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb: fix support for *BSD and set $CFLAGS
+ properly.
+Thu May 24 16:10:33 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * range.c (range_member): check based on "<=>" comparison. [new]
+ * range.c (range_check): add "succ" check if first end is not a
+ numeric.
+ * range.c (range_eqq): comparison should based on "<=>".
+ * range.c (range_each): ditto.
+Thu May 24 16:08:21 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * mkconfig.rb: autoconf 2.50 support.
+Thu May 24 14:23:35 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): need argument adjustment for C defined
+ blocks too.
+Thu May 24 01:11:30 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb: header search added. [new]
+Wed May 23 02:58:21 2001 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (make_time_t): fix ad-hoc local time adjustment, using
+ binary tree search.
+Tue May 22 17:10:35 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * variable.c (rb_alias_variable): should not allow variable
+ aliasing if $SAFE >= 4.
+Tue May 22 02:37:45 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (expr): "break" and "next" to take optional expression,
+ which is used as a value for termination. [new, experimental]
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): "break" can give value to terminating method.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): "break" and "next" to take optional expression.
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): "next" can give value to terminating "yield".
+ * eval.c (rb_iterate): "break" can give value to terminating method.
+ * eval.c (proc_call): ditto.
+Mon May 21 13:15:25 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big2str): t should be protected from GC.
+Sat May 19 09:29:07 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * process.c (rb_proc_times): need not to check return value from
+ times(2).
+Fri May 18 05:36:08 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/ (xsystem): backout the previous fix which was
+ bogus.
+Fri May 18 05:19:55 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (xsystem): make a temporary fix to get $(...) macros
+ properly expanded on a command execution.
+ * ext/ (xsystem): ditto.
+Fri May 18 03:45:55 2001 Brian F. Feldman <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: unbreak "make install". lib/* must be installed
+ under $rubylibdir, not under $libdir.
+Fri May 18 01:28:07 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (expr): break, next, redo, retry are moved from primary.
+Fri May 18 01:11:02 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * ext/sha1/sha1-ruby.c (sha1_new): get rid of an unneeded
+ rb_obj_call_init() call.
+Fri May 18 01:03:55 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * ext/sha1/sha1.txt, ext/sha1/ fix typos.
+Thu May 17 19:17:11 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/shell.rb, lib/shell/process-controller.rb,
+ lib/shell/command-processor.rb: translate Japanese comments into
+ English.
+Thu May 17 19:07:14 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * doc/ RD'ify and make some fixes.
+ * doc/shell.rd: RD'ify, delete Japanese leftovers, make overall
+ English fixes, and sync with doc/
+Thu May 17 17:35:04 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): address of local_vars might change during eval.
+Thu May 17 07:27:09 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/md5/, ext/sha1/
+ s/SuperClass/Superclass/.
+Thu May 17 07:21:44 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/, ext/Setup.emx, ext/Setup.nt, ext/Setup.x68:
+ compile sha1 in as well as md5.
+ * ext/Setup: put sha1 in a comment.
+Thu May 17 07:16:38 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/sha1/ add the Japanese version derived from
+ ext/md5/
+ * ext/sha1/sha1.txt: revise the copyright info and reduce the
+ difference from ext/md5/md5.txt.
+ * ext/md5/md5.txt: reduce the difference from ext/sha1/sha1.txt.
+Thu May 17 07:11:35 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/sha1/extconf.rb, ext/sha1/sha1.c: use WORDS_BIGENDIAN to
+ detect the platform's endian.
+Thu May 17 06:31:30 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/md5/md5.txt: make wording fixes, and mention the newly added
+ method: "<<".
+ * ext/md5/ ditto.
+Wed May 16 18:05:52 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/md5/md5init.c: add an instance method "<<" as an alias for
+ "update". (inspired by Steve Coltrin's ruby-sha1)
+Tue May 15 17:46:37 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_and): should not push frozen key string.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_or): ditto.
+Tue May 15 02:18:23 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/thread.rb: rescue ThreadError in case the thread is dead
+ just before calling Thread#run.
+Mon May 14 13:50:22 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_schedule): should save context before raising
+ deadlock, saved context for current thread might be obsolete.
+ * time.c (make_time_t): non DST timezone shift supported (hopefully).
+ * time.c (make_time_t): strict range detection for negative time_t.
+Mon May 14 11:54:20 2001 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * signal.c: SIGINFO added.
+Mon May 14 08:57:06 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_ensure): should not SEGV when prot_tag is NULL.
+Sun May 13 23:51:14 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * win32/resource.rb: Modify copyright in resource script.
+Sun May 13 14:03:33 2001 Okada Jun <>
+ * lib/thread.rb: fix Queue#pop and SizedQueue#max= to avoid
+ deadlock.
+Sat May 12 15:43:55 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * win32/win32.c (kill): add support of signal 9 on mswin32/mingw32.
+Fri May 11 15:09:52 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ruby.h (rb_string_value): add volatile to avoid compiler warning.
+ * string.c (rb_string_value): ditto.
+Fri May 11 03:35:33 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * README.EXT: Document find_library(), with_config() and
+ dir_config().
+Fri May 11 03:34:20 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * Remove the description of find_header() because
+ such a function does not actually exist.
+ * Update the description of dir_config().
+Fri May 11 02:42:05 2001 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * README, Fix CVS access and mailing lists info.
+Fri May 11 02:00:44 2001 Ryo HAYASAKA <>
+ * bignum.c (bigdivrem): access boundary bug.
+Thu May 10 02:40:47 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (w_object): prohibit dumping out singleton classes.
+ * object.c (rb_mod_to_s): distinguish singleton classes.
+ * variable.c (rb_class2name): it's ok to reveal NilClass,
+ TrueClass, FalseClass.
+Wed May 9 14:38:33 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): preserve and restore ruby_cref as well.
+Tue May 8 18:28:19 2001 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb.rb lib/irb/multi-irb.rb lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb
+ lib/irb/version.rb resolve ctrl-c problem
+Tue May 8 17:12:43 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * eval.c (is_defined): core dumped during instance_eval for
+ special constants.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): ditto.
+Tue May 8 08:52:57 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * doc/forwardable.rd, doc/ Hit `=begin' and
+ `=end' in proper places so rd2 can format them without a problem.
+ * doc/irb/, doc/irb/irb.rd, doc/irb/
+ ditto.
+Tue May 8 08:38:53 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * doc/forwardable.rd, doc/, lib/forwardable.rb:
+ Import forwardable 1.1.
+Tue May 8 08:34:33 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * doc/irb/, doc/irb/ Convert from JIS to
+ EUC.
+Tue May 8 03:46:39 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * sample/rbc.rb: Obsoleted by IRB.
+Mon May 7 15:58:45 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (arg): "||=" should not warn for uninitialized instance
+ variables.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): ditto.
+ * eval.c (eval): preserve and restore ruby_cref as well.
+Mon May 7 15:45:48 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/ftools.rb (syscopy): chmod destination file only if
+ it does not exist.
+Mon May 7 14:35:57 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_is_instance_of): takes only class/module as an
+ argument.
+Sun May 6 16:27:29 2001 Koji Arai <>
+ * eval.c (is_defined): rb_reg_nth_defined() may return Qnil.
+Thu May 3 03:15:06 2001 SHIROYAMA Takayuki <>
+ * get --enable-shared to work on MacOS X.
+ * make $(LIBRUBY_SO) depend on miniruby properly.
+ Now `make -jN' should work without a problem.
+Thu May 3 02:07:45 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * win32/ add SIZEOF___INT64 definition.
+Wed May 2 20:39:35 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * dir.c (rb_glob, rb_globi): remove unnecessary FNM_PATHNAME.
+Wed May 2 11:46:13 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * eval.c (block_pass): should not downgrade safe level.
+Wed May 2 03:07:49 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb: allow specifying dbm-type explicitly.
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb: avoid gdbm if possible, because it leaks
+ memory, whereas doesn't. potential incompatibility.
+Wed May 2 02:02:18 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_insert): new method.
+Tue May 1 17:55:58 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): lex_state after RESCUE_MOD should be EXPR_BEG.
+Tue May 1 16:23:03 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_insert): new method.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_update): new utility function.
+Tue May 1 03:24:05 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/irb/completion.rb, lib/irb/frame.rb, lib/irb/xmp.rb,
+ doc/irb/ Merge from irb-tools 0.7.1.
+Tue May 1 03:07:17 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * sample/irb.rb, lib/irb.rb, lib/irb/*, doc/irb/*: Merge from irb
+ 0.7.3.
+ * instruby.rb: Install help-message's too.
+ * lib/irb/main.rb: This file is not needed anymore.
+Fri Apr 27 09:27:10 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (set_outfile): should check if closed before assignment.
+Thu Apr 26 22:36:11 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * don't use tzname on Cygwin 1.3.1+.
+ * add -mieee/-ieee to CFLAGS on OSF1/Alpha
+ to disable "DIVISION BY ZERO" exception.
+Thu Apr 26 22:30:43 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): should preserve value of ruby_errinfo.
+Thu Apr 26 10:36:09 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_schedule): infinite sleep should not cause
+ dead lock.
+Wed Apr 25 16:40:44 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_flatten_bang): proper recursive detection.
+Wed Apr 25 15:36:15 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * eval.c (yield_under): need not to prohibit at safe level 4.
+Wed Apr 25 15:22:20 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): p/P packs nil into NULL.
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): p/P unpacks NULL into nil.
+Tue Apr 24 15:35:32 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): size check for P template.
+ * ruby.c (set_arg0): wrong predicate when new $0 value is bigger
+ than original space.
+Tue Apr 24 15:18:49 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/, lib/mkmf.rb: (dir_config) do not add the
+ specified include directory if already included in $CPPFLAGS.
+ * ext/, lib/mkmf.rb: (dir_config) return a more useful
+ value, [include_dir, lib_dir].
+Mon Apr 23 14:43:59 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (id2ref): should use NUM2ULONG()
+ * object.c (rb_mod_const_get): check whether name is a class
+ variable name.
+ * object.c (rb_mod_const_set): ditto.
+ * object.c (rb_mod_const_defined): ditto.
+Sat Apr 21 22:33:26 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (w_float): precision changed to "%.16g"
+Sat Apr 21 22:07:58 2001 Guy Decoux <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): wrong retry behavior.
+Fri Apr 20 19:12:20 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_aref): a bug on long>int architecture.
+Fri Apr 20 14:57:15 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval_string_wrap): should restore ruby_wrapper.
+Sun Apr 22 17:44:37 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * add -mieee to CFLAGS on Linux/Alpha
+ to disable "DIVISION BY ZERO" exception.
+ * remove -ansi on OSF/1.
+Wed Apr 18 04:37:51 2001 Wakou Aoyama <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb: CGI::Cookie: no use PATH_INFO.
+Wed Apr 18 00:24:40 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): char class at either edge of range
+ should be invalid.
+Tue Apr 17 17:33:55 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (handle_rescue): use === to compare exception match.
+ * error.c (syserr_eqq): comparison between SystemCallErrors should
+ based on their error numbers.
+Tue Apr 17 16:54:39 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * eval.c (safe_getter): should use INT2NUM().
+Tue Apr 17 15:12:56 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big2long): 2**31 cannot fit in 31 bit long.
+Sat Apr 14 22:46:43 2001 Guy Decoux <>
+ * regex.c (calculate_must_string): wrong length calculation.
+Sat Apr 14 13:37:32 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * win32/ no longer use missing/alloca.c.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: ditto.
+Fri Apr 13 12:40:48 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_start_0): fixed memory leak.
+Fri Apr 13 16:41:18 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (none): should clear cmdarg_stack too.
+Fri Apr 13 06:19:29 2001 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * io.c (rb_fopen): use setvbuf() to avoid recursive malloc() on
+ some platforms.
+Wed Apr 11 23:36:26 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (rb_stat_dev): device functions should honor stat field
+ types (except long long such as dev_t).
+Wed Apr 11 18:07:53 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_nesting): should not push nil for nesting array.
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_s_constants): should not search array by
+ rb_mod_const_at() for nil (happens for singleton class).
+Wed Apr 11 13:29:26 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (rb_singleton_class_attached): should modify iv_tbl by
+ itself, no longer use rb_iv_set() to avoid freeze check error.
+ * variable.c (rb_const_get): error message "uninitialized constant
+ Foo at Bar::Baz" instead of "uninitialized constantBar::Baz::Foo".
+Tue Apr 10 17:52:10 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_included): new hook called from rb_mod_include().
+Tue Apr 10 02:24:40 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (opt_i_set): should strdup() inplace_edit string.
+Mon Apr 9 23:29:54 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (exec_under): need to push cref too.
+Mon Apr 9 15:20:21 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_missing): raise NameError for "undefined local
+ variable or method".
+ * error.c (Init_Exception): new exception NoMethodError.
+ NameError moved under ScriptError again.
+ * eval.c (rb_f_missing): use NoMethodError instead of NameError.
+Mon Apr 9 12:05:44 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (Init_File): should redefine "new" class method.
+Mon Apr 9 11:56:52 2001 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb: fix typo.
+Fri Apr 6 01:46:35 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (PUSH_CREF): sharing cref node was problematic. maintain
+ runtime cref list instead.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): copy defn node before registering.
+ * eval.c (rb_load): clear ruby_cref before loading.
+Thu Apr 5 22:40:12 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_const_get): no recursion to show full class path
+ for modules.
+ * eval.c (rb_set_safe_level): should set safe level in curr_thread
+ as well.
+ * eval.c (safe_setter): ditto.
+Thu Apr 5 13:46:06 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_is_instance_of): nil belongs to false, not true.
+Thu Apr 5 02:19:03 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (make_time_t): proper (I hope) daylight saving time
+ handling for both US and Europe. I HATE DST!
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_wait_for): non blocked signal interrupt should
+ stop the interval.
+Wed Apr 4 03:47:03 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (proc_eq): class check added.
+ * eval.c (proc_eq): typo fixed ("return" was omitted).
+ * error.c (Init_Exception): move NameError under StandardError.
+ * class.c (rb_mod_clone): should copy method bodies too.
+ * bignum.c (bigdivrem): should trim trailing zero bdigits of
+ remainder, even if dd == 0.
+ * file.c (check3rdbyte): safe string check moved here.
+Tue Apr 3 09:56:20 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/ (create_makefile): create def file only if
+ it does not yet exist.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: ditto.
+Tue Apr 3 00:05:07 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (make_time_t): remove HAVE_TM_ZONE code since it
+ sometimes reports wrong time.
+ * time.c (make_time_t): remove unnecessary range check for
+ platforms where negative time_t is available.
+Mon Apr 2 16:52:48 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * process.c (proc_waitall): should push Process::Status instead of
+ Fixnum status.
+ * process.c (waitall_each): should add all entries in pid_tbl.
+ these changes are inspired by Koji Arai. Thanks.
+ * process.c (proc_wait): should not iterate if pid_tbl is 0.
+ * process.c (proc_waitall): ditto.
+Mon Apr 2 14:25:49 2001 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/monitor.rb (wait): ensure reentrance.
+ * lib/monitor.rb (wait): fix timeout support.
+Mon Apr 2 12:40:45 2001 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (media_subtype): return subtype.
+Mon Apr 2 12:01:15 2001 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (flag_list): capitalize flags.
+Mon Apr 2 01:32:38 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * Introduce MAINLIBS.
+ * Link libc_r against the ruby executable on
+ FreeBSD, which is the first attempt to work around a certain
+ problem regarding pthread on FreeBSD. It should make ruby/libruby
+ happy when it loads an extension to a library compiled and linked
+ with -pthread. Note, however, that libruby is _not_ linked with
+ libc_r so as not to mess up pthread unfriendly stuff including
+ apache+mod_ruby and vim6+ruby_interp.
+Mon Apr 2 01:16:24 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * win32/win32.c: use ruby's opendir on mingw32.
+ * win32/dir.h, dir.c, Makefile: ditto.
+Sun Apr 1 23:26:14 2001 TOYOFUKU Chikanobu <>
+ * numeric.c (flodivmod): a bug in no fmod case.
+Sun Apr 1 18:36:14 2001 Koji Arai <>
+ * process.c (pst_wifsignaled): should apply WIFSIGNALED for status
+ (int), not st (VALUE).
+Sat Mar 31 04:47:55 2001 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb: add document and example code.
+Sat Mar 31 03:24:10 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (Init_IO): value of $/ and $\ are no longer restricted to
+ strings. type checks are done on demand.
+ * class.c (rb_include_module): module inclusion should be check
+ taints.
+ * ruby.h (STR2CSTR): replace to StringType() and StringTypePtr().
+ * ruby.h (rb_str2cstr): ditto.
+Fri Mar 30 23:37:49 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_load): should not copy toplevel local variables. It
+ cause variable/method ambiguity. Thanks to L. Peter Deutsch.
+Fri Mar 30 22:56:56 2001 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb: rename ContinueRequest to ContinuationRequest.
+Fri Mar 30 12:51:19 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (rb_include_module): freeze check at first.
+Thu Mar 29 17:05:09 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_attr): sprintf() and rb_intern() moved into
+ conditional body.
+Wed Mar 28 23:43:00 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/, lib/mkmf.rb: add C++ rules in addition to C
+ rules for the mswin32 platforms.
+Wed Mar 28 19:29:21 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/, lib/mkmf.rb: move C++ rules to the right place.
+Wed Mar 28 17:39:04 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_str2cstr): warn if string contains \0 and length
+ value is ignored.
+Wed Mar 28 15:00:31 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * class.c (rb_singleton_class_clone): should copy class constant
+ table as well.
+Wed Mar 28 14:23:23 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (rb_include_module): sometimes cache was mistakenly left
+ uncleared - based on the patch by K.Kosako.
+ * ruby.h: all Check_SafeStr()'s are replaced by SafeStr() to
+ ensure 'to_str' be always effective.
+Wed Mar 28 09:52:33 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: disable global optimization.
+Tue Mar 27 15:00:54 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_define_method): should have clear method cache.
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_define_method): should have raised exception for
+ type error.
+Tue Mar 27 14:48:17 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.h: changed "extern INLINE" to "static inline".
+Mon Mar 26 23:19:33 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * time.c (rb_strftime): check whether strftime returns empty string.
+Mon Mar 26 21:16:56 2001 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb: supports response handlers and multiple commands.
+Mon Mar 26 17:21:07 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c: remove TMP_PROTECT_END to prevent C_ALLOCA crash.
+Mon Mar 26 14:04:41 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/Win32API/Win32API.c: remove Init_win32api().
+Sun Mar 25 16:52:48 2001 Koji Arai <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_flock): do not trap EINTR.
+ * missing/flock.c (flock): returns the value from lockf(2)
+ directly.
+Sat Mar 24 23:44:50 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (ev_const_defined): should ignore toplevel cbase (Object).
+ * eval.c (ev_const_get): ditto.
+Fri Mar 23 17:37:52 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/md5/md5.h: replace by independent md5 implementation
+ contributed by L. Peter Deutsch (thanks).
+ * ext/md5/md5init.c: adopted to Deutsch's md5 implementation.
+Fri Mar 23 17:26:19 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): string from P/p should be tainted.
+Fri Mar 23 12:18:44 2001 SHIROYAMA Takayuki <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c: curses on Mac OS X public beta does not
+ have _maxx etc.
+Fri Mar 23 10:50:31 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (w_object): should truncate trailing zero short for
+ bignums.
+Fri Mar 23 09:49:02 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (sym_intern): new method.
+Thu Mar 22 22:15:45 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/Win32API/extconf.rb: add -fno-omit-frame-pointer.
+Thu Mar 22 18:17:36 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_nesting): should not include Object at the
+ toplevel.
+Thu Mar 22 17:43:44 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.h: better inline function support.
+ * (NO_C_INLINE): check if inline is available for the
+ C compiler.
+Mon Mar 19 11:03:10 2001 Koji Arai <>
+ * marshal.c (r_object): len calculation patch was wrong for
+ * gc.c: alloca prototype reorganized for C_ALLOCA machine.
+Wed Mar 21 23:07:45 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * win32/win32.c (win32_stat): WinNT/2k "//host/share" support.
+Wed Mar 21 08:05:35 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/dir.h: replace missing/dir.h .
+ * win32/win32.h: ditto.
+ * win32/win32.c: ditto.
+Wed Mar 21 01:26:14 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (id2ref): sometimes confused symbol and reference.
+Tue Mar 20 23:09:33 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * win32/win32.c (win32_stat): UNC support.
+ * dir.c (extract_path): fix "./*" problem.
+Tue Mar 20 15:10:00 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): breaks loop after calling recursive
+ glob_helper; all wild cards should be consumed; no need for
+ further match.
+ * dir.c (dir_s_glob): gives warning if no match found.
+Tue Mar 20 14:13:45 2001 Koji Arai <>
+ * object.c (sym_inspect): did allocate extra byte space.
+Mon Mar 19 19:14:47 2001 Guy Decoux <>
+ * marshal.c (shortlen): shortlen should return number of bytes
+ written.
+Mon Mar 19 16:52:23 2001 K.Kosako <>
+ * eval.c (ev_const_defined): need not to check if cbase->nd_class
+ is rb_cObject.
+ * eval.c (ev_const_get): ditto.
+Mon Mar 19 17:11:20 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_zone): return "UTC" for UTC time objects.
+Mon Mar 19 16:27:32 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (THREAD_ALLOC): flags should be initialized.
+ * signal.c (rb_f_kill): should use FIX2INT, not FIX2UINT.
+Mon Mar 19 10:55:10 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): replace lstat() by stat() to follow symlink
+ in the case like 'symlink/*'.
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): gave warning too much.
+Sun Mar 18 08:58:18 2001 Wakou Aoyama <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb: // === '' --> //.match('')
+ * lib/cgi.rb: cgi#header(): improvement for mod_ruby.
+ * lib/cgi.rb: cgi#rfc1123date(): improvement.
+ thanks to TADA Tadashi <>.
+ * lib/cgi.rb: cgi#rfc1123date(): document bug fix.
+ thanks to Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>.
+ * lib/cgi.rb: cgi#header(): bug fix.
+ thanks to IWATSUKI Hiroyuki <>.
+Sat Mar 17 11:11:24 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): * should follow symlink, whereas ** should
+ not follow.
+Thu Mar 15 01:28:02 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dir.c (dir_s_chdir): block form of Dir.chdir. (RCR#U016).
+Fri Mar 16 17:14:17 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * Set SOLIBS properly for all ELF and
+ FreeBSD/NetBSD/OpenBSD a.out platforms so that the shlib
+ dependencies are recorded in the libruby shlib.
+Wed Mar 14 16:41:45 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_schedule): raise FATAL just once to
+Wed Mar 14 10:41:34 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): 0 (= Qfalse) is a valid value, so that
+ default self should be checked by klass == 0.
+ * bignum.c (rb_cstr2inum): should disallow '++1', '+-1', etc.
+Tue Mar 13 17:51:09 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (ev_const_defined): add new parameter self for special
+ const fallback.
+ * eval.c (ev_const_get): ditto.
+Tue Mar 13 16:39:45 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * dir.c (rb_glob_helper): fix drive letter handling on DOSISH.
+Tue Mar 13 14:54:39 2001 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: add HTTPRequest#basic_auth.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: raise if only account or password is given.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: WriteAdapter#<< returns self.
+Tue Mar 13 14:41:16 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (argf_seek_m): wrong calling sequence of rb_io_seek().
+Tue Mar 13 09:14:19 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (cond0): no special treatment of string literal in
+ condition.
+Mon Mar 12 18:59:38 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): save/restore $libs and $LIBPATH.
+Sun Mar 11 18:13:34 2001 Masahiro Tanaka <>
+ * math.c: add acos, asin, atan, conh, sinh, tanh and hypot to Math.
+ * check hypot availability.
+ * missing/hypot.c: public domain rewrite of hypot.
+Sun Mar 11 13:21:04 2001 Koji Arai <>
+ * parse.y (warn_unless_e_option): warning condition was wrong.
+ * parse.y (warning_unless_e_option): ditto.
+Sun Mar 11 00:55:31 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (install_rb): fix handling of destination path.
+Sat Mar 10 22:56:44 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (enum_all): new method 'all?', which returns true if
+ block returns true for all elements.
+ * enum.c (enum_any): new method 'any?', which returns true if
+ block returns true for any of elements.
+Sat Mar 10 02:34:18 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * math.c (math_log, math_log10): use nan() instead of 0.0/0.0 on Cygwin.
+Fri Mar 9 09:56:19 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (marshal_load): do not give warning unless explicitly
+ set to verbose.
+Fri Mar 9 02:07:53 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_exit): give string value "exit" to SystemExit.
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): -v should not print version if
+ proc_options called via moreswitches().
+Thu Mar 8 17:45:19 2001 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: one write(2) per one line.
+Wed Mar 7 14:26:11 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * math.c (math_log, math_log10): should return NaN if x < 0.0
+ on Cygwin.
+Thu Mar 7 10:31:26 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (stmt): while/until modifier must work for empty body.
+Tue Mar 6 22:53:58 2001 Kazuhiro Yoshida <>
+ * ruby.c (ruby_set_argv): clear ARGV contents before adding args.
+Tue Mar 6 10:50:29 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (primary): rescue and ensure clauses should be allowed
+ to appear in singleton method body.
+Mon Mar 5 17:25:13 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (proc_eq): compare Procs using blocktag equality.
+ * eval.c (proc_to_s): stringify according to block tag address.
+Mon Mar 5 17:19:56 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * win32/win32.c (gettimeofday): use GetLocalTime() instead of ftime()
+ for high-resolution timing.
+Sun Mar 4 17:01:09 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * string.c (trnext): support backslash escape in String#tr.
+Sat Mar 3 16:15:16 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): push cbase if ruby_cbase != ruby_class, for
+ example in the case NODE_DEFN/NODE_DEFS are called within
+ module_eval.
+Wed Feb 28 11:02:41 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_delete_bang): delete! should take at least 1
+ argument.
+ * ruby.c (load_file): add rb_gc() after loading to avoid
+ extraordinary memory growth.
+Wed Feb 28 05:01:40 2001 Koji Arai <>
+ * dir.c (rb_glob_helper): "./foo" should match "foo", not "./foo".
+Tue Feb 27 16:38:15 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (ev_const_get): retrieve Object's constant if no current
+ class is available (e.g. defining singleton class for Fixnums).
+ * eval.c (ev_const_defined): check Object's constant if no current
+ class is available (e.g. defining singleton class for Fixnums).
+ * time.c (time_timeval): negative time interval should not be
+ allowed.
+ * eval.c (proc_call): ignore block to `call' always, despite of
+ being orphan or not.
+Wed Feb 27 10:16:32 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): should check based on rb_block_given_p()
+ and rb_f_block_given_p().
+Tue Feb 27 04:13:45 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (frame-address): --enable-frame-address to allow
+ __builtin_frame_address() to be used.
+ * eval.c (stack_length): use __builtin_frame_address() based on
+ * gc.c (rb_gc): ditto.
+ * gc.c (Init_stack): ditto.
+Mon Feb 26 16:20:27 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): call ruby_show_version() just once.
+ * dir.c (dir_s_open): returns the value from a block (if given).
+Mon Feb 26 14:29:04 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/, lib/mkmf.rb: add C++ rules in addition to C
+ rules.
+Mon Feb 26 00:04:52 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (proc_call): should not modify ruby_block->frame.iter
+ based on ruby_frame->iter altered by PUSH_ITER().
+Mon Feb 26 05:27:52 2001 Wakou Aoyama <>
+ * lib/net/telnet.rb: #telnetmode(), #binmode(): bug fix.
+ thanks to
+Mon Feb 26 04:55:50 2001 Wakou Aoyama <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb: CGI#form(): bug fix.
+ thanks to MoonWolf <>.
+ * lib/cgi.rb: CGI#rfc1123_date(): improvement.
+ thanks to Tomoyasu Akita <>.
+ * lib/cgi.rb: CGI#header(): improvement for mod_ruby.
+ thanks to Shugo Maeda <>.
+Sun Feb 25 02:45:30 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_rename): avoid Cygwin's bug.
+Sat Feb 24 23:32:55 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_fd_close): should save current context before
+ raising exception.
+Sat Feb 24 22:14:00 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * win32/win32.c (myrename): fix error handling.
+Sat Feb 24 13:58:48 2001 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: always close connection on request without
+ body.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb, smtp.rb, pop.rb, http.rb: change copyright.
+Sat Feb 24 03:15:49 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (set_stdin): preserve original stdin.
+ * io.c (set_outfile): preserve original stdout/stderr.
+Fri Feb 23 08:28:58 2001 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: clear read buffer after reopen.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: refactoring.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: split module HTTPHeader from HTTPResponse.
+Tue Feb 20 23:45:35 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * process.c: add W* macro if not available.
+Tue Feb 20 16:37:58 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * add check for negative time_t for gmtime(3).
+ * time.c (time_new_internal): no positive check if gmtime(3) can
+ handle negative time_t.
+ * time.c (time_timeval): ditto.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big2long): should not raise RangeError for Bignum
+ LONG_MIN value.
+Mon Feb 19 17:46:37 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_substr): "a"[1,2] should return ""; need
+ rubicon upgrade.
+Mon Feb 19 12:10:36 2001 Triet H. Lai <>
+ * error.c (rb_sys_warning): new function to give warning with
+ strerror() message.
+ * dir.c (rb_glob_helper): better error handling, along with
+ performance tune.
+Mon Feb 19 01:55:43 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (secure_visibility): visibility check for untainted modules.
+Mon Feb 19 00:29:29 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * signal.c (sigpipe): sighandler which does nothing.
+ * signal.c (trap): set sigpipe function for SIGPIPE.
+ * signal.c (Init_signal): default SIGPIPE handler should be
+ sigpipe function.
+Sun Feb 18 15:42:38 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/curses/extconf.rb: add dir_config.
+ * missing/flock.c: use fcntl(2) instead of lockf(2).
+Sun Feb 18 05:46:03 2001 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: Response#range_length was not debugged.
+Sun Feb 18 04:02:03 2001 Yasushi Shoji <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_subseq): wrong boundary check.
+Sun Feb 18 00:09:50 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c: make file I/O faster on mswin32/mingw32.
+ * win32/win32.h: ditto.
+ * rubysig.h: ditto.
+Sat Feb 17 23:32:45 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (cond0): integer literal in condition should not be
+ compared to lineno ($.).
+Fri Feb 16 01:44:56 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (set_outfile): f should be the FILE* from the assigning value.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (tcp_s_open): should not give default value
+ to local_host.
+ * time.c (time_s_times): move to Process::times.
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_lchmod): new method File::lchmod.
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_lchown): new method File::lchown.
+Thu Feb 15 11:33:49 2001 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/cgi/session.rb (close): fixed reversed condition.
+Thu Feb 15 08:34:14 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * process.c (proc_waitall): new method based on a patch from Brian
+ Fundakowski Feldman <>.
+ * process.c (last_status_set): objectify $? value (Process::Status).
+Wed Feb 14 17:28:24 2001 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb: supports unknown resp_text_code.
+Wed Feb 14 00:44:17 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dir.c (dir_s_glob): support backslash escape of metacharacters
+ and delimiters.
+ * dir.c (remove_backslases): remove backslashes from path before
+ calling stat(2).
+ * dir.c (dir_s_glob): call rb_yield directly (via push_pattern) if
+ block is given to the method.
+ * dir.c (push_pattern): do not call rb_ary_push; yield directly.
+ * eval.c (blk_copy_prev): reduced ALLOC_N too much.
+ * eval.c (frame_dup): ditto.
+Tue Feb 13 23:05:38 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * dir.c (lstat): should use rb_sys_stat if lstat(2) is not
+ available.
+Tue Feb 13 08:43:10 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_ctl): do not call ioctl/fcntl for f2, if f and f2
+ have same fileno.
+Tue Feb 13 01:13:43 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_load): raise LocalJumpError if unexpected local jumps
+ appear during load.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (bsock_close_read): don't call rb_thread_fd_close();
+ it's supposed to be called by io_io_close().
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (bsock_close_read): do not modify f and f2.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (bsock_close_write): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_new): avoid dup(2) on sockets.
+ * parse.y (primary): preserve and clear in_single and in_def using
+ stack to prevent nested method errors in singleton class bodies.
+Sun Feb 11 16:00:30 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * eval.c (stack_length): use __builtin_frame_address() only if
+ GCC and i386 CPU.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc, Init_stack): ditto.
+ * add ac_cv_func_getpgrp_void=yes on DJGPP.
+Sat Feb 10 23:43:49 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (rb_any_hash): dumped core on machines sizeof(int) != sizeof(long).
+Sat Feb 10 23:07:15 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_for_fd): IO::for_fd(fd) - new method.
+ * regex.c (PREV_IS_A_LETTER): should not treat c>0x7f as a word
+ character if -Kn.
+Sat Feb 10 00:00:30 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (win32_stat): replace stat to enable when pathname
+ ends with '/' or '\' for mswin32 on Win9X / Win2k.
+ * win32/win32.h: ditto.
+ * ruby.h: ditto.
+ * dir.c (rb_glob_helper): ditto.
+ * file.c (rb_stat, rb_file_s_stat, eaccess, check3rdbyte): ditto.
+Fri Feb 9 22:54:57 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ruby.c (ruby_init_loadpath): convert '\\' to '/'
+ before finding executable file path.
+Fri Feb 9 17:41:53 2001 Triet H. Lai <>
+ * dir.c (rb_glob_helper): do not follow symbolic links.
+Thu Feb 8 21:27:24 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (install_rb): fix handling of relative path.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): add srcdir.
+Thu Feb 8 02:22:09 2001 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: join HTTPReadResponse into HTTPResponse again.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: move http_version() from HTTPRequest to
+ HTTPResponse.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: refactoring.
+Wed Feb 7 16:27:27 2001 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: split HTTPResponse into HTTPReadResponse
+ module.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: add Net::net_private.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: Socket#reopen takes arg, open_timeout.
+Wed Feb 7 16:05:22 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parse_quotedwords): %w should allow parenthesis escape.
+Wed Feb 7 00:57:42 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (parse_qstring): %q should allow terminator escape.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_options): new method to give an option values.
+ * parse.y (cond0): disable special treating of integer literal in
+ conditional unless option -e is supplied. changes current
+ behavior. experimental.
+ * parse.y (cond0): give warning for string/integer literals and
+ dot operators in conditionals unless option -e is supplied.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_equal): all option flags should be same to be equal.
+Tue Feb 6 21:30:44 2001 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: call on_connect() on re-opening socket.
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: also POP3 can use APOP auth.
+Tue Feb 6 20:19:10 2001 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: add HTTP#request.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: take HTTP 1.0 server into account (incomplete).
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: timeout for open/read.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: add Protocol#on_connect,on_disconnect.
+Mon Feb 5 23:15:46 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * error.c (Init_Exception): make Interrupt a subclass of
+ SignalException.
+Mon Feb 5 00:39:06 2001 KANEKO Naoshi <>
+ * dir.c: use ISXXX() instead of isxxx().
+ * dln.c (aix_loaderror): ditto.
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_expand_path): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_upcase_bang): ditto.
+ * win32/win32.c (do_spawn): ditto.
+ * win32/win32.c (NtMakeCmdVector): ditto.
+ * win32/win32.c (opendir): ditto.
+Sat Feb 3 14:44:53 2001 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (AC_C_INLINE): check inline attribute.
+ * gc.c (is_pointer_to_heap): use inline rather than __inline__.
+ * pack.c (hex2num): ditto.
+ * ruby.h (rb_class_of, rb_type, rb_special_const_p): ditto.
+ * util.c (rb_class_of, rb_type, rb_special_const_p): defined in
+ ruby.h.
+Fri Feb 2 16:14:51 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_sort_bang): returns self, even if its length is
+ less than 2.
+ * eval.c (POP_VARS): propagate DVAR_DONT_RECYCLE, if
+ SCOPE_DONT_RECYCLE of ruby_scope is set.
+Wed Jan 31 22:27:29 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * gcc-2.95.2-7(Cygwin) support.
+ add -mwin32 if available.
+ * cygwin/GNUmakefile: ditto.
+Tue Jan 30 17:56:48 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_fetch): new method.
+Mon Jan 29 17:36:19 2001 TOYOFUKU Chikanobu <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): nd_iter evaluation should be wrapped by
+Mon Jan 29 14:25:39 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (block_pass): return from block jumps directory to
+ block invoker.
+Mon Jan 29 01:40:27 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_independent): should not clear str->orig here.
+ it's too early.
+Fri Jan 26 01:42:40 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y: clarify do ambiguity, bit more complex but natural
+ from my point of view.
+Wed Jan 24 14:58:08 2001 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb: fix the problem that when running under mod_ruby
+ header() outputs only one Set-Cookie line.
+Wed Jan 24 01:45:49 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (POP_BLOCK_TAG): call rb_gc_force_recycle() if block has
+ not been objectified.
+ * eval.c (rb_callcc): should nail down block->tag history to avoid
+ rb_gc_force_recycle().
+Tue Jan 23 18:51:57 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_call_finalizer_at_exit): should finalize objects in
+ deferred_final_list too.
+Tue Jan 23 16:10:12 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (os_live_obj): do not list terminated object.
+ * gc.c (os_obj_of): ditto.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_mark): support new T_BLKTAG tag.
+ * gc.c (obj_free): ditto.
+ * eval.c (new_blktag): creation of new block tag, which holds
+ destination of global jump and orphan status.
+ * eval.c (block_pass): break from orphan Proc object will raise a
+ LocalJumpError exception.
+Mon Jan 22 16:33:16 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * mkconfig.rb: autoconf 2.49 support.
+Mon Jan 22 00:32:44 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (block_pass): behavior consistency with proc_call(). do
+ not propagate `break'.
+Sat Jan 20 03:54:00 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): fixed serious syntax misbehavior. do's
+ preceding was too high. a block in `foo bar do .. end' should
+ be passed to `foo', not `bar'.
+ * parse.y (block_call): syntax restructure.
+Thu Jan 18 04:28:14 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_read): new method to call IO#read from
+ pathname. In addition, it accepts third optional argument to
+ specify starting point.
+Wed Jan 17 13:28:26 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * remove DEFS definition.
+ * mkconfig.rb: ditto.
+ * win32/ ditto.
+Tue Jan 16 17:00:50 2001 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: ignore EOFError for read.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: user specified header was not used.
+Mon Jan 15 16:00:07 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): should check associated pointer packed by
+ pack("P"). Thus pointers can be retrieved only from pointer
+ packed strings. restriction added.
+Sun Jan 14 21:49:28 2001 Koji Arai <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_f_sprintf): simple typo. binary base should be 2,
+ not '2'.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_s_last_match): should explicitly return nth match.
+Sun Jan 14 18:21:30 2001 Usaku Nakamura <>
+ * win32/ add some field.
+ * win32/win32.c (isInternalCmd): ignore case for shell's internal
+ command.
+ * win32/win32.c (do_spawn): recognize quoted command line.
+Sun Jan 14 04:10:27 2001 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb (adding): too few "yield" in case of arg is
+ not String/File.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: add http request object.
+Sat Jan 13 19:39:30 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_desc): separate RE_OPTION_MULTILINE
+ * re.c (rb_reg_options): add RE_OPTION_{POSIXLINE,RE_OPTION_MULTILINE,
+Thu Jan 11 10:45:04 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * win32/win32.h, win32/ move NORETURN from win32.h
+ to
+ * win32/ (inline): renamed from INLINE.
+ * djgpp/config.hin (INLINE): removed.
+Thu Jan 11 06:45:55 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_mod_dup): should propagate FL_SINGLETON.
+ * object.c (inspect_obj): handles the case of no instance variable.
+Wed Jan 10 16:15:08 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ruby.h: NORETURN macro is changed for VC++ 6.0.
+ * eval.c, intern.h: ditto.
+ * djgpp/config.hin, win32/win32.h: ditto.
+ * ditto.
+Wed Jan 10 13:54:53 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * process.c (proc_setuid): use setresuid() if available.
+ * process.c (proc_setgid): use setresgid() if available.
+ * ditto.
+Wed Jan 10 01:50:45 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * (AC_C_INLINE): check inline attribute.
+ * string.c (rb_str_reverse_bang): forgot to call rb_str_modify().
+Tue Jan 9 17:41:40 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_taint): check frozen status before modifying
+ taint status.
+ * object.c (rb_obj_untaint): ditto.
+Tue Jan 9 16:22:14 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (enum_inject): new method.
+Tue Jan 9 02:16:42 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_call_finalizer_at_exit): clear klass member of
+ terminating object.
+ * eval.c (rb_call): raise exception for terminated object.
+Mon Jan 8 21:24:37 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (bigdivrem): t2 might be too big for signed long; do
+ not use rb_int2big(), but rb_uint2big().
+Mon Jan 8 21:35:10 2001 Guy Decoux <>
+ * file.c (path_check_1): should restore modified path.
+Mon Jan 8 03:09:58 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * error.c (rb_load_fail): new func to report LoadError.
+ * ruby.c (load_file): use rb_load_fail.
+Sat Jan 6 00:17:18 2001 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): avoid infinite loop(pack 'm2').
+Fri Jan 5 01:02:17 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_finalize): should enclosed by PUSH_TAG/POP_TAG.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_mark): link 2 of NODE_IFUNC should not be explicitly
+ marked. it may contain non object pointer.
+Tue Jan 2 00:20:06 2001 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (reg_s_last_match): Regexp::last_match(nth) returns nth
+ substring of the match (alternative for $& and $<digit>).
+Sun Dec 31 01:39:16 2000 Guy Decoux <>
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_define_method): wrong comparison for blocks.
+Sat Dec 30 19:28:50 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (id2ref): should handle Symbol too.
+ * gc.c (id2ref): should print original ptr value
+Sat Dec 30 03:14:22 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_iterate): NODE_CFUNC does not protect its data
+ (nd_tval), so create new node NODE_IFUNC for iteration C
+ function.
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): use NODE_IFUNC.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_mark): support NODE_IFUNC.
+Fri Dec 29 11:41:55 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (mem_error): prohibit recursive mem_error().
+ (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#36)
+Fri Dec 29 11:05:41 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_fd_writable): should not switch context if
+ rb_thread_critical is set.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_wait_fd): ditto.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_wait_for): ditto.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_select): ditto.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_join): join during critical section causes
+ deadlock.
+Fri Dec 29 00:38:46 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * m17n.c: new file - core functions of M17N.
+Tue Dec 26 18:46:41 2000 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/debug.rb: Avoid thread deadlock in debugging stopped thread.
+ * lib/debug.rb: Uncleared 'finish' state.
+Tue Dec 26 16:53:55 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): remove dvar node by rb_gc_force_recycle()
+ more eagerly.
+ * eval.c (rb_f_binding): recycling should be stopped for outer
+ scope too.
+ * eval.c (proc_new): ditto.
+Tue Dec 26 15:45:35 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_inspect): should treat multibyte characters
+ properly.
+Mon Dec 25 17:49:08 2000 K.Kosako <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_replace_m): unexpected string share happens if
+ replace is done for associated (STR_NO_ORIG) string.
+Tue Dec 26 15:01:53 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_f_p): should not call rb_io_flush() if rb_defout is not
+ a IO (T_FILE).
+Mon Dec 25 15:52:39 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * stable version 1.6.2 released.
+Mon Dec 25 05:11:04 2000 Wakou Aoyama <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb: version 2.1.2 (some bug fixes).
+ * lib/cgi.rb: Regexp::last_match[1] --> $1
+ * lib/net/telnet.rb: ditto.
+Mon Dec 25 04:43:02 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: does not send HEAD on closing socket.
+Mon Dec 25 00:44:48 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_any_cmp): should use rb_str_cmp() if TYPE == T_STRING
+ and CLASS_OF == rb_cString.
+ * string.c (rb_str_new4): should copy class of original too.
+Mon Dec 25 00:04:54 2000 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_schedule): initial value of `max' changed to -1.
+Mon Dec 25 00:16:14 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_replace_m): copy-on-write replace.
+ * parse.y (yylex): should handle => after identifier as well as ==
+ and =~.
+Sat Dec 23 23:55:57 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_cstr2inum): Integer("") should not return 0.
+Sat Dec 23 11:55:57 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_and): Array#& should preserve original order.
+Sat Dec 23 03:44:16 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: set @closed false in Socket#reopen.
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: add POP3.foreach, delete_all.
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: add POP3#delete_all.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: add HTTP.version_1_1, version_1_2
+ * lib/net/http.rb: refactoring.
+Fri Dec 22 23:11:12 2000 Ueno Katsuhiro <>
+ * eval.c (rb_feature_p): ext might be null.
+Fri Dec 22 17:04:12 2000 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (myselect): avoid busy loop by adjusting fd_count.
+Fri Dec 22 15:07:55 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_cstr2inum): prefix like '0x' had removed too much.
+Thu Dec 21 13:01:46 2000 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (makeport): don't use TCPsocket.getaddress.
+Wed Dec 20 12:00:15 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_lshift): should cast up to BDIGIT_DBL.
+ * parse.y (yylex): disallow trailing '_' for numeric literals.
+ * bignum.c (rb_cstr2inum): allow `_' within converting string.
+ * eval.c (specific_eval): should take no argument if block is
+ supplied.
+Tue Dec 19 13:44:50 2000 K.Kosako <>
+ * io.c (rb_f_p): should flush rb_defout, not stdout.
+Tue Dec 19 00:57:10 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_minus): usec might overflow. (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#35)
+ * eval.c (rb_obj_extend): Object#extend should take at least one
+ argument.
+ * parse.y (mrhs_basic): should check value_expr($3), not $1.
+Mon Dec 18 23:18:39 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * util.c (mblen, __crt0_glob_function): add for multibyte
+ on DJGPP 2.03.
+Mon Dec 18 18:10:30 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_plus): usec might underflow (ruby-bugs-ja:#PR33).
+Mon Dec 18 08:11:20 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_set_default): should call rb_hash_modify().
+Sat Dec 16 02:58:26 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): should clear ruby_errinfo on retry.
+ * eval.c (rb_rescue2): ditto.
+Thu Dec 14 13:06:18 2000 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c (rb_include_module): prohibit frozen class/module.
+ * eval.c (rb_frozen_class_p): make external.
+ * intern.h (rb_frozen_class_p): prototyped.
+ * intern.h (rb_undef): prototyped not but rb_undef_method()
+ which is also in ruby.h.
+Thu Dec 14 09:20:26 2000 Wakou Aoyama <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb: support -T1 on ruby 1.6.2
+ * lib/cgi.rb: $1 --> Regexp::last_match[1]
+ * lib/net/telnet.rb: ditto.
+Wed Dec 13 23:27:06 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): handles case statement without expr, which
+ looks for any TRUE (non nil, non false) when expression.
+ * parse.y (primary): case expression should not be compstmt, but
+ mere expr.
+ * parse.y (primary): case without following expression is now
+ separated rule.
+Wed Dec 13 12:41:27 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): accept "--^M" for DOS line endings.
+Tue Dec 12 15:45:42 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (newline_node): cancel newline unification.
+Mon Dec 11 23:01:57 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): supports cases `?' precedes EOF and newline.
+Mon Dec 11 12:11:25 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (call_end_proc): some frame members were left
+ uninitialized.
+Mon Dec 11 01:14:58 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_fptr_finalize): do not fclose stdin, stdout and
+ stderr at exit.
+Sat Dec 9 17:34:48 2000 Tachino Nobuhiro <>
+ * time.c (time_cmp): should check with kind_of?, not instance_of?
+ * time.c (time_eql): ditto.
+ * time.c (time_minus): ditto.
+Fri Dec 8 17:23:25 2000 Tachino Nobuhiro <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_f_sprintf): proper string precision treat.
+Fri Dec 8 10:44:05 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_mod_remove_cvar): Module#remove_class_variable
+ added.
+Thu Dec 7 17:35:51 2000 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * eval.c (stack_length): don't use __builtin_frame_address() on alpha.
+Wed Dec 6 18:07:13 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * djgpp/config.sed, win32/Makefile.sub: typo.
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_define_method): avoid VC4.0 warnings.
+Wed Dec 6 13:38:08 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_and): tuning, make hash from shorter operand.
+Wed Dec 6 01:28:50 2000 SHIROYAMA Takayuki <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc): __builtin_frame_address() should not be used on
+ MacOS X.
+ * gc.c (Init_stack): ditto.
+Mon Dec 4 13:44:01 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/jcode.rb: consider multibyte. not /n.
+Mon Dec 4 09:49:36 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_inspect): output whole string contents. no more `...'
+ * string.c (rb_str_dump): should propagate taintness.
+ * hash.c (env_inspect): hash like human readable output.
+ * variable.c (rb_ivar_get): prohibiting instance variable access
+ is too much restriction.
+ * class.c (method_list): retrieving information should not be
+ restricted where $SAFE=4.
+ * class.c (rb_obj_singleton_methods): ditto.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_priority): ditto.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_local_aref): ditto.
+ * variable.c (rb_obj_instance_variables): ditto.
+ * variable.c (rb_mod_const_at): ditto.
+ * variable.c (rb_mod_class_variables): ditto.
+ * eval.c (rb_exec_end_proc): end_proc should be preserved.
+Sat Dec 2 22:32:43 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): || should accept exactly zero argument.
+ * parse.y (stmt): multiple right hand side for single assignment
+ (e.g. a = 1,2) is allowed.
+Wed Nov 29 07:55:29 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (w_long): dumping long should be smaller than 32bit max.
+ * marshal.c (w_long): shorter long format for small integers(-123..122).
+ * marshal.c (r_long): ditto.
+Tue Nov 28 18:10:51 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_define_method): quick hack to implement
+ on-the-fly method definition. experimental.
+Mon Nov 27 17:00:35 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): should not redefine builtin classes/modules
+ from within wrapped load.
+Mon Nov 27 08:57:33 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (call_end_proc): should be isolated from outer block.
+Mon Nov 27 00:10:08 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_ctl): call ioctl/fcntl for fptr->f2 too.
+ * process.c (rb_f_fork): call rb_thread_atfork() after creating
+ child process.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_atfork): kill all other threads immediately,
+ then turn the current thread into the main thread.
+Sat Nov 25 23:12:22 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_run): move calling point of rb_trap_exit after
+ cleaning up threads.
+ * eval.c (ruby_finalize): new function to call EXIT trap, END
+ procs and GC finalizers.
+ * eval.c (rb_exec_end_proc): prevent recursion.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_call_finalizer_at_exit): ditto.
+ * signal.c (rb_trap_exit): ditto. made static.
+ * process.c (rb_f_fork): should swallow all exceptions from block
+ execution.
+ * process.c (fork_rescue): should call ruby_finalize().
+ * parse.y (yycompile): rb_gc() removed. I don't remember why I put
+ this here. test code?
+Fri Nov 24 22:03:48 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * range.c (EXCL): exclusive information is now stored in an
+ instance variable. this enables proper marshal dump.
+ * process.c (proc_waitpid): should clear rb_last_status ($?) if
+ no pid was given by waitpid(2).
+Thu Nov 23 01:35:38 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * process.c (proc_waitpid2): returns nil if no pid found.
+Wed Nov 22 23:45:15 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * range.c (range_eq): new method. Compares start and end of range
+ respectively.
+Wed Nov 22 11:01:32 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_mod_class_variables): should honor singleton
+ class variable rule defined yesterday.
+Tue Nov 21 23:24:14 2000 Mitsuteru S Nakao <>
+ * numeric.c (flodivmod): missing second operand (typo).
+Tue Nov 21 03:39:41 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (marshal_load): marshal format compatibility check
+ revised. greater minor revision is UPWARD compatible;
+ downward compatibility is not assured.
+ * eval.c (is_defined): clarify class variable behavior for
+ singleton classes. class variables within singleton class
+ should be treated like within singleton method.
+Mon Nov 20 13:45:21 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): set ruby_sourceline before evaluating
+ exceptions.
+ * gc.c (gc_sweep): defer finalization in GC during compilation or
+ interrupt prohibit section.
+ * gc.c (gc_sweep): mark all nodes before sweeping if GC happened
+ during compilation.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): should treat class variables specially in a
+ method defined in the singleton class.
+Mon Nov 20 10:20:21 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * dir.c, win32/win32.c, ruby.h: add rb_iglob().
+Mon Nov 20 00:18:16 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_subseq): should return nil for outbound start
+ index.
+ * marshal.c (marshal_load): show format versions explicitly when
+ format version mismatch happens.
+Sun Nov 19 06:13:24 2000 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * marshal.c: use long for string/array length.
+ * pack.c (swaps): use bit-or(|) instead of plus(+).
+ * pack.c (swapl): ditto.
+Sat Nov 18 15:18:16 2000 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_replace): array size should be in long.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_concat): ditto.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_hash): ditto.
+Sat Nov 18 14:07:20 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: Socket#readline() reads until "\n", not "\r\n"
+Fri Nov 17 14:55:18 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_succ): output should be NUL terminated.
+Fri Nov 17 02:54:15 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_close): need not to flush before closing.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_join): should preserve last thread status when
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_stop): ditto.
+ * io.c (io_fflush): wrap fflush by TRAP_BEG, TRAP_END.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): method defined within singleton class
+ definition should behave like singleton method about class
+ variables.
+ * eval.c (is_defined): ditto.
+Thu Nov 16 23:06:07 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: can call {old,new}_implementation any times.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: HTTP#connecting, receive ->
+ common_oper, connecting.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: output warning if u_header includes
+ duplicated header.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: not check Connection:/Proxy-Connection;
+ always read until eof.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: detects and catches "break" from block.
+Thu Nov 16 16:32:45 2000 Masahiro Tanaka <>
+ * bignum.c (bigdivrem): should have incremented ny first.
+Thu Nov 16 14:58:00 2000 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_new): duplicates file descriptor
+ with myfddup() on mswin32/mingw32.
+ * win32/win32.h: uses system original fdopen().
+ * win32/win32.c (myfddup): newly added instead of myfdopen().
+ * win32/win32.c (mybind, myconnect, mygetsockname, mygetsockopt,
+ mylisten, mysetsockopt): now accept file descriptor only, not
+ * win32/win32.c (myaccept, mysocket): return file descriptor,
+ instead of SOCKET.
+Thu Nov 16 10:23:24 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (massign): too strict check for nameless rest argument.
+ * eval.c (method_arity): mere * should return -1.
+ * eval.c (intersect_fds): should check all FDs in the fd_set.
+Wed Nov 15 19:33:20 2000 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_attr): should clear method cache before calling hook.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): ditto.
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_modfunc): ditto.
+Mon Nov 13 22:44:52 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * error.c (rb_bug): print version to stderr.
+Mon Nov 13 19:02:08 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * win32/win32.c, io.c, process.c: the exit status of program must be
+ multiplied 256 on mswin32 and msdosdjgpp(system(), ``).
+Sat Nov 11 22:57:38 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (arg): uniformed treatment of -a**b, where a is a
+ number literal; hacky but behavior appears more consistent.
+ * parse.y (newline_node): reduce newline node (one per line).
+ * random.c (rb_f_srand): should be prohibited in safe level
+ greater than 4.
+Sat Nov 11 22:37:36 2000 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * rubysig.h: do not use rb_trap_immediate on win32.
+ * rubysig.h: new macros, ATOMIC_TEST, ATOMIC_SET, ATOMIC_INC,
+ ATOMIC_DEC, RUBY_CRITICAL and new definition of TRAP_BEG,
+ * gc.c (ruby_xmalloc): should wrap malloc() by RUBY_CRITICAL.
+ * signal.c (sighandle): better win32 sig handling.
+ * win32/win32.c (flock): better implementation.
+ * win32/win32.c (myselect): ditto.
+ * win32/win32.c (myaccept): ditto.
+ * win32/win32.c (waitpid): ditto.
+ * win32/win32.c (myrename): ditto.
+ * win32/win32.c (wait_events): support function for win32 signal
+ handling.
+Sat Nov 11 08:34:18 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb, smtp.rb, pop.rb, http.rb: 1.1.31.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: initializes header in HTTP, not HTTPCommand.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb, http.rb: rewrites proxy code.
+Fri Nov 10 16:15:53 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_num2long): use to_int, not to_i.
+ * error.c: T_SYMBOL was misplaced by T_UNDEF.
+ * parse.y (yylex): eval("^") caused infinite loop.
+Thu Nov 9 14:22:13 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_taint_check): should check IO taintness; no
+ operation for untainted IO should be allowed in the sandbox.
+ * rubyio.h (GetOpenFile): check IO taintness inside using
+ rb_io_taint_check().
+Wed Nov 8 03:08:53 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (io_fflush): ensure fflush(3) would not block by calling
+ rb_thread_fd_writable().
+Tue Nov 7 20:29:56 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb, smtp.rb, pop.rb, http.rb: 1.1.30.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb, smtp.rb: Command#critical_ok -> error_ok
+ * lib/net/http.rb: reads header when also "100 Continue".
+Tue Nov 7 04:32:19 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (bigdivrem): use bit shift to make y's MSB set.
+Mon Nov 6 1:22:49 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * error.c (warn_print): do not use err_append(), to ensure output
+ to stderr.
+ * error.c (rb_warn): use warn_print() instead of err_print().
+ * error.c (rb_warning): ditto.
+ * error.c (rb_bug): ditto.
+ * eval.c (rb_load): re-raise exceptions during load.
+ * time.c (make_time_t): remove useless adjust
+Thu Nov 2 18:01:16 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * random.c (rb_f_rand): half-baked float support fixed. This fix
+ was originally proposed by K.Kosako <>.
+Tue Oct 31 17:27:17 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c: change digit size to `long|int' if long long is
+ available.
+ * marshal.c (w_object): support `long|int' digits.
+ * marshal.c (r_object): ditto.
+Sat Oct 28 23:54:22 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): allow =end at the end of file (without a
+ newline at the end).
+Fri Oct 27 10:00:27 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_cstr2inum): should ignore trailing white spaces.
+ * bignum.c (rb_str2inum): string may not have sentinel NUL.
+Fri Oct 27 02:37:22 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_cstr2inum): wrongly assigned base to c before
+ badcheck check.
+Thu Oct 26 02:42:50 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: Command#critical_ok
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: clear critical flag before go to SMTP
+Wed Oct 25 12:30:19 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_concat): replacing array might be the receiver
+ itself. do not call rb_ary_push_m.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_replace): replacing array might be the receiver
+ itself. use memmove.
+Fri Oct 20 07:56:23 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): ARGSPUSH should not modify args array.
+Thu Oct 19 14:58:17 2000 WATANABE Tetsuya <>
+ * pack.c (NUM2U32): should use NUM2ULONG().
+Tue Oct 17 17:30:34 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * eval.c (error_print): ruby_sourcefile may be NULL.
+Tue Oct 17 16:36:28 2000 Wes Nakamura <>
+ * pack.c (NATINT_U32): wrong use of sizeof.
+Tue Oct 17 12:48:20 2000 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * eval.c (rb_abort): nil check against ruby_errinfo.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_schedule): use FOREACH_THREAD_FROM instead of
+ FOREACH_THREAD, since curr_thread may be removed from thread ring.
+ * eval.c (THREAD_ALLOC): errinfo should be Qnil.
+ * eval.c (rb_callcc): th->prev,th->next are now already
+ initialized in THREAD_ALLOC.
+Mon Oct 16 15:37:33 2000 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_inspect): tag size was shorter than required.
+ * object.c (rb_obj_inspect): ditto.
+Mon Oct 16 14:25:18 2000 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * object.c (sym_inspect): used `name' before initialization.
+Mon Oct 16 14:06:00 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): use NATINT_U32 for 'l', 'L', and 'N'.
+ * pack.c (I32,U32): 32 bit sized integer.
+ * pack.c (OFF16,OFF32B): big endian offset for network byteorder.
+Mon Oct 16 06:39:32 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: hex-alpha is not [a-h] but [a-f].
+Mon Oct 16 01:02:02 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_start_0): should not abort on exception if
+ $SAFE >= 4.
+ * parse.y (sym): symbols for class variable names.
+Sun Oct 15 01:49:18 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_flock): should accept interrupt.
+ * process.c (rb_waitpid): ditto.
+ * process.c (rb_waitpid): ditto.
+ * process.c (proc_wait): ditto.
+ * process.c (proc_waitpid2): wrong recursion.
+Sat Oct 14 03:32:13 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_alloc): should not link a new thread in the
+ live thread ring before initialization.
+Fri Oct 13 17:08:09 2000 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb: new file.
+Thu Oct 12 18:56:28 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: POP3#reset
+ * lib/net/http.rb: a code for "Switch Protocol" was wrongly 100.
+Thu Oct 12 01:23:38 2000 Wakou Aoyama <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb: bug fix: CGI::html(): PRETTY option didn't work.
+Thu Oct 12 00:03:02 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (sym_inspect): should adjust string length.
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_to_s): ditto.
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_inspect): ditto.
+Wed Oct 11 22:15:47 2000 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_inspect): should adjust string length.
+ * object.c (rb_any_to_s): ditto.
+ * object.c (rb_obj_inspect): ditto.
+Wed Oct 11 18:13:50 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_start_0): should check insecure exit.
+Wed Oct 11 14:29:51 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: 2nd arg for ProtocolError#initialize is
+ optional.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: code refining.
+Wed Oct 11 11:13:03 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (primary): setter method (e.g. foo=) should always be
+ public.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_raise): should not raise SecurityError if
+ exception raised by the interpreter.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_cleanup): skip all THREAD_KILLED threads
+Tue Oct 10 16:11:54 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * dln.c (dln_load): remove unused code for Cygwin.
+Tue Oct 10 09:49:23 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (Init_File): FileTest.size should return 0 (not nil) for
+ empty files.
+Sun Oct 8 13:20:26 2000 Guy Decoux <>
+ * eval.c (POP_SCOPE): not just set SCOPE_DONT_RECYCLE, but do
+ scope_dup().
+Sat Oct 7 15:10:50 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_reverse_bang): unnecessary ALLOCA_N() was
+ removed.
+Fri Oct 6 14:50:24 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/, lib/mkmf.rb: remove "DESTDIR =".
+ *, win32/Makefile.sub, ruby.1: renamed -X to -C.
+Fri Oct 6 12:50:52 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_plus): use to_ary(), not Check_Type().
+ * array.c (rb_ary_concat): ditto.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc): use __builtin_frame_address() for gcc.
+ * eval.c (stack_length): ditto.
+ * parse.y (assign_in_cond): stop warning till some better warning
+ condition will be found.
+Thu Oct 5 18:02:39 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_dup): should have propagated taint flag.
+ (ruby-bugs:#PR64,65)
+Wed Oct 4 00:26:11 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (proc_arity): proc{|a|}'s arity should be -1.
+Mon Oct 2 05:28:58 2000 akira yamada <>
+ * string.c (trnext): minus at the end of pattern.
+Sun Oct 1 00:43:34 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * exp-name was wrong on cygwin and mingw32.
+Thu Sep 28 14:57:09 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): should try must_string calculation
+ every time.
+Tue Sep 19 23:47:44 2000 SHIROYAMA Takayuki <>
+ *, config.guess, config.sub: MacOS X support.
+Wed Sep 27 18:40:05 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * stable version 1.6.1 released.
+Wed Sep 27 16:13:05 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * mkconfig.rb: variables should be expanded only if /\$\{?\w+\}?/.
+Tue Sep 26 18:09:51 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * string.c: include <math.h>
+Tue Sep 26 15:59:50 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_mod_dup): metaclasses of class/module should not be
+ cleared by rb_obj_dup.
+Tue Sep 26 02:44:54 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (GC_MALLOC_LIMIT): size extended.
+ * regex.c (DOUBLE_STACK): use machine's stack region for regex
+ stack if its size is small enough.
+Mon Sep 25 18:13:07 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c: include <defines.h>.
+ * eval.c (rb_add_method): cache mismatch by method
+ definition. need to clear_cache_by_id every time.
+Mon Sep 25 13:31:45 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * win32/win32.c (NtCmdGlob): substitute '\\' with '/'.
+Mon Sep 25 00:35:01 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * defines.h: #undef HAVE_SETITIMER on cygwin.
+Sun Sep 24 03:01:53 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb, http.rb: typo.
+Sat Sep 23 07:33:20 2000 Aleksi Niemela <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): nicer regexp error messages for
+ invalid patterns.
+Sat Sep 23 03:06:25 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_autoload_load): should not require already
+ provided features.
+Fri Sep 22 15:46:21 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: too early parameter expansion in string.
+Fri Sep 22 13:58:51 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/ don't use default $:
+Fri Sep 22 13:42:50 2000 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * regex.c (PUSH_FAILURE_COUNT): avoid casting warning on alpha.
+ * regex.c (PUSH_FAILURE_POINT): ditto.
+Fri Sep 22 10:16:21 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+Thu Sep 21 19:04:34 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb, lib/mkmf.rb (install_rb): check whether libdir is
+ directory or not.
+Thu Sep 21 17:23:05 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_symlink): use HAVE_SYMLINK.
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_readlink): use HAVE_READLINK.
+ * dir.c (dir_tell): use HAVE_TELLDIR.
+ * dir.c (dir_seek): use HAVE_SEEKDIR.
+ * (AC_CHECK_FUNCS): lstat, symlink, readlink,
+ telldir, seekdir checks added.
+ * file.c (lstat): should use stat(2) if lstat(2) is not
+ available.
+Thu Sep 21 15:59:23 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb, smtp.rb, pop.rb, http.rb: 1.1.29.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: HTTPReadAdapter -> HTTPResponseReceiver
+ * lib/net/http.rb (connecting): response is got in receive()
+Thu Sep 21 15:49:07 2000 Wayne Scott <>
+ * lib/find.rb (find): should not follow symbolic links;
+ tuned performance too.
+Wed Sep 20 23:21:38 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (load_file): two Ctrl-D was required to stop ruby at the
+ beginning of stdin script read.
+Wed Sep 20 14:01:45 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_provided): detect infinite load loop.
+ * eval.c (rb_provided): too weak filename comparison.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_alloc): avoid recycling still referenced
+ dvar structures.
+ * eval.c (rb_callcc): ditto.
+ * eval.c (THREAD_ALLOC): fill dyna_vars field by ruby_dyna_vars.
+Tue Sep 19 17:47:03 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * stable version 1.6.0 released.
+Tue Sep 19 16:24:52 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (Init_marshal): provide no more.
+Tue Sep 19 14:01:01 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ *, win32/setup.mak: include version number
+Tue Sep 19 13:07:47 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): was confusing $~ and $_.
+Tue Sep 19 13:06:53 2000 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * signal.c (rb_f_kill): signum may be a negative number, should be
+ treated by signed number.
+Tue Sep 19 01:14:56 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_provide): better feature handling.
+ * eval.c (rb_f_require): loading ruby library may be partial
+ state. checks in rb_thread_loading is integrated.
+ * eval.c (rb_provided): better thread awareness.
+ * lib/irb/frame.rb: 6 (not 5) parameters for trace_func proc.
+ * eval.c (error_print): should print error position even if
+ get_backtrace() failed.
+Sat Sep 16 03:29:59 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_require): rb_provided() was called too early; does
+ not work well with threads.
+ * parse.y (ensure): should distinguish empty ensure and non
+ existing ensure.
+ * file.c (Init_File): extending File by class of FileTest was
+ serious mistake.
+Thu Sep 14 02:46:54 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_yield): array strip should be done in this
+ function.
+Wed Sep 13 17:01:03 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_eq): incomplete value comparison of bignums.
+Wed Sep 13 06:39:54 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_mod_class_variables): Module#class_variables added.
+Wed Sep 13 06:09:26 2000 Wakou Aoyama <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb: bug fix: CGI::header(): output status header.
+Wed Sep 13 01:09:12 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): allow global variables like '$__a'.
+Tue Sep 12 22:28:43 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: avoid using terrible <netinet/tcp.h>
+ on cygwin 1.1.5.
+Tue Sep 12 16:01:58 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_unshift_m): typo.
+Tue Sep 12 15:37:55 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): stripped array too much, should remove just
+ for proc_call().
+Tue Sep 12 07:05:24 2000 Wakou Aoyama <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb: version 2.0.0: require ruby1.5.4 or later.
+ * lib/net/telnet.rb: version 1.6.0
+Tue Sep 12 03:26:07 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (massign): use to_ary to get an array if available.
+ * object.c (rb_Array): ditto.
+Mon Sep 11 14:24:47 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (ruby_setenv): should not free the element of
+ origenvironment.
+ * parse.y (command_call): kYIELD moved to this rule to allow
+ 'a = yield b'. (ruby-bugs-ja:#PR15)
+Mon Sep 11 01:27:54 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): proc#call([]) should pass single value to
+ the block.
+ * eval.c (callargs): reduce array allocation.
+ * eval.c (massign): precise check for argument number.
+Fri Sep 8 10:05:17 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (STR_NO_ORIG): should be FL_USER2.
+Thu Sep 7 14:17:51 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_cat): should work even for concatenating same
+ string.
+Wed Sep 6 17:06:38 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_cvar_declare): should check superclass's class
+ variable first.
+Wed Sep 6 10:42:02 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-calculate-indent): shift continuing line
+ if previous line ends with modifier keyword.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-parse-region): should not give up if
+ modifiers are at the end of line.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-expr-beg): indented wrongly if modified
+ statement was size 1.
+Wed Sep 6 10:41:19 2000 Kenichi Komiya <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-parse-region): modifier was not handled
+ well on emacs19.
+Tue Sep 5 17:10:12 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_to_s): fixed zone string UTC for utc time object.
+Tue Sep 5 00:26:06 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_search): range worked wrongly on bm_search().
+Mon Sep 4 13:40:40 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * renamed libruby.a to libruby.{cygwin,mingw32}.a
+ on cygwin and mingw32.
+Sun Sep 3 23:44:04 2000 Noriaki Harada <>
+ * io.c (NO_SAFE_RENAME): for BeOS too.
+Sun Sep 3 11:31:53 2000 Takaaki Tateishi <>
+ * parse.y (rescue): no assignment was done if rescue body was
+ empty.
+Sat Sep 2 10:52:21 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (call_args,aref_args): block_call can be the last
+ argument.
+ * parse.y (COND_PUSH,COND_POP): maintain condition stack to allow
+ kDO2 in parentheses in while/until/for conditions.
+ * parse.y (yylex): generate kDO2 for EXPR_ARG outside of
+ while/until/for condition.
+Fri Sep 1 10:36:29 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (aref_args,opt_call_args): add block_call to allow a
+ method without parentheses and with block as a last argument.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_sort): should not return nil.
+ * re.c (match_aref): should use rb_reg_nth_match().
+ * eval.c (POP_SCOPE): recycled scopes too much
+ * eval.c (Init_eval): extend room for stack allowance.
+ * eval.c (POP_SCOPE): frees scope too much.
+Thu Aug 31 14:28:39 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_mark): T_SCOPE condition must be more precise.
+ * eval.c (scope_dup): should not make all duped scope orphan.
+Thu Aug 31 10:11:47 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (stmt): allow stmt_rhs to be right hand side of multiple
+ assignment.
+ * time.c (rb_time_timeval): type error should not mention the word
+ 'interval'.
+Wed Aug 30 23:21:20 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_num2long): use rb_Integer() instead of independent
+ convert routine.
+ * eval.c (rb_rescue2): now takes arbitrary number of exception types.
+ * object.c (rb_convert_type): use rb_rescue2 now to handle NameError.
+ * object.c (rb_convert_type): better error message.
+Wed Aug 30 17:09:14 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/Win32API/Win32API.c (Win32API_initialize): AlphaNT support.
+Wed Aug 30 14:19:07 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (node_assign): should support NODE_CVASGN2 too.
+Wed Aug 30 11:31:47 2000 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/Win32API/Win32API.c (Win32API_initialize): add the
+ arguments checking.
+ * ext/Win32API/Win32API.c (Win32API_initialize): add taint
+ checking. allow String object in the third argument.
+Wed Aug 30 10:29:40 2000 Masahiro Tomita <>
+ * io.c (rb_f_p): flush output buffer.
+Tue Aug 29 16:29:15 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (assignable): remove NODE_CVASGN3.
+ * parse.y (gettable): remove NODE_CVAR3.
+Tue Aug 29 02:02:14 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): handles create_makefile("a/b").
+ * ext/ (create_makefile): ditto
+Mon Aug 28 18:43:54 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (is_defined): now handles class variables.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): class variable behavior revisited.
+ * parse.y (assignable): ditto.
+ * parse.y (gettable): ditto.
+ * regex.c (PUSH_FAILURE_COUNT): push/pop interval count on failure
+ stack. this fix is inspired by the Emacs21 patch from Stefan
+ Monnier <>.
+Fri Aug 25 15:24:39 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_cvar_get): should not follow __attached__.
+ * variable.c (rb_cvar_set): ditto.
+ * variable.c (rb_cvar_declare): ditto.
+ * variable.c (mod_av_set): second class variable assignment at the
+ toplevel should not give warning.
+Fri Aug 25 01:18:36 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (next_argv): prepare path for open file.
+ * string.c (rb_str_setter): moved from io.c.
+ * io.c (next_argv): filename should be "-" for refreshed ARGF.
+Thu Aug 24 15:27:39 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/socket/socketport.h: use `extern int h_errno' if needed.
+Sat Aug 19 01:34:02 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/sdbm/_sdbm.c (sdbm_prep): flags should be or-ed by O_BINARY on
+ Win32 too.
+ * ext/sdbm/_sdbm.c (makroom): fill hole with 0 on Win32 too.
+Fri Aug 18 13:23:59 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): should preserve and clear $! value before
+ compilation.
+ * eval.c (eval): ditto.
+Fri Aug 18 11:06:19 2000 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (s_accept): start GC on EMFILE/ENFILE.
+Thu Aug 17 16:04:48 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (is_defined): should clear ruby_errinfo.
+Thu Aug 17 04:26:31 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb, smtp.rb, pop.rb, http.rb: 1.1.27.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: writing methods returns written byte size.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: send_mail accepts many destinations.
+Wed Aug 16 00:43:47 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_s_times): use CLK_TCK for HZ if it's defined.
+Tue Aug 15 17:30:59 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (frame_dup): should set flag FRAME_MALLOC after
+ argv allocation.
+ * eval.c (blk_free): should not free argv if GC was called before
+ frame_dup.
+Tue Aug 15 16:08:40 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * add ac_cv_func_times=yes for mingw32.
+ * win32/win32.c (mytimes): typo.
+Tue Aug 15 01:45:28 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (argf_eof): should return true at the end of ARGF without
+ checking stdout if arguments are given.
+Mon Aug 14 10:34:32 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_status): status should return false for normal
+ termination, nil for termination by exception.
+Fri Aug 11 15:43:46 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_undef): give warning for undefining __id__, __send__.
+Thu Aug 10 08:05:03 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_callcc): returned current thread instead of
+ continuation wrongly.
+Thu Aug 10 05:40:28 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/ $CPPFLAGS should be initialized.
+ * ext/tcltklib/depend: add stubs.o.
+ * ext/tcltklib/extconf.rb: use $CPPFLAGS instead of $CFLAGS.
+Wed Aug 9 16:31:48 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_callcc): thread status for continuations must be
+ THREAD_KILLED, otherwise thread_free() breaks other threads.
+Wed Aug 9 13:24:25 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * win32/win32.[ch]: emulate rename(2).
+Tue Aug 8 14:01:46 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c: support --enable-tcltk_stubs
+ * ext/tcltklib/extconf.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tcltklib/stubs.c: created. examine candidate shared libraries.
+Mon Aug 7 13:59:12 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.h (CLONESETUP): should copy flags before any potential
+ object allocation.
+ * regex.c (re_match): check for stack depth was needed.
+Sat Aug 5 16:43:43 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * djgpp/*: convert DOS line endings to UNIX style.
+ * djgpp/config.status: rename to config.sed for SFN.
+ * lib/ftools.rb (compare, safe_unlink, chmod): avoid warnings.
+ * lib/ftools.rb (move): typo. not `tpath', but `to'.
+Fri Aug 4 23:26:48 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (proc_call): gives warning if a block is supplied.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): no warning for discarding if an alias for the
+ method is already made.
+Fri Aug 4 16:32:29 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_reject_bang): returns nil if no element removed.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_reject_bang): returns nil if no element removed.
+Thu Aug 3 19:44:26 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_fd_writable): should return integer value.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_assoc): search array element whose length is
+ longer than 0 (not 1).
+Wed Aug 2 18:27:47 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_wait_fd): prohibit thread context switch
+ during compilation.
+ * eval.c (rb_cont_call): prohibit Continuation#call across threads.
+Wed Aug 2 08:22:04 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc): clear malloc_memories to zero, to avoid potential
+ super frequent GC invocation. (ruby-bugs:#PR48)
+ * gc.c (rb_gc): only add_heap() if GC trigger condition is
+ satisfied.
+Tue Aug 1 16:41:58 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): global load path setting moved from
+ ruby_prog_init().
+ * ruby.c (incpush): renamed. push path entry at the END of the
+ load path array. This makes -I directories sorted in order in
+ the arguments.
+Sat Jul 29 23:42:04 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dir.c (dir_each): should check whether dir is closed during the
+ block execution. (ruby-bugs:#PR47)
+Sat Jul 29 21:57:30 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ruby.c (rubylib_mangle): provide another buffer for the result.
+Wed Jul 26 10:09:01 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * set SOLIBS to LIBS on Cygwin.
+ * LIBRUBY_SO='$(RUBY_INSTALL_NAME)'.$target_os.dll
+ on cygwin and mingw32. ruby-cygwin.dll is bad. why?
+Wed Jul 26 10:04:03 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (gc_sweep): avoid full scan during compilation.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc): add heap during no gc period (including
+ compilation).
+Tue Jul 25 19:03:04 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * cygwin/GNUmakefile: use puts instead of print, because
+ Cygwin DLL's behavior is changed(or bug?).
+ * LIBRUBY_SO='$(RUBY_INSTALL_NAME)'-$target_os.dll
+ on cygwin and mingw32.
+ * cygwin/GNUmakefile: ditto.
+ * $(SOLIBS) should be put after dmyext.@OBJEXT@.
+ * instruby.rb: install $(LIBRUBY) to libdir
+ if $(LIBRUBY) != $(LIBRUBY_A_).
+Tue Jul 25 15:16:00 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_p): redirect to $defout.
+Mon Jul 24 18:52:55 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * win32/win32.c (win32_getenv): should remove `static'.
+ * ruby.c (rubylib_mangle): support "/hoge;/foo"
+Mon Jul 24 10:28:55 2000 GOTO Kentaro <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_count): raise exception if no argument is
+ given.
+Sun Jul 23 12:55:04 2000 Dave Thomas <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_rindex): Support negative end position.
+Fri Jul 21 17:35:01 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (aref_args): command_call now be permitted as
+ aref_args.
+ * process.c (proc_getpriority): getpriority(2) may return valid
+ negative number. use errno to detect error.
+ * marshal.c (dump_ensure): dumped string should be tainted if
+ any among target objects is tainted.
+ * marshal.c (r_regist): restored object should be tainted if and
+ only if the source is a file or a tainted string.
+Wed Jul 19 15:14:04 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (bigdivrem): should use rb_int2big(), not rb_uint2big().
+Tue Jul 18 14:58:30 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_options): should treat SystemExit etc. properly.
+ * parse.y (yycompile): should check compile_for_eval, not
+ ruby_in_eval.
+Mon Jul 17 04:29:50 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: converts extension of $objs into $OBJEXT.
+Sun Jul 16 03:02:34 2000 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/weakref.rb: Change to use new ObjectSpace calls.
+Sat Jul 15 21:59:58 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): should not redefine __id__ nor __send__.
+ * gc.c (define_final): integrate final.rb features into the
+ interpreter. define_finalizer and undefine_finalizer was
+ added to ObjectSpace. plus, add_finalizer, remove_finalizer,
+ and call_finalizer are deprecated now.
+Sat Jul 15 01:32:34 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_method): implements unbound method.
+ * eval.c (Init_eval): should prohibit `module_function' for class
+ Class.
+Fri Jul 14 17:19:59 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * cygwin/ use miniruby instead of sed.
+Fri Jul 14 12:49:50 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (argf_eof): need to check stdin, when next_p == -1.
+ * io.c (read_all): use io_fread() instead of fread(3).
+ * io.c (io_reopen): should clearerr FILE if fd < 3.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_match_m): the result is exported, so it should be
+ declared as busy.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): should preserve errinfo even if return, break,
+ etc. is called in rescue clause.
+ * instruby.rb: install irb too.
+Wed Jul 12 15:32:57 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_const_get): constants for builtin classes must
+ have higher priority than constants from included modules at
+ Object class.
+ * bignum.c (bigdivrem): small embarrassing typo.
+Wed Jul 12 15:06:28 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): use rb_const_get_at().
+ * variable.c (top_const_get): retrieve toplevel constants only,
+ not ones of Object (and its included modules) in general.
+Wed Jul 12 15:04:11 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb, smtp.rb, pop.rb, http.rb: 1.1.26.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb, smtp.rb, pop.rb, http.rb:
+ add module Net::NetPrivate and its inner classes
+ {Read,Write}Adapter, Command, Socket,
+ SMTPCommand, POP3Command, APOPCommand, HTTPCommand
+Wed Jul 12 13:10:30 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (bigdivrem): defer bignorm().
+ * bignum.c (bignorm): accepts accidental fixnums.
+Tue Jul 11 16:54:17 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): `@<digit>' is no longer a valid instance
+ variable name.
+Tue Jul 11 01:51:50 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_divmod): should not use Integer(float) for
+ the right operand.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_remainder): ditto.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_modulo): ditto.
+Mon Jul 10 15:27:16 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * io.c (pipe_finalize): should set rb_last_status when pclose().
+Mon Jul 10 09:07:54 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * error.c (rb_bug): print version number and such too.
+Sat Jul 8 23:08:40 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_start_0): should copy previous scopes to
+ prevent rb_gc_force_recycle().
+Fri Jul 7 23:36:36 2000 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * ext/socket/addrinfo.h: move IN_EXPERIMENTAL and IN_LOOPBACKNET
+ definitions to ext/socket/sockport.h.
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: add getservbyport() and arpa/inet.h check.
+ * ext/socket/getaddrinfo.c (getaddrinfo): SOCK_RAW may not be
+ defined (ex. BeOS, Palm OS 2.x or before).
+ * ext/socket/getnameinfo.c (getnameinfo): getservbyport() may not
+ exist (ex. BeOS, Palm OS).
+ * ext/socket/sockport.h: add IN_EXPERIMENTAL, IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT,
+Fri Jul 7 03:30:00 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (aref_args): should allow Hash[:a=>2] etc.
+ * numeric.c (fix_aref): convert index by NUM2INT, not FIX2INT.
+ (ruby-bugs:#PR37)
+ * time.c (time_localtime): should prohibit for frozen time.
+ * time.c (time_gmtime): ditto.
+Thu Jul 6 19:12:12 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_file_s_open): should not terminate fptr; just clear it.
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): should not call require_libraries()
+ twice.
+ * ruby.c (require_libraries): clear after
+ execution.
+Thu Jul 6 13:51:57 2000 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (rb_to_id): name may not be symbol nor fixnum.
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_s_def): name may be nil.
+Thu Jul 6 02:09:06 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (bigdivrem): new function to return remainder.
+ * numeric.c (fixdivmod): now returns modulo, not remainder.
+ * numeric.c (flodivmod): ditto.
+ * bignum.c (bigdivmod): ditto.
+ * numeric.c (num_modulo): new method; alias to '%'.
+Thu Jul 6 00:51:43 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * win32/win32.c (NtCmdGlob): patterns should be separated and
+ NUL terminated.
+Wed Jul 5 22:27:56 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * cygwin/GNUmakefile: use ruby.def to make rubycw.dll.
+ * ext/ create target.def.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: ditto.
+Wed Jul 5 09:47:14 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_arg): Time::local, Time::gm now take 7th optional
+ argument for usec.
+ * numeric.c (num_ceil, etc): default ceil, floor, round, truncate
+ implementation for Numeric, using `to_f'.
+ * io.c (rb_io_reopen): clear fptr->path after free() to prevent
+ potential GC crash.
+ * io.c (rb_file_s_open): terminate fptr unless null.
+ * io.c (rb_file_initialize): ditto.
+ * lib/tempfile.rb: specify FILE::CREAT|File::EXCL to open for
+ better security.
+ * numeric.c (flo_truncate): new method.
+Wed Jul 5 01:02:53 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/ join ' ' -> join(' ').
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: ditto.
+Tue Jul 4 13:51:29 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c: add methods added to Hash in 1.5.x.
+ * ext/gdbm/gdbm.c: ditto.
+ * ext/sdbm/init.c: ditto.
+ * eval.c (proc_call): args may be Qundef (means no argument), do
+ not call TYPE() for args.
+Tue Jul 4 13:20:56 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/ make command line must be single-quoted.
+ $(RUBY_INSTALL_NAME) is command substitution in the POSIX sh.
+Tue Jul 4 13:16:02 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * util.c (rb_type): should add T_UNDEF.
+Tue Jul 4 09:30:35 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (here_document): supports EOF right after terminator.
+ * random.c (rb_f_rand): argument is now optional (rand(max=0)).
+Tue Jul 4 01:50:49 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * win32/ruby.def: remove ruby_mktemp.
+Tue Jul 4 01:27:13 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_rescue2): new function to rescue arbitrary exception.
+ * numeric.c (do_coerce): should catch NameError explicitly.
+Tue Jul 4 00:15:23 2000 Dave Thomas <>
+ * numeric.c (Init_Numeric): forgot to register Numeric#remainder.
+Mon Jul 3 23:46:56 2000 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * win32/win32.c (myselect, myaccept): disable interrupt while
+ executing accept() or select() to avoid Ctrl-C causes
+ "unknown software exception (0xc0000029)".
+Mon Jul 3 18:35:41 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: use null device if it exists for cross-compiling.
+Mon Jul 3 18:19:51 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb, smtp.rb, pop.rb, http.rb: 1.1.26.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb (finish): do nothing unless active.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: HTTP#{get,post}2 again (for new impl).
+Mon Jul 3 16:47:22 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * cygwin/GNUmakefile: librubys.a -> lib$(RUBY_INSTALL_NAME)s.a
+Mon Jul 3 13:15:02 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_divmod): x * d + m = y where d, m = x.divmod(y).
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_divmod): ditto.
+ * numeric.c (fixdivmod): does not depend C's undefined %
+ behavior. adopt to fmod(3m) behavior.
+ * numeric.c (flo_mod): modulo now reserves fmod(3m) behavior.
+ * numeric.c (num_remainder): 'deprecated' warning.
+Mon Jul 3 10:27:28 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+Sun Jul 2 21:17:37 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * support without --enable-shared for cygwin/mingw32.
+ * cygwin/GNUmakefile: ditto.
+ * ext/ use null device if it exists for cross-compiling.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: ditto.
+ * util.c (ruby_mktemp): remove unused ruby_mktemp().
+Sun Jul 2 14:18:04 2000 Koji Arai <>
+ * eval.c (TMP_PROTECT_END): tmp__protect_tmp may be NULL.
+Sun Jul 2 03:37:50 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb, smtp.rb, pop.rb, http.rb: 1.1.25.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb (each_crlf_line): beg = 0 is needed in adding{}
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: allow String for to_addr of SMTP#sendmail
+Sat Jul 1 15:22:35 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_rshift): should handle shift value more than
+ sizeof(long).
+Sat Jul 1 15:22:35 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): the value from RTEST() is not valid Ruby
+ object. result should be either true or false.
+Sat Jul 1 09:30:06 2000 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_initialize): was freeing invalid pointer.
+Sat Jul 1 03:25:56 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (call_args): command_call can be the last argument of
+ call_args. It had to be the only argument.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_s_quote): should not dump core even for unsane mbc
+ string.
+Fri Jun 30 01:36:20 2000 Aleksi Niemela <>
+ * parse.y (f_norm_arg): better, nicer error message.
+Thu Jun 29 07:45:33 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (udp_send): destination may be packed
+ struct sockaddr.
+ * object.c (rb_Integer): Integer(nil) should be invalid, on the
+ other hand, nil.to_i is OK.
+Wed Jun 28 17:26:06 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (ip_recvfrom): udp_recvfrom and tcp_recvfrom
+ is merged and moved to IPSocket#recvfrom.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_getaddrinfo): family can be a
+ strings such as "AF_INET" etc.
+ * ruby.c (require_libraries): . and RUBYLIB added to $load_path
+ just before -r procedure.
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): -e, - did not exec -r.
+Wed Jun 28 14:52:28 2000 Koga Youichirou <>
+ * config.sub: NetBSD/hpcmips support.
+Wed Jun 28 10:11:06 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c: gc trigger threshold changed; GC_NEWOBJ_LIMIT removed,
+ FREE_MIN is increased to 4096.
+Tue Jun 27 22:39:28 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb, smtp.rb, pop.rb, http.rb: 1.1.24.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: modified each_crlf_line again.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: do_write_beg,do_write_end -> writing{}
+ do_write_do -> do_write
+ * lib/net/http.rb: can make proxy connection by passing
+ addresses to, start.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: HTTP.new_implementation, old_implementation:
+ can use 1.2 implementation of head, get, post, put.
+ (see document)
+Tue Jun 27 12:05:10 2000 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * win32.c (myfdclr): new function.
+ * win32.h: add FD_CLR.
+Mon Jun 26 23:41:41 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ruby.h: add cast for ANSI style.
+ * gc.c (rb_data_object_alloc): use RUBY_DATA_FUNC.
+Mon Jun 26 22:20:03 2000 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * win32/win32.c (is_socket, extract_file_fd): New function.
+ * win32/win32.c (myfdopen): use is_socket().
+ * win32/win32.c (myselect): return non socket files immediately
+ if file and socket handles are mixed.
+Mon Jun 26 16:21:30 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_schedule): wait_for cleared too early.
+Mon Jun 26 09:15:31 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * pack.c: remove obsolete 'F', 'D' specifiers.
+Sun Jun 25 00:55:03 2000 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_getnameinfo): `res' would not
+ be assigned if TYPE(sa) == T_STRING.
+Sat Jun 24 14:36:29 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * config*.dj, configure.bat, top.sed: move to djgpp/.
+Sat Jun 24 02:34:17 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (load_file): call require_libraries() here to let
+ debug.rb work properly.
+Fri Jun 23 22:34:51 2000 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_lshift): reorder xds assignment to avoid
+ reusing `x' as `len' by VC++ 6.0 SP3 compiler with -Ox switch.
+Fri Jun 23 01:11:27 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_substr): should return empty string (""),
+ if beg == str.size and len == zero, mostly for convenience and
+ backward compatibility.
+ * parse.y (new_super): should tweak block_pass node for super too.
+ * string.c (rb_str_split_m): last split element should not be nil,
+ but "" when limit is specified.
+Thu Jun 22 17:27:46 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_substr): str[n,m] now returns nil when n equals
+ to str.size.
+Thu Jun 22 13:49:02 2000 Uechi Yasumasa <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb: support resuming.
+Thu Jun 22 13:37:19 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_sleep_forever): merge pause() macro.
+Wed Jun 21 08:49:04 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): should not raise exception just by defining
+ singleton class.
+Wed Jun 21 01:18:03 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.h: two macros RUBY_DATA_FUNC and RUBY_METHOD_FUNC are added
+ to make writing C++ extensions easier.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_dup): internal classes should not be shared by dup.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_dup): ditto.
+ * object.c (rb_obj_dup): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_dup): ditto.
+ * error.c (Init_Exception): renamed NotImplementError to
+ NotImplementedError.
+Tue Jun 20 16:22:38 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (make_time_t): bug in DST boundary.
+Tue Jun 20 10:54:19 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * add eval sitedir.
+Tue Jun 20 06:14:43 2000 Wakou Aoyama <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb: change: version syntax. old: x.yz, now: x.y.z
+ * lib/net/telnet.rb: ditto.
+Tue Jun 20 00:37:45 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_kcode_m): Regexp#kcode returns nil for code unfixed
+ regexp object.
+ * bignum.c (bigdivmod): bignum zero check was wrong.
+Mon Jun 19 10:48:28 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_cvar_set): forgot to add security check for class
+ variable assignment.
+Sun Jun 18 22:49:13 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * single quoted sitedir.
+ * mkconfig.rb: add DESTDIR for cross-compiling.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: add DESTDIR.
+ * ruby.c (load_file): force binmode if fname includes ".exe"
+ on DOSISH.
+Sat Jun 17 23:22:17 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_f_sprintf): should ignore negative precision given
+ by <%.*>.
+ * sprintf.c (rb_f_sprintf): should allow zero precision.
+Sat Jun 17 03:13:29 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_localtime): avoid unnecessary call of localtime.
+ * time.c (time_gmtime): avoid unnecessary call of gmtime.
+ * process.c (proc_wait2): new method.
+ * process.c (proc_waitpid): second argument made optional.
+ * process.c (proc_waitpid2): new method.
+Sat Jun 17 00:05:00 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_clone): should initialize member fields.
+Fri Jun 16 22:49:34 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_rewind): set lineno to zero.
+Fri Jun 16 22:47:47 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb, smtp.rb, pop.rb, http.rb: 1.1.23.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: too many CRLF in last line.
+Fri Jun 16 21:23:59 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * add pause(2) checking.
+ * eval.c: define pause() if missing.
+Fri Jun 16 18:41:58 2000 Koji Arai <>
+ * process.c (proc_setsid): BSD-style setpgrp() don't return
+ process group ID, but 0 or -1.
+Fri Jun 16 16:23:35 2000 Koji Arai <>
+ * file.c (rb_stat_inspect): gives detailed information;
+ compatibility with ruby-1.4.x.
+Fri Jun 16 05:18:45 2000 Yasuhiro Fukuma <>
+ * FreeBSD: do not link dummy libxpg4 which was
+ merged into libc.
+Fri Jun 16 03:17:36 2000 Satoshi Nojo <>
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c (fdbm_length): use GetDBM. empty?, [] too.
+ * ext/gdbm/gdbm.c (fgdbm_length): ditto.
+ * ext/sdbm/init.c (fsdbm_length): ditto.
+Fri Jun 16 01:57:31 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_sleep_forever): pause(2) instead of sleep(3).
+Thu Jun 15 10:46:36 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_sub_bang): should propagate taintness from
+ replacement string.
+Wed Jun 14 17:01:41 2000 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * rubytest.rb: add CONFIG['EXEEXT'] to the executable file name.
+Wed Jun 14 14:50:00 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_f_sub): assign to $_ only if modification happens.
+ * string.c (rb_f_gsub): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_f_chop): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_f_chomp): ditto.
+ * io.c (io_reopen): preserve file position by ftell/fseek, if io
+ is a seekable.
+ * eval.c (method_arity): wrong arity number for the methods with
+ optional arguments.
+ * time.c (make_time_t): opposite timezone shift (should be negative).
+Wed Jun 14 14:07:38 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * io.c: typo(ig/if).
+ * re.c: typo(re/reg). add rb_reg_check().
+ * time.c: remove unneeded declare(daylight, timezone).
+ * add include <time.h> when daylight checking.
+Wed Jun 14 11:36:52 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * marshal.c (r_object): modified for symbols.
+ * marshal.c (w_object): ditto.
+Wed Jun 14 10:04:58 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_memcmp): should compare according to ruby_ignorecase.
+ * string.c (rb_str_cmp): use rb_memcmp.
+ * string.c (rb_str_index): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_rindex): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_each_line): ditto.
+Wed Jun 14 04:58:53 2000 Dave Thomas <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_set_lineno): should have returned VALUE, not
+ integer.
+Wed Jun 14 09:29:42 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_dup): dup should always propagate taintness.
+Wed Jun 14 00:50:14 2000 Wakou Aoyama <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb: read_multipart(): if no content body then raise EOFError.
+Tue Jun 13 11:46:17 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * process.c (proc_setsid): try implement it using setpgrp() and
+ ioctl(fd, TIOCNOTTY, NULL).
+ * re.c (rb_reg_prepare_re): magic variable $= should affect regex
+ pattern match.
+ * time.c (make_time_t): use tm.tm_gmtoff if possible.
+ * time.c (time_zone): use tm.tm_zone if available.
+Tue Jun 13 01:50:57 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb, smtp.rb, pop.rb, http.rb: 1.1.22.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: HTTPResponse#body returns body.
+Mon Jun 12 23:41:54 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * (daylight): avoid GCC optimization.
+Mon Jun 12 19:02:27 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * cygwin has strange timezone.
+ * time.c (time_zone): use tzname and daylight.
+Sat Jun 10 23:10:32 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_seek): whence is optional, default is SEEK_SET.
+Fri Jun 9 17:00:29 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb, smtp.rb, pop.rb, http.rb: 1.1.21.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: exception is raised with response object.
+Fri Jun 9 15:11:35 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (make_time_t): supports daylight saving time.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_safe_level): should retrieve current $SAFE
+ value if a thread is the current thread.
+Thu Jun 8 14:25:45 2000 Hiroshi Igarashi <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: add target `distclean' in Makefile for extlib.
+ target `clean' doesn't remove Makefile.
+Thu Jun 8 13:34:03 2000 Dave Thomas <>
+ * numeric.c: add nan?, infinite?, and finite? to Float
+Thu Jun 8 00:31:04 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * regex.h: export re_mbctab properly on cygwin.
+ * dln.c: use dlopen instead of LoadLibrary on cygwin.
+Thu Jun 8 13:41:34 2000 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_basename): might dump core.
+Tue Jun 6 03:29:12 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dir.c (dir_foreach): now returns nil for consistency.
+ * bignum.c (bigdivmod): modulo by small numbers was wrong.
+Mon Jun 5 00:18:08 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * bignum.c: avoid conflict with USHORT on mingw32.
+Mon Jun 5 00:13:35 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_schedule): =/== typo.
+Sun Jun 4 03:17:36 2000 Wakou Aoyama <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb: improve: CGI::pretty()
+Sun Jun 4 02:01:10 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: do not need to add -L$(topdir) in --enable-shared case.
+Sat Jun 3 13:50:06 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (rb_id2name): should support constant attrset
+ identifiers.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_eq): Bignum#== should not raise exception.
+Fri Jun 2 11:24:48 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_popen): open with a block returns the value from the
+ block. old behavior was back.
+Fri Jun 2 00:42:31 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_cleanup): should clear priority for thread
+ termination.
+Thu Jun 1 22:39:41 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb, smtp.rb, pop.rb, http.rb: 1.1.20.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: wrongly closed the socket twice
+ when no Content-Length: was given.
+Thu Jun 1 00:59:15 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): convert Qundef to [].
+Wed May 31 20:45:59 2000 Dave Thomas <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_slice_bang): wrong argument number.
+Wed May 31 12:37:04 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_exec_end_proc): print error message from END procs.
+Wed May 31 04:06:41 2000 Wakou Aoyama <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb: change: CGI#out() if "HEAD" == REQUEST_METHOD then
+ output only HTTP header.
+Wed May 31 01:54:21 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_schedule): set main_thread->status to
+ THREAD_TO_KILL, before raising deadlock error.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_deadlock): if curr_thread == main_thread, do
+ not call rb_thread_restore_context()
+Tue May 30 23:33:41 2000 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): add $(TARGET).ilk and *.pdb
+ to cleanup files for mswin32.
+Mon May 29 10:41:10 2000 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_basename): should propagate taintness.
+Sun May 28 21:37:13 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * eval.c: bug fix: DLEXT2.
+Sun May 28 19:21:43 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * win32/win32.c: use ruby's glob.
+ * dir.c: "glob" exported and renamed to "rb_glob".
+ * ruby.h: ditto.
+ * main.c: turn off command line mingw32's globbing.
+Wed May 25 22:25:13 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/ use "ftools" instead of "rm -f".
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: ditto.
+Thu May 25 22:01:32 2000 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * defines.h: mswin32: remove obsolete USHORT definition.
+ * re.h: mswin32: use EXTERN instead of extern.
+ * regex.h: mswin32: export re_mbctab properly.
+ * win32/ruby.def: add ruby_ignorecase and regex.c's exports.
+Thu May 25 21:28:44 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_expr_str): escape un-printable character.
+Thu May 25 01:35:15 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (tokadd_escape): forgot to add `\x' to hexadecimal
+ escape sequences.
+ * object.c (rb_obj_dup): dup for normal object (T_OBJECT) copies
+ instance variables only.
+Wed May 24 23:49:47 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_mod_initialize): should provide initialize.
+Wed May 24 23:17:50 2000 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * win32/Makefile: remove unnecessary mv and rm command call.
+Wed May 24 21:01:04 2000 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * ext/pty/pty.c: use "" instead of <> to include ruby.h and rubyio.h
+ for BeOS (PowerPC).
+ * file.c (rb_find_file): should check dln_find_file() result.
+ * win32/ruby.def: add rb_block_given_p.
+Wed May 24 16:32:45 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_popen): popen does not take 3rd argument anymore.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_desc): re may be zero, check before dereferencing.
+Wed May 24 16:03:06 2000 Wakou Aoyama <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb: bug fix: CGI::escape(), CGI::Cookie::new()
+ * lib/net/telnet.rb: improve: binmode(), telnetmode() interface
+Wed May 24 13:12:31 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-parse-region): support `while .. do'
+ etc. But corresponding keywords must be at the beginning of
+ line.
+Tue May 23 23:50:12 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_initialize_m): wrong kcode value.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_s_new): forgot to initialize re->ptr.
+Tue May 23 08:36:24 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): forgot to restore old option
+ status by (?ix-ix).
+ * regex.c (re_compile_fastmap): anychar may match newline if
+Mon May 22 22:45:06 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb, smtp.rb, pop.rb, http.rb: 1.1.19.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: do not use Regexp "p" option.
+Mon May 22 21:56:43 2000 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_getmember): should use ID2SYM, not INT2NUM.
+Mon May 22 15:07:37 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (rb_find_file): should check if the file really exists.
+Mon May 22 09:08:12 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_popen): _exit(0) after processing block under the
+ child process.
+ * io.c (rb_io_popen): flush stdout/stderr before subprocess
+ termination.
+ * eval.c (rb_check_safe_str): insert rb_secure(4); operation
+ requires untainted string should be prohibited in level 4.
+Sun May 21 21:17:00 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * add for djgpp cross-compiling.
+ * add readline.
+ * instruby.rb: copy win32/win32.h to archlibdir on mingw32.
+Sun May 21 20:58:08 2000 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * pack.c: fix OFF16 and OFF32 definitions for Alpha and IRIX64.
+Sun May 21 17:31:37 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * instruby.rb: support "make install" for cross-compiling.
+ * ext/ ditto.
+Sun May 21 14:22:49 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * rename prep.rb to fake.rb.
+ * ditto.
+Sat May 20 23:29:14 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dir.c (dir_s_new): does not take block; "open" does.
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_new): ditto.
+Fri May 19 07:44:26 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dir.c (dir_s_open): Dir#open does not returns closed Dir if a
+ block is given to the method.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_initialize_m): Regexp::new calls initialize now.
+ * string.c (Init_String): String#delete_at removed.
+ * string.c (rb_str_aset_m): should have checked argc != 2.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_schedule): select(2) was called too many.
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): a bug in (?m) support. Pointed
+ out by Dave Thomas <>.
+Thu May 18 23:55:26 2000 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * dln.c (search_undef): st_lookup()'s 3rd parameter should be
+ a pointer of the variable which has the same size and alignment
+ as `char *'.
+ * marshal.c (w_symbol, w_object): ditto.
+ * parse.y (rb_intern): ditto.
+Thu May 18 18:00:35 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb, smtp.rb, pop.rb, http.rb: 1.1.18.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: Net::Version was removed.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: use Socket.gethostname to get local host name.
+Thu May 18 13:34:57 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (ruby_connect): should not have replaced
+ thread_write_select() by rb_thread_fd_writable().
+Thu May 18 09:01:25 2000 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ *, ext/, lib/mkmf.rb: remove BeOS R3 support.
+ Make a shared library ( only if the --enable-shared
+ option is specified.
+ * instruby.rb: no longer use and import.h.
+ * io.c: fix READ_DATA_PENDING definition for BeOS (PowerPC).
+Wed May 17 14:14:23 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_new_1): use /m instead of /p.
+Wed May 17 02:22:03 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_polling): wait 0.06 second to let other
+ processes run.
+ * process.c (rb_waitpid): avoid busy wait using rb_thread_polling.
+ * file.c (rb_thread_flock): ditto.
+ * parse.y (expr): avoid calling value_expr() twice.
+Wed May 17 00:45:57 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_binmode): should check PLATFORMs, not O_BINARY, sigh...
+Wed May 17 00:40:15 2000 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * win32/config.h: add DLEXT2, now DLEXT on mswin32 is "so".
+ * win32/config.status: ditto.
+ * win32/ruby.def: add symbol "rb_big_divmod".
+Tue May 16 19:45:32 2000 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * intern.h: use EXTERN instead of extern.
+ * win32/ruby.def: add rb_defout, rb_stdout, ruby_errinfo,
+ ruby_sourceline, ruby_sourcefile to work with eruby
+ reported by Hiroshi Saito <>.
+ Export both ruby_xmalloc and xmalloc etc.
+Tue May 16 17:00:05 2000 Masaki Fukushima <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_select): should check whether fds are null.
+Tue May 16 11:51:31 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (pipe_open): synchronize subprocess stdout/stderr.
+Mon May 15 15:38:09 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.h: exported symbols should be for xmalloc etc. are now
+ prefixed by 'ruby_', e.g. ruby_xmalloc().
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_select): remove busy wait for select.
+ * dir.c (glob): trailing path may be null, e.g. glob("**").
+Mon May 15 14:48:41 2000 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_pid): new method; returns nil if no process attached
+ to the IO.
+Mon May 15 01:18:20 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_popen): _exit after Proc execution.
+Sun May 14 18:05:59 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * missing/nt.c -> win32/win32.c
+ * bug fix; static linking on mingw32.
+ * cygwin/ remove VPATH.
+ * ext/ Makefile set binmode with mingw32 on cygwin32.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: ditto.
+ * win32/config.h: undef HAVE_SYS_FILE_H.
+Sun May 14 02:02:48 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb: '/' should be escaped in character class.
+Sun May 14 00:54:43 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ *, ...: support mingw32.
+ * defines.h: ditto. undef EXTERN for tcl/tk on cygwin.
+ * ext/*/extconf.rb: replace PLATFORM with RUBY_PLATFORM.
+ * ext/socket/sockport.h: define IN_MULTICAST for missing IN_MULTICAST.
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c: remove declaration of rb_argv0.
+ * file.c: should check S_IXGRP, S_ISGID, not NT.
+ * io.c (rb_io_binmode): should check _IOBIN, O_BINARY, not PLATFORMs.
+Sat May 13 14:21:15 2000 Koji Arai <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_popen): should check whether a block is given.
+Fri May 12 17:33:44 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): charset_not should not exclude
+ newline from matching set.
+Thu May 11 22:51:05 2000 Ryunosuke Ohshima <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): Bignum support.
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): ditto.
+Thu May 11 21:19:29 2000 Hiroshi Igarashi <>
+ * intern.h: add missing declarations of ruby API functions.
+ * ruby.h: fix function name in declarations.
+Thu May 11 22:29:25 2000 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * ext/md5/depend: add $(topdir)/config.h dependency to md5c.o.
+ * ext/md5/extconf.rb: new file to add -DHAVE_CONFIG_H flag for Alpha.
+Thu May 11 10:55:52 2000 Ryunosuke Ohshima <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): packing BER compressed integer by `w'.
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): unpacking BER.
+Thu May 11 00:37:55 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (parse_regx): remove in_brack.
+Wed May 10 12:51:18 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): move adding RUBYLIB and "." to the load
+ path after #! line parsing.
+ * parse.y (parse_regx): should parse backslash escape like `\c['
+ here to avoid causing `unterminated regexp' error.
+Wed May 10 00:19:53 2000 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * MANIFEST, beos/, no longer need
+ beos/ to support BeOS R4.5.2 (Intel) as a result
+ of eban's change.
+ * io.c: NOFILE is already defined on BeOS R4.5 (Intel) or later.
+ * lib/matrix.rb: remove debug print.
+ * regex.c: don't use nested comment.
+Tue May 9 17:08:43 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (massign): no longer convert nil into empty array.
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_popen): optional 3rd argument to give proc, which
+ will be executed in spawned child process.
+Mon May 8 23:47:39 2000 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * eval.c (rb_callcc): prev & next should be initialized to zero.
+Mon May 8 23:17:36 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dln.c (dln_init): remove possible buffer overrun. This is
+ suggested by Aleksi Niemela <>.
+ * dln.c (init_funcname): ditto.
+Sat May 6 23:35:47 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (lhs): should allow `obj.Attr = 5' type expression.
+Sat May 6 15:46:08 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: add a new configure option to force use
+ of the WIDE Project's getaddrinfo(): --enbale-wide-getaddrinfo.
+Fri May 5 21:19:22 2000 MOROHOSHI Akihiko <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): allow '$1foo' and such.
+Fri May 5 17:57:24 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb, smtp.rb, pop.rb, http.rb: 1.1.17.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: write also port number in Host: field.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: see Proxy-Connection: to decide socket connection.
+Fri May 5 03:25:15 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_fastmap): charset_not for multibyte
+ characters excluded too many characters.
+Tue May 2 13:23:43 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_schedule): little bit more impartial context
+ switching.
+Tue May 2 09:50:03 2000 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * add DLDLIBS to set platform specific library
+ for extensions.
+ * ext/ use @DLDLIBS@ instead of RUBY_PLATFORM choice.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: use CONFIG["DLDLIBS"] instead of RUBY_PLATFORM choice.
+ * add @DLDLIBS@.
+ * win32/config.status: ditto.
+ * win32/ruby.def: regular maintenance.
+Mon May 1 23:42:44 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ *, eval.c: add DLEXT2. now DLEXT on Cygwin is "so".
+ * defines.h: use dllimport, dllexport for Cygwin 1.1.x.
+ * ruby.h: ditto.
+ * cygwin/ ditto.
+ * ext/Win32API/Win32API.c: directly "call" in asm statement for
+ gcc 2.95.x or newer.
+Sat Apr 29 04:58:12 2000 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_unshift_m): performance improvement.
+Fri Apr 28 00:19:22 2000 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_unshift_m): takes items to push.
+Wed Apr 26 15:23:02 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_succ): insert carrying character just before
+ the leftmost alpha numeric character.
+ * string.c (rb_str_succ): proper behavior for "".succ and "\377".succ.
+ * string.c (rb_str_succ): use realloc and memmove.
+Tue Apr 25 18:28:45 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb, smtp.rb, pop.rb, http.rb: 1.1.16.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: add SMTP AUTH
+Tue Apr 25 14:30:13 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_gets_internal): shortcut when rs == rb_default_rs.
+Sat Apr 22 23:14:41 2000 SHIROYAMA Takayuki <>
+ * MacOS X support.
+Sat Apr 22 16:37:10 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb, smtp.rb, pop.rb, http.rb: 1.1.15.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: closing socket by watching both
+ user header and server response
+Fri Apr 21 21:44:34 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_pipe): should set FMODE_SYNC.
+Thu Apr 20 16:59:22 2000 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (massign): `*lvalue = false' should assign `[false]' to
+ lvalue.
+Wed Apr 19 08:35:08 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (rb_singleton_class): generate singleton class for
+ special constants: nil, true, false.
+Wed Apr 19 02:09:30 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (rb_singleton_class): singleton method for nil, true,
+ false is possible now.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): ditto.
+Tue Apr 18 18:54:25 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb, smtp.rb, pop.rb, http.rb: 1.1.14.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: new method HTTP#head2.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: get2/post2 does not raise exceptions.
+Mon Apr 17 15:16:31 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_close): to detect some exceptional status, writable
+ IO should be flushed before close;
+Sat Apr 15 18:29:00 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_collect_bang): Array#filter renamed.
+Fri Apr 14 19:47:11 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb, smtp.rb, pop.rb, http.rb: 1.1.13.
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: accept illegal timestamp
+ * lib/net/http.rb: when body was chunked, does not set Content-Length:
+Tue Apr 11 21:14:42 2000 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * add @sitedir@.
+ * add --with-sitedir=DIR option.
+ * instruby.rb: use CONFIG["sitedir"].
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: support 'make site-install'.
+ * win32/config.status: add @sitedir@.
+Tue Apr 11 16:25:15 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_2comp): unnecessary lvalue cast removed.
+Tue Apr 11 02:25:53 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (env_fetch): new method.
+ * marshal.c (marshal_dump): accepts depth = nil for unlimited depth.
+Sun Apr 9 20:49:19 2000 Dave Thomas <>
+ * parse.y (str_extend): Allow class variables to be expanded.
+Fri Apr 7 02:03:54 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * error.c (rb_sys_fail): escape non-printable characters.
+Thu Apr 6 20:10:47 2000 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * ext/ (create_makefile): BeOS --program-suffix support.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): ditto.
+Thu Apr 6 09:55:26 2000 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * error.c (rb_sys_fail): need rb_exc_new2() call on BeOS.
+Mon Apr 3 17:22:27 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_reopen): support tempfile.
+ * eval.c (catch_i): should supply argument.
+Sat Apr 1 22:50:28 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (r_object): wrong symbol restoration.
+Sat Apr 1 21:30:53 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_printf, rb_f_printf): should use rb_io_write.
+Sat Apr 1 00:16:05 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_call_finalizer_at_exit): should be clear flags
+ before calling finalizers.
+ * eval.c (specific_eval): can be called without SecurityError, if
+ $SAFE >= 4.
+ * object.c (sym_inspect): inspect gives ":sym", to_s gives "sym".
+Fri Mar 31 22:07:04 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb, smtp.rb, pop.rb, http.rb: 1.1.12.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: update Net::Protocol::Proxy#connect
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: ReplyCode is not a class
+ * lib/net/http.rb: header value format was change:
+ values do not include header name
+ * lib/net/http.rb: header is not a Hash, but HTTPResponse
+Thu Mar 30 12:19:44 2000 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * enum.c (enum_find): rb_eval_cmd() should be called with array.
+Tue Mar 28 13:57:05 2000 Clemens Hintze <>
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c (fdbm_invert): should return new hash.
+ * ext/gdbm/gdbm.c (fgdbm_invert): ditto.
+Tue Mar 28 00:58:03 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb, smtp.rb, pop.rb, http.rb: 1.1.11.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb, smtp.rb, pop.rb, http.rb: does not
+ dispatch any commands while dispatching command.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: failed to get error class of
+ inherited ReplyCode
+ * lib/net/http.rb: change feature of "get2", "post2"
+Mon Mar 27 01:34:58 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb, smtp.rb, pop.rb, http.rb: 1.1.10.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: return value of 'head' was wrong.
+Sun Mar 26 17:47:35 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb, smtp.rb, pop.rb, http.rb: 1.1.9.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: SMTP#do_ready wrongly took no arguments
+Sat Mar 25 23:21:10 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (w_object): symbols should be converted to ID before
+ dumping out.
+Fri Mar 24 18:26:51 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (test_check): should have checked exact number of arguments.
+Fri Mar 24 21:02:11 2000 Koji Arai <>
+ * signal.c (trap): should treat some symbols as the signal.
+Fri Mar 24 06:58:03 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb, smtp.rb, pop.rb, http.rb: 1.1.8.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: post, get2, post2, get_body
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb, smtp.rb, pop.rb, http.rb: separate
+ Command/Socket documentation.
+Thu Mar 23 02:26:14 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_fptr_finalize): fptr may be null.
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_new): now calls `initialize'.
+ * io.c (rb_io_initialize): actual open done in this method.
+ * io.c (rb_file_initialize): ditto.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): class variables in singleton class definition
+ is now handled properly (I hope).
+Wed Mar 22 21:49:36 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * st.c (st_delete_safe): skip already deleted entry.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_delete): modify brace miss.
+Wed Mar 22 08:53:58 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (exec_under): do not push cbase if ruby_cbase == under.
+ * node.h (NEW_CREF0): preserve cbase nesting.
+Tue Mar 21 12:57:50 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_class_s_new): Class::new should call `inherited'.
+Sat Mar 18 12:36:09 2000 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_backtrace, make_backtrace): removed unused variable
+ `lev'.
+ * eval.c (rb_attr): calls `method_added' at attribute definition.
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_modfunc): calls `singleton_method_added' while
+ `module_function'.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): parameter to `method_added' and
+ `singleton_method_added' is Symbol.
+ * eval.c (Init_eval): caches IDs for `method_added' and
+ `singleton_method_added'.
+Sat Mar 18 11:25:10 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (rescue): allows `rescue Error in foo'. experimental.
+ which is better this or preparing alias `exception' for `$!'?
+Fri Mar 17 15:02:45 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_autoload_id): defining new autoload should be
+ prohibited for $SAFE > 4.
+ * variable.c (rb_autoload_load): autoload should be possible for
+ $SAFE > 4.
+ * eval.c (call_trace_func): should handle T_ICLASS properly.
+Fri Mar 17 14:34:30 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_gsub): forgot to initialize str->orig.
+Fri Mar 17 01:24:59 2000 Dave Thomas <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_clone): forgot to copy str->orig if STR_NO_ORIG
+ is set by Array#pack.
+Wed Mar 15 21:25:04 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_join): 'result' is always duplicated
+ before concat string.
+Wed Mar 15 17:26:05 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_s_create): unexpected recursive call removed.
+ this bug was found by Satoshi Nojo <>.
+Wed Mar 15 13:12:39 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (Init_Thread): Thread.join removed finally.
+ * string.c (rb_str_chomp_bang): forgot to call rb_str_modify().
+Mon Mar 13 16:12:13 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (block_pass): distinguish real orphan block and still
+ on-stack block passed by block argument.
+Mon Mar 13 00:20:25 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (f_norm_arg): proper error message when constant comes
+ in formal argument list. this message is suggested by Muvaw
+ Pnazte <>.
+ * eval.c (rb_f_raise): proper error message when the first
+ argument is not an exception class/object.
+ * string.c (rb_str_dup): dup now postpone buffer copy as long as
+ possible. performance improved by lazy copying.
+Sun Mar 12 13:58:52 2000 Koji Arai <>
+ * signal.c (rb_f_kill): should treat some symbols as the signal.
+Sat Mar 11 22:03:03 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_gsub): performance tune by avoiding buffer copy.
+ * eval.c (rb_f_missing): check if argv[0] is ID.
+Sat Mar 11 15:49:41 2000 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_aref): struct aref by symbol.
+Sat Mar 11 05:07:11 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * process.c (proc_setpriority): should return 0, not nil.
+ * process.c (proc_setpgid): ditto.
+Fri Mar 10 18:14:54 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (path_check_1): confusing buf and path. this bug found
+ by <>.
+Fri Mar 10 09:37:49 2000 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * MANIFEST: add beos/
+ * support BeOS R4.5.2 (Intel).
+ * beos/ new file to support BeOS R4.5.2 (Intel).
+Thu Mar 9 11:13:32 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_fastmap): fixed embarrassing brace bug.
+Thu Mar 9 01:36:32 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * missing/flock.c: emulate missing flock() with fcntl().
+Thu Mar 9 00:29:35 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (sym_to_s): returns ":sym".
+ * object.c (sym_id2name): separated from to_s; returns "sym".
+Wed Mar 8 19:16:19 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb, smtp.rb, pop.rb, http.rb: 1.1.7.
+ * lib/net/http.rb (connecting): returns header
+Wed Mar 8 02:08:43 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y: escape expansion too early.
+ * string.c (rb_f_scan): Kernel#scan added.
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): support \cX et al.
+Tue Mar 7 01:44:27 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (set_stdin): simplified procedure, allows $stdin = DATA;
+ experimental.
+ * io.c (set_outfile): ditto.
+ * re.c (Init_Regexp): new method Regexp#last_match added; it's an
+ alternative for $~.
+ * (DEFAULT_KCODE): KCODE_NONE should be the default.
+ * dir.c (dir_s_rmdir): should return 0 on success.
+ * signal.c: remove CWGUSI support.
+Mon Mar 6 12:28:37 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (w_symbol): support symbol object.
+ * util.c: make symbol as separated class.
+ * error.c (Init_Exception): new exception RangeError.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (ip_addrsetup): should check length of hostname.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (ip_addrsetup): check newline at the end of
+ hostname. These fixes suggested by Muvaw Pnazte <>.
+Sun Mar 5 20:35:45 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/Win32API/Win32API.c (Win32API_initialize): should call
+ LoadLibrary() everytime and should assign the hdll to Win32API
+ object(protect the hdll from GC).
+Sun Mar 5 18:49:06 2000 Nakada.Nobuyoshi <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-parse-region): not treat method `begin'
+ and `end' as reserved words.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-font-lock-docs): ignore after `=begin'
+ and `=end'.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-font-lock-keywords, hilit-set-mode-patterns):
+ added `yield' to keywords.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-font-lock-keywords, hilit-set-mode-patterns):
+ matches keywords at end of buffer.
+Sun Mar 5 18:08:53 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb, smtp.rb, pop.rb, http.rb: 1.1.6.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: allow to omit 'start'
+Tue Feb 29 01:08:26 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * range.c (range_initialize): initialization done in `initialize';
+ `initialize' should not be called more than once.
+ * object.c (Init_Object): default `initialize' should take zero
+ argument.
+ * time.c (time_s_new): call `initialize' in Time::new.
+Sat Feb 26 22:39:31 2000 EGUCHI Osamu <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_times): fix String#* with huge string.
+Sat Feb 26 00:14:59 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dir.c (dir_s_new): call `initialize' in Dir::new.
+Fri Feb 25 23:01:49 2000 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * ruby.h: export ruby_safe_level by EXTERN for mswin32.
+ * win32/ruby.def: regular maintenance.
+Fri Feb 25 22:12:46 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_reopen): IO#reopen should accept path as well.
+ * string.c (rb_str_s_new): call `initialize' in String::new.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_s_new): call `initialize' in Hash::new.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_s_new): call `initialize' in Array::new.
+Fri Feb 25 12:50:20 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_start_timer): interval changed to 10ms from 50ms.
+Fri Feb 25 06:42:26 2000 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (ip_addrsetup): hostp should remain NULL if
+ host is nil.
+Thu Feb 24 16:53:47 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_schedule): priority check for sleep expired
+ threads needed.
+Wed Feb 23 14:22:32 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_join): forgot to initialize a local variable
+ `taint'.
+Tue Feb 22 07:40:55 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (Init_Regexp): renamed to MatchData, old name MatchingData
+ remain as alias.
+Tue Feb 22 00:20:21 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb, smtp.rb, pop.rb, http.rb: 1.1.5.
+ * lib/net/session.rb: rename to protocol.rb
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: ProtocolSocket -> Net::Socket
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: Net::Socket#write, write_pendstr
+ can take block
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: new methods SMTP#ready SMTPCommand#write_mail
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: POPMail#pop can take block
+Sat Feb 19 23:58:51 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_match): pop_loop should not pop at forward jump.
+Fri Feb 18 17:15:40 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (method_clone): method objects are now clonable.
+Fri Feb 18 00:27:34 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_shared_variable_declare): shared variable (aka
+ class/module variable) introduced. prefix `@@'. experimental.
+ * class.c (rb_scan_args): new format char '&'.
+Thu Feb 17 19:09:05 2000 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * win32/win32.c (mypopen): don't close handle if it is not assigned.
+ * win32/win32.c (my_open_osfhandle): support O_NOINHERIT flag.
+ * win32/win32.c (win32_getcwd): rename getcwd to win32_getcwd
+ in order to avoid using the C/C++ runtime DLL's getcwd.
+ Use CharNext() to process directory name.
+ * win32/win32.h: map getcwd to win32_getcwd.
+Wed Feb 16 00:32:49 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (method_arity): nd_rest is -1 for no rest argument.
+ * process.c (proc_waitpid): returns nil when waitpid(2) returns 0.
+Tue Feb 15 01:47:00 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * process.c (rb_f_waitpid): pid_t should be signed.
+Mon Feb 14 13:59:01 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): yylex yields wrong tokens for `:foo=~expr'.
+ * ruby.c (load_file): exit if reading file is empty.
+Mon Feb 14 03:34:52 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): `' should be <foo><.><bar><=><1>,
+ not <foo><.><bar=><1>.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_restore_context): process according to
+ RESTORE_* is moved after longjmp().
+ * eval.c (thread_switch): new function to process RESTORE_*.
+Sun Feb 13 16:19:49 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ruby.c (require_libraries): don't access freed memory.
+ * ruby.c (add_modules): ditto.
+Fri Feb 11 12:06:22 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (parse_quotedwords): %w() need to split not only by mere
+ spaces, but by all whitespaces.
+Thu Feb 10 02:12:04 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_index_m): did not support negative offset.
+Wed Feb 9 21:54:26 2000 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * ext/socket/getaddrinfo.c: gcc --traditional support.
+ Rearrange headers to work AC_C_CONST.
+ * ext/socket/getnameinfo.c: ditto.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: mswin32: use double instead of long long.
+Wed Feb 9 16:30:41 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (num_coerce): should return [y, x].
+Wed Feb 9 11:07:30 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (ruby_prog_init): loadpath structure changed.
+Tue Feb 8 02:07:33 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_search): optimize for \G at top.
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): \G introduced.
+ * regex.c (re_match): ditto.
+ * string.c (str_sub_bang): old behavior restored: bang method
+ returns nil if string not changed.
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): support independent subexpression
+ `(?>pattern)'.
+ * regex.c (re_match): ditto.
+Mon Feb 7 15:51:08 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_match): now understands interrupts under Ruby.
+Mon Feb 7 07:51:52 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_uniq_bang): always return an Array.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_compact_bang): ditto.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_flatten_bang): ditto.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_reject): returns a Hash, not an Array.
+ * hash.c (env_reject): ditto.
+Fri Feb 4 10:20:25 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (scan_once): scan now leaves information about the last
+ successful pattern match in $&.
+ * io.c (rb_io_close): should not check closed IO.
+Fri Feb 4 05:44:01 2000 Kentaro Inagaki <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (s_recv): TRAP_BEG after retry entry.
+Wed Feb 2 22:33:45 2000 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_start): receives argument from outside, like
+ `Thread::start(1,2,3){|a,b,c| ... }'.
+Wed Feb 2 22:14:40 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_regsub): should check regs->num_regs.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_search): remove matchcache, use static struct
+ re_register instead.
+ * re.c (match_getter): avoid cloning match data.
+Wed Feb 2 17:12:15 2000 Dave Thomas <>
+ * samples/eval.rb: Rescue new ScriptError exception
+Wed Feb 2 02:06:07 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_gsub_bang): gsub! now leaves information about the
+ last successful pattern match in $&.
+Mon Jan 31 15:24:58 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_sub_bang): bang method returns string always.
+ experimental.
+Sun Jan 30 17:58:09 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * eval.c: arrange to use setitimer(2) for BOW, DJGPP
+ * defines.h: ditto. use random(3) on cygwin b20.1.
+Sun Jan 30 17:20:16 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * eval.c: use getrlimit(2) on DJGPP.
+Thu Jan 27 01:27:10 2000 GOTO Kentaro <>
+ * dir.c (glob): glob pattern "/*" did not match.
+Wed Jan 26 22:30:47 2000 Shigeo Kobayashi <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_modulo): wrong result for negative modulo.
+Wed Jan 26 02:01:57 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (test_c): should use S_ISCHR.
+ * file.c (rb_stat_c): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_each_line): should propagate tainting.
+Tue Jan 25 04:01:34 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_freeze): all objects made freezable.
+Tue Jan 25 00:37:01 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * use AC_CHECK_TOOL for cross compiling.
+Mon Jan 24 19:01:54 2000 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_protect_inspect): should be checked by id of
+ objects; not by object themselves.
+Mon Jan 24 18:48:08 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): too many warnings; warned on every method
+ overriding. should be on method discarding.
+Mon Jan 24 02:56:44 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): -2.abs should be `(-2).abs' to accomplish the
+ principle of less surprise. `+2' too.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): when defining class is already there, and
+ superclass differ, throw away the old class.
+ * variable.c (rb_const_set): gives warning again on constant
+ redefinition.
+ * error.c (Init_Exception): SyntaxError, NameError, LoadError and
+ NotImplementError are subclasses of ScriptError<Exception, not
+ StandardError. experimental.
+Sat Jan 22 00:00:41 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (parse_quotedwords): no longer use `String#split'.
+ and enable space escape within quoted word list.
+ e.g. %w(a\ b\ c abc) => ["a b c", "abc"].
+ * string.c (rb_str_slice_bang): new method `slice!'.
+Fri Jan 21 21:56:08 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/session.rb, smtp.rb, pop.rb, http.rb: 1.1.4.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: can receive messages which have
+ no Content-Length:.
+Fri Jan 21 16:15:59 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (thgroup_s_new): new class ThreadGroup.
+Tue Jan 18 12:24:28 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * struct.c (Init_Struct): remove Struct's own hash and eql?.
+Sat Jan 15 22:21:08 2000 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (search_method): argument klass may be 0.
+Sat Jan 15 15:03:46 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (enum_index): remove this method.
+ * enum.c: remove use of pointers to local variables. find,
+ find_all, min, max, index, member?, each_with_index,
+ * eval.c (massign): multiple assignment does not use to_a anymore.
+ experimental.
+Fri Jan 14 12:22:04 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_replace): use memmove instead of memcpy for
+ overwrapping strings (e.g. a[1] = a).
+Thu Jan 13 11:12:40 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (arg_add): use new node, ARGSPUSH.
+Mon Jan 10 18:32:28 2000 Koji Arai <>
+ * marshal.c (w_object): forgot an argument to call w_ivar().
+Sun Jan 9 18:13:51 2000 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * random.c: first was not defined unless HAVE_RANDOM.
+Sat Jan 8 19:02:49 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_sysread): raise IOError for buffered IO.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (s_recv): ditto.
+Fri Jan 7 00:59:29 2000 Masahiro Tomita <>
+ * io.c (io_fread): TRAP_BEG/TRAP_END added around getc().
+Thu Jan 6 00:39:54 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * random.c (rb_f_rand): should be initialized unless srand is
+ called before.
+Wed Jan 5 16:59:34 2000 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/session.rb, smtp.rb, pop.rb, http.rb: 1.1.3.
+ * lib/net/session.rb: Session -> Protocol, ...
+ * lib/net/http.rb: HTTPCommand implementation was changed.
+Wed Jan 5 02:14:46 2000 EGUCHI Osamu <>
+ * parse.y: Fix SEGV on empty parens with UMINUS or UPLUS.
+Tue Jan 4 22:25:54 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (stmt): `() while cond' dumped core.
+Tue Jan 4 06:04:14 2000 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * modify for cross-compiling.
+ use target_* instead of host_*.
+ * ditto.
+ * cygwin/ ditto.
+Sat Jan 1 13:26:14 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): force_recycle ruby_dyna_vars to gain
+ performance.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_delete_at_m): takes same argument pattern with
+ rb_ary_aref.
+Sat Jan 1 10:12:26 2000 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.h,util.c (rb_special_const_p): peep hole optimization.
+ * ruby.h,util.c (rb_test_false_or_nil): removed.
+ * ruby.h (RTEST, SPECIAL_CONST_P): peep hole optimization.
+ * ruby.h (FL_ABLE, FL_SET, FL_UNSET, FL_REVERSE): made expressions
+ not statements.
+ * ruby.h (OBJ_INFECT): newly added macro which copies taint from
+ `s' to `x'.
+Sat Jan 1 02:04:18 2000 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_safe_level): new method.
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): recycle dyna_var_map to reduce object
+ allocation.
+Fri Dec 31 00:52:48 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c: thread independent trace_func not needed.
+Thu Dec 30 14:47:31 1999 akira yamada <>
+ * specifies -soname in LIBRUBY_DLDFLAGS on linux
+ platforms.
+Thu Dec 30 10:51:27 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c,io.c,hash,c,re.c,string.c: `_m' suffix instead of
+ `_method' for wrapper functions to implement method,
+ e.g. `rb_str_join_m()'.
+Thu Dec 30 02:08:02 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_cstr2inum): non-numeric format check added.
+ currently it works only with base == 0 (i.e. Integer()).
+ * bignum.c (rb_str2inum): now takes VALUE to 1st argument. null
+ byte check added.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_replace): unless replacement is an array,
+ replacement shall be converted to array by `[replacement]', not
+ by `replacement.to_a'.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_plus): right operand must be an array.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_concat): argument must be an array.
+Mon Dec 27 12:35:47 1999 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_finalize): mswin32: fix socket handle leak.
+ * win32/win32.c (myfdclose): ditto.
+Sun Dec 26 23:15:13 1999 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * win32/win32.c (mypopen): raise catchable error instead of rb_fatal.
+ * win32/win32.c (mypclose): fix process handle leak.
+Sun Dec 26 16:17:11 1999 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * ext/Win32API/Win32API.c (Win32API_initialize): use UINT2NUM
+ instead of INT2NUM to set __dll__ and __proc__.
+Sat Dec 25 00:08:59 1999 KANEKO Naoshi <>
+ * ext/Win32API/Win32API.c (Win32API_Call): remove 'dword ptr'
+ from _asm.
+Fri Dec 24 10:26:47 1999 Koji Oda <>
+ * win32/win32.h: use "C++" linkage.
+Fri Dec 24 02:00:57 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (THREAD_ALLOC): should initialize th->trace.
+Fri Dec 24 00:43:39 1999 KANEKO Naoshi <>
+ * io.c (pipe_open): check for `fptr->f == NULL'.
+ * win32/win32.c (mypopen): STDERR does not work during ` function.
+Wed Dec 22 22:50:40 1999 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/session.rb, smtp.rb, pop.rb, http.rb: 1.1.2.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: HTTP support is enhanced a little
+ * lib/net/http.rb: support proxy
+Tue Dec 21 17:21:28 1999 Koji Oda <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_finalize): mswin32: fix FILE* leak.
+Tue Dec 21 05:33:56 1999 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/session.rb, smtp.rb, pop.rb, http.rb: 1.1.1.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: support HTTP chunk
+Mon Dec 20 19:08:12 1999 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_expand_path): handle dir separator correctly.
+Sun Dec 19 22:56:31 1999 KANEKO Naoshi <>
+ * lib/find.rb: support dosish root directory.
+ * win32/Makefile: ditto.
+ * win32/config.status: ditto.
+ * win32/win32.c (opendir): ditto.
+ * win32/win32.c (opendir): use CharPrev() to get last character
+ of the directory name.
+Sat Dec 18 03:00:01 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (path_check_1): check should be done by absolute path.
+ * marshal.c (r_ivar): should restore generic_ivar too.
+ * marshal.c (w_ivar): should dump generic_ivar too.
+Fri Dec 17 22:46:46 1999 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/session.rb, smtp.rb, pop.rb, http.rb: 1.1.0.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: test release
+ * lib/net/session.rb: support class swapping
+ * lib/net/session.rb: Socket#flush_rbuf
+ * lib/net/session.rb: doquote -> Net.quote
+Fri Dec 17 19:27:43 1999 IWAMURO Motonori <>
+ * eval.c (rb_load): should initialize ruby_frame->last_class.
+Wed Dec 15 01:35:29 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): option to change directory changed to
+ `-C' like tar.
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): argv boundary check for `-X'.
+Mon Dec 13 15:15:31 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_adjust_startpos): separate startpos adjustment
+ because of major performance drawback.
+ * class.c (rb_singleton_class): tainted status of the singleton
+ class must be synchronized with the object.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_schedule): implement thread priority.
+Sat Dec 11 03:34:38 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (mark_hashentry): key should be VALUE, not ID.
+ * io.c (argf_eof): should check next_p too.
+Thu Dec 9 18:09:13 1999 EGUCHI Osamu <>
+ * error.c (exc_set_backtrace): forgot to declare a VALUE argument.
+Thu Dec 9 14:19:31 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_taint): explicit tainting must be prohibited at
+ level 4 to prevent polluting trusted object by untrusted code.
+ * file.c: file operations (stat, lstat, chmod, chown, umask,
+ truncate, flock) are prohibited in level 2 (was level 4).
+Wed Dec 8 11:48:23 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_require): prohibiting require() in the secure mode
+ cause serious autoloading error.
+ * variable.c (rb_obj_instance_variables): don't need to prohibit
+ to get list of instance variable names of untainted objects.
+ * variable.c (rb_ivar_get): don't need to prohibit to get instance
+ variables of untainted objects.
+ * variable.c (rb_mod_remove_const): should prohibit constant
+ removals too.
+Wed Dec 8 09:23:01 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): should try autoloading before defining
+ class/module at the toplevel.
+Tue Dec 7 22:15:30 1999 EGUCHI Osamu <>
+ * Modified rb_cv_rshift_sign detect routine and
+ more simple/fast RSHIFT() for hpux-10.x.
+Tue Dec 7 11:16:30 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (Init_eval): calculate stack limit from rlimit where
+ getrlimit(2) is available.
+Tue Dec 7 09:57:33 1999 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_ftype): should have removed mode_t.
+Mon Dec 6 15:55:30 1999 EGUCHI Osamu <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_rshift): Fix -1 >> 32 returned 0 (should be -1).
+ * numeric.c (fix_rshift): Fix 1 >> -1 returned 0 (should be 2).
+Mon Dec 6 11:47:23 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_f_sprintf): formatted string must be tainted if
+ any of parameters is a tainted string.
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_expand_path): expanded file path need not to
+ be tainted always.
+Sun Dec 5 20:25:29 1999 Katsuhiro Ueno <>
+ * eval.c (Init_Proc): simple typo.
+ * gc.c (add_heap): sizeof(RVALUE*), not sizeof(RVALUE).
+Sat Dec 4 01:40:22 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_search): adjust startpos for multibyte match unless
+ the first pattern is forced byte match.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_rand): should not use rand/random where drand48
+ may be available. RANDOM_NUMBER should be provided from outside.
+Fri Dec 3 09:54:59 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (moreswitches): there may be trailing garbage at #!
+ line.
+ * eval.c (rb_f_require): should check require 'feature.o' too.
+Thu Dec 2 11:58:15 1999 Koji Arai <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_loading): should maintain loading_tbl.
+Thu Dec 2 10:21:43 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_loading_done): wrong parameter to st_delete().
+Wed Dec 1 11:24:06 1999 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (process_sflag): process -s properly (should not force `--').
+Wed Dec 1 09:47:33 1999 Kazunori NISHI <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_split_method): should increment end too.
+Tue Nov 30 18:00:45 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c: MARSHAL_MINOR incremented; format version is 4.2.
+ * marshal.c (w_object): distinguish class and module.
+ * marshal.c (w_object): save hash's default value.
+ * marshal.c (r_object): restore hash's default value.
+Tue Nov 30 01:46:18 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_source): generated source string must be tainted if
+ regex is tainted.
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_basename): basename should not be tainted
+ unless the original path is tainted.
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_dirname): ditto.
+Mon Nov 29 20:42:13 1999 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (stat_new): Struct::Stat -> File::Stat; Stat is no longer
+ a Struct.
+Mon Nov 29 15:28:52 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_path2class): evaluated value from path should be
+ module or class.
+Fri Nov 26 18:12:49 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_exec_end_proc): should remove only end_procs defined
+ within load wrapper.
+ * eval.c (rb_load): save and restore ruby_wrapper around loading.
+ * eval.c (rb_mark_end_proc): mark end procs registered by END{} or
+ at_exit{}.
+ * eval.c (rb_set_end_proc): should not call rb_global_variable()
+ on heap address; it crashed mod_ruby.
+Mon Nov 22 14:07:24 1999 Koji Arai <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): variable e_script should be visited by
+ garbage collector.
+Sat Nov 20 10:10:41 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (inspect_i): value may be nil, check revised.
+Fri Nov 19 18:06:21 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dir.c (glob): recursive wildcard match by `**' ala zsh.
+Fri Nov 19 11:44:26 1999 EGUCHI Osamu <>
+ * variable.c: was returning void value.
+Fri Nov 19 03:57:22 1999 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c: add methods Stat struct class to reduce stat(2).
+Thu Nov 18 16:18:27 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/pstore.rb: mutual lock by flock(2).
+Thu Nov 18 11:44:13 1999 Masahiro Tomita <>
+ * io.c (read_all): should check bytes too.
+Wed Nov 17 02:40:40 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (Init_IO): $defout (alias of $>) added.
+Tue Nov 16 09:47:14 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/pstore.rb: add mutual lock using symlink.
+Mon Nov 15 16:50:34 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (enum_grep): non matching grep returns an empty array, no
+ longer returns nil.
+ * enum.c (enum_grep): grep with block returns collection of
+ evaluated values of block over matched elements.
+Mon Nov 15 04:50:33 1999 Koji Arai <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_source): should not call rb_reg_expr_str()
+ everytime.
+Sat Nov 13 07:34:18 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_mod_constants): traverse superclasses to collect
+ constants.
+ * eval.c (assign): modified for shared variables.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): search nested scope, then superclasses to
+ assign shared variables within methods.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): remove warnings from constants modification,
+ because they are no longer constants.
+ * parse.y (node_assign): modified for shared variables.
+ * parse.y (assignable): allow constant assignment in methods;
+ constants should be called `shared variable'.
+Fri Nov 12 23:52:19 1999 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * process.c (rb_f_system): argument check for NT, __EMX__, DJGPP.
+Wed Nov 10 21:54:11 1999 EGUCHI Osamu <>
+ * hash.c (rb_any_cmp): Fixed return without value.
+Wed Nov 10 17:57:06 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sprintf.c: incorporate <>'s sprintf patch at
+ [ruby-dev:7754].
+Wed Nov 10 08:28:53 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): supply class parameter for each invocation.
+Tue Nov 9 13:21:04 1999 EGUCHI Osamu <>
+ * AC_MINIX move to before AC_EXEEXT and AC_OBJEXT.
+Mon Nov 8 19:52:29 1999 EGUCHI Osamu <>
+ * Added default to AC_CHECK_SIZEOF().
+Mon Nov 8 14:28:18 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (stmt): rescue modifier added to the syntax.
+ * keywords: kRESCUE_MOD added.
+ * eval.c (rb_f_eval): fake outer scope when eval() called without
+ bindings.
+ * eval.c (rb_f_binding): should copy last_class in the outer frame too.
+Sun Nov 7 18:31:04 1999 Yasuhiro Fukuma <>
+ * eval.c (is_defined): last_class may be 0.
+Sat Nov 6 19:26:55 1999 EGUCHI Osamu <>
+ * Added depend entry make parse.@OBJEXT@ from parse.c
+ for UCB make
+Thu Nov 4 17:41:18 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): \< (wordbeg), \> (wordend) disabled.
+Wed Nov 3 08:52:57 1999 Masaki Fukushima <>
+ * io.c (Init_IO): forgot to use INT2FIX() around SEEK_SET, etc.
+Wed Nov 3 00:25:20 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_split_method): use mbclen2() to handle kcode
+ option of regexp objects.
+Mon Nov 1 14:22:15 1999 EGUCHI Osamu <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): reduce recursive calls to rb_eval()
+ case of ||= and &&= .
+Sun Oct 31 13:12:42 1999 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): wrong [\W] match.
+Fri Oct 29 16:57:30 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/nkf/lib/kconv.rb: new String methods (kconv, tojis, toeuc,
+ tosjis).
+ * time.c (time_s_at): now accepts optional second argument to
+ specify micro second.
+Thu Oct 28 13:35:40 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_split_method): should be mbchar aware with
+ single char separators.
+Wed Oct 27 12:57:21 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * random.c (rb_f_srand): random seed should be unsigned.
+Tue Oct 26 23:58:15 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_collect): collect for better performance.
+Tue Oct 26 19:20:54 1999 Koji Arai <>
+ * marshal.c (r_object): should register class/module objects.
+Sat Oct 23 15:59:39 1999 Takaaki Tateishi <>
+ * process.c (rb_f_system): should require at least one argument.
+Sat Oct 23 12:42:44 1999 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enum.c (enum_collect): collect without block will collect
+ elements in enumerable.
+Thu Oct 21 16:14:19 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (moreswitches): function to process string option;
+ the name is stolen from perl (not implementation).
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): use RUBYOPT environment variable to
+ retrieve the default options.
+ * dir.c (fnmatch): use eban's fnmatch; do not depend on system's
+ fnmatch (which may have portability problem) anymore.
+Wed Oct 20 15:14:24 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (marshal_load): should protect the generated object
+ table (arg->data) from GC.
+Mon Oct 18 16:15:52 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf.c (rb_nkf_kconv): output should be NUL terminated.
+Mon Oct 18 09:03:01 1999 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/session.rb, smtp.rb, pop.rb: 1.0.3
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: new methods POP3Command#uidl, POPMail#uidl.
+Sun Oct 17 03:35:33 1999 Masaki Fukushima <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_pop): forgot some freeze checks.
+Sat Oct 16 12:57:53 1999 EGUCHI Osamu <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_sort): always returns the copied array.
+Fri Oct 15 22:50:41 1999 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * error.c (sys_nerr): on CYGWIN, it is _sys_nerr.
+Fri Oct 15 01:32:31 1999 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_ctl) :need to use NUM2ULONG, not NUM2INT.
+ * ext/Win32API/Win32API.c (Win32API_Call): need to use NUM2ULONG,
+ not NUM2INT.
+Fri Oct 15 00:22:30 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (Init_Regexp): super class of the MatchingData, which was
+ Data, to be Object.
+ * eval.c (ruby_run): evaluate required libraries before load &
+ compiling the script.
+ * parse.y (lex_getline): retrieve a line from the stream, saving
+ lines in the table in debug mode.
+ * eval.c (call_trace_func): treat the case ruby_sourcefile is null.
+Thu Oct 14 02:00:10 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (string): compile time string concatenation.
+Wed Oct 13 07:28:09 1999 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/session.rb, smtp.rb, pop.rb: 1.0.2
+ * lib/net/session.rb: new method Session#set_pipe.
+ * lib/net/session.rb, smtp.rb, pop.rb: add RD documentation.
+Wed Oct 13 02:17:05 1999 EGUCHI Osamu <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_plus): remove recursion.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_sort_bang): detect modify attempt.
+Wed Oct 13 02:17:05 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (block_pass): should copy block to prevent modifications.
+ tag in the structure should be updated from latest prot_tag.
+ * eval.c (proc_s_new): tag in struct BLOCK should not point into
+ unused stack.
+ * dir.c (dir_s_glob): iterate over generated matching filenames if
+ the block is given to the method.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_at): new methods; at, first, last.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_fetch): raises exception unless the default
+ value is supplied.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_s_create): need not remove nil from value.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_aset): setting value to nil does not remove key
+ anymore.
+Tue Oct 12 22:29:04 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (io_read): length may be 0 or negative.
+Tue Oct 12 13:26:27 1999 Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino <>
+ * signal.c (posix_signal): RETSIGTYPE may be void.
+Tue Oct 12 03:28:03 1999 EGUCHI Osamu <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_delete_at): allows negative position.
+Mon Oct 11 17:42:25 1999 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (rb_intern): should generate distinct ID_ATTRSET symbols
+ for the name with multiple `='s at the end.
+ * (CPPFLAGS): separate cpp flags from CFLAGS.
+Mon Oct 11 07:27:05 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): should not execute the `else' clause on the
+ case the exceptions are handled by the `rescue' clause.
+ * signal.c (Init_signal): ignore SIGPIPE by default.
+Wed Oct 6 17:13:19 1999 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (addpath): rubylib_mangled_path() modified.
+Mon Oct 4 12:42:32 1999 Kazuhiko Izawa <>
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): % in printf format should be %%.
+Mon Oct 4 10:01:40 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_obj_instance_variables): should always return
+ array for all object can have instance variables now.
+Mon Oct 4 00:08:34 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * pack.c (OFF16): need to adjust pointer address to pack/unpack on
+ 64bit machines.
+Sun Oct 3 03:05:59 1999 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * time.c (time_arg): mktime y2k problem.
+Sun Sep 26 16:54:45 1999 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * parse.y (here_document): `\r' handling for here documents.
+Wed Sep 22 09:20:11 1999 Masahiro Tomita <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: SOCKS5 support.
+Wed Sep 22 07:33:23 1999 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/session.rb, smtp.rb, pop.rb: 1.0.1
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: APOP did not work.
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: modify the way to make APOP challenge.
+Wed Sep 22 00:35:30 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_include): should return boolean value.
+ * regex.c (re_compile_fastmap): wrong comparison with mbc.
+ * eval.c (specific_eval): default sourcefile name should be
+ "(eval)" for module_eval etc.
+Wed Sep 22 00:06:07 1999 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * win32/Makefile: update rules.
+ * io.c (io_fread): should not assign in char, it maybe -1.
+Tue Sep 21 23:57:54 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (call_trace_func): should not propagate retval in
+ trace_func.
+Mon Sep 20 21:35:39 1999 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * win32/win32.c (myselect): assume non socket files are always
+ readable/writable.
+Mon Sep 20 01:08:02 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (io_fread): should not block other threads.
+ * io.c (rb_io_synchronized): renamed from rb_io_unbuffered(); do
+ not call setbuf(NULL) anymore.
+Sat Sep 18 13:45:43 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * stable version 1.4.2 released.
+Fri Sep 17 23:24:17 1999 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_missing): dumped core if no argument given.
+Fri Sep 17 23:21:06 1999 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * win32/win32.c (myselect): translate WSAEINTR, WSAENOTSOCK into
+ UNIX errno constants.
+Fri Sep 17 00:52:27 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (arg): assignable() may return 0.
+Thu Sep 16 20:46:23 1999 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): was doubly evaluating the return expression.
+Thu Sep 16 18:40:08 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * stable version 1.4.1 released.
+Thu Sep 16 11:33:22 1999 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_match): should return nil.
+Wed Sep 15 22:46:37 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_s_quote): should quote `-' too.
+Tue Sep 14 15:23:22 1999 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): no need to ignore `\r' here.
+ * parse.y (nextc): strip `\r' from text.
+ * parse.y (nextc): support `__END__\r\n' type terminator.
+Mon Sep 13 10:49:19 1999 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): needless RTEST(ruby_verbose) removed.
+Mon Sep 13 09:10:11 1999 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/session.rb, smtp.rb, pop.rb: 1.0.0
+Wed Sep 8 11:37:38 1999 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * time.c (make_time_t): bit more strict comparison.
+Tue Sep 7 00:50:56 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * range.c (range_each): use rb_str_upto() for strings.
+ * string.c (rb_str_upto): set upper limit by comparing curr <= end.
+ * range.c (range_each): should check equality to handle magic
+ increment.
+Mon Sep 6 22:43:33 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): break/next/redo available within -n/-p loop.
+Fri Sep 3 11:14:31 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * compar.c (cmp_equal): should not raise exception; protect by
+ rb_rescue().
+Thu Sep 2 05:23:05 1999 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_expand_path): use dirsep, instead of character
+ literal '/'.
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_expand_path): reduce multiple dirsep at the top.
+Wed Sep 1 00:28:27 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call): call rb_undefined() if a method appears not to
+ be exist explicitly from cache.
+ * eval.c (rb_method_boundp): check method cache before calling
+ rb_get_method_body().
+ * eval.c (rb_get_method_body): store method non-existence
+ information in the cache.
+ * random.c (rb_f_srand): use getpid(2) to generate seed.
+ * regex.c (re_match): do not apply partial mbc match for
+ charset_not.
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): put extended literal prefix (0xff)
+ only before numeric literals, not before all >0x80 char.
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): put numeric literal in extended
+ charset region, not normal charset bits.
+ * regex.c (re_compile_fastmap): calculate fastmap for charset and
+ charset_not to treat numeric literal (e.g. \246) specially.
+Fri Aug 28 17:32:55 1999 Yasuhiro Fukuma <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): should set return value (nil) explicitly if a
+ value is omitted for return statement.
+Sun Aug 26 20:26:40 2001 Koji Arai <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c: restore terminal mode
+ even if readline() interrupted.
+ * ext/readline/readline.c: returned string need to
+ be tainted.
+ * ext/readline/readline.c: fixed memory leak.
+ * ext/readline/readline.c: allow negative index.
+ * ext/readline/readline.c: added Readline::HISTORY.size
+ same as Readline::HISTORY.length
+ * ext/readline/readline.c: allow conditional parsing
+ of the ~/.inputrc file by `$if Ruby'.
+ * ext/readline/extconf.rb: check whether the
+ libreadline has the variable `rl_completion_append_character'
+ (this feature was implemented from GNU readline 2.1).
+Thu Aug 26 15:06:11 1999 Masaki Fukushima <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc): local variables may be placed beyond stack_end, so
+ use an address from alloca(1) on non C_ALLOCA platforms.
+Thu Aug 26 01:24:17 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_f_sprintf): "%%" is legal, but "%3.14%" is not.
+Mon Aug 23 00:00:54 1999 Tsukada Takuya <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_fastmap): wrong macro caused memory leak.
+Sat Aug 21 11:30:51 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (ADJ): should not adjust addresses to data on heap.
+Fri Aug 20 20:50:58 1999 Kenji Nagasawa <>
+ * defines.h (PATH_SEP): path separator is ";" for OS/2.
+Thu Aug 19 10:50:43 1999 WATANABE Tetsuya <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc): add volatile to avoid GCC optimize bug(?).
+Wed Aug 18 23:48:10 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * due to disk trouble, some change records were lost. several
+ modification made to eval.c, gc.c, io.c, pack.c,
+ ext/, and lib/mkmf.rb.
+Fri Aug 13 15:41:39 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * stable version 1.4.0 released.
+Fri Aug 13 03:16:07 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (argf_forward): since $stdout may be non-IO, ARGF.file is
+ not guaranteed to be IO. check and forwarding added to every ARGF
+ method.
+ * io.c (set_outfile): $stdout/$stderr may not be IO now.
+ * io.c (set_stdin): $stdin may not be IO now.
+ * range.c (rb_range_beg_len): round `end' to length as documented.
+ * io.c (Init_IO): preserve original stdin/stdout/stderr.
+Thu Aug 12 13:44:33 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (Init_load): require receives 1 argument.
+ * eval.c (frame_dup): should clear tmp to avoid dangling
+ references.
+Wed Aug 11 13:33:13 1999 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): no automatic aggregate initialization.
+ * eval.c (module_setup): ditto.
+Wed Aug 11 18:18:41 1999 WATANABE Tetsuya <>
+ * eval.c (yield_under_i): automatic aggregate initialization is an
+ ANSI feature.
+Wed Aug 11 10:10:02 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): parse `[].length==0' as `([].length)==0', not
+ `([].length=)=0'
+ * parse.y (yylex): parse `[].length!=0' as `([].length)!=0', not
+ `([].length!)=0'
+ * parse.y (peek): peek-in lexical buffer.
+Wed Aug 11 00:34:05 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_match): bug on backward jump adjustment concerning
+ stop_paren.
+Tue Aug 10 14:54:25 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf.c (rb_nkf_guess): binary detection was wrong.
+Tue Aug 10 00:07:36 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_clone): should use CLONESETUP().
+Mon Aug 9 23:57:07 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.h (CLONESETUP): should have copied generic instance
+ variables too.
+Mon Aug 9 10:46:54 1999 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: add check for <arpa/nameser.h> and
+ <resolv.h>.
+Sat Aug 7 13:19:06 1999 EGUCHI Osamu <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_cmp): comparing NaN should not return value.
+ raises FloatDomainError.
+Sat Aug 7 03:09:08 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (blk_free): free copied frames too.
+ * eval.c (frame_dup): should copy previous frames from stack to
+ heap to preserve frame information.
+Fri Aug 6 15:01:07 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.3.7 - version 1.4 beta
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (s_recv): UDPsocket#recvfrom now returns
+ IPsocket#addr information.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_subary): ary[-3,3] should not return nil.
+Thu Aug 5 10:58:01 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (thread_mark): protect old ruby_frame from GC during it
+ replaced by eval().
+ * eval.c (eval): do not modify frame.prev; binding should preserve
+ information about calling() too.
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): no arity check for mere yield; but only for
+ Proc#call.
+Tue Aug 3 22:07:13 1999 Kazuhiro HIWADA <>
+ * object.c (rb_mod_clone): should check if iv_tbl, m_tbl are
+ initialized.
+Tue Aug 3 19:03:02 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_any_cmp): use rb_with_disable_interrupt() to ensure
+ clearance of rb_prohibit_interrupt even on failure.
+ * eval.c (rb_with_disable_interrupt): new function added.
+Sat Jul 31 23:23:44 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_create_0): set THREAD_RAISED flag on thread
+ termination by exception.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_join): `$!' may not be nil for the threads
+ created in rescue clause.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_status): ditto.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_join): should re-raise exception for already
+ dead threads too.
+Fri Jul 30 17:56:54 1999 GOTO Kentaro <>
+ * object.c (rb_mod_ge): wrong comparison.
+Fri Jul 30 12:15:44 1999 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/extconf.rb: win32 support.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: use append_library().
+ * ext/ ditto.
+Fri Jul 30 02:11:48 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_delete): should return nil for deleting non
+ existing item.
+ * io.c (rb_io_close): call rb_sys_wait() on explicit close.
+ * io.c (rb_io_fptr_close): do not call rb_sys_wait() on finalize.
+ * eval.c (yield_under_i): cbase context should be maintained for
+ Module#module_eval(). suggested by <>.
+Wed Jul 28 01:18:28 1999 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * add -I$(hdrdir)/lib to install using ftools.
+ * util.c: use HAVE_FCNTL_H, not HAVE_FCNTL
+Wed Jul 28 18:24:45 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.3.6 - version 1.4 alpha
+Tue Jul 27 09:38:08 1999 EGUCHI Osamu <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): reduce recursive rb_eval() calls by
+Tue Jul 27 01:20:40 1999 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_expand_path): drive letter patch.
+Mon Jul 26 02:36:31 1999 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * eval.c (rb_load): should clear ruby_nerr.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_join): oldbt should not be empty to unshift.
+Sun Jul 25 12:09:16 1999 Koji Arai <>
+ * dir.c (push_braces): should treat nested braces.
+Fri Jul 23 02:49:49 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_clear): dummy argument added; suggested by
+ <>. thanks.
+Thu Jul 22 19:37:22 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_join): get_backtrace() may return Qnil.
+ typecheck added.
+Tue Jul 20 14:36:43 1999 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * range.c (range_each): do not treat String specially (for future
+ override).
+Tue Jul 20 02:28:34 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_gets): $_ should be nil, when get returns nil.
+ * io.c (rb_f_gets): ditto.
+Mon Jul 19 17:13:09 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_fastmap): should continue fastmap compile
+ for anychar_repeat, for it's repeat anyway.
+Mon Jul 26 13:33:45 1999 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/jcode.rb: replaced by faster code.
+Mon Jul 19 01:57:28 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: no longer use install program.
+ * ext/ use miniruby to install programs.
+Sat Jul 17 00:06:21 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (ipaddr): don't do reverse lookup if
+ attribute do_not_reverse_lookup is set for socket classes.
+ Experimental. Note this is a global attribute.
+Fri Jul 16 22:18:29 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_eof): use feof() to check EOF already met.
+ * io.c (read_all): should return nil at EOF.
+Fri Jul 16 13:39:42 1999 Wakou Aoyama <>
+ * lib/telnet.rb: version 0.231.
+Fri Jul 16 10:58:22 1999 WATANABE Tetsuya <>
+ * regex.c (re_match): debug print removed.
+Fri Jul 16 09:58:15 1999 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * many files: clean up unused variables found by gcc -Wall.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: better cygwin support etc.
+ * ext/ ditto.
+ * instruby.rb: ditto.
+Fri Jul 16 01:37:50 1999 Koji Arai <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_squeeze_bang): the type of local variable `c'
+ should be int, not char.
+ * string.c (rb_str_reverse): should always return copy.
+Thu Jul 15 23:25:57 1999 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/debug.rb: better display & frame treatment.
+Thu Jul 15 21:16:41 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_each): returns self for normal termination;
+ returns nil for break.
+ * string.c: non bang methods (e.g. String#sub) should always
+ return copy of the receiver.
+Thu Jul 15 21:09:15 1999 Masaki Fukushima <>
+ * eval.c (find_file): do not add empty string to the path.
+ * (with-search-path): should not add empty string if
+ the option is not supplied.
+Thu Jul 15 17:49:08 1999 Ryo HAYASAKA <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c: move `#include "ruby.h"' forward.
+Thu Jul 15 16:54:16 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.3.5 - version 1.4 alpha
+Wed Jul 14 23:45:33 1999 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_init): initialize for the first time only.
+Tue Jul 13 00:15:19 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_index): re-defined; method to retrieve a key
+ from the value.
+ * hash.c (Init_Hash): member? should be re-defined for Hash.
+Tue Jul 12 13:54:51 1999 EGUCHI Osamu <>
+ * io.c (rb_file_sysopen): wrong number of argument.
+Mon Jul 12 11:52:35 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_missing): class name included in message.
+ * eval.c (print_undef): better error message.
+Sun Jul 11 05:36:17 1999 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/debug.rb: patch to show proper position.
+Fri Jul 9 23:56:14 1999 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * dln.c (dln_find_1): path conv. moved to conv_to_posix_path.
+ * dln.c (conv_to_posix_path): path conv. should be done.
+Fri Jul 9 10:26:47 1999 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * random.c (RANDOM_NUMBER): should place parentheses.
+Fri Jul 8 11:00:51 1999 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_div): division may be out of fixnum range.
+ * bignum.c (bigdivmod): proper sign calculation to result.
+Wed Jul 7 18:27:41 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * st.c (st_delete_safe): was modifying wrong slot.
+Mon Jul 5 13:17:46 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_call_finalizer_at_exit): close all files at exit.
+Fri Jul 2 18:00:21 1999 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/Mail/README: Mail-0.3.0 added to the distribution.
+Fri Jul 2 01:45:32 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_fastmap): avoid allocation of register
+ variables for each invocation of re_match(). Suggested by
+ Zasukhin Ruslan <>. Thanks.
+Tue Jun 29 20:39:24 1999 Koji Arai <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb (TkVariable): bug fix; should value type check
+ be added?
+ * string.c (rb_str_each_line): a bug in paragraph mode.
+ * ruby.c (load_file): shifted too much to skip #!.
+Tue Jun 29 06:50:21 1999 Wakou Aoyama <>
+ * lib/CGI.rb: 0.30 - cleanup release, incompatible.
+ * lib/telnet.rb: 0.22 - timeout added.
+Tue Jun 29 10:49:25 1999 SHIROYAMA Takayuki <>
+ * better Rhapsody support.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: Rhapsody/NEXTSTEP support.
+Tue Jun 29 01:42:13 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (chld_changed): should use POSIX.1 style wait.
+Mon Jun 28 21:07:36 1999 KIMURA Koichi <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb.nt: wrong result for have_library().
+Mon Jun 28 15:24:05 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * missing/isinf.c: OSF/1 raises SIGFPE on one()/zero().
+ * regex.c (re_search): should search til EOS, for patterns may
+ match beyond the end of range.
+Mon Jun 28 12:49:12 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_f_select): should not accept Time objects as an
+ argument for it is time interval.
+ * process.c (rb_f_sleep): ditto.
+ * file.c (test_s): should return nil for false condition.
+Mon Jun 28 12:23:52 1999 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_dbl2big): typo.
+ * file.c (rb_f_test): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_crypt): wrong message.
+Sun Jun 27 19:50:11 1999 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_exit): should have treat signed integer status, not
+ * process.c (rb_f_exit_bang): should work like exit().
+Sun Jun 27 16:21:32 1999 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_rindex): wrong position to search.
+Sat Jun 26 04:05:30 1999 Takaaki Tateishi <>
+ * (configure_args): --with-search-path to specify
+ additional ruby search path.
+ * ruby.c (ruby_prog_init): additional search path.
+Fri Jun 25 13:09:12 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): needed to initialize natint.
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): add start_paren to avoid too much
+ finalization on maybe_finalize_jump.
+Fri Jun 25 13:07:20 1999 Koji Oda <>
+ * missing/isinf.c: include "config.h" added.
+Fri Jun 25 07:25:05 1999 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: initialize $(topdir).
+ * ext/ (install_rb): install lib/*.rb properly.
+ * (linux): specifies -rpath on --enable-shared.
+ * (aix): ruby.imp must reside in $(topdir).
+Thu Jun 24 19:11:29 1999 Yoshida Masato <>
+ * parse.y (rb_str_extend): multi-byte identifier in expression
+ interpolation in strings.
+ * parse.y (yylex): support multi-byte char identifiers.
+Thu Jun 24 15:27:13 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (f_arg): check duplicate argument names.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_mark): marking wrong member for NODE_ARGS.
+ * string.c (rb_str_rindex): POSITION specifies start point, not
+ end point.
+Thu Jun 24 13:00:17 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (print_mbc): wrong boundary.
+ * pack.c (uv_to_utf8): raises ArgError for too big value.
+Thu Jun 24 11:02:51 1999 Yoshida Masato <>
+ * pack.c (uv_to_utf8): mask needed.
+Wed Jun 23 21:03:56 1999 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ruby.h (struct RFile): remove iv_tbl from struct. instance
+ variables are handled as generic ivs.
+Wed Jun 23 22:06:26 1999 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * pack.c (utf8_to_uv): pack to 7 bytes sequence.
+ * pack.c (uv_to_utf8): wrong boundary.
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): should treat as unsigned long.
+Wed Jun 23 15:10:11 1999 Inaba Hiroto <>
+ * parse.y (parse_string): failed to parse nested braces.
+ * parse.y (parse_regx): nested braces within #{} available.
+Wed Jun 23 11:18:38 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (slow_search): wrong shift width for mbcs.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_save_context): should not clear th->locals.
+Wed Jun 23 02:06:14 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): UMINUS binds too tight with digits. changed so
+ that -2**2 => -4.
+ * parse.y (close_paren): `do' for expr termination now works it
+ used to be.
+Wed Jun 22 18:26:42 1999 Koji Arai <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): should initialize local variable `j'.
+Wed Jun 22 15:24:59 1999 Koji Arai <>
+ * parse.y (here_document): a bug for multiline heredoc.
+Tue Jun 22 15:06:36 1999 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (ruby_socket): forgot to return fd
+ explicitly.
+Tue Jun 22 13:34:12 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * rubyio.h (MakeOpenFile): should initialize member `iv_tbl'.
+Wed Jun 22 10:35:51 1999 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_gets_internal): getc(3) may not set errno on
+ interrupt.
+Mon Jun 21 22:39:28 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (call_required_libraries): ruby_sourceline should be
+ cleared before loading libraries.
+ * io.c (set_stdin): do not use reopen(), so that we don't need to
+ dup original stdin before assigning $stdin.
+Mon Jun 21 18:04:27 1999 Ryo HAYASAKA <>
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c: include <cdefs.h> for solaris 2.6.
+Mon Jun 21 15:59:47 1999 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (ip_addrsetup): forgot to put `else'.
+Mon Jun 21 15:38:37 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (fptr_finalize): remove rb_syswait() invocation to avoid
+ wait4(2) within GC. rb_syswait() moved to rb_io_fptr_close().
+Mon Jun 21 12:05:59 1999 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * dir.c (dir_s_glob): remove MAXPATHLEN restriction.
+ * ext/md5/md5init.c (md5_hexdigest): should have used "%02x".
+Sun Jun 20 19:50:38 1999 Minero Aoki <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_each_line): should have checked string
+ boundary.
+Sat Jun 19 22:24:12 1999 Kenji Nagasawa <>
+ * OS/2 patch improved.
+Fri Jun 18 08:30:17 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (r_byte): add data length check.
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c (_timer_for_tcl): was doing busy-wait.
+Tue Jun 15 10:01:21 1999 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * remove trailing slash from interpreter embedded
+ shared library path.
+ * (INSTALL_DLLIB): install shared lib with 0555.
+ * instruby.rb: changed mode for shared library into 0555.
+Fri Jun 11 23:27:00 1999 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (etc_passwd): should return nil, not exception for
+ call after last passwd entry.
+Fri Jun 11 15:21:21 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_mark_locations): add safety margin 1.
+ * eval.c (ruby_run): should protect toplevel node tree.
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (etc_group): dumps core if there's no more group.
+Fri Jun 11 01:50:25 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_run): Init_stack() was called too late; local
+ variables happened to be higher (or lower) than stack_start.
+Thu Jun 10 16:41:48 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c: do not call `initialize' for IO objects. So with Array,
+ Hash, Range, and Time objects.
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (curses_getch): made thread aware using
+ rb_read_check().
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (window_getch): ditto.
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (curses_getstr): made (partially) thread
+ aware using rb_read_check().
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (window_getstr): ditto.
+ * io.c (rb_read_check): new function to help making something
+ (like extension libraries) thread aware.
+ * eval.c (is_defined): `defined? super' should be true even for
+ private superclass methods.
+Fri Jun 10 13:42:10 1999 Koji Arai <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): template `Z' should be allowed.
+Wed Jun 9 13:26:38 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_loading): modified to avoid nested race
+ condition of require().
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c (ip_invoke): queue invocation on non
+ main threads.
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c (lib_mainloop): flush invocation
+ queues periodically.
+ * version.c (ruby_show_version): now print the message to stdout.
+ * version.c (ruby_show_copyright): ditto.
+Tue Jun 8 00:00:34 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): append sentinel (NUL) to the string.
+ * ext/md5/md5init.c (md5_hexdigest): new method to obtain
+ printable hash string.
+ * ext/md5/md5init.c (md5_update): should return self.
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): undocumented template 'U' for UTF8.
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): ditto.
+ * marshal.c (r_byte): should replace getc() with rb_getc().
+ * io.c (rb_getc): getc() replacement uses READ_DATA_PENDING() and
+ rb_thread_wait_fd().
+Mon Jun 7 23:23:38 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_mod_clone): should call CLOSESETUP().
+ * eval.c (bind_clone): should call CLONESETUP() for new clone.
+Sat Jun 5 10:32:40 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_oct): binary (e.g. 0b10111) support.
+ * variable.c (rb_const_set): raise warning, not exception.
+ * parse.y (yycompile): initialize parser internal variables.
+ * parse.y (close_paren): set lex_state to EXPR_PAREN after closing
+ parenthesis.
+ * parse.y (yylex): returns kDO for `do' right after method_call.
+Thu Jun 3 11:05:30 1999 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * regex.c (read_backslash): should decode \b within class.
+Thu Jun 3 01:06:18 1999 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * dln.c (dln_load): AIX improvement (aix_findmain removed).
+Wed Jun 2 00:41:31 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): new undocumented template Z which strips
+ stuff after first null.
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): should preserve specified length of the
+ resulting string.
+Tue Jun 1 15:29:33 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (ruby_socket): retry after GC, if socket(2)
+ failed on EMFILE or ENFILE.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_socketpair): ditto.
+ * eval.c (module_setup): need to add PUSH_VAR/POP_VAR to clear
+ dyna vars link list.
+ * version.h (RUBY_RELEASE_CODE): integer macro constant for source
+ version detection.
+Sun May 30 22:19:12 1999 Kenji Nagasawa <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: emx/gcc 0.9d now fixes things about
+ * process.c: OS/2 EMX kludge.
+ * (strncasecmp.o): added dependency.
+Mon May 31 16:06:28 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.3.4 - preliminary release for 1.4
+Mon May 31 15:57:41 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_fptr_close): close on IO which main_thread is
+ waiting cause serious exception, that vanishes the actual fd
+ closing. Invocation of rb_thread_fd_close() is deferred
+ a little.
+Sat May 29 18:27:13 1999 Koji Arai <>
+ * regex.c (re_match): stack boundary check needed.
+Sat May 29 12:27:00 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c (ip_invoke): proper ref count management
+ to avoid leak. I HATE REF COUNTING!!
+ * eval.c (ruby_run): moved ruby_require_libraries() to handle `-r'
+ from ruby_options() to avoid stack corruption for threads
+ created in libraries.
+Sat May 29 02:22:12 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): when `for' appeared in blocks, it
+ introduced new scope for local variables.
+Fri May 28 17:16:49 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_squeeze_bang): squeeze AND of the arguments.
+ * string.c (rb_str_count): new UNDOCUMENTED method.
+ * string.c (rb_str_delete_bang): delete AND of the arg ranges.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (setipaddr): re-wrote using ip_addrsetup().
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (ip_addrsetup): decode symbolic address
+ <broadcast>.
+Thu May 27 12:27:42 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (tr_trans): should handle NUL (\0) within strings.
+Tue May 25 16:45:11 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_f_syscall): syscall may return values other than zero
+ on success.
+ * regex.c (re_match): handle empty loop properly (hopefully).
+ * regex.c (re_match): remove empty group check, because it does
+ not help non-grouping parentheses (?:..).
+ * regex.c (re_compile_fastmap): treating try_next, finalize_push
+ wrong way.
+ * regex.c: remove some obsolete functions such as
+ group_match_null_string_p().
+Mon May 24 14:47:54 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (read_backslash): read backslash by regex.
+Sun May 23 19:44:58 1999 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (getDevice): portability patch.
+Fri May 21 23:01:26 1999 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * ext/socket/getaddrinfo.c (GET_AI): should set error code.
+Thu May 20 03:43:44 1999 Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: you should use sockaddr_storage to handle
+ IPv6 addresses.
+ * ext/socket/getaddrinfo.c (getaddrinfo): prevent retrieving
+ AF_INET6 address if hints.ai_flags == AI_PASSIVE.
+Wed May 19 12:27:07 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (exec_end_proc): should protect exceptions.
+ * gc.c (run_final): ditto.
+ * parse.y (f_rest_arg): allow just * for rest arg.
+ * parse.y (mlhs_basic): allow * without formal argument.
+ * regex.c (re_match): the variable `part' should be initialized.
+Tue May 18 15:25:45 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_search): a bug in range adjustment.
+Tue May 18 11:35:59 1999 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * dln.c (conv_to_posix_path): path_len argument added.
+Mon May 17 12:26:31 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_rev): should treat Fixnum as signed long.
+ * eval.c (massign): add strict number check for yield (and call).
+ * eval.c (proc_arity): new method to return number of arguments.
+ * eval.c (method_arity): new method to return number of arguments.
+ * parse.y (read_escape): char may be unsigned.
+ * string.c (rb_str_succ): ditto.
+ * string.c (tr_trans): ditto.
+ * object.c (Init_Object): methods `&', `|', `^' are added to nil.
+ * range.c (rb_range_beg_len): it should be OK for [0..-len-1].
+ * regex.c (re_search): search for byte literal within mbcs.
+ * regex.c (is_in_list): parsh
+ * regex.c (re_compile_fastmap): should have not alter the loop
+ variable `j' if TRASLATE_P().
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): escaped characters should be read
+Sat May 15 11:23:51 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_match): endline2 (\Z) should not match at the point
+ between a newline and end-of-line, like endline ($).
+ * class.c (include_class_new): should initialize iv_tbl to share
+ between module and iclass.
+Fri May 14 08:50:27 1999 Akira Endo <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_fastmap): it should be k != 0 to skip.
+Fri May 14 12:46:56 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_load): a bug in old marshal format support.
+ * instruby.rb: make site_ruby directory.
+Fri May 14 10:18:02 1999 WATANABE Tetsuya <>
+ * regex.c (re_match): a bug in inline `.*' etc.
+Fri May 14 09:58:46 1999 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ruby.c (addpath): should have specified string length.
+Thu May 13 10:40:44 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval_string_wrap): new function.
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): POSIX line match should alter
+ behavior for `^' and `$' to begbuf and endbuf2 respectively.
+ * ext/pty/pty.c: un-ANSI-fy function arguments.
+Wed May 12 14:19:38 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * struct.c (iv_get): in case of inheritance of generated struct
+ class, __member__ and __size__ should also be inherited.
+ Thanks for Pros Yeboah <>.
+ * io.c (rb_f_gets_internal): should check number of arguments
+ before checking rb_rs == rb_default_rs. Thanks for Koji Arai
+ <>.
+Tue May 11 08:29:28 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): .?, .+ did not work.
+Mon May 10 00:59:33 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/jcode.rb: forgot to squeeze on reverse (complement) case.
+ * string.c (tr_squeeze): should not set modify flag to be honest,
+ if the string is not modified.
+ * signal.c (Init_signal): SIGTERM should not be handled.
+ * regex.c (re_match): seeking for longest match is now optional,
+ which can be set using RE_OPTION_POSIXMATCH. This satisfies
+ POSIX longest match as much as Emacs's posix-* functions, which
+ are known to be incomplete.
+Sun May 9 13:04:01 1999 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_getaddrinfo): conversion from
+ Fixnums to C integers needed.
+Sun May 9 11:51:43 1999 Koji Arai <>
+ * range.c (range_eqq): reverse condition.
+ * range.c (range_s_new): default should be end inclusive.
+Sat May 8 03:27:51 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (thread_connect): replace nasty
+ rb_thread_fd_writable() with rb_thread_select().
+Fri May 7 20:49:00 1999 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * ext/socket/getaddrinfo.c (inet_pton): wrong parameter to
+ inet_aton().
+ * ext/socket/addrinfo.h (__P): silly cut and paste typo.
+Fri May 7 17:03:57 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dir.c (glob): removed GPL'ed glob.c completely.
+Fri May 7 08:17:19 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/sdbm/extconf.rb: sdbm extension added to the distribution.
+Fri May 7 01:42:20 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (tcp_s_gethostbyname): avoid using struct
+ sockaddr_storage.
+Thu May 6 13:21:41 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_indexes): should not use rb_ary_concat().
+Thu May 4 12:34:18 1999 Koji Arai <>
+ * parse.y (parse_string): there should be newline escape by
+ backslashes in strings.
+ * parse.y (parse_qstring): ditto.
+Mon May 3 04:37:20 1999 Koji Arai <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/extconf.rb: better search for libX11.
+ * range.c (range_s_new): embarrassing =/== typo.
+ * re.c (Init_Regexp): failed to set default kcode.
+Mon May 3 02:39:55 1999 WATANABE Tetsuya <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (open_inet): typo (res and res0).
+Tue May 4 02:07:49 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * mkconfig.rb: leave undefined $(VARIABLE) unexpanded in the
+ Config::CONFIG hash table.
+Mon May 3 09:37:22 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): expand exactn{n} at compile time.
+ handles stop_paren specially.
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): expand x{n} at compile time.
+ * regex.c (re_search): posix line match should be checked.
+ * regex.c (re_search): a bug in anchor condition.
+Fri Apr 30 18:57:41 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.3.3
+ * string.c (rb_str_rindex): position should be END point, not
+ START point.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_search): pos means end point on reverse now.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_s_create): should clear ary->ptr to avoid
+ potential gc crash.
+Fri Apr 30 15:24:58 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/addrinfo.h: compatibility hack for ipv4.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: itojun's ipv6 patches applied.
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: detect ipv6 features based on itojun's
+ ipv6 patches.
+ * ext/ (enable_config): can handle --enable-xxx now.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (enable_config): ditto.
+Fri Apr 30 05:22:23 1999 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_aset): last index should not append.
+Thu Apr 29 18:55:31 1999 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * dln.c (conv_to_posix_path): remove const from args.
+ * ruby.c (rubylib_mangle): remove Fatal(), the obsolete function.
+Tue Apr 27 14:11:45 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (fname): lazy workaround for keywords did not work well.
+ * ext/ `--with-xxx=yyy' argument configuration.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: ditto.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el: forgot to handle $`.
+ * ext/ better AIX link support proposed by
+ <>.
+Mon Apr 26 16:46:59 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/ AIX shared library support modified.
+ * ext/aix_mksym.rb: ditto.
+ * ditto.
+ * sprintf.c (rb_f_sprintf): should allocate proper sized buffer
+ for float numbers.
+Sat Apr 24 00:00:16 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (operation): syntax like `a.[]=(1,2)' is allowed.
+Fri Apr 23 23:54:09 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (argf_binmode): binmode method added to ARGF.
+Fri Apr 23 13:55:22 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_f_chomp): should assign the result to $_. or maybe
+ sub/gsub/chop/chomp should NOT assign $_ altogether.
+Thu Apr 22 16:50:54 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_callcc): call scope_dup() for all scopes in
+ the interpreter stack.
+Tue Apr 20 11:24:18 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_dump): `#' should be escaped.
+Tue Apr 20 02:32:42 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (parse_regx): option /p for posix match added.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_desc): did not print options properly.
+ * io.c (rb_file_s_open): initialize was called twice.
+Mon Apr 19 18:56:21 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * (DEFAULT_KCODE): can specify default code for
+ $KCODE by --with-default-kcode=(euc|sjis|utf8|none).
+ * regex.c (IS_A_LETTER): a byte sequence shorter than mbc should
+ not match with \w etc.
+Mon Apr 19 13:49:11 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (eval): should restore ruby_dyna_vars.
+Fri Apr 16 21:40:43 1999 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (f_backquote): pipe_open may return nil.
+ * io.c (f_open): rb_io_open may return nil.
+ * io.c (io_s_foreach): ditto.
+ * io.c (io_s_readlines): ditto.
+ * io.c (io_defset): wrong message.
+Fri Apr 16 15:09:20 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_str2inum): strtoul() returns long, not int.
+ * eval.c (rb_load): size of VALUE and ID may be different.
+ * util.c (mmprepare): int is too small to cast from pointers.
+ * config.guess: avoid 'linux-gnu' for alpha-unknown-linux.
+Thu Apr 15 23:46:20 1999 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ruby.c (rubylib_mangle): mangle path by RUBYLIB_PREFIX.
+Wed Apr 14 23:52:51 1999 SHIROYAMA Takayuki <>
+ * node.h (NODE_LMASK): should be long to avoid overflow.
+Wed Apr 14 13:14:35 1999 Katsuyuki Komatsu <>
+ * dln.c: AIX dynamic link.
+ * ext/aix_ld.rb: ditto.
+Wed Apr 14 12:19:09 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/thread.rb: Queue#{enq,deq} added.
+Tue Apr 13 17:43:56 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_s_create): Hash::[] acts more like casting.
+Tue Apr 13 00:33:52 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_stdio_set): warning for assignment to the variables
+ $std{in,out,err}.
+Mon Apr 12 23:12:32 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_reopen): check for reopening same IO.
+Fri Apr 9 17:45:11 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (rb_compile_string): bug for nested eval().
+ * regex.c (re_match): should pop non-greedy stack items on
+ failure, after best_regs are fixed.
+Thu Apr 8 17:30:40 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * pack.c (PACK_LENGTH_ADJUST): need to adjust for `*' length.
+Tue Apr 6 23:28:44 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (void_check): add void context checks.
+Mon Apr 5 12:23:42 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_s_at): should copy gmt-mode.
+ * eval.c (eval_node): preserve ruby_eval_tree.
+Fri Apr 2 14:00:34 1999 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/debug.rb: wrong command interpreting.
+Fri Apr 2 11:46:22 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.3.2
+Fri Apr 2 10:40:04 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_pipe): forgot to define IO::pipe.
+Thu Apr 1 14:40:46 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (assign): modified for rhs change.
+ * parse.y (stmt): unparenthesisized method calls can be right hand
+ side expression of the assignment.
+Sat Mar 27 22:42:47 1999 Koji Arai <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf.c (rb_nkf_kconv): check size output_ctr before
+ decrement.
+Thu Mar 25 09:11:03 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_s_at): preserve gmt-mode for result.
+ * parse.y (rb_compile_string): do not use cur_mid, use
+ compile_for_eval instead.
+ * st.c (PTR_NOT_EQUAL): wrong logical condition.
+Wed Mar 24 13:06:43 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yycompile): should clear cur_mid after compilation.
+ * io.c (next_argv): need to check type for ARGV.shift.
+ * eval.c (blk_copy_prev): need to preserve outer scope as well as
+ outer frames.
+ * parse.y (rb_compile_string): return can appear within eval().
+Tue Mar 23 10:15:07 1999 EGUCHI Osamu <>
+ * AC_C_CONST check added.
+Tue Mar 23 02:07:35 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_plus): preserve gmt-mode for result.
+Mon Mar 22 01:32:37 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): adjust line numbers before expression
+ interpolation within strings.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): defined? returns nil for false condition.
+ * numeric.c (num_nonzero_p): returns nil for false condition.
+Sat Mar 20 13:07:43 1999 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/weakref.rb: avoid leak for two weakrefs for one object.
+Fri Mar 19 11:26:45 1999 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_run): needed to eval END{} on exit.
+ * eval.c (rb_exit): ditto.
+Fri Mar 19 02:17:27 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * signal.c (Init_signal): handles terminating signals HUP, TERM,
+ QUIT, PIPE, etc.
+Thu Mar 18 15:47:18 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_and): bug in sign calculation.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_or): ditto.
+ * io.c (rb_f_select): forgot to use to_io to retrieve IO, after
+ calling select(2).
+Tue Mar 16 19:54:31 1999 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/ static linking cause infinite make loop.
+Tue Mar 16 18:50:04 1999 Yoshida Masato <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (tcp_s_gethostbyname): typo, not NUM2INT(),
+ but INT2NUM().
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (mkhostent): ditto.
+Tue Mar 16 12:31:44 1999 Ryo HAYASAKA <>
+ * file.c (utime_internal): suppress warning by const.
+ * time.c (time_gmtime): ditto.
+Tue Mar 16 10:23:05 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_clone): Time object can be cloned.
+Tue Mar 16 03:13:10 1999 Koji Arai <>
+ * ruby.c (load_file): argv[argc] should be NULL.
+Mon Mar 15 22:12:08 1999 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_f_sprintf): typo in arg_num check at exit.
+Mon Mar 15 16:42:22 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_dup): dup2 should copy class too.
+Mon Mar 15 15:12:53 1999 Yasuhiro Fukuma <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: install program relative path check.
+Mon Mar 15 14:05:25 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_s_new): 2nd argument is now option.
+ Regexp::EXTENDED can be specified.
+Fri Mar 12 10:47:49 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_index): str.index("") should always match at
+ offset point.
+ * string.c (rb_str_upto): can specify end point exclusion.
+ * string.c (rb_str_index): negative offset.
+ * regex.c (re_match): begline should not match at the point
+ between a newline and end-of-string. endline neither.
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): context_indep_anchors .
+ * parse.y (parse_regx): need not to push backslashes before
+ escaped characters.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_join): re-raises exception within target.
+Fri Mar 12 01:09:36 1999 Koji Arai <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_s_vi_editing_mode): wrong
+ number of arguments.
+Fri Mar 12 02:12:50 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * pack.c (PACK_ITEM_ADJUST): "a".unpack("C3") => [97, nil, nil]
+Thu Mar 11 18:23:50 1999 WATANABE Tetsuya <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (Init_socket): UDPsocket was omitted.
+Thu Mar 11 16:43:30 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * pack.c (PACK_LENGTH_ADJUST): push fixed number of items per
+ template to result array.
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): I/N/C etc. push nil in the array for "".
+Tue Mar 9 00:19:21 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (ruby_unsetenv): use ruby_setenv(name, 0).
+ * hash.c (env_delete): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_upto): do not check `beg<end' to generate
+ strings for the pattern like "a".upto("#a").
+ * range.c (range_each): treat strings as special case.
+ * range.c (range_each): no longer use upto for generic cases.
+Sun Mar 7 14:21:32 1999 IKARASHI Akira <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_index): wrong end point calculation.
+Sat Mar 6 02:19:12 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (match_index): MatchingData#index(n) added.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_subseq): ary[n..-1] returns an sub-array unless
+ n is too small negative index.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_match_method): Regexp#match(str) added.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_indexes): understands ranges as indexes.
+ * re.c (match_size): MatchingData#size added.
+Fri Mar 5 01:04:57 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_fill): modified for range.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_aset): a[n..m] revisited.
+Thu Mar 4 14:23:29 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_subseq): a[n..m] revisited.
+ * parse.y (method_call): allow Const::method{}.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_replace_method): should replace original array.
+Thu Mar 4 02:30:22 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * remove --disable-thread, thread feature is no
+ longer optional.
+Thu Mar 4 00:32:17 1999 Yasuhiro Fukuma <>
+ * parse.y (read_escape): wrong arguments for scan_oct,scan_hex.
+Wed Mar 3 11:51:53 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (Init_socket): rename class names as
+ TCPsocket -> TCPSocket etc.
+Tue Mar 2 19:46:42 1999 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * (LDSHARED): use gcc -Wl,-G for solaris with gcc.
+Tue Mar 2 17:04:19 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): backslashes do not concatenate comment lines
+ anymore.
+Mon Mar 1 14:05:12 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): adjust argv for optional arguments. super
+ without arguments emit superclass method with the value from
+ optional arguments. enabled as experiment.
+Sun Feb 28 14:04:07 1999 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * parse.y (nextc): backslash at the eof cause infinite loop
+Sun Feb 28 11:01:26 1999 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * time.c (make_time_t): month range check added.
+Sat Feb 27 02:36:05 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (Init_Regexp): add escape as alias of quote.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_s_quote): char-code can be specified now.
+Fri Feb 26 18:45:36 1999 Yasuhiro Fukuma <>
+ * eval.c (error_print): bug for error message with newlines.
+Fri Feb 26 12:00:04 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (make_time_t): future check modified to allow 1969-12-31
+ at certain timezone.
+ * time.c (time_arg): year >= 1000 should be past.
+ * version.c (Init_version): constant RELEASE_DATE added.
+Fri Feb 26 01:08:30 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_substr): returns nil for out-of-range access.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_subseq): returns nil for out-of-range access.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_store): negative index message has changed.
+ * string.c (rb_str_aset): reallocation needed.
+ * string.c (rb_str_aset): allow char append to the string.
+Thu Feb 25 23:30:17 1999 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * time.c (time_load): tm_year should be packed in 17 bits, not 18.
+Thu Feb 25 12:50:25 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * missing/dup2.c: replaced by public domain version.
+ * time.c (make_time_t): add `future check' in loops.
+ * object.c (rb_num2dbl): forbid implicit conversion from nil, or
+ strings. thus ` + str' should raise error.
+ * object.c (rb_Float): convert nil into 0.0.
+ * object.c (rb_Integer): conversion method improved.
+Thu Feb 25 03:27:50 1999 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call): should handle T_ICLASS properly.
+Thu Feb 25 00:04:00 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * error.c (Init_Exception): global function Exception() removed.
+ * variable.c (rb_class2name): returns "nil"/"true"/"false" for them.
+ * time.c (time_dump): time marshaling format compressed size from
+ 11 bytes to 8 bytes. thanx to
+ * eval.c (rb_obj_call_init): should specify arguments explicitly.
+Wed Feb 24 15:43:28 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): comment concatenation requires preceding space
+ before backslash at the end of line.
+ * io.c (rb_f_pipe): global pipe is obsolete now.
+ * object.c (Init_Object): remove true.to_i, false.to_i.
+Tue Feb 23 14:21:41 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): warn if identifier! immediately followed by `='.
+Tue Feb 23 12:32:41 1999 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * eval.c (rb_load): tilde expansion moved to find_file.
+ * eval.c (find_file): tilde expansion added.
+Tue Feb 23 10:50:20 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (require_method): require can handle multiple fnames.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_foreach_iter): hash key may be nil.
+Mon Feb 22 17:44:02 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_match): should not pop failure point on success for
+ non-greedy matches.
+ * io.c (Init_IO): remove global_functions getc, readchar, ungetc,
+ seek, tell, rewind.
+Sat Feb 20 22:54:26 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_num2long): no implicit conversion from boolean.
+Sat Feb 20 09:58:42 1999 EGUCHI Osamu <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_to_s): portable Infinity and NaN support.
+Sat Feb 20 07:13:31 1999 WATANABE Tetsuya <>
+ * io.c (rb_file_sysopen): forgot to initialize a local variable.
+Fri Feb 19 23:05:07 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_subseq): range check changed.
+ * marshal.c: increment MARSHAL_MINOR for Time format change.
+ * time.c (time_old_load): support old marshal format.
+ * time.c (time_load): changed for new format Y/M/D/h/m/s/usec.
+ * time.c (time_dump): marshal dump format has changed.
+Fri Feb 19 00:25:57 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_arg): should reject "sep\0" and such.
+ * time.c (time_plus): Time#+ should not receive Time object
+ operand.
+ * string.c (rb_str_substr): negative length raises exception now.
+ * array.c (beg_len): if end == -1, it points end of the array.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_subseq): negative length raises exception now.
+Thu Feb 18 20:57:04 1999 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * time.c (rb_strftime): strftime() may return 0 on success too.
+ * time.c (time_strftime): `\0' within format string should not be
+ omitted in the result.
+ * time.c (rb_strftime): zero length format.
+ * time.c (time_to_a): yday start with 1 now.
+ * time.c (time_zone): support for long timezone name.
+ * time.c (time_yday): yday start with 1 now.
+ * time.c (time_minus): minus calculation was wrong.
+ * time.c (time_minus): sec, usec should be at least `long', maybe
+ they should be `time_t'.
+ * time.c (time_plus): addition with float was wrong.
+ * time.c (time_to_s): support for long timezone name.
+ * time.c (time_gm_or_local): too far future check moved.
+ * time.c (time_arg): treat 2 digit year as 69-99 => 1969-1999,
+ 00-68 => 2000-2068
+Thu Feb 18 03:56:47 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * missing/fnmatch.c: moved to missing directory.
+Wed Feb 17 16:22:26 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_alloc): actual initialization now be done in
+ `initialize'.
+Wed Feb 17 09:47:15 1999 okabe katsuyuki <>
+ * regex.c (re_search): use mbclen() instead of ismbchar().
+ * re.c (rb_reg_s_quote): should handle mbchars properly.
+Wed Feb 17 01:25:26 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): stop comment concatenation by backslash follows
+ after >= 0x80 char. may cause problem with Latin chars.
+ * eval.c (error_print): exception in rb_obj_as_string() caused
+ SEGV. protect it by PUSH_TAG/POP_TAG.
+ * error.c (exc_exception): `Exception#exception' should return self.
+Wed Feb 17 01:12:22 1999 Hirotaka Ichikawa <>
+ * BeOS patch.
+Tue Feb 16 14:25:00 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): should reallocate mbc space for
+ character class unless current_mbctype is ASCII.
+Mon Feb 15 15:48:30 1999 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * specify `-Wl,-E' only for GNU ld.
+Mon Feb 15 11:43:22 1999 GOTO Kentaro <>
+ * array.c (rb_inspecting_p): should return Qfalse.
+Sun Feb 14 22:36:40 1999 EGUCHI Osamu <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_f_sprintf): `%G' was omitted.
+Sun Feb 14 12:47:48 1999 EGUCHI Osamu <>
+ * numeric.c (Init_Numeric): allow divide by zero on FreeBSD.
+ * numeric.c (Init_Numeric): FloatDomainError added.
+ * (AC_REPLACE_FUNCS): add checks for functions
+ isinf, isnan, and finite.
+Sat Feb 13 01:24:16 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_create_0): should protect th->thread.
+Fri Feb 12 16:16:47 1999 Yasuhiro Fukuma <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_inspect): wrong mbc position.
+Fri Feb 12 16:21:17 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_fd_close):
+ * io.c (rb_io_fptr_close): tell scheduler that fd is closed.
+ * io.c (rb_io_reopen): ditto.
+ * io.c (READ_CHECK): check if closed after thread context switch.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (bsock_close_read): do not check
+ the return value from shutdown(2).
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (bsock_close_write): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_new): need to dup(fd) for close_read
+ and close_write.
+ * parse.y (here_document): handle newlines within #{}.
+ * regex.h: should replace symbols for ruby.
+Fri Feb 12 00:46:28 1999 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * marshal.c (r_object): should update the method name in message.
+ * marshal.c (w_object): limit should be converted into Fixnum.
+Wed Feb 10 15:20:03 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_match): empty pattern should not cause infinite
+ pattern match loop.
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): RE_OPTIMIZE_ANCHOR for /.*/, not
+ for /(.|\n)/.
+ * numeric.c (fix_pow): `fixnum**nil' should raise TypeError.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_pow): need to normalize results.
+Wed Feb 10 01:42:41 1999 EGUCHI Osamu <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_pow): `(5**1).type' should be Integer.
+Tue Feb 9 01:22:49 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): do not ignore newlines in mbchars.
+ * io.c (rb_file_s_open): mode can be specified by flags like
+ open(2), e.g. File::open(path, File::CREAT|File::WRONLY).
+ * io.c (rb_f_open): bit-wise mode flags for pipes
+ * io.c (Init_IO): bit flags for open.
+Sat Feb 6 22:56:21 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_sub_bang): should not overwrite match data by
+ regexp match within the block.
+ * string.c (rb_str_gsub_bang): ditto.
+Sat Feb 6 03:06:17 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (match_getter): accessing $~ without matching caused SEGV.
+Fri Feb 5 22:11:08 1999 EGUCHI Osamu <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): binary literal support, like 0b01001.
+ * parse.y (yylex): octal numbers can contain `_'s.
+ * parse.y (yylex): warns if non-octal number follows immediately
+ after octal literal.
+ * parse.y (yylex): now need at least one digit after prefix such
+ as 0x, or 0b.
+ * bignum.c (rb_str2inum): recognize binary numbers like 0b0101.
+Fri Feb 5 03:26:56 1999 Yasuhiro Fukuma <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): -e without program prints error.
+Fri Feb 5 00:01:50 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (terms): needed to clear heredoc_end.
+ * numeric.c (flo_div): allow float division by zero.
+Thu Feb 4 11:56:24 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * missing/strtod.c: for compatibility.
+ * (strtod): add strtod compatible check.
+ * numeric.c (rb_num2long): missing/vsnprintf.c does not support
+ floating points.
+ * numeric.c (flo_to_s): ditto.
+Wed Feb 3 23:02:12 1999 Yoshida Masato <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): use ismbchar() to get next char.
+ * regex.c (re_search): wrong mbchar shift.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_search): needed to reset $KCODE after match.
+ * regex.c (re_compile_fastmap): mbchars should match with \w.
+Wed Feb 3 22:35:12 1999 EGUCHI Osamu <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): too big float raise warning, not error.
+Tue Feb 2 23:41:42 1999 Yoshida Masato <>
+ * regex.c (re_match): wrong boundary.
+ * regex.c (IS_A_LETTER): re_mbctab[c] may not be 1 for mbc.
+ * regex.c (re_search): mbchar support for shifting ranges.
+ * regex.c (MBC2WC): wrong conversion.
+Wed Feb 3 15:03:16 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (parse_regx): need to escape parens if terminators are
+ not any kind of parenthesis.
+ * parse.y (parse_qstring): ditto.
+ * parse.y (parse_string): ditto.
+Tue Feb 2 17:11:26 1999 WATANABE Tetsuya <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_gsub_bang): too small realloc condition.
+Mon Feb 1 10:01:17 1999 EGUCHI Osamu <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): range check for the float literal.
+Sat Jan 30 18:34:16 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (usage): -h option to show brief command description.
+Sat Jan 30 08:45:16 1999 IKARASHI Akira <>
+ * lib/cgi-lib.rb: cookie support added.
+Sat Jan 30 13:38:24 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): mbchars should match with \w
+ within character class. Was matching with \W.
+ * regex.c (re_match): \w should match with multi byte characters,
+ not its first byte.
+Sat Jan 30 10:06:41 1999 Yoshida Masato <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_s_new): UTF-8 flag handle (/u, /U).
+ * re.c (rb_kcode): $KCODE handle for UTF-8.
+Sat Jan 30 01:51:16 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_delete_if): RTEST() missing.
+ * hash.c (delete_if_i): ditto.
+ * enum.c (Init_Enumerable): select (=find_all), detect (=find)
+ added as aliases.
+Fri Jan 29 21:32:19 1999 WATANABE Tetsuya <>
+ * hash.c (rb_f_setenv): SEGV caused by small typo.
+Fri Jan 29 00:15:58 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/parsedate.rb (parsedate): support date format like
+ 23-Feb-93, which is required by HTTP/1.1.
+ * variable.c (find_class_path): avoid calling rb_iv_set().
+ * eval.c (backtrace): do not need to modify $SAFE internally.
+ * variable.c (classname): inline __classid__ access.
+ * eval.c (THREAD_ALLOC): needed to initialize wrapper.
+ * lib/ftools.rb (makedirs): allows slash at the end of the path.
+ * numeric.c (rb_fix_induced_from): ensure result to be Fixnum.
+Thu Jan 28 17:31:43 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_to_s): float format changed to "%16.10g".
+Thu Jan 28 02:13:11 1999 Yoshinori Toki <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_store): expand allocated buffer by 3/2.
+Wed Jan 27 17:50:02 1999 Kazuhiro HIWADA <>
+ * bignum.c (dbl2big): raised error if double is too big to cast
+ into long. check added.
+Wed Jan 27 03:16:18 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_mod_const_at): can't list constants of the
+ untainted objects in safe mode.
+ * class.c (method_list): can't list methods of untainted objects
+ in safe mode.
+Tue Jan 26 02:40:41 1999 GOTO Kentaro <>
+ * prec.c: Precision support for numbers.
+Thu Jan 21 19:08:14 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_raise): calls `exception' method, not `new'.
+ * error.c (exc_exception): renamed from `new'.
+Wed Jan 20 03:39:48 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yycompile): rb_in_compile renamed to ruby_in_compile.
+ * ruby.c (load_file): define DATA if __END__ appeared in script.
+Tue Jan 19 14:57:51 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (here_document): need to protect lex_lastline.
+ * parse.y (yylex): disable %//, %'', %``.
+Tue Jan 19 05:01:16 1999 Koji Arai <>
+ * array.c (beg_len): round range value too much.
+Mon Jan 18 13:02:27 1999 Kuroda Jun <>
+ * hash.c (env_keys): strchr() may return NULL.
+Mon Jan 18 17:51:47 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * instruby.rb (wdir): install libruby.a in archdir.
+ * lib/ftools.rb (install): removes file before installing.
+Mon Jan 18 16:55:31 1999 MAEDA shugo <>
+ * eval.c (rb_callcc): experimental continuation support.
+Sun Jan 17 19:45:37 1999 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): nil packing caused SEGV.
+Sat Jan 16 13:18:03 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_concat): character (fixnum) can be append to
+ strings
+ * array.c (rb_ary_unshift): unshift returns array.
+Sat Jan 16 01:39:19 1999 Yoshida Masato <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_split_method): UTF-8 support.
+ * regex.c: UTF-8 support.
+Thu Jan 14 00:42:55 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_gsub_bang): forget to add offset for null match.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_local_aset): can't modify in tainted mode.
+ * hash.c (env_each_key): avoid generating temporary array.
+Wed Jan 13 23:58:50 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_f_setenv): name and value can be tainted.
+Wed Jan 6 02:42:08 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (Init_Bignum): forgot to define Bignum#===.
+ * gc.c (gc_sweep): if add_heap() is called during GC, objects on
+ allocated heap page(s) are not marked, should not be recycled.
+ * gc.c (gc_sweep): should refer latest freelist.
+ * gc.c (id2ref): modified to support performance patch.
+ * object.c (rb_obj_id): performance patch (no bignum for id).
+Tue Jan 5 01:56:18 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * config.guess: merge up-to-date from autoconf 2.12.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_join): avoid calling rb_protect_inspect() till
+ it is really needed.
+ * object.c (rb_obj_inspect): show detailed information for the
+ instance variables (infinite loop can avoid now).
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_inspect): avoid infinite loop.
+Sun Jan 3 01:37:58 1999 Takao KAWAMURA <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-end-of-defun): moved too much.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-mode-variables): set paragraph-separator
+ for the mode.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el: proper font-lock for `def' and `nil' etc.
+Sat Jan 2 17:09:06 1999 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_jump_tag): new api to invoke JUMP_TAG. tag values
+ can be obtained from rb_eval_string_protect()/rb_load_protect().
+ * eval.c (rb_rescue): now catches all exceptions but SystemExit.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval_string_protect): eval string with protection.
+ * eval.c (rb_load_protect): load file with protection.
+ * io.c (rb_io_puts): avoid infinite loop for cyclic arrays.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_local_aref): thread local hash tables.
+ * object.c (rb_equal): check exact equal before calling `=='.
+Thu Dec 31 22:28:53 1998 MAEDA shugo <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_require): feature names should be provided with
+ DLEXT extension.
+ * marshal.c (Init_marshal): need to provide `'.
+Wed Dec 30 02:29:16 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (classname): do not call rb_ivar_set().
+ * eval.c (ruby_run): finalizers were called too early.
+Fri Dec 25 12:19:30 1998 Fukuda Masaki <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_mark): should not return on FL_EXIVAR.
+Fri Dec 25 11:56:51 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (gc_mark): proper scanning for temporary region.
+ * eval.c (TMP_ALLOC): protection for C_ALLOCA was broken.
+Thu Dec 24 18:26:04 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * development version 1.3 released.
+Thu Dec 24 00:17:00 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_load): top self should be set properly.
+ * variable.c (classname): check __classpath__ if it is defined.
+ * variable.c (classname): invalid warning at -v with static linked
+ ruby interpreter.
+ * eval.c (is_defined): modified for expr::Const support.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): invoke method expr::Const if expr is not class
+ nor module.
+ * parse.y (primary): enable expr::identifier as method
+ invocation.
+Wed Dec 23 03:04:36 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_match): avoid too many loop pops for (?:..).
+Tue Dec 22 18:01:08 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * experimental version 1.1d1 released.
+Mon Dec 21 01:33:03 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (TMP_PROTECT): add volatile to ensure GC protection.
+ * string.c (rb_str_gsub_bang): calculate buffer size properly.
+ * parse.y (lex_get_str): needed to return Qnil at EOS.
+ * eval.c (find_file): check policy modified, raise exception
+ immediately for tainted load_path.
+ * hash.c (rb_f_setenv): do not depend on setenv() nor putenv().
+Thu Dec 17 06:29:23 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/tk/tkutil.c (tk_s_new): use rb_obj_instance_eval(), instead
+ of rb_yield_0().
+ * eval.c (rb_f_require): forgot to call find_file in some cases.
+ * eval.c (rb_f_require): `require ""' to load dynamic
+ libraries. old `require "feature.o"' is still OK.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): yield without value dumped core.
+Wed Dec 16 16:28:31 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * experimental version 1.1d0 (pre1.2) released.
+Wed Dec 16 10:43:34 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_search): bound check before calling re_match().
+Tue Dec 15 13:59:01 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * error.c (exc_to_s): returns class name for unset mesg.
+ * error.c (exc_initialize): do not initialize @mesg by "".
+ * parse.y (nextc): __END__ should handle CR+LF newlines.
+Wed Dec 9 13:37:12 1998 MAEDA shugo <>
+ * pack.c (encodes): use buffering for B-encoding.
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): Q-encoding by 'M'.
+Tue Dec 8 14:10:00 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (generic_ivar_get): any object can have instance
+ variables now. great improvement.
+ * variable.c (rb_name_class): do not set __classpath__ by default,
+ use __classid__ instead.
+Mon Dec 7 22:08:22 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.h (struct RFile): IO objects can have instance variables now.
+ * parse.y (primary): allows `def obj::foo; .. end'.
+Mon Dec 7 18:24:50 1998 WATANABE Tetsuya <>
+ * ruby.c (set_arg0): $0 support for HP-UX.
+Mon Dec 7 01:30:28 1998 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * dln.c (dln_strerror): better error messages on win32.
+Sat Dec 5 23:27:23 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (here_document): indentable here-doc delimiter by
+ `<<-'. Proposed by Clemens <>. Thanks.
+Thu Dec 3 16:50:17 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/ (realclean): trouble on install.
+Sun Nov 29 22:25:39 1998 Takaaki Tateishi <>
+ * process.c (f_exec): check number of argument.
+Thu Nov 26 17:27:30 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.1c9 released.
+Wed Nov 25 13:07:12 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_dup): do not copy additional data (STR_NO_ORIG).
+ * parse.y (yycompile): reduce known memory leak (hard to remove).
+Wed Nov 25 03:41:21 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * st.c (st_init_table_with_size): round size up to prime number.
+Sat Nov 21 23:27:23 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_aset): reduce copying key strings.
+ * gc.c (looks_pointerp): declare as inline function if possible.
+ * st.c (PTR_NOT_EQUAL): compare hash values first before calling
+ comparing function.
+ * st.c (ADD_DIRECT): save hash value in entries to reduce hash
+ calculation.
+ * string.c (rb_str_gsub_bang): avoid rb_scan_args() to speed-up.
+ * string.c (rb_str_sub_bang): ditto.
+Sat Nov 21 18:44:06 1998 Masaki Fukushima <>
+ * time.c (time_s_now): had memory leak.
+ * ext/md5/md5init.c (md5_new): had memory leak.
+ * ext/md5/md5init.c (md5_clone): ditto.
+Fri Nov 20 23:23:23 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb: do not propagate hash and eql?.
+Thu Nov 19 01:40:52 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sample/ruby-mode.el (ruby-expr-beg): failed to find reserved
+ word boundary.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): avoid calling `concat' method. calls
+ rb_ary_concat() directly for efficiency.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): actual rest arguments extended arrays too much.
+Wed Nov 18 14:30:24 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (rb_define_global_function): global functions now be
+ module function of the Kernel.
+Wed Nov 18 10:48:09 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (read_all): SEGV on large files.
+Tue Nov 17 18:11:20 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.1c8 released.
+Tue Nov 17 16:58:47 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (arg): assignment to attribute name start with capital
+ should be allowed.
+ * eval.c (thread_alloc): needed to mark terminated threads too.
+Tue Nov 17 12:33:48 1998 Motoyuki Kasahara <>
+ * ext/ (create_makefile): Set `libdir' to `@libdir@',
+ Set `pkglibdir' to `$libdir/$(RUBY_INSTALL_NAME)'.
+Tue Nov 17 10:30:46 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sprintf.c (f_sprintf): %l%%c -> %%l%c
+Tue Nov 17 01:08:50 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (ret_args): distinguish `a' and `*a' for the arguments
+ of yield and return.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): flip3 should work like sed.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): flip{2,3} now have independent state for each
+ scope to work fine with thread.
+Mon Nov 16 23:26:29 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (primary): exec else clause if no exception raised.
+Sun Nov 15 15:44:07 1998 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/ (install): bug in target.
+Sat Nov 14 11:02:05 1998 Motoyuki Kasahara <>
+ * (install): Give the argument `$(DESTDIR)' to
+ `instruby.rb'.
+ * instruby.rb: Recognize ARG[0] as `destdir'.
+ * instruby.rb: Give the argument `destdir' to `extmk.rb'.
+ * ext/ Recognize ARG[1] as `$destdir'.
+ * instruby.rb: Create the installation directories (bindir, libdir,
+ archdir, pkglibdir, archdir, and mandir) under `destdir', and
+ install all files under there.
+ * ext/ Likewise.
+Sat Nov 14 10:56:55 1998 Motoyuki Kasahara <>
+ * instruby.rb: Add the variable `pkglibdir'.
+ * instruby.rb: Set the variable `libdir' to `$(libdir)', not
+ `$(libdir)/$(ruby_install_name)'. `' and `'
+ are installed at `libdir'.
+ * instruby.rb: Set the variable `archdir' to `$(pkglibdir)/$(arch)'.
+Fri Nov 13 19:43:29 1998 KIMURA Koichi <>
+ * missing/nt.c (SafeFree): wrong free offset.
+Thu Nov 12 20:11:53 1998 Koji Arai <>
+ * sample/ruby-mode.el: wrong highlight.
+ * parse.y (parse_regx): newline in regexp was ignored.
+Wed Nov 11 10:54:57 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (here_document): <<'FOO' should not escape anything.
+ * parse.y (here_document): bare << here-doc available, even though
+ it's deprecated.
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_readlink): return value should be tainted.
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (setup_passwd): information (eg. GCOS name) should
+ be tainted (modified at Perl Conference).
+Tue Nov 10 00:22:11 1998 EGUCHI Osamu <>
+ * elf support for FreeBSD 3.x
+Tue Nov 10 00:05:43 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): here document available in eval.
+Mon Nov 9 17:55:19 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.1c7 released.
+Fri Nov 6 19:25:27 1998 Takao KAWAMURA <>
+ * sample/ruby-mode.el: font-lock patch.
+Thu Nov 5 15:42:22 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sample/README, lib/README: simple description for each file.
+Wed Nov 4 18:14:19 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (assign): attribute assignment should be called as public.
+Tue Nov 3 23:36:39 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_dump): dumps core for negative char value.
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): out of boundary access for empty
+ regexp.
+Mon Nov 2 22:54:01 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_aset): `str[str]' replaces first match.
+Mon Nov 2 18:24:33 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (thread_create): was accessing modified status.
+Sun Nov 1 01:18:52 1998 EGUCHI Osamu <>
+ * gc.c (xrealloc): size 0 needs round up to 1.
+Sat Oct 31 23:18:34 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_split_method): negative LIMIT means number of
+ split fields are unlimited, as in perl.
+ * string.c (rb_str_split_method): if LIMIT is unspecified,
+ trailing null fields are stripped.
+Sat Oct 31 04:16:14 1998 Inaba Hiroto <>
+ * string.c (str_aref): regexp index SEGVed.
+Fri Oct 30 14:33:47 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (reg_match): returns nil for unmatch.
+ * dir.c (dir_entries): new method.
+ * eval.c (block_pass): do not push block, substitute it.
+Fri Oct 30 01:28:52 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * range.c (range_check): avoid <=> check for Fixnums.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_aset): accept negative index.
+Wed Oct 28 22:00:54 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_match): access out of boundary fixed.
+Wed Oct 28 11:37:42 1998 TAMITO <>
+ * io.c (f_select): fd number comparison bug.
+Tue Oct 27 23:07:11 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sample/ruby-mode.el (ruby-parse-region): forgot to support %w()
+ style array literal.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): unused block raises warning.
+Mon Oct 26 09:37:53 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (dvar_asgn_push): dvar pushed too many times if
+ variable-in-block first appear in loops.
+Sun Oct 25 22:59:27 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (set_list_bits): was using wrong offset.
+Thu Oct 22 00:07:11 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_obj_method): method retrieved from tainted object
+ should be tainted too.
+ * eval.c (method_call): safe_level should be restored during
+ Method#call.
+Wed Oct 21 14:21:06 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (Init_IO): new constants IO::SEEK_{SET,CUR,END}.
+ * io.c (rb_f_ungetc): ungetc pushes a char back into STDIN.
+Mon Oct 19 11:50:00 1998 Motoyuki Kasahara <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb: Load '@top_srcdir@/lib/find.rb', not
+ '../lib/find.rb'.
+ * ext/extmk.rb: Distinguish between `top_srcdir' and `topdir'.
+ * (CFLAGS): Add `-I.'.
+ * (lex.c): Give `@srcdir@/keywords' to gperf, not
+ `keywords'.
+ * instruby.rb: Use `CONFIG["bindir"]', instead of `prefix + "/bin"'.
+ * instruby.rb: Use `CONFIG["libdir"]', instead of `prefix + "/lib"'.
+ * instruby.rb Use `CONFIG["mandir"]', instead of `prefix + "/man"'.
+ * instruby.rb (wdir): Add the variable to preserve the current
+ working directory.
+ * instruby.rb: Chdir to wdir before install `config.h' and
+ `rbconfig.rb'.
+Mon Oct 19 10:07:01 1998 EGUCHI Osamu <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): reduce recursive calls to rb_eval().
+Fri Oct 16 15:31:45 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_new_internal): timeval must be positive.
+Thu Oct 15 13:54:48 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (arg): local variables can be accessed within right side
+ expression in assignment, notably in blocks.
+Wed Oct 14 00:18:33 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (Init_Array): Array#=== is now for equal check, not
+ inclusion check.
+ * parse.y (when_args): `when a, *b' style new syntax for array
+ expansion in `case'.
+Tue Oct 13 14:30:32 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_untaint): taint marks can be unset.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): taint propagation for embedded strings.
+Mon Oct 12 13:27:15 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): check stack depth more frequently.
+Mon Oct 12 08:08:30 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_p): can print even in secure mode.
+Sun Oct 11 22:50:13 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_const_set): taint check for modification.
+ * variable.c (rb_ivar_set): taint check for modification.
+ * string.c (rb_str_modify): taint check for modification.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_modify): taint check for modification.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_modify): taint check for modification.
+ * ruby.h (FL_TAINT): taint for all objects, not only strings.
+Fri Oct 9 17:01:14 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (read_all): read() returns "" at immediate EOF.
+ * io.c (io_read): read(nil) read all until EOF.
+Thu Oct 8 13:32:13 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_dump): marshal can dump Time object now.
+ * marshal.c (Init_marshal): rename marshal methods `_dump_to' to
+ `_dump', `_load_from' to `_load'.
+ * parse.y (rb_intern): "+=".intern generates proper symbol.
+Mon Oct 5 18:31:53 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.1c6 released.
+Fri Oct 2 14:22:33 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_search): `/\s*(--)$/ =~ "- --"' did not match,
+ because of wrong optimize condition.
+Mon Oct 1 01:55:16 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (rb_intern): should not raise exceptions.
+ * parse.y (yylex): symbol like `:foo?=' should not be allowed.
+ * ext/ makes *.a for static link modules.
+Wed Sep 30 14:13:06 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_start): supports making a subclass of the
+ Thread class.
+Tue Sep 29 17:46:01 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_join): join is now an instance method.
+Fri Sep 25 12:01:19 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): `@foo!' should be an error.
+Thu Sep 24 14:55:06 1998 WATANABE Tetsuya <>
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (Init_etc): wrong field definition.
+Thu Sep 17 17:09:05 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (io_reopen): was creating FILE* for wrong fd.
+Tue Sep 15 05:28:11 1998 Koji Arai <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): forgot to fixup for the pattern
+ like (?=(A)|(B)).
+Tue Sep 15 01:06:08 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_gets_internal): do not set $_ by default, only
+ gets/readline set the variable.
+ * eval.c (rb_f_load): load toplevel class is set to anonymous
+ module if safe_level >= 5, to encapsulate modification.
+ * eval.c (rb_f_load): set frame properly.
+ * string.c (rb_str_each_line): do not set $_.
+Mon Sep 14 14:42:27 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_match): beginning and end of the string, do not
+ automatically match `\b'.
+ * string.c (scan_once): consume at least on character.
+ * regex.c (re_search): wrong behavior for negative range.
+Sat Sep 12 21:21:26 1998 Koji Arai <>
+ * regex.c (re_search): range value should be maintained.
+Thu Sep 10 10:55:00 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (backref_error): yyerror does not understand formats.
+Tue Sep 8 18:05:33 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.1c5 released.
+Tue Sep 8 10:03:39 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_each_line): wrong line splitting with newline at
+ top of the string.
+ * string.c: non bang methods return copied string.
+ * eval.c (f_END): needed to initialize frame->argc;
+Fri Sep 4 11:27:40 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (bigadd): proper sign combination.
+ * regex.c (re_search): wrong return value for \A.
+Thu Sep 3 14:08:14 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.1c4 released.
+Tue Sep 1 10:47:16 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (slow_search): do not compare llen and blen. llen may
+ be longer than blen, if little contains 0xff.
+ * regex.c (mbctab_euc): set 0x8e as multibyte character.
+ * string.c (str_inspect): mask character for octal output.
+Mon Aug 31 15:32:41 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_search): use calculated offset if exactn is the
+ first opcode in the compiled regexp.
+ * regex.c (bm_search): use Boyer-Moore search for simple search.
+ * regex.c (must_instr): wrong length check if pattern includes
+ byte escape by 0xff.
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): need not to check current_mbctype.
+Sat Aug 29 16:31:40 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_check_safe_str): avoid calling rb_id2name() in normal
+ cases to speed-up.
+ * eval.c (thread_raise): do not save context of terminated thread.
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): mask \nnn over 256.
+Sat Aug 29 02:09:46 1998 Koji Arai <>
+ * sprintf.c (f_sprintf): wrong buffer size check.
+Fri Aug 28 01:57:04 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): accepts (?ix-ix) and (?ix-ix:...).
+Fri Aug 28 12:25:33 1998 Hiroshi Igarashi <>
+ * ruby.c (ruby_require_modules): load modules in appearing order.
+Fri Aug 28 01:57:04 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): accepts (?ix-ix) and (?ix-ix:...).
+Thu Aug 27 12:54:28 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.1c3 released.
+Wed Aug 26 14:40:56 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): check whether ruby_class is properly set,
+ before accessing it.
+ * eval.c (rb_obj_instance_eval): ruby_class should be Qnil for
+ special objects like Fixnums.
+ * ext/tkutil/tkutil.c (Init_tkutil): removes calls to
+ rb_yield_0(). used instance_eval() instead in the tk.rb.
+Wed Aug 26 11:47:00 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_match): pop non-greedy stack elements on success.
+Wed Aug 26 09:25:35 1998 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ruby.h: add #define environ for cygwin32.
+Tue Aug 25 08:57:41 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_sort_bang): temporarily freeze sorting array.
+Mon Aug 24 18:46:44 1998 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * dln.c (dln_find_1): path check was too strict.
+Mon Aug 24 15:28:11 1998 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * parse.y (f_arglist): opt_nl added after f_args.
+Fri Aug 21 01:06:01 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: grand renaming on socket.c.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (inet_aton): supply inet_aton for those
+ systems that do not have it.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (setipaddr): use inet_aton instead of
+ inet_addr.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (tcp_s_gethostbyname): new method: works
+ like Socket.gethostbyname but returning array contains ip-addrs
+ as octet decimal string format like "".
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (mkhostent): return format changed to
+ [host, aliases, type, ipaddr..] as documented.
+Wed Aug 19 00:31:09 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (io_ctl): forgot to place TRAP_END at right position.
+Fri Aug 14 11:01:47 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (call_trace_func): save __FILE__, __LINE__ before
+ executing trace_func, since trace function should not corrupt
+ line number information.
+Thu Aug 13 15:09:02 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (ary_s_new): was marking unallocated region on GC.
+Tue Aug 11 11:57:35 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.1c2 released.
+Mon Aug 10 14:05:30 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * process.c (f_system): removed fflush(stdin).
+Fri Aug 7 17:44:44 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * error.c (err_snprintf): replace sprintf for fixed sized buffer,
+ with snprintf to avoid buffer over-run. For systems which does
+ dot provide snprintf, missing/snprintf.c added.
+Wed Aug 5 00:47:35 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_search): recycle match object.
+Mon Aug 3 09:17:55 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_gsub_bang): do not allocate temporary string.
+ * string.c (rb_str_sub_bang): use inline replace.
+Wed Jul 29 00:36:08 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (hash_s_new): the default value can be specified.
+ * hash.c (hash_default): method to set the default value.
+ * hash.c (hash_aref): now returns the default value.
+Tue Jul 28 13:03:25 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (ary_s_new): argument to specify initial value is added.
+ * array.c (ary_s_new): specifies size, not capacity.
+Mon Jul 27 12:39:34 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_replace): zero fill for expansion gap.
+ * regex.c (mbctab_euc): set flags on for 0xA1-0xFE. suggested by
+ <>.
+ * string.c (str_inspect): consider current_mbctype.
+Sun Jul 26 15:37:11 1998 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * array.c (ary_s_new):<<30) dumps core.
+Fri Jul 24 13:40:19 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.1c1 released.
+Fri Jul 24 02:10:22 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (r_bytes2): allocated buffer size was too short.
+ * marshal.c (w_object): saves all options, not only casefold flag.
+ * re.c (reg_clone): now copies options properly.
+ * re.c (reg_get_kcode): code number was wrong.
+Thu Jul 23 13:11:32 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_attr): argument should be symbol or string.
+Wed Jul 22 11:59:34 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (calculate_must_string): wrong offset added.
+Wed Jul 22 11:59:59 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * st.c (rehash): still had a GC problem. fixed.
+Tue Jul 21 13:19:30 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (gc_mark_threads): crashed on GC before thread allocation.
+ * st.c (rehash): GC during rehash caused SEGV.
+Tue Jul 21 01:25:10 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sprintf.c (f_sprintf): integer formatter totally re-written.
+ * sprintf.c (remove_sign_bits): support uppercase hexadecimal.
+Sat Jul 18 00:14:13 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sprintf.c (f_sprintf): proper sign position for %X and %O.
+Fri Jul 17 14:10:20 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.1c0 released.
+Fri Jul 17 08:01:49 1998 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * process.c (f_exec): Check_SafeStr() added.
+ * process.c (f_system): Check_SafeStr() moved before fork().
+Thu Jul 16 22:58:48 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (scan_once): substrings to the block should not be
+ tainted. use reg_nth_match(), not str_substr().
+ * string.c (str_substr): needed to transfer taint.
+Thu Jul 16 16:15:57 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (xmalloc): object allocation count added to GC trigger.
+ * eval.c (thread_save_context): avoid marking uninitialized stack
+ in thread_mark. GC may be triggered by REALLOC_N().
+Wed Jul 15 15:11:57 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * experimental release 1.1b9_31.
+Wed Jul 15 15:05:27 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (thread_create): exit() and abort() in threads now
+ forwarded to main_thread.
+Tue Jul 14 14:03:47 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (obj_instance_variables): list names that is not
+ instance variables.
+ * gc.c (GC_MALLOC_LIMIT): choose smaller limit value.
+Mon Jul 13 12:39:38 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (str2cstr): should not return NULL.
+Fri Jul 10 11:51:46 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (gettable): needed to add dyna_in_block() check.
+Thu Jul 9 17:38:23 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * experimental release 1.1b9_30.
+Thu Jul 9 16:01:48 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sprintf.c (fmt_setup): format specifier for long needed.
+ * sprintf.c (f_sprintf): ditto.
+ * numeric.c (fix2str): ditto.
+ * eval.c (thread_create): no more ITIMER_REAL.
+ * eval.c (thread_create): thread finalization needed before
+ aborting thread if thread_abort is set.
+Wed Jul 8 18:17:33 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (big_pow): abandon power by bignum (too big).
+Tue Jul 7 13:58:43 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_catch): add C level catch/throw feature.
+Mon Jul 6 15:18:09 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (arg): proper return values for `||=' and `&&='.
+Fri Jul 3 16:05:11 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * experimental release 1.1b9_29.
+Fri Jul 3 11:20:46 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (r_byte): byte should not extend sign bit.
+ * numeric.c (fix_mul): use FIX2LONG() instead of FIX2INT() for
+ 64bit architectures.
+ * marshal.c (r_bytes): remove weird casting between pointer and int.
+ * process.c (proc_setsid): new method Process#setsid().
+Thu Jul 2 12:49:21 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (w_object): remove `write_bignum' label for 64bit
+ architectures.
+ * marshal.c (r_bytes): needs int, not long.
+Wed Jul 1 14:21:06 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_plus): should not allow addition with strings.
+Wed Jul 1 13:09:01 1998 Keiju ISHITSUKA <>
+ * numeric.c (num_uminus): wrong coerce direction.
+Tue Jun 30 10:13:44 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (f_p): accepts arbitrary number of arguments.
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): there's some case that iterator_p() returns
+ true even if the_block was not set. check added.
+Tue Jun 30 01:05:20 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (BEGIN_CALLARGS): adjust the_block before evaluating the
+ receiver's value and the arguments.
+Fri Jun 26 18:02:50 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * experimental release 1.1b9_28.
+Fri Jun 26 11:01:26 1998 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * string.c (str_aset_method): needed to convert to string.
+Thu Jun 25 02:05:50 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_search): optimize for `.*' at beginning of the
+ pattern.
+ * regex.c (re_search): optimize for character class repeat at
+ beginning of the pattern.
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): detect optimization potential for
+ the compiled patterns.
+Thu Jun 25 00:02:26 1998 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * re.c (reg_s_new): flag value was wrong.
+Wed Jun 24 23:45:06 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_search): wrong anchor handling for reverse search.
+Wed Jun 24 02:18:57 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (mlhs): `((a,b)),c = [[1,2]],3' assigns a=1,b=2,c=3.
+Tue Jun 23 11:46:16 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): `&&=' and `||=' added.
+Sat Jun 20 02:53:50 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (assignable): nesting local variables should have higher
+ priority than normal local variables for assignment too.
+Fri Jun 19 18:28:19 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * experimental release 1.1b9_27.
+Fri Jun 19 14:34:49 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (assign): support hack for nested multiple assignment.
+ * parse.y (mlhs): nested multiple assignment.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): in-block variables now honors static scope.
+ * RSHIFT check moved to configure.
+Thu Jun 18 16:46:04 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * experimental release 1.1b9_26.
+Thu Jun 18 13:37:19 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (file_s_ftype): uses lstat(2) instead of stat(2).
+ * dir.c (dir_s_glob): there can be buffer overrun, check added.
+ * eval.c (f_binding): handles in-block variables declared after
+ binding's generation.
+ * numeric.c (flo_floor): floor, ceil, round added to Float.
+Wed Jun 17 11:20:00 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (gettable): nesting local variables should have higher
+ priority than normal local variables.
+Tue Jun 16 12:30:46 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (str2inum): handles `+ddd'.
+ * struct.c (make_struct): name parameter can be nil for unnamed
+ structures.
+Mon Jun 15 16:30:10 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (class_s_inherited): prohibiting to make subclass of
+ class Class.
+ * object.c (module_s_new): support for making subclass of Module.
+ * parse.y (yycompile): clear eval_tree before compiling.
+Fri Jun 12 17:58:18 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (eval): write back the_dyna_var into the block.
+Thu Jun 11 18:19:18 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * experimental release 1.1b9_25.
+ * eval.c (dvar_add_compiling): register dyna_var at compile time.
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): RE_DUP_MAX iteration is too big.
+Wed Jun 10 15:12:04 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (io_eof): do not block other threads.
+ * signal.c (trap): reserve SIGALRM for thread.
+ * eval.c (thread_create): use ITIMER_REAL also to avoid system
+ call blocking.
+ * io.c (f_syscall): add TRAP_BEG, TRAP_END around system calls.
+ * io.c (io_ctl): add TRAP_BEG, TRAP_END around system calls.
+ * enum.c (enum_collect): did not collect false values.
+ * array.c (ary_new2): forgot to initialize capa field.
+Tue Jun 9 18:36:15 1998 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * string.c (str_split_method): split dumped core for "\xff".
+Tue Jun 9 16:22:12 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * experimental release 1.1b9_24.
+Tue Jun 9 16:04:07 1998 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/kconv/kconv.c (kconv_guess): more precise decision for EUC,
+ using jless algorithm (3 sequential EUC hiragana characters).
+Tue Jun 9 15:12:44 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/kconv/kconv.c (kconv_guess): wrong guess for EUC as SJIS in
+ some cases (0xe0 - 0xef).
+ * gc.c (xmalloc): insert size check for big (negative in signed)
+ allocation size.
+Tue Jun 9 02:54:51 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/parsedate.rb: wday moved to the last in the return values.
+Mon Jun 8 10:40:16 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_split_method): split dumped core for "\0".
+Sat Jun 6 22:50:52 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (calculate_must_string): wrong condition for
+ {start,stop}_nowidth.
+ * regex.c (re_match): various features imported from GNU regex.c
+ 0.12, such as nested grouping, avoiding infinite loop with empty
+ match, etc.
+ * regex.c (register_info_type): now use union.
+ * regex.c (re_search): more precise anchor(^) check.
+Wed Jun 3 18:07:54 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (reg_raise): check rb_in_compile, not rb_in_eval.
+Mon Jun 1 05:26:06 1998 WATANABE Tetsuya <>
+ * string.c (trnext): casting to signed char* needed.
+Tue Jun 2 16:00:12 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (udp_addrsetup): error check enhanced.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_getservbyaname): use strtoul(), if
+ possible.
+Sat May 30 07:10:02 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (reg_prepare_re): no more needless regular expression
+ recompile on casefold conditions.
+Thu May 28 18:02:55 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (nil_plus): no more `+' method for nil.
+Wed May 27 17:33:46 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (hash_fetch): new method.
+ * regex.c (re_search): check whether translate table is set.
+Tue May 26 11:39:50 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * experimental release 1.1b9_23.
+ * parse.y (yylex): no UPLUS/UMINUS for 1st argument if
+ parenthesises are omitted.
+Tue May 26 01:09:55 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): (?XI) for turns off the
+ corresponding option.
+Mon May 25 12:38:56 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): inline i option (?i).
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): inline x option (?x).
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): x option for regexp.
+ * dir.c (dir_s_open): returns block's evaluated value.
+ * io.c (f_open): returns block's evaluated value.
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (curses_addstr): nil argument caused SEGV.
+Fri May 22 11:52:45 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): push mark on (?:), so that
+ laststart check for {a,b} can be done.
+Thu May 21 17:31:16 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_match): wrong match (too non-greedy) for `{a,b}?'.
+ * io.c (io_lineno): new method IO#lineno, IO#lineno=.
+Wed May 20 06:04:43 1998 MAEDA shugo <>
+ * BeOS patch.
+Wed May 20 16:32:19 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (BIGDN): use RSHIFT(), instead of mere `>>'.
+Tue May 19 16:36:26 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * experimental release 1.1b9_22.
+Tue May 19 16:31:57 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (assignable): specification changed for in-block
+ variable definition.
+ * eval.c (dyna_var_asgn): error in in-block variables' compile
+ time definition.
+ * parse.y (str_extend): wrong nesting detection.
+Tue May 19 09:47:55 1998 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * numeric.c (num2int): re-defined (extensions may use this).
+Mon May 18 16:40:50 1998 MAEDA shugo <>
+ * error.c (get_syserr): BeOS support.
+ * modified for BeOS.
+ * string.c (str_dump): do not call isascii().
+ * sprintf.c (remove_sign_bits): forgot to initialize end pointer.
+ * glob.c: #include <alloca.h> added.
+Mon May 18 14:52:21 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * experimental release 1.1b9_21.
+Mon May 18 03:27:57 1998 MAEDA shugo <>
+ * file.c (file_s_expand_path): optional second argument
+ `default_directory' added.
+Sat May 16 22:06:52 1998 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * error.c (RAISE_ERROR): wrong error message
+Fri May 15 14:43:25 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * experimental release 1.1b9_20.
+Thu May 14 14:44:21 1998 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * sun4 cc patches for intern.h and regex.h.
+Thu May 14 14:03:16 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * random.c (RANDOM_MAX): guessing proper maximum value for random
+ numbers.
+ * random.c (f_rand): use drand48 if possible.
+Wed May 13 19:05:20 1998 MAEDA shugo <>
+ * BeOS patches for io.c, error.c and config.guess.
+Wed May 13 14:56:23 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * experimental release 1.1b9_19.
+ * most of the Mac and BeOS patches merged, except path separators.
+ * error.c (err_append): generated SyntaxError was String.
+ * ruby.h: xxx2INT, xxx2UINT checks values as int, not long.
+ * ruby.h: remove typedef's. INT, UINT, UCHAR, USHORT.
+Tue May 12 17:38:00 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * experimental release 1.1b9_18.
+Tue May 12 11:38:08 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * error.c (syserr_errno): returns errno of the SystemCallError.
+ * error.c (rb_sys_fail): saves errno in the Exception.
+ * error.c (set_syserr): no need to protect syserr_list.
+ * error.c (rb_sys_fail): no more bufsize limit.
+ * error.c (set_syserr): integer value of errno can be accessed by
+ Errno::EXXX::Errno.
+Sun May 10 03:10:33 1998 WATANABE Tetsuya <>
+ * io.c (io_tell etc.): moved from File class to IO class.
+Fri May 8 12:26:37 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): should be unsigned int (was signed int).
+Thu May 7 16:34:10 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): `V', `N' uses newly created NUM2UINT().
+ * ruby.h (NUM2UINT): new macro.
+ * bignum.c (big2uint): try to convert bignum into UINT.
+ * re.c (reg_match): needed to return false for match with nil.
+ * gc.c (obj_free): wrong condition to free string.
+Wed May 6 21:08:08 1998 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ruby.c (ruby_process_options): modified for DJGPP.
+Wed May 6 15:48:03 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * experimental release 1.1b9_17.
+Wed May 6 01:37:39 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c: remove global variable `errat'.
+ * eval.c (rb_longjmp): embed error position information in the
+ exception object.
+Sat May 2 12:20:02 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (reg_search): supports reverse search.
+ * string.c (str_index_method): does update $~ etc.
+ * eval.c (f_load): needed to clear the_dyna_vars.
+ * eval.c (dyna_var_asgn): do not push dyna_var, which is id == 0.
+ * error.c (Init_Exception): NotImplementError is no longer
+ StandardError, which is not handled by default rescue.
+Fri May 1 00:35:51 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): `-d' turns on verbose flag too.
+ * error.c (exception): last argument may be the superclass of the
+ defining exception(s).
+ * io.c (Init_IO): EOFError is now subclass of the IOError.
+ * io.c (Init_IO): forgot to define IOError.
+ * error.c (Init_Exception): old Exception class renamed to
+ StandardError. Exception now replaces old GlobalExit.
+ * error.c (Init_Exception): Exception is now the root of the
+ Global Exits. There's no longer GlobalExit class.
+ * util.c (ruby_mktemp): check TMP, TMPDIR first.
+Thu Apr 30 01:08:35 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/tk.rb: call 'unknown', if proc not defined.
+ * eval.c (handle_rescue): default rescue handles `Exceptional' not
+ only the instance of the `Exception's.
+ * eval.c (f_raise): exception can be any object.
+ * time.c (time_gm_or_local): call time_gmtime or time_localtime.
+ * eval.c (f_raise): raises TypeError if the class which is not a
+ subclass of String is specified (checked in exc_new()).
+ * error.c (exc_new): need to check whether invalid class (not a
+ subclass of String) is specified.
+Wed Apr 29 21:05:44 1998 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): option '-e' via tempfile.
+Tue Apr 28 15:27:58 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * experimental release 1.1b9_16.
+Tue Apr 28 00:07:38 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (obj_is_proc): type check predicate.
+ * eval.c (obj_is_block): ditto.
+Mon Apr 27 16:59:17 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/gtk/gtk.c (Init_gtk): use timeout, not idle to avoid
+ consuming CPU too much.
+ * lib/tk.rb: use tcltklib#_invoke instead of `_eval'.
+Mon Apr 27 16:59:17 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (ary_sort): use dup, not clone.
+Mon Apr 27 13:46:27 1998 Tadahiro Maebashi <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c (ip_invoke): invoke tcl command
+ directly. need not worry about escaping tcl characters.
+Mon Apr 27 12:04:43 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * random.c (f_rand): do not call srand() implicitly.
+Fri Apr 24 14:35:45 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * experimental release 1.1b9_15.
+ * parse.y (assignable): dyna_var_asgn actually defines nested
+ local variables in outer context.
+ * random.c (f_rand): call srand(), if it has not called yet.
+ * random.c (f_srand): use tv_usec as the default seed.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): values of nested local variables should be
+ independent.
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): local variables wrong nested conditions.
+Wed Apr 22 23:27:17 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (select_get_io): get IO object by `to_io'.
+ * io.c (io_to_io): method to retrieve IO object, from delegating
+ object for example.
+Wed Apr 22 16:52:37 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * experimental release 1.1b9_14.
+ * string.c (str_modify): check for embedded pointer reference.
+ * gc.c (obj_free): ditto.
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): p/P template to embed pointers.
+Wed Apr 22 00:07:10 1998 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * array.c (ary_rindex): embarrassing typo.
+Tue Apr 21 12:31:48 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * experimental release 1.1b9_13.
+ * (RUBY_LIB): supports --program-{prefix,suffix}.
+ * array.c (ary_rindex): new method.
+ * io.c (io_binmode): should return self.
+Tue Apr 21 08:23:04 1998 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * parse.y (here_document): calling parse_string with wrong
+ arguments.
+ * struct.c (struct_aset): problem member assignment with name.
+Mon Apr 20 14:47:49 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * experimental release 1.1b9_12.
+ * time.c (time_arg): args may be string (support for reduced
+ implicit type conversion).
+ * lib/base64.rb: changed to use pack/unpack with `m' template.
+Mon Apr 20 06:23:20 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (mod_remove_const): new method.
+Sat Apr 18 03:53:27 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (hash_each_with_index): removed. use Enumerable's
+ each_with_index instead.
+ * class.c (rb_include_module): check for super modules, since
+ module's included modules may be changed.
+Fri Apr 17 21:50:47 1998 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * marshal.c (r_long): r_byte() may return signed byte.
+Fri Apr 17 11:58:30 1998 NAGAI Hidetoshi <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c (lib_mainloop): thread and interrupt check.
+Fri Apr 17 11:06:30 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (find_file): try to fopen() to check whether file exists.
+ * ruby.c (load_file): ditto.
+ * struct.c (struct_aset): struct member can be set by member name.
+Fri Apr 17 00:47:19 1998 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/ added m68k-human support
+ * file.c (LOCK_SH): defines moved.
+ * array.c (ary_flatten_bang): simplified loop.
+Thu Apr 16 16:52:01 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * experimental release 1.1b9_11.
+ * lib/tk.rb: thread support (experimental - maybe slow).
+ * eval.c (rb_longjmp): trace event on exception in raising
+ context, just before raising exception.
+ * struct.c (struct_s_members): forgot to check singletons.
+ * struct.c (struct_aref): members can be accessed by names too.
+ * array.c (ary_flatten): new method.
+ * eval.c (rb_longjmp): prints exception information with `-d'.
+ * object.c (any_to_s): remove class name restriction.
+Thu Apr 16 01:38:02 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (thread_flock): do not block other threads.
+ * eval.c (thread_trap_eval): signals are now delivered to the
+ current thread again. In case that the current thread is dead,
+ signals are forwarded to the main thread.
+ * string.c (str_new4): need not to duplicate frozen strings.
+Wed Apr 15 08:33:47 1998 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * struct.c (struct_inspect): remove restriction for struct names.
+Wed Apr 15 02:55:02 1998 Kazuya 'Sharl' Masuda <>
+ * x68 patches to config.sub, ext/
+Wed Apr 15 01:22:56 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_dup_frozen): do not duplicate frozen strings.
+ * parse.y (yylex): allow nested parenthesises.
+ * io.c (obj_displayln): prints newline after `display'ing the
+ receiver.
+ * io.c (io_puts): avoid generating "\n" each time. use RS_default
+ instead.
+ * io.c (f_p): ditto.
+Tue Apr 14 22:18:17 1998 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * struct.c (struct_aref): should not subtract negative index.
+Tue Apr 14 11:34:50 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * experimental release 1.1b9_10.
+ * parse.y: token names prefixed by `t'.
+ * struct.c (struct_s_def): supports subclassing of Struct.
+ * io.c (io_s_new): supports subclassing of IO.
+Mon Apr 13 11:07:39 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (f_binding): need to restore method name.
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): raises SystemStackError, not Fatal.
+ * io.c (obj_display): same as `print self'.
+ * io.c (f_p): can now be called in the method form.
+ * re.c (reg_regsub): needed to be mbchar aware.
+Mon Apr 13 13:18:32 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (thread_trap_eval): all signals delivered to main_thread.
+Mon Apr 13 12:47:03 1998 TAKAHASHI Masayoshi <>
+ * re.c (kcode_set_option): did not set SJIS on SJIS condition.
+Sun Apr 12 22:14:07 1998 Kazunori NISHI <>
+ * array.c (ary_uniq_bang): should be `==', not `='. embarrassing.
+Sat Apr 11 02:13:30 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (ary_subseq): SEGVed for `[][1,1]'.
+Fri Apr 10 21:29:06 1998 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * array.c (ary_subseq): add check for beg larger than array length.
+Wed Apr 8 17:24:11 1998 MAEDA shugo <>
+ * dir.c (dir_s_open): can be called with block (like IO#open).
+ * dir.c (dir_s_chdir): print directory path on error.
+ * dir.c (dir_s_chroot): ditto
+ * dir.c (Init_Dir): needed to override `new'.
+Thu Apr 9 18:24:58 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * experimental release 1.1b9_09.
+ * string.c (str_cmp): do not depend on sentinel at the end of the
+ strings.
+ * string.c (str_chomp_bang): forgot to set the sentinel.
+Wed Apr 8 00:59:13 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (big2int): converted int may be too big to fit in
+ signed int.
+ * parse.y (arg): `foo += 1' should not cause an error.
+ * variable.c (rb_const_defined): returned false even if the
+ constant is defined at the top level.
+ * eval.c (f_local_variables): dyna_var->id may be null. should
+ have checked before calling str_new2().
+Tue Apr 7 01:15:15 1998 Kaneko Naoshi <>
+ * re.c (reg_regsub): need to check string boundary.
+Tue Apr 7 19:19:12 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_cmp): returns either 1, 0, -1.
+ * array.c (ary_cmp): should check array length, too
+Tue Apr 7 18:50:16 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * experimental release 1.1b9_08.
+Tue Apr 7 18:31:27 1998 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * instruby.rb (mandir): dll installation for cygwin32
+Tue Apr 7 01:16:45 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * config.sub (maybe_os): TOWNS support?
+ * config.guess: too strict check for libc versions on linuxes.
+ * experimental release 1.1b9_07.
+ * array.c (ary_cmp): compare each element using `<=>'.
+ * hash.c (hash_each_with_index): yields [value, key] pair.
+ * class.c (class_protected_instance_methods): list protected
+ method names.
+ * class.c (ins_methods_i): exclude protected methods.
+ * eval.c (PUSH_BLOCK): dynamic variables can be accessed from
+ eval() with bindings.
+Mon Apr 6 14:49:06 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (thread_yield): must return evaluated value.
+Fri Apr 3 13:07:29 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (thread_schedule): context switch bypassed on wrong
+ conditions.
+ * variable.c (rb_name_class): set classname by id before String
+ class is initialized (1.0 behavior restored).
+Fri Apr 3 11:25:45 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (num2int): no implicit conversion from string.
+ * numeric.c (num2int): check whether `to_i' returns an Integer.
+ * numeric.c (num_zero_p): new method.
+ * numeric.c (num_nonzero_p): new method. returns the receiver if
+ it's not zero.
+ * eval.c (obj_instance_eval): the_class should be the object's
+ singleton class.
+ * error.c (exc_s_new): message is converted into a string.
+Thu Apr 2 18:31:46 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (obj_call_init): every object call `initialize'.
+Wed Apr 1 08:51:53 1998 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * parse.y (stmt): UNTIL_MOD should be for stmt, not only for expr.
+Wed Apr 1 01:20:31 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (true_and): boolean operators &, | and ^.
+Tue Mar 31 13:23:58 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (ary_compact_bang): returns nil, if it does not modify
+ the array like String's bang methods.
+ * array.c (ary_uniq_bang): new method to remove duplicate items.
+ * eval.c (bind_s_new): new method.
+ * numeric.c (num2int): raise exception if Fixnums too big to
+ convert into `int' in case that sizeof(int) < sizeof(INT).
+ * string.c (str_center): SEGV on negative width.
+ * eval.c (eval): forgot to set sourcefile.
+Mon Mar 30 11:12:29 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (f_test): raises exception for unknown command.
+ * eval.c (Init_eval): `class_eval': alias to the module_eval.
+Mon Mar 30 18:50:42 1998 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * string.c (str_capitalize_bang): did not check string modification.
+ * string.c (str_delete_bang): wrong conversion.
+ * string.c (str_intern): typo in error message.
+Mon Mar 30 01:44:13 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (obj_instance_eval): accepts block as evaluation body.
+ No compilation needed each time.
+ * eval.c (mod_module_eval): ditto
+ * file.c (file_s_umask): umask did not return old values, if no
+ argument given.
+Sun Mar 29 00:54:23 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (f_throw): nil returned always.
+Sat Mar 28 20:40:12 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * experimental release 1.1b9_06.
+Sat Mar 28 16:07:11 1998 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * io.c (io_closed): should not cause exception for closed IO.
+ * string.c (str_tr): returned nil for success.
+Sat Mar 28 00:47:19 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (f_local_variables): new method to return an array of
+ local variable names.
+ * variable.c (obj_instance_variables): now returns an array of
+ variable names, as described in the reference.
+ * eval.c (rb_attr): honors default method visibility of the
+ current scope.
+Fri Mar 27 13:49:27 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * experimental release 1.1b9_05.
+ * ruby.c (ruby_prog_init): `site_ruby' added to load_path.
+ * ruby.c (ruby_prog_init): load-path order changed. Paths in
+ the RUBYLIB environment variable comes first in non-tainted
+ mode.
+Thu Mar 26 11:51:09 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call): new feature: `protected' methods.
+ * string.c (str_dump): new method.
+ * eval.c (block_pass): block argument can be nil, which means no
+ block is supplied for the method.
+Wed Mar 25 21:20:13 1998 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * string.c (str_reverse_bang): string copied to wrong place.
+Wed Mar 25 08:12:07 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_modulo): caused SEGV if left operand is not a
+ float value.
+ * eval.c (f_eval): optional third and fourth argument to specify
+ file-name and line-number.
+ * eval.c (eval): file-name and line-number set properly.
+ * parse.y (assign_in_cond): literal assignment is now warning, not
+ compile error.
+ * error.c (Warn): Warn() always print message, OTOH Waring()
+ prints when verbose flag is set.
+Tue Mar 24 12:50:06 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (ruby_prog_init): `.' should come last in the load-path.
+ * eval.c (Init_eval): `__send__', alias for `send'.
+Mon Mar 23 12:44:12 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_chomp_bang): now takes `rs' as an argument.
+ * eval.c (thread_free): main_thread should not be freed.
+Fri Mar 20 16:40:34 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_chomp_bang): chomp! (and other ! methods) returns
+ nil if it does not modify the string.
+ * string.c (str_sub_iter_s): should check last pattern since it
+ may be matched to null.
+Thu Mar 19 13:48:55 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * experimental release 1.1b9_04.
+ * parse.y (yylex): `10e0.9' should cause syntax error.
+Wed Mar 18 17:46:31 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (load_file): new file object constant DATA. Only
+ available for the script from the file.
+ * regex.c (re_match): forwarding failure point popped too much.
+Tue Mar 17 18:23:06 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * math.c (math_frexp): newly added.
+ * math.c (math_ldexp): ditto.
+ * bignum.c (bigdivmod): calculates modulo.
+ * numeric.c (fix_remainder): returns reminder, formerly introduced
+ as modulo.
+ * numeric.c (fix_modulo): calculates proper `modulo'.
+ * bignum.c (bigdivmod): wrong sign for reminder.
+Mon Mar 16 17:07:28 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * experimental release 1.1b9_03.
+Mon Mar 16 16:33:53 1998 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * io.c (pipe_finalize): needed to add pipe_finalize to pipes on
+ cygwin32.
+Mon Mar 16 14:11:06 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (ins_methods_i): needed to consider NOEX_UNDEF.
+Mon Mar 16 13:23:53 1998 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * io.c (io_check_closed): check for `fptr->f2 == NULL'.
+ * io.c (io_fptr_close): ditto.
+Mon Mar 16 11:49:25 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (pipe_atexit): free()ing referencing pipe_list.
+ * range.c (range_length): returns zero, if the first is greater
+ than the last.
+ * signal.c (trap_restore_mask): restore signal mask before raising
+ exceptions and throws.
+Fri Mar 13 13:49:24 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * experimental release 1.1b9_02.
+ * object.c (mod_clone): need to dups constants and instance
+ variables.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): forgot to initialize body for NODE_DEFS.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): retrieve self from calling frame, since self
+ changes sometimes.
+ * env.h (FRAME): need to save self in the calling frame.
+ * io.c (f_gets_method): rs should be initialized by RS.
+Thu Mar 12 15:33:57 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * experimental release 1.1b9_01.
+ * range.c (range_s_new): check values by `first <= last'.
+ * parse.y (lastline_set): fixed offset for $_ and $~ in the local
+ variable space.
+Wed Mar 11 02:14:17 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (io_gets): handle normal case specially for speed.
+ * eval.c (rb_disable_super): function to disable superclass's
+ method explicitly.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): inherits previous method definition's
+ NOEX_UNDEF-ness, if exists.
+ * class.c (rb_define_method): disables superclass's overriding
+ method by default.
+Wed Mar 11 01:40:48 1998 MAEDA shugo <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_gt,etc.): do not depend on `<=>', to handle NaN.
+Tue Mar 10 00:03:24 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (load_file): understands multiple options in #! line.
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): support for [:alpha:] etc.
+Mon Mar 9 16:53:51 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.h (GetOpenFile): embed io_check_closed in GetOpenFile.
+ * sprintf.c (f_sprintf): zero padding failed for negative
+ integers.
+ * sprintf.c (remove_sign_bits): failed to remove some bits.
+Sat Mar 7 21:51:46 1998 MAEDA shugo <>
+ * class.c (ins_methods_i): body may be NULL for some case.
+Fri Mar 6 17:23:07 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (mbcinit): table driven mbchar detection.
+ * object.c (obj_alloc): check for allocating instance for the
+ primitive classes (mostly perfect).
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (curses_finalize): restore original state at
+ interpreter termination.
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (curses_addstr): forgot to check argument
+ type (caused SEGV). now uses STR2CSTR() macro.
+Thu Mar 5 13:47:39 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (block_pass): accepts method object as block args.
+ * eval.c (f_missing): use any_to_s() for stringify.
+Wed Mar 4 01:39:52 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (block_arg): new syntax - block argument in the
+ calling arglist.
+ * eval.c (rb_call): no module search. simplified a lot.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): block arg support.
+ * parse.y (f_block_arg): new syntax - block argument in the
+ formal arglist.
+Tue Mar 3 14:20:15 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (obj_method): returns bound method object.
+ * eval.c (rb_call): argument check for empty methods.
+ * ruby.h (NUM2CHR): new macro, originally from curses module.
+Tue Mar 3 13:03:35 1998 MAEDA shugo <>
+ * io.c (io_putc): new method.
+Tue Mar 3 11:21:28 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_inspect): more strict charcode detection.
+ * eval.c (thread_stop): stopping only thread raises ThreadError
+ exception.
+Tue Mar 3 08:04:56 1998 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * struct.c (struct_alloc): incomplete struct initialization made
+ GC to access unallocated addresses.
+Mon Mar 2 16:28:27 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (thread_stop_method): remove Thread#stop.
+Fri Feb 27 18:16:26 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.1b9 released.
+Fri Feb 27 09:36:35 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (hash_delete_nil): needed to compare value to nil, since
+ nil is the valid key for hashes.
+ * hash.c (hash_foreach_iter): rehashing causes IndexError.
+ * hash.c (hash_foreach_iter): rehash check by pointer comparison.
+Thu Feb 26 17:22:13 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (fname): convert reswords into symbols.
+ * parse.y (reswords): reserved words are now embedded in the
+ syntax (sigh).
+ * parse.y: now reserved words can be method names safely.
+Wed Feb 25 15:50:07 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (mod_module_eval): clear the_scope's PRIVATE flag before
+ calling eval().
+ * gc.c (gc_call_finalizer_at_exit): run finalizers before any data
+ object being freed.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): needed to keep prot_tag->retval before
+ evaluating the ensure clause.
+Tue Feb 24 11:16:32 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): reserved words can be appear as method names at
+ right after 'def' and `.'(dot), like
+ * eval.c (return_check): checks for return out of thread (formerly
+ done in return_value).
+ * eval.c (POP_TAG): copy retval to outer level.
+ * eval.c (return_value): just set retval, no check, no unwinding.
+ * parse.y (nextc): line continuation by backslash at end of line.
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): forgot to clear pending_exact on
+ closing parentheses.
+ * parse.y (assignable): should not assign dyna_var to true, if it
+ is already defined.
+Mon Feb 23 14:35:03 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (obj_is_kind_of): no longer accepts true/false/nil.
+ * object.c ({true,false,nil}_to_i): can be converted into integers.
+Mon Feb 23 12:11:51 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (reg_s_quote): needed to be mbchar aware.
+ * eval.c (proc_s_new): wrong iter mark.
+Sat Feb 21 22:59:30 1998 MAEDA shugo <>
+ * io.c (f_syscall): no argument check.
+Fri Feb 20 10:17:51 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.1b8 released.
+ * ext/kconv/kconv.c (kconv_kconv): default output code now be
+ determined according to the value of $KCODE.
+ * re.c (rb_get_kcode): can retrieve $KCODE from C code.
+ * parse.y (stmt): if/unless modifiers returns nil, if condition is
+ not established.
+Thu Feb 19 11:06:47 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/kconv/kconv.c (kconv_kconv): charcode can be specified by
+ code name (JIS, SJIS, EUC like value of $KCODE).
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): forgot to fixup_jump for (?:..).
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): needed to clear pending_exact on
+ non-registering grouping (?:...).
+Wed Feb 18 19:54:21 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (here_document): needed to set lex_state to EXPR_END.
+Wed Feb 18 18:45:10 1998 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * patches for cygwin32 applied.
+Wed Feb 18 00:41:31 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_sub_s): needed to be mbchar aware to increment one
+ character.
+ * regex.c (re_match): \Z matches newline just before the end of
+ the string.
+Tue Feb 17 00:04:32 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_arg): and Time.local now understands
+ Time#to_a format.
+ * string.c (str_sub_s): replace happened twice for null pattern.
+ * regex.c (re_search): null pattern should not match after newline
+ at the end of string.
+ * time.c (time_isdst): now returns boolean value.
+ * error.c (rb_check_type): treat special constants in messages.
+ * parse.y (yylex): new form `::Const' to see toplevel constants.
+ * parse.y (cond): SEGV on `if ()'.
+ * gc.c (obj_free): some data needed explicit free().
+Mon Feb 16 23:55:40 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (blk_free): release duplicated block informations.
+ * eval.c (blk_copy_prev): duplicate outer block information into
+ the heap, when proc/binding created.
+Mon Feb 16 14:38:25 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_mon): now 1 for January and so on.
+ * time.c (time_year): year in 19xx (no + 1900 needed anymore).
+Mon Feb 16 13:28:33 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): need to fetch mbchar's second byte
+ without translation.
+Mon Feb 16 12:29:27 1998 MAEDA shugo <>
+ * eval.c (f_pass_block): pass iterator block to other method.
+Fri Feb 13 08:16:11 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (parse_regx): handle \s before read_escape().
+ * parse.y (read_escape): `\s' in strings as space.
+Tue Feb 10 17:29:08 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.1b7 released.
+ * string.c (str_aset): string insertion by `str[n] = str2'.
+ * string.c (str_oct): does recognize `0x'.
+ * sprintf.c (f_sprintf): use base 10 for conversion from string to
+ integer.
+Mon Feb 9 14:51:56 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (do_coerce): proper error message.
+ * string.c (str_sum): bug - masked by wrong value. (sigh..)
+Sat Feb 7 15:11:14 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_empty): new method
+Fri Feb 6 01:42:15 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_asctime): use asctime(3), not strftime(3).
+Thu Feb 5 18:58:46 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (io_fptr_close): do not free path on close().
+ * array.c (ary_filter): new method.
+ * enum.c (enum_each_with_index): new method.
+Thu Feb 5 14:10:35 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (primary): singleton class def can be appeared inside
+ method bodies.
+ * hash.c (hash_replace): replace content.
+ * string.c (str_replace_method): replace content.
+ * array.c (ary_replace_method): replace elements.
+ * string.c (str_succ_bang): String#succ!
+Thu Feb 5 18:20:30 1998 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * string.c (str_upcase_bang): multi byte character support.
+Wed Feb 4 13:55:26 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (ary_reverse): SEGV on empty array reverse.
+Tue Feb 3 12:24:07 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (match_to_a): non matching element should be nil.
+ * ruby.c (ruby_load_script): load script after all initialization.
+ * bignum.c (str2inum): need to interpret prefix `0' of `0x'.
+Tue Feb 3 10:00:18 1998 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_rshift): use `sizeof(INT)*8' instead of 32.
+Mon Feb 2 14:09:24 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (set_arg0): grab environment region too.
+Thu Jan 29 18:36:25 1998 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * process.c (rb_proc_exec): check `sh' to be exist.
+Thu Jan 29 18:18:19 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (io_stdio_set): assignment to $stdin or $stdout does
+ reopen() as well as $stderr.
+Thu Jan 29 14:18:40 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (mod_ancestors): should not include singleton classes.
+ * object.c (obj_type): should not return internal class.
+ * io.c (io_reopen): unwillingly closes stdio streams.
+Thu Jan 29 11:50:35 1998 Toshihiko SHIMOKAWA <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (udp_addrsetup): forgot to use htons().
+Tue Jan 27 23:15:24 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * keywords: __FILE__, __LINE__ are available again.
+Fri Jan 23 14:19:28 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.1b6 released.
+ * object.c (mod_to_s): need to duplicate classpath.
+ * error.c (exc_inspect): need to duplicate classpath.
+Thu Jan 22 00:37:47 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.h (STR2CSTR): new macro to retrieve char*.
+ * class.c (rb_define_method): `initialize' should always be
+ private, even if it defined by C extensions.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): `initialize' should always be private.
+Thu Jan 22 16:21:08 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): some singleton class def cause SEGV.
+ * eval.c (TMP_ALLOC): replace ALLOCA_N, where thread context
+ switch may happen.
+Wed Jan 21 01:43:42 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (PUSH_FRAME): do not use ALLOCA_N(). crash on some
+ platforms that use missing/alloca.c.
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): too many pops for non register
+ subexpr.
+ * parse.y (yylex): open parentheses after identifiers are argument
+ list, even if whitespaces have seen.
+Tue Jan 20 15:19:59 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (terms): quoted word list by %w(a b c).
+ * ext/tcltklib/extconf.rb: more accurate check for tcl/tk libs.
+ * file.c (rb_stat): most of the FileTest methods (and function
+ `test') accept File objects as the argument.
+Tue Jan 19 18:19:24 1998 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/ (install): there should be no newline after install:
+ * re.c (MIN): renamed from min(). there's a local variable named
+ min in the file, so that some cpp will raise an error.
+Mon Jan 19 16:30:05 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.1b5 released.
+ * process.c (rb_syswait): no exception raised.
+Fri Jan 16 00:43:43 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.h (CLONESETUP): copies its singleton classes too.
+ * class.c (singleton_class_attached): saves binded object in the
+ singleton classes.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): calls singleton_method_added even in the
+ singleton class clauses.
+Fri Jan 15 23:22:43 1998 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): -S does not recognize PATH.
+Thu Jan 15 02:03:12 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_clear_cache_by_id): clear only affected cache
+ entries.
+Wed Jan 14 02:14:48 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: new UDP/IP socket classes.
+Tue Jan 13 10:00:18 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_cmp): ignorecase($=) works wrong.
+Fri Jan 9 13:19:55 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.1b4 released.
+ * eval.c (f_missing): class name omitted from the error message.
+ * error.c (exc_inspect): description changed.
+ * string.c (Init_String): GlobalExit's superclass did not filled,
+ since GlobalExit created earlier than String.
+Thu Jan 8 12:10:09 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (aryset): expr in the brackets can be null.
+Wed Jan 7 21:13:56 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (io_reopen): keep stderr unclosed.
+ * io.c (io_errset): keep stderr unclosed.
+Tue Jan 6 00:27:43 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y: syntax modified for `while expr do .. end' etc.
+ * process.c (f_exec,f_system): can supply arbitrary name for the
+ new process.
+Mon Jan 5 16:59:13 1998 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * file.c (file_s_basename): removes any extension by ".*".
+Sun Jan 4 19:36:22 1998 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): needed to update lex_p (reading point).
+Sat Jan 3 19:14:14 1998 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * class.c,object.c: duplicate defines mKernel and cFinxnum.
+Fri Jan 2 20:38:59 1998 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (NUM2CHAR): uses the first character for
+ string arguments.
+ * array.c (ary_fill): did not extend array for ranges.
+ * array.c (beg_len): did not return end pos bigger than size.
+Fri Jan 2 02:09:16 1998 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * dir.c (dir_s_chdir): bug in nil check.
+ * array.c (ary_fill): bug in nil check.
+Tue Dec 30 11:46:23 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (env_path_tainted): checks directories in PATH
+ environment variable are not world writable.
+ * ruby.c (load_file): invoke specified interpreter if the #! line
+ does not contain the word `ruby'.
+Fri Dec 26 03:26:41 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (uscore_get): type information included in the error
+ message.
+ * variable.c (f_untrace_var): does not free trace-data within
+ trace procedure.
+Thu Dec 25 02:50:29 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.1b3 released.
+ * ruby.h: inlining some functions on gcc 2.x
+Tue Dec 23 02:47:33 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): public/private information kept in the current
+ scope, to remove undesired state from the class/module.
+ * time.c (time_strftime): remove hidden limit of 100 bytes of
+ result string, using malloc'ed buffer.
+ * hash.c (hash_update): merges the contents of another hash,
+ overriding existing keys.
+ * regex.c (must_instr): totally re-written.
+ * io.c (read_all): try to allocate proper sized buffer using
+ fstat(2) for speedup.
+Sat Dec 20 00:27:28 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (must_instr): need to skip 2 bytes for mbchars.
+Fri Dec 19 01:18:29 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.1b2 released.
+ * eval.c (check_errat): check and convert (if necessary) traceback
+ information before assigning to the variable $@.
+ * eval.c (f_raise): optional third argument to specify traceback
+ information.
+ * io.c (f_open): prevent infinite recursive call.
+Thu Dec 18 19:33:47 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_rindex): now accepts regexp as index.
+Thu Dec 18 18:42:50 1997 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: modified to detect win32 socket lib.
+Thu Dec 18 00:25:03 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (reg_equal): checks for source and casefold and kcode matching.
+ * marshal.c: became built-in module.
+ * ext/marshal/marshal.c (r_object): displays struct name for
+ non-compatible struct.
+ * string.c (str_index_method): now searches character (fixnum) in
+ the string.
+ * string.c (str_include): redefine `include?'.
+ * regex.c (re_match): start_nowidth saves current stack position
+ to stop_nowidth.
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): add space to stop_nowidth to save
+ runtime stack position.
+Tue Dec 16 14:57:43 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (scan_once): wrong exception for regexp that match with
+ null string (use substr instead of subseq).
+Sat Dec 13 00:13:32 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (expr): remove bare assocs from expr rule.
+ * rbconfig.rb: renamed from config.rb (it was too generic name).
+Fri Dec 12 00:50:25 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (expr): warns if BEGIN or END appear in the method
+ bodies.
+ * string.c (str_match): calls y =~ x if y is neither String nor
+ Regexp so that eregex.rb works.
+ * eval.c (f_at_exit): to register end proc.
+ * class.c (rb_define_module_function): define 'function' method
+ for the Module, not private method.
+ * class.c (rb_define_function): function to define `function' method.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): inherit visibility from superclass's method
+ except when it is set to `function'
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): new visibility status `function'.
+ * parse.y (yycompile): do not clear eval_tree. thus enable multiple
+ command line script by option `-e'.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): END execute just once.
+ * parse.y (expr): BEGIN/END built in the syntax.
+Thu Dec 11 13:14:35 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (mod_le): Module (or Class) comparison.
+ * eval.c (rb_remove_method): raises NameError if named method does
+ not exist.
+ * ext/curses/curses.c: remove CHECK macro for BSD curses.
+Thu Dec 11 12:44:01 1997 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * pack.c: sun4 cc patch
+Wed Dec 10 15:21:36 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/marshal/marshal.c (marshal_load): can supply evolution proc
+ object as optional second argument.
+ * re.c (reg_source): get source string of the regular expression.
+Tue Dec 9 10:05:17 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.1b1 released.
+ * parse.y (tokadd): token buffer overrun.
+ * ruby.c (ruby_prog_init): forgot to protect rb_argv0 from gc.
+ * eval.c (ruby_run): call finalizers at process termination.
+ * gc.c (gc_call_finalizer_at_exit): call free proc for every Data
+ Wrapper, and finalizer for specified objects at termination.
+ * version.c (show_version): version format changed.
+ * regex.c (re_match): wrong match with non-greedy if they appear
+ more than once in regular expressions.
+ * sample/ruby-mode.el (ruby-expr-beg): forgot to handle modifiers.
+Mon Dec 8 19:00:15 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (io_puts): just put a newline if no argument given.
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c (lib_mainloop): thread-aware tk handle
+ when $tk_thread_safe is set.
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c (lib_mainloop): use Tcl_DoOneEvent()
+ instead of Tk_MainLoop().
+Mon Dec 6 07:11:16 1997 MAEDA shugo <>
+ * io.c (io_puts): core dumped without any argument.
+Fri Dec 5 18:17:17 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (mod_remove_method): remove (not undef) a method from the
+ class/module.
+ * variable.c (obj_remove_instance_variable): method to remove
+ instance variables.
+Thu Dec 4 13:50:29 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.1b0 released.
+ * string.c (str_aref): called str_index for regexp.
+Mon Dec 1 15:24:41 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * compar.c (cmp_between): wrong comparison made.
+Wed Nov 26 18:18:05 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: generate Makefile for extension modules out of ruby
+ source tree. use like `ruby -r mkmf extconf.rb'.
+ * numeric.c (fix2str): enlarge buffer to prevent overflow on some
+ machines.
+ * parse.y (here_document): wrong line number generated after here-doc.
+Fri Nov 21 13:17:12 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): skip multibyte characters in comments.
+Wed Nov 19 17:19:20 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (nil_to_a): nil.to_a => [].
+ * parse.y (call_args): wrong node generation.
+Tue Nov 18 10:13:08 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (Init_Array): Array#=== works as Array#include?
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): insert initialize code for jump_n,
+ before entering loops.
+ * re.c (reg_search): does not save registers unless $& etc appear
+ in the script.
+Mon Nov 17 13:01:43 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (is_defined): add defined? check for receivers and
+ arguments for calls.
+ * re.c (reg_search): cache last match object.
+ * re.c (match_aref): $[0] etc. are available.
+Sat Nov 15 00:11:36 1997 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * io.c (io_s_popen): "rb" detection
+Fri Nov 14 18:28:40 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (scan_once): returns whole match if the pattern does
+ not contain any parentheses.
+Thu Nov 13 14:39:06 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_sub): returns copy of the receiver string, even if
+ any substitution occurred.
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): no-width match by (?=..), (?!..).
+Wed Nov 12 13:44:47 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c: remove coerce from Time class.
+ * regex.c (re_match): non-greedy match by ??, *? +?, {n,m}?.
+Mon Nov 10 11:24:51 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): non-registering parens (?:..).
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): new meta character \< (wordbeg)
+ and \> (wordend).
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): embedded comment for regular
+ expression by (?#...).
+Fri Nov 7 16:58:24 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): perl5 regexp \A and \Z available.
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): can expand compile stack dynamically.
+ * regex.c (PUSH_FAILURE_POINT): wrong compare condition.
+Wed Nov 2 16:00:00 1997 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * string.c (str_sub_s): "".sub! "", "" => "\000"
+Fri Oct 31 15:52:10 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (assoc): keyword assoc like {fg->"black"}.
+Thu Oct 30 17:33:38 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (io_println): print with newline, which is not affected by
+ the values of $/ and $\.
+Thu Oct 30 16:54:01 1997 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * string.c (str_chop_bang): "".chop caused SEGV.
+ * string.c (str_chomp_bang): method to chop out last newline.
+Mon Oct 27 13:49:13 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/ library may have pathname contains `.'
+ * eval.c (rb_rescue): should not protect SystemError.
+Fri Oct 24 10:58:53 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (io_s_with_open_stream): ensures to close stream.
+Thu Oct 23 11:17:44 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (io_errset): value of $stderr can be changed (to any IO
+ object).
+ * io.c (next_argv): $< can be anything that responds to `write'.
+ * file.c (file_s_with_open_file): ensures to close file.
+ * error.c (exception): create error under the current class/module.
+ * range.c (range_eqq): fixnum check for last needed too.
+Wed Oct 22 12:52:30 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: Socket::Constants added.
+ * file.c: File::Constants added for inclusion.
+ * array.c (ary_join): call ary_join() recursively for the 1st
+ array element.
+Mon Oct 20 12:18:29 1997 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ruby.c (load_file): wrong condition for #! check with -x.
+ * file.c (file_s_dirname): did return "" for "/a".
+Fri Oct 17 14:29:09 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c: now works on alpha-linux.
+ * bignum.c (bigadd): some undefined side effect order assumed.
+Wed Oct 15 17:49:24 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * intern.h: function prototypes added.
+Mon Oct 13 16:54:18 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (rb_define_class_id): call superclass's `inherited'
+ method when making subclasses.
+ * parse.y (nextc): clear lex_lastline at the end of file.
+ * object.c (Init_Object): need to undef Class#append_features.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): no warning on extending classes or modules.
+Thu Oct 9 11:17:50 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (error_print): the exception name follows after the error
+ message.
+ * eval.c (compile_error): error message slightly changed.
+ * parse.y (nextc): script parsing will be terminated by __END__ at
+ beginning of line.
+ * eval.c (compile_error): `__END__' is no longer a keyword.
+ * parse.y (nextc): protect lastline read from script stream.
+Tue Oct 7 14:06:06 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.1 alpha9 released.
+ * eval.c (mod_append_features): renamed from extend_class.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): defining method calls `method_added'.
+ * eval.c (ruby_options): exception while processing options must
+ terminate the interpreter.
+ * error.c (Init_Exception): wrong method configuration. `new'
+ should have been a singleton method.
+Mon Oct 6 18:55:38 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/kconv/kconv.c (kconv_guess): code to guess character code
+ from string.
+Mon Oct 6 18:38:17 1997 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * pack.c: now encode/decode base64 by `m' template.
+Fri Oct 3 10:51:10 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * MANIFEST: needed to include lex.c in the distribution.
+ * eval.c (ruby_options): f_require() called too early.
+ * eval.c (rb_provide): module extensions should always be `.o'.
+Thu Oct 2 11:38:31 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.1 alpha8 released.
+ * ext/marshal/marshal.c (r_object): remove temporal regist for
+ structs. (caused problem if structs form cycles.)
+ * parse.y (match_gen): static binding for match(=~) calls
+ with regexp literals.
+Wed Oct 1 15:26:55 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c: protect retval in struct tag from GC for C_ALLOCA.
+ * eval.c: no more pointer value from setjmp/longjmp.
+Wed Oct 1 14:01:49 1997 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/marshal/marshal.c (w_byte): argument must be char.
+Wed Oct 1 10:30:22 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (mod_const_at): global constants now belongs to the
+ class Object.
+ * object.c (Init_Object): new global constant NIL.
+ * ext/marshal/marshal.c (marshal_dump): try to set binmode.
+ * ext/marshal/marshal.c (r_object): forgot to re-regist structs in
+ the object table.
+ * eval.c (ruby_options): call Init_ext() before any require()
+ calls by `-r'.
+Fri Sep 30 14:29:22 1997 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/marshal/marshal.c (w_object): marshal dumped core.
+Tue Sep 30 10:27:39 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sample/test.rb: bignum test suits added.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): new pseudo variable `true' and `false'.
+ * parse.y: new keywords `true' and `false' added.
+Mon Sep 29 13:37:58 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (forbid_setid): forbid some options in suid mode.
+ * ruby.h (NUM2DBL): new macro to convert into doubles.
+Mon Sep 27 09:53:48 1997 EGUCHI Osamu <>
+ * bignum.c: modified for speeding.
+Fri Sep 26 18:27:59 1997 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * sample/from.rb: some extensions.
+Mon Sep 29 13:15:56 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (lhs): no more syntax error on `obj.CONSTANT = value'.
+Fri Sep 26 14:41:46 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_run): deferred calling Init_ext() just before eval_node.
+Fri Sep 26 13:27:24 1997 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * io.c (io_isatty): forgot to return TRUE value.
+Fri Sep 25 11:10:58 1997 EGUCHI Osamu <>
+ * eval.c: use _setjmp/_longjmp instead of setjmp/longjmp on some
+ platforms.
+Wed Sep 24 17:43:13 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (Init_String): String#taint and String#taint? added.
+ * class.c (mod_ancestors): ancestors include the class itself.
+Wed Sep 24 00:57:00 1997 Katsuyuki Okabe <>
+ * X68000 patch.
+Tue Sep 23 20:42:30 1997 EGUCHI Osamu <>
+ * parse.y (node_newnode): SEGV on null node setup.
+Mon Sep 22 11:22:46 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (ruby_prog_init): wrong safe condition check.
+Sun Sep 21 14:46:02 1997 MAEDA shugo <>
+ * error.c (exc_inspect): garbage added to classpath.
+Fri Sep 19 11:49:23 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (newtok): forgot to adjust buffer size when shrinking
+ the token buffer.
+ * enum.c (enum_find): rb_eval_cmd() does not return value.
+ * io.c (pipe_open): close fds on pipe exec. fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, 1)
+ no longer used.
+Tue Sep 16 17:54:25 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (f_test): problem if wrong command specified.
+ * ruby.c (ruby_prog_init): close stdaux and stdprn for MSDOS.
+ * ruby.c (ruby_prog_init): should not add path from environment
+ variable, if ruby is running under setuid.
+ * process.c (init_ids): check suid check for setuid/seteuid etc.
+Mon Sep 15 00:42:04 1997 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): \w{3} and \W{3} did not work.
+Thu Sep 11 10:31:48 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.1 alpha7 released.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_new): no setbuf() for NT.
+ * io.c (rb_fopen,rb_fdopen): set close-on-exec for every fd.
+Wed Sep 10 15:55:31 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/marshal/marshal.c (r_bytes0): extra big length check.
+Tue Sep 9 16:27:14 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (pipe_fptr_atexit): clean up popen()'ed fptr.
+ * error.c (set_syserr): some system has error code that is bigger
+ than sys_nerr. grrr.
+Mon Sep 8 18:33:33 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (io_s_new): dereferenced nil for optional mode.
+Fri Sep 5 10:26:03 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (class_instance_methods): do not include methods which
+ are changed to private in subclasses.
+Thu Sep 4 12:38:53 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (f_global_variables): list name of the global
+ variables.
+ * object.c (obj_id): returns unique integer.
+Wed Sep 3 14:05:16 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.1 alpha6 released.
+ * eval.c (mod_s_constants): context sensitive constant list.
+ * variable.c (mod_constants): no more `all' option.
+ * variable.c (mod_const_of): the values for autoload classes are
+ their name strings.
+ * class.c (class_instance_methods): no special treatment for
+ singleton classes.
+ * object.c (obj_singleton_methods): returns list of singleton
+ method names.
+ * parse.y (yylex): no here document after `class' keyword.
+ * eval.c (f_load): expand path if fname begins with `~'.
+Tue Sep 2 13:19:48 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (ins_methods_i): do not list undef'ed methods.
+Mon Sep 1 13:42:48 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.1 alpha5 released.
+ * object.c (mod_attr_reader): create methods to define attribute
+ reader/write/accessor.
+ * class.c (rb_define_attr): always defines accessors.
+ * eval.c (rb_call): alias occurred in the module body caused SEGV.
+ * parse.y: did not generate here document strings properly.
+Mon Sep 1 11:43:57 1997 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): heredoc dropped an extra character.
+Fri Aug 29 11:10:21 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (class_instance_methods): same method names should not
+ appear more than once.
+ * parse.y (yylex): spaces can follow =begin/=end.
+ * variable.c (find_class_path): look for class_tbl also for
+ unnamed fundamental classes, such as Object, String, etc.
+ * variable.c (rb_name_class): can't name class before String class
+ is initialized.
+ * inits.c (rb_call_inits): unrecognized dependency from GC to
+ Array.
+ * variable.c (find_class_path): could not find class if Object's
+ iv_tbl is NULL.
+Thu Aug 28 13:12:05 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.1 alpha4 released.
+ * variable.c (mod_constants): wrong condition for singleton
+ class.
+ * parse.y (yylex): revised `=begin' skip code.
+ * parse.y (here_document): forgot to free(eos).
+ * parse.y (yylex): spaces after `<<' prohibited for here
+ documents to avoid confusing with operator `<<'.
+ * eval.c (is_defined): separated from rb_eval().
+Wed Aug 27 11:32:42 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.1 alpha3 released.
+ * variable.c (mod_name): returns name of the class/module.
+ * parse.y (here_document): finally here document available now.
+ * variable.c (fc_i): some classes/modules does not have iv_tbl.
+ * variable.c (find_class_path): avoid infinite loop.
+Tue Aug 26 13:43:47 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): undef'ing non-existing method will raise
+ NameError exception.
+ * object.c (class_s_new): needed to create metaclass too.
+ * eval.c (error_print): no class name print for anonymous class.
+ * eval.c (rb_longjmp): proper exception raised if raise() called
+ without arguments, with $! or $@ set.
+ * object.c (Init_Object): superclass()'s method argument setting
+ was wrong again.
+ * class.c (mod_ancestors): list superclasses and included modules
+ in priority order.
+Mon Aug 25 11:53:11 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.1 alpha2 released.
+ * sample/ruby-mode.el (ruby-parse-region): auto-indent now
+ supports "\\" in the strings.
+ * struct.c (struct_getmember): new API to get member value from C
+ language side.
+Sat Aug 23 21:39:05 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (assignable): remove unnecessary local variable
+ initialize by nil.
+Fri Aug 22 14:26:40 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (error_print): modified exception print format.
+Thu Aug 21 16:10:58 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sample/ruby-mode.el (ruby-calculate-indent): wrong indent level
+ calculated with keyword operators.
+Thu Aug 21 11:36:58 1997 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * parse.y (arg): ary[0] += 1 cause SEGV
+Wed Aug 20 17:28:50 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (ruby_process_options): require() all modules after
+ processing all options
+ * process.c (rb_proc_exec): more security checks added.
+ * process.c (rb_proc_exec): insecure path on exec.
+ * hash.c (f_getenv): PATH modification security check.
+Tue Aug 19 00:15:38 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.1 alpha1 released.
+ * eval.c (mod_eval): work as normal eval() if second binding
+ argument given.
+ * eval.c (rb_call): did not raise ArgumentError if too many
+ arguments more than optional arguments (without rest arg).
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): did not work well for op_asgn2 (attribute
+ self assignment).
+ * eval.c (Init_Thread): returns main thread.
+Mon Aug 18 09:25:56 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (inspect_i): did not display T_DATA instance variables.
+ * parse.y: provides more accurate line number information.
+ * eval.c (thread_value): include value's backtrace information in
+ the variable `$@'.
+ * eval.c (f_abort): print backtrace and exit.
+Sat Aug 16 00:17:44 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (class_new_instance): do not make instance from virtual
+ classes.
+ * object.c (class_s_new): do not make subclass of singleton class.
+Fri Aug 15 15:49:46 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (call_trace_func): block context switch in the trace
+ function.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): clear method cache at class extension.
+ * object.c (obj_type): returns object's class even if it defines
+ singleton methods.
+Fri Aug 15 19:40:43 1997 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (Init_socket): small typo caused SEGV.
+Wed Aug 13 17:51:46 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version 1.1 alpha0 released.
+Local variables:
+add-log-time-format: (lambda ()
+ (let* ((time (current-time))
+ (diff (+ (cadr time) 32400))
+ (lo (% diff 65536))
+ (hi (+ (car time) (/ diff 65536))))
+ (format-time-string "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y" (list hi lo) t)))
+indent-tabs-mode: t
+tab-width: 8
diff --git a/doc/ChangeLog/ChangeLog-1.9.3 b/doc/ChangeLog/ChangeLog-1.9.3
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0f80eed2d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/ChangeLog/ChangeLog-1.9.3
@@ -0,0 +1,92772 @@
+Sun Jul 10 22:50:00 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (rmpd_power_by_big_decimal): fix
+ precision treatment errors.
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb: add tests for the above change.
+ fix precision treatment errors.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_power): precision argument
+ should be optional for its compatibility.
+Sun Jul 10 22:38:09 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (var_ref): distinguish vcall from local variable
+ references. based on a patch by Michael Edgar michael.j.edgar
+ AT Bug #5002
+Sun Jul 10 21:51:29 2011 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * internal.h: add comments (cautions).
+Sun Jul 10 20:59:38 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: Add new class variable `@@testfile_prefix`.
+ This is for changing test name prefix. (For testing)
+ * test/testunit/tests_for_parallel/ptest_first.rb: Renamed from
+ test_first.rb
+ * test/testunit/tests_for_parallel/ptest_second.rb: Renamed from
+ test_second.rb
+ * test/testunit/tests_for_parallel/ptest_third.rb: Renamed from
+ test_third.rb
+ * test/testunit/tests_for_parallel/ptest_forth.rb: Renamed from
+ test_forth.rb
+ * test/testunit/tests_for_parallel/runner.rb: Remove misc.rb
+ * test/testunit/tests_for_parallel/ptest_first.rb: ditto.
+ * test/testunit/tests_for_parallel/ptest_second.rb: ditto.
+ * test/testunit/tests_for_parallel/ptest_third.rb: ditto.
+ * test/testunit/tests_for_parallel/ptest_forth.rb: ditto.
+ * test/testunit/tests_for_parallel/misc.rb: Removed because no longer
+ needed.
+ * test/testunit/test_parallel.rb: Fix assertions for above.
+Sun Jul 10 16:57:08 2011 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_throw): check a class frame.
+ Fixes Bug #4648.
+ The patch is contributed by Kazuki Tsujimoto.
+ * bootstraptest/test_proc.rb: add tests for above.
+Sun Jul 10 17:28:01 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (mutex_debug): use exit(EXIT_FAILURE) instead of
+ exit(1).
+ * thread_pthread.c (add_signal_thread_list): ditto.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_call_with_gvl): ditto.
+ * util.c (Bug): ditto.
+Sun Jul 10 15:58:12 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/json: Merge json gem 1.5.4+ (f7f78896607b6f6226cd).
+ [Bug #4700]
+Sun Jul 10 16:41:32 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * vm_core.h (typedef struct rb_vm_struct): create a new
+ 'inhibit_thread_creation' field.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_terminate_all): set inhibit_thread_creation.
+ * thread.c (thread_s_new): don't permit to create new thread
+ if the VM is under destruction. Otherwise evil finalizer code
+ can make SEGV. [Bug #4992][ruby-core:37858]
+ * bootstraptest/test_objectspace.rb: new test for this fix.
+Sun Jul 10 16:06:16 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * signal.c (sigsegv): use abort() instead of exit() when nested
+ SEGV was happen. Because unnested SEGV use abort().
+ [Bug #5013][ruby-dev:44078]
+Sun Jul 10 15:30:00 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * load.c (rb_f_autoload): prevent to autoload for singleton
+ classes. fixes [Bug #4886] [ruby-dev:43816]
+ * bootstraptest/test_autoload.rb: add tests for the above change.
+Sun Jul 10 15:09:17 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb: Import documentation patch by Justin
+ Collins. [ruby-core:37225] [Feature #4903]
+Sun Jul 10 14:57:36 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: canonicalizes nth and sf.
+Sun Jul 10 14:13:50 2011 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * internal.h (rb_thread_call_with_gvl, rb_thread_call_without_gvl):
+ make them visible as experimental C APIs. fixes Feature #4328.
+Sun Jul 10 12:18:00 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_power): support non-integral
+ exponent. fixes [Bug #3271]
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (rmpd_power_by_big_decimal): ditto.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_power_op): add a function to
+ only use for "**" operator.
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb: add a bunch of tests for the
+ above changes.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (is_integer): add an utility function.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (is_negative): ditto.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (is_positive): ditto.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (is_zero): ditto.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (is_one): ditto.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (is_even): ditto.
+Sun Jul 10 12:08:39 2011 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * compile.c (when_vals): when a string literal is written on when
+ clause, skip string creation to make it faster. [ruby-dev:44068]
+ [Feature #5000]
+Sun Jul 10 11:35:29 2011 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * parse.y (reduce_nodes_gen): NODE_RETURN in rescue body must not be
+ reduced when there is an else clause. This caused bizarre behavior
+ in [Bug #4473] [ruby-core:35629] [ruby-core:37884].
+Sun Jul 10 09:46:14 2011 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * range.c (range_max): fix behavior with excluded end value.
+ [Bug #4591]
+Sun Jul 10 09:13:18 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * NEWS: Fix RubyGems version. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5004]
+Sat Jul 9 20:01:59 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * internal.h: rb_rational_reciprocal is defined in rational.c.
+Sat Jul 9 19:48:31 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * internal.h: added declarations.
+ * complex.c: followed the above change.
+Sat Jul 9 17:24:41 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * NEWS: bigdecimal is not a builtin.
+Sat Jul 9 17:17:53 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: some improvements for performance.
+Sat Jul 9 16:56:01 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * atomic.h (ATOMIC_OR): _InterlockedOr is unavailable in VC6.
+ * numeric.c (ULLONG_MAX): fallback definition.
+Sat Jul 9 15:59:19 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_{read,write}): should be signed.
+ Bug #5001
+Sat Jul 9 14:02:20 2011 Takeyuki FUJIOKA <>
+ * lib/cgi/core.rb: fix multipart form parsing bug. [Bug #3866]
+Sat Jul 9 11:41:03 2011 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb: Add Vector#normalize [ruby-dev:43829]
+Sat Jul 9 09:25:06 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * enumerator.c: Remove "enumeration sequenced by".
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4757]
+Sat Jul 9 09:14:56 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * io.c: Note that methods other than IO#gets may increase IO#lineno.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4902]
+Sat Jul 9 08:39:39 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUN_OPT): disable gems.
+Sat Jul 9 08:37:05 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_close): close(2) on a fd which is being read by
+ another thread causes deadlock on Mac OS X 10.5
+Fri Jul 8 21:20:39 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * addr2line.c: use USE_ELF instead of __ELF__ because Solaris
+ doesn't define it. USE_ELF is already provided by configure.
+ patched by Naohisa Goto. [ruby-dev:44066] [Bug #4998]
+ * addr2line.h: ditto.
+ * vm_dump.c: ditto.
+Fri Jul 8 16:40:38 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/json/parser/parser.rl (convert_encoding): should not modify
+ the argument.
+ * ext/json/parser/parser.rl (convert_encoding): no needs to use
+ force_encoding.
+Fri Jul 8 15:53:31 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (rb_bug): get rid of segfault after all threads
+ disposed.
+Fri Jul 8 15:01:06 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.h: include openssl/e_os2.h before checking the
+ definition of OPENSSL_SYS_WIN32.
+Fri Jul 8 14:40:39 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (wunlink): reverted a part of r32426. it was mistakenly
+ mixed.
+Fri Jul 8 14:29:47 2011 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * can't subtract void *.
+Fri Jul 8 14:33:26 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.h): define GC_MARK_STACKFRAME_WORD.
+ fixed build problem of r32438. the value (30) is temporary value.
+ maybe it's enough by 20~24 according to my observation.
+Fri Jul 8 13:47:39 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_mutex_unlock_all): folded into
+ rb_threadptr_unlock_all_locking_mutexes.
+ * thread.c (rb_threadptr_unlock_all_locking_mutexes) ditto.
+Fri Jul 8 13:36:02 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (thread_unlock_all_locking_mutexes): rename to
+ rb_threadptr_unlock_all_locking_mutexes and remove static.
+ * vm_core.h: add rb_threadptr_unlock_all_locking_mutexes declaration.
+ * thread.c (thread_start_func_2): adjust the above rename.
+ * eval.c (ruby_cleanup): call rb_threadptr_unlock_all_locking_mutexes
+ again after finalizer. [Bug #4988] [ruby-dev:44049]
+Fri Jul 8 13:06:09 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * cont.c (FIBER_MACHINE_STACK_ALLOCATION_SIZE): Fiber stack size
+ don't need to keep multiple number of sizeof(VALUE).
+Fri Jul 8 11:39:12 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (sudo-precheck): true command is not standard on
+ Windows.
+Fri Jul 8 10:39:52 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (gvl_destroy): fix cond_t leak.
+Fri Jul 8 09:17:59 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * gc.c: Improve documentation
+Thu Jul 7 23:35:31 2011 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c: change water_mark value that may call
+ gc_mark(lev <= GC_LEVEL_MAX) in gc_mark().
+ In ruby_stack_check(), water_mark is a value that may call some
+ C function. Fixes Bug #3781
+ * define GC_MARK_STACKFRAME_WORD that approximate
+ size of gc_mark() and gc_mark_children() stackframes.
+Thu Jul 7 17:55:05 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/testunit/test_parallel.rb (TestParallelWorker#teardown): wait
+ the child process even if the communication pipe is broken.
+Thu Jul 7 15:44:42 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_set_index, rb_enc_associate_index): should
+ check if frozen.
+ * parse.y (rb_intern3), ruby.c (process_options, ruby_script):
+ defer freezing after associating encodings.
+Thu Jul 7 15:16:51 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_num2ull): use own switch sentence.
+ Current implementation can't convert 18446744073709551615.
+Thu Jul 7 06:56:15 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * cont.c (FIBER_STACK_FLAGS): workaround fix for r32420 on FreeBSD.
+Thu Jul 7 06:46:12 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * benchmark/driver.rb: Add difference column to report that averages
+ across all runs of a benchmark. [Ruby 1.9 - Feature #4982]
+Thu Jul 7 06:19:38 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems.rb: Reduce requires to improve `make benchmark`.
+ [#4962]
+ * lib/rubygems/specification.rb: Delay initialization of rubygems
+ until require is called.
+Thu Jul 7 04:31:26 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (arg): rescue_mod is in inverse order from other
+ modifiers. patched by michael.j.edgar AT at
+ [ruby-core:36248]. fixed #4716.
+Thu Jul 7 00:40:16 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (kill): check that the process exited or not before
+ terminating it. [Bug #4943]
+Wed Jul 6 23:13:19 2011 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (opt_call_args): allow trailing comma after assoc
+ argument e.g. 'foo(bar:1,)'. fixed #3456
+Wed Jul 6 22:11:12 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * test/cgi/test_cgi_header.rb(test_cgi_header_nph): Validate date in
+ "Date:" header
+Wed Jul 6 21:29:33 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * cont.c (fiber_machine_stack_alloc): cleanup pointer arithmetic.
+ "size/sizeof(VALUE)" is ugly and easy confusing.
+ * cont.c (fiber_initialize_machine_stack_context): ditto.
+Wed Jul 6 21:24:53 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * cont.c (fiber_machine_stack_alloc): fix mprotect misuse. A stack
+ guard page should have PROT_NONE.
+ * cont.c (fiber_initialize_machine_stack_context):
+ th->machine_stack_maxsize shouldn't be included guard pages size.
+ [Bug #4983][ruby-dev:44043]
+Wed Jul 6 21:23:38 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * cont.c (fiber_machine_stack_alloc): use MAP_STACK if it's provided.
+Wed Jul 6 21:22:16 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * cont.c (fiber_machine_stack_alloc): use MAP_FAILED instead of -1.
+Wed Jul 6 21:21:05 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * cont.c (fiber_machine_stack_alloc): remove unnecessary cast.
+Wed Jul 6 18:10:13 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * test/cgi/test_cgi_header.rb(test_cgi_header_nph): Adding space after
+ comma.
+ * test/cgi/test_cgi_header.rb(test_cgi_header_nph): Remove variable
+ `now`. Suppress warning.
+Wed Jul 6 12:18:09 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * test/cgi/test_cgi_header.rb(test_cgi_header_nph): Fix bug depends to
+ time. The test fails if time past 1 second in line 136-145
+Tue Jul 5 15:28:04 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_here_document): should dispatch heredoc_end
+ scanner event on an empty here document. fixed Bug#4543.
+Tue Jul 5 13:49:26 2011 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * addr2line.c: fix r32407 to check HAVE_ALLOCA_H.
+Tue Jul 5 14:05:43 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpauth/digestauth.rb (_authenticate):
+ Literal texts in HTTP ABNF is case-insensitive (RFC2616 2.1),
+ and a sample implementation in RFC2617 also ignores the case
+ of algorithms. So now this ignores those cases.
+ [ruby-dev:43965] [Feature #4936]
+ * lib/webrick/httpauth/digestauth.rb (initialize):
+ Because of above, opera_hack is useless and removed.
+Tue Jul 5 01:30:01 2011 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_sleep): cut the waiting time up to
+ 100,000,000 because Solaris cond_timedwait() return EINVAL if an
+ argument is greater than current_time + 100,000,000. This is
+ considered as a kind of spurious wakeup. The caller to native_sleep
+ should care about spurious wakeup.
+Tue Jul 5 01:24:26 2011 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * cont.c: disable FIBER_USE_NATIVE on Solaris because resuming any
+ Fiber caused SEGV. I haven't follow up the issue deeply, but it
+ works when disabling the feature.
+Tue Jul 5 01:22:46 2011 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * addr2line.c: include <alloca.h> to fix a build issue on Solaris.
+Tue Jul 5 00:49:05 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * ext/coverage/coverage.c: resurrect r32071 + add GC guard for
+ rb_coverages. [ruby-core:37352] [Bug #4927]
+ [ruby-core:36539] [Feature #4796]
+ * test/coverage/test_coverage.rb resurrect r32071.
+Mon Jul 4 22:24:46 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (get_stack): For NetBSD/FreeBSD, use
+ pthread_attr_getstack() if possible. and, remove an assumption
+ of stack growing direction.
+Mon Jul 4 20:42:31 2011 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/coverage/coverage.c: revert r32071. The commit caused SEGV on
+ some minor nonfree OS. I have no means of debugging the bug. My
+ personal opinion is that such OS should be unsupported unless there
+ is an active maintainer. [ruby-core:37352]
+ * test/coverage/test_coverage.rb: ditto.
+Mon Jul 4 07:14:12 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (get_stack): the return address of get_stack
+ must be the highest address of the current thread's stack.
+Mon Jul 4 06:37:22 2011 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h, thread_pthread.c (rb_reserved_fd_p,
+ RB_RESERVED_FD_P): added. This C API is to limit to access
+ fds which are used by RubyVM internal. In this version of
+ CRuby, return 1 if fd is communication pipe.
+ If your application needs to close all file descriptors to
+ present resource leak, skip internal fds using this C API.
+ We also define a macro RB_RESERVED_FD_P(fd). So you can write
+ #ifndef RB_RESERVED_FD_P
+ #define RB_RESERVED_FD_P(fd) 0
+ #endif
+ for Ruby 1.9.2 or previous version to write compatible extensions.
+ See [ruby-core:37727]
+ * thread_win32.c (rb_reserved_fd_p): added (return 0 for any fds).
+ * io.c (rb_io_initialize): raise ArgumentError if given fd is reserved by Ruby.
+Sun Jul 3 23:43:56 2011 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): suppresses outputs from extconf.rb.
+ (extmake) warns a failure in extconf.rb.
+Sun Jul 3 13:44:51 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (ary_reject_bang): should not remove elements which are
+ not yielded. [Bug #2545]
+Sun Jul 3 06:10:26 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (get_stack): pthread_attr_getstack() doesn't
+ return stack start address, but stack base address. Thus,
+ we need to add stack size for getting stack start address.
+ And, we don't have to decrease guard size twice.
+ * thread_pthread.c (thread_start_func_1): don't use inaccurate
+ stack start guess if native_thread_init_stack() can be used.
+ [Bug #1813] [ruby-core:24540]
+Sun Jul 3 04:50:08 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (get_stack): add to a care of guard page on Mac
+ OS X. [Bug #1813] [ruby-core:24540]
+ * signal.c (ruby_signal): SIGBUS use alternative stack too.
+ * signal.c (sigbus): On Mac, thread stack overflow makes SIGBUS
+ instead of SIGSEGV. thus, added stackoverflow check.
+ * signal.c (default_handler): get rid of compilation warning.
+ * signal.c (Init_signal): ditto.
+Sat Jul 02 08:59:20 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * test/openssl/test_ocsp.rb
+ * test/openssl/test_x509_cert.rb: Perform SHA-256 tests only if
+ supported by the available OpenSSL version. Versions < 0.9.8 don't
+ support it. [ruby-core:37724]
+Sat Jul 2 07:17:45 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_reject_bang, rb_ary_delete_if): rejected
+ elements should be removed. fixed [Bug #2545]
+Sat Jul 2 01:57:00 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * NEWS: remove a description of Kernel#respond_to? because it has
+ been reverted at revision 28564.
+Sat Jul 2 00:58:00 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * NEWS: describe a change of multiplication of Bignum.
+Fri Jul 1 18:52:31 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * benchmark/bm_app_erb.rb: increase loop count. too short
+ measurement time makes less accuracy.
+ * benchmark/bm_app_factorial.rb: ditto.
+ * benchmark/bm_app_mandelbrot.rb: ditto.
+ * benchmark/bm_app_strconcat.rb: ditto.
+ * benchmark/bm_io_file_create.rb: ditto.
+ * benchmark/bm_io_file_read.rb: ditto.
+ * benchmark/bm_io_file_write.rb: ditto.
+ * benchmark/bm_so_concatenate.rb: ditto.
+ * benchmark/bm_so_lists.rb: ditto.
+ * benchmark/bm_so_matrix.rb: ditto.
+ * benchmark/bm_so_random.rb: ditto.
+ * benchmark/bm_so_sieve.rb: ditto.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm_thread_mutex1.rb: ditto.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm_thread_mutex2.rb: ditto.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm_thread_mutex3.rb: ditto.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm1_block.rb: cleanup.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm1_const.rb: cleanup.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm1_ensure.rb: cleanup.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm1_ivar.rb: cleanup.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm1_length.rb: cleanup.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm1_neq.rb: cleanup.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm1_not.rb: cleanup.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm1_rescue.rb: cleanup.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm1_simplereturn.rb: cleanup.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm1_swap.rb: cleanup.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm2_array.rb: cleanup.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm2_case.rb: cleanup.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm2_defined_method.rb: cleanup.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm2_eval.rb: cleanup.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm2_method.rb: cleanup.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm2_mutex.rb: cleanup.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm2_poly_method.rb: cleanup.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm2_poly_method_ov.rb: cleanup.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm2_proc.rb: cleanup.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm2_regexp.rb: cleanup.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm2_send.rb: cleanup.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm2_super.rb: cleanup.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm2_unif1.rb: cleanup.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm2_zsuper.rb: cleanup.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm_thread_alive_check1.rb: cleanup.
+Fri Jul 1 15:23:00 2011 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix: Add LUP decomposition
+Fri Jul 1 15:21:14 2011 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb: Allow non integer exponents for Matrix#**
+Fri Jul 1 15:13:25 2011 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix: Add Eigenvalue Decomposition
+Fri Jul 1 15:10:22 2011 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix: Add Matrix#round
+Fri Jul 1 11:41:12 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (tr_trans): free heap ptr when the str is not embedded.
+ patched by Eric Wong. [Bug #4956] [ruby-core:37708]
+Fri Jul 1 11:07:43 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (do_select): fix memory leak.
+ Patch by Eric Wong. Thank you! [Bug #4953] [ruby-core:37702]
+Fri Jul 1 08:21:28 2011 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_getivar): check vm state version
+ to invalidate inline cache (ivar index).
+ fixes Bug #4926.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_setivar): ditto.
+Fri Jul 1 08:03:15 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c, thread_pthread.c (WRITE_CONST): suppress warnings
+ `ignoring return value'.
+Fri Jul 1 06:41:36 2011 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_threadptr_check_signal): only wake up main thread.
+ * thread.c (rb_threadptr_execute_interrupts_common): check signal
+ delivery if it is main thread.
+ fixes [ruby-dev:44005] [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4950]
+ * bootstraptest/test_fork.rb: add a test for above.
+ * signal.c (rb_get_next_signal): skip if signal_buff is empty.
+ (check signal_buff.size first)
+ * vm_core.h: remove unused variable rb_thread_t::exec_signal.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_check_trap_pending): check
+ rb_signal_buff_size() because rb_thread_t::exec_signal
+ is no longer available.
+Fri Jul 1 03:28:25 2011 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (Init_class_hierarchy): should name BasicObject
+ explicitly.
+ * variable.c (rb_const_defined_0): should not check for
+ superclasses as const_get.
+Fri Jul 1 03:24:03 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: mathn is still alive (should die soon).
+Thu Jun 30 23:50:00 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-indent-beg-re): Fix broken regular
+ expression. Fixes #4546
+Thu Jun 30 23:43:30 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c/.h: Added ossl_x509_name_sk2ary.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c: Replaced ossl_x509_ary2k by generic macro to
+ simplify future conversions.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c: Implement SSLSocket#client_ca.
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb: Add test for SSLSocket#client_ca.
+ Thanks to Ippei Obayashi for providing the patch!
+ [ Ruby 1.9 - Feature #4481 ] [ruby-core:35461]
+Thu Jun 30 22:38:58 2011 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/bm_vm2_defined_method.rb: added to measure performance of
+ bmethod (method defined by define_method()).
+Thu Jun 30 22:17:04 2011 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_bmethod): fix to hook call/return event
+ for methods defined by define_method(). fixes Bug #4613.
+ * thread.c (call_trace_proc): Fix to skip if class is not given (0).
+ Note that ID and Class object are passed for call/return event
+ if the called method was defined by define_method().
+ If you are author of tracer/profiler/debugger, this may be an
+ important change. You should check passed class as zero or
+ non-zero instead of checking the event type.
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: add a test for above.
+Thu Jun 30 21:18:35 2011 Yutaka Kanemoto <>
+ * Add warnflags for XL/C on AIX during configure
+ to avoid [Bug #3971]. See [ruby-core:32859]
+Thu Jun 30 21:16:04 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (m_ajd): refers a constant.
+Thu Jun 30 20:54:25 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/io/console/io-console.gemspec: spin-off gem for 1.9.2.
+Thu Jun 30 20:36:23 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: trivial changes.
+Thu Jun 30 20:12:36 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb: tests for [Bug #3422] and [Bug #3423].
+Thu Jun 30 20:03:39 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: modified doc.
+Thu Jun 30 19:09:19 2011 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (thread_timer): ignore unknown errno.
+ (we observed that select(2) was canceled by errno=514 on
+ boron == Linux/Xen environment)
+Thu Jun 30 17:33:25 2011 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c (ObjectSpace.count_tdata_objects):
+ Fix rdoc. Fixes Bug #3892.
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c (ObjectSpace.count_tdata_objects):
+ Change key type if the klass of a object is zero (internal object).
+ Read rdoc for details.
+ * internal.h: export rb_objspace_data_type_name().
+Thu Jun 30 17:25:08 2011 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (ping_signal_thread_list, thread_timer):
+ fix to keep polling state if there are any ping-tasks.
+Thu Jun 30 12:25:34 2011 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (rb_thread_create_timer_thread): allocate
+ machine stack for the timer thread at least 12KB. FreeBSD 8.2
+ AMD64 causes machine stack overflow (SIGSEGV) only with
+ PTHREAD_STACK_MIN (maybe defined as 2KB).
+Thu Jun 30 09:36:37 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/weakref.rb: Attach documentation to WeakRef and add missing
+ documentation
+Thu Jun 30 09:30:14 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/yaml.rb: Document toplevel YAML and YAML::ENGINE to describe
+ Psych vs Syck engines.
+Thu Jun 30 09:21:52 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/cmath.rb: Hide handle_no_method_error from RDoc.
+ * error.c: Document or hide undocumented error classes.
+Thu Jun 30 07:49:04 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * hash.c: Document ENV
+Thu Jun 30 06:37:43 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (ruby_init_loadpath_safe): ensure RUBYLIB_PREFIX stored
+ before RUBYLIB, even if MANGLED_PATH is enabled. fixed #1679.
+ MANGLED_PATH is disabled by the default and will be removed
+ completely in the future.
+Thu Jun 30 06:32:21 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb: Hide deprecated toplevel DRb constants.
+Thu Jun 30 06:17:02 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/cmath.rb (CMath.log): second argument: b can be nil.
+Thu Jun 30 06:23:28 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * thread.c (ruby_thread_s_pass): Fix typo.
+Thu Jun 30 06:16:53 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc: Update to RDoc 3.8 which contains fixes for documentation
+ in trunk.
+Thu Jun 30 02:53:26 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_threadptr_execute_interrupts_common): remove
+ meaningless native_thread_yield(). It never close a race.
+Thu Jun 30 02:41:47 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_schedule_limits): minor optimization.
+ eliminate machine context saving when running time is enough small.
+Thu Jun 30 02:28:11 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_schedule_rec): move interrupt_flag check to
+ rb_thread_schedule().
+ And also rename to rb_thread_schedule_limits() and remove
+ sched_depth argument. It's no longer called recursive.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_schedule): add to check interrupt_flag as
+ above explained.
+ * thread.c (rb_threadptr_execute_interrupts_rec): rename to
+ rb_threadptr_execute_interrupts_common() and remove sched_depth
+ argument. It's no longer called recursive.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_sleep): adapt the renaming.
+ * thread.c (rb_threadptr_execute_interrupts): ditto.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_execute_interrupts): ditto.
+Thu Jun 30 01:31:33 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (thread_s_pass): change RDoc description and remove
+ a sample code. The actual implementation never behave as explained by
+ an example. It's a documentation bug.
+Thu Jun 30 00:54:33 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_stop): change RDoc sample code. The old
+ example is buggy and may cause deadlock. The patch is
+ suggested by Heesob Park <>. Thank you!
+ [Bug #3606][ruby-core:31454]
+Thu Jun 30 00:49:53 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_wakeup): change RDoc sample code. The old
+ example is buggy and may not display anything by a race.
+ The patch is suggested by Heesob Park <>.
+ Thank you! [Bug #3606][ruby-core:31454]
+Thu Jun 30 00:43:33 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_run): change RDoc. The old example is buggy
+ and may cause deadlock. The patch is suggested by Heesob Park
+ <>. Thank you! [Bug #3606][ruby-core:31454]
+Thu Jun 30 00:30:15 2011 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/cmath.rb: make same exception for Math. fix [Bug #3137].
+Thu Jun 30 00:03:20 2011 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb/completion.rb: complement correctly string literal. fix
+ [Bug #1145].
+Wed Jun 29 23:42:51 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: avoided using timev.
+ * ext/date/date_strftime.c: ditto.
+ * ext/date/date_tmx.h: ditto.
+Wed Jun 29 23:17:57 2011 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.h (OPENSSL_SYS_WIN32): support for mingw(msys).
+Wed Jun 29 23:09:14 2011 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/tk/extconf.rb (intptr_t, uintptr_t): support for the latest ActiveTcl with mingw.
+Wed Jun 29 22:49:10 2011 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb/cmd/help.rb: support RDoc 3.7. fix [Bug #3760].
+Wed Jun 29 22:04:14 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * lib/tracer.rb: Tracer.on only if required by -r command-line option.
+ and consider --disable-gems option.
+ * test/test_tracer.rb: add tests for it.
+Wed Jun 29 13:55:36 2011 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_const_get_0): should not look for superclasses if
+ the second optional argument is given for #const_get().
+ fix [Bug #3422] [Bug #3423]
+Wed Jun 29 12:07:27 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * math.c: Attach documentation for Math.
+ * object.c: Document NIL, TRUE, FALSE.
+ * io.c: Improve grammar in ARGF comment. Document STDIN/OUT/ERR.
+ Document ARGF global constant.
+ * lib/rake: Hide deprecated toplevel constants from RDoc (import from
+ rake trunk).
+ * lib/thwait.rb: Document ThWait.
+ * lib/mathn.rb: Hide Math redefinition from RDoc
+ * lib/sync.rb: Add a basic comment for Sync_m, Synchronizer_m, Sync,
+ Synchronizer.
+ * parse.y: Document SCRIPT_LINES__.
+ * hash.c: Document ENV class and global constant.
+ * vm.c: Document TOPLEVEL_BINDING.
+ * version.c: Document RUBY_* constants.
+ * ruby.c: Document DATA and ARGV.
+Wed Jun 29 10:13:12 2011 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb: can build rectangular matrices.
+ Vector#r should be called #magnitude
+Wed Jun 29 10:11:08 2011 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb: Add Matrix#diagonal?, hermitian?, normal?,
+ orthogonal?
+ permutation?, symmetric?, {lower|upper}triangular?, unitary?, zero?
+Wed Jun 29 10:09:35 2011 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb: Specialize Matrix#find_index to return [row, col]
+ and accept the same optional argument as #each
+Wed Jun 29 10:07:32 2011 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb: Matrix#each{_with_index} can iterate over a subset
+ of the Matrix
+Wed Jun 29 06:21:02 2011 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_stop_timer_thread): skip to close
+ communication pipe to avoid timing bug (process termination timing).
+ The communication pipe will closed by OS.
+Wed Jun 29 06:09:54 2011 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * error.c (rb_async_bug_errno): async-safe bug report function.
+ In timer thread, signal handler should use it.
+ The patch is contributed by Eric Wong <>.
+ Refs: [ruby-core:37644] and [ruby-core:37647]
+ * thread_pthread.c: use rb_async_bug_errno().
+ And replace all fprintf() to write().
+ * internal.h (rb_async_bug_errno): add decl. of above func.
+Tue Jun 28 23:46:08 2011 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/tracer.rb: count only non-internal libraries in stack trace,
+ ignoring custom_require.
+Tue Jun 28 21:44:58 2011 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb: recognize '\char' in ruby statement.
+Tue Jun 28 20:39:29 2011 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * lib/debug.rb (var_list): Command 'var *' did not work on 1.9(!).
+ global_variables, local_variables, and instance_variables returns
+ Symbols from 1.9 and need to stringify before evaling it.
+ See #4931.
+Tue Jun 28 19:23:01 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * signal.c: Now, USE_TRAP_SIGMASK depend on HAVE_PTHREAD_SIGMASK.
+ The code have already depended on pthread_sigmask since r27464.
+Tue Jun 28 15:09:21 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/benchmark.rb: merge eregon/benchmark.
+ patched by Benoit Daloze. [ruby-core:37593] [Bug #4940]
+ * lib/benchmark (Benchmark#bmbm): bmbm should be consistent with bm
+ for the return value.
+ * test/benchmark: remove preemptive test instead of skipping
+ I removed the preemptive test I wrote for Feature #4197.
+ I'll add it back when the implementation will be able to satisfy it.
+ * lib/benchmark (Benchmark#bmbm): remove useless explicit call,
+ #format is an alias of #to_s test/benchmark: add a test for
+ format of long time.
+ * lib/benchmark: fix label width: always add 1 to ensure there is a
+ space delimiter even with times over 100s
+ When I asked for Feature #4197, I wanted to make delimiting spaces
+ consistent for #bm and #bmbm.
+ But with times over 100s, the output contains no space between the
+ label and the first time (user).
+ Now both ensure there is always a space, even if that means 3 spaces
+ with times under 10s (because it is formatted as %10.6f)
+ * test/benchmark: let labels be a constant
+ lib/benchmark (Benchmark#realtime): avoid creating an unused Proc
+ lib/benchmark (Benchmark#benchmark): use ensure clause to restore
+ STDOUT.sync, as in #bmbm
+Tue Jun 28 13:41:51 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * thread_win32.c (native_stop_timer_thread): fixed commit miss of
+ r32244. grep sources before changing the signature of a function.
+Tue Jun 28 11:49:14 2011 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (consume_communication_pipe):
+ Make "buff" as static. (Maybe) "buff" can be shared between
+ any caller (any threads) because no one use the read values.
+ "buff" (1024 byte) on stack may cause stack overflow on
+ several environment (we found a crash on FreeBSD).
+ And remove const value "buff_size", and define CCP_READ_BUFF_SIZE
+ macro.
+Tue Jun 28 11:45:30 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rake: Update rake to fix some bugs and hide deprecated features
+ from RDoc.
+ * lib/rake/version.rb: Bump version to to distinguish it from
+ the released version.
+ * NEWS: ditto
+Tue Jun 28 11:17:28 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc: Update to RDoc 3.7 (final)
+ * NEWS: ditto
+Tue Jun 28 10:18:42 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * process.c (rb_daemon): fix wrong #endif position.
+Tue Jun 28 07:50:32 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * object.c (Init_Object): Teach RDoc what Init_class_hierarchy does to
+ hook up ri for BasicObject, Object, Module and Class.
+Tue Jun 28 05:03:32 2011 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_local_aref): RDoc fix. Thread#[] example
+ had a race. See #4480.
+Tue Jun 28 01:22:00 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigMath_s_log): move BigMath.log from
+ bigdecimal/math.rb.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/math.rb: ditto.
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb: move test for BigMath.log from
+ test/bigdecimal/test_bigmath.rb.
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigmath.rb: ditto.
+Tue Jun 28 01:19:52 2011 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb: fix [Bug #4232].
+Tue Jun 28 00:14:13 2011 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb: fix [Bug #4409]. add DRbServer#here?.
+ * test/drb/test_drb.rb: ditto.
+ * test/drb/drbtest.rb: ditto.
+ * test/drb/ut_eq.rb: ditto.
+Tue Jun 28 00:08:43 2011 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb/workspace.rb: fix BUG#4793.
+Mon Jun 27 22:06:12 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (consume_communication_pipe): don't use C99
+ style variable length array.
+Mon Jun 27 22:04:27 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (consume_communication_pipe): change return
+ type to void. caller doesn't use it.
+Mon Jun 27 21:29:50 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread_pthread.h (rb_global_vm_lock_struct): add volatile to
+ gvl->waiting. now thread_timer() access it w/o lock.
+Mon Jun 27 21:16:11 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread_pthread.c: s/__gvl_acquire/gvl_acquire_common/ and
+ s/__gvl_release/gvl_release_common/.
+Mon Jun 27 11:41:47 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (rb_thread_create_timer_thread):
+ the type of return value of write(2) is ssize_t.
+Mon Jun 27 09:57:02 2011 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (rb_thread_create_timer_thread):
+ Fixes missing initialization of oflags.
+Mon Jun 27 09:07:42 2011 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c: Stop polling in the timer thread when there are
+ no waiting thread. If there are 2 or more runnable threads,
+ the timer thread does polling. Avoid polling makes power save
+ for several computers (0.2W per a Ruby process, when I measured).
+ If outside-event such as signal or Thread#kill was occurred
+ when the timer thread does not do polling, then wake-up
+ the timer thread using communication-pipe (the timer thread
+ waits this communication-pipe with select(2)).
+ The discussion about this modification can be found from the post
+ [ruby-core:33456] and other related posts.
+ Note that Eric Wong and KOSAKI Motohiro give us the huge
+ contributions for this modification. Thanks.
+ * thread_pthread.c (rb_thread_wakeup_timer_thread): add a function.
+ This function wakes up the timer thread using communication-pipe.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_stop_timer_thread): add a parameter which
+ specify closing communication-pipe or not.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_terminate_all): do not stop timer thread here
+ (ruby_cleanup() terminate timer thread).
+ * signal.c: wake up timer thread using
+ rb_thread_wakeup_timer_thread() from signal handler.
+ * eval.c (ruby_cleanup): use rb_thread_stop_timer_thread(1).
+ * process.c: use rb_thread_stop_timer_thread(0)
+ (reuse communication-pipe).
+ * thread_win32.c (rb_thread_wakeup_timer_thread): add a dummy
+ function.
+ * vm_core.h: add and fix decl. of functions.
+Mon Jun 27 08:01:19 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_parse.c: should use ALLOCA_N.
+Mon Jun 27 01:34:18 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/etc/test_etc.rb (TestEtc#test_get{pw,gr}nam): skip entries
+ start with + sign, which means NIS. these are returned in the
+ case that passwd and group entries in /etc/nsswitch.conf are set
+ to use "nis" explicitly on Debian. fixed #3683
+Mon Jun 27 00:44:53 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * parse.y (rb_parser_end_seen_p): fix documentation about return
+ value. patched by Sho Hashimoto. [Bug #4511]
+Mon Jun 27 00:40:47 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_reject): add documentation that Hash#reject
+ without block returns enumerator.
+ patched by Michael Edgar [Bug #4847] [ruby-core:36800]
+Sun Jun 26 23:49:21 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * test/date/test_switch_hitter.rb: added a test.
+ Sun Jun 26 22:21:23 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: refactoring.
+Sun Jun 26 18:03:30 2011 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * parse.y: comma at the end of line is no longer allowed.
+ A patch from Yukihiro Matsumoto <matz AT>.
+ (fixed #3456).
+Sun Jun 26 13:35:35 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * vm_dump.c (rb_vm_bugreport): change CrashReporter suggestion messages
+ on Mac. It should be placed after "-- C level backtrace" line.
+ Suggested by Endoh-san.
+ <before>
+ -- See Crash Report log file under ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter or ---------
+ -- /Library/Logs/CrashReporter, for the more detail of ---------------------
+ -- C level backtrace information -------------------------------------------
+ <after>
+ -- C level backtrace information -------------------------------------------
+ See Crash Report log file under ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter or
+ /Library/Logs/CrashReporter, for the more detail of.
+Sun Jun 26 10:08:28 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_missing.h/.c: add ASN1_put_eoc if missing.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c: introduce ossl_asn1_object_size and
+ ossl_asn1_put_object to wrap functionality depending on OpenSSL
+ version in use.
+ Fixes [ Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4916 ] reported by Hiroshi Nakamura.
+ [ruby-core:37286]
+Sun Jun 26 01:00:15 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (date_strftime_internal): removed meaningless braces.
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (gengo): the value should be int.
+Sat Jun 25 23:45:30 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_search_superclass): avoid control frame
+ stack overrun. currently super() in Proc created in a method
+ defined by Module#define_method raise NoMethodError. [Bug #4881]
+ * test/ruby/test_method.rb t_super_in_proc_from_define_method):
+ add test for it.
+Sat Jun 25 23:23:14 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * thread.c (sleep_forever): now Kernel#sleep don't wakeup by
+ signal handler execution. [Bug #4072]
+Sat Jun 25 23:14:47 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * thread.c (rb_threadptr_check_signal): remove unnecessary th->status
+ backup. fix race condition which may results unexpected main thread's
+ status transition. see #4072
+Fri Jun 24 19:57:30 2011 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * lib/webrick/httprequest.rb (setup_forwarded_info): Parsing request
+ header failed when the request is from 2 or more Apache reverse
+ proxies. It's said that all X-Forwarded-* headers will contain more
+ than one (comma-separated) value if the original request already
+ contained one of these headers. Since we could use these values as
+ Host header, we choose the initial(first) value. See #4922.
+ * test/webrick/test_httprequest.rb (test_forwarded): Test it.
+Fri Jun 24 17:06:33 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (proc_daemon): should not start timer thread
+ twice. fixed Bug#4920.
+Fri Jun 24 15:54:14 2011 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_shutdown): Try to shutdown SSL
+ connection more gracefully. Call SSL_shutdown() max 4 times until it
+ returns 1 (success). Bi-directional SSL close has several states but
+ SSL_shutdown() kicks only 1 transition per call. Max 4 is from
+ mod_ssl.c of Apache httpd that says 'max 2x pending + 2x data = 4'.
+ See #4237.
+Fri Jun 24 07:24:37 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rake/version.rb: Fixed VERSION to work with tool/rbinstall.rb
+ * bin/rake: Import bin/rake from 0.9.2
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb (install): Rake::VERSION is now in
+ lib/rake/version.rb. Fixes `make install`
+Fri Jun 24 07:11:37 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rake: Import Rake 0.9.2
+Fri Jun 24 00:44:15 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (c_valid_{julian,gregorian}_p): fixed the range of month.
+Fri Jun 24 00:14:23 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: trivial changes on text.
+Thu Jun 23 22:46:57 2011 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509name.c: Add X509::Name#hash_old as a wrapper
+ for X509_NAME_hash_old in OpenSSL 1.0.0. See #4805
+ * test/openssl/test_x509name.rb (test_hash): Make test pass with
+ OpenSSL 1.0.0.
+ * NEWS: Add it.
+Thu Jun 23 19:30:53 2011 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl_session.c (ossl_ssl_session_set_time): Check
+ argument type with NUM2LONG if the arg is not a Time object.
+ See #4919.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl_session.c (ossl_ssl_session_set_timeout): Check
+ type with NUM2LONG. Time as an arg is not allowed. See #4919.
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl_session.rb (test_session_time,
+ test_session_timeout): Test it.
+Wed Jun 23 13:30:30 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * signal.c(ruby_atomic_exchange): Fix definition style.
+Wed Jun 22 22:34:05 2011 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_sslctx_session_new_cb): Return 0 to
+ OpenSSL from the callback for SSL_CTX_sess_set_get_cb().
+ Returning 0 means to OpenSSL that the session is still valid
+ (since we created Ruby Session object) and was not freed by us with
+ SSL_SESSION_free(). Call SSLContext#remove_session(sess) in
+ session_get_cb block if you don't want OpenSSL to cache the session
+ internally.
+ This potential issue was pointed by Ippei Obayashi. See #4416.
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl_session.rb (test_ctx_server_session_cb): Test
+ it.
+Wed Jun 22 22:21:17 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl_session.c: Respect T_BIGNUM time values. Patch by
+ Tomoyuki Chikanaga.
+ [ Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4919 ] [ruby-dev:43869]
+Wed Jun 22 21:29:25 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * ext/socket/depend (SOCK_HEADERS): use $(top_srcdir) instead of
+ $(topdir). sorry!
+Wed Jun 22 19:47:03 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * cont.c (cont_capture): add volatile.
+ On clang -O, it is needed to avoid the optimization.
+ With this and llvm/clang's recent fix, clang 3.0 can
+ build ruby-trunk with -O option.
+ * cont.c (cont_capture): use for-loop.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_each): add volatile and use it.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_cfunc): ditto.
+Wed Jun 22 18:20:46 2011 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_sslctx_session_remove_cb):
+ OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext#session_remove_cb was broken. It wrongly
+ tried to call the session_*new*_cb callback.
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl_session.rb (class OpenSSL): Test it.
+Wed Jun 22 17:37:49 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.h: Introduced OSSL_BIO_reset macro for PEM/DER
+ fallback scenarios.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dsa.c
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509req.c
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_rsa.c
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_ec.c
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl_session.c
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509crl.c
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey.c
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dh.c
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509cert.c
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs7.c: Use OSSL_BIO_reset.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_cipher.c
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_ec.c
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs12.c
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl_session.c: Replace rb_raise occurrences by
+ ossl_raise. This automatically flushes OpenSSL's error queue.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs7.c: Raise error if DER fallback for parsing
+ fails.
+ * test/openssl/test_pkey_ec.rb
+ * test/openssl/test_pkey_dsa.rb
+ * test/openssl/test_pkey_rsa.rb: Add assertions that OpenSSL.errors is
+ empty.
+ * test/openssl/test_pkey_rsa.rb: Remove initial OpenSSL.errors call in
+ test_new.
+ [ Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4885 ] [ruby-core:37134]
+Wed Jun 22 15:01:24 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c: Use SSL_MODE_RELEASE_BUFFERS if available.
+ Thanks, Eric Wong, for providing the patch.
+ [ Ruby 1.9 - Feature #4672 ] [ruby-core:36127]
+Wed Jun 22 14:47:53 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * test/openssl/test_buffering.rb
+ * test/openssl/test_pkcs12.rb: Inherit from Test::Unit::TestCase
+ instead of MiniTest::Unit::TestCase. [ruby-core:37275]
+Wed Jun 22 12:41:03 2011 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl_session.c (ossl_ssl_session_to_der):
+ OpenSSL::SSL::Session#to_der was broken. Fix buffer handling.
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl_session.rb (test_session): Test it.
+Wed Jun 22 12:38:52 2011 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl_session.rb: Split out SSL::Session related
+ tests from test_ssl.rb
+Wed Jun 22 03:20:52 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb: Fix cyclic references of
+ objects. Thanks to CvX for reporting the bug and a test case.
+ * test/psych/test_object.rb: test for cyclic object references.
+Wed Jun 22 02:39:54 2011 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTP.post_form): Do not ignore query part of
+ the given URI to post. See #655.
+ * test/net/http/test_http.rb, test/net/http/utils.rb: Test it.
+Wed Jun 22 01:28:13 2011 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * test/openssl/test_x509store.rb (test_set_errors): Redhat is
+ distributing a patched version of OpenSSL that allows multiple CRL
+ for a key (multi-crl.patch.) Make test pass on such env. See #4122,
+ #4554.
+Tue Jun 21 21:50:37 2011 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb (HTTPResponse#setup_header): Close
+ HTTP/1.1 connection when returning an IO object as response body
+ without setting HTTPResponse#chunked to true. See #855 no.1.
+ * test/webrick/test_httpserver.rb: Test it.
+Tue Jun 21 21:27:34 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * internal.h: move rb_thread_io_blocking_region() declaration
+ from intern.h to internal.h. It's still experimental API and
+ need more discussion. [ruby-dev:43698]
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: ditto.
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h: include internal.h.
+ * ext/socket/depend: add internal.h dependency.
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: add $INCFLAGS to topdir.
+Tue Jun 21 20:38:47 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (datetime_s_*): canonicalize 24 o'clock.
+Tue Jun 21 19:46:23 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb (TestThread#test_priority): enable
+ this test again. Current GVL respect thread priority rather
+ than past.
+Tue Jun 21 13:25:35 2011 TAKAO Kouji <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_getc): applied a patch in
+ #3827 by by Akio Tajima <artonx AT>. (see #3827)
+Tue Jun 21 13:16:31 2011 TAKAO Kouji <>
+ * ext/readline/extconf.rb: fixed bug, specify --disable-libedit
+ then disable libedit, does not specify then check readline and
+ libedit if failed checking readline. (fixes #3375)
+Mon Jun 20 22:52:07 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * process.c (before_exec): use sig_do_nothing instead of SIG_DFL
+ for avoiding a race.
+ * process.c (sig_do_nothing): new function.
+Mon Jun 20 21:31:03 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (thread_timer): rename timeout_10ms to
+ time_quantum. it's no longer 10ms.
+Mon Jun 20 18:46:02 2011 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_cipher.c, ext/openssl/lib/openssl/cipher.rb:
+ Documentation fix by Ippei Obayashi. See #4419.
+Mon Jun 20 15:41:33 2011 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * lib/webrick/cookie.rb (WEBrick::Cookie.parse): Revert r31228.
+ r31228 was for allowing the 'Cookie:' header which did not have no
+ SP after ';' for separating cookie-pairs but RFC6265 requires single
+ SP after ';' there. We allow multiple SPs here for compatibility
+ with older WEBrick version.
+ * test/webrick/test_cookie.rb: Test it.
+Sun Jun 19 13:31:26 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * NEWS: Introduce --hide-skip on test/unit.
+Sun Jun 19 10:05:16 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * lib/test/unit/parallel.rb: Override Test::Unit::TestCase#on_parallel_worker?
+ only when $0 == __FILE__.
+ * lib/test/unit/parallel.rb: Run only when
+ $0 == __FILE__.
+Sat Jun 18 23:59:24 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (fill_cbuf): finish reading at EOF, and the readconv has
+ been cleared by another thread while io_fillbuf() is waiting at
+ select(). a patch in [ruby-core:37197] by Hiroshi Shirosaki
+ <h.shirosaki AT>. fixed #3840
+Sat Jun 18 21:36:29 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread_pthread.c: remove GVL_DEBUG
+Sat Jun 18 21:32:02 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * vm.c, vm_core.h (rb_vm_stack_to_heap): remove const.
+ It makes compilations warnings.
+Sat Jun 18 18:54:15 2011 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c, vm_core.h (rb_vm_stack_to_heap): fix "const" place.
+Sat Jun 18 17:23:38 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * eval.c, hash.c, load.c, proc.c, range.c, thread.c, time.c: don't
+ declare internal functions.
+ * internal.h, vm_core.h: declare internal functions.
+ * array.c: include internal.h.
+ * update dependency for array.o.
+Sat Jun 18 13:39:33 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h: declarations declared in include/ruby/*.h removed.
+Sat Jun 18 12:42:17 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * method.h, internal.h iseq.h: declare internal functions.
+ * compile.c, eval.c, iseq.c, object.c, parse.y, proc.c, process.c,
+ thread.c, vm.c, vm_eval.c, vm_insnhelper.c, vm_method.c: don't
+ declare internal functions.
+ Note that rb_method_entry_eq() is defined in vm_method.c but
+ there was a declaration in proc.c with different const-ness.
+ Now it is declared in method.h with same const-ness to the
+ definition.
+ * object.c (rb_mod_module_exec): don't declare functions declared in
+ include/ruby/intern.h.
+Sat Jun 18 12:05:08 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/backward/classext.h: for evil gems. fixed #4803
+Sat Jun 18 11:12:13 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * update dependencies.
+Sat Jun 18 11:09:03 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c: suppress warnings.
+Sat Jun 18 10:22:39 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h: declare more internal functions.
+ * iseq.h (rb_method_get_iseq): declared.
+ * compile.c, eval.c, eval_error.c, iseq.c, parse.y, proc.c, range.c,
+ ruby.c, time.c, util.c, vm.c: don't declare internal functions.
+ * eval.c, parse.y, thread_pthread.c: non-existing function declarations
+ removed.
+Sat Jun 18 08:12:54 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * dependencies updated.
+ * tool/update-deps: new file to assist update dependencies in
+Sat Jun 18 07:27:27 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h: declare internal functions here.
+ * node.h: declare NODE dependent internal functions here.
+ * iseq.h: declare rb_iseq_t dependent internal functions here.
+ * vm_core.h: declare rb_thread_t dependent internal functions here.
+ * bignum.c, class.c, compile.c, complex.c, cont.c, dir.c, encoding.c,
+ enumerator.c, error.c, eval.c, file.c, gc.c, hash.c, inits.c, io.c,
+ iseq.c, load.c, marshal.c, math.c, numeric.c, object.c, parse.y,
+ proc.c, process.c, range.c, rational.c, re.c, ruby.c, string.c,
+ thread.c, time.c, transcode.c, variable.c, vm.c,
+ tool/compile_prelude.rb: don't declare internal functions declared
+ in above headers. include above headers if required.
+ Note that rb_thread_mark() was declared as
+ void rb_thread_mark(rb_thread_t *th) in cont.c but defined as
+ void rb_thread_mark(void *ptr) in vm.c. Now it is declared as
+ the later in internal.h.
+Sat Jun 18 02:36:00 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (VpNewRbClass): fix type of the 2nd
+ argument.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.h: ditto.
+Sat Jun 18 02:30:00 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigMath_s_exp): move BigMath.exp from
+ bigdecimal/math.rb.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/math.rb: ditto.
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb: move test for BigMath.exp from
+ test/bigdecimal/test_bigmath.rb.
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigmath.rb: ditto.
+Sat Jun 18 00:20:54 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: do not define wnum[01].
+Fri Jun 17 18:57:36 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): fix return value of obj[a,*b]=c.
+Fri Jun 17 13:09:45 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c: Clean up documentation.
+Fri Jun 17 09:25:14 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c: Document curses constants. Patch by Vincent
+ Batts. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4880]
+Fri Jun 17 09:11:05 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * object.c: Document Module#method_added and #method_removed.
+ Patch by Bryce Kerley. [Ruby 1.9 - Feature #4867]
+Fri Jun 17 08:50:16 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * io.c: Improve documentation of IO and File open and new.
+ Patch by Roger Pack. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4790]
+Fri Jun 17 07:53:50 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/csv.rb: Document #raw_encoding. Patch by David Czarnecki.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4874]
+Fri Jun 17 07:46:50 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/benchmark.rb: Document Benchmark::Tms#memberwise. Patch by
+ David Czarnecki. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4873]
+Fri Jun 17 07:38:31 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/prettyprint.rb: Improve documentation. Patch by Ysiad
+ Ferreiras. [#4834]
+Fri Jun 17 07:23:03 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_drop): Improve documentation. Patch by Caley Woods.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4858]
+Fri Jun 17 06:11:31 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/webrick/log.rb: Improve documentation of BasicLog and Log.
+ Patch by Olivier Brisse. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4833]
+ * lib/webrick/httpstatus.rb: Improve documentation of
+ WEBrick::HTTPStatus. Patch by Olivier Brisse.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4833]
+Fri Jun 17 04:48:22 2011 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c, thread_pthread.h: remove unused variables.
+ (native_thread_data_t::gvl_cond, native_thread_data_t::gvl_next)
+Thu Jun 16 14:32:31 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * time.c (rb_time_new): prevent overflow by "* 1000".
+Fri Jun 17 03:07:36 2011 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/bm_vm4_thread_create_join.rb,
+ benchmark/bm_vm4_thread_mutex[1-3].rb: renamed to
+ bm_thread_* (fix last rename).
+Fri Jun 17 02:26:47 2011 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_thread_create): fix debug message.
+ (add last newline)
+Thu Jun 16 23:40:49 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_schedule_rec): fix {UN,}LIKELY macro misuse.
+ * gc.c (rb_newobj): ditto.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_method_search): ditto.
+Thu Jun 16 20:06:15 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * test/testunit/test_parallel.rb: Fix Regexp for test.
+ * test/testunit/tests_for_parallel/test_third.rb: Use
+ Test::Unit::TestCase#on_parallel_worker? for detecting worker.
+ * lib/test/unit/testcase.rb(Test::Unit::TestCase#on_parallel_worker?):
+ New Method Test::Unit::TestCase#on_parallel_worker? returns true
+ when a testcase is running on parallel worker.
+ * lib/test/unit/parallel.rb(Test::Unit::TestCase#on_parallel_worker?):
+ ditto.
+Thu Jun 16 19:27:12 2011 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * test/test_securerandom.rb: Add testcase. This testcase does NOT aim
+ to test cryptographically strongness and randomness. It includes
+ the test for PID recycle issue of OpenSSL described in #4579 but
+ it's disabled by default.
+Thu Jun 16 17:55:07 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (TestIO#test_copy_stream_socket): fix
+ test hanging up issue. Patch by CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki.
+Thu Jun 16 15:17:39 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * variable.c (const_missing): Add simple example of const_missing.
+ Patch by Anuj Dutta. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4794]
+Thu Jun 16 15:09:29 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/monitor.rb: Improve documentation. Patch by Sandor Szucs.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4823]
+Thu Jun 16 14:54:09 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/webrick/utils.rb: Document WEBrick::Utils. Patch by Olivier
+ Brisse. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4819]
+Thu Jun 16 14:26:46 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet/erbhandler.rb: Allow the ERB document to
+ alter the content-type of the response. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4685]
+Thu Jun 16 14:15:47 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/timeout.rb: Clarify timeout duration types. Patch by Alf Mikula.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4791]
+ * lib/net/http.rb: ditto
+Thu Jun 16 13:25:25 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc*: Import RDoc 3.7 release candidate
+Thu Jun 16 11:35:09 2011 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (search_response): parses SEARCH responses from
+ the Yahoo IMAP server correctly. patched by Mark Nadig. [Bug #4509]
+Thu Jun 16 09:12:38 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * fix for build on solaris 10.
+Thu Jun 16 09:08:39 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/io/console/test_io_console.rb (TestIO_Console#test_sync):
+ fix for daemon process.
+Thu Jun 16 07:58:01 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * test/testunit/test_parallel.rb(test_ignore_tzero): Test for r32109.
+ * test/testunit/tests_for_parallel/test_third.rb: Use another way to
+ detect that test is running on worker. This fixes sometimes
+ TestParallel failing.
+Thu Jun 16 07:20:06 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb(Test::Unit::Runner#_run_parallel): Ignore -j0
+ because it makes blocking forever by
+Thu Jun 16 03:08:11 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/testunit/test_parallel.rb (TestParallel::TestParallelWorker#
+ setup): now can run on Windows, probably.
+ * test/testunit/test_parallel.rb (TestParallel::TestParallel#setup):
+ ditto.
+Thu Jun 16 03:00:26 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * thread.c (do_select): Windows: no need to poll if select(2) is
+ cancelable.
+ * thread_win32.c (native_fd_select): new function to make select(2)
+ cancelable.
+ * thread_win32.c (rb_w32_check_interrupt): new function for checking
+ interrupt.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_select_with_thread): new function. cancelable
+ select(2).
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_select): use above function internally.
+Wed Jun 15 23:30:45 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * gc.c: fix a regression by r31690 on AIX because AIX malloc
+ return NULL if it's passed 0. But some caller don't expect it.
+ patch by Yutaka Kanemoto. [ruby-dev:43779]
+ (vm_malloc_prepare): return calculated size.
+ (vm_xmalloc): use above result.
+ (vm_xcalloc): ditto.
+Wed Jun 15 23:11:35 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c: remove BLOCKING_REGION_CORE() macro. It's no longer used
+ since r32022.
+Wed Jun 15 21:00:47 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * test/openssl/test_config.rb: execute based on the existence of the
+ OpenSSL module.
+Wed Jun 15 12:35:11 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (test_copy_stream_socket): wait a child process
+ before SIGUSR1 handler is removed.
+ * test/pathname/test_pathname.rb (define_assertion): use line number
+ for test method names.
+Wed Jun 15 10:37:43 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * file.c (rb_stat_rdev): use DEVT2NUM.
+ * file.c (rb_stat_rdev_major): ditto.
+ * file.c (rb_stat_rdev_minor): ditto.
+Wed Jun 15 05:12:59 2011 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c (lib_eventloop_core): revert the last change (it's
+ the part for ruby_1_8), and use rb_thread_check_ints() when RUBY_VM
+ is defined.
+Wed Jun 15 04:42:47 2011 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/bm_vm3_thread_*.rb: renamed bm_vm3_thread_*.rb to
+ benchmark/bm_vm_thread_*.rb.
+Wed Jun 15 04:28:39 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * benchmark/bm_vm4_thread_pass.rb: rename bm_vm4* to
+ bm_vm_thread_*. suggested by ko1.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm4_pipe.rb: ditto.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm4_alive_check1.rb: ditto.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm4_pass_flood.rb: ditto.
+Wed Jun 15 03:52:50 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * benchmark/bm_vm4_pass_flood.rb: new benchmark for GVL fairness.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm4_alive_check1.rb: ditto.
+Wed Jun 15 01:27:53 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (gvl_yield): fix live lock issue on 1-2 cpus
+ system. It's additional fix for r32021.
+ * thread_pthread.c (gvl_init): add switch_wait_cond.
+ * thread_pthread.h (typedef struct rb_global_vm_lock_struct): ditto.
+Tue Jun 14 23:16:22 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb (show_progress): refine verbose mode.
+ (exec_test): ditto.
+Tue Jun 14 23:02:36 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb (show_progress): extracted from assert_check.
+ (assert_check): use show_progress.
+ (assert_normal_exit): ditto.
+ (assert_finish): ditto.
+ (flunk): ditto.
+Tue Jun 14 22:51:42 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * test/date/test_*.rb: added tests.
+Tue Jun 14 22:09:58 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: renamed some functions.
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: modified doc.
+Tue Jun 14 21:26:01 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * cont.c (cont_save_thread): add new utility function.
+ rb_context_t::saved_thread.machine_stack_start and
+ machine_stack_end should be cleared immediately after a snapshot of
+ current thread is stored to saved_thread. [ruby-dev:43680] [Bug #4855]
+ this change aims to get rid of unnecessary GC mark at machine stack.
+Tue Jun 14 19:50:49 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_autoload.rb: remove temporary directory.
+Tue Jun 14 11:05:03 2011 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_set_params): call initial_expand_heap if
+ initial_heap_min_slots is set.
+Tue Jun 14 11:02:08 2011 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c: use size_t.
+Tue Jun 14 01:10:38 2011 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/coverage/test_coverage.rb: add a test for restart. a patch
+ from Xavier Shay. [ruby-core:36745]
+Tue Jun 14 01:05:10 2011 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/coverage/coverage.c: make it restartable. [ruby-core:36539]
+Mon Jun 13 23:55:40 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_schedule_rec): call gvl_yield() unconditionally.
+ * thread_pthread.c: remove HAVE_GVL_YIELD macro.
+ * thread_win32.c (gvl_yield): new. this fallback logic was moved from
+ rb_thread_schedule_rec().
+Mon Jun 13 23:50:25 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/io/console/console.c (console_dev): typo.
+Mon Jun 13 23:38:23 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_parse_string): flush delayed token. based on a
+ patch by Masaya Tarui in [ruby-dev:43762]. Bug #4544
+ * parse.y (yylex): revert r24557. delayed token at the end of
+ string should be flushed already by the above change.
+Mon Jun 13 23:33:31 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/io/console/console.c (console_dev): console should be
+ unbuffered.
+ * ext/io/console/console.c (console_dev): take care of no-ctty
+ case.
+Mon Jun 13 23:06:12 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread_pthread.c: rewrite GVL completely. This fix improve some
+ benchmark dramatically (e.g. vm3_thread_mutex result changed
+ form 120.601sec to 3.426sec).
+ * thread_win32.c: ditto.
+ * thread_pthread.h: ditto.
+ * vm_core.h: ditto.
+ * thread.c: ditto.
+Mon Jun 13 23:11:52 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/socket/test_unix.rb: don't use Thread.abort_on_exception.
+Mon Jun 13 23:05:01 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/unixsocket.c (unix_send_io): race condition fixed.
+ (unix_recv_io): ditto.
+ fixed by Eric Wong. [ruby-core:35574]
+ * test/socket/test_unix.rb: test added for above problem.
+Mon Jun 13 21:41:05 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread_win32.c (native_cond_signal): remove unnecessary rb_bug().
+ It's additional fix for r32021. [Bug #4696]
+Mon Jun 13 20:50:49 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * test/openssl/test_ec.rb
+ test/openssl/test_pkey_ec.rb: merge both files into test_pkey_ec.rb.
+ Removed redundant group instantiation from PKey tests.
+ * test/openssl/utils.rb: only create TEST_PKEY_EC_P256V1 if EC is
+ defined.
+Mon Jun 13 20:28:24 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * test/openssl/digest.rb: remove MDC2 from test, it is not available
+ by default in an OpenSSL installation.
+Mon Jun 13 20:18:55 2011 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h, vm_insnhelper.h: move decl. of
+ ruby_vm_global_state_version and related macros
+ from vm_core.h to vm_insnhelper.h.
+ * vm.c (vm_clear_all_cache): added. This function is called
+ when ruby_vm_global_state_version overflows.
+ TODO: vm_clear_all_inline_method_cache() is only place holder.
+ We need to implement it ASAP.
+ * vm_method.c (vm_clear_global_method_cache): added.
+Mon Jun 13 19:46:21 2011 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/cmath.rb: add new method Object#real?. fix #3137
+Mon Jun 13 18:52:00 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (is_kind_of_BigDecimal): new function to
+ examine the whether the object is kind of BigDecimal.
+Mon Jun 13 18:49:00 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimalCmp): use GetVpValueWithPrec
+ for Float and Rational arguments.
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb (test_new, test_cmp, test_power):
+ add and modify tests for the above change.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimalCmp): modify coding style to
+ match ruby's standard.
+Mon Jun 13 18:33:04 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/securerandom.rb (SecureRandom.random_bytes): modify PRNG state
+ to prevent random number sequence repetition at forked child
+ process which has same pid.
+ reported by Eric Wong. [ruby-core:35765]
+Mon Jun 13 17:02:34 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTP#use_ssl?): require 'openssl' only when
+ https is needed. fixes r31933.
+Mon Jun 13 14:35:00 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * lib/cmath.rb (CMath.cbrt): returns the principal value of the cube
+ root of the argument. fix #3676
+ * test/test_cmath.rb (test_cbrt_returns_principal_value_of_cube_root):
+ test for the above change.
+Mon Jun 13 14:17:00 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::GlobOption#non_options): fix typo.
+Mon Jun 13 13:04:20 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_digest.c: fix error for digests that have no oid
+ (e.g. DSS1).
+ * test/openssl/test_digest.c: add tests for this.
+Mon Jun 13 12:51:51 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/yaml.rb: load psych only when syck is not loaded.
+Mon Jun 13 12:23:39 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+Mon Jun 13 12:23:39 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/deprecated.rb (Object#to_yaml_properties):
+ undef to_yaml_properties before redefine it.
+ * ext/syck/lib/syck/rubytypes.rb: ditto.
+Mon Jun 13 11:30:10 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_digest.c: allow Digests to be created by sn, ln or
+ oid.
+ * test/openssl/test_digest.rb: add tests for this.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Feature #4412] [ruby-core:35319]
+Mon Jun 13 10:54:03 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/pkey_dh.c: corrected documentation.
+ * test/openssl/utils.rb: add test key for DH.
+ * test/openssl/test_pkey_dh.rb: add tests.
+Mon Jun 13 10:13:08 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/pkey_dh.c: clarify difference between DH#public_key and
+ DH#pub_key in documentation.
+Mon Jun 13 05:50:43 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * NEWS: introduce
+Mon Jun 13 05:17:29 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey.c: added module function that allows
+ reading arbitrary public/private keys from DER-/PEM-encoded File or
+ string instances.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dh.c: improved documentation.
+ * test/openssl/utils.rb: added EC test key.
+ * test/openssl/test_pkey_rsa.rb
+ test/openssl/test_pkey_dsa.rb: Test Reuse keys from
+ OpenSSL::TestUtils.
+ * test/openssl/test_pkey_ec.rb: Created test file for EC tests.
+ Test
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Feature #4424] [ruby-core:35330]
+Mon Jun 13 04:42:24 2011 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c (total_i): fix to skip no ruby objects.
+Mon Jun 13 03:07:38 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/benchmark/test_benchmark.rb (capture_output):
+ replace '-' as space. On NetBSD, subtract between two Process.times
+ after and before the short process may return negative value like:
+ t0=Process.times; yield; t1=Process.times; p t1.utime-t0.utime
+Mon Jun 13 02:40:23 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * test/openssl/test_pkey_dsa.rb: Test for DSA#syssign/sysverify.
+Mon Jun 13 01:59:19 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dh.c: completed documentation.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dsa.c: corrected examples. Improved parameter
+ sections.
+Mon Jun 13 00:25:10 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dsa.c: completed documentation.
+Sun Jun 12 23:36:46 2011 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb (kill_sub_thread): remove the method. [ruby-core:34185]
+Sun Jun 12 21:01:56 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (d_lite_marshal_load): should give converted value.
+Sun Jun 12 20:36:30 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: edited doc.
+Sun Jun 12 18:12:07 2011 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/bm_vm3_clearmethodcache.rb: added.
+Sun Jun 12 17:40:29 2011 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_clear_cache*): update only vm state version.
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_entry_get_without_cache, rb_method_entry):
+ Fill method cache entry with vm state version, and
+ check current vm state version for method (cache) look up.
+ This modification speed-up invalidating of global method cache table.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Feature #3905] [ruby-core:36908]
+Sun Jun 12 16:19:48 2011 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/extconf.rb: fail on Mac OS X. [Bug #4853][ruby-dev:43655]
+Sun Jun 12 15:56:08 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c: remove th->transition_for_lock. It's thread unsafe.
+ [Bug #4723][ruby-dev:43563]
+Sun Jun 12 15:47:35 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c: introduce spurious wakeup safe deadlock check.
+ [Bug #4696][ruby-dev:43554]
+Sun Jun 12 13:33:52 2011 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/bm_vm3_thread_mutex.rb: remove it.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm3_thread_mutex[1-3].rb: added 3 benchmarks.
+ 1: one thread with one mutex (no contention).
+ 2: two threads with one mutex (contention).
+ 3: 1000 threads with one mutex (huge number of contention)
+ Above removed benchmark was type 3.
+ Therefore, this commit adds type 1 and 2 benchmark.
+Sun Jun 12 11:16:59 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c: use select() appropriately for sendfile().
+ Fixed by Eric Wong. [ruby-core:36150]
+ (maygvl_copy_stream_wait_readwrite): removed.
+ (nogvl_copy_stream_sendfile): use nogvl_copy_stream_wait_write and
+ maygvl_copy_stream_wait_read instead of
+ maygvl_copy_stream_wait_readwrite.
+Sun Jun 12 09:32:13 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * atomic.h (ATOMIC_OR): _InterlockedOr is not available on mingw.h
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_set_params): VM_OBJSPACE is disabled on mingw.
+Sun Jun 12 01:07:09 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: edited doc.
+Sat Jun 11 23:18:00 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ RUBY_VM_SET_FINALIZER_INTERRUPT): use atomic ops for preventing
+ interrupt_flag bit lost. [Bug #4770][ruby-dev:43467]
+ * thread.c (rb_threadptr_execute_interrupts_rec): ditto.
+ * vm_core.h (typedef struct rb_thread_struct): change type of
+ interrupt_flag to rb_atomic_t.
+ * atomic.h: move atomic ops definition from signal.c.
+ * signal.c: remove atomic ops definition.
+ * (gc, signal, thread, cont): add to dependency to atomic.h.
+Sat Jun 11 23:23:52 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: edited doc.
+Sat Jun 11 23:02:36 2011 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/buffering.rb (module OpenSSL):
+ Buffering#each_byte should return String in accordance with IO in
+ 1.9.
+ * test/openssl/test_buffering.rb (class OpenSSL): add tests for getc
+ and each_byte.
+Sat Jun 11 22:41:37 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * time.c: a correction of doc for strftime (%v).
+Sat Jun 11 22:30:53 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: replaced doc for strftime based on Time's one.
+Sat Jun 11 22:07:56 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (datetime_s_{iso8601,rfc3339,xmlschema,rfc2822,httpdate}):
+ do not take argument comp.
+Sat Jun 11 21:58:31 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: added examples.
+Sat Jun 11 19:40:45 2011 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c: expand heap if initial_heap_min_slots is bigger than
+Sat Jun 11 19:42:50 2011 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ChangeLog (vim): set shiftwidth to 2.
+Sat Jun 11 19:27:06 2011 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509req.c: raise RequestError instead of
+ CertificateError when Request#to_der gets an error from OpenSSL.
+ Patch from Ippei Obayashi, see #4420. I cannot write a test for
+ this... Request does not allow to create broken bytes...
+Sat Jun 11 19:34:51 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (Date::(ABBR_)?(MONTH|DAY)NAMES): should be usascii.
+Sat Jun 11 19:24:33 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: rewrote doc.
+Sat Jun 11 19:04:15 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::GlobOption#non_options): should run
+ with 1.8.
+Sat Jun 11 18:05:57 2011 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb: should initialize $stress to avoid warnings.
+Sat Jun 11 18:02:09 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (io_getc): should be 7bit if ascii. fixes #4557
+Sat Jun 11 16:52:16 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_enc_uint_chr): fix message format. Bug#4869
+Sat Jun 11 16:28:25 2011 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/formatters/pretty.rb
+ (REXML::Formatters::Pretty#write_text),
+ test/rexml/test_core.rb
+ (Tester#test_pretty_format_long_text_finite): don't ignore
+ 'width' parameter in pretty formatter. fixes #4498
+ Reported by Michael Frasca. Thanks!!!
+Sat Jun 11 16:11:36 2011 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_core.rb
+ (Tester#test_pretty_format_long_text_finite): remove needless
+ assert_nothing_raised.
+Sat Jun 11 16:04:03 2011 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/parsers/xpathparser.rb
+ (REXML::Parsers::XPathParser#parse),
+ test/rexml/test_elements.rb
+ (ElementsTester#test_each_with_frozen_condition):
+ don't modify original XPath. fixes #4161
+ Reported by Pavel Shved. Thanks!!!
+Sat Jun 11 15:53:27 2011 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_elements.rb (ElementsTester): remove needless
+ prefix from test name.
+Sat Jun 11 15:36:36 2011 Martin Duerst <>
+ * fixed a grammatical error
+Sat Jun 11 14:20:16 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * vm.c (thread_memsize): don't ignore size of th->local_storage.
+Sat Jun 11 10:32:46 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: should quote arch_hdrdir and libpath for the case
+ installed prefix contains spaces.
+Sat Jun 11 10:20:52 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_cond_timeout): wrap conditionally used
+ label.
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_sleep): remove unused variable.
+Sat Jun 11 10:15:50 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_execute_interrupts): use GetThreadPtr to extract
+ rb_thread_t from VALUE.
+ reported by Motohiro KOSAKI. [ruby-dev:43700]
+Sat Jun 11 10:00:49 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (ruby_process_options): add missing return type.
+Fri Jun 10 23:18:09 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c (lib_eventloop_core): replace CHECK_INTS with
+ rb_thread_check_ints(). Because current code can't be compiled.
+Fri Jun 10 16:38:13 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_locale_charmap): When ruby process is run as Windows
+ Service the console codepage is not set, GetConsoleCP returns 0.
+ So on such environment, use GetACP().
+ patched by Rafal Bigaj [ruby-core:36832] [Bug #4854]
+Fri Jun 10 14:34:24 2011 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * restore TESTRUN_SCRIPT to "$(srcdir)/test.rb".
+ TESTRUN_SCRIPT is used by "make run", "make gdb" and so on.
+Fri Jun 10 13:01:24 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb (TestModule#remove_rake_mixins): remove all
+ module related to Rake.
+Fri Jun 10 09:52:38 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * encoding.c: Mention that Encoding.compatible? can work with more
+ than just Strings.
+Fri Jun 10 02:25:53 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych.rb: updating version to match released gem.
+Fri Jun 10 01:06:29 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal (BigDecimal_to_i): Integer#** may return flonum.
+Fri Jun 10 00:35:12 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (string_to_c_internal): uses rb_reg_nth_match;
+ * rational.c (string_to_r_internal): ditto.
+Fri Jun 10 00:25:03 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * gc.c: remove an unused declaration.
+Fri Jun 10 00:24:04 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * rational.c (string_to_r): Rational#** may return flonum.
+Thu Jun 9 23:57:53 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c: fix IO.copy_stream interrupt handling.
+ based on the patch by Eric Wong. [ruby-core:36156]
+ * vm_core.h (rb_thread_call_with_gvl): don't declare here.
+ * thread.c: include internal.h.
+ (rb_thread_execute_interrupts): new function.
+ * internal.h (rb_thread_execute_interrupts): declared.
+ (rb_thread_call_with_gvl): declared.
+Thu Jun 9 23:34:01 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * gc.c (rb_objspace_call_finalizer): use rb_typeddata_is_kind_of() for
+ type check to get rid of a double free when main Thread has singleton
+ class. [ruby-core:36741] [Bug #4828]
+ * thread.c (rb_obj_is_mutex): add a new utility function.
+ * vm.c (rb_obj_is_thread): ditto.
+Thu Jun 9 22:53:49 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb (TestThread#test_kill_thread_subclass):
+ add test for Thread.kill with Thread subclass instance.
+Thu Jun 9 22:31:47 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb (TestThread#test_kill_wrong_argument):
+ test for [ruby-core:35086].
+ partially forward porting r31402 from ruby_1_9_2 branch.
+Thu Jun 9 18:36:00 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * string.c: Fix the ambiguous description of the behavior of
+ rb_str_aref_m with a range. It returns nil when the beginning of
+ the range is greater than the end of the string rather than the range.
+Thu Jun 9 10:57:03 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb: Hash subclasses can be read
+ from YAML files.
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: Hash subclasses can be
+ dumped to YAML files.
+ * test/psych/test_hash.rb: corresponding test.
+Thu Jun 9 09:18:51 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb: Ruby modules can be loaded
+ from YAML files.
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: Ruby modules can be
+ dumped to YAML files.
+ * test/psych/test_class.rb: corresponding test.
+Thu Jun 9 09:05:04 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb: Ruby classes can be loaded
+ from YAML files.
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: Ruby classes can be
+ dumped to YAML files.
+ * test/psych/test_class.rb: corresponding test.
+Wed Jun 8 21:38:57 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * cont.c (root_fiber_alloc): set root fiber's status RUNNING.
+ in cont_mark() only RUNNING fiber's machine stack is marked.
+ root fiber's status should be RUNNING at the beginning regardless of
+ FIBER_USE_NATIVE. [ruby-core:36735] fixes #4827
+Tue Jun 7 20:50:11 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * doc/irb/irb.rd: fix typo. patch by Nobuhiro IMAI.
+ [Bug #4843] [ruby-dev:43639]
+ * doc/irb/irb.rd.ja: ditto.
+ * doc/ChangeLog-YARV: ditto.
+Tue Jun 7 18:52:55 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/rubygems/user_interaction.rb (Gem::StreamUI#tty?): IO#tty? of
+ Windows has been fixed at r29969.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_stream_ui.rb: now can run tests.
+Tue Jun 7 18:36:41 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem.rb (TestGem#{test_self_user_home_userprofile,
+ test_self_user_home_user_drive_and_path}): should simply ignore
+ meaningless tests instead of skipping them.
+Tue Jun 7 18:15:00 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb (TestRubyOptions#test_set_program_name):
+ should show some messages when skipping tests.
+Tue Jun 7 13:59:47 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (date_s_today, datetime_s_now): check the
+ result of localtime_r().
+Tue Jun 7 13:36:51 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/tk/extconf.rb: use $defs not $CPPFLAGS to get rid of
+ command line escape issues on Windows. fixed #4835.
+Tue Jun 7 03:18:45 2011 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (TestIO#test_s_{,bin}write): do not create a
+ file under /tmp. [Bug #4846]
+Mon Jun 6 22:51:43 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * cont.c: use #if FIBER_USE_NATIVE instead of #ifdef.
+ you can suppress use of setcontext for Fiber with compile option
+Mon Jun 6 21:59:23 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * test/date/test_switch_hitter.rb: added a test.
+Mon Jun 6 21:37:45 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: added notes.
+Mon Jun 6 21:02:12 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: flattened format to strftimev.
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (date_strftime_internal): taints run.
+Mon Jun 6 15:10:17 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/{defines,missing}.h (rb_infinity, rb_nan): move from
+ defines.h to missing.h. (couldn't use RUBY_EXTERN there.)
+Mon Jun 6 14:35:48 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_markup_pre_process.rb (TestRDocMarkupPreProcess#
+ {test_include_file,test_include_file_encoding_incompatible}): no
+ need to write such workaround. don't hide the bug of ruby. (and the
+ bug is already fixed.)
+Mon Jun 6 14:11:11 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (valid_jd_sub): need to convert from VALUE to
+ double.
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (offset_to_sec): get rid of a compiler warning.
+Mon Jun 6 14:09:08 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/defines.h (rb_infinity, rb_nan): export for Windows.
+Mon Jun 6 10:54:45 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb(Test::Unit::Runner#puke):
+ Add overriding from MiniTest::Unit#puke. This reverts minitest's fix
+ that skip messages are hidden when not verbose mode (-v option).
+ To hide skip messages, use --hide-skip option instead.
+Mon Jun 6 10:52:13 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: don't use autoload.
+Mon Jun 6 09:39:43 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/parser.c (parse): release event objects to plug memory
+ leak. Thanks Mark J. Titorenko!
+Sun Jun 5 23:26:15 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * eval.c: remove rb_thread_stop_timer_thread function declaration.
+ Instead, include vm_core.h.
+ * process.c: ditto.
+Sun Jun 5 21:38:51 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (thread_timer): add to care a spurious wakeup.
+ When native_cond_timedwait() return 0 by spurious wakeup, we
+ don't have to neither 1) call timer_thread_function and 2)
+ exit the timer thread.
+Sun Jun 5 17:50:01 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (m_real_cwyear): new. derived from m_cwyear.
+ * ext/date/date_strftime.c: trivial changes.
+Sun Jun 5 17:22:01 2011 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/ add new options for tcltklib.
+Sun Jun 5 10:06:50 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_tmx.h: now does not place decoded data. allows to
+ access indirectly via functions on demand.
+ * ext/date/date_strftime.c: ditto.
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: ditto.
+ * ext/date/date_core.c ({d|dt}_lite_to_s): use strftime.
+Sun Jun 5 06:22:02 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * NEWS: wrote about changes of date.
+Sat Jun 4 16:59:26 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (d_lite_inspect): changed the format.
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: refactoring and fixing some bugs.
+Sat Jun 4 11:30:57 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c (check_mix_method_i, do_mix_method_i): not mix methods
+ renamed as nil.
+Sat Jun 4 04:04:41 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_commands_which_command.rb:
+ "missing" exists on ruby's top source directory. [Bug #4815]
+Fri Jun 3 21:48:12 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/rubygems/test_case.rb: Refix for test-all in separate directory.
+ r31147 + r31151.
+Fri Jun 3 20:58:47 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (d_lite_plus): get rid of compiler warnings.
+Fri Jun 3 20:56:40 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/missing.h, numeric.c (round): moved prototype of round()
+ from numeric.c to missing.h. (note: round() is C99 feature, so ruby
+ provides it if not exist in C runtime.)
+Fri Jun 3 20:42:04 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * lib/test/unit/parallel.rb: Keep $stdin, $stdout before run testcase
+ and restore after run. Because some test break $stdin, $stdout.
+ Fixes [Bug #4433] [ruby-core:35353]
+Fri Jun 3 19:58:14 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (io_fflush): windows -- call fsync() only when the FD is tied to
+ file, because if the FD is pipe, it blocks.
+Fri Jun 3 09:27:31 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (URI::HTTP#request_uri): return nil when the uri
+ is path-rootless form. Bug #4759
+Thu Jun 2 23:51:03 2011 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * lib/csv.rb: Improve the line ending detection algorithm
+ patch by Alexey).
+Thu Jun 2 20:05:57 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_write, rb_io_s_binwrite): return!!!
+Thu Jun 2 16:29:34 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * io.c: Add File.write, File.binwrite. [Feature #1081] [ruby-core:21701]
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb: Test for File.write, File.binwrite.
+ * NEWS: News for above.
+Thu Jun 2 12:33:09 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (io_fflush, rb_io_flush): need to fsync() when ruby calls
+ internal flush. [ruby-core:36670] [Bug #4813]
+Thu Jun 2 07:56:24 2011 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: reduce CPU power required by an eventloop.
+Tue May 31 21:28:33 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_signal.rb (TestSignal#test_signal_requiring):
+ redirect stderr to null device.
+Thu Jun 2 00:45:26 2011 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/extconf.rb: fix for uninitialized global variables.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4811]
+Wed Jun 1 21:57:08 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_sleep): fix 1000times calculation error.
+ this is a regression since r31457. [Bug #4808] [ruby-dev:43606]
+Wed Jun 1 17:19:16 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread_pthread.c: remove unused macro.
+Wed Jun 1 15:42:18 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (peek_n): new macro to see next nth char.
+Wed Jun 1 15:40:46 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb (gem): fix for rubygems change.
+Wed Jun 1 14:07:57 2011 Ryan Davis <>
+ * lib/minitest/*: Imported minitest 2.2.2 (r6281)
+ * test/minitest/*: ditto
+Wed Jun 1 12:35:50 2011 Ryan Davis <>
+ * lib/rubygems*: Import rubygems 1.8.5 (released @ 137c80f)
+ * test/rubygems: Ditto
+Wed Jun 1 12:34:00 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * NEWS: add new features of bigdecimal.
+Wed Jun 1 09:41:14 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/cgi/util.rb: Improve documentation. Patch by Kuba Fietkiewicz.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4775]
+ * lib/cgi/core.rb: ditto
+Wed Jun 1 09:26:05 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/mathn.rb: Improve documentation and attach it to Numeric.
+ Modified from patch by Anil V. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4762]
+Wed Jun 1 09:21:30 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/prime.rb: Indent examples enough to appear as code sections.
+ Note that Prime is Enumerable. [#4762]
+Wed Jun 1 07:34:57 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * hash.c (key_i): Change rdoc from "the first occurrence" to "an
+ occurrence" since first occurrence is not a specification of
+ Hash#key. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4760]
+Wed Jun 1 07:26:19 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (pty_check): Restore "not reached" comment.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4756]
+Wed Jun 1 07:21:40 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c: Fix document-method declarations for set_sync and
+ set_comment. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4695]
+Wed Jun 1 06:43:13 2011 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * load.c (loaded_feature_path): cut nonsense loop execution to fix
+ performance bug.
+Wed Jun 1 01:16:02 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c (rb_mix_module): implement Module#mix.
+Wed Jun 1 01:15:12 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (io_encoding_set): should honor already set ecflags since it
+ might be set by mode option. fixed #4804
+Wed Jun 1 00:34:04 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (GetVpValueWithPrec): remove unused
+ variable.
+Wed Jun 1 00:32:00 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (GetVpValueWithPrec): support instantiation from
+ a Float through Rational.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_new): ditto.
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb (test_global_new_float): add a test for
+ the above changes.
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb (test_new_with_float): ditto.
+Wed Jun 1 00:07:00 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_coerce): support coerce with a
+ Rational. The precision used for instantiate a BigDecimal from the
+ given Rational is obtained from the receiver BigDecimal.
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb (test_coerce): add a test for the
+ above change.
+Tue May 31 23:49:08 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (offset_to_sec): fixed invalid validation.
+Tue May 31 23:43:00 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (GetVpValueWithPrec): replace the algorithm for
+ coercing from a Rational to stop requiring "bigdecimal/util.rb".
+ [ruby-core:34318]
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (GetVpValue): refactoring.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_new): support instantiation from a
+ Rational.
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb (test_global_new_with_rational): add a
+ test for the above change.
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb (test_new_with_rational): ditto.
+Tue May 31 22:44:00 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_new): support instantiation a
+ BigDecimal object from an Integer.
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb (test_new_with_integer):
+ add for testing the above change.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_global_new): replace its body
+ with a BigDecimal_new call.
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb (test_global_new_with_integer):
+ add for testing the above change.
+Tue May 31 22:24:39 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: use simple/complex mode instead of light/right mode.
+ * test/date/*.rb: followed the above changes.
+Tue May 31 21:28:33 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_signal.rb (TestSignal#test_signal_requiring):
+ initialize SIGINT handler.
+Tue May 31 17:03:24 2011 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb, lib/net/protocol.rb: Allow to configure to wait
+ server returning '100 continue' response before sending HTTP request
+ body. See NEWS for more detail. See #3622.
+ Original patch is made by Eric Hodel <>.
+ * test/net/http/test_http.rb: test it.
+ * NEWS: Add new feature.
+Tue May 31 14:17:49 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_pipe): potential bug. the mode of read IO is set as
+ DEFAULT_TEXTMODE in call of io_set_encoding(), and of write IO is
+ also set as it in call of io_new_instance() via rb_protect().
+ so, if DEFAULT_TEXTMODE is not 0, we should check the result of
+ extract_binmode() and avoid crush of default IO mode and the result.
+Tue May 31 13:00:17 2011 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * strftime.c (rb_strftime_with_timespec): improved style consistency.
+ constified some variables.
+ * test/test_time.rb (TestTime#test_huge_precision): test for #4456.
+Tue May 31 12:53:10 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/io/wait/test_io_wait.rb (TestIOWait#{test_nread,test_ready?,
+ test_wait}: give system some time to process the written data.
+Tue May 31 12:40:49 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (TestIO#test_open_mode): MUST release resources
+ explicitly. fix problem of r31671
+Tue May 31 10:49:55 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * vm_exec.c: remove conditions for clang
+ because clang version 3.0 (trunk 132165) doesn't need them.
+Mon May 30 22:19:33 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_signal.rb (TestSignal#test_signal_requiring): don't
+ close stderr.
+Mon May 30 20:22:00 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_signal.rb (TestSignal#test_signal_requiring): small
+ but critical typo of r31642. sorry...
+ [Bug #4798] [ruby-core:36550]
+Mon May 30 15:44:16 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * insns.def (opt_mult): as r31805, volatile it.
+ Without this, clang -O fails calculation.
+ * numeric.c (fix_mul): ditto.
+ * rational.c (f_imul): ditto.
+Mon May 30 10:26:51 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * numeric.c (int_pow): make sure to assign the result of x * z.
+ If xz is optimized out, the value won't overflow.
+Sun May 29 23:17:29 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_match): fix rdoc of Regexp#=~.
+ patched by Tsuyoshi Sawada. [Bug #4781]
+Sun May 29 23:10:42 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/webrick/https.rb (WEBrick::HTTPRequest#parse_uri):
+ keep parse_uri as private. patched by okkez. [Bug #4773]
+Sun May 29 17:53:03 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * numeric.c: add #include "internal.h" for rb_big_uminus() prototype.
+Sun May 29 15:09:05 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_round): fix for negative value.
+Sun May 29 02:16:53 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/net/http/utils.rb (TestNetHTTPUtils#teardown): add nil check.
+Sun May 29 00:22:40 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * process.c (before_exec, after_exec): change from macro to function.
+Sat May 28 19:30:17 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * process.c (before_exec, after_exec): change SIGPIPE handler to SIG_DFL
+ before calling execve(). Because r31760 reintroduced an issue that
+ system() may hang up (i.e. [ruby-dev:12261]).
+ * process.c (save_sigpipe, restore_sigpipe): new.
+Sat May 28 16:08:16 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * signal.c (Init_signal, default_handler): change default SIGPIPE handler
+ from empty function to SIG_IGN. [ruby-dev:43215]
+ * signal.c (sigpipe): removed.
+Sat May 28 03:04:27 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (fill_cbuf): return MORE_CHAR_SUSPENDED when cbuf is not empty.
+Sat May 28 02:22:48 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_bytesize): rb_str_bytesize() should use LONG2NUM().
+ Patch by Nikolai Weibull. [Bug #4789] [ruby-core:36511]
+Sat May 28 02:06:26 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (fill_cbuf): Fix test-all crash.
+Sat May 28 00:58:40 2011 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/ostruct.rb (method_missing): Handle [] and []= correctly.
+ Based on a patch by Caius Durling, bug #4179 [ruby-core:33792]
+Fri May 27 23:56:54 2011 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_core.rb (Tester::test_text_frozen): split frozen
+ string test. refs #4783
+Fri May 27 22:46:23 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb (gem): install gemspec of json. fixed #4784
+Fri May 27 22:45:10 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (validate_enc_binmode): do not clear textmode flag if
+ default. fixed #4732
+ * io.c (fill_cbuf): finish reading at EOF.
+Fri May 27 11:31:51 2011 misfo <>
+ * lib/rexml/text.rb (REXML::Text#initialize): prevent an error
+ when passing a frozen string to
+ dup the string passed in instead of cloning so that it's frozen
+ state is ignored
+Fri May 27 08:47:26 2011 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * thread.c (ppoll): typo bug fix.
+Fri May 27 08:35:04 2011 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: hang-up at exit before calling Tk.mainloop.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/extconf.rb: cannot make on MinGW [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4141].
+Thu May 27 00:34:07 2011 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * lib/csv.rb: Enhance each() to support Enumerator.
+Thu May 26 10:32:11 2011 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * lib/csv.rb: Documentation improvements from Ysiad Ferreiras.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4785]
+Thu May 26 15:42:02 2011 Cezary Baginski <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc/parser.rb (FaultException): fix to_s and inspect
+ * test/xmlrpc/parser.rb: test for the above
+Wed May 25 11:54:31 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c: Remove color constants block.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4748]
+Wed May 25 09:56:45 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c: Add missing documentation for button state, MIN
+ and MAX comments. Add Curses. to TABSIZE= and ESCDELAY= methods.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4747]
+Wed May 25 09:35:31 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/benchmark.rb: Restore nodoc for Benchmark::Job and
+ Benchmark::Report. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4726]
+Wed May 25 09:29:38 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: Hide implementation details from RDoc.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4711]
+Wed May 25 09:26:29 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb: Add :nodoc: for private methods.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4710]
+Wed May 25 09:19:17 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c: Fix Document-method declarations. Improve
+ Zlib::GzipFile's method catalog. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4695]
+Wed May 25 08:22:12 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/erb.rb: Hide documentation for implementation details of ERB.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4694]
+Wed May 25 07:58:14 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb (Tempfile.{mkdir,rmdir}): revert for backward
+ compatibility.
+Wed May 25 07:13:12 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * spec/README: update the description.
+Wed May 25 07:12:16 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb (Tempfile.{lock,unlock}_tempfile): refactor.
+Tue May 24 17:30:36 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * spec/README: fix typo.
+ patched by bowsersenior.
+Tue May 24 07:06:34 2011 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: fail to start Tk.mainloop (exit immediately) on
+ some environment (reported on [ruby-talk:381444]).
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/canvas.rb: support creating a canvas item object from
+ an item ID number.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/image.rb: import documents which are pull-requested.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Feature #4595]
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/extconf.rb: search directories for 64bit library (e.g.
+ /usr/lib64), add some new configure options (see README.tcltklib),
+ and bug fix.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/README.tcltklib: modify docs for some new configure
+ options.
+Tue May 24 04:01:46 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * lib/yaml.rb: switch default YAML engine to Psych, old syck engine
+ may be enabled via YAML::ENGINE.yamler = "syck". [ruby-core:36374]
+Mon May 23 09:45:26 2011 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * include/ruby/defines.h (CASEFOLD_FILESYSTEM): Revert r30508. Forgot to
+ include this file in the commit r31692. __APPLE__ is not
+ CASEFOLD_FILESYSTEM again, from this time.
+Mon May 23 10:01:02 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c: Do not parse zero-tagged values as EOC. Do
+ not let current length become negative for infinite length constructed
+ values. Support constructed values of length zero. Added tests.
+Mon May 23 09:19:53 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: Document Net::SMTP::Response. Patch by J.R. Garcia.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4768]
+Mon May 23 09:03:52 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * lib/test/unit/parallel.rb: Never Ignore SIGINT. When received
+ Interrupt, immediately puts result and exit. [ruby-dev:43571]
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: When received Interrupt, wait results from workers
+ and collect them. [ruby-dev:43571]
+Mon May 23 09:08:07 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/mathn.rb: Improve documentation. Patch by Sandor Szucs.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4767]
+Mon May 23 08:45:55 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/ostruct.rb: Improve documentation. Patch by Franklin Webber.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4761]
+Mon May 23 08:35:24 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * hash.c: Improve documentation of Hash#key. Patch by Utkarsh
+ Kukreti. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4760]
+Mon May 23 08:32:59 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * enumerator.c: Improve documentation. Patch by Dave Copeland.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4757]
+Mon May 23 07:19:45 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * NEWS (openssl): Infinite length support. Different behavior of
+ Constructive and Primitive constructors.
+Mon May 23 06:58:33 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c: Forbid Constructives whose value is not an
+ Array to prevent segfault. Added test.
+Mon May 23 06:33:17 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c: Forbid Constructive without infinite
+ length. This also prevents a segfault. Added test and improved
+ documentation.
+Mon May 23 05:58:14 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c: Fix decoding of infinite length values.
+ Simplified ossl_asn1_decode0 by splitting it into three separate
+ functions. Add tests.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4374][ruby-core:35123]
+Mon May 23 04:03:46 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c (ossl_asn1_initialize): Allow creation of
+ Constructives with an explicit tag_class parameter without
+ automatically setting tagging to :EXPLICIT. Fixes a bug when encoding
+ infinite length primitive values.
+Mon May 23 04:03:46 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c (ossl_asn1_cons_to_der): Add an additional
+ EOC for infinite length Constructives that are supposed to be encoded
+ with explicit tagging. Also tabify method correctly.
+Mon May 23 03:44:39 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c (ossl_asn1data_to_der): Remove redundant
+ flag tmp_cons.
+Mon May 23 00:35:00 2001 Kenta Murata <>
+ * bignum.c (dump_bignum, bigmul1_balance, big_split, biglsh_bang),
+ (bigrsh_bang, big_split3, bigmul1_toom3, bigmul0): implement Toom3 (Toom-Cook)
+ multiplication.
+ * include/ruby/defines.h: add format prefixes for BDIGIT and BDIGIT_DBL.
+Sun May 22 23:24:02 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c: Instead of rb_intern use static symbols to
+ improve performance.
+Sun May 22 21:56:51 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c: Use OpenSSL constants V_ASN1_xxx instead of
+ hardcoded numbers for initializing class_tag_map.
+Sun May 22 21:29:29 2011 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * include/ruby/defines.h (CASEFOLD_FILESYSTEM): Revert r30508. See #4255.
+ Now __APPLE__ is not CASEFOLD_FILESYSTEM again.
+ * load.c (loaded_feature_path, rb_feature_p, load_lock): Revert r30508.
+ See #4255. Make $LOADED_FEATURES scanning case-sensitive again.
+Sun May 22 18:59:27 2011 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c(ossl_asn1_default_tag): avoid using RCLASS_SUPER
+ to make it compilable. Plus, tabify and change variable definition style.
+Sun May 22 18:26:43 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (vm_xcalloc): use calloc provided by platforms.
+ fixes #4754
+Sun May 22 11:44:53 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/pty/pty.c: Improve documentation. Patch by David Copeland.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4756]
+Sun May 22 11:26:39 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/timeout.rb: Improve documentation. Patch by David Copeland.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4755]
+Sun May 22 11:21:41 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/ipaddr.rb: Improve documentation. Patch by Sandor Szucs.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4753]
+Sun May 22 11:14:40 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/forwardable.rb: Document def_delegator. Patch by Sandor Szucs.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4752]
+Sun May 22 11:11:41 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: Document block behavior of Patch by
+ Bil Kleb. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4751]
+Sun May 22 11:07:47 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c: Complete documentation. Patch by Vincent
+ Batts. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4748]
+Sun May 22 09:29:43 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb (TestRubyOptions#test_set_program_name):
+ use spawn. it prevent that other tests inherit renamed $0.
+Sun May 22 08:57:13 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c: Default tag lookup in constant time via hash
+ instead of previous linear algorithm.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Feature #4309][ruby-core:34813]
+Sun May 22 07:54:16 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_digest.c: Explain DSS and DSS1 in documentation.
+Sun May 22 07:10:25 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * test/openssl/test_pkey_dsa.rb: Add tests for sign/verify.
+Sun May 22 06:07:17 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * test/openssl/test_x509cert.rb: Merge DSA-related tests from ruby_1_8
+ branch.
+Sun May 22 04:11:12 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (Init_Thread): add a code comment why the meaningless
+ line is necessary.
+Sun May 22 01:35:12 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: modified documentation.
+Sat May 21 22:46:26 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_strftime(date_strftime_with_tmx): "%v" means "%e-%b-%Y".
+Sat May 21 22:14:35 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_extract_modeenc): accept combination hash and
+ File::Constants. (eg.'yo', :mode => File::WRONLY))
+ [Feature #4742][ruby-core:36338]
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (TestIO#test_open_mode): new test.
+Sat May 21 21:44:14 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * test/date/test_switch_hitter.rb: new.
+Sat May 21 21:18:29 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_{core,parse}.c: moved nearly all core code from ext/date/lib.
+ * ext/date/lib/{date,date/format}.rb: removed nearly all code.
+Sat May 21 02:58:46 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/.document: Add curses to documented extensions.
+ * ext/curses/curses.c: Improve documentation. Patch by Vincent Batts.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4747]
+Sat May 21 02:51:01 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/util.rb: Improve documentation. Patch
+ by Pete Higgins. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4746]
+Sat May 21 02:44:10 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/jacobian.rb: Document isEqual. Patch
+ by Kuba Fietkiewicz. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4744]
+Sat May 21 02:22:34 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/date/lib/date/format.rb: Document date formats. Patch by
+ Clinton Nixon. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4743]
+Fri May 20 05:15:19 2011 Nobuhiro Iwamatsu <>
+ * gc.c: Fix build on m68k by 'error: too few arguments to
+ function 'mark_locations_array''.
+Fri May 20 04:23:42 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/scanf.rb: Improve documentation. Patch by Gabe McArthur.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4735]
+Fri May 20 00:58:01 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/trans/ibm737-tbl.rb: greek code page. fixes #4738
+Thu May 19 14:44:05 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_signal.rb (test_signal_requiring): skip on Windows.
+ we can send SIGINT only to pid 0 and the process itself.
+Thu May 19 09:07:08 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib: revert r31635-r31638 and untabify with expand(1).
+Thu May 19 07:47:26 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * test/openssl/test_pkey_rsa.rb: Add tests for sign/verify.
+Thu May 19 07:19:16 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey.c: Add documentation.
+Thu May 19 07:06:56 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/benchmark.rb: Fix indentation.
+ * lib/net/imap.rb: Fix indentation of regular expressions.
+Thu May 19 06:36:11 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb: Fix indentation of EOF for heredoc.
+ * lib/debug.rb (Commands): Fix indentation of EOHELP for heredoc.
+Thu May 19 06:30:38 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: Fix indentation of EOM for heredoc.
+Thu May 19 06:16:41 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib: Convert tabs to spaces for ruby files per
+ Patch by Steve Klabnik [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4730]
+ Patch by Jason Dew [Ruby 1.9 - Feature #4718]
+Thu May 19 06:06:07 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/cgi/util.rb: Improve documentation. Patch by Clinton Nixon.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4733]
+ * lib/cgi/core.rb: ditto
+ * lib/cgi/cookie.rb: ditto
+Thu May 19 06:02:21 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb: Document Dir.mkdir and Dir.rmdir. Patch by Clinton
+ Nixon. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4728]
+Thu May 19 05:57:52 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * encoding.c: Improve documentation for Encoding#default_external and
+ Encoding#default_internal.
+Wed May 18 22:45:26 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/io/console/lib/console/size.rb (IO#console_size): new
+ method. (EXPERIMENTAL)
+Wed May 18 22:41:51 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * internal.h: add for internal use only.
+Wed May 18 22:36:43 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (setup_exception): internal exception should be hidden
+Wed May 18 20:25:04 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * lib/timeout.rb (Timeout#timeout): don't leak "execution expired"
+ exception. [Bug #4283] [ruby-core:34534].
+Wed May 18 06:09:24 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/cmath.rb: Add some examples and improve documentation. Patch by
+ Sandor Szucs. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4727]
+Wed May 18 05:40:31 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/benchmark.rb: Remove nodoc from Benchmark::Job and
+ Benchmark::Report. Patch by Sandor Szucs. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4726]
+Wed May 18 05:29:26 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/webrick/compat.rb: Improve documentation. Patch by Sandor
+ Szucs. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4725]
+Wed May 18 05:10:35 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/tracer.rb: Improve documentation. Patch by Richard Ramsden.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Feature #4720]
+Wed May 18 04:53:41 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/cmath.rb: Improve documentation. Patch by Jason Dew.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Feature #4717]
+Wed May 18 04:50:24 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb: Improve documentation. Patch by Vincent Batts.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4710]
+Wed May 18 03:14:49 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * test/test_singleton.rb: Add tests from lib/singleton.rb. Patch by
+ Pete Higgins. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4715]
+Wed May 18 03:03:07 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/singleton.rb: Improve documentation. Patch by Pete Higgins.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4709]
+Tue May 17 21:24:04 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_mutex_lock): remove remove_signal_thread_list() call.
+ It's meaningless because lock_interrupt doesn't call
+ add_signal_thread_list().
+Tue May 17 20:20:49 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * vm_core.h (rb_thread_struct): add volatile to
+ transition_for_lock because it is not protected by lock.
+Tue May 17 20:08:53 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * LEGAL (missing/{elf,tgamma,lgamma_r}.c): they've been replaced by
+ public domain implementations.
+ * LEGAL (vsnprintf.c): it has moved to srcdir from missing/.
+ * LEGAL (missing/crypt.c): list its original license.
+Tue May 17 19:54:26 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * LEGAL (configure): add missing/setproctitle.c
+Tue May 17 19:35:01 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ Fix FreeBSD test failure.
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb (TestRubyOptions#test_set_program_name):
+ use ps -o command instead of ps -o cmd. FreeBSD doesn't support
+ -o cmd option.
+Tue May 17 08:04:26 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_digest.c: Add documentation.
+Tue May 17 07:14:58 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: Improve documentation of proxy configuration
+ methods. Patch by Alf Mikula. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4714]
+Tue May 17 07:09:01 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: Improve documentation. Patch by Vincent Batts.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4711]
+ * lib/net/telnet.rb: ditto
+Tue May 17 07:00:41 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: Fix nodoc for Net::HTTP::version_1_1?. Patch by
+ Alf Mikula. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4713]
+Tue May 17 06:56:26 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb: Add link to make_switch to improve documentation.
+ Patch by David Copeland. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4708]
+Tue May 17 06:50:40 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/observer.rb: Improve documentation. Patch by David Copeland.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4707]
+Tue May 17 06:42:53 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/logger.rb: Improve documentation. Patch by David Copeland.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4706]
+Tue May 17 06:28:14 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/gserver.rb: Improve documentation. Patch by David Copeland.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4705]
+Tue May 17 06:21:15 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb: Add toplevel documentation to class CGI
+ * lib/cgi/session.rb: Add overview documentation to CGI::Cookie
+ * lib/cgi/html.rb: Don't add CGI::TagMaker documentation to CGI.
+ Patch by David Copeland. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4704]
+ * lib/cgi/core.rb: Clean up CGI documentation. Patch by David
+ Copeland. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4704]
+ * lib/cgi/cookie.rb: Clean up CGI::Cookie documentation. Patch by
+ David Copeland. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4704]
+Tue May 17 05:52:30 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/digest: Improve documentation of Digest, Digest::HMAC and
+ Digest::SHA2. Patch by Pete Higgins. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4702]
+Tue May 17 03:51:42 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/abbrev.rb: Hide copyright and revision information from RDoc.
+ Inspired by patch from David Copeland, bug #4703.
+Tue May 17 03:33:21 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/timeout.rb (module Timeout): Hide internal constants. Patch by
+ Pete Higgins. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4701]
+Mon May 16 11:21:09 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ *, win32/Makefile.sub (RUBY_SO_NAME): add CPU as prefix
+ of RUBY_SO_NAME on x64/ia64 mswin/mingw.
+ [Feature #4602]
+Mon May 16 08:00:05 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc.rb: Update to RDoc 3.6.1, allows OpenSSL::Digest to be
+ found.
+Mon May 16 05:49:54 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/drb/acl.rb: Add documentation.
+Mon May 16 05:13:20 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c: Add documentation.
+Mon May 16 00:32:05 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/ruby/test_signal.rb (TestSignal#test_signal_process_group):
+ skip if the platform doesn't have :pgroup capability. (i.e. skip
+ if mswin32)
+Sun May 15 23:53:31 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: resurrect old rb_fd_copy().
+ * thread.c (rb_fd_copy): ditto.
+Sun May 15 23:45:11 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: remove rb_fd_copy() to rb_fd_dup() and
+ rb_w32_fdcopy() to rb_w32_fd_dup().
+ * win32/win32.c: ditto.
+ * thread.c: ditto.
+Sun May 15 22:26:39 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * signal.c (rb_f_kill): accept '-SIGXXX' style signal with Symbol or
+ implicit conversion with #to_str. [ruby-dev:43169] fixes #4362
+ * test/ruby/test_signal.rb (test_signal_process_group): add a test
+ for send signal to process group.
+Sun May 15 21:22:35 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * cont.c (cont_init): clear macihne_stack_start/end of saved thread to
+ prevent mark machine stack of GC'ed Thread. root Fiber is not
+ initialized by fiber_init().
+ based on a patch by Serge Balyuk [ruby-core:35891] fixes #4612
+ * test/ruby/test_fiber.rb (test_gc_root_fiber): add test for it.
+Sun May 15 21:04:29 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * transcode.c (econv_init): revert r31353. [ruby-dev:43512]
+Sun May 15 03:39:35 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c: Improve documentation. Patch by Vincent Batts.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4695]
+Sun May 15 03:23:46 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/erb.rb: Document ERB::Compiler. Patch by Simon Chiang.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4694]
+Sun May 15 00:58:47 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ fix mswin32 build error.
+ * missing/setproctitle.c: add #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (MISSING): add setproctitle.obj
+Sat May 14 22:45:28 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * missing/setproctitle.c: add to include "ruby/util.h".
+Sat May 14 19:52:22 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb (TestRubyOptions#test_set_program_name):
+ add for $0 test.
+Sat May 14 19:50:46 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * missing/setproctitle.c (compat_init_setproctitle): use
+ ruby_strdup() instead of strdup().
+Sat May 14 19:37:31 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * include/ruby/missing.h: add setproctitle() declaration.
+ * missing/setproctitle.c: added.
+ * add check for missing/setproctitle.c.
+ * ruby.c (ruby_process_options): add to call compat_init_setproctitle().
+ * ruby.c (set_arg0): remove all platform specific code. it's
+ moved to missing/setproctitle.c.
+ * ruby.c (origarg): remove len field. It's no longer used.
+ * ruby.c (get_arglen): removed.
+ This patch makes a lot of cleanup set_arg0 related code and fixes
+ [Feature #4689].
+Sat May 14 17:42:21 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * process.c (rb_proc_times): improve documentation.
+ [ruby-core:35785] fixes #4581, reported by Andrew Grimm.
+Sat May 14 12:12:54 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * test/openssl/test_pkey_dsa.rb: Add basic tests and tests that
+ ensure new public key PEM encoding behavior and ensure backward
+ compatibility.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4422] [ruby-core:35328]
+ * test/openssl/test_pkey_rsa.rb: Remove line with 'puts'.
+Sat May 14 12:06:49 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/context.rb (class RDoc): Fix infinite loop caused by
+ re-encountering BasicObject.
+Sat May 14 10:32:36 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * test/openssl/test_pkey_rsa.rb: Add tests that ensure new public key
+ encoding behavior and also ensure backward compatibility.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4421] [ruby-core:35327]
+Sat May 14 09:50:10 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/yaml/dbm.rb: Add documentation. Patch by Justin Collins.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4693]
+ * lib/yaml/store.rb: ditto
+Sat May 14 09:31:43 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc.rb: Updated to RDoc 3.6
+Sat May 14 07:30:29 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych.rb: released a new gem, so increasing version.
+Sat May 14 05:08:32 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_digest.c
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey.c
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey.h
+ * test/openssl/pkey/test_pkey_rsa.rb
+ Reverted premature commit. Sorry for the noise!
+Sat May 14 05:02:58 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/uri.rb: Add toplevel documentation. Patch by Vincent Batts.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4690]
+Sat May 14 04:19:06 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * NEWS: Describe altered behaviour for RSA and DSA public key
+ encoding. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4421, Bug #4422]
+ [ruby-core:35327,35328]
+Sat May 14 02:57:52 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/ipaddr.rb (unless Socket): Document valid*? methods. Patch by
+ Sebastian Martinez. [Ruby 1.9 - Feature #4687]
+Sat May 14 02:54:04 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rexml/functions.rb: Add some documentation for REXML::Functions.
+ Patch by Sebastian Martinez. [Ruby 1.9 - Feature #4688]
+Sat May 14 02:51:42 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb: Hide private method and state-tracking constants from
+ RDoc. Patch by Mark Turner. [Ruby 1.9 - Feature #4691]
+Fri May 13 19:23:21 2011 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_coerce): Add #flo_coerce documentation.
+ Patch by Sebastian Martinez.
+Fri May 13 18:42:22 2011 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * README.EXT: fix typo. Patch by William Blackerby.
+ * README.EXT.ja: ditto.
+Fri May 13 15:22:34 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_select): check invalid handle before doing
+ select operations. see [ruby-dev:43513], [ruby-dev:43535]
+Fri May 13 08:34:00 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb: Output summary after documentation report.
+ * lib/rdoc/stats/normal.rb: Don't output information for users when
+ we're not on a TTY
+Fri May 13 07:49:02 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: Hide internal methods from RDoc. Patch by Darragh
+ Curran. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4684]
+Fri May 13 07:36:23 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet/erbhandler.rb: Add documentation.
+Fri May 13 07:04:33 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/mathn.rb: Fix indentation. Patch by Jason Dew.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Feature #4682]
+Fri May 13 06:50:43 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/mathn.rb: Add documentation. Patch by Jason Dew. [Ruby 1.9 -
+ Feature #4667]
+Fri May 13 05:44:19 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/logger.rb (class Logger): Document Logger#datetime_format.
+ Patch by Sergio Gil Perez de la Manga. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4678]
+Fri May 13 05:39:11 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * re.c (Init_Regexp): Document option constants. Patch by Vincent
+ Batts. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4677]
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (module URI): Documentation for URI. Patch by
+ Vincent Batts. [Ruby 1.9- Bug #4677]
+ * lib/uri/ftp.rb (module URI): ditto
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (module URI): ditto
+ * lib/uri/http.rb (module URI): ditto
+ * lib/uri/https.rb (module URI): ditto
+ * lib/uri/ldap.rb (module URI): ditto
+ * lib/uri/ldaps.rb (module URI): ditto
+ * lib/uri/mailto.rb (module URI): ditto
+ * process.c (Init_process): Document Process constants. Patch by
+ Vincent Batts. [Ruby 1.9- Bug #4677]
+Fri May 13 05:16:38 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rss/atom.rb (module RSS): Document URIs. Patch by Mark Turner.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - #4671]
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb (module RSS): Document exception classes. Patch by
+ Mark Turner. [Ruby 1.9 - #4671]
+Fri May 13 02:15:18 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (select_internal): remove unused variable (interrupt_flag).
+Thu May 12 18:24:34 2011 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * limit to "T" type for prefix of external symbols
+ because x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc on Debian GNU/Linux generates the
+ following symbol:
+ 0000000068483390 D _GLOBAL__F__conftest_external
+ Approved by nobu.
+Thu May 12 14:50:52 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/dl/test_base.rb (Fiddle::LIBC_SO): its always msvc*.dll on
+ mswin/mingw.
+Thu May 12 14:47:53 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (Logging.postpone): copy only when temporary logfile
+ exists.
+Thu May 12 12:24:22 2011 Nobuhiro Iwamatsu <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c: By trunk@31346, function check of SSLv2 is
+ executed.
+ However, the problem is not revised in this.
+ This adds the control of using function of SSLv2 in made macro by
+ function check.
+Thu May 12 08:10:46 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/set.rb (class Set): Add nodoc to internal-use methods. Patch
+ by Pete Higgins. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4665]
+Thu May 12 08:01:14 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_ec.c: Allow encryption when PEM-encoding
+ Elliptic Curve private keys.
+ [ruby-core:35329] [Bug #4423]
+Thu May 12 07:54:59 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_equal): Add documentation. Patch by Vincent Batts.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4664]
+ * lib/rexml: ditto
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: ditto
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb: ditto
+Thu May 12 07:30:08 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * Various .document files: Update .document files to match files which
+ have documentation.
+Thu May 12 07:18:45 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dsa.c: Use generic X.509 SubjectPublicKeyInfo
+ format for PEM-encoding DSA public keys.
+ [ruby-core:35328] [Bug #4422]
+Thu May 12 06:27:31 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_rsa.c: Use generic X.509 SubjectPublicKeyInfo
+ format for encoding RSA public keys.
+ [ruby-core:35327] [Bug #4421]
+Wed May 11 19:45:27 2011 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/forwardable.rb: support 'delegate :foo => :bar' for to meet
+ by specification of RDOC.
+Wed May 11 08:36:38 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/webrick: Add documentation for WEBrick::HTTPAuth
+Wed May 11 03:06:35 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rss.rb: Add documentation for RSS. Patch by Steve Klabnik.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4663]
+Tue May 10 14:50:32 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: Add option for hiding skip messages when test
+ ends. #4657
+ * test/testunit/test_hideskip.rb, test/testunit/test4test_hideskip.rb:
+ test for above.
+Tue May 10 10:53:04 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * (rdoc): Add rdoc-coverage rule
+Tue May 10 09:13:21 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/webrick: Add Documentation
+Tue May 10 04:22:09 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/webrick/log.rb: Hide copyright info from ri
+ * lib/webrick/httpstatus.rb: ditto
+ * lib/webrick/htmlutils.rb: ditto
+ * lib/webrick/httpversion.rb: ditto
+ * lib/webrick/version.rb: ditto
+ * lib/webrick/httpauth/userdb.rb: ditto
+ * lib/webrick/httpauth/authenticator.rb: ditto
+ * lib/webrick/accesslog.rb: ditto
+Mon May 9 20:57:13 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * test/ruby/test_{complex,rational}.rb: added tests.
+Mon May 9 20:29:44 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (string_to_c_internal): a refactoring.
+Mon May 9 18:33:05 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c: Improve documentation for String#start_with? and
+ String#end_with?. fixes #4652
+ patched by Andrew Grimm <andrew.j.grimm at>
+Mon May 9 13:49:00 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * complex.c (string_to_c_internal): support scientific notation.
+ patched by Tinco Andringa.
+ [ruby-core:36046][Bug #4655]
+Mon May 9 11:52:48 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * numeric.c (int_ord): remove K&R style.
+ patched by Daehyub Kim.
+Sun May 8 22:17:24 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * test/ruby/test_{complex2,complexrational}.rb: use skip.
+ * test/date/*.rb: ditto.
+Sun May 8 21:02:31 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * test/ruby/test_{complex2,complexrational}.rb: NEVER SKIP.
+Sun May 8 21:01:21 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * test/date/test_date_base.rb: fixed.
+Sun May 8 20:54:11 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * test/date/*.rb: NEVER SKIP.
+Sun May 8 20:37:33 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * test/date/*.rb: reverted 31432.
+Sun May 8 20:32:43 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * test/date/*.rb: reverted 31483.
+Sun May 8 19:39:16 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_cond_timedwait): add to care EINTR.
+ * thread_pthread.c (thread_timer): remove EINTR check.
+Sun May 8 19:04:15 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/time.rb (xmlschema): avoid passing any negative numbers.
+Sun May 8 18:40:03 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_{parse,strptime}.c: introduced some macros.
+Sun May 8 17:17:13 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * test/date/*.rb: use skip /w messages.
+Sun May 8 17:04:55 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/lib/date/format.rb (_httpdate): omitted to call zone_to_diff.
+Sun May 8 16:56:19 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (date_s_test_*): use macros.
+Sun May 8 10:24:16 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread_pthread.c: cleanup signal_thread_list related ifdef.
+ 1) we don't have to use #ifdef FOO-PLATFORM directly 2) About
+ half #ifdef didn't care symbian properly.
+Sun May 8 05:19:37 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/io/wait/test_io_wait.rb: Linux socketpair(2) only support
+ AF_UNIX, but windows socketpair doesn't support it. we can't
+ avoid platform check. sigh!
+Sun May 8 00:13:05 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/io/wait/test_io_wait.rb: use Socket.pair instead of pipe.
+ Windows can only treat a socket.
+Sat May 7 22:43:48 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_fd_zero): remove redundant zero fill.
+Sat May 7 22:38:04 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_fd_init): remove volatile qualifier.
+Sat May 7 22:34:29 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_fd_init_copy): new internal api. It provide efficient
+ copy constructor semantics.
+ * thread.c (do_select): use rb_fd_init_copy().
+Sat May 7 15:18:06 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ fix incorrect native_cond_signal call when deadlock was detected.
+ * thread.c (lock_func): decrement cond_waiting if timeout was happen.
+Sat May 7 18:28:37 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (USE_MONOTONIC_COND): check the availability
+ more strictly.
+ * thread_pthread.h (rb_thread_cond_t): ditto.
+Sat May 7 15:15:10 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ fix win32 native_cond_timedwait() makes SIGSEGV.
+ * thread_win32.h (rb_thread_cond_struct): add prev field instead of
+ last. (ie cond_event_entry is now using double linked list instead of
+ single)
+ * thread_win32.c (cond_event_entry): add prev field.
+ * thread_win32.c (__cond_timedwait): remove entry properly if timeout
+ was happen.
+ * thread_win32.c (native_cond_signal): change for double linked list.
+ * thread_win32.c (native_cond_broadcast): ditto.
+ * thread_win32.c (native_cond_initialize): ditto.
+Sat May 7 12:41:04 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ fix mutex deadlock test hang-up.
+ * thread_win32.c (abs_timespec_to_timeout_ms): fix 1000x calculation
+ mistake. (ie fix hang-up native_cond_timedwait())
+Sat May 7 03:14:13 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ sleep_cond use monotonic time if possible.
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_thread_init): change sleep_cond
+ attribute to monotonic.
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_sleep): use native_cond_timeout().
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_cond_timeout): add overflow care.
+ * thread_win32.c (native_cond_timeout): ditto.
+Sat May 7 02:49:12 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ fix win32 compile error.
+ * thread_win32.c (RB_CONDATTR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC): define
+ * thread_pthread.c (RB_CONDATTR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC): ditto.
+Sat May 7 02:29:41 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ mutex: deadlock check timeout use monotonic time.
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_cond_timeout): new internal api.
+ it calculate a proper time for argument of native_cond_timedwait().
+ * thread_win32.c (native_cond_timeout): ditto.
+ * thread_pthread.c (thread_timer): use native_cond_timeout()
+ instead of get_ts.
+ * thread.c (lock_func): ditto.
+ * thread_pthread.c (get_ts): removed. use native_cond_timeout().
+ * thread.c (init_lock_timeout): ditto.
+Sat May 7 01:54:21 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (get_ts): add monotonic clock capability.
+ * thread_pthread.c (rb_thread_create_timer_thread): use monotonic
+ clock if possible.
+Sat May 7 01:43:37 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread_pthread.h (rb_thread_cond_t): add clockid field. it's
+ no longer an alias of pthread_cond_t.
+ * thread_pthread.c: adapt new rb_thread_cond_t type.
+ * thread.c (mutex_alloc): ditto.
+ * thread_win32.c (native_cond_initialize): ditto.
+ * add check for pthread_cond_attr_setclock() and
+ clockid_t type.
+Fri May 6 23:29:47 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_wait_for_single_fd): use ppoll() instead of poll()
+ if possible. based on a patch from Eric Wong. [ruby-core:36003].
+Fri May 6 23:13:43 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * remove nanosleep check. we no longer use it.
+ r20124 removed last usage.
+Fri May 6 22:35:56 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (mktime_do): extra digits are not used.
+Fri May 6 17:43:07 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (mktime_do): remove unused variable offset.
+ * ext/syck/syck.h: use #ifdef instead of #if DEBUG.
+Fri May 6 16:27:33 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (DAY_IN_NANOSECONDS): refix: 31438.
+ check with LONG_MAX and cast as long; without this the calculation
+ will be done as int and overflow.
+Fri May 6 15:01:11 2011 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (mktime_do): avoid buffer overrun, by
+ silently ignoring lesser significant digits. Required buffer
+ length can be computable so you might at first think of
+ allocating enough memory space on the fly using alloca(). That
+ is a wrong idea because when using alloca there is always risk
+ of integer overflow. A function that accepts outer-process
+ resources like this should not blindly trust its inputs. In
+ this particular case we just want to generate milliseconds
+ resolution by strtod() so the string in question needs no more
+ length than what we originally have. Ignoring lesser
+ significant digits should suffice I believe.
+Fri May 6 14:25:53 2011 Tinco Andringa <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (mktime_do): YAML.load time correctly parse
+ usecs smaller than 1 fixes #4571
+Thu May 5 22:23:34 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_mutex_reinitialize_atfork): removed
+ unused macro.
+ * thread_win32.c (native_mutex_reinitialize_atfork): ditto.
+Thu May 5 22:09:39 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (DAY_IN_NANOSECONDS): long long int is not
+ available on all platforms.
+Thu May 5 17:36:31 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * eval.c (frame_func_id): store result of method_entry_of_iseq() to
+ cfp->me because method_entry_of_iseq() might become expensive.
+Thu May 5 15:03:51 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * eval.c (frame_func_id): __method__ return different name from
+ methods defined by Module#define_method with a same block.
+ [ruby-core:35386] fixes #4606
+ * eval.c (method_entry_of_iseq): new helper function. search control
+ frame stack for a method entry which has given iseq.
+ * test/ruby/test_method.rb: add tests for #4606
+Wed May 4 22:13:09 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * benchmark/bm_vm4_pipe.rb: Reduced iterations. Too slow benchmark
+ is bad.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm4_thread_pass.rb: ditto.
+Wed May 4 22:08:22 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/date/test_date_base.rb: don't use no message skip().
+Wed May 4 21:11:28 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * benchmark/bm_io_select2.rb: reduce number of using file
+ descriptors. because gdb need some fds.
+Wed May 4 19:00:59 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_wait_for_single_fd): Fix wrong return value.
+ * test/-ext-/wait_for_single_fd/test_wait_for_single_fd.rb
+ (TestWaitForSingleFD#test_wait_for_closed_pipe): test for it.
+Wed May 4 18:46:39 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * ext/-test-/wait_for_single_fd: New. for testing
+ rb_wait_for_single_fd() internal function.
+ The patch was written by Eric Wong. [ruby-core:35991]
+ * test/-ext-/wait_for_single_fd/test_wait_for_single_fd.rb: ditto.
+Wed May 4 12:46:25 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_wait_for_single_fd): Added POLLNVAL check.
+ based on a patch from Eric Wong at [ruby-core:35991].
+Wed May 4 11:51:01 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (rb_f_select): remove useless ifdef.
+Wed May 4 11:42:47 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * ext/socket/init.c (wait_connectable): fix error handling code.
+ RB_WAITFD_OUT is turned on even though an error occur.
+Wed May 4 10:12:39 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_event): use rb_wait_for_single_fd().
+ The patch was written by Eric Wong. [Ruby 1.9 - Feature #4531]
+Wed May 4 10:10:28 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * ext/socket/init.c (wait_connectable): use rb_wait_for_single_fd().
+ The patch was written by Eric Wong. [Ruby 1.9 - Feature #4531]
+ * ext/socket/init.c (try_wait_connectable, wait_connectable_ensure):
+ removed.
+Wed May 4 10:07:48 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * ext/io/wait/wait.c (io_wait): use rb_wait_for_single_fd().
+ The patch was written by Eric Wong. [Ruby 1.9 - Feature #4531]
+Wed May 4 10:01:27 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_wait_for_single_fd): new. poll(2) based backend for
+ rb_wait_for_single_fd().
+ Now only Linux uses it.
+ The patch was written by Eric Wong. [Ruby 1.9 - Feature #4531]
+Wed May 4 09:56:57 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_wait_for_single_fd): new.
+ * thread.c (select_single): select(2) based backend for
+ rb_wait_for_single_fd().
+ * io.c (make_writeconv): use rb_wait_for_single_fd() instead of
+ rb_thread_fd_select().
+ * io.c (rb_io_wait_readable): ditto.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_wait_fd_rw): ditto.
+ * io.c (wait_readable): removed.
+ * thread.c (init_set_fd): new helper function.
+ * include/ruby/io.h (RB_WAITFD_IN, RB_WAITFD_PRI, RB_WAITFD_OUT):
+ new constant for rb_single_wait_fd().
+ The patch was written by Eric Wong. [Ruby 1.9 - Feature #4531]
+Wed May 4 08:04:59 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: fix time dumping so that
+ Syck can load UTC times that Psych dumps.
+Wed May 4 07:33:00 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_fd_copy): fix wrong argument.This issue was pointed
+ out by Eric Wong. [ruby-core:35982]
+Tue May 3 20:29:33 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb (TestFileUtils#test_chmod_symbol_mode):
+ Skip sticky bit test if the platform is FreeBSD. It doesn't allow to
+ change sticky bit if a target is regular file.
+Tue May 3 18:23:57 2011 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * test/date/test_date.rb (TestDate#test_coerce):
+ test for [ruby-core:35127].
+Tue May 3 04:27:53 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_select): preserve errno if no error
+ occurred.
+Tue May 3 03:57:04 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_w32_fdcopy): add prototype. fixes
+ #4640
+Mon May 2 01:02:04 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils#chmod): accept symbolic mode argument.
+ The patch was written by takkanm. [ruby-core:26029][Feature #2190]
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils#fu_mode): new helper function.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils#symbolic_modes_to_i): ditto.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils#mode_mask): ditto.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils#user_mask): ditto.
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb (TestFileUtils#test_chmod_symbol_mode):
+ new test for the above symbolic mode.
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb (TestFileUtils#test_chmod_R): ditto.
+Mon May 2 00:36:12 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * ext/socket/init.c (rsock_connect): add to care EINTR. based
+ on a patch from Eric Wong at [ruby-core:35621][Bug #4555]
+Sun May 1 01:06:24 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_select): release GVL while waiting select().
+Sat Apr 30 23:10:15 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_fdcopy): New. This can copy even though
+ fdset size exceed FD_SETSIZE.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_fd_copy): use rb_w32_fdcopy()
+Sat Apr 30 20:18:43 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (do_select): Change argument type to rb_fdset_t.
+ Now do_select() is free from unexpected hangup if
+ HAVE_RB_FD_INIT=1 [Bug #4636]
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_fd_select, rb_thread_wait_fd_rw):
+ adapt new argument type.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_select): make dummy implementation.
+Sat Apr 30 20:16:53 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_fd_copy): Change function argument. Now
+ rb_fd_copy() has fully copy semantics.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: ditto.
+Sat Apr 30 20:11:47 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_thread_select): mark as deprecated.
+ * ext/io/wait/wait.c (wait_readable): use rb_thread_fd_select
+ instead of rb_thread_select.
+ * ext/socket/init.c (wait_connectable0): ditto.
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_event): ditto.
+ * io.c (rb_io_wait_readable, wait_readable, rb_io_wait_writable,
+ wait_writable): ditto.
+Sat Apr 30 20:06:36 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (do_select): remove useless ifdef. time calculation
+ is not heavy weight.
+Sat Apr 30 16:48:36 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * benchmark/bm_io_select3.rb: New.
+Sat Apr 30 16:27:09 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (copy_stream_body, rb_io_s_copy_stream): move rb_fd_init()
+ from copy_stream_body to rb_io_s_copy_stream. fds of passing
+ rb_fd_term() have to be guaranteed initialized.
+Sat Apr 30 16:13:17 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * benchmark/bm_io_select.rb, benchmark/bm_io_select2.rb: New.
+ based on a patch from Eric Wong at [Feature #4531]
+Sat Apr 30 03:25:53 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/io/wait/test_io_wait.rb: New. for testing ext/io/wait.
+ the patch was written by Eric Wong. [Feature #4531]
+Sat Apr 30 00:34:56 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h: remove redundant declaration of
+ rb_w32_time_subtract().
+Sat Apr 30 00:16:40 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (gvl_init): fix hangup if GVL_SIMPLE_LOCK=1.
+ We don't have to call mutex_unlock() before initialize it!
+Fri Apr 29 13:15:15 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread_win32.c (native_cond_timedwait): New. r31373 caused
+ win32 build failure.
+ * thread_win32.c (__cond_timedwait, abs_timespec_to_timeout_ms):
+ New helper functions.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_time_subtract): rename from subtract and
+ remove static.
+Fri Apr 29 10:43:09 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * benchmark/bm_vm4_pipe.rb: Add two new benchmark for GVL
+ performance. They was written by Koichi Sasada.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm4_thread_pass.rb: ditto.
+Fri Apr 29 10:25:31 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_clear_cache_by_class): Revert r29673. It made
+ a segmentation fault regression. [Bug #4289][ruby-core:34554].
+Fri Apr 29 10:24:51 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (make_writeconv): do not add textmode newline decorator if any
+ newline decorator is set already. fixes #4618, fixes #4619
+Fri Apr 29 10:17:42 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (lock_func): small cleanup.
+Fri Apr 29 10:07:13 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_mutex_lock, lock_func): Avoid busy loop and
+ performance regression. bm_vm3_thread_mutex.rb performance
+ change from 109.064sec to 16.331sec. [Feature #4607]
+ * thread.c (init_lock_timeout): New helper function.
+Thu Apr 28 16:15:49 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/{win32.c,dir.h} (rb_w32_uopendir): new API to pass UTF-8 path.
+ * win32/win32.c (opendir_internal, rb_w32_opendir): extract and merge
+ common part of rb_w32_opendir() and rb_w32_uopendir().
+ * dir.c (do_opendir, glob_helper): encoding.
+ * dir.c (dir_initialize, do_opendir): convert path to UTF-8 and call
+ rb_w32_uopendir() instead of rb_w32_opendir() on Windows.
+ fixes #4491, reported by Joey Zhou.
+Thu Apr 28 15:32:53 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/dl/test_base.rb (DL::LIBC_SO): its always msvc*.dll on
+ mswin/mingw.
+Thu Apr 28 06:07:06 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/csv.rb (CSV::open): suppress universal newline decorator.
+ fixes #4603
+ * lib/csv.rb ( no mode is needed.
+Thu Apr 28 06:06:56 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_extract_modeenc, rb_f_backquote): set default text
+ mode. fixes #4619
+ * io.c (pipe_open): set universal newline decorator if needed.
+Wed Apr 27 11:33:08 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/trans/emoji_iso2022_kddi.trans: ISO-2022-JP-KDDI doesn't have
+ CP932 UDA. Another reason is emacs-mule: the implementation of
+ stateless-iso-2022-jp doesn't support beyond 94x94 (0x7fxx);
+ but CP932 UDA is in 7Fxx-92xx.
+Wed Apr 27 07:42:44 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (STRIP): use proper toolchain. based on a patch
+ from Jon Forums at [ruby-core:35909]. fixes #4617
+Wed Apr 27 01:20:59 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (date_zone_to_diff): renamed.
+ * ext/date/date_parse.c: ditto.
+ * ext/date/date_strptime.c: ditto.
+Wed Apr 27 01:16:59 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (enc_find): accept Encoding objects.
+Wed Apr 27 00:55:56 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * transcode.c (econv_opts): add newline option.
+ * io.c (validate_enc_binmode, rb_io_extract_modeenc): set newline
+ decorator according to open mode.
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_prepare_options): new function, to prepare
+ econv options with newline flags.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (ECONV_NEWLINE_DECORATOR_MASK): add.
+Wed Apr 27 00:51:01 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_truncate): fix function.
+ * include/ruby/win32.h (ftruncate, truncate, ftello, fseeko): non-64
+ versions on mingw are useless because they use int32_t. fixes #4564
+Wed Apr 27 00:50:33 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: modified validation methods.
+ * ext/date/lib/date.rb: ditto.
+Wed Apr 27 00:00:37 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (dt_lite_set_tmx): should get df value.
+Tue Apr 26 22:34:04 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/lib/date/format.rb (_iso8601): allowed day only civil
+ date. disallowed separatorless day only ordinal date.
+Mon Apr 25 21:31:36 2011 Nobuhiro Iwamatsu <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: Should check SSLv2_*method.
+ openssl compiled with "no-ssl2" the extconf don't fail
+ when running `make' having this compilation errors.
+ Patched by Laurent Arnoud. fixes #4562, #4556
+Mon Apr 25 20:53:32 2011 Tajima, Akio <>
+ * win32/win32.c (kill): accept 0 only sig is SIGINT #4596
+Mon Apr 25 19:59:47 2011 Tajima, Akio <>
+ * win32/win32.c (kill): accept 0 as pid, fixes #4596
+Mon Apr 25 16:43:45 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * random.c (random_rand): remove unused variables.
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_define_without_accessor): ditto.
+ * strftime.c (rb_strftime_with_timespec): ditto.
+ * sprintf.c: ditto.
+ * time.c (time_asctime): remove useless GetTimeval().
+ * thread_pthread.c: cast to (void *) for %p.
+Mon Apr 25 11:02:11 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper/sexp.rb: fix rdoc around sexp.
+ patched by Sho Hashimoto. fixes #4599
+Mon Apr 25 08:24:04 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * random.c (rb_f_rand, random_s_rand): RDocs for them.
+Mon Apr 25 07:18:00 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * random.c (random_s_rand, Init_Random): Random.rand should behave as
+ Random::DEFAULT.rand rather than Kernel#rand.
+ * random.c (rand_range, random_rand): rand_range function extracted
+ from random_rand function.
+ * random.c (rb_f_rand): accept a Range argument as Random#rand
+ [ruby-dev:43427] #4605
+Mon Apr 25 03:31:06 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/time.rb: require 'date'.
+ * ext/date/lib/date/format.rb: removed require line.
+Mon Apr 25 03:08:39 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/lib/date/format.rb: require 'date'.
+Mon Apr 25 03:04:16 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/lib/date/format.rb (_iso8601): added a pattern.
+Mon Apr 25 02:51:22 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/date/lib/date/format.rb: require ''.
+ date/format needs methods which are now in
+ This breaks make rdoc which uses Date._parse from time.rb.
+Mon Apr 25 02:47:46 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/lib/date/format.rb (_iso8601): fixed a bug of regex.
+Mon Apr 25 02:12:26 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/lib/date/format.rb: an adjustment of regex.
+Mon Apr 25 01:58:50 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/lib/date/format.rb: omitted to call _parse.
+Mon Apr 25 01:03:03 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * string.c (rb_to_id): remove unused variable.
+Sun Apr 24 22:19:05 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c, rational.c: omitted some method calls.
+Sun Apr 24 02:57:27 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_parse.c (n2i): takes long.
+Sun Apr 24 02:51:06 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_parse.c: reverted.
+Sun Apr 24 02:25:23 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: pcc can't use __builtin_constant_p.
+ * vm_exec.c: change condition.
+Sun Apr 24 01:58:01 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (leap_p): suppress warning: parentheses.
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (date_s__parse_internal): remove unused
+ variable "str".
+ * ext/date/date_parse.c (parse_ddd_cb): use RSTRING_LENINT.
+ * ext/date/date_strftime.c (date_strftime_with_tmx): remove unused
+ variable.
+Sun Apr 24 00:34:23 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_parse.c: removed some unused macros. use strchr()
+ instead of index().
+Sat Apr 23 21:29:42 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: replacement of implementation of
+ _parse. [experimental]
+ * ext/date/date_parse.c: new.
+ * ext/date/lib/date/format.rb: removed ruby version of _parse.
+Fri Apr 22 12:04:15 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_sort_bang): fix rdoc.
+ patched by burningTyger.
+Fri Apr 22 11:49:49 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc/create.rb (XMLRPC::Create#conv2value):
+ XML-RPC's int is 32bit int, and Fixnum also may be beyond 32bit.
+ * lib/xmlrpc/create.rb (XMLRPC::Create#conv2value):
+ XML-RPC doesn't allow Infinity and NaN.
+Fri Apr 22 04:16:14 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/parser.c (parse): strings from psych have proper taint
+ markings.
+ * test/psych/test_tainted.rb: test for string taint
+Thu Apr 21 01:30:02 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * random.c (rb_f_srand): fix rdoc: srand(0)'s 0 is a seed.
+ [ruby-core:35833] fixes #4590
+Thu Apr 21 01:01:28 2011 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * win32/win32.c (CreateChild): maximum length of lpCommandLine is
+ 32,768 characters, including the Unicode terminating null character.
+Wed Apr 20 21:32:11 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_strptime.c (date__strptime_internal): do not
+ overwrite local variables.
+Wed Apr 20 14:41:28 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_each_line): check string's length when compare
+ separator and string. [ruby-core:35815] fixes #4586
+Wed Apr 20 00:02:13 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-parse-partial): use position of open paren.
+Tue Apr 19 01:00:21 2011 Tajima Akio <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (TestIO#test_cross_thread_close_fd):
+ skip cross thread pipe close if windows
+Mon Apr 18 12:15:46 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_range.rb (TestRange#test_step_ruby_core_35753):
+ avoid float error. [ruby-core:35804]
+Sun Apr 17 00:20:14 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_{core,strftime}.c: use struct tmx instead of vtm.
+ * ext/date/date_tmx.h: new.
+Sat Apr 16 22:23:52 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_strftime.c (date_strftime_wo_timespec): changed
+ the way of validation of locale modifiers.
+Sat Apr 16 21:55:12 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: replacement of implementation of
+ _strptime. [experimental]
+ * ext/date/date_strptime.c: new.
+ * ext/date/lib/date/format.rb: removed ruby version of _strptime.
+Sat Apr 16 10:18:30 2011 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * vm.c (Init_VM): suppress warning: "OPT_BASIC_OPERATIONS" is not
+ defined.
+Fri Apr 15 23:41:18 2011 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): suppress warning:
+Fri Apr 15 15:10:29 2011 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (#route_from_path): Fix a bug where
+ URI('http://h/b/').route_to('http://h/b') wrongly returned './'
+ (should be '../b'). [Bug #4476]
+Fri Apr 15 14:58:06 2011 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils#touch): Fix corrupted output when
+ mtime is specified in addition to nocreate (and verbose).
+ ref [ruby-dev:43401]
+Thu Apr 14 23:43:43 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * numeric.c (ruby_float_step): wrong loop condition.
+ fixes [ruby-core:35753], reported by Joey Zhou.
+ * test/ruby/test_range.rb (TestRange#test_step_ruby_core_35753):
+ test above change.
+Thu Apr 14 22:48:12 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Options#setup_options): set possible
+ values for completion. no conversion is needed.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Runner::Worker#initialize): use
+ positional arguments instead of keyword arguments.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Runner#jobs_status): io/console may
+ not be available. use 80 as the last resort if IO#winsize and
+ COLUMNS are unavailable.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Runner::Worker#died): rename using a
+ verb.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Runner#_run_parallel): check if worker
+ is signaled and use its exit status.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Runner::Worker#dead): no longer @in
+ and @out are separated.
+Thu Apr 14 21:23:29 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c (rb_autoload_p): search superclasses as same as actual
+ loading. fixes [ruby-core:35679]
+Thu Apr 14 21:21:06 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h (frexp, modf): wrongly declared as pure in
+ mingw math.h.
+ * include/ruby/win32.h (ftruncate, truncate): mingw64 misses
+ prototypes.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_read): suppress warning.
+Thu Apr 14 19:55:54 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils#touch): fix corrupted output when
+ FileUtils.touch(:nocreate => true, :verbose => true) case.
+ The patch was written by Hiroyuki Iwatsuki. [ruby-dev:43401]
+Thu Apr 14 16:01:45 2011 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * io.c (rb_f_syscall): suppress warning: "HAVE___SYSCALL" is not
+ defined.
+Thu Apr 14 00:41:09 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * thread.c (thread_fd_close_i): IOError exception should be assigned
+ to rb_thread_t::thrown_errinfo.
+Wed Apr 13 20:12:26 2011 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_fdatasync): remove unused variable.
+Tue Apr 12 20:54:12 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/st.h: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Tue Apr 12 19:19:50 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb: avoid race condition. fixes #4572
+Tue Apr 12 18:07:13 2011 TAKAO Kouji <>
+ * ext/readline/extconf.rb: --disable-libedit to disable
+ libedit. fixes #4550
+Tue Apr 12 10:37:39 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h: VC doesn't have ftruncate() and others, but
+ ruby needs HAVE_ macros to use our emulation functions.
+ (fix the problem of 31262)
+Tue Apr 12 01:33:00 2011 Luis Lavena <>
+ * properly evaluate existence of truncate, ftruncate
+ and ftello for MinGW. [ruby-core:35678]
+ * win32/win32.c: rename truncate, ftruncate and ftello to avoid
+ redefinitions.
+ * win32/win32.h: ditto.
+Mon Apr 11 21:51:52 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c: revert r31230. Because it made a regression.
+ [ruby-core:35631]
+Mon Apr 11 21:49:18 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb: Added TestIO#test_cross_thread_close_stdio
+ and TestIO#test_cross_thread_close_fd.
+ The patch was written by Eric Wong. [ruby-core:35669]
+Mon Apr 11 21:15:54 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * file.c (rb_group_member): kill 256K of stack usage.
+ the patch was written by Eric Wong. [ruby-core:35699]
+Mon Apr 11 07:24:13 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c: Fix typo, document version constants.
+Sun Apr 10 22:23:45 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Sat Apr 9 23:31:47 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_each, strio_readlines):
+ Use `NUM2LONG` instead of `FIX2INT`. Fixes [ruby-dev:43395].
+Sat Apr 9 23:22:27 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_each):
+ Fix exception message and don't raise immediately if block is not
+ given.
+ Fixes [ruby-dev:43394].
+ * test/stringio/test_stringio.rb (test_each_line_limit_0):
+ Fix test for above.
+Sat Apr 9 21:54:15 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_each, strio_readlines):
+ limit must not be zero. Fixes [ruby-dev:43392].
+ * test/stringio/test_stringio.rb: Add tests for above.
+Sat Apr 9 18:01:36 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/util.h: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Fri Apr 8 16:01:56 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_getline): check whether str is
+ a string when str and lim are given.
+Thu Apr 7 20:03:52 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/io.h: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Wed Apr 6 21:08:31 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Wed Apr 6 15:12:40 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dh.c (ossl_dh_initialize):
+ pop pushed error after each try of reading. fixes #4550
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dsa.c (ossl_dsa_initialize): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_ec.c (ossl_ec_initialize): ditto.
+Wed Apr 6 11:36:44 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_rsa.c (ossl_rsa_initialize):
+ pop pushed error after each try of reading. fixes #4550
+Tue Apr 5 20:33:43 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Mon Apr 4 22:02:16 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * ext/io/nonblock/nonblock.c (io_nonblock_set): Avoid F_SETFL if
+ we're not changing the O_NONBLOCK bit. F_SETFL is an expensive
+ operation since it needs to affect all processes with the same
+ file object.
+ The patch is written by Eric Wong. [ruby-core:35556]
+Mon Apr 4 21:41:26 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_syswrite): While local FS writes are usually
+ buffered, the buffers can be full or the file opened with
+ O_SYNC. IO#syswrite can also be used on blocking IOs
+ (pipe/socket) just like IO#write.
+ The patch is written by Eric Wong. [ruby-core:35554]
+Mon Apr 4 11:50:40 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/test_tempfile.rb: simply ignore platform dependent testcases
+ instead of skipping.
+Sun Apr 3 22:52:22 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * ext/syslog/syslog.c: improve rdoc.
+ a patch by Jonas Pfenniger. [ruby-core:35592] fixes #4545
+Sun Apr 3 22:10:09 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Sun Apr 3 21:33:58 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * disable fdatasync again on Mac OS X.
+ [ruby-core:35493][Bug #4500]
+Sun Apr 3 21:16:20 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (io_reopen): IO#close releases GVL if possible.
+ close() may block for certain file types (NFS, SO_LINGER
+ sockets, inotify), so let other threads run. The patch was
+ created by Eric Wong [ruby-core:35555][Bug #4527]
+ * io.c (fptr_finalize): ditto.
+ * io.c (maygvl_fclose): new.
+ * io.c (nogvl_fclose): ditto.
+ * io.c (maygvl_close): ditto.
+ * io.c (nogvl_close): ditto.
+Fri Apr 1 22:25:50 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/syslog/syslog.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Fri Apr 1 18:53:06 2011 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/webrick/cookie.rb (WEBrick::Cookie.parse): 'white space is
+ permitted between tokens' according to RFC2965. Though 'Netscape
+ spec' does not define the syntax clearly, make it tolerant as a
+ server. As a real-world example, rest-client gem sends
+ 'Cookie: foo=1;bar=2'
+ * test/webrick/test_cookie.rb (test_parse_non_whitespace): test it.
+Fri Apr 1 13:19:20 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_core.h (RUBY_VM_CHECK_INTS_TH): merge a patch by ko1
+ in [ruby-dev:43373].
+Thu Mar 31 23:15:46 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-brace-to-do-end, ruby-do-end-to-brace):
+ adjust space between block beginning and block arguments
+Thu Mar 31 20:42:05 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Thu Mar 31 18:06:12 2011 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_get_ev_const): should ignore crefs with
+Thu Mar 31 16:49:56 2011 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_get_ev_const): search root cref properly.
+ [ruby-dev:43365]
+Thu Mar 31 14:50:25 2011 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_s_constants): should ignore crefs with
+Wed Mar 30 22:55:47 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-toggle-block): toggle do/end and {}.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-move-to-block): move to opening of
+ block.
+Wed Mar 30 14:35:15 2011 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.h (COPY_CREF): should copy
+ the NODE_FL_CREF_PUSHED_BY_EVAL flag to hide constants from
+ methods defined by class_eval. [ruby-dev:43365]
+Wed Mar 30 00:24:53 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Tue Mar 29 21:51:31 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * object.c (rb_String): Kernel#String should call to_str before to_s.
+Tue Mar 29 10:28:08 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/webrick/test_filehandler.rb
+ (WEBrick::TestFileHandler#test_short_filename): the cgi doesn't exist
+ on current directory.
+Tue Mar 29 05:19:57 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Tue Mar 29 00:03:51 2011 Tajima Akio <>
+ * test/webrick/test_filehandler.rb (test_short_filename):
+ read real short filename by cmd because smb mounted files
+ have different naming convention.
+Mon Mar 28 11:38:08 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (date_s_today): use int for year.
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (datetime_s_now): ditto.
+Mon Mar 28 11:07:41 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb: set MFLAGS from MAKEFLAGS when using nmake.
+Mon Mar 28 11:07:00 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * (love): all you need is love.
+Sun Mar 27 23:16:31 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ipsocket.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Sun Mar 27 16:55:34 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-mode-map): remove unnecessary
+ binding. fixes
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el: suppress warnings at byte compile. fixes
+Sun Mar 27 11:18:35 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: removed unused variables.
+Sat Mar 26 15:16:09 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/getaddrinfo.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Sat Mar 26 05:27:34 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/date/lib/date/format.rb (DateTime#strftime): removed because
+ date_core defines it.
+Fri Mar 25 21:59:45 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: should not force cast with macros.
+Fri Mar 25 21:56:10 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/sdbm/init.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Fri Mar 25 19:39:40 2011 Ben Walton <>
+ * test/test_syslog.rb:
+ Skip syslog tests that rely on LOG_PERROR unless it's defined
+ Instead of checking looking at the platform to determine if the tests
+ relying on LOG_PERROR should be run, look for the definition of the
+ constant as this will be robust against all platforms as long as the
+ underlying syslog.c code sets it up correctly.
+ This specifically addresses failures on Solaris 9.
+ Use LOG_PID instead of LOG_PERROR in test
+ LOG_PERROR isn't a POSIX option for syslog, so it fails on platforms
+ that don't define it. Solaris 9 and 10 are examples of this.
+ Use LOG_PID instead.
+Fri Mar 25 15:42:17 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/sdbm/_sdbm.c (sdbm_open): use size_t.
+ * ext/syck/bytecode.c: ditto.
+ * ext/sdbm/_sdbm.c (delpair): use ptrdiff_t.
+ * ext/sdbm/init.c: use RSTRING_LENINT.
+ * ext/dl/handle.c: suppress warning: shorten-64-to-32.
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c: ditto.
+ * ext/syck/emitter.c: ditto.
+ * ext/syck/implicit.c: ditto.
+ * ext/syck/syck.c: ditto.
+ * ext/syck/token.c: ditto.
+Fri Mar 25 12:14:58 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c: import nkf 7f18e30.
+Fri Mar 25 11:49:29 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (TestProcess#test_no_curdir): skip silently
+ on Windows, because this tests a platform specific feature and it'll
+ never be supported on ruby on Windows.
+ * test/ruby/test_dir_m17n.rb
+ (TestDir_M17N#test_filename_extutf8_invalid,
+ TestDir_M17N#test_filename_as_bytes_extutf8): ditto.
+ * test/open-uri/test_open-uri.rb
+ (TestOpenURI#test_find_proxy_case_sensitive_env): ditto.
+ * test/dl/test_handle.rb (DL::TestHandle#test_NEXT,
+ DL::TestHandle#test_DEFAULT): ditto.
+Thu Mar 24 23:06:29 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_get_ev_const): should not autoload in
+ defined? mode.
+ * variable.c (rb_const_defined_0): fix autoloading base.
+ [ruby-core:35509]
+Thu Mar 24 22:48:43 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/sdbm/_sdbm.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Thu Mar 24 14:45:57 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c: suppress warning: shorten-64-to-32.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.h: ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c: ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_bio.c: ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_bn.c: ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_cipher.c: ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_hmac.c: ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ns_spki.c: ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ocsp.c: ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs5.c: ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey.c: ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dh.c: ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dsa.c: ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_ec.c: ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_rsa.c: ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_rand.c: ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c: ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509ext.c: ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509name.c: ditto.
+Thu Mar 24 11:48:19 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_rand.c (ossl_rand_egd_bytes): use NUM2INT because
+ the result is used with functions whose argument is int.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_sslctx_setup): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509store.c (ossl_x509store_set_purpose): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509store.c (ossl_x509store_set_trust): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509store.c (ossl_x509stctx_set_purpose): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509store.c (ossl_x509stctx_set_trust): ditto.
+Thu Mar 24 11:36:55 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509name.c: id_aref's type is ID.
+Thu Mar 24 10:04:35 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/io/console/console.c (console_set_winsize):
+ suppress warning: shorten-64-to-32.
+Thu Mar 24 09:56:19 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ocsp.c (ossl_ocspreq_verify): flags is VALUE,
+ so it should use NUM2INT.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ocsp.c (ossl_ocspbres_verify): ditto.
+Wed Mar 23 21:09:29 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Wed Mar 23 08:07:33 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_round): fix inaccurate results.
+Wed Mar 23 00:12:16 2011 Tajima Akio <>
+ * win32/win32.c: wait process real termination after reading
+ exit code. fixes #4518
+Tue Mar 22 21:20:10 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/rubygems/test_case.rb: save current dir to @current_dir
+ before Dir.chdir.
+Tue Mar 22 20:10:04 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/psych/parser.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Tue Mar 22 20:10:01 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/ruby_missing.h: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Tue Mar 22 13:33:22 2011 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/buffering.rb: removed circular require of
+ openssl.rb.
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/*: removed following comment for transition
+ measures of avoiding circular require. No one claimed about this as
+ far as I know.
+ ##
+ # Should we care what if somebody require this file directly?
+ # require "openssl"
+Tue Mar 22 10:57:36 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/runner.rb: set Gem::TestCase's @@project_dir.
+ * lib/rubygems/test_case.rb: set Gem::TestCase's @@project_dir only
+ when it is not defined.
+Tue Mar 22 09:38:19 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_round): use pow instead of while-loop. fixes #4510
+ patched by Alex Young [ruby-core:35526]
+Tue Mar 22 06:47:46 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/date/date_strftime.c (date_strftime_wo_timespec):
+ suppress warning: shorten-64-to-32.
+Tue Mar 22 06:42:42 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: suppress warning: shorten-64-to-32.
+Tue Mar 22 06:41:37 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/test/unit/parallel.rb: remove unused variable.
+Tue Mar 22 06:19:42 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/utf_16le.c: suppress warning: shorten-64-to-32.
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c: ditto.
+ * ext/gdbm/gdbm.c: ditto.
+ * parse.y (Init_ripper): suppress warning: unused value.
+Mon Mar 21 11:21:32 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: Refactoring. Unified if and elsif.
+Sun Mar 20 23:09:34 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_strftime.c: checks duplicated modifiers.
+Sun Mar 20 22:32:30 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_strftime.c: removed unused code and arguments.
+Sun Mar 20 21:34:49 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: replacement of implementation of
+ strftime. It has some limitations that is same as Time's
+ one. [experimental]
+ * ext/date/date_strftime.c: new.
+ * ext/date/lib/date/format.rb: removed ruby version of strftime.
+Sun Mar 20 12:43:12 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509store.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Sun Mar 20 01:39:48 2011 Tajima Akio <>
+ * hash.c (ruby_setenv): check env process block size with OS ver.
+ * win32/win32.c: export rb_w32_osver for above patch.
+ * include/ruby/win32.h: declare rb_w32_osver for Win32 Libs.
+Sat Mar 19 18:35:05 2011 Tajima Akio <>
+ * hash.c (ruby_setenv): calculate total env block size for win32.
+ * test/ruby/test_env.rb: add test for above patch.
+Sat Mar 19 17:14:46 2011 Tajima Akio <>
+ * hash.c (ruby_setenv): checking with max process environment
+ block size for Win32. 32767 for 2000/XP, 2003. if failed to
+ read the block, then checking with 5120 for earlier Windows.
+Sat Mar 19 12:30:25 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509revoked.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Fri Mar 18 20:44:36 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509req.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Fri Mar 18 08:48:06 2011 Oleg Shaldybin <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils::Entry_#copy_file): updated FileUtils.cp
+ to still copy file permissions when :preserve is false (as cp does
+ this even when -p isn't set).
+Fri Mar 18 00:59:38 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/win32ole/extconf.rb (create_docfile): removed. should not
+ modify source directory unnecessarily, platform dependent
+ documentation should be dealt with by rdoc. [ruby-core:35495]
+Fri Mar 18 00:54:20 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_funcall_passing_block): add prototype.
+ a patch by James M. Lawrence at [ruby-core:35501]
+Wed Mar 17 06:23:31 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509name.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Wed Mar 16 20:36:56 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ipsocket.c (init_inetsock_internal): raise an error on
+ listen(2) failure.
+ reported by Xavier Shay. [ruby-core:35505]
+Wed Mar 16 15:06:21 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/buffering.rb (module OpenSSL): #flush should
+ not change sync mode on exception.
+ * test/openssl/test_buffering.rb: added
+Wed Mar 16 13:45:28 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/buffering.rb: de-nest Buffering module
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/buffering.rb: add RDoc
+Wed Mar 16 08:40:39 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509ext.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Tue Mar 15 18:34:27 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509crl.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Tue Mar 15 09:49:03 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * test/misc/test_ruby_mode.rb (test_singleton_class): Skip for Pending.
+Mon Mar 14 21:20:44 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_require.rb (test_require_too_long_filename):
+ increase path length, because MAXPATHLEN is defined as 4096 on linux.
+ * test/ruby/test_require.rb (test_require_path_home_1): ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_require.rb (test_require_path_home_2): ditto.
+Mon Mar 14 19:54:37 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509cert.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Sun Mar 13 18:11:28 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509attr.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Sun Mar 13 16:07:58 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * lib/pstore.rb: Fix don't raise "nested transaction" when thread_safe
+ is true. Patch by Masaki Matsushita (Glass_saga). [ruby-dev:43337]
+ * test/test_pstore.rb: Test for above.
+ Patch by Masaki Matsushita (Glass_saga) [ruby-dev:43337]
+Sat Mar 12 04:12:41 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl_session.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Sat Mar 12 02:27:07 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c ({d,dt}_lite_marshal_load): checks the given
+ argument.
+Sat Mar 12 01:26:24 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: changed some directives.
+Sat Mar 12 01:16:02 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c, ext/date/lib/*: moved rdoc descriptions.
+Sat Mar 12 00:06:24 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/lib: moved from lib.
+Fri Mar 11 23:32:38 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date/delta*: removed undocumented delta.
+Fri Mar 11 18:42:43 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (find_executable0): should exclude directories.
+Fri Mar 11 01:40:35 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * process.c (proc_getmaxgroups, proc_setmaxgroups): Process#maxgroups
+ and Process#maxgroups= now raise NotImplementedError if the
+ platform don't support supplementary groups concept.
+Fri Mar 11 01:25:03 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * process.c (get_sc_ngroups_max): return -1 if platform don't
+ support NGROUPS_MAX.
+Thu Mar 10 22:28:15 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.h: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Thu Mar 10 21:59:37 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * parse.y (parser_encode_length): add exception as UTF8-MAC for
+ magic comment's emacs newline specifier
+ patched by James M. Lawrence [ruby-core:35476] fixes #4489
+Thu Mar 10 16:00:22 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * parse.y (parser_encode_length): fix typo: the length of
+ "-dos" and "-mac" is not 5 but 4.
+ patched by James M. Lawrence [ruby-core:35476] fixes #4489
+Thu Mar 10 10:52:01 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_require.rb: setting too long string to ENV causes
+ Errno::EINVAL on Windows. long path name errors may causes over
+ about 1024 bytes, then limit it about 4000 bytes.
+Thu Mar 10 10:09:35 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Runner::Worker#read): fix for the case
+ when IO#read or IO#gets returns nil.
+Thu Mar 10 07:12:03 2011 Ryan Davis <>
+ * lib/rubygems*: Import rubygems 1.6.2 (release candidate @ 2026fbb5)
+ * test/rubygems: Ditto
+ * test/runner.rb: Added test to load path to fix test requires.
+Thu Mar 10 03:00:43 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Wed Mar 9 23:51:26 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io_m17n.rb (test_io_new_enc): "sjis" is now an alias
+ of Windows-31J.
+Wed Mar 9 23:06:13 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-parse-partial): fix indent after aref.
+Wed Mar 9 12:50:24 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: Rescue exceptions when
+ people implement the method method. Thanks Lin Jen-Shin.
+ [ruby-core:35255]
+ * test/psych/visitors/test_yaml_tree.rb: test for implementation of
+ method method.
+Wed Mar 9 11:53:31 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/shift_jis.c: Change SJIS as an alias of Windows-31J.
+ [ruby-dev:43027] fixes #4280
+ * enc/shift_jis.c: Add PCK as an alias of Windows-31J.
+Wed Mar 9 00:45:29 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb: nmake substitutes all occurrences in macro.
+ * ext/extmk.rb: workaround for nmake.
+Tue Mar 8 23:49:45 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * process.c (proc_setgroups): cleanup.
+Tue Mar 8 23:40:30 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/misc/test_ruby_mode.rb: test for ruby-mode.el.
+Tue Mar 8 23:27:38 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * process.c (get_sc_ngroups_max): try to use NGROUPS_MAX at first if
+ _SC_NGROUP_MAX is not defined.
+Tue Mar 8 23:10:16 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-parse-partial): fix for array in block.
+Tue Mar 8 21:44:49 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_rand.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Tue Mar 8 16:45:31 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * hash.c (ruby_setenv): MSDN says that Windows XP or earlier limits
+ the total size of environment block to 5,120 chars. and on such
+ OS, putenv() causes SEGV. So, ruby should limit the size of an
+ environment variable to 5,120 bytes for workaround.
+Tue Mar 8 15:57:20 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_spec_fetcher.rb
+ (TestGemSpecFetcher#test_cache_dir_escapes_windows_paths): cache_dir
+ may have driveletter and `:' for base of cache_dir itself, so need
+ to skip it for checking.
+Tue Mar 8 12:30:06 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-deep-indent-paren-p, ruby-calculate-indent):
+ do not apply deep-indent inside parens at the beginning of
+ expressions.
+Tue Mar 8 09:32:48 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (configure-ext, build-ext), ext/extmk.rb (extmake):
+ support parallel-make under ext.
+Tue Mar 8 09:25:23 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (proc_setgroups): use getgrnam() if getgrnam_r() is
+ not available.
+ * process.c: RARRAY_LEN() returns long int.
+Tue Mar 8 09:07:03 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_REPLACE_TYPE): enclose in quotes for multiple
+ type names.
+Tue Mar 8 01:43:11 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * process.c (get_sc_ngroups_max): define to wrap sysconf(3).
+ this also supports Windows which doesn't have sysconf(3).
+ * process.c (maxgroups): use get_sc_ngroups_max.
+ * process.c (proc_setmaxgroups): ditto.
+Tue Mar 8 01:16:49 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * gc.c (rb_objspace): an initializer must be a constant.
+Tue Mar 8 01:11:44 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * process.c (maxgroups): cast because sysconf(3)'s return value is long.
+ * process.c (proc_setmaxgroups): ditto.
+ * process.c (proc_setgroups): cast because RARRAY_LEN() is long.
+Tue Mar 8 00:02:47 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_rsa.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Mon Mar 7 22:59:39 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * lib/pstore.rb: Delete variable @transaction and fix #4474. Patch by
+ Masaki Matsushita (Glass_saga).
+ * test/test_pstore.rb(test_thread_safe): Add test for #4474.
+Mon Mar 7 21:31:38 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * process.c (proc_setgroups): replace getgrnam() with getgrnam_r()
+ because getgrnam() isn't thread safe.
+Mon Mar 7 20:49:12 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * process.c (proc_getmaxgroups, proc_setmaxgroups): reflect
+ platform maxgroups limitation by default instead hardcoded 65536.
+Mon Mar 7 17:13:00 2011 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_set_params): allow GC parameter configuration by
+ environment variables. based on a patch from funny-falcon at
+, but honors safe level.
+Mon Mar 7 09:05:18 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c: NUM2RLIM is defined but no getrlimit and setrlimit on
+ mingw.
+Mon Mar 7 08:38:14 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (DateTimeData): should not use bare 'long long'
+ and 'long double', which are not defined by C89.
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (dt_lite_plus): get rid of overflow at casting
+ down double to integer.
+Mon Mar 7 00:21:11 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * process.c (proc_getgroups): get rid of maxgroups dependency.
+ ngroups can be calculated dynamically.
+Sun Mar 6 23:45:40 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * rlim_t use standard RUBY_REPLACE_TYPE mechanism.
+Sun Mar 6 23:26:07 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * process.c (proc_setmaxgroups): added negative value check.
+ This was suggested by Daniel Berger. Thanks Daniel!
+ [ruby-core:35426][Bug#4467]
+Sun Mar 6 23:18:23 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * process.c (maxgroups, proc_setmaxgroups): increase max groups
+ limitation up to 65536.
+Sun Mar 6 22:20:59 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_ec.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Sun Mar 6 21:49:04 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * sample/list.rb (MyElem#initialize): initialize @head
+ explicitly. Otherwise -W2 option makes following warning.
+ "warning: instance variable @head not initialized".
+ This issue was founded by Andrew Grimm. Thanks Andrew!
+ [ruby-core:35435][Bug#4471]
+Sun Mar 6 05:21:41 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * class.c: fix camelCase to snake_case in documentation code examples.
+ patched by Andrew Grimm. fixes Bug #4469
+ * marshal.c: ditto.
+ * proc.c: ditto.
+ * sample/biorhythm.rb: ditto.
+ * vm_eval.c: ditto.
+ * vm_method.c: ditto.
+Sun Mar 6 03:22:27 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (io_cntl): use rb_thread_io_blocking_region() instead
+ rb_thread_blocking_region().
+Sat Mar 5 22:54:36 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: fix a typo of prototype declaration.
+ rb_mutex_try_lock -> rb_mutex_trylock [ruby-dev:43213]
+Sat Mar 5 19:44:03 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (TestIO#test_fcntl_lock): small clean up.
+Sat Mar 5 01:33:46 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (io_cntl, nogvl_io_cntl): IO.fcntl() and IO.ioctl()
+ release GVL during calling kernel interface.
+ Suggested by Eric Wong. [ruby-core:35417][Bug #4463]
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (TestIO#test_fcntl_lock): add new test for
+ IO.fcntl().
+Fri Mar 4 23:09:12 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * test/testunit/test_parallel.rb
+ (test_should_run_all_without_any_leaks): consider that the order of
+ testcase could change. [ruby-dev:43300] [Bug #4466]
+Fri Mar 4 22:01:14 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (io_cntl): change 'cmd' type to int. ioctl and fcntl need to
+ be passed int.
+ * io.c (rb_io_ctl): ditto.
+Fri Mar 4 21:10:40 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * save warnflags. the patch is created by Eric Wong.
+ [Bug #4465]
+Wed Mar 2 21:15:00 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dsa.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Thu Mar 3 22:10:26 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * process.c (check_exec_redirect_fd, check_exec_redirect): raise
+ ArgumentError if fd >= 3 on Windows because the feature is not
+ supported.
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (test_execopts_redirect): remove meaningless
+ argument.
+Thu Mar 3 21:21:42 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (test_execopts_redirect): redirecting fd
+ >= 3 is not supported on Windows, so should not specify such options
+ when calling spawn or others.
+Thu Mar 3 18:59:04 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_slice_bang): raise error when the string is frozen.
+Thu Mar 3 14:25:19 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * strftime.c (STRFTIME): return 0 and ERANGE when precision is too
+ large. [ruby-dev:43284] fixes #4456
+Thu Mar 3 00:46:51 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * addr2line.c (uleb128): cast the value to unsigned long.
+ * addr2line.c (fill_lines): print error when lseek fails.
+Thu Mar 3 00:36:29 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/rexml/encoding.rb (REXML::Encoding#encoding=): store @encoding
+ a String which means the name of the encoding.
+ this partially revert r29646.
+ * lib/rexml/document.rb: follow above.
+ * lib/rexml/output.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rexml/source.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rexml/xmldecl.rb: ditto.
+Wed Mar 2 23:19:56 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (str_byte_substr): return nil for negative length.
+Wed Mar 2 21:15:00 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dh.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Wed Mar 2 14:24:04 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * lib/test/unit/parallel.rb: Fix name from `inclement_io` to
+ `increment_io`.
+Wed Mar 2 14:06:01 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_slice_bang): move treatments which is only needed
+ when the result is not nil.
+Wed Mar 2 14:02:29 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * test/testunit/test_parallel.rb(TestParallel#spawn_runner):
+ Fix outputting empty line in running test.
+ * test/testunit/tests_for_parallel/test_third.rb: Remove `sleep`
+Tue Mar 1 22:29:10 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey.h: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Tue Mar 1 22:02:35 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * lib/test/unit/parallel.rb: Fix number.
+Tue Mar 1 21:48:22 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * lib/test/unit/parallel.rb: For Windows.
+ * test/testunit/test_parallel.rb(TestParallelWorker#test_quit_in_test):
+ Fix for above specification change.
+ * test/testunit/test_parallel.rb(TestParallel#spawn_runner):
+ Fix outputting empty line in running test.
+Tue Mar 1 20:51:57 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/ruby/test_system.rb (TestSystem#test_system_at):
+ remove tests for [bug#4396]. because we decided to reject this
+ ticket.
+Tue Mar 1 19:46:19 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * test/date/{test_date.rb,test_date_attr.rb}: [ruby-dev:43280]
+Tue Mar 1 18:40:38 2011 Ryan Davis <ryan@YPCMC09457>
+ * lib/rubygems*: Import rubygems 1.6.0 (released version @ 58d8a0b9)
+ * test/rubygems: Ditto
+Tue Mar 1 16:22:22 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c: revert r30987 because it causes some failures in
+ test-all, especially webrick.
+Tue Mar 1 15:59:53 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_byteslice): the resulted encoding should keep
+ original encoding. this also fixes the encoding when the result
+ shares internal string. [ruby-core:35376]
+Tue Mar 1 13:25:00 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (VpMemAlloc): CVE-2011-0188.
+ Fixes a bug reported by Drew Yao <ayao at>
+Tue Mar 1 10:34:39 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_byteslice): Add String#byteslice. [ruby-core:35376]
+Tue Mar 1 00:12:49 2011 Tajima Akio <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h: define WIN32 if neither _WIN64 nor WIN32
+ defined. it forces to use push/pop for pack(4) pragma.
+Mon Feb 28 23:52:13 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * test/testunit/test_rake_integration.rb (test_with_rake_runner):
+ use assert_in_out_err for suppress messages.
+Mon Feb 28 22:48:56 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_spawn): use shell if a commandline contain
+ double-quote character.
+ * win32/win32.c (is_internal_cmd): similar, use shell if a commandline
+ contain caret character.
+ * test/ruby/test_system.rb (TestSystem#test_system_at): fix
+ wrong test case. if system() invoke a command by using shell,
+ system() never return nil. Also, "" quotation must not appear
+ twice in a command line.
+Mon Feb 28 17:36:57 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs7.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Mon Feb 28 16:48:42 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs12.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Mon Feb 28 16:28:15 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (tr_trans): when the hash for multibyte repl is empty,
+ tr is inverse mode, and a character doesn't much the table, the
+ character should be replaced by last replacement. Bug #4449
+Mon Feb 28 16:38:56 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ocsp.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Mon Feb 28 13:02:15 2011 Danial Pearce <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb: Fix example file paths in docs for tempfile.
+Mon Feb 28 12:56:18 2011 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_cipher.c (ossl_cipher_init): typo fix.
+Mon Feb 28 12:28:13 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (datetime_s_now): localtime() and localtime_r()
+ required time_t pointer as 1st parameter, and tv_sec member of struct
+ timeval is long.
+Mon Feb 28 11:57:40 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * test/testunit/test_parallel.rb: Temporally disable test on Windows.
+Mon Feb 28 07:28:35 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb(Test::Unit::Runner#after_worker_quit):
+ method name more be natural English.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb(Test::Unit::Runner::Worker.launch):
+ IO.sync doesn't need. Should use "b" for mode.
+Sun Feb 27 21:59:37 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/ruby/test_system.rb (TestSystem#test_system_redirect_win):
+ add test for system().
+Sun Feb 27 18:00:09 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: Refactoring; Worker never use Hash for internal
+ storage.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: Never use Kernel#spawn. Use IO.popen instead.
+Sun Feb 27 13:16:48 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ns_spki.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Sat Feb 26 17:07:53 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb: [Feature #4257]
+ * ext/date/extconf.rb: new
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: new
+Sat Feb 26 16:10:23 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: --jobs-status won't puts over 2 lines.
+ * test/testunit/test_parallel.rb: Fix test for above.
+ * lib/test/*: refactoring.
+Sat Feb 26 07:10:05 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/scalar_scanner.rb: fix parsing timezone's whose
+ whose format is (+/-)hhmm. Thanks Goncalo Silva!
+ * test/psych/test_scalar_scanner.rb: test for bug.
+Thu Feb 24 23:02:55 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_hmac.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Thu Feb 24 22:53:10 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (love): for the birthday.
+Thu Feb 24 22:51:54 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm.c (ruby_vm_destruct): run vm exit hooks after all objects are
+ destructed.
+Thu Feb 24 14:40:33 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * ChangeLog (vim): Modeline for vim
+Thu Feb 24 13:39:25 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * Use $RUNRUBY for worker process.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: Fix bug.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: @options[:ruby](@opts[:ruby]) is now Array.
+ * test/testunit/parallel.rb: Fix for above.
+Thu Feb 24 10:05:55 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * test/testunit/tests_for_parallel/misc.rb: Fix bug in r30947.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb, lib/test/unit/assertions.rb: For this test.
+Wed Feb 23 23:07:38 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * test/testunit/test_parallel.rb, test/testunit/parallel/*:
+ Test for r30939.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: For test.
+ * lib/test/parallel.rb: For test.
+ * lib/test/unit/testcase.rb: For test.
+Wed Feb 23 22:05:13 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_engine.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Tue Feb 22 23:15:17 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: Fix --ruby option doesn't effect.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: Fix typo.
+Tue Feb 22 21:39:28 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_digest.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Tue Feb 22 14:34:26 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: Fix merging miss.
+Tue Feb 22 12:27:26 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: Add new options; --jobs,-j,--ruby,--jobs-status,
+ --no-retry.
+ [Feature #4415] [ruby-dev:43226],[ruby-dev:43222],[ruby-core:35294]
+ * lib/test/unit/parallel.rb: Used at test/unit --jobs(-j) option.
+ * test/csv/test_serialization.rb: test/unit parallel running ready.
+ * test/rake/test_file_task.rb: test/unit parallel running ready.
+Tue Feb 22 06:09:10 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/syslog/syslog.c: Apply documentation patch from mathew murphy.
+ [Bug #4149]
+Tue Feb 22 03:09:10 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych.rb: increase Psych to 1.1.0 for help with
+ debugging.
+Tue Feb 22 03:04:46 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/streaming.rb: refactor streaming methods to a
+ module.
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/stream.rb: extracted streaming specific methods
+ to a module.
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/json/stream.rb: JSON stream inherits from
+ JSONTree and includes streaming methods.
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/json_tree.rb: JSON does not support
+ object references, so remove object reference testing when building
+ JSON trees.
+Tue Feb 22 02:41:51 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb (accept): use Hash#key?
+ when looking up object references to err on the side of cache
+ misses.
+Mon Feb 21 10:58:39 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/json/yaml_events.rb: refactoring JSON event
+ handling methods to a module for reuse.
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/json/tree_builder.rb: AST builder uses JSON
+ event methods.
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/json/stream.rb: stream emitter uses JSON event
+ methods.
+Mon Feb 21 10:54:29 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/json/stream.rb: do not emit custom tags in maps
+ or sequences when emitting JSON.
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/json/tree_builder.rb: do not emit custom tags in
+ sequences when emitting JSON.
+ * test/psych/json/test_stream.rb: tests for custom stream emits.
+ * test/psych/test_json_tree.rb: tests for JSON emits.
+Mon Feb 21 10:05:10 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/json/ruby_events.rb: DRY up ruby event handling
+ for JSON.
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/json_tree.rb: use ruby events module
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/json/stream.rb: ditto
+Mon Feb 21 10:01:01 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/json/stream.rb: fix JSON stream emits to use
+ double quotes during stream.
+ * test/psych/json/test_stream.rb: tests to reflect changes.
+Mon Feb 21 00:38:56 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/ruby/test_system.rb (TestSystem#test_system_at):
+ add testcase for bug4396.
+Sun Feb 20 19:59:32 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_cipher.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Sun Feb 20 16:26:45 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (exec_recursive): prevent temporary objects from GC.
+ * prevent temporary objects from GC, and should not use
+ RSTRING_PTR() for function calls since it evaluates the argument
+ a couple of times.
+Sun Feb 20 16:22:53 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_flock): use rb_thread_io_blocking_region for the
+ time being.
+Sun Feb 20 05:33:17 2011 Ryan Davis <>
+ * lib/minitest/*.rb: Imported minitest 2.0.2 r6207.
+ * test/minitest/*: ditto
+Sun Feb 20 02:14:09 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * signal.c (sig_trap): avoid pthread_sigmask(xx, &mask, &mask) usage
+ because FreeBSD don't permit it. If it's used, it behave as
+ pthread_sigmask(xx, NULL, &mask).
+ * signal.c (init_sigchld): ditto.
+Sun Feb 20 00:46:51 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_bn.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Sat Feb 19 22:37:42 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_check_if_namespace): guard temporary object
+ from GC.
+Sat Feb 19 06:36:27 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: partial revert of r30849. [ruby-core:32864]
+ * test/testunit/test_rake_integration.rb: adding an integration test
+ with the rake loader to prevent regressions.
+Fri Feb 18 19:31:31 2011 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils::remove_entry_secure): there is a
+ race condition in the case where the given path is a directory,
+ and some other user can move that directory, and create a
+ symlink while this method is executing.
+ Reported by: Nicholas Jefferson <nicholas at>
+Fri Feb 18 00:28:39 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * compile.c (get_exception_sym2type): guard temporary object from GC.
+Thu Feb 17 23:54:29 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * iseq.c (prepare_iseq_build): initialize iseq_compile_data::err_info
+ with nil. this fix exception in rb_iseq_load().
+Thu Feb 17 22:32:35 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_marshal.rb (test_marshal_dump_extra_iv):
+ fix a typo of local variable. [Bug #3720] [ruby-dev:42083]
+Thu Feb 17 21:32:53 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.h: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Wed Feb 16 20:37:48 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * eval_jump.c (rb_exec_end_proc): changed at_exit and END proc
+ evaluation order. [Bug #4400] [ruby-core:35237]
+ * eval_jump.c (rb_mark_end_proc): ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_beginendblock.rb (TestBeginEndBlock#test_nested_at_exit):
+ added a test for nested at_exit.
+ * test/ruby/test_beginendblock.rb (TestBeginEndBlock#test_beginendblock):
+ changed the test to adopt new spec.
+Wed Feb 16 20:17:06 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/openssl_missing.h: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Tue Feb 15 21:37:45 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/gdbm/gdbm.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Tue Feb 15 20:34:53 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * array.c (ary_join_1): fix array size.
+Tue Feb 15 19:43:23 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * fix and resubmit r30621. [ruby-dev:43203]
+Tue Feb 15 15:41:30 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * array.c (array_join): copy the encoding of the first element as
+ an initial encoding.
+ * array.c (array_join_0): ditto.
+ * array.c (array_join_1): ditto.
+ * array.c (inspect_ary): ditto.
+ * array.c (array_join_1): add an argument to check the appending is
+ first one or not.
+Tue Feb 15 15:40:53 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * hash.c (inspect_i): copy the encoding of the first key as
+ an initial encoding.
+Mon Feb 14 15:00:16 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * array.c (inspect_ary): don't taint the inspected result of a
+ recursive array.
+Tue Feb 15 15:43:29 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_compatible): change the rule for empty strings:
+ remove the special treatment of the US-ASCII encoded empty string.
+ Now Encoding.compatible? usually respect the encoding of the
+ receiver.
+Tue Feb 15 15:39:37 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_enc_cr_str_buf_cat): remove special treatment of
+ ASCII-8BIT receivers.
+ * string.c (str_gsub): set initial encoding of the buffer as the
+ same of the receiver. [ruby-core:35141]
+Tue Feb 15 09:49:33 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_system.rb (TestSystem#test_system_at): use findstr
+ command instead of find command, because the latter is confusing
+ another famous Unix command.
+Mon Feb 14 23:01:19 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_io_blocking_region): reset th->waiting_fd
+ after blocking region, because remaining waiting_fd might
+ cause unnecessary IOError.
+Mon Feb 14 21:06:50 2011 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * revert r30621. That revision introduced mkmf test
+ failures and it turned out to be OK to revert. [ruby-dev:43203]
+Mon Feb 14 21:04:01 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/fiddle/conversions.h: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Mon Feb 14 18:41:47 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * win32/setup.mak (USE_RUBYGEMS): fixed r30835. It didn't work on
+ mswin32 port. If you changed win32/configure.bat, you should change
+ setup.mak too.
+Mon Feb 14 17:28:34 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/ruby/test_system.rb (TestSystem#test_system_at):
+ added test. [ruby-core:35218] (#4393)
+Mon Feb 14 13:15:35 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (is_internal_cmd): if the first char of prog is '@',
+ execute it via shell. [ruby-core:35218] (#4393)
+Mon Feb 14 10:33:45 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: revert r30863, because it causes too many noise.
+Mon Feb 14 07:34:55 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Sun Feb 13 19:41:47 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::RequireFiles#non_options): skip
+ test suites failed to load instead of mere messages.
+Sun Feb 13 09:56:44 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/openssl/test_config.rb (OpenSSL#test_freeze): fix error
+ message assertion.
+ * test/io/nonblock/test_flush.rb (TestIONonblock#flush_test):
+ return true to finish the test.
+ * test/syck/test_string.rb (Syck::TestString#test_non_binary_string):
+ use assert_not instead of refute, unless required minitest
+ explicitly.
+ * test/test_prime.rb (TestPrime::sieve.Integer): ditto.
+ * test/xmlrpc/webrick_testing.rb (WEBrick_Testing#start_server):
+ catch IOError when server socket was closed.
+Sun Feb 13 07:39:51 2011 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (enum_inject): typo fixed. a patch from Gaku Ueda in
+ [ruby-core:35216].
+Sun Feb 13 00:48:47 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb (Date#===): [ruby-core:35127]
+Sun Feb 13 00:29:18 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Options#process_args): always
+ return options.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::RequireFiles#non_options): return
+ if any test case get loaded.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::AutoRunner#initialize): do not add
+ default directory if it is nil.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::AutoRunner#process_args): return
+ true if any test cases to run.
+Sat Feb 12 23:17:43 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (assert_include): add alias.
+Sat Feb 12 14:44:20 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_io_blocking_region): new function to run
+ blocking region with GIL released, for fd.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_fd_close): implement. [ruby-core:35203]
+ * vm.c (th_init): rename from th_init2.
+Sat Feb 12 14:41:36 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::AutoRunner#initialize): use
+ default_dir if no test case given.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Runner): rename from Test::Unit::Mini.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::GlobOption#non_options): run tests
+ under base directory if no argument given.
+Sat Feb 12 08:03:12 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb (TestSetTraceFunc): ensure to use
+ method_added hook defined in Module.
+Sat Feb 12 01:04:02 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): enable rubygems if --gem option is given.
+ * ruby.c (process_options): load rubygems if it is disabled but
+ --gem option is given.
+Fri Feb 11 23:27:50 2011 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): add --gem=enabled as an alias of
+ --enable=gems and --gem=disabled as an alias of --disable=gems.
+ Gem named "enabled" or "disabled" has already been reserved
+ legitimately for this purpose.
+Fri Feb 11 23:17:04 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/dl/cfunc.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Fri Feb 11 21:41:53 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bin/testrb, test/runner.rb, lib/test/unit.rb: improve backward
+ compatibility.
+Fri Feb 11 19:45:26 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_cleanup): use rb_ary_free to free internal object.
+ * gc.h (RUBY_FREE_UNLESS_NULL): get rid of double free.
+ [ruby-core:35192]
+Fri Feb 11 16:57:03 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_transcode.rb (test_from_cp50221): fix wrong
+ assertion and move back.
+Fri Feb 11 14:33:18 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb (assert_no_match): alias for
+ backward compatibility.
+Fri Feb 11 12:06:48 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (add_gems, require_libraries, proc_options): add
+ --require and --gem options.
+Fri Feb 11 12:03:24 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (rubygems): add --disable-rubygems option.
+Fri Feb 11 11:39:03 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * template/ (CROSS_COMPILING): get rid of NameError.
+Thu Feb 10 23:12:34 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/dl/dl.h: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Wed Feb 9 23:11:27 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pty/pty.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Tue Feb 8 11:47:11 2011 Loren Sands-Ramshaw <>
+ * array.c: documentation clarification in rotate, rotate!,
+ index, and rindex. [ruby-core:35144]
+Wed Feb 9 09:45:43 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_encoding.rb: remove unnecessary (and wrong)
+ platform-dependent hacks.
+Wed Feb 9 00:47:18 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/etc/etc.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Tue Feb 8 19:38:00 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-expr-beg): fix for invalid nest errors.
+Tue Feb 8 19:22:59 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * (AC_MSG_CHECKING): fixed typo. the patch is
+ created by Benoit Daloze. Thanks a lot. [Bug #4384][ruby-core:35148]
+Tue Feb 8 16:04:03 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_sysopen): use NUM2MODET() instead NUM2UINT().
+Tue Feb 8 15:59:23 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * process.c (rb_run_exec_options_err): use MODET2NUM() instead
+Tue Feb 8 13:59:56 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * revert r30725. Now we have proper runtime fallback.
+ Therefore, no need compile time disabling. (see r30762).
+Tue Feb 8 01:00:21 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * process.c (proc_setgroups): add GC guard to prevent intermediate
+ variable from GC.
+Tue Feb 8 00:56:33 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-expr-beg, ruby-in-here-doc-p): tell
+ singleton class definitions from here documents.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-expr-beg, ruby-parse-partial): keyword
+ followed by colon is label.
+Mon Feb 7 22:56:16 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * lib/benchmark.rb (Benchmark#bmbm): use ensure clause instead of
+ Object#tap to restore STDOUT.sync.
+Mon Feb 7 22:34:20 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTP#connect): support SNI (Server Name
+ Indication) for HTTPS. [ruby-dev:43164]
+Mon Feb 7 16:05:32 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc: Upgrade to RDoc 3.5.3 Fixes [Bug #4376]
+Mon Feb 7 11:46:59 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (rdoc): add --encoding=UTF-8; ruby's rdoc must be UTF-8.
+Mon Feb 7 10:21:50 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_options.rb (TestRDocOptions#test_check_files):
+ there is no easy way to create owner unreadable file on Windows.
+ So, skip the test.
+Sun Feb 6 13:48:29 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/json/lib/json/common.rb (JSON::MissingUnicodeSupport.iconv):
+ should not drop rest of the result. use Iconv.conv instead.
+Sun Feb 6 12:46:02 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * string.c (gsub): Ensure result encoding is the same as input
+ encoding. [Bug #4340].
+Sun Feb 6 12:18:25 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (words, qwords): dispatch array events. based on a
+ patch from Michael Edgar. [Bug #4365].
+Sun Feb 6 12:12:59 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/fileutils/fileasserts.rb (FileAssertions): separate module.
+Sun Feb 6 11:29:23 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Sat Feb 5 22:01:59 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb (Test::Unit::Assertions#assert):
+ revert r30796. r30797 and r30798 are an alternative fix.
+ [ruby-dev:43174]
+Sat Feb 5 21:47:09 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (mlhs_basic): include mlhs_post for ripper. a patch
+ from Michael Edgar at [ruby-core:35078].
+Sat Feb 5 21:22:21 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb (assert_block): move from
+ test/fileutils/fileasserts.rb.
+ * test/fileutils/fileasserts.rb (assert_block): pass arguments
+ as-is. [ruby-dev:43174]
+Sat Feb 5 16:47:54 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb (Test::Unit::Assertions#assert):
+ msg can be passed nil. [Bug #4371] [ruby-dev:43174]
+Sat Feb 5 15:18:25 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc: Upgrade to RDoc 3.5.2
+Sat Feb 5 12:05:27 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (syck_node_init_copy): SyckNode is not
+ copiable. [ruby-core:35094]
+Sat Feb 5 11:48:47 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_cipher.c (ossl_cipher_alloc): leave data ptr
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_cipher.c (ossl_cipher_new, ossl_cipher_initialize):
+ allocate internal structure. [ruby-core:35094]
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_cipher.c (ossl_cipher_copy): ditto.
+Sat Feb 5 11:29:10 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/json/parser/parser.h (GET_PARSER): raise TypeError.
+ * ext/json/parser/parser.rl (cParser_initialize): ditto.
+ * ext/json/parser/parser.h (GET_PARSER): check if initialized.
+ [ruby-core:35079]
+ * ext/json/parser/parser.rl (cParser_initialize): ditto.
+Sat Feb 5 10:09:31 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * load.c (rb_get_expanded_load_path): always expand load paths.
+Sat Feb 5 09:38:08 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * transcode.c (encoded_dup): extract.
+Sat Feb 5 03:37:47 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils::LowMethods): make low level methods
+ in NoWrite and DryRun to do nothing. [ruby-dev:43129]
+ * test/fileutils/fileasserts.rb: add message arguments.
+ * test/fileutils/fileasserts.rb (Test::Unit::Assertions#assert_block):
+ show the given message.
+Sat Feb 5 02:09:39 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (lex_getline, parser_set_encode): set encoding of lines
+ in SCRIPT_LINES__ as source encoding. [ruby-dev:43168]
+Sat Feb 5 02:08:37 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm.c (ruby_thread_data_type): add prefix.
+Sat Feb 5 00:59:54 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * vm_core.h (GetThreadPtr): use TypedData_Get_Struct() instead
+ CoreDataFromValue() because we need type check. Otherwise,
+ type mismatch can cause segmentation fault crash.
+ [ruby-core:35086] [Ruby 1.9-Bug#4367]
+ * vm.c (thread_data_type): remove static.
+Fri Feb 4 19:14:27 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enc/trans/utf8_mac.trans: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Fri Feb 4 12:11:51 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * string.c (str_utf8_nth): fixed a condition of optimized lead
+ byte counting. [Bug #4366][ruby-dev:43170]
+Fri Feb 4 01:50:13 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * string.c (count_utf8_lead_bytes_with_word): wrote function
+ comments.
+Fri Feb 4 00:14:55 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (gzfile_reader_get_unused): no need to dup
+ before rb_str_resurrect.
+Thu Feb 3 20:04:44 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (CHECK): unused macro removed.
+Thu Feb 3 18:33:26 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (gzfile_reader_get_unused): use rb_str_resurrect
+ because gz->z.input is hidden string. [ruby-core:35057]
+Thu Feb 3 16:34:10 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/shift_jis.c (code_to_mbc): cast as int from the subtraction of
+ pointers.
+ * enc/utf_16le.c (utf16le_mbc_enc_len): use ptrdiff_t.
+ * enc/utf_32be.c (utf32be_left_adjust_char_head): ditto.
+ * enc/utf_32le.c (utf32le_left_adjust_char_head): ditto.
+Thu Feb 3 16:31:43 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * include/ruby/missing.h: don't use HAVE_STDDEF_H because it never
+ defined by configure though configure.bat defines it.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: move include stddef.h to defines.h
+ * include/ruby/defines.h: ditto.
+Wed Feb 2 20:25:04 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_enc_step_back): cast 4th argument 'n'
+ as int because Ruby usually treats length value as long but
+ onigenc_step_back's 4th argument is int.
+Thu Feb 3 07:20:46 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb: use Regexp::NOENCODING
+ rather than magic number.
+ * ext/syck/lib/syck/rubytypes.rb: ditto
+Thu Feb 3 07:16:11 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * re.c (Init_Regexp): added a constant for ARG_ENCODING_NONE
+ [ruby-core:35054]
+ * test/ruby/test_regexp.rb: corresponding test.
+Thu Feb 3 07:02:16 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb: ARG_ENCODING_NONE regular
+ expressions can round trip. [ruby-core:34969]
+ * test/psych/test_yaml.rb: test for ARG_ENCODING_NONE regex
+ * ext/sych/lib/syck/rubytypes.rb: ARG_ENCODING_NONE regular
+ expressions can round trip.
+ * test/syck/test_yaml.rb: test for ARG_ENCODING_NONE regex
+Wed Feb 2 17:09:22 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_fdatasync): Use fsync(2) if the underlying
+ operating system does not support fdatasync(2).
+Wed Feb 2 14:51:08 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/markup/to_tt_only.rb: commit miss
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_markup_to_tt_only.rb: ditto
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_single_class.rb: ditto
+Wed Feb 2 09:27:53 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc: Upgrade to RDoc 3.5.1
+Wed Feb 2 00:30:43 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * include/ruby/st.h (st_table): Added comment why we need __extension__.
+Tue Feb 1 20:45:44 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enc/encdb.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Tue Feb 1 15:12:26 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_require.rb (TestRequire#test_require_with_unc):
+ use ``'' instead of ``localhost'' as host name, because
+ XP or earlier cannot resolv it as NBT hostname.
+Tue Feb 1 13:20:39 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/benchmark/test_benchmark.rb (#capture_bench_output):
+ Added explicit sleep. Windows have imprecise time support.
+ Thus!{} may be or may be not equal 0. The
+ test failure started since r30747.
+Tue Feb 1 11:03:47 2011 Ryan Davis <ryan@lust.local>
+ * lib/rubygems*: Import rubygems 1.5.0 (released version @ 1fb59d0)
+ * test/rubygems: Ditto
+Tue Feb 1 08:01:39 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/io/console/console.c (console_set_winsize): new method to set
+ console size. [EXPERIMENTAL]
+ * ext/io/console/console.c (console_winsize): use GetWriteFD.
+Tue Feb 1 02:28:14 2011 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h, win32/win32.c: add rb_w32_inet_ntop.
+ inet_ntop's minimum supported client is Vista.
+Tue Feb 1 00:10:30 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/benchmark.rb: fix benchmark to work with current ruby.
+ patched by Benoit Daloze [ruby-core:33846] [ruby-dev:43143]
+ merged from
+ * lib/benchmark (Report#width): update documentation
+ * lib/benchmark: document the return value of #benchmark and the
+ :list attribute in Report
+ * lib/benchmark (Tms#format): rename variables, use String#%
+ instead of Kernel.format
+ * lib/benchmark: remove undocumented Benchmark::times (an alias
+ of Process::times used twice)
+ * lib/benchmark (#benchmark): use label_width for the caption
+ * lib/benchmark (Tms#initialize): rename variables
+ * lib/benchmark: allow title to not be a String and call #to_s
+ * lib/benchmark (Benchmark#bm): return an Array of the times with
+ the labels
+ * lib/benchmark: correct output for Benchmark#bmbm
+ (remove the extra space)
+ * lib/benchmark: add a few tests for Benchmark::Tms output
+ * lib/benchmark: improve style (enumerators, ljust, unused vars)
+ * lib/benchmark: add spec about output and return value
+ * lib/benchmark: improve basic style and consistency
+ no parenthesis for print and use interpolation instead of printf
+ * lib/benchmark: remove unnecessary conversions and variables
+ * lib/benchmark: correct indentation
+ * lib/benchmark: rename the FMTSTR constant and variable to FORMAT
+ * lib/benchmark: remove useless exception
+ * test/benchmark: remove unused variable warnings
+Mon Jan 31 23:27:23 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * node.c (add_id): remove duplicated rb_id2str() call.
+Sun Jan 30 17:19:46 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * missing/langinfo.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Mon Jan 31 21:57:39 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * revert r30698.
+Mon Jan 31 21:32:44 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * thread.c (thread_start_func_2): check deadlock condition before
+ release thread stack. fix memory violation when deadlock detected.
+ reported by Max Aller. [Bug #4009] [ruby-core:32982]
+Mon Jan 31 14:45:47 2011 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * lib/irb/locale.rb (IRB::Locale::#search_file):
+ Gem might be undefined if --disable-gems. [ruby-core:34990]
+Mon Jan 31 12:26:14 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * addr2line.c: suppressed shorten-64-to-32 warnings.
+ * regcomp.c: ditto.
+ * regexec.c: ditto.
+ * regint.h: ditto.
+ * regparse.c: ditto.
+ * regparse.h: ditto.
+ * time.c: ditto.
+ * variable.c: ditto.
+Mon Jan 31 04:45:12 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_uniq_bang): call ARY_SET_LEN(ary, 0) before
+ ary_resize_capa because ary_resize_capa expects resized length is
+ smaller than current array length. call rb_ary_unshare before
+ ary_resize_capa because ary_resize_capa lost the reference to
+ original shared array. [ruby-core:34997]
+Sun Jan 30 17:19:46 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * missing/crypt.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Sun Jan 30 16:40:27 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_security.rb (TestGemSecurity): valid only
+ if OpenSSL is available.
+ * test/dl/test_dl2.rb (TestDL#test_sin): math functions do not
+ work on x86_64 due to the design of DL2.
+ * test/dl/test_func.rb (DL::TestFunc#test_{sinf,sin): ditto.
+Sun Jan 30 16:09:22 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * strftime.c (rb_strftime_with_timespec): %G produces 4 digits.
+Sun Jan 30 15:13:19 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/emacs_mule.c (emacsmule_islead): 7bit range is also leading
+ byte.
+Sun Jan 30 13:03:16 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_fetch_m): use useful message for longer key, not a
+ nonsense id value.
+ * string.c (rb_str_ellipsize): new function to ellipsize a string.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_enc_step_back): new function to step
+ back n characters.
+Sun Jan 30 12:53:38 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/emacs_mule.c (emacsmule_islead): fix inverse condition.
+Sun Jan 30 09:37:25 2011 Yutaka Kanemoto <>
+ * io.c (struct argf): char behaves like an unsigned char
+ by default on AIX.
+Sun Jan 30 08:02:55 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * Mac OS X wrongly reports it has fdatasync(3).
+Sun Jan 30 03:29:47 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_bn.c (GetBNPtr): add missing nil case.
+ patched by Martin Bosslet. [ruby-core:34987]
+Sun Jan 30 01:02:28 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: Added NUM2MODET() and MODET2NUM() default
+ definition.
+ Because r30686 introduced win32 build failure.
+Sat Jan 29 22:16:26 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_join): [].join.encoding must be US-ASCII.
+ [ruby-list:47790]
+Sat Jan 29 20:22:39 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * benchmark/driver.rb (BenchmarkDriver#measure): Show command line
+ when abnormal exiting occur.
+Sat Jan 29 10:53:16 2011 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_get_ev_const): no-scope reference to toplevel
+ private constant has been prohibited incorrectly.
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb (test_toplevel_private_constant): add a
+ test for above.
+Sat Jan 29 08:43:23 2011 Ryan Davis <>
+ * lib/rubygems*: Import rubygems 1.5.0 (release candidate @ 09893d9)
+ * test/rubygems: Ditto
+Sat Jan 29 02:02:37 2011 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * variable.c (rb_mod_const_of, sv_i): Module#constant should exclude
+ private constants. see [ruby-core:32912].
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb (test_constants_with_private_constant): add
+ a test for above.
+Sat Jan 29 01:36:41 2011 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * variable.c (rb_const_set): const_set should preserve constant
+ visibility. see [ruby-core:32912].
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb: add a test for above.
+Sat Jan 29 01:24:57 2011 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * compile.c (NODE_CLASS, NODE_MODULE), insns.def (defineclass): raise
+ an exception when "class Foo::Bar" is evaluated and Foo::Bar is
+ private. To implement this, define_type of "defineclass" is added
+ so that the instruction can distinguish whether the class definition
+ is scoped (class Foo::Bar) or not (class Bar).
+ * test/ruby/test_class.rb (test_redefine_private_class),
+ test/ruby/test_module.rb
+ (test_define_module_under_private_constant): add tests for above.
+Sat Jan 29 01:19:17 2011 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * constant.h, variable.c: to ensure compatibility, rb_const_get_* must
+ not raise an exception even when the constant is private. Instead,
+ rb_public_const_get_* and rb_public_const_defined_* are introduced,
+ which raise an exception when the referring constant is private.
+ see [ruby-core:32912].
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_get_ev_const): use rb_public_const_get_* instead
+ of rb_const_get_* to follow the constant visibility when user code
+ refers a constant.
+ * test/ruby/test_marshal.rb (test_marshal_private_class): add a test.
+ This test had failed because of incompatibility of rb_const_get.
+Sat Jan 29 00:30:44 2011 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * variable.c (set_const_visibility): fix typo. a patch from Tomoyuki
+ Chikanaga in [ruby-core:32919].
+Fri Jan 28 23:20:28 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/gdbm/test_gdbm.rb (TestGDBM#test_s_open_no_create,
+ TestGDBM2#test_writer_open_notexist): We only need to skip libgdbm
+ 1.8.0, not all 1.8.x. 1.8.1 or later don't have GDBM_WRITER sickness.
+Fri Jan 28 21:56:57 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb: Added new header places for Fedora13.
+Fri Jan 28 21:49:30 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Fri Jan 28 17:47:33 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/gdbm/test_gdbm.rb (TestGDBM2#test_writer_open_notexist):
+ gdbm 1.8.x changed GDBM::WRITER behavior. Thus our testcase need
+ to be changed too.
+Fri Jan 28 17:33:28 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/gdbm/test_gdbm.rb (TestGDBM#test_s_open_no_create): skip
+ the test if gdbm version is 1.8.x.
+Fri Jan 28 16:30:51 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/ruby/test_require.rb (TestRequire#test_require_too_long_filename):
+ Added -w option because too long path error don't output a message
+ by default since r30660. [Bug #4336] [ruby-dev:43134]
+Fri Jan 28 16:19:38 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/ruby/test_require.rb (TestRequire#test_require_path_home_{1,2}):
+ Added -w option because too long path error don't output a message
+ by default since r30660. [Bug #4336] [ruby-dev:43134]
+Fri Jan 28 16:04:54 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/ruby/test_require.rb (TestRequire#test_require_path_home_{1,2,3}):
+ split from test_require_path_home.
+Fri Jan 28 13:04:38 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * (--with-valgrind): Fixed r29683. Now this option
+ is really default on.
+Fri Jan 28 12:05:48 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * Add #include<sys/stat.h> when struct stat is
+ tested. Otherwise, incomplete type dereference error will occur.
+Fri Jan 28 11:53:19 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * redundant variable names made strange conftest
+ error. Fixed it.
+Fri Jan 28 11:47:00 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (TestProcess#test_too_long_path{,2}):
+ should handle Errno::E2BIG, because this test checks crash of ruby,
+ not the error type system.
+Fri Jan 28 11:23:54 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_open): Use NUM2MODET() instead NUM2UINT().
+ * io.c (rb_scan_open_args): ditto.
+Fri Jan 28 10:58:20 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * Added mode_t type checking.
+ * process.c (rb_exec_arg_addopt): Use NUM2MODET() instead
+ NUM2LONG because clang makes compile error by this narrowing
+ conversion.
+ * process.c (rb_run_exec_options_err): ditto.
+Fri Jan 28 02:37:18 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_raise): add GC guard to prevent intermediate
+ variable from GC.
+Fri Jan 28 02:35:41 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_fetch_m): add GC guard to prevent intermediate
+ variable from GC.
+Fri Jan 28 01:33:51 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (TestProcess#test_too_long_path)
+ TestProcess#test_too_long_path): Reduced string size from 100MB
+ to 10MB. 100MB may cause no memory error. It isn't intended.
+Fri Jan 28 01:27:42 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (TestProcess#test_too_long_path2):
+ Factored out from test_too_long_path. A test should only do
+ one test.
+Thu Jan 27 23:29:36 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * st.c (st_foreach): check if unpacked.
+Thu Jan 27 23:14:19 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-mode-map): remove deprecated binding.
+ use M-; instead.
+Thu Jan 27 21:58:32 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_str_to_inum): get rid of too huge alloca().
+Thu Jan 27 21:43:29 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * object.c (rb_str_to_dbl): rewrite again. use ALLOCV instead
+ rb_str_tmp_new().
+Thu Jan 27 21:41:47 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * win32/win32.c: get rid of STRNDUPA(). It's dangerous API.
+Thu Jan 27 21:31:57 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_aspawn): get rid of too huge alloca().
+ [Bug #4330] [ruby-core:34898]
+Thu Jan 27 20:30:18 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_spawn): get rid of too huge alloca().
+Thu Jan 27 18:49:53 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * win32/win32.c (open_dir_handle): get rid of too huge alloca().
+Thu Jan 27 18:34:58 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * file.c (w32_io_info): get rid of too huge alloca().
+ [Bug #4313] [ruby-core:34830]
+Thu Jan 27 18:19:51 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * win32/win32.c (wstati64): get rid of too huge alloca().
+ [Bug #4316] [ruby-core:34834]
+Thu Jan 27 15:11:52 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_spawn, rb_w32_aspawn): get rid of too huge
+ alloca(). this is the real fix of [ruby-core:34833].
+Thu Jan 27 12:46:25 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (ALLOC_ARGV_WITH_STR): fix void pointer arithmetic.
+Thu Jan 27 08:41:40 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (proc_exec_v, rb_proc_exec_n, rb_proc_exec)
+ (proc_spawn_n, proc_spawn): get rid of too huge alloca().
+ [ruby-core:34827], [ruby-core:34833]
+Thu Jan 27 08:32:17 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (ALLOCV): new API for exception-safe
+ temporary buffer. [ruby-core:34844]
+ * string.c (rb_alloc_tmp_buffer, rb_free_tmp_buffer):
+ implementation of the API.
+Thu Jan 27 08:22:49 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dln_find.c (dln_find_1): use rb_warning and return immediately
+ if fname is longer than buffer.
+Wed Jan 26 22:57:30 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * class.c (clone_method): add GC guard to prevent intermediate
+ variable from GC. [Bug #4321] [ruby-dev:43107]
+Wed Jan 26 22:45:16 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * template/id.h.tmpl: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Wed Jan 26 22:28:49 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_throw_obj): add GC guard to prevent intermediate
+ variable from GC. [Bug #4322] [ruby-dev:43108]
+Wed Jan 26 17:08:59 2011 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c (ossl_asn1_decode0): OpenSSL::ASN1.decode
+ should reject indefinite length primitive encodings as that is
+ illegal. Patch by Martin Bosslet. See #4324.
+Wed Jan 26 10:36:28 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (=~): documentation fix; the return value is nil when
+ it doesn't match. patched by Andrei Kulakov [ruby-core:34562]
+Tue Jan 25 08:41:58 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dln_find.c (dln_find_1): omit too long pathnames.
+Tue Jan 25 08:28:19 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_resize): get rid of out-of-bound access.
+Tue Jan 25 07:48:22 2011 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb: remove unused variables.
+Tue Jan 25 07:45:44 2011 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb (TestThread#test_condvar_nolock_2): get
+ rid of method redefined.
+Tue Jan 25 07:00:52 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_string_value_cstr): rb_str_modify can change
+Tue Jan 25 03:24:28 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb: Added various ConditionVariable tests.
+Mon Jan 24 22:26:33 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * object.c (rb_str_to_dbl): Fix again. use rb_str_tmp_new()
+ instead ALLOC_N.
+Mon Jan 24 21:50:48 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.h: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Mon Jan 24 21:28:34 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * object.c (rb_str_to_dbl): use ALLOC_N instead ALLOCA_N because
+ ALLOC_N may cause stack overflow.
+Mon Jan 24 21:04:45 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (rb_invalid_str): prevent intermediate variable from GC.
+ [ruby-core:34820]
+Sun Jan 23 23:01:54 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/io/console/test_io_console.rb: Don't run test if the system
+ don't support io/console.
+Sun Jan 23 22:17:07 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/fiddle/test_fiddle.rb: Don't run test if the system don't support
+ fiddle.
+ * test/fiddle/test_function.rb: ditto.
+ * test/fiddle/test_closure.rb: ditto.
+Sun Jan 23 11:39:18 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * vm_exec.h: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Sun Jan 23 10:33:02 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * template/ (ruby): suppress warnings.
+Sun Jan 23 08:00:09 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (str_nth_len, str_utf8_nth): return the rest length together.
+ * string.c (rb_str_substr): get rid of measure the length always
+ to improve performance for huge string. [ruby-core:34648]
+Sun Jan 23 00:40:10 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/test_syslog.rb: Fix to make a lot of test failure if
+ the platform doesn't support syslog.
+Sat Jan 22 11:49:55 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb: fixing merge key support
+ when multiple merge keys are specified.
+ * test/psych/test_merge_keys.rb: tests for multi-merge key support
+Sat Jan 22 11:33:04 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb: merge keys are actually
+ part of YAML 1.1, so they should be supported. Remove warning and
+ merge keys to parent. [ruby-core:34679]
+ * test/psych/test_merge_keys.rb: test for merge keys
+Sat Jan 22 10:25:19 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/parser.c (parse): add the file name to the exception when
+ parse errors occur.
+ * test/psych/test_parser.rb: test for parse error file name
+Sat Jan 22 10:12:30 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/parser.c (parse): fix assertion error when reusing a
+ parser after an exception has been raised
+ * test/psych/test_parser.rb: test for assertion error
+Sat Jan 22 04:09:22 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/nodes/node.rb: Make Psych::Nodes::Node
+ enumerable.
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/depth_first.rb: Add a depth-first
+ visitor to enumerate over a YAML AST in a depth-first fashion
+ * test/psych/nodes/test_enumerable.rb: test for enumerating nodes
+ * test/psych/visitors/test_depth_first.rb: test for depth-first
+ visitor
+Sat Jan 22 00:53:42 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * vm_core.h: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Fri Jan 21 18:15:09 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * should not use -Werror=* flags while conftests.
+Fri Jan 21 09:17:00 2011 Luis Lavena <>
+ * Fix incorrectly detected x86_64-w64-mingw32 due
+ canonalization of target_os. Bug #3889 [ruby-core:32634]
+Thu Jan 20 23:44:00 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * Fix rb_cv_va_args_macro was broken. We are using
+ -Werror=implicit-function-declaration compile option. therefore
+ we need a function declaration explicitly.
+Thu Jan 20 23:58:02 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * node.h: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Thu Jan 20 23:25:28 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * Add '#include <stdlib.h>' to
+ rb_cv_localtime_overflow test too. It's reported by Tomoyuki
+ Chikanaga. Thanks.
+Thu Jan 20 16:11:00 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * README.EXT, README.EXT.ja: You shouldn't choose ``conftest.c'' as a
+ name of a source file.
+Thu Jan 20 12:15:44 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * Add stdlib.h inclusion into rb_cv_negative_time_t
+ test because it's required for exit(3). The patch is
+ created by Tomoyuki Chikanaga. [Bug #4287] [ruby-dev:43060]
+Thu Jan 20 11:39:41 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/webrick/utils.rb (TestWEBrick::RubyBin): test CGI does not need
+ to load rubygems. if it activated, ruby raises LoadError about
+ rbconfig.rb.
+Thu Jan 20 09:19:42 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/json_tree.rb: Fix JSON emit for
+ DateTime and Time classes.
+ * test/psych/test_json_tree.rb: test for JSON emit
+Thu Jan 20 08:02:46 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/coder.rb (represent_object): arbitrary objects
+ may be passed to the Psych::Coder object.
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: support for visiting
+ arbitrary objects set on the coder.
+ * test/psych/test_coder.rb: supporting test case.
+Thu Jan 20 06:03:17 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * method.h: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Wed Jan 19 13:16:05 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/commands/sources_command.rb: Finish removing code,
+ (fixes sources command test).
+Wed Jan 19 13:04:16 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * proc.c (proc_call): Add gc guard to avoid segfault. The fix
+ is created by Tomoyuki Chikanaga. [Bug #4238][ruby-dev:42963]
+Wed Jan 19 12:31:28 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems.rb: Since gem_prelude requires rubygems, enable
+ custom_require always.
+Wed Jan 19 12:08:08 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/commands/dependency_command.rb: Remove require of
+ deleted file.
+ * lib/rubygems/commands/fetch_command.rb: ditto
+ * lib/rubygems/commands/setup_command.rb: ditto
+ * lib/rubygems/commands/sources_command.rb: ditto
+ * lib/rubygems/commands/specification_command.rb: ditto
+Wed Jan 19 08:13:59 2011 Ryan Davis <>
+ * lib/rubygems*: Import rubygems 1.5.0 (release candidate)
+ * test/rubygems: Ditto
+Tue Jan 18 23:31:01 2011 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * parse.y: avoid NULL reference. [ruby-dev:43067]
+Wed Jan 19 02:54:04 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * vsnprintf.c (cvt): set first byte of buf to NUL for the case when
+ no bytes are written to the buf. [ruby-dev:43062]
+Tue Jan 18 23:04:51 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * gc.h: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Tue Jan 18 18:31:14 2011 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb/completion.rb: Irb tab completion support for XX::method
+ forms.
+Tue Jan 18 15:05:55 2011 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/logger.rb: added RDoc document for logging message escape
+ by Hal Brodigan. See #3869
+Tue Jan 18 07:53:52 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * eval_intern.h: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Tue Jan 18 04:42:44 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/parser.rb (Mark): Adding a class to wrap
+ marker information
+ * ext/psych/parser.c (mark): Add a method to return the mark object
+ for the parser
+ * test/psych/test_parser.rb: tests for the Mark class.
+Tue Jan 18 02:46:55 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/json_tree.rb (visit_String): JSON
+ strings should be dumped with double quotes. [ruby-core:34186]
+ * test/psych/test_json_tree.rb: test for double quotes
+Mon Jan 17 23:36:33 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_times): less MEMCPY calls.
+Mon Jan 17 22:54:33 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * debug.h: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Mon Jan 17 21:40:25 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (process_options): revert r30549.
+Sun Jan 16 20:55:45 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * vsnprintf.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Sat Jan 15 11:57:30 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (warnflags): add -Werror=implicit-function-declaration
+ if available.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (init_mkmf): ignore warnings in mkmf tests.
+ * test/mkmf/base.rb (setup, teardown): restore config values.
+ * test/mkmf/test_flags.rb: split from test_find_executable.rb.
+Sat Jan 15 10:04:14 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (process_options): autoload rubygems.
+ * tool/compile_prelude.rb (Prelude#initialize): ignore empty
+ preludes.
+ * ruby.c (ruby_init_prelude): get rid of global namespace
+ pollution.
+Sat Jan 15 09:42:12 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/io.h: missing prototypes.
+Fri Jan 14 23:25:55 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * vm_method.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Fri Jan 14 15:32:29 2011 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * test/net/imap/test_imap.rb: call neither logout nor disconnect
+ unless connected. patch by Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA. [ruby-dev:42860]
+Fri Jan 14 14:56:57 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb: use bytesize for binary strings.
+ patched by Yoshimasa Niwa. [ruby-core:34222]
+Fri Jan 14 14:01:12 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): the resulted string of unpack('M') must have
+ ASCII-8BIT encoding (and ENC_CODERANGE_VALID). [ruby-core:34482]
+Fri Jan 14 13:38:58 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (gzfile_check_footer): ISIZE (Input SIZE) in
+ gzip's header is the size of uncompressed input data modulo 2^32.
+ [ruby-core:34481]
+Fri Jan 14 11:36:25 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ *, win32/Makefile.sub (RUNRUBY): require path should
+ include "." because rbconfig.rb is there.
+Fri Jan 14 10:40:11 2011 Ryan Davis <ryan@lust.local>
+ * gem_prelude.rb: Just require rubygems. Fixes rubygems 1.4.
+ * lib/rubygems.rb: removed all Gem::Quickloader code.
+ * ruby.c: renamed ruby_init_gems to ruby_init_prelude. Set
+ $disable_rubygems since there is no fine grained mechanism to
+ skip parts of the prelude. Open to suggestions on how to do this
+ better.
+ * test/*.rb: Load path isn't set up correctly, so add
+ --disable-gems as needed to failing tests that are explicitly
+ testing stderr w/ ==.
+Fri Jan 14 07:30:47 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (argf_next_argv): go advance when the next file cannot be
+ read. [ruby-core:34446]
+Thu Jan 13 20:49:19 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Thu Jan 13 13:21:00 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * vm_dump.c: delete dashes to make lines 80 chars, Patched by
+ Shota Fukumori (sora_h). [Bug #4275] [ruby-dev:43021]
+Thu Jan 13 13:21:00 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * vm_dump.c: fix misspelling of CrashReporter, Patched by Shota
+ Fukumori (sora_h). [Bug #4275] [ruby-dev:43021]
+Thu Jan 13 06:27:29 2011 Ryan Davis <>
+ * error.c: Exception#to_s should actually call to_s.
+Thu Jan 13 00:32:54 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * addr2line.c (get_nth_dirname): decrement the directory index
+ because the index specifies the index of given included_directories
+ which is separated by NUL and its index is begun from 1.
+ Note that 0 specifies the current directory of the compilation.
+ see also
+Thu Jan 13 00:06:38 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (rb_f_syscall): Add warning messages. [ruby-core:34062]
+Thu Jan 13 00:00:07 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (rb_f_syscall): Some syscall return unsigned or pointer value.
+ Therefore we should only check the result is -1 or not.
+ [ruby-core:34062]
+Wed Jan 12 23:55:48 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (rb_f_syscall): Add 64bit Linux support. Some syscall takes
+ long type arguments.
+Wed Jan 12 19:37:10 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * vm_dump.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Wed Jan 12 19:28:23 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * vm.c (thread_free): reset ruby_current_thread if it points the
+ thread to free.
+ * gc.c (slot_sweep): don't call RUBY_VM_SET_FINALIZER_INTERRUPT if
+ there is no current thread.
+ [ruby-dev:43000]
+Wed Jan 12 19:09:29 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enum.c (sort_by_i): reenter check more strictly.
+ (sort_by_cmp): ditto.
+ [ruby-dev:43003] reported by Usaku NAKAMURA.
+Wed Jan 12 16:25:12 2011 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTP#connect): makes it timeout during
+ SSL handshake too. [ruby-core:34203]
+ Patch by Marc Slemko.
+ * test/net/http/test_http.rb (TestNetHTTP_v1_2#test_timeout_during_HTTP_session):
+ test for [ruby-core:34203]
+ * test/net/http/test_https.rb (TestNetHTTPS#test_timeout_during_SSL_handshake):
+ ditto.
+Wed Jan 12 16:24:53 2011 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * ext/readline/extconf.rb: new checks for RL_PROMPT_START_IGNORE
+ and RL_PROMPT_END_IGNORE. [ruby-core:34331]
+ * ext/readline/readline.c: enables USE_INSERT_IGNORE_ESCAPE only if
+ RL_PROMPT_{START,END}_IGNORE are available to get rid of compilation
+ error with libedit.
+Wed Jan 12 15:53:49 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * README.EXT.ja (rb_ensure): typo.
+Wed Jan 12 11:33:46 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * addr2line.c: OpenBSD uses the elf_abi.h header file instead of the
+ elf.h header file. patched by Jeremy Evans [ruby-core:34384]
+Wed Jan 12 03:59:36 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/webrick/test_cgi.rb: Removes usage of deprecated
+ :RequestHandler option.
+ patched by Peter Weldon [ruby-core:34010]
+ * test/webrick/test_httpproxy.rb: ditto.
+ * test/webrick/test_httpserver.rb: Add a test of the deprecation
+ behaviour.
+Wed Jan 12 08:37:07 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (hash_i): return different values for inverse hash.
+ [ruby-core:34334]
+Tue Jan 11 20:32:59 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * variable.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Tue Jan 11 13:06:38 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_resize): should care of embedded array when extending
+ the array.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_resize): need to set capa when changing the real
+ size of the array.
+ these are latent bugs.
+Mon Jan 10 22:46:43 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/defines.h (CASEFOLD_FILESYSTEM): HFS+ is case
+ insensitive.
+ * load.c (loaded_feature_path, rb_feature_p, load_lock): on a
+ case-insensitive filesystem, loaded features search should
+ ignore case. [ruby-core:34297]
+Mon Jan 10 21:34:12 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (showflags): show LD commands.
+Mon Jan 10 14:32:55 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_method.rb (TestMethod#test_define_method): method
+ transplanting between class and module is impossible.
+Mon Jan 10 13:51:17 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/rdoc-mode.el (rdoc-mode): show trailing whitespace.
+Mon Jan 10 11:22:02 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * util.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Mon Jan 10 07:41:31 2011 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * misc/README: mention rdoc-mode.el and ruby-style.el.
+Sun Jan 9 20:37:21 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Sun Jan 9 16:31:53 2011 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * io.c (Kernel.#syscall): implemented on LP64/LLP64 environments too.
+ also uses __syscall if available for *BSD on 64bit architecture.
+ [ruby-core:34062]
+Sun Jan 9 16:31:34 2011 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * lib/irb/locale.rb (IRB::Locale::LOCALE_NAME_RE):
+ some platform has a locale without territory but with
+ encoding.
+ (#each_sub_locale): ditto.
+Sun Jan 9 14:47:50 2011 TAKAO Kouji <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c: apply a patch from Nobuyoshi Nakada.
+ fixed #3616 [ruby-core:31484] IRB + readline incorrectly counts
+ non-printing characters in prompt
+Sat Jan 8 21:47:26 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enum.c (enum_sort_by): use rb_ary_resize.
+ (ary_cutoff): removed.
+Sat Jan 8 21:24:17 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * pack.c (swapf): compilation condition simplified.
+ (swapd): ditto.
+Sat Jan 8 20:51:25 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * pack.c (swapd): remove duplicated code.
+Sat Jan 8 19:28:55 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * thread.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Fri Jan 7 23:07:40 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (configuration): backref needs to capture.
+Fri Jan 7 21:57:22 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-mode-variables), misc/ruby-style.el:
+ show trailing whitespace.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-font-lock-syntactic-keywords): highlight
+ regexp after open bracket. [ruby-core:34183]
+Fri Jan 7 00:37:35 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Thu Jan 6 22:42:02 2011 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (bigmul1_karatsuba): avoid overflow that make assertion
+ fail in certain case. this patch is contributed from Ray Chason
+ <chasonr at> in personal communication.
+Thu Jan 6 20:55:49 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): ignore rest from first dot from
+ TARGET to generate init function name.
+ this is followup of r30464.
+Thu Jan 6 11:27:01 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/json/tree_builder.rb (start_mapping): tags
+ should not be included in JSON mapping
+Thu Jan 6 09:23:33 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb (eof?): BufferedIO should proxy eof? to the
+ underlying IO object.
+Thu Jan 6 09:12:31 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (configuration): fixing gsub when multiple error flags
+ are passed to GCC.
+Thu Jan 6 05:25:49 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_modify): export.
+Thu Jan 6 05:14:41 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (get_strio, strio_set_string)
+ (strio_reopen): check if frozen. [ruby-core:33648]
+Thu Jan 6 05:10:58 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_resize): new utility function. [ruby-dev:42912]
+Thu Jan 6 05:03:26 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dln.c (init_funcname_len): ignore rest from first dot.
+ [ruby-dev:41774]
+Thu Jan 6 02:55:48 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: use YAML 1.0 output
+ format for serializing nil values. Thanks Eric Hodel!
+ * test/psych/test_nil.rb: test for nil values
+Wed Jan 5 14:21:34 2011 Mark Dodwell <>
+ * string.c: fix rdoc typo.
+Wed Jan 5 14:06:01 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_options.rb (TestRDocOptions#test_check_files):
+ skip on Windows because chmod 0 doesn't mean unreadable by owner.
+Wed Jan 5 13:56:54 2011 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTP#get): A header hash given should not
+ be modified.
+Wed Jan 5 12:10:08 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/dl/{cfunc.c,dl.h,handle.c}, ext/fiddle/fiddle.{h,c}: Use _WIN32
+ rather than checking for windows.h. Thanks Jon Forums!
+ [ruby-core:33977]
+Sat Jan 1 17:02:50 2011 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * lib/irb/locale.rb (IRB::Locale#search_file): make it possible
+ to load a localization from a gem.
+ (IRB::Locale#lc_path): obsoleted because of the change of #search_file
+ (IRB::Locale#each_localized_path): new private method, based on
+ lc_path
+ (IRB::Locale#find): follows the change of #search_file.
+ (IRB::Locale#load): removed duplicate with #find.
+Sat Jan 1 11:44:42 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * strftime.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Sat Jan 1 11:10:29 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c: take care of platforms where long is bigger
+ than int.
+Sat Jan 1 11:03:58 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * NEWS (optparse): shell completion support.
+ * misc/README (rb_optparse.{bash,zsh}): for shell completion.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (VALUE rb_ary_print_on): I have never seen
+ this function anywhere.
+Sat Jan 1 04:20:11 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_write_console): don't raise exception when
+ the conversion is for writing to console.
+ Patched by Heesob Park [ruby-core:33999]
+Fri Dec 31 12:02:06 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enum.c (enum_sort_by): use less temporary objects.
+Fri Dec 31 11:46:47 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (warnflags), lib/mkmf.rb (configuration): turn
+ warnings into errors only for bundled extensions.
+ [ruby-core:33815]
+Fri Dec 31 11:15:57 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (sizeof): zlib.h mistakenly assumes the result
+ of sizeof to be int, not size_t.
+Fri Dec 31 10:27:34 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * st.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Fri Dec 31 03:23:26 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * vsnprintf.c (BSD__uqtoa): Fix overflow when long != quad_t.
+ patched by Peter Weldon <peter.weldon AT>
+ [ruby-core:33985]
+Fri Dec 31 03:00:34 2010 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * remove unnecessary semicolons.
+Thu Dec 30 23:09:47 2010 wanabe <>
+ * vm.c (vm_define_method): guard iseq from GC while method definition.
+ [ruby-dev:42832]
+Thu Dec 30 20:18:32 2010 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: ditto.
+Thu Dec 30 20:57:09 2010 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * Check V=1 argument if run "make clean" or similar.
+Thu Dec 30 20:41:50 2010 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * Kill ugly line continuation.
+Thu Dec 30 11:49:40 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * sprintf.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Wed Dec 29 21:20:13 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (maygvl_copy_stream_wait_readwrite): define if USE_SENDFILE
+Wed Dec 29 20:37:43 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb: strip current directory prefix.
+ * enc/depend (clean): remove name2ctype.h when out-of-place build.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (clean-enc): pass V to inferior make.
+Wed Dec 29 18:23:46 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_expr_str): need to escape if the coderange is invalid.
+Wed Dec 29 10:06:51 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * signal.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Wed Dec 29 07:22:15 2010 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rake/rdoctask.rb: Deprecate in favor of rdoc/task.
+Wed Dec 29 07:07:06 2010 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc: Import RDoc 3.1
+Tue Dec 28 18:36:38 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * error.c, include/ruby/intern.h (rb_compile_error_with_enc): new
+ function to raise syntax error, with source encoding'ed message.
+ * parse.y (compile_error): use above function.
+ [ruby-core:33951] (#4217)
+Tue Dec 28 07:37:38 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ruby.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Tue Dec 28 07:17:11 2010 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * NEWS: add ARGF.write and so on.
+Tue Dec 28 07:12:38 2010 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * NEWS: add new magic-comment. (warn-indent) [ruby-core:25442]
+Tue Dec 28 04:32:37 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/fiddle/extconf.rb: check for windows.h while building fiddle.
+ Thanks Jon Forums! [ruby-core:33923]
+Tue Dec 28 01:45:12 2010 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * NEWS: Add Zlib.deflate and Zlib.inflate.
+ [ruby-dev:42833]
+Mon Dec 27 21:22:33 2010 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * win32/configure.bat: Remove obsoleted coding rule. Now, we
+ don't support to build on Windows 95/98 and Me.
+Mon Dec 27 18:27:13 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Mon Dec 27 15:22:23 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/README.win32: note to need NT based OS to build ruby.
+Mon Dec 27 12:14:46 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * (EXTMK_ARGS): specify to pass macro V, because nmake
+ doesn't pass it via MAKEFLAGS.
+Mon Dec 27 10:33:43 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (Init_zlib): Add Zlib.deflate and Zlib.inflate.
+ [ruby-dev:42833]
+Mon Dec 27 07:38:07 2010 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * misc/rb_optparse.zsh: add compdef for generator.
+Mon Dec 27 07:32:07 2010 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser#compsys): escape brackets too.
+ [ruby-dev:42754]
+Mon Dec 27 01:30:08 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: add IF_NAMESIZE.
+ add a default for INET6_ADDRSTRLEN.
+Sun Dec 26 23:49:47 2010 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: suppress a strange error message when RMALL
+ found no such file.
+ * win32/rmall.bat: new.
+Sun Dec 26 21:23:23 2010 <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: fix 'nmake clean-enc' breakage since r28322.
+Sun Dec 26 22:25:07 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/ripper/depend (ripper.y): fix messages with nmake.
+ [ruby-dev:42896]
+Sun Dec 26 22:24:14 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (file_expand_path): get rid of warnings caused by
+ -Wdeclaration-after-statement on cygwin.
+Sun Dec 26 20:28:34 2010 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * process.c (before_exec): add small comment.
+Sun Dec 26 20:52:21 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: define INET_ADDRSTRLEN as 16 if not
+ available. fix compilation error on mswin32-60. reported by nobu.
+Sun Dec 26 19:37:37 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/option.c: define IFNAMSIZ if not available.
+ fix compilation error on mingw32. reported by nobu.
+Sun Dec 26 12:16:29 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/paths.rb (RDoc::RI::Paths::HOMEDIR): no exception if
+ HOME is not set. [ruby-core:33867]
+Sun Dec 26 11:39:11 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (stmt): missing ripper rule. i.e., `a::B ||= c 1'.
+Sun Dec 26 11:15:50 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/with_different_ofs.rb (DifferentOFS): should not affect
+ original classes.
+Sun Dec 26 09:35:07 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * rational.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Sun Dec 26 09:22:19 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/option.c (rb_if_indextoname): new function to abstract
+ environments without if_indextoname.
+ (inspect_ipv6_multicast_if): new function to inspect
+ [2].pack("I!")).inspect is
+ "#<Socket::Option: INET6 IPV6 MULTICAST_IF eth0>".
+Sun Dec 26 04:31:15 2010 Luis Lavena <>
+ * ext/dl/win32/registry.rb: Corrected RegCreateKeyExA signature.
+ Patch by Rafal Michalski [ruby-core:33874] [Ruby 1.9-Bug#4203]
+Sun Dec 26 02:31:58 2010 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (advice_arg_check): Change argument check.
+ Now, an unsupported advice makes NotImplementedError.
+ [ruby-dev:42887] [Ruby 1.9-Feature#4204]
+Sun Dec 26 03:00:53 2010 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: Fix build error which was introduced r30372.
+Sun Dec 26 01:37:10 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: check the existence of if_indextoname().
+ * ext/socket/option.c: yesterday's akr's commits destroyed the build of
+ some unrelated platforms (such as Windows).
+Sat Dec 25 23:29:11 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/option.c (inspect_ipv4_add_drop_membership): new function
+ to inspect struct ip_mreq and struct ip_mreqn for
+ [239,255,99,81, 0,0,0,0].pack("CCCCCCCC")).inspect is now
+ "#<Socket::Option: INET IP ADD_MEMBERSHIP>".
+ (inspect_ipv4_multicast_if): new function to inspect struct in_addr
+ and struct ip_mreqn for IP_MULTICAST_IF.
+ [192,168,0,7].pack("CCCC")).inspect is now
+ "#<Socket::Option: INET IP MULTICAST_IF>".
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: check struct ip_mreq and struct ip_mreqn.
+Sat Dec 25 22:49:10 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/csv: DifferentOFS needs to be include in each classes.
+ * test/digest/test_digest_extend.rb (TestDigestExtend#setup):
+ should not depend on the result of previous tests
+ * test/with_different_ofs.rb (DifferentOFS::WithDifferentOFS): give
+ name.
+ * test/with_different_ofs.rb (DifferentOFS): test suite for test
+ suites affected by $,.
+ * test/digest/test_digest_extend.rb (TestDigestExtend): should not
+ assume $, invariant.
+ * test/csv/test_data_converters.rb, test/csv/test_table.rb: don't
+ call setup within tests.
+Sat Dec 25 20:01:40 2010 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (pipe_open): Added rb_thread_atfork(). We must reinitialize
+ GVL at new process creation.
+Sat Dec 25 18:26:55 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/option.c (inspect_ipv6_mreq): new function to inspect
+ struct ipv6_mreq for IPV6_JOIN_GROUP and IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP.
+ [0xff12,0,0,0,0,0,0,1, 2].pack("nnnnnnnnI!")).inspect is now
+ "#<Socket::Option: INET6 IPV6 JOIN_GROUP ff12::1 eth0>".
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: check struct ipv6_mreq.
+Sat Dec 25 18:04:30 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/csv.rb (CSV.foreach): 'rb' mode is defaulted in open.
+ * lib/csv.rb (CSV#init_separators): cannonicalize encoding options
+ as Encoding objects.
+Sat Dec 25 18:30:34 2010 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_atfork): Add small comment why we need
+ reset random seed.
+Sat Dec 25 17:33:55 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/csv/base.rb (TestCSV.with_different_ofs): give name to
+ anonymous classes.
+ * lib/csv.rb (CSV#init_separators): use IO#gets with length
+ parameter to get rid of wrong conversion.
+ * lib/csv.rb (CSV::foreach, CSV#initialize): directly use encoding
+ * lib/csv.rb, test/csv: should not assume $, invariant.
+Sat Dec 25 16:08:06 2010 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * signal.c: change rb_atomic_t definition from uchar to uint.
+Sat Dec 25 15:04:05 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/csv/test_encodings.rb (TestEncodings#setup): fix evil test
+ suite writing to the source directory.
+Sat Dec 25 15:08:08 2010 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (chfunc): Added rb_thread_atfork_before_exec().
+ We must reinitialize GVL at new process creation. Otherwise
+ we may meet an insane deadlock. [Bug#4121][ruby-dev:42686]
+Sat Dec 25 14:27:09 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_extract_encoding_option): accept Encoding object as
+ encoding: optional argument. [ruby-dev:42884]
+Sat Dec 25 13:37:55 2010 Ryan Davis <>
+ * lib/minitest/*.rb: Imported minitest 2.0.2 r6093.
+Sat Dec 25 13:05:59 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * random.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Sat Dec 25 12:48:50 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * load.c (rb_f_require_relative): don't omit return type.
+Sat Dec 25 11:06:00 2010 Eric Hodel <>
+ * load.c (rb_f_require_relative): Add documentation.
+Sat Dec 25 11:02:52 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (gzreader_gets): support optional length
+ parameter.
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (gzfile_read, gzfile_readpartial): length should
+ be long.
+Sat Dec 25 10:51:03 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/json/generator/generator.{c,h} (fbuffer_free_only_buffer):
+ unused.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs5.c (ossl_pkcs5_pbkdf2_hmac): add casts.
+Fri Dec 24 08:46:04 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Thu Dec 23 19:17:14 2010 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * test/net/imap/cacert.pem: updated because it has been expired.
+ * test/net/imap/server.crt: signed again because CA cert was expired.
+Thu Dec 23 11:16:52 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * parse.y: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Thu Dec 23 11:00:09 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (rb_check_type): check for type from extensions for ruby
+ 1.8. see [ruby-core:33797].
+Thu Dec 23 08:12:59 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: refactoring Net::SMTP#esmtp= to use an
+ attr_accessor
+Thu Dec 23 06:35:41 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: Net::SMTP should close the SSL connection if the
+ connection verification fails.
+Thu Dec 23 01:47:58 2010 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * NEWS: remove #object_id. [ruby-dev:42840]
+Wed Dec 22 08:56:39 2010 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * NEWS: add Module#private_constant and Module#public_constant.
+ [ruby-dev:39685][ruby-core:32698]
+Wed Dec 22 07:59:23 2010 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * NEWS: add IO#advise. [ruby-core:33110] [Ruby 1.9-Feature#4038]
+Tue Dec 21 23:45:31 2010 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (Init_GC): move back object_id to Kernel. [ruby-dev:42840]
+Tue Dec 21 12:45:16 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (target_archs): remove temporary objects.
+ * enc/, enc/depend (clean): remove work directories.
+Tue Dec 21 07:39:12 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * pack.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Tue Dec 21 06:25:43 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/rexml/test_contrib.rb (ContribTester#test_pos): should not
+ use fixed path name for tests. [ruby-dev:42827]
+ * test/rexml/test_sax.rb (SAX2Tester#test_socket): should not use
+ fixed port for tests. [ruby-dev:42828]
+Tue Dec 21 06:10:18 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (setup_args), vm.c (invoke_block_from_c),
+ vm_insnhelper.c (caller_setup_args): reverted r30241 and r30243
+ except for the test.
+Tue Dec 21 01:41:42 2010 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * io.c : add an extra byte to buffer for the specification of read
+ in Windows. see [ruby-core:33460] and r29980. and, we have to
+ discuss how to do this one byte.
+Tue Dec 21 01:18:06 2010 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * error.c: Fix build error for win32. This regression was
+ introduced by r30271.
+Tue Dec 21 00:59:40 2010 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (thread_cleanup_func): Moved interrupted_lock
+ destroying code from native_thread_destroy() to
+ thread_cleanup_func() because it's platform independent logic.
+ * thread_win32.c (native_thread_destroy): ditto.
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_thread_destroy): ditto.
+Tue Dec 21 00:46:20 2010 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (thread_cleanup_func): Don't touch native threading
+ resource at fork. Sadly this is purely bandaid. We need to
+ implement proper fix later. [Bug #4169] [ruby-core:33767]
+Tue Dec 21 00:22:44 2010 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * error.c (exit_success_p): Check status code more carefully.
+ status code may have garbage in upper bit.
+Mon Dec 20 23:12:37 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * node.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Mon Dec 20 20:04:41 2010 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * NEWS: add #__id__ and #object_id. [ruby-dev:42778]
+Mon Dec 20 20:03:21 2010 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_thread_destroy): Fixed gvl_cond leak.
+Mon Dec 20 13:49:05 2010 Eric Hodel <>
+ * NEWS: Add item for RDoc 3.0.1
+ * lib/rdoc: Import RDoc 3.0.1, remove require for perl parser.
+Mon Dec 20 12:15:32 2010 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc: Import RDoc 3.0.
+Mon Dec 20 01:55:03 2010 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (Init_IO): Added O_DIRECT. This feature was proposed by
+ Run Paint Run Run.
+ [Feature #4015] [ruby-core:33018]
+Sun Dec 19 19:15:23 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * marshal.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Sat Dec 18 21:52:37 2010 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * vsnprintf.c (BSD_vfprintf): suppress warning: "_WIN32" is not
+ defined.
+Sat Dec 18 16:02:27 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (setup_args), vm.c (invoke_block_from_c),
+ vm_insnhelper.c (caller_setup_args): fix of r30241. lambda block
+ should check argument number.
+Sat Dec 18 14:42:29 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * load.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Sat Dec 18 10:07:04 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (setup_args, iseq_compile_each): optimize AMPER LAMBDA
+ combination as block.
+Fri Dec 17 22:07:16 2010 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (Init_GC): move #__id__ and #object_id to BasicObject.
+ [ruby-dev:42778]
+Fri Dec 17 19:35:13 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/mkmf/base.rb (TestMkmf::FakeLog): capture output from mkmf.
+ * test/mkmf/test_find_executable.rb (test_find_executable):
+ suppress meaningless differences for chkbuild.
+Fri Dec 17 13:26:54 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/setup.mak (BASERUBY): quit with an error when BASERUBY was not
+ able to set, just like does. [ruby-dev:42782]
+Fri Dec 17 07:04:09 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * iseq.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Fri Dec 17 04:18:37 2010 Eric Hodel <>
+ * transcode.c (str_encode): Alter comment for better wording and ri
+ output.
+Fri Dec 17 00:05:40 2010 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_advise): New API. IO#advise() allows to tell the
+ ruby runtime how it expects to use a file handle. This feature
+ can be improved a performance some situations.
+ Note: This feature is mainly developed by Run Paint Run Run.
+ Thank you! [ruby-core:33110] [Ruby 1.9-Feature#4038]
+ * io.c (do_io_advise): Helper function.
+ * io.c (io_advise_sym_to_const): ditto.
+Thu Dec 16 23:29:20 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb (bin-comm): use transformed name.
+ [ruby-dev:42777]
+Thu Dec 16 21:52:07 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Thu Dec 16 21:46:39 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/mkconfig.rb (RbConfig): honor ARCHFLAGS and RC_ARCHS to
+ override embedded ARCH_FLAG value on universal-darwin.
+Thu Dec 16 19:50:12 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/{configure.bat,setup.mak,Makefile.sub} (PROGRAM_PREFIX,
+ PROGRAM_SUFFIX): unite the differences of the names of macros of
+ prefix and suffix.
+ reported by HANEDA Norikatsu. [ruby-dev:42775]
+Thu Dec 16 08:04:47 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * node.h (RNode): match the type of flags to RBasic, and renamed
+ nd_file as nd_reserved.
+ * iseq.c (set_relation), vm_insnhelper.c (vm_cref_push): nd_file
+ is always zero-cleared.
+Thu Dec 16 07:22:30 2010 Ryan Davis <>
+ * lib/minitest/unit.rb: Imported minitest 2.0.1 r6079.
+Wed Dec 15 20:45:02 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (process_args): need to setup @help to print options.
+Wed Dec 15 11:19:33 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/zlib/test_zlib.rb (test_to_io): forgotten to fix with r30201.
+Wed Dec 15 11:07:34 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (simple_sendfile): enable on Mac OS X.
+ * io.c (nogvl_copy_stream_sendfile): moved precheck of copy length.
+ * io.c (nogvl_copy_stream_sendfile): should wait for both of
+ read/write fds.
+Wed Dec 15 07:11:55 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * hash.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Wed Dec 15 04:02:00 2010 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509ext.c (ossl_x509extfactory_set_config):
+ fix compile error when !HAVE_X509V3_SET_NCONF. Thanks
+ Chikanaga-san. [ruby-dev:42761] [Ruby 1.9-Bug#4158]
+Wed Dec 15 03:41:31 2010 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/ripper/test_parser_events.rb (TestRipper#test_block_variables):
+ Limit address space 100MB instead 100KB. Quite frankly, This
+ margin is too narrow to contain ruby. [ruby-dev:42763] [Bug#4159]
+Tue Dec 14 23:53:52 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (simple_sendfile): improve linux compatibility on FreeBSD,
+ and now it works. But without cpuset -l 0, it still gets stuck.
+Tue Dec 14 20:31:33 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * gc.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Tue Dec 14 18:31:48 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: help messages.
+Tue Dec 14 18:19:03 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * (help): there is no reason to use the abbreviation for here.
+Tue Dec 14 15:03:46 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (test_reopen, test_reinitialize): should close
+ the temporary files.
+Tue Dec 14 14:24:15 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (make_tempfile): change the prefix from 'foo'
+ to 'test_io' because the old one is meaningless and inconvenient.
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (test_binmode_after_closed): the temporary file
+ made by make_temfile is already closed.
+Tue Dec 14 13:52:19 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (test_flush_in_finalizer[12]): should close
+ temporary file because it's only used for taking pathname and
+ unlinking the file after the end of the test (in GC phase).
+Tue Dec 14 13:34:33 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (gzfile_s_open): should close the IO if some error
+ occurs in initializing.
+Tue Dec 14 13:04:16 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTPRequest#send_request_body_data):
+ set binmode to tempfile.
+Tue Dec 14 12:55:46 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/zlib/test_zlib.rb (*): should close files associated with zlib.
+Tue Dec 14 11:30:17 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_argf.rb (test_inplace_rename_impossible): unlink
+ the renamed temporary file on no_safe_rename platforms.
+ * test/ruby/test_argf.rb (test_readlines_limit_0,
+ test_each_line_limit_0): should close argf because the associated
+ Tempfile object cannot unlink the temporary file when it's gc'ed
+ on some platforms (Windows, etc.)
+Tue Dec 14 11:27:07 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/minitest/unit.rb (Minitest::Unit#_run_suite): split test
+ name and its time. Thiw allows to know test's name when you are
+ running tests and meet a test which spends long time at realtime.
+Tue Dec 14 11:25:20 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * Add -Werror=declaration-after-statement to default
+ warning flag. If you are using GCC, this flag is useful to
+ prevent breaking VC build.
+Tue Dec 14 10:25:57 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c (ossl_asn1_decode0): how many gcc-c99isms
+ must a man mend; before he can build with VC? r30178
+Mon Dec 13 21:26:33 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (simple_sendfile): disable the use of sendfile(2) on
+ FreeBSD. It blocks on TestIO#test_copy_stream_socket.
+Mon Dec 13 18:35:33 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c: define USE_SENDFILE on FreeBSD or DragonFly BSD.
+ Remove Mac OS X because its argument is different from them.
+Mon Dec 13 12:00:09 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * file.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Mon Dec 13 11:21:14 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (simple_sendfile): added for BSD version of sendfile(2).
+Mon Dec 13 09:50:09 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTPRequest#set_form): Added to support
+ both application/x-www-form-urlencoded and multipart/form-data.
+ There is a similar API, Net::HTTPRequest#set_form_data, but
+ to keep its compatibility this is newly added. [ruby-dev:42729]
+Sun Dec 12 23:45:27 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): fix for __goto__ and __label__
+ where were totally broken.
+Sun Dec 12 22:45:43 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (ID_H_INCLUDES): now id.h depends on vm_opts.h.
+Sun Dec 12 20:42:47 2010 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * template/id.h.tmpl: suppress all warning: "SUPPORT_JOKE" is not
+ defined. [ruby-dev:42730]
+Sun Dec 12 20:35:07 2010 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * misc/rb_optparse.zsh: update how to install.
+ * misc/rb_optparse.zsh: avoid error when setopt noclobber.
+ * lib/optparse.rb: fix typo. pointed out at
+ <>.
+Sun Dec 12 13:27:35 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * eval_error.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Sun Dec 12 11:53:24 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * error.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Sun Dec 12 04:01:58 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_inspect): fix: extra back slash is added when
+ the string is dummy encoding and includes \x22 or \x5C.
+Sun Dec 12 02:42:24 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c: indefinite length BER to DER encoding is
+ properly supported. Thanks Martin Bosslet! [ruby-core:33082]
+Sat Dec 11 17:43:34 2010 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.h: suppress "warning: 'VPrint' declared
+ 'static' but never defined".
+Sat Dec 11 09:24:57 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * encoding.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Sat Dec 11 08:12:48 2010 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c, ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_rsa.c: Document RSA, RSA
+ encryption/decryption and PKCS #5 encryption/decryption.
+Sat Dec 11 06:23:41 2010 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509name.c: include Comparable to provide #==.
+ Document OpenSSL::X509::Name#<=>. [Ruby 1.9-Feature#4116]
+Sat Dec 11 05:48:28 2010 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: infinite loop on method_missing at loading.
+ [ruby-dev:42716] [Ruby 1.9-Bug#4129]
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: when no eventloop is running, ruby freezes at
+ exit.
+Sat Dec 11 02:23:15 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: try pkgconfig first, then fall back to
+ normal have_library, etc. Thanks Erik Hollensbe. [ruby-core:32406]
+Fri Dec 10 22:33:39 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * dln_find.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Fri Dec 10 20:05:42 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * template/id.h.tmpl (ruby_method_ids): suppress warnings.
+ [ruby-dev:42730]
+Fri Dec 10 18:29:20 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (ruby_init_loadpath_safe): relatively called non-shared
+ binary cannot be found in PATH, so use given pathname.
+Fri Dec 10 18:28:40 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * cygwin/ (SCRIPTPROGRAMS): ignore backup files and etc.
+ * cygwin/ (scriptbin): set executable bit.
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb (install_recursive): always skip default ignored
+ files. if block is given, call it instead of calling install.
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb (bin-comm): use install_recursive.
+Fri Dec 10 18:12:31 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/mkmf/base.rb (TestMkmf#config_value): extract macro value from
+ config.h.
+ * test/mkmf/test_sizeof.rb (TestMkmf::TestSizeof#test_sizeof_builtin),
+ (TestMkmf::TestSizeof#test_sizeof_struct): more tests.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (check_signedness): should use the prelude code.
+ [ruby-dev:42731]
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (Logging.log_close): separate from Logging.logfile.
+ * test/mkmf/base.rb (TestMkmf::MKMFLOG): show mkmf.log at failures.
+ * test/mkmf/base.rb (TestMkmf#teardown): close log file for each tests.
+Fri Dec 10 11:36:43 2010 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * compile.c (enum): remove a comma at end of enumerator list.
+ * constant.h (rb_const_flag_t): ditto.
+ * iseq.h (enum catch_type): ditto.
+ * iseq.h (enum defined_type): ditto.
+ * vm_core.h (enum iseq_type): ditto.
+ * vm_core.h (enum vm_special_object_type): ditto.
+Fri Dec 10 10:47:53 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * sprintf.c (_HAVE_SANE_QUAD_): Don't forget LP64, r30156.
+Fri Dec 10 10:37:17 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * sprintf.c (_HAVE_SANE_QUAD_): if a certain platform has LONG_LONG in
+ 8 byte, it might be sane quad. [ruby-core:33634]
+Fri Dec 10 10:07:59 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: remove version 1.1 features.
+Fri Dec 10 02:18:02 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509store.c (ossl_x509stctx_cleanup): removing C
+ implementation of `cleanup`.
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/x509.rb: adding ruby implementation of
+ `cleanup`. OpenSSL::X509::StoreContext#cleanup is deprecated since
+ reusing the underlying struct doesn't make sense. [ruby-dev:42546]
+Thu Dec 9 20:14:39 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (lvar_defined_gen, shadowing_lvar_gen, dvar_defined): no
+ warnings for unused method and block arguments.
+ [ruby-dev:42718] [ruby-dev:42724]
+Thu Dec 9 19:25:49 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * dln.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Thu Dec 9 18:51:06 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/webrick/accesslog.rb (WEBrick::AccessLog#format): support
+ %{remote}p for logging remote (client) port number.
+ [ruby-dev:42670]
+Thu Dec 9 11:00:30 2010 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_dup): should copy contents only. no instance
+ variable, no class would be copied. it would affect methods
+ #sort, #reject, #transpose, #uniq, #compact, and #shuffle.
+ [ruby-core:33640]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_reverse_m): ditto.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_rotate_m): ditto.
+Wed Dec 8 21:38:40 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/struct.rb: clean a warning: assigned but unused
+ variable. patched by Kouhei Yanagita. [ruby-dev:42722]
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/import.rb: ditto.
+Wed Dec 8 21:36:16 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (shadowing_lvar_gen): fix line number. [ruby-dev:42718]
+Wed Dec 8 20:37:11 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * dir.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Tue Dec 7 22:37:15 2010 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * io.c (io_read): duplicate string if shared. [ruby-dev:42719]
+Tue Dec 7 22:31:08 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser::Officious): separate completion
+ options from --help. [ruby-dev:42690]
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser::Completion#candidate),
+ (OptionParser::Switch#compsys): remove unused variables.
+Tue Dec 7 22:05:25 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * transcode.c (transcode_loop): call default handler of the given
+ hash, method, proc or [] method as fallback. [ruby-dev:42692]
+Tue Dec 7 21:59:37 2010 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/light/node.rb: remove circular require.
+Tue Dec 7 21:56:01 2010 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_light.rb: really suppress a warning.
+Tue Dec 7 21:51:57 2010 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_light.rb: suppress a warning.
+Tue Dec 7 21:14:03 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * debug.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Tue Dec 7 21:06:38 2010 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/doctype.rb, test/rexml/test_doctype.rb: suppress warnings.
+ [ruby-core:33305]
+ Reported by Aaron Patterson. Thanks!!!
+Tue Dec 7 18:56:52 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/lib/kconv.rb (String#kconv): fix typo and update rdoc.
+ patched by Kouhei Yanagita [ruby-dev:42696]
+Tue Dec 7 20:32:11 2010 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_doctype.rb: add Accessor to test case name.
+Tue Dec 7 20:31:02 2010 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_doctype.rb: Doctype -> DocType.
+Tue Dec 7 20:29:23 2010 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_doctype_mixin.rb: rename to ...
+ * test/rexml/test_doctype.rb: ... this to remove needless name.
+Tue Dec 7 17:03:16 2010 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (xlist): supported the XLIST command, which is an
+ extension by Apple and Google. patch by Geoff Youngs.
+ [ruby-core:33521]
+Tue Dec 7 08:00:44 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, win32/Makefile.sub (WERRORFLAG): flag to treat
+ warnings as errors.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (Logging.postpone): yield log file object.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (xsystem): add options, :werror only right now.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (with_werror): check as if warnings are errors.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (convertible_int): make declaration conflict
+ warnings errors not to pass wrong type. [ruby-dev:42684]
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (COMMON_MACROS): get rid of conflicts.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (WARNFLAGS): make declaration conflict
+ warnings errors if possible.
+Sun Dec 7 21:16:10 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * cont.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Tue Dec 7 00:27:14 2010 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_read): fixed more for readline,
+ and so on. [ruby-core:33511]
+Mon Dec 6 23:18:22 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/mkmf/base.rb (TestMkmf#setup): run quietly.
+ * test/mkmf/test_find_executable.rb (test_find_executable): use
+ configured results.
+ * (test-build): test for build process.
+Mon Dec 6 22:47:15 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser#candidate): skip separators.
+ * sample/optparse/opttest.rb: should not override --help.
+ [ruby-dev:42690]
+Mon Dec 6 19:00:48 2010 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * misc/rb_optparse.zsh: fix typos.
+Mon Dec 6 18:59:04 2010 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * NEWS: add new encodings.
+Mon Dec 6 18:56:42 2010 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/ruby/test_string.rb (TestString#test_scan): add a test for
+ [ruby-core:33338] #4087.
+Mon Dec 6 18:55:36 2010 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/uri/test_common.rb (TestCommon#test_encode_www_form): add
+ tests for r30015.
+Mon Dec 6 10:39:54 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (URI::Parser#initialize_pattern):
+ refix for restrict the pattern.
+Mon Dec 6 09:45:11 2010 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/openssl (OpenSSL): add toplevel documentation
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (SSLContext, SSLSocket: add additional
+ documentation
+ * ext/openssl: move "let rdoc know about mOSSL" comments so they don't
+ show up in output
+Mon Dec 6 09:16:46 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (URI::Parser#initialize_pattern):
+ workaround fix pattern of hostname for RFC 3986. [ruby-dev:42672]
+Mon Dec 6 09:14:38 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (check_signedness): rename unused variable prelude.
+Sun Dec 5 17:56:36 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c (make_metaclass): fix probable typo. builtin type flag
+ cannot be used with FL_TEST.
+Sun Dec 5 12:09:27 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/irb/init.rb (IRB.parse_opts): fix typo. [ruby-core:33574]
+Sun Dec 5 11:27:08 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (load_file_internal): decrement for ungotten line.
+ [ruby-dev:42680]
+Sun Dec 5 10:32:11 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * complex.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Sat Dec 4 11:39:17 2010 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509ext.c (initialize): add documentation.
+Sat Dec 4 11:21:50 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_update_by): new API for Hash#update.
+Sat Dec 4 11:18:10 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * class.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Sat Dec 4 11:07:57 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_core.h (rb_vm_inc_const_missing_count): missing prototype.
+Sat Dec 4 08:50:10 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (Init_iconv): no warnings if $VERBOSE is nil.
+Sat Dec 4 08:25:15 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method): revert r30064 and r30071,
+ because of [ruby-core:26761]. Bug#4106 rejected.
+Sat Dec 4 07:46:48 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (String#tr_cpp): substitute * with P like as
+ autoconf.
+Fri Dec 3 22:36:45 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method): protected methods should be
+ checked against the real class.
+Fri Dec 3 20:23:31 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (convertible_int): define printf format prefix too.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (convertible_int): detect convertible integer type.
+ port RUBY_REPLACE_INT from
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (check_sizeof): should return integer always.
+Fri Dec 3 12:54:48 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (RCFLAGS): VC10 and after only. fixed the problem
+ of r30015. [ruby-core:33530]
+Fri Dec 3 12:41:52 2010 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * gc.c (rb_objspace_free): With our "lazy-sweep" GC engine, it is
+ possible for an object to survive until its surrounding object
+ space is about to be freed. Those objects, if any, remains
+ leaked for the rest of a process life. This is problematic
+ because for instance a T_DATA object may have its own destructor
+ to terminate something.
+ * vm.c (ruby_vm_destruct): ruby_current_vm termination should be
+ somewhere after rb_objspace_free for above reason.
+Fri Dec 3 12:17:19 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method): protected singleton methods should
+ be visible from same real class methods. [ruby-core:33506]
+Fri Dec 3 07:08:42 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_getline): round upto next char
+ boundary. [ruby-dev:42674]
+Fri Dec 3 06:52:46 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * compile.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Fri Dec 3 04:08:59 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (enc_alias_internal): use st_insert2 and change return
+ value to int.
+ * encoding.c (enc_alias): follow enc_alias_internal.
+Fri Dec 3 01:52:43 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (enc_alias_internal): use xfree instead of free.
+Thu Dec 2 23:52:26 2010 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * NEWS: entry for ruby_vm_at_exit().
+ * eval.c (ruby_cleanup): bug fix around at_exit (1) timing was
+ wrong. (2) execution order was opposite.
+Thu Dec 2 23:05:14 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (RCFLAGS): -nologo switch is only available in
+ newer versions of rc.exe. fixed the problem of r30012.
+Thu Dec 2 21:28:07 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/json/lib/json/add/rails.rb: removed.
+Thu Dec 2 21:22:05 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (enc_alias_internal): free the copied key and
+ return NULL when given key is already registered.
+ * encoding.c (enc_alias): call set_encoding_const only when the
+ alias is not registered yet.
+Thu Dec 2 19:58:24 2010 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * vm.c (ruby_vm_at_exit): new API. This enables extension libs to
+ hook a VM termination. Right now, because the VM we have is
+ process global, most extensions do not deallocate resources and
+ leave them to Operating System's reaping userland processes. But
+ in a future we plan to have multiple VMs to run simultaneously in
+ a single process (MVM project). At that stage we can no longer
+ rely on OSes and have to manage every resources to be reclaimed
+ properly. So it is. For a forward-compatibility reason this API
+ is introduced now, encouraging you to be as gentle as you can for
+ your resources; that is, tidy up your room.
+ * include/ruby/vm.h: ditto.
+ * vm_core.h (rb_vm_struct): new field.
+ * vm.c (vm_init2): initialize above new field.
+ * eval.c (ruby_cleanup): trigger those hooks.
+Thu Dec 2 17:00:44 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Thu Dec 2 15:31:14 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_read): more fix. [ruby-core:33513]
+Thu Dec 2 13:41:43 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_read): workaround for console reading troubles.
+ fixed [ruby-core:33511]
+Thu Dec 2 13:10:42 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (URI.encode_www_form):
+ split key-value when the value is Array like object.
+Thu Dec 2 10:39:39 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTP#set_form_data):
+ use URI.encode_www_form for application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
+Thu Dec 2 10:38:40 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb: remove $makeflags.defined?, it should be $mflags.
+Thu Dec 2 10:19:47 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (rc): suppress meaningless message.
+Thu Dec 2 10:09:40 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/json/generator/extconf.rb: remove the lines which set -O3
+ when -O option is not set.
+ Note that -O3 doesn't always exist.
+ * ext/json/parser/extconf.rb: ditto.
+Thu Dec 2 10:01:59 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb: define $makeflags.defined? like $mflags.
+Thu Dec 2 07:20:20 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::GCStressOption): --gc-stress
+ option.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Mini#_run_suites): show the result
+ even when interrupted on the way.
+Thu Dec 2 07:08:38 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/io/console/console.c (setattr): should retry on EINTR.
+ [ruby-dev:42666]
+Thu Dec 2 02:30:50 2010 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: fixed positional wording to match revised order.
+Thu Dec 2 01:24:39 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/json/lib/json/common.rb: don't use iconv on 1.9.
+ patched by Shota Fukumori [ruby-core:33164]
+Thu Dec 2 01:02:03 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/json: Update github/flori/json from 1.4.2+ to
+ e22b2f2bdfe6a9b0. this fixes some bugs.
+Thu Dec 2 00:05:44 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: improve rdoc.
+ This change the order of chapter because such overview should
+ begin with simple examples.
+ patched by Eric Hodel [ruby-core:33469]
+Wed Dec 1 22:01:49 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * numeric.c (Init_Numeric): fixed a potential bug when using bccwin32
+ ruby with Microsoft's dll, though we already gave up of supporting
+ bccwin32. [ruby-core:33503]
+Wed Dec 1 21:43:21 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * array.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Wed Dec 1 21:41:57 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/socket/test_addrinfo.rb: extract Errno::EADDRINUSE as a method.
+ * test/socket/test_socket.rb: ditto.
+Wed Dec 1 15:08:32 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb (test_not_started_session): non socket
+ argument of is not supported on Windows.
+Wed Dec 1 14:36:36 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_memhash): zero-filled strings should return
+ different values. [ruby-core:33500]
+Wed Dec 1 14:27:49 2010 Ryan Davis <>
+ * lib/minitest/*.rb: Imported minitest 2.0.0 r5952.
+ * test/minitest/*.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: Compatibility fix for minitest changes.
+Wed Dec 1 10:16:41 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_inspect): fix typo (not 0xFD but 0xFE).
+Wed Dec 1 09:28:27 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * addr2line.c: Follow .gnu_debuglink section.
+ A user of distribution provided ruby will see line
+ info if s/he has a debug package for ruby.
+ patched by Shinichiro Hamaji [ruby-dev:42655]
+Wed Dec 1 01:29:15 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_inspect): inspect as a dummy encoding string
+ when a UTF-16/32 (not BE/LE) string does not have a BOM.
+ Unicode and some RFCs say that a string labeled as UTF-16/32
+ doesn't have a BOM, it should be considered big endian.
+ But many Windows programs generates little endian UTF-16
+ strings without a BOM. So String#inspect treats a string
+ labeled UTF-16/32 without a BOM as a dummy encoding string.
+ patched by Martin Duerst. [ruby-core:33461]
+Tue Nov 30 17:04:10 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * addr2line.c (parse_debug_line_cu): ignore DW_LNE_set_discriminator.
+ To ignore, it needs to read a single unsigned LEB128 integer.
+Tue Nov 30 16:29:19 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * vm_dump.c: undef HAVE_BACKTRACE when the OS is FreeBSD (in other
+ words backtrace() is libexecinfo) and it is optimized.
+ This temporary hack may be also applied to other libexecinfo
+ environments.
+Tue Nov 30 16:23:23 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: improve rdoc.
+ patched by Eric Hodel ref #4100
+Tue Nov 30 12:23:52 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_read): read only 1 byte at once on console.
+ workaround of Windows bug. see [ruby-core:33460].
+ this is not the final solution.
+Tue Nov 30 11:39:13 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: improve rdoc.
+ patched by mathew murphy [ruby-core:33472] ref #4100
+Tue Nov 30 05:03:44 2010 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (encode_www_form, encode_www_form_component):
+ Improve English in documentation.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ssl_version=, ciphers=): Document
+ #ssl_version=, add documentation for #ciphers=.
+Mon Nov 29 22:55:24 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (URI::WFKV_): get rid of backtrack explosion
+ by nested repeat operators. [ruby-core:33464]
+Mon Nov 29 22:53:13 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub ( fix generated rules.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_write_console): fix argument type.
+Mon Nov 29 21:12:51 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-forward-sexp): stop after literal hash
+ key labels.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-font-lock-keywords): highlight literal
+ hash key labels as symbols.
+Mon Nov 29 18:31:31 2010 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/ruby/test_transcode.rb (test_unicode_public_review_issue_121):
+ - Removed commented-out options that are no longer under discussion.
+ - Added two more tests for forthcomming clarifications.
+Mon Nov 29 14:31:17 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_isatty): use GetConsoleMode() to determine the
+ fd is console or not, just like rb_w32_write_console(). [experimental]
+Mon Nov 29 14:19:40 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h (rb_w32_write_console): wrong prototype.
+Mon Nov 29 14:10:55 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_write_console): fixed indentation.
+Sun Nov 28 22:13:39 2010 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (NATIVE_MUTEX_LOCK_DEBUG): move and use it.
+ * ChangeLog: fix my timezone.
+Mon Nov 28 21:58:58 2010 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c: remove pthread_atfork().
+Mon Nov 28 21:54:22 2010 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_cond_*): Check return code.
+ (Some OSes except Linux return error code).
+Sun Nov 28 21:46:21 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (thread_start_func_1): initialize native thread
+ data immediately before starting.
+Sun Nov 28 14:56:32 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (struct argf): make lineno long, and reorder members.
+Sun Nov 28 14:55:42 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread_win32.c (gvl_release, gvl_init): suppress warnings.
+Sun Nov 28 14:48:24 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (gvl_release, gvl_init): suppress warnings.
+ * vm_core.h (rb_vm_gvl_destroy): add prototype.
+Sun Nov 28 14:46:24 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (gvl_reinit): register atfork handler only in
+ the parent process, to get rid of dead lock.
+Sun Nov 28 12:23:57 2010 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c, vm_core.h: make gvl_acquire/release/init/destruct
+ APIs to modularize GVL implementation.
+ * thread_pthread.c, thread_pthread.h: Two GVL implementations.
+ (1) Simple locking GVL which is same as existing GVL.
+ (2) Wake-up queued threads. The wake-up order is simple FIFO.
+ (We can make several queues to support exact priorities, however
+ this causes some issues such as priority inversion and so on.)
+ This impl. prevents spin-loop (*1) caused on SMP environments.
+ *1: Only one Ruby thread acquires GVL again and again.
+ Bug #2359 [ruby-core:26694]
+ * thread_win32.c, thread_win32.h: Using simple lock
+ not by CRITICAL_SECTION but by Mutex.
+ Bug #3890 [ruby-dev:42315]
+ * vm.c (ruby_vm_destruct): ditto.
+Sun Nov 28 04:40:00 2010 Luis Lavena <>
+ * io.c (io_fwrite): use rb_w32_write_console under Windows.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_write_console): added to write to write
+ Unicode using WriteConsoleW for stdout/stderr. [ruby-core:33166]
+Sun Nov 28 03:58:47 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: improve rdoc.
+ patched by Mike Perham [ruby-core:33433]
+Sat Nov 27 19:12:10 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c: parenthesize macro arguments.
+Sat Nov 27 18:08:18 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * time.c (leap_year_v_p): fixed typo. [ruby-dev:42631]
+Sat Nov 27 17:57:08 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * resolv.rb (Resolv::DNS): use the same DNS server when retry using
+ TCP. reported by Julian Mehnle. [ruby-core:32970]
+Sat Nov 27 15:45:27 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_dump.c (rb_vm_bugreport): see CrashReport log on Mac OS X.
+ * link addr2line only for ELF.
+Sat Nov 27 13:58:55 2010 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser#candidate): : was missing. Thanks,
+ Shota Fukumori. [ruby-dev:42634]
+Sat Nov 27 12:07:05 2010 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * man/ruby.1: Ruby man page from Arthur Gunn in [ruby-core:33412]
+Sat Nov 27 11:29:24 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser#candidate): get rid of 1.9 syntax
+ so that BASERUBY can be 1.8.
+Sat Nov 27 08:16:21 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * addr2line.c (rb_dump_backtrace_with_lines): should close fd on
+ edge case.
+Fri Nov 26 13:33:24 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * addr2line.c: apply a patch from shinichiro.h.
+Fri Nov 26 12:21:20 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * addr2line.c: added to show source filename and line number of
+ functions in backtrace. [ruby-dev:42625]
+ a patch from shinichiro.h <shinichiro.hamaji AT>
+ * addr2line.h: ditto.
+ * add addr2line.$(OBJEXT).
+ * check dl_iterate_phdr.
+ * vm_dump.c (rb_vm_bugreport): use rb_dump_backtrace_with_lines in
+ addr2line.c when the binary is ELF.
+Fri Nov 26 12:12:50 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regcomp.c (setup_tree): restart setup_tree() for a node whose
+ and divide_look_behind_alternatives() divided it to NT_ALT or
+ NT_LIST. [ruby-core:33370]
+Fri Nov 26 11:40:11 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * vm_dump.c (dump_thread): get only required rights of the target
+ thread because THREAD_ALL_ACCESS causes an access error on XP.
+ reported by Masaya TARUI via IRC.
+Fri Nov 26 11:09:07 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * vm_dump.c (dump_thread): show the displacement from the beginning
+ of the symbol.
+Fri Nov 26 10:48:23 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * vm_dump.c (dump_thread): follow the output of glibc.
+ see [ruby-dev:42627]
+Fri Nov 26 09:48:45 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_initialize_str): should succeed the taint status from
+ the origin. [ruby-core:33338]
+Fri Nov 26 09:32:37 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * vm_dump.c (dump_thread): seems to be necessary the 3rd argument of
+ SymGetLineFromAddr64(), even though MSDN says it can be zero.
+Fri Nov 26 09:03:38 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regcomp.c (onig_is_prelude): added to check whether ruby is still
+ in prelude (or other boot processes) or not.
+ * regcomp.c (optimize_node_left): use onig_is_prelude for printing.
+ * regcomp.c (set_optimize_info_from_tree): ditto.
+ * regcomp.c (onig_compile): ditto.
+ * regcomp.c (print_compiled_byte_code_list): print its address.
+ * regcomp.c (print_indent_tree): print its contents tree of
+Thu Nov 25 23:10:49 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regcomp.c (print_distance_range): use PRIuSIZE.
+ * regcomp.c (print_optimize_info): use %ld because the type of
+ calculated value of integers is long.
+ * regexec.c (onig_print_compiled_byte_code): add prototype.
+ * regexec.c (match_at): add 2nd argument.
+Thu Nov 25 10:29:55 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/dl/callback/mkcallback.rb (gencallback): shouldn't assume that
+ VALUE is the same size with long.
+Thu Nov 25 10:03:14 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/win32ole/test_err_in_callback.rb (teardown): remove tmp file
+ only when it exists.
+Thu Nov 25 01:38:25 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/trans/big5-hkscs-tbl.rb: Update table as HKSCS-2008.
+ patched by oCameLo oTnTh [ruby-core:33256]
+ * enc/big5.c: add alias Big5-HKSCS:2008 to Big5-HKSCS.
+Wed Nov 24 15:18:07 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * vsnprintf (BSD_vfprintf): use QUADINT macro only when _HAVE_SANE_QUAD_
+ macro is defined.
+Wed Nov 24 12:47:16 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * vsnprintf (BSD_vfprintf): added VC++ compatible size specifications
+ (I, I32, I64).
+Wed Nov 24 11:19:13 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_inspect): treat UTF-16 and UTF-32 as BE or LE.
+Wed Nov 24 06:35:32 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/trans/utf_16_32.trans: add the UTF-32 converter.
+Wed Nov 24 05:40:33 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+Wed Nov 24 06:13:32 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (filecp, wstr_to_mbstr, mbstr_to_wstr):
+ refactored.
+Wed Nov 24 05:40:33 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/trans/utf_16_32.trans: add a converter from UTF-8 to UTF-16.
+Wed Nov 24 03:21:35 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/trans/utf_16_32.trans: raise error on unpaired upper
+ surrogates.
+Wed Nov 24 01:40:23 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/utf_16_32.h: add UTF-16 and UTF-32 as a dummy encoding.
+ * enc/trans/utf_16_32.trans: add a converter from UTF-16 to UTF-8.
+Tue Nov 23 21:59:47 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (wlink, rb_w32_getppid): use typedef instead of
+ repeating complicated function prototypes.
+Tue Nov 23 18:54:03 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm.c (rb_thread_mark): should mark self in control
+ frames. [ruby-core:33289]
+Tue Nov 23 07:57:31 2010 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date/delta/parser.{ry,rb}: fixed a bug of token scanner.
+Tue Nov 23 07:29:24 2010 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c, rational.c ({nucomp,nurat}_expt): added a check.
+Tue Nov 23 07:27:27 2010 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb (daynum): should be private.
+Tue Nov 23 07:22:54 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ChangeLog (change-log-indent-text): hanging indent.
+Tue Nov 23 06:30:51 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ version.c (ruby_initial_load_paths): exclude directories that
+ are configured without them from $LOAD_PATH. [ruby-core:33267]
+ * (rubylibprefix): No ruby, No libprefix.
+Tue Nov 23 01:05:27 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * vsnprintf.c (BSD_vfprintf): don't output floating point
+ when the precision is 0. [ruby-dev:42615]
+Mon Nov 22 21:30:57 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_inspect): fix for ascii-compatible external
+ encoding and different encoding string. [ruby-core:33283]
+Mon Nov 22 18:45:44 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): should not duplicate rules.
+ bug fix of r29842.
+Mon Nov 22 18:04:40 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/big5.c: split CP950 from Big5.
+ * enc/big5.c: split CP951 from Big5-HKSCS.
+ * enc/trans/big5.trans: import conversion table of Big5, Big5-HKSCS,
+ CP950, and CP951 from ICU. they need fallback conversions.
+ ref [ruby-core:33256]
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb (import_ucm): add to import ucm files.
+Mon Nov 22 18:33:30 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_inspect): append for each chars instead of bulk
+ copy if encoding conversion is needed. [ruby-core:33283]
+Mon Nov 22 14:22:45 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * time.c (time_zone): use rb_locale_str_new_cstr to set encoding
+ as locale and convert its content to internal encoding.
+ [ruby-core:33278]
+Mon Nov 22 11:58:11 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_concat): set ENC_CODERANGE_VALID when the
+ receiver is 7BIT and the argument is non ASCII.
+Mon Nov 22 01:48:58 2010 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb: some improvements for performance.
+Sat Nov 20 07:45:50 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: adding compilation support for ObjC/ObjC++ extensions.
+ Thanks Scott Gonyea! [ruby-core:33260]
+Sat Nov 20 01:57:55 2010 Akio Tajima <>
+ * add dependency( to compile.obj
+Fri Nov 19 23:05:48 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub ( remove extra backslash.
+ * cygwin/, win32/Makefile.sub (clean): rc files are
+ made at compile time, so should be removed by clean.
+Fri Nov 19 22:09:46 2010 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_core.rb
+ (Tester#test_pretty_format_long_text_finite): skip a test that
+ uses long string on small memory system. [ruby-dev:42599]
+Fri Nov 19 21:07:06 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb: shell completion support for zsh. based on
+ <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb: shell completion support for bash.
+Fri Nov 19 00:00:00 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * cygwin/ (SCRIPTPROGRAMS): no needs on cygwin.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (scriptbin): create script binaries.
+Thu Nov 18 23:21:23 2010 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/formatters/pretty.rb (REXML::Formatters::Pretty#wrap):
+ REXML::Formatters::Pretty#wrap used a recursive method call to
+ format text. This switches it to use an iterative approach.
+ [ruby-core:33245]
+ Patch by Jeremy Evans. Thanks!!!
+ * test/rexml/test_core.rb: add a test for it.
+Thu Nov 18 22:58:43 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/io.h (rb_io_buffer_t): extract from rb_io_t.
+Thu Nov 18 07:37:44 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (reconfig): force reconfigure with previous options.
+ * (showconfig): show configure flags, like as
+ `config.status --config' generated by recent autoconf.
+Thu Nov 18 07:16:49 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * missing/langinfo.c (strncasecmp): get rid of redefinition.
+Thu Nov 18 00:02:17 2010 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * lib/csv.rb: Upgrading output encoding with ASCII content
+ as needed. [ruby-core:33229]
+Wed Nov 17 23:19:21 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/configure.bat: remove quotes from arguments to be quoted.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): use forward slashes in messages.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): make extension libraries messages
+ brief.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (MAKEDIRS): should not include silent flag.
+ * (ext/ripper/ripper.c, ext/json/parser/parser.c): pass
+ Q and ECHO. [ruby-core:33226]
+Wed Nov 17 16:09:52 2010 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * test/test_tracer.rb: new test case.
+ minimal regression test for r29280.
+Wed Nov 17 16:04:23 2010 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (Test::Unit::Assertions#assert_warn):
+ new assertion to assert that a particular warning message is
+ displayed.
+ forward port from branches/ruby_1_9_2@29795.
+Wed Nov 17 15:16:48 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regint.h (OnigOpInfoType): constify name.
+ * regcomp.c (op2name): constify return value.
+ * regcomp.c (onig_print_compiled_byte_code): use PRIuPTR and
+ uintptr_t to clean warnings.
+ * regcomp.c (print_indent_tree): use PRIxPTR and intptr_t.
+ * regexec.c (match_at): use PRIdPTR and intptr_t.
+Wed Nov 17 09:49:10 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/shift_jis.c (property_name_to_ctype): fix memory leak.
+ * enc/euc_jp.c (property_name_to_ctype): ditto.
+Wed Nov 17 08:54:04 2010 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * lib/csv.rb: Upgrading output encoding as needed. [ruby-core:33135]
+Tue Nov 16 22:30:39 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_throw): remove fear of undefined behavior :-)
+ Coverity Scan found this bug.
+Tue Nov 16 09:33:00 2010 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/util.rb (to_digits): avoid unused
+ variables warning, reported by Aaron Patterson.
+Tue Nov 16 06:39:31 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * pack.c (PACK_ITEM_ADJUST): return nil not result array and yield
+ values if block is given. [ruby-core:33193]
+Tue Nov 16 00:21:20 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * regparse.c (and_cclass, or_cclass): fix memory leak. Coverity Scan
+ found this bug. [ruby-dev:42579]
+Tue Nov 16 00:07:32 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * gc.c (assign_heap_slot): fix fear of memory leak and memory
+ violation. Coverity Scan found this bug.
+Mon Nov 15 23:54:45 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * eval_intern.h (CHECK_STACK_OVERFLOW): it was not intended to add
+ size_t to a pointer typed VALUE*. Coverity Scan found this defect.
+Mon Nov 15 23:41:21 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_set_exception_local_table, iseq_set_local_table,
+ rb_iseq_build_from_ary): fix type inconsistency (which is benign
+ because sizeof(ID) == sizeof(ID*), though). Coverity Scan found
+ these bugs.
+Mon Nov 15 22:47:27 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_funcall): ensure va_end after va_init_list. Coverity
+ Scan found this bug.
+Mon Nov 15 08:36:12 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * lib/racc/parser.rb (do_parse, yyparse): using class eval to define
+ method and avoid __send__.
+Mon Nov 15 06:43:48 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * etc/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_get_cert): raise exception if
+ pointer is invalid. Thanks Ippei Obayashi! [ruby-dev:42573]
+Sun Nov 14 17:57:45 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/ (distclean): should not remove sources which are
+ distributed in tarball.
+Sun Nov 14 16:48:56 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_set_token_info): turn on/off with directives.
+ [ruby-core:25442]
+Sun Nov 14 12:05:24 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (argf_readlines): forward to current_file for arguments
+ check.
+Sun Nov 14 08:48:06 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/setup.mak (-basic-vars-, -runtime-): suppress trailing
+ space and compiler command line.
+Sun Nov 14 04:22:32 2010 Alexander Zavorine <>
+ * symbian/setup (config.h): Added HAVE_LABS and HAVE_LLABS to config.h.
+ * symbian/configure.bat: Changed packaging version in line with API
+ style 3 versioning.
+Sat Nov 13 16:37:56 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (showflags, help): emit messages at once.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (MSG, EOM): remove surrounding quotes by %~I.
+Sat Nov 13 01:31:30 2010 Akio Tajima <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: reorder variable End Of Message (don't display it)
+Fri Nov 12 20:52:34 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (showflags, help): use caret to quote leading spaces on
+ Windows.
+ *,, cygwin/, enc/depend,
+ ext/ripper/depend, lib/mkmf.rb, win32/Makefile.sub: caddle up.
+Fri Nov 12 16:35:31 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * support C level backtrace information on FreeBSD.
+ When devel/libexecinfo is installed on FreeBSD, now ruby
+ can show C level backtrace information.
+Fri Nov 12 09:58:30 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/setup.mak: use findstr.exe instead of find.exe, because all
+ target build platforms should have findstr.exe, and, find.exe often
+ means another command such as cygwin's.
+Fri Nov 12 00:30:19 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.h): need PRI_LL_PREFIX.
+Thu Nov 11 23:38:32 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ANSI C-conforming const and volatile are mandatory
+ before used in other checks.
+ * (RUBY_CHECK_PRINTF_PREFIX): should not break from
+ RUBY_WERROR_FLAG, so that ac_c_werror_flag gets restored.
+Thu Nov 11 23:04:44 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (warn_deprecated): show caller position.
+Thu Nov 11 23:03:12 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (argf_close): untie tied io before closing.
+ * io.c (argf_write): add ARGF.write and so on.
+ * io.c (argf_read_nonblock): add ARGF.read_nonblock.
+Thu Nov 11 21:49:06 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rdoc/stats.rb (RDoc#print): get rid of NaN.
+Thu Nov 11 21:47:12 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (SHOWFLAGS): show compile flags.
+ * hide long command lines by default. verbose-mode is
+ turned on by V=1 as before.
+Thu Nov 11 21:32:09 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (try_func): accept variable address.
+ * ext/win32ole/extconf.rb: libuuid is needed on cygwin.
+Thu Nov 11 21:24:36 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (file_expand_path): use cygwin_conv_path on cygwin 1.7 or
+ later.
+ * ruby.c (push_include_cygwin): ditto.
+Thu Nov 11 20:49:48 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (PRI_LL_PREFIX): format type specifier for
+ LONG_LONG may vary on platforms.
+Thu Nov 11 20:45:23 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (SYMBOL_PREFIX): separate from EXPORT_PREFIX.
+ * win32/mkexports.rb (Exports#each_export): use SYMBOL_PREFIX.
+Wed Nov 10 07:20:10 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * cygwin/ (scriptbin): make executable file from
+ scripts with stub.
+ * ruby.c (load_file_internal): assume xflag for exe file as well
+ as no-shebang file.
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb: install script programs.
+ * win32/mkexports.rb (Exports#initialize): alias ruby_sysinit for
+ stub.
+ * win32/stub.c: stub for scripts. [EXPERIMENTAL]
+Tue Nov 9 21:57:45 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dln.c (init_funcname): allocate and build initialization
+ function name at once.
+Tue Nov 9 21:14:54 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (AC_FUNC_GETPGRP, AC_FUNC_SETPGRP): no need when
+ not used.
+ * (EXPORT_PREFIX): check generic prefix.
+Tue Nov 9 13:24:33 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regenc.c (onigenc_minimum_property_name_to_ctype):
+ \p{...} should be case insensitive. [ruby-core:33000]
+ * regenc.c (onigenc_property_list_add_property):
+ ditto.
+ * enc/euc_jp.c (init_property_list, property_name_to_ctype):
+ to lowercase property names.
+ * enc/shift_jis.c (init_property_list, property_name_to_ctype):
+ ditto.
+Tue Nov 9 13:29:36 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (overlapped_socket_io): get rid of a warning of 64bit
+ mingw.
+Tue Nov 9 10:44:19 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * util.c (ruby_strtod): this code uses FPU's rounding system.
+ But x86's FPU calculates double precision floating-point
+ numbers in 80bit precision, so it fails to round the value.
+ So ensure the value is assigned a variable. [ruby-dev:42551]
+ see also [ruby-math:00802]
+Tue Nov 9 07:30:15 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (rb_syserr_new): new function to make SystemCallError
+ instance without errno. [EXPERIMENTAL]
+ * error.c (rb_syserr_fail, rb_mod_syserr_fail): ditto.
+Tue Nov 9 05:54:57 2010 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/*.rb: Remove unused variable warnings.
+ Patch by Run Paint [ruby-core:30991]
+ * lib/rubygems/*, lib/rdoc/*.rb, lib/rake/*.rb: ditto
+Mon Nov 8 18:26:03 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * util.c (ruby_hdtoa): fix type cast and bufsize.
+Mon Nov 8 15:40:56 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * vsnprintf.c (BSD_vfprintf): fix precision specifier doesn't
+ work well on %f. [ruby-dev:42552]
+Mon Nov 8 14:41:40 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (get_wsa_extension_function): typos.
+Mon Nov 8 13:41:33 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/enc-unicode.rb,
+ enc/unicode/name2ctype.h, enc/unicode/name2ctype.h.blt,
+ enc/unicode/name2ctype.kwd, enc/unicode/name2ctype.src:
+ Add Age property to regexp. [ruby-core:33019]
+ patched by Ammar Ali, tested by Run Paint Run Run
+Mon Nov 8 12:16:39 2010 Ben Walton <>
+ * support -h for solaris linker when gcc not used
+Mon Nov 8 11:47:39 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (finish_overlapped_socket): refactoring.
+Mon Nov 8 11:02:21 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (get_proc_address): refactoring.
+ * win32/win32.c (get_wsa_exetinsion_function): refactoring.
+Mon Nov 8 09:45:35 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/trans/gbk-tbl.rb: Add euro sign. [ruby-core:33094]
+ CP936, which is de facto definition of GBK, has it.
+Mon Nov 8 07:26:20 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * check only the first symbol to get rid of
+ duplication. [ruby-core:33084] #4031
+Sun Nov 7 10:13:30 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (NM): check on all platforms. #4031
+Sun Nov 7 06:16:33 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * test/openssl/test_ocsp.rb: adding test for r29699. Thanks Elise
+ Huard! [ruby-core:32460]
+Sat Nov 6 07:33:08 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (rb_cv_export_prefix): check for prefixed
+ underscore of exported symbols
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb (bin-comm): prepend prolog shell script if
+ necessary.
+ * (LIBRUBY_RELATIVE): use rpath token expansion.
+Sat Nov 6 07:24:01 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * template/ (arch, sitearch): reordered.
+ * keep failed file.
+Sat Nov 6 07:03:49 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (rb_fork_err): save errinfo before fdopen.
+Sat Nov 6 00:43:58 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ocsp.c (ossl_ocspcid_initialize): an optional
+ parameter may be used to specify the OpenSSL::OCSP::CertificateId on
+ initialization. Thanks Elise Huard! [ruby-core:32460]
+Fri Nov 5 12:23:01 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_{process,system}.rb (test_fallback_to_sh):
+ meaningless and wrong tests where /bin/sh does not exist.
+ * process.c (proc_spawn_v): should spawn, not exec.
+Fri Nov 5 01:21:31 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (proc_exec_v, proc_spawn_v): try to execute with sh if
+ no shebang. [ruby-core:32745] [EXPERIMENTAL]
+Fri Nov 5 00:39:00 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_readlines, rb_io_each_line): limit must not be zero.
+ a patch from Tomoyuki Chikanaga at [ruby-dev:42538]. #4024
+Fri Nov 5 00:14:15 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/fiddle/extconf.rb: fixing ffi library location on windows.
+ Thanks Usa! [ruby-core:32930]
+Thu Nov 4 20:04:44 2010 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_newobj): force garbage_collect() if GC.stress == true.
+Thu Nov 4 19:48:22 2010 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ChangeLog: missed to write a last ChangeLog.
+ * gc.c (gc_finalize_deferred): removed.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_finalize_deferred): Do not invoke a free_unused_heaps().
+Thu Nov 4 19:45:27 2010 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (run_final): do not need argument obj.
+Thu Nov 4 19:26:10 2010 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (before_gc_sweep): fix commit miss.
+Thu Nov 4 19:20:46 2010 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (after_gc_sweep, before_gc_sweep):
+ invoke rb_sweep_method_entry() as soon as possible.
+Thu Nov 4 19:13:58 2010 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (after_gc_sweep, slot_sweep): finalizers should be invoked
+ as soon as possible.
+Thu Nov 4 10:30:40 2010 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * (--with-valgrind): Now this option is default on.
+ You can still explicitly disable this feature by specifying
+ --without-valgrind.
+Thu Nov 4 02:06:16 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * cont.c (fiber_t_alloc): raise an error when fiber is going to be
+ initialized twice. [ruby-dev:42524]
+Thu Nov 4 02:04:25 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * cont.c (rb_fiber_resume): raise an "double resume" error when root
+ fiber is going to be resumed. [ruby-dev:42523]
+Wed Nov 3 14:17:18 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/ostruct.rb (OpenStruct#delete_field): also undefine
+ accessor methods. [ruby-core:33010]
+Wed Nov 3 14:13:46 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_enc_cr_str_buf_cat): concatenation of valid
+ encoding string and invalid encoding string should result
+ invalid encoding. [ruby-core:33027]
+Wed Nov 3 08:58:59 2010 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c, vm.c, vm_core.h: remove USE_VALUE_CACHE option.
+Wed Nov 3 07:47:25 2010 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb (RubyLex#identify_string): parse multiple
+ regex options. a patch from Heesob Park in [ruby-core:32988].
+Wed Nov 3 07:33:57 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_clear_cache_by_class): just return if the class has
+ no method. reported by Eric Wong. [ruby-core:32689]
+Tue Nov 2 22:50:25 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/visitor.rb (initialize): push accessor
+ methods to subclass that actually uses them.
+Tue Nov 2 22:47:08 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/visitor.rb (accept): switch to
+ a dispatch cache rather than case / when statement.
+Tue Nov 2 21:46:52 2010 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * NEWS: fix a typo.
+Tue Nov 2 20:10:32 2010 Tajima Akio <>
+ * test/rake/test_tasks.rb: clear env var which is used by the test.
+ [ruby-dev:42508]
+Tue Nov 2 00:25:54 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: win64 is just same with win32 about socket.
+ notice: but wince is not same.
+Mon Nov 1 21:25:57 2010 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * main.c: <stdlib.h> is needed, to introduce the getenv(3)
+ prototype declaration. Without it a C compiler shall infer
+ the getenv type as "int getenv(...);", but this is totally
+ wrong, especially when your machine's sizeof(int) and
+ sizeof(char*) differs. On such environment a return value
+ of getenv(3), which is in fact a char*, might first casted
+ into a int (loses data here), and then casted back to char*
+ by automatic integral promotion to fit to the prototype of
+ ruby_set_debug_option().
+Sun Oct 31 23:27:09 2010 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (finalizer_table, objspace->final.table):
+ Create finalizer_table at Init_heap().
+ Remove all null checks of finalizer_table.
+ * gc.c (mark_tbl): skip if no table entries.
+ * gc.c (slot_swee): remove useless need_call_final check.
+Sun Oct 31 22:32:08 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_objspace_free): finalizers should be called separately
+ from freeing objspace. [ruby-dev:42479]
+Sun Oct 31 22:24:14 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_cleanup): free current VM and its objspace even
+ when exiting by SystemExit.
+Sun Oct 31 22:10:56 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (new_child_iseq): adjust argument types.
+ * iseq.c (prepare_iseq_build, rb_iseq_new),
+ (rb_iseq_new_with_bopt_and_opt, rb_iseq_new_with_opt),
+ (rb_iseq_new_with_bopt): ditto.
+ * compile.c (iseq_set_exception_table): suppress warnings.
+ * insns.def (putspecialobject, defined): ditto.
+ * iseq.c (iseq_load): ditto.
+Sun Oct 31 09:30:51 2010 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: some refactoring.
+ - move decl. of rb_compile_option_struct to iseq.h.
+ - define enum iseq_type.
+ - define enum vm_special_object_type.
+ * compile.c: some refactoring.
+ - apply above changes.
+ - (struct iseq_link_element): change value of type.
+ - remove unused decl.
+ - fix comment.
+ - rename iseq_build_body and iseq_build_exception to
+ iseq_build_from_ary_body and iseq_build_from_ary_exception.
+ * iseq.h: define enum catch_type and enum defined_type.
+ * insns.def: apply above changes.
+Sat Oct 30 23:38:59 2010 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/encoding.rb: untabify.
+Sat Oct 30 21:06:37 2010 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/encoding.rb: use Ruby native encoding mechanism.
+ [ruby-dev:42464]
+ * lib/rexml/encodings/: remove.
+ * lib/rexml/document.rb, lib/rexml/formatters/default.rb,
+ lib/rexml/output.rb, lib/rexml/parseexception.rb,
+ lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb, lib/rexml/source.rb,
+ lib/rexml/xmldecl.rb: use Ruby's native Encoding object.
+ * test/rexml/, test/rss/: follow the above encoding changes.
+ * NEWS: add REXML's incompatible change about encoding.
+Sat Oct 30 17:23:19 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * util.c (ruby_strtod): get rid of overflow/underflow as possible.
+Sat Oct 30 14:37:39 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (ruby_pc): erase runtime-defined variables and
+ check if generated pc file is valid.
+ * template/ (DEFFILE): need for mingw.
+ * template/ (LIBRUBY): fix the order.
+Sat Oct 30 11:33:54 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (ruby_pc): ignore missing variables.
+ * template/ add missing variables for mswin.
+Sat Oct 30 10:24:35 2010 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * object.c: Make accept no parameter.
+ Revert of r26135 [ruby-core:27080], as per [ruby-core:32952].
+Sat Oct 30 09:40:54 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enum.c: use constants in id.h.
+Sat Oct 30 09:08:27 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/fiddle/closure.c (fiddle_closure): embed cif not reference
+ so that the content surely get initialized. [ruby-dev:42480]
+Sat Oct 30 07:01:53 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv-replace.rb: suppress warning.
+ * lib/open-uri.rb: ditto.
+Sat Oct 30 06:32:52 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/pathname/test_pathname.rb (TestPathname#test_grpowned?): the
+ group of the created file is inherited from the parent
+ directory on BSDs and MacOS X. Linux also inherit the group if
+ the setgid bit of the directory is set. It causes the test fail.
+ fixed by Shota Fukumori. [ruby-dev:42458]
+Sat Oct 30 05:58:54 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb: retry via TCP if UDP reply is truncated.
+ fixed by Julian Mehnle. [ruby-core:32407]
+Sat Oct 30 00:35:13 2010 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c (iseq_s_compile): fix optional argument.
+ a patch from Yutaka HARA [ruby-core:32953] [Ruby 1.9-Bug#4001]
+Sat Oct 30 00:24:42 2010 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c (memsize_of): take care of
+ T_CLASS/const_tbl.
+ a patch from nagachika <> [ruby-dev:42490]
+Fri Oct 29 23:32:36 2010 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/profile_test_all.rb: added.
+ You can use test-all profiler with the following command:
+ RUBY_TEST_ALL_PROFILE=true make test-all
+ This command generates ./test_all_profile and you can analyze
+ which tests consume memories.
+ * test/runner.rb: ditto.
+Fri Oct 29 10:02:03 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/enc-unicode.rb,
+ enc/unicode/name2ctype.h, enc/unicode/name2ctype.h.blt,
+ enc/unicode/name2ctype.kwd, enc/unicode/name2ctype.src:
+ Add 'Unknown' Script.
+ patched by Run Paint Run Run. [ruby-core:32937] #3998
+Fri Oct 29 05:13:34 2010 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c (ObjectSpace.memsize_of_all): rename
+ ObjectSpace.total_memsize_of_all_objects() to
+ ObjectSpace.memsize_of_all([klass]).
+ Accept Class object to filter the objects.
+ * test/objspace/test_objspace.rb: fix test for above change.
+Fri Oct 29 03:04:16 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_dump): fix expected length. [ruby-core:32935]
+Thu Oct 28 23:31:39 2010 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (before_gc_sweep, run_final): fix decrement timing of final_num.
+Thu Oct 28 20:11:30 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/enc-unicode.rb,
+ enc/unicode/name2ctype.h, enc/unicode/name2ctype.h.blt,
+ enc/unicode/name2ctype.kwd, enc/unicode/name2ctype.src:
+ Update Oniguruma for Unicode 6.
+ patched by Run Paint Run Run. [ruby-core:32923] #3989
+Thu Oct 28 20:06:25 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * include/ruby/oniguruma.h (ONIGENC_CTYPE_SPECIAL_MASK):
+ change mask from 128 to 256. [ruby-core:32931]
+Thu Oct 28 12:06:54 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/webrick/httprequest.rb (read_request_line): extend max
+ length to 2083. This is from Internet Explorer's max uri
+ length. [ruby-core:32924]
+Thu Oct 28 04:00:08 2010 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (GC.stat): added. [ruby-dev:38607]
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb: add a test for above.
+Thu Oct 28 03:13:06 2010 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c (memsize_of): fix rdoc.
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c (total_memsize_of_all_objects): added.
+ * test/objspace/test_objspace.rb:
+ - add a test for ObjectSpace.total_memsize_of_all_objects.
+ - add two tests for ObjectSpace.memsize_of (for nil and Fixnum).
+Wed Oct 27 23:55:27 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (Init_iconv): warn deprecated use.
+Wed Oct 27 18:50:17 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big2long, rb_big2ulong): rb2ulong() returns VALUE, but
+ its real range is ulong. So, if the size of VALUE is bigger than
+ ulong, upper bits are always zero even if the actual value is
+ negative.
+ fixed #3490
+Wed Oct 27 18:27:17 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (TestIO#pipe): should close write end of pipe
+ before closing read end, to get rid of timing problem.
+ * test/ruby/test_io_m17n.rb (TestIO_M17N#pipe): ditto.
+Wed Oct 27 18:14:27 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_getppid): support Win64.
+Wed Oct 27 15:07:19 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * thread_win32.c (w32_error): should get error no only once, because
+ the result of the second getting will indicate the error of the
+ first FormatMessage() call.
+Wed Oct 27 13:51:25 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (TestIO#pipe): need to propagate exceptions
+ in read/write thread. fix r29541.
+ * test/ruby/test_io_m17n.rb (TestIO_M17N#pipe): ditto.
+Wed Oct 27 12:05:40 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * class.c (clone_const): need to return value. fix r29602.
+Wed Oct 27 11:58:58 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (NUM2LONG_internal): add cast to get rid of a
+ non GCC compiler warning. this is intentional type conversion.
+Wed Oct 27 09:25:46 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * cont.c: apply documentation patch by Run Paint Run Run.
+ [ruby-core:32915]
+Wed Oct 27 02:12:10 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * object.c (Init_Object), constant.h, variable.c
+ (rb_mod_private_constant, rb_mod_public_constant,
+ set_const_visibility, rb_const_get_0): add Module#public_constant
+ and private_constant. [ruby-dev:39685][ruby-core:32698]
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb: add tests for above.
+Wed Oct 27 02:02:54 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * class.c, constant.h, gc.c, method.h, object.c, variable.c,
+ vm_insnhelper.c: use struct rb_constant_entry_t as entry of
+ RCLASS_CONST_TBL. RCLASS_CONST_TBL has contained VALUE of constant
+ directly. Now instead rb_const_entry_t is contained in
+ RCLASS_CONST_TBL, rb_const_entry_t is managed by malloc, and
+ have not only the value itself but also visibility flag.
+ This is another preparation for private constant (see
+ [ruby-dev:39685][ruby-core:32698]).
+Wed Oct 27 01:56:34 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * class.c, gc.c, object.c, variable.c, vm_insnhelper.c,
+ include/ruby/ruby.h: separate RCLASS_CONST_TBL from RCLASS_IV_TBL.
+ RCLASS_IV_TBL has contained not only instance variable table but
+ also constant table. Now the two table are separated to
+ RCLASS_CONST_TBL and RCLASS_IV_TBL. This is a preparation for
+ private constant (see [ruby-dev:39685][ruby-core:32698]).
+Tue Oct 26 18:51:00 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/scanf.rb (extract_float): allow 2.e+2 style.
+ [ruby-dev:42452] #3978
+Tue Oct 26 18:09:36 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (ASFLAGS): needs INCFLAGS.
+ * (rb_cv_dynamic_alloca): check if extra source for
+ dynamic size alloca.
+ * missing/x86_64-chkstk.s (___chkstk): necessary for alloca of
+ amd64-mingw32msvc-gcc on Ubuntu.
+ * thread_win32.c (ruby_alloca_chkstk): check stack overflow
+Tue Oct 26 18:04:53 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * template/ (Libs): needs DLDFLAGS.
+Tue Oct 26 12:47:10 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (pkgconfig-data): moved from
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb: install pc file only if non-empty.
+ [ruby-core:32901] #3983
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (ruby_pc): create pc file.
+Tue Oct 26 09:13:34 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (rb_cv_gcc_atomic_builtins): check for atomic
+ builtins, all are not available in Apple derivative gcc.
+Tue Oct 26 00:29:26 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (pkgconfig-data): create pkg-config metadata file.
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb: install pkg-config metadata file.
+ * template/ template of pkg-config metadata file.
+Mon Oct 25 16:38:07 2010 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * signal.c (rb_atomic_t): GCC (of at least recent versions)
+ has ubiquitous support for atomic operations. On that
+ compiler a C program can issue a memory barrier using these
+ dedicated instructions. According to the GCC manual they
+ cargo culted this feature form the Itanium ABI so chances
+ are that other compilers could also support this feature.
+ But so far GCC is the only compiler that I know to have it.
+ Also note that this works on non-Itanium machines.
+Mon Oct 25 06:21:35 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vsnprintf.c (BSD_vfprintf): prec digits fractal part should be
+ appended to 0 if prec is given. [ruby-dev:42453] #3979
+Mon Oct 25 02:57:21 2010 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * (run.gdb): Quit gdb on 'make gdb' when
+ no signals are received.
+Mon Oct 25 00:25:23 2010 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb: some corrections of documentation.
+Sun Oct 24 17:14:00 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c, gc.c, hash.c, object.c, string.c, struct.c,
+ transcode.c, variable.c, vm.c, vm_insnhelper.c, vm_method.c:
+ replace calls to rb_error_frozen() with rb_check_frozen(). a
+ patch from Run Paint Run Run at [ruby-core:32014]
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_check_frozen): optimize.
+ [ruby-core:32878]
+Sun Oct 24 15:16:30 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Mini#run): abort if interrupted.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Mini#run_test_suites): show the
+ result even when interrupted on the way.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Mini#run_test_suites): ensure
+ output sync mode to be restored.
+Sun Oct 24 14:11:16 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm.c (vm_define_method): defined method is run with the default
+ public visibility regardless the visibility context of definition.
+ [ruby-core:30638]
+Sun Oct 24 12:08:54 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: make test/unit play nicely with the rake test
+ loader. [ruby-core:32864]
+Sun Oct 24 00:25:13 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb (test_segv_test): follow up the
+ change at r29556.
+Sat Oct 23 14:39:58 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: $extmk should be true for test/runner.
+Sat Oct 23 10:55:37 2010 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_dump.c (rb_vm_bugreport): fix to add bug outputs.
+ - loaded script ($0)
+ - loaded features ($")
+ - process memory map on Linux (/proc/self/maps)
+ * vm_dump.c (rb_vmdebug_stack_dump_raw): fix header message.
+Fri Oct 22 14:50:13 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb (Test::Unit::Assertions#assert):
+ assertion message must not be nil.
+Fri Oct 22 13:59:50 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb (Test::Unit::Assertions#assert):
+ treat nil case. Please run test-all before commit such change.
+Thu Oct 21 23:58:14 2010 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_lazy_sweep): Variable declarations should be at
+ the head of block.
+Thu Oct 21 23:56:54 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (objspace_each_objects, rb_objspace_each_objects): use
+ struct.
+ * gc.c (objspace_each_objects): fix return with no value.
+Thu Oct 21 23:47:12 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (dir_initialize): remove useless intermediate variable.
+Thu Oct 21 16:07:20 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (rb_f_select): change rdoc.
+ patched by Eito Katagiri [ruby-core:31805]
+Thu Oct 21 15:55:21 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpauth/digestauth.rb
+ (WEBrick::HTTPAuth::ProxyDigestAuth#check_uri): privated.
+ [ruby-dev:42344]
+Thu Oct 21 15:50:25 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (rb_f_select): add correct rdoc.
+ patched by Dave Thomas [ruby-core:32467]
+Thu Oct 21 15:42:01 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/telnet.rb (Net::Telnet#close): added.
+ patched by Erik Hollensbe [ruby-dev:42260] #3830
+Thu Oct 21 13:08:00 2010 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c (rb_objspace_each_objects): don't lazy sweep in
+ rb_objspace_each_objects. [Bug #3940] [ruby-dev:42369]
+Thu Oct 21 00:05:45 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (TestIO#pipe): get rid of deadlock on pipe.
+ a patch from Tomoyuki Chikanaga at [ruby-dev:42435]. #3970
+ * test/ruby/test_io_m17n.rb (TestIO_M17N#pipe): ditto.
+Wed Oct 20 23:54:36 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c: rdoc based on a patch by mathew meta AT
+, at [ruby-core:32853].
+Wed Oct 20 10:47:21 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * util.c (ruby_strtod): reject 0x1.p+0. [ruby-dev:42432] #3966
+Wed Oct 20 10:00:57 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * vsnprintf.c (BSD_vfprintf): print floating point on "%#a".
+ [ruby-dev:42431] Bug#3965
+Tue Oct 19 19:30:11 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * vsnprintf.c (BSD_vfprintf): clear ALT flag for %a.
+ [ruby-core:32841] [ruby-core:32848]
+Tue Oct 19 12:19:25 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vsnprintf.c (BSD_vfprintf): fix over-count of field size.
+Tue Oct 19 03:08:52 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vsnprintf.c (BSD_vfprintf): use HEXPREFIX flag for prefix of %a.
+ [ruby-core:32841]
+Mon Oct 18 13:18:01 2010 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/digest.c (rb_digest_class_init): Define
+ [Feature #3954]
+Mon Oct 18 12:58:40 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): refine the document. [ruby-dev:42397]
+ (pack_unpack): ditto.
+Mon Oct 18 10:19:00 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (transport_request): @socket may be nil.
+ patched by Egbert Eich [ruby-core:32829]
+Mon Oct 18 09:57:28 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * sprintf.c (BSD_vfprintf): wrong padding around prefix and
+ floating point with %a. [ruby-dev:42403] Bug #3956
+Sun Oct 17 22:36:33 2010 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date/delta.rb: added an rdoc tag.
+Sun Oct 17 10:47:12 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c (rb_mod_remove_const): update rdoc.
+ [ruby-core:31957]
+Sun Oct 17 10:40:17 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c (rb_define_{class,module}_id_under): register to be
+ marked, which probably are defined and used internally.
+Sat Oct 16 11:10:55 2010 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_encoding2cp): set codepage 20936
+ according to GB2312. [Bug #3937] [ruby-core:32758]
+Sat Oct 16 10:54:57 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (CPP): already used in .c.i rule.
+ * cygwin/ (DLLWRAP, WINDRES): add --driver-name and
+ --preprocessor options explicitly. [ruby-core:32776]
+Sat Oct 16 10:06:08 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/sdbm/_sdbm.c (SEEDUPS, BADMESS): make settable using command
+ line options.
+ * ext/sdbm/_sdbm.c (makroom): suppress unused result warning.
+ * ext/sdbm/extconf.rb: disable BADMESS, a library should not emit
+ messages directly.
+Sat Oct 16 08:39:03 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dln.c (dln_strerror): get English message first, instead of
+ system default. see [ruby-dev:42358].
+Sat Oct 16 00:08:00 2010 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_aref): skip calling "default" method
+ if it is not needed, for speed-up.
+Fri Oct 15 23:36:25 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (NUM2DEVT, DEVT2NUM, PRI_DEVT_PREFIX): fallback to
+ unsigned int.
+Fri Oct 15 22:54:46 2010 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_hresult2msg): get English message first,
+ instead of system default. [ruby-core:32765]
+Fri Oct 15 22:47:31 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (VALUE): prefer long over uintptr_t,
+ FIX2LONG expects VALUE to be long at least.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (FIX2LONG): parenthesize the argument.
+Fri Oct 15 20:30:30 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (dev_t): use RUBY_REPLACE_TYPE.
+ * file.c (rb_stat_inspect): use PRI_DEVT_PREFIX.
+Fri Oct 15 17:26:57 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): simplify comparison of explicit_endian
+ as pointed by nobu.
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): ditto.
+Fri Oct 15 16:40:37 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): fix more than one modifiers appear in the
+ format string. [ruby-core:32793]
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): ditto.
+Thu Oct 14 23:20:42 2010 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * test/win32ole/test_folderitem2_invokeverb.rb: refactoring.
+Thu Oct 14 22:18:29 2010 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def, iseq.c, vm_insnhelper.c: rename variable name
+ (ip -> iseq).
+Thu Oct 14 20:41:27 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): support endian modifiers: < and >.
+ [ruby-dev:42376] Feature #3491
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): ditto.
+Thu Oct 14 20:50:51 2010 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (reg_get_val): expand environment in
+ the pathname. [Bug #3907]
+Thu Oct 14 07:35:07 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * file.c (DEVT2NUM): added. Size of dev_t is depend on the
+ environment even if POSIX defines dev_t as unsigned integer.
+ For example, OpenVMS, 64bit Solaris 9, and NetBSD 6 defines
+ dev_t as 64bit unsigned integer.
+ * file.c (rb_stat_dev): use DEVT2NUM.
+ * file.c (rb_stat_dev_major): dev_t is not long. major(3)'s return
+ value is int.
+ * file.c (rb_stat_dev_minor): dev_t is not long. minor(3)'s return
+ value is int.
+ * check size of dev_t.
+Thu Oct 14 07:22:12 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_and, rb_ary_or), class.c (rb_mod_init_copy),
+ gc.c (undefine_final), time.c (time_mload): get rid of
+ type-punning casts.
+Thu Oct 14 04:16:41 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * numeric.c (ruby_float_step): fix Numeric#step with infinity unit
+ doesn't works well. [ruby-core:32779]
+Wed Oct 13 23:16:46 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/enc-unicode.rb: get rid of lots of warnings.
+ * iseq.c (insn_operand_intern, rb_iseq_disasm): fix format specifiers.
+ * vm.c (thread_free): ditto.
+ * numeric.c (check_uint): get rid of overflow on LLP64 platforms.
+ * insns.def (opt_case_dispatch): use st_data_t.
+Wed Oct 13 22:32:34 2010 Takeyuki FUJIOKA <>
+ * lib/cgi/util.rb (CGI::unescape): bugfix to unescape the multibyte
+ string. Thanks nobu and tDiary dev members. [Bug #3909]
+Wed Oct 13 21:13:00 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * numeric.c (int_chr): raise error when the value is negative.
+Wed Oct 13 19:24:08 2010 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * vm.c (ruby_vm_destruct): This function type was wrong; correct to the prototype.
+Wed Oct 13 14:58:09 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_num_to_uint): fix 32bit logic.
+Wed Oct 13 12:53:43 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_num_to_uint): added to check the range of arguments.
+ Mainly for negative value with NUM2UINT on 32bit environment.
+ * string.c (rb_str_concat): use rb_num_to_uint.
+Wed Oct 13 12:10:02 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * thread_win32.c (w32_error): get English message first, instead
+ of system default. see [ruby-core:32765].
+ [experimental]
+Wed Oct 13 11:04:03 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * debug.c (ruby_set_debug_option): define always for binary
+ compatibility with debug env enabled binary.
+ * signal.c (ruby_enable_coredump): ditto.
+Wed Oct 13 10:52:51 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (ruby_executable_node): missing prototype.
+Wed Oct 13 05:23:04 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * missing/strchr.c: add strlen's prototype.
+ * missing/strstr.c: ditto.
+Wed Oct 13 00:21:17 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (struct mktime_arg): constified.
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (mktime_do, mktime_r, rb_syck_mktime): fix
+ function signatures.
+Wed Oct 13 00:18:18 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * st.c (MurmurMagic): get rid of literal overflow.
+ * (RUBY_CHECK_PRINTF_PREFIX): check for printf format
+ specifier if possible.
+Tue Oct 12 23:58:19 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_open_osfhandle, rb_w32_wopen, rb_w32_pipe):
+ use uintptr_t instead of long for win64.
+ * win32/win32.c (socketpair_internal): suppress warnings.
+ * win32/win32.c (ftruncate): use HANDLE instead of long for win64.
+ * vsnprintf.c (BSD_vfprintf): fix cast.
+ * numeric.c (rb_num2fix): result of rb_num2long is SIGNED_VALUE.
+ * compile.c (iseq_build_body), error.c (set_syserr, get_syserr),
+ (syserr_initialize), gc.c (define_final, rb_gc_copy_finalizer),
+ (run_final), hash.c (rb_hash_aref, rb_hash_lookup2),
+ (rb_hash_fetch_m, rb_hash_clear, rb_hash_aset, eql_i),
+ iseq.c (iseq_load, iseq_data_to_ary), marshal.c (r_symlink),
+ thread.c (rb_thread_local_aref),
+ variable.c (generic_ivar_remove, ivar_get, rb_const_get_0),
+ (rb_cvar_get), vm.c (rb_vm_check_redefinition_opt_method),
+ vm_insnhelper.c (vm_get_ev_const), vm_method.c (remove_method),
+ ext/iconv/iconv.c (map_charset): use st_data_t.
+ * compile.c (iseq_build_body), insns.def (getglobal, setglobal),
+ iseq.c (iseq_load, iseq_data_to_ary), util.c (valid_filename):
+ use VALUE.
+ * gc.c (obj_free, rb_objspace_call_finalizer): fix truncating
+ cast.
+ * gc.c (mark_current_machine_context): suppress warnings.
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): fix truncating cast.
+ * cont.c (fiber_setcontext): missing variable definition.
+Tue Oct 12 19:25:13 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * error.c (exc_to_s): use OBJ_INFECT.
+ * error.c (name_err_to_s): ditto.
+ * error.c (name_err_mesg_to_str): ditto.
+ * error.c (syserr_initialize): ditto.
+Tue Oct 12 19:07:55 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * error.c (syserr_initialize): taint message if mesg is given
+ and it is tainted.
+Tue Oct 12 18:25:43 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_ungetc): always see Bignum. On 32bit valid value
+ may be a Bignum. On 64bit for errors. [ruby-dev:42366]
+Tue Oct 12 18:25:04 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_concat): use unsigned int for GB18030.
+Tue Oct 12 17:53:49 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * numeric (check_uint): the mask must refer to VALUE.
+Tue Oct 12 17:47:10 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * numeric (check_uint): set MSB for negative value.
+ * numeric (rb_num2uint): return value's type of rb_num2ulong
+ is VALUE.
+ * numeric (int_chr): variable i can't be negative.
+Tue Oct 12 16:04:37 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_strerror): get English message first, instead
+ of system default. see [ruby-dev:42358].
+ [experimental]
+Tue Oct 12 15:52:35 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_strerror): unmap some range of errno for
+ workaround of VC10's strerror() and sys_nerr problem.
+ based on a patch from Akio Tajima, [ruby-dev:42355].
+Tue Oct 12 15:36:09 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_ungetc): use unsigned int for GB18030.
+Tue Oct 12 15:14:21 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_putc): support multibyte characters.
+ [ruby-core:30697]
+Tue Oct 12 15:10:31 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_enc_uint_chr): split from int_chr.
+ * numeric.c (int_chr): use rb_enc_uint_chr.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_enc_uint_chr): added.
+Tue Oct 12 14:04:41 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * numeric.c (int_chr): a codepoint of Ruby M17N must be 32bit
+ unsigned int; GB18030 uses MSB. Also note that OnigCodePoint
+ is defined as unsigned int.
+Tue Oct 12 12:20:54 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * vm_dump.c (dump_thread): foolish mistake.
+Tue Oct 12 10:39:08 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_MINGW32): canonicalize only on mingw.
+Mon Oct 11 20:20:23 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (HTTP.get): specify ASCII-8BIT as the result
+ encoding of Zlib::GzipReader.
+Mon Oct 11 17:42:54 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * error.c (syserr_initialize): use mesg's encoding when locale
+ encoding is US-ASCII. If locale encoding is not US-ASCII,
+ assume err has non ASCII characters. [ruby-dev:42358]
+Mon Oct 11 14:03:54 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * error.c (syserr_initialize): set the encoding of Errno::*#message
+ as locale. [ruby-dev:42358]
+Mon Oct 11 06:38:27 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_set_encoding):
+ StringIO#set_encoding can get 2nd argument and optional hash
+ for API compatibility to IO. [ruby-dev:42356]
+Mon Oct 11 06:11:30 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_set_encoding): use rb_funcall2 when the io is not
+ a T_FILE. [ruby-dev:42356]
+Sun Oct 10 18:42:23 2010 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/set.rb (Set#replace): Apply a bit of optimization.
+Sun Oct 10 10:20:07 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_MINGW32): canonicalize as like mswin version.
+Sun Oct 10 05:33:14 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_core.h (rb_signal_buff_size, rb_signal_exec): moved
+ declarations from thread.c.
+Sat Oct 9 16:54:28 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RSHIFT): quote to get rid of argument expansion
+ for autoconf 2.68.
+Sat Oct 9 11:00:06 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (thread_reset_event_flags, exec_event_hooks): ignore
+ hooks marked as removed.
+ * thread.c (thread_exec_event_hooks): remove hooks to be removed.
+ * thread.c (rb_threadptr_remove_event_hook, rb_remove_event_hook):
+ defer removing hooks if running the hooks. [ruby-dev:42350]
+Sat Oct 9 10:51:00 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_threadptr_exec_event_hooks): suppress each event
+ hooks separately.
+ * thread.c (thread_suppress_tracing): split from
+ ruby_suppress_tracing, accepting thread pointer and event mask.
+Sat Oct 9 08:16:01 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_threadptr_remove_event_hook): fix typo.
+Fri Oct 8 10:52:25 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RBCONFIG): depends on version.h due to
+ RUBY_PATCHLEVEL. [ruby-core:32709]
+Fri Oct 8 00:24:54 2010 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * lib/csv.rb: Fixing documentation typos. [ruby-core:32712]
+Thu Oct 7 09:14:28 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * vm_exec.c (vm_exec_core): Treat clang as non gcc on this
+ context: It has __asm__ but doesn't works well.
+Wed Oct 6 12:28:22 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (URI::Generic#hostname): new method.
+ (URI::Generic#hostname=): ditto.
+ * lib/open-uri.rb: use URI#hostname
+ * lib/net/http.rb: ditto.
+ reported by Adam Majer. [ruby-core:32056]
+Wed Oct 6 11:52:12 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (fptr_finalize): write_mutex might have been destroyed
+ already in finalization phase, as the order of finalizers is not
+ guaranteed. rb_mutex_t should be used in place of Mutex object
+ in the future.
+Tue Oct 5 22:17:02 2010 wanabe <>
+ * win32/mkexports.rb: revert r29320 and r29402.
+Mon Oct 4 12:43:47 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (regexp): dregexp has literal string only at the head
+ and successors are array. [ruby-core:32682]
+Mon Oct 4 10:22:21 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * random.c (rand_init): This checks the value is in 32bit or not,
+ so use int32_t, not int.
+Mon Oct 4 09:47:39 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * random.c (rand_init): remove useless assignment.
+ * re.c (update_char_offset): remove unused variable.
+ * re.c (read_escaped_byte): ditto.
+Mon Oct 4 09:30:42 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/bn.rb (Integer#to_bn):
+ accepts only Strings, so call Integer#to_s(16).
+ 16 is for an optimization. [ruby-dev:42336]
+Mon Oct 4 07:57:51 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * cont.c (fiber_memsize): Return size.
+ Before this change, fiber_memsize always returns 0.
+Mon Oct 4 07:16:55 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/unicode.c (onigenc_unicode_property_name_to_ctype):
+ remove useless assignment.
+ * vm.c (vm_make_proc_from_block): ditto.
+ * variable.c (rb_ivar_count): ditto.
+Mon Oct 4 06:40:24 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (clean-rdoc): Don't use \ in variable expansion.
+ BSD make treats it as an escape character.
+Mon Oct 4 00:01:53 2010 wanabe <>
+ * tool/config.sub: revert r29320, r29324, r29347, r29354, r29365
+ to automake-1.11.1. [ruby-core:32634]
+ * win32/mkexports.rb: no longer use 'mingw64'. a patch from Luis Lavena
+ at [ruby-core:32678].
+Sun Oct 3 20:36:37 2010 Akio Tajima (arton) <>
+ * test/win32ole/test_folderitem2_invokeverb.rb: Change creating
+ shortcut verb to 'Link' [Bug #3339]
+Sun Oct 3 19:44:23 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (Makefile): get rid of duplicated ruby target when
+ already there it was.
+Sat Oct 2 22:59:32 2010 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * test/win32ole/test_thread.rb: add for win32ole with Thread.
+Fri Oct 1 17:03:00 2010 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * test/webrick/test_httpproxy.rb (TestWEBrickHTTPProxy::test_upstream_proxy):
+ My machine fails this test at this line, saying 503 service unavailable.
+Thu Sep 30 16:11:08 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_getenv): should return NULL if specified name
+ is empty. a patch from Heesob Park at [ruby-core:32650]
+Thu Sep 30 15:18:23 2010 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (command_asgn): allow command_call to be right hand side
+ expression of chained assignment. [ruby-dev:42313]
+Thu Sep 30 10:55:38 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * hash.c (ruby_setenv): workaround for old Windows. a patch from
+ Heesob Park. [ruby-core:32353]
+Thu Sep 30 09:29:06 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (URI.encode_www_form): change treatment of
+ undefined value in given array as latest internet draft for
+ application/www-form-urlencoded.
+Thu Sep 30 09:34:03 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * vm_dump.c (dump_thread): fixed wrong type of return value of
+ SymGetModuleBase64(). [ruby-dev:42306]
+Wed Sep 29 21:04:05 2010 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb (TestRubyOptions::test_script_from_stdin):
+ As usual, PTY is not always available.
+Wed Sep 29 18:38:14 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/config.sub (x64): regularize only for pc vendor, and strip
+ useless 64 suffix.
+Wed Sep 29 17:53:02 2010 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BIGDECIMAL_ENABLE_VPRINT):
+ VPrint is usually disabled. It's only used in debugging.
+Wed Sep 29 17:41:34 2010 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_save_limit):
+ return the result of a block.
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb (test_save_limit):
+ add a test for the above change.
+Wed Sep 29 16:18:03 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * vm_dump.c (dump_thread): remove unused optional arguments.
+Wed Sep 29 13:26:30 2010 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_save_rounding_mode):
+ return the result of a block.
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb (test_save_rounding_mode):
+ add a test for the above change.
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb (test_save_exception_mode):
+ add a test for the return value of BigDecimal.save_exception_mode.
+Wed Sep 29 12:45:30 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_div2, BigDecimal_add2,
+ BigDecimal_sub2, BigDecimal_mult2, VpLimitRound): remove meaningless
+ casts to get rid of compiler warnings.
+Wed Sep 29 12:35:13 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (VPrint, VpToString): fix format.
+Wed Sep 29 12:31:12 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rdoc/known_classes.rb (RDoc::KNOWN_CLASSES): add Encoding.
+Tue Sep 28 20:50:23 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/config.sub (x64): regularize same as mswin.
+Tue Sep 28 20:06:14 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * vm_dump.c (rb_vm_bugreport): add windows support.
+ based on patches from Peter Weldon at [ruby-core:32551]
+Mon Sep 27 23:30:34 2010 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def (opt_case_dispatch), vm_insnhelper.c:
+ execute the procedures of "when" clauses by bytecode
+ instead of st_foreach() when the object does not hit
+ prepared hash. [ruby-dev:42304]
+Mon Sep 27 15:54:03 2010 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * test/net/http/test_https.rb: As always, localhost is not
+ guaranteed to be resolved as But a SSL
+ certificate needs a socket to listen on a specific address
+ where a CN resolves to. On situations where localhost is
+ not, these tests are not possible.
+Mon Sep 27 15:25:05 2010 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * test/net/imap/test_imap.rb: resurrection of r29259.
+ this change depends on minitest 1.7.1.
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb: ditto.
+Sun Sep 26 22:59:45 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/config.sub (x86_64-pc-mingw64): regularize.
+Sun Sep 26 22:21:07 2010 wanabe <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_hmac.c (ossl_hmac_hexdigest, ossl_hmac_s_hexdigest),
+ ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_ec.c (ossl_ec_group_set_seed),
+ ext/openssl/ossl_ssl_session.c (ossl_ssl_session_to_der),
+ ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs7.c (numberof): suppress warnings.
+ [ruby-core:31932]
+Sun Sep 26 10:25:24 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/config.{guess,sub}: updated to automake-1.11.1.
+Sat Sep 25 22:48:30 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (LIBRUBY_DLDFLAGS): fix quoting.
+Sat Sep 25 10:30:37 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (LIBRUBY_DLDFLAGS): use -unexported_symbol only
+ when available.
+Sat Sep 25 10:05:49 2010 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * Always add -mieee for Renesas SH4.
+ Thanks, Nobuhiro Iwamatsu. [Feature #3874] [ruby-core:32548]
+Sat Sep 25 01:34:41 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (install-cross): target to install cross-compiling
+ stuff.
+Fri Sep 24 23:44:59 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (sym_call), vm.c (invoke_block_from_c),
+ vm_insnhelper.c (vm_yield_with_cfunc): pass given block.
+ [ruby-core:32075]
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_funcall_passing_block): new function to call
+ method with passing given block.
+Fri Sep 24 15:50:43 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_to_i): fix rdoc: String#to_i raises an
+ exception when base is invalid. [ruby-core:31685]
+Fri Sep 24 15:28:35 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_rindex): use rb_enc_prev_char instead of repeated
+ str_nth.
+ patched by Michael Selig [ruby-core:32498]
+Fri Sep 24 14:19:12 2010 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * test/test_pty.rb: Same as 229281; existence of PTY class do not
+ guarantee a successful pty operation.
+Fri Sep 24 06:25:55 2010 Ryan Davis <>
+ * lib/minitest/*.rb: Imported minitest 1.7.2 r5879.
+ * test/minitest/*.rb: ditto.
+Thu Sep 23 23:09:08 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_get_cref0): cref is stacked only in normal
+ iseqs, so check if it is the case first.
+Thu Sep 23 23:08:41 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/config.sub: mingw64 should use x86_64. [ruby-core:32514]
+Thu Sep 23 21:40:40 2010 wanabe <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (init_addrinfo, inspect_sockaddr): suppress
+ warnings. see [ruby-core:31932].
+Thu Sep 23 19:27:57 2010 wanabe <>
+ * thread_win32.c (w32_wait_events, w32_close_handle): suppress warnings.
+ see [ruby-core:31932].
+Thu Sep 23 18:54:39 2010 wanabe <>
+ * tool/config.sub: add mingw64.
+ * win32/mkexports.rb (Exports::Mingw64): added.
+ * win32/mkexports.rb (Exports::Mingw32): renamed from Exports::Mingw.
+Thu Sep 23 09:01:28 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_cref_push): no outer cref is needed for proc
+ from method. Bug #3786, Bug #3860, [ruby-core:32501]
+Wed Sep 22 17:12:01 2010 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/openssl/utils.rb (OpenSSL#silent): always restore $VERBOSE.
+ [ruby-dev:42285]
+Wed Sep 22 16:59:40 2010 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * test/test_prime.rb (TestPrime#test_new): the warning expected have
+ not been displayed when $VERBOSE == nil. Patch by Shota Fukumori
+ a.k.a. sora_h. [ruby-dev:42272]
+ Recovers $stderr even if fails. Reported by unak.
+Wed Sep 22 01:55:48 2010 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_method.rb: fix last commit.
+Wed Sep 22 01:49:52 2010 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_method.rb: add a test for [ruby-core:30534].
+Wed Sep 22 00:52:44 2010 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/store.rb (save_cache): remove duplicate entries.
+Wed Sep 22 00:00:05 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_f_pathname): Pathname() translated
+ from pathname.rb.
+Tue Sep 21 22:18:30 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * tool/mkconfig.rb: fixed build problem on mswin64 introduced in r29278.
+Tue Sep 21 02:42:35 2010 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/pathname/test_pathname.rb (TestPathname#test_mkdir): fix typo.
+Mon Sep 20 23:23:05 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (bracket): get rid of scanning at the end of the pattern
+ string, not to raise an exception while globbing command line.
+ [ruby-core:32478]
+Mon Sep 20 11:25:49 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (Init_pathname): Pathname#=~ undefinition
+ translated from pathname.rb.
+Mon Sep 20 02:34:11 2010 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (check_rounding_mode, BigDecimal_mode):
+ raise ArgumentError instead of TypeError passing invalid modes.
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb (test_mode, test_round):
+ change against the above modifications.
+Sun Sep 19 22:08:39 2010 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (try_link): rdoc
+ (try_compile): ditto
+ (try_cpp): ditto
+ (try_func): ditto
+ (try_var): ditto
+ (try_run): ditto
+ (egrep_cpp): ditto
+Sun Sep 19 20:43:33 2010 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * (--disable-install-doc): disables capi too, in addition
+ to rdoc.
+ (--disable-install-rdoc): a new option for disabling only rdoc.
+ (--disable-install-capi): a new option for disabling only capi.
+Sun Sep 19 20:37:45 2010 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * (clean): removes all documents on cleaning.o
+ (CAPIOUT): new variable.
+ (clean-capi, distclean-capi, realclean-capi): new targets
+ * (clean-capi, distclean-capi, realclean-capi): ditto.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (clean-capi, distclean-capi, realclean-capi):
+ ditto.
+Sun Sep 19 13:44:24 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (LIBRUBY_SO): fix an oversight of replace
+ RUBY_INSTALL_NAME with RUBY_SO_NAME. a patch from Jeremy Evans
+ at [ruby-core:32474].
+Sun Sep 19 07:48:20 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_unlink): Pathname#unlink and
+ Pathname#delete translated from pathname.rb.
+Sun Sep 19 06:06:07 2010 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (check_rounding_mode): added for
+ converting symbol to rounding mode number.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_mode, BigDecimal_round):
+ support to specify rounding mode by symbol.
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb (test_mode, test_round):
+ add tests for above changes.
+Sun Sep 19 05:14:35 2010 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c: fix rounding algorithms for half-down
+ and half-even. This change is based on the patch created by Matthew
+ Willson, the reporter of this bug. [Bug #3803] [ruby-core:32136]
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb: add tests for above changes.
+Sat Sep 18 20:09:51 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_each_entry): Pathname#each_entry
+ translated from pathname.rb.
+Fri Sep 17 23:44:07 2010 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb, test/rexml/test_xpath.rb:
+ add missing method availability check. [ruby-core:32447]
+ Reported by Wiebe Cazemier. Thanks!!!
+Fri Sep 17 23:23:26 2010 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_sax.rb: don't use thread and sleep to avoid slow test.
+Fri Sep 17 23:10:44 2010 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_core.rb: enable.
+Fri Sep 17 22:46:02 2010 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/: untabify.
+Fri Sep 17 22:29:56 2010 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/: fix fixture data path. All REXML tests are worked.
+Fri Sep 17 22:15:15 2010 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_listener.rb: remove needless codes.
+Fri Sep 17 22:12:23 2010 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/: import REXML tests from
+ Many tests are failed temporary. I'll fix them quickly. Sorry.
+Fri Sep 17 16:48:49 2010 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * test/io/console/test_io_console.rb (TestIO_Console::helper):
+ is not guaranteed to work. On my machine opening a
+ pty is prohibited via process control group. On those cases
+ exceptions shall occur, and that doesn't mean our fault.
+ Skip those tests on such situations.
+Fri Sep 17 08:30:27 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/tracer.rb: count only non-internal libraries in stack trace,
+ ignoring custom_require. [ruby-core:31858]
+Fri Sep 17 02:18:41 2010 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * tool/mkconfig.rb: Fix build with m4 1.4.15 generating duplicate
+ lines in config.status. According to nobu, the mswin32 port may
+ depend on the piece of code in question, so the behavior is left
+ unchanged on mswin32.
+Thu Sep 16 23:47:59 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_opendir): Pathname#opendir translated
+ from pathname.rb.
+Thu Sep 16 21:40:37 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::GlobOption): merged RejectOption.
+ * test/runner.rb: utilize GlobOption.
+Thu Sep 16 21:31:24 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/driver.rb (RDoc::RI::Driver.setup_options)
+ (RDoc::RI::Driver.fixup_options): split from process_args.
+ libraries should not parse ARGV inside, since it's a task of
+ applications, not libraries.
+Thu Sep 16 21:02:30 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/paths.rb (RDoc::RI::Paths.each): HOMEDIR can be nil
+ if $HOME is unset.
+Thu Sep 16 14:50:42 2010 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * test/ruby/test_file_exhaustive.rb (TestFileExhaustive::test_expand_path):
+ ENV["HOME"] might not be set. On those cases without it an
+ exception raises here, which effectively disables later
+ tests on this method.
+Thu Sep 16 08:30:28 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_f_sprintf): fix rdoc. pointed out by Tomoyuki
+ Chikanaga at [ruby-core:32395], and a patch from Daniel
+ Bovensiepen at [ruby-core:32403].
+Thu Sep 16 08:27:36 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/etc/extconf.rb: use expanded sysconfdir with empty DESTDIR.
+ [ruby-core:32394]
+Thu Sep 16 06:07:24 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_rmdir): Pathname#rmdir translated
+ from pathname.rb.
+Thu Sep 16 00:36:25 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/readline/extconf.rb: Remove Readline 6 check because
+ Ruby's license is now GPLv3 compatible. [ruby-core:28736]
+Thu Sep 16 00:26:00 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * COPYING: change Ruby's License from a dual license with GPLv2
+ to a dual license with 2-clause BSDL.
+ [ruby-dev:42166] [ruby-core:31971]
+ [ruby-dev:39167] [ruby-core:25272]
+ * COPYING.ja: ditto.
+ * BSDL: added. this is from The FreeBSD License.
+Wed Sep 15 21:07:06 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_mkdir): Pathname#mkdir translated
+ from pathname.rb.
+Wed Sep 15 13:37:00 2010 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * test/net/imap/test_imap.rb: "localhost" not guaranteed to
+ resolve to "". On my machine it is "::1" instead.
+ The problem is, you have to connect to the imaps server via
+ the canonical name written in a server certificate, and that
+ of the server.cert is "localhost". So you have to listen to
+ the address of what "localhost" resolves to. I think this
+ situation cannot be resolved in a handy manner because the
+ test "test_imaps_post_connection_check" is actually
+ expecting to connect to a server via an address other than
+ the CN. On my machine several assertions won't pass because
+ the test cannot connect to the server.
+Wed Sep 15 09:12:03 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_puts): fix for wide char encoding strings.
+ [ruby-dev:42212]
+Wed Sep 15 07:27:52 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_format_m): mentioned about Hash argument. a patch
+ from Daniel Bovensiepen at [ruby-core:32386].
+ * sprintf.c (get_hash): ditto, and fix typo.
+Wed Sep 15 07:22:20 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_entries): Pathname#entries translated
+ from pathname.rb.
+Wed Sep 15 02:13:44 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/fiddle/closure.c : Don't use FFI closure alloc on OpenBSD.
+ Thanks Jeremy Evans! [ruby-core:32384]
+Tue Sep 14 20:17:48 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_s_getwd): Pathname.getwd and
+ Pathname.pwd translated from pathname.rb.
+Tue Sep 14 05:13:04 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_s_glob): Pathname.glob translated
+ from pathname.rb.
+Tue Sep 14 01:24:51 2010 Yutaka Kanemoto <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (ruby_getaddrinfo__aix): suppress a
+ warning.
+Mon Sep 13 20:48:30 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_zero_p): Pathname#zero? translated
+ from pathname.rb.
+Mon Sep 13 19:56:50 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h (__DARWIN_ALIGNBYTES): workaround of a
+ bug in system header of darwin 9. [ruby-core:32341]
+Mon Sep 13 18:11:55 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (try_do): fix typo. a patch from Peter Weldon
+ at [ruby-core:32327].
+Mon Sep 13 10:12:09 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * util.c (ruby_strtod): reject Float('0x0.').
+ [ruby-dev:42239] Bug #3820
+Mon Sep 13 09:23:58 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_bn.c (ossl_bn_is_prime): fix comparison
+ with rb_scan_args. Before this fix, OpenSSL::BN#prime?
+ is fully broken. [ruby-dev:42225]
+Mon Sep 13 06:45:24 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_writable_real_p):
+ Pathname#writable_real? translated from pathname.rb.
+Sun Sep 12 21:21:50 2010 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb: [ruby-core:32096] Thanks Colin Bartlett.
+Sun Sep 12 19:30:27 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_world_writable_p):
+ Pathname#world_writable? translated from pathname.rb.
+Sun Sep 12 09:16:06 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_writable_p): Pathname#writable?
+ translated from pathname.rb.
+Sun Sep 12 08:36:15 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rlimit_resource_name2int): support more limits:
+ (Init_process): ditto.
+ patch by Run Paint Run Run. [ruby-core:32262]
+Sun Sep 12 04:27:13 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rlimit_resource_name2int): use STRCASECMP to avoid
+Sat Sep 11 16:47:41 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (ruby_setenv): raise if putenv and SetEnvironmentVariable
+ failed, because of the restriction of the size on Windows.
+ based on a patch from Peter Weldon at [ruby-core:32304]. fix:
+ Bug#3812, [ruby-core:32250]
+Sat Sep 11 15:19:57 2010 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpauth/digestauth.rb (WEBrick::Config::DigestAuth):
+ Add documentation
+ * lib/webrick/config.rb (WEBrick::Config::DigestAuth): Add
+ documentation
+Sat Sep 11 12:32:05 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_set_kcode, rb_get_kcode): removed
+ zombie prototype declarations. a patch from Eric Hodel
+ at [ruby-core:32305].
+Sat Sep 11 06:53:12 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_symlink_p): Pathname#symlink?
+ translated from pathname.rb.
+Fri Sep 10 23:03:43 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_sticky_p): Pathname#sticky? translated
+ from pathname.rb.
+Fri Sep 10 19:11:13 2010 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/webrick/httprequest.rb (WEBrick::HTTPRequest#continue): add
+ method for generating HTTP/1.1 100 continue response if the client
+ expects it, otherwise does nothing. Patch by Brian Candler.
+ ref #855.
+ * test/webrick/test_httprequest.rb: test added.
+Fri Sep 10 17:49:34 2010 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/x509-internal.rb: removed unused local
+ variable.
+ * test/openssl/*: less warnings while test running with -w.
+Fri Sep 10 16:49:20 2010 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * class.c (rb_scan_args): Add support for optional keyword
+ argument hash. [ruby-dev:42221] [ruby-dev:38048]
+ * README.EXT, README.EXT.ja: Update documentation accordingly.
+ * dir.c (dir_initialize): Make use of the new rb_scan_args()
+ feature.
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_popen, rb_scan_open_args, rb_io_initialize)
+ (rb_io_s_pipe, open_key_args, io_s_foreach, io_s_readlines)
+ (rb_io_s_read, rb_io_set_encoding): Ditto.
+ * transcode.c (str_transcode, econv_args)
+ (econv_primitive_convert): Ditto.
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (rb_gzreader_initialize): Ditto.
+Fri Sep 10 10:33:18 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * random.c (rb_genrand_ulong_limited): renamed from
+ rb_rand_internal and now this is public API.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_genrand_ulong_limited): added.
+ * bignum.c (big_sparse_p): use rb_genrand_ulong_limited.
+Fri Sep 10 13:07:22 2010 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/digest/lib/digest.rb: removed unused exception variable
+ assignment to avoid a warning.
+Fri Sep 10 07:29:14 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (etc_systmpdir): assume system default tmpdir
+ safe. [ruby-dev:42089]
+Fri Sep 10 07:03:23 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_size_p): Pathname#size? translated from
+ pathname.rb.
+Fri Sep 10 02:15:29 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/option.c (inspect_peercred): support OpenBSD-current.
+ patch by Jeremy Evans. [ruby-core:32240]
+Thu Sep 9 23:25:53 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm.c (vm_backtrace_each): skip allocator frames which have no
+ name. [ruby-core:32231]
+Thu Sep 9 22:39:08 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_size): Pathname#size translated from
+ pathname.rb.
+Thu Sep 9 22:34:48 2010 wanabe <>
+ * compile.c (case_when_optimizable_literal): When float value can be
+ treated as integer, add to table hash of case that way.
+ based on a patch from Ikuo KOBORI. [ruby-dev:42038]
+ * insns.def (opt_case_dispatch): ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_case.rb: add tests.
+Thu Sep 9 17:15:15 2010 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/net/http/test_https.rb (test_identity_verify_failure): follows
+ the SSL hostname check error message of openssl.
+Thu Sep 9 10:44:46 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/ruby/test_env.rb (test_aset): OpenBSD acts like NetBSD in
+ that it ignores characters after = in ENV.
+ patched by Jeremy Evans [ruby-core:32184]
+Thu Sep 9 09:02:01 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb (install?): gemspec filename should include
+ its version. patched by Luis Lavena [ruby-core:32165]
+Wed Sep 8 22:46:31 2010 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ssl_get_error): Thread context switch was
+ blocked on Windows while blocking call for SSLSocket. Need to
+ convert errno for letting rb_io_wait_readable detect EWOULDBLOCK.
+ Patch by arton. ref #3794.
+Wed Sep 8 20:56:57 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_setgid_p): Pathname#setgid? translated
+ from pathname.rb.
+Wed Sep 8 06:25:41 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_setuid_p): Pathname#setuid? translated
+ from pathname.rb.
+Tue Sep 7 21:03:35 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_readable_real_p):
+ Pathname#readable_real? translated from pathname.rb.
+Mon Sep 6 23:07:25 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_world_readable_p):
+ Pathname#world_readable? translated from pathname.rb.
+Mon Sep 6 11:03:13 2010 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * Fixed wrong check of missing functions. Patch by Adrian Quark.
+ ref #3400
+ The patch contains following comment:
+ This patch should avoid unnecessary incompatibility with future
+ versions of Openssl. Changes suggested by
+Mon Sep 6 10:46:55 2010 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * Fixed exception message for SSL post connection check failure. Patch
+ by Paul Betteridge. ref [Bug #3704]
+Mon Sep 6 10:31:59 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_s_get_line_buffer):
+ Readline.line_buffer should return locale string.
+ [ruby-dev:42184] #3791
+Mon Sep 6 09:47:24 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * util.c (ruby_strtod): check there is at least 1 digit after
+ "0x" before ".". [ruby-dev:42183] #3790
+Mon Sep 6 09:44:50 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * util.c (ruby_strtod): check integer overflow.
+ [ruby-dev:42180] #3789
+Mon Sep 6 06:17:21 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_readable_p): Pathname#readable?
+ translated from pathname.rb.
+Sun Sep 5 23:02:34 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_owned_p): Pathname#owned?
+ translated from pathname.rb.
+Sat Sep 4 23:48:47 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_readlink): symlink target should be in
+ filesystem encoding.
+Sat Sep 4 10:40:50 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * load.c (ruby_init_ext): export for golfers.
+ * vm_core.h (rb_iseq_eval, rb_iseq_compile_with_option): ditto.
+Sun May 23 17:29:41 2010 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * (capi): uses a timestamp file to get rid of
+ generating twice.
+Fri Jun 18 01:33:21 2010 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * enc/ (realclean): has been missing. necessary
+ for make realclean-enc.
+Fri Sep 3 23:51:26 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_socket_p): Pathname#socket?
+ translated from pathname.rb.
+Fri Sep 3 06:40:44 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (chfunc): pass through exceptions.
+ * io.c (rb_io_bufwrite, rb_io_bufread): added.
+ * process.c (rb_fork_err): protect from exceptions.
+Fri Sep 3 06:16:07 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_pipe_p): Pathname#pipe?
+ translated from pathname.rb.
+Fri Sep 3 06:14:40 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (chfunc): restore errno from SystemCallError and
+ propagate proper exception to the parent. [ruby-dev:41965]
+Thu Sep 2 22:10:38 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_file_p): Pathname#file?
+ translated from pathname.rb.
+Thu Sep 2 09:12:02 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_spawn, rb_w32_aspawn): don't forget to free
+ memory.
+Thu Sep 2 09:01:13 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (CreateChild): unicodize.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_spawn, rb_w32_aspawn): convert arguments of
+ CreateChild() from ACP to WideChar.
+Thu Sep 2 06:53:43 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_directory_p): Pathname#directory?
+ translated from pathname.rb.
+Wed Sep 1 22:03:41 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_grpowned_p): Pathname#grpowned?
+ translated from pathname.rb.
+Wed Sep 1 17:39:02 2010 Ryan Davis <>
+ * lib/minitest/*.rb: Imported minitest 1.7.1 r5835.
+ * test/minitest/*.rb: ditto.
+Wed Sep 1 16:50:42 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (tr_setup_table): optimized. don't create hash objects
+ when given pattern is ASCII only.
+ * string.c (tr_find): ditto.
+Wed Sep 1 14:35:29 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_rotate_m): fix typo of rdoc.
+ patched by Andrei Kulakov [ruby-core:31975]
+Wed Sep 1 14:33:36 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enum.c (enum_zip): fix typo of rdoc.
+ patched by Andrei Kulakov [ruby-core:31974]
+Wed Sep 1 12:56:36 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (ruby_suppress_tracing): restore the state and invoke
+ the func with normal state. a patch from Satoshi Shiba <shiba
+ AT> at [ruby-dev:42162]. [ruby-core:31783]
+Tue Aug 31 21:10:23 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_exist_p): Pathname#exist? translated
+ from pathname.rb.
+Tue Aug 31 17:32:34 2010 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/stubs.c: fix [Bug #3771] "VC++ can't make ext/tk with enabling
+ stubs". Thanks, Akio Tajima [ruby-dev:42159].
+Tue Aug 31 03:42:14 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (tr_setup_table): fix bug in r29146.
+ Initialize table even if cflag is 0; tr_find see whether
+ del is empty or not.
+ * string.c (tr_find): nodel can't be NULL; if NULL, it means
+ it is not specified.
+Mon Aug 30 21:29:21 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_executable_real_p):
+ Pathname#executable_real? translated from pathname.rb.
+Mon Aug 30 15:00:13 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (tr_setup_table): initialize negating table when
+ negating string is given. [ruby-core:31851]
+ * string.c (tr_find): add a sentence for the time when
+ target characters include negating one.
+ * string.c (rb_str_count): move definition.
+Mon Aug 30 07:32:41 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_executable_p): Pathname#executable?
+ translated from pathname.rb.
+Sun Aug 29 23:54:10 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb (RDoc#parse_call_parameters): don't
+ include assignment. [Bug #3759], [ruby-dev:42154]
+ * lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb (RDoc#parse_class): ignore non-constant
+ name singleton class. [Bug #3759], [ruby-dev:42154]
+Sun Aug 29 23:25:18 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_get_path_check): clarify error message for
+ ASCII-incompatible path name.
+Sun Aug 29 16:02:54 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ( remove command option -n and give
+ file as stdin, because IronRuby 1.1 still doesn't support it.
+ So now we can use ir.exe as BASERUBY.
+ * tool/node_name.rb: read stdin with while gets.
+Sun Aug 29 13:22:43 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm.c (rb_thread_method_id_and_class): curried proc has no
+ method. [ruby-core:31871]
+Sun Aug 29 12:51:33 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * load.c (rb_provide_feature): clarify error message for frozen
+ $LOADED_FEATURES. based on a patch from Run Paint Run Run at
+ [ruby-core:31913].
+Sun Aug 29 12:19:58 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * load.c (load_failed): should honor encoding. [ruby-core:31915]
+Sun Aug 29 09:35:10 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (clean): exclude *.inc. [ruby-dev:41931]
+ * (distclean): include *.inc.
+ * (help): change description about clean and distclean.
+Sat Aug 29 06:34:52 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_chardev_p): Pathname#chardev?
+ translated from pathname.rb.
+Sat Aug 28 17:39:33 2010 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_save_exception_mode,
+ BigDecimal_save_rounding_mode, BigDecimal_save_limit): added.
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb: added tests for the above
+ features.
+Sat Aug 28 08:11:05 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_blockdev_p): Pathname#blockdev?
+ translated from pathname.rb.
+Fri Aug 27 16:20:01 2010 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_prepend): new method by Shota Fukumori (sora_h)
+ [Feature #3765]
+Fri Aug 27 15:24:20 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * math.c (math_atan2): you should know that M_PI is not the feature
+ of C90.
+ fixed build failure caused by r29115.
+Fri Aug 27 15:26:33 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (null_device): move from io.c.
+Fri Aug 27 12:47:44 2010 Kenta Murata <>
+ * math.c (math_atan2): change the behavior when x and y are zero.
+ [ruby-dev:42090] [Bug #3736] [ruby-dev:42116]
+ * test/ruby/test_math.rb (test_atan2): add tests for the above
+ changes.
+Fri Aug 27 12:26:23 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_class): remove mention of obsolete method.
+ a patch from Run Paint Run Run at [ruby-core:31842].
+Fri Aug 27 12:25:03 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (null_device): the name of null device. [ruby-dev:41791]
+Fri Aug 27 07:57:34 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_shuffle_bang): bail out from modification during
+ shuffle.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_sample): ditto.
+Fri Aug 27 05:11:51 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_sysopen): Pathname#sysopen translated
+ from pathname.rb.
+Thu Aug 26 22:53:56 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_shuffle): rdoc fix. argument name was missing.
+ a patch from Run Paint Run Run at [ruby-core:31848].
+Thu Aug 26 21:49:46 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_readlines): Pathname#readlines
+ translated from pathname.rb.
+Thu Aug 26 10:37:00 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regint.h (OnigStackIndex): the type should be intptr_t.
+ Original Oniguruma assumes the size of long and that of void *
+ are equal, but it's not true on LLP64 platform: mswin64.
+ originally patched by shintaro kuwamoto [ruby-dev:42133]
+Thu Aug 26 10:38:11 2010 Yutaka Kanemoto <>
+ * test/dl/test_base.rb: AIX does not have dynamically loadable lib[cm].
+ * test/fiddle/helper.rb: AIX does not have dynamically loadable lib[cm].
+Thu Aug 26 09:49:50 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_shuffle_bang): check number of argument.
+Tue Aug 26 09:11:40 2010 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (Init_bigdecimal,
+ rmpd_set_thread_local_exception_mode, VpGetException,
+ VpSetException): thread-local exception mode.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (Init_bigdecimal,
+ rmpd_set_thread_local_precision_limit, VpGetPrecLimit,
+ VpSetPrecLimit): thread-local precision limit.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (Init_bigdecimal,
+ rmpd_set_thread_local_rounding_mode, VpGetRoundMode,
+ VpSetRoundMode, VpException, VpInternalRound):
+ thread-local rounding mode.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_mode, BigDecimal_round,
+ VpIsRoundMode, VpGetRoundMode, VpSetRoundMode, VpActiveRound,
+ VpMidRound, VpLeftRound), ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.h:
+ use unsigned short for rounding mode.
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb (test_mode): add test for
+ setting rounding mode.
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb (test_thread_local_mode):
+ add test for setting mode thread-locally.
+Thu Aug 26 07:29:54 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_{shuffle_bang,sample}): use Random class object.
+ * random.c (try_get_rnd): use default_rand for Random as same as
+ singleton methods.
+ * random.c (rb_random_real): check the range of result.
+Wed Aug 25 22:11:11 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_binread): Pathname#binread translated
+ from pathname.rb.
+Wed Aug 25 03:42:43 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/dl/cfunc.c (rb_dlcfunc_call): workaround for VC9 for x64.
+ reported by kuwamoto shintaro in [ruby-dev:42125].
+Tue Aug 24 23:28:50 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * .gitignore: updated.
+Tue Aug 24 22:07:28 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_read): Pathname#read translated from
+ pathname.rb.
+Tue Aug 24 10:11:04 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * read API version from include/ruby/version.h.
+ * {bcc,win}32/setup.mak (-version-): ditto.
+ * version.h (RUBY_LIB_VERSION): use API version numbers.
+Tue Aug 24 07:07:28 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_shuffle_bang, rb_ary_sample): add optional
+ argument random. [ruby-dev:41923] [EXPERIMENTAL]
+ * random.c (rb_random_{int32,real,bytes}): fallback to normal
+ method invocation.
+Tue Aug 24 06:08:10 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/version.h (RUBY_API_VERSION_*): renamed and moved
+ from version.h. [ruby-dev:42103]
+Tue Aug 24 05:58:18 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ChangeLog: flushed. [ruby-dev:42050]
+Tue Aug 24 01:14:58 2010 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_to_f): to_f must underflow
+ when the exponent is less than DBL_MIN_10_EXP - BASE_FIG.
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb (test_to_f): added test for the above changes.
+Mon Aug 23 23:14:21 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_each_line): Pathname#each_line
+ translated from pathname.rb.
+Mon Aug 23 22:30:58 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (version.o): depends on both of version.h and
+ include/ruby/version.h. [ruby-dev:42063]
+Mon Aug 23 13:09:27 2010 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * backport r29071 from ruby_1_8;
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c (obj_to_asn1bool): fixed ASN1::Boolean
+ encoding issue for OpenSSL 1.0.0 compatibility.
+ wrongly generated "\1\1\377" which
+ means 'true'.
+ ASN1_TYPE_set of OpenSSL <= 0.9.8 treats value 0x100 as 'false'
+ but OpenSSL >= 1.0.0 treats it as 'true'. ruby-ossl was using
+ 0x100 for 'false' for backward compatibility. Just use 0x0 for
+ the case OpenSSL >= OpenSSL 0.9.7.
+ * test/openssl/test_asn1.rb: test added.
+Mon Aug 23 12:28:58 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_search): fix: 4th argument should be regexp
+ object. patched by shintaro kuwamoto [ruby-dev:41667] #3459
+Mon Aug 23 02:23:05 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * util.c (ruby_strtod): make sure to have digit-sequence after 'p'
+ for hexadecimal-floating-constant. [ruby-dev:42105]
+Mon Aug 23 00:23:07 2010 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb, lib/date/format.rb: [ruby-core:31695]
+Sun Aug 22 09:08:02 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (UINT2NUM): fix ifdef condition for LLP64.
+ reported by Daniel Gutmanas. [ruby-core:31778]
+Sun Aug 22 06:46:21 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (RAND_UPTO): macro for random number.
+Sun Aug 22 05:55:01 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * fix typo. a patch from Eric Wong at
+ [ruby-core:31810].
+Sat Aug 21 20:09:43 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * vm.c: add missing prototype of rb_iseq_clone for r29063.
+Sat Aug 21 18:54:56 2010 wanabe <>
+ * vm.c (vm_define_method): copy iseq to avoid overwriting iseq->klass.
+ #2502, #3136. see #2420.
+Sat Aug 21 17:36:42 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_split): Pathname#split translated from
+ pathname.rb.
+Fri Aug 20 10:40:04 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_expand_path): Pathname#expand_path
+ translated from pathname.rb.
+Thu Aug 19 22:44:56 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/make-snapshot (usage): add usage.
+ * tool/make-snapshot (package): accept revision as BRANCH@REV.
+Thu Aug 19 19:53:26 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (ancillary_timestamp): fix a constant type.
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (get_afamily): suppress a warning.
+Thu Aug 19 19:28:47 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_sleep): suppress a warning for platforms
+ which time_t is int.
+Thu Aug 19 18:15:50 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/merger.rb: Add a tool to merge commits between branches.
+ developed by URABE Shyouhei
+Thu Aug 19 17:19:09 2010 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * backport r28621 and r28632 from ruby_1_8;
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_config.c, ext/openssl/lib/openssl/config.rb,
+ ext/openssl/lib/openssl.rb: reimplement OpenSSL::Config in Ruby.
+ Now it should work on windows.
+ * test/openssl/test_config.rb: added tests for OpenSSL::Config#dup.
+ * test/openssl/test_config.rb: added tests for Config#clone.
+Thu Aug 19 12:04:39 2010 Kenta Murata <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_permutation, rb_ary_repeated_permutation,
+ rb_ary_repeated_combination, rb_ary_product):
+ use ary_make_shared_copy instead of ary_make_substitution.
+ [ruby-dev:42067] [Bug #3708]
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb (test_product, test_repeated_permutation,
+ test_repeated_combination): append assertions against [Bug #3708].
+Thu Aug 19 11:11:24 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enum.c (enum_inject): fix typo of rdoc.
+ patched by Andrei Kulakov [ruby-core:31768]
+Thu Aug 19 10:06:08 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_extname): Pathname#extname translated
+ from pathname.rb.
+Thu Aug 19 06:03:27 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_push_frame): initialize block_iseq. a patch
+ from Peter Weldon at [ruby-core:31757].
+Wed Aug 18 19:08:17 2010 Kenta Murata <>
+ * array.c (ary_make_shared): revert r29037, it occurs SEGV some
+ situations.
+Wed Aug 18 18:36:32 2010 Kenta Murata <>
+ * array.c (ary_make_shared),
+ test/ruby/test_array.rb (test_permutation):
+ always return the original array when it is shared.
+ [ruby-dev:42067] [Bug #3708]
+Wed Aug 18 01:37:49 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regcomp.c: revert r26701; it introduces Bug #3681.
+ [ruby-core:31677]
+Tue Aug 17 20:05:29 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (test_threaded_flush): test "hi" is not output
+ twice.
+Tue Aug 17 15:13:28 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/date.rb: Re-revert the part of r28950.
+ It reverted the part of r28619.
+Tue Aug 17 13:00:07 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_dirname): Pathname#dirname translated
+ from pathname.rb.
+Tue Aug 17 07:50:37 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/readline/extconf.rb: check functions more.
+ [ruby-core:31722]
+Tue Aug 17 07:42:43 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (str_make_independent_expand): set capacity properly. a
+ patch from Peter Weldon at [ruby-core:31734]. [ruby-core:31653]
+Tue Aug 17 07:38:43 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gem_prelude.rb, lib/rubygems.rb (Gem.suffixes): include empty
+ suffix. [ruby-core:31730]
+Mon Aug 16 22:16:12 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_basename): unused variable removed.
+Mon Aug 16 21:39:33 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_basename): Pathname#basename translated
+ from pathname.rb.
+Mon Aug 16 20:26:13 2010 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c (gc_profile_result): Index begins with 1.
+Mon Aug 16 20:21:17 2010 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c (gc_profile_result): use size_t. based on patches from
+ Tomoaki NISHIYAMA <> at
+ [ruby-dev:42042].
+Mon Aug 16 19:23:19 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * util.c (ruby_dtoa, ruby_hdtoa): use same representations for
+ Infinity and NaN. a part of a patch from Peter Weldon at
+ [ruby-core:31725].
+ * util.c (ruby_hdtoa): fixed buffer overrun. based on a patch
+ from Peter Weldon at [ruby-core:31725].
+Mon Aug 16 17:44:55 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * (capi): use -b option for doxygen. It disables stdout
+ buffering and prevents wrong reordering between stdout and stderr
+ even when the output of "make" is redirected.
+Sun Aug 15 19:59:58 2010 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb (WEBrick::HTTPResponse#set_error):
+ Fix for possible cross-site scripting (CVE-2010-0541).
+ Found by Apple, reported by Hideki Yamane.
+ Patch by Hirokazu Nishio <nishio.hirokazu AT>.
+Mon Aug 16 12:29:06 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, win32/Makefile.sub (test-rubyspec-precheck): split
+ from test-rubyspec.
+ * (test-rubyspec): moved from
+Mon Aug 16 10:00:45 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.h (llabs): never never never never never
+ use "long long".
+ * ext/bigdecimal.bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_to_i): get rid of a warning.
+Sun Aug 15 18:14:20 2010 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_dump, BigDecimal_inspect,
+ VPrint, VpToString, VpVarCheck): use PRIuSIZE, PRIdSIZE, PRIdVALUE,
+ and PRIxVALUE.
+Sun Aug 15 16:14:31 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (Logging.postpone): close @log only when it's available.
+Sun Aug 15 13:30:35 2010 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.h (VpVtoD): fix a type of e.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_dump, BigDecimal_inspect):
+ fix format for size_t.
+Sun Aug 15 00:22:00 2010 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/extconf.rb, ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.h
+ (labs, llabs): support environments missing labs and llabs.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.h (vabs): added.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/extconf.rb, ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.h,
+ ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c, test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb
+ (TestBigDecimal#test_new): replace U_LONG, S_LONG, S_INT, and U_INT
+ with appropriate standard or ruby-provided types.
+Sun Aug 15 00:15:45 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_utime): Pathname#utime translated
+ from pathname.rb.
+Sat Aug 14 21:04:28 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_gc_mark_threads): deprecated.
+Sat Aug 14 19:12:10 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/{coverage,objspace}/extconf.rb ($INCFLAGS): explicitly add
+ topdir and top_srcdir. [ruby-dev:42031]
+Sat Aug 14 17:48:41 2010 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * test/objspace/test_objspace.rb: added test for objspace.
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c: considers T_ZOMBIE by lazy sweep GC.
+ * gc.c: considers that dsize was 0. [ruby-dev:42022]
+Sat Aug 14 15:33:02 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, include/ruby/defines.h (RUBY_FUNC_EXPORTED): macro
+ to declare exported function.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_memsize), string.c (rb_str_memsize),
+ variable.c (rb_objspace_data_type_memsize): used in
+ objspace. [ruby-dev:42022]
+ * io.c (rb_io_memsize): constified.
+ * regcomp.c (onig_memsize): constified.
+ * gc.h (rb_objspace_each_objects): used in objspace.
+ * vm_core.h (rb_{get,set,reset}_coverages): used in coverage.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_time_interval): used in io/wait.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_make_backtrace, rb_make_exception):
+ used in ripper.
+ * node.h (rb_parser_{malloc,realloc,calloc,free}): ditto.
+Fri Aug 13 22:48:39 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_truncate): Pathname#truncate translated
+ from pathname.rb.
+Fri Aug 13 16:11:36 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb ( extend before initialize.
+ [ruby-dev:41970]
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (MiniTest::Unit.autorun): use Test::Unit::Mini.
+Thu Aug 12 23:39:02 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_make_symlink): Pathname#make_symlink
+ translated from pathname.rb.
+Thu Aug 12 21:18:27 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_lstat): Pathname#lstat translated
+ from pathname.rb.
+Thu Aug 12 05:58:09 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_char_to_option_kcode): used in
+ ripper.
+ * node.h (rb_reserved_word): ditto.
+Thu Aug 12 00:19:53 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb (test_script_from_stdin): disable
+ echo. [ruby-dev:41966]
+Wed Aug 11 23:28:22 2010 Kenta Murata <>
+ * lib/cmath.rb (CMath.sqrt): use floating-point value.
+ [ruby-core:31672] [Bug #3678]
+ * test/test_cmath.rb: added for testing lib/cmath.rb.
+Wed Aug 11 20:57:25 2010 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * NEWS: merge from branches/ruby_1_9_2, and move io/console.
+ [ruby-dev:41924]
+Wed Aug 11 11:01:15 2010 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c: don't use // comment.
+Wed Aug 11 06:18:20 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_stat): Pathname#stat translated
+ from pathname.rb.
+Tue Aug 10 21:18:04 2010 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (nucomp_to_[ifr]): don't allow complex with in-exact
+ imaginary zero to be converted.
+Tue Aug 10 20:56:31 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb: suppress a warning.
+ * test/test_mutex_m.rb: ditto.
+Tue Aug 10 20:56:13 2010 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date/format.rb (Date::Format::Bag): use Struct.
+ as an experimental.
+Tue Aug 10 20:45:35 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_rename): Pathname#rename translated
+ from pathname.rb.
+Tue Aug 10 20:16:19 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/dl/win32/lib/win32/resolv.rb (get_info): get rid of a warning.
+Tue Aug 10 19:56:13 2010 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date/format.rb: [ruby-core:31658]
+Tue Aug 10 17:24:56 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * README.EXT.ja: rb_tainted_str_new_cstr() is an alias of
+ rb_tainted_str_new2().
+Tue Aug 10 15:24:30 2010 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c, ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.h,
+ ext/bigdecimal/extconf.rb: BASE and BASE_FIG are defined
+ based on the size of BDIGIT.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c, ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.h:
+ use BDIGIT for Real#frac.
+Tue Aug 10 15:19:45 2010 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.h, ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c:
+ add extern declaration of rb_cBigDecimal.
+Tue Aug 10 14:09:31 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/webrick/httprequest.rb (WEBrick::HTTPRequest::parse_uri):
+ rollup leading slashes. [ruby-core:31657]
+ patched by Jamison Wilde
+ NOTE: //authority/path is valid relative URI both RFC2396 and
+ RFC3986. So when give a relative URI-like string to URI lib,
+ users must care leading slashes.
+Tue Aug 10 11:26:33 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/un.rb (httpd): SIGQUIT and SIGHUP are not guaranteed to exist.
+Tue Aug 10 06:26:48 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_readlink): Pathname#readlink translated
+ from pathname.rb.
+Mon Aug 9 22:15:19 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_open): Pathname#open translated from
+ pathname.rb.
+Mon Aug 9 22:11:09 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_signal.rb (TestSignal#test_exit_action): use
+ Process.spawn instead of Process.fork.
+Mon Aug 9 15:59:02 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/rubygems/source_index.rb: rename unused variable.
+ * lib/rubygems/specification.rb: rename unused variable.
+ * lib/rubygems/specification.rb: remove unused variable.
+Mon Aug 9 14:10:06 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c: Fix type of mimeout_state.buf.
+ [nkf-bug:20079]
+Mon Aug 9 06:52:59 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (sys_warning_1): show error message.
+Mon Aug 9 06:50:28 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_require.rb (test_require_too_long_filename):
+ clear -w option.
+Mon Aug 9 00:18:44 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb ($ignore_error): initialize after $nmake.
+Sun Aug 8 19:16:26 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_make_link): Pathname#make_link
+ translated from pathname.rb.
+Sun Aug 8 16:42:48 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rubygems.rb (Gem.find_files): reverted to use globbing.
+ * lib/rubygems.rb (Gem.find_files): fixed search order same as
+ default behavior.
+ * gem_prelude.rb, lib/rubygems.rb (Gem.suffixes): return truly
+ require-able suffixes only.
+Sun Aug 8 13:20:57 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_ftype): Pathname#ftype translated
+ from pathname.rb.
+Sun Aug 8 12:41:19 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_tokadd_escape): no similar messages twice.
+ [ruby-core:31048]
+Sun Aug 8 10:07:45 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * strftime.c (rb_strftime_with_timespec): suppress warnings.
+Sun Aug 8 08:58:42 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_H_INCLUDES): add subst.h.
+Sun Aug 8 08:55:37 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (ruby_snprintf): printf attribute.
+Sun Aug 8 07:47:29 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/rbconfig/obsolete.rb: show the location which use Config.
+Sun Aug 8 07:29:55 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_fnmatch): Pathname#fnmatch and
+ Pathname#fnmatch? translated from pathname.rb.
+Sun Aug 8 07:18:22 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/subst.h (snprintf): redefinition moved from ruby.h.
+ (vsnprintf): ditto.
+Sun Aug 8 00:41:42 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/subst.h: new file for substitute standard functions.
+ * include/ruby/missing.h: don't substitute "close", etc. here.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: include ruby/subst.h at last.
+ This prevents substituting "close" in unistd.h.
+Sat Aug 7 19:51:10 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (EnvUtil.invoke_ruby): merge stdout and stderr
+ if capture_stderr is :merge_to_stdout.
+ (assert_normal_exit): print abnormal output properly.
+Sat Aug 7 19:04:49 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * missing/close.c: undef the macros "getpeername", "getsockname" and
+ "shutdown" to prevent infinite recursion.
+Sat Aug 7 18:37:39 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * missing/close.c: undef the macro "close" to prevent infinite
+ recursion.
+Sat Aug 7 18:20:41 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_lchown): Pathname#lchown translated
+ from pathname.rb.
+Sat Aug 7 17:49:10 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/missing.h: moved BROKEN_CLOSE replacements from
+ include/ruby/ruby.h.
+Sat Aug 7 17:40:24 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * mkconfig.rb, lib/rbconfig/obsolete.rb: warn obsolete and
+ deprecated Config.
+Sat Aug 7 17:18:34 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extract_makefile): follow the change of
+ install-rb-default line format at r28850, which causes second
+ run to create dummy makefiles.
+Sat Aug 7 14:08:44 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: change instance variable to global.
+Sat Aug 7 13:59:19 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_sub_ext): don't clobber shared string.
+ [ruby-core:31640]
+Sat Aug 7 13:33:25 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (vm_call0): fix for VM_METHOD_TYPE_NOTIMPLEMENTED.
+ [ruby-dev:41953]
+Sat Aug 7 09:47:06 2010 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: fix checking version of GCC.
+Sat Aug 7 09:31:48 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (Init_pathname): fix number of arguments for
+ Pathname#chown.
+Sat Aug 7 09:28:12 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (assert_normal_exit): use assert. fix
+ faildesc.
+ * test/pathname/test_pathname.rb (test_lchmod): test Pathname#lchmod
+ using assert_normal_exit.
+Sat Aug 7 08:26:26 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_chown): Pathname#chown translated
+ from pathname.rb.
+Sat Aug 7 02:09:04 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_lchmod): Pathname#lchmod translated
+ from pathname.rb.
+Fri Aug 6 21:30:06 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_chmod): Pathname#chmod translated from
+ pathname.rb.
+Fri Aug 6 20:13:42 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * rational.c (nurat_div): divided by infinity should be zero.
+ * rational.c (nurat_div): divided by float zero should be
+ infinity. [ruby-core:31626]
+Fri Aug 6 18:59:23 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (realpath_rec): rb_str_modify depends on the length, so
+ resize instead.
+Fri Aug 6 18:56:14 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (clean-ext): fixed directories to be removed.
+Fri Aug 6 17:42:12 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/depend: add space at the beginning of @ignore_error.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: ditto.
+Fri Aug 6 17:38:33 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (clean): add prelude.c, config.log, and rbconfig.rb.
+ * (distclean): remove encdb.h, config.log, and rbconfig.rb.
+Fri Aug 6 17:35:24 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ignore error from RMDIRS.
+ * enc/depend: ditto.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: ditto.
+Fri Aug 6 05:53:32 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_mtime): Pathname#mtime translated from
+ pathname.rb.
+Thu Aug 5 22:09:30 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_ctime): Pathname#ctime translated from
+ pathname.rb.
+Thu Aug 5 21:20:31 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * compile.c (NODE_ARGSCAT, NODE_ARGSPUSH): drop unused ARGSCAT
+ results when popped is true. [ruby-dev:41933], [Bug #3658]
+ This is retry of r28870 and r28873 which were reverted.
+Thu Aug 5 20:13:49 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * README.EXT, README.EXT.ja (String functions): mention
+ rb_str_resize and rb_str_set_len.
+Thu Aug 5 19:59:55 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_set_len): bail out when buffer overflowed
+ probably.
+Thu Aug 5 18:36:11 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * complex.c (nucomp_marshal_load): should check the argument.
+ [ruby-core:31622]
+ * rational.c (nurat_marshal_load): ditto
+ * marshal.c (w_float): should not append a dot if no fractal part
+ exists. [ruby-dev:41936]
+Thu Aug 5 17:11:43 2010 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (void_expr_gen): add 'possibly' to warning message.
+ [ruby-core:31611]
+Thu Aug 5 16:57:20 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (glob_make_pattern): fold continuous PLAINs to get rid of
+ snail at too deep path. [ruby-dev:41871]
+Thu Aug 5 16:42:41 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_set_len): should fail to modify shared string.
+Thu Aug 5 14:12:44 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (ruby_init_loadpath_safe): ensure sopath to be modifiable
+Thu Aug 5 12:39:14 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (str_make_independent_expand): fix buffer overflow
+ while shrinking.
+Thu Aug 5 06:42:31 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * file.c (realpath_rec): call rb_str_modify before rb_str_set_len.
+Wed Aug 4 19:37:00 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_set_len): rb_str_modify cannot work before the
+ length is set, which is a precondition for rb_str_modify.
+Wed Aug 4 15:47:21 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): no need to create the directory
+ at each library file. this change makes making ext faster.
+Wed Aug 4 06:25:04 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_atime): Pathname#atime translated from
+ pathname.rb.
+Tue Aug 3 21:16:03 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (Init_Random): add Random::DEFAULT.
+Tue Aug 3 21:01:10 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (rb_check_hash_type): added.
+Tue Aug 3 20:30:16 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_eq): never equal to infinity.
+ [ruby-core:31603]
+ * rational.c (nurat_div): hack for integral float divisor.
+Tue Aug 3 14:42:12 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb: remove purelib, fixes a bug in r28440, r28441.
+ * spec/default.mspec: ditto.
+ * template/Doxyfile.tmpl: ditto.
+Tue Aug 3 14:19:42 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/driver.rb (setup_pager): no need to check the existence
+ of pagers. the following code checks whether they are executable or
+ not.
+Tue Aug 3 12:03:57 2010 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * tool/runruby.rb: no purelib.
+Tue Aug 3 07:52:20 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/purelib.rb: no longer used since the default load path of
+ miniruby is empty.
+Tue Aug 3 00:53:47 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * insns.def, vm_core.h: fixed typo. reported by Rocky Bernstein
+ <rockyb AT> at [ruby-core:31596].
+Mon Aug 2 21:51:16 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (ruby_init_loadpath_safe): rb_str_set_len modifies ptr
+ since r26303.
+Mon Aug 2 21:16:03 2010 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: NONAMELESSUNION defined only if gcc
+ version is older than 3.4.4. [ruby-core:31567] [Bug #3637]
+ * ext/win32ole/extconf.rb: ditto.
+Mon Aug 2 16:34:32 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * thread_win32.c (native_thread_join): need to wait thread, of course.
+ [ruby-dev:41911]
+Mon Aug 2 12:22:22 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * file.c (file_expand_path): wrong condition. [ruby-core:31591]
+Mon Aug 2 05:34:48 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_realdirpath): Pathname#realdirpath
+ translated from pathname.rb.
+Sun Aug 1 23:04:49 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pp.rb: describe superclasses explicitly.
+Sun Aug 1 23:04:35 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_modify_expand, rb_str_resize): get rid of
+ repeating malloc and realloc.
+Sun Aug 1 22:16:30 2010 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_hash): use rb_memhash and
+ take care of negative finite numbers properly.
+ [ruby-core:31582][Bug #3640]
+Sun Aug 1 20:57:22 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_realpath): Pathname#realpath translated
+ from pathname.rb.
+Sun Aug 1 17:27:32 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: needs stddef.h for size_t. a patch from
+ Akio Tajima at [ruby-dev:41905].
+Sun Aug 1 14:59:04 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_sub_ext): Pathname#sub_ext translated
+ from pathname.rb.
+Sun Aug 1 10:23:48 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/irb/init.rb (IRB.parse_opts): set VERBOSE to true when debug
+ switch called in irb. a patch from Andrew Grimm in
+ [ruby-core:31558].
+Sun Aug 1 09:35:35 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * bignum.c (big_op): comparison of bignum and infinity has returned 1
+ or -1, but it must return boolean.
+Sun Aug 1 09:44:25 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * class.c (rb_include_module): don't clear the method cache if the
+ included module has no method.
+ reported by Eric Wong. [ruby-core:31559]
+Sun Aug 1 09:21:32 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_sub): Pathname#sub translated
+ from pathname.rb.
+Sun Aug 1 09:12:50 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h: latest x86_64 mingw defines stati64.
+ [ruby-core:27516]
+Sun Aug 1 08:51:52 2010 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: fix typo. [ruby-core:31564][Bug #3636]
+Sat Jul 31 23:15:27 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_inspect): Pathname#inspect translated
+ from pathname.rb.
+Sat Jul 31 15:50:03 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (Init_pathname): The alias,
+ Pathname#to_path, is translated from pathname.rb.
+Sat Jul 31 09:12:36 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_to_s): Pathname#to_s translated
+ from pathname.rb.
+Sat Jul 31 08:20:07 2010 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/webrick/ssl.rb (WEBrick::Utils.create_self_signed_cert):
+ merged r28784 from ruby_1_8: wrongly created dummy SSL certificate
+ with version == 3 (no such version) and serial == 0 (must be >0).
+Fri Jul 30 21:43:55 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_hash): Pathname#hash translated
+ from pathname.rb.
+Fri Jul 30 12:42:02 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (example): use IO#noecho to read password if
+ possible, and defer until needed. [ruby-dev:41889]
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (example): support starttls option.
+ [ruby-dev:41888]
+Fri Jul 30 08:51:51 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (file_expand_path): home directory must be absolute.
+ [ruby-core:31537]
+Fri Jul 30 08:33:20 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (file_expand_path): should check if could find user.
+ [ruby-core:31538]
+Fri Jul 30 07:59:53 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * util.c (ruby_add_suffix): fixed a bug returning uninitialized
+ value.
+Fri Jul 30 07:48:04 2010 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/extconf.rb: use TK_XINCLUDES on when not empty,
+ even if MacOS X Aqua version [ruby-dev:41883].
+Thu Jul 29 22:28:35 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_cmp): Pathname#<=> translated
+ from pathname.rb.
+Thu Jul 29 06:51:30 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (EXT_SRCS): add ext/json/parser/parser.c.
+Thu Jul 29 05:52:15 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_basename): pass baselen to rmext.
+Thu Jul 29 02:38:09 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * not [freebsd] but [freebsd*] for AS_CASE.
+Wed Jul 28 22:23:59 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_eq): Pathname#{==,===,eql?} translated
+ from pathname.rb.
+Wed Jul 28 19:37:33 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.h): VC6 or later have stddef.h.
+ * include/ruby/missing.h: need to include stddef.h for size_t.
+ * include/ruby/missing.h: shouldn't declare as dllimport when building
+ ruby itself (for Windows).
+Wed Jul 28 17:11:48 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * missing/*.c: include missing.h
+Wed Jul 28 09:38:03 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * cont.c: typos.
+Wed Jul 28 09:24:43 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * cont.c: (RB_PAGE_SIZE): renamed from PAGE_SIZE. [ruby-dev:41870]
+ * cont.c: (RB_PAGE_MASK): renamed from PAGE_MASK.
+Tue Jul 27 23:09:09 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_taint): use rb_obj_taint.
+ (path_untaint): Pathname#untaint translated from
+ pathname.rb.
+Tue Jul 27 18:59:15 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (have_framework): added.
+Tue Jul 27 18:33:42 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * defines.h, intern.h, missing.h, ruby.h, st.h, util.h: include
+ config.h and defines.h for autoconf macros.
+Tue Jul 27 16:27:38 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_cmp): typo.
+Tue Jul 27 16:09:12 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * class.c, compile.c, dir.c, file.c, iseq.c, parse.y, random.c:
+ clean unused-value warnings.
+ * cont.c, process.c, vm_exec.h: clean cast warnings.
+Mon Jul 26 22:34:37 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_taint): Pathname#taint translated from
+ pathname.rb.
+Mon Jul 26 18:18:09 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (config.h): add include guard.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub, bcc32/Makefile.sub (config.h): ditto.
+Mon Jul 26 14:38:06 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (XCFLAGS): missing.h needs config.h.
+Mon Jul 26 14:08:47 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/missing.h: revert a part of r28727. config.h is expected
+ to include only once, before including defines.h.
+ including it here breaks some macro definitions.
+Mon Jul 26 13:52:25 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * define BROKEN_CLOSE only on FreeBSD.
+ This needs to merge to 1.9.2.
+Mon Jul 26 13:01:25 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm.c (rb_thread_mark): should mark iseq itself other than normal
+ iseq. [ruby-dev:41880]
+Mon Jul 26 11:51:01 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * define BROKEN_CLOSE on FreeBSD.
+ This fixes build failure on MSVC. [ruby-core:31481]
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h, include/ruby/missing.h:
+ use BROKEN_CLOSE for replacing close(2).
+Mon Jul 26 09:51:20 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm.c (rb_thread_mark): mark only self of normal iseqs, not
+ nodes. [ruby-dev:41874]
+Sun Jul 25 05:37:20 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_cmp): honor the result of infinite? method of the
+ other. [ruby-core:31470]
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (EnvUtil#.suppress_warning): added.
+ * test/ruby/test_float.rb (TestFloat#test_Float): suppress
+ warnings under --verbose.
+Fri Jul 23 16:07:32 2010 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/mutex_m.rb (sleep): added Mutex_m#sleep to support
+ ConditionVariable.
+Fri Jul 23 15:09:22 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_MINGW32): ignore msvc suffix.
+ * (RUBY_TRY_CFLAGS): try with werror turned on.
+Fri Jul 23 09:02:43 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_expr_str): fixed out-of-boundary access at invalid
+ multibyte characters.
+Fri Jul 23 09:00:05 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (XCFLAGS): reverted mistakenly removed option.
+ [ruby-dev:41872]
+ * include/ruby/missing.h: needs ruby/config.h.
+Thu Jul 22 20:58:55 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_EXTERN): unnecessary after all.
+Thu Jul 22 17:33:47 2010 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * complex.c (nucomp_to_i): allow complex with imaginary zero to be
+ converted.
+ * complex.c (nucomp_to_f, nucomp_to_r): ditto.
+Thu Jul 22 20:12:56 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (get_stack): fix memory leak; pthread_attr_destroy
+ must be called even when pthread_getattr_np is used.
+ [ruby-core:31269]
+Thu Jul 22 16:27:41 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_expr_str): fix broken Regexp#inspect when it
+ is ASCII-8BIT and non-ASCII character.
+ The length of character should be from original byte string.
+ [ruby-core:31431]
+Thu Jul 22 14:30:17 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * include/ruby/missing.h: add prototype for ruby_close().
+Thu Jul 22 12:58:12 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_EXTERN): ignore invalid attribute.
+ * fix for older autoconf.
+Thu Jul 22 12:02:31 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/{intern,io}.h: add missing prototypes.
+Thu Jul 22 06:38:18 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (XCFLAGS): use -fvisibility=hidden if possible.
+ * (RMDIR): use --ignore-fail-on-non-empty if possible.
+ * (RUBY_EXTERN): FUNCTION-BODY was missing.
+Thu Jul 22 03:02:55 2010 Eric Hodel <>
+ * README.EXT: fix signature of rb_ensure and rb_rescue to match
+ implementation.
+Wed Jul 21 23:07:11 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * template/ get rid of embedding an absolute path.
+Wed Jul 21 15:22:17 2010 Evan Phoenix <>
+ * lib/rubygems/custom_require.rb, gem_prelude.rb: Load code from
+ from gems properly.
+Wed Jul 21 15:15:02 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * sprintf.c: add short documentation about named reference.
+ [ruby-core:31294]
+Wed Jul 21 15:00:19 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (local_push_gen): disable unused variable warnings in
+ eval. [ruby-dev:41869]
+Wed Jul 21 13:57:37 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_boundp): revert r28543, r28564.
+ They may be merged in Ruby 2.0. [ruby-core:31217]
+Wed Jul 21 13:37:35 2010 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb: Have URI#route_to, URI#route_from accept
+ string-like arguments [ruby-core:30961]
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb: ditto for URI.join, URI#merge
+Wed Jul 21 12:39:15 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/cmath.rb (CMath#cbrt): cbrt should accept a negative real
+ numbers. [ruby-core:31234]
+Wed Jul 21 12:31:30 2010 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb: Have URI() and URI.join accept URI objects in
+ addition to strings. [ruby-core:30960]
+Wed Jul 21 11:55:06 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * util.c (ruby_hdtoa): renamed from BSD__hdtoa.
+Tue Jul 20 11:35:11 2010 Evan Phoenix <>
+ * lib/rubygems.rb: Load the custom require if --disable-rubygems
+ was used.
+Tue Jul 20 11:27:18 2010 Evan Phoenix <>
+ * gem_prelude.rb: Pull in rubygem's custom require
+ * lib/rubygems.rb: Handle always having custom require available
+Tue Jul 20 18:39:18 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RSTRING_GETMEM): new macro to get ptr and
+ len at once.
+ * string.c (rb_str_cmp, str_eql, rb_str_eql): trivial improvements.
+Tue Jul 20 18:23:04 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/fiddle/closure.c (closure_data_type),
+ ext/fiddle/function.c (function_data_type): rb_data_type_t has
+ changed.
+Tue Jul 20 14:21:38 2010 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c: don't call after_gc_sweep() after when garbage_collect()
+ was called, because rb_sweep_method_entry() free live unlinked
+ method entries. [ruby-core:31169]
+Tue Jul 20 12:42:06 2010 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (rb_getaddrinfo): according to my
+ valgrind output this variable should be initialized beforehand.
+Tue Jul 20 12:50:37 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (io_flush_buffer): write and buffer operations should be
+ monolithic. [ruby-core:31348]
+Tue Jul 20 12:27:56 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils::Entry_#copy): check file name
+ separator boundary. [ruby-core:31360]
+Mon Jul 19 18:34:12 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (get_strpath): check the type.
+ (path_initialize): bypass to_path call for T_STRING.
+ (path_freeze): implemented.
+ * ext/pathname/lib/pathname.rb (Pathname#freeze): removed.
+Mon Jul 19 12:33:29 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_clear): should not unshare embedded array, and
+ should make unshared array embedded.
+Mon Jul 19 09:00:58 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * NEWS (Kernel#instance_eval): add an incompatible change since
+ the 1.9.1 release. [ruby-core:31336]
+Mon Jul 19 05:46:09 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_data_type_t): add new feature macros.
+Sun Jul 18 21:20:11 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_clear): no need to duplicate buffer just before
+ clearing.
+Sun Jul 18 16:31:50 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_data_type_t): restructured. [ruby-dev:41862]
+ add parent member.
+ * error.c (rb_typeddata_inherited_p): new function.
+Sun Jul 18 01:09:27 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_initialize): return a value.
+Sun Jul 18 00:02:19 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/lib/pathname.rb (Pathname#initialize): removed.
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_initialize): implemented.
+ (get_strpath): new function.
+ (set_strpath): ditto.
+Sat Jul 17 19:01:47 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (MiniTest::Unit#process_args): refactored.
+Sat Jul 17 18:30:05 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/file2lastrev.rb: don't depend on pathname.rb if File.realpath
+ is available.
+Sat Jul 17 14:10:20 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * util.c (ruby_add_suffix): fixed type warnings.
+Sat Jul 17 13:48:22 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/lib/pathname.rb: moved from lib/pathname.rb.
+ require
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c: new file to define empty Pathname class.
+ * ext/pathname/extconf.rb: new file.
+Sat Jul 17 13:04:45 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_wakeup_alive): split from rb_thread_wakeup.
+ merged from r13476. c.f. [ruby-core:31320]
+Sat Jul 17 10:07:52 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: MiniTest::Unit is different class from
+ Test::Unit, and install runner before loading test/minitest.
+Fri Jul 16 14:58:38 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit.setup_argv): run tests only when
+ any tests have not run.
+ * bin/testrb, test/runner.rb: use Test::Unit.start.
+Fri Jul 16 12:06:08 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb (ext-arch): prune directories start with '-'.
+Thu Jul 15 21:43:35 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_divide): must not use rb_rational_new1 for coercion
+ because it returns an argument itself when canonical mode is set.
+ [ruby-core:31279]
+Thu Jul 15 21:38:31 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * proc.c (bm_free): fix memory leak. [ruby-core:30869] [Bug #3466]
+Thu Jul 15 15:47:32 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regexec.c (onig_search): don't skip non-ANYCHARs when
+ .* fails to match. This causes to fail matching
+ ANYCHAR_STAR with LOOK_BEHIND. This fix is workaround
+ and disable the optimization. [ruby-dev:41851]
+Thu Jul 15 06:11:29 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * lib/rdoc/markup/attribute_manager.rb: fixing ri output when special
+ characters are inside html tags. Thanks Tomo Kazahaya! [Bug #3512]
+Thu Jul 15 06:01:42 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (guess_local_offset): use the UTC offset of an older date on
+ 64bit time_t environment.
+Thu Jul 15 02:42:51 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (setup_argv): convert to using optparse, adding
+ --help and -I. [ruby-core:30154]
+Thu Jul 15 00:35:09 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (localtime_with_gmtoff_zone): renamed from
+ localtime_with_gmtoff and return the timezone abbreviation name.
+ (guess_local_offset): return the isdst and timezone abbreviation name.
+ (localtimew): use the returned isdst and timezone abbreviation name.
+ [ruby-core:31275]
+Wed Jul 14 20:23:08 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (frame_func_id), vm_eval.c (rb_iterate),
+ vm_insnhelper.c (vm_yield_with_cfunc): as the name of a C-level
+ block, use the current method ID at the creation point.
+ [ruby-dev:41852]
+Wed Jul 14 18:18:05 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regexec.c (match_at): add end point to enclen's argument.
+ This only effect on compiling with -DONIG_DEBUG_MATCH.
+Tue Jul 13 21:34:17 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c: libedit is missing declaration of
+ rl_getc.
+Tue Jul 13 21:31:15 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (rb_daemon): split from proc_daemon.
+ * process.c (rb_fork_err): suppress gcc 4.4 warnings.
+ * random.c (fill_random_seed): ditto.
+Tue Jul 13 21:01:44 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (establishShell): chfunc must not raise any
+ exceptions.
+Tue Jul 13 20:58:57 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_DEFAULT_ARCH): adjust for target
+ cpu. [ruby-core:31243]
+Tue Jul 13 20:46:00 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/dl/handle.c (rb_dlhandle_close): should not pass a dynamic
+ string to rb_raise directly.
+Tue Jul 13 12:04:57 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * missing/close.c: keep original errno.
+Mon Jul 12 01:58:56 2010 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/csv.rb: Fix unused variable warnings.
+ Patch by Run Paint [ruby-core:30991]
+ * lib/date.rb: ditto
+ * lib/debug.rb: ditto
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb: ditto
+ * lib/drb/invokemethod.rb: ditto
+ * lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb: ditto
+ * lib/irb/slex.rb: ditto
+ * lib/logger.rb: ditto
+ * lib/pathname.rb: ditto
+Sun Jul 11 21:20:27 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * README.EXT{,.ja} (rb_block_call): fixed about third/fourth
+ arguments to the block. based on [ruby-core:31192] by Asher
+ Haig. [Bug #3558]
+Sun Jul 11 17:01:57 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ({,dist-,real-}clean-ext): should also omit
+ semicolon when omitting "in WORDS" of FOR-statement.
+ * tool/rmdirs: ditto.
+Sun Jul 11 11:07:42 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_ri_driver.rb (test_formatter): add a test. a
+ patch from caleb clausen in [ruby-core:31182].
+Sat Jul 10 21:43:11 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * strftime.c (rb_strftime_with_timespec): fix precision handling for
+ %:z and %::z.
+Fri Jul 9 22:32:54 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * strftime.c: unused declarations removed.
+Fri Jul 9 21:20:22 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * strftime.c (rb_strftime_with_timespec): clear colons at unknown
+ directive.
+Fri Jul 9 21:04:10 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * strftime.c: don't call tzset. strftime.c doesn't depend on
+ the global timezone.
+Fri Jul 9 20:30:26 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (find_time_t): 24:00 should be the beginning of the next
+ day even if the leap second, 23:59:60, exists.
+Fri Jul 9 01:08:46 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/emitter.rb (initialize): line_width is
+ a valid option passed to the emitter.
+ * test/psych/test_psych.rb: corresponding tests.
+Fri Jul 9 00:49:46 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/emitter.c (line_width, set_line_width): preferred line may
+ be set on the emitter.
+ * test/psych/test_emitter.rb: corresponding tests.
+Thu Jul 8 15:47:34 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_conv_enc_opts): fix infinite loop because
+ of ISO-2022-JP conversion with empty string.
+ patched by Brian Buchanan [ruby-core:31107]
+Thu Jul 8 08:16:57 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb (push): adding version
+ and header emit options.
+ * test/psych/test_psych.rb: corresponding test.
+Thu Jul 8 08:01:03 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/emitter.c: updating documentation about emit options
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/core_ext.rb: ditto
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych.rb (dump): passing emit options to emitter.
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/nodes/node.rb: ditto
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/emitter.rb: sending emit options to
+ YAML emitter. [ruby-core:28318]
+Thu Jul 8 06:05:58 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * strftime.c (rb_strftime_with_timespec): support %:z and %::z.
+ [ruby-dev:41841]
+Thu Jul 8 00:15:50 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * gem_prelude.rb: provide workaround for gem activation. Currently,
+ gem activation does not work by default. Now it can be worked
+ around by requiring "rubygems" first. [ruby-core:29486]
+ a patch from Evan Phoenix in [ruby-core:31096].
+ * lib/rubygems.rb: ditto.
+Wed Jul 7 10:01:34 2010 Adrian Bloomer <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_rev): Replaced fix_rev with '~num | FIXNUM_FLAG'.
+Wed Jul 7 13:22:20 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * file.c (ruby_find_basename): set correct baselen.
+Wed Jul 7 13:02:59 2010 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_boundp): respond_to?(:protected_method,
+ true) should return true. Pointed out by Marc-Andre Lafortune.
+ [ruby-dev:41837]
+Wed Jul 7 12:00:24 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * file.c (ruby_find_basename): should initialize f.
+Wed Jul 7 11:44:01 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (gzfile_raise): add invalid header to
+ exceptions.
+Wed Jul 7 10:26:20 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * missing/close.c: ignore ECONNRESET.
+ FreeBSD wrongly sets ECONNRESET on close(2) and
+ it causes false-negative exceptions. [ruby-dev:41778]
+ * ditto.
+Tue Jul 6 22:57:21 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (nogvl_copy_stream_sendfile): jump to retry_sendfile directly
+ to avoid select() on a socket which TCP state is CLOSED.
+ patch by Eric Wong. [ruby-core:31053]
+Tue Jul 6 21:45:34 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io/console/console.c (winsize_row): should return actual screen
+ size, not buffer size.
+Tue Jul 6 08:35:58 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/import.rb (handler): add a more helpful error message
+ when calling import_symbol or import_function without calling
+ dlload. Thanks nobu! [ruby-core:30996]
+Tue Jul 6 00:34:50 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * vm.c (thread_free): free altstack to prevent memory leak. a patch
+ from Tomoyuki Chikanaga in [ruby-dev:41815]. [Bug #3537]
+Tue Jul 6 00:29:27 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * string.c (NONASCII_MASK): NONASCII_MASK must be unsigned.
+ [ruby-dev:41782]
+Mon Jul 5 16:05:39 2010 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_boundp): Return false for protected
+ methods when called from Kernel#respond_to?. [ruby-dev:40461]
+Mon Jul 5 12:32:01 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/scalar_scanner.rb (parse_string): support
+ timezones that are not one hour off. [ruby-core:31023]
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: ditto
+Sun Jul 4 22:49:54 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_syntax.rb: split test_syntax from test_system.rb.
+Sun Jul 4 22:02:02 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_system.rb (test_syntax): unified with test_syntax2.
+Sun Jul 4 21:00:39 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_system.rb (test_syntax2): moved from sample/test.rb
+ [ruby-dev:41721]
+Sun Jul 4 17:13:14 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (swallow, prepare_getline_args, rb_io_getline_1): fix for
+ paragraph mode reading in non-ascii-compatible encoding.
+ [ruby-dev:41803]
+Sat Jul 3 16:14:10 2010 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (Init_bigdecimal): add two new constants
+ BigDecimal::INFINITY and BigDecimal::NAN.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/math.rb (BigMath.exp): modify the
+ behaviors for infinity arguments as same as Math.exp.
+Sat Jul 3 09:47:26 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb(visit_Psych_Nodes_Scalar):
+ teaching Psych to deserialize DateTime objects. [Bug #1390]
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb(visit_DateTime): added a
+ method for serializing DateTime objects.
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/scalar_scanner.rb(parse_time): add method for
+ parsing times objects from a string.
+ * test/psych/test_date_time.rb: tests for dumping DateTime objects.
+Sat Jul 3 09:13:55 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb (visit_Time): use
+ Time#nsec to accurately serialize time objects. [ruby-core:29233]
+Fri Jul 2 23:30:23 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (argf_inplace_mode_set): prohibits an assignment of a tainted
+ value.
+ * file.c (ruby_find_basename, ruby_find_extname): split from
+ rb_file_s_basename() and rb_file_s_extname().
+ * util.c (ruby_add_suffix): support arbitrary length of the suffix
+ to get rid of the potential buffer overflow.
+ reported by tarui.
+Fri Jul 2 05:31:51 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_num2long): accept LONG_MAX < x < LONG_MAX+1 and
+ LONG_MIN-1 < x < LONG_MIN as well because they are converted
+ into the valid range of long by truncation.
+ (rb_num2ulong): accept ULONG_MAX < x < ULONG_MAX+1 and
+ LONG_MIN-1 < x < LONG_MIN as well.
+ (rb_num2ll): accept LLONG_MAX < x < LLONG_MAX+1 and
+Thu Jul 1 23:10:25 2010 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * lib/csv.rb: Improving documentation.
+Thu Jul 1 22:15:01 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_num2ulong): fix the lower limit for float.
+ [ruby-dev:41361]
+Thu Jul 1 21:37:11 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (EnvUtil#invoke_ruby): integrated with
+ runexec.
+Thu Jul 1 16:19:53 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (thread_start_func_1): don't call
+ native_thread_init_stack(th) on cygwin to avoid the segv
+ introduced by r27789. Cygwin's signal implementation is half
+ baked so USE_SIGNALSTACK is not defined and it needs another
+ treatment.
+Thu Jul 1 13:00:54 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (test-knownbug): ignore known bugs.
+Thu Jul 1 08:40:26 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (w_object): suppress empty instance variable entry on
+ compatible dump objects.
+Wed Jun 30 07:29:11 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb (test_script_from_stdin): by using
+ a pipe, get rid of not-well-defined behavior after the child
+ process terminated in pty.
+Wed Jun 30 02:30:26 2010 Yutaka Kanemoto <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (get_stack): use pthread_getthrds_np() for AIX.
+ * ditto.
+Tue Jun 29 21:11:15 2010 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_write): add RB_GC_GUARD.
+Tue Jun 29 19:39:59 2010 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_method.rb (is_ruby64): check
+ ruby binary is mswin64 or mingw64. [ruby-dev:41756]
+Tue Jun 29 14:18:21 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * file.c (rb_realpath_internal, realpath_rec): skip UNC share root
+ on DOSISH platforms.
+Tue Jun 29 11:52:33 2010 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c (unlink_heap_slot, slot_sweep): unlink heaps_slot of
+ heaps_slot linked list if heaps_slot is empty at slot_sweep.
+ fixed [ruby-dev:41543], [ruby-core:24894].
+Tue Jun 29 01:22:08 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/fiddle/fiddle.h: added FFI type detection to avoid bug in ffi
+ header files. Thanks Yugui! [ruby-core:30917]
+Mon Jun 28 22:14:22 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_ri_driver.rb (TestRDocRIDriver#test_formatter):
+ fix a test accordingly to r28455.
+Mon Jun 28 21:56:14 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * thread.c (rb_fd_resize, rb_fd_copy): avoid NULL dereference upon
+ failed realloc by using xrealloc instead of not realloc. a patch
+ from Jim Meyering <meyering at> in [ruby-core:30920]
+ [Bug #3489]
+Mon Jun 28 20:32:33 2010 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_method.rb (test_offset_vtbl): check
+ that Ruby is 32bit or 64bit binary in order to get correct offset
+ value. [ruby-dev:41741]
+Mon Jun 28 05:32:51 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/driver.rb (RDoc::RI::Driver#formatter): should use bs
+ format when stdout is piped. [ruby-core:30734]
+Mon Jun 28 03:12:03 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_class.rb: add a test for [ruby-core:30843].
+Mon Jun 28 02:43:35 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * class.c (rb_mod_init_copy): when class is dup'ed, a metaclass of the
+ class should be attached to the dup'ed class, not the original
+ class. [ruby-core:30843] [Bug #3461]
+Sun Jun 27 23:31:17 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/io.h, io.c: reverted r21709.
+ * ruby.c (load_file_internal): nothing to read if EOF reached
+ while reading shebang. [ruby-core:30910]
+Sun Jun 27 13:25:07 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (simple_sendfile): don't try to send data more than SSIZE_MAX
+ with single sendfile call..
+ based on the patch by Eric Wong. [ruby-core:30908]
+Sun Jun 27 10:41:38 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rubygems/require_paths_builder.rb (write_require_paths_file_if_needed):
+ no reason that bin directory should be included in $LOAD_PATH.
+ it is for executable files, but not libraries. [ruby-core:25936]
+Sat Jun 26 13:07:09 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (enable-debug-env): option for RUBY_DEBUG env.
+Sat Jun 26 11:56:31 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (clear-installed-list): put redirection before set
+ command, since it seems to be handled by nmake in special way.
+ [ruby-dev:41711]
+Sat Jun 26 10:08:36 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (EnvUtil#invoke_ruby): no needs to copy the
+ original ENV, since it's done in spawn automatically.
+ [ruby-dev:41733]
+Sat Jun 26 08:44:22 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * NEWS (zlib): new methods. [ruby-dev:41706] [Bug #3472]
+Sat Jun 26 07:59:18 2010 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_method.rb (test_offset_vtbl): check
+ that OS is Windows 32bit or Windows 64bit in order to get
+ correct offset value.
+Sat Jun 26 04:39:12 2010 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/func.rb (call): don't overwrite original arguments
+ to defend from GC.
+ * test/dl/test_func.rb (test_string): add test for above.
+Fri Jun 25 11:45:36 2010 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * lib/csv.rb: Fixing a bug that prevented CSV from parsing
+ all multi-line fields correctly. Patch by Rob Biedenharn.
+Fri Jun 25 10:07:14 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (Test::Unit::Assertions#assert_in_out_err):
+ return the exit status.
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (EnvUtil#invoke_ruby): change the
+ environment of spawned process only.
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (EnvUtil#invoke_ruby): get rid of possible
+ deadlock.
+Fri Jun 25 06:24:25 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/un.rb (httpd): MaxClients also should be integer.
+ [ruby-dev:41724] [Bug #3477]
+ * lib/un.rb (setup): fix of word splitting. [ruby-dev:41723]
+ [Bug #3476]
+Fri Jun 25 01:07:17 2010 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (static inline rb_gc_guarded_ptr): prevent
+ RB_GC_GUARD_PTR being removed by optimization.
+Thu Jun 24 06:22:27 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (ruby_getaddrinfo__darwin): the workaround
+ for Mac OS X moved from rsock_getaddrinfo.
+Thu Jun 24 05:44:27 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (struct dump_arg, struct load_arg): merge taint and
+ untrust flags into infection as bit flags.
+ * marshal.c (w_nbyte, clear_dump_arg): infect the buffer as soon
+ as appending, because it might have been finalized already at
+ exit. based on a patch by Tomoyuki Chikanaga
+ at [ruby-dev:41672]. [Bug #3463]
+Wed Jun 23 23:49:21 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (str_is_number): renamed from str_isnumber to
+ avoid confusion to str_isnumber in ext/socket/getaddrinfo.c.
+Wed Jun 23 23:45:31 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * NEWS (stringio): new methods. [ruby-dev:41687] [Bug #3469]
+Wed Jun 23 22:52:00 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c: don't use __P.
+Wed Jun 23 21:32:08 2010 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (reg_get_typelib_file_path): try win64
+ registry entry at first. [ruby-dev:41674] [Bug #3464]
+Wed Jun 23 21:17:32 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (ruby_getaddrinfo__darwin): new workaround for
+ getaddrinfo problem on Mac OS X Snow Leopard. [ruby-core:29427]
+ patch by Wataru Kimura. [ruby-core:30842]
+Wed Jun 23 17:12:27 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * NEWS (ptr): new method and deprecated methods. [ruby-dev:41681]
+ * ext/pty/{README,README.ja}: ditto.
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (pty_check): add rdoc.
+Wed Jun 23 12:44:47 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_regexp.rb (test_dup_warn): read in UTF-8
+ encoding regardless environment.
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (invoke_ruby): add encoding option.
+Wed Jun 23 06:44:05 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (fchown): need to check. a patch by Eric Wong
+ at [ruby-core:30818].
+ * io.c (argf_next_argv): check for setting owner/group.
+Tue Jun 22 23:10:10 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (num_exact): fix for mathn. [ruby-dev:41599]
+Tue Jun 22 22:00:06 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb: suppress warnings.
+Tue Jun 22 21:33:23 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/optparse/test_summary.rb: fixed superclass so that it run
+ solely.
+Tue Jun 22 19:57:33 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (shadowing_lvar_gen): should add lvar to vars and
+ used. [ruby-dev:41666]
+Tue Jun 22 13:23:13 2010 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb: Forward #trust, #untrust, #taint and #untaint
+ to both the delegator and __getobj__ [ruby-core:26138]
+Mon Jun 21 23:41:08 2010 wanabe <>
+ * eval_error.c (error_print): clear raised_flag while error-printing
+ to avoid hang. [ruby-core:27608]
+ * test/ruby/test_beginendblock.rb (test_endblock_raise): add test for
+ above.
+Sun Jun 20 16:17:24 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * id.c (Init_id): add underscore name.
+ * parse.y (warn_unused_var): ignore underscore name.
+ * parse.y (warn_unused_var): use same format as shadowing local
+ variable.
+ * parse.y (shadowing_lvar_gen): get rid of adding extra name for
+ shadowing local variable. [ruby-dev:41628]
+Sat Jun 19 11:11:37 2010 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/irb.rb: remove double exclamation marks. a patch from Diego
+ Viola. [ruby-core:30589]
+Sat Jun 19 03:35:58 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb (resolve_klass): fix the
+ exception message when attempting to load an unknown class. Thanks
+ nobu! [ruby-dev:41399]
+ * test/psych/test_psych.rb: test for the exception message
+Fri Jun 18 10:37:46 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * gc.c (gc_lazy_sweep): clean a warning.
+ "suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value"
+ * transcode_data.h (getGB4bt1): clean a warning.
+ "suggest parentheses around arithmetic in operand of |"
+ * transcode_data.h (getGB4bt3): ditto.
+ * vm.c (thread_free): clean a warning. "format 'p' expects type
+ 'void *', but argument 3 has type 'struct rb_mutex_struct *'"
+Fri Jun 18 10:15:12 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ruby.c: add prototype of rb_realpath_internal.
+ * load.c: ditto.
+Fri Jun 18 01:50:21 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * object.c: Object#public_methods, private_methods, etc. returns
+ method ids that belong to the class or the singleton class(es) of
+ the object. [ruby-dev:41613]
+ * class.c: on the other hand, Module#public_instance_methods, etc.
+ returns method ids that belong to the module itself (even if the
+ module is singleton, it does not return method ids of super
+ class(es); see [ruby-core:28837]).
+Fri Jun 18 01:22:55 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb
+ (prevent_directory_traversal): apply filesystem encoding to path
+ only during calling File.expand_path. [ruby-dev:41423]
+Thu Jun 17 23:20:14 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * load.c (rb_load_internal): remove call to rb_realpath_internal
+ within rb_load_internal which caused big performance degradation.
+ Instead, call rb_realpath_internal in the caller of
+ rb_load_internal. [ruby-dev:41502] [ruby-dev:41610]
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_call_cfunc): ditto.
+ * eval_intern.h (rb_vm_call_cfunc): ditto.
+ * ruby.c (process_options): ditto.
+Thu Jun 17 18:37:47 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * file.c (rb_str_encode_ospath): when the encoding of the parameter
+ is ASCII-8BIT, should recognize as filesystem encoding, and convert
+ to UTF-8 on Windows.
+ * file.c (realpath_rec): should convert to ospath encoding before
+ calling lstat().
+ * file.c (rb_realpath_internal): resolved string should take over
+ the encoding of base string.
+ * transcode.c (rb_str_encode): should return new string always.
+ fixed #3444.
+Wed Jun 16 18:34:54 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * parse.y: ripper needs warn_unused_var(), too.
+Wed Jun 16 18:20:00 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (warn_unused_var): warn unused variables.
+ [ruby-dev:41620]
+Wed Jun 16 15:40:53 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * error.c (rb_bug): existence of _set_abort_behavior() depends on
+ runtime version, not compiler version.
+Wed Jun 16 01:38:40 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/fiddle/extconf.rb: check ffi.h even when pkg-config succeeded.
+ On Debian/lenny, which is a "supported" platform, ffi.h is installed
+ in /usr/include/i486-linux-gnu/. This causes build error when using
+ gcc whose target is not i486-linux-gnu.
+Wed Jun 16 00:04:38 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (safe_4): does not use Timeout because
+ Timeout.timeout uses Thread#kill which raises SecurityError when
+ $SAFE == 4. based on a patch from Tomoyuki Chikanaga.
+ [ruby-dev:41484]
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (test_print_separators): use pipe (test helper
+ method) instead of IO.pipe. [ruby-dev:41484]
+Tue Jun 15 17:14:58 2010 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/fiddle/extconf.rb: De Morgan's laws.
+Tue Jun 15 12:09:00 2010 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/fiddle/extconf.rb: use pkg_config to find ffi.h.
+Tue Jun 15 02:31:27 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, (clean-ext, clean-enc): clean up cleaning
+ targets.
+Mon Jun 14 22:36:09 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/socket/test_socket.rb (test_udp_server): rescue Errno::ENOSYS
+ for Windows.
+ * test/socket/test_nonblock.rb (test_sendmsg_nonblock_error): ditto.
+ [ruby-dev:41597] reported by Masaya Tarui.
+Mon Jun 14 17:44:39 2010 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb: raise DRbConnError instead of ArgumentError if too
+ many arguments. [ruby-dev:41481]
+ * test/drb/test_drb.rb: ditto.
+ * test/drb/drbtest.rb: ditto.
+Mon Jun 14 04:03:55 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/fiddle/closure.c (dealloc): refix workaround r28300.
+ don't use ffi_closure_alloc, ffi_prep_closure_loc and
+ ffi_closure_free on MACOSX and __linux__.
+ [ruby-dev:41483] [ruby-dev:41214]
+Sun Jun 13 15:46:07 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb: add a simple test for __END__ and
+Sun Jun 13 04:24:18 2010 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb: Delegate !=, eql? and hash [ruby-core:26139]
+Sun Jun 13 02:12:46 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/trans/utf8_mac.trans (buf_apply): fix for patterns
+ whose result is 2 bytes. [ruby-core:30751]
+Sun Jun 13 01:38:17 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * time.c (rb_localtime_r2): fix mixed declarations and code.
+Sun Jun 13 00:27:24 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl.rb: don't require when already loaded.
+Sun Jun 13 00:02:56 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/fiddle/closure.c (dealloc): workaround fix for libffi's
+ ffi_closure_free. [ruby-dev:41483] [ruby-dev:41214]
+Sat Jun 12 10:02:26 2010 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_f_syscall): should check argument string taint before
+ invoking system calls.
+Sat Jun 12 09:18:31 2010 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (uninitialized_constant): process through
+ rb_class_real() to remove "Object::" from error message.
+ [ruby-dev:40951]
+Sat Jun 12 00:38:37 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb: accept Berkley DB version 3, 4 and 5.
+ a patch from Takahiro Kambe. [ruby-dev:41531]
+Fri Jun 11 23:21:35 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (init_leap_second_info): check the result of
+ gmtime_with_leapsecond.
+Fri Jun 11 23:04:59 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_sslctx_get_ciphers):
+ use sk_SSL_CIPHER_num and sk_SSL_CIPHER_value instead of cast.
+ patched by Takahiro Kambe [ruby-dev:41530]
+Fri Jun 11 22:59:31 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/missing.h (isnan): fix compilation error on OpenBSD.
+Fri Jun 11 22:39:50 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/rubygems/install_update_options.rb
+ (Gem::InstallUpdateOptions#add_install_update_options): deprecate
+ --test option which has not worked. [ruby-core:21714]
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_command_manager.rb: ditto.
+Fri Jun 11 07:34:25 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (find_time_t): test the result of LOCALTIME.
+Fri Jun 11 00:42:45 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (rb_localtime_r2): fix localtime overflow check.
+Thu Jun 10 23:05:44 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (rb_localtime_r2): refine localtime overflow check for
+ FreeBSD 6.4.
+Thu Jun 10 09:10:08 2010 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_putc): documentation updated to mention putc would
+ not work well with multi-byte characters. [ruby-core:30697]
+ * io.c (rb_f_putc): ditto.
+Wed Jun 9 22:51:50 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (find_time_t): always extrapolate from past.
+ [ruby-core:30672] reported by Benoit Daloze.
+Wed Jun 9 22:13:08 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (calc_tm_yday): extracted from timegmw_noleapsecond.
+Tue Jun 8 06:27:09 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gem_prelude.rb: load full rubygems at LoadError for activation
+ check. [ruby-core:29486]
+Tue Jun 8 06:04:49 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (parse_mode_enc): set set_by_bom bit. [ruby-core:30641]
+Sun Jun 6 22:37:11 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_buf_cat_escaped_char): get rid of buffer
+ overflow on platforms int is bigger than 32bit, and warnings.
+Sun Jun 6 19:55:21 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_product): clear uninitialized elements in temporary
+ array.
+Sun Jun 6 12:31:57 2010 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c: set_heaps_increment is not
+ called before gc_marks of lazy sweeping because live_num not
+ contain finalize objects. So call set_heaps_increment after lazy
+ sweeping if free_num are not enough. And move free_min to struct
+ rb_objspace for above. [ruby-dev:41499]
+Sun Jun 6 10:44:34 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_product): need to set the length in order to get
+ the entries marked. [ruby-dev:41540]
+Sun Jun 6 08:26:01 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * vm.c (Init_BareVM): call Init_native_thread here.
+ * thread.c (Init_Thread): don't call Init_native_thread.
+ * thread_pthread.c (Init_native_thread): exported.
+ * thread_win32.c (Init_native_thread): ditto.
+ [ruby-dev:41536]
+Sun Jun 6 08:21:17 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * NEWS: Enumerable#join has been reverted. [ruby-core:30604]
+Sat Jun 5 20:30:49 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_expr_str): ASCII incompatible strings
+ must always escape or converted.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_expr_str): use rb_str_buf_cat_escaped_char
+ when resenc is given: for Regexp#inspect or error message.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_desc): add 'n' for ENCODING_NONE.
+Sat Jun 5 01:20:14 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (sym_inspect): Escape when the symbol is not
+ resulted encoding and not ascii_only. It had escaped
+ ascii-incompatible string, but it is wrong.
+Sat Jun 5 01:10:12 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_buf_cat_escaped_char): defined.
+ Splited from rb_str_inspect.
+Sat Jun 5 16:39:13 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * .gdbinit (rp): show type name for RTypedData.
+Sat Jun 5 15:59:08 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (process_options, load_file_internal): $0 seen from
+ required libraries by -r option should be the main script.
+ [ruby-core:23717]
+Sat Jun 5 15:15:52 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (EnvUtil#invoke_ruby): support for child
+ process env.
+Sat Jun 5 14:11:11 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/net/imap/test_imap.rb (test_exception_during_shutdown):
+ need to raise always.
+Sat Jun 5 13:13:30 2010 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb (eql?, ==, minor): Fix bugs when comparing/returning
+ some empty matrices.
+Sat Jun 5 11:00:48 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * error.c (rb_name_err_mesg_new): guard mesg, recv and method.
+ The problem in [ruby-dev:41464] is caused because mesg is collected.
+Sat Jun 5 10:03:31 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * .gdbinit (rp): detect and show RTypedData.
+Sat Jun 5 08:30:42 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_f_test): 'W' should test writable by real uid/git,
+ not world writable. [ruby-core:30587]
+Sat Jun 5 06:20:57 2010 Eric Hodel <>
+ * dir.c: Clarification of what '*' matches. Patch by John Wells
+ <john.wells at>
+Fri Jun 4 10:46:33 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/dl/cfunc.c (rb_dlcfunc_inspect): should taint the result.
+ [ruby-dev:41533]
+Fri Jun 4 09:37:15 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * gc.c (gc_sweep): suppress a warning on VC, again.
+Thu Jun 3 23:34:55 2010 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/lib/digest/hmac.rb: Emit a deprecation warning in
+ verbose mode and add a caution to the overview section of the
+ document. [ruby-dev:41525]
+Thu Jun 3 19:33:51 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/dl/cfunc.c (rb_dlcfunc_inspect): suppress warnings by
+ rb_sprintf.
+ * ext/dl/cptr.c (rb_dlptr_s_malloc): suppress warnings.
+Thu Jun 3 18:58:28 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * load.c (ruby_init_ext): statically linked extensions have no
+ real path. [ruby-dev:41526]
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_call_cfunc): add filepath argument.
+Thu Jun 3 18:17:45 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/rake/test_win32.rb (Rake::TestWin32): update tests.
+ [ruby-core:30309]
+ * test/io/nonblock/test_flush.rb (test_flush): try pipe and
+ socketpair. [ruby-dev:41517]
+Thu Jun 3 09:36:43 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/dl/dl.h (DLSTACK_TYPE): type of stack is same as VALUE.
+ reported by sakiyama shin in [ruby-dev:41514]
+Thu Jun 3 06:30:20 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_path.rb (test_path): workaround for drive
+ letter.
+ * test/ruby/test_path.rb (test_path): get rid of blocking on
+ access to non-existent host.
+Thu Jun 3 05:37:46 2010 Ryan Davis <>
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb (install-bin): Allow bin/* install from dot-dirs.
+ Fixes rvm and multiruby installations.
+Thu Jun 3 01:22:45 2010 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: fix typo and race condition.
+Thu Jun 3 00:58:45 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/cparser.rb (parse_ctype): add backwards compatibility
+ by supporting "uint" types in the c parser. [ruby-core:29750]
+ * test/dl/test_cparser.rb: adding a test for "uint" changes.
+Wed Jun 2 11:40:02 2010 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): should consider block on stack,
+ if block argument is passed. [ruby-core:30534]
+ * parse.c (arg_concat_gen): should append to nd_head, not to
+ nd_iter for NODE_BLOCK_PASS.
+Tue Jun 1 23:12:06 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * re.c (unescape_nonascii): \P{FOO} is also Unicode property in
+ regexp. [ruby-core:30540]
+Tue Jun 1 21:29:39 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: adding support to rfc5789 patch verb.
+ Added a Net::HTTP::Patch class which expects a message body
+ and response body. It recycles the post method into a patch one,
+ that will send the encoded representation to the server.
+ Summarizing, a new class has been created, the post method
+ extracted into send_entity, including a new argument,
+ which defines which class to use (Post or Patch) and
+ finally a patch method was created. [ruby-core:30426]
+ Patched by Guilherme Silveira
+ <guilherme.silveira AT>
+Tue Jun 1 03:46:08 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/readline/extconf.rb: reject GPLv3 readline. [ruby-dev:39172]
+ [ruby-core:25272] [ruby-dev:39167] [ruby-core:28736]
+Tue Jun 1 01:14:31 2010 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * io.c (pipe_open): add RB_GC_GUARD.
+ This caused failure when test/ruby/test_argf.rb is executed with
+ GC.stress = true in mswin32_90
+Mon May 31 23:44:22 2010 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/extconf.rb: use when frameworks
+ are enabled on MacOS X.
+ * ext/tk/stubs.c: dirty hack for frameworks and stubs on MacOS X.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: stop creating a dummy Tcl/Tk interpreter.
+ And hide a root window before starting eventloop. (for ruby 1.9)
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: add codes to support Ruby/Tk-Kit (Rubykit).
+Mon May 31 21:49:42 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::DNS::Requester#request): rescue ECONNRESET
+ for Windows. reported by U.Nakamura. [ruby-dev:41477]
+Mon May 31 19:25:58 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * regparse.c (onig_syntax_warn): do not use external strings as
+ printf format.
+Mon May 31 18:22:23 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-mode-set-encoding): skip shebang line
+ always regardless of ruby.
+Mon May 31 15:07:18 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * file.c (file_expand_path): Refix r28102: this breaks
+ r28039. test for [ruby-dev:41429] is added. [ruby-core:30516]
+Mon May 31 14:47:09 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_inspect): inspect as ASCII when the codepoint
+ of a character in Unicode string is ASCII printable one.
+Mon May 31 13:44:40 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_unicode_p): check the encoding is Unicode
+ or not by the name; not function's pointer. [ruby-dev:41479]
+Mon May 31 04:03:43 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (file_expand_path): check if expanded dname encoding is
+ compatible with fname, not just copying. [ruby-core:30516]
+ * test/ruby/test_beginendblock.rb (test_endblockwarn): needs
+ encoding comment.
+Mon May 31 02:17:54 2010 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * insns.def (defined): respond_to_missing? may not be available
+ (for BasicObject instances).
+Mon May 31 01:43:42 2010 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/delegate: Delegator: combine (public|protected) methods with
+ those of the delegated object. [ruby-core:27224]
+ DelegateClass: combine (public|protected) instance methods
+ with those of the delegated superclass.
+Sun May 30 22:18:49 2010 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/set.rb (keep_if, select!): New methods [ruby-core:29749]
+Sun May 30 21:51:59 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/rake/test_application.rb: update a test because of r28089.
+Sun May 30 21:48:07 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb (Tempfile#unlink): leave @data. Assigning nil to
+ @data caused double closing error of the same IO in finalizer. a
+ patch from Simon Nicholls. [ruby-core:29395]
+Sun May 30 18:47:15 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c: updated to b856dd07.
+ this cleans warnings.
+Sun May 30 18:25:55 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * load.c (load_failed): use more accurate error message.
+ [ruby-core:23851]
+Sun May 30 16:54:34 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_directory_p): update rdoc. a patch from Ilkka
+ Laukkanen. [ruby-core:30016]
+Sun May 30 14:59:13 2010 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_all_clear): don't call obj_free() in
+ gc_mark_all_clear(), because obj_free() may make T_ZOMBIE
+ objects.
+ * gc.c (gc_clear_mark_on_sweep_slots): renamed.
+ * gc.c (rb_objspace_call_finalizer): call
+ gc_clear_mark_on_sweep_slots() before calling mark_tbl().
+ [ruby-dev:41459]
+Sun May 30 03:40:44 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_tokadd_utf8, parser_tokadd_string): allow NUL
+ containing symbol literals, as well as String#to_sym.
+ [ruby-dev:41447]
+Sun May 30 03:03:20 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/rdoc/generator/template/darkfish/classpage.rhtml:
+ fix encoding value of XML declaration. [ruby-dev:41452]
+Sun May 30 02:20:26 2010 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * thread.c (RB_GC_SAVE_MACHINE_CONTEXT), gc.c (ruby_gc_stress_start):
+ revert r28078.
+Sun May 30 02:21:34 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (zstream_append_input2): add RB_GC_GUARD.
+ This caused failure when test/csv is executed with GC.stress = true.
+Sun May 30 01:25:48 2010 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * thread.c (RB_GC_SAVE_MACHINE_CONTEXT): start GC
+ by switching the thread if gc_stress == true
+ * gc.c (ruby_gc_stress_start): ditto.
+Sun May 30 00:02:39 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * gc.c (force_chain_object, rb_objspace_call_finalizer): delete
+ finalizer entry after corresponding finalizer is executed.
+ This caused SEGV when test/cgi is executed with GC.stress = true.
+Sat May 29 23:30:33 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * string.c (str_replace_shared): change embedded state atomically.
+ [ruby-core:29953] [ruby-dev:41456]
+Sat May 29 12:56:09 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_filesystem_encindex): avoid infinite require
+ loop. [ruby-core:30467]
+Sat May 29 12:05:51 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb (RDoc#read_file_contents): take care of BOM.
+ [ruby-dev:41452]
+Sat May 29 10:12:36 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (GC_PROF_TIMER_STOP): regularize `marked' to suppress
+ warnings.
+Sat May 29 09:34:32 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb: fix for --disable-gems.
+Sat May 29 09:04:06 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::DNS::Requester#request): rescue ECONNREFUSED.
+Sat May 29 08:46:29 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (allocate_sorted_heaps, before_gc_sweep, gc_sweep): removed
+ unused variables.
+Fri May 28 20:35:21 2010 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (blocking_region_begin): avoid RUBY_VM_CHECK_INTS()
+ call during GVL state transition. [Bug#3354] [ruby-dev:41435]
+Fri May 28 19:37:47 2010 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c: use simple lazy sweep algorithm for response performance
+ gain. See [ruby-dev:41067].
+ * object.c: FL_MARK of some objects by lazy sweep is copied when
+ RVALUE is cloned. These objects are not marked in the mark phase.
+ So delete FL_MARK.
+ * class.c: ditto.
+Fri May 28 18:39:38 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (sym_inspect): escape ASCII-compatible strings.
+ * string.c (rb_str_inspect): escape ASCII-compatible strings.
+Fri May 28 17:34:48 2010 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_product): Use tmpary instead, to ensure marking
+ arrays by GC.
+Fri May 28 11:40:07 2010 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_product): Do not rely on GC, t0 should be
+ checked explicitly.
+Fri May 28 10:40:37 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (checking_for): ignore toplevel.
+Fri May 28 00:47:16 2010 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * error.c (rb_bug): suppress the error report dialog if report_bug()
+ is finished successfully.
+Fri May 28 00:32:25 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * insns.def (invokesuper): check consistency between class of self and
+ class of method being invoked by super. This is temporary measure
+ for YARV. See [ruby-core:30313] in detail. See [ruby-dev:40959]
+ [ruby-dev:39772] [ruby-core:27000] [ruby-core:27230]
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_search_superclass): ditto.
+Thu May 27 23:38:31 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * file.c (rb_home_dir): set filesystem encoding.
+Thu May 27 23:29:18 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * file.c (file_expand_path): set encoding as the same of fname
+ when _result_ is not filesystem encoding. [ruby-dev:41429]
+Thu May 27 23:07:45 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * file.c (file_expand_path): use rb_enc_associate_index and
+ rb_filesystem_encindex. Strings related FileSystem should
+ have filesystem_encoding.
+ * file.c (SET_EXTERNAL_ENCODING): removed.
+Thu May 27 23:03:19 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_filesystem_encindex): defined.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_locale_encindex): ditto.
+ * encoding.c (rb_filesystem_encindex): remove static.
+ * encoding.c (rb_locale_encindex): ditto.
+Thu May 27 22:34:27 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_read): call ReadFile() with len = 0 before
+ reading really on console, because the first ReadFile() call after
+ PeekConsoleInput() always returns broken data. (Windows's bug).
+ [ruby-core:29018]
+Thu May 27 12:42:23 2010 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * LGPL: Removed. We no longer have LGPL'd source files in our
+ tree.
+Wed May 26 20:19:22 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (random_rand): add the result of random to the
+ beginning of range, not the opposite. [ruby-dev:41415]
+Wed May 26 19:55:33 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * file.c (file_expand_path): revert a part of r22392. it's commit miss.
+Wed May 26 18:40:23 2010 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * test/rinda/test_rinda.rb (TupleSpaceTest, TupleSpaceProxyTest):
+ kill a used thread at teardown. [ruby-dev:41397]
+Wed May 26 12:08:06 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (random_rand): subtraction method of non-numeric can
+ return Float. [ruby-dev:41410]
+Wed May 26 11:50:09 2010 Eric Hodel <>
+ * marshal.c (Init_marshal): document marshal_dump and marshal_load.
+Wed May 26 10:35:37 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (rb_cv_large_fd_select): needed on mingw, even
+ though fd_mask is not available. [ruby-core:30401]
+Tue May 25 14:00:51 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regparse.c (add_code_range_to_buf0): fix false negative
+ warning when given range is just before previous range.
+ [ruby-dev:41406]
+Tue May 25 16:37:39 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-style.el (ruby-style-version): take revision if
+ keyword is expanded. [ruby-dev:41408]
+Tue May 25 13:26:49 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/vm.h, include/ruby/encoding.h: add external
+ linkage.
+Tue May 25 01:46:49 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_f_caller): update rdoc. a patch from Nobuhiro IMAI
+ <nov at> in [ruby-dev:41387].
+Mon May 24 23:04:41 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * error.c: fix wrong exception class name in rdoc.
+Mon May 24 19:00:34 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (warn_balanced, parser_yylex): no warnings after closing
+ parens.
+Mon May 24 12:52:44 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (change), tool/change_maker.rb: make a brief template
+ for ChangeLog.
+Mon May 24 09:19:59 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * gc.c (gc_sweep): suppress a warning on VC.
+Mon May 24 08:16:02 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (rb_f_spawn): use correct command name for the error
+ message. [ruby-dev:41395]
+Sun May 23 17:48:39 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/x509-internal.rb, lib/forwardable.rb,
+ lib/irb/cmd/fork.rb, lib/mutex_m.rb,
+ lib/shell/process-controller.rb, lib/sync.rb, object.c:
+ suppress warnings patched by Benoit Daloze at [ruby-core:30366].
+ * parse.y (warn_balanced): no warning for singleton class.
+ [ruby-core:30366]
+Sun May 23 16:56:11 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (CONST_ID_CACHE, rb_intern_const): suppress
+ warnings with -Wconversion.
+Sun May 23 07:08:34 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/json/stream.rb: adding a JSON streaming API
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/stream.rb: ditto
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych.rb: using autoload
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/json.rb: ditto
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/json/tree_builder.rb: refactor
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/json_tree.rb: refactor
+Sat May 22 03:53:05 2010 Satoshi Shiba <>
+ * cont.c (fiber_setcontext): Use swapcontext() instead longjmp().
+ [ruby-dev:41316] [Bug #3295]
+Fri May 21 19:11:42 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf.c (rb_nkf_convert, rb_nkf_guess): check too huge
+ string.
+Fri May 21 18:12:12 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_intern): C90 needs nonempty macro
+ arguments.
+Fri May 21 13:55:46 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (LIBRUBYARG_SHARED): shared library will not be
+ created unless enable-shared.
+ * ruby.c (ruby_init_loadpath_safe): use real path for non-shared
+ build.
+Fri May 21 12:25:58 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (w_float): use dtoa directly instead of stripping
+ needless trailing .0.
+ * numeric.c (flo_to_s): reverted. [ruby-dev:41341]
+Fri May 21 01:06:05 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * thread.c (subtract_tv): if the rest is zero, should finish waiting
+ immediately.
+ * win32/win32.c (subtract): ditto.
+ based on a patch from Roger Pack in [ruby-core:27957].
+Thu May 20 22:49:04 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_s_union_m): update rdoc. [ruby-dev:41354]
+Thu May 20 22:08:28 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_f_caller): update rdoc. a patch from Nobuhiro IMAI
+ <nov at> in [ruby-dev:41348].
+Thu May 20 22:04:05 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * vm.c (vm_backtrace_each): now takes an init function to distinguish
+ an empty stack from out of stack. [ruby-dev:41366]
+ * vm_eval.c (print_backtrace, rb_thread_backtrace): ditto.
+Thu May 20 20:47:46 2010 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_invoke): raise NoMethodError
+ when COM method is not found. [ruby-core:30160] [Bug #3277]
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole.rb (test_no_method_error): ditto.
+Thu May 20 16:17:14 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/psych/emitter: C99(gcc)-ism.
+Thu May 20 12:59:49 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/stream.rb: adding YAML streaming API for
+ infinite length streams.
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych.rb: refactoring for streaming API
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/{handler, stream, tree_builder}.rb: ditto
+Thu May 20 02:12:20 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/emitter.c: output strings are automatically transcoded
+Wed May 19 23:36:57 2010 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/extconf.rb: [ruby-dev:41334] [Bug #3307] invalid result
+ on searching tcl.h/tk.h. Thanks, Masaya Tarui.
+Wed May 19 23:19:30 2010 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (disconnect): closes the socket of a Net::IMAP
+ object only when it is not closed. [ruby-dev:41350]
+Wed May 19 20:09:38 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_f_caller): return [] instead of nil when the function
+ is called on toplevel. [ruby-dev:41348]
+Wed May 19 19:58:01 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: mswin/mingw ruby has socketpair(), but it's
+ not exist as such name in ruby static library, so mkmf.rb cannot
+ find it.
+Wed May 19 19:45:10 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * iseq_compile_each (NODE_DEFINED): put nil first to fix stack
+ consistency. [ruby-core:30293]
+ Now, lfinish[0] of defined_expr seems not to be used. Refactoring
+ may be needed.
+Wed May 19 16:55:09 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_num2ulong): use rb_big2ulong for data from
+ Bignum. Without this 32bit integer on 32bit environment
+ can't converted into long.
+ This fixes 1) and 2) of [ruby-dev:41289]
+Mon May 17 22:19:16 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * process.c: suppress warning for signed and unsigned type
+ inconsistency.
+ * ext/psych/parser.c: ditto.
+ * ext/sdbm/_sdbm.c: ditto.
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c: ditto.
+Mon May 17 21:30:50 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * .gitignore: updated.
+Mon May 17 21:08:53 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (argv_size): merged into join_argv() to maintain the
+ agreement with it. removed code has a calculation bug.
+ fixed [Bug#2388]
+ * win32/win32.c (join_argv): calc and return the length of joined
+ argv.
+ the cause of the original bug was clarified by Masaya TARUI
+ <tarui AT> and the solution was suggested by him, too.
+Mon Apr 5 09:20:08 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/iso_2022_jp.h: add CP50220.
+ * enc/trans/iso2022.trans: add converter for CP50220.
+Mon May 17 09:37:25 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils::Entry_#entries): returns pathname in
+ UTF-8 on Windows to allow FileUtils accessing all pathnames
+ internally.
+Mon May 17 01:07:48 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dln.c (rb_w32_check_imported): workaround for VC6.
+Sun May 16 22:21:32 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * proc.c (mnew): initialize a field. a patch from Takahiro Kambe.
+ [ruby-dev:41312]
+Sun May 16 22:17:35 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * eval.c (setup_exception): let SystemStackError#backtrace return an
+ single element array instead of string itself. [ruby-core:30196]
+Sun May 16 21:51:04 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * parse.y (parser_read_escape, parser_tokadd_escape): allow a hex or
+ octal encoded character after \c. This seemed to be prohibited at
+ r13836, but its ChangeLog mentions nothing about this prohibition.
+ So I assume this prohibition is not intended. [ruby-core:27229]
+Sun May 16 21:14:04 2010 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb (TestRubyOptions#test_segv_test):
+ fixes "NoMethodError: undefined method `[]=' for nil:NilClass"
+Sun May 16 17:16:09 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * proc.c (proc_binding): don't propagate filename and line_no of
+ binding that is created from C level. [ruby-dev:41322]
+ * vm_eval.c (eval_string_with_cref): ditto.
+Sun May 16 15:09:36 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dln.c (rb_w32_check_imported): check if extension library to be
+ loaded imports from different ruby dll.
+Sun May 16 14:55:39 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (dln_find.o): fix dependency.
+Sun May 16 13:55:25 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (rb_loaderror): use locale string, not ascii-8bit.
+Sun May 16 11:39:15 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/missing.h (signbit): add missing prototype.
+Sun May 16 10:49:47 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (rb_iconv_sys_fail): fix number of arguments.
+ a patch by Masaya TARUI <tarui AT>.
+Sun May 16 02:24:27 2010 Yutaka Kanemoto <>
+ * can not load if gcc is used with
+ --enable-shared on AIX.
+Sat May 15 17:16:15 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (rb_iconv_sys_fail): raise BrokenLibrary if
+ errno is not set. [ruby-dev:41317]
+Fri May 14 07:27:07 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (w_float): strip ".0" from end for rubyspec.
+Fri May 14 01:17:10 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * vm_core.c (rb_thread_struct): add a field for sigaltstack.
+ * thread_pthread.c (thread_start_func_1): initialize machine stack
+ information.
+ * thread.c (thread_start_func_2): set sigaltstack for each sub thread.
+ [ruby-core:24540] [ruby-core:30207]
+Thu May 13 21:40:39 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * missing/ffs.c (ffs): fixed for non-zero values.
+Thu May 13 18:45:25 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/io/console/console.c (get_write_fd): return primary fd if no
+ io is tied for writing.
+Thu May 13 18:15:33 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (swallow): should use more_char() instead of fill_cbuf().
+ suggested by akr.
+Thu May 13 17:56:07 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/io/console/console.c (console_set_echo, console_echo_p): use
+ primary fd. [ruby-dev:41309]
+Thu May 13 13:30:05 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (w_float): use minimal representation.
+ * numeric.c (ruby_dbl2cstr): split from rb_float_new.
+Thu May 13 13:09:24 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_core.h (rb_vm_get_sourceline): moved from eval_intern.h for
+ vm_dump.c.
+Thu May 13 12:53:13 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (swallow): support text mode and UTF-16/32 as internal encoding.
+ [Bug #1576]
+ * io.c (io_shift_cbuf): read and throw it away when str is NULL.
+Thu May 13 09:45:27 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: link with ffs.obj.
+Thu May 13 07:37:49 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/sdbm/_sdbm.c: include unistd.h before sdbm.h for off_t.
+ fix compilation problem on FreeBSD 6.4.
+Wed May 12 23:48:37 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_quad_pack): deprecated.
+ (rb_quad_unpack): ditto.
+Wed May 12 22:22:05 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (rb_big_abs_find_minbit): use ffs().
+ * check ffs().
+ * missing/ffs.c: new file.
+ * include/ruby/missing.h (ffs): declared.
+Wed May 12 16:43:12 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_to_s): fixed broken output including nuls.
+Wed May 12 16:25:46 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_to_s): exponent needs 2 digits.
+Wed May 12 16:02:43 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_to_s): fill lower zeros.
+Wed May 12 15:45:36 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/rdoc/generator/ri.rb (generate): should load existing cache
+ before generating it.
+Wed May 12 15:04:57 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/math.rb (BigMath#log): improved
+ precision and performance. [ruby-dev:41295]
+Wed May 12 11:39:10 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: test all IPPROTO_* constants for recent Win32
+ SDK.
+Wed May 12 10:57:04 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_to_s): make minimum string representation.
+ [ruby-core:30145]
+Wed May 12 09:21:05 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_initialize_m): fix wrong index for the lang
+ option's value 'N'. reported by Masaya TARUI via IRC.
+Tue May 11 23:07:22 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: test IPPROTO_IP and IPPROTO_IPV6 constants.
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: define macros for enum.
+ [ruby-dev:38849]
+Tue May 11 21:53:18 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/rake/test_task_arguments.rb: makes ENV empty during tests
+ because ENV may change the behavior of Rake::TaskArguments.
+ [ruby-core:29984]
+Tue May 11 15:14:30 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/utf_8.c: Add new alias UTF-8-HFS for UTF8-MAC.
+Tue May 11 13:46:00 2010 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/math.rb (atan),
+ test/bigdecimal/test_bigmath.rb (test_atan): explicitly specify
+ the precision for calculating a reciprocal number of an argument.
+ [Bug #3267]
+Tue May 11 11:49:44 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/sdbm/sdbm.h (DBM): large file support on win32.
+ [ruby-core:23039]
+ * ext/sdbm/depend: objects depend on sdbm.h.
+Tue May 11 09:57:05 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval_intern.h (rb_vm_get_sourceline): add prototype.
+Tue May 11 09:53:07 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/psych/parser.c (PSYCH_TRANSCODE): get rid of bare use of gcc
+ extension.
+Tue May 11 01:20:43 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/parser.c (parse): Return strings encoded as
+ Encoding.default_internal if set.
+Mon May 10 23:50:19 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): add a missing break.
+Mon May 10 14:13:04 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * time.c (rb_big_abs_find_minbit): get rid of a warning of VC.
+Mon May 10 13:59:42 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c, include/ruby/win32.h (rb_w32_has_cancel_io): new
+ function.
+ * io.c (WAIT_FD_IN_WIN32): check only when it's not cancelable.
+Mon May 10 06:59:19 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (rdoc): rdoc should depend main. Moreover when XRUBY
+ is miniruby, it can run after miniruby is built.
+Mon May 10 03:36:56 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * vm_eval.c (eval_string_with_cref): propagate filename and line_no
+ of binding. [ruby-dev:38767] [ruby-core:28307]
+ * vm_core.h (rb_binding_t), proc.c: add filename and line_no fields to
+ preserve them.
+Mon May 10 02:58:33 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each), vm_insnhelper.c (vm_invoke_block,
+ vm_throw): allow "return" and "yield" even in singleton class
+ definition. based on a patch from wanabe <s.wanabe AT>
+ for "return". [ruby-core:21379] [ruby-dev:40975]
+ * insns.def (defineclass): ditto (straightforwardly push block ptr,
+ instead of dfp ptr with special flag).
+ * vm_core.h (RUBY_VM_CLASS_SPECIAL_P): ditto (no longer needed).
+ * proc.c (proc_new): ditto (remove handling for special flag).
+ * bootstraptest/test_jump.rb: add tests for above.
+Mon May 10 02:29:51 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * cont.c (fiber_switch): raise FiberError when returning to dead
+ fiber. [ruby-dev:40833]
+Mon May 10 02:07:20 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/thread.rb (ConditionVariable#wait): ensure to remove the current
+ thread from waiters. [ruby-core:29835]
+Mon May 10 00:54:15 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/io/console/console.c (console_set_raw): new method.
+ * ext/io/console/console.c (ttymode): reverted previous commit.
+Sun May 9 23:53:14 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RB_GC_GUARD_PTR): get rid of removal by
+ optimization.
+Sun May 9 23:07:53 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * proc.c (proc_dup): copy blockprocval. proc_dup is used by
+ define_method, which made blockprocval be GC'ed mistakenly.
+ [ruby-core:30023]
+Sun May 9 16:28:15 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * cont.c (fiber_initialize_machine_stack_context): try to release
+ unnecessary fibers and retry to create. based on a patch from
+ masaya tarui at [ruby-dev:41230].
+Sun May 9 08:32:56 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/json/generator/generator.c (fbuffer_inc_capa):
+ fix the use of REALLOC_N. [ruby-dev:41227]
+Sun May 9 09:30:09 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/json/{generator/generator.c,parser/parser.rl}: fixed indent.
+ * ext/json/{generator,parser}/depend: added.
+Sun May 9 09:15:03 2010 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * test/net/imap/test_imap.rb: use IPv4 for
+ test_imaps_post_connection_check. [ruby-dev:41189]
+Sun May 9 08:24:24 2010 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (disconnect): terminates @receiver_thread even if
+ @sock.shutdown raises an exception. [ruby-dev:34881]
+Sun May 9 06:15:21 2010 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * io.c (nogvl_copy_stream_sendfile): ISO C90 forbids mixed
+ declarations and code.
+Sun May 9 02:57:02 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/fiddle/lib/fiddle.rb: only require DL if it hasn't been required
+ yet. [ruby-core:30095]
+Sun May 9 01:15:18 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * cont.c (stackgrowdirection): removed duplicated code, use
+ STACK_UPPER macro instead.
+ * gc.h (STACK_DIR_UPPER): moved from thread_pthread.c.
+Sun May 9 00:35:56 2010 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * test/dl/test_base.rb (libc_so, libm_so): supports solaris.
+Sat May 8 19:03:31 2010 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * spec/default.mspec (config): . is no longer in $:.
+Sun May 9 00:27:46 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_aset): fixed argument type.
+Sat May 8 23:09:44 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * NEWS (io/console): IO#noecho and IO#raw without block are
+ obsolete already. [ruby-dev:41226]
+ * ext/io/console/console.c (ttymode): save duped file descriptors
+ and restore tty modes using them, so that original modes can be
+ restored even if original fds are closed. [ruby-dev:41225]
+Sat May 8 13:48:31 2010 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_fetch, rb_ary_splice, rb_ary_store): Improve
+ IndexError
+ messages [ruby-core:28394]
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_fetch_m): Improve KeyError message
+Sat May 8 13:11:28 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rubygems/user_interaction.rb (Gem::StreamUI#ask_for_password):
+ use io/console.
+ * ext/io/console: imported. [ruby-dev:40897]
+Sat May 8 12:25:15 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (etc_systmpdir): moved from ext/tmpdir.
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (etc_sysconfdir): added.
+ * lib/rubygems/config_file.rb, lib/tmpdir.rb: use etc.
+Sat May 8 11:07:41 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (VpAlloc): ensure buf does not get
+ collected. based on a patch masaya tarui at [ruby-dev:41213].
+Sat May 8 10:03:39 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb (BasicSocket#connect_address): MacOS X 10.6
+ returns "::ffff:a.b.c.d" for IPv4-mapped IPv6 address.
+ [ruby-dev:41215] patch by Tomoyuki Chikanaga.
+Fri May 7 23:51:39 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * version.h: bump up to 1.9.3.
+Fri May 7 11:30:51 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb (install-man): install mdocs directly without
+ temporary files. [ruby-dev:41204]
+Fri May 7 09:16:16 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/tk/extconf.rb (get_tclConfig_dirs): glob with EXEEXT.
+ * ext/tk/extconf.rb (search_tclConfig): fixed typo.
+Fri May 7 06:45:28 2010 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/extconf.rb: search directories on PATH, only if containing
+ tclsh or wish command (probably right fix for [ruby-core:30010]).
+Fri May 7 03:40:58 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (VpCtoV): fix to check overflow.
+Thu May 6 22:19:38 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * cont.c: define FIBER_USE_NATIVE only when _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0400
+ on Windows because Fiber APIs are supported only such building
+ (and running) environments.
+ [ruby-dev:41192]
+Thu May 6 19:13:43 2010 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/openssl/test_ec.rb: added test_dsa_sign_asn1_FIPS186_3. dgst is
+ truncated with after openssl 0.9.8m for
+ FIPS 186-3 compliance.
+ WARNING: ruby-openssl aims to wrap an OpenSSL so when you're using
+ openssl 0.9.8l or earlier version, EC.dsa_sign_asn1 raises
+ OpenSSL::PKey::ECError as before and EC.dsa_verify_asn1 just returns
+ false when you pass dgst longer than expected (no truncation
+ performed).
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_ec.c: rdoc typo fixed.
+Thu May 6 18:12:43 2010 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * cont.c (fiber_setcontext): Fix last commit.
+Thu May 6 17:16:42 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * time.c (rb_localtime_r2): get rid of infinite loop bug of
+ localtime() on x86_64-darwin. [ruby-core:30031]
+Thu May 6 15:56:12 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/fiddle/*: Adding fiddle library to wrap libffi
+ * test/fiddle/*: testing fiddle extension
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl.rb: Requiring fiddle if it is available
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/callback.rb: using Fiddle if it is available
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/func.rb: ditto
+Thu May 6 15:04:37 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_match_m): add description about optional
+ position parameter. [ruby-list:47064]
+ patched by KISHIMOTO, Makoto <ksmakoto AT>
+Thu May 6 14:12:39 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/tmpdir.rb: test RUBY_PLATFORM for loading to avoid
+ LoadError.
+Thu May 6 12:41:00 2010 Kenta Murata <>
+ * NEWS: add rationalize methods of Complex, Float, Integer, NilClass,
+ and Rational classes.
+Thu May 6 12:12:26 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * README: update.
+Thu May 6 03:34:29 2010 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * cont.c: apply FIBER_USE_NATIVE patch. This patch improve
+ Fiber context switching cost using system APIs. Detail comments
+ are written in cont.c.
+Thu May 6 02:16:48 2010 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_unlink_method_entry, rb_sweep_method_entry):
+ added. Unlinked method entries are collected to
+ vm->unlinked_method_entry_list. On the GC timing, mark all method
+ entries which are on all living threads. Only non-marked method
+ entries are collected. This hack prevents releasing living method
+ entry.
+ [Performance Consideration] Since this Method Entry GC (MEGC)
+ doesn't occur frequently, MEGC will not be a performance bottleneck.
+ However, to traverse living method entries, every control frame push
+ needs to clear cfp->me field. This will be a performance issue
+ (because pushing control frame is occurred frequently).
+ Bug #2777 [ruby-dev:40457]
+ * cont.c (fiber_init): init cfp->me.
+ * gc.c (garbage_collect): kick rb_sweep_method_entry().
+ * method.h (rb_method_entry_t): add a mark field.
+ * vm.c (invoke_block_from_c): set passed me.
+ * vm.c (rb_thread_mark): mark cfp->me.
+ * vm_core.h (rb_thread_t): add a field passed_me.
+ * vm_core.h (rb_vm_t): add a field unlinked_method_entry_list.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_push_frame): clear cfp->me at all times.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_bmethod): pass me.
+ * bootstraptest/test_method.rb: add a test.
+Wed May 5 22:22:51 2010 wanabe <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_set_sequence): fix check range of ic_index.
+ a patch from Tomoyuki Chikanaga. #3236
+Wed May 5 21:49:31 2010 Yutaka Kanemoto <>
+ * dln.c (aix_loaderror): use execerror for load error on AIX.
+ This can avoid SEGV reported by Perry Smith. [Bug #2063]
+Wed May 5 20:37:54 2010 wanabe <>
+ * thread_win32.c (w32_wait_events): get GVL before handle interrupt
+ event. [ruby-core:27199], [ruby-core:29698]
+Wed May 5 19:00:01 2010 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/extconf.rb: revert. enbugged by last commit.
+ ([ruby-dev:41133], [ruby-dev:41134], [ruby-core:30010])
+ * ext/tk/README.tcltklib: ditto.
+Wed May 5 15:54:35 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * file.c (rb_stat): use STAT macro instead of calling stat() directly.
+ reported by Bill Kelly. [ruby-core:30012]
+Wed May 5 11:43:10 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_io.rb (megacontent-copy_stream): get rid of
+ deadlock.
+Wed May 5 07:27:14 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_mark_method_entry): renamed.
+Wed May 5 05:20:27 2010 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * method.h, vm_method.c: rename some internal functions related to
+ rb_method_entry_t.
+ rb_add_method_me() -> rb_method_entry_set().
+ rb_get_method_entry() -> rb_method_entry_without_cache().
+ rb_gc_mark_method_entry() -> rb_mark_method_entry().
+ * class.c, proc.c: ditto.
+Tue May 4 22:59:48 2010 wanabe <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_build_body): update iseq->ic_size.
+ a patch from Tomoyuki Chikanaga. see #3236.
+Tue May 4 18:51:22 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (name_err_mesg_to_str): preserve encoding of inspection.
+ [ruby-core:29948]
+Tue May 4 18:38:16 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb (test_copy_stream):
+ IO.copy_stream support binmode only currently.
+ [ruby-core:23724]
+Tue May 4 12:46:09 2010 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (argument_error): push correct backtrace.
+ Bug #2281 [ruby-core:26333]
+Tue May 4 12:38:40 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/option.c (sockopt_inspect): use rb_str_cat2 and
+ rb_str_append.
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (ancillary_inspect): refined.
+Tue May 4 11:48:06 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (ancillary_inspect): use rb_str_cat2 and
+ rb_str_append.
+Tue May 4 07:52:33 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTPResponse#read_chunked): ensure to skip the
+ last newline of chunk. [ruby-core:29229]
+ * test/net/http/utils.rb: add an option for chunked response test.
+ * test/net/http/test_http.rb: add tests for chunked response.
+Tue May 4 03:37:54 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c: Update nkf 2010-04-28.
+Mon May 3 21:08:16 2010 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * sample/README: update file list. [ruby-core:28981]
+Mon May 3 08:15:05 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/syck/emitter.c (syck_scan_scalar): set SCAN_WHITEEDGE flag
+ when scalar begins with newline. patches from Dave B <daz AT
+> at [ruby-core:23019] and caleb clausen at
+ [ruby-core:25851]. [ruby-core:23006][ruby-core:29925]
+Sun May 2 17:52:16 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rdoc/task.rb (RDoc::Task): should not override newer code.
+Sun May 2 17:25:05 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/dl/cfunc.c (rb_dlcfunc_call): ignore signedness.
+Sun May 2 12:04:30 2010 wanabe <>
+ * iseq.c (iseq_load): allow filepath to be nil.
+ a patch from Tomoyuki Chikanaga in [Bug #3229].
+Sun May 2 08:54:37 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI::NEEDS_BINMODE): check if O_BINARY value instead
+ of fragile check by platform name.
+Sun May 2 07:38:43 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (dir_config): should not modify argument arrays
+ themselves.
+Sat May 1 22:53:57 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb (Tempfile#size): stat by path name when it is
+ closed.
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb (Test::Unit::Assertions#assert):
+ keep the first trace.
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb (Test::Unit::Assertions#assert):
+ fixed filtering. [ruby-core:29908]
+Sat May 1 16:46:44 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_IsInfinite): don't use
+ non-ascii character.
+Sat May 1 14:08:29 2010 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/server.rb: Fix bug when serving gems.
+Sat May 1 14:05:36 2010 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc: Upgrade to RDoc 2.5.8.
+Sat May 1 09:43:06 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb (Test::Unit::Assertions#assert):
+ filter out traces in minitest directory. [ruby-core:29908]
+Sat May 1 06:42:57 2010 wanabe <>
+ * win32/win32.c: add declaration of wstati64 for gcc.
+Sat May 1 02:41:33 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * merge some patches from win32-unicode-test branch.
+ see #1685.
+ * file.c, include/ruby/intern.h (rb_str_encode_ospath): new function
+ to convert encoding for pathname.
+ * win32.c, include/ruby/win32.h (rb_w32_ulink, rb_w32_urename,
+ rb_w32_ustati64, rb_w32_uopen, rb_w32_uutime, rb_w32_uchdir,
+ rb_w32_umkdir, rb_w32_urmdir, rb_w32_uunlink): new functions to
+ accept UTF-8 path.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_opendir, link, rb_w32_stati64, rb_w32_utime,
+ rb_w32_unlink): use WCHAR path internally.
+ * file.c (rb_stat, eaccess, access_internal, rb_file_s_ftype,
+ chmod_internal, rb_file_chmod, rb_file_chown, utime_internal,
+ rb_file_s_link, unlink_internal, rb_file_s_rename): use UTF-8 version
+ functions on Win32.
+ * file.c (apply2files, rb_stat, rb_file_s_lstat, rb_file_symlink_p,
+ rb_file_readable_p, rb_file_writable_p, rb_file_executable_p,
+ check3rdbyte, rb_file_identical_p, rb_file_chmod, rb_file_chown,
+ rb_file_s_link, rb_file_s_symlink, rb_file_s_rename): call
+ rb_str_encode_ospath() before passing the path to system.
+ * io.c (rb_sysopen): ditto.
+ * dir.c (dir_chdir, dir_s_mkdir, dir_s_rmdir): ditto.
+Sat May 1 00:26:31 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb (Test::Unit::Assertions#assert):
+ assertion message must be String or Proc. suggested by caleb
+ clausen at [ruby-core:29884].
+Sat May 1 00:14:47 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb: skip false tests on Windows.
+ [ruby-core:29886]
+Fri Apr 30 22:46:27 2010 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * math.c: Math::DomainError < StandardError [ruby-core:29855]
+Fri Apr 30 21:40:36 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/test_open3.rb (TestOpen3#test_commandline): use simple
+ command via shell. [ruby-dev:41100]
+Fri Apr 30 15:38:45 2010 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/extconf.rb: better support for MinGW environment.
+Fri Apr 30 12:05:20 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * file.c (file_expand_path): call rb_str_set_len before BUFCHECK to
+ prevent rb_str_resize in BUFCHECK discard the content.
+Fri Apr 30 11:48:31 2010 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_sub_bang): String#sub! now raises an error when
+ called on a frozen string, even if no change is made.
+ See [ruby-core:23657]
+Fri Apr 30 11:40:44 2010 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * eval.c (make_exception, rb_obj_extend): Fix error messages in case
+ of wrong
+ number of arguments
+ * file.c (rb_f_test, rb_file_s_umask): ditto
+ * numeric.c (int_chr, num_step): ditto
+ * process.c (rb_f_sleep): ditto
+ * re.c (rb_reg_initialize_m): ditto
+ * signal.c (rb_f_kill, sig_trap): ditto
+ * string.c (rb_str_aref_m, rb_str_aset_m, rb_str_count,
+ rb_str_delete_bang,
+ rb_str_slice_bang, rb_str_sub_bang, str_gsub): ditto
+ * proc.c (curry): rdoc fix
+Fri Apr 30 04:09:30 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * time.c (TIMET_MAX): should be time_t, not unsigned_time_t.
+Fri Apr 30 03:59:08 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * time.c (rb_time_unmagnify_to_float): should cast.
+Fri Apr 30 03:38:14 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_mul): the width of fixnum is same as long's on all
+ platforms.
+Fri Apr 30 03:17:20 2010 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb: Improve algorithm for Matrix#determinant and
+ Matrix#rank
+ {determinant,det,rank}_e are now deprecated. [ruby-core:28273]
+ Also fixes a bug in Determinant#rank (e.g. [[0,1][0,1][0,1]])
+ Matrix#singular?, Matrix#regular? now raise on rectangular matrices
+ and use determinant instead of rank.
+Fri Apr 30 00:52:56 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.h): define some constants to select
+ collect code for win64.
+Thu Apr 29 20:10:14 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/test_open3.rb (test_commandline): use dump instead of
+ shellwords. [ruby-core:23797]
+Thu Apr 29 18:39:51 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/thwait.rb (ThreadsWait#join): refined rdoc again.
+ [ruby-core:29863] [ruby-dev:41092]
+Thu Apr 29 14:46:00 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby: use more descriptive assertions.
+ * test/ruby: fixed nonsense assertions.
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb (Test::Unit::Assertions#assert):
+ reverted. [ruby-core:29872]
+Thu Apr 29 12:33:42 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/thwait.rb (ThreadsWait#join): refined rdoc. [ruby-core:29863]
+Thu Apr 29 12:16:20 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb (Test::Unit::Assertions#assert): reject
+ non-boolean values. [ruby-core:29868]
+Thu Apr 29 11:20:53 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (seek_before_access): renamed. see [ruby-core:29861].
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_binread): fixed rdoc. parts of a patch from Roger
+ Pack in [ruby-core:29861].
+Thu Apr 29 03:50:49 2010 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc/utils.rb: Fixing an incompatibility with
+ reflection methods returning Symbols. Patch by
+ HD Moore. [ruby-core:29821]
+Wed Apr 28 23:53:15 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/thwait.rb: revise rdoc. a patch from Roger Pack in
+ [ruby-core:27362].
+Wed Apr 28 23:21:42 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/json: Update to JSON 1.4.2.
+Wed Apr 28 22:53:57 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * thread. (rb_thread_terminate_all): revert r24591 which caused SEGV
+ sometimes. [ruby-dev:40936] [ruby-core:27245] [ruby-core:27416]
+Wed Apr 28 22:26:55 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/psych/visitors/test_yaml_tree.rb (test_struct_const): remove
+ Struct::Foo which affects test/ruby/test_struct to warn redefining
+ constant.
+Wed Apr 28 18:04:48 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * time.c (time_timespec): use rb_check_funcall.
+Wed Apr 28 17:14:10 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: CMSG_ macros are broken on 64bit darwin,
+ because of use of __DARWIN_ALIGN.
+Wed Apr 28 16:44:58 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h ({RSTRING,RSTRUCT,RBIGNUM}_LENINT): check long
+ to cast to int.
+Wed Apr 28 16:28:51 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/unixsocket.c (sendmsg_blocking, recvmsg_blocking):
+ define only when used.
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h: non-implemented method definitions need
+ to be shared.
+Wed Apr 28 10:27:33 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vsnprintf.c (ruby_vsnprintf, ruby_snprintf): suppress warnings.
+ why return int in spite of the arguments of size_t?
+Wed Apr 28 09:49:21 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/compile_prelude.rb: enable optimization.
+Wed Apr 28 09:43:24 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (warn_balanced): do not warn for EXPR_ENDFN.
+Tue Apr 27 23:57:04 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_cleanup): add exception guard around code running
+ signal handler (of r27513). Absence of the guard made
+ bootstraptest/test_thread.rb fail sometimes.
+Tue Apr 27 22:55:29 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * insns.def (onceinlinecache): add exclusion control for a region
+ between onceinlinecache and setinlinecache. [ruby-dev:39768]
+Tue Apr 27 22:40:54 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * iseq.c (set_relation): do not use top_wrapper as bottom of cref,
+ which caused constant lookup error when "wrapped load" is used;
+ instead, use Object as bottom, and push top_wrapper on Object.
+ [ruby-core:25039]
+Tue Apr 27 21:24:40 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_cleanup): before cleanup, check signal buffer and run
+ handler if any. [ruby-core:20970]
+ * thread.c (rb_threadptr_check_signal): separated from
+ timer_thread_function.
+Tue Apr 27 18:00:50 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb (Net::SMTP#rcptto_list): fixed typo.
+ [ruby-core:29809]
+Tue Apr 27 12:44:23 2010 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc: Import RDoc 2.5.7. Fixes #1318 and ruby-core:29780.
+Tue Apr 27 10:54:14 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_read_escape): deny extra character escapes.
+ [ruby-core:27228]
+Tue Apr 27 06:20:13 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (select_internal): IO which cbuf is not empty is readable.
+Tue Apr 27 00:07:32 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * parse.y (program): check void_expr when rb_parse_in_main().
+ [ruby-dev:38717]
+Mon Apr 26 20:11:05 2010 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c, rational.c, lib/cmath.rb, lib/date.rb lib/date/delta*:
+ reverted r27484-27486. now official spec.
+Mon Apr 26 15:42:59 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/json/generator/generator.c (convert_UTF8_to_JSON_ASCII): get rid
+ of a warning.
+Mon Apr 26 13:11:57 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (ripper_get_value): escape Qundef.
+Mon Apr 26 12:42:43 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (warn_balanced): warn according to last state.
+Mon Apr 26 09:05:30 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/json: Update to JSON 1.4.1.
+Sun Apr 25 23:50:08 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (ruby_dup): update max fd.
+Sun Apr 25 21:56:49 2010 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (fetch_internal): do not quote message data item
+ names. Thanks, Eric Hodel. [ruby-core:23508]
+Sun Apr 25 15:59:02 2010 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/cmath.rb: reverted experimental r23900.
+Sun Apr 25 15:51:00 2010 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c, rational.c: reverted experimental r24565.
+Sun Apr 25 15:34:48 2010 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb, lib/date/delta*: reverted experimental r24567 and
+ r25393.
+Sun Apr 25 11:02:20 2010 wanabe <>
+ * hash.c (ruby_setenv): putenv on msvcrt.dll can't remove empty value.
+Sat Apr 24 23:40:50 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pp.rb: use [""].pack("p").size to detect the pointer size.
+Sat Apr 24 21:07:27 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/psych/test_psych.rb: don't leave temporary files.
+Sat Apr 24 16:27:48 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb: expand target file name.
+ * template/ no need for hook if extmk.
+Sat Apr 24 14:40:20 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c: raise IOError when byte oriented operations occur with
+ non-empty character buffer.
+ [ruby-dev:40493] [ruby-dev:40506]
+Sat Apr 24 13:06:57 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (get_arglen): skip the last terminator of argv before
+ checking environ.
+ * ruby.c (get_arglen): duplicate environ area if setenv and unsetenv
+ are provided.
+ * ruby.c (set_arg0): keep empty strings.
+Sat Apr 24 09:44:40 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/syck/yaml2byte.c (bytestring_append, bytestring_extend):
+ removed wrong extra assignments. a patch from Marcus Rueckert
+ <darix AT> at [ruby-core:29759].
+Sat Apr 24 00:41:52 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * process.c (rb_f_fork): remove after_exec() which sometimes caused
+ two timer threads started. [ruby-core:25217]
+ * signal.c: use pthread_sigmask() instead of sigprocmask().
+ sigprocmask() is unspecified behavior on multi-thread programs.
+ [ruby-core:25217]
+Sat Apr 24 00:36:05 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/dl/test_base.rb: add kfreebsd support. based on a patch from
+ Petr Salinger in [ruby-core:29769].
+Sat Apr 24 00:14:41 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl_session.c (SSL_SESSION_cmp): remove static for
+ loopy version of openssl (0.9.8l?).
+Fri Apr 23 23:27:17 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_config.c: fix compilation failure with
+ OpenSSL 0.9.8.
+Fri Apr 23 17:29:35 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_config.c: OpenSSL 1.0.0 support.
+ [ruby-core:29256]
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: check some functions added/removed at
+ OpenSSL 1.0.0.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_engine.c (ossl_engine_s_load): use engines which
+ exists.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl_session (SSL_SESSION_cmp): removed at 1.0.0,
+ so implement compatible function here.
+Fri Apr 23 14:37:22 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gem_prelude.rb (Gem::QuickLoader.load_full_rubygems_library):
+ get rid of creating same regexps many times.
+ * lib/rubygems/custom_require.rb (Kernel#require): ditto.
+Fri Apr 23 14:07:36 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * doc/etc.rd, doc/etc.rd.ja: moved from ext/etc.
+ * ext/etc.c (Init_etc): fixed rdoc.
+Fri Apr 23 11:31:25 2010 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc: Update to RDoc 2.5.6.
+Fri Apr 23 04:11:26 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ripper/test_parser_events.rb (test_unterminated_regexp):
+ separate test.
+Fri Apr 23 01:47:54 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_wopen): shouldn't use FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED with
+ normal file. #1807, #2510, #2549
+Fri Apr 23 01:28:03 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * thread_win32.c (ubf_handle): remove unused typedef.
+Thu Apr 22 23:10:59 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * proc.c (mnew): fix wrong error message when Kernel#public_method
+ receives name of private method. [Bug #2425]
+Thu Apr 22 22:56:42 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_thread.rb: fix test. [Bug #2342]
+Thu Apr 22 21:50:17 2010 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb/ext/multi-irb.rb: fix multi-irb running
+ parallelly. [ruby-dev:41031] [Bug #3182]
+Thu Apr 22 17:13:34 2010 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Import RubyGems 1.3.7.pre.1 (as
+Thu Apr 22 16:43:31 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (warn_balanced): removed false warning.
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): skip whitespaces after method name.
+Wed Apr 22 02:16:00 2010 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.[ch]: replace _DEBUG with BIGDECIMAL_DEBUG
+ to prevent activating debugging code when compiled with -DEBUG flag
+ on Windows. [ruby-core:22989] #1308
+Wed Apr 21 21:24:20 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/digest/sha2/extconf.rb: check SHA256_CTX and SHA512_CTX to fix
+ compilation failure on OpenBSD 4.4.
+Wed Apr 21 15:13:10 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (io_getc): fix incomplete character immediately before EOF
+ with newline converter. [ruby-dev:41024]
+Wed Apr 21 13:44:54 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (regexp): check each fragments. [ruby-core:27374]
+Wed Apr 21 13:36:01 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): reverted r27388 due to backward
+ compatibility.
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): warn confusing binary operators after
+ local variable.
+Wed Apr 21 11:53:47 2010 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc: Update to RDoc 2.5.5. Fixes bugs in ri, Darkfish and
+ rdoc option handling.
+Wed Apr 21 11:31:35 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): abandoned EXPR_VCALL.
+Wed Apr 21 03:17:17 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (io_getc): set read_encoding to resulted one character
+ string. [ruby-dev:41023]
+Wed Apr 21 00:29:39 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * bignum.c (bigmul1_karatsuba): fix calculation order to prevent
+ underflow. [ruby-core:29088]
+Wed Apr 21 00:26:17 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * compile.c (NODE_NEXT, NODE_REDO): add dummy putnil instruction to
+ fix stack consistency error. [ruby-core:28172]
+ * bootstraptest/test_jump.rb: add a test for above.
+Wed Apr 21 00:16:44 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (rb_deflate_params): update buf_filled count because
+ deflateParams writes to out buffer. And, revert r18029 because the
+ flush was not needed now and emits garbage. [ruby-dev:40802]
+Wed Apr 21 00:01:05 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_add_method_def): decrement alias count of
+ rb_method_definition_t to prevent memory leak. see
+ [ruby-dev:41021].
+Tue Apr 20 21:33:06 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/dl/win32/lib/win32/registry.rb (PredefinedKey#create): root key
+ name should be a string. fixed [ruby-core:28192]
+Tue Apr 20 19:25:50 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): fix for tLPAREN_ARG.
+Tue Apr 20 12:34:23 2010 Takeyuki FUJIOKA <>
+ * lib/cgi/{core, util}.rb (RFC822_DAYS, RFC822_MONTHS):
+ move the constant because used only util.rb.
+Tue Apr 20 12:24:57 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (lex_state_e, IS_END, IS_SPCARG, parser_yylex): separate
+ the state after vcall. [ruby-core:29578]
+Tue Apr 20 01:03:00 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_fork.rb: add a test for [ruby-core:28924].
+Tue Apr 20 00:43:03 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_extname): skip last directory separators.
+ [ruby-core:29627]
+Tue Apr 20 00:41:25 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (internal_{read,write}_func, rb_{read,write}_internal):
+ reverted r27265, since now rb_thread_blocking_region() preserves
+ errno.
+Mon Apr 19 23:14:45 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_blocking_region, rb_thread_blocking_region_end):
+ preserve errno. [Bug #2606] [ruby-core:28924]
+Mon Apr 19 19:41:10 2010 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils::cp_r): backport r11156 from ruby_1_8.
+Mon Apr 19 19:18:53 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): reduced duplicated conditions.
+Mon Apr 19 13:58:04 2010 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc: Update to RDoc 2.5.4. Fixes #3169, #3160, #3023.
+Mon Apr 19 12:46:15 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/timeout.rb (Timeout#timeout): propagate errors to the
+ caller. [ruby-dev:41010]
+Mon Apr 19 00:27:03 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_add_method_def): workaround fix for redefinition
+ of methods. This is because cfp->me uses the rb_method_entry
+ which is freed by redefinition of remove_method. Note that
+ reusing may cause another problem when the usage is changed.
+ [ruby-core:27320] [ruby-core:29464]
+Sun Apr 18 22:13:21 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (string_content): cond_stack and cmdarg_stack are VALUE.
+Sun Apr 18 18:07:47 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::IPv4::Regex): make it only accept 0 to 255.
+ [ruby-core:29501]
+Sun Apr 18 12:48:51 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): seems like a symbol-literal when spaces
+ are unbalanced. [ruby-core:29578]
+Sun Apr 18 12:32:03 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (string_content): preserve cond_stack and cmdarg_stack.
+ [ruby-core:29579]
+Sun Apr 18 05:50:58 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: defaulting binary string
+ format to "literal" format.
+Sun Apr 18 02:13:59 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb (identify_identifier): add '_' to the regexp.
+Sat Apr 17 23:21:15 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * use AC_TRY_LINK instead of AC_TRY_COMPILE.
+ On Solaris it can compile with signbit but can't link.
+Sat Apr 17 20:34:09 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb: update Gem::ConfigMap to fake environment for
+ tests. Some test of rubygems had failed because envutil.rb changed
+ only RbConfig::CONFIG but not Gem::ConfigMap.
+Sat Apr 17 20:31:08 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb (identify_identifier): allow multibyte character
+ as identifier. [ruby-core:27275]
+Sat Apr 17 09:19:27 2010 wanabe <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): fix splat condition in NODE_WHEN.
+ [Bug #2226]
+Sat Apr 17 08:57:41 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb (Net::SMTP#rcptto_list): continue when at least
+ one RCPT is accepted. based on a patch from Kero van Gelder at
+ [ruby-core:26190].
+Sat Apr 17 07:43:55 2010 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/thread/test_queue.rb (TestQueue#grind): fix typos.
+Sat Apr 17 07:27:53 2010 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * NEWS: add Array#repeated_{combination,permutation} [Feature #2981]
+Sat Apr 17 05:30:22 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/core_ext.rb (yaml_as): supporting deprecated
+ "yaml_as" method
+ * ext/syck/lib/syck/tag.rb: ditto
+Sat Apr 17 05:25:15 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/coder.rb (scalar): supporting deprecated methods
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/deprecated.rb: supporting deprecated
+ to_yaml_properties method
+Sat Apr 17 01:32:50 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_rewind, rb_io_eof): add rdoc. based on a patch from
+ Roger Pack in [ruby-core:26771] [Bug #2377].
+Fri Apr 16 23:42:56 2010 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * test/win32ole/test_folderitem2_invokeverb.rb (test_invokeverb):
+ run test only when "Create Shortcut (&S)" menu is found.
+ [ruby-core:29550] [Bug #1602]
+Fri Apr 16 21:52:16 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * parse.y (string_content, etc): counts of CMDARG_PUSH and POP were
+ inconsistent. [ruby-core:22637]
+Fri Apr 16 21:27:57 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_coerce): revert r23389,
+ which not only is unnecessary but also causes the inconsistency of
+ return type. [ruby-core:25706] [Bug #2129]
+Fri Apr 16 20:05:24 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/thread.rb (Queue#push, #pop, SizedQueue#push, #pop): remove
+ code that kicks waiting thread twice, which caused race and
+ deadlock. a patch from James M. Lawrence. [ruby-core:25537]
+ * test/thread/test_queue.rb: added.
+Fri Apr 16 20:01:47 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * .gitignore: updated.
+Fri Apr 16 16:51:14 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/file2lastrev.rb (VCS::SVN::get_revisions.): remind about
+ DOSISH, sometimes.
+Fri Apr 16 16:15:40 2010 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_repeated_permutation): new method added. a patch
+ from Makoto Kishimoto in [ruby-core:29267] [ruby-core:28724]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_repeated_combination): ditto.
+Thu Apr 15 22:41:47 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_priority, rb_thread_priority_set): fix rdoc.
+ Lower-priority thread may run even if there are higher-priority
+ threads. See [ruby-dev:40977].
+Thu Apr 15 22:33:35 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/uri/ftp.rb (URI::FTP#set_path): added to correct handling of
+ special case where path of ftp is relative. This converts relative
+ path to absolute one, because external representation of ftp path is
+ relative and internal representation is absolute. [ruby-core:24077]
+ * lib/uri/ftp.rb (URI::FTP#initialize): converts absolute to relative.
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (URI::Generic#check_path): allow relative path
+ when scheme is ftp.
+Thu Apr 15 21:54:39 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/file2lastrev.rb: use backtick for ruby 1.8.
+Thu Apr 15 21:13:29 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/file2lastrev.rb: this should run with ruby 1.8.
+Thu Apr 15 20:41:10 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/file2lastrev.rb: make -q effective for files not version
+ controlled.
+Thu Apr 15 14:50:19 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm.c (vm_backtrace_each): get rid of use of malloc from signal
+ handler by using ruby_engine_name. [ruby-core:29497]
+ * vm_eval.c (print_backtrace): file may be nil when segfaulted in
+ very early stage.
+ * vm_dump.c (bugreport_backtrace): ditto.
+Thu Apr 15 11:51:49 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * (help): small fix.
+Wed Apr 14 22:09:28 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/rexml/source.rb: force_encoding("UTF-8") when the input
+ is already UTF-8. patched by Kouhei Sutou [ruby-core:23404]
+Wed Apr 14 18:23:00 2010 Kenta Murata <>
+ * (signbit): signbit is a macro in C99.
+Wed Apr 14 17:56:06 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (io_shift_cbuf): should terminate.
+Wed Apr 14 16:29:02 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (GET_STACK_BOUNDS): fixed macro argument names. a patch from
+ Satoshi Shiba <shiba AT> at [ruby-dev:40973].
+ * gc.h (ruby_get_stack_grow_direction): fixed prototype.
+ * thread_pthread.c (get_stack, ruby_stack_overflowed_p): both side
+ should be same type. [Bug #3145]
+Wed Apr 14 15:58:11 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_string_value_cstr): make NUL terminated if it is
+ not done.
+Wed Apr 14 12:56:21 2010 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap (encode_utf7): encode & properly. Thanks, Kengo
+ Matsuyama. [ruby-dev:38063]
+Wed Apr 14 11:39:26 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/syck/lib/syck/basenode.rb (Syck::BaseNode#match_path): fixed
+ library name.
+ * ext/syck/lib/yaml/syck.rb: split from ext/syck/lib/syck.rb for
+ backward compatibility.
+Wed Apr 14 09:24:07 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c: Refix [nkf-bug:21393]. (explicit -X)
+Tue Apr 13 20:36:50 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c: Fix: Windows Codepages wrongly convert
+ Halfwidth Katakana. [nkf-bug:21393]
+Tue Apr 13 15:00:45 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (make_seed_value): fix leading-zero-guard condition on
+ bdigit is smaller than 32bit.
+Tue Apr 13 13:57:36 2010 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb/completion.rb (CompletionProc): fix [ruby-dev:40953]
+ [Bug #3126]. Thanks Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA.
+Tue Apr 13 09:32:12 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * transcode.c (transcode_loop): insert output the value when
+ fallback hash has a related key. [ruby-dev:40540]
+ [ruby-dev:40829] #3036
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_prepare_opts): pass to newhash
+ a value with the key :fallback.
+Tue Apr 13 00:12:04 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * random.c (rand_init): use the absolute value of seed to
+ make srand(-2**40) portable with 32bit and 64bit.
+ [ruby-core:29292](2)
+Mon Apr 12 22:48:47 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enumerator.c (inspect_enumerator): don't raise for uninitialized
+ enumerator.
+Mon Apr 12 21:47:41 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * LEGAL: separated the section for parse.c. contributed by Paul
+ Betteridge in [ruby-core:29472].
+Mon Apr 12 09:19:49 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (fu_each_src_dest): ensure src is accessible.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (fu_same): use File.identical? to get rid of
+ exceptions. [ruby-core:28141]
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (fu_have_st_ino): no longer used.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (fu_have_st_ino): check if required method is
+ defined, instead of platform name.
+Mon Apr 12 05:10:20 2010 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb: New method [ruby-core:28272]
+Mon Apr 12 03:45:25 2010 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb: Deprecate elements_to_{f/i/r}
+Mon Apr 12 03:30:29 2010 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb: Handle coercion errors by raising TypeErrors
+ [ruby-core:26736]
+Mon Apr 12 00:51:21 2010 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_getline_fast, rb_io_getline_1): fix ARGF.lineno
+ behavior. [ruby-core:25205]
+ * test/ruby/test_argf.rb (TestArgf#test_lineno3): add a test for
+ above.
+Sun Apr 11 23:25:17 2010 Yutaka Kanemoto <>
+ * can not load libraries if --with-opt-dir is used
+ on AIX. [Bug #3107]
+Sun Apr 11 14:44:45 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb (RubyLex#getc): revert r10817, which caused
+ regression for handling case when there is no newline at the end of
+ file. [ruby-core:28248]
+Sun Apr 11 12:08:49 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (enc_replicate): new encoding name must be valid
+ c-string. [ruby-dev:40954]
+Sun Apr 11 11:58:23 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h (ftruncate): rename to get rid of conflict
+ with same name but non-LFS function on MinGW. [ruby-core:24757]
+Sun Apr 11 10:33:34 2010 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc: Update to RDoc 2.5.3. Includes r27288 and r27290.
+Sun Apr 11 09:31:39 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * test/syck/*: Moved test/yaml to test/syck since it's actually
+ testing the syck YAML engine.
+Sun Apr 11 08:56:44 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb (setup_output_dir): compare by Time#to_i.
+ Cached created time doesn't have fractional times,
+ but FileStat#mtime has; so rdoc almost always judged files
+ are updated.
+Sun Apr 11 07:40:48 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb (setup_output_dir): fix typo. [ruby-core:29415]
+Sun Apr 11 07:01:41 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (decode_www_form_component): validate.
+ [ruby-dev:40938]
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (decode_www_form): allow empty string.
+ * lib/uri/common.rb: fix nodoc for constant. [ruby-dev:40949]
+Sat Apr 10 21:26:22 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/rdoc/markup/preprocess.rb (RDoc::Markup::PreProcess#handle):
+ use File.binread to avoid locale dependency.
+Sat Apr 10 15:18:26 2010 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc: Import RDoc 2.5.2
+ * lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb (RDoc::Parser::Ruby): Don't parse rdoc
+ files, reverts r24976 in favor of include directive support in C
+ parser.
+Sat Apr 10 13:14:22 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (Init_ossl_ssl): add SSLContext#ssl_timeout=,
+ which allows net/https to specify timeout. [ruby-core:24812]
+Sat Apr 10 07:36:13 2010 wanabe <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_add_method): clear attr.location before rb_ary_new3.
+ a patch from Masaya TARUI in [Bug #3108]
+Sat Apr 10 05:27:26 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/deprecated.rb: implementing Psych.quick_emit and
+ adding deprecation warnings.
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb: supporting deprecated
+ yaml_initialize api.
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: supporting deprecated
+ to_yaml api.
+Sat Apr 10 01:08:53 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/parser.c: parse raises a TypeError when nil is passed in.
+Sat Apr 10 00:01:51 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/pty/lib/expect.rb: preserve buffer read, instead of discard.
+ based on a patch from Luiz Angelo Daros de Luca in
+ [ruby-core:23464].
+Fri Apr 9 23:58:58 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/pty/lib/expect.rb: raise an error when argument is unexpected
+ type. based on a patch from Luiz Angelo Daros de Luca in
+ [ruby-core:23464].
+Fri Apr 9 23:57:35 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/pty/lib/expect.rb: add rdoc. based on a patch from Luiz Angelo
+ Daros de Luca in [ruby-core:23464].
+Fri Apr 9 23:54:16 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/irb/init.rb, lib/irb/lc/help-message,
+ lib/irb/lc/ja/help-message: add -w flag. [ruby-core:24594]
+Fri Apr 9 23:51:45 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/socket/ipsocket.c (init_inetsock_internal),
+ ext/socket/unixsocket.c (rsock_init_unixsock): check the result of
+ listen(2). based on a patch from Mike Pomraning. [ruby-core:23698]
+Fri Apr 9 21:22:10 2010 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb/completion.rb (CompletionProc): irb will be stuck with
+ long variable name at completion. [Bug#1969]. refix [ruby-core:28366].
+Fri Apr 9 20:54:10 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (decode_www_form): don't ignore leading '?'.
+ [ruby-dev:40938]
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (decode_www_form): check whether argument is
+ valid application/x-www-form-urlencoded data.
+Fri Apr 9 20:29:13 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * dir.c (push_glob): clear up the previous commit (RB_GC_GUARD can
+ precede the last reference). [ruby-dev:40942]
+Fri Apr 9 20:05:05 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * dir.c (push_glob): add RB_GC_GUARD to prevent str being free'ed.
+ a patch from Masaya TARUI in [ruby-dev:40939]. [ruby-dev:40514]
+Fri Apr 9 10:53:00 2010 Kenta Murata <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): stop hiding, and freeze unpopped
+ string nodes to allow method redefinition. [ruby-dev:40641]
+Fri Apr 9 01:26:54 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (internal_{read,write}_func, rb_{read,write}_internal):
+ preserve errno. a patch from Takehiro Kubo in [ruby-core:29340].
+ [ruby-core:28924]
+Fri Apr 9 01:12:07 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/irb/completion.rb (CompletionProc): calling the method "methods"
+ may raise an exception. [ruby-core:28366]
+Thu Apr 8 14:33:24 2010 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * --disable-install-doc should prohibit doxygen.
+Thu Apr 8 14:23:51 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h: include errno.h before defining errnos.
+ see [ruby-core:29314]
+Thu Apr 8 11:45:14 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/yaml.rb: use Psych if only it is loaded already.
+ * lib/yaml.rb (YAML::EngineManager#yamler): set the result after
+ successfully switched.
+Thu Apr 8 07:22:05 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (rand_init): ignore higher bits if all they are same as
+ the lower sign bit. [ruby-core:29292](2)
+Thu Apr 8 07:16:19 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/irb/cmd/help.rb (IRB::ExtendCommand::Help#execute): use RI
+ interactive mode if no argument. [ruby-dev:39839]
+Wed Apr 8 02:33:55 2010 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_permutation): Remove limitation for lengthy permutations
+ [ruby-core:29240]
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb: ditto
+Wed Apr 7 23:33:55 2010 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-mode-map): binded C-c C-c and C-c C-c C-u
+ to comment-region and uncomment-region. Thanks Michael Klishin!
+ [Feature #872] [ruby-core:20552]
+Wed Apr 7 21:44:14 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (ASCTIME): unused macro removed.
+Wed Apr 7 16:45:49 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (Makefile): reverted r27244.
+Wed Apr 7 11:49:34 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/rexml/quickpath.rb (REXML::QuickPath::predicate):
+ fix regexp.
+Wed Apr 7 09:44:48 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (Makefile): quote init-commands.
+ * (Makefile): `make ruby` builds ruby command
+ even if RUBY_INSTALL_NAME is customized or it has extension.
+Wed Apr 7 03:28:27 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb (RDoc#{initialize,setup_output_dir}):
+ initialize @last_created and use it.
+Wed Apr 7 02:05:41 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * template/ not define $extout to make target in cwd.
+Tue Apr 6 23:01:35 2010 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * vm_core.h: Introduce UNINITIALIZED_VAR() macro.
+ * thread.c (do_select): Use UNINITIALIZED_VAR() instead FAKE_FD_ZERO().
+ Also, remove FAKE_FD_ZERO completely. [Feature #3018]
+Tue Apr 6 14:53:17 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h: check definition existence before defining
+ errno macros.
+ * win32/win32.c (errmap): define winsock errors mappings.
+ these are VC++10 support. see [ruby-core:29278]
+Tue Apr 6 21:55:25 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test localtime(3) overflow. [ruby-dev:40910]
+ * time.c (rb_gmtime_r): renamed from rb_gmtime.
+ (rb_localtime_r): renamed from rb_localtime.
+ (rb_localtime_r2): call rb_localtime_r and validate the result if
+ there is overflow problem.
+ (rb_gmtime_r2): call rb_gmtime_r and validate the result if there
+ is overflow problem.
+Tue Apr 6 11:21:23 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * template/ hooks for extconf.rb.
+Tue Apr 6 06:19:36 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/rexml/text.rb (REXML::Text.check): comment out
+ broken logic.
+Tue Apr 6 05:59:12 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb (LETTER, DIGIT):
+ always use POSIX charclass.
+ * lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb (NAMECHAR):
+ remove duplicated range.
+ * lib/rexml/xmltokens.rb (NCNAME_STR, NAMECHAR): ditto.
+ * lib/rexml/parsers/xpathparser.rb (PathExpr): ditto.
+ * lib/rexml/text.rb (REXML::Text#initialize):
+ initialize @parent.
+Mon Apr 5 19:54:58 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * re.c (make_regexp): use onig_new_with_source to keep
+ sourcefile and sourceline.
+ * re.c (onig_new_with_source): copied from onig_new in
+ regcomp.c for keep sourcefile and sourceline.
+Mon Apr 5 13:20:45 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h, win32/win32.c (EWOULDBLOCK): VC10 already
+ defined EWOULDBLOCK. based on a patch from Charlie Savage,
+ see [ruby-core:29255]
+Mon Apr 5 13:10:35 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/core_ext.rb: remove before alias.
+ * ext/syck/lib/syck.rb: don't warn called by itself.
+Mon Apr 5 13:08:24 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/mkexports.rb (each_export): VC10 support.
+ a patch from Charlie Savage in [ruby-core:29254]
+Sun Apr 4 22:18:32 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (cmp): optimize for fixnums.
+ (lt): use cmp.
+ (gt): ditto.
+ (le): ditto.
+ (ge): ditto.
+ (wlt): use wcmp.
+ (wgt): ditto.
+ (wle): ditto.
+ (wge): ditto.
+ (time_subsec): use wmod.
+Sun Apr 4 10:04:28 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: replace snprintf and vsnprintf by
+ ruby_snprintf and ruby_vsnprintf. [ruby-dev:40909]
+ * don't check snprintf(3) and vsnprintf(3).
+ * include/ruby/missing.h: don't declare snprintf and vsnprintf.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: include stdarg.h.
+ * sprintf.c: include vsnprintf.c
+ * vsnprintf.c: renamed from missing/vsnprintf.c.
+ * vsnprintf.c: remove useless ifdefs.
+ * win32/mkexports.rb: use ruby_snprintf and ruby_vsnprintf.
+Sun Apr 4 09:44:01 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (lt): call <=> instead of <.
+Sun Apr 4 06:46:16 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * lib/yaml: Moved to ext/syck/lib, Syck only uses Syck constant.
+ * lib/yaml.rb: Added an engine manager for choosing YAML engine.
+ * ext/syck/lib/syck/rubytypes.rb: squashed warnings when using Psych
+Sat Apr 3 22:47:51 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c: don't define STRUCT_WIDEVAL.
+Sat Apr 3 18:15:02 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb (RDoc#{setup,update}_output_dir): store mtimes
+ per files in the flag file.
+ * lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb (RDoc#normalized_file_list): skip already
+ processed and unmodified files.
+Sat Apr 3 15:09:30 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (rdoc): no force-update, and add RDOCFLAGS.
+ * lib/rdoc/options.rb (RDoc#parse): no-force-update option.
+Sat Apr 3 10:51:10 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (random_rand): raise ArgumentError on nil, as the
+ documentation implies. [ruby-core:29075]
+ * random.c (rb_f_rand): mentioned the case of when max is nil.
+Sat Apr 3 06:56:11 2010 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_product): Accept a block [ruby-core:29045]
+Sat Apr 3 04:46:00 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/file2lastrev.rb (VCS#relative_to): path and @srcdir may have
+ different relative-ness.
+Sat Apr 3 03:19:01 2010 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * lib/benchmark.rb (Benchmark::Tms#add): fix NameError.
+ [ruby-dev:40906]
+ * test/benchmark/test_benchmark.rb: add a test for above.
+Sat Apr 3 01:50:02 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb (RDoc#make_message): no empty lines.
+ * lib/rdoc/stats.rb (RDoc::Normal#print_file): send to stdout and
+ flush always
+Sat Apr 3 00:03:11 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rdoc/class_module.rb (RDoc#merge): get rid of stack overflow.
+ * lib/rdoc/parser/c.rb (RDoc#handle_method): see source files in
+ source directory.
+Fri Apr 2 22:13:38 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb: reverted r27186 to add generators.
+Fri Apr 2 21:17:43 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * NEWS: added reverse_lookup option.
+Fri Apr 2 15:26:14 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_ri_driver.rb (with_dummy_pager): don't grasp
+ the terminal.
+Fri Apr 2 14:43:18 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb (RDoc::Generator): defer by autoload.
+ * lib/rdoc/generator/darkfish.rb: use normal library instead of
+ gem.
+Fri Apr 2 14:26:26 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb (RDoc::RDoc#parse_files): don't branch by
+ RUBY_VERSION. reapplied r24990.
+ * lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb (RDoc::RDoc#parse_files): emacs local variables
+ are delimited by a semicolon. supported Vim style. reapplied
+ r24988 with fixing a typo for shebang.
+Fri Apr 2 14:16:54 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb (RDoc::Parser::Ruby): parse also rdoc
+ files. reapplied r24976.
+ * lib/rdoc/parser/c.rb: fixed a small error in the documentation.
+ [ruby-core:24744] reapplied r24395.
+ * lib/rdoc/parser.rb (RDoc::Parser.binary?): blksize may be nil
+ and is irrelevant to whether a file is binary. TAB and newlines
+ would be usually considered to be included in text data.
+ reapplied r23071 and r24297.
+Fri Apr 2 13:59:17 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/paths.rb (RDoc::RI::Paths): Gem::Enable has been
+ obsolete. reapplied r24599.
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/paths.rb: follows $ridir. reapplied r23554.
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/paths.rb (RDoc::HOMEDIR): expand_path deals with
+ platform dependent environments. reapplied r21312.
+Fri Apr 2 12:52:25 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parser.rb (binary?): regression.
+Fri Apr 2 11:54:49 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (init_env): wrong calculation of the head of setenv
+ string. [ruby-core:29216]
+ a patch from Heesob Park in [ruby-core:29218]
+Fri Apr 2 08:24:56 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (ruby_setsid): split from proc_setsid.
+ * process.c (proc_daemon): use EXIT_SUCCESS instead of magic number.
+Fri Apr 2 07:00:28 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/dl/cptr.c (rb_dlptr_inspect): fix format specifiers.
+Fri Apr 2 05:38:17 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (InitVM): calls per-VM initialization in
+ single VM, but does nothing in MVM.
+Fri Apr 2 02:56:56 2010 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb: New instance methods:
+ empty? [ruby-core:26284], each, each_with_index [ruby-core:28400],
+ conjugate, conj, imaginary, imag, real, real?, rectangular, rect
+ [ruby-core:26285]
+ Removed compare_by*, inspect_org, cf [ruby-core:26268]
+ Matrix.empty: raise on negative sizes
+ Matrix.determinant: raise on rectangular matrices [ruby-core:28271]
+Thu Apr 1 17:17:00 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/trans/iso2022.trans: CP50221 supports 8bit JIS.
+Thu Apr 1 16:44:00 2010 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc, test/rdoc: Imported RDoc 2.5
+Thu Apr 1 14:30:16 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/utf_16{be,le}.c (utf16{be,le}_mbc_to_code): simplified.
+Thu Apr 1 14:07:51 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * util.c (BSD__hdtoa): don't use C99 macros. (FP_NORMAL etc)
+Thu Apr 1 13:30:12 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): support %a format. [ruby-dev:40650]
+ * missing/vsnprintf.c (BSD_vfprintf): ditto.
+ * missing/vsnprintf.c (cvt): ditto.
+ * util.c (BSD__hdtoa): added. This is 2-clause BSDL licensed
+ by David Schultz and from FreeBSD.
+ * LEGAL: add about hdtoa() in util.c.
+Thu Apr 1 13:24:12 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * object.c (rb_cstr_to_dbl): return 0.0 if hexadecimal and
+ badcheck is FALSE: Float("0x1p+0") works, but "0x1p+0".to_f
+ doesn't. [ruby-dev:40650]
+ * util.c (ruby_strtod): allow hexadecimal integers.
+Thu Apr 1 13:20:50 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/scanf.rb: support %a format. [ruby-dev:40650]
+Thu Apr 1 12:04:10 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (PRE_TIMET_PREFIX): define if configure doesn't
+ defines it. [ruby-core:29190]
+Thu Apr 1 11:36:04 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_initialize): fixed a rdoc miss that textmode and
+ binmode flag explanation was reversed each other. a patch from
+ Heesob Park in [ruby-core:29166].
+Thu Apr 1 09:54:27 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RUBY_{DEFAULT,NEVER}_FREE): added.
+ [ruby-dev:40889]
+Thu Apr 1 04:55:08 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (rb_big_abs_find_minbit): fix handling the last word.
+Thu Apr 1 04:30:11 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (long_mul): overflow condition changed.
+ (wi_mul): ditto.
+Wed Mar 31 23:33:29 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (long_mul): extracted from mul and avoid integer overflow.
+ (wi_mul): extracted from wmul and avoid integer overflow.
+Wed Mar 31 21:30:38 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c: less bignum allocations.
+ * strftime.c (rb_strftime_timespec): defined to avoid rational for
+ nano second resolution time.
+Wed Mar 31 16:05:13 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/rake/test_{package_task,rules,task_manager}.rb: use
+ temporary directories.
+Wed Mar 31 13:53:13 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/rubygems/gemutilities.rb (setup, teardown):
+ Object#to_yaml must use syck on RubyGem.
+Wed Mar 31 06:57:14 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (timew2timespec): fix previous change.
+Wed Mar 31 00:32:19 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (wdivmod): renamed from wdivmodv. fix neg/pos and pos/neg.
+ (split_second): return number of seconds as wideval_t.
+ (timet2wv): new function.
+ (wv2timet): new function.
+ (timet2wideval): removed.
+Tue Mar 30 22:24:19 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c: use more polymorphic operations.
+Tue Mar 30 22:12:38 2010 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * NEWS: add URI.decode and URI.encode to Obsoleted methods,
+ and fix typos. [ruby-dev:40852]
+ * NEWS: add Time#subsec.
+Tue Mar 30 22:07:12 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c: reorder wide value implementation.
+Tue Mar 30 22:00:44 2010 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb.rb: support [Feature#988], [ruby-core:21177].
+ * lib/irb/context.rb: fix Context#verbose?.
+Tue Mar 30 21:56:33 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c: make wide value more polymorphic.
+Tue Mar 30 21:18:32 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/psych/extconf.rb: install psych .so to not psych/ but direct.
+ This prepends to install *.rb files to psych/psych.
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych.rb: require ''.
+Tue Mar 30 20:55:14 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (w2v): renamed from w2xv.
+ (v2w): renamed from xv2w.
+ (rb_time_magnify): takes wideval_t.
+ (rb_time_unmagnify): returns wideval_t.
+Tue Mar 30 19:46:00 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/psych/lib: moved external library dependent files from lib.
+ [ruby-core:29129]
+Tue Mar 30 18:25:52 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_dirname): split from rb_file_s_dirname.
+ * load.c (rb_f_require_relative): use absolute path instead of
+ expanded path.
+Tue Mar 30 13:57:08 2010 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * process.c (proc_daemon): Process.daemon should raise an error on
+ failure regardless of whether the implementation uses daemon(3)
+ or not. [ruby-dev:40832]
+Tue Mar 30 13:11:17 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/file2lastrev.rb (VCS::GIT_SVN): removed because git-log can
+ deal with git-svn repository faster than git-svn-info.
+ * tool/file2lastrev.rb (VCS#get_revisions): particular commands do
+ not depend on instance.
+Tue Mar 30 08:55:50 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/extconf.rb: Making library detection more agnostic.
+Tue Mar 30 08:10:59 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * lib/psych.rb: Fix problem with empty and white-space only strings.
+ Thanks Peter McLain!
+ * test/psych/test_psych.rb: tests for change.
+Tue Mar 30 05:31:39 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * lib/psych.rb: documentation updates. Thanks Peter McLain!
+ * lib/psych/{coder,tree_builder}.rb: ditto
+Tue Mar 30 03:56:13 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/psych/{emitter,parser,psych}.c: move variable
+ declaration to the first of the block.
+Mon Mar 29 21:47:44 2010 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * prelude.rb, .document: Stuff in prelude.rb should be documented
+ as well.
+Mon Mar 29 20:23:05 2010 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb(Vector#each2, Vector#collect2): add type check for
+ Integer[Bug #2495].
+Mon Mar 29 19:45:09 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c: wide value condition changed.
+Mon Mar 29 18:10:03 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (Numeric): accept rationals.
+Mon Mar 29 15:10:39 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb (Tempfile#open): re-open with same mode and
+ options as initialize.
+Mon Mar 29 09:16:45 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * random.c: change include order; ruby.h should be at first.
+Mon Mar 29 06:47:25 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/*: importing Psych to trunk
+ * test/psych/*: ditto
+ * lib/psych/*: ditto
+Sun Mar 28 10:03:51 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/scanf.rb: fix max width modifier for %f.
+Sun Mar 28 10:35:45 2010 Ryan Davis <>
+ * lib/minitest/*.rb: Imported minitest 1.6.0 r5717.
+ * test/minitest/*.rb: ditto.
+Sun Mar 28 10:12:28 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (rb_time_magnify): fix for LP64.
+Sun Mar 28 09:28:33 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/scanf.rb: fix %[egEFG] isn't accept.
+Sun Mar 28 09:53:02 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c: rename small integer specialization related identifiers.
+Sun Mar 28 08:20:37 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (weq): specialize for small integer.
+ (wne): ditto.
+ (wlt): ditto.
+ (wgt): ditto.
+ (wle): ditto.
+ (wge): ditto.
+ (rb_time_magnify): ditto.
+ (rb_time_unmagnify): ditto.
+ (rb_time_unmagnify_to_float): new function to avoid rational for
+ Time#to_f and Time#-.
+Sun Mar 28 07:12:41 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (mul): condition refined.
+Sun Mar 28 02:14:13 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c: fix previous commit.
+Sat Mar 27 23:17:52 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c: use 64bit arithmetic even on platforms with 32bit VALUE.
+Fri Mar 26 23:52:07 2010 wanabe <>
+ * NEWS: add Thread#add_trace_func and Thread#set_trace_func.
+Fri Mar 26 22:58:10 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509store.c (ossl_x509store_initialize): initialize
+ store-> a patch from Christian Holtje in
+ [ruby-core:28907]. [ruby-core:23971] [ruby-core:18121]
+Fri Mar 26 19:55:41 2010 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * (DOXYGEN): Define a missing variable DOXYGEN. Build
+ has been failing when doxygen(1) is found by configure but the
+ variable is not defined by the system and make(1) does not allow
+ an empty command. ("@$(DOXYGEN)" was the cause)
+Fri Mar 26 19:28:03 2010 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * test/ruby/test_hash.rb (test_recursive_key): recursive keys are
+ permitted now. [ruby-dev:40735]
+Fri Mar 26 12:36:10 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * lib/yaml/basenode.rb: deprecating YPath methods
+ * lib/yaml/stream.rb: deprecating YAML::Stream#edit
+Fri Mar 26 12:29:28 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * lib/yaml/encoding.rb: YAML.encode, YAML.decode are deprecated.
+ * lib/yaml/stringio.rb: yaml/stringio.rb is deprecated.
+ * lib/yaml/ypath.rb: YAML::YPath is deprecated.
+Fri Mar 26 04:52:19 2010 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/extconf.rb: fix [ruby-core:28901] [Bug #2997].
+ Thanks, Michael Graff.
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: use xfree() for memories allocated by ALLOC().
+ * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/version.rb: forgot updating.
+Thu Mar 25 23:53:22 2010 wanabe <>
+ * thread.c (thread_reset_event_flags): set flags to thread. [Bug #693]
+Thu Mar 25 23:17:16 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * file.c (rb_get_path_check): prefer #to_path over #to_str. a patch
+ originally written by me, and modified by Nobuyoshi Nakada.
+ [ruby-core:24257]
+Thu Mar 25 18:10:08 2010 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * NEWS: Array#{uniq,uniq!} can take a block. see [ruby-dev:37998]
+Thu Mar 25 17:21:49 2010 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * NEWS: add IO#autoclose=, IO#autoclose?, IO#codepoints,
+ IO#each_codepoint.
+Thu Mar 25 14:50:00 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_{read,write}): fix handle leaks. based on
+ a patch from Heesob Park in [ruby-core:28919]. [ruby-core:28833]
+Thu Mar 25 12:37:37 2010 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * NEWS: add Kernel#singleton_class.
+Thu Mar 25 11:34:00 2010 Kenta Murata <>
+ * bignum.c, node.h, strftime.c, enc/trans/utf8_mac.trans:
+ added explicit casts for suppressing warnings.
+Thu Mar 25 11:34:00 2010 Kenta Murata <>
+ * test/ruby/test_dir_m17n.rb: HFS+ escapes invalid byte sequences of
+ filenames.
+Thu Mar 25 05:44:31 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (ruby_version): needs runnable CPP.
+Thu Mar 25 04:42:19 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/make-snapshot (package): take a breath for HP-UX make
+ [ruby-core:28938].
+ * tool/make-snapshot (Dir.mktmpdir): for 1.8.6 backward compatibility.
+ * tool/make-snapshot (package): $: no longer contains ".", in trunk.
+Thu Mar 25 03:52:45 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/iconv/charset_alias.rb: update of URL. [ruby-dev:38360]
+Wed Mar 24 23:43:40 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * thread.c (thread_create_core): let new thread inherit RUBY_EVENT_VM
+ of event_flags. [ruby-core:25191]
+ * thread.c (rb_threadptr_exec_event_hooks): delete RUBY_EVENT_VM if
+ all event_hooks are removed.
+Wed Mar 24 22:58:02 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * revert the previous commit, which seemed to break make
+ install. The files of standard libraries are directly installed to
+ $(PREFIX)/lib/ruby instead of $(PREFIX)/lib/ruby/1.9.1
+Wed Mar 24 18:16:08 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (LDSHARED, CPP): keep $(CC). [ruby-core:28912]
+Wed Mar 24 14:33:56 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_read): limit read size to 16KB if the file
+ seems to be console. [ruby-core:28902]
+Wed Mar 24 10:18:12 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * file.c (file_expand_path): set length of string before calling
+ rb_enc_check because rb_enc_check scans its content.
+ This prevents warnings by valgrind.
+Tue Mar 23 23:58:51 2010 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * lib/csv.rb: Incorporating the fixes from the recent
+ FasterCSV releases: 1.5.2 and 1.5.3. New parser
+ by Tim Elliott. [ruby-core:25038]
+Tue Mar 23 18:35:46 2010 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_singleton_class): new method
+ Kernel#singleton_class. [ruby-core:21702]
+Tue Mar 23 01:13:59 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket: use rsock_ prefix for internal initialization functions.
+Mon Mar 22 20:32:22 2010 wanabe <>
+ * proc.c (rb_method_location): return attr's location if it is setup.
+ [Feature #2084]
+ * NEWS: follow above.
+ * vm_method.c (rb_add_method): save attr's location.
+ * gc.c (mark_method_entry): mark attr's location.
+ * method.h (rb_method_definition_t): add member to save attr's location.
+ * vm_eval.c (vm_call0): follow above.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method): ditto.
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_definition_eq): ditto.
+Mon Mar 22 19:31:06 2010 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb (Date#>>): fixed. [ruby-core:28011]
+Mon Mar 22 18:01:13 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RMDIRS): use rmdir -p if possible.
+ * ({dist,real}clean-ext): fix for removing ext
+ directories.
+Mon Mar 22 09:06:10 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/.document: extracted from ext/.document.
+Mon Mar 22 00:50:33 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h (rsock_revlookup_flag): declared.
+Mon Mar 22 00:01:24 2010 Alexander Zavorine <>
+ * symbian/setup (config.h): RUBY_EXEC_PREFIX defined.
+Sun Mar 21 00:46:29 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (URI.encode_www_form_component):
+ convert strings of HTML5 ASCII incompatible encoding
+ to UTF-8.
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (URI.encode_www_form_component):
+ "\x83\x41" of Shift_JIS should be encoded as "%83A".
+ This follows real implementations.
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (URI.decode_www_form_component):
+ use given encoding for force_encoding. [ruby-dev:40721]
+Sun Mar 21 21:09:17 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv-replace.rb: specify super class for rdoc.
+ * lib/ipaddr.rb: ditto.
+Sun Mar 21 19:52:27 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_initialize): add autoclose argument to control close
+ at finalization. [ruby-core:26222]
+ * io.c (rb_io_autoclose_p, rb_io_set_autoclose): new methods.
+Sun Mar 21 19:50:04 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket: make sources rdoc friendly.
+Sun Mar 21 17:57:49 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (IO_RBUF_CAPA_FOR): use large buffer as cbuf if readconv is
+ needed for performance improvement. based on a patch by Roger Pack
+ in [ruby-core:28163]. [ruby-core:28162]
+Sun Mar 21 17:14:49 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: reuse hash object.
+Sun Mar 21 12:32:39 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb (transcode_compile_tree): make
+ valid_encoding mandatory unless from_encoding is registered in
+ ValidEncoding.
+ (transcode_tbl_only): ditto.
+ (transcode_tblgen): ditto.
+ (ValidEncoding): new function.
+ * enc/trans/escape.trans: specify valid_encoding.
+ * enc/trans/emoji_sjis_docomo.trans: ditto.
+ * enc/trans/emoji.trans: ditto.
+ * enc/trans/emoji_iso2022_kddi.trans: ditto.
+ * enc/trans/big5.trans: ditto.
+ * enc/trans/emoji_sjis_softbank.trans: ditto.
+ * enc/trans/emoji_sjis_kddi.trans: ditto.
+ * enc/trans/chinese.trans: use ValidEncoding() instead of
+ ValidEncoding[].
+Sun Mar 21 09:43:01 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (IO_[CRW]BUF_CAPA_MIN): replaced magic numbers.
+Sun Mar 21 09:22:10 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_hash): use LONG2FIX to avoid Bignum allocation.
+Sat Mar 20 22:51:46 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_sum): use UCHAR_MAX.
+Sat Mar 20 19:16:42 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb (ActionMap.unambiguous_action): use
+ Array#delete.
+ (ActionMap.merge2): defined.
+ (ActionMap::PostMemo): removed.
+ (transcode_compile_tree): use ActionMap.merge2.
+Sat Mar 20 13:26:09 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_uniq_bang): the array is already unique if the
+ length is zero or one.
+ (rb_ary_uniq): ditto.
+Sat Mar 20 12:30:54 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib: fixed typo. a patch by Sho Hashimoto in [ruby-dev:40716].
+Sat Mar 20 11:32:18 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb (each_firstbyte_range): tuned for less
+ method calls.
+Sat Mar 20 00:59:50 2010 wanabe <>
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/pack.rb (DL#pack): allow LLP64.
+Fri Mar 19 05:26:31 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_sum): don't call method for each byte.
+Thu Mar 18 21:24:21 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (miniruby): link $(NORMALMAINOBJ).
+Thu Mar 18 19:52:27 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: scan singleton mappings sequentially.
+Thu Mar 18 06:28:32 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_EXEC_PREFIX): added to config.h.
+ * ruby.c (ruby_init_loadpath_safe): TMP_RUBY_PREFIX should be
+ exec_prefix, not rubylibprefix. [ruby-core:28718]
+ * version.c (RUBY_LIB_PREFIX): fallback to RUBY_EXEC_PREFIX.
+Thu Mar 18 05:58:27 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_{to_i,mod,divmod,div2}):
+ removed unused variables.
+Thu Mar 18 04:40:56 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (rb_intern3): get rid of type-punning cast.
+Thu Mar 18 02:29:42 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_build_body): add mark to jump table hash of case.
+Thu Mar 18 00:58:27 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * util.c (ruby_strtod): Add support for Hexadecimal
+ floating-point expression [ruby-dev:40650] #2969
+Thu Mar 18 00:00:58 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (URI.{en,de}code_www_form_component):
+ renamed from URI.{en,de}code_www_component. [ruby-dev:40672]
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (URI.encode_www_form_component): %-encoded
+ element should have always two hex.
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (URI.encode_www_form_component):
+ better treatment for ASCII incompatible encodings and
+ encodings whose lead byte may use 7bit.
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (URI.decode_www_form_component): add %20.
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (URI.decode_www_form_component): add
+ result's encoding as 2nd argument.
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (URI.decode_www_form): added.
+Wed Mar 17 16:25:53 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_aset): allow recursive key. [ruby-core:24648]
+Wed Mar 17 06:39:59 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.h (rb_warning, rb_sys_warning): fixed typo in rdoc.
+ [ruby-core:28696]
+Wed Mar 17 02:29:46 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * compile.c, iseq.c, ruby.c, vm.c, vm_core.h, vm_eval.c: add absolute
+ path field into rb_iseq_t. The field contains a string representing
+ a path to corresponding source file. or nil when the iseq is created
+ from -e, stdin, eval, etc. This field is used for require_relative.
+ [ruby-dev:40004]
+ * load.c (rb_f_require_relative): add C implementation of
+ require_relative.
+ * prelude.rb (require_relative): get rid of Ruby implementation of
+ require_relative.
+Wed Mar 17 01:24:01 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * parse.y (rb_intern3): prohibit Symbol with an invalid encoding.
+ [ruby-core:24621]
+ * test/ruby/test_m17n_comb.rb: modify a test for above.
+Tue Mar 16 22:51:11 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: specialize for singleton mappings.
+Tue Mar 16 20:13:00 2010 Kenta Murata <>
+ * enc/trans/emoji.trans: added codepoints leading 0xf4 into
+ nomap_table.
+Tue Mar 16 17:33:30 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (VpCtoV): keep e's sign.
+ When e doesn't over flow e * BASE_FIG but overflow e * 10,
+ e will overflow.
+Tue Mar 16 17:18:44 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_str_conv_enc_opts): missing prototype.
+Tue Mar 16 15:20:13 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/tmpdir: split from lib/tmpdir.rb.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_system_tmpdir): extracted from init_env.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_getcwd): removed duplicated code.
+Tue Mar 16 14:06:13 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (ENC_TO_ENCINDEX): suppress warnings.
+Tue Mar 16 14:03:24 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RSHIFT): parenthesize the argument of cast instead
+ of the result.
+Tue Mar 16 11:23:42 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (file_expand_path): ignore dname if it has different
+ drive letter or UNC.
+Tue Mar 16 07:16:56 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: redundant loop removed.
+Tue Mar 16 07:01:43 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: refactored to use tree as memo key.
+Tue Mar 16 04:05:13 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: more info in generating macro names.
+Mon Mar 15 21:58:03 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: ActionMap#each_firstbyte inlined.
+Mon Mar 15 21:22:49 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb (transcode_tblgen): add valid_encoding
+ optional argument.
+ * enc/trans/single_byte.trans use valid_encoding argument for
+ transcode_tblgen.
+ * enc/trans/chinese.trans: ditto.
+Mon Mar 15 18:33:36 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (default_rand): removed initial buffer.
+ * random.c (Init_RandomSeed): initialize seed of default random.
+ * random.c (Init_RandomSeed2): turn the seed to Bignum object.
+Mon Mar 15 17:28:30 2010 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_print): RDoc update. a patch from Daniel Kelley
+ in [ruby-core:28643].
+Mon Mar 15 14:06:07 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (next_state): no initialization here.
+ * random.c (default_mt): always return initialized MT.
+Mon Mar 15 11:49:48 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * random.c (rb_reset_random_seed): set seed in this.
+ [ruby-core:28655]
+Mon Mar 15 10:26:02 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c: import latest nkf. [master 9306cb0]
+ this also fixes [ruby-dev:40607]
+Mon Mar 15 09:34:17 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (URI.encode_www_component):
+ call str.to_s at first.
+Mon Mar 15 09:36:22 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * symbian/README.SYMBIAN: fixed broken patch and converted to
+ unified diff.
+Mon Mar 15 07:51:05 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (Init_File): do not define File::ALT_SEPARATOR on cygwin.
+Mon Mar 15 07:41:00 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (realpath_rec): use same cache.
+ * file.c (realpath_internal): regulate separators in prefix.
+ [ruby-core:28653]
+ * file.c (FILE_ALT_SEPARATOR): separated condition.
+Mon Mar 15 04:41:25 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_each_codepoint): read directly when readconv is
+ needed but internal encoding is not set. [ruby-core:28650]
+Mon Mar 15 04:18:31 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/file2lastrev.rb (VCS::{SVN,GIT}#get_revisions):
+ use block argument 'path' to get the path given by super.
+Mon Mar 15 02:43:59 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb (Action#hash): defined.
+ (Action#eql?): ditto.
+ (Action#==): ditto.
+Mon Mar 15 01:52:46 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: refactored.
+Mon Mar 15 01:18:31 2010 Alexander Zavorine <>
+ * symbian/setup (*.pkg): Ruby Core installation separated from standard extensions.
+ * symbian/configure.bat: ditto.
+ * symbian/README.SYMBIAN: ditto.
+ * symbian/setup (config.h): support for 2nd internal drive added.
+Mon Mar 15 00:11:23 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/file2lastrev.rb (VCS::GIT_SVN#get_revisions) :
+ use block argument 'path' to get the path given by super.
+ * tool/file2lastrev.rb (VCS::GIT#get_revisions):
+ use double quotes for Windows.
+ patched by Vladimir Sizikov [ruby-core:28651]
+Sun Mar 14 22:38:31 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: consider valid_encoding for max_input.
+Sun Mar 14 15:46:09 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enc/trans/emoji.trans: fix nomap_table.
+Sun Mar 14 09:50:03 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (insn_data_to_s_detail), iseq.c (insn_operand_intern):
+ fixed format specifiers.
+Sun Mar 14 07:20:17 2010 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (EXPAND_PATH_BUFFER): make it back to usascii, to prevent
+ infinite loop on some platform. [ruby-dev:40629]
+Sun Mar 14 02:40:38 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: reject ambiguous mapping.
+ * enc/trans/single_byte.trans: remove ambiguous mapping such as
+ \xD6 -> U+05F2 and \xD6\xC7 -> U+FB1F in Windows-1255
+Sat Mar 13 23:48:27 2010 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (file_expand_path): should not just copy the encoding
+ from fname. [ruby-core:28635]
+ * file.c (EXPAND_PATH_BUFFER): set filesystem_encoding, not
+ usascii for path buffer.
+Sat Mar 13 17:48:43 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/file2lastrev.rb: refactored. fixed changed revision of git.
+Sat Mar 13 15:44:20 2010 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_print): should not print field separator at the end
+ of arguments. [ruby-talk:358633]
+Sat Mar 13 14:49:55 2010 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (enum_join): remove Enumerable#join. [ruby-core:24786]
+ * array.c (ary_join_1): use #to_ary to detect recursive array.
+Sat Mar 13 12:26:13 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/io.h (MakeOpenFile): finalize fptr to get rid of
+ memory leak.
+Sat Mar 13 11:14:26 2010 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * load.c (rb_get_expanded_load_path): expand paths if any item in $:
+ is not a string.
+Sat Mar 13 10:16:32 2010 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * load.c (rb_get_expanded_load_path): does not expand paths if all
+ the items in $: are absolute paths. [ruby-core:28113]
+Sat Mar 13 10:03:52 2010 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/extconf.rb: fix [Bug #2840] Tk doesn't built in mingw.
+Sat Mar 13 03:24:15 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: show consumed time at last.
+Sat Mar 13 00:44:20 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_basename): check encoding of suffix.
+Sat Mar 13 00:11:05 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (ruby_init_loadpath_safe): mark initial load paths.
+ * gem_prelude.rb (push_all_highest_version_gems_on_load_path):
+ search insertion position by initial load path mark.
+ * lib/rubygems.rb (Gem.load_path_insert_index): ditto.
+Fri Mar 12 21:34:00 2010 Kenta Murata <>
+ * NEWS: emoji encodings.
+Fri Mar 12 17:14:12 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (URI.encode_www_form): new method to
+ generate URL-encoded form data. [ruby-dev:39246]
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (URI.encode_www_component,
+ URI.decode_www_component): new method for encode/decode
+ a name/value of HTML form.
+Fri Mar 12 17:36:35 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet/cgihandler.rb
+ (WEBrick::HTTPServlet::CGIHandler#do_GET):
+ set binary mode for tempfile.
+Fri Mar 12 13:52:00 2010 Kenta Murata <>
+ * tool/compile_prelude.rb: TMP_RUBY_PREFIX should replace
+ rubylibprefix but not prefix.
+Fri Mar 12 09:43:11 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * complex.c (f_signbit): remove condition for signbit because
+ all platforms have signbit from r26871.
+Fri Mar 12 07:25:16 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (init_env): get rid of alloca() for outer string.
+Fri Mar 12 07:17:15 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/racc/cparse/cparse.c: suppressed warnings for shortening on
+ platforms where pointer is bigger than int.
+Fri Mar 12 07:15:08 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (ruby_init_loadpath_safe, ruby_init_gems): set and remove
+ * variable.c (rb_const_remove): new function.
+ * tool/compile_prelude.rb: split each preludes.
+Fri Mar 12 07:09:20 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (config.status): setup MINIRUBY environment for
+ cross-compiling.
+Fri Mar 12 06:48:58 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/tk/extconf.rb: log() is built-in in some compilers and needs
+ proper declaration.
+Fri Mar 12 06:37:13 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sample/timeout.rb: split from lib/timeout.rb.
+Thu Mar 11 22:35:27 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (time_round): new method Time#round. [ruby-dev:40595]
+Thu Mar 11 17:31:59 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * transcode.c (str_transcode0): confirm the code range.
+Thu Mar 11 12:14:17 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * missing/signbit.c: added.
+Thu Mar 11 11:16:33 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * check if target_archs has changed.
+Thu Mar 11 01:33:30 2010 wanabe <>
+ * win32/win32.c (signbit): allow x64.
+Thu Mar 11 01:04:48 2010 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_clone): sets local_iseq and klass properly.
+Wed Mar 10 21:25:41 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * enum.c (min_ii, max_ii, minmax_ii): remove wrong optimization that
+ reuses array for yield parameter, which caused unexpected behavior.
+ [ruby-core:25989]
+Wed Mar 10 12:10:00 2010 Kenta Murata <>
+ * enc/x_emoji.h: renamed from enc/x-emoji.c.
+Wed Mar 10 04:17:08 2010 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (defined_expr), insns.def (defined): fix to pass a Symbol
+ object such as :$foo for the "defined?($foo)" expression
+ on defined instruction. This patch fixes ISeq#to_a/load.
+Tue Mar 9 20:50:09 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/dl/test_method.rb: delete a residual test for dl on libffi.
+Tue Mar 9 18:00:00 2010 Kenta Murata <>
+ * enc/trans/EMOJI/*.src, enc/trans/emoji*,
+ enc/x-emoji.c, test/ruby/enc/test_emoji.rb,
+ tool/enc-emoji-citrus-gen.rb, tool/enc-emoji4unicode.rb,
+ tool/jisx0208.rb, tool/test/test_jisx0208.rb:
+ new encodings to support emoji charsets, which are used by
+ Japanese mobile phones [ruby-dev:40528].
+ Thanks Yoji Shidara for a lot of contribution.
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: modified for enc-emoji4unicode.rb.
+Tue Mar 9 14:57:40 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb (ActionMap#generate_node):
+ remove useless dup.
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb (transcode_tbl_only): remove duplicated
+ method call for encode_utf8.
+Tue Mar 9 14:55:00 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_to_s): remove unused variable.
+Tue Mar 9 12:17:34 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb (StrSet#parse, ActionMap#generate_node):
+ optimization (reusing object and improving memoize).
+ [ruby-dev:40582]
+Sun Mar 7 02:27:03 2010 Alexander Zavorine <>
+ * dln.c [DLN_NEEDS_ALT_SEPARATOR] (translit_separator): small typo
+ fixed.
+ * symbian/setup (*.pkg): Shared library installation path fixed to
+ match changes in version.c.
+ * symbian/setup (ruby.mmp): SOURCE dln_find.c added.
+Sun Mar 7 23:14:22 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_pack): use DIGSPERLONG and BITSPERDIG.
+ (rb_big_unpack): use DIGSPERLONG.
+Sun Mar 7 19:21:10 2010 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * io.c: Fix documentation for each/each_line/lines, bytes/each_byte,
+ codepoints/each_code_point [ruby-core:23948]
+ * string.c: ditto
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c: ditto
+Sun Mar 7 13:49:49 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * file.c: add optional basedir argument for realpath/realdirpath.
+ (realpath_internal): handle basedir.
+ (rb_file_s_realpath): extract basedir from argument list.
+ (rb_file_s_realdirpath): extract basedir from argument list.
+ * lib/pathname.rb (realpath): pass basedir.
+ (realdirpath): ditto.
+Sun Mar 7 02:05:38 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (enc_set_filesystem_encoding):
+ filesystem encoding on Mac OS X is now
+ default external encoding. so Mac OS X is now
+ treated as one of Unix. [ruby-dev:40439]
+ * file.c (file_path_convert): ditto.
+Sat Mar 6 22:07:09 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * pack.c: fix the prototype of rb_big2ulong_pack.
+Sat Mar 6 13:45:37 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_write, rb_io_s_binwrite): delete File#write and
+ #binwrite. It may take a long time to make them stable, so 1.9.2
+ should not include them. We need refactoring to implement them
+ again.
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb: delete tests for them.
+Sat Mar 6 10:03:35 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_binwrite): use mode "r+b" instead of "ab" to handle
+ offset correctly. [ruby-core:28517]
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb: use assert_equal instead of assert.
+Sat Mar 6 01:08:54 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.h): VC6 has __int64.
+Fri Mar 5 19:36:12 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * transcode.c (econv_opts): set :undef => :replace when
+ :replace is given and :invalid is not given. [ruby-dev:40554]
+Fri Mar 5 17:51:09 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (pipe_open): suppressed a warning.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_map_errno, winnt_stat, rb_chsize): ditto.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_aspawn): get rid of overflow.
+Fri Mar 5 11:59:30 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (signbit): defined on mingw.
+Thu Mar 4 22:49:42 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * eval.c (setup_exception): avoid line number 0 when setting
+ $DEBUG=true. [ruby-dev:39116]
+Thu Mar 4 22:45:02 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * io.c (io_s_write, io_s_binwrite): add File#write and #binwrite.
+ [ruby-core:21701]
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb: add tests for above.
+Mon Mar 4 13:14:34 2010 wanabe <>
+ * gc.c (gc_profile_total_time): add GC::Profiler.total_time.
+ [ruby-core:27169]
+ * NEWS: ditto.
+Thu Mar 4 10:15:10 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * complex.c (m_log, m_exp): remove unused functions.
+Thu Mar 4 02:34:59 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_env.rb (TestEnv#test_select_bang): add tests.
+Thu Mar 4 02:29:52 2010 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/ruby/test_hash.rb (TestHash#test_keep_if): fix typo.
+Thu Mar 4 00:10:54 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb (HEX2): extracted from regexps.
+Wed Mar 3 23:16:32 2010 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * complex.c (nucomp_real_check): raise TypeError instead of
+ ArgumentError when argument is not a real as expected
+ [ruby-core:28395]
+ * rational.c (nurat_int_check): ditto (for integers)
+Wed Mar 3 23:07:08 2010 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb (Vector#each): Return self and optimization
+ [ruby-core:28405]
+Wed Mar 3 18:35:55 2010 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_select_bang): add #select! and keep_if to Hash.
+ * hash.c (env_select_bang): ..and to ENV.
+Wed Mar 3 15:54:20 2010 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb (Vector#each2, collect2): small refactoring.
+Wed Mar 3 16:14:24 2010 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb (Vector#each): make Vector enumerable.
+ [ruby-core:28405]
+Wed Mar 3 14:28:23 2010 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_select_bang): select! removes all elements for
+ which block returns false. [ruby-core:27286]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_keep_if): #keep_if, new method.
+Wed Mar 3 06:19:25 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (signbit): defined.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub, symbian/setup (config.h): pack.c requires
+ SIZEOF_INT*_T now.
+Tue Mar 2 21:16:48 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_lines, rb_io_bytes, rb_io_chars, rb_io_codepoints):
+ change to alias to each_*, in similar way to ARGF and String.
+ [ruby-core:23948]
+Tue Mar 2 15:54:40 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regcomp.c (noname_disable_map): add NT_ANCHOR case.
+ Without this change, captured groups in anchors (look-ahead,
+ look-behind, and so on) are not removed and
+ unintended invalid backref error occur. [ruby-core:28235]
+ * regcomp.c (renumber_by_map): ditto.
+Tue Mar 2 14:42:00 2010 Kenta Murata <>
+ * test/dl/test_closure.rb: forget to revert at r26764.
+Tue Mar 2 14:29:24 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_find_file_ext_safe, rb_find_file_safe): skip argument
+ checks in file_expand_path().
+Tue Mar 2 13:54:44 2010 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * test/ruby/test_math.rb: Fix lgamma test
+Mon Mar 1 23:26:56 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (pty_open): refine the path for master IO.
+Mon Mar 1 20:07:06 2010 TAKANO Mitsuhiro (takano32) <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (zstream_expand_buffer_into): remove compare
+ different type values warning.
+Mon Mar 1 17:42:45 2010 wanabe <>
+ * (mingw): do not detect snprintf/vsnprintf.
+Mon Mar 1 16:54:21 2010 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * include/ruby/oniguruma.h: updated to follow Oniguruma 5.9.2.
+ * re.c (make_regexp): use onig_new() instead of onig_alloc_init().
+ * re.c (rb_reg_to_s): ditto.
+Sun Feb 28 21:32:36 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (get_device_once): raise on error when fail is
+ non-zero.
+Sun Feb 28 18:58:00 2010 Kenta Murata <>
+ * math.c (rb_eMathDomainError): new exception class
+ for representing mathematical domain error instead
+ of Errno::EDOM.
+ * math.c (domain_check, infinity_check): removed,
+ no longer needed.
+ * math.c (math_atan2, math_acos, math_asin, math_acosh,
+ math_atanh, math_log, math_log2, math_log10, math_sqrt,
+ math_gamma, math_lgamma): mathematical domain errors
+ are checked and raised before calling libm's functions.
+ * test/ruby/test_math.rb: updated for changes of math.c.
+Sun Feb 28 15:07:28 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): use union to avoid pointer cast.
+ (pack_unpack): ditto.
+Sun Feb 28 11:49:35 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * openssl/ossl.c (OSSL_IMPL_SK2ARY): for OpenSSL 1.0.
+ patched by Jeroen van Meeuwen at [ruby-core:25210]
+ fixed by Nobuyoshi Nakada [ruby-core:25238],
+ Hongli Lai [ruby-core:27417],
+ and Motohiro KOSAKI [ruby-core:28063]
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs7.c (pkcs7_get_certs, pkcs7_get_crls):
+ split pkcs7_get_certs_or_crls.
+Sun Feb 28 11:42:55 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/openssl/{test_x509cert.rb,openssl,test_x509crl.rb,
+ test_x509req.rb}:
+ fix false positive tests because of OpenSSL spec change.
+ patched by originally Hongli Lai [ruby-core:27417],
+ and fixed by Motohiro KOSAKI [ruby-core:28063]
+Sun Feb 28 11:21:03 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/openssl/{test_x509cert.rb,openssl,test_x509req.rb}:
+ remove false positive tests because of OpenSSL spec change.
+ patched by Motohiro KOSAKI [ruby-core:28063]
+ see also [ruby-dev:40077]
+Sun Feb 28 11:25:16 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): generalized integer packer implemented.
+ (pack_unpack): generalized integer unpacker implemented.
+Sun Feb 28 06:58:53 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * pack.c (swap32): use __builtin_bswap32 on gcc 4.3.0 or later.
+ (swap64): ditto.
+Sun Feb 28 00:38:18 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * pack.c: use integer types with explicit size.
+Sat Feb 27 15:54:55 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * pack.c: check assumption on QUAD_SIZE and SIZEOF_LONG.
+ * bignum.c: check assumption on SIZEOF_LONG and SIZEOF_BDIGITS.
+Sat Feb 27 03:48:18 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * pack.c: fix q and Q for big endian environments which have no
+ 8 bytes integer type.
+ (pack_pack): use rb_big_pack.
+ (pack_unpack): use rb_big_unpack.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_big_pack): declared.
+ (rb_big_unpack): ditto.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_pack): new function.
+ (rb_big_unpack): ditto.
+Fri Feb 26 21:36:51 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c: fix rb_quad_pack and rb_quad_unpack for environments
+ which don't have 8bytes integer type. This still depends on little
+ endian.
+ (rb_quad_pack): use quad_buf_complement. don't raise for large
+ values.
+ (rb_quad_unpack): use quad_buf_complement.
+ (quad_buf_complement): new function extracted from rb_quad_pack.
+ add one after bitwise negation.
+Fri Feb 26 21:29:48 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * (RSHIFT): add parenthesis to suppress warning.
+Fri Feb 26 20:51:47 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c, ext/socket/udpsocket.c: avoid illegal cast
+ from void-returning function to VALUE-returning one. It causes SEGV
+ on RubySpec with mingw32.
+Fri Feb 26 20:07:48 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * pack.c (QUAD_SIZE): it should be always 8.
+ * bignum.c (rb_quad_pack): use LONG_LONG version only if
+Fri Feb 26 16:49:29 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * pack.c (swap64): fix for VC6.
+Fri Feb 26 14:17:09 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack, pack_unpack): suppressed warnings.
+Fri Feb 26 07:44:51 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/dl: revert dl with libffi because it can't run on mswin now.
+Thu Feb 25 22:59:46 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * pack.c: consider DYNAMIC_ENDIAN. refactored.
+Thu Feb 25 11:17:01 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * rational.c (nurat_expt): use Float#** when Rational ** Float.
+ This fixes Rational(3,1)**3.0=>26.99999999999999 on FreeBSD.
+ * complex.c (rb_fexpt): removed.
+ Note that this function is not static but is private.
+Thu Feb 25 00:43:57 2010 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def: Change the operand type of setinlinecache
+ (OFFSET to IC). This IC must be same as corresponding
+ getinlinecache instruction's IC operand.
+ This change is for a little performance improvement
+ (getting IC directly) and is for the AOT compilation development.
+ * compile.c, iseq.c, insns.def: Change the approach to handling inline
+ cache (IC) type operand to enable the above change.
+ This change also affects ISeq#to_a method. The inline cache operand
+ will be dumped by fixnum, the index of inline cache, in other words,
+ inline cache identity.
+ * template/, tool/instruction.rb: No need to count
+ inline cache size (insn_iclen()).
+Thu Feb 25 00:57:59 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * pack.c (swap64): don't redefine.
+Thu Feb 25 00:29:55 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): don't use OFF32 for gcc 4.5.
+Wed Feb 24 22:39:15 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb: fix [ruby-core:28320] reported by Paul Clegg.
+ (Resolv::DNS::Requester#request): raise ResolvTimeout
+ consistently for timeout.
+Wed Feb 24 14:38:16 2010 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/indexer: Removed obsolete files.
+Wed Feb 24 11:52:05 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dln.c (translit_separator): moved back from load.c again.
+ * dln_find.c: split from dln.c.
+Wed Feb 24 09:31:33 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/digest/extconf.rb: use OpenSSL only when all transform
+ functions are available.
+Wed Feb 24 00:39:17 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * string.c (str_new_empty): String#split, partition, rpartition
+ taints the resulting strings if self is tainted.
+Mon Feb 22 21:35:33 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/digest/sha2/sha2init.c: test OpenSSL more strictly.
+Mon Feb 22 11:52:30 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rubygems: update to 1.3.6.
+Mon Feb 22 11:21:18 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/digest/sha2: Use OpenSSL's SHA1 engine if available.
+Sun Feb 21 21:20:17 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile, install_files): honor srcprefix
+ argument if given. [ruby-dev:40449]
+Sun Feb 21 13:29:57 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rubygems/rubygems_version.rb: outdated. [ruby-core:28275]
+Sun Feb 21 06:24:12 2010 Alexander Zavorine <>
+ * symbian/setup (config.h): HAVE_STRUCT_TIMEZONE, VOID_UNSETENV, and RUBY_LIB_VERSION_STYLE defined.
+ * symbian/setup (ruby.mmp): SOURCE node.c added.
+Mon Feb 22 09:15:45 2010 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_children): lost comment added.
+Sat Feb 20 14:42:19 2010 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): should prepare placeholder before
+ processing instance variables. [ruby-dev:40414]
+ * marshal.c (id2encidx): no longer need arg.
+Sat Feb 20 14:36:16 2010 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * vm.c (vm_backtrace_each): use called_id when method definition
+ structure is already freed. [ruby-dev:40234] [ruby-core:27959]
+Fri Feb 19 00:04:19 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb (DRbServer#stop_service): join killed thread to
+ ensure service stops. [ruby-dev:40441]
+Thu Feb 18 22:31:15 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * math.c (math_atanh): raise ERANGE without calling atanh if absolute
+ value is 1 to achieve platform-independent math. [ruby-core:28219]
+ * math.c (math_lgamma): return [Infinity, 1] without calling lgamma_r
+ if argument is infinity or -infinity. [ruby-core:28219]
+Thu Feb 18 22:28:00 2010 Kenta Murata <>
+ * new --with-ext and --with-out-ext options for extmk.
+ * tool/mkconfig.rb: normalizing --with-out-ext to --without-ext.
+Thu Feb 18 21:50:00 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): call PACK_ITEM_ADJUST for 'Q'.
+Thu Feb 18 02:14:26 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * io.c (io_fread, io_getpartial, io_read, io_sysread): by using lock,
+ prohibit modification of buffer string during read (which had caused
+ EFAULT or SEGV). [ruby-dev:40437]
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb: rewrite tests for the old behavior.
+Wed Feb 17 21:34:01 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * regcomp.c (setup_tree, onig_compile): optimize .* at last by
+ converting into (?>.*), which does not backtrack. [ruby-core:27791]
+ * test/ruby/test_regexp.rb: add a test for above.
+Wed Feb 17 21:26:53 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb (assert_normal_exit): add :timeout option.
+Wed Feb 17 17:05:39 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_cfunc): removed unused variable.
+ * vm.c (vm_frametype_name): define only when VMDEBUG.
+Wed Feb 17 15:34:45 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/dl/dl_conversions.c (rb_dl_type_to_ffi_type): support signed
+ long long.
+ * ext/dl/cfunc.c (rb_dlcfunc_inspect): get rid of overflow.
+ * ext/dl/closure.c (dlc_callback, rb_dlclosure_init): ditto.
+ * ext/dl/cptr.c (rb_dlptr_s_malloc): ditto.
+ * ext/dl/method.c (rb_dlfunction_initialize): ditto.
+Wed Feb 17 01:16:12 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * hash.c (hash_update): always raise an exception when adding a new
+ key during iteration. Traditionally, an exception was raised only
+ when rehash occurs, but it may lead to difficult bug to reproduce.
+ [ruby-core:23614]
+Tue Feb 16 22:09:27 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * gc.c (chain_finalized_object): fix precedence.
+Tue Feb 16 21:32:01 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * gc.c (rb_objspace_call_finalizer): always run finalizer at exit,
+ before object is free'd. [ruby-dev:40382]
+Tue Feb 16 20:56:39 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * file.c (rb_group_member): renamed from group_member.
+ don't use group_member() in glibc because it's not valgrind clean.
+Tue Feb 16 19:19:21 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/dl/cfunc.c (rb_dlcfunc_call): convert signed value to
+ unsigned.
+Tue Feb 16 19:02:59 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/dl/test_{base,handle}.rb: use more verbose assertions.
+ * test/dl/test_import.rb (DL::LIBC::BoundQsortCallback): renamed
+ to get rid of overwriting warning.
+Tue Feb 16 11:03:19 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/dl/method.c: Adding DL::Method as a superclass for DL::Function
+Mon Feb 15 23:37:30 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c: check lseek error by errno. NetBSD 4.0.1 may return -1 as
+ a file position of tty.
+Mon Feb 15 23:08:56 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pstore.rb (PStore#initialize): initialize @thread_safe.
+ [ruby-core:27853]
+Mon Feb 15 22:45:26 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * st.c (st_foreach): don't access ptr->hash after func call.
+ It may access freed area.
+Mon Feb 15 22:25:16 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (zlib_mem_alloc): suppress valgrind warnings.
+Mon Feb 15 22:18:49 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (time_add): propagate fixed time offset.
+Mon Feb 15 17:42:20 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * signal.c (USE_SIGALTSTACK): NetBSD can't use sigaltstack(2)
+ with pthread.
+Mon Feb 15 13:11:47 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_push_m): use rb_ary_modify instead of
+ rb_ary_modify_check. This fixes regression due to r26632.
+Sun Feb 14 12:54:44 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): removed duplicated entry for regexp.
+ [ruby-dev:40416]
+Sun Feb 14 04:45:31 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): register regexp object before encoding
+ name. [ruby-dev:40414]
+ * re.c (rb_reg_alloc, rb_reg_init_str): split from rb_reg_new_str.
+Sat Feb 13 17:07:20 2010 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_delete): RDoc update. a patch from Hugh Sasse.
+ [ruby-core:28128]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_compact_bang): ditto.
+Sat Feb 13 15:01:24 2010 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (id2encidx): duplicated entry for encoding name.
+ [ruby-dev:40388]
+Sat Feb 13 12:17:52 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb (Tempfile::Remover): new class to replace
+ Tempfile.callback. port r24902 from Ruby 1.8.
+Fri Feb 12 17:55:21 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm.c (thread_free): fixed typo.
+Fri Feb 12 02:27:39 2010 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/set.rb (Set#initialize, Set#replace, Set#merge)
+ (Set#subtract, Set#&): Fix duck type tests. [ruby-core:28078]
+ * lib/set.rb (Set#initialize, Set#replace, Set#merge)
+ (Set#subtract, Set#&): Try #each if #each_entry fails.
+Thu Feb 11 20:43:00 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_oflags_modestr): return "r" for O_RDONLY|O_APPEND.
+ [ruby-dev:40379]
+Thu Feb 11 19:19:21 2010 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * missing/alloca.c: s/RUBY_LIB/RUBY_LIB_PREFIX/ [ruby-dev:40395]
+Thu Feb 11 17:52:11 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm.c (vm_exec): reset thread state before restarting vm loop
+ from catch scope. [ruby-core:28129], [ruby-core:28143]
+Thu Feb 11 14:43:16 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): read sequentially since marshal source
+ may not be possible to rewind. [ruby-dev:40386]
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): replace non-1.8 escapes directly.
+Thu Feb 11 09:49:31 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb: fix [ruby-core:28144] reported by Hans de Graaff.
+ (Resolv::DNS#make_requester): pass nameserver_port to
+ (Resolv::DNS.bind_random_port): change the is_ipv6 argument to
+ bind_host.
+ (Resolv::DNS::Requester#initialize): change instance variable to
+ store multiple sockets.
+ (Resolv::DNS::Requester#request): pass readable sockets to
+ recv_reply.
+ (Resolv::DNS::Requester#close): close all sockets.
+ (Resolv::DNS::Requester::UnconnectedUDP#initialize): allocate
+ a socket for each address family of name servers.
+ (Resolv::DNS::Requester::UnconnectedUDP#recv_reply): read from the
+ passwd readable socket.
+ (Resolv::DNS::Requester::UnconnectedUDP#sender): use appropriate
+ socket for the target nameserver.
+ (Resolv::DNS::Requester::ConnectedUDP): follow the instance variable
+ change.
+ (Resolv::DNS::Requester::TCP#sender): ditto.
+ (Resolv::DNS::Config#nameserver_port): new method.
+Thu Feb 11 01:45:04 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * vm.c (vm_exec): temporarily revert r26628, which causes SEGV when
+ executing rubyspec.
+Wed Feb 10 16:31:03 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_push_m, rb_ary_unshift_m, rb_ary_aset),
+ (rb_ary_insert, rb_ary_replace, rb_ary_concat),
+ (rb_ary_uniq_bang, rb_ary_flatten_bang): check if frozen after
+ wrong number of arguments but before TypeError.
+ [ruby-core:28140]
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_replace): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_replace): ditto.
+Wed Feb 10 04:06:36 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm.c (vm_exec): reset thread state before starting vm loop.
+ [ruby-core:28129]
+Tue Feb 9 23:48:25 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_divide): fix precision too.
+Tue Feb 9 23:26:07 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_DoDivmod): fix precision.
+ [ruby-core:17472][ruby-dev:35372][ruby-dev:40105][ruby-dev:40358]
+Tue Feb 9 22:23:27 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * io.c (READ_CHECK): do not select fd before reading, that had made
+ TCPServer#gets stuck. [ruby-dev:40317]
+Tue Feb 9 21:27:38 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/rexml/text.rb (REXML::Text#initialize): checks
+ raw text for illegal characters without entity check, for the sake
+ of 1.8 compatibility. This had caused rubyspec error.
+Mon Feb 8 23:49:24 2010 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_getline_fast): wrong calculation of new position
+ from rb_str_coderange_scan_restartable(). [ruby-core:28103]
+ * io.c (read_all): ditto.
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): ditto.
+Mon Feb 8 21:03:53 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (socket_s_ip_address_list): obtain the scope_id
+ of IPv6 link local address on OpenSolaris.
+Mon Feb 8 16:27:57 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dmyversion.c: empty load path in miniruby.
+ * (COMPILE_PRELUDE): rbconfig is loaded on demand.
+ * tool/eval.rb, win32/{mkexports,resource}.rb: miniruby no longer
+ contains "." in $:.
+Mon Feb 8 15:15:07 2010 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_clone): call initialize_clone hook method to
+ call initialize_copy.
+ * object.c (rb_obj_dup): call initialize_dup hook.
+ * lib/delegate.rb (Delegator#initialize_clone): use new hook to
+ implement deep copy. [ruby-dev:40242]
+ * lib/delegate.rb (Delegator#initialize_dup): ditto.
+ * test/test_delegate.rb (TestDelegateClass#test_copy_frozen): add
+ a test to ensure #clone copies frozen status.
+Mon Feb 8 10:28:58 2010 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * check pthread_attr_getstack to prevent obsolete
+ warning for pthread_attr_getstackaddr.
+Sun Feb 7 23:12:34 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * sample/test.rb: sort files for syntax validation.
+Sun Feb 7 23:08:53 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb: sort test files.
+Sun Feb 7 12:53:12 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/rake.rb (Rake::FileList::ARRAY_METHODS): fix test failure by <=>
+ definition at Kernel.
+Sun Feb 7 03:01:46 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * math.c (math_lgamma): initialize sign because
+ lgamma(NaN) doesn't set the sign in OpenSolaris.
+Sun Feb 7 00:23:21 2010 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * class.c (rb_class_init_copy): raise a TypeError if the argument is
+ BasicObject. [ruby-core:27060]
+Sat Feb 6 23:37:11 2010 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (initialize): set @sock to a NullSocket instance to
+ raise FTPConnectionError when not connected. [ruby-dev:40258]
+Sat Feb 6 23:25:57 2010 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * ext/curses/view2.rb: replaced with Hugh Sasse's version.
+ [ruby-core:27894]
+Sat Feb 6 22:57:00 2010 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (receive_responses): does not hang when an
+ unexpected BYE response received. fixed [ruby-core:27944].
+ Thanks, Bob Potter.
+Sat Feb 6 21:31:23 2010 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/monitor.rb (wait): supported timeout.
+ * test/net/imap/test_imap.rb (test_exception_during_idle): use timeout.
+Sat Feb 6 19:35:16 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * tool/compile_prelude.rb: fix require path.
+Sat Feb 6 12:02:36 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb (Delegator#method_missing),
+ (Delegator.delegating_block): don't hide backtrace from
+ __getobj__ and reduced exception messages when $DEBUG.
+Sat Feb 6 11:35:08 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/ipsocket.c (ip_addr, ip_peeraddr),
+ ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_getaddrinfo): added optional
+ reverse_lookup flag. [ruby-core:28007]
+Sat Feb 6 01:55:02 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_ungetc): pads with \000 when the
+ current position is after the end. [ruby-dev:40271]
+Sat Feb 6 01:14:54 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/purelib.rb, to simulate ruby command more precisely,
+ remove "." from $: of virtual environment for build and test.
+Sat Feb 6 00:02:31 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * random.c (fill_random_seed): don't use O_NOFOLLOW because
+ /dev/urandom is a symlink in OpenSolaris.
+ * lib/securerandom.rb (SecureRandom.random_bytes): ditto.
+Fri Feb 5 16:38:08 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb (Delegator): include copy of Kernel.
+ [ruby-dev:40314]
+ * lib/delegate.rb (Delegator#{dup,clone}): class of copy should be
+ Delegator. [ruby-dev:40313]
+Fri Feb 5 09:26:54 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * bignum.c (big_op): remove unused variables.
+Fri Feb 5 02:06:57 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * lib/yaml/rubytypes.rb: Struct members are emitted without a leading
+ colon. Thanks Yusuke Endoh! [ruby-core:28052]
+ * test/yaml/test_struct.rb: fixed tests to go with Struct changes
+ * test/yaml/test_yaml.rb: fixed tests to go with Struct changes
+Fri Feb 5 00:34:24 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * bignum.c (big_gt, big_ge, big_lt, big_ge): added Bignum#>, >=, < and
+ <= to allow to compare with BigDecimal. [ruby-dev:40167]
+Thu Feb 4 15:47:27 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_thread_init_stack): use get_stack.
+ patched by KOSAKI Motohiro [ruby-dev:40309]
+ * thread_pthread.c (ruby_init_stack): use get_stack
+ on platforms which have pthread_attr_get_np.
+ (FreeBSD, DragonFlyBSD and NetBSD)
+ This is because FreeBSD and DragonFly BSD must use
+ pthread_attr_get_np to get stack size of main thread,
+ but Mac OS X and Linux with LinuxThreads must use getrlimit.
+ <>
+ <>
+Thu Feb 4 09:55:38 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * FreeBSD, DragonFly BSD and OpenBSD needs
+ pthread_np.h to use pthread_*_np functions.
+ OpenBSD's pthread_*_np also depend sys/signal.h,
+ but it is included at signal.h via vm_core.h via thread.c.
+Thu Feb 4 08:15:53 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb (Delegator): now inherits BasicObject.
+ [ruby-dev:39154], [Bug #2679], [ruby-dev:40242]
+Thu Feb 4 03:00:59 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_DoDivmod): get red of
+ floating point exception.
+Thu Feb 4 01:24:01 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_DoDivmod): fix infinity
+ handling. 1 / Infinity was evaluated to NaN.
+Thu Feb 4 00:37:43 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * time.c (time_mdump, time_mload): dump/load utc_offset.
+ [ruby-dev:40063]
+Wed Feb 3 22:22:30 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * check for non-portable stack attribute functions.
+Wed Feb 3 20:10:52 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/iconv/charset_alias.rb: pass block argument to outer local
+ variable.
+Wed Feb 3 20:08:05 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * file.c (realpath_rec): rb_path_last_separator may return NULL.
+Wed Feb 3 13:15:24 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * thread_pthread.c: DragonFlyBSD is also the same as FreeBSD
+ on getting the stack size of the main thread.
+Wed Feb 3 12:30:10 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (ruby_init_stack): use pthread_get_attr_np
+ to get the stack size of the main thread on FreeBSD.
+ * thread_pthread.c: include pthread_np.h on FreeBSD.
+Wed Feb 3 11:38:44 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/dl/{closure,function}.c: removed C99 features and warnings.
+Wed Feb 3 10:12:09 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/dl/function.c: DL::Function now uses libffi
+ * ext/dl/cfunc.c (rb_dl_set_last_error): set to non static so errors
+ can be exposed.
+ * ext/dl/closure.c: DL::Closure will now be used in place of
+ ext/dl/callback/*.
+ * ext/dl/dl.c: legacy callbacks removed in favor of libffi
+ * ext/dl/dl_conversions.(c,h): used for converting ruby types to FFI
+ types.
+ * ext/dl/callback/*: replaced by libffi callbacks.
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/callback.rb: Converting internal callbacks to use
+ DL::Closure
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/closure.rb: Ruby parts of the new DL::Closure object
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/import.rb: More conversion to use DL::Closure object
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/value.rb (ruby2ffi): adding private method for
+ DL::CPtr to ffi value conversion.
+Tue Feb 2 18:15:12 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: turn on do_not_reverse_lookup by default,
+ which has been reverted in r9880 probably unintentionally,
+ according to matz. [ruby-core:24530]
+Tue Feb 2 14:46:06 2010 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enumerator.c: move implementation of each_slice, each_cons,
+ each_with_object to enum.c.
+ * enum.c (each_slice_i): convert multiple values from yield into
+ an array.
+ * enum.c (each_cons_i): ditto.
+ * enum.c (each_with_object_i): ditto.
+Tue Feb 2 14:30:27 2010 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (enum_each_entry): new method #each_entry to pack values
+ from yield into an array.
+ * lib/set.rb (Set#merge): use Enumerable#each_entry to implement
+ Set compatible to 1.8 behavior. [ruby-core:27985]
+ * lib/set.rb: replace is_a?(Enumerable) with respond_to?(:each)
+ for duck typing.
+ * lib/set.rb (SortedSet#add): typo fixed.
+Tue Feb 2 11:13:56 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb (Delegator#marshal_dump): exclude
+ delegator-specific instance variables.
+Mon Feb 1 21:26:41 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb (Vector#each2): returns a self. [ruby-dev:40241]
+Mon Feb 1 17:08:42 2010 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_minus): RDoc update. a patch from red stun
+ in [ruby-core:27951]
+Mon Feb 1 07:36:33 2010 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: fix SEGV on TkUtil::CallbackSubst._setup_subst_table.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: [ruby1.9] fix freeze at exit.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: [POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBLE] return NoMethodError
+ for TkWindow#to_ary and to_str.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/plotchart.rb: wrong arguments.
+ * ext/tk/sample/tkballoonhelp.rb: fail to support TkEntry widgets.
+Sun Jan 31 23:20:43 2010 wanabe <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_each_codepoint): use cbuf when needs readconv.
+Sun Jan 31 23:07:23 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_dir.rb: use string instead of symbol as file name.
+Sun Jan 31 22:41:33 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * string.c (rb_string_value): fix the previous commit.
+Sun Jan 31 21:43:35 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * string.c (rb_string_value): make no exception for Symbol.
+ [ruby-dev:40274]
+Sun Jan 31 21:10:15 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_throw): fixed infinite loop. [ruby-core:27969]
+Sun Jan 31 21:29:58 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/rexml/text.rb (REXML::Text#initialize): do Text.check only when
+ parent is specified, since Text.check may need doctype. partially
+ revert r26518.
+Sun Jan 31 15:50:34 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/rexml/text.rb (REXML::Text#initialize): fix typo and a bug that
+ seems to be caused by refactoring.
+Sun Jan 31 15:46:37 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/rexml/parent.rb (REXML::Parent#delete): return the deleted node
+ because the rdoc of REXML::Element#delete_element says it returns
+ "the element that was removed." [REXMLTracker#161]
+Sun Jan 31 14:33:00 2010 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * lib/csv.rb: A bug fix for deleting blank Table rows from Andy Hartford.
+Sun Jan 31 13:31:43 2010 wanabe <>
+ * gc.c (obj_free): free rb_classext_t of eigenclass. [Bug #1392]
+Sun Jan 31 13:00:14 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/rexml/document.rb (REXML::Document#add): fix duplicate XMLDecls
+ and bad DocTypes in REXML::Document. (Bug #19058) [ruby-core:27979]
+ based on the patch by Federico Builes.
+Fri Jan 29 22:49:21 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/getoptlong.rb (set_options): ensure that the type of argument is
+ Array, restoring this check that was deleted at r10239. This caused
+ rubyspec error.
+Fri Jan 29 12:59:33 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (mingw): needs $(DEFFILE) for extension libraries.
+ [ruby-core:27946]
+Fri Jan 29 11:09:49 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (try_do): log no source when no development env.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): srcprefix always needs $(srcdir).
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): yield configuration if a block is
+ given.
+Fri Jan 29 09:43:30 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/trans/utf8_mac.trans (buf_shift_char): don't see uninitialized
+ value. [ruby-dev:40233]
+Fri Jan 29 01:42:24 2010 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb (Delegator#initialize_copy): use initialize_copy
+ instead of overriding clone/dup. [ruby-dev:40221]
+ it now always clones the target, it might cause incompatibility.
+Fri Jan 29 01:26:53 2010 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_to_i): update RDoc to
+ denote that #to_i raises FloatDomainError for Inf and NaN.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_to_i): fast #to_i using
+ BigDecimal_split().
+ * bignum.c (conv_digit): use faster ISDIGIT() assuming ASCII.
+Fri Jan 29 00:18:54 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb: set autoload to CGI::HtmlExtension. [ruby-dev:40194]
+Thu Jan 28 09:44:19 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regcomp.c (onig_compile): initialize ScanEnv.
+ mainly to initialize env->warnings_flag [ruby-dev:40196]
+ * regparse.c (scan_env_clear): clear warnings_flag.
+Wed Jan 27 23:33:21 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/matrix/test_matrix.rb, test/matrix/test_vector.rb: add some
+ tests.
+Wed Jan 27 23:29:36 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/thread.rb (ConditionVariable#wait, signal, broadcast): return
+ self (for 1.8 compatibility).
+Wed Jan 27 23:27:54 2010 Keiju Ishitsuka <keiju@emperor2.pendome>
+ * lib/matrix.rb: add exception Matrix::ErrOperationNotImplemented
+ [ruby-dev:40149].
+ * lib/matrix.rb: change message of exception
+ Matrix::ErrOperationNotDefined [ruby-dev:40150], [ruby-dev:40176].
+ * lib/matrix.rb: add method Vector#/ [ruby-dev:40151].
+ * lib/matrix.rb(Matrix::Scalar#+,-,/): delete meaningless when
+ switch. [ruby-dev:40149]
+Wed Jan 27 23:22:54 2010 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * vm_dump.c (bugreport_backtrace): trivial change.
+ * vm_dump.c (rb_vm_bugreport): uninitialized local variable i.
+ [ruby-dev:40169]
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb (TestRubyOptions#test_segv_test):
+ follow above change.
+Wed Jan 27 23:20:52 2010 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/ruby/test_exception.rb
+ (TestException#test_thread_signal_location):
+ change test method name.
+Wed Jan 27 22:48:40 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb (determinant): fix name error.
+Wed Jan 27 22:26:25 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_backtrace): "circular require" warning was output to
+ stdout except the first line. All line is output to stderr now.
+ [ruby-dev:40147]
+Wed Jan 27 00:22:20 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_DoDivmod, BigDecimal_mod,
+ BigDecimal_divmod, BigDecimal_div2): BigDecimal#% and #div returned
+ an array itself that was returned by #divmod.
+Wed Jan 27 00:19:30 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (VpCtoV): do not raise infinity
+ exception for BigDecimal("0E200000000000").
+Tue Jan 26 21:50:31 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (VpCtoV): BigDecimal("0E200000000000")
+ was Infinity, not 0.
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb: add a test for above.
+Tue Jan 26 21:36:22 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test unsetenv returns a value.
+ unsetenv is void in older BSDs (FreeBSD 6 and OpenBSD 4.5 at least).
+ * hash.c (ruby_setenv): don't use the result of unsetenv if unsetenv
+ doesn't return a value.
+Tue Jan 26 21:32:03 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: suppress a warning.
+ * ext/extmk.rb: ditto.
+Tue Jan 26 20:23:22 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_invoke_proc): this function must not catch TAG_RETURN
+ because vm_exec does. This caused rubyspec error. [ruby-dev:40158]
+Tue Jan 26 20:21:28 2010 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/drb/eq.rb: fix circular require in drb.
+ reported by akr. see [ruby-dev:40156] [ruby-core:27661]
+Tue Jan 26 19:59:17 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (rb_gzfile_s_wrap): add rdoc. [Bug #2656]
+ patched by Hugh Sasse [ruby-core:27692] [ruby-core:27852]
+ * ext/zlib/doc/zlib.rd: removed.
+Tue Jan 26 16:43:34 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c: fix rdoc. (length -> bytesize)
+ reported by Kornelius Kalnbach. see [ruby-core:27792]
+Tue Jan 26 07:06:05 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb: suppress warnings.
+Tue Jan 26 03:16:45 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * cont.c, vm_core.h, eval.c: because rb_protect must not be jumped by
+ callcc, revert r26407. And rename trap_tag to protect_tag and
+ change exception message (across trap -> across stack rewinding
+ barrier).
+Mon Jan 25 23:08:10 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * thread.c (do_select): wrong conditions. [ruby-core:27753]
+Mon Jan 25 22:31:53 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb: use method_defined? instead of
+ instance_methods.include?.
+Mon Jan 25 22:08:20 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * cont.c (rb_cont_call, cont_restore_1): remove trap_tag check because
+ it seems not to make sense. [ruby-dev:40121]
+ * vm_core.h, eval.c (rb_protect): ditto.
+Mon Jan 25 21:43:05 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb: fix the check if instance method `ruby' is
+ defined or not.
+Mon Jan 25 21:17:32 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb (test_segv_test): add a test for
+ bugreport trace dumper.
+Mon Jan 25 17:47:02 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (pty_check): needs WNOHANG to poll, return $?, and
+ call raise_from_check() with pid_t. [ruby-dev:40141]
+Mon Jan 25 17:36:11 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * version.c (RUBY_LIB, RUBY_*_LIB): moved from configures.
+Mon Jan 25 12:11:45 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * signal.c (USE_SIGALTSTACK): only when SA_SIGINFO also is
+ available. see [ruby-core:27768].
+Mon Jan 25 12:02:34 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * dln.c, file.c, io.c, signal.c: add __HAIKU__.
+ patched by Alexander von Gluck [ruby-core:27767]
+Mon Jan 25 11:45:47 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * math.c (domain_check): ignore errno if y is inf.
+ r26335 is because NetBSD 5.0's asin and acos returns
+ 0.0 with errno EDOM. But it breaks Linux whose gamma returns inf
+ with errno ERANGE on.
+Sun Jan 24 22:48:05 2010 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c, vm.c, vm_eval.c, vm_insnhelper.c: fix issues about
+ return and c-return trace. This issue skips (c-)return event
+ with global jump such as break or return. This fix make vm invoke
+ hooks at stack rewind timing. fix [ruby-core:27606] [Bug #2610].
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: add a test for above.
+Sun Jan 24 14:21:48 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (rb_enc_strlen_cr): increment by rb_enc_mbminlen(enc) for
+ broken byte sequence. [ruby-core:27748]
+ (rb_str_inspect): ditto.
+Sun Jan 24 05:18:34 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (thread_start_func_2): unlock all locking mutexes
+ before clean up. [ruby-core:26877]
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_atfork): no other threads to be joined.
+ * vm_core.h (rb_thread_lock_unlock, rb_thread_lock_destroy):
+ new functions.
+ * vm.c (ruby_vm_destruct): unlock and destroy global VM lock.
+Sun Jan 24 00:31:39 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb: fix typo.
+ patched by Hal Brodigan [ruby-core:21536]
+Sun Jan 24 00:02:18 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/rdoc/markup/to_html_crossref.rb: fix failure of the test.
+ patched by Tomoyuki Chikanaga and nobu [ruby-core:20564]
+Sat Jan 23 23:27:12 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * dir.c (dir_s_glob): add rdoc by Roger Pack. [ruby-core:27669]
+Sat Jan 23 23:12:56 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/rdoc/generator/html.rb (RDoc::Generator::HTML#gen_into):
+ make the rdoc(generating html) run faster and use less memory.
+ patch by Tetsu Soh [ruby-core:27656]
+Sat Jan 23 19:54:48 2010 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: add WIN32OLE.ole_initialize,
+ WIN32OLE.ole_uninitialize to use in win32ole.rb.
+ You must not use these methods.
+ * ext/win32ole/lib/win32ole.rb: add win32ole.rb
+ re-define Thread#initialize (fix ruby-core:27634)
+Sat Jan 23 00:25:19 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * sample/coverage.rb: preserve exit status.
+Sat Jan 23 00:21:18 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_dir.rb: get rid of debug print.
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb: fixed to make test-all work.
+Fri Jan 22 23:54:04 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb: add a test for Array#rotate, rotate!.
+ * test/ruby/test_dir.rb, test/ruby/test_fnmatch.rb: add some tests
+ (for coverage of dir.c).
+ * test/ruby/test_enum.rb: add a test for Enumerable#minmax.
+ * test/ruby/test_enumerator.rb: add some tests for Enumerator#inspect,
+ Enumerator::Generator and Yielder.
+ * test/ruby/test_env.rb: add a test for ENV#index.
+ * test/ruby/test_exception.rb: add some tests (for coverage of
+ error.c).
+ * test/ruby/test_hash.rb: add a test for recursive check.
+ * test/ruby/test_integer.rb: add a test for number of argument of
+ Integer.
+ * test/ruby/test_method.rb: add a test for define_method.
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb: add a test for constant of included
+ module.
+ * test/ruby/test_proc.rb: add a test for parameters with cfunc.
+Fri Jan 22 23:50:03 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_regexp.rb, test/ruby/test_symbol.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_variable.rb: add some tests (for coverage of
+ compile.c).
+Fri Jan 22 21:05:34 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (time_mload): add submicro into vtm.subsecx. [ruby-dev:40133]
+Fri Jan 22 14:26:36 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (rdoc): needs encodings and exts.
+Fri Jan 22 14:16:18 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * add missing comma.
+Fri Jan 22 01:07:16 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_bignum.rb, test/ruby/test_class.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_defined.rb, test/ruby/test_hash.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_primitive.rb, test/ruby/test_variable.rb: add some
+ tests (for coverage).
+Fri Jan 22 01:03:28 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_require.rb (test_define_class): expect TypeError
+ instead of NameError. [ruby-core:27504]
+Thu Jan 21 15:09:35 2010 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * some tidy.
+Thu Jan 21 11:15:46 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_rotate): new methods, Array#rotate! and
+ Array#rotate. [ruby-dev:17194]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_reverse_m): copy directly.
+Thu Jan 21 09:38:00 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * use AS_CASE instead of when, to get rid of
+ an unintentional substitution.
+Thu Jan 21 08:45:03 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * iseq.c (iseq_s_disasm): check for proc first. based on the
+ patch by Roger Pack in [ruby-core:27626]. [ruby-core:27227]
+Wed Jan 20 16:09:59 2010 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * (compile.$(OBJEXT)): dependencies lacking.
+ * vm_method.c (rb_add_method_cfunc): invalid initializer for C89
+ * compile.c (iseq_insns_unification): int might be smaller than int*
+Tue Jan 19 20:00:30 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::Config.default_config_hash): return an
+ empty hash when resolv.conf is not available. [ruby-core:27620]
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::DNS::Config#lazy_initialize): fixed the
+ defaults of nameserver and port.
+Tue Jan 19 14:29:16 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (clean-ext): allow glob patterns.
+ * ext/extmk.rb: ditto.
+Tue Jan 19 14:19:26 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/zlib/{extconf.rb, zlib.c): crc32_combine and adler32_combine is
+ supported on Zlib, so check them for old zlib.
+Tue Jan 19 09:03:37 2010 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c: added Zlib.crc32_combine and Zlib.adler32_combine
+ * test/zlib/test_zlib.rb: corresponding tests [ruby-core:27551]
+Tue Jan 19 02:02:32 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb: add some tests (for coverage).
+ * test/ruby/test_bignum.rb: ditto.
+Tue Jan 19 01:57:12 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_bignum.rb: some coerce definitions (for test) was
+ wrong.
+Tue Jan 19 01:53:11 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * bignum.c (bigsub_int): remove nonsense loop.
+Tue Jan 19 01:42:36 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * parse.y (top_compstmt, top_stmts, top_stmt): prohibit BEGIN {} in
+ non-toplevel scope. [ruby-core:21657]
+ * test/ruby/test_beginendblock.rb (test_begininclass): add a test for
+ above.
+Mon Jan 18 17:16:03 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb (make_partial_content):
+ add bytes-unit. [ruby-dev:40030]
+Mon Jan 18 15:49:42 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTPHeader#{content_range,range_length}):
+ use inclusive range same as the header representation.
+Mon Jan 18 03:59:57 2010 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/digest.c (rb_digest_instance_hexdigest_bang): Fix
+ rdoc.
+ * ext/digest/lib/digest.rb (Digest::Class.base64digest)
+ (Digest::Instance#base64digest{,!}): New methods.
+Sun Jan 17 22:48:44 2010 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/digest.c (rb_digest_instance_digest)
+ (rb_digest_instance_hexdigest): Save a method call of reset()
+ for a disposable clone.
+Sun Jan 17 19:24:25 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * math.c (domain_check): check errno first.
+ NetBSD 5.0's asin and acos returns 0.0 with errno EDOM.
+Sun Jan 17 14:24:35 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (rb_str_derive): use long.
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (iconv_convert): suppress a warning.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (check_signedness): new method.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (have_header, create_header): use String#tr_cpp.
+Thu Jan 14 13:06:58 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_hash, int_chr): fixed type.
+Thu Jan 14 12:50:37 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_concat): fixed range check for Fixnum, and
+ added checks for integer overflow and invalid char code.
+Thu Jan 14 09:34:31 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_concat): raise RangeError when the argument is
+ negative value. [ruby-core:27583]
+Thu Jan 14 08:49:59 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (time_to_r): convert to rational if internal representation
+ is not rational.
+Thu Jan 14 04:01:50 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (time_mdump): use nano_num and nano_den instead of subnano to
+ avoid Rational class in marshaled data which prevent unmarshal by
+ Ruby 1.8.
+ (time_mload): use nano_num and nano_den.
+Wed Jan 13 11:57:38 2010 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * object.c (rb_class_initialize): Make sure BasicObject doesn't get
+ initialized twice [ruby-core:27577]
+ * class.c (rb_class_init_copy): ditto
+Wed Jan 13 06:54:44 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * check for if struct timezone is defined.
+ * missing.h (struct timezone): define if not defined.
+ * win32/win32.h (struct timezone): defined in the newer w32api.
+ [ruby-core:27515]
+Wed Jan 13 00:33:09 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/shell/command-processor.rb: fix typo by Sho Hashimoto.
+ reported and patched at [ruby-dev:40058] [Bug #2599]
+Tue Jan 12 23:48:29 2010 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/maker/base.rb, test/rss/test_maker_0.9.rb:
+ accept any time format in maker. [ruby-core:26923]
+Tue Jan 12 21:56:00 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_set_len): call rb_str_modify.
+ * file.c (realpath_rec): don't call rb_str_modify before
+ rb_str_set_len.
+Tue Jan 12 20:44:14 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * file.c (realpath_internal): call rb_secure.
+Tue Jan 12 16:48:46 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTP.start): options may not be given.
+Tue Jan 12 16:48:03 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_readline): check if instream
+ is closed instead of fd 0.
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (Init_readline): use STDIN for input.
+ Reported by Sora Harakami. See
+Tue Jan 12 16:09:02 2010 wanabe <>
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (test_execopts_env): MANDATORY_ENVS might
+ not be a part of ENV. e.g. TMPDIR.
+Tue Jan 12 14:07:31 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTP.start): add hash argument to
+ set ssl related options. when use_ssl is set default value
+ of verify_mode is OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER. [ruby-dev:40003]
+Tue Jan 12 14:53:07 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (init_env): use _wputenv() instead of
+ SetEnvironmentVariableW() because latter doesn't set msvcrt's environ
+ work area, of course.
+ [Bug #2552]
+Tue Jan 12 13:33:54 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * file.c (realpath_rec): trace symbolic link only when supporting
+ readlink().
+Tue Jan 12 12:49:39 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-here-doc-beg-match): fix for here-doc
+ which ends with an underscore.
+Tue Jan 12 09:58:03 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * hash.c: need to include errno.h for EINVAL.
+ * hash.c (ruby_setenv): fixed typo. see [ruby-dev:40026]
+Tue Jan 12 09:22:43 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * prelude.rb (require_relative): use File.realpath. [ruby-dev:40040]
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: declare rb_dir_getwd.
+ * dir.c (rb_dir_getwd): copied from dir_s_getwd to export.
+ (dir_s_getwd): use rb_dir_getwd.
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_realpath): new method File.realpath.
+ (rb_file_s_realdirpath): new method File.realdirpath.
+ * lib/pathname.rb (Pathname#realpath): use File.realpath.
+ (Pathname#realdirpath): use File.realdirpath.
+Mon Jan 11 22:45:08 2010 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * hash.c (ruby_setenv): Improve the emulation of setenv(3) on
+ environments where putenv(3) is used. Raise EINVAL If a
+ variable name contains an '='.
+Mon Jan 11 18:16:38 2010 wanabe <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.h (GET_BLOCK_PTR): return 0 when in class frame.
+ [Bug #2583]
+Mon Jan 11 16:52:05 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_strlen): added. [ruby-dev:40028]
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_str_strlen): declared.
+Mon Jan 11 13:30:35 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/webrick/accesslog.rb (WEBrick::AccessLog#format): fixed typo.
+ * lib/webrick/httpstatus.rb (WEBrick::HTTPStatus::Status#initialize):
+ accept 0 or more arguments. [ruby-dev:40021]
+Mon Jan 11 12:47:58 2010 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * hash.c (ruby_setenv): ENV.[]= should raise an error if setenv(3)
+ or putenv(3) fails. [ruby-dev:40023]
+Sun Jan 10 17:25:24 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/webrick/accesslog.rb : Escape needed.
+ * lib/webrick/httpstatus.rb : ditto.
+ * lib/webrick/httprequest.rb : ditto.
+ * lib/webrick/httputils.rb : ditto.
+ * test/webrick/test_cgi.rb (TestWEBrickCGI::test_bad_): Test for it.
+Sun Jan 10 04:54:36 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c (rb_define_class): raise TypeError same as class
+ statement. [ruby-core:27504]
+Sun Jan 10 04:41:20 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (configuration): needs ARCH_FLAG.
+Sat Jan 9 14:20:54 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * (install-all): maybe typo.
+Sat Jan 9 14:01:14 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * missing/vsnprintf.c (BSD_vfprintf): get rid of a warning of VC++ x64.
+Sat Jan 9 08:40:54 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/configure.bat (WIN32DIR): regularise file separators.
+Fri Jan 8 23:35:18 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * proc.c (mnew): don't check visibility of method body if public
+ ZSUPER method is found. [ruby-dev:39767]
+ * test/ruby/test_method.rb: add a test for above.
+Fri Jan 8 22:59:40 2010 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_alias): skip ZSUPER method when searching body of
+ source method. [ruby-dev:39760]
+ * test/ruby/test_alias.rb: add a test for above.
+Fri Jan 8 21:15:21 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http, lib/net/https: move content from net/https to
+ net/http. [ruby-dev:39986]
+Fri Jan 8 14:06:01 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_read): close the IO if an exception is raised on
+ seeking. [ruby-core:27429]
+Fri Jan 8 13:12:26 2010 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (w_symbol): dump no encoding for 7bit only coderange
+ symbol. [ruby-core:27375]
+Thu Jan 7 07:56:09 2010 Ryan Davis <>
+ * lib/minitest/*.rb: Imported minitest 1.5.0 r5596.
+ * test/minitest/*.rb: ditto.
+Tue Jan 5 19:30:53 2010 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/ruby/test_exception.rb: add a test. cf [ruby-dev:39116]
+Tue Jan 5 02:03:34 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (DTRACE): clear this when `dtrace -l` fails.
+ Note that current FreeBSD needs privilege to call it;
+ so to use DTrace on FreeBSD, you should run configure as root.
+Mon Jan 4 21:24:18 2010 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * gc.c: added UNLIKELY to probes for optimization.
+ * vm.c: ditto.
+ * thread.c: ditto.
+Mon Jan 4 09:30:54 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (TRACING_MODEL): follow yugui's previous changes.
+Mon Jan 4 09:30:25 2010 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * thread_win32.c (InterlockedExchangePointer): old SDK support.
+Sun Jan 3 23:54:51 2010 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * trace.h: new file. wraps tracing mechanisms.
+ * defs/dtrace.d: new file. defined a dtrace provider "ruby".
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (LIKELY): moved from vm.c.
+ (UNLIKELY): ditto.
+ (OBJSETUP): probe "object-create".
+ (RUBY_EVENT_RESCUE): new event.
+ * vm_exec.c (DEBUG_ENTER_INSN): embedded a probe insn-entry into it.
+ (DEBUG_END_INSN): insn-return.
+ * vm.c (LIKELY): moved into ruby.h.
+ (UNLIKELY): ditto.
+ (Init_BareVM): embedded a probe "raise" into it.
+ * variable.c (rb_class2name_without_alloc): new utility function.
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb (install?(:ext, :arch, :'ext-arch')): installs
+ dtrace.d if necessary.
+ * thread_pthread.c (add_signal_thread_list): probe "raise".
+ (rb_thread_create_timer_thread): ditto.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_schedule_rec): probes "thread-enter" and
+ "thread-leave",
+ (thread_start_func_2): ditto.
+ (thread_cleanup_func): probe "thread-term"
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: supports dtrace postprocessor on making an extension.
+ * iseq.c (rb_vm_insn_name): new utility function.
+ (rb_vm_insn_len): ditto.
+ * insns.def (hook): probes "method-entry", "method-return", "line",
+ and "rescue".
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): adds a trace op for "rescue" probe.
+ * gc.c (garbage_collect): probes "gc-begin" and "gc-end".
+ (obj_free): probe "object-free"
+ (garbage_collect_with_gvl): probe "raise"
+ (negative_size_allocation_error): ditto.
+ (rb_memerror): ditto.
+ * eval.c (rb_rescue2): probe "rescue"
+ (rb_longjmp): probe "raise"
+ * ext/probe/probe.c: new extension for application defined probes.
+ * ext/probe/extconf.rb: ditto.
+ * (--with-tracing-model): new option to choose a tracing
+ mechanism.
+ (DTRACE): new substitution. name of dtrace(1).
+ (RUBY_TRACING_MODEL): new substitution.
+ (DTRACE_OBJ): ditto.
+ (MINIDTRACE_OBJ): ditto.
+ (GOLFDTRACE_OBJ): ditto.
+ (RUBY_DTRACE_POSTPROCESS): new macro. checks whether the dtrace on
+ the system needs postprocessing.
+ (RUBY_DTRACE_BSD_BROKEN): new macro. checks whether the dtrace
+ supports USDT.
+ *
+ (DTRACE): new variable. name of dtrace(1).
+ (TRACING_MODEL): new variable. name of the chosen tracing mechanism.
+ (DTRACE_OBJ): same as the one in
+ (MINIDTRACE_OBJ): ditto.
+ (GOLFDTRACE_OBJ): ditto.
+ (CPPOUTFILE): new substitution. necessary for generating dtrace.d
+ (trace_none.h): new target for TRACING_MODEL=none
+ (RUBY_H_INCLUDES): appended a header for tracing.
+ (distclean-local): also removes preprocessed version of dtrace.d
+ ($(LIBRUBY_A)): needs $(LIBRUBY_DTRACE_OBJ) if dtrace needs
+ postprocessing.
+ ($(PROGRAM)): ditto.
+ (golf): ditto.
+ (miniruby): ditto.
+ ($(arch_hdrdir)/ruby/dtrace.d): new target. preprocessed version
+ of defs/dtrace.d. generated if necessary.
+ ($(arch_hdrdir)/ruby/trace_dtrace.h): new target.
+ definition of probes.
+ ($(LIBRUBY_DTRACE_OBJ)): new target. generated if dtrace needs
+ postprocessing.
+ ($(DTRACE_OBJ)): ditto.
+ ($(MINIDTRACE_OBJ)): ditto.
+ ($(GOLFDTRACE_OBJ)): ditto.
+Sun Jan 3 15:34:19 2010 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * lib/rexml/text.rb: String no longer has #each.
+ Patch by Mitsutaka Mimura (takkanm). [ruby-dev:39949].
+Sun Jan 3 01:29:18 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::DNS::Message::MessageDecoder#inspect):
+ implemented.
+Sat Jan 2 15:57:54 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::DNS#initialize): new option :nameserver_port.
+ (Resolv::DNS#each_resource): pass port number.
+ (Resolv::DNS#make_requester): ditto.
+ (Resolv::DNS::Config#lazy_initialize): initialize @nameserver_port
+ instead of @nameserver.
+ (Resolv::DNS::Config#single?): return port number addition to the
+ nameserver.
+ (Resolv::DNS::Config#generate_timeouts): use @nameserver_port.
+ (Resolv::DNS::Config#resolv): yield port number.
+Sat Jan 2 00:43:22 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (initialize_regexp): allow leading
+ and trailing white space, and forbid extra characters
+ on another lines. [ruby-core:26223]
+ RFC 3986 Appendix C. Delimiting a URI in Context
+ draft-duerst-iri-bis-07 7.2. Web Address processing
+Fri Jan 1 23:17:49 2010 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (URI#normalize!): normalize case of
+ scheme. [ruby-core:27309]
+Fri Jan 1 00:47:57 2010 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/digest.c (rb_digest_instance_method_unimpl): Suppress
+ compiler warnings.
+Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 2010 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/mkconfig.rb: generate RbConfig.ruby in rbconfig.rb.
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet/cgihandler.rb: use RbConfig.ruby.
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb: ditto.
+ * benchmark/report.rb: ditto.
+ * benchmark/runc.rb: ditto.
+ * tool/eval.rb: ditto.
+Thu Dec 31 18:18:55 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h: include addrinfo.h only when using our own
+ getaddrinfo.c.
+Thu Dec 31 14:20:11 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * process.c (save_redirect_fd): consider EBADF that the fd is not used.
+ [ruby-dev:39938]
+Thu Dec 31 06:03:48 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (addrinfo_type): typed.
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: fix for wide-getaddrinfo option.
+ * ext/socket/addrinfo.c: rename {addr,name}info functions to ensure
+ those are used on darwin.
+Thu Dec 31 03:27:53 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * thread_win32.c (native_thread_destroy): decreased the probability of
+ using the interrupt event in the thread termination.
+ see [ruby-core:27199].
+Thu Dec 31 02:35:57 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * thread_win32.c (w32_error): should report the function.
+Thu Dec 31 01:58:47 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb: fix for extstatic.
+Wed Dec 30 19:43:00 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RREGEXP_SRC_END): added.
+Wed Dec 30 19:40:00 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * include/ruby/defines.h (INFINITY): this is float.
+ * include/ruby/defines.h (NAN): ditto.
+ * numeric.c (rb_infinity): change content as float.
+ * numeric.c (rb_nan): ditto.
+Wed Dec 30 17:59:14 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gem_prelude.rb (push_all_highest_version_gems_on_load_path):
+ simplified.
+ * lib/rubygems/command_manager.rb (Gem#load_and_instantiate):
+ rescue only NameError from const_get.
+ * lib/rubygems/source_index.rb (Gem#load_specification): don't use
+ RUBY_VERSION to branch.
+ * lib/rubygems/validator.rb (Gem::TestRunner, Gem#alien): ditto.
+ * lib/rubygems.rb: Kernel#gem is already defined, and workaround
+ for home directory and custom_require are no longer needed.
+Tue Dec 29 16:03:33 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * numeric.c (Init_Numeric): Add Float::INFINITY and Float::NAN.
+ [ruby-dev:1657] [ruby-dev:4760] [ruby-list:7023]
+ [ruby-list:46690]
+ [ruby-core:26632] [ruby-talk:41352] [ruby-talk:203333]
+ * include/ruby/defines.h (INFINITY): defined.
+ * include/ruby/defines.h (NAN): defined.
+ * include/ruby/util.h (ruby_div0): removed.
+ * numeric.c (fix_pow): use INFINITY and NAN
+ instead of ruby_div0(1.0).
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): ditto.
+ * bignum.c (big_fdiv): ditto.
+Tue Dec 29 10:36:23 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb (REXML::Parsers::BaseParser::STANDALONE):
+ any number spaces can be placed between equal-sign and the value.
+ patch from Ed Howland in [ruby-core:27345].
+Mon Dec 28 22:33:58 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (CreateChild): force to inherit standard I/O handles.
+ this change fixes [ruby-core:27273], but other side effects might
+ exist.
+Mon Dec 28 22:00:10 2009 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/ruby/test_marshal.rb: added tests for taintness/untrustness
+ propagation.
+Mon Dec 28 18:13:26 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * sample/occur2.rb: reimplemented in modern style. [ruby-dev:39927].
+Mon Dec 28 17:19:37 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * tool/install-sh: correction by Hiro Asari.
+Mon Dec 28 13:18:52 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * tool/install-sh: wrote the intention. [ruby-dev:39928]
+Sun Dec 27 10:45:00 2009 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (foleparam_initialize): add foleparam_initialize
+ to check argument of
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_param.rb (test_s_new): add some assertion
+ to test
+Sun Dec 27 09:41:54 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb (install?(:local, :comm, :bin, :'bin-comm')):
+ Makes it vim friendly. __END__ in a heredoc is confusing with
+ the script end for vim.
+Sun Dec 27 09:13:55 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * sample/occur2.rb: have been broken. fixed for Ruby 1.9 feature.
+Thu Dec 24 16:32:30 2009 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (eql?): Check the class of the compared object.
+ Based on a patch by Peter McLain [ruby-core:27019]
+Thu Dec 24 15:20:03 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regexec.c (match_at): follow enclen's change.
+Thu Dec 24 12:08:00 2009 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb (marshal_dump/load): dump & load instance variables
+ by default [ruby-core:24211]
+Thu Dec 24 10:31:50 2009 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/object.c (rb_obj_cmp): Default <=> operator returns 0 if
+ objects are == [ruby-core:24063]
+Wed Dec 23 09:12:31 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/cgi/test_cgi_multipart.rb (CGIMultipartTest#_prepare):
+ always must be binary mode. c.f. Bug#2341
+Thu Dec 10 09:20:58 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (Init_Encoding): undef because
+ a class which is rb_undef_alloc-func-ed can't call new method.
+ [ruby-dev:39862]
+ * vm.c (Init_VM): undef and
+Mon Dec 21 17:51:44 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regcomp.c (optimize_node_left): include equal on the condition of for-loop.
+ This bug also affects original Oniguruma. [ruby-core:27247]
+Mon Dec 21 10:03:33 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regcomp.c (print_enc_string): follow enclen's change.
+ * regcomp.c (onig_print_compiled_byte_code): ditto.
+ * regcomp.c (onig_print_compiled_byte_code): change prototype.
+ * regint.c (onig_print_compiled_byte_code): comment out.
+Mon Dec 21 08:04:34 2009 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * object.c: BasicObject#initialize accepts any number of arguments
+ [ruby-core:27080]
+Mon Dec 21 02:45:46 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_iterate): remove SEGV (retry).
+Sun Dec 20 23:18:23 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_iterate): remove SEGV (use the original patch).
+ [ruby-dev:39874]
+Sun Dec 20 21:26:05 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_iterate): pass current block when the argument bl_proc
+ is NULL. This behavior can be used to make enumerator faster
+ [ruby-dev:39874]
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_each): pass current block directly instead
+ of trampoline block (enumerator_each_i).
+ * io.c (argf_each_line, argf_each_byte, argf_each_char): ditto.
+Sat Dec 19 14:59:30 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gem_prelude.rb (Kernel#gem): should make gem private. a patch
+ from Sho Hashimoto in [ruby-dev:39838].
+Sat Dec 19 14:57:17 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/webrick/config.rb (WEBrick::Config): typo fixed. a patch
+ from Sho Hashimoto in [ruby-dev:39835].
+Sat Dec 19 11:06:48 2009 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb (each2,collect2,map2): Fix enumerator
+ [ruby-core:27225]
+Sat Dec 19 09:58:05 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (check_funcall): reset method_missing_reason before
+ trying the call. based on a patch from Yehuda Katz in
+ [ruby-core:27219].
+Sat Dec 19 09:29:22 2009 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/set.rb: Add checks that passed argument is Enumerable.
+ [ruby-core:23844]
+Wed Dec 16 20:28:46 2009 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb: fix a typo in assert message.
+Wed Dec 16 16:57:59 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/un.rb (httpd): try to convert port number to integer.
+Wed Dec 16 11:18:30 2009 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * use "$BASERUBY" as a default ruby executable
+ name.
+Wed Dec 16 00:53:14 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/find.rb (Find.find): rescue more exceptions which is possible to
+ occur by other process change the directory tree.
+Tue Dec 15 09:06:33 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/find.rb (Find.find): get rid of race condition.
+Mon Dec 14 22:33:21 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/find.rb (Find.find): rescue only ENOENT and EACCES for lstat.
+Mon Dec 14 21:49:30 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/find.rb (Find.find): narrow rescue region.
+Mon Dec 14 09:20:54 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/find.rb (Find.find): removed already unnecessary code.
+Sun Dec 13 23:48:25 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/find.rb (Find.find): sort directory entries. [ruby-dev:39847]
+Sun Dec 13 20:55:30 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (invoke_ruby): call to_str for stdin_data to
+ reject non-string.
+Sun Dec 13 20:26:57 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ruby.c (rb_parser_dump_tree): add prototype.
+Thu Dec 10 20:55:55 2009 Martin Duerst <>
+ * transcode_data.h, transcode.c, tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: Added
+ support for new transcoding instruction FUNsio (with Tatsuya Mizuno)
+ * enc/trans/gb18030.trans: Significantly reduced GB18030 conversion
+ table footprint using FUNsio and differences (with Tatsuya Mizuno)
+ * test/ruby/test_transcode.rb: Minor name fix (from Tatsuya Mizuno)
+Thu Dec 10 17:22:36 2009 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_eval.c (yield_under): yields self the same as 1.8.
+Thu Dec 10 15:49:13 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_mutex_reinitialize_atfork): release and
+ re-acquire the lock at re-initialization.
+Thu Dec 10 12:56:02 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (enc_replicate): add Encoding#replicate(name).
+ * encoding.c (enc_replicate_with_index): renamed from old
+ enc_replicate.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_from_encoding_index): split from
+ rb_enc_from_encoding.
+Thu Dec 10 09:15:00 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_inspect): CHAR_ESC_LEN should be 13.
+Thu Dec 10 01:12:55 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (dyna_pop_gen): pop dvars. [ruby-dev:39861]
+Thu Dec 10 00:46:43 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * node.c (dump_node): fixed for long members.
+Wed Dec 9 22:57:04 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * node.c: node management added. Currently, only pretty-dumper is
+ implemented. [ruby-dev:39853]
+ * ruby.c: --dump=parsetree and --dump=parsetree_with_comment options
+ added. This is just for debug or research purpose. Note that the
+ compatibility of these options are not supported at all.
+Wed Dec 9 09:50:35 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_justify): fixed the case a fill size is a
+ multiple of the length of the padding. [ruby-dev:39856]
+Tue Dec 8 23:41:34 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/configure.bat: now recognize --with-*-{dir,include,lib} options
+ and pass them to mkmf.
+ * win32/configure.bat: general conversion from ``/'' to ``\'' of
+ configure_args is not necessary any longer.
+ * win32/setup.mak: BASERUBY is used as command, so always need to
+ convert ``/'' to ``\'' within it.
+Tue Dec 8 23:39:52 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_eq): suppress a warning on VC++ for x64.
+Tue Dec 8 16:19:05 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rubygems: update to 1.3.5.
+ * lib/rubygems/defaults.rb (Gem::default_dir): removed a clause
+ doing nothing.
+Tue Dec 8 03:50:24 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * file.c (rb_f_test): use string form in unknown command error
+ message.
+Mon Dec 7 14:11:08 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (w_object): reverted r26007. [ruby-dev:39845]
+ * test/test_delegate.rb (test_marshal): moved from test_marshal.rb.
+Mon Dec 7 13:05:59 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_justify): CVE-2009-4124.
+ Fixes a bug reported by
+ Emmanouel Kellinis <Emmanouel.Kellinis AT>, KPMG London;
+ Patch by nobu.
+Sun Dec 6 23:50:46 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * strftime.c: %l should be 1..12 instead of 0..12 [ruby-core:27072]
+Sun Dec 6 23:16:35 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/find.rb (Find.find): reduce stat system call.
+Sun Dec 6 16:02:15 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb: escape filename of index.
+ [ruby-dev:37768]
+Sun Dec 6 00:35:16 2009 Alexander Zavorine <>
+ * symbian/setup (config.h): EXECUTABLE_EXTS moved from
+ dln.c:dln_find_1().
+Sat Dec 5 15:35:05 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (w_object): dump instance variables when using
+ marshal_dump. [ruby-core:24211]
+ * variable.c (rb_ivar_count): added.
+Sat Dec 5 13:19:29 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * default ac_cv_prog_CC to CC.
+Sat Dec 5 10:18:26 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/irb/extend-command.rb (def_extend_command): fixed argument
+ number for negative arity.
+Fri Dec 4 16:50:13 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (k_def): adjust the location of method definition to the
+ line of def. [Bug #2427]
+Fri Dec 4 19:05:28 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * insns.def (defined): should respect #respond_to_missing? as
+ #respond_to? does.
+Fri Dec 4 15:50:18 2009 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_eval.c (yield_under): does not yield self, and passes blockptr
+ instead of &block to vm_cref_push(). [ruby-dev:39833]
+Fri Dec 4 15:15:43 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (num_exact): should not accept strings as operands, even
+ though they respond to #to_r. ideally, strict rational
+ conversion should be done by a method like #to_rational, not #to_r.
+ [ruby-core:23729]
+Fri Dec 4 13:10:23 2009 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (ungetc): RDoc updated. trunk allows
+ pushing back behind the beginning of the pseudo stream.
+Fri Dec 4 03:10:38 2009 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * compile.c (compile_cpath, iseq_compile_each): reverted
+ constant/class variable lookup in instance_eval etc. to the
+ behavior of 1.8.
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_nesting): ditto.
+ * insns.def (putspecialobject, defineclass): ditto.
+ * node.h (NODE_FL_CREF_PUSHED_BY_EVAL): ditto.
+ * vm_core.h (VM_SPECIAL_OBJECT_CONST_BASE): ditto.
+ * vm_eval.c (yield_under, eval_under): ditto.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_cref_push, vm_get_const_base,
+ vm_get_ev_const, vm_get_cvar_base): ditto.
+Thu Dec 3 20:27:27 2009 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/trans/gb18030-tbl.rb: Fix omission of C1 region in code table
+ (from Tatsuya Mizuno)
+ * test/ruby/test_transcode.rb: Added test for converting full range of
+ Unicode codepoints from/to GB18030 (from Tatsuya Mizuno)
+Wed Dec 2 23:51:28 2009 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c: initialize @hostname of SSLSocket to avoid
+ warning at SSLSocket#connect.
+Tue Dec 1 18:01:43 2009 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/digest/test_digest_extend.rb: added tests for digest framework.
+Tue Dec 1 12:01:13 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (dyna_push_gen, dyna_pop_gen): no needs to save both of
+ args and vars. [ruby-core:26961]
+ * parse.y (dyna_push_gen): use rb_node_newnode() for ripper.
+ [ruby-core:26961]
+ * parse.y (dyna_push_gen, dyna_pop_gen): adjust local vtable level
+ for the case of syntax errors in method name or argument inside
+ do block. [ruby-core:26961]
+Mon Nov 30 16:57:45 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (command_output): $makeflags are already quoted.
+Mon Nov 30 16:54:22 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, win32/Makefile.sub (EXECUTABLE_EXTS): moved from
+ dln.c:dln_find_1().
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (def find_executable0): use EXECUTABLE_EXTS, not
+ only EXEEXT. [ruby-core:26821]
+Mon Nov 30 11:00:12 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): suppress an extra error message after
+ numeric literal without digits. based on a patch from ujihisa .
+ in [ruby-dev:39811]. [ruby-dev:39798]
+Sun Nov 29 16:56:24 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (check_funcall_failed): pass ID. [ruby-core:26934]
+Sun Nov 29 06:37:53 2009 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * lib/rexml/formatters/default.rb (write_attribute): fix an
+ exception when printing a document when duplicate namespaced
+ attributes exist. Thanks, Alexey Froloff [ruby-core:26837]
+Sat Nov 28 09:05:53 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * vm_eval.c (check_funcall_failed): should rescue user raised
+ NoMethodError. rescue all NoMethodError if receiver does not
+ respond to the method name. [ruby-dev:39796]
+Thu Nov 26 21:14:30 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * test/ruby/test_complex.rb (@unify): fix the detection if math
+ loaded. This makes test_complex.rb work fine with the previous
+ commit.
+ * test/ruby/test_rational.rb (@unify): ditto.
+Thu Nov 26 21:13:36 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * test/test_mathn.rb (TestMathn): new test case.
+ test for r25067.
+Thu Nov 26 21:11:23 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * test/openssl/test_config.rb (OpenSSL::TestConfig): new test case.
+ test for r25017.
+Thu Nov 26 21:08:54 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * test/ruby/test_range.rb (TestRange#test_comparison_when_recursive):
+ test for r25010.
+ * test/ruby/test_struct.rb (TestStruct#test_comparison_when_recursive):
+ ditto.
+Thu Nov 26 20:18:02 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * gem_prelude.rb (Gem.set_home): must dup before force_encoding
+ and must force_encoding before gsub.
+ cf. Yen Sign problem of SJIS [ruby-core:26910]
+Thu Nov 26 17:54:37 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/{configure.bat, setup.mak, Makefile.sub}: add new configure
+ option ``--with-ntver''.
+Thu Nov 26 11:42:22 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/mkmf/base.rb: use $INCFLAGS to add -I option. [Bug#2387]
+Thu Nov 26 07:17:58 2009 wanabe <>
+ * marshal.c (mark_dump_arg): mark str. see also [ruby-dev:39735]
+Thu Nov 26 00:05:58 2009 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/digest/test_digest_extend.rb: Added tests for current digest
+ framework.
+Wed Nov 25 20:46:37 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_search_method_entry): refine error message.
+Wed Nov 25 19:29:05 2009 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/digest.c (rb_digest_instance_method_unimpl): Do not
+ call rb_inspect() on an object that does not implement necessary
+ methods; reported by NaHi.
+Wed Nov 25 19:30:30 2009 Martin Duerst <>
+ * transcode.c: Added a check for an internal error
+ (with Tatsuya Mizuno)
+Tue Nov 24 22:57:46 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (EnvUtil.invoke_ruby): raise Timeout::Error
+ instead of flunk. reported by Yusuke Endoh.
+Tue Nov 24 22:31:44 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * vm.c (ruby_vm_destruct, thread_memsize): fix argument type to make
+Tue Nov 24 21:25:21 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * error.c: include errno.h at beginning.
+Tue Nov 24 20:11:37 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * strftime.c: %Y format a year with 4 digits at least.
+ * lib/time.rb: format a year with 4 digits at least.
+Tue Nov 24 20:05:27 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * defs/known_errors.def: more errors.
+Tue Nov 24 20:01:49 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_bug_errno): declared.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_strerrno): declaration removed.
+ * error.c (rb_strerrno): make it static. return NULL for unknown
+ errors.
+ (rb_bug_errno): defined.
+ * thread_pthread.c: use rb_bug_errno.
+ * signal.c (ruby_signal): use rb_bug_errno.
+Tue Nov 24 10:17:38 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * file.c (file_path_convert): fix fs_encoding is not assign.
+Tue Nov 24 10:00:00 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (rb_strerrno): constified.
+Tue Nov 24 09:49:31 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * error.c (rb_strerrno): return "UNKNOWNERROR" for non-zero unknown
+ error.
+Tue Nov 24 09:18:33 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_strerrno): declared.
+ * template/ generate defined_error() and
+ undefined_error() instead of set_syserr.
+ * error.c (Init_syserr): define defined_error() and undefined_error()
+ to follow the above change.
+ (rb_strerrno): defined.
+ * thread_pthread.c: show error message and errno macro name with
+ rb_bug.
+Mon Nov 23 16:06:53 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (RUBY_STACK_MIN, RUBY_STACK_SPACE): delay for
+ platforms where PTHREAD_STACK_MIN is not compile time constant.
+ [ruby-dev:39751]
+Mon Nov 23 11:26:45 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dln.c (dln_find_1): removed duplication.
+Mon Nov 23 04:12:00 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enc/trans/newline.trans (fun_so_universal_newline): generate \n
+ after \r\n detection instead of just after \r.
+ [ruby-list:45988] [ruby-core:25881] [ruby-core:26788]
+Sat Nov 21 18:48:35 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_search_method_entry): show flags and klass value in
+ not implemented error message.
+Sat Nov 21 16:38:50 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (marshal_dump): use normal object as the buffer so
+ that no hidden object is exposed to ruby-level. [ruby-dev:39744]
+Sat Nov 21 15:58:43 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (read_all): fix: false negative invalid byte sequence
+ on reading from pipes. [ruby-dev:39743]
+ fix: assign the variable 'pos' as relative value from recent pos.
+Sat Nov 21 14:44:16 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * file.c (file_path_convert): delay getting UTF8-MAC encoding
+ while really needed. [ruby-core:26807]
+Fri Nov 20 21:16:54 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_search_method_entry): avoid trigraph.
+Thu Nov 19 23:17:06 2009 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (putbinaryfile): use APPE for resume.
+ Thanks, Tomoyuki Chikanaga.
+Thu Nov 19 22:50:05 2009 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (flag_list): untaint strings to intern in the safe
+ level 1.
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (max_flag_count=): new methods to set the max
+ number of flags interned to symbols.
+Thu Nov 19 20:43:39 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/getnameinfo.c: need to include extconf.h for HAVE_* macros.
+ reported by Kenta Murata <mrkn AT> via IRC.
+Thu Nov 19 17:00:59 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: nmake execute the file named echo if it exists
+ in the PATH. reported by Kenta Murata <mrkn AT> via IRC.
+Thu Nov 19 02:50:47 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_search_method_entry): show the type of the hidden
+ object.
+ (rb_type_str): new function for above.
+Thu Nov 19 00:47:09 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+Wed Nov 18 22:00:13 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (fill_cbuf): extracted from more_char.
+ (io_shift_cbuf): fix memmove condition.
+ (read_all): use fill_cbuf directly to avoid ECONV_AFTER_OUTPUT.
+ [ruby-dev:39708]
+Wed Nov 18 18:25:09 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_atfork_internal): reinitialize global lock
+ at fork to get rid of deadlock. based on the patch from Hongli
+ Lai in [ruby-core:26783]. [ruby-core:23572]
+Wed Nov 18 17:48:22 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (terminate_atfork_i): all mutex locks by other threads
+ have been abandoned at fork.
+Wed Nov 18 15:27:20 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * file.c (file_path_convert): delay getting filesystem encoding
+ while really needed.
+Wed Nov 18 12:33:42 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (enc_set_default_encoding): reset filesystem
+ encoding because on resetting default_external because
+ Unix's filesystem encoding depends on default_external.
+ * encoding.c (enc_set_filesystem_encoding): added.
+ * ruby.c (process_options): don't call rb_filesystem_encoding
+ because filesystem encoding is reset when default_external
+ is reset.
+Wed Nov 18 11:57:32 2009 TAKANO Mitsuhiro (takano32) <>
+ * math.c (math_gamma): fix incorrect comparison expression.
+ see also [ruby-dev:39709] [Bug #2381]
+Wed Nov 18 11:37:05 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (rb_scan_open_args): move path encoding conversion
+ for filesystem encoding of Mac OS X.
+ * file.c (file_path_convert): added for convert encoding
+ of file path.
+ * file.c (rb_get_path_check): add file_path_convert.
+Wed Nov 18 10:17:09 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (str_utf8_nth): no count_utf8_lead_bytes_with_word
+ optimization for short string. [ruby-core:26787]
+ * string.c (str_utf8_offset): str_utf8_nth never return NULL.
+Wed Nov 18 10:12:34 2009 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_undef): should raise TypeError if klass is nil.
+ 1.instance_eval { undef to_s } causes SEGV before this fix.
+ * test/ruby/test_undef.rb: new tests for undef.
+Wed Nov 18 08:41:42 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (str_utf8_nth): fixed overrun. [ruby-core:26787]
+Wed Nov 18 07:51:01 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (parse_mode_enc): fix invalid access.
+Tue Nov 17 23:50:06 2009 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_alias): should raise TypeError if klass is nil.
+ 1.instance_eval { alias to_string to_s } causes SEGV before this
+ fix.
+ * test/ruby/test_alias.rb (test_special_const_alias): ditto.
+Tue Nov 17 17:53:53 2009 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/big5.c, enc/trans/big5.trans, enc/trans/big5-uao-tbl.rb,
+ test/ruby/test-transcode.rb: Added Encoding 'Big5-UAO' and transcoding
+ for it (from Tatsuya Mizuno) (see Bug #1784)
+Tue Nov 17 16:26:24 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * insns.def (opt_case_dispatch): runtime value cannot be used as
+ an element initializer.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (opt_case_dispatch_i): gets rid of type-punning
+ calls.
+Mon Nov 16 15:51:53 2009 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method): protected singleton methods of
+ an object should not be able to called from other instances of the
+ class of the object. [ruby-core:26761]
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_method_call_status): ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb (test_protected_singleton_method): ditto.
+Mon Nov 16 14:03:53 2009 wanabe <>
+ * io.c (read_all): shift read buffer if exception occurred.
+ pointed out in [ruby-dev:39702].
+Mon Nov 16 07:59:38 2009 wanabe <>
+ * io.c (read_all): don't call io_shift_cbuf until buffering enough or
+ econv_finished. [ruby-dev:39696]
+ * io.c (more_char): don't call clear_readconv to read buffer after
+ econv_finished.
+ * io.c (appendline, rb_io_each_codepoint): clear readconv when done.
+Mon Nov 16 01:58:08 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_classext_t): annotate @internal.
+Mon Nov 16 01:35:34 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_filesystem_encindex): use default external encoding
+ instead of locale encoding in Unix.
+ * ruby.c (process_options): delay filesystem encoding
+ initialization until default external encoding initialization.
+Mon Nov 16 00:06:26 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * thread.c (thread_cleanup_func): delete locking_mutex when thread
+ object become dummy because of fork. [ruby-core:26744]
+ [ruby-core:26745]
+ * bootstraptest/test_thread.rb: add a test for above.
+Sat Nov 14 21:54:46 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * class.c (rb_mod_init_copy): fix memory leak of Class#dup.
+ [ruby-dev:39687]
+Sat Nov 14 17:09:39 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (--with-opt-dir): ignore and suppress a warning.
+ [ruby-dev:39684]
+Sat Nov 14 16:43:24 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (ruby_setenv): get rid of crash in Solaris 8 and 10.
+ [ruby-core:26668]
+Sat Nov 14 09:16:54 2009 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimalCmp): Fix comparisons
+ [ruby-core:26646]
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb (class): Fix and improve tests.
+Sat Nov 14 04:07:06 2009 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/variable.rb (TkVariable::coerce): fix bug on a
+ numeric value.
+Sat Nov 14 03:35:29 2009 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/variable.rb: TkVariable#*(other) and /(other) have a
+ bug on handling of the "other" value.
+Fri Nov 13 21:18:15 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (rb_zlib_adler32): fix typo.
+Fri Nov 13 16:22:00 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (thread_start_func_2): see first_func, not first_proc,
+ to decide which to use.
+ * gc.c (vm_xrealloc): use the given object space.
+Fri Nov 13 00:46:24 2009 Takeyuki FUJIOKA <>
+ * lib/cgi/util.rb (CGI::pretty): fix the overflow bug
+ if stripped string.[ruby-dev:37975]
+Thu Nov 12 23:08:11 2009 Takeyuki FUJIOKA <>
+ * lib/cgi/core.rb (read_from_cmdline): this code is better.
+ [ruby-core:25991]
+Thu Nov 12 22:55:42 2009 Takeyuki FUJIOKA <>
+ * lib/net/telnet.rb: don't use simple delegate.
+ because SimpleDelegate behavior changed.
+Thu Nov 12 14:33:21 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread_win32.c (thread_errno): CreateThread does not set errno.
+ * thread.c (thread_create_core): moved failure handling from
+ native_thread_core().
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_thread_create): constified.
+Thu Nov 12 10:08:56 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * .document: remove documents not in rdoc format until
+ rdoc supports non rdoc files. [ruby-core:26459]
+Thu Nov 12 06:42:38 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb (Tempfile#initialize): option hash may not be
+ given. [ruby-core:26681]
+Thu Nov 12 01:29:15 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * enumerator.c (yielder_yield_push): Yielder#<< should return self.
+ [ruby-dev:39660]
+Wed Nov 11 19:17:35 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb (Tempfile#initialize): merge mode option.
+ * lib/tmpdir.rb (Dir::Tmpname#create): splat options.
+Wed Nov 11 12:54:02 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (ruby_setenv): use ruby_strdup().
+Wed Nov 11 12:19:27 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * hash.c (ruby_setenv): also set CRT workarea. ref [ruby-core:25010]
+Wed Nov 11 09:36:02 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (w_object, r_object0): use RHASH_IFNONE but not ifnone
+ directly.
+Wed Nov 11 08:32:45 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * thread.c (blocking_region_begin): define before BLOCKING_REGION.
+ reported by Luis Lavena. [ruby-core:26670]
+Wed Nov 11 08:22:19 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * util.c (ruby_strtod): use dval() consistently.
+Wed Nov 11 02:14:48 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * test/matrix/test_matrix.rb (TestMatrix#test_rank):
+ added a test method for r24969.
+Tue Nov 10 08:23:21 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (rb_f_exec, rb_f_system, rb_f_spawn): mentioned about
+ the shell to be used when the command line is single string.
+ See [ruby-core:26652]
+Mon Nov 9 20:15:16 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * thread.c (rb_gc_save_machine_context): don't save the stack pointer
+ in this function.
+ (RB_GC_SAVE_MACHINE_CONTEXT): call rb_gc_save_machine_context and
+ save the stack pointer at caller side.
+ (rb_thread_schedule_rec): use RB_GC_SAVE_MACHINE_CONTEXT instead of
+ rb_gc_save_machine_context.
+ (blocking_region_begin): changed to a macro. use
+ RB_GC_SAVE_MACHINE_CONTEXT instead of rb_gc_save_machine_context.
+ [ruby-dev:39659]
+Mon Nov 9 11:28:29 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (warnflags): add -Wno-long-long.
+Sun Nov 8 18:13:12 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c: use RHASH_IFNONE but not ifnone directly.
+Sat Nov 7 21:02:57 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pp.rb (PP::ObjectMixin#pretty_print): use to_s regardless of
+ instance variables.
+Sat Nov 7 20:59:11 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_push_frame): get rid of out-of-bounds
+ access.
+Sat Nov 7 12:41:19 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (VM_CALLEE_SETUP_ARG): revert r25521.
+ [ruby-core:26427] [ruby-core:26447]
+Fri Nov 6 18:33:47 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_push_frame): add CHECK_STACK_OVERFLOW.
+ [ruby-dev:39592]
+ * eval.c (rb_longjmp): add 1 level backtrace for sysstack_error
+ without calling any method to prevent further stack overflow.
+ * eval.c (make_exception): don't call #exception for
+ sysstack_error to prevent stack overflow.
+ * proc.c (Init_Proc): don't freeze sysstack_error.
+ * eval.c (rb_longjmp): move reentrant check after exception
+ preparation.
+Fri Nov 6 17:13:45 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_header): split the line by tabs.
+Fri Nov 6 12:02:32 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (MINIDLNOBJ): set default as dmydln.o.
+ Now LLVM clang seems to be able to build Ruby 1.9.
+Fri Nov 6 09:29:32 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_filesystem_encindex): add fallback to
+ ASCII-8BIT on Windows.
+Fri Nov 6 07:29:07 2009 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/ruby/test_case.rb: merged r25658 from ruby_1_8.
+Thu Nov 5 12:27:07 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * gem_prelude.rb (Gem.user_home): force_encoding(
+ Encoding.find('filesystem')). [ruby-core:26525]
+Thu Nov 5 07:47:31 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (BEGIN): now local_push and local_pop are necessary in
+ ripper.
+Wed Nov 4 21:39:10 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * .document: add some README files to default rdoc's of trunk.
+ patched by Roger Pack [ruby-core:26459]
+Wed Nov 4 16:06:11 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/st.h (SIZEOF_ST_INDEX_T): moved from st.c for
+ Init_RandomSeed().
+Wed Nov 4 15:50:16 2009 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (NUM2CHR): prefix __extension__ for
+ braced-groups within expressions.
+Wed Nov 4 15:46:30 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (set_{internal,external}_encoding_once): fixed typos.
+Wed Nov 4 12:49:18 2009 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * proc.c (mnew): Fix scope issue [ruby-core:26069]
+Wed Nov 4 08:50:51 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (rb_hash_start): moved from string.c.
+ * random.c (Init_RandomSeed2): register global address before set.
+ * random.c (Init_RandomSeed): initialize hashseed.
+Wed Nov 4 08:26:00 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (dir_check): moved other checks from GetDIR.
+ * dir.c (GetDIR): fixed a variable name.
+Wed Nov 4 08:19:31 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * cont.c (rb_fiber_start): fixed unconditional test.
+Wed Nov 4 02:08:14 2009 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/dl/cptr.c (rb_dlptr_eql, rb_dlptr_cmp): DL::CPtr#== and DL::CPtr#<=>
+ should not raise an exception when compared to a different object.
+Wed Nov 4 00:05:36 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_upto): make next object before yield its block.
+ fix: can modify original begin string of String#upto.
+ [ruby-dev:26384] [ruby-dev:39626]
+Mon Nov 2 18:33:21 2009 wanabe <>
+ * cont.c (fiber_free): don't free unallocated local_storage. see #1325.
+ * cont.c (cont_init): clear local_storage not to use current thread's.
+ * cont.c (fiber_t_alloc, root_fiber_alloc): link itself always for
+ a case that fiber_link_remove() is called before fiber_link_join().
+ * cont.c (fiber_init): clear cont->vm_stack and th->stack before
+ root_fiber_alloc() in rb_fiber_current().
+Mon Nov 2 14:52:53 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_exc_raise, rb_exc_fatal, rb_make_exception):
+ suppressed shorten-64-to-32 warnings.
+Mon Nov 2 14:43:48 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_stop_timer_thread): delay joining timer
+ thread after unlocking mutex.
+Mon Nov 2 13:31:14 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_stop_timer_thread): need to join timer thread
+ only when really stopping it.
+Mon Nov 2 12:55:50 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * thread_{pthread,win32}.c (native_stop_timer_thread): join the thread
+ here.
+ * thread_{pthread,win32}.c (native_reset_timer_thread): new function.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_stop_timer_thread, rb_thread_reset_timer_thread):
+ call above function instead of simply setting 0.
+Mon Nov 2 11:22:19 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/dl/win32/lib/win32/registry.rb: update rdoc. [ruby-core:26022]
+Sun Nov 1 20:16:03 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c: fixed rdoc. [ruby-core:26457]
+Sun Nov 1 16:24:16 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (rb_cv_stack_grow_dir): fix for universal binary.
+ * (sitehdrdir, vendorhdrdir): fixed default values.
+Sun Nov 1 13:31:16 2009 wanabe <>
+ * win32/win32.c (overlapped_socket_io, recvmsg, sendmsg): pass handle
+ instead of pointer to CloseHandle().
+Sun Nov 1 13:11:27 2009 wanabe <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (socket_s_ip_address_list): use FreeLibrary() to
+ free HMODULE.
+Sun Nov 1 08:17:48 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (GET_STACK_BOUNDS): refactored common code. based on a
+ patch from Suraj N. Kurapati <sunaku AT> in
+ [ruby-core:26443].
+Sat Oct 31 23:44:35 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (enum_count): remove optimization using #size.
+ revert r25560.
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_funcall_no_recursive): remove method.
+Sat Oct 31 23:28:49 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * vm_eval.c (check_funcall): logic updated according to
+ [ruby-dev:39594]. search method entry, call if it exists;
+ otherwise check method_missing, call if it was overridden,
+ protecting exceptions; if NoMethodError happens, check method
+ name.
+ * vm_eval.c (vm_call0): use idMethodMissing.
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_search_method_entry): typo fixed.
+Sat Oct 31 17:19:28 2009 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTPResponse#each_response_header):
+ cosmetic: '?\ ' -> '?\s'
+Fri Oct 30 22:09:47 2009 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTPResponse#each_response_header):
+ accept multiline message header of HTTP response. see #1796.
+ cf. RFC 2616 '4.2 Message Header'.
+ * test/net/http/test_httpresponse.rb: added.
+Fri Oct 30 18:54:04 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (trnext): detect empty range and raise exception.
+ [ruby-dev:39108]
+Fri Oct 30 17:01:46 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (enum call_type): get rid of last comma.
+ * vm_eval.c (vm_call0, vm_call_super, rb_f_send, rb_f_public_send):
+ fixed call_type. [ruby-dev:39581]
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_search_method_entry, rb_method_call_status): split
+ from rb_call0().
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_check_funcall): get rid of raising exceptions and
+ hiding further exceptions. [ruby-dev:39584]
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_funcall_no_recursive): ditto.
+Fri Oct 30 13:36:39 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_blocking_region): reverted r25566, and added
+ description that no exception is allowed inside `func', instead.
+ see [ruby-dev:39582]
+Fri Oct 30 13:13:16 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32.c (recvmsg, sendmsg, link): shouldn't raise ruby's exceptions
+ in the functions expected as system API. see [ruby-dev:39579] and
+ [ruby-dev:39582]
+Fri Oct 30 12:59:20 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_blocking_region): standard C doesn't accept
+ preprocessing directive within macro expansion.
+Fri Oct 30 10:55:36 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_blocking_region): must ensure to unlock GVL.
+ [ruby-dev:39579]
+Fri Oct 30 04:47:26 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RSTRING_END): trivial optimization.
+ * string.c (rb_str_sub_bang): trivial optimization.
+Fri Oct 30 02:11:36 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (enum_count): call #size using rb_funcall_no_recursive()
+ to prevent infinite recursive calls. [ruby-core:24794]
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_funcall_no_recursive): utility function to check
+ direct recursive call.
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_check_funcall): move from eval.c. [refactoring]
+Thu Oct 29 18:37:02 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (Init_Encoding): revert previous commit.
+ * ruby.c (process_options): ditto.
+Thu Oct 29 15:35:39 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (Init_Encoding): set locale and filesystem encindex.
+ * ruby.c (process_options): move setting func of filesystem
+ encoding to Init_Encoding.
+Thu Oct 29 15:43:25 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_core.h (rb_name_err_mesg_new): added prototype.
+Thu Oct 29 13:53:18 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_to_ary): do not use #respond_to? to detect
+ to_ary. Just call. [ruby-core:23738]
+ * eval.c (rb_check_funcall): new function with method existence
+ check. returns Qundef when the method does not exist.
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_rewind): just call method, using
+ rb_check_funcall(). [ruby-core:23738]
+ * error.c (exc_equal): ditto.
+ * object.c (convert_type): ditto.
+ * error.c (rb_name_err_mesg_new): export function.
+ * eval.c (make_exception): ditto.
+ * io.c (pop_last_hash): return early when the last argument is nil.
+ * io.c (rb_io_puts): treat T_STRING specially for small
+ optimization.
+ * vm_eval.c (raise_method_missing): skip method call if possible
+ using rb_method_basic_definition_p().
+ * vm_eval.c (method_missing): ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb (TestRubyOptions#test_debug): test
+ suites changed to ignore exceptions caused by just-call policy.
+Thu Oct 29 04:41:44 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ruby.c (process_options): call rb_filesystem_encoding().
+Thu Oct 29 04:40:36 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (Init_IO): rb_default_rs should be US-ASCII.
+Thu Oct 29 01:22:01 2009 Yutaka Kanemoto <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb : Compilation failure on AIX.
+ ss_len (a member of struct sockaddr_storage) has preceding __,
+ but ss_family does not have it from AIX 5.2.
+Wed Oct 28 16:32:49 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (get_filesystem_encoding): removed.
+ * encoding.c (rb_locale_encindex): added.
+ * encoding.c (rb_filesystem_encindex): added.
+ * encoding.c (rb_filesystem_encindex): add an alias 'filesystem'.
+ [ruby-dev:39574]
+ * encoding.c (enc_find): add rdoc about special aliases.
+ * gem_prelude.rb (Gem.set_home): use Encoding.find('filesystem').
+ * gem_prelude.rb (Gem.set_paths): ditto.
+Wed Oct 28 15:02:31 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * gem_prelude.rb (Gem.set_home):
+ force_encoding(Encoding.filesystem_encoding)
+ [ruby-core:25959]
+ * gem_prelude.rb (Gem.set_paths): ditto.
+Wed Oct 28 14:24:45 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (get_filesystem_encoding):
+ add Encoding.filesystem_encoding [ruby-dev:39546]
+ also see [ruby-core:25959]
+Wed Oct 28 14:51:31 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (etc_each_group): fixed typo.
+Wed Oct 28 13:02:10 2009 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (Net::FTP#initialize): sets @binary to true.
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (Net::FTP#binary=): sends a TYPE command only when
+ logged in. [ruby-dev:39548]
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (Net::FTP#send_type_command): new private method
+ which sends an appropriate TYPE command according to the value of
+ @binary.
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (Net::FTP#login): calls send_type_command instead
+ of binary=.
+Wed Oct 28 12:26:51 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_setup_method): should push call frame before
+ raising exception, to put the Ruby-defined method name in the
+ error message. [ruby-core:26333]
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (VM_CALLEE_SETUP_ARG): macro modified.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_yield_setup_args): modified for new
+Tue Oct 27 22:46:44 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (Net::FTP#initialize): @sock = nil.
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (Net::FTP#binary=): send command only when
+ socket is open. [ruby-dev:39548]
+Tue Oct 27 22:22:38 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (Init_stringio): added read_nonblock and
+ write_nonblock aliases. [ruby-dev:39551]
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_data_type): typed.
+Tue Oct 27 21:20:35 2009 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/variable.rb: add TkVariable#+@ and -@ method.
+Tue Oct 27 16:36:52 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (chopped_length): get rid of unexpected exception.
+ see [ruby-core:26336].
+Tue Oct 27 15:53:10 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * gc.h (SET_MACHINE_STACK_END): use __i386.
+ Some compiler may not define __i386__.
+ Solaris 64-bit Developer's Guide:
+Tue Oct 27 15:44:48 2009 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (getbinaryfile, list): call to_s to convert
+ a Pathname instance into a string. [ruby-core:26237]
+Tue Oct 27 12:30:16 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.h (SET_MACHINE_STACK_END): use __i386__ instead of __i386,
+ and explicit size qualifiers.
+Tue Oct 27 09:40:55 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * gc.h (SET_MACHINE_STACK_END): add x86_64 version by nobu.
+Tue Oct 27 09:27:59 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * vm_exec.c (DECL_SC_REG): use __clang__.
+Tue Oct 27 08:56:11 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * mkconfig.rb: reverted r25443 because build_os is used in mkmf.rb
+ on some platforms. [ruby-core:26332]
+Tue Oct 27 08:01:57 2009 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * parse.y (ripper_filename): add Ripper#filename. [ruby-dev:37856]
+ * test/ripper/test_filter.rb: add more tests.
+Tue Oct 27 07:53:25 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (garbage_collect_with_gvl): do not garbage_collect when
+ dont_gc flag turned on. [ruby-core:26327]
+Tue Oct 27 07:38:39 2009 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c,stubs.c: remove errors or warnings when compiled
+ with old ruby 1.8.x.
+ * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: ditto.
+Tue Oct 27 05:56:39 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * vm.c (invoke_block_from_c): return Qnil when its iseq is
+ SPECIAL CONST. [ruby-core:26335]
+Tue Oct 27 05:11:49 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * vm_exec.c (DECL_SC_REG): check defined(__asm__) before use it.
+ LLVM/clang defines __GNUC__ but doesn't have __asm__.
+Tue Oct 27 03:45:39 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.h): added RUBY_SITEARCH to use
+ different name from RUBY_ARCH. [ruby-core:26324]
+Mon Oct 26 20:04:13 2009 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_cmp): Array#<=> returns nil when comparison fails
+ [ruby-core:26316]
+Mon Oct 26 18:37:57 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (default_proc_arity_check): new support function.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_initialize): should do arity check as #default_proc=.
+ [ruby-core:26281]
+Mon Oct 26 13:24:17 2009 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/remote-tk.rb: typo fixed.
+Mon Oct 26 12:34:08 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ruby.c (usage): -T and -W descriptions updated. see
+ [ruby-dev:39539]
+ * man/ruby.1: ditto.
+Mon Oct 26 12:06:27 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (io_fwrite): adjust stdio file position after direct write on
+ BSDish platforms. [ruby-core:26300]
+Sun Oct 25 15:44:24 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/dl/handle.c (dlhandle_sym): fixed an invalid local variable
+ declaration.
+Sun Oct 25 13:33:58 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (io_cntl): F_DUPFD is platform dependent.
+Sun Oct 25 10:19:09 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/dl/handle.c (rb_dlhandle_close): fixed an invalid local
+ variable declaration.
+Sun Oct 25 05:44:34 2009 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb (**): Optimization (up to 45% faster)
+Sat Oct 24 14:28:40 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_set_default_proc): checks arity of default_proc
+ of a Hash. [ruby-core:26087]
+Sat Oct 24 13:38:45 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_cmp): defines Object#<=>. [ruby-core:24063]
+Sat Oct 24 09:51:28 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (enum_flat_map): new method that concatenates the values
+ from given block. also provides alias #collect_concat.
+Sat Oct 24 00:36:47 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (io_cntl): update max file descriptor by the result of
+ fcntl(F_DUPFD).
+Fri Oct 23 16:31:14 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (rb_class_new): move class check to rb_check_inheritable().
+ * class.c (rb_check_inheritable): should not allow subclass of
+ class Class. [ruby-core:26225]
+Fri Oct 23 14:25:54 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (target, target_alias): replace with real cpu.
+ * mkconfig.rb: build* are not needed in rbconfig.rb.
+ * (warnflags): use -Wextra only when
+ -Wno-missing-field-initializers is available.
+ * (optflags): removed -fomit-frame-pointer by default.
+Fri Oct 23 09:12:59 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb (Pathname::SAME_PATHS): FNM_SYSCASE is always
+ non-nil.
+Fri Oct 23 07:32:37 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *,, win32/Makefile.sub (XRUBY): runnable
+ ruby without current libraries.
+ * (rdoc): use XRUBY.
+Fri Oct 23 07:28:50 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (warnflags): use -Wextra instead of -Wall.
+ * gc.c (mark_current_machine_context): get rid of warning.
+Thu Oct 22 21:10:39 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * class.c (rb_obj_basic_to_s_p): typo. Please become familiar with
+ the ANSI style.
+Thu Oct 22 20:20:27 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (assert_in_out_err): test_stdout and
+ test_stderr should be an array.
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb (test_notfound): test_stdin of
+ assert_in_out_err should be a string.
+Thu Oct 22 17:49:05 2009 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils#fu_get_uid, fu_get_gid): Do not
+ convert an integer back and forth.
+Thu Oct 22 17:29:51 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (arg_prepend): removed. a patch from Mikhail T. in
+ [ruby-core:26217].
+Thu Oct 22 04:54:41 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_inspect): print instance variables only when
+ Object#to_s is not overridden. [ruby-core:24425]
+ * class.c (rb_obj_basic_to_s_p): new function.
+Wed Oct 21 19:32:52 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_inspect): fixed rdoc about the case that to_s
+ is called. [ruby-core:24425]
+Wed Oct 21 08:17:17 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/logger/test_logger.rb (TestLogDevice#test_write): check
+ also error message.
+Wed Oct 21 03:54:41 2009 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb:
+ Creator functions now strict with their arguments
+ Support for empty matrices (see new method Matrix.empty)
+ Matrix#trace raises an ErrDimensionMismatch if the matrix is not square
+ Enumerators are returned when no block given
+ Consistent results when accessing elements with out of bounds indices
+ Details in [ruby-core:23598].
+Wed Oct 21 00:27:15 2009 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpauth/digestauth.rb: typo in exception message fixed.
+Wed Oct 21 00:17:28 2009 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/logger.rb: imported upstream version (logger/1.2.7) see #2238.
+ * do not raise an exception even if log writing failed.
+ * do not raise ShiftingError if an aged file already exists.
+ (no ShiftingError will be raised from 1.2.7, just warn() instead)
+ * test/logger/test_logger.rb: ditto.
+Tue Oct 20 22:29:06 2009 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb: Bug fix. See detail [ruby-core:23598].
+Tue Oct 20 17:57:31 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (w_symbol, r_symreal): fixed the order of symbol and
+ its encoding modifier, in order to make the dump readable from
+ 1.8. [ruby-dev:39515]
+Tue Oct 20 16:41:18 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h (finite, scalb): inline'ed non-standard
+ identifier macros. [ruby-core:26166]
+Tue Oct 20 15:38:02 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (ripper_intern): enable literal optimization.
+ * parse.y (method_call): dispatch symbols. a patch from Andy Keep in
+ [ruby-core:26169]. [ruby-core:26165]
+ * parse.y (mlhs_basic): fixed handling splat in middle of mlhs. a
+ patch from Andy Keep in [ruby-core:26163]
+ * parse.y (parser_here_document): dispatch delayed heredoc
+ contents. based on a patch from Andy Keep in [ruby-core:24855].
+Mon Oct 19 15:17:29 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * .gdbinit (rb_method_entry): search method entry by class and id.
+Mon Oct 19 15:03:31 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (enc/unicode/name2ctype.h): no need to create
+ directory if it already exists.
+Mon Oct 19 11:34:38 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * .gdbinit (rb_ps): dump all threads and their callstacks. based
+ on [ruby-core:26155] by Joshua ben Jore <twists AT>.
+Mon Oct 19 10:59:36 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * iseq.c (prepare_iseq_build, rb_iseq_build_for_ruby2cext):
+ untrust mark array. [ruby-core:26137]
+Mon Oct 19 05:49:53 2009 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/rexml/element.rb (text=): false should be converted to string.
+ A patch by Teruo Oshida [ruby-dev:38351]
+Sun Oct 18 22:33:25 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb: do not require lib/delta.rb.
+ * lib/date/delta.rb: follows the above change.
+Sun Oct 18 19:14:21 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * parse.y (is_special_global_name): add boundary check.
+Sun Oct 18 18:31:58 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (ruby_init_loadpath_safe): should not dup tmp string. a
+ patch from neomjp neomjp in [ruby-core:24251].
+Sun Oct 18 09:49:14 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * test/test_prime.rb
+ (TestPrime#test_eratosthenes_works_fine_after_timeout):
+ test for [ruby-dev:39465].
+ * lib/prime.rb (Prime::EratosthenesSieve):
+ fixed [ruby-dev:39465].
+ suppressed memory reallocation.
+ constantified some magic numbers.
+Sat Oct 17 22:11:03 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (id2encidx): register encoding name.
+ (r_object0): register object before encoding name.
+ [ruby-core:24882]
+Sat Oct 17 17:56:58 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * test/rake/test_fileutils.rb (Rake::TestFileUtils#test_sh): uses
+ FileUtils::RUBY instead of fixed "ruby" so that the ruby command
+ works fine in Ruby's "make test-all".
+ (test_sh_with_a_single_string_argument): ditto.
+ (test_sh_with_multiple_arguments): ditto.
+ (test_sh_failure): ditto
+ (test_sh_special_handling): ditto.
+Sat Oct 17 17:30:06 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * bignum.c (big_split): fix off-by-one error. [ruby-dev:39501]
+Sat Oct 17 16:34:27 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): fix token even after trailing under score.
+Sat Oct 17 11:27:44 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * vm_method.c (basic_obj_respond_to): call #respond_to_missing?
+ always with two arguments. [ruby-core:26090]
+Sat Oct 17 08:51:44 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb (Delegator#respond_to_missing): warn only when
+ specified method is a private. [ruby-dev:39498]
+Fri Oct 17 00:05:53 2009 wanabe <>
+ * st.c (unpack_entries): save table->bins and never change the table
+ during unpacking. Because st_insert() may cause GC and refer the
+ table, i.e. st_foreach(). [Bug #2196]
+Fri Oct 16 22:20:25 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * prelude.rb (require_relative): defined as a module function of
+ Kernel.
+Fri Oct 16 20:18:28 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb (Delegator#method_missing): remove backtrace
+ lines _until_ `method_missing'.
+Fri Oct 16 20:09:55 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb (Delegator#freeze): #freeze should freeze self
+ and the target at once. [ruby-core:26118]
+Fri Oct 16 19:39:28 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb (Delegator#respond_to_missing): warn if optional
+ include_private argument is not false. Delegator does (and
+ should) not forward private methods. [ruby-core:26080]
+ * lib/delegate.rb (Delegator#respond_to_missing): instead of
+ redefining #respond_to?, use #respond_to_missing?. [ruby-core:26081]
+Fri Oct 16 18:42:18 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_gc.rb: added tests based on [ruby-dev:39484]
+ from wanabe <s.wanabe AT>.
+Fri Oct 16 16:09:01 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_spawn): `\'' is also quote character.
+Fri Oct 16 13:40:09 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.h (rb_gc_debug_body): constified.
+Fri Oct 16 13:20:39 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (VpMidRound): remove warnings.
+ patch from Charlie Savage. [ruby-core:22869]
+ * ext/digest/bubblebabble/bubblebabble.c (bubblebabble_str_new): ditto.
+ * ext/digest/digest.c (hexencode_str_new): ditto.
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (iconv_convert): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (inspect_sockaddr): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (sockaddr_obj): ditto.
+ * ext/syck/emitter.c (syck_emitter_write): ditto.
+ * ext/syck/emitter.c (syck_emitter_flush): ditto.
+ * ext/syck/emitter.c (syck_emit_tag): ditto.
+Fri Oct 16 12:03:31 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/csv.rb (CSV#raw_encoding): returns ASCII-8BIT when the io
+ doesn't have encoding.
+Fri Oct 16 03:15:52 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/csv.rb (CSV#read_to_char): set encoding and verify data
+ which read from io before encode it to @encoding.
+ * lib/csv.rb (CSV#raw_encoding): add to get @io's encoding.
+ * lib/csv.rb (CSV#read_io): add to read string and set @io's
+ encoding.
+Thu Oct 15 18:26:12 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (rb_intern3): check symbol table overflow before generate
+ next id. [ruby-core:26092]
+Thu Oct 15 15:14:15 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (io_encoding_set): get rid of parsing non-ascii string, and
+ refine messages for invalid name encoding.
+ * io.c (io_reopen): unread current buffer before telling the
+ position, for the case of reopening same file. [ruby-dev:39479]
+Thu Oct 15 14:20:58 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (iconv_create): cannot retry with given block.
+ [ruby-dev:39487]
+Thu Oct 15 09:25:07 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/init.c (rsock_init_sock): mswin doesn't have S_IFSOCK
+ flag in st_mode of struct stat. so, use rb_w32_issocket() function
+ instead of S_ISSOCK macro.
+Thu Oct 15 00:47:42 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/enc-unicode.rb,
+ enc/unicode/name2ctype.h, enc/unicode/name2ctype.h.blt,
+ enc/unicode/name2ctype.kwd, enc/unicode/name2ctype.src:
+ use UTS#18 for POSIX character class.
+Thu Oct 15 00:26:07 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/init.c (rsock_init_sock): validate file descriptor.
+Wed Oct 14 13:24:14 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (process_options): script name should not be shown in an
+ error message before loaded.
+Wed Oct 14 09:06:38 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_run_node): need to call ruby_cleanup() always even
+ if any error occurred so far.
+Wed Oct 14 08:08:12 2009 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * proc.c (mnew): Method#new checks for respond_to_missing? with
+ private set to true
+ [ruby-core:26069]
+Tue Oct 13 21:05:01 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/enc-unicode.rb,
+ enc/unicode/name2ctype.h, enc/unicode/name2ctype.h.blt,
+ enc/unicode/name2ctype.kwd, enc/unicode/name2ctype.src:
+ Add DerivedCoreProperties, PropList (Binary Property),
+ PropertyAlias and PropertyValueAlias.
+ Now users of tool/enc-unicode.rb should specify
+ the directory of UCD files.
+Tue Oct 13 18:54:25 2009 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/variable.rb: bug fix. additional trace definition changes the
+ option of first trace definition.
+Tue Oct 13 18:23:17 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (token_info_push, token_info_pop): reduced ifdefs.
+ * parse.y (parser_magic_comment): fixed normalization.
+Tue Oct 13 09:04:14 2009 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * thread.c: Revert changes to Thread#raise made in r25278
+ [ruby-core:25367]
+ * eval_intern.h: ditto
+Mon Oct 12 23:27:57 2009 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (login): use "anonymous@" as a default password.
+ [ruby-dev:39451]
+Mon Oct 12 22:48:25 2009 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (retrlines): added a new block parameter.
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (gettextfile): preserve missing end-of-line at end
+ of files. [ruby-core:24590]
+Mon Oct 12 19:48:33 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_run_node): if an exception occurred in ruby_option,
+ the result is not executable.
+Mon Oct 12 05:51:11 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regparse.c (fetch_token): warn invalid back reference
+ and subexp call. (\k and \g).
+Mon Oct 12 03:47:42 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * marshal.c (has_encoding): added for check the regexp
+ is dumped by 1.8 or 1.9.
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): use has_encoding.
+Sun Oct 11 15:54:52 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/gdbm/gdbm.c (fgdbm_select): fixed rdoc. a patch from Justin
+ Collins in [ruby-core:26050].
+Sun Oct 11 10:27:09 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/irb/context.rb (IRB::Context#irb_name): removed duplicated
+ attr_reader. [ruby-core:26047]
+ * lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb (RubyLex#lex_int2): removed duplicated
+ character class range.
+Sun Oct 11 10:04:35 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regparse.c (fetch_token_in_cc): warn when \p is not
+ followed by property name.
+ * regparse.c (fetch_token): ditto.
+Sun Oct 11 09:44:46 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regerror.c (onig_vsnprintf_with_pattern): added.
+ * regparse.c (onig_syntax_warn): use above.
+Sun Oct 11 09:04:08 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RB_GC_GUARD_PTR): workaround for gcc
+ optimization.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (ruby_exec_node): declared.
+Sun Oct 11 03:10:50 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regparse.c (onig_syntax_warn): added.
+ CC_DUP_WARN, UNKNOWN_ESC_WARN): use onig_syntax_warn.
+Sun Oct 11 00:14:38 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (marshal_dump, marshal_load): prevent from GC.
+Sat Oct 10 23:57:44 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (path_check_0): prevent from GC.
+Sat Oct 10 23:51:22 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_transcoding, str_transcoding_resize): fixed
+ types.
+Sat Oct 10 20:35:27 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * math.c (math_atanh): reverted r25279.
+Sat Oct 10 19:03:29 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c: use rb_thread_blocking_region to avoid
+ rb_read_check. This makes other threads runnable in getstr and
+ wgetstr.
+ (getch_func): extracted from curses_getch.
+ (curses_getch): use rb_thread_blocking_region with getch_func.
+ (getstr_func): extracted from curses_getstr.
+ (curses_getstr): use rb_thread_blocking_region with getstr_func.
+ (wgetch_func): extracted from window_getch.
+ (window_getch): use rb_thread_blocking_region with wgetch_func.
+ (wgetstr_func): extracted from window_getstr.
+ (window_getstr): use rb_thread_blocking_region with wgetstr_func.
+ * include/ruby/io.h (rb_read_check): deprecated because it access
+ internal of stdio.
+Sat Oct 10 18:59:17 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (cflags, cxxflags): remove duplicating options.
+Sat Oct 10 18:19:03 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, (LIBRUBY_SO), (ruby.imp),
+ win32/mkexports.rb (each_export): exclude _threadptr_ functions.
+Sat Oct 10 17:55:57 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_threadptr_errinfo): renamed.
+Sat Oct 10 17:03:22 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_exec_node): removed unused argument.
+Sat Oct 10 14:55:55 2009 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * math.c (math_atanh): Fix bug for Math.atanh(+/-1). It now returns
+ +-Infinity. [ruby-core:26028]
+Sat Oct 10 14:09:40 2009 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * thread.c (rb_threadptr_execute_interrupts_rec, rb_threadptr_raise):
+ Thread#raise with no argument will now re-raise the current exception
+ if there is one [ruby-core:25367]
+ * eval.c (get_errinfo, rb_rubylevel_thread_errinfo): Getter for
+ current exception for a given thread
+Fri Oct 9 23:10:04 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_boundp): should exclude NOEX_RESPONDS.
+ based on the patch from Nikolai Lugovoi. [ruby-core:25949]
+Fri Oct 9 21:14:40 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::DNS::Requester::ConnectedUDP): disable
+ reverse lookup.
+ (Resolv::DNS::Requester::UnconnectedUDP): ditto.
+Fri Oct 9 10:12:13 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/irb/context.rb (IRB::Context#initialize):
+ remove warnings when $VERBOSE is set as true in .irbrc.
+Fri Oct 9 02:58:18 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/enc-unicode.rb: optimized.
+ * enc/unicode/name2ctype.h, enc/unicode/name2ctype.h.blt,
+ enc/unicode/name2ctype.kwd, enc/unicode/name2ctype.src:
+ U+100000-U+10FFFD is assigned, not Cn.
+Fri Oct 9 02:12:02 2009 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c: Many functions of module Curses could cause a
+ crash if the ncurses library was not properly initialized.
+ Fix pointed out by Alexander Beisig [ruby-core:22592]
+ Functions fixed: attroff, attron, attrset, bkgd, bkgdset,
+ can_change_color, close_screen, closed, color_content, curs_set,
+ def_prog_mode, delch, deleteln, getmouse, getstr, has_colors,
+ init_color, init_pair, insertln, keyname, mouseinterval, mousemask,
+ pair_content, pair_number, reset_prog_mode, resizeterm, scrl,
+ setscrreg, standend, standout, start_color, timeout, ungetmouse,
+ use_default_colors
+Fri Oct 9 01:07:34 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * compile.c (ADD_TRACE): fire coverage event in ensure clause.
+ [ruby-dev:39303]
+ * iseq.h, iseq.c: ditto.
+Fri Oct 9 00:33:29 2009 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/net/telnet.rb (cmd): Pass FailEOF options: patch by Brian
+ Candler [ruby-core:22723]
+Fri Oct 9 00:01:17 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb (Socket.udp_server_recv): extracted from
+ Socket.udp_server_loop_on.
+Thu Oct 8 05:45:14 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/enc-unicode.rb: parse range notation of UnicodeData.txt.
+ * enc/unicode/name2ctype.h, enc/unicode/name2ctype.h.blt,
+ enc/unicode/name2ctype.kwd, enc/unicode/name2ctype.src:
+ follow above change. [ruby-dev:39444]
+Thu Oct 8 02:46:24 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_inspect): copy by chunks.
+Thu Oct 8 01:23:18 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * iseq.c (iseq_s_disasm): accept proc objects. [ruby-core:18762]
+Wed Oct 7 16:42:28 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (mark_dump_arg, mark_load_arg): ignore already cleaned
+ data. [ruby-core:25969]
+ * marshal.c (clear_dump_arg, clear_load_arg): clear freed fields.
+Wed Oct 7 16:06:30 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_long2int): evaluates the argument only
+ once.
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_alloc): check array length overflow.
+Wed Oct 7 09:23:49 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_inspect): don't assign -1 to unsigned int.
+Wed Oct 7 00:27:01 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::DNS.bind_random_port): bind to "::" for IPv6.
+ (Resolv::DNS::ConnectedUDP#initialize): specify is_ipv6 argument of
+ bind_random_port.
+ [ruby-core:25970]
+Tue Oct 6 23:32:38 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_upto): RDoc updated. a patch from Nobuhiro
+ IMAI <nov at> in [ruby-dev:39440]. [ruby-dev:39439]
+Tue Oct 6 21:30:58 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (io_reopen): avoid close if possible.
+Tue Oct 6 18:56:09 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_select): Struct#select should return
+ enumerator when no block given.
+Tue Oct 6 06:26:00 2009 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * * ext/tk/lib/tk/canvas.rb: *** POTENTIALLY INCOMPATIBLE ***
+ 'tags' option of a TkcItem object should give a list of TkcTag objs.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/vu/dial.rb: fix logical bug.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/canvas.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/component.rb:
+ lack of support for methodcall_optkeys.
+Mon Oct 5 17:19:33 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb (Delegator::public_api): take snapshot of
+ public method at the beginning time.
+ * lib/delegate.rb (SimpleDelegator#initialize): use
+ Delegator.public_api since public_method might be added after
+ initialization. [ruby-dev:39383]
+ * lib/delegate.rb (DelegateClass): ditto.
+Mon Oct 5 12:22:12 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_{times, shuffle_bang, sample}): reducing macro
+ calls inside of the loop by keeping pointers in local
+ variables. a patch from Masahiro Kanai (CanI) in [ruby-dev:39406].
+ It was found and fixed at Security and Programming camp 2009.
+ * string.c (rb_str_{times, split_m}): ditto.
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_{getmember, set, aref_id, aset_id}, {make,
+ inspect}_struct, recursive_{equal, hash, eql}): ditto.
+Mon Oct 5 00:09:57 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * vm_method.c (basic_obj_respond_to): should not call
+ #respond_to_missing? for not implemented methods.
+ [ruby-core:25909]
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_boundp): returns exceptional value 2 for
+ not-implemented methods when called from #respond_to? (specifies
+ by new constant NOEX_RESPONDS).
+ * method.h (enum): new constant NOEX_RESPONDS added.
+Sun Oct 4 22:16:29 2009 Takeyuki FUJIOKA <>
+ * lib/cgi/cookie.rb: add default value to @@accept_charset
+ if have not defined. [ruby-dev:38987]
+ * lib/cgi/util.rb: ditto.
+Sun Oct 4 19:30:54 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (struct {dump,load}_arg): manage with dfree, instead
+ of using local variable which may be moved by context switch.
+ [ruby-dev:39425]
+Sun Oct 4 15:00:32 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * pack.c (NATINT_LEN, pack_pack): suppressed warnings.
+Sun Oct 4 14:01:10 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rubygems.rb (Gem::binary_mode): binary mode uses binary
+ encoding.
+Sun Oct 4 08:27:10 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enum.c (slicebefore_ii): use id_eqq.
+Sun Oct 4 06:40:09 2009 Alexander Zavorine <>
+ * symbian/setup (ruby.mmp): added macro RUBY_EXPORT to match the
+ change in dln.c
+Sun Oct 4 05:34:34 2009 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/variable.rb: add TkVariable#to_hash,to_proc,to_int,
+ to_str,to_ary
+Sun Oct 4 00:59:52 2009 Takeyuki FUJIOKA <>
+ * lib/cgi/core.rb: fix command-line option of
+ non-interactive terminal. [ruby-core:23016]
+Sun Oct 4 00:40:18 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rake/contrib: added. [ruby-core:25918]
+Sat Oct 3 22:14:18 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (bv_decls, bvar): fix for block variables.
+ [ruby-dev:39423]
+Sat Oct 3 21:19:18 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_add_method_def): no redefinition warning on
+ undef.
+Sat Oct 3 18:51:11 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_f_integer): now Integer() takes optional base
+ argument. base will be ignored for non string values.
+ suggested by Sam Carr at RubyFoo Lounge at London.
+ * test/ruby/test_integer.rb (TestInteger#test_Integer): test
+ updated.
+Sat Oct 3 04:34:25 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (assignable_gen): parser_yyerror takes two arguments.
+Sat Oct 3 04:07:52 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rake: updated to rake code to rake-0.8.7 source code base.
+ * lib/rake/loaders/makefile.rb (Rake::MakefileLoader#process_line):
+ respace dependencies too.
+Sat Oct 3 02:59:21 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (assignable_gen): get rid of macro collision.
+Sat Oct 3 02:49:50 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (ary_make_shared): should count frozen array itself.
+Sat Oct 3 01:01:20 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/unicode/name2ctype.h: Updated to Unicode 5.2.0.
+Sat Oct 3 01:01:03 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * workaround for regexp metacharacters of expr in
+ prefix path.
+Sat Oct 3 00:47:52 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ripper/dummyparser.rb (DummyParser): improvement by Magnus
+ Holm in [ruby-core:25884].
+ * remove scanner events which simply returned the first argument.
+ * all parser events are now automatically generated.
+ * simplify blocks.
+Sat Oct 3 00:43:52 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * method.h (rb_method_type_t): remove a comma at end of
+ enumerator list.
+Sat Oct 3 00:31:04 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * range.c (discrete_object_p): needs the argument type to get rid
+ of truncation on platforms where VALUE is larger than int.
+Fri Oct 2 22:30:15 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/unicode/name2ctype.h.blt, enc/unicode/name2ctype.kwd,
+ enc/unicode/name2ctype.src: Updated to Unicode 5.2.0.
+ NOTE: when you update these data, download UnicodeData.txt
+ and Scripts.txt from
+ and run
+ ruby1.9 tool/enc-unicode.rb UnicodeData.txt Scripts.txt \
+ > enc/unicode/name2ctype.kwd
+ * enc/unicode/Scripts.txt: removed.
+ * enc/unicode/UnicodeData.txt: removed.
+Fri Oct 2 20:49:19 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enum.c (enum_slice_before): take a pattern if no block given.
+Fri Oct 2 20:37:37 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (ripper_yylval_id, ripper_get_{id,value}): wrap ID by
+ NODE to track local variable assignment.
+ * parse.y (lvar_defined_gen, assignable_gen): enable local
+ variable check. [ruby-core:24923]
+ * parse.y (validate): use value only.
+ * test/ripper/test_parser_events.rb (test_local_variables): tests
+ based on a patch from Magnus Holm in [ruby-core:25885].
+Fri Oct 2 15:34:15 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (ruby_suppress_tracing): get rid of clobbering by
+ longjmp.
+Fri Oct 2 09:20:35 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * eval.c (rb_origenviron): remove unused old variable.
+ [ruby-dev:39412]
+Thu Oct 1 14:16:39 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/{setup.mak,Makefile.sub,win32.c},include/ruby/win32.h (RT_VER):
+ split compiler specification and runtime library specification.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (LD_SHARED*, config.status): no need to embed
+ manifest if not exist.
+Thu Oct 1 13:23:14 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_getpid): simply call GetCurrentProcessId()
+ instead of calling MSVCRT's getpid().
+Wed Sep 30 13:15:45 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_add_method_def): show the location where
+ overwritten method was defined. [ruby-dev:39400]
+Wed Sep 30 00:37:27 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_block_call): extracted.
+Wed Sep 30 00:00:25 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_inspect): escape as \x{XXXX} when the encoding is
+ other than Unicode. [ruby-dev:39388]
+Wed Sep 30 00:00:30 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (THREAD_MODEL): modified message when no thread
+ model is available.
+Tue Sep 29 23:17:32 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_scan_open_args): rb_utf8mac_encoding is undefined.
+Tue Sep 29 22:25:41 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_struct_iv_get): deprecated because it is
+ not used and access internal structure.
+Tue Sep 29 22:19:36 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb (assert_equal): use Time#subsec if nsec
+ is not enough to distinguish arguments.
+Tue Sep 29 21:16:35 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (rb_scan_open_args): add UTF8-MAC to no-conversion encoding.
+Tue Sep 29 21:21:15 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (--enable-pthread): deprecated.
+Tue Sep 29 21:03:59 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/pp.rb (Kernel#pp): returns its arguments, like Kernel#p.
+ [ruby-dev:34830]
+Tue Sep 29 17:02:45 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/json/lib/json/common.rb (recurse_proc): removed needless
+ module_function, since visibility is already module_function.
+Tue Sep 29 13:48:58 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_definition_eq): non-null definition is
+ not equal to null definition.
+ * vm_method.c (rb_add_method_def): nothing to do if old method had
+ same definition. [ruby-dev:39397]
+Tue Sep 29 06:50:32 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_inspect): dump as \uXXXX when the
+ string is in Unicode. [ruby-dev:39388]
+Tue Sep 29 06:49:16 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_unicode_p): defined.
+ Returns 1 when the encoding is Unicode series
+ other than UTF-7 else 0.
+Tue Sep 29 04:14:08 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_filesystem_encoding): On Unix systems,
+ filesystem encoding should be locale encoding.
+ [ruby-dev:39393]
+Tue Sep 29 04:07:58 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * hash.c (rb_f_getenv): use rb_filesystem_str_new_cstr
+ instead of rb_str_new2.
+ ENV['PATH'].encoding should be Filesystem Encoding
+ because its content is related to filesystem.
+ see [ruby-dev:39393]
+ * hash.c (env_fetch): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_filesystem_str_new): defined.
+ * string.c (rb_filesystem_str_new_cstr): ditto.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_filesystem_str_new): added.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_filesystem_str_new_cstr): ditto.
+Tue Sep 29 04:06:18 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * include/ruby/st.h: include inttypes.h and stdint.h.
+Tue Sep 29 00:07:06 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (rb_f_getenv, env_fetch): env string may be overwritten.
+Mon Sep 28 23:30:59 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dln.c (load_lib, dln_find_exe_r): env string may be overwritten.
+ * dln.c (dln_{exit,loaderror,memerror,notimplement}): renamed as
+ independent names.
+ * dln.c (aix_loaderror): needs format string.
+Mon Sep 28 19:36:20 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (LK_ERR): with overlapped I/O, LockFileEx() returns
+ ERROR_IO_PENDING if the file is locked.
+Mon Sep 28 19:05:05 2009 Martin Duerst <>
+ * include/ruby/st.h: aligned prototype of st_hash_uint32 with function
+ definition (fixing compiling problem on cygwin)
+Mon Sep 28 12:13:15 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * method.h (enum): new method type VM_METHOD_TYPE_MISSING.
+ * vm_eval.c (vm_call0): invoking VM_METHOD_TYPE_MISSING method
+ objects.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method): invoking method defined from
+ * proc.c (rb_method_entry_arity): ditto.
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_entry_eq): two method object wraps
+ method_missing with same symbol should be equal.
+ [ruby-core:25755]
+ * proc.c (mnew): should always return method object.
+Mon Sep 28 11:38:07 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * parse.y (parser_tokadd_string): the byte after ``\'' may be a part of
+ multibyte character, so pushback it. [ruby-list:46416]
+Mon Sep 28 10:06:38 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * stringio/stringio.c (strio_read): set ASCII-8BIT encoding
+ when length argument is given.
+Mon Sep 28 01:28:17 2009 Yutaka Kanemoto <>
+ * (miniruby): suppress duplication warning on AIX.
+Mon Sep 28 01:13:25 2009 Yutaka Kanemoto <>
+ * (ruby.imp): add text section [Bug #2064].
+ * (ruby.imp): do not export Init_*.
+Sun Sep 27 13:06:43 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pp.rb (PP:ObjectMixin#pretty_print): delegates has no inspect
+ method. [ruby-core:25804]
+Sun Sep 27 12:01:42 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (str_buf_cat2): optimize since all second arguments are
+ constant literals.
+ * string.c (str_cat_char): unused now.
+ * string.c (rb_hash_{uint{32,},end}): removed.
+Sun Sep 27 11:58:23 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (optflags): add -fomit-frame-pointer by default.
+Sun Sep 27 11:28:15 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enum.c (enum_minmax): use struct for memo.
+ (enum_minmax_by): ditto.
+Sun Sep 27 10:21:16 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (warnflags): check all flags if each are available.
+Sun Sep 27 05:35:17 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/json/ext/generator/generator.c: Documentation patch by okkez.
+ [Bug #2075]
+Sun Sep 27 04:20:55 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_inspect): result's encoding should be fixed.
+ If default_internal is not nil, the encoding is default_internal.
+ Else if default_external is not nil, the encoding is default_external.
+ But the encoding is not ASCII-compatible, the encoding is replaced by
+ Characters in ASCII-incompatible encoding or non ASCII characters
+ in other than the encoding will be \xXX escaped.
+ [ruby-dev:39343]
+ * string.c (str_buf_cat2): defined.
+ * string.c (prefix_escape): removed.
+Sun Sep 27 05:37:45 2009 Alexander Zavorine <>
+ * symbian/missing-pips.c: Updated to work with the latest PIPS 1.6.
+ * symbian/setup: ditto.
+ * symbian/README.SYMBIAN: ditto.
+Sun Sep 27 02:00:46 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * string.c: use rename-macro instead of RUBY_ALIAS_FUNCTION_TYPE.
+ Because build causes failure.
+Sat Sep 26 23:29:11 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * st.c: moved murmur hash from string.c. [ruby-dev:39376]
+Sun Sep 26 00:24:14 2009 Alexander Zavorine <>
+ * symbian/setup: Updated .mmp file generation due to blockinlining.c removal.
+Sat Sep 26 22:39:24 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * explicitly executes run subcommand of
+ mspec.
+ * spec/README: typo fix
+Sat Sep 26 17:53:13 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * st.c (COLLISION): improved collision log feature.
+ * string.c (hash): updated to MurmurHash 2.0 2009-09-19.
+ * string.c (rb_hash_start): fixed shift width on 128bit platform.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_hash_{start,uint32,uint,end}): fixed
+ prototypes.
+Sat Sep 26 13:26:55 2009 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (transport_request): Handle timeout error by
+ closing socket if exception raised. [ruby-core:20976]
+Sat Sep 26 12:08:17 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_entry_eq): method defined from same
+ block/proc should be equal. [ruby-core:25755] [ruby-core:24791]
+Sat Sep 26 08:35:12 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c (compile_string): rename to parse_string(), because
+ this function only parse String to NODE.
+Fri Sep 25 16:01:45 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c, include/ruby/win32.h (rb_w32_access): new function to
+ replace MSVCRT's access().
+ [ruby-core:25761]
+ * file.c (eaccess): workaround for recent MSVCRT is no longer needed.
+Fri Sep 25 13:04:46 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (mnew): fix for instance method of Module, BasicObject
+ and subclass of a class which overrides respond_to_missing?.
+ based on a patch from Nikolai Lugovoi <nlugovoi AT> in
+ [ruby-core:25748].
+Fri Sep 25 11:56:50 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_mod_method_defined): should return true or false.
+Thu Sep 24 13:32:53 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * proc.c (mnew): generate method object that wraps method_missing,
+ when #respond_to_missing? is defined.
+ * test/ruby/test_object.rb (test_respond_to_missing): add test
+ suites for #respond_to_missing? changes.
+Thu Sep 24 09:41:42 2009 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/mathn.rb (Bignum#**): Fixed bignum**fixnum that was broken when
+ requiring lib/mathn
+ [ruby-core:25740]
+Thu Sep 24 02:21:23 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/math.rb (atan): atan(Infinity) is
+ PI/2.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/math.rb (atan): reduce loop with
+ the double-angle formula. based on a patch from Masahiro
+ Kanai (CanI) in [ruby-dev:39367].
+Thu Sep 24 01:14:18 2009 Yutaka Kanemoto <>
+ * dln.c (aix_loaderror): fixed typo. suppress warnings.
+Thu Sep 24 00:17:06 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enum.c (enum_minmax): reduce comparison.
+ (enum_minmax_by): ditto.
+Wed Sep 23 22:58:57 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/thread.rb (ConditionVariable#wait): add timeout argument.
+ [ruby-talk:346154]
+Wed Sep 23 21:25:20 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/math.rb (atan): refined.
+Wed Sep 23 17:08:30 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (assign_in_cond): also should warn assignment to dvar in
+ conditional. [ruby-dev:39363]
+Wed Sep 23 13:14:21 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_upto): keep first width. [ruby-dev:39361]
+Wed Sep 23 11:28:06 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/instruction.rb (make_header_prepare_stack): check stack
+ overflow. [ruby-core:25714]
+ * tool/instruction.rb (make_footer_stack_val): ditto.
+Wed Sep 23 05:03:36 2009 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * proc.c (umethod_bind, rb_mod_define_method): Fix bug that
+ disallowed methods from singleton classes to be used for
+ UnboundMethod#bind, Kernel#define_singleton_method and
+ Module#define_method, even when that singleton class was of the right
+ kind_of. A patch by Shane O'Brien [ruby-core:25632]
+Tue Sep 22 22:56:48 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * vm_method.c (basic_obj_respond_to): new function to fundamental
+ behavior for #respond_to?
+ * vm_method.c (basic_obj_respond_to): calls #respond_to_missing
+ method if overridden, to check responsiveness of methods
+ implemented by #method_missing.
+Tue Sep 22 16:34:33 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * st.c (st_table_entry, st_get_key): use st_index_t.
+Tue Sep 22 16:28:41 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * regenc.h (PosixBracketEntryType): constified.
+ * regenc.h (PosixBracketEntryInit): suppress warnings.
+ * regerror.c (onig_error_code_to_str, onig_snprintf_with_pattern):
+ fixed type.
+ * regparse.c (st_str_end_key, str_end_cmp, str_end_hash):
+ constified.
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb (transcode_generated_code): fixed type.
+Tue Sep 22 10:29:06 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enum.c (enum_chunk): new method Enumerable#chunk.
+ * enum.c (enum_slice_before): new method Enumerable#slice_before.
+ [ruby-dev:38392] [ruby-dev:39240]
+Tue Sep 22 05:58:25 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c, cont.c, gc.c, insns.def, iseq.c, iseq.h, process.c,
+ thread.c, vm.c, vm_core.h, vm_dump.c, vm_eval.c,
+ vm_insnhelper.c, vm_method.c, template/,
+ tool/instruction.rb: fixed types.
+Tue Sep 22 05:04:08 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/{ludcmp,math}.rb: depend on
+ bigdecimal.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/*.rb: made module functions.
+Tue Sep 22 04:47:37 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (GetVpValue): support conversion from
+ Rational. [ruby-core:25697]
+Tue Sep 22 04:43:42 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, win32/Makefile.sub (INSNS): depend on tools.
+Tue Sep 22 01:10:22 2009 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * ossl_ocsp.c (ossl_ocspres_to_der): Bug fix in Response#to_def.
+ Patch by Chris Chandler [ruby-core:18411]
+Tue Sep 22 01:10:02 2009 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * ossl_config.c (ossl_config_add_value_m, ossl_config_set_section):
+ Check if frozen (or untrusted for $SAFE >= 4) [ruby-core:18377]
+Mon Sep 21 17:12:10 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (proc_binding): allow proc from method. [ruby-core:25589]
+ * vm.c (collect_local_variables_in_env): block iseq can be NULL.
+Mon Sep 21 10:50:37 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (rb_time_succ): make Time#succ obsolete since time is not
+ a discrete value.
+ * range.c (discrete_object_p): treat time objects specially to
+ determine discrete values, since time objects have #succ yet are
+ discrete (for now at least).
+Mon Sep 21 10:13:22 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * cont.c (cont_new, cont_capture, fiber_t_alloc): needs already
+ running thread. cf. [ruby-core:25681]
+Mon Sep 21 00:07:36 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/math.rb (sin, cos, atan, exp, log):
+ improved precision and performance. based on a patch from Makoto
+ Yamashita in [ruby-core:25600] and [ruby-core:25602].
+Sun Sep 20 11:11:34 2009 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_equal, rb_struct_eql): Handle comparison of
+ recursive structures [ruby-core:24759]
+ * range.c (range_eq, range_eql): ditto for ranges
+Sat Sep 19 17:46:46 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_core.h (ENABLE_VM_OBJSPACE): socklist needs st_table in
+ rb_w32_sysinit(), before object space initialization.
+Sat Sep 19 17:32:59 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (GlobPathValue), file.c (rb_get_path_check): path names
+ must be ASCII compatible.
+Sat Sep 19 00:02:19 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_type): forward declaration to suppress a
+ warning. a patch from Naohisa Goto at [ruby-dev:39350]
+Fri Sep 18 23:59:27 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (GlobPathValue): adjust return types. based on a patch
+ from Naohisa Goto at [ruby-dev:39350].
+Fri Sep 18 23:51:17 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): entry regexp object before its encoding
+ name. [ruby-core:25625]
+Fri Sep 18 16:29:16 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (eval.o): needs vm.h.
+ * eval.c (ruby_cleanup): destruct current VM before exit.
+ * gc.c (rb_objspace_free): free object space.
+ * vm.c (ruby_vm_destruct): destruct and free VM struct.
+Fri Sep 18 16:15:04 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each), parse.y (stmt, arg): arg_concat()
+ on op_asgn was inversed. [ruby-core:25629] [Bug #2050]
+Fri Sep 18 16:06:27 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (GlobPathValue): glob allows null bytes as separators.
+Fri Sep 18 10:11:53 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * doc/re.rdoc: use rdoc mode.
+ * misc/rdoc-mode.el: added.
+Fri Sep 18 09:02:49 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb (RDoc::RDoc#parse_files): don't branch by
+ * lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb (RDoc::RDoc#parse_files): emacs local variables
+ are delimited by a semicolon. supported Vim style.
+Fri Sep 18 07:06:41 2009 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb: add a test for [ruby-dev:39345]
+Fri Sep 18 06:47:13 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (push_glob): str should be a string always.
+ * dir.c (rb_push_glob, dir_globs): use #to_path to convert non-
+ string values. cf. [ruby-dev:39345]
+Fri Sep 18 06:36:51 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (rm_f, rm_rf): FileUtils.rm can take an array.
+ [ruby-dev:39345]
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_header): open in binmode.
+Thu Sep 17 18:34:19 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (vm_xrealloc): free as like standard free if size is zero.
+Thu Sep 17 15:41:02 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval_intern.h: use rb_node_newnode() directly.
+Thu Sep 17 15:01:32 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * blockinlining.c: removed.
+ * README.EXT: ditto.
+ * README.EXT.ja: ditto.
+Thu Sep 17 13:50:50 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_s_debug_set): set level, not only boolean.
+Thu Sep 17 13:12:37 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb (RDoc::Parser::Ruby): parse also rdoc
+ files.
+ * doc/re.rdoc: renamed from re.rb.
+Thu Sep 17 09:37:28 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * doc/re.rb: New document for Ruby's fork of Oniguruma.
+ written by Run Paint Run Run [ruby-core:25420]
+ * re.c: import document in doc/re.rb.
+ * .document: add doc/re.rb.
+Thu Sep 17 06:03:40 2009 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb (Matrix#rank): Two bug fixes. One made
+ Matrix[[0,0],[0,0],[1,0]].rank raise a NoMethodError while the other
+ one had Matrix[[0,1],[0,0],[1,0]].rank raise a TypeError.
+Thu Sep 17 06:02:04 2009 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb: Optimizations
+Thu Sep 17 00:36:01 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (time_mdump): error message refined.
+Wed Sep 16 19:27:43 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb (TestThread#test_recursive): remove
+ implementation dependent test.
+Wed Sep 16 17:42:52 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.status): install-capi needs docdir. And,
+ mandir, infodir and ridir are also depend on datadir like docdir.
+Wed Sep 16 17:20:49 2009 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb (Matrix#/): Fix obvious bug
+Wed Sep 16 16:59:34 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (DOCTARGETS): rdoc is default.
+Wed Sep 16 16:27:40 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: typo.
+Wed Sep 16 16:20:17 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (CAPITARGET): enable iff doxygen is available.
+ * (INSTALLDOC): enable if rdoc or doxygen are enabled.
+ * (docs): target to make documents.
+ *, win32/Makefile.sub (install-{all,nodoc}): trigger
+ by $(INSTALLDOC) from install.
+Wed Sep 16 13:39:10 2009 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb (determinant): Bug fix where determinant failed on
+ some matrices [ruby-core:23597]
+Wed Sep 16 13:30:20 2009 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb: trivial optimizations
+Wed Sep 16 13:15:17 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * template/Doxyfile.tmpl: RbConfig::CONFIG['DOT'] is sometimes nil.
+Wed Sep 16 10:14:54 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * README.EXT, README.EXT.ja (rb_protect, rb_jump_tag): added.
+Wed Sep 16 10:12:56 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (main): makes also encs.
+Wed Sep 16 06:30:07 2009 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * thread.c (rb_exec_recursive_outer, rb_exec_recursive): Added method
+ to short-circuit to the outermost level in case of recursion
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb (test_recursive_outer): Test for above
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_hash): Return a sensible hash for in case of
+ recursion [ruby-core:24648]
+ * range.c (rb_range_hash): ditto
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_hash): ditto
+ * array.c (rb_array_hash): ditto
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb (test_hash2): test for above
+Wed Sep 16 06:17:33 2009 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_catch_obj, rb_catch, rb_f_catch): No longer use the
+ obsolete function rb_iterate.
+Tue Sep 15 21:48:12 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * (--enable-frame-address): removed.
+Tue Sep 15 15:21:01 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/{configure.bat,Makefile.sub} (RDOCTARGET): the meaning of this
+ macro was changed at r24923.
+Tue Sep 15 15:16:14 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (install-rdoc), (RDOCTARGET): removed
+ circular dependency. [ruby-dev:39339]
+Tue Sep 15 15:09:13 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/configure.bat: need a space before a tab to output the tab by
+ echo.
+Tue Sep 15 14:24:52 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_split_m): use rb_isspace when the
+ string may be ASCII-incompatible.
+ * string.c (rb_str_lstrip_bang): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_rstrip_bang): ditto.
+Tue Sep 15 12:12:27 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_USE_BUILTIN_FRAME_ADDRESS): check after real
+ target CPU is set.
+ * (RUBY_UNIVERSAL_ARCH): check real target CPU after
+Tue Sep 15 06:42:59 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (install-all): target to install all.
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb (parse_args): accept all install targets.
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb (parse_args): show help message and exit if
+ rbconfig could not load.
+Tue Sep 15 04:25:03 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RDOCTARGET): use install-all. [ruby-dev:39334]
+Tue Sep 15 03:00:35 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_lstrip_bang): use ascii_isspace(). [ruby-dev:39322]
+ * string.c (rb_str_rstrip_bang): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_split_m): ditto.
+Mon Sep 14 16:39:14 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * debug.c, parse.y: fixed types.
+ * node.h (nd_line): limit to int.
+Mon Sep 14 11:23:45 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *,, */configure.bat (rdoc): make before
+ install if rdoc is enabled. [ruby-dev:39325]
+Mon Sep 14 10:56:40 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (check-ruby): run all test of ruby itself.
+Mon Sep 14 10:44:47 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RB_TYPE_P): should not use BUILTIN_TYPE for
+ special constants.
+Mon Sep 14 10:08:19 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_inspect): use rb_enc_mbc_to_codepoint
+ because we already knew char is found and got length.
+Mon Sep 14 09:59:03 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (NUM2INT, NUM2LL, INT2NUM, UINT2NUM),
+ (LONG2NUM, ULONG2NUM, NUM2CHR): get rid of backward references of
+ macros. the code couldn't compile by VC.
+Mon Sep 14 08:33:11 2009 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (each_*): return enumerator if no block present.
+ Patch by Arthur Schreiber [ruby-core:18310]
+Mon Sep 14 06:42:21 2009 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/cgi/cookie.rb (value): Keep CGI::Cookie#value in sync with the
+ cookie itself. Based on a patch by Arthur Schreiber [ruby-core:17634]
+Mon Sep 14 05:21:12 2009 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (fetch): Handle properly default values; a patch by
+ Arthur Schreiber [ruby-core:18308]
+Mon Sep 14 04:07:09 2009 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/set.rb (==): Optimization; patch by Arthur Schreiber [ruby-core:17203]
+Mon Sep 14 03:30:23 2009 Alexander Zavorine <>
+ * symbian/pre-build: added rule to generate id.h for Symbian build.
+ * symbian/configure.bat: fixed harmless error message.
+Sun Sep 13 22:18:33 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c (rb_mod_remove_const): do not change VM state when an
+ exception will occur.
+Sun Sep 13 21:25:01 2009 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (oletypelib_get_libattr): some refactoring
+ by adding oletypelib_get_libattr.
+Sun Sep 13 20:55:19 2009 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (oletypelib_get_typelib): some refactoring
+ by adding oletypelib_get_typelib.
+Sun Sep 13 20:18:49 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (process_sflag, proc_options, load_file_internal): fixed
+ types.
+Sun Sep 13 19:39:59 2009 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: some refactoring.
+Sun Sep 13 19:38:34 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (load_file_internal): no need to define DATA when error.
+Sun Sep 13 18:48:43 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (XLDFLAGS): link startup code with ObjC support.
+Sun Sep 13 13:38:00 2009 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * thread.c (recursive_*): refactored the access to the inspect
+ table used by rb_exec_recursive_*. The functions recursive_push,
+ pop and check now assume a valid hash table as their first
+ argument. Added documentation.
+Sun Sep 13 12:07:49 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (SYM2ID): needs parens.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (NUM2INT, NUM2LL, INT2NUM, UINT2NUM),
+ (LONG2NUM, ULONG2NUM, NUM2CHR, rb_type_p, rb_special_const_p):
+ GCC specific optimization.
+Sun Sep 13 11:06:12 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb (OpenURI::Meta#content_type_parse): strip quotes.
+Sun Sep 13 09:38:06 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/prime.rb (EratosthenesGenerator#initialize): call super.
+ (TrialDivisionGenerator, Generator23): ditto. [ruby-core:25539]
+Sun Sep 13 09:34:10 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_add_method_def): no warning for inherited
+ method.
+Sun Sep 13 08:30:30 2009 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: fix when the 1st
+ argument is the non-registered file.
+Sun Sep 13 02:08:43 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: change members of iseq_inline_cache_entry.
+ make cache value members to one union member "ic_value".
+ * insns.def: ditto.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: ditto.
+Sun Sep 13 01:15:49 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb (URI::FTP#buffer_open): fix the %2F handling.
+Sun Sep 13 00:46:39 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_method.c (CALL_METHOD_HOOK): refined with macro.
+ * vm_method.c (rb_remove_method_id): no definition body is
+ undefined.
+ * vm_method.c (rb_add_method, rb_add_method_me): call method added
+ hook after definition. [ruby-core:25536]
+ * vm_method.c (rb_alias): hooks are called from rb_add_method_def.
+Sat Sep 12 22:47:24 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb (URI::FTP#buffer_open): use the port specified in
+ the URI.
+Sat Sep 12 17:31:42 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (GCC): subst for GCC depending extension libraries.
+Sat Sep 12 07:52:59 2009 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (EVENTSINK_Invoke): initialize result
+ variant value.
+Fri Sep 11 21:52:13 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * NEWS: update for 1.9.2. based on a patch from Run Paint Run Run
+ in [ruby-core:25534].
+Fri Sep 11 21:38:13 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * check for real target cpu on darwin 10.
+Fri Sep 11 18:51:57 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/fileutils: use require_relative to require fileasserts.
+Fri Sep 11 14:22:45 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (debugflags): use gdb by default on linux and
+ darwin.
+ * (XLDFLAGS): keep ARCHFILE macro on AIX.
+ * (RUBY_REPLACE_TYPE): define typename to default
+ type if the latter is found.
+Fri Sep 11 13:57:36 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h (fstat): override if large file support is
+ enabled.
+Fri Sep 11 11:33:30 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/config.{guess,sub}: updated to automake-1.11.
+Fri Sep 11 10:38:33 2009 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTPHeader::encode_kvpair): also call to_s
+ to k. A patch from swdyh <>
+Fri Sep 11 09:45:11 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dln.c (aix_loaderror): get rid of using uninitialized value in the
+ case loadquery fails. fixed wrong index variable usage. see
+ [ruby-core:25479].
+Fri Sep 11 07:52:43 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * unicode.c (onigenc_unicode_property_name_to_ctype):
+ ignore case of properties.
+ * tool/enc-unicode.rb: downcase properties list.
+ * enc/unicode/name2ctype.h, enc/unicode/name2ctype.h.blt,
+ enc/unicode/name2ctype.kwd, enc/unicode/name2ctype.src:
+ follow above.
+Fri Sep 11 05:00:19 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_data_type_t): Add comments.
+ And add a member variable "data", a multi-purpose storage
+ area for rb_data_type.
+Fri Sep 11 02:14:21 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/dl: use require_relative to require test_base.rb.
+Fri Sep 11 02:06:44 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * parse.y (rb_char_to_option_kcode): ASCII-8BIT should
+ also delay.
+ * re.c (parser_regx_options): return rb_ascii8bit_encindex on
+ ASCII-8BIT. [ruby-dev:39300]
+Fri Sep 11 01:14:00 2009 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (fetch): rdoc fix, patch by Arthur Schreiber.
+ [ruby-core:18309].
+Thu Sep 10 23:00:45 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): fix for parallel execution.
+ [ruby-core:25509]
+Thu Sep 10 21:22:01 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/dl/test_cptr.rb (test_free=): test SEGV at first.
+ [ruby-dev:39269]
+Thu Sep 10 21:20:59 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (assert_normal_exit): Don't use
+ AssertionMessage.
+Thu Sep 10 15:59:05 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regparse.c (UNKNOWN_ESC_WARN): added.
+ * regparse.c (conv_backslash_value): Warn unknown
+ escaped chars in regexp. [ruby-dev:39104]
+Wed Sep 9 22:02:02 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils::Entry_#copy_file): open the source
+ file first to ensure it can be copied. [ruby-core:25498]
+Wed Sep 9 21:20:49 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_data_type): typed.
+ * ext/dl/cfunc.c (dlcfunc_data_type): typed.
+ * ext/dl/cptr.c (dlptr_data_type): ditto.
+ * ext/dl/handle.c (dlhandle_data_type): ditto.
+Wed Sep 9 17:17:31 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * re.c (parser_regx_options): only one kcode should effect
+ options [ruby-core:25411]
+Wed Sep 9 15:46:28 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * load.c (rb_feature_provided): fixed for autoloading extension
+ library without suffix.
+Wed Sep 9 15:24:32 2009 TAKANO Mitsuhiro (takano32) <>
+ * include/ruby/st.h : revert previous commit.
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c : remove st_memsize declare.
+Wed Sep 9 14:07:19 2009 TAKANO Mitsuhiro (takano32) <>
+ * include/ruby/st.h : fix duplicate st_memsize declare.
+Wed Sep 9 13:33:11 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c (rb_autoload): initialize typed data.
+Wed Sep 9 13:10:41 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * st.c (st_free_table): constified.
+Wed Sep 9 13:09:07 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (dir_data_type): typed.
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_data_type): typed.
+ (yielder_data_type, generator_data_type): ditto.
+ * error.c (name_err_mesg_data_type): typed.
+ * file.c (stat_data_type): typed.
+ * thread.c (thgroup_data_type, mutex_data_type, barrier_data_type):
+ typed.
+ * time.c (time_data_type): typed.
+ * transcode.c (econv_data_type): typed.
+ * variable.c (autoload_data_type): typed.
+Wed Sep 9 11:11:33 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_data_type_struct): constified dsize.
+Wed Sep 9 11:07:48 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * cont.c (cont_memsize): fixed wrong expression on IA64.
+Wed Sep 9 10:51:46 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * cont.c (cont_restore_1, rb_cont_call): should be Fiber.
+Wed Sep 9 00:27:29 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * cont.c (cont_data_type, fiber_data_type): typed.
+Tue Sep 8 22:37:59 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb, lib/tmpdir.rb (Tmpname): extracted new module.
+ [ruby-dev:39197]
+Tue Sep 8 22:18:11 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * st.c (st_init_*table_with_size): use st_index_t.
+ * include/ruby/st.h (st_hash_func): use st_index_t.
+Tue Sep 8 21:48:15 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm.c (rb_thread_mark): mark callers iseqs. [ruby-core:25474]
+ [Bug #2062]
+Tue Sep 8 11:53:58 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c (iseq_mark): no need to mark inline cache entries.
+ * insns.def (onceinlinecache, setinlinecache): save a value
+ to mark cached value.
+Tue Sep 8 08:32:30 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/dl/test_{cfunc,ptr}.rb: added tests from Aaron Patterson.
+ see [ruby-dev:39249].
+Mon Sep 7 17:22:59 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_tell): adjustment for ungotten data.
+Mon Sep 7 17:13:53 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (io_encname_bom_p): removed magic number.
+Mon Sep 7 12:26:04 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/irb/inspector.rb (IRB::INSPECTORS.def_inspector): support
+ object without #inspect defined. a patch from Daniel
+ Bovensiepen. [ruby-core:25200]
+Mon Sep 7 05:38:34 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def (opt_*): add IC operands.
+ * vm_insnhelper.h (CALL_SIMPLE_METHOD): add a version which
+ use an inline cache. USE_IC_FOR_SPECIALIZED_METHOD macro
+ switches the behaviour. This change also removes
+ * tool/instruction.rb: fix elimination process to ignore
+ variable "ic".
+Mon Sep 7 05:21:09 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ *, move a id.h generation rule.
+Mon Sep 7 05:07:59 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/driver.rb: remove RUBY_VERSION output.
+Mon Sep 7 05:06:16 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: rename macro name ENABLE_IC_FOR_IVAR
+Mon Sep 7 03:21:40 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (URI.escape): obsoleted.
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (URI.unescape): ditto.
+Sun Sep 6 18:13:54 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.h (CALL_SIMPLE_METHOD_IC): make a macro
+ invoke simple method with inline cache entry.
+ * insns.def (opt_length, opt_size): fix to use inline method cache.
+Sun Sep 6 17:47:21 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * template/id.h.tmpl: fix this.
+ * id.h: removed. Because this file is generated automatically.
+Sun Sep 6 17:31:28 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_specialized_instruction), insns.def (opt_size):
+ optimize #size methods (by specialized instruction).
+ * id.c, id.h, vm.c, vm_insnhelper.h: ditto.
+Sun Sep 6 16:13:06 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def (setinstancevariable), vm_insnhelper.c (vm_setivar):
+ fix to use inline cache (trivial optimization).
+Sun Sep 6 10:34:19 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c: fixed rdoc, a patch from Nobuhiro IMAI at [ruby-core:25433].
+Sun Sep 6 05:19:09 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c: Add rdoc for ARGF.
+ contributed by Run Paint Run Run. [ruby-core:23854]
+Sat Sep 5 15:21:13 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): op_asgn to aref should return rhs.
+ [ruby-core:25387]
+Sat Sep 5 10:38:46 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): &&= and ||= should return rhs.
+ [ruby-dev:39163] (#1996), [ruby-core:25143]
+Sat Sep 5 08:51:43 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * re.c (update_char_offset): position should be long.
+ * re.c (match_hash, match_equal): new methods. [ruby-core:24748]
+ * re.c (reg_match_pos, rb_reg_eqq, rb_reg_s_quote): get rid of use
+ VALUE as int.
+Fri Sep 4 20:40:57 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (round): added declaration. [ruby-dev:39222]
+Fri Sep 4 06:15:39 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dir.c (Init_Dir): alias Dir#path to Dir#to_path. [ruby-core:25326]
+Fri Sep 4 04:49:39 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (random_rand): fixed rdoc. [ruby-core:25332]
+Fri Sep 4 04:46:08 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet/abstract.rb (do_OPTIONS): method names
+ are symbols now. [ruby-core:24580]
+Thu Sep 3 17:56:40 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (literal_concat_gen): concat body from dstr instead of
+ nd_next. [ruby-core:25284]
+Wed Sep 2 16:49:53 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * math.c (math_gamma): get rid of direct comparison between too
+ big double and integer, with gcc on x86_64. [ruby-core:25257]
+Wed Sep 2 13:47:30 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * math.c (domain_check): simplified.
+Wed Sep 2 11:32:24 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (obj_free): fix to free method table (fix memory leak).
+Wed Sep 2 07:42:15 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/instruction.rb (RubyVM::InstructionsLoader#make_stackcaching_insns):
+ simplified.
+Wed Sep 2 02:32:46 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/json/lib/json/common.rb (NaN): Change definition
+ of NaN to 0.0/0 for 1.8/1.9 compatibility.
+Wed Sep 2 01:16:32 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/json: Update to JSON 1.1.9.
+Tue Sep 1 19:56:28 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (eval_string_with_cref): fix to check local_table_size.
+ [ruby-dev:39205] [Bug #2024]
+Mon Aug 31 16:20:41 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * class.c (make_singleton_class): variable name changed.
+ removed an unnecessary conditional.
+Mon Aug 31 14:17:09 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * class.c: refactored singleton class related matters.
+ Handles eigenclasses and plain classes transparently.
+ (make_metaclass): renamed from make_metametaclass.
+ (METACLASS_OF): new utility macro
+ (make_singleton_class): extracted from rb_singleton_class.
+ (boot_defclass): moved from object.c
+ (Init_class_hierarchy): extracted from Init_Object.
+ (rb_make_metaclass): refactored.
+ (singleton_class_of): extracted from rb_singleton_class.
+ (rb_singleton_class): refactored.
+ (rb_define_singleton_method): it needs a metaclass only
+ but not its metametaclass.
+ * object.c: booting class hierarchy was moved to class.c
+ for keeping dependency between compilation units least.
+ (Init_Object): extracting the booting into
+ Init_class_hierarchy.
+ (boot_defclass): moved to class.c.
+Sun Aug 30 23:44:09 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (find_time_t): use mktime for the first guess.
+Sun Aug 30 16:38:56 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (rb_enc_symname2_p): not depend on nul terminator.
+Sun Aug 30 14:11:45 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * dependencies updated.
+Sun Aug 30 13:00:11 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (add): shortcut implemented for fixnums.
+ (sub): ditto.
+ (mul): ditto.
+Sun Aug 30 10:24:43 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (eq): apply RTEST.
+ (ne): ditto.
+ (add): avoid method dispatch for bignums.
+ (sub): ditto.
+ (mul): ditto.
+ (mod): ditto.
+Sun Aug 30 09:45:11 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bigmul1_single): new function specialized respect to
+ multiply two single digit bignums.
+ (bigmul0): use bigmul1_single.
+Sun Aug 30 03:59:43 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * timev.h (TIME_SCALE): defined as 1000000000.
+ (struct vtm): subsec is replaced by subsecx.
+ subsec * TIME_SCALE == subsecx.
+ * time.c: avoid rational in most cases.
+ (struct time_object): timev is replaced by timexv.
+ timev * TIME_SCALE == timexv.
+Sun Aug 30 03:17:25 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (init_leap_second_info): use TIMET_MAX.
+Sun Aug 30 01:15:31 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (gzfile_read_all): use gzfile_newstr;
+ set and convert its encoding. [ruby-dev:38304]
+Sat Aug 29 20:40:02 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_call0): gets rid of checking method cache twice.
+ * method.h (rb_get_method_entry): added a prototype of the function.
+ (rb_method_entry_without_cache): more friendly name.
+Sat Aug 29 12:16:47 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/tmpdir.rb (Dir.mktmpdir): rolled back r24699. [ruby-dev:39193]
+Sat Aug 29 03:27:17 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb (Tempfile#make_tmpname): removed thread race
+ condition.
+ * lib/tmpdir.rb (Dir.mktmpdir): ditto.
+Fri Aug 28 20:29:34 2009 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb (Tempfile#callback): Debug information should be
+ output to stderr, not stdout; pointed out by akira yamada.
+ cf. [ruby-dev:39072]
+Fri Aug 28 20:34:24 2009 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: use SafeStringValue instead of
+ Check_SafeStr.
+Fri Aug 28 13:30:43 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * thread.c (do_select): rollback r24680. void struct initializer is
+ invalid.
+Fri Aug 28 11:45:33 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * method.h (rb_method_definition_t): split from rb_method_entry_
+ to deal aliases. [ruby-dev:39165]
+ * proc.c (struct METHOD): contains rb_method_entry_t copy.
+Fri Aug 28 10:21:30 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * iseq.c (iseq_mark): skip outdated cache entries.
+ * vm_core.h ({GET,INC}_VM_STATE_VERSION): moved from
+ vm_insnhelper.h.
+Fri Aug 28 07:25:25 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enumerator.c (next_i): typo fixed (reached at end -> reached an
+ end). pointed out by James Edward Gray II at LoneStar RubyConf.
+Thu Aug 27 18:31:07 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_remove_method_id): exported.
+ * numeric.c (num_sadded): fix for non-ascii method name.
+Thu Aug 27 14:32:31 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_preprocess_dregexp): set encoding as ASCII-8BIT
+ when /n is specified and the embedded string is escaped text.
+Thu Aug 27 13:51:12 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (random_rand): random integer can be a fixnum for
+ bignum range. [ruby-dev:39173]
+Thu Aug 27 08:16:34 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c (strscan_set_string): set string should not be
+ duped or frozen, because freezing it causes #concat method failure,
+ and unnecessary to dup without freezing. a patch from Aaron
+ Patterson at [ruby-core:25145].
+Thu Aug 27 02:06:11 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (enc/unicode/name2ctype.kwd):
+ remove rules to generate name2ctype.kwd from
+ UnicodeData.txt and Scripts.txt.
+ if you want to generate, use tool/enc-unicode.rb.
+Thu Aug 27 02:00:09 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+Wed Aug 26 23:59:56 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (random_rand): refined error message.
+ * random.c (random_rand): fixed for edge cases of ranges.
+ [ruby-dev:39166]
+Wed Aug 26 21:49:23 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb: add documents from Hongli Lai's fork.
+ cf [ruby-core:25131].
+Wed Aug 26 19:51:13 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/mkconfig.rb (program_transform_name): fix for multiple trans
+ rules for autoconf 2.61 or earlier.
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb (program_transform_name): ditto.
+Wed Aug 26 19:20:26 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (random_rand): unified random_int and random_float.
+ [ruby-dev:39158]. and fixes [ruby-core:24655], [ruby-core:24677],
+ [ruby-core:24679].
+Wed Aug 26 18:59:59 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/test_tempfile.rb: merged from Hongli Lai's fork.
+ cf [ruby-core:25131].
+Wed Aug 26 18:49:22 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb (Tempfile#close!): should not undefine finalizer
+ by just unlink.
+Wed Aug 26 17:00:31 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/mkconfig.rb (program_transform_name): fix for autoconf 2.61
+ or earlier.
+Wed Aug 26 14:34:39 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb (Tempfile#close!, Tempfile#path): added side
+ notes from Hongli Lai's fork.
+ * lib/tempfile.rb (Tempfile#unlink, Tempfile.callback): do nothing
+ any more once unlinked.
+Wed Aug 26 13:48:33 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb (Tempfile#unlink): reverted r23494, since the
+ usage in RubyInline is considered wrong.
+Wed Aug 26 12:36:58 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm.c (collect_local_variables_in_env): skips internal variables.
+ [ruby-core:25125]
+Tue Aug 25 23:51:07 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/enc-unicode.rb: added for generate name2ctype.kwd.
+ contributed by Run Paint Run Run [ruby-core:24775]
+ * enc/unicode.c (CodeRanges): move definitions to name2ctype.h.
+ * enc/unicode/name2ctype.h.blt, enc/unicode/name2ctype.kwd,
+ enc/unicode/name2ctype.src: updated to v5.1.
+ * enc/unicode/UnicodeData.txt, enc/unicode/Scripts.txt: added v5.1.
+ * add rule to generate name2ctype.kwd from
+ UnicodeData.txt and Scripts.txt.
+Tue Aug 25 22:31:51 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (MKDIR_P): Set 'mkdir -p' to MKDIR_P
+ when AC_PROG_MKDIR_P doesn't set MKDIR_P.
+Tue Aug 25 17:38:22 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_clone, bigmul1_normal, bigdivrem): trivial
+ optimization.
+ * bignum.c (big2dbl): truncates zero digits to get rid of possible
+ underflow.
+Tue Aug 25 12:22:25 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (enc/unicode/name2ctype.h): explicitly ignores the
+ result of diff and turns -e option off, because *BSD make passes
+ it by default.
+Tue Aug 25 02:16:37 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (DLDFLAGS): use linker_flag and changed undefined
+ and multiply_defined behaviors. cf [ruby-core:25086].
+Mon Aug 24 21:31:37 2009 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/maker/base.rb, test/rss/test_maker_2.0.rb: fix a bug
+ that RSS Maker doesn't accept 'false' as guid's isPermaLink.
+ Reported by Joe Holt. Thanks!!!
+Mon Aug 24 18:58:56 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/missing.h (vsnprintf): rollback a part of r24179, because
+ it's meaningless.
+Mon Aug 24 16:35:57 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * st.c (st_delete_safe): deals with packed entries.
+ [ruby-core:25080]
+ * st.c (st_cleanup_safe): ditto. [ruby-core:25081]
+Mon Aug 24 13:24:07 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (MAKEDIRS): define.
+ * (capi): using $(MAKEDIRS), so depends on $(PREP).
+Mon Aug 24 13:14:06 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_CHECK_SIZEOF): set cross_compiling only when
+ universal binary.
+Mon Aug 24 12:55:19 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (enc/unicode/name2ctype.h): use md instead of
+Sun Aug 23 15:22:45 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb (main): "usage" description updated.
+Sun Aug 23 15:12:22 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb (Dir.mktmpdir): updated to latest.
+ (in_temporary_working_directory): temporary directory name changed.
+Sun Aug 23 00:56:13 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_schedule): don't recur infinitely.
+ (rb_threadptr_execute_interrupts): ditto.
+ [ruby-dev:38060]
+Sat Aug 22 15:07:23 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (id_hash_new): new function to create a hash
+ which key is compared by object id.
+ (syck_emitter_reset): use id_hash_new for bonus->data.
+ * lib/yaml.rb (YAML.quick_emit): give the object itself to emitter.
+ don't use object_id and hash.
+Sat Aug 22 13:05:22 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * use CP and MV macros.
+Sat Aug 22 01:29:29 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (rm_f, rm_rf): pass the last hash through if exists.
+ [ruby-dev:39153]
+Sat Aug 22 00:48:08 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enumerator.c (ary2sv): add dup argument.
+ (enumerator_next): call ary2sv with dup=0.
+ (enumerator_peek): call ary2sv with dup=1 to return duplicated array.
+ (enumerator_peek_values_m): new function to return duplicated array.
+ (Init_Enumerator): use enumerator_peek_values_m as
+ Enumerator#peek_value.
+Sat Aug 22 00:03:19 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * thread.c (rb_check_deadlock): decrease number of sleepers before
+ deadlock detection because the deadlock exception makes main thread
+ run. [ruby-dev:39142]
+Fri Aug 21 22:34:58 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enumerator.c (get_next_values): extracted from
+ enumerator_next_values.
+ (enumerator_next_values): use get_next_values.
+ (enumerator_peek_values): ditto.
+Fri Aug 21 17:01:04 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/unicode/name2ctype.h: split from enc/unicode.c and made a
+ perfect hash.
+Fri Aug 21 15:13:08 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * include/ruby/io.h, io.c (FMODE_SETENC_BY_BOM):
+ renamed from FMODE_STRIP_BOM.
+Thu Aug 20 01:24:55 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_fmode_modestr): change modestr syntax for BOM
+ to "BOM|UTF-*". [ruby-dev:39106]
+ * io.c (parse_mode_enc): ditto.
+Fri Aug 21 15:01:35 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_readline): use rb_prep_terminal
+ only on Windows.
+Fri Aug 21 07:25:45 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/gemdirs.rb: split from lib/rdoc/ri/paths.rb to ge
+ rid of loading rubygems and searching all gems always.
+Fri Aug 21 07:14:52 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ from version.h for cross-compiling.
+ * template/ (RUBY_VERSION, RUBY_DESCRIPTION): use above.
+Fri Aug 21 00:08:01 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/paths.rb (RDoc::RI::Paths): Gem::Enable has been obsolete.
+Thu Aug 20 23:56:15 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_sysopen): moved sysopen_struct from rb_sysopen_internal.
+Thu Aug 20 23:39:51 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * parse.y (reduce_nodes_gen): preserve NODE_FL_NEWLINE flag during
+ node reducing. [ruby-core:24463]
+Thu Aug 20 14:39:47 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_get): add rl_prep_terminal(1).
+ incited by jitte [ruby-list:43546]
+Thu Aug 20 12:09:01 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (ivar2_hash_type): disabled for now.
+Thu Aug 20 08:39:50 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_terminate_all): do not ignore interrupt when
+ reaping threads on termination. [ruby-dev:39107]
+Thu Aug 20 02:32:08 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enumerator.c (next_init): don't clear feedvalue.
+Thu Aug 20 01:28:42 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enumerator.c: implement Enumerator#{next_values,peek_values,feed}
+ and StopIteration#result. [ruby-dev:39109]
+ (struct enumerator): replace no_next by stop_exc.
+ new field feedvalue.
+ (enumerator_mark): mark feedvalue and stop_exc.
+ (enumerator_init): initialize feedvalue and stop_exc.
+ (enumerator_init_copy): initialize feedvalue.
+ (next_ii): send yield arguments as an array. return feedvalue.
+ (next_i): generate StopIteration exception here. set result.
+ (next_init): initialize feedvalue.
+ (enumerator_next_values): new method Enumerator#next_values.
+ (ary2sv): new function.
+ (enumerator_peek_values): new method Enumerator#peek_values.
+ (enumerator_feed): new method Enumerator#feed.
+ (yielder_yield): return the yield value.
+ (generator_each): return the iterator value.
+ (stop_result): new method StopIteration#result.
+Thu Aug 20 01:06:48 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dir.c (DEFINE_STRUCT_DIRENT): use union to allocate sufficient
+ memory space for Solaris. a patch from Naohisa GOTO
+ <ngoto at> in [ruby-dev:39132].
+ [ruby-dev:39062]
+ check.
+Wed Aug 19 11:32:43 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/unicode.c (CodeRanges): initialized statically.
+Wed Aug 19 02:54:01 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb (test_return, test_return2): add two
+ tests for [ruby-dev:38701] and [ruby-core:24463].
+Wed Aug 19 01:08:34 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * compile.c (NODE_RETURN): fire return event at explicit return.
+ [ruby-dev:38701]
+Tue Aug 18 21:00:26 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_peek): new method Enumerator#peek.
+ (enumerator_next): don't rewind at end.
+ [ruby-dev:38932]
+Tue Aug 18 13:46:14 2009 TAKANO Mitsuhiro (takano32) <>
+ * touch test/rdoc/empty.dat to run test_rdoc_parser.rb
+Tue Aug 18 11:37:24 2009 wanabe <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_cfunc): ensure hook c-return.
+ [Bug #1588]
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb (TestSetTraceFunc#test_raise):
+ follow above.
+Tue Aug 18 01:57:00 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * range.c (range_step): treat symbols specially so that iterating
+ over symbols should work like strings. [ruby-core:24780]
+ * range.c (range_each): ditto.
+Tue Aug 18 01:21:31 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * range.c (range_each): should honor to_str conversion.
+Mon Aug 17 23:45:40 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date/delta.rb: removed require 'date'. added to_c.
+Mon Aug 17 14:35:03 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (lex_get_str, lex_io_gets, rb_parser_compile_string):
+ must be ascii compatible.
+Mon Aug 17 10:37:41 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regparse.c (add_code_range_to_buf0): added with checkdup argument.
+ * regparse.c (add_code_range_to_buf): use above.
+ * regparse.c (add_code_range0): added with checkdup argument.
+ * regparse.c (add_code_range): use above.
+ * regparse.c (i_apply_case_fold): don't warn if the duplicate is
+ caused by case folding.
+Mon Aug 17 08:31:56 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date/delta.rb: merged from date4. [experimental]
+ * lib/date/delta/parser.*: ditto.
+ * lib/date.rb: followed the above changes.
+Mon Aug 17 08:19:03 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date/format.rb (strptime): removed \v; since \s includes \v.
+Mon Aug 17 08:14:26 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (nucomp_rationalize) added. [experimental]
+ * rational.c ({nurat,nilclass,integer,float}_rationalize) ditto.
+Mon Aug 17 08:11:53 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/cmath.rb: use num#i.
+Mon Aug 17 07:59:00 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_pow,fix_pow): may return complex number.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_pow): ditto.
+Mon Aug 17 07:16:10 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (num_imaginary): num#i to return imaginary counterpart
+ of the given numeric.
+ * complex.c (Init_Complex): undef #i for complex numbers.
+Mon Aug 17 00:17:33 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/complex.rb, lib/rational.rb: added warning messages.
+Sun Aug 16 23:58:22 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): should dispatch scan-event even when follows
+ just after delayed-token. [ruby-dev:37855] [Bug #1071]
+Sun Aug 16 22:20:16 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date/format.rb: reverted.
+Sun Aug 16 21:31:21 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/date/format.rb: suppressed a warning.
+ * lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb: ditto.
+Sun Aug 16 15:25:26 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/csv.rb: Change magic comment to US-ASCII in order to
+ make literals as US-ASCII.
+Sun Aug 16 10:45:10 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * regparse.c (parse_char_class, parse_exp, parse_branch),
+ (parse_subexp): fixed memory leak. a patch from Ralf Junker
+ <ralfjunker AT> at [ruby-core:24921].
+Sun Aug 16 10:38:23 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm.c (vm_backtrace_each, vm_backtrace_push),
+ vm_eval.c (print_backtrace), vm_dump.c (bugreport_backtrace):
+ rb_backtrace_iter_func now takes VALUE as file and method names.
+Sun Aug 16 03:06:59 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (opt_eq_func): fix optimization bug. This issue
+ was found out and debugged with Takuto Hayashi at Security and
+ Programming camp 2009.
+Sun Aug 16 01:10:00 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regparse.c (add_ctype_to_cc_by_range): fix the first
+ character bigger than sb_out was dropped.
+ * test/ruby/test_regexp.rb (TestRegexp#test_posix_bracket):
+ add tests for above.
+Sun Aug 16 00:30:33 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * include/ruby/oniguruma.h
+ (ONIGENC_CTYPE_D): ditto.
+ (ONIGENC_CTYPE_S): ditto.
+ (ONIGENC_CTYPE_W): ditto.
+ * regparse.c: \d, \s and \w are now non Unicode class.
+ [ruby-dev:39026]
+ (fetch_token_in_cc): use ONIGENC_CTYPE_[DSW] for \d/\s/\w.
+ (fetch_token): ditto.
+ (add_ctype_to_cc): add routines for ONIGENC_CTYPE_[DSW].
+ (parse_exp): ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_regexp.rb (TestRegexp#test_char_class):
+ add tests for above.
+Sat Aug 15 10:39:53 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (fname, string_dvar, sym, dsym, f_arglist): removed
+ duplications.
+Fri Aug 14 20:03:10 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_check_safe_str): deprecated.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509store.c (ossl_x509store_add_{file,path}):
+ replaced deprecated function.
+Fri Aug 14 17:59:12 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_preprocess_dregexp): change Exception class to
+ RegexpError.
+ * test/ruby/test_m17n.rb (test_regexp_usascii): follow above.
+ * test/ruby/test_m17n.rb (test_regexp_embed): ditto.
+Fri Aug 14 17:17:42 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/ (MKDIRS): revert r24525.
+Fri Aug 14 16:28:19 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/digest/lib/digest/hmac.rb (Digest::HMAC#initialize): faster
+ code.
+Fri Aug 14 14:31:33 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (rubyhdrdir): fixed typo. [ruby-dev:39079]
+Fri Aug 14 00:29:22 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * doc/ChangeLog-1.8.0: add forgotten entry contributed by
+ TAKAHASHI Kaoru. [ruby-dev:39065]
+Fri Aug 14 00:19:49 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb (Delegator#method_missing): __FILE__ may contain
+ multi-byte characters. a patch from Kenta Murata in [ruby-dev:39066].
+Thu Aug 13 21:01:03 2009 wanabe <>
+ * vm.c (vm_exec): returning from lambda runs ensure section.
+ [Bug #1729]
+Thu Aug 13 18:40:07 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_CHECK_SIZEOF): set cross_compiling to yes
+ only when AC_COMPUTE_INT, and inverted the arguments.
+Thu Aug 13 18:22:08 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_CHECK_SIZEOF): use AC_COMPUTE_INT instead of
+ _AC_COMPUTE_INT_COMPILE with cross compiling, since its arguments
+ have been changed at autoconf 2.64.
+Thu Aug 13 16:31:10 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * insns.def (opt_case_dispatch): suppressed a warning.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (opt_case_dispatch_i): ditto.
+Thu Aug 13 16:20:07 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, (MAKEDIRS): used MKDIR_P instead of
+ as_mkdir_p. [ruby-dev:39063]
+Thu Aug 13 15:37:33 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * regenc.c (onigenc_strlen_null, onigenc_str_bytelen_null): fixed
+ infinite loop for wide encodings. reported by Ralf Junker a
+ [ruby-core:24892]. [ruby-core:24904]
+Wed Aug 12 21:07:46 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: if ipv6 is enabled, the version of Windows
+ must be XP or later.
+ [ruby-core:24601]
+Wed Aug 12 15:59:29 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * (yes-test-knownbug): use RUNRUBY instead of MINIRUBY.
+Wed Aug 12 15:52:04 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * class.c (rb_define_module_id_under): fix the name.
+ * class.c (rb_define_module_under): fix for previous changes.
+Wed Aug 12 15:32:16 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c (rb_define_class_id_under, rb_define_module_id_under):
+ new functions to define a nested class/module with non-ascii
+ name.
+ * struct.c (make_struct): use name with encoding.
+ * struct.c (inspect_struct): ditto. [ruby-core:24849]
+Wed Aug 12 Wed Aug 12 14:54:34 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def, vm.c, vm_insnhelper.c, vm_insnhelper.h: check
+ definition of (classes)#=== for case/when optimization.
+ Fix Bug #1376 [ruby-core:23190].
+ * string.c (Init_String), bignum.c (Init_Bignum),
+ numeric.c (Init_Numeric): define String#===, Symbol#===,
+ Bignum#===, Fixnum#===, Float#=== as same as (classes)#==.
+Wed Aug 12 14:14:42 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (readdir_internal): free old temporary filename.
+ [ruby-core:24820]
+Wed Aug 12 12:59:51 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_new_frozen): must not change encoding of frozen
+ shared string. [ruby-dev:39068]
+Wed Aug 12 11:51:51 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (rb_cv_broken_crypt): needs more checks.
+Wed Aug 12 07:41:31 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_compatible): If a string is empty and
+ other's encoding is US-ASCII, returns the empty string's encoding.
+ [ruby-list:46274]
+Wed Aug 12 07:38:12 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (is_data_encoding): fix condition.
+ * encoding.c (enc_capable): ditto.
+Tue Aug 11 23:12:31 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb (complete_frags): Monday must be suitable for %W's
+ default day.
+Tue Aug 11 21:42:46 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (num_divmod): fixed rdoc. [ruby-core:24862]
+Mon Aug 10 21:45:26 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_path2class): no deprecation.
+Mon Aug 10 10:57:59 2009 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c: reject unused longlife gc. longlife gc target is longlife
+ NODE by method table and vm inline cache. but, fixed it at
+ r24085, r24128. so I rejected longlife gc.
+ * debug.c: ditto.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: ditto.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: ditto.
+ * iseq.c: ditto.
+ * node.h: ditto.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: ditto.
+ * vm_insnhelper.h: ditto.
+Mon Aug 10 06:55:45 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (class2path, w_unique, w_extended, w_class, w_uclass):
+ deal with non-ascii class path. [ruby-core:24790]
+ * marshal.c (r_unique, path2class, path2module, obj_alloc_by_path),
+ (r_object0): ditto.
+ * variable.c (rb_path_to_class): new encoding-aware function to
+ get a class from its name.
+Sun Aug 9 21:14:03 2009 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/extconf.rb (search_tclConfig): last change isn't enough.
+ fixed it.
+Sun Aug 9 16:36:51 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (ruby.imp): excluded prelude.o to get rid of circular
+ dependency. [ruby-dev:39052]
+Sun Aug 9 14:49:24 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_cmp, bigsub, big_real_len, bigmul1_normal,
+ bigmul1_balance, big_split): remove BDIGITS() inside of the loops.
+ same as r24444.
+Sat Aug 8 17:03:21 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (enc_ascii_compatible_p): added. [ruby-core:24793]
+ (Init_Encoding): New API Encoding#ascii_compatible?.
+Sun Aug 9 07:25:07 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/ripper/eventids2.c (token_to_eventid): added
+ keyword_do_LAMBDA. [ruby-dev:39049]
+Sun Aug 9 02:07:41 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * tool/compile_prelude.rb: fixes a regexp pattern for require.
+ It had matched 'require("foo"('.
+Sat Aug 8 11:42:44 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (bigzero_p): removing BDIGITS() inside of the
+ loop. inspired by Masahiro Kanai's blog entry
+ <>.
+Sat Aug 8 06:18:29 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (w_symbol r_symlink, r_symbol, r_object0): fix for
+ non-ascii symbols. loading such symbols can cause segfaults in
+ older versions. [ruby-core:24788]
+Fri Aug 7 03:25:06 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval_error.c (error_print): removed an extra argument.
+Fri Aug 7 03:22:50 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_exc_raise, rb_exc_fatal): nil is used to reraise.
+Fri Aug 7 01:49:41 2009 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/sha2/sha2.c: The ULL suffix is not supported by
+ pre-C99 compilers, so resurrect the ULL() macro to regain
+ portability. [ruby-dev:39032]
+Fri Aug 7 01:35:26 2009 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/*/extconf.rb: inttypes.h and unistd.h need not be
+ checked here. [ruby-dev:39032]
+Fri Aug 7 01:04:17 2009 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/extconf.rb (search_tclConfig): fix logic bug.
+Thu Aug 6 21:18:15 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/digest/sha2/lib/sha2.rb: should require
+Thu Aug 6 21:11:40 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/digest/sha2/sha2.c (*_Final): typos.
+Thu Aug 6 19:46:56 2009 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/sha2/sha2.h (BYTE_ORDER): Define BYTE_ORDER as
+ necessary. [ruby-dev:39029]
+Thu Aug 6 16:36:25 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (valid_encoding_name_p): rejects too long encoding
+ names.
+ * encoding.c (encoding_data_type): typed data.
+ * encoding.c (enc_capable, rb_enc_get_index): Symbol is encoding
+ capable.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_associate_index): cannot set encoding on
+ special constants.
+Thu Aug 6 15:44:04 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_entry_eq): deals with optimized method
+ properly. [ruby-core:24789]
+Thu Aug 6 13:30:11 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/mkmf/base.rb (TestMkmf): was turned into a class, because
+ MiniUnit doesn't complain even if a testcase has no tests.
+Thu Aug 6 13:00:30 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (check_sizeof): added optional compiler option
+ argument. [ruby-core:24785]
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): suppressed shadowing outer local
+ variable warnings.
+Thu Aug 6 12:05:06 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit/testcase.rb (Test::Unit): removes silly TestCase
+ class.
+Thu Aug 6 01:37:20 2009 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/sha2/sha2.[ch]: Update to 1.0 RELEASE which fixes an
+ off-by-one bug in SHA-256 hashing. Reduce differences from
+ the original while at it. [Bug #1799]
+Thu Aug 6 00:09:56 2009 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/ipaddr.rb (IPAddr#hash): Take account of netmask; submitted
+ by Nobuhiro IMAI in [ruby-dev:39011]
+Wed Aug 5 19:19:13 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (load_file_internal): assumes -x flag if no "ruby" is in
+ the shebang line. [ruby-dev:39015]
+Wed Aug 5 19:11:01 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ruby.c (rb_stdio_set_default_encoding): declared.
+Wed Aug 5 18:46:01 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * debug.c (ruby_dummy_gdb_enums): made public. [ruby-dev:39001]
+Wed Aug 5 13:49:09 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_upto): generate numerical sequence when
+ characters in both edges are all digits. [ruby-talk:343186]
+Wed Aug 5 12:54:00 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_exc_raise, rb_exc_fatal): require exception object.
+ [ruby-core:24767]
+Wed Aug 5 12:39:23 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_longjmp): reset raised flag before fatal error.
+Wed Aug 5 10:20:39 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_preprocess_dregexp): add options to arguments.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_new_ary): follow above.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_preprocess_dregexp): change error message when
+ /.../n has a non escaped non ASCII character in non ASCII-8BIT
+ script. [ruby-dev:38524]
+Wed Aug 5 03:28:41 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit.setup_argv): expands paths before
+ requiring. [ruby-dev:39012]
+Wed Aug 5 01:38:27 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/pp.rb (guard_inspect_key): untrust internal hash to prevent
+ unexpected SecurityError.
+ * test/ruby/test_object.rb: add a test for [ruby-dev:38982].
+Wed Aug 5 00:33:05 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parser/c.rb: fixed a small error in the documentation.
+ [ruby-core:24744]
+Tue Aug 4 22:10:34 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (has_redirection): need to execute shell if commandline
+ includes newline. cf. [ruby-core:24560]
+Tue Aug 4 15:06:58 2009 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/ipaddr.rb (IPAddr#{eql?,hash}): Add IPAddr#{eql?,hash} so
+ that an IPAddr object can be used as a hash key, a set element,
+ etc.; suggested by Nick Brown <>.
+Tue Aug 4 13:07:10 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * include/ruby/oniguruma.h (ONIG_SYN_WARN_CC_DUP): defined.
+ * regparse.h (ScanEnv): add warnings_flag.
+ * regparse.c (CC_DUP_WARN): defined for warn duplicated characters in
+ character class of regexp. [ruby-core:24593]
+ (add_code_range_to_buf): add CC_DUP_WARN.
+ (next_state_val): add CC_DUP_WARN.
+ (OnigSyntaxRuby): add ONIG_SYN_WARN_CC_DUP.
+ (SET_ALL_MULTI_BYTE_RANGE): add env to arguments.
+ (add_code_range): ditto.
+ (add_code_range_to_buf): ditto.
+ (not_code_range_buf): ditto.
+ (or_code_range_buf): ditto.
+ (and_code_range1): ditto.
+ (and_code_range_buf): ditto.
+ (and_cclass): ditto.
+ (or_cclass): ditto.
+ (add_ctype_to_cc_by_range): ditto.
+ (add_ctype_to_cc): ditto.
+ (parse_char_class): ditto.
+Tue Aug 4 12:40:45 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/encdb.c (ENC_SET_BASE): fix typo.
+ patch by ujihisa [ruby-dev:39004]
+Tue Aug 4 11:57:39 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * range.c (range_eql, range_eq): fixed equality to work for
+ subclasses of Range. a patch from Marc-Andre Lafortune.
+ [ruby-core:22190]
+ * test/ruby/test_range.rb: add assertions for above.
+Tue Aug 4 09:41:11 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/big5.c (EncLen_Big5): back to original Big5 table.
+ (EncLen_Big5_HKSCS): for Big5-HKSCS.
+ (trans): add the lead byte table for Big5-HKSCS.
+ (big5_mbc_enc_len): abstract function for Big5 series.
+ (big5_mbc_enc_len): for Big5.
+ (big5_hkscs_mbc_enc_len): for Big5-HKSCS.
+ (BIG5_HKSCS_P): added.
+ (BIG5_ISMB_FIRST): add routine for Big5-HKSCS.
+ (big5_hkscs): add for Big5-HKSCS.
+Tue Aug 4 09:33:54 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_set_base): Add for setting base encoding
+ with their names. this is internal function.
+ * template/encdb.h.tmpl: specify ENC_SET_BASE for second encodings in
+ each encoding files.
+ * enc/encdb.c (rb_enc_set_base): add a declaration.
+ (ENC_SET_BASE): ditto.
+Tue Aug 4 06:30:01 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_replace): should copy compare_by_identity status as well.
+ [ruby-core:24728]
+Tue Aug 4 05:43:03 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * thread.c (recursive_push): need to set UNTRUST. [ruby-dev:38997]
+Tue Aug 4 03:56:51 2009 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tcltklib.c: fix trouble on old-style C function
+ declarations [ruby-core:22871].
+ * ext/tk/lib/tcltklib.c: (ruby_1_8) fix warning about RUBY_RELEASE_DATE
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/multi-tk.rb: kill zombie threads.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/fontchooser.rb: fix typo and support OptionObj.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/{canvas.rb,virtevent.rb,image.rb,timer.rb}:
+ don't create unnecessary array.
+Mon Aug 3 22:19:24 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_include): fix document. [ruby-core:24675]
+Mon Aug 3 18:25:08 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sample/svr.rb: obsolete TCPserver renamed. [ruby-core:24712]
+ * sample/tsvr.rb: ditto.
+ * sample/dualstack-httpd.rb: ditto.
+Mon Aug 3 18:12:54 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * thread.c (recursive_push): untrust internal hash to prevent
+ unexpected SecurityError. a patch from Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA.
+ Fix: #1864 [ruby-dev:38982]
+Mon Aug 3 17:06:05 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/README: updated. a patch from Daniel Bovensiepen.
+ [ruby-core:24693]
+Mon Aug 3 16:28:09 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_connect): return value was broken when some
+ error occurred.
+ [ruby-core:24234]
+Mon Aug 3 15:56:52 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (permute0): use chars for boolean array.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_{permutation,combination}): disallow reentrance
+ with continuation since work-buffers cannot restore.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_{permutation,combination,product}): must not use
+ ary_discard on strings.
+Mon Aug 3 06:43:25 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_hash): normalize -0.0 to 0.0. [ruby-core:24577]
+Mon Aug 3 00:32:00 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (rb_random_int): arguments have to be converted to
+ integer. [ruby-core:24679]
+Sun Aug 2 21:04:37 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (literal_concat0): tail can be nil. [ruby-dev:38980]
+Sun Aug 2 20:09:07 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_combination, rb_ary_product): prevent from GC.
+Sun Aug 2 16:53:19 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_rand.rb: add tests for Random#float's rejection
+ against Infinity and NaN.
+Sun Aug 2 14:20:43 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (rand_int): prevent from GC.
+Sat Aug 1 19:23:27 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (tr_trans): change condition of singlebyte
+ optimization.
+Sat Aug 1 18:50:53 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (random_float): rejects Infinity and NaN.
+ [ruby-core:24651]
+Sat Aug 1 18:34:52 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb (gem): suppressed warnings.
+ cf: [ruby-dev:38975]
+Sat Aug 1 05:18:36 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (tr_trans): can't use singlebyte optimization when
+ the replacement is multibyte. [ruby-core:24612]
+Fri Jul 31 18:01:34 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/securerandom.rb (SecureRandom.random_bytes): return string should
+ be ASCII-8BIT. [ruby-core:24640]
+Fri Jul 31 16:28:33 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (rb_stdio_set_default_encoding): added.
+ * ruby.c (process_options): call rb_stdio_set_default_encoding
+ after setting default internal and external.
+Fri Jul 31 15:06:33 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * tool/compile_prelude.rb: too long string literal causes compile error
+ on some platforms.
+Fri Jul 31 13:15:27 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * transcode.c (str_encode_bang): C99ism.
+Fri Jul 31 11:48:03 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): used more appropriate construct.
+Fri Jul 31 10:54:08 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (literal_concat_gen): reduced unnecessary node at string
+ literal concatenation with empty head dstr. [ruby-dev:38968]
+Fri Jul 31 02:57:39 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * parse.y (literal_concat_gen): NODE_DSTR was incorrectly handled as
+ NODE_STR. [ruby-dev:38968]
+ * bootstraptest/test_syntax.rb: add a test for above.
+Fri Jul 31 00:55:48 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb (test_ancestors, test_included_modules):
+ ignore rake mixins.
+Fri Jul 31 00:30:54 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_cfunc): let set_trace_func use called_id
+ instead of original_id.
+Thu Jul 30 23:04:32 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * gem_prelude.rb (Gem.path): uses Gem.default_path as a default value
+ so that ruby finds gems in ~/.gem/.
+ (Gem.user_home): reduced version of lib/rubygems.rb's.
+ Gem.default_path needs it.
+Thu Jul 30 22:28:04 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * tool/compile_prelude.rb: replaces "require" with in-place evaluation
+ so that copy & paste for lib/rubygems/default.rb is not necessary.
+ * gem_prelude.rb: removes copied codes from lib/rubygems/defaults.rb.
+ uses require instead.
+ * (prelude.c): adds dependency for lib/rubygems/defaults.rb.
+Thu Jul 30 21:56:18 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_rand.rb: add tests for Random class.
+Thu Jul 30 21:48:56 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * random.c (init_genrand): ensure invariant of mt->next and mt->left.
+ mt->next should always equal mt->state + N + 1 - mt->left.
+ In fact, 'r =; r == r.dup' has returned false.
+Thu Jul 30 21:43:41 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * random.c (random_bytes): use NUM2LONG instead of FIX2LONG because
+ Random#bytes may receive bignum.
+Thu Jul 30 21:39:42 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): fix stack consistency error.
+ [ruby-core:24611]
+ * bootstraptest/test_method.rb: add tests for above.
+Thu Jul 30 18:39:39 2009 Martin Duerst <>
+ * transcode.c: added check for frozen string for encode! (see Bug #1836)
+ * test/ruby/test_transcode.rb: added tests for the above
+Thu Jul 30 16:45:39 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * insns.def (defineclass): preserve encoding of class/module
+ names. [ruby-core:24600]
+ * variable.c (rb_set_class_path_string): set class path with a
+ string value.
+Thu Jul 30 16:12:48 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c (Init_var_tables): initializes __classid__ ID.
+ * variable.c: use st_data_t for st functions.
+Thu Jul 29 14:25:14 2009 Takeyuki FUJIOKA <>
+ * lib/cgi/util.rb (CGI::unescape): support encoding option.
+ * lib/cgi/cookie.rb (CGI::Cookie.parse): fix for the encoded value.
+Wed Jul 29 08:08:07 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * parse.y (regexp): regexp literal at the top of dstr is still needed
+ even if it is empty.
+Wed Jul 29 03:36:24 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/json/lib/json/common.rb (JSON#recurse_proc): remove
+ unnecessary private specifier. [ruby-dev:38929]
+Wed Jul 29 03:34:46 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h, vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method): revive
+ VM_CALL_OPT_SEND_BIT and use it to recognize "send" method.
+Wed Jul 29 03:11:59 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * proc.c (rb_method_entry_arity): support not_implemented method.
+ (I have no idea to test it)
+Tue Jul 28 19:36:26 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * proc.c (rb_method_entry_arity): support optimized method (send).
+ * test/ruby/test_method.rb: add a test for above.
+Tue Jul 28 04:34:05 2009 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/extconf.rb: bug fix and ignore invalid Tcl/Tk libraries.
+ * ext/tk/lib/ bug fix and add a new option.
+ * ext/tk/lib/README.tcltklib: update for a new option.
+Mon Jul 27 19:03:07 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_*str_new_cstr, rb_str_buf_new_cstr),
+ (rb_str_buf_cat2, rb_str_cat2, rb_exc_new2): suppress warnings.
+Mon Jul 27 10:24:50 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parser.rb (RDoc::Parser.binary?): fix for empty files.
+ [ruby-dev:38848]
+Mon Jul 27 06:51:41 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (argf_eof): should call next_argv() before testing.
+ [ruby-core:24561]
+Sun Jul 26 19:17:33 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (argf_eof): go to the next file if called after ARGF.close
+ or ARGF.skip. a patch from Mike Kasick at [ruby-core:24561].
+Sun Jul 26 18:30:02 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method): __send__ can call protected
+ methods. [ruby-core:24500]
+Sun Jul 26 01:09:14 2009 Alexander Zavorine <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal.c: moved BASE_FIG definition before it is used
+ first time.
+ * include/ruby/defines.h [__SYMBIAN32__]: defined TRUE and FALSE to match
+ changes in bignum.c and array.c.
+Sat Jul 25 17:49:03 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (argf_eof): should not have reached EOF before trying to
+ read. based on a patch by Heesob Park <phasis AT> in
+ [ruby-core:24559]. [ruby-core:24557]
+Sat Jul 25 13:44:28 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * complex.c (nucomp_hash), rational.c (nurat_hash): not to use
+ hash value of class so that equality against subclasses can
+ work. [ruby-dev:38850]
+Sat Jul 25 01:05:59 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/big5.c: Fix EncLen_BIG5 for Big5-HKSCS. see [ruby-core:24390]
+Fri Jul 24 19:19:19 2009 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/trans/big5.trans, big5-hkscs-tbl.rb:
+ new Chinese BIG5-HKSCS transcoding (with Tatsuya Mizuno)
+ see [ruby-core:24390]
+ * test/ruby/test_transcode.rb: added tests for the above
+ (with Tatsuya Mizuno)
+ * enc/big5.c: Added BIG5-HKSCS as a replicate encoding of BIG5
+ (short term solution, needs more work; with Tatsuya Mizuno)
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: made 'pat' directly accessible in
+ class StrSet
+Fri Jul 24 18:03:01 2009 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (idle): leaves IDLE in a ensure clause. a patch
+ from Eric Hodel.
+ * test/net/imap/test_imap.rb (setup, teardown): turn on
+ Socket.do_not_reverse_lookup in tests.
+Fri Jul 24 00:13:41 2009 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (resp_text_code): accepts response codes without
+ text. [ruby-core:24194]
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (idle, idle_done): new methods for the IMAP4 IDLE
+ command (RFC 2177). Thanks, Eric Hodel.
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (format_date, format_datetime): new method to
+ format IMAP-style date/datetime. Thanks, Eric Hodel.
+Thu Jul 23 17:31:02 2009 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb: make irb be able to parse
+ string_dvar. [ruby-core: 24051]
+Thu Jul 23 17:26:51 2009 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/extconf.rb: should not create "config_list" in a $srcdir.
+Thu Jul 23 14:35:02 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_{open,wopen}): fixed typos. these conditions
+ mean to call runtime's open() if textmode.
+Thu Jul 23 08:53:24 2009 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/markup/simple_markup/: Remove useless directory.
+ [Bug #1343]
+Thu Jul 23 08:52:12 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (random_{state,left}): internal/debug use.
+Wed Jul 22 19:29:26 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb (TestModule#test_alias): warning
+ message updated.
+Thu Jul 23 00:39:25 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (class.o): depends on vm_core.h.
+Thu Jul 23 00:10:02 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * time.c (init_leap_second_info): checks the result of gmtime to
+ suppress warnings.
+Wed Jul 22 22:23:24 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * vm_core.h (struct rb_iseq_t): add a new field line_no. This field
+ represents line number from which the original code of the iseq
+ starts. [ruby-dev:38698]
+ * iseq.c, compile.c: ditto.
+ * parse.y: line number hack (for Proc#source_location) is no longer
+ needed.
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: line number of set_trace_func is now
+ compatible with 1.8's.
+Wed Jul 22 22:16:48 2009 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * method.h: Commas at end of enum list not allowed as of C89
+ * vm_method.c (rb_add_method): avoid C++ comment
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_cfunc): ditto.
+Wed Jul 22 20:42:52 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: define IPPROTO_IPV6 macro for recent Windows
+ SDK.
+Wed Jul 22 19:32:10 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: define IPV6_* constants only when INET6
+ is defined.
+Wed Jul 22 19:23:04 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: ipv6 support is disabled by default on mswin.
+Wed Jul 22 17:41:08 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/ipsocket.c (init_inetsock_internal): drop IPv6 addresses
+ if INET6 is not defined.
+Wed Jul 22 17:29:59 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: enable ipv6 support for win32.
+Wed Jul 22 16:38:39 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * hash.c (Hash::[]): rdoc. patch by Marc-Andre Lafortune.
+ #1385.
+Wed Jul 22 10:00:53 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (WSAMSG): get rid of compile error on VC9 and mingw.
+Wed Jul 22 06:35:56 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_enum.rb (TestEnumerable#each): recursive join now
+ raises ArgumentError.
+Wed Jul 22 02:33:57 2009 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb.rb: forget svn commit.
+Wed Jul 22 01:20:54 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_io.rb: block write may block for long time.
+Wed Jul 22 00:34:39 2009 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb.rb, lib/irb/init.rb, lib/irb/ext/save-history.rb: add
+ IRB::irb_at_exit. no use finalizer saving history. [ruby-dev-38563]
+Tue Jul 21 23:47:38 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * random.c (rand_init): array length of random seed was broken, which
+ causes memory error with srand(2**1000000-1).
+ * test/ruby/test_rand.c: test for above.
+Tue Jul 21 21:37:19 2009 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb/cmd/help.rb: fixed irb's "help" command. [ruby-core:22310].
+ * lib/tracer.rb: no show lines unknown line number. [ruby-core:22096],
+ no trace display c-call and c-return as default.
+Tue Jul 21 16:24:41 2009 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (vtdate2rbtime): VT_DATE variant object
+ is converted to Time object now.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_variant.rb (test_s_new_with_nil,
+ test_conversion_time2date, test_conversion_str2date,
+ test_conversion_vt_date, test_set_value): ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (rbtime2vtdate): refactoring.
+Tue Jul 21 16:07:57 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/tracer.rb: toplevel caller exists now. [ruby-core:24454]
+Tue Jul 21 13:36:20 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.[ch] (recvmsg, sendmsg): new functions to support recvmsg/
+ sendmsg like UNIX. these functions are experimental and not tested
+ well. bug reports are welcome.
+Tue Jul 21 13:35:21 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (TEST_RUNNABLE): follow r24209.
+Tue Jul 21 12:45:31 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_enable, rb_gc_disable): should return Qtrue/Qfalse.
+Tue Jul 21 12:38:07 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c (rb_generic_ivar_memsize): should not remove generic
+ instance variable table.
+Mon Jul 20 20:35:55 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (rb_f_open): add rdoc about specifying ext_enc as *-bom.
+Mon Jul 20 19:00:58 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (compile_dstr_fragments): reduced needless literal.
+ * parse.y (xstring, regexp, dsym, literal_concat, evstr2dstr):
+ literal at the top of dstr is no longer needed if it is empty,
+ since concatstrings and toregexp always create new strings.
+Mon Jul 20 12:51:39 2009 wanabe <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb (Matrix#rank): revert a part of r20859 to avoid
+ infinite loop. [Bug #1020]
+Mon Jul 20 11:12:54 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, (TEST_RUNNABLE): tests are no
+ runnable if cross-compiling.
+ * (btest*, test*): ditto.
+Mon Jul 20 10:55:18 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb (Addrinfo#family_addrinfo): fix a typo in
+ error message. patch by Nobuhiro IMAI. [ruby-dev:38828]
+Sun Jul 19 22:22:54 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * rational.c (float_to_r): an improvement.
+Sun Jul 19 20:41:24 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (make_patterns): do not use \d.
+ * rational.c (make_patterns): ditto.
+Sun Jul 19 17:32:37 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (io_read): should taint the result. [ruby-dev:38826]
+Sun Jul 19 11:00:14 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_method.c (me_opts): fixed optimized method aliasing.
+ [ruby-dev:38824]
+Sun Jul 19 10:54:56 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb (Socket.accept_loop): rescue
+ IO::WaitReadable instead of Errno::EWOULDBLOCK.
+ (Socket.udp_server_loop_on): ditto.
+Sat Jul 18 23:44:59 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * re.c (reg_enc_error): use rb_enc_get to get the encoding of
+ a Regexp object. REGEXP(re)->ptr->enc is the encoding of the
+ regexp engine for patterns and target strings.
+ [ruby-core:23208]
+Sat Jul 18 17:43:12 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_hash_cmp): got rid of overflow.
+Sat Jul 18 16:03:01 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/defines.h (TRUE, FALSE): for internal use.
+Sat Jul 18 11:39:49 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * random.c: workaround for VC++ 6.0.
+Sat Jul 18 09:16:18 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (rb_random_{int32,real,bytes,int}): added functions for
+ extension libraries.
+Sat Jul 18 09:07:00 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (fill_random_seed): use cryptographic service on Windows.
+Sat Jul 18 07:56:00 2009 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: fail to create a widget object for an unknown
+ widget path.
+Sat Jul 18 07:06:31 2009 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb,ext/tk/lib/tk/grid.rb: Bug fix on grid_slaves().
+ Extend usage pattern of grid_column()/grid_row().
+Sat Jul 18 06:30:35 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h: include winsock headers in extern "C++" for
+ C++ extension libraries.
+ * include/ruby/missing.h (vsnprintf): workaround for VC++.
+ [ruby-core:23096]
+Sat Jul 18 00:23:47 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (Init_readline): rl_catch_signals does
+ not exist on some platform like Mac OS X 10.5.
+ * ext/readline/extconf.rb: checks existence of rl_catch_signals.
+Fri Jul 17 22:37:22 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (socket_s_ip_address_list): drop inactive
+ adapters.
+ * test/socket/test_{nonblock,addrinfo,socket}.rb: skip some tests on
+ Windows.
+ [ruby-core:23051]
+Fri Jul 17 22:29:21 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (Init_readline): use rl_catch_sigwinch only
+ when existing.
+ * ext/readline/extconf.rb: check existence of rl_catch_sigwinch, and
+ workaround for native Win32 readline port.
+Fri Jul 17 18:18:23 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * range.c (recursive_hash): extracted from range_hash. reject
+ recursive key.
+ (range_hash): use recursive_hash.
+Fri Jul 17 18:11:32 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * struct.c (recursive_hash): extracted from rb_struct_hash. reject
+ recursive key.
+ (rb_struct_hash): use recursive_hash.
+Fri Jul 17 16:45:22 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * array.c (recursive_hash): reject recursive key.
+Fri Jul 17 15:20:53 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (DIGSPERINT): fix for LP64.
+ * random.c (fill_random_seed): /dev/urandom is not available on
+ DOSISH systems.
+ * random.c (random_equal): new method Random#==.
+Fri Jul 17 13:35:47 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/init.c (rsock_getfamily): return AF_UNSPEC if getsockname
+ is failed. [ruby-core:24383]
+Fri Jul 17 01:22:57 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (recursive_join): raise ArgumentError for joining
+ recursive array.
+ * array.c (ary_join_1): ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb (TestArray#test_join2): test updated for
+ recursive join.
+Thu Jul 16 23:32:16 2009 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/extconf.rb,ext/tk/ ignore paths which includes
+ white space characters on Windows.[ruby-dev:38794]
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: works on Cygwin (limitation:: Tk.mainloop works on
+ the main thread only).
+Thu Jul 16 20:58:18 2009 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole.rb (test_s_codepage_changed,
+ test_s_locale_set, test_s_locale_change): skip test if Japanese
+ locale is not installed. [ruby-core:23806]
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_variant.rb (test_conversion_str2cy):
+ ditto.
+Thu Jul 16 19:02:28 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb (Socket.tcp_server_sockets_port0): servers
+ is nil if an error occurs before setting it.
+Thu Jul 16 18:42:56 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (fill_random_seed): suppress a warning.
+Thu Jul 16 18:30:20 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_aset, recursive_hash): rejects recursive hash.
+ [ruby-core:22921]
+Thu Jul 16 18:28:09 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * id.c (Init_id), vm.c (vm_exec): @#__ThrowState__ is no longer
+ used. [ruby-dev:38760]
+Thu Jul 16 17:41:28 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_alias): fix a case which try non-existing method alias.
+ * test/ruby/test_alias.rb: add a test.
+Thu Jul 16 16:00:23 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (io_reopen): discards read buffer. [ruby-core:24240]
+Thu Jul 16 15:52:25 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_new, rb_bigzero_p), range.c (rb_range_values):
+ added for random.c.
+ * random.c (rb_random_t): objectified. [EXPERIMENTAL]
+ [ruby-dev:30954]
+Thu Jul 16 14:08:44 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_sample): RDoc update. a patch from Florian
+ Frank. [ruby-core:24347]
+Thu Jul 16 12:42:10 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_readline): rl_free_line_state
+ before rl_cleanup_after_signal.
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (Init_readline): set rl_catch_signals and
+ rl_catch_sigwinch as 0. [ruby-core:21884]
+Thu Jul 16 08:59:22 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * node.h, vm_core.h, variable.c: rename global_entry to rb_global_entry.
+ * compile.c, insns.def, iseq.c, vm_insnhelper.h: ditto.
+Thu Jul 16 08:57:44 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_method.c: separate clearing cache entry code.
+Thu Jul 16 08:56:32 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * dir.c (push_glob): re-fix GC problem.
+Thu Jul 16 08:55:27 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * add method.h.
+Thu Jul 16 08:53:26 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * io.c (argf_free): free data body.
+Wed Jul 15 23:46:55 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * method.h, vm_core.h: add rb_method_entry_t. Remove nodes around
+ method management. This change affect some VM control stack structure.
+ * vm.c, vm_insnhelper.c, vm_method.c, vm_eval.c: ditto. and make some
+ refactoring.
+ * insns.def, class.c, eval.c, proc.c, vm_dump.c : ditto.
+ * vm_core.h, compile.c (iseq_specialized_instruction): remove
+ VM_CALL_SEND_BIT. use another optimization tech for Kernel#send.
+ * node.h: remove unused node types.
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c (count_nodes): ditto.
+ * gc.c: add mark/free functions for method entry.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: remove decl of
+ rb_define_notimplement_method_id(). nobody can use it
+ because noex is not opened.
+ * iseq.c (iseq_mark): fix to check ic_method is available.
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_disasm): fix to use rb_method_get_iseq().
+Wed Jul 15 23:45:11 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * dir.c (push_glob): fix GC problem.
+Wed Jul 15 17:33:52 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * ext/purelib.rb: translates a fake path to rubygems in $" into
+ an alternative in $: so that Kernel.#require does not load
+ more rubygems.rb.
+ Resolves many failures in test/rubygems/*.
+ * gem_prelude.rb (Gem.load_full_rubygems_library): supports case
+ the rubygems to load is not in $(rubylibprefix).
+ (Gem.path_to_full_rubygems_library): new method for the changes in
+ purelib.rb and Gem.load_full_rubygems_library.
+ (Gem.fake_rubygems_as_loaded): new method.
+Wed Jul 15 16:29:35 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (LIBPATHFLAG): path is already quoted in mkmf.rb.
+Wed Jul 15 06:21:50 2009 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/extconf.rb: --with-{tcl,tk}-dir doesn't work.[ruby-dev:38782]
+Wed Jul 15 04:22:54 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/cgi/test_cgi_multipart.rb (CGIMultipartTest#_prepare):
+ set tempfile name with literal.
+Tue Jul 14 21:53:18 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/io/nonblock: moved from ext/io/wait/lib.
+Tue Jul 14 17:29:20 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_index_m): return nil if pos is out of string.
+ [ruby-core:23660]
+Tue Jul 14 16:13:04 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_initialize): check if the descriptor can be accessed
+ in the specified open mode. [ruby-dev:38571]
+Tue Jul 14 09:26:14 2009 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: Long-term-callback support isn't stable yet.
+ So, disable the feature and waiting for improvement in the future.
+Tue Jul 14 01:28:17 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/ruby/test_m17n.rb (TestM17N#test_env): the encoding of
+ ENV is now locale encoding.
+Tue Jul 14 01:24:56 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): should return real object.
+Tue Jul 14 01:06:31 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * enumerator.c (yielder_yield_i): use rb_proc_new instead of
+ rb_iterate. [ruby-dev:38518]
+ * README.EXT: rb_iterate is obsolete since 1.9; use rb_block_call
+ instead.
+ * README.EXT.ja: ditto.
+Tue Jul 14 00:45:41 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * test/ruby/test_case.rb (TestCase#test_deoptimization):
+ test for [ruby-core:23190].
+Mon Jul 13 22:49:50 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * lib/prime.rb (Prime#prime_division): now decomposes
+ negative integer into a decomposition with element [-1, 1].
+ * test/test_prime.rb: test for it.
+Mon Jul 13 22:28:03 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (pipe_open): handles leaked on win32 when an error occurs.
+Mon Jul 13 20:21:51 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): should not shadow outer variable not to
+ return Qnil always.
+Mon Jul 13 19:41:05 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): copy instance variables to new regexp.
+Mon Jul 13 17:49:11 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h, compile.c: declare struct iseq_inline_cache_entry.
+ Inline cache (IC) entries are no longer GC managed object.
+ IC entries are freed when ISeq is freed.
+ * iseq.c: fix mark, free, memsize functions for above change.
+ * insns.def: remove rb_gc_write_barrier().
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_method_search): ditto.
+ * tool/instruction.rb, template/ (insn_iclen):
+ added.
+Mon Jul 13 13:35:08 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def, vm_insnhelper.c (getinstancevariable):
+ fix to use inline cache.
+ * compile.c: fix to skip inline cache entry (IC). IC is added
+ automatically by compiler.
+ * insns.def, vm_insnhelper.h: fix IC positions.
+ * iseq.c: increment minor_version of ISeq because of above change.
+Mon Jul 13 08:01:00 2009 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/extconf.rb: New strategy for searching Tcl/Tk libraries.
+ * ext/tk/*: Support new features of Tcl/Tk8.6b1 and minor bug fixes.
+ ( [KNOWN BUG] Ruby/Tk on Ruby 1.9 will not work on Cygwin. )
+ * ext/tk/*: Unify sources between Ruby 1.8 & 1.9.
+ Improve default_widget_set handling.
+ * ext/tk/*: Multi-TkInterpreter (multi-tk.rb) works on Ruby 1.8 & 1.9.
+ ( [KNOWN BUG] On Ruby 1.8, join to a long term Thread on Tk
+ callbacks may freeze. On Ruby 1.9, cannot create a second
+ master interpreter (creating slaves are OK); supported master
+ interpreter is the default master interpreter only. )
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/*: Update supported versions of Tk extensions.
+ Tcllib 1.8/Tklib 0.4.1 ==> Tcllib 1.11.1/Tklib 0.5
+ BWidgets 1.7 ==> BWidgets 1.8
+ TkTable 2.9 ==> TkTable 2.10
+ TkTreeCtrl 2005-12-02 ==> TkTreeCtrl 2.2.9
+ Tile 0.8.0/8.5.1 ==> Tile 0.8.3/8.6b1
+ IncrTcl 2005-02-14 ==> IncrTcl 2008-12-15
+ TclX 2005-02-07 ==> TclX 2008-12-15
+ Trofs 0.4.3 ==> Trofs 0.4.4
+Mon Jul 13 01:18:13 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * time.c (time_timespec): rounds subsecond toward zero.
+Sun Jul 12 23:51:39 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * hash.c (env_str_new): use rb_locale_str_new instead of
+ rb_tainted_str_new. rb_locale_str_new set string locale
+ encoding and tainted.
+Sun Jul 12 23:56:40 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c: added some shortcuts.
+ * rational.c: ditto.
+Sun Jul 12 23:30:26 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (rb_to_integer, rb_check_to_integer): return Bignum
+ as-is.
+Sun Jul 12 21:07:46 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c: use k_exact_{zero,one}_p macro.
+ * rational.c: ditto.
+Sun Jul 12 20:42:58 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_divide): added an entry to rational.
+ * rational.c (rb_rational_reciprocal): added.
+ * complex.c (f_reciprocal): added.
+Sun Jul 12 02:24:42 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (rand_init): use fixed buffer for small numbers.
+Sat Jul 11 14:43:34 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io_m17n.rb (test_strip_bom): added.
+Sat Jul 11 07:11:59 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_attempted_completion_function):
+ array length is long.
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_s_get_filename_quote_characters):
+ missing type of self.
+Sat Jul 11 02:37:37 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (limited_rand): expands to long before shift so that
+ the result does not overflow.
+Sat Jul 11 00:16:27 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (rand_init): got rid of buffer overflow.
+Sat Jul 11 00:11:38 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (ary_join_1): should recurse for element array.
+Fri Jul 10 23:10:11 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (io_strip_bom): ungetbyte third byte when UTF-16LE.
+Fri Jul 10 23:04:16 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (io_strip_bom): Fix condition of second byte of
+ UTF-16LE/UTF-32LE.
+Fri Jul 10 21:45:30 2009 TAKAO Kouji <>
+ * ext/readline/extconf.rb: checked rl_refresh_line in readline.
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_s_refresh_line): add new
+ method, a patch from Koichiro Ohba. see [ruby-list:45922].
+Fri Jul 10 21:00:05 2009 TAKAO Kouji <>
+ * ext/readline/extconf.rb: checked rl_line_buffer and rl_point in
+ readline.
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_s_get_line_buffer): new method.
+ (readline_s_get_point): new method.
+Fri Jul 10 16:30:03 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (recursive_join): use obj to tell if recursion occurs.
+ [ruby-core:24150]
+ * enum.c (enum_join): reverted r23966. [ruby-core:24196]
+Fri Jul 10 14:41:34 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): set encoding only if the encoding
+ is not US-ASCII.
+Fri Jul 10 14:44:03 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (struct MT): ruby already assumes int has 32bit a
+ least, so no needs to use long.
+ * random.c (rand_init): copies data to be used really only.
+Fri Jul 10 11:41:39 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_obj_{untrust,untrusted,trust}): added
+ prototypes. [ruby-dev:38756]
+Fri Jul 10 10:25:19 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_search_superclass): checks for implicit
+ argument passing before method search. [ruby-core:24244]
+Fri Jul 10 07:22:29 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_data_type): typed.
+Thu Jul 9 23:28:48 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * include/ruby/io.h (FMODE_STRIP_BOM): new constant.
+ * io.c (io_encname_bom_p): judge whether the encoding name
+ is *-bom or not.
+ (parse_mode_enc): drop "-bom".
+ (rb_io_modestr_fmode): set FMODE_STRIP_BOM if needed.
+ (rb_io_extract_modeenc): ditto.
+ (io_strip_bom): strip bom if exists.
+ (io_set_encoding_by_bom): set encoding if there is bom.
+ Set encoding and strip bom when modeenc string is "r:foo-bom"
+ [ruby-dev:37236]
+Thu Jul 9 21:56:59 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): replace \u by u when the regexp is
+ made by Ruby 1.8. [ruby-dev:36750]
+Wed Jul 8 23:13:54 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (nucomp_div): omitted zero division check.
+Wed Jul 8 21:00:37 2009 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb/inspector.rb: forget svn add.
+Wed Jul 8 19:10:22 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (rb_check_type): rejects typed data.
+Wed Jul 8 18:28:04 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c ({proc,binding,method}_data_type): typed.
+Wed Jul 8 16:47:03 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_basename): returns new string instead of
+ shared string from FilePathStringValue(). [ruby-core:24199]
+Wed Jul 8 04:28:16 2009 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/.document: Update with extensions that appear to have
+ documentation. [ruby-core:24181]
+Wed Jul 8 04:28:16 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h:
+ rename
+ "...TypeStruct" and "typed_struct" to
+ "TypedData..." and "typeddata", respectively.
+ rename
+ rb_data_type_t#name to
+ rb_data_type_t#wrap_struct_name.
+ * error.c, gc.c, iseq.c, vm.c: ditto.
+Tue Jul 7 20:23:27 2009 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * bin/irb, lib/irb.rb lib/irb/*: irb-0.9.6, extend inspect-mode
+Tue Jul 7 17:00:38 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_call_finalizer_at_exit): deal with typed struct like
+ as obj_free().
+ * error.c (rb_typed_struct_is_kind_of): new function to see if the
+ given typed struct.
+ * error.c (rb_check_typed_struct): new function to check typed
+ struct.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (Check_TypedStruct, Data_Get_TypedStruct):
+ new macro to check typed struct.
+Tue Jul 7 13:36:46 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enum.c (DEFINE_ENUMFUNCS): included function signature.
+ * enum.c (rb_enum_join): non-nil separator must be convertible to
+ String. [ruby-core:24172]
+Tue Jul 7 12:47:28 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (rb_enum_join): should propagate taint to the return
+ value. the change was overridden by r23967. [ruby-core:24176]
+Tue Jul 7 11:56:52 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+Tue Jul 7 10:12:37 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_ext_int_to_encs): Set external encoding if
+ ext==intern. [ruby-dev:38278]
+Mon Jul 6 09:31:50 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (make_curry_proc): should propagate lambda-ness.
+ [ruby-core:24127]
+ * proc.c (proc_hash): use long.
+Mon Jul 6 09:06:49 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb (TestModule#test_undef): adjust to
+ message change.
+ * test/ruby/test_object.rb (TestObject#test_redefine_method_which_may_case_serious_problem): ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_object.rb (TestObject#test_remove_method): ditto.
+Mon Jul 6 09:04:45 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enum.c (enum_join): deals with self recursive objects to get rid
+ of infinite recursion. [ruby-core:24150]
+Mon Jul 6 08:00:10 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (enum_to_a): should propagate taint to the return value.
+ [ruby-core:24152]
+ * enum.c (enum_sort_by): ditto.
+Mon Jul 6 00:41:41 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * rational.c: edited rdoc.
+Sun Jul 5 23:55:57 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (find_time_t): fix Time.local(2009,2,31) failure on 64bit
+ time_t environment.
+Sun Jul 5 22:43:13 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (nucomp_s_polar): now arg is optional.
+Sun Jul 5 20:40:35 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (float_arg): returns PI for -0.0.
+Sun Jul 5 14:04:36 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_threadptr_exec_event_hooks): new function to
+ execute event hooks, with preserving errinfo. [ruby-core:24118]
+Sun Jul 5 08:14:38 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_add_method, remove_method, rb_undef): fixed
+ minor grammatical errors in warnings. a patch from Run Pain
+ Run Run at [ruby-core:24141].
+ * vm_method.c (Init_eval_method): registers notimplement_body as a
+ mark-object.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_yield_setup_block_args): restores the firs
+ arg where is overwritten at funcall. [ruby-core:24139]
+Sat Jul 4 08:20:03 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (dbl2ival): should raise FloatDomainError on Infinity
+ and NaN as 1.8 does. [ruby-dev:38726]
+Fri Jul 3 22:48:45 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (find_time_t): less number of guesses for hh:mm:60.
+Fri Jul 3 21:30:14 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (nucomp_equal_p): removed.
+Fri Jul 3 21:07:29 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * rational.c: renamed equal_p to eqeq_p.
+ * complex.c: ditto.
+ * complex.c (nucomp_equal_p): added.
+ Complex(NaN).equal?(Complex(NaN)) should return true.
+Fri Jul 3 19:48:40 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c: undef-ed some methods. [ruby-core:24110]
+ * complex.c (Numeric#arg): NaN for NaN. [ruby-core:24116]
+Fri Jul 3 18:35:06 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_core.h (struct rb_iseq_struct): fixed types.
+ * vm_core.h (ic_vmstat): VM state version is VALUE.
+Fri Jul 3 02:52:20 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (find_time_t): time guess strategy refined again.
+Fri Jul 3 00:36:16 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (find_time_t): time guess strategy refined.
+Thu Jul 2 11:16:25 2009 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb: added response to Net::IMAP::ResponseError.
+ a patch from Eric Hodel in [ruby-core:24111].
+Thu Jul 2 08:04:39 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * time.c (num_exact): rb_check_to_integer() can deal with both of
+ Fixnum and Bignum together.
+Thu Jul 2 07:53:44 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): fixed wrong variable.
+Thu Jul 2 05:37:38 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (num_exact): use to_r for T_FLOAT.
+Thu Jul 2 05:15:54 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (quo): return an integer if possible.
+Wed Jul 1 21:09:25 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_time_num_new): declared.
+ * time.c (nsec2timev): extracted from time_new_internal.
+ (time_new_internal): change argument to VALUE.
+ (rb_time_new): follow the argument change.
+ (rb_time_nano_new): ditto.
+ (rb_time_num_new): new function.
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (ancillary_timestamp): use rb_time_num_new to
+ represent struct bintime preciously.
+Wed Jul 1 08:46:11 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (w_encoding): encodings need extra depth.
+ [ruby-core:24100]
+Wed Jul 1 06:47:09 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enum.c (enum_grep): gets rid of type-punning calls.
+Wed Jul 1 06:36:28 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (enum_join): add Enumerable#join.
+ * array.c (ary_join_1): recursive join for Enumerators (and
+ objects with #to_a).
+ * array.c (rb_ary_join): performance tune.
+Tue Jun 30 18:19:07 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_hash): documentation fix. a patch from
+ Marc-Andre Lafortune. [ruby-core:23943]
+ * object.c (rb_mod_cmp): ditto.
+ * range.c (range_eq): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_partition, rb_str_rpartition): ditto.
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_s_def): ditto.
+Tue Jun 30 17:44:24 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (reg_match_pos): adjust offset based on characters, not
+ bytes. [ruby-dev:38722]
+ * string.c (rb_str_offset): new function.
+ * string.c (rb_str_index_m): no call to rb_reg_adjust_startpos().
+Tue Jun 30 16:57:07 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb: renamed to get rid of collision against
+ instruction.rb on command line completion of shell.
+ * tool/mkconfig.rb (RbConfig.expand): get rid of exceptions on
+ frozen strings unless really changed.
+ * tool/file2lastrev.rb: get rid of global variables.
+ * tool/compile_prelude.rb: use US-ASCII name.
+Tue Jun 30 16:46:40 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * insns.def, tool/instruction.rb: fixed types.
+Tue Jun 30 11:08:49 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/oniguruma.h, include/ruby/re.h, re.c, regcomp.c,
+ regenc.c, regerror.c, regexec.c, regint.h, regparse.c: use long.
+Tue Jun 30 11:05:59 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dln.c (dln_find_1): fixed index overrun.
+Tue Jun 30 08:42:34 2009 Eric Hodel <>
+ * tool/instruby.rb: summary is required in a .gemspec.
+Tue Jun 30 01:35:12 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * tool/strip-rdocs.rb: supports QT style doxy-comments.
+Tue Jun 30 01:24:10 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/cmath.rb (log2, cbrt): added. [experimental]
+Tue Jun 30 01:19:53 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (nucomp_expt): do not use rb_fexpt.
+Mon Jun 29 22:50:10 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * removed. merged into template/Doxyfile.template
+ * new checking for dot and doxygen.
+ * template/Doxyfile.template: merged with
+ configured some options.
+ * (capi): use $(DOXYGEN) instead of "doxygen".
+ (Doxyfile): removed a duplicate entry in the dependency.
+Mon Jun 29 21:01:31 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (nucomp_expt): checks exactness.
+Mon Jun 29 20:29:11 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * rational.c (float_to_r): always returns rational.
+Mon Jun 29 18:55:55 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dln.c (dln_find_1): fix for files with dots. [ruby-dev:38588]
+Mon Jun 29 17:14:31 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (file_expand_path): should copy original encoding.
+ [ruby-dev:38612]
+Sun Jun 28 23:10:55 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * gem_prelude.c (Gem.default_dir): follows the change on
+ lib/rubygems/default.rb in r23879
+Sun Jun 28 23:32:11 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (nucomp_div): raises ZeroDivisionError immediately
+ when the given second argument is zero.
+ * rational.c (nurat_fdiv): never raise even if the given second
+ argument is zero.
+ * rational.c (rb_raise_zerodiv): changed the message (zero to 0).
+Sun Jun 28 22:25:07 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (nucomp_expt): convert to a float when the given power
+ is a bignum.
+ * rational.c (nurat_expt): ditto.
+Sun Jun 28 21:16:48 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/cmath.rb (sqrt): fixed an issue [ruby-list:45852].
+Sun Jun 28 19:48:29 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (nucomp_expt): some improvements.
+ * rational.c (nurat_expt): ditto.
+Sun Jun 28 19:03:46 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * tool/instruby.rb (:gem): registers the bundled version
+ of minitest as a gem as rdoc or rake.
+ c.f. [ruby-dev:38692].
+Sun Jun 28 19:02:07 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * lib/rubygems.rb (ConfigMap[:rubylibprefix]): new entry.
+ * lib/rubygems/defaults.rb (Gem.default_dir): considers
+ "--with-rubylibprefix" configure option.
+Sun Jun 28 09:21:00 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c: renamed some static functions.
+ * rational.c: ditto.
+Sat Jun 27 19:06:22 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (nucomp_addsub): new
+ * complex.c (nucomp_{add,sub}): use nucomp_addsub.
+ * complex.c (nucomp_divide): changed the algorithm.
+ * complex.c (nucomp_abs): added shortcuts.
+Sat Jun 27 16:56:33 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * rational.c (nurat_cmp): use rb_num_coerce_cmp.
+Sat Jun 27 16:45:10 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c: revised rdoc.
+ * rational.c: ditto.
+ * numeric.c: ditto.
+Sat Jun 27 13:44:48 2009 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * NEWS, lib/rss/maker/base.rb, test/rss/test_maker_2.0.rb: add
+ item.guid.permanent_link? and item.guid.permanent_link=.
+Sat Jun 27 13:41:00 2009 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * NEWS: rss: 0.2.5 -> 0.2.7.
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb, test/rss/test_version.rb: 0.2.6 -> 0.2.7.
+Sat Jun 27 03:16:56 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (int_chr): use default_internal encoding as default
+ destination encoding if set. [ruby-core:23997]
+Sat Jun 27 03:09:04 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (argf_rewind): need to rewind $. and ARGF.lineno.
+ [ruby-core:24046]
+ * io.c (struct argf): refactoring on $. and ARGF.lineno behavior.
+Fri Jun 26 21:48:30 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (pty_getpty): check dup failure.
+Fri Jun 26 17:33:46 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb (TestRubyOptions#test_rubyopt):
+ test suite add '.' to RUBYLIB. remove checks.
+ * test/ruby/test_require.rb (TestRequire#test_tainted_loadpath):
+ the default tempdir directory /tmp is world writable, so
+ SecurityError would be raised. check removed.
+Fri Jun 26 16:32:59 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * (COMPILE_PRELUDE): need -I. before -rrbconfig.
+ [ruby-dev:38714]
+Thu Jun 25 18:41:51 2009 Ryan Davis <>
+ * lib/minitest/*.rb: Imported minitest 1.4.2 r5269.
+ * test/minitest/*.rb: ditto.
+Thu Jun 25 17:58:39 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (argf_binmode_m): should call rb_io_ascii8bit_binmode() to
+ set its encoding to ASCII-8BIT. [ruby-core:24029]
+Thu Jun 25 13:04:58 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * instruby.rb: '&' in sed s command's replacement is '\&' in ruby.
+ [ruby-dev:38713]
+Thu Jun 25 06:50:23 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_each_codepoint): uninitialized local variable enc.
+Thu Jun 25 06:25:49 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (first_i): wrong condition for no argument #first.
+ [ruby-core:24017]
+Wed Jun 24 20:19:11 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (time_s_now): new function. don't take arguments.
+Wed Jun 24 16:08:03 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/resource.rb: CONFIG["TEENY"] is not ruby's version but API's
+ one. So need to use RUBY_VERSION instead.
+Wed Jun 24 16:07:04 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/mkexports.rb: rbconfig.rb exists at ".".
+Wed Jun 24 15:02:29 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_set_encode): show the erred file name instead of
+ the file that requires it. [ruby-core:24006]
+Wed Jun 24 11:41:20 2009 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * misc/ruby-style.el: It is too late to set c-file-style in
+ c-mode-hook (at least on Emacs 23). Call c-set-style instead.
+Tue Jun 23 21:28:16 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_get_path_check): check with given safe level.
+ * file.c (rb_find_file_ext_safe, rb_find_file_safe): ditto.
+ * safe.c (rb_insecure_operation): function to raise security
+ error.
+Tue Jun 23 20:32:43 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * gc.c: remove the definition of GC_DEBUG (debugging macro).
+Tue Jun 23 16:16:12 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (ruby_version): defaults revision to 0 when no
+ revision.h exists.
+Tue Jun 23 16:04:59 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_find_file_ext, rb_find_file): no needs to expand
+ paths with tilde twice.
+ * load.c (rb_f_load): load the given path directly if not found in
+ load_path.
+ * load.c (search_required): search file in specified safe level.
+ * load.c (rb_require_safe): path to load is already searched in
+ search_required().
+Tue Jun 23 12:43:56 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * remove PACKAGE_* macros generated by autotools.
+ [ruby-core:20938]
+Tue Jun 23 01:17:38 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ruby.c (process_options): don't specify .so for encdb here.
+ "." is replaced by "_" in load_encoding.
+ * encoding.c (load_encoding): add .so here.
+Mon Jun 22 23:24:22 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_generic_ivar_memsize): typo fixed. a patch from
+ Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA. [ruby-dev:38700]
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c (memsize_of): ditto.
+Mon Jun 22 21:21:59 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c: remove __CHECKER__ test.
+ * dir.c: ditto.
+ * dln.c: ditto.
+ * file.c: ditto.
+ * process.c: ditto.
+Mon Jun 22 17:15:38 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_each_codepoint): new method.
+ [ruby-core:23949]
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_each_codepoint): ditto.
+Mon Jun 22 16:26:11 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (ruby_init_loadpath_safe): removed "." from load_path.
+Mon Jun 22 16:14:30 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_set_arguments, iseq_compile_each): internal
+ arrays must be hidden. [ruby-dev:38613]
+ * vm.c (Init_top_self): ditto.
+Mon Jun 22 14:41:47 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (process_options), enc/prelude.rb: encdb and transdb are
+ extension libraries.
+ * ruby.c (process_options): set progname earlier.
+Mon Jun 22 13:50:23 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_fdatasync): new method IO#fdatasync.
+Sun Jun 21 22:33:05 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * load.c (Init_load): $: must be readonly. [ruby-dev:38690]
+ * ruby.c (ruby_prog_init): $-W must be readonly. [ruby-dev:38691]
+Sun Jun 21 10:47:21 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils::Entry_#copy_file): open with
+ default umask. [ruby-core:23952]
+Sun Jun 21 10:46:32 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * transcode.c (enc_arg): default internal encoding may not be set.
+ [ruby-core:23932]
+Sat Jun 20 21:11:43 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * numeric.c (num_div): don't use num_floor which is actually
+ flo_floor.
+ * numeric.c (num_modulo): don't call '%'.
+ * numeric.c (num_divmod): use num_modulo.
+ * numeric.c: defined '%'.
+ * rational.c (nurat_idiv,nurat_mod,nurat_divmod,nurat_rem): removed.
+Sat Jun 20 20:28:44 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c: edited rdoc.
+ * numeric.c: ditto.
+Sat Jun 20 08:56:47 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c: edited rdoc.
+ * rational.c: ditto.
+ * numeric.c: ditto.
+Sat Jun 20 07:17:52 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/monitor.rb (MonitorMixin::extend_object): should use
+ #__send__ instead of #send to avoid possible name conflict.
+ [ruby-core:23907]
+Sat Jun 20 06:56:31 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c: edited rdoc.
+ * rational.c: ditto.
+Sat Jun 20 05:08:59 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c: edited rdoc.
+ * rational.c: ditto.
+Sat Jun 20 04:30:35 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * rational.c (nurat_abs): removed.
+Sat Jun 20 03:34:16 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c: added rdoc.
+Fri Jun 19 23:43:38 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * numeric.c: edited rdoc.
+Fri Jun 19 22:58:16 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * rational.c: edited rdoc.
+Fri Jun 19 22:21:17 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * numeric.c: edited rdoc.
+Fri Jun 19 21:56:01 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * rational.c (nurat_expt): delegates to complex when self is
+ negative. because Float#** does not produce complex.
+Fri Jun 19 21:40:58 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * numeric.c: edited rdoc.
+ * rational.c: ditto.
+Fri Jun 19 20:53:54 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_name_list): update RDoc. [ruby-core:23926]
+Fri Jun 19 20:44:45 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c: constant COMPLEX_NAME has been removed.
+ * rational.c: constant RATIONAL_NAME has been removed.
+Fri Jun 19 20:39:46 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * rational.c: added rdoc. a patch from Run Paint Run Run.
+Fri Jun 19 17:04:59 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_cmp): should always return nil for NaN.
+ * numeric.c (flo_cmp): handle infinite value specially using
+ infinite? method internally. [ruby-dev:38681]
+Fri Jun 19 09:28:45 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * numeric.c (*_numerator,*_denominator): moved to rational.c.
+ * rational.c (*_numerator,*_denominator): moved from numeric.c.
+Fri Jun 19 08:14:07 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (big_lshift, big_rshift): return Bignum always without
+ normalization. [ruby-dev:38679]
+Thu Jun 18 22:31:38 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * rational.c (nurat_s_convert): calls to_r when the given argument
+ is non-integer.
+ * rational.c (nurat_s_convert): raises TypeError when the given
+ argument is nil.
+ * complex.c (nucomp_s_convert): ditto.
+Thu Jun 18 20:32:11 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * numeric.c (num_numerator, num_denominator): use
+ to_r [ruby-core:23910].
+Thu Jun 18 16:21:05 2009 Ryan Davis <>
+ * lib/minitest/*.rb: Imported minitest 1.4.0 r5083.
+ * test/minitest/*.rb: ditto.
+Thu Jun 18 10:12:49 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_to_f): went infinity too
+ early. add BASE_FIG margin. [ruby-dev:38673]
+Thu Jun 18 01:35:51 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_cmp): Infinity is greater than any bignum
+ number. [ruby-dev:38672]
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_cmp): ditto.
+Thu Jun 18 01:29:16 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (file_expand_path): drive letter is ascii only.
+ [ruby-dev:38612]
+Thu Jun 18 01:09:27 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (ridir, RI_BASE_NAME): fixed for path expansion.
+ [ruby-core:23876]
+Wed Jun 17 23:46:08 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * rational.c (nurat_coerce): accepts Complex when the imag is
+ exact zero.
+Wed Jun 17 21:25:54 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_fdiv): checks whether the given second argument
+ can be converted to float properly.
+ * numeric.c (fix_fdiv): calls rb_big_fdiv when the given second
+ argument is a bignum.
+ * rational.c (nurat_fdiv): should calculate Float(x/y), not
+ Float(x)/Float(y).
+Wed Jun 17 16:57:40 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * load.c (rb_f_require): RDoc updated. a patch from Run Paint Run
+ Run in [ruby-core:23833].
+ * load.c (rb_mod_autoload): ditto. [ruby-core:23835]
+Wed Jun 17 14:37:18 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sample/test.rb (valid_syntax?): skips BOM. [ruby-dev:38666]
+ * test/ruby/test_system.rb (TestSystem#valid_syntax?): ditto.
+Wed Jun 17 13:54:18 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c (Init_strscan): remove obsolete
+ matchedsize method, use matched_size instead. [ruby-dev:38591]
+Wed Jun 17 12:37:37 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * thread.c (ruby_thread_stack_overflow): call rb_exc_raise() on
+ stack overflows in the signal handler, if sigaltstack is
+ available. On stack overflow (and with sigaltstack), the signal
+ handler is more likely to have room to create an exception
+ object. [ruby-core:23813]
+Wed Jun 17 08:10:38 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/objspace: added. objspace library extends some methods to
+ ObjectSpace module.
+Wed Jun 17 08:14:01 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (nucomp_coerce): accepts Complex instances.
+ * rational.c (nurat_coerce): accepts Rational
+ instances. [ruby-core:23859]
+Wed Jun 17 07:36:22 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/webrick/httputils.rb (parse_form_data): escape boundary of
+ multipart/form-data when embed in regexp.
+Wed Jun 17 07:24:26 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_memsize): added.
+ * io.c (rb_io_memsize): added.
+ * regcomp.c (onig_memsize): added.
+ * string.c (rb_str_memsize): added.
+ * transcode.c (rb_transcoding_memsize, rb_econv_memsize): added.
+ * variable.c (rb_geneic_ivar_memsize): added.
+Wed Jun 17 07:04:33 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c (iseq_memsize): added. Use RTypedData instead of RData
+ for ISeq.
+ * vm.c (env_memsize, vm_memsize, thread_memsize): added. Use
+ RTypedData instead of RData for Env, VM, Thread.
+Wed Jun 17 06:48:28 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * st.c, include/ruby/st.h (st_memsize): added. This function returns
+ the memory usage of st_table.
+Wed Jun 17 06:19:06 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: New structure RTypedData, added.
+ This structure includes more explicit type information for
+ T_DATA objects. If RData(obj)->dfree is immediate value `1' on
+ T_DATA object obj, obj is needed to be accessed with RTYPEDDATA(obj)
+ instead of RDATA(obj). A RTypedData structure points the structure
+ rb_typed_data_t. rb_typed_data_t includes information such as the
+ type name of this data, mark and free function what RData includes,
+ and memsize function show how data consuming the memory size.
+ Note that you do not need any change existing T_DATA objects.
+ If you use RDataType instead of RData on T_DATA object,
+ you can specify explicit type information.
+ * gc.c (rb_data_typed_object_alloc, rb_objspace_data_type_memsize,
+ rb_objspace_data_type_name): added.
+Wed Jun 17 06:14:23 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: fix indent.
+Wed Jun 17 06:05:03 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_objspace_each_objects): New C API, added.
+Wed Jun 17 00:31:30 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_argf.rb (TestArgf#test_skip): updated test
+ according to clarified behavior.
+Tue Jun 16 22:47:37 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (fptr_finalize): revert last change. [ruby-dev:38648]
+ * io.c (fptr_finalize): skip close(2) for fd 0,1,2.
+Tue Jun 16 20:07:09 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * transcode.c (transcode_restartable0): refix can't build with VC9.
+Tue Jun 16 16:09:59 2009 TAKANO Mitsuhiro (takano32) <>
+ * parse.y (parser_read_escape, parser_tokadd_escape):
+ replace scan_oct as ruby_scan_oct.
+Tue Jun 16 06:40:31 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (fptr_finalize): should close stdin/stdout/stderr when
+ closed explicitly. [ruby-core:23853]
+ * io.c (argf_skip): should close only when current_file is available.
+Tue Jun 16 01:50:02 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_call0): refine exception message for hidden objects.
+Mon Jun 15 22:35:31 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big2db): (-Float::MAX.to_i*2).to_f should return
+ -HUGE_VAL (-Infinity).
+Mon Jun 15 18:48:41 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (argf_each_line): should return self. [ruby-core:23852]
+ * io.c (argf_each_byte, argf_each_char): ditto.
+Mon Jun 15 17:48:42 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (os_obj_of): invoke garbage collection before iteration, to
+ avoid accessing half recycled object references. [ruby-dev:38613]
+Mon Jun 15 11:04:30 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * .gdbinit (rp, iseq): load dummy_gdb_enums on demand.
+ [ruby-dev:38606]
+Sun Jun 14 14:57:57 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c, vm_eval.c: add Thread.backtrace.
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb: add a test.
+Sun Jun 14 13:58:32 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * transcode.c (transcode_restartable0): revert last commit because
+ this change cause SEGV at test-all.
+Sun Jun 14 10:49:18 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_find_file_ext, rb_find_file): canonicalize absolute
+ paths. [ruby-core:23845]
+ * file.c (rb_file_size): added rdoc. a patch from Run Paint Run
+ Run at [ruby-core:23839].
+Sun Jun 14 07:53:26 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (nucomp_fdiv): use fdiv recursively.
+ * complex.c (nucomp_expt): reduced code.
+Sun Jun 14 03:37:09 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/trans/utf8_mac.trans: remove wrong optimization.
+Sun Jun 14 01:53:00 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * transcode.c (transcode_restartable0): can't build with VC9.
+Sun Jun 14 01:23:41 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * rational.c (nurat_to_f): use fdiv.
+Sat Jun 13 15:03:41 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * load.c (load_lock): show backtrace at circular require.
+ * load.c (rb_provide): assumes us-ascii only.
+ * load.c (rb_require_safe): FilePathValue() implies rb_str_new4().
+ * load.c (rb_mod_autoload): try conversion to path like as
+ require. [ruby-core:23834]
+Sat Jun 13 09:58:26 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (r_ivar): should not set internal encoding ivar as an
+ ordinary ivar. [ruby-dev:38596]
+Sat Jun 13 07:08:40 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_f_local_variables): now returns symbols. a patch from
+ Run Paint Run Run at [ruby-core:23828].
+Sat Jun 13 07:06:54 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_f_catch): updated rdoc about generalized argument,
+ and the case without arguments. [ruby-core:23827]
+Sat Jun 13 06:50:31 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb (Net::BufferedIO#rbuf_fill): TimeoutError is
+ obsolete, use Timeout::Error instead. [ruby-core:23821]
+Sat Jun 13 06:45:46 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_f_throw): fixed rdoc about exception.
+ [ruby-core:23824]
+Fri Jun 12 14:56:50 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (file_expand_path): associate the input encoding when
+ copying an absolute path. [ruby-dev:38594]
+Fri Jun 12 02:41:21 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (str_replace_shared): shared target must be frozen.
+ [ruby-core:23727]
+Thu Jun 11 21:05:09 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/cmath.rb (exp): omitted redundant function call.
+Thu Jun 11 17:49:33 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (gfCheckVal): never used.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (VpInit): fixed format modifiers.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (VPrint): constified.
+Thu Jun 11 15:27:17 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/prime.rb: documentation typo fixed. a patch from okkez.
+ [ruby-dev:38586]
+Wed Jun 10 18:15:17 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * dir.c (dir_s_getwd): directory path's encoding should be filesystem's
+ one.
+ * lib/tmpdir.rb: ditto (but not finished yet.)
+Wed Jun 10 06:28:15 2009 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems*: Upgrade to RubyGems 1.3.4 r2223.
+Tue Jun 9 22:38:09 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/cmath.rb (log10): raised exception when the given number is
+ a negative real.
+Tue Jun 9 15:13:14 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (dir_s_glob): fixed rdoc. a patch from Joseph Pecoraro a
+ [ruby-core:23767].
+ * dir.c (sys_warning): get rid of type-punning function cast.
+ * dir.c (ruby_glob0): get rid of possible overflow.
+Tue Jun 9 10:58:48 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, win32/Makefile.sub (RMALL): need for distclean-rdoc.
+Tue Jun 9 01:07:33 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c: rename functions which require a parameter
+ "rb_thread_t *", the prefix to be rb_threadptr_ instead of
+ rb_thread_.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_add_event_hook(), rb_thread_remove_event_hook):
+ change the parameter type from rb_thread_t * to VALUE.
+ * eval.c, eval_error.c, eval_intern.h, signal.c, vm_core.h, vm_eval.c:
+ ditto.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: remove decl of rb_thread_signal_raise() and
+ rb_thread_signal_exit().
+Mon Jun 8 05:07:41 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (rb_thread_create_timer_thread): print fatal error
+ message to stderr instead of using rb_bug().
+ * KNOWNBUGS.rb, bootstraptest/test_fork.rb: move a fixed test.
+Sun Jun 7 22:44:20 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/cmath.rb (log): avoided redundant expression.
+Sat Jun 6 02:49:05 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_reject_bang): always check frozen status.
+ [ruby-core:23715]
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_update): ditto.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_reject_bang): call rb_hash_foreach() directly.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_update_i): call st_insert() directly.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_update_block_i): ditto.
+Fri Jun 5 07:12:32 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (#link_command): should dup CONFTEST_C which is
+ frozen. ref [ruby-core:23675]. [ruby-core:23702]
+Thu Jun 4 02:25:51 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/base64.rb: typo fixed. a patch from okkez. [ruby-dev:38564]
+Wed Jun 3 09:03:23 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (enum_first): should check negative length.
+Tue Jun 2 17:32:40 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (first_i): Enumerator#first should consume only what is
+ needed. a patch from Marc-Andre Lafortune. [ruby-core:23661]
+ * enum.c (enum_first): call to_int once for an argument. based on
+ a patch from Marc-Andre Lafortune.
+Tue Jun 2 13:27:21 2009 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/ripper/test_filter.rb: add tests. see [ruby-dev:37856]
+Tue Jun 2 07:44:43 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_gsub_bang): modify check at the beginning.
+ [ruby-core:23662] ref [ruby-core:23657]
+ * string.c (rb_str_rstrip_bang): ditto. [ruby-core:23657]
+ * string.c (rb_str_chop_bang): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_chomp_bang): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_reverse_bang): modify check added. [ruby-core:23671]
+Mon Jun 1 11:21:29 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * cont.c (cont_capture, fiber_store): reraise transferred error.
+ * cont.c (fiber_switch): transfers dead fiber error to the previous
+ or root fiber if the current fiber is dead. [ruby-core:23651]
+Mon Jun 1 10:41:41 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_exc_new2): optimization for literal.
+Mon Jun 1 07:20:02 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_to_f): returns Inf if
+ exp is bigger than DBL_MANT_DIG.
+Sun May 31 23:28:00 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): checks for duplication of source
+ files.
+Sun May 31 23:26:36 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (istrailinggarbage): fixed typo.
+Fri May 29 17:10:08 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * struct.c (Init_Struct): made #to_s an alias to #inspect to
+ reduce the result of recursive struct. a patch from ujihisa a
+ [ruby-dev:38554].
+Fri May 29 17:08:23 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (Init_Hash): made #to_s an alias to #inspect to reduce
+ the result of recursive hash. a patch from ujihisa a
+ [ruby-core:23601]. [ruby-dev:38555]
+Fri May 29 09:30:00 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enum.c (collect_all): checks interrupts. [ruby-core:23594]
+Thu May 28 07:39:22 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (THREAD_MODEL): reject unknown value and checks
+ pthread.h only when pthread. [ruby-core:23577]
+Thu May 28 03:47:46 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sample/optparse/opttest.rb: typo fixed. [ruby-dev:38544]
+Thu May 28 03:43:10 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_strftime): update RDoc according to info from
+ Marc-Andre Lafortune in [ruby-core:23575]. [ruby-core:23564]
+Thu May 28 02:40:54 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/uri: don't set @parser if it is DEFAULT_PARSER for marshaling
+ URI objects between Ruby 1.8 and Ruby 1.9.
+ [ruby-dev:38377]
+Wed May 27 23:00:38 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (struct parser_params): lex_gets_ptr should be long.
+Wed May 27 18:00:15 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (bigand_int): new function to calculate bignum and
+ fixnum without allocating internal bignum.
+ * bignum.c (bigor_int): ditto.
+ * bignum.c (bigxor_int): ditto.
+ * bignum.c (bigand_int): even less object allocation.
+Wed May 27 14:29:55 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (w_encoding): more compact encoding information for
+ US-ASCII and UTF-8. [incompatible] [experimental]
+ * marshal.c (r_ivar): restore :E encoding information.
+Wed May 27 14:08:39 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * st.c (st_insert2): new function with processing new key,
+ e.g. copy.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_aset): use st_insert2() to reduce redundant
+ st_lookup calls.
+Wed May 27 02:31:38 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_getc): the function for
+ rl_getc_function must be a byte function.
+ so use getbyte method. [ruby-dev:38535]
+Tue May 26 14:24:17 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c: fixed types.
+ * (bignum.o, numeric.o): depend on util.h.
+ * bignum.c, marshal.c: fixed types.
+ * numeric.c (infinite_value): use ruby_div0.
+ * include/ruby/util.h (ruby_div0): moved from marshal.c.
+Tue May 26 11:01:41 2009 TAKANO Mitsuhiro (takano32) <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: use map! to replace strings in $objs array.
+Tue May 26 10:12:08 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (bignew_1): inline memory allocation.
+ * bignum.c (bigtrunc): call rb_big_resize() only when needed.
+ * bignum.c (bigfixize): declare inline.
+Tue May 26 05:39:28 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (FilePathValue): prevent from GC.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (NUM2LONG): added GCC specific optimization.
+Tue May 26 03:41:29 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * time.c (rb_gmtime, rb_localtime): gmtime and localtime return
+ NULL on error. [ruby-core:23551]
+Tue May 26 03:38:37 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_each_char, rb_str_each_codepoint): string
+ length must be long.
+Mon May 25 13:27:32 2009 TAKANO Mitsuhiro (takano32) <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: dont use gsub! method for frozen string.
+Mon May 25 11:47:06 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/mkconfig.rb, tool/instruby.rb: removed redundant code.
+Mon May 25 09:34:09 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_hash): avoid calling rb_enc_str_asciionly_p().
+ * string.c (rb_str_replace): avoid redundant calling rb_str_new4().
+ * string.c (str_replace): factor out replacement from
+ rb_str_replace() without type check nor discarding the
+ destination contents.
+Mon May 25 08:06:52 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_partition): should use the converted result. a
+ patch from Marc-Andre Lafortune at [ruby-core:23540].
+ * string.c (rb_str_rpartition): ditto.
+Mon May 25 06:25:38 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_hash.rb (TestHash::test_equal2): recursive hashes
+ are handled properly now. ref: [ruby-core:23402]
+ * test/ruby/test_m17n.rb (TestM17N#test_sprintf_p): test fixed
+Mon May 25 05:32:19 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/cgi/core.rb (CGI::HTTP_STATUS): typo fixed. a patch from
+ Nobuhiro IMAI. [ruby-dev:38538]
+Sun May 24 22:48:17 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_exec_recursive_paired): new function for proper
+ handling of recursive arrays. [EXPERIMENTAL] [ruby-core:23402]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_equal, rb_ary_eql, rb_ary_cmp): use above.
+ * hash.c (hash_equal): ditto.
+Sun May 24 22:39:33 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (syserr_initialize): errno is int.
+Sun May 24 00:52:54 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * ($ridir): new configuration. [ruby-core:23520].
+ c.f. [ruby-core:23519].
+ (--with-ridir): new configure option.
+ * tool/instruby.rb (:doc, :rdoc): uses $ridir instead of
+ a fixed path.
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/paths.rb: follows $ridir.
+ * removes RIDATADIR which is no longer used.
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub: generates the 'ridir' entry for RbConfig.
+ removes RIDATADIR which is no longer used.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: ditto.
+Sat May 23 23:52:33 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_each_char): return original string.
+ [ruby-core:23499]
+ * string.c (rb_str_each_codepoint): protect string from
+ modification.
+Sat May 23 21:48:58 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/dl/handle.c (rb_dlhandle_s_sym): added a method to access
+ using RTLD_NEXT. [ruby-dev:38152]
+ * ext/dl/handle.c (Init_dlhandle): added constants DEFAULT and
+ NEXT which correspond to RTLD_DEFAULT and RTLD_NEXT.
+Sat May 23 18:53:13 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/cparser.rb (DL::CParser#parse_struct_signature):
+ splitting with regexp source string is obsolete. a patch from
+ Minwoo Lee at [ruby-core:23494].
+ * ext/dl/cptr.c (rb_dlptr_cmp): return signed value, and restrict
+ to Fixnum. [ruby-dev:38533]
+Fri May 22 23:22:53 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * missing/vsnprintf.c (errno): [BUG] fixes a compilation
+ (BSD_vfprintf): ditto.
+Fri May 22 23:20:48 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * spec/default.mspec: follows runruby.rb's move at r23542.
+Fri May 22 21:38:55 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * NEWS: add Time#to_r.
+Fri May 22 20:29:01 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * config.guess: moved into tool/.
+ * config.sub: ditto.
+ * install-sh: ditto
+ * follows the moves.
+ * LEGAL: ditto.
+Fri May 22 20:10:18 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * instruby.rb: moved into tool/.
+ * mkconfig.rb: ditto.
+ * rubytest.rb: ditto.
+ * runruby.rb: ditto.
+ * follows the moves.
+ * ditto.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: ditto.
+Fri May 22 05:09:43 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_slice_bang): avoid call of rb_scan_args() unless
+ it's really necessary.
+Thu May 21 22:17:52 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * template/id.h.tmpl, id.h (enum ruby_method_ids): added some IDs.
+ * debug.c (dummy_gdb_enums): added enum ruby_method_ids.
+ * .gdbinit (rp): improved output of Symbol.
+Thu May 21 21:07:22 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * missing/vsnprintf.c (BSD_vfprintf): support for 'z' modifier.
+Thu May 21 18:55:33 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * gem_prelude.rb (Gem.default_dir and misc.): use rubylibprefix.
+ follows the change in r23368.
+Thu May 21 12:07:43 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RB_EVENT_HOOKS_HAVE_CALLBACK_DATA):
+ new macro for compatibility check.
+Thu May 21 01:43:40 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_long2int, RARRAY_LENINT): check long to
+ cast to int. [ruby-dev:38508]
+ * struct.c, vm_eval.c, vm_insnhelper.c: use RARRAY_LENINT.
+Wed May 20 21:00:27 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * rb_enc_get_index: allows an arbitrary RData as the argument but not
+ only what points a rb_encoding.
+Wed May 20 20:54:37 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * spec/.gitignore: ignores rubyspec/ and mspec/.
+Wed May 20 19:41:44 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_new): get rid of too large alloca.
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_hash): use long.
+Wed May 20 18:58:27 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c, vm_insnhelper.c: argument number is restricted to
+ int, and fixed overflow.
+Wed May 20 18:34:30 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enum.c (zip_ary): should use long.
+ * enumerator.c (inspect_enumerator): should use long.
+Wed May 20 09:18:44 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_count): optimized for 1byte string count by
+ avoiding tr_setup_table().
+Wed May 20 06:25:29 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_fast_mbclen): faster mbclen for strings known
+ to be valid.
+ * string.c (enc_strlen): coderange specified version of
+ rb_enc_strlen(). use rb_enc_fast_mbclen() if coderange is 7bit
+ or valid.
+ * string.c (str_gsub): use rb_enc_fast_mbclen().
+ * string.c (rb_str_reverse, rb_str_split_m, rb_str_each_char,
+ scan_once): ditto.
+Wed May 20 06:20:05 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb (Tempfile#unlink): close first for Windows. a
+ patch from Florian Frank. [ruby-core:23505]
+Wed May 20 00:13:38 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_codepoint_len): combine rb_enc_codepoint()
+ and rb_enc_codelen() in one function to reduce calls.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_codepoint): compatibility function.
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): use rb_enc_codepoint_len().
+ * string.c (rb_str_inspect, rb_str_upcase_bang,
+ rb_str_downcase_bang, rb_str_capitalize_bang,
+ rb_str_swapcase_bang, trnext, tr_trans, rb_str_delete_bang,
+ rb_str_squeeze_bang, rb_str_count, rb_str_split_m,
+ rb_str_each_line, rb_str_each_codepoint, rb_str_lstrip_bang,
+ sym_printable): ditto.
+ * transcode.c (make_econv_exception): use rb_enc_mbc_to_codepoint()
+Wed May 20 00:05:52 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_attr): should preserve encoding info.
+ [ruby-dev:38498]
+Tue May 19 22:54:35 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * time.c (time_minus): always return a Float. [ruby-dev:38446]
+ * time.c (time_to_r): new method. [ruby-dev:38461]
+Tue May 19 13:59:35 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (clone_method): add cast to remove warning from
+ rb_gc_write_barrier().
+Tue May 19 13:54:15 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * struct.c (struct_ivar_get): new function to avoid repeated
+ rb_intern() calls.
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_iv_get): use struct_ivar_get()
+ * struct.c (num_members): ditto.
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_s_members): ditto.
+ * class.c (rb_singleton_class): cache symbol to reduce calls to
+ rb_intern().
+Tue May 19 07:52:05 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/test_time.rb: make tests timezone independent.
+ reported by zunda. [ruby-dev:38492]
+Mon May 18 21:40:11 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb (Pathname#sub): suppress a warning. [ruby-dev:38488]
+Sun May 17 23:23:14 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (SRC_EXT): should be flat.
+Sun May 17 23:05:05 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (ruby_init_loadpath_safe): VARIABLE_LIBPATH is always
+ defined, see its value instead.
+Sun May 17 18:59:45 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * node.h (nd_line): NODE_LMASK is not needed.
+ * node.h (NOEX_SAFE): made int.
+Sun May 17 14:23:08 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (rb_parse_in_eval): returns true in true eval, not in
+ main. [ruby-dev:38382]
+ * parse.y (program): inherits dvars in eval or main.
+Sun May 17 14:02:56 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (ruby_script): sets also VM toplevel program name.
+ * ruby.c (process_options): no longer needs additional frame.
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_get_sourceline): should not access out of bound.
+Sun May 17 09:47:48 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (cmdline_options_init): initialize encodings.
+ * ruby.c (add_modules, require_libraries, process_sflag):
+ * ruby.c (process_sflag): not process twice.
+ * ruby.c (moreswitches): get rid of possible overflow.
+Sun May 17 09:31:05 2009 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (foletypelib_name): should return
+ encoded name corresponding to WIN32OLE.codepage.
+Sun May 17 09:02:56 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (ruby_init_loadpath_safe): support for cygwin 1.7. see
+ [ruby-core:23241].
+ gets rid of possible buffer overflow with realpath().
+ * ruby.c (set_arg0): get rids of overrun.
+Sat May 16 18:38:32 2009 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/parser.rb: add nil check.
+Sat May 16 18:36:01 2009 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rss/test_maker_atom_feed.rb: suppress warnings.
+Sat May 16 18:33:15 2009 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * NEWS: add RSS::Maker.supported?(version).
+Sat May 16 18:26:42 2009 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/parser.rb, test/test_parser_1.0.rb: fix foaf:Image
+ element causes parse error even if ignore_unknown_element mode.
+Sat May 16 18:14:19 2009 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/maker.rb, lib/rss/maker/0.9.rb,
+ test/test_maker_*.rb: add RSS::Maker.supported?
+Sat May 16 18:12:39 2009 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/content/*, lib/rss/dublincore/*: fix circular require.
+ * test/test_maker_atom_feed.rb,
+ test/test_maker_atom_entry.rb: suppress warnings.
+Sat May 16 18:07:17 2009 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/maker/feed.rb, test/test_maker_atom_feed.rb:
+ remove needless codes.
+Sat May 16 18:05:07 2009 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/maker/entry.rb: fix a typo.
+Sat May 16 18:02:57 2009 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/maker/feed.rb, test/test_maker_atom_entry.rb,
+ test/test_maker_atom_feed.rb: fix duplicated dc:date.
+ Reported by Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA. Thanks!!! [ruby-list:46014]
+Sat May 16 18:02:16 2009 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/maker/base.rb, lib/rss/maker/1.0.rb, lib/rss/maker/feed.rb,
+ test/rss/test_maker_1.0.rb, test/rss/test_maker_atom_feed.rb:
+ RSS 1.0 and Atom feed maker treat as
+Sat May 16 17:57:39 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/callback.rb (DL#remove_callback_internal): ignore
+ unbound function. [ruby-dev:38474]
+Sat May 16 17:51:11 2009 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * sample/rss/rss_recent.rb, sample/rss/list_description.rb: use
+ UTF-8.
+Sat May 16 17:47:55 2009 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb, test/rss/test_version.rb (RSS::VERSION):
+ 0.2.5 -> 0.2.6.
+Sat May 16 17:26:04 2009 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_clone): use longlife object and insert write barrier.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_cref_push): ditto.
+ * vm_insnhelper.h (COPY_CREF): insert write barrier.
+Sat May 16 13:49:24 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c (rb_autoload_load): gets rid of false warning.
+ [ruby-core:23466]
+Sat May 16 10:59:54 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sample/drb/dhasenc.rb: add magic comment for encoding.
+ * sample/mine.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/sample/tcltklib/sample1.rb: ditto.
+Sat May 16 09:49:05 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (magic_comment_encoding): ignores unused emacs-style
+ encoding comment, as like Vim styles. [ruby-core:23470]
+Sat May 16 09:30:14 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * defs/keywords (reserved_word): made inline function static.
+ [ruby-core:23210]
+ * parse.y (rb_reserved_word): ordinary function for ripper.
+Sat May 16 09:19:16 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (magic_comment_encoding): use rb_compile_warning() to
+ show the currently parsing file name. [ruby-core:23469]
+Sat May 16 09:03:29 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (ruby_version): now version.h includes
+ include/ruby/version.h, so need to tell to cpp to see
+ $(srcdir)/include. [ruby-core:23468]
+Fri May 15 17:35:33 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_shift, rb_ary_shift_m): clears unused elements.
+ [ruby-dev:38448]
+Fri May 15 15:15:12 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c (rb_autoload_load): checks if iv_tbl is valid.
+ [ruby-dev:38456]
+Fri May 15 11:17:48 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/setup.mak (-version-): now version.h includes
+ include/ruby/version.h, so need to tell to cpp to check
+ $(srcdir)/include.
+ reported by KIMURA Koichi at
+Thu May 14 16:13:32 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (etc_getpwuid): use rb_uid_t. [ruby-dev:38443]
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_ungetbyte): encoding should no
+ be effective.
+Thu May 14 10:17:45 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sample/test.rb (valid_syntax?): defaults to us-ascii.
+Wed May 13 22:34:31 2009 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c: add longlife garbage collection. [ruby-dev:38423]
+ (NORMAL_HEAPS_USED): new macro.
+ (add_longlife_heaps_slot): new function.
+ (rb_newobj_from_longlife_heap): ditto.
+ (rb_newobj_longlife): ditto.
+ (rb_node_newnode_longlife): ditto.
+ (rb_gc_write_barrier): ditto.
+ (remembered_set_recycle): ditto.
+ (rb_gc_mark_remembered_set): ditto.
+ (clear_mark_longlife_heaps): ditto.
+ (gc_sweep_for_longlife): ditto.
+ (assign_heap_slot): new argument to longlife heaps slot.
+ (add_freelist): ditto.
+ (gc_sweep): avoid longlife heap slot. set longlife_collection
+ flag at add heap.
+ (rb_gc_force_recycle): avoid mark object and remembered_set
+ object.
+ (garbage_collect): add longlife collection.
+ (rb_gc_start): invoke longlife collection.
+ (gc_profile_record_get): for longlife collection profile.
+ (gc_profile_result): ditto.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_gc_write_barrier): declared.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (FL_REMEMBERED_SET): renamed from FL_RESERVED.
+ * debug.c (FL_REMEMBERED_SET): ditto.
+ * insns.def (setinlinecache): insert write barrier.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_method_search): ditto.
+ * set_relation (set_relation): use longlife object.
+ * vm.c (vm_define_method): ditto.
+ * vm_core.h (NEW_INLINE_CACHE_ENTRY): ditto.
+ * vm_method.c (rb_add_method): ditto.
+ * class.c (rb_add_method): ditto.
+ * node.h (NEW_NODE_LONGLIFE): new macro.
+ (rb_node_newnode_longlife): declared.
+Wed May 13 15:23:18 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/version.h: extracted the extensions interface and
+ the never-changeable info.
+Wed May 13 03:20:47 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (time_init_1): unused variable removed.
+Tue May 12 21:03:02 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c: support fixed UTC offset. [ruby-dev:38326]
+ (leap_year_v_p): new macro.
+ (TIME_FIXOFF_P): new macro.
+ (TIME_SET_FIXOFF): new macro.
+ (time_init_0): renamed from time_init.
+ (time_set_utc_offset): new function.
+ (vtm_add_offset): new function.
+ (utc_offset_arg): new function.
+ (time_init_1): new function.
+ (time_init): call time_init_0 or time_init_1 according argc.
+ (validate_utc_offset): new function.
+ (time_localtime_m): new function.
+ (time_fixoff): new function.
+ (time_getlocaltime): take optional UTC offset argument.
+ (time_get_tm): support fixed UTC offset time.
+ (Init_Time): make Time#{initialize,localtime,getlocal} varargs.
+ * strftime.c (rb_strftime): vtm->zone can be NULL now.
+Tue May 12 18:23:40 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * yarvtest: removed because it's outdated.
+Mon May 11 21:46:20 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y: add semicolons to some grammar rules not terminated
+ with them. a patch from Dave B in [ruby-core:23422].
+Mon May 11 20:08:33 2009 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * io.c (Init_IO): add constant File::NOATIME. [ruby-core:23194]
+Mon May 11 13:08:30 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * mkconfig.rb (rubylibdir): use rubylibprefix. [ruby-dev:38426]
+Mon May 11 08:37:04 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_coerce): support
+ coercing into Rational. [ruby-core:23415]
+Mon May 11 04:39:45 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb (Net::SMTP#check_auth_args): should not change
+ number of methods for the sake of compatibility.
+Sun May 10 11:36:11 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/dl/cfunc.c (rb_dlcfunc_instance_p): new function to check if
+ the argument is an instance of DL::CFunc.
+ * ext/dl/cptr.c (rb_dlptr_initialize, rb_dlptr_s_malloc): checks
+ if DL::CFunc. [ruby-dev:38403].
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/cparser.rb (DL::CParser#parse_signature): strips
+ spaces. based on a patch from Takashi Tamura in [ruby-dev:38398].
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/value.rb (DL::ValueUtil#wrap_arg): block must be
+ given if arg is not bound. [ruby-dev:38404]
+ * ext/dl/cfunc.c (rb_dlcfunc_instance_p): new function to check if
+ the argument is an instance of DL::CFunc.
+Sat May 9 19:57:00 2009 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/ruby/test_float.rb (TestFloat#test_sleep_with_Float): add a
+ test. see [ruby-core:23282]
+Sat May 9 19:23:46 2009 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb: use subsec instead of nsec.
+Sat May 9 12:19:49 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c: 3rd argument of rb_hash_foreach() is VALUE.
+ * hash.c (rb_any_hash, recursive_hash): use VALUE for hash.
+Sat May 9 11:14:50 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_f_catch): gets rid of issue with gcc 4.4. a patch
+ from Alexey Froloff in [ruby-core:23398]. [ruby-core:22924]
+Fri May 8 19:38:54 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (try_link0): removes waste dSYM directories left
+ when debug and universal-binary are enabled.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (check_sizeof): fixed wrong recurring result for
+ intrinsic types.
+Fri May 8 10:14:08 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *,, win32/Makefile.sub (RUBY_BASE_NAME):
+ program base name. [ruby-dev:38241]
+ * (--with-soname): base name of shared library.
+ [ruby-dev:38290]
+Fri May 8 10:07:02 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_flatten_bang): clears temporary array.
+Fri May 8 02:30:14 2009 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/set.rb (SortedSet#add): Do not require each newly added
+ element to be Comparable but to respond to <=>. [ruby-dev:38371]
+Thu May 7 21:42:51 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb (test_indentation_check): add a test
+ for indentation check. [ruby-dev:38382]
+Thu May 7 16:40:09 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_flatten_bang): returns nil if nothing changed.
+ a patch from Marc-Andre Lafortune in [ruby-core:23382].
+Thu May 7 14:26:14 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_sample): negative sample number is invalid.
+ [ruby-core:23374]
+Thu May 7 14:16:24 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c, include/ruby/encoding.h: fixed types.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_enc_nth): long is used for index.
+Thu May 7 14:01:55 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * range.c (r_le): fixed types.
+ * range.c (range_eql): fixed rdoc.
+Thu May 7 13:10:25 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (pipe_open): should be rb_pid_t.
+Wed May 6 16:50:20 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * math.c (math_gamma): use a table for positive small integers.
+Wed May 6 09:27:04 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * README.ja: code for THINK_C does not exist already. [Bug #1435]
+Wed May 6 05:33:59 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS): strips extra spaces.
+Tue May 5 11:29:07 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/ifchange: Fix: arguments which begin with minus sign may
+ parsed as options. Because of older systems, don't use --
+ but use parentheses.
+Tue May 5 10:42:28 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/json: Update to JSON 1.1.4.
+Tue May 5 07:22:37 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * transcode.c: NOMAP is now multibyte direct map.
+ * transcode.c: remove ASIS.
+ * transcode_data.h: ditto.
+ * tool/transcode-tb (ActionMap#generate_info): remove :asis.
+ * tool/transcode-tb (ActionMap#generate_info): add :nomap0.
+ * enc/trans/utf8_mac.trans: replace :asis by :nomap0.
+Sat May 2 22:53:02 2009 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/set.rb (SortedSet): Fix document. [Bug #1429]
+Sat May 2 10:34:29 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/trans/utf8_mac-tbl.rb: don't use Unicode escape.
+ * enc/trans/utf8_mac.trans: follow above.
+Sat May 2 09:19:40 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (Init_Array): made #to_s an alias to #inspect to reduce
+ the result of recursive array. a patch from ujihisa at
+ [ruby-dev:38362]
+Fri May 1 16:50:05 2009 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/set.rb (Set#merge): Only directly use the passed objects
+ @hash instance variable when self and the passed object are
+ instances of the same class. [Bug #118]
+Fri May 1 16:44:11 2009 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/set.rb (SortedSet#add): Do not let an incomparable object
+ in. [Bug #118]
+Fri May 1 13:18:01 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval_intern.h (_longjmp): never return. see [ruby-core:23241]
+Fri May 1 01:31:19 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb: use RbConfig instead of Config.
+ * instruby.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rubygems.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rubygems/test_config.rb: ditto.
+Thu Apr 30 21:23:30 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * runruby.rb: use RbConfig::CONFIG instead of Config::CONFIG.
+ * spec/default.mspec: ditto.
+ * yarvtest/yarvtest.rb: ditto.
+ * instruby.rb: ditto.
+ * benchmark/report.rb: ditto.
+ * benchmark/runc.rb: ditto.
+ * tool/eval.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rubygems/test_config.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_platform.rb: ditto.
+Thu Apr 30 18:18:13 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: documentation typo fixed. [ruby-core:23335]
+Thu Apr 30 15:27:49 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/trans/utf8_mac.trans: get rid of a 1.9 feature for cross
+ compile.
+Thu Apr 30 11:35:30 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_filesystem_encoding): Change filesystem_encoding of
+ Mac OS X to UTF-8.
+Wed Apr 29 21:23:40 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/iso_2022_jp.h: add CP50221.
+ * enc/trans/iso2022.trans: add converter for CP50221.
+Wed Apr 29 15:22:26 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_join): recursive array has no meaning as path
+ name. [ruby-core:23329]
+Tue Apr 28 19:09:45 2009 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/test_timeout.rb (TestTimeout#test_timeout): add a test.
+Tue Apr 28 07:13:48 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/pp.rb (Struct#pretty_print): coerce to a string since
+ anonymous class has name no longer. [ruby-dev:38349]
+Mon Apr 27 16:47:12 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (ruby_version): uses sed instead of grep if the
+ result is need, to get rid of GREP_OPTIONS. [ruby-dev:38336]
+Mon Apr 27 01:25:11 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_getc): use rl_getc_function if
+ possible, to get rid of hang up at EOF without a newline.
+Sun Apr 26 23:19:32 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/trans/utf8_mac.trans: Add converter for UTF8-MAC.
+ * enc/trans/utf8_mac-tbl.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_econv.rb: tests for above.
+Sun Apr 26 22:17:02 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/transcode-tb (ActionMap#each_firstbyte):
+ if :asis collides other mappings, use another.
+ * tool/transcode-tb (ActionMap#generate_info):
+ add :asis for ASIS.
+Sun Apr 26 21:59:43 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * transcode.c (ASIS): added for multi byte direct map.
+ * transcode.c (transcode_restartable0): ditto.
+Sun Apr 26 20:33:12 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/transcode-tb (ActionMap#generate_node):
+ Use ActionMap#gennode instead of generate_node
+ because of initialization.
+Sun Apr 26 20:21:39 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * .gitignore: added.
+Sun Apr 26 20:17:24 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/rake.rb: use RbConfig::CONFIG instead of Config::CONFIG.
+ * lib/rbconfig/datadir.rb: ditto.
+Sun Apr 26 19:30:29 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (time_arg): unused variable removed.
+Sun Apr 26 18:35:32 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (io_reopen): keeps pathv for prep_stdio. [ruby-dev:38131]
+Sun Apr 26 15:13:09 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser#parse_in_order): do not make an
+ option from non-option argument. [ruby-dev:38333]
+Sat Apr 25 19:11:13 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (ac_cv_func_daemon): use daemon(3) only on *BSD.
+ * process.c (proc_daemon): double fork to ensure not having ctty.
+ [ruby-core:23305]
+Sat Apr 25 16:19:48 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (month_arg): extracted from time_arg.
+ (validate_vtm): ditto.
+Sat Apr 25 16:03:21 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (TIME_COPY_GMT): new macro.
+ (time_s_at): use TIME_COPY_GMT.
+ (time_succ): ditto.
+Sat Apr 25 15:54:04 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (time_mload): use TIME_SET_UTC.
+Sat Apr 25 15:47:54 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (time_get_tm): take time_object instead of gmt.
+Sat Apr 25 15:39:44 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (time_succ): refactored to avoid gmt variable.
+ (strftimev): use TIME_UTC_P.
+ (time_strftime): ditto.
+Sat Apr 25 15:21:33 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (TIME_UTC_P): new macro.
+ (TIME_SET_UTC): ditto.
+ (TIME_LOCALTIME_P): ditto.
+ (time_utc_p): use the above macro.
+ (time_localtime): ditto.
+ (time_localtime): ditto.
+ (time_gmtime): ditto.
+ (time_to_s): ditto.
+ (time_add): ditto.
+ (time_sec): ditto.
+ (time_min): ditto.
+ (time_hour): ditto.
+ (time_mday): ditto.
+ (time_mon): ditto.
+ (time_year): ditto.
+ (time_wday): ditto.
+ (wday_p): ditto.
+ (time_yday): ditto.
+ (time_isdst): ditto.
+ (time_zone): ditto.
+ (time_utc_offset): ditto.
+ (time_to_a): ditto.
+ (strftimev): ditto.
+ (time_strftime): ditto.
+ (time_mdump): ditto.
+Thu Apr 23 01:30:37 2009 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (Zlib::GzipFile#path): New method.
+Wed Apr 22 20:25:24 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * time.c (time_timespec): check out-of-range. [ruby-core:23282]
+ [Bug #1396]
+Wed Apr 22 19:33:13 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/time.rb (Time.parse): use year completion in Date._parse.
+Wed Apr 22 11:12:15 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * time.c (GMTIME, LOCALTIME): should set result if not have *_r().
+ * time.c (localtime_with_gmtoff): now always needed tmbuf.
+Wed Apr 22 10:38:47 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): C99(gcc)-ism.
+ * time.c (find_time_t): GUESS macro needs the variable named ``result''
+ always.
+Wed Apr 22 09:27:31 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * time.c (localtime_with_gmtoff): fixed cross function jump.
+Wed Apr 22 03:06:56 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/time.rb (Time#rfc2822): pad leading zeros for year.
+ (Time#httpdate): ditto.
+ (Time#xmlschema): ditto.
+Wed Apr 22 02:10:48 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/time.rb (Time#xmlschema): use subsec instead of nsec.
+Wed Apr 22 01:27:38 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (time_arg): use the year argument as-is. [ruby-dev:38194]
+ * lib/time.rb (Time.parse): interpret small year 0..99 as 1950..2049.
+Wed Apr 22 00:32:16 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * time.c (find_time_t): constified.
+Wed Apr 22 00:11:19 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (leap_year_v_p): removed.
+Tue Apr 21 23:52:45 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c: remove time_t restriction from Time class.
+ * timev.h: new file to define struct vtm.
+ * strftime.c: format struct vtm instead of struct tm.
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (mktime_do): don't use time_t;
+ [ruby-dev:38191]
+Tue Apr 21 09:25:41 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (dir_path, dir_each, glob_helper): use readdir_r() if
+ available.
+Tue Apr 21 09:20:21 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (init_mkmf): needs default library path even if
+ cross compiling.
+Tue Apr 21 07:07:45 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_push): bypass rb_ary_store().
+Tue Apr 21 01:25:16 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (bigsub_int): subtraction without making internal
+ bignum values.
+ * bignum.c (bigadd_int): ditto for addition.
+ * bignum.c (bigtrunc): declare inline.
+ * bignum.c (rb_quad_pack): fix condition.
+Tue Apr 21 01:13:42 2009 Alexander Zavorine <>
+ * symbian/setup (config.h): added TIMET2NUM and NUM2TIMET to match
+ the change in time.c
+Mon Apr 20 20:29:04 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_split_m): faster processing on 7bit strings.
+ * string.c (ascii_isspace): faster isspace() for 7bit strings.
+Sun Apr 19 14:43:18 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_cleanup): the order of local variables on stack is
+ undefined. should use outermost VALUE for ruby_init_stack.
+ * gc.c (ruby_get_stack_grow_direction, Init_stack): allows volatile
+ pointer.
+ * thread_*.c (ruby_init_stack): ditto.
+Sun Apr 19 13:17:25 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gem_prelude.rb (Gem::QuickLoader#push_gem_version_on_load_path):
+ check for requirement if the gem is installed. a patch from
+ Kyosuke MOROHASHI at [ruby-dev:38020].
+Sun Apr 19 01:39:17 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (proc_seteuid_m): defined to use rb_f_notimplement if not
+ implemented.
+ (proc_setegid_m): ditto.
+Sun Apr 19 01:03:56 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (proc_setuid): use rb_f_notimplement if not implemented.
+ (proc_setgid): ditto.
+Sat Apr 18 23:07:18 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c: use rb_f_notimplement for methods not
+ implemented.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_engine.c: ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_config.c: ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_cipher.c: ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs5.c: ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509ext.c: ditto.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: ditto.
+ * ext/socket/basicsocket.c: ditto.
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c: ditto.
+ * ext/socket/unixsocket.c: ditto.
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c: ditto.
+Sat Apr 18 21:07:34 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c: use rb_f_notimplement for methods not
+ implemented.
+Fri Apr 17 01:51:17 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * node.h (rb_notimplement_body_p): declared.
+ * vm_method.c (Init_eval_method): suppress a warning.
+ * io.c (rb_io_fsync): use rb_f_notimplement if not implemented.
+ (rb_io_close_on_exec_p): ditto.
+ (rb_io_set_close_on_exec): ditto.
+ (rb_io_fcntl): ditto.
+ (rb_f_syscall): ditto.
+ * dir.c (dir_tell): ditto.
+ (dir_seek): ditto.
+ (dir_s_chroot): ditto.
+ * process.c (proc_getpgrp): ditto.
+ (proc_setpgrp): ditto.
+ (proc_getpgid): ditto.
+ (proc_setpgid): ditto.
+ (proc_setsid): ditto.
+ (proc_getpriority): ditto.
+ (proc_setpriority): ditto.
+ (proc_getrlimit): ditto.
+ (proc_setrlimit): ditto.
+ (p_sys_setuid): ditto.
+ (p_sys_setruid): ditto.
+ (p_sys_seteuid): ditto.
+ (p_sys_setreuid): ditto.
+ (p_sys_setresuid): ditto.
+ (p_sys_setgid): ditto.
+ (p_sys_setrgid): ditto.
+ (p_sys_setegid): ditto.
+ (p_sys_setregid): ditto.
+ (p_sys_setreuid): ditto.
+ (p_sys_setresgid): ditto.
+ (p_sys_issetugid): ditto.
+ (proc_getgroups): ditto.
+ (proc_setgroups): ditto.
+ (proc_initgroups): ditto.
+ (proc_daemon): ditto.
+ (rb_proc_times): ditto.
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_lchown): ditto.
+ (rb_file_s_link): ditto.
+ (rb_file_s_symlink): ditto.
+ (rb_file_s_readlink): ditto.
+ (rb_file_s_truncate): ditto.
+ (rb_file_truncate): ditto.
+Fri Apr 17 00:53:47 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/cgi/core.rb (read_multipart): When path is not defined,
+ define local_path as a method always returning nil instead of
+ aliasing. This is because StringIO#path no longer exists.
+Fri Apr 17 00:45:09 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * dir.c (bracket): fix escape handling for range character in bracket
+ of fnmatch pattern. e.g., '[a\-c]' should not match 'b'.
+Thu Apr 16 23:09:03 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * class.c (rb_define_method_id): use rb_define_notimplement_method_id
+ if rb_f_notimplement is given.
+ (rb_define_protected_method): ditto.
+ (rb_define_private_method): ditto.
+ (rb_define_method): use rb_define_method_id.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_f_notimplement): declared.
+ (rb_define_notimplement_method_id): declared.
+ * proc.c (method_inspect): show not-implemented.
+ * vm_method.c (notimplement_body): new variable.
+ (rb_notimplement_body_p): new function.
+ (rb_method_boundp): return false if not implemented.
+ (rb_f_notimplement): new function.
+ (rb_define_notimplement_method_id): new function.
+ * process.c (rb_f_fork): use rb_f_notimplement if not implemented.
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_lchmod): use rb_f_notimplement if not implemented.
+Wed Apr 15 20:24:49 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_flatten): flatten(0) works as Array#dup.
+ [ruby-core:23168]
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb: add a test for above.
+Wed Apr 15 11:53:35 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * dir.c (fnmatch_helper): use rb_enc_precise_mbclen and
+ fail if bytes are invalid. [ruby-dev:38307]
+Tue Apr 14 18:11:26 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (bracket): if same in bytes, path is matching.
+ [ruby-dev:38305]
+Mon Apr 13 17:21:40 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): scan coderange incrementally.
+Mon Apr 13 11:35:55 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): optimize previous commit.
+ [ruby-list:45954]
+Mon Apr 13 10:58:54 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): check encoding compatibility only on
+ real parts.
+Sun Apr 12 19:54:56 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (bracket, fnmatch_helper): compare bytewise first, to get
+ rid of invalid byte sequence. [ruby-dev:38303]
+Sat Apr 11 08:45:57 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (Makefile): phony ruby target needs empty command.
+Fri Apr 10 11:32:14 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (up): updates timestamp file.
+Fri Apr 10 04:54:01 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (Makefile): info-program needs
+Fri Apr 10 03:46:44 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_INSTALL_NAME): use --program-transform-name.
+ * instruby.rb, mkconfig.rb: deal with --program-transform-name
+ better. now supports s, y commands and single addressing.
+Thu Apr 9 23:59:11 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * don't override the rule for ruby.
+Wed Apr 8 21:58:12 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_dump): buffer length plus one byte for null
+ terminator. [ruby-dev:38294]
+ * test/ruby/test_m17n.rb (test_str_dump): add a test for above.
+Wed Apr 8 20:08:16 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_rstrip_bang): should not sign-expand non-ascii.
+ [ruby-core:23158]
+Wed Apr 8 17:29:29 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_chop_bang): reset coderange. [ruby-core:23155]
+Wed Apr 8 14:00:04 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (what_type?): fixed typo, and refined for member of
+ aggregation types.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (Logging.postpone): copy postponed output always.
+Wed Apr 8 09:45:58 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (LIBRUBY_SO): removed redundant additional version
+ numbers.
+Tue Apr 7 13:35:22 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (info): shows configured names.
+ * (Makefile): works even if RUBY_INSTALL_NAME
+ contains macro.
+ * (LIBRUBY_DLDFLAGS): compatibility version is
+ ruby_version.
+ * (RUBY_REPLACE_TYPE): defines type modifier prefix
+ for printf.
+Tue Apr 7 02:27:49 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_DEFINT): should pass includes to
+ * (CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS): need ARCH_FLAG for universal
+ binary.
+Tue Apr 7 01:08:21 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_to_s): reduce fragments if no precision lost.
+ c.f. [ruby-core:23075]
+Mon Apr 6 23:16:08 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS): override with $cflags and
+ $cxxflags if not given. [ruby-core:23130]
+Mon Apr 6 19:26:18 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (utime_failed): refined the error message for EINVAL on
+ DOSISH platforms, where it may fail depending on filesystems.
+ see [ruby-dev:38277].
+Mon Apr 6 16:38:50 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (sys_fail2, rb_file_s_readlink, BUFCHECK, rmext),
+ (rb_file_s_basename): get rid of overflow.
+Mon Apr 6 15:11:56 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (int_chr): checks overflow.
+Mon Apr 6 10:49:47 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/stringio/test_stringio.rb (test_path): StringIO#path is no
+ longer defined. [ruby-dev:38254]
+Mon Apr 6 10:47:13 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_path): removed. [ruby-dev:38254]
+Sun Apr 5 18:02:54 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_fd_resize): does nothing on Win32.
+Sat Apr 4 17:05:15 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (RB_NUM_COERCE_FUNCS_NEED_OPID): macro to
+ check compatibility. [ruby-dev:38162]
+Sat Apr 4 07:38:52 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * mkconfig.rb (sitearch): default to arch.
+Fri Apr 3 14:02:42 2009 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/irb/completion.rb (IRB::InputCompletor::Operators): Add
+ overloadable negative operators.
+ * lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb (RubyLex#lex_init): Support overloadable
+ negative operators.
+ * lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb (RubyLex#identify_identifier): Minus signs
+ need to be escaped in regexp character class.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-font-lock-keywords, ruby-parse-partial):
+ Support overloadable negative operators.
+Fri Apr 3 12:45:55 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb: quotes arguments with spaces always.
+Thu Apr 2 14:50:06 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/getoptlong.rb: remove unused rdoc/usage from example.
+ [ruby-core:23098]
+Thu Apr 2 07:42:27 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.h): updated.
+Wed Apr 1 20:37:49 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * (rb_cv_fork_with_pthread): fail if the child process
+ fail.
+Wed Apr 1 19:46:46 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): support for parallel make. a
+ patch from Takuto Matsuu at [ruby-dev:38220].
+Wed Apr 1 19:39:25 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (LIBRUBY_LDSHARED): use $(CC) instead of cc.
+ a patch from Wataru Kimura at [ruby-dev:38225].
+Wed Apr 1 18:53:51 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_dump.c (rb_vm_bugreport): should not #include inside a
+ function, since headers may have declarations.
+ c.f. [ruby-core:23095]
+Wed Apr 1 18:44:53 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * mkconfig.rb: ignores version numbers in config.status. replaces
+ all $$s in program_transform_name.
+Wed Apr 1 15:12:21 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (.c.i): use CPP instead of CC, since gcc -E can'
+ work with multiple -arch options.
+Wed Apr 1 13:46:20 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_fd_select): new function to call select
+ using rb_fdset_t.
+ * io.c (select_internal): use rb_thread_fd_select instead of
+ rb_thread_select. based on the patch from Kengo Matsuyama.
+ [ruby-dev:38221]
+Wed Apr 1 13:16:19 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * process.c (rb_f_sleep): RDoc disambiguation. [ruby-talk:332632]
+Tue Mar 31 15:17:37 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * fixed the help strings for the header and library
+ dir switches, and updated to use AS_HELP_STRING. patches from
+ Richard Brown, c.f. [ruby-core:23067].
+Mon Mar 31 08:18:57 2009 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * test/csv/test_interface.rb, test/csv/test_serialization.rb:
+ Trying more fixes some failing tests on Windows.
+Mon Mar 30 19:04:25 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * .gdbinit (rp): show negative fixnum correctly.
+Mon Mar 30 12:12:46 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (eval_string_with_cref): replaces the message if
+ frozen. [ruby-dev:38208]
+Mon Mar 30 01:00:20 2009 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * test/csv/test_interface.rb: Trying a fix for some failing tests
+ on Windows.
+Sun Mar 29 08:59:26 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb (Pathname#relative_path_from): compares path
+ components according to system default case-sensitiveness.
+ [ruby-core:22829]
+Sat Mar 28 11:10:32 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (ruby.imp): all symbols in static library need to be
+ exported, so that encoding-extensions can be loaded. based on a
+ patch from Yutaka Kanemoto <kinpoco AT> in
+ [ruby-talk:332282].
+Sat Mar 28 08:49:47 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): checks if named argument given twice.
+ * sprintf.c (GETNAMEARG): remembers named arg is used, to get rid
+ of too many arguments warning.
+Sat Mar 28 03:16:59 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (link_command, cc_command, cpp_command): should no
+ override extout defined in extmk.rb.
+Fri Mar 27 12:56:44 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (what_type?): checks more restrictively, and
+ supports universal binary.
+Fri Mar 27 01:33:37 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (time_cmp): negate the result of reverse comparison.
+Fri Mar 27 01:19:50 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_cmpint): FIX2INT may fail on LP64 platforms.
+Thu Mar 26 12:22:06 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/yaml/rubytypes.rb (String#is_binary_data?): TAB would be
+ usually considered to be included in text data.
+ * lib/rdoc/parser.rb (RDoc::Parser.binary?): blksize may be nil
+ and is irrelevant to whether a file is binary. copied from
+ above since TAB and newlines would be usually considered to be
+ included in text data.
+Thu Mar 26 11:33:13 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/paths.rb (RDoc::RI::Paths): considers
+ --program-prefix and --program-suffix. reapplied r19923.
+Wed Mar 25 07:45:12 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (target_alias): replaces cpu with universal too.
+ * (target): replaces cpu with arch by --with-arch.
+ * mkconfig.rb (TOPDIR): chops arch in config instead of
+ RUBY_PLATFORM which varies on universal_binary.
+ * mkconfig.rb (MAJOR, MINOR, TEENY): reads from version.h always.
+Tue Mar 24 19:23:44 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_CHECK_SIZEOF): need to include $4.
+Tue Mar 24 17:08:52 2009 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_inspect): Cannot access fptr->fd if fptr is NULL.
+ This fixes a coredump caused by: ruby -e "class X < IO; def
+ initialize; end; end; p"
+Mon Mar 23 22:01:00 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (time_timespec): use NUM2TIMET.
+ (time_s_at): ditto.
+Mon Mar 23 21:52:26 2009 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * process.c (Init_process): Better patch for eliminating an
+ "unused variable".
+Mon Mar 23 21:41:14 2009 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c (fdbm_initialize): Make the file variable
+ volatile, because FilePathValue() currently does not protect the
+ given variable from GC. (Probably it should)
+ * ext/sdbm/init.c (fsdbm_initialize): Ditto.
+Mon Mar 23 19:22:14 2009 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_lstat): Back out.
+Mon Mar 23 18:54:57 2009 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_stat, rb_file_s_lstat): Remove repeated type
+ checks.
+Mon Mar 23 14:57:48 2009 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c (init_heap): set default to heap slots length
+ if HEAP_OBJ_LIMIT is larger than HEAP_MIN_SLOTS. [Bug #1310]
+ (set_heaps_increment): increment next_heaps_length if
+ next_heaps_length and heaps_used are same.
+Mon Mar 23 14:32:23 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_spawn): use original command if not found.
+Mon Mar 23 06:51:16 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/depend (link_so): replaces $(TARGET) with basename of the
+ target. [ruby-talk:330286]
+Sun Mar 22 14:51:55 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_spawn, rb_w32_aspawn): use NULL as
+ application name for batch files.
+Sat Mar 21 15:54:41 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (write_would_block): defined.
+ (read_would_block): defined.
+ (ossl_start_ssl): add nonblock argument.
+ (ossl_ssl_connect): follow ossl_start_ssl change.
+ (ossl_ssl_connect_nonblock): new method.
+ (ossl_ssl_accept): follow ossl_start_ssl change.
+ (ossl_ssl_accept_nonblock): new method.
+ (ossl_ssl_read_internal): use write_would_block and
+ read_would_block.
+ (ossl_ssl_write_internal): ditto.
+Sat Mar 21 08:19:52 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (rb_exec): prints error message only on platforms
+ neither close-on-exec nor spawnv is supported.
+Sat Mar 21 08:17:41 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_spawn, rb_w32_aspawn): omit program name
+ if actual program path is found. [ruby-core:22960]
+Sat Mar 21 07:25:56 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (pipe_open): should pass program name even if multiple
+ arguments are given. fix for TestProcess::test_argv0.
+Sat Mar 21 02:37:07 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/buffering.rb
+ (OpenSSL::Buffering#write_nonblock): new method.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_write_nonblock): new method.
+ (ossl_ssl_write_internal): defined.
+ (ossl_ssl_write): use ossl_ssl_write_internal.
+Fri Mar 20 18:25:25 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (errmap): added ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND.
+Fri Mar 20 09:22:59 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (libprefix): must not append "lib" after $(libdir),
+ when load_relative is not used on darwin. a patch from Kenta
+ Murata at [ruby-dev:38182].
+Thu Mar 19 20:29:40 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_mWaitReadable): defined.
+ (rb_mWaitWritable): defined.
+ (io_getpartial): extend IO::WaitReadable on EWOULDBLOCK and EAGAIN.
+ (rb_io_write_nonblock): extend IO::WaitWritable on EWOULDBLOCK and
+ * error.c (make_errno_exc): extracted from rb_sys_fail.
+ (rb_mod_sys_fail): new function.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_mod_sys_fail): declared.
+ (rb_mWaitReadable): declared.
+ (rb_mWaitWritable): declared.
+ * ext/socket/init.c (rsock_s_recvfrom_nonblock): extend
+ IO::WaitReadable on EWOULDBLOCK and EAGAIN.
+ (rsock_s_accept_nonblock): extend IO::WaitReadable on EWOULDBLOCK,
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_connect_nonblock): extend IO::WaitWritable
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (bsock_sendmsg_internal): extend
+ IO::WaitWritable on EWOULDBLOCK and EAGAIN.
+ (bsock_recvmsg_internal): extend IO::WaitReadable on EWOULDBLOCK and
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_read_internal): raise SSLError
+ extended by IO::WaitReadable/IO::WaitWritable on
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c (ossl_make_error): extracted from ossl_raise.
+ (ossl_exc_new): new function.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.h (ossl_exc_new): declared.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb (rbuf_fill): rescue IO::WaitReadable and
+ IO::WaitWritable.
+ [ruby-core:22539], [ruby-dev:38140]
+Thu Mar 19 18:49:49 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_CHECK_SIZEOF): allows qualified name.
+ * (RUBY_REPLACE_TYPE): checks more strictly.
+ * (struct stat.st_size, struct stat.st_blocks),
+ (struct stat.st_ino): check for size.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (check_sizeof): allows qualified name.
+ * file.c (rb_stat_ino, rb_stat_blocks): check by size.
+Wed Mar 18 16:59:48 2009 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/test_syslog.rb (TestSyslog#test_open): check
+ param after block again. because detect not to call block.
+Wed Mar 18 16:54:04 2009 TAKANO Mitsuhiro (takano32) <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c: not use pktinfo.ipi_spec_dst if not defined
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: define HAVE_IPI_SPEC_DST
+Wed Mar 18 16:38:11 2009 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/test_syslog.rb (TestSyslog#test_open): check
+ block parameter in block. [ruby-dev:38180]
+Wed Mar 18 12:48:01 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (report_bug): rb_bug can be caused by extension
+ libraries.
+Wed Mar 18 02:41:33 2009 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb (open_server_inaddr_any): fixed multiple network
+ families problem. a patch from Charl Matthee at [ruby-core:21033].
+Tue Mar 17 21:42:54 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/make-snapshot (package): creates .revision.time and passes
+ CHDIR to create prerequisite files.
+Tue Mar 17 18:00:55 2009 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * enumerator.c (Enumerator#{each_,}{with_index,with_object}): Fix
+ a bug where any parameter but the first one is dropped even if
+ multiple values are yielded with. [Bug #1198]
+Tue Mar 17 14:25:16 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb (Pathname#sub): set $~ in block.binding.
+ [ruby-dev:38173]
+Tue Mar 17 13:48:08 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.h): added RUBY_COREDLL.
+ * ext/dl/handle.c (rb_dlhandle_initialize): returns msvcrt if libc
+ or RUBY_COREDLL is given. [ruby-core:22828]
+Tue Mar 17 10:29:22 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c, dln.c, parse.y, re.c, ruby.c, sprintf.c, strftime.c,
+ string.c, util.c, variable.c: use strlcpy, memcpy and snprintf
+ instead of strcpy, strncpy and sprintf.
+Mon Mar 16 17:15:16 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/dl/test_win32.rb (Win32API): enclosed by DL::TestWin32.
+ [ruby-core:22827]
+Mon Mar 16 16:37:22 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c (eventloop_sleep, lib_eventloop_core),
+ (lib_watchdog_core): tv_usec is not time_t.
+Mon Mar 16 12:30:07 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (REVISION_H): keeps timestamp of revision.h.
+ [ruby-core:22900]
+ * tool/ifchange, win32/ifchange.bat: extended --timestamp option.
+Mon Mar 16 09:28:58 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *,, win32/Makefile.sub: added preprocessing rules.
+Sun Mar 15 12:34:17 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/minitest/test_mini_test.rb: fixed tests depending on the
+ detail of floating point representation.
+Sun Mar 15 12:01:36 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rubygems/installer.rb (Gem::Installer#shebang): fix for env
+ shebang.
+Sun Mar 15 11:15:18 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h ({RSTRING,RBIGNUM}_EMBED_LEN_MAX): made int.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (OBJ_{TAINTED,UNTRUSTED,FROZEN}): return int.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (ENC_CODERANGE): ditto.
+Sun Mar 15 11:11:44 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_hash_uint, rb_hash_start, rb_hash_end): use VALUE
+ rather than unsigned int.
+Sun Mar 15 11:00:14 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (load_file_internal): stop the timer thread before exec.
+Sun Mar 15 09:17:26 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (.y.c): use SRC_FILE which contains slashes instead of
+ backslashes. [ruby-core:22891]
+Sun Mar 15 08:26:16 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (srcs-ext): creates ext/dl/callback/callback.c also.
+Sun Mar 15 03:29:51 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (SAVED_GROUP_ID, p_gid_switch): should be rb_gid_t.
+Sun Mar 15 02:53:13 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_subpat): accept capture name.
+ (rb_str_aref): follow above change.
+ (rb_str_aref_m): pass the 2nd argument to rb_str_subpat.
+ (rb_str_subpat_set): accept capture name.
+ (rb_str_aset): follow above change.
+ (rb_str_partition): ditto.
+ (rb_str_aset_m): pass the 2nd argument to rb_str_subpat_set.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_reg_backref_number): declared.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_backref_number): defined.
+ [ruby-core:21057]
+Sun Mar 15 02:09:31 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (bmcall): should not uninitialized variable. a patch from
+ pegacorn at [ruby-dev:38169].
+Sat Mar 14 18:25:18 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * util.c (ruby_scan_oct, ruby_scan_hex): use size_t.
+Sat Mar 14 18:18:08 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (rb_proc_call, rb_node_arity, bmcall, curry): checks
+ overflow.
+ * proc.c (rb_proc_parameters): unnamed_parameters() expects in
+ not VALUE.
+Sat Mar 14 17:54:19 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * util.c (ruby_each_words): assume no string exceeds INT_MAX.
+Sat Mar 14 15:59:04 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_spawn_internal): use int variable for status.
+Sat Mar 14 14:45:51 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_f_system): use rb_pid_t for pid.
+ (rb_spawn_internal): local variable renamed.
+Sat Mar 14 14:16:02 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * util.c (ruby_strdup, Balloc, rv_alloc): use size_t.
+Sat Mar 14 13:53:11 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * util.c (ruby_qsort): the result of cmp must be signed, so ge
+ rid of reuse of a variable.
+Sat Mar 14 10:56:13 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dln.c (init_funcname_len, dln_find_exe_r, dln_find_file_r): use
+ size_t.
+ * file.c (rb_stat_inspect, file_expand_path): ditto.
+ * util.c (ruby_qsort): ditto.
+Sat Mar 14 10:39:13 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (CXX_EXT): checks for case-sensitive filesystem with
+ FNM_SYSCASE rather than build_os.
+Fri Mar 13 23:03:40 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/init.c (wait_connectable0): remove unreachable code.
+Fri Mar 13 23:00:02 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * (RUBY_CHECK_SIZEOF): pass [include] to AC_CHECK_SIZEOF.
+Fri Mar 13 20:58:11 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * dln.c (dln_find_1): compare fspace in size_t world.
+Fri Mar 13 18:58:04 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS): moved after warnflags.
+Fri Mar 13 18:10:06 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_throw_obj): inverted call flow. [ruby-core:22872]
+Fri Mar 13 17:04:09 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (bool): not define to get rid of conflict
+ against curses.
+Fri Mar 13 16:45:33 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/openssl/openssl_missing.h (i2d_of_void): cast for callbacks.
+ [ruby-core:22860]
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_engine.c (ossl_engine_s_by_id): suppress a
+ warning.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_sslctx_flush_sessions): time_t may
+ be larger than long.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl_session.c (ossl_ssl_session_get_time),
+ (ossl_ssl_session_get_timeout): use TIMET2NUM() to convert
+ time_t.
+Fri Mar 13 15:10:43 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509ext.c (ossl_x509ext_set_value): should use
+ OPENSSL_free instead of free. a patch from Charlie Savage at
+ [ruby-core:22858].
+Fri Mar 13 21:11:51 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/sdbm/_sdbm.c: should include "ruby/defines.h" as well for
+ prototypes of compatibility functions on Win32 platform.
+ [ruby-core:22870]
+Fri Mar 13 10:42:19 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (AC_HEADER_STDBOOL): added.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (NUM2INT, rb_special_const_p): returns true
+ and false instead of Qtrue and Qfalse for platforms where VALUE
+ is bigger than int.
+ * gc.c (gc_stress_set), ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c (decode_bool): go
+ rid of variables named `bool'.
+Fri Mar 13 10:16:36 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (struct stat.st_size): may be huge.
+Fri Mar 13 09:30:12 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (bigfixize): zero length Bignum is 0.
+Fri Mar 13 09:17:12 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils#fu_get_gid): stringify group
+ argument before making regexp match. [ruby-dev:38155]
+Fri Mar 13 08:06:48 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * util.c (rv_strdup): macro to duplicate nul-terminated string.
+ [ruby-core:22852]
+Thu Mar 12 22:41:41 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl: suppress warnings.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.h (OSSL_Debug): don't use gcc extension for
+ variadic macro.
+Thu Mar 12 22:29:36 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (WARNFLAGS): warning 4996 is only in VC++8 or
+ later.
+Thu Mar 12 22:14:01 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_def_const): use INT2NUM because
+ OP_NETSCAPE_DEMO_CIPHER_CHANGE_BUG doesn't fit into Fixnum.
+Thu Mar 12 18:16:12 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c, bignum.c, dln.c, error.c, gc.c, io.c, marshal.c,
+ numeric.c, pack.c, strftime.c, string.c, thread.c, transcode.c,
+ transcode_data.h, util.c, variable.c, vm_dump.c,
+ include/ruby/encoding.h, missing/crypt.c, missing/vsnprintf.c:
+ suppress VC type warnings. [ruby-core:22726]
+ * marshal.c (div0), numeric.c (infinite_value): new functions to
+ get rid of VC division by 0 warnings.
+ * st.c: use st_index_t for indexes instead of int.
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_get_sourceline), vm_insnhelper.c (vm_throw): use
+ rb_num_t.
+Thu Mar 12 09:30:54 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_CHECK_SIZEOF): if same size type is found, no
+ more calculation is needed.
+ * (RUBY_DEFINT): falls back to RUBY_CHECK_SIZEOF if
+ size is not immediate.
+Thu Mar 12 09:24:24 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode_data.h: suppress warnings of overflow.
+Thu Mar 12 09:15:14 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h: suppress warnings of overflow.
+Thu Mar 12 05:49:05 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (warnflags): added some default flags,
+ pointer-arith, write-strings and shorten-64-to-32, but suppress
+ unused-parameter and missing-field-initializers, if possible.
+ * (RUBY_CHECK_HUGE): checks whether a value range is
+ larger than long.
+ * file.c (rb_stat_blocks): struct stat.st_blocks may be larger
+ than long.
+ * io.c (copy_stream_fallback_body): off_t may be larger than long.
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_disasm): RSTRING_LEN() returns long.
+ * process.c (rb_f_sleep): time() needs time_t.
+ * random.c (fill_random_seed): enclosed conditionally used
+ variables.
+ * thread_pthread.c (ruby_init_stack): range of rlim_cur may be
+ larger than int.
+ * missing/vsnprintf.c (BSD_vfprintf): commented out code which has
+ no effect at all.
+Thu Mar 12 02:10:57 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * strip spaces from ruby_version.
+ Sun C 5.9 SunOS_i386 Build47_dlight 2007/05/22 generates
+ `ruby_version= 1 "." 9 "." 1'.
+Thu Mar 12 01:18:09 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (dir_seek): use long for seekdir().
+Thu Mar 12 01:08:27 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/ytab.sed: replaces backslashes with slash for nmake.
+Wed Mar 11 21:23:06 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (time_mload): don't clear tm_mday.
+Wed Mar 11 20:13:38 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/dl/handle.c (rb_dlhandle_sym): RTLD_NEXT is not for symbol
+ name. [ruby-dev:38150]
+Wed Mar 11 17:26:38 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/dl/win32/lib/Win32API.rb: call by :stdcall as default.
+ [ruby-core:22826]
+Wed Mar 11 13:27:14 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (stack_type): uses VALUE which is able to be stored
+ parser stack.
+Wed Mar 11 13:22:41 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (init_env): set TMPDIR if none of TMPDIR, TMP,
+ TEMP is set.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_telldir, rb_w32_seekdir): should use long,
+ as defined by SUSv3.
+Wed Mar 11 13:03:12 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/dl/handle.c (rb_dlhandle_sym): fixed heap corruption.
+ [ruby-core:22822]
+Wed Mar 11 06:12:47 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (ruby_init_loadpath_safe): expands libpath and removes
+ last /lib.
+Wed Mar 11 04:47:47 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * time.c (time_to_i, time_hash): time_t may be bigger than long
+ and int.
+ * time.c (time_timeval, rb_time_timeval, obj2nsec, time_strftime),
+ (time_mdump, time_mload): suppress warnings.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.h): added TIMET2NUM and NUM2TIMET.
+Wed Mar 11 04:29:52 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c: suppress warnings. based on a patch from Charlie
+ Savage at [ruby-core:22804].
+Wed Mar 11 04:22:12 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * signal.c (sig_trap): suppress warnings.
+Tue Mar 10 20:07:45 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (WARNFLAGS): uses -wd4996 instead of
+ CRTDEFFLAGS. cf. [ruby-core:22725]
+Tue Mar 10 19:58:52 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h (strcasecmp, strncasecmp): use _ prefixed
+ versions to suppress warnings.
+ * ext/dl/callback/mkcallback.rb (DLTYPE[FLOAT]): cast to suppress
+ warnings. [ruby-core:22792]
+ * array.c, bignum.c, gc.c, numeric.c, string.c, util.c, insns.def,
+ missing/crypt.c, missing/vsnprintf.c, : suppress warnings.
+ [ruby-core:22792]
+Tue Mar 10 13:45:54 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (LDFLAGS): moved -link to TRY_LINK, LINK_SO
+ and so on. based on a patch by Charlie Savage at
+ [ruby-core:22794]
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.h): passes LDFLAGS to rbconfig.rb so
+ that extconf.rb could refer it. [ruby-core:22725]
+Tue Mar 10 11:36:32 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * iseq.c (prepare_iseq_build): too few arguments to function
+ rb_ary_tmp_new().
+Tue Mar 10 10:53:59 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_compile_with_option): argument may be converted.
+Tue Mar 10 04:56:44 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (MINIRUBY): keep macro into Makefile.
+ * (RUBY_CHECK_SIZEOF): fix for fallback.
+ * ruby.c (ruby_init_loadpath_safe): uses string as buffer.
+ * symbian/setup (config_h): defines MANGLED_PATH.
+Tue Mar 10 03:48:27 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/dl/callback/depend: fix for parallel build.
+ * ext/dl/callback/extconf.rb: callback.h is no longer created.
+ * ext/dl/callback/mkcallback.rb: creates main source first.
+ * ext/dl/callback/extconf.rb ($distcleanfiles): added callback.c.
+Tue Mar 10 00:06:21 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (load_relative): new option to enable load path
+ relative to libruby_so.
+ * ruby.c (ruby_init_loadpath_safe): added the case using dladdr().
+Mon Mar 9 16:49:13 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rake: updated to rake code to rake-0.8.4 source code base.
+Mon Mar 9 16:03:37 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rubygems/installer.rb (Gem::Installer#initialize): env may
+ not be under /usr/bin.
+ * lib/rubygems/installer.rb (Gem::Installer#shebang): uses /bin/sh
+ if shebang has any options, since env shebang trick does no
+ work with options.
+Mon Mar 9 15:19:55 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * instruby.rb (manpages): use basename to compare and for Tempfile.
+Mon Mar 9 14:55:27 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * instruby.rb (default gems): installs default gemspecs.
+Mon Mar 9 14:48:08 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (OPTFLAGS): simplified. see [ruby-core:22725]
+Mon Mar 9 14:33:57 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * instruby.rb: prints names of the directories where files are
+ installed to.
+Mon Mar 9 02:25:54 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_proc.rb: add some tests.
+Mon Mar 9 01:38:00 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_enum.rb: add some tests.
+Mon Mar 9 01:12:37 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_object.rb: add a test for Object#method_missing.
+Mon Mar 9 01:11:17 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_file_exhaustive.rb: add tests for File#size and
+ File.absolute_path.
+Sun Mar 8 23:02:50 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (LDFLAGS): always prepends -link.
+Sun Mar 8 11:39:57 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_CHECK_SIZEOF): dirty hack to compute multiple
+ sizeof, for apple's universal binary.
+Sat Mar 7 22:06:03 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (universal_binary): checks if sizes are same on all
+ architectures.
+Sat Mar 7 18:45:56 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * checks if cd really succeeded.
+Sat Mar 7 14:24:47 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * don't use CONFIG_SHELL for testing shell feature in
+ Makefile.
+Sat Mar 7 14:07:31 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * fix the location of cdcmd.
+Sat Mar 7 13:52:01 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * the shell which runs configure may be different from
+ the shell for make. configure likes bash but Makefile specifies
+ SHELL=/bin/sh.
+Sat Mar 7 12:31:30 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/erb/test_erb.rb: reverted space sensitive test results.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_parser_c.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_ri_default_display.rb: ditto.
+Fri Mar 6 23:35:59 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/securerandom.rb (SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64): add optional
+ argument to add padding.
+Fri Mar 6 19:25:40 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_LIB_VERSION_STYLE): sets full or minor style
+ not to show RUBY_VERSION_MAJOR and so on.
+ * version.h (RUBY_LIB_VERSION): makes from RUBY_LIB_VERSION_STYLE.
+ *,, win32/Makefile.sub (CHDIR): cd using
+ physical directory.
+ * (update-mspec): split from update-rubyspec.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (update-{rubyspec,mspec}): added.
+Fri Mar 6 14:28:36 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, win32/Makefile.sub (INSNS): moved variable
+ definition before rule.
+Fri Mar 6 13:47:10 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rake/loaders/makefile.rb (Rake::MakefileLoader#load): deals with
+ escaped spaces. incorporated from rake 0.8.4.
+ * lib/rake/testtask.rb (Rake::TestTask#define): passes each libs
+ as each arguments with expanded. incorporated from rake 0.8.4.
+Thu Mar 5 18:36:38 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_to_s): keeps enough precision for round trip.
+ [ruby-core:22325]
+Thu Mar 5 17:42:06 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_fill): doc for Array#fill misses indication
+ about negative value for the start argument. [ruby-core:22497]
+Thu Mar 5 16:56:14 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/tmpdir.rb (Dir.tmpdir): not use USERPROFILE, and ignores
+ non-existent directory.
+Thu Mar 5 14:52:46 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_sysinit): initializes version info first.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_osid): always define for binary compatibility.
+Thu Mar 5 11:52:16 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (make_insns_rules): rule to make rules for insns.
+Thu Mar 5 11:27:16 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (miniruby.exe): workaround for a failure of
+ mt.exe on Windows 7 beta. [ruby-talk:330284]
+Thu Mar 5 10:32:17 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/dl/test_base.rb: Add dragonfly to libc and libm switch.
+Thu Mar 5 10:29:10 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (str_eql): extracted from rb_str_equal and rb_str_eql.
+ * string.c (rb_str_chomp_bang): keeps 7bit coderange.
+Thu Mar 5 10:10:40 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (enc_initialized_p): ENC_UNINITIALIZED
+ is not defined already.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (ENC_FROM_ENCINDEX): removed because
+ depending on a static variable.
+Thu Mar 5 04:42:52 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb: fix wrong test, and add a test for
+ sort_by!.
+Thu Mar 5 04:32:38 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb: add some tests for coverage.
+Thu Mar 5 00:06:37 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/README.win32 (Requirement): added unicows.lib and dll.
+Wed Mar 4 23:29:56 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, win32/configure.bat (--enable-win95): new option
+ to enable/disable win95 support.
+Wed Mar 4 21:21:51 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/thread.rb (SizedQueue#push): fix limit condition.
+ [ruby-dev:38135]
+Wed Mar 4 20:27:10 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (mingw): checks if unicows.lib is available.
+ * include/ruby/win32.h (WIN95): moved to config.h
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (LIBS): links unicows.lib if available.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.h): defines WIN95 only if unicows.lib
+ is available.
+ * win32/setup.mak (-unicows-): checks if unicows.lib is available.
+Tue Mar 3 17:10:09 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): removes object files no longer used and
+ files to be removed by old distclean.
+Tue Mar 3 16:51:51 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/dl/win32/lib/win32/resolv.rb: get rid of warning.
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/func.rb: ditto.
+Tue Mar 3 16:25:43 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake), lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): $objs and
+ $srcs are always Array or nil now.
+Tue Mar 3 15:54:11 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/dl/win32/lib/win32/{registry,resolv}.rb: use dl/import instead
+ of Win32API.
+Tue Mar 3 15:53:20 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/func.rb ( delegate to @cfunc.
+Tue Mar 3 15:40:38 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/dl/dl.c (rb_dl_init_callbacks): autoloads callbacks.
+ * ext/dl/callback: split from dl.
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/cparser.rb (DL::CParser::parse_signature): fixed
+ variable name.
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/pack.rb (DL::PackInfo): reduced redundant
+ initialization.
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/stack.rb (DL::Stack): ditto.
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/value.rb (DL::ValueUtil#wrap_arg): NULL for nil.
+ * test/dl: moved from ext/dl/test.
+Tue Mar 3 14:57:28 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (main): passes $(MAKE) to mkmain_cmd
+ * ext/extmk.rb (command_output): uses arguments to invoke make.
+Tue Mar 3 01:56:03 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/securerandom.rb (SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64): delete padding.
+Mon Mar 2 21:39:08 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/sockport.h (SS_LEN): defined unconditionally.
+Mon Mar 2 21:26:42 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (anc_inspect_socket_creds): suppress warnings.
+Mon Mar 2 21:13:42 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (rsock_discard_cmsg_resource): defined
+ unconditionally.
+Mon Mar 2 21:06:40 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (addrinfo_mload): don't use "sun" variable
+ for Solaris.
+Mon Mar 2 21:01:36 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * file.c: include fcntl.h for O_RDONLY on Solaris.
+Mon Mar 2 19:43:02 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (URI::Parser#escape): escaped string is ascii
+ only.
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (URI::Parser#unescape): converts bytewise.
+ [ruby-dev:38005], [ruby-dev:38110]
+Mon Mar 2 16:40:11 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * README.EXT, README.EXT.ja (Macros): added HAVE_RUBY_*_H.
+Mon Mar 2 12:22:12 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (init_env): keeps wide chars as wide chars.
+Mon Mar 2 11:01:45 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/dl/dl.h (dlerror): fixed on Windows.
+ * ext/dl/handle.c (rb_dlhandle_initialize): returns handle to
+ libruby if nil is given on Windows as dlopen.
+ * ext/dl/handle.c (rb_dlhandle_sym): get rid of buffer overrun,
+ and try ASCII WINAPI versions too.
+Mon Mar 2 10:29:17 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_longjmp), include/ruby/intern.h (ruby_cleanup): fixed
+ prototypes.
+Mon Mar 2 00:56:45 2009 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/drb/observer.rb: The module observable uses now a hash to
+ store listeners. merged a patch from Alessandro Di Maria in
+ [ruby-core:22560].
+Sun Mar 1 22:59:41 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c: suppress warnings.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: ditto.
+ * ext/socket/unixsocket.c: ditto.
+Sun Mar 1 20:57:41 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ (rsock_getfamily): renamed from rb_sock_getfamily.
+Sun Mar 1 19:52:46 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/dl/win32/lib/Win32API.rb (initialize): passes res
+ arguments to DL.
+Sun Mar 1 19:38:59 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (zstream_run): suppress a warning. a patch from
+ Charlie Savage at [ruby-core:22607].
+Sun Mar 1 19:36:18 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * util.c (ruby_dtoa): allocates one more byte to get rid of buffer
+ overrun. a patch from Charlie Savage at [ruby-core:22604].
+Sun Mar 1 19:10:59 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (.y.c): removed extra backslash. [ruby-core:22602]
+Sun Mar 1 19:02:03 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/dl/cfunc.c (rb_dlcfunc_call): fix for stdcall and missing
+ argument numbers. [ruby-core:22601]
+ * ext/dl/dl.h (DLSTACK_PROTO0_): added.
+ * ext/dl/mkcallback.rb (gencallback, gen_callback_file),
+ (rb_dl_init_callbacks): omit stdcall functions unless supported.
+ * lib/rubygems/config_file.rb (SHGetFolderPath): stdcall.
+Sun Mar 1 17:27:14 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (gfDebug): uncommented out.
+ [ruby-core:22600]
+Sun Mar 1 16:15:31 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (rb_waitpid): use wait_each() on no waitpid platforms.
+ [ruby-dev:38054]
+Sun Mar 1 16:01:01 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (proc_daemon): stops and restarts timer thread because
+ daemon(3) implies fork(2). [ruby-dev:38055]
+Sun Mar 1 15:45:49 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ (rsock_make_hostent): renamed from sock_make_hostent.
+ (rsock_addrinfo): renamed from sock_addrinfo.
+ (rsock_getaddrinfo): renamed from sock_getaddrinfo.
+ (rsock_socket): renamed from ruby_socket.
+ (rsock_sock_s_socketpair): renamed from sock_s_socketpair.
+ (rsock_connect): renamed from ruby_connect.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_listen): make it static.
+Sun Mar 1 15:29:31 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket: add rsock_ prefix.
+Sat Feb 28 21:52:37 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_iterate): use volatile to suppress warnings.
+ * eval.c (ruby_cleanup): ditto.
+Sat Feb 28 20:09:40 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * eval_error.c (error_print): use volatile to suppress warnings.
+ * vm_eval.c (eval_string_with_cref): ditto.
+ * thread.c (rb_exec_recursive): ditto.
+ * eval_jump.c (rb_exec_end_proc): ditto.
+ * eval.c (ruby_exec_node): ditto.
+ (rb_longjmp): ditto.
+Sat Feb 28 18:28:58 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (ancillary_unix_rights): check message type.
+Sat Feb 28 16:18:39 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: suppress warnings of non-existing instance variable
+ access for SSL.
+Sat Feb 28 14:50:47 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb (BasicSocket#connect_address): returns ::1
+ if the address is IPv4-mapped IPv6 address for for MacOS X.
+Sat Feb 28 00:18:40 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c: suppress strict-aliasing warning with
+ gcc version 4.4.0 20090219 (Red Hat 4.4.0-0.21) on Fedora 11 Alpha.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: ditto.
+ * ext/socket/unixsocket.c: ditto.
+ * ext/socket/sockport.h (SS_LEN): defined.
+ (SET_SS_LEN): ditto.
+Fri Feb 27 22:30:18 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (bsock_recvmsg_internal): close FDs passed by
+ SCM_RIGHTS unless :scm_rights=>true is given.
+ (discard_cmsg): extracted from rsock_discard_cmsg_resource.
+Fri Feb 27 22:14:22 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/buffering.rb: define Buffering module under
+ OpenSSL. [ruby-dev:37906]
+Fri Feb 27 22:09:24 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb: don't define assert_not_* if already
+ overridden.
+Fri Feb 27 22:02:34 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * util.c: fix SEGV by test_time.rb with
+ gcc version 4.4.0 20090219 (Red Hat 4.4.0-0.21) on Fedora 11 Alpha.
+Fri Feb 27 18:30:51 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (cdhash_type, iseq_set_sequence): should not call
+ methods of the argument of case, to keep the semantics of
+ case/when. [ruby-dev:38079]
+Fri Feb 27 18:01:20 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (ruby_get_stack_grow_direction): no needs to use thread
+ here, and not initialized yet. [ruby-core:22439]
+Fri Feb 27 17:45:25 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (file_load_ok): checks if regular file, except for the
+ platform disallows to open directories, e.g. dosish.
+ [ruby-dev:38097], [Bug #1221]
+Fri Feb 27 14:39:40 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_eq, flo_gt, flo_ge, flo_lt, flo_le, flo_eql): revert
+ isnan() checks for VC++6.
+ * insns.def (opt_lt, opt_gt): ditto.
+Fri Feb 27 14:23:09 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/ostruct.rb (modifiable): check if really frozen.
+ [ruby-core:22559]
+Thu Feb 26 23:14:46 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb (BasicSocket#connect_address): new method.
+Thu Feb 26 19:29:10 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (hash_foreach_iter): fix for prototype.
+Thu Feb 26 18:36:09 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (INSNS, newline.c, miniprelude.c, prelude.c),
+ (, unified from and
+ win32/Makefile.sub.
+Thu Feb 26 13:30:34 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * util.c (valid_filename): use our own implementation of open(),
+ close() and unlink().
+Thu Feb 26 13:23:20 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * iseq.c (cdhash_each): resurrects internal literals.
+Thu Feb 26 10:56:48 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h (rb_w32_wopen): prototype forgotten.
+ * io.c (rb_sysopen_internal): shouldn't replace undefined chars in this
+ case.
+Thu Feb 26 01:34:38 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: more MSG_* constants.
+Thu Feb 26 00:21:21 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/option.c (sockopt_level): extracted from sockopt_level_m.
+ (sockopt_optname): extracted from sockopt_optname_m.
+ (sockopt_data): apply StringValue.
+ (sockopt_s_linger): new method.
+ (sockopt_linger): new method.
+ (inspect_linger): show onoff value if it is neither 0 nor 1.
+Wed Feb 25 23:23:03 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (ancillary_unix_rights): raise
+ NotImplementedError if no fd passing feature.
+ (ancillary_timestamp): raise NotImplementedError if no timestamp
+ feature.
+Wed Feb 25 23:18:53 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (ancillary_s_unix_rights): new method.
+Wed Feb 25 23:01:26 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/unixsocket.c (unix_recv_io): prevent FD leak when 2 fd is
+ sent on LP64 platform.
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h (rsock_discard_cmsg_resource): declared.
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (rsock_discard_cmsg_resource): renamed from
+ discard_cmsg_resource. export it.
+Wed Feb 25 17:31:32 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (sysopen_func, rb_sysopen_internal, rb_sysopen): open file
+ by UTF-16'ed filename on Windows.
+ * io.c (rb_file_open_generic, rb_io_s_sysopen, rb_io_reopen,
+ argf_next_argv): follow above change.
+ * io.c (rb_scan_open_args): no longer need to convert filepath here on
+ Windows.
+ * win32/wio32.c (rb_w32_wopen): new function to open file by UTF-16'ed
+ filename.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_open): call rb_w32_open().
+Wed Feb 25 15:05:35 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.status): use un.rb as cp instead of
+ cmd.exe's copy command.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): no longer need to convert path
+ separator when copying file.
+Wed Feb 25 12:27:59 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_force_encoding): should clear coderange at changing
+ encoding. [ruby-core:22437]
+Wed Feb 25 12:06:09 2009 <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_getline_1): enables limit even if rs is given.
+ [ruby-core:22434]
+Wed Feb 25 02:28:51 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_chomp_bang): coderange may change.
+ [ruby-core:22414]
+Wed Feb 25 02:17:30 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_delete_bang): should recalculate coderange.
+ [ruby-talk:329267]
+Wed Feb 25 00:41:21 2009 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * class.c (rb_scan_args): Allow specifying the number of trailing
+ mandatory arguments right after the number of optional arguments
+ only if the number of leading mandatory arguments is not omitted.
+ * ext/socket/tcpserver.c (tcp_svr_init): Make use of it.
+Wed Feb 25 00:28:25 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_size): new method added. [ruby-core:22088]
+Wed Feb 25 00:15:15 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (curses_colors): new method added. a patch
+ from Alexander Beisig in [ruby-core:22331].
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (curses_color_pairs): ditto.
+Wed Feb 25 00:05:13 2009 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * class.c (rb_scan_args): Revamp rb_scan_args() to compute the
+ number of required and optional arguments precisely to prepare
+ for a more informative error message.
+Tue Feb 24 23:58:52 2009 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_index, rb_ary_rindex): Emit a warning that a
+ given block is unused when an argument is specified.
+Tue Feb 24 22:00:37 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sockaddr_obj): convert fe80:1::1 to fe80::1%1.
+Tue Feb 24 19:56:11 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (ancillary_timestamp): support SCM_BINTIME.
+Tue Feb 24 19:45:15 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (ancillary_timestamp): new method.
+Tue Feb 24 19:01:05 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (main): split from exts and makes main program after
+ building exts with miniruby, to get rid of overwriting running
+ program. [ruby-core:22339]
+ *, win32/Makefile.sub (RUNCMD, MKMAIN_CMD): macros to
+ run script file.
+ * ext/extmk.rb (parse_args): added --command-output option which
+ creates script file to make main program.
+Tue Feb 24 17:58:07 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (ripper.c): exec can't work on Windows.
+ * ext/ripper/depend (.SUFFIXES): nmake doesn't have .y by default.
+ * (id.h): overwrites unconditionally.
+Tue Feb 24 13:13:49 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * missing/vsnprintf.c (BSD_vfprintf): ptrdiff_t may be larger than
+ long.
+Tue Feb 24 11:21:50 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * signal.c (rb_disable_interrupt, rb_enable_interrupt): see
+Tue Feb 24 10:49:37 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (rb_waitpid): last argument was missing.
+ * process.c (waitall_each): fixed typo. a patch from shinichiro.h
+ <shinichiro.hamaji AT> at [ruby-dev:38054].
+Tue Feb 24 01:53:40 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_eq): remove unnecessary NaN check using isnan().
+ comparison regarding NaN is false anyway.
+ * numeric.c (flo_gt, flo_ge, flo_lt, flo_le, flo_eql): ditto.
+Tue Feb 24 01:22:19 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_thread.rb: fix for environment where fork is not
+ available.
+Tue Feb 24 01:19:38 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * thread.c (thread_cleanup_func): unlock all locked mutexes even when
+ forking. [ruby-core:22269]
+Tue Feb 24 00:54:16 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * insns.def (opt_minus): inline float operation.
+ * insns.def (opt_lt, opt_gt): ditto.
+Tue Feb 24 00:24:13 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * range.c (range_each): check #succ only when it is really
+ needed. small performance improvement.
+ * math.c (Need_Float): call rb_to_float() only when it is really
+ needed. small performance improvement.
+Tue Feb 24 00:19:33 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb (Pathname#foreachline): removed wrongly
+ resurrected method. [ruby-dev:38065]
+Mon Feb 23 20:39:21 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (inspect_timespec_as_abstime): new function to
+ show struct timespec.
+ (ancillary_inspect): use it for SCM_TIMESTAMPNS on GNU/Linux.
+Mon Feb 23 20:30:06 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (inspect_bintime_as_abstime): new function to
+ show struct bintime.
+ (ancillary_inspect): use it for SCM_BINTIME on FreeBSD.
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: define SCM_BINTIME.
+Mon Feb 23 20:18:49 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (inspect_timeval_as_abstime): use time_t
+ variable to avoid a warning on environments which use long as
+ tv_sec as NetBSD.
+Mon Feb 23 15:53:30 2009 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_index, rb_ary_rindex): We know that argc is not
+ zero when we reach here.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_initialize, rb_ary_index): Shrink a double
+ space. (NFC)
+Mon Feb 23 14:47:04 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (mv): added description for the case of
+ different partitions. [ruby-talk:329072]
+Mon Feb 23 10:19:41 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (USE_SYMBOL_AS_METHOD_NAME): Module#methods,
+ #singleton_methods and so on return Symbols. [ruby-talk:328775]
+Mon Feb 23 10:15:35 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * README.EXT, README.EXT.ja: added macros for the Compatibilities.
+Mon Feb 23 03:19:37 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: define SO_TIMESTAMPNS and SCM_TIMESTAMPNS
+ if available.
+Mon Feb 23 02:54:31 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (ancillary_inspect): use SCM_TIMESTAMP instead
+Mon Feb 23 02:44:42 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (inspect_timeval_as_abstime): new function.
+ (ancillary_inspect): use it for SO_TIMESTAMP.
+Mon Feb 23 02:26:44 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/option.c (inspect_timeval_as_interval): renamed from
+ inspect_timeval.
+Mon Feb 23 02:10:09 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/option.c (inspect_timeval): fix the size test.
+Sun Feb 22 22:42:20 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (tr_trans): should recalculate coderange.
+ [ruby-core:22326] (reopened at [ruby-core:22328])
+Sun Feb 22 20:09:29 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/option.c (inspect_linger): message refined.
+Sun Feb 22 19:28:08 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/init.c (s_recvfrom): use rb_io_wait_readable after
+ recvfrom.
+Sun Feb 22 18:40:04 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/option.c (inspect_errno): new function.
+ (sockopt_inspect): use inspect_errno for SO_ERROR.
+Sun Feb 22 15:11:51 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c (Init_Regexp): define Regexp::FIXEDENCODING. [ruby-dev:38066]
+Sun Feb 22 14:33:06 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (tr_trans): should not be affected by the encoding of
+ replacement unless actually modified. [ruby-talk:328967]
+ [ruby-core:22326]
+Sun Feb 22 13:38:44 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/init.c (s_recvfrom_nonblock): handles EAGAIN too.
+ * ext/socket/init.c (s_accept_nonblock): ditto, and EPROTO depends
+ on platforms.
+Sun Feb 22 13:03:12 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_options): the evaluator now expects iseq instead of tree.
+ * ruby.c (ruby_process_options): ditto.
+Sun Feb 22 13:03:14 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (configure): unset PWD to use symlink to building
+ directory.
+ * (up): cd doesn't need LC_TIME, VCS needs.
+Sun Feb 22 10:43:57 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (method_missing): should not pop cfp if missing method
+ is method_missing. [ruby-core:22298]
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_raise_method_missing): new function to directly
+ raise NoMethodError.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method): fixed the case method_missing
+ is missing.
+Sun Feb 22 02:15:40 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (bsock_recvmsg_internal): handle EMSGSIZE as
+ well.
+Sun Feb 22 02:03:46 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (bsock_recvmsg_internal): check max length
+ overflow.
+Sun Feb 22 01:52:30 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (bsock_recvmsg_internal): don't call
+ discard_cmsg_resource when EMFILE.
+Sun Feb 22 01:48:51 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (bsock_recvmsg_internal): gc when SCM_RIGHTS
+ hit the file descriptor limit.
+Sun Feb 22 00:51:58 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (io_getpartial): error message describes what should be
+ waited after nonblocking error.
+ (rb_io_write_nonblock): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/init.c (s_recvfrom_nonblock): ditto.
+ (s_accept_nonblock): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_connect_nonblock): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (bsock_sendmsg_internal): ditto.
+ (bsock_recvmsg_internal): ditto.
+Sun Feb 22 00:31:42 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (bsock_recvmsg_internal): check recvmsg error
+ earlier.
+Fri Feb 20 23:28:11 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * util.c (rv_alloc, freedtoa): use our normal xmalloc()/xfree() because
+ couldn't free the returned pointer from ruby_dtoa().
+ * missing/vsnprintf.c (cvt): receive buffer and use/return it instead
+ of returning the pointer returned from BSD__dtoa().
+ * missing/vsnprintf.c (BSD_vfprintf): pass buf to cvt() as the buffer.
+ [ruby-core:22184]
+Thu Feb 19 22:59:09 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (make_io_for_unix_rights): cmsg_len may be
+ bigger than msg_controllen on 4.4BSD at least.
+ freeze unix_rights array.
+Thu Feb 19 22:17:38 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (bsock_recvmsg_internal): fix exception.
+Thu Feb 19 21:13:03 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (ancillary_unix_rights): method renamed.
+Thu Feb 19 15:47:11 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * template/ extracted from
+ * (fake.rb): prefixed with $(arch)-.
+Thu Feb 19 15:39:50 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ocsp.c (ossl_ocspbres_verify): OCSP_basic_verify
+ returns positive value on success, not non-zero. [ruby-core:21762]
+Thu Feb 19 15:17:00 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/tmpdir.rb (@@systmpdir): File.expand_path also joins paths.
+Thu Feb 19 15:14:25 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (etc_each_group): defines only when Etc::Group is
+ available.
+Thu Feb 19 15:11:40 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval_intern.h (translit_char): moved from ruby.c.
+ * load.c (load_ext): transliterates file separators and back if
+ needed.
+ * symbian/setup (DLN_NEEDS_ALT_SEPARATOR): defined.
+Thu Feb 19 14:48:12 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, */Makefile.sub (LOAD_RELATIVE): moved from ruby.c
+Thu Feb 19 14:39:53 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (darwin): uses -unexported_symbol option of ld instead
+ of objcopy
+ * (darwin): makes dylib instead of so.
+Thu Feb 19 14:22:02 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): added phony targets.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): creates target directories before
+ copying. [ruby-core:21958]
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): removes directories in the depth
+ order.
+Thu Feb 19 13:56:00 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_home_dir): checks if HAVE_PWD_H. [ruby-dev:38049]
+Thu Feb 19 08:45:48 2009 TAKANO Mitsuhiro (takano32) <>
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h: add "#include <sys/stat.h>"
+Thu Feb 19 03:42:48 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (ancillary_rights): new method.
+ (make_io_for_rights): new function to allocate
+ IOs for FDs in SCM_RIGHTS message.
+ (bsock_recvmsg_internal): use make_io_for_rights. So the FDs can be
+ closed by GC.
+Thu Feb 19 03:28:59 2009 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * README.EXT, README.EXT.ja: Improve the document about
+ rb_scan_args() even more.
+Thu Feb 19 03:12:51 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_file_exhaustive.rb: skip some tests if euid == 0.
+ a patch from Lucas Nussbaum in [ruby-core:22209].
+Thu Feb 19 03:00:49 2009 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * README.EXT, README.EXT.ja: Improve the document about
+ rb_scan_args().
+Wed Feb 18 22:47:01 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (discard_cmsg_resource): new function to close
+ file descriptors in control message.
+ (bsock_recvmsg_internal): call discard_cmsg_resource before retrying
+ recvmsg.
+Wed Feb 18 21:47:37 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (bsock_recvmsg_internal): prevent misalignment.
+Wed Feb 18 21:34:30 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (bsock_sendmsg_internal): prevent misalignment.
+Wed Feb 18 21:09:43 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (bsock_recvmsg_internal): reduce code on
+ environments which have no control message.
+Wed Feb 18 20:27:16 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (OBJCOPY): set ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_OBJCOPY to do nothing
+ on cygwin and mingw because symbols are exported by def file.
+Wed Feb 18 15:35:36 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_chown): use chown unless HAVE_FCHOWN.
+ * io.c (pipe_open): sarg is always used unless HAVE_FORK.
+Wed Feb 18 15:23:34 2009 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb: Use RUBY_DESCRIPTION if defined.
+Wed Feb 18 14:33:35 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_resurrect), string.c (rb_str_resurrect): new
+ functions based on [ruby-dev:37983]
+ * insns.def (putstring, duparray): use rb_{ary,str}_resurrect().
+ * iseq.c (iseq_data_to_ary): needs to result TS_VALUE.
+Wed Feb 18 12:35:31 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_extname): fix for spaces before extension.
+ [ruby-dev:38044]
+Wed Feb 18 12:00:58 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (file_expand_path): suppress a warning. named magic
+ numbers.
+Wed Feb 18 10:29:12 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (thread_start_func_2): do not delete main thread from
+ living_threads. [ruby-core:19385], [ruby-core:22158]
+Wed Feb 18 01:05:05 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl: avoid cyclic require.
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl-internal.rb: renamed from ssl.rb
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/x509-internal.rb: renamed from x509.rb.
+ * lib/net/imap.rb: require openssl, instead of openssl/ssl.
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: require openssl, instead of openssl/ssl.
+ [ruby-dev:38018]
+Wed Feb 18 00:55:47 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (Etc::Passwd.each, Etc::Group.each): new methods.
+ [ruby-dev:37999]
+Tue Feb 17 23:25:01 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (bsock_sendmsg_internal): make the padding
+ removing only on NetBSD.
+Tue Feb 17 19:39:04 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (bsock_sendmsg_internal): should not remove the
+ last padding of control messages, basically.
+Tue Feb 17 12:50:57 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_shared_replace): no need for
+ str_make_independent.
+Tue Feb 17 05:41:08 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c: fix to add "ensure" codes across "while" clause
+ before "return" expression. [ruby-dev:37967]
+ * bootstraptest/test_flow.rb: add a test.
+Tue Feb 17 01:53:35 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: generate rb_define_const directly for
+ rdoc.
+ * ext/.document: add socket/constdefs.c.
+ * ext/socket/constants.c (sock_define_const): removed.
+ (sock_define_uconst): ditto.
+ (rb_mSockConst): new static variable.
+Mon Feb 16 23:14:51 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (bsock_sendmsg_internal) [OpenBSD]: don't remove
+ the last padding to prevent sendmsg failure in test_udp_server in
+ test/socket/test_socket.rb on OpenBSD 4.4.
+Mon Feb 16 21:59:32 2009 Alexander Zavorine <>
+ * symbian/setup: Update Symbian config to match recent changes in missing/alloca.c
+Mon Feb 16 17:04:14 2009 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * class.c (rb_scan_args), README.EXT, README.EXT.ja: Add support
+ for specifying the number of the trailing mandatory arguments.
+ Update the documents accordingly. [ruby-dev:37995]
+Mon Feb 16 16:46:14 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * debug.c (set_debug_option): added rtc_error option.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (CRTDEFFLAGS): separated from DEFS.
+ * win32/win32.c (rtc_error_handler): ignores RTC errors unless
+ rtc_error debug option is given.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_sysinit): suppress useless CRT assertions.
+ [ruby-core:22116]
+Sun Feb 15 21:43:44 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/ostruct.rb (OpenStruct#new_ostruct_member): checks if frozen.
+ [ruby-talk:328195], [ruby-core:22142]
+Sun Feb 15 21:22:48 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb (Test::Unit::Assertions): aliases
+ assert_not_ methods.
+Sun Feb 15 16:57:35 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/securerandom.rb (SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64): new method.
+Sun Feb 15 14:58:07 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * hash.c (hash_i): use Murmurhash.
+Sun Feb 15 11:45:29 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c (rb_define_hooked_variable): suppress false assertion
+ with VC9. [ruby-core:22115]
+Sun Feb 15 08:35:33 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/test_pp.rb: extract from lib/pp.rb.
+ * test/test_prettyprint.rb: extract from lib/prettyprint.rb.
+ * test/test_tsort.rb: extract from lib/tsort.rb.
+Sun Feb 15 06:34:22 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/time.rb (Time.parse): raise ArgumentError if Date._parse don't
+ extract date information. [ruby-core:20912]
+Sun Feb 15 04:48:08 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * string.c (rb_hash_uint32, rb_hash_uint, rb_hash_start, rb_hash_end),
+ include/ruby/intern.h: add Murmurhash API. [ruby-dev:37784]
+ * complex.c (nucomp_hash), array.c (rb_ary_hash), time.c (time_hash),
+ string.c (rb_str_hash), object.c (rb_obj_hash), range.c
+ (range_hash), struct.c (rb_struct_hash), hash.c (rb_any_hash),
+ rational.c (nurat_hash): use Murmurhash. [ruby-dev:37784]
+Sun Feb 15 03:50:21 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash): always return a fixnum value because a return
+ value of rb_hash may be used as a hash value itself and bignums have
+ no unique VALUE.
+ * test/ruby/test_hash.rb: add a test for above.
+Sun Feb 15 00:45:41 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_uniq_bang, rb_ary_uniq): unique by the result of
+ given block. [ruby-dev:37998]
+Sun Feb 15 00:39:44 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (ary_resize_capa): should not overwrite outside embedded
+ array.
+Sat Feb 14 20:18:19 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/test_time.rb: extracted from lib/time.rb.
+Sat Feb 14 19:20:15 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb: obsolete methods removed.
+ [ruby-core:21564]
+Sat Feb 14 15:46:01 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb (Pathname#binread): added. [ruby-dev:37952]
+Sat Feb 14 13:14:18 2009 TAKANO Mitsuhiro (takano32) <>
+ * iseq.c: remove nil parameter from Proc#parameters
+ after rest appeared.
+Sat Feb 14 07:23:52 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_external_str_new_with_enc): change evaluation order
+ for speed.
+Sat Feb 14 02:20:04 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/sockport.h (SET_SA_LEN): cast to void for suppressing a
+ warning.
+Fri Feb 13 23:37:10 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/dl/win32/lib/Win32API.rb (Win32API#initialize): DL.dlopen
+ raises DLError.
+Fri Feb 13 21:13:19 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (Init_socket): define TCPServer#listen and
+ UNIXServer#listen here for rdoc.
+Fri Feb 13 20:59:48 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (extract_ipv6_pktinfo): set sa_len for 4.4BSD.
+Fri Feb 13 15:34:18 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * iseq.c (simple_default_value): removed. default values of optional
+ parameters are not available still now. [ruby-dev:37980]
+Fri Feb 13 15:11:11 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (eval_string_with_cref): use rb_vm_get_ruby_level_next_cfp()
+ instead of vm_get_ruby_level_caller_cfp(). checking a upper frame
+ is not enough. [ruby-dev:37984]
+ * proc.c, vm_core.h: declare rb_vm_get_ruby_level_next_cfp()
+ on vm_core.h.
+Fri Feb 13 15:01:40 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * cont.c (rb_fiber_alive_p): fix to return true instead of 0.
+ [ruby-dev:37991]
+ * test/ruby/test_fiber.rb: add a test for Fiber#alive?
+Fri Feb 13 09:43:19 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (ac_cv_func_flock): using flock defined in
+ win32/win32.c on mingw.
+Fri Feb 13 01:45:17 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_set_sequence, compile_dstr_fragments),
+ (iseq_compile_each): hides other internal objects.
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): just freeze xstr.
+Fri Feb 13 00:48:42 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * insns.def (defineclass): try to autoload const to be overridden.
+Thu Feb 12 23:22:29 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/socket/test_socket.rb (test_udp_server): filter out unreachable
+ addresses. [ruby-dev:37970]
+Thu Feb 12 22:51:18 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (hide_obj): OBJ_FREEZE() is not an expression. a patch
+ from nagachika <nagachika00 AT> at [ruby-dev:37977].
+ * compile.c (insn_set_sc_state): fixed typo.
+Thu Feb 12 12:36:35 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/basicsocket.c (bsock_getpeereid): implemented for Solaris
+ using getpeerucred.
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: check ucred.h and getpeerucred.
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h: include ucred.h if available.
+Thu Feb 12 19:42:33 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (compile_array_, defined_expr, iseq_compile_each): hide
+ and freeze internal literal objects, to prevent from modifying.
+ [ruby-dev:37959]
+ * iseq.c (insn_operand_intern): copy internal literal objects.
+ * insns.def (putstring, duparray): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_replace): exported.
+Thu Feb 12 17:17:51 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_ungetc): calculates new position
+ before reallocation. [Bug#1099]
+Thu Feb 12 16:50:27 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * a patch to build on GNU/kOpenSolaris from Rober
+ Millan at [ruby-core:21888].
+Thu Feb 12 15:28:04 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * iseq.c (simple_default_value): allow plain strings as default
+ values.
+Wed Feb 11 18:09:41 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * gc.c (define_final, undefine_final): shouldn't add/remove finalizer
+ of frozen objects.
+ * gc.c (undefine_final): should remove FL_FINALIZE flag.
+ [ruby-dev:37964] (also see [ruby-dev:37959])
+Wed Feb 11 17:37:41 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb (Socket.udp_server_sockets): call the block
+ if given. close the sockets when the block exits.
+ (Socket.udp_server_loop): use udp_server_sockets in block form.
+Wed Feb 11 17:34:16 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb (Socket.tcp_server_sockets): call the block
+ if given. close the sockets when the block exits.
+ (Socket.tcp_server_loop): use tcp_server_sockets in block form.
+Wed Feb 11 17:01:52 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb (Socket.unix_server_loop): use
+ unix_server_socket with a block.
+Wed Feb 11 16:54:26 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb (Socket.unix_server_socket): close the
+ socket when the block exits.
+Wed Feb 11 16:50:59 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb (Socket.unix_server_socket): call the block
+ if given. remove the socket file when the block exits.
+Wed Feb 11 16:44:20 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (ancillary_s_ip_pktinfo): make 3rd argument
+ optional.
+Wed Feb 11 15:47:10 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (ary_make_shared): returns shared root array itself, and
+ frozen array can be shared.
+Wed Feb 11 14:46:16 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * insns.def (setspecial, putstring): fixed typos in rdoc.
+ * insns.def (toregexp): uses rb_ary_tmp_new(), and clears it after
+ used.
+Wed Feb 11 14:08:23 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (anc_inspect_socket_rights): return 1 on
+ success. 0 on failure.
+ (anc_inspect_passcred_credentials): ditto.
+ (anc_inspect_socket_creds): ditto.
+ (anc_inspect_socket_creds): ditto.
+ (anc_inspect_socket_creds): ditto.
+ (anc_inspect_ip_recvdstaddr): ditto.
+ (anc_inspect_ip_pktinfo): ditto.
+ (anc_inspect_ipv6_pktinfo): ditto.
+ (ancillary_inspect): check family.
+Wed Feb 11 12:55:07 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (anc_inspect_ip_pktinfo): make result bit
+ succinct.
+ (Init_ancdata): fix number of arguments.
+Wed Feb 11 11:47:41 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ipsocket.c (Init_ipsocket): undef getpeereid at IPSocket.
+Wed Feb 11 10:16:34 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: check getpeereid.
+ * ext/socket/basicsocket.c (bsock_getpeereid): new method.
+Wed Feb 11 09:58:59 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb (Socket::UDPSource#inspect): fix variable
+ name.
+Wed Feb 11 00:38:16 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_gethostname): use HOST_NAME_MAX.
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (make_ipaddr): local variable renamed.
+Tue Feb 10 23:44:53 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/init.c (struct recvfrom_arg): use struct
+ sockaddr_storage.
+ (recvfrom_blocking): follow struct recvfrom_arg change.
+ (s_recvfrom): ditto.
+ (s_recvfrom_nonblock): use struct sockaddr_storage.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_accept): use struct sockaddr_storage.
+ (sock_accept_nonblock): ditto.
+ (sock_sysaccept): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (bsock_recvmsg_internal): use struct
+ sockaddr_storage.
+Tue Feb 10 23:30:32 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/basicsocket.c (bsock_getpeername): use struct
+ sockaddr_storage.
+ (bsock_local_address): ditto.
+ (bsock_remote_address): ditto.
+Tue Feb 10 21:26:33 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb (Socket.udp_server_sockets): new method.
+ (Socket.udp_server_loop_on): new method.
+ (Socket.udp_server_loop): new method
+ (Socket.ip_sockets_port0): extracted from tcp_server_sockets_port0.
+ (Socket::UDPSource): new class.
+Tue Feb 10 21:14:43 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sockaddr_obj): fill pfamily.
+Tue Feb 10 21:09:23 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/option.c (sockopt_s_bool): new method.
+ (sockopt_bool): new method.
+Tue Feb 10 20:58:47 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/option.c (sockopt_family_m): renamed from sockopt_family.
+ (sockopt_level_m): renamed from sockopt_level.
+ (sockopt_optname_m): renamed from sockopt_optname.
+ (inspect_local_peercred): follow the renaming.
+ (Init_sockopt): ditto.
+Tue Feb 10 20:56:07 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (anc_inspect_socket_creds): refactored to avoid
+ a rb_str_cat2 call.
+Tue Feb 10 04:34:38 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (when): makes parentheses balanced.
+Tue Feb 10 01:28:49 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (ip_cmsg_type_to_sym): renamed from
+ cmsg_type_to_sym.
+Tue Feb 10 01:22:56 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/option.c (sockopt_inspect): refactored.
+Tue Feb 10 01:02:16 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: generate intern_family_noprefix.
+ * ext/socket/option.c (sockopt_inspect): use intern_family_noprefix
+ not to show AF_ prefix.
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (ancillary_inspect): ditto.
+Mon Feb 9 23:21:29 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/constants.c (level_arg): use unknown_level_to_int for
+ non internet protocol.
+ (optname_arg): use only so_optname_to_int for non internet protocol.
+ (cmsg_type_arg): use only scm_optname_to_int for non internet
+ protocol.
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: generate unknown_level_to_int.
+ rename iplevel_to_int to ip_level_to_int.
+Mon Feb 9 23:04:27 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: rename level_to_int to iplevel_to_int.
+ rename intern_level to intern_iplevel.
+ * ext/socket/constants.c: follow the renaming.
+ * ext/socket/option.c: ditto.
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c: ditto.
+Mon Feb 9 22:52:13 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h (level_arg): add family argument.
+ (optname_arg): ditto.
+ (cmsg_type_arg): ditto.
+ (rb_sock_getfamily): declared.
+ * ext/socket/constants.c (level_arg): add family argument.
+ (optname_arg): ditto.
+ (cmsg_type_arg): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/init.c (rb_sock_getfamily): defined.
+ * ext/socket/option.c (sockopt_initialize): give family for level_arg
+ and optname_arg.
+ (sockopt_s_int): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/basicsocket.c (bsock_setsockopt): ditto.
+ (bsock_getsockopt): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (ancillary_initialize): ditto.
+ (ancillary_s_int): ditto.
+ (ancillary_cmsg_is_p): ditto.
+ (bsock_sendmsg_internal): ditto.
+ (bsock_recvmsg_internal): use rb_sock_getfamily.
+Mon Feb 9 21:48:59 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (ancillary_inspect): show address family.
+Mon Feb 9 20:19:36 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/basicsocket.c (bsock_getsockname): use sockaddr_storage.
+Mon Feb 9 20:11:55 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (load_conv_function51932): fixed for the
+ case IMultiLanguage is not available. [ruby-dev:37950]
+Mon Feb 9 20:04:35 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/option.c (inspect_int): return 1/0 on success/failure.
+ (inspect_uint): ditto.
+ (inspect_linger): ditto.
+ (inspect_socktype): ditto.
+ (inspect_timeval): ditto.
+ (inspect_peercred): ditto.
+ (inspect_local_peercred): ditto.
+ (sockopt_inspect): refactored.
+Mon Feb 9 20:00:26 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: more constants for Solaris.
+Mon Feb 9 19:59:18 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/basicsocket.c (bsock_getsockopt): refine address family
+ examination.
+Mon Feb 9 19:52:32 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/option.c (sockopt_initialize): argument conversion
+ reordered.
+Mon Feb 9 19:46:22 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (ancillary_initialize): add family argument.
+ (ancdata_new): ditto.
+ (ancillary_s_int): ditto.
+ (ancillary_family): new function.
+ (ancillary_family_m): new method.
+ (ancillary_s_ip_pktinfo): follow ancdata_new change.
+ (ancillary_s_ipv6_pktinfo): ditto.
+ (bsock_recvmsg_internal): examine the socket address family.
+Mon Feb 9 11:31:09 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (io_encoding_set): ignore second argument when external and
+ internal are same. [ruby-dev:37939]
+Mon Feb 9 09:05:12 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/option.c (inspect_local_peercred): check version.
+ (sockopt_inspect): suppress warning.
+Mon Feb 9 02:04:03 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/option.c (inspect_peercred): struct ucred contains
+ effective uid/gid.
+Mon Feb 9 00:44:45 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/option.c (sockopt_inspect): add ifdef guard for
+Mon Feb 9 00:37:06 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/option.c (inspect_local_peercred): cr_uid is a effective
+ uid, not a real uid.
+Mon Feb 9 00:30:56 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: check sys/param.h and sys/ucred.h.
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h: include sys/param.h and sys/ucred.h.
+ * ext/socket/option.c (inspect_local_peercred): new function to show
+ LOCAL_PEERCRED socket option on FreeBSD.
+ (sockopt_inspect): show as LOCAL_* socket option if AF_UNIX and level
+ is 0.
+Mon Feb 9 00:01:47 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h (sockopt_new): add family argument.
+ * ext/socket/option.c (sockopt_initialize): add vfamily argument.
+ (sockopt_new): add family argument and record it in the object.
+ (sockopt_family): new method.
+ (sockopt_s_int): add vfamily argument.
+ (sockopt_inspect): show family.
+ * ext/socket/basicsocket.c (bsock_getsockopt): check address family
+ using getsockname.
+Sun Feb 8 23:37:17 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_with_index): receives one argument which
+ represents a start offset. [ruby-dev:37921]
+Sun Feb 8 23:28:05 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * include/ruby/st.h, st.c: order entries by a linked list instead of
+ a loop to fix iteration miss when hash is modified during iteration.
+ [ruby-dev:37910]
+Sun Feb 8 23:22:35 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/option.c (inspect_peercred): new function to show
+ SO_PEERCRED socket option on GNU/Linux.
+Sun Feb 8 22:44:20 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/backward/rubysig.h (rb_thread_blocking_region_begin),
+ (rb_thread_blocking_region_end): marked as deprecated.
+ * include/ruby/backward/rubysig.h (TRAP_BEG): fix for C++. a
+ patch from Aman Gupta at [ruby-core:21934]
+Sun Feb 8 21:47:50 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: check struct cmsgcred.
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (anc_inspect_passcred_credentials): add
+ "(ucred)".
+ (anc_inspect_socket_creds): show struct cmsgcred too, for FreeBSD.
+Sun Feb 8 21:05:35 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/drb/extservm.rb (DRb::ExtServManager#invoke_service_command):
+ detach spawned process. [ruby-dev:37936]
+Sun Feb 8 20:30:29 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: check struct sockcred.
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (anc_inspect_socket_creds): new function to
+ show SCM_CREDS on NetBSD.
+Sun Feb 8 19:05:24 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/backward/rubysig.h: extern "C" was missing.
+ [ruby-core:21929]
+Sun Feb 8 18:46:15 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (anc_inspect_passcred_credentials): new
+ function to show SCM_CREDENTIALS on GNU/Linux.
+Sun Feb 8 18:34:43 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_binread): ensures file path. [ruby-dev:37940]
+Sun Feb 8 13:52:02 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (init_unix_addrinfo): add socktype argument.
+ (addrinfo_initialize): follow init_unix_addrinfo change.
+ (addrinfo_s_unix): add optional argument: socktype
+Sun Feb 8 13:09:32 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ without duplication.
+ * (RUBY_DEFINE_IF): changed parameter order, now
+ condition comes first.
+ * (universal_binary): checks architecture macros, and
+ improved thin load paths.
+Sun Feb 8 09:41:47 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * runruby.rb: gets extout and arch from rbconfig.rb.
+Sat Feb 7 21:26:15 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/socket/test_addrinfo.rb (test_family_addrinfo): don't use
+Sat Feb 7 18:02:48 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (--with-arch): added new option to support
+ universal binary. replaced --enable-fat-binary option which
+ didn't work actually.
+ * (RUBY_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE): added conditional test.
+ * (ac_cv_type_getgroups): declared because getgroups()
+ fills rest of the buffer with garbage on Rosetta.
+ * (alloca): defines only for powerpc, but always
+ create empty object to suppress ld warning.
+ * (LIBRUBY_DLDFLAGS): set compatibility version with
+ * (CFLAGS, LDFLAGS): separates ARCH_FLAG.
+ * (arch): renamed to "universal" from "fat".
+ * (ARCH_FLAG): added.
+ * include/ruby/defines.h (WORDS_BIGENDIAN): uses
+ * missing/alloca.c (alloca): defines only if C_ALLOCA is defined.
+Sat Feb 7 12:31:03 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * runruby.rb: added --precommand and --show options.
+ * runruby.rb: added --cpu option.
+ * runruby.rb: skips version check in rbconfig.rb.
+Sat Feb 7 11:44:06 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (have_header): needs dependent headers if trying to
+ compile.
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: net/if.h depends on other headers.
+Sat Feb 7 04:02:37 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * dir.c (dir_read): don't disable rdoc.
+Fri Feb 6 23:28:33 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (io_fread): use rb_io_wait_readable for retry
+ avoid Errno::EINTR on ruby -e 'trap(:CHLD) {}; spawn("sleep 1");'
+Fri Feb 6 22:36:11 2009 Alexander Zavorine <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_thread_create) [__SYMBIAN32__]: reduced pthread stack size.
+ * thread_pthread.c (thread_timer) [__SYMBIAN32__]: compiled out unsupported yet signal-related functionality.
+ * io.c (pipe_open) [__SYMBIAN32__]: fixed compile time error.
+Fri Feb 6 22:11:46 2009 Alexander Zavorine <>
+ * include/ruby/defines.h [__SYMBIAN32__]: included <sys/select.h> for fd_set definition
+Fri Feb 6 21:58:24 2009 Alexander Zavorine <>
+ * symbian/missing-pips.c: added a stub for missing PIPS function execl.
+ * process.c (rb_proc_exec) [__SYMBIAN32__]: removed conditional around execl function call.
+Fri Feb 6 20:37:42 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * signal.c (register_sigaltstack): ignore sigaltstack error.
+ It fails on OpenBSD 4.4 when pthread library is linked.
+Fri Feb 6 18:18:07 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_readdir_with_enc): fallback to OS's conversion
+ when ASCII-8BIT is passed.
+Fri Feb 6 17:19:23 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/{dir.h, win32.c} (rb_w32_readdir_with_enc): new function to
+ read entry with specified enc.
+ * win32/win32.c (readdir_internal): extract from rb_w32_opendir().
+ * win32/win32.c (opendir_internal): extract from rb_w32_readdir().
+ * dir.c (dir_read, dir_each): use new READDIR macro instead of readdir()
+ to pass enc for special version of readdir, such as above.
+Fri Feb 6 12:11:24 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ruby.c (process_options): set initial default_external before -r.
+Fri Feb 6 12:03:47 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ruby.c (process_options): -K and -E in shebang should be reflect to
+ default_external. [ruby-dev:37920]
+Fri Feb 6 07:52:57 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (chfunc): type fixed.
+Fri Feb 6 02:51:59 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_each_codepoint): update RDoc for
+ String#codepoints. a patch from Radoslaw Bulat in
+ [ruby-core:21835]
+Fri Feb 6 01:09:13 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * cont.c (cont_mark, cont_capture, cont_restore_1): use #else instead
+ of #elif. a patch from NISHIMATSU Takeshi <t_nissie at>
+ in [ruby-list:45856].
+Thu Feb 5 20:28:27 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_run_exec_options_err): renamed from
+ rb_run_exec_options.
+ (rb_exec_err): renamed from rb_exec.
+ (rb_fork_err): renamed from rb_fork.
+ (rb_spawn_err): renamed from rb_spawn.
+ (rb_run_exec_options): declared with 1.9.1 compatible signature.
+ (rb_exec): ditto.
+ (rb_fork): ditto.
+ (rb_spawn): ditto.
+ * process.c (rb_run_exec_options_err): renamed from
+ rb_run_exec_options.
+ (rb_exec_err): renamed from rb_exec.
+ (rb_fork_err): renamed from rb_fork.
+ (rb_spawn_err): renamed from rb_spawn.
+ (rb_run_exec_options): defined.
+ (rb_exec): ditto.
+ (rb_fork): ditto.
+ (rb_spawn): ditto.
+ * io.c: follow above change.
+ * ext/pty/pty.c: follow above change.
+ [ruby-dev:37893]
+Thu Feb 5 19:58:40 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket: AddrInfo is renamed to Addrinfo. [ruby-dev:37876]
+Thu Feb 5 16:18:13 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ NetBSD.
+Thu Feb 5 16:04:29 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.h): follow recent changes about paths.
+Thu Feb 5 14:26:16 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * mkconfig.rb (prefix): uses ruby_version in config.status.
+Thu Feb 5 12:24:18 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_uniq): gets rid of copying.
+Thu Feb 5 12:01:53 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (ary_add_hash): split from ary_make_hash().
+ * array.c (ary_make_hash): hide a Hash used internally.
+ * array.c (ary_recycle_hash): clears internally used hash. this
+ name came from [ruby-dev:37908].
+ * array.c (rb_ary_diff, rb_ary_and, rb_ary_or, rb_ary_uniq_bang):
+ recycle hashes.
+Thu Feb 5 11:21:35 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_LIB_VERSION): added for library version, to
+ split from core version. [ruby-dev:37748]
+ * (RUBY_LIB_PATH, etc): moved actual version
+ dependent stuff to version.c.
+ * ruby.c (ruby_init_loadpath_safe): ditto.
+ * version.c (ruby_initial_load_paths): moved initial load path
+ version depending on version from ruby.c.
+ * version.h (RUBY_VERSION_{MAJOR,MINOR,TEENY}): now mean library
+ and API version, and reverted to 1.9.1. [ruby-dev:37889]
+Thu Feb 5 07:39:33 2009 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (Init_readline): remove_history(0) may be
+ NULL. [ruby-dev:37891]
+Thu Feb 5 03:55:22 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (LOCALTIME): should call tzset() before localtime_r().
+ [ruby-dev:37896]
+Thu Feb 5 02:12:35 2009 Alexander Zavorine <>
+ * symbian/configure.bat: Updated Symbian configuration procedure to
+ avoid creating files outside build directory
+ * symbian/pre-build: ditto
+ * symbian/setup: ditto
+ * symbian/rubyu.def: removed
+Thu Feb 5 01:44:02 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (make_econv_exception): refine error message for
+ undefined conversion. [ruby-core:21828]
+Thu Feb 5 01:18:25 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_socketpair): make 3rd argument optional.
+ * ext/socket/unixsocket.c (unix_s_socketpair): follow the above
+ change.
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h (sock_s_socketpair): ditto.
+Thu Feb 5 00:09:39 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (addrinfo_ipv6_to_ipv4): new method.
+Wed Feb 4 21:59:31 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (make_econv_exception): show U+XXXX form for undefined
+ conversion error from UTF-8.
+Wed Feb 4 21:57:37 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_dump): use MBCLEN_CHARFOUND_P properly.
+Wed Feb 4 21:55:38 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb: refine success message.
+Wed Feb 4 19:10:42 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (id.h): updates from parse.h.
+Wed Feb 4 11:45:06 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/mkexports.rb: shouldn't export DllMain.
+ reported at
+Wed Feb 4 10:12:05 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * missing/vsnprintf.c (BSD_vfprintf): should support 't' format
+ modifier to handle PRIdPTRDIFF. thanks for the info from
+ Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA. [ruby-core:21807]
+Wed Feb 4 01:28:46 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: fix struct in_pktinfo and struct in6_pktinfo
+ detection.
+Wed Feb 4 00:32:59 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/etc/test_etc.rb(test_getpwnam, test_getgrgid, test_getgrnam):
+ support an environment that has duplicative entries. a patch from
+ Tomoyuki Chikanaga <chikanag at> in
+ [ruby-dev:37882].
+Wed Feb 4 00:17:52 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb (Socket.tcp_server_sockets_port0): skip
+ socket creation error.
+Tue Feb 3 23:37:08 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (load_file_internal): resets EOF flag after parse.
+Tue Feb 3 23:13:34 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm.c (vm_backtrace): always returns non-nil array if lev is
+ negative. [ruby-core:21795]
+Tue Feb 3 21:19:06 2009 TAKAO Kouji <>
+ * ext/readline/extconf.rb: checked rl_set_screen_size and
+ rl_get_screen_size.
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_s_set_screen_size): added
+ Readline.set_screen_size.
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_s_get_screen_size): added
+ Readline.get_screen_size.
+Tue Feb 3 21:07:19 2009 TAKAO Kouji <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_s_set_completion_proc): set
+ default if proc is nil. fix #1095
+Tue Feb 3 16:36:06 2009 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_sort_by_bang): RDoc update.
+ * NEWS: add Array#sort_by!.
+Tue Feb 3 16:23:16 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb (Socket.tcp_server_sockets_port0): new
+ private function for allocating same port both IPv4 and IPv6.
+ (Socket.tcp_server_sockets): use tcp_server_sockets_port0 for port 0.
+Tue Feb 3 14:12:10 2009 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb: validate data before sending to a server.
+ [ruby-core:20320]
+Tue Feb 3 12:35:41 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (match_array): replace match_check().
+ * re.c (match_values_at): ditto.
+Tue Feb 3 12:09:08 2009 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (hmac_md5): should use String#ord to get ascii
+ code from the one-character string.
+Tue Feb 3 11:25:41 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * load.c (load_lock): warn for circular require. [ruby-core:20794],
+ [ruby-core:20797]
+Tue Feb 3 08:35:12 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb (Socket.tcp_server_sockets): extracted from
+ Socket.tcp_server_loop.
+ (Socket.accept_loop): ditto.
+ (Socket.unix_server_socket): extracted from Socket.unix_server_loop.
+ (Socket.unix_server_loop): use Socket.accept_loop.
+Tue Feb 3 08:21:05 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_readpartial.rb (make_pipe): readpartial does not
+ work in text mode.
+Tue Feb 3 08:18:26 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * cygwin/ (RUBYDEF): uses mkexports.rb on cygwin too.
+ * win32/mkexports.rb (Exports::Cygwin): added.
+Tue Feb 3 08:10:23 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (Doxyfile): moved from
+ * template/Doxyfile.tmpl: split from
+Tue Feb 3 08:01:38 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_write): use of cast expressions as lvalues
+ is deprecated.
+Tue Feb 3 07:57:58 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb (in_pktinfo, in6_pktinfo),
+ ext/socket/ancdata.c: defined in w32api/ws2tcpip.h on cygwin but
+ cannot compile for some reason.
+Tue Feb 3 07:02:11 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * missing/langinfo.c (nl_langinfo_codeset): accepts iso-8859
+ fragment. [ruby-core:21757]
+Tue Feb 3 07:01:21 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * mkconfig.rb (patchlevel): config.status may not contain
+ PATCHLEVEL even if other version numbers exist.
+Mon Feb 2 23:43:00 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (Init_addrinfo): add AddrInfo#to_s as an
+ alias of AddrInfo#to_sockaddr.
+ * ext/socket/option.c (Init_sockopt): add Socket::Option#to_s as an
+ alias of Socket::Option#data.
+ [ruby-dev:37873]
+Mon Feb 2 21:04:13 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_sort_by_bang): RDoc update. [ruby-core:21742]
+Mon Feb 2 20:49:24 2009 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * enumerator.c: Introduce id_each to save rb_intern() and SYM2ID()
+ calls.
+Mon Feb 2 19:55:51 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/socket/test_addrinfo.rb: use AddrInfo.getaddrinfo to generate
+ IPv6 address. AddrInfo.ip generates IPv4 address for IPv4 mapped
+ IPv6 address if --with-lookup-order-hack=INET.
+ [ruby-dev:37868]
+Mon Feb 2 19:17:16 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * doc/NEWS-1.9.1: typo fixed: collect_all -> collect.
+ [ruby-core:21706]
+Mon Feb 2 17:23:14 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * cygwin/ (dir.o, win32.o): depend on win32/dir.h.
+Mon Feb 2 17:13:46 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * mkconfig.rb: patchlevel is sometimes minus.
+ * win32/resource.rb: ditto.
+Mon Feb 2 17:11:23 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (cmsg_type_to_sym): add #ifdef for no IPv6
+ environment.
+Mon Feb 2 17:05:55 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_find_file_ext): should not be infected from other
+ load paths.
+Mon Feb 2 16:33:06 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (dir_s_home): new method. [ruby-core:21454]
+Mon Feb 2 16:06:10 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * version.h: bump up to 1.9.2 patchlevel -1.
+ yugui recommend "-1" strongly.
+ * lib/rubygems/version.rb: accept negative patchlevel.
+Mon Feb 2 14:53:35 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_initialize): make 3rd argument, protocol,
+ optional.
+Mon Feb 2 14:47:53 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_sort_by_bang): new method. requested in
+ [ruby-core:21709]
+Mon Feb 2 14:22:56 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/constants.c (cmsg_type_arg): INET6 check.
+Mon Feb 2 14:18:20 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/option.c: use INET6 instead of IPV6.
+Mon Feb 2 12:47:47 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/{options,raddrinfo}.c: use INET6 instead of AF_INET6 for
+ VC++6.
+Mon Feb 2 12:41:52 2009 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * complex.c (f_signbit): regard NaN as a positive value.
+ [ruby-dev:37861].
+Mon Feb 2 12:39:00 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sample/test.rb (valid_syntax?), test/ruby/test_system.rb
+ (TestSystem::valid_syntax?): use catch and throw instead of
+ return inside BEGIN block.
+Mon Feb 2 11:45:10 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h (cmsg_type_arg): declared.
+ (Init_ancdata): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/init.c (Init_socket_init): call Init_ancdata.
+ * ext/socket/constants.c (cmsg_type_arg): defined.
+ * ext/socket/depend: add dependency for ancdata.o.
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: generate scm_optname_to_int.
+ more constants.
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: add ancdata.o.
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c: new file. new method
+ BasicSocket#{sendmsg,sendmsg_nonblock,recvmsg,recvmsg_nonblock}
+Mon Feb 2 10:57:27 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c, win32/dir.h (open_dir_handle, rb_w32_opendir,
+ move_to_next_entry, rb_w32_readdir, check_valid_dir): change backend
+ API from A to W.
+Mon Feb 2 10:48:38 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/basicsocket.c (bsock_setsockopt): accept Socket::Option
+ object.
+ (bsock_getsockopt): return Socket::Option object.
+ * ext/socket/option.c: new file.
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h (rb_cSockOpt): declared.
+ (sockopt_new): ditto.
+ (Init_sockopt): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/init.c (Init_socket_init): call Init_sockopt.
+ * ext/socket/depend: add dependency for option.o
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: generate intern_level, intern_so_optname,
+ intern_ip_optname, intern_ipv6_optname, intern_tcp_optname,
+ intern_udp_optname and intern_scm_optname.
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: add option.o.
+Mon Feb 2 09:49:39 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm.c (vm_backtrace_each): progname is not available at
+ initializing phase.
+Mon Feb 2 08:12:50 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc/server.rb (Server#serve): gets rid of hardcoded
+ platform names.
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::Hosts::DefaultFileName),
+ (Resolv::DNS::Config.default_config_hash): tries win32/resolv on
+ mswin64 too.
+ * lib/rubygems/specification.rb (Gem::Specification#ruby_code):
+ added mswin64.
+ * lib/drb/extservm.rb (DRb::ExtServManager#invoke_service_command):
+ spawn is better to start a process in background.
+ * ext/extmk.rb: uses FNM_SYSCASE.
+ * instruby.rb: installs win32.h on mswin64 platform.
+ [ruby-core:21722]
+Mon Feb 2 07:36:13 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm.c (vm_backtrace_each): now takes an iterator function.
+ * vm_core.h (rb_make_backtrace, rb_backtrace_each): added
+ prototypes.
+ * vm_dump.c (rb_vm_bugreport), vm_eval.c (rb_backtrace): gets rid
+ of allocating objects. [ruby-core:21619]
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_backtrace_each): new function which iterates over
+ each backtrace info.
+Mon Feb 2 06:51:36 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_filesystem_encoding): Windows' filesystem encoding is
+ sometimes ANSI code page and sometimes OEM code page. we should check
+ whether code page is used.
+Sun Feb 1 21:27:55 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (addrinfo_ipv4_private_p): new method.
+ (addrinfo_ipv4_loopback_p): ditto.
+ (addrinfo_ipv4_multicast_p): ditto.
+Sun Feb 1 16:10:06 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (Switch#summarize): strips an equal sign from
+ short option, and fills right sides in shorter lines.
+ [ruby-talk:326414]
+Sun Feb 1 05:19:43 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c (rb_const_get_0), vm_insnhelper.c (vm_get_ev_const):
+ avoids infinite self recursion autoload. [ruby-core:21696]
+Sat Jan 31 22:50:38 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb (assert_equal): show class in failure
+ message if meaningful.
+Sat Jan 31 22:38:46 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::DNS#each_address): don't query IPv6 address
+ if the host has no global IPv6 address.
+Sat Jan 31 22:29:05 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (STR2CSTR): removed.
+ (rb_str2cstr): removed.
+ * object.c (rb_str2cstr): removed.
+Sat Jan 31 20:07:59 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (addrinfo_ipv6_unspecified_p): new method.
+ (addrinfo_ipv6_loopback_p): ditto.
+ (addrinfo_ipv6_multicast_p): ditto.
+ (addrinfo_ipv6_linklocal_p): ditto.
+ (addrinfo_ipv6_sitelocal_p): ditto.
+ (addrinfo_ipv6_v4mapped_p): ditto.
+ (addrinfo_ipv6_v4compat_p): ditto.
+ (addrinfo_ipv6_mc_nodelocal_p): ditto.
+ (addrinfo_ipv6_mc_linklocal_p): ditto.
+ (addrinfo_ipv6_mc_sitelocal_p): ditto.
+ (addrinfo_ipv6_mc_orglocal_p): ditto.
+ (addrinfo_ipv6_mc_global_p): ditto.
+Sat Jan 31 19:09:30 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * load.c (rb_require_safe): raises when the path to be loaded is
+ tainted. [ruby-dev:37843]
+Sat Jan 31 18:08:59 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (optflags): defaulted to -O3 to get rid of slug of
+ gcc 4.3.
+Sat Jan 31 18:03:41 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (List#accept, parse_in_order): n option is no
+ longer needed.
+Sat Jan 31 14:12:43 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb (Pathname#each_child): new method.
+Sat Jan 31 00:07:49 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb
+ (Test::Unit::Assertions#assert_nothing_raised): suppress warning.
+ [ruby-core:21312]
+Fri Jan 30 21:49:32 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb (Pathname#realdirpath): new method based on the
+ patch in [ruby-dev:36560] by Akinori MUSHA.
+ [ruby-dev:36290]
+Fri Jan 30 18:04:23 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_write): limit write size to 32KB if the file
+ seems to be console. [ruby-core:21613]
+Fri Jan 30 16:12:32 2009 TAKAO Kouji <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (Init_curses): Curses#crmode and
+ Curses#nocrmode changes to the module function.
+ fix #916
+Fri Jan 30 14:31:14 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * tool/make-snapshot (prereq): remove from tarball because
+ BSD make checks $(srcdir)/ and try to run $(builddir)/
+Fri Jan 30 14:11:48 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * enc/depend: extract compile rules to each target for nmake.
+Fri Jan 30 12:59:49 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * cygwin/ (RUBYDEF): depends on makefiles.
+ * cygwin/ (RUBYDEF): adds DATA to non-function symbols
+ which is not marked as T.
+Fri Jan 30 11:03:31 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb (assert_respond_to): gets rid of
+ overcounting. [ruby-dev:37703]
+Fri Jan 30 02:55:56 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_init_by_convpath_i): make it static.
+Thu Jan 29 16:22:41 2009 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * load.c (rb_feature_provided): should not calculate len by pointer
+ subtraction because feature may be a expanded path.
+ [ruby-core:21267]
+Thu Jan 29 14:12:15 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (BASERUBY): erases RUBYOPT at the test.
+ * (OBJCOPY): not used on Windows.
+Thu Jan 29 13:16:11 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/securerandom.rb (SecureRandom.uuid): uses unpacked array
+ instead of string, because String#[] returns one length string.
+Thu Jan 29 12:29:51 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rake.rb (FileUtils#rake_system): no longer needs workaround
+ on Windows. [ruby-core:21339]
+ * lib/rake/win32.rb (Rake::Win32#rake_system): ditto.
+ * lib/rake/win32.rb (Rake::Win32#win32_system_dir): no longer
+ needs environment variables other than APPDATA now.
+ * lib/rake.rb (Rake::Application#standard_system_dir): uses
+ platform specific definition on Windows system.
+Thu Jan 29 12:18:54 2009 Technorama Ltd. <>
+ * lib/securerandom.rb: new method SecureRandom#uuid
+Thu Jan 29 11:22:19 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (inspect_sockaddr): if defined AF_INET6,
+ perhaps can inspect IPv6 addresses if not defined INET6.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (socket_s_ip_address_list): support Windows XP
+ or later. (Win2k or earlier is still not supported)
+Thu Jan 29 00:24:48 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (zstream_run): previous change didn't resolve the
+ problem.
+Wed Jan 28 22:51:12 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (zstream_run): desperately guard the variable.
+ [ruby-core:20576]
+Wed Jan 28 15:24:11 2009 TAKANO Mitsuhiro (takano32) <>
+ * math.c: SEGV is caused by implicit rb_to_float declaration
+ test_complexrational.rb: [BUG] in IA-64 architecture
+Tue Jan 27 20:02:07 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/init.c (socks_connect_blocking): moved from
+ sockssocket.c. [ruby-dev:37834]
+ * sockssocket.c (socks_init): don't omit "int" type.
+Tue Jan 27 14:41:33 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * cygwin/ (RUBYDEF): needs DATA marks to export
+ non-function symbols. [ruby-core:21582]
+ * win32/mkexports.rb (Exports::Mingw#each_export): ditto.
+Tue Jan 27 12:59:55 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/ripper/depend: use VPATH.
+ If a platform doesn't support VPATH, Ruby doesn't support it:
+ for example MSYS. [ruby-core:21570]
+Tue Jan 27 12:21:17 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/ripper/depend: lex.c's correct path is ../../lex.c.
+Tue Jan 27 11:09:45 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (try_header): checks the header depending on
+ platform.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (have_header, find_header): use try_header.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (try_header): uses try_compile to get rid of
+ slow -E option of VC.
+Tue Jan 27 11:03:52 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (distclean-enc, realclean-enc): do not call clean of
+ twice or more.
+ * enc/depend (cleanobjs): added deffile.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): removes deffile at clean instead
+ of distclean.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (miniruby, LIBRUBY_SO): removes lib and exp
+ files.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (clean, distclean): have moved to
+ * win32/rmdirs.bat: omits `not empty' message.
+Tue Jan 27 10:15:33 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * transcode.c (struct rb_transcoding): added ary member for debug.
+Tue Jan 27 10:10:14 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ ./miniruby directly for cross compiling.
+Tue Jan 27 04:02:53 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/ripper/depend: fixed dependency path to lex.c.
+ [ruby-core:21570]
+Tue Jan 27 03:43:34 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_any_hash): fixed performance issues with nil, true,
+ false as hash keys. a patch from Matthias Waechter.
+ [ruby-core:21568]
+Tue Jan 27 03:23:43 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): should point correct path to
+ ruby.h and defines.h. [ruby-core:21569]
+Mon Jan 26 16:00:40 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_aset): fixed arguments evaluation order.
+Mon Jan 26 15:49:42 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb (chop_basename, prepend_prefix): use o option.
+Sun Jan 25 16:35:44 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (socket_s_ip_address_list): renamed from
+ socket_s_list_ip_address. [ruby-dev:37806]
+Sun Jan 25 12:17:21 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * cygwin/ (RUBYDEF): needs read-only section too.
+Sun Jan 25 12:02:56 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (clean-ext): condition of EXTS was inverted.
+Sun Jan 25 11:50:20 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): fixed the variables order because
+ converter proc refers the separator.
+Sun Jan 25 11:25:10 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, win32/Makefile.sub (RMDIRS): remove directory and
+ parents.
+ *, win32/Makefile.sub (distclean-rdoc): added to remove
+ temporary rdoc.
+ *, win32/Makefile.sub (clean-ext): skips non-existent
+ directories.
+ * (clean, distclean): cleans rdoc.
+ * (clean-extout): removes extout directory.
+ * (RMDIRS, RMALL): added to clean extout.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils#rmdir): added :parents option.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): cleans installed files at clean
+ instead of distclean.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): added clean-so and clean-rb.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (def init_mkmf): added DISTCLEANDIRS.
+ * lib/un.rb (rmdir): added -p option.
+ * tool/rmdirs, win32/rmdirs.bat: removes directory and the parents.
+ * win32/rm.bat: added -r option.
+Sun Jan 25 09:09:29 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (join_path): use strlcat() to force link.
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): no strcpy() is needed since len is known.
+Sun Jan 25 06:44:58 2009 Technorama Ltd. <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c: Server Name Indication support.
+ new methods SSLContext#server_name_cb=, SSLSocket#hostname=.
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb: Tests for above.
+Sat Jan 24 08:22:35 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (configuration): tools under the top source
+ directory are not installed, so unusable outside extmk.rb.
+Fri Jan 23 17:24:31 2009 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * golf_prelude.rb (Enumerator#inspect): avoid warning.
+Fri Jan 23 15:12:52 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (mkintpath): new function which converts native path
+ to format acceptable in Makefile.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (configuration): leaves PATH_SEPARATOR unchanged.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (configuration): converts srcdir, topdir and hdrdir.
+ a patch by Alexey Borzenkov <snaury AT> at
+ [ruby-core:21448].
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (try_func): got rid of c-mode confusion.
+Fri Jan 23 13:26:45 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * signal.c (trap_handler): also accepts symbols. [ruby-dev:37823]
+Thu Jan 22 18:14:04 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): removes installed files under
+ extout at distclean.
+Thu Jan 22 17:12:37 2009 Takeyuki FUJIOKA <>
+ * lib/cgi/core.rb (CGI.parse): generate only key on params hash
+ if request have only key uri parameters.
+ (ex. index.cgi?aaa&bbb=1 # params=>{:aaa=>[],:bbb=>["1"]})
+ * test/cgi/test_cgi_core.rb: fix test for key only params.
+Thu Jan 22 16:29:50 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rubygems/installer.rb (Gem::Installer#initialize): fixed
+ typos.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem.rb (test_self_dir): removed false
+ assertions.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem.rb (test_self_set_paths): checks if paths
+ are included.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_commands_install_command.rb
+ (test_execute_remote): checks diagnostic message too.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_installer.rb (load): uses Gem.ruby.
+ * test/rubygems/gemutilities.rb (Gem.ruby): initializes from the
+ environment variable to run without installation.
+ * test/rubygems/gemutilities.rb (RubyGemTestCase#util_build_gem):
+ creates cache directory.
+Thu Jan 22 16:12:51 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * revert previous revision. it's already out-of-date.
+Thu Jan 22 15:54:02 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h, win32/win32.c (rb_w32_is_valid_fd): new function
+ to validate fd.
+ * io.c (rb_io_initialize): check fd with above function.
+Thu Jan 22 14:53:29 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (MANDATORY_ENVS): needs RUBYLIB to run
+ tests without install.
+Thu Jan 22 12:19:29 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (define_final): cannot define finalizer for immediate
+ values. [ruby-core:21500]
+ * gc.c (define_final): freezes or hides internal values.
+Thu Jan 22 11:33:08 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_time_timeval): made a real prototype. a patch from
+ Marcus Rueckert <darix AT> at [ruby-core:21492].
+Wed Jan 21 21:43:50 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_ungetbyte, rb_io_ungetc): allows nil to reset EOF
+ flag with ungetting nothing.
+ * ruby.c (load_file_internal): rests EOF flag to make possible to
+ load from stdin after reading data.
+Wed Jan 21 17:17:18 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (ary_double_capa): a new function to expand array more
+ aggressively. [ruby-core:21460]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_store): use ary_double_capa().
+ * array.c (rb_ary_unshift_m): ditto.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_splice): ditto.
+Wed Jan 21 15:32:15 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_ungetbyte, rb_io_ungetc): clears EOF flag.
+Wed Jan 21 14:41:48 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * array.c (take_items): to_ary() raises ArgumentError if cannot to
+ convert to Array. [ruby-dev:37797]
+Wed Jan 21 14:32:02 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (debug_lines): calls rb_intern() once.
+Wed Jan 21 13:58:17 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/io.h (FMODE_EOF): EOF flag on TTY.
+ * io.c (io_set_eof): sets EOF flag for TTY.
+ * io.c (io_seek): clears EOF flag.
+ * io.c (io_fillbuf): returns EOF if already met EOF. [ruby-dev:37798]
+ * io.c (io_fillbuf, io_fread, io_getpartial): sets EOF.
+Wed Jan 21 08:22:04 2009 Ryan Davis <>
+ * lib/minitest/*.rb: Imported minitest 1.3.1 r4532.
+ * test/minitest/*.rb: ditto.
+Tue Jan 20 20:16:21 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (socket_s_list_ip_address): new method.
+ (sockaddr_obj): new function.
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h: include ifaddrs.h, sys/ioctl.h,
+ sys/sockio.h, net/if.h if available.
+ (addrinfo_new): declared.
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (addrinfo_new): exported.
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: check ifaddrs.h, sys/ioctl.h, sys/sockio.h,
+ net/if.h and getifaddrs.
+Tue Jan 20 20:05:21 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h (pseudo_AF_FTIP): moved from mkconstants.rb.
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: prepend header if -H is not given.
+Tue Jan 20 17:50:00 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c (nkf_buf): use nkf_char.
+Tue Jan 20 16:17:12 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * cont.c (ruby_Init_{Continuation_body,Fiber_as_Coroutine}): prefixed
+ with ruby_ to export.
+ * ext/continuation/continuation.c, ext/fiber/fiber.c: ditto.
+Tue Jan 20 15:32:29 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (miniruby): renames and then removes, to get rid of
+ EPERM on cygwin and mingw.
+ * ($(LIBRUBY_SO)): use wildcard option of objcopy.
+ * (DLDFLAGS): do not export all symbols.
+ * cygwin/ (RUBYDEF): rejects symbols prefixed with
+ Init_.
+ * win32/mkexports.rb (Exports::Mingw): includes all symbols as
+ well as mswin32, except for prefixed with Init_.
+Tue Jan 20 13:03:50 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (hash): fixed the tail bytes handling in the aligned
+ access case.
+Tue Jan 20 09:26:05 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c (nkf_buf_push): maybe a bug.
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c (options): no need to support help option.
+Tue Jan 20 06:48:56 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (take_items), enum.c (enum_zip): tries to convert to
+ array first. [ruby-core:21442]
+Tue Jan 20 03:50:37 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c: Update nkf to 2.0.9.
+ revert -s meaning as Shift_JIS, etc.
+Tue Jan 20 03:42:32 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (hash): fixed typo. [ruby-dev:37791]
+Tue Jan 20 01:15:27 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb (SOMAXCONN): defined.
+Mon Jan 19 22:31:35 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: use erb for generating code.
+Mon Jan 19 17:33:47 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (hash): defaulted to MurmurHash 2.0.
+Mon Jan 19 17:29:34 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/defines.h (RUBY_ALIAS_FUNCTION_TYPE): added.
+Mon Jan 19 17:24:05 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_dump.c (vm_stack_dump_each): used only if debug mode.
+Mon Jan 19 16:32:35 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (hash): added MurmurHash 2.0.
+Mon Jan 19 14:31:59 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_execute_interrupts): needs
+ rb_signal_buff_size to be declared.
+Mon Jan 19 13:34:25 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ruby.c (require_libraries): reset th->parse_in_eval while
+ loading libraries. fixes [ruby-dev:37780]
+Mon Jan 19 11:46:39 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_eval.c, eval.c (rb_f_block_given_p): move definition of
+ "iterator?" and "block_given?" to make static.
+ * vm.c (vm_get_ruby_level_caller_cfp): make it static.
+ * eval_intern.h, vm_insnhelper.c: move decl. of
+ vm_get_ruby_level_caller_cfp()
+ from eval_intern.h to vm_insnhelper.c.
+Mon Jan 19 11:27:39 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c: add a prefix "rb_" to exposed functions
+ vm_get_ruby_level_next_cfp(), rb_vm_make_env_object(),
+ vm_stack_to_heap(), vm_make_proc(), vm_invoke_proc(),
+ vm_get_sourceline(), vm_cref(), vm_localjump_error(),
+ vm_make_jump_tag_but_local_jump(), vm_jump_tag_but_local_jump().
+ This changes may affect only core because most of renamed functions
+ require a pointer of not-exposed struct such as rb_thread_t or NODE.
+ In short, they are core functions.
+ * cont.c, eval.c, eval_intern.h, load.c, proc.c, thread.c,
+ vm_core.h, vm_dump.c, vm_eval.c, vm_exec.c, vm_insnhelper.c:
+ ditto.
+Mon Jan 19 11:22:51 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h (rb_cUNIXSocket, rb_cUNIXServer),
+ (unixpath, unixaddr): UNIX domain sockets depend on sys/un.h.
+Mon Jan 19 11:02:30 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_dump.c: add a prefix "rb_vmdebug_" to
+ vm_stack_dump_raw(), vm_stack_dump_raw_current(),
+ vm_env_dump_raw(), vm_proc_dump_raw(), vm_stack_dump_th(),
+ vm_debug_print_register(), vm_thread_dump_regs(),
+ vm_debug_print_pre(), vm_debug_print_post(),
+ vm_thread_dump_state().
+ This change also may affect core (in fact, user of
+ above functions may be only ko1).
+ * vm_core.h: ditto.
+ * vm_exec.h (SDR2): remove duplicate definition.
+Mon Jan 19 11:00:44 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (addrinfo_ip_port): use AF_INET6 only when
+ defined, as well as addrinfo_ipv6_p().
+Mon Jan 19 10:43:38 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (garbage_collect_with_gvl): suppress warnings.
+Mon Jan 19 10:34:32 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/depend: workaround for nmake. files in depend without
+ paths should converted by RULE_SUBST, but mkmf.rb cannot recognize
+ macros currently.
+Mon Jan 19 09:53:43 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c:
+ rename ruby_iseq_disasm_insn() -> rb_iseq_disasm_insn().
+ rename ruby_iseq_disasm() -> rb_iseq_disasm().
+ * compile.c:
+ rename ruby_iseq_compile() -> rb_iseq_compile_node().
+ rename ruby_iseq_translate_threaded_code() ->
+ rb_iseq_translate_threaded_code().
+ rename ruby_insns_name_array() -> rb_insns_name_array().
+ rename ruby_iseq_build_from_ary() -> rb_iseq_build_from_ary().
+ * iseq.c, compile.c: remove ruby_insn_make_insn_table() and make
+ static function insn_make_insn_table().
+ * iseq.h, ruby.c, vm.c, vm_core.h, vm_eval.c, vm_dump.c,
+ blockinlining.c: ditto.
+ Rename strange "ruby_" prefix to "rb_" prefix.
+ This changes may affect only core because renamed functions
+ require a pointer of rb_iseq_t which is not exposed.
+Mon Jan 19 09:21:04 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: define macros with default value in
+ constdefs.h if not exist them.
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (addrinfo_mdump, addrinfo_mload): support
+ UNIX socket only on platforms which support it.
+Mon Jan 19 08:56:53 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c, vm_eval.c (rb_f_local_variables): move definition from eval.c
+ to vm_eval.c because vm_collect_local_variables_in_heap() should
+ be static function.
+ * vm.c (vm_collect_local_variables_in_heap): make it static.
+Mon Jan 19 04:06:10 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_load): renamed from ruby_iseq_load, since it is
+ for C extensions or the ruby core. [ruby-core:21407]
+Mon Jan 19 03:06:22 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * transcode.c (str_transcode0): fix: :xml option doesn't
+ work on str.encode([options]) form without default_internal.
+Sun Jan 18 16:56:46 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (addrinfo_inspect_sockaddr): new
+ method AddrInfo#inspect_sockaddr.
+ (inspect_sockaddr): extracted from addrinfo_inspect.
+ (addrinfo_inspect): use inspect_sockaddr.
+ (Init_addrinfo): define the new method.
+Sun Jan 18 16:46:37 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (addrinfo_ip_address): new method
+ AddrInfo#ip_address.
+ (addrinfo_ip_port): new method AddrInfo#ip_port.
+ (Init_addrinfo): define the methods above.
+Sun Jan 18 14:29:52 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/unixsocket.c: redundant #ifdef removed.
+Sun Jan 18 03:33:23 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (addrinfo_mdump): don't use symbol.
+ (addrinfo_mload): ditto.
+Sun Jan 18 03:05:20 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (addrinfo_mdump): new method.
+ (addrinfo_mload): new method.
+ (Init_addrinfo): define the method above.
+ * ext/socket/constants.c (constant_arg): str_to_int's first argument
+ constified.
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb (gen_name_to_int_decl): generated
+ function's first argument constified.
+ (gen_name_to_int_func_in_guard): ditto.
+ (ipproto_to_int): generated.
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h (IS_IP_FAMILY): moved from raddrinfo.c.
+Sun Jan 18 01:37:50 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_getnameinfo): accept AddrInfo object.
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (rb_check_sockaddr_string_type): defined.
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h (rb_check_sockaddr_string_type): declared.
+Sat Jan 17 22:01:15 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb: new file.
+Sat Jan 17 19:33:48 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * (VCSUP): fixed the cases for git-svn or git.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (VCSUP): ditto.
+ * (up): `cd' is necessary for git and git-svn.
+Sat Jan 17 19:16:16 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: generate a header file for generated
+ functions.
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h: include constdefs.h. don't declare
+ generated functions.
+ * ext/socket/constants.c: include constdefs.c instead of constants.h.
+ * ext/socket/depend: dependency updated.
+Sat Jan 17 17:58:22 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * lib/irb/xmp.rb: multilingualizes XMP::StringInputMethod.
+ [ruby-core:21383].
+Sat Jan 17 15:01:22 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (make_inspectname): add a res argument to
+ suppress numeric inspectname.
+ (init_addrinfo_getaddrinfo): call make_inspectname here.
+ (addrinfo_firstonly_new): follow make_inspectname change.
+ (addrinfo_list_new): ditto.
+ (addrinfo_initialize): follow init_addrinfo_getaddrinfo change.
+Sat Jan 17 14:52:27 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: don't cause an error for duplicate names.
+Sat Jan 17 12:46:17 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket: split files for each class.
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h: common header.
+ * ext/socket/basicsocket.c: new file for BasicSocket.
+ * ext/socket/ipsocket.c: new file for IPSocket.
+ * ext/socket/tcpsocket.c: new file for TCPSocket.
+ * ext/socket/tcpserver.c: new file for TCPServer.
+ * ext/socket/sockssocket.c: new file for SOCKSSocket.
+ * ext/socket/udpsocket.c: new file for UDPSocket.
+ * ext/socket/unixsocket.c: new file for UNIXSocket.
+ * ext/socket/unixserver.c: new file for UNIXServer.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: now for Socket.
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c: new file for AddrInfo and name resolution.
+ * ext/socket/constants.c: new file for constants.
+ * ext/socket/init.c: new file for utilities.
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: export *_to_int.
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: add new object files.
+ * ext/socket/depend: add dependencies for new files.
+ * ext/.document: add new files.
+Sat Jan 17 11:12:37 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * cont.c (cont_restore_0): padding size doesn't need to be large
+ if alloca is used. suppress warnings.
+Sat Jan 17 11:12:21 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_dump.c (vm_stack_dump_each): initialized at declarations.
+ * vm_dump.c (rb_vm_bugreport): constified to suppress a warning.
+Fri Jan 16 22:30:27 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: move addrinfo code.
+Fri Jan 16 18:51:11 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (up): tell nmake that need to run command via
+ shell.
+Fri Jan 16 18:43:30 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/make-snapshot (package): includes all rules and expand
+ configured values from the environment to create *.inc, sets RM
+ for ripper.c, and needs chdir if absolute path is given with
+ -exported option.
+Fri Jan 16 18:26:47 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (VALUE): use unsigned long or long long
+ instead of uintptr_t, since many %lx and so on are still used.
+Fri Jan 16 17:33:59 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (Makefile): set VCS and VCSUP to support `git svn'
+ and git.
+ *, win32/Makefile.sub (up): split from
+Fri Jan 16 12:24:39 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c (thread_start_func_2): call ruby_cleanup() if thread is
+ main thread. [ruby-dev:37624]
+Fri Jan 16 12:27:50 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub ($(INSNS),,,
+ miniprelude.c, newline.c): if dependencies is newer than targets or
+ targets don't exist, try to create targets with BASERUBY. no need to
+ detect errors there because the absence of BASERUBY is not abnormal.
+ after the try, if the targets still don't exist, copy them from
+ $(srcdir).
+Fri Jan 16 12:15:07 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (PRI_PTRDIFF_PREFIX): must define as string.
+ if not, cause compile error in using PRI?VALUE.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.h): add SIZEOF_INTPTR_T and
+Fri Jan 16 11:51:20 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * symbian/pre-build (COMSPEC): should not overridden.
+Fri Jan 16 11:47:56 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (rb_parse_in_main): fixed typo.
+Fri Jan 16 11:41:23 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_REPLACE_TYPE): does not define rb_ prefixed
+ name if no default type is given.
+ * (RUBY_DEFINT): checks size.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (PRI_PTRDIFF_PREFIX, PRI_SIZE_PREFIX):
+ assumes usable if PRIdPTR is defined.
+Fri Jan 16 02:25:46 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_execute_interrupts): if signal is already
+ buffered, main thread should wait until timer thread delivers it.
+ * thread.c (timer_thread_function): should defer delivery of a signal
+ if main thread does not yet trap a previous one. [ruby-dev:37676]
+Fri Jan 16 02:05:55 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (addrinfo_s_ip): new method AddrInfo.ip.
+Fri Jan 16 01:42:50 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c (call_trace_proc): as Matz said ([ruby-core:21183]),
+ should skip rb_str_new2() if rb_sourcefile() returns NULL.
+ rb_sourcefile() returns NULL if frame is toplevel of Fiber.
+ [ruby-core:21161] [Bug #985]
+Fri Jan 16 01:09:37 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ruby.c (process_options): decrement parse_in_eval to recognize
+ parsing main or normal eval script.
+ * compile.c (rb_parse_in_main): return 1 if parsing main script.
+ (if parse_in_eval is negative value, it means main script)
+ * parse.y (yycompile0): check rb_parse_in_main() to accumulate
+ script text. Bug #848 [ruby-core:20450]
+Fri Jan 16 00:57:34 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * lib/debug.rb: as wanabe-san pointed out,
+ set_trace_func should be completely final task in debug.rb.
+ Bug #847 [ruby-core:20449]
+Fri Jan 16 00:27:03 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_inc_const_missing_count, ruby_vm_const_missing_count):
+ added.
+ * vm_insnhelper.h: ditto.
+ * variable.c (rb_const_get_0), insns.def: Constants should not be
+ cached if const_missing is called. [ruby-core:21059] [Bug #967]
+ * bootstraptest/test_class.rb: add a test.
+Fri Jan 16 00:25:09 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * btest-ruby should receive option with OPTS.
+Fri Jan 16 00:21:10 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub ($(INSNS),,,
+ miniprelude.c, newline.c): shouldn't copy when $(srcdir) != ".", too.
+ (this is a workaround. we need more strict check.)
+ * win32/Makefile.sub ($(INSNS)): shouldn't remove BASERUBY.
+Fri Jan 16 00:19:55 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_with_gvl): suppress warnings.
+Thu Jan 15 20:44:30 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/file2lastrev.rb: RUBY_REVISION must be an integer.
+Thu Jan 15 15:55:31 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * encoding.c (enc_set_default_encoding): should not treat US-ASCII
+ special here. a patch from Yui NARUSE in [ruby-dev:37769].
+ [ruby-dev:37699]
+Thu Jan 15 14:27:27 2009 Martin Duerst <>
+ * LEGAL: Added information for missing/langinfo.c
+Thu Jan 15 14:17:57 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (stmt): explicit error for "Object::Far += foo 1" just
+ as "Object::Far += 1".
+ * parse.y (command): moved return/break/next from command_call for
+ better error message.
+ * parse.y (call_args): void value check added.
+Thu Jan 15 13:10:58 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (COMPILERFLAG): for enc/trans/gb18030.c.
+Thu Jan 15 13:10:09 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, win32/Makefile.sub (MISSING): added langinfo on mingw
+ and mswin.
+ * encoding.c (rb_locale_charmap): use environments on mingw and mswin.
+ * missing/langinfo.c (nl_langinfo_codeset): MS-Windows Japanese
+ environment uses Windows-31J derived from Shift_JIS, not EUC-JP.
+Thu Jan 15 12:10:39 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub ($(INSNS),,,
+ miniprelude.c, newline.c): copy only when $(srcdir) != pwd.
+Thu Jan 15 11:40:44 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (pipe_open): revert a part of previous commit. it may be a
+ mistake.
+Thu Jan 15 10:45:52 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * symbian/README.SYMBIAN: symbian support added. great appreciate
+ to <alexandre.zavorine at>.
+Thu Jan 15 00:06:12 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/trans/gb18030.trans: get rid of a 1.9 feature for cross
+ compile. [ruby-core:21345]
+Wed Jan 14 23:57:28 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_locale_charmap): fallback to codepage if no
+ locale is found. [ruby-core:21110]
+ * missing/langinfo.c (nl_langinfo_codeset): returns NULL if no
+ locale is found.
+Wed Jan 14 22:38:30 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * gc.c (negative_size_allocation_error_with_gvl): abolish a warning.
+ (negative_size_allocation_error): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c (ossl_raise): ditto.
+Wed Jan 14 20:05:05 2009 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/trans/gb18030.trans, gb18030-tbl.rb:
+ new Chinese GB18030 transcoding (from Yoshihiro Kambayashi)
+ * test/ruby/test_transcode.rb: added tests for the above
+ (from Yoshihiro Kambayashi)
+ * transcode_data.h, transcode.c, tool/transcode_tblgen.rb:
+ added support for GB18030-specific 4-byte sequences
+ (with Yoshihiro Kambayashi)
+Wed Jan 14 16:16:19 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/curses/extconf.rb: check ncursesw earlier than ncurses to
+ support UTF-8 strings. non UTF-8 strings should be converted
+ explicitly. [ruby-core:21094]
+Wed Jan 14 14:42:30 2009 TAKANO Mitsuhiro (takano32) <>
+ * cont.c: fix prototype declare of register_stack_extend
+Wed Jan 14 13:19:21 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_aspawn): should not escape with caret
+ unless using cmd.exe.
+Wed Jan 14 13:09:00 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb (gai_strerror): checks if available and if
+ returns const pointer.
+ * ext/socket/getaddrinfo.c (gai_strerror): defines only if non
+ available. [ruby-core:21328]
+Wed Jan 14 12:39:16 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_wait_readable, rb_io_wait_writable): need rb_fd_ptr.
+ * io.c (appendline): reformed.
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_pipe): reduced nest of rb_ensure of main block.
+Tue Jan 13 22:56:57 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/addrinfo.h (AI_NUMERICSERV): defined.
+ * ext/socket/getaddrinfo.c (getaddrinfo): support AI_NUMERICSERV.
+Tue Jan 13 21:45:53 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * lib/ostruct.rb (OpenStruct#inspect): fixed the recursion check.
+ Patch by Kornelius Kalnbach. [ruby-core:20992].
+ * test/ostruct/test_ostruct.rb: test for inspect.
+ Patch by Kornelius Kalnbach. [ruby-core:20992].
+Tue Jan 13 21:44:30 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (io_reopen, rb_io_init_copy): should register fptr to pipe_list
+ when copying pipe fptr.
+Tue Jan 13 21:38:07 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (rb_getaddrinfo): use getaddrinfo with GVL if
+ getaddrinfo.c/getnameinfo.c is used. They are not thread safe
+ because gethostbyname/gethostbyaddr is used.
+ (rb_getnameinfo): ditto.
+ * extconf.rb: define GETADDRINFO_EMU if getaddrinfo.c/getnameinfo.c is
+ used.
+Tue Jan 13 21:28:14 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_not_match): rdoc.
+ Patch by Kornelius Kalnbach. [ruby-core:20991]
+Tue Jan 13 18:21:44 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_close_read): call rb_io_fptr_cleanup() instead of
+ fptr_finalize() because the fptr has special finalizer if it is a
+ pipe. [ruby-dev:37757] (3)
+Tue Jan 13 18:19:49 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_initialize): workaround for Windows. [ruby-dev:37686]
+ (also see [ruby-dev:37721])
+Tue Jan 13 17:29:02 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/trans/make_transdb.rb (converters): should not depend on the
+ hash order for cross compile.
+Tue Jan 13 16:39:11 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h, thread.c, win32/Makefile.sub (rb_fdset_t,
+ rb_fd_init, rb_fd_term, rb_fd_zero, rb_fd_set, rb_fd_clr, rb_fd_isset,
+ rb_fd_select, rb_fd_ptr, rb_fd_max, HAVE_RB_FD_INIT): new type,
+ functions, and macros for Windows.
+ * win32/win32.c (extract_fd, rb_w32_select): use rb_fdset_t to expand
+ fd_array if needed. [ruby-core:19946]
+ * win32/win32.c (copy_fd): new function for rb_w32_select().
+Tue Jan 13 12:31:54 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * tool/file2lastrev.rb (get_revisions): fixes problem with
+ svn on cygwin. [ruby-dev:37702].
+ Patch by Kouhei Sutou.
+Tue Jan 13 11:58:04 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * lib/irb/input-method.rb: IRB did not prompt for MSwin32.
+ [ruby-dev:37686].
+ Patch by arton <artonx AT>.
+Tue Jan 13 12:10:42 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/{getaddrinfo,getnameinfo}.c: need to include ws2tcpip.h
+ on Windows.
+Tue Jan 13 09:49:49 2009 Martin Duerst <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: removed warning about unused variable 'rai'.
+Tue Jan 13 03:07:28 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * instruby.rb: require "tool/mdoc2man.rb" before chdir if needed.
+Tue Jan 13 02:54:54 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: use headers instead of "netdb.h" in checking
+ getnameinfo() and getaddrinfo() because Windows doesn't have it.
+ [ruby-dev:37757] (1)
+ * ext/socket/sockport.h (SA_LEN): use sockaddr_in6 when defined AF_INET6
+ if INET6 is not defined. winsock2's getaddrinfo() returns
+ sockaddr_in6 if ipv6 is available.
+Tue Jan 13 02:21:43 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (internal_cmd_match): extracted from
+ is_internal_cmd.
+ * win32/win32.c (argv_size, join_argv): escapes redirection, pipe
+ and caret punctuations with carets.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_aspawn): ditto, and redirections and pipe
+ have no meanings.
+Tue Jan 13 02:07:38 2009 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: use Encoding.find("locale") instead of
+ Encoding.locale_charmap
+Tue Jan 13 00:57:56 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_unpack_sockaddr_in): check too short
+ sockaddr.
+ (sock_s_unpack_sockaddr_un): ditto.
+Mon Jan 12 23:55:19 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (addrinfo_ip_unpack): new method
+ AddrInfo#ip_unpack.
+ (addrinfo_unix_path): new method AddrInfo#unix_path.
+ (Init_socket): define above methods.
+Mon Jan 12 23:31:42 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (IS_IP_FAMILY): defined.
+ (addrinfo_ip_p): use it.
+Mon Jan 12 17:23:05 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb (assert_nothing_raised): removes the
+ current trace to get rid of an issue of MiniTest::Unit#location.
+Mon Jan 12 16:49:20 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * instruby.rb (install): erased a garbage.
+Mon Jan 12 16:45:28 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (open_dir_handle): extracted from rb_w32_opendir.
+ * win32/win32.c (winnt_stat): gets rid of strange behavior of
+ GetFileAttributes(). [ruby-core:21269]
+Mon Jan 12 12:43:55 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * instruby.rb (parse_args, install): added --strip option.
+ * instruby.rb (install_recursive): skips the directory if matched
+ to a no_install pattern ending with a file separator.
+Mon Jan 12 12:33:56 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: don't use bytesize because 1.9 dependent.
+ [ruby-core:21266]
+Mon Jan 12 11:59:19 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (ruby_xmalloc, ruby_xrealloc, ruby_xfree):
+ enable to use them without GVL.
+ if GC is invoked, acquire GVL during GC.
+ if NoMemoryError is raised, acquire GVL and raise it.
+Mon Jan 12 10:39:19 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c: fix comment (terminology: Global VM Lock).
+ * thread.c (blocking_region_begin, blocking_region_end):
+ save and clear th->blocking_region_buffer.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_call_with_gvl): check if it has GVL.
+ * thread.c (ruby_thread_has_gvl_p): added.
+ * vm_core.h: add decls.
+Mon Jan 12 10:21:11 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c: remove unused decl.
+Sun Jan 11 16:53:14 2009 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/erb.rb (PercentScanner): remove PercentScanner. fixed % after
+ %> bug. [ruby-dev:37751] [Bug #997]
+ * test/erb/test_erb.rb: ditto
+Sun Jan 11 09:53:01 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb (c_str): get rid of a 1.9 feature for
+ cross compile. [ruby-core:21243]
+Sun Jan 11 09:47:30 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_s_create): set nil as the value if assoc length
+ is not enough. [ruby-core:21249]
+Sat Jan 10 21:17:28 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: don't generate unintended newlines.
+Sat Jan 10 20:50:02 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: refactored to nest properly in statically
+ and dynamically.
+Sat Jan 10 20:26:17 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * version.h: make version string succinct:
+ "ruby 1.9.1p5000 (2009-01-10 trunk 21414) [i686-linux]".
+Sat Jan 10 19:05:13 2009 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * cont.c (cont_restore_1): should not be inlined.
+Fri Jan 9 21:52:47 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_define_const): use INT2NUM.
+Fri Jan 9 15:40:07 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: define macro if default_value is passed.
+Fri Jan 9 13:20:08 2009 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: rescue abnormal Encoding.locale_charmap value.
+Fri Jan 9 12:29:46 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (test-sample), rubytest.rb: use runruby.rb
+Fri Jan 9 10:40:52 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (TestProcess::MANDATORY_ENVS): some
+ platforms need environments for shared objects.
+Thu Jan 8 23:19:38 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (bsock_shutdown): accept symbol/string as how.
+ (shutdown_how_arg): new function.
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: generate shutdown_how_to_int.
+Thu Jan 8 23:16:37 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * instruby.rb: easy code contains fewer bugs.
+Thu Jan 8 22:59:30 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb (gen_name_to_int_func): generate
+ name_to_int functions, not only body.
+Thu Jan 8 22:44:10 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: don't use AI_NUMERICSERV for platforms which
+ not define it as old Windows.
+ [ruby-dev:37736]
+Thu Jan 8 17:32:51 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * instruby.rb: should not depend on a library which does not exist
+ in 1.8.
+Thu Jan 8 07:52:55 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (init_unix_addrinfo): don't return a value.
+Thu Jan 8 07:30:52 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb (OpenURI.redirectable?): reverted https redirection.
+Thu Jan 8 00:31:58 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb (assert_no_match): don't count up as two
+ assertions.
+Thu Jan 8 00:26:35 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (addrinfo_getnameinfo): use NI_DGRAM if socktype
+Thu Jan 8 00:16:22 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (host_str): add flags_ptr argument to specify
+ AI_NUMERICHOST if host is numeric form.
+ (port_str): add flags_ptr argument to specify AI_NUMERICSERV if port
+ is numeric form.
+Wed Jan 7 22:24:12 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (rb_cAddrInfo): new class AddrInfo.
+ (s_recvfrom): return AddrInfo as address.
+ (s_recvfrom_nonblock): ditto.
+ (sock_accept): ditto.
+ (sock_accept_nonblock): ditto.
+ (sock_sysaccept): ditto.
+ (bsock_send): accept AddrInfo as address argument.
+ (sock_connect): ditto.
+ (sock_connect_nonblock): ditto.
+ (sock_bind): ditto.
+ (sock_s_unpack_sockaddr_in): ditto.
+ (sock_s_unpack_sockaddr_un): ditto.
+ (bsock_local_address): new method BasicSocket#local_address.
+ (bsock_remote_address): new method BasicSocket#remote_address.
+ (addrinfo_initialize): new method AddrInfo#initialize.
+ (addrinfo_inspect): new method AddrInfo#inspect.
+ (addrinfo_afamily): new method AddrInfo#afamily.
+ (addrinfo_pfamily): new method AddrInfo#pfamily.
+ (addrinfo_socktype): new method AddrInfo#socktype.
+ (addrinfo_protocol): new method AddrInfo#protocol.
+ (addrinfo_to_sockaddr): new method AddrInfo#to_sockaddr.
+ (addrinfo_canonname): new method AddrInfo#canonname.
+ (addrinfo_ip_p): new method AddrInfo#ip?.
+ (addrinfo_ipv4_p): new method AddrInfo#ipv4?.
+ (addrinfo_ipv6_p): new method AddrInfo#ipv6?.
+ (addrinfo_unix_p): new method AddrInfo#unix?.
+ (addrinfo_getnameinfo): new method AddrInfo#getnameinfo.
+ (addrinfo_s_getaddrinfo): new method AddrInfo.getaddrinfo.
+ (addrinfo_s_tcp): new method AddrInfo.tcp.
+ (addrinfo_s_udp): new method AddrInfo.udp.
+ (addrinfo_s_unix): new method AddrInfo.unix.
+ (Init_socket): define new class and methods.
+ (sock_getaddrinfo): apply socktype hack regardless of ai_flags.
+ (addrinfo_new): defined.
+ (get_afamily): ditto.
+ (fd_socket_addrinfo): ditto.
+ (io_socket_addrinfo): ditto.
+ (SockAddrStringValue): ditto.
+ (SockAddrStringValuePtr): ditto.
+ (sockaddr_string_value): ditto.
+ (sockaddr_string_value_ptr): ditto.
+ (rb_addrinfo_t): ditto.
+ (addrinfo_mark): ditto.
+ (addrinfo_free): ditto.
+ (addrinfo_s_allocate): ditto.
+ (IS_ADDRINFO): ditto.
+ (check_addrinfo): ditto.
+ (get_addrinfo): ditto.
+ (alloc_addrinfo): ditto.
+ (init_addrinfo): ditto.
+ (addrinfo_new): ditto.
+ (call_getaddrinfo): ditto.
+ (init_addrinfo_getaddrinfo): ditto.
+ (make_inspectname): ditto.
+ (addrinfo_firstonly_new): ditto.
+ (addrinfo_list_new): ditto.
+ (init_unix_addrinfo): ditto.
+ (ai_get_afamily): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: generate intern_protocol_family,
+ intern_socktype and intern_ipproto.
+ [ruby-dev:37692]
+Wed Jan 7 22:13:03 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * instruby.rb (man, gem): fixed errors.
+Wed Jan 7 17:14:40 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * instruby.rb: use installed libraries. [ruby-core:21006]
+ * instruby.rb (gem), lib/rubygems/defaults.rb (Gem.default_dir):
+ use version invariant configuration.
+Tue Jan 6 19:09:51 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * cont.c (cont_restore_0): streamlined to ensure O(1) time. based on
+ a patch by Brent Roman <brent AT>.
+Tue Jan 6 00:34:25 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_close_before_exec): more heuristics to detect maximum fd.
+Mon Jan 5 17:59:43 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (cygwin): needs properly implemented nl_langinfo().
+ [ruby-core:21110]
+ * missing/langinfo.c: added as suggested at [ruby-core:21015], from
+ * missing/langinfo.c (nl_langinfo_0): fixed typos for SJIS.
+Mon Jan 5 17:38:40 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_locale_charmap): use GetConsoleCP() instead of
+ GetACP() because external encoding should be console's one.
+ * encoding.c (rb_filesystem_encoding): use GetOEMCP() instead of
+ GetACP() because VFAT/FAT32 uses OEM CP.
+Mon Jan 5 16:26:48 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_filesystem_encoding): use ANSI codepage for file
+ system on cygwin.
+ * encoding.c (rb_locale_charmap): reverted. [ruby-core:21110]
+Mon Jan 5 16:15:00 2009 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (free_window): use xfree instead of free.
+ [ruby-dev:37200]
+Mon Jan 5 15:49:45 2009 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * ext/gdbm/gdbm.c (rb_gdbm_fetch): remove needless cast.
+Mon Jan 5 12:52:08 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (init_env): use user profile folder than personal
+ folder.
+Mon Jan 5 08:41:13 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_stat): need type check for non string values.
+ [ruby-dev:37673] fix: #964
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_size, rb_file_s_atime, rb_file_s_mtime,
+ rb_file_s_ctime, rb_f_test): ditto.
+Mon Jan 5 08:17:56 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * range.c (range_step): should not add up errors on loops.
+ [ruby-dev:37691]
+Mon Jan 5 07:58:37 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * random.c (rb_f_srand): update RDoc. [ruby-core:21113]
+Mon Jan 5 06:39:56 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * range.c (range_max): max value from ... not defined for non
+ Integer Numeric end values. [ruby-dev:37690] fix: #974
+Sun Jan 4 22:37:19 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (rb_getaddrinfo): defined for address lookup without GVL.
+ (struct getaddrinfo_arg): defined.
+ (nogvl_getaddrinfo): defined.
+ (rb_getnameinfo): defined for name lookup without GVL.
+ (getnameinfo_arg): defined.
+ (nogvl_getnameinfo): defined.
+Sun Jan 4 18:10:10 2009 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/trans/gbk.trans, gbk-tbl.rb:
+ new Chinese GBK transcoding (from Yoshihiro Kambayashi)
+ * test/ruby/test_transcode.rb: added tests for the above
+ (from Yoshihiro Kambayashi)
+Sun Jan 4 17:55:55 2009 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/ruby/test_transcode.rb: added tests for GB2312
+ (from Yoshihiro Kambayashi)
+ * enc/trans/chinese.trans: set valid byte patterns for
+ GB2312 and GB12345
+Sun Jan 4 17:39:39 2009 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/trans/big5.trans, big5-tbl.rb:
+ new Chinese Big5 transcoding (from Yoshihiro Kambayashi)
+ * test/ruby/test_transcode.rb: added tests for the above
+ (from Yoshihiro Kambayashi)
+Sun Jan 4 17:07:45 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rubygems.rb (Gem.set_home, Gem.set_paths): should not create
+ directories stealthily. [ruby-core:20990]
+ * lib/rubygems.rb (Gem.find_home): expand_path deals with platform
+ dependent environments.
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/paths.rb (RDoc::HOMEDIR): ditto.
+ * instruby.rb (gem): creates gem directories at installation.
+Sun Jan 4 15:41:37 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_filesystem_encoding, rb_locale_charmap): uses
+ codepage on cygwin. [ruby-core:20994]
+Sun Jan 4 11:58:43 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (ruby_float_step): extracted from num_step().
+ * range.c (range_step): uses ruby_float_step() for float range.
+ [ruby-dev:37691]
+Sun Jan 4 11:11:31 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): does not use both of makefile.rb and
+ extconf.rb at the same time.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (DLLIB): depends on Makefile. [ruby-core:21096]
+Sun Jan 4 09:27:41 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (constant_arg): constified.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (optname_arg): cygwin does not have
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb (ipv6_optname_to_int): ditto.
+Sun Jan 4 04:33:14 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: redundant #ifdef removed.
+Sun Jan 4 03:30:18 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (maygvl_copy_stream_wait_read): renamed to add prefix to
+ express GVL state.
+ (nogvl_copy_stream_wait_write): ditto.
+ (nogvl_copy_stream_sendfile): ditto.
+ (maygvl_copy_stream_read): ditto.
+ (nogvl_copy_stream_write): ditto.
+ (nogvl_copy_stream_read_write): ditto.
+ (nogvl_copy_stream_func): ditto.
+Sun Jan 4 00:30:50 2009 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/erb.rb: merged r20850, r17881, r16811, r16763, r16748, r15829,
+ r15794 and r15698 from ruby_1_8.
+ * test/erb/test_erb.rb: ditto.
+Sat Jan 3 22:24:36 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ *,, win32/Makefile.sub (INSNS): move the macro
+ definition from to {,win32/Makefile.sub}.
+ [ruby-dev:37678]
+Sat Jan 3 15:30:09 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/trans/chinese.trans: added for transcoding EUC-CN and GB12345.
+ * enc/trans/GB/: ditto.
+Sat Jan 3 15:26:30 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/trans/euc-cn.c: renamed from gb2312.c because GB2312 is
+ the name of a CSS. it's encoding name is "EUC-CN".
+Sat Jan 3 03:00:42 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ *,, win32/Makefile.sub ($(INSNS),,
+, miniprelude.c, newline.c): move rules from
+ to {,win32/Makefile.sub} for nmake.
+ [ruby-core:20993]
+Fri Jan 2 23:51:41 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_sleep.rb (test_sleep_5sec): stop gc.
+Fri Jan 2 23:36:10 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: don't apply socktype hack [ruby-core:184] for
+ sock_s_getaddrinfo.
+ (sock_getaddrinfo): add socktype_hack argument.
+ (sock_addrinfo): call sock_getaddrinfo with socktype_hack.
+ (sock_s_getaddrinfo): call sock_getaddrinfo without socktype_hack.
+ [ruby-dev:37674]
+Fri Jan 2 23:33:38 2009 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/missing.h, sprintf.c: get rid of a warning of VC++.
+Fri Jan 2 22:25:46 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * process.c: use sigaction instead of sigset. [ruby-core:21021]
+Fri Jan 2 22:22:04 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_proc.rb: suppress error message.
+Fri Jan 2 22:20:46 2009 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (test_wait_and_sigchild): remove debug
+ output.
+Fri Jan 2 17:45:19 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: rename family_to_str to intern_family.
+ it returns ID now.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (ipaddr): use intern_family.
+Fri Jan 2 17:20:31 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: use ID in the values of
+ family_to_str_hash. family_to_str returns a VALUE.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (ipaddr): follow family_to_str change.
+Fri Jan 2 17:01:51 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: refactored to gather stringizer
+ description.
+Fri Jan 2 15:30:57 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: make common prefix optional.
+Fri Jan 2 14:59:52 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: use hash for family_to_str to avoid
+ linear search. lenp argument removed.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (ipaddr): call family_to_str without lenp
+ argument.
+Fri Jan 2 14:33:12 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb (gen_int_to_name): don't compare constants
+ in preprocessor because the constants may be enum.
+Fri Jan 2 14:11:07 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb (gen_int_to_name): add lenp argument.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (ipaddr): follow argument change.
+Fri Jan 2 10:20:24 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/singleton.rb: fix documentation. [ruby-core:21038]
+Fri Jan 2 06:43:58 2009 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * signal.c (rb_signal_buff_size): defined for check whether signal
+ is in the buffer or not.
+ * thread_pthread.c (thread_timer): don't exit the loop when signal
+ is in the buffer. [ruby-dev:37637]
+Fri Jan 2 04:40:00 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: check duplicates.
+Fri Jan 2 02:39:08 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (optname_arg): defined.
+ (bsock_setsockopt): use optname_arg.
+ (bsock_getsockopt): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: generate so_optname_to_int,
+ ip_optname_to_int, ipv6_optname_to_int, tcp_optname_to_int and
+ udp_optname_to_int.
+ more constants.
+Fri Jan 2 02:08:36 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (constant_arg): extracted from family_arg.
+ (family_arg): use constant_arg.
+ (socktype_arg): ditto.
+ (level_arg): ditto.
+Fri Jan 2 01:15:11 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (level_arg): defined.
+ (bsock_setsockopt): use level_arg.
+ (bsock_getsockopt): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: generate level_to_int.
+Fri Jan 2 00:58:40 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (family_arg): accept symbols as well.
+ (socktype_arg): ditto.
+Fri Jan 2 00:49:44 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_getaddrinfo): use socktype_arg.
+Fri Jan 2 00:12:27 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (family_arg): extracted from
+ setup_domain_and_type.
+ (socktype_arg): ditto.
+ (udp_init): use family_arg.
+ (sock_s_gethostbyaddr): ditto.
+ (sock_s_getaddrinfo): ditto.
+ (sock_s_getnameinfo): ditto.
+Thu Jan 1 22:27:55 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * spec/default.mspec: fix for builddir != srcdir
+ * ditto.
+Thu Jan 1 21:26:05 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_getnameinfo): use family_to_int.
+Thu Jan 1 21:08:34 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: check all alias possibility.
+Thu Jan 1 20:59:55 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: more possible aliases.
+Thu Jan 1 20:54:02 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: AF_ISO and AF_OSI may be aliased.
+Thu Jan 1 20:50:09 2009 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * process.c (before_exec): it makes no sense for a conditional
+ expression to return a void value.
+Thu Jan 1 20:47:09 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_getaddrinfo): use family_to_int.
+Thu Jan 1 20:17:47 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: include constants.h at top.
+Thu Jan 1 19:53:33 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: add valp argument for family_to_int and
+ socktype_to_int.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (setup_domain_and_type): use valp argument.
+Thu Jan 1 19:36:57 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: generate family_to_str.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (ipaddr): use family_to_str.
+Thu Jan 1 17:37:12 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: generate socktype_to_int.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (setup_domain_and_type): use socktype_to_int.
+Thu Jan 1 17:26:47 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (setup_domain_and_type): initialize ptr.
+Thu Jan 1 17:01:50 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: refine family_to_int.
+Thu Jan 1 16:48:07 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: generate family_to_int().
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (setup_domain_and_type): use family_to_int.
+Thu Jan 1 15:08:46 2009 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * tool/file2lastrev.rb: supports git repositories which are cloned
+ from a git-svn gateway.
+ Patch by Hongli Lai. [ruby-core:21020]
+Thu Jan 1 16:08:11 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: generate init_constants function.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (Init_socket): call init_constants.
+Thu Jan 1 16:03:04 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb (Socket::AF_INET6): moved from socket.c.
+ (Socket::PF_INET6): ditto.
+Thu Jan 1 15:27:07 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: use erb.
+Thu Jan 1 15:07:56 2009 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: add -o option.
+ * ext/socket/depend: use mkconstants.rb with -o option.
+Thu Jan 1 07:42:36 2009 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/singleton.rb: fix indentation of RDoc text. [ruby-core:21029]
+Thu Jan 1 07:16:44 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (distclean-ext, realclean-ext): use EXTS as default.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (distclean-ext, realclean-ext): try to remove ext
+ directory.
+Thu Jan 1 06:56:28 2009 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/file2lastrev.rb: unset PWD.
+Wed Dec 31 23:37:17 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_socketpair): yield if a block is given.
+ (io_call_close): defined.
+ (io_close): defined.
+ (pair_yield): defined.
+Wed Dec 31 19:35:57 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * spec/README: follows the change of directory structure in rubyspec.
+ * spec/default.mspec: ditto. Also follows change of mspec command.
+ * ditto.
+Wed Dec 31 17:16:46 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_read_internal): show openssl error
+ code in EWOULDBLOCK error.
+Wed Dec 31 15:45:18 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (copy_stream_body): don't check to_io because
+ Zlib::GzipWriter#to_io returns the underlying IO.
+Wed Dec 31 14:52:33 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_digest.c (GetDigestPtr): use StringValueCStr
+ instead of STR2CSTR.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_ec.c (ossl_ec_key_initialize): ditto.
+ (ossl_ec_group_initialize): ditto.
+Wed Dec 31 14:12:35 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_to_float): replaced by to_flo definition from
+ math.c [ruby-dev:37668]
+ * math.c (Need_Float): use rb_to_float().
+Wed Dec 31 13:49:06 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/buffering.rb (Buffering#read_nonblock):
+ implemented.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (rb_sys_fail_path): removed.
+ (fcntl.h): don't include.
+ (ossl_ssl_read_internal): defined.
+ (ossl_ssl_read): use ossl_ssl_read_internal.
+ (ossl_ssl_read_nonblock): use ossl_ssl_read_internal.
+ (Init_ossl_ssl): define sysread_nonblock, instead of read_nonblock.
+Wed Dec 31 00:27:54 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_to_float): prohibit conversion from nil to float.
+ [ruby-dev:37663]
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): replace all rb_Float() to rb_to_float().
+ [ruby-dev:37663]
+Tue Dec 30 21:17:00 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: use sock_define_uconst for INADDR_*
+ constants because Socket::INADDR_LOOPBACK should be 0x7f000001
+ instead of -0xffffff.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_define_uconst): defined.
+Tue Dec 30 18:23:10 2008 Ryan Davis <>
+ * lib/minitest/*.rb: Imported minitest 1.3.1 r4506.
+ * test/minitest/*.rb: ditto.
+Tue Dec 30 17:59:59 2008 Martin Duerst <>
+ * transcode.c: Minor fixes and tweaks in documentation.
+Tue Dec 30 17:03:51 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/dl/test/test_import.rb: fix a prototype decl.
+ pointed out by Takehiro Kubo [ruby-core:20971].
+Tue Dec 30 16:56:09 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_blocking_region): add a comment.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_call_without_gvl): added as a alias of
+ rb_thread_blocking_region().
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_call_with_gvl): added.
+ * vm_core.h (rb_thread_t#blocking_region_buffer): added for
+ rb_thread_call_with_gvl().
+Mon Dec 29 23:41:42 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/dl/test/test_base.rb: add libc search logic.
+ this patch is written by Takehiro Kubo.
+ [ruby-core:20963] [Bug #932]
+ * ext/dl/dl.h: Add ",..." as the last argument.
+ this patch is written by Takehiro Kubo.
+ Bug #633 [ruby-core:19289]
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/stack.rb: add add_padding() to calculate
+ alignment. this patch is written by Takehiro Kubo.
+ Bug #633 [ruby-core:19289]
+ * ext/dl/test/test_func.rb: atof()'s return value is double.
+ this patch is written by Takehiro Kubo.
+ Bug #633 [ruby-core:19289]
+ * ext/dl/test/test_import.rb:
+ - atof()'s return value is double.
+ - The types of qsort's second and third argument are size_t.
+ - fprintf()'s return value is int.
+ this patch is written by Takehiro Kubo.
+ Bug #633 [ruby-core:19289]
+Mon Dec 29 22:37:17 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * process.c (rb_waitpid): retries waitpid when EINTR.
+ [ruby-core:19744].
+Mon Dec 29 23:18:52 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_cstr_to_inum): changed an error message.
+ * complex.c (string_to_c_strict): ditto.
+ * rational.c (string_to_r_strict): ditto.
+Mon Dec 29 22:37:57 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): template f should not accept non float
+ values. [ruby-dev:37656]
+ * object.c (rb_to_float): new function to type check floats.
+Mon Dec 29 22:27:11 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * random.c (rb_f_rand): type check simplified. strings are no
+ longer allowed for argument. [ruby-dev:37655]
+ * test/ruby/test_rand.rb (TestRand::o.to_int): need override
+ to_int.
+Mon Dec 29 21:22:31 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * numeric.c: Infinity.numerator returns self. [experimental]
+ * numeric.c: Infinity.denominator returns 1. [experimental]
+Mon Dec 29 20:57:14 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * man/ri.1: new manpage.
+Mon Dec 29 20:45:25 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * rational.c: floor, ceil, truncate and round accept an extra
+ argument like Float#round. [experimental]
+Mon Dec 29 18:24:49 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * (distclean-local): removes Doxyfile and
+ run.gdb at distclean'ing.
+Mon Dec 29 17:53:24 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * bin/erb: accepts options in more flexible styles.
+Mon Dec 29 17:25:17 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * lib/erb.rb (ERB): m17n of ERB. adds rdoc.
+ fixes #712. c.f. [ruby-dev:37516].
+ * lib/erb.rb (ERB::Compiler#compile): recognizes magic comments.
+ returns a pair of compiled script and its script encoding.
+ * lib/erb.rb (ERB#set_eoutvar): make generated scripts return a
+ string in correct encoding.
+ * lib/erb.rb (ERB#def_method): use Kernel#eval for encoding-awareness
+ of the evaluated string.
+ * bin/erb.rb ( adds -E and -U options.
+ String is no longer Enumerable.
+ * man/erb.1: new manpage.
+ * test/erb/test_erb_m17n.rb: new test case for m17n features.
+Mon Dec 29 18:02:45 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/io/wait/wait.c (io_nread): returns number of bytes available
+ for read. response to feature request #936 in [ruby-core:20917].
+Mon Dec 29 17:52:16 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/io/wait/wait.c (io_ready_p): updated to follow RDoc.
+Mon Dec 29 16:52:15 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (s_recvfrom_nonblock): revert r21162.
+Mon Dec 29 16:16:20 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (vm_set_eval_stack, vm_set_main_stack, vm_set_top_stack):
+ check stack overflow. [ruby-dev:37646]
+Sun Dec 28 18:36:33 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_command.rb
+ (test_add_option_overlapping_common_and_local_options):
+ follows r21066.
+Mon Dec 29 14:50:19 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * (ext-clean): ext-clean always fails.
+ * ext/dl/ripper/extconf.rb: adds y.output into the clean list.
+Mon Dec 29 11:58:39 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_mutex_trylock): return false if Mutex owned
+ by current thread. [ruby-core:20943]
+ * thread.c (rb_mutex_lock): check dead lock (recursive lock) here.
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb: add a test.
+Mon Dec 29 10:58:54 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * file.c (rb_get_path): move encoding conversion of file path
+ from rb_scan_open_args.
+ * io.c (rb_scan_open_args): ditto.
+Mon Dec 29 07:15:16 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * cont.c: small RDoc fix mentioned from <radek.bulat at>
+ in [ruby-core:20921].
+Mon Dec 29 03:43:25 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ruby.c (process_options): set th->base_block only while
+ it is needed. [ruby-dev:37634] [Bug #939]
+ * ruby.c (require_libraries): clear th->base_block before
+ require libraries.
+Sun Dec 28 21:33:52 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/ext/dl/test_base.rb: add BSD's case.
+Sun Dec 28 21:09:12 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/import.rb (DL::Importer#sizeof): follows
+ a feature change in 1.9.
+Sun Dec 28 21:03:07 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/import.rb (DL::Importer#extern): adds filename and
+ line number to module_eval'ing for readability of backtrace.
+ (DL::Importer#bind): ditto.
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/struct.rb (DL::CStructBuilder#create): ditto.
+Sun Dec 28 19:11:03 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.h): do not use snprintf/vsnprintf in
+ msvcrt.
+ * sprintf.c: not force to override snprintf/vsnprintf.
+ [ruby-core:20824]
+Sun Dec 28 17:21:36 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_ext_configure_builder.rb (test_self_build_fail):
+ Extends pattern for FreeBSD's error message.
+Sun Dec 28 17:10:13 2008 TAKANO Mitsuhiro (takano32) <>
+ * ext/dl/test/test_dl2.rb: modify strncpy, strcpy, qsort, types.
+ Patch by Takehiro Kubo.
+ Bug #633 [ruby-core:19289]
+ * ext/dl/test/test_base.rb: /lib/ is x86_64 binary in x86_64 architecture.
+Sun Dec 28 12:53:10 2008 TAKANO Mitsuhiro (takano32) <>
+ * ext/dl/test/test_base.rb: use libc.dylib when the platform is darwin.
+Sun Dec 28 12:24:14 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * thread.c (mutex_free, mutex_unlock): add qualifiers.
+Sun Dec 28 10:28:04 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * thread.c (mutex_free): GC thread (main thread) has failed to unlock
+ a mutex that is locked by another thread, which makes the mutex
+ dangling in keeping_mutexes and causes [BUG] or stuck finally.
+ Now unlocking is performed as locking thread.
+ * thread.c (mutex_unlock, rb_mutex_unlock, rb_mutex_unlock_all):
+ mutex_unlock receives a thread.
+Sun Dec 28 05:44:44 2008 Ryan Davis <>
+ * lib/minitest/*.rb: Imported minitest 1.3.1 r4505.
+ * test/minitest/*.rb: ditto.
+Sun Dec 28 00:43:33 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * runruby.rb: refactored to modify ENV as once.
+Sat Dec 27 22:41:02 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_info_formatting.rb (setup, teardown): uses
+ mktmpdir and removes it after the test.
+ * test/cgi/test_cgi_session.rb (setup, teardown): ditto.
+Sat Dec 27 21:46:10 2008 TAKANO Mitsuhiro (takano32) <>
+ * ext/dl/test/test_base.rb: use lib64 when the architecture is x86_64.
+Sat Dec 27 20:26:59 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_argv_size): if an argument is empty, it's size
+ is 2, not 0, because it will be converted to "".
+Sat Dec 27 19:40:56 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (after_exec): needs to reset before restart timer
+ thread.
+ * thread.c (thread_start_func_2): stops timer thread if forked in
+ the new thread. [ruby-core:19385]
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_atfork, rb_thread_atfork_before_exec): DRY.
+Sat Dec 27 18:25:09 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_f_loop): return enumerator if no block given.
+ [ruby-list:45747]
+Sat Dec 27 17:08:43 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * .gdbinit (dummy_gdb_enums.special_consts): forces to load debug
+ info on Mac OS X.
+ * .gdbinit (rp): added T_ZOMBIE.
+Sat Dec 27 16:18:02 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_frame_callee, rb_frame_caller): rb_frame_callee()
+ should return method id on current frame.
+ add rb_frame_caller() to get method id on parent frame.
+ Bug #884 [ruby-dev:37446]
+ * eval.c (rb_f_method_name): use rb_frame_caller()
+ instead of rb_frame_callee().
+Sat Dec 27 15:28:12 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (make_econv_exception): show source and destination
+ encoding. [ruby-dev:37285]
+Sat Dec 27 15:23:38 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_yield_with_cfunc): rename parameter name
+ "blockptr" to "blockargptr".
+Sat Dec 27 15:15:56 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * (revision.h): ignores failure of file2lastrev.
+Sat Dec 27 15:02:38 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ruby.c (process_options): fix to untouch th->mild_compile_error.
+ [ruby-dev:37621], [ruby-dev:37620]
+Sat Dec 27 14:48:26 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.h, iseq.c (rb_iseq_new_main): add a type ISEQ_TYPE_MAIN.
+ [ruby-dev:37619]
+ * compile.c (rb_dvar_defined, ruby_iseq_compile): ditto.
+ * iseq.c (iseq_data_to_ary, iseq_load): ditto.
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): fix to check ip->compile_data.
+Sat Dec 27 14:29:33 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb (OpenURI.redirectable?): permit https redirection.
+ patch from Roman Shterenzon. [ruby-core:20485]
+Sat Dec 27 13:36:55 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c (get_errinfo): return th->errinfo value
+ if normal errinfo place (dynamic local variable) is not found.
+ fixes Bug #732 [ruby-dev:37046].
+ * bootstraptest/test_proc.rb: add a test.
+Sat Dec 27 13:10:43 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * man/irb.1: adds -v, -h, -E and -U.
+Sat Dec 27 11:41:45 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method, vm_call_cfunc): use original id instead of
+ calling id when NODE_CFUNC or NODE_BMETHOD.
+ fixes Bug #632 [ruby-core:19282].
+ * vm_eval.c (vm_call0, vm_call_super): ditto.
+ * vm_method.c (rb_add_method, rb_alias): store original id
+ in nd_file field of NODE_METHOD.
+ * test/stringio/test_stringio.rb: add a test.
+Sat Dec 27 09:48:54 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (Init_VM): create and define TOPLEVEL_BINDING at first.
+ * vm.c (vm_set_main_stack, rb_iseq_eval_main): added.
+ * parse.y (rb_parser_compile_file): fix to check parse_in_eval flag.
+ * eval.c (ruby_exec_node): use rb_iseq_eval_main()
+ instead of rb_iseq_eval().
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_new_main), vm_core.h: added.
+ main script (specified by -e or script name) should be run
+ under TOPLEVEL_BINDING using Kernel#eval. Above changes
+ simulate Kernel#eval behaviour. [ruby-dev:37240]
+ * compile.c (make_name_for_block): skip iseq except block type.
+ this fix is needed for [ruby-dev:37240], and also fixes
+ [ruby-dev:35392].
+Sat Dec 27 09:14:17 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * cont.c: rdoc for Fiber. patch by Muhammad Ali.
+ [ruby-core:20894]
+Sat Dec 27 05:38:59 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (after_fork): ignores a termination request in the
+ parent process. [ruby-dev:37447]
+Sat Dec 27 01:52:39 2008 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * lib/csv.rb: Using a more robust transcoding scheme to produce
+ ASCII compatible inspect() messages. [ruby-dev:37591]
+Fri Dec 26 18:04:10 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (fptr_finalize): don't allocate objects if noraise.
+ (finish_writeconv): add noalloc argument to be able to avoid
+ object allocation.
+ (finish_writeconv_arg): introduced again.
+ (finish_writeconv_sync): follow the above change.
+Fri Dec 26 17:04:14 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * lib/irb/input-method.rb (IRB::StdioInputMethod#initialize):
+ removed a 'p' for debugging.
+Fri Dec 26 15:50:45 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser::List#summarize): gives priority
+ to latter switches. [ruby-dev:36692]
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser#summarize): do not append
+ unnecessary line terminator.
+Fri Dec 26 14:01:38 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (fptr_finalize): close the IO object even if finish_writeconv or
+ flush is failed.
+ (finish_writeconv): don't raise. return errno or exception.
+ (finish_writeconv_arg): removed.
+ (finish_writeconv_sync): follow finish_writeconv change.
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_make_exception): new function.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_econv_make_exception): declared.
+Thu Dec 25 20:57:01 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * transcode.c (str_transcode0): set encoding when String#encode was
+ given explicit but the same destination and source encoding.
+Thu Dec 25 20:01:50 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_pipe): unused variable removed.
+Thu Dec 25 19:35:51 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * transcode.c (sym_ignore): remove useless symbol.
+Thu Dec 25 18:36:04 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (pipe_close): removed.
+ (pipe_yield): defined.
+ (rb_io_s_pipe): use pipe_yield.
+Thu Dec 25 17:49:45 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * transcode.c (decorate_convpath): show type of escaping for
+ xml_attr_quote or some conversions.
+Thu Dec 25 17:06:13 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_initialize): check fd validity. [ruby-dev:36646]
+Thu Dec 25 16:23:31 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (flush_before_seek): check io_fflush result.
+ (rb_io_check_readable): ditto.
+ (rb_io_flush): ditto.
+ (rb_io_fsync): ditto.
+ (remain_size): ditto.
+ (rb_io_write_nonblock): ditto.
+ (finish_writeconv): ditto.
+ (fptr_finalize): ditto.
+ (io_reopen): ditto.
+ (rb_io_reopen): ditto.
+ (copy_stream_body): ditto.
+Thu Dec 25 15:54:00 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (io_fflush): flush write buffer without write lock in
+ finalizers. [ruby-dev:37572]
+ * io.c (rb_io_fptr_finalize): clear write lock before finalizing.
+Thu Dec 25 15:07:22 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (fptr_finalize): close the IO object even if close(2) is failed.
+Thu Dec 25 14:51:43 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parser.rb (RDoc::Parser.binary?): should read in binary mode.
+Thu Dec 25 14:32:23 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_method_search): fix control flow bug.
+ (committed at r20981)
+Thu Dec 25 13:28:20 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_flush): fsync() after buffer is flushed on win32.
+ [ruby-core:20043]
+Thu Dec 25 13:13:00 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_method_search): return rb_cObject if there is no
+ super class. [ruby-dev:37587]
+ * bootstraptest/test_method.rb: add tests for above.
+Thu Dec 25 12:49:12 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * proc.c (proc_new): should use proc_dup() if block has Proc.
+ * vm.c (vm_make_proc_from_block): should use rb_cProc for block.
+ * vm.c (vm_make_proc): add an assertion.
+ * bootstraptest/test_proc.rb: add a test.
+Thu Dec 25 12:44:27 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_yield_with_cfunc): check block has Proc.
+Thu Dec 25 05:53:01 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * template/id.h.tmpl, id.h (ruby_method_ids): not depend on if
+ token are defined as macros. [ruby-dev:37553]
+ * template/id.h.tmpl, id.h (ruby_method_ids_check): enclosed in a
+ struct.
+Thu Dec 25 01:52:34 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (thread_start_func_2): sets native thread key.
+Thu Dec 25 01:09:23 2008 TAKAO Kouji <>
+ * test/readline/test_readline_history.rb: check the encoding that
+ is in the Readline::HISTORY.
+Thu Dec 25 00:59:06 2008 TAKAO Kouji <>
+ * test/readline/test_readline_history.rb: did not check the
+ encoding that is in the Readline::HISTORY. I will fix it.
+Wed Dec 24 22:36:06 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * error.c, vm_dump.c: change message by rb_bug().
+Wed Dec 24 21:57:39 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_peephole_optimize): fix typo.
+Sun Dec 21 13:38:04 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (invoke_block_from_c): fix to point right cfp.
+ * vm.c (vm_make_proc, vm_make_proc_from_block), vm_core.h:
+ remove unused parameter cfp.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c, proc.c (proc_new): ditto.
+Wed Dec 24 20:59:12 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * error.c (exc_equal): == method should not raise Exception.
+ [ruby-dev:37519]
+ * sample/test.rb: fix test.
+Wed Dec 24 20:33:45 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method): use class of method defined
+ instead of receiver's class on bmethod. fixes [ruby-core:20786]
+ * bootstraptest/test_method.rb: add a test for above.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_setup_method): remove unused parameter klass.
+ * vm_insnhelper.h (CALL_METHOD): ditto.
+ * insns.def, vm_eval.c: ditto.
+Wed Dec 24 20:15:50 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * tool/file2lastrev.rb (get_revisions): fix to ignore end of line.
+Wed Dec 24 13:33:38 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (HAVE_LONG_LONG, HAVE_OFF_T): revised for autoconf
+ 2.62 or later.
+Wed Dec 24 06:29:32 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (OBJDUMP, OBJCOPY): autoconf list is not comma
+ separated.
+ removed duplicated checks.
+Wed Dec 24 03:21:21 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el: added comment to mention newer version
+ bundled with Emacs 23 or later. a patch from Phil Hagelberg
+ <phil at> in [ruby-core:20838].
+Tue Dec 23 23:49:37 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_init_copy): call io_seek only if io_tell succeeds.
+Tue Dec 23 22:57:48 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_fork): don't propagate an error message if error
+ buffer not given.
+Tue Dec 23 21:55:05 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_fork): propagate an error message from child to parent.
+ (rb_f_exec): show details of error in child process on
+ exception.
+ (save_redirect_fd): add error message arguments.
+ (run_exec_dup2): ditto.
+ (run_exec_close): ditto.
+ (run_exec_open): ditto.
+ (run_exec_dup2_child): ditto.
+ (run_exec_pgroup): ditto.
+ (run_exec_rlimit): ditto.
+ (rb_run_exec_options): ditto.
+ (rb_exec): ditto.
+ (rb_exec_atfork): ditto.
+ (rb_spawn_internal): ditto.
+ (rb_spawn): ditto.
+ (rb_f_system): follow arguments change.
+ (proc_daemon): ditto.
+ (rb_f_spawn): show details of error in child process on exception.
+ * io.c (popen_exec): add error message arguments.
+ (pipe_open): show details of error in child process on exception.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_run_exec_options): add error message
+ arguments.
+ (rb_exec): ditto.
+ (rb_fork): ditto.
+ (rb_spawn): ditto.
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (chfunc): add error message arguments.
+Tue Dec 23 20:28:28 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * io.c: rdoc for File::open and 1.9 feature in file modes.
+ * transcode.c: rdoc for String#encode
+Tue Dec 23 19:51:24 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_spawn): deals with quoted commands.
+Tue Dec 23 18:44:21 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * strftime.c (rb_strftime): use locale insensitive functions for tr_TR
+ locale.
+Tue Dec 23 17:38:03 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb (assert_equal): show small differences
+ for Regexp and Float.
+Tue Dec 23 16:49:48 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_spawn): support normal commands with arguments.
+Tue Dec 23 16:22:41 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_inspect): show fd number if there is no pathname.
+Tue Dec 23 15:48:55 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * tool/file2lastrev.rb: shouldn't use single quote in shell's command
+ line if you want to support Windows.
+Tue Dec 23 15:46:43 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * lib/mathn.rb: Math.sqrt(NaN) should be NaN. [ruby-dev:37537]
+Tue Dec 23 15:46:47 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * gem_prelude.rb: Match full RubyGems behavior when a gem can't be
+ found.
+Tue Dec 23 15:36:58 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * tool/file2lastrev.rb: detects vcs directory properly on building
+ outside of srcdir. [ruby-dev:37555] [ruby-dev:37561]
+Tue Dec 23 15:30:02 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (pipe_open): need to initialize args.
+Tue Dec 23 14:18:14 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/st.h: need to include defines.h because LONG_LONG is
+ defined there.
+Tue Dec 23 13:52:05 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parser/c.rb: Don't coalesce adjacent comment blocks.
+ [bug#901]
+Tue Dec 23 12:00:00 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (pipe_close): fix coding style. [ruby-dev:37554]
+Tue Dec 23 08:10:05 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/installer.rb: Fix documentation. [bug#827]
+Tue Dec 23 08:04:58 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * gem_prelude.rb: Don't remove methods twice. [bug#555]
+Tue Dec 23 00:16:48 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): fix buffer overflow.
+Mon Dec 22 19:31:19 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * (revision.h): uses tool/file2lastrev.rb to support
+ git-svn.
+ * version.h: changed version string as
+ `ruby 1.9.1 (2008-12-22 patchlevel-5000 trunk 20912)
+ [i386-darwin9.6.0]'.
+Mon Dec 22 16:32:21 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): encoding of packed string only from 'm',
+ 'M', and 'u' should be US-ASCII. [ruby-dev:37284]
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): encoding of packed string only from 'U'
+ should be UTF-8. also upgrade US-ASCII strings to UTF-8.
+Mon Dec 22 15:56:49 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * new file. Template of a configuration file.
+ Introduces C-level API reference generation with Doxygen.
+ * tool/file2lastrev.rb: wrapper script that abstracts subversion
+ and git-svn.
+ * tool/strip-rdoc.rb: filter for preventing doxygen from processing
+ rdoc comments.
+ * (Doxyfile): Doxyfile is generated together with
+ Makefile.
+ (PACKAGE): configuration $(PACKAGE) is necessary for $(docdir).
+ * instruby.rb: adds a new install target 'capi'
+ * (capi): new target that generates C API documents with
+ Doxygen.
+ (install-capi): new target.
+ (pre-install-capi): ditto.
+ (do-install-capi): ditto.
+ (post-install-capi): ditto.
+Mon Dec 22 21:31:11 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c (int_ord): Integer#ord implemented.
+Mon Dec 22 21:26:12 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_pipe): IO.pipe can take a block.
+ (pipe_close): new function.
+Mon Dec 22 21:08:54 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb (assert_nothing_raised): increment
+ assertion count. [ruby-dev:37480]
+Mon Dec 22 19:10:44 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * thread_win32.c (Init_native_thread): need to call
+ ruby_thread_set_native() here.
+Mon Dec 22 18:00:36 2008 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: fix wrong flag value.
+Mon Dec 22 15:15:58 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb (Net::BufferedIO#rbuf_fill): avoid calling
+ read_nonblock in rescue. use retry instead.
+Mon Dec 22 14:35:59 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_external_str_new_with_enc): set ASCII-8BIT if
+ encoding is US-ASCII and string contains 8bit characters.
+Mon Dec 22 12:26:18 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * cygwin/ (rubydll.def), win32/mkexports.rb
+ (Exports#exports): added VERSION.
+Mon Dec 22 12:25:09 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * missing/vsnprintf.c (BSD_vfprintf): fix for test_sprintf_comb.rb, by
+ wanabe in [ruby-dev:36935].
+Mon Dec 22 12:05:14 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (mingw): no longer uses snprintf and vsnprintf of
+ msvcrt. [Bug#6]
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_vsnprintf, rb_w32_snprintf): removed.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.h): vsnprintf exists in VC7 or later.
+ * win32/mkexports.rb (Exports#initialize): aliases
+ rb_w32_vsnprintf and rb_w32_snprintf for binary compatibility.
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): uses snprintf instead of sprintf.
+ * numeric.c (flo_to_s, rb_num2long, rb_num2ll): ditto.
+Mon Dec 22 10:59:31 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_upto): should return enumerator if called
+ without block. [ruby-dev:37526]
+Mon Dec 22 09:54:43 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (gettable_gen): the encoding of __FILE__ should be
+ rb_filesystem_encoding(). [ruby-list:45733]
+ * parse.y (gettable_gen): __FILE__ should be ASCII-8BIT when
+ filesystem encoding is US-ASCII and __FILE__ contains non 7bit
+ characters.
+Mon Dec 22 02:54:56 2008 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: temporary patch for trouble on TkAqua (> Tk8.4.9).
+ * ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/widget: set encoding to a demo-code string to
+ avoid garbled text on the Code Window.
+Sun Dec 21 14:55:18 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (SPLAT_PROC): splat values by hand.
+Sun Dec 21 13:50:37 2008 TAKAO Kouji <>
+ * test/readline/test_readline.rb
+ (TestReadline#test_some_characters_methods): checked encoding.
+Sun Dec 21 12:23:16 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (SPLAT_PROC): fix for regexp. [ruby-dev:37514]
+Sun Dec 21 10:43:10 2008 TAKANO Mitsuhiro (takano32) <>
+ * sample/test.rb: rescue exception.
+Sat Dec 20 18:28:26 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dln.c (dln_find_1): supplements an extension for executable
+ files on DOSish platforms.
+ * io.c (pipe_open): use rb_w32_aspawn() for array form.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_pipe_exec): no longer used.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_spawn, rb_w32_aspawn): deals with batch
+ files and commands with extensions. [ruby-core:20695]
+ * win32/win32.c (has_redirection): supports environment variables
+ references.
+Sat Dec 20 15:34:36 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/rake.rb (Rake::FileList#egrep): change open mode to "rb",
+ i.e. default to binary. [ruby-dev:37385]
+ * lib/rake.rb (Rake::FileList#egrep): allow specifying reading
+ encoding, e.g. FileList['*.rb'].egrep(/require/, encoding:
+ "ascii-8bit")
+ * lib/rake.rb (Rake::MultiTask): invoke_prerequisites should be
+ private. a patch from okkez in [ruby-dev:37399]
+Sat Dec 20 10:59:16 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * lib/irb/locale.rb (IRB::Locale#initialize)
+ initializes instance variables to suppress warnings.
+ typo fix to ignore LoadError: [ruby-dev:37508]
+Fri Dec 19 17:01:35 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_extract_encoding_option): "internal_encoding: nil"
+ to specify no-transcoding. and other corner case fixed.
+ [ruby-dev:37496]
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_lookup2): new function to look-up hash with
+ default value.
+Fri Dec 19 15:51:48 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (process_options): get rid of warning on DOSISH.
+Fri Dec 19 07:45:37 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * error.c (exc_equal): duck typing equal to make it transitive.
+ [ruby-dev:34808]
+Thu Dec 18 19:31:54 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * lib/irb/init.rb (IRB.opt_parse): (M17N) adds -U and -E as command
+ line options. [ruby-dev:37161]. Fixes #711.
+ improved long options.
+ * lib/irb/init.rb (IRB.set_encoding): new subroutine for IRB.opt_parse
+ * lib/irb/input-method.rb (IRB::StdioInputMethod): (M17N) regards
+ scripts that user types as encoded in the external_encoding.
+ * lib/irb/input-method.rb (IRB::ReadlineInputMethod): ditto.
+ * lib/irb/input-method.rb (IRB::FileInputMethod): (M17N) respects
+ magic comment.
+ * lib/irb/help.rb (IRB.print_usage): (M17N) respects magic comment
+ in the resource file.
+ * lib/irb/lc/help-message: adds -U and -E.
+ * lib/irb/lc/ja/help-message: ditto. re-encoded from ISO-2022-JP into UTF-8.
+ * lib/irb/lc/ja/encoding_aliases.rb: new file. provides Japanese specific
+ character encoding name table for backward compatibility.
+ * lib/irb/lc/ja/error.rb: re-encoded from ISO-2022-JP into UTF-8.
+ magic comment.
+ * lib/irb/locale.rb: integrated with Ruby 1.9's M17N support.
+ * lib/irb/magic-file.rb: new file. utility to handle files with magic
+ comment and opens in the correct encoding.
+ * lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb (RubyLex#each_top_level_statement): recovers
+ character encoding for a statement after it lexed so that irb can
+ eval the statement in correct encoding.
+ * lib/irb/src_encoding.rb: new file. utility.
+Thu Dec 18 21:12:28 2008 Takeyuki FUJIOKA <>
+ * lib/cgi/session.rb: fix bug for ignore session_id option.
+ report from [ruby-core:18635], [Bug #572]
+ * lib/cgi/core.rb: use Encoding#find when encoding set.
+ * test/cgi/test_cgi_session.rb: test for session_id specified.
+Thu Dec 18 17:00:56 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_aset): string key copying only happen if key is
+ an exact instance of String, not a subclass. based on a patch
+ from Mike Gold < at> in [ruby-talk:322667].
+ [incompatible] [ruby-talk:322417]
+Thu Dec 18 16:48:12 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/optparse/version.rb: remove variable shadowing to stop
+ warning. [ruby-core:20612]
+ * lib/irb/completion.rb, lib/net/imap.rb, lib/prime.rb,
+ lib/rinda/ring.rb, lib/racc/parser.rb,
+ lib/shell/command-processor.rb, lib/yaml/yamlnode.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/racc/parser.rb: remove space before parentheses.
+ * lib/shell/command-processor.rb, lib/shell/process-controller.rb:
+ use parentheses around arguments.
+ * lib/irb/ext/change-ws.rb, lib/rexml/validation/relaxng.rb,
+ lib/yaml/baseemitter.rb: indentation fix.
+ * lib/matrix.rb: small cosmetic change.
+Thu Dec 18 08:15:04 2008 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc/server.rb: Restricting method inspection to show only
+ non-inherited public methods. [ruby-core:20603]
+ * lib/xmlrpc/server.rb: Fixing method inspection so it doesn't
+ trigger XMLRPC::FaultException when used. [ruby-core:20604]
+Wed Dec 17 19:39:44 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (unix_recv_io): relax msg_controllen error
+ check for x86_64-openbsd4.4.
+Wed Dec 17 19:37:30 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pty/extconf.rb: check util.h for OpenBSD.
+ * ext/pty/pty.c: include util.h if available. fix variable name.
+Wed Dec 17 19:23:28 2008 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb: shut up warning. [ruby-dev:37481] [Bug #899]
+Wed Dec 17 15:44:28 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_pop_m): use enum ary_take_pos_flags.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_push_m): add modification check before actual
+ operation. [ruby-dev:37440]
+Wed Dec 17 15:35:39 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ *BSD's ports and MacPorts prefix GNU binutils with 'g'.
+Wed Dec 17 11:39:39 2008 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb (TestBigDecimal#test_hash):
+ shut up warning. see [ruby-dev:37437]
+Wed Dec 17 11:01:35 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_hash): gets rid of collisions between different
+ encoding strings. [ruby-core:20526]
+Wed Dec 17 09:50:19 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * test/ruby/test_metaclass.rb: removed codes for my debugging.
+ sorry. [ruby-dev:37470]
+Tue Dec 16 22:55:11 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * bin/testrb: set $0.
+Tue Dec 16 22:42:16 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit.setup_argv): sorry, fixed wrong commit.
+Tue Dec 16 22:15:17 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/minitest/unit.rb (MiniTest::Assertions#assert_instance_of):
+ should assert by instance_of?, not ===. [ruby-dev:37458]
+ * lib/minitest/unit.rb (MiniTest::Assertions#assert_instance_of):
+ typo fixed.
+Tue Dec 16 21:59:29 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit.setup_argv): ALT_SEPARATOR support.
+Tue Dec 16 21:59:02 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (VpToString): reverted modification
+ (that caused a bug) in r20359. [ruby-dev:37370]
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_limit): comment update.
+ [ruby-dev:37465]
+Tue Dec 16 20:34:44 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (getDevice): add nomesg argument.
+ (get_device_once): add nomesg argument. chmod slave tty to 0600
+ if nomesg. more error tests.
+ (no_mesg): new function.
+ (pty_open): make slave tty's mode 0600.
+Tue Dec 16 20:24:20 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date/format.rb (_parse): m17n compliant.
+Tue Dec 16 19:48:18 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pty/extconf.rb: check posix_openpt.
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (get_device_once): use posix_openpt if available.
+Tue Dec 16 19:43:53 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c: use strlcpy for error messages.
+Tue Dec 16 16:41:51 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (stmt): returns dispatched result.
+ * parse.y (primary): also in ripper, saves in_def before restoring.
+Tue Dec 16 12:30:56 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (ac_cv_header_ucontext_h): do not use ucontext.h on Mac
+ OS X 10.5 or later. merged from MacPorts.
+ * (ac_cv_func_daemon): daemon(3) is deprecated on Mac OS
+ X 10.5 or later.
+Tue Dec 16 11:37:07 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ruby.c (set_arg0): use strlcpy() instead of strncpy().
+ * load.c (rb_feature_p): ditto.
+ * dln.c (dln_load): ditto.
+Tue Dec 16 09:14:28 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (block_call): block should not be given to yield.
+ [ruby-core:20583]
+Mon Dec 15 23:48:39 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * thread.c (sleep_timeval): cast tv_usec to long to shut up
+ warnings on OSX. [ruby-dev:37449]
+Mon Dec 15 23:34:04 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (pty_open): set FMODE_SYNC and FMODE_DUPLEX.
+Mon Dec 15 23:29:49 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (process_options): revive global sub, gsub, chop, chomp
+ only when auto looping options (-p/-n) is specified.
+ [ruby-core:20570]
+Mon Dec 15 22:48:11 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (pty_open): new method
+Mon Dec 15 21:24:01 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (get_device_once): use DEVICELEN instead of
+ sizeof SlaveName.
+Mon Dec 15 21:01:46 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (chfunc): make it static.
+Mon Dec 15 20:59:10 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (child_info): add slavename.
+ (chfunc): use slavename.
+ (establishShell): set slavename.
+Mon Dec 15 20:16:46 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * (EXTMK_ARGS): shouldn't use ``\"'' because cmd.exe eat
+ ''\'' in such quotes.
+Mon Dec 15 19:07:31 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.h): define CANONICALIZATION_FOR_MATHN
+ to follow r20683.
+Mon Dec 15 18:12:34 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/rake/packagetask.rb (Rake::PackageTask): small document
+ update from okkez in [ruby-dev:37443]
+Mon Dec 15 16:28:32 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_callee_setup_arg_complex): uses cfp from
+ blockptr instead of the current cfp. [ruby-core:20544]
+Mon Dec 15 14:56:59 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * test/ruby/test_metaclass.rb: new test case for metaclass hierarchy.
+ * class.c (make_metametaclass): new function. extracted from
+ rb_make_metaclass.
+ * class.c (rb_make_metaclass): uses make_metametaclass when called for a
+ metaclass.
+ * class.c (rb_singleton_class): creates a meta^(n+2)-class in
+ addition to a meta^(n+1)-class when called for a meta^(n)-class.
+ This is because the returned meta^(n+1) class must acts as an instance of
+ Class, metaclass of Class, ..., meta^(n+1)-class of Class,
+ Module, metaclass of Module, ..., meta^(n+1)-class of Module,
+ Object, metaclass of Object, ..., meta^(n+2)-class of Object,
+ BasicObject, metaclass of BasicObject, ..., meta^(n+2)-class of
+ and BasicObject even when Class, Module, Object or BasicObject has
+ not have its meta^(i)-class yet.
+Mon Dec 15 15:13:22 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * id.h, template/id.h.tmpl (ruby_method_ids): sees YYTOKENTYPE too.
+ [ruby-dev:37436]
+Mon Dec 15 15:02:24 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (EXTMK_ARGS): needs MINIRUBY for cross-compile.
+ [ruby-core:20131]
+Mon Dec 15 14:39:37 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (vm_call0): NODE_ZSUPER supported. [ruby-core:20480]
+ * vm_eval.c (vm_call_super): uses method_missing().
+ * vm_eval.c (method_missing): get rid of too large alloca.
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_call0, method_missing): uses idMethodMissing.
+ * vm_method.c (rb_add_method, remove_method, rb_undef): uses
+ id__send__.
+ * vm_method.c (Init_eval_method): removed IDs which are defined as
+ immediate values.
+Mon Dec 15 11:35:27 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm.c (vm_backtrace): defaults to script name for C functions.
+Mon Dec 15 11:32:18 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (rubylib_mangled_path, rubylib_mangled_path2): cannot use
+ locale encoding before load path is initialized
+ * ruby.c (ruby_init_loadpath_safe): ditto.
+ * ruby.c (process_options): loads encdb so that encodings can be
+ loaded, then associates script name and load paths with the
+ locale encoding.
+Mon Dec 15 10:00:36 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (btest-ruby): use RUNRUBY instead of MINIRUBY to load the
+ shared library. [Bug #849]
+Sun Dec 14 22:31:19 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * bignum.c (bigmul1_karatsuba): remove temporal bignum.
+ * bignum.c (bigsqr): call bigmul0(x, x) because it is faster than the
+ original bigsqr at this point.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_pow): a value returned from bigsqr is already
+ truncated.
+Sun Dec 14 21:13:02 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * bignum.c (bigmul1_karatsuba): fix comment and refactoring.
+Sun Dec 14 14:53:41 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * bignum.c (bigmul1_balance, bigmul1_karatsuba): remove all
+ rb_gc_force_recycle which causes memory leak.
+Sun Dec 14 14:26:11 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * spec/README: directory structure changed
+Sun Dec 14 09:14:37 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * reverts r20713.
+Sun Dec 14 12:51:48 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_mul): faster multiplication by Karatsuba method and
+ twice faster square than normal multiplication. [ruby-dev:37392]
+ * random.c (rb_rand_internal): used by Bignum#*.
+ * test/ruby/test_bignum.rb: add some tests for above.
+Sun Dec 14 01:35:48 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (forked_child): new variable.
+ (before_exec): don't call rb_thread_stop_timer_thread if
+ forked_child.
+ (after_exec): reset forked_child after rb_thread_start_timer_thread.
+ (rb_fork): set forked_child just after fork in child.
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (chfunc): extracted from establishShell.
+ (establishShell): use rb_fork.
+ [ruby-dev:37418]
+Sat Dec 13 22:17:30 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * (help): describes more targets.
+ based on a patch by Michael Klishin. [ruby-core:20523].
+Sat Dec 13 18:34:43 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (sym_printable): wrong condition for string iteration.
+Sat Dec 13 16:04:48 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * encoding.c (default_external): endless recursion during
+ loading a locale encoding on some locale.
+ fixed by Nobuyoshi Nakada.
+Sat Dec 13 15:55:37 2008 TAKAO Kouji <>
+ * ruby.c (process_options): fixed default_internal is nil.
+ (closes #862)
+Sat Dec 13 15:52:27 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (sym_equal): remove documentation error "Otherwise,
+ compares them as strings". [ruby-dev:37398]
+ * string.c (sym_inspect): quote if symbol contains non-printable
+ characters. [ruby-dev:37398]
+Sat Dec 13 14:24:38 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_utf16.rb: feature changed in r20626.
+ follows it.
+Sat Dec 13 13:41:44 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * test/ruby/test_m17n_comb.rb: feature changed in r20626.
+ follows it.
+Sat Dec 13 13:03:20 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c: use rb_usascii_str_new2 instead of rb_str_new2.
+ * rational.c: ditto.
+Sat Dec 13 12:48:57 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * test/ruby/test_m17n.rb: feature changed in r20626.
+ follows it.
+Sat Dec 13 12:38:16 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * lib/minitest/test.rb (MinTest::Unit#location):
+ skips user-defined assertions as MiniTest's.
+ e.g. for test/ruby/test_m17n.rb.
+Sat Dec 13 09:17:33 2008 Ryan Davis <>
+ * lib/minitest/*.rb: Imported minitest 1.3.1 r4503.
+ * test/minitest/test_mini_test.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/miniunit/autorun.rb: added (as part of r4503).
+Sat Dec 13 08:35:14 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (nucomp_canonicalization): renamed.
+ * ext/math/complex.c: followed the above change.
+ * rational.c (nurat_canonicalization): renamed.
+ * ext/math/rational.c: followed the above change.
+ * defines a new macro.
+Sat Dec 13 01:10:03 2008 TAKAO Kouji <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c
+ (readline_s_get_completion_append_character): uses locale
+ encoding but not ASCII-8BIT.
+Fri Dec 12 22:12:46 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c, rational.c: do not use RUBY_VERSION_CODE.
+Fri Dec 12 21:41:36 2008 TAKAO Kouji <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c: r20662 reverted.
+Fri Dec 12 19:29:07 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_set_default_external): default_internal can be
+ nil, but default_external cannot.
+ * encoding.c (rb_set_default_internal): adds rdoc.
+ * encoding.c (enc_find): ditto.
+Fri Dec 12 19:24:47 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * (run, runruby, parse, gdb, gdb-ruby): you can also run
+ other scripts than $(srcdir)/test.rb.
+Fri Dec 12 19:13:43 2008 TAKAO Kouji <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_readline): changed the message
+ of IOError to 'closed stdin' from 'stdin closed' if stdin was
+ closed.
+Fri Dec 12 19:00:49 2008 TAKAO Kouji <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c: used the ExportStringValue macro
+ instead of the OutputStringValue macro. removed the
+ OutputStringValue macro.
+Fri Dec 12 16:23:18 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (yycompile0): ruby_eval_tree_begin is always 0 when
+ ruby_eval_tree is 0.
+Fri Dec 12 14:09:55 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * encoding.c (enc_get_default_encoding): removed.
+ Generalizing rb_default_{external,internal}_encoding seems to be
+ difficult.
+ default_external cannot be NULL even before detected. [ruby-dev:37390]
+ * encoding.c (rb_default_external_encoding): has its own
+ implementation again.
+ * encoding.c (rb_default_internal_encoding): ditto.
+ * gem_prelude.rb: added notice.
+ * ruby.c (rubylib_mangled_path, rubylib_mangled_path2): uses locale
+ encoding but not ASCII-8BIT.
+ * ruby.c (process_options): refers less to default_external.
+Fri Dec 12 11:00:52 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * load.c (rb_feature_p): load path must be expanded.
+ [ruby-dev:37388]
+Fri Dec 12 10:28:08 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (rb_version): greps only the line that defines version.
+ * version.h (RUBY_VERSION_CODE, RUBY_RELEASE_CODE): removed.
+Fri Dec 12 10:20:55 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * complex.c, rational.c: do not use RUBY_VERSION_CODE.
+Fri Dec 12 10:19:21 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_string_value_ptr, rb_to_id): do not use a side
+ effect expression in RSTRING_PTR.
+ * string.c (rb_str_split_m): simplified the argument of
+Thu Dec 11 23:48:00 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/cmath.rb (sqrt): should pass nan to the original method.
+Thu Dec 11 21:04:04 2008 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/maker.rb, lib/rss/maker/0.9.rb, lib/rss/maker/base.rb:
+ RSS::Maker.[] returns a maker class corresponds to passed version.
+ * test/rss/test_maker_*.rb: add tests for RSS::Maker.[].
+Thu Dec 11 20:05:17 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_aliases_enc_i): skips default internal.
+Thu Dec 11 19:31:45 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb: extracted from lib/test/unit.rb.
+ lib/test/unit/testcase.rb: ditto.
+ at asakusa.rb. [ruby-core:20014]
+Thu Dec 11 19:23:09 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (test_dup_many): extracted from test_dup.
+ test in ruby subprocess. at asakusa.rb. [ruby-dev:35648]
+Thu Dec 11 19:16:30 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb (Pathname#=~): undefed. at asakusa.rb.
+ [ruby-core:19690]
+Thu Dec 11 13:09:01 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (reg_enc_error): raise EncodingCompatibilityError for
+ encoding incompatibility. [ruby-core:18600]
+ * re.c (rb_reg_prepare_enc): more consistent error message.
+ [ruby-core:18611]
+Thu Dec 11 13:36:18 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (enc_set_default_encoding): allowed to set default
+ encoding.
+ * encoding.c (rb_locale_encoding): removed Encoding::LOCALE.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_set_default_external): ditto.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_set_default_internal): ditto.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_set_default_internal): defines internal
+ encoding as nil.
+Thu Dec 11 11:11:03 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/st.h (size_t): needs stddef.h or stdlib.h.
+ [ruby-core:20339]
+Thu Dec 11 10:25:25 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_bignum.rb (TestBignum#test_convert): remove
+ platform dependent call of Process.wait. coverage should be
+ accomplished by other method. [ruby-dev:36062]
+Thu Dec 11 10:18:35 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/rexml/document.rb (REXML::Document#write): require
+ rexml/formatters/transitive if transitive flag is on. a patch
+ from akira yamada in [ruby-dev:36230]. fix #553
+ * lib/rexml/element.rb (REXML::Element#write): ditto.
+ * lib/rexml/formatters/transitive.rb (REXML::Formatters::Transitive#write_element):
+ add hack for IE. [ruby-dev:36230]
+Thu Dec 11 02:37:22 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * math.c (domain_check): should not raise EDOM exception for NaN
+ value if operand is also NaN. affects acos, asin, acosh, atanh,
+ log, log2, log10, sqrt, gamma, lgamma. [ruby-dev:37357]
+Thu Dec 11 02:23:51 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open3.rb (Open3.pipeline_start): return an array of threads if a
+ block is not given.
+Thu Dec 11 01:48:00 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_round): should be round
+ to integer. [ruby-dev:37355]
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_divmod): division should
+ be integer. [incompatible] [ruby-dev:37355]
+Thu Dec 11 01:21:58 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * thread.c (rb_mutex_unlock): shut up warning. a patch from
+ Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA in [ruby-dev:37345]. fix #846
+Wed Dec 10 23:58:56 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c: avoided warnings on cpp. [ruby-dev:37344]
+ * rational.c: ditto.
+Wed Dec 10 21:32:02 2008 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/maker.rb (RSS::Maker.[]): add.
+ Suggested by Akinori MUSHA. Thanks!!! [ruby-dev:37210]
+Wed Dec 10 12:56:32 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_rewind): If the enclosed object
+ responds to a "rewind" method, call it; cf. [ruby-dev:37268]
+Wed Dec 10 12:46:52 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_next): Fix a typo: s/rewinded/rewound/.
+ * lib/prime.rb (Prime::OldCompatibility#each): Ditto.
+Wed Dec 10 11:25:53 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_initialize): raise RegexpError when encoding
+ is dummy encoding. [ruby-dev:37091]
+Wed Dec 10 01:28:16 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * (win32.obj): depend on headers.
+Tue Dec 9 18:35:35 2008 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/trans/single_byte.trans, cp850-tbl.rb, cp852-tbl.rb,
+ cp855-tbl.rb, koi8-r-tbl.rb, koi8-u-tbl.rb, tis-620-tbl.rb:
+ new single-byte transcodings (from Yoshihiro Kambayashi)
+ * test/ruby/test_transcode.rb: added tests for the above
+ (from Yoshihiro Kambayashi), small cosmetic fixes
+Tue Dec 9 13:33:53 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each), gc.c (assign_heap_slot),
+ (gc_mark_children), parse.y (vtable_alloc, vtable_free, vtable_add),
+ proc.c (proc_to_s), thread.c (terminate_i, rb_thread_terminate_all),
+ (thread_start_func_2, blocking_region_begin, blocking_region_end),
+ (rb_thread_kill), thread_pthread.c (native_thread_create),
+ (ubf_pthread_cond_signal), vm.c (check_env, thread_free), vm_dump.c
+ (vm_env_dump_raw, vm_stack_dump_each, vm_thread_dump_state),
+ (vm_call0): use void pointer for %p.
+ * cont.c (fiber_status), template/ (ruby_vminsn_type),
+ vm_insnhelper.h (BOP): ISO C forbids comma at end of enumerator
+ list.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (check_cfunc): use function pointer.
+Tue Dec 9 13:23:55 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (curses_use_default_colors): add new
+ method. a patch from Giancarlo F Bellido
+ <support at> in [ruby-core:20434].
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (curses_tabsize_set): ditto.
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (curses_tabsize_get): ditto.
+Tue Dec 9 12:08:47 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * .gdbinit (rp): fixed typo for T_STRUCT.
+Tue Dec 9 11:50:46 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): fixed [ruby-dev:37295].
+ Array#pack always has returned an US-ASCII string when
+ the given format ended with 'u', 'M' or 'm'.
+Tue Dec 9 03:21:37 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * mkconfig.rb: fix for continued lines. based on a patch from
+ Marcus Rueckert <darix AT> at [ruby-core:20420].
+Tue Dec 9 00:54:01 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/make-snapshot (package): in snapshot is dummy and should
+ not deal with objects. [ruby-core:20422]
+Tue Dec 9 00:17:50 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/depend (clean-srcs): split out from clean.
+Mon Dec 8 23:34:18 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): fixed odd act of 'm*', 'M*', and 'P*'.
+ just ignores '*' in these cases.
+ [ruby-dev:37289]
+Mon Dec 8 18:31:41 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): fixed length for odd length string.
+ [ruby-dev:37283]
+Mon Dec 8 11:28:14 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): added version, copyright, usage, yydebug,
+ syntax to --dump option.
+Mon Dec 8 11:15:45 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): source-encoding option.
+Mon Dec 8 10:32:33 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (set_option_encoding_once): dry.
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): checks extra argument for -E/--encoding.
+Sun Dec 7 23:47:37 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (LIBPATHFLAG): use numbered specifier if RPATHFLAG
+ is set. [ruby-talk:322136]
+Sun Dec 7 23:17:33 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (LIBRUBY_SO): localizes non-public symbols.
+ * (OBJDUMP, OBJCOPY): for dealing with binary files.
+Sun Dec 7 17:44:06 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open3.rb (Open3.capture3): renamed from Open3.poutput3.
+ (Open3.capture2): renamed from Open3.poutput2.
+ (Open3.capture2e): renamed from Open3.poutput2e.
+Sun Dec 7 11:48:04 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open3.rb (Open3.poutput3): :binmode option implemented.
+ (Open3.poutput2): ditto.
+ (Open3.poutput2e): ditto.
+Sat Dec 6 18:33:16 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/make-snapshot (package): added RM and CP. [ruby-dev:37288]
+Sat Dec 6 17:51:35 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): 'u0' is not special differently from 'm0'.
+Sat Dec 6 14:35:06 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): set US-ASCII and CODERANGE_7BIT
+ when quoted-printable ('M') and base64 ('m').
+ [ruby-dev:37284]
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): ditto.
+Fri Dec 5 22:56:24 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_make_exception): single argument to raise may be
+ string compatible object.
+Fri Dec 5 21:45:45 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * rational.c (nurat_{to_s,inspect}): performance improvement.
+Fri Dec 5 21:42:44 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c: inspect should not depend on to_s.
+Fri Dec 5 21:18:31 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_truncate): return
+ integer if no optional argument given. [incompatible]
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_floor): ditto.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_ceil): ditto.
+Fri Dec 5 19:06:04 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open3.rb (Open3.pipeline_start): new method.
+ (Open3.pipeline): ditto.
+Fri Dec 5 18:55:25 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (run_exec_dup2): !save is false if Qnil.
+Fri Dec 5 18:07:32 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_read, rb_w32_write, rb_w32_isatty): check
+ whether fd is valid.
+Fri Dec 5 13:05:45 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_parameters): proc arguments are always optional.
+ * proc.c (get_proc_iseq, rb_proc_parameters): ditto.
+Fri Dec 5 12:38:48 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_set_sequence): uses rb_compile_warning() for
+ warning at compilation time.
+Fri Dec 5 12:35:46 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (ruby_iseq_compile, ruby_iseq_translate_threaded_code),
+ (ruby_insns_name_array, ruby_iseq_build_from_ary): prefixed with
+ ruby_.
+ * iseq.c (ruby_iseq_load, ruby_insn_make_insn_table): ditto.
+Fri Dec 5 10:01:43 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_cmp_m): fixed rdoc. pointed out by <Thomas
+ C. Mitchell AT> at [ruby-talk:321967]
+Fri Dec 5 07:58:30 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (io_binwrite): arg.offset should be updated after retry.
+Fri Dec 5 03:29:17 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * load.c (rb_get_load_path): returns the load path without
+ touching.
+ * load.c (rb_feature_provided): new function to return the loading
+ path in addition to rb_provided().
+ * load.c (search_required): sets path if loading.
+ * variable.c (autoload_provided): load paths are expanded to check
+ if loading.
+ * variable.c (autoload_node): keeps autoload mark while loading.
+ [ruby-core:20235]
+ * variable.c (rb_const_get_0): loops while autoload mark is set.
+Fri Dec 5 01:37:02 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_read): ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE is not a real error
+ at this point.
+ * io.c (pipe_open): use rb_w32_spawn() instead of rb_w32_pipe_exec()
+ to use our own redirection scheme.
+Fri Dec 5 01:35:08 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (sym_to_proc): use hidden object.
+Fri Dec 5 01:19:21 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): propagate taint status from format string to
+ result string.
+Fri Dec 5 00:34:10 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * process.c (run_exec_dup2): need to sort by reverted order when
+ restoring fds.
+Fri Dec 5 00:17:18 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (sym_to_proc): caches Symbol procs, based on a patch from
+ Shumpei Akai <admin AT>. [ruby-dev:37265]
+Thu Dec 4 23:29:34 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (waitpid): fix bug of checking child slot.
+ * win32/win32.c (FindChildSlotByHandle): new.
+Thu Dec 4 23:24:05 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open3.rb (Open3.poutput3): new method.
+ (Open3.poutput2): ditto.
+ (Open3.poutput2e): ditto.
+Thu Dec 4 23:02:13 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * spec/default.mspec: follows changes in rubyspec project.
+ inherits configurations from ruby.1.9.mspec.
+Thu Dec 4 22:13:55 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * test/ruby/test_complex.rb: added some tests.
+ * test/ruby/test_rational.rb: ditto.
+Thu Dec 4 19:56:20 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open3.rb (Open3.popen3): simplified.
+ (Open3.popen_run): extracted from Open3.popen3.
+ (Open3.popen2): new method.
+ (Open3.popen2e): new method.
+ (Open3.pipeline_rw): new method.
+ (Open3.pipeline_r): new method.
+ (Open3.pipeline_w): new method.
+ (Open3.pipeline_run): new private method.
+Thu Dec 4 19:16:28 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (check_exec_fds): resolve cascaded child fd reference.
+Thu Dec 4 16:58:12 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/rubygems/validator.rb (Gem#remove_leading_dot_dir): make
+ this method private. a patch from okkez in [ruby-dev:37245]
+Thu Dec 4 16:19:18 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_read_nonblock):
+ OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket should implement read_nonblock. a patch
+ from Aaron Patterson in [ruby-core:20277]. fix: #814 [ruby-core:20241]
+Thu Dec 4 16:16:09 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/gserver.rb: fixed type in sample code. a report from Oleg
+ Puchinin.
+Thu Dec 4 14:54:32 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/rubygems/local_remote_options.rb (Gem#add_update_sources_option):
+ little documentation fix. a patch from okkez. [ruby-dev:37271]
+Thu Dec 4 13:56:31 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (window_getch): avoid ISPRINT() macro which
+ has an issue with OpenSolaris. [ruby-core:20189]
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (curses_getch): no ISPRINT(). [ruby-core:20294]
+ * signal.c (ruby_signal): EINVAL from sigaction(2) is not a bug.
+Thu Dec 4 11:40:56 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * enumerator.c (inspect_enumerator): Implement #inspect.
+ [ruby-dev:37248]-[ruby-dev:37263]
+Thu Dec 4 11:38:40 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_obj_respond_to): Remove a duplicated rdoc
+ comment and fix a markup error.
+Thu Dec 4 06:04:16 2008 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/menu.rb: fails to treat
+ 'parent' and 'variable' options on a Hash argument.
+Thu Dec 4 05:06:47 2008 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: bug fix. use ::RubyVM instead of ::VM
+ [ruby-list:45676]
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: update RELEASE_DATE
+Thu Dec 4 01:37:47 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (nurat_{to_s,inspect}): provides better representation
+ for in-finite imag part.
+Thu Dec 4 01:22:41 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (f_signbit): NaN may be signed value.
+Wed Dec 3 23:59:32 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (EXEC_OPTION_DUP2_CHILD): defined.
+ (check_exec_redirect_fd): check :in, :out and :err.
+ (check_exec_redirect): check [:child, fd].
+ (check_exec_fds): validate EXEC_OPTION_DUP2_CHILD array.
+ (run_exec_dup2_child): new function.
+ (rb_run_exec_options): call run_exec_dup2_child.
+Wed Dec 3 22:54:39 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (expr): keyword_not can continue across newline.
+ [ruby-core:20252]
+Wed Dec 3 22:40:59 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * iseq.c (simple_default_value): returns simplest assignment only.
+ [ruby-core:20237]
+Wed Dec 3 21:30:06 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (check_exec_redirect): accept :in, :out, :err as redirect
+ target.
+Wed Dec 3 21:18:27 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * test/ruby/test_rational.rb: revert.
+Wed Dec 3 14:48:52 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c (ip_ruby_cmd, ip_invoke_with_position): must
+ not access internal union directly. [ruby-list:45670]
+Wed Dec 3 12:24:08 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_getc, rb_io_readchar): documentation correction from
+ Emiel van de Laar. [ruby-core:20212]
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_readchar): ditto.
+Wed Dec 3 09:26:29 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/rexml/xpath.rb (REXML::XPath.first): apply documentation
+ patch from Ken Bloom in [ruby-core:20213].
+ * lib/rexml/xpath.rb (REXML::XPath.each): ditto.
+Wed Dec 3 02:56:34 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_rational.rb: add a test.
+Wed Dec 3 02:53:24 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_range.rb: add a test.
+Wed Dec 3 02:26:07 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_string.rb: add some tests.
+Wed Dec 3 02:04:21 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (Init_pty): fix typo.
+Tue Dec 2 19:22:13 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open3.rb (Open3.popen3): merge hash options if given.
+Tue Dec 2 15:31:42 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb (Net::BufferedIO#rbuf_fill): use
+ read_nonblock instead of sysread wrapped by timeout to boost
+ performance. a patch from Aaron Patterson in [ruby-core:20191].
+ fix #806
+Mon Dec 1 23:23:52 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * set 1.9.1-p5000 into version number. [ruby-dev:36998]
+Mon Dec 1 15:48:47 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * signal.c (register_sigaltstack): no need to define on non-sigaltstack
+ platform.
+Mon Dec 1 12:00:45 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * cont.c (rb_fiber_start): calls with exact argument number.
+ [ruby-core:20088]
+Sun Nov 30 21:41:10 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * man/rake.1: new manual page
+Sun Nov 30 18:01:50 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * test/ruby/test_regexp.rb (TestRegexp#test_parse_curly_brace):
+ now accepts quantifier on anchors again by r20391.
+Sat Nov 29 23:56:44 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * man/irb.1 (EXAMPLES): new section
+Sat Nov 29 19:19:32 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regparse.c (is_invalid_quantifier_target): Perl and old Ruby
+ accepts quantifier on anchors. [ruby-core:20161]
+Sat Nov 29 18:28:57 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_getaddrinfo): should have updated for
+ Mac OS X. a patch from Shumpei Akai in [ruby-dev:37234]
+Sat Nov 29 00:18:30 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * cont.c (fiber_alloc): separate allocation and initialization.
+ allow subclass to override #initialize. [ruby-core:20086]
+Fri Nov 28 18:31:21 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_getaddrinfo): refactored to remove
+ code duplication regarding getaddrinfo.
+Fri Nov 28 17:52:26 2008 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/forwardable.rb: should be usable def_single_delegator for
+ Class and Module.
+Fri Nov 28 13:19:34 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * iseq.c (simple_default_value): extracts simplest default
+ argument value.
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_parameters): returns parameter list.
+ * proc.c (get_proc_iseq, get_method_iseq): handles ifunc and
+ bmethod.
+ * proc.c (rb_proc_parameters, rb_method_parameters): added
+ Proc#parameters and Method#parameters. [ruby-core:19759]
+Fri Nov 28 02:18:47 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_DoDivmod): bigdecimal
+ division (including modulo) should raise ZeroDivisionError as
+ integer division. [incompatible]
+Fri Nov 28 00:12:00 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (flodivmod): floating point division should raise
+ ZeroDivisionError as integer division. [incompatible]
+Thu Nov 27 23:54:37 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (gc_mark): still needs to check stack depth during GC.
+ * gc.c (stack_check): ditto.
+Thu Nov 27 21:41:29 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * strftime.c (rb_strftime): should add padding for %%.
+Thu Nov 27 16:32:53 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * signal.c (register_sigaltstack): stores alt stack for debug
+ purpose.
+Thu Nov 27 16:12:33 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * signal.c (ruby_sigaction_t): added.
+Thu Nov 27 15:59:16 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (ruby_stack_check): no check if using sigaltstack.
+ * signal.c (ALT_STACK_SIZE): default minimum size is insufficient
+ for method calls.
+ * signal.c (sigsegv): handles stack overflow if possible.
+ * thread.c (ruby_thread_stack_overflow): helper function to raise
+ sysstack_error.
+ * thread_pthread.c (ruby_stack_overflowed_p): checks for stack
+ overflow.
+Thu Nov 27 10:40:52 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_div2): should return
+ Integer for #div operation.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_div2): should raise
+ ZeroDivisionError if divisor is zero. [ruby-dev:37207]
+Wed Nov 26 23:15:47 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * strftime.c (STRFTIME): use rb_strftime() recursively, instead of
+ platform's strftime().
+Wed Nov 26 22:46:23 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (VpException): bigdecimal zero
+ division should raise FloatDomainError if mode
+ VP_EXCEPTION_ZERODIVIDE is set. [ruby-dev:37204]
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_mode): should handle
+Wed Nov 26 15:16:07 2008 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * ext/gdbm/gdbm.c (rb_gdbm_nextkey): fix memory leak.
+Wed Nov 26 03:17:48 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_to_r): raise exception
+ for nan/inf conversion. [ruby-dev:37187] fix #793
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_to_i): ditto.
+Wed Nov 26 03:00:59 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (VpAlloc): avoid ALLOCA_N() to avoid
+ segmentation fault caused by (insanely) long decimal values.
+ [ruby-dev:37189] fix #794
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_dump, BigDecimal_to_i,
+ BigDecimal_to_f, BigDecimal_to_s, BigDecimal_split,
+ BigDecimal_inspect): ditto.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (VpToString): small performance
+ improvement.
+Wed Nov 26 00:26:30 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * strftime.c (STRFTIME): should add padding for %[xXrR] etc.
+ [ruby-dev:37185] fix: #792
+Tue Nov 25 16:26:12 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_times): taint (and untrust) status should be
+ inherited by "ary * 0". [ruby-dev:37024]
+Tue Nov 25 15:54:07 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * strftime.c (rb_strftime): should not swallow incomplete
+ formatter, e.g. "%E". [ruby-dev:37170] fix: #787
+ * strftime.c (rb_strftime): clear flags before processing unknown
+ formatter, e.g. "%i". [ruby-dev:37180]
+Tue Nov 25 10:35:29 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * strftime.c (rb_strftime): "%^P" should convert to upper case.
+ [ruby-dev:37180]
+Tue Nov 25 07:51:18 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * strftime.c (FMT): use "%0d" formatter for zero padding, not "%.d".
+ [ruby-dev:37168] fix: #768
+ * strftime.c (rb_strftime): %s to use zero padding by default.
+ [ruby-dev:37180]
+Tue Nov 25 03:37:42 2008 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tabset.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tabnotebook.rb:
+ fix many bugs. Now, those work properly.
+Tue Nov 25 03:26:04 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (num_step): treat infinite step specially.
+ [ruby-dev:37157] fix: #781.
+Tue Nov 25 01:23:25 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date/format.rb (strftime): ignores '_' flag for %[LN].
+Tue Nov 25 00:08:22 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (rb_fork): stops the timer thread during fork.
+ [ruby-dev:37117]
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_start_timer_thread): timer thread needs
+ system_working to be set.
+Mon Nov 24 23:27:28 2008 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * strftime.c (rb_strftime): The # flag should work with %a, %A, %b,
+ %B, and %h. [ruby-dev:37162]
+ * test/ruby/test_time.rb (test_strftime): ditto.
+Mon Nov 24 23:16:32 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * signal.c (register_sigaltstack): should not add external
+ variable (with some cosmetic changes). [ruby-dev:37158]
+Mon Nov 24 22:57:25 2008 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * strftime.c (rb_strftime): A width specifier for %t and %n should
+ work. [ruby-dev:37160]
+ * test/ruby/test_time.rb (test_strftime): ditto.
+Mon Nov 24 22:07:07 2008 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * strftime.c (rb_strftime): The precision of %0N should be 9.
+ [ruby-dev:37156]
+ * test/ruby/test_time.rb (test_strftime): ditto.
+Mon Nov 24 21:38:23 2008 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * strftime.c (rb_strftime): The default precision should be 1, not
+ 0. [ruby-dev:37155]
+ * test/ruby/test_time.rb (test_strftime): ditto.
+Mon Nov 24 19:53:47 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb (inspect): changed again.
+Mon Nov 24 18:35:00 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/time.rb: r20251 reverted. The patched behavior do not round
+ trip. [ruby-core:19988]
+Sun Nov 23 16:04:05 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * signal.c (default_handler, Init_signal): compile error if
+ USE_SIGALTSTACK is not defined.
+Sun Nov 23 00:04:14 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * signal.c (ALT_STACK_SIZE): 4KB is not enough on Mac OS X.
+Sat Nov 22 21:29:54 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * test/ruby/test_method.rb (test_default_accessibility): test case for
+ [ruby-dev:37124].
+Sat Nov 22 18:24:24 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_world_writable_p): should return nil for non
+ world-writable files.
+Sat Nov 22 10:31:25 2008 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/vector.rb:
+ fix NameError bug.
+Sat Nov 22 03:41:22 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (get_device_once): abandon asynchronous exception
+ that might cause serious problem if a program terminated early.
+ asynchronous exception is a very bad thing anyway. use
+ Process.waitpid(pid) or PTY.check(pid) to poll program
+ termination. if PTY.check is called with optional second
+ argument being true, it raises an exception same as one from
+ previous behavior. [incompatible] fix: [ruby-core:19583]
+Fri Nov 21 22:24:31 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (curses_escdelay_set): support ESCDELAY. a
+ patch from Giancarlo F Bellido <support at> in
+ [ruby-core:19961].
+Fri Nov 21 22:17:15 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (usage): -W description updated. [ruby-core:19858]
+Fri Nov 21 21:50:54 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * signal.c (register_sigaltstack): use alternative stack for
+ SIGSEGV to avoid uncaught stack overflow. based on a patch from
+ Hiro Yoshioka <hyoshiok at> in [ruby-dev:37134].
+ [ruby-dev:36993]
+Fri Nov 21 16:06:54 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * vm.c (thread_free): th->vm may be NULL when pthread_create
+ failed for ENOMEM. [ruby-dev:37095]
+Thu Nov 20 07:33:15 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/logger.rb (Logger): should handle the case that cvs/svn do
+ not expand $Id keyword. [ruby-core:19991]
+Thu Nov 20 07:27:36 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/minitest/unit.rb (MiniTest::Assertions#capture_io): adjust
+ indentation to shut up warning. [ruby-core:19993]
+Wed Nov 19 17:48:05 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (rb_syck_mktime): return DateTime for a value
+ out of range of Time. [ruby-core:19919]
+Wed Nov 19 14:14:38 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * node.h (NOEX_MODFUNC): should be include NOEX_PRIVATE.
+ [ruby-dev:37124]
+Wed Nov 19 03:01:04 2008 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * test/rinda/test_rinda.rb: fixed fails occasionally [ruby-dev:37119].
+ thanks, shinichiro.h.
+Wed Nov 19 02:39:31 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (Init_syserr): moved function definition itself from
+ template/
+Wed Nov 19 01:10:52 2008 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb (DRbConn::alive?): fixed NoMethodError problem
+ from NaHi [ruby-dev:37110].
+Wed Nov 19 01:05:26 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * cont.c (cont_mark, cont_capture, cont_restore_1): speed up
+ continuation by copying only valid YARV stack. [ruby-dev:37106]
+Wed Nov 19 00:03:13 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/time.rb: according to RFC2822, -0000 means local time, +0000
+ means UTC. a patch from Chun Wang. [ruby-core:19578]
+Tue Nov 18 23:02:23 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * proc.c (proc_eq): equivalence check should not done by pointer
+ comparison, but should be based on iseq contents. [ruby-dev:37101]
+Tue Nov 18 20:30:08 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (Net::FTP#open_socket): SOCKSsocket is obsolete.
+ a patch from Alan Johnson <alan.wayne.johnson at> in
+ [ruby-core:19982].
+Tue Nov 18 16:18:23 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/logger.rb (ProgName): fixed for svn, based on a patch from
+ Nobuhiro IMAI at [ruby-dev:37108].
+Tue Nov 18 15:56:55 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/webrick/httprequest.rb (WEBrick::HTTPRequest#read_request_line):
+ use possessive match for path retrieval to avoid huge recursion
+ for insanely long path.
+Tue Nov 18 15:50:11 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_desc): re might be NULL.
+ * regerror.c (onig_error_code_to_format): message updated.
+Tue Nov 18 09:42:11 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser::make_switch): makes default
+ conversion to splat. [ruby-list:45645]
+Mon Nov 17 18:05:16 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/depend (LIBS): fixed for disable-shared. [ruby-dev:37103]
+Mon Nov 17 11:12:24 2008 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * bin/erb: remove -K option.
+Mon Nov 17 02:19:03 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (LIBRUBYARG_STATIC): fixed for --enable-rpath.
+Sat Nov 15 22:46:32 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_regsub): returns -1 unless ascii as well as
+ rb_enc_ascget(). [ruby-dev:37097]
+Sat Nov 15 22:23:45 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (LDSHARED): do not suppress debug info if higher debug
+ level is given, on cygwin and mingw.
+Fri Nov 14 20:27:46 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * README.EXT, README.EXT.ja, vm_exec.c, vm_insnhelper.c: update
+ filenames.
+Thu Nov 13 11:31:13 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_barrier_wait): gets rid of recursive deadlock.
+Thu Nov 13 06:08:44 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_barrier_{new,wait,release,destroy}): use Mutex so that
+ circular requires fail with deadlock. [ruby-core:19821]
+Wed Nov 12 07:16:01 2008 David Flanagan <david@think32>
+ * ruby.c (set_internal_encoding_once): fix typo in error string
+Wed Nov 12 03:30:59 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_{external,locale}_str_new_cstr): optimized
+ versions for literal strings.
+Wed Nov 12 03:28:41 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * load.c (rb_require_safe): destroys barrier after successfully
+ loaded, to get rid of loading same library again. [ruby-core:19798]
+ * thread.c (rb_barrier_wait): can not wait destroyed barrier.
+ * thread.c (rb_barrier_destroy): destroys barrier so that no longer
+ waited.
+Tue Nov 11 23:02:27 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * man/ruby.1 (RUBYOPT): wrote which option can appear.
+ (--yydebug): wrote "do not use".
+ (--dump): wrote "do not use".
+Tue Nov 11 21:22:28 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (URI::Generic#check_path): REL_PATH should a
+ symbol. [ruby-core:19805]
+Tue Nov 11 20:49:29 2008 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * fix SEGV on Mac OS X 10.5.3 with pthread.
+ a patch from Wataru Kimura in Bug #193 [ruby-core:17333].
+Tue Nov 11 20:39:27 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb (inspect): reverted the previous change.
+Tue Nov 11 17:35:25 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_accept): secure fd before accept because if
+ error causes in securing, cannot restore the state of accepted
+ socket.
+ fixed [ruby-core:19728]
+Tue Nov 11 14:40:40 2008 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/ruby/test_transcode.rb: unnecessary setup method
+ (setup_really_needed?) removed
+Tue Nov 11 14:25:25 2008 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/trans/single_byte.trans, macgreek-tbl.rb, macroman-tbl.rb,
+ macromania-tbl.rb, macturkish-tbl.rb, macukraine-tbl.rb,
+ ibm437-tbl.rb, ibm852-tbl.rb, ibm855-tbl.rb, ibm857-tbl.rb,
+ ibm860-tbl.rb, ibm861-tbl.rb, ibm862-tbl.rb, ibm863-tbl.rb,
+ ibm865-tbl.rb, ibm866-tbl.rb, ibm869-tbl.rb, ibm775-tbl.rb:
+ new single-byte transcodings (from Yoshihiro Kambayashi)
+ * test/ruby/test_transcode.rb: added tests for the above
+ (from Yoshihiro Kambayashi)
+Tue Nov 11 13:20:23 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_to_r): moved from
+ bigdecimal/util, converted into C. [ruby-dev:36805]
+Tue Nov 11 07:55:57 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb (inspect): changed the format.
+Mon Nov 10 17:34:50 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * test/sdbm/test_sdbm.rb (TestSDBM#test_index): Reflect the method
+ name change from #index to #key and remove a duplicated test
+ method.
+Mon Nov 10 10:50:43 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb (Delegator.delegating_block): should not refer
+ DelegateClass specific @delegate_dc_obj. a patch from Erik
+ Hollensbe in [ruby-core:19671].
+Mon Nov 10 09:54:21 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (ifs_open_socket): should retry without proto_buffer
+ if cannot find the suitable protocol. a patch from Heesob Park.
+ fixed [ruby-core:19713]
+Sun Nov 9 13:04:52 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_initialize_m): avoid unnecessary array
+ allocation.
+Sun Nov 9 04:10:19 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_dump.c (control_frame_dump): suppresses finished method name.
+Sun Nov 9 00:30:52 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (thread_timer): checks working flags again.
+Sun Nov 9 00:02:01 2008 Takeyuki FUJIOKA <>
+ * lib/cgi/session/pstore.rb: fix indentation.
+Sat Nov 8 23:47:45 2008 Takeyuki FUJIOKA <>
+ * lib/cgi/session.rb (FileStore): use marshalized data.
+ * test/cgi/session_dir: add a session directory in test.
+ * test/cgi/test_cgi_session.rb: add a test.
+Sat Nov 8 21:57:03 2008 Takeyuki FUJIOKA <>
+ * lib/cgi/session.rb: remove debug code.
+Sat Nov 8 21:33:53 2008 Takeyuki FUJIOKA <>
+ * lib/cgi/session.rb: fix indentation.
+Sat Nov 8 18:11:14 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpproxy.rb (WEBrick::HTTPProxyServer#do_CONNECT):
+ use #bytesize instead of #size. a patch submitted from
+ raspberry lemon in [ruby-core:18571].
+ * lib/webrick/httpauth/digestauth.rb, lib/webrick/httpproxy.rb,
+ lib/webrick/httprequest.rb, lib/webrick/httpservlet/cgi_runner.rb,
+ lib/webrick/httpservlet/abstract.rb, lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb,
+ lib/webrick/httpservlet/cgihandler.rb, lib/webrick/utils.rb: ditto.
+Sat Nov 8 17:31:41 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_ungetc): ungetc position should
+ not be changed from 1.8. [ruby-core:19632]
+Sat Nov 8 17:15:08 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser#make_switch): 1.9 Symbols respond
+ to :match. a patch from keith cascio, <keith at>.
+ [ruby-core:19730]
+Sat Nov 8 12:10:15 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/gdbm/gdbm.c (fgdbm_index): make #index warn like Hash.
+ [ruby-dev:37039]
+ * ext/sdbm/init.c (Init_sdbm): typo fixed. [ruby-dev:37039]
+Sat Nov 8 07:07:48 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * detect stdio buffer pointers for uClibc. a patch
+ from Brian Candler <B.Candler at> in [ruby-core:12020].
+ [ruby-core:19713]
+Sat Nov 8 06:51:42 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c (fdbm_index): make #index warn like Hash.
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c (fdbm_key): new method.
+ * ext/sdbm/init.c: ditto.
+Sat Nov 8 06:20:42 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c: curses encoding should obey locale.
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (curses_getch): 1.9 getch should return one
+ character string for single byte string. wchar_t support may
+ follow in the future.
+Sat Nov 8 05:46:50 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/io.h (rb_io_t): added write_lock to serialize.
+ [ruby-core:19668]
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_children): mark write_lock.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_call_finalizer_at_exit): Mutex also needs to be
+ deferred.
+ * io.c (io_fflush, io_binwrite, fptr_finalize): serializes writing.
+Sat Nov 8 05:31:25 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * safe.c (safe_setter): add warning for $SAFE=3.
+Sat Nov 8 01:48:07 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (rb_thread_create_timer_thread): do not wait never
+ coming signal if failed to create timer thread.
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_cond_timedwait): returns error code.
+ * thread_pthread.c (thread_timer): typo fixed.
+Sat Nov 8 01:14:16 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (thread_timer, rb_thread_create_timer_thread):
+ handshakes properly.
+Fri Nov 7 22:51:49 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * inits.c (rb_call_inits): do not repeat.
+Fri Nov 7 22:46:57 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (thread_timer): initializes mutex each time.
+Fri Nov 7 21:23:02 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread_win32.c (thread_start_func_1): use already gotten stack info.
+Fri Nov 7 12:26:00 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/irb.rb (IRB::Irb#eval_input): remove extra @context.prompt_i.
+ [ruby-core:19718]
+Fri Nov 7 11:55:30 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * nkf.c: update to r1.188. fixes for 16bit environment.
+Fri Nov 7 07:43:27 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (thread_timer): pthread_cond_timedwait returns ETIMEDOUT
+ when timed out.
+Fri Nov 7 07:32:55 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/yaml/rubytypes.rb: support Rational and Complex as 1.8
+ does. a patch from Hiroshi Moriyama in [ruby-dev:36899].
+Fri Nov 7 07:12:06 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (thread_timer): uses pthread_cond_timedwait always
+ instead of pthread_kill.
+Fri Nov 7 06:58:59 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (Init_String): remove Symbol#===. [ruby-dev:37026]
+Fri Nov 7 04:02:22 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (thread_timer): uses timedwait on cygwin.
+Fri Nov 7 02:00:12 2008 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/rexml/entity.rb (unnormalized): do not call
+ document.record_entity_expansion if document is nil.
+ see <>.
+ Thanks, Naohisa Goto.
+ * test/rexml/test_document.rb: ditto.
+Fri Nov 7 01:24:20 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/make-snapshot: binary encoding spec is no longer needed in 1.9.
+Thu Nov 6 22:21:23 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_stop_timer_thread): terminates timer thread
+ immediately.
+Thu Nov 6 21:21:46 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (fole_s_connect, fole_initialize,
+ folevariant_initialize): check argument type of WIN32OLE.connect,
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole.rb (test_s_new_exc, test_s_connect_exc):
+ ditto.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_variant.rb (test_s_new_exc): ditto.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_method.rb: add assertion of
+Tue Nov 4 13:08:01 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit.setup_argv): now can specify ``-xname''
+ instead of ``-x name''.
+Tue Nov 4 08:00:00 2008 TAKANO Mitsuhiro (takano32) <>
+ * test/zlib/test_zlib.rb(test_readchar): compare in same type.
+Tue Nov 4 03:28:31 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_join): do not repeat self in a recursive array.
+ [ruby-dev:37019]
+Tue Nov 4 01:56:46 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_mutex_synchronize): fixed prototype.
+ * thread.c (rb_mutex_synchronize): fixed function name.
+Mon Nov 3 16:32:54 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * missing.h: needs RUBY_EXTERN instead of extern for mswin.
+Mon Nov 3 13:01:13 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_take_first_or_last): renamed rb_ary_partial more
+ appropriately.
+ (ary_take_pos_flags): new enum. makes the fourth argument of
+ rb_ary_take_first_or_last more descriptive.
+ (rb_ary_partial): renamed rb_ary_partial0 more appropriately.
+ takes a new parameter klass for what class to instantiate.
+Mon Nov 3 13:00:26 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * range.c (rb_range_beg_len): rb_raise takes C values as arguments.
+ [BUG] ranges turned into other value in a message of RangeError.
+Mon Nov 3 00:36:44 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_event.rb: rename test class.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_variant_outarg.rb: add in order
+ to use ADO instead of Internet Explorer.
+ remove test/win32ole/test_win32ole_variant_with_ie.rb.
+ * test/win32ole/orig_data.csv: ditto.
+Sun Nov 2 23:08:08 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * test/win32ole/test_err_in_callback.rb: add teardown.
+Sun Nov 2 22:12:41 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_event_free): invoke IConnectionPoint::Unadvise
+ before invoking IConnectionPoint::Release.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_event.rb, test/win32ole/err_in_callback.rb,
+ test/win32ole/test_err_in_callback.rb: Use ActiveX Data Object
+ Library instead of InternetExplorer.
+Sun Nov 2 22:06:55 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: add RUNRUBYOPT. [ruby-dev:37009]
+Sun Nov 2 16:41:52 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (Init_zlib): defines readbyte instead redefining
+ readchar.
+Sat Nov 1 07:09:40 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * gem_prelude.rb: Don't require rubygems/defaults.rb.
+Fri Oct 31 21:58:50 2008 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/converter.rb (RSS::Converter): use String#encode.
+Fri Oct 31 21:28:14 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpauth/digestauth.rb
+ (WEBrick::HTTPAuth::DigestAuth#initialize): fix typo.
+Fri Oct 31 18:51:42 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb (test_array_subclass): test for r20076.
+Fri Oct 31 18:42:19 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * array.c (ary_partial0): recovers the mistakenly changed feature at r19723.
+ Array#[m,n] had returned an Array even for an instance of a
+ subclass.
+Fri Oct 31 18:05:05 2008 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/trans/single_byte.trans, maccroatioan-tbl.rb,
+ maccyrillic-tbl.rb, maciceland-tbl.rb: new single-byte
+ transcodings (from Yoshihiro Kambayashi)
+ * test/ruby/test_transcode.rb: added tests for the above
+ (from Yoshihiro Kambayashi)
+Fri Oct 31 12:51:25 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dir.c (dir_globs): need taint check. reported by steve
+ <oksteev at>
+Fri Oct 31 12:42:45 2008 wanabe <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_decrement_share): fix to work recycling
+ shared-array without the following. [ruby-dev:36991]
+ * array.c (ary_make_substitution): don't recycle substitution array.
+Fri Oct 31 12:27:52 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * spec/default.mspec: supports that the build directory != srcdir.
+Fri Oct 31 11:35:38 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_set_default_internal): no alias "internal" if
+ default internal is not set. [ruby-dev:37000]
+Fri Oct 31 08:16:14 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (process_options): delays setting safe level.
+ [ruby-dev:36997]
+Thu Oct 30 21:32:15 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_permutation): hide temporal array.
+Thu Oct 30 14:45:45 2008 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/trans/single_byte.trans: refactoring to make it easier
+ to add more transcodings (with Yoshihiro Kambayashi)
+ * enc/trans/iso-8859-1-tbl.rb: new file to avoid having to
+ treat ISO-8859-1 as special
+Thu Oct 30 14:10:46 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): templates a, A, Z should propagate encoding
+ of original strings. templates b, B, h, H brings ASCII-8BIT to
+ the result.
+Thu Oct 30 10:34:20 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (moreswitches): splits option string and passes arguments.
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): checks if allowed in RUBYOPT.
+ * ruby.c (process_options): allows long style options in RUBYOPT.
+ * ruby.c (load_file_internal): ditto in shebang. [ruby-dev:36979]
+Thu Oct 30 09:31:45 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_locale_encoding): makes an alias for locale.
+ [ruby-dev:36976]
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_set_default_external): ditto for external.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_set_default_internal): ditto for internal.
+Thu Oct 30 03:30:25 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (load_file_internal): should not set script encoding to
+ * ruby.c (load_file_internal): do not auto convert scripts even
+ when default_internal is set. [ruby-core:19579]
+Thu Oct 30 02:20:33 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_sort_bang): remove SEGV when replacing array with
+ embedded one during sort. [ruby-dev:36983]
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb (test_sort!): add tests for above.
+Thu Oct 30 01:44:23 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb: add some tests.
+Thu Oct 30 01:32:15 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_splice): remove redundant check.
+Thu Oct 30 01:24:55 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_cmp): fix condition which always returned true
+ because ENCODING_GET returns unsigned long.
+Thu Oct 30 01:10:32 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb (test_permutation): add a test that replaces
+ array during permutation.
+Wed Oct 29 23:31:34 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_check_dummy_enc): new function to check dummy
+ encoding.
+ * string.c (rb_str_upcase_bang): case conversion functions should
+ not be applicable to strings in dummy encoding. [ruby-dev:36985]
+Wed Oct 29 23:57:29 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_sort_bang): replacing array during sort broke
+ invariant of array. [ruby-dev:36983]
+Wed Oct 29 21:06:46 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_rewind): should reset fptr->readconv if it's
+ available.
+ * io.c (more_char): clear readconv at EOF.
+ * test/ruby/test_file.rb: should not read after EOF. use rewind
+ instead.
+Wed Oct 29 20:45:08 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/webrick/utils.rb (start_server): provide a reference to log of
+ webrick.
+ * test/webrick/test_httpproxy.rb, test/webrick/test_httpauth.rb,
+ test/webrick/test_cgi.rb, test/webrick/test_httpserver.rb,
+ test/webrick/test_server.rb, test/webrick/test_filehandler.rb: use
+ webrick log as an assertion message.
+Wed Oct 29 16:41:17 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): set encoding from packing string and UTF-8 for
+ "U". [ruby-core:19590]
+Wed Oct 29 15:50:00 2008 TAKANO Mitsuhiro (takano32) <>
+ * complex.c (imp1, imp2): should declare type.
+ [BUG] at IA-64
+Wed Oct 29 14:36:50 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (revision.h): have to be updated daily or by non-trivial
+ commits.
+Wed Oct 29 13:18:02 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * README, README.ja: Update the portability section.
+Wed Oct 29 13:02:17 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * (rb_cv_lib_xpg4_needed): Drop legacy FreeBSD
+ support regarding libxpg4. Those old versions of FreeBSD
+ shipped with the library don't have a working pthread library
+ anyway.
+Wed Oct 29 11:50:57 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (dln-a-out): cannot make shared library nor work with
+ ELF. [ruby-core:19571]
+Wed Oct 29 11:00:25 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_open): shouldn't seek here.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_write): write to the end of the file when
+ FAPPEND is specified.
+Wed Oct 29 09:30:04 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (load_file_internal): cache common interned IDs.
+Wed Oct 29 00:43:39 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c: uses macro in declarations.
+Wed Oct 29 00:26:00 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_open): need to seek to the end of the file when
+ O_APPEND is specified.
+Wed Oct 29 00:08:05 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * math.c (rb_math_{atan2,cos,cosh,hypot,log,sin,sinh,sqrt}): added.
+ * complex.c: follows the above change.
+Tue Oct 28 23:29:06 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c (kanji_convert): output unicode chars.
+ [ruby-dev:36957]
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c (numchar_getc): increase buffer size.
+ reported and patched at [ruby-dev:36957] by mame.
+Tue Oct 28 23:03:46 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * test/ruby/test_proc.rb: filled all patterns for testing
+ vm_yield_setup_args.
+Tue Oct 28 23:05:35 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c: continues to support canonicalization *unofficially*
+ for an odd library mathn for the time being (only 1.9.x).
+ since grand mathn must be very very special library for us.
+ * rational.c: ditto.
+ * ext/mathn/*/*: follow the above changes.
+Tue Oct 28 21:31:55 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): check EOF explicitly.
+Tue Oct 28 20:59:12 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (extract_binmode): new function to extract binmode/textmode
+ options from hash.
+ * io.c (rb_io_extract_modeenc): use above function.
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_pipe): recognize binmode/textmode options.
+Tue Oct 28 20:15:49 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (make_readconv): now can specify the size of cbuf.
+ * io.c (read_all, appendline, io_getc, rb_io_ungetc): follow above
+ change.
+Tue Oct 28 19:00:51 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_pipe_exec): internal fds should be always
+ binmode.
+Tue Oct 28 17:21:18 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * tool/make-snapshot.rb: merged from ruby_1_9_1.
+Tue Oct 28 16:56:31 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * gem_prelude.rb: merged from ruby_1_9_1 branch.
+ considers --program-suffix and prefix configure options.
+ * lib/rubygems/defaults.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem.rb (@default_dir_re): ditto.
+Tue Oct 28 16:13:36 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/make-snapshot: use String#bytesize.
+Tue Oct 28 09:51:48 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_thread.rb: ignore some exceptions.
+ [ruby-dev:36951]
+Tue Oct 28 09:19:40 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (RUNRUBY): now ruby requires something from
+ gem_prelude, so need to set library path.
+Mon Oct 27 22:29:11 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_yield_setup_args): supports optional parameters.
+ Fixed [ruby-core:19503].
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_yield_setup_block_args): a new function. extracted
+ from vm_yield_setup_args.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_yield_setup_block_args_complex): ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_proc.rb: added tests for arguments on a Proc from
+ Kernel#proc called.
+Mon Oct 27 20:03:05 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/mathn/complex/complex.c: no need to define rb_cComplex because
+ it's already defined at $(srcdir)/complex.c.
+ * ext/mathn/rational/rational.c: no need to define rb_cRational because
+ it's already defined at $(srcdir)/rational.c.
+Mon Oct 27 15:58:25 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (load_file): preserves $.. [ruby-dev:36937]
+ * io.c (argf_init): initial value of $. should be 0.
+ see [ruby-dev:36937].
+Mon Oct 27 15:38:38 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * test/minitest/test_mini_test.rb
+ (test_assert_raises_triggered_different): the test failed when a
+ file path in the backtrace contains something except [\w\/\.],
+ e.g. hyphen, Japanese characters or backslash.
+ * test/minitest/test_mini_test.rb
+ (test_assert_raises_triggered_subclass): ditto.
+Mon Oct 27 15:32:08 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * test/minitest/test_mini_test.rb: fixed that r19958 made
+ test-all fail when the ruby was built at $(srcdir).
+Mon Oct 27 12:04:58 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb: reverted the changeset 19948 because it
+ concealed unexpected behaviours of ruby.
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb: ditto.
+Mon Oct 27 12:02:53 2008 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf.c (rb_nkf_convert): should specify type of variable.
+Mon Oct 27 11:34:56 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * test/minitest/test_mini_test.rb (test_filter_backtrace):
+ fixed failure on Ruby built at out of $(srcdir).
+ * test/minitest/test_mini_test.rb (test_Filter_backtrace_unit_starts):
+ ditto.
+Mon Oct 27 10:02:47 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (read_all): the 3rd argument maybe Qnil.
+Mon Oct 27 01:29:55 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/nkf/test_nkf.rb: add a test for [ruby-dev:36909].
+Mon Oct 27 01:05:48 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf.c (rb_nkf_convert): avoid GC.
+ reported in [ruby-dev:36909] and patched [ruby-dev:36941] by mame.
+Sun Oct 26 21:28:42 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/json/test_json.rb: remove dependency on permutation gem.
+Sun Oct 26 19:18:36 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (blocking_region_{begin,end}): declared as inline.
+ * util.c (freedtoa): used only when MULTIPLE_THREADS is not defined.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_pipe): serial is DWORD.
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (sGroup): getgrent may not be available.
+Sun Oct 26 18:11:40 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/io/wait/{extconf.rb,wait.c}: needs sys/ioctl.h for fcntl on
+ cygwin.
+Sun Oct 26 18:18:39 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gem_prelude.rb: disables debug and verbose flags to suppress failure
+ messages. interpolation does not occur inside single quotes.
+Sun Oct 26 18:42:21 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (assert_in_out_err): disables builtin rubygems
+ to get rid of the interference.
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (ruby): ditto.
+Sun Oct 26 13:30:28 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (read_all): use the given buffer to read when needs readconv.
+ based on the patch by wanabe <s.wanabe AT> at
+ [ruby-dev:36931].
+Sun Oct 26 07:57:35 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems*: Update to RubyGems 1.3.1 r1909.
+Sun Oct 26 07:35:56 2008 Ryan Davis <>
+ * lib/minitest/unit.rb: Imported minitest 1.3.0 r4429.
+ * test/minitest/*: ditto.
+Sun Oct 26 02:16:29 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * ($MANTYPE): followed ruby.1, which had moved.
+ * instruby.rb (:man): ditto.
+ * mdoc2man.rb: fixed for the case Xr with 2 arguments.
+Sun Oct 26 01:42:45 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * man/irb.1: new manual page.
+Sun Oct 26 00:11:48 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * man/ruby.1: moved into man/. added some descriptions.
+ * man/goruby.1: new file.
+ * instruby.rb (:man): followed ruby.1.
+Sat Oct 25 20:05:22 2008 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c (gc_profile_result): bug fix. The millisecond is 1/1000.
+Sat Oct 25 11:12:40 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * ruby.c (usage): updated the description of -E option.
+Sat Oct 25 09:54:10 2008 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * lib/csv.rb: Fixed a bug in read_to_char() that would slurp
+ whole files if the encoding was invalid. It will now read
+ up to 10 bytes ahead to find a valid character boundary or
+ give up. [ruby-core:19465]
+ * test/csv/test_features.rb, test/csv/test_table.rb, test/csv/test_row.rb:
+ Loosened some tests to check for a compatible? Encoding instead
+ of an exact Encoding. [ruby-core:19470]
+Sat Oct 25 07:42:49 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc*: Update to RDoc 2.2.2 r192.
+Sat Oct 25 04:00:31 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/us_ascii.c (us_ascii_mbc_enc_len): made static. a patch by
+ Tadashi Saito <shiba AT> at [ruby-dev:36916]
+ * signal.c (signal_buff): made static. a patch by Tadashi Saito
+ <shiba AT> at [ruby-dev:36915]
+ * util.c (freedtoa): made static to get rid of name clash. a patch by
+ Tadashi Saito <shiba AT> at [ruby-dev:36913]
+ * util.c (ruby_dtoa): added prefix, ditto.
+Sat Oct 25 03:43:25 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (lambda): need to adjust lpar_beg for both of the parser and
+ ripper.
+Sat Oct 25 01:29:34 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/mathn/rational/rational.c: undef duplicated macro definition
+ first to shut up the warning.
+ * ext/mathn/rational/rational.c (rb_rational_new_mathn): specify
+ omitted return value.
+Sat Oct 25 00:14:41 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_sample): fixed sizes and randomness.
+Fri Oct 24 23:04:42 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * (sitedir): considers --program-prefix and
+ --program-suffix.
+ (vendordir): ditto.
+ (rubyhdrdir): ditto.
+ * mkconfig.rb (CONFIG["rubylibdir"]): ditto.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: ditto.
+ * instruby.rb (:rdoc): ditto.
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/paths.rb (RDoc::RI::Paths): ditto.
+Fri Oct 24 22:59:27 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb (test_sample): add tests for size of
+ returned array and randomness.
+Fri Oct 24 21:50:21 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * id.h, template/id.h.tmpl (enum ruby_method_ids): reordered.
+Fri Oct 24 21:19:45 2008 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * ext/mathn/rational.c: change several global functions.
+Fri Oct 24 21:05:38 2008 Takeyuki FUJIOKA <>
+ * lib/cgi/html.rb: allow symbolized key.
+ * test/cgi/test_cgi_tag_helper.rb: add a test.
+Fri Oct 24 20:54:53 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (exts): renamed to get rid of the existent directory.
+Fri Oct 24 20:45:41 2008 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * ext/mathn/rational.c: change several global functions to static
+ function.
+Fri Oct 24 19:57:19 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_dump): should have removed commented out
+ unnecessary code. [ruby-cvs:27131]
+Fri Oct 24 19:16:36 2008 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * id.h (enum ruby_method_ids): ISO C forbids comma at end of
+ enumerator list.
+Fri Oct 24 18:29:00 2008 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/mathn.rb: moved into ext/mathn/rational/rational.c and
+ ext/mathn/complex/complex.c.
+ * ext/mathn: new mathn ext-libraries.
+Fri Oct 24 18:21:31 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb (TestArray#test_join): should restore
+ global variable after the test. [ruby-dev:36896]
+ * test/ruby/test_hash.rb (TestHash#test_to_s): ditto.
+Fri Oct 24 17:43:26 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (lambda): need to adjust lpar_beg for ripper as well.
+ [ruby-dev:36702]
+Fri Oct 24 16:13:12 2008 Takeyuki FUJIOKA <>
+ * lib/cgi/core.rb (read_multipart): change field value as String
+ from StringIO or Tempfile when multipart parse except file field.
+ add files method that can get uploaded files. [ruby-dev:36547]
+ * test/cgi/test_cgi_multipart.rb: fix the test for core.rb.
+Fri Oct 24 14:22:48 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (ext): split out the target for extension library.
+ * (encs): depends on enc and trans.
+Fri Oct 24 10:23:24 2008 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/ruby/test_signal.rb (TestSignal#test_exit_action): Thread
+ may terminate before sysread. [ruby-dev:36835]
+Thu Oct 23 22:06:23 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * distruby.rb: removed. "make dist" uses tool/make-snapshot for the 1.9
+ series. distruby.rb has been no longer used.
+Thu Oct 23 17:30:29 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (rb_class_instance_methods): rdoc fixed. [ruby-core:19458]
+Thu Oct 23 16:19:33 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/irb/init.rb (IRB.load_modules): catch LoadError explicitly.
+ a patch from Daniel Berger <Daniel.Berger at> in
+ [ruby-core:19451]. fix [ruby-core:19450]
+Thu Oct 23 16:16:17 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_getservbyport): check if the port range.
+ [ruby-core:19460]
+Thu Oct 23 14:08:07 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_getservbyname): unuse unnecessary
+ object.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_getservbyport): the port should be
+ converted before the proto so that the #to_int of the former cannot
+ alter the latter.
+Thu Oct 23 10:55:08 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_dump): use \u{ff} escape for UTF-8 encoding
+ string.
+Thu Oct 23 09:26:22 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_getservbyport): cast to get rid of
+ warning.
+Thu Oct 23 08:06:03 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_getservbyport): port should be
+ network byte order. a patch from Dave Thomas in [ruby-core:19454].
+Thu Oct 23 01:26:25 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_conv_enc_opts): new function to convert with
+ specifying ecflags and ecopts.
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (gzfile_newstr): specify ecflags and ecopts for
+ conversion using above function.
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (gzfile_newstr): use own rb_econv_t for dummy
+ encoding to handling stateful encoding (e.g. iso-2022-jp).
+ [ruby-dev:36857]
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (gzfile_getc): ditto.
+Thu Oct 23 01:24:49 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_tmpsrc): get rid of side effects.
+Thu Oct 23 00:10:01 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * cont.c: separate data structure between rb_fiber_t and
+ rb_context_t (rb_fiber_t includes rb_context_t).
+ rb_fiber_t has double linked list of fibers in same threads.
+Wed Oct 22 17:25:17 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (pipe_open): remove unnecessary flush before fork.
+ a patch from Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <zn at>
+ in [ruby-dev:36840].
+Wed Oct 22 16:27:57 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_yield_setup_args): should not drop arguments
+ corresponding to default parameters.
+Wed Oct 22 14:59:30 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (f_larglist): should not allow semicolon separated local
+ variable declarations if formal argument list is not surrounded
+ by parentheses, mostly because semicolon outside of parentheses
+ appears to terminate the expression.
+Wed Oct 22 14:52:17 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_external_str_new_with_enc): no implicit strlen call.
+ [ruby-dev:36854]
+ * string.c (rb_external_str_new_cstr): new function to create
+ string from external NUL terminated C string.
+ * string.c (rb_locale_str_new_cstr): ditto.
+ * ext/readline/readline.c: now use rb_locale_str_new_cstr().
+ * test/sdbm/test_sdbm.rb (TestSDBM#test_delete_with_block):
+ deleted key to the block may be a copy of specified key.
+ * test/dbm/test_dbm.rb (TestDBM#test_delete_with_block): ditto.
+Wed Oct 22 13:16:47 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (unescape_escaped_nonascii): back out the last change on
+ the function. [ruby-dev:36818]
+Wed Oct 22 07:09:19 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (rb_gzreader_ungetc): should be able to unget
+ Fixnum.
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_ungetc): should convert unget
+ string.
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_ungetbyte): new method.
+Wed Oct 22 05:46:25 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/vm.h: write a comment.
+ * remove vm.h from any rules.
+ vm.h is not needed on this version.
+ * vm_core.h: ditto.
+Wed Oct 22 05:39:39 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * parse.y (arg_concat_gen): concat target node should be NODE_ARRAY.
+ [ruby-core:19413]
+ * bootstraptest/test_method.rb: add tests.
+Wed Oct 22 00:29:13 2008 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * test/rinda/test_rinda.rb (test_core_03_notify): Fixed test failures
+ [ruby-dev:36837].
+Wed Oct 22 00:22:06 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_external_str_new_with_enc): wrong condition to
+ calculate strlen().
+ * ext/readline/readline.c: add encoding support.
+Tue Oct 21 23:12:24 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_write): should convert writing
+ string to the encoding of the buffer.
+ * hash.c (rb_any_hash): typo fixed.
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (rb_gzwriter_write): oops, IO string conversion
+ need to be done by to_s.
+Tue Oct 21 22:38:58 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (open_key_args): should adjust argc, argv in struct
+ foreach_arg.
+Tue Oct 21 21:52:00 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (rb_gzwriter_write): conversion should be done
+ using to_str, not to_s.
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (rb_gzwriter_write): need proper conversion
+ according to gz encoding.
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (rb_gzreader_ungetc): convert string encoding
+ before unget.
+Tue Oct 21 21:33:36 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (assert_nothing_raised): raise with backtrace.
+Tue Oct 21 20:12:19 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (assert_nothing_raised): set backtrace.
+Tue Oct 21 18:17:42 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c: remove obsolete prototype macros.
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (struct gzfile): add encoding field to gzfile
+ structure.
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (rb_gzreader_getc): now works on characters.
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (rb_gzreader_getbyte): new method to retrieve
+ single byte.
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (rb_gzreader_readbyte): ditto.
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (rb_gzreader_each_byte): renamed from each_char
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (rb_gzreader_ungetc): allow unget strings.
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (rb_gzreader_ungetbyte): renamed from ungetc.
+Tue Oct 21 13:28:42 2008 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * io.c, include/ruby/intern.h (rb_io_ascii8bit_binmode): externed.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (init_sock): use rb_io_ascii8bit_binmode()
+ instead of rb_io_binmode().
+Tue Oct 21 13:17:39 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * mdoc2man.rb: moved into tools/.
+ * instruby.rb: followed the change of mdoc2man.
+Tue Oct 21 11:34:04 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (strip_glibc_option, map_charset): check if
+ encoding is a string. based on the patch by Hiroshi Moriyama at
+ [ruby-dev:36811].
+ * test/iconv/test_basic.rb (test_invalid_arguments): added tests.
+Tue Oct 21 10:40:37 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_file_open_internal): should initialize fmode before using.
+Tue Oct 21 08:56:37 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * regparse.c (parse_char_class): CCV_SB is only for single
+ byte. [ruby-dev:36786]
+Tue Oct 21 01:49:55 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_extract_modeenc): plain rb/wb should set ASCII-8BIT
+ to the external_encoding.
+ * io.c (rb_file_open_internal): ditto.
+ * io.c (NEED_WRITECONV): no conversion when the external_encoding
+ is ASCII-8BIT.
+ * io.c (do_writeconv): skip ASCII-8BIT.
+Tue Oct 21 00:51:59 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_ascii8bit_binmode): renamed from rb_io_binmode.
+ (rb_io_binmode): don't change encoding conversion.
+ (rb_io_binmode_m): call rb_io_ascii8bit_binmode.
+Mon Oct 20 21:19:00 2008 Takeyuki FUJIOKA <>
+ * lib/cgi/core.rb (read_multipart): file's encoding is ascii-8bit
+ from file field of multipart form.
+Mon Oct 20 20:16:25 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (Init_zlib): add getbyte as an alias to getc.
+ [ruby-dev:36801]
+Mon Oct 20 17:31:17 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * error.c (exc_equal): should not compare recursively.
+ [ruby-dev:36796]
+Mon Oct 20 16:48:43 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (ExportStringValue): new macro to convert
+ string in internal encoding to external to export.
+ * string.c (rb_str_export): new function to do conversion to
+ external encoding.
+ * ext/sdbm/init.c: encoding conversion support.
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c: ditto.
+Mon Oct 20 15:42:02 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_locale_str_new): new function to convert string
+ from locale to internal encoding.
+Mon Oct 20 09:47:13 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/runner.rb: search srcdir/test/arg at first to find test/ruby
+ directory when "ruby" is specified.
+Mon Oct 20 08:20:01 2008 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: support Encoding.default_internal.
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/extconf.rb: improve the strategy for searching Tcl/Tk headers.
+Mon Oct 20 00:57:04 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit.setup_argv): call given block for
+ filtering files.
+ * test/runner.rb: search srcdir/test/arg, srcdir/arg.
+ * bin/testrb: show usage if no files given.
+Sun Oct 19 21:19:16 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (srcs): removed ID_H_TARGET.
+ * tool/generic_erb.rb: always overwrites if no if-change option.
+ sends the result to stdout if no output option.
+ * template/id.h.tmpl: shows which token differs.
+Sun Oct 19 18:15:15 2008 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/trans/single_byte.trans: adding WINDOWS-wwww encodings
+ (wwww = 874/1250/1251/1253/1254/1255/1256/1257)
+ (contributed by Yoshihiro Kambayashi)
+ * enc/trans/windows-wwww-tbl.rb: 8 new files
+ (contributed by Yoshihiro Kambayashi)
+ * test/ruby/test_transcode.rb: added test_windows_wwww
+ (contributed by Yoshihiro Kambayashi)
+Sun Oct 19 07:37:13 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/cmath.rb (log2,cbrt,frexp,ldexp,hypot,erf,erfc,gamma,lgamma):
+ should be also provided as module function. [ruby-dev:36787]
+Sun Oct 19 07:25:08 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * keywords, lex.c.src, opt_insn_unif.def, opt_operand.def: moved rarely changed
+ input files for code generators into defs/ directory.
+ * (lex.c): followed keywords and lex.c.src.
+ * (parser.o): followed keywords.
+ (INSNS): followed opt_*.def
+ * tools/instruction.rb: followed opt_*.def.
+Sun Oct 19 12:28:01 2008 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * test/csv/*: Renamed tc_* files to test_* to fit in within Ruby's
+ testing process.
+Sun Oct 19 00:15:03 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (assert_nothing_thrown): don't intern.
+Sat Oct 18 14:40:32 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (num_sadded): remove newly defined singleton method
+ that should not exist after exception handling. [ruby-dev:36569]
+Sat Oct 18 14:27:49 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (opt_block_arg): allow trailing comma after usual
+ arguments. not after block argument.
+Sat Oct 18 13:30:53 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_external_str_new): a new function to convert from
+ external encoding to internal encoding. if something went
+ wrong, it returns a string with the external encoding.
+ * string.c (rb_external_str_new_with_enc): same as above besides
+ you can specify the source encoding.
+ * ruby.c (ruby_set_argv): use rb_external_str_new()
+ * ruby.c (set_arg0, ruby_script): ditto.
+Sat Oct 18 04:08:18 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb (Tempfile#initialize): now takes
+ keyword arguments to open(). [ruby-dev:36756]
+Sat Oct 18 17:10:10 2008 Martin Duerst <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: added set_valid_byte_pattern
+ to reduce coupling between table generation script and
+ specific encodings.
+ * enc/trans/single_byte.trans: using set_valid_byte_pattern
+Sat Oct 18 16:39:39 2008 Martin Duerst <>
+ * transcode.c: in transcode_search_path, eliminated a warning
+ on cygwin about pathlen potentially not being initialized
+Sat Oct 18 13:40:27 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (assert_nothing_thrown): implemented.
+Sat Oct 18 01:33:22 2008 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * use added options for generic_erb.rb.
+Sat Oct 18 00:47:51 2008 wanabe <>
+ * array.c: don't recycle shared-array while sort!.
+Fri Oct 17 22:04:38 2008 wanabe <>
+ * array.c: recycle shared-array when it isn't referenced.
+Fri Oct 17 20:29:26 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_initialize_m): specify ARG_ENCODING_NONE instead of
+ ARG_ENCODING_FIXED for"", nil, "n"). [ruby-dev:36761]
+ * test/ruby/test_regexp.rb (TestRegexp#test_initialize): test
+ updated.
+Fri Oct 17 19:46:20 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/ifchange, win32/ifchange.bat: --timestamp option added.
+ * tool/generic_erb.rb: --timestamp, --output and --if-change options
+ added.
+Fri Oct 17 18:33:12 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * array.c (ary_resize_capa): renamed RESIZE_CAPA.
+Fri Oct 17 18:16:51 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb (TestBigDecimal#test_sqrt_bigdecimal):
+ test updated. a patch from TAKANO Mitsuhiro <takano32 at> in
+ [ruby-dev:36736].
+Fri Oct 17 18:14:57 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ( ignores failures at loading.
+ * test/rubygems/gemutilities.rb (RubyGemTestCase#build_rake_in):
+ get rid of interference with other tests.
+Fri Oct 17 18:06:39 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * transcode.c (str_transcode0): String#encode without argument now
+ behave as if :undef => :replace, :invalid => :replace specified.
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_prepare_opts): should preserve options in
+ any case.
+Fri Oct 17 11:48:18 2008 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (init_sock): sockets should be binmode.
+ * test/socket/test_tcp.rb (test_encoding): ditto.
+Fri Oct 17 10:26:13 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * tool/insns2vm.rb: remove -Kn option in shebang line because it's
+ inconsistent with -Ks commandline option in
+Fri Oct 17 01:26:09 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (transcode_restartable0): in_pos and out_pos never be
+ NULL, now.
+Fri Oct 17 00:39:19 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: sort the order of executing tests.
+Fri Oct 17 00:24:15 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_binmode): reset encoding conversion.
+Fri Oct 17 00:16:08 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * io.c (rb_getc, rb_io_fread, rb_io_fwrite, rb_read_pending):
+ remove deprecated functions which do not work. [ruby-dev:36697]
+Thu Oct 16 23:48:34 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * (TESTS): removed to re-enable test for minitest.
+Thu Oct 16 23:37:11 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_set_sequence): fix memory leak.
+Thu Oct 16 23:27:27 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (assert_equal): avoid incompatible character
+ encodings error.
+Thu Oct 16 23:23:27 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (assert_equal): failure message changed.
+Thu Oct 16 22:52:54 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/test/unit: removed test/unit.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: new compatibility layer using minitest.
+ * bin/testrb: use above.
+ * test/runner.rb: ditto.
+Thu Oct 16 14:34:16 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, enc/depend (enc, trans): targets for sources.
+Thu Oct 16 14:30:30 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * instruby.rb (lib): installs all files other than README etc.
+Thu Oct 16 09:48:03 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_initialize_m): changed the message to clarify the
+ third option argument is now ignored. [ruby-dev:36753]
+Thu Oct 16 08:14:39 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): no warning when default_external already
+ set by -E.
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb (TestRubyOptions#test_rubyopt):
+ put -K after -E to set script encoding.
+Thu Oct 16 06:20:36 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_transcode.rb (TestTranscode#test_errors):
+ String#encode now works without any argument. [ruby-dev:36740]
+Wed Oct 15 23:48:22 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * .gdbinit (rp): REGEXP handling fixed.
+ * string.c (rb_str_rindex_m): need not to call rb_enc_check on
+ regexp.
+ * re.c (unescape_escaped_nonascii): try ASCII-8BIT encoding for
+ broken strings.
+Wed Oct 15 23:11:10 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb (DelegateClass): restored 1.8 behavior for
+ DelegateClass as well. [ruby-dev:36739]
+Wed Oct 15 22:19:14 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * array.c (RESIZE_CAPA): check whether len is longer than capacity.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_compact_bang): resize ary before changing capacity.
+ fixed [ruby-dev:36704]
+Wed Oct 15 16:57:30 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * version.h (RUBY_DESCRIPTION): remove unnecessary space.
+Tue Oct 14 23:18:15 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb (Delegator): simplified and restored 1.8
+ behavior. [ruby-dev:35986]
+Tue Oct 14 21:50:40 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (TESTS): skips minitest by default, since it interferes
+ with test/unit.
+Tue Oct 14 21:36:29 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (load_conv_function51932): check
+ having IMultiLanguage2 or IMultiLanguage. [ruby-dev:36716]
+ * ext/win32ole/extconf.rb: ditto.
+Tue Oct 14 20:45:29 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (Init_IO): $FILENAME and $* must be read-only. [ruby-dev:36698]
+ * variable.c (*_getter, *_setter, *_marker): made public.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_gvar_*_{getter,setter,marker}): declared.
+Tue Oct 14 20:32:09 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enc/trans/single_byte.trans (transcode_tblgen_singlebyte): renamed
+ from transcode_tblgen_windows.
+ (transcode_tblgen_iso8859): use transcode_tblgen_singlebyte.
+Tue Oct 14 19:32:14 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (process_options): -U should be allowed in RUBYOPT
+ environment variable. [ruby-dev:36720]
+Tue Oct 14 14:11:17 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): -U can be followed by other options.
+Tue Oct 14 13:30:30 2008 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/trans/single_byte.trans: added windows-1252
+ * enc/trans/windows-1252-tbl.rb: new file
+ (contributed by Yoshihiro Kambayashi)
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: listed windows-1252 as '1byte'
+ * test/ruby/test_transcode.rb: added test_windows_1252
+ (contributed by Yoshihiro Kambayashi)
+Tue Oct 14 12:22:32 2008 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/ruby/test_variable.rb (TestVariable#test_variable): add
+ a test of [ruby-dev:36698].
+Tue Oct 14 11:14:29 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * transcode.c (str_transcode0): should not raise error when
+ default_internal is not set. [ruby-core:19309]
+Tue Oct 14 11:14:26 2008 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: check for invalid APOP timestamp. (CVE-2007-1558)
+ [ruby-dev:36631]
+ * test/net/pop/test_pop.rb: ditto.
+Tue Oct 14 09:39:32 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (set_internal_encoding_once): check double contradicted
+ specification of the encoding from command line.
+ * ruby.c (set_external_encoding_once): ditto.
+Tue Oct 14 08:28:31 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): allow reserved word to be keyword argument.
+Mon Oct 13 19:07:52 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * parse.y (token_info_pop): show source filename. [ruby-dev:36710]
+Mon Oct 13 08:59:08 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (load_conv_function51932): support
+ CP51932 on cygwin and mingw32. thanks to arton.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole.rb (test_cp51932): ditto.
+Mon Oct 13 07:54:00 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): add -U command line option to specify
+ utf-8 as default_internal.
+Mon Oct 13 07:42:57 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * transcode.c (str_transcode0): String#encode() with no encoding
+ specified transcode the string into Encoding.default_internal.
+ inspired by [ruby-core:19298].
+Sun Oct 12 18:00:18 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (set_ole_codepage, ole_cp2encoding,
+ ole_wc2mb, ole_vstr2wc, ole_mb2wc): support CP51932 (only mswin32).
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole.rb: ditto.
+Sun Oct 12 12:03:38 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c, vm_insnhelper.h (ruby_vm_redefined_flag): apply optimization
+ patch proposed by Paul Brannan. [ruby-core:19171]
+Sun Oct 12 09:46:36 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * strftime.c (rb_strftime): suppressed warnings on cygwin.
+Sat Oct 11 19:49:35 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_prepare): use utf-8 encoding directly.
+Sat Oct 11 10:20:17 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (CLEANINGS): uses escaped form tabs to preventing the
+ confusion. [ruby-talk:317345]
+Sat Oct 11 08:51:13 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rake.rb (Rake::Application#standard_exception_handling): removed
+ unnecessary SystemExit, and exits with false instead of system
+ dependent value. [ruby-talk:317330]
+Sat Oct 11 03:54:05 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * parse.y: optimize 'for' statement when one variable given.
+ * benchmark/bm_loop_for.rb: added.
+ * benchmark/bm_loop_times.rb: modified.
+Sat Oct 11 12:09:05 2008 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * lib/csv/csv.rb: Added support for Encoding::default_internal.
+ * lib/csv/csv.rb: Switched to new Hash syntax.
+Fri Oct 10 22:16:55 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (comment_at_top): needed for ripper too.
+Fri Oct 10 22:07:05 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby.h: updated macros for headers. [ruby-core:19275]
+Fri Oct 10 19:21:50 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (magic_comment_encoding): warns when ignored.
+ * parse.y (parser_magic_comment): replaces '-' with '_'.
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): allows magic comments indented and the
+ second line or later.
+Fri Oct 10 17:26:50 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/json/ext/parser/parser.c (JSON_parse_string):
+ associate encoding.
+Fri Oct 10 10:18:21 2008 Ryan Davis <>
+ * lib/test/*: reverted back to test/unit.
+ * test/test/*: ditto
+ * lib/minitest/*: Imported minitest 1.3.0 r4333.
+Fri Oct 10 03:41:31 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): check if codepoint for %c is valid.
+ [ruby-dev:36691]
+Fri Oct 10 01:55:48 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (enc_names): minor improvement.
+Fri Oct 10 00:21:39 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (ParseError.filter_backtrace): removes internal
+ backtrace.
+Fri Oct 10 00:11:16 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_add_converter): remove unnecessary NULL check.
+Thu Oct 9 23:53:23 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-style.el (ruby-style-c-mode): buffer may not have file
+ name.
+Thu Oct 9 23:30:47 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * process.c (run_exec_dup2): fix resource leak.
+Thu Oct 9 23:19:02 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * process.c (rb_run_exec_options): fix resource leak.
+Thu Oct 9 22:13:58 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb (test_remove_class_variable): add a test
+ for Class#remove_class_variable.
+ * test/ruby/test_object.rb (test_remove_instance_variable): add a test
+ for Object#remove_instance_variable.
+Thu Oct 9 22:04:38 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * variable.c (rb_mod_remove_cvar): fix r19711.
+Thu Oct 9 21:17:50 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/syck/syck.c (syck_lookup_sym): remove reading uninitialized
+ variable.
+Thu Oct 9 16:34:15 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/json/ext/generator/extconf.rb: fix target.
+ * ext/json/ext/parser/extconf.rb: ditto.
+Thu Oct 9 14:37:59 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: embeds the elements of an array into its
+ struct RArray for # of elements <= 3.
+ * array.c: ditto.
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_children): following the change of struct RArray.
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c (ip_ruby_cmp): ditto.
+ * parse.y (coverage): ditto.
+ * proc.c (curry): ditto.
+ * .gdbinit: ditto.
+Thu Oct 9 11:29:33 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (Init_Encoding): new instance method Encoding#names,
+ returns its name and alias names.
+ * encoding.c (enc_names): defined for Encoding#names.
+ * encoding.c (enc_names_i): defined for enc_names.
+Thu Oct 9 08:47:38 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_wait_fd_rw): should not block by select if
+ there's only one thread living. fixed [ruby-dev:36646].
+Wed Oct 8 20:59:52 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_init_cp): initialize WIN32OLE.codepage
+ according to Encoding.default_internal and
+ Encoding.default_external.
+Wed Oct 8 17:02:21 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/json/lib/json/pure/generator.rb (utf8_to_json):
+ process each unpacked Unicode character.
+Wed Oct 8 15:00:22 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/json/lib/json/pure/parser.rb
+ (JSON::Pure::Parser#parse_string): force_encoding("UTF-8").
+Wed Oct 8 11:56:15 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb: assert_nothing_thrown,
+ assert_raise, assert_not_equal, assert_no_match, assert_not_nil,
+ assert_not_same are coming back as alias.
+Wed Oct 8 11:18:12 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c (autoload_delete, autoload_file): should not delete
+ autoload table, since it may be shared with duplicated modules.
+ [ruby-core:19181]
+Wed Oct 8 02:38:28 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_default_internal_encoding): merged a patch from
+ Michael Selig <michael.selig at> in [ruby-core:18985].
+ * io.c (rb_io_ext_int_to_encs): ditto.
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): support default internal encoding in -E
+ option.
+Wed Oct 8 00:03:39 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb (today,now): should produce own instances.
+ [ruby-talk:317020]
+Tue Oct 7 16:43:51 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/json/lib/json/pure/generator.rb (utf8_to_json):
+ force_encoding before gsub.
+Tue Oct 7 16:35:41 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/json/lib/json/pure/generator.rb (utf8_to_json):
+ downcase the result of Unicode escape.
+Mon Oct 6 16:44:52 2008 Takeyuki FUJIOKA <>
+ * lib/cgi/core.rb (CGI::QueryExtension::initialize_query): fix the
+ condition.
+ * test/cgi/test_cgi_core.rb: bug fix encoding.
+ thanks to TAKANO Mitsuhiro <takano32 at> .
+ * test/cgi/test_cgi_multipart.rb: temporary comment in.
+Mon Oct 6 15:22:08 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_children): ignores T_ZOMBIE.
+Mon Oct 6 12:45:20 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb (TestModule#_wrap_assertion): add
+ definition. is this really needed?
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb (TestModule#test_mod_constants): should
+ not depend on global Module constants.
+Mon Oct 6 12:38:36 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb (Test::Assertions#assert_nothing_raised):
+ should take optional message argument.
+Mon Oct 6 12:18:23 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_comparable): string comparison should be
+ transitive. [ruby-dev:36484]
+ * test/ruby/test_m17n_comb.rb (TestM17NComb#test_str_eq): test
+ updated.
+Mon Oct 6 09:00:58 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb (test_sqrt_bigdecimal): test
+ updated. a patch from TAKANO Mitsuhiro <takano32 at>
+ in [ruby-dev:36669].
+Sun Oct 5 23:34:28 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb ($config_h): now always defines for old libraries.
+Sun Oct 5 23:06:55 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_mod_modfunc): method undefined in included module
+ may not have nd_body. [ruby-core:18738]
+Sun Oct 5 21:28:58 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/rational.rb: resolved conflicts of aliases.
+ * lib/mathn.rb: avoided some warnings.
+Sun Oct 5 18:51:50 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb: remove debug code introduced by previous change.
+Sun Oct 5 17:49:35 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb (OpenURI.open_uri): set encoding to strio.
+Sun Oct 5 17:39:21 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_set_encoding): defined for
+ StringIO#set_encoding.
+Sun Oct 5 11:24:42 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * eval.c: come back definition of environ.
+Sun Oct 5 09:19:49 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/utf8tbl.c: update table.
+Sat Oct 4 22:50:14 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * dln.c: Ruby no longer supports VMS.
+ * error.c: ditto.
+ * eval.c: ditto.
+ * eval_intern.h: ditto.
+ * include/ruby/defines.h: ditto.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: ditto.
+ * io.c: ditto.
+ * process.c: ditto.
+ * ruby.c: ditto.
+ * vms/config.h: removed.
+ * vms/vms.h: ditto.
+ * vms/vmsruby_private.c: ditto.
+ * vms/vmsruby_private.h: ditto.
+Sat Oct 4 22:44:23 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * dln.c: Ruby no longer supports Windows CE.
+ * eval.c: ditto.
+ * include/ruby/defines.h: ditto.
+ * include/ruby/win32.h: ditto.
+ * ruby.c: ditto.
+ * strftime.c: ditto.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: ditto.
+ * win32/win32.c: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/extconf.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: ditto.
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb: ditto.
+ * wince/*: removed.
+Sat Oct 4 22:35:06 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * dln.c: Ruby no longer supports MacOS 9 or before.
+ * eval.c: ditto.
+ * eval_intern.h: ditto.
+ * ext/extmk.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/treectrl/demo.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/stubs.c: ditto.
+ * file.c: ditto.
+ * hash.c: ditto.
+ * include/ruby/defines.h: ditto.
+ * ruby.c: ditto.
+ * signal.c: ditto.
+ * vm_core.h: ditto.
+Sat Oct 4 22:30:28 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * dln.c: Ruby no longer supports MS-DOS.
+ * ext/sdbm/_sdbm.c: ditto.
+ * ext/sdbm/sdbm.h: ditto.
+ * gc.c: ditto.
+ * hash.c: ditto.
+ * include/ruby/defines.h: ditto.
+ * include/ruby/util.h: ditto.
+ * io.c: ditto.
+ * process.c: ditto.
+ * ruby.c: ditto.
+ * strftime.c: ditto.
+ * util.c: ditto.
+Sat Oct 4 22:14:15 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * djgpp/ removed. Ruby no longer supports djgpp.
+ * djgpp/README.djgpp: ditto.
+ * djgpp/config.hin: ditto.
+ * djgpp/config.sed: ditto.
+ * djgpp/configure.bat: ditto.
+ * djgpp/mkver.sed: ditto.
+ * ext/ ditto.
+ * dln.c: removed djgpp supports.
+ * file.c: ditto.
+ * gc.c: ditto.
+ * io.c: ditto.
+ * process.c: ditto.
+ * ruby.c: ditto.
+ * signal.c: ditto.
+ * util.c: ditto.
+ * vm_core.h: ditto.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: ditto.
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_env.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_path.rb: ditto.
+Sat Oct 4 21:59:39 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * x68/_dtos18.c: removed. Ruby no longer supports human68k.
+ * x68/_round.c: ditto.
+ * x68/fconvert.c: ditto.
+ * x68/select.c: ditto.
+ * ext/Setup.x68: ditto.
+ * missing/x68.c: ditto.
+ * dln.c (dln_find_exe_r): removed human68k supports.
+ (dln_find_1): ditto.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/extmk.rb (Init_ext): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (init_sock): ditto.
+ * gc.c (GC_MALLOC_LIMIT): ditto.
+ (rb_setjmp, rb_jmpbuf): ditto.
+ (mark_current_machine_context): ditto.
+ * include/ruby/defines.h (PATH_ENV): ditto.
+ * io.c: ditto.
+ * process.c: ditto.
+ * ruby.c: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_env.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_path.rb: ditto.
+Sat Oct 4 19:02:36 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date/format.rb: no need to require the "lib/rational.rb".
+Sat Oct 4 19:02:59 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf.c (rb_nkf_enc_get): don't replicate encoding.
+ [ruby-dev:36575]
+Sat Oct 4 18:47:22 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_external_encoding): defined.
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_internal_encoding): defined.
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (Init_stringio): define above.
+Sat Oct 4 15:52:17 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * test/mini/test_mini_test.rb: recovered.
+ It had been temporarily removed at r19645.
+ * test/mini/test_mini_mock.rb: ditto.
+ * test/mini/test_mini_spec.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/test/**/*: replaced by miniunit.
+ miniunit had been temporarily reverted at r19643 but
+ now recovered.
+Sat Oct 4 15:33:26 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * (gdb-ruby): new target. it runs ruby under controlled by
+ gdb.
+ * (dist): accepts RELNAME variable as the second argument of
+ make-snapshot.rb.
+Sat Oct 4 12:17:46 2008 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb/irb/ext/save-history.rb: change load_history using File.expand_path. see [ruby-dev:36660]. Thanks Kouhei Sutou.
+ * lib/irb/irb/context.rb: convert string Symbol of instance variable names in IRB:Context#inspect.
+Fri Oct 3 22:43:04 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * ext/dl/extconf.rb ($distcleanfiles): added callback-?.c into
+ the distclean list.
+Fri Oct 3 19:33:21 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/json/lib/json/pure.rb (module JSON): remove Iconv dependency.
+ * ext/json/lib/json/pure/generator.rb (utf8_to_json): process as
+ binary and remove Iconv dependency.
+ * ext/json/lib/json/pure/parser.rb (parse_string): ditto.
+Fri Oct 3 14:04:05 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/{configure.bat,setup.mak,Makefile.sub): add --program-prefix
+ configure option support.
+Thu Oct 2 21:22:43 2008 Takeyuki FUJIOKA <>
+ * lib/cgi/core.rb (CGI::QueryExtension): delete MorphingBody
+ and replace like as 1.8's in multipart reading.
+ see [ruby-dev:36443],
+ reference from CGIAlt
+ * test/cgi/test_cgi_multipart.rb : fixed multipart test.
+Thu Oct 2 20:46:17 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_sub_bang): fix coderange.
+Wed Oct 1 22:54:09 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/rexml/parsers/lightparser.rb, lib/debug.rb: remove unused when
+ clauses.
+Wed Oct 1 22:43:59 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc, lib/rexml, test/ruby/test_array.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_unicode_escape.rb, test/scanf/test_scanf.rb,
+ test/rss/rss-assertions.rb: fix indentation to remove warning.
+Wed Oct 1 21:36:35 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_call_finalizer_at_exit): finalize deferred IO and Data.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_call_finalizer_at_exit): defers IO finalization.
+ [ruby-dev:36646]
+Wed Oct 1 19:11:48 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (marshal_dump): fixed for check_dump_arg.
+ * marshal.c (marshal_dump): initializes dump_arg before any funcall.
+ [ruby-dev:36648]
+Wed Oct 1 00:54:32 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_split_m): should use rb_str_subseq() which use
+ offset and length by bytes. [ruby-dev:36641]
+Wed Oct 1 00:29:48 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb (test_call, test_class): line number
+ was changed at r19592.
+Wed Oct 1 00:20:38 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (check_exec_redirect): don't depend on rb_stdout and
+ rb_stderr.
+Tue Sep 30 23:06:58 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * test/mini/test_mini_test.rb: removed.
+ Temporarily removed the tests for miniunit because of
+ they depend on the miniunit version of test/unit,
+ where test/unit was temporarily reverted to the state
+ before importing miniunit.
+ * test/mini/test_mini_mock.rb: ditto.
+ * test/mini/test_mini_spec.rb: ditto.
+Tue Sep 30 23:04:30 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * lib/test/**/*: recovered.
+ Temporarily reverts the changes of lib/test/unit/* in
+ r19502 and r19501, in order to release 1.9.0-5.
+Tue Sep 30 23:00:05 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: removed.
+ Temporarily reverts the changes of lib/test/unit/* in
+ r19543, r19534 and r19503, in order to release 1.9.0-5.
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/test/unit/deprecate.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/test/unit/error.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/test/unit/testcase.rb: ditto.
+Tue Sep 30 20:17:26 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_extract_modeenc): should honor value of the
+ textmode: and binmode: options.
+Tue Sep 30 17:04:59 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb (test_sqrt_bigdecimal): wrong
+ precision specification. a patch from TAKANO Mitsuhiro
+ <takano32 at> in [ruby-dev:36634].
+Tue Sep 30 16:53:55 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (stmt): returns non zero. [ruby-dev:36633]
+Tue Sep 30 16:52:38 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): add %<name>s style named argument
+ support. a patch from Yusuke Endoh <mame at>
+ in [ruby-dev:35851].
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): add gettext style named format
+ (%{name}) support. inspired by [ruby-dev:35852].
+ * sprintf.c (GETNAMEARG): should raise KeyError exception when no
+ named argument found.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_fetch): export fetch function.
+Tue Sep 30 13:19:01 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_installer.rb: remove extra call to setup to
+ fix ENV['HOME'] pollution.
+Tue Sep 30 13:04:11 2008 Ryan Davis <>
+ * lib/mini/test.rb: Updated to 1.3.0 r4257.
+ * test/mini/*: added from r4257.
+Tue Sep 30 07:46:07 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_markup_attribute_manager.rb: Test with clean
+ * test/rubygems/gemutilities.rb: Restore ENV['HOME'] after test.
+ * test/runner.rb: Pass -n argument down to miniunit.
+Tue Sep 30 01:02:55 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (token_info_push, token_info_pop): do nothing for evaled
+ source.
+Tue Sep 30 00:47:43 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c: constified.
+Mon Sep 29 23:32:25 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_subseq): don't use rb_str_drop_bytes for short
+ string.
+Mon Sep 29 22:54:29 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/mathn.rb: added String#to_[rc]. moved def_canon.
+Mon Sep 29 20:41:19 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_subseq): use rb_str_drop_bytes if possible.
+Mon Sep 29 20:22:20 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * test/date/*.rb: imported additional tests and some adjustments.
+Mon Sep 29 20:13:05 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (fev_initialize): initialization
+ handler instance variable.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_typelib.rb (test_s_typelibs):
+ fix the warning of shadowing outer local variable.
+Mon Sep 29 19:59:00 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (rescue_callback): use rb_write_error
+ instead of fprintf.
+Mon Sep 29 01:51:54 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_info_formatting.rb (teardown): delete tmpdir for
+ test.
+Mon Sep 29 00:30:20 2008 Takeyuki Fujioka <>
+ * lib/cgi/html.rb (CGI::HtmlExtension::{radio_group, checkbox_group}):
+ can specify the false as checked or selected value.
+ [ruby-core:18306], [ruby-core:18307]
+ * test/cgi/test_cgi_tag_helper.rb: add a test.
+Sun Sep 28 23:08:38 2008 Takeyuki Fujioka <>
+ * lib/cgi/html.rb (CGI::HtmlExtension::popup_menu):
+ fix the calls #bytesize on array parameters. [ruby-core:18919]
+Sun Sep 28 22:44:26 2008 Takeyuki Fujioka <>
+ * lib/cgi/core.rb (CGI::parse): ignore illegal query params.
+ [ruby-dev:36618]
+Sun Sep 28 22:05:07 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_set_sequence): check duplicated when clause.
+ [ruby-dev:36616]
+Sun Sep 28 19:04:03 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * test/date/*.rb: imported a date test suite ruby 1.9 limited ed.
+Sun Sep 28 18:40:49 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mini/test.rb (MINI_DIR): loaded path is expanded.
+ * lib/mini/test.rb (assert_match): get rid of confusion of
+ ruby-mode.el.
+Sun Sep 28 12:36:09 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_exec.c (vm_exec_core): add an UNLIKELY() hint.
+ * vm_insnhelper.h (BASIC_OP_UNREDEFINED_P): add a LIKELY() hint.
+Sun Sep 28 12:04:18 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (str_new): sets empty string to coderange 7bit.
+ [ruby-core:18993]
+Sun Sep 28 09:39:48 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/mathn.rb ({Fixnum,Bignum,Float}#**): may produce complex
+ value.
+Sun Sep 28 09:05:53 2008 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * lib/csv/csv.rb: Worked around some minor encoding changes in Ruby
+ pointed out by Nobu.
+Sun Sep 28 08:37:12 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/mathn.rb: a hack to provide canonicalization. This must be
+ temporary, but this seems to be not bad for the time being.
+Sat Sep 27 06:22:18 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rake.rb (Module#rake_extension, String#ext, String#pathmap): use
+ built-in methods.
+ * lib/rake.rb (String#pathmap): fixed typo in rdoc.
+Sat Sep 27 04:28:41 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rmext): preceding dots are not a part of extension.
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_extname): ditto.
+Sat Sep 27 03:15:51 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm.c (vm_jump_tag_but_local_jump): exc is not used if val is nil.
+Sat Sep 27 03:12:40 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (host_str): numeric address should be unsigned.
+ [ruby-core:18971]
+Fri Sep 26 22:46:58 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (primary, brace_block): fix for line number.
+ * proc.c (rb_proc_location, rb_method_location): new methods
+ {Proc,Method,UnboundMethod}#source_location. [ruby-core:18452]
+Fri Sep 26 21:36:33 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h (RUBY_VM_CHECK_INTS_TH): add an UNLIKELY hint.
+Fri Sep 26 19:33:36 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_str_encode): renamed from
+ rb_str_transcode. [ruby-dev:36593]
+ (rb_econv_has_convpath_p): renamed from rb_transcode_convertible.
+ * transcode.c: follow the renaming.
+ * io.c: ditto.
+Fri Sep 26 19:01:47 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb (test_inspect): fixed CPU bit
+ size dependent test. pointed out by TAKANO Mitsuhiro <takano32 AT
+Fri Sep 26 18:57:33 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * test/pathname/test_pathname.rb: Fix use of deprecated methods.
+Fri Sep 26 18:39:59 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (dist): nothing is needed to run BASERUBY.
+ * tool/make-snapshot: new option -archname.
+Fri Sep 26 18:24:28 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el: safe customizable variables.
+Fri Sep 26 17:37:18 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_mPrecision): removed.
+ Precision module was temporarily removed at r19430.
+Fri Sep 26 17:25:10 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * (dist): Changed its dependencies and action.
+Fri Sep 26 17:07:04 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * error.c (Init_syserr): moved to the template.
+ (errno_missing): removed. fixed [ruby-dev:35958].
+ * defs/known_errors.def: added. extracted from Init_syserr.
+ * templates/ added. Template for Init_syserr.
+ c.f. [ruby-dev:35958].
+ * tools/generic_erb.rb: added. general purpose mapper which maps
+ data+template into source code.
+ * (error.$(OBJEXT), incs,
+ Fixed dependencies.
+Fri Sep 26 17:02:04 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (thlist_signal): clears the woken thread if nothing woke.
+ * thread.c (rb_barrier_wait): achieves the lock if no thread was
+ waiting yet.
+Fri Sep 26 12:04:07 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c: should include <ruby/io.h>.
+ * ext/io/wait/wait.c: ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.h: ditto.
+Fri Sep 26 11:34:08 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * variable.c (rb_define_hooked_variable): cast to get rid of compiler
+ warnings.
+Fri Sep 26 11:05:41 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * transcode.c, include/ruby/encoding.c (rb_transcode_convertible):
+ new function. checking the existence of converter.
+Fri Sep 26 10:35:50 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c (global_variable, struct trace_var): made function
+ members more strict.
+Fri Sep 26 09:55:06 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby{io,sig}.h: moved to include/ruby/backward.
+Fri Sep 26 09:47:15 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/rubysig.h: old macros for backward compatibility.
+ * thread.c (BLOCKING_REGION): rewritten using helper functions.
+Fri Sep 26 03:03:32 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * vm_eval.c (Init_vm_eval): define module_eval, class_eval and eval
+ here for rdoc.
+Fri Sep 26 00:40:30 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * range.c (range_inspect): fix SEGV for cyclic range object.
+ [ruby-core:18835]
+Thu Sep 25 23:59:56 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * dependency updated.
+Thu Sep 25 21:46:48 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_eUndefinedConversionError): renamed from
+ rb_eConversionUndefinedError.
+ (rb_eConverterNotFoundError): renamed from rb_eNoConverterError.
+Thu Sep 25 21:23:08 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack, pack_unpack): 'm0' format (base64) complies with
+ RFC 4648. It adds no line feed when encoding, and raise ArgumentError
+ if the encoded string contains non-alphabet (including CR and LF).
+ * lib/base64.rb: added. This provides encoding/decoding method for
+ Base64 in standard RFC 2045, Base64 in standard RFC 4648 and ``Base 64
+ Encoding with URL and Filename SafeAlphabet'' in RFC 4648.
+ * test_pack.c, test/base64/test_base64.rb: add tests for above.
+Thu Sep 25 21:00:32 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * fix btest-* rules [ruby-dev:36528].
+ and remove obsolete rules.
+Thu Sep 25 20:27:54 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * class.c (rb_make_metaclass): [BUG] Fixed a bus error
+ on the case for metaclass of a class which includes a
+ module.
+Thu Sep 25 19:34:33 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * test/rubygems/*: Update some new tests to use build_rake_in.
+ * test/rubygems/gemutilities.rb: Fix broken merge of rake detection.
+Thu Sep 25 19:13:12 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems*: Update to RubyGems 1.3.0 r1891.
+Thu Sep 25 18:40:42 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * class.c (rb_make_metaclass): Made class of class of class
+ from Class into its own eigenclass. Now meta^(n)-class
+ hierarchy regresses infinitely, again.
+ (This feature was decided on developer-meeting-20080922.)
+Thu Sep 25 16:01:07 2008 Jim Weirich <jim@tardis.local>
+ * lib/rake.rb: Update rake source to version 0.8.3. This
+ version includes some fixes for running Rake on windows.
+ (1) better APPDATA/HOMExxx/USERPROFILE integration for
+ system rakefiles, (2) Better handling of the :ruby command
+ when installed in directory containing spaces.
+Thu Sep 25 11:22:51 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc*: Update to RDoc 2.2.1 r185.
+Thu Sep 25 02:08:47 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_mode_enc): make it static.
+Thu Sep 25 01:22:39 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mini/test.rb (Mini::Assertions#assert_raise): fixed typo.
+Wed Sep 24 23:39:00 2008 Takeyuki Fujioka <>
+ * test/cgi/test_cgi_multipart.rb : revert last change.
+ ( deprecated is assert_raises. )
+ * test/cgi/test_cgi_core.rb : ditto.
+ * test/cgi/test_cgi_header.rb : ditto.
+Wed Sep 24 23:12:49 2008 Takeyuki Fujioka <>
+ * lib/cgi/core.rb (CGI::new, CGI::{accept_charset,accept_charset=}) :
+ accept parameters either in a hash,
+ string as a block. add the encoding validation process.
+ * test/cgi/test_cgi_core.rb : test for query encoding check.
+Wed Sep 24 22:58:18 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_rstrip_bang): raise exception when the encoding of
+ the string is dummy.
+ * string.c (rb_str_rstrip_bang): remove nul characters even if the
+ encoding of the string is not single byte optimizable.
+ fixed [ruby-core:18844], reported by Michael Selig.
+Wed Sep 24 19:01:45 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_rstrip_bang): workaround for VC++8 x64.
+Wed Sep 24 17:44:44 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * complex.c (Init_Complex), rational.c (Init_Rational): undefines
+ default #allocate methods which call the allocator.
+Wed Sep 24 17:02:14 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * complex.c (Init_Complex), rational.c (Init_Rational): ID_ALLOCATOR
+ differs from :allocate, and invisible in ruby level.
+Wed Sep 24 15:58:52 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_rstrip_bang): removing mixed spaces and nuls at
+ the end of strings. [ruby-dev:36497]
+Wed Sep 24 15:13:04 2008 Takeyuki Fujioka <>
+ * test/cgi/test_cgi_multipart.rb : test for miniunit.
+ * test/cgi/test_cgi_core.rb : ditto.
+ * test/cgi/test_cgi_header.rb : ditto.
+Wed Sep 24 14:38:29 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/tmpdir.rb: setup buffer with nul characters instead of spaces.
+ fixed [ruby-dev:36493]
+Wed Sep 24 11:18:33 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_binread): offset argument was wrongly passed to
+ internal IO#read call. [ruby-core:18810]
+Wed Sep 24 07:38:23 2008 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * vm_core.h: ruby/ruby.h should be included at the very first
+ place in an entire compilation unit, as it includes
+ ruby/config.h
+Wed Sep 24 06:41:24 2008 Ryan Davis <>
+ * lib/test/*: removed test/unit.
+ * lib/test/*: added miniunit.
+ * lib/mini/*: ditto.
+Wed Sep 24 04:45:35 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/node.h, node.h: move node.h from include path.
+ This change stop to install node.h because of saving ABI
+ (node.h will be changed. Extensions should not depends on
+ this file).
+ * blockinlining.c, class.c, compile.c, debug.h, enum.c,
+ gc.c, iseq.c, parse.y, ruby.c, signal.c, variable.c,
+ vm.c, vm_core.h, vm_dump.c: ditto.
+ * ext/ripper/depend: ditto.
+Wed Sep 24 04:09:13 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: remove unused frame values.
+Wed Sep 24 04:07:07 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * signal.c (signal_exec): execute rb_eval_cmd() directly.
+Wed Sep 24 03:08:58 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/uri/mailto.rb: fix indentation.
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/yaml.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/uri/cgi/core.rb: fix indentation and ambiguous argument warning.
+Tue Sep 23 23:39:25 2008 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * lib/csv/csv.rb: Improved the idea of whitespace and word characters used
+ in substitutions during header conversion as suggested by Michael Selig.
+Tue Sep 23 21:50:53 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (io_binwrite): allocate wbuf if nosync.
+Tue Sep 23 21:45:02 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (copy_stream_body): use io_binwrite instead of io_fwrite.
+Tue Sep 23 21:31:16 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * test/ruby/test_rational2.rb: updated.
+ * test/ruby/test_complex2.rb: added.
+ * test/ruby/test_complexrational.rb: added.
+Tue Sep 23 21:26:32 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_casecmp): make the ordering consistent with
+ String#<=>.
+Tue Sep 23 20:52:25 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (io_binwrite): add nosync argument.
+ (do_writeconv): extracted from io_fwrite.
+ (io_fwrite): add nosync argument. use do_writeconv.
+ (io_write): add nosync argument.
+ (io_write_m): new function for IO#write.
+ (rb_p): don't append record separator.
+Tue Sep 23 20:24:41 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * signal.c (signal_exec): fix to use rb_proc_call().
+Tue Sep 23 20:06:46 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/rexml/formatters/pretty.rb (REXML::Formatters::Pretty#wrap):
+ abandon wrapping if the line contains no space. [ruby-dev:36045]
+Tue Sep 23 19:38:03 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (subtract): check tv_sec. reported by ko1.
+Tue Sep 23 19:21:03 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (nucomp_s_canonicalize_internal): does no apply
+ canonicalization rule anymore.
+ * rational.c (nurat_s_canonicalize_internal(_no_reduce)?): ditto.
+ * complex.c: removed class method new! and new.
+ * rational.c: ditto.
+Tue Sep 23 19:20:59 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_binread): a new method to read binary chunk from a
+ file. [ruby-core:18674]
+ * io.c (open_key_args): wrong permission specified for read-open.
+Tue Sep 23 18:24:34 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * hash.c (rb_obj_is_proc): declaration moved for rdoc.
+Tue Sep 23 18:07:55 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * (io.o): remove dependency for vm_core.h.
+Tue Sep 23 17:56:44 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_blocking_region): fix typo in a document.
+Tue Sep 23 17:50:35 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_blocking_region): write a document.
+Tue Sep 23 17:14:31 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c, include/ruby/intern.h (rb_thread_interrupted): added.
+ * io.c: use VALUE of thead instead of rb_tread_t to check interrupts.
+Tue Sep 23 17:05:14 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * class.c, vm_core.h: move decl of rb_iseq_clone() to class.c.
+Tue Sep 23 17:02:47 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * debug.h (ruby_set_debug_option): declared.
+ * main.c: include debug.h.
+ * (main.$(OBJEXT)): dependency updated.
+Tue Sep 23 16:59:45 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (ENVMATCH, ENVNMATCH): reduced same code.
+Tue Sep 23 16:55:11 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ruby.h: fix comment and rename macro HAVE_RUBY_MVM_H to
+Tue Sep 23 16:41:31 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/node.h, vm_core.h: move definition of
+ RUBY_VM_METHOD_NODE to node.h.
+ * class.c, remove useless inclusion.
+ * compile.h, iseq.h, vm_core.h: rename compile.h to iseq.h.
+ move some definitions from vm_core.h to iseq.h.
+ * compile.c, iseq.c, vm.c: ditto.
+ * eval.c, compile.c: move some functions for parser
+ from eval.c to compile.c.
+ * eval_intern.h, vm_core.h: move va_init_list() macro to
+ vm_core.h.
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_new_top, rb_iseq_first_lineno): added.
+ * load.c, ruby.c: use rb_iseq_new_top() instead of
+ rb_iseq_new() with ISEQ_TYPE_TOP constant directly.
+ * proc.c: use rb_iseq_first_lineno() instead of accessing
+ iseq structure.
+Tue Sep 23 16:17:54 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/ripper/eventids2.c (token_to_eventid): supper __ENCODING__
+ keyword. [ruby-dev:36478]
+Tue Sep 23 15:30:53 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ *, hash.c: remove unused inclusion.
+Tue Sep 23 09:52:07 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval_safe.c, safe.c: rename eval_safe.c to safe.c.
+ *, eval.c, safe.c, inits.c: separate safe.c from eval.c and
+ make Init_safe().
+Tue Sep 23 09:20:00 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * clean up
+ - remove blockinlining.$(OBJEXT) to built
+ - make ENCODING_H_INCLDUES variable (include/ruby/encoding.h)
+ - make VM_CORE_H_INCLUDES variable (vm_core.h)
+ - simplify rules.
+ - make depends rule to output depend status using gcc -MM.
+ * include/ruby/mvm.h, include/ruby/vm.h: rename mvm.h to vm.h.
+ * include/ruby.h: ditto.
+ * load.c: add inclusion explicitly.
+ * enumerator.c, object.c, parse.y, thread.c, vm_dump.c:
+ remove useless inclusion.
+ * eval_intern.h: cleanup inclusion.
+ * vm_core.h: rb_thread_t should be defined in this file.
+ * vm_evalbody.c, vm_exec.c: rename vm_evalbody.c to vm_exec.c.
+ * vm.h, vm_exec.h: rename vm.h to vm_exec.h.
+ * insnhelper.h, vm_insnhelper.h: rename insnhelper.h to vm_insnhelper.h.
+ * vm.c, vm_insnhelper.c, vm_insnhelper.h:
+ - rename vm_eval() to vm_exec_core().
+ - rename vm_eval_body() to vm_exec().
+ - cleanup include order.
+ * vm_method.c: fix comment.
+Tue Sep 23 09:01:15 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb (each_filename): return Enumerator if no block
+ given.
+ * test/pathname/test_pathname.rb: add a test for above.
+Tue Sep 23 08:25:56 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (env_aset): allow nil value to remove an entry.
+ [ruby-dev:36465]
+ * test/ruby/test_env.rb (TestEnv#test_aset): test updated.
+Tue Sep 23 08:07:07 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-keyword-end-re): emacs21 support. a
+ patch from Hiroshi Moriyama <hiroshi at> in
+ [ruby-dev:36471].
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-in-ppss-context-p): ditto.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-here-doc-end-syntax):
+Tue Sep 23 02:07:52 2008 TAKAO Kouji <>
+ * test/readline/test_readline_history.rb
+ (Readline::TestHistory#test_each): checked return value.
+Tue Sep 23 02:05:34 2008 TAKAO Kouji <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (Init_readline): used remove_history to
+ check offset of history if unsupported clear_history.
+Mon Sep 22 17:39:25 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb (Tempfile#open): should return a value from the
+ block (if given). [ruby-core:18394]
+Mon Sep 22 11:17:51 2008 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (enum): ISO C forbids comma at end of
+ enumerator list
+Mon Sep 22 10:15:24 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * LEGAL: updated file names removed and added. [ruby-dev:36426]
+Mon Sep 22 02:39:05 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (get_default_external): add description.
+Sun Sep 21 21:52:41 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * math.c (math_log): should check argc.
+Sun Sep 21 21:20:24 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c: added two macros.
+ * rational.c: ditto.
+Sun Sep 21 18:06:38 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (nucomp_s_convert): checks argc.
+ * rational.c (nurat_s_convert): ditto.
+Sun Sep 21 10:19:04 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (nucomp_s_canonicalize_internal): checks exactness of
+ imag only.
+ * rational.c (nurat_s_convert): accepts non real value
+ (Rational(a,b) as a/b).
+ * complex.c (nucomp_s_convert): refined.
+Sun Sep 21 09:37:57 2008 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * lib/csv/csv.rb: Reworked CSV's parser and generator to be m17n. Data
+ is now parsed in the Encoding it is in without need for translation.
+ * lib/csv/csv.rb: Improved inspect() messages for better IRb support.
+ * lib/csv/csv.rb: Fixed header writing bug reported by Dov Murik.
+ * lib/csv/csv.rb: Use custom separators in parsing header Strings as
+ suggested by Shmulik Regev.
+ * lib/csv/csv.rb: Added a :write_headers option for outputting headers.
+ * lib/csv/csv.rb: Handle open() calls in binary mode whenever we can to
+ workaround a Windows issue where line-ending translation can cause an
+ off-by-one error in seeking back to a non-zero starting position after
+ auto-discovery for :row_sep as suggested by Robert Battle.
+ * lib/csv/csv.rb: Improved the parser to fail faster when fed some forms
+ of invalid CSV that can be detected without reading ahead.
+ * lib/csv/csv.rb: Added a :field_size_limit option to control CSV's
+ lookahead and prevent the parser from biting off more data than
+ it can chew.
+ * lib/csv/csv.rb: Added readers for CSV attributes: col_sep(), row_sep(),
+ quote_char(), field_size_limit(), converters(), unconverted_fields?(),
+ headers(), return_headers?(), write_headers?(), header_converters(),
+ skip_blanks?(), and force_quotes?().
+ * lib/csv/csv.rb: Cleaned up code syntax to be more inline with
+ Ruby 1.9 than 1.8.
+Sun Sep 21 07:43:16 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c: an instance method image has been removed and
+ uses "imag" instead of "image".
+ * complex.c: two instance method re and im are removed.
+ * rational.c: follows the above changes.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: ditto.
+ * gc.c: ditto.
+ * lib/cmath.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/mathn.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/complex.rb: ditto. and provides some obsolete methods.
+Sun Sep 21 02:48:45 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/json/ext/parser/parse.c: use ruby_xfree().
+ * ext/json/ext/parser/parse.rl: ditto.
+ * ext/json/ext/parser/unicode.c: ditto.
+Sun Sep 21 02:40:20 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/json: import JSON v 1.1.3.
+Sat Sep 20 11:43:08 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (summarize): separator "" should output new line.
+Sat Sep 20 08:07:34 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * parse.y: strings which contain only US-ASCII don't force to have
+ US-ASCII encoding. [ruby-dev:36400]
+Sat Sep 20 07:59:31 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_desc): Regexps of ASCII Compatible encoding may
+ contain non-ASCII characters. So in that case its encoding
+ must keep original encoding.
+Sat Sep 20 07:44:56 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * prec.c is removed.
+Fri Sep 19 22:37:25 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c: uses f_(in)?exact_p macro.
+ * rational.c: ditto.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_pow): bignum**bignum - should calculate without
+ rational.
+ * lib/complex.rb: should override Math module at most once.
+ * lib/mathn.rb: requires 'cmath' directly.
+Fri Sep 19 20:48:06 2008 Yuki Sonoda <>
+ * prec.c: removed. Precision will be redesigned and be back again.
+ c.f. [ruby-dev:36352].
+ * (COMMON_OBJS): removed prec.o.
+ * inits.c (rb_call_inits): removed Init_Precision.
+ * numeric.c (Init_Numeric): removed inclusion of Precision.
+ removed #induced_from from each class.
+ * rational.c: ditto.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c: ditto.
+ * lib/rdoc/known_classes.rb: removed the entry for Precision.
+ * test/ruby/test_prec.rb: removed.
+ * test/ruby/test_integer.rb: removed tests for Precision.
+ * test/ruby/test_fixnum.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_float.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_rational.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_complex.rb: ditto.
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb: ditto.
+Fri Sep 19 19:43:40 2008 Yuki Sonoda <>
+ * : Reverts the changeset 18994.
+ Uses the official repository of rubyspec again.
+Fri Sep 19 17:41:56 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * applied OS/2 support patch from Brendan Oakley
+ <gentux2 at> in [ruby-core:18707].
+Fri Sep 19 09:29:26 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dln.c: newer BeOS support. a patch from Pete Goodeve
+ <pete.goodeve at> in [ruby-core:18712].
+Fri Sep 19 03:41:25 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c: fix memory violation. mentioned by mame [ruby-dev:36373]
+Fri Sep 19 01:07:36 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * regexec.c (string_cmp_ic): add text_end argument.
+ (slow_search): call enclen with real string end.
+ (map_search): add text_end argument.
+Thu Sep 18 22:54:39 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_ec.c (ossl_ec_key_to_string): comment out
+ fragments of unused code.
+Thu Sep 18 22:35:03 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (VpCtoV): 1E1000...000 is interpreted as
+ Infinity. [ruby-dev:36159]
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (VpPower): Infinity ** 1 returns
+ Infinity instead of NaN. [ruby-dev:36159]
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb: add tests for above.
+Thu Sep 18 22:20:08 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * error.c (Init_Exception): introduce EncodingError which is a
+ superclass for all encoding related exception classes,
+ e.g. Encoding::CompatibilityError. [ruby-dev:36371]
+ * transcode.c (Init_transcode): ditto.
+Thu Sep 18 21:57:32 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_comparable): make ascii8bit string to be
+ compatible with any other encoding.
+ * string.c (rb_str_cmp): use rb_str_comparable() instead of
+ rb_enc_compatible() since <=> is a comparison anyway.
+Thu Sep 18 21:37:14 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * grapheme cluster implementation reverted. [ruby-dev:36375]
+Thu Sep 18 20:50:36 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rake.rb (Rake::Application#standard_exception_handling):
+ replaced magic numbers for exit status.
+Thu Sep 18 20:37:59 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser::ParseError#set_backtrace): omits
+ OptionParser internal backtraces unless debug flag is set.
+Thu Sep 18 20:02:48 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (unescape): skip '%' to make String#hex work
+ correctly.
+Thu Sep 18 19:51:11 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (big2str_karatsuba): free internal buffer eagerly.
+ a patch from TOYOFUKU Chikanobu <nobu_toyofuku at>
+ in [ruby-dev:36217].
+ * bignum.c (rb_big2str0): ditto.
+Thu Sep 18 19:43:04 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * st.c (new_size): raise RuntimeError when st_table is too big.
+ [ruby-dev:36354]
+Thu Sep 18 18:23:23 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (enc_arg): must take pointer argument to avoid GC
+ problem. StringValueCStr modifies the argument and it should be
+ preserved while the string StringValueCStr returns is used.
+ Since the string is used by caller, the modified argument should be
+ hold by caller. Actually
+ GC.stress = true
+ def (
+ "universal"+"_newline"
+ end
+ "\u3042".encode(o, "")
+ causes curious warning:
+ rb_define_const: invalid name `' for constant
+Thu Sep 18 17:32:44 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * transcode.c: add "Error" suffix for Encoding exception classes.
+ a patch from Tadashi Saito <shiba at> in
+ [ruby-dev:36346].
+ * encoding.c (Init_Encoding): rename EncodingCompatibilityError to
+ Encoding::CompatibilityError. [ruby-dev:36366]
+Thu Sep 18 17:18:35 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * transcode.c (enc_arg): revert last change. too early exception
+ raising.
+ * transcode.c (enc_arg): need not to take pointer argument.
+Sun Sep 18 02:22:15 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb: add tests to achieve over 90%
+ test coverage of bigdecimal.
+Wed Sep 17 21:50:14 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_casecmp): don't use rb_enc_codepoint.
+Wed Sep 17 19:55:33 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (nucomp_s_convert): accepts complex
+ value (Complex(a,b) as a+bi).
+Wed Sep 17 19:16:47 2008 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (TestIO#test_dup): avoid infinite loop.
+ [ruby-dev:36326]
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (TestIO#test_dup): remove needless open.
+ [ruby-dev:35957]
+Wed Sep 17 17:44:59 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_extract_modeenc): process option mode: and perm: as
+ well.
+ * io.c (open_key_args): move mode: and perm: related code to
+ rb_io_extract_modeenc().
+Wed Sep 17 13:42:59 2008 Takeyuki Fujioka <>
+ * lib/cgi/html.rb (checkbox_group,radio_group): bug fix
+ use size instead of bytesize.
+ * test/cgi/test_cgi_tag_helper.rb: test for checkbox_group,radio_group.
+Wed Sep 17 06:58:31 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * numeric.c: provides predicate real? instead of scalar?.
+ * complex.c: follows the above change.
+ * lib/cmath.rb: ditto.
+Wed Sep 17 01:56:27 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io_m17n.rb: use __FILE__ instead of /dev/null.
+ [ruby-dev:36327]
+Wed Sep 17 01:33:11 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/oniguruma.h (OnigEncodingTypeST): add precise_ret
+ argument for mbc_to_code.
+ (ONIGENC_MBC_TO_CODE): provide NULL for precise_ret.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_enc_mbc_precise_codepoint): defined.
+ * regenc.h (onigenc_single_byte_mbc_to_code): precise_ret argument
+ added.
+ (onigenc_mbn_mbc_to_code): ditto.
+ * regenc.c (onigenc_single_byte_mbc_to_code): precise_ret argument
+ added.
+ (onigenc_mbn_mbc_to_code): ditto.
+ * string.c (count_utf8_lead_bytes_with_word): removed.
+ (str_utf8_nth): removed.
+ (str_utf8_offset): removed.
+ (str_strlen): UTF-8 codepoint oriented optimization removed.
+ (rb_str_substr): ditto.
+ (enc_succ_char): use rb_enc_mbc_precise_codepoint.
+ (enc_pred_char): ditto.
+ (rb_str_succ): ditto.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_ascget): check length with
+ rb_enc_mbc_precise_codepoint.
+ (rb_enc_codepoint): use rb_enc_mbc_precise_codepoint.
+ * regexec.c (string_cmp_ic): add text_end argument.
+ (match_at): check end of character after exact string matches.
+ * enc/utf_8.c (grapheme_table): defined for extended grapheme cluster
+ boundary.
+ (grapheme_cmp): defined.
+ (get_grapheme_properties): defined.
+ (grapheme_boundary_p): defined.
+ (MAX_BYTES_LENGTH): defined.
+ (comb_char_enc_len): defined.
+ (mbc_to_code0): extracted from mbc_to_code.
+ (mbc_to_code): use mbc_to_code0.
+ (left_adjust_combchar_head): defined.
+ (utf_8): use a extended grapheme cluster as a unit.
+ * enc/unicode.c (onigenc_unicode_mbc_case_fold): use
+ ONIGENC_MBC_PRECISE_CODEPOINT to extract codepoints.
+ (onigenc_unicode_get_case_fold_codes_by_str): ditto.
+ * enc/euc_jp.c (mbc_to_code): follow mbc_to_code field change.
+ use onigenc_mbn_mbc_to_code.
+ * enc/shift_jis.c (mbc_to_code): ditto.
+ * enc/emacs_mule.c (mbc_to_code): ditto.
+ * enc/gbk.c (gbk_mbc_to_code): follow mbc_to_code field and
+ onigenc_mbn_mbc_to_code change.
+ * enc/cp949.c (cp949_mbc_to_code): ditto.
+ * enc/big5.c (big5_mbc_to_code): ditto.
+ * enc/euc_tw.c (euctw_mbc_to_code): ditto.
+ * enc/euc_kr.c (euckr_mbc_to_code): ditto.
+ * enc/gb18030.c (gb18030_mbc_to_code): ditto.
+ * enc/utf_32be.c (utf32be_mbc_to_code): follow mbc_to_code field
+ change.
+ * enc/utf_16be.c (utf16be_mbc_to_code): ditto.
+ * enc/utf_32le.c (utf32le_mbc_to_code): ditto.
+ * enc/utf_16le.c (utf16le_mbc_to_code): ditto.
+Wed Sep 17 01:17:12 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * transcode.c (enc_arg): raise exception when unknown encoding is
+ given.
+Tue Sep 16 22:23:24 2008 Takeyuki Fujioka <>
+ * lib/cgi/core.rb (CGI#header): performance improvement.
+ From CGIAlt
+ * test/cgi/test_cgi_header.rb: exception class fixed.
+Tue Sep 16 22:21:33 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_concat): fix rdoc. (codepoint is integer)
+ * string.c (rb_str_each_codepoint): use UINT2NUM.
+Tue Sep 16 21:48:55 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_desc): Regexp#inspect should be US-ASCII.
+Tue Sep 16 21:33:22 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_crypt): orthodox crypt() sees only first two bytes
+ of salt.
+Tue Sep 16 19:18:40 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (nucomp_marshal_{dump,load}): preserve instance
+ variables.
+ * rational.c (nurat_marshal_{dump,load}): ditto.
+Tue Sep 16 18:28:52 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_gets_m): rdoc updated. limit counts in bytes.
+ [ruby-core:18617]
+ * io.c (rb_io_readlines, rb_f_gets): ditto.
+ * io.c (rb_io_readbyte): rdoc updated. [ruby-core:18617]
+Tue Sep 16 11:55:16 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_each_codepoint): add new methods, #codepoints
+ and #each_codepoint. a patch from Michael Selig
+ <michael.selig at> in [ruby-core:18532].
+Tue Sep 16 11:24:44 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: add new constants. a patch from
+ IWAMURO Motonori <deenheart+ruby at> in [ruby-dev:36309].
+Tue Sep 16 09:20:42 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (TestIO#test_dup): exception should be
+ raised from IO#dup.
+Tue Sep 16 08:35:29 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (TestIO#test_dup): this test might fail if
+ there are any garbage IO objects.
+Tue Sep 16 02:02:56 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_buf_cat_ascii): codepoint is unsigned int.
+ * string.c (rb_str_concat): ditto.
+ * string.c (str_cat_char): ditto.
+ * string.c (prefix_escape): ditto.
+Tue Sep 16 01:47:07 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (single_byte_optimizable): make function inline. based
+ on a patch from Michael Selig <michael.selig at> in
+ [ruby-core:18532].
+ * string.c (str_modify_keep_cr): new function act as
+ rb_str_modify(), but don't clear coderange
+ * string.c (rb_str_casecmp): specialized for single byte strings.
+ * string.c (rb_str_splice): preserve coderange.
+ * string.c (rb_str_slice_bang, rb_str_reverse_bang,
+ rb_str_upcase_bang, rb_str_downcase_bang, tr_trans,
+ rb_str_capitalize_bang, rb_str_swapcase_bang,
+ rb_str_delete_bang, rb_str_chop_bang, rb_str_chomp_bang,
+ rb_str_lstrip_bang, rb_str_rstrip_bang): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_clear): preset coderange.
+ * string.c (rb_str_split_m): specialized for splitting with a
+ string.
+Tue Sep 16 00:57:56 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_quote): use rb_enc_mbcput to generate ASCII
+ incompatible characters properly.
+Tue Sep 16 00:51:59 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (Encoding#base_encoding): removed. [ruby-dev:36270]
+Tue Sep 16 00:40:56 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode_data.h (STR1_LENGTH): defined.
+ (makeSTR1LEN): defined.
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: use makeSTR1LEN. generate STR1 for 4 to
+ 259 bytes.
+ * transcode.c (rb_transcoding): new field: output_index.
+ (transcode_restartable0): use STR1_LENGTH.
+Mon Sep 15 23:52:45 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c, include/ruby/ruby.h: rename rb_register_mark_object()
+ to rb_gc_register_mark_object().
+ * eval.c, vm.c: initialize vm->mark_object_ary at
+ Init_top_self().
+ * bignum.c, complex.c, encoding.c, ext/win32ole/win32ole.c,
+ io.c, load.c, marshal.c, rational.c, ruby.c, vm.c:
+ use rb_gc_register_mark_object() instead of
+ rb_global_variable() or rb_gc_register_address().
+Mon Sep 15 23:37:15 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (econv_opts): don't use to_sym.
+Mon Sep 15 23:28:28 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_get_index): don't return -1.
+ * io.c (rb_scan_open_args): call FilePathValue before encoding
+ conversion.
+Mon Sep 15 22:11:07 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_squeeze_bang): specialized for 7bit characters in
+ ASCII compatible strings.
+ * string.c (rb_str_count): ditto.
+ * string.c (tr_trans): preserve 7bit/valid coderange flag.
+ * string.c (rb_str_squeeze_bang): preserve previous coderange value.
+ * string.c (rb_str_lstrip_bang): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_rstrip_bang): ditto.
+ * encoding.c (rb_default_external_encoding): preserve
+ default_external_encoding in a static variable.
+ * string.c (single_byte_optimizable): check coderange first, to
+ reduce number of calling rb_enc_from_index().
+Mon Sep 15 20:57:00 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb (Matrix#eql?): fixed [ruby-dev:36298].
+ Reported by an anonymous user.
+ * lib/matrix.rb (Vector#eql?): ditto.
+ * (Matrix#compare_by_row_vectors): takes comparison
+ strategy as an optional parameter.
+ * (Vector#compare_by): ditto.
+Mon Sep 15 14:34:32 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (RUBY_MAX_CHAR_LEN): defined.
+ * encoding.c (str_cat_char): use RUBY_MAX_CHAR_LEN.
+Mon Sep 15 13:53:33 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_compatible): accept other than strings and
+ regexps. [ruby-core:18595]
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_get_index): works files and encodings.
+Mon Sep 15 13:17:21 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (nucomp_eql_p): new.
+ * complex.c (nucomp_hash): should use hash values of the elements.
+ * rational.c (nurat_hash): ditto.
+ * hash.c (rb_any_cmp): removed an unused variable.
+Mon Sep 15 11:11:04 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode_data.h (rb_transcoder): resetsize_func and resetstate_func
+ also returns ssize_t.
+ * enc/trans/iso2022.trans: follow the type change.
+Mon Sep 15 10:28:10 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * test/matrix/test_matrix.rb (setup): typo.
+ (test_equality): misdefinition of the expected working.
+ Reported by an anonymous user.
+ (test_hash): added.
+ * test/matrix/test_vector.rb: ditto.
+Mon Sep 15 03:33:10 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode_data.h: return output functions ssize_t.
+ * transcode.c (transcode_restartable0): don't need to cast the result
+ of output functions.
+ * enc/trans/newline.trans: follow the type change.
+ * enc/trans/escape.trans: ditto.
+ * enc/trans/utf_16_32.trans: ditto.
+ * enc/trans/iso2022.trans: ditto.
+ * enc/trans/japanese.trans: ditto.
+Mon Sep 15 03:04:29 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode_data.h: output function takes output buffer size.
+ * transcode.c: give output buffer size for output functions.
+ * enc/trans/newline.trans: follow the type change.
+ * enc/trans/escape.trans: ditto.
+ * enc/trans/utf_16_32.trans: ditto.
+ * enc/trans/iso2022.trans: ditto.
+ * enc/trans/japanese.trans: ditto.
+Mon Sep 15 02:37:19 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * transcode.c (str_encode): returns duplicated string if nothing
+ changed. [ruby-core:18578]
+Sun Sep 14 22:09:01 2008 Takeyuki Fujioka <>
+ * lib/cgi/core.rb (CGI::parse): performance improvement
+Sun Sep 14 18:33:32 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c: trivial changes.
+Sun Sep 14 16:15:22 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb (Vector#eql?): typo of the method name as "eqn?".
+ (Vector#eqn?): removed. Defined by mistake.
+ Fixes [ruby-dev:36294]. Reported by weda <weda AT
+> and an anonymous user.
+ * test/matrix/test_matrix.rb: added.
+ * test/matrix/test_vector.rb: added.
+Sun Sep 14 16:07:04 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (process_options): associates the locale encoding with $0 as
+ well as ARGV.
+Sun Sep 14 13:48:03 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * object.c (Init_Object): added metameta-class initialization for
+ BasicObject, Object, and Module.
+ The metameta-classes of them are now the metaclass of Class, as the
+ metameta-class of Class is.
+ * object.c (boot_defmetametaclass): added.
+Sun Sep 14 10:10:43 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (f_{add,mul,sub}): omitted some shortcuts for preserving
+ signed zero anyway.
+ * complex.c (nucomp_negate): new.
+Sun Sep 14 04:15:16 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/oniguruma.h (OnigEncodingTypeST): add end argument for
+ left_adjust_char_head.
+ (ONIGENC_LEFT_ADJUST_CHAR_HEAD): add end argument.
+ (onigenc_get_left_adjust_char_head): ditto.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_enc_left_char_head): add end argument.
+ * regenc.h (onigenc_single_byte_left_adjust_char_head): ditto.
+ * regenc.c (onigenc_get_right_adjust_char_head): follow the interface
+ change.
+ (onigenc_get_right_adjust_char_head_with_prev): ditto.
+ (onigenc_get_prev_char_head): ditto.
+ (onigenc_step_back): ditto.
+ (onigenc_get_left_adjust_char_head): ditto.
+ (onigenc_single_byte_code_to_mbc): ditto.
+ * re.c: ditto.
+ * string.c: ditto.
+ * io.c: ditto.
+ * regexec.c: ditto.
+ * enc/euc_jp.c: ditto.
+ * enc/cp949.c: ditto.
+ * enc/shift_jis.c: ditto.
+ * enc/gbk.c: ditto.
+ * enc/big5.c: ditto.
+ * enc/euc_tw.c: ditto.
+ * enc/euc_kr.c: ditto.
+ * enc/emacs_mule.c: ditto.
+ * enc/gb18030.c: ditto.
+ * enc/utf_8.c: ditto.
+ * enc/utf_16le.c: ditto.
+ * enc/utf_16be.c: ditto.
+ * enc/utf_32le.c: ditto.
+ * enc/utf_32be.c: ditto.
+Sun Sep 14 03:43:27 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/oniguruma.h (ONIGENC_STEP_BACK): add end argument.
+ (onigenc_step_back): ditto.
+ * regenc.c (onigenc_step_back): add end argument.
+ * regexec.c: follow the interface change.
+Sun Sep 14 03:20:03 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/oniguruma.h (onigenc_get_prev_char_head): add end
+ argument.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_enc_prev_char): ditto.
+ * regenc.c (onigenc_get_prev_char_head): add end argument.
+ * regparse.c: follow the interface change.
+ * regexec.c: ditto.
+ * string.c: ditto.
+ * parse.y: ditto.
+Sun Sep 14 02:04:28 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/oniguruma.h
+ (onigenc_get_right_adjust_char_head_with_prev): add end argument.
+ * regenc.c (onigenc_get_right_adjust_char_head_with_prev): use end
+ argument.
+ * regexec.c (forward_search_range): follow the interface change.
+Sun Sep 14 01:38:26 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/oniguruma.h (onigenc_get_right_adjust_char_head): add
+ end argument.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_enc_right_char_head): add end argument.
+ * regenc.c (onigenc_get_right_adjust_char_head): use end argument.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_adjust_startpos): follow the interface change.
+ * string.c (rb_str_index): ditto.
+ * regexec.c (backward_search_range): ditto.
+ (onig_search): ditto.
+Sun Sep 14 00:43:28 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/ripper/depend (ripper.o): it depends on ruby headers.
+Sat Sep 13 19:27:01 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (io_encoding_set): don't need argc argument.
+ (rb_io_s_pipe): update io_encoding_set call.
+ (rb_io_set_encoding): ditto.
+Sat Sep 13 18:46:41 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_transcoding): align state field.
+Sat Sep 13 18:21:09 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (DECORATOR_P): renamed from SUPPLEMENTAL_CONVERSION.
+Sat Sep 13 18:05:37 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (make_writeconv): use rb_enc_name.
+ (make_readconv): ditto.
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_open_opts): ditto.
+ (econv_args): ditto.
+ (decorate_convpath): ditto.
+ (econv_set_replacement): ditto.
+Sat Sep 13 11:15:38 2008 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/rexml/document.rb: fixed typo.
+Sat Sep 13 10:53:13 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c: refined.
+ * rational.c: ditto.
+Sat Sep 13 03:44:52 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_prepare_opts): raise ArgumentError if
+ a broken string is specified as a replacement.
+Sat Sep 13 03:31:05 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * iseq.c (iseq_s_compile_file): use rb_file_open_str.
+ * io.c (rb_file_open_generic): call validate_enc_binmode.
+ (rb_file_open_str): call FilePathValue.
+Sat Sep 13 02:58:05 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (validate_enc_binmode): extracted from rb_io_extract_modeenc.
+ (rb_io_extract_modeenc): use validate_enc_binmode.
+ (io_encoding_set): call validate_enc_binmode.
+Sat Sep 13 02:50:34 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_prepare_opts): initialize *opt and return 0
+ if opthash is nil.
+Sat Sep 13 02:29:19 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enc/trans/escape.trans: transcoder name renamed to use underscore.
+ * transcode.c: follow the renaming.
+Sat Sep 13 02:12:17 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_init_by_convpath_i): new function.
+ (rb_econv_init_by_convpath): new function.
+ (econv_init): use rb_econv_init_by_convpath.
+Sat Sep 13 01:11:14 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (econv_args): take snamev_p and dnamev_p to prevent
+ possible GC problem.
+Sat Sep 13 00:38:54 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (enc_arg): take arg as VALUE * to prevent possible GC
+ problem.
+Fri Sep 12 23:19:41 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_add_transcoder_at): fix loop condition.
+Fri Sep 12 22:39:46 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (decorator_names): extracted from rb_econv_open.
+ (rb_econv_open): use decorator_names.
+ (econv_args): extracted from econv_init.
+ (econv_init): use econv_args.
+ (decorate_convpath): new function.
+ (search_convpath_i): new function.
+ (econv_s_search_convpath): new method.
+ (Init_transcode): new method defined.
+Fri Sep 12 21:55:43 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_t): new field: num_allocated.
+ (rb_econv_alloc): extracted from
+ rb_econv_open_by_transcoder_entries.
+ (rb_econv_add_transcoder_at): extracted from rb_econv_decorate_at
+ and generalized
+ (rb_econv_open_by_transcoder_entries): use rb_econv_alloc and
+ rb_econv_add_transcoder_at.
+ (rb_econv_add_converter): extracted from rb_econv_decorate_at.
+ (rb_econv_decorate_at): use rb_econv_add_converter.
+Fri Sep 12 21:22:09 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_t): new field: started.
+ (rb_econv_open_by_transcoder_entries): initialize started field.
+ (rb_econv_convert): set started field.
+ (rb_econv_insert_output): ditto.
+ (rb_econv_decorate_at): check started field instead of num_finished.
+Fri Sep 12 20:28:59 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * regenc.c (onigenc_single_byte_code_to_mbc): follow OnigEncoding
+ change.
+Fri Sep 12 20:00:22 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * regparse.c (parse_exp): fix resource leak.
+Fri Sep 12 01:21:22 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/syck/node.c (syck_replace_str2): fix wrong check to free ptr.
+Thu Sep 11 20:18:24 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * test/win32ole/test_err_in_callback.rb (teardown): get rid
+ of infinite loop.
+Thu Sep 11 19:12:56 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * include/ruby/oniguruma.h (OnigCodePoint): unsigned long to unsigned int.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_enc_codepoint): ditto.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_codepoint): signed int to unsigned int.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_ascget): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_casecmp): ditto.
+ * string.c (enc_succ_alnum_char): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_inspect): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_upcase_bang): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_downcase_bang): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_capitalize_bang): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_swapcase_bang): ditto.
+ * string.c (struct tr): ditto.
+ * string.c (trnext): ditto.
+ * string.c (tr_trans): ditto.
+ * string.c (tr_setup_table): ditto.
+ * string.c (tr_find): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_delete_bang): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_squeeze_bang): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_count): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_split_m): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_each_line): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_lstrip_bang): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_rstrip_bang): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_intern): ditto.
+ * dir.c (char_casecmp): ditto.
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): ditto.
+ * enc/emacs_mule.c (mbc_to_code): to be 32bit clean.
+ * enc/emacs_mule.c (code_to_mbc): ditto.
+ * enc/gb18030.c (mbc_to_code): ditto.
+ * enc/gb18030.c (code_to_mbc): ditto.
+Thu Sep 11 19:09:25 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c: add attention for machine independent.
+Thu Sep 11 15:23:26 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (bigdivrem): adjust length for division and remainder.
+ a patch from TOYOFUKU Chikanobu <nobu_toyofuku at> in
+ [ruby-dev:36231].
+Thu Sep 11 02:59:47 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (io_binwrite): extracted from io_fwrite.
+Thu Sep 11 02:25:34 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (make_encoding): new function.
+ (make_encobj): new function.
+ (econv_s_asciicompat_encoding): use make_encoding.
+ (rb_econv_open_exc): use SUPPLEMENTAL_CONVERSION.
+ (econv_convpath): use encoding object in the result.
+Thu Sep 11 02:14:38 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (econv_convpath): new method.
+Wed Sep 10 23:00:43 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * tool/compile_prelude.rb: print "<internal:prelude>" instead of
+ "prelude.rb" on stack trace. [ruby-dev:36129]
+Wed Sep 10 21:19:58 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (big2str_karatsuba): remove unnecessary fixnum code. a
+ patch from TOYOFUKU Chikanobu <nobu_toyofuku at> in
+ [ruby-dev:36217].
+Wed Sep 10 21:09:32 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * test/win32ole/test_err_in_callback.rb: InternetExplorer should
+ be closed.
+ * test/win32ole/err_in_callback.rb: ditto.
+Wed Sep 10 18:25:19 2008 akira yamada <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (URI::Parser): new class.
+ * lib/uri/mailto.rb, lib/uri/generic.rb: follow the above change.
+ * test/uri/test_parser.rb: added tests for URI::Parser.
+Wed Sep 10 10:35:32 2008 Takeyuki Fujioka <>
+ * lib/cgi/cookie.rb (CGI::Cookie#to_s): performance improvement
+ from
+Wed Sep 10 10:12:29 2008 akira yamada <>
+ * lib/sync.rb (Sync_m#sync_exclusive): fixed
+ typo. [ruby-dev:36233] [RubyForge#11680]
+Wed Sep 10 01:57:23 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb (StrSet#hash): cache hash value.
+ (ActionMap#hash): ditto.
+Wed Sep 10 01:26:01 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (econv_after_output): renamed from
+ econv_output_followed_by_input.
+ * transcode.c: follow the renaming.
+ * io.c: ditto.
+Wed Sep 10 01:16:07 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (get_replacement_character): don't return ASCII
+ incompatible replacements.
+ (make_replacement): don't convert the result of
+ get_replacement_character.
+Wed Sep 10 01:05:00 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enc/trans/newline.trans (rb_universal_newline): swap src_encoding
+ and dst_encoding.
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_decorate_at): call get_transcoder_entry only
+ once.
+ (rb_econv_binmode): follow universal_newline change.
+Wed Sep 10 00:01:36 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/io.h (rb_io_t): rename field: writeconv_stateless to
+ writeconv_asciicompat.
+ * io.c: follow the renaming.
+ * gc.c: ditto.
+Tue Sep 9 23:55:26 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (io_fwrite): raise an error if ASCII incompatible string
+ written for text mode IO without encoding conversion.
+ (rb_io_extract_modeenc): binmode requirement changed.
+Tue Sep 9 21:59:48 2008 Takeyuki Fujioka <>
+ * lib/cgi*: split cgi.rb into four files. [ruby-dev:36041]
+Tue Sep 9 21:17:00 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (ECONV_DECORATOR_MASK): merge
+ * io.c: follow the renaming.
+ * transcode.c: ditto.
+Tue Sep 9 20:55:55 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_open0): make it static.
+ (rb_econv_open): place decorators at last.
+Tue Sep 9 20:40:15 2008 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb (OpenSSL#test_client_session):
+ Debian's openssl 0.9.8g-13 failed at assert(ssl.session_reused?),
+ when use default SSLContext. [ruby-dev:36167]
+Tue Sep 9 20:34:26 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_t): last_trans_index removed.
+ (rb_econv_open_by_transcoder_entries): follow the type change.
+ (rb_econv_open0): ditto.
+ (rb_econv_decorate_at): ditto.
+ (rb_econv_binmode): ditto.
+ (rb_econv_insert_output): simplified because there are no decorators
+ at last.
+Tue Sep 9 20:21:54 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_open): reverse the order of decoders.
+Tue Sep 9 20:18:26 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_open0): num_encoders and num_decoders removed.
+Tue Sep 9 03:59:13 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (make_writeconv): useless branch removed.
+Tue Sep 9 02:18:20 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_econv_decorate_at_first): declared.
+ (rb_econv_decorate_at_last): declared.
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_open_by_transcoder_entries): initialize
+ replacement_enc. allocate outbuf for the last transcoder.
+ (rb_econv_open0): extracted from rb_econv_open.
+ (rb_econv_open): use rb_econv_open0 and decorate the result using
+ rb_econv_decorate_at_first and rb_econv_decorate_at_last.
+ (rb_econv_decorate_at): new function.
+ (rb_econv_decorate_at_first): ditto.
+ (rb_econv_decorate_at_last): ditto.
+ (rb_econv_binmode): fix iteration end condition.
+ (econv_init): don't set source_encoding_name and
+ destination_encoding_name because they are set in rb_econv_open0.
+Tue Sep 9 01:10:54 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_open): make ec a local variable.
+Tue Sep 9 00:20:10 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_asciicompat_encoding): check decoder.
+Tue Sep 9 00:00:47 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_t): last_error.partial_input removed.
+Mon Sep 8 23:24:54 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_econv_asciicompat_encoding): renamed
+ from rb_econv_stateless_encoding to apply stateless ASCII
+ incompatible encodings such as UTF-16BE.
+ * io.c (make_writeconv): use rb_econv_asciicompat_encoding.
+ * transcode_data.h (rb_transcoder_asciicompat_type_t): renamed from
+ rb_transcoder_stateful_type_t.
+ (rb_transcoder): use rb_transcoder_asciicompat_type_t.
+ * transcode.c: follow the type change.
+ (asciicompat_encoding_i): renamed from stateless_encoding_i.
+ (rb_econv_asciicompat_encoding): renamed from
+ rb_econv_stateless_encoding.
+ (econv_s_asciicompat_encoding): method renamed.
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: follow the type change.
+ * enc/trans/utf_16_32.trans: follow the type change.
+ rb_from_UTF_16BE to UTF-8 is asciicompat_decoder.
+ rb_from_UTF_16LE to UTF-8 is asciicompat_decoder.
+ rb_from_UTF_32BE to UTF-8 is asciicompat_decoder.
+ rb_from_UTF_32LE to UTF-8 is asciicompat_decoder.
+ UTF-8 to rb_to_UTF_16BE is asciicompat_encoder.
+ UTF-8 to rb_to_UTF_16LE is asciicompat_encoder.
+ UTF-8 to rb_to_UTF_32BE is asciicompat_encoder.
+ UTF-8 to rb_to_UTF_32LE is asciicompat_encoder.
+ * enc/trans/newline.trans: follow the type change. universal newline
+ decoder is asciicompat_converter.
+ * enc/trans/escape.trans: follow the type change.
+ * enc/trans/iso2022.trans: ditto.
+ * enc/trans/japanese.trans: ditto.
+Mon Sep 8 23:05:42 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_insert_output): "readagain" part should be
+ after replacement.
+Mon Sep 8 22:30:03 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * dir.c (dir_initialize): rename option name of
+ from :external_encoding to :encoding.
+Mon Sep 8 22:16:20 2008 Takeyuki FUJIOKA <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb : obsolete regex "n" option. [ruby-dev:36130]
+Mon Sep 8 18:13:20 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (getppid): typo. [ruby-dev:36202]
+ * process.c (get_ppid): mention the return value on Windows.
+Mon Sep 8 18:15:59 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb (ArrayCode): less string substitutions.
+Mon Sep 8 18:13:13 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * vm.c (rb_mRubyVMFrozenCore): registered for GC.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_preprocess_dregexp): fix GC problem on MacOS X with
+ powerpc-apple-darwin8-gcc-4.0.1 (GCC) 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc.
+ build 5367).
+Mon Sep 8 18:09:07 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.h): define SIZE_MAX for VC++6/7.
+Mon Sep 8 17:46:09 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (filetime_to_unixtime): remove unused variable.
+ [ruby-dev:36191]
+Mon Sep 8 13:47:39 2008 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (TestIO#test_dup): add open in block.
+ see [ruby-dev:35957].
+Mon Sep 8 07:09:42 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c: some adjustments.
+ * rational.c: ditto.
+Mon Sep 8 06:50:29 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (XLDFLAGS): added --enable-auto-import for cygwin and
+ mingw.
+Mon Sep 8 02:04:25 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_econv_set_replacement): renamed from
+ rb_econv_set_replacemenet.
+ * transcode.c: follow the renaming.
+Mon Sep 8 01:10:41 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb (transcode_tblgen): log message refined.
+Mon Sep 8 00:58:04 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * rational.c: removed unused code.
+Mon Sep 8 00:04:09 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enc/trans/iso2022.trans: upcase to iso-2022-jp.
+ * enc/emacs_mule.c: ditto.
+Sun Sep 7 23:46:36 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enc/trans/iso2022.trans: stateless-iso-2022-jp is defined to avoid
+ undefined conversion error between iso-2022-jp and the corresponding
+ stateless encoding.
+ * enc/emacs_mule.c: replicate emacs-mule as stateless-iso-2022-jp.
+Sun Sep 7 20:03:01 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enc/trans/escape.trans (hexstr): renamed from str1.
+Sun Sep 7 19:45:31 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enc/trans/escape.trans: use transcode_tblgen.
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: generate an empty line after str1.
+Sun Sep 7 19:16:38 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb (ActionMap#str_name): new method to
+ generate a name base on string content.
+ (ActionMap#gen_str): extracted from generate_info and use str_name.
+Sun Sep 7 18:28:05 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb (ActionMap#generate_info): use a memo to
+ avoid duplication for STR1.
+Sun Sep 7 18:10:28 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode_data.h (STR1): defined for a string up to 255 bytes.
+ (STR1_BYTEINDEX): defined.
+ (makeSTR1): defined.
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: generate STR1.
+ * transcode.c (transcode_restartable0): interpret STR1.
+ * enc/trans/escape.trans (fun_so_escape_xml_chref): removed. STR1 is
+ used instead.
+Sun Sep 7 17:54:45 2008 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * Mac OS X's crypt(2) is broken with invalid salt.
+ [ruby-dev:35899]
+ * string.c (rb_str_crypt): ditto.
+Sun Sep 7 17:29:49 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: o4 is usable only if the first byte is
+ f0-f7.
+Sun Sep 7 12:44:26 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (make_writeconv): choose ASCII compatible encoding as
+ intermediate encoding if stateful encoder exists.
+Sun Sep 7 12:09:29 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (ECONV_XML_ATTR_CONTENT_ENCODER): defined.
+ * enc/trans/escape.trans (rb_escape_xml_attr_content): defined.
+ (rb_escape_xml_attr_quote): defined.
+ (rb_escape_xml_attr): removed.
+ * io.c (NEED_WRITECONV): writeconv is required if supplemental
+ converter is used.
+ (make_writeconv): apply stateful encoder in writeconv.
+ * transcode.c: follow the constant change.
+Sun Sep 7 07:24:09 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * misc/*.el: merged the following patches from Nathan Weizenbaum
+ <nex342 at>. [ruby-core:18424]
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el: improve here-doc performance.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el: don't crash the whole mode if the Subversion
+ $ keyword isn't interpolated.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el: don't highlight keywords when they're the
+ beginning of non-keyword symbols.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el, misc/ruby-electric.el: use regexp-opt where
+ possible for more efficient regexps.
+ * misc/*.el: untabify, for internal consistency and consistency
+ with standard Emacs elisp files.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el: fix a variable-name error.
+ * misc/emacs-mode.el: don't set case-fold-search globally to nil;
+ instead just set it when we need it.
+Sun Sep 7 06:31:51 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (file_expand_path): applied a patch from Nobuhiro Tachino
+ in [ruby-dev:35948]. fix #491
+Sun Sep 7 03:37:05 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (f_block_optarg): allow default for block parameters as
+ long as the value is primary. a patch from Eric Mahurin
+ <eric.mahurin at> in [ruby-core:16880].
+Sun Sep 7 01:07:10 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): "1.upto 2 {|i| p i }" should be syntax error.
+ [ruby-dev:36008]
+ * test/ruby/test_parse.rb (TestParse): update a test not to use
+ recently fixed inconsistent syntax.
+Sun Sep 7 00:37:25 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (ECONV_ERROR_HANDLER_MASK): defined.
+ (ECONV_DECODER_MASK): defined.
+ (ECONV_ENCODER_MASK): defined.
+ * io.c (make_writeconv): restrict ecflags for writeconv with
+Sat Sep 6 23:03:41 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (ECONV_XML_TEXT_ENCODER): renamed from
+ * enc/trans/escape.trans: follow the renaming.
+ * transcode.c: ditto.
+Sat Sep 6 21:35:52 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: add some IPV6 constants. [ruby-dev:36175]
+Sat Sep 6 20:10:48 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (econv_description): show ECONV_HTML_TEXT_ENCODER and
+Sat Sep 6 20:06:09 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_binmode): check actual transcoders.
+Sat Sep 6 19:54:25 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_open): fix last_tc.
+Sat Sep 6 19:36:34 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_binmode): clear newline flags in writeconv_pre_ecflags.
+Sat Sep 6 18:47:40 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (str_transcode0): check ECONV_HTML_TEXT_ENCODER and
+Sat Sep 6 18:38:47 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (allocate_converted_string): fix overflow condition.
+Sat Sep 6 15:06:21 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (sym_html): new variable.
+ (sym_text): ditto.
+ (sym_attr): ditto.
+ (econv_opts): check :html=>:text and :html=>:attr.
+ (Init_transcode): initialize the above variables.
+Sat Sep 6 14:46:12 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (ECONV_HTML_TEXT_ENCODER): new constant.
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_open): check ECONV_HTML_TEXT_ENCODER and
+ (Init_transcode): Encoding::Converter::HTML_TEXT_ENCODER and
+ Encoding::Converter::HTML_ATTR_ENCODER defined.
+Sat Sep 6 14:15:25 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (struct trans_open_t): defined to pass num_additional.
+ (trans_open_i): use struct trans_open_t.
+ (rb_econv_open): ditto.
+Sat Sep 6 13:43:20 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enc/trans/escape.trans (fun_so_escape_html_attr): fix return type.
+Sat Sep 6 12:43:55 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_open): needless branch removed.
+Sat Sep 6 12:38:34 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_open): test condition simplified.
+Sat Sep 6 12:25:31 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (stateless_encoding_i): ignore supplemental conversions.
+ Encoding::Converter.stateless_encoding("html-attr-escaped") should be
+ nil.
+Sat Sep 6 12:19:36 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enc/trans/escape.trans (escape_html_attr_init): new function.
+ (fun_so_escape_html_attr): new function.
+ (escape_html_attr_finish): new function.
+ (rb_escape_html_attr): use them to quote the converted result.
+Sat Sep 6 07:54:36 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c: uses f_real_p macro.
+Sat Sep 6 07:27:00 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_open): fail for ASCII incompatible with
+ newline conversion.
+Sat Sep 6 07:24:49 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_extract_modeenc): raise an error for ASCII incompatible
+ encoding without binmode.
+Sat Sep 6 07:12:42 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (bigdivrem1): optimization by skipping zeros at the
+ tail of digits. a patch from TOYOFUKU Chikanobu
+ <nobu_toyofuku at> in [ruby-dev:36169].
+Sat Sep 6 06:28:46 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enc/trans/escape.trans: new file.
+Sat Sep 6 06:23:27 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb (StrSet.parse): accept upper case
+ hexadecimal digits.
+Sat Sep 6 05:37:08 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (output_hex_charref): upcase hexadecimal digits.
+Sat Sep 6 05:22:29 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (ECONV_UNDEF_HEX_CHARREF): defined.
+ * transcode.c (output_hex_charref): new function.
+ (rb_econv_convert): call output_hex_charref if
+ (Init_transcode): Encoding::Converter::UNDEF_HEX_CHARREF added.
+Sat Sep 6 03:52:47 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_convert): use ECONV_INVALID_MASK and
+Sat Sep 6 06:05:09 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (DBL2NUM): renamed from DOUBLE2NUM.
+ a patch from Tadashi Saito <shiba at>
+ in [ruby-dev:36102].
+Sat Sep 6 04:44:06 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * proc.c (Init_Proc): add '===' operator to use procs in when
+ clause of the case statement. inspired by <>.
+Sat Sep 6 03:18:17 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (allocate_converted_string): add arguments for a buffer
+ allocated by caller.
+ (rb_econv_insert_output): provide caller allocated buffer to
+ allocate_converted_string.
+Sat Sep 6 02:58:53 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (str_transcode_enc_args): local variables renamed.
+ (str_transcode0): ditto.
+Sat Sep 6 02:23:18 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (econv_s_stateless_encoding): new method.
+Sat Sep 6 02:01:59 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (enc_arg): extracted from str_transcode_enc_args.
+ (str_transcode_enc_args): use enc_arg.
+Fri Sep 5 20:27:17 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/io.h (rb_io_modestr_fmode): renamed from
+ rb_io_mode_flags.
+ (rb_io_modestr_oflags): renamed from rb_io_mode_modenum.
+ (rb_io_oflags_fmode): renamed from rb_io_modenum_flags.
+ (rb_io_mode_flags): defined as a macro.
+ (rb_io_modenum_flags): ditto.
+ * io.c: follow the renaming with consistency.
+ * process.c (check_exec_redirect): call rb_io_modestr_oflags.
+ * ext/pty/depend: pty.o depends on io.h.
+Fri Sep 5 20:12:23 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enc/trans/newline.trans (universal_newline_finish): new function.
+Fri Sep 5 20:07:37 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/io.h (rb_io_mode_modenum): moved from
+ include/ruby/intern.h.
+Fri Sep 5 19:59:26 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (MODENUM_MAX): removed.
+Fri Sep 5 18:37:52 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (copy_stream_fallback_body): use read method unless readpartial
+ is available. [ruby-dev:36124]
+Fri Sep 5 18:16:31 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (iconv_create): strips glibc style option before
+ charset mapping. retries without options if they seemed causing
+ error, and warns. [ruby-dev:36147]
+Fri Sep 5 03:09:48 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c (iseq_data_to_ary): make it static.
+ * thread.c (thgroup_enclose): ditto.
+Fri Sep 5 02:56:37 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (thread_recycle_stack_slot, thread_recycle_stack_count):
+ make it static.
+Fri Sep 5 02:40:38 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_critical): removed.
+Fri Sep 5 01:22:23 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (argf_mark): mark p->encs.ecopts.
+Fri Sep 5 00:45:07 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode_data.h (rb_transcoder): rename fields:
+ from_encoding -> src_encoding, to_encoding -> dst_encoding.
+ * transcode.c: follow the renaming.
+Fri Sep 5 00:22:34 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c: variables renamed for consistency.
+Fri Sep 5 00:05:27 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * pack.c (encodes): make buff fixed length to avoid SEGV by
+ ruby -e '["a"*10000000].pack("m1000000000")'
+Thu Sep 4 23:47:05 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_mode): set exception mode
+ correctly. In spite of BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_ALL,
+ true),"NaN") did not raise an exception previously.
+Thu Sep 4 23:42:42 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_file_open_str): declared.
+ * io.c (rb_file_open_str): defined.
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (gzfile_s_open): use rb_file_open_str instead of
+ rb_file_open.
+Thu Sep 4 23:18:55 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enc/trans/newline.trans: record newline types met in universal
+ newline decoder.
+Thu Sep 4 23:05:54 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * lib/prime.rb (Prime::OldCompatibility#each): added compatibility to
+ Ruby 1.8.7.
+ (Prime#each): added more rdocs.
+ (Prime#each): remembers the last value of the given block.
+Thu Sep 4 21:53:58 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (econv_init): accept an integer as 3rd argument as well.
+Thu Sep 4 21:46:21 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (sym_partial_input): new variable.
+ (econv_primitive_convert): accept a hash as 5th argument as well.
+Thu Sep 4 21:04:27 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (sym_universal_newline_decoder): new variable.
+ (sym_crlf_newline_encoder): ditto.
+ (sym_cr_newline_encoder): ditto.
+ (econv_opts): check newline converter options.
+ (econv_init): make 3rd argument hash/nil only.
+Thu Sep 4 21:03:28 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_dump.c: rename some debug functions.
+Thu Sep 4 20:57:54 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_check_trap_pending): added for compatibility.
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c, ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: remove ruby/signal.h
+ dependency.
+Thu Sep 4 20:30:24 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode_data.h (PType): defined unconditionally.
+ * transcode.c (PType): don't define here.
+Thu Sep 4 20:19:36 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c: variables renamed for consistency.
+Thu Sep 4 19:40:50 2008 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c (gc_profile_record_get): to static function.
+ (gc_profile_result): ditto.
+ (gc_profile_report): ditto.
+Thu Sep 4 19:20:24 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/io.h (rb_io_enc_t): rename flags to ecflags.
+ (rb_io_t): rename writeconv_pre_flags to writeconv_pre_ecflags.
+ (MakeOpenFile): follow the renaming.
+ * io.c: follow the renaming.
+Thu Sep 4 19:10:27 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (ECONV_INVALID_IGNORE): removed because
+ it tend to cause security problem. If the behaviour is really
+ required, ECONV_INVALID_REPLACE with empty string can be used.
+ For example, CVE-2006-2313, CVE-2008-1036, [ruby-core:15645],
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_convert): follow the above change.
+ (econv_opts): ditto.
+ (Init_transcode): ditto.
+Thu Sep 4 13:22:02 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_core.h (struct rb_vm_struct): replaced signal staff with trap
+ staff.
+ * signal.c (signal_buff): per process resource now.
+ * signal.c (trap_list): moved to VM.
+ * signal.c (rb_get_next_signal): reverted.
+ * signal.c (rb_trap_exit): trap_pending_list was no longer used.
+ * thread.c (timer_thread_function): delivers buffered per-process
+ signals to each VMs.
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_mark): marks trap_list.
+Thu Sep 4 13:01:11 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (struct sysopen_struct, rb_sysopen_internal, rb_sysopen):
+ constified.
+ * io.c: expanded ARGF members macros.
+Thu Sep 4 10:43:47 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb (citrus_decode_mapsrc): support older 1.8.
+Thu Sep 4 10:33:43 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (argf_next_argv, argf_set_encoding): copy struct wise.
+Thu Sep 4 09:46:18 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_scan_open_args): follow rb_str_transcode change.
+Thu Sep 4 08:59:29 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * file.c (rb_find_file): fix GC problem on Debian GNU/Linux (IA64)
+ with gcc (GCC) 4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.1-21).
+ There is no register/memory to contain load_path. A register (r35)
+ contains &RARRAY_PTR(load_path), (char*)load_path + 32.
+Thu Sep 4 03:10:05 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/io.h (rb_io_t): new fields: encs.ecopts and
+ writeconv_pre_ecopts.
+ (MakeOpenFile): initialize them.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_str_transcode): take ecopts argument.
+ (rb_econv_flags): removed.
+ (rb_econv_prepare_opts): declared.
+ (rb_econv_open_opts): declared.
+ * io.c (make_writeconv): use rb_econv_open_opts.
+ (make_readconv): ditto.
+ (io_fwrite): follow rb_str_transcode change.
+ (rb_io_extract_modeenc): use rb_econv_prepare_opts.
+ (rb_file_open_generic): initialize encs.ecopts.
+ (rb_file_open_internal): ditto.
+ (rb_io_reopen): ditto.
+ (argf_ecopts): defined.
+ (argf_next_argv): set encs.ecopts.
+ (io_encoding_set): use rb_econv_prepare_opts.
+ (argf_set_encoding): set argf_ecopts.
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_children): mark encs.ecopts and writeconv_pre_ecopts
+ in T_FILE.
+ * transcode.c (transcode_loop): take ecopts argument. use
+ rb_econv_open_opts.
+ (rb_econv_flags): removed.
+ (rb_econv_prepare_opts): defined.
+ (rb_econv_open_opts): defined.
+ (str_transcode0): take ecopts.
+ (str_transcode): use rb_econv_prepare_opts.
+ (rb_str_transcode): take ecopts.
+ (econv_init): accept hash argument.
+ (econv_insert_output): follow rb_str_transcode change.
+Thu Sep 4 01:30:26 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_econv_set_replacemenet): declared.
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_t): new fields: replacement_str,
+ replacement_len, replacement_enc and replacement_allocated.
+ (get_replacement_character): make len as size_t.
+ (rb_econv_open_by_transcoder_entries): initialize the new fields.
+ (rb_econv_close): deallocate replacement_str if it allocated.
+ (make_replacement): new function.
+ (output_replacement_character): use make_replacement.
+ (rb_econv_set_replacemenet): defined.
+ (econv_get_replacement): new method.
+ (econv_set_replacement): new method.
+Thu Sep 4 01:12:03 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (filetime_to_timeval): new function, split from
+ gettimeofday().
+ * win32/win32.c (gettimeofday): use above function.
+ * win32/win32.c (filetime_to_unixtime): ditto. [ruby-dev:36135]
+Thu Sep 4 01:00:57 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * transcode.c (transcode_restartable0): avoid VC++6's bug.
+Thu Sep 4 00:26:27 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (make_writeconv): follow akr's previous commit.
+Thu Sep 4 00:09:05 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_econv_option_t): removed. Since
+ rb_econv_option_t has only one field, int flags, rb_econv_option_t is
+ replaced by int.
+ * include/ruby/io.h: follow the above change.
+ * io.c: ditto.
+ * transcode.c: ditto.
+Thu Sep 4 00:04:59 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * win32/win32.c: fix ruby/signal.h depending codes.
+Thu Sep 4 00:01:45 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/etc/test_etc.rb (test_getpwuid, test_getgrgid): use
+ Process.euid and egid instead of Etc.getlogin to identify current
+ user which may be different from a login one (e.g., su command).
+Wed Sep 3 23:52:47 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/etc/test_etc.rb: check only typical use of
+ setpwent/getpwent/endpwent and setgrent/getgrent/endgrent.
+Wed Sep 3 23:33:09 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_transcoding): moved from transcode_data.h.
+Wed Sep 3 23:03:37 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode_data.h (rb_transcoding): remove stateful field.
+ add state field.
+ (rb_transcoder): add fields: state_size, state_init_func,
+ state_fini_func.
+ change rb_transcoding* argument to void*.
+ * transcode.c (transcode_restartable0): use TRANSCODING_STATE for
+ first arguments of transcoder functions.
+ (rb_transcoding_open_by_transcoder): initialize state field.
+ (rb_transcoding_close): finalize state field.
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: provide state size/init/fini.
+ * enc/trans/newline.trans (universal_newline_init): defined.
+ (fun_so_universal_newline): take void* as a state pointer.
+ (rb_universal_newline): provide state size/init/fini.
+ (rb_crlf_newline): ditto.
+ (rb_cr_newline): ditto.
+ * enc/trans/iso2022.trans (iso2022jp_init): defined.
+ (fun_si_iso2022jp_to_eucjp): take void* as a state pointer.
+ (fun_so_iso2022jp_to_eucjp): ditto.
+ (fun_so_eucjp_to_iso2022jp): ditto.
+ (iso2022jp_reset_sequence_size): ditto.
+ (finish_eucjp_to_iso2022jp): ditto.
+ (rb_ISO_2022_JP_to_EUC_JP): provide state size/init/fini.
+ (rb_EUC_JP_to_ISO_2022_JP): ditto.
+ * enc/trans/utf_16_32.trans (fun_so_from_utf_16be): take void* as a
+ state pointer.
+ (fun_so_to_utf_16be): ditto.
+ (fun_so_from_utf_16le): ditto.
+ (fun_so_to_utf_16le): ditto.
+ (fun_so_from_utf_32be): ditto.
+ (fun_so_to_utf_32be): ditto.
+ (fun_so_from_utf_32le): ditto.
+ (fun_so_to_utf_32le): ditto.
+ (rb_from_UTF_16BE): provide state size/init/fini.
+ (rb_to_UTF_16BE): ditto.
+ (rb_from_UTF_16LE): ditto.
+ (rb_to_UTF_16LE): ditto.
+ (rb_from_UTF_32BE): ditto.
+ (rb_to_UTF_32BE): ditto.
+ (rb_from_UTF_32LE): ditto.
+ (rb_to_UTF_32LE): ditto.
+ * enc/trans/japanese.trans (fun_so_eucjp2sjis): take void* as a state
+ pointer.
+ (fun_so_sjis2eucjp): ditto.
+ (rb_eucjp2sjis): provide state size/init/fini.
+ (rb_sjis2eucjp): provide state size/init/fini.
+Wed Sep 3 22:31:11 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * lib/mathn.rb (Integer): moved into prime.rb.
+ (Prime): ditto.
+ * lib/prime.rb (Integer): moved from mathn.rb.
+ (Integer.each_prime): added.
+ (Integer#prime?): added.
+ (Prime): moved from mathn.rb.
+ Its implementation was rewritten. see [ruby-dev:35863].
+ And patched by Keiju ISHITSUKA <>,
+ see [ruby-dev:36128].
+ ( obsolete.
+ (Prime.instance): added.
+ (Prime.each): added.
+ (Prime.int_from_prime_division): added.
+ (Prime.prime_division): added.
+ ( added.
+ Patch by TOYOFUKU Chikanobu
+ <nobu_toyofuku at> in [ruby-dev:36067].
+ (Prime.cache): removed.
+ (Prime.primes): removed.
+ (Prime.primes_so_far): removed.
+ (Prime#int_from_prime_division): added.
+ (Prime#prime_division): added.
+ (Prime#prime?): added.
+ (Prime#primes): removed.
+ (Prime#primes_so_far): removed.
+ (Prime::PseudoPrmeGenerator): added.
+ (Prime::EratosthenesGenerator): added.
+ (Prime::TrialDivisionGenerator): added.
+ (Prime::Generator23): added.
+ (Prime::TrialDivision): added.
+ Extracted from the previous implementation of Prime
+ by Keiju ISHITSUKA.
+ (Prime::EratosthenesSieve): added.
+ * lib/.document (prime.rb): added
+ * lib/README (prime.rb): added
+ * test/test_prime.rb: added.
+Wed Sep 3 21:49:00 2008 David A. Black <>
+ * lib/scanf.rb: fixed bug involving matching literal '['
+ * test/scanf/test_scanf.rb: added test for scanf.rb fix
+Wed Sep 3 21:31:59 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode_data.h (WORDINDEX_SHIFT_BITS): defined.
+ (WORDINDEX2INFO): defined.
+ (INFO2WORDINDEX): defined.
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: use WORDINDEX2INFO.
+ * transcode.c: use INFO2WORDINDEX.
+Wed Sep 3 21:19:51 2008 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * golf_prelude.rb: suppress warnings when goruby -v.
+Wed Sep 3 21:07:30 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (BL_MIN_BYTE): defined.
+ (BL_MAX_BYTE): defined.
+ (BL_OFFSET): defined.
+ (BL_ACTION): defined.
+ (transcode_restartable0): use BL_MIN_BYTE, BL_MAX_BYTE and
+Wed Sep 3 20:58:30 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (BYTE_ADDR): defined.
+ (WORD_ADDR): ditto.
+Wed Sep 3 20:47:31 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode_data.h (rb_transcoder): new field: byte_array_length and
+ word_array_length.
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb (transcode_generated_code): generate
+ byte_array_length and word_array_length.
+Wed Sep 3 20:34:10 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb (ArrayCode): new class.
+ (ActionMap#gen_array_code): moved to ArrayCode.
+ (ActionMap#numelt_array_code): ditto.
+ (ActionMap#array_code_insert_at_last): ditto.
+Wed Sep 3 20:08:35 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enc/trans/japanese.trans: new file.
+Wed Sep 3 20:04:33 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb (ActionMap#gen_array_code): extracted from
+ generate_lookup_node.
+ (ActionMap#numelt_array_code): ditto.
+ (ActionMap#array_code_insert_at_last): ditto.
+Wed Sep 3 20:01:01 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * parse.y (parser_encoding_name): defined.
+ (parser_tokadd_mbchar): show encoding in the message of
+ "invalid multibyte char" error.
+Wed Sep 3 19:28:04 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_method_missing): C99.
+Wed Sep 3 19:18:12 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb: fix test.
+ [ruby-dev:35960]
+Wed Sep 3 17:48:32 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/trans/make_transdb.rb: check $(srcdir)/enc/trans before
+ enc/trans.
+ * enc/trans/make_transdb.rb: keep names_t.
+Wed Sep 3 16:54:46 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/signal.h: removed.
+ *, class.c, eval.c, eval_intern.h, file.c, gc.c, hash.c,
+ io.c, process.c, signal.c: vm_core.h: ditto.
+ Some unused external global variables are also removed.
+ (rb_prohibit_interrupt, rb_trap_immediate, rb_trap_pending,
+ rb_thread_critical)
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c, ext/openssl/ossl_x509store.c,
+ ext/readline/readline.c, ext/socket/depend,
+ ext/socket/socket.c: ditto.
+Wed Sep 3 00:23:25 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_method_missing): copy arguments to allocated
+ memory from machine stack. [ruby-dev:36064]
+Tue Sep 2 22:20:26 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode_data.h (base_element): removed.
+ (BYTE_LOOKUP): removed.
+ (BYTE_LOOKUP_BASE): don't cast.
+ (BYTE_LOOKUP_INFO): ditto.
+ (PType): unsigned int, instead of uintptr_t.
+ (rb_transcoding): change type of next_field, conv_tree_start and
+ word_array.
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: generate word_array as array of unsigned
+ int.
+ * transcode.c (transcode_restartable0): follow the above type change.
+Tue Sep 2 21:22:22 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: add prefix for byte_array and word_array.
+Tue Sep 2 20:57:14 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enc/trans/make_transdb.rb: check foo.c only if foo.trans exists.
+Tue Sep 2 19:19:55 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enc/trans/make_transdb.rb: error message improved.
+Tue Sep 2 14:05:50 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * enc/trans/utf_16_32.trans (from_UTF_8): rename from to_UTF_16BE
+ because it was not collect.
+Tue Sep 2 14:00:54 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * enc/emacs_mule.c (svn:executable): dropped executable bit.
+ * enc/make_encdb.rb (svn:executable): ditto.
+Tue Sep 2 12:58:58 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (COMPILERFLAG): new compiler flag to compile
+ enc/trans/japanese*.c.
+Tue Sep 2 12:37:10 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enc/trans/japanese_euc.trans: splitted from japanese.trans to avoid
+ compiler limitation. reported by usa.
+ * enc/trans/japanese_sjis.trans: ditto.
+Tue Sep 2 12:31:24 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (miniruby): new target.
+Tue Sep 2 11:47:36 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (struct load_arg): data is now st_table.
+ * marshal.c (mark_load_arg): marks data and compat_tbl.
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): no need to check if reentered.
+ * marshal.c (marshal_load): make the wrapper with mark_load_arg.
+Tue Sep 2 10:49:18 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (gettimeofday): easier calculation. use the definition
+ of the Gregorian calendar.
+Tue Sep 2 10:33:12 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * (distclean-golf): moved golf_prelude.c here from
+ distclean-local.
+ (GOLFPRELUDE): added.
+ (distclean-local): moved golf_prelude.c into distclean-golf.
+Tue Sep 2 10:09:17 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (gettimeofday): calc tv_sec and tv_usec from system
+ time by myself. [ruby-dev:36084]
+Tue Sep 2 04:00:37 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode_data.h (o3): prevent sign extension on 64bit environment.
+ (o4): ditto.
+Tue Sep 2 03:26:24 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: comment removed in generated code.
+Tue Sep 2 03:16:42 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: define TRANSCODE_TABLE_INFO in generated
+ code. use it in rb_transcoder.
+ * enc/trans/newline.trans: use TRANSCODE_TABLE_INFO.
+ * enc/trans/iso2022.trans: ditto.
+ * enc/trans/utf_16_32.trans: ditto.
+Tue Sep 2 03:04:33 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: record infos and BYTE_LOOKUPs as index of
+ word_array to avoid relocation.
+ * transcode.c (transcode_restartable0): add word_array to get infos
+ * transcode_data.h (BYTE_LOOKUP_INFO): change return type to
+ uintptr_t.
+Tue Sep 2 02:48:30 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: don't need to cast offsets array.
+Tue Sep 2 02:36:20 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: record offsets array as index of
+ byte_array to avoid relocation.
+ * transcode.c (transcode_restartable0): add byte_array to get offsets
+ array.
+ * transcode_data.h (BYTE_LOOKUP_BASE): change return type to
+ uintptr_t.
+ (rb_transcoder): add fields: byte_array, word_array and word_size.
+ * enc/trans/newline.trans: follow rb_transcoder change.
+ * enc/trans/iso2022.trans: ditto.
+ * enc/trans/utf_16_32.trans: ditto.
+Tue Sep 2 02:05:14 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: make infos arrays and BYTE_LOOKUPs into
+ single array.
+Tue Sep 2 01:47:44 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * (clean-golf): added.
+ (distclean-golf): added.
+ (realclean-golf): added.
+ (clean): added clean-golf.
+ (distclean): added distclean-golf.
+ (realclean): added realclean-golf.
+Tue Sep 2 01:31:45 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * (realclean-local): added newline.c.
+Tue Sep 2 01:19:15 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode_data.h (BYTE_LOOKUP): change to uintptr_t array.
+ (BYTE_LOOKUP_BASE): follow the type change.
+ (BYTE_LOOKUP_INFO): ditto.
+ (PType): ditto.
+ (rb_transcoding): ditto.
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: follow the type change.
+ * transcode.c: ditto.
+ * enc/trans/newline.trans: ditto.
+ * enc/trans/iso2022.trans: ditto.
+ * enc/trans/utf_16_32.trans: ditto.
+Mon Sep 1 23:32:46 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode_data.h (BYTE_LOOKUP_BASE): abstract accessor for
+ (BYTE_LOOKUP_INFO): ditto.
+ * transcode.c (transcode_restartable0): use BYTE_LOOKUP_BASE and
+Mon Sep 1 23:14:25 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: gather infos arrays and BYTE_LOOKUPs.
+Mon Sep 1 22:42:54 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (distclean): added RM_RF conftest.dSYM.
+ Fixes distclean-ext problem on Mac OS X.
+ (RM_RF): added.
+Mon Sep 1 22:37:06 2008 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/rexml/document.rb: limit entity expansion. Thanks, Luka
+ Treiber, Mitja Kolsek, and Michael Koziarski.
+ * lib/rexml/entity.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rexml/test_document.rb: ditto.
+Mon Sep 1 22:20:22 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: make offsets arrays into single array.
+Mon Sep 1 21:46:18 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: gather offsets arrays at top.
+Mon Sep 1 21:09:04 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * ./: removed rubyspec from svn:ignore subversion property.
+ rubyspec directory is no longer used.
+ * spec: added mspec and rubyspec to svn:ignore.
+Mon Sep 1 19:37:19 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: ValidEncoding['eucJP-ms'] defined.
+ "\xA2\xAF".encode("utf-8", "eucJP-ms") should raise
+ Encoding::ConversionUndefined, not Encoding::InvalidByteSequence.
+Mon Sep 1 18:27:51 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (gettimeofday): shouldn't use mktime(3) because it's
+ buggy about handling summer time.
+ reported by Yoshikawa <yoshixool AT> at [ruby-dev:36071]
+Mon Sep 1 17:07:23 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/euc_jp.c (euc-jp-ms): euc-jp-ms is not an alias of EUC-JP
+ but eucJP-ms.
+ * enc/trans/japanese.trans (eucJP-ms): eucJP-ms is the correct
+ name of the encoding in Ruby. [ruby-dev:36070]
+Mon Sep 1 16:48:50 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/digest/md5/md5init.c (md5), ext/digest/rmd160/rmd160init.c
+ (rmd160) ext/digest/sha1/sha1init.c (sha1),
+ ext/digest/sha2/sha2init.c (sha256, sha384, sha512): constified.
+Mon Sep 1 15:15:40 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/trans/japanese.trans: fix mapping priority.
+ IBM extended is prior than NEC selected IBM.
+Mon Sep 1 14:44:22 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb (transcode_compile_tree): use the first
+ mapping when some mappings are given for a character.
+ [ruby-dev:36068]
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: expandtab.
+Mon Sep 1 14:40:18 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * README.EXT (Appendix A): fixed the name of class
+ Enumerator. Enumerable::Enumerator was renamed just
+ Enumerator at revision 18564.
+ * README.EXT (Appendix A): ditto.
+Mon Sep 1 14:37:58 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: set ERB source filename for error message.
+Mon Sep 1 14:37:02 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/depend: transdb.c may not present.
+Mon Sep 1 14:25:26 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/trans/japanese.trans: fix Ruby 1.8 compatibility.
+ * enc/trans/japanese.trans: fix mapping priority. [ruby-dev:36068]
+Mon Sep 1 14:24:14 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/ruby/test_transcode.rb (test_windows_31j): added.
+Mon Sep 1 14:00:04 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * README.EXT (Data-types): fixed for current status.
+ (Manipulating Ruby data): mentioned some more functions.
+ (Class/module definition): ditto.
+ (Global variables shared between C and Ruby):
+ fixed prototypes for the getter/setter's of global variables.
+ (Appendix A): mentioned some more files.
+ * README.EXT.ja: ditto.
+Mon Sep 1 11:31:49 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (copy_stream, fu_copy_stream0, copy_file): use
+ IO.copy_stream to get rid of extraneous conversion.
+Mon Sep 1 02:55:15 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * strftime.c (rb_strftime): calc timezone offset by myself if system
+ doesn't provide timezone info.
+Mon Sep 1 02:48:28 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: change "illegal" to "invalid".
+Mon Sep 1 02:31:16 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb (transcode_generated_code): defined for
+ generating table at once.
+ (transcode_tblgen): returns an empty string.
+ (transcode_generate_node): ditto.
+ * enc/trans/newline.trans: use transcode_generated_code.
+ * enc/trans/iso2022.trans: ditto.
+ * enc/trans/single_byte.trans: ditto.
+ * enc/trans/utf_16_32.trans: ditto.
+ * enc/trans/japanese.trans: ditto.
+ * enc/trans/korean.trans: ditto.
+Mon Sep 1 02:10:03 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb (citrus_decode_mapsrc): print logging
+ message on STDERR.
+Mon Sep 1 01:24:09 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/trans/eucjp-tbl.rb: replace by previous Citrus maps.
+ * enc/trans/sjis-tbl.rb: ditto.
+Mon Sep 1 01:18:26 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: add table generator from Citrus maps.
+ * enc/trans/japanese.trans: use Citrus maps.
+ * enc/trans/CP: add maps from Citrus.
+ * enc/trans/JIS: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_transcode.rb: Shift_JIS and EUC-JP doesn't support
+ IBM extended characters.
+Mon Sep 1 00:19:45 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * (docs): removed a useless make target.
+ tool/makedoc.rb was removed at revision 13919.
+Sun Aug 31 20:49:42 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (numeric_abs2): new.
+Sun Aug 31 18:22:04 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (have_devel?): checks if the compiler works.
+Sun Aug 31 18:02:41 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * Temporarily uses git://
+ until specs for 1.9 is merged into
+ git://
+Sun Aug 31 18:06:49 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (transcode.c): set source_encoding and
+ destination_encoding as encoding object.
+ (ecerr_source_encoding): new method.
+ (ecerr_destination_encoding): ditto.
+Sun Aug 31 17:58:59 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (Logging.log_open): opens in binary mode to get rid of
+ extra CR.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (try_func, try_var, have_struct_member),
+ (scalar_ptr_type?, scalar_type?): use MAIN_DOES_NOTHING.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (MAIN_DOES_NOTHING): defaults to ordinary main.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config): for MAIN_DOES_NOTHING for wince.
+Sun Aug 31 17:30:35 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * spec/README (How to run): added.
+Sun Aug 31 17:28:25 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * spec/default.mspec (config): added.
+ * spec/default.mspec (target): replaced the built ruby
+ to runruby.rb.
+ Improved $LOAD_PATH on running specs.
+ * spec/default.mspec (flags): ditto.
+Sun Aug 31 17:16:07 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (make_econv_exception): rename instance variable names
+ for storing encoding names.
+ (ecerr_source_encoding_name): method renamed.
+ (ecerr_destination_encoding_name): ditto.
+Sun Aug 31 16:57:36 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (econv_putback): associate encoding to the result.
+Sun Aug 31 16:43:56 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: rename RB_UBF_DFL to
+ Because there is no default (universal) unblocking function.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c, file.c, io.c, process.c, thread.c: ditto.
+Sun Aug 31 16:42:23 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (econv_insert_output): raise ArgumentError on failure.
+Sun Aug 31 16:39:17 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_thread.rb: add a test.
+Sun Aug 31 16:34:41 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enc/trans/single_byte.trans (us_ascii_map): don't define 8bit bytes.
+Sun Aug 31 14:27:27 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (econv_last_error): new method.
+Sun Aug 31 14:17:34 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (econv_primitive_convert): make two arguments,
+ destination_byteoffset and destination_bytesize, optional.
+Sun Aug 31 14:12:06 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (make_econv_exception): error message simplified.
+Sun Aug 31 13:47:59 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/coverage/coverage.c (rb_mCoverage): removed unneeded static variable.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (unix_recv_io): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (mConst): ditto.
+Sun Aug 31 13:45:41 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ocsp.c (ossl_ocspres_initialize): fix for
+ initialization of r18168.
+Sun Aug 31 13:42:39 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/ripper/eventids2.c (ripper_init_eventids2): use rb_intern_const.
+ * ext/ripper/tools/generate.rb (generate_eventids1): ditto.
+ * ext/ripper/tools/generate.rb (generate_eventids2_table): ditto.
+Sun Aug 31 12:56:00 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/dl/mkcallback.rb (rb_dl_init_callbacks): fix indent.
+Sun Aug 31 11:39:21 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c (strscan_do_scan): fix usecnt decrement.
+Sun Aug 31 04:38:47 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (econv_putback): make max argument optional.
+Sun Aug 31 04:35:21 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_putback): putback from last byte.
+Sun Aug 31 04:27:04 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (econv_putback): renamed from econv_primitive_putback.
+Sun Aug 31 04:22:51 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (econv_insert_output): renamed from
+ econv_primitive_insert_output.
+Sun Aug 31 04:20:46 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_econv.rb: follow econv_primitive_errinfo change.
+Sun Aug 31 03:44:24 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (econv_primitive_errinfo): 5th element (partial_input)
+ removed from result.
+Sun Aug 31 01:53:31 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/dl/mkcallback.rb: split callback.h to callback-[0-9].c to reduce
+ memory consumption on compilation. [ruby-dev:31898]
+ * ext/dl/depend: add dependency for callback-[0-9].[co].
+Sun Aug 31 01:27:46 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/dl/mkcallback.rb (foreach_proc_entry): extracted.
+ (gencallback): ditto.
+ (gen_push_proc_ary): ditto.
+ (gen_push_addr_ary): ditto.
+Sat Aug 30 23:51:01 2008 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * test/rinda/test_tuplebag.rb (test_has_expires_eh): fix failures
+ [ruby-dev:35937].
+Sat Aug 30 23:38:00 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/dl/test/test_import.rb: fix character code.
+ * ext/dl/test/test_func.rb: ditto.
+Sat Aug 30 22:23:31 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * rational.c: added a static variable for nurat_to_f.
+Sat Aug 30 20:05:41 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_open, rb_w32_read, rb_w32_write): fallback to
+ MSVCRT if text mode is specified. this case will not be used from
+ ruby itself.
+Sat Aug 30 19:49:38 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_read): EOF is not error.
+ ref [ruby-dev:36050]
+Sat Aug 30 18:17:40 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (struct token_info): constified.
+ * parse.y (token_info_get_column, token_info_has_nonspaces),
+ (token_info_push, token_info_pop): constified.
+Sat Aug 30 15:43:03 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_config.c (Init_ossl_config): memory leak fixed.
+ a patch <shinichiro.hamaji at> in [ruby-dev:35880].
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509ext.c (ossl_x509ext_set_value): ditto.
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c (strscan_do_scan): ditto.
+Sat Aug 30 14:58:32 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509ext.c (ossl_x509ext_initialize): fix for
+ initialization of r18168.
+Sat Aug 30 14:47:30 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/dl/mkcallback.rb: fix continuation line detection.
+Sat Aug 30 14:39:51 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/dl/mkcallback.rb (rb_dl_init_callbacks): avoid GC problem which
+ is caused by 'GC.stress=true; require "dl"'.
+Sat Aug 30 11:54:17 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (token_info_push): -w warns indentation level mismatch.
+ based on a patch from Yukina Yamano presented at RubyKaigi'07.
+ See <> and
+ <> (Japanese).
+Sat Aug 30 10:46:44 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c: remove include pragma for "ruby/intern.h".
+Sat Aug 30 10:43:03 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * parse.y: remove include pragma for "ruby/intern.h".
+Sat Aug 30 10:41:57 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rake.rb (Rake::Application#help): fix for OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT and
+ multiple short options. [ruby-dev:36051]
+Sat Aug 30 08:59:25 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_file_s_absolute_path),
+ (rb_file_absolute_path): prototyped.
+Sat Aug 30 08:09:36 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (enc_compatible_p): use TYPE not BUILTIN_TYPE.
+ [ruby-dev:36048]
+Sat Aug 30 07:48:48 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (enc_compatible_p): add SPECIAL_CONST_P check.
+ [ruby-dev:36048]
+ * test/ruby/test_m17n.rb (test_compatible): fix test.
+Sat Aug 30 02:48:11 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_freeze): update rdoc to mention RuntimeError
+ (not TypeError any longer) would be raised. [ruby-dev:35982]
+Sat Aug 30 01:55:30 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (bigdivmod): remove redundant code. a patch from
+ TOYOFUKU Chikanobu <nobu_toyofuku at> in [ruby-dev:36044].
+Sat Aug 30 01:37:20 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI#initialize): remove unused constants. a patch
+ from Takeyuki Fujioka in [ruby-dev:36046].
+Fri Aug 29 22:29:41 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c ({nucomp,numeric}_rect): new.
+ * complex.c: added some aliases
+ (::rectangular, ::rect, #rectangular, #rect, #phase,
+ #magnitude).
+ * complex.c (string_to_c_internal): should not strip any null
+ bytes.
+ * rational.c (string_to_r_internal): ditto.
+ * rational.c (i_gcd): reverted to nurat 0.0.2's one.
+ * numeric.c: added an alias (#magnitude).
+ * bignum.c: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_complex.rb: added assertions.
+ * test/ruby/test_rational.rb: ditto.
+Fri Aug 29 19:46:02 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c, include/ruby/ruby.h: rename T_DEFERRED to T_ZOMBIE.
+Fri Aug 29 18:22:27 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (enc_compatible_p): raise TypeError when argument is not
+ String nor Regexp.
+Fri Aug 29 18:20:56 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_index_m): only regexp uses byte offset.
+ * string.c (rb_str_rindex_m): ditto.
+Fri Aug 29 16:48:34 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method): copy arguments to allocated
+ memory from machine stack. [ruby-dev:36028]
+ * KNOWNBUGS.rb, bootstraptest/test_method.rb: move fixed test.
+Fri Aug 29 12:19:12 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509attr.c (ossl_x509attr_initialize): fix for
+ initialization of r18168.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ocsp.c (ossl_ocspreq_initialize): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509name.c (ossl_x509name_initialize): ditto.
+Fri Aug 29 11:04:03 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_compatible): ASCII compatible string and US-ASCII
+ regexp is compatible. [ruby-dev:36033]
+ * string.c (rb_str_index_m): second argument is position of character.
+ by usa. [ruby-dev:36033]
+ * string.c (rb_str_rindex_m): ditto.
+Fri Aug 29 04:47:49 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_read, rb_w32_write): more accurate handling
+ of wait result.
+Fri Aug 29 02:59:35 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (econv_finish): new method.
+Fri Aug 29 02:45:29 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (econv_convert): new method.
+Fri Aug 29 02:38:14 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (econv_primitive_convert): accept nil as
+ destination_bytesize for unlimited destination size.
+Fri Aug 29 02:11:46 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (econv_primitive_convert): accept nil as input for empty
+ input.
+Fri Aug 29 02:03:56 2008 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * strftime.c (rb_strftime): supported %s and %P.
+ * time.c (time_strftime): ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_time.rb (test_strftime): ditto.
+Fri Aug 29 01:57:58 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (sym_invalid_byte_sequence): new variable.
+ (sym_undefined_conversion): ditto.
+ (sym_destination_buffer_full): ditto.
+ (sym_source_buffer_empty): ditto.
+ (sym_finished): ditto.
+ (sym_output_followed_by_input): ditto.
+ (sym_incomplete_input): ditto.
+ (econv_result_to_symbol): use above variables.
+ (Init_transcode): initialize above variables.
+Fri Aug 29 00:53:40 2008 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * strftime.c (rb_strftime): fixed a bug of padding.
+ * test/ruby/test_time.rb: ditto.
+Fri Aug 29 00:19:54 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (set_pioinfo_extra): use MSVCRT's open() and close().
+Fri Aug 29 00:03:13 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * file.c (file_expand_path): check invalid access.
+Thu Aug 28 23:55:50 2008 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * strftime.c (rb_strftime): Time.mktime(2000).strftime("%-S") should
+ return "0", not "".
+ * test/ruby/test_time.rb: ditto.
+Thu Aug 28 23:55:22 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_time.rb: suppress warning during test.
+Thu Aug 28 23:50:47 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_time.rb (test_strftime): make test for %a independent
+ from local timezone. [ruby-dev:35992]
+Thu Aug 28 23:39:49 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_shared_replace): remove corrupt noembed string
+ which causes SEGV. [ruby-dev:35989]
+Thu Aug 28 23:36:15 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * dependency updated.
+Thu Aug 28 23:28:57 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * KNOWNBUGS.rb: add a test. see [ruby-dev:36028]
+Thu Aug 28 21:43:05 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c, include/ruby/win32.h (rb_w32_open): overlapped file
+ I/O support.
+ * win32/win32.c, include/ruby/win32.h (rb_w32_pipe): overlapped pipe
+ I/O support.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_read, rb_w32_write): overlapped I/O support to
+ enable canceling I/O.
+ * thread_win32.c (ubf_handle): remove workaround.
+Thu Aug 28 20:22:49 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_yield_setup_args): object with to_ary should
+ behave like array. a patch from Yusuke Endoh <mame at>
+ in [ruby-dev:35988]. [ruby-dev:35977]
+ * object.c (convert_type): call less rb_intern() less frequently
+ by using cache structure.
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_node): fail earlier if no method found.
+Thu Aug 28 19:04:50 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_io.rb: no need to create real file.
+Thu Aug 28 09:26:53 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/cgi/test_cgi_multipart.rb: add test for multipart.
+ Patch by Takeyuki Fujioka. [ruby-dev:36014]
+ From CGIAlt
+Thu Aug 28 09:22:01 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/cgi/test_cgi_modruby.rb: add test for mod_ruby adaptor.
+ Patch by Takeyuki Fujioka. [ruby-dev:36013]
+ From CGIAlt
+Thu Aug 28 09:17:10 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/cgi/test_cgi_header.rb: add test for CGI::Header.
+ Patch by Takeyuki Fujioka. [ruby-dev:36010] [ruby-dev:36011]
+ From CGIAlt
+Thu Aug 28 02:16:49 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/io.h (rb_io_t): refcnt field removed.
+ (MakeOpenFile): refcnt initialization removed.
+ * io.c (rb_io_fptr_finalize): don't check refcnt.
+ (rb_io_close_read): don't use refcnt.
+Thu Aug 28 00:07:59 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_initialize): don't accept IO object. [ruby-dev:35895]
+Wed Aug 27 23:28:51 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_invoke): WIN32OLE#[] and WIN32OLE#[]=
+ accepts number argument.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole.rb: ditto.
+Wed Aug 27 14:45:34 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/cgi/test_cgi_core.rb: add core test.
+ Patch by Takeyuki Fujioka. [ruby-dev:36001] [ruby-dev:36002]
+ From CGIAlt
+Wed Aug 27 10:34:42 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI::Cookie): remove delegate.
+ Patch by Takeyuki Fujioka. [ruby-dev:35995]
+ * test/cgi/test_cgi_cookie.rb: added for above.
+ Patch by Takeyuki Fujioka. [ruby-dev:35996]
+ From CGIAlt
+Wed Aug 27 01:13:54 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (transcode_loop): simplified.
+Wed Aug 27 01:03:23 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_econv_result_t): enumeration constant:
+ econv_incomplete_input.
+ * io.c (finish_writeconv): check econv_incomplete_input.
+ * transcode.c (transcode_restartable0): return econv_incomplete_input
+ for unexpected end of source buffer.
+ (trans_sweep): check econv_incomplete_input.
+ (rb_trans_conv): ditto.
+ (rb_econv_convert0): ditto.
+ (rb_econv_convert): ditto.
+ (transcode_loop): ditto.
+ (make_econv_exception): change message for econv_incomplete_input.
+ (econv_result_to_symbol): return :incomplete_input for
+ econv_incomplete_input.
+ (ecerr_incomplete_input): new method.
+Wed Aug 27 00:05:55 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/io.h (rb_io_t): rename crbuf to cbuf.
+ * io.c: follow the renaming.
+Tue Aug 26 23:52:24 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_econv_elem_t): move to transcode.c
+ (rb_econv_t): defined as an incomplete type.
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_elem_t): moved from encoding.h.
+ (rb_econv_t): complete type defined.
+Tue Aug 26 22:44:12 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * time.c (time_asctime): workaround for MSVCRT's bug.
+ based on a patch from wanabe <s.wanabe AT> at
+ [ruby-dev:35831] and a suggestion by KIMURA Koichi
+ <kbk AT> at [ruby-dev:35832]
+ fixed [ruby-dev:35555]
+Tue Aug 26 21:53:56 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_open): disable newline conversion for ASCII
+ incompatible encodings.
+ (str_transcode0): don't need disable newline conversion here.
+Tue Aug 26 21:44:39 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_binmode): binmode is effective only once.
+Tue Aug 26 19:43:59 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_expand_path): new class method for class File.
+ * file.c (file_expand_path): add absolute_path handling (no ~user
+ expansion). [ruby-core:18319]
+Tue Aug 26 19:27:54 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * test/ruby/test_enum.rb (TestEnumerable#test_each_with_object):
+ Add a test for Enumerable#each_with_object.
+Tue Aug 26 19:25:44 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * test/ruby/test_enumerator.rb (TestEnumerator#test_with_object):
+ Add (back) the test for Enumerator#with_object.
+Tue Aug 26 16:16:43 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/cgi/test_cgi_tag_helper.rb: add more tests for html3.
+ Patch by Takeyuki Fujioka. [ruby-dev:35975]
+ From CGIAlt
+Tue Aug 26 14:43:10 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * enumerator.c: Activate Enumerator#with_object and add
+ Enumerable#each_with_object. [experimental]
+Tue Aug 26 14:38:32 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_initialize),
+ test/ruby/test_enumerator.rb: Add an ability to generate an
+ enumerator from a block. [experimental] [ruby-dev:35903]
+Tue Aug 26 13:25:25 2008 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/ruby/test_transcode.rb: added test_euc_jp
+ (contributed by Yoshihiro Kambayashi)
+Tue Aug 26 11:54:15 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/cgi/test_cgi_tag_helper.rb: added by Takeyuki Fujioka.
+ [ruby-dev:35971]
+Tue Aug 26 11:33:30 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb (nOE_element_def): fix error when cascade methods which
+ don't have arguments. Patch by Takeyuki Fujioka. [ruby-dev:35964]
+ * lib/cgi.rb (blockquote): String#collect (this depends on
+ String#each) is no longer exists.
+ Patch by Takeyuki Fujioka. [ruby-dev:35946]
+ * lib/cgi.rb (blockquote): ditto.
+Tue Aug 26 03:06:48 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (make_writeconv): copy invalid/undef flags.
+Tue Aug 26 02:47:08 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * (dist): tool/make-snapshot is executable.
+ * tool/make-snapshot (package): supported release numbers 1.9.0-x.
+Tue Aug 26 02:43:50 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/io.h (rb_io_t): new field: writeconv_pre_opts.
+ * io.c (make_writeconv): initialize writeconv_pre_opts.
+ (io_fwrite): use writeconv_pre_opts.
+Tue Aug 26 01:48:31 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c: test _WIN32 for CRLF platform. (cygwin defines O_BINARY.)
+Tue Aug 26 01:29:26 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c: force CRLF handling if RUBY_TEST_CRLF_ENVIRONMENT is defined.
+ This is only for testing.
+Tue Aug 26 01:26:31 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (str_transcode0): disable newline conversion for ASCII
+ incompatible encoding.
+Tue Aug 26 00:55:46 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (str_transcode0): don't short cut for newline conversion.
+Tue Aug 26 00:36:01 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (io_fwrite): add TEXTMODE_NEWLINE_ENCODER to option for
+ rb_str_transcode.
+Tue Aug 26 00:24:23 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (make_econv_exception): show readagain part for invalid
+ byte sequence exception. store the part as an instance variable.
+ (ecerr_readagain_bytes): new method to access the readagain part.
+Tue Aug 26 00:02:49 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (VpMult): fix double free.
+Mon Aug 25 23:59:36 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_open): make last_tc NULL if there are only
+ additional transcoders.
+ (econv_description): extracted from rb_econv_open_exc.
+ (rb_econv_open_exc): use econv_description.
+ (econv_inspect): use econv_description.
+Mon Aug 25 23:56:42 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32.c (init_stdhandle): set binmode.
+Mon Aug 25 23:38:17 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date/format.rb(strftime): %[LN] can print with given
+ arbitrary precision.
+ * lib/date/format.rb(strftime): optional flags and filed width
+ should also affect %[nt].
+Mon Aug 25 23:01:17 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * compile.c (defined_expr): default defined? should return
+ "expression" without evaluating the expression. [ruby-dev:35967]
+Mon Aug 25 22:46:01 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb (test_status_and_stop_p): reduce the risk
+ of race condition.
+Mon Aug 25 22:39:57 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/irb/extend-command.rb (def_extend_command): check number of
+ arguments. [ruby-dev:35074]
+ * lib/irb/ext/multi-irb.rb (search): check if a corresponding job is
+ found. [ruby-dev:35074]
+Mon Aug 25 22:29:13 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (test_dup): fix typo. see [ruby-dev:35958]
+Mon Aug 25 22:02:35 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_open_by_transcoder_entries): initialize
+ last_error. num_trans may be zero.
+ (rb_econv_convert0): num_trans may be zero.
+ (rb_econv_putbackable): ditto.
+ (rb_econv_putback): ditto.
+ (rb_econv_convert): input_ptr and output_ptr may be NULL.
+Mon Aug 25 19:05:27 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * compile.c (defined_expr): should handle NODE_{AND,OR} as
+ "expression". [ruby-dev:35951]
+Mon Aug 25 17:36:26 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_io_ungetbyte): added prototype.
+ * io.c (rb_io_gets): use rb_io_getline_1 for unget buffer.
+ * ruby.c (load_file): use rb_io_ungetbyte.
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_substr_append): fix for buffer overrun.
+ * win32/enc-setup.mak (BUILTIN_TRANSOBJS): added.
+Mon Aug 25 14:22:21 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * parse.y (YYSTYPE): struct RVarmap has been no longer
+ defined.
+ see also r11717 by matz.
+Mon Aug 25 10:42:18 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_open_exc): constified.
+Mon Aug 25 07:10:21 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/emacs_mule.c: fix ctype.
+Mon Aug 25 00:52:31 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * (BUILTIN_TRANSSRCS): defined.
+ * enc/ (BUILTIN_TRANSES): defined.
+ * enc/make_encmake.rb (BUILTIN_TRANSES): defined.
+ * enc/depend: don't generate rules for builtin transcoders.
+ (newline.c): new rule.
+ (newline.$(OBJEXT)): new rule.
+ (srcs): newline.c added.
+ * (BUILTIN_TRANSSRCS): defined.
+ * transcode.c (Init_transcode): call Init_newline.
+Mon Aug 25 00:11:02 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (declare_transcoder): arguments order changed.
+ (rb_declare_transcoder): call declare_transcoder just once.
+Sun Aug 24 19:48:46 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_econv_t): use rb_econv_option_t.
+ * transcode.c: follow the rb_econv_t change.
+Sun Aug 24 19:40:13 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_init_copy): copy encs.
+Sun Aug 24 19:17:31 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_open): add an argument: vperm.
+ (open_key_args): call rb_io_open with perm.
+Sun Aug 24 19:11:07 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (sym_invalid): removed.
+ (sym_undef): removed.
+ (sym_ignore): removed.
+ (sym_replace): removed.
+Sun Aug 24 19:07:17 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_reopen): initialize fptr->encs.opts.
+Sun Aug 24 18:37:42 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_pipe): accept optional hash.
+ (rb_io_set_encoding): ditto.
+ (rb_io_extract_modeenc): use rb_econv_opts to initialize
+ ecopts.
+ (rb_file_open_generic): ditto.
+ (rb_file_open_internal): ditto.
+ (io_encoding_set): new argument: opt.
+ (argf_set_encoding): copy fptr->encs.opts to argf_ecopts.
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_opts): accept Qnil for initialization.
+Sun Aug 24 18:10:08 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/io.h (rb_io_enc_t): add opts field.
+ (FMODE_INVALID_MASK): removed.
+ (FMODE_UNDEF_MASK): ditto.
+ (MakeOpenFile): initialize the opts field.
+ * io.c (make_writeconv): use the opts field.
+ (io_fwrite): ditto.
+ (make_readconv): ditto.
+ (argf_ecopts): new macro.
+ (rb_io_extract_modeenc): fill the opts field.
+ (argf_next_argv): ditto.
+ (rb_file_open_generic): initialize the opts field.
+ (rb_file_open_internal): ditto.
+ (io_encoding_set): ditto.
+ (argf_set_encoding): ditto.
+Sun Aug 24 18:02:14 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (struct argf): use struct rb_io_enc_t.
+ (argf_enc): follow the struct argf change.
+ (argf_enc2): ditto.
+Sun Aug 24 17:36:21 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_str_transcode): make 3rd argument
+ rb_econv_option_t*.
+ * transcode.c (transcode_loop): take rb_econv_option_t* as a argument.
+ (str_transcode0): ditto.
+ (str_transcode): make rb_econv_option_t and call str_transcode0 with
+ it.
+ (rb_str_transcode): take rb_econv_option_t*.
+ * io.c (io_fwrite): follow the rb_str_transcode change.
+Sun Aug 24 16:47:32 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/io.h (rb_io_t): make enc and enc2 as struct
+ rb_io_enc_t;
+ * io.c: follow the structure change.
+ (convconfig_t): defined by rb_io_enc_t.
+Sun Aug 24 16:19:25 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_econv_opts): declared.
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_opts): defined.
+ * io.c (rb_io_extract_modeenc): use rb_econv_opts.
+Sun Aug 24 16:06:30 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_econv_option_t): defined.
+ (rb_econv_open): 3rd arg changed.
+ (rb_econv_open_exc): ditto.
+ * io.c (make_writeconv): use rb_econv_option_t.
+ (make_readconv): ditto.
+ (rb_econv_open): take rb_econv_option_t for options.
+ (rb_econv_open_exc): ditto.
+ (transcode_loop): use rb_econv_option_t.
+ (econv_init): use rb_econv_option_t.
+Sun Aug 24 15:43:41 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_substr_append): associate dst with destination
+ encoding when dst is created.
+Sun Aug 24 15:21:28 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_str_transcode): add ecflags argument.
+ * transcode.c (econv_opts): extracted from str_transcode.
+ (str_transcode_enc_args): extracted from str_transcode.
+ (str_transcode0): extracted from str_transcode.
+ (str_transcode): use econv_opts, str_transcode_enc_args,
+ str_transcode0.
+ (rb_str_transcode): call str_transcode0.
+ (econv_primitive_insert_output): give the additional argument for
+ rb_str_transcode.
+ * io.c (make_writeconv): use invalid/undef flags.
+ (io_fwrite): ditto.
+ (rb_scan_open_args): give the additional argument for
+ rb_str_transcode.
+Sun Aug 24 13:27:42 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (str_transcode): check last hash only if 0 < argc.
+Sun Aug 24 12:22:15 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_econv_substr_append): renamed from
+ rb_econv_string.
+ (rb_econv_str_convert): declared.
+ (rb_econv_substr_convert): declared.
+ (rb_econv_str_append): declared.
+ * io.c (io_fwrite): use rb_econv_str_convert instead of
+ rb_econv_string.
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_substr_append): renamed from rb_econv_string.
+ (rb_econv_str_append): new function.
+ (rb_econv_substr_convert): ditto.
+ (rb_econv_str_convert): ditto.
+Sun Aug 24 12:15:12 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTP#urlencode): str[0] returns char in 1.9.
+ Patch by Junegunn Choi [ruby-core:18368]
+Sun Aug 24 12:02:39 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_open): return NULL on error.
+Sun Aug 24 11:40:38 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_econv_open_exc): declared.
+ * transcode.c (rb_eNoConverter): new exception.
+ (rb_econv_open_exc): new function.
+ (transcode_loop): use rb_econv_open_exc.
+ * io.c (make_writeconv): use rb_econv_open_exc.
+ (make_readconv): ditto.
+Sun Aug 24 11:26:54 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI::unescapeHTML): consider ISO-8859-1.
+ [ruby-dev:35936]
+Sun Aug 24 10:55:00 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/emacs_mule.c: support Emacs/Mule internal encoding.
+Sun Aug 24 08:03:31 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * strftime.c (daylight, timezone): not provided as dllexport on cygwin,
+ right now.
+Sun Aug 24 06:39:05 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI::unescapeHTML): more encoding sensible unescaping.
+ [ruby-dev:35936]
+Sun Aug 24 04:23:19 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (enc_compatible_p): raise TypeError when argument is Encoding.
+Sat Aug 23 23:25:47 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI#out): remove auto encoding conversion and set
+ LANGUAGE. [ruby-dev:35922]
+Sat Aug 23 20:01:29 2008 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (TestProcess#test_rlimit_value):
+ add Errno::EINVAL. [ruby-dev:35900]
+Sat Aug 23 18:29:29 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_scan_open_args): use pop_last_hash.
+Sat Aug 23 16:59:42 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/io.h (FMODE_INVALID_MASK): defined.
+ (FMODE_UNDEF_MASK): defined.
+ (FMODE_UNDEF_IGNORE): defined.
+ * io.c (sym_invalid): defined.
+ (sym_undef): defined.
+ (sym_ignore): defined.
+ (sym_replace): defined.
+ (make_readconv): specify ECONV_INVALID_* and ECONV_UNDEF_* if
+ (rb_io_extract_modeenc): check {:invalid, :undef} => {:replace,
+ :ignore} for FMODE_INVALID_* and FMODE_UNDEF_*.
+Sat Aug 23 17:06:57 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * strftime.c (rb_strftime): support more flags.
+Sat Aug 23 15:14:10 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_opts.h: enable "OPT_TRACE_INSTRUCTION" on default.
+Sat Aug 23 14:59:32 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (ECONV_INVALID_MASK): defined.
+ (ECONV_UNDEF_MASK): defined.
+ (ECONV_UNDEF_IGNORE): defined.
+ * transcode.c (INVALID_IGNORE): removed.
+ (INVALID_REPLACE): removed.
+ (UNDEF_IGNORE): removed.
+ (UNDEF_REPLACE): removed.
+ (rb_econv_convert0): renamed from rb_econv_convert.
+ (rb_econv_convert): defined to call rb_econv_convert0 with
+ replace/ignore behavior moved from transcode_loop.
+ (transcode_loop): replace/ignore behavior removed.
+Sat Aug 23 11:23:05 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_extract_modeenc): check :textmode and :binmode in option
+ hash.
+Sat Aug 23 10:48:56 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (pty_getpty): follow rb_io_t's path -> pathv change.
+Sat Aug 23 10:42:52 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (check_pipe_command): extracted from rb_f_open and rb_io_open.
+ (rb_f_open): use check_pipe_command.
+ (rb_io_open): ditto.
+Sat Aug 23 10:13:00 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (read_all): fptr->enc2 is 0 if no conversion.
+ (rb_io_getline_fast): ditto.
+ (io_getc): ditto.
+Sat Aug 23 09:45:35 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/io.h (rb_io_t): remove path field and add pathv field.
+ (MakeOpenFile): initialize pathv as Qnil.
+ * gc.c: mark pathv field in T_FILE.
+ * io.c: follow the rb_io_t field change.
+ * file.c: ditto.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: ditto.
+Sat Aug 23 01:42:22 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/io.h (FMODE_TEXTMODE): defined.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_econv_t): new field: flags.
+ (rb_econv_binmode): declared.
+ * io.c (io_unread): text mode hack removed.
+ (NEED_READCONV): defined.
+ (NEED_WRITECONV): defined.
+ (TEXTMODE_NEWLINE_ENCODER): defined for windows.
+ (make_writeconv): setup converter with TEXTMODE_NEWLINE_ENCODER for
+ text mode.
+ (io_fwrite): use NEED_WRITECONV. character code conversion is
+ disabled if fptr->writeconv_stateless is nil.
+ (make_readconv): setup converter with
+ (read_all): use NEED_READCONV.
+ (appendline): use NEED_READCONV.
+ (rb_io_getline_1): use NEED_READCONV.
+ (io_getc): use NEED_READCONV.
+ (rb_io_ungetc): use NEED_READCONV.
+ (rb_io_binmode): OS-level text mode test removed. call
+ rb_econv_binmode.
+ (rb_io_binmode_m): call rb_io_binmode_m with write_io as well.
+ (rb_io_flags_mode): return mode string including "t".
+ (rb_io_mode_flags): detect "t" for text mode.
+ (rb_sysopen): always specify O_BINARY.
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_open_by_transcoder_entries): initialize flags.
+ (rb_econv_open): if source and destination encoding is
+ both empty string, open newline converter. last_tc will be NULL in
+ this case.
+ (rb_econv_encoding_to_insert_output): last_tc may be NULL now.
+ (rb_econv_string): ditto.
+ (output_replacement_character): ditto.
+ (transcode_loop): ditto.
+ (econv_init): ditto.
+ (econv_inspect): ditto.
+ (rb_econv_binmode): new function.
+Fri Aug 22 21:18:40 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (nucomp_div): now behaves as quo.
+ * complex.c (nucomp_s_generic_p): has been removed.
+ * complex.c (nucomp_to_s): adopts new form.
+ * complex.c (nucomp_inspect): ditto.
+ * complex.c (string_to_c_internal): ditto and supports polar form.
+ * complex.c (rb_complex_polar): new.
+ * rational.c (nurat_to_s): do not canonicalize.
+ * rational.c (nurat_inspect): adopts new form.
+ * rational.c (string_to_r_internal): ditto.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: added a declaration.
+ * lib/complex.rb: added an obsolete class method.
+ * lib/cmath.rb: use scalar? instead of generic?.
+Fri Aug 22 20:06:46 2008 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * lib/webrick/server.rb (WEBrick::GenericServer#shutdown):
+ rescue Errno::ENOTCONN and close. [ruby-dev:35896]
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb (OpenSSL#start_server): ditto.
+ [ruby-dev:35897]
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (Net::IMAP#disconnect): ditto. [ruby-dev:35898]
+Fri Aug 22 19:58:27 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb: no need to require the "lib/rational.rb" any more.
+Fri Aug 22 15:47:38 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb: use bytesize instead of size/length.
+Fri Aug 22 14:28:05 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * strftime.c (rb_strftime): supported flags and precision for most
+ conversions. [ruby-dev:35906]
+Fri Aug 22 14:04:04 2008 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/ruby/test_transcode.rb: test_shift_jis:
+ fixed comment strings (see r18291)
+Fri Aug 22 12:41:47 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_pid): use PIDT2NUM.
+Fri Aug 22 11:36:31 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * dir.c (dir_enc_str_new): set US-ASCII to the path
+ when the path is 7bit string and encoding is ASCII compatible.
+ * dir.c (push_glob): set file system encoding when argument encoding
+ is US-ASCII.
+Fri Aug 22 11:30:38 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * dir.c (dir_enc_str_new): renamed from dir_enc_str.
+ * dir.c (dir_read): use dir_enc_str_new.
+ * dir.c (dir_each): ditto.
+ * dir.c (push_pattern): ditto.
+Fri Aug 22 11:29:10 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * remove config.h dependency.
+Fri Aug 22 10:52:39 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (gmtime_r): check if reentrant versions are available.
+ * time.c (IF_HAVE_GMTIME_R, ASCTIME, GMTIME, LOCALTIME): use reentrant
+ versions if available.
+Fri Aug 22 05:29:17 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (INT2NUM): just use a simple macro on LP64.
+ (UINT2NUM): ditto.
+Fri Aug 22 05:10:07 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_file_open_generic): take filename as a VALUE.
+ (rb_file_open_internal): ditto.
+ (rb_io_open): ditto.
+ (rb_file_open): pass filename as a VALUE to rb_file_open_internal.
+ (rb_open_file): pass filename as a VALUE to rb_file_open_generic.
+ (open_key_args): pass filename as a VALUE to rb_io_open.
+Fri Aug 22 04:33:56 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: fix previous change for LP64.
+Fri Aug 22 03:19:41 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (NUM2LONG): make it inline function to evaluate
+ the argument only once.
+ `t =; def t.*(x) p x; 0 end; p, t)' did print x
+ twice.
+ (NUM2INT): ditto.
+ (NUM2LL): ditto.
+ (INT2NUM): make it inline function.
+ (LONG2NUM): ditto.
+ (UINT2NUM): ditto.
+ (ULONG2NUM): ditto.
+Fri Aug 22 03:03:22 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_sysopen): mode can be a Bignum.
+Fri Aug 22 02:57:03 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_extract_modeenc): notify coerced to caller.
+ (rb_io_initialize): mode may be a Bignum.
+Fri Aug 22 02:42:35 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_extract_modeenc): use rb_check_to_integer to test
+ integer.
+Fri Aug 22 02:25:04 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * iseq.c (iseq_inspect): don't raise on uninitialized object.
+ show real class name.
+Fri Aug 22 02:08:58 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_initialize): accept hash argument.
+Thu Aug 21 23:51:51 2008 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * strftime.c (rb_strftime): supported %F and %<precision>N.
+ reverted config.h to ruby.h for Windows.
+ * test/ruby/test_time.rb (TestTime::test_strftime): added tests
+ for %F and %N.
+ * time.c: documented %F and %N.
+Thu Aug 21 20:23:26 2008 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/ruby/test_m17n_comb.rb (TestM17NComb#test_str_crypt): add
+ key and salt to error message.
+Thu Aug 21 19:20:25 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * file.c (rb_stat_inspect): don't raise if self is not initialized.
+Thu Aug 21 19:17:02 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (pst_pid): use rb_attr_get to avoid warning on
+ (pst_inspect): don't raise if self is not initialized.
+Thu Aug 21 19:05:40 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (io_extract_encoding_option): if internal encoding is not
+ specified, enc is external encoding.
+Thu Aug 21 14:22:50 2008 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * strftime.c: include ruby/config.h instead of ruby/ruby.h.
+ * removed the old rule for missing/strftime.c.
+Thu Aug 21 09:29:01 2008 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * strftime.c (rb_strftime): return "UTC" instead of "GMT".
+ * test/ruby/test_time.rb (test_strftime): ditto.
+Thu Aug 21 07:59:04 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/iconv/test_option.rb (test_ignore_option): skip if iconv
+ doesn't have transliterate.
+ * test/iconv/test_option.rb (test_translit_option): ditto.
+Thu Aug 21 06:12:56 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/scanf.rb (Scanf::FormatSpecifier#initialize): %i should accept
+ single digit decimal. [ruby-core:18355]
+Thu Aug 21 06:02:52 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * range.c (range_initialize_copy): Range is now a Struct.
+ [ruby-core:18353]
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_init_copy): made public.
+Thu Aug 21 03:09:34 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (io_extract_encoding_option): enc2 is external encoding if
+ external encoding and internal encoding is given.
+ (pipe_open): add flags and convconfig argument to initialize
+ fptr->{mode,enc,enc2}.
+ (pipe_open_v): pass flags and convconfig from caller to pipe_open.
+ (pipe_open_s): ditto.
+ (pop_last_hash): new function.
+ (rb_io_s_popen): use last hash as option to specify code conversion.
+ (rb_io_open): specify flags and convconfig arguments for
+ pipe_open_s.
+ (rb_f_backquote): ditto.
+Thu Aug 21 02:27:03 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (prep_io): local variable renamed.
+ (rb_io_fdopen): ditto.
+ (prep_stdio): ditto.
+Thu Aug 21 01:58:59 2008 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * always check timezone().
+ * strftime.c (rb_strftime): prefer timezone/altzone rather than
+ gettimeofday(). The second argument to gettimeofday() is ignored
+ on Solaris.
+Thu Aug 21 02:03:08 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (open_key_args): simplified.
+Thu Aug 21 01:57:03 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (open_key_args): IO.foreach(path, rs, limit) didn't work.
+Thu Aug 21 01:31:34 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_file_sysopen_internal): unused function removed.
+ (rb_file_sysopen): ditto.
+Thu Aug 21 01:09:26 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c: use mode_t for the 3rd argument, permission, of open(2).
+Thu Aug 21 00:51:42 2008 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * removed strftime from AC_REPLACE_FUNCS().
+ * include/ruby/missing.h: removed prototype for strftime().
+ * missing/strftime.c: removed.
+ * time.c (time_to_s): use rb_strftime() instead of strftime(3).
+ (time_zone): ditto.
+Thu Aug 21 00:49:50 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * strftime.c: win32 support.
+Thu Aug 21 00:20:05 2008 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * strftime.c: new file.
+ * (COMMONOBJS): added strftime.$(OBJEXT).
+ * time.c (time_strftime): do not use strftime(3). supported
+ %L(millisecond) and %N(nanosecond).
+ * test/ruby/test_time.rb: added tests for %L and %N.
+Wed Aug 20 23:53:42 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (io_set_encoding): removed.
+ (rb_io_open): set up encoding using new argument opt.
+ (open_key_args): call rb_io_open with opt. don't call
+ io_set_encoding.
+Wed Aug 20 22:30:33 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_file_open_internal): use rb_io_flags_modenum.
+ (rb_io_reopen): use rb_io_flags_modenum and rb_io_modenum_mode.
+ (rb_io_stdio_file): ditto.
+Wed Aug 20 22:28:15 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (proc_new): use the given class.
+ * vm.c (vm_make_proc): added an argument for the class.
+Wed Aug 20 22:24:48 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enum.c (enum_take): get rid of extraneous iteration.
+Wed Aug 20 20:32:49 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_open_with_args): use rb_open_file instead of rb_io_open.
+Wed Aug 20 20:16:17 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_scan_open_args): extracted from rb_open_file.
+Wed Aug 20 19:22:32 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (convconfig_t): new type.
+ (rb_io_extract_modeenc): new function.
+ (rb_file_open_generic): new function.
+ (rb_file_open_internal): use rb_file_open_generic.
+ (rb_file_sysopen_internal): use rb_file_open_generic.
+ (rb_open_file): use rb_io_extract_modeenc and rb_file_open_generic.
+ (rb_io_open): call rb_file_open_internal instead of rb_file_open.
+Wed Aug 20 19:15:35 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (Init_IO): new constants: File::DSYNC, File::RSYNC and
+Wed Aug 20 18:41:11 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_open_file): don't lookup :mode and :perm in opt. it is
+ useless because vmode and perm is overwritten by rb_scan_args
+ anyway.
+Wed Aug 20 18:37:20 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (open_key_args): meaningless MEMCPY removed.
+Wed Aug 20 18:30:58 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (prep_io) [cygwin]: use FMODE_BINMODE instead of O_BINARY.
+Wed Aug 20 16:39:59 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_sample): performance improvement for huge array.
+Wed Aug 20 12:28:31 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_sample): get rid of infinite loop. #455
+Wed Aug 20 06:09:31 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/io.h (FMODE_TRUNC): value changed because 0x100 is used
+ as FMODE_NOREVLOOKUP in socket.c
+Wed Aug 20 05:19:40 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (parse_mode_enc): extracted from mode_enc.
+ (io_extract_encoding_option): extracted from io_set_encoding.
+Wed Aug 20 04:17:26 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_flags_modenum): make it static.
+Wed Aug 20 03:36:45 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/io.h (FMODE_TRUNC): new constant.
+ * io.c (rb_io_mode_flags): set FMODE_TRUNC for "w".
+ (rb_io_modenum_flags): set FMODE_TRUNC for O_TRUNC.
+ (rb_io_flags_modenum): new function.
+ (rb_io_mode_modenum): just use rb_io_mode_flags and
+ rb_io_flags_modenum.
+Wed Aug 20 02:36:21 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (fopen): macro for vms removed. fopen is not used now.
+Wed Aug 20 02:27:42 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_open): fix memory leak.
+ (rb_econv_close): ditto.
+ fixed by shinichiro.h. [ruby-dev:35880]
+Tue Aug 19 21:50:43 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/io.h (rb_fopen): declaration removed.
+ * io.c (rb_fopen): unused function removed.
+Tue Aug 19 21:14:22 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/io.h (FMODE_READWRITE): define as
+Tue Aug 19 21:13:08 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_flags_mode): use hexadecimal in error message.
+ (rb_io_modenum_mode): ditto.
+ (rb_io_initialize): ditto.
+Tue Aug 19 18:23:40 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_flags_mode): add a prefix 0 to octal in error message.
+ (rb_io_modenum_mode): ditto.
+Tue Aug 19 18:05:45 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/io.h (FMODE_*): sorted and describe the values in
+ hexadecimal.
+Tue Aug 19 17:32:30 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509name.c (ossl_x509name_initialize): store the
+ result of d2i_X509_NAME into DATA_PTR(self).
+Tue Aug 19 04:54:39 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rake.rb (FileUtils#ruby): takes care of space containing path.
+ [ ruby-Bugs-21591 ]
+Tue Aug 19 01:32:37 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_open_file): encoding in mode string was ignored if perm is
+ specified.
+Tue Aug 19 01:02:19 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_open_file): don't access argv[-1] by
+ File.allocate.instance_eval { initialize }.
+Tue Aug 19 00:56:01 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_inspect): don't raise for uninitialized Regexp.
+Tue Aug 19 00:34:24 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_check_readable): side effect for STDIN removed.
+ (rb_io_external_encoding): ditto.
+Mon Aug 18 23:27:07 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (io_ungetbyte): renamed from io_ungetc.
+ (rb_io_ungetbyte): new method.
+ (rb_io_ungetc): push back into character buffer if enc2 is set.
+Mon Aug 18 22:41:46 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (id_encode): removed.
+Mon Aug 18 22:30:07 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (make_writeconv): if enc and enc2 is set, convert
+ string.encoding to enc2.
+ * include/ruby/io.h: comment changed.
+Mon Aug 18 21:02:08 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/io.h (rb_io_t): new fields: writeconv,
+ writeconv_stateless and writeconv_initialized.
+ (MakeOpenFile): initialize them.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_econv_stateless_encoding): declared.
+ (rb_econv_string): declared.
+ * io.c (make_writeconv): new function.
+ (io_fwrite): use econv.
+ (make_readconv): fix error message.
+ (finish_writeconv): new function.
+ (fptr_finalize): call finish_writeconv.
+ (clear_writeconv): new function.
+ (clear_codeconv): new function to call both clear_readconv and
+ clear_writeconv.
+ (rb_io_fptr_finalize): call clear_codeconv instead of
+ clear_readconv.
+ (mode_enc): ditto.
+ (io_set_encoding): ditto.
+ (argf_next_argv): ditto.
+ (io_encoding_set): ditto.
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_children): mark writeconv_stateless in T_FILE.
+ * transcode.c (stateless_encoding_i): new function.
+ (rb_econv_stateless_encoding): ditto.
+ (rb_econv_string): ditto.
+Mon Aug 18 17:23:38 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (clear_readconv): extracted from rb_io_fptr_finalize.
+ (mode_enc): call clear_readconv.
+ (io_set_encoding): ditto.
+ (argf_next_argv): ditto.
+ (io_encoding_set): ditto.
+Mon Aug 18 16:54:06 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (mode_enc): modify enc and enc2 consistently.
+ (io_set_encoding): ditto.
+ (io_encoding_set): ditto.
+Mon Aug 18 13:21:38 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (transcode_search_path): prevent infinite loop by
+ searching a path for self conversion.
+Mon Aug 18 12:45:24 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (io_enc_str): code conversion removed.
+ (io_enc_str_converted): removed because it is identical to
+ io_enc_str now.
+Mon Aug 18 12:12:29 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (io_shift_crbuf): add strp argument to append into existing
+ string.
+ (read_all): use econv if enc2 is set.
+ (io_getc): follow the io_shift_crbuf change.
+Mon Aug 18 10:35:25 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (io_enc_str_converted): new function.
+ (make_readconv): extracted from io_getc.
+ (more_char): ditto.
+ (appendline): use econv via make_readconv and more_char for code
+ conversion.
+ (prepare_getline_args): don't convert record separator.
+ (rb_io_getline_1): don't use rb_io_getline_fast if enc2 is set.
+ (io_getc): use make_readconv and more_char.
+Mon Aug 18 08:27:44 2008 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * fix error in
+Mon Aug 18 06:10:08 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * config.h depends config.status.
+Mon Aug 18 03:59:43 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (appendline): appendline cannot check character boundary.
+ (rb_io_getline_1): relax limit until character boundary.
+Mon Aug 18 02:25:11 2008 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/cgi.rb (WEBrick::CGI::Socket#eof?): added lacked method.
+Sun Aug 17 21:50:22 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (prepare_getline_args): io.gets(10,nil) should cause TypeError.
+Sun Aug 17 15:58:39 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: not check config.h.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (init_mkmf): add include/ruby/backward to $INCFLAGS.
+ * include/ruby/backward/{st,util}.h: added for backward compatibility.
+ [ruby-dev:35811]
+Sun Aug 17 13:40:04 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (econv_primitive_putback): new method.
+Sun Aug 17 13:23:53 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_econv_putbackable): declared.
+ (rb_econv_putback): ditto.
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_putbackable): implemented.
+ (rb_econv_putback): ditto.
+ * io.c (io_getc): put back bytes if possible.
+Sun Aug 17 12:00:18 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (make_econv_exception): add several instance variables
+ to exception object.
+ (ecerr_source_encoding): new method:
+ Encoding::ConversionUndefined#source_encoding and
+ Encoding::InvalidByteSequence#source_encoding.
+ (ecerr_destination_encoding): new method:
+ Encoding::ConversionUndefined#destination_encoding and
+ Encoding::InvalidByteSequence#destination_encoding.
+ (econverr_error_char): new method:
+ Encoding::ConversionUndefined#error_char.
+ (econverr_error_bytes): new method:
+ Encoding::ConversionUndefined#error_bytes.
+Sun Aug 17 11:43:18 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (struct MT): packed Mersenne Twister staffs.
+ * random.c (struct RandSeed): packed random seed staffs.
+Sun Aug 17 08:38:26 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/iconv/test_option.rb (test_ignore_option): skip if iconv
+ doesn't have transliterate.
+ * test/iconv/test_option.rb (test_translit_option): ditto.
+Sun Aug 17 01:29:46 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/io.h (rb_io_t): new fields: readconv, crbuf, crbuf_off,
+ crbuf_len, crbuf_capa.
+ (MakeOpenFile): initialize them.
+ * io.c (io_shift_crbuf): new function.
+ (io_getc): use econv.
+ (rb_io_fptr_finalize): finalize readconv and crbuf.
+Sun Aug 17 00:02:07 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_econv_check_error): declared.
+ * transcode.c (make_econv_exception): new function.
+ (transcode_loop): use make_econv_exception.
+ (rb_econv_check_error): defined.
+Sat Aug 16 15:23:16 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_econv_elem_t): fields removed: from and
+ to.
+ (rb_econv_t): new fields: source_encoding_name and
+ destination_encoding_name.
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_open_by_transcoder_entries): initialize the
+ new fields.
+ (rb_econv_open): set up the new fields.
+ (econv_inspect): use the new fields.
+Sat Aug 16 14:22:04 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_econv_t): add fields: in_buf_start,
+ in_data_start, in_data_end, in_buf_end and last_trans_index.
+ (rb_econv_output): removed.
+ (rb_econv_insert_output): declared.
+ (rb_econv_encoding_to_insert_output): declared.
+ * enc/trans/newline.trans (rb_universal_newline): stateful_type
+ changed.
+ * transcode.c (transcode_restartable0): initialize inchar_start,
+ tc->recognized_len and next_table at beginning of the loop.
+ (rb_econv_open_by_transcoder_entries): initialize new fields.
+ (rb_econv_open): setup last_trans_index.
+ (trans_sweep): last out_buf_start can be non-NULL now.
+ (rb_econv_convert): check last out_buf_start and in_buf_start at
+ first.
+ (rb_econv_output_with_destination_encoding): removed.
+ (econv_just_convert): removed.
+ (rb_econv_output): removed.
+ (econv_primitive_output): method removed.
+ (rb_econv_encoding_to_insert_output): new function.
+ (allocate_converted_string): new function.
+ (rb_econv_insert_output): new function.
+ (econv_primitive_insert_output): new method.
+ (output_replacement_character): use rb_econv_insert_output. unused
+ arguments removed.
+Sat Aug 16 09:20:18 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_intern_const): tiny optimization.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (SSIZET2NUM, NUM2SSIZET, SSIZE_MAX, SSIZE_MIN):
+ macros for ssize_t.
+Sat Aug 16 08:11:04 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode_data.h (rb_transcoder_stateful_type_t): defined.
+ (rb_transcoder): add field: stateful_type.
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: generate stateful_type field as
+ stateless_converter.
+ * enc/trans/iso2022.trans: follow rb_transcoder change.
+ * enc/trans/newline.trans: ditto.
+ * enc/trans/utf_16_32.trans: ditto.
+Fri Aug 15 23:07:48 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (econv_just_convert): extracted from rb_econv_output.
+ (rb_econv_output): use econv_just_convert.
+ (econv_primitive_output): new method.
+Fri Aug 15 19:57:01 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_econv_output): add str_encoding
+ argument.
+ * transcode.c (get_replacement_character): add repl_enc_ptr argument.
+ (rb_econv_output_with_destination_encoding): renamed from
+ rb_econv_output and make it static.
+ (rb_econv_output): convert str and call
+ rb_econv_output_with_destination_encoding.
+ (output_replacement_character): follow above interface change.
+Fri Aug 15 19:33:57 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_drop_bytes): use memmove.
+Fri Aug 15 18:33:22 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_econv_t): add error_tc in last_error.
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_convert): fill error_tc.
+Fri Aug 15 18:10:49 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_econv_t): new field: last_error.
+ * transcode.c (rb_trans_conv): new argument: result_position_ptr.
+ (rb_econv_convert): fill last_error.
+ (econv_result_to_symbol): extracted from econv_primitive_convert.
+ (econv_primitive_errinfo): new method.
+Fri Aug 15 17:39:05 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (parse.{c,h}): creates in the dependency order.
+Fri Aug 15 16:59:30 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_core.h (exec_event_hooks): skips RubyVM::FrozenCore.
+ * vm.c (Init_VM): get rid of SEGV in a trace proc.
+Fri Aug 15 09:33:48 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (conv_init): check empty name.
+Fri Aug 15 09:03:54 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (econv_init): don't create dummy encoding if
+ rb_econv_open is failed.
+ (make_dummy_encoding): new function extracted from make_encoding.
+ (make_encoding): removed.
+Fri Aug 15 01:07:16 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ({$(srcdir)}.y.c): escape backslash.
+Fri Aug 15 01:05:39 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (econv_primitive_convert): set destination_buffer
+ encoding.
+Fri Aug 15 00:52:40 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_econv_output): declared.
+ * transcode_data.h (rb_transcoder): add resetsize_func field.
+ * enc/trans/iso2022.trans (iso2022jp_reset_sequence_size): defined.
+ (rb_EUC_JP_to_ISO_2022_JP): provide resetsize_func.
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: set NULL for resetsize_func.
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_output): new function for inserting output.
+ (output_replacement_character): use rb_econv_output.
+ (transcode_loop): check return value of
+ output_replacement_character.
+Thu Aug 14 23:47:21 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (ECONV_UNIVERSAL_NEWLINE_DECODER): defined.
+ * transcode.c: use ECONV_* defined as above.
+Thu Aug 14 23:35:21 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c: local variable renamed.
+Thu Aug 14 23:22:24 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_econv_result_t): moved from
+ transcode_data.h.
+ (rb_econv_elem_t): ditto.
+ (rb_econv_t): ditto. source_encoding and destination_encoding field
+ is added.
+ (rb_econv_open): declared.
+ (rb_econv_convert): ditto.
+ (rb_econv_close): ditto.
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_open_by_transcoder_entries): initialize
+ source_encoding and destination_encoding field as NULL.
+ (rb_econv_open): make it external linkage.
+ (rb_econv_close): ditto.
+ (rb_econv_convert): ditto. renamed from rb_econv_conv.
+ (make_encoding): new function.
+ (econv_init): use make_encoding and store rb_encoding* in
+ rb_econv_t.
+ (econv_source_encoding): new method
+ Encoding::Converter#source_encoding.
+ (econv_destination_encoding): new method
+ Encoding::Converter#destination_encoding.
+Thu Aug 14 22:44:32 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode_data.h (rb_econv_result_t): change enumeration
+ constant's prefix: transcode_ to econv_.
+ * transcode.c: follow the constant prefix change.
+Thu Aug 14 21:34:41 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (econv_init): accept Encoding object as source_encoding
+ and destination_encoding.
+Thu Aug 14 21:10:00 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_filesystem_encoding): use default external encoding
+ for Unix.
+ * dir.c (dir_initialize): don't cache fs_encoding.
+Thu Aug 14 20:58:57 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_open_by_transcoder_entries): renamed from
+ rb_trans_open_by_transcoder_entries.
+Thu Aug 14 20:56:28 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (econv_max_output): removed.
+Thu Aug 14 20:52:55 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: check unexpected actions.
+Thu Aug 14 20:25:52 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode_data.h (transcode_invalid_byte_sequence): renamed from
+ transcode_invalid_input.
+ (transcode_destination_buffer_full): renamed from transcode_obuf_full.
+ (transcode_source_buffer_empty): renamed from transcode_ibuf_empty.
+ (rb_econv_result_t): renamed from rb_trans_result_t.
+ (rb_econv_elem_t): renamed from rb_trans_elem_t.
+ (rb_econv_t): renamed from rb_trans_t.
+ * transcode.c (UNIVERSAL_NEWLINE_DECODER): renamed from
+ (rb_econv_open): renamed from rb_trans_open.
+ (rb_econv_close): renamed from rb_trans_close.
+Thu Aug 14 19:41:42 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (load_transcoder): unused function removed.
+ (rb_transcoding_open): ditto.
+Thu Aug 14 17:57:05 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_enc_ispunct): added.
+ * (COMMONOBJS), inits.c (rb_call_inits): id.c is now
+ included from parse.c.
+ * id.c (Init_id), id.h (ruby_method_ids): added IDs used by VM.
+ * parse.y (global_symbols): added rooms for VM IDs.
+ * parse.y (rb_intern3, rb_id2str): single punctuation symbol is now
+ same as char code.
+Thu Aug 14 17:46:21 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (union tmpyystype): no longer needed, since YYSTYPE is
+ defined in parse.h now.
+Thu Aug 14 17:27:07 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version.c (Init_version): add RUBY_ENGINE constant.
+Thu Aug 14 15:34:10 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_conv): new function. it doesn't consume
+ input too much, even for multilevel conversion.
+ (transcode_loop): use rb_econv_conv.
+ (econv_primitive_convert): ditto.
+Thu Aug 14 15:27:42 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/defines.h (RUBY_ALIAS_FUNCTION): fallback definition.
+Thu Aug 14 15:08:17 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode_data.h (rb_trans_result_t): new enumeration constant:
+ transcode_output_followed_by_input.
+ * transcode.c (OUTPUT_FOLLOWED_BY_INPUT): new flag.
+ (transcode_restartable0): suspend when output followed by input if
+ (trans_sweep): check OUTPUT_FOLLOWED_BY_INPUT.
+ (rb_trans_conv): support OUTPUT_FOLLOWED_BY_INPUT.
+ (econv_primitive_convert): return :output_followed_by_input for
+ transcode_output_followed_by_input.
+Thu Aug 14 14:57:46 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (getrusage_time): should return the value.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_priority_set): get rid of C99 feature.
+ * transcode.c (transcode_search_path): ditto.
+ * vm.c (REWIND_CFP): get rid of statement expressions.
+Thu Aug 14 14:13:39 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm.c (Init_VM): hide FrozenCore.
+Thu Aug 14 12:20:36 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * transcode.c (load_transcoder): suppress warning.
+ * missing/vsnprintf.c (BSD_vfprintf): ditto.
+Thu Aug 14 12:01:39 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (gnumake): check for GNU make.
+ * ( includes filtered
+ * (parse.h): workaround for nmake.
+Thu Aug 14 06:09:12 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_execute_interrupts): switch event
+ should be occur only once.
+Thu Aug 14 05:36:36 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * parse.h depends on parse.c.
+ * hash.o depends on $(ID_H_INCLUDES).
+Thu Aug 14 02:45:16 2008 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/ruby/test_file_exhaustive.rb (TestFileExhaustive#setup):
+ set group of tmpdir. [ruby-dev:35633]
+Thu Aug 14 15:50:30 2008 Giuseppe Bilotta <>
+ * hash.c (set_default): fix rdoc. #441
+Thu Aug 14 02:23:31 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (econv_primitive_convert): add output_byteoffset
+ argument.
+Thu Aug 14 00:43:53 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (rb_cv_gcc_function_alias): checks alias attribute.
+ * string.c (alias_func): replaced with RUBY_ALIAS_FUNCTION.
+Wed Aug 13 23:42:49 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (parse.h): fake rule.
+Wed Aug 13 23:15:58 2008 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb (test_list): call Thread.pass to run t1.
+ fixed [ruby-core:18264].
+Wed Aug 13 23:05:51 2008 TAKAO Kouji <>
+ * string.c (alias_func): changed to 'weak, alias' from 'alias' for
+ Mac OSX. (closes #429)
+Wed Aug 13 19:40:12 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: count only freed object as freelist size.
+Wed Aug 13 18:34:22 2008 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * marshal.c (marshal_load): set arg.untrust properly.
+Wed Aug 13 17:47:09 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (econv_inspect): new method.
+Wed Aug 13 17:35:58 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (transcode_restartable0): several local variables
+ removed.
+Wed Aug 13 17:35:23 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_set_default_proc): add new method. a patch from
+ Giuseppe Bilotta. #419
+Wed Aug 13 17:31:12 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (caller_setup_args): should ensure if the value
+ from to_proc is a real Proc.
+Wed Aug 13 17:28:29 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * regint.h no longer includes vm_core.h.
+Wed Aug 13 17:26:44 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode_data.h (rb_transcoding): add fields: writebuf_off,
+ writebuf_len and writebuf.
+ * transcode.c (transcode_restartable0): output until output buffer is
+ really full.
+ (rb_transcoding_open_by_transcoder): initialize writebuf_len,
+ writebuf_off and writebuf.
+ (rb_transcoding_close): finalize writebuf.
+Wed Aug 13 17:18:37 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_check_ints): added. please note that
+ this function may cause ruby's thread switching.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: ditto.
+ * regint.h: use rb_thread_check_ints() instead of
+ RUBY_CHECK_INTS() directly.
+Wed Aug 13 17:01:36 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * golf_prelude.rb, lib/set.rb (TC_Set#test_each),
+ test/readline/test_readline_history.rb (Readline#test_each__enumerator),
+ test/ruby/test_array.rb (TestArray#test_collect),
+ test/ruby/test_enumerator.rb (TestEnumerator#test_initialize):
+ Enumerable::Enumerator is now called Enumerator.
+ * lib/rinda/tuplespace.rb (Rinda::TupleBag#initialize): Use
+ enum_for instead of hardcoding Enumerable::Enumerator.
+Wed Aug 13 16:40:57 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c, vm_core.h: add manual priority support
+ using time slice. if you enable USE_NATIVE_THREAD_PRIORITY
+ macro, this mechanism is ignored. [ruby-dev:33124]
+ * thread_pthread.c, thread_win32.c: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb: fix test parameter.
+Wed Aug 13 16:02:14 2008 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_untrusted): new method Object#untrusted?.
+ (rb_obj_untrust): new method Object#untrust.
+ (rb_obj_trust): new method Object#trust.
+ * array.c, debug.c, time.c, include/ruby/ruby.h, re.c, variable.c,
+ string.c, io.c, dir.c, vm_method.c, struct.c, class.c, hash.c,
+ ruby.c, marshal.c: fixes for Object#untrusted?.
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb, test/ruby/test_array.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_object.rb, test/ruby/test_string.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_marshal.rb, test/ruby/test_hash.rb: added tests for
+ Object#untrusted?.
+Wed Aug 13 16:13:58 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/ruby/test_m17n.rb: follow EncodingCompatibilityError.
+ * test/ruby/test_mixed_unicode_escapes.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_utf16.rb: ditto.
+Wed Aug 13 16:05:50 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_cmp): retry with right hand operand if its not a
+ time object. [ruby-dev:35011]
+Wed Aug 13 15:51:22 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * string.c: Apply a temporary fix to fix build on OS X. A real
+ fix will follow later.
+Wed Aug 13 15:25:09 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * enumerator.c (Init_Enumerator): Rename Enumerable::Enumerator to
+ just Enumerator.
+Wed Aug 13 15:13:57 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * (prelude.c, golf_prelude.c): Using $(COMPILE_PRELUDE)
+ requires $(RBCONFIG).
+Wed Aug 13 15:08:04 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (econv_init): make flags argument optional.
+ (econv_primitive_convert): ditto.
+Wed Aug 13 14:55:27 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * (realclean-local): Remove parse.h as well.
+ * Add missing dependencies regarding vm_core.h, id.h,
+ parse.c (parse.h), etc..
+Wed Aug 13 14:45:37 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enc/trans/newline.trans (rb_crlf_newline): new transcoder.
+ (rb_cr_newline): new transcoder.
+ * transcode.c (trans_open_i): one more extra room for input newline
+ converter.
+ (rb_trans_open): crlf newline and cr newline implemented.
+ (Init_transcode): Encoding::Converter::CRLF_NEWLINE and
+ Encoding::Converter::CR_NEWLINE defined.
+Wed Aug 13 14:22:16 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enc/trans/newline.trans: new file.
+ * transcode_data.h (rb_trans_t): add last_tc field.
+ * transcode.c (UNIVERSAL_NEWLINE): defined.
+ (CRLF_NEWLINE): defined.
+ (CR_NEWLINE): defined.
+ (rb_trans_open_by_transcoder_entries): initialize last_tc.
+ (trans_open_i): allocate one more room for output newline converter.
+ (rb_trans_open): universal newline implemented.
+ (more_output_buffer): take max_output argument instead ts.
+ (output_replacement_character): take tc argument instead of ts.
+ (transcode_loop): use last_tc field.
+ (econv_init): add flags argument for rb_trans_open.
+ (Init_transcode): Encoding::Converter::UNIVERSAL_NEWLINE defined.
+Wed Aug 13 14:00:19 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (parse.c): generates parse.h together.
+ * id.c, id.h: use constants for parser tokens.
+Wed Aug 13 13:47:05 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c: rewind cfp to show proper backtrace.
+ [ruby-dev:35820]
+Wed Aug 13 13:09:09 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/make-snapshot: fix for clean up.
+Wed Aug 13 11:45:51 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * vm_core.h: Declare rb_iseq_clone, which is used in class.c.
+Wed Aug 13 11:39:19 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (transcode_search_path): return the length of converter
+ path.
+ (load_transcoder_entry): renamed from load_transcoder.
+ (load_transcoder): new function for loading transcoder by encoding
+ names.
+ (rb_transcoding_open_by_transcoder): extracted from
+ rb_transcoding_open.
+ (rb_transcoding_open): use load_transcoder and
+ rb_transcoding_open_by_transcoder.
+ (rb_trans_open_by_transcoder_entries): new function.
+ (trans_open_i): construct entries array.
+ (rb_trans_open): use rb_trans_open_by_transcoder_entries.
+Wed Aug 13 10:45:29 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/make-snapshot: try to find exported directory.
+Wed Aug 13 10:16:35 2008 TAKAO Kouji <>
+ * doc/NEWS: Mention the Readline.vi_editing_mode?,
+ Readline.emacs_editing_mode?, Readline::HISTORY[] and
+ Readline::HISTORY.clear change.
+Wed Aug 13 08:03:02 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (econv_primitive_convert): add output_size argument.
+Wed Aug 13 07:41:03 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_trans_conv): report last transcode_obuf_full.
+ (econv_max_output): new method Encoding::Converter#max_output.
+Wed Aug 13 02:46:01 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * error.c (rb_eEncCompatError): add Exception.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: ditto.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_check): use rb_eEncCompatError.
+ * string.c (rb_enc_cr_str_buf_cat): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_sub_bang): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_hex): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_oct): ditto.
+Wed Aug 13 02:36:47 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * transcode.c (str_transcode): fix error message.
+Tue Aug 12 23:42:31 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_cEncodingConverter): new class Encoding::Converter.
+ (econv_free): new function.
+ (econv_s_allocate): ditto.
+ (econv_init): ditto.
+ (check_econv): ditto.
+ (econv_primitive_convert): new method.
+ (Init_transcode): define Encoding::Converter.
+Tue Aug 12 23:16:09 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_splice_0): call rb_str_drop_bytes, not rb_str_drop.
+Tue Aug 12 19:11:05 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/make-snapshot: fix for
+Tue Aug 12 19:08:42 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_drop_bytes): new function to drop first bytes.
+Tue Aug 12 18:58:48 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c, vm_insnhelper.c (vm_define_method): move
+ function place.
+Tue Aug 12 18:56:52 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c: more descriptive aliases of rb_str_new[2-5].
+ [ruby-dev:35615]
+Tue Aug 12 18:51:29 2008 TAKAO Kouji <>
+ * gc.c (getrusage_time): Returned effective value on Windows.
+Tue Aug 12 18:51:11 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_trans_open): free ts before raise.
+Tue Aug 12 18:46:36 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimalCmp): should not ignore
+ <=> comparison. [ruby-dev:35732]
+Tue Aug 12 18:43:10 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enc/trans/make_transdb.rb: *.erb.c is not used anymore.
+Tue Aug 12 18:32:33 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode_data.h (rb_trans_elem_t): new field: from and to.
+ * transcode.c (trans_open_i): just record from and to.
+ (rb_trans_open): load transcodings.
+Tue Aug 12 18:32:03 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/syslog/syslog.c (mSyslog_open): Use of Check_SafeStr() is
+ deprecated.
+ (mSyslogConstants_LOG_MASK, mSyslogConstants_LOG_UPTO): Use
+ NUM2INT() instead of FIX2INT() when the type of an given object
+ is not determined.
+Tue Aug 12 18:14:00 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb (#transcode_tblgen): slight message
+ improvement.
+Tue Aug 12 17:16:58 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (trans_open_i): check the result of rb_transcoding_open.
+Tue Aug 12 16:23:32 2008 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c (gc_profile_result): use rb_str_catf.
+Tue Aug 12 16:13:45 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode_data.h (TRANSCODE_ERROR): removed.
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: 8bit byte of ASCII-8BIT is a valid
+ (but unique to ASCII-8BIT) character.
+ * transcode.c (rb_eConversionUndefined): new error.
+ (rb_eInvalidByteSequence): ditto.
+Tue Aug 12 16:08:51 2008 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: POP3Command should export @socket since POP
+ calls #socket.
+Tue Aug 12 16:06:28 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sprintf.c, util.c (quorem, nrv_alloc, dtoa): enabled floating point
+ support.
+Tue Aug 12 15:52:45 2008 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c (gc_profile_result): use sprintf.
+Tue Aug 12 15:37:40 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_intern): should check symbol table overflow.
+Tue Aug 12 15:31:04 2008 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (send_request_with_body): Content-Length should
+ be byte length of string. (closes #203)
+Tue Aug 12 15:17:06 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * enc/depend: (transvpath_prefix): prefix has no extension, so replace
+ %s with "".
+Tue Aug 12 15:03:43 2008 TAKAO Kouji <>
+ * test/readline/test_readline.rb (TestReadline#test_safe_level_4):
+ tested Readline.vi_editing_mode? and Readline.emacs_editing_mode?.
+Tue Aug 12 14:25:09 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/ (.SUFFIXES): renamed to .trans.
+ * enc/make_encmake.rb: added --encs and --no-encs options.
+ * enc/depend (TRANSVPATH): fix for nmake.
+Tue Aug 12 14:19:53 2008 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/https.rb: suppress syntax warning.
+Tue Aug 12 14:15:51 2008 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTP#initialize): initialize net/https
+ variables to suppress syntax warning.
+Tue Aug 12 14:15:13 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/dl/cptr.c (rb_dlptr_s_to_ptr): fixed shadowing variable.
+Tue Aug 12 10:25:14 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_delete): Array#delete to return deleted element.
+Tue Aug 12 10:18:01 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * test/win32ole/test_err_in_callback.rb: do not require 'mkmf'
+ unless WIN32OLE is defined.
+Tue Aug 12 07:41:13 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode_data.h (rb_transcoder): add resetstate_func field for
+ resetting a state of stateful encoding.
+ * enc/trans/iso2022.trans (rb_EUC_JP_to_ISO_2022_JP): specify
+ finish_eucjp_to_iso2022jp for resetstate_func.
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: specify NULL for resetstate_func.
+ * transcode.c (output_replacement_character): call resetstate_func
+ before appending the replacement character.
+Tue Aug 12 07:19:24 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (get_replacement_character): extracted from
+ output_replacement_character.
+Tue Aug 12 07:00:02 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode_data.h (rb_transcoder): typedef at first.
+Tue Aug 12 06:48:35 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_trans_conv): find second last error.
+Tue Aug 12 00:43:44 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode_data.h (rb_trans_result_t): new type.
+ (rb_trans_elem_t): new type.
+ (rb_trans_t): new type.
+ * transcode.c (transcode_dispatch_cb): removed.
+ (transcode_dispatch): removed.
+ (rb_transcoding_result_t): moved to rb_trans_result_t in
+ transcode_data.h.
+ (transcode_restartable0): goto follow_info when FUNsi.
+ (rb_transcoding_open): use get_transcoder_entry.
+ (rb_trans_open): new function.
+ (rb_trans_conv): ditto.
+ (rb_trans_close): ditto.
+ (trans_open_i): ditto.
+ (trans_sweep): ditto.
+ (more_output_buffer): take rb_trans_t instead of rb_transcoding as
+ an argument.
+ (transcode_loop): take from_encoding and to_encoding instead of tr
+ as arguments. use rb_trans_open/rb_trans_conv/rb_trans_close.
+ (str_transcode): don't use transcode_dispatch.
+Mon Aug 11 20:37:05 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_clone): should preserve cref_stack link.
+Mon Aug 11 20:27:12 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/dl/cfunc.c (rb_dlcfunc_call): add taint check.
+ * ext/dl/dl.c (rb_dl_malloc): add rb_secure(2).
+ * ext/dl/dl.c (rb_dl_realloc): ditto.
+ * ext/dl/dl.c (rb_dl_free): ditto.
+ * ext/dl/dl.c (rb_dl_ptr2value): ditto.
+Mon Aug 11 20:11:21 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (getrusage_time): works only if RUSAGE_SELF is defined right
+ now.
+ * gc.c (gc_profile_result): C99.
+Mon Aug 11 18:57:38 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_sample): rename #choice to #sample. in
+ addition, sample takes optional argument, a la #first.
+Mon Aug 11 18:28:02 2008 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c: added GC::Profiler.
+Mon Aug 11 17:26:16 2008 TAKAO Kouji <>
+ * ext/readline/README.ja: added API document for
+ Readline.vi_editing_mode? and Readline.emacs_editing_mode?.
+ * ext/readline/extconf.rb: checked rl_editing_mode variable in
+ Readline library.
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_s_emacs_editing_mode_p): added
+ Readline.emacs_editing_mode? method.
+ (readline_s_vi_editing_mode_p): added Readline.vi_editing_mode?
+ method.
+ (Init_readline): ditto.
+Mon Aug 11 16:56:40 2008 TAKAO Kouji <>
+ * test/readline/test_readline.rb: added test for Readline's class
+ methods.
+Mon Aug 11 16:39:23 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (clone_method): should copy cbase in cref as well.
+ [ruby-dev:35116]
+ * iseq.c (iseq_mark): mark original iseq object.
+ * iseq.c (iseq_free): do not free internal data if they have
+ original iseq to belong.
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_clone): a new function to clone iseq value.
+Mon Aug 11 16:34:48 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enc/trans/iso2022.trans: renamed from iso2022.erb.c.
+ * enc/trans/single_byte.trans: ditto.
+ * enc/trans/utf_16_32.trans: ditto.
+ * enc/trans/korean.trans: ditto.
+ * enc/trans/japanese.trans: ditto.
+ * enc/depend: follow the renaming.
+ * tool/build-transcode: ditto.
+Mon Aug 11 15:09:23 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * (rb_cv_broken_glibc_ia64_erfc): renamed from
+ rb_broken_glibc_ia64_erfc.
+ [ruby-core:18228]
+Mon Aug 11 10:04:34 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode_data.h (rb_transcoding): rename fields.
+ readlen -> recognized_len.
+ feedlen -> readagain_len.
+ * transcode.c: follow the field renaming.
+Sun Aug 10 22:34:55 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (transcode_restartable0): invalid handling simplified.
+ (transcode_restartable): use PARTIAL_INPUT for converting buffered
+ input.
+Sun Aug 10 22:24:24 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * encoding.c: include util.h. [ruby-dev:35715]
+ * ditto.
+Sun Aug 10 20:59:54 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode_data.h (rb_transcoding): new field: flags.
+ * transcode.c (load_transcoder): extracted from transcode_dispatch_cb.
+ (rb_transcoding_result_t): renamed from transcode_result_t.
+ (rb_transcoding_open): new function.
+ (rb_transcoding_convert): ditto.
+ (rb_transcoding_close): ditto.
+ (transcode_loop): use rb_transcoding_open, rb_transcoding_convert
+ and rb_transcoding_close.
+ (str_transcode): don't need rb_transcoding.
+Sun Aug 10 18:09:16 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: record checksum of
+ transcode-tblgen.rb itself.
+Sun Aug 10 12:34:41 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * config.guess ({powerpc-apple,i586-pc}-haiku): re-applied r18403.
+ [ruby-core:18110]
+ * config.{guess,sub}: updated to automake-1.10.1.
+Sun Aug 10 11:45:15 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/ (make-workdir): use MAKEDIRS.
+ * enc/depend: makes target directory before compile/link.
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: creates target directory.
+Sun Aug 10 11:30:48 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c: rename my_transcoding to tc and my_transcoder to tr.
+Sun Aug 10 11:15:55 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode_data.h (rb_transcoding): add feedlen field.
+ * transcode.c (transcode_restartable0): renamed from
+ transcode_restartable.
+ save input buffer into feed buffer if next character is started the
+ point before input buffer. for example, "\x00\xd8\x01" then "\x02"
+ in UTF-16LE. \x02 causes invalid and next character is started from
+ \x01.
+ (transcode_restartable): new function to call
+ transcode_restartable0. if feed buffer is not empty, convert it at
+ first.
+Sun Aug 10 11:02:58 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (extconf): use MAKEDIRS.
+Sun Aug 10 09:35:12 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/irb.rb (IRB::Irb#inspect): instance_variables returns symbols
+ instead of strings now. [ruby-dev:34930]
+Sun Aug 10 09:22:14 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (transcode_char_start): refactored to remove readlen
+ argument.
+ (transcode_restartable): refactored to remove readlen variable.
+Sun Aug 10 08:56:14 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (STACK_LEVEL_MAX, ruby_stack_length): returns size_t.
+ [ruby-core:18207]
+ * (rb_cv_missing__dtos18, rb_cv_missing_fconvert),
+ ext/digest/md5/md5.c, ext/openssl/ossl.c (main),
+ ext/socket/extconf.rb (ipv6, wide-getaddrinfo): main should be int.
+ * main.c (main), win32/winmain.c, wince/wincemain.c (WinMain): envp is
+ no longer used so long time. based on a patch from Peter Bowen at
+ [ruby-core:18208]
+Sat Aug 9 22:05:29 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (transcode_loop): take destination and resize function
+ as parameters.
+ (more_output_buffer): ditto.
+ (str_transcoding_resize): argument changed from rb_transcoding* to
+ (str_transcode): call transcode_loop with destination string and its
+ resize function.
+ * transcode_data.h (rb_transcoding): move ruby_string_dest and
+ flush_func to transcode_loop parameters.
+Sat Aug 9 21:29:45 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encs depend on transdb.h
+Sat Aug 9 21:10:51 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (rb_cv_rshift_sign, rb_cv_binary_elf): get rid of
+Sat Aug 9 16:33:21 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode_data.h (rb_transcoding): new fields: next_info and next_byte.
+ * transcode.c (transcode_restartable): save/restore next_info and
+ next_byte.
+ sync readlen and in_p when invalid.
+Sat Aug 9 15:10:15 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode.c (transcode_restartable): my_transcoder argument removed.
+ (transcode_loop): my_transcoder argument removed.
+Sat Aug 9 14:39:34 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode_data.h (rb_transcoding): add fields for restartable
+ transcoding.
+ (rb_transcoder): add max_input field.
+ from_unit_length field is renamed to input_unit_length.
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: generate max_input field.
+ * enc/trans/iso2022.erb.c: follow rb_transcoder change.
+ * enc/trans/utf_16_32.erb.c: ditto.
+ * transcode.c (PARTIAL_INPUT): new constant.
+ (transcode_char_start): new function.
+ (transcode_result_t): new type.
+ (transcode_restartable): new function.
+ (more_output_buffer): new function.
+ (transcode_loop): use transcode_restartable.
+Sat Aug 9 13:35:08 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * stable/ext/socket/socket.c (NI_MAXHOST, NI_MAXSERV): fixed invalid
+ preprocessor directives. a patch from Peter Bowen at
+ [ruby-core:18211].
+Sat Aug 9 06:37:21 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/make_encdb.rb, enc/trans/make_transdb.rb: skip nonexistent
+ directory. [ruby-dev:35802]
+Sat Aug 9 01:07:51 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enc/trans/utf_16_32.erb.c (fun_so_from_utf_32le): implemented.
+ (fun_so_to_utf_32le): implemented.
+ [ruby-dev:35777]
+Sat Aug 9 00:42:33 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode_data.h (rb_transcoder): from_unit_length field added.
+ from_utf8 field removed.
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: generate offsets range.
+ follow rb_transcoder change.
+ * transcode.c (transcode_loop): don't use from_utf8.
+ make invalid region from_unit_length wise.
+ * enc/trans/iso2022.erb.c: follow rb_transcoder and
+ transcode_generate_node change.
+ * enc/trans/utf_16_32.erb.c: follow rb_transcoder and
+ transcode_generate_node change.
+ explicit :invalid map removed.
+Fri Aug 8 23:29:44 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/depend (TRANSCSRCS): needs rule_subst to apply.
+ * io.c (shutdown): not define if defined already.
+Fri Aug 8 22:47:26 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (opt_eq_func): large function to make inline.
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub (config.h): cannot compile a big inline function.
+Fri Aug 8 21:09:10 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ( give not RUBY but MINIRUBY.
+Fri Aug 8 17:03:17 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (shutdown, sched_yield, pthread_attr_setinheritsched):
+ check for Haiku.
+ * eval_intern.h, io.c, thread_pthread.c: use autoconfisticated results.
+Fri Aug 8 16:52:55 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ( mkmf.rb requires rbconfig.rb.
+ * (srcs-enc): renamed from transcodes.
+ * enc/ (make-workdir): creates object directories.
+ * (encdb.h): see both $(srcdir)/enc and enc.
+ * enc/make_encdb.rb: ditto.
+ * enc/trans/make_transdb.rb: fix for the case no transdirs are given.
+ * enc/trans/make_transdb.rb: converts only one transcoders for each
+ basename.
+Fri Aug 8 10:53:52 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb: randomize source port and transaction id.
+ CVE-2008-1447.
+ * lib/resolv-replace.rb (UDPSocket#bind): don't resolv host if host is
+ "".
+Fri Aug 8 04:20:14 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * see both $(srcdir)/enc/trans and enc/trans.
+ * enc/trans/make_transdb.rb: ditto.
+Fri Aug 8 00:05:02 2008 TAKAO Kouji <>
+ * ext/.document: added readline/readline.c.
+ * ext/readline/readline.c: changed Copyright. added RDoc.
+ * ext/readline/README.ja: fixed typo.
+ * ext/readline/README: contents was moved RDoc.
+Thu Aug 7 23:43:11 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * transcode_data.h (rb_transcoding): new field "stateful".
+ (rb_transcoder): preprocessor and postprocessor field removed.
+ change arguments of func_ii, func_si, func_io and func_so.
+ new field "finish_func".
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: make FUNii, FUNsi and FUNio
+ generatable.
+ * transcode.c (transcoder_lib_table): removed.
+ (transcoder_table): change structure.
+ (transcoder_key): removed because the above structure change.
+ (make_transcoder_entry): new function.
+ (get_transcoder_entry): ditto.
+ (rb_register_transcoder): follow the structure change.
+ (declare_transcoder): ditto.
+ (transcode_search_path): new function for breadth first search to
+ find a list of converters.
+ (transcode_search_path_i): new function.
+ (transcode_dispatch_cb): ditto.
+ (transcode_dispatch): use transcode_search_path.
+ (transcode_loop): follow the argument change.
+ (str_transcode): preprocessor and postprocessor stuff removed.
+ * enc/trans/iso2022.erb.c: new file. ISO-2022-JP conversion
+ re-implemented.
+ * enc/trans/japanese.erb.c: ISO-2022-JP stuff removed.
+ * enc/trans/utf_16_32.erb.c: follow argument change of FUNso.
+ [ruby-dev:35798]
+Thu Aug 7 22:55:44 2008 TAKAO Kouji <>
+ * ext/readline/README.ja: updated API document for Readline module.
+Thu Aug 7 20:52:08 2008 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (login): raise FTPReplyError if passwd or acct
+ is not supplied. fixed [ruby-core:18058].
+Thu Aug 7 18:01:44 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-imenu-create-index-in-block): Fix the
+ regexp to only pick definition lines properly. `module_function'
+ is not a definition of a module named `_function'.
+Thu Aug 7 17:47:55 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/depend: add transdb.c.
+Thu Aug 7 16:28:51 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *,, {bcc,win}32/Makefile.sub (clean-ext): do not
+ use miniruby.
+Thu Aug 7 14:17:32 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/depend: removed needless explicit commands.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb, {bcc32,win32}/Makefile.sub (CLEANLIBS, CLEANOBJS):
+ moved clean targets to platform makefiles.
+Thu Aug 7 13:12:30 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/getaddrinfo.c (gai_strerror): ignore only on Haiku.
+ a patch from <zn at>, [ruby-dev:35796].
+Thu Aug 7 06:31:12 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/ruby/process.rb (test_popen_fork): skip a test which is
+ freeze in FreeBSD.
+Thu Aug 7 06:05:48 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * config.guess: add powerpc-apple-haiku, i586-pc-haiku.
+ see [ruby-core:18110]
+Thu Aug 7 05:51:05 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * eval_intern.h: Add support to Haiku. see [ruby-core:18110]
+ * include/ruby/defines.h: ditto.
+ * ditto.
+ * thread_pthread.c: ditto.
+ * io.c: ditto.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/socket/getaddrinfo.c: ditto.
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: ditto.
+ * ext/socket/addrinfo.h: ditto.
+ * ext/socket/getnameinfo.c: ditto.
+Thu Aug 7 05:43:32 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * mkdir enc/trans before build tables.
+Thu Aug 7 05:18:30 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/depend: enc/*.c is source but enc/trans/*.c is generated.
+Thu Aug 7 05:14:12 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regenc.c (code_to_mbc): raise RangeError Integer#chr
+ when more than 255 is given with single byte encoding.
+ [ruby-dev:35789]
+Thu Aug 7 05:06:03 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (run_final): runs finalizers with the object terminated.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_call_finalizer_at_exit): keeps finalized objects from
+ linking to freelist.
+Thu Aug 7 04:43:14 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/depend: for build in other than srcdir.
+Wed Aug 6 22:40:48 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb (transcode_generate_node): code
+ argument removed.
+Wed Aug 6 21:25:45 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (chain_finalized_object): deletes finalizers to be invoked from
+ finalizer_table.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_call_finalizer_at_exit): warns when could not invoke
+ finalizers.
+Wed Aug 6 20:56:43 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enc/depend: transcode table generation depends on
+ tool/transcode-tblgen.rb.
+Wed Aug 6 20:48:27 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_call_finalizer_at_exit): self-referencing finalizers
+ cannot be invoked. [ruby-dev:35681]
+Wed Aug 6 20:44:41 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: distinguish UNDEF and INVALID.
+ [ruby-dev:35709]
+ * transcode.c (transcode_loop): don't need rb_enc_mbclen now.
+Wed Aug 6 14:40:11 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (transdb.h): requires transcoders.
+ * enc/depend (srcs): target for transcoders.
+Wed Aug 6 14:04:08 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * enc/depend: replace not only $(<:...) but also $<.
+Wed Aug 6 13:54:30 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.status): export BASERUBY.
+ * enc/depend: avoid GNU make'ism.
+Wed Aug 6 07:59:02 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb (ActionMap#eql?): use == to compare @map.
+Wed Aug 6 07:45:26 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: show generating tables in verbose mode.
+ (transcode_generate_node): call ActionMap#generate_node with showing
+ table name.
+ * enc/trans/utf_16_32.erb.c: use transcode_generate_node.
+Wed Aug 6 06:55:20 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (thread_start_func_2): propagates fatal error and system
+ exit to the main thread.
+Wed Aug 6 05:31:54 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_to_encoding_index, rb_to_encoding): check if the name
+ is ascii compatible as well as Encoding.find.
+ * transcode.c (str_encode): no need to duplicate first.
+Wed Aug 6 05:08:30 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_sort_bang): reset to real class.
+ * file.c (rb_find_file_ext, rb_find_file): ditto.
+ * io.c (io_reopen): ditto.
+Wed Aug 6 03:56:39 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (transcodes), tool/build-transcode: generates transcode
+ sources.
+ * enc/trans/{japanese,korean,single_byte,utf_16_32}.c: to be
+ autogenerated now.
+ * enc/depend: added rules for .c from .erb.c.
+Tue Aug 5 20:46:20 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/build-transcode: new file.
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: new file.
+ * enc/trans/make_transdb.rb: exclude *.erb.c.
+ * enc/depend: exclude *.erb.c.
+ * enc/trans/utf_16_32.erb.c: new file.
+ * enc/trans/single_byte.erb.c: new file.
+ * enc/trans/japanese.erb.c: new file.
+ * enc/trans/korean.erb.c: new file.
+ * enc/trans/iso-8859-2-tbl.rb: new file.
+ * enc/trans/iso-8859-3-tbl.rb: new file.
+ * enc/trans/iso-8859-4-tbl.rb: new file.
+ * enc/trans/iso-8859-5-tbl.rb: new file.
+ * enc/trans/iso-8859-6-tbl.rb: new file.
+ * enc/trans/iso-8859-7-tbl.rb: new file.
+ * enc/trans/iso-8859-8-tbl.rb: new file.
+ * enc/trans/iso-8859-9-tbl.rb: new file.
+ * enc/trans/iso-8859-10-tbl.rb: new file.
+ * enc/trans/iso-8859-11-tbl.rb: new file.
+ * enc/trans/iso-8859-13-tbl.rb: new file.
+ * enc/trans/iso-8859-14-tbl.rb: new file.
+ * enc/trans/iso-8859-15-tbl.rb: new file.
+ * enc/trans/eucjp-tbl.rb: new file.
+ * enc/trans/sjis-tbl.rb: new file.
+ * enc/trans/euckr-tbl.rb: new file.
+ * enc/trans/utf_16_32.c: regenerated.
+ * enc/trans/single_byte.c: regenerated.
+ * enc/trans/japanese.c: regenerated.
+ * enc/trans/korean.c: regenerated.
+ [ruby-dev:35730]
+Tue Aug 5 18:02:53 2008 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/io/nonblock/test_flush.rb (TestIONonblock#test_flush):
+ rescue some exceptions. [ruby-dev:35638]
+Tue Aug 5 16:40:06 2008 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (chdir): handle 5xx errors correctly.
+ fixed [ruby-core:18057].
+Tue Aug 5 16:38:59 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h, bcc32/Makefile.sub (config.h): bcc 5.8 has
+ stdint.h.
+Tue Aug 5 16:13:05 2008 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (disconnect): do not refer to SSL::SSLSocket for
+ environments without OpenSSL. fixed [ruby-dev:35755].
+Tue Aug 5 14:19:22 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_stat_mode): generalized st_mode mask.
+Tue Aug 5 12:43:47 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (retry_sendfile, retry_read): ENOSYS and EWOULDBLOCK are not
+ defined on every platforms.
+Tue Aug 5 12:34:49 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * transcode_data.h (TRANSCODE_ERROR): common transcode failure
+ exception, would be changed later.
+ * enc/trans/japanese.c (UNSUPPORTED_MODE): unsupported mode transition
+ exception.
+Tue Aug 5 03:29:52 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_sort_bang): respect overridden <=> for String and
+ Fixnum. [ruby-core:17708]
+ * include/ruby/node.h (NOEX_BASIC): basic definition method flag.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h, vm_method.c (rb_method_basic_definition_p):
+ new function to check if the method is not redefined after the
+ initialization.
+ * vm_method.c (rb_obj_respond_to): use rb_method_basic_definition_p.
+Mon Aug 4 20:39:06 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * (update-rubyspec): renamed the rubyspec directory
+ "spec". Changed directory structure.
+ * (test-rubyspec): ditto.
+ * spec/README: described the structure of "spec" directory.
+ * spec/default.mspec: configured for Matz's Ruby Implementation.
+Mon Aug 4 19:21:43 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_tmp_new): added.
+ * vm_eval.c (vm_call_super): fixed typo, and get rid of too large
+ alloca. [ruby-core:17922]
+Mon Aug 4 16:48:50 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (deferred_nodes, compstmt, arg, fixup_nodes, range_op): fix
+ up fixnum range literal in conditional as automagical line number
+ comparison. [ruby-core:12124], [ruby-dev:35731]
+Mon Aug 4 14:41:25 2008 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb (Net::SMTP::rcptto): fix a typo. a patch from
+ Masao Takaku <masao at>
+ fix [ruby-dev:35489].
+Mon Aug 4 14:08:55 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (dump_ensure), process.c (run_exec_dup2),
+ string.c (rb_str_replace), transcode.c (transcode_dispatch): fixed
+ memory leaks. based on patches from shinichiro.h <shinichiro.hamaji
+ AT> at [ruby-dev:35751].
+Sun Aug 3 19:32:52 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (hash2named_arg): refactoring.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_invoke, fole_respond_to, ev_on_event,
+ fev_off_event): accepts Symbol argument.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole.rb: ditto.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_event.rb: ditto.
+Sun Aug 3 10:41:54 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_shared_replace): fixed memory leak. a patch from
+ shinichiro.h <shinichiro.hamaji AT> at [ruby-dev:35742]
+Sat Aug 2 22:55:41 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * test/win32ole/test_err_in_callback.rb: remove temporary files.
+ some refactoring.
+Sat Aug 2 15:51:50 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): 8 and 9 in octal integer should cause compile
+ error. [ruby-dev:35729]
+Sat Aug 2 01:06:10 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/trans/japanese.c: add U+FF5E to EUC-JP.
+ [ruby-dev:35720] [ruby-dev:35722]
+Fri Aug 1 23:49:44 2008 TAKAO Kouji <>
+ * ext/readline/extconf.rb: checked to have clear_history in
+ readline library.
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (hist_get, hist_each, Init_readline):
+ The offset specified for the argument of history_get() might be
+ different in GNU Readline and libedit. If use libedit, it was
+ corrected that the computational method of the offset specified
+ for the argument of history_get() when the Readline module was
+ initialized was decided.
+ (hist_get, hist_set): If use libedit, accesses first an input
+ content in history when specifies the negative offset for the
+ argument of history_get() or replace_history_entry(). Then
+ checks the offset is negative in ruby.
+ (rb_remove_history): When compiling, it corrects it to warning
+ when libedit is used.
+ (hist_clear, Init_readline): added Readline::HISTORY.clear
+ method. [ruby-dev:35551]
+ * test/readline/test_readline_history.rb: added unit test for
+ Readline::HISTORY.
+Fri Aug 1 23:26:45 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * transcode.c (transcode_loop): undefined character is replaced with
+ only one character. [ruby-dev:35709]
+Fri Aug 1 23:26:22 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ Merged r16430(akr), r16431(akr), r16433(akr), r16469(nobu), and
+ r17874(akr) from ruby_1_8.
+ * (update-rubyspec): added
+ * (test-rubyspec): added
+Fri Aug 1 23:16:03 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/trans/japanese.c: add support for CP51932,
+Fri Aug 1 22:59:40 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/trans/japanese.c: add U+FF0C,
+Fri Aug 1 21:49:41 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/sdbm/test_sdbm.rb: add some tests.
+Fri Aug 1 21:36:00 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * gc.c (allocate_heaps, assign_heap_slot, rb_newobj_from_heap):
+ reset during_gc before raising NoMemoryError.
+Fri Aug 1 21:29:56 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * vm.c (Init_BareVM): check failure of malloc().
+Fri Aug 1 20:55:27 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/trans/japanese.c (to_SHIFT_JIS_EF_BF_offsets): add U+FFF3,
+ U+FFF4, U+FFF5.
+ * enc/trans/japanese.c (to_SHIFT_JIS_EF_BF_infos): ditto.
+ * enc/trans/japanese.c (to_EUC_JP_EF_BF_infos): added.
+ * enc/trans/japanese.c (to_EUC_JP_EF_BF): added.
+ * enc/trans/japanese.c (to_EUC_JP_EF_infos): change size.
+ [ruby-dev:35714]
+Fri Aug 1 18:27:15 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): removed an useless conditional, and magic
+ comment are ignored unless at the first of line.
+ * test/ruby/test_m17n.rb (test_magic_comment_vim): added.
+ * test/ruby/test_m17n.rb (test_magic_comment_at_various_positions):
+ added.
+Fri Aug 1 14:54:42 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_seekdir): no need to rewind to seek forward.
+Fri Aug 1 05:31:08 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * transcode.c (output_replacement_character):
+ rename from _get_replacement_character.
+ * transcode.c (output_replacement_character):
+ fix replacement on UTF-32{BE,LE}. [ruby-dev:35705]
+ * transcode.c (transcode_loop): ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_transcode.rb (test_invalid_replace):
+ add for above.
+Fri Aug 1 01:01:49 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * proc.c (rb_proc_call_with_block): reduce comparison.
+Thu Jul 31 22:17:35 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (VpMult): prevent memory leak.
+Thu Jul 31 20:05:56 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/ruby/test_transcode.rb (test_unicode_public_review_issue_121):
+ fix option1 and 3.
+Thu Jul 31 19:54:57 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * transcode.c (get_replacement_character): use U+FFFD as replacement
+ character when convert to Unicode.
+ * test/ruby/test_transcode.rb (test_unicode_public_review_issue_121):
+ rename from test_public_review_issue_121.
+ * test/ruby/test_transcode.rb (test_unicode_public_review_issue_121):
+ enable option2.
+Thu Jul 31 17:00:10 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * transcode.c (get_replacement_character): fix: invalid byte sequence
+ is always replaced "\x00?".
+Thu Jul 31 16:37:03 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_ext_configure_builder.rb
+ (test_self_build_fail): remove extra newline. [ruby-dev:35704]
+Thu Jul 31 15:11:11 2008 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/ruby/test_transcode.rb: added test_shift_jis
+ (contributed by Yoshihiro Kambayashi) and
+ test_public_review_issue_121
+ (see
+Thu Jul 31 13:18:30 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (struct RString): size of ary must be
+Thu Jul 31 12:23:53 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): upper half of hexdigits has never been used.
+Thu Jul 31 11:31:29 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/syck/syck.h (ASSERT): fix typo at r18176.
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (rb_syck_compile): expression in ASSERT() has no
+ effect unless debug mode.
+Thu Jul 31 10:51:39 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * iseq.c (ruby_iseq_disasm_insn): suppress warnings on platforms which
+ int size differs from pointer size.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c (ossl_asn1_get_asn1type): ditto
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (rb_syck_err_handler),
+ (syck_default_error_handler): ditto.
+Thu Jul 31 02:21:39 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (rb_syck_compile): remove meaningless branch
+ that misleads into thinking that the variable sav may be
+ uninitialized.
+Thu Jul 31 01:25:43 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_mutex_unlock_all): mutex is no longer a ruby object.
+Thu Jul 31 01:18:07 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * parse.y (magic_comment_encoding): remove meaningless null check.
+Thu Jul 31 01:09:28 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (VpIsRoundMode): fix tautology
+ condition.
+Thu Jul 31 00:58:33 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): reduced static variables.
+Thu Jul 31 00:10:20 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * proc.c (rb_proc_call_with_block): prevent null reference.
+Wed Jul 30 22:19:13 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * parse.y (vtable_free): remove meaningless null check.
+Wed Jul 30 22:08:25 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * dir.c (struct dir_data): change path field char * to VALUE.
+ (mark_dir): new function for mark path field.
+ (free_dir): follow the path field change.
+ (dir_s_alloc): ditto.
+ (dir_initialize): ditto.
+ (dir_s_open): ditto.
+ (dir_inspect): ditto.
+ (dir_path): return (duplicate of) the path field to preserve
+ encoding. [ruby-dev:35685]
+Wed Jul 30 22:06:56 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * string.c (sym_inspect): remove dead code.
+Wed Jul 30 21:32:52 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ChangeLog: fix wrong method name and add reference.
+Wed Jul 30 21:30:08 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * regparse.c (name_add): fix memory leak.
+Wed Jul 30 21:08:06 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/syck/syck.c (syck_free_parser): fix memory leak by
+ YAML::Syck.compile.
+ * regparse.c (parse_exp): fix memory leak at"x{1,1}").
+Wed Jul 30 17:48:15 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_select): recalc the rest of timeout for each
+ iterations. [ruby-core:18015]
+Tue Jul 29 23:37:37 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * io.c (io_ungetc): raise NotImplementedError when ungetc is called
+ against dummy encoding IO. [ruby-dev:35686]
+ * io.c (rb_io_getline_1): ditto when gets with delimiter is called.
+ * io.c (io_getc): ditto when getc is called.
+ * test/ruby/test_io_m17n.rb (test_terminator_stateful_conversion,
+ test_getc_stateful_conversion, test_ungetc_stateful_conversion):
+ these tests should raise NotImplementedError.
+Tue Jul 29 22:55:34 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (pipe): run reader thread and writer thread.
+Tue Jul 29 21:38:08 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (Init_bigdecimal): fix typo.
+Tue Jul 29 21:35:59 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/etc/test_etc.rb (test_passwd): age field may be string under
+ some environments.
+Tue Jul 29 17:54:35 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * dir.c (char_casecmp): fix: return 0 if either of characters is NUL.
+Tue Jul 29 13:17:03 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/etc/test_etc.rb (test_getpwuid): fix for users whose uid is
+ shared.
+Tue Jul 29 05:37:53 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_find_file_ext, rb_find_file): explicit relative path
+ which starts with "./" or "../" should be searched from cwd
+ instead of load path. [ruby-dev:35673]
+Tue Jul 29 02:39:46 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * math.c (math_atanh): raise EDOM on FreeBSD when atanh(1).
+ * math.c (math_log): ditto.
+ * math.c (math_log2): ditto.
+ * math.c (math_log10): ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_math.rb: test for above.
+Tue Jul 29 01:41:15 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * dir.c (struct dir_data): intenc field removed.
+ (dir_s_alloc): intenc initialization removed.
+ (dir_initialize): :internal_encoding option removed. dirname code
+ conversion removed.
+ (dir_enc_str): code conversion removed.
+ [ruby-dev:35661]
+Mon Jul 28 21:32:17 2008 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rss/: use PNG instead of zlib as binary data.
+Mon Jul 28 21:24:33 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * thread_win32.[ch] (cond_every_entry, rb_thread_cond_struct): reverted
+ r18239 because r18245 made the changes unnecessary.
+ * thread.c (rb_mutex_struct): define after including thread_{pthread,
+ win32}.c.
+Mon Jul 28 21:00:10 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_require.rb (test_require_too_long_filename):
+ Kernel#require does not use dln_find_file_r (at r18242).
+Mon Jul 28 20:17:03 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * vm_core.h: move the definition of struct rb_mutex_struct.
+ * thread.c: ditto.
+Mon Jul 28 18:58:46 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * thread.c (mutex_unlock): fix typo.
+Mon Jul 28 18:15:45 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_find_file_ext, rb_find_file): not to split load path with
+ path separator. [ruby-Bugs-21356]
+Mon Jul 28 18:14:03 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (overlapped_socket_io, fcntl, rb_w32_close): must not
+ pass a pointer to int which is smaller than st_data_t on mswin64.
+Mon Jul 28 16:49:47 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (CreateChild, overlapped_socket_io): suppress
+ warnings.
+Mon Jul 28 16:06:36 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (MAXPATHLEN): define before use.
+Mon Jul 28 16:01:12 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * thread_win32.[ch] (cond_every_entry, rb_thread_cond_struct): moved
+ the definitions from .c to .h because rb_thread_cond_struct is used
+ in vm_core.h.
+Mon Jul 28 14:29:54 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dln.c (load_lib): use dln_find_file_r instead of dln_find_file.
+Mon Jul 28 00:18:47 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * vm_core.h, thread.c: It is now prohibited to use Data_Get_Struct in
+ *_free against an object that is going to be free'ed. So, change type
+ of thread_t#keeping_mutexes from VALUE to mutex_t.
+ * vm.c: remove mark to keeping_mutexes.
+Sun Jul 27 23:32:42 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb (server_loop): rescue Errno::EINVAL and
+Sun Jul 27 22:11:57 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * bootstraptests/method.rb: increase RLIMIT_STACK size to 4M+8Kbytes
+ because FreeBSD fails this less than that.
+Sun Jul 27 21:45:59 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_children, obj_free): T_DEFERRED should not be appear.
+ * gc.c (gc_sweep, finalize_list): fix to decrement heap_slot#limit
+ after executing finalizer.
+Sun Jul 27 14:48:37 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: add a type T_DEFERRED.
+ * gc.c: fix deferred finalizer system. finalize processes of
+ T_DATA and T_FILE are executed after gc process.
+ And fix to use BUILTIN_TYPE() instead of seeing flag.
+ * thread.c, vm_core.h: add RUBY_VM_SET_FINALIZER_INTERRUPT()
+ and check interrupt_flag at rb_thread_execute_interrupts().
+ * thread.c (mutex_mark): fix to mark next_mutex.
+ * vm.c (rb_thread_mark): fix to mark keeping_mutexes.
+Sun Jul 27 09:15:28 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dln.h (dln_find_exe, dln_find_file): deprecated, use reentrant
+ versions instead.
+Sun Jul 27 09:02:32 2008 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/rinda/tuplespace.rb: merged from 1.8.
+ * test/rinda/test_rinda.rb: merged from 1.8.
+Sat Jul 26 22:45:18 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * sample/exyacc.rb: fixed NoMethodError(Kernel#sub!).
+ replaced use of special variables with explicit IO
+ operations.
+Sat Jul 26 21:17:18 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (Init_win32ole): add
+ WIN32OLE_EVENT#handler=, WIN32OLE_EVENT#handler
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_event.rb: ditto.
+Sat Jul 26 07:44:14 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (add_event_call_back): remove unused
+ variable.
+Fri Jul 25 23:48:10 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_sweep, obj_free, run_final): defer finalizers of IO and
+ Data. [ruby-dev:35578]
+Fri Jul 25 23:35:18 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/webrick/httputils.rb (WEBrick::HTTPUtils#split_header_value):
+ reduce backtrack. based on a fix by Christian Neukirchen
+ <chneukirchen AT>.
+Fri Jul 25 21:55:38 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_koi8.rb: move from test/ruby/test_koi8.rb.
+Fri Jul 25 21:09:32 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_invoke, add_event_callback,
+ rescue_callback): refactoring.
+Fri Jul 25 20:52:44 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * test/win32ole/err_in_callback.rb: add test of raising
+ exception in WIN32OLE_EVENT callback.
+ * test/win32ole/test_err_in_callback.rb: ditto.
+Fri Jul 25 20:43:57 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (Init_win32ole): add
+ WIN32OLE_EVENT#off_event.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_event.rb: ditto.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_event.rb: some refactoring.
+Fri Jul 25 19:50:49 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * regint.c (xmalloc, xrealloc, xfree): not to use ruby managed memory.
+Fri Jul 25 15:52:40 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (vm_invoke_proc): skip setting safe_level if
+ it from bmethod. This change makes test/ruby/test_proc.rb pass.
+Fri Jul 25 10:00:00 2008 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/ruby/test_transcode.rb: refactoring/cleanup of
+ test_iso_2022_jp(_1)
+Fri Jul 25 04:12:57 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf.c (rb_nkf_convert): output of mime encode is US-ASCII.
+ [ruby-list:45257]
+Fri Jul 25 02:43:11 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * sample/coverage.rb: move from lib/coverage.rb because this remains in
+ an early phase of development.
+Fri Jul 25 00:10:23 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_find_file_ext, rb_find_file): converts Windows style path
+ to Cygwin path. [ruby-dev:35647]
+Thu Jul 24 16:30:21 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (exit_handler): use st_free_table() to free socklist.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_pipe_exec, rb_w32_accept, rb_w32_socket,
+ rb_w32_socketpair): should check and release fd and sockets/handles
+ if an error occurs in rb_w32_open_osfhandle().
+Thu Jul 24 16:05:02 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (overlapped_socket_io): avoid warnings.
+ * thread_win32.c (ubf_handle): refactoring.
+Thu Jul 24 07:01:13 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: got rid of improper casts.
+Wed Jul 23 23:19:15 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/socket/test_tcp.rb (test_recvfrom): replace an irrelevant test
+ for old behavior.
+Wed Jul 23 21:38:16 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_marshal.rb: suppress warning during test.
+Wed Jul 23 21:35:53 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_dir.rb: suppress warning during test.
+Wed Jul 23 18:27:46 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/tk/{stubs,tcltklib}.c, ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: fix warnings
+ about constness and signedness.
+Wed Jul 23 17:04:22 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/openssl/openssl_missing.h (d2i_of_void): define for older
+ versions. [ruby-dev:35637]
+Wed Jul 23 13:53:36 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/curses/extconf.rb: use try_static_assert.
+Wed Jul 23 10:06:19 2008 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/zlib/test_zlib.rb (TestZlibDeflate#test_params): suppress a
+ finalizer warning.
+Wed Jul 23 06:25:42 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/syck: suppress warnings more.
+Wed Jul 23 03:19:31 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c (struct, input_codename):
+ constified.
+Wed Jul 23 03:02:08 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/syck: suppress warnings.
+Wed Jul 23 00:34:20 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/openssl: suppress warnings.
+Tue Jul 22 23:01:34 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c, ext/syck/yaml2byte.c, ext/syck/emitter.c,
+ ext/syck/syck.c, ext/syck/handler.c, ext/syck/syck.h: suppress GCC
+ warning.
+Tue Jul 22 20:42:24 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimalCmp): BigDecimal#<=> should
+ return nil if an argument can't be coerced into BigDecimal.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.h, ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c
+ (VpIsNegDoubleZero, VpItoV): comment out unused functions.
+Tue Jul 22 20:33:54 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_parser_ruby.rb (teardown): close tempfile.
+Tue Jul 22 19:38:38 2008 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/ruby/test_transcode.rb: added two comments
+Tue Jul 22 18:08:34 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * README.EXT, README.EXT.ja: mention about FIX2LONG and NUM2LONG.
+ see [ruby-dev:35197]
+Tue Jul 22 17:53:32 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (insn_data_to_s_detail), file.c (rb_stat_inspect),
+ iseq.c (ruby_iseq_disasm_insn, ruby_iseq_disasm),
+ process.c (pst_message), re.c (match_inspect): use rb_str_catf.
+ * dir.c (dir_inspect), iseq.c (iseq_inspect, insn_operand_intern): use
+ rb_sprintf.
+ * error.c (rb_name_error, rb_raise, rb_loaderror, rb_fatal): use
+ rb_vsprintf.
+Tue Jul 22 17:20:25 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (init_func): new function to get API's address which
+ is often used and not supported on all Windows.
+ * win32/win32.c (overlapped_socket_io): shouldn't use overlapped I/O if
+ CancelIo() is not supported.
+Tue Jul 22 16:47:57 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h, sprintf.c (rb_str_catf, rb_str_vcatf): new
+ functions. [ruby-dev:35597]
+ * string.c (rb_str_capacity): new function to return the capacity.
+Tue Jul 22 16:08:58 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (connect_blocking, socks_connect_blocking,
+ ruby_connect): cast.
+Tue Jul 22 11:05:08 2008 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/ruby/test_dir.rb: use realpath of tmpdir. [ruby-dev:35481]
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb: ditto.
+Tue Jul 22 09:51:32 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el: fix here-doc strings with inner quotes. patches
+ by Nathan Weizenbaum <nex342 AT> from [ruby-core:17615]
+ through [ruby-core:17910].
+Tue Jul 22 04:26:16 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_str_buf_new2): optimization for literals.
+ * string.c (str_buf_cat): returns VALUE.
+Tue Jul 22 03:34:01 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc*: Update to RDoc 2.1.0 r112.
+Tue Jul 22 02:51:46 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_str_buf_cat2, rb_str_cat2): optimization
+ for literals.
+Tue Jul 22 02:50:47 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * README.EXT, README.EXT.ja (1.5 Manipulating Ruby data): fix the
+ prototype of rb_vsprintf, and added rb_str_cat2. [ruby-dev:35622]
+Mon Jul 21 17:15:38 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_filesystem_encoding): use locale encoding on Unix.
+ [ruby-dev:35617]
+Mon Jul 21 15:29:32 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * missing/vsnprintf.c (struct __sbuf, FILE): use size_t.
+ * sprintf.c (ruby__sfvwrite): ditto.
+Mon Jul 21 13:55:37 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * README.EXT, README.EXT.ja (1.5 Manipulating Ruby data): mentioned
+ rb_sprintf and rb_vsprintf. [ruby-dev:35611]
+Mon Jul 21 10:25:52 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (prepare_getline_args): check if rs is a string when non-nil
+ lim is given. [ruby-dev:35610]
+Mon Jul 21 04:55:20 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * dir.c (dir_initialize): use rb_convert_type instead of
+ rb_check_convert_type to prevent SEGV by".", true).
+ (dir_initialize): use FilePathValue before rb_enc_get(dirname) to
+ prevent SEGV by
+Mon Jul 21 04:42:15 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_s_union): useless rb_enc_get call removed to prevent
+ SEGV by Regexp.union("", nil).
+Sun Jul 20 22:50:11 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): NODE_POSTEXE should set each end
+ procs only once. [ruby-dev:35596]
+Sun Jul 20 16:00:37 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (EVENTSINK_Invoke): use rb_protect
+ instead of rb_rescue2. [ruby-dev:35595]
+Sun Jul 20 01:23:24 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (EVENTSINK_Invoke): little refactoring.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (EVENTSINK_GetIDsOfNames): return
+ ITypeInfo::GetIDsOfNames().
+Sat Jul 19 09:31:35 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (EVENTSINK_Invoke): little refactoring.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: add document of inspect methods.
+Sat Jul 19 06:08:43 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc*: Import RDoc r104. Various make test-all fixes.
+Sat Jul 19 00:27:58 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * numeric.c (check_uint, rb_num2uint, rb_fix2uint): fixed wrong check
+ about 64bit positive value.
+Fri Jul 18 23:23:37 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (EVENTSINK_Invoke): avoid cfp consistency
+ error when exception raised in event callback.
+Fri Jul 18 14:52:14 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (socklist): table for registering socket options
+ (currently only O_NONBLOCK).
+ * win32/win32.c (StartSockets, exit_handler): alloc/free socklist.
+ * win32/win32.c (is_socket): use socklist.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_accept, rb_w32_socket, rb_w32_socketpair):
+ register new socket to socklist.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_close): remove closing socket from socklist.
+ * win32/win32.c (fcntl): register socket options.
+ * win32/win32.c (overlapped_socket_io): send to/recv from socket with
+ overlapped operation if the socket is not nonblocking mode.
+ [experimental]
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_send, rb_w32_sendto, rb_w32_recv,
+ rb_w32_recvfrom): use overlapped_socket_io().
+ * win32/win32.c (open_ifs_socket): set overlapped mode. this is the
+ default mode of winsock's socket(), so lacking it is an old bug.
+Fri Jul 18 09:44:30 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/*: Import RDoc r101.
+Thu Jul 17 23:45:55 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_c_parser.rb (teardown): close tempfile.
+Thu Jul 17 21:08:49 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (test_getpriority, test_setpriority): use
+Thu Jul 17 20:41:42 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): fix v and V with big endian.
+ [1].pack("V").unpack("V") was [4294967296].
+Thu Jul 17 20:35:03 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): fix i! with big endian. [1].pack("i!") was
+ "\0\0\0\0".
+Thu Jul 17 16:48:40 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (ruby_connect): select() for connect() has
+ mean only when the socket is non-blocking.
+Thu Jul 17 10:55:24 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * mkconfig.rb: Simplify expression for RDoc.
+Thu Jul 17 10:21:15 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * numeric.c (check_uint, rb_num2uint, rb_fix2uint): strict check.
+ fixed [ruby-dev:33683]
+Thu Jul 17 04:19:33 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (thread_start_func_2): wake up joining threads.
+ * thread.c (sleep_forever, sleep_timeval): return when interrupted.
+ [ruby-dev:35542]
+ * thread.c (timer_thread_function): restore main thread status.
+ [ruby-core:17270]
+Thu Jul 17 01:27:38 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * io.c (appendline): remove invalid access.
+Wed Jul 16 18:04:34 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * signal.c (signal_exec, trap_handler): trap accepts a string as
+ command. [ruby-dev:35533]
+Wed Jul 16 00:04:30 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (Test::Unit::Assertions#assert_in_out_err): new
+ method.
+ * test/ruby/test_argf.rb: use assert_in_out_err instead of
+ EnvUtil.rubyexec.
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_require.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_objectspace.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_object.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_string.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_method.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_variable.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_exception.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_class.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb: ditto.
+Tue Jul 15 22:34:03 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (ruby_version): follow changes in
+Tue Jul 15 21:58:20 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/tk/{,tkutil/}extconf.rb: ruby/ruby.h no longer needs to be
+ checked.
+ * ext/tk/{tcltklib.c,tkutil/tkutil.c}: check macros for each headers.
+Tue Jul 15 21:45:41 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/tk/extconf.rb, ext/tk/tcltklib.c, ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: Do
+ not test ruby/ruby.h, which makes OS X's gcc pick the wrong
+ header file from Ruby.framework.
+Tue Jul 15 21:31:26 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * (--with-ruby-version): Add a new option to specify
+ the ruby version string for version specific directories.
+ [ruby-dev:35490]
+ * mkconfig.rb: Definition of ruby_version is now determined by the
+ configure script.
+Tue Jul 15 18:14:20 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (ruby_connect, s_accept): check before readable/
+ writable by select() instead of wrapping in blocking region.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (bsock_send, s_recvfrom, udp_send, unix_send_io,
+ unix_recv_io): should check readable/writable before calling blocking
+ functions.
+ see [ruby-dev:35446]
+Tue Jul 15 18:12:02 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * thread_win32.c (ubf_handle): cancel blocking IO if it can (only
+ Vista). see [ruby-dev:35446]
+ * win32/win32.c (errmap): add ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED as EINTR.
+Mon Jul 14 20:35:21 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_event.rb (teardown): fix typo.
+Mon Jul 14 18:47:30 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * transcode.c (transcode_loop): constified.
+ * transcode.c (str_transcode): rb_str_set_len() sets a delimiter.
+ * transcode_data.h (rb_transcoder): constified preprocessor and
+ postprocessor input.
+ * enc/trans/japanese.c: ditto.
+Sun Jul 13 05:37:50 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (PRI_PTRDIFF_PREFIX, PRI_SIZE_PREFIX): typo.
+ * {bcc32,win32}/Makefile.sub: (SIZEOF_SIZE_T, SIZEOF_PTRDIFF_T): added.
+Sat Jul 12 23:54:55 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (LIBRUBY_DLDFLAGS): import library which created
+ with DLL is broken. save import library which created by lib.exe and
+ install it.
+ fixed the problem mentioned at the postscript of [ruby-dev:35448]
+Sat Jul 12 23:24:21 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: use PRIuSIZE.
+Sat Jul 12 22:41:39 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (PRI_PTRDIFF_PREFIX, PRI_SIZE_PREFIX): fixed typo.
+Sat Jul 12 22:30:43 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (HAVE_RUBY_RUBY_H): defines macros so that
+ extconf.rb do not need to check if headers exist under separated
+ directory. [ruby-dev:35437]
+ * include/{ruby,rubyio,rubysig}.h, include/ruby/intern.h: use
+ "ruby/..." instead of <ruby/...>.
+Sat Jul 12 22:17:26 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (sizeof ptrdiff_t): check for size of ptrdiff_t.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (PRI?PTRDIFF, PRI?SIZE): printf conversion
+ specifiers for ptrdiff_t and size_t/ssize_t.
+ * insns.def (leave), marshal.c (long_toobig), transcode.c
+ (str_transcode), vm_dump.c (control_frame_dump, stack_dump_each),
+ (debug_print_register, debug_print_pre): t and z length modifiers
+ are C99.
+Sat Jul 12 16:02:31 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc/client.rb (XMLRPC::Client#do_rpc): requires
+ webrick/cookie. [ ruby-Bugs-21139 ]
+Sat Jul 12 09:25:07 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_event.rb: add test
+ for WIN32OLE_EVENT#on_event_with_outargs
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_event.rb(teardown): calling
+ WIN32OLE_EVENT.message_loop
+Sat Jul 12 01:54:13 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_select): shouldn't pass non-socket handle to
+ original select().
+Fri Jul 11 23:05:40 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/zlib/test_zlib.rb: add a test for Zlib::Deflate#params.
+Fri Jul 11 22:58:28 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (rb_deflate_params): flush before deflateParams.
+ [ruby-core:17675]
+Fri Jul 11 22:09:01 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/setup.rb, win32/Makefile.sub (PLATFORM): use $(PLATFORM)
+ instead of $(OS) because ENV["OS"] is used in test-all (drb).
+Fri Jul 11 20:51:36 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_wait_readable, rb_io_wait_writable): check if the file
+ descriptor is closed.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_wait_fd_rw): ditto.
+Fri Jul 11 16:16:43 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_accept, rb_w32_socket, rb_w32_socketpair):
+ prohibit inheritance of sockets, too. [experimental]
+Fri Jul 11 14:39:49 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (CreateChild): the measures for Vista is no longer
+ unnecessary.
+Fri Jul 11 06:16:26 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (process.o): depends on util.h.
+Fri Jul 11 05:07:46 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h (pipe): prohibit inheritance.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:35421]
+Fri Jul 11 00:56:46 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c (thread_create_core): fix GC problem.
+ [ruby-core:17669]
+Thu Jul 10 22:06:00 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/pstore.rb (PStore#transaction): return the result from the
+ block. [ruby-core:17718]
+Thu Jul 10 21:15:49 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_typelib.rb: add some illegal argument
+ test.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_type.rb: ditto.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_event.rb: ditto.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_param.rb: ditto.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_method.rb: ditto.
+Thu Jul 10 19:38:35 2008 wanabe <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (assert_normal_exit): r17993 revert.
+Thu Jul 10 18:29:41 2008 wanabe <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (assert_normal_exit): finish writing script
+ before spawn("ruby") to avoid blocking in win32.
+Thu Jul 10 17:20:50 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (insert): follow recent changes of globbing.
+Thu Jul 10 14:09:05 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/coverage/coverage.c (rb_coverage_start): return nil.
+Thu Jul 10 12:41:56 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_wait_for): fixed variable name.
+Thu Jul 10 12:09:58 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_core.h (rb_thread_t), vm.c (rb_thread_mark), process.c
+ (rb_last_status_get, rb_last_status_set, rb_last_status_clear):
+ moved last_status from rb_vm_t. [ruby-dev:35414]
+ * vm.c (th_init2): initialize last_status with nil.
+Thu Jul 10 12:09:21 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_wait_for): wait until timed out only when
+ sleeping with timeout.
+Wed Jul 9 22:41:16 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (sleep_timeval): wait until timed out. [ruby-core:17270]
+Wed Jul 9 20:58:16 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_fill): don't raise even if length is negative.
+ [ruby-core:17483], [ruby-core:17661]
+Wed Jul 9 20:18:50 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (rb_cv_va_args_macro): check for __VA_ARGS__.
+ * thread.c (thread_debug): show source name and line if possible.
+ * thread_{pthread,win32}.c (rb_thread_create_timer_thread): needs more
+ stack for debug.
+Wed Jul 9 11:13:39 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/profiler.rb (Profiler__#print_profile): sort in the descending
+ order of cumulative time.
+Wed Jul 9 11:11:18 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (struct glob_args, rb_glob_caller, rb_glob2, push_pattern),
+ (glob_brace): make consistent prototypes.
+ * dir.c (push_glob): set enc in the caller of rb_glob_caller as well
+ as rb_glob2.
+Wed Jul 9 09:12:11 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c (options): use input_endian.
+Wed Jul 9 01:38:37 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_succ): alphabets or numerics mutually enclosing
+ non-alphanumeric characters can carry up. e.g., "1.999".succ should
+ be "2.000".
+Wed Jul 9 00:12:31 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * thread.c (rb_set_coverages, rb_reset_coverages): enable and disable
+ coverage measurement.
+ * thread.c (rb_get_coverages): rename and move from vm.c.
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_get_coverages): ditto.
+ * iseq.c (prepare_iseq_build): ditto.
+ * thread.c (clear_coverage): ditto.
+ * parse.y (coverage): ditto.
+ * ext/coverage/coverage.c: use above functions, add new method
+ Coverage.start and fix rdoc .
+Tue Jul 8 23:02:35 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (find_default_source): bug fix when
+ OLE object does not have default source interface.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_event.rb: ditto.
+Tue Jul 8 22:56:23 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * thread.c (rb_enable_coverages): hide coverage array by setting 0 to
+ klass during measurement.
+ * parse.y (coverage, yycompile0): ditto.
+ * iseq.c (prepare_iseq_build): use rb_hash_lookup instead of
+ rb_hash_aref.
+ * thread.c (rb_coverage_result): restore klass of coverage array
+ and return it.
+ * thread.c (update_coverage): check whether its klass is 0.
+Tue Jul 8 22:28:25 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * lib/debug.rb, lib/profile.rb: fix to use RubyVM.
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_c.rb: ditto.
+Tue Jul 8 21:45:22 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_mark): mark the last element of special_exceptions.
+Tue Jul 8 19:55:40 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (find_default_source): try to
+ find COCLASS when WIN32OLE object is not COCLASS.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_event.rb: ditto
+Tue Jul 8 13:38:22 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.h: fix to skip inserting a trace insn.
+Tue Jul 8 11:41:17 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * dir.c: shouldn't use ruby object in globbing, because glob service
+ routines are called before initializing ruby on some platforms (ex.
+ windows).
+Tue Jul 8 10:08:40 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * dir.c (Next): use rb_enc_mbclen. [ruby-dev:35390]
+Tue Jul 8 07:59:40 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * dir.c (Next): use rb_enc_precise_mbclen.
+Tue Jul 8 02:27:23 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * dir.c: preserve encoding of strings in glob and fnmatch.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: related changes.
+Tue Jul 8 00:22:58 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_succ): limit carrying in an alphanumeric region if
+ exists. [ruby-dev:35094]
+Mon Jul 7 20:39:28 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c(Init_win32ole): add
+ WIN32OLE_TYPE#source_ole_types, WIN32OLE_TYPE#default_ole_types,
+ WIN32OLE_TYPE#default_event_sources.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_type.rb: ditto.
+Mon Jul 7 19:45:22 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/ruby/test_dir.rb (test_chroot_nodir): add Errno::EPERM.
+Mon Jul 7 17:12:20 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/ipaddr.rb (IPAddr#initialize): get rid of ArgumentError in
+ IPAddr#to_range. a patch from okkez <okkez000 AT> in
+ [ruby-dev:35091].
+Mon Jul 7 01:24:43 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_extname): fix for file name with spaces.
+ [ruby-talk:307404]
+Mon Jul 7 00:59:37 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (ruby_init_stack): prior STACK_END_ADDRESS if
+ found. [ruby-core:17624]
+Sun Jul 6 23:48:06 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (bsock_send, s_recvfrom, ruby_connect, s_accept),
+ (udp_send, unix_send_io, unix_recv_io): blocking region support.
+Sun Jul 6 18:34:35 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_type.rb (test_initialize): add
+ more assertions.
+Sun Jul 6 10:12:21 2008 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/test/unit/collector/objectspace.rb
+ (Test::Unit::Collector::ObjectSpace::NAME): fix a typo.
+Sun Jul 6 00:56:51 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (host_str): fix type mismatch in rb_raise
+ format and argument.
+ (port_str): ditto.
+ (unix_recv_io): ditto.
+ (sock_s_unpack_sockaddr_un): ditto.
+Sat Jul 5 23:42:23 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (NUM2INT): cast to int.
+ (FIX2INT): ditto.
+ (NUM2UINT): cast to unsigned int.
+ (FIX2UINT): ditto.
+Sat Jul 5 23:10:41 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_pipe): new function for handling EMFILE and ENFILE
+ error of pipe().
+ (UPDATE_MAXFD_PIPE): removed.
+ (pipe_open): use rb_pipe.
+ (rb_io_s_pipe): ditto.
+ * process.c (pipe_nocrash): use rb_pipe.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_pipe): declared.
+Sat Jul 5 22:22:27 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (thread_initialize): NUM2INT() returns int.
+ * thread.c (timer_thread_function), thread_pthread.c (thread_timer),
+ thread_win32.c (timer_thread_func), thread_{pthread,win32}.c
+ (rb_thread_create_timer_thread): passing VM.
+Sat Jul 5 20:53:18 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * test/win32ole/test_word.rb: check word installed.
+Sat Jul 5 16:12:54 2008 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c: revert. before lazy sweep.
+Sat Jul 5 09:55:44 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: add WIN32OLE#ole_respond_to?
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole.rb: ditto.
+Sat Jul 5 08:48:05 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c (unescape_nonascii): add has_property argument not to
+ raise error by /\p{Hiragana}\u{3042}/ in EUC-JP script.
+ (rb_reg_preprocess): use has_property argument to make regexp
+ encoding fixed.
+Sat Jul 5 08:29:47 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c (unescape_nonascii): make regexp fixed_encoding if \p is used.
+ fixed [ruby-core:17279].
+Fri Jul 4 23:12:53 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (d2time): fix the bug of VT_DATE
+ to String conversion when negative value.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_variant.rb: ditto.
+Fri Jul 4 22:15:29 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/test/unit/testcase.rb: collect descendants of
+ Test::Unit::TestCase using inherited.
+ * lib/test/unit/autorunner.rb: don't use ObjectSpace.each_object.
+ * lib/test/unit/collector/dir.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/test/unit/collector/objectspace.rb: ditto.
+ [ruby-core:17126]
+Fri Jul 4 20:43:53 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/oniguruma.h (OnigEncoding): removed auxiliary_data.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (ENC_DUMMY_P): moved dummy encoding flag to
+ rb_encoding from Encoding instance.
+ * encoding.c (rb_encoding_list): list of Encoding instances.
+ * encoding.c (struct rb_encoding_entry): moved base encoding from
+ instance variable.
+Fri Jul 4 17:51:07 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * numeric.c (check_uint, rb_num2uint, rb_fix2uint): proper check.
+Fri Jul 4 14:17:22 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (Net::FTP#sendport): use divmod. [ruby-core:17557]
+Fri Jul 4 11:08:37 2008 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c (garbage_collect_force): sweep is completely ended.
+ * gc.c (os_obj_of): invoke garbage_collect_force() when freelist none.
+Fri Jul 4 05:01:26 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_num2uint, rb_fix2uint): typo.
+Fri Jul 4 02:21:06 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * numeric.c (check_uint, rb_num2uint, rb_fix2uint): also needs checking
+ negative value. see [ruby-dev:33683]
+Thu Jul 3 23:26:36 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: remove prototypes about coverage.
+ * iseq.c (prepare_iseq_build): add prototype.
+ * parse.y (coverage): ditto.
+ * thread.c (clear_coverage): ditto.
+ * thread.c (update_coverage): use rb_sourceline.
+ * thread.c (rb_get_coverages): rename and move to vm.c.
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_get_coverages): ditto.
+ * ext/coverage/coverage.c: add rdoc.
+Thu Jul 3 21:51:21 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/coverage/coverage.c, ext/coverage/extconf.rb: eliminate
+ COVERAGE__ and introduce instead. How to measure
+ coverage: (1) require "", (2) require or load Ruby source
+ file, and (3) Coverage.result will return the same hash as COVERAGE__.
+ [ruby-dev:35324]
+ * thread.c (rb_enable_coverages): start coverage measurement by using
+ rb_add_event_hook.
+ * thread.c (rb_get_coverages): returns current results of coverage
+ measurement.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: add prototype for above two functions.
+ * vm_core.h, vm.c: add field of coverages to rb_vm_t.
+ * insns.def (trace): remove special handling for COVERAGE__.
+ * iseq.c (prepare_iseq_build): switch COVERAGE__ to
+ rb_get_coverages().
+ * parse.y (coverage): ditto.
+ * thread.c (clear_coverage): ditto.
+ * lib/coverage.rb: use instead of COVERAGE__.
+Thu Jul 3 21:20:45 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * thread.c (thread_initialize): NUM2INT returns long.
+Thu Jul 3 21:06:16 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (Init_eval): typo fixed in r17833.
+Thu Jul 3 19:44:44 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (Init_win32ole): remove duplicate line.
+Thu Jul 3 16:08:36 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * (erfc): erfc of glibc comes with Debian GNU/Linux Etch
+ on IA64 is broken. erfc(10000.0) aborts.
+ use missing/erf.c instead.
+Thu Jul 3 12:49:39 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb (Net::SMTP::start): use 'localhost' instead of
+ 'localhost.localdomain'. [ruby-dev:35333]
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb (Net::SMTP::SMTP.start): ditto.
+Thu Jul 3 07:06:02 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+Thu Jul 3 07:02:55 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (Init_eval), gc.c (Init_GC), proc.c (Init_Proc): freeze
+ messages of preallocated special exceptions also.
+Thu Jul 3 04:39:30 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_during_gc): VALUE cache is irrelevant.
+Thu Jul 3 01:44:01 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * regint.h (GET_ALIGNMENT_PAD_SIZE, ALIGNMENT_RIGHT): cast pointer to
+ uintptr_t instead of unsigned int.
+Thu Jul 3 01:23:13 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * sprintf.c: include ieeefp.h to refer to isinf.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c: ditto.
+ * ext/json/ext/generator/generator.c: ditto.
+ * rational.c: ditto.
+Thu Jul 3 01:01:57 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * missing/tgamma.c (tgamma): remove unused variable.
+Thu Jul 3 00:18:00 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: avoid creating Ruby object during
+ GC. thanks to arton <artonx AT>. [ruby-dev:35313]
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_event.rb: ditto.
+Thu Jul 3 00:09:31 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * gc.c: add rb_during_gc(). based on a patch from arton <artonx AT
+> at [ruby-dev:35313].
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: ditto.
+Wed Jul 2 09:49:10 2008 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c (gc_lazy_sweep): use lazy sweep algorithm for response
+ performance gain.
+ * gc.c (garbage_collect_force): mark and lazysweep invoke, after
+ erasing all mark.
+ * gc.c (GC_NOT_LAZY_SWEEP): not lazy sweep flag. for debug.
+Wed Jul 2 03:42:44 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: fix expected traces for
+ RubyVM::FrozenCore's event and r17744.
+Wed Jul 2 03:10:41 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.h, insns.def: reduce insn operand of "trace".
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: add RUBY_EVENT_COVERAGE event.
+Wed Jul 2 02:02:34 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * proc.c, vm.c: fix to refer to next ruby level cfp to make binding.
+Wed Jul 2 01:58:19 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * insns.def (trace): C99ism.
+Wed Jul 2 01:53:40 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * Add coverage measurement constant COVERAGE__. This constant is not
+ for casual use. Usage: (1) assign {} to COVERAGE__, (2) require or
+ load Ruby source file, and (3) COVERAGE__["sourcefilepath"] will
+ return an array whose elements represent number of executions per
+ line of source code.
+ * vm_core.h: add field of coverage array to iseq.
+ * iseq.c (prepare_iseq_build): ditto.
+ * insns.def (trace): update coverage array.
+ * parse.y (coverage): create and initialize coverage array.
+ * compile.h (ADD_TRACE): add trace instruction to update coverage
+ array.
+ * thread.c (clear_coverage): delete coverage array when forking.
+ Otherwise, double count of coverage may occur.
+ * lib/coverage.rb: sample coverage measurement tool.
+ * error.c: distinguish explicitly between parse_in_eval and
+ mild_compile_error.
+ * load.c: ditto.
+ * vm_eval.c: ditto.
+Tue Jul 1 21:32:43 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/test/unit/ui/console/testrunner.rb: prevent destructive
+ modification to $0.
+ * test/rubygems/gemutilities.rb (build_rake_in): move from
+ test_gem_ext_rake_builder.rb.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_ext_rake_builder.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_installer.rb: override Gem.ruby and
+ ENV["rake"].
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_uninstaller.rb: ditto.
+Tue Jul 1 21:13:17 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c, vm.c, insns.def: call FrozenCore.set_postexe method
+ instead to use "postexe" insn.
+ * id.c, id.h: add a prepared id for above.
+Tue Jul 1 21:09:58 2008 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_tmpsrc): we need to include COMMON_HEADERS,
+ namely inclusion of ruby.h, because _GNU_SOURCE is now defined
+ there (if any) and requires it on Linux systems.
+Tue Jul 1 20:55:07 2008 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * eval.c (rb_interrupt): trick to suppress GCC warning.
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): ditto.
+Tue Jul 1 20:44:36 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * tool/instruction.rb: RubyVM is not module.
+Tue Jul 1 19:31:24 2008 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * ext/digest/digest.c (rb_digest_instance_inspect): constified.
+ * variable.c (rb_path2class): field precision should have type int.
+Tue Jul 1 19:01:00 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/shift_jis.c (code_is_ctype): HALF WIDTH KATAKANA is
+ a character.
+Tue Jul 1 17:56:34 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * missing/vsnprintf.c (BSD__uqtoa): constified.
+Tue Jul 1 17:50:44 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * enc/make_encdb.h: always add ';' at the end of line.
+Tue Jul 1 17:44:30 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * iseq.c (COMPILE_OPTION_FALSE), time.c (timegm_noleapsecond),
+ thread.c (eKillSignal, eTerminateSignal),
+ missing/vsnprintf.c (BSD_vfprintf): constified.
+Tue Jul 1 17:37:43 2008 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * enc/ascii.c: ISO C does not allow extra ';' outside of a
+ function
+ * enc/us_ascii.c: ditto.
+ * enc/utf_8.c: ditto.
+ * enc/big5.c: ditto.
+ * enc/euc_jp.c: ditto.
+ * enc/euc_kr.c: ditto.
+ * enc/euc_tw.c: ditto.
+ * enc/gb2312.c: ditto.
+ * enc/gbk.c: ditto.
+ * enc/iso_8859_1.c: ditto.
+ * enc/iso_8859_2.c: ditto.
+ * enc/iso_8859_3.c: ditto.
+ * enc/iso_8859_4.c: ditto.
+ * enc/iso_8859_5.c: ditto.
+ * enc/iso_8859_6.c: ditto.
+ * enc/iso_8859_7.c: ditto.
+ * enc/iso_8859_8.c: ditto.
+ * enc/iso_8859_9.c: ditto.
+ * enc/iso_8859_10.c: ditto.
+ * enc/iso_8859_11.c: ditto.
+ * enc/iso_8859_13.c: ditto.
+ * enc/iso_8859_14.c: ditto.
+ * enc/iso_8859_15.c: ditto.
+ * enc/iso_8859_16.c: ditto.
+ * enc/koi8_r.c: ditto.
+ * enc/shift_jis.c: ditto.
+ * enc/utf_16be.c: ditto.
+ * enc/utf_32be.c: ditto.
+ * enc/utf_32le.c: ditto.
+ * enc/windows_1251.c: ditto.
+ * process.c (run_exec_rlimit): ISO C90 forbids mixed declarations
+ and code
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (enum ruby_special_consts): ISO C forbids
+ comma at end of enumerator list
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (enum ruby_value_type): ditto.
+ * eval_intern.h (enum): ditto.
+ * vm_core.h (enum rb_thread_status): ditto.
+ * parse.y (enum lex_state_e): ditto.
+ * parse.y (enum string_type): ditto.
+ * process.c (enum): ditto.
+ * ruby.c (enum dump_flag_bits): ditto.
+ * ruby.c (enum disable_flag_bits): ditto.
+ * enc/gb18030.c (enum): ditto.
+Tue Jul 1 17:21:42 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * regexec.c (stack_double): use MatchStackLimitSize atomically.
+ * regparse.c (onig_free_shared_cclass_table): OnigTypeCClassTable
+ needs atomicity
+ * regsyntax.c: constified all predefined OnigSyntaxTypes.
+Tue Jul 1 16:57:44 2008 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * include/ruby/st.h (struct st_table): type of bit-field
+ 'num_entries' is a GCC extension
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_intern): prefix __extension__ for
+ braced-groups within expressions.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_usascii_str_new2): ditto.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_tainted_str_new2): ditto.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_str_new2): ditto.
+Tue Jul 1 15:01:13 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rubygems/ext/builder.rb (Gem::Ext::Builder.make),
+ ( EXIT_SUCCESS may be 0 or may not.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_ext_rake_builder.rb (build_rake_in): override
+ Gem.ruby and ENV["rake"].
+ * runruby.rb: bin/rake does not exist in archdir where architecture
+ depend script (i.e. rbconfig.rb) exists.
+Tue Jul 1 13:19:44 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_fill): check if beg is too big.
+Tue Jul 1 12:01:16 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c, insns.def, vm.c, vm_core.h: remove some insns
+ (undef, alias, definemethod).
+ Call RubyVM::FrozenCore's singleton method instead.
+ Add "putiseq" and "putspecialobject" instructions.
+ * id.c, id.h: add ids for above.
+ * tool/parse.rb: "VM" no longer exists. Use RubyVM instead.
+Tue Jul 1 03:28:16 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_ext_configure_builder.rb: Apply locale-free
+ patch by Yusuke ENDOH. [ruby-core:17444].
+ * runruby.rb: Set ENV['rake']. Patch by Yusuke ENDOH
+ [ruby-core:17442].
+Tue Jul 1 01:07:17 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI::QueryExtension.read_multipart): blanks inside
+ double quotes are allowed. [ruby-list:45140]
+Tue Jul 1 00:59:43 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c (num_coerce): call rb_Float(x) first. don't depend on
+ evaluation order of function arguments.
+Tue Jul 1 00:49:11 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_newobj): abort GC phase before rb_bug.
+Mon Jun 30 23:15:07 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb (start_server): shutdown TCPServer before
+ close.
+Mon Jun 30 23:01:50 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_H_INCLUDES): common headers which are included with
+ ruby.h together.
+Mon Jun 30 22:57:50 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb (test_raise): reveal an exception
+ hided by rescue modifier.
+Mon Jun 30 22:49:32 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb (test_aset): access with too big index
+ raises not ArgumentError but IndexError now.
+Mon Jun 30 22:30:37 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit/collector/dir.rb (recursive_collect): r15662 reverted.
+Mon Jun 30 22:27:39 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_getline): fix for nil and "" as
+ separator. [ruby-dev:34591]
+Mon Jun 30 22:21:30 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * io.c (argf_each_line): pass args to each_line. [ruby-dev:34958]
+Mon Jun 30 22:12:46 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (chain_finalized_object): should not delete from finalizer
+ table until run.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_call_finalizer_at_exit): deferred_final_list may be
+ empty first.
+Mon Jun 30 18:57:05 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_finalize_deferred): allow object allocation in finalizers.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_call_finalizer_at_exit): ditto.
+Mon Jun 30 14:41:36 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * gc.c (rb_newobj): prohibit call of rb_newobj() during gc when
+ USE_VALUE_CACHE is not defined (normal case).
+Mon Jun 30 10:28:33 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/syslog/syslog.c (syslog_write): syslog operations should be
+ protected from $SAFE level 4. a patch from Keita Yamaguchi
+ <keita.yamaguchi at>.
+ * ext/syslog/syslog.c (mSyslog_close): ditto.
+ * ext/syslog/syslog.c (mSyslog_set_mask): ditto.
+Mon Jun 30 03:01:35 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/net/http/test_http.rb (_test_request__file): specify encoding
+ explicitly.
+ * test/net/http/utils.rb: ditto.
+Mon Jun 30 02:31:07 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_utf8_encindex): defined.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_utf8_encindex): ditto.
+Mon Jun 30 02:14:34 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c, vm_core.h,vm_core.h, vm_dump.c, iseq.c: rename class name
+ VM -> RubyVM, and rename rb_cVM -> rb_cRubyVM.
+ "VM" is too short name for class.
+ * test/ruby/test_method.rb, test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: ditto.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: rb_cRubyVM, rb_cEnv, rb_cISeq should not be
+ exposed.
+Mon Jun 30 02:10:32 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * process.c (Init_process): fix to avoid a warning.
+Mon Jun 30 01:52:05 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_parse.rb: remove tests for open_args.
+Sun Jun 29 23:01:54 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_format_m): make tmp volatile to avoid possible GC
+ problem.
+Sun Jun 29 18:01:30 2008 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/parser.rb, lib/rss/utils.rb: merge documents from ruby_1_8.
+Sun Jun 29 17:44:23 2008 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/parser.rb (RSS::ListenerMixin#known_class): define to
+ work with ruby 1.8.x too.
+Sun Jun 29 17:41:42 2008 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/maker/base.rb (RSS::Maker::RSSBase#to_feed): raise
+ exception not return nil if RSS::Maker.make can't get required
+ information.
+ * test/rss/rss-assertions.rb: follow the above change.
+Sun Jun 29 17:37:23 2008 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/maker/base.rb (RSS::Maker::RSSBase#make): require block.
+ * test/rss/test_maker_{0.9,1.0,2.0}.rb: follow the above change.
+Sun Jun 29 17:33:34 2008 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/maker/base.rb, lib/rss/maker/itunes.rb: don't use
+ instance_eval to initialize variables. (speed up)
+Sun Jun 29 17:31:15 2008 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb, test/rss/test_version.rb (RSS::VERSION):
+ 0.2.4 -> 0.2.5.
+Sun Jun 29 11:36:20 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * dir.rb: fix resource leak.
+Sun Jun 29 09:43:10 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/tmpdir.rb (@@systmpdir): prior LOCAL_APPDATA if possible, and
+ should be clean. based on a patch from arton <artonx AT
+> at [ruby-dev:35269]
+Sun Jun 29 07:53:08 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (date2time_str): fix the overflow in
+ some situation. [ruby-bugs-20793]
+Sat Jun 28 21:25:08 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (struct RRegexp): new field usecnt. replace
+ str and len by src.
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_children): mark src field of regexp.
+ (obj_free): don't free str field.
+ * re.c (REG_BUSY): removed.
+ (rb_reg_initialize): prohibit re-initialize regexp.
+ (rb_reg_search): use usecnt to prevent freeing regexp currently
+ using. this prevents SEGV by:
+ r = /\A((a.)*(a.)*)*b/
+ r =~ "ab" + "\xc2\xa1".force_encoding("euc-jp")
+ t = { r =~ "ab"*8 + "\xc2\xa1".force_encoding("utf-8")}
+ sleep 0.2
+ r =~ "ab"*8 + "\xc2\xa1".force_encoding("euc-jp")
+Sat Jun 28 21:15:43 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_str_new2, rb_tainted_str_new2,
+ rb_usascii_str_new2): use inline versions only for constant
+ literals.
+Sat Jun 28 13:12:06 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem.rb (test_self_path_APPLE_GEM_HOME): don't use
+ fixed /tmp/apple_gem_home directory.
+Sat Jun 28 08:40:18 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: check String encoding when
+ converting String to VT_BSTR in OLE.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole.rb: ditto.
+Sat Jun 28 01:08:42 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (time_timespec): fix rounding negative float.
+Fri Jun 27 21:38:57 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * struct.c: __size__ removed. use the length of __members__ instead.
+ (num_members): new function.
+Fri Jun 27 21:19:08 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/inlinetest.rb (InlineTest.in_progname): workaround for frozen
+ $0. [ruby-dev:35261]
+ * lib/test/unit/ui/console/testrunner.rb (TestRunner#finished): ditto.
+Fri Jun 27 17:45:17 2008 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * lib/erb.rb: adjust line number for magic comment.
+ * test/erb/test_erb.rb: add tests for def_method.
+Fri Jun 27 14:29:07 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (primary): empty not should call '!' on nil.
+ cf [ruby-dev:35227]
+Fri Jun 27 14:25:52 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm.c (vm_eval_body): if thrown exception is frozen, reraise it to
+ create a new instance.
+Fri Jun 27 13:29:26 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_str_new2, rb_tainted_str_new2,
+ rb_usascii_str_new2): use with-length versions with strlen to
+ optimize strlen, if optimized.
+Fri Jun 27 12:28:57 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/un.rb (mkmf): new command to create makefile.
+Fri Jun 27 11:06:05 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/un.rb (wait_writable): added help message.
+Fri Jun 27 06:52:54 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * need a ",".
+ * process.c (rb_fork): check CANNOT_FORK_WITH_PTHREAD macro.
+Fri Jun 27 06:50:56 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (vm_call_super): fix to call method_missing.
+ [ruby-core:15719], [ruby-core:17340]
+Fri Jun 27 00:00:14 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (set_arg0, ruby_prog_init): freeze $0. a patch from Keita
+ Yamaguchi <keita.yamaguchi at>.
+Thu Jun 26 23:58:29 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_index_m, rb_str_rindex_m, rb_str_include): fix
+ rdoc.
+Thu Jun 26 17:43:41 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_f_trace_var): should not be allowed at safe level 4.
+ a patch from Keita Yamaguchi <keita.yamaguchi at>.
+Thu Jun 26 11:04:30 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems 1.2.0 r1824. Incorporates patch by
+ Yusuke ENDOH [ruby-core:17353].
+Thu Jun 26 00:48:31 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (primary): not operand might be empty. [ruby-dev:35227]
+Wed Jun 25 21:54:34 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (primary): make functional-style not operator to act
+ like function. see <>.
+Wed Jun 25 15:28:50 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_fill): not depend on unspecified behavior at integer
+ overflow. reported by Vincenzo Iozzo <snagg AT>.
+Wed Jun 25 13:42:44 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/erb.rb (ERB::Compiler:Buffer#new): push magic comment first.
+ * lib/erb.rb (ERB::Compiler#compile): fix for broken input.
+Wed Jun 25 12:10:01 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/erb.rb (ERB::Compiler#compile): magic comment needs LF.
+Wed Jun 25 09:31:11 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/erb.rb (ERB::Compiler#compile): output magic comment.
+Tue Jun 24 22:14:36 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * vm_eval.c (eval_string_with_cref): preserve parse_in_eval even if
+ exception raised.
+Tue Jun 24 22:09:18 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c(ole_invoke): fix memory leak.
+ [ruby-bugs-20792]
+Tue Jun 24 17:20:39 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (rb_cv_fork_with_pthread): check after check for
+ pthread library, and define the macro when checked only.
+Tue Jun 24 17:04:39 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/io/wait/extconf.rb: check sys/socket.h for cygwin.
+Tue Jun 24 16:51:51 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (io_reopen): remove cygwin handling because it seems to be for
+ C's stdio.
+ fixed [ruby-dev:35183]
+Tue Jun 24 11:12:33 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h, win32/win32.c (rb_w32_getppid): now support
+ getppid() on win32 (but only Win2k or later).
+ * process.c (get_ppid): remove win32 special logic.
+Tue Jun 24 09:40:47 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (init_sock): socket is binmode on platforms
+ which support binmode.
+Tue Jun 24 00:21:53 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_build_from_ary): initialize arg_opts, a patch from
+ Adam Strzelecki <ono at> in [ruby-core:17220].
+Tue Jun 24 00:10:53 2008 wanabe <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_build_from_ary): fix expression to obtain
+ iseq->local_size and iseq->local_table_size. [ruby-dev:35205]
+Mon Jun 23 11:31:41 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/mathn.rb (Rational::power2): removed incomplete method.
+ see [ruby-dev:35195]. [ruby-core:17293]
+Sun Jun 22 14:16:28 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/readline/extconf.rb (have_readline_func): readline on Mac OS X
+ needs headers to detect some functions.
+Sun Jun 22 09:51:14 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (rb_class_superclass): rdoc improvement, a patch from
+ Gaston Ramos <ramos.gaston AT> in [ruby-core:17371].
+Sun Jun 22 09:22:32 2008 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * README.EXT: translated README.EXT.ja
+Sun Jun 22 00:42:02 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_osid, rb_w32_osver, CreateChild): XP is
+ is different from Vista about pipe handle inheritance.
+ fixed [ruby-core:17367], reported by Lars Christensen <larsch at
+Sun Jun 22 00:38:45 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * README.EXT.ja: add note about mark and free.
+Sun Jun 22 00:01:36 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_binmode_p, argf_binmode_p, Init_IO): new method
+ IO#binmode? and ARGF.binmode? [ruby-dev:35148]
+Sat Jun 21 17:33:50 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_spawn): no longer support P_WAIT.
+Sat Jun 21 16:46:09 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * thread_win32.c (native_sleep): must block reentrance when accessing
+ th->unblock.
+ fixed [ruby-core:17341], reported by Bill Kelly <billk at>
+Sat Jun 21 16:29:02 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (call_args2, open_args): removed.
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): unified warnings at space between method
+ name and argument parenthesis. [ruby-dev:33943]
+Sat Jun 21 16:21:07 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_round): get rid of overflow.
+Sat Jun 21 15:57:15 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_rb.rb (RDoc#collect_first_comment): skip
+ magic comment.
+Sat Jun 21 15:54:55 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * check if fork works with pthread.
+Sat Jun 21 15:31:09 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/make-snapshot: ported to ruby.
+ * tool/make-snapshot: fixed digests.
+Sat Jun 21 04:36:59 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/jacobian.rb (Jacobian::dfdxi):
+ typo fixed (raize -> raise). [ruby-list:45101]
+ * enumerator.c (enum_each_cons): typo in RDoc fixed.
+Sat Jun 21 00:45:34 2008 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * tool/make-snapshot: do not use sha256sum; use BASERUBY instead
+ * (dist): use tool/make-snapshot instead
+Fri Jun 20 16:34:14 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (Init_process): Process::Status#to_int removed.
+ (PST2INT): defined.
+ (pst_to_s): use PST2INT.
+ (pst_inspect): ditto.
+ (pst_equal): ditto.
+ (pst_bitand): ditto.
+ (pst_rshift): ditto.
+ (pst_wifstopped): ditto.
+ (pst_wstopsig): ditto.
+ (pst_wifsignaled): ditto.
+ (pst_wtermsig): ditto.
+ (pst_wifexited): ditto.
+ (pst_wexitstatus): ditto.
+ (pst_success_p): ditto.
+ (pst_wcoredump): ditto.
+ (rb_f_system): ditto.
+Fri Jun 20 15:40:02 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_store, rb_ary_splice): not depend on unspecified
+ behavior at integer overflow.
+ * string.c (str_buf_cat): ditto.
+Fri Jun 20 12:39:55 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (rb_detach_process): store detached process ID in the
+ thread local storage. moved from lib/open3.rb.
+Fri Jun 20 11:57:46 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_sub_bang): should preserve replacement points
+ since they may be altered in the yielded block.
+Fri Jun 20 11:07:56 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (rb_memhash): randomize hash to avoid algorithmic
+ complexity attacks.
+ (rb_str_hash): use rb_memhash.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_reset_random_seed): declared.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_atfork): call rb_reset_random_seed.
+ * inits.c (rb_call_inits): call Init_RandomSeed at first.
+ * random.c (seed_initialized): defined.
+ (fill_random_seed): extracted from random_seed.
+ (make_seed_value): extracted from random_seed.
+ (rb_f_rand): initialize random seed at first.
+ (initial_seed): defined.
+ (Init_RandomSeed): defined.
+ (Init_RandomSeed2): defined.
+ (rb_reset_random_seed): defined.
+ (Init_Random): call Init_RandomSeed2.
+Wed Jun 18 21:52:38 2008 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * array.c (ary_new, rb_ary_initialize, rb_ary_store,
+ rb_ary_splice, rb_ary_times): integer overflows should be
+ checked. based on patches from Drew Yao <ayao at>
+ fixed CVE-2008-2726
+ * string.c (rb_enc_cr_str_buf_cat): fixed unsafe use of alloca,
+ which led memory corruption. based on a patch from Drew Yao
+ <ayao at> fixed CVE-2008-2726
+Fri Jun 20 03:26:00 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * process.c (rb_f_fork): NetBSD 4.0 or later can fork.
+Fri Jun 20 03:19:39 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/testunit/collector/test_dir.rb: r15825 made it unnecessary to
+ change String to Symbol.
+ * test/testunit/collector/test_objectspace.rb: ditto.
+Fri Jun 20 03:14:31 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems*, test/rubygems/*: Update to RubyGems 1.1.1 r1784 (pre
+ 1.2).
+Fri Jun 20 03:01:59 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * thread.c: try to remove false positive of deadlock detection (second
+ trial).
+Fri Jun 20 02:16:43 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/mathn.rb (Rational::power2): typo fixed. [ruby-core:17293]
+Fri Jun 20 02:11:01 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_gsub): should preserve last successful match
+ data. [ruby-dev:35182]
+Fri Jun 20 01:07:28 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * KNOWNBUGS.rb, bootstraptest/pending.rb: move a bug (?) to pending.
+Fri Jun 20 00:40:08 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * proc.c (proc_new): fix to return Proc object if block is already
+ in heap. [ruby-core:15711]
+ * bootstraptest/test_proc.rb: add a test.
+Fri Jun 20 00:18:04 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread_win32.c (native_sleep): fix to decrement sleeper count.
+Thu Jun 19 23:48:45 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/net/http/test_http.rb: compare encodings of two strings before
+ comparing themself, which suppress too big error output.
+Thu Jun 19 23:46:35 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/json/ext/parser/parser.rl, ext/json/ext/parser/parser.c: JSON
+ text SHALL be encoded in Unicode.
+Thu Jun 19 23:17:56 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * thread.c, thread_win32.c, vm_core.h: try to remove false positive of
+ deadlock detection.
+Thu Jun 19 21:38:08 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): check if compile before showing message.
+Thu Jun 19 21:35:32 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/make-snapshot: supported multiple snapshots.
+Thu Jun 19 20:37:00 2008 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * lib/net/pop.rb (Net::POP3#set_all_uids): speed
+ up. a patch from <m-sumi AT> [ruby-list:45047]
+Thu Jun 19 17:44:15 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (Init_etc): define constant aliases Etc::Passwd
+ and Etc::Group. [ruby-dev:35150]
+Thu Jun 19 17:37:21 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_alloc): specify 'inline' modifier.
+ * string.c (str_alloc): remove cSymbol hack that no longer
+ necessary.
+ * string.c (scan_once): avoid retrieving encoding info unless
+ necessary.
+Thu Jun 19 17:19:14 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_scan): String#scan should preserve last
+ successful match data. [ruby-dev:35106]
+Thu Jun 19 16:49:36 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * missing/acosh.c (atanh): should set ERANGE to errno if parameter
+ is the boundary case. fixed [ruby-dev:35155]
+Thu Jun 19 16:06:01 2008 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/treeview.rb: cannot configure tags.
+Thu Jun 19 11:48:33 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_enumerator.rb: fix to skip "with_memo" test.
+Thu Jun 19 11:40:55 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_throw): fix "return" process from "lambda".
+ * bootstraptest/test_proc.rb: add a test.
+ * bootstraptest/pending.rb: add a pending bug.
+Thu Jun 19 00:33:40 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/etc/test_etc.rb: avoid infinite loop. [ruby-dev:35158]
+Wed Jun 18 23:07:19 2008 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * gc.c (rb_newobj): prohibit call of rb_newobj() during gc.
+ a patch from Sylvain Joyeux in [ruby-core:12099].
+Wed Jun 18 21:08:14 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (verbose_setter, opt_W_getter): fixed prototypes.
+Wed Jun 18 19:20:00 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ruby.c (opt_W_getter): use ruby_verbose directly instead of parameter
+ because ruby_verbose is not a real variable, so the address of
+ parameter is not collect.
+Wed Jun 18 18:31:03 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (errmap): add some pipe errors.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_write): set errno when CRT's errno is EINVAL
+ for pipe errors.
+Wed Jun 18 18:09:08 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (poll_child_status): set EINVAL to errno when
+ GetExitCodeProcess() fails with ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE.
+Wed Jun 18 15:01:18 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (rb_open_file): fs_encoding and fname_encoding is
+ rb_encoding *.
+ fixed [ruby-dev:35151]
+Wed Jun 18 14:30:06 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (rb_open_file): not rb_enc_get_index but rb_enc_get.
+Wed Jun 18 13:49:58 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h (pipe): now pipe is textmode. although this
+ change is experimental, it will be spec if no compatibility problem
+ is reported.
+Wed Jun 18 12:05:30 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (w_object, marshal_dump, r_object0, marshal_load): search
+ public methods only. [ruby-core:17283]
+ * object.c (convert_type): ditto.
+ * lib/singleton.rb (Singleton#_dump): conversion method should be
+ public.
+Wed Jun 18 10:18:11 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (etc_passwd, etc_group): fixed rdoc. a patch from
+ okkez <okkez000 AT> in [ruby-dev:35141].
+Wed Jun 18 08:58:16 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/*: Fix errors for 1.9.
+ * gem_prelude.rb: Only remove methods from gem_prelude.rb when
+ loading real RubyGems.
+Wed Jun 18 07:03:30 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/*: Update to RubyGems r1778 (pre 1.2).
+Wed Jun 18 04:27:58 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * KNOWNBUGS.rb, bootstraptest/pending.rb: move pending bug.
+Wed Jun 18 04:24:20 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c, vm_insnhelper.c: fix escape process with "break" and "return"
+ syntax in "lambda". [ ruby-Bugs-19304 ], [ruby-core:17164]
+ * KNOWNBUGS.rb, bootstraptest/test_proc.rb: add/move solved test.
+Wed Jun 18 01:51:10 2008 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: cannot access class variable from
+ singleton method.
+Wed Jun 18 00:03:33 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * dir.c (Init_Dir): dir_foreach() takes variable argument.
+Tue Jun 17 23:04:24 2008 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * lib/net/telnet.rb: Fixing Telnet#wairfor() which was broken by
+ changes to the Kernel::Integer() method. [ruby-core:17272]
+Tue Jun 17 23:02:18 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (opt_W_getter): made a hooked variable.
+Tue Jun 17 22:04:47 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * enc/euc_jp.c (property_name_to_ctype): core dumped when sizeof(int)
+ differs from sizeof(long). [ruby-dev:35131]
+ * enc/shift_jis.c (property_name_to_ctype): ditto.
+ * enc/unicode.c (onigenc_unicode_property_name_to_ctype): ditto.
+Tue Jun 17 20:32:37 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (miniruby$(EXEEXT)): $(PREP) isn't always same as
+ miniruby, and tests, debug, etc have no meaning when
+ cross-compiling.
+Tue Jun 17 18:39:11 2008 Ryan Davis <>
+ * fixed dependencies on miniruby.
+Tue Jun 17 18:11:01 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h (pipe): expand pipe buffer size.
+Tue Jun 17 17:07:35 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (CreateChild): no need to inherit handles here because
+ spawn'ed child cannot detect that STDIN is closed.
+Tue Jun 17 06:32:55 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * dir.c (dir_data): add intenc and extenc.
+ * dir.c (dir_s_alloc): ditto.
+ * dir.c (dir_initialize): now accept internal_encoding and
+ external_encoding.
+ * dir.c (dir_s_open): changed for dir_initialize.
+ * dir.c (dir_open_dir): ditto.
+ * dir.c (dir_foreach): changed for dir_open_dir.
+ * dir.c (dir_entries): changed for dir_open_dir.
+ * dir.c (dir_enc_str): defined.
+ * dir.c (dir_path): use dir_enc_str.
+ * dir.c (dir_read): ditto.
+ * dir.c (dir_each): ditto.
+Tue Jun 17 06:28:57 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (io_set_encoding): defined.
+ * io.c (rb_open_file): convert path on Windows and Mac OS X.
+ * io.c (open_key_args): use io_set_encoding and now accept
+ internal_encoding and external_encoding.
+Tue Jun 17 06:26:28 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_filesystem_encoding): defined.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_filesystem_encoding): added.
+Tue Jun 17 06:24:28 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c: add encoding header.
+Tue Jun 17 01:52:50 2008 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: SEGV when exit.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: add a check for safety to Tk.exit.
+ * ext/tk/sample/irbtkw.rbw: freezes when receives SIGINT.
+Mon Jun 16 21:58:38 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_each, strio_readlines): IO#each and
+ IO#readlines do not affect $_. [ruby-core:17277]
+Mon Jun 16 18:52:47 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/thwait.rb (ThreadsWait): Exception2MessageMapper no longer has
+ extend_to method. [ruby-core:17267]
+Mon Jun 16 14:46:25 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/e2mmap.rb (E2MM.def_e2message): typo.
+Mon Jun 16 09:43:27 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_with_object, Init_Enumerator):
+ Temporarily back out with_memo, for which we need a better name.
+Mon Jun 16 07:14:48 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_readline, strio_each)
+ (strio_readlines): set lastline. [ruby-core:17257]
+Mon Jun 16 01:49:39 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_block_given_p): fix to skip class frame.
+ [ruby-core:14813]
+ * KNOWNBUGS.rb, bootstraptest/test_method.rb: move solved test.
+Mon Jun 16 01:48:08 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_dump.c (vm_stack_dump_raw): disable verbose debug output.
+Mon Jun 16 01:33:08 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h, thread.c: rename global_interpreter_lock to
+ global_vm_lock.
+Sun Jun 15 18:40:35 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (yaml_org_handler): associate encoding.
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (syck_genericresolver_node_import): ditto.
+Sun Jun 15 18:17:03 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_core.h (rb_vm_t), vm.c (rb_vm_mark): moved preallocated special
+ exceptions.
+ * eval.c (Init_eval), gc.c (Init_GC), proc.c (Init_Proc): freeze
+ preallocated special exceptions.
+ * eval.c (rb_longjmp): duplicate the thrown exception to set backtrace
+ if it was frozen.
+ * gc.c (rb_memerror): raise nomem_error without backtrace if failed to
+ make backtrace.
+Sat Jun 14 22:52:35 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_sysread): should not raise at empty
+ read. a patch from Arthur Schreiber at [ruby-core:17245].
+Sat Jun 14 16:55:46 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (file_expand_path): no need to expand root path which has no
+ short file name. [ruby-dev:35095]
+Sat Jun 14 11:59:17 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.h (STACK_UPPER): moved from gc.c
+ * thread.c, thread_{pthread,win32}.c (ruby_init_stack,
+ ruby_thread_init_stack): moved stack initialization from gc.c.
+Sat Jun 14 11:57:53 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.h (STACK_UPPER): moved from gc.c
+ * thread.c, thread_{pthread,win32}.c (ruby_init_stack,
+ ruby_thread_init_stack): moved stack initialization from gc.c.
+Sat Jun 14 07:52:53 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * gc.c (ruby_initial_gc_stress): defined.
+ (ruby_initial_gc_stress_ptr): defined.
+ * debug.c (set_debug_option): use ruby_initial_gc_stress_ptr for
+ gc_stress option.
+Sat Jun 14 00:09:19 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (ruby_gc_stress): moved to rb_objspace_t.
+ * gc.c (gc_stress_get, gc_stress_set): VM local attribute.
+ * signal.c (sigsegv): ditto.
+Fri Jun 13 21:55:48 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * rational.c (nurat_equal_p): Rational(0,x) and 0 are equivalent,
+ anyway.
+Fri Jun 13 21:26:39 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (string_to_c, nucomp_s_convert): preserve the current
+ backref.
+ * rational.c (string_to_r, nurat_s_convert): ditto.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_match_busy): added a declaration.
+Fri Jun 13 18:08:10 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/time.rb (Time.xmlschema): don't accept decimal dot without
+ fractional digits. fractional digits handling simplified.
+Fri Jun 13 17:20:40 2008 wanabe <>
+ * complex.c (string_to_c_internal): save and restore backref.
+ fixed [ruby-dev:34991]
+Fri Jun 13 17:06:20 2008 wanabe <>
+ * rational.c (string_to_r_internal): save and restore backref.
+ fixed [ruby-dev:34990]
+Fri Jun 13 14:41:26 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * README.EXT.ja: update about Fixnum. reported in
+ <>
+ * README.EXT.ja: describe about StringValueCStr().
+ * README.EXT: ditto.
+Fri Jun 13 14:24:37 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_memerror): exit with EXIT_FAILURE instead of magic number.
+ * gc.c (ruby_stack_check): STACK_LENGTH should be less than
+Fri Jun 13 12:55:37 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (sort_by_i): use NODE_DOT2 instead of NODE_MEMO to avoid
+ extra calls to is_pointer_to_heap() in GC.
+ * enum.c (enum_zip): ditto.
+Fri Jun 13 00:41:58 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb: add a test.
+Thu Jun 12 23:30:11 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * thread.c (mutex_unlock): fix cond_notified consistency.
+Thu Jun 12 22:19:45 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * thread_win32.c (native_sleep): fixed previous commit.
+Thu Jun 12 21:59:17 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * thread.c, vm_core.h, vm.c, thread_pthread.c, thread_win32.c: add
+ deadlock detection. [ruby-dev:35044]
+ * bootstraptest/test_thread.rb: add tests for above.
+Thu Jun 12 21:39:55 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c: refactoring.
+ * rational.c: ditto.
+Thu Jun 12 17:11:24 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regint.h: undefine USE_CAPTURE_HISTORY which is mentioned as
+ unsupported in the Onigiruma document.
+Thu Jun 12 13:36:54 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_intern): use rb_intern2 with strlen for
+ constant symbols to optimize strlen.
+Thu Jun 12 08:47:51 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (read_all): should use io_read_encoding(), not
+ io_input_encoding().
+ * io.c (rb_io_getline_1): reduce calling of io_read_encoding().
+ * string.c (rb_str_scan): need not to restore $~ value, so avoid
+ pinning match object.
+Thu Jun 12 02:49:40 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_init): rewind when reopened.
+Thu Jun 12 02:43:27 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_zip): ANSI style.
+Thu Jun 12 02:25:54 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_reopen): clear read buffer.
+Thu Jun 12 00:56:20 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/tk: check proper conditions. [ruby-dev:35047]
+Wed Jun 11 23:33:13 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (io_fread): bypass buffered read if reading buffer is empty.
+ * io.c (remain_size): do not add extra one byte.
+Wed Jun 11 12:15:17 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb (assert_normal_exit): hide stderr output
+ when success.
+Wed Jun 11 09:26:43 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * (encs): need to pass miniruby path for windows.
+Wed Jun 11 05:53:20 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c, eval_intern.h (PASS_PASSED_BLOCK):
+ set a VM_FRAME_FLAG_PASSED flag to skip this frame when
+ searching ruby-level-cfp.
+ * eval.c, eval_intern.h, proc.c: fix to check cfp. if there is
+ no valid ruby-level-cfp, cause RuntimeError exception.
+ [ruby-dev:34128]
+ * vm_core.h, vm_evalbody.c, vm.c, vm_dump.c, vm_insnhelper.c,
+ insns.def: rename FRAME_MAGIC_* to VM_FRAME_MAGIC_*.
+ * KNOWNBUGS.rb, bootstraptest/test*.rb: move solved bugs.
+Wed Jun 11 05:55:31 2008 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: SEGV when tcltk-stubs is enabled.
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: avoid error on a shared object.
+ * ext/tk/extconf.rb: support --with-tcltkversion
+ * ext/tk/README.tcltklib: add document about --with-tcltkversion
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/remote-tk.rb:
+ not work on $SAFE==4
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: Object#methods returns Symbols on Ruby1.9.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/timer.rb: add TkTimer#at_end(proc) to register the
+ procedure which called at end of the timer.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/itemfont.rb, ext/tk/lib/font.rb:
+ support __IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CONFIGURE_OPTION__ about font options.
+ * ext/tk/lib/*: treat __IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CONFIGURE_OPTION__
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledcanvas.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledlistbox.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledtext.rb: bug fix.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/text.rb: typo. call a wrong method.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/itemconfig.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/itemconfig.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tk/canvas.rb: support alias names of option keys.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/grid.rb: lack of module-method definitions.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/pack.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/grid.rb: increase supported
+ parameter patterns of configure method.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: add TkWindow#grid_anchor, grid_column, grid_row.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/wm.rb: methods of Tk::Wm_for_General module cannot
+ pass the given block to methods of Tk::Wm module.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/wm.rb: Wm#overrideredirect overwrites argument to
+ an invalid value.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: fix memory (object) leak bug.
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c, ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: fix memory leak.
+ * ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/aniwave.rb, ext/tk/sample/demos-en/aniwave.rb:
+ bug fix.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/component.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tentry.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/treeview.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tpaned.rb: improve TPaned#add.
+ * ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/widget, ext/tk/sample/demos-en/widget,
+ ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/style.rb, ext/tk/sample/demos-en/style.rb,
+ ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/bind.rb, ext/tk/sample/demos-en/bind.rb:
+ bug fix.
+ * ext/tk/sample/ttk_wrapper.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/sample/ttk_wrapper.rb: support "if __FILE__ == $0" idiom.
+ * ext/tk/sample/tktextio.rb: add binding for 'Ctrl-u' at console mode.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/style.rb,
+ ext/tk/sample/ttk_wrapper.rb: improve treating and control themes.
+ add Tk::Tile.themes and Tk::Tile.set_theme(theme).
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile.rb: lack of autoload definitions.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tnotebook.rb: cannot use kanji (not UTF-8)
+ characters for headings.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkDND/shape.rb: wrong package name.
+ * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: improve handling callback-subst-keys.
+ Now, support longnam-keys (e.g. '%CTT' on tkdnd-2.0; however, still
+ not support tkdnd-2.0 on tkextlib), and symbols of parameters (e.g.
+ :widget=>'%W', :keycode=>'%k', '%x'=>:x, '%X'=>:root_x, and so on;
+ those are attributes of event object). It means that Ruby/Tk accepts
+ not only "widget.bind(ev, '%W', '%k', ...){|w, k, ...| ... }", but
+ also "widget.bind(ev, :widget, :keycode, ...){|w, k, ...| ... }".
+ It is potentially incompatible, when user passes symbols to the
+ arguments of the callback block (the block receives the symbols as
+ strings). I think that is very rare case (probably, used by Ruby/Tk
+ experts only). When causes such trouble, please give strings instead
+ of such symbol parameters (e.g. call Symbol#to_s method).
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/event.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/validation.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/treeview.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/winico/winico.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: strings are available on subst_tables on
+ TkUtil::CallbackSubst class (it is useful on Ruby 1.9).
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/spinbox.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/hierarchy.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/spinner.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/entryfield.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/calendar.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/dragdrop.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkDND/tkdnd.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/treectrl/tktreectrl.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tktable/tktable.rb: disable code piece became
+ unnecessary by reason of the changes of ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: change strategy to define
+ the constant WITH_ENCODING.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: fix bug on Tk::Encoding.tk_encoding_names.
+Wed Jun 11 03:40:37 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/find.rb (Find#find): Return an enumerator if no block is
+ given.
+Wed Jun 11 01:28:12 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h, proc.c: revert rb_proc_call() and
+ create rb_proc_call_with_block() instead.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h, eval_jump.c, thread.c, vm_insnhelper.c:
+ rb_blockptr should not be exposed.
+Tue Jun 10 21:07:19 2008 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/ruby/test_float.rb: add tests. [ruby-dev:35009]
+Tue Jun 10 20:55:57 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (nucomp_s_convert): need not to initialize optional
+ argument for rb_scan_args().
+Tue Jun 10 20:13:56 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb: negate default of --without-ext if --with-ext is
+ given.
+ * ext/extmk.rb: negate default of --without-ext.
+Tue Jun 10 17:43:35 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_shuffle_bang): update RDoc. [ruby-dev:35034]
+Tue Jun 10 17:30:19 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_obj_instance_exec, rb_mod_module_exec):
+ added prototypes.
+Tue Jun 10 17:00:29 2008 wanabe <>
+ * util.c (ruby_strtod): ruby_strtod don't allow a trailing
+ decimal point like "7.". [ruby-dev:34835] [ruby-dev:35009]
+Tue Jun 10 13:48:38 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * rational.c (nurat_s_convert): need not to initialize optional
+ argument for rb_scan_args().
+Tue Jun 10 12:58:07 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/io/wait/wait.c (FIONREAD_POSSIBLE_P): suppress warnings.
+Tue Jun 10 12:43:19 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (CONST_ID_CACHE): fixed statement expression.
+Tue Jun 10 11:25:15 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (rb_argv0): revised for ext/tk.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h: not to use varargs.h since requiring C89.
+Tue Jun 10 00:50:51 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h, vm_core.h: add a type rb_blockptr.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_yield_with_cfunc): vm_yield_with_cfunc receives
+ blockptr and passes it to iterating block.
+ * proc.c (rb_proc_call), include/ruby/intern.h: rb_proc_call receives
+ blockptr. "rb_proc_call(self, args, blockptr)" in C corresponds to
+ "*args, &block)" in Ruby.
+ * proc.c (proc_call): pass blockptr to block that is written in C.
+ * proc.c (curry): receive blockptr and pass it to original proc.
+ [ruby-core:15551]
+ * vm.c (invoke_block_from_c): fix for change of vm_yield_with_cfunc.
+ * thread.c (call_trace_proc), eval_jump.c (rb_call_end_proc): fix for
+ change of rb_proc_call.
+Tue Jun 10 00:10:49 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * (test-knownbug): give $(OPTS) for bootstraptest/runner.rb.
+Mon Jun 9 23:10:50 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * eval.c (Init_stack): don't declare. it is a macro now.
+Mon Jun 9 22:46:47 2008 wanabe <>
+ * compile.c : treat []&&= in virtually the same way as []||=.
+ [ruby-dev:34679]
+Mon Jun 9 21:17:26 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/depend (clean): remove build directories.
+ * test_knownbug.rb -> KNOWNBUGS.rb: renamed.
+ * apply above change.
+Mon Jun 9 21:14:26 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (configuration): set flags.
+Mon Jun 9 21:09:02 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_knownbug.rb -> ./test_knownbug.rb: moved.
+ * add a rule "test-knownbug".
+Mon Jun 9 21:00:32 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (nucomp_s_convert): can accept Complex('i').
+ [ruby-dev:34991]
+Mon Jun 9 18:25:30 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (CONST_ID): constant ID cache for non-gcc.
+ * *.c: no cache in init functions.
+Mon Jun 9 17:56:30 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/set.rb (Set#delete_if): Call to_a.
+ (SortedSet#delete_if, TC_SortedSet#test_sortedset): Use super to
+ yield elements in sorted order; [ruby-core:17144] by Arthur
+ Schreiber.
+ (SortedSet#each, SortedSet#each, TC_Set#test_each)
+ (TC_SortedSet#test_sortedset): Return self; [ruby-dev:35002] by
+ Arthur Schreiber.
+Mon Jun 9 17:47:09 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (fptr_finalize): close IO object if fd is already closed.
+ (rb_p): call rb_io_write just once.
+Mon Jun 9 15:37:38 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (require_libraries): req_list may be NULL. [ruby-dev:35008]
+Mon Jun 9 14:18:01 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_core.h (struct rb_vm_struct): moved src_encoding_index,
+ ruby_debug, ruby_verbose, and rb_progname.
+ * ruby.c (rb_argv0): no longer used.
+ * ruby.c (struct cmdline_options): moved setids and req_list, and the
+ latter is now an array, to prevent memory leak.
+ * ruby.c (cmdline_options_init): added.
+ * ruby.c (add_modules, require_libraries, init_ids, forbid_setid): use
+ struct cmdline_options.
+ * vm.c (vm_init2): initialize src_encoding_index.
+ * vm.c: getters/setters for ruby_{debug,verbose}.
+Mon Jun 9 09:54:13 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (Init_stack): make to call ruby_init_stack.
+Mon Jun 9 08:12:40 2008 wanabe <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c, vm.c, proc.c : revert r17021. [ruby-dev:34997]
+Mon Jun 9 03:12:23 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * bootstraptest/pending.rb: move/remove solved issues.
+ * bootstraptest/test_class.rb: ditto.
+Mon Jun 9 02:32:58 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (rb_deflate_init_copy): Copy buffers as well.
+ [ruby-list:45018]
+Sun Jun 8 22:22:20 2008 wanabe <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c, vm.c, proc.c (proc_call): allow call method with
+ block that both is written in C. [ruby-dev:34273] [ruby-core:15551]
+ * proc.c (curry): use proc_call instead of rb_proc_call.
+ [ruby-dev:34273] [ruby-core:15551]
+Sun Jun 8 21:50:27 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/zlib/test_zlib.rb: add tests to achieve over 90% test coverage
+ of zlib.
+Sun Jun 8 20:12:47 2008 wanabe <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_throw): regard break as return in lambda.
+ [ruby-dev:34646]
+Sun Jun 8 19:17:59 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: add a build option "CALC_EXACT_MALLOC_SIZE".
+ This option enables to calculate exact size of current
+ allocated size by malloc(). You can access these information
+ with GC.malloc_allocated_size and GC.malloc_allocations.
+ This option consume additional memory as a header of each memory
+ object. This option also helps to find out xmalloc()/xfree()
+ consistency. If you get trouble with this option, some extension
+ using "free()" instead of "xfree()".
+ This options is disabled by default.
+Sun Jun 8 18:15:38 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * array.c, bignum.c, cont.c, dir.c, dln.c, encoding.c, enumerator.c,
+ enumerator.c (enumerator_allocate), eval_jump.c, file.c, hash.c,
+ io.c, load.c, pack.c, proc.c, random.c, re.c, ruby.c, st.c,
+ string.c, thread.c, thread_pthread.c, time.c, util.c, variable.c,
+ vm.c, gc.c:
+ allocated memory objects by xmalloc (ruby_xmalloc) should be
+ freed by xfree (ruby_xfree).
+ * ext/curses/curses.c, ext/dbm/dbm.c, ext/digest/digest.c,
+ ext/gdbm/gdbm.c, ext/json/ext/parser/parser.c,
+ ext/json/ext/parser/unicode.c, ext/openssl/ossl_cipher.c,
+ ext/openssl/ossl_hmac.c, ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_ec.c,
+ ext/sdbm/init.c, ext/strscan/strscan.c, ext/zlib/zlib.c:
+ ditto.
+Sun Jun 8 01:15:11 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * hash.c (hash_i): make Hash#hash order insensitive.
+ (rb_hash_dup): use DUPSETUP.
+Sat Jun 7 23:47:35 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (rb_deflate_initialize, Init_zlib): Fix up
+ initialize_copy; [ruby-list:45016].
+Sat Jun 7 22:15:02 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (VENDOR_DIR): use LIBDIR instead of PREFIX as well as
+ SITE_DIR. a patch from Richard Brown <rbrown AT> in
+ [ruby-core:17129].
+Sat Jun 7 21:37:58 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_f_open), re.c (rb_reg_search), transcode.c (str_transcode):
+ suppress warnings.
+ * util.c (quorem, rv_alloc, nrv_alloc): only used in dtoa().
+Sat Jun 7 16:06:14 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS): append default flags.
+Sat Jun 7 01:23:59 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (rb_open_file, rb_io_s_sysopen): fmode should be unsigned int.
+ fixed [ruby-dev:34979]
+Fri Jun 6 23:46:19 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_callee_setup_arg): check simple flag before
+ calling setup_arg function(). this change reduce function call.
+Fri Jun 6 21:51:46 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (COMMON_HEADERS): include ws2tcpip.h.
+ * ext/socket/addrinfo.h (addrinfo, getaddrinfo, getnameinfo,
+ freehostent, freeaddrinfo): undef before define because these are
+ macros in some versions of Windows SDK.
+ merged from ruby_1_8.
+Fri Jun 6 18:25:43 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/iconv/utils.rb (default_test): override not to croak.
+Fri Jun 6 16:41:45 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h: include ws2tcpip.h. fixed [ruby-Bugs-20528]
+Fri Jun 6 15:05:02 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * gc.c (count_objects): clear hash after counting objects.
+Fri Jun 6 12:43:41 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_dir.rb (TestDir::test_glob): glob file names not sorted.
+Fri Jun 6 00:05:33 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/time.rb (Time.xmlschema): don't use float. fix
+Thu Jun 5 23:56:18 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb: add tests to achieve over 90% test coverage of
+ gc.c.
+ * test/ruby/test_objectspace.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_marshal.rb: ditto.
+Thu Jun 5 23:40:08 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * gc.c (rb_objspace_alloc): this function is needed only when
+ ENABLE_VM_OBJSPACE macro is defined.
+ * vm.c: ditto.
+Thu Jun 5 23:31:21 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/stringio/test_stringio.rb: add tests to achieve over 95% test
+ coverage of stringio.
+ * test/strscan/test_stringscanner.rb: ditto for strscan.
+Thu Jun 5 23:25:34 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_finalize_0): clear trace_func after executing END
+ procs.
+ * thread.c: fix typo.
+Thu Jun 5 22:50:50 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * gc.c (os_obj_of): heaps may be modified in yield.
+Thu Jun 5 21:46:50 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * st.c (st_reverse_foreach): comment out unused function.
+ * util.c (dtoa): ditto.
+Thu Jun 5 20:30:46 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl_session.c (ossl_ssl_session_initialize):
+ Add a null check for ssl; submitted by akira yamada
+ in [ruby-dev:34950].
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (Init_ossl_ssl): Define OP_NO_TICKET if
+ SSL_OP_NO_TICKET is present; submitted by akira yamada
+ in [ruby-dev:34944].
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb (OpenSSL#test_server_session): Add a
+ workaround for the case where OpenSSL is configured with
+ --enable-tlsext; submitted by akira yamada in [ruby-dev:34944].
+Thu Jun 5 20:24:15 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * thread.c (thread_set_trace_func_m): fix check for proc argument.
+Thu Jun 5 20:17:29 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/rexml/document.rb (REXML::Document:write): leaky modification
+ trans -> transitive. [ruby-dev:32040], r13686
+ * lib/rexml/text.rb (Text.check): fix check for illegal character.
+Thu Jun 5 14:03:44 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (iconv_create): find encoding without options.
+Thu Jun 5 07:48:32 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * string.c (hash): should be "static".
+Thu Jun 5 01:47:18 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_transcode.rb: add tests for iso-2022-jp.
+Thu Jun 5 01:27:42 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb: add tests.
+Wed Jun 4 23:10:08 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (rb_gzfile_set_mtime): fix typo.
+Wed Jun 4 18:53:39 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_alloc): RDoc updated. a patch from Gaston
+ Ramos <ramos.gaston at> in [ruby-core:17073].
+Wed Jun 4 18:36:11 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/rdoc.rb: massive spelling correction patch from Evan Farrar
+ <evanfarrar at> in [ruby-doc:1382] applied.
+Wed Jun 4 17:52:18 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (iconv_iconv): fix for length argument and now
+ allows range. [ruby-core:17092]
+Wed Jun 4 15:45:41 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_with_index, enumerator_with_memo): Fix
+ grammo in rdoc.
+Wed Jun 4 13:06:58 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS): include additional flags to
+ CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS while configuration.
+Tue Jun 3 23:06:35 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c (strscan_scan_full, strscan_search_full): fix
+ document.
+Tue Jun 3 22:37:26 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c (strscan_exist_p): fix document.
+Tue Jun 3 22:33:29 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_dir.rb: add tests to achieve over 90% test coverage
+ of dir.c.
+ * test/ruby/test_encoding.rb: add tests for dummy?, name_list and
+ aliases.
+ * test/ruby/test_marshal.rb: add some tests.
+Tue Jun 3 22:25:51 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/etc/test_etc.rb: new tests for etc.
+Tue Jun 3 19:35:02 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_with_memo): New method: with_memo().
+Tue Jun 3 20:04:03 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (miniruby$(EXEEXT)): miniruby cannot be
+ written by miniruby itself.
+Tue Jun 3 19:33:22 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_init_copy): Take care of
+ initialize_copy as well as initialize.
+Tue Jun 3 16:06:09 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (file_expand_path): fix for non-existent files and SFN of
+ symlinks. [ruby-talk:303736]
+Tue Jun 3 15:12:01 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/set.rb (Set#classify): Back out the `group_by' alias.
+ Better think twice.
+Tue Jun 3 15:00:22 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/set.rb (Set#collect, Set#select): Back out. I thought it
+ was consistent but turned out to be wrong.
+Tue Jun 3 13:41:08 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/set.rb (Set#collect, Set#select): Override Enumerable
+ methods and make them return a set. [ruby-core:17055]
+ (Set#delete_if, Set#collect!, Set#reject!, Set#classify)
+ (Set#divide, Set#delete_if): Return an enumerator if no block is
+ given.
+ (Set#classify): Define an alias `group_by' to override that of
+ Enumerable.
+Tue Jun 3 13:35:40 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * process.c (run_exec_pgroup): C99 ism.
+Tue Jun 3 12:51:57 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_allocate, enumerator_ptr): Properly
+ detect if the object is initialized and raise error when
+ appropriate.
+ (enumerator_initialize): Fix a typo in rdoc. [ruby-core:17052]
+Tue Jun 3 01:21:51 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_method.rb: add a test.
+Tue Jun 3 00:26:48 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * marshal.c (w_object): add a check for modification of array during
+ its dump.
+Mon Jun 2 22:27:57 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * enc/iso_8859_5.c: Large omicron should lowercase to small omicron.
+ * test/ruby/test_big5.rb, test/ruby/test_cp949.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_euc_jp.rb, test/ruby/test_euc_kr.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_euc_tw.rb, test/ruby/test_gb18030.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_gbk.rb, test/ruby/test_iso_8859.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_koi8.rb, test/ruby/test_shift_jis.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_windows_1251.rb: new tests for encoding.
+ * test/ruby/test_utf16.rb, test/ruby/test_utf32.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_regexp.rb: add tests.
+Mon Jun 2 21:56:47 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_file.rb: add tests for uninitialized object.
+ * test/ruby/test_class.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb: ditto.
+Mon Jun 2 21:44:15 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * re.c: fix SEGV by Regexp.allocate.names, Match.allocate.names, etc.
+ * test/ruby/test_regexp.rb: add tests for above.
+ * io.c: fix SEGV by IO.allocate.print, etc.
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb: add tests for above.
+Mon Jun 2 19:17:47 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_argf.rb (teardown): remove renamed temporary files.
+Mon Jun 2 18:51:15 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/un.rb (wait_writable): wait until target files can be
+ written actually.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (LDSHARED_0, LINK_SO): get rid of failure of
+ mt.exe.
+Mon Jun 2 16:26:17 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb (Delegator::MethodDelegation#respond_to):
+ respond_to? should now take optional second argument; submitted
+ by Jeremy Kemper <jeremy at> in [ruby-core:17045].
+Mon Jun 2 16:14:18 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/erb.rb (ERB::Compiler::TrimScanner#scan_line): Oops. This
+ change did not apply to trunk. Backed out.
+Mon Jun 2 16:08:24 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/erb.rb (ERB::Compiler::TrimScanner#scan_line): Fix a bug
+ where tokens are not yielded one by one.
+ * test/erb/test_erb.rb (TestERBCore#_test_01)
+ (TestERBCore#test_02_safe_04): The expected value should come
+ first for assert_equal().
+Mon Jun 2 13:06:38 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * mkconfig.rb: hide build path from rbconfig.rb.
+Mon Jun 2 08:46:52 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * util.c (ruby_strtod, dtoa): initialize more variables for error
+ handling.
+Mon Jun 2 04:55:05 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * suppress warnings on cygwin, mingw and mswin.
+Mon Jun 2 04:35:32 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/gb18030.c (gb18030_code_to_mbc): add 0x80000000
+ for 4bytes character.
+Mon Jun 2 03:52:04 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (set_arg0): reverted used variable definition.
+Mon Jun 2 03:23:25 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/gb18030.c (gb18030_mbc_to_code): mask by 0x7FFFFFFF
+ because OnigCodePoint will be used as 32bit signed int.
+ Masking by 0x7FFFFFFF is ok on GB18030;
+ Minimum 4bytes character is 0x81308130.
+Sun Jun 1 22:29:35 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * rational.c (string_to_r_internal): use rb_isdigit.
+ * marshal.c (long_toobig): use %zd.
+ * ruby.c (set_arg0): move unused variable definition.
+Sun Jun 1 12:18:12 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * insns.def (DEFINE_INSN): subtract of pointers is ptrdiff_t.
+ this is not int on 64bit system.
+ * vm_dump.c (control_frame_dump): ditto.
+ * vm_dump.c (stack_dump_each): ditto.
+ * vm_dump.c (debug_print_register): ditto.
+ * vm_dump.c (debug_print_pre): ditto.
+ * transcode.c (str_transcode): ditto.
+Sun Jun 1 10:32:18 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (assert_normal_exit): show coredump status.
+Sat May 31 23:33:34 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * README, README.ja: Add a note about default C flags.
+Sat May 31 23:02:00 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * gc.c (count_objects): clear given hash.
+Sat May 31 20:28:10 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_regexp.rb: add tests.
+Sat May 31 19:11:39 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/utf_16{be,le}.c (utf16{be,le}_code_to_mbc):
+ fix codepoint to bytes.
+Sat May 31 18:28:17 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * suppress warnings with -Wwrite-string.
+Sat May 31 18:26:33 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_delete_if): should return enumerator if no block
+ is given. [ruby-dev:34901]
+Sat May 31 15:58:08 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, (warnflags): defaulted to -Wall
+ -Wno-parentheses with gcc. [ruby-dev:34810]
+Sat May 31 15:17:36 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/mvm.h: new header file for MVM, and moved rb_vm_t and
+ rb_thread_t from vm_core.h.
+Sat May 31 12:02:23 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (assert_normal_exit): show pid when fail.
+Fri May 30 23:55:56 2008 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb: add a test of RUBY_DESCRIPTION.
+Fri May 30 22:47:17 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_regexp.rb: add tests.
+Fri May 30 22:40:53 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_signal.rb: add tests to achieve over 80% test
+ coverage of signal.c.
+Fri May 30 22:28:03 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * signal.c (esignal_signo): fix SignalException#signo which returned
+ nil absolutely.
+ * signal.c (esignal_init): always prepend "SIG" to a string that is
+ returned by SignalException#signm.
+Fri May 30 22:17:39 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_argf.rb: rename a conflicting method name.
+ * test/ruby/test_string.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb: ditto.
+Fri May 30 22:14:37 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * compile.c (defined_expr): fix SEGV by defined?([1]).
+Fri May 30 12:18:43 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (prelude.c): simply depends on PREP. [ruby-dev:34877]
+ * enc/make_encdb.rb, enc/trans/make_transdb.rb: ditto.
+Fri May 30 10:55:42 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_core.h (struct rb_unblock_callback), thread.c
+ (set_unblock_function), thread_{pthread,win32}.c (native_sleep):
+ extracted from struct rb_thread_struct.
+ * thread.c (reset_unblock_function): not check interrupts at leaving
+ blocking region. [ruby-dev:34874]
+Fri May 30 06:09:31 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/utf_8.c: add UTF8-MAC (UTF-8-MAC).
+Fri May 30 04:17:13 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * enum.c (enum_count, count_all_i, Init_Enumerable),
+ array.c (rb_ary_count): If no argument or block is given, count
+ the number of all elements.
+Fri May 30 03:12:18 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_bn.c (ossl_bn_s_rand, ossl_bn_s_pseudo_rand):
+ Int should be enough here.
+Fri May 30 02:35:00 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_bn.c (ossl_bn_s_rand, ossl_bn_s_pseudo_rand),
+ ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dh.c (ossl_dh_s_generate)
+ (ossl_dh_initialize),
+ ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dsa.c (ossl_dsa_s_generate),
+ ext/openssl/ossl_rand.c (ossl_rand_bytes)
+ (ossl_rand_pseudo_bytes, ossl_rand_egd_bytes),
+ ext/openssl/ossl_x509store.c (ossl_x509stctx_set_error): Do not
+ use FIX2INT() without checking the value type. Use NUM2INT()
+ instead; found by akr in [ruby-dev:34890].
+Fri May 30 02:08:20 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * signal.c (esignal_init): handle a non-integer argument correctly,
+ allowing
+Fri May 30 00:59:47 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_regexp.rb: add tests.
+Thu May 29 22:51:05 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_require.rb: add a test for load with wrap flag, to
+ achieve 100% test coverage of eval_jump.c.
+Thu May 29 22:47:53 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_argf.rb: new tests for ARGF, to achieve over 85% test
+ coverage of file.c.
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb: add tests.
+Thu May 29 22:41:48 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * io.c (argf_readchar): raise EOFError, synchronizing IO#readchar.
+Thu May 29 22:29:39 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * io.c (argf_external_encoding, argf_internal_encoding): fix SEGV by
+ ARGF.external_encoding.
+Thu May 29 17:52:31 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/zlib/extconf.rb: search zlib1, and regard mswin32 later than VC6
+ as WIN32. [ruby-core:16984]
+Wed May 28 18:05:28 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_nitems, Init_Array): Axe Array#nitems().
+ cf. [ruby-dev:34676]-[ruby-dev:34713]
+Wed May 28 17:50:32 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/mkexports.rb (Exports#objdump, Exports#each_line): extracted.
+Wed May 28 17:41:43 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (MKPREP): appended $(RBCONFIG).
+ * (, prelude.c): not depend on $(RBCONFIG) on mswin32
+ to get of compiling twice each time.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (prelude.c): not depend on $(PREP).
+Wed May 28 17:37:07 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/mkexports.rb (Exports::Mswin#each_export): speed up.
+Wed May 28 16:41:59 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_slice_bang): Call rb_ary_modify_check() at the
+ beginning. [rubyspec]
+Wed May 28 16:12:44 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet/cgihandler.rb (WEBrick::HTTPServlet::CGIHandler#do_GET):
+ Set the HTTP status code to 302 if a Location header field is
+ present and the status code is not valid as a client
+ redirection. cf. RFC 3875 6.2.3, 6.2.4.
+Wed May 28 15:53:52 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * enc/trans/japanese.c (to_SHIFT_JIS_EF_infos): typo.
+Wed May 28 15:18:16 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/singleton.rb (SingletonClassMethods): _load should be public.
+Wed May 28 13:30:43 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/trans/japanese.c: add workaround for Unicode to CP932.
+ U+2015->0x815C, U+2225->0x8161, U+FF0D->0x817C, U+FF3C->0x815F,
+ U+FF5E->0x8160, U+FFE0->0x8191, U+FFE1->0x8192, U+FFE2->0x81CA
+Wed May 28 12:52:41 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (w_object, marshal_dump, r_object0, marshal_load): search
+ private methods too. [ruby-dev:34671]
+ * object.c (convert_type): ditto.
+Wed May 28 08:42:51 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c: "%" is required before PRI?VALUE.
+Tue May 27 22:10:44 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval_error.c (error_handle): SystemExit and SignalException throws
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_execute_interrupts): delay interrupts during
+ raising exceptions. [ruby-dev:34855]
+Tue May 27 20:18:30 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_slice_bang): Return an empty array instead of
+ nil when pos is valid and len is adjusted from a valid value to
+ zero; caught by RubySpec.
+Tue May 27 19:12:37 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (MKPREP),, win32/Makefile.sub (prelude.c): get
+ rid of depending PREP with nmake.
+ * (encs): depends on libruby.
+Tue May 27 19:00:22 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_each_char, Init_stringio): Add
+ StringIO#{each_char,chars}.
+ (Init_stringio): Fix StringIO#bytes.
+Tue May 27 17:54:35 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_each_byte): Return self instead
+ of nil as the rdoc says.
+Tue May 27 15:36:27 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (check_int): use PRIxVALUE format specifier.
+ * numeric.c (check_uint, rb_num2fix, int_chr): ditto.
+ * numeric.c (num_fdiv): fallback to_f should always return float
+ result. should not use #quo that may return rational.
+ * numeric.c (num_div): should raise ZeroDivisionError.
+ * numeric.c (fix_divide): ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_numeric.rb (TestNumeric::test_divmod): avoid
+ ZeroDivisionError in tests.
+Tue May 27 13:14:53 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * enum.c (enum_to_a): Pass arguments through to #each().
+ (enum_sort): Follow the enum_to_a signature change.
+ (enum_reverse_each): Add #reverse_each().
+Tue May 27 13:12:37 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * io.c (Init_IO): Define ARGF.{lines,bytes,chars}.
+Tue May 27 12:06:37 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * file.c (BUFCHECK): wrong condition. [ruby-core:16921]
+ * file.c (file_expand_buf): shouldn't use buflen for length of string.
+Mon May 26 18:24:48 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (BUFCHECK): no resize if enough room.
+ * file.c (file_expand_path): use BUFCHECK.
+Mon May 26 17:48:42 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * enumerator.c (struct enumerator, enumerator_init)
+ (enumerator_init_copy, enumerator_each): Eliminate iter.
+ (enumerator_ptr): Do not hardcode the class name.
+ (enumerator_with_index): Delay variable initialization after
+Mon May 26 17:23:49 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * file.c (file_expand_path): add more space for '/'.
+ * file.c (file_expand_path): should reset address of p after calling
+ rb_str_resize(). [ruby-dev:34800]
+Mon May 26 16:49:55 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-mode): use run-hooks if run-mode-hook is
+ not available. a patch from Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <zn at>
+ in [ruby-dev:34853].
+Mon May 26 16:41:35 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * file.c (ntfs_tail): filename which starts with '.' is valid.
+ * file.c (file_expand_path): cygwin symlink support.
+Mon May 26 07:15:52 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_dump.c (rb_vm_bugreport): rb_make_backtrace has no arguments.
+Mon May 26 01:17:54 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (assert_normal_exit): signal description
+ refined.
+Mon May 26 00:52:52 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * hash.c (env_each_key, env_each_value, env_reject_bang)
+ (rb_env_clear, env_replace): Omit duplicated secure level check.
+Mon May 26 00:37:16 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * hash.c (env_each_value): Do not call env_values() twice.
+Sun May 25 17:54:36 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile): set local_table for
+Sun May 25 17:52:25 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_build_body): remove side effect from
+ VM::InstructionSequence.load.
+Sun May 25 04:30:45 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb (remove_json_mixins): change judgment
+ condition.
+Sun May 25 03:54:39 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb (test_ancestors, test_included_modules):
+ ignore json mixins.
+Sun May 25 02:37:25 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval_method.c: renamed from vm_method.c. "vm_method.c" is included
+ by "vm.c".
+ * vm_eval.c: added. Some codes are moved from "eval.c"
+ * fix for above changes.
+ * compile.c: make a vm_eval(0)
+ * eval.c, eval_error.c, eval_intern.h, eval_jump.c, proc.c, vm.c,
+ id.c, id.h, vm_core.h, vm_dump.c, vm_evalbody.c, vm_insnhelper.c,
+ blockinlining.c: fix for above changes. and do some refactoring.
+ this changes improve rb_yield() performance.
+Sat May 24 22:32:49 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * util.c (ruby_strtod): clear errno at the top of our own
+ implementation of strtod(3). [ruby-dev:34834] [ruby-dev:34839]
+Sat May 24 15:26:16 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_set_exception_table, NODE_WHILE, NODE_NEXT): remove
+ special handling that decrements sp in CATCH_TYPE_NEXT for NODE_WHILE.
+ * vm.c (vm_eval_body), vm_insnhelper.c (vm_throw): remove unused code.
+Sat May 24 08:13:34 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_str_transcode): argc is 1, and argv is &to.
+Fri May 23 17:55:11 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_slice_bang): Be consistent with Array#slice()
+ and String#slice!(). Just return nil when a negative length or
+ out of boundary index is given instead of raising an exception
+ via internal functions.
+Fri May 23 16:44:34 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * enumerator.c (Init_Enumerator): Override
+ Enumerable::Enumerator#each_with_index with #with_index.
+Fri May 23 12:23:05 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_core.h (rb_num_t): moved form vm.h.
+ * tool/instruction.rb (RubyVM::Instruction#sp_increase_c_expr),
+ tool/instruction.rb (RubyVM::VmBodyGenerator#make_header_operands):
+ omit unused variables.
+Fri May 23 08:47:02 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * error.c (exc_equal): == operator should be transitional.
+ [ruby-dev:34808]
+ * error.c (syserr_eqq): === should be able to handle delegated
+ objects as well.
+Fri May 23 06:15:20 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_compile_with_option): get rid of segv.
+Fri May 23 02:29:14 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def (opt_gt|ge|lt|le): use values directly to compare.
+Fri May 23 01:15:09 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c, eval_intern.h, include/ruby/intern.h, include/ruby/ruby.h,
+ vm.c, vm_core.h, vm_insnhelper.c: remove pointless "const".
+Thu May 22 23:45:17 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * compile.c (get_destination_insn, get_next_insn, get_prev_insn):
+ peephole optimization should not ignore ISEQ_ELEMENT_ADJUST.
+Thu May 22 20:20:54 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (check_dump_arg, check_load_arg): check if reentered.
+ [ruby-dev:34802]
+Thu May 22 20:14:28 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * iseq.c (iseq_load, iseq_data_to_ary): support
+Thu May 22 19:01:29 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm.c (vm_get_ruby_level_cfp): moved from eval_intern.h.
+ * vm.c (sdr, nsdr): define methods only if VMDEBUG is defined.
+Thu May 22 17:18:35 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_compact_bang): fix reallocation size.
+Thu May 22 15:20:20 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * eval_intern.h, vm_core.h, include/ruby/intern.h, include/ruby/ruby.h,
+ vm.c: need to add const to prototypes, of course.
+Thu May 22 13:24:43 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c, vm.c, vm_core.h, vm_insnhelper.c: specify "const".
+ * vm_opts.h: add a OPT_TOKEN_THREADED_CODE macro.
+Thu May 22 12:51:41 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * insns.def (newhash): fix a variable definition: "const k".
+Thu May 22 12:40:54 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (flatten): check if reentered. [ruby-dev:34798]
+Thu May 22 11:39:59 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (assert_normal_exit): capture stdout and stderr
+ of the child process.
+Thu May 22 08:28:49 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (flatten): free memo hash table before raising exception.
+ [ruby-dev:34789]
+Thu May 22 06:30:10 2008 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * array.c (flatten): fix memory leak.
+Thu May 22 06:21:34 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c (nkf_str_caseeql): added.
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c (nkf_enc_find_index): use nkf_str_caseeql.
+Thu May 22 05:45:30 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * proc.c (proc_dup): should copy safe_level from src proc
+ properly. a patch from Keita Yamaguchi
+ <keita.yamaguchi at>
+Thu May 22 02:46:08 2008 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb: do not use Thread#raise. [ruby-dev:34739]
+Thu May 22 00:30:06 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_require.rb: new tests for library requiring, to
+ achieve over 90% test coverage of dln.c.
+ * test/ruby/test_class.rb: add tests to achieve over 90% test coverage
+ of class.c.
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb: ditto.
+Thu May 22 00:15:44 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def, vm_insnhelper.c: specify "const".
+Wed May 21 23:20:21 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_eval.rb: fix syntax.
+Wed May 21 17:46:17 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c (nkf_enc_find_index):
+ use strcasecmp. [ruby-dev:34787]
+Wed May 21 16:48:22 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_compact_bang): avoid forceful realloc.
+Wed May 21 07:42:28 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_usascii_str_new): use rb_str_new.
+ * string.c (rb_enc_str_new): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_usascii_str_new2): use rb_str_new2.
+Wed May 21 07:22:01 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c, include/ruby/encoding.h
+ (rb_enc_associate, rb_enc_associate_index):
+ returns obj. [ruby-dev:34778]
+Wed May 21 04:20:20 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_ascii8bit_encoding): use ENCINDEX_ASCII.
+ * encoding.c, include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_ascii8bit_encindex):
+ added.
+ * encoding.c (rb_locale_encoding): use rb_usascii_encoding().
+Wed May 21 01:45:58 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_file_exhaustive.rb (setup): workaround for Windows
+ Vista.
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (rubyexec): now Open3.open3 is supported on
+ Windows.
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb: use ``||'' instead of ``;'' because
+ cmd.exe not support it.
+Wed May 21 01:28:47 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * transcode.c, include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_str_transcode):
+ C API of encoding conversion for Ruby object.
+ VALUE rb_str_transcode(VALUE str, VALUE to).
+ * transcode.c (str_encode, str_encode_bang):
+ rename from rb_tr_transcode or rb_str_transcode_bang.
+Tue May 20 23:26:05 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb: fix tests for 64bit CPU.
+Tue May 20 20:59:56 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c (rb_nkf_convert) (nkf_enc_without_bom):
+ reverted. nkf-utf8/nkf.c should be independent of ruby.
+ * ext/nkf/nkf.c (options):
+ moved from nkf-utf8/nkf.c.
+ override nkf's original settings for Unicode BOM.
+Tue May 20 13:20:51 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf.c (rb_nkf_convert), ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c
+ (nkf_enc_without_bom): BOM is not a part of encodings.
+ * ext/nkf/nkf.c (Init_nkf), ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c (options):
+ UTF-{16,32} without endian have no sense.
+Tue May 20 12:13:50 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options, process_options): --dump option.
+Tue May 20 11:36:06 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (PRI[diouxX]VALUE): printf format for VALUE.
+ * gc.c (assign_heap_slot): suppress a warning.
+Tue May 20 03:42:43 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c, vm_insnhelper.c: fix cref in instance_eval
+ and cvar_base search protocol.
+ * bootstraptest/test_knownbug.rb, test_eval.rb: move solved test
+ and add new tests.
+ * test/ruby/test_eval.rb: fix tests for spec.
+Tue May 20 01:43:44 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_knownbug.rb: fix a test.
+ "block_given?" returns true if "yield" can be used.
+Tue May 20 01:07:19 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * parse.y (assignable_gen): when "self = 1" was evaluated, unnecessary
+ error message was output, which might cause null pointer access.
+Tue May 20 08:38:56 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_enc_strlen_cr): need to set ENC_CODERANGE_7BIT if
+ search_nonascii() fails. [ruby-dev:34751]
+ * string.c (rb_str_reverse): preserve coderange info if the
+ receiver is 7bit string.
+ * string.c (rb_str_reverse_bang): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_reverse_bang): should have called
+ single_byte_optimizable before rb_str_modify() that clears
+ coderange info.
+ * string.c (tr_trans): handle single bytes more eagerly.
+Mon May 19 23:32:12 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (invoke_block_from_c): fix call flow.
+Mon May 19 23:19:35 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * regexec.c (slow_search): check the case when the length is 1.
+ The behavior of memcmp is undefined if the third argument is 0.
+Mon May 19 21:07:48 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_thread_apply_priority):
+ fix argument range check. [ruby-dev:33124]
+Mon May 19 18:22:35 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs5.c (ossl_pkcs5_pbkdf2_hmac): Fix the type
+ of md; pointed out by Takahiro Kambe <taca at>
+ in [ruby-dev:34748].
+Mon May 19 17:23:55 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regparse.c (PINC): use optimized enclen() instead of
+ * regparse.c (PFETCH): ditto.
+ * regparse.c (PFETCH): small optimization.
+ * regexec.c (slow_search): single byte encoding optimization.
+ * regenc.h (enclen): avoid calling function when encoding's
+ min_len == max_len.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_regsub): rb_enc_ascget() optimization for single
+ byte encoding.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_search): avoid allocating new re_registers if we
+ already have MatchData.
+ * re.c (match_init_copy): avoid unnecessary onig_region_free()
+ before onig_region_copy.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_get_index): remove implicit enc_capable check
+ each time.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_set_index): ditto.
+ * encoding.c (enc_compatible_p): small refactoring.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_enc_dummy_p): inline
+ rb_enc_dummy_p() and export related code.
+Mon May 19 14:32:03 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * version.h: fix strange change by version.h update tool.
+Mon May 19 14:18:13 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_knownbug.rb: move solved tests.
+ * bootstraptest/test_eval.rb, test_literal.rb, test_syntax.rb,
+ test_thread.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_m17n.rb, test_proc.rb, test_sprintf.rb,
+ test_string.rb, test/ruby/test_struct.rb: ditto.
+Mon May 19 13:23:03 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * process.c (rb_spawn_internal): set last_status when status == -1
+ because there is no path to set it on win32. this patch is derived
+ from [ruby-core:16787], submitted by Luis Lavena <luislavena at
+Mon May 19 11:32:47 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c, insns.def, eval.c, vm_insnhelper.c: fix CREF handling.
+ VM value stack frame of block contains cref information.
+ (dfp[-1] points CREF)
+ * compile.c, eval_intern.h, eval_method.c, load.c, proc.c,
+ vm_dump.h, vm_core.h: ditto.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h, gc.c: remove T_VALUES because of above
+ changes.
+ * bootstraptest/test_eval.rb, test_knownbug.rb: move solved test.
+Sun May 18 22:26:51 2008 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb: should normalize path
+ name in path_info to prevent script disclosure vulnerability on
+ DOSISH filesystems. (fix: CVE-2008-1891)
+ Note: NTFS/FAT filesystem should not be published by the platforms
+ other than Windows. Pathname interpretation (including short
+ filename) is less than perfect.
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet/abstract.rb
+ (WEBrick::HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet#redirect_to_directory_uri):
+ should escape the value of Location: header.
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet/cgi_runner.rb: accept interpreter
+ command line arguments.
+Sun May 18 02:54:46 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): check errno to detect error of ruby_strtoul.
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_pack.rb: add a test for above.
+Sat May 17 23:53:57 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (file_expand_path): fix for short file name on Cygwin.
+Sat May 17 18:03:52 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * vm.c (Init_VM): removed the definition of Thread#initialize,
+ which is overwritten in Init_Thread and is never used.
+Sat May 17 14:01:50 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_sort_bang): should not free shared pointer, and set
+ shared. [ruby-dev:34732]
+Sat May 17 12:34:54 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (Init_native_thread): Kernel#.sleep used never to
+ sleep on Mac OS X. Reported by arton <artonx AT>.
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_sleep): added error checks.
+Sat May 17 11:29:11 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_extname): first dot is not an extension name.
+Sat May 17 03:21:29 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_sort_bang): stop memory leak. [ruby-dev:34726]
+ * re.c (rb_reg_search): need to free allocated buffer in re_register.
+ * regexec.c (onig_region_new): more pedantic malloc check.
+ * regexec.c (onig_region_resize): ditto.
+ * regexec.c (STATE_CHECK_BUFF_INIT): ditto.
+ * regexec.c (onig_region_copy): use onig_region_resize.
+Fri May 16 12:48:33 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * math.c (to_flo): rb_Float() accepts even strings for input.
+ * complex.c (nucomp_to_f): fix wrong message.
+ * complex.c (nucomp_to_r): ditto.
+ * object.c (rb_Float): do not check NaN for error. NaN is a part
+ of valid float values.
+Thu May 15 23:36:09 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_string.rb: add tests to achieve over 90% test
+ coverage of string.c.
+ * test/ruby/test_m17n.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_symbol.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_pack.rb: ditto.
+Thu May 15 23:01:06 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * string.c (tr_find): String#delete returned wrong result when multiple
+ utf-8 arguments are passed.
+ * test/ruby/test_m17n.rb (test_delete): add a test for above.
+Thu May 15 22:37:56 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * parse.y (ripper_warningS): now used.
+Thu May 15 15:33:59 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (file_expand_path): support for alternative data stream
+ and ignored trailing garbage of NTFS.
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_basename): ditto.
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_extname): ditto.
+Thu May 15 13:43:36 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_cstr_to_dbl): no need for forceful warning when
+ converting to float. overflow is a nature of float values.
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): ditto.
+Thu May 15 13:23:20 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_prepare_enc): error condition was updated for non
+ ASCII compatible strings.
+Thu May 15 12:19:42 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/openssl/openssl_missing.c (HMAC_CTX_copy): adopted
+ prototype change in openssl bundled with newer OpenBSD.
+ a patch from Takahiro Kambe <taca at> in
+ [ruby-dev:34691].
+Wed May 14 22:09:25 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ChangeLog: fix typo.
+Wed May 14 21:49:14 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_object.rb: new tests to achieve over 90% test
+ coverage of object.c, eval.c and eval_method.c.
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_trace.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_integer.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_float.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_method.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_variable.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_eval.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_exception.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_class.rb: ditto.
+Wed May 14 12:46:37 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c (insn_operand_intern): remove Qundef related code.
+Wed May 14 12:42:36 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_count): Override Enumerable#count for better
+ performance.
+Wed May 14 11:29:06 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def: add a "putcbase" instruction.
+ * compile.c, insns.def: fix to use putcbase instruction for
+ class search. Qundef should not be used.
+Wed May 14 07:49:35 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): defer calling of rb_frame_self() until it
+ become really necessary.
+ * eval.c (rb_call): ditto.
+Wed May 14 00:55:56 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io_m17n.rb: remove a duplicative method.
+ * test/ruby/test_utf16.rb: rename a conflicting method name.
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_file_exhaustive.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_hash.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_env.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_fixnum.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_rational.rb: ditto.
+Wed May 14 00:45:58 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * eval_method.c (rb_add_method): fix check for warning when
+ Object#initialize is redefined. (same as 1.8)
+Tue May 13 23:32:44 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enum.c (enum_yield): use rb_yield_values2.
+ * enum.c (DEFINE_ENUMFUNCS): macro to define enumerator and yielding
+ functions.
+ * enum.c (enum_all_func, enum_any_func, enum_one_func,
+ enum_none_func): reduced duplicate code.
+Tue May 13 15:09:38 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * enumerator.c: Update rdoc.
+ (enumerator_initialize): Discourage the use.
+ (enum_each_slice, enum_each_cons, enumerator_each)
+ (enumerator_with_index): Add a note about a call without a block.
+Tue May 13 08:25:31 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_f_gets): re-enable rdoc.
+ (rb_f_readline): ditto.
+ (rb_f_readlines): ditto.
+Tue May 13 07:56:36 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_cat): fixed buffer overrun reported by
+ Christopher Thompson <cthompson at> in [ruby-core:16746]
+Mon May 12 23:37:57 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * vm.c (collect_local_variables_in_env): remove unnecessary check
+ which causes: x=1;proc{local_variables}.call #=> []
+ * test/ruby/test_variable.rb: add a test for above.
+Mon May 12 23:05:24 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * process.c, include/ruby/intern.h (rb_run_exec_options): externed.
+ * process.c (save_redirect_fd, save_env_i, save_env, run_exec_dup2,
+ run_exec_open, run_exec_pgroup, run_exec_rlimit, rb_run_exec_options):
+ save parent's process environments.
+ * process.c (rb_spawn_internal): remove calling run_exec_options()
+ because cannot restore after spawn.
+ * io.c (pipe_open): ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (test_execopts_env): upcase environment
+ variable name for case insensitive platforms.
+ * win32/win32.c (init_env): set USER environment variable only when
+ USERNAME is available.
+Mon May 12 22:23:01 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/date.rb (once): use Object#object_id instead of Symbol#to_i.
+Mon May 12 21:34:46 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (rubybin): return expanded rubyexe instead of
+ expanded ruby if available.
+Mon May 12 20:19:55 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * enum.c (grep_i): Be aware of multiple values;
+ fix [ruby-dev:34653].
+ (grep_iter_i): Ditto.
+ (count_i): Ditto.
+ (find_i): Ditto.
+ (find_index_i): Ditto.
+ (find_all_i): Ditto.
+ (reject_i): Ditto.
+ (inject_i): Ditto.
+ (inject_op_i): Ditto.
+ (partition_i): Ditto.
+ (group_by_i): Ditto.
+ (first_i): Ditto.
+ (sort_by_i): Ditto.
+ (all_i): Ditto.
+ (all_iter_i): Ditto.
+ (any_i): Ditto.
+ (any_iter_i): Ditto.
+ (one_i): Ditto.
+ (one_iter_i): Ditto.
+ (none_i): Ditto.
+ (none_iter_i): Ditto.
+ (min_i): Ditto.
+ (min_ii): Ditto.
+ (max_i): Ditto.
+ (max_ii): Ditto.
+ (minmax_i): Ditto.
+ (minmax_ii): Ditto.
+ (min_by_i): Ditto.
+ (max_by_i): Ditto.
+ (minmax_by_i): Ditto.
+ (member_i): Ditto.
+ (take_i): Ditto.
+ (take_while_i): Ditto.
+ (drop_i): Ditto.
+ (drop_while_i): Ditto.
+ (cycle_i): Ditto.
+ * enum.c (each_with_index): Update rdoc. each_with_index() takes
+ arguments that are passed through to each(), and a hash preserves
+ key order.
+Mon May 12 19:05:24 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * process.c (rb_spawn_internal): remove calling run_exec_options()
+ because cannot restore after spawn. we'll fix this later.
+Mon May 12 18:16:44 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * process.c (rb_spawn_internal): need to call run_exec_options() before
+ spawn if the platform doesn't have fork. [ruby-dev:34647]
+Mon May 12 15:20:02 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * gc.c (ruby_vm_xmalloc): increase malloc_increase only if malloc
+ succeeds. failed malloc size can be huge. it may increase
+ malloc_limit too big which cause less GC and memory full.
+ (ruby_vm_xrealloc): ditto.
+ (rb_objspace): make params.limit and params.increase size_t.
+Mon May 12 15:04:58 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_prepare_re): made non static with small refactoring.
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c (strscan_do_scan): should adjust encoding
+ before regex searching.
+Mon May 12 13:57:19 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (is_defined): add NODE_OP_ASGN_{OR,AND}. "defined?(a||=1)"
+ should not operate assignment. [ruby-dev:34645]
+Mon May 12 13:29:26 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bigzero_p): check from MSB to LSB. [ruby-dev:34649]
+Mon May 12 12:32:10 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBYOPT): affected BASERUBY too. [ruby-talk:301514]
+Mon May 12 12:27:55 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * gc.c (assign_heap_slot): fix condition for number of objects in
+ a heap.
+Mon May 12 12:24:48 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (sym_to_i): really removed. [ruby-dev:34641]
+Mon May 12 11:15:55 2008 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * gc.c (assign_heap_slot): put the binary search routine in order.
+Mon May 12 10:52:51 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (ruby_init_gems), gem_prelude.rb: check if Gem is defined
+ instead of Gem::Enable.
+ * gem_prelude.rb (load_full_rubygems_library, const_missing): prevent
+ infinite recursion. [ruby-dev:34539]
+Sun May 11 23:19:39 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enum.c (all_iter_i, any_iter_i): reduced duplicated code.
+Sun May 11 22:54:02 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb (main): leave -I options for purelib.rb
+ untouched.
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb (main): handle relative path -r options.
+Sun May 11 19:04:06 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb: kill and join temporal threads that are
+ created in each test.
+Sun May 11 17:58:45 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (TestProcess#with_stdin): defined.
+ (TestProcess#test_argv0_noarg): don't use redirect_fds.
+ [ruby-dev:34647]
+Sun May 11 17:57:36 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (MINIRUBY): should not include extension library path.
+Sun May 11 14:40:36 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (SIZET2NUM): new macro.
+ (NUM2SIZET): new macro.
+ * gc.c (struct rb_objspace): use size_t for increment, length and
+ used for 64bit.
+ (allocate_heaps): ditto.
+ (assign_heap_slot): ditto.
+ (set_heaps_increment): ditto.
+ (gc_mark_all): ditto.
+ (is_pointer_to_heap): ditto.
+ (free_unused_heaps): ditto.
+ (gc_sweep): ditto.
+ (os_obj_of): ditto.
+ (rb_gc_call_finalizer_at_exit): ditto.
+ (count_objects): ditto.
+Sun May 11 13:14:09 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * thread.c (thread_cleanup_func_before_exec): extracted from
+ thread_cleanup_func not to touch pthread data.
+ pthread_cond_destroy in forked process may cause deadlock on
+ Debian GNU/Linux Etch on x86, x86-64 and IA64.
+ this doesn't cause resource leak because the process will exec soon.
+ (terminate_atfork_before_exec_i): defined.
+ (rb_thread_atfork_before_exec): defined.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_thread_atfork_before_exec): declared.
+ * process.c (rb_exec_atfork): call rb_thread_atfork_before_exec
+ instead of rb_thread_atfork.
+ * io.c (popen_exec): call rb_thread_atfork_before_exec instead of
+ rb_thread_atfork.
+Sat May 10 22:14:03 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (tr_trans): single '^' does not mean negation.
+ [ruby-dev:34632]
+ * string.c (tr_trans): should check src size, not str size.
+ [ruby-dev:34637]
+ * string.c (tr_trans): should not turn on modify flag if no
+ modification happens. [ruby-dev:34631]
+Sat May 10 18:11:18 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_each_line): zero length record separator should
+ split a string into paragraphs. [ruby-dev:34586]
+ * string.c (rb_str_each_line): RDoc updated.
+Sat May 10 11:36:20 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * vm.c (env_mark): mark env->block.self. prevent SEGV when GC occur
+ in prepare_iseq_build with gcc version 3.4.6 [FreeBSD] 20060305 on
+ FreeBSD/amd64.
+Fri May 9 19:16:00 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * thread.c (timeofday): use monotonic clock. based on a patch
+ from zimbatm <zimbatm at> in [ruby-core:16627].
+Fri May 9 07:47:07 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * cont.c (cont_restore_0): dynamic stack direction code should be
+ consistent with static one. [ruby-talk:301152]
+Fri May 9 00:03:50 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (arg): operator assignment "a += b rescue c" should be
+ parsed as "a += (b rescue c)" just like normal assignment.
+ [ruby-talk:301000]
+Thu May 8 18:14:00 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_and): bit-wise operation should not take float
+ values. [ruby-dev:34612]
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_or): ditto.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_xor): ditto.
+Thu May 8 17:44:13 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, ext/extmk.rb, lib/mkmf.rb: use absolute path for RUBYOPT.
+ * file.c (rb_find_file_ext): guard load_path from GC.
+ gcc version 4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.1-21) optimizes
+ load_path by holding only RARRAY_LEN(load_path) and
+ RARRAY_PTR(load_path) in registers on IA64 GNU/Linux Etch.
+Thu May 8 16:41:20 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (MINIRUBY), (RUBYOPT): add purelib.rb.
+ [ruby-core:16642]
+Thu May 8 16:00:41 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): ! and ? at the bottom are no longer part
+ of valid symbol names. [ruby-dev:34590]
+Thu May 8 15:36:11 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * thread.c (rb_gc_save_machine_context): call FLUSH_REGISTER_WINDOWS
+ to mark the register stack from GC on another thread.
+Thu May 8 15:14:34 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_sort_bang): freeze temporary array.
+Thu May 8 13:19:18 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm.c (rb_thread_mark): mark stat_insn_usage only when ptr is not
+ null.
+Thu May 8 10:44:04 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (sort_reentered): reentered check may be called from
+ Array#sort.
+Thu May 8 09:51:52 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (sort_1, sort_2): check for reentered and if elements are
+ accessible. [ruby-core:16679]
+Thu May 8 06:43:52 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dln.c (dln_find_exe_r, dln_find_file_r): reentrant versions.
+ * file.c (rb_find_file_ext, rb_find_file), process.c (proc_exec_v),
+ (rb_proc_exec, proc_spawn_v, proc_spawn), ruby.c (process_options):
+ use reentrant versions.
+Thu May 8 06:27:33 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_key_p): thread local storage stores ID.
+Thu May 8 01:10:03 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (tr_trans): should squeeze properly. [ruby-dev:34587]
+ * string.c (tr_trans): had a bug in treating multi-byte character
+ replacement.
+ * string.c (rb_str_delete_bang): need not to do anything for empty
+ strings.
+ * test/ruby/test_m17n_comb.rb (TestM17NComb::test_str_delete): add
+ test for empty receiver.
+Wed May 7 20:19:18 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ruby.c (process_options, ruby_set_argv): set encoding of rb_argv
+ after Init_prelude() because cannot load encoding extensions before
+ it.
+Wed May 7 20:00:21 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (bit_coerce): float should not be a valid operand of
+ bitwise operations. [ruby-dev:34583]
+Wed May 7 19:35:29 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_key_p): should always convert symbol to ID.
+ [ruby-dev:34588]
+Wed May 7 19:30:34 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_divide): float division should floor() before
+ rounding into integer. [ruby-dev:34584]
+Wed May 7 18:02:01 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (sym_to_i): remove obsolete method. preparation for
+ symbol GC.
+ * numeric.c (fix_to_sym): ditto.
+ * numeric.c (fix_id2name): ditto.
+Wed May 7 17:43:22 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (io_puts_ary): check recursion first. [ruby-dev:34580]
+Wed May 7 17:41:14 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm.c (vm_eval_body): initialize retval. [ruby-dev:34576]
+Wed May 7 13:02:56 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_fdiv): flo.fdiv(NaN) should result NaN.
+ * numeric.c (num_quo): renamed and moved from bignum.c.
+ [ruby-dev:34582]
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_fdiv): update RDoc description
+ * rational.c (nurat_s_new_m): small refactoring.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big2dbl): no need for forceful warning when
+ converting to float. overflow is a nature of float values.
+Wed May 7 00:54:25 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (gzreader_gets): may cause infinite loop.
+ a patch from Kouya <kouyataifu4 at> in
+ [ruby-reference-manual:762].
+Tue May 6 02:08:18 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/io/nonblock/test_flush.rb: don't set Thread.abort_on_exception.
+ * test/net/imap/test_imap.rb: ensure disconnecting imap to terminate
+ receiver thread.
+Tue May 6 00:29:21 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * iseq.c (insn_operand_intern): should handle Qundef embedded in
+ operand. [ruby-core:16656]
+Tue May 6 00:00:02 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): should call compile_cpath() for
+ modules as well. [ruby-dev:34585]
+ * insns.def (defineclass): add undef handling.
+Mon May 5 23:49:40 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * insns.def (defineclass): was using wrong variable. [ruby-dev:34592]
+Mon May 5 20:07:59 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (io_fflush): IO#flush problem within threads. a patch from
+ <s.wanabe at> in [ruby-dev:34595].
+Mon May 5 19:58:44 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * compile.c (defined_expr): protect some expression from
+ segmentation fault. a patch from wanabe <s.wanabe at>
+ in [ruby-dev:34593].
+Mon May 5 19:49:59 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_s_def): should not SEGV.
+ based on the patch from wanabe <s.wanabe at> in
+ [ruby-dev:34594].
+ * struct.c (make_struct): call to_str on name object.
+Mon May 5 17:17:40 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_cleanup): wrap ruby_finalize_0 by SAVE_ROOT_JMPBUF to
+ avoid SEGV by at_exit {{}.resume } on IA64.
+Mon May 5 12:12:11 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_slice_bang): should adjust length before making
+ sub-array.
+Mon May 5 11:36:14 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_dup): should dupe corresponding information.
+ [ruby-dev:34581]
+Mon May 5 11:13:50 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * compile.c (compile_cpath): use Qundef to denote cbase lookup.
+ * insns.def (defineclass): Qundef is passed for cbase.
+ * insns.def (setconstant): ditto.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_check_if_namespace): use rb_inspect()
+ instead of rb_obj_as_string() for better description.
+Mon May 5 02:10:23 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * gc.c (set_heaps_increment): fix memory allocation strategy by
+ determining heaps_inc from heaps_used, not objects_delta.
+ (struct rb_objspace): delta removed. change increment, length and
+ used to long for LP64.
+ (objects_delta): removed.
+ (allocate_heaps): add next_heaps_length argument.
+ (init_heap): renamed from add_heap.
+ (garbage_collect): use heaps_increment in dont_gc.
+Sun May 4 21:09:32 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/getoptlong.rb: use $stderr instead of $deferr.
+Sun May 4 16:04:28 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (obj2nsec): fix string argument.
+Sun May 4 14:29:14 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * eval.c (rb_obj_respond_to): check the result of respond_to? method
+ by RTEST.
+Sun May 4 12:57:58 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_each_line): return original string.
+Sat May 3 20:57:06 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (Test::Unit::Assertions#assert_normal_exit):
+ new method.
+Sat May 3 18:10:54 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (time_timespec): raise TypeError for nil and other objects
+ which has no divmod method.
+Fri May 2 23:59:26 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (internal_read_func, internal_write_func): split from
+ internal_io_func.
+Fri May 2 23:55:15 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * variable.c (rb_define_hooked_variable): guard *var from GC to
+ prevent collecting argf under RUBY_DEBUG=gc_stress.
+Fri May 2 17:29:59 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * range.c (range_step): call to_int if step is not a numeric
+ value. [ruby-dev:34575]
+Fri May 2 16:10:57 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * range.c (range_step): do not forcefully convert steps into
+ integers. [ruby-dev:34571]
+Fri May 2 14:52:33 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el: move fontifying code from hook. a patch from
+ Phil Hagelberg <phil at> in [ruby-core:16636].
+Fri May 2 14:10:17 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * range.c (range_step): step may be bignum.
+Fri May 2 13:52:36 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (Init_Regexp): remove MatchData#select. [ruby-dev:34563]
+Thu May 1 23:59:59 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_divide), numeric.c (fix_divide): check for result
+ domain. [ruby-dev:34559]
+Thu May 1 23:57:06 2008 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * lib/net/telnet.rb: This patch from Brian Candler adds a FailEOF mode which
+ can be activated to have net/telnet raise EOFError exceptions when the
+ remote connection is closed. The default behavior remains unchanged though.
+Thu May 1 23:43:21 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * range.c (range_step): check if step can be converted to an integer.
+ [ruby-dev:34558]
+ * range.c (range_step): allow float step bigger than zero but less
+ than one. [ruby-dev:34557]
+Thu May 1 23:20:12 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_divide): return an integer for idiv.
+ [ruby-dev:34553]
+Thu May 1 20:47:30 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_s_create): should access converted hash value.
+ [ruby-dev:34555]
+Thu May 1 20:31:09 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_parse.rb (TestParse::test_void_expr_stmts_value):
+ shut up warning.
+ * rational.c (nurat_to_f): no need for forceful warning when
+ converting to float. overflow is a nature of float values.
+Thu May 1 16:10:21 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (env_delete_if): return enumerator if no block given.
+ [ruby-dev:34554]
+Wed Apr 30 21:36:40 2008 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/erb.rb (url_encode): [ruby-dev:34497] ERB::Util#url_encode
+ bug fix. Reported by rubikitch.
+ * test/erb/test_erb.rb: ditto
+Wed Apr 30 20:11:36 2008 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * lib/net/telnet.rb: Fixing a bug where line endings would not be properly
+ escaped when the two character ending was broken up into separate TCP
+ packets. Issue reported and patched by Brian Candler.
+Wed Apr 30 18:03:01 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * load.c (rb_load_path), vm_core.h (rb_vm_t): moved to VM.
+ * load.c (rb_get_load_path): returns absolute load path.
+ * load.c (load_path_getter): $LOAD_PATH getter.
+ * file.c (rb_find_file_ext, rb_find_file), ruby.c (push_include,
+ ruby_init_loadpath): use the accessor.
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_mark): mark load_path.
+Wed Apr 30 17:47:21 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_search): use local variable. a patch from wanabe
+ <s.wanabe AT> in [ruby-dev:34537]. [ruby-dev:34492]
+Wed Apr 30 16:10:18 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * eval_intern.h: specify the values of the enumeration constants
+ explicitly. [ruby-dev:34489]
+Wed Apr 30 12:32:39 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (check_exec_redirect_fd): prohibit duplex IO.
+ (check_exec_fds): record maxhint even if close_others is not
+ specified.
+ (rb_exec_arg_fixup): renamed from rb_exec_arg_fix.
+Mon Apr 28 20:24:27 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * rational.c (nurat_marshal_load): checks the given
+ denominator. [ruby-dev:34536]
+Mon Apr 28 14:21:18 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (POSFIXABLE): use FIXNUM_MAX+1 instead of
+ FIXNUM_MAX to make it possible to convert to double accurately on
+ environments with 64bit VALUE and 64bit double.
+ It assumes FLT_RADIX is 2.
+ fix RubyForge bug #14102.
+Mon Apr 28 12:48:57 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * process.c (rb_exec_arg_addopt, rb_exec_arg_addopt): now can specify
+ close_exec on having no fork environment (but still meaningless).
+Mon Apr 28 11:11:29 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (run_exec_options): don't call FIX2INT for nil.
+Mon Apr 28 11:11:38 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * proc.c (method_name): should return symbols instead of strings.
+ [ruby-dev:34531]
+Mon Apr 28 09:02:43 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_exec_arg_init): declared.
+ (rb_exec_arg_addopt): declared.
+ (rb_exec_arg_fix): declared.
+ (rb_exec_initarg): removed.
+ (rb_exec_getargs): removed.
+ (rb_exec_initarg2): removed.
+ * io.c (struct popen_arg): make execarg as a pointer.
+ (popen_exec): follow popen_arg change.
+ (pipe_open): add eargp argument. extract argc and argv from eargp.
+ use rb_exec_arg_addopt to add redirect options.
+ (pipe_open_v): set up struct rb_exec_arg.
+ (pipe_open_s): set up struct rb_exec_arg.
+ * process.c (rb_exec_arg_addopt): new function extracted from
+ check_exec_options_i.
+ (check_exec_options_i): use rb_exec_arg_addopt.
+ (rb_check_exec_options): opthash is always a hash now.
+ (rb_exec_getargs): make it static.
+ (rb_exec_fillarg): renamed from rb_exec_initarg2. don't set up
+ redirect_fds.
+ (rb_exec_arg_init): new function.
+ (rb_exec_arg_fix): new function.
+ (rb_f_exec): use rb_exec_arg_init and rb_exec_arg_fix. use
+ rb_exec_arg_addopt to set close_others option.
+ (run_exec_options): make close_others by default.
+ (rb_spawn_internal): use rb_exec_arg_init and rb_exec_arg_fix. use
+ rb_exec_arg_addopt to set close_others option.
+Sun Apr 27 18:59:04 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * rational.c (nurat_expt): use f_rational_new2. [ruby-dev:34524]
+Sun Apr 27 15:23:40 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_count): add a GC.count method. This method returns
+ a GC invoking count.
+Sun Apr 27 12:20:33 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_core.h (rb_vm_t), gc.c (rb_objspace, rb_newobj), vm.c
+ (Init_BareVM): per-VM object space support, which is disabled now.
+ * gc.c (rb_objspace_alloc), vm.c (Init_BareVM): should not use ruby
+ malloc here.
+ * gc.c (garbage_collect, etc): performance improvement by passing the
+ reference instead of referring the global variable in each functions.
+Sun Apr 27 08:06:15 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ruby.c (ruby_set_argv): ARGV should be locale encoding.
+ [ruby-list:44861]
+Sun Apr 27 01:46:29 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open3.rb (Open3.popen3w): removed.
+ (Open3.popen3): notice wait_thr.
+Sun Apr 27 01:13:05 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc, test/rdoc: Update to RDoc 2.0.0 r56.
+Sat Apr 26 21:30:40 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_hash_dup): declared.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_dup): new function.
+ * process.c (rb_spawn_internal): don't modify option hash.
+Sat Apr 26 18:36:31 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c, signal.c, thread.c, thread_win32.c, include/ruby/intern.h:
+ suppress warnings.
+Sat Apr 26 17:42:30 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (builtin_types), gc.c (count_objects): added Complex and
+ Rational.
+Sat Apr 26 17:35:19 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (rb_eNOERROR): renamed.
+Sat Apr 26 17:30:11 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h, gc.c: remove T_BLOCK.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: re-number T_xxx.
+Sat Apr 26 17:31:09 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (rb_cProcessTms, rb_cProcessStatus): renamed.
+ * error.c (builtin_types), signal.c (siglist), st.c (primes),
+ struct.c (ref_func), time.c (months): constified.
+Sat Apr 26 13:00:41 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open3.rb: double fork is replaced by spawn with Process.detach.
+ (Open3.popen3w): new method to access the thread returned by
+ Process.detach.
+Sat Apr 26 00:47:43 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_spawn_internal): new function to specify
+ default_close_others.
+ (rb_spawn): specify default_close_others true.
+ (rb_f_system): call rb_spawn_internal with default_close_others as
+ false.
+Sat Apr 26 12:26:41 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * range.c (range_each): use INT2FIX() for fixnum values.
+Fri Apr 25 17:56:25 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (free_unused_heaps): preserve last used heap segment to
+ reduce malloc() call.
+Fri Apr 25 17:54:10 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (HEAP_SIZE): use smaller heap segment (2K) for more chance
+ to be freed. based on patch from authorNari <authornari at>.
+ * gc.c (rb_newobj_from_heap): eventually allocate heap segments.
+Fri Apr 25 15:35:36 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (rb_spawn): rb_exec_initarg() returns new argc and argv in
+ earg.
+Fri Apr 25 12:37:54 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (flatten): returns an instance of same class.
+ [ruby-core:16554]
+Fri Apr 25 10:52:27 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h: define mode_t for umask.
+ * process.c (check_exec_options_i, check_exec_fds, run_exec_options):
+ support "close_others" only when fork(2) is available.
+Fri Apr 25 00:16:11 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c: include sys/stat.h for umask.
+Thu Apr 24 23:25:17 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_env_clear): declared.
+ (rb_io_mode_modenum): declared.
+ (rb_close_before_exec): declared.
+ (struct rb_exec_arg): add options and redirect_fds field.
+ (rb_check_argv): removed.
+ (rb_exec_initarg): declared.
+ (rb_exec_getargs): declared.
+ (rb_exec_initarg2): declared.
+ (rb_fork): add third argument: fds.
+ * io.c (max_file_descriptor): new static variable to record maximum
+ file descriptor ruby used.
+ (UPDATE_MAXFD): new macro.
+ (UPDATE_MAXFD_PIPE): new macro.
+ (rb_io_mode_modenum): externed.
+ (rb_sysopen): update max_file_descriptor.
+ (rb_close_before_exec): new function.
+ (popen_exec): redirection removed because it is done by extended
+ spawn mechanism.
+ (pipe_open): generate a hash for spawn options to specify
+ redirections.
+ (pipe_open_v): use rb_exec_getargs.
+ (pipe_open_s): use rb_exec_getargs.
+ (rb_io_initialize): update max_file_descriptor.
+ * process.c (hide_obj): new function.
+ (check_exec_redirect_fd): new function.
+ (check_exec_redirect): new function.
+ (check_exec_options_i): new function.
+ (check_exec_fds): new function.
+ (rb_check_exec_options): new function.
+ (check_exec_env_i): new function.
+ (rb_check_exec_env): new function.
+ (rb_exec_getargs): new function.
+ (rb_exec_initarg2): new function.
+ (rb_exec_initarg): new function.
+ (rb_f_exec): use rb_exec_initarg.
+ (intcmp): new function.
+ (run_exec_dup2): new function.
+ (run_exec_close): new function.
+ (run_exec_open): new function.
+ (run_exec_pgroup): new function.
+ (run_exec_rlimit): new function.
+ (run_exec_options): new function.
+ (rb_exec): call run_exec_options.
+ (move_fds_to_avoid_crash): new function.
+ (pipe_nocrash): new function.
+ (rb_fork): use pipe_nocrash to avoid file descriptor conflicts.
+ (rb_spawn): use rb_exec_initarg.
+ (rlimit_resource_name2int): extracted from rlimit_resource_type.
+ (rlimit_type_by_hname): new function.
+ (rlimit_type_by_lname): new function.
+ (rlimit_resource_type): use rlimit_type_by_hname.
+ (proc_daemon): add fds argument for rb_fork.
+ * hash.c (rb_env_clear): renamed from env_clear and externed.
+ [ruby-dev:34086]
+Thu Apr 24 23:00:58 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb: fix typos.
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (rubyexec): move Open3.popen3 call into timeout
+ block.
+Thu Apr 24 22:34:52 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_comparable.rb: new tests for Comparable, to achieve
+ 100% test coverage of compar.c.
+Thu Apr 24 17:19:01 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (process_options): set safe_level before loading script.
+ [ruby-dev:34421]
+Thu Apr 24 14:15:11 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dln.c (dln_find_1): prior files with extensions to files sans
+ extensions. [ruby-core:16517]
+Thu Apr 24 00:26:06 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/descriptions.rb: fixed wrong class nestings.
+Thu Apr 24 00:20:01 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: add a test for set_trace_func.
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb: move "rubyexec" method from test_rubyoptions.rb.
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb: use rubyexec in envutil.rb.
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb: add tests to achieve over 90% test coverage
+ of thread.c.
+Wed Apr 23 15:28:52 2008 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/gdbm/test_gdbm.rb (TestGDBM#test_s_open_no_create): failed
+ notice moved from comment to assertion message. [ruby-dev:29127]
+Wed Apr 23 11:49:54 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/set.rb (Set#each, SortedSet#each, TC_Set#test_each): Return
+ an enumerator if no block is given.
+Wed Apr 23 00:36:03 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb (start_server): add timeout to server.join.
+Wed Apr 23 00:18:45 2008 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/ruby/test_symbol.rb (TestSymbol#test_to_proc): Improve
+ tests of Symbol#to_proc.
+Tue Apr 22 22:40:57 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb (DRb::DRbServer::check_insecure_method): should
+ check method names by symbols, not by strings. a patch from
+ Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <zn at> in [ruby-dev:34487].
+Tue Apr 22 22:15:54 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-style.el (ruby-style-{case,label}-indent): up list from
+ indentation point.
+Tue Apr 22 21:09:05 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c (score_table_A0, score_table_F0):
+ type of content is unsigned char.
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c (push_broken_buf): 'c' is nkf_char.
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c (push_broken_buf): enc is 0 or pointer.
+ * ext/nkf//nkf.c (options): type of option is unsigned char.
+Tue Apr 22 20:51:58 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c (z_conv): characters must be nkf_char.
+Tue Apr 22 19:23:05 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_initialize): Remove an undocumented
+ feature (passing a block to the constructor) that's broken.
+ This is not what I intended.
+Tue Apr 22 17:54:05 2008 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * vm_core.h (exec_event_hooks): ``inline'' is a type modifier, not
+ a type itself.
+Tue Apr 22 16:24:27 2008 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * string.c (rb_enc_cr_str_buf_cat): do not use C++ comments.
+Tue Apr 22 16:23:53 2008 URABE Shyouhei <>
+Tue Apr 22 16:23:16 2008 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * vm_evalbody.c (DECL_SC_REG): use __asm__ instead.
+Tue Apr 22 16:18:30 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_evalbody.c (DECL_SC_REG): typo fixed.
+Tue Apr 22 15:25:04 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (struct timespec): needs time.h according to POSIX.
+Tue Apr 22 13:19:48 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_stop_timer_thread): should clear
+ timer_thread_id after stopping it.
+Tue Apr 22 13:12:58 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (thread_join): remove the current thread from the join list
+ of the target thread.
+Tue Apr 22 12:03:50 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_get_ev_const): search from the base klass if it
+ is given.
+Tue Apr 22 09:58:13 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: avoid warnings.
+Tue Apr 22 09:56:51 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * file.c (eaccess): workaround for recent msvcrt's behavior.
+ [ruby-core:16460]
+Mon Apr 21 19:08:32 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (copy_stream_body): call rb_io_check_readable and
+ rb_io_check_writable.
+Mon Apr 21 17:45:27 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c (fdbm_each_value, fdbm_each_key, fdbm_each_pair):
+ GDBM#{each,each_pair,each_key,each_value}: Return an enumerator
+ if no block is given.
+ * ext/gdbm/gdbm.c (fgdbm_each_value, fgdbm_each_key,
+ fgdbm_each_pair): GDBM#{each,each_pair,each_key,each_value}:
+ Return an enumerator if no block is given.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_config.c (ossl_config_each):
+ OpenSSL::Config#each: Return an enumerator if no block is given.
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (hist_each): Readline::HISTORY#each:
+ Return an enumerator if no block is given.
+ * ext/sdbm/init.c (fsdbm_each_value, fsdbm_each_key,
+ fsdbm_each_pair): SDBM#{each,each_pair,each_key,each_value}:
+ Return an enumerator if no block is given.
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_each_byte, strio_each):
+ StringIO#{each,each_line,each_byte}: Return an enumerator if no
+ block is given.
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (Init_stringio): Add #lines and #bytes,
+ which are aliases to #each_line and #each_byte, respectively.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (fole_each): WIN32OLE#each: Return an
+ enumerator if no block is given.
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (rb_gzreader_each_byte, rb_gzreader_each):
+ Zlib::GzipReader#{each,each_line,each_byte}: Return an
+ enumerator if no block is given.
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (Init_zlib): Add Zlib::GzipReader#lines and
+ #bytes, which are aliases to #each_line and #each_byte,
+ respectively.
+Mon Apr 21 17:01:44 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_compile_with_option): check if src is a string.
+ [ruby-core:16453]
+Mon Apr 21 16:06:47 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_init): preserve the method name in ID.
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_each): need not to call rb_to_id().
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_with_index): ditto.
+Mon Apr 21 11:00:27 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * compile.c (defined_expr): capture exception during defined?
+ evaluation. a patch from wanabe <s.wanabe at> in
+ [ruby-dev:34461]. [ruby-core:16010]
+Mon Apr 21 10:06:26 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c: should include <errno.h> to refer to errno.
+Mon Apr 21 09:58:04 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * time.c (rb_strftime): check errno to detect strftime(3)'s error.
+ this is workaround for recent version of MSVCRT.
+ [ruby-dev:34456]
+Mon Apr 21 08:54:30 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * gc.c (ruby_xmalloc): use size_t for malloc argument instead of long.
+Sun Apr 20 21:00:21 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * enumerator.c, include/ruby/ruby.h: Export rb_cEnumerator.
+Sun Apr 20 20:47:50 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * enumerator.c: Resolve the method every time an enumeration
+ method is run, not once when the enumerator is initialized as it
+ was before, so that method_missing() and method (re)definition
+ afterwards are both in effect; pointed out in: [ruby-core:16441]
+Sun Apr 20 15:11:00 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (copy_stream_rbuf_to_dst): removed.
+ (copy_stream_fallback_body): don't bypass write method.
+ (copy_stream_body): simplified.
+Sun Apr 20 15:01:25 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_core.h (struct iseq_compile_data): moved label_no from
+ new_label_body().
+ * compile.c (iseq_set_exception_table): allocates catch_table only
+ when entries exist.
+ * compile.c (struct iseq_link_element, struct iseq_insn_data): made
+ enum for debuggers.
+Sun Apr 20 14:44:45 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): fix for splat in when and rescue.
+ a patch from wanabe <s.wanabe AT> in [ruby-dev:34429].
+ [ruby-core:14537]
+Sun Apr 20 13:55:37 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (copy_stream_fallback): write directly (bypassing write method)
+ if possible.
+Sun Apr 20 12:49:03 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (copy_stream_fallback): read directly (bypassing readpartial
+ method) if possible.
+Sun Apr 20 04:45:13 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (copy_stream_body): use readpartial and write method for
+ non-IOs such as StringIO and ARGF.
+Fri Apr 18 20:57:33 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb: add tests to achieve over 95% test coverage
+ of array.c.
+Fri Apr 18 17:37:48 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_mark_locations): get rid of underflow.
+ * gc.c (mark_current_machine_context): check if the main thread stack
+ position may shrink under the initialized position. [ruby-core:16436]
+Thu Apr 17 22:20:52 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * enc/trans/utf_16_32.c (fun_so_to_utf_16be, fun_so_to_utf_16le): add
+ parentheses to remove warnings of gcc.
+ * io.c (rb_io_getc): remove unused variables.
+ * compile.c (NODE_NEXT, NODE_REDO): remove unused labels.
+ * ext/nkf/nkf.c (rb_nkf_convert): remove unused variables.
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (syck_resolver_initialize,
+ syck_resolver_detect_implicit, syck_emitter_emit): remove unused
+ variables.
+Thu Apr 17 20:12:47 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb (test_search): enable some assertions.
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb: flunk message in win32.
+Thu Apr 17 16:07:12 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb (ruby): run in C locale.
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb (test_encoding): --encoding does not
+ affect source code.
+Thu Apr 17 00:45:41 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (test_rlimit_nofile): reset RLIMIT_NOFILE
+ before exit (for gcov).
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb: new tests for option of ruby
+ interpreter, to achieve over 95% test coverage of ruby.c.
+Wed Apr 16 02:40:44 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (process_options): preludes and parser need to run in safe
+ level 0. [ruby-dev:34407]
+Wed Apr 16 02:26:27 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (process_options): dln_find_file returns the pointer to a
+ static buffer, so should copy it. [ruby-dev:34409]
+Tue Apr 15 23:08:46 2008 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc/client.rb: fix cookie handling. [ruby-dev:34403]
+ * test/xmlrpc/test_cookie.rb: add a test for the above fix.
+Tue Apr 15 19:20:14 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c: #undef rb_argv moved before #define.
+Tue Apr 15 18:02:17 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_argv): replaced with rb_get_argv().
+ [ruby-Bugs-19514]
+Tue Apr 15 17:10:59 2008 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb, lib/net/smtp.rb, lib/net/pop.rb: update
+ URLs of Japanese documents.
+Tue Apr 15 16:45:14 2008 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/ruby/test_symbol.rb (TestSymbol#test_to_proc): add tests.
+Tue Apr 15 15:38:02 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-encoding-map): added shift-jis for older
+ versions.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-mode-set-encoding):
+ coding-system-to-mime-charset is not a standard function.
+ [carbon-emacs:795]
+ fix for the case that magic comment exists but coding system is
+ absent.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-mode): use write-contents-functions or
+ write-contents-hooks for older versions.
+Tue Apr 15 07:21:21 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (nucomp_div): [ruby-dev:34357]
+ * complex.c (nucomp_abs): use hypot.
+ * complex.c (nucomp_quo): do not force conversion.
+ * test/ruby/test_complex.rb: omitted some meaningless tests.
+Mon Apr 14 23:25:50 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_objectspace.rb: add a test for
+ ObjectSpace.count_objects.
+Mon Apr 14 22:44:24 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (SET_EXTERNAL_ENCODING): avoid call rb_enc_check() on
+ half-baked result string.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_search): make search reentrant. [ruby-dev:34223]
+ * test/ruby/test_parse.rb (TestParse::test_global_variable):
+ should preserve $& variable.
+Mon Apr 14 17:23:27 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_delete_if, rb_hash_reject_bang, env_delete_if,
+ env_reject_bang): Return an enumerator if no block is given.
+Mon Apr 14 14:33:59 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c, compile.h (compile_debug): made runtime option.
+ * debug.c (ruby_debug_print_indent): returns if debug_level exceeds
+ the threshold.
+ * debug.c (ruby_debug_printf): printf to stderr.
+ * iseq.c (make_compile_option, make_compile_option_value): added
+ debug_level option.
+ * vm_core.h (rb_compile_option_t): added debug_level.
+ * vm_core.h (struct iseq_compile_data): added node_level.
+Mon Apr 14 12:52:25 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (Init_stack): use ruby_init_stack. [ruby-dev:34350]
+ * gc.c (rb_objspace_t): packed globals. [ruby-dev:34348]
+ * gc.c (finalizers): removed. [ruby-dev:34349]
+Mon Apr 14 11:30:07 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (ary_new): new integer overflow check condition.
+ suggested by TOYOFUKU Chikanobu <nobu_toyofuku at> in
+ [ruby-dev:34156].
+ * array.c (rb_ary_initialize): ditto.
+Mon Apr 14 00:51:40 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_parse.rb: add tests to achieve over 95% test coverage
+ of parse.y.
+Sun Apr 13 23:53:58 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * enum.c (enum_cycle): Make Enumerable#cycle do a finite loop when
+ the number of cycles is specified.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_cycle): Ditto for Array#cycle.
+Sun Apr 13 18:52:27 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (lock_func): should not check interrupts in
+ blocking region. [ruby-dev:34378]
+Sat Apr 12 12:41:49 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_exec_node, ruby_run_node), ruby.c (process_options):
+ use iseq instead of NODE.
+ * gc.c (source_filenames): removed.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h, parse.y (yycompile, parser_mark, parser_free,
+ ripper_initialize): rb_source_filename() is no longer used.
+ * compile.c, compile.h (ERROR_ARGS), parse.y (node_newnode, fixpos,
+ parser_warn, e_option_supplied, warn_unless_e_option, range_op,
+ cond0): nd_file is no longer used.
+Sat Apr 12 12:17:31 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * prelude.rb (require_relative): move require_relative from
+ lib/require_relative.rb. [ruby-core:16356]
+ * lib/require_relative.rb: removed.
+Sat Apr 12 05:55:57 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems*, test/rubygems*: Update to RubyGems 1.1.1 r1701.
+Sat Apr 12 03:13:38 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (file_expand_path): set external encoding.
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_basename, rb_file_s_dirname, rb_file_s_extname):
+ copy encoding.
+Fri Apr 11 17:35:06 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (count_i): modified to shut warning up.
+Fri Apr 11 17:25:09 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * enum.c (count_i, count_iter_i, enum_count, enum_find_index):
+ Reduce code.
+Fri Apr 11 17:06:01 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (find_index_i): modified to shut warning up.
+ * enum.c (find_index_iter_i): ditto.
+Fri Apr 11 16:44:43 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * enum.c (enum_find_index): Add support for find_index(obj);
+ [ruby-dev:34313].
+ * array.c (rb_ary_index): Define find_index as an alias to index.
+Fri Apr 11 16:42:33 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/yaml/store.rb (YAML::load): modified to support empty
+ database.
+Fri Apr 11 08:05:12 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (w_object): add volatile to avoid potential GC bug. a
+ patch from Tomoyuki Chikanaga <chikanag at>
+ in [ruby-dev:34312].
+Thu Apr 10 23:08:52 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/pstore.rb (PStore::dump, PStore::load): allow subclass
+ overriding. [ruby-dev:34305]
+ * lib/yaml/store.rb (YAML::Store::marshal_dump_supports_canonical_option?):
+ add a method to support faster PStore.
+Thu Apr 10 20:36:45 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * misc/rdebug.el, misc/README: Remove rdebug.el as per request
+ from the maintainer and mention the ruby-debug project at
+ RubyForge in README; bug#19043.
+Thu Apr 10 19:41:00 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_loop): Mention StopIteration in the document.
+Thu Apr 10 19:23:55 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_pop_m, rb_ary_shift_m): Update documents for
+ #pop() and #shift().
+ * array.c (rb_ary_slice_bang): Update document. Assigning
+ array[*args]= nil no longer removes elements.
+Thu Apr 10 16:58:44 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * marshal.c (w_object): TYPE_USERDEF assigns id for ivars first.
+ [ruby-dev:34159] by nagachika.
+Thu Apr 10 15:03:47 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/generator.rb: removed obsolete library. [ruby-core:16233]
+ * test/test_generator.rb: removed as well. [ruby-dev:34306]
+ * lib/pstore.rb: replaced by Hongli Lai's faster version.
+Thu Apr 10 10:27:24 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_sleep): sleep_cond is initialized at
+ creation. [ruby-Patches-19361].
+Wed Apr 9 14:43:26 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (lock_func): optimized and checks for interrupt_flag.
+ based on a patch from Sylvain Joyeux in [ruby-Patches-19361] and
+ [ruby-Patches-19362].
+Wed Apr 9 12:12:01 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb: new tests from Sylvain Joyeux in
+ [ruby-Patches-19361].
+Tue Apr 8 21:36:40 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_mutex_sleep): ensures to re-acquire at waking up.
+ [ruby-Patches-19361]
+Tue Apr 8 11:00:14 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/complex.rb: remove Math first before overwriting by CMath.
+Tue Apr 8 10:34:10 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * load.c (rb_require_safe): should check fname path after $SAFE is
+ properly set. [ruby-dev:34268]
+ * re.c (rb_reg_quote): should always copy the quoting string.
+ [ruby-core:16235]
+Tue Apr 8 10:30:29 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (prelude.c): depends on enc/prelude.rb.
+ * enc/prelude.rb: fixed initial library names.
+Tue Apr 8 03:39:26 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * load.c (rb_provided): check expanded path for relative path
+ features, loading or loaded features are already expanded in 1.9.
+ * variable.c (rb_autoload_load): no needs to check if provided before
+ rb_require_safe. [ruby-dev:34266]
+Mon Apr 7 22:41:21 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * numeric.c: cancelled recent changes (except to remove rdiv).
+ * bignum.c: ditto.
+ * bignum.c: added rb_big_idiv.
+Mon Apr 7 15:51:31 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (enc_init_db): moved to enc/encdb.c.
+ * transcode.c (init_transcoder_table): moved to enc/trans/transdb.c.
+ * enc/depend (enc/encdb.o enc/trans/transdb.o): depend on
+ corresponding headers.
+ * (COMMONOBJS): moved transcode.o from OBJS
+Mon Apr 7 12:26:32 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_knownbug.rb: add a known-bug.
+Mon Apr 7 12:15:24 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * range.c (range_each_func): should not leave a variable
+ uninitialized, which could cause SEGV.
+ * range.c (range_step): removed duplicated and unreachable code.
+Mon Apr 7 02:12:27 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_intern): need not to check if tainted.
+ [ruby-dev:34219]
+Sun Apr 6 09:45:00 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (dir_tell): check if closed. [ruby-core:16223]
+Sat Apr 5 23:17:20 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/cmath.rb: new.
+ * lib/complex.rb: depends lib/cmath.rb.
+ * lib/rational.rb: added rdiv.
+ * complex.c: removed some math functions.
+Sat Apr 5 05:50:57 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_rb.rb: Fix uninitialized variable warnings.
+ * lib/rdoc/generator/html.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rdoc/options.rb: Fix shadowed variable warning.
+ * lib/webrick/httprequest.rb: Fix redefined method warning.
+Sat Apr 5 02:13:52 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_cmpint): moved from compar.c, to check bignum
+ zero.
+Fri Apr 4 23:24:06 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * re.c (rb_memsearch_qs): wrong boundary condition.
+ * re.c (rb_memsearch_qs_utf8): ditto.
+Fri Apr 4 14:11:36 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_memsearch_qs): wrong boundary condition. a patch from
+ wanabe <s.wanabe AT> in [ruby-dev:34248].
+Fri Apr 4 05:57:11 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/net/pop.rb (Net::POP3::do_finish): clear @n_mails and
+ @n_bytes as well. [ruby-core:16144]
+Fri Apr 4 01:59:30 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * range.c (range_step): add step for each iteration if begin and
+ end are numeric. [ruby-core:15990]
+Fri Apr 4 00:42:26 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (Init_Bignum): rdiv method removed. [ruby-dev:34242]
+ * complex.c (nucomp_quo): ditto.
+ * numeric.c (num_rdiv): ditto.
+ * rational.c (nurat_div): ditto.
+ * complex.c (nucomp_fdiv): fdiv implementation restored.
+ * numeric.c (num_quo): RDoc updated.
+Thu Apr 3 21:51:45 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (nucomp_int_check): function for DRY real check.
+ * complex.c (nucomp_{add,sub,mul,div,expt}): use rb_num_coerce_bin().
+Thu Apr 3 19:59:42 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * insns.def (defineclass): check if cbase is a class or a module.
+ [ruby-core:16118]
+Thu Apr 3 14:42:11 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * (INSNS): add
+ * (INSNS): make incs separately for nmake.
+Thu Apr 3 13:20:38 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (endb.h, transdb.h, prelude.c): depend on $(PREP) and
+ check if really changed. [ruby-core:16102]
+ *,,, {win32,bcc32}/Makefile.sub
+Thu Apr 3 09:00:45 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_set_sequence, iseq_insns_unification,
+ insn_data_to_s_detail): constified.
+ * iseq.c (insn_operand_intern, ruby_iseq_disasm_insn): ditto.
+ * template/{insns_info,opt_sc,optunifs}.inc.tmpl: ditto.
+ * tool/instruction.rb (OptUnifsIncGenerator): ditto.
+Thu Apr 3 08:46:09 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * range.c (range_include): add RDoc to describe that comparison
+ for numeric is done according magnitude of values.
+ [ruby-core:15907]
+Wed Apr 2 22:29:35 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * rational.c (nurat_int_check): function for DRY integer check.
+ * numeric.c (num_rdiv): should always return rational number.
+ * rational.c (nurat_add, nurat_sub, nurat_mul, nurat_fdiv,
+ nurat_cmp): use rb_num_coerce_bin().
+ * rational.c (nurat_division): does / and rdiv.
+ * .gdbinit (rp): no longer use rb_p().
+Wed Apr 2 06:52:31 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * .gdbinit (rp): supports rational and complex numbers. it's
+ cheating since it uses rb_p().
+Wed Apr 2 06:24:06 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * include/ruby/node.h: add new constants for rb_call()'s scope.
+ * eval.c (iterate_method): use CALL_* scope constant to specify
+ proper scope value.
+ * eval.c (rb_each, rb_apply, rb_funcall, rb_funcall2, rb_funcall3):
+ ditto.
+Tue Apr 1 21:19:41 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * rational.c: need to include <float.h> just once.
+Tue Apr 1 16:40:21 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (big2dbl): more precise conversion at edge cases.
+ [ruby-dev:34195]
+Tue Apr 1 14:43:38 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * get rid of empty expansion.
+ * _setjmp is available but _longjmp is not on mingw.
+Tue Apr 1 09:41:22 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * {bcc,win}32/Makefile (config.h): need to define RUBY_SETJMP, etc.
+Tue Apr 1 07:31:58 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems* test/rubygems*: Import RubyGems 1.1.0.
+Tue Apr 1 03:20:40 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ _setjmp over setjmp and sigsetjmp. [ruby-core:16023]
+ __builtin_setjmp cannot handle a variable.
+ * (--with-setjmp-type): new option to override the
+ default rule in the above.
+ * eval_intern.h (ruby_setjmp, ruby_longjmp), gc.c (rb_setjmp),
+ vm_core.h (rb_jmpbuf_t): use RUBY_SETJMP, RUBY_LONGJMP and
+Tue Apr 1 01:55:52 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::Config.default_config_hash): requires
+ win32/resolv to use Win32::Resolv. [ruby-dev:34138]
+Tue Apr 1 01:40:58 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c: adopted the ruby's style.
+ * rational.c: ditto.
+Tue Apr 1 00:17:35 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * rational.c: revert.
+Mon Mar 31 18:57:36 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * {bcc,win}32/Makefile.sub (config.h): define ssize_t.
+ * io.c (copy_stream_body): some platform don't have O_NOCTTY.
+Mon Mar 31 18:42:41 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * check for ssize_t. [ruby-dev:34184]
+Mon Mar 31 14:45:00 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (num_quo): should convert its operand to Rational.
+ * rational.c (string_to_r_strict): should raise TypeError.
+ * bignum.c (Init_Bignum): should not redefine Bignum#div.
+ Numeric#div will do. [ruby-dev:34066]
+Mon Mar 31 04:05:15 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (io_getc): set coderange while getting characters.
+Sun Mar 30 23:16:49 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * proc.c (proc_dup): should copy is_lambda attribute as well.
+ [ruby-talk:296244]
+Sun Mar 30 15:33:29 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c: IO.copy_stream implemented. [ruby-dev:33843]
+ * thread.c (rb_fd_select): new function.
+ * (sys/sendfile.h): check the header file.
+ (sendfile): check the function.
+ (pread): check the function.
+Sat Mar 29 14:18:41 2008 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/*: full update Ruby/Tk to support Ruby(1.9|1.8) and Tc/Tk8.5.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile.rb: [incompatible] remove TileWidgets'
+ instate/state/identify method to avoid the conflict with standard
+ widget options. Those methods are renamed to ttk_instate/ttk_state/
+ ttk_identify (tile_instate/tile_state/tile_identify are available
+ too). Although I don't recommend, if you really need old methods,
+ please define "Tk::USE_OBSOLETE_TILE_STATE_METHOD = true" before
+ "require 'tkextlib/tile'".
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile.rb: "Tk::Tile::__Import_Tile_Widgets__!"
+ is obsolete. It outputs warning. To control default widget set,
+ use "Tk.default_widget_set = :Ttk".
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: __IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CONFIGURE_OPTION__ method and
+ __set_IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CONFIGURE_OPTION__!(mode) method are defined
+ as module methods of TkConfigMethod. It may help users to wrap old
+ Ruby/Tk scripts (use standard widgets) to force to use Ttk widgets.
+ Ttk widgets don't have some options of standard widgets which are
+ control the view of widgets. When set ignore-mode true, configure
+ method tries to ignore such unknown options with no exception.
+ Of course, it may raise other troubles on the GUI design.
+ So, those are a little danger methods.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/itemconfig.rb: __IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CONFIGURE_OPTION__
+ method and __set_IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CONFIGURE_OPTION__!(mode) method
+ are defined as module methods of TkItemConfigMethod as the same
+ purpose as TkConfigMethod's ones.
+ * ext/tk/sample/ttk_wrapper.rb: A new example. This is a tool for
+ wrapping old Ruby/Tk scripts (which use standard widgets) to use
+ Ttk (Tile) widgets as default.
+ * ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/tile/demo.rb: use ttk_instate/ttk_state
+ method instead of instate/state method.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/root, ext/tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tk/text.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/*: some 'instance_eval's
+ are replaced to "instance_exec(self)".
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/event.rb: bug fix on KEY_TBL and PROC_TBL (?x is not
+ a character code on Ruby1.9).
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/variable.rb: support new style of operation argument
+ on Tcl/Tk's 'trace' command for variables.
+ * ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/widget, ext/tk/sample/demos-en/widget: bug fix
+ * ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/textpeer.rb,
+ ext/tk/sample/demos-en/textpeer.rb: new widget demo.
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: decrease SEGV troubles (probably)
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: remove Thread.critical access if Ruby1.9
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/multi-tk.rb: support Ruby1.9 (probably)
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile.rb: add method to define Tcl/Tk command
+ to make Tcl/Tk theme sources (based on different version of Tile
+ extension) available.
+ (Tk::Tile::__define_LoadImages_proc_for_compatibility__)
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/wm.rb: support dockable frames
+ (Tcl/Tk8.5 feature). 'wm' command can treat many kinds of widgets
+ as toplevel widgets.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/style.rb: ditto.
+ (Tk::Tile::Style.__define_wrapper_proc_for_compatibility__)
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/font.rb: add actual_hash and metrics_hash to get
+ properties as a hash. metrics_hash method returns a boolean value
+ for 'fixed' option. But metrics method returns numeric value
+ (0 or 1) for 'fixed' option, because of backward compatibility.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/timer.rb: sometimes fail to set callback procedure.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: add Tk.sleep and Tk.wakeup method. Tk.sleep
+ doesn't block the eventloop. It will be better to use the method
+ in event callbacks.
+ * ext/tk/sample/tksleep_sample.rb: sample script about Tk.sleep.
+Thu Mar 27 20:44:22 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (f_lcm): removed.
+ * rational.c (rb_lcm, rb_gcdlcm): added.
+ * lib/complex.rb (gcd, lcm, gcdlcm): removed.
+ * lib/rational.rb (gcd, lcm, gcdlcm): ditto.
+Wed Mar 26 18:11:26 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_mod_constants): rdoc updated. a patch from
+ Florian Gilcher <flo AT> in [ruby-core:16009].
+Wed Mar 26 00:55:28 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_rand.rb: add tests to achieve over 95% test coverage
+ of random.c.
+Wed Mar 26 00:28:55 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_rational.rb: add tests to achieve over 90% test
+ coverage of rational.c.
+ * test/ruby/test_complex.rb: ditto for complex.c.
+Tue Mar 25 19:34:05 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_knownbug.rb: add tests. [ruby-dev:34128]
+Tue Mar 25 19:09:04 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * array.c (ary_new): fix size check. [ruby-dev:34123]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_take, rb_ary_drop): check negative size and use
+ NUM2LONG instead of FIX2LONG. [ruby-dev:34123]
+ * enum.c (enum_take, enum_drop): check negative size.
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb: add tests for above.
+Tue Mar 25 16:32:56 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): checks if the word is empty.
+ * ruby.c (process_options): typo fixed. [ruby-dev:34122]
+Tue Mar 25 15:26:30 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (defined_expr): false short-circuit destination label may
+ be needed. [ruby-talk:295296]
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): put nil if false short-circuit is
+ created.
+ * compile.c (compile_massign_opt): no need to use alloca.
+Mon Mar 24 19:23:52 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * parse.y (debug_lines): Always prepare a new array for each
+ file's SCRIPT_LINES__ storage, instead of appending source lines
+ every time a file is re-loaded; submitted by Rocky Bernstein in
+ #18517.
+Mon Mar 24 10:25:54 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sitearch should use target_cpu. [ruby-core:15986]
+Sun Mar 23 02:51:57 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rlimit_resource_value): use NUM2RLIM.
+Sun Mar 23 02:28:01 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c: fixed. [ruby-dev:34109]
+ * rational.c: ditto.
+Fri Mar 21 21:32:25 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_f_gets, rb_f_readline, rb_f_readlines): delegates to ARGF
+ as well as puts and putc. [ruby-dev:34100]
+Fri Mar 21 21:26:52 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::Hosts): should not use win32/resolv on cygwin.
+ [ruby-dev:29945], [ruby-dev:34095]
+ * lib/win32/registry.rb (Win32::Registry.expand_environ): try upcased
+ name too for cygwin. [ruby-dev:29945]
+ * lib/win32/resolv.rb (Win32::Resolv.get_hosts_path): use expand_path.
+Fri Mar 21 21:10:00 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/ipaddr.rb: Say that I am the current maintainer.
+ * lib/set.rb: Ditto.
+ * lib/shellwords.rb: Ditto.
+ * ext/syslog/syslog.txt: Ditto.
+Fri Mar 21 09:24:28 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * instruby.rb (open_for_install): write block result and rewrite only
+ if changed from existing file.
+Fri Mar 21 08:29:33 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * rational.c (nurat_to_f): rearrangement.
+Fri Mar 21 06:44:59 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * rational.c (nurat_to_f): C99.
+Fri Mar 21 01:40:27 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * complex.c (nucomp_sub, nucomp_expt): call corresponding functions.
+Fri Mar 21 01:21:43 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * missing/tgamma.c: include config.h before math.h. [ruby-dev:34075]
+Thu Mar 20 21:46:33 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (argf_getline): use receiver.
+Thu Mar 20 21:20:19 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * rational.c: some improvements (include Shin-ichiro HARA's
+ effort).
+ * complex.c: some improvements.
+ * test/ruby/test_rational2.rb: new.
+Thu Mar 20 00:21:12 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (argf_initialize_copy): get rid of segfault.
+ * io.c (argf_tell, argf_seek_m, argf_set_pos, argf_rewind,
+ argf_fileno, argf_to_io, argf_eofl, argf_getc, argf_getbyte,
+ argf_readchar, argf_readbyte, argf_each_line): use receiver.
+Wed Mar 19 23:52:41 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_putc, rb_io_puts): output directly if the receiver is
+ rb_stdout to get rid of infinite recursion. [ruby-dev:34059]
+Wed Mar 19 22:27:41 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * rational.c: added rb_gcd.
+ * complex.c: use rb_gcd.
+Wed Mar 19 18:37:00 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c: revert.
+ * rational.c: revert.
+Wed Mar 19 17:31:20 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval_intern.h (TH_EXEC_TAG): need not to FLUSH_REGISTER_WINDOWS.
+ [ruby-core:15871], [ruby-dev:34088]
+Wed Mar 19 14:53:03 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * complex.c (nucomp_to_s, nucomp_inspect): get rid of making
+ unnecessary intermediate objects.
+ * complex.c (make_patterns, string_to_c): do not treat successive
+ underscores as a part of numeric like as literals. [ruby-dev:34085]
+ * rational.c (make_patterns, string_to_r): ditto.
+Wed Mar 19 14:36:40 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_cstr_to_inum): treat successive underscores as
+ nondigit. [ruby-dev:34089]
+Wed Mar 19 14:08:47 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (enc_check_encoding): should not load autoloaded encoding
+ directly, instead use rb_enc_find_index() which deal with alias and
+ replica. [ruby-core:15957]
+Wed Mar 19 11:49:47 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * regint.h (include): include ruby.h instead of defines.h and config.h.
+Wed Mar 19 10:17:12 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regint.h (CHECK_INTERRUPT_IN_MATCH_AT): add interrupt check
+ during match. [ruby-talk:295002]
+Tue Mar 18 16:24:53 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (literal_concat_gen): bail out at different encoding.
+Tue Mar 18 04:00:27 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * re.c (rb_memsearch_ss): simple shift search.
+ * re.c (rb_memsearch_qs): quick search.
+ * re.c (rb_memsearch_qs_utf8): quick search for UTF-8 string.
+ * re.c (rb_memsearch_qs_utf8_hash): hash functions for above.
+ * re.c (rb_memsearch): use above functions.
+ * string.c (rb_str_index): give enc to rb_memsearch.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_memsearch): move to encoding.h.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_memsearch): move from intern.h.
+ * (PREP): add dependency.
+Mon Mar 17 22:23:54 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_take, rb_ary_take_while, rb_ary_drop,
+ rb_ary_drop_while): new methods. [ruby-dev:34067]
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb: add tests for above.
+Mon Mar 17 17:11:13 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-mode): should use `run-mode-hooks' instead
+ of calling `run-hooks' directly to run the mode hook. patch from
+ Chiyuan Zhang <pluskid AT> in [ruby-core:15915]
+Mon Mar 17 16:41:08 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * unset GREP_OPTIONS. [ruby-core:15918]
+Sun Mar 16 18:07:07 2008 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/trans/utf_16_32.c: bug fix (some invalid UTF-8 sequences
+ were legal)
+ * test/ruby/test_transcode.rb: test for above bug
+Sun Mar 16 17:28:07 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (LIBRUBY_SO): add dependency to $(BUILTIN_ENCOBJS).
+Sun Mar 16 08:51:41 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: added some declarations.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: ditto.
+ * added some entries.
+ * added a check for signbit.
+ * lib/complex.rb: nearly all of core definitions have been removed.
+ * lib/rational.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/mathn.rb: some trivial adjustments.
+ * complex.c: new.
+ * rational.c: ditto.
+ * numeric.c (flo_{quo,rdiv}, fix_fdiv): added.
+ * numeric.c ({num,int}_{numerator,denominator}): ditto.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_fdiv): ditto.
+ * numeric.c (fix_{quo,pow}): now may yield rational number.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_{quo,pow}): ditto.
+ * numeric.c (rb_{int,flo}_induced_from): now can accept rational.
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_children, obj_free): now detects complex and rational.
+ * inits.c (rb_call_inits): now calls Init_{Complex,Rational}.
+ * test/ruby/test_complex.rb: new.
+ * test/ruby/test_rational.rb: ditto.
+Sat Mar 15 17:48:48 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_associate_index): pass unnecessary enc_capable().
+ * string.c (rb_str_cmp): reduce invocation of rb_enc_compatible().
+Fri Mar 14 17:04:43 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (inttypes.h): includes always if available.
+ * string.c, ext/digest/defs.h: moved inttypes.h to ruby.h.
+Fri Mar 14 16:59:23 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_LIB_PREFIX): fix for prefix.
+Fri Mar 14 16:35:11 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI::Cookie::initialize): performance patch from
+ Makoto Kuwata <> in [ruby-dev:34048].
+Fri Mar 14 15:49:05 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_LIB_PREFIX): use libdir.
+Fri Mar 14 14:24:15 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/digest/defs.h: inttypes.h is still needed.
+Fri Mar 14 11:34:12 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * {bcc,win}32/Makefile.sub: follow below changes.
+Fri Mar 14 11:24:30 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-encoding-map, ruby-use-encoding-map): added
+ to customize.
+Fri Mar 14 10:37:15 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (int8_t, uint8_t, int16_t, uint16_t int32_t,
+ uint32_t int64_t, uint64_t, int128_t, uint128_t,
+ intptr_t, uintptr_t): check if defined.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: follow
+ * ext/digest/defs.h: remove checks for uint8_t, uint32_t and uint64_t.
+Fri Mar 14 10:12:29 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_CHECK_VARTYPE): should not indent preprocessor
+ directives.
+Fri Mar 14 10:03:59 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (UNALIGNED_WORD_ACCESS): IA64 cannot access unaligned word.
+Thu Mar 13 21:00:50 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_slice_bang): should not use rb_ary_subseq()
+ which shares internal pointer. splice modifies the receiver
+ right after subseq. [ruby-dev:34005]
+ * bootstraptest/test_struct.rb: some test moved from test to shut
+ warning up.
+Thu Mar 13 19:42:43 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * {bcc,win}32/Makefile.sub (config.h): define uint32_t.
+Thu Mar 13 14:14:19 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * trunk/ (AC_CHECK_HEADERS): stdint.h is not needed to
+ check.
+ * trunk/ (rb_cv_type_uint32_t): unquoted. [ruby-dev:34030]
+ * trunk/string.c (hash): use inttypes.h instead of stdint.h.
+Thu Mar 13 10:42:46 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_divmod): should return integer division. [ruby-dev:34006]
+ * enum.c (zip_ary): wrong boundary condition.
+ * test/ruby/test_numeric.rb (TestNumeric::test_num2long): bit-and
+ should not raise RangeError.
+Thu Mar 13 03:12:48 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/irb/cmd/help.rb: should be updated for new ri structure.
+ [ruby-core:15825]
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/driver.rb (RDoc::initialize): allow options to be optional.
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/driver.rb (RDoc::class_cache): map_dirs may be
+ empty.
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/driver.rb (RDoc::get_info_for): revive get_info_for
+ method. maybe broken.
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/util.rb (RDoc::initialize): should not use RiError
+ no more.
+Thu Mar 13 01:45:25 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (stdint.h): check if presence.
+ * (uint32_t): check if defined.
+ * string.c (hash): fix for portability. [ruby-dev:34020]
+Wed Mar 12 17:33:34 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (rb_cstr_to_dbl): fix for a mere underscore.
+Wed Mar 12 14:47:07 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval_intern.h (rb_thread_raised_set): use generic flags.
+ * eval.c (rb_longjmp): clear all raised flags.
+ * eval.c (stack_check): leave clearing flag to rb_longjmp.
+ * gc.c (rb_memerror): use thread raised flag instead of static flag.
+Tue Mar 11 23:38:39 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_combination): argument check before creating
+ Enumerator.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_permutation): ditto.
+ * enum.c (enum_zip): optimize if all arguments are arrays.
+Tue Mar 11 19:48:09 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_coerce): try conversion before type check.
+ [ruby-core:15838]
+Tue Mar 11 12:39:53 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (clean-local): WINMAINOBJ is Windows specific.
+Tue Mar 11 10:19:10 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (hash): replaced by MurmurHash described in
+ <>.
+Tue Mar 11 09:52:49 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_comparable): empty strings in any encoding are
+ compatible each other.
+Tue Mar 11 00:46:29 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (usage): remove some unimportant lines to fit -h message
+ in a page. [ruby-dev:34018]
+Mon Mar 10 17:11:00 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_local_variables): local_variables should return an
+ array of symbols. [ruby-dev:34008]
+ * vm.c (collect_local_variables_in_env): ditto.
+Mon Mar 10 15:53:48 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * version.c (MKSTR): make US-ASCII. [ruby-dev:34010]
+Mon Mar 10 02:08:21 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_index): if t == s + pos, the character beginning
+ from s + pos is valid.
+Sun Mar 9 13:51:21 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/generator.rb: Restore missing line to #params. Patch by
+ Lincoln Stoll <lstoll at>
+Sun Mar 9 09:52:00 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/code_objects.rb: Remove debugging Kernel#p. Patch by
+ Lincoln Stoll <lstoll at>
+ * lib/rdoc/generator/html.rb: Fully qualify AllReferences. Patch by
+ Lincoln Stoll <lstoll at>
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/writer.rb: Fix 1.8 backwards compatibility.
+Sat Mar 8 18:50:57 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (isdirsep): backslash is valid path separator on cygwin too.
+Sat Mar 8 06:53:48 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (search_nonascii): Use VALUE instead of unsigned long
+ because VALUE can be the fastest unsigned integer type.
+ On LLP64 unsigned long isn't the fastest.
+ * string.c (str_strlen): ditto.
+ * string.c (str_utf8_nth): ditto.
+ * string.c (count_utf8_lead_bytes_with_ulong): ditto.
+ * string.c (count_utf8_lead_bytes_with_word): renamed.
+Fri Mar 7 21:27:43 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * bignum.c: fix indent.
+Fri Mar 7 21:12:19 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * bignum.c (power_cache_init, power_cache_get_power0, Init_Bignum):
+ delayed initializing power cache per base. [ruby-dev:34003]
+Fri Mar 7 20:30:05 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * cont.c (cont_restore_0): fixed typo. [ruby-core:15821]
+Fri Mar 7 19:56:10 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: rdoc added. [ruby-Patches-9762]
+Thu Mar 6 17:26:53 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): space flag is in effect for Inf/NaN too.
+ [ruby-dev:34002]
+Thu Mar 6 15:44:20 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): casting double to long is undefined
+ if the integer part of double is out of the range of long.
+Thu Mar 6 15:11:40 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): ignore 0 flag for NaN and Inf.
+ [ruby-dev:33994]
+Thu Mar 6 15:05:25 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * {bcc32,win32}/Makefile.sub (RUNRUBY): use $(PROGRAM) instead of
+ ruby$(EXEEXT).
+ suggested by KIMURA Koichi <kimura.koichi at>.
+ [ruby-dev:34000]
+Thu Mar 6 14:46:08 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * missing/lgamma_r.c (loggamma): return 0 for 1 and 2.
+ * test/ruby/test_math.rb: accept errors by functions under missing/.
+Thu Mar 6 14:29:44 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_str_transcode_bang): set coderange.
+ * transcode.c (rb_str_transcode): use rb_str_transcode_bang.
+Thu Mar 6 14:00:10 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/missing.h (cbrt): add declaration.
+Thu Mar 6 11:14:14 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-add-log-current-method): use ruby style
+ method name format.
+Thu Mar 6 11:12:29 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): no need of loop.
+Thu Mar 6 08:30:42 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_mod_freeze): call rb_class_name() directly.
+ [ruby-core:15802]
+Thu Mar 6 04:32:06 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (count_utf8_lead_bytes_with_ulong): fix shift size.
+ [ruby-dev:33993]
+ * string.c (str_utf8_nth) fix wrong counting.
+Thu Mar 6 00:34:00 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): size_t returned from strlen() can be
+ unsigned.
+Thu Mar 6 00:31:39 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * struct.c (make_struct): preserve encoding of struct name.
+Wed Mar 5 22:49:20 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (is_utf8_lead_byte, count_utf8_lead_bytes_with_ulong):
+ defined for UTF-8 optimization.
+ * string.c (str_strlen): use is_utf8_lead_byte and
+ count_utf8_lead_bytes_with_ulong.
+ * string.c (str_utf8_nth) ditto.
+Wed Mar 5 17:53:01 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_flock): returns false on EAGAIN if non-blocking.
+ [ruby-core:15795]
+Wed Mar 5 17:43:43 2008 Martin Duerst <>
+ * transcode.c (transcode_loop): Adjusted detection of invalid
+ (ill-formed) UTF-8 sequences. Fixing potential security issue, see
+ * test/ruby/test_transcode.rb: Added two tests for above fix.
+Wed Mar 5 14:00:49 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_to_s): avoid rb_scan_args() when no argument
+ given.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_to_s): ditto.
+ * enum.c (enum_first): ditto.
+ * eval_jump.c (rb_f_catch): ditto.
+ * io.c (rb_obj_display): ditto.
+ * class.c (rb_obj_singleton_methods): ditto.
+ * object.c (rb_class_initialize): ditto.
+ * random.c (rb_f_srand): ditto.
+ * range.c (range_step): ditto.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_s_last_match): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_to_i): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_each_line): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_chomp_bang): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_sum): ditto.
+ * string.c (str_modifiable): declare inline.
+ * string.c (str_independent): ditto.
+Wed Mar 5 11:50:32 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/debug.rb: require 'continuation' to implement "restart"
+ command. [ruby-dev:33992]
+ * lib/debug.rb (Context::debug_command): remove local variable
+ shadowing to shut up warnings. [ruby-dev:33992]
+ * lib/debug.rb (Context::display_list): ditto.
+ * lib/debug.rb (Context::resume): ditto.
+ * lib/debug.rb (Context::get_thread): no longer use #index for Hash.
+Tue Mar 4 21:35:59 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/irb.rb (IRB::Irb::eval_input): SyntaxError should not be
+ considered as IRB bug. [ruby-dev:33991]
+ * lib/irb/workspace.rb (IRB::WorkSpace::filter_backtrace): should
+ filter 'irb.rb' as well for context mode 2 and 3.
+Tue Mar 4 19:10:43 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_aset): should not copy key string when
+ compare_by_identity is set. [ruby-dev:33604]
+ * hash.c (hash_equal): two hash tables are different when internal
+ comparison table differ. [ruby-dev:33989]
+Tue Mar 4 16:29:06 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): disallow non digits '0o' expression.
+Tue Mar 4 14:35:12 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (open_key_args): use rb_io_open_with_args instead of rb_f_open.
+ [ruby-core:15763]
+Tue Mar 4 13:41:46 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * gc.c (add_heap): fix previous change. [ruby-dev:33988]
+Tue Mar 4 10:21:03 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (add_heap): use binary search to find the place to insert the
+ new heap slot. [ruby-dev:33983]
+Tue Mar 4 05:30:31 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (open_key_args): use rb_io_open instead of rb_f_open.
+ [ruby-core:15746]
+Mon Mar 3 23:28:37 2008 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb: should normalize path
+ separators in path_info to prevent directory traversal
+ attacks on DOSISH platforms.
+ reported by Digital Security Research Group [DSECRG-08-026].
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb: pathnames which have
+ not to be published should be checked case-insensitively.
+Mon Mar 3 17:25:45 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (add_heap): sort heaps array in ascending order to use
+ binary search.
+ * gc.c (is_pointer_to_heap): use binary search to identify object
+ in heaps. works better when number of heap segments grow big.
+Mon Mar 3 17:15:09 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_regsub): remove too strict encoding check.
+ [ruby-dev:33966]
+Mon Mar 3 16:14:24 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (rb_any_hash): shrinks all results in Fixnum range.
+ [ruby-core:15713]
+Sun Mar 2 23:03:59 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_ungetc): reduce redundant call.
+Sun Mar 2 10:13:12 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (load_file): parse shebang in us-ascii. a patch from
+ sheepman <sheepman AT> in [ruby-dev:33955]
+Sun Mar 2 00:08:10 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (rb_cstr_to_dbl): check for successive underscores.
+ [ruby-dev:33952]
+Sat Mar 1 17:59:01 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (struct argf): packed ARGF stuffs.
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): use ruby_set_inplace_mode().
+Sat Mar 1 17:51:34 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit/collector/dir.rb (recursive_collect): do not always
+ include all test_*.rb.
+Sat Mar 1 14:14:17 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * development snapshot 1.9.0-1 released.
+Sat Mar 1 13:46:26 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * tool/make-snapshot: make prereq uses MINIRUBY.
+ * tool/make-snapshot: allow packaging like 1.9.0-1 by second
+ command-line argument.
+Sat Mar 1 13:11:03 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/allpairs.rb: new file for all pairs method.
+ * test/ruby/test_m17n_comb.rb: use allpairs.rb to reduce test cases.
+ * test/ruby/test_sprintf_comb.rb: ditto.
+Sat Mar 1 12:34:21 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (sym_inspect): use rb_str_inspect() instead of
+ rb_str_dump(). [ruby-dev:33946]
+Sat Mar 1 12:15:42 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval_method.c (rb_get_method_body): ent->method may be freed by
+ GC. [ruby-dev:31819]
+ * thread.c (remove_event_hook): should not access freed memory.
+ [ruby-dev:31820]
+Sat Mar 1 10:31:19 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (read_all, rb_io_getline_fast): encoding is io_input_encoding.
+Sat Mar 1 10:09:40 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (tr_setup_table, rb_str_split_m, rb_str_chomp_bang):
+ simplified with rb_enc_ascget(). [ruby-dev:33944]
+Sat Mar 1 10:01:30 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_coderange_scan_restartable): should not return
+ offset in the middle of a character.
+ * string.c (rb_str_coderange_scan_restartable): should not return
+ invalid cr value.
+Sat Mar 1 09:36:08 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): "%#.0o" should keep prefix where
+ "%#.0x" should not.
+Sat Mar 1 02:35:08 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (big2str_find_n1): check integer overflow.
+Sat Mar 1 00:29:07 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_dummy_p): bootstrap encodings can not be dummy.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_ascget): no needs to call rb_enc_precise_mbclen()
+ twice.
+Fri Feb 29 23:14:38 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_m17n_comb.rb (TestM17NComb::test_str_chomp): test
+ updated.
+Fri Feb 29 20:58:09 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_iterator.rb (TestIterator::test_enumerator):
+ adjust test for zip behavior reversion.
+Fri Feb 29 20:25:07 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_chomp_bang): now works on UTF-16.
+ * string.c (tr_setup_table): negation should work on non ASCII
+ compatible strings as well.
+ * string.c (rb_str_split_m): awk split should work on non ASCII
+ compatible strings as well.
+Fri Feb 29 18:08:43 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_strftime): format should be ascii compatible.
+ * parse.y (rb_intern3): non ASCII compatible symbols.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_regsub): add encoding check.
+ * string.c (rb_str_chomp_bang): ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_utf16.rb (TestUTF16::test_chomp): raises exception.
+Fri Feb 29 15:16:31 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_rpartition): calculation was done in byte indexing.
+ * test/ruby/test_m17n_comb.rb (TestM17NComb::test_str_start_with):
+ allow start_with? matching on broken strings.
+Fri Feb 29 15:12:43 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (opt_block_param): command can start just after block param
+ definition. [ruby-list:44479]
+Fri Feb 29 03:22:19 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/ruby/test_time.rb (test_readers): fix typo.
+ (test_strftime): "UTC" is also ok for time.gmtime.strftime("%Z").
+Fri Feb 29 02:50:07 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (str_new): remove encoding assumption of empty string.
+ * hash.c ( rb_f_getenv, env_fetch, env_inspect): result of ENV should
+ be always ASCII-8BIT.
+ * object.c (nil_to_s): nil.to_s should be US-ASCII.
+Fri Feb 29 02:24:22 2008 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: forgot to update RELEASE_DATE
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/text.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledtext.rb: remove adhoc check
+ of Ruby's features (use existence of some classes instead of
+ comparing with RUBY_VERSION)
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/root.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/autoload.rb: make TkRoot
+ (Tk::Root) unswitchable
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: partial bug fix (still not work!!)
+Thu Feb 28 23:37:12 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb (OpenURI::Meta#meta_setup_encoding): use ASCII-8BIT
+ for charset unspecified non-text data.
+Thu Feb 28 22:19:14 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (enc_capable): IMMEDIATE_P doesn't include Qnil and Qfalse.
+Thu Feb 28 19:45:52 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (enc_find): check type of argument and convert to String
+ if it is StringValue. [ruby-cvs:22866]
+Thu Feb 28 18:07:52 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb (OpenURI::Meta#meta_setup_encoding): setup encoding
+ by charset.
+ (OpenURI::Meta#meta_add_field): call meta_setup_encoding when
+ content-type.
+Thu Feb 28 15:29:12 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_getline_fast): scan coderange.
+Thu Feb 28 14:36:46 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_enc_str_copy): removed.
+Thu Feb 28 13:51:59 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (stack_check): made flag per threads.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_set_raised, rb_thread_reset_raised): prefixed.
+Thu Feb 28 11:43:56 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_flock): immediately returns on EAGAIN if
+ non-blocking. [ruby-core:15672]
+Thu Feb 28 11:23:50 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_getline_1): get rid of segfault. [ruby-dev:33938]
+Thu Feb 28 11:19:51 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_reverse_bang): removed unused variables.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_str_coderange_scan_restartable): added
+ prototype.
+ * string.c (rb_str_coderange_scan_restartable, rb_str_times): removed
+ unused variables.
+ * string.c (rb_str_reverse_bang): ditto
+ * string.c (rb_enc_str_copy): unused now. may be used in future?
+Thu Feb 28 03:03:32 2008 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/*: make default widget set
+ switchable between Tk (standard Tcl/Tk widget set) and
+ Ttk (Tile). Initial default widget set is Tk. Now, toplevel
+ widget classes are removed and defined as aliases.
+ For example, "TkButton" is an alias of the "Tk::Button" class.
+ Those aliases are replaced when switching default widget set.
+ "Tk.default_widget_set=" is the method for switching default
+ widget set. "Tk.default_widget_set = :Ttk" defines Ttk (Tile)
+ widget set as default. It means that "TkButton" denotes
+ "Tk::Tile::Button" class. And then, "" creates
+ a Tk::Tile::Button widget. Of course, you can back to use
+ standard Tk widgets as the default widget set by calling
+ "Tk.default_widget_set = :Tk", whenever you want. Based on
+ the feature, you can use Ttk widget styling engine on your
+ old Ruby/Tk application without modifying its source, if you
+ don't use widget options unsupported on Ttk widgets (At first,
+ call "Tk.default_widget_set = :Ttk", and next load and run
+ your application).
+ This is one step for supporting Tcl/Tk8.5 features.
+Wed Feb 27 22:55:42 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_coderange_scan_restartable): coderange scanning
+ for partial read.
+ * io.c (read_all): set coderange when not convert encoding.
+Wed Feb 27 03:55:58 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb, enc/make_encmake.rb: load current mkmf.rb even if
+ cross-compiling.
+ * ext/extmk.rb, enc/make_encmake.rb, lib/mkmf.rb: need to be 1.8
+ compatible for cross-compiling.
+Tue Feb 26 16:53:13 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-calculate-indent): should distinguish
+ comment and # in strings. [ruby-dev:33874]
+Tue Feb 26 16:41:27 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (combi_len, rb_ary_product): check for overflow.
+ [ruby-Bugs-18355]
+Tue Feb 26 16:38:10 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (recursive_cmp): compare minimal length parts.
+Tue Feb 26 16:06:00 2008 Technorama Ltd. <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_{ec,dh,dsa,rsa}.c: Remove useless warnings.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c: Simplify code.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl_session.c Fix compiler warnings.
+ Undefine #id if SSL_SESSION_get_id is not supported.
+Tue Feb 26 15:50:10 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (value_expr_gen): removed inappropriate warning.
+ [ruby-core:15660]
+Tue Feb 26 15:43:42 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * parse.y (tokadd_escape): refactored. [ruby-core:15657]
+Tue Feb 26 15:30:36 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_eql, rb_ary_cmp): get rid of stack overflow with
+ self-recursive constructs. [ruby-Bugs-18356]
+Tue Feb 26 01:16:01 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (ROBJECT_NUMIV): renamed from ROBJECT_LEN.
+ (ROBJECT_IVPTR): renamed from ROBJECT_PTR.
+ * variable.c: follow the above renaming.
+ * object.c: ditto.
+ * gc.c: ditto.
+ * marshal.c: ditto.
+Mon Feb 25 17:30:29 2008 Technorama Ltd. <>
+ * ext/openssl/digest.c ext/openssl/lib/openssl/digest.rb:
+ Commit patch #9280 from Akinori MUSHA.
+ Simplify the OpenSSL::Digest class and make use of the
+ existing Digest framework.
+ Enhance performance.
+Mon Feb 25 15:33:29 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * bignum.c (big2str_karatsuba): initialize cache if not initialized.
+ * bignum.c (Init_Bignum): delayed initializing cache.
+ [ruby-dev:33930]
+Mon Feb 25 13:40:03 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (Init_process): share bignum objects for RLIM_INFINITY,
+ RLIM_SAVED_MAX and RLIM_SAVED_CUR if they are equal.
+Mon Feb 25 10:41:41 2008 Martin Duerst <>
+ * encoding.c (Encoding#dummy): minor grammatical fixes
+ in rdoc documentation.
+Mon Feb 25 00:01:03 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * cygwin/ (clean-local): should be double-colon.
+Sun Feb 24 23:39:59 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, {bcc,win}32/Makefile.sub (clean-local): remove
+ intermediate files.
+ * cygwin/ (clean-local): remove def file.
+Sun Feb 24 06:49:12 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * debug.c (ruby_set_debug_option): separated ruby_each_words().
+ * util.c (ruby_each_words): extracted from ruby_set_debug_option().
+ * ruby.c (enable_option, disable_option): allow all for all known
+ features.
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): generalized enable/disable options.
+ * ruby.c (ruby_init_gems): take enabled flag. [ruby-core:14840]
+ * ruby.c (process_options): added --disable-rubyopt flag.
+ * include/ruby/util.h (ruby_each_words): prototype.
+Sun Feb 24 05:25:26 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): check if argument for -E exists.
+Sun Feb 24 05:09:43 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-style.el (ruby-style-label-indent): fix for labels inside
+ blocks in switch.
+Sun Feb 24 03:52:58 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * util.c (valid_filename): use O_EXCL to get rid of clobbering
+ existing files in race conditions.
+Sat Feb 23 21:36:13 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_init_cp): should return value.
+Sat Feb 23 20:16:05 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (str_sublen): removed.
+ * string.c (rb_str_reverse, rb_str_reverse_bang): use
+ single_byte_optimizable.
+Sat Feb 23 19:25:18 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_enc_cr_str_copy_for_substr): renamed from
+ rb_enc_cr_str_copy.
+ * string.c: use rb_enc_cr_str_copy_for_substr and keep coderange.
+Sat Feb 23 18:50:17 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_encoding2cp): remove US-ASCII
+ mapping.
+Sat Feb 23 01:09:47 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rlimit_resource_type): new function.
+ (rlimit_resource_value): new function.
+ (proc_getrlimit): use rlimit_resource_type to accept
+ symbol and string as resource type.
+ (proc_setrlimit): use rlimit_resource_type and rlimit_resource_value
+ to accept symbol and string as resource type and values.
+Fri Feb 22 21:12:42 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_enc_cr_str_copy): check string's coderange is 7bit or
+ valid.
+Fri Feb 22 19:50:19 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (BIGZEROP): fix for longer Bignum zeros. [ruby-Bugs-17454]
+Fri Feb 22 15:47:36 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_mbclen): return minlen instead of 1 when
+ a character is not found properly.
+ * string.c (rb_enc_strlen): round up string length with fixed
+ multibyte encoding such as UTF-32.
+ (rb_enc_strlen_cr): ditto.
+ (rb_str_substr): fix substring with fixed multibyte encoding.
+ (rb_str_justify): check number of characters.
+Fri Feb 22 12:11:12 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_inspect): string of ascii incompatible encoding
+ should be escaped and returned as US-ASCII encoding.
+Fri Feb 22 11:16:55 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_substr): copy encoding although empty string.
+Fri Feb 22 04:48:22 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_times): empty string's coderange is CODERANGE_7BIT.
+ * string.c (rb_str_substr): ditto.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_compatible): empty string is compatible with not
+ only nonasciicompatible strings. [ruby-dev:33895]
+Thu Feb 21 17:15:15 2008 Martin Duerst <>
+ * transcode.c: Added basic support for passing options to String#encode
+ via a hash. Currently only one option, with one value, is supported:
+ invalid: :ignore (dropping invalid byte sequences instead of
+ producing an error). Option naming is not yet stable!
+ * test/ruby/test_transcode.rb: Added a single test for invalid: :ignore
+ option. Not more tests because most data does not yet distinguish
+ between INVALID and UNKNOWN.
+Thu Feb 21 16:35:26 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_unshift_m): expands enough for argc. [ruby-dev:33880]
+Thu Feb 21 14:49:40 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (argf_set_encoding): uses current_file after check if next
+ input is available.
+Thu Feb 21 14:13:38 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_f_putc): invoke stdout method so that redefining putc
+ may take effect. [ruby-talk:291844]
+ * io.c (rb_f_puts): ditto.
+Thu Feb 21 11:10:49 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c: replace rb_enc_copy by rb_enc_cr_str_copy or
+ rb_enc_cr_str_exact_copy.
+Thu Feb 21 10:35:04 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_enc_asciicompat): dummy encoding is not
+ ascii compatible. [ruby-dev:33878]
+Thu Feb 21 00:01:34 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RPATHFLAG): -R option of HP-UX ld is not for runtime
+ load path. [ruby-list:44600]
+Wed Feb 20 23:55:19 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_map_errno): exported.
+Wed Feb 20 23:28:43 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/readline/extconf.rb (rl_event_hook): workaround for native
+ windows.
+Wed Feb 20 19:42:03 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_associate_index): doesn't clear coderange
+ when new encoding equals to old one.
+Wed Feb 20 19:15:38 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_enc_str_copy): added for wrapper for rb_enc_copy.
+ this also copy coderange when ptr and len is equal.
+ * string.c (rb_enc_cr_str_copy): added for wrapper for rb_enc_copy.
+ this always copy coderange.
+ * string.c (str_replace_shared): use rb_enc_str_copy.
+ * string.c (str_new3): don't rb_enc_copy because encoding is copied
+ at str_replace_shared.
+Wed Feb 20 13:08:52 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * instruby.rb (parse_args): added --dir-mode, --script-mode and
+ --cmd-type options. [ruby-dev:33816]
+ * instruby.rb (parse_args): added bin-arch and bin-comm to install
+ type, for compiled files and script files.
+ * instruby.rb (parse_args): deal with make style command line macros,
+ and count as long style options if prefixed with INSTALL_.
+ * instruby.rb (makedirs): use $dir_mode. [ruby-dev:33805]
+ * instruby.rb (open_for_install): set file mode, which is now
+ permission mode instead of access mode.
+ * instruby.rb (bin-comm): installs scripts with replacing shebang
+ lines.
+Wed Feb 20 10:04:22 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (open_key_args): set arg->io even if no options passed.
+ [ruby-dev:33072]
+Tue Feb 19 21:11:49 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_enc_strlen_cr): get length with coderange scan.
+ * string.c (str_strlen): use rb_enc_strlen_cr. [ruby-dev:33849]
+Tue Feb 19 20:49:49 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_raise_jump): moved adjustment for control frame.
+Tue Feb 19 18:34:32 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * gc.c (STACK_LENGTH) [SPARC] : 0x80 offset removed. [ruby-dev:33857]
+Tue Feb 19 14:27:32 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_event): prevent polling. based on
+ a patch from error errorsson in [ruby-Bugs-17675].
+Tue Feb 19 11:14:13 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_exec_node): no thread starts inside iseq compilation.
+ * eval.c (rb_f_raise): skip current control frame. [ruby-core:15589]
+ * insns.def (opt_div): raise as the ordinary method. [ruby-core:15589]
+Mon Feb 18 15:16:30 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_each_line): fix newline size.
+Mon Feb 18 13:06:37 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/irb/locale.rb (IRB::Locale#lc2kconv): check ja_JP.EUC-JP as well.
+Mon Feb 18 11:51:19 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c (re_warn): defined to restore warnings for /[a-c-e]/, etc.
+Mon Feb 18 10:17:42 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/pty/lib/expect.rb (IO#expect): check if peer is closed.
+ [ruby-Bugs-17940]
+Mon Feb 18 00:33:03 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_regsub): don't repeat repl twice with
+ "X".sub!(/./, sprintf("\\%c", 255)).
+Sun Feb 17 23:06:55 2008 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI::escapeHTML): use gsub with Hash. [ruby-dev:33828]
+Sun Feb 17 21:38:21 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (ENC_CODERANGE_AND): fix broken case. [ruby-dev:33826]
+ * string.c (rb_str_times): fix broken case. [ruby-dev:33826]
+Sun Feb 17 20:45:10 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_prepare_re): add enable_warning parameter.
+ (rb_reg_adjust_startpos): disable warning by rb_reg_prepare_re.
+ (rb_reg_search): follow rb_reg_prepare_re parameter change.
+Sun Feb 17 20:12:41 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_regexp.rb: add tests to achieve over 90% test
+ coverage of re.c.
+Sun Feb 17 15:25:08 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (ENC_CODERANGE_AND): added.
+ * string.c (rb_str_plus, rb_str_times): keep coderange.
+ * parse.y (STR_NEW0) use rb_usascii_str_new.
+Sun Feb 17 14:07:24 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (str_strlen): rb_enc_strlen doesn't fail.
+Sun Feb 17 13:03:48 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (str_sublen): use rb_enc_strlen.
+Sun Feb 17 12:17:52 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/{euc_jp.c,gbk.c,iso_8859_1.c,iso_8859_11.c,iso_8859_13.c,
+ iso_8859_2.c,iso_8859_6.c,iso_8859_7.c,iso_8859_8.c,iso_8859_9.c,
+ shift_jis.c,windows_1251.c}: add document about encodings.
+ * enc/cp949.c: divided into new file.
+Sun Feb 17 10:59:04 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_quote): return US-ASCII string consistently.
+Sun Feb 17 09:17:08 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_times): reduce loop overhead.
+Sun Feb 17 03:37:01 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/re.h (struct rmatch_offset): new struct for character
+ offsets.
+ (struct rmatch): new struct.
+ (struct RMatch): reference struct rmatch.
+ (RMATCH_REGS): new macro.
+ * re.c (match_alloc): initialize struct rmatch.
+ (pair_byte_cmp): new function.
+ (update_char_offset): update character offsets.
+ (match_init_copy): copy regexp and character offsets.
+ (match_sublen): removed.
+ (match_offset): use update_char_offset.
+ (match_begin): ditto.
+ (match_end): ditto.
+ (rb_reg_search): make character offset updated flag false.
+ (match_size): use RMATCH_REGS.
+ (match_backref_number): ditto.
+ (rb_reg_nth_defined): ditto.
+ (rb_reg_nth_match): ditto.
+ (rb_reg_match_pre): ditto.
+ (rb_reg_match_post): ditto.
+ (rb_reg_match_last): ditto.
+ (match_array): ditto.
+ (match_aref): ditto.
+ (match_values_at): ditto.
+ (match_inspect): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_subpat_set): use RMATCH_REGS.
+ (rb_str_sub_bang): ditto.
+ (str_gsub): ditto.
+ (rb_str_split_m): ditto.
+ (scan_once): ditto.
+ * gc.c (obj_free): free character offsets.
+Sun Feb 17 03:13:40 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/resource.rb: made version infos confirm to OS spec.
+ * {bcc32,win32}/Makefile.sub (*.rc): add dependency.
+Sat Feb 16 20:49:34 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_substr): optimized for UTF-8.
+Sat Feb 16 18:13:53 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_compatible): check encoding incapable arguments.
+Sat Feb 16 20:12:47 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c (match_inspect): avoid SEGV with MatchData.allocate.inspect.
+Sat Feb 16 19:04:17 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (str_strlen): revert r15507. [ruby-dev:33810]
+Sat Feb 16 18:25:14 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (str_strlen): little more optimization.
+ (rb_enc_nth): remove needless variable 'c'.
+Sat Feb 16 18:00:13 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_compatible): empty strings are always compatible.
+ * string.c (rb_enc_cr_str_buf_cat): ditto.
+Sat Feb 16 16:14:35 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (rb_enc_strlen): UTF-8 character count moved to str_strlen.
+ (str_strlen): UTF-8 character count is only applicable for valid
+ UTF-8 string. [ruby-dev:33807]
+Sat Feb 16 13:16:49 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_sub_bang): stringize replacing hash values.
+ (str_gsub): ditto.
+Sat Feb 16 13:01:33 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_enc_strlen): add search_nonascii like character
+ counter for UTF-8.
+Sat Feb 16 11:53:35 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_strlen): moved to string.c.
+ * string.c (rb_enc_strlen): use search_nonascii.
+ (str_strlen): don't use search_nonascii.
+Sat Feb 16 11:45:31 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/require_relative.rb: check require_relative call in eval.
+Sat Feb 16 08:00:01 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ruby.c (process_options): set default_external before loading
+ libraries. [ruby-dev:33801]
+Sat Feb 16 05:49:54 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/iso_8859_{4,13}.c: Windows-1257 is replica of ISO-8859-13.
+ * string.c (single_byte_optimizable): rb_enc_mbminlen must be 1
+ when rb_enc_mbmaxlen is 1.
+Sat Feb 16 03:43:18 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_nth): moved to string.c.
+ * string.c (rb_enc_nth): moved from string.c. use search_nonascii
+ for ASCII compatible string.
+ (str_nth): wrong optimization removed to fix
+ "a".force_encoding("EUC-JP").slice!(0,10) returns
+ "a\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"
+Sat Feb 16 00:21:49 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * range.c (rb_range_beg_len): check if responds to "begin" and "end"
+ methods for non-Range object.
+Fri Feb 15 20:29:42 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_init_cp): initialize WIN32OLE.codepage
+ according to Encoding.default_external.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole.rb: ditto.
+Fri Feb 15 19:31:23 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * include/ruby/node.h (NODE_FL_NEWLINE): renamed from NODE_NEWLINE
+ to denote its a flag. [ruby-core:15529]
+Fri Feb 15 18:23:54 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_sub_bang, str_gsub): allows hash for replacement.
+Fri Feb 15 17:12:41 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_strlen): use search_nonascii() for performance.
+ * string.c (str_nth): ditto.
+Fri Feb 15 16:22:49 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (open_key_args): allow specifying both :mode and :encoding.
+Fri Feb 15 15:34:47 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_getbyte): new method.
+ (rb_str_setbyte): new method.
+Fri Feb 15 15:29:03 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/require_relative.rb: new file.
+Fri Feb 15 15:23:12 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (iconv_convert): check upper bound. a patch from
+ Daniel Luz at [ruby-Bugs-17910].
+Fri Feb 15 10:35:54 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_quote): set US-ASCII for ASCII-only string.
+ [ruby-dev:33785]
+Fri Feb 15 10:27:47 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * {win,bcc}32/Makefile.sub (config.h): added HAVE_FTRUNCATE.
+ [ruby-dev:33786]
+Fri Feb 15 09:44:11 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (reg_compile_gen): reg_fragment_setenc might not raise an
+ exception before rb_reg_compile.
+Fri Feb 15 07:37:40 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/paths.rb: Preserve compatibility with 1.8.
+Fri Feb 15 02:42:25 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (ftruncate): check if available.
+ * file.c (rb_file_truncate): check if ftruncate instead of truncate.
+Fri Feb 15 02:40:54 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (sigsetmask): check when signal semantics is not POSIX.
+ * signal.c (USE_TRAP_MASK): set true if sigprocmask or sigsetmask is
+ available.
+Thu Feb 14 23:56:38 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval_error.c (error_print): append a newline to rest lines.
+ * parse.y (reg_compile_gen): appends error message from
+ rb_reg_compile() to one from reg_fragment_setenc().
+Thu Feb 14 21:00:14 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (io_reopen): check STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR mode according to
+ stdio streams.
+Thu Feb 14 16:07:40 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_math.rb: actual-expected argument ordering for
+ test_math.rb fixed. a patch from Tadashi Saito
+ <shiba AT> in [ruby-dev:33770].
+Thu Feb 14 16:02:51 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_utime): inhibits with secure level 2 or higher.
+Thu Feb 14 12:30:02 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_preprocess_dregexp): use non-preprocessed regexp source
+ for result.
+Thu Feb 14 01:43:16 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/timeout.rb (Timeout::timeout): made sensitive to location on the
+ stack. [ruby-core:15458]
+Thu Feb 14 00:49:53 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (INSTRUBY_ARGS): pass mode to install. [ruby-dev:33766]
+ * instruby.rb (parse_args): added --data-mode and --prog-mode options.
+Thu Feb 14 00:02:19 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * eval.c (eval): allow to eval in a binding that has a singleton method.
+ [ruby-dev:33763]
+ * test/ruby/test_proc.rb: add tests to achieve over 70% test coverage
+ of proc.c.
+ * test/ruby/test_method.rb: ditto.
+Wed Feb 13 22:46:36 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb (Pathname#sub_ext): new method. [ruby-list:44608]
+Wed Feb 13 21:50:32 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * proc.c (proc_curry): new method. [ruby-dev:33676]
+ * test/ruby/test_proc.rb: add tests for above.
+Wed Feb 13 20:48:50 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RObject): add iv_index_tbl for shortcut of
+ RCLASS_IV_INDEX_TBL(rb_obj_class(obj)).
+ (ROBJECT_IV_INDEX_TBL): defined.
+ * object.c (init_copy): initialize iv_index_tbl in struct RObject.
+ * variable.c (ivar_get): use ROBJECT_IV_INDEX_TBL.
+ (rb_ivar_defined): ditto.
+ (obj_ivar_each): ditto.
+ (rb_obj_remove_instance_variable): ditto.
+ (rb_ivar_set): update iv_index_tbl in struct RObject.
+Wed Feb 13 16:21:48 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb: revert r15442. 2nd argument of String#sub parse
+ escapes. [ruby-dev:33726]
+ * bootstraptest/test_method.rb, enc/depend, instruby.rb, lib/mkmf.rb,
+ mkconfig.rb: revert r15443. ditto.
+Wed Feb 13 11:20:26 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * enc/depend: fix typo.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: revert r15443. "\\1#{sep}\\2" is wrong if sep is ended
+ with "\\".
+Wed Feb 13 08:57:21 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/markup/inline.rb: Allow inline markup to have a leading
+ '#' or '\', or trailing punctuation. i.e. *#freeze?*, *\foo?*.
+Wed Feb 13 07:21:23 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/to_html_hyperlink.rb: Moved linking to to_html.rb, move
+ crossref to to_html_crossref.rb
+Wed Feb 13 04:15:44 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (arg_concat_gen, arg_append_gen): optimize for array push.
+ * parse.y (arg_concat_gen): optimize for array concat.
+ * parse.y (arg_add_gen): removed since identical to arg_append_gen.
+Tue Feb 12 21:04:51 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (exc_list): should use mrhs if non array.
+Tue Feb 12 20:32:50 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/rational.rb (floor, ceil, truncate, round): do not use
+ definitions of Numeric.
+ * lib/rational.rb (to_i): should returns truncated self.
+ * lib/complex.rb (numerator): requires
+ Integer#{numerator,denominator}.
+ * lib/complex.rb (quo): do not use definition of Numeric.
+ * lib/complex.rb (>, >=, <, <=, between?, div, divmod, modulo,
+ floor, ceil, truncate, round): undef'ed.
+ * lib/mathn.rb (Rational#inspect): removed.
+Tue Feb 12 16:48:10 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (args, mrhs): flattens literal array splats.
+ * parse.y (exc_list): splat literal array.
+Tue Feb 12 15:27:19 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb, bootstraptest/test_method.rb, enc/depend,
+ instruby.rb, lib/mkmf.rb, lib/test/unit/util/procwrapper.rb,
+ mkconfig.rb, sample/test.rb, template/,
+ test/ruby/test_stringchar.rb: fixes around String#gsub.
+Tue Feb 12 15:11:47 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/json/lib/json/pure/generator.rb,
+ ext/json/lib/json/pure/parser.rb, ext/openssl/lib/openssl/x509.rb,
+ ext/win32ole/sample/olegen.rb, lib/date/format.rb, lib/irb/context.rb,
+ lib/irb/workspace.rb, lib/net/http.rb, lib/net/imap.rb,
+ lib/rdoc/generator.rb, lib/rdoc/markup/to_html.rb,
+ lib/rdoc/markup/to_latex.rb, lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_c.rb,
+ lib/rdoc/ri/formatter.rb, lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb,
+ lib/rexml/quickpath.rb, lib/rexml/text.rb, lib/rss/parser.rb,
+ lib/uri/common.rb, lib/uri/generic.rb, lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb,
+ lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb, lib/yaml/baseemitter.rb,
+ lib/yaml/encoding.rb: performance tuning around String#gsub.
+Tue Feb 12 12:16:45 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_hash_cmp): lighter version of rb_str_cmp() for
+ hash comparison function.
+ * hash.c (rb_any_cmp): use rb_str_hash_cmp().
+ * string.c (rb_str_casecmp): should return nil for incompatible
+ comparison.
+Tue Feb 12 12:13:25 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * instruby.rb: specify file mode to install. a patch from
+ pegacorn < AT> in [ruby-dev:33699].
+Tue Feb 12 11:38:57 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_num_coerce_bin): add ID argument to specify
+ caller's method name. [ruby-dev:33663]
+ * numeric.c (rb_num_coerce_cmp): ditto.
+ * numeric.c (rb_num_coerce_relop): ditto.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (DoSomeOne): add function name argument.
+Tue Feb 12 10:25:02 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb: Wrap parse_files' read in version check for
+ backwards compatibility.
+Tue Feb 12 10:15:14 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ruby.c (load_file): enc must effect source encoding.
+ [ruby-core:15496]
+Tue Feb 12 10:16:47 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/paths.rb: Restore require rubygems check.
+Tue Feb 12 02:42:27 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * range.c (range_include): specialize single character string
+ case (e.g. (?a ..?z).include(?x)) for performance.
+ [ruby-core:15481]
+ * string.c (rb_str_upto): specialize single character case.
+ * string.c (rb_str_hash): omit coderange scan for performance.
+ * object.c (rb_check_to_integer): check Fixnum first.
+ * object.c (rb_to_integer): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_equal): inline memcmp to avoid unnecessary
+ rb_str_comparable().
+ * parse.y (rb_intern2): use US-ASCII encoding.
+ * parse.y (rb_intern_str): ditto.
+Mon Feb 11 17:21:18 2008 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb (RSS::VERSION), test/rss/test_version.rb:
+ 0.2.3 -> 0.2.4.
+ * lib/rss/maker.rb, lib/rss/maker/, test/rss/test_maker_2.0.rb:
+ fixed a bug that RSS::Maker.make("0.9")'s item doesn't make some
+ elements if description is missed.
+ Reported by Michael Auzenne. Thanks!!!
+ * lib/rss/maker/0.9.rb, test/rss/test_maker_0.9.rb:
+ RSS::Maker.make("0.9") generates RSS 0.92 not RSS 0.91.
+Mon Feb 11 10:43:31 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ruby.c (load_file): the encoding of DATA follows the source
+ file encoding. [ruby-dev:33693]
+Mon Feb 11 06:50:42 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_pack.rb: fix tests for 64bit CPU.
+ * test/ruby/test_bignum.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_file_exhaustive.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_integer.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_time.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_numeric.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_fixnum.rb: ditto.
+Mon Feb 11 00:18:57 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/benchmark.rb (Job::Benchmark#item): fix typo.
+Sun Feb 10 21:58:32 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (encdb, transdb): depend on $(PREP).
+Sun Feb 10 16:58:20 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems*, test/rubygems*, gem_prelude.rb: Import RubyGems
+ r1601. [ruby-core:15381]
+Sun Feb 10 15:07:23 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * {bcc32,win32,wince}/Makefile.sub (MISSING): added cbrt.obj.
+Sun Feb 10 12:58:33 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/code_objects.rb: Make some attributes accessible for reuse.
+ * lib/rdoc/generator/html.rb: Pull out ContextUser classes and related
+ methods for reuse.
+ * lib/rdoc/generator.rb: Move ContextUser classes to
+ RDoc::Generator::Context for reuse.
+ * lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb: Make RDoc::RDoc initialization a little easier.
+ * lib/rdoc/options.rb: Make RDoc::Options easier to use without
+ parsing an ARGV.
+ * lib/rdoc/markup/to_*.rb: Subclass RDoc::Markup::Formatter.
+ * lib/rdoc/markup/formatter.rb: Add RDoc::Markup::Formatter to make
+ RDoc markup conversion easier.
+ * lib/rdoc/markup/fragments.rb: Make RDoc::Markup::ListItem easier to
+ test.
+ * lib/rdoc/markup/to_html_hyperlink.rb: Pulled out of the HTML
+ generator for easier reusability.
+ * lib/rdoc/markup.rb: Fix bug with labeled lists containing bullet
+ lists.
+ * lib/rdoc/generators/html/html.rb: Fix Constant display.
+Sat Feb 9 23:44:29 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * missing/tgamma.c (tgamma): use lgamma_r if available.
+Sat Feb 9 23:22:52 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/extconf.rb: simplified the condition.
+Sat Feb 9 21:20:28 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_math.rb: add tests for Math.gamma, Math.lgamma and
+ Math.cbrt, and use assert_in_delta instead of assert.
+Sat Feb 9 18:34:45 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * math.c (math_cbrt): new method Math.cbrt.
+ * (cbrt): check for replacement functions.
+ * missing/cbrt.c: new file.
+Sat Feb 9 17:51:24 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_to_f): use strtod() for more
+ precision. [ruby-talk:290296]
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BASE_FIG): made constant.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/extconf.rb: ditto. [ruby-dev:33658]
+Sat Feb 9 12:06:45 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * missing/tgamma.c (tgamma): add error check.
+Sat Feb 9 11:47:03 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * math.c (math_gamma): add error check.
+ (math_lgamma): ditto.
+Sat Feb 9 11:09:26 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * missing/lgamma_r.c (lgamma_r): return HUGE_VAL for non-positive
+ integers.
+Sat Feb 9 10:03:07 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_new4): copy encoding from orig, instead of shared
+ one.
+Sat Feb 9 01:01:38 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * file.c (lchmod_internal): fix warning cast from pointer to integer of
+ different size.
+Sat Feb 9 00:44:52 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/irb.rb (IRB::Irb::eval_input): rescues Interrupt and other than
+ SystemExit and SignalException. [ruby-core:15359]
+Fri Feb 8 23:51:36 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * missing/lgamma_r.c (lgamma_r): use smaller argument for sin function.
+Fri Feb 8 22:10:36 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb (OpenURI.open_http): rescue URI::InvalidURIError by
+ URI.parse for location URI.
+Fri Feb 8 19:22:13 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (rb_str_derive): uses rb_str_subseq() for byte
+ length. [ruby-dev:33653]
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (iconv_convert): added toidx argument to set
+ encoding of successfully converted string. [ruby-dev:33221]
+Fri Feb 8 15:09:21 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (xsystem): expand macros like as make.
+Fri Feb 8 09:27:57 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/driver.rb (read_yaml): remove SM* for compatibility.
+Fri Feb 8 00:07:24 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_hash.rb: follow the change of Hash#flatten.
+ * test/ruby/test_time.rb: add tests to achieve over 70% test coverage
+ of time.c.
+ * test/ruby/test_prec.rb: ditto over 90% for prec.c.
+Thu Feb 7 19:11:39 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_dup): reverted unneeded change. [ruby-dev:33634]
+ * string.c (rb_str_replace): makes frozen shared string before
+ sharing.
+Thu Feb 7 16:33:51 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (io_reopen): don't change access mode for stdin, stdout and
+ stderr. [ruby-core:15360]
+Thu Feb 7 16:33:48 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (str_replace_shared): replaces string with sharing.
+ * string.c (rb_str_new4, rb_str_associate, rb_str_associated): allows
+ associated strings shared.
+ * string.c (rb_str_dup, rb_str_substr, rb_str_replace): shares memory.
+ [ruby-core:15400]
+Thu Feb 7 15:42:42 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_end_with): compares with the suffix.
+Thu Feb 7 15:03:15 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/trans/korean.c: add support for CP949 by Park Ji-In.
+ [ruby-dev:33626]
+Thu Feb 7 11:11:02 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * missing/lgamma_r.c (lgamma_r): some compilers don't permit dividing
+ by literal 0.0. use const variable instead.
+ * {bcc32,win32,wince}/Makefile.sub (MISSING): add lgamma_r.obj and
+ tgamma.obj.
+Thu Feb 7 10:39:21 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * math.c (math_gamma): new method Math.gamma.
+ (math_lgamma): new method Math.lgamma.
+ * include/ruby/missing.h (tgamma): declared unless HAVE_TGAMMA.
+ (lgamma_r): declared unless HAVE_LGAMMA_R.
+ * (tgamma): check for replacement functions.
+ (lgamma_r): ditto.
+ * missing/tgamma.c: new file. based on gamma.c from
+ "C-gengo niyoru saishin algorithm jiten" (New Algorithm handbook
+ in C language) (Gijyutsu hyouron sha, Tokyo, 1991)
+ by Haruhiko Okumura.
+ * missing/lgamma_r.c: ditto.
+ * LEGAL (missing/tgamma.c): describe as public domain.
+ (missing/lgamma_r.c): ditto.
+Thu Feb 7 09:05:57 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c (nkf_enc_from_index): BINARY does not
+ have in-bound encoding index.
+Thu Feb 7 04:26:28 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/trans/korean.c: add EUC-KR conversion support by Park Ji-In.
+ [ruby-dev:33621]
+Wed Feb 6 01:47:39 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_flatten): do not flatten recursively by default.
+ [ruby-dev:33603]
+Wed Feb 6 00:50:19 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * insns.def (adjuststack): never use INC_SP with minus value because
+ some compilers cannot deal it correctly. use DEC_SP instead.
+Wed Feb 6 00:48:41 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_hash.rb: add tests to achieve over 90% test coverage
+ of hash.c.
+ * test/ruby/test_env.rb: ditto.
+Wed Feb 6 00:24:49 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * hash.c (env_rassoc): remove access to free'd environment on mswin32.
+Tue Feb 5 21:57:34 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * vm.c (rb_call_super): pass a passed block when super is called via
+ rb_call_super. [ruby-dev:33598]
+Tue Feb 5 11:14:11 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (INSTALL_DIRS, install_dirs): added BINDIR.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (install_files): rejects files matching to
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (init_mkmf): defaults $NONINSTALLFILES to backup and
+ temporary files.
+Mon Feb 4 21:52:06 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb (DelegateClass): use define_method instead of
+ module_eval to improve performance. [ruby-dev:33586]
+Mon Feb 4 16:44:24 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (darwin): NSIG is not defined if _XOPEN_SOURCE > 500L.
+ [ruby-dev:33584]
+Mon Feb 4 14:51:19 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (rb_enc_symname2_p): support "!", "!=" and "!~".
+ [ruby-dev:33592]
+Mon Feb 4 13:58:42 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb (Delegator.preserved, DelegateClass.methods): extend
+ shouldn't be delegated. [ruby-dev:32987], etc.
+Mon Feb 4 08:59:31 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI::QueryExtension::[]): no more transition
+ extend(CGI::Value). a patch from <tommy AT> in
+ [ruby-dev:33583].
+Sun Feb 3 21:13:13 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_numeric.rb: forgot to add this (at r15360).
+ * test/ruby/test_file_exhaustive.rb: add tests to achieve over 80% test
+ coverage of file.c.
+Sat Feb 2 20:06:42 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/benchmark.rb (Benchmark::realtime): make Benchmark#realtime
+ a bit faster. a patch from Alexander Dymo <dymo AT> in
+ [ruby-core:15337].
+Sat Feb 2 17:40:21 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * time.c (time_cmp): Time.<=> no longer supports comparison with
+ numeric. [ruby-core:15332]
+Sat Feb 2 09:53:39 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (darwin): disabled fat-binary support which confuses
+ configure much, since ``universal'' implies hidden cross-compiling.
+ TODO: ruby and libruby.bundle might be possible to bound with `lipo'
+ after builds for each archs. Anyway, config.h and rbconfig.rb must
+ be separated definitely at least.
+Sat Feb 2 09:28:36 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * random.c (limited_big_rand): fix buffer overflow when SIZEOF_BDIGITS
+ is 2. fixed by Kenta Murata. [ruby-dev:33565]
+Fri Feb 1 21:42:37 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (darwin): _XOPEN_SOURCE is necessary to make ucontext_t
+ consistent with the library implementation of MacOS X 10.5.
+ [ruby-dev:33461]
+ * (darwin): ucontext on PowerPC MacOS X 10.5 is broken.
+Fri Feb 1 11:44:22 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/compile_prelude.rb (C_ESC): use octal escape to avoid
+ "\x09for (;;) ..." to be interpret the first character 0x9f.
+Thu Jan 31 23:06:42 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_bignum.rb: suppress warnings during test.
+ * test/ruby/test_enum.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_integer.rb: add tests to achieve over 90% test
+ coverage of numeric.c.
+ * test/ruby/test_float.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_fixnum.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_numeric.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_pack.rb: add tests to achieve over 90% test coverage
+ of pack.c.
+Thu Jan 31 17:30:42 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): no need to call r_entry for immediate values.
+Thu Jan 31 15:46:30 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/formatter.rb (output): add accessor.
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/display.rb (page): replace @formatter.output instead of
+ $stdout.
+Thu Jan 31 15:06:50 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): call r_entry/r_leave to call proc when
+Thu Jan 31 14:03:38 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/display.rb (display_method_list, display_class_list):
+ use @formatter.raw_print_line instead of puts.
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/driver.rb (select_methods): new method to collect all
+ instance/class methods which match with passed pattern.
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/driver.rb (run): use class_cache's result directly
+ instead of select_classes' because it's removed now.
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/driver.rb (run): search methods when passed name is not
+ class name. [ruby-core:15309]
+Thu Jan 31 08:31:19 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (ext/extmk.rb, instruby.rb): inlined $(MAKE) so that can
+ be executed even with -n.
+Thu Jan 31 06:24:22 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_close_read): replaces fptr with the tied writer if
+ duplex.
+ * io.c (rb_io_close_write): unties the tied IO for writing if duplex.
+ [ruby-dev:33532]
+Thu Jan 31 02:22:04 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (open_key_args): allow encoding key to take two encoding
+ names. a patch from <rubikitch AT>. [ruby-dev:33540]
+Thu Jan 31 02:15:49 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (dsym): allow empty symbols. [ruby-core:15248]
+Thu Jan 31 00:01:51 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (select_internal): fix SEGV by `select [STDIN],nil,[STDIN]'.
+ fixed by Petr Chromec.
+Wed Jan 30 17:32:49 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/*.c: add GB12345, UCS-{2,4}{BE,LE}.
+Wed Jan 30 14:32:18 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/driver.rb (cache_file_for): shouldn't use `:' in filename.
+Wed Jan 30 14:27:19 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_succ): use wrapped character as a carry for
+ ASCII incompatible encoding.
+Wed Jan 30 12:26:59 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enc/utf_16be.c (UTF16_IS_SURROGATE_FIRST): avoid branch.
+ (UTF16_IS_SURROGATE): defined.
+ (utf16be_mbc_enc_len): validation implemented.
+ * enc/utf_16le.c (UTF16_IS_SURROGATE_FIRST): avoid branch.
+ (UTF16_IS_SURROGATE): defined.
+ (utf16le_mbc_enc_len): validation implemented.
+Wed Jan 30 12:06:43 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_cstr_to_inum): '0_2' is a valid representation.
+Wed Jan 30 11:57:50 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb: fix -I../../hoge case.
+Wed Jan 30 01:25:16 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_range.rb: add tests to achieve over 90% test coverage
+ of range.c.
+Wed Jan 30 00:09:37 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enc/euc_tw.c (euctw_mbc_enc_len): validation implemented.
+Tue Jan 29 22:58:11 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_enumerator.rb: add tests to achieve over 90% test
+ coverage of enumerator.c.
+ * test/ruby/test_enum.rb: add for enum.c.
+Tue Jan 29 22:29:48 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * enumerator.c: fix documents.
+Tue Jan 29 22:27:11 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * range.c: fix SEGV by ("a" .. "z").step(2 ** 30) { }.
+Tue Jan 29 21:59:16 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enc/euc_tw.c (euctw_islead): 0x8e is a leading byte.
+Tue Jan 29 21:55:35 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * bignum.c: move object allocation out of blocking_region.
+ [ruby-dev:33139]
+Tue Jan 29 20:37:36 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/trans/make_transdb.rb: add for make transdb.h.
+ * dmytranscode.c: add for miniruby.
+ * enc/gbk.c (gbk_left_adjust_char_head, gbk_is_allowed_reverse_match):
+ fix odd regexp match. [ruby-dev:33502]
+Tue Jan 29 20:17:06 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * {bcc32,win32}/Makefile.sub (MINIOBJS): add dmytranscode.$(OBJEXT).
+Tue Jan 29 19:39:40 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ *, fix rule for dmytranscode.o.
+Tue Jan 29 19:03:16 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/trans/japanese.c (rb_to_Windows_31J): to 'Windows-31J'.
+ * add rules for transdb.h.
+ * transcode.c (init_transcoder_table): use transdb.h.
+Tue Jan 29 18:05:48 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (encdb_{replicate,alias,dummy,declare}): define only if
+ NO_ENCDB_H is not defined.
+Tue Jan 29 17:54:11 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/gbk.c (EncLen_gbk): too short. [ruby-dev:33497]
+Tue Jan 29 17:25:22 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * dmyencoding.c, encoding.c (enc_init_db, NO_ENCDB_H):
+ miniruby doesn't use encdb.
+ * encdb.h use miniruby.
+Tue Jan 29 17:37:36 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enc/gb18030.c (gb18030_mbc_enc_len): validation implemented.
+Tue Jan 29 17:01:07 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/ifchange: remove $temp when unchanged.
+Tue Jan 29 16:59:01 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * insns.def (toregexp): generate a regexp from strings instead of one
+ string.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_new_ary): defined for toregexp. it concatenates
+ strings after each string is preprocessed.
+ * compile.c (compile_dstr_fragments): split from compile_dstr.
+ (compile_dstr): call compile_dstr_fragments.
+ (compile_dregx): defined for dynamic regexp.
+ (iseq_compile_each): use compile_dregx for dynamic regexp.
+ [ruby-dev:33400]
+Tue Jan 29 16:25:26 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ *, ext/extmk.rb: always make encdb.h.
+Tue Jan 29 12:53:39 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/gbk.c: add GBK, CP936 and CP949.
+ * enc/euc_kr.c: remove CP949.
+ * enc/euc_cn.c: remove CP936 and rename to gb2312.c
+ * enc/gb2312.c: GB2312 is preferred MIME name.
+Tue Jan 29 03:01:29 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * parse.y (reg_fragment_setenc_gen): US-ASCII script special code.
+ * parse.y (reg_fragment_check_len, reg_compile_gen): no need such
+ trick.
+ [ruby-dev:33399]
+ * test/ruby/test_m17n.rb (test_regexp_usacii_literal): add tests.
+Tue Jan 29 01:38:02 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ($(srcdir)/revision.h): no need to show ifchange execution
+ because ifchange echos updated or unchanged.
+Tue Jan 29 01:26:23 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (up): use last changed revision.
+ * (up): force to update revision.h.
+Tue Jan 29 00:12:17 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big2str0): should be US-ASCII.
+Tue Jan 29 00:10:00 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-mode-set-encoding): updates magic comment.
+Mon Jan 28 23:47:52 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * parse.y (rb_id2str, ripper_initialize, Init_ripper):
+ use rb_usascii_str_new2. [ruby-dev:33449]
+Mon Jan 28 19:37:08 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_cp2encoding): new function.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_wc2vstr, ole_variant2val, fole_missing):
+ set encoding to result.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (fole_s_set_code_page, Init_win32ole): set
+ default encoding.
+ [ruby-dev:33433]
+Mon Jan 28 11:17:28 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c, parse.y, re.c: use rb_ascii8bit_encoding.
+Mon Jan 28 17:54:15 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/utf_7.h: add dummy encoding UTF-7 and its alias CP65000.
+Mon Jan 28 17:41:19 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * enc/utf_8.c: add alias CP65001.
+Mon Jan 28 15:33:23 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enc/big5.c (big5_mbc_enc_len): validation implemented.
+Mon Jan 28 13:02:02 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enc/euc_kr.c (euckr_mbc_enc_len): validation implemented.
+Mon Jan 28 11:24:49 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * parse.y (parser_str_new): encoding of UTF-8 literal string in
+ US-ASCII script is UTF-8. [ruby-dev:33406]
+Mon Jan 28 10:25:59 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_m17n.rb (test_magic_comment): add test.
+Mon Jan 28 09:34:54 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * (help): use double quotes for nmake.
+Mon Jan 28 00:39:09 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_set_encode): check if encoding is ASCII compatible.
+Mon Jan 28 01:21:15 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_open_file): should check NUL in path.
+ <>.
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_popen): ditto.
+ * io.c (rb_io_reopen): ditto.
+ * io.c (next_argv): ditto.
+Sun Jan 27 23:33:35 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): fix for left justify flag.
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): zero-precision zero bug revised.
+ [ruby-dev:33419]
+Sun Jan 27 23:20:54 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/oniguruma.h: precise mbclen API redesigned to avoid
+ inline functions.
+ (onigenc_mbclen_charfound): removed.
+ (onigenc_mbclen_needmore): removed.
+ (onigenc_mbclen_recover): removed.
+ (ONIGENC_MBC_ENC_LEN): use onigenc_mbclen_approximate.
+ * regenc.c (onigenc_mbclen_approximate): defined.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (MBCLEN_CHARFOUND): removed.
+ (MBCLEN_INVALID): removed.
+ (MBCLEN_NEEDMORE): removed.
+ (MBCLEN_CHARFOUND_P): defined.
+ (MBCLEN_INVALID_P): defined.
+ (MBCLEN_NEEDMORE_P): defined.
+ * encoding.c: use new API.
+ * re.c: ditto.
+ * string.c: ditto.
+ * parse.y: ditto.
+Sun Jan 27 22:55:27 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (value_expr_gen): reverted r12880. [ruby-dev:33388]
+Sun Jan 27 22:33:39 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): fix for octal with precision.
+ [ruby-dev:33411]
+Sun Jan 27 22:31:45 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-mode-set-encoding): automatically insert
+ encoding magic comment.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-mode): set ruby-mode-set-encoding to buffer
+ local before-save-hook.
+Sun Jan 27 19:51:15 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_inspect): avoid exception by
+ "\#\xa1".force_encoding("euc-jp").inspect.
+Sun Jan 27 19:07:33 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_succ): warning suppressed.
+Sun Jan 27 18:18:13 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (help): show major targets.
+Sun Jan 27 17:54:48 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf.c: raise error when no output encoding is given.
+Sun Jan 27 17:20:10 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_succ): don't increment/decrement codepoint.
+Sun Jan 27 16:03:42 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb (RubyLex#buf_input): use chars.to_a.
+Sun Jan 27 16:27:22 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8: update nkf.
+Sun Jan 27 16:25:27 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_source): set encoding as regexp encoding.
+Sun Jan 27 05:56:39 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_preprocess): force fixed encoding when ASCII
+ incompatible source string.
+Sat Jan 26 23:46:33 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): zero-precision zero should be empty.
+ [ruby-dev:33363]
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): not prepend octal prefix to negative or
+ zero value. [ruby-dev:33363], [ruby-dev:33367]
+Sat Jan 26 23:42:15 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (assignable_gen, keyword_to_name): __ENCODING__ was missing.
+Sat Jan 26 19:08:45 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * marshal.c (w_object): dump string encoding in USERDEF.
+ [ruby-dev:33401]
+Sat Jan 26 17:42:23 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): validate argument expr of "next"
+ statement.
+ * bootstraptest/test_syntax.rb: add a test.
+Sat Jan 26 17:22:46 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c, compile.h: fix to calculate correct stack depth
+ at each instruction.
+Sat Jan 26 09:41:02 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/rexml/doctype.rb, test/rss/test_maker_itunes.rb: replace
+ multi-byte string.
+ * test/json/{test_json.rb, test_json_unicode.rb}:
+ add magic comment.
+Sat Jan 26 09:30:26 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_usascii_encindex): added prototype.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_usascii_str_new, rb_usascii_str_new2):
+ ditto.
+Sat Jan 26 09:17:13 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_new): set US-ASCII and ENC_CODERANGE_7BIT when
+ empty string (len == 0).
+Sat Jan 26 03:41:53 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * parse.y (parser_initialize): set default script encoding as US-ASCII.
+ * ruby.c (load_file): ditto.
+ * ruby.c (process_options): set script encoding of -e from locale
+ except when -K is specified.
+ * ruby.c (load_file): set script encoding of stdin from locale except
+ when -K is specified. [ruby-dev:33375]
+Sat Jan 26 02:51:06 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c, compile.h: fix stack pointer issues.
+ calculate correct stack depth at compile time.
+ * insns.def (emptstack): remove it and add a new insn "adjuststack".
+ * bootstraptest/test_knownbug.rb: move/remove fixed test.
+ * bootstraptest/test_syntax.rb: ditto.
+Sat Jan 26 00:17:18 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_usascii_new{,2}: defined.
+ (rb_str_new): set US-ASCII and ENC_CODERANGE_7BIT when empty
+ string.
+ * encoding.c (rb_usascii_encoding, rb_usascii_encindex): defined.
+ (rb_enc_inspect, enc_name, rb_locale_charmap, rb_enc_name_list_i):
+ use rb_str_ascii_new.
+ * array.c (recursive_join, inspect_ary): ditto.
+ * object.c (nil_to_s, nil_inspect, true_to_s, false_to_s,
+ rb_mod_to_s): ditto.
+ * hash.c (inspect_hash, rb_hash_inspect, rb_f_getenv, env_fetch,
+ env_clear, env_to_s, env_inspect): ditto.
+ * numeric.c (flo_to_s, int_chr, rb_fix2str): ditto.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big2str): ditto.
+ * file.c (rb_file_ftype, rb_file_s_dirname, rb_file_s_extname,
+ file_inspect_join, Init_file): ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_ruby_m17n.rb: add checks for encoding of string.
+Sat Jan 26 01:35:46 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * marshal.c (r_byte): use getbyte instead of getc.
+ (marshal_load): ditto.
+ [ruby-dev:33264]
+Sat Jan 26 00:43:40 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_getline_fast): don't care ASCII incompatible encoding.
+ (prepare_getline_args): generate a newline according to IO encoding
+ when necessary.
+ (rb_io_getline_1): call rb_io_getline_fast only for ASCII
+ compatible encoding.
+Fri Jan 25 21:49:36 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_buf_cat_ascii): use rb_enc_cr_str_buf_cat.
+Fri Jan 25 19:38:45 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (version.$(OBJEXT)): depends on $(srcdir)/revision.h.
+ * (revision.h): extracts revision number with ``svn info''.
+ * (up): target to update from the repository.
+ *, {win,bcc}32/Makefile.sub (IFCHANGE): tool to update a
+ file if changed.
+ * tool/ifchange: for unixen.
+ * win32/ifchange.bat: some fix
+Fri Jan 25 17:12:13 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (load_file): set default to ASCII-8BIT explicitly if -K
+ option is not given.
+Fri Jan 25 16:31:47 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_str_buf_cat_ascii): declared.
+ * string.c (rb_str_buf_cat_ascii): defined.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_s_union): use rb_str_buf_cat_ascii to support ASCII
+ incompatible encoding.
+Fri Jan 25 16:11:16 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (process_options, load_file, rb_load_file): propagates script
+ encoding by -K to libraries. [ruby-dev:33156]
+Fri Jan 25 15:56:48 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (cmdline_arguments): split argc and argv from cmdline_options.
+ * ruby.c (process_options): not set encoding of -e option from -E
+ option if they are not compatible.
+Fri Jan 25 13:15:23 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options, process_options, load_file): shouldn't effect
+ --encoding to script encoding. [ruby-dev:33169]
+Fri Jan 25 10:31:58 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * */*.bat: set svn:mime-type to text/batch.
+Thu Jan 24 23:23:06 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * enum.c (enum_one, enum_take_while, enum_drop_while): fix documents.
+Thu Jan 24 21:46:24 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * parse.y (reg_fragment_setenc_gen): associate ASCII-8BIT only if
+ str has only ASCII characters.
+Thu Jan 24 20:46:17 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_m17n.rb: follow to the following changes.
+Thu Jan 24 20:21:07 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * parser.y (parser_str_new): automatically update string literal's
+ encoding from US-ASCII to ASCII-8BIT when script encoding is US-ASCII
+ and the string includes non-ascii bytes. [ruby-dev:33348]
+ * parser.y (reg_fragment_check_gen, reg_compile_gen): automatically
+ update regexp literal's encoding from US-ASCII to ASCII-8BIT when
+ script encoding is US-ASCII, the regexp has no kcode option and the
+ regexp includes non-ascii bytes. [ruby-dev:33353]
+Thu Jan 24 19:36:22 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (URI::Generic::inspect): use Kernel#to_s instead
+ object_id with printf. [ruby-dev:33347]
+Thu Jan 24 19:29:20 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sprintf.c (remove_sign_bits): returns pointer to the first char to
+ be used, instead of copying.
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): negative indicator dots should come
+ before sign digits always. [ruby-dev:33224]
+Thu Jan 24 18:19:42 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_enc_is_newline): parenthesized arguments.
+Thu Jan 24 18:14:14 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_fixed_encoding_p): no need to treat ASCII-8BIT specially.
+Thu Jan 24 16:53:06 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_initialize): 7bit clean regexp should be US-ASCII.
+ [ruby-dev:33346]
+Thu Jan 24 16:31:04 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_getline_fast): the end point of left_char_head()
+ must be the last character. [ruby-cvs:22445]
+Thu Jan 24 16:24:25 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * parse.y (reg_fragment_setenc_gen): recognize regexp with option n as
+ as ASCII-8BIT instead of US-ASCII. [ruby-dev:33339]
+Thu Jan 24 15:44:42 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (collect_bang_i): use rb_ary_store() to avoid potential
+ memory corruption. a patch from Yusuke Endoh <>
+ in [ruby-dev:33328].
+ * array.c (ITERATE): remove unnecessary macro.
+ * array.c (sort_1): remove ary_sort_check(). in-place sort keep
+ original elements even when it's modified.
+ * array.c (sort_2): ditto.
+Thu Jan 24 15:09:40 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (make_time_t): revert round trip test. [ruby-dev:33058]
+Thu Jan 24 11:14:56 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (rb_enc_cr_str_buf_cat): ASCII incompatible encoding is
+ not compatible with any other encoding.
+Thu Jan 24 07:34:34 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * parse.y (STR_NEW0): set encoding as US-ASCII.
+Thu Jan 24 03:47:41 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/rexml/text.rb, lib/rubygems/open-uri.rb, lib/open-uri.rb,
+ test/logger/test_logger.rb, test/ruby/test_regexp.rb:
+ fix tests. [ruby-dev:33336]
+Thu Jan 24 03:23:44 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_each_line): use memchr(3) for faster newline
+ search.
+ * io.c (appendline): remove unused arguments
+ * io.c (rb_io_getline_fast): make much simpler (and faster).
+Thu Jan 24 02:13:07 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * insns.def (expandarray): fix stack inc. [ruby-dev:32892]
+ * bootstraptest/test_knownbug.rb, test_massign.rb: move a fixed test.
+Thu Jan 24 01:00:34 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.{c, h} (rb_usascii_encoding): added.
+ * parse.y (parser_str_new, rb_intern3): ascii only string literal is
+ * ruby.c (proc_optionc): -Kn means ASCII-8BIT.
+Wed Jan 23 23:54:40 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * sprintf.c: fix comment. [ruby-dev:33275]
+ * math.c: fix comment. [ruby-dev:33276]
+Wed Jan 23 22:47:34 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_struct.rb: add tests to achieve over 90% test
+ coverage of struct.c.
+ * test/ruby/test_sprintf.rb: ditto for sprintf.c.
+ * test/ruby/test_math.rb: ditto for math.c.
+Wed Jan 23 22:14:28 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/trans/japanese.c (rb_from_Windows_31J, rb_to_Windows_31J):
+ provisional workaround for Windows-31J. [ruby-dev:33320]
+Wed Jan 23 15:25:04 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * time.c (time_strftime): copy encoding from format. [ruby-dev:33303]
+Wed Jan 23 15:04:11 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (str_make_independent): should set length.
+ * string.c (rb_str_associate): hide associated array from ObjectSpace.
+ * string.c (rb_str_associated): return associated array with freezing
+ instead of false. [ruby-dev:33282]
+ * string.c (rb_str_freeze): freeze associated array together.
+Wed Jan 23 13:39:48 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_prepare_re): fix SEGV by
+ /a/ =~ "aa".force_encoding("utf-16be").
+Wed Jan 23 11:53:26 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (str_mod_check, str_nth, str_offset): constified.
+ * string.c (rb_str_dump): dump in ASCII-8BIT always.
+Wed Jan 23 10:18:10 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval_method.c (rb_export_method): set ruby_vm_redefined_flag for
+ visibility change as well. reported by K.Kosako in
+Tue Jan 22 22:26:23 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_bignum.rb: change some tests because rational
+ redefines Bignum#quo and Bignum#**.
+Tue Jan 22 20:58:15 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): need to output sodir rule.
+Tue Jan 22 19:37:16 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): lib files shouldn't depend on install
+ dir because if the dir is newer than lib files, lib files will be
+ always copied.
+Tue Jan 22 17:52:52 2008 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/trans/utf_16_32.c: Streamline parentheses, add more
+ 'static' qualifiers.
+Tue Jan 22 12:57:07 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * (MINIRUBY): remove -I$(EXTOUT)/$(arch) from
+ MINIRUBY since miniruby might not be able to load DLL.
+ * test/ruby/test_m17n.rb: move tests from bootstrap test.
+ * encoding.c (enc_find): should check name if ASCII compatible.
+ * string.c (rb_str_end_with): should check character boundary.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_compatible): encoding must be ASCII
+ compatible before checking ENC_CODERANGE_7BIT.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_compatible): wrong compatibility condition.
+ [ruby-dev:33273]
+Tue Jan 22 09:26:47 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_each_char): iterates over a shadow.
+ [ruby-dev:33243]
+Tue Jan 22 08:59:52 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/formatter.rb: Indent labeled lists like note lists.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_ri_overstrike_formatter.rb: Added.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_ri_formatter.rb: Added tests.
+Tue Jan 22 04:40:28 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (rb_intern3): do not call rb_enc_mbclen() if *m is
+ ASCII. [ruby-talk:287225]
+ * string.c (rb_str_each_line): use rb_enc_is_newline() to gain
+ performance if the record separator ($/) is not modified.
+Tue Jan 22 01:15:51 2008 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * ChangeLog: format-time-string under C locale. [ruby-dev:33261]
+Tue Jan 22 00:45:12 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_bignum.rb: add tests for bignum.c.
+Tue Jan 22 00:30:08 2008 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * bignum.c (big_shift): fix a bug that caused infinite loop when
+ left shifting.
+Mon Jan 21 20:09:38 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb (marshal_load): initialize the cache.
+Mon Jan 21 19:42:42 2008 Martin Duerst <>
+ * transcode.c, enc/trans/utf_16_32.c, test/ruby/test_transcode.rb:
+ added UTF-32BE and UTF-32LE conversions.
+Mon Jan 21 14:36:14 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * transcode.c (str_transcode): initialize transcoder in
+ rb_transcoding. [ruby-dev:33234]
+ * transcode_data.h (rb_transcoding): transcoder constified.
+Mon Jan 21 12:50:02 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c, gc.c (setjmp): sigsetjmp is a macro on cygwin.
+Mon Jan 21 12:35:00 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * transcode.c (transcode_loop, str_transcoding_resize): use unsigned
+ char. [ruby-dev:33232]
+ * transcode_data.h (rb_transcoding, rb_transcoder): removed callback
+ parameters.
+ * enc/trans/japanese.c: ditto.
+ * enc/trans/utf_16_32.c: parenthesized bit-or operands.
+Mon Jan 21 11:59:00 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_each_char): move forward. [ruby-dev:33231]
+Mon Jan 21 06:40:03 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * transcode.c (transcode_dispatch): constified return value.
+ * transcode_data.h (rb_transcoding): include pointer to rb_transcoder
+ and auxiliary data.
+ * transcode_data.h (rb_transcoder): all callback functions should have
+ their own parameters.
+ * enc/trans/{japanese,single_byte}.c: constified.
+Mon Jan 21 03:45:49 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_each_char): advance offset before get next char
+ length. [ruby-dev:33211]
+Sun Jan 20 20:00:20 2008 Martin Duerst <>
+ * transcode.c, enc/trans/utf_16_32.c, test/ruby/test_transcode.rb:
+ added UTF-16LE conversions.
+ * fixed changelog for last commit
+Sun Jan 20 17:54:00 2008 Martin Duerst <>
+ * added changelog for last commit
+Sun Jan 20 15:08:08 2008 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/trans/utf_16_32.c: new file, currently implementing
+ UTF-16BE conversions only.
+ * test/ruby/test_transcode.rb: Added tests for UTF-16BE;
+ made check_both_ways() use force_encoding differently.
+ * transcode_data.h, transcode.c: Support for more conversion
+ functions.
+Sun Jan 20 13:06:01 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_each_char): performance improvement, and stop if
+ shortened in the block. [ruby-dev:33189]
+Sun Jan 20 09:12:26 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * use -Ks when read insns.def. [ruby-dev#33185]
+ * parse.y: fix -e and stdin strings aren't set encoding.
+Sun Jan 20 05:12:44 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/make_encdb.rb: fix duplication check.
+Sun Jan 20 05:03:46 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ascii.c: remove definition of replica KOI8-U.
+Sun Jan 20 00:33:59 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/koi8_u.c: added.
+ * regenc.c, enc/utf_8.c, enc/unicode.c, enc/gb18030.c: add ARG_UNUSED.
+Sat Jan 19 22:41:39 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (coderange_scan): don't call mbclen functions for ASCII
+ characters with ASCII compatible encoding.
+Sat Jan 19 21:00:34 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/rdoc/template.rb (RDoc): defined to avoid uninitialized constant
+ error by `./ruby test/rubygems/test_gem_server.rb'.
+Sat Jan 19 20:41:29 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * encoding.c (enc_new): don't free rb_encoding to avoid SEGV by
+ `miniruby -e exit' on x86_64 GNU/Linux.
+Sat Jan 19 18:40:19 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb (once): use an instance variable which points a hash
+ as cache. [experimental]
+Sat Jan 19 17:21:29 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb, lib/date/format.rb: parse's hints as an
+ experimental function has been removed.
+Sat Jan 19 11:21:53 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (sigsetjmp): check if available.
+ * eval.c, gc.c (setjmp): do not use _setjmp if sigsetjmp is available.
+Sat Jan 19 11:10:11 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * Remove wrong assumptions about Cygwin. a patch from
+ Corinna Vinschen in [ruby-Bugs-17018].
+Sat Jan 19 09:23:14 2008 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_set_safe_array): should not use
+ recursive calling.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_variant.rb: ditto.
+Sat Jan 19 08:58:47 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/markup: Remove ListBase and Line constants.
+ * lib/rdoc/ri: Allow output IO to be specified.
+ * test/rdoc/parser/test_parse_c.rb: Move up one level, fixed.
+ * test/rdoc/parser/test_rdoc_markup_attribute_manager.rb: Renamed to
+ match new class name, updated to match new classes.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_ri_formatter.rb: Start of RI formatting tests.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_ri_attribute_manager.rb: Start of
+ RDoc::RI::AttributeManager tests.
+ * test/rdoc/test_simple_markup.rb: Moved to match new class name.
+Sat Jan 19 08:35:36 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_prepare): get encoding from the first line.
+ [ruby-dev:33168]
+ * ruby.c (load_file): set encoding to input with set_encoding.
+Sat Jan 19 03:46:42 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * thread.c (thread_create_core): prohibit thread creation in the
+ frozen thread group. a patch in [ruby-dev:33176] from sheepman
+ <sheepman AT>.
+ * thread.c (thread_create_core): should inherit ThreadGroup from
+ the current thread.
+Sat Jan 19 00:37:19 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): set result encoding for wider width.
+Sat Jan 19 00:13:19 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * thread_win32.c (w32_wait_events): shouldn't invoke interrupt handle
+ by timer_thread.
+Fri Jan 18 23:49:41 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (thread_create_core): set thread group before creating
+ thread.
+Fri Jan 18 20:19:51 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * parse.y (ripper_initialize): too early to set parser->enc.
+Fri Jan 18 20:03:05 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/setup.mak (BASERUBY): nmake cannot execute ruby correctly
+ if the path of ruby.exe is quoted.
+ * win32/setup.mak ($(ARCH)): if a macro is appended by $(APPEND),
+ a space will be inserted on the top of the line.
+Fri Jan 18 17:56:09 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval_intern.h, insnhelper.h, thread_pthread.h, vm_core.h, vm_opts.h:
+ prefixed include guards with RUBY.
+ * id.h: added include guard.
+ * regenc.h, regint.h, regparse.h: prefixed include guards with
+Fri Jan 18 15:57:05 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (thread_cleanup_func): ignore errors from destroying mutex
+ of dead thread. [ruby-core:15069]
+ * thread_pthread.c, thread_win32.c (native_thread_destroy): ditto.
+Fri Jan 18 15:56:04 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_name_list_i, rb_enc_aliases_enc_i): freeze
+ element strings to be returned.
+Fri Jan 18 14:36:34 2008 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/ruby/test_m17n.rb (test_str_dump): added test for
+ String#dump. [ruby-dev:33142]
+Fri Jan 18 12:25:13 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (load_encoding): check if successfully loaded.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_find_index): use original encoding name to
+ replicate loaded encoding instead alias.
+Fri Jan 18 09:43:02 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * re.c (rb_char_to_option_kcode): Regexp switch `s' should mean
+ Windows-31J, as wells as `-Ks'.
+Fri Jan 18 09:22:07 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (parser_initialize): explicitly call rb_ascii8bit_encoding().
+ * parse.y (parser_prepare): lex_input may not be have encoding (e.g. IO).
+ * parse.y (rb_parser_compile_string): set encoding from input string.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_find_index): use ASCII-8BIT if loading known
+ encoding failed.
+ * parse.y (ripper_initialize): move parser->enc initialization.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_aliases_enc_i): exclude non alias names from
+ Encoding.aliases.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_find_index): use original encoding name to
+ load DLL.
+Fri Jan 18 07:06:25 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (Init_IO): stdin/stdout may not be duplex.
+Fri Jan 18 04:27:57 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * sample/rdoc/markup/rdoc2latex.rb: Fix for new namespacing.
+ * lib/rdoc/markup/to_latex.rb: Fix namespacing.
+Fri Jan 18 02:02:28 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb (assert_valid_syntax): added.
+ * bootstraptest/test_knownbug.rb: added test for [ruby-list:44479]
+Fri Jan 18 01:48:06 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method): check argument number to
+ attr_reader. [ruby-core:15120]
+Fri Jan 18 00:49:31 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_check_readable): flush tied write IO too.
+ * io.c (Init_IO): tie stdin with stdout. [ruby-core:15107]
+Fri Jan 18 00:23:31 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (enc_free): removed since rb_encoding may be used while
+ cleanup.
+Fri Jan 18 00:17:19 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/euc_cn.c: split from enc/euc_kr.c.
+Fri Jan 18 00:03:54 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_init): use default external encoding
+ if nothing is given. a patch from sheepman <sheepman AT
+> in [ruby-dev:33159].
+Thu Jan 17 23:56:20 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (encdb.h): give output file name to make_encdb.rb.
+ * encoding.c (enc_table): simplified.
+ * encoding.c (enc_register_at): lazy loading. [ruby-dev:33013]
+ * regenc.h (ENC_DUMMY): added.
+ * enc/make_encdb.rb: now emits macros only.
+ * enc/iso_2022_jp.h: split from encoding.c.
+Thu Jan 17 21:48:21 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * re.c (rb_char_to_option_kcode): fixed typo.
+Thu Jan 17 21:01:25 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb (Date::Infinity#<=>): didn't work. A patch from
+ Dirkjan Bussink <d.bussink AT> [ruby-core:15098].
+ This is a bug obviously. However it didn't affect the library's
+ functions.
+ * lib/date.rb, lib/date/format.rb: some trivial changes.
+Thu Jan 17 13:07:18 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_dump): preserve the encoding of source string
+ if it is ASCII compatible. otherwise, add '.force_encoding()'
+ for ugly work around. maybe we should implement some other way
+ to keep non ASCII encoding in dumped string. [ruby-dev:33142]
+Thu Jan 17 10:30:32 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (io_fwrite): always flush IO on tty, even without newlines.
+ [ruby-core:15107]
+Wed Jan 16 22:45:27 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (enc_register_at): make own copy. [ruby-dev:33136]
+Wed Jan 16 18:03:10 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (pipe_open, rb_io_s_popen): clear temporary object to release
+ and prevent from GC.
+Wed Jan 16 17:55:07 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_quo): typo. a patch from Shin-ichiro HARA
+ <sinara AT> in [ruby-dev:33130]
+Wed Jan 16 17:36:26 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/test_delegate.rb: add new test file for delegate.rb.
+Wed Jan 16 16:14:00 2008 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ruby.1: Fix grammar.
+Wed Jan 16 15:26:31 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (sys_fail2): get rid of unlimited alloca.
+ * io.c (mode_enc, pipe_open, rb_io_s_popen): ditto.
+ * load.c (rb_feature_p): ditto.
+ * object.c (rb_cstr_to_dbl): ditto.
+ * io.c (mode_enc): fixed uninitialized variable.
+Wed Jan 16 12:51:30 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_str_tmp_new, rb_str_shared_replace):
+ prototype moved.
+Tue Jan 15 23:52:51 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/*: add ARG_UNUSED.
+ * enc/koi8_u.c: added.
+Tue Jan 15 23:00:08 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/utf_{16,32}{be,le}.c: remove some ARG_UNUSED. replace struct
+ OnigEncodingST by OnigEncoding.
+Tue Jan 15 22:30:43 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (ENC_REGISTER): use &OnigEncoding*.
+ (ENCINDEX_UTF_8): renamed from ENCINDEX_UTF8.
+ (rb_enc_init): use ENC_REGISTER.
+ * include/ruby/oniguruma.h (OnigEncodingUTF8, ONIG_ENCODING_UTF8):
+ removed.
+ * enc/*.c: remove use of &encoding_*; use enc argument instead.
+Tue Jan 15 18:44:46 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enc/utf_8.c: remove use of ONIG_ENCODING_UTF8 altogether; use
+ enc argument instead.
+Tue Jan 15 18:05:26 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * enc/utf_8.c (ONIG_ENCODING_UTF8): reverted.
+Tue Jan 15 18:01:55 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (MKFILES): add dependencies.
+Tue Jan 15 18:00:16 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enc/utf_8.c (OnigEncodingDefine): encoding name should be kept
+ unchanged.
+Tue Jan 15 17:53:05 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/utf_8.c: renamed as IANA name.
+ * enc/ ditto.
+Tue Jan 15 16:59:31 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): encoding libraries cannot be loaded until
+ load path is set.
+Tue Jan 15 15:09:28 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/setup.mak: strip out empty lines from CPP output.
+Tue Jan 15 14:57:38 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * {win,bcc}32/setup.mak (-basic-vars-): expand BASERUBY to full path
+ to get rid of ./ruby.exe.
+ * win32/enc-setup.mak: workaround for Borland make.
+Tue Jan 15 14:44:53 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_locale_charmap): use ASCII-8BIT in miniruby.
+Tue Jan 15 13:54:41 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * {bcc32,win32}/Makefile.sub (RUNRUBY): need to set archdir when
+ invoking ruby.
+Tue Jan 15 13:43:18 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * (us_ascii.o): add dependencies. [ruby-dev:33111]
+Tue Jan 15 03:41:42 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (eval): check if backtrace is empty. [ruby-core:15040]
+Tue Jan 15 01:28:47 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * simplified dummy objects dependencies.
+Tue Jan 15 01:19:00 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (OBJS): moved encoding.o from COMMONOBJS.
+ * (dmyencoding.o): added. [ruby-dev:33099]
+ *, {win,bcc}32/Makefile.sub (MINIOBJS): added
+ dmyencoding.o.
+ * dmyencoding.c (rb_locale_charmap): returns nil for miniruby.
+Tue Jan 15 00:05:50 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (appendline): specifying limit should not generate broken
+ byte sequence. strings should be rounded. [ruby-dev:33088]
+Mon Jan 14 23:33:02 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/lib/kconv.rb (Kconv.tolocale): argument is str.
+Mon Jan 14 23:31:05 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * (setup): add -I$(EXTOUT)/$(arch) to MINIRUBY.
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb (main): expand -I directory path.
+Mon Jan 14 23:28:10 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/enc-setup.mak (BUILTIN_ENCOBJS): depends on enc/
+Mon Jan 14 22:48:16 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_char_to_option_kcode): use rb_enc_find_index() instead
+ of using fixed index value.
+ * enc/ (encsrcdir): make US-ASCII built-in.
+Mon Jan 14 22:25:02 2008 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * golf_prelude.rb: Shorter method name completion. Same method
+ used for const missing. do_while and do_until added. Enumerator
+ gains all of Array's abilities. Ex:
+ '123'.m{|i|i*2} #=> "112233"
+ '123'.pe #=> '123'.perm*' ' #=> "123 132 213 231 312 321"
+ base on a patch from Darren Smith <darrenks AT>.
+Mon Jan 14 21:10:02 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enc/us_ascii.c: wrong alias name: ANSI_X3.4-1986.
+ * rubytest.rb: add -I#{srcdir} to load encoding DLL.
+Mon Jan 14 18:53:58 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c: clear thread structure.
+ (TODO: survey that child process should clear mutex or not).
+ * bootstraptest/test_knownbug.rb, test_thread.rb: move a fixed test.
+Mon Jan 14 18:43:38 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb: add "flunk" method.
+ * bootstraptest/test_knownbug.rb: fix to use flunk.
+Mon Jan 14 18:10:59 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.h: remove dangerous assembler sentence.
+Mon Jan 14 18:06:37 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_locale_encoding): return US-ASCII when charmap is
+ nil.
+Mon Jan 14 16:12:58 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/shellwords.rb: scape should be an alias to shellescape. a
+ patch from Masahiro Kawato <m-kawato AT> in
+ [ruby-dev:33060].
+Mon Jan 14 16:09:16 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.1: a patch to describe --encoding. a patch from Yugui
+ <yugui AT> in [ruby-dev:33079].
+ * ruby.c: ditto.
+Mon Jan 14 13:49:26 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_prepare_re): initialize error message buffer.
+ (rb_reg_search): ditto.
+ (rb_reg_check_preprocess): ditto.
+ (rb_reg_new_str): ditto.
+ (rb_enc_reg_new): ditto.
+ (rb_reg_compile): ditto.
+ (rb_reg_initialize_m): ditto.
+ (rb_reg_s_union_m): ditto.
+Mon Jan 14 12:33:07 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/markup*: Renamespace from SM::SimpleMarkup to
+ RDoc::Markup.
+Mon Jan 14 10:45:45 2008 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/ascii.c: Exchanged order of arguments for one ENC_ALIAS
+Mon Jan 14 09:19:07 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/time.rb: do not reference Time directly from the inside of
+ definitions. [ruby-dev:33059]
+Mon Jan 14 05:44:44 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/*.c: add replicas and aliases.
+ * enc/make_encdb.h: add duplicate and undefined check.
+Mon Jan 14 02:03:05 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * include/ruby/oniguruma.h: remove ONIG_ENCODING_* and OnigEncoding*
+ which are not builtin.
+ * regenc.{c,h} (onigenc_mb2_code_to_mbclen, onigenc_mb4_code_to_mbclen):
+ fix prototype.
+ * enc/big5.c, enc/euc_kr.c, enc/euc_tw.c, enc/gb18030.c,
+ enc/koi8_r.c, enc/windows_1251.c: imported from Oniguruma.
+Sun Jan 13 22:47:28 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/make_encdb.h: sort encoding names by original name.
+ * encoding.c, enc/*.c: define replicas and aliases.
+Sun Jan 13 20:24:03 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c: add documents.
+Sun Jan 13 18:41:48 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (Init_Encoding): moved initialization from encdb.h.
+ * enc/make_encdb.rb (enc_name_list): constified.
+ * enc/make_encdb.rb (enc_init_db): moved some functions to encoding.c.
+Sun Jan 13 13:53:00 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (load_file): local variable was not initialized when -x flag
+ is given.
+ * ruby.c (load_file): script files should not be affected by locale.
+ [ruby-dev:33054]
+Sun Jan 13 12:01:32 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/generators*: Reorganize RDoc generators.
+Sun Jan 13 11:41:11 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (ENCINDEX_EUC_JP, ENCINDEX_SJIS): removed.
+ (rb_enc_init): EUC-JP and Shift_JIS are not builtin now.
+ * enc/ ditto.
+ * ditto.
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): ditto.
+ * enc/shift_jis.c, enc/euc_jp.c: fixes for remove from builtin.
+Sun Jan 13 10:21:40 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (enc_table): packed all enc_table stuff.
+Sun Jan 13 09:58:17 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_init): revert removing SJIS.
+ * enc/sjis.c: move to enc/shift_jis.c, to make encoding name equal to
+ filename for convenience of loading lib.
+ * enc/shift_jis.c: moved from enc/sjis.c.
+ * follows enc/shift_jis.c.
+ * enc/ ditto.
+Sun Jan 13 09:22:33 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (incs): includes encdb.h.
+Sun Jan 13 09:17:29 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * {bcc,win}32/Makefile.sub (MV): use move instead of ren. [ruby-Bugs-17019]
+Sun Jan 13 01:52:31 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enc/make_encdb.rb: should work on Ruby 1.8. [ruby-dev:33069]
+ * (encdb.h): pass enc dir from outside to make_encdb.rb.
+Sun Jan 13 00:01:07 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/make_encdb.rb: added. search enc/*.c and make encoding database.
+ * regenc.h (ENC_REPLICATE, ENC_ALIAS): added for defining replica
+ encoding and encoding alias.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_init): move alias definitions to enc/*.c.
+ (rb_enc_find_index): search original of replica and alias when no
+ encoding library.
+ (rb_enc_name_list, rb_enc_aliases_enc_i, rb_enc_aliases_str_i,
+ rb_enc_aliases, Encoding.name_list, Encoding.aliases): added.
+ (Init_Encoding): init encdb.
+ * enc/ascii.c, enc/us_ascii.c, enc/euc_jp.c, enc/sjis.c:
+ add replica encoding and encoding alias definition.
+ * (dist-clean-local): add rule for remove encdb.h.
+Sat Jan 12 18:27:41 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_define_alloc_func, rb_undef_alloc_func): should
+ define/undef on a singleton class. [ruby-core:09959]
+Sat Jan 12 12:44:36 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf.c: rdoc update.
+Sat Jan 12 12:01:49 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb, lib/date/format.rb: tuning for performance.
+Sat Jan 12 11:29:45 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_proc.rb: fixed wrong expected result. pointed
+ out by Kornelius "murphy" Kalnbach <murphy AT> in
+ [ruby-core:15022].
+Sat Jan 12 04:38:38 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ruby.c (process_options): -e'script' is locale encoding by default.
+ (load_file): ruby script from stdin is locale encoding by default.
+Sat Jan 12 04:31:59 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c: fix bug: -m was -m0.
+Fri Jan 11 23:22:31 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (string.c): call rb_str_buf_append to update encoding of
+ str1, even if str2 is empty.
+Fri Jan 11 20:20:16 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (proc_mark): needs to mark the receiver too. a patch from
+ Chris Heath <chris AT> in [ruby-core:14983].
+ [ruby-core:14885]
+Fri Jan 11 18:28:49 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/usage.rb: Removed.
+ * lib/getoptlong.rb: Update example to not use lib/rdoc/usage.rb.
+Fri Jan 11 18:17:10 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/driver.rb (read_yaml): Follow namespace change
+ [ruby-core:14964].
+Fri Jan 11 16:55:21 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_append): performance improvement.
+Fri Jan 11 12:35:56 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * moved broken syscall checks from process.c etc.
+ * defines.h (WORDS_BIGENDIAN): honor __BIG_ENDIAN__ than the result of
+ configure.
+ * lib/rdoc/options.rb (check_diagram): more precise check, darwin
+ is not Windows but mingw is on it.
+Fri Jan 11 09:59:05 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c: update to r1.163.
+ * ext/nkf/nkf.c: ASCII's canonical name is US-ASCII.
+ * ext/nkf/lib/kconv.rb (Kconv.isjis): force_encoding('BINARY').
+Fri Jan 11 09:23:31 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (set_base_encoding): must use rb_enc_dummy_p.
+Fri Jan 11 06:13:14 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_to_encoding_index, rb_to_encoding): disallow nil.
+ [ruby-dev:33003]
+Fri Jan 11 01:08:01 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * thread.c (rb_mutex_unlock): proper error message for unlocking
+ mutex that is not locked. a patch from Yusuke ENDOH
+ <mame at> in [ruby-dev:33010].
+Thu Jan 10 18:00:41 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * prelude.rb (Mutex::synchronize): capture exception from unlock.
+ [ruby-dev:32935]
+Thu Jan 10 10:15:03 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (io_encoding_set): IO.pipe("euc-jp", nil) should work as
+ IO.pipe("euc-jp", nil). [ruby-dev:33000]
+ * io.c (io_encoding_set): handle nil for v1.
+Thu Jan 10 02:41:22 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_binmode): should not alter encoding. [ruby-dev:32918]
+ * io.c (io_read_encoding): need not to return ASCII-8BIT for
+ binary IO.
+Wed Jan 9 22:04:17 2008 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * lib/mathn.rb (Prime#each): returns an enumerator if no block
+ given. [ruby-dev:32815]
+Wed Jan 9 22:03:26 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_replicate): replica of dummy is a dummy.
+Wed Jan 9 20:55:38 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/e2mmap.rb (Exception2MessageMapper::Raise): define fail.
+ [ruby-dev:32854]
+Wed Jan 9 20:35:42 2008 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/httprequest.rb: support X-Forwarded-* header fields.
+ WEBrick::HTTPRequest#{host,port,request_uri} is derived having
+ regards to X-Forwarded-Proto and X-Forwarded-Host.
+ * lib/webrick/httprequest.rb
+ (WEBrick::HTTPRequest#server_name?): new method.
+ (WEBrick::HTTPRequest#remote_ip?): new method.
+ (WEBrick::HTTPRequest#ssl?): new method.
+Wed Jan 9 18:24:39 2008 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * golf_prelude.rb (Array#to_s): alias to join.
+ * golf_prelude.rb (FalseClass#to_s): return "".
+Wed Jan 9 16:59:54 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (rb_enc_cr_str_buf_cat): fix self appending.
+Wed Jan 9 15:54:24 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (process_options): give priority command line encoding option
+ to RUBYOPT, and enable -E option in RUBYOPT.
+ * ruby.c (load_file): deal with encoding option in shebang line if
+ nothing in command line and RUBYOPT.
+Wed Jan 9 14:55:36 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * parse.y (yycompile0): remove setting parser->enc because it is set
+ in parser_prepare() by previous change of parser_prepare().
+Wed Jan 9 14:52:18 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_enc_cr_str_buf_cat, rb_str_buf_append): deal with self
+ appending.
+Wed Jan 9 14:44:57 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * parse.y (parser_prepare): set parser->enc from lex_input for ripper.
+Wed Jan 9 13:45:52 2008 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/server.rb (WEBrick::HTTPServer#start):
+ :DoNotReverseLookup option had not been performed.
+Wed Jan 9 13:03:34 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_enc_cr_str_buf_cat): do not recalculate coderange
+ value if it's given from outside.
+Wed Jan 9 08:42:01 2008 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * enum.c: Updating the documentation of Enumerable#zip to reflect
+ the recent changes Matz made to the method.
+Wed Jan 9 01:35:10 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/ (BUILTIN_ENCS): UTF-{16,32}{BE,LE} are not builtin.
+Tue Jan 8 23:55:15 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_init): UTF-{16,32}{BE,LE} are not builtin.
+Tue Jan 8 22:33:03 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c,, include/ruby/oniguruma.h,
+ enc/ fix rules for UTF-{16,32}{BE,LE}.
+Tue Jan 8 20:02:08 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win{32,ce}/Makefile.sub: merged.
+Tue Jan 8 19:48:15 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/driver.rb: Speed up Marshal.load. Fix bug with nested
+ classes' methods.
+Tue Jan 8 19:17:29 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/*: Clean up namespacing of RI's classes.
+Tue Jan 8 18:05:35 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * bin/ri, lib/rdoc/ri/*: Replace with Ryan Davis' cached ri.
+Tue Jan 8 17:32:07 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (enum_zip): honor length of the receiver, not the
+ shortest length. [ruby-core:14738]
+ * enum.c (enum_zip): returns array not enumerator for no block
+ form. [ruby-core:14738]
+ * enumerator.c (next_ii): do not ignore multiple values yielded.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_zip): faster version without creating generators.
+Tue Jan 8 15:47:43 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * enc/utf{16,32}_{be,le}.c: use &OnigEncodingName(*) instead of
+Tue Jan 8 15:40:31 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * regenc.c (onigenc_strlen_null, onigenc_str_bytelen_null): suppressed
+ warnings.
+ * regenc.h, enc/unicode.c (onigenc_unicode_ctype_code_range): added
+ encoding argument.
+ * enc/utf{16,32}_{be,le}.c: added init functions.
+ * enc/utf{16,32}_{be,le}.c: imported from Oniguruma 5.9.1.
+Tue Jan 8 15:03:10 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (str_gsub): avoid appending empty pre-match substr.
+Tue Jan 8 13:05:57 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_build_from_ary), iseq.c (iseq_load): fix for format change.
+Tue Jan 8 07:56:11 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_buf_append): fix append itself.
+Tue Jan 8 01:13:50 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (STR_ENC_GET): defined. same as rb_enc_get without
+ enc_capable.
+ (coderange_scan): ASCII-8BIT test refined.
+ (rb_enc_cr_str_buf_cat): new internal function to accumulate
+ strings with encoding.
+ (rb_enc_str_buf_cat): use rb_enc_cr_str_buf_cat.
+ (rb_str_buf_append): ditto
+ (str_gsub): use rb_str_buf_append.
+ (rb_str_hash): use ENCODING_GET.
+ (rb_str_comparable): ditto.
+ (rb_str_cmp): compare encoding index, not rb_encoding address.
+Mon Jan 7 20:37:55 2008 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet/cgihandler.rb: external encoding of
+ tempfiles is set to "ASCII-8BIT".
+Mon Jan 7 19:39:50 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/template.rb: Use ERB instead of custom template language.
+ * lib/rdoc/generators/template/html/old_html.rb: Remove.
+ * lib/rdoc/generators/template/*: Convert to ERB.
+Mon Jan 7 19:11:30 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (Init_String): sym_match arity spec was wrong. a patch
+ from Hiroyuki Iwatsuki <don at> in [ruby-dev:32957].
+Mon Jan 7 18:10:33 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (str_gsub): move rb_enc_get(str) to out of loop.
+Mon Jan 7 15:52:10 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/oniguruma.h (OnigEncodingType): new member
+ ruby_encoding_index to avoid linear search in rb_enc_to_index.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_enc_to_index): macro defined to use
+ ruby_encoding_index.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_to_index): removed.
+ (enc_register_at): initialize ruby_encoding_index member.
+Mon Jan 7 16:10:35 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/tokenstream.rb: Namespace under RDoc.
+Mon Jan 7 16:06:09 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/dot.rb: Namespace under RDoc.
+ * lib/rdoc/diagram.rb: Clean up formatting.
+Mon Jan 7 15:51:35 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/options.rb: Convert to OptionParser, clean up -h output,
+ namespace under RDoc.
+ * lib/rdoc/*: Namespace RDoc::Options.
+Mon Jan 7 15:42:46 2008 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ *,, */Makefile.sub (distclean-local): move
+ removing rule of ext/ripper/y.output from to Makefiles
+ that depend on platforms.
+Mon Jan 7 13:54:57 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_preprocess): fix fixed_enc condition.
+Mon Jan 7 11:51:49 2008 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/generators/ri_generator.rb: Merge documentation from the
+ same class on output. Fixes bug where documentation could
+ disappear.
+ * lib/rdoc/options.rb: Fix typo.
+ * lib/rdoc/generators/*: Clean up some namespacing and make RDoc
+ consistent.
+Mon Jan 7 11:44:45 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_internal_get_index): extracted from
+ rb_enc_get_index.
+ (rb_enc_internal_set_index): extracted from rb_enc_associate_index
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (ENCODING_SET): work over ENCODING_INLINE_MAX.
+ (ENCODING_GET): ditto.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_fixed_encoding_p): use ENCODING_IS_ASCII8BIT.
+ * string.c (rb_enc_str_buf_cat): use ENCODING_IS_ASCII8BIT.
+ * parse.y (reg_fragment_setenc_gen): use ENCODING_IS_ASCII8BIT.
+ * marshal.c (has_ivars): use ENCODING_IS_ASCII8BIT.
+Mon Jan 7 02:14:07 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (coderange_scan): avoid rb_enc_to_index.
+ (rb_enc_str_buf_cat): ditto.
+ (str_cat_char): use rb_enc_str_buf_cat.
+ (rb_str_inspect): ditto.
+Mon Jan 7 01:36:49 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (coderange_scan): optimize ASCII-8BIT string.
+ (rb_enc_str_buf_cat): don't call coderange_scan if possible.
+Mon Jan 7 01:05:45 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/erb.rb (ERB::Revision): cut off locale dependent string in Date
+ keyword.
+Mon Jan 7 00:48:02 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * Date keyword removed to avoid inclusion of locale dependent
+ string. [ruby-dev:32940]
+Sun Jan 6 21:14:12 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_initialize_str): forbid raw non ASCII character
+ for ASCII-8BIT regexp in non ASCII-8BIT script.
+Sun Jan 6 18:19:12 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_enc_str_buf_cat): declared.
+ * string.c (coderange_scan): extracted from rb_enc_str_coderange.
+ (rb_enc_str_coderange): use coderange_scan.
+ (rb_str_shared_replace): copy encoding and coderange.
+ (rb_enc_str_buf_cat): new function for linear complexity string
+ accumulation with encoding.
+ (rb_str_sub_bang): don't conflict substituted part and replacement.
+ (str_gsub): use rb_enc_str_buf_cat.
+ (rb_str_clear): clear coderange.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_regsub): use rb_enc_str_buf_cat.
+Sun Jan 6 17:55:44 2008 Technorama Ltd. <>
+ * lib/securerandom.rb: Add Win32 support.
+Sun Jan 6 09:32:58 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb, lib/date/format.rb: introduced some constants
+ (for internal use) and aliases (minute and second).
+ * sample/cal.rb: trivial adjustments.
+Sun Jan 6 01:38:07 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_initialize_str): /\x80/n is not an error even if script
+ encoding is EUC-JP.
+Sun Jan 6 00:48:12 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::DNS#each_address): get A record and then AAAA
+ record. [ruby-dev:32925]
+Sat Jan 5 21:48:03 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_callee_setup_arg): it is not inlinable because
+ alloca is used.
+Sat Jan 5 16:50:48 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_resize): copy if old data is not empty
+ [ruby-core:14785]
+Sat Jan 5 13:04:24 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): no need for intermediate object.
+Sat Jan 5 11:48:19 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * encoding.c (Init_Encoding): alias csWindows31J to Windows-31J.
+ IE6 accepts csWindows31J but Windows-31J.
+Sat Jan 5 02:21:10 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_intern): memorize interned ID for constant
+ string, using gcc's __builtin_constant_p and statement expression.
+Sat Jan 5 02:14:45 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (trnext): should enable backslash escape.
+Sat Jan 5 01:50:32 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (Init_eval): move instance_eval and instance_exec to
+ BasicObject. [ruby-core:14747]
+ * lib/delegate.rb: should preserve new methods in BasicObject.
+Sat Jan 5 01:46:29 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): update according to the last API revert.
+Sat Jan 5 01:30:30 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h, re.c (rb_reg_new): keep interface same as
+ 1.8. [ruby-core:14583]
+ * include/ruby/intern.h, re.c (rb_reg_new_str): renamed, and defines
+ HAVE_RB_REG_NEW_STR macro to tell if it is available.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_enc_reg_new): added.
+ * insns.def (toregexp), marshal.c (r_object0): use rb_reg_new_str().
+ * re.c (rb_reg_regcomp, rb_reg_s_union): ditto.
+Fri Jan 4 23:08:48 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * time.c (time_arg): use converted object. [ruby-core:14759]
+Fri Jan 4 16:24:58 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/digest/lib/digest/hmac.rb (Digest::HMAC#initialize): use
+ String#bytesize to avoid test errors on EUC-JP environment.
+Fri Jan 4 14:00:50 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_prepare_re): check string encoding. Oniguruma doesn't
+ support invalid encoding.
+Fri Jan 4 10:22:25 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_search): avoid inner loop for reverse search.
+ which is turned on since oniguruma 5.9.1.
+Fri Jan 4 02:53:31 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enc/euc_jp.c: remove eucjp_ prefix. breakpoint can be specified as
+ euc_jp.c:mbc_enc_len. avoid needless conflict by merge.
+ * enc/sjis.c: remove sjis_ prefix.
+ * enc/utf8.c: remove utf8_ prefix.
+ * enc/iso_8859_1.c: remove iso_8859_1_ prefix.
+ * enc/iso_8859_2.c: remove iso_8859_2_ prefix.
+ * enc/iso_8859_3.c: remove iso_8859_3_ prefix.
+ * enc/iso_8859_4.c: remove iso_8859_4_ prefix.
+ * enc/iso_8859_5.c: remove iso_8859_5_ prefix.
+ * enc/iso_8859_6.c: remove iso_8859_6_ prefix.
+ * enc/iso_8859_7.c: remove iso_8859_7_ prefix.
+ * enc/iso_8859_8.c: remove iso_8859_8_ prefix.
+ * enc/iso_8859_9.c: remove iso_8859_9_ prefix.
+ * enc/iso_8859_10.c: remove iso_8859_10_ prefix.
+ * enc/iso_8859_11.c: remove iso_8859_11_ prefix.
+ * enc/iso_8859_13.c: remove iso_8859_13_ prefix.
+ * enc/iso_8859_14.c: remove iso_8859_14_ prefix.
+ * enc/iso_8859_15.c: remove iso_8859_15_ prefix.
+ * enc/iso_8859_16.c: remove iso_8859_16_ prefix.
+Fri Jan 4 02:47:06 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_search): iterate onig_match for reverse mode.
+Fri Jan 4 01:20:21 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32.h: only VC6 needs extern "C++" for math.h. [ruby-talk:285660]
+Fri Jan 4 00:54:43 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * include/ruby/oniguruma.h: Oniguruma 5.9.1 merged.
+Fri Jan 4 00:20:47 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (io_ungetc): move data in buffer if it is required to store the
+ argument.
+Thu Jan 3 21:56:07 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (st_strcasecmp): declared for STRCASECMP.
+ (st_strncasecmp): declared for STRNCASECMP.
+Thu Jan 3 20:24:48 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval_jump.c (rb_f_catch): Restore cfp if caught thrown object.
+Thu Jan 3 19:45:57 2008 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_eval.rb, test_knownbug.rb: move a fixed test.
+Thu Jan 3 18:39:12 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * encoding.c: (rb_tolower, rb_toupper): body was exchanged.
+Thu Jan 3 17:54:01 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * regenc.h (onigenc_ascii_is_code_ctype): put back.
+Thu Jan 3 17:33:09 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_isalnum): defined.
+ (rb_isalpha): ditto.
+ (rb_isblank): ditto.
+ (rb_iscntrl): ditto.
+ (rb_isdigit): ditto.
+ (rb_isgraph): ditto.
+ (rb_islower): ditto.
+ (rb_isprint): ditto.
+ (rb_ispunct): ditto.
+ (rb_isspace): ditto.
+ (rb_isupper): ditto.
+ (rb_isxdigit): ditto.
+ (rb_tolower): ditto.
+ (rb_toupper): ditto.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: don't include include/ruby/encoding.h.
+ (rb_isascii): defined.
+ (rb_isalnum): declared.
+ (rb_isalpha): ditto.
+ (rb_isblank): ditto.
+ (rb_iscntrl): ditto.
+ (rb_isdigit): ditto.
+ (rb_isgraph): ditto.
+ (rb_islower): ditto.
+ (rb_isprint): ditto.
+ (rb_ispunct): ditto.
+ (rb_isspace): ditto.
+ (rb_isupper): ditto.
+ (rb_isxdigit): ditto.
+ (rb_tolower): ditto.
+ (rb_toupper): ditto.
+ (ISASCII): simplified.
+ (ISPRINT): ditto.
+ (ISSPACE): ditto.
+ (ISUPPER): ditto.
+ (ISLOWER): ditto.
+ (ISALNUM): ditto.
+ (ISALPHA): ditto.
+ (ISDIGIT): ditto.
+ (ISXDIGIT): ditto.
+ (TOUPPER): ditto.
+ (TOLOWER): ditto.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_isascii): removed.
+ (rb_isalnum): ditto.
+ (rb_isalpha): ditto.
+ (rb_isblank): ditto.
+ (rb_iscntrl): ditto.
+ (rb_isdigit): ditto.
+ (rb_isgraph): ditto.
+ (rb_islower): ditto.
+ (rb_isprint): ditto.
+ (rb_ispunct): ditto.
+ (rb_isspace): ditto.
+ (rb_isupper): ditto.
+ (rb_isxdigit): ditto.
+ (rb_tolower): ditto.
+ (rb_toupper): ditto.
+ * dependency updated.
+Thu Jan 3 15:10:26 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_isascii): simplified.
+ (rb_isalnum): call onigenc_ascii_is_code_ctype without indirect call.
+ (rb_isalpha): ditto.
+ (rb_isblank): ditto.
+ (rb_iscntrl): ditto.
+ (rb_isdigit): ditto.
+ (rb_isgraph): ditto.
+ (rb_islower): ditto.
+ (rb_isprint): ditto.
+ (rb_ispunct): ditto.
+ (rb_isspace): ditto.
+ (rb_isupper): ditto.
+ (rb_isxdigit): ditto.
+ * include/ruby/oniguruma.h (onigenc_ascii_is_code_ctype): declaration
+ moved from regenc.h.
+Thu Jan 3 14:37:17 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * parse.y (parser_magic_comment): use STRNCASECMP.
+ (set_file_encoding): ditto.
+Thu Jan 3 11:44:37 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c: don't mention an obsolete library, ParseDate.
+Thu Jan 3 11:28:58 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (fptr_finalize): clear errno first. [ruby-talk:284492]
+Thu Jan 3 05:02:36 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enc/us_ascii.c: add us_ascii_ prefix for functions to ease
+ setting breakpoint when debugging.
+ * enc/euc_jp.c: add eucjp_ prefix.
+ * enc/sjis.c: add sjis_ prefix.
+ * enc/iso_8859_1.c: add iso_8859_1_ prefix.
+ * enc/iso_8859_2.c: add iso_8859_2_ prefix.
+ * enc/iso_8859_3.c: add iso_8859_3_ prefix.
+ * enc/iso_8859_4.c: add iso_8859_4_ prefix.
+ * enc/iso_8859_5.c: add iso_8859_5_ prefix.
+ * enc/iso_8859_6.c: add iso_8859_6_ prefix.
+ * enc/iso_8859_7.c: add iso_8859_7_ prefix.
+Thu Jan 3 02:44:34 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (conv_digit): use ISDIGIT, ISLOWER and ISUPPER.
+Wed Jan 2 23:50:15 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * util.c (ruby_strtoul): "0x", "+" and "-" is not a valid integer.
+ end of integer should be just after "0", the beginning, the
+ beginning respectively.
+Wed Jan 2 15:23:15 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * util.c (ruby_strtoul): locale independent strtoul is implemented to
+ avoid "i".to_i(36) cause 0 under tr_TR locale on Debian GNU/Linux
+ 4.0 (Etch).
+ This is newly implemented, not a copy of missing/strtoul.c.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (ruby_strtoul): declared.
+ (STRTOUL): defined to use ruby_strtoul.
+ * bignum.c, pack.c, ext/socket/socket.c: use STRTOUL.
+ * (strtoul): don't check.
+ * missing/strtoul.c: removed.
+ * include/ruby/missing.h (strtoul): removed.
+ * (strtoul.o): removed.
+ * LEGAL (missing/strtoul.c): removed.
+Wed Jan 2 14:41:08 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * (strcasecmp.o): removed.
+ (strncasecmp.o): removed.
+ * include/ruby/missing.h (strcasecmp): removed.
+ (strncasecmp): removed.
+Wed Jan 2 11:34:57 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * missing/strcasecmp.c: removed. Ruby don't use locale dependent
+ strcasecmp.
+ * missing/strncasecmp.c: ditto.
+ * don't check strcasecmp and strncasecmp.
+ * LEGAL: missing/strcasecmp.c and missing/strncasecmp.c removed.
+Wed Jan 2 10:13:54 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * sample/time.rb: use Process.times instead of Time.times.
+Wed Jan 2 09:09:53 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * sample/goodfriday.rb: examples for date are enough. retired.
+Wed Jan 2 08:58:54 2008 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * sample/cal.rb: just updated with the newest version.
+Wed Jan 2 01:19:31 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enc/depend: dependency updated.
+Wed Jan 2 00:14:41 2008 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/{nkf.c, utf8tbl.c}: Update nkf.
+ * ext/nkf/nkf.c: fix documents.
+ * ext/nkf/lib/kconv.rb: fix documents.
+ (*): use valid_encoding?.
+ (Kconv.isjis): defined.
+Tue Jan 1 23:17:03 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * dependency updated.
+Tue Jan 1 21:11:33 2008 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_isascii): defined.
+ (rb_isalnum): ditto.
+ (rb_isalpha): ditto.
+ (rb_isblank): ditto.
+ (rb_iscntrl): ditto.
+ (rb_isdigit): ditto.
+ (rb_isgraph): ditto.
+ (rb_islower): ditto.
+ (rb_isprint): ditto.
+ (rb_ispunct): ditto.
+ (rb_isspace): ditto.
+ (rb_isupper): ditto.
+ (rb_isxdigit): ditto.
+ (rb_tolower): ditto.
+ (rb_toupper): ditto.
+ * include/ruby/st.h (st_strcasecmp): declared.
+ (st_strncasecmp): ditto.
+ * st.c (type_strcasehash): use st_strcasecmp instead of strcasecmp.
+ (st_strcasecmp): defined.
+ (st_strncasecmp): ditto.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: include include/ruby/encoding.h.
+ (ISASCII): use rb_isascii.
+ (ISPRINT): use rb_isprint.
+ (ISSPACE): use rb_isspace.
+ (ISUPPER): use rb_isupper.
+ (ISLOWER): use rb_islower.
+ (ISALNUM): use rb_isalnum.
+ (ISALPHA): use rb_isalpha.
+ (ISDIGIT): use rb_isdigit.
+ (ISXDIGIT): use rb_isxdigit.
+ (TOUPPER): defined.
+ (TOLOWER): ditto.
+ (STRCASECMP): ditto.
+ (STRNCASECMP): ditto.
+ * dir.c, encoding.c, file.c, hash.c, process.c, ruby.c, time.c,
+ transcode.c, ext/readline/readline.c: use locale insensitive
+ functions. [ruby-core:14662]
+Tue Jan 1 17:50:47 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_mode_enc): encoding spec is not allowed in binary mode.
+ [ruby-dev:32913]
+Tue Jan 1 14:41:56 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/rexml: 1.9 patch from Sam Ruby mentioned in his blog:
+ <>
+ [ruby-core:14639]
+Tue Jan 1 14:15:04 2008 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_substr): offset movement bug. a patch from
+ Vincent Isambart <vincent.isambart at> in
+ [ruby-core:14647]. [ruby-core:14644]
+Tue Jan 1 01:29:04 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_to_encoding): raises for non-nil, non-encoding,
+ non-string object. [ruby-core:14634]
+Tue Jan 1 01:04:06 2008 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (process_options): rejects dummy encoding.
+Mon Dec 31 23:53:55 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options, process_options): delays finding encoding
+ until load_path is set.
+Mon Dec 31 23:27:17 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_resize): embeds if ptr is null. [ruby-dev:32819]
+Mon Dec 31 23:17:22 2007 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpproxy.rb (WEBrick::HTTPProxyServer#proxy_service):
+ call do_XXX which correspond with request method.
+ (WEBrick::HTTPProxyServer#do_CONNECT,do_GET,do_POST,do_HEAD): added.
+ * test/webrick/test_httpproxy.rb: add test for WEBrick::HTTPProxyServer.
+Mon Dec 31 22:53:29 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_sleep): timespec tv_sec may overflow on
+ some platform. a patch from zunda <zunda616e AT> in
+ [ruby-dev:32904].
+Mon Dec 31 19:35:20 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (IS_7BIT): removed.
+ (single_byte_optimizable): new function to test optimizationability
+ using single byte string.
+ (str_strlen): use single_byte_optimizable instead of
+ is_ascii_string.
+ (str_nth): rename argument: asc -> singlebyte.
+ (str_offset): ditto.
+ (rb_str_substr): use single_byte_optimizable instead of IS_7BIT.
+ (rb_str_index): ditto.
+ (rb_str_rindex): ditto.
+ (rb_str_splice): ditto.
+ (rb_str_justify): ditto.
+Mon Dec 31 07:39:31 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * main.c, goruby.c (RUBY_MAIN_INIT): removed.
+ * goruby.c (goruby_run_node): run after ruby_init_loadpath() so that
+ require works, and protect the call.
+Mon Dec 31 06:50:38 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * not use -I$(srcdir)/lib with $(MINIRUBY) for cross
+ compiling.
+ *, {win,bcc}32/Makefile.sub (MINIRUBY): -I$(srcdir)/lib
+ moved.
+Mon Dec 31 06:08:34 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_enc_sprintf, rb_enc_vsprintf): prototyped.
+ * sprintf.c (rb_enc_sprintf, rb_enc_vsprintf): new functions to format
+ arguments with encoding.
+Sun Dec 30 23:48:00 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * golf_prelude.rb (String#/): define / as split, as association of
+ Array#*.
+Sun Dec 30 23:19:06 2007 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * golf_prelude.rb (@@golf_hash): for performance improvement.
+Sun Dec 30 22:44:50 2007 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb (_valid_time?): I'm not sure to recommend such an
+ expression. but anyway it is acceptable now. [ruby-core:14580]
+Sun Dec 30 21:54:26 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (program, yycompile0): too early to drop lex_lastline in
+ rules.
+Sun Dec 30 19:23:23 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_knownbug.rb: support DOSISH.
+Sun Dec 30 17:43:54 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (Init_Encoding): registered rb_encoding differs from
+Sun Dec 30 13:56:15 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (program): clear input strings after all process.
+ * parse.y (parser_nextc, parser_yylex): should not drop lex_lastline
+ while lex_p is valid. [ruby-dev:32896]
+Sun Dec 30 10:54:49 2007 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * rm largefile.h.
+ * clean golf, conf*, preludes, and so on.
+ * enc/depend: silent and ignore error for rm.
+ * enc/ should define prefix and exec_prefix.
+Sun Dec 30 06:31:11 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * encoding.c (Init_encoding): register Windows-31J and its alias.
+ [ruby-dev:32843]
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): -Ks options means Windows-31J, not Shift_JIS.
+Sun Dec 30 06:27:38 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (depend_rules): need to convert `/' to `\' for windows
+ native commands.
+Sun Dec 30 01:43:56 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/ (DLDFLAGS): like as extensions. [ruby-core:14567]
+Sat Dec 29 23:48:13 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (io_fflush): don't retry when wbuf modified by other threads.
+Sat Dec 29 22:44:30 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_regsub): returns the given string itself if nothing
+ changed.
+ * string.c (rb_str_sub_bang): keeps code-range as possible.
+ * string.c (str_gsub): adjusts code-range. [ruby-core:14566]
+Sat Dec 29 21:54:37 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (clean, distclean, realclean): should include clean-enc
+ and others. [ruby-dev:32887]
+Sat Dec 29 13:29:29 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_knownbug.rb: add a test reported by
+ Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA. [ruby-dev:32819].
+ add a test reported by Frederick Cheung. [ruby-core:14556].
+ * test/ruby/test_m17n.rb (test_gsub): add a test reported by
+ Sam Ruby. [ruby-core:14566]
+Sat Dec 29 04:46:58 2007 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb (Test::Unit::Assertions#assert_throws):
+ throw won't raise NameError nor ThreadError but ArgumentError on 1.9.
+ (Test::Unit::Assertions#assert_not_throws): ditto.
+ * test/testunit/test_assertions.rb: add assertions for throwing some
+ objects other than Symbol.
+Sat Dec 29 03:10:12 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (io_unread): fix typo.
+Sat Dec 29 02:18:45 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (io_unread): adhoc workaround for non-binary mode of some DOSish
+ platforms. this is not perfect and safety, but works with most cases.
+Fri Dec 28 23:53:18 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c (str_new): new function for allocate an string
+ with encoding propagation.
+ (extract_range): use str_new.
+ (extract_beg_len): ditto.
+ (strscan_peek): ditto.
+ (strscan_rest): ditto.
+Fri Dec 28 20:18:42 2007 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * golf_prelude.rb (Object.say): derived from Perl 5.10.
+Fri Dec 28 19:39:34 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_locale_encoding): should check return value from
+ rb_locale_charmap().
+ * ruby.c (locale_encoding): removed.
+ * ruby.c (process_options): use rb_locale_encoding() instead of
+ locale_encoding().
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_readline): use locale encoding
+ instead of input IO's encoding. [ruby-dev:32872]
+Fri Dec 28 19:29:07 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_readline, readline_s_set_input):
+ use mReadline directly because self is not always same.
+Fri Dec 28 19:11:28 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_locale_encoding): defined.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_locale_encoding): declared.
+Fri Dec 28 18:45:29 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_readline): set encoding to result.
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_s_set_input, Init_readline): save
+ input IO to hidden instance variable.
+Fri Dec 28 01:55:04 2007 Martin Duerst <>
+ * transcode.c (transcode_dispatch): reverted some of the changes
+ in r14746.
+ * transcode.c, enc/trans/single_byte.c: Added conversions to/from
+ US-ASCII and ASCII-8BIT (using data tables).
+ * enc/trans/single_byte.c: Some spacing/ordering changes due to
+ automatic data file generation.
+ * transcode_data.h, transcode.c: Preliminary code for using
+ micro-conversion functions.
+ * test/ruby/test_transcode.rb: Added some tests for US-ASCII and
+ ASCII-8BIT conversions.
+Fri Dec 28 17:33:44 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (make_time_t): verify mktime and timegm result.
+Fri Dec 28 16:36:33 2007 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::DNS#each_address): now returns IPv6 address.
+Fri Dec 28 16:10:00 2007 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/dot/dot.rb: Move to lib/rdoc/dot.rb. Fix namespacing.
+ * lib/rdoc/diagram.rb: Update for 1.9.
+Fri Dec 28 15:38:29 2007 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/markup/sample/: Move to sample/rdoc/markup directory.
+Fri Dec 28 15:15:12 2007 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/irb/completion.rb: Remove garbage ("X=1").
+Fri Dec 28 15:12:05 2007 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc, test/rdoc: Move RDoc tests out of lib/.
+Fri Dec 28 15:10:47 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (set_base_encoding, enc_base_encoding): renamed
+ based_encoding as base_encoding.
+Fri Dec 28 13:57:49 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * golf_prelude.rb (Integer#each): use alias simply.
+Fri Dec 28 13:45:21 2007 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * golf_prelude.rb (Object.const_missing): No need to delegate to
+ superclass. Just raise a NameError when none matches.
+Fri Dec 28 13:18:47 2007 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb, test/rss/test_version.rb: 0.2.2 -> 0.2.3.
+ * lib/rss/parser.rb, test/rss/test_parser.rb: supported "-" in tag name.
+ Reported by Ray Chen. Thanks.
+Fri Dec 28 13:07:31 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (os_obj_of): returns an enumerator if no block given. based on
+ a patch from Yugui <yugui AT>. [ruby-dev:32828]
+Fri Dec 28 11:46:04 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/ytab.sed: skip yydestruct hack unless yymsg exists, for bison
+ 1.8 series. [ruby-dev:32825]
+Fri Dec 28 11:39:02 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * golf_prelude.rb (Object.quine): need to join because SCRIPT_LINES__[]
+ returns an array of lines.
+Fri Dec 28 11:16:53 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * golf_prelude.rb (Object.quine): get the script itself.
+Fri Dec 28 10:06:54 2007 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * golf_prelude.rb (Object.const_missing): Auto-complete constants.
+Fri Dec 28 01:55:04 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * transcode.c (transcode_dispatch): allows transcoding from/to
+Fri Dec 28 01:47:25 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * golf_prelude.rb (Integer): Integer is now enumerable on goruby.
+Fri Dec 28 01:27:47 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb (parse_files): don't depend on the default external
+ encoding.
+Fri Dec 28 00:01:57 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * (golf_prelude.c): use MINIRUBY instead of BASERUBY because
+ tool/compile_prelude.rb requires rbconfig.rb.
+Thu Dec 27 23:56:01 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * mkconfig.rb: should not use the libraries under the source directory
+ at cross compiling.
+Thu Dec 27 23:43:35 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * cygwin/ (EXTOBJS): uses ruby.rc always for other than
+ rubyw.exe.
+Thu Dec 27 22:31:37 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/rubygems/commands/update_command.rb (do_rubygems_update): use
+ portable and safely ENV operation. reported in
+ <>.
+Thu Dec 27 21:47:04 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * mkconfig.rb (prefix): archdir is "1.9.0", not "1.9". reported in
+ <>.
+Thu Dec 27 17:57:30 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * parse.y, transcode_data.h, transcode.c, lib/weakref.rb,
+ lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb, lib/irb/lc/error.rb, enc/trans/japanese.c:
+ change "illegal" to "invalid" in a context which doesn't against
+ a law.
+Thu Dec 27 16:37:06 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_s_union): show encodings in error message.
+Thu Dec 27 15:25:16 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_codelen): show codepoint in error message.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_enc_codelen): comment it returns
+ positive integer.
+ * string.c (rb_str_concat): rb_enc_codelen doesn't return 0.
+Thu Dec 27 15:18:44 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_codelen): error message refined.
+Thu Dec 27 15:11:27 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_check): show encodings in error message.
+Thu Dec 27 15:02:52 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_casecmp): fixed using a wrong variable.
+ [ruby-list:44402]
+Thu Dec 27 14:34:38 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (io_fflush): checks wbuf modification by other threads.
+ not perfect. it need locks.
+Thu Dec 27 10:44:03 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: a patch to support IRIX from Andrew
+ Thompson <> in [ruby-core:14447].
+Thu Dec 27 02:25:45 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_tmpsrc): retry to create file if Errno::EACCES
+ occurs. this is a workaround for mswin32.
+Wed Dec 26 22:47:31 2007 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::DNS::Name.==): fix for other is array of
+ Resolv::DNS::Label::Str.
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::DNS::MessageEncoder#put_label): String#string
+ is not defined, so replace to_s.
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::IPv6#to_name): is obsoleted by
+Wed Dec 26 21:27:02 2007 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date/format.rb (_xmlschema): some improvements.
+ * lib/date/format.rb (_parse): a new hint compfunc. [experimental]
+Wed Dec 26 17:31:08 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (io_fflush): check closed fptr after rb_write_internal to avoid
+ SEGV on MacOS X.
+Wed Dec 26 16:10:17 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (Init_String): defines chars method.
+Wed Dec 26 14:38:43 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * instruby.rb: install goruby if exists.
+Wed Dec 26 13:55:02 2007 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * lib/csv.rb: Cleaned up some code with Ruby 1.9 idioms.
+Wed Dec 26 13:29:35 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (tmpbuf): use rb_str_tmp_new().
+Wed Dec 26 00:57:53 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/json/ext/generator/generator.c (Init_generator): requires
+ json/common.rb for GeneratorError, when static linked. a patch from
+ Kenta Murata <muraken AT> in [ruby-dev:32789].
+Tue Dec 25 23:33:55 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * development version 1.9.0 released.
+Tue Dec 25 23:25:29 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/rexml/node.rb (REXML::Node::indent): should initialize rv
+ variable. a patch from Tadayoshi Funaba <tadf AT> in
+ [ruby-dev:32783].
+Tue Dec 25 23:16:01 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): encoding option in shebang and RUBYOPT did not
+ work, do not store alloca()ed string in a parent scope struct.
+Tue Dec 25 22:56:52 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.status): keep this file.
+Tue Dec 25 22:55:42 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (TIMEZONE_VOID): typo.
+Tue Dec 25 22:45:10 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns2vm.rb: add encoding option to shebang.
+Tue Dec 25 22:13:51 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * bootstraptest/pending.rb: add pending issue.
+Tue Dec 25 22:12:40 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c: remove Thread.critical(=).
+Tue Dec 25 21:44:50 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/make-snapshot: add version number.
+Tue Dec 25 21:32:54 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): fix stack consistency error
+ (break is compiled to throw instead of jump insn).
+ these problems are reported by Yusuke ENDOH <mame AT>
+ * bootstraptest/test_knownbug.rb, test_syntax.rb: move fixed test.
+Tue Dec 25 21:32:44 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * parse.y (struct parser_params): make parser_ruby_sourcefile common
+ field. it is used by node_newnode.
+ new field parser_ruby_sourcefile_string for ripper.
+ (parser_initialize): initialize parser_ruby_sourcefile in ripper.
+ (ripper_initialize): initialize parser_ruby_sourcefile_string.
+Tue Dec 25 21:26:09 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (parse.c): depends on tool/ytab.sed.
+ * tool/ytab.sed: hack for bison 2.1.
+Tue Dec 25 20:24:58 2007 Technorama Ltd. <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c: Only show a warning if the default
+ DH callback is actually used.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_rand.c: New method: random_add().
+Tue Dec 25 20:24:48 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/make-snapshot: argument check, and cleanup exported directory.
+Tue Dec 25 20:07:13 2007 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * tool/make-snapshot: more portable.
+Tue Dec 25 19:01:04 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.h (rb_enc_mbc_to_codepoint): wrapper for
+ * string.c (rb_str_succ): deal with invalid sequence as binary.
+Tue Dec 25 18:40:46 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c: all methods need $SAFE < 1.
+ vm.c: comment out debug functions.
+Tue Dec 25 18:37:42 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (appendline): move RS comparison to rb_io_getline_1().
+Tue Dec 25 18:27:51 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_each_line): don't call rb_enc_codepoint with empty
+ string.
+Tue Dec 25 18:06:04 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_inspect): don't call rb_enc_codepoint with empty
+ string. fix '#'.inspect.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_codepoint): raise on empty string.
+Tue Dec 25 17:48:28 2007 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm.c (rb_frame_method_id_and_class): new function to get the
+ method id and class of the current frame.
+Tue Dec 25 17:32:04 2007 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): Add a missing dependency on the
+ target directory for each .rb file. This will hopefully fix
+ parallel make (-jN). Tested on FreeBSD.
+Tue Dec 25 16:51:07 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/trans/japanese.c (rb_{from,to}_{SHIFT_JIS,EUC_JP}): inversed
+ from_encoding and to_encoding.
+Tue Dec 25 16:41:57 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * golf_prelude.rb (h): add new method for all golfers.
+Tue Dec 25 16:37:12 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/trans/japanese.c (rb_to_EUC_JP): fixed typo.
+Tue Dec 25 16:34:58 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/dl/depend: add dependencies. [ruby-dev:32760]
+Tue Dec 25 16:26:48 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h, thread.c: rename is_ruby_native_thread() to
+ ruby_native_thread_p().
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: apply it.
+Tue Dec 25 16:15:15 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (clean-enc): clean encoding objects.
+Tue Dec 25 16:04:28 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, goruby.c, golf_prelude.rb: for golfers.
+ * main.c (main): hook for embedding applications.
+ * tool/compile_prelude.rb: can change initialize function name.
+Tue Dec 25 15:59:51 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_register): do not use based_encoding to check if
+ dummy encoding.
+Tue Dec 25 15:55:14 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_succ): fix for string with non-alphanumeric chars.
+Tue Dec 25 15:42:49 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_external_encoding): should return nil for
+ pass-through write IO. [ruby-dev:32740]
+Tue Dec 25 15:24:57 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (appendline): initialize rslen to 1 if rsptr is 0.
+ rslen is the length of the delimiter.
+ if only delim is given, it should be 1.
+ [ruby-dev:32746]
+Tue Dec 25 15:21:33 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * transcode.c (transcode_dispatch): fix for multistep transcode.
+Tue Dec 25 15:07:51 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * enc/trans/single_byte.c (Init_single_byte): renamed.
+Tue Dec 25 15:00:33 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (enum_yield): when multiple values yielded from #each
+ pack them into an array. [ruby-dev:32708]
+ * enum.c: all method but all?, any?, one? and none? passed packed
+ multiple values to the block.
+ * enum.c (collect_all): should pack all values. [ruby-core:14410]
+Tue Dec 25 14:57:00 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (COMMONOBJS): transcode_data_*.c moved under enc/trans.
+ * transcode_data.h (rb_transcoding, rb_transcoder): prefixed.
+ * transcode.c (rb_register_transcoder, rb_declare_transcoder): split
+ declaration and registration. [ruby-dev:32704]
+ * transcode.c (transcode_dispatch): autoload pre-declared transcoder.
+ * transcode.c (str_transcode): use rb_define_dummy_encoding().
+ * transcode.c (Init_transcode): initialize transcoder tables.
+ * enc/trans/single_byte.c, enc/trans/japanese.c: moved from top.
+Tue Dec 25 14:20:13 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (map_dir): should generate path including $top_srcdir.
+Tue Dec 25 14:09:16 2007 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * lib/csv.rb: Fixed test failures caused by changes to Ruby.
+ * test/csv/tc_serialization, test/csv/tc_csv_parsing, test/csv/tc_features:
+ Fixed test failures caused by changes to Ruby.
+Tue Dec 25 14:11:57 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (io_encoding_set): missing return type.
+Tue Dec 25 14:03:48 2007 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/rinda/test_rinda.rb (MockClock#{_forward, forward, sleep}):
+ Change default value of n as @reso from nil. If default value is
+ nil, n.+ is not defined.
+Tue Dec 25 13:54:01 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io_m17n.rb (test_pipe): fixed.
+ [ruby-dev:32743]
+Tue Dec 25 13:44:51 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_wait_fd_rw): should check EBADF on select().
+Tue Dec 25 13:30:03 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c, thread_pthread.h, thread_win32.c,
+ thread_win32.c: make some functions static functions.
+ a patch from Tadashi Saito <shiba AT>
+ in [ruby-core:14407]
+Tue Dec 25 13:23:13 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io_m17n.rb (test_write_noenc): don't mix text and
+ binary mode. [ruby-dev:32743]
+Tue Dec 25 13:13:09 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * README.EXT.ja, dir.c, eval.c, eval_intern.h, lex.c.src,
+ lex.c.blt, keywords, load.c, thread.c: more ANSI'ize.
+ a patch from Tadashi Saito <shiba AT>
+ in [ruby-dev:32725]
+Tue Dec 25 13:07:56 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h, thread.c, cont.c: add RUBY_VM_SET_INTERRUPT(),
+ * thread.c, thread_pthread.c, thread_win32.c: fix to ignore time slice
+ event until sleep.
+ * bootstraptest/test_thread.rb: add a test for time limited join test.
+Tue Dec 25 12:42:59 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (Init_VM): remove unused code.
+ [ruby-dev:32732]
+Tue Dec 25 12:32:32 2007 Martin Duerst <>
+ * transcode.c: Moving a static counter from inside register_transcoder()
+ and register_functional_transcoder() to outside the functions, renaming
+ from n to next_transcoder_position. Fixes 3) in [ruby-dev:32715].
+Tue Dec 25 12:22:17 2007 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * sample/from.rb: follow Ruby 1.9 libraries.
+Tue Dec 25 12:21:56 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * proc.c (method_inspect): preserve encoding of the method name.
+Tue Dec 25 12:07:52 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (BASERUBY): delayed error until BASERUBY is used.
+Tue Dec 25 11:48:35 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sample/README: removed obsoleted files: dbmtest.rb,
+ getopts.test, mrshtest.rb, regx.rb.
+Tue Dec 25 11:45:34 2007 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * lib/csv.rb: Import the FasterCSV source as the new CSV class.
+ * test/csv/*: Added all applicable tests from FasterCSV.
+Tue Dec 25 11:33:52 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (report_bug): uses ruby_description.
+Tue Dec 25 11:20:38 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): fix stack consistency error.
+ a patch from Yusuke ENDOH <mame AT> [ruby-dev:32720]
+ * bootstraptest/test_syntax.rb: add 2 tests for above.
+Tue Dec 25 11:14:20 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c, vm_core.h: comment out unused fields.
+Tue Dec 25 11:02:10 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c: check frame is FINAL when creating env.
+ [ruby-core:14395]
+ * bootstraptest/test_block.rb: add a test for above.
+Tue Dec 25 09:12:13 2007 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/: Enable RDoc debugging only with $DEBUG_RDOC.
+Tue Dec 25 08:37:43 2007 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * lib/csv.rb, test/csv/test_csv.rb: Removed in preparation for
+ FasterCSV code import.
+Tue Dec 25 08:27:43 2007 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems.rb: Fix test failures.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem.rb: Fix test failure.
+Tue Dec 25 06:23:40 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_knownbug.rb, test_literal.rb: move fixed test.
+Tue Dec 25 06:19:04 2007 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * sample/biorhythm.rb: follow Ruby 1.9 libraries.
+Tue Dec 25 06:15:01 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c: add dummy toplevel frame.
+Tue Dec 25 05:44:56 2007 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: Fix uninitialized variable warning.
+ [ruby-talk:284582]
+ * lib/irb/output-method.rb: Remove unused #foo method.
+ [ruby-talk:284582]
+Tue Dec 25 05:24:12 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile): clear local table if node == 0.
+ a patch from Yusuke ENDOH <mame AT> [ruby-dev:32530]
+ * vm.c: clear VM stack.
+Tue Dec 25 04:23:32 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * parse.y (rb_id2str): fill klass of returned string as rb_cString.
+ some strings are allocated before rb_cString is created.
+ This prevents a "called on terminated object" error by
+ ObjectSpace.each_object(Module) {|m| p }.
+Tue Dec 25 03:51:55 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): fix stack consistency bug.
+ a patch from Yusuke ENDOH <mame AT>
+Tue Dec 25 03:19:47 2007 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * tool/make-snapshot: must create configure and lex.c.
+Tue Dec 25 03:16:05 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_pipe): now takes up to two arguments. allow its
+ external/internal encoding by Encoding objects.
+ * io.c (rb_io_set_encoding): new method to set encoding of the IO.
+ * io.c (argf_set_encoding): ditto.
+Tue Dec 25 03:08:53 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): use NUM2LONG instead of NUM2INT.
+ * numeric.c (fix_lshift, fix_aref): use SIZEOF_LONG instead of
+ * bignum.c (big2ulong, rb_big_aref): ditto.
+Tue Dec 25 02:55:26 2007 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/rexml/element.rb (REXML::Elements#each): yield in each
+ should be called with one parameter. [ruby-dev:32708]
+Tue Dec 25 02:15:39 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): add a "pop" insn after break
+ to fix stack consistency error. [ruby-core:14385]
+ * bootstraptest/test_syntax.rb: add tests for above.
+ * bootstraptest/test_knownbug.rb: remove fixed bug.
+Tue Dec 25 01:54:36 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * id.c (Init_id): remove several unused symbols. [ruby-core:14362]
+ * compile.c (iseq_specialized_instruction): do not use
+ VM_CALL_SEND_BANG flag any longer.
+Tue Dec 25 01:42:41 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb (parse_files): interpret coding cookie.
+Tue Dec 25 01:38:04 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * proc.c (method_name): preserve Symbol's encoding.
+ * numeric.c (fix_id2name): ditto.
+Tue Dec 25 01:19:18 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_enc_left_char_head): new utility macro.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_enc_right_char_head): ditto.
+ * io.c (appendline): does multibyte RS search in the function.
+ * io.c (prepare_getline_args): RS may be nil.
+ * io.c (rb_io_getc): should process character based on external
+ encoding, when transcoding required.
+Tue Dec 25 01:07:57 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/irb/output-method.rb: translate a comment to English to
+ avoid mix of EUC-JP comment and UTF-8 Date keyword.
+ svn substitute Date keyword with UTF-8 weekday on UTF-8 locale.
+Tue Dec 25 00:27:28 2007 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpservley/cgihandler.rb
+ (WEBrick::HTTPServlet::CGIHandler#do_GET): m17nized.
+Mon Dec 24 23:55:29 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI::escape): m17nized.
+ (CGI::unescape): ditto.
+ (CGI::escapeHTML): ditto.
+ (CGI::unescapeHTML): ditto.
+Mon Dec 24 23:32:24 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * transcode_data_japanese.c (select_iso_2022_mode): '\e' is not valid.
+Mon Dec 24 23:13:09 2007 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/rdoc/diagram.rb (RDoc::Diagram#initialize): use fileuitls
+ instead of ftools.
+Mon Dec 24 23:04:57 2007 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/ftools.rb: removed obsoleted lib. use fileutils instead (by eban).
+ * lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb, lib/rdoc/generators/*, lib/rake.rb: let it use
+ fileutils instead of ftools.
+ * lib/shell/command-processor.rb: removed unused references to ftools.
+ * lib/parsedate.rb: removed. see [ruby-core:12535], [ruby-dev:31969].
+ * lib/README: updated.
+Mon Dec 24 23:01:04 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb (OpenURI::Buffer): use Meta ===. [ruby-core:14295]
+Mon Dec 24 22:46:42 2007 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * transcode.c: register_functional_transcoder() added.
+ (init_transcoder_table(: register ISO-2022-JP.
+ (str_transcode): add preprocessor and postprocessor.
+ * transcode_data_japanese.c: add ISO-2022-JP support.
+ * transcode_data.h: moved transcoder and transcoding definition from
+ transcode.c.
+Mon Dec 24 20:29:28 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/io/nonblock/test_flush.rb: fix test for 1.9.
+Mon Dec 24 20:23:44 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/rinda/test_rinda.rb: revert last commit because this test seems
+ to have timing problem to halt all tests.
+Mon Dec 24 20:18:52 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/rinda/test_rinda.rb: enable rinda test.
+Mon Dec 24 20:16:54 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * instruby.rb: fix rdoc install dir.
+Mon Dec 24 18:37:32 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_prepare_re): show regexp encoding in the error message.
+Mon Dec 24 18:23:32 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * eval.c (rb_exc_raise): ANSI style.
+ (rb_exc_fatal): ditto.
+ (rb_raise_jump): ditto.
+ (rb_jump_tag): ditto.
+ (rb_block_given_p): ditto.
+ * variable.c (original_module): ditto.
+Mon Dec 24 18:05:09 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c (Init_ISeq): disable ISeq.load() because there is no verifier.
+ * iseq.c, proc.c: add ISeq.disasm(method).
+Mon Dec 24 18:06:03 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * eval_method.c (Init_eval_method): extracted from Init_eval
+ for rdoc to find rb_mod_remove_method, rb_mod_undef_method and
+ rb_mod_alias_method.
+ * eval.c (Init_eval): call Init_eval_method.
+Mon Dec 24 17:59:29 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * load.c (load_lock): reverted.
+ * thread.c (rb_barrier_wait): check for recursive wait.
+Mon Dec 24 17:50:54 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * eval.c (function_call_may_return_twice_jmp_buf): removed.
+ (function_call_may_return_twice_false): removed.
+ [ruby-core:14335]
+Mon Dec 24 17:40:57 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (, miniprelude.c, prelude.c): nmake cannot
+ handle target vpath in other than implicit rules.
+Mon Dec 24 17:20:34 2007 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/{mailread.rb,getopts.rb,parsearg.rb}: removed.
+ see [ruby-core:12535], [ruby-dev:31969].
+Mon Dec 24 17:12:57 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h, random.c, array.c:
+ change exported name.
+ genrand_int32 -> rb_genrand_int32.
+ genrand_real -> rb_genrand_real.
+ [ruby-core:14335]
+Mon Dec 24 17:06:37 2007 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * {lib,test}/{soap,wsdl,xsd}: removed soap4r along to the discussion
+ at ruby-core and ruby-dev. see [ruby-core:12535], [ruby-dev:31969].
+Mon Dec 24 17:06:14 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * load.c (rb_feature_p): returns loading path name too.
+ * load.c (search_required): returns path too if feature is being
+ loaded. [ruby-dev:32048] [TODO: refactoring]
+Mon Dec 24 16:29:12 2007 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * sample/openssl: reviewed and remove dependency on getopts.rb.
+Mon Dec 24 16:18:57 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * mkconfig.rb: add teeny to CONFIG['ruby_version'].
+Mon Dec 24 15:55:50 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * tool/compile.rb, getrev.rb, runruby.rb: remove unused tools.
+Mon Dec 24 15:42:04 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, cygwin/, */Makefile.sub,
+ djgpp/config.hin.: version dependent directory names now contain
+ teeny.
+Mon Dec 24 15:29:13 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/serb.rb: removed.
+Mon Dec 24 13:55:35 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (rb_proc_new), vm.c (invoke_block): removed u3.state magic.
+ [ruby-core:14310]
+ * test/ruby/test_symbol.rb (test_to_proc): a test from Frederick
+ Cheung <frederick.cheung AT>.
+Mon Dec 24 13:43:36 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_atfork): should not leave living_threads
+ referring freed table while allocating new table.
+Mon Dec 24 12:49:54 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *,, lib/mkmf.rb, */Makefile.sub: specify
+ compiled output file name explicitly.
+ * enc/, enc/depend: now makes compiler to put generated
+ files under directories corresponding to the each source.
+ enc/trans supported.
+ * enc/make_encmake.rb: evaluates depend file before so
+ that the former can influence to CONFIG.
+Mon Dec 24 12:35:03 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win{32,ce}/Makefile.sub (MFLAGS): defaulted to -l.
+Mon Dec 24 12:08:10 2007 Eric Hodel <>
+ * /, ext/: Add svn:ignore for OS X Xcode 3's conftest.dSYM
+ directories.
+Mon Dec 24 11:56:31 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * should not pass MAKEFLAGS to recursive make.
+ + normal make: MFLAGS are set and command line options and macros
+ are all passed silently.
+ + GNU make: ditto, and all options and macros in MAKEFLAGS are in
+ effect.
+ + nmake: MFLAGS is not set and MAKEFLAGS has only options without
+ hyphen, no macros exist in any variables.
+ + Borland make: ditto, and command line macros cannot override
+ macros in makefile, so passing them is vain.
+ * {bcc32,win{32,ce}}/Makefile.sub (SET_MAKE): set MFLAGS which is not
+ set by default, to get rid of chaotic situation of MFLAGS/MAKEFLAGS.
+Mon Dec 24 11:32:44 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_comparable): fixed to keep transitivity.
+ [ruby-dev:32693]
+Mon Dec 24 11:20:31 2007 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/ri_options.rb: Fix display of GEMDIRS, make command
+ examples match ri's name.
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/ri_paths.rb: Only allow latest ri dirs in ri output.
+Mon Dec 24 10:49:04 2007 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/uri/mailto.rb, lib/uri/common.rb: Fix Regexp warnings. Patch
+ #16524 from Kornelius Kalnbach, [ruby-core:14302].
+Mon Dec 24 10:37:38 2007 Eric Hodel <>
+ * gem_prelude.rb: Remove methods from Gem, not QuickLoader, to fix
+ warnings.
+Mon Dec 24 09:45:45 2007 Martin Duerst <>
+ * transcode.c, transcode_data_one_byte.c, transcode_data_japanese.c:
+ added rb_ prefix to external data symbols.
+Mon Dec 24 05:32:22 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (enum_inject): updated documentation. a patch from Keita
+ Yamaguchi <keita.yamaguchi AT> in [ruby-dev:32686].
+ * README.EXT: updated. a patch from Tadashi Saito
+ <shiba AT> in [ruby-core:14328].
+ * array.c (rb_ary_at): updated documentation. a patch from Tadashi
+ Saito <shiba AT> in [ruby-core:14330].
+Mon Dec 24 05:13:04 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (tr_trans): should associate new encoding if modified.
+Mon Dec 24 04:04:12 2007 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * test/net/http/test_https.rb: should rescue LoadError.
+Mon Dec 24 03:57:28 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * cont.c, vm.h: fix to support sparc machine.
+ a patch from Yusuke ENDOH <mame AT>
+Mon Dec 24 03:35:19 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * remove additional "-".
+Mon Dec 24 02:59:32 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_check_readable): should not fill fptr->enc always.
+ read-write IO (e.g. socket) does not work. [ruby-dev:32685]
+ * io.c (io_read_encoding): retrieve reading encoding.
+ * io.c (prepare_getline_args): convert RS to external encoding.
+ * string.c (str_new_shared): was setting embedding flag of wrong
+ string object. [ruby-dev:32685]
+ * io.c (io_enc_str): should preserve default_external encoding.
+ * io.c (appendline): should do multibyte aware RS search.
+Mon Dec 24 02:06:35 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_f_open): documentation update.
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_pipe): ditto.
+ * io.c (io_fwrite): wrong encoding destination.
+ * io.c (rb_io_external_encoding): should return the encoding of
+ the file reading.
+ * io.c (rb_io_internal_encoding): should return the encoding of
+ read string.
+Mon Dec 24 01:46:43 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_pipe): allow specifying read-side encoding.
+ * io.c (io_enc_str): wrong encoding destination.
+Mon Dec 24 01:03:17 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_comparable): comparison including broken
+ coderange strings do not consider encoding.
+Mon Dec 24 00:57:15 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (open_key_args): IO direct methods (foreach, readlines,
+ read) now takes keyword argument: encoding, mode, open_args.
+Mon Dec 24 00:52:15 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_read): encoding argument reverted.
+ * io.c (mode_enc): independent function to share code.
+ * io.c (rb_io_internal_encoding): new method.
+Mon Dec 24 00:47:05 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_beginendblock.rb (TestBeginEndBlock::test_endblockwarn):
+ rename endblockwarn.rb to endblockwarn_rb to avoid unnecessary
+ warning in make test.
+Sun Dec 23 23:03:13 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_codepoint): implemented to raise invalid
+ encoding.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_enc_codepoint): macro is replaced as a
+ declaration.
+Sun Dec 23 19:45:22 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/time.rb (Time.httpdate): fix 2 digits year for 20xx.
+ reported by Tadayoshi Funaba. [ruby-dev:32687]
+Sun Dec 23 19:33:42 2007 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb: Fix method redefined warning. [ruby-core:14304]
+Sun Dec 23 18:31:49 2007 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf.c (rb_nkf_enc_get): use rb_define_dummy_encoding.
+ * ext/nkf/nkf.c (Init_nkf): use rb_nkf_enc_get("ASCII").
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c: Update 1.161.
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf9/config.h: default output encoding is now UTF-8.
+ * ext/nkf/lib/kconv.rb (Kconv.kconv): replace Encoding#name by
+ Encoding#to_s.
+Sun Dec 23 18:02:52 2007 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/gem_open_uri.rb: Fix version check.
+Sun Dec 23 17:24:48 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_init): add eucJP as an alias of EUC-JP.
+Sun Dec 23 17:00:23 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/time.rb (Time.httpdate): use Time.utc for
+ "day-of-week, dd-mon-yy HH::MM:SS GMT" format.
+Sun Dec 23 16:12:40 2007 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc: Fix 1.9 warnings.
+Sun Dec 23 15:28:37 2007 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems, test/rubygems: Fix new 1.9 warnings.
+Sun Dec 23 14:43:10 2007 Eric Hodel <>
+ * gem_prelude.rb: Use require to load rubygems.rb so the correct path
+ is in $LOADED_FEATURES on RubyGems upgrade.
+Sun Dec 23 11:26:43 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (sym_call): use exact argument array interface.
+ [ruby-core:14279]
+Sun Dec 23 11:01:35 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_binmode_m): removed C99ism.
+Sun Dec 23 10:23:23 2007 Martin Duerst <>
+ * transcode_data_one_byte.c: Better (and more honest) optimization.
+ * transcode_data_japanese.c: First optimization step.
+Sun Dec 23 09:07:02 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h, encoding.c, re.c, io.c, parse.y, numeric.c,
+ ruby.c, transcode.c, ext/nkf/nkf.c: rename rb_ascii_encoding to
+ rb_ascii8bit_encoding. rb_ascii_encoding is ambiguous with
+Sun Dec 23 03:35:52 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * version.h: use patchlevel if revision is not set.
+ * {bcc32,win{32,ce}}/setup.mak (-version-): skip including revision.h.
+ * (srcs): new target to generated sources.
+ * (encs, ext/ripper/ripper.c): MAKEFLAGS needs -.
+ * enc/depend, enc/make_encmake.rb: use erb.
+Sun Dec 23 01:56:18 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_mode_enc): do not set encoding unless explicitly
+ specified.
+ * io.c (rb_io_check_readable): fill fptr->enc by default_external
+ if it's empty.
+ * io.c (io_enc_str): fptr->enc is always set for reading IO (by
+ rb_io_check_readable(fptr)).
+Sun Dec 23 01:18:06 2007 David Flanagan <>
+ * io.c, io.h: temporary patch to partially implement
+ transcode-on-read and transcode-on-write
+Sun Dec 23 00:48:05 2007 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * test/net/imap/test_imap.rb: added tests for SSL.
+Sat Dec 22 21:10:53 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (syck_genericresolver_node_import): should
+ not set instance variable "@kind" before initializing it.
+ [ruby-dev:32677]
+Sat Dec 22 19:52:23 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_objectspace.rb: fix condition.
+Sat Dec 22 19:17:10 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/probeprofiler/: removed.
+Sat Dec 22 19:14:38 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * process.c (rb_f_fork): Unsupport Kernel.fork() on NetBSD.
+Sat Dec 22 18:20:13 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * (version.o): add dependency. [ruby-dev:32680]
+Sat Dec 22 17:45:11 2007 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf.c (Init_nkf): use rb_ascii_encoding() for
+ rb_nkf_enc_get("US-ASCII").
+ * if use rb_nkf_enc_get("US-ASCII"), ruby will crash - this is bug?
+Sat Dec 22 17:39:03 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb ($extmk): fixed broken condition.
+Sat Dec 22 17:35:59 2007 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8.c: Update nkf.c rev:1.157.
+ * ext/nkf/nkf.c (rb_nkf_enc_get): replicate proper based encoding.
+ * ext/nkf/kconv.c (Kconv#kconv, to*): use self.encoding as from_enc
+ when from_enc isn't given.
+Sat Dec 22 17:06:50 2007 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/net/ssl.rb ( removed.
+ * ext/openssl/lib/net/ssl.rb (OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext#set_params):
+ new method to set suitable SSL parameters.
+ * lib/net/pop.rb, lib/net/http.rb, lib/net/imap.rb,
+ test/openssl/test_ssl.rb: follow above change.
+ * test/net/http/test_https.rb: refine error case.
+Sat Dec 22 16:58:49 2007 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (encode_utf7): accept UTF-8 strings.
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (decode_utf7): return UTF-8 strings.
+Sat Dec 22 15:56:36 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * transcode_data_japanese: typo.
+Sat Dec 22 15:54:54 2007 Martin Duerst <>
+ * ChangeLog: Information for last patch got lost, fixed
+ * test/ruby/test_transcode.rb: Added simple tests for
+ EUC-JP and Shift_JIS and tests for ASCII-only range
+Sat Dec 22 15:45:45 2007 Martin Duerst <>
+ * transcode_data_one_byte: slightly optimized
+ * transcode_data_japanese: new data file for EUC-JP and SHIFT_JIS
+ (not yet optimized; tests to follow; data from
+ *, transcode.c: Adjusted for transcode_data_japanese
+Sat Dec 22 15:30:13 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * */Makefile.sub (MFLAGS): define unless defined.
+Sat Dec 22 15:17:40 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb ($extmk): set true only when under ext/ or tool/.
+Sat Dec 22 15:14:48 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (encs, ext/ripper/ripper.c): needs MFLAGS.
+ * (STRINGIZE): stringizing macro.
+ * include/ruby/defines.h (STRINGIZE): fallback.
+ * tool/make-snapshot: new file.
+ * version.c (ruby_description, ruby_copyright): string constants for
+ -v option.
+Sat Dec 22 15:03:37 2007 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (initialize): fixed documentation.
+Sat Dec 22 15:01:16 2007 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/pop.rb (enable_ssl): use
+ instead of (default verify mode is now
+Sat Dec 22 14:45:21 2007 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb: shouldn't freeze nil. [ruby-dev:32677]
+Sat Dec 22 14:27:27 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * regenc.c (onigenc_ascii_is_code_ctype): moved from enc/ascii.c.
+ * regenc.h (onigenc_ascii_is_code_ctype): declared.
+ * enc/ascii.c: use onigenc_ascii_is_code_ctype.
+ * enc/us_ascii.c: new file for US-ASCII.
+Sat Dec 22 14:30:34 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (reg_named_capture_assign_iter): allows non-ascii names and
+ get rid of reserved word IDs.
+Sat Dec 22 14:18:45 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_float.rb, test_sprintf.rb: fix test place.
+Sat Dec 22 14:17:02 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_objectspace.rb: skip frozen string.
+Sat Dec 22 14:02:58 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_permutation): add volatile to avoid GC problem.
+Sat Dec 22 11:47:42 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_obj_instance_eval): use class of immediate objects.
+ * test/ruby/test_eval.rb: fix a test.
+Sat Dec 22 11:37:06 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_locale_charmap): win32 support.
+Sat Dec 22 11:31:14 2007 Eric Hodel <>
+ * gem_prelude.rb: Place bin dir before lib dir so gem bin stubs work.
+Sat Dec 22 11:05:44 2007 Jim Weirich <jim@tardis.local>
+ * lib/rake.rb (Rake): Added Rake and related libraries to the
+ source code base.
+Sat Dec 22 10:30:45 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * tool/insns2vm.rb: moved from lib/vm/instruction.rb.
+Sat Dec 22 10:25:44 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (reg_named_capture_assign_iter): captured name should
+ not be reserved word. a patch from Keita Yamaguchi
+ <keita.yamaguchi AT> in [ruby-dev:32675].
+ * parse.y (reg_named_capture_assign_iter): just ignore the
+ captures that do not have valid local variable name.
+Sat Dec 22 10:19:08 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_method_name): now __method__ and __callee__ are
+ aliases. [ruby-core:14244]
+Sat Dec 22 08:29:56 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_buf_append): improvement for non-broken coded
+ strings.
+Sat Dec 22 06:30:04 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_fork.rb: skip if fork is not unsupported.
+ * bootstraptest/test_io.rb: skip if require failed.
+Sat Dec 22 06:09:12 2007 David Flanagan <>
+ * io.c: fix typo in rdoc comment
+Sat Dec 22 05:09:43 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * parse.y (parser_str_new, rb_intern3): rb_default_encoding() renamed.
+ * ext/nkf/nkf.c (rb_nkf_putchar): ditto.
+Sat Dec 22 03:54:18 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_ascii_encoding): renamed from previous
+ rb_default_encoding().
+Sat Dec 22 02:49:02 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (command): block from cmd_brace_block was ignored.
+ [ruby-dev:32644]
+ * re.c (rb_reg_prepare_re): stop ENCODING_NONE warning if the
+ encoding of the str is ASCII-8BIT.
+Sat Dec 22 01:52:11 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (io_ungetc): avoid buffer relocation, which might cause
+ serious problem under concurrent situation.
+Sat Dec 22 01:35:41 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c (ARG_ENCODING_NONE): defined for /.../n option.
+ (rb_char_to_option_kcode): return ARG_ENCODING_NONE for n.
+ (rb_reg_prepare_re): warn /ascii/n =~ "non-ascii".
+ (rb_reg_initialize): set REG_ENCODING_NONE from ARG_ENCODING_NONE.
+Sat Dec 22 01:23:10 2007 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * test/json/test_json_addition.rb (test_core): do not use
+ because JSON can't hold nsec.
+Sat Dec 22 01:10:30 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/vu/canvSticker2.rb,
+ ext/tk/sample/demos-{en,jp}/bind.rb: fix typo. [ruby-dev:32668]
+Sat Dec 22 00:56:43 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sample/test.rb (valid_syntax): force_encoding input script.
+Fri Dec 21 23:48:38 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (depend_rules): suffixes list broken. fixed.
+Fri Dec 21 20:18:15 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_mul0): remove unused variable.
+ * bignum.c (bigdivrem): ditto.
+Fri Dec 21 20:13:51 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_catch_obj, rb_throw_obj): prototyped.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_fiber_alive_p): prototyped.
+Fri Dec 21 20:09:18 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_succ): retry increasing until valid char is found.
+Fri Dec 21 20:00:02 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_replicate): now creates first class encoding.
+ * encoding.c (rb_define_dummy_encoding): always based on the default
+ encoding.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_dummy_p): check if dummy.
+ * encoding.c (enc_inspect): shows if dummy.
+ * encoding.c (Init_Encoding): added dummy? method
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (ENCODING_INLINE_MAX): increased.
+Fri Dec 21 18:40:54 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * io.c: write() should be in blocking region.
+ * bootstraptest/test_io.rb, test_knownbug.rb: move a fixed test.
+Fri Dec 21 17:56:30 2007 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: provisional support on Ruby-VM.
+ * ext/tk/MANUAL_tcltklib.eng, ext/tk/MANUAL_tcltklib.eucj:
+ modify document about new functions.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/labelframe.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tk/frame.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/toplevel.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tk/scrollbar.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/message.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tk/listbox.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/text.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tk/scale.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/entry.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tk/ttk_selector.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/menu.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tk/label.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/spinbox.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tk/textmark.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/winpkg.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tk/checkbutton.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/panedwindow.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tk/texttag.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/root.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tk/textimage.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/radiobutton.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tk/package.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/macpkg.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tk/composite.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/autoload.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tk/canvas.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/button.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tk/textwindow.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledtext.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/style.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tscrollbar.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/tpaned.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile.rb,
+ ext/tk/extconf.rb: support Tcl/Tk8.5 (partial, not complete).
+ * ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/widget,
+ ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/pendulum.rb,
+ ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/bind.rb,
+ ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/vu/canvSticker2.rb,
+ ext/tk/sample/demos-en/pendulum.rb,
+ ext/tk/sample/demos-en/bind.rb: remove $KCODE and minor bug fix.
+Fri Dec 21 17:49:06 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_str_transcode_bang): returns self if no conversion.
+ [ruby-dev:32662]
+Fri Dec 21 17:44:47 2007 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems*: Update to RubyGems 1.0.1, r1581
+Fri Dec 21 17:32:49 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * bootstraptest/pending.rb: renamed from featurebug.rb.
+ This file contains bugs which is known but will not be
+ fixed in days.
+Fri Dec 21 17:31:22 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * debug.c (dummy_gdb_enums.various): added ENCODING and CODERANGE
+ constants.
+ * .gdbinit: use enum constants.
+Fri Dec 21 17:28:17 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * bootstraptest/featurebug.rb: added.
+ * bootstraptest/test_knownbug.rb: move a feature bug.
+Fri Dec 21 17:25:22 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_atfork): fix to mark thread object.
+ [ruby-dev:32404]
+ * bootstraptest/test_knownbug.rb, test_fork.rb: move a fixed test.
+Fri Dec 21 17:07:13 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.h: extern variable should not be initialized.
+ * thread_pthread.c: add a parameter.
+Fri Dec 21 16:50:43 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * encoding.c (Init_Encoding): use enc_name as to_s.
+ (enc_inspect): renamed from enc_to_s. add "#" at beginning.
+Fri Dec 21 16:37:43 2007 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/config.h (MIME_DECODE_DEFAULT, X0201_DEFAULT):
+ defined as FALSE. nkf and kconv don't decode MIME encoded string
+ and don't convert JIS X 0201 Katakana.
+ * test/nkf/test_kconv.rb: fix tests.
+Fri Dec 21 16:33:28 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_iter_i): adjusted for rb_block_call_func.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_block_call_func): function to be called back
+ as block.
+Fri Dec 21 16:25:25 2007 Martin Duerst <>
+ *, transcode_data_iso_8859.c: renamed to
+ transcode_data_one_byte.c.
+Fri Dec 21 16:10:30 2007 Shigeo Kobayashi <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (VpMidRound): Round method bug
+ pointed by Ryan Platte fixed(Patch to the patch from "NATORI
+ Shin"). [ruby-talk:273360]
+Fri Dec 21 16:06:13 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c (append_utf8): use rb_utf8_encoding() instead of
+ rb_enc_find("utf-8").
+Fri Dec 21 15:59:46 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_init): use enc_register_at() directly.
+ * encoding.c (rb_utf8_encoding): returns utf-8 encoding.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_utf8_encoding): prototyped.
+ * parse.y (UTF8_ENC): uses rb_utf8_encoding().
+Fri Dec 21 15:31:59 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_read): allow specifying encoding explicitly.
+ * io.c (rb_io_binmode): specifies encoding to ASCII-8BIT (binary).
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_read): IO should be in binary mode when offset is
+ specified.
+ * encoding.c (rb_to_encoding): returns default encoding if no
+ corresponding encoding found.
+Fri Dec 21 15:24:22 2007 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (initialize): accept service name. changed
+ the default value of the old style +verify+ argument to true.
+Fri Dec 21 15:15:44 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * gc.c (rb_garbage_collect): new function for debugging.
+Fri Dec 21 15:16:00 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_to_encoding_index): should return error instead of
+ exception even if type is incorrect.
+Fri Dec 21 14:58:27 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_init_copy): prohibit cloning of
+ generators since Fibers cannot be copied.
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_init_copy): typo fixed.
+Fri Dec 21 14:46:07 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (Init_IO): define IO::BINARY even if O_BINARY is not exist.
+Fri Dec 21 14:01:14 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_system.rb (TestSystem::valid_syntax): apply
+ ASCII-8BIT encoding explicitly.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_prepare_re): add encoding name in the message.
+Fri Dec 21 13:54:05 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c: change "character encodings differ" error messages.
+Fri Dec 21 13:46:58 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_register): set encoding constant.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_find_index): replace non-alphanumeric chars with
+ underscores, so that initialize function can be called.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_find_index): extension libraries have lower case
+ names conventionally.
+ * ruby.c (proc_options, process_options): finds encoding after
+ load_path is initialized.
+Fri Dec 21 13:10:57 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_external_encoding): new method.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_from_encoding): returns Qnil for NULL
+ encoding.
+ * io.c (rb_io_external_encoding): should fill delayed
+ initialization for STDIN.
+Fri Dec 21 13:09:11 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_locale_charmap): return nil if no locale information.
+Fri Dec 21 12:55:39 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/runit, lib/rubyunit.rb, test/testunit/runit: removed.
+Fri Dec 21 12:45:49 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_chomp_bang): avoid unnecessary loop using
+Fri Dec 21 12:32:08 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (Init_File): File.exists? revived.
+ * dir.c (Init_Dir): Dir.exists? again.
+Fri Dec 21 12:26:36 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c: remove "illegal".
+Fri Dec 21 12:22:20 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * keywords, parse.y (__ENCODING__): represent script encoding.
+Fri Dec 21 12:16:50 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_is_ascii_only_p): new method ascii_only?.
+Fri Dec 21 12:11:57 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_mode_enc): set default external encoding if no
+ encoding specified explicitly.
+Fri Dec 21 12:00:34 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * check langinfo.h and locale.h.
+ * encoding.c: use langinfo.h only if available.
+ * main.c: use locale.h only if available.
+Fri Dec 21 11:47:56 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * encoding.c: include locale.h
+ (rb_locale_charmap): new method Encoding.locale_charmap for
+ nl_langinfo(CODESET).
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_locale_charmap): declared.
+ * main.c (main): call setlocale with LC_CTYPE.
+ * ruby.c (locale_encoding): use rb_locale_charmap.
+Fri Dec 21 11:35:10 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c, vm_dump.c: fix typo. Reported by Yuki Mitsui.
+Fri Dec 21 11:28:00 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * regerror.c, string.c, io.c, lib/getoptlong.rb, lib/net/imap.rb,
+ compile.c, sprintf.c, parse.y, ext/win32ole/win32ole.c,
+ ext/tk/sample/demos-en/entry3.rb, ext/tk/lib/tcltk.rb,
+ ext/openssl/ossl_bn.c, numeric.c, vm.c,
+ benchmark/bm_so_meteor_contest.rb, bignum.c, ruby.c: don't "illegal"
+ for non law violation context.
+Fri Dec 21 11:23:24 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ( depends on $(RBCONFIG) instead of rbconfig.rb.
+ * encoding.c (Init_Encoding): ISO-8859-1 is no longer a replica.
+ * regenc.h (OnigEncodingDefine): names of extension and encoding can
+ differ.
+ * enc/ always shared.
+ * enc/depend (deffile): should not upcase.
+ * enc/{ascii,euc_jp,sjis,utf8,iso_8859_{1..16}}.c: fix for Init.
+Fri Dec 21 09:26:48 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/compile_prelude.rb: use erb.
+Fri Dec 21 08:07:35 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_next): should call next_init() if fiber
+ is dead already. [ruby-dev:32459]
+Fri Dec 21 01:21:49 2007 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.rb (
+ enable CRL checking by default.
+Fri Dec 21 01:20:56 2007 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTP#connect): use
+ instead of (default
+ verify mode is now OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER).
+ * lib/net/https.rb: SSL parameters are defined by attr_accessor.
+ * test/net/http/test_https.rb: add test for HTTPS features.
+Fri Dec 21 01:11:37 2007 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * io.c (select_internal): should return original value.
+Fri Dec 21 00:26:39 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (tr_trans): wrong encoding check for tree strings.
+ * test/ruby/test_m17n.rb (TestM17N::test_tr_s): "invalid mbstring
+ sequence" is not an error to be tested.
+ * test/ruby/test_m17n.rb (TestM17N::test_tr): ditto.
+Thu Dec 20 19:29:07 2007 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (initialize): the second argument is an option
+ hash now. use to specify SSL parameters.
+Thu Dec 20 19:11:56 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_thread_apply_priority): check
+Thu Dec 20 18:33:54 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * add libthr for FreeBSD.
+Thu Dec 20 18:17:14 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ *, *.ci: renamed to *.c.
+ * eval_load.c: renamed to load.c.
+Thu Dec 20 17:36:01 2007 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems*: Import RubyGems 1.0.0, r1575.
+Thu Dec 20 17:18:38 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * proc.c: support Proc#binding.
+ * sample/test.rb: add a test.
+Thu Dec 20 17:15:15 2007 Martin Duerst <>
+ * pack.c: Slight change to documentation ('character' ->
+ 'byte (C char)'). [ruby-core:13126], see also [ruby-core:13998].
+Thu Dec 20 17:07:54 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ( depends on rbconfig.rb.
+ * regenc.h (OnigEncodingDefine): external encoding definition macro.
+ * enc/ fix for linking.
+ * enc/depend, enc/make_encmake.rb: fix for Windows.
+ * enc/{ascii,euc_jp,sjis,utf8,iso_8859_{1..16}}.c: renamed.
+Thu Dec 20 16:42:55 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c (find_line_no): return 0 if not found.
+Thu Dec 20 16:04:17 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ *, vm.c, vm_core.h: change interface of
+ vm_invoke_block() to specify block ptr. [ruby-talk:266422]
+ * cont.c,, insns.def, proc.c, signal.c, thread.c:
+ apply above change.
+ * bootstraptest/test_knownbug.rb: move fixed bug.
+ * bootstraptest/test_block.rb: ditto. and add a test.
+Thu Dec 20 15:47:13 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/iso_8859_{1..16}.c: renamed.
+Thu Dec 20 09:59:27 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * (vm_expandarray): fix sp increase place.
+ a patch from Yusuke ENDOH <mame AT> in [ruby-dev:32581].
+ * bootstraptest/test_massign.rb: add a test for above.
+ * bootstraptest/test_syntax.rb: fix last committed test.
+Thu Dec 20 09:47:58 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_syntax.rb: add a test.
+Thu Dec 20 09:40:51 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each/NODE_RETURN): fix stack consistency.
+Thu Dec 20 09:42:11 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (big2str_orig): access beyond memory region cause crash
+ on interrupt. a patch from Yusuke ENDOH <mame AT> in
+ [ruby-dev:32651]. [ruby-dev:32641]
+Thu Dec 20 09:06:54 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_index): wrong starting position.
+Thu Dec 20 06:34:27 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): add pop after throw as return.
+ * bootstraptest/test_knownbug.rb, test_syntax.rb: move resolved test.
+ * vm_core.h, iseq.c, compile.h: add debug output code.
+Thu Dec 20 04:57:18 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): remove unused retry entry.
+Thu Dec 20 04:15:41 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * */Makefile.sub (DEFS, RM): output to config.status.
+Thu Dec 20 02:59:05 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * (encs): create encoding directory.
+Thu Dec 20 02:50:28 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/iso8859_{1..16}.c: adjust for ruby.
+Thu Dec 20 02:28:29 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/iso8859_{1..16}.c: imported from Onigiruma 5.9.0.
+Thu Dec 20 02:23:22 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/ (RM): added.
+ * enc/depend (encs): sort in alpha-numeric order.
+ * enc/depend (clean, distclean): added.
+Thu Dec 20 01:10:52 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): should handle upper level eval iseq
+ from break/next, and COMPILE_ERROR() breaks only one block.
+ [ruby-dev:31372]
+Thu Dec 20 00:07:36 2007 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * test/drb/drbtest.rb (test_07_public_private_protected_missing):
+ followed current Ruby specification.
+Wed Dec 19 23:57:37 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (dir_inspect, dir_path, dir_tell): check for frozen and closed
+ is not needed. [ruby-dev:32640]
+Wed Dec 19 22:59:52 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_sublen): adjust position if position is not at the
+ head of a character.
+ * string.c (rb_str_chomp_bang): check if match start at the head
+ of a character.
+ * string.c (rb_str_chomp_bang): wrong adjust condition.
+ * string.c (rb_str_rindex): comparison length should be based on
+ bytes, not characters.
+ * string.c (rb_str_rindex_m): too much adjustment.
+ * re.c (reg_match_pos): pos adjustment should be based on
+ characters.
+ * test/ruby/test_m17n.rb (TestM17N::test_str_insert): test updated
+ to check negative offset behavior.
+ * string.c (rb_str_each_line): should consider rslen.
+ * string.c (rb_str_buf_append): should propagate encoding.
+ * string.c (rb_str_each_line): ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_m17n.rb (TestM17N::test_str_each_line): should
+ check encoding as well.
+ * test/ruby/test_m17n.rb (TestM17N::test_str_each_line): empty
+ array can not propagate encoding; should not check.
+Wed Dec 19 21:42:18 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_regsub): should set checked encoding.
+ * string.c (rb_str_sub_bang): applied r14212 too.
+Wed Dec 19 20:40:01 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * bignum.c (bigmul1): C99ism.
+ * bignum.c (bigdivrem1): need dummy return value.
+Wed Dec 19 19:18:06 2007 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c: Updated.
+ * ext/nkf/nkf.c (rb_nkf_enc_get): added.
+ (find encoding or replicate default encoding)
+ * ext/nkf/nkf.c (NKF::<ENCODING>): redefine encoding constant.
+ * ext/nkf/lib/kconv.rb (Kconv::<ENCODING>): redefined as Encoding.
+ * ext/nkf/lib/kconv.rb: refactoring.
+Wed Dec 19 19:11:08 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_mul0): blocking check for bigger numbers.
+ a patch from Yusuke ENDOH <mame AT> in [ruby-dev:32632].
+ * bignum.c (bigdivrem): ditto.
+Wed Dec 19 17:34:50 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): remove "retry" in block.
+ ("iter{retry}" cause syntax error)
+ Currently, "begin; ...; rescue; iter{retry}; end" cause
+ syntax error too.
+ * bootstraptest/test_jump.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/drb/invokemethod.rb: ditto.
+ * sample/drb/darrayc.rb: ditto.
+ * sample/test.rb: ditto.
+ * test/drb/drbtest.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_iterator.rb: ditto.
+ * sample/test.rb: add a 'test' directory on the SYSTEM test.
+Wed Dec 19 17:12:59 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_knownbug.rb, test_block.rb:
+ move fixed bug.
+ * bootstraptest/test_m17n.rb: added.
+Wed Dec 19 16:59:55 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c (errinfo_place): skip if error is Fixnum. [ruby-dev:32608]
+ * bootstraptest/test_exception.rb, test_known_bug.rb: move fixed bug.
+Wed Dec 19 16:31:58 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (reg_named_capture_assign_iter): remove C99 dependency.
+ * parse.y (reg_named_capture_assign_iter): get rid of creating
+ unnecessary ID.
+ * parse.y (rb_enc_symname2_p): check for non-nul-terminated string.
+Wed Dec 19 15:37:06 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * (vm_yield_with_cfunc): call cfunc with
+ (argv[0], data, argc, argv) to pass all arguments.
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_each_i): adapted to new calling
+ convention.
+Wed Dec 19 15:13:20 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_justify): should propagate encoding from pad
+ string too.
+Wed Dec 19 13:57:43 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (TIMEZONE_VOID): check whether timezone requires zero
+ arguments. [ruby-dev:32631]
+Wed Dec 19 13:22:14 2007 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf.c (NKF::_ENCODING): removed.
+ * ext/nkf/nkf.c (rb_nkf_kconv): renamed to rb_nkf_convert.
+ * ext/nkf/nkf.c (rb_nkf_convert): set encoding.
+ * ext/nkf/nkf.c (rb_nkf_guess1): removed.
+ * ext/nkf/nkf.c (rb_nkf_guess2): renamed to rb_nkf_guess.
+ * ext/nkf/nkf.c (rb_nkf_guess):
+ guess method now returns encoding object.
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c: Update to nkf 2.0.8 2007-12-19.
+Wed Dec 19 10:52:29 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_cstr_to_inum): an underscore succeeding after octal
+ prefix is allowed. [ruby-core:14139]
+Wed Dec 19 00:09:19 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_cstr_to_inum): wrong radix check. a patch from
+ Yusuke ENDOH <mame AT> in [ruby-dev:32628].
+ * bignum.c (big2str_find_n1): ditto.
+Tue Dec 18 23:53:53 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): fix for segfault. [ruby-dev:31372]
+Tue Dec 18 23:44:32 2007 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * test/net/http/utils.rb: split TestNetHTTPUtils module from
+ test/net/http/test_http.rb. and start HTTP server in each test case.
+Tue Dec 18 23:27:51 2007 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/server.rb (WEBrick::GenericServer#accept_client):
+ should rescue Errno::EINVAL from TCPServer#accept. this exception
+ might occur if the server socket is not in ready to listen.
+ * lib/webrick/server.rb (WEBrick::GenericServer#accept_client):
+ don't call TCPServer#close if the :ShutdownSocketWithoutClose is set.
+ * lib/webrick/config.rb (WEBrick::Config::General): add new parameter
+ :ShutdownSocketWithoutClose.
+Tue Dec 18 22:51:47 2007 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.rb (OpenSSL::SSL::SSLServer#shutdown):
+ new method which calls TCPSocket#shutdown of the underlying socket.
+Tue Dec 18 22:11:50 2007 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/rss/parser.rb, lib/rss/atom.rb, lib/rss/rss.rb,
+ test/rss/rss-assertions.rb, test/rss/test_atom.rb: use
+ pack/unpack("m") instead of base64 library.
+ * lib/webrick/httpproxy.rb: use delete("\n") instead of chomp/chop
+ because the result of pack("m") might be multi-line.
+Tue Dec 18 22:12:35 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ *, vm.c: rewrite sp manipulation around method/block
+ invocation. [ruby-dev:32547]
+Tue Dec 18 22:11:23 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/dl/win32/lib/win32/sspi.rb: use pack/unpack("m") instead of
+ base64 library which was already removed.
+Tue Dec 18 21:09:23 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (invoke_block): merge 2 stack overflow checks.
+Tue Dec 18 20:58:35 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c,, insns.def, object.c, vm.c, vm.h:
+ optimize !@, != method invocation.
+ * id.c, id.h: ditto.
+ * bootstraptest/test_syntax.rb: add tests for above.
+Tue Dec 18 18:10:05 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_knownbug.rb: add issues.
+Tue Dec 18 20:22:44 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * parse.y (arg tMATCH arg): call reg_named_capture_assign_gen if regexp
+ literal is used.
+ (reg_named_capture_assign_gen): assign the result of named capture
+ into local variables.
+ [ruby-dev:32588]
+ * re.c: document the assignment by named captures.
+Tue Dec 18 18:09:15 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_splice): propagate encoding.
+ * string.c (rb_str_subpat_set): ditto.
+Tue Dec 18 17:27:12 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_freeze): preserve frozen state of immediate
+ values in internal hash table, a la generic_ivar.
+ * object.c (rb_obj_frozen_p): check immediate values too.
+ * variable.c (generic_ivar_set): add frozen check fro immediate
+ values.
+Tue Dec 18 17:04:25 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_str_transcode_bang, rb_str_transcode): set new
+ encoding even if no conversion is done because of 7bit only.
+ [ruby-dev:32591]
+Tue Dec 18 15:43:59 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (encs, ext/ripper/ripper.c): other options must come
+ before MAKEFLAGS in GNU make.
+Tue Dec 18 15:19:55 2007 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_rb.rb: Don't call private fail anymore.
+Tue Dec 18 15:17:26 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (encs, ext/ripper/ripper.c): pass MAKEFLAGS.
+Tue Dec 18 14:45:25 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (op_tbl): remove duplication to avoid symbol aliases.
+Tue Dec 18 14:39:05 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_nth): need not to raise out-of-range exception.
+ * test/ruby/test_m17n.rb (TestM17N::test_str_aref_len): removed
+ debug print.
+Tue Dec 18 14:05:23 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/depend: get rid of target expanded as empty for nmake.
+Tue Dec 18 07:56:57 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * proc.c (rb_obj_public_method): Object#public_method to retrieve
+ public method object.
+ * proc.c (rb_mod_public_instance_method): Module#public_instance_method
+ to retrieve public instance method from class / module.
+ * proc.c (mnew): visibility check added.
+ * (rb_print_undef): add rb_ prefix.
+ * (rb_print_undef): add visibility in the error
+ message.
+Tue Dec 18 05:54:26 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/Env.rb, lib/base64.rb, lib/importenv.rb, lib/eregex.rb: removed.
+ * lib/ping.rb, lib/readbytes.rb: removed
+Tue Dec 18 02:30:56 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (BUILTIN_ENCS): removed.
+ * ( pass BUILTIN_ENCS from command line.
+ * enc/depend: ditto.
+ * enc/make_encmake.rb: ditto.
+Tue Dec 18 01:46:48 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): need to clear output buffer to avoid
+ broken encoding compatibility check.
+Tue Dec 18 01:40:20 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (depend_rules): inserts ruby to only headers.
+Tue Dec 18 01:21:19 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_encode_length): chomp eol style modifiers.
+ * parse.y (parser_magic_comment): ditto.
+ * parse.y (set_file_encoding): ditto.
+Tue Dec 18 01:15:44 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (encs): added dependencies.
+ * enc/, enc/depend, enc/make_encmake.rb: moved serb code.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (depend_rules): now takes content string, not file name.
+ * win32/enc-setup.mak: overrides default target.
+Tue Dec 18 00:26:12 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_initialize): raise error if non-Unicode fixed
+ encoding option is specified for regexp literals with \u{}
+ escapes.
+ * string.c (rb_str_squeeze_bang): should squeeze multibyte
+ characters as well.
+Mon Dec 17 21:41:25 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/enc-setup.mak: extracts BUILTIN_ENCOBJS.
+ * tool/compile_prelude.rb: needs srcdir.
+Mon Dec 17 21:24:04 2007 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * (miniprelude.c): add -I$(srcdir).
+Mon Dec 17 20:53:27 2007 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_sslctx_set_ssl_version):
+ new method OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext#ssl_version to wrap
+ SSL_CTX_set_ssl_version.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_get_verify_result):
+ new method OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket#verify_result to wrap
+ SSL_get_verify_result.
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.rb (
+ new method to build OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext with Hash parameters.
+ this method provides safety default parameters than
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.rb (OpenSSL::SSL.verify_certificate_identity):
+ new module function: pull out identity verification process
+ from OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket#post_connection_check.
+Mon Dec 17 18:42:23 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (scan_once): need no encoding compatibility check.
+ it's done inside of re_reg_search().
+ * string.c (rb_str_split_m): ditto.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_regsub): ditto.
+Mon Dec 17 17:50:30 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_index): check if substring is broken.
+ * string.c (rb_str_rindex): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_succ): should carry over.
+Mon Dec 17 17:47:26 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (encs): new target to compile external encodings.
+ * enc/ became a serb template.
+ * enc/make_encmake.rb: creates from enc/ using serb.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (relative_from): moved from ext/extmk.rb.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb ($extmk): true if under to top source directory, not
+ only ext.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (depend_rules): extracted from create_makefile.
+ * tool/serb.rb (serb): splitted from tool/compile_prelude.rb.
+Mon Dec 17 17:32:55 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (MAKEFILES): removed enc/Makefile.
+ * enc/ (BUILTIN_ENCS): includes .c suffix.
+ * enc/depend: splitted from
+ * {bcc32,win32,wince}/setup.mak (-encs-): extracts BUILTIN_ENCOBJS.
+Mon Dec 17 17:07:53 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (rb_enc_str_asciionly_p): use rb_enc_str_coderange.
+Mon Dec 17 16:39:25 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (rb_enc_str_coderange): set ENC_CODERANGE_BROKEN using
+ rb_enc_precise_mbclen.
+ (rb_str_valid_encoding_p): just check coderange is
+Mon Dec 17 16:04:16 2007 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/buffering.rb (Buffering#gets): added second
+ optional argument to specify maximum length limit.
+Mon Dec 17 16:02:30 2007 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/httprequest.rb, lib/webrick/cgi.rb: Request-Line or
+ header fields should be read with maximum length. [ruby-talk:231745]
+Mon Dec 17 14:03:39 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (ENC_CODERANGE_VALID): rename from
+ * string.c (rb_enc_str_coderange): follow the renaming.
+Mon Dec 17 13:56:53 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (tr_find): wrong condition fixed.
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): check encoding based on result, not
+ the format string.
+ * string.c (rb_str_upto): add encoding check.
+Mon Dec 17 12:21:25 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+Mon Dec 17 11:38:59 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * (native_thread_create): initialize
+ th->machine_stack_maxsize as rb_gc_stack_maxsize.
+Sun Dec 16 17:07:35 2007 Martin Duerst <>
+ * transcode.c (transcode_loop): removed special case (-1)
+ for undefined conversions.
+ * transcode_data_iso_8859.c: Changed from character constants
+ ('\xC2') to integer constants (0xC2) for shorter files and
+ better readability; eliminated duplicated tables; changed
+ from -1 offset to actual UNDEF entry (not yet distinguishing
+ UNDEF and ILLEGAL correctly).
+ * test/ruby/test_transcode.rb: added a test for UNDEF conversion.
+Sun Dec 16 14:51:59 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (MAKEFILES): should be enc/Makefile, not GNUmakefile.
+ [ruby-dev:32609]
+ * (BUILTIN_ENCS): removed escapes for OpenBSD.
+Sat Dec 15 23:58:46 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/openssl/test_pair.rb (SSLPair#ssl_pair): join the thread, even
+ on an error.
+Sat Dec 15 23:50:31 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/xmlrpc/webrick_testing.rb: join webrick server thread.
+Sat Dec 15 22:27:39 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (BUILTIN_ENCS): splitted command line instead of
+ semicolons for Solaris.
+Sat Dec 15 21:38:24 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/timeout.rb: join the background thread to make sure it is dead.
+Sat Dec 15 20:20:48 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (enc/Makefile): add external encoding objects list.
+ * (BUILTIN_ENCOBJS): renamed from ENCOBJS.
+ * (BUILTIN_ENCS): [] needs to be enclosed because of m4.
+ * (BUILTIN_ENCOBJS): substituted by autoconf.
+ * enc/ new file to compile external encoding sources.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_find_index): auto-load external encoding objects
+ as "ext/ENCODING_NAME". [ruby-dev:32606]
+Sat Dec 15 13:04:30 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * vm_core.h (rb_thread_t): new member machine_stack_maxsize and
+ machine_register_stack_maxsize.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_stack_maxsize): new global variable for the thread size
+ of the main thread.
+ (STACK_LEVEL_MAX): use machine_stack_maxsize of current thread.
+ (ruby_stack_check): check IA64 register stack.
+ (ruby_set_stack_size): set rb_gc_stack_maxsize.
+ (Init_stack): set rb_gc_stack_maxsize.
+ * (native_thread_create): initialize
+ th->machine_stack_maxsize and th->machine_register_stack_maxsize.
+ * vm.c (Init_BareVM): initialize th->machine_stack_maxsize and
+ th->machine_register_stack_maxsize.
+ * (native_thread_create): initialize
+ th->machine_stack_maxsize. not tested. just a guess at all.
+ [ruby-dev:32604]
+Sat Dec 15 12:58:00 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_register, rb_enc_replicate, rb_enc_alias): check
+ if already registered.
+Sat Dec 15 01:57:06 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/rdoc/options.rb (Options::parse): do not access $KCODE any
+ longer. [ruby-core:14079]
+ * lib/irb/init.rb (IRB::IRB.parse_opts): ditto.
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI::CGI): ditto.
+Fri Dec 14 18:18:31 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * (native_thread_create): twice the stack size.
+ 512KB is not enough to complete test-all on Debian GNU/Linux on
+ IA64.
+Fri Dec 14 16:10:50 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_f_p): RDoc update. a patch from murphy <murphy AT>.
+ [ruby-core:14010]
+Fri Dec 14 16:06:18 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_cmp): encoding aware comparison.
+ * string.c (rb_str_casecmp): ditto.
+Fri Dec 14 15:25:30 2007 Martin Duerst <>
+ * transcode.c (encoding_equal): new function.
+ * transcode.c (str_transcode, transcode_dispatch): added two-step
+ conversion logic via UTF-8.
+ * transcode.c: some minor formatting fixes
+ * transcode_data.h, transcode_data_iso_8859.c: Shortened
+ extremely frequently used macros to shorten file length.
+ * test/ruby/test_transcode.rb: Fixed name of test class;
+ added setup method to ensure all necessary encodings exist;
+ split tests into more test methods; added tests; fixed ordering
+ of arguments in assert_equal to have expected result first.
+Fri Dec 14 13:47:54 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (ruby.imp): fix for circular dependency. a patch from
+ Yutaka Kanemoto <kinpoco AT> in [ruby-dev:32590].
+ * regint.h, st.c, ext/json/ext/generator/generator.c: suppress
+ warnings on AIX.
+Fri Dec 14 12:36:35 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_CHECK_VARTYPE): check if a variable is defined
+ and its type.
+ * (timezone, altzone): check for recent cygwin.
+ * missing/strftime.c (strftime): fix for timezone. [ruby-dev:32536]
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (try_var): should fail for functions.
+ * ext/readline/extconf.rb: should use have_func for functions instead
+ of have_var.
+Fri Dec 14 10:25:56 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/e2mmap.rb (Exception2MessageMapper::E2MM.Raise): $! no
+ longer modifiable in 1.9.
+Fri Dec 14 08:17:24 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * eval.c (rb_protect): restore root_jmpbuf even if proc exits by
+ break such as dbm.delete_if { break }.
+Fri Dec 14 02:55:41 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_nth): direct jump if string is 7bit only. great
+ performance boost for worst case.
+ * string.c (str_strlen): direct size if string is 7bit only.
+Fri Dec 14 02:29:32 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_compatible): 1st argument (typically the
+ receiver) would have higher priority in encoding detection.
+Fri Dec 14 02:05:42 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_synchronized): should check if initialized.
+ [ruby-dev:32585]
+Fri Dec 14 00:54:40 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_initialize): embedded string may override encoding
+ of the regular expression.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_initialize): fix encoding of regular expression if
+ embedded string has its own encoding specified.
+Thu Dec 13 22:16:46 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_compatible): encoding should never fall back
+ to ASCII-8BIT unless both encodings are ASCII-8BIT.
+Thu Dec 13 20:31:28 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_shared_replace): make str noembed after free.
+Thu Dec 13 20:09:09 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * eval.c (rb_protect): restore root_jmpbuf to avoid SEGV by
+ 'IO.pipe; []' with gcc version 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)
+ on IA64.
+Thu Dec 13 17:51:54 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_split_m): need not to check encoding if regexp
+ is empty.
+ * string.c (rb_str_justify): associate encoding of original to the
+ result.
+ * string.c (rb_str_chomp_bang): need to check encoding of record
+ separator.
+ * string.c (str_gsub): should copy encoding to the result.
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_succ): should not enter infinite loop for
+ non-ASCII, non-alphanumeric character at the bottom.
+Thu Dec 13 17:03:29 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_compatible): should swap encoding indexes too.
+Thu Dec 13 16:41:37 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_compatible): should not judge compatibility
+ based on rb_enc_asciicompat().
+Thu Dec 13 13:09:03 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * include/ruby/io.h (MakeOpenFile): fptr->enc should be
+ initialized to zero. [ruby-dev:32569]
+Thu Dec 13 08:56:01 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_getc): use default external encoding if fptr->enc is
+ not set. [ruby-dev:32565]
+ * lib/rubygems/package.rb (Gem::TarReader::Entry::rewind): typo fixed.
+ [ruby-dev:32565]
+Thu Dec 13 08:24:16 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (read_all): should associate default external encoding.
+ * io.c (io_read): should NOT associate default external encoding.
+Wed Dec 12 23:22:58 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c, regerror.c, string.c, parse.y, ruby.c, file.c:
+ use capital letter for \xHH notation. [ruby-dev:32511]
+Wed Dec 12 22:21:34 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_mode_enc): allow specifying external encoding in
+ open mode, e.g. open(path, "r:utf-8").
+Wed Dec 12 21:26:03 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * (rb_alias): no need to skip aliasing when new
+ equals to old. [ruby-core:13990]
+Wed Dec 12 16:34:53 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_check_readable): set default external encoding to
+ * io.c (io_enc_str): associate encoding to output string.
+Wed Dec 12 12:44:39 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (expr): 'not' and '!' should act as conditional
+ expression. [ruby-dev:32548]
+Wed Dec 12 12:11:42 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_regsub): should copy encoding.
+ * string.c (rb_str_sub_bang, str_gsub): should check and copy encoding
+ to be replaced.
+Tue Dec 11 23:04:17 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): RDoc update. a patch from Gary Wright
+ <radar2002 AT>. [ruby-core:13998]
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): ditto.
+Tue Dec 11 16:37:47 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_ascget): renamed from rb_enc_get_ascii.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h: follow the renaming.
+ * re.c: ditto.
+Tue Dec 11 16:19:26 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, */Makefile.sub (CP, MV): added.
+ * (.y.c): not discard the old target until successfully
+ created.
+Tue Dec 11 15:20:39 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (Init_Object): singleton_method_{added,removed,undefined}
+ hooks should be defined for BasicObject. [ruby-dev:32531]
+ * eval.c (Init_eval): method_missing should be defined for all
+ objects; moved to BasicObject.
+Tue Dec 11 14:27:50 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * transcode.c (transcode_loop): get rid of SEGV at sequence can not be
+ converted.
+ * transcode.c (rb_str_transcode_bang): copy encoding. [ruby-dev:32532]
+ * test/ruby/test_transcode.rb: added tests from Martin Duerst <duerst
+ AT>. [ruby-dev:32532]
+Tue Dec 11 12:05:51 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_get_ascii): add an argument to provide the
+ length of the returned character.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_enc_get_ascii): add the argument.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_expr_str): modify rb_enc_get_ascii call.
+ (rb_reg_quote): ditto.
+ (rb_reg_regsub): ditto.
+Tue Dec 11 09:40:21 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/oniguruma.h (ONIGENC_CONSTRUCT_MBCLEN_NEEDMORE):
+ parenthesize an argument.
+Tue Dec 11 02:23:32 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_method_missing): RDoc update patch from Hugh Sasse
+ <hgs AT>. [ruby-core:12932]
+Tue Dec 11 01:51:34 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTP::get): now supports gzip
+ content-encoding. a patch from Hugh Sasse <hgs AT>.
+ [ruby-core:13451]
+Tue Dec 11 01:21:21 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (shadowing_lvar_gen): no duplicate error for "_".
+Mon Dec 10 22:08:47 2007 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_slice_bang): If an invalid range is given, do
+ not raise an exception but return nil just like slice() does.
+Mon Dec 10 21:47:53 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * transcode.c (str_transcode): allow non-registered encodings.
+ [ruby-dev:32520]
+Mon Dec 10 21:00:30 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_slice_bang): should return nil if position out
+ of range. a patch from Akinori MUSHA <knu AT>.
+ [ruby-dev:32518]
+Mon Dec 10 19:02:52 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_match): should calculate offset by converted
+ operand. [ruby-cvs:21416]
+Mon Dec 10 18:28:06 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (URI::REGEXP::PATTERN): typo in REG_NAME
+ regular expression. a patch from Ueda Satoshi
+ <s-ueda AT>. [ruby-dev:32514]
+Mon Dec 10 17:46:04 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_tmp_new): creates hidden temporary buffer.
+ * transcode.c (transcoding): added a pointer to function to flush.
+ * transcode.c (transcode_loop): do not use string internal.
+ [ruby-dev:32512]
+ * transcode.c (str_transcode): allow Encoding objects.
+ * transcode_data.h (BYTE_LOOKUP): use actual struct name.
+Mon Dec 10 16:52:17 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_insert): should not add length in bytes to index in
+ chars.
+Mon Dec 10 14:33:50 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_public_send): rename invoke_method to public_send.
+ it now invokes public method only no matter how it's called.
+Mon Dec 10 14:00:43 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * transcode.c: new file to provide encoding conversion features.
+ code contributed by Martin Duerst.
+Mon Dec 10 13:50:33 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_search): return byte offset. [ruby-dev:32452]
+ * re.c (rb_reg_match, rb_reg_match2, rb_reg_match_m): convert byte
+ offset to char index.
+ * string.c (rb_str_index): return byte offset. [ruby-dev:32472]
+ * string.c (rb_str_split_m): calculate in byte offset.
+Mon Dec 10 09:56:29 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/bm_vm1_neq.rb, bm_vm1_not.rb: added.
+Mon Dec 10 07:48:14 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): wrong token was generated. [ruby-dev:32498]
+ * object.c (rb_obj_not_match): wrong test.
+Mon Dec 10 06:44:47 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_expr_str): use \xHH instead of \OOO.
+ * regerror.c (to_ascii): ditto.
+ (onig_snprintf_with_pattern): ditto.
+ (onig_snprintf_with_pattern): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_inspect): ditto.
+ (rb_str_dump): ditto.
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): ditto.
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): ditto.
+ * file.c (rb_f_test): ditto.
+ [ruby-dev:32495]
+Mon Dec 10 06:41:00 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_names): new method Regexp#names.
+ (rb_reg_named_captures): new method Regexp#named_captures
+ (match_regexp): new method MatchData#regexp.
+ (match_names): new method MatchData#names.
+ * lib/pp.rb (MatchData#pretty_print): show names of named captures.
+ [ruby-dev:32493]
+Mon Dec 10 01:35:06 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (expr): redefinable not (!) operator.
+ * parse.y (arg): ditto.
+ * object.c (rb_obj_not): new method "!".
+ * object.c (rb_obj_not_equal): new method "!=".
+ * object.c (rb_obj_not_match): new method "!~".
+Sun Dec 9 22:31:36 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_s_last_match): accept named capture's name.
+Sun Dec 9 15:57:53 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c (match_backref_number): new function for converting a backref
+ name/number to an integer.
+ (match_offset): use match_backref_number.
+ (match_begin): ditto.
+ (match_end): ditto.
+ (name_to_backref_number): raise IndexError instead of RuntimeError.
+ (match_inspect): show capture index.
+Sun Dec 9 14:59:15 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval_intern.h (CHECK_STACK_OVERFLOW): reserve frame size.
+ [ruby-dev:32485]
+Sun Dec 9 14:38:25 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (rb_thread_mark): use rb_gc_mark_maybe() for
+ VM stack specified by mark_stack_len. [ruby-dev:32462]
+ * clear vm stack extended by opt value.
+Sun Dec 9 14:08:47 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (FilePathStringValue): defined. similar to
+ FilePathValue but no taint check.
+ * file.c (rb_get_path_no_checksafe): implementation of
+ FilePathStringValue.
+ (rb_file_s_basename): use FilePathStringValue.
+ (rb_file_s_dirname): ditto.
+ (rb_file_s_extname): ditto.
+ (rb_file_s_split): ditto.
+ (rb_file_join): ditto.
+ * dir.c (file_s_fnmatch): ditto.
+Sun Dec 9 12:49:34 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c (append_utf8): check unicode range.
+Sun Dec 9 12:39:01 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb (read_multipart): exclude blanks from header values.
+ [ruby-list:44327]
+Sun Dec 9 12:18:19 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_get_path): use the original object if to_path method is
+ not defined. [ruby-dev:32473]
+ * io.c (rb_f_open): call to_open on non-string objects, instead of
+ to_str. [ruby-dev:32473]
+Sun Dec 9 12:12:23 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (tr_find): returns true if no characters to be removed is
+ specified.
+Sun Dec 9 12:03:16 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_magic_comment): delimits with a semicolon.
+Sun Dec 9 11:29:23 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (tr_trans): get rid of segfaults when has multibytes but
+ source sets have no multibytes.
+Sun Dec 9 04:01:28 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_mbclen): return 1 if underlying implementation
+ returns a length longer than e-p.
+ (rb_enc_precise_mbclen): return needmore if underlying
+ implementation returns a length longer than e-p.
+Sat Dec 8 17:59:40 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * signal.c (posix_signal): return value.
+Sat Dec 8 17:22:16 2007 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * test/openssl/test_pkcs7.rb: Remove redundant module namespace.
+Sat Dec 8 17:07:10 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): make rb_raise format as a string literal to
+ avoid warning.
+Sat Dec 8 16:18:16 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_check_preprocess): new function for validating regexp
+ fragment.
+ * parse.y (regexp): invoke reg_fragment_check.
+ (reg_fragment_check): defined.
+ (reg_fragment_check_gen): defined.
+Sat Dec 8 11:06:29 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_mbclen): make it never fail.
+ (rb_enc_nth): don't check the return value of rb_enc_mbclen.
+ (rb_enc_strlen): ditto.
+ (rb_enc_precise_mbclen): return needmore(1) if e <= p.
+ (rb_enc_get_ascii): new function for extracting ASCII character.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_enc_get_ascii): declared.
+ * include/ruby/regex.h (ismbchar): removed.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_expr_str): use rb_enc_get_ascii.
+ (unescape_escaped_nonascii): use rb_enc_precise_mbclen to determine
+ the termination of escaped non-ASCII character.
+ (unescape_nonascii): use rb_enc_precise_mbclen.
+ (rb_reg_quote): use rb_enc_get_ascii.
+ (rb_reg_regsub): use rb_enc_get_ascii.
+ * string.c (rb_str_reverse) don't check the return value of
+ rb_enc_mbclen.
+ (rb_str_split_m): don't call rb_enc_mbclen with e <= p.
+ * parse.y (is_identchar): use ISASCII.
+ (parser_ismbchar): removed.
+ (parser_precise_mbclen): new macro.
+ (parser_isascii): new macro.
+ (parser_tokadd_mbchar): use parser_precise_mbclen to check invalid
+ character precisely.
+ (parser_tokadd_string): use parser_isascii.
+ (parser_yylex): ditto.
+ (is_special_global_name): don't call is_identchar with e <= p.
+ (rb_enc_symname_p): ditto.
+ [ruby-dev:32455]
+ * ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/vu/canvSticker2.rb: remove coding cookie
+ because the encoding is not UTF-8. [ruby-dev:32475]
+Fri Dec 7 20:21:35 2007 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/net/ftptls.rb, ext/openssl/lib/net/telnets.rb:
+ half-finished libraries are discontinued.
+Fri Dec 7 15:44:40 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pp.rb: use Hash for recursion check as inspect.
+Fri Dec 7 15:04:01 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (flatten): some performance improvements, based on a patch
+ from Yusuke ENDOH <mame AT> in [ruby-core:13877].
+ [ruby-core:13851]
+ * thread.c (rb_exec_recursive): use Hash instead of Array for
+ performance improvement. [ruby-core:13898]
+ * thread.c (recursive_pop): use object ID.
+Thu Dec 6 19:52:50 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (arg): typo fixed ("!" -> "|") in the ripper code.
+Thu Dec 6 19:48:41 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (arg): tUPLUS no longer works as identity operation any
+ more. inspired by [ruby-talk:265532].
+Thu Dec 6 18:22:11 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_precise_mbclen): new function for mbclen with
+ validation.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_enc_precise_mbclen): declared.
+ (MBCLEN_CHARFOUND): new macro.
+ (MBCLEN_INVALID): new macro.
+ (MBCLEN_NEEDMORE): new macro.
+ * include/ruby/oniguruma.h (OnigEncodingTypeST): replace mbc_enc_len
+ by precise_mbc_enc_len.
+ * enc/euc_jp.c: validation implemented.
+ * enc/sjis.c: ditto.
+ * enc/utf8.c: ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_inspect): use rb_enc_precise_mbclen for invalid
+ encoding.
+ (rb_str_valid_encoding_p): new method String#valid_encoding?.
+ * io.c (rb_io_getc): use rb_enc_precise_mbclen.
+ [ruby-dev:32438]
+Thu Dec 6 01:37:23 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * regparse.c (i_apply_case_fold): fix for negative character class. a
+ patch from Yusuke ENDOH <mame AT> in [ruby-core:13884].
+Thu Dec 6 01:00:38 2007 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (iconv_s_list): support NetBSD/Citrus iconv.
+Wed Dec 5 16:18:50 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (rb_proc_s_new): call initialize. [ruby-core:13824]
+ * proc.c (rb_proc_location): return file name and line number where
+ the proc is defined.
+ * thread.c (thread_s_new): call initialize. [ruby-core:13835]
+ * thread.c (thread_initialize): split initialize method.
+Wed Dec 5 15:25:55 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (rb_intern3): fix to changing encoding to default, and
+ uncommented r13835, which is rare but not impossible.
+Wed Dec 5 15:15:21 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * range.c (step_i, range_step): support non-fixnum steps.
+ [ruby-talk:282100]
+Wed Dec 5 14:25:11 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): fix typo.
+Wed Dec 5 13:41:25 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (yycompile): get rid of tracing while parsing.
+ [ruby-dev:31351]
+ * thread.c (ruby_suppress_tracing): added a new parameter, which
+ directs to call func always.
+Tue Dec 4 19:56:42 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (iconv_convert): should not set encoding unless
+ the target encoding is supported. [ruby-dev:32451]
+Tue Dec 4 17:34:17 2007 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/lib/kconv.rb (tojis, tosjis, toeuc, toutf8):
+ set encoding. [ruby-dev:32447]
+Tue Dec 4 17:07:25 2007 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/json.rb, lib/json/*: moved to ext/json/lib.
+Tue Dec 4 16:34:46 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (iconv_create): achieve target encoding.
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (iconv_convert, iconv_finish, iconv_iconv,
+ iconv_conv): set result string encoding. [ruby-dev:32446]
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (iconv_initialize, iconv_s_open): set encoding to
+ Iconv instance.
+Tue Dec 4 14:34:35 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (process_options): reverted c flag.
+Tue Dec 4 11:23:50 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_cstr_to_inum): trailing spaces may exist at squeezing
+ preceding 0s. [ruby-core:13873]
+Mon Dec 3 11:51:53 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/Win32API/*: removed or moved to ext/dl/win32.
+ * ext/dl/win32/*: new. [ruby-dev:32387]
+Sun Dec 2 22:08:01 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_tokadd_mbchar): fix for ASCII chars. [ruby-dev:32432]
+ * parse.y (parser_parse_string, parser_here_document): prevent false
+ error messages.
+Sun Dec 2 20:43:22 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c (unescape_escaped_nonascii): fix mbclen argument.
+Sun Dec 2 15:47:57 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_tokadd_mbchar): check insufficient multibyte char.
+ [ruby-dev:32429]
+Sun Dec 2 15:42:16 2007 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb, test/rss/test_version.rb: 0.2.1 -> 0.2.2.
+ * lib/rss/maker/itunes.rb: fixed new_itunes_category.
+ * lib/rss/maker/taxonomy.rb: new_taxo_topic -> new_topic because
+ of consistency.
+ * test/rss/test_maker_itunes.rb, test/rss/test_itunes.rb: removed
+ needless UTF-8 characters.
+Sun Dec 2 15:18:37 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * (vm_callee_setup_arg): fix error message.
+ [ruby-dev:32430]
+Sun Dec 2 09:12:48 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * parse.y (regexp): fix /#{}\xa1\xa2/e to be EUC-JP.
+ (reg_fragment_setenc_gen): extracted from reg_compile_gen.
+Sun Dec 2 01:39:51 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_uv_to_utf8): declared.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_preprocess): new function for dynamic regexp with
+ \u{} such as"\\u{6666}").
+ (rb_reg_prepare_re): preprocess regexp for recompiling.
+ (read_escaped_byte): new function.
+ (unescape_escaped_nonascii): new function.
+ (append_utf8): new function.
+ (unescape_unicode_list): new function.
+ (unescape_unicode_bmp): new function.
+ (unescape_nonascii): new function.
+ (rb_reg_initialize): preprocess regexp.
+ * pack.c (rb_uv_to_utf8): renamed from uv_to_utf8.
+ * parse.y (STR_NEW3): take func instead of has8 and hasmb.
+ (parser_str_new): use default coderange mechanism except for regexp.
+ (parser_tokadd_utf8): copy regexp source as-is.
+ (parser_read_escape): UTF-8 stuff removed.
+ (parser_tokadd_escape): has8bit and hasmb removed.
+ (parser_tokadd_string): fix 8-bit single byte character with \u.
+ (parser_parse_string): has8bit and hasmb removed.
+ (parser_here_document): has8bit and hasmb removed.
+ (parser_yylex): call parser_tokadd_utf8 instead of read_escape for
+ UTF-8 character.
+Wed Dec 2 01:00:07 2007 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc/server.rb (XMLRPC::Server#server): Improve signal handling so
+ pressing control-c in the controlling terminal or sending SIGTERM stops
+ the XML-RPC server.
+Sat Dec 1 23:04:42 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * encoding.c: rename primary_encoding -> default_external (encoding).
+Sat Dec 1 19:52:57 2007 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb (Time#to_datetime): use nsec instead of usec.
+ * lib/date.rb (DateTime#to_time): second minute as an argument to
+ Time::utc contains fractional part in rational; hence Time
+ object may keep resolution at most nanosecond.
+Sat Dec 1 14:36:05 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_knownbug.rb: move fixed bugs.
+ * test/ruby/test_sprintf.rb: ditto.
+ * test/yaml/test_yaml.rb: ditto.
+Sat Dec 1 13:24:47 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * (vm_yield_with_cfunc): fix to passing argc on third
+ parameter of IFUNC. [ruby-dev:32329]
+ * enumerator.c: fix to pass exact number of argument.
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_values2): added.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: ditto.
+ * bootstraptest/test_knownbug.rb: move a fixed test.
+ * bootstraptest/test_block.rb: ditto.
+Sat Dec 1 10:45:56 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_f_open): use to_open for every non-string object. path
+ object may use method_missing.
+Sat Dec 1 09:44:32 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * insns.def (concatarray, splatarray): use to_a instead of
+ to_splat.
+ * (caller_setup_args): ditto.
+Sat Dec 1 03:34:32 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (newline_node): always remove NODE_BEGIN.
+Fri Nov 30 23:48:07 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * signal.c (ruby_signal): use SA_SIGINFO if available.
+ [ ruby-Patches-6418 ]
+Fri Nov 30 22:52:54 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * signal.c (trap_signm): SIGVTALRM no longer used for green
+ thread. [ruby-talk:281318]
+ * signal.c (ruby_sig_finalize): do not install SIG_DFL handler if
+ previous handler is sighandler().
+Fri Nov 30 21:02:15 2007 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/json.rb, lib/json/add/{core.rb, rails.rb},
+ test/json/test_json_rails.rb: additional files of JSON 1.1.2.
+ [ruby-dev:32405]
+Fri Nov 30 19:33:38 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (rb_syck_mktime): avoid segmentation fault.
+ [ruby-core:13735]
+Fri Nov 30 19:05:55 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (enum_count): precise argument number check.
+ * enum.c (enum_count): return Enumerator if no block given.
+Fri Nov 30 16:42:50 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (enum_take_while): returns Enumerator if no block given.
+ * enum.c (enum_drop_while): ditto.
+Thu Nov 29 16:59:10 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (stmt): remove unnecessary NODE_BEGIN. [ruby-core:13814]
+Thu Nov 29 06:45:48 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_eql): recursive comparison should be based on
+ eql? [ruby-core:13803]
+Wed Nov 28 18:08:00 2007 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/json, lib/json, test/json: Update to JSON 1.1.2.
+ (RubyForge#15447)
+ * math.c: fix typo.
+Wed Nov 28 16:29:35 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * (vm_invoke_block): should splat args.
+ [ruby-dev:32392]
+ * test/ruby/test_yield.rb: add tests for above.
+Wed Nov 28 14:43:14 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extract_makefile): use dldflags instead of DLDFLAGS to
+ get rid of mixing $LDFLAGS and $ARCH_FLAG.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (configuration): ditto.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): support for extensions which has no
+ shared object.
+Wed Nov 28 02:42:10 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (big2str_find_n1): removed extraneous element.
+ [ruby-dev:32351], [ruby-dev:32365]
+ * bignum.c (big2str_find_n1): returns necessary digits now.
+ * sprintf.c (remove_sign_bits): extends sign bit first.
+Tue Nov 27 15:53:43 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): "when *[],1" dumps core.
+ a patch from Yusuke ENDOH <mame AT>. [ruby-dev:32350]
+ * bootstraptest/test_syntax.rb: add a test for above.
+Tue Nov 27 15:40:05 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): "a[*b] += 1" dumps core.
+ a patch from Yusuke ENDOH <mame AT>. [ruby-dev:32354]
+ * bootstraptest/test_syntax.rb: add a test for above.
+Tue Nov 27 12:47:23 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c, insns.def: change return value of "defined?"
+ for $&, $1, ... . If such variables are defined,
+ return "global-variable".
+ * test/ruby/test_defined.rb: add tests.
+ * bootstraptest/test_syntax.rb: fix a test.
+Tue Nov 27 11:54:46 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def: fix typo.
+Tue Nov 27 11:23:20 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test_beginendblock.rb: add loop to wait signal.
+ [ruby-dev:32332]
+Tue Nov 27 11:14:57 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h, encoding.c, re.c, string.c, parse.y:
+ Because single byte 8bit character, such as Shift_JIS 1byte katakana,
+ is represented by ENC_CODERANGE_MULTI even if it is not multi byte.
+Tue Nov 27 10:45:45 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_method_missing): fix stack trace.
+ * bootstraptest/test_knownbug.rb: move solved tests.
+ * bootstraptest/test_method.rb, test/ruby/test_regexp.rb: ditto.
+Tue Nov 27 09:57:42 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def, compile.c: fix to allow dsym for alias/undef.
+ [ruby-dev:32355]
+ * bootstraptest/test_method.rb: add tests for above.
+Mon Nov 26 23:18:46 2007 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/drb/extserv.rb (initialize, stop_service): synchronize with
+ ExtServManager.
+ * test/drb/test_drb.rb (TestDRbEval): ignored.
+Mon Nov 26 17:32:16 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c (Init_Regexp): new method Regexp#fixed_encoding?
+ [ruby-dev:32361]
+Mon Nov 26 13:28:14 2007 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/complex.rb: be able to create Complex(0, -0.0). [ruby-list:44268]
+Mon Nov 26 11:24:04 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_fixed_encoding_p): extracted from rb_reg_prepare_re and
+ rb_reg_s_union.
+ (rb_reg_s_union): refactored.
+Mon Nov 26 10:44:20 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_read_internal, rb_sysopen_internal): remove C99 dependency.
+Sun Nov 25 22:21:35 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_enc_str_asciionly_p): declared.
+ (rb_enc_str_asciicompat_p): defined.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_initialize_str): use rb_enc_str_asciionly_p.
+ (rb_reg_quote): return ascii-8bit string if the argument is
+ ascii-only to generate encoding generic regexp if possible.
+ (rb_reg_s_union): fix encoding handling. [ruby-dev:32094]
+ * string.c (rb_enc_str_asciionly_p): defined.
+Sun Nov 25 12:12:03 2007 Eric Hodel <>
+ * gem_prelude.rb: Import fast-loading gem_prelude.rb from RubyGems.
+ * lib/rubygems*: Import RubyGems r1516.
+Sat Nov 24 23:25:52 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_eval.rb (TestEval::test_instance_eval_cvar):
+ updated not to modify class variable of Object class.
+Fri Nov 23 17:34:24 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * io.c: add rb_read_internal() as blocking function.
+Fri Nov 23 17:33:39 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c: fix comment.
+Fri Nov 23 17:26:11 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_knownbug.rb: move solved tests.
+ * bootstraptest/test_io.rb, test_marshal.rb, test_objectspace.rb:
+ ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_integer.rb, test_regexp.rb: ditto.
+Fri Nov 23 15:59:04 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_alloc_noinit): new function.
+ (rb_struct_define_without_accessor): add allocator to the arguments.
+ * range.c (range_alloc): re-introduced using rb_struct_alloc_noinit.
+Fri Nov 23 15:27:43 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c (REG_CASESTATE): unused macro removed.
+ (rb_reg_prepare_re): check encoding difference.
+ (rb_reg_initialize): check 8bit byte.
+ * parse.y (parser_tokadd_escape): fix has8bit.
+ [ruby-dev:32113]
+Fri Nov 23 15:16:48 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_f_global_variables): variable names should not
+ duplicate. [ruby-dev:32344]
+Fri Nov 23 13:34:08 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_define_without_accessor): new function.
+ * range.c (range_alloc): removed.
+ (Init_Range): use rb_struct_define_without_accessor.
+ based on [ruby-dev:32327].
+Fri Nov 23 11:01:54 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (match_begin): should return offset by character.
+ [ruby-dev:32331]
+ * re.c (match_end): ditto.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_search): ditto.
+Fri Nov 23 10:44:24 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * compile.c (defined_expr): defined(method(x)) dumped core. a
+ patch from Yusuke ENDOH <mame AT>. [ruby-dev:32335]
+Wed Nov 21 18:03:49 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c: fix to recycle thread data (VM stack).
+ * thread.c: ditto.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm3_thread_create_join.rb: add loop count.
+Wed Nov 21 18:02:10 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/driver.rb: add path to trunk/lib if driver runner is
+ in build directory.
+Wed Nov 21 16:39:21 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/fileutils/fileasserts.rb (assert_equal_timestamp): new assert
+ to test tv_sec only for filestamp resolution portability.
+ (assert_same_entry): use assert_same_entry for mtime comparison.
+Wed Nov 21 14:55:13 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_permutation): add gc guard codes.
+Wed Nov 21 11:16:37 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * (vm_search_normal_superclass): rename function.
+ * (vm_search_superclass): ditto.
+ * proc.c (struct METHOD): rename rklass -> rclass.
+Wed Nov 21 03:12:50 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * process.c (rb_f_system): returns nil on execution failure.
+ [ruby-core:13715]
+Wed Nov 21 01:04:12 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (nil_plus): remove unused function. [ruby-core:13737]
+Tue Nov 20 21:46:46 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (time_mload): ignore invalid digits in submicro.
+Tue Nov 20 20:33:32 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: rename RFloat#double_value -> float_value.
+ * numeric.c, parse.y: ditto.
+Tue Nov 20 19:36:21 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.h, vm_core.h: decl of rb_gc_save_machine_context()
+ should be at vm_core.h.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h, intern.h: remove type rb_thread_t.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: change rb_unblock_function_t,
+ rb_unblock_function_t.
+ * file.c, process.c: apply above changes.
+ * thread.c,, ditto.
+ * io.c: support blocking open (2). [ruby-core:13614]
+Tue Nov 20 17:10:11 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_close_on_exec_p): new method IO#close_on_exec?.
+ (rb_io_set_close_on_exec): new method IO#close_on_exec=.
+ [ruby-dev:32323]
+Tue Nov 20 16:24:31 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_children): obj->as.file.fptr may be 0 for T_FILE.
+Tue Nov 20 15:09:00 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_read_escape): has8bit flag may be set with control
+ escape. [ruby-core:13722]
+ * parse.y (parser_prepare): set begging after BOM if exists.
+ [ruby-core:13718]
+Tue Nov 20 14:55:37 2007 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems*: Update to RubyGems 0.9.5.
+Tue Nov 20 13:00:44 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h win32/win32.c (rb_w32_pipe_exec): use dual fd
+ instead of socketpair when mode is RDWR.
+ * io.c (pipe_open): pass &write_fd to rb_w32_pipe_exec().
+ * io.c (popen_redirect): define only when HAVE_FORK.
+Tue Nov 20 12:12:04 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/io.h (rb_io_t): add tied_io_for_writing member.
+ * io.c: use tied_io_for_writing for duplex popen.
+ * gc.c: mark tied_io_for_writing.
+ * gc.o depends io.h.
+ [ruby-dev:32205]
+Tue Nov 20 11:59:33 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/drb/test_drb.rb: rename TestRubyYield to TestDRbRubyYield to
+ avoid name crash with test/ruby/test_yield.rb.
+ TestRuby18Yield is renamed to TestDRbRuby18Yield too.
+Tue Nov 20 03:24:42 2007 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/drb/extservm.rb: merged from ruby_1_8 branch.
+ * lib/drb/acl.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/drb/ssl.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/drb/unix.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/drb/observer.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/drb/invokemethod.rb: ditto.
+ * test/drb/test_drbssl.rb: ditto.
+ * test/drb/test_drb.rb: ditto.
+ * test/drb/drbtest.rb: ditto.
+ * test/drb/test_drbunix.rb: ditto.
+Tue Nov 20 00:52:46 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/fileutils/fileasserts.rb (assert_equal_time): show nsec if
+ assertion fails but time.to_s equals.
+ (assert_same_entry): use assert_equal_time.
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb (test_install): use
+ assert_equal_time.
+Mon Nov 19 18:46:49 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * file.c (utime_internal): fallback utimensat to utimes.
+Mon Nov 19 17:51:27 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * check struct timespec, clock_gettime, utimensat,
+ struct stat.st_atim,
+ struct stat.st_atimespec,
+ struct stat.st_atimensec,
+ struct stat.st_mtim,
+ struct stat.st_mtimespec,
+ struct stat.st_mtimensec,
+ struct stat.st_ctim,
+ struct stat.st_ctimespec,
+ struct stat.st_ctimensec.
+ * include/ruby/missing.h: provide struct timespec if not available.
+ * time.c: support nanosecond-resolution using struct timespec.
+ (time_nsec): new method: Time#nsec and Time#tv_nsec.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: provide rb_time_nano_new.
+ * file.c (utime_internal): use utimensat if available.
+ (rb_file_s_utime): refactored.
+ (rb_f_test): use stat_atime, stat_mtime, stat_ctime.
+ (rb_stat_cmp): check tv_nsec.
+ (stat_atimespec): new function.
+ (stat_atime): ditto.
+ (stat_mtimespec): ditto.
+ (stat_mtime): ditto.
+ (stat_ctimespec): ditto.
+ (stat_ctime): ditto.
+ (rb_stat_atime): use stat_atime.
+ (rb_file_s_atime): ditto.
+ (rb_file_atime): ditto.
+ (rb_stat_mtime): use stat_mtime.
+ (rb_file_s_mtime): ditto.
+ (rb_file_mtime): ditto.
+ (rb_file_ctime): use stat_ctime.
+ (rb_file_s_ctime): ditto.
+ (rb_stat_ctime): ditto.
+ * variable.c (rb_copy_generic_ivar): clear clone's instance variables
+ if obj has no instance variable.
+ * marshal.c (w_object): dump instance variables of generated string
+ for TYPE_USERDEF, even if original object has instance variables.
+ * lib/time.rb (Time#xmlschema): use nsec instead of usec.
+ [ruby-dev:32306]
+Mon Nov 19 17:48:30 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_class_superclass): should not raise exception for
+ BasicObject. [ruby-Bugs-15668]
+Mon Nov 19 16:04:08 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_permutation): gives all permutations of elements
+ if no argument given. a patch from Yusuke ENDOH <mame AT>.
+ [ruby-dev:32309]
+Mon Nov 19 02:44:07 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): alias and undef accept dsyms as well
+ as literals. [ruby-dev:32308]
+Mon Nov 19 02:31:36 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (rb_add_method): no redefinition warning for undef.
+Mon Nov 19 01:53:11 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_read_escape): disallow control and meta modifiers
+ for non-ASCII characters. [ruby-core:13685]
+Sun Nov 18 20:47:41 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * marshal.c (mark_dump_arg): it may be called after dump_ensure.
+Sun Nov 18 18:27:47 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (time_minus): fix**60+1) -**60).
+Sun Nov 18 17:28:49 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (time_arg): show actual year in 2-3 digits year warning.
+ (time_mdump): show actual year in "year too big to marshal" error.
+Sun Nov 18 14:03:44 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (rb_alias): do not call hook functions until
+ initialization finishes. [ruby-talk:279538]
+Sun Nov 18 09:09:48 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (String#tr_cpp): make preprocessor identifiers.
+Sun Nov 18 05:19:46 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (have_struct_member): define HAVE_type_member.
+Sat Nov 17 23:51:29 2007 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_invoke): bug fix. [ruby-talk:279100]
+Sat Nov 17 23:21:15 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): should clear parser->tokp as well.
+ [ruby-dev:32250]
+ * parse.y: remove NEED_ASSOC that break test_parser_events.
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): should not decrement line numbers at the
+ end of file.
+ * file.c (rb_find_file_ext): search .rb files first through in the
+ loadpath.
+Fri Nov 16 23:31:18 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_odd_p): new method added. a patch from Tadashi
+ Saito <shiba AT>. [ruby-dev:32305]
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_even_p): ditto.
+Fri Nov 16 17:41:34 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (Document-class): moved the simplest example to
+ the top.
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (iconv_s_iconv): Document-method: needs class
+ prefix for class method. [ruby-core:13542]
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (iconv_iconv): also instance method needs to be
+ qualified.
+Fri Nov 16 16:26:57 2007 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: added some declarations for event hooks.
+ * lib/profile.rb: set VM::InstructionSequence.compile_option.
+Fri Nov 16 11:16:41 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/yaml/rubytypes.rb (String#is_binary_data?): use Integer#fdiv.
+Fri Nov 16 03:36:01 2007 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c: Node#value defined twice.
+ * lib/yaml/: several method redefinitions causing warnings.
+Fri Nov 16 03:01:00 2007 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * lib/yaml/types.rb: Likewise, pass self to YAML::quick_emit.
+Fri Nov 16 02:51:59 2007 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * lib/yaml.rb (quick_emit): use combination of object_id and hash to
+ identify repeated object references, since GC will reuse memory of
+ objects during output of YAML. [ruby-Bugs-8548] [ruby-Bugs-3698]
+Thu Nov 15 19:49:03 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/curses/extconf.rb: check macro if cannot find func.
+ [ruby-list:44224]
+Thu Nov 15 18:04:06 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/compile_prelude.rb: fix TMP_RUBY_PREFIX for relative load path
+ environment.
+Thu Nov 15 17:28:21 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/compile_prelude.rb: absolute path may not start with a slash.
+ pointed by usa.
+Thu Nov 15 17:07:54 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/compile_prelude.rb: fix first substitution.
+ use constant for prefix.
+ pointed by Richard Kilmer.
+Thu Nov 15 14:29:56 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (prereq): added auto generated sources. [ruby-dev:32280]
+Thu Nov 15 12:31:13 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/compile_prelude.rb: use constant for prefix.
+Thu Nov 15 12:24:39 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/compile_prelude.rb: use simple template system for source
+ code generation.
+Thu Nov 15 12:19:14 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/cgi/session.rb (CGI::Session::FileStore::restore): use
+ lockfile for exclusive locks. a patch from <tommy AT>.
+ [ruby-dev:32296]
+Thu Nov 15 12:14:53 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * tool/compile_prelude.rb (c_esc): need to escape closing brace.
+Thu Nov 15 11:52:16 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/compile_prelude.rb: adjust RbConfig::CONFIG paths relative
+ to the installation path.
+Thu Nov 15 11:25:20 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ruby.c (usage): fix typo on --disable-gems option.
+ pointed by Richard Kilmer.
+Wed Nov 14 16:16:17 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * test/net/http/test_https_proxy.rb
+ (HTTPSProxyTest::test_https_proxy_authentication): initialize
+ local variable 't' first. [ruby-dev:32253]
+Wed Nov 14 15:39:24 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * test/socket/test_socket.rb: update not to use 1.8 assignment to
+ external local variable in the block parameters. [ruby-dev:32251]
+ * test/strscan/test_stringscanner.rb: avoid $KCODE, and use
+ String#force_encoding(). [ruby-dev:32251]
+Wed Nov 14 14:04:42 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ *, rename prelude.c to miniprelude.c.
+ rename ext_prelude.c to prelude.c
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: ditto.
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub: ditto.
+Wed Nov 14 07:09:48 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * blockinlining.c, compile.c, compile.h, debug.c, debug.h,
+ id.c, insnhelper.h, insns.def, thread.c,,
+ thread_pthread.h,, thread_win32.h, vm.h,
+ vm_dump.c,, vm_opts.h: fix comments and
+ copyright year.
+Wed Nov 14 07:07:51 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * tool/makedocs.rb, template/insnstbl.html: removed.
+Wed Nov 14 02:50:43 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (parse.c): dependency also needs vpath.
+ * (, prelude.c): VPATH in nmake does not
+ work for targets of explicit rules.
+Wed Nov 14 02:11:38 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * missing/isinf.c (isinf): don't define if the macro is defined.
+ * no need to set ac_cv_func_isinf=yes on non-gcc
+ solaris.
+Wed Nov 14 01:34:42 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (round): fallback definition.
+ * numeric.c (flo_divmod, flo_round): use round() always.
+ [ruby-dev:32269]
+Wed Nov 14 00:33:49 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: introduce 2 macros:
+ Rename RFloat#value -> RFloat#double_value.
+ Do not touch RFloat#double_value directly.
+ * bignum.c, insns.def, marshal.c, math.c, numeric.c, object.c,
+ pack.c, parse.y, process.c, random.c, sprintf.c, string.c,
+ time.c: apply above changes.
+ * ext/dl/mkcallback.rb, ext/json/ext/generator/generator.c:
+ ditto.
+Wed Nov 14 00:15:37 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/ytab.sed: get rid of GNU sed feature. a patch from Laurent
+ Sansonetti <laurent.sansonetti AT> in [ruby-core:13470].
+Tue Nov 13 21:41:39 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (parse.c), ext/ripper/depend (ripper.c): process after
+ bison with sed. [ruby-dev:32204]
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): use yydebug in cmdline_options.
+ * ruby.c (process_options): set yydebug flag of parser.
+ * parse.y (yydebug): moved into struct parser_params.
+ * parse.y (rb_parser_get_yydebug, rb_parser_set_yydebug): parser
+ generic methods.
+ * */Makefile.sub (parse.c): moved to
+ * tool/ytab.sed: comment out yydebug definition, and substitute
+ yyerror with parser_yyerror.
+Tue Nov 13 16:33:07 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (flodivmod): work around for infinity.
+ * numeric.c (flo_divmod): work around for platforms have no round().
+ [ruby-dev:32247]
+Tue Nov 13 15:26:33 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lex.c.blt: moved from lex.c.
+ * lex.c.src: copied from keywords. This is the source of lex.c.blt.
+ * (lex.c): use lex.c.blt if keywords is same as lex.c.src.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (lex.c): re-introduce copy rule.
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub (lex.c): ditto.
+ * wince/Makefile.sub (lex.c): ditto.
+Tue Nov 13 15:21:52 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_specialized_instruction): check argc.
+Tue Nov 13 14:44:32 2007 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * test/yaml/test_yaml.rb: fixed the failing YAML Struct test
+ at ko1's request.
+Tue Nov 13 02:57:04 2007 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_divmod): round to the nearest integer.
+ [ ruby-Bugs-14540 ]
+Tue Nov 13 00:36:16 2007 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: fixed tests for set_trace_func.
+Mon Nov 12 19:47:29 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * thread.c (call_trace_proc): should return value.
+Mon Nov 12 19:45:18 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * {bcc,win}32/Makefile.sub (miniruby): use $(COMMONOBJS) and $(DMYEXT)
+ instead of $(LIBRUBY_A).
+Mon Nov 12 18:32:53 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * {bcc,win}32/Makefile.sub (MINIOBJS): added prelude.$(OBJEXT).
+Mon Nov 12 17:13:23 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ *, add prelude.o to MINIOBJS.
+Mon Nov 12 16:52:29 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): rdoc about srcprefix. a patch from
+ Daniel Berger <djberg96 AT> in [ruby-core:13378].
+Mon Nov 12 16:48:09 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ *, add ext_prelude.o to OBJS.
+Mon Nov 12 13:57:39 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * (MINIDLNOBJS): removed.
+ (MINIOBJS): set to dln.o if dmydln.o is not used.
+ * (miniruby): use MINIOBJS instead of MINIDLNOBJS.
+Mon Nov 12 13:53:06 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-parse-partial): handle stringified
+ symbols properly using ruby-forward-string.
+Mon Nov 12 12:17:59 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * (MINIDLNOBJS): defined.
+ * (miniruby): use MINIDLNOBJS and COMMONOBJS instead of
+ MINIOBJS and OBJS to avoid linking both dmydln.o and dln.o.
+Sun Nov 11 20:32:45 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * {win32,wince,bcc32}/Makefile.sub: delete lex.c rule.
+Sun Nov 11 19:40:52 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * (lex.c): simplified.
+Sun Nov 11 18:31:48 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * (lex.c): touch lex.c if gperf failed but lex.c exists.
+ Although this may cause non-updated lex.c,
+ svn co may generate keywords newer than lex.c especially on
+ a file system which can record fractional mtime such as XFS.
+Sun Nov 11 17:32:46 2007 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * (vm_call_method): pass mn->nd_clss to
+ vm_call_cfunc() instead of klass.
+ * vm.c (rb_thread_method_id_and_klass): traverse parent_iseq.
+ * thread.c (call_trace_proc): use rb_thread_method_id_and_klass().
+Sun Nov 11 16:54:25 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lex.c: renamed from lex.c.blt.
+ * (lex.c): use find command to check mtime.
+Sun Nov 11 05:34:13 2007 Eric Hodel <>
+ * bin/gem: Add forgotten gem command.
+Sat Nov 10 23:50:31 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * string.c (tr_trans): cast to unsigned char after dereference
+ a pointer to a char to avoid SEGV with "\377".tr("a", "b").
+ on FreeBSD/amd64.
+Sat Nov 10 23:08:53 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ *,, don't generate
+ libminiruby-static.a.
+Sat Nov 10 19:46:54 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ *,, generate libminiruby-static.a
+ which contains prelude.o for miniruby.
+Sat Nov 10 18:10:07 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * gem_prelude.rb: new file for gem libraries. currently empty.
+ * generate ext_prelude.c by prelude.rb and gem_prelude.rb.
+ ruby (not miniruby) is linked with ext_prelude.o instead of
+ prelude.o.
+ * inits.c (rb_call_inits): don't call Init_prelude.
+ * ruby.c: support --disable-gems option.
+ (ruby_init_gems): new function to define Gem::Enable and
+ invoke Init_prelude.
+ (process_options): call ruby_init_gems just after
+ ruby_init_loadpath.
+ * tool/compile_prelude.rb: support multiple files.
+Sat Nov 10 17:27:55 2007 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * thread.c (call_trace_proc): don't call ID2SYM() for ID_ALLOCATOR
+ to avoid SEGV.
+Sat Nov 10 16:37:07 2007 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Import RubyGems revision 1493.
+ * lib/rubygems.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/ubygems.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rbconfig/datadir.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Sat Nov 10 16:34:21 2007 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/soap/property.rb: Don't override Enumerable#inject for 1.9.
+Sat Nov 10 14:43:30 2007 David Flanagan <>
+ * parse.y: use ASCII encoding for string literals that are
+ 7-bit clean, fixing regression from my previous patch
+Sat Nov 10 13:18:54 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * {bcc32,win32}/Makefile.sub: vendor_ruby support.
+Fri Nov 9 23:33:16 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_nextc): added single line read forward buffer.
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): adjust line number for fluent interface.
+Fri Nov 9 22:04:21 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (vm_call_cfunc, vm_cfunc_flags): use shift operations.
+Fri Nov 9 21:46:28 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c (eval): should be volatile value for GC.
+Fri Nov 9 17:48:22 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (locale_encoding): guesstimate encoding from environment
+ variables. [ruby-core:13315]
+ * ruby.c (process_options): set primary encoding from environment.
+Fri Nov 9 16:51:42 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_each_byte): should update rbuf_off and rbuf_len for
+ each iteration. [ruby-dev:31659][ruby-dev:32192]
+ * variable.c (rb_cvar_set): cvar assignment obey same rule to cvar
+ reference. [ruby-dev:32192]
+Fri Nov 9 15:52:00 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (enc_check_encoding, rb_set_primary_encoding): ENCODING
+ is no longer in FL_USERS flags.
+Fri Nov 9 15:20:13 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_squeeze_bang): initialize squeezing table if no
+ arguments given.
+Fri Nov 9 13:57:50 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (each_with_index_i): use rb_yield_values() for
+ compatibility with Enumerator#with_index(). a patch from Yusuke
+ ENDOH <mame AT>. [ruby-dev:32195]
+Fri Nov 9 13:45:05 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_iterator.rb (TestIterator::IterTest::each):
+ #each_pair is now alias to #each. [ruby-dev:32192]
+ * test/ruby/test_iterator.rb (TestIterator::test_assoc_yield):
+ ditto
+Fri Nov 9 12:56:36 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval_load.c (loaded_feature_path): check with type of given feature.
+Fri Nov 9 12:43:02 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_basicinstructions.rb: updated for new class
+ behavior. [ruby-dev:32192]
+ * encoding.c (enc_name): Encoding should not rely on ENCODING in
+ the FL_USERS flags.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_from_encoding): do not call rb_enc_associate
+ for encoding itself.
+ * encoding.c (enc_register_at): ditto.
+ * marshal.c (r_ivar): do not set real instance variable for
+ encoding data associated.
+Fri Nov 9 10:43:55 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (send_internal): use self in the previous frame to check for
+ protected methods. [ruby-core:13254]
+ * (vm_call_method): send! method has gone.
+Fri Nov 9 10:38:13 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * marshal.c (w_object): should be SPECIAL_CONST_P() instead of
+Fri Nov 9 10:29:21 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_invoke_method): check if invoked in function style.
+ [ruby-core:13245]
+ * (vm_call_cfunc, vm_cfunc_flags): stores and returns VM
+ calling flags.
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_cfunc_funcall_p): returns if the current method is
+ invoked in function style.
+Fri Nov 9 10:10:21 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * cont.c: add rb_context_t#type.
+Fri Nov 9 10:05:54 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ruby.c (set_arg0): fix breaking environ bugs.
+Fri Nov 9 07:26:04 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * random.c: update MT URL.[ruby-core:13305].
+Thu Nov 8 17:09:55 2007 David Flanagan <>
+ * object.c: improve docs for Object.tap
+ * ChangeLog: fix bogus dates on my previous entries
+Thu Nov 8 15:13:56 2007 David Flanagan <>
+ * parse.y: fix segfault with \x escapes in regexps
+ delete unused #if 0 code regions from previous patch
+Thu Nov 8 12:12:10 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * parse.y (parser_read_escape): remove C99/gcc-ism.
+Thu Nov 8 07:54:22 2007 David Flanagan <>
+ * parse.y: patch, based on Nobu's, work to support \u escapes
+ also modifications for better coderange detection
+ * test/ruby/test_unicode_escapes.rb: test cases
+ * test/ruby/test_mixed_unicode_escapes.rb: mixed encoding test cases
+Thu Nov 8 07:14:37 2007 David Flanagan <>
+ * parse.y (rb_intern3): commented out broken code that prevented
+ correct interning of multi-byte symbols. Without this patch
+ :x==:x is false when x is a multi-byte character.
+Thu Nov 8 07:04:31 2007 David Flanagan <>
+ * string.c (tr_setup_table, tr_trans): fix test failures
+ in test/ruby/test_string.rb
+Wed Nov 7 15:07:51 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enum.c (enum_each_with_index): make different arrays at each
+ iteration. [ruby-dev:32181]
+Wed Nov 7 05:17:24 2007 David Flanagan <>
+ * eval.c: fix typo in invoke_method documentation
+Wed Nov 7 03:52:26 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_product): core dumped with non array arguments.
+ a patch from Yusuke ENDOH <mame AT>. [ruby-dev:32180]
+Wed Nov 7 03:32:38 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/rexml/encodings/SHIFT-JIS.rb (REXML::Encoding): place -x for
+ nkf conversion. a patch from <moonwolf AT>.
+ [ruby-dev:32183]
+Wed Nov 7 02:59:49 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_each_index): should return meaningful value.
+Tue Nov 6 16:37:47 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval_load.c (loaded_feature_path): need to expand relative paths.
+ * eval_load.c (rb_feature_p): check if the feature is loading with
+ load path. [ruby-dev:31932]
+ * eval_load.c (load_lock): check the result of barrier waiting.
+ * thread.c (rb_barrier_wait): check if owned by the current thread.
+ * thread.c (rb_barrier_release): ditto.
+Mon Nov 5 08:01:22 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (Init_eval): move #send to Kernel module from BasicObject.
+Mon Nov 5 05:17:04 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser::Switch::summarize): fix for long form
+ option with very long argument. a patch from Kobayashi Noritada
+ <nori1 AT> in [ruby-list:44179].
+Mon Nov 5 01:20:33 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (call_args): remove "parenthesize argument(s) for future
+ version" warning. when I added this warning, I had a plan to
+ reimplement the parser that is simpler than the current one.
+ since we abandoned the plan, warning no longer required.
+Mon Nov 5 01:02:56 2007 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (HTTPHeader#initialize): provide default
+ User-Agent to fix 500 error on some corrupted HTTP servers.
+ [ruby-core:13135]
+Mon Nov 5 00:32:32 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_send): allow send/__send__ to call methods of all
+ visibility again. we no longer provide __send, __send!.
+ * eval.c (rb_invoke_method): new method to honor private
+ visibility. if it's invoked in a function call style, it calls
+ private methods as well (previous 1.9 send behavior).
+Mon Nov 5 00:24:24 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: vendor_ruby support.
+ * (RUBY_LIB): duplicated.
+Mon Nov 5 00:01:33 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_quote): quote \v as well.
+Sun Nov 4 23:51:59 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_initialize_m): use StringValuePtr instead of
+ StringValueCStr because \0 exists when"\0").
+Sun Nov 4 08:11:19 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * gc.c (count_objects): count TOTAL.
+Sun Nov 4 03:58:32 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (tr_setup_table): use C array for characters that fit
+ in a byte to gain performance.
+ * string.c (rb_str_delete_bang): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_squeeze_bang): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_count): ditto.
+ * string.c (tr_trans): ditto.
+Sun Nov 4 00:06:40 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * gc.c (count_objects): ObjectSpace.count_objects implemented.
+ [ruby-core:12301]
+Sat Nov 3 22:49:37 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_each_pair): make Hash#each to be alias to
+ Hash#each_pair for compatibility and clarity.
+ * hash.c (env_each_pair): ditto.
+Sat Nov 3 22:41:05 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * --with-vendor-hdrdir implemented.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: check --vendor argument.
+ * README.EXT: explain --vendor option for extconf.rb
+ * README.EXT.ja: ditto.
+Sat Nov 3 20:30:48 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * --with-vendordir implemented.
+ * mkconfig.rb: add config to vendorlibdir and vendorarchdir.
+ * instruby.rb: make vendor library directories.
+ * ruby.c: insert vendor library directories into load path.
+Fri Nov 2 20:55:49 2007 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/content.rb, lib/rss/content/, lib/rss/maker/content.rb,
+ test/rss/test_content.rb, test/rss/test_maker_content.rb,
+ test/rss/rss-testcase.rb (RSS::TestCase): supported
+ content:encoded with RSS 2.0.
+ Suggested by Sam Lown. Thanks.
+Fri Nov 2 20:47:04 2007 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb, test/rss/test_version.rb: 0.2.0 -> 0.2.1.
+Thu Nov 1 21:56:45 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * error.c (Init_Exception): make NameError to be subclass of
+ StandardError again.
+ * error.c (Init_Exception): make SecurityError to be subclass of
+ Exception, since it's too important to be handled implicitly.
+Thu Nov 1 14:51:39 2007 David Flanagan <>
+ * enum.c (take_while_i, drop_while_i) add RTEST to handle nil return
+Thu Nov 1 02:12:50 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * (prereq): update the path of prelude.c.
+ * (prelude.c): rollback a part of r13675, because it is not
+ documented and causes build error.
+Thu Nov 1 01:52:23 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * enum.c (enum_drop): fix typo.
+Thu Nov 1 01:51:01 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * vm_core.h (ruby_current_thread): RUBY_EXTERN'ed for probeprofiler.
+Thu Nov 1 00:46:30 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/configure.bat, setup.mak: now can recognize OS even if
+ the ``--target'' option of configure is omitted.
+ * win32/README.win32: update the descriptions about compiler.
+Wed Oct 31 03:13:41 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (enum_take_while): separate with-block form.
+ * enum.c (drop_while_i): ditto.
+ * enum.c (enum_butfirst): abandon butfirst method. reverted.
+Tue Oct 30 10:03:43 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (enum_butfirst): add a new method to iterates over
+ elements but first n. RDoc need to be updated.
+ * enumerator.c (Init_Enumerator): remove unnecessary symbol
+ initialization.
+Mon Oct 29 18:42:17 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (bvar): block-local variable can shadow outer variable.
+ [ruby-core:13036]
+Mon Oct 29 17:58:16 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_substr): performance improvement. [ruby-dev:31806]
+Mon Oct 29 17:20:13 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_replicate): new function to replicate encoding.
+ * encoding.c (enc_based_encoding): Encoding#base_encoding returns
+ based encoding of replica.
+Mon Oct 29 17:18:36 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_compatible): ASCII encoding is compatible with
+ ASCII-compatible encoding, even for non-string objects.
+Sun Oct 28 21:50:02 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb: :redirect option implemented to disable redirects.
+ (OpenURI::HTTPRedirect): new exception class for redirection.
+Fri Oct 26 17:38:13 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (int_chr): take an optional encoding parameter.
+ [ruby-core:12816]
+Fri Oct 26 17:14:14 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_pow): returns 1.0 for 0**0.0.
+ * numeric.c (fix_pow): returns infinity for 0**-1. [ruby-dev:32084]
+Fri Oct 26 15:00:52 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-style.el (ruby-style-{case,label}-indent): adjust for
+ labels inside switch block.
+Fri Oct 26 05:48:57 2007 David Flanagan <>
+ * array.c: raise IndexError for negative length in rb_ary_fill
+Wed Oct 25 07:12:03 2007 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * lib/net/telnet.rb (Net::Telnet#login): Allowing "passphrase" in
+ addition to "password" for Telnet login prompts. [ruby-Bugs-10746]
+Wed Oct 25 06:34:11 2007 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * lib/net/telnet.rb (Net::Telnet#login): Making the password prompt
+ pattern case insensitive. [ruby-Bugs-10746]
+Fri Oct 26 04:21:36 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/net/pop.rb (Net::POP3::do_start): type fixed. a patch from
+ Dan Zwell <dzwell AT> in [ruby-core:12941].
+Fri Oct 26 01:48:28 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_assoc): check and convert inner arrays (assocs)
+ using #to_ary.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_s_create): check and convert argument hash
+ using #to_hash.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_s_create): Hash#[] now takes assocs as source of
+ hash conversion.
+Thu Oct 25 16:46:05 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): dot at the head of the line denote line
+ continuation from previous one to support fluent interface.
+ [experimental]
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-calculate-indent): support fluent dot.
+Thu Oct 25 14:19:33 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_tell, rb_io_seek): check errno too. [ruby-dev:32093]
+Thu Oct 25 13:59:53 2007 David Flanagan <>
+ * parse.y (parser_tokspace): increment tokidx
+ fixes test failure at [test/ruby/test_stringchar.rb:72]
+Thu Oct 25 09:49:49 2007 akira yamada <>
+ * lib/uri.rb, lib/uri/ldaps.rb: added LDAPS
+ scheme. [ruby-dev:31896]
+Wed Oct 25 06:23:14 2007 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc/parser.rb (XMLRPC::Convert::dateTime): Fixing a bug that
+ caused time zone conversion to fail for some ISO 8601 date formats.
+ [ruby-Bugs-12677]
+Wed Oct 25 04:59:28 2007 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc/client.rb (XMLRPC::Client#do_rpc): Explicitly start
+ the HTTP connection to support keepalive requests. [ruby-Bugs-9353]
+Wed Oct 25 04:46:53 2007 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc/client.rb (XMLRPC::Client#do_rpc): Improving the error
+ message for Content-Type check failures. [ruby-core:12163]
+Wed Oct 25 03:45:08 2007 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc/utils.rb (XMLRPC::ParseContentType#parse_content_type):
+ Making Content-Type checks case insensitive. [ruby-Bugs-3367]
+Wed Oct 24 17:09:39 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_tokspace): make space in token buffer.
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): fix encoding of single character literal.
+Tue Oct 23 13:44:14 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (call_args2): nd_head of NODE_BLOCK_PASS should be a list.
+ [ruby-core:12850]
+Tue Oct 23 10:42:51 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (process_options): encoding set by command line option takes
+ priority over the encoding in the source, as the primary encoding.
+Mon Oct 22 19:24:33 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): allow space after -E (encoding) option.
+Mon Oct 22 11:03:09 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (enc_check_encoding): returns index now.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_compatible): check if two objects have compatible
+ encodings.
+ * encoding.c (enc_compatible_p): added Encoding.compatible?.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_enc_compatible): prototype.
+Sun Oct 21 18:29:17 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_default, rb_enc_primary): return pointers to
+ rb_encoding of default and primary respectively. [ruby-core:12795]
+ * encoding.c (set_primary_encoding): removed primary_encoding setter.
+Sat Oct 20 13:17:01 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (enum_cycle): hide temporary array from ObjectSpace.
+ [ruby-core:12762]
+Sat Oct 20 11:49:20 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_get_path): returns frozen string.
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_chown, rb_file_s_lchown): use uid_t and gid_t.
+Fri Oct 19 20:08:14 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_id_encoding): returns ID "encoding".
+ * marshal.c (w_encoding): dump encoding name.
+ * marshal.c (r_ivar): load encoding.
+Fri Oct 19 16:41:00 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_regx_options, reg_compile_gen): relaxened encoding
+ matching rule.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_initialize): always set encoding of Regexp.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_initialize_str): fix encoding for non 7bit-clean
+ strings.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_initialize_m): use ascii encoding for 'n' option.
+Fri Oct 19 11:09:56 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (process_options): set primary encoding from the parser
+ always. [ruby-core:12758]
+ * ruby.c (load_file): should not discard the parser parameter.
+Fri Oct 19 10:55:42 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * range.c (range_last): removed unused variables.
+Thu Oct 18 17:08:57 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (enum_find_index): update RDoc. a patch from David Flanagan
+ <david AT> in [ruby-core:12710].
+ * enum.c (enum_take, enum_drop): ditto.
+ * enum.c (enum_cycle): should not cause infinite loop for empty
+ arrays. [ruby-core:12710]
+ * range.c (Init_Range): typo fixed.
+Thu Oct 18 16:39:34 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/rexml/source.rb (REXML::SourceFactory::SourceFactory): more
+ duck typed. better performance on JRuby.
+Thu Oct 18 09:33:25 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * range.c (range_first): takes first n element if argument is
+ given. [ruby-core:12697]
+ * range.c (range_last): returns last n elements if argument is
+ given.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_subseq, rb_ary_last): export.
+Wed Oct 17 17:39:31 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): fixed reversed condition. [ruby-core:12722]
+Wed Oct 17 13:54:28 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_s_union): the last check was not complete.
+Wed Oct 17 11:30:55 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_from_encoding, rb_enc_register): associate index
+ to self.
+ * encoding.c (enc_capable): Encoding objects are encoding capable.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_s_union): check if encoding matching by exact encoding
+ objects.
+Wed Oct 17 06:18:06 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_alias, rb_enc_find_index): changed
+ enc_table_alias to a name-to-index hash.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_init): use upper case names for aliases to use as
+ constant names.
+ * encoding.c (enc_find): allow symbols.
+ * encoding.c (Init_Encoding): define encoding constants.
+ * st.c (strcasehash): fix wrong code range condition.
+Wed Oct 17 05:07:18 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_primary_encoding): added Encoding.primary_encoding.
+ * parse.y (rb_parser_encoding): added.
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): added -E and --encoding options.
+ * ruby.c (process_options): set primary encoding from command line
+ option if set, or source encoding.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_enc_from_encoding,
+ rb_get_primary_encoding, rb_set_primary_encoding): prototypes.
+ * include/ruby/node.h (rb_parser_encoding): prototype.
+Wed Oct 17 03:37:07 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_desc): set encoding.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_s_union): check encodings.
+ * enc/utf8.c (utf8_code_to_mbclen): 0xfe and 0xff are valid Unicode to
+ be encoded to 2bytes in UTF-8. [ruby-core:12700]
+Wed Oct 17 02:50:49 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_ord): use encoding.
+Wed Oct 17 01:57:06 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_initialize_m): allow binary encoding option.
+ [ruby-dev:32083]
+Tue Oct 16 19:48:01 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_s_union): check for encoding of original object.
+Tue Oct 16 18:28:51 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * debug.c: use enum for constants for gdb if possible.
+Tue Oct 16 18:20:10 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ruby.c, debug.c: move debug enum and constants to debug.c.
+Tue Oct 16 18:16:15 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ruby.c (RUBY_ENCODING_SHIFT): added as enum.
+ * .gdbinit (rp): show encoding and coderange for strings.
+Tue Oct 16 14:48:38 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_regx_options): check if regexp encoding option
+ matches to current encoding.
+ * re.c (char_to_option, rb_char_to_option_kcode): 'n' is not kcode
+ option now.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_to_s, rb_reg_error_desc): copy encoding rather than
+ append as an option.
+ * re.c (make_regexp, rb_reg_prepare_re): use encoding of Regexp and
+ String instead of kcode.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_initialize): set fixed option if none is set.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_regcomp): ditto.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_equal): check if encodings are equal.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_initialize_m): encoding option is obsolete.
+ * re.c (rb_kcode, rb_get_kcode, rb_set_kcode): removed.
+ * re.c (Init_Regexp): removed Regexp#kcode method.
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): allow long encoding name.
+Tue Oct 16 14:03:09 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_s_union): encoding of all regexp objects should
+ match. [ruby-dev:32076]
+Tue Oct 16 13:49:41 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * encoding.c (enc_to_s): rename function.
+Tue Oct 16 13:25:46 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_new4): should copy encoding. a patch from NARUSE,
+ Yui <naruse AT>. [ruby-dev:32076]
+Tue Oct 16 01:31:23 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (enum_inject): RDoc update. a patch from David Flanagan
+ <david AT> in [ruby-core:12710].
+Tue Oct 16 01:25:40 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * encoding.c (Init_Encoding): define #to_s to show encoding name
+ in to_s representation as well as #inspect.
+Mon Oct 15 13:24:08 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_round): should be number but not rounding factor.
+ [ruby-dev:32060]
+Mon Oct 15 11:45:12 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (r_bytes0): refined length check. [ruby-dev:32059]
+Mon Oct 15 10:24:19 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (pst_to_s): returns a string such as "pid 10220 exit 1"
+ instead of "256". [ruby-dev:32053]
+ (pst_inspect): change format
+ "#<Process::Status: pid=10220,exited(1)>" to
+ "#<Process::Status: pid 10220 exit 1>".
+Mon Oct 15 09:58:07 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (r_bytes0): check if source has enough data.
+ [ruby-dev:32054]
+Mon Oct 15 01:15:09 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (s_accept_nonblock): make accepted fd
+ nonblocking. [ruby-talk:274079]
+Sun Oct 14 17:31:48 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_obj_encoding): rdoc update. a patch from David
+ Flanagan <david AT>. [ruby-core:12664]
+ * encoding.c (enc_dump, enc_load): marshaling feature. a patch from
+ David Flanagan. [ruby-core:12665]
+ * encoding.c (Init_Encoding): undefine allocator of Encoding.
+ [ruby-core:12665], [ruby-core:12666]
+ * test/ruby/test_encoding.rb: tests for Encoding from David Flanagan
+ [ruby-core:12665]
+Sun Oct 14 11:09:09 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pp.rb (PP::PPMethods#pp_hash): don't sort keys because hash is
+ ordered.
+ (ENV.pretty_print): call pp_hash with sorted hash.
+Sun Oct 14 04:08:34 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (AC_SYS_LARGEFILE): keep results also in command
+ options, to vail out of mismatch. [ruby-list:44114]
+ * mkconfig.rb, lib/mkmf.rb (configuration): add DEFS.
+Sun Oct 14 03:55:52 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/mkexports.rb: deal with __fastcall name decorations.
+ [ruby-list:44111]
+Sun Oct 14 02:20:40 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_cEncoding): new Encoding class.
+ * encoding.c (rb_to_encoding, rb_to_encoding_index): helper functions.
+ * encoding.c (rb_obj_encoding): return Encoding object now.
+ * gc.c (garbage_collect): mark Encoding objects.
+ * inits.c (rb_call_inits): call Init_Encoding.
+ * string.c (rb_str_force_encoding): accept Encoding object as well as
+ encoding name.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_to_encoding_index, rb_to_encoding):
+ prototypes.
+Sun Oct 14 01:03:30 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb (OpenURI.open_http): fix :ssl_ca_cert option.
+Sat Oct 13 21:23:21 2007 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (foletype_s_ole_classes,
+ foletype_s_typelibs): refactoring.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_type.rb: add some test.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (Init_win32ole): change method name
+ WIN32OLE_TYPELIB.ole_types from WIN32OLE_TYPELIB.ole_classes.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_typelib.rb: ditto.
+ * test/win32ole/test_folderitem2_invokeverb.rb: check create
+ shortcut string more strictly (This test is invoked in Japanese
+ Windows environment).
+Sat Oct 13 09:11:58 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (set_file_encoding): case-insensitive search, a patch from
+ David Flanagan <david AT> [ruby-core:12629]
+Sat Oct 13 09:02:16 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * {bcc,win}32/mkexports.rb: explicit data. [ruby-list:44108]
+Sat Oct 13 00:17:49 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/rexml/document.rb (REXML::Document::write): leaky
+ modification trans -> transitive. [ruby-dev:32040]
+Sat Oct 13 00:00:33 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y: encoding specifier should work if the line matches
+ /coding[:=] ?/, a la Python PEP-263, so that VIM comments like
+ "# vim: set fileencoding=<encoding name>" should be recognized.
+Fri Oct 12 15:04:54 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (magic_comments): add "encoding" as same as "coding".
+ * parse.y (set_file_encoding): special file encoding handling.
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): ditto.
+Fri Oct 12 12:44:11 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_combination): fixed memory corruption due to too
+ small memory allocation
+ * array.c (rb_ary_product): accessing out of memory bounds.
+ condition fixed.
+Fri Oct 12 11:22:15 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (match_values_at): make #select to be alias to #values_at
+ to adapt RDoc description. [ruby-core:12588]
+Thu Oct 11 21:10:17 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * include/ruby/node.h (NOEX_LOCAL): remove unused local visibility.
+ * class.c (ins_methods_push): ditto.
+ * class.c (rb_class_local_methods): method removed.
+Thu Oct 11 14:29:31 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * */Makefile.sub (COMMON_MACROS): workaround for old SDK's bug.
+ [ruby-core:12584]
+Thu Oct 11 06:35:43 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, */Makefile.sub (VPATH): add enc directory.
+ * (ENCOBJS): encoding objects.
+ * enc: directory for encodings.
+Thu Oct 11 00:04:37 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * include/ruby/oniguruma.h (OnigEncodingTypeST): add OnigEncoding
+ parameter to every function members.
+ * include/ruby/oniguruma.h (OnigEncodingTypeST): add auxiliary
+ data member to provide user defined data for an encoding.
+Wed Oct 10 23:32:15 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_s_quote): no longer takes optional second argument
+ that has never been documented.
+Wed Oct 10 15:39:04 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_init): don't alias iso-8859-1 to ascii.
+ * ascii.c (OnigEncodingASCII): change the name US-ASCII to ASCII-8BIT.
+Wed Oct 10 14:31:05 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_enc_str_coderange): fixed check for non-ascii.
+Tue Oct 9 21:35:28 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_permutation, rb_ary_combination): missing type
+ names.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_permutation): used buffer should be t1.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_permutation): use frozen shared hidden array.
+ [ruby-dev:31985]
+Tue Oct 9 16:58:10 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c: remove to_a completely.
+ * array.c (tmpbuf): keep DRY to clear klass of temporary objects.
+Tue Oct 9 16:33:32 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_permutation, rb_ary_combination, rb_ary_product):
+ hide internal buffer objects. [ruby-dev:31982]
+Tue Oct 9 16:00:32 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * parse.y (parser_read_escape, parser_tokadd_escape): check code range.
+ [ruby-dev:31980]
+Tue Oct 9 15:40:24 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (STR_NEW3): check for if single byte sequence.
+Mon Oct 8 20:06:29 2007 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb, lib/net/smtp.rb, lib/net/pop.rb: hostname should
+ be verified against server's identity as presented in the server's
+ certificate. [ruby-dev:31960]
+ * ext/openssl/lib/net/telnets.rb, ext/openssl/lib/net/ftptls.rb: ditto.
+Sun Oct 7 22:37:47 2007 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rss/test_taxonomy.rb, test/rss/test_parser_1.0.rb,
+ test/rss/test_image.rb, test/rss/rss-testcase.rb: ensured
+ declaring XML namespaces.
+Sun Oct 7 22:00:01 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/node.h: make node flags as VALUE type.
+ enum ruby_node_flags removed.
+ * ruby.c: define RUBY_NODE_* as const for gdb.
+Sun Oct 7 18:57:12 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: enum ruby_value_flags removed. [ruby-dev:31959]
+ * ruby.c: define RUBY_FL_* as const VALUE for gdb.
+Sun Oct 7 17:50:14 2007 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: remove enable_post_connection_check flag.
+ * lib/open-uri.rb: ditto.
+Sun Oct 7 15:48:40 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def (opt_eq): fix to use rb_str_equal().
+Sat Oct 6 23:14:54 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_to_i): update RDoc since base can be any value
+ between 2 and 36. [ruby-talk:272879]
+Sat Oct 6 16:24:02 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * cont.c (cont_free): check Fiber or Continuation.
+ * bootstraptest/test_knownbug.rb: remove a fixed test.
+Sat Oct 6 14:56:02 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_register): returns new index or -1 if failed.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_alias): check if original name is registered.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_init): register in same order as kcode options in
+ re.c. added new aliases.
+ * string.c (rb_str_force_encoding): check if valid encoding name.
+Sat Oct 6 14:32:30 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * insns.def (opt_eq): get rid of gcc bug.
+Sat Oct 6 02:34:18 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * include/ruby/defines.h: no longer provide DEFAULT_KCODE.
+Fri Oct 5 21:24:59 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_s_union_m): Regexp.union accepts single argument which
+ is an array of patterns. [ruby-list:44084]
+Fri Oct 5 16:42:27 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb (assert_not_match): new method.
+Fri Oct 5 16:15:52 2007 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * Turn on --enable-pthread by default for FreeBSD
+ 5.2.1-RELEASE and later, and remove pthread support for older
+ versions which has never worked perfectly.
+Fri Oct 5 16:11:50 2007 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * time.c (time_to_s): Fix documentation. Time format changed.
+Fri Oct 5 04:02:39 2007 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/ipaddr.rb (in_addr, in6_addr, addr_mask): Make some minor
+ code optimization.
+Fri Oct 5 03:25:51 2007 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/ipaddr.rb (<=>): Implement IPAddr#<=> and make IPAddr
+ comparable.
+ * lib/ipaddr.rb (succ): Implement IPAddr#succ. You can now create
+ a range between two IPAddr's, which (Range) object is
+ enumerable.
+ * lib/ipaddr.rb (to_range): A new method to create a Range object
+ for the (network) address.
+Fri Oct 5 03:14:45 2007 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/ipaddr.rb (coerce_other): Support type coercion and make &,
+ |, == and include? accept a string or an integer instead of an
+ IPAddr object as the argument.
+ * lib/ipaddr.rb (initialize): Give better error messages.
+ * lib/ipaddr.rb: Improve documentation.
+Thu Oct 4 20:45:53 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * process.c (Init_process): win32 has our own WNOHANG definition, so
+ remove unnecessary #ifdef guard.
+Thu Oct 4 20:17:19 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_permutation, rb_ary_product): support non C99
+ compilers.
+Thu Oct 4 17:33:18 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (kcode_setter): Perl-ish global variable `$=' no longer
+ effective.
+ * io.c (Init_IO): remove obsolete variables: $defout, $deferr.
+ * re.c (Init_Regexp): remove obsolete const alias: MatchingData.
+ * time.c (Init_Time): remove obsolete Time::times.
+ * re.c (ignorecase_setter): change warning message.
+ * re.c (ignorecase_getter): now gives warning.
+ * string.c (rb_str_cmp_m): update RDoc document.
+ * re.c (kcode_setter): restore erroneously removed setter.
+Thu Oct 4 16:28:33 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_obj_encoding): returns encoding of the given object.
+ * parse.y (reg_compile_gen): copy encoding from source string if
+ non-empty.
+ * re.c (Init_Regexp): new method Regexp#encoding.
+ * string.c (str_encoding): moved to encoding.c
+Thu Oct 4 15:49:33 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_permutation): remove C99 dependency.
+ [ruby-dev:31934]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_product): ditto.
+Wed Oct 3 23:37:17 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf.c, bin/ri, bin/irb: fixed typos in doc and comments.
+ a patch from Eugene Ossintsev <eugoss AT>.
+ [ruby-core:12375]
+Wed Oct 3 17:56:22 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/driver.rb: enable specify label to executable.
+ (-e "ruby1::/path/to/ruby1; ruby2::/path/to/ruby2; ...")
+Wed Oct 3 16:58:48 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_str_new, parser_yylex, rb_intern3): set code-range
+ bits.
+ * parse.y (parser_tokadd_string): check code-range.
+ * parse.y (parser_parse_string, parser_here_document): ditto.
+ * parse.y (parser_set_encode): check if valid encoding.
+Wed Oct 3 15:43:15 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_cvar_set): check whether class variable is
+ defined in superclasses. root classes have higher priority.
+ removes lower class variable entry from IV_TBL (if it's defined
+ in classes, not modules).
+ * variable.c (rb_cvar_get): ditto.
+Wed Oct 3 10:06:53 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (ruby_process_options): push frame with program name.
+ [ruby-core:12351]
+Tue Oct 2 20:16:55 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (init_env): refactoring. remove unused code.
+Tue Oct 2 12:30:40 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_product): generalized product, now takes
+ arbitrary number of arrays. a patch from David Flanagan
+ <david AT>. [ruby-core:12346]
+Tue Oct 2 08:25:50 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_permutation): implementation contributed from
+ David Flanagan. [ruby-core:12344]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_combination): RDoc update to clarify. a patch
+ from David Flanagan. [ruby-core:12344]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_permutation): small dirty hack by Matz to avoid
+ arrays on stack.
+Tue Oct 2 07:01:05 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * proc.c (proc_dup): proc->block.proc should be self.
+ * bootstraptest/test_knownbug.rb, test_method.rb:
+ move a fixed test.
+Mon Oct 1 16:17:44 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_method.rb: use assert_normal_exit to test
+ [ruby-dev:31818].
+Mon Oct 1 15:57:49 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (id2ref): skip ICLASS.
+Mon Oct 1 15:29:35 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb (assert_normal_exit): use `` instead of
+ system.
+Mon Oct 1 15:17:48 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (id2ref): T_VALUES is less than T_BLOCK. [ruby-dev:31911]
+Mon Oct 1 10:58:42 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (require_libraries): use require method instead of calling
+ rb_require directly. [ruby-dev:31322]
+Mon Oct 1 10:52:30 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_options), ruby.c (proc_options, process_options): not
+ call exit(2) directly. [ruby-dev:31912]
+ * eval.c (ruby_run_node): deal with direct exit code.
+Sun Sep 30 17:12:53 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_append): always set encoding, and coderange
+ cache bits.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (ENC_CODERANGE_SET): fixed a bug not to
+ set cache bits.
+Sun Sep 30 11:52:11 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb (pretty): don't show beginning empty line.
+Sun Sep 30 11:32:34 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c: use #ifdef for test LONG_LONG_VALUE.
+Sun Sep 30 04:30:55 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c: use SIZEOF_LONG instead of SIZEOF_ULONG which is not
+ defined.
+Sun Sep 30 04:03:43 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c (Init_Regexp): test DEFAULT_KCODE in C code because
+ KCODE_EUC, etc. are enum.
+Sun Sep 30 00:55:40 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * variable.c (obj_ivar_each): get rid of warning.
+Sat Sep 29 17:45:22 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * main.c (main): use platform-independent per-process initialization.
+ [ruby-dev:31900]
+ * ruby.c (ruby_sysinit): new function for per-process initialization.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RUBY_GLOBAL_SETUP): toplevel setup declaration.
+ * include/ruby/win32.h, win32/mkexports.rb: alias NtInitialize
+ ruby_sysinit.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_sysinit): renamed from NtInitialize.
+Sat Sep 29 17:31:04 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_combination): new method to give all combination
+ of elements from an array. [ruby-list:42671]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_product): a new method to get all combinations
+ of elements from two arrays. can be extended to combinations of
+ n-arrays, e.g. a.product(b,c,d). anyone volunteer?
+ * array.c (rb_ary_permutation): empty function body to calculate
+ permutations of array elements. need volunteer.
+Sat Sep 29 17:14:44 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (r_leave): move proc invocation from r_entry() to
+ avoid potential crash.
+Sat Sep 29 12:28:08 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb (assert_normal_exit): new method.
+ * bootstraptest/test_knownbug.rb: add test for Marshal.load.
+Sat Sep 29 10:12:20 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * variable.c (rb_ivar_set): fix class instance variable.
+ * object.c (rb_class_real): cl argument may be 0.
+Sat Sep 29 09:12:02 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * object.c (rb_class_real): use BUILTIN_TYPE instead of TYPE.
+ access flags directly instead of FL_TEST.
+ they are enough because cl argument is a class.
+Sat Sep 29 08:57:15 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h (strcasecmp): needed for type_strcasehash.
+Sat Sep 29 06:47:29 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (struct cmdline_options): static variables packed.
+Sat Sep 29 05:29:30 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_fdopen): create IO object from fd.
+ * parse.y (yycompile): use encoding of the source as default.
+ * ruby.c (proc_options, load_file): ditto.
+Sat Sep 29 04:27:08 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_alias): allow encodings multiple aliases.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_find_index): search the encoding which has the
+ given name and return its index if found, or -1.
+ * st.c (type_strcasehash): case-insensitive string hash type.
+ * string.c (rb_str_force_encoding): force encoding of self. this name
+ comes from [ruby-dev:31894] by Martin Duerst. [ruby-dev:31744]
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_enc_find_index, rb_enc_associate_index):
+ prototyped.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_enc_isctype): direct interface to ctype.
+ * include/ruby/st.h (st_init_strcasetable): prototyped.
+Sat Sep 29 03:53:26 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * cont.c: Thread local storage should be fiber local.
+ * bootstraptest/test_knownbug.rb, test/ruby/test_fiber.rb:
+ move a fixed test.
+Fri Sep 28 23:15:31 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * (vm_call_method): allow send! to call protected
+ methods as well. [ruby-core:12280]
+Fri Sep 28 22:33:47 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/bm_so_fasta.rb: added.
+ * benchmark/bm_so_k_nucleotide.rb: added.
+ * benchmark/bm_so_reverse_complement.rb: added.
+ * benchmark/make_fasta_output.rb: added.
+ * benchmark/prepare_so_k_nucleotide.rb: added.
+ * benchmark/prepare_so_reverse_complement.rb: added.
+Fri Sep 28 19:14:51 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/driver.rb: fix notations.
+ * benchmark/bm_loop_whileloop.rb: ditto.
+ * benchmark/bm_loop_whileloop2.rb: ditto.
+ * benchmark/bm_app_uri.rb: added.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm1_ivar_set.rb: ditto.
+ * benchmark/bm_so_binary_trees.rb: added from Computer Language
+ Benchmarks Game (
+ * benchmark/bm_so_fannkuch.rb: ditto.
+ * benchmark/bm_so_mandelbrot.rb: ditto.
+ * benchmark/bm_so_meteor_contest.rb: ditto.
+ * benchmark/bm_so_nbody.rb: ditto.
+ * benchmark/bm_so_nsieve.rb: ditto.
+ * benchmark/bm_so_nsieve_bits.rb: ditto.
+ * benchmark/bm_so_partial_sums.rb: ditto.
+ * benchmark/bm_so_pidigits.rb: ditto.
+ * benchmark/bm_so_spectralnorm.rb: ditto.
+Fri Sep 28 16:22:52 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * vm_core.h (rb_vm_struct): fix typo: bufferd -> buffered.
+Fri Sep 28 15:47:48 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/driver.rb: fix to output benchmark results
+ to file "bmlog-#{'%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')}.#{$$}".
+ * benchmark/bm_io_file_create.rb: remove useless codes.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm2_eval.rb: added.
+Fri Sep 28 15:05:24 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: export rb_ivar_foreach.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: modify struct RObject and RClass for optimizing
+ T_OBJECT space. [ruby-dev:31853]
+ defined.
+ * variable.c: support the modified RObject and RClass.
+ * object.c: ditto.
+ * class.c: ditto.
+ * gc.c: ditto.
+ * marshal.c: ditto.
+ * use the abstract accessor.
+ * insns.def: ditto.
+ * proc.c: ditto.
+ * struct.c: ditto.
+ * eval.c: ditto.
+ * error.c: ditto.
+ * vm.c: ditto.
+ * ditto.
+ * ext/digest/digest.c: ditto.
+Fri Sep 28 13:20:10 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_getline_fast, rb_io_getline_1): set encoding to the
+ result string, as well as getc.
+Fri Sep 28 12:51:42 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/bm_app_erb.rb: added.
+ * benchmark/bm_io_file_(create|read|write).rb: added.
+Fri Sep 28 12:49:05 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/driver.rb: fix file selection algorithm.
+Fri Sep 28 02:05:42 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_comparable): need not to check asciicompat here.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_check): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_enc_str_coderange): tuned a bit; no broken check.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_check): new encoding comparison criteria.
+Thu Sep 27 17:36:28 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/REAMDE.win32: follow recent changes.
+Thu Sep 27 16:01:53 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/driver.rb: fix to output some helpful messages.
+Thu Sep 27 15:44:51 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/driver.rb: added.
+ * fix to use above driver.
+ * benchmark/prepare_so_count_words.rb: added.
+ * benchmark/bm_so_count_words.rb: fix benchmark process.
+Thu Sep 27 15:42:34 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/fiber/fiber.c: modify prototype declaration.
+ [ruby-core:12247]
+Thu Sep 27 09:42:50 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (strings, xstring, regexp, dsym): empty strings have
+ US-ASCII encoding.
+Thu Sep 27 07:39:13 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb (assert_finish): new method.
+ * bootstraptest/test_knownbug.rb: add test for [ruby-dev:31866] using
+ assert_finish.
+Thu Sep 27 04:46:31 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_associate_index): deal with ASCII compatible
+ flags.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_check): allow ASCII compatible strings.
+ * parse.y (rb_intern_str): use ASCII encoding for ASCII string.
+ * string.c (rb_enc_str_coderange): check for code-range.
+ * string.c (rb_str_modify): clear code-range flags.
+ * string.c (rb_str_hash, rb_str_eql): ASCII compatible strings are
+ comparable.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h: added code-range flags.
+Thu Sep 27 04:40:47 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_mark_set): new function to mark keys.
+ * marshal.c (struct dump_arg, struct load_arg): added wrappers to mark
+ data and compat_tbl entries. [ruby-dev:31870]
+Thu Sep 27 03:17:41 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (rb_waitpid): no needs to poll. [ruby-dev:31871]
+Wed Sep 26 20:11:46 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_knownbug.rb: remove a fixed test.
+Wed Sep 26 20:00:12 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_knownbug.rb: move fixed tests.
+ * bootstraptest/test_method.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb: ditto.
+Wed Sep 26 19:36:26 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c (eval): fix to check stack overflow.
+ [ruby-dev:31850]
+ * eval_intern.h, vm.h: move CHECK_STACK_OVERFLOW() macro.
+Wed Sep 26 19:27:11 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * (vm_throw): fix to move increment point.
+ [ruby-dev:31840]
+Wed Sep 26 19:23:56 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * cont.c: Fiber as SemiCoroutine on default. [ruby-core:12146]
+ * ext/fiber/fiber.c: enable Fiber#transfer.
+Wed Sep 26 18:38:41 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_check): check for ASCII-compatibilities.
+ * parse.y (parser_tokadd_string, parser_parse_string,
+ parser_here_document, parser_yylex): set encoding to US-ASCII.
+ * parse.y (rb_enc_symname_p): check if valid with encoding.
+ * parse.y (rb_intern3): let symbols have encoding.
+ * string.c (rb_str_hash): add encoding index.
+ * string.c (rb_str_comparable, rb_str_equal, rb_str_eql): check if
+ compatible encoding.
+ * string.c (sym_inspect): made encoding aware.
+ * insns.def (opt_eq): compare with encoding.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_enc_asciicompat): check if ASCII
+ compatible.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_enc_get_index): added prototype.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_str_comparable, rb_str_equal): ditto.
+Wed Sep 26 15:01:16 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (rb_get_alloc_func): cast to suppress a warning.
+ * (remove_method): local variable to be initialized.
+Wed Sep 26 08:36:31 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (ext/extinit.o): use $(OUTFLAG) as well as other
+ objects. [ruby-Bugs-14228]
+Wed Sep 26 05:12:17 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_yyerror): limit error message length.
+ [ruby-dev:31848]
+Tue Sep 25 15:11:32 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (io_ungetc): reallocate internal buffer if pushing data
+ excess capacity. [ruby-dev:31650]
+Tue Sep 25 13:43:03 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * (remove_method): should not remove undef place
+ holder. [ruby-dev:31816], [ruby-dev:31817]
+Tue Sep 25 09:51:31 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_longjmp): source file information may be NULL.
+ [ruby-dev:31849]
+ * eval.c (ruby_finalize_0): clear trace_func before finalization.
+Mon Sep 24 22:36:13 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_equal): should handle recursive array.
+ * hash.c (hash_equal): should handle recursive hash.
+Mon Sep 24 22:14:13 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/weakref.rb (WeakRef): remove debug print. [ruby-dev:31799]
+ * hash.c (hash_i): avoid too frequent hash conflict where key and
+ value are same. a patch from Yusuke ENDOH <mame AT>.
+ [ruby-dev:31802]
+Mon Sep 24 17:56:21 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c (strscan_initialize, strscan_getch): use the
+ encoding of the target string instead of setting to StringScanner
+ instance. [ruby-dev:31831]
+Mon Sep 24 16:52:11 2007 Urabe Shyouhei <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: fix typo.
+Mon Sep 24 06:49:15 2007 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: an SSL verification (the server hostname should
+ be matched with its certificate's commonName) is added.
+ this verification can be skipped by
+ "Net::HTTP#enable_post_connection_check=(false)".
+ suggested by Chris Clark <cclark at>
+ * lib/net/open-uri.rb: use Net::HTTP#enable_post_connection_check to
+ perform SSL post connection check.
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.c
+ (OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket#post_connection_check): refine error message.
+Sun Sep 23 09:05:05 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (os_obj_of, os_each_obj): hide objects to be finalized.
+ [ruby-dev:31810]
+Sun Sep 23 08:58:01 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (rb_attr): should not use alloca for unknown size
+ input. [ruby-dev:31818]
+ * parse.y (rb_intern_str): prevent str from optimization.
+Sun Sep 23 06:16:04 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (remove_method): check for undefined method.
+ [ruby-dev:31816]
+Sun Sep 23 05:42:35 2007 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * lib/rdoc/options.rb (Options::check_diagram): dot -V output
+ changed. [ ruby-Bugs-11978 ], Thanks Florian Frank.
+Sat Sep 22 06:02:11 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser::List::summarize): use each_line if
+ defined rather than each. [ruby-Patches-14096]
+Sat Sep 22 05:19:49 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_init): separate from strio_initialize
+ to share with strio_reopen properly. [ruby-Bugs-13919]
+Fri Sep 21 14:51:40 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_rest): copy just used part.
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_children): mark u1 and u2 of NODE_ARGSCAT.
+ * gc.c (os_obj_of): hide T_VALUES too. [ruby-dev:31804]
+ * gc.c (run_final): freeze temporary argument array.
+Fri Sep 21 04:58:39 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-style.el (ruby-style-label-indent): fix for function top
+ level labels.
+Fri Sep 21 02:11:22 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_match_m): evaluate a block if match. it would make
+ condition statement much shorter, if no else clause is needed.
+ * string.c (rb_str_match_m): ditto.
+Fri Sep 21 02:02:34 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (hash_equal): should call rb_eql when argument eql is set.
+Thu Sep 20 17:28:00 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (popen_exec), process.c (rb_spawn): stop other threads before
+ exec. [ruby-core:08262]
+Tue Sep 18 22:08:42 2007 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb: fix a coerce bug of Vector. [ruby-core: 12190]
+Mon Sep 17 21:06:03 2007 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (HTTP::GenericRequest#initialize): check path is
+ not nil. [ruby-dev:31149]
+Mon Sep 17 21:00:51 2007 Minero Aoki <>
+ * parse.y (ripper): rename event: arglist_* -> args_*.
+ * parse.y (ripper): rename event: restparam -> rest_param.
+ * parse.y (ripper): rename event: constpath_* -> const_path_*.
+ * parse.y (ripper): rename event: topconst_* -> top_const_*.
+ * parse.y (ripper): rename event: iter_block -> method_add_block.
+ * parse.y (ripper): support block local parameter declaration.
+ * parse.y (ripper): introduce new macro params_new.
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper/sexp.rb: should not dispose event
+ arguments whose name ends with "_new" but arity != 0.
+Sat Sep 15 23:36:31 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (struct parser_params): common members in the parser and
+ ripper must be placed at each same location.
+Sat Sep 15 18:25:15 2007 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_rstrip_bang): fixed too much rstrip. [ruby-dev:31786]
+Sat Sep 15 17:32:10 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_initialize): set default encoding. [ruby-dev:31787]
+ * ruby.c (load_file): make new parse instance after processing shebang
+ line options.
+Sat Sep 15 17:04:08 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_associate_index, rb_enc_get_index): check if
+ object is encoding capable. [ruby-dev:31780]
+ * string.c (rb_str_subpat_set): check for if the argument is a String.
+Sat Sep 15 13:31:21 2007 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss.rb, lib/rss/, test/rss/:
+ - 0.1.9 -> 0.2.0.
+ - supported Slash module.
+Fri Sep 14 22:20:01 2007 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (fev_unadvise): no needs to reset
+ event handlers.
+Fri Sep 14 17:28:32 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb: tests which cause SEGV should not be
+ added.
+ * bootstraptest/test_knownbug.rb: add above test to known bug.
+Fri Sep 14 16:24:04 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * (vm_expandarray): assignment should be placed
+ after creating new array.
+Fri Sep 14 16:17:30 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb: add a stress test (-s).
+Fri Sep 14 16:14:28 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.h, eval_intern.h: move some macros to eval_intern.h.
+ * (rb_f_throw): fix to use NEW_THROW_OBJECT().
+ * eval.c (rb_f_loop): remove additional macro.
+Fri Sep 14 16:12:10 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * (vm_expandarray): should be volatile value for GC.
+Thu Sep 13 15:42:03 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): inline cache entries are overwritten
+ in iseq_build_body().
+Thu Sep 13 14:00:15 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (brace_block): should use compstmt. patch submitted by
+ Kirill A. Shutemov <k.shutemov AT> [ruby-core:12154].
+Thu Sep 13 13:47:08 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (rb_id2str): fixed typo.
+Wed Sep 12 23:12:22 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): -W should be allowed in RUBYOPT
+ environment variable. [ruby-core:12118]
+Wed Sep 12 15:19:04 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_sysopen): should not use alloca for unknown size
+ input. [ruby-dev:31775]
+ * parse.y (rb_id2str): ditto.
+ * marshal.c (w_float): use snprintf instead of sprintf.
+Tue Sep 11 17:28:00 2007 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb (Tempfile::make_tmpname): Allow to specify a
+ suffix for a temporary file name.
+ * lib/tempfile.rb (Tempfile::make_tmpname): Make temporary file
+ names less predictable by including a random string.
+ [inspired by: akr]
+Tue Sep 11 17:25:59 2007 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/shellwords.rb: Add shellescape() and shelljoin().
+ * lib/shellwords.rb: Rename shellwords() to shellsplit() and make
+ the former an alias to the latter.
+ * lib/shellwords.rb: Add escape(), split(), join() as class
+ methods, which are aliases to their respective long names
+ prefixed with `shell'.
+ * lib/shellwords.rb: Add String#shellescape(), String#shellsplit()
+ and Array#shelljoin() for convenience.
+Mon Sep 10 15:48:31 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * range.c: represent initialized state using EXCL instead of FL_USER3.
+ * range.c (range_dumper): make uninitialized range dumpable.
+ (range_loader): make uninitialized range loadable.
+Mon Sep 10 13:44:37 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_cycle): avoid infinite loop for empty array.
+ based on a patch from David Flanagan. [ruby-core:12085]
+Mon Sep 10 01:21:23 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): struct allocation first to check if a
+ class is a struct. compatibility check should come next.
+Mon Sep 10 01:05:25 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * range.c (range_step): fixed integer overflow. [ruby-dev:31763]
+Sun Sep 9 08:57:27 2007 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date/format.rb (_strptime): now also attaches an element
+ which denotes leftover substring if exists.
+Sun Sep 9 01:59:08 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): check T_STRUCT type for structs.
+Sun Sep 9 01:17:05 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): don't call user-defined initialize for
+ T_STRUCT objects.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_struct_initialize): declared.
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_initialize): export.
+Sat Sep 8 23:55:56 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * (rb_get_alloc_func): new function to get allocation
+ function.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_alloc_func_t): declared.
+ (rb_define_alloc_func): declared.
+ (rb_marshal_define_compat): declared.
+ * range.c: use T_STRUCT for Range.
+ * inits.c: move Init_marshal() prior to Init_Range() because
+ Init_Range calls rb_marshal_define_compat which needs
+ marshal's compat_allocator_tbl initialized.
+ * marshal.c: support marshal format compatibility layer designed for
+ marshaling T_STRUCT Range using T_OBJECT format.
+ (rb_marshal_define_compat): defined.
+ [ruby-dev:31710]
+Sat Sep 8 10:05:14 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_s_members): check if __members__ is an
+ array to prevent segmentation fault. [ruby-dev:31759]
+Sat Sep 8 09:33:09 2007 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date/format.rb (str[fp]time): now check specifications more
+ strictly.
+Sat Sep 8 02:56:31 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_fiber.rb (TestFiber::test_throw): uncaught throw
+ now raise ArgumentError exception.
+Sat Sep 8 02:45:33 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_s_members): should raise TypeError instead
+ of call rb_bug(). [ruby-dev:31709]
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): no nil check require any more.
+Sat Sep 8 01:46:36 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * regenc.c, regenc.h (onigenc_single_byte_mbc_enc_len): should take
+ two arguments. [ruby-dev:31754]
+Fri Sep 7 00:58:16 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * fix typo.
+Fri Sep 7 00:28:25 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_getc): forgot to commit rb_enc_mbclen() fix.
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_getc): rb_enc_mbclen() fix.
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_ungetc): ditto.
+Thu Sep 6 22:57:01 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils::Entry_::copy): prevent self copy of
+ directories.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils::fu_each_src_dest0): use try_convert.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils::fu_update_option): ditto.
+Thu Sep 6 21:36:33 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * include/ruby/oniguruma.h (OnigEncodingTypeST): add end parameter
+ to mbc_enc_len.
+ * euc_jp.c (mbc_enc_len), sjis.c (mbc_enc_len),
+ utf8.c (utf8_mbc_enc_len): ditto.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_mbclen): add end parameter.
+Thu Sep 6 21:31:49 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_cycle): typo in rdoc. a patch from Yugui
+ <>. [ruby-dev:31748]
+Thu Sep 6 12:42:10 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_succ, rb_str_chop_bang, rb_str_chop): m17n support.
+ [ruby-dev:31734]
+Wed Sep 5 22:02:27 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_subseq): need integer overflow check.
+ [ruby-dev:31736]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_splice): ditto. [ruby-dev:31737]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_fill): ditto. [ruby-dev:31738]
+ * string.c (rb_str_splice): integer overflow for length.
+ [ruby-dev:31739]
+Tue Sep 4 20:43:44 2007 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: add WIN32OLE_EVENT#unadvise.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_event.rb: ditto.
+Mon Sep 3 15:37:09 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (vm.o): depends on st.h too.
+Sun Sep 2 23:38:29 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/st.h (struct st_table): make num_entries bitfield
+ instead of num_bins for speed. num_entries has less access.
+Sun Sep 2 00:37:57 2007 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date/format.rb (_parse): improved parsing of ordinal dates.
+ * lib/date/format.rb (_parse): use named character classes in some
+ regular expressions.
+Sat Sep 1 23:44:26 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * (rb_f_throw): wrap tag and TAG_THROW in a NODE_MEMO
+ node to make throw instruction to work well.
+Sat Sep 1 20:56:07 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (struct RBignum): embed digits in RBignum for
+ small bignums.
+ * bignum.c: RBignum embedded digits implemented.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: declare rb_big_resize.
+ * gc.c: don't free embedded digits.
+ * numeric.c: replace direct bignum field accessor by abstract field
+ accessor such as RBIGNUM(val)->sign to RBIGNUM_SIGN(val).
+ * sprintf.c: ditto.
+ * compar.c: ditto.
+ * marshal.c: ditto.
+ * random.c: ditto.
+ * .gdbinit: support embedded small bignums.
+ [ruby-dev:31689]
+Sat Sep 1 19:59:43 2007 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_event_free): IConnectionPoint should be
+ released.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (EVENTSINK_Destructor): ITypeInfo should be
+ released.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (fev_initialize): refactoring.
+Sat Sep 1 16:26:09 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/socket/test_tcp.rb (test_recvfrom): same as mswin32 on mswin64.
+Sat Sep 1 14:24:23 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * st.c (st_numcmp, st_numhash): use st_data_t instead of long, because
+ the former may be larger than the latter.
+ * include/ruby/st.h (CHAR_BIT): get rid of magic number.
+ * include/ruby/st.h (rb_index_t): use st_data_t for the platforms it
+ is larger than int.
+Sat Sep 1 10:43:30 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * (rb_f_catch): generate new tag object if no argument is
+ given. backported from MatzRuby. [ruby-dev:31609]
+ * (rb_catch): call #catch without arguments if tag
+ string is NULL.
+ * (rb_f_throw): allow throwing non-symbol object.
+ * (rb_catch_obj): new function to wait throw with arbitrary
+ object.
+ * (rb_throw_obj): new function to throw arbitrary object.
+ * variable.c (check_autoload_table): prevent multiple calls from
+Fri Aug 31 07:12:24 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * numeric.c (SQRT_LONG_MAX): use SIZEOF_LONG instead of SIZEOF_VALUE
+ because SIZEOF_VALUE > SIZEOF_LONG on some platforms.
+Fri Aug 31 04:18:03 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (f_norm_arg, f_arg_item): not croak already erred names.
+ [ruby-dev:31687]
+ * parse.y (assignable_gen): ignore already erred names.
+ * parse.y (shadowing_lvar_gen): always make new block local variable
+ when shadowing outer local variable. [ruby-dev:31507]
+Thu Aug 30 19:40:33 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * regenc.h: check RUBY_EXTERN before including config.h and defines.h
+ * update header dependency.
+Thu Aug 30 14:06:50 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (rb_obj_define_method): reverted. [ruby-talk:266637]
+Thu Aug 30 13:49:25 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: initialize $top_srcdir always. [ruby-dev:31682]
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (try_const, have_const): check for a const is defined.
+ [ruby-core:04422]
+Thu Aug 30 08:00:12 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: declare rb_hash_tbl.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RHash): delay st_table allocation.
+ rename tbl field to ntbl to detect direct reference to the st_table
+ as a compile error.
+ (RHASH_TBL): abstract accessor defined.
+ (RHASH_ITER_LEV): ditto.
+ (RHASH_IFNONE): ditto.
+ (RHASH_SIZE): ditto.
+ (RHASH_EMPTY_P): ditto.
+ (hash_alloc0, hash_alloc): unified because hash_alloc doesn't
+ allocate st_table now.
+ * hash.c: delay st_table allocation.
+ * gc.c: replace tbl by ntbl.
+ * array.c: replace direct field accessor by abstract field accessor
+ such as RHASH(hash)->tbl to RHASH_TBL(hash).
+ * marshal.c: ditto.
+ * insns.def: ditto.
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c: ditto.
+ * ext/json/ext/generator/generator.c: ditto.
+ * ext/json/ext/parser/parser.c: ditto.
+ * ext/json/ext/parser/parser.rl: ditto.
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: ditto.
+ [ruby-dev:31678]
+Wed Aug 29 18:36:06 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb: add :ftp_active_mode option. [ruby-dev:31677]
+Wed Aug 29 14:55:28 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_gsub): should not use mbclen2() which has broken API.
+ * re.c: remove rb_reg_mbclen2().
+Wed Aug 29 12:48:17 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (aref_args): args may not be a list. [ruby-dev:31592]
+Wed Aug 29 11:30:10 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/st.h (struct st_table): add entries_packed 1-bit
+ bitfield. decrease num_bins 1-bit.
+ * st.c: pack numhash which have 5 or less entries in bins.
+ (st_init_table_with_size): setup entries_packed flag.
+ (st_clear): support packed mode.
+ (st_lookup): ditto.
+ (st_insert): ditto.
+ (st_add_direct): ditto.
+ (st_copy): ditto.
+ (st_delete): ditto.
+ (st_foreach): ditto.
+ (st_reverse_foreach): ditto.
+ (unpack_entries): new function for converting to unpacked mode.
+ [ruby-list:43954]
+Wed Aug 29 10:46:37 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * include/ruby/defines.h (flush_register_windows): call "ta 0x03"
+ even on Linux/Sparc. [ruby-dev:31674]
+Tue Aug 28 19:16:00 2007 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_type_progid): progid getted by
+ ProgIDFromCLSID should be freed by CoTaskMemFree. Thanks, arton.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole.rb (test_raise_message): set negative
+ compareMode value to raise WIN32OLERuntimeError.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_type.rb (test_implemented_ole_types):
+ support some environment which returns IShellDispatch5 instead
+ of IShellDispatch.
+Tue Aug 28 15:42:09 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_subseq): retrieve substring based on byte offset.
+ * string.c (rb_str_rindex_m): was confusing character offset and
+ byte offset.
+Tue Aug 28 14:23:31 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_splice_0): should check to modify. [ruby-dev:31665]
+Tue Aug 28 14:21:46 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_prepare): set parser encode too when BOM exists.
+Tue Aug 28 00:51:22 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c: fix Mutex to be interruptable lock.
+ *, thread_win32.h,, thread_pthread.h:
+ prepare native_cond_*() which are based on pthread_cond_*() spec.
+ * prelude.rb: fix Mutex#synchronize method.
+ * vm_core.h, include/ruby/intern.h: change unblock function interface
+ (to pass some user data).
+ * file.c, process.c: ditto.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm2_mutex.rb: add a benchmark for mutex.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm3_thread_mutex.rb: add a benchmark for mutex
+ with contention.
+ * benchmark/run.rb: fix to remove ENV['RUBYLIB'] for matzruby.
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb: add a test.
+ * fix benchmark options.
+Mon Aug 27 23:14:02 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_rstrip_bang): wrong strip point. [ruby-dev:31652]
+ * string.c (rb_str_each_line): should swallow sequence of newlines
+ if rs (optional argument) is an empty string. [ruby-dev:31652]
+Mon Aug 27 22:39:08 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_codelen): raises invalid sequence exception
+ if ONIGENC_CODE_TO_MBCLEN() returns zero. [ruby-dev:31661]
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_mbclen): check invalid sequence.
+Mon Aug 27 20:27:59 2007 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_type_progid): fix the bug.
+ [ruby-dev:31576]
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_type.rb (test_initialize):
+ remove duplicate assertions.
+Mon Aug 27 19:10:50 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (etc_getlogin): update documentation to note
+ security issue. [ruby-Bugs-11821]
+Mon Aug 27 15:56:48 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (sym_encoding): return the encoding of a Symbol.
+Mon Aug 27 15:33:10 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * util.c (IEEE_BIG_ENDIAN): use configured value. [ruby-dev:31623]
+ * util.c (Llong): set to LONG_LONG if available.
+Mon Aug 27 13:11:56 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (tr_trans): wrong condition for mbmaxlen==1 strings.
+ [ruby-dev:31652]
+Mon Aug 27 00:41:13 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_each_byte): caused infinite loop. [ruby-dev:31652]
+ * io.c (rb_io_getc): should return nil at EOF, not EOFError.
+ * lib/delegate.rb (SimpleDelegator::__setobj__): use raise
+ argument to specify backtrace.
+ * test/ruby/test_fnmatch.rb (TestFnmatch::bracket_test):
+ String#include? no longer works for Fixnum. use #chr.
+ [ruby-dev:31652]
+Sun Aug 26 12:27:14 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * cont.c: fix to remove until is not loaded.
+ * test/ruby/test_continuation.rb: fix to use resume.
+Sun Aug 26 06:51:46 2007 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_wc2mb, reg_enum_key): allocate
+ buffer should be NULL terminated.
+Sun Aug 26 06:04:13 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * (vm_setup_method): reorder code for branch prediction.
+Sun Aug 26 05:54:49 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * (vm_call_method): fix to relaxant safe level check
+ ($SAFE > 2). [ruby-core:11998]
+ * bootstraptest/test_method.rb: add tests for above.
+Sun Aug 26 05:52:08 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_fiber.rb: fix to require 'continuation'.
+Sat Aug 25 23:52:14 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_next): message changed.
+Sat Aug 25 23:22:14 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h: remove unused rb_enc_ismbchar().
+Sat Aug 25 22:50:14 2007 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_event_free, EVENTSINK_Destructor,
+ fev_initialize): remove the connection ole_event_free and
+ EVENTSINK_Destructor.
+Sat Aug 25 17:52:06 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * string.c, include/ruby/intern.h: export rb_str_length().
+ * insns.def: use rb_str_length() in opt_length.
+Sat Aug 25 17:48:51 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+Sat Aug 25 17:05:05 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (swallow): removed condition using an unset variable.
+ * parse.y, re.c: re-applied revision 13092.
+ * string.c (rb_str_splice): return from void function.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_enc_str_new): prototype added.
+Sat Aug 25 11:45:37 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * encoding.c: provide basic features for M17N.
+ * parse.y: encoding aware parsing.
+ * parse.y (pragma_encoding): encoding specification pragma.
+ * parse.y (rb_intern3): encoding specified symbols.
+ * string.c (rb_str_length): length based on characters.
+ for older behavior, bytesize method added.
+ * string.c (rb_str_index_m): index based on characters. rindex as
+ well.
+ * string.c (succ_char): encoding aware succeeding string.
+ * string.c (rb_str_reverse): reverse based on characters.
+ * string.c (rb_str_inspect): encoding aware string description.
+ * string.c (rb_str_upcase_bang): encoding aware case conversion.
+ downcase, capitalize, swapcase as well.
+ * string.c (rb_str_tr_bang): tr based on characters. delete,
+ squeeze, tr_s, count as well.
+ * string.c (rb_str_split_m): split based on characters.
+ * string.c (rb_str_each_line): encoding aware each_line.
+ * string.c (rb_str_each_char): added. iteration based on
+ characters.
+ * string.c (rb_str_strip_bang): encoding aware whitespace
+ stripping. lstrip, rstrip as well.
+ * string.c (rb_str_justify): encoding aware justifying (ljust,
+ rjust, center).
+ * string.c (str_encoding): get encoding attribute from a string.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_initialize): encoding aware regular expression
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): formatting (i.e. length count) based
+ on characters.
+ * io.c (rb_io_getc): getc to return one-character string.
+ for older behavior, getbyte method added.
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_getc): ditto.
+ * io.c (rb_io_ungetc): allow pushing arbitrary string at the
+ current reading point.
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_ungetc): ditto.
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c: encoding support.
+Sat Aug 25 10:59:19 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * cont.c: separate Continuation and Fiber from core.
+ * ext/continuation/*, ext/fiber/*: ditto.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: remove rb_cFiber.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: add the rb_fiber_new() declaration.
+ * enumerator.c (next_init): fix to use rb_fiber_new().
+ * test/ruby/test_enumerator.rb: remove next? tests.
+ * test/ruby/test_continuation.rb: add a require 'continuation'.
+ * test/ruby/test_fiber.rb: add a require 'fiber'.
+Sat Aug 25 10:20:28 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (prelude.o): depends on vm_core.h now.
+ * (prelude.c): depends on tool/compile_prelude.rb too.
+ * (prereq): updates all auto-generated sources.
+ * tool/compile_prelude.rb: separated dynamic and static portions.
+Sat Aug 25 10:05:17 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * prelude.rb: add Thread.exclusive. This class method
+ is different from 1.8's. Thread.exclusive only does
+ synchronize with VM global mutex.
+Sat Aug 25 09:39:50 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_s_try_convert): more document description.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_s_try_convert): typo fixed.
+Sat Aug 25 08:54:12 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * id.h, id.c: remove idFuncall.
+ * compile.c (iseq_specialized_instruction): ditto.
+Sat Aug 25 08:47:28 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * tool/compile_prelude.rb: fix to include "vm_core.h".
+Sat Aug 25 03:49:14 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/sentence.rb (Sentence): include Enumerable.
+ (Sentence#each): defined.
+ * test/ruby/test_assignment.rb: use Sentence#expand.
+Sat Aug 25 03:08:57 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * prelude.rb: fix Mutex#synchronize definition.
+Sat Aug 25 02:08:45 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_s_try_convert): a new class method to convert
+ object or nil if it's not target-type. this mechanism is used
+ to convert types in the C implemented methods.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_s_try_convert): ditto.
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_try_convert): ditto.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_s_try_convert): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_s_try_convert): ditto.
+Sat Aug 25 00:49:44 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/bm_loop_generator.rb: added.
+Sat Aug 25 00:22:31 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * prelude.rb: added. run this script on startup.
+ * tool/compile_prelude.rb: compile prelude.rb to C string.
+ (prelude.rb -> prelude.c)
+ * fix to build with prelude.c.
+ * inits.c (rb_call_inits): ditto.
+ * thread.c (Init_Thread): move definition of Mutex#synchronize
+ to prelude.rb.
+Sat Aug 25 00:08:43 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (compile_massign_opt): fix to skip massign optimization
+ with global variables.
+ * bootstraptest/test_massign.rb: add some tests for above.
+Fri Aug 24 18:42:03 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_dir.rb (TestDir::setup): ?c now makes a string.
+ * lib/test/unit/autorunner.rb (Test::Unit::AutoRunner::initialize):
+ initialize @workdir to stop warning.
+Fri Aug 24 18:30:50 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb (DRb::DRbServer::InvokeMethod::perform_without_block):
+ replace funcall by send!. other files in the distribution as well.
+Fri Aug 24 17:06:56 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_send_bang): abandon the name funcall for private
+ aware method call.
+Fri Aug 24 15:27:12 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_next): stop pre-fetching.
+ * enumerator.c (Init_Enumerator): remove next? method.
+Fri Aug 24 15:14:57 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_loop): now handles StopIteration exception.
+Thu Aug 23 20:31:31 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c: optimize simple massign.
+Thu Aug 23 20:02:25 2007 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (reg_get_value): use RegQueryValueEx instead
+ of RegQueryValueEx.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (typelib_file_from_clsid): fix the bug
+ that the function always returns Qnil.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_type.rb (test_initialize): add some test.
+Thu Aug 23 17:25:05 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (group_member): check if presents.
+ * (XCFLAGS): add _GNU_SOURCE on linux.
+ * file.c (group_member): use system routine if available.
+ * process.c: moved _GNU_SOURCE macro to Makefile.
+Thu Aug 23 16:59:40 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (compile_massign), (vm_throw): not use C99
+ comment.
+ * cont.c (rb_cont_call, fiber_switch, rb_fiber_resume, rb_fiber_yield):
+ suppress warnings.
+ * cont.c (rb_fiber_start): change on non-volatile variable between
+ setjmp and longjmp may not has an effect.
+ * enumerator.c (sym_call): initialize first.
+ * enumerator.c (enum_iter): typedefed.
+ * enumerator.c (next_i): suppress a warning.
+Thu Aug 23 16:04:11 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c, insns.def, parse.y: fix massign order. This change
+ causes performance problem. Try vm1_swap benchmark.
+ [ruby-dev:31522]
+ * insns.def, move process body of expandarray insn to
+ vm_expandarray().
+ * bootstraptest/test_knownbug.rb, bootstraptest/test_massign.rb:
+ move a solved test.
+Thu Aug 23 15:51:19 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (f_norm_arg): ripper has no shadowing check.
+ * parse.y (f_block_arg): dispatch blkarg_mark.
+Thu Aug 23 15:48:26 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (make_masgn_lhs, iseq_compile_each): fixed indent.
+ * compile.c (iseq_translate_threaded_code),
+ (get_insns_address_table),
+ template/ (insns_address_table): constified.
+ * (vm_eval),
+ template/ (insn_stack_increase, insn_ret_num):
+ suppress warnings.
+Thu Aug 23 13:19:43 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (f_norm_arg): check also nested arguments. [ruby-dev:31502]
+Thu Aug 23 00:06:48 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * util.c: updated for ANSI C only. applied a patch from
+ <snakagawa AT>. [ruby-dev:31591]
+Thu Aug 23 00:04:45 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * missing/strtod.c: removed. [ruby-dev:31588]
+ * LEGAL: updated.
+Wed Aug 22 15:59:44 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_knownbug.rb:
+ fix typo of filename (test_knownbug.rb).
+Wed Aug 22 14:04:53 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_knownbug.rb: added. This file will contain
+ test cases which point out known bug. If bug is fixed, tests
+ should move to the suitable place.
+ * bootstraptest/test_massign.rb: move a test which show known bug
+ to test_knownbug.rb.
+Wed Aug 22 13:02:26 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb (in_temporary_working_directory):
+ don't remove the directory specified by --dir.
+Wed Aug 22 05:51:23 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * util.c (ruby_strtod): replaced by the implementation by David
+ M. Gay inspired by William D. Clinger's paper "How to Read Floating
+ Point Numbers Accurately" [Proc. ACM SIGPLAN '90, pp. 92-101].
+ a patch from Satoshi Nakagawa <snakagawa AT>.
+ [ruby-dev:31582]
+ * test/ruby/test_float.rb (TestFloat::test_float): add test for
+ precision.
+Wed Aug 22 03:51:07 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * cont.c: add Fiber#resume and Fiber.yield.
+ and Fiber::Core class to realize Coroutine.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: declare rb_fiber_yield(), rb_fiber_resume().
+ * enumerator.c: use above api.
+ * test/ruby/test_fiber.rb: fix and add tests for above changes.
+Tue Aug 21 21:09:48 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/tmpdir.rb (Dir.mktmpdir): make directory suffix specifiable.
+ suggested by knu. [ruby-dev:31568]
+Tue Aug 21 15:00:23 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * st.c (st_clear): reset num_entries too.
+Tue Aug 21 13:57:04 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (st_foreach_func, rb_foreach_func): typedefed.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_clear): use st_clear() unless iterating.
+ * st.c (struct st_table_entry): add new members, fore and back, to
+ iterate in inserted order.
+ * include/ruby/st.h (struct st_table): ditto.
+Tue Aug 21 04:09:06 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/bm_vm2_case.rb: add a new benchmark.
+ YARV optimize case/when syntax. If every conditions
+ are literal (such as Symbol, Fixnum, String), dispatch
+ calc order will be O(1).
+Tue Aug 21 04:08:07 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_enumerator.rb: fix last commit.
+Tue Aug 21 03:59:32 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test_enumerator.rb (enum_test): fix to return sorted
+ array (for Hash test).
+Tue Aug 21 03:55:20 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * enumerator.c (next_i): fix to return with Fiber#yield at
+ the end of each block. [ruby-dev:31470]
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_next_p): call init_next if not
+ initialized. [ruby-dev:31514]
+ * test/ruby/test_enumerator.rb: add tests for Enumerator.
+Mon Aug 20 23:28:39 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (Init_String): remove Symbol.intern and Symbol#dump.
+ [ruby-dev:31525]
+ * dir.c (dir_foreach): return Enumerator if no block given.
+ [ruby-dev:31525]
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_foreach): argument count check before making
+ Enumerator. [ruby-dev:31525]
+Mon Aug 20 23:17:14 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_core.h (struct rb_thread_struct): removed first_func_arg and
+ reuse first_args instead.
+Sun Aug 19 13:31:40 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * gc.c: use VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_UNDEFINED to detect use of collected
+ objects if valgrind is available. It cannot detect first 2 words
+ because they are used as the free list.
+Sun Aug 19 13:13:52 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each/NODE_RESBODY): fix to add
+ additional nop to prevent tailcall optimization.
+ * vm_opts.h: clean up comments.
+Sun Aug 19 12:58:39 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * (vm_call_bmethod): fix to propagate information
+ that this proc is "from Method". [ruby-dev:31490]
+ * proc.c (method_proc, rb_mod_define_method): ditto.
+ * vm.c (vm_invoke_proc_core): removed.
+ * vm_core.h: ditto.
+Sun Aug 19 12:36:11 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/sentence.rb: new method Sentence().
+Sun Aug 19 12:32:39 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * (vm_callee_setup_arg): fix to mark enough VM stack.
+ [ruby-dev:31492]
+Sat Aug 18 19:02:34 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_yield.rb (TestYieldGen): relax array size check
+ in nested parameters.
+ [ruby-dev:31485]
+Sat Aug 18 17:44:42 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c (Init_tcltklib): use rb_set_end_proc().
+Sat Aug 18 17:40:11 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (is_ruby_native_thread): check properly. [ruby-dev:31166]
+Sat Aug 18 16:44:15 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * (vm_call_bmethod),
+ vm.c (vm_invoke_proc_core): fix to do not restore
+ $SAFE when proc invoked by bmethod.
+ * vm_core.h: ditto.
+Sat Aug 18 16:44:49 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (ruby_error_print): call error_print.
+ *, process.c (rb_exit, rb_f_exit, rb_f_abort): moved.
+Sat Aug 18 15:59:52 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (detach_process_watcher): should not pass the pointer
+ to an auto variable to the thread to be created. pointed and
+ fix by KUBO Takehiro <kubo at> [ruby-dev:30618]
+Sat Aug 18 15:52:50 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (vm_send_optimize): use MEMMOVE to shift values inside
+ an array.
+Sat Aug 18 15:45:34 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (vm_yield_setup_args): rsize and psize should not be
+ negative.
+Sat Aug 18 14:35:00 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (vm_callee_setup_arg, vm_send_optimize,
+ vm_yield_setup_args): bulk copy for arguments.
+Sat Aug 18 13:55:58 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): fix to allow self.x=
+ if x= is private.
+ * bootstraptest/test_method.rb: add a test for above.
+Sat Aug 18 14:05:34 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (reg_compile_gen): obtain error info from errinfo.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_error_desc): make RegexpError for initialization error.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_compile): return nil and set errinfo if error.
+Sat Aug 18 13:23:01 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c: $! should not be writable.
+ * eval.c (rb_rubylevel_errinfo): added. rb_errinfo() returns
+ rb_thread_t#errinfo. rb_rubylevel_errinfo() returns $! value.
+Sat Aug 18 13:14:40 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * (vm_callee_setup_arg): fix to check arguments
+ correctly. [ruby-dev:31472]
+Sat Aug 18 13:13:06 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_exception.rb: add escape character ("\") for
+ editors.
+Sat Aug 18 12:42:50 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_yield.rb (TestYieldGen): add test for yielding to
+ lambda using lambda parameter passing emulator.
+Sat Aug 18 12:24:30 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sample/test.rb, test/ruby/test_system.rb(valid_syntax?): keep
+ comment lines first.
+Sat Aug 18 11:44:59 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_set_arguments),
+ (vm_callee_setup_arg, vm_yield_setup_args):
+ fix to cause raise on "lambda{|a|}.call(1, 2)".
+ [ruby-dev:31464]
+ * bootstraptest/test_block.rb: add tests for above.
+Sat Aug 18 01:12:01 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (frame_func_id): return proper method ID.
+Fri Aug 17 22:43:11 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): massign should return rvalue(s).
+Fri Aug 17 22:10:19 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_basicinstructions.rb: fix old tests.
+ class variables should be inherited.
+Fri Aug 17 21:20:44 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call), (rb_add_method, rb_alias),
+ (vm_call_method): fix to save safelevel for
+ method node.
+ * include/ruby/node.h: ditto.
+ * bootstraptest/test_method.rb: add a test for above.
+Fri Aug 17 16:02:50 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_terminate_all): fix to ignore
+ exceptions.
+ * thread.c (thread_start_func_2): fix
+ abort_on_exception process. [ruby-dev:31394]
+Fri Aug 17 14:38:36 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb (in_temporary_working_directory): use
+ Dir.mktmpdir to create and remove temporary directory.
+ (Dir.mktmpdir): define if not available.
+ [ruby-dev:31431]
+Fri Aug 17 03:07:37 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): fix throw insn option of next.
+Fri Aug 17 01:25:23 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_set_arguments),
+ (vm_callee_setup_arg, vm_yield_setup_args): fix
+ block parameter problems. [ruby-dev:31437], [ruby-dev:31440]
+ * bootstraptest/test_block.rb: add a test of [ruby-dev:31440].
+Fri Aug 17 01:24:12 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c (ruby_iseq_disasm): fix to show arg_simple value.
+Fri Aug 17 01:21:29 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def (throw): insert a RUBY_VM_CHECK_INTS(). [ruby-dev:31361]
+Thu Aug 16 20:40:50 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (bigtrunc): RBIGNUM(x)->len may be zero. out of bound
+ access. [ruby-dev:31404]
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): small float should not call
+ rb_dbl2big().
+Thu Aug 16 22:10:06 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): fix next/redo stack consistency.
+ [ruby-dev:31373]
+ * bootstraptest/test_syntax.rb: add tests for above.
+ * sample/test.rb: fix to use __FILE__ instead of $0 to know basedir.
+Thu Aug 16 21:14:06 2007 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * (BASERUBY): need AC_SUBST. [ruby-dev:31438]
+Thu Aug 16 19:18:26 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/sentence.rb: Sentence class implemented
+ based on sentgen.rb
+ * test/ruby/sentgen.rb: removed.
+ * test/ruby/test_assignment.rb: use sentence.rb.
+ * test/ruby/test_yield.rb: block parameter passing emulator
+ implemented.
+Thu Aug 16 16:48:47 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (BASERUBY): check if base ruby is runnable first.
+ [ruby-core:11900]
+Thu Aug 16 16:46:07 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (aix): enable shared by default.
+ * (aix): for 64bit-mode AIX. [ruby-dev:31401]
+ + use CC for LDSHARED if non-gcc,
+ + moved -G option from *LDFLAGS to LDSHARED,
+ + set -brtl only in XLDFLAGS.
+Thu Aug 16 13:06:08 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (big_lshift): make shift offset long type.
+ (big_rshift): ditto.
+ (rb_big_lshift): ditto.
+ (big_rshift): ditto.
+ [ruby-dev:31434]
+Thu Aug 16 06:29:08 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (argf_readpartial): argf_forward needs argc and argv.
+Thu Aug 16 02:47:39 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * cont.c (rb_fiber_m_yield): added. use this function
+ for Fiber#yield instead of rb_fiber_yield.
+Thu Aug 16 00:36:52 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/tmpdir.rb (Dir.mktmpdir): new method. [ruby-dev:31416]
+Wed Aug 15 18:57:30 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (os_live_obj): fix to skip T_VALUES.
+ * sample/test.rb: add an ObjectSpace test.
+Wed Aug 15 16:49:04 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * inits.c (rb_call_inits): change initializing order.
+ [ruby-dev:31420]
+Wed Aug 15 16:44:15 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (ARGF_FORWARD): wrongly compares with current_file with
+ rb_stdout. should be rb_stdin. [ruby-cvs:20177]
+Wed Aug 15 14:59:21 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_initialize, argf_each_line, argf_each_byte): suppress
+ warnings.
+Wed Aug 15 14:22:05 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * parse.y: remove "//" type comment.
+Wed Aug 15 13:42:15 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * parse.y: fix rules around f_margs. "make test" passes all tests.
+ * bootstraptest/test_block.rb: add some tests for above.
+Wed Aug 15 13:50:10 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_delete_key): delete the entry without calling block.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_shift): should consider iter_lev too.
+ * hash.c (delete_if_i): use rb_hash_delete_key() so that the block
+ isn't called twice. [ruby-core:11556]
+Wed Aug 15 13:39:25 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * process.c (proc_geteuid): fix strange conversion. [ruby-dev:31417]
+Wed Aug 15 01:05:55 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb (assert_check): don't call newtest.
+ (assert_equal): call newtest.
+ (assert_match): ditto.
+Tue Aug 14 21:43:39 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb (assert_check): new method.
+ (assert_match): new method.
+ (assert_equal): use assert_check.
+ (pretty): give failure description as an argument.
+ * bootstraptest/test_exception.rb: use assert_match to describe the
+ test for [ruby-dev:31407]. [ruby-dev:31412]
+Tue Aug 14 19:53:15 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * proc.c (Init_Proc), eval.c (Init_eval), eval_intern.h: move
+ init place of exception_error.
+ * inits.c: ditto.
+ * eval.c (Init_eval): set exception_error#throwed_state as TAG_FATAL.
+ [ruby-dev:31407]
+ * bootstraptest/test_exception.rb: add a test for above.
+Tue Aug 14 19:51:20 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * change test order (test -> btest).
+Tue Aug 14 00:04:27 2007 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb: 0.1.8 -> 0.1.9.
+ * test/rss/test_version.rb: followed the above change.
+ * lib/rss/parser.rb: fixed a bug that handles unintended elements.
+ Thanks to Takuo Yonezawa. [ruby-list:43841]
+Mon Aug 13 17:23:10 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_clear_trace_func, rb_thread_stop_timer_thread):
+ declarations for forward references.
+ * eval.c (rb_longjmp, eval): use local variable.
+ * eval.c (rb_longjmp): string object not to be optimized.
+Mon Aug 13 13:21:58 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb: make ftp passive mode to avoid NAT problem.
+ [ruby-dev:31377]
+Mon Aug 13 09:18:05 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_getc): should returns
+ one-character string.
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c: remove unnecessary prototypes.
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_getbyte): new method.
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_readbyte): new method.
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_ungetc): should take a string as
+ an input.
+Mon Aug 13 08:19:43 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (argf_close): always close via method.
+ * io.c (Init_IO): remove obsolete Kernel#getc.
+Mon Aug 13 05:03:53 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_raise): check if target thread is
+ thrown by another thread or not. [ruby-dev:31371]
+ * bootstraptest/test_thread.rb: add a test for above.
+Mon Aug 13 04:35:30 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_peephole_optimize): fix peephole optimization
+ bug. [ruby-dev:31360]
+ * bootstraptest/test_syntax.rb: add a test for above.
+Mon Aug 13 04:02:29 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_dump.c (debug_print_pre): fix to show control frame count.
+ * insns.def (opt_call_c_function): fix operand type.
+ * lib/vm/instruction.rb: ditto.
+ * (vm_push_frame, vm_pop_frame): fix to show
+ control stack status on if VMDEBUG == 2.
+ * vm.h: add a comment about VMDEBUG.
+ * iseq.c (find_prev_line_no): fix to skip bug report if
+ line is not found.
+ * lib/vm/instruction.rb: fix to use build_string() on
+ source code generators.
+Mon Aug 13 03:57:32 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * template/yasmdata.rb.tmpl: fix type and name.
+Sat Aug 11 23:27:37 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (argf_each_line): should use #each_line, not #each.
+ * io.c (argf_each_line): simplified.
+ * io.c (argf_getline): should handle non T_FILE object in ARGV.
+ * io.c (argf_each_byte): each_byte should yield bytes not
+ one-character strings. [ruby-dev:31374]
+Sat Aug 11 07:24:55 2007 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date/format.rb: reverted some wrongly erased "o" options
+ (pointed out by nobu).
+Sat Aug 11 00:01:12 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (thread_start_func_2): not re-raise to main thread if it is
+ joining the current thread.
+Fri Aug 10 23:54:46 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (thread_create_core): inherit the priority of creating
+ thread. submitted at [ruby-core:11873] by David Flanagan <david AT
+>. [ruby-core:11876]
+Fri Aug 10 05:12:19 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (thread_start_func_2): let abort_on_exception work.
+ [ruby-core:11873]
+Fri Aug 10 04:47:09 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (internal_id_gen): internal ID must be bigger than
+Thu Aug 9 16:04:55 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (stmt): check if rhs has value before assignment instead
+ inside node_assign_gen(). [ruby-dev:31293]
+ * parse.y (call_bin_op_gen, call_uni_op_gen): split call_op_gen.
+Thu Aug 9 14:01:36 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (f_marg_list): renamed from f_marg_head.
+ * parse.y (f_margs): allow multiple mandatory arguments after a splat.
+ [ruby-dev:31153]
+Thu Aug 9 02:02:02 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (enum_cycle): typo fixed. a patch from Kazuhiro
+ NISHIYAMA <zn AT>. [ruby-dev:31362]
+Wed Aug 8 19:17:40 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/dl/cptr.c (rb_dlptr_s_to_ptr): no longer check
+Wed Aug 8 15:52:01 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_next_p): should check correctly even when
+ has not been called before.
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_next): raise StopIteration (name taken
+ from Python) instead of IndexError.
+ * enum.c (enum_zip): catch StopIteration exception.
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_with_index): return Enumerator if no
+ block is given.
+ * test/ruby/test_iterator.rb (TestIterator::test_enumerator): add
+ test for enumerators.
+Wed Aug 8 11:48:37 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big2str0): should not use RTEST for non-VALUE.
+Wed Aug 8 11:25:25 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big2str0): should preserve sign mark.
+Wed Aug 8 11:02:43 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (btest-miniruby, test-sample): split the test target
+ so that -k option works.
+Tue Aug 7 14:58:39 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (establishShell): handshaking before close slave
+ device. [ruby-talk:263410]
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (MasterDevice, SlaveDevice, deviceNo): constified.
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (SlaveName): removed static buffer.
+ * ext/pty/expect_sample.rb: support for autologin.
+Tue Aug 7 13:58:03 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (ruby_special_consts): added RUBY_SPECIAL_SHIFT.
+ * .gdbinit: some improvements.
+Tue Aug 7 13:28:32 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ( use $? instead of $< for nmake.
+ [ruby-dev:31356]
+Tue Aug 7 12:45:13 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (ac_cv_func_isinf): set yes also on OpenSolaris.
+ [ruby-Bugs-12859]
+Tue Aug 7 12:31:51 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (pipe_open): fix for win32 platforms.
+Tue Aug 7 02:58:33 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big2str0): make Bignum#to_s even faster. a patch
+ from Kenta Murata <muraken AT>. [ruby-dev:31354]
+Tue Aug 7 01:42:05 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (enum_zip): zip no longer converts arguments into
+ arrays, uses enumerators.
+Tue Aug 7 01:27:47 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * cont.c (rb_fiber_yield): change argument ordering. export.
+ * cont.c (rb_fiber_current): export
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: export several functions from cont.c.
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_next): new method to implement external
+ iterator (generator) using fiber.
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_next_p): new method to check whether
+ any element is left in the generator sequence.
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_rewind): a new method to rewind the
+ generator sequence.
+Tue Aug 7 01:15:24 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (enum_cycle): new method to cycle enumerable forever.
+Tue Aug 7 00:05:38 2007 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * irb/ruby-lex.rb: support for '\c'. [ruby-talk:263508]
+Mon Aug 6 20:29:22 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ *, insns.def: move some statements to functions.
+ * vm.c, vm.h, fix include/typedef places.
+Mon Aug 6 18:41:12 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * lib/vm/instruction.rb (make_header_analysys): fix last commit.
+Mon Aug 6 18:33:22 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * lib/vm/instruction.rb (make_header_analysys): add to separate
+ header addition process.
+Mon Aug 6 17:36:29 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rexml/encodings/{ISO-8859-15,CP-1252}.rb: fixed invalid syntax.
+Mon Aug 6 16:57:08 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * sample/test.rb: fix to output file name if it contains
+ invalid syntax.
+Mon Aug 6 16:41:22 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * parse.y (value_expr_gen): fix to cause "void value expression"
+ when jump expression such as "next" are shown on value_expr().
+ [ruby-dev:31119]
+ * bootstraptest/test_syntax.rb: fix to above change.
+Mon Aug 6 14:36:30 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * parse.y: fix a f_marg rule. [ruby-dev:31160]
+Mon Aug 6 14:29:30 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb (assert_equal): add additional
+ message parameter.
+Mon Aug 6 13:34:09 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (INSNS): not chdir to srcdir.
+ * ( auto-generate node name list.
+ * iseq.c (ruby_node_name): ditto.
+ * iseq.c (iseq_s_compile_option_get, Init_ISeq): added a new
+ method VM::InstructionSequence::compile_option.
+ * lib/vm/instruction.rb (RubyVM::SourceCodeGenerator): --destdir
+ option.
+ * tool/node_name.rb: to auto-generate node name list.
+Sun Aug 5 11:51:39 2007 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss, sample/rss, test/rss:
+ - 0.1.7 -> 0.1.8.
+ - supported <itunes:XXX>.
+ - reverted backward incompatibility API changes introduced 0.1.7.
+Sun Aug 5 04:56:25 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (pipe_open_v, pipe_open_s): separate array and string
+ cases. [ruby-dev:31344]
+Fri Aug 3 11:05:54 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): save all CONFIG values.
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): remove mkmf.log at clean, and extconf.h at
+ distclean, respectively.
+ * ext/extmk.rb: remove rdoc at clean, and installed list file at
+ distclean, respectively.
+Fri Aug 3 07:09:05 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: more verbose message. [ruby-Bugs-12766]
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (have_type): suppress a warning with -Wall.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (find_type): new method.
+Fri Aug 3 00:00:20 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (big2str_table): base cannot be 0 or 1.
+Thu Aug 2 23:42:57 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (reg_compile_gen): set error if failed to compile regexp
+ literal. [ruby-dev:31336]
+ * re.c (option_to_str, arg_kcode, opt_kcode): options conversion
+ between int and string.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_compile): should not use regexp which could not get
+ initialized. [ruby-dev:31333]
+ return error message to let the parser know it.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_compile): append regexp options to error message.
+ [ruby-dev:31334]
+Thu Aug 2 22:05:32 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big2str0): faster Bignum#to_s using Karatsuba
+ algorithm. a patch from Yusuke ENDOH <mame AT>
+ in [ruby-dev:31312], slightly modified by Kenta Murata
+ <muraken AT> in [ruby-dev:31339].
+Thu Aug 2 13:46:39 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_f_sprintf): should not check positional number as
+ width. [ruby-core:11838]
+Wed Aug 1 12:40:05 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * generic.rb (URI::Generic::merge_path): behave as RFC 3986.
+ [ruby-talk:252052]
+Tue Jul 31 23:38:09 2007 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date/format.rb (_parse): now interprets slashed numerical
+ dates as a big endian (except dd/mm/yyyy). [experimental]
+Mon Jul 30 11:16:40 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_aref): check for Bignum index range.
+ [ruby-dev:31271]
+Sat Jul 28 09:35:41 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/digest/lib/digest.rb (Digest::self.const_missing): avoid
+ infinite recursive const_missing call. [ruby-talk:262193]
+Thu Jul 26 20:40:25 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * range.c (range_eqq): call_super() in === does not work well
+ since Enumerable#=== has different behavior. [ruby-dev:31296]
+Thu Jul 26 13:57:45 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dln.c (load_1, dln_find_1): constified.
+ * dln.c (conv_to_posix_path): removed.
+ * ruby.c (usage): constified.
+ * ruby.c (rubylib_mangled_path, rubylib_mangled_path2): return
+ VALUE instead of a pointer to static buffer.
+ * ruby.c (push_include_cygwin): fixed buffer overflow.
+ [ruby-dev:31297]
+ * ruby.c (ruby_init_loadpath): not convert built-in paths.
+Tue Jul 24 10:37:04 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_f_p): return nil if no argument. [ruby-dev:31285]
+Tue Jul 24 01:05:07 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regint.h (USE_MATCH_RANGE_IS_COMPLETE_RANGE): undef to achieve old
+ rindex behavior. [ruby-dev:31265]
+Mon Jul 23 18:37:14 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * include/ruby/oniguruma.h: upgrade to Oniguruma 5.9.0. fixes
+ some memory violation. [ruby-dev:31070]
+Sun Jul 22 20:09:49 2007 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date/format.rb (Date._parse): now accepts some new
+ hints. [experimental]
+ * lib/parsedate.rb: followed the changes on
+ lib/date/format.rb. [experimental]
+Sun Jul 22 16:06:56 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (is_ruby_native_thread): made an int function as
+ well as version 1.8.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (is_ruby_native_thread): moved prototype
+ from intern.h as well as version 1.8.
+Sun Jul 22 14:33:46 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_rename): deleted code to get rid of a bug of
+ old Cygwin.
+ * file.c (rb_file_truncate): added prototype of GetLastError()
+ on cygwin. [ruby-dev:31239]
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (is_ruby_native_thread): prototype.
+ * missing/strftime.c (strftime): fix printf format and actual
+ arguments.
+ * ext/Win32API/Win32API.c (Win32API_initialize): ditto.
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c (ip_finalize): ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (lcid_installed): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/getnameinfo.c: include stdio.h always.
+Sat Jul 21 21:39:12 2007 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb, lib/date/format.rb (Date._parse): now can take some
+ hints (its aim must be mainly determination of endianness of
+ date). [experimental]
+ * lib/date.rb, lib/date/format.rb (Date._parse): now completes
+ truncated year as default action. [experimental]
+ * lib/date.rb, lib/date/format.rb: added ::iso8601, ::rfc3339,
+ ::xmlschema, ::rfc2822, ::httpdate, ::jisx0301, #xmlschema,
+ #httpdate. [experimental]
+Sat Jul 21 17:48:26 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * inverted rules order.
+ * (w32_create_thread): bcc does not have
+ _beginthreadex().
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): make OBJS depend on RUBY_EXTCONF_H
+ only if extconf.h is created.
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub: headers have moved.
+ * bcc32/{Makefile.sub,configure.bat,setup.mak: configure_args
+ support.
+ * bcc32/setup.mak: check runtime version.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_open_osfhandle): prototype has changed
+ in bcc 5.82.
+ * {win32,wince,bcc32}/setup.mak (-version-): no RUBY_EXTERN magic.
+ * win32/resource.rb: include patchlevel number.
+Sat Jul 21 12:06:48 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (init_mkmf): should remove mkmf.log too.
+Sat Jul 21 01:45:03 2007 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date/format.rb (Date._parse): completes calendar week based year.
+ * lib/date/format.rb (Date._parse): detects year of ordinal date in
+ extended format.
+Fri Jul 20 16:30:31 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_set_sequence): raise SyntaxError instead of rb_bug
+ since this function can be called from VM::InstructionSequence.load.
+ * compile.c (insn_set_sc_state, iseq_set_sequence_stackcaching): ditto.
+Fri Jul 20 16:11:33 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c, compile.h (DECL_ANCHOR, INIT_ANCHOR): split not to
+ initialize aggregations with dynamic values. [ruby-talk:259306]
+ * eval.c (rb_protect): not to initialize aggregations with dynamic
+ values. [ruby-talk:259306]
+ * gc.c (mark_current_machine_context): ditto.
+ * thread.c (thgroup_list, call_trace_func): ditto.
+ * vm.c (vm_init_redefined_flag): ditto.
+Fri Jul 20 15:22:51 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_config.c (ossl_config_set_section): do not
+ initialize aggregations with dynamic values. [ruby-talk:259306]
+Fri Jul 20 10:39:28 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (stmt, mlhs_node, lhs, arg, var_ref): return dummy
+ NODE_BEGIN after errors. [ruby-dev:31100], [ruby-dev:31118]
+ * parse.y (remove_begin): keep empty NODE_BEGIN, instead of null.
+ [ruby-dev:31252], [ruby-dev:31263]
+Fri Jul 20 09:50:40 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb (get_result_string): check $?.coredump?
+ first.
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb (cleanup_coredump, check_coredump): see
+ stackdump file too.
+Thu Jul 19 20:39:30 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (value_expr_gen): warn for empty expression ().
+ [ruby-dev:31252]
+Thu Jul 19 19:24:14 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (get_backtrace): check the result more.
+ [ruby-dev:31261] [ruby-bugs-12398]
+Thu Jul 19 14:38:45 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_lshift, rb_big_rshift): separated functions
+ to get rid of infinite recursion. fixed calculation in edge
+ cases. [ruby-dev:31244]
+ * numeric.c (rb_fix_lshift, rb_fix_rshift): ditto.
+Wed Jul 18 16:57:41 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_pow): refine overflow check. [ruby-dev:31242]
+Wed Jul 18 09:19:07 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (rb_parser_append_print, rb_parser_while_loop): moved check
+ for node to the head.
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): do nothing for -p/-n options if tree is null.
+ submitted by Yusuke ENDOH <mame AT> at [ruby-dev:31243].
+Wed Jul 18 08:47:09 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_succ): Time#succ should return a time object in the
+ same timezone mode to the original. [ruby-talk:260256]
+Mon Jul 16 23:07:51 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/base64.rb (Base64::b64encode): should not specify /o option
+ for regular expression. [ruby-dev:31221]
+Mon Jul 16 22:57:53 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): make %u behave like %d for negative
+ values, since decimal format does not work with preceding dots.
+ [ruby-core:11575]
+Mon Jul 16 18:29:33 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_rindex_m): accept string-like object convertible
+ with #to_str method, as well as rb_str_index_m. [ruby-core:11692]
+Mon Jul 16 07:17:28 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * insns.def (getspecial): lfp_svar_get() requires int for special
+ global variables.
+Mon Jul 16 05:45:53 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_f_sprintf): more checks for format argument.
+ [ruby-core:11569], [ruby-core:11570], [ruby-core:11571],
+ [ruby-core:11573]
+Mon Jul 16 00:26:10 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_pow): removed invariant variable. [ruby-dev:31236]
+Sun Jul 15 22:24:37 2007 pegacorn < AT>
+ * ext/dl/cfunc.c (rb_dlcfunc_call): adjust format. [ruby-dev:31222]
+ * ext/digest/digest.c (rb_digest_instance_update,
+ rb_digest_instance_finish, rb_digest_instance_reset,
+ rb_digest_instance_block_length): %s in rb_raise() expects char*.
+ [ruby-dev:31222]
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.h: include ossl_pkcs5.h. [ruby-dev:31231]
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs5.h: new file for PKCS5. [ruby-dev:31231]
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509name.c (ossl_x509name_to_s): use ossl_raise()
+ instead of rb_raise(). [ruby-dev:31222]
+ * ext/sdbm/_sdbm.c: DOSISH platforms need io.h. [ruby-dev:31232]
+ * ext/syck/syck.h: include stdlib.h for malloc() and free().
+ [ruby-dev:31232]
+ * ext/syck/syck.h (syck_parser_set_input_type): prototype added.
+ [ruby-dev:31231]
+ * win32/win32.c: include mbstring.h for _mbspbrk(). [ruby-dev:31232]
+ * include/ruby/win32.h (rb_w32_getcwd): prototype added.
+ [ruby-dev:31232]
+Sun Jul 15 21:07:43 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (bigtrunc): do not empty Bignum. [ruby-dev:31229]
+Sun Jul 15 19:05:28 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_cstr_to_inum): check leading non-digits.
+ [ruby-core:11691]
+Sun Jul 15 04:42:20 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (get2comp): do nothing for empty Bignum. [ruby-dev:31225]
+Sat Jul 14 22:49:30 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_pow): integer power calculation: 0**n => 0,
+ 1**n => 1, -1**n => 1 (n: even) / -1 (n: odd).
+ * test/ruby/test_fixnum.rb (TestFixnum::test_pow): update test
+ suite. pow(-3, 2^64) gives NaN when pow(3, 2^64) gives Inf.
+Sat Jul 14 18:46:35 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * add --with-valgrind.
+ * gc.h (SET_MACHINE_STACK_END): new macro to replace
+ rb_gc_set_stack_end. it find out accurate stack boundary by
+ asm using gcc on x86.
+ * thread.c (rb_gc_set_stack_end): don't define if asm-version
+ SET_MACHINE_STACK_END is available.
+ * gc.c (mark_current_machine_context): extracted from garbage_collect.
+ it use SET_MACHINE_STACK_END to not scan out of stack area.
+ it notify conservative GC information to valgrind if
+ --with-valgrind.
+Sat Jul 14 14:04:06 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enum.c (sort_by_cmp): check if reentered. [ruby-dev:24291]
+Sat Jul 14 11:08:28 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/json/ext/generator/generator.c (check_max_nesting): wrong
+ format specifier. a patch from pegacorn < AT>.
+ [ruby-dev:31217]
+Sat Jul 14 02:27:43 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (int_pow): overflow detection using FIT_SQRT_LONG().
+ [ruby-dev:31215]
+Sat Jul 14 02:05:53 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * insns.def (opt_div): LONG2FIX() may not work for corner cases,
+ use LONG2NUM() instead. [ruby-dev:31210]
+Sat Jul 14 00:34:01 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (int_round): should not return false, but self.
+ [ruby-dev:31212]
+Fri Jul 13 18:31:27 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: remove unused function declarations.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: ditto.
+Fri Jul 13 17:32:37 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * vm.c (vm_free): clear free'ed living_threads field.
+ [ruby-dev:31163]
+ * insns.def (opt_succ): use cast to shut a warning up.
+Fri Jul 13 16:10:00 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb (URI::Generic#find_proxy): use ENV.to_hash to access
+ http_proxy environment variable to avoid case insensitive
+ environment search.
+Fri Jul 13 15:02:15 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (CreateChild): enclose command line except for
+ which can not handle quotes. [ruby-talk:258939]
+Fri Jul 13 11:33:09 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * range.c (range_max, range_min): return nil for empty set as well as
+ 1.8 and Enumerable. [ruby-dev:31198]
+Fri Jul 13 11:28:37 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (bvar): semicolon was lost for ripper description.
+ [ruby-dev:31140]
+Fri Jul 13 11:25:10 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (program, stmt, primary): reduced duplicated code.
+ * parse.y (dsym): convert also literals containing NUL to
+ symbol.
+ * parse.y (debug_lines): use rb_hash_lookup() to get rid of
+ call of Hash#default.
+ * parse.y (ripper_warningS): unused in ripper right now.
+Fri Jul 13 10:33:29 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_flatten_bang): check argument if valid
+ integer. [ruby-dev:31197]
+Fri Jul 13 10:10:46 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (link_command, cc_command, cpp_command): do not expand
+ ::CONFIG which is an alias of MAKEFILE_CONFIG.
+Thu Jul 12 21:38:02 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * insns.def (opt_succ): use LONG_MAX as maximum Fixnum VALUE.
+ [ruby-dev:31199]
+Thu Jul 12 18:42:18 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * range.c (range_max): use FIX2LONG instead of FIX2INT to avoid
+ RangeError by ((-0x80000001)...(-0x80000001)).max on LP64.
+ * insns.def (opt_plus): use FIX2LONG instead of FIX2INT to avoid
+ RangeError by 0x3fffffffffffffff+1 on LP64.
+ * insns.def (opt_succ): don't use 0x80000000 which assumes 32bit VALUE.
+ use FIX2LONG instead of FIX2INT.
+ [ruby-dev:31190]
+Thu Jul 12 17:03:15 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_init_copy): disallow changing the size.
+ [ruby-dev:31168]
+Thu Jul 12 12:58:21 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * blockinlining.c: remove "yarv" prefix.
+ * array.c, numeric.c: ditto.
+ *, insns.def, ditto.
+ * yarvcore.c: removed.
+ * yarvcore.h: renamed to core.h.
+ * cont.c, debug.c, error.c, process.c, signal.c : ditto.
+ * ext/probeprofiler/probeprofiler.c: ditto.
+ * id.c, id.h: added.
+ * inits.c: ditto.
+ * compile.c: rename internal functions.
+ * compile.h: fix debug flag.
+ * eval.c, object.c, vm.c: remove ruby_top_self.
+ use rb_vm_top_self() instead.
+ * eval_intern.h, eval_load: ditto.
+ * gc.c: rename yarv_machine_stack_mark() to
+ rb_gc_mark_machine_stack().
+ * insnhelper.h: remove unused macros.
+ * iseq.c: add iseq_compile() to create iseq object
+ from source string.
+ * proc.c: rename a internal function.
+ * template/ remove YARV prefix.
+ * thread.c: use rb_iseq_eval() and rb_str_new2().
+ * vm.c (rb_iseq_eval): added.
+ * vm.c: move some functions from yarvcore.c.
+ * vm_dump.c: fix to remove compiler warning.
+Thu Jul 12 12:24:29 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * insns.def (opt_succ): fixed typo. [ruby-dev:31189]
+Thu Jul 12 10:30:46 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (thread_start_func_2): moved prototype from thread_*.ci.
+ * (thread_start_func_2): not use a directive
+ inside a macro argument. [ruby-talk:258763]
+ * thread.c (thread_join): pthread_t may not be pointer.
+ * (ubf_select_each): ditto.
+Thu Jul 12 05:32:28 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (FIX2ULONG): drop sign bit for LLP64 platform.
+Tue Jul 10 19:34:45 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_lookup): added. this function is similar to
+ rb_hash_aref(), but doesn't call Hash#default when no entry
+ exists.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: ditto.
+ * (lfp_svar_get): use rb_hash_lookup().
+Tue Jul 10 19:16:28 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c,, vm.c: change cref index (-1 -> 2).
+Tue Jul 10 18:49:56 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c (exec_under): add proper casts.
+Tue Jul 10 16:58:16 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c, fix svar interface.
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each), yarvcore.h: fix to use new
+ svar interface for flip flop.
+ * eval.c: ditto.
+ * insns.def: ditto.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: remove "rb_svar()" declaration.
+Tue Jul 10 16:52:01 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (rb_iseq_compile): formatted if/else to switch statement.
+Tue Jul 10 15:57:53 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_flip.rb: new test for flip-flop operator.
+Tue Jul 10 14:50:01 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bcc32/{Makefile.sub,setup.mak}: remove surplus slash from srcdir.
+Mon Jul 9 02:17:36 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * cont.c (cont_restore_1): workaround for x64-mswin64's SEH.
+Sun Jul 8 02:08:53 2007 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/json.rb, lib/json/, ext/json/: import JSON 1.1.1
+Sat Jul 7 21:59:29 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pp.rb (PP::PPMethods#pp_hash): sort condition changed:
+ all keys have a same class which is kind of Comparable.
+Sat Jul 7 17:12:37 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c: use rb_bug() instead of rb_compile_error().
+Sat Jul 7 16:12:48 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * parse.y: fix node construction (around f_margs).
+ [ruby-dev:31143]
+ * bootstraptest/test_block.rb: add a test for above.
+ * fix indent.
+Sat Jul 7 15:36:50 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pp.rb (PP::PPMethods#pp_hash): sort if
+ all keys are strings, symbols or integers.
+Sat Jul 7 15:30:05 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * (vm_yield_setup_args), vm.c, insns.def:
+ fix to pass nil as block parameter to yielded block.
+ [ruby-dev:31147]
+ * bootstraptest/test_block.rb: add a test for above.
+Fri Jul 6 19:55:10 2007 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb.rb: typo. Thanks, Giles Bowkett.
+ * lib/irb/completion.rb: support Ruby1.9 changing return value
+ String to Symbol for Object#methods, etc. [ruby-dev:31148].
+Fri Jul 6 18:20:50 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb: fix load path.
+ * fix "test" rule to run with "btest".
+ * rubytest.rb, sample/test.rb: fix to show tests progress.
+Fri Jul 6 15:37:48 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_iterator.rb: fix test to 1.9 spec.
+Fri Jul 6 15:21:25 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_interrupt): suppress a gcc's officious warning.
+Fri Jul 6 14:57:12 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (keyword_to_name): constified.
+ * ext/ripper/eventids2.c (token_to_eventid): ditto.
+Fri Jul 6 14:50:40 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb: added --quiet option.
+Fri Jul 6 14:35:25 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (f_marg): wrap f_norm_arg assignment node with NODE_LIST.
+ [ruby-dev:31141]
+Fri Jul 6 12:15:01 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/sentgen.rb: new file.
+ * test/ruby/test_assignment.rb: tests implemented using assignment
+ generator and emulator.
+Fri Jul 6 03:06:58 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def: remove unused code.
+ * compile.c (compile_massign): fix to invoke to_splat on
+ splat rhs (example: *a = *nil). [ruby-dev:31136]
+ * bootstraptest/test_massign.rb: add tests for above.
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): disable excess optimization.
+ [ruby-dev:31126]
+Fri Jul 6 02:08:25 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def: fix to invoke nil.to_splat on NODE_ARGSCAT.
+ [ruby-dev:31138].
+ * bootstraptest/test_literal.rb: add tests for above.
+Thu Jul 5 19:45:55 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.h: rename rb_control_frame_t#magic to flag.
+ * vm.h: add VM_FRAME_TYPE() and VM_FRAME_FLAG().
+ * cont.c,, insns.def, vm.c, vm_dump.c,
+, yarvcore.c: apply above changes.
+Thu Jul 5 19:16:14 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_basicinstructions.rb: remove an assertion using
+ unsupported hash literal (such as {1, 2}).
+ * test/ruby/test_hash.rb: ditto.
+Thu Jul 5 19:12:22 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ruby.c: Qfalse is VALUE, not pointer.
+Thu Jul 5 18:42:01 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): add break catch point.
+ * insns.def (throw): support correct "break" and "return".
+ this commit achieve that "make test" passes all tests.
+ * vm.c: ditto.
+Thu Jul 5 18:44:12 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * parse.y (mlhs_basic): use mlhs_post after tSTAR.
+ [ruby-dev:31109]
+Thu Jul 5 18:27:58 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/{intern,ruby}.h, compile.[ch], error.c, eval.c,
+ eval_load.c, gc.c, iseq.c, main.c, parse.y, re.c, ruby.c,
+ yarvcore.[ch] (ruby_eval_tree, ruby_sourcefile, ruby_sourceline,
+ ruby_nerrs): purge global variables.
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): moved do_print and do_loop options
+ handling from ruby_process_options().
+Thu Jul 5 16:37:34 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * numeric.c (int_pow): fix previous nubu's commit.
+ * test/ruby/test_fixnum.rb: new test.
+Thu Jul 5 15:56:06 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (int_pow): even number multiplication never be negative.
+Thu Jul 5 10:42:07 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/{node,ruby}.h, ruby.c: added enum constants for gdb
+ support. [ruby-dev:31066]
+ * .gdbinit: some improvements.
+Thu Jul 5 10:13:08 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (global_symbols.last_id): reduce unused ID numbers.
+ * include/ruby/st.h, st.c (st_init_table, st_init_table_with_size):
+ constified.
+Wed Jul 4 23:36:27 2007 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpauth/authenticator.rb
+ (WEBrick::HTTPAuth::Authenticator#check_scheme): auth-scheme must be
+ treated as a case-insensitive token according to RFC 2617 section 1.2.
+Wed Jul 4 18:30:04 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * parse.y (mlhs_inner): new rule. [ruby-dev:31132]
+Wed Jul 4 05:11:57 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c (set_relation): added.
+Wed Jul 4 04:58:30 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * (caller_setup_args): fix to show correct class
+ on an error message (ex: m(&1)). [ruby-dev:31101]
+Wed Jul 4 04:30:32 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (compile_array, iseq_compile_each): fix about array
+ generation in void context. [ruby-dev:31102]
+ * bootstraptest/test_literal.rb: add a test for above.
+Wed Jul 4 04:07:00 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (compile_array): ignore NODE_ZARRAY.
+ [ruby-dev:31110]
+ * bootstraptest/test_method.rb: add a test for above.
+Wed Jul 4 04:04:02 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.h: fix debug print level.
+Wed Jul 4 03:52:55 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): support v[&b]= type method call.
+ [ruby-dev:31094]
+ * bootstraptest/test_method.rb: add a test for above.
+Wed Jul 4 03:43:29 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (compile_massign): fix massign compilation
+ (example: a, *v, (*x) = ...). [ruby-dev:31107]
+ * bootstraptest/test_massign.rb: add tests for above.
+Tue Jul 3 23:12:29 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/onigiruma.h (ONIG_EXTERN): use RUBY_EXTERN if defined.
+ * regenc.h: include ruby/defines.h.
+ * regint.h: x64-mswin64 support.
+Tue Jul 3 13:47:44 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * cont.c (cont_save_machine_stack): clear saved_thread.machine_stack*.
+Mon Jul 2 21:45:53 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c: rename iseq_translate_direct_threaded_code()
+ to iseq_translate_threaded_code().
+ * eval_intern.h, yarvcore.h: mv EXEC_EVENT_HOOK() and
+ exec_event_hooks() to yarvcore.h.
+ *, vm.c: mv yarv_finish_insn_seq to vm.c.
+ * insns.def (opt_call_c_function): fix to use RESTORE_REGS().
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_build_for_ruby2cext): fix to allocate iseq.
+Mon Jul 2 11:59:34 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * insns.def (defineclass): suppress a warning.
+ * insns.def (opt_call_c_function): should raise the thrown exception
+ instead of returning it.
+Mon Jul 2 08:53:47 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval_intern.h, yarvcore.h: move declaration of sysstack_error
+ to yarvcore.h.
+ * iseq.c: fix symbol name (:toplevel -> :top).
+ * lib/vm/instruction.rb, template/ replaceable
+ current file name.
+Mon Jul 2 05:29:07 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c, iseq.c: fix iseq some of load/store process.
+Mon Jul 2 03:09:36 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.h, compile.c,, iseq.c, vm.c:
+ rename structure names and field names.
+ * insnhelper.h, insns.def: add GET_CONST_INLINE_CACHE().
+ * iseq.c: add rb_iseq_build_for_ruby2cext().
+ * yarvcore.h, vm.h: move declaration of rb_insn_func_t
+ to yarvcore.h.
+Sun Jul 1 03:25:53 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insnhelper.h, vm.h: some refactoring.
+ remove useless comments, etc.
+Sun Jul 1 03:02:29 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.h: some refactoring on rb_iseq_t.
+ rename some variable names, add comments, etc.
+ * compile.c, iseq.c, proc.c, vm.c: ditto.
+Sun Jul 1 02:57:57 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.h: rename insn_func_type to rb_insn_func_type.
+ * ditto.
+ * insns.def: add opt_call_native_compiled instruction
+ instead of opt_call_native_compiled.
+Sat Jun 30 00:17:00 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): return non-valid token for an invalid
+ instance/class variable name. a patch from Yusuke ENDOH
+ <mame AT>. [ruby-dev:31095]
+Fri Jun 29 23:38:06 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (stmts): fix for ripper.
+Fri Jun 29 21:55:48 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * parse.y: fix to show line number of blank block.
+ [ruby-dev:31093]
+Fri Jun 29 20:51:04 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/cgi/session.rb (create_new_id): don't cut off md5.hexdigest to
+ follow Ruby 1.8.
+Fri Jun 29 17:10:14 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * debug.h: constified.
+ * debug.c (ruby_set_debug_option): separated from main.c.
+ * gc.c (ruby_gc_stress), signal.c (ruby_enable_coredump): prefixed.
+Fri Jun 29 16:39:06 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * proc.c (proc_new): fix to return a proc object
+ which block is contained ([ruby-dev:31056]).
+Fri Jun 29 15:43:59 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_pow): get rid of division by zero. reported by
+ Yusuke ENDOH <mame AT> [ruby-dev:31040]
+ * numeric.c (int_round): do nothing when rounding by zeroth digit.
+ check underflow. [ruby-dev:31043]
+Fri Jun 29 15:32:00 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * add fastcall attribute check.
+Fri Jun 29 14:51:24 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (assoc_list): remove expanded hash literal (no splat).
+ * lib/webrick/httpstatus.rb (WEBrick::HTTPStatus::EOFError): adapt
+ to new syntax.
+Fri Jun 29 14:48:18 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * tool/insns2vm.rb, lib/vm/instruction.rb: move process body
+ to lib/vm/instruction.rb.
+ * fix aotc rule.
+ experimental. bin/ruby2cext is not added yet.
+Fri Jun 29 11:23:09 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (dsym): return non-null NODE even if yyerror(). based on a
+ patch from Yusuke ENDOH <mame AT>. [ruby-dev:31085]
+Thu Jun 28 23:29:30 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (assoc_list): odd number check only for NODE_ARRAY.
+ [ruby-dev:31082]
+Thu Jun 28 22:24:33 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: define FUNC_FASTCALL macro.
+ * vm.h: fix to use FUNC_FASTCALL macro.
+ TODO: add FUNC_FASTCALL macro by configure.
+Thu Jun 28 19:38:53 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c: fix to remove -Wall warnings on gcc.
+ * compile.c (make_name_with_str): removed. use rb_sprintf() instead.
+Thu Jun 28 18:53:01 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_hash): fix hash area.
+Thu Jun 28 15:00:06 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_getline): local variable to be
+ initialized. [ruby-dev:31077]
+Thu Jun 28 11:30:39 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * gc.c (rb_obj_id): use SIGNED_VALUE instead of long.
+Thu Jun 28 05:01:56 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * (run.gdb): fix to load $(srcdir)/.gdbinit
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_set_finish_env): add a cast.
+ * vm.h: support __fastcall for MSVC.
+Thu Jun 28 02:12:08 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb: fix to untouch $:.
+Thu Jun 28 02:03:07 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (setup_args): change parameter type.
+Thu Jun 28 02:03:39 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * parse.y (rb_intern2): unconstify cast.
+Thu Jun 28 01:44:31 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * parse.y (rb_intern2): don't allocate a string object at first.
+ [ruby-dev:31064]
+Thu Jun 28 01:24:02 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb: fix to show file name.
+ * bootstraptest/test_*.rb: add bootstrap tests.
+Thu Jun 28 01:22:15 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/node.h, parse.y, gc.c, iseq.c: remove NODE_CREF.
+Thu Jun 28 01:19:43 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): fix popped backref and others.
+ ([ruby-dev:31068]).
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): remove needless statements.
+Wed Jun 27 23:51:33 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c: remove unused functions.
+Wed Jun 27 20:46:05 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h, win32/Makefile.sub, win32/configure.bat,
+ win32/mkexports.rb, win32/setup.mak, win32/win32.c: import
+ x64-mswin64 port.
+Wed Jun 27 20:31:07 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_translate_direct_threaded_code): fix prototype
+ function name.
+ * vm.h: add correct cast.
+Wed Jun 27 17:08:42 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def, vm.c, vm.h: ditto.
+ * vm.h: add VM_CFP_CNT() and VM_SP_CNT().
+Wed Jun 27 04:23:47 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): fix type error.
+Wed Jun 27 03:26:15 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (compile_massign), insns.def (expandarray): support
+ postarg with massign (a, *b, c = ...).
+ * bootstraptest/test_massign.rb: add tests for above.
+ * compile.h: fix debug macro names.
+Wed Jun 27 00:18:41 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_clear): need to check STR_EMBED_P() before
+ free()ing memory. a patch from Yusuke ENDOH <mame AT>.
+ [ruby-dev:31062]
+Tue Jun 26 16:39:01 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (proc_getgroups): use GIDT2NUM for rb_gid_t.
+Tue Jun 26 16:28:24 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_wait_fd_rw): terminate fdset.
+Tue Jun 26 16:26:58 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * regint.h: IL32LLP64 support.
+Tue Jun 26 16:22:45 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c (ruby_node_name): update node names.
+Tue Jun 26 15:21:20 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: IL32LLP64 support.
+ * bignum.c (bigfixize, rb_cstr_to_inum): ditto.
+ * insns.def (opt_plus, opt_minus, opt_mult): ditto.
+Tue Jun 26 15:04:06 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * cont.c (rb_fiber_s_new): revert initializing VM stack.
+ * yarvcore.c (th_init2): ditto.
+ * vm.c, vm.h: fix to stop using Qundef on VM stack. According to
+ this change, VM stack should not include Qundef value.
+ * insns.def (putundef): removed.
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): ditto.
+ * eval.c (eval): fix spacing.
+Tue Jun 26 04:03:50 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * (vm_yield_with_cfunc), proc.c: fix Method#to_proc
+ to return lambda Proc ([ruby-dev:31021], [ruby-dev:31037]).
+Tue Jun 26 03:46:08 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * cont.c (rb_fiber_s_new): fix to clear rb_thread_t#tag.
+ [ruby-dev:30995]
+Tue Jun 26 03:38:31 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * cont.c (rb_fiber_s_new), yarvcore.c (th_init2): fix to clear
+ VM stack ([ruby-dev:31046]).
+Tue Jun 26 03:15:27 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c: rename setup_arg() to setup_args().
+ fix to use setup_args() at processing NODE_YIELD.
+Tue Jun 26 02:50:24 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (setup_arg): support kind of "m(*ary, x)" method call.
+ ([ruby-dev:31048]).
+Tue Jun 26 00:28:44 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ *, vm.c: complete block parameter support.
+ post arguments, optional arguments, block argument.
+ * compile.c, parse.y: fix {|a|} parameter.
+ *, insns.def: revert caller_setup_args() option
+ (need_block_check) parameter.
+Mon Jun 25 20:18:44 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * gc.c (RVALUE): in RVALUE and RBasic, flags must be the same type.
+Mon Jun 25 18:02:55 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/pty/extconf.rb: skip wince and win64.
+Mon Jun 25 17:59:32 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/node.h (NODE_LMASK, nd_line): shouldn't use int and/or
+ long carelessly.
+Mon Jun 25 11:36:35 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.h: add RUBY_ prefix to debug macros.
+ * cont.c, proc.c, yarvcore.c,
+ * gc.c: define ruby_gc_debug_indent variable to debug mark/free.
+ * vm.c, rename some functions to vm_* or rb_vm_*.
+ move some functions, definitions, declarations to suitable files.
+ * eval.c, yarvcore.h,, ditto.
+Mon Jun 25 09:45:46 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *,,, c-mode.
+Mon Jun 25 05:27:54 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c: remove ruby_current_node and change eval() prototype.
+ fix to use rb_sourcefile/line() instead of ruby_sourcefile/line.
+ * error.c,, eval_load.c,, gc.c,
+ include/ruby/intern.h, parse.y, process.c, ruby.c: ditto.
+ * vm.c: fix spaces.
+Mon Jun 25 04:20:14 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval_*.h: rename to eval_*.ci.
+ * ditto.
+ * remove ruby_set_current_source().
+ * error.c, eval.c, ruby.c: ditto.
+ * eval_safe.c, proc.c: remove unused macros.
+Mon Jun 25 03:37:20 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * (caller_setup_args): add need_block_check option.
+ * insns.def: ditto.
+ * yarvcore.h: add GetCoreDataFromValue().
+Mon Jun 25 02:14:30 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * removed.
+ * added. this function includes all functions that
+ vm insns need.
+ * ditto.
+ * insnhelper.h, vm.h, vm.c: move some declaration.
+ * gc.h: remove GC_CHECK() macro because GC.stress is more useful.
+ * compile.c, iseq.c, vm_dump: ditto.
+ * gc.h, thread.c: move a prototype declaration.
+ * debug.c, debug.h: rename some functions.
+ * compile.h: ditto.
+Mon Jun 25 00:45:02 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def (invokesuper): fix error message.
+Mon Jun 25 00:14:13 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c: some refactoring.
+ * rename th_* to vm_*.
+ * remove unused variables functions.
+ * add prototypes.
+ * blockinlining.c, compile.c, cont.c, eval.c, eval_intern.h,
+ eval_jump.h, eval_load.c, inits.c, insns.def, iseq.c, parse.y,
+ proc.c, process.c, signal.c, thread.c, vm.c, vm_dump.c,
+, yarvcore.c, yarvcore.h: ditto.
+Sun Jun 24 22:32:00 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval_method.h (rb_add_method): fix to check 0.
+Sun Jun 24 22:00:17 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * removed.
+ * ditto.
+ * vm.c (vm_call_bmethod), isnsn.def: added. fix to use this
+ function instead of using goto.
+ * vm.c (vm_call_bmethod): renamed from th_invoke_bmethod().
+ * vm.c (vm_method_missing): renamed from eval_method_missing().
+ * remove tmp_* variables.
+ * insnhelper.h: add some macros.
+ * insns.def: forbid zsuper from method defined by define_method().
+ * test/ruby/test_super.rb: ditto.
+Sun Jun 24 20:01:08 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_macro.def: removed.
+ * added. this file includes send instruction body.
+ * ditto.
+ * insns.def: ditto.
+ * tool/insns2vm.rb: ditto.
+ * vm.c: ditto.
+Sun Jun 24 19:30:37 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insnhelper.h (RESTORE_REGS): add do/while(0) around macro.
+ * vm.c, vm_macro.def: remove macro_eval_invoke_func() and
+ add vm_setup_method(). use it instead.
+Sun Jun 24 19:02:33 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c, vm_macro.def : remove macro_eval_invoke_cfunc() and
+ add vm_call_cfunc().
+Sun Jun 24 17:54:13 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def, vm.c: add/fix stack overflow check.
+Sun Jun 24 17:28:52 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insnhelper.h: change CHECK_STACK_OVERFLOW() to throw exception.
+ * vm.c (caller_setup_arg), vm_macro.def: remove
+ macro_eval_setup_send_arguments and add caller_setup_arg().
+ * insns.def: ditto.
+ * bootstraptest/test_method.rb: add splat arg tests.
+Sun Jun 24 16:35:46 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (proc_to_s): used a variable before initialized.
+Sun Jun 24 16:05:45 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (callee_setup_arg): added. support correct post arg.
+ * vm_macro.def (macro_eval_invoke_func): fix to use
+ callee_setup_arg.
+ * compile.c (set_arguments): adjust for above changes.
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): ditto.
+ * iseq.c (ruby_iseq_disasm): ditto.
+ * yarvcore.h: add rb_iseq_t#post_arg_start and arg_size.
+ * bootstraptest/test_method.rb: add post arg tests.
+Sun Jun 24 16:10:43 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (proc_to_s): suppress warning, and reduced duplicated code.
+Sun Jun 24 15:33:47 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb: set default directory to
+ '/tmp/bootstraptest.tmpwd' and add --dir option.
+ fix to output driver and target information.
+ * fix to run btest on BASERUBY and
+ add OPTS to pass option ("make btest OPTS=...").
+Sun Jun 24 03:05:00 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enum.c (enum_minmax): fix SEGV by [].minmax.
+Sat Jun 23 17:18:19 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c (match_inspect): MatchData#inspect implemented.
+Sat Jun 23 15:00:16 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (enum_minmax): new method to get the minimum and maximum
+ values from the enumerable at once.
+ * enum.c (enum_minmax_by): ditto.
+Sat Jun 23 01:25:40 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_assoc): new method.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_rassoc): ditto.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_flatten): ditto.
+Fri Jun 22 23:55:59 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_upto): add optional argument to specify
+ exclusiveness.
+ * range.c (range_step): use String#upto with optional argument.
+ * range.c (range_each): ditto.
+Fri Jun 22 19:55:51 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * proc.c (proc_to_s): revert the change from %p to %lx at YARV
+ merge time.
+Fri Jun 22 19:33:49 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * proc.c (proc_to_s): show is_lambda.
+Thu Jun 21 20:36:12 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_sort): remove hash specific implementation.
+Thu Jun 21 20:28:05 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_select): returns new hash, not assoc array.
+ [ruby-core:11504]
+ * hash.c (env_select): ditto.
+Thu Jun 21 23:08:19 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (rb_intern2): ID_JUNK test based on len, not by NUL.
+Thu Jun 21 19:42:07 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * yarvcore.c (rb_thread_mark): mark also thrown_errinfo.
+Thu Jun 21 17:13:44 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (rb_intern2): name may not be NUL-terminated.
+Wed Jun 20 08:27:57 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * eval_error.h (error_print): show full stacktrace on
+ non-SystemStackError.
+Wed Jun 20 04:45:39 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (rb_intern2): use rb_intern2 to intern without trailing
+ equal sign.
+ * parse.y (rb_intern2, ripper_id2sym): fixed indent.
+Tue Jun 19 10:55:05 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval_load.c (load_ext, rb_require_safe): pass VALUE instead of
+ pointer. [ruby-Bugs-11659]
+Mon Jun 18 08:47:54 2007 Technorama Ltd. <>
+ * ext/openssl/{extconf.rb,ossl_ssl_session.c}:
+ Fix ruby-Bugs-11513.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_ec.c
+ New methods EC::Point.[eql,make_affine!,invert!,on_curve?,infinity?]
+ By default output the same key form as the openssl command.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_rand.c
+ New method Random.status?
+ * test/openssl/test_ec.rb
+ New tests.
+Mon Jun 18 17:04:07 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval_load.c (rb_require_safe, ruby_init_ext): load with ruby level
+ cfp. [ruby-core:10779]
+ * eval_intern.h, vm.c (rb_vm_call_cfunc): new function to call a
+ function with ruby level cfp.
+Mon Jun 18 16:57:24 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (yycompile): disable trace while creating ruby_debug_lines.
+ [ruby-talk:253586]
+ * thread.c (ruby_suppress_tracing): new function to call a function
+ with suppressing trace.
+ * lib/debug.rb, lib/tracer.rb: for YARV.
+Mon Jun 18 13:54:36 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_cleanup): return EXIT_FAILURE if any exceptions occurred
+ in at_exit blocks. [ruby-core:11263]
+Mon Jun 18 02:49:16 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (env_mark): fix to mark block.proc.
+ * vm.c (th_make_proc_from_block): set created proc to block->proc.
+Mon Jun 18 02:48:12 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_dump.c (vm_stack_dump_raw): hide VM stack trace.
+Mon Jun 18 02:43:53 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * signal.c (sigsegv): clear gc_stress flag on SEGV.
+Mon Jun 18 01:14:10 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c (rb_path2class): get rid of dangling pointer caused by
+ optimized out value.
+ * variable.c (rb_global_entry, rb_f_untrace_var, rb_alias_variable,
+ rb_generic_ivar_table, generic_ivar_get, generic_ivar_set,
+ generic_ivar_defined, generic_ivar_remove, rb_mark_generic_ivar,
+ rb_free_generic_ivar, rb_copy_generic_ivar,
+ rb_obj_instance_variables): suppress warnings.
+Sun Jun 17 11:11:07 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * eval.c (rb_method_missing): avoid a warning "too many arguments
+ for format string" on "./ruby -ve 'def m() super end; m'".
+Sat Jun 16 22:24:17 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * gc.c (garbage_collect): re-introduce ruby_current_node marking code.
+ [ruby-dev:31005]
+Sat Jun 16 21:37:43 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * gc.c (gc_sweep): re-introduce heap extension strategy change.
+ [ruby-dev:31005]
+Fri Jun 15 22:59:37 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * .gdbinit: new file to ease debugging using gdb.
+Fri Jun 15 22:33:55 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * signal.c (default_handler): func argument removed.
+ (trap_handler): support SYSTEM_DEFAULT. call default_handler
+ internally.
+ (sig_trap): don't call default_handler.
+ [ruby-dev:30999]
+Fri Jun 15 22:33:29 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (realclean): separate local and ext.
+ * ext/extmk.rb: not remove unrelated directories.
+Fri Jun 15 20:50:02 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * keywords: enclose C code in declaration section by %{ and %} to
+ avoid extra semicolon after #ifdef RIPPER.
+ pointed by eban.
+Fri Jun 15 18:56:52 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * signal.c (trap_handler): trap("SIGSEGV", "DEFAULT") may cause wrong
+ trap error because SIG_DFL may be zero.
+Fri Jun 15 15:55:55 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def (setconstant, toregexp): fix to mark object correctly.
+Fri Jun 15 13:24:18 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * hash.c: exchange semantics of Hash#each and Hash#each_pair.
+ pointed out by [ruby-dev:30997].
+ * test/ruby/test_iterator.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_yield.rb: ditto.
+Fri Jun 15 12:38:29 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_iterator.rb: remove debug code (GC.stress=true).
+Fri Jun 15 12:25:33 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (th_yield_setup_args): |v| should work as |v,|.
+ ex) def m;yield 1, 2; end; m{|v| p v} #=> 1
+ * parse.y: apply above change for "for" statement.
+ * test/ruby/test_assignment.rb: ditto
+ * test/ruby/test_basicinstructions.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_iterator.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_yield.rb: ditto.
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): fix debug.
+Fri Jun 15 12:22:10 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_finalize_1): rb_thread_t#errinfo should be clear with
+ Qnil.
+Fri Jun 15 12:20:11 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * cont.c (rb_cont_call): forbid cross fiber continuation call.
+ * test/ruby/test_fiber.rb: ditto.
+Fri Jun 15 12:14:07 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * sample/test.rb: fix to show line information whether test succeeds.
+Thu Jun 14 17:16:05 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * eval_load.c (Init_load): delay allocating an array for rb_load_path
+ to avoid GC problem in very early stage.
+ (RUBY_GC_STRESS causes GC in such stage.)
+ * variable.c (rb_gc_mark_global_tbl): rb_global_tbl may be 0 in
+ very early stage.
+ * thread.c (thread_cleanup_func) [IA64]: clear register stack position.
+ (thread_start_func_2) [IA64]: record the beginning of register
+ stack using extra argument.
+ (rb_gc_save_machine_context) [IA64]: record the end of register
+ stack.
+ * gc.c [IA64] (SET_STACK_END): record the end of register stack.
+ (garbage_collect) [IA64]: use recorded register stack area for
+ GC marking.
+ (yarv_machine_stack_mark) [IA64]: GC mark from the register stack
+ area.
+ * yarvcore.c [IA64] (rb_gc_register_stack_start): defined.
+ (Init_VM): store th->self on stack to fix GC problem.
+ (Init_yarv) [IA64]: initialize the beginning of register stack.
+ * yarvcore.h (struct rb_thread_struct) [IA64]: new members for
+ register stack area.
+ * (thread_start_func_1) [IA64]: call
+ thread_start_func_2 with the end of register stack.
+ * cont.c (struct rb_context_struct) [IA64]: new members for register
+ stack area.
+ (cont_mark) [IA64]: GC mark from register stack area.
+ (cont_free) [IA64]: free saved register stack.
+ (cont_save_machine_stack) [IA64]: record the position and contents
+ of the register stack.
+ (cont_capture): store cont->self on stack to fix GC problem.
+ (cont_restore_1) [IA64]: restore the register stack.
+ [IA64] (register_stack_extend): new function.
+ (cont_restore_0) [IA64]: call register_stack_extend instead of
+ cont_restore_1.
+ [ruby-dev:30982]
+Thu Jun 14 17:09:48 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_c.rb (RDoc::C_Parser): handle more
+ extensions. [ruby-dev:30972]
+Thu Jun 14 14:40:42 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/securerandom.rb: document updated.
+ suggested by NaHi. [ruby-dev:30966]
+Wed Jun 13 22:42:06 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (garbage_collect): update IA64 register stack code.
+ [ruby-dev:30971]
+Wed Jun 13 06:05:12 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (darwin): prohibit loading extension libraries to
+ miniruby.
+Tue Jun 12 21:50:51 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (call_args): no allow splat after assocs. takes
+ consistency over compatibility.
+ * parse.y (call_args2): ditto
+Tue Jun 12 14:53:51 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (Logging.quiet, Logging.message): added quiet flag and
+ use it. [ruby-core:10909]
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (find_header): use header names in the message.
+Sun Jun 10 18:37:13 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/probeprofiler/probeprofiler.c: clean warnings.
+Sun Jun 10 18:32:24 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * missing/isinf.c, missing/dup2.c, missing/strtod.c, missing/x68.c,
+ missing/alloca.c: use "ruby/config.h".
+Sun Jun 10 17:49:20 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * instruby.rb (install_recursive): should check parent directories of
+ the destination. [ruby-dev:30947]
+Sun Jun 10 16:59:39 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (do_block, brace_block): fix line numbers. [ruby-dev:30831]
+Sun Jun 10 16:57:20 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * instruby.rb (install_recursive): add :glob option rather than
+ using FNM_DOTMACH.
+ * instruby.rb (ext-comm): make header directory first.
+Sun Jun 10 16:10:58 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_beginendblock.rb: typo.
+Sun Jun 10 16:07:10 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * instruby.rb (install_recursive): skip .svn directories.
+Sun Jun 10 15:44:43 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.status): rubyhdrdir was missing.
+Sun Jun 10 15:26:36 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * use --output-file for gperf to not leave lex.c.tmp.
+Sun Jun 10 15:11:07 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, win32/Makefile.sub (XCFLAGS): -I. is needed for *.inc.
+ * ext/extmk.rb: prepend also topdir to mflags at last.
+Sun Jun 10 13:47:36 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_beginendblock.rb (test_should_propagate_signaled):
+ get rid of invoking shell. [ruby-dev:30942]
+Sun Jun 10 12:56:46 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby: moved public headers.
+ * instruby.rb (install_recursive): skip backup files.
+ * instruby.rb (ext-comm): install only current platform headers.
+Sun Jun 10 10:42:04 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/securerandom.rb: renamed from lib/secrand.rb.
+ suggested by NaHi. [ruby-dev:30934]
+Sat Jun 9 06:40:05 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/secrand.rb: rename SecRand() to SecRand.random_number.
+ suggested by NaHi. [ruby-dev:30934]
+Fri Jun 8 16:34:20 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (gzfile_s_open): use FilePathValue to support
+ to_path.
+Fri Jun 8 16:11:00 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval_jump.h: th->errinfo should clear with nil.
+Fri Jun 8 14:53:28 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (call_args): allow splat argument after unpacked
+ assocs like 1.8 does.
+ * parse.y (call_args): ditto.
+Fri Jun 8 14:26:18 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/secrand.rb: new file for secure random interface.
+ * lib/cgi/session.rb: use secrand for generating cookies.
+Fri Jun 8 12:44:37 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * {win32,wince}/Makefile.sub: add lex.c rule.
+Fri Jun 8 11:54:18 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lex.c.blt: moved from lex.c.
+ * use lex.c.blt if gperf is not available.
+ [ruby-list:8212], [ruby-list:8214], [ruby-list:24667],
+ [ruby-talk:120857], [ruby-dev:28102]
+Thu Jun 7 21:38:39 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_execute_interrupts): invoke ensure when
+ main thread exits.
+Thu Jun 7 19:02:48 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pp.rb: call original "method" method instead of redefined one.
+Thu Jun 7 17:20:57 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c (prepare_iseq_build): freeze filename and name string.
+ * variable.c: freeze class name string.
+Thu Jun 7 12:48:33 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * cont.c (cont_restore_1): fix to check root fiber [ruby-dev:30911].
+ * test/ruby/test_fiber.rb: add a test.
+Thu Jun 7 07:24:36 2007 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/json/common.rb: Ponder offering parse! method.
+ * lib/json/editor.rb: be a bit more robust while loading data.
+ * ext/json/ext/{generator,parser}/extconf.rb:
+ add a have_header directive for st.h
+ * test/json: fix some tests.
+Thu Jun 7 03:29:18 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test_fiber.rb: add a test (Continuation and Fiber).
+Thu Jun 7 03:17:24 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * cont.c (cont_new): add debug message.
+ * cont.c (cont_restore_1): copy stack information from fiber.
+ * cont.c (rb_fiber_s_new): fix to mark created fiber.
+ * test/ruby/test_fiber.rb: add some tests around Thread and Fiber.
+ * yarvcore.c (thread_free): fix to skip freeing stack if root fiber
+ is available.
+Thu Jun 7 01:03:20 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval_intern.h, eval.c (ruby_init): remove POP_TAG_INIT().
+ * cont.c (rb_fiber_start): remove zero-clearing tag.
+Wed Jun 6 20:23:46 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def (invokeblock): fix of splat argument.
+ (splat same as normal method dispatch)
+Wed Jun 6 16:27:25 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * insns.def: fixed indentation.
+Wed Jun 6 10:58:23 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_yield): fix to check Qundef.
+Wed Jun 6 10:57:45 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_continuation.rb: add a test for last commit.
+Wed Jun 6 10:55:42 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * cont.c (rb_cont_call): forbid calling dead fiber with
+ Continuation#call.
+Wed Jun 6 10:50:01 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): fix around yield arguments
+ (with NODE_ARGSCAT).
+Wed Jun 6 02:50:53 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * cont.c (rb_fiber_start): clear th->tag and check error to fix
+ [ruby-dev:30888] and [ruby-dev:30889].
+ * eval_intern.h: fix rb_fiber_start() prototype.
+ * test/ruby/test_fiber.rb: add tests for above.
+Wed Jun 6 02:40:20 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * insnhelper.h, insns.def (DEC_SP): shouldn't use unary minus operator
+ in pointer operation. some compilers (such as VC++8 x64) cannot deal
+ it with expected way.
+Wed Jun 6 02:19:48 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * parse.y (new_yield), compile.c (iseq_compile_each): fix
+ passing parameter.
+ * eval.c, eval_jump.h: simplify rb_yield*.
+ * proc.c (proc_mark): fix to mark proc->block.proc.
+ * proc.c (Init_Proc): add Proc#lambda?
+ * test/ruby/test_lambda.rb: add some tests.
+ * vm.c (invoke_block): fix to check lambda block or not.
+ * vm.c (th_yield_setup_args): fix to check arguments size
+ when lambda block.
+Tue Jun 5 16:30:38 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_f_p): returns arguments to intervene. [ruby-dev:29736]
+Tue Jun 5 14:07:55 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def (invokeblock): check block is created by lambda
+ or
+ * vm.c (block_proc_is_lambda): added.
+Tue Jun 5 14:47:52 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/pp.rb (PP::PPMethods::seplist): revert last change to work
+ around wrapper bug. [ruby-dev:30840]
+Tue Jun 5 14:11:15 2007 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c (kanji_convert): Fix guess fallback.
+Tue Jun 5 13:32:04 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c, dir.c, eval.c, eval_jump.h, eval_method.h, numeric.c,
+ pack.c, parse.y, re.c, thread.c, vm.c, vm_dump.c,,
+, fixed indentation.
+ * protoized.
+ * fixed typo.
+Tue Jun 5 13:17:11 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, compile.c, dir.c, eval.c, eval_jump.h, numeric.c,
+ pack.c, re.c, thread.c,, vm.c, vm_dump.c: fixed
+ indentation.
+Mon Jun 4 21:15:45 2007 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/json.rb, lib/json, ext/json, test/json:
+ import JSON library.
+ * ext/nkf: import nkf.c rev:1.124
+ Support CP10001.
+Mon Jun 4 20:52:58 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (int_round): should not just truncate.
+Sat Jun 2 16:48:55 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * cont.c (Fiber#pass): rename to Fiber#yield. Block parameter
+ of fiber body receive first yield values.
+ e.g.:{|x| p x}.yield(:ok) #=> :ok
+ * cont.c: rename rb_context_t#retval to rb_context_t#value.
+ * test/ruby/test_fiber.rb: ditto.
+Sat Jun 2 16:45:21 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * proc.c (Init_Proc): remove a line break.
+Sat Jun 2 01:27:27 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (int_round): small optimization to handle bignums.
+Fri Jun 1 13:02:35 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * insnhelper.h (INC_SP): shouldn't cast ``x'' to unsigned type because
+ it might be a negative value.
+ * insnhelper.h, insns.def: shouldn't use unary minus operator in index
+ operator. some compilers (such as VC++8 x64) cannot deal it with
+ expected way.
+Fri Jun 1 11:33:40 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (num_round): should convert self to Float.
+ [ruby-dev:30860]
+Fri Jun 1 02:01:13 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_round): now takes optional argument to specify
+ number of digits, like round() in Python/PHP.
+ * numeric.c (num_round): ditto.
+Fri Jun 1 01:58:33 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (each_with_index_i): should work well with continuation.
+ a patch from sheepman <sheepman AT>.
+ [ruby-dev:30846]
+Thu May 31 17:27:53 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/benchmark.rb (Benchmark::Job::item): avoid modifying the
+ argument unintentionally. [ruby-talk:253676]
+Wed May 30 14:43:00 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * cont.c (cont_capture): store all local variables in heap
+ ([ruby-dev:30832]).
+ * vm.c (th_stack_to_heap): added.
+ * test/ruby/test_continuation.rb: add a test for above.
+ * eval_intern.h (th_get_ruby_level_cfp): fix to clean code.
+Wed May 30 13:32:34 2007 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (ResponseParser#next_token): fixed
+ error message.
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (ResponseParser#parse_error): fixed
+ the condition not to refer to @token.symbol unexpectedly.
+ Thanks, Dick Monahan.
+Wed May 30 13:24:33 2007 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (Net::FTP#transfercmd): skip 2XX
+ responses for some FTP servers.
+Wed May 30 04:18:37 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval_cmd): just return if no exceptions.
+ [ruby-dev:30820]
+Wed May 30 02:14:25 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * signal.c (interrupt_init): needs to pass nil for Interrupt.
+ [ruby-core:11038]
+ * signal.c (trap): fixed segfaults. [ruby-dev:30830]
+Wed May 30 00:50:48 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_source_filename, obj_free): suppress warnings.
+ * gc.c (garbage_collect, yarv_machine_stack_mark): fixed typo.
+Wed May 30 00:24:09 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (open_args, arg_ambiguous, parser_warning): should not use
+ rb_warning in the parser.
+Tue May 29 12:31:33 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_opendir): removed duplicated code.
+Tue May 29 10:55:24 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * cont.c: fix bug around Continuation and Fiber.
+ * test/ruby/test_continuation.rb: add tests for Continuation.
+Tue May 29 10:54:34 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_opendir, rb_w32_readdir): eliminate magic
+ numbers.
+Mon May 28 10:27:14 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * cont.c: fixed a function name.
+Mon May 28 03:56:44 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * cont.c: support Fiber. Check test/ruby/test_fiber.rb for detail.
+ Fiber is known as "Micro Thread", "Coroutine", and other terms.
+ At this time, only Fiber#pass is supported to change context.
+ I want to know more suitable method name/API for Fiber (... do you
+ know more suitable class name instead of Fiber?) as "suspend/resume",
+ "call", "yield", "start/kick/stop/restart", ....
+ * eval.c, eval_intern.h, thread.c, yarvcore.c, yarvcore.h: ditto.
+Sat May 26 00:38:21 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_exec_internal): do nothing if no code.
+ * compile.c (rb_iseq_compile): check node if NULL before check
+ nd_type. [ruby-talk:252956]
+Sat May 26 00:05:22 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_beginendblock.rb (test_should_propagate_signaled):
+ skip tests for exitstatus and termsig on the platforms where
+ signals not supported.
+Fri May 25 16:04:47 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * yarvcore.c (Init_VM): wrap already initialized structs to use
+ it directly.
+Fri May 25 11:09:47 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * regint.h (include): on some platform, defines.h redefines
+ SIZE_OF_LONG_LONG so shouldn't re-include config.h after included
+ defines.h.
+ * regint.h (vsnprintf): ruby on windows already have vsnprintf macro.
+Thu May 24 12:07:27 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * cont.c: check across trap violation.
+ * eval.c, yarvcore.h: ditto.
+Thu May 24 11:46:55 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c, yarvcore.c: fix to mark VM structure on startup.
+ * yarvcore.h: disable USE_CACHED_VALUE.
+Thu May 24 01:54:53 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * cont.c: support callcc which everyone love.
+ incomplete. please give me bug reports.
+ *, inits.c, thread.c: ditto.
+ * yarvcore.c: export thread_mark().
+ * yarvcore.h: disable value cache option.
+ * eval_intern.h: set th_get_ruby_level_cfp to inline.
+Wed May 23 15:39:02 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * add a rule for regsyntax.c.
+Wed May 23 10:31:53 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * oniguruma.h: updated to Oniguruma 5.7.0.
+ * regsyntax.c, unicode.c: new files along with Oniguruma 5.x.
+Wed May 23 06:51:46 2007 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI#[]): get rid of exceptions being raised.
+ [ruby-dev:30740], Thanks Kentaro KAWAMOTO.
+Wed May 23 05:49:49 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb, ext/purelib.rb, lib/mkmf.rb, runruby.rb: clear default
+ load path to get rid of load pre-installed extensions/libraries.
+ [ruby-core:11017]
+Tue May 22 16:37:36 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (set_arg0): support RSTRING_LEN on HP-UX. a patch from
+ WATANABE Tetsuya <Tetsuya.WATANABE AT>. [ruby-dev:30806]
+Mon May 21 13:40:00 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c, vm_macro.def: support tail call optimization
+ (on default, this feature is not enabled).
+ * iseq.c, compile.c, vm_opts.h: add "tailcall_optimization"
+ option.
+ * sample/test.rb (test_ok): fix to adjust tailcall stack layout.
+ * insns.def, vm.c, compile.c, yarvcore.c, yarvcore.h:
+ add opt_gt, opt_le instructions.
+Mon May 21 03:34:06 2007 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: CRAM-MD5 authentication did not work.
+ [ruby-dev:30770]
+Sat May 19 10:26:01 2007 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date/format.rb (Date._parse): detects some OFX dates
+ (Of course not fully).
+Sat May 19 03:08:05 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enum.c (enum_inject): minor improvement. [ruby-dev:30792]
+ * enum.c (one_i): no needs to iterate once the result became false.
+ * enum.c (enum_one): fix for an example.
+ * enum.c (one_iter_i, none_iter_i): DRY.;
+Sat May 19 01:07:42 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (enum_inject): it is now can work without block. you
+ have to specify two argument method name as the first argument.
+ * enum.c (Init_Enumerable): reduce is new alias to inject.
+Sat May 19 01:05:33 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (Init_File): method definition mismatch.
+Fri May 18 16:44:04 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (Init_File): add to_path method to File objects.
+Fri May 18 11:12:39 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (DllMain, ruby_init_loadpath): use DLL instance handle given
+ to DllMain instead of VirtualQuery so that loadpath becomes relative
+ from the DLL on WinCE too.
+Thu May 17 17:03:11 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-style.el (ruby-style-label-indent): for yacc rules.
+Thu May 17 13:30:27 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (f_arg): remove typo from ripper description.
+Thu May 17 13:23:38 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * parse.y, compile.c (set_arguments): fix to support in-paren
+ parameter (ex: def foo((a, b))).
+Thu May 17 13:01:52 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c (ruby_iseq_disasm): fix to show post arg info.
+Thu May 17 12:56:52 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * debug.c (ruby_debug_node): fix to show node line.
+Wed May 16 21:48:44 2007 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/logger.rb (Logger::Application): remove meaningless logdev
+ attribute and added logger attribute instead. [ruby-core:11143]
+ also added Logger#formatter rdoc comment.
+Tue May 15 16:40:07 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_beginendblock.rb (test_endblockwarn): now parser
+ warnings emit source names and line numbers.
+Tue May 15 15:01:38 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (init_stdhandle): stderr should be without buffering,
+ but mswin32 use buffering when stderr is not connected to tty.
+Mon May 14 02:12:07 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_zip):,c) should return an array, not
+ enumerator.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_zip):,c) should return array with size
+ truncated to the size of its shortest argument array.
+ [incompatible]
+Mon May 14 01:54:15 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_choice): should return nil when the array is
+ empty.
+Sat May 12 18:26:36 2007 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (tokens): forgot to add strip. [ruby-core:11120]
+ * test/net/http/test_http.rb: test Net::HTTP.post_form.
+Fri May 11 15:27:09 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * iseq.c (iseq_data_to_ary): internal IDs must not be exposed.
+ [ruby-core:11073]
+ * parse.y (internal_id_gen): now returns scope local ID instead of
+ global one.
+Thu May 10 15:15:53 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_super.rb: add tests.
+Thu May 10 15:14:05 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (iconv_s_conv): rdoc fix.
+Thu May 10 15:09:23 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (POINTER_P): pointer may be larger than long.
+ * parse.y (vtable_size, vtable_included, vtable_tblcpy,
+ vtable_to_tbl): constified.
+Thu May 10 10:13:14 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_priority): rdoc fix; the initial value is
+ inherited from the creating thread. [ruby-core:10607]
+Wed May 9 12:28:57 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (Init_Bignum), numeric.c (Init_Numeric): added fdiv as
+ aliases of quo. [ruby-dev:30771]
+Tue May 8 23:39:09 2007 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date/format.rb (Date._parse): revised treatment of
+ hyphened/separatorless dates.
+ * lib/date/format.rb: some trivial adjustments.
+Tue May 8 20:23:07 2007 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date/format.rb: reverted.
+Tue May 8 19:32:18 2007 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/rational.rb: fix high-precision Rationals cannot be
+ converted to Floats. [ruby-Bugs:10502], [ruby-core:11069],
+ [ruby-dev:30743]
+Mon May 7 10:59:55 2007 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/image.rb, test/rss/test_image.rb: fixed Image module
+ namespace URI. reported by Dmitry Borodaenko. Thanks.
+Sun May 6 18:44:11 2007 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTP.post_form): allow an Array of String
+ for pairs argument. [ruby-Bugs:10340]
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTP#set_form_data): ditto.
+Sun May 6 17:54:36 2007 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: Connection header field might include both of
+ "keep-alive" token and "close" token. [ruby-core:10818]
+Sat May 5 16:26:33 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/date/format.rb (Format::Bag#method_missing): get rid of
+ modifying original argument. [ruby-core:11090]
+Thu May 3 22:20:08 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, defines.h, eval_load.c (rb_feature_p, rb_provided,
+ search_required, rb_require_safe), ext/extmk.rb: Fix
+ a bug where a statically linked extension cannot be autoloaded.
+ [ruby-dev:30023] / [ruby-dev:30239]
+ * thread.c: added an internal class, Barrier.
+ * thread.c: copied rdocs from fastthread.
+ * yarvcore.h (struct rb_vm_struct): moved loading_table from global.
+Thu May 3 18:10:12 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, insns.def, vm.c, tool/insns2vm.rb (rb_num_t):
+ renamed to get rid of name clash. [ruby-dev:30504]
+ * yarvcore.c (ruby_thread_init): ditto.
+Wed May 2 18:52:58 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c, yarvcore.h, yarvcore.c, insns.def: fix to mark VM stack
+ in correct range.
+Wed May 2 17:13:26 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_quo): now calculate in integer. [ruby-dev:30753]
+Wed May 2 15:14:56 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval_method.h: add redefine checks ([ruby-dev:30751]).
+Wed May 2 11:22:52 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c: use Qtrue instead of 2.
+ * vm.c, insns.def: support "lambda" calling convention.
+Wed May 2 06:46:43 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c, parse.y, ruby.h (rb_compile_warn, rb_compile_warning): warn
+ for compilation. the parser should no longer use rb_warn() and
+ rb_warning(). [ruby-dev:30121]
+Wed May 2 05:45:21 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (assoc): result of assoc_new needs to be an assoc.
+Wed May 2 05:40:43 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_pow): improvement by calculating from MSB and using
+ factorization. <>
+Tue May 1 18:45:45 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * sample/test.rb: import matzruby's sample/test.rb.
+Tue May 1 17:46:05 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_choice): a new method to choose an element
+ randomly from an array.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_choice): fixed mistake from RDoc.
+Tue May 1 13:59:18 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * proc.c (proc_arity): fix an arity bug ([ruby-core:11060]).
+Tue May 1 13:12:49 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.h, compile.c (set_arguments): support post arguments.
+ * test/ruby/test_method.rb: add tests for above.
+ * test/ruby/test_proc.rb: ditto.
+ * proc.c: fix an arity bug ([ruby-core:11029]).
+ * vm.c, vm.h, insns.def, vm_dump.h: fix bmethod process.
+ * vm.c: support block argument on block parameter.
+Fri Apr 27 17:05:41 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (int_pow): bugfix of overflow detection.
+ * numeric.c (int_pow): rb_big_pow() may return other than Bignum.
+Fri Apr 27 01:51:50 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c: support multiple splat (e.g, [a, *b, *c, e, *f]).
+Fri Apr 27 00:03:48 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_pow): truncate all zero BDIGITs. [ruby-dev:30733]
+Thu Apr 26 17:31:00 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_pow): reduce multiplying for even number.
+ * numeric.c (int_pow): calculate power in Fixnum as possible.
+ [ruby-dev:30726]
+Thu Apr 26 17:18:51 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y: fixes for ripper.
+ * parse.y (primary): reduced duplicated code.
+ * parse.y (f_arg_item): should not override by meaningless value.
+ * parse.y (f_arg, assocs): should not use $$ before assigned.
+ * parse.y (assoc_list): dispatch assoclist_from_args for assocs as
+ well as args.
+ * parse.y (assoc): return assoc if dispatched result is $1.
+Thu Apr 26 13:54:51 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-style.el: new file. C/C++ style for ruby source code.
+Wed Apr 25 19:49:16 2007 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (unix_send_io, unix_recv_io): use CMSG_DATA to
+ align file descriptor appropriately.
+Wed Apr 25 15:23:29 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (NtInitialize, exit_handler): add initializing and
+ cleanup of critical section object for select.
+ * win32/win32.c (do_select): block reentrance.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_select): 0 sec polling of socket. this is
+ workaround because winsock cannot do select at same socket at the
+ same time by two or more threads.
+Wed Apr 25 14:10:47 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/probeprofiler/probeprofiler.c: fix function name and
+ return value.
+Wed Apr 25 12:42:40 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.h: remove rb_control_frame_t#callee_id.
+ * vm_macro.def: ditto.
+ * eval_intern.h (exec_event_hooks): fix to check event flags
+ * eval_intern.h (EXEC_EVENT_HOOK): fix to re-check event flags.
+ * ext/probeprofiler : added. this profiler is sampling based
+ profiler.
+ * vm.c: add rb_thread_current_status() API for probeprofiler.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_execute_interrupts): add comments.
+Wed Apr 25 10:36:03 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval_intern.h (PUSH_TAG): no argument now.
+ * eval.c, eval_error.h, eval_jump.h, eval_load.c, proc.c, thread.c:
+ ditto.
+ * thread.c (alloc_event_hook, rb_thread_remove_event_hook): should
+ return value.
+Tue Apr 24 09:33:57 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (do_stat, do_lstat, do_opendir): should not warn ENOTDIR.
+ [ruby-talk:248288]
+Mon Apr 23 22:14:42 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb ($ruby): add extout directory to include path.
+ [ruby-core:11003]
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (libpathflag): not to append RPATHFLAG to current
+ directory.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (init_mkmf): add current directory to default
+ library path with highest priority. [ruby-core:10960]
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (LINK_SO): LIBPATH to be placed before DLDFLAGS.
+Fri Apr 20 16:05:22 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (LIBPATHFLAG, RPATHFLAG): no needs to be quoted,
+ it is done by libpathflag in mkmf.rb.
+Fri Apr 20 12:27:04 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb: fix to override conv proc.
+Fri Apr 20 12:21:28 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_cleanup): fixed access to out of bound, and inverted
+ the order of errinfos.
+Fri Apr 20 10:33:23 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval_intern.h: add prototypes of rb_sourceline() and
+ rb_sourcefile().
+Fri Apr 20 02:37:48 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_cleanup): re-send signal. [ruby-dev:30516]
+ * eval_error.h (error_handle): no message when exiting by signal.
+ * intern.h (rb_thread_signal_raise, ruby_default_signal): prototypes.
+ * signal.c (esignal_init): takes a signal number and an optional
+ signal name.
+ * signal.c (interrupt_init): pass SIGINT always.
+ * signal.c (ruby_default_signal): invoke system default signal
+ handler.
+ * signal.c (rb_f_kill): use NUM2PIDT instead of NUM2INT.
+ * signal.c (rb_signal_exec, trap): handle SIGTERM. [ruby-dev:30505]
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_signal_raise): now takes signal number instead
+ of signal name.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_signal_exit): since rb_make_exception() calls
+ #exception method, rb_class_new_instance() is not needed here.
+ * yarvcore.h (struct rb_vm_struct), eval_jump.h (terminate_process):
+ exit_code is no longer stored in VM.
+Thu Apr 19 18:37:49 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c, node.h, thread.c, yarvcore.[ch], eval_intern.h:
+ support set_trace_func (incomplete. id and klass
+ don't be passed). And support Thread#set_trace_func
+ which hook only specified thread and Thread#add_trace_func
+ which add new trace func instead of replace old one.
+ C level API was modified. See thread.c (logic) and
+ yarvcore.h (data structures).
+ * vm.c, vm_macro.def: add hook points.
+ * compile.c, insns.def: fix "trace" instruction.
+ * iseq.c, vm_macro.h: add compile option "trace_instruction".
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: hook "c-return" of set_trace_func.
+Thu Apr 19 20:57:50 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (symbol): symbols should be followed by EXPR_ENDARG.
+ * parse.y (dsym): ditto.
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): strings should be followed by
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): ditto for numbers.
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): EXPR_ENDARG after ']' and '}'.
+Thu Apr 19 17:46:36 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb: fix to override conv proc.
+Wed Apr 18 10:41:21 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * util.c (ruby_strtod): exponent is radix 10. [ruby-talk:248272]
+Wed Apr 18 02:50:50 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * yarvcore.c (th_init2): push initial blockptr value for
+ rb_block_given_p() outside ruby_exec(). [ruby-core:10923]
+Wed Apr 18 02:30:24 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (LDFLAGS): prepend -L. instead appending it to
+ XLDFLAGS. [ruby-core:10933]
+ * (Makefile): remove $U for automake from MISSING.
+ [ruby-talk:248171]
+Mon Apr 16 22:56:01 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/pty/expect_sample.rb: avoid symbolic link representation for
+ expect. a patch from Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <zn at>.
+ [ruby-dev:30714]
+Mon Apr 16 22:51:11 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sample: replace TRUE, FALSE with true, false respectively.
+ a patch from Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <zn at>.
+ [ruby-dev:30713]
+Mon Apr 16 17:08:02 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (make_switch): do not clobber converter if pattern
+ has no convert method. reported by sheepman in [ruby-dev:30709].
+Mon Apr 16 16:49:32 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_seek): consistent behavior with
+ IO#seek. patch by sheepman in [ruby-dev:30710].
+Mon Apr 16 16:34:08 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): should set command_start after block
+ starting "do"s and braces. [ruby-core:10916]
+Mon Apr 16 10:51:37 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (enum_each_with_index): each_with_index to forward
+ arguments to each. [ruby-core:10921]
+Mon Apr 16 10:43:10 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_arg): should allow to specify 24:00.
+ [ruby-core:10915]
+Sun Apr 15 09:12:54 2007 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date/format.rb: added some zone names.
+ * lib/date/format.rb (_parse): now interprets doted numerical
+ dates as a big endian (except
+Thu Apr 12 17:13:22 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c (mutex_try_lock): check and set owner thread.
+ * fix to show error code in error message.
+Thu Apr 12 17:11:54 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_rescue2): restore cfp ([ruby-dev:30582]).
+Thu Apr 12 16:06:48 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_protect): restore cfp ([ruby-dev:30671]).
+Thu Apr 12 16:04:31 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): check node->nd_state == 1, not !0.
+Wed Apr 11 16:35:16 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.[ch] (rb_w32_enter_critical, rb_w32_leave_critical): no
+ need to reject reentrance. removed.
+ * rubysig.h (RUBY_CRITICAL): follow above changes.
+ * rubysig.h (TRAP_BEG, TRAP_END): no need to save errno.
+Tue Apr 10 17:02:17 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_fclose, rb_w32_close): need to save errno
+ before calling original fclose()/close().
+Tue Apr 10 16:14:22 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * (w32_wait_events): check whether interrupt_event is
+ valid handle or not.
+ * (native_thread_destroy): clear interrupt_event when
+ close it.
+Tue Apr 10 15:53:17 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * (native_thread_create): initialize sleep_cond.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:30675]
+Mon Apr 9 18:48:57 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * thread.c (do_select): ubf_select() is not necessary. interrupt is
+ checked in the loop.
+Mon Apr 9 18:27:26 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * thread.c (do_select): use ubf_select() as UBF on windows.
+ * win32/win32.c (do_select): shouldn't call catch_interrupt() here.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:30674], reported by wanabe.
+Mon Apr 9 09:24:32 2007 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (disconnect): call shutdown for
+ SSLSocket. Thanks, Technorama Ltd.
+Sun Apr 8 13:28:17 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (defined_expr): test arguments of NODE_CALL and so
+ on as well as NODE_ATTRASGN. [ruby-core:10886]
+Fri Apr 6 10:56:29 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_ec.c (ossl_ec_key_get_group): get rid of
+ warning. we are aware of it.
+Fri Apr 6 04:00:24 2007 Technorama Ltd. <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_{bn,x509{attr,cert,name,store}}.c:
+ Add documentation.
+Thu Apr 5 17:59:19 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (defined_expr): support for assignment.
+ [ruby-core:10867]
+ * compile.h (ADD_CATCH_ENTRY): removed temporary variable.
+Thu Apr 5 15:13:34 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl_session.c (ossl_ssl_session_alloc): should
+ return value.
+Thu Apr 5 14:58:49 2007 Technorama Ltd. <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs5.c: New module.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_{cipher,digest,pkcs7,pkcs12}.c:
+ Remove redundant module namespace.
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/{cipher,digest}.rb
+ Add backwards compatible classes for rearranged classes.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_{pkcs7,pkcs12}.c: Add documentation.
+Thu Apr 5 00:42:48 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (rb_notimplement), io.c (pipe_open): removed definite
+ articles and UNIX manual section from messages. [ruby-dev:30690]
+Wed Apr 4 17:09:17 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (pipe_open): refined the message of NotImplementedError.
+ [ruby-dev:30685]
+Wed Apr 4 12:29:02 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * error.c (rb_notimplement): should show the name of this func,
+ not callee.
+Wed Apr 4 10:18:04 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (popen_exec): should not close close-on-exec FDs.
+ [ruby-dev:30679]
+ * io.c (pipe_open): raise NotImplementedError for command "-" on
+ platforms where fork(2) is not available. [ruby-dev:30681]
+Tue Apr 4 04:17:18 2007 Technorama Ltd. <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c: Add documentation.
+Tue Apr 3 16:22:24 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: check for functions added in 1.9.
+ * ext/openssl/ruby_missing.h: check per features instead by
+ checking version code. [ruby-core:10845]
+Tue Apr 3 16:02:44 2007 Technorama Ltd. <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_bn.c: More documentation.
+ * ext/openssl/lib/ossl_{pkey,pkey_ec}.[ch]: Add elliptic curves.
+Tue Apr 3 15:50:41 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (s_recv, s_recvfrom): some systems (such as
+ windows) doesn't set fromlen if the socket is connection-oriented.
+ reported by Bram Whillock in [ruby-core:10512] [ruby-Bugs#9061]
+Tue Apr 3 09:36:55 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/openssl/ruby_missing.h: need to include version.h to check
+Mon Apr 3 07:10:12 2007 Technorama Ltd. <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_{ssl.[ch],ssl_session.c},
+ ext/openssl/lib/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.rb:
+ New SSL::Session class. Add session cb's, getter/setters,
+ config, and statistics methods.
+Mon Apr 3 04:00:23 2007 Technorama Ltd. <>
+ * ext/openssl/{ossl.[ch],ossl_pkey.c} Add documentation.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_hmac.c Add reset method.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_cipher.c (Cipher#update) Take additional
+ buffer argument.
+ * ext/openssl/{ossl_bio.c,ossl_ssl.c,ruby_missing.h}
+ compatibility with 1.8.
+Mon Apr 2 21:55:12 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * insns.def (throw), thread.c, yarvcore.h (throwed_errinfo): fixed
+ typo.
+Fri Mar 30 11:46:51 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_cmdvector): fixed buffer size. reported by
+ wanabe [ruby-dev:30672]
+ * win32/win32.c (init_env, insert, rb_w32_get_environ): use strdup
+ instead of malloc + strlcpy. suggested by nobu [ruby-dev:30673]
+Fri Mar 30 02:29:04 2007 Technorama <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_{bn,cipher,digest,hmac,rand,pkey_{dh,dsa,rsa}}.c:
+ Add Documentation for various methods.
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/cipher.rb: Ditto
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_bn.c: add lshift! and rshift! methods.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_digest.c: GetDigestPtr() also accept a string.
+Fri Mar 23 11:28:24 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (init_env, insert, cmdglob, rb_w32_cmdvector,
+ rb_w32_opendir, rb_w32_readdir, rb_w32_strerror, rb_w32_stati64,
+ rb_w32_get_environ): use strlcpy() and strlcat().
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_opendir): use realloc() instead of xrealloc().
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_closedir): check NULL before free pointers.
+Fri Mar 23 00:24:52 2007 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/shell: commit miss(support for ruby 1.9(YARV) thread model).
+Thu Mar 22 13:32:17 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (LIBS): remove an unnecessary library.
+Thu Mar 22 10:27:58 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_bignum.rb (test_to_s): add tests for Bignum#to_s.
+Wed Mar 21 20:38:06 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * marshal.c (w_short, w_long, w_object): get rid of VC++ warnings.
+Wed Mar 21 20:05:07 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c, parse.y, eval.c, intern.h, iseq.c, lex.c, node.h,
+ proc.c, vm.c, vm_macro.def, vm_macro.def, yarvcore.c, yarvcore.h,
+ debug.c, debug.h: merge half-baked-1.9 changes. The biggest change
+ is to change node structure around NODE_SCOPE, NODE_ARGS. Every
+ scope (method/class/block) has own NODE_SCOPE node and NODE_ARGS
+ represents more details of arguments information. I'll write a
+ document about detail of node structure.
+Wed Mar 21 17:04:30 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big2str0): round up for the most significant digit.
+ [ruby-core:10686]
+Tue Mar 21 08:20:00 2007 Nathaniel Talbott <>
+ * test/testunit/collector/test_dir.rb: Fixed test/unit tests that
+ were breaking due to Module#public_instance_methods now
+ returning a Symbol instead of a String.
+ * test/testunit/collector/test_objectspace.rb: Ditto.
+Tue Mar 20 22:54:50 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (w_extended): erroneous check condition when dump
+ method is defined. [ruby-core:10646]
+Tue Mar 20 21:36:47 2007 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/shell.rb, lib/shell: support for ruby 1.9(YARV) thread model.
+Tue Mar 20 16:36:08 2007 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * distruby.rb: Add zip generation.
+Tue Mar 20 16:20:49 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_callee_name): add __method__ and __callee__ again.
+ __callee__ need to rework to adopt YARV. [ruby-core:10671]
+Tue Mar 20 11:09:00 2007 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/set.rb: Revise rdoc.
+ * lib/set.rb (Set#freeze, Set#taint, Set#untaint): Implement
+ Set#freeze, Set#taint, and Set#untaint; requested by: Dan
+ Hutchings <dan AT> in [ruby-bugs:PR#9359].
+Tue Mar 20 09:13:10 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (rb_fork): flush stdouts always before fork(2).
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:30612]
+Tue Mar 20 01:38:48 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (thread_start_func_2): store the result of first_func
+ as well as first_proc.
+ * thread.c (thread_create_core): block is not used if first_func
+ is given.
+Mon Mar 19 16:58:52 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * missing/{strlcat,strlcpy}.c, missing.h: new functions.
+ * LEGAL: add copyright notice about above files.
+ * check whether strlcat and strlcpy are exist or not.
+ * {bcc32,win32,wince}/Makefile.sub: use above files.
+Mon Mar 19 14:12:25 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb (Matrix::inverse_from): adding partial pivoting to
+ the Gauss-Jordan algorithm, making it stable. a patch from
+ Peter Vanbroekhoven. [ruby-core:10641]
+Mon Mar 19 12:13:36 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regparse.c, etc.: K&R to ANSI code cleanup patch from Stefan
+ Huehner <stefan at>. [ruby-core:10543]
+Mon Mar 19 11:27:13 2007 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb (rbuf_read): extend buffer size for speed.
+Sun Mar 18 08:31:51 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/dir.h, win32/win32.c (rb_w32_opendir, rb_w32_readdir,
+ rb_w32_closedir): get rid of possible buffer-overflows.
+Sat Mar 17 19:10:39 2007 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss, test/rss:
+ - supported Atom.
+ - bumped version 0.1.6 to 0.1.7.
+ * sample/rss/convert.rb: added new sample.
+Fri Mar 16 22:32:20 2007 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: change default verification mode from
+ VERIFY_PEER to VERIFY_NONE because most POPS server does not have
+ true certification.
+Fri Mar 16 22:19:24 2007 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: add WIN32OLE#ole_activex_initialize,
+ a little bit supporting ActiveX control. [ruby-talk:241188]
+Fri Mar 16 22:16:58 2007 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: merge Ruby-SSPI patch contributed by Justin
+ Bailey.
+ * ext/Win32API/lib/win32/sspi.rb: new file.
+Wed Mar 14 12:30:00 2007 Shigeo Kobayashi <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c: BigDecimal("-.31") is now
+ treated as ("-0.31") not as ("0.31").
+Tue Mar 13 19:04:30 2007 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/sync.rb: support for ruby 1.9(YARV) thread model.
+Tue Mar 13 09:25:10 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (clear-installed-list): separated from install-prereq.
+Tue Mar 13 07:23:20 2007 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/monitor.rb (mon_try_enter): call @mon_muetx.try_lock.
+ Thanks, Keiju ISHITSUKA. [ruby-dev:30507]
+Tue Mar 13 02:42:58 2007 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI::header): IIS >= 5.0 does not need the nph
+ assumption any more; submitted by MIYASAKA Masaru <alkaid AT
+> in [ruby-dev:30537].
+Mon Mar 12 10:53:28 2007 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c (Init_ossl_asn1): Let rdoc know about
+ externally defined modules; submitted by Technorama
+ Ltd. <oss-ruby AT> in [ruby-bugs:PR#4704].
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_bn.c (Init_ossl_bn): Ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_cipher.c (Init_ossl_cipher): Ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_digest.c (Init_ossl_digest): Ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_hmac.c (Init_ossl_hmac): Ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey.c (Init_ossl_pkey): Ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dh.c (Init_ossl_dh): Ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dsa.c (Init_ossl_dsa): Ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_rsa.c (Init_ossl_rsa): Ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_rand.c (Init_ossl_rand): Ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (Init_ossl_ssl): Ditto.
+Sun Mar 11 18:42:01 2007 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-block-end-re): Support for the
+ experimental ';;' terminator had been dropped.
+Sun Mar 11 05:45:46 2007 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * misc/README, misc/rdebug.el: Add rdebug.el, Emacs ruby-debug
+ interface based on rubydb3x.el; submitted by Martin Nordholts
+ <enselic AT> in [ruby-bugs:PR#9023].
+Sat Mar 10 07:20:28 2007 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: add WIN32OLE_TYPELIB#library_name,
+ WIN32OLE_TYPELIB#visible?.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_typelib.rb: ditto.
+Thu Mar 8 09:17:59 2007 Minero Aoki <>
+ * compile.c: iseq_compile -> rb_iseq_compile.
+ * iseq.c: ditto.
+ * intern.h: provide function prototype of Init_jump.
+ * eval_jump.h (Init_jump): declare function type.
+ * thread.c: platform-dependent functions should be surrounded by #ifdef.
+ * iseq.c (iseq_data_to_ary): remove unused variable.
+ * compile.c (set_arguments): ditto.
+ * thread.c (set_unblock_function): ditto.
+ * reduce printf warning.
+ * vm_dump.c: ditto.
+Tue Mar 6 16:35:04 2007 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/shell/process-controller.rb: fix thread synchronization problem for [ruby-dev:30477].
+Tue Mar 6 11:53:25 2007 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/sample/irbtkw.rbw: fails to exit process.
+Tue Mar 6 10:23:09 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * runruby.rb: added --pure (turned on by default) and --debugger
+ options.
+Mon Mar 5 09:19:33 2007 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/timeout.rb (Timeout.timeout): should return the block value
+ always.
+ * lib/timeout.rb (Timeout.timeout): should yield sec argument
+ always.
+ * lib/timeout.rb (Timeout.timeout): fix document.
+Mon Mar 5 09:16:40 2007 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: support automatic STARTTLS.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: check server advertisement.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: introduce new class SMTP::Response.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb (getok): should not use sprintf.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb (get_response): ditto.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: reduce syntax warning on 1.9.
+Mon Mar 5 07:13:28 2007 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: reconstruct SMTPS/STARTTLS interface. New
+ interface is incompatible from current 1.9 interface at all.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: All SSL-related class methods are removed; use
+ instance methods instead.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: rename methods: *ssl -> *tls (with alias
+ "ssl").
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: rename methods: *tls -> *starttls.
+Mon Mar 5 01:36:41 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex), win32/win32.c (rb_w32_utime): fixed
+ indentation broken at YARV merger.
+Sun Mar 4 23:41:14 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_stat_uid, rb_stat_gid, eaccess): use rb_uid_t and
+ rb_gid_t instead of int.
+ * file.c (rb_stat_s_utime): fixed a commit miss for the platforms
+ where utimes() does not exist.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (touch): ditto.
+Sun Mar 4 14:46:56 2007 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * util.c (push_element): should return a int value.
+Sun Mar 4 01:01:25 2007 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/set.rb (Set#^, Set#&): Correct documentation. Those methods
+ return sets, not arrays; noted by Oliver Frank Wittich <nietz AT
+Sat Mar 3 22:54:33 2007 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (touch): last #touch change causes error when
+ :mtime option was not given.
+Sat Mar 3 22:51:29 2007 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (mv): could not move directory between
+ different file systems. [ruby-dev:30411]
+Sat Mar 3 22:37:02 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_utime): allow nil to set the current time.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (touch): ditto, and added :mtime and :nocreate
+ options. fixed: [ruby-talk:219037]
+Sat Mar 3 15:52:26 2007 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * object.c (instance_variable_get): Restore rdoc markups lost in
+ the last commit.
+Fri Mar 2 21:17:14 2007 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (get_ptr_of_variant, ole_set_safe_array,
+ ole_val2ptr_variant, ole_val2olevariantdata, ole_variant2val,
+ ): fix some bugs of when variant type is
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (folevariant_s_array, folevariant_initialize):
+ is defined as instance method of WIN32OLE_VARIANT.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_variant.rb: add some test for
+ VT_ARRAY, VT_BYREF variant type.
+Fri Mar 2 07:58:24 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_ivar_set): RDoc updated according to a
+ suggestion from Brian Candler <B.Candler AT>.
+ [ruby-core:10469]
+Thu Mar 1 21:38:07 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (stmt, arg): should not omit lhs of OP_ASGN1 even if
+ empty. [ruby-dev:30455]
+Thu Mar 1 02:55:25 2007 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/digest.c (get_digest_base_metadata): Allow inheriting
+ Digest::Base subclasses, which was unintentionally made
+ impossible while restructuring Digest classes.
+Thu Mar 1 02:05:17 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * mkconfig.rb (patchlevel): read from version.h.
+Wed Feb 28 21:15:00 2007 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * (ac_cv_func_fcntl): fcntl support for MinGW.
+ * missing/flock.c: workaround for MinGW.
+Wed Feb 28 20:51:32 2007 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): properly ignore non-base64 octets such as
+ UTF-8 encoded BOMs; submitted by SOUMA Yutaka <>
+ to fix [ruby-core:10437]
+Wed Feb 28 18:31:51 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: no need to check unistd.h and sys/time.h.
+ they are already checked at configure.
+ reported by KOBAYASHI Yasuhiro [ruby-list:43225]
+Wed Feb 28 18:23:43 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb ($DEFLIBPATH): default library paths ($(topdir), etc)
+ should be the first elements of library paths list.
+ reported by KOBAYASHI Yasuhiro [ruby-list:43225]
+Wed Feb 28 10:33:58 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *,, */Makefile.sub (THREAD_MODEL): system
+ specific thread model.
+ * compile.h, regint.h, vm.h, array.c: removed unnecessary #include.
+Wed Feb 28 04:03:03 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (take_i): small cosmetic / documentation patch from
+ Tadashi Saito <shiba AT>. [ruby-dev:30446]
+Wed Feb 28 01:20:18 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/{dbm,gdbm}/test_{dbm,gdbm}.rb: shouldn't use host_os. use
+ target_os instead. reported by KOBAYASHI Yasuhiro [ruby-list:43225]
+Wed Feb 28 00:08:11 2007 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * mkconfig.rb (RbConfig): add CONFIG['PATCHLEVEL']
+ * new target dist
+ * distruby.rb: new file
+Tue Feb 27 22:18:45 2007 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * (--enable-auto-image-base): avoid the necessity to
+ rebase the shared libs as much as possible;
+ submitted by Corinna Vinschen <spam at> in
+ [ruby-talk:240964].
+Tue Feb 27 21:36:47 2007 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * util.c (__crt0_glob_function): use ruby_glob() instead of rb_globi().
+Tue Feb 27 21:33:04 2007 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * (ac_cv_func_setrlimit): workaround for djgpp.
+Tue Feb 27 20:35:28 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * (error.c, process.c): depend on yarvcore.h and rubysig.h.
+Tue Feb 27 19:26:31 2007 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf.c (rb_str_resize, rb_nkf_kconv, rb_nkf_guess1,
+ rb_nkf_guess2): Silence warnings regarding char * vs. unsigned
+ char * mismatch; submitted by Lyle Johnson
+ <> in [ruby-core:10416].
+Tue Feb 27 19:15:01 2007 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/base64.rb (Base64::b64encode): Fix documentation; submitted
+ by David Symonds <> in [ruby-core:10432].
+Tue Feb 27 18:59:42 2007 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_load): Silence warnings
+ regarding char * vs. unsigned char * mismatch; submitted by Lyle
+ Johnson <> in [ruby-core:10416].
+ * ext/digest/sha1/sha1ossl.c (SHA1_Finish): Ditto.
+ * ext/digest/rmd160/rmd160ossl.c (RMD160_Finish): Ditto.
+ * ext/digest/digest.c (rb_digest_base_finish,
+ rb_digest_base_update): Ditto.
+Tue Feb 27 18:12:05 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (enum_take): new method. [ruby-dev:30407]
+ * enum.c (enum_drop): ditto.
+Tue Feb 27 07:47:24 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.h, vm.h: rename th_invoke_yield() to th_yield().
+ * blockinlining.c: ditto.
+ * eval.c: ditto.
+ * vm.c, insns.def: rename th_invoke_yield_cfunc()
+ to th_yield_with_cfunc().
+ * yarvcore.h, yarvcore.c: rename theYarvVM to ruby_current_vm and
+ yarvCurrentThread to ruby_current_thread. remove yarvVMArray.
+Tue Feb 27 00:45:23 2007 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_optimization.rb: restore method before calling
+ assert_equal.
+Mon Feb 26 00:58:39 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.h: add rb_thread_t#top_wrapper, top_self.
+ * eval_load.c (rb_load): support eval in wrapper module
+ (load(file, true)).
+ * eval.c: ditto.
+ * eval_jump.h: ditto.
+ * iseq.c: ditto.
+ * vm.c: ditto.
+ * yarvcore.c: ditto.
+ * insns.def: add a empty line.
+Mon Feb 26 00:54:36 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * change "gdb" rule. You can debug miniruby with
+ $(srcdir)/test.rb on gdb by this rule (type "make gdb").
+ If you write break points to "breakpoints.gdb" on $srcdir,
+ gdb runs with this file.
+Sun Feb 25 11:46:58 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: enable -Zi (debug) option.
+Sun Feb 25 11:38:40 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ruby.h: define RUBY_VM macro and remove NATIVETHREAD* macros.
+ * intern.h: ditto.
+ * signal.c (posix_signal): remove unused function
+ posix_nativethread_signal().
+Sun Feb 25 11:31:13 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_run): fix to ANSI style.
+Sun Feb 25 11:09:16 2007 Minero Aoki <>
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb: show source code in error message.
+Sun Feb 25 09:39:50 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.h:
+ rename:
+ rb_iseq_t#file_name -> filename
+ rb_iseq_t#local_tbl -> local_table
+ add:
+ rb_iseq_t#local_table_size
+ * compile.c: separate local_table_size and local_size
+ (local variable size)
+ * blockinlining.c: apply above rename.
+ * compile.h: ditto.
+ * eval.c: ditto.
+ * iseq.c: ditto.
+ * proc.c: ditto.
+ * vm.c: ditto.
+ * vm_dump.c: ditto.
+Sun Feb 25 10:27:17 2007 Minero Aoki <>
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb: add lib/ to load path.
+Sat Feb 25 10:16:50 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * rubyio.h (HAVE_RB_IO_T): macro to tell if rb_io_t is defined.
+Sat Feb 24 19:39:16 2007 Minero Aoki <>
+ * new target "btest", to run bootstraptests.
+Sat Feb 24 19:30:40 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c, gc.c, io.c, ruby.h, rubyio.h, win32/win32.h (rb_io_t):
+ renamed from OpenFile.
+ * ext/dl/cptr.c, ext/io/wait/wait.c, ext/openssl/ossl.h,
+ ext/openssl/ossl_bio.c, ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c, ext/pty/pty.c,
+ ext/readline/readline.c, ext/socket/socket.c: ditto.
+Sat Feb 24 19:28:23 2007 Minero Aoki <>
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb: new option -v,--verbose.
+Sat Feb 24 18:55:50 2007 Minero Aoki <>
+ * yarvtest/test_method.rb: removed (merged to bootstraptest).
+ * yarvtest/test_class.rb: ditto.
+Sat Feb 24 18:44:39 2007 Minero Aoki <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_class.rb: new file.
+ * bootstraptest/test_method.rb: add tests.
+Sat Feb 24 18:44:30 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * intern.h (rb_thread_blocking_region): add prototype.
+ * file.c (rb_thread_flock, rb_file_flock): use UBF feature.
+ * process.c (rb_waitpid_blocking, rb_waitpid): use UBF feature.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_debug): added runtime debugging flag.
+ * thread.c (BLOCKING_REGION): restore previous UBF.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_blocking_region): default UBF to interrupt
+ in system dependent way by RB_UBF_DFL.
+ + ubf_select() on posix system
+ + ubf_handle() on Win32
+ + none on cygwin
+ * (rb_w32_wait_events_blocking): blocking version.
+ * win32/win32.c (waitpid): use rb_w32_wait_events_blocking().
+Sat Feb 24 17:45:48 2007 Minero Aoki <>
+ * parse.y (f_arg, opt_f_block_arg): ripper should export VALUE.
+Sat Feb 24 16:52:55 2007 Minero Aoki <>
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb: fix syntax error.
+Sat Feb 24 16:51:09 2007 Minero Aoki <>
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb: new option --help.
+Sat Feb 24 16:47:33 2007 Minero Aoki <>
+ * bootstraptest: new test suite.
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb: new file.
+ * bootstraptest/test_literal.rb: new file.
+ * bootstraptest/test_method.rb: new file.
+Sat Feb 24 16:29:15 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (StartSocket): remove unnecessary code.
+Sat Feb 24 16:04:30 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (struct local_vars): remove unused nofree member from
+ struct.
+ * parse.y (parser_free): ditto.
+Sat Feb 24 15:57:19 2007 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/thread.rb (ConditionVariable#broadcast): use Mutex
+ instead of Thread.exclusive.
+ * lib/monitor.rb (MonitorMixin#mon_exit): unset @mon_owner
+ before calling Mutex#unlock.
+Sat Feb 24 15:51:45 2007 Minero Aoki <>
+ * parse.y (program): remove useless assignment to reduce warning.
+Sat Feb 24 15:41:51 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (lambda): remove unused clause from the rule to stop
+ warning.
+Sat Feb 24 15:41:22 2007 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/thread.rb: do not redefine Mutex#synchronize.
+Sat Feb 24 15:14:02 2007 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/monitor.rb: rewritten using Mutex/ConditionVariable.
+Sat Feb 24 13:25:32 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * lib/soap/mapping/factory.rb: catch up with spec changes (return
+ Symbols instead of Strings).
+ * lib/soap/mapping/mapping.rb: ditto.
+Sat Feb 24 10:49:55 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * parse.y, node.h, compile.c: change node tree structure. a purpose
+ of this change is to unify argument structure of method and block.
+ this change prohibits duplicate block parameter name.
+ new argument information:
+ NODE_ARGS [m: int, o: NODE_OPT_ARG, ->]
+ NODE_ARGS_AUX [r: ID, b: ID, ->]
+ NODE_ARGS_AUX [Pst: id, Plen: int, init: NODE*]
+ optarg information:
+ NODE_OPT_ARGS [idx, expr, ->]
+ * vm_macro.def: ditto.
+ * gc.c: ditto.
+ * iseq.c: ditto.
+ * compile.h: fix debug function name.
+ * test/ripper/test_scanner_events.rb: |_,_,foo| -> |_1,_2,foo|
+ * test/ruby/test_lambda.rb: disable test temporarily.
+Sat Feb 24 10:46:28 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/testunit/test_testcase.rb: catch up with current instance
+ variable spec.
+Sat Feb 24 10:32:59 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * change vm_macro.def rule.
+Sat Feb 24 10:38:05 2007 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/racc/cparse/cparse.c (cparse_params_mark): remove useless
+ rb_gc_mark. Thanks Tomoyuki Chikanaga. [ruby-dev:30405]
+Sat Feb 24 07:31:35 2007 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: add WIN32OLE_VARIANT.array,
+ WIN32OLE_VARIANT#value=, refactoring.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_variant.rb: add some test for
+Fri Feb 23 18:37:55 2007 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_yield.rb: new test.
+ * yarvtest/test_yield.rb: removed (moved to test_yield.rb).
+Fri Feb 23 18:27:17 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_polling): check interrupts here.
+ * (w32_wait_events): rename from w32_wait_event(), and
+ now receive multiple event handles.
+ * win32/win32.c (wait_events, rb_w32_main_context): removed.
+ * (rb_w32_wait_events): new function.
+ *, win32/win32.c (rb_w32_sleep, rb_w32_Sleep): move
+ from win32/win32.c to, and use w32_wait_events().
+Fri Feb 23 18:13:22 2007 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_optimization.rb: new test (merges test_opts.rb).
+ * yarvtest/test_opts.rb: removed.
+Fri Feb 23 16:59:39 2007 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_assignment.rb: merge yarvtest/test_massign.
+ * yarvtest/test_massign.rb: removed (merged to
+ test_assignment.rb).
+Fri Feb 23 15:58:20 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * signal.c (sighandler): need to re-install sighandler on some
+ platforms.
+Fri Feb 23 15:05:57 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (set_pioinfo_extra): simplified.
+Fri Feb 23 14:23:20 2007 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_literal.rb: new test.
+Fri Feb 23 12:40:12 2007 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc/client.rb (XMLRPC::Client::do_rpc): Make the
+ Content-Length parameter optional for responses in
+ xmlrpc/client.rb; suggested by Daniel Berger
+ <> and approved by the maintainer.
+ * lib/xmlrpc/create.rb (XMLRPC::Create::conv2value): Add DateTime
+ support to xmlrpc; approved by the maintainer.
+Fri Feb 23 12:24:46 2007 Minero Aoki <>
+ * parse.y (lambda): add ripper event. This fixes bus error on
+ "make test-all".
+ * ext/ripper/extconf.rb: do not stop build.
+Fri Feb 23 12:16:05 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y: remove dyna_check_gen() prototype.
+Fri Feb 23 11:41:21 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y, compile.c, gc.c, insns.def, intern.h, iseq.c, node.h,
+ object.c, string.c, variable.c, vm_macro.def: revert private
+ instance variable feature, which is postponed until next major
+ release.
+ * marshal.c: TYPE_SYMBOL2 removed; MARSHAL_MINOR reverted back to
+ 8th version.
+Fri Feb 23 10:53:21 2007 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * (native_mutex_lock): do not call
+ pthread_mutex_trylock().
+Fri Feb 23 10:31:16 2007 Minero Aoki <>
+ * dln.c: use dlopen on Mac OS X 10.3 or later.
+Fri Feb 23 10:03:49 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_ord): need not to check string length; ord
+ returns a codepoint for the first character in the string.
+Wed Feb 21 22:29:45 2007 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_equal): A bit more optimization.
+Wed Feb 21 17:40:37 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_equal): remove FIX2LONG() to optimize. suggested
+ in
+ [ruby-talk:240223]
+ * numeric.c (fix_cmp): ditto.
+Wed Feb 21 09:14:04 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval_load.c (rb_require_safe): should restore safe level.
+Tue Feb 20 21:19:29 2007 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (installed_code_page_proc,
+ ole_variant2val): small refactoring.
+Tue Feb 20 15:11:42 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c, vm.c, yarvcore.h: move definition of rb_call_super() to
+ vm.c from eval.c. change th_call_super() to static function.
+Tue Feb 20 15:08:25 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/io/nonblock/test_flush.rb: YARV doesn't raise any errors if
+ another thread close IO object which current thread is blocking with.
+Tue Feb 20 15:03:29 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c (do_select, rb_thread_wait_fd_rw): raise sys error if
+ errno is not 0 and EBADF.
+Mon Feb 19 22:15:31 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_REPLACE_TYPE): cache convertible type info.
+ * intern.h (rb_detach_process): use rb_pid_t instead of pid_t.
+ defaulted to conversion using long.
+Mon Feb 19 17:14:28 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (unix_peeraddr): wrong syscall name in error
+ message for #peeraddr. a patch from Sam Roberts
+ <sroberts at>. [ruby-core:10366]
+Sun Feb 18 22:56:07 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (etc_getgrgid): missed to replace a macro.
+Sun Feb 18 19:33:00 2007 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date/format.rb: updated based on date2 4.0.3.
+Sun Feb 18 13:11:51 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (pid_t, uid_t, gid_t): check if defined.
+ * intern.h, process.c, rubyio.h, ext/etc/etc.c, ext/pty/pty.c: use
+ rb_{pid,uid,gid}_t instead of plain int. [ruby-dev:30376]
+ * ext/etc/extconf.rb (PIDT2NUM, NUM2PIDT, UIDT2NUM, NUM2UIDT, GIDT2NUM,
+ NUM2GIDT): moved to
+Fri Feb 16 21:34:33 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_ivar_set/get/defined): fix to check :@_v/C id.
+ * test/testunit/test_testcase.rb: fix to use instance_variable_get()
+ to access @_result.
+Fri Feb 16 20:59:10 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * intern.h: add a prototype of rb_sym_to_s().
+Fri Feb 16 19:24:22 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * math.c (math_log): update document to mention second optional
+ argument for logarithm base.
+Fri Feb 16 19:19:21 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (mrhs): need to append by arg_append().
+ [ruby-talk:239385]
+Fri Feb 16 11:18:21 2007 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/.document: Apply patch for irb, e2mmap and README by Hugh Sasse
+ <hgs at> from [ruby-core:10135]
+ * lib/prettyprint.rb: Suppress RDoc for PrettyPrint test suite.
+Thu Feb 15 20:48:36 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (set_pioinfo_extra): new function for VC++8 SP1
+ workaround. [ruby-core:10259]
+ * win32/win32.c (NtInitialize): call above function.
+Thu Feb 15 16:25:54 2007 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (URI::Generic::userinfo): Considering how
+ `scheme://user:@...', `scheme://:password@...' and
+ `scheme://:@...' are parsed, an empty user name or password
+ should be allowed and represented as it is.
+Thu Feb 15 01:52:53 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.(c|h), yarvcore.(c|h) (yarvGlobalStateVersion): rename to
+ ruby_vm_global_state_version.
+Thu Feb 15 01:50:26 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb (check_singleton): fix to use
+ symbol instead of string.
+ * test/io/nonblock/test_flush.rb: enable tests.
+ * test/xmlrpc/test_webrick_server.rb: ditto.
+Thu Feb 15 01:43:45 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb: catch up with class local variable (@_v) spec.
+ * lib/singleton.rb: ditto.
+Wed Feb 14 22:52:43 2007 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_variant2val): VC++6 does not
+ support VT_I8, VT_UI8.
+Wed Feb 14 22:10:21 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * change stack limit to 2MB from 32MB.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: ditto.
+Wed Feb 14 21:39:36 2007 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/lib/digest.rb (Digest::self.const_missing): Drop
+ autoloads for sha2 classes in favor of handling in
+ const_missing(), to work around a problem exposed on OS X.
+Wed Feb 14 21:19:47 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * (native_thread_create): adjust 4KB (page size)
+ alignment.
+Wed Feb 14 21:12:36 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * (CHECK_ERR): call rb_bug()
+ instead of printf() and exit().
+Wed Feb 14 16:48:56 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/date/format.rb (Date::Format::Bag::method_missing): need not
+ to use instance variables corresponding each method; use Hash
+ instead.
+Wed Feb 14 13:12:06 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (reg_operand): allow symbols to be operands for regular
+ expression matches.
+ * string.c (Init_String): allow Symbol#===.
+ * lib/date/format.rb (Date::Format::Bag::to_hash): string
+ added prefixes.
+Wed Feb 14 12:58:38 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c (do_select): fix to iterate select().
+ on cygwin/mswin32, iterate in unblocking region.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_select): don't iterate on this function.
+ (iterate in do_select).
+Wed Feb 14 11:39:18 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c (set_unblock_function): fix function interface.
+Wed Feb 14 11:12:02 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval_load.c, yarvcore.h: use rb_vm_t#loaded_features instead of
+ rb_features (global variable).
+ * yarvcore.c: mark rb_vm_t#loaded_features.
+Wed Feb 14 08:46:25 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * compile.c (defined_expr): no longer distinguish ordinary local
+ variables and in-block local variables in defined? value.
+Wed Feb 14 03:14:42 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (URI::Generic::userinfo): should support
+ empty password. [ruby-core:10290]
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (URI::Generic::set_password): password can be
+ cleared by nil. [ruby-core:10290]
+Wed Feb 14 03:10:33 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (struct local_vars): no need to warn out-of-scope
+ variables; remove dnames member from struct.
+Wed Feb 14 03:04:10 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y: RVarmap no longer used as yytype; removed.
+ * parse.y (dyna_push_gen): no longer need return value.
+ * parse.y (dyna_pop_gen): no longer need argument.
+ * parse.y (local_push_gen): initialize nofree.
+Wed Feb 14 00:30:07 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (init_unixsock): path may contain NUL for
+ abstract unix sockets. [ruby-core:10288]
+Tue Feb 13 02:21:12 2007 Sam Roberts <>
+ * io.c (rb_f_syscall): Fix buffer overflow with syscall
+ arguments. [ruby-bugs:PR#8541]
+Mon Feb 12 13:57:30 2007 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_variant2val): support VT_I8, VT_UI8.
+Mon Feb 12 11:48:52 2007 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/dublincore.rb, lib/rss/maker/dublincore.rb: dc_rightses
+ -> dc_rights_list. dc_rightses still exists for backward
+ compatibility. [ruby-core:8350]
+ * test/rss/test_maker_dc.rb: added tests for dc_rights_list.
+Sun Feb 11 22:40:17 2007 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_ptrtype2val): ole_type, ole_type_detail
+ should not return "VARIANT,VARIANT".
+Sun Feb 11 22:11:05 2007 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/xml-stylesheet.rb (RSS::XMLStyleSheet#initialize):
+ kept backward compatibility.
+Sun Feb 11 22:10:08 2007 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/parser.rb (RSS::ListenerMixin#start_else_element): used
+ const_defined? instead of constants.include?.
+Sun Feb 11 18:47:14 2007 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_val2olevariantdata):
+ WIN32OLE_VARIANT#new accepts nil when variant type is VT_ARRAY.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_variant.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: small refactoring.
+Sun Feb 11 07:42:25 2007 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI::QueryExtension::read_multipart): Properly parse
+ a quoted-string in a Content-Disposition value.
+Sat Feb 10 20:21:29 2007 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: add WIN32OLE#ole_query_interface.
+ thanks to Mikael Pahmp.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole.rb: ditto.
+Sat Feb 10 17:46:52 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * targets which depend on yarvcore.h now depend on
+ rubysig.h too.
+ * yarvcore.h (rb_vm_t): use rb_atomic_t instead of int.
+Sat Feb 10 00:13:11 2007 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: fix typo (TkConfigMethod::__confinfo_cmd,
+ __conv_keyonly_opts).
+Fri Feb 9 12:33:40 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * (w32_show_error_message): renamed to w32_error.
+ this function do rb_bug().
+ * (w32_set_event, w32_reset_event, w32_close_handle,
+ w32_resume_thread): added. fix to use these functions instead calling
+ win32api directly.
+ * (w32_create_thread): create suspend thread
+ (caller must call w32_resume_thread()).
+Fri Feb 9 11:03:40 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_readpartial.rb: tests are working on mswin32/cygwin.
+Fri Feb 9 05:08:17 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c,, (thread_start_func_1):
+ move cleanup function to thread_start_func_2().
+ * thread.c,,
+ add more destruct functions.
+ (native_thread_destroy() and native_mutex_destroy())
+ *, thread_pthread.h: make native_mutex_* functions
+ (check error, etc), it's not macro any more.
+ * (thread_start_func_1): store some values before
+ running thread (to release these after running thread).
+ * (native_thread_create): fix spaces.
+Thu Feb 8 22:44:04 2007 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_set_safe_array, ole_variant2val,
+ ole_val_ary2variant_ary): fix bug when
+ 1st argument is empty array, and when 2nd argument is
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_variant.rb: ditto.
+Thu Feb 8 22:39:09 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvtest/yarvtest.rb: check target command names.
+Thu Feb 8 22:31:45 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_clone.rb: fix to current spec
+ (Module should not be occur many times in ancestors).
+Thu Feb 8 22:26:14 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_string.rb: ("foo" == :foo) and ("foo" === :foo)
+ should be false.
+ * ChangeLog: fix last messages.
+Thu Feb 8 22:24:06 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb: fix to use Symbol instead of String.
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb: remove space before argument parentheses.
+Thu Feb 8 22:02:14 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/marshaltestlib.rb: eval(sym) -> eval(sym.to_s)
+Thu Feb 8 21:35:16 2007 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * test/win32ole/test_propertyputref.rb (setup): fix typo.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_event.rb: should not use
+ InternetExplorer.gohome to test.
+Thu Feb 8 21:02:07 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c (GVL_UNLOCK_RANGE): rename to BLOCKING_REGION().
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_run_parallel): rename to
+ rb_thread_blocking_region().
+Thu Feb 8 15:48:44 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.h, thread.c: fix to use pthread on cygwin.
+ * yarvcore.h, thread.c: move GVL_UNLOCK_BEGIN() and GVL_UNLOCK_END()
+ from yarvcore.h to thread.c.
+ * thread.c: change GVL_UNLOCK_RANGE() arguments
+ (adding ubf as 2nd argument).
+ * thread.c: fix to use polling in select on cygwin and mswin32.
+ * thread.c,,, yarvcore.h:
+ rename:
+ * rb_thread_t#interrupt_function -> unblock_function
+ * rb_interrupt_function_t -> rb_unblock_function
+ * some interrupt function name -> ubf_*
+ * yarv_* -> *
+Thu Feb 8 16:08:02 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * fix to use RUNRUBY instead of BASERUBY if possible.
+ * ($(INSNS) rule): remove $(PROGRAM) first.
+Thu Feb 8 15:43:05 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * process.c: fix to use rb_status_line_set/get/clear().
+ * eval_intern.h: fix line break.
+Thu Feb 8 15:00:14 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * blockinlining.c, error.c, eval.c, eval_error.h, eval_intern.h,
+ eval_jump.h, eval_load.c, eval_safe.h, gc.c, proc.c, signal.c,
+ thread.c,,, vm.c, vm.h,
+ vm_dump.c,, yarvcore.c, yarvcore.h:
+ fix typo (rb_thead_t -> rb_thread_t).
+ * eval_intern.h: remove unused definitions.
+ * fix around vm_opts.h path
+ and remove harmful argument passed to insns2vm.rb.
+Thu Feb 8 03:11:47 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI::unescapeHTML): invalid decoding for single
+ unescaped ampersand. a patch from Tietew
+ <tietew+ruby-dev at> in [ruby-dev:30292].
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:30289]
+Wed Feb 7 23:25:31 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (specific_eval): suppress warning.
+ * thread_win32.h: undefine _WIN32 on cygwin. [ruby-dev:30303]
+Wed Feb 7 22:41:34 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval_intern.h: remove UNSUPPORTED() macro.
+ * thread.c: fix to define Continuation methods
+ (they only do rb_notimplement()).
+Wed Feb 7 22:33:58 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval_intern.h, yarvcore.h: remove unused macro definition.
+Wed Feb 7 22:30:28 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c: fixed to use ANSI function style.
+Wed Feb 7 09:35:32 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * this commit is a result of refactoring. only renaming functions,
+ moving definitions place, add/remove prototypes, deleting
+ unused variables and removing yarv.h.
+ This commit doesn't change any behavior of ruby/vm.
+ * yarv.h, remove yarv.h (contents are moved to yarvcore.h).
+ * error.c, eval_intern.h: include yarvcore.h instead yarv.h
+ * rename some functions:
+ * debug.[ch]: debug_*() -> ruby_debug_*()
+ * iseq.c: iseq_*() -> rb_iseq_*(), ruby_iseq_disasm()
+ * iseq.c: node_name() -> ruby_node_name()
+ * vm.c: yarv_check_redefinition_opt_method() ->
+ rb_vm_check_redefinition_opt_method()
+ * some refactoring with checking -Wall.
+ * array.c: remove rb_ary_ptr() (unused) and remove unused
+ local variables.
+ * object.c: add a prototype of rb_mod_module_exec().
+ * eval_intern.h (ruby_cref): set it inline.
+ * eval_load.c (rb_load), yarvcore.c: yarv_load() -> rb_load_internal().
+ * parse.y: add a prototype of rb_parse_in_eval() (in eval.c).
+ * process.c: add a prototype of rb_thread_stop_timer_thread() (in thread.c).
+ * thread.c: remove raw_gets() function (unused) and fix some format
+ mismatch (format mismatches have remained yet. this is todo).
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_wait_fd_rw): fix typo on label name.
+ * comment out codes with USE_THREAD_CACHE.
+ * vm.c (rb_svar, rb_backref_get, rb_backref_get,
+ rb_lastline_get, rb_lastline_set) : moved from yarvcore.c.
+ * vm.c (yarv_init_redefined_flag): add a prototype and rename
+ yarv_opt_method_table to vm_opt_method_table.
+ * vm.c (rb_thread_eval): moved from yarvcore.c.
+ * yarvcore.c: remove unused global variables and fix to use nsdr().
+Wed Feb 7 03:39:32 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * blockinlining.c, compile.c, compile.h, error.c, eval.c,
+ eval_intern.h, eval_jump.h, eval_load.c, eval_method.h,
+ eval_safe.h, gc.c, insnhelper.h, insns.def, iseq.c, proc.c,
+ process.c, signal.c, thread.c,,,
+ vm.c, vm.h, vm_dump.c,, vm_macro.def,
+ yarv.h, yarvcore.h, yarvcore.c: change type and macro names:
+ * yarv_*_t -> rb_*_t
+ * yarv_*_struct -> rb_*_struct
+ * yarv_tag -> rb_vm_tag
+ * YARV_* -> RUBY_VM_*
+ * proc.c, vm.c: move functions about env object creation
+ from proc.c to vm.c.
+ * proc.c, yarvcore.c: fix rb_cVM initialization place.
+ * inits.c: change Init_ISeq() order (after Init_VM).
+ * ruby.h, proc.c: change declaration place of rb_cEnv
+ from proc.c to ruby.c.
+Tue Feb 6 22:06:45 2007 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/{nkf.c,utf8tbl.c}:
+ imported nkf 2007-01-28.
+ * Fixed: can't decode MIME encode JIS string.
+ * Fixed: Fullwidth-halfwidth conversion.
+ * Support DoCoMo's and Softbank's EMOJI
+ * Support CP932, CP5022x, eucJP-ms UDC
+ * Support UTF-32 encoding
+ * Support beyond BMP
+ [ruby-dev:29700] [ruby-dev:29922] [ruby-dev:30144]
+Tue Feb 6 20:36:19 2007 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb, lib/rss/parser.rb: followed current Ruby
+ specification. [ruby-dev:30274]
+Tue Feb 6 20:29:44 2007 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb, lib/rss/parser.rb: removed needless code for
+ backward compatibility.
+Tue Feb 6 18:43:17 2007 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb: moved fixes for EPIPE to the correct
+ place. [ruby-core:10204]
+Tue Feb 6 16:38:08 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_opts.h: set properties:
+ svn:keywords: Author Date Id Revision
+ svn:eol-style: native
+Tue Feb 6 15:55:46 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (ivar_i): need to support class local instance
+ variables.
+Tue Feb 6 15:44:11 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): fix setting is_local flag.
+ * yarvtest/test_class.rb: add a test for class local instance variable.
+Tue Feb 6 14:15:34 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c, insns.def: remove (get|set)instancevariable2 and add a
+ operand is_local to (get|set)instancevariable.
+ * yarvtest/test_class.rb: add a test for class local instance variable.
+ * parse.y (rb_decompose_ivar2): remove unused variable oid.
+ * tool/insns2vm.rb: remove needless require.
+Tue Feb 6 11:18:41 2007 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb: check the control connection on EPIPE.
+ Thanks, Simon Williams. [ruby-core:9547]
+Tue Feb 6 11:03:27 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * complement last commit.
+ * (*.inc): use VPATH.
+ * vm_opts.h: renamed from vm_opts.h.base.
+Tue Feb 6 10:02:41 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/insns2vm.rb: use vm_opts.h in VPATH.
+Tue Feb 6 03:47:58 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * proc.c: support Binding#eval.
+ * yarvtest/test_eval.rb: add a test for above change.
+Tue Feb 6 03:13:33 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * proc.c: refactoring (remove K&R style, move Binding stuffs from
+ Init_Proc() to Init_Binding()).
+Tue Feb 6 01:07:14 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * intern.h: prepare rb_last_status_get() and rb_last_status_set().
+ Use these functions instead of rb_last_status ([ruby-dev:30264]).
+ * process.c: define above functions.
+ * ext/pty/pty.c: use above functions.
+ * io.c (pipe_finalize): ditto.
+ * process.c: ditto.
+Mon Feb 5 21:26:56 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ruby.h: add a prototype of rb_id2str().
+Mon Feb 5 21:06:50 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval_thread.c, remove eval_thread.c.
+ * yarvcore.c: rename cYarvThread to rb_cThread.
+ * gc.c: remove YARV_* prefix.
+ * gc.h: add an include guard and prototype of rb_gc_set_stack_end().
+ * inits.c: fix to ANSI prototype style and reorder Init_*().
+ * io.c (pipe_finalize): TODO: comment out last_status.
+ * process.c, yarvcore.h: fix to use yarv_vm_t#last_status instead of
+ rb_last_status and make last_status_get() to access $?.
+ * yarvcore.c (vm_mark): mark yarv_vm_t#last_status.
+ * ruby.h: add declarations of rb_cISeq and rb_cVM.
+ * thread.c: move eval_thread.c codes to thread.c and remove yarv_*
+ function prefix.
+ * thread.c (thread_start_func_2): use yarv_thread_t#first_func if
+ it is not null.
+ * vm.c: fix copyright year.
+ * yarvcore.c (Init_vm): rename to Init_VM().
+Mon Feb 5 04:09:48 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_frame_callee): check if prev_cfp can be accessible.
+ a patch from Yoshinori Sano <yoshinori.sano at> in
+ [ruby-dev:30252]. solves [ruby-dev:30200] and [ruby-core:9856].
+Sun Feb 4 20:34:41 2007 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rss/rss-assertions.rb: removed needless code for backward
+ compatibility.
+Sun Feb 4 02:22:59 2007 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI::QueryExtension::read_multipart): Remove a debug
+ print.
+Sat Feb 3 23:51:58 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (rb_compose_ivar2): function to create a new ivar2
+ symbol from a symbol and a class. back-ported from matzruby.
+ * parse.y (rb_decompose_ivar2): reverse function of
+ rb_compose_ivar2().
+ * marshal.c (w_symbol): support class local instance variables.
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): ditto.
+ * compile.c (defined_expr): ditto.
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): ditto.
+ * insns.def: add two new instructions: getinstancevariable2 and
+ setinstancevariable2.
+Sat Feb 3 23:21:13 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * insns.def (setclassvariable): remove unnecessary operand.
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): ditto.
+ * ( add dependency for
+Sat Feb 3 14:32:58 2007 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_val2olevariantdata, ole_val2variant):
+ fix the bug of when variant type is
+ * ext/win32ole/sample/excel1.rb: rewrite using WIN32OLE_VARIANT.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole.rb: add some test.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_variant.rb: ditto.
+Sat Feb 3 03:35:20 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, */Makefile.sub, (vmasm): generalized.
+ * (runruby, benchmark, benchmark-each, tbench): use
+ PROGRAM for the file to be built.
+ * proc.c (yarv_proc_alloc): needs return.
+ *, compile.c, compile.h, debug.h, eval.c,
+ eval_error.h, eval_jump.h, eval_load.c, eval_thread.c, gc.c,
+ insnhelper.h, insns.def, iseq.c, main.c, numeric.c, parse.y,
+ range.c, ruby.h, signal.c, thread.c,, vm.c,
+ vm.h, vm_dump.c,, yarvcore.c, yarvcore.h:
+ fixed indents and non-C90 comments.
+ * regenc.h: revert to before YARV.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): make object files depend on
+ extconf.h even if depend file exists.
+Fri Feb 2 23:39:42 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * (bin): add more dependency. a patch from Tadashi
+ Saito <shiba at>. [ruby-dev:30245]
+Fri Feb 2 18:44:31 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * insns.def (setclassvariable): remove warn argument.
+Fri Feb 2 18:36:40 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * (compile.$(OBJEXT)): add config.h to vm.c and
+ compile.c.
+Fri Feb 2 18:27:54 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c: remove duplicated global variables rb_cProc and
+ rb_cBinding. [ruby-dev:30242]
+Fri Feb 2 00:13:44 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.h (SYMBOL_P): make Symbol immediate again for performance.
+ * string.c: redesign symbol methods.
+Thu Feb 1 23:25:21 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (rb_id2str): store Strings for operator symbols.
+ [ruby-dev:30235]
+Thu Feb 1 21:04:39 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (assignable_gen): no need to generate NODE_CVDECL.
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): no NODE_CVDECL.
+Thu Feb 1 20:53:32 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * vm.c (eval_get_cvar_base): destination for class variable access
+ is now strictly innermost surrounding class or module. warned
+ if accessed from toplevel.
+ * variable.c (rb_cvar_get): new class variable look-up scheme:
+ 1) look up in the class. 2) if the class is singleton attached
+ to a class (i.e. metaclass) then start look up in the attached
+ class and its ancestors. 3) otherwise, look-up in ancestors of
+ the class.
+ * eval.c (cvar_cbase): destination for class variable access is
+ the class/module that holds the method, or cbase outside of
+ methods.
+Thu Feb 1 20:31:41 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_cvar_set): remove warn argument.
+Wed Jan 31 14:52:09 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_iterator.rb (TestIterator::test_block_given_within_iterator):
+ add new test. [ruby-core:10125]
+Tue Jan 30 17:01:21 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_sub_bang): calling rb_str_modify() should be just
+ before actually modifying the string.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:30211] (originally reported by zunda)
+Tue Jan 30 13:24:06 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (int_pred): add Integer#pred corresponding
+ Integer#succ. [RCR#5]
+Tue Jan 30 12:05:35 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * mkconfig.rb: autoconf 2.61 support. [ruby-core:10016]
+Mon Jan 29 23:52:32 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * tool/compile.rb: replace YARVCore by VM class.
+Mon Jan 29 17:52:44 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/date/format.rb (Date::Format::Bag::method_missing): add
+ prefix to avoid making t class-local instance variable.
+Mon Jan 29 21:32:37 2007 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: add WIN32OLE.locale=, WIN32OLE.locale,
+ WIN32OLE_VARIANT#vartype.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole.rb: add test for WIN32OLE.locale=,
+ WIN32OLE.locale.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_variant.rb: add test for
+ WIN32OLE_VARIANT#vartype.
+Mon Jan 29 14:14:35 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * tool/parse.rb: replace YARVCore by VM class.
+Sun Jan 28 08:41:49 2007 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: refactoring.
+Sat Jan 27 18:36:33 2007 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_val2olevariantdata): bug fix.
+ check that 1st argument should T_ARRAY
+ when variant type is VT_ARRAY.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_variant.rb: add some test.
+Fri Jan 26 23:55:56 2007 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: bug fix of WIN32OLE_VARIANT when variant
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_variant_with_ie.rb: ditto.
+Fri Jan 26 12:03:39 2007 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb (TkConfigMethod#__confinfo_cmd,
+ __conv_keyonly_optkeys): make them private [ruby-dev:30074].
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/txtwin_abst.rb: fix typo [ruby-dev:30073].
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/canvas.rb (TkCanvas#scan_dragto): lack of an argument.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/canvas.rb: clarify the including module name
+ [ruby-dev:30080].
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/scrollable.rb: change primary name of modules
+ [ruby-dev:30080].
+Fri Jan 26 07:48:57 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_init_copy): need to copy internal
+ structure on clone and dup. [ruby-dev:30192]
+Wed Jan 24 20:34:51 2007 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/ruby/test_iterator.rb: removed a needless workaround.
+Wed Jan 24 18:05:39 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-font-lock-syntactic-keywords): fix
+ regexp font-lock bug. [ruby-talk:235758]
+Tue Jan 23 18:26:12 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI::QueryExtension::read_multipart): use == instead
+ of ===. [ruby-dev:30176]
+Tue Jan 23 15:39:25 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ *,,, */{Makefile.sub, configure.bat,
+ setup.mak}: add --with-baseruby configure option.
+Mon Jan 22 14:57:25 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: fix errors in socket sample code.
+ [ruby-core:09992]
+Sat Jan 20 21:05:18 2007 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (fole_s_set_code_page): WIN32OLE.codepage=
+ accepts installed codepage.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole.rb (test_s_codepage_changed): ditto.
+Sat Jan 20 11:18:49 2007 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_invoke, ole_invoke2, ole_propertyput):
+ modify WIN32OLERuntimeError message.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole.rb: ditto.
+Sat Jan 20 06:45:21 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval_proc.c (method_receiver): add new method to get the bound
+ receiver of the method object. [ruby-talk:234949]
+ * eval_proc.c (method_name): new method to get the name of a
+ method.
+ * eval_proc.c (method_owner): a new method to get the class or
+ module that defines the method.
+Fri Jan 19 17:12:23 2007 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (Init_win32ole): add WIN32OLE_VARIANT::Empty,
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_variant.rb: ditto.
+ * test/win32ole/test_nil2vtempty.rb(test_openSchema): ditto.
+Fri Jan 19 06:53:38 2007 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (olevariant_free): fix memory leak.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_val2olevariantdata):
+ accepts nil as first argument for some VARIANT
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_variant.rb: ditto.
+Wed Jan 17 17:31:28 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * some refactoring around yarvcore and proc.
+ * eval_proc.c: renamed to proc.c.
+ * ditto.
+ * yarvcore.h, yarvcore.c: rename or remove some global variables
+ removed: mYarvCore, mYarvInsns
+ renamed: cYarvISeq -> rb_cISeq,
+ cYarvProc -> rb_cProc, cYarvBinding -> rb_cBinding
+ ::YarvCore module is removed and ::YarvCore::VM class becomes ::VM.
+ And change/remove some functions which added with YARV.
+ * compile.c: ditto.
+ * eval.c: ditto.
+ * iseq.c: ditto.
+ * vm.c: ditto.
+ * inits.c: rename Init_yarvcore to Init_vm.
+ * yarvcore.c, proc.c: move some functions and initialization
+ from yarvcore.c to proc.c.
+ * intern.h, proc.c: add global function rb_binding_new(void).
+Tue Jan 16 17:49:29 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (eval_search_super_klass): rename to search_super_klass() and
+ use it by th_call_super().
+ * insns.def: ditto.
+Tue Jan 16 17:48:11 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * fix ruby script path.
+Tue Jan 16 17:39:44 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (invoke_block): fix to specify self.
+Tue Jan 16 12:12:27 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * env.h: removed
+Tue Jan 16 12:00:06 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval_proc.c (rb_proc_new): added.
+ * string.c (sym_to_proc): supported.
+ * vm.c (invoke_block, th_invoke_yield, th_invoke_proc): fix to support
+ rb_proc_new.
+ * yarvcore.c: add a test code.
+Sat Jan 13 23:24:59 2007 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_free, ole_type_free,
+ olemethod_free, olevariable_free, oleparam_free,
+ ole_event_free): fix memory leak. [ruby-core:09846]
+Wed Jan 10 00:10:23 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_replace): use ptr and len of orig instead of
+ shared. fixed: [ruby-dev:30116]
+Tue Jan 9 17:48:38 2007 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * file.c (rb_find_file): should not call fpath_check() with NULL.
+ fixed: [ruby-core:09867]
+Tue Jan 9 12:29:20 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (etc_getpwuid, etc_getgrgid): fix to correctly
+ convert uid/gid from VALUE.
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (etc_getpwuid): ditto.
+Tue Jan 9 03:54:38 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_upto): String#upto from empty string makes
+ infinite loop. [ruby-core:09864]
+ * string.c (rb_str_upto): use RSTRING_LEN().
+Sun Jan 7 18:36:05 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_stop_timer_thread(), rb_thread_reset_timer_thread(),
+ rb_thread_start_timer_thread()): added.
+ * add a native_thread_join() and move
+ rb_thread_reset_timer_thread() definition to thread.c.
+ * ditto
+ * process.c: fix before_exec(), after_exec() to stop timer thread
+ (and restart timer thread if exec failed). and fix to reset
+ timer thread information when forked child process starts
+ (to fix [ruby-core:09822]).
+Sun Jan 7 18:28:17 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * add a "compare" rule and fix MATZRUBY variable
+Sun Jan 7 17:47:16 2007 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole.rb: add test for WIN32OLE#[],
+ WIN32OLE#[]=.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: update comment for rdoc of
+ WIN32OLE#[] and WIN32OLE#[]=.
+Sun Jan 7 12:13:26 2007 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_c.rb (RDoc::C_Parser#find_class_comment):
+ Look for class and module comments above rb_define_class and
+ rb_define_module. Patch by Daniel Berger <djberg96 at>
+Sun Jan 7 10:32:12 2007 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_c.rb (RDoc::C_Parser#handle_constants):
+ Properly handle escaping of : in comments.
+ * test/rdoc/parsers/test_parse_c.rb:
+ Test RDoc::C_Parser#do_classes and Rdoc::C_Parser#find_class_comment.
+Sun Jan 7 09:31:18 2007 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date/format.rb: updated based on date2 4.0.1.
+Sat Jan 6 18:46:34 2007 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_getline_fast, rb_io_getline): increase lineno
+ when met the delimiter or EOF. fixed: [ruby-dev:30081]
+ * io.c (prepare_getline_args, rb_io_getline_1): split
+ preparation of arguments and reading. [ruby-dev:30085]
+Sat Jan 6 13:48:36 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def (send): fix to optimize send() with Symbol.
+ * yarvtest/test_method.rb: add another test.
+Sat Jan 6 13:43:55 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * add PHONY dependency to some rules
+Sat Jan 6 11:50:33 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (argf_read): fix wrong replacement. [ruby-dev:30070]
+Sat Jan 6 09:10:52 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def: support direct method dispatch with "send" or "funcall".
+ This means that "obj.send :m" skips "BasicObject#send" invocation
+ (method frame creation, etc) and "obj.m" invokes directly.
+ If you make backtrace, there are no entries of "send" method.
+ * compile.c (iseq_specialized_instruction): fix to support above
+ * eval.c: ditto (remove "static" from rb_f_send and rb_f_funcall
+ * yarvcore.c: ditto (add a external IDs for compiler)
+ * yarvcore.h: ditto (add a VM_CALL_SEND_BIT macro)
+ * yarvtest/test_method.rb: add tests for above changes
+ * eval.c: remove unused "Kernel#send" declaration
+Sat Jan 6 08:29:17 2007 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (Init_win32ole): add
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_variant_m.rb (test_variant): ditto.
+Sat Jan 6 03:49:22 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/run.rb: change option format
+ * ditto
+Fri Jan 5 22:21:08 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/bm_app_pentomino.rb: use Array#dup instead of
+ Array#clone
+ * benchmark/bmx_temp.rb: removed
+ * benchmark/run.rb: use run.rb instead of run_rite.rb
+ * ditto
+ * benchmark/run_rite.rb: removed
+ * use $(srcdir)/test.rb to run a test program
+ with "make run"
+ * benchmark/bmx_temp.rb: removed and
+ set svn:ignore (bmx_*.rb) to benchmark/
+ * test.rb: set svn:ignore
+Fri Jan 5 21:03:08 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvtest/yarvtest.rb: fix to compare results
+Fri Jan 5 20:52:56 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c, compile.h: add ADD_CALL_RECEIVER() macro.
+ * insns.def (send): use GET_SELF() direct if FCALL.
+ * eval.c (rb_f_send): check method dispatch type to permit
+ invoking private method when dispatch type is FCALL/VCALL
+ * insns.def (opt_ltlt): remove useless statement.
+ * vm.h: remove unused macros.
+Fri Jan 5 20:50:31 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/run_rite.rb: fix to use readlines instead of
+ read(...).lines (because 1.8 doesn't have String#lines).
+Fri Jan 5 20:28:19 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * (rb_thread_reset_timer_thread):
+ added ([ruby-dev:30086]).
+Fri Jan 5 20:20:36 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * add .SUFFIXES rule
+Fri Jan 5 15:58:15 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval_method.h (rb_alias): fix to check search result
+Fri Jan 5 13:59:53 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval_method.h (rb_add_method): fix to check old_node
+Fri Jan 5 12:03:07 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each, set_block_local_tbl):
+ support NODE_LAMBDA (partly).
+ * sample/test.rb: restore test of NODE_LAMBDA
+ * test/ruby/test_lambda.rb: ditto
+Fri Jan 5 12:31:23 2007 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * (native_sleep): fix tv_nsec overflow.
+Thu Jan 4 20:01:29 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * rename yarv-test-[all/each] to compare-test[/-each].
+ purpose of "compare-test" rule is to compare ruby (trunk) and
+ matzruby (branches/matzruby) binary in miniruby level. MATZRUBY
+ parameter means an path to miniruby of matzruby binary. to do this
+ comparison test, you should build matzruby branch.
+ * yarvtest/yarvtest.rb: fix to use command line option as
+ command names to be compared.
+ * yarvtest/runner.rb: remove a debug output.
+Thu Jan 4 19:12:27 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * fix to use test.rb script in build directory.
+ ($(srcdir)/test.rb -> test.rb)
+Thu Jan 4 17:28:05 2007 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/utils.rb (WEBrick::Utils::TimeoutHandler#initialize):
+ Arrays could not be modified in its each block. [ruby-dev:30063]
+Thu Jan 4 16:57:14 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarv_version.h: removed.
+ * remove yarv_version.h from rules
+ * yarvcore.h (Init_yarvcore): remove useless constants
+Thu Jan 4 17:00:06 2007 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c (Init_ossl_asn1):
+ OpenSSL::ASN1::ASN1Data#value,#tag,#tag_class and
+ OpenSSL::ASN1::BitString#unused_bits should be public.
+Thu Jan 4 13:45:10 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * fix last changes around PTHREAD_STACK_MIN.
+Thu Jan 4 13:42:47 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * restore changes.
+Thu Jan 4 10:33:54 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * fix to skip using PTHREAD_STACK_MIN.
+ [ruby-dev:30063]
+Thu Jan 4 10:30:11 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/run_rite.rb (bm): fix to use lines.
+Wed Jan 3 18:49:15 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_getline): lineno update condition was wrong.
+ [ruby-dev:30065]
+ * io.c (rb_io_getline_fast): ditto.
+Wed Jan 3 11:36:51 2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (ruby_dup): start GC on ENOMEM as well.
+Tue Jan 2 10:29:54 2007 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c: fix to compile on YARV
+ ruby_errinfo -> rb_errinfo()
+Mon Jan 1 08:07:06 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: fix to compile on YARV
+ ruby_errinfo -> rb_errinfo(),
+ ruby_safe_level -> rb_safe_level().
+Mon Jan 1 07:57:17 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/drb/test_drbssl.rb: fix to skip drb tests.
+Mon Jan 1 06:13:11 2007 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/c_parser.rb: Make Rdoc accessible. Update constant
+ value information.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c: Update constant comments to provide
+ values for RDoc.
+Mon Jan 1 06:05:55 2007 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_c.rb (RDoc::C_Parser#handle_constants):
+ Allow RDoc comment to give friendly value for rb_define_const. Patch
+ by Daniel Berger <djberg96 at>, [ruby-patches-7499].
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_c.rb (RDoc::C_Parser#handle_constants): Fix
+ whitespace handling in constant comments.
+Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 2007 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * Merge YARV
+Sun Dec 31 16:22:48 2006 Eric Hodel <>
+ * array.c: Fix Array#reject.
+Sun Dec 31 00:46:25 2006 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date2.rb: removed.
+Sun Dec 31 00:15:13 2006 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb, lib/date/format.rb: updated based on date2 4.0.
+Sat Dec 30 04:38:23 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (enum_each_with_index): reuse array for yield parameters.
+ * enum.c (enum_min, enum_max): ditto.
+Sat Dec 30 04:25:29 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (enum_inject): reuse array for yield parameters.
+Sat Dec 30 02:54:22 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_gets): accepts limit argument.
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_readline, strio_each,
+ strio_readlines): ditto.
+Sat Dec 30 02:22:32 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_getline): add limit capability.
+ * io.c (rb_io_gets_m): accepts limit argument. [ruby-talk:231563]
+ * io.c (rb_io_readline, rb_io_readlines, rb_io_each_line, argf_getline):
+ ditto.
+ * io.c (appendline): add limit capability.
+ * io.c (rb_io_getline_fast, rb_io_getline): ditto.
+ * io.c (rb_io_getline): small refactoring for DRY.
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_foreach, rb_io_s_readlines): small refactoring.
+Thu Dec 28 15:27:38 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI::Cookie::initialize): use Array() again.
+ [ruby-core:09781]
+Wed Dec 27 20:52:32 2006 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: remove WIN32OLE::PROPERTY class.
+ * ext/win32ole/tests/testWIN32OLE.rb: ditto.
+Wed Dec 27 10:04:11 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_Array): returns 1-element array if the argument
+ does not have to_ary nor to_a.
+Tue Dec 26 21:02:14 2006 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * test/win32ole/test_folderitem2_invokeverb.rb: The argument
+ of Shell.NameSpace should not be file path.
+Tue Dec 26 06:13:08 2006 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c: remove useless method
+ BigDecimal#!=. [ruby-dev:30050]
+Thu Dec 21 15:37:17 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_slice_bang): rdoc description bug fixed.
+ [ruby-core:09754]
+Wed Dec 20 12:54:31 2006 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * Convert CVS repository to Subversion repository.
+Mon Dec 18 08:36:29 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI::Cookie::initialize): Array(string) no longer
+ works. [ruby-core:09738]
+Fri Dec 15 00:19:53 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (COMPILE_RULES): latter rule has higher priority.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): remove static library before update,
+ to get rid of sludge of Borland tlib.exe.
+Thu Dec 14 18:29:13 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c: NetBSD editline does not have
+ rl_username_completion_function() and rl_completion_matches().
+ a patch from Takahiro Kambe <taca at>.
+ [ruby-dev:30008]
+Thu Dec 14 18:20:43 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/irb/locale.rb (IRB::Locale::puts): typo fixed. a patch from
+ NAKAMURA Usaku <>. [ruby-dev:30012]
+Tue Dec 12 23:33:53 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (Switch#parse_arg, Switch#conv_arg): splat failures.
+Mon Dec 11 11:51:10 2006 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/sha2/lib/sha2.rb: Moved one level up from under
+ the superfluous subdirectory digest/.
+Mon Dec 11 11:46:18 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_define_const): typo fixed.
+Mon Dec 11 09:36:29 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_aset): index double decode problem.
+ [ruby-core:09695]
+Sat Dec 9 21:39:24 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_cleanup): keep the exception till after END blocks.
+ [ruby-core:09675]
+Sat Dec 9 11:22:00 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/irb/locale.rb (IRB::Locale::search_file): use File.exist?
+ instead of File.exists?. a patch from Yutaka Kanemoto
+ <kinpoco at> in [ruby-dev:30000].
+Fri Dec 8 18:11:18 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb: cannot put :nodoc: before method definition.
+ put after it.
+Fri Dec 8 17:00:13 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * bin/rdoc: use File.exist? instead of File.exists?.
+Thu Dec 7 23:50:21 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (Init_Object): new method Dir.exist?(path).
+ [ruby-core:09663]
+ * file.c (Init_File): remove File.exists?; use File.exist?
+ instead.
+ * file.c: rename functions to test_* to rb_file_*_p.
+Thu Dec 7 09:29:02 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/weakref.rb (WeakRef::__setobj__): should support
+ marshaling. [ruby-talk:228508]
+Wed Dec 6 23:58:36 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, (NULLCMD): moved for platforms that empty
+ command does not run. fixed: [ruby-dev:29994]
+ * win32/win32.c (init_stdhandle): redirect unopened IOs to NUL.
+ [ruby-core:09572]
+Tue Dec 5 19:01:42 2006 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * (SITE_DIR): fixed to empty RUBY_SITE_LIB in config.h on
+ NetBSD. fixed: [ruby-dev:29358]
+Tue Dec 5 18:38:21 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb (Matrix::rank): use quo method to avoid integer
+ division problem. [ruby-core:09644]
+ * lib/matrix.rb (Matrix::rank_e): ditto.
+Tue Dec 5 00:59:05 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-parse-partial): need to parse "/=" as
+ self assignment operator, not regex. [ruby-talk:227324]
+Tue Dec 5 00:19:14 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * intern.h, object.c, variable.c (rb_mod_constants): added an optional
+ flag to search ancestors, which is defaulted to true, as well as
+ const_defined? and const_get. [ruby-dev:29989]
+Mon Dec 4 23:49:28 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * instruby.rb (install_recursive): get rid of warning.
+ * lib/optparse.rb (CompletingHash#match): get rid of splat failure.
+Mon Dec 4 19:16:39 2006 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/lib/digest/hmac.rb: Do alias << update.
+Mon Dec 4 10:48:03 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.h (OFFT2NUM): use LONG2NUM() if sizeof(long) equals to
+ sizeof(off_t).
+Mon Dec 4 08:32:25 2006 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI::QueryExtension::read_multipart): should quote
+ boundary. JVN#84798830
+Sun Dec 3 16:16:53 2006 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/lib/digest/hmac.rb: Fix problems with update
+ timing. [Reported by:]
+Sat Dec 2 07:33:53 2006 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/httputils.rb (WEBrick::HTTPUtils::FormData::<<):
+ HTTPUtils::parse_header() takes a string. [ruby-dev:29931]
+ * lib/webrick/httputils.rb (WEBrick::HTTPUtils::parse_header):
+ String does no longer have each method.
+ * lib/webrick/httputils.rb (WEBrick::HTTPUtils::parse_form_data):
+ ditto.
+Sat Dec 2 07:09:04 2006 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ocsp.c: OpenSSL::OCSP::OSCPError should be
+ subclass of OpenSSL::OpenSSLError. [ruby-dev:29980]
+Fri Dec 1 16:31:53 2006 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: shouldn't run the killed thread at callback.
+ [ruby-talk: 227408]
+Tue Nov 28 17:25:11 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (ary_iter_check): should check modification (size
+ change) during iteration.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_initialize, rb_ary_shift, rb_ary_unshift,
+ rb_ary_splice, rb_ary_reverse, rb_ary_sort, rb_ary_delete,
+ rb_ary_delete_at, rb_ary_reject_bang, rb_ary_replace,
+ rb_ary_clear, rb_ary_fill, rb_ary_uniq_bang, rb_ary_compact,
+ rb_ary_shuffle): add iteration check.
+Mon Nov 27 09:00:15 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_ord): typo fixed. reported from Kornelius
+ Kalnbach <>. [ruby-core:09621]
+Sun Nov 26 16:36:46 2006 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * version.h: addition of RUBY_PATCHLEVEL.
+ * version.c: ditto.
+Wed Nov 22 16:00:49 2006 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/extconf.rb: support --with-X11/--without-X11 option.
+ * ext/tk/README.tcltklib: add description about --with-X11-* option
+ [ruby-talk:225166] and --with-X11/--without-X11 option.
+ * ext/tk/tkutil/extconf.rb: able to be called manually
+ [ruby-talk:225950].
+Sat Nov 18 23:39:20 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_tap): a new method. [ruby-talk:224013]
+Wed Nov 15 23:22:54 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (test_grpowned, rb_stat_grpowned): should honor
+ supplementary group IDs. [ruby-core:09546]
+Tue Nov 7 18:35:18 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (formal_assign): need to pack rest arg information in
+ argc.
+Tue Nov 7 18:05:01 2006 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/itemconfig.rb: minor bug fix.
+Tue Nov 7 17:52:08 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (rb_include_module): revert duplicate inclusion of
+ modules. [ruby-dev:29793]
+Tue Nov 7 17:18:11 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (method_missing): update old argument adjustment.
+Tue Nov 7 16:41:21 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (when_check): need to splat for NODE_ARGSCAT as well.
+ [ruby-dev:29860]
+Mon Nov 6 22:23:52 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (Init_String): remove duplicated definition of
+ Symbol#to_s.
+Mon Nov 6 18:54:13 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (svalue_to_avalue): need to splat but no error.
+ * eval.c: new macros - YIELD_CALL, YIELD_VALUES.
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_values): specify YIELD_VALUES.
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): use new macros.
+ * eval.c (proc_invoke): slightly modified to separate YIELD_CALL
+ * object.c (Init_Object): add nil.to_splat => [].
+Mon Nov 6 15:41:55 2006 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/itemconfig.rb: ext/tk/lib/tk/itemconfig.rb: bug
+ fix on 'itemconfiginfo' method, and modify to make it easy to
+ override 'itemconfiginfo' method.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/treeview.rb: support Tile 0.7.8.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/version.rb: [new] add Tk::Tkextlib_RELEASE_DATE
+ to get the information from scripts.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: load 'tkextlib/version.rb', and update RELEASE_DATE
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/SUPPORT_STATUS: update.
+ * ext/tk/sample/editable_listbox.rb: [new] the listbox with editable
+ items. It's one of the example about usage of Place geometry manager.
+ * ext/tk/sample/tktextio.rb: improve the functions of TkTextIO class.
+ Those are required by 'irbtkw.rbw'.
+ * ext/tk/sample/irbtkw.rbw: [new] IRB on Ruby/Tk. It doesn't need any
+ real console. IRB works on a text widget without I/O blocking. That
+ is, thread switching on IRB will work properly, even if on Windows.
+Mon Nov 6 00:42:05 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (arg_dup_check): vid may be nameless internal id.
+Sun Nov 5 19:52:19 2006 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb: updated based on date2 3.9.7.
+Sat Nov 4 13:09:31 2006 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb: accept NOMODSEQ. [ruby-core:9002]
+Fri Nov 3 00:16:37 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (ruby_getnameinfo__aix): AF_INET6 workaround
+ for AIX. a patch from Yutaka Kanemoto <kinpoco AT>.
+ [ruby-dev:29744]
+Thu Nov 2 14:19:44 2006 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/set.rb (Set#^): Fix XOR operation against a container that
+ holds duplicate values. [ruby-core:9372]
+Thu Nov 2 10:00:06 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c: class Symbol is no longer subclass of String. also
+ covers [ruby-core:09366]
+Thu Nov 2 08:21:07 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc/create.rb (XMLRPC::Create::conv2value): Symbol should
+ come earlier than String.
+ * lib/soap/mapping/rubytypeFactory.rb (RubytypeFactory::obj2soap):
+ ditto.
+ * lib/set.rb (TC_Set::test_s_new): strings are no longer
+ Enumerable
+ * lib/soap/property.rb (Property::load): ditto.
+ * lib/webrick/httputils.rb (WEBrick::HTTPUtils::parse_header): ditto.
+ * lib/soap/mimemessage.rb (MIMEMessage::Headers::parse): ditto.
+Thu Nov 2 09:08:04 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c: revert lfree shift/unshift boost patch to avoid unknown
+ memory error.
+Wed Nov 1 23:24:42 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.h (struct RArray): revert embedding ptr in RVALUE.
+ * array.c: ditto.
+Wed Nov 1 23:01:55 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (hash): use Bob Jenkins' hash algorithm.
+Wed Nov 1 02:22:31 2006 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/lib/digest/hmac.rb (Digest::HMAC::update): Minor
+ optimization.
+ * ext/digest/digest.c (rb_digest_instance_equal): Allow comparing
+ a digest instance with another of a different class.
+Wed Nov 1 01:05:13 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): fixed bug of zsuper with both of opt and rest.
+ fixed: [ruby-list:42928]
+Tue Oct 31 17:03:21 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_dup): duplicate the class of original time.
+ [ruby-core:09357]
+ * lib/time.rb (Time::make_time, Time::rfc2822, Time::httpdate):
+ should respect subclasses. [ruby-core:09357]
+Tue Oct 31 16:25:22 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (ary_shared_first): should address offset after
+ ary_shared_array(). [ruby-core:09358]
+Mon Oct 30 23:40:52 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (miniruby): add XLDFLAGS.
+ * (aix): use -bE option for miniruby. [ruby-dev:29698]
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): get rid of possible memory leak.
+ * win32/win32.c (cmdglob, rb_w32_cmdvector, rb_w32_opendir,
+ rb_w32_get_environ): not to use GC before initialization.
+Mon Oct 30 19:28:02 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big2str0): use better approximation.
+Mon Oct 30 18:35:33 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big2str0): wrong allocation length. a patch from
+ U.Nakamura <usa at> [ruby-dev:29710]
+Mon Oct 30 12:34:02 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): fix commit miss. [ruby-dev:29707]
+Mon Oct 30 11:15:40 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): should preserve leading zero
+ information for negative %b and %x. [ruby-talk:221347]
+Sun Oct 29 19:51:31 2006 K.Kosako <sndgk393 AT>
+ * regexec.c: invalid offset value was used in STATE_CHECK_BUFF_INIT().
+Sat Oct 28 20:13:18 2006 K.Kosako <sndgk393 AT>
+ * oniguruma.h: Version 4.4.5
+ * regint.h: ditto.
+ * regerror.c: ditto.
+ * regexec.c: ditto.
+ * regcomp.c ditto.
+ * regparse.c ditto.
+Sat Oct 28 07:56:13 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): missing break. [ruby-core:09345]
+Fri Oct 27 17:30:31 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enumerator.c (enum_each_cons): move RETURN_ENUMERATOR() after
+ argument check.
+Thu Oct 26 21:05:48 2006 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs7.c (ossl_pkcs7_verify): should clear error.
+ (fix
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ns_spki.c (ossl_spki_initialize): ditto.
+Thu Oct 26 15:23:47 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enumerator.c: remove by_slice and by_cons.
+Thu Oct 26 15:12:12 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/digest/digest.c (Init_digest): typo.
+Wed Oct 25 17:16:05 2006 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * test/digest/test_digest_hmac.rb: added.
+Wed Oct 25 16:34:31 2006 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/ make this script work again.
+Wed Oct 25 07:59:42 2006 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date/format.rb: updated based on date2 3.9.6.
+ [ruby-core:09323]
+Wed Oct 25 00:58:19 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/mkexports.rb, win32/resource.rb: use unique variable names.
+Tue Oct 24 19:18:53 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_by_slice): new method added.
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_by_cons): ditto.
+Tue Oct 24 18:56:13 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enumerator.c (enum_each_slice, enum_each_cons): returns
+ Enumerable::Enumerator if no block is given. [ruby-dev:29246]
+ * enumerator.c: remove methods: enum_with_index, enum_slice,
+ enum_cons. [ruby-dev:29246]
+Tue Oct 24 18:51:27 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (enum_zip): add RETURN_ENUMERATOR() to zip method.
+Mon Oct 23 04:30:04 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): use return value from proc given as the
+ second argument to Marshal#load() to allow value replacement in
+ the restoring data.
+Sun Oct 22 14:48:31 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * signal.c (Init_signal): avoid duplicated installation of SIGCHLD
+ handler.
+Sun Oct 22 16:47:56 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_substr): should be infected with only original
+ string, but not the shared string. fixed: [ruby-core:09152]
+ * string.c (rb_str_new4): keep shared string untainted when original
+ string is tainted. fixed: [ruby-dev:29672]
+Sun Oct 22 07:55:11 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_upcase, rb_str_downcase, rb_str_downcase,
+ rb_str_upcase_bang, rb_str_downcase_bang, rb_str_swapcase_bang):
+ add RDoc description that case conversion to be effective only
+ in ASCII region.
+Sun Oct 22 05:20:34 2006 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * alloca is broken; use C_ALLOCA instead.
+ [ruby-dev:29416]
+Sat Oct 21 17:50:40 2006 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/lib/digest.rb: Follow the framework updates.
+Fri Oct 20 22:00:43 2006 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/lib/digest/hmac.rb: Complete half-boiled updates.
+ * ext/digest/sha2/lib/digest/sha2.rb: Fix #initialize_clone().
+Fri Oct 20 20:28:37 2006 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest: Prefix C constants with RUBY_ and C type names with
+ rb_ to avoid name clash in writing extensions.
+ * ext/digest: Introduce Digest::Class and Digest::Instance for
+ ease of implementing subclasses and add-ons, inspired by
+ gotoyuzo.
+ * ext/digest: The Digest::Instance module now requires and assumes
+ that any instance be resettable and clonable, and add some
+ convenient instance methods such as "new()", for creating a new
+ copy, parameter taking "digest()" and "hexdigest()", for instant
+ calculation. These methods make digest instances work just like
+ digest classes.
+ * ext/digest/sha2/lib/digest/sha2.rb:
+ Add the Digest::SHA2 class to wrap up SHA2 variants: SHA256,
+ SHA384 and SHA512, hoping this module would make a decent
+ example of a digest subclass written in Ruby.
+ * ext/digest/lib/digest.rb: Adjust autoload entries for SHA2
+ classes.
+ * ext/digest/lib/digest/hmac.rb: Follow the framework updates.
+Fri Oct 20 10:47:43 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: fixed the bug of handling COMMON_MACROS.
+Fri Oct 20 08:42:38 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (NULLCMD): dummy command.
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub (post-install-*): Borland make cannot ignore
+ command-less double-colon rules. [ruby-dev:29676]
+Fri Oct 20 00:37:07 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub ($(LIBRUBY_SO)): execute pre-link hook.
+ * ext/extmk.rb: workaround for Borland make.
+Wed Oct 18 23:02:40 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_shift): shorten copy size. fixed: [ruby-list:42907]
+ * signal.c (Init_signal): handle SIGTERM. fixed: [ruby-list:42895]
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_utime): allow NULL to set the current time.
+ [ruby-talk:219248]
+Wed Oct 18 13:25:50 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_each_line): String#lines now works when a block
+ is given. in other words, lines become an alias to each_line.
+ [ruby-core:09218]
+ * string.c (rb_str_each_byte): ditto for bytes in place of lines.
+Wed Oct 18 00:55:33 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): use particular enums. [ruby-core:09221]
+Tue Oct 17 22:03:08 2006 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/erb.rb: String#each was removed, use #each_line instead.
+Tue Oct 17 12:27:32 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (ary_shared_array): should set NOEMBED flag for a copied
+ array.
+Tue Oct 17 08:04:31 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_lines): now takes optional argument for the
+ line separator.
+ * io.c (rb_io_lines, rb_io_bytes): new methods.
+Mon Oct 16 23:33:18 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_unshift_m): a bug in lfree shift length
+ calculation.
+Mon Oct 16 08:30:43 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * mkconfig.rb: *OBJS are not needed for extension libraries.
+ * {bcc32,wince,win32}/Makefile.sub (config.status): fixed typo,
+ missing comma.
+Mon Oct 16 00:44:26 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): execute block if given with unpacked value
+ instead of creating an array. an idea from Tim Bray.
+Sun Oct 15 01:03:08 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit/collector/dir.rb (Collector::Dir#collect): append base
+ directory but not prepend.
+ * lib/test/unit/collector/dir.rb (Collector::Dir#collect_file): do not
+ join with dot. fixed: [ruby-core:09179]
+Sat Oct 14 23:39:50 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (singleton): no need to re-create NODE_SELF() again.
+ [ruby-core:09177]
+Sat Oct 14 23:25:31 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (parser_warning, parser_warn): some error message may
+ contain format specifiers. a patch from Akinori MUSHA <knu at
+>. [ruby-dev:29657]
+ * regparse.c (onig_rb_warning, onig_rb_warn): ditto.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (VpException): ditto.
+ * ext/dl/handle.c (rb_dlhandle_initialize): ditto.
+ * ext/gdbm/gdbm.c (rb_gdbm_fatal): ditto.
+Sat Oct 14 08:15:42 2006 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/digest.c, ext/digest/digest.h,
+ ext/digest/md5/md5init.c, ext/digest/rmd160/rmd160init.c,
+ ext/digest/sha1/sha1init.c, ext/digest/sha2/sha2init.c:
+ Introduce API versioning.
+ * ext/digest/digest.c, ext/digest/digest.h,
+ ext/digest/md5/md5init.c, ext/digest/rmd160/rmd160init.c,
+ ext/digest/sha1/sha1init.c, ext/digest/sha2/sha2init.c: Remove
+ the constants DIGEST_LENGTH and BLOCK_LENGTH and turn them into
+ instance methods digest_length() and block_length(). Class
+ methods with the same names are also provided, which take extra
+ parameters for a digest method.
+ * ext/digest/lib/digest/hmac.rb: Completely redesign the somewhat
+ bizarre API, now that Digest classes can take hashing
+ parameters.
+Sat Oct 14 05:54:05 2006 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/digest.c: Improve RDoc documentation further more.
+Sat Oct 14 04:33:33 2006 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/digest.c: Improve RDoc documentation.
+ * ext/digest/digest.c (Init_digest, rb_digest_base_s_digest,
+ rb_digest_base_s_hexdigest): Make Digest::Base::digest() and
+ Digest::Base::hexdigest() take extra arguments, which are passed
+ through to the constructor in an internal call.
+ * ext/digest/bubblebabble/bubblebabble.c
+ (rb_digest_base_s_bubblebabble): Ditto for
+ Digest::Base::bubblebabble().
+Sat Oct 14 00:55:08 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub (post-install-ext): no longer needed.
+ * bcc32/configure.bat: get rid of a quirk of Borland make, which
+ sets empty macro in command line to "1".
+Fri Oct 13 22:49:02 2006 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb: updated based on date2 3.9.5.
+Fri Oct 13 21:00:01 2006 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/lib/digest.rb (Digest): Try to auto-load non-standard
+ digest modules when a specified digest class is missing.
+ * ext/digest/lib/digest.rb: Define Digest(name) for ease of
+ dynamically selecting a hashing algorithm.
+Fri Oct 13 20:53:37 2006 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/digest.c (Init_digest): does no
+ longer take an initial string to feed. This change allows
+ subclasses to take hashing parameters. A statement such as
+ ``md ='' can be easily rewritten as
+ ``md = << s'' or
+ ``md =''.
+Fri Oct 13 20:51:55 2006 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/digest.c, ext/digest/md5/md5init.c,
+ ext/digest/rmd160/rmd160init.c, ext/digest/sha1/sha1init.c,
+ ext/digest/sha2/sha2init.c: Add RDoc documentation.
+ * ext/digest/digest.txt, ext/digest/digest.txt.ja: Removed in
+ favor of embedded RDoc documentation.
+Fri Oct 13 20:38:12 2006 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/bubblebabble, ext/digest/digest.c: Rip BubbleBabble
+ support out of the base class and have a separate module named
+ digest/bubblebabble.
+Fri Oct 13 19:53:59 2006 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/digest.c (rb_digest_base_equal): Again, should call
+ digest() of a subclass instead of the one defined in the base
+ class.
+Fri Oct 13 18:19:31 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c: Class#inherited RDoc added. a patch from Daniel
+ Berger <djberg96 at> [ruby-core:08942]
+Fri Oct 13 02:42:00 2006 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/digest.c (rb_digest_base_equal): Should call digest()
+ of a subclass instead of the one defined in the base class.
+Fri Oct 13 02:30:12 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit/collector/dir.rb (Collector::Dir#collect): prepend
+ base directory to load path.
+ * lib/test/unit/collector/dir.rb (Collector::Dir#collect_file): should
+ use the given File-like interface, but not File directly.
+ * test/testunit/collector/test_dir.rb (TestDir::FileSystem): implement
+ File-like methods correctly.
+Fri Oct 13 01:48:42 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/date.rb (Date::self.complete_hash): need to check if g is
+ nil before dereference. [ruby-core:09116]
+Fri Oct 13 01:05:58 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_partition): RDoc update. a patch from
+ Mauricio Fernandez <mfp at>. [ruby-core:09160]
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_compare_by_id): ditto.
+Fri Oct 13 00:34:26 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_mod_cvar_defined): wrong id check. a patch from
+ Mauricio Fernandez <mfp at>. [ruby-core:09158]
+ * object.c (rb_mod_cvar_get): typo fixed. [ruby-core:09168]
+ * object.c (rb_mod_cvar_set): ditto.
+Thu Oct 12 22:58:11 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_compare_by_id): somehow we lost renaming from
+ Hash#identical. [ruby-core:09163]
+Thu Oct 12 18:25:40 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c (cbsubst_table_setup): need to handle new
+ character literal (1 char string).
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: shut up some warnings from tk's extconf.rb.
+Thu Oct 12 02:15:24 2006 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/lib/digest/hmac.rb: Make use of String#bytes.
+Thu Oct 12 02:12:31 2006 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/digest.c (get_digest_base_metadata): Use an instance
+ variable of a class object instead of a class variable for
+ metadata. This change is only crucial for ruby 1.8 because
+ class variables are inherited to subclasses prior to 1.9, but
+ applying it also to 1.9 will assure compatibilities.
+ * ext/digest/md5/md5init.c (Init_md5): Ditto.
+ * ext/digest/rmd160/rmd160init.c (Init_rmd160): Ditto.
+ * ext/digest/sha1/sha1init.c (Init_sha1): Ditto.
+ * ext/digest/sha2/sha2init.c (Init_sha2): Ditto.
+Wed Oct 11 21:36:47 2006 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/digest.c (rb_digest_base_alloc,
+ rb_digest_base_equal): Simplify the equality check and just
+ compare resulted digests since state-level equality should
+ not be so significant.
+ * ext/digest/digest.h: Ditto.
+ * ext/digest/*/*.[ch]: Ditto.
+Wed Oct 11 17:11:03 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_obj_define_method): add half boiled RDoc document.
+Wed Oct 11 16:57:46 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_replace): should shift lfree pointer before
+ calling xfree.
+Wed Oct 11 15:07:42 2006 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/lib/digest/hmac.rb: Add digest/hmac, which implements
+ HMAC keyed-hashing algorithm.
+Wed Oct 11 15:03:55 2006 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/digest.c (rb_digest_base_reset): Do not make
+ recursive calls, but call initialize() when reset() is not
+ defined in a subclass.
+Wed Oct 11 14:56:10 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/digest/sha1/sha1ossl.h: libssl 0.9.8c-3 defines no
+Wed Oct 11 14:03:31 2006 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/digest.c (rb_digest_base_reset, Init_digest): Add
+ Digest::Base#reset.
+ * ext/digest/digest.h: Update the header comment.
+ * ext/digest/md5/md5ossl.h, ext/digest/md5/md5init.c (Init_md5):
+ * ext/digest/rmd160/rmd160init.c (Init_rmd160): Ditto.
+ * ext/digest/sha1/sha1init.c (Init_sha1): Ditto.
+ * ext/digest/sha2/sha2init.c (Init_sha2): Ditto.
+ * ext/digest/depend, ext/digest/extconf.rb: Use $INSTALLFILES
+ rather than adding make targets. [Pointed out by: nobu]
+Tue Oct 10 16:39:08 2006 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/digest.c (hexdigest_str_new, bubblebabble_str_new):
+ Perform StringValue() checks properly.
+Tue Oct 10 13:21:21 2006 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/sha1/depend, ext/digest/sha2/depend: Remove obsolete
+ dependencies.
+Mon Oct 9 23:46:29 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/parsedate.rb: documentation patch from Konrad Meyer
+ <>. [ruby-doc:1238]
+ * lib/open3.rb, lib/ping.rb: ditto.
+Mon Oct 9 23:40:58 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb, lib/fileutils.rb, lib/mkmf.rb, lib/optparse.rb,
+ lib/shellwords.rb: get rid of shadowing outer local variable.
+Mon Oct 9 22:56:12 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/rexml/encoding.rb (REXML::Encoding::check_encoding): spaces
+ are allowed around equal sign. [ruby-core:09032]
+ * lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb (REXML::Parsers::BaseParser): ditto.
+Mon Oct 9 01:56:34 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_obj_define_method): add new method
+ Kernel#define_singleton_method. [ruby-list:42851]
+Sat Oct 7 23:53:08 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_scan): small documentation fix.
+ [ruby-core:09007]
+Sat Oct 7 23:44:33 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_rshift): a bug in right shift of negative
+ bignums. [ruby-core:09020]
+Sat Oct 7 23:33:02 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (formal_assign): packed post splat arguments may conflict
+ with normal arguments. [ruby-core:09021]
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): ditto.
+Sat Oct 7 11:53:04 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (rb_mod_initialize): since module_eval no longer passes
+ self, use module_exec instead. fixed: [ruby-dev:29637]
+Sat Oct 7 00:27:58 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c (rb_include_module): remove unnecessary check.
+ [ruby-talk:218402]
+Fri Oct 6 15:19:59 2006 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/depend: Fix header installation when the build
+ directory is different from srcdir. [Pointed out by: eban]
+Fri Oct 6 09:56:31 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * {bcc32,win32,wince}/Makefile.sub (config.status): shouldn't use
+ copy command instead of install. use -run install.
+Fri Oct 6 06:53:46 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): small refactoring.
+ * parse.y (bparam_item): fixed bugs in handling parenthesized LHS.
+Fri Oct 6 04:47:07 2006 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/depend: Install digest.h.
+Fri Oct 6 04:27:40 2006 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/lib/md5.rb, ext/digest/lib/sha1.rb: Remove those
+ compatibility stub libraries.
+ * sample/openssl/c_rehash.rb: Use digest/md5 instead of obsolete md5.
+Fri Oct 6 04:09:51 2006 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/digest.c: Make hexdigest() always call digest() internally.
+ * ext/digest/digest.c: Add bubblebabble().
+Fri Oct 6 02:38:42 2006 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/digest.c: Allow subclassing in Ruby.
+Fri Oct 6 02:06:10 2006 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/digest.c (hexdigest_str_new): Add a string size check.
+Thu Oct 5 19:28:35 2006 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/digest.[ch]: Since the argument order of
+ hash_final_func_t was inconsistent with others, change it and
+ rename to hash_finish_func_t to avoid confusion.
+ * ext/digest/digest.[ch]: Remove and eliminate the use of
+ hash_end_func_t. Implement hexdigest conversion in the base
+ class.
+ * ext/digest/md5/md5.c, ext/digest/md5/md5.h,
+ ext/digest/md5/md5init.c, ext/digest/md5/md5ossl.c,
+ ext/digest/md5/md5ossl.h: Remove MD5_End() and change
+ MD5_Final() to MD5_Finish().
+ * ext/digest/rmd160/depend, ext/digest/rmd160/extconf.rb,
+ ext/digest/rmd160/rmd160.c, ext/digest/rmd160/rmd160.h,
+ ext/digest/rmd160/rmd160hl.c, ext/digest/rmd160/rmd160init.c,
+ ext/digest/rmd160/rmd160ossl.c, ext/digest/rmd160/rmd160ossl.h:
+ Remove unused functions RMD160_End(), RMD160_File(),
+ RMD160_Data() and change RMD160_Final() to RMD160_Finish().
+ * ext/digest/sha1/extconf.rb, ext/digest/sha1/sha1.c,
+ ext/digest/sha1/sha1.h, ext/digest/sha1/sha1hl.c,
+ ext/digest/sha1/sha1init.c, ext/digest/sha1/sha1ossl.c,
+ ext/digest/sha1/sha1ossl.h: Likewise.
+ * ext/digest/sha2/extconf.rb, ext/digest/sha2/sha2.c,
+ ext/digest/sha2/sha2.h, ext/digest/sha2/sha2hl.c,
+ ext/digest/sha2/sha2init.c: Likewise.
+Wed Oct 4 18:47:25 2006 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/*: bugfix and update
+ (see ext/tk/ChangeLog.tkextlib).
+Wed Oct 4 17:25:14 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call): check protected visibility based on real self,
+ not ruby_frame->self. [ruby-talk:217822]
+Wed Oct 4 15:46:32 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (block_param): should interpret single parenthesized
+ left hand side expression.
+Wed Oct 4 08:52:30 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/optparse/test_getopts.rb: changed the class name of test case
+ to get rid of conflict with test_optparse.rb.
+Tue Oct 3 21:04:29 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (dyna_in_block): inline using macro.
+ * parse.y (mlhs): simplifies the rule a bit.
+ * parse.y (block_param): restrict block parameters to be local
+ variables only.
+ * test/ruby/test_iterator.rb (TestIterator::test_nested_iterator):
+ update test suite to conform the last change.
+Tue Oct 3 02:31:13 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (splat_value): use "to_splat" instead of "to_ary" to
+ prepare splat values as an array.
+ * array.c (Init_Array): define to_splat.
+ * range.c (range_to_splat): new method.
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_to_splat): ditto.
+Tue Oct 3 01:36:47 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_lines): returns an Enumerator instead of an
+ array of lines.
+ * string.c (rb_str_bytes): a new method.
+Mon Oct 2 23:47:55 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit/autorunner.rb (Test::Unit::AutoRunner::COLLECTORS):
+ base directory should be lower precedence. fixed: [ruby-dev:29622]
+ * lib/test/unit/autorunner.rb (Test::Unit::AutoRunner#options): typo.
+ * lib/test/unit/collector/dir.rb (Test::Unit::Collector::Dir#collect_file):
+ load expanded path. fixed: [ruby-dev:29621]
+Mon Oct 2 15:47:55 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * instruby.rb: batfile should be CRLF'ed.
+Mon Oct 2 01:24:26 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (test-all): separate directory where running test cases
+ from source tree.
+ * lib/test/unit/autorunner.rb (options): added --basedir, --workdir
+ and --load-path options.
+ * lib/test/unit/collector/dir.rb (recursive_collect, collect_file):
+ base directory support.
+Sun Oct 1 23:56:52 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *,, ext/extmk.rb, win{32,ce}/ keep
+ LIBRUBY_SO unless need to be removed.
+Sun Oct 1 23:12:19 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser#make_switch): pass arguments directly.
+Sat Sep 30 15:11:26 2006 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb, lib/date/format.rb: updated based on date2 3.9.4.
+Fri Sep 29 13:18:24 2006 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/lib/digest.rb (Digest): Require and fix the
+ breakage. Point out by NAKAMURA Usaku in [ruby-dev:29619].
+Fri Sep 29 12:11:04 2006 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * jcode.rb (succ!): call original succ! if $KCODE == 'n'.
+ fixed: [ruby-talk:216845]
+Fri Sep 29 11:43:40 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (try_func): revert fallback checking undeclared function.
+ fixed: [ruby-core:08949]
+Fri Sep 29 09:56:56 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb: extout is needed for also clean.
+ fixed: [ruby-core:08944]
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser::Switch#conv_arg): unsplat by
+ Proc#call if no conversion is given.
+Thu Sep 28 23:59:31 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * node.h (struct thread): declare win32_exception_list on cygwin and
+ win32 regardless if it is implemented. Provisional fix for
+ [ruby-core:08917].
+Thu Sep 28 20:49:20 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/tmpdir.rb: use return value of for length.
+Wed Sep 27 22:08:16 2006 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/md5/md5init.c (Init_md5): Now that we have digest.rb,
+ require "digest" rather than "".
+ * ext/digest/rmd160/rmd160init.c (Init_rmd160): Ditto.
+ * ext/digest/sha1/sha1init.c (Init_sha1): Ditto.
+ * ext/digest/sha2/sha2init.c (Init_sha2): Ditto.
+Wed Sep 27 21:21:08 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_startwith): rename startwith? to start_with?,
+ endwith? to endwith?, respectively. [ruby-talk:216685]
+Wed Sep 27 13:29:01 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI::TagMaker::nOE_element_def): replace to_s by
+ join. some other methods as well. [ruby-dev:29613]
+Wed Sep 27 01:04:49 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (try_func): check function pointer first and macro next.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (have_type): simplified with typedef and sizeof.
+Wed Sep 27 00:08:12 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_shift): shift/unshift performance boost patch,
+ based on the patch from Eric Mahurin <eric_mahurin at>.
+ [ruby-core:05861]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_unshift_m): ditto.
+ * array.c (ary_make_shared): ditto.
+ * array.c (RESIZE_CAPA): ditto.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_free): new function to free memory. code moved
+ from gc.c.
+ * string.c (rb_str_free): ditto.
+Tue Sep 26 23:57:03 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser#getopts): use strings as key.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:29614]
+Tue Sep 26 15:29:55 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * {win32,wince}/Makefile.sub (CPP): check predefined value.
+Tue Sep 26 07:55:16 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_shift): should not move memory region if array
+ body is shared. a patch from Kent Sibilev <ksruby at>.
+ [ruby-core:08922]
+Mon Sep 25 23:10:46 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dir.c (rb_push_glob): need not to check by FilePathValue().
+ [ruby-dev:29599]
+ * dir.c (dir_globs): ditto.
+Mon Sep 25 22:26:26 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_path_end): skip root directory. fixed: [ruby-core:08913]
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (rm_f): get rid of NUL.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (init_mkmf): set default $LDFLAGS. Patch by Michal
+ Suchanek <hramrach at>. [ruby-talk:216256]
+Mon Sep 25 15:06:18 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sample/test.rb: "print nil" now prints empty string.
+ * test/ruby/test_system.rb (TestSystem::test_system): ditto.
+Mon Sep 25 11:26:25 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (recursive_hash): remove unused local variable.
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): ditto.
+ * parse.y (rb_gc_mark_symbols): fix unmatched prototype .
+ * file.c (rb_get_path): check NUL byte in the path string.
+Mon Sep 25 08:14:43 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_shift): should clear shifting top element.
+ [ruby-talk:216055]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_shift): avoid creating shared object if array
+ size is small.
+Mon Sep 25 08:11:35 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * random.c (rb_f_rand): RDoc typo fix. a patch from Frederick
+ Cheung <fred at>. [ruby-talk:216047]
+Sun Sep 24 21:19:24 2006 Guy Decoux <>
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_children): NODE_POSTEXE holds Ruby VALUE.
+ [ruby-core:08912]
+Sun Sep 24 22:28:20 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * runruby.rb: extension library scripts moved into common directory.
+Sun Sep 24 12:10:04 2006 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb, lib/date/format.rb: updated based on date2 3.9.3.
+Sun Sep 24 06:55:36 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_print): no special handling for nil as well as puts.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:29586]
+Sun Sep 24 06:25:53 2006 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_save_context, rb_thread_restore_context):
+ sandbox hook to save and restore sandbox state.
+ * eval.c (thread_no_ensure): added THREAD_NO_ENSURE thread flag.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_kill_bang): Thread#kill! uses the above flag
+ to circumvent ensure, in order to prevent endless loops.
+ contributed by MenTaLguY. [ruby-core:08768]
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_kill): fix Thread#kill docs, which returns
+ the thread object in all cases.
+ * node.h: expose the rb_jmpbuf_t and rb_thread_t structs, along
+ with the thread flags. used by the sandbox extension.
+ * ruby.h: extern rb_eThreadError, so sandbox can swap it.
+Sat Sep 23 21:34:15 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI::QueryExtension::read_multipart): CGI content
+ may be empty. a patch from Jamis Buck <jamis at>.
+Sat Sep 23 20:54:28 2006 K.Kosako <sndgk393 AT>
+ * oniguruma.h: Version 4.4.4
+ * regexec.c: ditto.
+ * regcomp.c ditto.
+Sat Sep 23 08:35:53 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/ri_options.rb: prevent NameError. [ruby-dev:29597]
+Sat Sep 23 01:02:57 2006 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb, lib/date/format.rb: updated based on date2 3.9.2.
+Fri Sep 22 18:07:17 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_partition): no need to call rb_call_super(),
+ since String is no longer includes Enumerable.
+Fri Sep 22 17:33:29 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_eql): new method to be used by Hash.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_hash): ditto.
+Fri Sep 22 06:53:22 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_hash): use rb_memhash().
+ * numeric.c (flo_hash): simplified. klass need not to affect
+ resulting hash value.
+Fri Sep 22 02:06:26 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * .cvsignore: ignore timestamp files and installed list file.
+Fri Sep 22 01:36:34 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * instruby.rb: include FileUtils unconditionally.
+Fri Sep 22 00:36:05 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (Init_Numeric): fix_odd_p and fix_even_p are for Fixnum.
+ patch from Ondrej Bilka <neleai at>. [ruby-core:08904]
+Thu Sep 21 22:56:20 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (no-install): not install rdoc actually.
+ * (install-doc, no-install-doc): use instruby.rb.
+ * instruby.rb: rdoc installation.
+ * ext/extmk.rb: expand ruby executable names.
+Thu Sep 21 20:19:22 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_new3): embed shorter strings more eagerly.
+Thu Sep 21 17:44:49 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_startwith): a new method to check if a string
+ starts with given prefix.
+ * string.c (rb_str_endwith): the opposite of String#startwith?.
+Thu Sep 21 16:29:02 2006 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * rubytest.rb: use each_line instead of each.
+Thu Sep 21 15:06:24 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (int_odd_p): a new method to check even or odd.
+ [RCR#337]
+ * numeric.c (int_even_p): ditto.
+Thu Sep 21 13:55:07 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (etc_getpwuid): uid integer should be wrapped in
+ uid_t value. [ruby-core:08897]
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (etc_getpwuid): uid_t may be bigger than plain
+ 'int' type.
+Thu Sep 21 10:07:09 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_partition): RDoc typo fixed. [ruby-core:08898]
+ * string.c (rb_str_rpartition): fixed separation seek bug.
+Thu Sep 21 09:38:12 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_lines): new method to split a string into lines.
+ * string.c (Init_String): Strings are no longer Enumerable. use
+ each_line or lines method explicitly.
+ * string.c (Init_String): remove each method. use each_lines.
+Wed Sep 20 23:17:41 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (pre-install-doc): create data directory before install.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (dir_re): fixed typo.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (install_dirs): remove extra slash.
+Wed Sep 20 22:41:45 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_mul): typo again. patch from Tadashi Saito
+ <shiba at>. fixed: [ruby-core:08893]
+Wed Sep 20 19:32:06 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_partition): a new method to separate the string
+ by a separator. taken from Python 2.5.
+ * string.c (rb_str_rpartition): ditto.
+Wed Sep 20 09:49:40 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * {bcc32,win32,wince}/Makefile.sub (INSTALLED_LIST): need to define
+ this macro to install.
+Wed Sep 20 09:43:10 2006 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb: allow extra spaces in responses.
+ Thanks, Tom Soderlund.
+Wed Sep 20 09:25:39 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/gdbm/gdbm.c: add RDoc documentation. a patch from Peter
+ Adolphs <futzilogik at users dot sourceforge dot net>.
+ [ruby-doc:1223]
+Tue Sep 19 00:42:15 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_ivar_defined, rb_mod_cvar_defined): new methods,
+ Kernel#instance_variable_defined? and Module#class_variable_defined?.
+ [ruby-dev:29587]
+ * lib/date/format.rb (Date::Bag#method_missing): use new method,
+ instance_variable_defined? to check if an instance variable is
+ defined. fixed: [ruby-dev:29554]
+ -- This didn't fix anything.
+Tue Sep 19 00:07:17 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (sym_eql): fail early to gain performance.
+ * string.c (sym_hash): cache hash value in aux.shared if possible.
+ * gc.c (rb_obj_id): no need to treat symbols specially.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils::FileUtils): singleton_methods() no
+ longer return an array of strings, but of symbols.
+ * lib/delegate.rb (DelegateClass): ditto.
+Mon Sep 18 15:29:21 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dir.c (dir_s_glob): restore GC protection volatile variable.
+ [ruby-dev:29588]
+ * re.c (rb_reg_regcomp): ditto.
+Mon Sep 18 12:16:48 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_mul): get rid of shift overflow.
+Mon Sep 18 10:47:49 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dir.c (dir_s_glob): remove unused variable.
+ * math.c (math_log): ditto.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_regcomp): ditto.
+ * eval.c (break_jump): ditto.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_yield_0): remove unused function.
+Sun Sep 17 23:44:58 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb (RDoc::RDoc#document): scan only files modified
+ after the previous generation.
+Sun Sep 17 17:42:13 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (install-doc): reverted.
+ * instruby.rb: stores file name list without destdir prefix.
+ * lib/rdoc/generators/ri_generator.rb: do not chdir twice.
+Sun Sep 17 10:42:10 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_mul): fixed typo. fixed: [ruby-core:08885]
+Sat Sep 16 19:47:16 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * README.EXT: should mention new macros: RSTRING_PTR, RSTRING_LEN,
+ * README.EXT.ja: ditto.
+Sat Sep 16 16:39:23 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *,, instruby.rb, ext/extmk.rb, lib/mkmf.rb:
+ use instruby.rb to install extensions instead of ext/extmk.rb.
+ * instruby.rb: store installed list into the file.
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb: allow multiple candidates for dbm-type.
+ * ext/io/wait/extconf.rb: suspicious checking_for.
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (establishShell): parent pid is not used.
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (freeDevice): not used.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (checking_for): improved the messages.
+Sat Sep 16 11:03:49 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (ary_shared_first): should create embedded copies
+ instead of sharing memory region for smaller arrays.
+Sat Sep 16 09:37:39 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * struct.c (inspect_struct): do not display a class name for
+ anonymous struct. The member fields are sufficient.
+Fri Sep 15 20:22:15 2006 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-8/nkf.c: imported nkf 2.0.8 rev.110.
+ * Fix: check_bom cuts \xfe\xff\xXX\xXX of UTF-32LE.
+ * Add support --ic=UTF-32.
+ * Fix: can't guess UTF-16 and UTF-32.
+ * Fix: can't decode beyond BMP of UTF-16LE.
+ * ext/nkf/nkf.c (guess): Support UTF-32.
+ * ext/nkf/lib/kconv.rb (kconv): Support UTF-32.
+ * ext/nkf/lib/kconv.rb (to_utf32): new method.
+Fri Sep 15 05:23:24 2006 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-8/nkf.c: imported nkf 2.0.8 2006-09-15.
+ Add support for U+10000 - U+10FFFF
+ Add support UTF-32
+Fri Sep 15 00:03:07 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/digest/lib/digest.rb (Digest::Base.file): open a file in binary
+ mode. suggested by Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA. [ruby-dev:29579]
+Thu Sep 14 17:21:07 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_mul): avoid bignum multiplication as far as
+ possible. a patch from Ondrej Bilka <neleai at>.
+ [ruby-core:08825]
+Thu Sep 14 16:34:55 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_intern): allow zero length symbols.
+ [ruby-core:08861]
+Thu Sep 14 16:11:15 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_intern): raise SecurityError only when $SAFE
+ level is greater than zero. [ruby-core:08862]
+ * parse.y (rb_interned_p): new function to check if a string is
+ already interned.
+ * string.c (str_to_id): use rb_str_intern().
+Thu Sep 14 14:37:45 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/digest/lib/digest.rb (Digest::Base.file): new method.
+ [ruby-dev:29572]
+Thu Sep 14 08:30:02 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/digest/digest.c (rb_digest_base_inspect): new method.
+ [ruby-dev:29573]
+Thu Sep 14 01:13:56 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * gc.c (ruby_init_stack): decrease "stack level too deep" in Windows.
+ [ruby-dev:29569]
+Thu Sep 14 01:02:25 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/digest/lib/digest.rb: new file.
+ [ruby-dev:28689]
+Wed Sep 13 18:43:05 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * README.EXT: English adjustment. [ruby-core:08851] and
+ [ruby-core:08852]
+Wed Sep 13 18:25:18 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-parse-partial): better here-doc support.
+ a patch from Marshall T. Vandegrift <llasram at>.
+ [ruby-core:08804]
+Wed Sep 13 16:43:36 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_intern): prohibit interning tainted string.
+Wed Sep 13 01:14:02 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser#getopts): works with pre-registered
+ options. [ruby-core:08826]
+Tue Sep 12 03:58:39 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_compare_by_identity): rename Hash#identical to
+ Hash#compare_by_identity.
+Mon Sep 11 16:52:37 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_identical): a new method to make a hash to
+ compare keys by their identity.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_identical_p): new method to tell if a hash is
+ identical or not.
+ * st.c (st_numcmp, st_numhash): export hash type functions.
+Mon Sep 11 11:42:21 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/rexml/source.rb (REXML::Source::encoding): should not
+ convert the body twice. [ruby-core:08828]
+ * lib/rexml/encoding.rb (REXML::Encoding::encoding):
+ Encoding#encoding= to return boolean value to tell if the body
+ is really converted or not.
+ * lib/rexml/encoding.rb (REXML::Encoding::encoding): Specific
+ conversion library (e.g. rexml/encodings/UTF-16.rb) to have
+ higher preceding.
+ * lib/rexml/encodings/UTF-16.rb (REXML::Encoding::decode_utf16):
+ UTF-16#decode_utf16 should work strings without BOM.
+Mon Sep 11 07:39:44 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (sym_equal): "sym == str" should compare them as
+ strings. [ruby-dev:29554]
+Sun Sep 10 22:59:43 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * instruby.rb (parse_args): remove splat.
+Sun Sep 10 20:25:30 2006 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb, lib/date/format.rb: updated based on date2 3.9.1.
+Sun Sep 10 09:41:29 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c: ISPRINT() needs ctype.h
+Sun Sep 10 09:19:47 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb: splat parsed arguments.
+Tue Jan 10 09:18:03 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_require_safe): prevent extension from loading twice.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:29523]
+Sat Sep 9 23:55:28 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (rb_f_test): test(0) should not have any special
+ meaning. [ruby-dev:29425]
+ * file.c (rb_f_test): properer error message.
+Sat Sep 9 14:08:38 2006 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/test/unit/testcase.rb (Test::Unit::TestCase#run): Rescue
+ Exception in Test::Unit::TestCase#run. [ruby-core:08783]
+Sat Sep 9 04:55:59 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/pstore.rb: open all in binary mode, and get rid of the quirk of
+ msvcrt. fixed: [ruby-dev:29518]
+Sat Sep 9 04:47:45 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, win32/Makefile.sub (MINIRUBY): append MINIRUBYOPT.
+ * mkconfig.rb, ext/extmk.rb, lib/mkmf.rb, win32/mkexports.rb: suppress
+ warnings with $VERBOSE.
+ * win32/resource.rb: only file which has more than one icon is DLL.
+Fri Sep 8 16:53:30 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_alloc): should allocate a String object, even when
+ asked to allocate a Symbol object. [ruby-dev:29529]
+Fri Sep 8 16:36:27 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): follow Array#to_s.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): ditto.
+ * win32/resource.rb: ditto.
+Fri Sep 8 10:00:12 2006 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/cookie.rb (WEBrick::Cookie.parse_set_cookies): new
+ method to parse multiple cookies per Set-Cookie header.
+ Thanks to Aaron Patterson <aaron_patterson at>.
+ [ruby-core:08802]
+Fri Sep 8 08:59:30 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub, win32/configure.bat win32/setup.mak: program
+ name transform.
+Fri Sep 8 08:25:39 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb: suppress `assigning void value' warning.
+Fri Sep 8 01:16:34 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (Init_Array): #to_s to be an alias to #inspect.
+ [ruby-dev:29520]
+ * hash.c (Init_Hash): ditto.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): replace "print array" by
+ "print *array".
+ * mkconfig.rb: ditto.
+Thu Sep 7 21:02:56 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (nil_to_s): returns the empty string again.
+ [ruby-dev:29520]
+Thu Sep 7 23:27:05 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (path_check_0, fpath_check): disable path check on cygwin.
+ [ruby-talk:213074]
+Thu Sep 7 02:03:45 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_to_s): adopt new date format using digits
+ e.g. "2006-09-07 02:03:45 +9000".
+Thu Sep 7 01:54:22 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (sym_equal): override. check equivalence.
+Wed Sep 6 13:25:04 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (symbols_i): need to initialize early-created symbols.
+ [ruby-dev:29496]
+Wed Sep 6 12:05:19 2006 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/lib/kconv.rb (Kconv::toeuc): remove -m0 [ruby-dev:29505]
+Tue Sep 5 22:06:43 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: use rb_ary_new3() since RARRAY_LEN() is not l-value.
+ * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: use RARRAY_PTR() and RARRAY_LEN() and etc.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:29473]
+Tue Sep 5 06:47:22 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * time.c (time_to_s): variable declaration after an execution
+ statement.
+Tue Sep 5 05:49:41 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (path_check_0): check if sticky bit is set on parent
+ directories for executable path. fixed: [ruby-dev:29415]
+Tue Sep 5 05:03:46 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_plus): addition in Fixnum will never overflow
+ long. a patch from Ondrej Bilka <neleai at>.
+ [ruby-core:08794]
+ * numeric.c (fix_minus): ditto.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_pow): eagerly truncate resulting bignum.
+ [ruby-core:08794]
+Mon Sep 4 23:15:34 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_to_s): make it conform to RFC2822 date format.
+ [ruby-dev:29467]
+Mon Sep 4 21:43:57 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb: create makefile according to the result of check
+ for dbm header. fixed: [ruby-dev:29445]
+Mon Sep 4 21:39:42 2006 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb, lib/date/format.rb: updated based on date2 3.9.
+Mon Sep 4 21:14:20 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * time.c (time_strftime): include nul character. fixed: [ruby-dev:29422]
+Mon Sep 4 16:39:11 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI::out): specify -x option for nkf.
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI::out): should not convert utf-8 implicitly using
+ NKF. it is too Japanese centric.
+Mon Sep 4 14:23:10 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb (db_check): remove debug print.
+Mon Sep 4 06:46:08 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (rb_id2sym): intern if id is attrset_id.
+ [ruby-dev:29420] [ruby-dev:29447]
+Mon Sep 4 01:25:16 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_local_variables): list symbols.
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_s_members_m): ditto.
+ * variable.c (ivar_i): ditto.
+ * variable.c (gvar_i): ditto.
+ * variable.c (cv_i): ditto.
+Sun Sep 3 20:47:02 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.h (SYMBOL_P): Qnil and Qfalse are not Symbol.
+Sun Sep 3 15:32:44 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: get rid of nil.to_s.
+Sun Sep 3 06:24:38 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (ruby_connect): sockerrlen should be socklen_t.
+Sun Sep 3 04:40:42 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: check arpa/inet.h for ntohs.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: include arpa/inet.h if available.
+Sat Sep 2 23:59:58 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (Init_String): undef Symbol#new.
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_s_def): wrong symbol detection.
+Sat Sep 2 23:59:37 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_to_id): a bug caused by premature optimization.
+Sat Sep 2 23:53:28 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (Init_Object): move symbol related code to string.c
+ * string.c (Init_String): Symbol as subclass of String.
+ * parse.y (rb_intern2): handle symbol as strings.
+ * string.c (str_new): substring of symbols are mere strings, not
+ symbols.
+Sat Sep 2 23:37:29 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.h (struct RArray): embed small arrays.
+ (RARRAY_LEN): defined for accessing array members.
+ (RARRAY_PTR): ditto.
+ * array.c: use RARRAY_LEN and RARRAY_PTR.
+Sat Sep 2 13:23:01 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * (ia64.o): use the compiler driver to assemble ia64.s
+ to use appropriate ABI.
+Sat Sep 2 12:06:35 2006 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/soap/generator.rb (SOAP::SOAPGenerator#encode_tag): do not dump
+ XML attribute which value is nil. value "" and nil both were dumped
+ as 'attr="value"'. [ruby-dev:29395]
+Sat Sep 2 12:00:32 2006 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/csv.rb (CSV::IOReader#initialize): use String#[](pos, len)
+ instead of String#[](idx) to check utf BOM. follows String#[](idx)
+ behavior change of 1.9.
+Sat Sep 2 11:47:58 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): should handle when in else clause. a patch
+ from Eric Hodel <drbrain at>. [ruby-core:08662]
+ * parse.y (primary): wrap with NODE_CASE. [ruby-core:08663]
+Fri Sep 1 22:07:04 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.h (RSTRING_EMBED_LEN_MASK): uses 5 bits to support 64bit
+ environment. [ruby-dev:29369]
+Fri Sep 1 22:02:08 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_resize): should copy embedded string to
+ malloc'ed buffer. a patch from <nobu at> in
+ [ruby-dev:29369]. fixed: [ruby-dev:29368]
+ * string.c (rb_str_ord): use %ld specifier since STRING_LEN() is a
+ long. [ruby-dev:29369]
+Fri Sep 1 21:41:12 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (socks_init): typo fixed. a patch from Sven
+ Klemm <sven at>. [ruby-core:08770]
+Fri Sep 1 14:22:42 2006 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_shuffle): RDoc fixed.
+Fri Sep 1 13:52:57 2006 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/font.rb: TkFont#current_configinfo() doesn't work
+ on Tcl/Tk8.x.
+Fri Sep 1 09:32:55 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb (RubyLex::getc): should not push nil into
+ reading buffer (@readed). reported in
+ <>.
+Thu Aug 31 23:59:03 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (configuration): follow nil.to_s.
+Thu Aug 31 20:50:46 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): follow nil.to_s.
+ * win32/resource.rb: ditto.
+Thu Aug 31 20:21:47 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * eval.c (search_required): use RSTRING_PTR and RSTRING_STR.
+ * file.c (test_identical, rb_file_s_truncate): ditto.
+ * io.c (pipe_open, rb_io_reopen): ditto.
+ * object.c (nil_plus): ditto.
+ * process.c (proc_spawn_n, rb_spawn): ditto.
+ * util.c (ruby_add_suffix): ditto.
+ * ext/Win32API/Win32API.c (Win32API_initialize): ditto.
+ * ext/dl/cptr.c (rb_dlptr_s_to_ptr): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509ext.c (ossl_x509extfactory_create_ext): ditto.
+ * ext/tk/stubs.c, ext/tk/tcltklib.c, ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_val2olevariantdata): ditto.
+Thu Aug 31 18:23:00 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.h (struct RString): embed small strings.
+ (RSTRING_LEN): defined for accessing string members.
+ (RSTRING_PTR): ditto.
+ * string.c: use RSTRING_LEN and RSTRING_PTR.
+Thu Aug 31 17:16:19 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_shuffle_bang): new method.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_shuffle): ditto.
+ * random.c (genrand_real): ditto.
+ * random.c (genrand_int32): export the function.
+ * random.c (Init_Random): initialize random seed at the
+ beginning.
+Thu Aug 31 13:12:06 2006 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_init): rename top_cref to ruby_top_cref and export,
+ along with ruby_cref, for use by the sandbox. [ruby-core:08762]
+ * node.h: ditto.
+Wed Aug 30 12:01:57 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_hash): improve collision.
+ * string.c (rb_memhash): new generic function to calculate hash value
+ for memory chunk.
+Tue Aug 29 19:10:10 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_s_create): fixed memory leak, based on the patch
+ by Kent Sibilev <ksruby at>. fixed: [ruby-talk:211233]
+Mon Aug 28 11:29:46 2006 Eric Hodel <>
+ * eval.c, parse.y: Revert.
+ * ext/.document: Add digest.c.
+ * ext/digest/digest.c: Make RDoc show up.
+ * ext/io/wait.c: Fix call-seq in RDoc.
+Mon Aug 28 08:03:20 2006 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/.document: Add C files with RDoc.
+ * ext/digest/digest.c: Convert to RDoc.
+ * ext/io/wait.c: ditto.
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_rb.rb: Fix typo. Submitted by
+ <calamitas at>. [ruby-core:08724]
+Mon Aug 28 07:21:47 2006 Eric Hodel <>
+ * file.c (File#size?): Fix documentation submitted by Rick Ohnemus.
+ ruby-Bugs-5529. [ruby-core:08725]
+Sun Aug 27 21:41:23 2006 K.Kosako <sndgk393 AT>
+ * oniguruma.h: Version 4.4.0
+ * regint.h: ditto.
+ * regparse.h: ditto.
+ * regexec.c: ditto.
+ * regcomp.c ditto.
+ * regparse.c: ditto.
+Sat Aug 26 08:03:03 2006 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb, lib/date/format.rb: updated based on date2 3.8.2.
+Fri Aug 25 21:15:22 2006 K.Kosako <sndgk393 AT>
+ * add regint.h and oniguruma.h to dependence.
+ * ext/strscan/depend: ditto.
+Fri Aug 25 20:35:57 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/wsdl/document/echo.rb: removed.
+ * test/wsdl/document/test_rpc.rb: remove echo.rb after test.
+ [ruby-dev:29337]
+Fri Aug 25 17:02:06 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (gc_sweep): typo fixed.
+Fri Aug 25 16:05:50 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (sym_call): check if the receiver is given.
+Fri Aug 25 01:10:11 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_Integer): Integer(nil) should raise TypeError.
+ [ruby-talk:210205]
+ * object.c (nil_to_s): no longer returns empty string but "nil".
+ [ruby-talk:210205]
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: avoid COMMON_HEADERS being nil.
+Wed Aug 23 00:25:14 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rexml/source.rb (REXML::IOSource#initialize): encoding have to
+ be set with the accessor. fixed: [ruby-list:42737]
+Tue Aug 22 19:21:00 2006 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: parameter `to_addrs' might be an Array,
+ .flatten is required. [ruby-dev:29316]
+Tue Aug 22 18:47:51 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_c.rb (RDoc::C_Parser::handle_method):
+ rdoc documents C module methods as instance methods. a patch in
+ [ruby-core:08536].
+Tue Aug 22 12:35:57 2006 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/lib/kconv.rb (Kconv::RegexpEucjp): fix regexp for
+ euc-jp [ruby-dev:29344]
+Sun Aug 20 11:46:52 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (num_step): also return an enumerator object if no block
+ is given.
+Sat Aug 19 16:47:51 2006 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (hash2named_arg): accept hash argument
+ of symbol key.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole.rb
+ ditto.
+Sat Aug 19 11:28:08 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_rename): use errno if set properly.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:29293]
+Fri Aug 18 01:05:57 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI::out): specify -m0 to disable MIME decode. a
+ patch from Fujioka <fuj at>. [ruby-dev:29284]
+Thu Aug 17 19:15:16 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_stat_[rRwWxX]): check for super user.
+ fixed: [ruby-core:08616]
+Thu Aug 17 14:47:06 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: added rdoc by Daniel Berger. [ruby-core:08177]
+Wed Aug 16 17:46:59 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (r_byte): IO#getc returns one byte string now.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:29255]
+Wed Aug 16 17:22:44 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * (pre-install-local): remove unnecessary code.
+ [ruby-dev:29249]
+Wed Aug 16 11:45:36 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (proc_setuid, proc_setgid, proc_seteuid, proc_setegid):
+ get rid of bogus implementations on Mac OS X.
+Wed Aug 16 11:09:26 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (set_arg0): fill argv other than the first with an empty
+ string instead of NULL.
+Tue Aug 15 11:21:08 2006 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: support SMTP/SSL. Thanks Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: new method SMTP.use_ssl?
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: new method SMTP.enable_ssl.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: new method SMTP.disable_ssl.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: new method SMTP.default_ssl_port.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: new method SMTP.default_tls_port.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: now SMTP#enable_tls accepts a SSLContext
+ object, instead of a verity and cert. [FEATURE CHANGE]
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: new method SMTP.ssl_context.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: new method SMTP.default_ssl_context.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: export SMTP.authenticate.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: export SMTP.auth_plain.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: export SMTP.auth_login.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: export SMTP.auth_cram_md5.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: export SMTP.starttls.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: export SMTP.helo.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: export SMTP.ehlo.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: export SMTP.mailfrom.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: export SMTP.rcptto.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: export SMTP.rcptto_list.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: export
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: export SMTP.quit.
+Sat Aug 12 22:33:06 2006 Eric Hodel <>
+ * string.c (String#split): Describe grouping behavior. Patch by Jan
+ Svitok <jan.svitok at>. [ruby-core:08603]
+Sun Aug 13 12:08:02 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: ANSIfied. [ruby-core:08601]
+Sat Aug 12 15:55:32 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, bcc32/Makefile.sub, win32/Makefile.sub, win32/dir.h,
+ win32/win32.c, win32/win32.h: large file support for win32.
+Fri Aug 11 15:39:25 2006 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_c.rb (RDoc::C_Parser#find_body): Make RDoc
+ ignore C function prototypes. Patch by Tilman Sauerbeck
+ <tilman at>. [ruby-core:8574]
+ * lib/yaml/tag.rb: Replace nodoc with stopdoc so Module methods get
+ documented.
+Wed Aug 9 16:53:28 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb (Net::SMTP::auth_cram_md5): use ord to retrieve
+ bytes from strings. a patch from WATANABE Tetsuya
+ <Tetsuya.WATANABE at>. [ruby-dev:29240]
+Tue Aug 8 23:49:06 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/irb/extend-command.rb (IRB::ExtendCommandBundle): pacify
+ RDoc. a patch from Eric Hodel <drbrain at>.
+ [ruby-core:08522]
+Tue Aug 8 19:26:10 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::DNS::Message::MessageDecoder::get_string):
+ affected by str[0] returns 1 char string. [ruby-dev:29223]
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::DNS::Message::MessageDecoder::get_labels):
+ ditto.
+Tue Aug 8 12:28:43 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (arg): allow newlines before ternary colon. [ruby-dev:29189]
+Mon Aug 7 17:56:59 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c, ext/digest/rmd160/rmd160ossl.c,
+ ext/digest/sha1/sha1ossl.c, ext/readline/readline.c: move
+ inclusion of config.h to pacify AIX. a patch from Yutaka
+ Kanemoto <kinpoco at>. [ruby-dev:29197]
+Mon Aug 7 15:55:08 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/syck/syck.c (syck_move_tokens): should avoid negative
+ memmove. [ruby-list:42625]
+Mon Aug 7 14:37:48 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ *, AIX link issue. a patch from Yutaka
+ Kanemoto <kinpoco at>. [ruby-dev:29190]
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: AIX socket support. [ruby-dev:29190]
+Mon Aug 7 12:05:28 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dln.c, eval.c, gc.c, ruby.h: shut up AIX alloca warning.
+ a patch from Yutaka Kanemoto <kinpoco at>.
+ [ruby-dev:29191]
+Sun Aug 6 20:34:24 2006 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date/format.rb (str[fp]time): %[EO]U didn't denote %U.
+Sun Aug 6 17:12:12 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (io_reopen): STDERR.reopen(open("/dev/tty", "w")) should not
+Sat Aug 5 22:53:41 2006 K.Kosako <sndgk393 AT>
+ * oniguruma.h: Version 4.2.2
+ * regint.h: ditto.
+ * regparse.h: ditto.
+ * regexec.c: ditto.
+ * regcomp.c ditto.
+ * regerror.c: ditto.
+ * regparse.c: ditto.
+Sat Aug 5 17:07:43 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (top_local_setup): local_vars[-1] should point
+ ruby_scope itself to protect local_tbl from garbage collection.
+ [ruby-dev:29049]
+Sat Aug 5 13:49:43 2006 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date/format.rb (str[fp]time): "%\n" means "\n".
+Fri Aug 4 12:13:22 2006 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib: Clean up files for RDoc.
+ * lib/.document: Include most of the standard library in RDoc
+ generation.
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/ri_formatter.rb: Don't unescape HTML in HtmlFormatter.
+ Submitted by <ksruby at>. [ruby-core:08392].
+ * lib/drb/ssl.rb: Close socket on SSLError [ruby-core:7197]
+Fri Aug 4 18:59:49 2006 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb/{init.rb,ruby-lex.rb,slex.rb}: can't input '\c' for
+ [ruby-core: 7122]. and support for ruby1.8.X
+Fri Aug 4 14:02:14 2006 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * lib/date/format.rb (__strptime, strftime): allow multi-line patterns
+ in Date#strftime the same as Time#strftime accepts.
+ fixed: [ruby-core:08466]
+Fri Aug 4 13:56:51 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): check argument overrun for 'P'. based on a
+ patch by rucila <rucila at yahoo.cojp>. fixed: [ruby-dev:29182]
+Fri Aug 4 02:42:29 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): a bug in %c type check.
+Fri Aug 4 01:28:19 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (io_reopen): STDERR.reopen("/dev/null", "w")) should
+ not fclose stderr.
+Thu Aug 3 15:16:44 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * range.c (range_include): should always call Enumerable#include?
+ (not #===) for non numeric end points. [ruby-core:08477]
+ [ruby-core:08496]
+Mon Jul 31 16:51:40 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (exit_handler): new function; release winsock and
+ environment work area.
+ * win32/win32.c (NTInitialize): setup exit_handler.
+ * win32/win32.c (StartSockets): use exit_handler.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_getenv): use GetEnvironmentStrings() instead
+ of GetEnvironmentVariable(), because the latter cannot distinguish
+ whether a null environment variable exists or not.
+ fixed: [ruby-talk:205123]
+Mon Jul 31 16:15:13 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (TestProcess#test_rlimit_nofile):
+ setrlimit may fail with EINVAL.
+ reported by MIYAMUKO Katsuyuki. [ruby-dev:29174]
+Mon Jul 31 09:22:12 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.h: use ifdef (or defined) for macro constants that may or
+ may not be defined to shut up gcc's -Wundef warnings.
+ [ruby-core:08447]
+Mon Jul 31 13:38:13 2006 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/httprequest.rb (WEBrick::HTTPReuqest#parse_uri): improve
+ for the value of IPv6 address in the Host: header field.
+Sun Jul 30 23:26:12 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): trace call/return of method defined from block.
+ fixed: [ruby-core:08329]
+ * eval.c (rb_trap_eval): make the current thread runnable to deal with
+ exceptions which occurred within the trap. fixed: [ruby-dev:27729]
+ * lib/cgi/session.rb, lib/cgi/session/pstore.rb: suppress warnings.
+ fixed: [ruby-talk:204896]
+Sat Jul 29 06:12:06 2006 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: freeze ip_name for security reason.
+Sat Jul 29 01:23:52 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/logger.rb: improves the amount of documentation that Rdoc
+ picks up when processing logger.rb by moving the require
+ statement back before the comment block. a patch from Hugh
+ Sasse <hgs at>. [ruby-core:08422]
+Fri Jul 28 17:18:03 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (NUM2CH, CH2FIX): use single char strings.
+Fri Jul 28 14:09:14 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call): fixed typo in cache look-up. [ruby-dev:29167]
+Fri Jul 28 10:41:35 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call): a bug in method cache look-up.
+Fri Jul 28 10:19:28 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_f_sprintf): documentation update patch from Jacob
+ Fugal <lukfugl at>. [ruby-core:08418]
+Fri Jul 28 09:41:45 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_to_s): fixed typo. [ruby-dev:29162]
+Fri Jul 28 00:26:47 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * math.c (domain_check): ANSI style function arguments
+ * math.c (math_log): too few argument to domain_check().
+Thu Jul 27 21:19:54 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * math.c (domain_check): a new function to check domain error
+ explicitly for systems that return NaN like FreeBSD.
+ [ruby-core:07019]
+ * math.c (math_acos, math_asin, math_acosh, math_atanh, math_log,
+ math_log10, math_sqrt): use domain_check().
+ * math.c (math_sqrt): fix documentation flaw.
+Thu Jul 27 22:21:52 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * time.c (time_to_s): fixed format mismatch.
+Thu Jul 27 18:12:12 2006 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * time.c: need to declare time_utc_offset.
+Thu Jul 27 17:01:01 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (io_close): always calls "close" method of the receiver.
+ [ruby-core:6911] [ruby-core:8112]
+Thu Jul 27 16:41:15 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.h: move <ruby.h> inclusion point to shut up
+ Solaris compiler. [ruby-core:08114]
+ * time.c (time_to_s): use +0900 style timezone string for local time.
+ [ruby-dev:29143]
+Wed Jul 26 22:20:59 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * add support for as and ASFLAGS. [ruby-dev:29138]
+Wed Jul 26 21:59:33 2006 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTP#post, request_post, request): should
+ set Content-Type: x-www-form-urlencoded by default.
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTPHeader#content_type): should return
+ nil when there's no Content-Type.
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTPHeader#sub_type): should return nil
+ when there's no sub Content-Type (e.g. "Content-Type: text").
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTPHeader#type_params): wrongly failed
+ when there's no Content-Type.
+Wed Jul 26 18:38:13 2006 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c (strscan_do_scan): always return nil if
+ p->curr exceeds string size.
+Wed Jul 26 18:33:31 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (Init_eval): rename #invoke_method and
+ #invoke_functional_method to __send and __send! respectively.
+ * eval.c (remove_method): prohibit removing __send and __send!.
+ * eval.c (rb_undef): prohibit undef'ing __send and __send!.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): prohibit redefining __send and __send!.
+ * lib/delegate.rb (Delegator): preserve __send.
+Wed Jul 26 18:14:19 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (getDevice): retry once after GC on failure.
+ [ruby-core:08282]
+Wed Jul 26 17:43:20 2006 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c (strscan_do_scan):
+"").scan(//) should return "". [ruby-Bugs:4361]
+Wed Jul 26 17:28:16 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): prepend ".." to %u for negative bignum,
+ but not "-". fixed: [ruby-core:08167]
+Wed Jul 26 16:39:07 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_scan): add string modification check.
+ [ruby-core:7216]
+Wed Jul 26 16:06:03 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI::QueryExtension::read_multipart): check
+ multipart boundary end. a patch from Fujioka <fuj at>
+ [ruby-dev:28470]
+Wed Jul 26 01:02:59 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * suppress warnings by automake 1.8 or later.
+Tue Jul 25 14:46:14 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (configuration): typo.
+Tue Jul 25 13:14:32 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * process.c (rb_proc_times): rename hz to hertz to avoid name
+ crash on AIX. [ruby-dev:29126]
+Mon Jul 24 22:03:40 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (backtrace): skip frames successive on node and method name.
+Mon Jul 24 15:51:52 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_readline): rl_deprep_term_function
+ may be NULL with libedit. reported by Ryan Davis. [ruby-dev:29070]
+Mon Jul 24 15:19:55 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): revert last change. [ruby-dev:29112]
+ [ruby-core:08374]
+Sun Jul 23 22:59:49 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/socket/test_unix.rb: disabled on cygwin.
+ reported by Kouhei Yanagita. [ruby-dev:29080]
+Fri Jul 21 23:57:26 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): script is never used while recursing.
+Fri Jul 21 21:21:08 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): include funcalled methods in caller list.
+ fixed: [ruby-core:08290]
+Fri Jul 21 17:52:24 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_cstr_to_dbl): "9_e8" should consider "_e8" as
+ trailing garbage so that it should return 9.0. [ruby-dev:29088]
+Fri Jul 21 12:11:00 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb, lib/mkmf.rb (with_destdir): remove drive letter before
+ prepending destdir on DOSISH.
+Fri Jul 21 04:17:22 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call): try local method look-up first for fcall, then
+ normal method look-up. [ruby-talk:202564]
+ * eval.c (rb_get_method_body): save local method cache separately.
+ * eval.c (search_method): export info whether method is local or
+ not.
+Thu Jul 20 20:27:07 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_mod_attr): make Module#attr to be an alias to
+ attr_reader. [RCR#331]
+Thu Jul 20 15:07:14 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.h: export classes/modules to implement sandbox.
+ [ruby-core:08283]
+Wed Jul 19 19:40:00 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): should check args_args before lambda
+ argument check. [ruby-dev:29029]
+Tue Jul 18 23:53:59 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * process.c (rb_f_system): shouldn't block SIGCHLD if it's not
+ exist.
+Tue Jul 18 22:10:13 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * process.c (rb_f_system): block SIGCHLD during the process
+ execution, like glibc system(3) does. [ruby-talk:202361]
+Tue Jul 18 23:10:43 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (open_ifs_socket): should not use plain malloc.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_opendir): should not use plain realloc.
+Tue Jul 18 18:05:49 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_float.rb (TestFloat::test_strtod): update test to
+ conform strtod change.
+Tue Jul 18 16:52:29 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (yield_under_i): argument should be passed in avalue
+ form. [ruby-dev:29044]
+Tue Jul 18 15:49:42 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): propagate association array to copied
+ string. [ruby-core:08223]
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): return referenced string itself if it has
+ same length as specified. a patch from <nobu at>
+ in [ruby-core:08225].
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): taint 'p' packed strings.
+Tue Jul 18 15:19:07 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * intern.h (st_foreach_safe): fix prototype.
+ * node.h (NODE_LMASK): bigger than long on LLP64.
+ * missing/vsnprintf.c (BSD__uqtoa): new function to support LLP64.
+ all changes are derived from [ruby-dev:29045]
+Tue Jul 18 14:03:02 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpserver.rb (WEBrick::HTTPServer::unmount): remove
+ inpect argument from sprintf. [ruby-dev:29039]
+Tue Jul 18 10:53:37 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (rb_cstr_to_dbl): limit out-of-range message.
+ * util.c (ruby_strtod): return end pointer even if ERANGE occurred.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:29041]
+Mon Jul 18 00:43:05 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * util.c (ruby_strtod): stop at dot not followed by digits.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:29036]
+Tue Jul 18 00:01:27 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb: remove LIBRUBY_SO if static linked extensions exist.
+Mon Jul 17 23:30:46 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (rb_cv_msvcrt): defaulted to msvcrt. Workaround for a
+ bug of cygwin 1.5.20.
+Mon Jul 17 22:55:31 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/io/wait/wait.c (io_ready_p): protoize.
+Mon Jul 17 13:43:05 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * pack.c (define_swapx): should not use plain malloc.
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (curses_getmouse): ditto.
+Mon Jul 17 12:58:41 2006 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * should use ac_cv_lib_dl_dlopen=no on MinGW.
+Mon Jul 17 11:47:35 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * st.c: still need to include config.h on some platforms.
+Sat Jul 15 01:09:22 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * st.c (malloc): use xmalloc/xcalloc instead of plain
+ malloc/calloc, to detect memory allocation failure. see
+ <>.
+Fri Jul 14 13:08:13 2006 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: add methods for new features of latest Tcl/Tk8.5.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb: ditto.
+Fri Jul 14 02:30:12 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/monitor.rb: document patch from Hugh Sasse <hgs at>.
+ [ruby-core:08205]
+Fri Jul 14 00:10:15 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_pop): may cause realloc oscillation. a patch
+ from MORITA Naoyuki <mlgetter at>.
+ [ruby-dev:29028]
+Thu Jul 13 22:23:56 2006 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/composite.rb: improve handling of the classname on the
+ option database for the widget class which includes TkComposite.
+Thu Jul 13 00:40:57 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.h (FIX2LONG): returns integer of size of VALUE.
+ [ruby-dev:29024]
+ * ruby.h (FIX2ULONG): ditto.
+Wed Jul 12 20:05:23 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (f_args): allow post mandatory arguments after optional
+ arguments. [ruby-dev:29014]
+ * parse.y (new_args_gen): allow post_args without rest_args.
+ * eval.c (formal_assign): ditto.
+ * parse.y (new_args_gen): check post argument duplication.
+Tue Jul 11 20:58:18 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.h: export rb_cMethod. [ruby-talk:201259]
+Tue Jul 11 19:13:33 2006 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: remove restriction on the class of
+ pseudo-toplevel.
+Tue Jul 11 18:00:57 2006 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: security fix.
+Tue Jul 11 17:28:08 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_dump): need to extend len for \b.
+Tue Jul 11 15:29:15 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_int2big): use SIGNED_VALUE. [ruby-dev:29019]
+ * bignum.c (rb_int2inum, rb_uint2inum): use VALUE sized integer.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big2long, rb_big2ulong): ditto.
+ * numeric.c (rb_num2long, rb_num2ulong): ditto.
+ * numeric.c (check_int, check_uint): ditto.
+ * bignum.c (rb_quad_pack): typo fixed.
+Tue Jul 11 13:40:52 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (bignorm): sizeof(long) may be smaller than
+ sizeof(VALUE). [ruby-dev:29013]
+ * ruby.h (FIXNUM_MAX): fixnum may be bigger than long.
+ * ruby.h (SIGNED_VALUE): signed integer of size of VALUE.
+Mon Jul 10 23:37:14 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/soap/rpc/proxy.rb (Proxy::Operation::response_doc): remove
+ splat star from return statements.
+ * lib/soap/rpc/proxy.rb (Proxy::Operation::response_obj): retrieve
+ the first value from the result array if response has only one
+ value.
+Mon Jul 10 22:00:00 2006 Shigeo Kobayashi <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c: Allows '_' to appear within
+ digits. [ruby-dev:28872]
+ * ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/util.rb: Bug in to_r reported by
+ [ruby-list:42533] fixed.
+Mon Jul 10 19:22:19 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * gc.c (gc_sweep): expand heap earlier.
+ reported by MORITA Naoyuki. [ruby-dev:28960]
+Mon Jul 10 18:59:34 2006 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/font.rb: sorry. mistaken to patch.
+Mon Jul 10 18:46:52 2006 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: make SEGV risk lower at exit.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: fail to call function-style methods on slave
+ interpreters. The strategy (MultiTkIp_PseudoToplevel_Evaluable) to
+ fix the problem is a little tricky. You may have to take care of
+ conflicting with it.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: a little change for the pseudo-toplevel strategy.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/font.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/msgcat.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/itk/incr_tk.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/sample/demos-en/widget: fail to call function-style methods
+ on sample scripts. To fix it, a strategy which similar to the way
+ on MultiTiIp is used. Please take care when re-write and re-run a
+ demo script on the Widget-Demo code viewer.
+ * ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/widget: ditto.
+Mon Jul 10 17:32:38 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sample/test.rb: update test suites.
+ * test/ruby/test_assignment.rb (TestAssignment::test_yield): ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_iterator.rb (TestIterator::test_itertest): ditto.
+Mon Jul 10 14:43:47 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call): remove erroneously restored prot_tag->blkid
+ initialization. [ruby-dev:28997] [ruby-dev:29000]
+Mon Jul 10 13:58:08 2006 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * signal.c (install_nativethread_sighandler): commented out.
+Mon Jul 10 09:29:12 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_clear_cache_for_remove): clear entries for included
+ module. fixed: [ruby-core:08180]
+Mon Jul 10 02:22:58 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (proc_invoke): should not overwrite block information in
+ current frame. [ruby-dev:28957]
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): retrieve proper block object from the frame
+ record.
+ * eval.c (proc_alloc): return preserved block object if it's
+ available.
+Mon Jul 10 01:48:38 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * st.h (st_data_t): use pointer sized integer for st_data_t.
+ [ruby-dev:28988]
+Sun Jul 9 18:06:47 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (try_constant): fix for value 1 at cross compiling.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): prevent substitution of macro
+ definition. fixed:
+Sun Jul 9 07:58:48 2006 Ryan Davis <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_f95.rb: massive overhaul from Yasuhiro
+ Morikawa including new file suffixes, function support, public
+ variables and constants, derived-types, defined operators and
+ assignments, namelists, and subroutine and function
+ arguments. Truly massive.
+ * lib/rdoc/diagram.rb: diagrams are now cached.
+ * lib/irb/completion.rb: fixed a crasher when completing against
+ an unnamed class/module.
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_c.rb: private comment (--/++) support in
+ C-file rdoc.
+ * lib/debug.rb: minor clarification in help.
+ * lib/pp.rb: minor clarification on exception.
+Sun Jul 9 00:54:11 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (next_jump): deal with destination of next.
+ fixed: [ruby-core:08169]
+Fri Jul 7 17:49:16 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_ord): extract lower byte. fixed: [ruby-dev:28980]
+ * lib/jcode.rb (String#succ!): fix for 1.9. fixed: [ruby-dev:28979]
+Fri Jul 7 14:05:03 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.h): define FUNC_STDCALL/FUNC_CDECL.
+ from [ruby-dev:28970].
+Fri Jul 7 00:38:49 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_default): should not call default procedure if
+ no key is given. [ruby-list:42541]
+Thu Jul 6 23:30:04 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (rb_proc_times): use sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK) value prior to
+ HZ and CLK_TCK. fixed: [ruby-talk:200293]
+Thu Jul 6 21:50:06 2006 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/racc/cparse/cparse.c: sync with original code, rev 1.8.
+ * ext/racc/cparse/cparse.c: should mark CparseParams objects.
+ * lib/racc/parser.rb: sync with original code, rev 1.8.
+ * lib/racc/parser.rb: update coding style.
+Wed Jul 5 05:28:45 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (block_param): should allow block argument after splat
+ and post splat args.
+Wed Jul 5 01:12:19 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_lambda.rb (TestLambdaParameters::test_lambda_as_iterator):
+ -> style block no longer available. [ruby-dev:28958]
+Tue Jul 4 21:48:56 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): suppress warning on DOSISH.
+Tue Jul 4 15:12:49 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call): should not set prot_tag->blkid since it would
+ never catch breaks at this level. [ruby-dev:28922]
+Tue Jul 4 04:48:36 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c: ruby 1.9 HEAD 64 bit warnings clean up from
+ <ville.mattila at>. [ruby-core:08120]
+Mon Jul 3 19:04:38 2006 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c (ip_make_menu_embeddable): help to make a menu
+ widget embeddable (pack, grid, and so on) like as a general widget.
+ However, an embeddable menu may require to be defined some event
+ bindings for general use.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/event.rb: [bug fix] Tk.callback_break and
+ Tk.callback_continue don't work on MultiTkIp.
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: lack of Tk.callback_return.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/menu.rb: improve creating clone menus.
+Mon Jul 3 14:42:06 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/etc/extconf.rb (PW_UID2VAL, PW_GID2VAL): defaulted to conversion
+ from int, and sys/types.h needs to be included before grp.h.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:28938]
+Mon Jul 3 10:44:01 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (popen_exec): close file descriptors other than standard I/Os.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:28924]
+Mon Jul 3 05:15:29 2006 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * test/openssl/test_asn1.c: String#[]= doesn't accept Integer.
+Mon Jul 3 01:14:15 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_inspect): encode \b (\010) for escape.
+ [ruby-dev:28927]
+ * string.c (rb_str_dump): ditto.
+Sun Jul 2 19:03:30 2006 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/racc/cparse/cparse.c: sync with original code, rev 1.7.
+ * ext/racc/cparse/cparse.c: must require version.h to get
+Sun Jul 2 18:42:27 2006 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/racc/cparse/cparse.c: sync with original source code, rev
+ 1.6.
+ * ext/racc/cparse/cparse.c: do not use rb_iterate to give a block
+ to the method, use rb_block_call instead. [ruby-dev:28445]
+Sun Jul 2 11:22:03 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (io_reopen): STDOUT.reopen(filename, "w+") didn't work.
+ (rb_io_reopen): STDOUT.reopen(, "w+")) didn't work.
+Sat Jul 1 23:55:42 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (PUSH_FRAME): initialize frame->self. [ruby-dev:28911]
+Sat Jul 1 17:00:42 2006 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * test/webrick/utils.rb: use Proc#yield instead of Proc#call.
+ [ruby-dev:28914]
+Sat Jul 1 15:15:49 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/socket/test_nonblock.rb: add timeout to send/receive
+ an empty UDP packet.
+ [ruby-dev:28820]
+Fri Jun 30 23:46:23 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * should test isinf for Solaris with GCC compiler.
+ a patch from <ville.mattila at>. [ruby-core:07791]
+ * -shared patch from Andrew Morrow
+ <andrew.c.morrow at>. [ruby-core:08100]
+Fri Jun 30 19:35:41 2006 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/httputils.rb (WEBrick::HTTPUtils._escape): should
+ use String#ord to get ascii code from the one-character string.
+ [ruby-dev:28901]
+Thu Jun 29 23:56:01 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_children): a bug in NODE_BLOCK_PASS marking.
+ [ruby-dev:28908]
+Thu Jun 29 23:04:36 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y: use ARGSPUSH instead of ARGSCAT to prevent too much
+ splat expansion.
+ * eval.c (when_check): need to handle ARGSPUSH as well.
+ * eval.c (block_orphan): lambda and proc from method are always
+ orphan.
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_children): proper marking for NODE_LAMBDA.
+Thu Jun 29 22:47:30 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * eval.c (SETUP_ARGS0): avoid GC problem.
+ [ruby-dev:28902]
+Thu Jun 29 18:58:51 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_version): fix patch
+ failure.
+Thu Jun 29 18:00:51 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c: add RDoc document. a patch from
+ mathew <meta at>. [ruby-core:07050]
+Wed Jun 28 14:53:09 2006 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb: RDoc patch from Robin Stocker <>
+ [ruby-core:08087]
+Wed Jun 28 23:23:48 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_cstr_to_dbl): underscores should appear only
+ between digits. [ruby-dev:28891]
+Wed Jun 28 19:04:34 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/socket/test_unix.rb: test_seqpacket_pair removed.
+ [ruby-dev:28846]
+Wed Jun 28 13:51:21 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (when_check): arbitrary values are allowed after splats.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:28879]
+Wed Jun 28 09:16:18 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (primary): remove meaningless else-only case statement
+ syntax.
+Wed Jun 28 08:08:13 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): problem to handle else part. [ruby-dev:28873]
+Wed Jun 28 01:48:23 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): support splat in when expression list.
+ [ruby-dev:28822]
+ * eval.c (when_check): a new auxiliary function for case match.
+ * eval.c (when_cond): ditto.
+Wed Jun 28 01:05:37 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_cstr_to_dbl): should not skip '_' at the beginning
+ of a string. [ruby-dev:28830]
+ * bignum.c (rb_cstr_to_inum): ditto.
+Tue Jun 27 23:03:49 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c: RDoc update for =~ method. a patch from Alex Young
+ <alex at>. [ruby-core:08068]
+Tue Jun 27 22:47:18 2006 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: forgot to update TCLTKLIB_RELEASE_DATE.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb (tk_tcl2ruby): [bug fix] sometimes fail to convert
+ a tcl string to a ruby object if the tcl string includes "\n".
+Tue Jun 27 20:05:14 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (pipe_open): backout unnecessary fix on 2006-06-26.
+ [ruby-dev:28865]
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): exact argument number check now done only
+ for lambda Proc.
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): add check for number of arguments, if
+ there's one lambda block parameter.
+Tue Jun 27 16:04:05 2006 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * win32/win32.h: define isascii on MinGW for msvcrt compatibility.
+ * set ac_cv_header_sys_time_h=no on MinGW
+ for msvcrt compatibility.
+Tue Jun 27 11:36:02 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (setup_passwd, setup_group): allow bignum uid, gid and
+ so on. [ruby-talk:199102]
+Tue Jun 27 10:46:53 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): avoid core dump. [ruby-dev:28840]
+Mon Jun 26 11:03:00 2006 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/ri: Add options to limit the ri search path.
+Tue Jun 27 01:31:59 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (bsock_recv_nonblock): new method
+ BasicSocket#recv_nonblock.
+ (udp_recvfrom_nonblock): renamed from ip_recvfrom_nonblock.
+ IPSocket#recvfrom_nonblock is moved to UDPSocket#recvfrom_nonblock.
+ (unix_recvfrom_nonblock): removed.
+ UNIXSocket#recvfrom_nonblock is removed.
+Tue Jun 27 00:52:40 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/ripper/eventids2.c (token_assoc): added tCHAR, which is not
+ under 256 now. fixed: [ruby-dev:28832]
+Mon Jun 26 23:42:57 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (call_trace_func): no check for argument number of the
+ callback. fixed: [ruby-dev:28812]
+Mon Jun 26 18:37:44 2006 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c (ip_delete): fix SEGV when a slave-ip is
+ deleted on callback.
+Mon Jun 26 15:40:26 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_accept): revert to avoid ambiguity of
+ argument evaluation order. [ruby-dev:28861]
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_accept_nonblock): ditto.
+Mon Jun 26 10:47:42 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (pipe_open): avoid closing uninitialized file descriptors.
+ a patch from <tommy at> [ruby-dev:28600]
+Sun Jun 25 23:02:12 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, mkconfig.rb: catch-up for latest autoconf.
+Sun Jun 25 17:44:16 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * parse.y (paren_args): wrap $2 by escape_Qundef because it may be
+ Qundef. [ruby-dev:28843]
+Sun Jun 25 17:18:33 2006 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c(ole_invoke): support some kind of
+ method of word. [ruby-Bugs#3237]
+ * test/win32ole/test_word.rb: ditto.
+Sat Jun 24 23:48:08 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y: replace terminal token names with more descriptive
+ name, i.e. kEND to keyword_end. [ruby-list:42477]
+Sat Jun 24 23:37:41 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): use rb_ary_new2 instead of rb_ary_new4 to avoid
+ GC problem.
+ (rb_yield_values): use rb_ary_new2 instead of rb_ary_new4.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_new4): don't set len as n if contents is not
+ initialized. make it safe with GC.
+ [ruby-dev:28826]
+Fri Jun 23 23:35:32 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ruby.h, lib/drb/drb.rb, lib/drb/invokemethod.rb: remove Values class.
+ [ruby-dev:28805]
+Fri Jun 23 17:27:52 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_block_pass): removed.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_start_1): use rb_proc_yield() instead of
+ rb_block_pass(). fixed: [ruby-dev:28794]
+Thu Jun 22 11:52:02 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTPResponse): duplicated error 501;
+ HTTPInternalServerError should be error 500. [ruby-core:08037]
+Thu Jun 22 11:47:52 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_mod_name): returns nil for anonymous modules.
+ [ruby-talk:198440]
+Thu Jun 22 10:31:39 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_aref): "abc"[3] should not return an empty
+ string but nil. [ruby-dev:28786]
+Thu Jun 22 05:15:58 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_socketpair): try GC only once.
+ [ruby-dev:28778]
+Wed Jun 21 21:20:31 2006 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb (jd_to_commercial): now works fine even if in
+ mathn-ized context.
+Wed Jun 21 17:29:57 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/getaddrinfo.c (freeaddrinfo, get_name): fixed typo.
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c (tcl_eval, tcl_global_eval): ditto.
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (rscheck): constified.
+Wed Jun 21 17:18:55 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/pp.rb (PP::PPMethods::seplist): should have preserved
+ original reference to the array. [ruby-dev:28747]
+Wed Jun 21 14:35:06 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (block_param): do not use multiple assignment for a sole
+ block parameter. [ruby-dev:28710]
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): pass a raw yielded value to a sole block
+ parameter if a value is passed by yield.
+ * eval.c (proc_invoke): args may not be an array.
+ * eval.c (rb_proc_yield): pass original value without wrapping
+ it in an array.
+Wed Jun 21 14:06:47 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (method_call): remove (fn)(args) style lambda
+ invocation, add fn.(args) instead.
+Wed Jun 21 08:39:54 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc/create.rb (XMLRPC::Create::conv2value): merge Date
+ and Time processing. [ruby-core:08033]
+Wed Jun 21 03:01:10 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c, file.c, etc.: code-cleanup patch from Stefan Huehner
+ <stefan at>. [ruby-core:08029]
+Wed Jun 21 01:40:25 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (reswords): modifier token is no longer returned in fname
+ state. fixed: [ruby-dev:28775]
+Tue Jun 20 23:28:34 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (parse_args): provisional catch-up for the recent changes.
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser::List#summarize, OptionParser#order!): ditto.
+Tue Jun 20 11:07:55 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (proc_invoke): intercept break and return from lambda
+ Proc objects. [ruby-dev:28742]
+ * eval.c (proc_invoke): remove unnecessary YIELD_PROC_CALL flag.
+ * eval.c (YIELD_EXACT_ARGS): renamed from YIELD_LAMBDA_CALL, which
+ is no longer related to the behavior turned on by this flag.
+ * eval.c (return_jump): no need to care about PROT_YIELD.
+ * eval.c (break_jump): no jump to toplevel PROT_THREAD tag.
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): fix confusion between lambda (which is a
+ property of a proc) and pcall (which depends on whether it's
+ called via yield or call).
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_yield): no need to specify YIELD_LAMBDA_CALL.
+ * eval.c (rb_block_pass): update blkid in prot_tag.
+Mon Jun 19 23:40:59 2006 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/lib/kconv.rb: remove default -m0 and fix document.
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-8/{nkf.c, config.h, utf8tbl.c, utf8tbl.h}:
+ imported nkf 2.0.7.
+Mon Jun 19 17:02:14 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sample/test.rb (proc_return3): return within non lambda block
+ should terminate surrounding method. [ruby-dev:28741]
+Mon Jun 19 13:22:48 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (unix_sysaccept): typo fixed.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_connect): remove an unused local
+ variable tmpaddr.
+Mon Jun 19 02:10:32 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (tcp_accept_nonblock): forgot to remove
+ abandoned hacks. [ruby-dev:28740]
+Mon Jun 19 00:00:17 2006 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: fix bug: initialize improper tables.
+Sun Jun 18 20:28:43 2006 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (fole_methods): The return value
+ of WIN32OLE#ole_methods should include PROPERTYPUTREF methods.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (fole_put_methods): The return value
+ of WIN32OLE#ole_put_methods should include PROPERTYPUTREF methods.
+ * test/win32ole/test_ole_methods.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_propertyput): support
+ PROPERTYPUTREF. [ruby-talk:183042]
+ * test/win32ole/test_propertyputref.rb: ditto.
+Sat Jun 17 23:42:26 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (Init_eval): add aliases invoke_method and
+ invoke_functional_method corresponding send and funcall
+ respectively. [ruby-talk:197512]
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): returns the most typical keyword token
+ on EXPR_FNAME. [ruby-core:7995]
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: protoize.
+Sat Jun 17 22:17:17 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/mathn.rb (Integer::prime_division): raise ZeroDivisionError
+ on zeros. [ruby-dev:28739]
+Sat Jun 17 14:53:32 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb (Kernel#Pathname): new method.
+Sat Jun 17 02:01:00 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pp.rb (Kernel#pretty_inspect): defined for pretty printed
+ string.
+Fri Jun 16 01:41:00 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_proc_arity): get rid of segfault for mere splat.
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_children): NODE_BLOCK_PASS needs u3 to be marked.
+Thu Jun 15 22:06:56 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (then): remove ':' from 'then' and 'do' rules.
+Wed Jun 14 18:00:20 2006 Eric Hodel <>
+ * enum.c (enum_any): Documentation typo.
+Wed Jun 14 15:01:09 2006 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_rb.rb (RDoc::RubyParser#warn): Don't print
+ warnings when -q is set.
+Wed Jun 14 16:11:37 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_method_name, rb_f_callee_name): document typo.
+Wed Jun 14 15:19:14 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (env_aset): raise TypeError on nil with more descriptive
+ message. [ruby-core:07990]
+Tue Jun 13 17:22:19 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (Init_socket): remove obsolete constants:
+ IPsocket, TCPsocket, SOCKSsocket, TCPserver, UDPsocket,
+ UNIXsocket, UNIXserver.
+Tue Jun 13 09:07:27 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (formal_assign): post splat arguments should have had
+ higher priority than optional arguments, since they are
+ mandatory. [ruby-dev:28715]
+ * eval.c (VIS_MASK): broken. should be 15. [ruby-dev:28715]
+ * io.c (argf_getc): should return one-character string.
+ [ruby-dev:28715]
+ * io.c (rb_io_readchar): ditto.
+Sun Jun 11 23:20:07 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (sym_call): disallow to call private methods.
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser::Arguable#getopts): pass self to the
+ parser.
+Sun Jun 11 09:56:41 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.h (write): not need to define on bcc.
+Sun Jun 11 08:30:33 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser#getopts): new methods.
+Sun Jun 11 07:27:11 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/ri_writer.rb: use String#ord.
+Sun Jun 11 04:38:20 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (sym_to_proc): imported Symbol#to_proc from ActiveSupport.
+Sat Jun 10 18:02:40 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/newton.rb (Newton::nlsolve): typo
+ fixed: raize -> raise. [ruby-talk:196608]
+Sat Jun 10 17:49:53 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_ord): new method.
+ * parse.y (rbracket): allow optional newline before closing
+ brackets.
+Sat Jun 10 15:12:29 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_method_name, rb_f_callee_name): new functions.
+ new global method `__method__' and `__callee__'.
+Sat Jun 10 10:13:13 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/getoptlong.rb (GetoptLong#set_options): receive arguments
+ as Array.
+ * lib/irb/slex.rb: use Proc#yield.
+ * lib/rdoc/markup/simple_markup/inline.rb: follow the new behavior
+ of String#[].
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/ri_writer.rb: ditto.
+Sat Jun 10 08:17:23 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * math.c (log2): may be a macro.
+ * parse.y (args, block_param, f_args): pass f_post_arg to #params.
+ * util.c (powersOf10): constified.
+ * ext/readline/readline.c: include extconf.h first.
+ * ext/ripper/eventids2.c: removed tLAMBDA_ARG.
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c (lib_fromUTF8_core): removed conflict.
+ * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c (cbsubst_get_subst_arg): rb_id2name() is
+ defined as const now.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (fole_missing): ditto.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): force to create extconf header.
+ * lib/optparse.rb (order!): use Proc#yield.
+Sat Jun 10 06:53:22 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * eval.c (CALLARGS): remove last semicolon. C90 compiler doesn't
+ allow any lines (even if they're empty) within variable
+ declarations.
+Fri Jun 9 09:56:32 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): allow %c to print one character
+ string (e.g. ?x).
+Thu Jun 8 14:00:02 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.[ch] (rb_w32_read, rb_w32_write): new functions.
+ use recv() and send() when fd is socket. fixed: [ruby-dev:28694]
+Wed Jun 7 16:22:51 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb (Tempfile::make_tmpname): put dot between
+ basename and pid. [ruby-talk:196272]
+Wed Jun 7 16:16:29 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (do_block): remove -> style block.
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): remove tLAMBDA_ARG.
+Wed Jun 7 14:51:22 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (errmap): add some winsock errors.
+Wed Jun 7 09:14:44 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): binding for the return event hook should have
+ consistent scope. [ruby-core:07928]
+Tue Jun 6 23:25:49 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (proc_invoke): return behavior should depend whether it
+ is surrounded by a lambda or a mere block.
+Mon Jun 5 18:12:12 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_unpack_sockaddr_in): reject
+ non-AF_INET/AF_INET6 sockaddr.
+ (sock_s_unpack_sockaddr_un): reject non-AF_UNIX sockaddr.
+ [ruby-dev:28691]
+Sun Jun 4 20:40:19 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: fix sockaddr_un handling.
+ [ruby-dev:28677]
+Sat Jun 3 23:53:18 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (formal_assign): handles post splat arguments.
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): ditto.
+Sat Jun 3 13:10:41 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * st.c (strhash): use FNV-1a hash.
+Fri Jun 2 20:01:24 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): removed experimental ';;' terminator.
+Fri Jun 2 19:00:40 2006 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: use create_header.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.h, ext/openssl/openssl_missing.h:
+ include RUBY_EXTCONF_H.
+Fri Jun 2 17:16:52 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (CLEANINGS): remove extconf.h by distclean if created.
+Fri Jun 2 00:11:19 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (s_recvfrom): alen may be zero with UNIXSocket
+ too. (tested on NetBSD 3.0)
+ (s_recvfrom_nonblock): extracted from sock_recvfrom_nonblock.
+ (sock_recvfrom_nonblock): use s_recvfrom_nonblock.
+ (ip_recvfrom_nonblock): new method: IPSocket#recvfrom_nonblock
+ (unix_recvfrom_nonblock): new method: UNIXSocket#recvfrom_nonblock
+ (s_accept_nonblock): extracted from sock_accept_nonblock.
+ (sock_accept_nonblock): use s_accept_nonblock.
+ (tcp_accept_nonblock): new method: TCPServer#accept_nonblock
+ (unix_accept_nonblock): new method: UNIXServer#accept_nonblock
+Thu Jun 1 19:12:37 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_cmdvector): backslashes inside single-quotes
+ no longer has special meanings. fixed: [ruby-list:42311]
+Thu Jun 1 17:55:42 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_node_arity): should be aware of post splat arguments.
+ * eval.c (rb_proc_arity): ditto.
+Thu Jun 1 16:17:26 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_getcwd): runtime's getcwd() will not success
+ if the length of the cwd is longer than MAX_PATH.
+ fixed [ruby-list:42335]
+Thu Jun 1 16:07:48 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (f_args): syntax rule enhanced to support arguments
+ after the splat.
+ * parse.y (mlhs_basic): ditto for multiple assignments
+ * parse.y (block_param): ditto for block parameters.
+ * parse.y (f_post_arg): mandatory formal arguments after the splat
+ argument.
+ * parse.y (new_args_gen): generate nodes for mandatory formal
+ arguments after the splat argument.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): dispatch mandatory formal arguments after the
+ splat argument.
+Thu Jun 1 11:33:32 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_getcwd): set errno if not set.
+ fixed [ruby-list:42346]
+Thu Jun 1 00:45:52 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (args): allow more than one splat in the argument list.
+Wed May 31 18:38:11 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (method_call): allow aref [] to accept all kind of
+ method argument, including assocs, splat, and block argument.
+ * eval.c (SETUP_ARGS0): prepare block argument as well.
+Tue May 30 18:13:53 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/mathn.rb (Integer): remove Integer#gcd2. [ruby-core:07931]
+Mon May 29 22:40:13 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (error_line): print receivers true/false/nil specially.
+ * eval.c (rb_proc_yield): handles parameters in yield semantics.
+ * eval.c (nil_yield): gives LocalJumpError to denote no block
+ error.
+ * io.c (rb_io_getc): now takes one-character string.
+Sat May 27 22:46:38 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (proc_invoke): save and restore block in the current frame.
+ fixed: [ruby-core:07833], [ruby-talk:191639]
+Sat May 27 11:29:46 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): remove extinit files if no statically linked
+ extensions.
+Fri May 26 19:56:46 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_hash): use FNV-1a hash from Fowler/Noll/Vo
+ hashing algorithm.
+Fri May 26 09:05:11 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.h, lib/mkmf.rb (create_header): clear command line options for
+ macros moved to extconf.h.
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extract_makefile, extmk): made RUBY_EXTCONF_H and
+ EXTSTATIC permanent.
+ * ext/{dbm,digest/*,socket,zlib}/extconf.rb: used $defs and $INCFLAGS.
+ * {bcc32,win32,wince}/Makefile.sub (COMPILE_C, COMPILE_CXX): added
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (configuration): add $defs unless extconf.h was created.
+Thu May 25 01:52:07 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (pkg_config): particular config commands support.
+ * ext/extmk.rb: deal with $static set in extconf.rb.
+ * mkconfig.rb: merge multiple entries to an entry with multiple lines.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: allow a series of commands to link.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: embed manifests.
+ * win32/setup.mak: suffix OS name by runtime version.
+Wed May 24 23:52:11 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (ac_install_sh): ignore dummy install-sh.
+ [ruby-talk:193876]
+Wed May 24 17:55:13 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_aref): str[0] now returns 1 character string,
+ instead of a fixnum. [Ruby2]
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): ?c now returns 1 character string,
+ instead of a fixnum. [Ruby2]
+ * string.c (rb_str_aset): no longer support fixnum insertion.
+Wed May 24 03:10:44 2006 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.rb
+ (OpenSSL::SSL::SocketForwarder#setsockopt,getsockopt): typo fixed.
+Mon May 22 16:32:03 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * rubyio.h (rb_io_set_nonblock): declared.
+ * io.c (rb_io_set_nonblock): new function.
+ (io_getpartial): nonblocking read support.
+ (io_read_nonblock): new method: IO#read_nonblock.
+ (io_write_nonblock): new method: IO#write_nonblock.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (s_accept): retry for EWOULDBLOCK.
+ revert [ruby-talk:113807].
+ (sock_connect_nonblock): new method: Socket#connect_nonblock.
+ (sock_accept_nonblock): new method: Socket#accept_nonblock.
+ (sock_recvfrom_nonblock): new method: Socket#recvfrom_nonblock.
+ [ruby-core:7917]
+Mon May 22 15:57:39 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (umethod_bind): should not update original class.
+ [ruby-dev:28636]
+Mon May 22 13:38:57 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (ev_const_get): should support constant access from
+ within instance_eval(). [ruby-dev:28327]
+Sun May 21 09:50:31 2006 K.Kosako <sndgk393 AT>
+ * regexec.c: add STK_NULL_CHECK_END to IS_TO_VOID_TARGET().
+ [ruby-list:42234]
+Thu May 18 22:37:20 2006 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/config.rb (WEBrick::Config::HTTP): add new parameters,
+ :InputBufferSize and :OutputBufferSize.
+ * lib/webrick/utils.rb (WEBrick::Utils.timeout): add new timeout
+ method. this implementation is expected to be compatible with
+ timeout.rb and faster than timeout.rb.
+ * lib/webrick/httprequest.rb (WEBrick::HTTPRequest#_read_data):
+ Timeout.timeout is replaced by WEBrick::Utils.timeout.
+ * lib/webrick/httprequest.rb: WEBrick::HTTPRequest::BUFSIZE is
+ replaced by config[:InputBufferSize].
+ * lib/webrick/httpresposne.rb: WEBrick::HTTPResponse::BUFSIZE is
+ replaced by config[:OutputBufferSize].
+ * lib/webrick/server.rb: get rid of unnecessary require.
+ * test/webrick/test_utils.rb: test for WEBrick::Utils.timeout.
+Thu May 18 17:51:32 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_timeval): should round for usec floating
+ number. [ruby-core:07896]
+ * time.c (time_add): ditto.
+Thu May 18 00:42:12 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb, lib/mkmf.rb: use BUILD_FILE_SEPARATOR in Makefiles.
+Wed May 17 17:55:26 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dir.c (sys_warning): should not call a vararg function
+ rb_sys_warning() indirectly. [ruby-core:07886]
+Tue May 16 17:23:19 2006 Shin-ichiro HARA <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_divmod): the first element of Float#divmod should
+ be an integer. [ruby-dev:28589]
+ * test/ruby/test_float.rb: add tests for divmod, div, modulo and remainder.
+Tue May 16 15:34:18 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_initialize): should not allow modifying literal
+ regexps. frozen check moved from rb_reg_initialize_m as well.
+Tue May 16 09:20:16 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_initialize): should not modify untainted objects in
+ safe levels higher than 3.
+ * re.c (rb_memcmp): type change from char* to const void*.
+ * dir.c (dir_close): should not close untainted dir stream.
+ * dir.c (GetDIR): add tainted/frozen check for each dir operation.
+Mon May 15 21:37:12 2006 K.Kosako <sndgk393 AT>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_prepare_re): don't use onig_recompile().
+Mon May 15 17:42:39 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_rb.rb (RDoc::RubyParser::parse_symbol_arg):
+ typo fixed. a patch from Florian Gross <florg at>.
+Sat May 13 16:14:05 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pp.rb (PP.mcall): new method.
+ (Struct#pretty_print): call Kernel#class and Struct#members even if
+ overridden.
+ (Struct#pretty_print_cycle): ditto.
+ [ruby-core:7865]
+Fri May 12 15:54:48 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (EXEC_EVENT_HOOK): trace_func may remove itself from
+ event_hooks. no guarantee for arbitrary hook deletion.
+ [ruby-dev:28632]
+Thu May 11 19:57:00 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * util.c (ruby_strtod): differ addition to minimize error.
+ [ruby-dev:28619]
+Thu May 11 18:30:11 2006 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_cipher.c (add_cipher_name_to_ary): should return
+ value. [ruby-dev:28627]
+Thu May 11 18:10:43 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * util.c (ruby_strtod): should not raise ERANGE when the input
+ string does not have any digits. [ruby-dev:28629]
+Wed May 10 23:40:21 2006 K.Kosako <sndgk393 AT>
+ * oniguruma.h: Version 4.0.3
+ * regexec.c: ditto.
+Mon May 8 09:10:31 2006 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: add check for OBJ_NAME_do_all_sorted.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_cipher.c (ossl_s_ciphers): new method
+ OpenSSL::Cipher.ciphers. it returns all the cipher names.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_cipher.c (ossl_cipher_init): refine warning message.
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/cipher.rb: reimplement without eval() and
+ add constants AES128, AES192, AES256. [ruby-dev:28610]
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/digest.rb: reimplement without eval().
+ * test/openssl/test_cipher.rb, test_digest: fix about reimplemented
+ features.
+ * sample/openssl/cipher.rb: rewrite all.
+Sun May 7 03:09:51 2006 Stephan Maka <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::DNS::Requester::ConnectedUDP#initialize):
+ Use AF_INET6 for nameservers containing colons.
+Sat May 6 23:40:03 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (proc_invoke): should restore old ruby_frame->block.
+ thanks to ts <decoux at>. [ruby-core:07833]
+ also fix [ruby-dev:28614] as well.
+Sat May 6 00:38:42 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * signal.c (trap): sig should be less then NSIG. Coverity found
+ this bug. a patch from Kevin Tew <tewk at>.
+ [ruby-core:07823]
+Thu May 4 22:13:22 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * math.c (math_log2): add new method inspired by
+ [ruby-talk:191237].
+ * math.c (math_log): add optional base argument to Math::log().
+ [ruby-talk:191308]
+Thu May 4 02:24:16 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/syck/emitter.c (syck_scan_scalar): avoid accessing
+ uninitialized array element. a patch from Pat Eyler
+ <rubypate at>. [ruby-core:07809]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_fill): initialize local variables first. a
+ patch from Pat Eyler <rubypate at>. [ruby-core:07810]
+ * ext/syck/yaml2byte.c (syck_yaml2byte_handler): need to free
+ type_tag. a patch from Pat Eyler <rubypate at>.
+ [ruby-core:07808]
+Wed May 3 02:12:07 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (make_hostent_internal): accept ai_family
+ check from Sam Roberts <sroberts at>.
+ [ruby-core:07691]
+Mon May 1 17:58:16 2006 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (add_event_call_back): should not
+ delete event handler when the event name is not entried.
+Mon May 1 08:32:10 2006 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_param_ole_type): should return
+ "unknown type" string when ITypeInfo::GetFuncDesc failed.
+Sat Apr 29 22:43:37 2006 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c (ossl_asn1_decode0): should initialize
+ flag. [ruby-core:07785]
+Fri Apr 28 10:53:16 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * util.c (ruby_strtod): should not cut off 18 digits for no
+ reason. [ruby-core:07796]
+Thu Apr 27 01:38:10 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_fill): internalize local variable "beg" to
+ pacify Coverity. [ruby-core:07770]
+Wed Apr 26 16:59:24 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): now supports CRLF newlines. a patch from
+ <tommy at>. [ruby-dev:28601]
+Wed Apr 26 16:55:19 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * applied code clean-up patch from Stefan Huehner
+ <stefan at>. [ruby-core:07764]
+Tue Apr 25 18:00:05 2006 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c (delete_slaves): maybe increment the reference
+ count of a NULL Tcl_Obj [ruby-core:07759].
+Tue Apr 25 07:55:31 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/jcode.rb (String::tr_s): should have translated non
+ squeezing character sequence (i.e. a character) as well. thanks
+ to Hiroshi Ichikawa <gimite at> [ruby-list:42090]
+Fri Apr 21 15:19:13 2006 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c (lib_eventloop_ensure): avoid dereferencing
+ freed pointer [ruby-core:07744] and memory leak.
+Fri Apr 21 12:14:52 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: document update patch from Sam Roberts
+ <sroberts at>. [ruby-core:07701]
+Thu Apr 20 08:43:54 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/mathn.rb (Integer): need not to remove gcd2. a patch from
+ NARUSE, Yui <naruse at>. [ruby-dev:28570]
+Wed Apr 19 13:55:27 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (arg): too much NEW_LIST()
+ * eval.c (SETUP_ARGS0): remove unnecessary access to nd_alen.
+Wed Apr 19 11:57:04 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): use ARGSCAT for NODE_OP_ASGN1.
+ [ruby-dev:28585]
+ * parse.y (arg): use NODE_ARGSCAT for placeholder.
+Wed Apr 19 11:13:17 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/getoptlong.rb (GetoptLong::get): RDoc update patch from
+ mathew <meta at>. [ruby-core:07738]
+Wed Apr 19 10:13:27 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_const_set): raise error when no target klass is
+ supplied. [ruby-dev:28582]
+Tue Apr 18 17:40:37 2006 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: add a binding to a container for a slave IP.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: update RELEASE_DATE.
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: forget to reset a Tcl interpreter.
+ * ext/tk/stubs.c: fix potential bugs about handling rb_argv0.
+Mon Apr 10 01:03:10 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * prec.c (prec_prec_f): documentation patch from
+ <gerardo.santana at>. [ruby-core:07689]
+Sat Apr 8 02:34:34 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_pow): second operand may be too big even if
+ it's a Fixnum. [ruby-talk:187984]
+Sat Apr 8 02:12:38 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * README.EXT: update symbol description. [ruby-talk:188104]
+Sat Apr 8 18:06:28 2006 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: add WIN32OLE_METHOD#inspect,
+ WIN32OLE_PARAM#inspect.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_method.rb: ditto.
+ * add test/win32ole/test_win32ole_param.rb.
+Fri Apr 7 22:11:30 2006 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c(foletypelib_initialize):
+ accepts OLE file.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_typelib.rb(test_initialize): ditto.
+Thu Apr 6 23:28:47 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * COPYING: explicitly note GPLv2. [ruby-talk:187922]
+Thu Apr 6 16:43:06 2006 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * intern.h (rb_obj_instance_exec, rb_mod_module_exec): add declaration.
+Thu Apr 6 11:18:37 2006 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/panedwindow.rb: lack of arguments. [ruby-core:7681]
+Thu Apr 6 01:04:47 2006 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: fix SEGV when embedding to an application.
+ [ruby-core:7600]
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: fix SEGV at exit. [ruby-talk:186489]
+ * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: follow to changing specification of
+ instance_eval on ruby-1.9.x.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: remove warning about redefinition of methods.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/variable.rb: remove warning about unseting Tcl
+ variables.
+Wed Apr 5 00:22:54 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb: use a subclass for instantiation except
+ methods take pathname argument. suggested by Evan Phoenix.
+ [ruby-core:7618]
+Tue Apr 4 22:15:41 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y: remove some obsolete syntax rules (unparenthesized
+ method calls in argument list).
+Sat Apr 1 15:11:27 2006 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: add WIN32OLE_TYPE#inspect,
+ * remove ext/win32ole/tests/testOLEVARIABLE.rb, testOLETYPE.rb
+ testOLETYPELIB.rb.
+ * testall.rb: ditto.
+ * add test/win32ole
+Fri Mar 31 14:24:55 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_with_index): removed suspicious return
+ statement.
+Wed Mar 29 23:06:48 2006 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_invoke): change the behavior of
+ WIN32OLE#[], WIN32OLE#[]=. These methods invoke DISPID_VALUE.
+ * ext/win32ole/sample/excel2.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/tests/testWIN32OLE.rb: ditto.
+Wed Mar 29 10:11:31 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c (nkf_each_char_to_hex, encode_fallback_subchar,
+ e2w_conv): support C90 compiler.
+Mon Mar 27 22:45:37 2006 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/{nkf.c, utf8tbl.c}: imported nkf 2.0.6.
+ * Add --ic / --oc option and mapping tables.
+ * Add fallback option.
+ * Add --no-best-fit-chars option.
+ * Fix some bugs.
+ * ext/nkf/nkf.c (nkf_split_options): added for parse option string.
+ * ext/nkf/lib/kconv.rb (*): add -m0.
+ Note that* still imply -X.
+ * ext/nkf/test.rb: Removed. Obsolete by test/nkf.
+ * ext/.document: enabled documents in nkf and kconv
+ * ext/nkf/nkf.c, ext/nkf/lib/kconv.rb: Add rdoc.
+Mon Mar 27 03:17:21 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): insecure calling should be checked for non
+ NODE_SCOPE method invocations too.
+ * eval.c (rb_alias): should preserve the current safe level as
+ well as method definition.
+Sun Mar 26 22:02:51 2006 K.Kosako <sndgk393 AT>
+ * re.c: refactoring for options.
+ * parse.y: ditto.
+Fri Mar 24 21:11:02 2006 K.Kosako <sndgk393 AT>
+ * re.c (match_aref): RDoc description updated.
+ * string.c (rb_str_sub): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_gsub): ditto.
+Fri Mar 24 17:20:03 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * process.c (rb_f_sleep): remove RDoc description about SIGALRM
+ which is not valid on the current implementation. [ruby-dev:28464]
+Thu Mar 23 21:40:47 2006 K.Kosako <sndgk393 AT>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_regsub): prohibit \1, \2 ...\9 in replaced string
+ for named regex pattern.
+Thu Mar 23 21:06:23 2006 K.Kosako <sndgk393 AT>
+ * oniguruma.h: Version 4.0.2
+ * regparse.c: ditto.
+ * regcomp.c ditto.
+ * regerror.c: ditto.
+Thu Mar 23 10:47:03 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (method_missing): should support argument splat in
+ super. a bug in combination of super, splat and
+ method_missing. [ruby-talk:185438]
+Thu Mar 23 00:01:32 2006 K.Kosako <sndgk393 AT>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_regsub): add back reference by name \k<name> in
+ replace string.
+ * re.h: add regexp argument to rb_reg_regsub().
+ * string.c (rb_str_sub_bang): ditto.
+ * string.c (str_gsub): ditto.
+Tue Mar 21 22:14:01 2006 K.Kosako <sndgk393 AT>
+ * re.c (match_alloc): initialize member regexp.
+ * re.c (match_aref): add String and Symbol argument. [ruby-dev:28448]
+ * re.h: add member regexp to RMatch.
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_children): add gc_mark() to regexp member.
+Mon Mar 20 12:05:18 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * Solaris SunPro compiler -rapth patch from
+ <kuwa at>. [ruby-dev:28443]
+Mon Mar 20 11:12:38 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (folevariant_value): could not compile
+ with C90 compiler.
+Mon Mar 20 09:40:23 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * remove enable_rpath=no for Solaris.
+ [ruby-dev:28440]
+Sun Mar 19 09:46:30 2006 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_val2olevariantdata): change behavior
+ of converting OLE Variant object with VT_ARRAY|VT_UI1 and Ruby
+ String object.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (folevariant_value): ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/tests/testOLEVARIANT.rb: ditto.
+Wed Mar 15 16:51:11 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): support libraries without *.so.
+Wed Mar 15 16:39:29 2006 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c, ext/openssl/ossl_nsspki.c: should use
+ "rb_str_new(0, 0)" to make empty string.
+Sun Mar 12 17:02:10 2006 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c(ole_val2olevariantdata): support VT_ARRAY in
+ * ext/win32ole/tests/testOLEVARIANT.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/tests/testOLEPARAM.rb: test method name should not be
+ duplicated.
+Sat Mar 11 14:24:06 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.1: a clarification patch from David Lutterkort
+ <dlutter at>. [ruby-core:7508]
+Sun Mar 5 18:40:58 2006 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: do not repeat command options.
+Sun Mar 5 18:35:03 2006 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (send_request_with_body): #content_type never
+ return false, use #main_type instead. [ruby-core:07476]
+Sat Mar 4 15:26:40 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * gc.c (id2ref): fix symbol test.
+Sat Mar 4 01:08:07 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/ri_paths.rb (RI::Paths): adding paths from rubygems
+ directories. a patch from Eric Hodel <drbrain at>.
+ [ruby-core:07423]
+Fri Mar 3 17:59:00 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_clear_cache_by_class): clearing wrong cache.
+Fri Mar 3 21:22:42 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils.cp_r): implement :remove_destination
+ option.
+ * ext/extmk.rb: use :remove_destination to install extension libraries
+ to avoid SEGV. [ruby-dev:28417]
+Fri Mar 3 14:41:04 2006 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/dl/.cvsignore: ignore callback.h.
+ * ext/ripper/.cvsignore: ignore eventids2table.c.
+ * ext/socket/.cvsignore: ignore constants.h.
+Thu Mar 2 18:58:18 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_fd_writable): should not re-schedule output
+ from KILLED thread (must be error printing).
+Thu Mar 2 09:12:05 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_flatten_bang): allow specifying recursion
+ level. [ruby-talk:182170]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_flatten): ditto.
+Thu Mar 2 08:02:42 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (add_heap): a heap_slots may overflow. a patch from Stefan
+ Weil <weil at>.
+Wed Mar 1 17:13:37 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call): use separate cache for fcall/vcall
+ invocation.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): NODE_FCALL, NODE_VCALL can call local
+ functions.
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_local): a new method to specify newly added
+ visibility "local".
+ * eval.c (search_method): search for local methods which are
+ visible only from the current class.
+ * class.c (rb_class_local_methods): a method to list local methods.
+Thu Mar 2 17:54:45 2006 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * gc.c: committed magic for reducing RVALUE size on windows. (24->20byte)
+ [ruby-core:7474]
+Thu Mar 2 14:12:26 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * gc.c: align VALUE with sizeof(RVALUE) globally.
+ (is_pointer_to_heap): check alignment out of loop.
+ (id2ref): avoid collision between symbols and objects.
+ (rb_obj_id): ditto. moved from object.c.
+ [ruby-talk:178364] [ruby-core:7305]
+Thu Mar 2 12:55:16 2006 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * win32/win32.c (filetime_to_unixtime): should set tm_isdst to -1.
+ stat() didn't treat daylight saving time property on WinNT.
+ [ruby-talk:182100]
+Wed Mar 1 00:15:51 2006 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_rb.rb (read_escape): could not handle /\^/.
+ merged Mr. Ishizuka's lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb 's patch rev 1.29.
+ [ruby-talk:181631] [ruby-dev:28404]
+Tue Feb 28 19:32:14 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (Init_Object): add BasicObject class as a top level
+ BlankSlate class.
+Mon Feb 27 00:19:16 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.h (SYM2ID): should not cast to signed long.
+ [ruby-core:07414]
+Fri Feb 24 20:21:38 2006 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * test/drb/drbtest.rb (add_service_command): quote pathnames in the
+ server's command line for space contained directory names.
+ Thanks, arton. [ruby-dev:28386]
+Fri Feb 24 12:10:07 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * instruby.rb: install *.exe.manifest and *.dll.manifest if exist.
+ It's for VC++8.
+Fri Feb 24 11:17:45 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (NtInitialize): need to set a handler for VC++8.
+Thu Feb 23 22:39:59 2006 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub: use borlndmm.dll if possible. bcc32's RTL internal
+ memory manager cannot handle large memory block properly.
+ ex: 10000.times { "" << "." * 529671; GC.start } # crash
+ [ruby-dev:28230]
+Thu Feb 23 13:23:03 2006 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * eval.c (SETUP_ARGS0): fixed memory corruption. [ruby-dev:28360]
+Wed Feb 22 21:16:55 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb (Pathname#each_filename): use split_names properly.
+Wed Feb 22 16:24:05 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/webrick/test_cgi.rb: should support platforms which search
+ library path from the interpreter's path.
+ And, support test without install incidentally.
+Wed Feb 22 14:21:03 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (bignorm): x may not be a bignum. [ruby-dev:28367]
+Wed Feb 22 09:22:40 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (proc_alloc): add proper check for creation of a lambda
+ without a block.
+Tue Feb 21 02:07:39 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (f_arglist): should set command_start = Qtrue for
+ command body. [ruby-talk:180648]
+Mon Feb 20 22:30:17 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * mkconfig.rb: alias Config to RbConfig for compatibility.
+Mon Feb 20 18:21:41 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_reopen): flush before reopening a file.
+ reported by Mathieu Bouchard. [ruby-core:7396]
+Mon Feb 20 17:29:50 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * mkconfig.rb: generate RbConfig instead of Config.
+ * instruby.rb, rubytest.rb, runruby.rb, bcc32/Makefile.sub,
+ ext/extmk.rb, ext/dl/extconf.rb, ext/iconv/charset_alias.rb,
+ lib/mkmf.rb, lib/rdoc/ri/ri_paths.rb,
+ lib/webrick/httpservlet/cgihandler.rb,
+ test/dbm/test_dbm.rb, test/gdbm/test_gdbm.rb,
+ test/ruby/envutil.rb, test/soap/calc/test_calc_cgi.rb,
+ test/soap/header/test_authheader_cgi.rb, test/soap/ssl/test_ssl.rb,
+ win32/mkexports.rb, win32/resource.rb: Use RbConfig instead of
+ Config.
+Mon Feb 20 13:46:19 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/find.rb: should raise ENOENT if root entry does not exist,
+ without opening it. [ruby-dev:28345]
+Mon Feb 20 12:27:53 2006 Kent Sibilev <>
+ * lib/rational.rb (Integer::gcd): small typo fix.
+ [ruby-core:07395]
+Mon Feb 20 10:03:59 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_const_get_0): Object should have been the lowest
+ in const lookup precedence. [ruby-dev:28343]
+Mon Feb 20 09:17:11 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb (Delegator): should not delegate "funcall".
+Mon Feb 20 09:13:42 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet/cgihandler.rb (WEBrick::HTTPServlet::CGIHandler):
+ qualify the access for Config constant. [ruby-dev:28338]
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::A): qualify
+ ClassValue. [ruby-dev:28338]
+Mon Feb 20 01:05:27 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/rational.rb (Integer::gcd): replaced by gcd4 in
+ [ruby-core:07390]. [ruby-core:07377]
+Mon Feb 20 00:57:02 2006 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.h (OSSL_Debug): should not use __func__.
+ [ruby-dev:28339]
+Mon Feb 20 00:13:49 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb: add :ssl_verify_mode option.
+ suggested by Will Glynn.
+ * lib/open-uri.rb: add :ssl_ca_cert option.
+Sun Feb 19 04:46:29 2006 Guy Decoux <>
+ * eval.c: initial value for block_unique must be 1.
+ [ruby-talk:180420]
+Sat Feb 18 23:58:26 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/tracer.rb (Tracer::Tracer.add_filter): turn on tracer mode
+ only when caller() level size is one. [ruby-core:07389]
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_rb.rb: need not to require "tracer".
+ [ruby-core:07389]
+ * sample/rtags.rb: ditto.
+Sat Feb 18 21:16:27 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_obj_instance_eval): RDoc description updated. a
+ patch from Ozgur Murat Homurlu <ozgurmurath at>.
+ [ruby-core:07381]
+Sat Feb 18 01:01:17 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_const_get_0): skip ruby_wrapper in const search
+ to give it lower priority (just above Object). need not to
+ change rb_const_defined_0() since it's only a precedence matter;
+ they are defined anyway.
+Sat Feb 18 00:22:39 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/tracer.rb: merged a minor clarification patch from Daniel
+ Berger <Daniel.Berger at>. [ruby-core:07376]
+Fri Feb 17 17:30:20 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (ev_const_get): simplified using rb_const_get_fallback().
+ * eval.c (ev_const_defined): adopt to ev_const_get() using
+ rb_const_defined_fallback().
+ * variable.c (rb_const_get_fallback): new function to implement
+ constant search.
+ * variable.c (rb_const_defined_fallback): new function to
+ implement constant definition check.
+ * variable.c (rb_const_get_0): adopt to new behavior. constants
+ are looked up in the order of: current class, super classes (but
+ Object), lexically external classes/modules, and Object.
+ * variable.c (rb_const_defined_0): ditto.
+Fri Feb 17 11:20:53 2006 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * util.c (ruby_strtod): Float("1e") should fail. [ruby-core:7330]
+ * pack.c (EXTEND32): unpack("l") did not work where sizeof(long) != 4.
+ [ruby-talk:180024]
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): fixed integer overflow on template "w".
+ [ruby-talk:180126]
+Fri Feb 17 09:39:29 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_wait_for): sleep should always sleep for
+ specified amount of time. [ruby-talk:180067]
+Wed Feb 15 16:52:52 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): NODE_OP_ASGN1 should allow splat in its
+ argument list. [ruby-core:07366]
+ * parse.y (arg): avoid unnecessary extra argument.
+ [ruby-core:07366]
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): honor visibility on OP_ASGN1 and
+ OP_ASGN2. [ruby-core:07366]
+Wed Feb 15 15:20:23 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (error_line): remove void control path. [ruby-dev:28335]
+Wed Feb 15 10:09:51 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (yield_under_i): should not pass self as an argument to
+ the block for instance_eval. [ruby-core:07364]
+Wed Feb 15 09:20:35 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_obj_instance_eval): should be no singleton classes for
+ true, false, and nil. [ruby-dev:28186]
+Tue Feb 14 20:26:00 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_each): return self if no block is
+ given. [yarv-dev:882]
+Tue Feb 14 18:48:33 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (DMETHOD_P): accessing wrong frame. [ruby-dev:28181]
+ * eval.c (proc_invoke): preserve FRAME_DMETH flag.
+Tue Feb 14 15:15:22 2006 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c: suppress warning on test/zlib. [ruby-dev:28323]
+Tue Feb 14 13:47:22 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_utime): drop read-only attribute before
+ changing file time.
+Tue Feb 14 13:38:01 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.h): should define HAVE_LONG_LONG with
+ VC++8.
+Tue Feb 14 11:42:38 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * time.c (search_time_t): support non 32bit time_t environments.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.h): VC++8 has ``long long'' type.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.h): VC++8's time_t is 64bit value.
+Mon Feb 13 18:01:52 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (copy_node_scope): remove duplicated semicolons at end.
+ a patch from KIMURA Koichi <kimura.koichi at>.
+ [ruby-dev:28332]
+ * eval.c (VIS_MODE): remove unnecessary argument.
+ [ruby-dev:28332]
+Mon Feb 13 13:49:48 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (parser_parse_string): mention "regexp" in a error
+ message. a patch from Mauricio Fernandez <mfp at>
+ [ruby-core:07340]
+Mon Feb 13 00:01:32 2006 K.Kosako <sndgk393 AT>
+ * oniguruma.h: Version 4.0.1
+ * regparse.c (onig_free_shared_cclass_table): fix memory leaks.
+ * regcomp.c (optimize_node_left): change from IS_POSIXLINE() to IS_MULTILINE().
+ * regparse.h: ditto.
+ * regexec.c: ditto.
+Sat Feb 11 21:57:29 2006 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: add WIN32OLE.create_guid.
+ * ext/win32ole/tests/testWIN32OLE.rb: ditto.
+Sat Feb 11 01:57:44 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_autoload): check if ruby_cbase is nil (during
+ instance_eval for objects cannot have singleton classes,
+ e.g. fixnums and symbols). [ruby-dev:28178]
+Fri Feb 10 12:31:05 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): should support NODE_ZSUPER in NODE_ITER.
+ [ruby-dev:28326]
+ * eval.c (ZSUPER_ARGS): support macro.
+Wed Feb 8 10:26:06 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_call_finalizer_at_exit): turn on during_gc while
+ invoking finalizers.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_finalize_deferred): ditto.
+Tue Feb 7 23:03:13 2006 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c: should not access ruby objects in finalizer.
+ [ruby-dev:28286]
+Tue Feb 7 18:42:00 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_write_error2): use fwrite(3) if rb_stderr is not
+ updated or is already freed. [ruby-dev:28313]
+Mon Feb 6 16:02:51 2006 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * file.c (rb_thread_flock): ERROR_NOT_LOCKED is not an error on Cygwin.
+ In such situation, flock() should return 0.
+Mon Feb 6 14:36:29 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (error_line): include the class name of a surrounding
+ method in error position description.
+Mon Feb 6 00:14:57 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (enum_find_index): a new method Enumerable#find_index.
+ [ruby-talk:178495]
+Sun Feb 5 23:29:31 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ruby.h (struct RStruct): embed 3 or less elements structs.
+ (RSTRUCT_LEN): defined for accessing struct members.
+ (RSTRUCT_PTR): ditto.
+ * struct.c: use RSTRUCT_LEN and RSTRUCT_PTR.
+ (struct_alloc): allocate small structs in embedded format.
+ (rb_struct_init_copy): ditto.
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_children): use RSTRUCT_LEN and RSTRUCT_PTR.
+ (obj_free): ditto.
+ * marshal.c (w_object): use RSTRUCT_LEN and RSTRUCT_PTR.
+Sun Feb 5 21:01:49 2006 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_to_s): removed workaround for radix 2. Historically,
+ rb_fix2str could only handle radix 8, 10, 16. (Rev1.37) But for now,
+ it can handle radix 2..36. [ruby-Bugs#3438] [ruby-core:7300]
+Sun Feb 5 18:49:00 2006 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (add_field, get_fields): keep 1.8.2
+ compatibility. This patch is contributed by Rob Pitt.
+Sun Feb 5 16:33:50 2006 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): Kernel#sub! was removed on HEAD.
+Sun Feb 5 14:26:54 2006 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * lib/pstore.rb: should return default value if name is not found.
+ [ruby-core:7304]
+ * lib/pstore.rb: should raise PStore::Error if not in transaction.
+Sat Feb 4 22:51:43 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * eval.c: apply the FreeBSD getcontext/setcontext workaround
+ only before FreeBSD 7-CURRENT.
+Sat Feb 4 21:10:06 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (LK_ERR): ERROR_NOT_LOCKED is not an error.
+ In such situation, flock() should return 0.
+Sat Feb 4 15:52:56 2006 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_to_s): (2**32).to_s(2) fails with exception where
+ sizeof(int) == 4 < sizeof(long). [ruby-core:7300]
+Sat Feb 4 15:02:05 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * oniguruma.h: merge Oniguruma 4.0.0 [ruby-dev:28290]
+Fri Feb 3 19:25:53 2006 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * ruby.h: fixed prototype.
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c: defined symbol ID as global variable as others.
+Fri Feb 3 17:57:02 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c: unify ruby_class (for method definition) and ruby_cbase
+ (for constant reference).
+Fri Feb 3 15:02:10 2006 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * ext/syck/syck.c (syck_move_tokens): should reset p->cursor or etc
+ even if skip == 0. This causes buffer overrun.
+ (ex: YAML.load('--- "..' + '\x82\xA0' * 511 + '"'))
+Fri Feb 3 00:01:31 2006 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * ext/syck/emitter.c (syck_emitter_write): should not set '\0' on
+ emitter's marker. if marker points to the end of buffer, this is
+ buffer overrun. (ex: YAML.dump("." * 12288))
+Thu Feb 2 17:13:01 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_rb.rb (RDoc::RubyParser#get_tk): added
+ support of :'string' style Symbol.
+Thu Feb 2 16:01:24 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): use TMP_ALLOC() instead of allocating
+ a temporary array object.
+ * eval.c (eval): need not to protect $SAFE value.
+ [ruby-core:07177]
+ * error.c (Init_Exception): change NameError to direct subclass of
+ Exception so that default rescue do not handle it silently.
+Thu Feb 2 14:45:53 2006 Ville Mattila <>
+ * The isinf is not recognized by autoconf
+ library guesser on solaris 10. [ruby-core:7138]
+Wed Feb 1 22:01:47 2006 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ *, hash.c (ruby_setenv): use setenv(3) and unsetenv(3)
+ where they are supported. modifying environ variable seems to
+ segfault solaris 10. [ruby-core:7276] [ruby-dev:28270]
+ * ruby.c (set_arg0): if use setenv(3), environ space cannot be used
+ for altering argv[0].
+Tue Jan 31 14:46:28 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_select): update RDoc description.
+ [ruby-core:7254]
+Tue Jan 31 11:58:51 2006 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: add MultiTkIp#eval and bg_eval.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb: TkNamespace#eval was enbugged at the
+ last commit. Now it will return a proper object.
+Tue Jan 31 08:07:02 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (int_upto): return an enumerator if no block is
+ attached to the method.
+ * numeric.c (int_downto): ditto.
+ * numeric.c (int_dotimes): ditto.
+ * enum.c (enum_first): new method Enumerable#first to take first n
+ elements from an enumerable.
+ * enum.c (enum_group_by): new method Enumerable#group_by that
+ groups enumerable values according to their block values.
+Tue Jan 31 00:08:22 2006 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (syck_resolver_transfer): workaround for SEGV.
+ ex: ruby -ryaml -e 'YAML.load("!map:B {}")' [ruby-core:7217]
+Sat Jan 28 07:49:30 2006 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * lib/rdoc/usage.rb: support "a:0:33" style caller[-1]. In this case
+ file name is "a:0". I don't know this really happens though...
+ [ruby-Bugs:3344]
+Thu Jan 26 15:55:52 2006 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: turn on do_not_reverse_lookup by default.
+Wed Jan 25 22:29:04 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, dln.c, file.c, intern.h, missing.h (eaccess): use
+ system routine if provided. fixed: [ruby-core:07195]
+Sun Jan 22 23:27:13 2006 Go Noguchi <>
+ * lib/test/unit/autorunner.rb (process_args): ignore arguments after
+ '--' so that test scripts can handle them. fixed: [ruby-dev:28258]
+Sun Jan 22 22:09:52 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * eval.c (POST_GETCONTEXT): define separately from PRE_GETCONTEXT on
+ IA64 to avoid reusing variable address.
+Sun Jan 22 20:03:35 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_setjmp): define PRE_GETCONTEXT and POST_GETCONTEXT
+ define PRE_GETCONTEXT to clear carry flag for workaround of
+ FreeBSD/i386 getcontext/setcontext bug.
+ [ruby-dev:28263]
+Thu Jan 19 22:19:18 2006 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (mv): should remove file after copying.
+ [ruby-dev:28223]
+Wed Jan 18 23:37:06 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * eval.c (FUNCTION_CALL_MAY_RETURN_TWICE): don't clobber %l7 of SPARC
+ if enable-shared.
+ (ruby_setjmp): call FUNCTION_CALL_MAY_RETURN_TWICE after getcontext
+ too.
+ reported by Pav Lucistnik and Marius Strobl.
+Tue Jan 17 23:59:56 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (rb_mod_const_get, rb_mod_const_defined): added optional
+ flag to search ancestors, which is defaulted to true.
+ fixed: [ruby-talk:175899]
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_method_defined): ditto.
+Tue Jan 17 11:31:47 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/setup.mak (MAKE): workaround for nmake 8.
+Tue Jan 17 11:06:19 2006 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: invoke .bat via shell. workaround for nmake 8.
+Mon Jan 16 10:13:38 2006 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * ext/syck/emitter.c (syck_emit_seq, syck_emit_map, syck_emit_item):
+ should output complex key mark even if map's key is empty seq/map.
+ [ruby-core:7129]
+Sat Jan 14 03:38:54 2006 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_chmod): avoid warning where sizeof(int) !=
+ sizeof(void*).
+Fri Jan 13 19:26:15 2006 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * lib/rdoc/diagram.rb:
+ - properly quote bare element attributes
+ - terminates dangling elements (e.g. <img>, <br>, <link>, etc)
+ - converts "CVS" to the more HTML-friendly acronym element
+ - adds missing type attributes to style elements
+ based on Paul Duncan's patch <> [ruby-core:7028]
+ * lib/rdoc/generators/html_generator.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rdoc/generators/template/html/hefss.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rdoc/generators/template/html/html.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rdoc/generators/template/html/kilmer.rb: ditto.
+Thu Jan 12 11:53:08 2006 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/sample/tkballoonhelp.rb: [bug fix] couldn't add to a widget
+ which is constructed with TkComposite module.
+ [new feature] support 'command' option which is called just before
+ popping up the balloon help.
+Wed Jan 11 00:12:29 2006 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/erb.rb (ERB::Compiler): add instance variable @insert_cmd to
+ change <%='s behavior.
+Tue Jan 10 19:42:33 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * gc.c (garbage_collect): mark ruby_current_node.
+ if an exception is raised in a finalizer written in C called by
+ rb_gc_call_finalizer_at_exit, ruby_set_current_source may use
+ collected ruby_current_node and mark_source_filename may corrupt
+ memory.
+Tue Jan 10 13:30:34 2006 akira yamada <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (syck_resolver_transfer): should be able to load
+ !ruby/object:Bignum syntax 1.8.3 dumped. [ruby-core:6159]
+Tue Jan 10 12:47:41 2006 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * lib/yaml/rubytypes.rb (Fixnum): Bignum could not be loaded in
+ ruby 1.8.3/1.8.4. [ruby-core:6115]
+ * lib/yaml/rubytypes.rb (Numeric): Subclass of Numeric could not
+ be dumped properly. [ruby-core:7047]
+Tue Jan 10 12:00:48 2006 Aaron Schrab <aaron @nospam@>
+ * lib/yaml/rubytypes.rb (Symbol#yaml_new): YAML loading of quoted
+ Symbols broken. [ruby-Bugs:2535]
+Tue Jan 10 07:26:52 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * gc.c (gc_stress): renamed from always_gc and enabled by default.
+ (gc_stress_get): new function for GC.stress.
+ (gc_stress_set): new function for GC.stress=.
+Mon Jan 9 19:58:56 2006 arton <>
+ * ext/zlib/extconf.rb: zlib compiled DLL version 1.2.3 distributed by
+ has zdll.lib. [ruby-dev:28209]
+Mon Jan 9 14:25:00 2006 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (OPTFLAGS): I have experienced trouble on y- flag,
+ (VisualC++6) so use -O2b2xg- if $(MSC_VER) < 1400. [ruby-core:7040]
+Mon Jan 9 14:25:00 2006 Kero van Gelder <rubyforge @nospam@>
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb: fixed typo. [ruby-core:7075]
+Sun Jan 8 14:15:27 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ Intel C++ Compiler defines __GNUC__.
+Sat Jan 7 15:40:07 2006 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (singleton): get rid of segfault on syntax error.
+ fixed: [ruby-core:07070]
+Sat Jan 7 06:24:18 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * eval.c (rb_fd_isset): compare the result of FD_ISSET with 0 to
+ avoid FreeBSD bug. FreeBSD defines FD_ISSET as just a bitmap of
+ unsigned long. So returning the value from rb_fd_isset discards
+ upper 32bits on LP64 environment.
+Fri Jan 6 02:20:18 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * don't force getcontext on IA64.
+ * eval.c (ruby_setjmp): add an argument for just before getcontext.
+ (THREAD_SAVE_CONTEXT): call rb_thread_save_context just
+ before getcontext.
+ [ruby-dev:28205]
+Sun Jan 1 15:28:46 2006 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * missing.h (isinf): avoid macro expansion
+ "extern int isinf(double);" to
+ "extern int ((sizeof(double)==sizeof(float))?_Isinff(double):_Isinf(double));" on
+ HP-UX.
+Sun Jan 1 14:42:54 2006 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_seekdir): should not segfault even if passed
+ the location which rb_w32_telldir didn't return. (and should change
+ `bits' position) [ruby-core:7035]
+ * win32/dir.h: ditto. (stores `loc' instead of `bitpos')
+ * test/ruby/test_dir.rb: added.
+Sat Dec 31 22:57:00 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_save_context): should not recycle scope object used
+ in a thread. fixed: [ruby-dev:28177]
+Sat Dec 31 19:50:38 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c: attribute name was truncated with Rev1.64.
+Sat Dec 31 11:53:16 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * lib/generator.rb: (Generator#initialize): should kill @loop_thread
+ before starting new thread. (occurs when called via Generator#rewind)
+ [ruby-dev:28184]
+Fri Dec 30 18:22:42 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (garbage_collect): mark objects referred from aborting threads.
+ [ruby-dev:28190]
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: VC++8 support.
+Fri Dec 30 15:17:35 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * lib/generator.rb (Generator#initialize): ensured to stop @loop_thread.
+ Mr. Tanaka pointed out one Thread.pass is not enough. [ruby-dev:28185]
+Fri Dec 30 12:20:57 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * lib/generator.rb (Generator#initialize): fixed dead lock. this occurred
+ when end? was called before @loop_thread was stopped. [ruby-core:7029]
+Fri Dec 30 01:04:52 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * lib/generator.rb: should work with another thread. (more robust code)
+ [ruby-dev:28177]
+Thu Dec 29 23:59:37 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_gc_mark_threads): keep unmarked threads which won't wake
+ up alone, and mark threads in the loading table. [ruby-dev:28154]
+ * eval.c (rb_gc_abort_threads), gc.c (gc_sweep): kill unmarked
+ threads. [ruby-dev:28172]
+Thu Dec 29 17:02:07 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (EnvUtil.rubybin): search "ruby" instead of
+ "miniruby". [ruby-dev:28140]
+Thu Dec 29 14:35:10 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_define_method): should save safe_level in the
+ proc object. [ruby-dev:28146]
+Thu Dec 29 11:22:34 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * lib/generator.rb: reimplemented Generator class with Thread instead of
+ callcc, in order to fix memory leak. [ruby-dev:28142]
+Wed Dec 28 14:10:05 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ia64.s: remove .pred.safe_across_calls directive.
+ reported by WATANABE Tetsuya. [ruby-dev:28141]
+Wed Dec 28 01:32:39 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * eval.c (struct thread): add bstr_max.
+ (rb_thread_save_context): use realloc instead of REALLOC_N
+ to avoid GC.
+Tue Dec 27 23:59:53 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (CompletingHash#match): fix for 1.9.
+Tue Dec 27 16:59:52 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * test/drb/drbtest.rb (DRbService::self.ext_service): increase
+ timeout limit. a patch from Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA
+ <zn at>. [ruby-dev:28132]
+Tue Dec 27 14:17:55 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * define IA64 for portability. (HP aC++/ANSI C doesn't
+ define __ia64__.)
+ don't check libunwind stuff.
+ check __libc_ia64_register_backing_store_base.
+ * defines.h: declare rb_ia64_bsp and rb_ia64_flushrs.
+ (flush_register_windows): call rb_ia64_flushrs on IA64.
+ * ia64.s: new file for IA64.
+ it is separated from C program files because
+ Intel C++ Compiler for IA64 doesn't support inline assembly.
+ * (ia64.$(OBJEXT)): new target.
+ * ruby.h (RUBY_INIT_STACK): defined.
+ (ruby_init_stack): declared for RUBY_INIT_STACK.
+ * main.c (main): precedes RUBY_INIT_STACK before ruby_init.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_register_stack_start): new global variable on IA64.
+ (garbage_collect): simplify register stack marking code.
+ don't use libunwind.
+ (Init_stack): initialize rb_gc_register_stack_start.
+ (ruby_init_stack): new function for RUBY_INIT_STACK.
+ * eval.c (struct thread): add bstr_pos member for original position of
+ register stack.
+ (rb_thread_save_context): simplify register stack saving code.
+ don't use libunwind.
+ (rb_thread_restore_context_0): new function. moved from
+ rb_thread_restore_context except the stack position checking code.
+ don't use libunwind for IA64 register stack.
+ (register_stack_extend): new function.
+ (stack_extend): make it self-recursive with
+ the stack position checking code in old rb_thread_restore_context.
+ (rb_thread_restore_context): just call stack_extend.
+ (flush_register_windows): removed.
+ [ruby-dev:28127]
+Tue Dec 27 14:09:39 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * process.c: new method Process.exec. [ruby-dev:28107]
+Tue Dec 27 08:22:15 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.rb (OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket#post_connection_check):
+ treat wildcard character in commonName. [ruby-dev:28121]
+Mon Dec 26 08:50:36 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (ev_const_get): fixed a bug in constant reference during
+ instance_eval. [yarv-dev:707]
+ * eval.c (ev_const_defined): ditto.
+ * lib/yaml.rb (YAML::add_domain_type): typo fixed. a patch from
+ Joel VanderWerf <vjoel at>.
+ [ruby-talk:165285] [ruby-core:6995]
+Fri Dec 23 10:30:23 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/digest/sha2/sha2.c (ULL): support AIX C. a patch from
+ Kailden <kailden at>. [ruby-core:06984]
+Wed Dec 21 16:47:35 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * file.c (w32_io_info): should return handle because FileIndex is
+ valid only while file is open. [ruby-dev:28088]
+Wed Dec 21 12:12:21 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/pathname/test_pathname.rb (test_kernel_open): use
+ File.identical?.
+ [ruby-talk:171804]
+Tue Dec 20 22:41:17 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (eval_under_i): evaluate source in caller's frame.
+ [ruby-dev:28076]
+Tue Dec 20 12:53:23 2005 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (syck_emitter_reset): to ensure compatibility
+ with previous Ruby versions, documents are no longer headless.
+Tue Dec 20 12:33:01 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (syck_node_transform): ruby object holding
+ explicitly freed SyckNode caused SEGV. [ruby-dev:28067]
+ ... I think syck GC problem was solved now!
+Tue Dec 20 01:46:48 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_f_backquote): fix a GC problem on
+ IA64 with gcc 4.0.3 20051216 (prerelease) -O3.
+Mon Dec 19 23:32:39 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (XCFLAGS): separated as well as win32/Makefile.sub.
+ * main.c (always_gc): dllimport is required for VC to import a DLL
+ symbol. fixed: [ruby-dev:28051]
+ * parse.y (rb_symname_p): fixed wrong validation. [ruby-dev:28047]
+Mon Dec 19 23:09:24 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * st.c: uses malloc instead of xmalloc to avoid GC. syck uses st_insert
+ in gram.c to insert node from rb_syck_bad_anchor_handler into
+ SyckParser's hash table. if GC occurs in st_insert, it's not under
+ SyckParser's mark system yet. so RString can be released wrongly.
+ * ext/syck/syck.h (S_FREE): small hack. no need to check if pointer is
+ NULL or not before S_FREE.
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (syck_parser_assign_io): rb_check_string_type can
+ return new RString. if so, it becomes unreachable from GC after
+ returns syck_parser_assign_io, and can be freed by GC. (dangling
+ in syck io system) so extends its life time till syck_parse is called.
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (syck_parser_s_alloc): always allocates bonus,
+ so no need to check if NULL, and "volatile VALUE hash"
+ is not needed. (bonus->port was not protected in syck_emitter_reset)
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (syck_mark_parser): ditto.
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (syck_parser_load): ditto.
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (syck_parser_load_documents): ditto.
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (syck_emitter_s_alloc): ditto.
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (syck_mark_emitter): ditto.
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (syck_emitter_reset): ditto.
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (syck_scalar_value_set): "should set newly
+ allocated memory instead of RString's internal storage" stuff again.
+ by this, should call syck_free_node instead of rb_syck_free_node.
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (syck_node_type_id_set): ditto.
+ ... I believe syck GC problem was solved by this.
+Mon Dec 19 12:20:59 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * eval.c (FUNCTION_CALL_MAY_RETURN_TWICE): activate only
+ before gcc 4.0.3 on SPARC and IA64.
+Mon Dec 19 11:37:47 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c: sorry, I reverted my "should set newly
+ allocated memory instead of RString's internal storage" stuff.
+ node allocated in rubyext.c seems to be freed by rb_syck_free_node
+ not syck_free_node, and it won't free data.str->ptr and type_id.
+ (I still think this is unsafe because RString(foo)->ptr becomes
+ dangling pointer when RString is modified or freed, but anyway
+ I misunderstood, so go back to original code for now)
+Sat Dec 17 21:50:41 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (syck_emitter_reset): should initialize
+ emitter->bonus->oid. otherwise rb_gc_mark crashes.
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (syck_mark_parser): should mark anchor nodes
+ because they hold ruby objects. (ie: rb_syck_bad_anchor_handler)
+Sat Dec 17 11:00:17 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (rb_syck_compile): avoid potential memory
+ leak.
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (syck_set_ivars): avoid potential memory
+ leak by explicit symbol allocation.
+Sat Dec 17 03:57:01 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_rshift): fix a GC problem on
+ IA64 with gcc 4.0.3 20051216 (prerelease).
+Sat Dec 17 03:30:23 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * eval.c (bmcall): fix a GC problem by tail call on
+ IA64 with gcc 4.0.3 20051216 (prerelease).
+Fri Dec 16 17:53:45 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (rb_syck_compile): fixed memory leak.
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c: should protect global variable from GC.
+Fri Dec 16 11:44:43 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (syck_resolver_tagurize): fixed memory leak.
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (syck_node_type_id_set): should set newly
+ allocated memory instead of RString's internal storage.
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (syck_scalar_value_set): ditto.
+ ... these fixes won't fix [ruby-dev:27839]. more work is needed.
+Fri Dec 16 04:38:55 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb (Delegator::method_missing): should delegate
+ block as well.
+Thu Dec 15 19:57:12 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI::QueryExtension::MorphingBody): fix criteria to
+ use Tempfile. A fix from Zev Blut <rubyzbibd at>.
+ [ruby-core:06076]
+ * string.c: remove global functions work on $_.
+Thu Dec 15 12:35:14 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/tmpdir.rb: merged RDoc patch from Eric Hodel <drbrain at
+>. [ruby-core:06894]
+Thu Dec 15 01:33:31 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (zstream_run): fix a GC problem by tail call on
+ x86_64 with gcc 4.0.3 20051111 (prerelease) (Debian 4.0.2-4)
+Wed Dec 14 23:50:20 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_c.rb (find_class_comment): fix for class
+ document with prototypes. [ruby-core:06863]
+Wed Dec 14 23:39:53 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (has_magic): glob names contain alphabets to enable case fold
+ search. [ruby-dev:27735]
+ * dir.c (Init_Dir): FNM_SYSCASE which is default case fold flag.
+ [ruby-dev:23296]
+Wed Dec 14 12:01:26 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): fix a GC problem for reading a bignum on
+ IA64 with gcc 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13).
+Tue Dec 13 12:23:47 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_regcomp): fix a GC problem on x86_64 with
+ gcc 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13).
+Tue Dec 13 01:44:16 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_diff): fix a GC problem on IA64 with
+ gcc 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13).
+ When rb_ary_push is called, there was no register which contains
+ `hash' but `&RHASH(hash)->tbl' instead.
+Tue Dec 13 00:08:09 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): fix a GC problem.
+ [ruby-dev:28001]
+Mon Dec 12 15:51:22 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb (test_parallel): call GC.start to close
+ unused files. [ruby-dev:27981]
+Mon Dec 12 09:58:09 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * range.c (range_cover): new method Range#cover? added. the
+ method name might be changed. thanks to takano32 at
+ for name
+ suggestion. [ruby-talk:167182]
+Mon Dec 12 00:33:56 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/digest/digest.c (rb_digest_base_s_digest): add volatile to
+ protect temporary context object. [ruby-dev:27979]
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (Init_iconv): rb_gc_register_address() should
+ be called before actual variable initialization.
+ [ruby-dev:27986]
+Sun Dec 11 23:54:07 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/*: update to support libraries in ActiveTcl8.4.12.0
+ (see ext/tk/ChangeLog.tkextlib).
+ * ext/tk/sample/scrollframe.rb: add a new sample.
+Sun Dec 11 22:07:58 2005 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * test/rinda/test_rinda.rb (test_remote_array_and_hash): pseudo remote
+ objects are protected against GC. [ruby-dev:27911]
+Sat Dec 10 01:06:06 2005 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb: add Matrix#determinant_e, Matrix#rank_e.
+ [ruby-dev:27820] and related thread.
+Sat Dec 10 00:31:42 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (calling_scope_t): gave names to magic numbers for rb_call().
+ [ruby-dev:27978]
+Fri Dec 9 23:31:02 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rexml/encoding.rb (encoding=): give priority to particular
+ conversion to iconv. [ruby-core:06520]
+Fri Dec 9 23:16:51 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * range.c (range_include): return false unless included in numeric
+ range. fixed: [ruby-dev:27975]
+Thu Dec 8 02:07:19 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (umethod_bind): adjust invoking class for module method.
+ [ruby-dev:27964]
+Thu Dec 8 00:40:52 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (call_trace_func): klass parameter should be a
+ class/module that defines calling method. [ruby-talk:169307]
+Wed Dec 7 17:10:27 2005 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_f_sprintf): [ruby-dev:27967]
+Wed Dec 7 16:39:18 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * range.c (range_include): use discrete membership for non Numeric
+ values, for example, String.
+ * numeric.c (num_scalar_p): new method. [ruby-dev:27936]
+ * lib/complex.rb (Complex#scalar?): ditto.
+Wed Dec 7 15:31:35 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): integer overflow check added.
+ * sprintf.c (GETASTER): ditto.
+Wed Dec 7 01:02:04 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/README.macosx-aqua: [new document] tips to avoid the known
+ bug on platform specific dialogs of Tcl/Tk Aqua on MacOS X.
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: fix bug on switching threads and waiting on the
+ deleted interpreter on vwait and tkwait command.
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: kill the meaningless loop for the deleted Tk
+ interpreter.
+ * ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/image3.rb: [bug fix] wrong argument.
+ * ext/tk/sample/demos-en/image3.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/menu.rb: fix message for MacOS X.
+ * ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/menu8x.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/sample/demos-en/menu.rb: ditto.
+Tue Dec 6 16:48:40 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (ruby_xmalloc2): change check condition for integer
+ overflow. [ruby-dev:27399]
+ * gc.c (ruby_xrealloc2): ditto.
+Tue Dec 6 16:37:57 2005 Yuya Nishida <>
+ * eval.c (exec_under): avoid accessing ruby_frame->prev.
+ [ruby-dev:27948]
+Fri Dec 2 19:06:06 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * dir.c (Compare): should not fold double byte alphabet on win9x.
+Thu Dec 1 00:50:33 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_funcall2): allow to call protected methods.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:27890]
+Wed Nov 30 23:52:17 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (struct parser_params): fields common to ripper must be
+ placed at each same offset.
+ * parse.y (NEWHEAP, ADD2HEAP): set count after pointer was set.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:27896]
+Wed Nov 30 13:43:07 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-expr-beg): support $! at the end of
+ expression. [ruby-dev:27868]
+Tue Nov 29 23:57:05 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (struct parser_params): heap must be placed at same offset
+ also in ripper.y. fixed: [ruby-dev:27846]
+ * parse.y (yycompile): prevent vparser from tail call optimization.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:27851]
+ * parse.y (parser_mark): value needs to be marked.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:27845]
+Tue Nov 29 22:45:30 2005 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/drb/observer.rb (notify_observers): follow change of observer.rb.
+ fixed: [ruby-core:6796]
+Mon Nov 28 20:24:22 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pp.rb (PP::PPMethods#object_address_group): mask an address with
+ word size.
+ * lib/pp.rb (PP::PPMethods#object_address_group): adjust address format.
+Mon Nov 28 18:55:22 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (init_inetsock_internal): remove setting
+ SO_REUSEADDR option on server socket on Cygwin.
+ fixed: [ruby-core:6765] ([ ruby-Bugs-2872 ])
+Mon Nov 28 13:11:45 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_strerror): remove all CR and LF. (avoid broken
+ error message on bccwin32 + winsock)
+Mon Nov 28 09:15:50 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): should not change sodir with
+ dir.gsub!. (bccwin32 failed to install third party extensions)
+ [ruby-dev:27834]
+Sun Nov 27 05:37:20 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb: use File.basename to decompose pathnames.
+ experimental Windows support.
+Sun Nov 27 00:56:13 2005 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/wsdl/xmlSchema/complexContent.rb: missing
+ ComplexContent#elementformdefault method.
+Sat Nov 26 19:57:45 2005 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * dln.c (conv_to_posix_path): should initialize posix.
+Fri Nov 25 20:34:56 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc/datetime.rb (DateTime::to_a): comparison with non
+ array-convertible object must return false.
+Fri Nov 25 14:34:09 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * range.c (range_max): treat end exclusion without iteration if
+ the end value is an integer. [ruby-talk:167433]
+Fri Nov 25 12:52:57 2005 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb: added backward compatibility codes.
+ * lib/rss/parser.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rss/test_parser.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rss/test_2.0.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rss/test_content.rb: use #__send__ instead of #funcall for
+ no private method.
+Fri Nov 25 12:39:56 2005 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb: improved type conversion.
+ * lib/rss/1.0.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rss/0.9.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rss/2.0.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rss/image.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rss/syndication.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rss/test_2.0.rb: added type conversion tests.
+ * test/rss/test_accessor.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rss/test_to_s.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rss/test_syndication.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rss/test_setup_maker_2.0.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rss/test_setup_maker_1.0.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rss/test_setup_maker_0.9.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rss/test_maker_sy.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rss/test_maker_image.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rss/test_maker_2.0.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rss/test_maker_0.9.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rss/test_image.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rss/test_maker_1.0.rb: use assert instead of assert_equal.
+ * test/rss/rss-assertions.rb: improved type conversion assertions.
+Fri Nov 25 10:38:20 2005 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/image.rb: added Image prefix.
+ * lib/rss/maker/image.rb: ditto.
+Fri Nov 25 10:33:02 2005 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rss/test_2.0.rb: added RSS 2.0 tests.
+ * test/rss/rss-assertions.rb: extended XML stylesheet assertion.
+ * lib/rss/0.9.rb: added initialize method.
+ * test/rss/test_1.0.rb: cleanup.
+Fri Nov 25 10:29:48 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * range.c (range_min): use <=> comparison rather than iteration.
+ [ruby-talk:167420]
+ * range.c (range_max): ditto.
+Thu Nov 24 01:31:44 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * file.c (w32_io_info): CreateFile failed on Win9x if file was already
+ opened. (FILE_SHARE_READ was needed, but actually I don't understand
+ the flags of CreateFile well...)
+Wed Nov 23 23:52:35 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (num_div): use floor rather than rb_Integer().
+ [ruby-dev:27674]
+Wed Nov 23 22:34:15 2005 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/parser.rb: added entity handling type predicate.
+ * lib/rss/rexmlparser.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rss/xmlparser.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rss/xmlscanner.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rss/xmlscanner.rb: more robust entity handling.
+ * test/rss/test_parser.rb: added an entity handling test.
+Wed Nov 23 20:59:01 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: add Tk.pkgconfig_list and Tk.pkgconfig_get
+ [Tk8.5 feature].
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/text.rb: supports new indices modifiers on a Text
+ widget [Tk8.5 feature].
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/virtevent.rb: add TkNamedVirtualEvent.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/autoload.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/event.rb: add :data key for virtual events [Tk8.5
+ feature].
+Wed Nov 23 18:52:45 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * file.c (w32_io_info): should not call GetFileInformationByHandle
+ for pipe.
+ * file.c (w32_io_info): checks return value from rb_w32_get_osfhandle.
+ * file.c (w32_io_info): now can identify directory on WinNT.
+Wed Nov 23 18:46:53 2005 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/: use #__send__ instead of #send.
+ * test/rss/: ditto.
+Wed Nov 23 18:32:56 2005 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rss/test_taxonomy.rb: use #reject directory.
+Wed Nov 23 18:26:00 2005 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/taxonomy.rb: changed class or module prefix to
+ Taxonomy from Taxo.
+ * lib/rss/maker/taxonomy.rb: ditto.
+Wed Nov 23 18:21:11 2005 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/maker/taxonomy.rb: implemented taxonomy module for RSS
+ Maker.
+ * lib/rss/taxonomy.rb: supported RSS Maker.
+ * lib/rss/maker.rb: added taxonomy module support.
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb: adjusted to other element API.
+ * lib/rss/1.0.rb: adjusted to other element API but backward
+ compatibility is reserved.
+ * lib/rss/0.9.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rss/test_maker_taxo.rb: added test case for taxonomy module
+ for RSS Maker.
+ * test/rss/test_setup_maker_1.0.rb: added tests for taxo:topic.
+ * test/rss/test_setup_maker_1.0.rb: added backward compatibility
+ test.
+ * test/rss/test_setup_maker_0.9.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rss/test_setup_maker_2.0.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rss/rss-testcase.rb: added convenience method for setting
+ up taxo:topic.
+ * test/rss/rss-assertions.rb: added assertion for taxo:topic.
+ * sample/rss/blend.rb: followed new API.
+Wed Nov 23 17:42:24 2005 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb: fixed a indentation bug.
+ * lib/rss/taxonomy.rb: fixed <taxo:topic> #to_s bug.
+ * test/rss/test_taxonomy.rb: added a #to_s test.
+Wed Nov 23 03:40:49 2005 Guy Decoux <>
+ * re.c (KR_REHASH): should cast to unsigned for 64bit CPU.
+ [ruby-core:06721]
+Wed Nov 23 07:26:44 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: check for X509V3_EXT_nconf_nid.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509ext.c (MakeX509ExtFactory): should use
+ OPENSSL_malloc to allocate X509V3_CTX.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509ext.c (ossl_x509extfactory_create_ext): use
+ X509V3_EXT_nconf_nid to avoid SEGV (and to build extensions which
+ values are placed in separate section).
+ * test/openssl/test_x509ext.rb: new file.
+Wed Nov 23 01:22:57 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (test_identical): test if two files are identical.
+ * file.c (rb_f_test): support DOSISH systems where st_ino is not
+ reliable. fixed: [ruby-core:06672]
+ * win32.h, win32.c (rb_w32_osid): check the running platform.
+Tue Nov 22 23:52:06 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb: match incomplete (in current enconding) multibyte
+ string.
+Tue Nov 22 18:36:11 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * win32/win32.c (winnt_stat): set mapped errno instead of ENOENT.
+Tue Nov 22 14:36:54 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_basename): skip slashes just after UNC top slashes.
+ * test/ruby/test_path.rb (test_dirname, test_basename): follow new
+ spec. and add new tests.
+Tue Nov 22 13:30:15 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_stat): Dir.chdir('//server/shared');
+ p Dir.glob('*') should work on WinNT. (implemented our own
+ stat(2) on WinNT) [ruby-list:41552] [ruby-dev:27711]
+Tue Nov 22 02:31:53 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile.rb: bug fix (Tk::Tile::USE_TTK_NAMESPACE
+ is not defined).
+Tue Nov 22 01:45:21 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_basename): DOSISH_UNC is defined on cygwin but
+ DOSISH is not. fixed: [ruby-dev:27797]
+Mon Nov 21 22:50:48 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_path_skip_prefix, rb_file_s_basename): UNC without path
+ should not be splitted. fixed: [ruby-dev:27776] [ruby-dev:27786]
+ * parse.y (dsym): prohibit empty symbol literal by interpolation.
+ fixed: [ruby-talk:166529]
+Mon Nov 21 16:03:48 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/ findstr doesn't exist on win9x.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:27756]
+Sun Nov 20 21:39:27 2005 K.Kosako <sndgk393 AT>
+ * regparse.c (fetch_token_in_cc): tok->escaped should be
+ initialized. [ruby-dev:27763]
+Sun Nov 20 22:34:06 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (rb_symname_p): [ not followed by ] is not valid symbol.
+ fixed: [ruby-talk:166520]
+Sat Nov 19 19:57:54 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils::ln): ln documentation fix.
+ [ruby-core:06661]
+Sat Nov 19 08:19:38 2005 Zach Dennis <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: Socket Documentation. [ruby-core:6552]
+Sat Nov 19 07:34:32 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/font.rb: remove dependency on Ruby's version (1.8
+ or 1.9).
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/ICONS/icons.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/treectrl/demo.rb: ditto.
+Fri Nov 18 18:07:05 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_dirname): should use skipprefix for UNC path.
+ pointed out by nobu ([ruby-dev:27744]). fixed: [ruby-core:5076]
+Fri Nov 18 17:35:09 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: add restriction to access the entried
+ command table and manipulate other IPs (for reason of security).
+ Now, an IP object can be controlled by only its master IP or the
+ default IP.
+ * ext/tk/lib/remote-tk.rb: add restriction to manipulate.
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c (ip_is_slave_of_p): add TclTkIp#slave_of?(ip)
+ to check manipulability.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: bug fix on handling of Tcl's namespaces.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb: ditto.
+Fri Nov 18 16:47:33 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_dirname): added checks for some patterns with drive
+ letter. fixed: [ruby-dev:27738]
+ * test/ruby/test_path.rb (test_dirname): added tests for above
+ patterns.
+Fri Nov 18 12:19:16 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * win32/win32.h (S_IFIFO): r,w = IO.pipe; r.stat.pipe? now
+ returns true on VisualC++6.
+Thu Nov 17 17:58:00 2005 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/1.0.rb: added convenience method 'resources'.
+ * lib/rss/taxonomy.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rss/rss-assertions.rb: added test for 'resources'.
+ * test/rss/test_taxonomy.rb: ditto.
+Thu Nov 17 17:53:30 2005 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/taxonomy.rb: implemented taxonomy module.
+ * test/rss/test_taxonomy.rb: added tests for taxonomy support.
+Thu Nov 17 17:40:19 2005 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/1.0.rb: added rdf:Bag.
+Thu Nov 17 13:52:00 2005 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb: removed needless argument 'prefix'.
+ * lib/rss/parser.rb: ditto.
+Wed Nov 16 23:24:17 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (static-ruby): overridable.
+ * ext/extmk.rb (parse_args): force to link extensions statically only
+ if static is given for extstatic.
+ * ext/extmk.rb (RUBY, RUBYW): overridable.
+Wed Nov 16 01:29:31 2005 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/trackback.rb: added TrackBack prefix.
+ * lib/rss/maker/trackback.rb: ditto.
+Wed Nov 16 01:26:13 2005 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb (RSS::VERSION): 0.1.5 -> 0.1.6.
+ * test/rss/test_version.rb (RSS::TestVersion#test_version): ditto.
+Tue Nov 15 23:54:24 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (file_load_ok): eaccess() returns 0 on success.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:27713]
+Tue Nov 15 16:36:03 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_fill): previous commit disabled this usage:
+ a = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
+ a.fill {|i| a[i] * 10} #=> [nil, nil, ...., nil]
+ previous commit has the advantage of early garbage collection, but
+ potentially this would break some script. so I reverted behavior.
+Tue Nov 15 16:15:23 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (file_load_ok): use eaccess() instead of actually opening
+ the file. [ruby-talk:156378]
+ * lib/jcode.rb (String::reverse): add new methods.
+ [ruby-list:41245]
+Tue Nov 15 15:49:34 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_fill): tail elements were vanished when the middle
+ part of array was filled. (ie: [0,1,2,3,4].fill(-1,2,1) => [0,1,-1])
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb (test_fill): added.
+Tue Nov 15 14:39:16 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_fill): should adjust array length correctly when
+ an array is expanded in the fill process. [ruby-core:06625]
+Mon Nov 14 23:49:57 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_readlink): ERANGE will occur only on GPFS.
+ [ruby-dev:27699]
+Mon Nov 14 17:36:22 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_first): RDoc update from Daniel Berger
+ <>. [ruby-core:06577].
+Sun Nov 13 10:55:24 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (escape): regard second argument as a
+ character set. [ruby-dev:27692]
+Sat Nov 12 08:36:40 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, eval.c, intern.h: check fd_mask type.
+ * (socketpair): need to be checked.
+Fri Nov 11 19:53:47 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * eval.c, intern.h: failed to compile where NFDBITS is defined but
+ howmany() is not defined. [ruby-dev:27680]
+ * io.c (is_socket): failed to compile where S_ISSOCK is not defined.
+ * io.c (pipe_open): failed to compile where socketpair is not supported.
+Fri Nov 11 08:20:56 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (OUTFLAG): keep trailing spaces. [ruby-dev:27666]
+ * mkconfig.rb: substitution references added.
+Fri Nov 11 07:39:49 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * undef HAVE_LINK on BeOS. (link(2) always returns
+ EINVAL, and this causes error in test/fileutils.)
+ * file.c: override chown(2) and fchown(2) on BeOS. (these functions
+ should not change user/group id if -1 is passed as corresponding
+ argument, and this causes error in test/fileutils too)
+ [ruby-dev:27672]
+Thu Nov 10 21:05:03 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/shellwords.rb: fix for blank but not empty string.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:27663]
+Wed Nov 9 08:39:38 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/shellwords.rb: refactored. [ruby-core:06581]
+Tue Nov 8 17:35:53 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * intern.h, eval.c (rb_thread_signal_raise): constified.
+ * signal.c: cosmetic change.
+Tue Nov 8 15:32:27 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/drb/ssl.rb (DRb::SSLConfig#accept): fixed typo.
+ [ruby-dev:27560] [ruby-core:4627]
+Mon Nov 7 20:54:57 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c: iconvctl() support. [EXPERIMENTAL]
+Mon Nov 7 16:23:23 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.h: need to include winsock2.h before including
+ windows.h by some openssl headers.
+Mon Nov 7 13:43:51 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/stubs.c (_nativethread_consistency_check): use simpler
+ (low cost) way to check whether the Tcl interpreter was compiled
+ with threads enabled of not.
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: reduce warnings.
+ * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: ditto.
+Mon Nov 7 00:06:12 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * lib/yaml.rb: removed :nodoc: to generate Kernel doc. [ruby-core:6324]
+Sun Nov 6 23:39:13 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (Iconv::BrokenLibrary): exception when detected a
+ bug of underlying library.
+Sun Nov 6 21:43:22 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * ext/tk/stubs.c (ruby_tcl_create_ip_and_stubs_init): should touch
+ interpreter after initialization is done. [ruby-dev:27638]
+Sun Nov 6 20:13:27 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_readlink): readlink(2) on AIX fails with ERANGE if
+ buffer size is less than required. fixed: [ruby-dev:27634]
+Sat Nov 5 13:42:50 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, cygwin/ (mingw): use def file to alias
+ symbols. [ruby-dev:27532]
+ * bcc32/mkexports.rb, win32/mkexports.rb: make aliases in DLL.
+ * win32/win32.c, win32/win32.h: replace symbols only when RUBY_EXPORT
+ is defined.
+Thu Nov 3 07:57:39 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb (open_loop): find_proxy should return nil when
+ proxy does not exist. [ruby-dev:27630]
+Wed Nov 2 20:25:28 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/extconf.rb: ext/tk/extconf.rb: change the check parameter
+ for Win32.
+Wed Nov 2 19:03:06 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c (ip_rbUpdateObjCmd, ip_rb_threadUpdateObjCmd):
+ passed improper flags to DoOneEvent().
+ * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: use rb_obj_respond_to() instead of
+ rb_respond_to().
+Tue Nov 1 14:20:11 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call_super): should call method_missing if super is
+ called from Kernel method.
+ * eval.c (exec_under): frame during eval should preserve external
+ information.
+Tue Nov 1 10:48:49 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: should check ERR_peek_last_error().
+ [ruby-dev:27597]
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c (ossl_raise): ditto.
+Mon Oct 31 17:34:46 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * use proper option for Sun linker. A patch from
+ Shinya Kuwamura <kuwa at>. [ruby-dev:27603]
+Mon Oct 31 05:46:08 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_cipher.c (ossl_cipher_update): input data must
+ not be empty. [ruby-talk:161220]
+ * test/openssl/test_cipher.rb: add test for Cipher#update("").
+Mon Oct 31 05:38:26 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet/cgihandler.rb
+ (WEBrick::HTTPServlet::CGIHandler#do_GET): the value of Set-Cookie:
+ header field should be splited into each cookie. [ruby-Bugs:2199]
+ * lib/webrick/cookie.rb (WEBrick::Cookie.parse_set_cookie): new method
+ to parse the value of Set-Cookie: header field.
+ * test/webrick/test_cookie.rb, test/webrick/test_cgi.rb,
+ test/webrick/webrick.cgi: add some test for cookie.
+Mon Oct 31 02:33:25 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_rshift): RDoc fix. [ruby-core:6351]
+ * util.h (strtod): add #undef for platforms defines strtod()
+ macro. [ruby-dev:27563]
+Mon Oct 31 02:31:41 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_float.rb (test_precision): test by assert_in_delta.
+ [ruby-dev:27575]
+Sat Oct 29 01:58:25 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/etc/etc.c: document update from mathew <>.
+ [ruby-core:06473]
+ * ext/fcntl/fcntl.c: ditto.
+Sat Oct 29 16:56:03 2005 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb: added seven predicates sunday? to saturday?.
+ * lib/date.rb: added two methods {prev,next}_month,
+ that are almost same as << and >>.
+Thu Oct 27 20:34:43 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_allocate): allow subclassing.
+Thu Oct 27 16:45:31 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (scan_once): wrong condition to use mbclen2().
+ [ruby-dev:27535]
+Thu Oct 27 11:53:17 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * missing.h, missing/memcmp.c, missing/memmove.c:
+ ANSI compatible interface.
+Wed Oct 26 09:15:48 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * ext/syck/implicit.c (syck_type_id_to_uri): should return
+ newly allocated memory. otherwise, type_id will be freed
+ twice. [ruby-dev:27384] [ruby-core:6385]
+Wed Oct 26 01:58:19 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_EXTERN): macro to export symbols in shared
+ library. [ruby-core:05528]
+ * defines.h, {bcc32,win32,wince}/Makefile.sub (RUBY_EXTERN): moved to
+ configuration pass.
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): RUBY_EXTERN for static linked extensions.
+Tue Oct 25 20:06:59 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * ruby.h (Qfalse, Qtrue, Qnil, Qundef): make sure these immediate
+ values have VALUE type. there is an environment where sizeof(VALUE)
+ != sizeof(int) like IA64. if 32bit integer (Qtrue) is passed to ANYARGS
+ and received by 64bit integer (VALUE), upper bits may have garbage value.
+ [ruby-dev:27513]
+Tue Oct 25 15:32:00 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/rational.rb: applied documentation patch from Gavin Sinclair
+ <>. [ruby-core:06364]
+ * lib/irb.rb (IRB::Irb::eval_input): handle prompts with newlines
+ in irb auto-indentation mode. [ruby-core:06358]
+Tue Oct 25 14:21:46 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * gc.c (garbage_collect): sorry, previous commit was incorrect.
+ [ruby-core:6386]
+Tue Oct 25 13:40:16 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * gc.c (garbage_collect): return now whether there're rooms for new
+ objects, rather than whether GC run. fixed: [ruby-core:6376]
+Tue Oct 25 02:12:08 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rdoc/markup/simple_markup.rb (SM::SimpleMarkup::LABEL_LIST_RE):
+ reduce redundant backtrack. [ruby-talk:161771]
+Tue Oct 25 00:35:33 2005 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/rinda/*: RDoc documentation from Eric Hodel
+ <> added.
+Mon Oct 24 21:14:29 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, io.c: use sys/syscall.h if syscall.h is not available.
+ [ruby-core:06247]
+Mon Oct 24 20:38:25 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/Win32API/lib/win32/resolv.rb (get_info): support multiple DNS.
+ fixed: [ruby-list:40058], [ruby-dev:27479]
+Mon Oct 24 11:01:11 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/canvas.rb (TkCanvasItemConfig::__item_val2ruby_optkeys):
+ typo fixed. [ruby-talk:162187]
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/menu.rb (TkMenuEntryConfig::__item_val2ruby_optkeys):
+ ditto. [ruby-core:06359]
+Mon Oct 24 07:57:56 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/canvas.rb (TkCanvasItemConfig::__item_val2ruby_optkeys):
+ typo fixed. [ruby-talk:162187]
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/menu.rb (TkMenuEntryConfig::__item_val2ruby_optkeys):
+ ditto. [ruby-core:06359]
+ * lib/matrix.rb (Matrix::initialize): use funcall instead of send
+ to allow private methods to be called. A report from
+ Jean-Claude Arbaut <>. [ruby-core:06359]
+Mon Oct 24 00:41:18 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_sunday): added predicate methods for the days of the
+ week. [ruby-list:41340]
+Sun Oct 23 07:11:11 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/extconf.rb: improve messages [ruby-core:06325].
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/canvas.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/entry.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tk/frame.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/image.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tk/itemconfig.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/labelframe.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tk/listbox.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/menu.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tk/radiobutton.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/scale.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tk/spinbox.rb, ext/tk/lib/tk/text.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tk/toplevel.rb: improve conversion of option values.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/*: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/*: update to support ActiveTcl8.4.11.2.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/trofs/*: support Trofs 0.4.3.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/*: support Tile 0.7.2.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/vu/*: support vu 2.3.0.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/*: support Tcllib 1.8 (Tklib 0.3).
+Sat Oct 22 23:54:07 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb, lib/mkmf.rb (with_config): support --with-extension
+ options. [ruby-dev:27449]
+Sat Oct 22 14:25:43 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * util.[hc] (ruby_add_suffix): constified.
+ * util.[hc] (ruby_scan_{oct,hex}): fixed typo. (renamed from
+ scan_{oct,hex})
+ * util.c: almostly ANSI styled. (except for functions depending on
+ macro and K&R technique)
+Sat Oct 22 13:26:57 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (sym_inspect), parse.y (parser_yylex, rb_symname_p): check
+ if valid as a symbol name more strictly. [ruby-dev:27478]
+ * test/ruby/test_symbol.rb: tests for [ruby-core:03573].
+ * time.c (rb_strftime): removed meaningless volatile modifiers, and
+ concatenate successive nul characters at once. [ruby-dev:27472]
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/font.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/ICONS/icons.rb,
+ ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/treectrl/demo.rb, lib/net/imap.rb,
+ lib/rss/parser.rb, test/rss/test_content.rb,
+ test/rss/test_dublincore.rb, test/rss/test_syndication.rb,
+ test/rss/test_trackback.rb, test/ruby/test_eval.rb,
+ test/socket/test_socket.rb, test/socket/test_udp.rb:
+ Object#fcall was renamed as Object#funcall.
+Sat Oct 22 10:08:28 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * missing.h, missing/*.c: SUSv3 compatible strcasecmp and strncasecmp,
+ ANSI compatible strtol and strtoul, and ANSI styled other functions.
+Fri Oct 21 19:16:08 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * rubysig.h (CHECK_INTS): fixed typo. (I believe bit-or is improper)
+Fri Oct 21 17:49:32 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bin/erb (ERB::Main::run): typo fixed. [ruby-core:06337]
+Fri Oct 21 15:42:28 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * intern.h, struct.c (rb_struct_iv_get): constified.
+ * marshal.c: avoid one VC++6 warning for implicit conversion
+ from int to char.
+ * ruby.h: ANSI styled.
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub (HAVE_HYPOT): added.
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: BeOS is only one platform should call
+ closesocket, so check __BEOS__ macro directly. (I was worried
+ accidentally HAVE_CLOSESOCKET is defined on windows again because
+ it has it)
+ * ext/socket/{getaddrinfo.c,socket.c}: ditto.
+ ... these are all cosmetic changes.
+Fri Oct 21 15:23:23 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * bignum.c (bignew_1): conversion from `int' to `char' discards
+ upper bits, (ie. (char)0xff00 -> 0) so it's better to test if
+ nonzero and set 0 or 1 instead of simply casting ... as a flag usage.
+ (but I believe this won't cause actual bug in current implementation)
+ [ruby-dev:27055]
+ * time.c: should use LONG_LONG instead of `long long'.
+Thu Oct 20 22:22:49 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parser.y (struct parser_params): parser never modify input string.
+ * ext/ripper/tools/preproc.rb (prelude): do not append surplus
+ newlines to fix line numbers.
+Thu Oct 20 11:41:57 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * class.c, eval.c, hash.c, st.c, variable.c: changed /* ??? */ stuff
+ protoize generated to ANYARGS.
+Thu Oct 20 11:18:11 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * eval.c, file.c, ruby.c: removed strchr, strrchr, strstr definition
+ because they are defined in missing.h.
+ * missing.h, missing/strchr.c, missing/strstr.c: ANSI styled.
+Thu Oct 20 09:36:06 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): Borland make seems not to allow
+ empty dependency list. If this change is not good, please correct
+ it.
+Thu Oct 20 07:55:09 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): get rid of a restriction
+ of Borland make. fixed: [ruby-dev:27460]
+ * ext/ripper/depend: ditto.
+Wed Oct 19 23:58:03 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): do not create unnecessary empty
+ directories. fixed: [ruby-dev:27451]
+Wed Oct 19 08:28:32 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_join): elements may contain null pointer strings.
+ report and fixed by Lloyd Zusman (hippoman): [ruby-core:06326]
+Wed Oct 19 02:34:33 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enumerator.c, eval.c, gc.c, parse.y, regparse.c, sjis.c, time.c:
+ made internal symbols static. [ruby-dev:27435]
+Tue Oct 18 10:58:27 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/dl/depend, ext/dl/extconf.rb, ext/socket/depend,
+ ext/socket/extconf.rb: shouldn't define DESTCLEANFILES in depend,
+ use $distcleanfiles in extconf.rb.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (distclean-local): should remove .config.h.time.
+Mon Oct 17 09:42:50 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * mkconfig.rb: fixup configure_args for mswin32 configure.
+ * win32/configure.bat (srcdir, target): ditto.
+Mon Oct 17 05:01:50 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * env.h: move struct METHOD and struct BLOCK from eval.c to
+ support NodeWrap and ParseTree.
+Sun Oct 16 22:16:51 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb: omit non-existing directories.
+Sun Oct 16 14:40:54 2005 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/rinda/rinda.rb (Rinda::Tuple#initialize): check remote hash
+ tuple. fixed: [ruby-list:41227]
+ * test/rinda/test_rinda.rb: test it.
+Sun Oct 16 03:38:07 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * rubysig.h (CHECK_INTS): prevent signal handler to run during
+ critical section. [ruby-core:04039]
+ * eval.c (load_wait): need not to call rb_thread_schedule()
+ explicitly. [ruby-core:04039]
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_schedule): clear rb_thread_critical.
+ [ruby-core:04039]
+Sun Oct 16 00:13:14 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/configure.bat: remove unnecessary line which prevents
+ creating Makefile.
+Sat Oct 15 23:52:07 2005 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb: (getbinaryfile): allow nil for localfile, and
+ returns retrieved data if localfile is nil.
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb: (gettextfile): ditto.
+Sat Oct 15 19:51:29 2005 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * bin/erb: typo fixed, again. thanks, Doug Kearns.
+Fri Oct 14 23:09:31 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (MKFILES): update MKFILES if configure files get
+ changed.
+ * win32/configure.bat, win32/setup.mak (configure_args): store
+ arguments to configure files.
+Fri Oct 14 22:05:45 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (ioctl): should set errno.
+Fri Oct 14 16:39:37 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/config.rb (Config::FileHandler): :UserDir should be nil.
+ It is harmful to permit the access to ~/public_html by default.
+ suggested by Hiroyuki Iwatsuki.
+Fri Oct 14 04:58:38 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_obj_instance_exec): create instance_exec and
+ module_exec which pass arguments to the block.
+ * eval.c (rb_f_funcall): rename fcall to funcall to follow
+ tradition.
+Thu Oct 13 23:29:51 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (HEAPCNT): bison allocates indivisible size.
+ fixed: [ruby-core:06261]
+ * io.c, pack.c, ext/syck/rubyext.c, ext/syck/syck.h, missing/isinf.c:
+ get rid of warnings. fixed: [ruby-core:06247]
+Wed Oct 12 12:51:56 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c (Init_openssl): should call
+ OpenSSL_add_ssl_algorithms().
+Wed Oct 12 11:08:54 2005 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * file.c (rb_f_test): typo in RDoc comments.
+Tue Oct 11 21:41:58 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE): check prefixed attribute form
+ first. [ruby-dev:27398]
+ * array.c, enum.c, eval.c, util.c: safer function pointer usage.
+ fixed: [ruby-core:06143]
+ * util.h (qsort): removed the definition incompatible to ANSI.
+ fixed: [ruby-core:06147]
+ * eval.c (rb_obj_respond_to): check if obj responds to the given
+ method with the given visibility. [ruby-dev:27408]
+ * eval.c (rb_respond_to): conform to Object#respond_to?. [ruby-dev:27411]
+Tue Oct 11 00:01:21 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * st.c (st_free_table): do not call free() but xfree().
+ [ruby-core:06205]
+Sat Oct 8 19:49:42 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (Init_Binding): add Binding#dup method. [yarv-dev:666]
+ * io.c (rb_io_init_copy): clear PREP flag for copied IO.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:27371]
+ * parse.y (rb_parser_malloc, rb_parser_free): manage parser stack on
+ heap. [ruby-list:41199]
+ * parse.y (ripper_initialize): use rb_respond_to().
+ * ext/ripper/depend (check): get rid of re-generating ripper.y always.
+ * ext/iconv/charset_alias.rb: parse config.charset_alias file directly.
+ * ext/nkf/lib/kconv.rb (Kconv.conv): get rid of nil.to_a.
+ * lib/scanf.rb (Scanf::FormatSpecifier#letter, #width): use matched
+ substring directly.
+ * test/ruby/test_assignment.rb, test/ruby/test_iterator.rb: followed
+ change of sample/test.rb.
+ * test/net/http/test_http.rb: removed superfluous splatting stars.
+Fri Oct 7 16:41:43 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (splat_value): call rb_Array() to convert svalue to
+ values. [ruby-dev:27397]
+Fri Oct 7 09:54:00 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI::Cookie::parse): Cookies from Nokia devices may
+ not be parsed correctly. A patch from August Z. Flatby
+ (augustzf) in [ruby-Patches-2595]. [ruby-core:06183]
+Thu Oct 6 22:51:30 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_Array): Array() to raise error for objects without
+ to_ary, nor to_a.
+ * object.c (nil_to_a): revert NilClass#to_a.
+Thu Oct 6 20:10:38 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c (strscan_free): remove useless code.
+ [ruby-dev:26368] [ruby-dev:27389]
+Thu Oct 6 01:02:19 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * range.c (rb_range_beg_len): should return Qfalse for non-range
+ object.
+Wed Oct 5 04:42:38 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc/server.rb (XMLRPC::Server#initialize): should mount the
+ servlet on "/".
+Wed Oct 5 04:06:49 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc/server.rb (XMLRPC::Server#serve): delete wrong call
+ of "join".
+Mon Oct 3 00:04:00 2005 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * pack.c (EXTEND16): [ruby-dev:27383]
+Sat Oct 1 23:55:24 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (do_select, rb_w32_select): brush up.
+Sat Oct 1 12:57:02 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_rand): removed. [ruby-dev:25405]
+Sat Oct 1 01:46:51 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb (OpenURI.open_loop): prohibit multiple proxy
+ options.
+Thu Sep 29 10:26:18 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/dl/cptr.c (rb_dlptr_s_to_ptr): abolish sizeof(FILE).
+ [ruby-dev:27317]
+Thu Sep 29 10:15:14 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb (:proxy_http_basic_authentication): new option.
+Thu Sep 29 07:22:05 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_send): underscores need to be escaped.
+ fixed by Doug Kearns. [ruby-core:06053]
+Thu Sep 29 00:57:35 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (ev_const_get), variable.c (rb_const_get_0): retry only when
+ autoload succeeded.
+ * variable.c (rb_autoload_load): now return true if autoload
+ succeeded. fixed: [ruby-dev:27331]
+Wed Sep 28 23:40:04 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_stat_inspect): constified.
+Wed Sep 28 15:12:28 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/cgi.rb (WEBrick::CGI#start): req.query_string should
+ refer to the value of QUERY_STRING. [ruby-list:41186]
+ * lib/webrick/httprequest.rb (WEBrick::HTTPRequest#query_string=):
+ add new method.
+Wed Sep 28 10:45:44 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: cannot compile with Tcl/Tk8.0.x [ruby-dev:27335].
+Wed Sep 28 07:56:52 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/yaml/basenode.rb (YAML::BaseNode::match_segment): fix typo.
+ [ruby-dev:27237], [ruby-core:05854]
+ * lib/yaml/tag.rb (Module#yaml_as): suppress warnings.
+ * lib/yaml/types.rb (YAML::PrivateType, YAML::DomainType): ditto.
+Wed Sep 28 03:16:41 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * rubysig.h: fixed build problem with --enable-pthread on platforms
+ which don't have setitimer().
+Mon Sep 26 22:32:13 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (set_trace_func): add rb_secure(4) to prevent adding
+ tracing function.
+Mon Sep 26 20:59:28 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * parse.y: changed to ANSI function style.
+Sun Sep 25 12:02:04 2005 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * bin/erb: typo fixed.
+Sun Sep 25 11:54:11 2005 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/rinda/tuplespace.rb (Rinda::TemplateEntry::initialize): pull
+ up method. Tabs converted to spaces.
+Sun Sep 25 09:34:22 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * parse.y: replaced `foo _((boo))' with `foo(boo)'.
+Sun Sep 25 08:19:53 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/rss/test_content.rb, test/rss/test_syndication.rb: use fcall
+ instead of send in order to override visibility.
+Sun Sep 25 01:46:43 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-calculate-indent): arrange deep-indent
+ closing parenthesis at same column as the opening.
+Sun Sep 25 01:33:41 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (proc_setrlimit): make the third argument (rlim_max)
+ optional.
+Sun Sep 25 00:42:11 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-expr-beg): deal with heredoc separately.
+ fixed: [ruby-list:41168]
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-calculate-indent): not to deepen indent
+ level for continuous line inside parentheses.
+Sat Sep 24 21:19:39 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c: document enhancement.
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c: update copyright year.
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c: update coding style.
+Sat Sep 24 20:20:05 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/net/http/test_http.rb (teardown): Net::HTTP.version_1_1 breaks
+ many other tests; ensure that Net::HTTP is version 1.2 after test.
+ [ruby-dev:27312]
+Sat Sep 24 11:44:28 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/net/http/test_http.rb: new file.
+Sat Sep 24 08:54:05 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (cd): no longer accept :noop option, related
+ code is useless. [ruby-core:05858] [ruby-Bugs:2494]
+Sat Sep 24 08:30:00 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb (Pathname#sub): new method.
+Sat Sep 24 08:29:36 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: fix visibility of FileUtils::NoWrite, Verbose,
+ DryRun. [ruby-core:05954]
+ * test/fileutils/test_nowrite.rb: test it.
+ * test/fileutils/test_dryrun.rb: new file.
+ * test/fileutils/test_verbose.rb: new file.
+Sat Sep 24 07:59:01 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * sample/ripper/colorize.rb: removed (replaced by ruby2html.rb).
+ * sample/ripper/ruby2html.rb: added.
+Sat Sep 24 06:35:15 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/ripper: no longer generates .rb files.
+ * parse.y (Init_ripper): ripper_init_eventids*() takes 1 argument,
+ self (class Ripper).
+ * ext/ripper/depend: target removed: `lib/ripper/core.rb'.
+ * ext/ripper/depend: new target `eventids2table.c'.
+ * ext/ripper/depend: new target `check'.
+ * ext/ripper/eventids2.c: include eventids2table.c.
+ * ext/ripper/eventids2.c: initialize SCANNER_EVENT_TABLE.
+ * ext/ripper/extconf.rb: update $cleanfiles list.
+ * ext/ripper/tools/generate.rb: no longer generate ripper/core.rb.
+ * ext/ripper/tools/generate.rb: new mode `check'.
+ * ext/ripper/tools/generate.rb: new mode `eventids2table'.
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper/ removed.
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper/core.rb: added.
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper/filter.rb: update copyright year.
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper/lexer.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper/sexp.rb: ditto.
+Sat Sep 24 02:40:20 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb: document update from James Edward Gray II
+ <>. [ruby-core:05942]
+Sat Sep 24 02:05:51 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * process.c (proc_daemon): should restrict execution on levels
+ higher than $SAFE=2. suggested by URABE Shyouhei
+ <>.
+Fri Sep 23 20:10:35 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/ripper/tools/generate.rb, ext/ripper/tools/preproc.rb: StringIO
+ is not available for miniruby. fixed: [ruby-dev:27307]
+Fri Sep 23 17:36:48 2005 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: avoid core dump with WIN32OLE_EVENT.
+ [ruby-dev:27133]
+Fri Sep 23 16:27:39 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/forwardable.rb: replaced by new implementation from
+ <>. [ruby-core:05899]
+Fri Sep 23 07:07:47 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/ripper/depend: use --output option instead of redirect;
+ nmake does not remove a target when the target file is created by
+ redirect. [ruby-dev:26466]
+ * test/ripper/tools/preproc.rb: new option --output.
+Fri Sep 23 06:57:52 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/ripper/tools/generate.rb: check parser event arity.
+ * test/ripper/tools/generate.rb: detect crash of parser-event-IDs
+ and scanner-event-IDs.
+Fri Sep 23 06:01:30 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_file.rb: check File#chown(nil,nil).
+ [ruby-dev:27140]
+Fri Sep 23 05:57:23 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/ripper: refactoring code generation tools. [ruby-dev:27247]
+ [ruby-dev:27273]
+ * ext/ripper/depend: use generate.rb.
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper/core.rb: removed.
+ * ext/ripper/tools/generate-eventids1.rb: removed (code moved to
+ generate.rb).
+ * ext/ripper/tools/generate-ripper_rb.rb: removed (code moved to
+ generate.rb).
+ * ext/ripper/tools/list-parse-event-ids.rb: removed (code moved to
+ generate.rb).
+ * ext/ripper/tools/list-scan-event-ids.rb: removed (code moved to
+ generate.rb).
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper/core.rb: removed.
+ * ext/ripper: refactoring tests. [ruby-dev:27273]
+ * ext/ripper/test/check-event-arity.rb: removed (code moved to
+ tools/generate.rb).
+ * ext/ripper/test/check-event-coverage.rb: removed (code moved to
+ test/ripper/test_parser_events.rb).
+ * ext/ripper/test/check-scanner-event-coverage.rb: removed (code
+ moved to test/ripper/test_scanner_events.rb).
+ * ext/ripper/test/list-called-events.rb: removed.
+ * ext/ripper/test/src_rb: removed.
+ * ext/ripper/test/validate.rb: removed.
+ * test/ripper/test_scanner_events.rb: check event coverage.
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper/ update copyright year.
+Thu Sep 22 23:40:19 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (find_executable0): default path if environment is not
+ set. [ruby-dev:27281]
+ * ext/ripper/extconf.rb (have_command): replaced with find_executable.
+Thu Sep 22 17:31:48 2005 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * test/readline/test_readline.rb (TestReadline::replace_stdio):
+ merged the patch of [ruby-dev:25232] instead of [ruby-dev:25223].
+ (merged from ruby_1_8 branch)
+Wed Sep 21 23:30:44 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (configuration): generalized nmake dependent code.
+Wed Sep 21 14:16:30 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/ripper/depend (SUFFIXES): no longer needed.
+ * ext/ripper/depend (c): avoid nmake problem. fixed [ruby-dev:27191]
+Wed Sep 21 08:52:25 2005 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/token.c: correctly compute indentation of a block
+ scalar's parent node. [ruby-talk:150620]
+Wed Sep 21 08:20:24 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * README.EXT, README.EXT.ja: add new features.
+Wed Sep 21 07:43:58 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (default_argv, Arguable#options): defaults strings
+ to be parsed to Arguable instance.
+Wed Sep 21 02:44:09 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (path_check_0): disallow sticky world writable directory
+ in PATH (and $LOAD_PATH). [ruby-dev:27226]
+Wed Sep 21 00:32:22 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_idiv): 1.div(1.0) should return integer value.
+ [ruby-dev:27235]
+Tue Sep 20 22:25:43 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/io/wait/lib/nonblock.rb: disable on platforms non-blocking flag
+ is not available. fixed: [ruby-dev:27187]
+ * file.c (rb_stat_inspect): protoized function pointer.
+Tue Sep 20 18:23:04 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * eval.c (thread_mark): mark th->last_status. [ruby-dev:27179]
+Tue Sep 20 18:20:33 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/yaml.rb: require 'yaml/constants'. [ruby-core:5776]
+Tue Sep 20 17:48:34 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc/client.rb (XMLRPC::Client::do_rpc): add charset
+ information to content-type header.[ruby-core:5127]
+ * lib/xmlrpc/server.rb (CGIServer::serve): ditto.
+ * lib/xmlrpc/server.rb (ModRubyServer::serve): ditto.
+ * lib/xmlrpc/server.rb (WEBrickServlet::service): ditto.
+Tue Sep 20 17:26:42 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * test/webrick/test_cgi.rb: set ENV["PATH"] to CGIEnvPath on
+ windows. bcc32's runtime is not installed into system directory,
+ so it cannot be found without this setting. [ruby-dev:27166]
+Tue Sep 20 17:14:10 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * io.c: PIPE_BUF is not defined on BeOS. use _POSIX_PIPE_BUF instead.
+ [ruby-dev:27185]
+Tue Sep 20 17:10:38 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * test/dbm/test_dbm.rb (TestDBM::test_s_open_error): remove
+ test_s_open_error test to detect duplicate open.
+ [ruby-dev:27202]
+Tue Sep 20 15:39:40 2005 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/emitter.c (syck_scan_scalar): prevent indicators from
+ appearing alone or at the end of plain scalars. [ruby-core:5826]
+ * ext/syck/emitter.c (syck_emit_scalar): treat typed scalar nodes
+ as complex keys.
+ * lib/syck.h: version 0.60.
+ * lib/yaml/basenode.rb (YAML::BaseNode#at): transform keys during
+ key searches.
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c: loading of binary-typed nodes. prevent
+ emission of plain strings that look like symbols, but which aren't.
+Tue Sep 20 05:48:26 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * test/xmlrpc/test_webrick_server.rb (setup_http_server):
+ should not include 'webrick/https' unless 'use_ssl' because
+ it fails where openssl is not installed.
+Tue Sep 20 01:24:45 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (splat_value): use to_a to splat non Array object.
+ * object.c (nil_to_a): remove nil.to_a. [experimental]
+Tue Sep 20 01:01:41 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/mathn.rb (Fixnum): remove debug print.
+ * lib/rational.rb (Rational): ditto.
+Tue Sep 20 00:34:07 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (io_close): call rb_io_close() directly if io is a T_FILE
+ object. [ruby-dev:27156]
+Mon Sep 19 18:58:10 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_chown): should accept nil. [ruby-dev:27171]
+Mon Sep 19 18:29:54 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (file_expand_path): allow pathnames to expand.
+ [ruby-dev:27152]
+Mon Sep 19 15:12:15 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/ripper/depend: do not make ripper/core.rb. [ruby-dev:26462]
+Mon Sep 19 14:49:19 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/ripper/eventids2.c: add prefix `t' to tLAMBDA-related lexer
+ events.
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper/core.rb: updated.
+Mon Sep 19 14:39:46 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * parse.y (do_block): do_block event dispatches 2 args.
+ [ruby-dev:26964]
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper/core.rb: updated.
+ * ext/ripper/tools/list-parser-event-ids.rb: check arity mismatch.
+Mon Sep 19 07:45:37 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey.h, ossl_pkey_rsa.c, ossl_pkey_dsa.c:
+ an instance variable "private" is added to OpenSSL::PKey class.
+ this ivar is a flag that shows whether there is a private key
+ in the instance.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_engine.c: (ossl_engine_load_privkey): set private
+ key flag.
+ * test/openssl/test_pkey_rsa.rb: add test about private detection.
+Mon Sep 19 06:38:03 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: method renaming: collect_methods ->
+ collect_method.
+Mon Sep 19 05:58:59 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: use module_function instead of single extend.
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb: test existence of singleton
+ methods.
+Mon Sep 19 05:32:41 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (remove_entry_secure): does not use chdir(2).
+Mon Sep 19 03:17:48 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * file.c (rb_thread_flock): wrap the flock system call by
+ TRAP_BEG/TRAP_END to enable signals. [ruby-dev:27122]
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (bsock_send): wrap the sendto and send system
+ call by TRAP_BEG/TRAP_END to enable signals when writing to a socket
+ which is full. [ruby-dev:27132]
+ * io.c (rb_io_syswrite): wrap the write system call by
+ TRAP_BEG/TRAP_END to run signal handler in syswrite method.
+ [ruby-dev:27134]
+Mon Sep 19 01:07:38 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (Init_Numeric): should define Fixnum#div.
+ [ruby-dev:27129]
+ * file.c (rb_thread_flock): wrap flock(2) by TRAP_BEG and
+ TRAP_END. [ruby-dev:27122]
+ * file.c (rb_file_join): call FilePathValue() to all Pathnames to
+ join. [ruby-dev:27127]
+ * file.c (rb_get_path): call StringValueCStr() to ensure no nul
+ bytes in path strings.
+ * gc.c (garbage_collect): need value for return. [ruby-dev:27127]
+Sun Sep 18 02:10:47 2005 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * lib/yaml/rubytypes.rb: remove comments that are bungling up
+ the rdoc and ri output. output symbols as plain scalars.
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (syck_emitter_reset): emit headless
+ documents always.
+ * ext/syck/emitter.c (syck_scan_scalar): quote scalars with any
+ kind of surrounding line space, tabs or spaces alike.
+ * ext/syck/token.c: accept tabs as whitespace, not for indentation,
+ but strip from plain scalars.
+ * test/yaml/test_yaml.rb: remove outdated tests.
+Sun Sep 18 01:10:37 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (garbage_collect): return false if no GC run.
+Sat Sep 17 23:25:04 2005 sheepman <>
+ * lib/mathn.rb (Rational::inspect): should preserve original
+ operand. [ruby-core:05806]
+Sat Sep 17 23:20:27 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI::Cookie): should handle multiple values for a
+ cookie name. [ruby-talk:156140]
+ * test/socket/test_tcp.rb (TestTCPSocket::test_recvfrom): typo
+ fixed. [ruby-dev:27123]
+Sat Sep 17 20:58:56 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_select): fixed deadlock bug.
+ because select(2) modifies its fd_set arguments, it must be
+ restored sometimes.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_select): performance improvement when
+ 'always readable/writable handles' and sockets are passed.
+ sockets should be polled every time.
+ require "net/http"
+ {
+ loop do
+ STDOUT.write(".") # busy on console (this is worst case though)
+ end
+ }
+ # socket operation took long time. (sometimes timed out)
+ Net::HTTP.start("") do |http|
+ http.get("/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/ruby/array.c?rev=1.179")
+ end
+Sat Sep 17 14:54:40 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_readpartial.rb (test_open_pipe, test_with_stdio):
+ these tests are working now, so turned on. (windows)
+Sat Sep 17 14:18:15 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_select): I hope performance problem was
+ solved.
+Sat Sep 17 13:45:22 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_select): console support is back.
+ but still has performance problem because I loosely took 1 second
+ for wait time. I'll fix it later. (The reason I drastically changed
+ the code is that I wanted to implement the fileset management as
+ single function, and I was worried that if pipe or console
+ was always available, socket may not be processed any time)
+Sat Sep 17 11:24:16 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_select): select for socket didn't work.
+ this caused deadlock in drb test. this happened because GetFileType
+ for socket handle returns FILE_TYPE_PIPE. Of course, it's not a
+ pipe. So socket handle didn't reach winsock's select function.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_select): read for pipe was still blocked
+ even if writer handle was closed.
+ r,w = IO.pipe
+ {
+ sleep 3; puts "------- 1"
+ w.puts("foo")
+ sleep 3; puts "------- 2"
+ w.puts("boo")
+ sleep 3; puts "------- 3"
+ w.close
+ }
+ until r.eof? # should break by w.close but didn't.
+ puts r.gets
+ end
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_select): temporary reverted console support
+ but it'll be back soon.
+Sat Sep 17 10:42:13 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: MultiTkIp#eval_string and bg_eval_string
+ should call Kernel.eval on caller's safe-level instead of slave's
+ safe-level (Of course, the given script should be evaluated on
+ slave's safe-level).
+Sat Sep 17 09:45:26 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_substr): should propagate taintness even for
+ empty strings. [ruby-dev:27121]
+ * string.c (rb_str_aref): should infect result if range argument
+ is tainted. [ruby-dev:27121]
+Sat Sep 17 08:35:39 2005 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/maker/base.rb (RSS::Maker::ItemsBase#normalize): fixed
+ strange RSS::Maker::Item#max_size behavior.
+ Thanks to Kazuhiko <>.
+ * test/rss/test_maker_1.0.rb (RSS::TestMaker10#test_items): ditto.
+Sat Sep 17 08:02:53 2005 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb: supported DIGEST-MD5. Thanks, Mathieu Arnold.
+ * lib/net/imap.rb: use fcall instead of send. Thanks, Satoru
+ Takabayashi.
+Fri Sep 16 22:45:49 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_extname): empty string for path name ending with a
+ period. fixed: [ruby-core:05651]
+ * file.c (rb_file_join): smarter behavior at edge cases.
+ fixed: [ruby-core:05706]
+ * gc.c (rb_memerror, ruby_xmalloc, ruby_xrealloc, rb_newobj): just
+ abandon if no memory available, when interpreter is not running.
+ [ruby-dev:27104]
+ * gc.c (garbage_collect): return whether GC could run.
+ * dir.c (rb_push_glob): fix delimiter bug. fixed: [ruby-dev:27105]
+ * dir.c (dir_s_aref, dir_s_glob): allow multiple patterns.
+ [ruby-dev:27110]
+ * win32/win32.c (cmdglob): enable brace expansion.
+Fri Sep 16 18:34:01 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/syck/node.c (syck_replace_str): was using return from the
+ void function. a patch from MIYAMUKO Katsuyuki
+ <miyamuko at>. [ruby-dev:27111]
+Fri Sep 16 14:48:48 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: fix typo on MultiTkIp#bg_eval_string
+Fri Sep 16 12:02:12 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (syck_resolver_transfer): remove C++ style
+ comment (//). [ruby-core:05793]
+Fri Sep 16 00:17:03 2005 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/logger/test_logger.rb: unintentionally overwritten changes by
+ Usa. reverted.
+Fri Sep 16 00:03:11 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/cgi.rb (WEBrick::CGI::Socket#initialize): should set
+ $stdout.binmode.
+Thu Sep 15 23:25:21 2005 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/{soap,wsdl,xsd}, test/{soap,wsdl,xsd}: imported soap4r/1.5.5.
+ #nnn is a ticket number at
+ * SOAP
+ * allow to configure an envelope namespace of SOAP request. (#124)
+ TemporaryNamespace = ''
+ @client.options["soap.envelope.requestnamespace"] =
+ TemporaryNamespace
+ @client.options["soap.envelope.responsenamespace"] =
+ TemporaryNamespace
+ @client.do_proc(...)
+ * let SOAP request XML indent space configurable. see
+ "soap.envelope.no_indent" option. (#130)
+ * let external CES configurable.
+ ex. client["soap.mapping.external_ces"] = 'SJIS'. $KCODE is used
+ by default. (#133)
+ external CES ::= CES used in Ruby object of client and server
+ internal CES ::= CES used in SOAP/OM
+ * add iso-8859-1 external CES support. (#106)
+ * fixed illegal 'qualified' handling of elements. it caused
+ ASP.NET interoperability problem. (#144)
+ * added 'soap.envelope.use_numeric_character_reference' (boolean)
+ option to let query XML use numeric character reference in XML,
+ not plain UTF-8 character. !GoogleSearch server seems to not
+ allow plain UTF-8 character since 2005-08-15 update. (#147)
+ * SOAP::Header::SimpleHeader (de)serialization throws an exception
+ on !SimpleHeader.on_(in|out)bound when header is a String. so we
+ could not use a simple single element headerItem. fixed. thanks
+ to emil. (#129)
+ * out parameter of rpc operation did not work. (#132)
+ * follow HTTP redirect only if using http-access2. (#125) (#145)
+ * add a workaround for importing an WSDL whose path begins with
+ drive letter. (#115)
+ * WSDL
+ * SOAP Data which is defined as a simpletype was not mapped
+ correctly to Ruby obj when using wsdl2ruby.rb generated classdef
+ file. (#123)
+ * rpc/literal support. (#118)
+ * re-implemented local element qualify/unqualify control. handles
+ elementFormDefault and form in WSDL. (#119)
+ * Array of an element which has simpleType causes a crash. (#128)
+ * parameterOrder may not contain return part so it can be shorter
+ than parts size. Thanks to Hugh. (#139)
+ * Samples
+ * added !BasicAuth client sample. (#117)
+ * added Base64 client/server sample.
+ * added Flickr SOAP interface client sample. (#122)
+ * added !SalesForce client sample. (#135)
+ * updated Thawte CA certificate for !GoogleAdWords sample.
+ * updated a client script with the newer version made by Johan.
+ thanks!
+ * shortened long file names. (#120)
+ * fixed typo in authheader sample. (#129)
+ * updated deprecated method usage. (#138)
+Thu Sep 15 22:40:27 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_signal.rb (test_exit_action): skip the test using
+ fork on fork-less platforms.
+Thu Sep 15 13:54:33 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb: add :read_timeout option.
+ [ruby-core:4848]
+Thu Sep 15 11:39:18 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/dialog.rb: If a dialog does not show up yet,
+ TkDialogObj#name raises an exception. [ruby-talk:156109]
+Thu Sep 15 11:01:58 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_pipe_exec): remove unnecessary CloseHandle().
+ * win32/win32.c (extract_console_fd, peek_console): new functions.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_select): check consoles by polling them.
+Thu Sep 15 00:18:24 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/net/telnet.rb (Net::Telnet::waitfor): replace sysread with
+ readpartial. [ruby-talk:127641]
+Wed Sep 14 23:28:28 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (collect_file_fd): rename from extract_file_fd.
+ * win32/win32.c (extract_pipe_fd, peek_pipe): new functions.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_select): check pipes by polling them.
+Wed Sep 14 22:40:26 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (ruby_glob): glob function not using ruby exception system.
+Wed Sep 14 17:24:22 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * dir.c: changed `foo (*bar)_((boo))' to `foo (*bar)(boo)`.
+ * enumerator.c, eval.c, gc.c, intern.h, io.c, process.c, ruby.c,
+ ruby.h, signal.c: ditto.
+Wed Sep 14 15:06:22 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * bignum.c: changed `foo _((boo))' to `foo(boo)`. [ruby-dev:27056]
+ * defines.h, dir.c, dln.h, enumerator.c, env.h, error.c, eval.c, file.c,
+ gc.c, hash.c, inits.c, intern.h, io.c, lex.c, marshal.c, missing.h,
+ node.h, numeric.c, pack.c, process.c, re.h, ruby.c, ruby.h, rubyio.h,
+ rubysig.h, signal.c, sprintf.c, st.h, string.c, struct.c, time.c,
+ util.c, util.h, variable.c: ditto.
+Tue Sep 13 22:09:40 2005 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/logger.rb (Logger): added formatter accessor to logger for
+ dictating the way in which the logger should format the messages it
+ displays. Thanks to Nicholas Seckar (cf. [ruby-talk:153391]) and
+ Daniel Berger.
+ * lib/logger.rb (Logger): added VERSION constant.
+ * lib/logger.rb: removed document for LogDevice. It is an
+ implementation detail and is not a public interface.
+ * test/logger/test_logger.rb: added tests.
+Tue Sep 13 21:47:17 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (BEGIN_CALLARGS): pop halfly pushed status.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:26881]
+Tue Sep 13 20:24:37 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ruby.h (PRINTF_ARGS): new macro for printf style argument checking.
+Tue Sep 13 15:41:29 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: wrote documentation of HTTPRequest/HTTPResponse
+ classes.
+Tue Sep 13 14:27:47 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * string.c, missing.h: failed to build on powerpc-apple-darwin7.9.0
+ because of crypt argument's constness mismatch. (I hope this works)
+ (
+Tue Sep 13 12:33:05 2005 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * lib/yaml.rb: reworking YAML::Stream to use the new
+ emitter.
+ * lib/yaml/stream.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/yaml/rubytypes.rb: added Object#yaml_new.
+ * lib/yaml/tag.rb: the tag_subclasses? method now
+ shows up in the class. allow taguri to be set using an accessor.
+ continue support of Object#to_yaml_type.
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c: new emitter code. yaml_new and yaml_initialize
+ get called, should they be present. consolidated all the diaspora of internal node types into the family below YAML::Syck::Node -- Map,
+ Seq, Scalar -- all of whom are SyckNode structs pointing to
+ Ruby data. moved Object#yaml_new into the node_import and made it
+ the default behavior. the target_class is always called with
+ yaml_new, prepended a parameter, which is the klass. loaded nodes
+ through GenericResolver show their style.
+ new Resolver#tagurize converts type ids to taguris.
+ * ext/syck/ were 'y' and 'n' seriously omitted??
+ * ext/syck/emitter.c: renovated emitter, walks the tree in advance.
+ consolidated redundant block_styles struct into
+ the scalar_style struct. (this means loaded nodes can now
+ be sent back to emitter and preserve at least its very basic
+ formatting.)
+ * ext/syck/gram.c: headless documents of any kind allowed.
+ * ext/syck/node.c: new syck_replace_str methods and syck_empty_*
+ methods for rewriting node contents, while keeping the ID
+ and other setup info. added syck_seq_assign.
+ * ext/syck/syck.h: reflect block_styles and new node functions.
+Tue Sep 13 08:09:18 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/ostruct.rb (new_ostruct_member): Object#send no longer call
+ private methods. [ruby-dev:27044]
+ * test/rss/test_dublincore.rb, test/rss/test_trackback.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_eval.rb, test/socket/test_socket.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_lambda (test_call_with_block): lambda makes new scope
+ for formal block parameter.
+Tue Sep 13 01:17:45 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (proc_save_safe_level): no need to restrict safe level
+ memoize in $SAFE>=3. [ruby-dev:27050]
+Tue Sep 13 00:02:33 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (apply2files): stricter callback definition.
+ * file.c (rb_path_check): constified.
+Mon Sep 12 20:53:06 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * test/openssl/test_pkcs7.rb (test_enveloped): skip this test
+ to avoid a bug of PKCS7_encrypt() (only if ext/openssl is
+ compiled with OpenSSL-0.9.7d or earlier versions).
+Mon Sep 12 20:32:00 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * win32/win32.[hc] (rb_w32_argv_size, ...): reverted my latest change
+ to avoid incompatible pointer warning. (mingw32)
+Mon Sep 12 19:58:53 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * dln.c: avoid warning of const to non-const conversion.
+ [ruby-dev:27041]
+ * eval.c, io.c, ruby.c: ditto.
+Mon Sep 12 19:26:29 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * array.c: moved to ANSI function style from K&R function style.
+ (used protoize on windows, so still K&R remains on #ifdef part of
+ other platforms. And `foo _((boo))' stuff is still there)
+ [ruby-dev:26975]
+ * bignum.c, class.c, compar.c, dir.c, dln.c, dmyext.c, enum.c,
+ enumerator.c, error.c, eval.c, file.c, gc.c, hash.c, inits.c,
+ io.c, main.c, marshal.c, math.c, numeric.c, object.c, pack.c,
+ prec.c, process.c, random.c, range.c, re.c, regcomp.c, regenc.c,
+ regerror.c, regexec.c, regparse.c, regparse.h, ruby.c, signal.c,
+ sprintf.c, st.c, string.c, struct.c, time.c, util.h, variable.c,
+ version.c: ditto.
+Mon Sep 12 14:03:33 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * test/dbm/test_dbm.rb: remove locking test, which may not be
+ supported on some platforms. [ruby-dev:27030]
+Sun Sep 11 23:23:02 2005 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (starttls): supported the STARTTLS command.
+Sun Sep 11 22:18:07 2005 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * bin/erb (ERB::Main#run): set ERB#filename so that it is used
+ when reporting syntax/runtime errors. Tabs converted to spaces.
+Sat Sep 10 22:34:19 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c, bignum.c: protoize.
+Sat Sep 10 00:23:01 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (splat_value): simpler and consistent array conversion
+ for argument splat. [yarv-dev:599]
+Fri Sep 9 16:45:25 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_times): make empty strings to keep taintness,
+ and a little improvement. [ruby-dev:26900]
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (iconv_try), ext/iconv/extconf.rb: get rid of meta
+ characters in command line option. fixed: [ruby-talk:155369]
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c: protoized.
+Thu Sep 8 14:58:11 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * merged a patch from Takahiro Kambe <taca at> to
+ support DragonFly BSD. [ruby-dev:26984]
+Thu Sep 8 13:14:57 2005 Tadashi Saito <>
+ * missing/strchr.c (strrchr): fixed a bug in detecting NUL in a
+ string. [ruby-dev:26985]
+Wed Sep 7 17:29:27 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_engine.c (ossl_engine_s_by_id):
+ OpenSSL::Engine.by_id calls given block before calling
+ ENGINE_init (block parameter is the return value of this method
+ itself). this functionality is useful to load dynamic shared
+ engines.
+ require "openssl"
+ pkcs11 = OpenSSL::Engine.by_id("dynamic"){|e|
+ e.ctrl_cmd("SO_PATH", "/usr/lib/opensc/")
+ e.ctrl_cmd("LIST_ADD", "1")
+ e.ctrl_cmd("LOAD")
+ }
+ pkcs11.ctrl_cmd("PIN", "secret")
+ key = pkcs11.load_private_key
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_engine.c (ossl_engine_ctrl_cmd): new method
+ OpenSSL::Engine#ctrl_cmd. it wraps ENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_engine.c (ossl_engine_get_cmds): new method
+ OpenSSL::Engine#cmds. it returns engine command definitions.
+Wed Sep 7 15:48:37 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c (asn1str_to_str): new function.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs7.c: new class OpenSSL::PKCS7::RecipientInfo.
+ this class wraps PKCS7_RECIP_INFO struct.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs7.c: OpenSSL::PKCS7::Signer is renamed to
+ OpenSSL::PKCS7::SignerInfo. ("Signer" remains as an alias of
+ SignerInfo.)
+ * test/openssl/test_pkcs7.rb: new file.
+Wed Sep 7 12:55:08 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb: abolish mod === tempfile to avoid a problem
+ [ruby-dev:26967].
+Wed Sep 7 10:45:15 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_switch): convert all exceptions to
+ SystemExit. fixed: [ruby-core:05724]
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_terminated): show backtrace before propagate
+ exceptions to main thread.
+Wed Sep 7 09:21:41 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * win32/win32.[hc] (rb_w32_utime): constified.
+ * win32/win32.h (rb_w32_stat): added prototype.
+ * win32/win32.[hc] (rb_w32_argv_size,rb_w32_join_argv,rb_w32_aspawn):
+ changed `char *const *' to `const char *const *'. (constify string)
+Wed Sep 7 08:35:04 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, (MINIOBJS): miniruby on HP-UX can not load
+ extension libraries.
+ * bignum.c (bignew_1, bigadd): K&R style argument actually can't be
+ defined as char.
+ * missing/vsnprintf.c: ANSI compiler supports const keyword.
+ * ext/digest/sha2/extconf.rb: reject platforms which has inttypes.h
+ but no 64bit integer.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (what_type?): guesstimate type.
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (setup_passwd), ext/etc/extconf.rb: pw_age might be
+ char*. fixed: [ruby-core:05470]
+Wed Sep 7 08:32:07 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_times): should taint empty strings as well.
+ * object.c (Init_Object): make class_variable_{get,set} public.
+ [ruby-dev:26965]
+Mon Sep 5 22:28:46 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (stmt, mlhs_node, lhs, arg, method_call): aref_args might be
+ nothing. fixed: [ruby-dev:26952]
+ * ext/ripper/eventids2.c: added new tokens. fixed: [ruby-dev:26952]
+Mon Sep 5 17:03:07 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/find.rb: should raise ENOENT if root entry does not exist.
+ [ruby-list:41054]
+ * lib/ostruct.rb: a patch from Florian Gross <florgro at>
+ merged to allow recursive inspect (and to_s) for OpenStruct.
+ [ruby-core:05532]
+Mon Sep 5 08:20:19 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/observer.rb: a patch from nornagon <nornagon at>
+ merged to allow arbitrary names for update methods.
+ [ruby-core:05416]
+Mon Sep 5 07:01:12 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/openssl/lib/openssl/buffering.rb (Buffering#do_write):
+ should clear data from the buffer which already been output.
+Sun Sep 4 15:01:35 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * parse.y (f_arg): Ripper should not do semantic check.
+ [ruby-dev:26948]
+Sat Sep 3 23:52:35 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_fcall): new method to avoid inefficiency of
+ obj.instance_eval{send(...)} tricks.
+Sat Sep 3 13:59:31 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb (Pathname#descend):"./a/b/c").descend
+ didn't yield "."
+ (Pathname#ascend): ditto.
+Fri Sep 2 23:51:54 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (f_arg): f_norm_arg is a VALUE in ripper, not an ID.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:26942]
+ * lib: do not use __send__ to access private methods. [ruby-dev:26935]
+Thu Sep 1 17:11:25 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): wrong condition for $SAFE restoration.
+Thu Sep 1 14:12:45 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: On Tcl8.5, MultiTkIp#invoke_hidden doesn't
+ work (gives wrong order of arguments).
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: add MultiTkIp#invoke_hidden_on_namespace
+ to support '-namespace' option of 'interp invokehidden' command
+ on Tcl8.5.
+Wed Aug 31 14:41:30 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (OPTFLAGS): default global optimization to
+ disabled for all VC++ versions. fixed: [ruby-dev:26897]
+Wed Aug 31 10:36:09 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * process.c (proc_detach, proc_setmaxgroups): missing argument type
+ declaration. (I recommend ANSI-style function)
+Wed Aug 31 06:59:01 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_scan): already String#scan behaves differently
+ regarding if block is given.
+Tue Aug 30 23:49:34 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c, dir.c, enum.c, hash.c, io.c, range.c, string.c, struct.c:
+ let enumerable methods return Enumerator. [ruby-dev:26924]
+ * intern.h (RETURN_ENUMERATOR): utility macro for enumerable methods.
+Tue Aug 30 23:25:45 2005 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/debug.rb: no need to restart at exit.
+Tue Aug 30 23:20:19 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_rescue2): initialization miss. fixed: [ruby-dev:26917]
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (xsystem, xpopen): no longer expand by Config.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (link_command, cc_command, cpp_command): expand
+ variables at once, and quote hdrdir. fixed: [ruby-core:05680]
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (libpathflag): quote paths.
+Tue Aug 30 19:34:27 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/digest/md5/md5ossl.h, ext/digest/rmd160/rmd160ossl.h,
+ ext/digest/sha1/sha1ossl.h: include <stddef.h> to avoid
+ error in compilation with OpenSSL-0.9.8. [ruby-list:41068]
+Tue Aug 30 16:19:40 2005 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb/init.rb: bug fix. [ruby-dev: 26920]
+Tue Aug 30 16:13:00 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (enum_count): new method. [ruby-dev:26895]
+Tue Aug 30 12:45:15 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_send): do not call private methods if the receiver
+ is specified. [ruby-talk:153672]
+Mon Aug 29 19:47:18 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * lib/rdoc/usage.rb: improper exceptions. [ruby-dev:26870]
+ * lib/rdoc/usage.rb: support the case when non-ruby code exists before
+ shebang. (this is needed when ri.bat is executed on windows)
+Mon Aug 29 18:58:05 2005 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb/init.rb: make IRB -I option that is same behavior for ruby.
+ [ruby-dev:26872]
+ * lib/irb/locale.rb: support to print help message when OS locale is
+ ja_JP.utf-8. [ruby-dev:26872]
+Mon Aug 29 01:43:05 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb (Pathname#descend): new method.
+ (Pathname#ascend): ditto.
+Mon Aug 29 00:35:09 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/time.rb: require 'date/format' instead of 'parsedate'.
+ (Time.parse): extract fractional seconds using Date._parse.
+ (Time.strptime): extract fractional seconds using Date._strptime.
+ [ruby-talk:153859]
+Sat Aug 27 20:13:31 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c ({curses,window}_clrtoeol): added. suggested
+ by Reyn Vlietstra.
+ * ext/curses/curses.c: chtype in curses is not `char', rather `long'.
+ [ruby-Bugs:2298]
+ * ext/curses/view.rb: String =~ String is deprecated.
+Thu Aug 25 15:48:58 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: suppress warnings. (win32)
+Wed Aug 24 11:01:26 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/logger/test_logger.rb (test_shifting_size): should close log
+ device before unlink, since some platform cannot unlink opened
+ file.
+Tue Aug 23 06:07:02 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/digest.rb: added SHA224, SHA256, SHA384 and SHA512.
+ these features are enabled if this library is compiled with
+ OpenSSL 0.9.8 or later.
+ * test/openssl/test_digest.rb: add test for new digests.
+Tue Aug 23 05:47:04 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ns_spki.c (ossl_spki_initialize): try to decode
+ the argument as a string.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ns_pki.c (ossl_spki_to_der): new method.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509store.c (ossl_x509store_initialize): should
+ set @time to avoid warning.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509store.c (ossl_x509store_set_default_paths,
+ X509_STORE_add_cert, X509_STORE_add_crl): should raise error if
+ wrapped functions fails.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_sslctx_set_ciphers): fix error message.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509req.c (ossl_x509req_set_attributes): get rid
+ of unused variable.
+ * test/openssl/test_ns_spki.rb: add new file.
+ * test/openssl/test_x509store.rb: add test for error.
+Tue Aug 23 01:11:40 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * sprintf.c (ruby__sfvwrite): should move `buf' to the end of
+ `result'. [ruby-dev:26859]
+Mon Aug 22 23:51:19 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y: ONIG_OPTION_CAPTURE_GROUP conflicts with
+ RE_OPTION_ONCE. [ruby-dev:26852]
+Mon Aug 22 20:11:35 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * missing/vsnprintf.c (BSD__sprint): needs to call vwrite function
+ pointer. fixed: [ruby-dev:26854]
+Sat Aug 20 23:55:25 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): update paren_nest for brackets [].
+Sun Aug 21 00:10:23 2005 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/wsdl/xmlSchema/importer.rb (WSDL::XMLSchema::Importer#fetch): add
+ a workaround for importing an WSDL whose path begins with drive
+ letter. [ruby-dev:26242]
+Sat Aug 20 22:05:25 2005 K.Kosako <sndgk393 AT>
+ * regexec.c (code_is_in_cclass_node): check code size.
+ [ruby-dev:26840]
+Sat Aug 20 22:37:13 2005 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/logger.rb (write, shift_log?, shift_log): file shifting race
+ condition bug fixed. [ruby-dev:26764]
+ * test/logger/test_logger.rb: tests.
+Fri Aug 19 18:13:39 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/time.rb (Time.apply_offset): fix a problem with last day of
+ month. reported by Lucas Nussbaum. [ruby-talk:152866]
+Thu Aug 18 11:05:36 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (socketpair_internal): need to call open_ifs_socket()
+ to create sockets instead of winsock's socket().
+ fixed: [yarv-dev:581]
+Wed Aug 17 23:58:05 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (terminate_process): take String message.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_switch): propagate the exception caused thread
+ termination directly. fixed: [ruby-core:05552]
+Wed Aug 17 21:20:05 2005 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/lib/kconv.rb: ensure that symbol_to_option is private_class_method
+ and all other methods are module_function
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:26808]
+Wed Aug 17 00:05:46 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_add_method): preserve safe level in the environment
+ where a method is defined .
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): restore preserved safe level in the method
+ execution.
+ * parse.y (lambda): need separate block variable stack
+ manipulation and lpar_beg maintenance. based on a patch found
+ in [ruby-core:05551] from Mauricio Fernandez <mfp at>.
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): adjust lpar_beg after tLAMBEG and
+ kDO_LAMBDA. [ruby-core:05551]
+Mon Aug 15 07:24:38 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * intern.h (rb_check_to_integer): add declaration.
+ * object.c (rb_to_integer, rb_check_to_integer): argument constified.
+Mon Aug 15 00:38:51 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_rescue2): reduce PUSH_TAG() as well as NODE_RESCUE.
+ [ruby-dev:26800]
+ * range.c (range_check, range_init): reduce useless exceptions.
+Mon Aug 15 00:34:11 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yycompile): remove unreachable code. [yarv-dev:570]
+Sat Aug 13 22:16:12 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (remove_entry_secure): forgot final chdir.
+Sat Aug 13 22:07:49 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (remove_entry_secure): uses chdir(2) and check
+ if current directory is correct. [ruby-dev:26100] [ruby-dev:26226]
+Sat Aug 13 21:11:05 2005 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: add WIN32OLE_VARIANT class.
+ * ext/win32ole/tests/testall.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/tests/testOLEVARIANT.rb: ditto.
+Sat Aug 13 18:51:26 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_block_pass): distinguish current block from others.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:26274]
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_set_string): disallow nil.
+Sat Aug 13 08:01:59 2005 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/lib/kconv.rb: Kconv.kconv is now alias of Kconv.conv
+ * ext/nkf/lib/kconv.rb: remove nkf dependent symbols from SYMBOL_TO_OPTION
+Fri Aug 12 17:06:53 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (f_larglist): allow optional arguments even when
+ parentheses are omitted. based on Nobu's patch from
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): update & maintain lpar_beg for detect
+ lambda parameters.
+Thu Aug 11 23:29:03 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c: keep holding string after closed.
+Thu Aug 11 20:48:40 2005 Tadashi Saito <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_equal, fix_cmp, fix_gt, fix_ge, fix_lt, fix_le):
+ reduce coercing when a method knows about a operand type.
+ [ruby-dev:26789]
+Thu Aug 11 13:01:48 2005 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss: fixed sort bug. [ruby-list:41018]
+ * lib/rss/1.0.rb (RSS::RDF::Channel#setup_maker_attributes):
+ removed self.
+ * lib/rss/maker/base.rb (RSS::Maker::ItemsBase#<=>): use #date
+ instead of @date.
+ (RSS::Maker::Base::self.def_array_element): added #size.
+ * lib/rss/maker/1.0.rb
+ (RSS::Maker::RSS10::Channel#to_rss,
+ RSS::Maker::RSS10::Items::Item#to_rss): cleared dc_dates set
+ upped by using #date.
+ * lib/rss/maker/dublincore.rb
+ (RSS::Maker::ChannelBase, RSS::Maker::ItemsBase::ItemBase):
+ fixed opposite alias.
+ * test/rss/test_setup_maker_1.0.rb
+ (RSS::TestSetupMaker10::test_setup_maker_items_sort): added some
+ tests for RSS::Maker::ItemsBase#do_sort.
+Wed Aug 10 12:01:20 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb: simplifies Delegator classes; SimpleDelegator
+ now uses method_missing for all methods.
+Wed Aug 10 10:38:50 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_mul0): multiply two numbers (x, y) without
+ normalizing the result. x should be a big number.
+ [ruby-dev:26778]
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_pow): use rb_big_mul0() instead of
+ rb_big_mul().
+ * array.c (rb_ary_or, rb_ary_and, rb_ary_plus, rb_ary_diff):
+ revert the change on 2005-08-03. Set operation on other item
+ should have in separate methods.
+ * parse.y (shadowing_lvar_gen): warn when arguments shadows
+ external local variables.
+ * parse.y (f_opt): optional arguments should not clobber external
+ local variables.
+ * parse.y (f_rest_arg): rest arguments should not clobber external
+ local variables.
+Wed Aug 10 10:29:40 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: fix bug on handling __ruby2val_optkeys().
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/itemconfig.rb: fix bug on handling
+ __item_ruby2val_optkeys().
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/canvas.rb: didn't check __item_ruby2val_optkeys().
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/component.rb: ditto.
+Tue Aug 9 21:53:17 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (formal_assign): let default values override
+ arguments to zsuper. fixed: [ruby-dev:26743]
+Tue Aug 9 20:30:19 2005 Tadashi Saito <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_coerce): allow bignum x bignum coercing.
+ [ruby-dev:26778]
+Tue Aug 9 15:12:04 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: remove dangerous 'rb_jump_tag's.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: add __val2ruby_optkeys and __ruby2val_optkeys to
+ help to convert option values between ruby and tcl.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/itemconfig.rb: add __item_val2ruby_optkeys and
+ __item_ruby2val_optkeys to help to convert option values between
+ ruby and tcl.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/radiobutton.rb: use __ruby2val_optkeys for 'variable'
+ option (for the reason of backward compatibility).
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/composite.rb: clarify the arguments of super().
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/spinbox.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/text.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/validation.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/*: support to treat tkvariable-type
+ configure options.
+Tue Aug 9 08:24:05 2005 Mauricio Fernandez <>
+ * parse.y (f_block_arg), eval.c (rb_yield_0): deal with dynamic
+ variable lambda arguments. [ruby-core:05540]
+Mon Aug 8 22:13:48 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (assign): deal with new block argument.
+ fixed: [ruby-core:05536]
+ * eval.c (rb_node_arity): follow change of NODE_ARGS.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:26761]
+Mon Aug 8 21:28:13 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_fnmatch.rb: separated from test_file.rb.
+Mon Aug 8 20:40:35 2005 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/ruby/test_method.rb: added. [ruby-dev:26761]
+Mon Aug 8 01:26:37 2005 Mauricio Fernandez <>
+ * parse.y (f_larglist): mistake in syntax rule. [ruby-core:05535]
+Mon Aug 8 05:16:55 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c (ossl_raise): should use ERR_peek_last_error
+ to get last error on the current thread. And should report
+ if errors are on the stack while OpenSSL.debug is true.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c (ossl_get_errors): new method for debugging
+ this library.
+Mon Aug 8 05:15:19 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpproxy.rb (HTTPProxyServer#initialize),
+ lib/webrick/httpserver.rb (HTTPServer#initialize),
+ lib/webrick/httpservlet/cgihandler.rb (CGIHandler#initialize),
+ lib/webrick/httpservlet/erbhandler.rb (ERBHandler#initialize),
+ lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb(DefaultFileHandler#initialize):
+ super (called with no arguments) takes default value of optional
+ arguments. [ruby-dev:26743]
+ * lib/webrick/httputils.rb: add a media-type "text/html" for .xhtml.
+Sun Aug 7 23:52:39 2005 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/ruby/test_super.rb: added optional arg tests. [ruby-dev:26743]
+ the tests expects 1.8 behavior at this time.
+Sat Aug 6 12:35:24 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/{tk.rb,tk/itemconfig.rb}: configure creates
+ TkVariable if key name is 'variable' or 'textvariable'
+ by default. [ruby-dev:26749]
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/{label,radiobutton}.rb: removed its own
+ {variable,textvariable} function.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/variable.rb: retains backward compatibility.
+Fri Aug 5 12:48:31 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: fixed memory leak when tk_funcall raised
+ exception. (copies argv into heap in tk_funcall instead of
+ caller)
+Fri Aug 5 12:36:40 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): need to convert path separator
+ before invoking install command.
+Fri Aug 5 08:08:05 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (return_jump): fix "can't across thread" error message
+ when no thread associated.
+Fri Aug 5 00:25:12 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: refactoring - extract ruby string <->
+ tcl object conversion as get_str_from_obj and get_obj_from_str.
+Fri Aug 5 00:19:33 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enumerator.c (Init_Enumerator): provided features should have
+ extensions.
+ * eval.c (rb_feature_p): returns type of the feature instead of
+ extension.
+ * eval.c (search_required): ruby library should be prior to statically
+ linked extensions. fixed: [ruby-dev:26711]
+ * eval.c (formal_assign): returns position of rest arguments variable.
+ * parse.y (f_rest_arg): use anonymous variable for rest arguments.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:26647]
+ * extmk.rb (extmake): needs to be wrapped in an Array.
+Thu Aug 4 20:03:18 2005 Tadashi Saito <>
+ * numeric.c (Init_Numeric): do not share implementation among
+ Fixnum#/ and Fixnum#div. [ruby-core:05531]
+Thu Aug 4 18:38:36 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: cannot compile for Tcl7.6/Tk4.2.
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: add nativethread consistency check.
+ * ext/tk/stubs.c: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: forgot to define TclTkIp.encoding and encoding=
+ when Tcl is 7.6 or 8.0.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/wm.rb: support to make some methods as options of
+ root or toplevel widget. [ruby-talk:150336]
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/root.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/toplevel.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/SUPPORT_STATUS: update RELEASE_DATE
+Thu Aug 4 13:30:15 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_div): should not convert the result into
+ integer. [ruby-core:05524]
+Thu Aug 4 08:03:39 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): should not modify $mflags for each
+ extensions.
+Thu Aug 4 00:25:48 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *,, {bcc32,win32,wince}/Makefile.sub: integrated
+ macro definitions.
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub: LIBRUBY_SO should use DLDOBJS, not EXTOBJS.
+ * {win32,wince}/Makefile.sub: separate config.h for compiler versions.
+Thu Aug 4 00:24:59 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sprintf.c: replacing is no longer needed.
+Wed Aug 3 21:59:16 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/variable.rb: TkVariable#trace didn't work on
+ TkVariable retrieved from TkVariable.new_hash.ref. [ruby-dev:26721]
+Wed Aug 3 12:40:28 2005 Tadashi Saito <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_plus): reduce coercing when a method knows about
+ a operand type. [ruby-dev:26723]
+ * numeric.c (fix_minus, fix_mul, fix_quo, fix_div, fix_mod,
+ fix_divmod, fix_pow): ditto.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_div, rb_big_modulo): export to reduce
+ coercing.
+Wed Aug 3 10:13:52 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ *, {bcc32,win32,wince}/Makefile.sub (HAVE_SNPRINTF,
+ HAVE_VSNPRINTF): use win32/win32.c's implementation instead of
+ missing/vsnprintf.c's.
+ * win32/win32.[ch] (rb_w32_snprintf, rb_w32_vsnprintf): reverted.
+Wed Aug 3 10:05:08 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * check vsnprintf() and snprintf().
+ * sprintf.c, missing/vsnprintf.c: made vsnprintf() and snprintf()
+ private. fixed: [ruby-dev:26651]
+Wed Aug 3 08:22:13 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (ruby_connect): revert [ruby-talk:111654]
+ changes at 2004-09-07. [ruby-dev:26656]
+Wed Aug 3 06:53:35 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_or): wraps the operand in an array if it is not
+ an array. [ruby-talk:150495] [EXPERIMENTAL]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_and, rb_ary_plus, rb_ary_diff): ditto.
+Tue Aug 2 10:23:12 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: use Tcl_[GS]etVar2Ex instead of
+ Tcl_Obj[GS]etVar2. (avoid Tcl_NewStringObj on supported platforms)
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: use ip_{get,set,unset}_variable2_core from
+ ip_{get,set,unset}_variable.
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: replaced Tcl_Panic with rb_bug.
+Tue Aug 2 01:40:38 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/ping.rb (Ping.pingecho): should rescue StandardError.
+ [ruby-dev:26677]
+Mon Aug 1 19:02:23 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: refactoring - replaced rb_ivar_defined &
+ rb_ivar_get with single rb_attr_get call.
+Mon Aug 1 18:44:08 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c (Tcl_GetStringResult): refactoring - define
+ alternative macro on Tcl7.x or earlier.
+Mon Aug 1 13:53:55 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c (deleted_ip): refactoring - interpreter
+ deletion check. [ruby-dev:26664]
+Mon Aug 1 01:08:21 2005 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb (check_insecure_method): use private_methods and
+ protected_methods instead of respond_to? to check method visibility.
+ [ruby-dev:26616]
+ * test/drb/drbtest.rb: ditto.
+ * test/drb/ut_drb.rb: ditto.
+Sat Jul 30 18:49:44 2005 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: add WIN32OLE_TYPE#ole_typelib,
+ WIN32OLE_TYPE#implemented_ole_types.
+ * ext/win32ole/tests/testOLETYPE.rb: ditto.
+Fri Jul 29 16:12:02 2005 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb/context.rb: fix `irb --readline` option. [ruby-dev:40955]
+Fri Jul 29 09:59:38 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): fix calling zsuper from a method with anonymous
+ rest argument. [ruby-dev:26639]
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): push yielded node instead of yielding.
+ fixed: [yarv-dev:549]
+Thu Jul 28 21:49:17 2005 IWATSUKI Hiroyuki <>
+ * parse.y (rb_parser_end_seen_p): exclude from ripper.
+ <>
+ * sprintf.c (clearerr): remove standard macro before re-definition.
+ <>
+Thu Jul 28 18:09:55 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/stubs.c: When --enable-tcltk-stubs, the initialize
+ routine creates a Tcl/Tk interpreter and deletes it. However,
+ init cost of Tk's MainWindow is not so small. And that makes it
+ impossible to use libraries written with Tcl functions only on
+ an environment without a graphical display. This changes support
+ delaying initialization of Tk_Stubs until the script needs Tk.
+ * ext/tk/stubs.h: New file. Define prototypes and return codes of
+ functions on stubs.c.
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: Support delaying initialization of Tk_Stubs
+ until the script needs Tk.
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: Show friendly error messages for errors on
+ initialization.
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: Avoid SEGV on ip_finalize() when ruby is
+ exiting and $DEBUG is true. (Not fix. If you know the reason of
+ why, please fix it.)
+ * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c (ary2list, ary2list2): bug fix on handling
+ of encoding.
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: MultiTkIp#eval_string and bg_eval_string
+ don't work properly.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: Forget extending Tk::Encoding module to Tk.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/variable.rb: TkVarAccess fails to initialize the
+ object for an element of a Tcl's array variable.
+Thu Jul 28 17:23:37 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (f_larglist): allow block argument in lambda parameter
+ list without parenthesis.
+Thu Jul 28 17:14:01 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (each_i): typo fixed. [ruby-dev:26622]
+Thu Jul 28 15:04:11 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (f_arg): better argument name duplication check
+ * parse.y (new_args_gen): factored out name duplication check for
+ optional and rest arguments.
+ * parse.y (new_bv_gen): allow shadowing outer local variables;
+ warning remains.
+Thu Jul 28 13:46:06 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (ripper_warningS): the argument was omitted.
+ [ruby-dev:26621]
+Thu Jul 28 11:30:57 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (f_larglist): allow bv_decl at the end of lambda
+ argument list. [EXPERIMENTAL]
+ * parse.y (new_bv_gen): allow local variable shadowing, with
+ warning in verbose mode.
+Wed Jul 27 23:23:54 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (obj_free): make message format consistent with one from
+ gc_mark(). [ruby-talk:149668]
+ * sprintf.c (quad_t): prepare quad_t as well. [ruby-talk:149668]
+Wed Jul 27 22:11:37 2005 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * sample/rss/tdiary_plugin: removed. because the plugin
+ is imported in the tDiary plugin packages.
+Wed Jul 27 19:11:53 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (cd): follow :noop option change. (This patch
+ is contributed by Doug Kearns)
+Wed Jul 27 16:25:59 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (lambda): Perl6 style -> lambda expression. [NEW]
+Wed Jul 27 10:43:14 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (id2ref): must not assign pointers to long int. use
+ [ruby-talk:149645]
+ * ruby.h: use LONG_LONG to simplify the change.
+ [ruby-talk:149645]
+Wed Jul 27 10:59:02 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dir.c (dir_each): rewinddir(3) before iteration.
+ [ruby-talk:149628]
+Wed Jul 27 02:34:58 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_throw): replace all '0x%lx' by '%p'.
+ [ruby-talk:149553]
+ * missing/vsnprintf.c (BSD_vfprintf): '%p' need to handle 64bit
+ size pointer. [ruby-talk:149553]
+Tue Jul 26 22:41:28 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper/sexp.rb: new method Ripper.sexp_raw.
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper/sexp.rb (Ripper.sexp): returns more
+ readable tree. This is suggested by Kirill A. Shutemov.
+Tue Jul 26 22:05:12 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: merge a patch contributed by Daniel Berger,
+ with some modification. (RubyForge #2128)
+Tue Jul 26 18:11:33 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.h: support LLP64 model. [ruby-talk:149524]
+Tue Jul 26 12:57:40 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/openssl_missing.c: include <openssl/engine.h> before
+ <openssl/x509_vfy.h> to avoid compilation error of mswin32.
+ suggested by NAKAMURA Usaku.
+Mon Jul 25 23:48:55 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.[ch]: (rb_w32_vsnprintf, rb_w32_snprintf): removed.
+Mon Jul 25 21:30:46 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * Borland MAKE doesn't look for file names which have paths
+ from VPATH. fixed: [ruby-dev:26604]
+ * ruby.h (NORETURN, DEPRECATED): moved just after config.h.
+ * {win32,wince}/Makefile.sub: vsnprintf() is in missing now.
+ * {bcc32,win32,wince}/Makefile.sub: moved CPPFLAGS only for ruby
+ source to XCFLAGS.
+Mon Jul 25 14:10:02 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: fix en-bugged part in the last commit.
+Mon Jul 25 13:45:18 2005 NAJIMA Hiroki <>
+ * io.c: check HAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H before including the header.
+ [ruby-dev:26610]
+Sat Jul 23 16:48:12 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_engine.c (ossl_engine_s_load): should check
+Sat Jul 23 11:46:30 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * eval.c (rb_fd_select): the all three fd_sets must be long enough for
+ select. fixed: [ruby-talk:149059]
+Sat Jul 23 10:01:41 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_vsprintf, rb_sprintf): new functions return new String,
+ using missing/vsnprintf.c. [ruby-dev:26580]
+ * missing/vsnprintf.c: made the output changeable.
+Fri Jul 22 21:06:08 2005 Tadashi Saito <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_eq): reduce isnan(). [ruby-dev:26600]
+ * numeric.c (flo_eq, flo_gt, flo_ge, flo_lt, flo_le): ditto.
+Fri Jul 22 15:02:39 2005 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb: moved copyright description to lib/rss.rb.
+ * lib/rss.rb: added for convenience.
+ * sample/rss/re_read.rb: added #to_s sample.
+ * sample/rss/blend.rb: use 'require "rss"' instead of
+ 'require "rss/*"'.
+ * sample/rss/list_description.rb: ditto.
+ * sample/rss/rss_recent.rb: ditto.
+ * sample/rss/tdiary-plugin/rss-recent.rb: ditto.
+ * sample/rss/tdiary-plugin/rss-recent.rb: 0.0.6 -> 0.0.7.
+Fri Jul 22 14:37:43 2005 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/parser.rb (RSS::Parser#initialize): accept HTTP/FTP
+ URI and local file path too.
+ * test/rss/test_parser.rb (RSS::TestParser#test_parse): test
+ for the above.
+Fri Jul 22 07:01:42 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c (tk_conv_args): forget to revert
+ thread_critical and gc_disable when raise ArgumentError.
+ * ext/tk/lib/remote-tk.rb: RemoteTkIp doesn't need to include TkUtil.
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: add TclTkIp#has_mainwindow? method.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: add Tk.has_mainwindow? method.
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: add MultiTkIp#has_mainwindow? method.
+ * ext/tk/lib/remote-tk.rb: add RemoteTkIp#has_mainwindow? method.
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: slave IP fail to exit itself when $SAFE==4.
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: remove constants from MultiTkIp module to
+ avoid access from external.
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: check_root flag is ignored on slave IPs'
+ mainloop.
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: hang-up Tk.mainloop called on a slave IP
+ with $SAFE==4.
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: MultiTkIp#bg_eval_proc doesn't work
+ properly.
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: add MultiTkIp#set_cb_error(proc) and
+ cb_error(exc) to log errors at callbacks on safe slave IPs.
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: fail to get an available slave IP object
+ when call Tk.mainloop in the block which is given to new_* method,
+ because cannot finish initialize while the root widget is alive.
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: fail to control a slave IP when Tk.mainloop
+ runs on the IP.
+Thu Jul 21 01:00:00 2005 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/{nkf.c,utf8tbl.c,config.h}:
+ import 1.76
+ [ruby-dev:26592] nkf constification
+Wed Jul 20 19:18:52 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (S_ISREG): need to define S_ISREG before it is used first.
+Wed Jul 20 18:33:15 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * io.c (wsplit_p): patch for the environment where
+ fcntl(F_GETFL, O_NONBLOCK) is not supported. in that case,
+ set FMODE_WSPLIT without fcntl check. [ruby-dev:26566]
+Wed Jul 20 18:07:11 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_ctl): update FMODE_WSPLIT_INITIALIZED and FMODE_WSPLIT
+ by F_SETFL.
+Wed Jul 20 10:04:51 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_class_path): need to adjust snprintf() len for
+ terminating NUL. [ruby-dev:26581]
+Wed Jul 20 03:58:52 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: sorry, BeOS also uses HAVE_CLOSESOCKET,
+ so reverted.
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: should not define HAVE_CLOSESOCKET
+ on windows.
+Wed Jul 20 03:12:21 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: should not undef close() on win32.
+ it's defined to rb_w32_close(), otherwise handle leaks.
+ [ruby-Bugs-2131]
+Wed Jul 20 00:48:16 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * error.c (syserr_initialize): don't use str before StringValue()
+ check. [ruby-dev:26579]
+Tue Jul 19 22:47:29 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * error.c (syserr_initialize): add 1 byte for snprintf() size for
+ NUL at the end. [ruby-dev:26574]
+Tue Jul 19 17:16:34 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * signal.c (trap): remove sigexit(); handle "EXIT" via sig_exec().
+ [ruby-dev:26440]
+ * io.c (rb_io_inspect): replace sprintf() with "%s" format all
+ over the place by snprintf() to avoid integer overflow.
+Tue Jul 19 14:10:50 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: rbtk_eventloop_depth is used as int.
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: rbtk_pending_exception is tested with
+ NIL_P, so should assign Qnil instead of 0 (Qfalse).
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c (ip_invoke_real): fixed memory leak when
+ ip is deleted.
+Tue Jul 19 13:19:46 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/variable.rb: For symmetry, add TkVariable#string. It
+ returns a string even if the default value type of the TkVariable
+ object is not "string".
+Mon Jul 18 21:39:18 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): make the pointer to NODE volatile
+ instead of NODE itself.
+Mon Jul 18 14:32:21 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): make body volatile to avoid possible optimization
+ problem.
+ [ruby-dev:26195]
+Mon Jul 18 12:23:27 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * ext/io/wait/wait.c: wrong backport from trunk, and compile error on
+ platforms fd_set is not a bit set. fixed: [ruby-dev:26562]
+Mon Jul 18 09:36:25 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * rubyio.h (FMODE_WSPLIT, FMODE_WSPLIT_INITIALIZED): new constant.
+ * io.c (wsplit_p): new function.
+ (io_fflush): split writing data by PIPE_BUF if wsplit_p is true in
+ multi-threaded mode.
+ (io_fwrite): ditto.
+ [ruby-dev:26540]
+Mon Jul 18 05:00:00 2005 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c: import nkf.c 1.73
+ fix: TestKconv 1F
+Sun Jul 17 13:46:54 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/io/wait/extconf.rb, ext/io/wait/wait.c: Win32 platforms support.
+Sat Jul 16 23:43:16 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enumerator.c (Init_Enumerator): wrong argument specs.
+ [ruby-core:05481]
+Sat Jul 16 15:52:50 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * win32/win32.[hc]: constified socket functions. [ruby-dev:26553]
+Fri Jul 15 23:59:03 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_c.rb (handle_class_module): handle a
+ module enclosed in a built-in module. fixed: [ruby-talk:148239]
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_c.rb (find_body): allow macros as methods.
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_c.rb (find_call_seq): allow :nodoc: modifier
+ in C. [ruby-core:04572]
+Fri Jul 15 23:20:03 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enumerator.c (Init_Enumerator): use an internal directly.
+Fri Jul 15 07:58:10 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/server.rb (WEBrick::GenericServer#accept_client):
+ sockets should be non-blocking mode. [ruby-dev:26405]
+ * lib/webrick/utils.rb (WEBrick::Utils.set_non_blocking): new method.
+Fri Jul 15 00:11:36 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enum.c (enumeratorize): create new enumerator for current method if
+ no block is given.
+ * enumerator.c: moved from ext/enumerator.
+Thu Jul 14 18:27:35 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_strerror): should return correct message
+ for ENAMETOOLONG and ENOTEMPTY. (bcc32) [ruby-dev:26533]
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_strerror): stripped CR LF on the tail.
+ (bcc32) [ruby-dev:26533]
+Thu Jul 14 00:45:42 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * LEGAL (ext/nkf/nkf-utf8): updated from nkf1.7 to nkf-utf8.
+Wed Jul 13 22:44:00 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y: remove static variables. [ruby-dev:26530]
+Wed Jul 13 19:36:29 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_mkdir): should set EEXIST (not EACCES)
+ if file or directory already exists. (bcc32) [ruby-dev:26508]
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_rmdir): should set ENOTDIR (not EINVAL)
+ if it is not directory. (bcc32, win32)
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_rmdir, rb_w32_unlink): restore
+ FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY flag on function failure.
+Wed Jul 13 12:40:00 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: TclTkLib.do_one_event doesn't work.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: Tk.thread_update is available.
+Tue Jul 12 23:32:11 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: keep curdir unexpanded.
+Mon Jul 11 23:50:17 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c, intern.h (rb_proc_call, rb_obj_method, rb_method_call):
+ export.
+ * ext/enumerator/enumerator.c (enumerator_with_index): [EXPERIMENTAL]
+ added a new method Enumerator#with_index. [ruby-talk:147728]
+Mon Jul 11 08:31:29 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * regparse.c (fetch_escaped_value): mask values following \c in
+ regexp. fixed: [ruby-dev:26500]
+Sun Jul 11 05:18:17 2005 Michael Neumann <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc/server.rb (XMLRPC::Server): Switch from GServer over to
+ WEBrick. This makes file lib/xmlrpc/httpserver.rb obsolete (at least it is
+ no further used by the XML-RPC library).
+Mon Jul 11 02:50:23 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/cgi.rb (WEBrick::CGI::Socket#request_line):
+ mistook to merge the patch of [ruby-dev:26235] at
+ revision 1.11.
+Sun Jul 10 23:58:04 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb (Pathname#unlink): try Dir.unlink first to
+ avoid unlink a directory by root.
+ cf. [ruby-dev:26237]
+Sun Jul 10 12:47:01 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/debug.rb (debug_command): added a deficient format specifier.
+ fixed: [ruby-core:05419]
+Sat Jul 9 22:02:37 2005 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_method_dispid): convert dispid
+ in Ruby and C by INT2NUM and NUM2INT.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_invoke2): ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/test/testWIN32OLE.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/test/testOLEMETHOD.rb: ditto.
+Fri Jul 8 15:45:04 2005 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb (RSS::VERSION): 0.1.4 -> 0.1.5.
+ * test/rss/test_version.rb (RSS::TestVersion#test_version):
+ ditto.
+ * lib/rss/0.9.rb (RSS::Rss::Channel::Item::Category):
+ domain attribute of <category> is optional. Thanks to
+ Chris Lee <>.
+ * test/rss/test_parser.rb (RSS::TestParser#test_category20):
+ adjusted test case.
+Wed Jul 6 18:45:53 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_pattern_match): now returns nil.
+ [ruby-core:05391]
+Mon Jul 4 14:35:52 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sample/svr.rb: service can be stopped by ill-behaved client; use
+ tsvr.rb instead.
+Mon Jul 4 13:25:21 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * missing/erf.c: original erf.c by prof. Okumura is confirmed to
+ be public domain. reverted BSD implementation.
+Wed Jul 6 11:15:21 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (open_ifs_socket): new function.
+ * win32/win32.c (StartSockets, rb_w32_socket): use open_ifs_socket()
+ instead of socket().
+ all changes are derived from [ruby-core:5388].
+Wed Jul 6 00:15:00 2005 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/{nkf.c,utf8tbl.c,config.h}:
+ imported nkf.c 1.70 (support UTF-8-MAC)
+ * ext/nkf/lib/kconv.rb: add :utf8mac and :internalunicode
+Tue Jul 5 23:44:06 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * instruby.rb: expand source library path.
+Tue Jul 5 23:27:14 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (sort_2): get rid of yet another bcc's bug.
+ fixed: [ruby-core:05152]
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_save_context): must not switch contexts during
+ re-allocating stack. fixed: [ruby-core:05219]
+Tue Jul 5 15:15:10 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/tkutil.c: fix typo.
+Tue Jul 5 14:52:56 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: bug fix on treating Unicode strings.
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: add methods to treat encoding mode.
+ * ext/tk/MANUAL_tcltklib.eng: add description of TclTkLib#encoding,
+ encoding_system, and so on.
+ * ext/tk/MANUAL_tcltklib.eucj: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: fail to create a Tcl's list string from
+ an array including multiple kind of encoded strings.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: 2nd arg of _{to|from}UTF8 is omissible.
+ * ext/tk/lib/remote-tk.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: override TclTkLib#encoding and encoding= to
+ use TkCore::INTERP.encoding and encoding=.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: when "require 'tk'" and $KCODE=='NONE', check
+ DEFAULT_TK_ENCODING to decide Ruby/Tk's system encoding mode.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/encodedstr.rb: check both of Tk.encoding and
+ Tk.encoding_system. Tk.encoding has higher priority.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/optiondb.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/spinbox.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/validation.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb: arguments for TclTkIp#_merge_tklist
+ should be UTF-8 strings.
+Mon Jul 4 19:29:32 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * lib/set.rb: test change to follow revision 1.28. (duck typing?)
+Mon Jul 4 11:23:50 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/{dbm,gdbm,sdbm}/test_{dbm,gdbm,sdbm}.rb: skip some tests
+ which using fork on fork-less platforms.
+Sun Jul 3 23:26:30 2005 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/wsdl/document/test_rpc.rb: compare formatted time string of
+ Time objects instead of comparing Time objects itself to avoid
+ unintended conflict of usec part. [ruby-dev:26220]
+Sat Jul 2 22:41:04 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (unix_send_io, unix_recv_io): support x86-64 and
+ IA64.
+Sat Jul 2 17:06:23 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * defines.h (FLUSH_REGISTER_WINDOWS): defined for IA64.
+ (flush_register_windows): declare flush_register_windows.
+ * eval.c (flush_register_windows): new function.
+ * ruby.h (NOINLINE): move up to be effective in defines.h.
+Sat Jul 2 15:19:41 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * check select_large_fdset.
+ * eval.c: use select_large_fdset to support large file descriptors
+ on Solaris. [ruby-dev:26404]
+Fri Jul 1 17:55:08 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_neg): may be accessing bogus pointer value.
+Fri Jul 1 15:50:12 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * missing/erf.c: need to include some headers for some platforms.
+ * win32/win32.h (copysign, scalb): define for compatibility with
+ other platforms. [ruby-dev:26430]
+Fri Jul 1 15:37:42 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * missing/crypt.c: modified to make it compilable on platforms
+ other than BSD. [ruby-dev:26430]
+ * missing/erf.c: ditto. code from <exp.c> merged.
+Fri Jul 1 12:44:56 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb (OpenURI.open_http): refine post_connection_check
+ call.
+Fri Jul 1 11:34:08 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * missing/crypt.c: replaced with 4.4BSD version.
+ * missing/erf.c: ditto.
+ * missing/vsnprintf.c: removed the third provision from the old
+ BSD license. [ruby-core:05177]
+Fri Jul 1 01:45:21 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enum.c (enum_min, enum_max): must not return Qundef.
+ fixed: [ruby-core:05299]
+Fri Jul 1 00:18:40 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb (Delegator::respond_to): respond_to? must check
+ destination object. [ruby-talk:146894]
+Thu Jun 30 23:52:12 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * signal.c (trap): non-string trap hander was ignored.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:26417]
+Thu Jun 30 19:00:21 2005 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb (RubyLex::identify_number): alternative implements
+ for [ruby-dev:26410]. And support a numeric form of 0d99999.
+Thu Jun 30 17:28:10 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb (RubyLex::identify_number): should not treat
+ plain zero as an octal number. [ruby-dev:26410]
+Thu Jun 30 15:13:16 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): pre-evaluate argument for unambiguous
+ evaluation order. [ruby-dev:26383]
+Thu Jun 30 14:48:23 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTP#connect, Net::HTTP#request): should
+ not send proxy username and password to origin servers.
+ [ruby-dev:25673]
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTP::ProxyDelta#edit_path): should not
+ send HTTPS scheme URL to origine servers. [ruby-dev:25689]
+Thu Jun 30 09:53:56 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb (Delegator::method_missing): forward unknown
+ method to the destination. suggested by
+ <>. [ruby-talk:146776]
+Wed Jun 29 00:03:20 2005 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * regparse.c (fetch_token): avoid warning of unused goto tag.
+ [ruby-dev:26389]
+Tue Jun 28 21:59:29 2005 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * dir.c, eval.c, parse.y, process.c, ruby.c: avoid warning "unused
+ variable" [ruby-dev:26387]
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): avoid warning "enumeration value `RECURSIVE'
+ not handled in switch" [ruby-dev:26392]
+Tue Jun 28 01:52:00 2005 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/lib/kconv.rb: add Kconv::VERSION
+ * ext/nkf/lib/kconv.rb (conv): can process arrayed options
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c: imported Revision 1.69
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/utf8tbl.c: imported Revision 1.9
+Sat Jun 25 23:30:51 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * process.c (detach_process_watcher): terminate process watcher
+ thread right after rb_waitpid() succeed. [ruby-talk:146430]
+Sat Jun 25 17:12:20 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/httputils.rb (WEBrick::HTTPUtils.parse_query): should
+ discard if key=val pair is empty. patch from Gary Wright.
+Sat Jun 25 15:49:18 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enum.c (enum_min, enum_max, enum_min_by, enum_max_by): do not ignore
+ nil as the first element.
+Sat Jun 25 15:13:54 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * lib/set.rb (Set#==): [ruby-dev:25206] (ported from ruby_1_8 branch)
+Sat Jun 25 11:37:00 2005 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/lib/kconv.rb: remove constants
+ Iconv_Shift_JIS, Uconv_EUC_JP, Iconv_UTF8
+ * ext/nkf/lib/kconv.rb: add module functions to Kconv
+ conv, {eucjp, shiftjis, utf8}?, guess_as_symbol
+ * ext/nkf/lib/kconv.rb: add instance methods to String
+ conv, {eucjp, shiftjis, utf8}?
+ * ext/nkf/lib/kconv.rb: add aliases Kconv.to_* and String#to_*
+Fri Jun 24 17:00:00 2005 Shigeo Kobayashi <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c: patch from "NATORI Shin"
+ ( applied to fix rounding bug.
+Fri Jun 24 13:17:45 2005 akira yamada <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb, lib/uri/generic.rb: fixed typo in documents and
+ replaced some existent domain name with "".
+Fri Jun 24 12:23:19 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: fix typo on Tk.grid_propagate.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: Tk.event_generate and TkWindow#event_generate
+ accept TkEvent::Event object as context argument.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/event.rb: add TkEvent::Event#valid_fields and
+ valid_for_generate to get field parameters of event_generate.
+Thu Jun 23 23:55:59 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * runruby.rb: should load built rbconfig.rb.
+Thu Jun 23 16:53:15 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/canvastag.rb: cannot include given items.
+ TkcGroup#exclude calls wrong method.
+ Add alias TkcGroup#add [ruby-talk:146049].
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/canvas.rb: TkCanvas#dtag and some subcommands of
+ TkCanvas#addtag fail to treat a TkcTag argument.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/event.rb: add TkEvent::Event#generate to help to send
+ current event to other widgets.
+Mon Jun 20 18:44:04 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ because setjmp is not enough to fix getcontext and SPARC register
+ window problem.
+Mon Jun 20 17:15:51 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c (fdbm_closed): new method DBM#closed?
+ * ext/gdbm/gdbm.c (fgdbm_closed): new method GDBM#closed?
+ * ext/sdbm/init.c (fsdbm_closed): new method SDBM#closed?
+ * test/dbm/test_dbm.rb, test/gdbm/test_gdbm.rb, test/sdbm/test_sdbm.rb
+ (teardown): close all db objects before deleting data files.
+ * win32/win32.{ch} (unlink): hook runtime function to change
+ file attribute before unlinking.
+ merge from 1.8, see [ruby-dev:26360]
+Mon Jun 20 02:15:35 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (define_final): document fix: finalizers never get called
+ before target object is destroyed.
+Mon Jun 20 01:26:49 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/openssl_missing.c, ext/openssl/ossl.h,
+ ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c, ext/openssl/ossl_bio.c,
+ ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs12.h, ext/openssl/ossl_x509req.c: avoid
+ compiler warnings. suggested by Michal Rokos.
+Sun Jun 20 00:22:02 2005 Michael Neumann <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc/utils.rb: Patch by Nobuhiro IMAI fixes the following
+ problem: Default value modification on
+ Module#public_instance_methods (false -> true) breaks
+ s.add_handler(XMLRPC::iPIMethods("sample"), style
+ security protection.
+ * lib/xmlrpc/client.rb: Aliased XMLRPC::Client#new2 as
+ XMLRPC::Client#new_from_uri, and #new3 as #new_from_hash.
+Sun Jun 19 14:09:07 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (run_final): reduce unnecessary object allocation during
+ finalization.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_call_finalizer_at_exit): deferred finalizers list should
+ be cleared before calling them. fixed: [ruby-talk:145790]
+Sat Jun 18 01:15:36 2005 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_readline): do not set
+ rl_{in,out}stream.
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_s_set_input): new method.
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_s_set_output): new method.
+ * lib/irb/input-method.rb: set Readline.input and Readline.output.
+Fri Jun 17 13:01:40 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/time.rb (Time.parse): fix previous leap seconds support.
+ (Time.rfc2822): ditto.
+ (Time.xmlschema): ditto.
+Thu Jun 16 15:41:32 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ruby.c (load_file): '!' is already read. reported by gotoyuzo.
+Thu Jun 16 15:09:38 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c (ip_rb_threadVwaitCommand): Tcl_Release
+ was missing.
+Thu Jun 16 13:34:48 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: add Tk.getMultiple{Open|Save}File() which return
+ an Array of selected files.
+Thu Jun 16 12:53:24 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/time.rb (Time.parse): "Fri Jan 1 08:59:60 +0900 1999" was
+ parsed as "Fri Jan 01 09:00:00 JST 1999" even on an environment
+ which supports leap seconds.
+ (Time.rfc2822): ditto.
+ (Time.xmlschema): ditto.
+Thu Jun 16 00:13:41 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::DNS::Resource#ttl): new attribute.
+ (Resolv::DNS::Resource#==): ignore @ttl.
+ (Resolv::DNS::Resource#hash): ditto.
+ (Resolv::DNS::Message::MessageDecoder#get_rr): save TTL in a
+ Resource object.
+ based on [ruby-core:5190] by Eric Hodel.
+Wed Jun 15 18:26:39 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: support "tk inactive" sub-command [for Tcl/Tk8.5a3]
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb: support "namespace path" sub-command and
+ 'namespace ensemble' sub-command [for Tcl/Tk8.5a3]
+Tue Jun 14 02:02:43 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: add TkUtil::CallbackSubst.subst_arg(m, ...)
+ & _define_attribute_aliases(hash) to get substitution-argument from
+ attributes (e.g. subst_arg(:x,:y,:num,:button) --> "%x %y %b %b ").
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/event.rb: use _define_attribute_aliases().
+Mon Jun 13 13:03:08 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * hash.c (ruby_setenv): fixed SEGV. [ruby-dev:26186]
+Mon Jun 13 01:54:20 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * signal.c (sigexit): call rb_thread_signal_exit() instead of
+ rb_exit(). [ruby-dev:26347]
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_signal_exit): a new function to exit on main
+ thread.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_switch): exit status should be retrieved from
+ ruby_errinfo.
+ * eval.c (rb_f_exit): ensure exit(0) should call
+Mon Jun 13 01:20:02 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * eval.c (rb_gc_mark_threads): curr_thread may not be part of the
+ thread list. [ruby-dev:26312]
+Sat Jun 11 22:34:44 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * parse.y: missing arg_paren event. This patch is contributed by
+ Mitchell N Charity.
+Fri Jun 10 23:55:17 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * eval.c (unknown_node): show more information. [ruby-dev:26196]
+Fri Jun 10 23:35:34 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * missing/mkdir.c: remove. [ruby-core:05177]
+Fri Jun 10 22:54:18 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * missing.h: fd_set stuffs need sys/types.h. fixed: [ruby-core:05179]
+Thu Jun 9 23:58:12 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/Win32API/Win32API.c (Win32API_Call): disable global
+ optimization. fixed: [ruby-core:05143]
+Thu Jun 9 23:35:22 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enum.c (enum_inject): default the result value to Qundef to use
+ first element as initial value if not given.
+Thu Jun 9 19:55:41 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_longjmp): new macro to call longjmp, setcontext, etc.
+ (ruby_setjmp): new macro to call setjmp, getcontext, etc.
+ (ruby_setjmp): call setjmp before getcontext to avoid IA64 register
+ stack problem.
+ [ruby-talk:144939]
+ * gc.c (Init_stack): remove IA64_MAGIC_STACK_LIMIT.
+Thu Jun 9 18:24:16 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ *, eval.c, gc.c: use libunwind only on HP-UX.
+ [ruby-dev:26297]
+Thu Jun 9 14:46:32 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (env_aset): do not treat nil as key-removing value.
+ [ruby-list:40865]
+ * parse.y (method_call): allow aref expression ([]) to take a
+ block.
+ * parse.y (block_dup_check): a function to check duplication of
+ a block argument and an actual block.
+Thu Jun 9 11:55:34 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb (SimpleDelegator::__setobj__): need check for
+ recursive delegation. [ruby-core:04940]
+Thu Jun 9 11:50:43 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb: add underscore aliases CGI::escape_html,
+ CGI::unescape_html, CGI::escape_element, CGI::unescape_element.
+ [ruby-core:05058]
+Wed Jun 8 18:47:10 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-expr-beg): fix looking point drift.
+Wed Jun 8 12:25:59 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_nitems): add the block feature to Array#nitems.
+ suggested by Bertram Scharpf <> in
+ [ruby-talk:134083].
+Wed Jun 8 11:11:34 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (get2comp): revert all prior changes, and calculate
+ proper 2's complement for negative numbers.
+Wed Jun 8 08:33:10 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enum.c (enum_min_by, enum_max_by): return nil if no iteration.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:26245]
+ * eval.c (rb_need_block): ensure a block is given.
+ * eval.c (backtrace): skip successive frames sharing same node.
+Wed Jun 8 01:27:06 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (bignorm): fixed a bug in normalizing negative numbers
+ reported from Honda Hiroki <>. normalizing
+ should not trim leading zeros from negative numbers.
+ * bignum.c (rb_cstr_to_inum): must remove leading zeros for this
+ case.
+Wed Jun 8 00:15:08 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (ruby_getaddrinfo__aix): merged a patch from
+ KUBO Takehiro <kubo at> to support AIX. [ruby-list:40832]
+Wed Jun 8 00:09:01 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/yaml/rubytypes.rb (Array::to_yaml): merged a patch from
+ Tilman Sauerbeck <tilman at>. [ruby-core:05055]
+ * lib/yaml/rubytypes.rb (Hash::to_yaml): ditto.
+Wed Jun 8 00:00:01 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (curses_insertln): merged a patch from
+ TAKAHASHI Tamotsu <ttakah at>. [ruby-ext:02305]
+Tue Jun 7 19:34:15 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/irb/init.rb (IRB::IRB.rc_file_generators): more flexible
+ IRB.rc_file_generators. [ruby-core:05163]
+Tue Jun 7 18:39:31 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/thread.rb: RDoc documentation from Eric Hodel
+ <> added. [ruby-core:05148]
+Tue Jun 7 18:30:04 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): add .SUFFIXES from depend file.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:26294]
+Tue Jun 7 17:20:39 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): allow ';;' to be block terminator in
+ place of 'end'. [highly experimental]
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-block-end-re): allow ';;' to be a
+ negative indent trigger. [highly experimental]
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): small error fixed.
+Tue Jun 7 16:45:49 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): "respond_to?:foo" should be interpreted
+ as "respond_to? :foo" at the command level. [ruby-talk:144303]
+Tue Jun 7 16:32:53 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_f_sprintf): raise exception on debug mode (-d),
+ not verbose mode (-v/-w). [ruby-core:05123]
+ * sprintf.c (rb_f_sprintf): warn always on verbose mode.
+Tue Jun 7 10:30:49 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: slave-ip fails to call procedures
+ delegated by master-ip.
+Mon Jun 6 16:35:18 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/ripper/depend: add .y to .SUFFIXES for nmake.
+Sun Jun 5 23:00:35 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/console.rb: create console when required
+ * ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/tile/demo.rb: fix TypeError & create Console
+Sun Jun 5 10:23:52 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * signal.c (ruby_signal): don't set SA_RESTART.
+ [ruby-dev:26276]
+Sat Jun 4 14:55:18 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/dbm/test_dbm.rb: merged from ext/dbm/testdbm.rb.
+ * test/gdbm/test_gdbm.rb: merged from ext/gdbm/testgdbm.rb.
+ * test/sdbm/test_sdbm.rb: renamed from ext/sdbm/testsdbm.rb with
+ modification to use test/unit.
+Fri Jun 3 23:23:02 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * intern.h (rb_fdset_t): deal with fd bit sets over FD_SETSIZE.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:26187]
+ * eval.c (rb_fd_init, rb_fd_term, rb_fd_zero, rb_fd_set, rb_fd_clr,
+ rb_fd_isset, rb_fd_copy): ditto.
+ * io.c (rb_io_wait_readable, rb_io_wait_writable, rb_f_select): ditto.
+ * ext/io/wait/wait.c (io_wait): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (wait_connectable, unix_recv_io): ditto.
+Fri Jun 3 14:06:12 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: fix typo.
+Thu Jun 2 23:42:57 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y: pragma support on ripper. [ruby-dev:26266]
+Thu Jun 2 00:02:16 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * struct.c: accessing >10 member caused segmentation fault.
+ [ruby-dev:26247]
+ * test/ruby/test_struct.rb: test it.
+Wed Jun 1 11:30:09 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub: can use single quote character in DESTDIR.
+ [ruby-dev:26205]
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub: Dir.glob in 1.9 doesn't treat \ as path separator.
+ [ruby-dev:26254]
+Wed Jun 1 00:11:06 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (method_call): new experiment: "(expr)(args...)" to
+ invoke "". [EXPERIMENTAL]
+Tue May 31 23:43:41 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (command): revert implicit "call" for local variables.
+Tue May 31 15:52:45 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpserver.rb (WEBrick::HTTPServer#run): should
+ break the loop if the socket reached to EOF. [ruby-talk:142285]
+ * lib/webrick/httpserver.rb (WEBrick::HTTPServer#run): send response
+ without reading the whole request body if keep-alive is disabled.
+ [experimental]
+Mon May 30 23:48:29 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/macpkg.rb: add PACKAGE_NAME information of Tcl/Tk
+ Extension.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/msgcat.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/winpkg.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/*: ditto.
+Sat May 28 16:39:21 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * test/openssl/test_x509store.rb: add test for expired CRL
+ and refine some assertions.
+Sat May 28 05:15:44 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509store.c (ossl_x509stctx_set_time): should
+ not set internal flag directory.
+Sat May 28 02:00:11 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/cgi.rb (WEBrick::CGI::Socket#request_line):
+ ENV["REQUEST_URI"] is better to get correct Request-URI
+ than ENV["SCRIPT_NAME"] + ENV["PATH_INFO"]. [ruby-dev:26235]
+Fri May 27 16:32:04 2005 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: use the semicolon as the path separator
+ in the environment of MSYS. fixed: [ruby-dev:26232]
+Thu May 26 20:31:21 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (remove_entry_secure): add documentation.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (remove_entry_secure): should not invoke
+ unlink(2) against a directory.
+Thu May 26 08:29:19 2005 Akiyoshi, Masamichi <>
+ * vms/vmsruby_private.c, vms/vmsruby_private.h: private routines
+ for VMS port are added.
+ * eval.c (ruby_init): change to call VMS private intialization routine.
+Thu May 26 07:39:07 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (rm_r): use lchown(2), not chown(2).
+ [ruby-dev:26226]
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (cd): remove :noop option. (feature change)
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (cp_r): should copy symlink as symlink, for
+ also tree root. (feature change)
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (cp_r): new option :dereference_root.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: new method remove_entry.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: new method remove_entry_secure.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: add documentation.
+Thu May 26 06:08:11 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: add shortcut-methods of tk_call + tk_split_list
+Wed May 25 20:06:27 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: TkComm#tk_split_*list fail to split a kind of SJIS
+ strings. To avoid the trouble, add arguments to control converting
+ encoding, and do split on a UTF8 string.
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: modify to attend encoding.
+ * ext/tk/lib/remote-tk.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/itemconfig.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/listbox.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/panedwindow.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/text.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/textmark.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/texttag.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/variable.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/winfo.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledlistbox.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledtext.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: add TkWindow#lower_window/raise_window and
+ Tk#lower_window/raise_window by reason of method-name conflict
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/canvas.rb: bug fix on TkCanvas#delete when given
+ non-TkcItem arguments.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets/scrolledcanvas.rb: ditto.
+Wed May 25 19:48:12 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (rm_r): does chown(2). [ruby-dev:26199]
+Wed May 25 12:59:48 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb (OpenURI::Meta::RE_QUOTED_STRING): a content of
+ quoted-string should be zero or more characters.
+Tue May 24 23:42:16 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_pow): support Fixnum ** Float case directly
+ without coercing. [ruby-talk:142697] [ruby-talk:143054]
+Tue May 24 16:57:24 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.c (require_libraries): caused SEGV when continuation jumped
+ in to the required library code.
+Tue May 24 17:45:59 2005 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * test/readline/test_readline.rb: do not test libedit.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:26217]
+Tue May 24 06:45:31 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-font-lock-syntactic-keywords): string
+ literals to be matched non-greedy.
+Tue May 24 00:39:14 2005 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/soap/calc: method name 'set' was able to crash with a class Set.
+ [ruby-dev:26210]
+ * test/wsdl/document/test_rpc.rb: dateTime comparison failed under
+ TZ=right/Asia/Tokyo (with leap second.) [ruby-dev:26208]
+Mon May 23 16:23:06 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/extconf.rb: Framework support on MacOS X Tiger.
+ * ext/tk/README.tcltklib: add description of Framework support options.
+Mon May 23 15:07:34 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub ($(PROGRAM)): add dependency on $(LIBRUBY_SO).
+ [experimental]
+Mon May 23 12:21:37 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (make_regexp): should not return junk address during
+ compile time. [ruby-dev:26206]
+Sun May 22 21:54:06 2005 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/{soap,wsdl,xsd}, test/{soap,wsdl,xsd}: imported soap4r/1.5.4.
+ == SOAP client and server ==
+ === for both client side and server side ===
+ * improved document/literal service support.
+ style(rpc,document)/use(encoding, literal) combination are all
+ supported. for the detail about combination, see
+ test/soap/test_style.rb.
+ * let WSDLEncodedRegistry#soap2obj map SOAP/OM to Ruby according to
+ WSDL as well as obj2soap. closes #70.
+ * let SOAP::Mapping::Object handle XML attribute for doc/lit service.
+ you can set/get XML attribute via accessor methods which as a name
+ 'xmlattr_' prefixed (<foo name="bar"/> -> Foo#xmlattr_name).
+ === client side ===
+ * WSDLDriver capitalized name operation bug fixed. from
+ 1.5.3-ruby1.8.2, operation which has capitalized name (such as
+ KeywordSearchRequest in AWS) is defined as a method having
+ uncapitalized name. (converted with GenSupport.safemethodname
+ to handle operation name 'foo-bar'). it introduced serious
+ incompatibility; in the past, it was defined as a capitalized.
+ define capitalized method as well under that circumstance.
+ * added new factory interface 'WSDLDriverFactory#create_rpc_driver'
+ to create RPC::Driver, not WSDLDriver (RPC::Driver and WSDLDriver
+ are merged). 'WSDLDriverFactory#create_driver' still creates
+ WSDLDriver for compatibility but it warns that the method is
+ deprecated. please use create_rpc_driver instead of create_driver.
+ * allow to use an URI object as an endpoint_url even with net/http,
+ not http-access2.
+ === server side ===
+ * added mod_ruby support to SOAP::CGIStub. rename a CGI script
+ server.cgi to server.rb and let mod_ruby's RubyHandler handles the
+ script. CGIStub detects if it's running under mod_ruby environment
+ or not.
+ * added fcgi support to SOAP::CGIStub. see the sample at
+ sample/soap/calc/server.fcgi. (almost same as server.cgi but has
+ fcgi handler at the bottom.)
+ * allow to return a SOAPFault object to respond customized SOAP fault.
+ * added the interface 'generate_explicit_type' for server side
+ (CGIStub, HTTPServer). call 'self.generate_explicit_type = true'
+ if you want to return simplified XML even if it's rpc/encoded
+ service.
+ == WSDL ==
+ === WSDL definition ===
+ * improved XML Schema support such as extension, restriction,
+ simpleType, complexType + simpleContent, ref, length, import,
+ include.
+ * reduced "unknown element/attribute" warnings (warn only 1 time for
+ each QName).
+ * importing XSD file at schemaLocation with xsd:import.
+ === code generation from WSDL ===
+ * generator crashed when there's '-' in defined element/attribute
+ name.
+ * added ApacheMap WSDL definition.
+ * sample/{soap,wsdl}: removed.
+Sun May 22 19:11:35 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.rb (OpenSSL::SSL::SSLServer#initialize):
+ should initialize session id context. [ruby-core:4663]
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_sslctx_setup): add session id support.
+Sun May 22 12:30:58 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * intern.h, parse.y (ruby_pragma): removed. fixed: [ruby-dev:26198]
+ * parse.y (parser_pragma): pragma name was ignored.
+Sun May 22 02:39:57 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (rm_r): new option :secure to avoid
+ time-to-check-to-time-to-use security problem. [ruby-dev:26100]
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (remove_file, remove_dir): try chmod(700) only
+ on Windows.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: does not depend on find.rb.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: new method chmod_R.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (chown_R): did not work.
+Sat May 21 10:23:21 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub: tds files were not deleted when DESTDIR
+ included '\' path delimiter. [ruby-dev:26193]
+Fri May 20 15:52:18 2005 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_attempted_completion_function):
+ return 2 items if completion_proc returns only 1 item (for libedit).
+Fri May 20 01:24:33 2005 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * ext/readline/extconf.rb: check rl_vi_editing_mode() and
+ rl_emacs_editing_mode().
+Thu May 19 23:33:09 2005 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c: supported libedit. fixed: [ruby-core:4858]
+ * ext/readline/extconf.rb: added new option --enable-libedit.
+ * test/readline/test_readline.rb: added assertions for
+ Readline::HISTORY.
+ * lib/irb/input-method.rb: do not use Readline::HISTORY.pop.
+Wed May 18 23:42:25 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (exc_exception): reverted to call Exception#initialize
+ directly. fixed: [ruby-dev:26177]
+Wed May 18 17:38:51 2005 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): check whether path is "" before calling
+ do_opendir. [ruby-dev:26183]
+Wed May 18 13:40:48 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (NtInitialize): fix typo.
+Wed May 18 11:07:47 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): get rid of using String. [ruby-dev:26180]
+ * eval.c (ruby_options), win32/win32.c (NtInitialize): move argument
+ intialization back. [ruby-dev:26180]
+Tue May 17 11:49:18 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (unixtime_to_filetime): use localtime() instead of
+ gmtime() when using FileLocalTimeToFileTime().
+Mon May 16 22:42:52 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.h, {bcc32,win32,wince}/Makefile.sub: moved rb_[ugp]id_t
+ to get rid of redefinition warnings on mingw.
+ * class.c (rb_class_init_copy): singleton class is disallowed to copy,
+ from its definition. fixed: [ruby-talk:142749]
+ * parse.y (pragma_encoding): add prototype to suppress false warning
+ by VC.
+ * process.c (proc_spawn_v): use rb_w32_aspawn on Win32.
+Mon May 16 03:29:01 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * win32/win32.{h,c}: define rb_[pgu]id_t.
+Mon May 16 00:21:02 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb (Pathname#unlink): use SystemCallError instead of
+ Errno::EISDIR because EISDIR is not portable.
+ [ruby-core:5001]
+Sun May 15 22:28:10 2005 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb (DRbObject#method_missing): use raise(exception).
+ [ruby-dev:26164]
+Sun May 15 18:56:35 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, ruby.h: define rb_[pgu]id_t macros instead of typedefs
+ to get rid of types which might not be defined yet. [ruby-dev:26165]
+Sun May 15 14:35:46 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb (Pathname#unlink): unlink a symlink to a directory
+ was failed. [ruby-core:4992]
+Sun May 15 09:57:30 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (unixtime_to_filetime): deal with DST.
+ [ruby-talk:141817]
+Sat May 14 23:59:11 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (exc_exception, {exit,name_err,syserr}_initialize): call
+ Exception#initialize. fixed: [ruby-talk:142593]
+Sat May 14 23:56:41 2005 Erik Huelsmann <>
+ * Check for the availability of pid_t, gid_t and uid_t and
+ remove AC_TYPE_UID_T. fixed: [ruby-core:04745]
+ * defines.h: Remove pid_t typedef.
+ * ruby.h: Define rb_pid_t, rb_gid_t and rb_uid_t in accordance with
+ the available system types.
+ * process.c: Change instances of pid_t and gid_t to their rb_*
+ counterparts.
+ * ext/pty/pty.c: Change pid_t to rb_pid_t.
+ * vms/config.h: Define HAVE_{P,G,U}ID_T to 1.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: Remove #define for {g,u}id_t.
+ * win32/win32.c: Change pid_t to rb_pid_t.
+ * wince/Makefile.sub: Remove #define for {g,u}id_t.
+ * wince/sys/types.h: Remove definitions of {p,g,u}id_t.
+Sat May 14 11:47:57 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * intern.h (ruby_pragma): prototype. [ruby-core:04881]
+ * parse.y (parser_pragma): parse Emacsen hack.
+ * parse.y (parser_prepare): deal with specific syntax at the top.
+ * ruby.c (load_file): read the first line iff it started with shebang.
+Fri May 13 23:44:22 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb: keep srcdir unexpanded.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): quote topdir and hdrdir if necessary.
+ fixed: [ruby-core:04932]
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (configuration), {bcc32,win32,wince}/Makefile.sub: make
+ also INSTALL_PROG and INSTALL_DATA system dependent.
+ fixed: [ruby-core:04931]
+Fri May 13 23:32:55 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (unknown_node): add volatile directive to prototype.
+Fri May 13 17:50:49 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * variable.c (generic_ivar_get): rb_attr_get should not warn.
+ [ruby-dev:26010]
+Thu May 12 17:41:00 2005 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c: follow nkf 2.0.5
+Thu May 12 16:50:40 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_c.rb: more readability for mixing
+ progress "c..." and warning message.
+Thu May 12 15:50:56 2005 Tilman Sauerbeck <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_c.rb: show parsing progress for C files.
+ [ruby-core:4341]
+Thu May 12 09:53:57 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * version.c (ruby_show_version): flush for non-tty stdout.
+Thu May 12 01:23:55 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (unknown_node): ignore broken NODE to get rid of accessing
+ possibly inaccessible address. fixed: [ruby-dev:26122]
+ should emit more useful information like [ruby-dev:26126], though.
+Wed May 11 15:58:39 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (break_jump): break should not cross functions.
+ [ruby-list:40818]
+Wed May 11 10:41:54 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb (Tempfile#unlink): fixed typo.
+Wed May 11 01:03:36 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (TMP_ALLOC): use macro NEW_NODE() to get rid of warnings on
+ platforms which have no alloca(). fixed: [ruby-talk:141301]
+Sun May 8 23:17:47 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/timer.rb: fix typo.
+Sun May 8 21:00:50 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * hash.c (Init_Hash): remove custom "hash" and "eql?".
+ (ported from 1.8) [ruby-dev:26132]
+Sun May 8 16:50:25 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * lib/profiler.rb: fixed "undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass"
+ [ruby-core:4775] [ruby-talk:140401] [ruby-dev:26118]
+Sat May 7 22:58:00 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (have_var): no libs argument is given.
+Fri May 6 08:08:37 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c:rb_hash_hash_i() should be static. [ruby-core:04815]
+ * re.c should include regint.h for declarations of oniguruma
+ functions. [ruby-core:04815]
+Sun May 1 09:15:17 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (process_sflag): replace '-' in variable names with '_'.
+ [ruby-dev:26107]
+ * eval.c (rb_eval), parse.y (arg): reduce fixnum range literal at
+ parser. fixed: [ruby-dev:26113]
+Sat Apr 30 11:59:25 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE): check for function attribute.
+ [ruby-dev:26109]
+ * eval.c, gc.c: moved noinline to
+ * rubyio.h (DEPRECATED): moved to
+ * ruby.h (DEPRECATED, NOINLINE): default definition.
+ * win{32,ce}/Makefile.sub (config.h): deprecated and noinline for
+ __declspec() are available for VC++7 or later.
+Sat Apr 30 06:57:39 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/cgi.rb: new methods WEBrick::CGI#[], WEBrick::CGI#logger
+ and WEBrick::CGI#config. these are necessary to use an instance of
+ WEBrick::CGI as the first argument of HTTPServlet#get_instance.
+ (suggested by Tatsuki Sugiura)
+ * lib/webrick/cgi.rb
+ (WEBrick::CGI#initialize): set a dummy to @config[:ServerSoftware]
+ if SERVER_SOFTWARE environment variable is not given.
+ (WEBrick::CGI#start): req.path_info must be a String.
+ (WEBrick::CGI::Socket#request_line): treat REQUEST_METHOD, PATH_INFO
+ and SCRIPT_NAME to run in console.
+ * lib/webrick/httputils.rb (WEBrick::HTTPUtils.escape_path): should
+ not use String#split("/"). it removes trailing empty path component.
+Thu Apr 28 08:21:51 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (set_arg0): use also environment variable space for setting
+ $0. [ruby-core:04774]
+Wed Apr 27 23:42:22 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (OPTFLAGS): default global optimization to
+ disabled only for VC++6.
+Tue Apr 26 22:58:00 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c (ip_invoke_core): call Tcl's "::unknown"
+ command when can't get information of target command.
+Mon Apr 25 13:54:55 2005 speakillof <>
+ * lib/rexml/encodings/SHIFT-JIS.rb: encoding and decoding were
+ swapped. [ruby-core:4772]
+Mon Apr 25 01:18:43 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * oniguruma.h (OnigWarnFunc): add a variadic argument.
+ [ruby-core:4751]
+Sat Apr 23 19:49:21 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c (ip_RubyExitCommand): exit with status code
+ via TclTkIp#_eval didn't work. [ruby-talk:139390]
+Sat Apr 23 11:45:29 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_provided): should check also path name to be loaded.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:26093]
+Fri Apr 22 16:55:35 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c (ip_set_exc_message): fixed memory leak.
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: eTkCallbackReturn was not initialized.
+Thu Apr 21 06:45:28 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (ruby_incpush_expand, proc_options): expand relative path
+ given with -I option. [ruby-dev:26090]
+ *, lib/mkmf.rb, {bcc32,win32,wince}/Makefile.sub: improve
+ C++ support. [ruby-dev:26089]
+Thu Apr 21 01:53:09 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: add rdoc.
+Thu Apr 21 00:07:50 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): support platforms have file separator
+ other than /.
+ * {bcc32,win32,wince}/Makefile.sub (BUILD_FILE_SEPARATOR): separator
+ of building platform.
+ * {bcc32,win32,wince}/Makefile.sub (CP, INSTALL): use COPY command.
+Wed Apr 20 23:22:39 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, miniruby depends on MINIOBJS.
+ * dmydln.c (dln_load): dummy function to raise LoadError.
+ * cygwin/, {bcc32,win32,wince}/Makefile.sub: miniruby
+ can't load extensions on Windows.
+Wed Apr 20 23:01:35 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/ifchange.bat: delete testing files.
+Wed Apr 20 22:54:54 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: new method Net::HTTP.post_form.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: new method Net::HTTPHeader#set_form_data and
+ its alias #form_data=.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: Net::HTTPHeader#add_header -> add_field
+ (adjustted to Ruby 1.8).
+Wed Apr 20 10:53:30 2005 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_rb.rb (lex_init): use IRB module.
+ [ruby-core:04737]
+Wed Apr 20 07:27:18 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * {bcc32,win32,wince}/configure.bat, {bcc32,win32,wince}/setup.mak:
+ add extout option.
+ * bcc32/setup.mak: make configuration variables overridable.
+Tue Apr 19 23:37:09 2005 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/ftools.rb (File.safe_unlink): do not modify a symlinked file.
+Tue Apr 19 23:02:40 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (search_required): deal with features with path too.
+ * intern.h (rb_file_expand_path): prototype. fixed: [ruby-dev:26082]
+Tue Apr 19 08:38:07 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (search_required, rb_require_safe): expand path in
+ rb_features. [ruby-dev:26079]
+ * file.c (rb_find_file_ext): return absolute path.
+ * ext/extmk.rb: expand path for ext/**/extconf.rb.
+ * eval.c (search_required): handle static linked extensions.
+Mon Apr 18 15:37:35 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_attr): attribute name check added.
+ * numeric.c (flo_plus): small typo fix.
+Mon Apr 18 11:25:14 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (zstream_run): fixed SEGV. [ruby-core:4712]
+Sun Apr 17 23:57:49 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake, parse_args): do not expand destdir.
+ * ext/extmk.rb (relative_from): treat mere drive letter as an absolute
+ path.
+Sat Apr 16 17:01:16 2005 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * sample/rss/tdiary_plugin/rss-recent.rb (rss_recent_cache_rss):
+ use the first date information of items as site date information
+ if channel doesn't have date information.
+Sat Apr 16 15:27:03 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_PROG_INSTALL): not add -p option to INSTALL.
+ files need timestamps to be kept are only ar-archive on a few
+ platforms, and be installed by instruby.rb but not INSTALL.
+ fixed: [ruby-core:04721]
+ * mkconfig.rb: purge autoconf value variables.
+Sat Apr 16 10:33:48 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub: quick hack... prepend DESTDIR.
+ still have restriction on DESTDIR ("", "/", "e:")
+Sat Apr 16 03:59:42 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: check for OPENSSL_cleanse.
+ * ext/openssl/openssl_missing.h: ditto.
+Fri Apr 15 22:40:19 2005 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/tests/testWIN32OLE.rb: add test for WIN32OLE.codepage=
+ * ext/win32ole/tests/testOLETYPELIB.rb: correct expected message.
+Fri Apr 15 22:04:07 2005 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c(ole_invoke): retry after converting Qnil
+ to VT_EMPTY.
+Thu Apr 14 19:05:06 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * parse.y [ripper] (regexp): dispatch regexp option.
+ [ruby-Bugs:1688]
+ * ext/ripper/lib/core.rb: regenerated (interface changed).
+Thu Apr 14 18:59:43 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (remove_file): ignore exceptions caused by
+ chmod.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (remove_dir): try to get rights to rmdir.
+ [ruby-Bugs:1502]
+Thu Apr 14 18:51:02 2005 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb, lib/irb/slex.rb: bug fix of [ruby-Bugs-1745]
+ * lib/irb/ext/loader.rb, lib/irb/ext/save-history.rb:
+ fix location of @RCS_ID
+ * lib/irb/cmd/help.rb: a lost of release IRB 0.9.5.
+Thu Apr 14 15:10:30 2005 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb/notifier.rb, lib/irb/output-method.rb, lib/irb/ext/history.rb
+ fixed warning of 'ruby -w'
+Thu Apr 14 05:35:45 2005 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * doc/irb/irb.rd.ja: a lost of release IRB 0.9.5.
+ * lib/irb/slex.rb: bug fix by [ruby-core:04707].
+Thu Apr 14 00:20:31 2005 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * bin/irb lib/irb.rb lib/irb/...: IRB 0.9.5.
+Wed Apr 13 23:40:21 2005 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb (RSS::VERSION): 0.1.3 -> 0.1.4.
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb (RSS::Element#converter): fixed converter
+ transmission bug.
+Wed Apr 13 22:12:16 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser#order!): call handlers iff matches
+ non-switch.
+Wed Apr 13 21:20:35 2005 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * (mingw32): extract msvcr*.dll from objdump result.
+Wed Apr 13 19:25:31 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (mingw32): use actual runtime DLL name as ruby DLL
+ name and default load path.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub, win32/setup.mak: ditto.
+Tue Apr 12 19:30:36 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser#make_switch, OptionParser#order!):
+ added non-option and end-of-args handler. [ruby-talk:136878]
+Tue Apr 12 15:33:09 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c (ip_finalize): better modification than the
+ previous commit [ruby-dev:26029].
+Tue Apr 12 12:38:06 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c (ip_finalize): fix SEGV when Tcl_GlobalEval()
+ modifies the argument string to eval.
+Tue Apr 12 02:21:55 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c (ip_finalize): add existence check of
+ Tcl commands before calling Tcl_GlobalEval().
+Mon Apr 11 23:36:04 2005 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb: [druby-ja:123] fix: When reference of my object is
+ loaded, the object is tainted.
+ * test/drb/test_drb.rb: ditto.
+Mon Apr 11 22:18:23 2005 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * dir.c, file.c (lstat): avoid warnings for mingw.
+Mon Apr 11 20:11:06 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c (ip_finalize): adhoc patch to avoid SEGV when exit
+ on Tcl/Tk8.3.x.
+Mon Apr 11 15:24:20 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (configuration): shouldn't output hdrdir twice.
+Sat Apr 9 18:20:31 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/image.rb: support to create TkImage object without
+ creating a new image object on Tk.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/menu.rb: use TkCommandNames on create_self()
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/root.rb: TkRoot.to_eval() returns '.'.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/text.rb: add methods to create a TkText::IndexString
+ from (x, y) coords.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/: add demo and update support status.
+Sat Apr 9 14:42:29 2005 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * sample/rss/tdiary_plugin/rss-recent.rb: supported configuration
+ via Web browser.
+Fri Apr 8 20:17:48 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): hdrdir needs to be defined also in
+ Config::CONFIG.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (configuration, create_makefile): get rid of recursive
+ macro reference.
+Fri Apr 8 01:55:20 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/sample/demos-{en,jp}/goldberg.rb: reduced window size.
+ [ruby-dev:25992]
+Thu Apr 7 23:58:40 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): keep directory names in Makefile as macros.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (configuration, create_makefile): ditto.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (CXX_EXT): separate C++ extensions.
+Thu Apr 7 17:24:17 2005 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): "return" event hook should be always executed
+ if event_hooks is set.
+Thu Apr 7 14:33:09 2005 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rss/test_maker_dc.rb (test_date): added a test for #date=
+ and #dc_date=.
+Thu Apr 7 11:49:53 2005 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/maker/dublincore.rb: _really_ supported multiple Dublin
+ Core items.
+ * test/rss/rss-assertions.rb (assert_multiple_dublin_core): added
+ an assertion for testing multiple Dublin Core items.
+ * test/rss/test_maker_dc.rb (test_rss10_multiple): added a test
+ for making multiple Dublin Core items.
+Wed Apr 6 16:06:30 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_env.rb (test_key): should test ENV.key instead of
+ ENV.index. [ruby-dev:25994]
+Tue Apr 5 16:01:12 2005 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/*: refactored.
+ - gave a name to 'x'.
+ - undef_method -> remove_method for avoiding a warning in ruby 1.6.
+Tue Apr 5 15:45:33 2005 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * sample/rss/tdiary_plugin/rss-recent.rb:
+ new option: @options['rss-recent.use-image-link']:
+ use image as link instread of text if available.
+ * sample/rss/tdiary_plugin/rss-recent.rb (RSS_RECENT_VERSION):
+ 0.0.5 -> 0.0.6.
+Tue Apr 5 15:15:26 2005 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/dublincore.rb: supported multiple Dublin Core items.
+ * lib/rss/parser.rb: added class name registry for complex model
+ elements. (ex. have childlen elements, have some attributes and
+ a child element and so on.)
+ * lib/rss/maker/base.rb: added default current_element implementation.
+ * lib/rss/maker/dublincore.rb: supported multiple Dublin Core
+ items.
+ * lib/rss/maker/image.rb: supproted new Dublin Core API.
+ * lib/rss/trackback.rb (RSS::TrackBackUtils.new_with_value_if_need):
+ moved to RSS::Utils.
+ * lib/rss/utils.rb (RSS::Utils.new_with_value_if_need):
+ moved from RSS::TrackBackUtils.
+ * lib/rss/maker/image.rb: fixed invalid argument of
+ add_need_initialize_variable bug.
+ * lib/rss/maker/trackback.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb (Hash#merge): added for ruby 1.6.
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb (RSS::BaseModel.date_writer): changed to accept nil
+ for date value.
+ * test/test_dublincore.rb: added tests for plural accessor and
+ multiple Dublin Core items.
+ * test/test_setup_maker_1.0.rb: fixed swapped actual and expected
+ values.
+Mon Apr 4 23:17:52 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb (TkComm#array2tk_list): accept enc-mode argument to
+ decide whether convert encoding of each element or not.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/variable.rb (TkVariable#value=): fail to convert the
+ encoding of array elements when assign an array to an TkVariable
+ object.
+Mon Apr 4 10:26:48 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/dialog.rb: fixed typo.
+Sat Apr 2 23:38:54 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (CP, INSTALL): get rid of less portable options.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (configuration, create_makefile): correct configuration
+ variable.
+ * wince/configure.bat, wince/setup.mak: add prefix, extstatic and
+ rdoc options.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): ensure library directories get made
+ before copying libraries there.
+Sat Apr 2 16:59:46 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: forgot to update RELEASE_DATE
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/variable.rb: fix namespace trouble when autoloading
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/palette.rb: define Tcl variable 'tkPalette' as global
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/dialog.rb: use array2tk_list method when calling
+ Tk.ip_eval.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/autoload.rb: add autoload entry 'TkDialogObj' and
+ 'TkWarningObj'
+Sat Apr 2 13:23:17 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * hash.c (env_key): ENV.index is deprecated as well as Hash#index.
+ use ENV.key instead. [ruby-dev:25974]
+Sat Apr 2 02:19:11 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb (TkWindow.initialize): accept 'without_creating'
+ option without 'widgetname' option to allow creating a widget object
+ which is used as an argument of Tcl/Tk's widget allocation commands.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/image.rb (TkImage.initialize): accept 'imagename'
+ option to create a image object by the given name.
+Thu Mar 31 22:23:51 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (SRC_EXT): exclude just case different suffixes on case
+ insensitive file system platforms.
+ * README.EXT, README.EXT.ja (Appendix C): utility functions.
+Thu Mar 31 14:08:43 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_engine.c (ossl_engine_s_load): should return
+ value. [ruby-dev:25971]
+Thu Mar 31 11:07:50 2005 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/parser.rb: @@setter -> @@setters.
+ * lib/rss/parser.rb
+ (RSS::BaseListener.register_uri)
+ (RSS::BaseListener.uri_registered?)
+ (RSS::BaseListener.install_get_text_element):
+ swapped the first argument and the second argument.
+ * lib/rss/taxonomy.rb: swapped the first argument and the second
+ argument for RSS::BaseListener.install_get_text_element.
+ * lib/rss/image.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rss/syndication.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rss/dublincore.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rss/parser.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rss/1.0.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rss/2.0.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rss/0.9.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rss/content.rb: ditto.
+Thu Mar 31 11:00:36 2005 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/parser.rb
+ (RSS::BaseListener.install_setter)
+ (RSS::BaseListener.register_uri): changed fallback way.
+Thu Mar 31 08:25:40 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBYOPT): clear for the environment RubyGems installed.
+ * (clean-local): keep $(PREP) files till distclean.
+ * (check): do all tests.
+Thu Mar 31 06:00:20 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_engine.c (ossl_engine_s_load): should not raise
+ error even if the specified engine could not be loaded. (Dynamic
+ engines don't have fixed name to load.)
+Wed Mar 30 17:41:48 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: add TclTkIp#_create_console() method to create
+ a Tcl/Tk's console window.
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: support TclTkIp#_create_console() method.
+ * ext/tk/lib/remote-tk.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/console.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: update RELEASE_DATE
+ * ext/tk/sample/demo-*/check2.rb: use 'return' in the Proc object.
+ * ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/**: ditto.
+Tue Mar 29 22:20:49 2005 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * test/rinda/test_rinda.rb: use DRbObject.new_with instead of reinit.
+ [ruby-dev:25961]
+Tue Mar 29 00:04:57 2005 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb: move method DRbObject#reinit to DRbObject.new_with.
+ extract method DRbObject.prepare_backtrace. add DRb.regist_server,
+ remove_server, fetch_server. change server in thread variable if
+ in-proc server. [druby-ja:113]
+ * lib/drb/gw.rb: ditto.
+Mon Mar 28 20:53:44 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extract_makefile): nothing to be removed when no file
+ was deleted.
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): restore srcdir.
+Mon Mar 28 08:39:49 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (iconv_create): Iconv::Failure requires 3
+ arguments. (pointed out by NaHi)
+Sun Mar 27 00:56:58 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (remove_file): ignore Errno::E* if force option
+ is set. [ruby-dev:25944]
+Sat Mar 26 22:51:33 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb (_callback_entry_class?): add for checking whether
+ a class is available for a callback entry.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb (after_cancel): add Tk.after_cancel(afterID) method.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb (array2tk_list): change from private module method
+ of TkComm to public module method.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb (cget): add check that slot argument is not
+ empty string.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb (configinfo): ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/itemconfig.rb (itemcget): add check that slot argument
+ is not empty string.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/itemconfig.rb (itemconfiginfo): ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/entry.rb: add TkEntry#icursor and icursor= (alias of
+ cursor and cursor= method).
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/font.rb: improve font treatment when the font name is
+ empty string.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/variable.rb: add :variable, :window and :procedure
+ type.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/variable.rb: improve treatment of array-type
+ tkvariable.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt.rb: add commands for zooming.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/*: bug fix.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/treectrl/tktreectrl.rb: bug fix and add methods
+ to call TreeCtrl commands for bindings.
+ * ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/blt/*: new sample scripts.
+ * ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/treectrl/*: ditto.
+Fri Mar 25 10:53:16 2005 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * (WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN): removed because a lot of
+ troubles. [ruby-list:40721]
+Thu Mar 24 23:10:44 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (macro_defined?): try to compile for an old compiler
+ which doesn't bail out at #error directive. [ruby-dev:25818]
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (check_sizeof): refine logging messages.
+Wed Mar 23 19:08:10 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/utils.rb (WEBrick::Utils.create_listeners):
+ - should raise ArgumentError if no port is specified.
+ - even if the specified port is 0, all TCPServers should be
+ initialized with the port given to the first one.
+ * lib/webrick/server.rb (WEBrick::GenericServer#initialize): if :Port
+ parameter is 0, it should be updated with the port number which
+ ectually listened.
+Wed Mar 23 16:12:40 2005 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * parse.y (primary): fix lineno of rescue and ensure.
+Wed Mar 23 00:39:05 2005 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb (test_event): added tests for
+ "class" and "end" and "raise".
+Sun Mar 20 22:51:19 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (mkmf_failed): check if Makefile is created without
+ create_makefile.
+Sat Mar 19 23:48:10 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-expr-beg): returned true always.
+ fixed: [ruby-list:40683]
+Sat Mar 19 00:41:02 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/font.rb: add some TkFont class methods to get font
+ information without creating a TkFont object.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/treectrl/tktreectrl.rb: bug fix and define some
+ classes for components of Tk::TreeCtrl
+Thu Mar 17 17:42:13 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * struct.c (make_struct): allow non local-id field
+ names. [ruby-core:04575]
+ * struct.c (inspect_struct): ditto.
+Wed Mar 16 23:39:13 2005 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: added test for c-return.
+Wed Mar 16 22:57:43 2005 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): call_cfunc() should be protected.
+ * eval.c (rb_add_event_hook): use K&R style.
+ * eval.c (rb_remove_event_hook): ditto.
+Wed Mar 16 22:03:15 2005 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * eval.c (rb_add_event_hook): new function to add a hook function for
+ interpreter events.
+Wed Mar 16 18:08:32 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): reorganize "return" event post.
+ * eval.c (return_jump): no need to post "return" event here.
+Tue Mar 15 23:49:19 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (Init_iconv): InvalidEncoding also should include
+ Iconv::Failure.
+Tue Mar 15 23:12:36 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (recursive_check, recursive_push): more restrictive check.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:25916]
+Tue Mar 15 16:38:31 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c (ary2list): give wrong arguments to hash2kv()
+Mon Mar 14 19:39:33 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/timer.rb (TkTimer): forgot to clear @return_value
+ when restarting
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/sample/cd_timer.rb: new sample of TkRTTimer
+Mon Mar 14 12:21:03 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/timer.rb (TkRTTimer): forgot to reset the callback
+ time. So, 'continue' do all callbacks between 'stop' and 'continue'.
+Mon Mar 14 08:14:56 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (str_to_id): raise ArgumentError for NUL containing
+ strings.
+Mon Mar 14 00:13:49 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/timer.rb (TkRTTimer): correct calculation of offset
+ value. get a little better accuracy.
+ * ext/tk/sample/demos-en/widget: use a binding with no local variables
+ when eval a sample script.
+ * ext/tk/sample/demos-en/bind.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/sample/demos-en/tcolor: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/widget: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/bind.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/tcolor: ditto.
+Sun Mar 13 22:19:17 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (recursive_pop): raise TypeError instead of fatal error.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:25843]
+Sun Mar 13 10:09:17 2005 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * test/rinda/test_rinda.rb: remove test_gc. [ruby-dev:25871]
+Sun Mar 13 02:32:54 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_tmp_dh_callback): should get DH
+ parameter from the current SSL object.
+Sun Mar 13 02:09:03 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dh.c (ossl_create_dh): fix typo.
+ patch from IWATSUKI Hiroyuki. [ruby-dev:25867]
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_tmp_dh_callback): ditto.
+ (ossl_call_tmp_dh_callback): ditto
+Fri Mar 11 03:24:59 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (primary): wrong var node was set for NODE_LAMBDA.
+ [ruby-core:04555]
+Thu Mar 10 19:10:29 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c (lib_eventloop_ensure): mis-delete a timer handler
+ when exit from a recursive called eventloop
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/timer.rb: new TkRTTimer class, which can works for a
+ realtime operation
+ * ext/tk/sample/tkrttimer.rb: sample of TkRTTimer class
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/textmark.rb: move TkTextMark#+ and TkTextMark#- to
+ TkText::IndexModMethods
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/text.rb: improve TkTextMark#+ and TkTextMark#-, and
+ add them to TkText::IndexModMethods module
+ * ext/tk/sample/tktextio.rb: add test part of "seek by text index
+ modifiers"
+Thu Mar 10 08:10:11 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (make_regexp): need to free internal regexp structure when
+ compilation fails. [ruby-talk:133228]
+Thu Mar 10 01:08:20 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (bv_decl): remove initialize rule from block local
+ variable declaration.
+Wed Mar 9 23:55:34 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pp.rb (PP::PPMethods#guard_inspect_key): support
+ __recursive_key__. [ruby-dev:25821]
+Wed Mar 9 19:42:21 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c: OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContexts suports callbacks:
+ - SSLContext#client_cert_cb is a Proc. it is called when a client
+ certificate is requested by a server and no certificate was yet
+ set for the SSLContext. it must return an Array which includes
+ OpenSSL::X509::Certificate and OpenSSL::PKey::RSA/DSA objects.
+ - SSLContext#tmp_dh_callback is called in key exchange with DH
+ algorithm. it must return an OpenSSL::PKey::DH object.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c:
+ (ossl_sslctx_set_ciphers): ignore the argument if it's nil.
+ (ossl_start_ssl, ossl_ssl_write): call rb_sys_fail if errno isn't 0.
+ [ruby-dev:25831]
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey.c
+ (GetPrivPKeyPtr, ossl_pkey_sign): should call rb_funcall first.
+ (DupPrivPKeyPtr): new function.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dh.c: add default DH parameters.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey.h: ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/cipher.rb: fix typo. [ruby-dev:24285]
+Wed Mar 9 18:09:51 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (gettable_gen): warns if VCALL name is used as
+ out-of-scope block local variable. [EXPERIMENTAL]
+ * parse.y (opt_bv_decl): add explicit block local variable
+ declaration. raises error for name conflicts. [EXPERIMENTAL]
+Wed Mar 9 13:37:57 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/sample/tktextio.rb: fix bug of handling 'end' position.
+ support initial text, overwrite setting and pos_gravity control.
+Tue Mar 8 18:16:55 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/sample/tktextio.rb: New sample script. TkTextIO class in this
+ sample supports to use a text widget as if it is a I/O stream (such
+ like as StringIO class).
+Tue Mar 8 13:39:25 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: workaround for some of 4.4BSD-Lite
+ derived OSs.
+Tue Mar 8 12:36:17 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: document from Sam Roberts
+ <> for getsockopt and setsockopt is merged.
+ [ruby-doc:824]
+Tue Mar 8 10:48:53 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * eval.c (rb_exec_recursive): declaration should precede statements
+ before C99.
+Tue Mar 8 10:05:40 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * error.c (errno_missing): Errno.const_missing to allow references
+ to SyscallError exceptions not defined on the platform.
+ [ruby-core:04522]
+ * error.c (Init_syserr): Errno::NOERROR(0) for fallback exception.
+Tue Mar 8 01:19:00 2005 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c: follow nkf 1.66
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:25828]
+Mon Mar 7 21:29:40 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/server.rb (WEBrick::GenericServer#start): should
+ restore @token if accept failure. suggested by Dominique Brezinski.
+ [ruby-core:04518]
+ * sample/webrick/httpsd.rb: fix typo in comment. suggested by
+ Kazuhiko Shiozaki.
+Mon Mar 7 21:01:37 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_require_safe): get actual path string under safe level
+ when requested. fixed: [ruby-dev:25815]
+Mon Mar 7 16:46:02 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_start_ssl, ossl_ssl_read,
+ ossl_ssl_write): need to set errno on Win32 platform.
+Mon Mar 7 14:55:43 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (block_pass): should not push unique number if a block is
+ not an orphan. [ruby-dev:25808]
+Mon Mar 7 14:13:23 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/buffering.rb (Buffering#initialize):
+ should set @eof and @rbuffer.
+Mon Mar 7 10:28:00 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (inspect_obj): unintended space removal.
+ [ruby-dev:25810]
+ * eval.c (rb_exec_recursive): should not use NODE in disclosed
+ context. [ruby-dev:25812]
+ * io.c (rb_f_open): need not to check if to_open value is a
+ T_FILE. [ruby-dev:25812]
+Mon Mar 7 01:21:01 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: follow the change of st.c (committed
+ at Fri, 4 Mar 2005 15:47:47 +0900 by matz)
+Mon Mar 7 00:01:55 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: fail to call TclTkLib.mainloop when $SAFE==4
+Sun Mar 6 13:04:10 2005 Dee Zsombor <>
+ * misc/ruby-electric.el: added.
+ * misc/Readme: updated.
+Sun Mar 6 11:47:10 2005 Sam Roberts <>
+ * lib/pp.rb: rdoced. [ruby-core:4490]
+Sun Mar 6 11:36:37 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pp.rb (File::Stat#pretty_print): Etc.getpwuid and Etc.getgrgid
+ may return nil. [ruby-talk:129826]
+ reported by Daniel Berger.
+Sun Mar 6 06:34:31 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_start_ssl): should wait for that
+ the underlying IO become readable or writable if the error was
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_read, ossl_ssl_write): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/buffering.rb
+ (Buffering#consume_rbuf): pointless eof flag resetting is deleted.
+ (Buffering#read): should return an empty string if the specified
+ size is zero.
+ (Buffering#readpartial): new method.
+ (Buffering#readline): fix typo.
+ (Buffering#getc): return the first character of string correctly.
+ (Buffering#readchar): fix typo.
+ (Buffering#eof?): should read again it the input buffer is empty.
+ (Buffering#do_write): should rescue Errno::EAGAIN.
+ (Buffering#puts): use "\n" as the output field separator.
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: get rid of GNUmakefile generation.
+ * text/openssl/test_pair.rb: test for IO like methods.
+ * test/ruby/ut_eof.rb: test about empty file.
+Sat Mar 5 17:48:31 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * dir.c (rb_glob): fixed mismatch of argument.
+ * dir.c (fnmatch): removed unnecessary code. (by string.c 1.219)
+ * win32/win32.c (NtInitialize): ditto. (by numeric.c 1.117)
+Sat Mar 5 16:50:00 2005 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c: follow nkf 1.65
+Sat Mar 5 16:29:26 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: freeze callback-entry objects
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile.rb: support tile-0.6
+Sat Mar 5 12:52:08 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): allow putting spaces between target
+ and colon in depend file.
+Sat Mar 5 02:41:00 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * file.c (eaccess): workaround for VC++8 runtime.
+ * win32/win32.c (ioinfo): VC++8 support.
+Fri Mar 4 19:39:55 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_c.rb (RDoc::C_Parser#do_includes): replace
+ also locally defined modules.
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c: rdocified.
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c: moved misplaced rdoc.
+Fri Mar 4 16:11:20 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * eval.c (rb_exec_recursive): matched the declaration to prototype.
+ * ext/curses/curses.c: don't need to check HAVE_WCOLOR_SET excluding
+ window_color_set().
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: fixed commit mistakes.
+Fri Mar 4 12:45:17 2005 Tilman Sauerbeck <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_c.rb: allow whitespace after function names.
+ [ruby-core:4296]
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_simple.rb: adds support for private comments
+ in the "simple" parser. [ruby-core:4301]
+Fri Mar 4 12:45:17 2005 Charles Mills <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_c.rb: adds support for constants
+ (rb_define_const), accessors (rb_define_attr), and makes a
+ couple fixes. [ruby-core:4307]
+Fri Mar 4 12:45:17 2005 Florian Gross <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_rb.rb: Logic for def Builtin.method() end
+ [ruby-core:4302]
+Fri Mar 4 12:45:17 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c: replace rb_protect_inspect() and rb_inspecting_p() by
+ rb_exec_recursive() in eval.c.
+ * eval.c (rb_exec_recursive): new function.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_join): use rb_exec_recursive().
+ * array.c (rb_ary_inspect, rb_ary_hash): ditto.
+ * file.c (rb_file_join): ditto.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_inspect, rb_hash_to_s, rb_hash_hash): ditto.
+ * io.c (rb_io_puts): ditto.
+ * object.c (rb_obj_inspect): ditto
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_inspect): ditto.
+Fri Mar 4 10:15:30 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/set.rb (SortedSet::setup): a hack to shut up warning.
+ [ruby-talk:132866]
+Fri Mar 4 09:37:12 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * (install-nodoc, pre-install-doc, post-install-doc):
+ fix some omissions.
+Fri Mar 4 08:09:12 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/time.rb (Time::strptime): add new function. inspired by
+ [ruby-talk:132815].
+ * lib/parsedate.rb (ParseDate::strptime): ditto.
+Fri Mar 4 07:07:00 2005 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c: follow nkf 1.63
+Thu Mar 3 23:24:00 2005 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c: follow nkf 1.62
+Thu Mar 3 18:47:18 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * {bcc32,win32,wince}/Makefile.sub (config.h): check if affected
+ when makefiles are modified.
+ * {bcc32,win32,wince}/Makefile.sub (config.status): add variables
+ for tests.
+ * win32/ifchange.bat: try to update a file only if modified.
+ * win32/resource.rb: more descriptions.
+ * add {pre,post}-install targets.
+ * instruby.rb (install?): install particular part.
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub (post-install-ext): remove debug information
+ files after installation.
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c (ip_rbUpdateCommand, ip_rb_threadUpdateCommand):
+ get rid of warnings with Tcl/Tk 8.3 or former.
+Thu Mar 3 11:49:51 2005 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * sample/rss/tdiary_plugin/rss-recent.rb: added site information.
+Wed Mar 2 19:53:44 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (parse_args): return false if nothing matched.
+Wed Mar 2 17:15:08 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c (lib_eventloop_core): fix typo
+Wed Mar 2 16:59:50 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_native_thread_kill): call pthread_kill() to send a
+ signal to ruby's native thread
+ * ruby.h: add definition of ruby_native_thread_kill()
+ * signal.c (sigsend_to_ruby_thread): send the signal to ruby's
+ native thread ([ruby-dev:25744], [ruby-dev:25754]), and set
+ signal mask to the current native thread
+Wed Mar 2 16:03:08 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: enforce thread-check and exception-handling to
+ avoid SEGV trouble.
+ * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: fix a bug on converting a SJIS string array
+ to a Tcl's list string.
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: wrap Tcl's original "namespace" command to
+ protect from namespace crash.
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: enforce exception-handling.
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: catch IRB_EXIT to work on irb.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: add TclTkLib.mainloop_thread?
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: (bug fix) callback returns a value.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/canvas.rb (delete): bug fix when multiple arguments.
+ * ext/tk/lib/clock.rb: fix 'no method error'.
+ * ext/tk/lib/clock.rb (self.clicks): accept a Symbol argument.
+ * ext/tk/lib/variable.rb: be able to set default_value_type; :numeric,
+ :bool, :string, :symbol, :list, :numlist or nil (default; same to
+ :string). If set a type, TkVariable#value returns a value of the
+ type.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tclx/tclx.rb: add Tk::TclX.signal to warn the
+ risk of using TclX extension's 'signal' command.
+ * ext/tk/sample/irbtk.rb: irb with Ruby/Tk.
+ * ext/tk/sample/demos-*/anilabel.rb: bug fix on 'show code'
+ * ext/tk/sample/demos-*/aniwave.rb: new Ruby/Tk animation demo.
+ * ext/tk/sample/demos-*/pendulum.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/sample/demos-*/goldberg.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/sample/demos-*/widget: add entries of animation demos.
+Wed Mar 2 12:21:18 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): [EXPERIMENTAL] NODE_LAMBDA implemented.
+ [ruby-dev:25780]
+ * node.h (NODE_LAMBDA): for literal Proc object.
+ * parse.y (expr): interpret mere do...end block as proc object.
+ * parse.y (primary): ditto, for brace block.
+Tue Mar 1 21:16:54 2005 K.Kosako <sndgk393 AT>
+ * regcomp.c (optimize_node_left): uninitialized member
+ (OptEnv.backrefed_status) was used. [ruby-dev:25778]
+Tue Mar 1 16:50:37 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regparse.c: move st_*_strend() functions from st.c. fixed some
+ potential memory leaks.
+Tue Mar 1 00:40:35 2005 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/rinda/tuplespace.rb (Rinda::TupleSpace): improved keeper thread.
+ * test/rinda/test_rinda.rb: ditto.
+Mon Feb 28 23:10:13 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (Init_socket): IPv6 is not supported although
+ AF_INET6 is defined on bcc32. (rev1.108 again)
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: ditto.
+Mon Feb 28 21:55:49 2005 K.Kosako <sndgk393 AT>
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c (strscan_s_allocate):
+ use onig_region_init().
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c (adjust_registers_to_matched):
+ use onig_region_set().
+Mon Feb 28 15:12:06 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (Init_socket): ported more Socket::Constants
+ from ruby_1_8, and made it easy to add new constants.
+ [ruby-dev:25771]
+ * ext/socket/depend: ditto.
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: ditto. (added)
+Mon Feb 28 11:42:23 2005 Ian Macdonald <>
+ * exception error messages updated. [ruby-core:04497]
+Mon Feb 28 09:03:09 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (Init_socket): add bunch of Socket
+ constants. Patch from Sam Roberts <>.
+ [ruby-core:04409]
+Sun Feb 27 05:55:38 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * parse.y [ripper]: fix typo. [ruby-core:04494]
+Sat Feb 26 16:58:20 2005 K.Kosako <sndgk393 AT>
+ * parse.y, re.c, regex.h, LEGAL, ext/strscan/strscan.c:
+ remove oniggnu.h (GNU regex API).
+Wed Feb 23 22:08:16 2005 Kazuo Saito <>
+ * st.c, st.h: imported additional file changes on
+ Oniguruma 3.7.0.
+Wed Feb 23 21:45:29 2005 Kazuo Saito <>
+ * ascii.c, euc_jp.c, oniggnu.h, oniguruma.h, regcomp.c,
+ regenc.c, regenc.h, regerror.c, regexec.c, regint.h,
+ regparse.c, regparse.h, sjis.c, utf8.c: imported Oni Guruma
+ 3.7.0.
+Wed Feb 23 15:04:32 2005 akira yamada <>
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (split_userinfo): should split ":pass" into ""
+ and "pass". [ruby-dev:25667]
+Wed Feb 23 08:00:18 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_s_create): no need for negative argc check.
+ [ruby-core:04463]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_unshift_m): ditto.
+Wed Feb 23 01:53:29 2005 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (initialize): handle certs correctly. Thanks,
+ NABEYA Kenichi.
+Wed Feb 23 00:37:34 2005 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (mkmf_failed): fixed typo.
+Tue Feb 22 23:52:45 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, lib/mkmf.rb: use simple commands if available.
+ * mkconfig.rb: remove autoconf internal variables from rbconfig.rb.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): substitute implicit rules in depend
+ file.
+ * {bcc32,win32,wince}/Makefile.sub (COMPILE_RULES, RULE_SUBST):
+ include $(topdir) and $(hdrdir) to search path.
+Tue Feb 22 23:51:45 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c: get rid of warnings caused by a bug of VC.
+Tue Feb 22 23:50:26 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * signal.c (ruby_signal, ruby_nativethread_signal): must be valid as
+ expressions, not only statements.
+Tue Feb 22 12:54:13 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_start_0): update curr_thread before raising
+ TAG_THREAD. [ruby-dev:25712]
+Tue Feb 22 07:24:57 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): identifier after dot must not be a variable.
+Mon Feb 21 18:31:12 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * signal.c: Standard signal handlers ignore signals on non-Ruby native
+ threads. When a handler is entried with ruby_signal() (like as the
+ standard signal handlers), the handler for the signal is marked as
+ it cannot accept non-Ruby native threads. If a handler can treat all
+ signals on all native threads, please use ruby_nativethread_signal()
+ to entry it.
+Sun Feb 20 00:48:48 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb (URI::FTP#buffer_open): access mechanism
+ re-implemented according to RFC 1738.
+ reported by Guillaume Marcais. [ruby-talk:131650]
+Sat Feb 19 18:46:56 2005 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb (DRbObject#respond_to?): take two arguments.
+ [ruby-dev:25722]
+ * test/drb/drbtest.rb: ditto.
+Sat Feb 19 13:52:02 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb: call OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket#post_connection_check
+ after connection is made.
+Sat Feb 19 13:31:28 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extract_makefile): remove no longer existing installed
+ files.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (install_dirs): return installation directory list.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): reverted wrongly removed lines.
+Sat Feb 19 01:28:56 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/newton.rb: resolved LoadError.
+ [ruby-dev:25685]
+ * ext/bigdecimal/sample/linear.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/sample/nlsolve.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/nlsolve.rb: removed because this file
+ is sample script and same file exists in ext/bigdecimal/sample.
+Fri Feb 18 17:14:00 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc/parser.rb (XMLRPC::FaultException): make it subclass
+ of StandardError class, not Exception class. [ruby-core:04429]
+Fri Feb 18 04:06:41 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (fcall_gen): lvar(arg) will be evaluated as
+ when lvar is a defined local variable. [new]
+Thu Feb 17 22:15:34 2005 K.Kosako <sndgk393 AT>
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c: calls Oniguruma API directly.
+Thu Feb 17 21:53:12 2005 K.Kosako <sndgk393 AT>
+ *, LEGAL: remove reggnu.c.
+Thu Feb 17 21:53:12 2005 Kazuo Saito <>
+ * gc.c, re.c: now ruby calls Oniguruma API directly, bypassing
+ GNU compatible APIs.
+Thu Feb 17 20:09:23 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb (DRbServer.default_safe_level): fix typo.
+Thu Feb 17 20:09:23 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/digest/test_digest.rb: separate test case for each algorithms.
+ [ruby-dev:25412]
+Thu Feb 17 14:31:52 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_class_initialize): call inherited method before
+ calling initializing block.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_start_1): initialize newly pushed frame.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:25707]
+Thu Feb 17 13:46:00 2005 Nathaniel Talbott <>
+ * lib/test/unit/collector.rb (collect_file): now deletes paths added
+ to $LOAD_PATH instead of restoring it verbatim.
+ * lib/test/unit/autorunner.rb ( fixed so that
+ 'ruby -rtest/unit -rtest1 -rtest2 -e0' will use the objectspace
+ collector again. Also tried to simplify the calling convention.
+ * test/runner.rb: adjusted for new AutoRunner semantics.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: ditto.
+Thu Feb 17 04:21:47 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/open3.rb (Open3::popen3): $? should not be EXIT_FAILURE.
+ fixed: [ruby-core:04444]
+Thu Feb 17 00:31:21 2005 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * test/drb/test_drb.rb, ut_safe1.rb: port from 1.8
+Thu Feb 17 00:02:27 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (is_defined): NODE_IASGN is an assignment.
+Wed Feb 16 23:54:14 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_start_1): outer block variables wasn't linked to
+ threads. fixed: [ruby-dev:25700]
+Wed Feb 16 15:11:43 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.rb (OpenSSL::Nonblock#initialize):
+ native win32 platform doesn't have F_GETFL.
+Wed Feb 16 02:47:45 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_read, ossl_ssl_write): should
+ call rb_sys_fail instead of raising SSLError if SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL
+ occurred.
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/buffering.rb (Buffering#fill_rbuff):
+ should rescue Errno::EAGAIN.
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/buffering.rb (Buffering#each): fix typo.
+ suggested by Brian Ollenberger.
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.rb: set non-blocking flag to the
+ underlying IO.
+Tue Feb 15 22:14:34 2005 sheepman <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (Readline.readline): use rl_outstream
+ and rl_instream. [ruby-dev:25699]
+Mon Feb 14 23:58:17 2005 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/parser.rb (RSS::ListenerMixin::tag_end):
+ fixed invalid namespace handling bug.
+Mon Feb 14 13:12:38 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.rb
+ (OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket#post_connection_check): new method.
+Mon Feb 14 00:10:17 2005 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb (DRbServer): add default_safe_level, safe_level,
+ config[:safe_level] ([druby-ja:120])
+ * test/drb/test_drb.rb, ut_eval.rb, ut_safe1.rb: ditto.
+Sun Feb 13 23:13:46 2005 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/dublincore.rb (RSS::DublicCoreModel#date{,=}): added
+ convenient methods.
+ * lib/rss/0.9.rb (RSS::Rss::Channel#date{,=}): ditto.
+ * lib/rss/2.0.rb (RSS::Rss::Channel::Item#date{,=}): ditto.
+ * test/rss/: added tests for the convenient methods.
+Sun Feb 13 23:12:47 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_start_0): restore prot_tag before rewinding.
+Sun Feb 13 16:56:52 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/cgi.rb (WEBrick::CGI.start): should set reason-phrase
+ to the value of status header field. ([ruby-dev:40617])
+Sun Feb 13 11:38:40 2005 Kazuo Saito <>
+ * regparse.c (type_cclass_hash): (Thanks Nobu) fixed
+ overrun. ([ruby-dev:25676]).
+Sun Feb 13 10:53:08 2005 Kazuo Saito <>
+ * oniggnu.h, oniguruma.h, regcomp.c, st.c: imported
+ Oni Guruma 3.6.0.
+Sun Feb 13 01:33:19 2005 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/erb.rb (ERB::Util.h, u): make it module_function.
+Sat Feb 12 22:17:11 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (TAG_THREAD): to start a new thread.
+ * eval.c (ruby_init, ruby_options, ruby_cleanup, rb_protect,
+ rb_load_protect, rb_thread_start_0): make thread anchor.
+ * eval.c (proc_alloc): clone proc object if klass is not Proc or
+ created in different thread.
+ * eval.c (rb_block_pass): call a function with a block. [new]
+ * eval.c (rb_f_throw): raise NameError in main thread.
+Sat Feb 12 17:29:19 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb (OpenURI.open_loop): send authentication only for
+ the URI directly specified.
+Sat Feb 12 15:07:23 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (rand_init): suppress warning.
+Sat Feb 12 14:10:24 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb (OpenURI.open_http): reject userinfo explicitly.
+Sat Feb 12 13:54:03 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb: support https if the platform provides CA
+ certificates.
+Sat Feb 12 06:18:28 2005 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (Init_etc): sGroup needs HAVE_ST_GR_PASSWD check
+ [ruby-dev:25675]
+Fri Feb 11 17:37:50 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509store.c (ossl_x509store_set_default_paths):
+ new method OpenSSL::X509::Store#set_default_paths.
+Fri Feb 11 11:33:53 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb (URI::HTTP#proxy_open): new option supported:
+ :http_basic_authentication.
+ suggested by Kent Sibilev. [ruby-core:4392]
+Fri Feb 11 06:30:07 2005 George Ogata <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el: ignore parenthesis inside heredoc.
+ [ruby-core:04415]
+Fri Feb 11 04:54:13 2005 Tilman Sauerbeck <>
+ * lib/rdoc/generators/html_generator.rb: [ruby-core:04412]
+ * lib/rdoc/generators/ri_generator.rb: ditto.
+Thu Feb 10 13:52:42 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ *, win32/Makefile.sub (LIBS, COMMON_HEADERS): use
+ winsock2 on mswin32/mingw.
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: ditto.
+ * win32/win32.c (StartSockets): ditto.
+ * win32/win32.h: ditto.
+Thu Feb 10 12:09:16 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extract_makefile): default to true if not compiled
+ previously.
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): create dummy makefile if extconf failed.
+Thu Feb 10 12:07:10 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (init_stdhandle): assign standard file handles.
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub (COMMON_LIBS): add libraries included in
+ import32.lib.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): restrict prefixing with srcdir to
+ rule lines, add search path to implicit rules, and set Borland make
+ special macros for search path.
+ * win32/win32.c, win32/win32.h (read): avoid a BCC runtime bug.
+Thu Feb 10 00:47:25 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * struct.c (make_struct): fixed: [ruby-core:04402]
+Wed Feb 9 16:33:05 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (wait_connectable): fixed wrong condition.
+Wed Feb 9 14:42:28 2005 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * eval.c (scope_dup): add volatile not to optimize tbl.
+Wed Feb 9 10:02:02 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/tk/make-tkutil, ext/tk/tkutil/subconf.rb: no longer used.
+ * ext/tk/tkutil/extconf.rb: need to compile tkutil. [ruby-dev:25607]
+Wed Feb 9 08:07:08 2005 Paul Duncan <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (window_color_set): [ruby-core:04393]
+Tue Feb 8 23:48:36 2005 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb: reject :instance_eval, :class_eval, :module_eval
+ [druby-ja:117]
+Tue Feb 8 22:38:28 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * keywords, parse.y: separate EXPR_VALUE from EXPR_BEG.
+ fixed: [ruby-core:04310], [ruby-core:04368]
+Tue Feb 8 13:06:12 2005 Sam Roberts <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (Init_socket): SO_REUSEPORT added.
+ [ruby-talk:130092]
+Tue Feb 8 00:19:02 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::DNS::Name#subdomain_of?): new method.
+ (Resolv::DNS::Name#inspect): ditto.
+ Suggested by Sam Roberts. [ruby-talk:129086]
+Mon Feb 7 23:14:11 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (io_getc): flush rb_stdout before read from stdin, which is
+ connected to a tty. [ruby-core:4378]
+ * rubyio.h (FMODE_TTY): renamed from FMODE_LINEBUF.
+Mon Feb 7 10:06:30 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c: [ruby-doc:818]
+Mon Feb 7 02:13:05 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb (sockaddr_storage): winsock2.h have the
+ definition of struct sockaddr_storage, but socket.c doesn't
+ include it because this version of ruby still has binary level
+ compatibility with winsock1.
+Mon Feb 7 01:22:50 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extract_makefile): extract previously collected
+ informations from existing Makefile.
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: check if getaddrinfo() works fine only when
+ wide-getaddrinfo option is not given. fixed: [ruby-dev:25422]
+ * ext/tk/extconf.rb: separate tkutil configuration.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb ($extmk): check if under ext directory.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (Logging.postpone): allow recursive operation.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (try_constant): make sure if really a constant, reduce
+ the number of times of compile.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (have_macro, have_var, byte_order): new functions.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (find_library): allow directory list with separators.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (arg_config): manage provided configuration options.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (dir_config): accept arrays of directory names as
+ default values.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (with_cppflags, with_cflags, with_ldflags): keep flags
+ modified if the block returned true.
+Sun Feb 6 19:20:05 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * eval.c (stack_extend): add prototype because VC++8 doesn't
+ accept __declspec(noinline) with K&R style function definitions.
+Sun Feb 6 13:56:19 2005 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb (new_with_hash): changed messages of exception.
+ * lib/date/format.rb (str[fp]time): undocumented conversion
+ specifications %[1-3] are now deprecated.
+Sun Feb 6 11:27:37 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/dl/dl.c (Init_dl): function declaration should precede
+ statements before C99.
+Sun Feb 6 03:24:20 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::DNS::Resource::TXT): multiple strings was not
+ handled.
+ (Resolv::DNS::Resource::TXT#strings): new method to return all
+ strings.
+ (Resolv::DNS::Message::MessageEncoder#put_string_list): new method.
+ (Resolv::DNS::Message::MessageDecoder#get_string_list): ditto.
+ based on [ruby-talk:129732] by Sam Roberts.
+Sat Feb 5 02:24:06 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/ripper/test_scanner_events.rb: fix test.
+Fri Feb 4 18:44:35 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper/lexer.rb: last Lexer fix was incomplete;
+ test all green.
+Fri Feb 4 15:57:06 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (open_args): fix too verbose warnings for the space
+ before argument parentheses. [ruby-dev:25492]
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): ditto.
+Fri Feb 4 14:33:25 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper/filter.rb: ripper/tokenizer ->
+ ripper/lexer. [ruby-dev:25632]
+Fri Feb 4 00:24:15 2005 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss: supported Image module.
+Thu Feb 3 23:42:36 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_close, strio_close_read, strio_close_write):
+ should return nil instead of self as well as IO. [ruby-dev:25623]
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_extend, strio_putc): fill with zero
+ extended portion. [ruby-dev:25626]
+Thu Feb 3 16:12:57 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): the first expression in the parentheses
+ should not be a command. [ruby-dev:25492]
+Thu Feb 3 03:31:20 2005 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c: follow original v 1.57
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/utf8tbl.c: follow original v 1.8
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/config.h: follow original v 1.7
+Wed Feb 2 23:52:53 2005 sheepman <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_truncate): should MEMZERO an extended
+ part. [ruby-dev:25618]
+Wed Feb 2 21:56:01 2005 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb (RSS::Element#convert): added.
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb: convert -> need_convert.
+ * lib/rss/1.0.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rss/0.9.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rss/2.0.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rss/trackback.rb: ditto.
+Wed Feb 2 03:30:58 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper/tokenizer.rb -> lexer.rb.
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper/lexer.rb: new method Ripper.slice.
+ [experimental]
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper/sexp.rb: new file. [experimental]
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper.rb: require ripper/lexer and ripper/sexp.
+Tue Feb 1 21:49:24 2005 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb (DRb::DRbObject#respond_to?): check marshal_dump and
+ _dump.
+Tue Feb 1 00:20:23 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, made EXTOUT configurable.
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake), lib/mkmf.rb: keep topdir as relative style.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: make extensions in depth order. [ruby-dev:25522]
+ * (aix): fix linker flags on AIX. [ruby-talk:125460]
+Mon Jan 31 13:16:39 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/extconf.rb: add tkutil configuration step (remove old schema)
+ * ext/tk/depend: remove the information of tkutil
+ * ext/tk/make-tkutil: sub-part of Makefile to compile tkutil
+ * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: move tkutil.c to subdirectory
+ * ext/tk/tkutil/subconf.rb: configuration file for tkutil.c
+ * ext/tk/tkutil/depend: ditto
+Mon Jan 31 13:13:35 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: add invalid namespace check
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: add invalid_namespace? method
+ * ext/tk/lib/remote-tk.rb: ditto
+Mon Jan 31 10:29:18 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/irb/context.rb (IRB::Context::initialize): [ruby-core:04330]
+Mon Jan 31 09:44:03 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (Init_Object): remove Object#type. [ruby-core:04335]
+Sat Jan 29 09:42:12 2005 Sam Roberts <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::SRV): Added RFC2782 SRV
+ resource record for specifying location of services.
+Sat Jan 29 00:10:33 2005 Kazuo Saito <>
+ * ascii.c, euc_jp.c, hash.c, oniggnu.h, oniguruma.h, regcomp.c,
+ regenc.c, regenc.h, regerror.c, regexec.c, reggnu.c, regint.h,
+ regparse.c, regparse.h, sjis.c, st.c, st.h, utf8.c: imported
+ Oni Guruma 3.5.4.
+Fri Jan 28 17:16:55 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::DNS::Config.parse_resolv_conf):
+ parse options line for ndots option.
+ (Resolv::Hosts#lazy_initialize): return self.
+ (Resolv::DNS#lazy_initialize): ditto.
+ (Resolv::DNS::Config#lazy_initialize): ditto.
+ Suggested by Sam Roberts.
+Thu Jan 27 17:15:03 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/tk/extconf.rb: support new tk scheme on bccwin32.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:25546]
+Thu Jan 27 13:18:03 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * st.c (st_foreach): report success/failure by return value.
+ [ruby-Bugs-1396]
+Thu Jan 27 00:12:19 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb (setup): support BSD style
+ directory group inheritance (again).
+Thu Jan 27 00:02:40 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb (setup): support BSD style
+ directory group inheritance. [ruby-dev:25440]
+ * test/fileutils/fileasserts.rb (assert_same_entry): show entry
+ difference.
+Wed Jan 26 17:12:50 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y: forgot to initialize parser struct. [ruby-dev:25492]
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): no tLABEL on EXPR_BEG.
+ [ruby-talk:127711]
+Wed Jan 26 14:12:58 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/Setup*: remove tcltklib.
+Wed Jan 26 12:45:16 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/tk/extconf.rb: support new tk scheme on mswin32.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:25535]
+Wed Jan 26 10:45:19 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (flock_winnt, flock_win95): unlock file even if
+ LOCK_NB is specified.
+Tue Jan 25 23:10:48 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk: merge tcltklib for Ruby/Tk installation control
+ * ext/tcltklib: remove
+Tue Jan 25 17:05:15 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): correct -T option in RUBYOPT.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:25512]
+Tue Jan 25 14:05:52 2005 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c: fix SEGV bug; trouble on canceling remained
+ after scripts [ruby-dev:25479]: NULL current namespace when deleting
+ Tk interpreter [ruby-talk:126225]
+ * ext/tcltklib/extconf.rb: bug fix; TCL_ENABLE_THREAD flag is inverted
+ [ruby-talk:126360]
+ * ext/tcltklib/extconf.rb: add yet another native-thread check
+ * ext/tk/tkutil.c: fix SEGV bug; NULL string pointer when finalize
+ Ruby interpreter
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: avoid warning for deleted safeTk ip frame
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/bindtag.rb: bug fix; new method of named bindtag
+ doesn't return the created object [ruby-dev:25479]
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/menu.rb: bug on treating arguments [ruby-dev:25479]
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: bug fix; cannot accept a callback ID string for
+ a command argument [ruby-dev:25479]
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: ditto
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/*.rb: ditto
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/*.rb: ditto
+ * ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/anilabel.rb: new demo script
+ * ext/tk/sample/demos-en/anilabel.rb: ditto
+ * ext/tk/sample/tkHTML/ss.rb: local variable scope bug fix
+ [ruby-dev:25479]
+Mon Jan 24 16:00:53 2005 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/lib/kconv.rb (guess_old): not use NKF.guess_old
+ but NKF.guess1. fixed: [ruby-dev:25491]
+Mon Jan 24 15:44:25 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * document updates - [ruby-core:04296], [ruby-core:04301],
+ [ruby-core:04302], [ruby-core:04307]
+Sun Jan 23 12:38:01 2005 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/soap/wsdlDriver.rb: from 1.5.3-ruby1.8.2, operation which has
+ capitalized name (such as KeywordSearchRequest in AWS) is defined as
+ a method having uncapitalized name. (converted with
+ GenSupport.safemethodname to handle operation name 'foo-bar'). it
+ introduced serious incompatibility; in the past, it was defined as a
+ capitalized.
+ define capitalized method as well under that circumstance.
+Sun Jan 23 05:24:42 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ocsp.c (ossl_ocspreq_to_der): should call
+ GetOCSPReq at first.
+Sat Jan 22 22:59:08 2005 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/drb/ssl.rb (accept): rescue SSLError. [druby-ja:110]
+Sat Jan 22 22:27:28 2005 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/drb/unix.rb: fail if UNIXFileOwner is set. [druby-ja:111]
+Fri Jan 21 20:07:02 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::DNS::Config.resolv): don't raise ResolvError.
+ reported by Sam Roberts. [ruby-talk:127133]
+Fri Jan 21 17:09:44 2005 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (decode_utf7): use pack("U*") to encode UTF-8.
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (encode_utf7): use unpack("U*") to decode UTF-8.
+ * test/net/imap/test_imap.rb: added tests for Net::IMAP.
+Fri Jan 21 16:58:10 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dir.c (rb_push_glob): should work for NUL delimited patterns.
+ * dir.c (rb_glob2): should aware of offset in the pattern.
+Fri Jan 21 13:58:37 2005 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (u8tou16): fixed typo. fixed: [ruby-list:40546]
+Fri Jan 21 00:37:09 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (syck_parser_bufsize_set): avoid VC++ warning
+ "local variable 'size' used without having been initialized".
+Thu Jan 20 11:42:02 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_new4): should propagate taintedness.
+ * env.h: rename member names in struct FRAME; last_func -> callee,
+ orig_func -> this_func, last_class -> this_class.
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_set): use original method name, not callee
+ name, to retrieve member slot. [ruby-core:04268]
+ * time.c (time_strftime): protect from format modification from GC
+ finalizers.
+Thu Jan 20 02:01:10 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (Init_Object): remove rb_obj_id_obsolete()
+Wed Jan 19 18:02:19 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/ipaddr.rb (to_s, test_to_s): too many colons with some cases.
+Wed Jan 19 01:16:30 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::DNS::Config.parse_resolv_conf): ignore
+ domain and search directive without an argument.
+ reported by Sam Roberts. [ruby-talk:126781]
+Mon Jan 17 23:33:46 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (aix): fix typo. [ruby-talk:126401]
+Mon Jan 17 07:08:51 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c: suppress warnings.
+ * lib/irb/extend-command.rb (IRB::ContextExtender.def_extend_command):
+ ditto.
+ * lib/irb/ext/history.rb (IRB::Context::set_last_value): ditto.
+ * lib/irb/ext/history.rb (IRB::Context::eval_history): ditto.
+ * lib/irb/locale.rb (IRB::Locale::real_load): ditto.
+ * lib/irb/slex.rb (SLex::Node::create_subnode): remove garbage.
+Mon Jan 17 00:09:42 2005 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (PORT): typo fix. fixed: [ruby-core:04256]
+Sat Jan 15 14:57:22 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): ignore trailing CRs at the end of short
+ options as well as long options. fixed: [ruby-core:04232]
+Sat Jan 15 13:44:22 2005 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb (RSS::VERSION): 0.1.2 -> 0.1.3.
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb: accept inheritance. [ruby-talk:126104]
+Wed Jan 12 12:29:28 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_define_method): incomplete subclass check.
+ [ruby-dev:25464]
+ * class.c (rb_make_metaclass): class of metaclasses should be
+ plain Class. [ruby-list:40524]
+Tue Jan 11 20:58:52 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (remain_size): use buffered data instead of unreading to avoid
+ inconsistency of text mode. fixed: [ruby-dev:25446]
+Tue Jan 11 09:37:53 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * numeric.c (Init_Numeric): turn off floating point exceptions
+ on bcc32. "1e300".to_f had crashed by overflow.
+Mon Jan 10 15:28:51 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/cgi.rb (WEBrick::CGI::Socket#request_line): should
+ escape SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO before being parsed as a URI.
+ * lib/webrick/httputils.rb (WEBrick::HTTPUtils#escape_path): add
+ new method to escape URI path component.
+ * lib/webrick/ssl.rb (WEBrick::Config::SSL): the default value
+ of :SSLEnable is false.
+ * test/webrick/{test_cgi.rb,webrick.cgi}: new file.
+ * test/webrick/utils.rb: require "webrick/https.h".
+Mon Jan 10 01:22:55 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (rb_data_object_alloc): klass may be NULL.
+ [ruby-list:40498]
+Sun Jan 9 14:12:17 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_f_select): IO list could be altered. [ruby-dev:25312]
+Sun Jan 9 04:08:40 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * test/webrick/test_server.rb (test_daemon): delete an assertion
+ which has possibility to fail by race condition.
+Sun Jan 9 03:22:46 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb (test_copy_entry): copy_entry
+ copies only file type, not mtime. [ruby-dev:25383]
+Sat Jan 8 04:38:47 2005 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * lib/yaml.rb: Kernel#y requires an argument.
+Fri Jan 7 21:12:29 2005 TAMURA Takashi <>
+ * random.c (rand_init): use ALLOC_N instead of ALLOCA_N
+ [ruby-dev:25426]
+Fri Jan 7 20:01:31 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpproxy.rb (WEBrick::HTTPProxyServer#proxy_service):
+ should delete trailing LF from the result of pack("m*").
+ * lib/webrick/httpproxy.rb (WEBrick::HTTPProxyServer#proxy_connect):
+ - should delete trailing LF from the result of pack("m*").
+ - clear Request-Line not to send the response by HTTPServer#run.
+ * lib/webrick/httputils (WEBrick::HTTPUtils.parse_qvalues):
+ refine regexp (and change the name of a local variable).
+ * lib/webrick/server.rb (WEBrick::Daemon.start): prepared stdio
+ don't allow changing its mode.
+ * test/webrick/*, sample/webrick/httpproxy.rb: add new files.
+Fri Jan 7 18:03:35 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * gc.c (mark_locations_array): avoid core dump with -O3.
+ [ruby-dev:25424]
+Thu Jan 6 20:29:18 2005 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (zstream_end): should return value.
+Thu Jan 6 19:59:03 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_close): didn't close socket handle.
+ [ruby-dev:25414]
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_open_osfhandle): bcc32's _open_osfhandle
+ never set EMFILE.
+Thu Jan 6 17:22:41 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * random.c (random_seed): O_NONBLOCK isn't defined on some
+ platforms. [ruby-dev:25417]
+Thu Jan 6 13:45:35 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/time.rb: recognize +00:00 and GMT as a localtime.
+Thu Jan 6 07:58:28 2005 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/usage.rb (RDoc::RDoc.usage_no_exit): Allow for colons
+ in path names on DOS machines. (thanks to Johan Nilsson)
+Thu Jan 6 00:02:35 2005 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * test/rinda/test_rinda.rb: use MockClock.sleep instead of Kernel.sleep
+ [ruby-dev:25387]
+Wed Jan 5 20:16:32 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * random.c (limited_big_rand): didn't work if SIZEOF_BDIGITS == 2.
+ [ruby-dev:25408]
+ * random.c (random_seed): refined.
+Wed Jan 5 16:39:54 2005 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * parse.y (BITSTACK_POP): workaround for bcc32 compiler's bug.
+ shift assignment operator '>>=' for __int64 in struct may
+ generate collapsed code. [ruby-dev:25342]
+ * win32/win32.[ch]: failed to compile on bcc32 (and probably wince)
+ [ruby-dev:25306]
+Wed Jan 5 12:49:39 2005 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_initialize): Thread objects cannot be initialized
+ again. fixed: [ruby-core:04067]
+Wed Jan 5 02:30:11 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * random.c (init_by_array): imported from mt19937ar-cok.tgz.
+ (genrand_int32): ditto.
+ (genrand_real): replaced with genrand_res53 in mt19937ar-cok.
+ (rand_init): support bignum for longer seed.
+ (random_seed): generate longer seed.
+ (make_mask): new function.
+ (limited_rand): ditto.
+ (limited_big_rand): ditto.
+ (rb_f_rand): call limited_rand and limited_big_rand.
+ [ruby-dev:25403]
+Tue Jan 4 23:25:29 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_rand): should return positive random number.
+ [ruby-dev:25401]
+Tue Jan 4 21:25:43 2005 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * test/drb/{test_drbssl.rb,test_drbunix.rb,ut_drb.rb}: use
+ DRbService.ext_service. reduce sleep.
+Mon Jan 3 14:01:54 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * random.c (random_seed): don't use /dev/urandom if it is not
+ character device.
+Mon Jan 3 11:37:42 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * random.c (random_seed): use /dev/urandom if available.
+ [ruby-dev:25392]
+Tue Jan 4 11:15:29 2005 TAMURA Takashi <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_rand): do not use rb_big_modulo to generate
+ random bignums. [ruby-dev:25396]
+Mon Jan 3 11:03:37 2005 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * test/drb/test_drb.rb: move TestDRbReusePort to new file.
+ [ruby-dev:25238]
+ * test/drb/drbtest.rb: change timeout.
+ * test/drb/ignore_test_drb.rb: new file.
+Mon Jan 3 07:27:46 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpauth/htpasswd.rb (WEBrick::Htpasswd#reload):
+ raise NotImplementedError if password is encrypted by digest
+ algorithms. This patch is contributed by sheepman. [ruby-list:40467]
+ * lib/webrick/httpauth/digestauth.rb
+ (WEBrick::HTTPAuth::DigestAuth#_authenticate): fix digest calculation.
+ This patch is contributed by sheepman. [ruby-list:40482]
+ * lib/webrick/{httpauth.rb,httpauth/basicauth.rb,httpproxy.rb}: use
+ pack/unpack-template char "m" instead of lib/base64.rb to do base64
+ encoding/decoding. fixed: [ruby-dev:25336]
+ * test/webrick/test_httpauth.rb: new file.
+Sun Jan 2 15:42:10 2005 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb: add lazy stop_service.
+ * lib/drb/extserv.rb: ditto.
+Sun Jan 2 01:17:17 2005 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * test/drb/drbtest.rb: add method DRbService.ext_service.
+ * test/drb/test_drb.rb: ditto.
+ * test/drb/test_drbssl.rb: ditto.
+Sat Jan 1 20:23:02 2005 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (argf_readpartial): new method ARGF.readpartial.
+ (io_getpartial): extracted from io_readpartial.
+ (io_readpartial): call io_getpartial.
+Sat Jan 1 17:44:54 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (each_capitalized): should join header field
+ value. This patch is contributed sheepman [ruby-list:40478]
+ * test/net/http/test_httpheader.rb: test it.
+Sat Jan 1 16:21:29 2005 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (copy_stream): use read/write instead of
+ sysread/syswrite, which allows duck typing. [ruby-dev:25369]
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (copy_stream): does NOT support nonblocking IO.
+ [ruby-dev:25370]
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (copy_entry): could not copy symlink.
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb: test copy_entry, copy_file,
+ copy_stream.
+Sat Jan 1 04:20:23 2005 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ns_spki.c (ossl_spki_set_challenge): should call
+ StringValue before GetSPKI. fixed: [ruby-dev:25359].
+Sat Jan 1 01:13:28 2005 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_autoload): [ruby-dev:25373]
+Fri Dec 31 14:10:43 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/ri_formatter.rb (RI::TextFormatter::display_flow_item):
+ Fix problem if heading contains formatting.
+Fri Dec 31 00:08:02 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * (HAVE_RLIM_T): removed because not used.
+Thu Dec 30 22:45:39 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * rubyio.h: don't deprecate rb_read_check.
+ * io.c (STDIO_READ_DATA_PENDING): reverted from old READ_DATA_PENDING
+ to check stdio read buffer.
+ (rb_read_check): use STDIO_READ_DATA_PENDING.
+ (rb_read_pending): ditto.
+ (rb_getc): ditto.
+Thu Dec 30 05:39:35 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * parse.y: eliminate unused members in struct parser_params.
+ [ruby-dev:25258] (again)
+ * parse.y: make parser_new() static.
+Thu Dec 30 00:41:42 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (svalue_to_avalue): [ruby-dev:25366]
+ * string.c (rb_str_justify): [ruby-dev:25367]
+Wed Dec 29 11:07:07 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/generators/template/html/kilmer.rb: Update to use new
+ sections.
+Tue Dec 28 22:31:46 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_justify): create buffer string after argument type
+ conversion. fixed: [ruby-dev:25341]
+Tue Dec 28 17:18:17 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/net/telnet.rb (preprocess): remove NULL unless binmode.
+ fixed: [ruby-list:40320]
+Tue Dec 28 15:41:48 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c (reinit): should initialize all static
+ variables. fixed: [ruby-list:40445]
+Tue Dec 28 15:25:20 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/nkf/lib/kconv.rb (Kconv::RegexpEucjp): second byte is up to
+ 0xfe.
+ * ext/nkf/lib/kconv.rb (Kconv#kconv): should handle UTF8 and UTF16
+ properly.
+Tue Dec 28 13:35:20 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (rb_deflate_s_deflate, rb_inflate_s_inflate): ensure
+ freeing internal zstreams. fixed: [ruby-dev:25309]
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (rb_deflate_init_copy): replace rb_deflate_clone.
+Mon Dec 27 20:02:14 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c: fix SEGV bug when deleting Tk interp
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: ditto
+Mon Dec 27 16:54:05 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509name.c (Init_ossl_x509name): should use
+ rb_hash_new to get exactly a Hash. fix [ruby-dev:25325].
+Mon Dec 27 15:29:12 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb (cp_r): tested wrong file name.
+ [ruby-dev:25339]
+Mon Dec 27 15:15:18 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (mv): should raise error when moving a
+ directory to the (empty) directory. [ruby-talk:124368]
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (mv): wrongly did not overwrite file on Win32
+ platforms.
+Mon Dec 27 14:36:20 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * process.c (NUM2RLIM, RLIM2NUM): Without SIZEOF_RLIM_T is not error.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:25346]
+Sun Dec 26 16:21:39 2004 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (Net::IMAP::PlainAuthenticator): added a new class
+ to support the PLAIN authentication mechanism. Thanks, Benjamin
+ Stiglitz.
+Sat Dec 25 01:28:23 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_f_select): [ruby-dev:25312]
+Fri Dec 24 23:27:18 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/image.rb: TkPhotoImage#cget bug fix
+Fri Dec 24 03:06:13 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (io_reopen, rb_io_reopen): prohibit to change access mode for
+ special IO ports. [ruby-dev:25225]
+ * io.c (next_argv): reduce use of stdio.
+Fri Dec 24 02:22:53 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (syck_loader_transfer): check type conversion.
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (syck_parser_assign_io, rb_new_syck_node): duck
+ typing.
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (syck_parser_s_alloc, syck_parser_initialize):
+ allocation framework.
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (syck_emitter_s_alloc, syck_emitter_initialize):
+ ditto.
+Fri Dec 24 01:21:00 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt.rb: add BLT extension support
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/*.rb: ditto
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tile/*.rb: ditto
+Thu Dec 23 23:43:24 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (proc_setgroups): check if the argument length is
+ modified. fixed: [ruby-dev:25285]
+ * process.c (SIZEOF_RLIM_T): err if size of rlim_t is not set.
+Thu Dec 23 19:08:41 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * rubyio.h: rename FMODE_UNSEEKABLE to FMODE_DUPLEX.
+ * io.c (io_check_tty): extracted function to set FMODE_LINEBUF and
+Thu Dec 23 13:13:33 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c: define TclTkLib::COMPILE_INFO and
+ * ext/tcltklib/extconf.rb: ditto
+ * ext/tk/tkutil.c: define TkUtil::RELEASE_DATE
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: define Tk::RELEASE_DATE
+Thu Dec 23 00:16:32 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (bsdi): use $(CC) for LDSHARED. fixed [ruby-dev:25270]
+Wed Dec 22 11:14:55 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_mode_modenum): replace O_ACCMODE with O_RDWR.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:25273]
+Wed Dec 22 08:34:32 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/dl/sym.c (rb_dlsym_initialize): extract internal pointers after
+ all argument conversion. fixed: [ruby-dev:25271]
+Tue Dec 21 16:15:21 2004 Michael Neumann <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc/client.rb: use "" instead of "." if prefix argument is
+ nil in proxy methods. nil is default value.
+ * test/xmlrpc/test_webrick_server.rb, test/xmlrpc/webrick_testing.rb:
+ use threads instead of forking. this should fix issue #1208
+ (
+ removed testing of SSL enabled servlet as this hangs.
+Wed Dec 22 00:05:10 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/soap/*, test/soap/*, sample/soap/authheader/*: eval cleanup.
+Tue Dec 21 22:07:41 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c (ossl_asn1_decode_all): use rb_str_new4
+ to avoid SEGV.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c (ossl_asn1_traverse, ossl_asn1_decode,
+ ossl_asn1_decode_all): temporary value should be marked volatile.
+Tue Dec 21 12:42:34 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c (ossl_asn1_traverse, ossl_asn1_decode):
+ use rb_str_new4 to avoid SEGV. fix [ruby-dev:25261]
+ * test/openssl/test_asn1.rb: add tests for OpenSSL::ASN1.
+Tue Dec 21 12:10:04 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/grid.rb: rescue bug of 'grid configure' on Tcl/Tk8.3-
+Mon Dec 20 22:52:29 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * added samples for the previous soap4r's commit.
+Mon Dec 20 22:56:39 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * gc.c (set_stack_end): gcc noinline attribute is available since
+ gcc-3.1.
+Mon Dec 20 22:40:31 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * added files:
+ * lib/soap/mapping/wsdl*.rb
+ * lib/wsdl/soap/element.rb
+ * lib/wsdl/xmlSchema/simpleContent.rb
+ * modified files:
+ * lib/soap/*
+ * lib/wsdl/*
+ * lib/xsd/*
+ * test/soap/*
+ * test/wsdl/*
+ * test/xsd/*
+ * summary
+ * imported from the soap4r repository. Version: 1.5.3-ruby1.8.2
+ * added several XSD basetype support: nonPositiveInteger,
+ negativeInteger, nonNegativeInteger, unsignedLong, unsignedInt,
+ unsignedShort, unsignedByte, positiveInteger
+ * HTTP client connection/send/receive timeout support.
+ * HTTP client/server gzipped content encoding support.
+ * improved WSDL schema definition support; still is far from
+ complete, but is making step by step improvement.
+Mon Dec 20 14:45:19 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/net/https.rb: delete descriptions about key_file and cert_file.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:25243]
+ * ext/openssl/lib/net/telnets.rb: ditto.
+Mon Dec 20 14:07:02 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: supports new features of Tcl/Tk8.5a2
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/clock.rb: ditto
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/text.rb: ditto
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/panedwindow.rb: ditto
+Mon Dec 20 13:51:40 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_getservbyport): [ruby-talk:124072]
+Mon Dec 20 10:51:58 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (special_local_set): prevent the parser object from GC.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:25252]
+Mon Dec 20 03:30:40 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/cgi/session.rb (CGI::Session#initialize): empty session id was
+ used if request had no session key. fixed: [ruby-core:03981]
+Mon Dec 20 01:51:01 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * struct.c (make_struct): [ruby-dev:25249]
+Mon Dec 20 00:16:54 2004 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/encodings/SHIFT_JIS.rb: fixed LoadError bug.
+ [ruby-core:3958]
+Sun Dec 19 17:24:59 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (enable_rpath): use rpath flag to embed the library
+ path into extensions on ELF environment. [ruby-dev:25035]
+Sun Dec 19 11:01:25 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: use standalone runner for -e.
+ * lib/test/unit/autorunner.rb (Test::Unit::AutoRunner#options): accept
+ multiple -p and -x options.
+ * lib/test/unit/collector/dir.rb (Test::Unit::Collector::Dir#recursive_collect):
+ ditto.
+Sat Dec 18 16:36:23 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (rb_deflate_s_deflate, rb_inflate_s_inflate):
+ disallow interrupt by type conversion. fixed: [ruby-dev:25226]
+Sat Dec 18 15:09:02 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpauth.rb,
+ lib/webrick/httpauth/{basicauth.rb,digestauth.rb}: use
+ pack/unpack-template char "m" instead of lib/base64.rb to do base64
+ encoding/decoding.
+Sat Dec 18 10:51:01 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dir.c (dir_open_dir): new function. [ruby-dev:25242]
+ * io.c (rb_f_open): add type check for return value from to_open.
+Fri Dec 17 16:44:26 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * (ac_cv_sizeof_rlim_t): set 8 for BSD/OS.
+ Reported by OHARA Shigeki. [ruby-dev:25236]
+Fri Dec 17 16:28:12 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: fix bug on setting up system encoding
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/event.rb: fix error on require process
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/font.rb: fix abnormal termination error on Windows
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/virtevent.rb:
+ accepts event-sequence arguments
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/text.rb: fail to dump embedded images
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/text.rb: tag_nextrange and tag_prevrange returns wrong
+ types of values
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/texttag.rb: nextrange and prevrange returns wrong
+ types of values
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/text.rb: add TkText::IndexModMethods module and
+ TkText::IndexString class to treat text index modifiers
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/texttag.rb: use TkText::IndexModMethods module
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/textmark.rb: ditto
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/textimage.rb: ditto
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/textwindow.rb: ditto
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/textimage.rb: wrong gravity of text mark for embedded
+ image
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/textwindow.rb: wrong gravity of text mark for
+ embedded window
+Fri Dec 17 13:33:58 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/cgi/session.rb (CGI::Session#initialize): control adding
+ session_id hidden fields. fixed: [ruby-talk:123850]
+Fri Dec 17 00:01:48 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_proc_arity, rb_node_arity, rb_mod_method_arity,
+ rb_obj_method_arity): new functions to obtain method arity.
+ [ruby-dev:25143]
+Thu Dec 16 23:31:13 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): create RUBYARCHDIR also when no extension
+ is installed. fixed: [ruby-dev:25215]
+Thu Dec 16 22:36:57 2004 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * test/drb/test_drb.rb: adjust and reduce sleep.
+Thu Dec 16 18:37:08 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c (ossl_raise): refine message format.
+Thu Dec 16 16:29:44 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/sample/demos-en/widget: modify version check for
+ supporting features
+Thu Dec 16 16:03:50 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/bindtag.rb: bug fix [ruby-talk: 123667]
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/timer.rb: accept :idle for the interval argument
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: add TkComm._callback_entry?()
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: add MultiTkIp.cb_entry_class
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/canvas.rb: use TkComm._callback_entry?()
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/canvastag.rb: ditto
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/dialog.rb: ditto
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/optiondb.rb: ditto
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/text.rb: ditto
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/texttag.rb: ditto
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/textwindow.rb: ditto
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/timer.rb: ditto
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/validation.rb: ditto
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/*: ditto
+Thu Dec 16 04:02:28 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/ripper/extconf.rb: bison is not needed if ripper.c exists.
+ [ruby-dev:25191]
+Thu Dec 16 03:27:10 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: remove junk.
+Thu Dec 16 00:57:30 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (rb_syck_io_str_read): [ruby-core:03973]
+Thu Dec 16 00:43:29 2004 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb: changed default binded address family to use an
+ available address family of host name. [druby-ja:101]
+ * lib/drb/ssl.rb: ditto
+Wed Dec 15 17:47:17 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/server.rb (WEBrick::GenericServer#start_thread):
+ should log about all accepted socket. [ruby-core:03962]
+ * lib/webrick/accesslog.rb (WEBrick::AccessLog#setup_params):
+ "%%" and "%u" are supported. [webricken:135]
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb
+ (WEBrick::HTTPServlet::FileHandler#check_filename):
+ :NondisclosureName is acceptable if it is Enumerable.
+ * lib/webrick/config.rb (WEBrick::Config::FileHandler):
+ default value of :NondisclosureName is [".ht*", "*~"].
+Wed Dec 15 16:10:23 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_id_obsolete): warn always.
+Wed Dec 15 15:31:02 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/set.rb (Set#==): [ruby-dev:25206]
+Wed Dec 15 14:32:18 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_fdisset): check whether the handle is valid.
+Wed Dec 15 10:30:37 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_digest.c (ossl_digest_initialize): [ruby-dev:25198]
+Tue Dec 14 19:17:15 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * utf8.c (utf8_is_mbc_ambiguous): [ruby-talk:123561]
+ * utf8.c (utf8_mbc_to_normalize): ditto.
+Tue Dec 14 17:08:15 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_close): need to reset osfhnd().
+Tue Dec 14 14:03:57 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c (ossl_raise): avoid buffer overrun.
+ [ruby-dev:25187]
+Tue Dec 14 12:36:04 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/cgi/session.rb (CGI::Session::initialize): generate new
+ session if given session_id does not exist. [ruby-list:40368]
+Tue Dec 14 08:47:45 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (Init_eval): should mark ruby_eval_tree. [ruby-dev:25189]
+Mon Dec 13 18:13:52 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * gc.c (set_stack_end): new function to obtain stack end address.
+ set_stack_end obtains a stack end address by an address of local
+ variable in the function.
+ (SET_STACK_END, STACK_END): use set_stack_end. don't use alloca.
+ This makes the conservative garbage collector to scan a stack frame
+ of the garbage_collect function itself. This is required because
+ callee-save registers may be stored in the frame.
+ [ruby-dev:25158]
+Mon Dec 13 02:45:51 2004 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (window_subwin): call NUM2INT() before
+ GetWINDOW(). fixed: [ruby-dev:25161]
+Mon Dec 13 00:58:02 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb (cleanpath_aggressive): make it private.
+ (cleanpath_conservative): ditto.
+ Suggested by Daniel Berger. [ruby-core:3914]
+Sun Dec 12 21:32:14 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_super.rb (TestSuper#test_define_method): now methods
+ from procs can call super.
+Sun Dec 12 10:35:10 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/generators/template/html/html.rb (RDoc::Page): Don't
+ show an accessor's r/w flag if none was specified
+Sun Dec 12 10:14:03 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb (RDoc::RDoc::parse_files): Never exclude files
+ explicitly given on the command line.
+Sat Dec 11 21:10:16 2004 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb: add DRbRemoteError. [ruby-list:40348],
+ [ruby-list:40390]
+ * test/drb/drbtest.rb: ditto.
+ * test/drb/ut_drb.rb: ditto.
+Sat Dec 11 13:08:28 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sample/optparse/subcommand.rb: a sample for sub commands like
+ cvs. contributed by Minero Aoki.
+Fri Dec 10 08:39:48 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_listen): get OpenFile just before calling
+ listen(2).
+Thu Dec 9 16:28:35 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/sdbm/init.c (GetDBM): typo.
+Thu Dec 9 16:21:51 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/cgi.rb (WEBrick::CGI#setup_header): avoid
+ SecurityError. [ruby-dev:24970]
+ * lib/webrick/httpserver.rb (WEBrick::HTTPServer#run): should wait
+ for reading request till data arrive. [ruby-talk:121068]
+Thu Dec 9 14:38:35 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_inspect): escape # which starts an expression
+ substitution. fixed: [ruby-core:03922]
+ * string.c (rb_str_dump): not escape # which isn't a substitution.
+Thu Dec 9 12:31:53 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * io.c (pipe_open): should set prog if argc != 0.
+Thu Dec 9 10:54:36 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c (fdbm_select): [ruby-dev:25132]
+ * ext/sdbm/init.c: ditto.
+ * ext/gdbm/gdbm.c: ditto.
+Thu Dec 9 10:19:18 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/socket/test_socket.rb (test_setsockopt): use SO_LINGER instead
+ of SO_BINDTODEVICE. fixed: [ruby-dev:25133]
+Thu Dec 9 03:08:36 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c (ip_init): set root-win title to "ruby" when
+ the running script is '-e one-liner' or '-' (stdin).
+ * ext/tcltklib/extconf.rb: add find_library("#{lib}#{ver}",..) for
+ stub libs
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/textmark.rb: TkTextMarkCurrent and TkTextMarkAnchor
+ have a wrong parent class.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/dialog.rb: rename TkDialog2 --> TkDialogObj and
+ TkWarning2 --> TkWarningObj (old names are changed to alias names)
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/dialog.rb: bug fix of treatment of 'prev_command'
+ option and hashes for configuration
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/dialog.rb: add TkDialogObj#name to return the
+ button name
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/radiobutton.rb: rename enbugged method value() ==>
+ get_value() and value=(val) ==> set_value(val).
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/menu.rb: add TkMenu.new_menuspec
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/menu.rb: add alias (TkMenuButton = TkMenubutton,
+ TkOptionMenuButton = TkOptionMenubutton)
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/event.rb: new method aliases (same as option keys of
+ event_generate) for Event object
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/font.rb: configinfo returns proper types of values
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: bind methods accept subst_args + block
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/canvas.rb: ditto
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/canvastag.rb: ditto
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/frame.rb: ditto
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/text.rb: ditto
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/texttag.rb: ditto
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/toplevel.rb: ditto
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/*: ditto and bug fix
+Wed Dec 8 23:54:29 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/generators/template/html/html.rb (RDoc::Page): Typo
+ meant that h2 tag was invisible.
+Wed Dec 8 22:10:02 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * rubyio.h, io.c, ext/dl/dl.c, ext/pty/pty.c, ext/socket/socket.c:
+ create FILE object only when required: popen(3) and DL's IO#to_ptr.
+ [ruby-dev:25122]
+ * io.c (rb_io_binmode): use setmode for Human68k. [ruby-dev:25121]
+Wed Dec 8 20:13:06 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * process.c (rb_spawn): support for DJGPP.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (VPATH): specify the implicit path separator for DJGPP.
+Wed Dec 8 17:48:22 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (proc_invoke): merge Guy Decoux's argument preserve
+ patch in [ruby-core:03874].
+Wed Dec 8 17:37:33 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_pipe_exec): need to close original socket
+ handle.
+Wed Dec 8 14:31:36 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_f_sprintf): [ruby-dev:25104]
+Wed Dec 8 13:49:46 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_pipe_exec): must close original handle
+ before exec. fixed: [ruby-dev:25112]
+Wed Dec 8 11:46:26 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (string_content): get rid of segfault at empty evstr.
+ fixed: [ruby-dev:25113]
+Wed Dec 8 03:26:51 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_bio.c (ossl_obj2bio): should not use fptr->f.
+ [ruby-dev:25101]
+Wed Dec 8 03:26:41 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * runruby.rb: prepend LIBRUBY_SO to LD_PRELOAD as well as rubytest.rb.
+Wed Dec 8 01:35:44 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (is_socket): reorder of function definitions.
+Wed Dec 8 00:44:31 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (pipe_open): win32 bidirectional pipe support.
+ * win32/win32.[ch] (rb_w32_pipe_exec): ditto.
+ * win32/win32.[ch] (socketpair): new function. POSIX socketpair
+ emulation.
+ * win32/win32.c (socketpair_internal): ditto.
+Wed Dec 8 00:25:07 2004 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rss/test_version.rb: added version check test.
+ [ruby-dev:25053]
+Tue Dec 7 15:40:38 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (io_fwrite): avoid context switch before writing to stderr.
+ [ruby-dev:25080]
+ * rubyio.h: refine deprecated declaration.
+ *, file.c, io.c: remove useless check: fseeko, etc.
+Tue Dec 7 13:42:07 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * dir.c (dir_s_mkdir): win32 special processing doesn't need any
+ longer.
+ * win32/win32.[ch] (rb_w32_mkdir): new function. POSIX.1 compatible
+ interface.
+ * win32/win32.[ch] (rb_w32_rmdir): new function.
+Tue Dec 7 00:27:37 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * process.c (proc_setgroups): [ruby-dev:25081]
+Mon Dec 6 23:07:57 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * check -lsocket for socketpair and shutdown.
+ reported by Ville Mattila. [ruby-core:03903]
+Mon Dec 6 23:00:45 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * (ac_cv_sizeof_rlim_t): setup for DJGPP.
+ * io.c (is_socket, shutdown): define dummy macros for DJGPP.
+ * process.c: use SIZEOF_RLIM_T instead of HAVE_RLIM_T for DJGPP.
+Mon Dec 6 21:19:40 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (is_socket): fix typos. [ruby-core:03900]
+Mon Dec 6 20:13:28 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (is_socket): new function.
+ * io.c (rb_io_close_read, rb_io_close_write): use is_socket().
+ * io.c (rb_io_fptr_finalize): need to check fptr->f before calling
+ rb_io_fptr_cleanup().
+ * io.c (pipe_open): win32 pipe support (experimental).
+ * win32/win32.[ch] (rb_w32_pipe_exec): return file descriptors
+ instead of FILE structure objects.
+ * win32/win32.[ch] (rb_w32_is_socket): new function.
+Mon Dec 6 19:40:40 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * (.y.c): simplify the rule.
+Mon Dec 6 18:08:10 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_eqq): document fix. [ruby-talk:122541]
+Mon Dec 6 17:49:30 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * eval.c (run_trap_eval): add prototype for Microsoft compiler.
+Mon Dec 6 17:32:38 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * rubyio.h, intern.h, io.c, file.c, process.c, ext/socket/socket.c,
+ ext/pty/pty.c, ext/io/wait/wait.c, ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c:
+ Use own buffering mechanism instead of stdio. [ruby-dev:25056]
+ * io.c, ext/stringio/stringio.c, test/ruby/ut_eof.rb:
+ EOF flag removed.
+Mon Dec 6 17:15:17 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/socket/test_socket.rb (TestBasicSocket#test_setsockopt):
+ BasicSocket#setsockopt dumps core. [ruby-dev:25039]
+ * test/socket/test_tcp.rb (TestTCPSocket#test_recvfrom):
+ TCPSocket#recvfrom dumps core. [ruby-dev:24705]
+ * test/socket/test_udp.rb (TestUDPSocket#test_connect):
+ UDPSocket#connect dumps core. [ruby-dev:25045]
+ * test/socket/test_udp.rb (TestUDPSocket#test_bind):
+ UDPSocket#bind dumps core. [ruby-dev:25057]
+Mon Dec 6 09:59:23 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (io_fread): take VALUE argument.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_connect): use rb_str_new4().
+ [ruby-dev:25052]
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): [ruby-dev:25051]
+Mon Dec 6 01:32:31 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_rsa.c (ossl_rsa_public_encrypt,
+ ossl_rsa_public_decrypt, ossl_rsa_private_encrypt,
+ ossl_rsa_private_decrypt): should take an optional argument
+ to specify padding mode. [ruby-talk:122539]
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_rsa.c (Init_ossl_rsa): add new constants
+ under OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.
+ * test/openssl/test_pkey_rsa.rb: new file.
+Sun Dec 5 19:39:17 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser::Completion#complete): new parameter
+ to direct case insensitiveness.
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser#order!): ignore case only for long
+ option. [ruby-dev:25048]
+Sun Dec 5 00:54:32 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * mkconfig.rb: setup library paths before requiring library.
+ [ruby-core:03892]
+Sat Dec 4 22:54:15 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (io_write): remove rb_str_locktmp(). [ruby-dev:25050]
+ * io.c (io_fwrite): takes VALUE string as an argument.
+ [ruby-dev:25050]
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_connect): remove rb_str_locktmp().
+ [ruby-dev:25050]
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (udp_connect): [ruby-dev:25045]
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (udp_bind): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (udp_send): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (bsock_send): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (s_recvfrom): ditto.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_hash): should provide "hash" method where "eql?"
+ is redefined. [ruby-talk:122482]
+Sat Dec 4 21:29:05 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: (In previous commit) new method chown.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: (In previous commit) new method chown_R.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: (In previous commit) new method chmod_R
+ wrongly added. Removed now.
+Sat Dec 4 20:45:52 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (mkdir, mkdir_p): should chmod explicitly.
+ [ruby-core:03881]
+Sat Dec 4 18:54:09 2004 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb: removed empty lines from output.
+Sat Dec 4 18:49:09 2004 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb (RSS::VERSION): 0.1.1 -> 0.1.2
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb: #item=/#set_item and so on are obsolete.
+Sat Dec 4 14:28:56 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/code_objects.rb (RDoc::Context::Section::set_comment):
+ Section comments may now be bracketed by lines which are
+ ignored. You can now write
+ # -----------
+ # :section: Dave's Section
+ # comment material
+ # -----------
+ The lines before :section: are removed, and identical lines at the end are
+ also removed if present.
+Sat Dec 4 00:35:08 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (bsock_setsockopt): [ruby-dev:25039]
+Fri Dec 3 12:25:21 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * st.h: fix prototype for C++.
+Fri Dec 3 01:55:24 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: widget configuration by TkWindow#method_missing
+ returns proper object. "widget.option = val" returns val, and
+ "widget.option(val)" returns self.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/font.rb: TkFont#replace accepts only one font argument.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/radiobutton.rb: add TkRadiobutton#value and
+ TkRadiobutton#value=(val).
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/spinbox.rb: callback substitution support on
+ command option.
+ * ext/tk/sample/demos-en/widget: bug fix (wrong image height)
+ * ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/widget: ditto.
+Fri Dec 3 00:21:05 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (proc_invoke): prepare to pass a block from "call" method
+ to a Proc generated by Method#to_proc. [ruby-dev:25031]
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): actually passes a block given to "call".
+ * object.c (convert_type): use rb_respond_to() again. this fix is
+ based on [ruby-dev:25021]
+ * eval.c (rb_respond_to): funcall respond_to? if it's redefined.
+ [ruby-dev:25021]
+Thu Dec 2 15:13:53 2004 Michael Neumann <>
+ * test/xmlrpc/test_parser.rb, test/xmlrpc/data/*.expected: Expected
+ values are now stored in YAML instead of using #inspect. This fixes
+ false hash order.
+Fri Dec 3 00:11:48 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_file_initialize): [ruby-dev:25032]
+Thu Dec 2 16:41:03 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_protect): prevent continuations created inside from being
+ called from the outside. [ruby-dev:25003]
+ * eval.c (rb_callcc, rb_cont_call): prohibit calling from different
+ signal contexts. [ruby-dev:25022]
+Thu Dec 2 10:45:02 2004 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * test/readline/test_readline.rb: fix for NetBSD.
+Thu Dec 2 09:57:24 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/ostruct.rb (OpenStruct::Marshaler): OpenStruct can be
+ marshaled again. [ruby-core:03862]
+Thu Dec 2 09:30:58 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (thread_mark): mark thread group. [ruby-dev:25020]
+ * eval.c (thgroup_add): check whether the argument is really a Thread.
+Thu Dec 2 07:57:16 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_ctl): [ruby-dev:25019]
+Wed Dec 1 06:13:00 2004 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf.c: add constant NKF::VERSION
+ * ext/nkf/nkf.c(guess): this becomes an alias of guess2
+ * ext/nkf/test.rb: add --no-cp932
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c: original nkf2 revision 1.47
+Wed Dec 1 02:21:02 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * signal.c (sighandler): call handler immediately only for default
+ handlers. [ruby-dev:25003]
+Tue Nov 30 23:49:12 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (pipe_open): errno should be preserved for rb_sys_fail() when
+ fork failed.
+Tue Nov 30 16:18:50 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (io_fread): need not to null terminate. [ruby-dev:24998]
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): should check previous frame for ZSUPER.
+ * io.c (read_all): remove unnecessary rb_str_resize().
+ [ruby-dev:24996]
+ * io.c (io_readpartial): ditto.
+ * io.c (io_read): ditto.
+Tue Nov 30 14:58:33 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * instruby.rb (install): add arguments explicitly to "super".
+Tue Nov 30 00:49:08 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (PUSH_FRAME): flags should have been initialized.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): [ruby-core:03856]
+ * io.c (rb_io_sysread): use temporary lock. [ruby-dev:24992]
+Tue Nov 30 00:12:57 2004 Kazuo Saito <>
+ * regparse.c: now handles many alternatives (over 500000)
+ in regexp. [ruby-dev:24773]
+Mon Nov 29 16:06:04 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_write): insufficiently filled string
+ being extended when overwriting. [ruby-core:03836]
+Mon Nov 29 15:59:05 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/ostruct.rb (OpenStruct::method_missing): check method
+ duplication for -d.
+ * lib/ostruct.rb (OpenStruct::initialize): ditto.
+Mon Nov 29 15:22:28 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/io/nonblock/test_flush.rb: abandon tests when io/nonblock is
+ not supported.
+Mon Nov 29 13:37:54 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (fptr_finalize): must not use FILE after fclose().
+ [ruby-dev:24985]
+Mon Nov 29 13:13:13 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (CreateChild): push back the last space before next
+ loop because CharNext() eats it.
+Mon Nov 29 03:08:30 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (convert_type): [ruby-core:03845]
+ * eval.c (rb_funcall_rescue): new function.
+ * object.c (rb_Array): avoid using rb_respond_to().
+ * object.c (rb_Integer): ditto.
+ * eval.c (get_backtrace): no conversion for nil.
+ * parse.y (reduce_nodes): empty body should return nil.
+Mon Nov 29 01:18:18 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_check_writable): call io_seek regardless of
+ NEED_IO_SEEK_BETWEEN_RW. [ruby-dev:24986]
+Sun Nov 28 15:57:58 2004 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb (RSS::Element#tag): not use block_given? for
+ working with ruby 1.6 again.
+ * lib/rss/{0.9,2.0,trackback}.rb, lib/rss/maker/base.rb:
+ undef -> remove_method for working with ruby 1.6 again.
+Sun Nov 28 15:51:40 2004 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb (RSS::NotSetError): added.
+ * lib/rss/maker/{1.0,0.9,2.0}.rb: changed RSS Maker to raise
+ RSS::NotSetError if required values of are not
+ set. [ruby-talk:120061]
+ * test/rss/test_maker_{1.0,0.9,2.0}.rb: changed tests to check RSS
+ Maker raises or not.
+Sun Nov 28 12:14:47 2004 Kazuo Saito <>
+ * regparse.c (fetch_token): fixed test failure on HP-UX ia64
+ ([ruby-dev:24859]).
+Sun Nov 28 12:08:15 2004 Kazuo Saito <>
+ * regparse.c, test/ruby/test_regexp.rb: fixed problem with UTF-8
+ characters that have U+00FE or invalid characters.
+Sun Nov 28 12:07:04 2004 Kazuo Saito <>
+ * regexec.c, test/ruby/test_regexp.rb: fixed segmentation fault
+ ([ruby-dev:24887]).
+Sun Nov 28 12:05:48 2004 Kazuo Saito <>
+ * regcomp.c, regint.h: fixed PLATFORM_UNALIGNED_WORD_ACCESS
+ problem ([ruby-dev:24802] and [ruby-core:3733])
+Sat Nov 27 23:43:39 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_initialize): [ruby-dev:24972]
+Sat Nov 27 21:43:39 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c: avoid data lost with nonblocking fd and
+ stdio buffering in sync mode. [ruby-dev:24966]
+ based on matz's patch [ruby-dev:24967]
+ (io_fwrite): new primitive writing function which writes
+ directly if sync mode.
+ (rb_io_fwrite): wrapper for io_fwrite now.
+ (io_write): call io_fwrite instead of rb_io_fwrite.
+Sat Nov 27 17:43:21 2004 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/{0.9,1.0,2.0,trackback,xml-stylesheet}.rb: added
+ #setup_maker.
+ * test/rss/test_setup_maker_*.rb: added tests for #setup_maker.
+ * lib/rss/maker/base.rb(RSS::Maker::Items#max_size=): supported
+ output item size limitation.
+ * sample/rss/blend.rb: added sample for RSS Maker.
+Sat Nov 27 17:41:35 2004 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/maker/0.9.rb: supported RSS::Maker.make("0.91"). Now,
+ "0.9" is just alias of "0.91."
+ * test/rss/test_maker_0.9.rb: make("0.9") -> maker("0.91").
+ * test/rss/test_to_s.rb: ditto.
+Sat Nov 27 17:21:30 2004 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * sample/rss/list_description.rb: untabified.
+ * sample/rss/rss_recent.rb: ditto.
+Sat Nov 27 14:44:15 2004 Kent Sibilev <>
+ * lib/cgi/session.rb (CGI::Session::initialize): [ruby-core:03832]
+Sat Nov 27 09:41:21 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (io_fread): old rb_io_fread with file closing checking.
+ (rb_io_fread): wrapper for io_fread now.
+ [ruby-dev:24964]
+Fri Nov 26 18:02:44 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: Tk.destroy uses TkWindow#epath
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/image.rb: bug fix
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/wm.rb: add 'iconphoto' method(Windows only)
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/*: some methods uses TkWindow#epath
+Fri Nov 26 14:29:39 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_initialize): uninitialized fd was checked to see open
+ mode. [ruby-dev:24963]
+ * io.c (rb_io_initialize): uninitialized fd was used. [ruby-dev:24962]
+Fri Nov 26 13:49:06 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_initialize): should retrieve flags from copying file
+ descriptor. [ruby-dev:24961]
+ * eval.c (method_missing): raise TypeError for classes do not
+ have allocators. [ruby-core:03752]
+ * lib/erb.rb: add RDoc by James Edward Gray II. [ruby-core:03786]
+Fri Nov 26 13:29:02 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_rb.rb (RDoc::RubyParser::look_for_directives_in): Break
+ out of preprocessing when we find a :section: directive (previously cleared out the
+ comment, but this apparently now generates an error in gsub!)
+Fri Nov 26 00:17:40 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (io_read): move StringValue() check before GetOpenFile().
+ [ruby-dev:24959]
+Thu Nov 25 20:14:57 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/thwait.rb (ThreadsWait#join_nowait): abnormally terminated
+ threads should be also processed. [ruby-talk:121320]
+Thu Nov 25 18:06:37 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(rlim_t) to include stdio.h to fix
+ problem with autoconf 2.52 or earlier.
+ revert AC_PREREQ to 2.50.
+ [ruby-core:3809]
+Thu Nov 25 07:59:41 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * AC_PREREQ(2.53) [ruby-core:03800]
+ * io.c (read_all): stringify non-nil buffer argument, and always
+ taint the result. [ruby-dev:24955]
+Wed Nov 24 01:01:31 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (io_read): integer conversion should be prior to
+ GetOpenFile(). [ruby-dev:24952]
+ *, io.c: cancel [ ruby-Patches-1074 ].
+Tue Nov 23 08:09:50 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/menu.rb: improve usability of TkOptionMenubutton
+Tue Nov 23 02:00:21 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_chown): integer conversion should be prior to
+ GetOpenFile(). [ruby-dev:24949]
+Tue Nov 23 00:10:48 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_chown): integer conversion should be prior to
+ GetOpenFile(). [ruby-dev:24947]
+ * file.c (rb_file_truncate): ditto.
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_truncate): ditto.
+ * dir.c (dir_seek): use NUM2OFFT().
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-non-block-do-re): [ruby-core:03719]
+Mon Nov 22 22:33:02 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_rb.rb (RDoc::parse_require): Don't use names
+ of variables or constants when parsing 'require'
+Mon Nov 22 00:13:35 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dir.c (dir_seek): should retrieve dir_data after NUM2INT().
+ [ruby-dev:24941]
+Sat Nov 20 23:57:33 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/README (et al): Add a new directive, :section:, and
+ change the output format to accommodate. :section: allows to to
+ group together methods, attributes, constants, etc under
+ headings in the output. If used, a table of contents is
+ generated.
+Sat Nov 20 23:56:54 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/options.rb (Options::parse): Force --inline-source if
+ --one-file option given
+Sat Nov 20 23:55:19 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_splice): should place index wrapping after
+ possible modification. [ruby-dev:24940]
+Sat Nov 20 23:25:12 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_getline): f.gets("") did not work. [ruby-core:03771]
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (test_gets_rs): test it.
+Sat Nov 20 22:55:09 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * test/runner.rb (CROSS_COMPILING): need to require rbconfig.rb before
+Sat Nov 20 20:42:42 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/ripper/depend: fix ripper.o dependency.
+Sat Nov 20 17:48:29 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * io.c (io_reopen): work around problem with Cygwin fseeko
+ returning ESPIPE.
+Sat Nov 20 05:34:24 2004 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c: original nkf.c rev:1.40
+ * ext/nkf/test.rb: add test for mime encode/decode
+Sat Nov 20 01:45:04 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * test/xmlrpc/test_webrick_server.rb: move `requrie "webrick/https"'
+ into #setup_http_server method to avoid soap test errors.
+Sat Nov 20 01:37:34 2004 Johan Holmberg <>
+ * eval.c (error_print): nicer traceback at interrupt.
+ [ruby-core:03774]
+Sat Nov 20 00:07:16 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_gsub): internal buffer should not be listed by
+ ObjectSpace.each_object() by String#gsub. [ruby-dev:24931]
+Fri Nov 19 22:44:43 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/test/unit/collector/dir.rb: better support for -p/-x option.
+Fri Nov 19 17:46:56 2004 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/maker/0.9.rb (RSS::Maker::RSS09::Image#have_required_values):
+ changed /rss/channel/image to be optional. [ruby-Bugs:1047]
+ * test/rss/test_maker_0.9.rb: added tests for the above.
+Fri Nov 19 17:18:17 2004 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb (RSS::VERSION): 0.1.0 -> 0.1.1.
+ * lib/rss: #to_s used #tag.
+ * test/rss/test_to_s.rb: added.
+ * lib/rss/maker.rb (RSS::Maker.make): changed API. It's not
+ received modules which is used as the second argument.
+ * lib/rss/xml-stylesheet.rb (RSS::XMLStyleSheet#alternate):
+ changed return value type which is not String but Boolean.
+ * lib/rss/2.0.rb (RSS::Rss::Channel#ttl): changed return value
+ type which is not String but Integer.
+ * lib/rss/0.9.rb (RSS::Rss::Channel): <skipDays> has <day>s and
+ <skipHours> has <hour>s.
+ * lib/rss/maker/0.9.rb (RSS::Maker::RSS09::Channel): ditto.
+ * lib/rss/0.9.rb (RSS::Rss::Channel::Item): <item> has <category>s.
+ * lib/rss/maker/2.0.rb (RSS::Maker::Rss20::Channel::Item): ditto.
+ * lib/rss/2.0.rb (RSS::Rss::Channel): <channel> has <category>s.
+ * lib/rss/maker/2.0.rb (RSS::Maker::RSS20::Channel): ditto.
+ * lib/rss/trackback.rb: parent element has <trackback:about>s.
+ * lib/rss/maker/trackback.rb: ditto.
+Fri Nov 19 11:10:16 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/test/unit/collector/dir.rb: add support for directory name
+ with -p/-x options.
+ * test/testunit/collector/test_dir.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/xmlrpc/datetime.rb (XMLRPC::DateTime#==): should use Array()
+ instead of to_a.
+Fri Nov 19 10:32:36 2004 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_s_set_completion_append_character):
+ accept nil. [ruby-core:03765]
+Fri Nov 19 01:20:22 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/cgi/session.rb (CGI::Session::FileStore::initialize): raise
+ exception if data corresponding to session specified from the
+ client does not exist.
+Fri Nov 19 00:59:31 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_gsub): internal buffer should not be listed by
+ ObjectSpace.each_object(). [ruby-dev:24919]
+Thu Nov 18 23:42:36 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/ripper/depend: Never regenerate lib/ripper/core.rb
+ automatically. [ruby-dev:24911]
+Thu Nov 18 20:47:24 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.[ch] (rb_w32_isatty): new function to replace MSVCRT's
+ isatty because it never sets errno.
+Thu Nov 18 18:41:08 2004 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/ruby/test_stringchar.rb (test_bang): added.
+ * string.c (rb_str_upcase_bang, rb_str_capitalize_bang)
+ (rb_str_swapcase_bang): missing rb_str_modify().
+Thu Nov 18 17:05:01 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (f_rest_arg): store rest args into invisible local variable
+ in order to get rid of SEGV at ZSUPER. [ruby-dev:24913]
+Thu Nov 18 15:39:52 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_f_getenv): prohibit for $SAFE=4. [ruby-dev:24908]
+Thu Nov 18 14:58:42 2004 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c: check $SAFE.
+ * test/readline/test_readline.rb: added tests for readline.
+Thu Nov 18 00:21:15 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * process.c (proc_getpgrp): prohibit for $SAFE=2.
+ [ruby-dev:24899]
+ * process.c (get_pid): ditto. [ruby-dev:24904]
+ * process.c (get_ppid): ditto.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_delete): defer rb_ary_modify() until actual
+ modification. [ruby-dev:24901]
+Thu Nov 18 10:10:14 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c, rubyio.h (rb_io_modenum_flags): exported.
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_initialize): allow Fixnum as mode as
+ well as does. [ruby-dev:24896]
+Wed Nov 17 23:47:30 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: added. [ruby-dev:24884]
+Wed Nov 17 18:59:16 2004 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * process.c (proc_getrlimit, proc_setrlimit): add rb_secure(2) to
+ methods of Process.{getrlimit,setrlimit}
+Wed Nov 17 13:56:57 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (newline_node): should not use FL_SET. [ruby-dev:24874]
+ * parse.y (string_content): should not use FL_UNSET.
+ * node.h (NODE_NEWLINE): remove unused bit to utilize flag field
+ in nodes.
+Wed Nov 17 13:05:10 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (rb_push_glob): fix overrun. [ruby-dev:24886]
+Wed Nov 17 11:48:17 2004 Michael Neumann <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc/parser.rb, test/xmlrpc/test_features.rb: fixed "assigning
+ to constants" warnings
+Wed Nov 17 09:38:18 2004 Johan Holmberg <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_initialize_m): should raise exception instead of
+ compile error. [ruby-core:03755]
+Wed Nov 17 03:42:45 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_splice): move rb_str_modify() after
+ StringValue(), which may alter the receiver. [ruby-dev:24878]
+ * error.c (rb_error_frozen): now raise RuntimeError instead of
+ TypeError.
+Tue Nov 16 21:22:47 2004 Michael Neumann <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc/server.rb (CGIServer): fixed bug when client sends
+ "Content-typ: text/xml; ..."
+Tue Nov 16 23:45:07 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_divmod): protect float values from GC by
+ assignment to local variables. [ruby-dev:24873]
+Tue Nov 16 14:31:54 2004 Michael Neumann <>
+ * test/xmlrpc/*: imported and refactored original test cases.
+ * test/xmlrpc/test_webrick_server.rb, test/xmlrpc/webrick_testing.rb:
+ added test case that starts up a WEBrick XML-RPC server and performs
+ some tests on it (both http and https servers are started).
+ * lib/xmlrpc/create.rb (XMLWriter::each_installed_writer),
+ lib/xmlrpc/parser.rb (XMLParser::each_installed_parser):
+ added methods to simply original test cases
+ * lib/xmlrpc/parser.rb, lib/xmlrpc/datetime.rb: applied patch by
+ MoonWolf <> to allow parsing datetime.iso8601
+ (e.g. 20041105T01:15:23Z).
+ * lib/xmlrpc/server.rb: fixed issue #998
+ (
+ * lib/xmlrpc/create.rb, lib/xmlrpc/utils.rb: when marshalling/loading
+ user-defined data structures, use Class#allocate instead of defining
+ an empty #initialize method. module XMLRPC::Marshallable is now only
+ used for tagging.
+ * lib/xmlrpc/.document, lib/xmlrpc/README.rdoc: added howto
+Tue Nov 16 16:26:12 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * {bcc32,win32,wince}/setup.mak (-epilogue-): remove config.h and
+ config.status to force updating them.
+Tue Nov 16 16:20:45 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_read): position was ignored when a
+ buffer was passed.
+Tue Nov 16 13:35:54 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/test/unit/autorunner.rb (Test::Unit::AutoRunner::options): add
+ new option --exclude (-x) to skip some tests. [ruby-core:3363],
+ [ruby-dev:24865]
+ * lib/test/unit/collector/dir.rb (Test::Unit::Collector::Dir.exclude):
+ ditto.
+Tue Nov 16 11:19:07 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit/autorunner.rb (Test::Unit::AutoRunner::options): use
+ Regexp conversion.
+Tue Nov 16 01:41:31 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_mod_check): frozen check should be separated.
+ [ruby-core:3742]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_update): pedantic check to detect
+ rb_ary_to_ary() to modify the receiver. [ruby-dev:24861]
+Mon Nov 15 18:58:05 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * check rlim_t more portably. [ruby-core:3735]
+Mon Nov 15 11:50:32 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-special-char-p, ruby-parse-partial): handle
+ operator symbols. [ruby-talk:120177]
+Mon Nov 15 08:58:55 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (Init_Proc): make proc as an alias to
+ [ruby-dev:24848]
+Mon Nov 15 00:46:03 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): lambda{}.call(1) should raise exception.
+ [ruby-talk:120253]
+Mon Nov 15 00:33:40 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_clear): avoid revealing NULL pointer.
+ [ruby-dev:24766]
+ * string.c (str_gsub): add paranoid check. [ruby-dev:24827]
+ * string.c (str_mod_check): check frozen status as well.
+ [ruby-dev:24801]
+Sun Nov 14 18:59:03 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (proc_getrlimit): new function for Process.getrlimit.
+ (proc_setrlimit): new function for Process.setrlimit.
+ [ruby-dev:24834]
+ * check rlim_t and its size. check setrlimit.
+ * ruby.h (NUM2ULL): new macro.
+Sun Nov 14 13:27:03 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/pp.rb (PP#object_address_group): remove odd number of 'f'
+ prefixed to negative address.
+Sun Nov 14 10:48:21 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/mathn.rb (Integer::gcd2): faster implementation by
+ <>. [ruby-talk:120232]
+Sun Nov 14 08:46:33 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/logger/test_logger.rb: Logger just expects
+ Logger#datetime_format to be used for Time#strftime independently of
+ locale. [ruby-dev:24828]
+Fri Nov 12 17:32:07 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * bcc32/README.bcc32, win32/README.win32: need bison instead of
+ byacc.
+Fri Nov 12 15:15:06 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_options): now we cannot call rb_glob() before
+ ruby_init(), so call rb_w32_cmdvector() at ruby_options().
+ * win32/win32.{c,h} (rb_w32_cmdvector): rename make_cmdvector() and
+ export it.
+Fri Nov 12 14:08:01 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/event.rb: remove $LOADED_FEATURES trick
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: ditto
+Fri Nov 12 00:31:05 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/gdbm/gdbm.c (fgdbm_store): StringValue() may alter string
+ pointer. [ruby-dev:24783]
+Thu Nov 11 17:58:19 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dir.c (rb_glob): should have called rb_glob_caller().
+ [ruby-dev:24773]
+Thu Nov 11 16:56:10 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_file.rb (test_truncate_wbuf): we want to test
+ only File#truncate, not behavior of seek(2).
+Thu Nov 11 01:52:52 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (syserr_initialize): use stringified object.
+ [ruby-dev:24768]
+Wed Nov 10 22:49:01 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb (SimpleDelegator::dup): wrong number of
+ arguments.
+ * lib/delegate.rb (DelegateClass::dup): ditto.
+Wed Nov 10 19:47:55 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): path is a string object now.
+Wed Nov 10 12:31:21 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * README.EXT (Example): extconf.rb is indispensable now.
+Wed Nov 10 03:33:36 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c: fix SEGV when compiled with Tcl/Tk8.3.x
+ or older
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/style.rb: bug fix
+Tue Nov 9 22:24:07 2004 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf: original nkf.c rev:1.38
+ * ext/nkf/nkf.c: fix bug: can't parse long-name options
+ * ext/nkf/test.rb: fix bug: mime tests fail
+Tue Nov 9 14:27:18 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser::Officious): moved from DefaultList.
+Tue Nov 9 00:50:06 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb: Change version numbering of RDoc and ri
+Tue Nov 9 01:05:04 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dir.c (rb_glob2): do not allocate buffer from heap to avoid
+ memory leaks. use string object for buffering instead.
+ [ruby-dev:24738]
+ * dir.c (join_path): ditto.
+ * io.c (io_read): external input buffer may be modified even after
+ rb_str_locktmp(). [ruby-dev:24735]
+ * dir.c (fnmatch): p or s may be NULL. [ruby-dev:24749]
+Tue Nov 9 00:36:26 2004 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/drb/extservm.rb: add DRb::ExtServManager#uri=.
+ [ruby-dev:24743]
+Mon Nov 8 22:20:19 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_rb.rb (RDoc::RubyParser::parse_class):
+ Fix bug where parent class wasn't being detected if the
+ child class was defined using the A::B notation.
+Mon Nov 8 00:14:13 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * add setup for mingw32 cross compiling.
+ [ruby-talk:119413]
+Sun Nov 7 23:49:26 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: bind-event methods accept multi substitution
+ arguments.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/canvas.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/canvastag.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/text.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/texttag.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib: ditto.
+Sat Nov 6 20:40:16 2004 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: rename WIN32OLE#ole_obj_help to
+ WIN32OLE#ole_type. alias ole_obj_help to ole_type.
+ * ext/win32ole/tests/testWIN32OLE.rb: ditto.
+Sat Nov 6 11:18:59 2004 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb (_parse): checks whether zone was given.
+Sat Nov 6 00:46:27 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_locktmp): check STR_TMPLOCK flag before
+ locking. [ruby-dev:24727]
+Fri Nov 5 19:07:16 2004 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf: follow CVS Head of original nkf.
+Fri Nov 5 18:12:42 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/scrollable.rb: divide Scrollable module into
+ X_Scrollable and Y_Scrollable
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/entry.rb: include X_Scrollable instead of Scrollable
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/autoload.rb: define autoload for X_Scrollable and
+ Y_Scrollable
+Fri Nov 5 16:05:32 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: TkComm._at() supprts both of "@x,y" and "@x"
+Fri Nov 5 13:22:58 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/text.rb: sorry. bug fix again.
+Fri Nov 5 13:17:54 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/text.rb: bug fix
+Fri Nov 5 08:52:48 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (gc_mark): stricter GC stack check.
+Fri Nov 5 08:34:43 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_gsub): should have removed rb_str_unlocktmp(str).
+ [ruby-dev:24708]
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (s_recvfrom): buffer modification check.
+ [ruby-dev:24708]
+Thu Nov 4 23:54:21 2004 Kazuo Saito <>
+ * regexec.c, regparse.c, regint.h: fixed conflicts between
+ vendor branch.
+Thu Nov 4 23:41:55 2004 Kazuo Saito <>
+ * ascii.c, euc_jp.c, oniggnu.h, oniguruma.h, regcomp.c,
+ regenc.c, regenc.h, regerror.c, regexec.c, reggnu.c,
+ regint.h, regparse.c, regparse.h, sjis.c, utf8.c:
+ imported Oni Guruma 3.4.0.
+ * parse.y, re.c: Now mbclen() takes unsigned char as
+ its argument.
+Thu Nov 4 21:25:38 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_gsub): string modify check no longer based on
+ tmplock. [ruby-dev:24706]
+Thu Nov 4 21:13:48 2004 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c(typelib_file_from_typelib): search "win16"
+ entry to get library path.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c(oletypelib_path): ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c(ole_typedesc2val): add VT_LPWSTR, VT_LPSTR,
+ VT_ERROR case.
+Thu Nov 4 15:02:14 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/variable.rb: forget to initialize instance_variables
+ of TkVarAccess objects
+Thu Nov 4 09:11:35 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (gc_mark): enable GC stack checking.
+Thu Nov 4 03:11:33 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_gsub): lock strings temporarily. [ruby-dev:24687]
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (s_recvfrom): tmplock input buffer.
+ [ruby-dev:24705]
+Wed Nov 3 22:24:17 2004 Daigo Moriwaki <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpauth/digestauth.rb: use Base64.encode64 to
+ avoid warnings.
+Wed Nov 3 17:19:59 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_uniq_bang): do not push frozen string from hash
+ table. [ruby-dev:24695]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_and): ditto.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_or): ditto.
+Wed Nov 3 17:02:48 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: support to use different Tcl commands between
+ configure and configinfo
+ * ext/tk/lib/font.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/itemconfig.rb: support to use different Tcl commands
+ between item_configure and item_configinfo
+ * ext/tk/lib/itemfont.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/extconf.rb: install SUPPORT_STATUS
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib: some bug fixes (see ext/tk/ChangeLog.tkextlib)
+Wed Nov 3 15:38:28 2004 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rss/*.rb: removed tab width configuration headers.
+ * test/rss/test_maker_{0.9,1.0}.rb: sort -> do_sort.
+ * lib/rss/maker/*.rb: changed API to RSS version independence.
+ * lib/rss/maker/base.rb
+ (RSS::Maker::XMLStyleSheets::XMLStyleSheet): checked required
+ (pseudo) attributes.
+ * lib/rss/maker/base.rb (RSS::Maker::Items): sort -> do_sort.
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb (RSS::BaseModel.install_date_element): avoided
+ warning.
+ * lib/rss/0.9.rb (RSS::Rss#textinput): added convenience method.
+Tue Nov 2 16:35:57 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/enumerator/enumerator.c (each_cons_i): pass copy of an
+ internal consequent array. [ruby-talk:118691]
+Tue Nov 2 14:54:02 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (pipe_open): need to set cmd if argc == 0 (win32).
+Tue Nov 2 01:20:09 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (pipe_open): IO.popen should take array as 1st argument for
+ a command line. [ruby-dev:24678]
+ * eval.c (proc_invoke): nail down dyna_var node when Proc object
+ or continuation is created. [ruby-dev:24671]
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_popen): do not expand argv array. [ruby-dev:24670]
+Mon Nov 1 22:25:56 2004 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/maker/base.rb: changed xml-stylesheet's API of RSS Maker
+ like to item's one.
+ * lib/rss/xml-stylesheet.rb (RSS::XMLStyleSheet#guess_type): fixed
+ regular expression bug.
+ * test/rss/test_maker_xml-stylesheet.rb: updated tests for
+ xml-stylesheet.
+Mon Nov 1 13:59:28 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (MANIFEST): do not use anymore, use extconf.rb instead.
+ * ext/enumerator/extconf.rb, ext/fcntl/extconf.rb,
+ ext/stringio/extconf.rb: added.
+ * MANIFEST, ext/**/MANIFEST: removed.
+ * README.EXT, README.EXT.ja: remove MANIFEST stuff.
+Mon Nov 1 11:52:18 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (pipe_open): avoid conflict of variable name. [ruby-dev:24662]
+Mon Nov 1 11:46:19 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * process.c (rb_f_exec): should check whether prog is NULL.
+Mon Nov 1 09:37:19 2004 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/maker.rb: added entry point of RSS Maker.
+Mon Nov 1 03:14:14 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_get_method_body): store ICLASS in the cache.
+ [ruby-core:03672]
+ * eval.c (rb_provided): should return true for loading library
+ too for autoloading. [ruby-core:03655]
+Mon Nov 1 01:14:52 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_f_open): create copy of popen specifier. [ruby-dev:24656]
+ * string.c (rb_str_locktmp): lock string temporarily.
+ * string.c (str_independent): add tmplock check.
+ * io.c (io_write): lock output string temporarily.
+ [ruby-dev:24649]
+ * io.c (io_write): use rb_str_locktmp().
+ * io.c (read_all): ditto.
+Sun Oct 31 23:37:00 2004 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * process.c: on NetBSD don't use setruid() and setrgid().
+Sun Oct 31 23:12:10 2004 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/maker/*.rb: added RSS Maker.
+ * test/rss/test_maker_*.rb: added tests for RSS Maker.
+Sun Oct 31 16:58:12 2004 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: add WIN32OLE.codepage, WIN32OLE.codepage=.
+ * ext/win32ole/tests/testWIN32OLE.rb: ditto.
+Sun Oct 31 14:35:26 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c: add "\075?UTF-8?Q?" for Gmail.
+Sun Oct 31 14:18:56 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * parse.y [ripper]: emit lexer-event values to the parser
+ (still incomplete).
+Sat Oct 30 15:24:41 2004 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: add WIN32OLE_TYPELIB class. add
+ WIN32OLE#ole_typelib method.
+ * ext/win32ole/tests/testOLETYPELIB.rb: add WIN32OLE_TYPELIB class.
+Sat Oct 30 06:53:24 2004 Peter Vanbroekhoven <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): NODE_XSTR should pass copy of literal string.
+Sat Oct 30 00:19:40 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_update): a[n,m]=nil no longer works as element
+ deletion.
+ * enum.c (enum_sort_by): protect continuation jump in.
+ [ruby-dev:24642]
+ * eval.c (rb_eval), gc.c (gc_mark_children), node.h (NEW_ALIAS,
+ NEW_VALIAS), parse.y (fitem): allow dynamic symbols to
+Fri Oct 29 21:27:51 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_check_initialized): new function to check uninitialized
+ object. [ruby-talk:118234]
+ * file.c (rb_file_path), io.c (rb_io_closed): check if initialized.
+Fri Oct 29 19:05:33 2004 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf: follow nkf2.0.
+Fri Oct 29 17:18:22 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * parse.y (ripper_s_allocate): add prototype for Microsoft compiler.
+ * range.c (range_step, range_each): need cast.
+Fri Oct 29 16:34:19 2004 Daiki Ueno <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-parse-partial): Parse the rest of the
+ line after opening heredoc identifier. [ruby-dev:24635]
+Fri Oct 29 11:35:04 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (rb_parser_append_print, rb_parser_while_loop): body node
+ can be empty. [ruby-dev:24628]
+Fri Oct 29 10:00:30 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_start_0): forget to free some memory chunks.
+ [ruby-core:03611]
+ * eval.c (ruby_cleanup): ruby_finalize_1 may cause exception,
+ should be wrapped by PUSH_TAG/POP_TAG(). [ruby-dev:24627]
+Thu Oct 28 08:42:02 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (argf_forward): use ANSI style.
+ (argf_read): call argf_forward with argv argument.
+ [ruby-dev:24624]
+Wed Oct 27 09:17:30 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (str_gsub): use a string object for exception safeness.
+ [ruby-dev:24601]
+Wed Oct 27 07:38:55 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * node.h (NODE_TYPESHIFT): allow 4 more bits for line numbers.
+ [ruby-talk:117841]
+ * ruby.h (FL_ABLE): nodes are not subject for flag operations.
+ * io.c (ARGF_FORWARD): should have specified argv explicitly,
+ since we no longer have frame->argv saved. [ruby-dev:24602]
+Tue Oct 26 23:30:39 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/code_objects.rb (RDoc::Context::add_class_or_module):
+ Restore correct :nopdoc: behavior with nested classes and modules.
+Tue Oct 26 18:21:29 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (RESIZE_CAPA): check string attribute before modifying
+ capacity member of string structure. [ruby-dev:24594]
+Tue Oct 26 11:33:26 2004 David G. Andersen <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (gzreader_gets): use memchr() to to gain
+ performance. [ruby-talk:117701]
+Tue Oct 26 10:56:55 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_f_sprintf): raise ArgumentError for extra
+ arguments, unless (digit)$ style used.
+Mon Oct 25 18:35:39 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * win32/win32.c (isUNCRoot): should check NUL after '.'.
+ [ruby-dev:24590]
+ * win32/win32.c (isUNCRoot): fixed buffer overrun.
+Mon Oct 25 08:03:26 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (get_backtrace): ignore illegal backtrace. [ruby-dev:24587]
+Sun Oct 24 00:40:50 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_load, search_required, rb_require_safe, rb_require): use
+ frozen shared string to avoid outside modification. [ruby-dev:24580]
+Sat Oct 23 23:40:34 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_fptr_finalize): leave stdin/stdout/stderr open in
+ interpreter termination. [ruby-dev:24579]
+Sat Oct 23 22:18:32 2004 Guy Decoux <>
+ * eval.c (frame_free): Guy Decoux solved the leak problem.
+ Thanks. [ruby-core:03549]
+Sat Oct 23 00:20:55 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (zstream_append_input): clear klass for z->input
+ to avoid potential vulnerability.
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (zstream_run): always use zstream_append_input()
+ to avoid SEGV. [ruby-dev:24568]
+Fri Oct 22 12:02:28 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_alias): was warning for wrong condition.
+ [ruby-dev:24565]
+Fri Oct 22 10:36:37 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/httprequest.rb (WEBrick::HTTPRequest#meta_vars):
+ should check if path_info is not nil.
+Fri Oct 22 00:22:31 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (zstream_shift_buffer): should restore class
+ field of a buffer. [ruby-dev:24562]
+Fri Oct 22 00:20:33 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_include): should not treat char as negative value.
+ [ruby-dev:24558]
+Thu Oct 21 21:32:30 2004 IWATSUKI Hiroyuki <>
+ * lib/pstore.rb (PStore#transaction): Use the empty content when a
+ file is not found. [ruby-dev:24561]
+Thu Oct 21 19:06:15 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb (WEBrick::HTTPResponse#send_body_io):
+ ensure to close @body. (
+Thu Oct 21 13:11:31 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * io.c (pipe_open): variable name "fpw" is conflicted.
+Thu Oct 21 00:36:41 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_alias): should warn on method discarding.
+ [ruby-dev:24546]
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (zstream_expand_buffer_into): hide internal
+ string buffer by clearing klass. [ruby-dev:24548]
+ * parse.y (lex_getline): should not touch ruby_debug_lines if
+ RIPPER is defined. [ruby-dev:24547]
+Wed Oct 20 19:45:13 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_gsub): reentrant check. [ruby-dev:24432]
+Wed Oct 20 12:42:53 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_getline): rs modification check should not interfere
+ in the loop.
+Wed Oct 20 10:31:33 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (lex_getline): should update ruby_debug_lines.
+Wed Oct 20 04:17:55 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c (fdbm_delete_if): should check if deleting element
+ is a string. [ruby-dev:24490]
+ * ext/sdbm/init.c (fsdbm_delete_if): ditto.
+Wed Oct 20 01:37:18 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_times): Array#* should return an instance of
+ the class of right operand. [ruby-dev:24526]
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (zstream_detach_buffer): should not expose
+ class-less object to Ruby world. [ruby-dev:24530]
+ * eval.c (proc_dup): provide Proc#dup as well. [ruby-talk:116915]
+ * eval.c (ruby_exec): stack marking position may be higher than
+ expected. thanks to Guy Decoux. [ruby-core:03527]
+Wed Oct 20 00:25:41 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (search_required): required name must not be changed before
+ loading. [ruby-dev:24492]
+Tue Oct 19 23:59:46 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_require_safe): provide the feature after loaded.
+ [ruby-list:40085]
+Tue Oct 19 22:43:12 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_rb.rb (RDoc::RubyParser::parse_attr): If
+ we come across 'attr' in a context where it isn't
+ followed by a symbol, just issue a warning.
+Tue Oct 19 20:32:50 2004 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole.c(ole_invoke): retrieve the result value when
+ retrying the IDispatch::invoke.
+Tue Oct 19 17:24:11 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (read_all): block string buffer modification during
+ rb_io_fread() by freezing it temporarily. [ruby-dev:24479]
+ * dir.c (rb_push_glob): block call at once the end of method.
+ [ruby-dev:24487]
+ * ext/enumerator/enumerator.c (enum_each_slice): remove
+ rb_gc_force_recycle() to prevent potential SEGV.
+ [ruby-dev:24499]
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (zstream_expand_buffer): hide internal string
+ buffer by clearing klass. [ruby-dev:24510]
+Tue Oct 19 08:47:21 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_upto): method result must be checked. [ruby-dev:24504]
+ * eval.c (error_print): ditto. [ruby-dev:24519]
+Mon Oct 18 23:37:05 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): check inheritance by the internal function.
+ [ruby-dev:24515]
+Mon Oct 18 11:29:32 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_flags_mode, rb_io_mode_flags): distinguish whether file
+ not existing is created. [ruby-dev:24505]
+Mon Oct 18 07:26:21 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_truncate): discard read buffer before truncation.
+ [ruby-dev:24197]
+Mon Oct 18 01:56:03 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/httprequest.rb (WEBrick::HTTPRequest#initialize):
+ initial value of accpet-* should be array.
+Mon Oct 18 00:42:45 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_getservbyaname): protocol string
+ might be altered. [ruby-dev:24503]
+ * string.c (rb_str_upto): check if return value from succ is a
+ string. [ruby-dev:24504]
+Sun Oct 17 23:03:48 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/timer.rb: TkTimer#start and restart accept a block
+Sun Oct 17 12:53:46 2004 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (fole_func_methods): correct argument mismatch.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (fole_get_methods): ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (fole_put_methods): ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/tests/testWIN32OLE.rb: add test for WIN32OLE#ole_func_methods
+ WIN32OLE#ole_get_methods, WIN32OLE#ole_put_methods
+Sat Oct 16 14:45:28 2004 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/0.9.rb (RSS::Rss#to_s): removed garbage.
+Sat Oct 16 13:42:49 2004 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/: untabified.
+ * test/rss/: untabified.
+ * lib/rss/0.9.rb (RSS::Rss#to_s): inent -> indent.
+Sat Oct 16 13:34:56 2004 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss: supported prety print.
+ * test/rss/test_1.0.rb: added test for calculating default indent size.
+Sat Oct 16 10:56:36 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): install-rb is needed for statically
+ linked extensions. [ruby-dev:24491]
+Fri Oct 15 18:07:08 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509store.c
+ (ossl_x509stctx_initialize): setup OpenSSL::X509::StoreContext with
+ ossl_x509stctx_* functions instead of X509_STORE_CTX_*.
+ (ossl_x509store_set_time): add OpenSSL::X509::Store#time=.
+ (ossl_x509stctx_set_time): add OpenSSL::X509::StoreContext#time=.
+ * test/openssl/ossl_x509store.rb: test certificate validity times.
+Fri Oct 15 18:04:35 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/timer.rb:, loop){ ... } is
+ acceptable. Add TkTimer.start ( == new + start ).
+Fri Oct 15 12:43:09 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * eval.c (Init_stack): make prototype declaration consistent with
+ the definition in gc.c.
+Thu Oct 14 13:33:59 2004 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb: added link to Tutorial.
+Tue Oct 12 21:22:50 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/config.rb:
+ add WEBrick::Config::FileHandler[:AcceptableLanguages].
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb
+ (WEBrick::HTTPServlet::FileHandler#set_filename): search files
+ having suffix of language-name which Accept-Language header field
+ includes if :AcceptableLanguages options is present.
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb
+ (WEBrick::HTTPServlet::FileHandler#get_servlet): new method to
+ search servlet correspond to the suffix of filename.
+ * lib/webrick/httprequest.rb: add attributes access methods: accept,
+ accept_charset, accept_encoding, accept_language, content_length
+ and content_type.
+ * lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb: add attribute access methods:
+ content_length, content_length=, content_type and content_type=.
+ * lib/webrick/httputils.rb (WEBrick::HTTPUtils.mime_types):
+ use the second suffix to detect media type. (the first suffix
+ may be a language name.)
+ * lib/webrick/httputils.rb (WEBrick::HTTPUtils.parse_qvalues):
+ add method to parse Accept header field. it returns an Array of
+ values sorted by the qvalues.
+Tue Oct 12 15:05:32 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * io.c (MODE_BINMODE, MODE_BINARY): fixed reversed condition.
+Mon Oct 11 17:51:34 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_popen): get mode string via rb_io_flags_mode() to
+ avoid mode string modification. [ruby-dev:24454]
+ * io.c (rb_io_getline_fast): should take delim as unsigned char to
+ distinguish EOF and '\377'. [ruby-dev:24460]
+ * io.c (rb_io_getline): add check for RS modification.
+ [ruby-dev:24461]
+ * enum.c (enum_sort_by): use qsort() directly instead using
+ rb_iterate(). [ruby-dev:24462]
+ * enum.c (enum_each_with_index): remove rb_gc_force_recycle() to
+ prevent access to recycled object (via continuation for
+ example). [ruby-dev:24463]
+Mon Oct 11 13:48:20 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/*: untabify
+Sun Oct 10 12:32:08 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_rb.rb (RDoc::parse_require): Allow 'require'
+ to be used as a variable name
+Sun Oct 10 02:49:14 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper/filter.rb: require ripper/tokenizer.
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper/filter.rb (parse): argument is optional.
+Sun Oct 10 02:43:13 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * parse.y [ripper]: \n between two comments disappeared.
+Sat Oct 9 21:23:37 2004 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/converter.rb: changed to try to use Iconv for default
+ conversion.
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb: 0.0.9 -> 0.1.0.
+Sat Oct 9 19:50:36 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_getline): should not treat char as negative value.
+ [ruby-dev:24460]
+Sat Oct 9 00:25:39 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_fread): rb_thread_wait_fd() was lost.
+ [ruby-dev:24457]
+Fri Oct 8 21:36:56 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (fu_traverse): return value of Dir.entries is
+ reliable. (pass $SAFE=1)
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (remove_dir): return value of Dir.foreach is
+ reliable. (pass $SAFE=1)
+Fri Oct 8 09:49:32 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): pointer modification check before each
+ iteration. [ruby-dev:24445]
+Fri Oct 8 01:13:05 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/optiondb.rb: make it more secure
+Thu Oct 7 23:47:57 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/scrollbar.rb: When 'set' operation, a scrollbar
+ cannot propagate view port information from the source widget
+ (that calls 'set') to other assigned widgets.
+Thu Oct 7 17:36:25 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: When CHILDKILLED and so on, Tk.errorCode returns
+ a Fixnum for 2nd element (it's pid) of the return value.
+Thu Oct 7 12:55:04 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (io_read): should freeze buffer before thread context
+ switch. [ruby-dev:24442]
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): string conversion should at the top of the
+ method. [ruby-dev:24439]
+ * io.c (io_read): buffer should be frozen only after the length
+ check. [ruby-dev:24440]
+Thu Oct 7 02:56:43 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c: use FMODE_APPEND.
+Thu Oct 7 01:05:33 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: add Tk.errorInfo and Tk.errorCode
+Thu Oct 7 00:08:37 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_sysopen): preserve path in the buffer allocated by
+ ALLOCA_N() to prevent modification. [ruby-dev:24438]
+Wed Oct 6 09:21:00 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_mode_flags): preserve append mode flag.
+ [ruby-dev:24436]
+ * io.c (rb_io_modenum_mode): do not use external output buffer.
+ * string.c (rb_str_justify): differ pointer retrieval to prevent
+ padding string modification. [ruby-dev:24434]
+ * range.c (range_each_func): allow func to terminate loop by
+ returning RANGE_EACH_BREAK.
+ * range.c (member_i): use RANGE_EACH_BREAK. [ruby-talk:114959]
+Tue Oct 5 09:53:22 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_fopen): mode string copy at the lowest level.
+ * io.c (rb_io_flags_mode): requires output buffer no more. no
+ allocation needed.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_index): takes a block to compare items in an
+ array. [ruby-talk:113069] [Ruby2]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_rindex): ditto.
+Mon Oct 4 14:03:40 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_file_open_internal, rb_io_reopen): fname might be altered
+ while GC. [ruby-dev:24408]
+Mon Oct 4 12:53:45 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/optiondb.rb: support definition of command
+ resources on widgets
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/image.rb: bug fix
+Sun Oct 3 21:16:05 2004 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (TEXT_REGEXP): allow 8-bit characters for the german
+ version of Microsoft Exchange Server.
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (RTEXT_REGEXP): ditto.
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (CTEXT_REGEXP): ditto.
+Sat Oct 2 20:34:05 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (local_vars): moved to struct parser_params.
+ [ruby-dev:24391]
+ * parser.y (stmts): remove suspicious NODE_BEGIN. [ruby-dev:24390]
+ * node.h (NEW_DVAR): extra semicolon.
+Sat Oct 2 00:42:20 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (r_byte): retrieve pointer from string value for each
+ time. [ruby-dev:24404]
+ * marshal.c (r_bytes0): ditto.
+ * enum.c (sort_by_i): re-entrance check added. [ruby-dev:24399]
+ * io.c (io_read): should freeze all reading buffer.
+ [ruby-dev:24400]
+ * string.c (rb_str_sum): should use bignums when bits is greater
+ than or equals to sizeof(long)*CHAR_BITS. [ruby-dev:24395]
+ * eval.c (specific_eval): defer pointer retrieval to prevent
+ unsafe sourcefile string modification. [ruby-dev:24382]
+ * string.c (rb_str_sum): wrong cast caused wrong result.
+ [ruby-dev:24385]
+ * enum.c (enum_sort_by): hide temporary array from
+ ObjectSpace.each_object. [ruby-dev:24386]
+ * string.c (rb_str_sum): check was done with false pointer.
+ [ruby-dev:24383]
+ * string.c (rb_str_sum): string may be altered. [ruby-dev:24381]
+Fri Oct 1 11:40:14 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_eval): defer pointer retrieval to prevent unsafe
+ sourcefile string modification. [ruby-dev:24373]
+ * io.c (io_read): block string buffer modification during
+ rb_io_fread() by freezing it temporarily. [ruby-dev:24366]
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_popen): mode argument may be altered.
+ [ruby-dev:24375]
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_basename): ext argument may be altered.
+ [ruby-dev:24377]
+ * enum.c (enum_sort_by): use NODE instead of 2 element arrays.
+ [ruby-dev:24378]
+ * string.c (rb_str_chomp_bang): StringValue() may change the
+ receiver. [ruby-dev:24371]
+Fri Oct 1 11:25:20 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/grid.rb: revive TkGrid.grid
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/pack.rb: revive TkPack.pack
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/place.rb: revive
+Thu Sep 30 00:50:44 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c (ip_init): bug fix
+ * ext/tk/tkutil.c (get_eval_string_core): accept a Regexp object
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: fix bug on 'exit' operation
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/text.rb: 'tksearch' accepts a Regexp object as a
+ matting pattern argument
+Wed Sep 29 10:58:07 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enum.c (sort_by_i): internally used object must not be changed
+ outside. [ruby-dev:24368]
+Mon Sep 27 21:25:12 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): invoke finalizers periodically.
+ * gc.c (gc_sweep): defer running finalizers. [ruby-dev:24354]
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_finalize_deferred): run deferred finalizers.
+Mon Sep 27 15:01:59 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * parse.y [ripper]: missing ';'.
+Mon Sep 27 13:46:45 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * intern.h, struct.c (rb_struct_s_members, rb_struct_members): public
+ accessors. [ruby-dev:24342]
+ * marshal.c (w_object, r_object0): use accessors.
+Mon Sep 27 09:14:03 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_delete): comparison may change the capacity.
+ [ruby-dev:24348]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_fill): fill should honor length argument.
+ [ruby-dev:24346]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_replace): should not use ptr from shared array.
+ [ruby-dev:24345]
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (s_accept): don't retry for EWOULDBLOCK.
+ [ruby-talk:113807]
+Sun Sep 26 08:05:10 2004 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb: provides {Time,Date,DateTime}#to_{time,date,datetime}.
+ * sample/cal.rb: uses getoptlong instead of getopts.
+Sat Sep 25 18:39:22 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (flatten): element size might change during comparison.
+ [ruby-dev:24343]
+Sat Sep 25 01:52:49 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_s_members): wrong call of struct_members.
+ [ruby-dev:24333]
+Fri Sep 24 16:09:42 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (proc_invoke): propagate DVAR_DONT_RECYCLE on termination
+ to avoid double call to rb_gc_force_recycle(). [ruby-dev:24311]
+Fri Sep 24 08:29:45 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (rb_parser_append_print): should handle prelude.
+ [llama@u01.gate0]
+ * parse.y (rb_parser_while_loop): ditto.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_subseq): original object might be modified after
+ sharing data creation. [ruby-dev:24327]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_replace): ditto.
+ * array.c (ary_make_shared): freeze shared array. [ruby-dev:24325]
+ * struct.c (struct_members): always check struct size and size of
+ members list in the class. [ruby-dev:24320]
+Thu Sep 23 19:48:14 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/ripper/ removed.
+ * ext/ripper/ moved to lib/ripper/
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper/core.rb: new file.
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper/ new file.
+ * ext/ripper/tools/generate-ripper_rb.rb: change comment.
+ * test/ripper/*.rb: on__scan event removed.
+ * test/ripper/*.rb: event name is changed: on__XXX -> on_XXX.
+Thu Sep 23 09:29:14 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_sub_bang): check if string is not modified
+ during iteration. [ruby-dev:24315]
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_rehash): replace st_foreach() by its deep
+ checking counterpart. [ruby-dev:24310]
+Wed Sep 22 14:21:54 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * parse.y [ripper]: on__scan event removed.
+ * parse.y [ripper]: event name is changed: on__XXX -> on_XXX.
+ * ext/ripper/eventids2.c: ditto.
+ * ext/ripper/ ditto.
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper.rb: sync with
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper/tokenizer: ditto.
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper/filter: new file.
+ * sample/ripper/colorize.rb: new file.
+ * sample/ripper/strip-comment.rb: new file.
+Wed Sep 22 13:50:49 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (hash_alloc): was using tbl pointer without
+ initialization.
+Wed Sep 22 13:38:12 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_rehash): add iteration check. [ruby-dev:24301]
+ * st.c (st_foreach): add deep check.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_fetch): returns KeyError instead of IndexError.
+ * hash.c (env_fetch): ditto.
+Wed Sep 22 13:02:02 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_call_handler): workaround for Ctrl-C.
+Wed Sep 22 09:04:41 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y: remove global variables ruby_eval_tree and
+ ruby_eval_tree_begin.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_collect_bang): element size might change during
+ comparison. [ruby-dev:24300]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_reject_bang): ditto. [ruby-dev:24300]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_eql): ditto. [ruby-dev:24300]
+Wed Sep 22 00:11:12 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * process.c: Add documentation for fork()
+Tue Sep 21 18:29:49 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_uniq_bang): element size might change during
+ comparison. [ruby-dev:24298]
+Mon Sep 20 17:46:51 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper/tokenizer.rb: fix typo.
+Mon Sep 20 17:38:43 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/ripper/test_scanner_events.rb: tokens must be reordered.
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper/tokenizer.rb: ditto.
+Mon Sep 20 16:58:16 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * parse.y [ripper]: do not delay dispatching.
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper/tokenizer.rb: sort tokens by right order.
+Mon Sep 20 15:17:47 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper/tokenizer.rb: new file.
+Mon Sep 20 15:13:52 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/ripper/test_scanner_events.rb: test #lineno and #column.
+Mon Sep 20 14:50:17 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * parse.y [ripper]: delayed heredocument events should be
+ dispatched after EOF.
+Mon Sep 20 14:39:42 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * parse.y [ripper]: adjust lineno and columns for multi-line
+ strings.
+ * parse.y [ripper]: delay heredocument events until seeing
+ end-of-line.
+ * parse.y [ripper]: event on__heredoc_contentn ->
+ on__tstring_content.
+ * ext/ripper/eventids2.c: ditto.
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper.rb: sync with eventids2.c.
+ * test/ripper/test_scanner_events.rb: test it.
+ * ext/ripper/tools/generate-ripper_rb.rb: show basename of input.
+ * ext/ripper/ support objdir build.
+Mon Sep 20 13:22:55 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * parse.y [ripper]: remove Ripper#pos.
+ * parse.y [ripper]: Ripper#column should return the column of the
+ current token.
+Mon Sep 20 12:02:41 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * parse.y [ripper]: unify old_lex_p and token_head.
+ * test/ripper/test_scanner_events.rb: now \r\n is saved correctly.
+ * parse.y: new macro lex_goto_eol() for next change.
+Mon Sep 20 11:01:55 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * parse.y [ripper]: adjust line number for heredoc. [ruby-dev:24272]
+Mon Sep 20 04:49:22 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/ripper/ new const Ripper::PARSER_EVENT_TABLE.
+ * ext/ripper/ new const Ripper::SCANNER_EVENT_TABLE.
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper.rb: sync with
+Mon Sep 20 04:13:00 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/ripper/test_scanner_events.rb: test spaces before heredoc
+ mark.
+Mon Sep 20 03:46:54 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * parse.y [ripper]: spaces before heredoc marker was lost.
+ [ruby-dev:24272]
+ * keywords: rb_reserved_word() should be defined only in ruby
+ core. [ruby-dev:24272]
+ * lex.c: sync with keywords.
+ * ext/ripper/ (parse): fix typo.
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper.rb: sync with
+Mon Sep 20 03:37:59 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (gzfile_read_raw): call readpartial at first.
+ (Zlib::GzipReader#readpartial): new method.
+Mon Sep 20 00:24:19 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (enum_sort_by): do not use qsort directly. use
+ rb_ary_sort_bang() instead. [ruby-dev:24291]
+ * enum.c (enum_sort_by): pedantic type check added.
+ [ruby-dev:24291]
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_foreach_iter): check iter_lev after each
+ iteration. [ruby-dev:24289]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_and): element size might change during
+ comparison. [ruby-dev:24290]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_or): ditto. [ruby-dev:24292]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_equal): wrong fix. [ruby-dev:24286]
+Sat Sep 18 15:02:22 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_equal): element size might change during
+ comparison. [ruby-dev:24254]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_diff): ditto. [ruby-dev:24274]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_select): ditto. [ruby-dev:24278]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_delete): ditto. [ruby-dev:24283]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_rindex): ditto. [ruby-dev:24275]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_initialize): element size might change during
+ initializing block. [ruby-dev:24284]
+Sat Sep 18 14:10:23 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dir.c (dir_s_chdir): avoid memory leak and unnecessary chdir to
+ the original directory when exception has caused in changing
+ directory or within block. thanks to Johan Holmberg
+ <> [ruby-core:03446]
+Fri Sep 17 20:29:33 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * parse.y: add prototypes for Microsoft compiler.
+ * ext/ripper/depend (parse.obj): lex.c exists at hdrdir.
+ * {bcc32,win32,wince}/Makefile.sub (YACC, YFLAGS, parse.c):
+ use bison.
+Fri Sep 17 17:11:08 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_delete): element comparison might change array
+ size. [ruby-dev:24273]
+ * parse.y: make ruby parser reentrant. merge ripper parser to the
+ real one. this change makes ruby require bison.
+ * file.c (rb_file_truncate): clear stdio buffer before truncating
+ the file. [ruby-dev:24191]
+ * ext/digest/digest.c: use rb_obj_class() instead of CLASS_OF
+ which might return singleton class. [ruby-dev:24202]
+Fri Sep 17 16:07:09 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: improve exit operation
+Fri Sep 17 15:01:57 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c: fix SEGV when (thread_)vwait or
+ (thread_)tkwait
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: add alias wait_window to wait_destroy
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: support calling 'mainloop' on slave
+ interpreters (however, the 'real' eventloop must be run on the
+ Default Master IP)
+ * ext/tk/lib/remote-tk.rb: follow the changes of ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb
+ * ext/tk/sample/remote-ip_sample2.rb: ditto
+ * ext/tk/sample/tkoptdb-safeTk.rb: ditto
+Thu Sep 16 18:12:13 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/cgi.rb (WEBrick::CGI#start): should set REMOTE_USER
+ to request.user attribute.
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb
+ (WEBrick::HTTPServlet::FileHandler#initialize): should expand
+ the pathname of document root directory.
+Thu Sep 16 15:49:28 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_intern): protect string argument from GC.
+ [ruby-core:03411]
+Wed Sep 15 20:22:23 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/sample/tkoptdb-safeTk.rb: fix a bug depend on the changes
+ of MultiTkIp
+Tue Sep 14 23:54:11 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: MultiTkIp#eval_string was en-bugged by
+ the previous changes.
+Tue Sep 14 23:45:44 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/ri_formatter.rb (RI::TextFormatter::TextFormatter.for):
+ Add Eric Hodel's simpleformatter.
+Tue Sep 14 22:11:08 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * parse.y [ripper]: Add rdoc.
+Tue Sep 14 20:24:49 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * parse.y [ripper]: space event is on__sp, not on__lwsp.
+ [ruby-dev:24257]
+ * ext/ripper/eventids2.c: ditto.
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/ripper/depend (ripper.o): No action is needed.
+ [ruby-dev:24260]
+ * ext/ripper/depend: Borland make does not accept pipes in
+ Makefile rules. [ruby-dev:24589]
+ * ext/ripper/depend: separate rules for developers.
+ * ext/ripper/ new file.
+ * ext/ripper/MANIFEST: add
+ * ext/ripper/tools/generate-eventids1.rb: read from file, not
+ stdin.
+ * ext/ripper/extconf.rb: clean ripper.E.
+ * ext/ripper/tools/generate-ripper_rb.rb: #include ids1/ids2
+ function was lost.
+ * ext/ripper/tools/generate-ripper_rb.rb: SCANNER_EVENTS wrongly
+ contained parser events.
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper.rb: ditto.
+Tue Sep 14 16:59:37 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c: fix SEGV
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: improve safe-level handling of argument proc
+ * ext/tk/sample/multi-ip_sample.rb: rename of old 'safe-tk.rb'
+ * ext/tk/sample/safe-tk.rb: new sample script
+Mon Sep 13 21:33:40 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509name.c (ossl_x509name_to_s): add optional
+ second argument to specify the output format (see also
+ X509_NAME_print_ex).
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509name.c (ossl_x509name_init): new constants:
+ OpenSSL::X509::Name::COMPAT, OpenSSL::X509::Name::RFC2253,
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/x509.rb (OpenSSL::X509::Name::RFC2253DN):
+ new module to provide the parse for RFC2253 DN format.
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/x509.rb (OpenSSL::X509::Name.parse_rfc2253):
+ new method to parse RFC2253 DN format.
+Mon Sep 13 19:16:33 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * eval.c (blk_copy_prev): need frame_dup(). [ruby-dev:24103]
+Mon Sep 13 16:23:27 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: MultiTkIp.new_master and new_slave accept
+ safe-level value argument
+Mon Sep 13 10:48:37 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_getpid): don't need to use _getpid() on
+ mswin32 and mingw32.
+Mon Sep 13 10:22:05 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * object.c (nil_inspect): fix typo.
+Mon Sep 13 09:29:58 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/ripper/depend: (nmake hack) prepend "./" to ripper.c to
+ avoid {$(srcdir)}.
+Mon Sep 13 06:43:42 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/ripper/tools/list-parse-event-ids.rb: does not use getopts.
+ * ext/ripper/tools/list-scan-event-ids.rb: ditto.
+Mon Sep 13 02:42:28 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/Setup: add ripper.
+ * ext/Setup.atheos: ditto.
+ * ext/ ditto.
+ * ext/Setup.emx: ditto.
+ * ext/Setup.nt: ditto.
+ * ext/Setup.x68: ditto.
+Mon Sep 13 02:26:31 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/ripper: ripper extension added.
+ * ext/ripper/MANIFEST: new file.
+ * ext/ripper/README: new file.
+ * ext/ripper/depend: new file.
+ * ext/ripper/extconf.rb: new file.
+ * ext/ripper/eventids2.c: new file.
+ * ext/ripper/ new file.
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper.rb: new file.
+ * ext/ripper/test/check-event-arity.rb: new file.
+ * ext/ripper/test/ new file.
+ * ext/ripper/test/check-scanner-event-coverage.rb: new file.
+ * ext/ripper/test/list-called-events.rb: new file.
+ * ext/ripper/test/src_rb: new file.
+ * ext/ripper/test/validate.rb: new file.
+ * ext/ripper/tools/generate-eventids1.rb: new file.
+ * ext/ripper/tools/generate-param-macros.rb: new file.
+ * ext/ripper/tools/generate-ripper_rb.rb: new file.
+ * ext/ripper/tools/list-parse-event-ids.rb: new file.
+ * ext/ripper/tools/list-scan-event-ids.rb: new file.
+ * ext/ripper/tools/preproc.rb: new file.
+ * ext/ripper/tools/strip.rb: new file.
+ * test/ripper: ripper tests added.
+ * test/ripper/dummyparser.rb: new file.
+ * test/ripper/test_parser_events.rb: new file.
+ * test/ripper/test_scanner_events.rb: new file.
+Mon Sep 13 01:03:02 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c: improve control of preserv/release tcltkip
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c: store original 'exit' command
+ * ext/tk/tkutil.c: fix(?) SEGV
+Mon Sep 13 00:22:53 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * parse.y: fix file header.
+Mon Sep 13 00:20:39 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * parse.y: ripper merged.
+ * lex.c: ditto.
+ * keywords: ditto.
+Sun Sep 12 23:53:17 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * util.c (ruby_strdup): remove unnecessary code. (xmalloc never
+ returns NULL.)
+ * util.c (ruby_getcwd): fix memory leak on failure.
+Sun Sep 12 02:41:58 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c: add TclTkIp#allow_ruby_exit? and
+ allow_ruby_exit=
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/remote-tk.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tcltklib/MANUAL.euc: ditto.
+ * ext/tcltklib/MANUAL.eng: ditto.
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c: fix some reasons of SEGV
+ * ext/tk/tkutil.c: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/timer.rb: ditto.
+Sat Sep 11 16:09:46 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_rb.rb: Fix up cross-file class merging.
+Fri Sep 10 20:18:05 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c (lib_merge_tklist): fix suspicious
+ pointer conversion.
+Fri Sep 10 19:16:24 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub: bccwin32 port starts to use RTL dll.
+ (need to rebuild all) [ruby-dev:24138]
+ * win32/win32.{h,c}: ditto.
+Fri Sep 10 15:55:59 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (mkdir_p): should pass mode argument to
+ Dir.mkdir. [ruby-dev:24242]
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb: test it.
+Fri Sep 10 02:43:54 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/generators/template/kilmer.rb: James Buck's
+ patch for call-seq.
+Thu Sep 9 13:58:56 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c (ip_init): change flag value for setting
+ 'argv' and 'argv0' variable
+ * ext/tk/lib/remote-tk.rb: follow changes of multi-tk.rb
+Thu Sep 9 11:46:18 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_c.rb (RDoc::C_Parser::do_classes): Allow
+ spaces aroun parameter to define_method_under (James Buck)
+Wed Sep 8 18:44:03 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_write): zero fill a gap if exsts.
+ [ruby-dev:24190]
+Wed Sep 8 15:19:49 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c (ip_init): cannot create an IP at level 4
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: improve 'exit' operation, security check,
+ and error treatment
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: allow a trusted slave IP to create slave IPs
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/listbox.rb: add TkListbox#value, value=, clear, and
+ erase
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/text.rb: add TkText#clear and erase
+Tue Sep 7 15:17:49 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (ruby_connect): break immediately if a
+ socket is non-blocking. [ruby-talk:111654]
+Tue Sep 7 12:48:22 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * {bcc32,win32,wince}/Makefile.sub (config.h): add fcntl.
+ * win32/win32.[ch] (fcntl): ditto.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_connect): support nonblocking mode.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (wait_connectable, ruby_connect): support
+ nonblocking connect on various platforms.
+Mon Sep 6 11:00:47 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dir.c (dir_s_chdir): the patch to shut up false warning when
+ exception occurred within a block. a patch was given from Johan
+ Holmberg <holmberg at>. [ruby-core:03292]
+Mon Sep 6 10:57:40 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/menu.rb(TkOptionMenubutton#insert): call correct method
+Mon Sep 6 07:51:42 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (cvar_cbase): singletons should refer to outer cvar scope.
+ [ruby-dev:24223]
+ * eval.c (rb_load): should preserve previous ruby_wrapper value.
+ [ruby-dev:24226]
+Sat Sep 4 01:14:57 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (cvar_cbase): class variables cause SEGV in
+ instance_eval() for fixnums and symbols. [ruby-dev:24213]
+Fri Sep 3 17:47:58 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * struct.c (make_struct): remove redefining constant when
+ conflict. [ruby-dev:24210]
+Fri Sep 3 11:31:44 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: Tk.after makes TkCore::INTERP.tk_cmd_tbl grow
+ [ruby-dev:24207]
+Fri Sep 3 02:12:48 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c: fix typo [ruby-talk:111266]
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/text.rb: fix typo
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: improve safe-level treatment on slave IPs
+Fri Sep 3 01:54:20 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): extact target prefix from Makefiles.
+ * ext/extmk.rb: already built-in libraries satisfy dependencies.
+ [ruby-dev:24028]
+Wed Sep 1 21:16:50 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/spinbox.rb: fix typo
+Wed Sep 1 19:28:37 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (rb_proc_exec): label cannot precede variable declarations.
+Tue Aug 31 18:20:49 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * ext/tk/tkutil.c (cbsubst_init): fix memory leak
+ * ext/tk/tkutil.c (cbsubst_get_all_subst_keys): fix SEGV
+Tue Aug 31 16:04:22 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c (ip_delete): when a tcltkip is deleted,
+ destroy its root widget
+Tue Aug 31 12:30:36 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c (del_root): fix SEGV
+Mon Aug 30 21:50:14 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * object.c: Add RDoc for Module.included.
+Mon Aug 30 23:11:06 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/ri_driver.rb (and others): ri now merges documentation
+ if it finds the same class in multiple places.
+Mon Aug 30 22:40:30 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: 'restart' method accepts arguments
+Mon Aug 30 15:10:46 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * (GNU/k*BSD): fixed FTBFS on GNU/k*BSD. [ruby-dev:24051]
+Sun Aug 29 14:08:56 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c: compile error on bcc32 [ruby-dev:24081]
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: MultiTkIp#eval_string does not work
+Sat Aug 28 23:04:41 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_and): protect parameters from GC.
+ [ruby-talk:110664]
+Fri Aug 27 12:13:50 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (Init_stringio): add StringIO#readpartial as
+ an alias for StringIO#sysread.
+Fri Aug 27 10:14:21 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (rb_proc_exec): strip trailing spaces. [ruby-dev:24143]
+ * win32/win32.c (CreateChild): ditto.
+Thu Aug 26 04:38:29 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * eval.c (return_jump): Minor typo in error message. Now reads
+ "return can't jump across threads".
+Wed Aug 25 15:18:52 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_longjmp): Exception#to_str is no longer defined.
+Wed Aug 25 11:39:10 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * error.c (exc_equal): exceptions are equal if they share same
+ class, message and backtrace. [ruby-talk:110354]
+ * error.c (name_err_mesg_equal): ditto.
+Tue Aug 24 16:41:48 2004 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/cgi/session.rb (CGI::Session::FileStore#initialize): do not
+ use a session id as a filename.
+ * lib/cgi/session/pstore.rb (CGI::Session::PStore#initialize): ditto.
+ * lib/cgi/session/pstore.rb (CGI::Session::PStore#initialize): use
+ Dir::tmpdir.
+Tue Aug 24 14:32:17 2004 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/cgi/session.rb (CGI::Session::FileStore#initialize): untaint
+ session id after check.
+Tue Aug 24 08:57:51 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509attr.c (ossl_x509attr_initialize): d2i
+ functions may replace the pointer indicated by the first argument.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509ext.c (ossl_x509ext_initialize): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509name.c (ossl_x509name_initialize): ditto.
+Mon Aug 23 12:43:32 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Config.default_config_hash): when multiple domains
+ are set, Win32::Resolv.get_resolv_info returns Array.
+Sun Aug 22 16:27:38 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_read):
+ - should return an empty string if specified length to read is 0.
+ - should check for pending data and wait for fd before reading.
+ - call underlying IO's sysread if SSL session is not started.
+ [ruby-dev:24072], [ruby-dev:24075]
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_write):
+ - call underlying IO's syswrite if SSL session is not started.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_pending): new method
+ OpenSSL::SSL#pending.
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/buffering.rb: should not use select.
+Sun Aug 22 01:10:36 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpproxy.rb (WEBrick::HTTPProxyServer#proxy_connect):
+ should call :ProxyContentHandler before finishing CONNECT.
+Sat Aug 21 06:41:16 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/extconf.rb (find_tcl, find_tk): find stub library.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (arg_config, with_config): deal with '-' and '_'
+ uniformly. [ruby-dev:24118]
+Fri Aug 20 14:49:42 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_check_writable): no need to check read buffer if
+ already changed to write mode.
+Fri Aug 20 11:46:43 2004 UENO Katsuhiro <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c: GzipReader#ungetc caused crc error.
+Thu Aug 19 16:29:45 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: Fail to treat a hash value of 'font' option.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: bindinfo cannot return '%' substiturion information.
+ * ext/tk/lib/menu.rb: typo bug.
+Thu Aug 19 15:15:24 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dir.c (free_dir): fix memory leak. reported by yamamoto
+ madoka.
+Thu Aug 19 09:19:27 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ *, win32/Makefile.sub (LIBS): need to link shell32
+ library for SH* functions on mswin32 and mingw32.
+ * wince/Makefile.sub (LIBS): need to link ceshell library for SH*
+ functions on mswince.
+Thu Aug 19 03:07:00 2004 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * lib/yaml/baseemitter.rb: folding now handles double-quoted strings,
+ fixed problem with extra line feeds at end of folding, whitespace
+ opening scalar blocks.
+ * lib/yaml/rubytypes.rb: subtelties in handling strings with
+ non-printable characters and odd whitespace patterns.
+Wed Aug 18 23:44:20 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb (rbuf_fill): OpenSSL::SSLSocket has its own
+ buffer, select(2) might not work. [ruby-dev:24072]
+Wed Aug 18 17:10:12 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/stubs.c (ruby_tcltk_stubs): need to call
+ Tcl_FindExecutable() for Tcl/Tk 8.4.
+Wed Aug 18 12:52:55 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_obj_instance_eval): evaluates under special singleton
+ classes as for special constants.
+Wed Aug 18 11:22:52 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (init_env): initialize HOME and USER environment
+ variables unless set.
+Wed Aug 18 10:17:21 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (bind_eval): new method. [RCR 251]
+ * string.c (rb_str_clear): new method. [ruby-dev:24104]
+Tue Aug 17 17:20:59 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_reopen): should clear allocated OpenFile. pointed
+ out by Guy Decoux. [ruby-core:03288]
+Tue Aug 17 01:36:32 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/usage.rb: Remove extra indent. Tidy 'ri' option
+ parsing so RDoc::usage plays better with OptionParser.
+Sat Aug 14 02:48:16 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/usage.rb: Added. Allows command line programs
+ to report usage using their initial RDoc comment.
+Sat Aug 14 01:25:48 2004 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/token.c: re2c no longer compiled with bit vectors. caused
+ problems for non-ascii characters. [ruby-core:03280]
+ * ext/syck/implicit.c: ditto.
+ * ext/syck/bytecode.c: ditto.
+Fri Aug 13 12:55:20 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/httputils.rb (WEBrick::HTTPUtils.parse_range_header):
+ fix regex for range-spec.
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb
+ (WEBrick::HTTPServlet::DefaultFileHandler#make_partial_content):
+ multipart/byteranges response was broken.
+ * lib/xmlrpc/server.rb: refine example code.
+Thu Aug 12 10:54:17 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * rubyio.h (rb_eof_error): should mark as NORETURN.
+ * win32/win32.c (make_cmdvector): adjust escaped successive
+ double-quote handling.
+Thu Aug 12 01:53:10 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (read_buffered_data): extracted from rb_io_fread.
+ (io_readpartial): new method IO#readpartial.
+ [ruby-dev:24055]
+Wed Aug 11 17:17:50 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * (RPATHFLAG): stop setting RPATHFLAG on Interix.
+Mon Aug 9 15:03:20 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet/erbhandler.rb
+ (WEBrick::HTTPServlet::ERBHandler#do_GET): should select media type
+ by suffix of script filename.
+Mon Aug 9 12:51:43 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * dir.c (dir_s_glob): Roll in Austin Ziegler's Dir.glob and
+ fnmatch updates.
+Mon Aug 9 06:33:06 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (cp_r): copies symlink to symlink, except
+ root entries of cp_r.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: new method FileUtils.copy_entry.
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb: more cp_r tests.
+Sun Aug 8 00:43:31 2004 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * lib/implicit.c: added sexagecimal float#base60.
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (yaml_org_handler): ditto.
+ * lib/token.c: indentation absolutely ignored when processing flow
+ collections. plain scalars are trimmed if indentation follows in
+ an ambiguous flow collection.
+Sat Aug 7 03:08:21 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * process.c (proc_daemon): new method. should be modified for
+ platforms without /dev/null.
+Sat Aug 7 00:50:01 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c: Zlib::GzipReader#read(0) returns "" instead of nil.
+Wed Aug 4 13:26:00 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (r_bytes0): optimize out read(0). [ruby-talk:108276]
+Tue Aug 3 13:49:12 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb: bug fix
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/treectrl/tktreectrl.rb: add Tk::TreeCtrl.loupe
+Mon Aug 2 23:33:48 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_file.rb (test_fnmatch): added more tests.
+Mon Aug 2 18:04:21 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/msgcat.rb (set_translation): bug fix (fail to set
+ trans_str to the same as src_str when trans_str is not given.)
+Mon Aug 2 17:40:44 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (blk_free): fixed serious memory leak. [ruby-dev:24013]
+Mon Aug 2 11:53:06 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/code_objects.rb (RDoc::Context::find_symbol): Fix infinite recursion
+ looking up some top level symbols (batsman)
+Mon Aug 2 11:48:29 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_c.rb (RDoc::C_Parser::do_methods): Allow '.'s in
+ variable names to support SWIG generated files (Hans Fugal)
+Sat Jul 31 23:08:00 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (is_defined): stupid mistakes fixed. [ruby-dev:24006]
+Sat Jul 31 17:39:47 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-expr-beg, ruby-parse-partial,
+ ruby-calculate-indent, ruby-move-to-block, ruby-forward-sexp,
+ ruby-backward-sexp): keywords must match word-wise.
+Sat Jul 31 13:37:51 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (is_defined): avoid unnecessary method invocations.
+Sat Jul 31 05:35:37 2004 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * lib/yaml/rubytypes.rb: exceptions were using an older
+ YAML.object_maker. [ruby-core:03080]
+ * ext/syck/token.c (sycklex_yaml_utf8): using newline_len to
+ handline CR-LFs. "\000" was showing up on folded blocks which
+ stopped at EOF.
+Sat Jul 31 01:25:11 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (is_defined): call is_defined() before invoking
+ rb_eval(). [ruby-talk:107867]
+Fri Jul 30 16:10:54 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c (lib_fromUTF8_core): raise ArgumentError when
+ the unknown encoding name is given.
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c (lib_toUTF8_core): ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb (Tk::Encoding.encoding_convertfrom): bug fix.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb (Tk::Encoding.encoding_convertto): ditto.
+Wed Jul 28 18:59:17 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI::initialize): remove at_exit code for CGI_PARAMS
+ and CGI_COOKIES. they will no longer be used.
+Wed Jul 28 15:44:08 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): should call rb_call_super() directly for
+ visibility overriding. [ruby-dev:23989]
+Wed Jul 28 01:04:44 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * env.h: remove argv from ruby_frame.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): no more copy on write.
+ * eval.c (assign): ditto.
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): can receive *rest by specifying negative
+ argc. (-1 means 0 arg and *rest, -2 means 1 arg and *rest...)
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): properly set frame's argc counter.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_mark_frame): need not to mark frame's argv
+ * gc.c (run_final): wrong order of data. [ruby-dev:23984]
+Tue Jul 27 07:05:04 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): copy on write for argument local variable
+ assignment.
+ * eval.c (assign): ditto.
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): update ruby_frame->argv with the default
+ value used for the optional arguments.
+ * object.c (Init_Object): "===" calls rb_obj_equal() directly.
+ [ruby-list:39937]
+Mon Jul 26 11:22:55 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/httputils.rb (WEBrick::HTTPUtils.escape): should
+ escape space.
+Sun Jul 25 10:56:28 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * win32/win32.{h,c} (rb_w32_{f,fd,fs}open): workaround for bcc32's
+ {f,fd,fs}open bug. set errno EMFILE and EBADF. [ruby-dev:23963]
+ * test/drb/drbtest.rb: fix method duplication.
+Sat Jul 24 13:32:47 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * range.c (rb_range_beg_len): returns Qnil only when "beg" points
+ outside of a range. No boundary check for "end".
+Fri Jul 23 16:40:25 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (define_final): should not disclose NODE* to Ruby world.
+ [ruby-dev:23957]
+Fri Jul 23 08:52:22 2004 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (disconnected?): new method.
+Thu Jul 22 16:41:54 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/cgi/session.rb (CGI::Session::FileStore#update): sets the
+ permission of the session data file to 0600.
+ * lib/cgi/session/pstore.rb (CGI::Session::Pstore#initialize):
+ ditto.
+Mon Jul 19 00:53:46 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet/cgihandler.rb
+ (WEBrick::HTTPServlet::CGIhandler#do_GET): set SystemRoot environment
+ variable to CGI process on Windows native platforms. [ruby-dev:23936]
+Sun Jul 18 16:14:29 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/msgcat.rb (TkMsgCatalog.callback): bug fix
+ ( wrong number of argument )
+Sun Jul 18 08:13:58 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_f_sprintf): remove extra sign digit.
+Sun Jul 18 03:19:14 2004 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * dir.c (bracket): use NULL instead of 0.
+Sun Jul 18 02:35:30 2004 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (receive_responses): return if a LOGOUT response
+ received.
+Sat Jul 17 23:59:01 2004 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (send_string_data): wait command continuation
+ requests before sending octet data of literals.
+Sat Jul 17 23:54:59 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/variable.rb: TkVariable#ref returns a TkVariable object
+Sat Jul 17 22:04:44 2004 akira yamada <>
+ * lib/uri/ldap.rb: method hierarchical? should be in URI::LDAP.
+Sat Jul 17 18:29:07 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (stmt): not to show same error messages twice.
+Sat Jul 17 14:18:11 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_match_m): String#match should also take
+ optional argument. [ruby-core:03205]
+ * re.c (rb_reg_match_m): add optional second argugment "pos" to
+ specify match start point. [ruby-core:03203]
+Sat Jul 17 13:13:32 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb (RubyLex::identify_string): %s string do not
+ process expression interpolation. [ruby-talk:106691]
+Sat Jul 17 05:26:27 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/diagram.rb: Incorporate Micheal Neumann's
+ client-side imagemao patch
+Sat Jul 17 01:57:03 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (THREAD_ALLOC): th->thread should be initialized to NULL.
+ [ruby-talk:106657] The solution was found by Guy Decoux.
+Fri Jul 16 22:30:28 2004 Michael Neumann <>
+ * file.c (rb_stat_dev_major): new methods File::Stat#dev_major and
+ #dev_minor. [ruby-core:03195]
+Fri Jul 16 11:17:38 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (exit_initialize): use EXIT_SUCCESS instead of 0.
+ [ruby-dev:23913]
+ * error.c (exit_success_p): new method SystemExit#success?.
+ [ruby-dev:23912]
+ * error.c (syserr_initialize): initialization for subclasses.
+ [ruby-dev:23912]
+Thu Jul 15 23:53:38 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser#warn, OptionParser#abort): Exception
+ no longer has to_str method.
+Thu Jul 15 22:59:48 2004 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * ext/readline/extconf.rb: added dir_config for curses, ncurses,
+ termcap.
+Thu Jul 15 20:44:46 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * class.c: rdoc patch
+Thu Jul 15 14:12:34 2004 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * lib/yaml.rb (YAML::load_file, YAML::parse_file): added.
+ * ext/syck/token.c: re2c compiled with bit vectors now.
+ * ext/syck/implicit.c: ditto.
+ * ext/syck/bytecode.c: ditto.
+Thu Jul 15 10:15:04 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/, ext/tcltklib/: bug fix
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: better operation for SIGINT when processing
+ callbacks.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/msgcat.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/variable.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/timer.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/validation.rb: add Tk::ValidateConfigure.__def_validcmd
+ to define validatecommand methods easier
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb (_genobj_for_tkwidget): support autoload Tk ext
+ classes
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/canvas.rb and so on: remove the parent widget type
+ check for items (e.g. canvas items; depends on the class) to
+ avoid some troubles on Tk extension widget class definition.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/: add Iwidget and TkTable extension support
+ * ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/: add samples of Iwidget and TkTable
+Wed Jul 14 23:49:30 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (enum_min_by): new method Enum#min_by. added Enum#max_by
+ as well.
+Wed Jul 14 18:05:21 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c (ossl_asn1cons_to_der): fix type of
+ argument. [ruby-dev:23891]
+ * test/openssl/test_x509store.rb: prune tests for CRL checking
+ unless X509::V_FLAG_CRL_CHECK is defined.
+Wed Jul 14 12:20:05 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * util.c (ruby_strtod): should not convert string in the form of
+ "-I.FE-X" which both "I" and "F" are omitted. [ruby-dev:23883]
+ * test/ruby/test_float.rb (test_strtod): add test for bug fix.
+Wed Jul 14 00:33:48 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * array.c: rdoc patch. merged patch from Johan Holmberg
+ <> [ruby-core:3170]
+Tue Jul 13 19:39:12 2004 akira yamada <>
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (URI::Generic#merge_path):
+ "URI('') + './'" should return
+ "URI('')". [ruby-list:39838]
+ "URI('') + './foo/bar/..'" should return
+ "URI('')". [ruby-list:39844]
+ * test/uri/test_generic.rb (TestGeneric#test_merge): added tests.
+Tue Jul 13 15:48:56 2004 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (init_mkmf): Do not add $(libdir) to $LIBPATH in
+ extmk mode.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (dir_config): Prepend a new library path instead of
+ appending so it is tried first.
+Tue Jul 13 00:50:48 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_rb.rb: Support call-seq: for Ruby files.
+Mon Jul 12 21:20:51 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * html_generator.rb: Support hyperlinks of the form {any text}[xxx]
+ as well as stuff[xxx]
+Sat Jul 10 09:30:24 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/soap/marshal/test_struct.rb: use qualified built-in class name
+ (::Struct) to avoid name crash.
+Sat Jul 10 04:21:56 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: better operation for SIGINT when processing
+ callbacks.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/msgcat.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/variable.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/timer.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/validation.rb (__def_validcmd): add a module
+ function of Tk::ValidateConfigure to define validatecommand
+ methods easier
+Fri Jul 9 22:18:59 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * array.c, enum.c, pack.c: rdoc patch from Johan Holmberg
+ <> [ruby-core:3132] [ruby-core:3136]
+ * numeric.c: rdoc patch.
+Fri Jul 9 19:26:39 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb (URI::HTTPS#proxy_open): raise ArgumentError to
+ notice https is not supported.
+Fri Jul 9 14:28:54 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_raise): accept third argument as well as
+ Kernel#raise, and evaluate the arguments to create an exception in
+ the caller's context. [ruby-talk:105507]
+Fri Jul 9 01:47:08 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib: bug fix
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/itcl: add [incr Tcl] support
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/itk: add [incr Tk] support
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/iwidgets: midway point of [incr Widgets] support
+ * ext/tk/sample/tkextlib/iwidgets: very simple examples of
+ [incr Widgets]
+Thu Jul 8 19:27:16 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (rb_cv_stack_end_address): detect stack end address
+ variable supplied by system. [ruby-core:03115]
+ * gc.c (Init_stack): use system provided address if possible.
+Thu Jul 8 00:05:23 2004 akira yamada <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb (Tempfile::initialize): got out code of
+ generating tmpname. [ruby-dev:23832][ruby-dev:23837]
+Wed Jul 7 02:31:41 2004 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/{rss,parser,0.9,1.0,2.0}.rb: supported RSS 0.9x/2.0
+ validation and validation which disregard order of elements.
+ * test/rss/test_parser.rb: added tests for RSS 0.9x/2.0
+ validation.
+ * test/rss/{test_trackback,rss-testcase}.rb: fixed no good method
+ name.
+Wed Jul 7 00:48:34 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tktrans.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/treectrl.rb: fix syntax errors.
+Tue Jul 6 18:38:45 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib: improve framework of developping Tcl/Tk extension
+ wrappers
+Mon Jul 5 23:56:42 2004 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/{trackback,syndication,dublincore,content}.rb: worked
+ with ruby 1.6 again.
+ * test/rss/rss-assertions.rb: ditto.
+Mon Jul 5 22:54:39 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (Kernel#URI): new global method for parsing URIs.
+Mon Jul 5 09:02:52 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_yield, rb_f_catch): 4th argument to rb_yield_0()
+ is a set of bit flags. [ruby-dev:23859]
+Mon Jul 5 01:20:17 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb(DRbConn If socket pool is full, close
+ the socket whose last-access-time is oldest. (and add new one)
+ [ruby-dev:23860]
+Sun Jul 4 12:24:50 2004 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb: added copyright header.
+Sat Jul 3 22:25:27 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * added files:
+ * lib/soap/header/*
+ * lib/soap/rpc/httpserver.rb
+ * lib/wsdl/soap/cgiStubCreator.rb
+ * lib/wsdl/soap/classDefCreator.rb
+ * lib/wsdl/soap/classDefCreatorSupport.rb
+ * lib/wsdl/soap/clientSkeltonCreator.rb
+ * lib/wsdl/soap/driverCreator.rb
+ * lib/wsdl/soap/mappingRegistryCreator.rb
+ * lib/wsdl/soap/methodDefCreator.rb
+ * lib/wsdl/soap/servantSkeltonCreator.rb
+ * lib/wsdl/soap/standaloneServerStubCreator.rb
+ * lib/wsdl/xmlSchema/enumeration.rb
+ * lib/wsdl/xmlSchema/simpleRestriction.rb
+ * lib/wsdl/xmlSchema/simpleType.rb
+ * lib/xsd/codegen/*
+ * lib/xsd/codegen.rb
+ * sample/soap/authheader/*
+ * sample/soap/raa2.4/*
+ * sample/soap/ssl/*
+ * sample/soap/swa/*
+ * sample/soap/whois.rb
+ * sample/wsdl/raa2.4/*
+ * test/soap/header/*
+ * test/soap/ssl/*
+ * test/soap/struct/*
+ * test/soap/swa/*
+ * test/soap/wsdlDriver/*
+ * test/wsdl/multiplefault.wsdl
+ * test/wsdl/simpletype/*
+ * test/wsdl/test_multiplefault.rb
+ * modified files:
+ * lib/soap/baseData.rb
+ * lib/soap/element.rb
+ * lib/soap/generator.rb
+ * lib/soap/netHttpClient.rb
+ * lib/soap/parser.rb
+ * lib/soap/property.rb
+ * lib/soap/soap.rb
+ * lib/soap/streamHandler.rb
+ * lib/soap/wsdlDriver.rb
+ * lib/soap/encodingstyle/handler.rb
+ * lib/soap/encodingstyle/literalHandler.rb
+ * lib/soap/encodingstyle/soapHandler.rb
+ * lib/soap/mapping/factory.rb
+ * lib/soap/mapping/mapping.rb
+ * lib/soap/mapping/registry.rb
+ * lib/soap/mapping/rubytypeFactory.rb
+ * lib/soap/mapping/wsdlRegistry.rb
+ * lib/soap/rpc/cgistub.rb
+ * lib/soap/rpc/driver.rb
+ * lib/soap/rpc/proxy.rb
+ * lib/soap/rpc/router.rb
+ * lib/soap/rpc/soaplet.rb
+ * lib/soap/rpc/standaloneServer.rb
+ * lib/wsdl/data.rb
+ * lib/wsdl/definitions.rb
+ * lib/wsdl/operation.rb
+ * lib/wsdl/parser.rb
+ * lib/wsdl/soap/definitions.rb
+ * lib/wsdl/xmlSchema/complexContent.rb
+ * lib/wsdl/xmlSchema/complexType.rb
+ * lib/wsdl/xmlSchema/data.rb
+ * lib/wsdl/xmlSchema/parser.rb
+ * lib/wsdl/xmlSchema/schema.rb
+ * lib/xsd/datatypes.rb
+ * lib/xsd/qname.rb
+ * sample/soap/sampleStruct/server.rb
+ * sample/wsdl/amazon/AmazonSearch.rb
+ * sample/wsdl/amazon/AmazonSearchDriver.rb
+ * test/soap/test_property.rb
+ * test/soap/calc/test_calc_cgi.rb
+ * test/wsdl/test_emptycomplextype.rb
+ * summary
+ * add SOAP Header mustUnderstand support.
+ * add HTTP client SSL configuration and Cookies support (works
+ completely with http-access2).
+ * add header handler for handling sending/receiving SOAP Header.
+ * map Ruby's anonymous Struct to common SOAP Struct in SOAP Object
+ Model. it caused error.
+ * add WSDL simpleType support to restrict lexical value space.
+Sat Jul 3 17:19:44 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tkDND.rb: fix syntax error.
+Thu Jul 1 18:36:08 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tcltklib: bug fix
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk: bug fix and add Tcl/Tk extension support libraries
+Thu Jul 1 18:31:31 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/pstore.rb (PStore#transaction): get rid of opening in write mode
+ when read only transaction. [ruby-dev:23842]
+Thu Jul 1 00:44:42 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_cipher.c (ossl_cipher_encrypt, ossl_cipher_decrypt):
+ re-implemnt (the arguments for this method is ).
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_cipher.c (ossl_cipher_pkcs5_keyivgen): new method
+ OpenSSL::Cipher::Cipher#pkcs5_keyivgen. it calls EVP_BytesToKey().
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_cipher.c (ossl_cipher_set_key_length): new method
+ OpenSSL::Cipher::Cipher#key_len=.
+Wed Jun 30 19:48:09 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: check for EVP_CIPHER_CTX_copy, ENGINE_add,
+ EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding, EVP_CipherFinal_ex, EVP_CipherInit_ex,
+ EVP_DigestFinal_ex and EVP_DigestInit_ex.
+ * ext/openssl/openssl_missing.c (EVP_CIPHER_CTX_copy): new function.
+ * ext/openssl/openssl_missing.h (EVP_DigestInit_ex, EVP_DigestFinal_ex,
+ EVP_CipherInit_ex, EVP_CipherFinal_ex, HMAC_Init_ex): new macro for
+ OpenSSL 0.9.6.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_cipher.c (ossl_cipher_alloc, ossl_cipher_initialize,
+ ossl_cipher_copy, ossl_cipher_reset, ossl_cipher_encrypt,
+ ossl_cipher_decrypt, ossl_cipher_final, ossl_cipher_set_key,
+ ossl_cipher_set_iv): replace all EVP_CipherInit and
+ EVP_CipherFinal into EVP_CipherInit_ex and EVP_CipherFinal_ex.
+ and EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init should only be called once.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_cipher.c (ossl_cipher_set_padding): check for
+ EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_cipher.c (Init_ossl_cipher): Cipher#<< is deprecated.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_digest.c: replace all EVP_DigestInit and
+ EVP_DigestFinal into EVP_DigestInit_ex and EVP_DigestFinal_ex.
+ and EVP_MD_CTX_init should only be called once.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_digest.c (digest_final): should call
+ EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup to avoid memory leak.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_hmac.c (ossl_hmac_initialize): repalce HMAC_init
+ into HMAC_init_ex. and HMAC_CTX_init is moved to ossl_hmac_alloc.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_hmac.c (hmac_final): should call
+ HMAC_CTX_cleanup to avoid memory leak.
+ * test/openssl/test_cipher.rb, test/openssl/test_digest.rb,
+ test/openssl/test_hmac.rb: new file.
+Wed Jun 30 16:59:39 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_file.rb (test_fnmatch): some tests for File.fnmatch
+ are added.
+Wed Jun 30 11:38:51 2004 Mikael Brockman <>
+ * parse.y (primary): should not be NULL. [ruby-core:03098]
+Wed Jun 30 02:41:10 2004 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (syck_emitter_new): set buffer after
+ Data_Wrap_Struct to avoid possible GC. [ruby-talk:104835]
+Tue Jun 29 10:31:19 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval_cmd, rb_thread_trap_eval): restore safe level.
+ * gc.c (define_final, run_final): preserve and restore safe level for
+ finalizers. [ruby-core:03058]
+ * signal.c (signal_exec, rb_trap_exit, trap): preserve and restore
+ safe level for signal handlers. [ruby-dev:23829]
+Mon Jun 28 14:57:56 2004 Jeff Mitchell <>
+ *, lib/mkmf.rb (LIBPATHFLAG): use double quotes due to
+ DOSISH compilers. [ruby-core:03107]
+Mon Jun 28 00:35:29 2004 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * sample/drb/*.rb: using 'DRb.thread.join' instead of 'gets'
+Sun Jun 27 22:36:47 2004 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * sample/rss/tdiary_plugin/rss-recent.rb: supported Hiki.
+Sat Jun 26 15:17:11 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c (rb_mod_class_variables): class variables are no longer
+ inherited. [ruby-dev:23808]
+Sat Jun 26 11:07:20 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (aix): -b must come at the start of the command line,
+ and -e must not appear while testing libraries. [ruby-talk:104501]
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (find_header, dir_config): quote directory names if
+ necessary. [ruby-talk:104505]
+Sat Jun 26 00:13:08 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_fopen, rb_fdopen, rb_io_reopen): setvbuf() may return
+ positive value on failure. [ruby-dev:23792]
+Fri Jun 25 18:07:15 2004 Michal Rokos <>
+ * gc.c: bring back _stklen for DJGPP [ruby-core:3084]
+Fri Jun 25 15:33:01 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/iconv/extconf.rb: check stricter. [ruby-talk:104501]
+Fri Jun 25 01:58:01 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * {bcc32,win32,wince}/setup.mak: remove RUBY_EXTERN lines when
+ including version.h. [ruby-talk:104456]
+Thu Jun 24 14:23:29 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_fread): return already read data when system call is
+ interrupted. [ruby-talk:97206]
+Thu Jun 24 01:25:21 2004 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * version.h: added declarations of ruby_version,
+ ruby_release_date, ruby_platform.
+Thu Jun 24 01:07:15 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_sockaddr): Socket#gethostbyname()
+ should give us packed address, not struct sockaddr.
+ [ruby-core:03053]
+Wed Jun 23 22:19:10 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_gethostbyaddr): Work around problem
+ with OS X not returning 'from' parameter to recvfrom for
+ connection-oriented sockets.
+Wed Jun 23 22:16:16 2004 Michal Rokos <>
+ * io.c: io_seek()'s retval should be checked [ruby-core:03045]
+Wed Jun 23 21:48:27 2004 Michal Rokos <>
+ * time.c: Fix indentation.
+ * main.c: Remove _stklen, and _CRT_glob. Move _stacksize for
+ __human68k__ to gc.c where the others are.
+ * gc.c: put _stacksize in place and clean the #ifdefs macros.
+Wed Jun 23 17:37:54 2004 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb: added new option --ssl.
+Wed Jun 23 01:45:27 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_rb.rb (RubyLex::identify_quotation):
+ Fix problem with the 'r' being dropped from %r{xxx}
+Wed Jun 23 00:10:17 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_hresult2msg): remove trailing
+ CRs and LFs. (doesn't depend on CR+LF) [ruby-dev:23749]
+Wed Jun 23 00:00:25 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (return_jump, break_jump): raise unexpected local jump
+ exception directly. [ruby-dev:23740]
+ * io.c (rb_io_initialize): should check fcntl result. [ruby-dev:23742]
+Tue Jun 22 23:35:43 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_f_sprintf): support FZERO and FSPACE with NaN/Inf.
+ * test/ruby/test_sprintf.rb (test_nan, test_inf): add tests.
+Tue Jun 22 21:11:36 2004 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (OLE_FREE): should not call CoFreeUnuse-
+ dLibraries().
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_event_free): ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_hresult2msg): truncate error message
+ before CR.
+Tue Jun 22 19:24:59 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_f_sprintf): unify output of NaN, Inf and -Inf with
+ "%f" or etc on all platform. [ruby-dev:23704], [ruby-dev:23747]
+Tue Jun 22 15:28:12 2004 Michal Rokos <>
+ * compar.c: Remove explicit NIL_P() checks since rb_cmpint() does it
+ again in the exactly same manner.
+Tue Jun 22 01:32:40 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dh.c (ossl_dh_initialize): should create
+ empty pkey object if no argument is passed. [ruby-talk:103328]
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dsa.c (ossl_dsa_initialize): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_rsa.c (ossl_rsa_initialize): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dh.c: add new methods: OpenSSL::PKey::DH#p,
+ OpenSSL::PKey::DH#p=, OpenSSL::PKey::DH#g, OpenSSL::PKey::DH#g=,
+ OpenSSL::PKey::DH#pub_key, OpenSSL::PKey::DH#pub_key=,
+ OpenSSL::PKey::DH#priv_key and OpenSSL::PKey::DH#priv_key=.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dsa.c: add new methods: OpenSSL::PKey::DSA#p,
+ OpenSSL::PKey::DSA#p=, OpenSSL::PKey::DSA#q, OpenSSL::PKey::DSA#q=,
+ OpenSSL::PKey::DSA#g, OpenSSL::PKey::DSA#g=,
+ OpenSSL::PKey::DSA#pub_key, OpenSSL::PKey::DSA#pub_key=,
+ OpenSSL::PKey::DSA#priv_key and OpenSSL::PKey::DSA#priv_key=.
+Mon Jun 21 09:24:51 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_opendir): should set errno if error occurs
+ when calling OS API.
+Sun Jun 20 21:12:54 2004 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (binary=): send TYPE commands only once.
+Sat Jun 19 13:27:01 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (method_call): allow changing $SAFE. [ruby-dev:23713]
+ * eval.c (proc_set_safe_level, proc_invoke, rb_mod_define_method): not
+ set $SAFE for methods defined from Proc. [ruby-dev:23697]
+Sat Jun 19 01:10:12 2004 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * sample/rss/tdiary_plugin/rss-recent.rb: added more information.
+Fri Jun 18 23:12:22 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (proc_save_safe_level, rb_set_safe_level, safe_setter): limit
+ safe level.
+Wed Jun 16 23:05:57 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_mod_freeze): prepare string representation before
+ freezing. [ruby-talk:103646]
+Wed Jun 16 19:57:24 2004 Michal Rokos <>
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb: extend testcase to check #first, #last,
+ #shift, #unshift, #pop, #push
+Wed Jun 16 16:05:17 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (ary_new): move alloc behind checks. [ruby-core:02982]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_pop_m, rb_ary_shift_m): take arg to behave as push
+ and unshift.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_first, rb_ary_last): make shared array for result
+ array, and correct doc for Array#first(n) and Array#last(n)
+ * array.c (rb_ary_select): not accept any arg.
+Wed Jun 16 16:03:59 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (rb_class_inherited_p): singleton class inherits Class
+ rather than its object's class. [ruby-dev:23690]
+Wed Jun 16 16:01:17 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (stack_grow_direction): memoize the direction.
+ * gc.c (Init_stack): should always move to end of VALUE.
+Tue Jun 15 12:10:04 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: bug fix (TkWindow#grab)
+Mon Jun 14 18:23:27 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/remote-tk.rb: bug fix
+Sun Jun 13 00:23:04 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/extconf.rb: [EXPERIMENTAL] MacOS X (darwin) support
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c: fix thread trouble on callback proc, and
+ eliminate warning about instance variable access
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/menubar.rb: improve supported menu_spec
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/menuspec.rb: [add] menu_spec support library
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/root.rb: add menu_spec support
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/text.rb: bug fix
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/toplevel.rb: add menu_spec support
+ * ext/tk/sample/menubar?.rb: [add] sample of menu_spec usage
+Sat Jun 12 14:15:20 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * dir.c: RDOC for File::FNM_CASEFOLD was missed.
+Sat Jun 12 11:15:53 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * (target_os): strip -gnu suffix on Linux.
+Fri Jun 11 22:08:50 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * array.c: remove #indexes, #indices.
+ * hash.c: ditto.
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c: remove #indexes, #indices, "values_at" warning
+ from #select.
+ * ext/gdbm/gdbm.c: ditto.
+ * ext/sdbm/init.c: ditto.
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c (Init_dbm): set VERSION constant as "unknown" when
+ DB_VERSION_STRING is not available.
+Thu Jun 10 19:19:41 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/sdbm/init.c (fsdbm_store): sdbm should use StringValue().
+ [ruby-talk:103062]
+Wed Jun 9 16:09:01 2004 akira yamada <>
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (URI::Generic::merge,
+ URI::Generic::route_from): accepts non-hierarchical URI.
+ [ruby-dev:23631]
+ * test/uri/test_generic.rb (TestGeneric::test_route,
+ TestGeneric::test_merge): added tests for above changes.
+Wed Jun 9 15:39:55 2004 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * Add support for DragonFly BSD.
+Wed Jun 9 15:07:06 2004 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * config.guess, config.sub: Update to a more recent version as of
+ 2004-01-20.
+Wed Jun 9 11:20:05 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c: remove unused functions and variables.
+Wed Jun 2 20:16:03 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (str_new4): should share shared instance if it already
+ exists. [ruby-dev:23665]
+Wed Jun 2 12:41:53 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_gets_m): set lastline ($_) even when read line is
+ nil. [ruby-dev:23663]
+Fri May 28 11:20:31 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): bad influence on frame node.
+ * eval.c (eval): reverted wrongly removed condition. [ruby-dev:23638]
+Thu May 27 21:37:50 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb (Pathname#initialize): fix pathname initialization
+ by pathname.
+Thu May 27 20:02:09 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_fwrite): check all case errno != 0 [ruby-dev:23648]
+Thu May 27 15:54:02 2004 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (MDTM_REGEXP): fix for demon's ftp server.
+ Thanks, Rutger Nijlunsing.
+Thu May 27 14:53:13 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_fwrite): workaround for bcc32's fwrite bug.
+ add errno checking. [ruby-dev:23627]
+ * io.c (rb_io_fwrite): should check if errno == ENOENT, too.
+Thu May 27 11:25:03 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/csv/test_csv.rb: illegal require module name (../lib/csv.rb).
+Wed May 26 23:12:13 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/csv.rb (, CSV.readlines): added. works as and
+ IO.readlines in CSV format.
+ * lib/csv.rb (CSV.parse): [CAUTION] behavior changed. in the past,
+ CSV.parse accepts a filename to be read-opened (it was just a
+ shortcut of, 'r')). now CSV.parse accepts a
+ string or a stream to be parsed e.g.
+ CSV.parse("1,2\n3,r") #=> [['1', '2'], ['3', '4']]
+ * test/csv/test_csv.rb: follow above changes.
+Wed May 26 14:19:42 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval, eval): make line number consistent on eval with
+ Proc. [ruby-talk:101253]
+Wed May 26 13:59:17 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_rb.rb (RDoc::RubyParser::skip_for_variable): Allow for
+ 'do' after for statement
+Wed May 26 13:56:03 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/generators/html_generator.rb (Generators::MarkUp::style_url): Fix
+ relative path to code CSS file
+Wed May 26 13:14:52 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_init_copy): copy also positions. [ruby-talk:100910]
+Wed May 26 00:00:00 2004 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/syck.c (syck_new_parser): clear parser on init.
+ thanks, ts. [ruby-core:02931]
+ * ext/syck/token.c (sycklex_yaml_utf8): buffer underflow.
+ thanks, ts. [ruby-core:02929]
+ * lib/yaml/baseemitter.rb (indent_text): simpler flow block code.
+Tue May 25 11:54:13 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0, proc_invoke, proc_arity): allow passing a block
+ to a Proc. [ruby-dev:23533]
+ * parse.y (block_par, block_var): ditto.
+Tue May 25 01:50:17 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c (ossl_i2d_ASN1_TYPE, ossl_ASN1_TYPE_free):
+ workaround for the versions earlier than OpenSSL-0.9.7.
+Mon May 24 10:46:26 2004 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * lib/rdoc/generators/template/html/html.rb: SYSTEM identifiers
+ must be absolute URIs
+Sun May 23 04:53:50 2004 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * lib/pstore.rb (transaction): allow overriding dump and load.
+ [ruby-dev:23567]
+ * lib/yaml/store.rb: follow lib/pstore.rb's change.
+Sat May 22 11:54:10 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * MANIFEST: add test/openssl/test_x509store.rb.
+ * ext/tk/MANIFEST: add recent files.
+Sat May 22 05:37:11 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/remote-tk.rb: (NEW library) control Tk interpreters
+ on the other processes by Tcl/Tk's 'send' command
+Fri May 21 09:22:05 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_rb.rb (RDoc::RubyParser::parse_method_parameters):
+ Add ()'s around parameters that don't have them
+Fri May 21 02:21:11 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/csv.rb: fixed a few bugs around multi char record/field separator.
+ * test/csv/test_csv.rb: added boundary test for above feature.
+Thu May 20 17:02:03 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (check_sizeof): define result size. [ruby-core:02911]
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_header): macro name should not include equal
+ sign.
+Thu May 20 14:35:52 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: check SCM_RIGHTS macro addition to
+ the msg_control field to test existence of file descriptor passing
+ by msg_control.
+Thu May 20 12:38:06 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_eq): always check if operands are NaN.
+ [ruby-list:39685]
+Thu May 20 12:34:39 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_rb.rb (RDoc::RubyParser::parse_visibility):
+ At Ryan Davis' suggestion, honor visibility modifers if guarded by a
+ statement modifier
+Thu May 20 12:22:13 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (have_type): do not check pointer to incomplete type,
+ which always get compiled.
+ [ruby-list:39683]
+Wed May 19 23:45:43 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/inlinetest.rb (InlineTest::loadtest): requiring library with
+ replaced $0 can make $0 == __FILE__ block be evaluated twice.
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (EnvUtil::rubybin): give priority to
+ environment variable. [ruby-dev:23538]
+Wed May 19 11:08:10 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: change permition of TkObject#tk_send from
+ private to public
+Wed May 19 02:29:36 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: support TRACE.
+Wed May 19 02:21:53 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: do not use class variables.
+Tue May 18 21:21:43 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/csv.rb: writes lines with "\n" when row separator is not given.
+ formerly it was "\r\n".
+ * lib/csv.rb: [CAUTION] API change
+ * CSV::Row removed. a row is represented as just an Array. since
+ CSV::Row was a subclass of Array, it won't hurt almost all programs
+ except one which depended CSV::Row#match.
+ * CSV::Cell removed. a cell is represented as just a String or
+ nil(NULL). this change will cause widespread destruction.
+"foo.csv", "r") do |row|
+ row.each do |cell|
+ if cell.is_null # Cell#is_null
+ p "(NULL)"
+ else
+ p # Cell#data
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ must be just;
+"foo.csv", "r") do |row|
+ row.each do |cell|
+ if cell.nil?
+ p "(NULL)"
+ else
+ p cell
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ * lib/csv.rb: [CAUTION] record separator(CR, LF, CR+LF) behavior
+ change., CSV.parse, and CSV,generate now do not force
+ opened file binmode. formerly it set binmode explicitly.
+ with, binmode of opened file depends the given mode
+ parameter "r", "w", "rb", and "wb". CSV.parse and CSV.generate open
+ file with "r" and "w".
+ setting mode properly is user's responsibility now.
+ * lib/csv.rb: accepts String as a fs (field separator/column separator)
+ and rs (record separator/row separator)
+ * lib/csv.rb: added CSV.foreach(path, rs = nil, &block). CSV.foreach
+ now does not handle "| cmd" as a path different from IO.foreach.
+ needed?
+ * test/csv/test_csv.rb: updated.
+Tue May 18 14:24:20 2004 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * lib/yaml.rb: added rdoc to beginning of lib.
+Tue May 18 14:00:46 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * node.h (NEW_DSTR): adjust list length.
+ * parse.y (literal_concat): ditto.
+Tue May 18 09:30:25 2004 SASADA Koichi <>
+ * eval.c (rb_method_node): search cache entry first.
+Mon May 17 16:04:06 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_to_s): it's preferable that "p 0.0" outputs "0.0"
+ instead of "0.0e+00". [ruby-dev:23480]
+ * numeric.c (flo_to_s): it's preferable that "p 0.00000000000000000001"
+ outputs "1.0e-20" instead of "9.999999999999999e-21". (the precision
+ is considered, but there is assumption DBL_DIG == 15 in current
+ implementation)
+Mon May 17 10:13:33 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (setup_domain_and_type): honor duck typing.
+ [ruby-dev:23522]
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_getnameinfo): ditto.
+Mon May 17 00:36:21 2004 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * lib/yaml/baseemitter.rb (indent_text): was forcing a mod value
+ of zero at times, which kept some blocks from getting indentation.
+Mon May 17 00:07:00 2004 Gavin Sinclair <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb: Cosmetic documentation changes.
+Sun May 16 20:55:49 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c (fdbm_initialize): accept optional 3rd argument to
+ specify an open flag.
+ (Init_dbm): define open flags: DBM::READER, DBM::WRITER, DBM::WRCREAT
+ and DBM::NEWDB.
+Sat May 15 17:52:24 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_float.rb(test_strtod): Add test for signed 0.000...1
+Sat May 15 14:20:13 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/syck/depend: add ruby's headers.
+Sat May 15 13:38:33 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/syck/MANIFEST, ext/syck/depend: new file.
+ * lib/yaml/rubytypes.rb: range of exponential floats. [ruby-core:02824]
+ * test/yaml/test_yaml.rb: tests for strings start with colon and some
+ round trip.
+Sat May 15 12:04:58 2004 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * lib/yaml.rb: removed fallback to pure Ruby parser.
+ * lib/yaml/baseemitter.rb (node_text): rewriting folded scalars.
+ * ext/syck/syck.h: reports style of scalars now, be they plain, block
+ single-, or double-quoted.
+ * ext/syck/syck.c: ditto.
+ * ext/syck/gram.c: ditto.
+ * ext/syck/node.c: ditto.
+ * ext/syck/token.c: ditto.
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (yaml_org_handler): symbols loaded only
+ if scalar style is plain.
+ * test/yaml/test_yaml.rb (test_perl_regexp): updated test to
+ match new regexp serialization.
+Sat May 15 01:41:34 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (eval): forgot to restore $SAFE value before evaluating
+ compiled node. [ruby-core:02872]
+Sat May 15 01:33:12 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * range.c (range_each_func): terminates loop if generating value
+ is same to @end. [ruby-talk:100269]
+Fri May 14 22:08:38 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_new4): should not reuse frozen shared string if
+ the original is not an instance of String. [ruby-talk:100193]
+Fri May 14 21:29:26 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_mdump): preserve GMT bit in the marshal data.
+ [ruby-talk:100213]
+Fri May 14 18:37:49 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/canvas.rb: improve coords support for canvas
+ items. Now, supports all of the followings.
+, 0, 0, 100, 100, :fill=>'red')
+, [0, 0, 100, 100], :fill=>'red')
+, [0, 0], [100, 100], :fill=>'red')
+, [[0, 0], [100, 100]], :fill=>'red')
+, :coords=>[0, 0, 100, 100], :fill=>'red')
+, :coords=>[[0, 0], [100, 100]], :fill=>'red')
+Fri May 14 13:30:39 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_float.rb: Add test for util.c revision 1.42.
+Fri May 14 12:13:46 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * util.c (ruby_strtod): strtod("0", &end); => end should point '\0'.
+ [ruby-dev:23498]
+Thu May 13 15:47:30 2004 akira yamada <>
+ * lib/net/telnet.rb (Net::Telnet::login): "options" can specify
+ regexps for login prompt and/or password prompt.
+Thu May 13 14:17:57 2004 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (yaml_org_handler): some empty strings were
+ loaded as symbols.
+Thu May 13 11:04:08 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): always add with null for 'Z'.
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): terminated by null for 'Z'. [ruby-talk:98281]
+Wed May 12 19:59:43 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (have_type, check_sizeof): replace unusable characters.
+ [ruby-talk:99788]
+Wed May 12 17:41:42 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::DNS::Config): make it configurable without
+ external file such as /etc/resolv.conf.
+Wed May 12 14:37:27 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509name.c: attribute value of DC (short name of
+ domainComponent) should be IA5String.
+Wed May 12 13:20:19 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/composite.rb: improve configure methods (based on
+ the proposal of [ruby-talk:99671]).
+Wed May 12 11:51:08 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * class.c (rb_obj_singleton_methods): fix rdoc
+Tue May 11 07:09:42 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (is_defined): do not protect exception during receiver
+ evaluation.
+Mon May 10 22:28:14 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb (each_crlf_line): remove junk line.
+Mon May 10 21:44:42 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/generators/html_generator.rb: Change scheme for
+ looking up symbols in HTML generator.
+Mon May 10 16:45:21 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (eval): warning during eval should not cause deadlock.
+ [ruby-talk:98651]
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): raise TypeError exception for superclass
+ mismatch. [ruby-list:39567]
+Mon May 10 12:11:37 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/generators/html_generator.rb: Hack to search parents
+ for unqualified constant names.
+Mon May 10 01:18:15 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/pop.rb (logging): append "\n".
+Sun May 9 23:38:00 2004 Gavin Sinclair <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb: ported documentation improvement from 1.8 branch
+ * lib/net/imap.rb: ditto
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: ditto
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: ditto
+ * lib/net/telnet.rb: ditto
+Sun May 9 23:34:51 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/ruby/test_float.rb: added test_strtod to test Float("0").
+Sun May 9 13:24:24 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/yaml/store.rb: use FileUtils::copy.
+Sun May 9 12:34:26 2004 Kazuo Saito <>
+ * regex.c: removed unused file.
+Sat May 8 10:53:30 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_f_open): open should not ignore block when "to_open"
+ method is used. [ruby-dev:23478]
+Fri May 7 22:07:39 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (mv): new option `force'. [ruby-talk:99457]
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: new method for command option reflection:
+ FileUtils.commands, .options, .have_option?, .options_of,
+ .collect_methods.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: module Verbose, NoWrite, DryRun do not have
+ option flags @fileutils_verbose and @fileutils_noop, they make no
+ sense.
+Fri May 7 21:50:21 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_rb.rb (RDoc::parse_include): Allow
+ multiple arguments to 'include'
+Fri May 7 21:03:51 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (fu_list): Array() breaks pathes including "\n".
+ [ruby-core:02843]
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb (mkdir): test "\n" in path.
+Fri May 7 20:53:25 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c (fdbm_modify): typo fixed. [ruby-dev:23473]
+Fri May 7 11:17:27 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * util.c (ruby_strtod): "0.0000000000000000001" should be converted
+ to 1.0e-19 instead of 0.0. (leading zeros aren't significant digits)
+ [ruby-talk:99318] [ruby-dev:23465]
+Thu May 6 22:27:32 2004 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (ippaddr): use NUMERICHOST if can not resolve
+ hostname.
+Thu May 6 22:09:29 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/tkutil.c (get_eval_string_core): bug fix. [ruby-dev:23466]
+Thu May 6 14:22:29 2004 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * lib/yaml/rubytypes.rb (to_yaml): added instance variable handling
+ for Ranges, Strings, Structs, Regexps.
+ * lib/yaml/rubytypes.rb (to_yaml_fold): new method for setting a
+ String's flow style.
+ * lib/yaml.rb (YAML::object_maker): now uses Object.allocate.
+ * ext/syck/gram.c: fixed transfer methods on structs, broke it
+ last commit.
+Thu May 6 14:38:02 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * dir.c (rb_push_glob): simplified code (not change behavior)
+Thu May 6 13:32:44 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb: get rid of side effect of Config.expand, patched by
+ <> (ruby-bugs:PR#597)
+Thu May 6 11:40:28 2004 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (string): accept NIL.
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (body_type_basic): allow body-fields omissions.
+Thu May 6 01:59:04 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/generators/html_generator.rb (Generators::HtmlMethod::params):
+ Don't include the &block parameter if we have explicit
+ yield parameters.
+Wed May 5 03:52:31 2004 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/rinda/ring.rb: use recv instead of recvfrom.
+Wed May 5 00:38:00 2004 Gavin Sinclair <>
+ * lib/gserver.rb: documented
+ * lib/xmlrpc/README.txt: introduced for documentation purposes
+Mon May 3 09:47:24 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_rb.rb (RDoc::RubyParser::parse_method_or_yield_parameters):
+ Fix parsing bug if yield called within 1 line block
+Sun May 2 21:56:48 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb (rm_f, rm_r): test :force flag.
+Sun May 2 01:04:38 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tcltklib, ext/tk: renewal Ruby/Tk
+Fri Apr 30 20:08:41 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * time.c (SIZEOF_TIME_T): support SIZEOF_TIME_T == SIZEOF_INT.
+Wed Apr 28 01:26:11 2004 Kazuo Saito <>
+ * oniguruma.h, regparse.c: imported Oni Guruma 2.2.8.
+Wed Apr 28 01:16:23 2004 Kazuo Saito <>
+ * oniguruma.h, regparse.c: imported Oni Guruma 2.2.7.
+Tue Apr 27 14:43:32 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * LIBURUBY_A is needed for extconf.rb even when
+ cross-compiling.
+Tue Apr 27 13:33:50 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (string_content): turn off NODE_NEWLINE flag to avoid
+ unnecessary line trace for inlined expression.
+ (ruby-bugs PR#1320)
+Tue Apr 27 08:15:13 2004 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * lib/yaml/rubytypes.rb: passing Range tests.
+ * ext/syck/syck.h: version 0.44.
+ * ext/syck/gram.c: transfers no longer open an indentation.
+ fixed transfers which precede blocks.
+ * ext/syck/token.c: ditto.
+ * ext/syck/syck.c: fixed segfault if an anchor has been released already.
+ * ext/syck/node.c (syck_free_members): organized order of free'd nodes.
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (syck_emitter_write_m): test for proper string with
+ StringValue.
+Mon Apr 26 23:56:54 2004 Daniel Kelley <>
+ * README.EXT, README.EXT.ja: fixed wrong function signature.
+ [ruby-talk:98349]
+Mon Apr 26 21:40:09 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/code_objects.rb (RDoc::Context::add_alias): Only alias
+ to instance methods.
+Sun Apr 25 18:26:23 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * (ac_cv_func_fork): set to no on DJGPP.
+Sat Apr 24 14:32:03 2004 Kazuo Saito <>
+ * re.c: applied stack error handling patch. [ruby-dev:23431]
+Sat Apr 24 10:38:31 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/markup/simple_markup.rb (SM::SimpleMarkup::group_lines):
+ Fix bug where consecutive headings are merged.
+Fri Apr 23 23:24:47 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: $hdrdir should not contain macros, for backward
+ compatibility. [bruby-dev:28]
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): in the case of extout, just copy
+ script files, without comparison.
+Fri Apr 23 16:38:46 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb: sync taint/freeze flag between
+ a pathname object and its internal string object.
+Fri Apr 23 14:52:14 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (stmt, arg, aref_args): should not make sole splat into
+ array, in aref_args other than aref with op_asgn.
+Fri Apr 23 14:14:38 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb: don't use Regexp#source to embed regexps.
+ [ruby-dev:23432]
+Thu Apr 22 18:25:10 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, ext/extmk.rb: make ext and .ext get removed by distclean.
+Thu Apr 22 10:07:01 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * */Makefile.sub (distclean-local): should remove $(RBCONFIG).
+Thu Apr 22 04:17:57 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_define_method): allow binding methods to modules.
+ [ruby-dev:23410]
+ * parse.y (aref_args): should pass expanded list. [ruby-core:02793]
+Thu Apr 22 01:12:57 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_to_s): tweak output string based to preserve
+ decimal point and to remove trailing zeros. [ruby-talk:97891]
+ * string.c (rb_str_index_m): use unsigned comparison for T_FIXNUM
+ search. [ruby-talk:97342]
+Wed Apr 21 23:04:42 2004 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/rinda/rinda.rb, test/rinda/test_rinda.rb: check Hash tuple size.
+Wed Apr 21 20:05:00 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb (URI::HTTP#proxy_open): set Host: field explicitly.
+ [ruby-list:39542]
+Wed Apr 21 18:39:46 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: merge SMTP-TLS patch. This patch is
+ contributed by Daniel Hob. [ruby-core:02789]
+Wed Apr 21 18:23:45 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: change coding style: def m( a ) -> def m(a).
+Wed Apr 21 18:01:47 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: do not use class variables.
+ * lib/net/pop.rb (do_start): ensure to clean up connection when
+ authentication failed.
+Wed Apr 21 17:23:59 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (HTTP#connect): CONNECT must precede SSL connect.
+ [ruby-dev:23379]
+ * lib/net/http.rb ( class variables are not inherited
+ now.
+Wed Apr 21 15:56:43 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit/ui/console/testrunner.rb (test_started): restore $0
+ after changing process title. [ruby-talk:97426]
+Wed Apr 21 10:18:06 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * process.c(rb_spawn): fix SEGV at "p system('command line here')"
+ (may happen only in bccwin32) [ruby-dev:23380]
+Mon Apr 19 20:58:44 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * dir.c: Updated RDocs.
+Mon Apr 19 18:11:15 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_equal): returns true if two hashes have same set
+ of key-value set. [ruby-talk:97559]
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_eql): returns true if two hashes are equal and
+ have same default values.
+Mon Apr 19 08:19:11 2004 Doug Kearns <>
+ * dln.c, io.c, pack.c, lib/benchmark.rb, lib/cgi.rb, lib/csv.rb,
+ lib/date.rb, lib/ftools.rb, lib/getoptlong.rb, lib/logger.rb,
+ lib/matrix.rb, lib/monitor.rb, lib/set.rb, lib/thwait.rb,
+ lib/timeout.rb, lib/yaml.rb, lib/drb/drb.rb, lib/irb/workspace.rb,
+ lib/net/ftp.rb, lib/net/http.rb, lib/net/imap.rb, lib/net/pop.rb,
+ lib/net/telnet.rb, lib/racc/parser.rb, lib/rinda/rinda.rb,
+ lib/rinda/tuplespace.rb, lib/shell/command-processor.rb,
+ lib/soap/rpc/soaplet.rb, lib/test/unit/testcase.rb,
+ lib/test/unit/testsuite.rb: typo fix.
+Mon Apr 19 08:14:18 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_c.rb (RDoc::C_Parser::find_body): Allow for
+Fri Apr 16 17:04:07 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_equal): always returns true or false, never
+ returns nil. [ruby-dev:23404]
+Fri Apr 16 12:38:48 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb (DRb::DRbUnknown::initialize): Exception#to_str is
+ deprecated.
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb (DRb::DRbServer::InvokeMethod::perform): multiple
+ value class changed.
+ * lib/drb/invokemethod.rb (DRb::DRbServer::InvokeMethod18Mixin::block_yield):
+ ditto.
+Fri Apr 16 08:27:08 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb: skip linking when libraries to be preloaded not
+ compiled. [ruby-list:39561]
+Thu Apr 15 19:57:11 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (pst_success_p): new method Process::Status#success?.
+ [ruby-dev:23385]
+ * rubytest.rb: do nothing while cross-compiling, return status in
+ system independent style.
+Thu Apr 15 19:26:54 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * dir.c (rb_push_glob): Dir.glob() should return nil if block is given.
+ (;name=Dir)
+ * dir.c (push_braces): Dir.glob() should handle '{ }' nested more than
+ 3 times.
+ * dir.c (push_braces, rb_push_glob): Dir.glob() should handle escaped
+ '{' and '}' and ','.
+ [ruby-dev:23376]
+Thu Apr 15 17:12:13 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/gdbm/gdbm.c (Init_gdbm): define GDBM::READER, GDBM::WRITER,
+ (fgdbm_initialize): use specified read/write flag.
+Wed Apr 14 13:06:09 2004 Doug Kearns <>
+ * array.c, enum.c, eval.c, file.c, io.c, numeric.c, object.c, prec.c,
+ process.c, re.c, string.c: typos in RDoc comments. [ruby-core:02783]
+Wed Apr 14 11:29:56 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_eq): workaround for bcc32's bug.
+ (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#594)
+Wed Apr 14 11:06:38 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_rb.rb (RDoc::RubyParser::scan): Changed
+ behavior of :enddoc: -- it now unconditionally terminates
+ processing of the current file.
+Wed Apr 14 10:57:40 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * defines.h: include <net/socket.h> to get fd_set definition in BeOS.
+Tue Apr 13 23:00:55 2004 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/rinda/rinda.rb: change pattern matching.
+ a === b -> a == b || a === b. [druby-ja:98]
+ * test/rinda/test_rinda.rb: ditto.
+Tue Apr 13 21:50:57 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub (PHONY): Borland make disallows empty command
+ rules.
+Tue Apr 13 17:55:16 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (begin_transport): should not overwrite HTTP
+ request header. [ruby-list:39543]
+Tue Apr 13 16:48:00 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: merge POP3S patch. This patch is contributed by
+ Daniel Hobe.
+Tue Apr 13 02:56:29 2004 Kazuo Saito <>
+ * changed the order of ascii.c alphabetically.
+Mon Apr 12 19:11:21 2004 Eric Hodel <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_copy_finalizer): typo. [ruby-core:02774]
+Mon Apr 12 18:45:58 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509name.c (ossl_x509name_init_i): should return
+ a value.
+Mon Apr 12 10:39:50 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * dir.c (rb_glob2, rb_glob, push_globs, push_braces, rb_push_glob):
+ fix memory leak. (leaked when block was interrupted)
+Sun Apr 11 19:10:13 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (require_libraries): restore source file/line after
+ statically linked extensions initialized. [ruby-dev:23357]
+Sun Apr 11 10:47:04 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/code_objects.rb (RDoc::TopLevel::add_class_or_module): Toplevel
+ classes and modules are a special case too... (handle extending existing
+ classes with or without :enddoc:)
+Sat Apr 10 23:51:13 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/code_objects.rb (RDoc::Context::add_to): Implementation of :enddoc:
+ made one too many assumptions...
+Sat Apr 10 00:00:19 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/markup/simple_markup/inline.rb: Fix problem
+ with \_cat_<b>dog</b>
+Fri Apr 9 17:05:21 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * dir.c (has_magic, find_dirsep): incomplete '[' matches no character
+ in Dir.glob. (follows File.fnmatch's behavior)
+ * dir.c (fnmatch_helper): incomplete escape is ignored in File.fnmatch.
+ (follows Dir.glob's behavior)
+ * dir.c (find_dirsep): '/' between '[' and ']' is ignored in Dir.glob.
+ (follows File.fnmatch with File::FNM_PATHNAME 's behavior)
+ * dir.c (find_dirsep): escaped slash '\/' loses its meaning as
+ directory separator in Dir.glob.
+ [ruby-dev:23291]
+Thu Apr 8 20:25:19 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): skip uncompiled extensions.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): emit no rules for static library if
+ $static is nil, e.g., outside of ext/.
+ * lib/test/unit/ui/console/testrunner.rb (test_started): show test
+ name via $0.
+ * runruby.rb: set environments to use the compiled binary.
+ * test/runner.rb: do nothing while cross-compiling.
+ * test/drb/drbtest.rb, test/soap/calc/test_calc_cgi.rb: use envutil to
+ know ruby binary, and restore $: after require.
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb: give priority to RUBY environment variable to
+ use just compiled binary and libraries.
+Thu Apr 8 19:03:33 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_binmode): inverted condition. [ruby-dev:23349]
+Thu Apr 8 18:22:00 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (iconv_s_list): return encoding list if no block
+ is given. [ruby-dev:23063]
+Wed Apr 7 15:29:24 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): use NUM2INT() instead of num2i32().
+Wed Apr 7 12:32:02 2004 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/parser.rb, lib/rss/1.0.rb: accepted rdf:resource or
+ resource attribute in rdf:li.
+ * test/rss/test_parser.rb: added test for above change.
+ * lib/rss/dublincore.rb: reverted style.
+ * lib/rss/xmlparser.rb: normalized XMLParser class hierarchy.
+Wed Apr 7 10:43:17 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *,, */Makefile.sub (ext/extinit.o): OUTFLAG
+ doesn't work for object files on VC.
+ * */Makefile.sub (config.h): need SIZEOF_TIME_T now.
+Wed Apr 7 00:24:34 2004 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/rinda/rinda.rb: fix hash tuple bug.
+ * lib/rinda/tuplespace.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rinda/test_rinda.rb
+Tue Apr 6 18:24:18 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (rb_get_path): get path string via "to_path" method if
+ path object is not a string. [Ruby2]
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_call_finalizer_at_exit): do not free threads in the
+ exit finalizers.
+ * io.c (rb_io_reopen): should use rb_io_check_io().
+Tue Apr 6 16:46:09 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * check the size of time_t.
+ * time.c (time_add): new function.
+ (time_plus): use time_add.
+ (time_minus): use time_add.
+Tue Apr 6 13:11:48 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (raise_socket_error): never return.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (make_hostent): must return value.
+Tue Apr 6 00:14:43 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * error.c (Init_Exception): remove Exception#to_str. [Ruby2]
+ * eval.c (error_print): should no call "to_str" anymore use
+ "message" method instead.
+ * io.c (rb_f_open): Kernel#open() calls "to_open" if the first
+ argument responds to it. [Ruby2]
+Tue Apr 6 00:13:43 2004 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/rinda/rinda.rb: add require 'drb/drb'
+Mon Apr 5 22:25:32 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/zlib/test_zlib.rb: new file.
+ (TestZlibGzipWriter#test_new_nil): test for [ruby-dev:23228].
+Mon Apr 5 22:16:23 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * parse.y (assoc_list): {a: 1, b: 2} should be allowed.
+ [ruby-dev:23328]
+Mon Apr 5 19:43:40 2004 Kazuo Saito <>
+ * regexec.c: imported Oni Guruma 2.2.6.
+Mon Apr 5 19:39:10 2004 Kazuo Saito <>
+ * regparse.c, oniguruma.h: imported Oni Guruma 2.2.6.
+Mon Apr 5 12:12:09 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (raise_socket_error): some platforms don't have
+Mon Apr 5 08:18:23 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb: Remove leading ./ from file names so that cross
+ references work properly.
+Sun Apr 4 14:01:20 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/options.rb (Options::parse): Allow multiple -x options to
+ RDoc. Fix bug where files weren't being excluded properly
+Sat Apr 3 09:36:38 2004 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/syck.h: version 0.43.
+Sat Apr 3 08:28:47 2004 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/lib/gram.c: allow root-level inline collections.
+ [ruby-talk:94922]
+ * lib/yaml/rubytypes.rb (Symbol#to_yaml): emit symbols as implicits.
+ [ruby-talk:94930]
+Fri Apr 2 19:28:48 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub (OUTFLAG): needed for static-linked-ext.
+Fri Apr 2 18:00:05 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): extract necessary variables for static link
+ from Makefile.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): save preload and libpath for next
+ compile.
+Fri Apr 2 17:27:17 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (top_include): include in the wrapped load is done for
+ the wrapper, not for a singleton class for wrapped main.
+ [ruby-dev:23305]
+Fri Apr 2 15:13:44 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_eq): use temporary double variable to save the
+ result (internal float register may be bigger than 64 bits, for
+ example, 80 bits on x86). [ruby-dev:23311]
+Fri Apr 2 14:35:26 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (block_pass): should generate unique identifier of the
+ pushing block. [ruby-talk:96363]
+Fri Apr 2 11:36:20 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * eval.c (Init_load): make $LOADED_FEATURES built-in.
+ [ruby-dev:23299]
+ * ruby.c (ruby_prog_init): make $PROGRAM_NAME built-in.
+ * lib/English.rb: remove $LOADED_FEATURES and $PROGRAM_NAME.
+Fri Apr 2 07:31:38 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: mistakingly removed do_not_reverse_lookup.
+ [ruby-list:39475]
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (make_hostent): fix memory leak, based on
+ the patch from HORIKAWA Hisashi <>.
+Thu Apr 1 22:55:33 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_rb.rb: Allow rdoc comments in
+ =begin rdoc/=end
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_rb.rb: Fix problem with comment in
+ top-level method being taken as file comment.
+Thu Apr 1 22:55:04 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/ri_options.rb: Fix undefined variable warning.
+Thu Apr 1 19:58:37 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/soap/mapping/{factory.rb,registry.rb}: fixed illegal mapped URI
+ object with soap/marshal.
+ added URIFactory class for URI mapping. BasetypeFactory checks
+ instance_variables when original mapping is not allowed (ivar must
+ be empty). Instance of URI have instance_variables but it must be
+ llowed whenever original mapping is allowed or not.
+Wed Mar 31 19:06:23 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (year_leap_p): new function.
+ (timegm_noleapsecond): ditto.
+ (search_time_t): use timegm_noleapsecond instead of
+ mktime for first guess.
+Wed Mar 31 12:05:17 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb (DelegateClass): define internal methods of the
+ result class, but not metaclass of the caller. [ruby-talk:96156]
+ * intern.h: provide proper prototypes. [ruby-core:02724]
+ * ruby.h: missing.h is now prerequisite to intern.h.
+Wed Mar 31 11:17:16 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): raises RangeError if uv is out of UTF8 value
+ range. [ruby-dev:23281]
+ * io.c (rb_io_binmode): stdio buffer should be empty when calling
+ IO#binmode. [ruby-talk:96155]
+Tue Mar 30 20:25:34 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (search_time_t): limit guess range by mktime if it is
+ available. [ruby-dev:23274]
+Tue Mar 30 18:19:00 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): fix SEGV at retry in iterator's receiver.
+ [ruby-dev:23227]
+Mon Mar 29 20:17:16 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (rb_exec): follow older behavior if close-on-exec is not
+ available.
+ * process.c (rb_fork): protect from exceptions while waiting failed
+ process, if status is given.
+Sun Mar 28 16:25:37 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * cygwin/ (clean-local, distclean-local): remove
+ work files.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (clean-local): ditto.
+Sun Mar 28 14:23:02 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: def m( arg ) -> def m(arg).
+Sun Mar 28 14:09:13 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/pop.rb (auth): failed when account/password include "%".
+ [ruby-talk:95933]
+Sat Mar 27 21:40:41 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb: permit extra semicolon in content-type field.
+Sat Mar 27 10:40:48 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * (lib/pp.rb, lib/prettyprint.rb): define seplist in PP::PPMethods
+ instead of PrettyPrint.
+Sat Mar 27 01:47:09 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/logger.rb: trim tail space of each line. no user visible change.
+ * lib/rss/dublincore.rb: fixed class definition mismatch.
+ * sample/openssl/gen_csr.rb: fixed wrong usage text.
+Thu Mar 25 23:15:24 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/ri_options.rb (RI::Options::show_version):
+ Add --version option
+Thu Mar 25 21:45:00 2004 Shigeo Kobayashi <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c: Bug in + and - reported by Bret Jolly
+ fixed.
+Thu Mar 25 21:01:32 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * version.c (ruby_show_copyright): obtain copyright year from
+ * win32/resource.rb: ditto.
+Thu Mar 25 19:37:35 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/resource.rb: default rubyw icon to ruby.ico, and let DLL also
+ include them.
+ * win32/resource.rb: include winver.h for older WindowsCE.
+Thu Mar 25 14:01:03 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, */Makefile.sub (lib, dll): phony targets.
+ * (ruby, miniruby): ditto.
+ * cygwin/ (rubyw): ditto.
+Thu Mar 25 04:16:18 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/ri_options.rb (RI::Options): Add the --list-names option,
+ which dumps our all known names
+Thu Mar 25 03:57:47 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/ri_util.rb (NameDescriptor::initialize): No longer
+ allow nested classes to be designated using "."--you must
+ now use "::"
+Thu Mar 25 02:00:18 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/generators/template/html/one_page_html.rb (Page):
+ Fix to work with C modules.
+Wed Mar 24 20:49:00 2004 Gavin Sinclair <>
+ * lib/uri.rb: Documented (thanks Dmitry V. Sabanin).
+ * lib/uri/common.rb: Ditto.
+ * lib/uri/ftp.rb: Ditto.
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb: Ditto.
+ * lib/uri/http.rb: Ditto.
+ * lib/uri/https.rb: Ditto.
+ * lib/uri/ldap.rb: Ditto.
+ * lib/uri/mailto.rb: Ditto.
+Wed Mar 24 18:48:05 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb ($ruby, $topdir, $hdrdir): should not be affected by
+ DESTDIR after installed.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (dummy_makefile): default file lists to be cleaned.
+Wed Mar 24 12:32:56 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_c.rb (RDoc::C_Parser::handle_class_module):
+ Don't document methods if we don't know for sure the
+ class or module.
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_rb.rb (RDoc::RubyParser::parse_class):
+ Don't store documentation for singleton classes if we
+ don't know the real class.
+Wed Mar 24 11:11:26 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/generators/html_generator.rb (Generators::HTMLGenerator::load_html_template):
+ Allow non-RDoc templates by putting a slash in the template name
+Wed Mar 24 10:05:22 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb (Tempfile::_close): should not clear @tmpname
+ until the file is really removed. [ruby-core:02684]
+Wed Mar 24 04:12:44 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_mod_cvar_get): new method Module#class_variable_get.
+ * object.c (rb_mod_cvar_set): ditto (Module#class_variable_set).
+Tue Mar 23 17:45:22 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_atfork): 1.9 warns no more for thread
+ termination. [ruby-dev:23212]
+Tue Mar 23 14:46:10 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, */Makefile.sub, (clean-local, distclean-local):
+ separate files under directories due to directory separator.
+ * */Makefile.sub (MKFILES): and */Makefile.sub should not be
+ removed.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub, wince/Makefile.sub: $* cannot appear in explicit
+ rules.
+ * cygwin/ some mingw stuffs were missed.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): Borland make wrongly removes braces
+ from command lines.
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub: needs bcc32/mkexports.rb.
+Mon Mar 22 08:21:17 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, */Makefile.sub, extract common portions.
+ *, cygwin/, */Makefile.sub (RBCONFIG):
+ separated time stamp file for rbconfig.rb.
+ * append to Makefile.
+ * mkconfig.rb: keep mtime of rbconfig.rb if unchanged.
+ * win32/rm.bat: remove multiple files.
+ * wince/mkconfig_wce.rb: use fake.rb instead.
+Sun Mar 21 22:17:35 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpserver.rb (WEBrick::HTTPServer#virtual_host):
+ sort @virtual_hosts in address, port, host order.
+ * lib/webrick/httpserver.rb (WEBrick::HTTPServer#lookup_server):
+ hostname should not be match if :ServerAlias is not given.
+Sun Mar 21 21:11:16 2004 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/shell/*: bug fix for Shell#system(command_line_string).
+Sun Mar 21 21:04:42 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ruby.1: add -width option to .Bl for old groff.
+Sun Mar 21 18:57:37 2004 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rss/*: Test::Unit::TestCase -> RSS::TestCase and
+ Test::Unit::Assertions -> RSS::Assertions.
+Sun Mar 21 18:48:20 2004 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/{rss,dublincore,syndication}.rb: handled W3CDTF correctly.
+Sun Mar 21 18:15:29 2004 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rss/test_xml-stylesheet.rb: added tests for xml-stylesheet.
+ * lib/rss/xml-stylesheet.rb: added xml-stylesheet parsing
+ function.
+Sat Mar 20 23:51:03 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * eval.c (rb_require_safe): preserve old ruby_errinfo.
+ [ruby-talk:95409]
+ * eval.c (rb_f_raise): should not clear backtrace information if
+ exception object already have one.
+Sat Mar 20 21:21:03 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb: rm -rf $extout, not extout.
+Sat Mar 20 15:25:36 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/generators/template/html/html.rb (RDoc::Page): Force
+ page background to white.
+Sat Mar 20 09:33:36 2004 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb, lib/date/format.rb: _parse() now accepts fractional
+ part of second minute that follows a comma or a full stop.
+Fri Mar 19 21:06:21 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (assoc_list): allow {sym: val} style Hash. [Ruby2]
+ this change is done by Nobuyoshi Nakada <>.
+Fri Mar 19 15:15:15 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_cvar_set): class variables become private to the
+ particular class/module. [Ruby2]
+ * variable.c (rb_cvar_get): ditto.
+ * variable.c (rb_cvar_defined): ditto.
+Fri Mar 19 11:31:32 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb ($beos, $solaris): add OS flags.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (RUBY): / is not recognized as path separator on
+ nmake/bmake. [ruby-list:39388]
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (CLEANLIBS, CLEANOBJS): should remove *.exp with *.so.
+Fri Mar 19 01:55:57 2004 Mauricio Fernandez <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_sync): need not to check writable. [ruby-core:02674]
+Thu Mar 18 19:47:44 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * instruby.rb, rubytest.rb: do not depend on srcdir.
+Thu Mar 18 18:50:06 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * mkconfig.rb: no longer embed srcdir and compile_dir into
+ rbconfig.rb.
+ * ext/extmk.rb, lib/mkmf.rb: obtain top_srcdir and topdir from library
+ paths.
+Thu Mar 18 17:46:35 2004 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb: do not undef :to_a.
+Thu Mar 18 16:22:38 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (proc_eq): avoid false positive by using scope and
+ dyna_vars. no longer use frame.uniq.
+ * eval.c (proc_arity): arity is now defined as number of
+ parameters that would not be ignored. i.e.{}.arity
+ returns zero. update test suites too.
+Thu Mar 18 15:27:25 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c: remove specialized version of rb_Array(). use simple
+ one defined in object.c.
+ * object.c (Init_Object): remove Kernel#to_a.
+ * enum.c (enum_zip): use "to_a" instead of "to_ary".
+Wed Mar 17 00:22:03 2004 Kazuo Saito <>
+ * oniguruma.h: imported Oniguruma 2.2.5.
+ * regparse.c: ditto.
+Tue Mar 16 11:14:17 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * dir.c (fnmatch_helper): File.fnmatch('\.', '.') should return true.
+ (Rev1.112 lost compatibility)
+ * dir.c (fnmatch_helper): File.fnmatch('\/', '/', File::FNM_PATHNAME)
+ should return true. (Rev1.112 lost compatibility)
+ * dir.c (fnmatch): File.fnmatch('**/.boo', '.foo/.boo',
+ File::FNM_PATHNAME) should return false because of leading period.
+Mon Mar 15 17:01:07 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * error.c (exc_initialize): calling 'to_str' each time just for
+ type checking is too heavy. [ruby-core:02661]
+Mon Mar 15 10:14:51 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.rb (OpenSSL::SSL::SocketForwarder):
+ add do_not_reverse_lookup.
+Mon Mar 15 07:39:13 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): should not re-submit TAG_BREAK if this
+ yield is not break destination. [ruby-dev:23197]
+Sun Mar 14 22:07:38 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_raise): err at unstarted thread. (PR#1302)
+Sat Mar 13 14:56:32 2004 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * test/drb/ut_drb.rb: use 'druby://localhost:0'. [ruby-dev:23078]
+ * test/drb/ut_eval.rb: ditto.
+ * test/drb/ut_large.rb: ditto.
+ * test/drb/ut_safe1.rb: ditto.
+ * test/drb/ut_drb_drbssl.rb: use 'drbssl://localhost:0'.
+Fri Mar 12 23:52:56 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * dir.c (fnmatch): directory recursion '**/' can be used with
+ File::FNM_PATHNAME. [ruby-dev:22901]
+ * dir.c (fnmatch, fnmatch_helper): only '/' is accepted as path
+ separator even in DOSISH environment. [ruby-dev:22974]
+ [ruby-list:39337]
+ * dir.c (fnmatch_helper): faster '*' matching.
+Fri Mar 12 20:19:16 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (rb_cv_noreturn): default for platforms not support
+ prototypes.
+ * ruby.c (ruby_init_loadpath): buffer for path name should have
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (configuration): include topdir and hdrdir in VPATH.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): default dependency rule.
+Fri Mar 12 07:35:36 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/config.rb (WEBrick::Config::General): add
+ :DoNotReverseLookup.
+ * lib/webrick/server.rb (WEBrick::GenericServer#accept): call
+ do_not_reverse_lookup for each socket if :DoNotReverseLookup
+ is set. [ruby-code:02357]
+Wed Mar 10 22:26:25 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (remove_dir): should handle symlink correctly.
+ This patch is contributed by Christian Loew. [ruby-talk:94635]
+Wed Mar 10 16:28:42 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (return_jump): set return value to the return
+ destination. separated from localjump_destination().
+ * eval.c (break_jump): break innermost loop (or thread or proc).
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): set exit_value for block break.
+Wed Mar 10 16:00:14 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_s_def): Struct::new executes block with
+ generated struct class. [ruby-talk:02606]
+Wed Mar 10 15:58:43 2004 Ryan Davis <>
+ * eval.c (eval): Only print backtrace if generating the backtrace
+ doesn't generate an exception. [ruby-core:02621]
+Wed Mar 10 10:15:16 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ruby.c (opt_W_getter): get rid of warning.
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub, win32/Makefile.sub, wince/Makefile.sub:
+ fixed dependency.
+Tue Mar 9 13:04:26 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_ungetc): raise IOError instead of calling
+ rb_sys_fail(). [ruby-talk:23181]
+Tue Mar 9 10:03:40 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub, win32/Makefile.sub, wince/Makefile.sub:
+ replaced regex.c entry with Oniguruma files.
+Tue Mar 9 01:09:46 2004 Kazuo Saito <>
+ * replaced regex.c entry with Oniguruma files.
+Mon Mar 8 23:16:07 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: HTTPHeader did not initialized correctly.
+ * lib/net/http.rb (connect): does same debug output.
+Mon Mar 8 21:38:18 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (add_header): remove warning. [ruby-dev:23170]
+Mon Mar 8 21:09:39 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * dir.c (range): Cancel change for incomplete '['. More discussion
+ is needed.
+Mon Mar 8 19:35:13 2004 akira yamada <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (URI::REGEXP::PATTERN::HOSTPORT): (?:#{PORT})
+ -> (?::#{PORT}). [ruby-dev:23170]
+Mon Mar 8 15:03:24 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * dir.c (range): treat incomplete '[' as ordinary character (like
+ has_magic does). fix buffer overrun at incomplete escape like '[\'.
+Mon Mar 8 13:35:32 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * regparse.c (parse_exp): need to separate initialization for bcc32.
+ [ruby-dev:23169]
+ * oniguruma.h (ONIG_EXTERN): check __GNUC__ instead of __CYGWIN__.
+Mon Mar 8 01:05:55 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/config.rb (WEBrick::Config::HTTP): rename :RequestHander
+ to :RequestCallback and add new option :ServerAlias.
+ * lib/webrick/httpserver.rb (WEBrick::HTTPServer#run): use
+ :RequestCallback and warn if :RequestHandler is in server's option.
+ * lib/webrick/httpserver.rb (WEBrick::HTTPServer#run): should print
+ error message for WEBrick::HTTPSataus::Error.
+ * lib/webrick/httpserver.rb (WEBrick::HTTPServer#lookup_server):
+ lookup for hostname from :ServerAlias if the is not match
+ to :ServerName.
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet.rb (WEBrick::HTTPServlet::CGIHandler#do_GET):
+ use $?.exitstatus and refine log message.
+Sun Mar 7 16:22:26 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * (lex.c): use $? instead of $<.
+ * lib/pstore.rb (commit_new): use FileUtils.copy_stream for Cygwin.
+ [ruby-dev:23157]
+Sun Mar 7 05:34:42 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: HTTPHeader keeps its header fields as an array.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: new method HTTPHeader#add_header, get_fields.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: new method HTTPHeader#content_length=.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: new method HTTPHeader#content_type, main_type,
+ sub_type, type_params, content_type=, set_content_type.
+ * lib/net/http.rb (HTTPHeader#basic_encode): result of pack(m) may
+ contain multiple LFs.
+Sun Mar 7 03:11:00 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: new method Net::HTTPRequest#body(=).
+ * lib/net/http.rb: new method Net::HTTPRequest#body_stream(=).
+Sun Mar 7 02:06:07 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: spin off https code again.
+ * lib/net/https.rb: new file.
+ * ext/openssl/lib/net/https.rb: removed. moved to net/https with
+ slight modifications.
+ * ext/openssl/lib/net/protocols.rb: removed. merged with net/http.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: new class BufferedIO.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: InternetMessageIO < BufferedIO.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: takes an IO.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: follow InternetMessageIO's change.
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: ditto.
+Sun Mar 7 00:55:03 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: remove method: InternetMessageIO#address,
+ port, ip_address, read_timeout(=), socket.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: simplify code.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: apply latest coding style.
+Sat Mar 6 15:15:05 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/strscan/depend: depends on re.h and regex.h.
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c: no version check needed.
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c (strscan_init_copy): struct re_registers must
+ not be bitwise copied.
+Sat Mar 6 11:14:33 2004 David Black <>
+ * lib/scanf.rb: refixed the previous fix in IO#block_scanf
+Sat Mar 6 10:49:40 2004 David Black <>
+ * lib/scanf.rb: fixed a logic glitch in IO#block_scanf
+Sat Mar 6 02:00:19 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: net/https is merged.
+ * ext/openssl/lib/net/https.rb: ditto.
+Sat Mar 6 00:39:21 2004 Kazuo Saito <>
+ * oniggnu.h: imported from Oniguruma library.
+ * oniguruma.h: ditto.
+ * regcomp.c: ditto.
+ * regenc.c: ditto.
+ * regenc.h: ditto.
+ * regerror.c: ditto.
+ * regex.c: ditto.
+ * regexec.c: ditto.
+ * reggnu.c: ditto.
+ * regint.h: ditto.
+ * regparse.c: ditto.
+ * regparse.h: ditto.
+ * ascii.c: ditto.
+ * euc_jp.c: ditto.
+ * sjis.c: ditto.
+ * utf8.c: ditto.
+ * MANIFEST: added Oniguruma files listed above.
+ * LEGAL: added Oniguruma license.
+ * regex.h: now includes oniggnu.h.
+ * re.c: applied Oniguruma patch.
+Fri Mar 5 23:13:08 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: support WebDAV methods, PROPPATCH, LOCK,
+ This patch is contributed by Tatsuki Sugiura.
+Fri Mar 5 20:58:37 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: Net::HTTPResponse#response is obsolete.
+ [ruby-core:02592]
+ * lib/net/http.rb: Net::HTTPResponse#header is obsolete.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: Net::HTTPResponse#read_header is obsolete.
+Fri Mar 5 20:10:57 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c: new method StringScanner#initialize_copy
+ to allow #dup and #clone.
+ * test/strscan/test_strscan.rb: test StringScanner#dup.
+Fri Mar 5 19:42:09 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (HTTPResponse#to_ary): should return an object
+ which does not respond to #to_ary. It causes infinite loop in
+ puts. [ruby-core:02578]
+Fri Mar 5 00:51:35 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: Move RDoc documentation so that you can
+ now say 'ri Test::Unit'
+Thu Mar 4 22:31:40 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * miniruby is not needed for cross compile.
+ * (PREP): miniruby for native compile.
+Thu Mar 4 11:46:32 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/drb/extservm.rb (DRb::ExtServManager#invoke_service_command):
+ detach server processes to get rid of zombies.
+Thu Mar 4 10:41:25 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ruby.h (T_MASK): save 1 bit in flags bits by shifting T_xxx
+ values.
+Thu Mar 4 08:08:36 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c: get rid of warnings.
+ * lib/rss/taxonomy.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/ri_formatter.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_assignment.rb: ditto.
+Thu Mar 4 01:17:28 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/ri_display.rb (DefaultDisplay::page): wait until the
+ pager terminates.
+Wed Mar 3 13:10:56 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (method_hash): new method. [ruby-talk:93968]
+ * eval.c (proc_eq): do not compare dyna_vars.
+ * eval.c (proc_hash): new method.
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): protect break/return from within orphan (or
+ lambda) Proc object.
+Wed Mar 3 09:52:05 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb ($topdir): use compile_dir only when not installed yet.
+ [ruby-talk:94098]
+Wed Mar 3 01:18:52 2004 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/converter.rb: handled Uconv::Error.
+ * lib/rss/dublincore.rb: DublincoreModel -> DublinCoreModel
+Wed Mar 3 00:59:30 2004 David Black <>
+ * lib/scanf.rb: soak_up_spaces only ungetc's non-space last
+ character
+ * lib/scanf.rb: IO#block_scanf now returns partial last iteration
+ array if format string matches partly
+Tue Mar 2 16:30:21 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (pipe_open): erred program name should be reported by
+ exceptions, instead of the first argument.
+ * process.c (rb_spawn): ditto.
+ * process.c (proc_spawn_v): use first argument as program name.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_aspawn): ditto.
+ * win32/win32.c (CreateChild): search executable file if no program
+ name given.
+ * lib/drb/extservm.rb (invoke_service_command): use Process.spawn.
+ [ruby-dev:23103]
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/ri_display.rb (setup_pager): use IO.popen.
+ [ruby-dev:23086], [ruby-dev:23103]
+ * lib/rdoc/diagram.rb (convert_to_png): ditto.
+ * lib/rdoc/generators/chm_generator.rb (compile_project): ditto.
+Tue Mar 2 12:24:03 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub, wince/Makefile.sub (config.h): shouldn't check
+ defined? NORETURN. [ruby-dev:23100]
+Tue Mar 2 11:28:40 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_iterator.rb (test_ljump): cannot use
+ assert_nothing_raised due to passing block.
+Tue Mar 2 06:23:14 2004 David Black <>
+ * lib/scanf.rb: fixed Kernel#scanf to propagate code block
+Mon Mar 1 23:25:40 2004 David Black <>
+ * lib/scanf.rb: Partial fix so STDIN#scanf works with new
+ STDIN#pos behavior
+Mon Mar 1 19:42:05 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * bcc32/setup.mak: configure's default is "--enable-install-doc"
+ * win32/setup.mak: ditto.
+Mon Mar 1 12:24:10 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_rb.rb (RDoc::RubyParser::parse_alias):
+ Allow aliases to have parentheses
+Sun Feb 29 23:14:53 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_rb.rb (RDoc::RubyParser::parse_class):
+ Handle :nodoc: on singleton classes.
+Sat Feb 28 21:50:20 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub, bcc32/README.bcc32, bcc32/configure.bat,
+ bcc32/setup.mak: new configure scheme. use ``configure --prefix=dir''
+ instead of ``make DESTDIR=dir install''.
+ --with-static-linked-ext support on bccwin32. [ruby-dev:23034]
+Sat Feb 28 21:50:20 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * bcc32/setup.mak: "configure --disable-install-doc" is now working.
+ * win32/setup.mak: ditto.
+Sat Feb 28 15:09:49 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * bcc32/configure.bat: append missing label ":exit".
+ * bcc32/configure.bat: fix typo.
+Sat Feb 28 10:31:03 2004 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * MANIFEST: add test_erb.rb
+ * lib/erb.rb, test/erb/test_erb.rb: don't forget filename,
+ if both filename and safe_level given. [ruby-dev:23050]
+Sat Feb 28 01:08:40 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): should not allow symbol for invalid global
+ variable (e.g. `:$-)`). [ruby-core:02518]
+Fri Feb 27 20:37:09 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (proc_invoke): no orphan block check is needed when pcall
+ is true.
+ * eval.c (localjump_destination): update localjump condition.
+Fri Feb 27 02:10:49 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (localjump_destination): lambda should not interfere
+ return from the yielded block.
+Fri Feb 27 00:53:49 2004 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb, test/drb/drbtest.rb: require drb/eq.rb by default
+Thu Feb 26 12:15:02 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (make_cmdvector): adjust successive double-quote
+ handling.
+Thu Feb 26 09:42:56 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (delete_if_i): use st_delete_safe() (via
+ rb_hash_delete()) instead of returning ST_DELETE.
+Thu Feb 26 02:35:10 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (rb_f_exec): get rid of SEGV when exec failed for command
+ in single string.
+Wed Feb 25 21:17:33 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (obj_free), io.c (rb_io_fptr_finalize), rubyio.h (OpenFile):
+ sharing OpenFile.
+ * io.c (rb_io_initialize): accept IO instance. [ruby-dev:22195]
+Wed Feb 25 21:16:10 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * instruby.rb (with_destdir): should return the given argument if no
+ DESTDIR is given.
+ * instruby.rb: use path name expansion of cmd.exe.
+Wed Feb 25 20:44:45 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/cgi-lib.rb, lib/getopts.rb, lib/importenv.rb, lib/parsearg.rb:
+ warn with caller position.
+ * test/rss/test_content.rb, test/rss/test_dublincore.rb,
+ test/rss/test_syndication.rb, test/rss/test_trackback.rb: use cgi
+ instead of cgi-lib.
+Tue Feb 24 18:42:03 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): '**/' should not match leading period
+ unless File::FNM_DOTMATCH is set. (like '*/') [ruby-dev:23014]
+Tue Feb 24 18:03:14 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_file.rb (test_fnmatch): test for dir.c:1.108.
+Tue Feb 24 17:07:17 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * dir.c (fnmatch): File.fnmatch with File::FNM_PATHNAME was broken
+ for the pattern including '*' followed by '/'.
+Tue Feb 24 13:22:21 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb (RDoc::RDoc::normalized_file_list): Attempt to get better
+ heuristics on which files to include and exclude. Now only include
+ non-standard files if they are explicitly named in ARGV.
+Tue Feb 24 07:23:30 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/generators/html_generator.rb: Deal with :stopdoc: when
+ choosing a default main page to display (ie. don't select a page
+ if we don't have documentation for it).
+Tue Feb 24 06:40:14 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_rb.rb (RubyLex::identify_identifier): Handle
+ class variables in code listings
+Tue Feb 24 06:32:27 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_c.rb (RDoc::C_Parser::do_aliases): Handle
+ aliases in C files.
+Tue Feb 24 06:16:22 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb (RDoc::RDoc::document): Now create op dir _before_
+ parsing files.
+Tue Feb 24 06:08:47 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_rb.rb (RDoc::RubyParser::parse_constant):
+ Start collecting text of constant values earlier: was missing
+ values in output if there was no space after '='
+Tue Feb 24 06:08:25 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/generators/html_generator.rb: Escape contant values.
+Tue Feb 24 03:45:06 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_config.c (ossl_config_each): add new method
+ OpenSSL::Config#each. it iterates with section name, field name
+ and value.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_config.c (Init_ossl_config): include Enumerable.
+Mon Feb 23 09:09:44 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * instruby.rb (parse_args): use optparse instead of getopts.
+ * instruby.rb (DOSISH): embedded path in batch files should not be
+ prefixed by DESTDIR. [ruby-core:02186]
+Sun Feb 22 14:58:04 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb: $extstatic is Array or nil now. [ruby-talk:93383]
+ *, bcc32/Makefile.sub, win32/Makefile.sub: terminate options.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (init_mkmf): $INCFLAGS also should be lazy-evaluated.
+Sun Feb 22 13:05:37 2004 akira yamada <>
+ * lib/uri/mailto.rb (URI::MailTo::to_s): should include fragment.
+Sun Feb 22 12:58:35 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb: use optparse instead of getopts.
+ *, bcc32/Makefile.sub, win32/Makefile.sub: ditto.
+Sun Feb 22 09:51:00 2004 Gavin Sinclair <>
+ * re.c: corrected documentation format (rb_reg_initialize_m)
+Sat Feb 21 22:41:00 2004 Gavin Sinclair <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c: documented, but needs more effort.
+Sat Feb 21 14:33:20 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb: prefer relative path. [ruby-talk:93037]
+Sat Feb 21 11:12:08 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * missing/os2.c, missing/x68.c: typo fix. pointed out by greentea.
+Fri Feb 20 19:11:20 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/ostruct.rb (OpenStruct#initialize_copy): should not share
+ members. [ruby-dev:22966]
+Fri Feb 20 18:59:47 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/irb/init.rb (IRB::IRB.parse_opts): add -I option to
+ irb. [ruby-dev:39243]
+Fri Feb 20 12:55:27 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (pipe_open): fix typo.
+ * win32/win32.c (CreateChild): first argument to CreateProcess() must
+ have path, not just basename.
+Thu Feb 19 23:24:16 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/generators/html_generator.rb (Generators::HtmlClass::build_attribute_list):
+ Support visibility modifiers for attributes
+Thu Feb 19 22:39:00 2004 Gavin Sinclair <>
+ * lib/ostruct.rb: documented
+Thu Feb 19 22:39:04 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/rinda/test_rinda.rb: DRb.start_service only once in testsuites.
+ DRb.start_service could handle this.
+Thu Feb 19 22:24:04 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/soap/mapping/rubytypeFactory.rb: should not dump singleton class.
+ [ruby-dev:22588]
+ c = class <<; class C; self; end; end; SOAPMarshal.dump(c)
+Thu Feb 19 18:08:18 2004 Gavin Sinclair <>
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c: improved documentation
+Thu Feb 19 18:08:18 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c, win32/win32.h: fixed prototypes.
+ * win32/win32.c (wait): same as waitpid() with -1.
+Thu Feb 19 02:34:28 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/markup/simple_markup/preprocess.rb (SM::PreProcess::include_file):
+ Only strip comment markers if all lines start with comments.
+Thu Feb 19 03:05:49 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c: StringScanner#restsize is obsolete;
+ use #rest_size instead.
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c: StringScanner#matchedsize is obsolete;
+ use #matched_size instead.
+Thu Feb 19 02:42:19 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c: don't use rb_eval_string, it defines
+ classes under the module when required in module clauses.
+ [ruby-dev:22951]
+Thu Feb 19 02:37:28 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c: merge documentation from 1.8 branch.
+ Thanks Gavin Sinclair.
+Thu Feb 19 00:20:00 2004 Gavin Sinclair <>
+ * lib/cgi-lib.rb: deprecated after 1.8.1
+ * lib/getopts.rb: ditto
+ * lib/importenv.rb: ditto
+ * lib/parsearg.rb: ditto
+Thu Feb 19 00:11:05 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/markup/simple_markup/preprocess.rb (SM::PreProcess::handle):
+ Strip extraneous space from filenames in :include:
+Wed Feb 18 22:53:41 2004 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/drb/unix.rb: remove O_NONBLOCk, thanks \ay
+Wed Feb 18 22:42:19 2004 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * test/rinda/test_rinda.rb: improt test_rinda.rb
+Wed Feb 18 22:03:11 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/*: should not depend on $KCODE.
+Wed Feb 18 18:07:09 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_sprintf.rb: added tests.
+Wed Feb 18 17:18:01 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: need to include <olectl.h> on Cygwin.
+Wed Feb 18 10:40:38 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_f_sprintf): sign bit extension should not be done
+ if FPLUS flag is specified. [ruby-list:39224]
+ * sprintf.c (rb_f_sprintf): do not prepend dots for negative
+ numbers if FZERO is specified. [ruby-dev:39218]
+Wed Feb 18 10:23:34 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_f_sprintf): clean up.
+Tue Feb 17 23:40:34 2004 Guy Decoux <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_f_sprintf): preserve original val for
+ format_integer. [ruby-talk:92975]
+Tue Feb 17 23:28:45 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/soap/marshal/test_marshal.rb, test/ruby/test_marshal.rb: do $:
+ trick to share the testcase test/ruby/marshaltestlib.rb.
+Tue Feb 17 23:13:23 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/ruby/marshaltestlib.rb: common marshal testcase added.
+ * test/ruby/test_marshal.rb: use above testsuite.
+ * test/soap/marshal/test_marshal.rb: ditto.
+ * test/soap/marshal/cmarshal.rb: removed (not used).
+Tue Feb 17 19:34:26 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): $extout_prefix doesn't vary for libraries.
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): remove compile directory if empty.
+ * ext/extmk.rb (parse_args) lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): move
+ initialization of $extout_prefix from lib/mkmf.rb. [ruby-dev:22928]
+ * ext/extmk.rb: clear ext and extout directory when cleaning.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (CLEANLIBS): should be under $(arch) directory.
+Tue Feb 17 18:02:10 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c: ScanError may be (wrongly) garbage
+ collected. (thanks Gavin Sinclair)
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c: move ::ScanError to StringScanner::Error.
+ ::ScanError is also defined for backward compatibility.
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c: #peep is obsolete, use #peek.
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c: #empty? is obsolete, use #eos?.
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c: #clear is obsolete, use #terminate.
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c: #getbyte is obsolete, use #get_byte.
+Tue Feb 17 12:12:47 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (parse_args): delay expanding $(extout) until invoking
+ make.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (CLEANLIBS): should remove files have specific
+ extensions.
+Tue Feb 17 11:33:30 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rss/rexmlparser.rb: REXML version may be 4 digits.
+Tue Feb 17 10:45:59 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (syck_emitter_end_object): takes only one arg.
+Tue Feb 17 07:48:21 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rexml/encodings/SHIFT_JIS: wrong library name.
+Tue Feb 17 01:35:28 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): care that another thread replace NODE_DREGX_ONCE
+ to NODE_LIT. [ruby-dev:22920]
+Tue Feb 17 01:20:57 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: new module FileUtils::DryRun.
+Mon Feb 16 23:28:14 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/csv.rb: document reduction. [ruby-core:02429]
+ * test/yaml/test_yaml.rb: added 0..1 test with "0".."1" on display.
+ it should be defined that the specification about what kind of Range
+ is supported in ruby's custom type in YAML.
+Mon Feb 16 22:22:00 2004 Gavin Sinclair <>
+ * lib/generator.rb: corrected doc format
+ * lib/rinda/rinda.rb: added documentation (from Hugh Sasse)
+ * lib/rinda/tuplespace.rb: ditto
+ [Note: rinda files actually committed Wed Feb 18 07:27:00 2004]
+Mon Feb 16 20:28:52 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub: show more warnings. (referring to mingw)
+ * bcc32/setup.mak: ditto.
+Mon Feb 16 18:35:58 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.status): should create *.pdb on ext/,
+ not .ext/.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.status): convert the name of import
+ library.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): now don't need to remove
+ $(TARGET).lib.
+Mon Feb 16 15:45:22 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * check functions, fork spawnv.
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_popen): accept argv not only single command line.
+ * process.c (rb_proc_exec_n): export.
+ * process.c (rb_check_argv): check if arguments are safe to invoke.
+ * process.c (rb_fork): retry to fork.
+ * process.c (rb_spawn): spawn child process asynchronously.
+ * process.c (rb_f_system): raise an exception if the command could not
+ execute.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_argv_size): count necessary size for joined
+ arguments.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_join_argv): join arguments with quoting.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_pipe_exec, rb_w32_spawn, rb_w32_aspawn):
+ accept program name adding to command line.
+Mon Feb 16 15:18:33 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/racc/parser.rb: add note for Racc full package.
+Mon Feb 16 15:13:01 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/racc/cparse/README: new file.
+ * ext/racc/cparse/MANIFEST: add README.
+Mon Feb 16 12:29:10 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (iconv_s_list): new method Iconv.list
+ (libiconv only).
+Mon Feb 16 10:29:52 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * dir.c (CompareImpl): File.fnmatch and Dir.glob get better performance
+ in Win32. This is achieved by calling downcase() for single-byte
+ characters. (CharLower() is slower than downcase())
+Mon Feb 16 02:14:29 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub: should warn suspicious pointer conversion.
+ * bcc32/setup.mak: ditto.
+Sun Feb 15 20:56:22 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * dir.c (push_braces): remove wrong const. [ruby-dev:22891]
+Sun Feb 15 20:41:15 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * sample/soap/calc/httpd.rb, sample/soap/exchange/httpd.rb,
+ sample/soap/sampleStruct/httpd.rb, sample/wsdl/googleSearch/httpd.rb:
+ use soap/property instead of getopts for configuring DocumentRoot
+ and port# of httpd. see samplehttpd.conf below.
+ * sample/soap/calc/samplehttpd.conf,
+ sample/soap/exchange/samplehttpd.conf,
+ sample/soap/sampleStruct/samplehttpd.conf,
+ sample/wsdl/googleSearch/samplehttpd.conf: added.
+Sun Feb 15 19:13:33 2004 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/rinda/tuplespace.rb: read(tpl,0), raise RequestExpiredError
+ if not found.
+Sun Feb 15 15:48:57 2004 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: add IDispatch wrapper in val2variant.
+ Thanks, arton.
+Sun Feb 15 15:23:29 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * ruby.h, dir.c (rb_glob): add const.
+Sun Feb 15 01:46:05 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: absolute path of ruby is assigned to $(RUBY).
+ [ruby-dev:22870]
+Sat Feb 14 23:59:11 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * mkconfig.rb: use fileutils.rb instead of ftools.rb.
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub, win32/Makefile.sub (config.h): define
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub (config.h): add newer checks.
+ * wince/Makefile.sub (config.h): define NEED_IO_SEEK_BETWEEN_RW.
+Sat Feb 14 23:26:27 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/un.rb: use OptionParser instead of getopts.
+Sat Feb 14 11:28:14 2004 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * sample/drb/*: import lib/drb/sample
+Sat Feb 14 11:14:12 2004 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb: add pretty_print, thanks gotoken.
+Fri Feb 13 21:51:00 2004 Gavin Sinclair <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: slightly improved documentation (sync with 1.8)
+Fri Feb 13 19:57:01 2004 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rss/test_trackback.rb: added tests for TrackBack with RSS
+ 2.0.
+ * test/rss/common.rb: added methods make RSS 2.0.
+ * lib/rss/trackback.rb: TrackBack API is decided.
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb: RSS::VERSION 0.0.7 -> 0.0.8.
+ * lib/rss/parser.rb, lib/rss/rss.rb: replaced $DEBUG by RSS::DEBUG.
+ * lib/rss/2.0.rb: removed RSS 2.0 URI. Because RSS 2.0 doesn't
+ have URI.
+Fri Feb 13 14:41:00 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: en-bugged at last commit (Feb 11 23:24:22 2004)
+Fri Feb 13 12:26:37 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb: rescue SystemCallError instead
+ of EINVAL. may raise EACCES on network file systems.
+Fri Feb 13 05:18:58 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb: raises EINVAL on
+ Win9x. [ruby-dev:22713]
+Thu Feb 12 21:49:00 2004 Gavin Sinclair <>
+ * lib/ftools.rb: documented
+Thu Feb 12 21:19:00 2004 Gavin Sinclair <>
+ * lib/base64.rb: added and tidied documentation
+Thu Feb 12 20:45:01 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb (WriteAdapater#puts): must append "\n" to
+ the string, don't prepend. (ruby-bugs:PR#1280)
+Thu Feb 12 20:31:43 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_tmpsrc): cpp32 of Borland C++ ignores #error
+ directives in DOS line-ending files at all.
+Thu Feb 12 15:23:20 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (rparen): ignore preceding newlines to right parentheses.
+ (ruby-bugs:PR#1221) [ruby-dev:22858]
+Thu Feb 12 14:17:43 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * set ac_cv_func_link to yes to enable link() on MinGW.
+ [ruby-dev:22241]
+Thu Feb 12 13:32:49 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (link): raise NotImplementedError on Win9X.
+ contributed by Tietew. [ruby-dev:22713]
+ * win32/win32.c, win32/win32.h (link): add const.
+Thu Feb 12 09:56:19 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb (TkComm::tk_split_list): suppress a warning.
+Thu Feb 12 02:23:56 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb: use assert_raise instead of assert_raises.
+ * lib/pp.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/time.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/tsort.rb: ditto.
+ use TSortHash and TSortArray instead of Hash and Array in test.
+Wed Feb 11 23:24:22 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: properly treat a Tcl/Tk's string with escaping
+ special characters.
+Tue Feb 10 20:49:07 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (method_proc): return bound Proc object. [ruby-dev:22854]
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_define_method): bind method body itself for Method
+ object.
+ * node.h (NODE_DMETHOD): deprecated.
+ * object.c (rb_class_inherited_p): export.
+Tue Feb 10 16:43:50 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (umethod_bind): purge unused check. [ruby-dev:22850]
+Tue Feb 10 14:33:08 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_match): raise TypeError when both arguments are
+ strings. [ruby-dev:22851]
+ * string.c (rb_str_match2): removed.
+ *, bcc32/Makefile.sub, win32/Makefile.sub,
+ wince/Makefile.sub (string.c): now not depend on version.h.
+Mon Feb 9 17:46:07 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, bcc32/Makefile.sub, win32/Makefile.sub,,
+ runruby.rb: run rdoc, test and so on with compiled extension
+ libraries. [ruby-dev:22688]
+ * ext/extmk.rb, lib/mkmf.rb: make extension libraries in separated
+ directory, similar to the actual directory structure.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils.copy_file): use the mode of the original
+ file to create new file.
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/ri_paths.rb (RI::Paths::SYSDIR): get rid of unexpected
+ influence by environment variable.
+ * bcc32/configure.bat, win32/configure.bat: add install-doc options.
+ * win32/win32.c, win32/win32.h (rb_w32_fstat): fix Borland C runtime
+ bug which returns wrong mode. [ruby-dev:22846]
+Mon Feb 9 16:30:12 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (detach_process_watcher): return the last status.
+ [ruby-dev:22841]
+Sun Feb 8 16:46:08 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/pp.rb (PP::PPMethods::object_address_group): suppress negative
+ sign for higher heap areas.
+Sun Feb 8 16:18:27 2004 akira yamada <>
+ * test/yaml/test_yaml.rb (YAML_Unit_Tests::test_range_cycle):
+ added tests.
+Sun Feb 8 15:51:57 2004 akira yamada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_file.rb (TestFile::test_fnmatch): added tests for
+ File.fnmatch. [ruby-dev:22815][ruby-dev:22819]
+Sun Feb 8 15:41:45 2004 akira yamada <>
+ * test/yaml/test_yaml.rb (YAML_Unit_Tests::test_range_cycle):
+ added tests. [ruby-core:02306] [ruby-core:02311]
+Sun Feb 8 14:24:35 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (HTTP#request): should not overwrite Connection
+ header. (ruby-bugs:PR#1274)
+Sun Feb 8 10:11:21 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): Dir.glob('**/') did not work. [ruby-dev:22832]
+Sun Feb 8 00:29:26 2004 Hirokazu Yamamoto <>
+ * dir.c (fnmatch): File.fnmatch('*?', 'a') should return true.
+ [ruby-dev:22815]
+ * dir.c (fnmatch): File.fnmatch('\[1\]' , '[1]') should return true.
+ [ruby-dev:22819]
+ * dir.c: Did some styles (no change to behavior)
+Sat Feb 7 19:56:11 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/irb/init.rb (IRB.rc_files): yield possible rc file names.
+ * lib/irb/input-method.rb (IRB::ReadlineInputMethod::initialize):
+ load and save history automatically. [ruby-core:02352]
+Fri Feb 6 22:48:16 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/generators/html_generator.rb (gen_url): Support
+ https in RDoc hyperlinks
+Fri Feb 6 22:41:22 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/pp.rb (PPInspectTest#test_to_s_with_iv): rollback the previous
+ commit. [ruby-dev:22813]
+Fri Feb 6 22:22:50 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/pp.rb (PPInspectTest#test_to_s_with_iv): remove instance
+ variable which is defined in the test.
+Fri Feb 6 18:54:18 2004 akira yamada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_proc.rb (TestProc::test_eq): added a
+ test. [ruby-dev:22599]
+Fri Feb 6 18:26:00 2004 akira yamada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_proc.rb (TestProc::test_eq): added tests for
+ Proc#==. [ruby-dev:22592], [ruby-dev:22601]
+Fri Feb 6 10:12:06 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (bsock_do_not_reverse_lookup): control reverse
+ lookup for every instance. [ruby-core:02346]
+Fri Feb 6 09:15:11 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/irb/extend-command.rb: add irb_help command. [ruby-talk:91610]
+ * lib/irb/cmd/help.rb (IRB::ExtendCommand::Help): show RDoc.
+Fri Feb 6 00:48:37 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/prettyprint.rb (PrettyPrint#first?): obsoleted.
+Thu Feb 5 23:56:55 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/prettyprint.rb (PrettyPrint#seplist): added.
+ * lib/pp.rb (PPMethods#pp_object): use seplist.
+ (PPMethods#pp_hash): ditto.
+ (Array#pretty_print): ditto.
+ (Struct#pretty_print): ditto.
+ (MatchData#pretty_print): ditto.
+ * lib/set.rb (Set#pretty_print): use seplist.
+Wed Feb 4 22:39:46 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_stat_mode): should not sign-expand, so backout.
+Wed Feb 4 02:12:06 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * file.c (test_l): fix wrong method name in document.
+ (test_S): ditto.
+ (test_b): ditto.
+ (test_c): ditto.
+ (test_suid): ditto.
+ (test_sgid): ditto.
+ (test_sticky): ditto.
+Tue Feb 3 22:36:25 2004 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/2.0.rb, lib/rss/content.rb, lib/rss/dublincore.rb,
+ lib/rss/rss.rb, lib/rss/syndication.rb: removed warnings.
+ * lib/rss/converter.rb: removed handling load error of nkf.
+ * test/rss/test_syndication.rb, test/rss/test_trackback.rb,
+ test/rss/test_dublincore.rb, test/rss/test_content.rb: replaced
+ 'require "rss/parser"' by 'require "rss/1.0"'.
+ * test/rss/test_parser.rb, test/rss/test_accessor.rb: removed
+ 'require "rss/parser"'.
+Tue Feb 3 11:23:17 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (reduce_nodes): remove tail returns. [ruby-talk:90934]
+Tue Feb 3 08:04:57 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pp.rb (Struct#pretty_print_cycle): follow 1.8 style.
+Mon Feb 2 22:06:31 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (block_append, new_evstr, void_expr0): remove no longer used
+ labels.
+Mon Feb 2 18:45:50 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * dln.c (dln_load): don't specify RTLD_GLOBAL on Interix,
+ because it caused SEGV when running runner.rb.
+Mon Feb 2 01:54:00 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pp.rb (Struct#pretty_print): make it 1.8 style.
+ (Numeric#pretty_print, FalseClass#pretty_print)
+ (TrueClass#pretty_print, Module#pretty_print): fix pp for objects
+ with instance variables. [ruby-talk:91157]
+ * lib/open-uri.rb (URI::Generic#find_proxy): return nil on loopback
+ address.
+ * lib/resolv-replace.rb (BasicSocket#send): don't replace because
+ it has no hostname argument.
+ (IPSocket.getaddress): raise SocketError instead of
+ Resolv::ResolvError for errors.
+ (TCPSocket#initialize, UDPSocket#bind, UDPSocket#connect)
+ (SOCKSSocket#initialize): use IPSocket.getaddress instead of
+ Resolv.getaddress.
+ (UDPSocket#send): recognize 3 arguments form. try all addresses on
+ 4 arguments form.
+Sun Feb 1 23:00:00 2004 Shigeo Kobayashi <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal.c: Bug in BigDecimal("1e#{n}").add BigDecimal('.5'),n)
+ reported and fixed by Javier Goizueta.
+Sun Feb 1 18:21:00 2004 Gavin Sinclair <>
+ From ruby_1_8 branch:
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: rearranged documentation for RDoc's sake.
+ * lib/matrix.rb: improved documentation.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: slight documentation formatting improvement.
+Sun Feb 1 05:30:06 2004 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb (URI::Generic#find_proxy): warn HTTP_PROXY.
+ raise an error on non-http proxy URI.
+ (OpenURI::Buffer#<<): make a tempfile binmode. [ruby-talk:90793]
+Sun Feb 1 00:57:41 2004 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/parser.rb (RSS::Parser): added @@default_parser. Used
+ XML parser became selectable.
+ * test/rss/test_parser.rb: added tests for
+ RSS::Parser.default_parser.
+Sat Jan 31 02:28:15 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * (RPATHFLAG): set to -Wl,-R like NetBSD on Interix.
+Sat Jan 31 01:09:41 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/logger.rb: leading 0 padding of timestamp usec part.
+Fri Jan 30 18:53:23 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (KR_REHASH): wrong hash value on sizeof(long) > sizeof(int).
+Thu Jan 29 23:11:57 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * (DLEXT2): removed. Ruby does not treat
+ ".dll" as a extension library anymore.
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub, win32/Makefile.sub, wince/Makefile.sub (DLEXT2):
+ ditto.
+ * util.c (mblen): fix overrun. [ruby-dev:22672]
+Thu Jan 29 22:41:53 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/generators/html_generator.rb: Allow 'link:' in Tidylinks.
+ THis means you can write "see f1[link:files/f1_rb.html]".
+Thu Jan 29 22:24:47 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * sample/openssl/gen_csr.rb: follow OpenSSL::X509::Name change.
+ ASN.1 type of subject DN elements were wrong.
+Thu Jan 29 22:19:51 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/*: remove $: trick. [ruby-dev:22763] use test/runner.rb to
+ run test.
+Thu Jan 29 19:28:16 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Request#initialize): reject only when a path is
+ empty. [ruby-dev:22771]
+Thu Jan 29 18:54:08 2004 H.Yamamoto <>
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): infinite loop bug in win32 code.
+ [ruby-dev:22770]
+Thu Jan 29 17:03:49 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dir.c: merge tuning from H.Yamamoto <>.
+ [ruby-dev:22761]
+Thu Jan 29 11:32:14 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/rss/test_*: do $: trick while searching a module in the current
+ directory.
+ * test/xsd/test_xmlschemaparser.rb, test/wsdl/test_emptycomplextype.rb,
+ test/soap/helloworld/test_helloworld.rb,
+ test/soap/calc/{test_calc.rb,test_calc2.rb}: do File.expand_path
+ before using __FILE__.
+ * test/yaml/test_yaml.rb: assert_equals -> assert_equal.
+Thu Jan 29 01:56:02 2004 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c: usec round-tripping skew. [ruby-core:2305]
+ * lib/yaml/rubytypes.rb: character Range now round-trips. [ruby-core:2306]
+ * test/yaml/test_yaml.rb: add Time and Range tests.
+Thu Jan 29 00:00:46 2004 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss: rss/parser.rb is always required.
+Wed Jan 28 15:09:14 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/rss/*.rb: remove "test/" prefix.
+Wed Jan 28 13:07:02 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/iconv/extconf.rb: include iconv.h for libiconv. [ruby-dev:22715]
+Wed Jan 28 12:43:07 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/rss: rss library imported. [ruby-dev:22726]
+Wed Jan 28 04:29:41 2004 Eric Schwartz <>
+ * lib/cgi/session.rb: use LOCK_SH to read, and a few other
+ improvements. [ruby-core:02328]
+Tue Jan 27 15:00:14 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el: better support for general delimited
+ strings. [ruby-dev:22695]
+Tue Jan 27 11:04:40 2004 FUKUMOTO Atsushi <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (s_recvfrom): sending length should be an
+ invariant while retrying on EAGAIN. [ruby-talk:89962]
+Tue Jan 27 10:31:28 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (set_argv): fix condition.
+Tue Jan 27 02:26:31 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/httputils.rb (WEBrick:HTTPUtils::parse_header):
+ refine regex for header-name.
+Mon Jan 26 22:53:04 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * io.c: Remove documentation references to $defout.
+Mon Jan 26 14:41:46 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/weakref.rb (WeakRef::initialize): set up @__id before
+ calling "super".
+ * lib/delegate.rb (Delegator::initialize): preserve
+ singleton_method_added method [ruby-dev:22685]
+ * lib/delegate.rb (Delegator::initialize): use Kernel::raise
+ instead of mere raise. [ruby-dev:22681]
+Mon Jan 26 12:45:23 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c: define CONST84 when TCL_MAJOR_VERSION == 7
+Mon Jan 26 11:30:58 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb: Makefiles should depend on also rbconfig.rb.
+ (ruby-bugs:PR#1256)
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (set_argv): set real arguments to
+ WIN32OLE::ARGV. [ruby-list:39073]
+Sun Jan 25 18:25:26 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509name.c (ossl_x509name_add_entry): third
+ argument become optional.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509name.c (ossl_x509name_initialize): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509name.c (Init_x509name): emailAddress and
+ domainComponent should be IA5String.
+Sun Jan 25 01:45:38 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpserver.rb (WEBrick::HTTPServer#run): support
+ virtual host.
+ * lib/webrick/httpserver.rb (WEBrick::HTTPServer#virtual_host): add
+ new method to register virtual hosting server.
+ * lib/webrick/httpserver.rb (WEBrick::HTTPServer#lookup_server): add
+ new method to lookup virtual hosting server.
+Sat Jan 24 13:06:26 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509hame.c (ossl_x509name_initialize): change
+ second argument. it expected to be a Hash not an Integer.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509name.c (ossl_x509name_add_entry): add new
+ function for OpenSSL::X509::Name#add_entry.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509name.c (Init_ossl_x509name): add constants
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/x509.rb (OpenSSL::X509::Name#initialize):
+ second argument takes OBJECT_TYPE_TEMPLATE by default.
+Fri Jan 23 02:26:30 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * pack.c (num2i32): pack should not raise RangeError.
+ [ruby-dev:22654]
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): do not auto convert nil to zero.
+Thu Jan 22 22:54:53 2004 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (BEG_REGEXP): allow 8-bit characters in quoted
+ strings for Novell GroupWise Internet Agent.
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (DATA_REGEXP): ditto.
+Thu Jan 22 18:35:49 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/e2mmap.rb (VERSION): remove unnecessary version checking.
+Thu Jan 22 16:21:02 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (string_content): reset lexical states at the beginning of
+ string contents. [ruby-list:39061]
+Thu Jan 22 08:08:50 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (opt_rescue): use NODE_ERRINFO() instead of
+ NODE_GVAR("$!"), to avoid confusion from variable aliasing.
+ [ruby-talk:90074]
+ * version.c (Init_version): remove obsolete constants VERSION
+ etc. [ruby-dev:22643]
+Thu Jan 22 01:46:32 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (newline_node): do not use NODE_NEWLINE node anymore,
+ use NEWLINE flag instead.
+Thu Jan 22 01:12:12 2004 Siena. <>
+ * missing/os2.c (chdir, getcwd):
+ use _chdir2 and _getcwd2 supporting multiple drives in OS/2 with EMX.
+Thu Jan 22 00:33:52 2004 Siena. <>
+ * check availability of link(). [ruby-dev:22237]
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_link): raise an exception when link() is unavailable.
+ * missing/os2.c (link): removed. File#link isn't supported.
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub: define HAVE_LINK to enable link(). [ruby-dev:22241]
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: ditto.
+Thu Jan 22 00:26:25 2004 Siena. <>
+Thu Jan 22 00:12:51 2004 Siena. <>
+ * defines.h: define RUBY_MBCHAR_MAX instead of MB_CUR_MAX.
+ * dir.c (Next, emx_mblen): use RUBY_MBCHAR_MAX for mblen().
+ * file.c (CharNext): ditto.
+ * ruby.c (translate_char): ditto.
+ * util.c (__crt0_glob_function): ditto.
+Thu Jan 22 00:10:01 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/base64.rb: :nodoc: the Deprecated module
+Wed Jan 21 23:52:39 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * Interix(SFU) support.
+Wed Jan 21 23:03:45 2004 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb: remove O_NONBLOCK, thanks \ay
+ * lib/drb/extserv.rb: typo
+Wed Jan 21 17:57:56 2004 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (envelope): allow NIL.
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (body): ditto.
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (number): ditto.
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (ensure_nz_number): show a detailed error
+ message.
+Wed Jan 21 16:44:15 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (merge_libs): squeeze successive same libraries.
+ [ruby-dev:22652]
+Wed Jan 21 16:10:36 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/base64.rb: enclosed in a module. [ruby-core:02285]
+Wed Jan 21 16:01:26 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/digest/rmd160/extconf.rb: have_library appends found library.
+Wed Jan 21 11:36:00 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_gethostbyname): returns host if
+ ai_canonname is NULL. (ruby-bugs PR#1243)
+ * parse.y (block_append): update nd_end for "real" head node.
+ [ruby-list:39058]
+Tue Jan 20 14:48:28 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: should check <openssl/conf_api.h> instead
+ of OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER. [ruby-list:39056]
+Tue Jan 20 14:43:17 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/base64.rb: Add RDoc
+Tue Jan 20 14:25:51 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/abbrev.rb: Add RDoc
+Tue Jan 20 13:22:39 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/generators/html_generator.rb: Document aliases at
+ top-most level.
+ * lib/English.rb: Document English.rb.
+Tue Jan 20 04:41:58 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_marshal.rb (MarshalTestLib::test_exception): test
+ for [ruby-dev:22604].
+ * test/ruby/test_marshal.rb (MarshalTestLibtest_singleton): test
+ for [ruby-dev:22588].
+Tue Jan 20 02:38:13 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (w_class): should not dump singleton class.
+ [ruby-dev:22631]
+Tue Jan 20 02:49:22 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: add check for OpenSSL version.
+ [ruby-list:39054]
+Mon Jan 19 23:56:20 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (name_err_mesg_to_str): inverted condition for result of
+ inspection. [ruby-dev:22628]
+Mon Jan 19 22:24:28 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * sample/exyacc.rb: escape '}' to avoid warning.
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_c.rb: escape '{' and '}' to avoid warnings.
+Mon Jan 19 21:28:06 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/digest/defs.h, win32/win3.c, win32/win32.h, file.c: remove
+ useless casts for Borland C.
+Mon Jan 19 17:39:38 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (NameError::message): internal use only.
+ * eval.c (rb_method_missing): use hidden constant.
+Mon Jan 19 16:30:53 2004 akira yamada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_time.rb: added tests for [ruby-dev:22614] and
+ [ruby-dev:22617].
+Mon Jan 19 13:09:21 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb, win32/Makefile.sub, win32/configure.bat,
+ win32/setup.mak: --with-static-linked-ext support on mswin32.
+Mon Jan 19 06:49:07 2004 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date.rb: zone was wrong when it was behind UTC.
+ Thanks Mark J. Reed.
+ * lib/date/format.rb: %z is now always replaced by four digits
+ with a leading plus or minus sign.
+ * sample/cal.rb: added a class, anyway.
+Mon Jan 19 01:08:39 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * class.c, error.c, eval.c, intern.h, object.c, variable.c:
+ do not set path if it is a singleton class. [ruby-dev:22588]
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI::QueryExtension): give extended string, not a
+ delegater object.
+Sun Jan 18 23:59:44 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/iconv/charset_alias.rb: prefer us_EN locale encodings or
+ former. [ruby-dev:22609]
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (iconv_create): raise InvalidEncoding
+ exception when EINVAL.
+Sun Jan 18 23:16:34 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c, error.c, file.c, io.c, numeric.c, object.c, re.c, struct.c,
+ time.c: marked init_copy functions nodoc.
+Sun Jan 18 20:47:35 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ruby.c: use translate_char() on Cygwin.
+Sun Jan 18 20:00:16 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/soap/wsdlDriver.rb, lib/wsdl/soap/operation.rb: add support of
+ "parts" attribute of soap:body element in WSDL.
+ * lib/wsdl/xmlSchema/schema.rb: friendly warning message for
+ simpleType element which is not supported for now.
+ * test/wsdl/soap/{soapbodyparts.wsdl,test_soapbodyparts.wsdl}: new
+ files.
+Sun Jan 18 16:46:48 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * time.c (time_overflow_p): should return results. [ruby-dev:22614]
+Sun Jan 18 12:07:24 2004 Siena. <>
+ * test/ruby/test_time.rb: new test case to test Time#[+-].
+ * time.c (time_plus, time_minus): fix RangeError for a negative
+ argument in environments whose time_t is unsigned. [ruby-dev:22608]
+Sun Jan 18 02:33:26 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * defines.h (_WIN32): undef _WIN32 on Cygwin before defining DOSISH.
+Sun Jan 18 00:23:55 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (class2path): check anonymous class/module before
+ checking referable, and allow singleton classes.
+Sat Jan 17 23:58:51 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (NameError::Message): new class for lazy evaluation of
+ message to ensure replaced before marshalling. [ruby-dev:22604]
+ * eval.c (rb_method_missing): use NameError::Message.
+Sat Jan 17 21:49:50 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/time.rb (test_rfc2822, test_rfc3339, test_encode_xmlschema):
+ should not expect that all platforms handle negative time_t value.
+Fri Jan 16 23:53:09 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (proc_eq): compare also arguments and environment
+ (including local variables). [ruby-dev:22590]
+Fri Jan 16 14:33:35 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (class2path): get class path and check referable.
+ [ruby-dev:22588]
+Thu Jan 15 12:58:26 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (argf_read): do not append EOF. (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#585)
+ * io.c (rb_io_fwrite): ad-hockery hack to get rid of HP-UX stdio
+ weird behavior. [ruby-dev:22424]
+Wed Jan 14 21:13:06 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/inlinetest.rb (InlineTest::eval_part): eval under the top
+ level environment.
+Wed Jan 14 17:54:17 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/inlinetest.rb (InlineTest::loadtest): require instead of
+ load, to get rid of multiple loading.
+Wed Jan 14 13:30:52 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/iconv/extconf.rb: wrapper iconv.rb is dependent on platform.
+Wed Jan 14 09:32:02 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * MANIFEST: add test/net/test_httpheader.rb. (commit miss?)
+Wed Jan 14 00:58:35 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (Init_Proc): move SystemStackError from under
+ StandardError to Exception. [ruby-talk:89782]
+Tue Jan 13 18:03:02 2004 Ian Macdonald <>
+ * file.c (rb_stat_wr, rb_stat_ww): New functions
+ implementing new methods (File::Stat#world_readable?,
+ File::Stat#world_writable?).
+Tue Jan 13 16:53:25 2004 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c: omission of Date library code caused
+ test suite failure. [ruby-core:2251]
+Tue Jan 13 16:50:03 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: use $0 as the default application class name.
+Tue Jan 13 14:48:00 2004 Ian Macdonald <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb: New methods (Pathname#world_readable?,
+ Pathname#world_writable?).
+Tue Jan 13 14:48:01 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (primary): allow no "when" case. [ruby-dev:22578]
+ * ruby.h (rb_class_of): reduce branch. [ruby-dev:22577]
+ * ruby.h (rb_type): ditto.
+Tue Jan 13 14:26:59 2004 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * lib/test/unit/ui/testrunnerutilities.rb (TestRunnerUtilities):
+ moved run method which allows output level. [ruby-dev:22554]
+Tue Jan 13 13:04:24 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/test_*.rb: Pathname#parent -> Pathname#dirname.
+Tue Jan 13 11:38:58 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/yaml/test_yaml.rb (YAML_Unit_Tests::test_spec_type_{int,float}):
+ fix syntax error.
+Tue Jan 13 07:52:40 2004 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/bytecode.c: turn off default implicit typing.
+ * ext/syck/implicit.c: detect base60 integers.
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c: handle base60, as well as hex and octal
+ with commas. implicit typing of ruby symbols.
+ * test/yaml/test_yaml.rb: add test.
+Tue Jan 13 04:29:52 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/ri_driver.rb (RiDriver::report_method_stuff):
+ Show fully-qualified class names in class list.
+Tue Jan 13 01:24:17 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (test_wr): Rdoc fix. [ruby-core:02225]
+Tue Jan 13 01:04:37 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/ri_paths.rb (RI::Paths): First attempt at
+ incorporating DESTDIR in the rdoc installation.
+Mon Jan 12 23:26:21 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (primary): fix position after FCALL. [ruby-dev:22574]
+Mon Jan 12 18:00:11 2004 Ian Macdonald <>
+ * file.c (test_wr, test_ww): New functions implementing new
+ methods (File::world_readable?, File::world_writable?).
+ * file.c (S_IRUGO, S_IGUGO): New macros.
+Mon Jan 12 12:07:22 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_c.rb (RDoc::C_Parser::do_methods):
+ Someone changed the "// in eval.c" comments to "/*...*/" style,
+ so the parsing of the source file name broke.
+ * object.c: Remove spurious space in TrueClass documentation.
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_c.rb (RDoc::C_Parser::find_body): Fix
+ bad regexp: if the code before a documented method contained
+ a comment that wasn't terminated by whitespace, that comment
+ and all intervening code was included in the following
+ method's documentation.
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/ri_formatter.rb (RI::HtmlFormatter::break_to_newline):
+ HTML formats need explicit line breaks.
+Mon Jan 12 02:24:07 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/ri_formatter.rb (RI::HtmlFormatter): Add HTML
+ generation support to ri (Elliot Hughes)
+Sun Jan 11 23:54:41 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * env.h (ruby_frame, ruby_scope, ruby_in_eval, ruby_class,
+ ruby_dyna_vars): export. [ruby-dev:22566]
+Sun Jan 11 02:35:53 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (make_hostent): a bug in brace position.
+ * install rdoc by default. if you do not want to
+ install rdoc, specify --disable-install-doc.
+Sun Jan 11 02:07:47 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/ri_options.rb (RI::Options::OptionList::OptionList):
+ Also accept command line options via the 'RI' environment variable.
+Sat Jan 10 21:27:41 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (eval): need to add message delimiter. [ruby-dev:22561]
+Sat Jan 10 01:54:50 2004 Eric Sunshine <>
+ * defines.h (__NeXT__): Ensure that all standard S_IRUSR, S_IWGRP,
+ S_IRWXO, etc. macros are defined since future code might require
+ them (even though present code only requires a subset).
+ * defines.h (__NeXT__): Bug fix: WORDS_BIGENDIAN was not being set
+ correctly on Rhapsody when -arch compiler flag was used (via
+ configure's --enable-fat-binary option).
+Sat Jan 10 23:01:41 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (LIBPATHFLAG, RPATHFLAG): enclose paths with single
+ quotes. [ruby-dev:22564]
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (libpathflag): do not enclose with quotes always.
+ * {bcc32,win32,wince}/Makefile.sub (LIBPATHFLAG): quoted.
+Sat Jan 10 22:46:18 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (dir_inspect): new method, Dir#inspect. [ruby-dev:22562]
+Fri Jan 9 17:36:51 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (make_hostent): getaddrinfo(3) on BSD do not
+ fill ai_canonname if serv is not supplied. (ruby-bugs PR#1243)
+Fri Jan 9 13:14:59 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/test/unit/collector/dir.rb: do not ignore exceptions(LoadError
+ and SystemExitError) while loading a testcase. smell of bug.
+ * test/testunit/collector/test_dir.rb: add new test of the LoadError.
+ * test/drb/{test_drbssl.rb,test_drbunix.rb}: do not define testcase if
+ openssl is not installed.
+ * test/testunit/collector/test_dir.rb: assert_raises -> assert_raise.
+Fri Jan 9 11:52:16 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * rubysig.h: <errno.h> is needed to use errno which may be a macro.
+Fri Jan 9 11:20:24 2004 Siena. <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): should not reduce necessary libraries.
+ [ruby-dev:22440]
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (merge_libs): merge libraries according to
+ dependency.
+Fri Jan 9 10:05:23 2004 Siena. <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (libpathflag): use single quotes. [ruby-dev:22440]
+Thu Jan 8 23:49:21 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * (RDOCTARGET): new macro. if you want to install
+ rdoc documentation, you need to run configure with
+ --enable-install-doc.
+Thu Jan 8 21:17:43 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey.c (ossl_pkey_to_der): removed; it returns
+ public key only.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dh.c (ossl_dh_to_der): new function for
+ OpenSSL::PKey::DH#to_der.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dsa.c (ossl_dsa_to_der): new function for
+ OpenSSL::PKey::DSA#to_der.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_rsa.c (ossl_rsa_to_der): new function for
+ OpenSSL::PKey::RSA#to_der.
+Thu Jan 8 18:25:29 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): should not recurse in exceptional status.
+Thu Jan 8 16:51:04 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/wsdl/datetime/test_datetime.rb: fixed a stupid testcase which
+ dumps "E" at month-end.
+Thu Jan 8 11:20:01 2004 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * eval.c, object.c, process.c, re.c: don't use C++ style comments.
+Thu Jan 8 08:46:14 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (yaml_org_handler): lazy-load Date for
+ static-ext.
+Thu Jan 8 07:06:30 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb: preserve order in Setup. [ruby-dev:22503]
+ * ext/extmk.rb: move dependent libraries just after depended
+ libraries.
+ * ext/digest/*/extconf.rb: depend on digest.
+Thu Jan 8 04:36:17 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/cgi.rb (WEBrick::CGI#initialize): should create
+ @config[:Logger] if it was not given.
+Wed Jan 7 22:28:12 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): fix memory leak.
+Wed Jan 7 21:15:07 2004 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * sample/webrick/*: new files.
+ * MANIFEST: add sample/webrick/*
+Wed Jan 7 20:51:51 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/net/test_httpheader.rb: new file.
+ * MANIFEST: add test/net/test_httpheader.rb.
+Wed Jan 7 20:42:06 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (HTTPHeader#content_length): should return nil
+ unless header exists. [ruby-dev:22519]
+Wed Jan 7 14:26:05 2004 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb (TkPanedWindow): use epath for embedded windows.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tktext.rb: use epath for embedded windows.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkcanvas.rb: use epath for window items.
+Wed Jan 7 14:24:04 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/soap/{attachment.rb,mimemessage.rb}: added from soap4r/1.5.2.
+Wed Jan 7 13:00:18 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/ri_driver.rb: Fix problem where ri was
+ being too eager to find matches of ambiguous method
+ names (such as "ri Thread.join" would return both
+ Thread.join and ThreadsWait.join)
+Wed Jan 7 12:35:41 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/debug.rb: revert command parse regexps. [ruby-list:39014] by
+ Shirai,Kaoru.
+Wed Jan 7 08:21:04 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parserfactory.rb: Check for shebang
+ line in files that would otherwise be treated as
+ plain text.
+Tue Jan 6 22:13:34 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_modfunc): should break if m has no super class.
+ [ruby-dev:22498]
+Tue Jan 6 21:51:37 2004 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (fptr_finalize): should save errno just after failure.
+ [ruby-dev:22492]
+Tue Jan 6 20:51:10 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/logger.rb(Logger#msg2str): no special treatment for the object
+ which responds to :to_str.
+ * lib/logger.rb(LogDevice#initialize): remove type checking if the
+ given object is a String. handles it correctly.
+ * test/logger/test_logger.rb: follow above change (ArgumentError ->
+ TypeError.)
+Tue Jan 6 14:53:14 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * bin/ri: split out the display side, making it pluggable. Added
+ new ri_driver and ri_display files in lib/rdoc/ri.
+Tue Jan 6 11:29:43 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/inlinetest.rb, test/{test_generator.rb,test_ipaddr.rb,
+ test_pathname.rb,test_pp.rb,test_prettyprint.rb,test_set.rb,
+ test_time.rb,test_tsort.rb: added.
+Tue Jan 6 09:38:27 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * import soap4r/1.5.2;
+ * lib/soap/{attachment.rb,baseData.rb,encodingstyle/soapHandler.rb}:
+ introduce SOAPExternalReference class as a referenct to SOAPEnvelope
+ external content.
+ * lib/soap/{attachment.rb,mimemessage.rb}: great SwA (SOAP messages
+ with Attachments) support code by Jamie Herre.
+ * lib/soap/{element.rb,marshal.rb,parser.rb,processor.rb,
+ streamHandler.rb,wsdlDriver.rb}: SwA support.
+ * lib/soap/rpc/{cgistub.rb,driver.rb,element.rb,proxy.rb,router.rb,
+ soaplet.rb}: SwA support and refactoring.
+ * lib/soap/generator.rb, lib/soap/mapping/mapping.rb: follow
+ SOAPReference#initialize signature change.
+ * lib/soap/mapping/factory.rb: deleted unused methods.
+ * lib/soap/mapping/rubytypeFactory.rb: do no ignore case while xsi:type
+ string <-> Ruby class name matching.
+ * lib/xsd/datatypes.rb: check the smallest positive non-zero
+ single-precision float exactly instead of packing with "f".
+ [ruby-talk:88822]
+ * test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use 1.402e-45, not
+ 1.4e-45. 1.4e-45 is smaller than 2 ** -149...
+ * test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/soap/marshal/test_marshal.rb,
+ test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use "(-1.0 / (1.0 / 0.0))" instead of "-0.0".
+ * test/soap/test_streamhandler.rb: revert to the previous test that
+ warns "basic_auth unsupported under net/http".
+Tue Jan 6 06:37:53 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * bin/rdoc: Add --ri-system switch
+ * lib/.document: Update with list of files that seem to have
+ documentation
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: Reorder comment to make it RDoc friendly.
+ * add install-nodoc target, and make it
+ generate RDoc on default install.
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/ri_options.rb (RI::Options::parse): Add
+ --doc-dir option to ri.
+Tue Jan 6 00:04:40 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_rb.rb (RDoc::RubyParser::parse_method_or_yield_parameters):
+ fix parsing if there are braces in a method parameter list
+Tue Jan 6 01:01:04 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/dir.h, win32/win32.c: fix patch miss.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: fix file dependency.
+Mon Jan 5 20:32:00 2004 Gavin Sinclair <>
+ * lib/logger.rb: enhanced documentation.
+Mon Jan 5 18:58:47 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dir.c: merge tuning from H.Yamamoto <>.
+ [ruby-dev:22486]
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): unpack requires big endian offet (OFF16B
+ and OFF32B). The patch is from Minero Aoki in [ruby-dev:22489]
+ * pack.c (OFF16B): add big-endian offset again.
+Mon Jan 5 03:00:53 2004 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_pack.rb: new test test_unpack_N.
+Mon Jan 5 01:47:53 2004 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): remove duplicated object files
+ from $objs on DOSISH platforms.
+Sat Jan 3 02:44:48 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * rubysig.h (TRAP_END): preserve errno before switching context.
+ [ruby-core:02137]
+Sat Jan 3 01:18:08 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dir.c: merge tuning from H.Yamamoto <>.
+ [ruby-dev:22476]
+Fri Jan 2 14:54:11 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * bin/ri: Add new --classes option, and arrange for
+ help messages to be paged too.
+ * bin/rdoc: Add statistics.
+ * process.c: (MG) Added Process documentation
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/ri_formatter.rb (RI::AttributeFormatter::wrap):
+ Fix problem with labels not displaying in RI labeled
+ lists using BS and ANSI modes.
+Fri Jan 2 01:50:13 2004 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (argf_eof): ARGF.eof? should not have any side effect.
+ [ruby-dev:22469]
+Thu Jan 1 09:03:20 2004 Dave Thomas <>
+ * bin/ri (report_class_stuff): Fix problem with ambiguous nested
+ classes not matching.
+Wed Dec 31 17:25:17 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (argf_each_byte): should return self. [ruby-dev:22465]
+Wed Dec 31 15:05:00 2003 Gavin Sinclair <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb: Corrected small coding error.
+Wed Dec 31 15:00:00 2003 Gavin Sinclair <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb: Completed documentation.
+Wed Dec 31 11:20:34 2003 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_c.rb (RDoc::C_Parser::do_methods): Make
+ file referenced in "// in sss.c" relative to current file.
+Wed Dec 31 11:17:37 2003 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/generators/html_generator.rb: Fix problem when
+ a public method was aliased, but the alias is then
+ made private, and hence doesn't appear in RDoc output.
+Wed Dec 31 01:33:05 2003 Dave Thomas <>
+ * array.c, error.c, eval.c, io.c, prec.c, range.c, re.c,
+ string.c, time.c: Add RDoc for Kernel functions, and tidy.
+Tue Dec 30 19:39:14 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_f_readline): should raise EOFError at the end of
+ files. [ruby-dev:22458]
+ * io.c (argf_read): should concatenate input files when length
+ argument is nil. [ruby-dev:22450]
+ * io.c (argf_read): should update supplied string buffer (2nd
+ argument) even when IO#read is called multiple times.
+ * io.c: should initialize lineno by zero. [ruby-dev:22460]
+Tue Dec 30 12:30:30 2003 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/code_objects.rb (RDoc::Context::find_symbol): If a
+ class and a method have the same name, finding was trying
+ to find 'abc' in method 'Xxx', not class 'Xxx'.
+Tue Dec 30 08:32:32 2003 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_rb.rb (RDoc::RubyParser::parse_method):
+ Handle undoing nsting of yield parameters correctly for:
+ def each_entry(&b) Dir.foreach(@path) {|f| yield } end
+Tue Dec 30 07:30:00 2003 Gavin Sinclair <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb: Added documentation.
+Mon Dec 29 20:08:17 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (GenericRequest#initialize): check if path
+ begins with '/'.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: def m( arg ) -> def m(arg)
+Mon Dec 29 12:51:02 2003 Dave Thomas <>
+ * eval.c: Add RDoc for Kernel global functions.
+Mon Dec 29 11:00:16 2003 Dave Thomas <>
+ * array.c: Tidy up RDoc loose ends.
+Mon Dec 29 05:05:51 2003 Dave Thomas <>
+ * struct.c, random: Add RDoc comments
+Mon Dec 29 02:25:00 2003 Gavin Sinclair <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb: Improved documentation.
+Mon Dec 29 02:20:54 2003 Dave Thomas <>
+ * eval.c: Add RDoc for class Proc, Method, UnboundMethod
+Mon Dec 29 02:20:26 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * instruby.rb: fix install directory if destdir and compile_dir are
+ not in the same drive.
+ * ext/extmk.rb: ditto. [ruby-list:39009]
+ * win32/Makefile.sub, win32/README.win32, win32/configure.bat,
+ win32/setup.mak: new configure scheme. use ``configure --prefix=dir''
+ instead of ``nmake DESTDIR=dir install''.
+Mon Dec 29 00:41:44 2003 Dave Thomas <>
+ * math.c: Add RDoc comments
+Sun Dec 28 20:19:11 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_sysread): didn't
+ raise EOFError.
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (gzreader_gets): don't increment lineno when
+ gzfile_read_all returns "".
+Sun Dec 28 15:25:08 2003 Dave Thomas <>
+ * class.c,object.c,parse.y,sprintf.c,variable.c: Document classes
+ Object, Module, etc...
+Sun Dec 28 11:55:29 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/csv/test_csv.rb: generate bom.csv and mac.csv files on the fly.
+ [ruby-talk:88852]
+ * test/csv/{bom.csv,mac.csv}: removed.
+Sun Dec 28 08:56:51 2003 Dave Thomas <>
+ * eval.c: Thead[Group] RDoc (thanks to MG)
+Sun Dec 28 03:50:05 2003 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_c.rb (RDoc::C_Parser::find_override_comment):
+ Escape method names used in regexp
+Sun Dec 28 01:46:02 2003 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/ri_formatter.rb (RI::TextFormatter::display_flow_item):
+ Add support for rules in 'ri' output.
+Sun Dec 28 01:35:35 2003 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_c.rb (RDoc::C_Parser::find_body):
+ Sometimes the Ruby source aliases two otherwise
+ unrelated methods (for example Kernel#object_id and
+ Kernel#hash are both the same C function). Provide a
+ facility to allow the methods to be documented
+ separately.
+Sun Dec 28 01:05:31 2003 Dave Thomas <>
+ * marshal.c, signal.c: RDoc collemts added by Elliott Hughes
+Sun Dec 28 00:46:25 2003 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_c.rb (RDoc::C_Parser::find_class_comment):
+ Some Ruby source uses lower-case class names for the
+ Init_Xxx C function name.
+Sat Dec 27 23:41:46 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * fix "test: too many arguments" error.
+Sat Dec 27 15:32:40 2003 Dave Thomas <>
+ * time.c: Add RDoc comments for Time class.
+Sat Dec 27 15:07:26 2003 Dave Thomas <>
+ * object.c: Add RDoc comments for Symbol class.
+Sat Dec 27 14:39:53 2003 Dave Thomas <>
+ * numeric.c (Init_Numeric): Add RDoc comments.
+Sat Dec 27 00:44:00 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (next_argv): warn always for stdin on inplace edit mode.
+ * io.c (read_all): need to check string value.
+ * io.c (argf_read): allow [ruby-dev:22433]
+Fri Dec 26 23:02:09 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_f_backquote): need not to check nil result.
+ [ruby-core:02078]
+ * io.c (rb_io_getline): should return nil when read_all gives
+ empty string, even when nil rs is specified. [ruby-core:02077]
+Fri Dec 26 18:33:54 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * check if getcontext and setcontext are available.
+ * eval.c: use presence of getcontext/setcontext.
+Fri Dec 26 16:40:53 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb (PathnameTest#test_plus): add 2 assertions.
+Fri Dec 26 14:05:13 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_pack.rb: new test test_pack_N.
+Fri Dec 26 12:53:26 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): add sign check for 'i', and 'l'.
+ [ruby-dev:22427]
+ * bignum.c (rb_quad_pack): add range check for 'quad int'.
+Fri Dec 26 10:58:58 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * MANIFEST: add vms/config.h and remove vms/config.h_in.
+Fri Dec 26 10:42:00 2003 AKIYOSHI, Masamichi <>
+ * io.c: [VMS] "rfm=stmlf" is specified for open() and fopen().
+Thu Dec 25 22:29:53 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_update): don't return any value.
+Thu Dec 25 15:30:17 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_update): call rb_str_modify().
+Thu Dec 25 05:08:09 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (search_required): search actual file name once when no
+ extension specified.
+Thu Dec 25 04:00:44 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * stable version 1.8.1 released.
+Thu Dec 25 00:17:53 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * check for nanosleep, -lrt if required.
+ [ruby-core:02059]
+ * eval.c (thread_timer): use select(2) if nanosleep(2) is not
+ available.
+ * eval.c: check __stub_getcontext for glibc on some platforms.
+ [ruby-list:38984]
+Wed Dec 24 23:48:04 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/soap/marshal/test_marshal.rb
+ test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: use "(-1.0 / (1.0 / 0.0))" instead of "-0.0"
+ to express -0.0. [ruby-talk:88786]
+Wed Dec 24 23:29:30 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/tsort.rb (test_orphaned_break): removed.
+Wed Dec 24 20:53:06 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/sample/tkmulticolumnlist.rb: new sample
+ * ext/tk/sample/tkmultilistframe.rb: bug fix
+Wed Dec 24 20:37:37 2003 Eric Sunshine <>
+ * (LDSHARED): Fixed typographical error in assignment of
+ LDSHARED for Rhapsody which caused linking of extension modules to
+ fail.
+Wed Dec 24 17:51:18 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (rb_thread_flock): enable thread support again.
+Wed Dec 24 16:46:08 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (catch_timer): do not call rb_thread_schedule() inside to
+ avoid pthread_mutex_lock() deadlock. interrupts to system calls
+ are detected by TRAP_END via EINTR error.
+ * eval.c (thread_timer): do not post signal unless it is
+ absolutely necessary.
+ * rubysig.h (TRAP_END): add CHECK_INTS to switch thread.
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): check if nextp is smaller than
+ pend. [ruby-dev:22372]
+ * eval.c (umethod_bind): remove method overridden check.
+ [ruby-dev:22366]
+Wed Dec 24 16:13:05 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_read): should check for error
+ status by SSL_get_error().
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_write): ditto.
+Wed Dec 24 14:23:27 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_read): clear the buffer argument
+ when returning nil. [ruby-dev:22363]
+ * test/ruby/ut_eof.rb (TestEOF::test_eof_0, TestEOF::test_eof_1):
+ add buffer argument tests.
+Wed Dec 24 14:07:55 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb: Modules are allowed to rescue.
+ * lib/test/unit/autorunner.rb: show output_level in order.
+ * lib/test/unit/collector/dir.rb: get rid of successive same
+ directories in load path.
+ * test/testunit/test_assertions.rb (test_assert_nothing_raised,
+ test_assert_raise): test for modules.
+Wed Dec 24 13:43:34 2003 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (authenticate): remove "\n" from base64 encoded
+ strings.
+Wed Dec 24 11:26:41 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb: should not create any
+ files or directories in current directory. [ruby-talk:88724]
+Wed Dec 24 10:29:53 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_read): never return nil at
+ unlimited read. [ruby-dev:22334]
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_read): support second
+ argument. [ruby-dev:22350]
+Wed Dec 24 09:38:49 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (arg): should return 0 after error. [ruby-dev:22360]
+Wed Dec 24 00:56:54 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (read_all): do not return nil at the end of file.
+ [ruby-dev:22334]
+ * io.c (argf_read): do not depend on nil at eof behavior of
+ IO#read().
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_join): dup exception before re-raising it.
+ * io.c (rb_io_eof): call clearerr() to prevent side effect. this
+ patch is supplied by Masahiro Sakai <>.
+ [ruby-dev:22234]
+ * pack.c (OFF16): get offset for big endian machines.
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): use OFF16 instead of OFF16B.
+ [ruby-dev:22344]
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): ditto.
+Tue Dec 23 22:47:14 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_check_readable): set FMODE_RBUF always, even if
+ NEED_IO_SEEK_BETWEEN_RW is not defined. [ruby-dev:22340]
+ * io.c (rb_io_check_writable): clear FMODE_RBUF before writing
+ something.
+Tue Dec 23 22:25:00 2003 Gavin Sinclair <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb: incomplete RDoc documentation added in place of
+ existing RD comments. Tabs converted to spaces.
+Tue Dec 23 19:44:47 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/soap/test_streamhandler.rb (test_basic_auth): removed.
+ soap4r + basic_auth is not officially supported in ruby/1.8.1 even
+ though soap4r + basic_auth + http-access2 should run fine.
+Tue Dec 23 19:42:59 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_ungetc): raise an exception at unread stream to
+ avoid unspecified behavior. [ruby-dev:22330]
+ * test/ruby/test_system.rb (test_syntax): glob relatively from
+ __FILE__.
+Tue Dec 23 18:09:40 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): remove unnecessary negative value check.
+ [ruby-dev:22329]
+Tue Dec 23 17:26:55 2003 KONISHI Hiromasa <>
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub (config.h): bcc has finite(). [ruby-list:38940]
+Tue Dec 23 16:08:16 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rexml/encodings/US-ASCII.rb: typo. [ruby-talk:88650]
+ * test/ruby/test_system.rb: num of asserts depended on running dir.
+ * test/xsd/test_noencoding.rb: rexml + without iconv/uconv cannot
+ handle euc-jp. install iconv, uconv or xmlscan.
+Tue Dec 23 14:13:51 2003 akira yamada <>
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (URI::Generic::check_userinfo,
+ URI::Generic::check_user, URI::Generic::check_password): tests
+ conflicts/depends with other components closely.
+ * test/uri/test_generic.rb (TestGeneric::test_set_component):
+ added tets.
+Tue Dec 23 11:08:34 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/xsd/test_noencoding.rb: rescue Errno::EINVAL and do not test.
+ "euc-jp" might not be in supported encoding name list.
+ [ruby-talk:88650]
+Tue Dec 23 06:10:31 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/cgi.rb (CGI): add support for mod_ruby.
+ * lib/webrick/cgi.rb (CGI::Socket): add check for existence of
+ OpenSSL module in all HTTPS related methods.
+ * lib/webrick/cgi.rb (CGI::Socket#cipher): should create similar
+ value to OpenSSL::SSLSocket#cipher.
+ * lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb (HTTPResponse#setup_header): should
+ set "connection: close" if @keep_alive is false.
+ * lib/webrick/https.rb (HTTPrequest#meta_vars): add supprt for
+Mon Dec 22 23:00:05 2003 akira yamada <>
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (URI::Generic::check_opaque): fixed typo.
+Mon Dec 22 21:59:24 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (map_charset): always ensure code is a String.
+Mon Dec 22 21:15:29 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c (rb_mod_init_copy): always copy singleton class.
+ [ruby-dev:22325]
+Mon Dec 22 20:44:36 2003 akira yamada <>
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (URI::Generic#route_from): accepts urls which
+ has no host-part.
+ * test/uri/test_generic.rb (TestGeneric::test_route): added a test.
+Mon Dec 22 20:38:44 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb: reduce eval.
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI::QueryExtension::read_multipart): alias path to
+ local_path. [ruby-list:38883]
+Mon Dec 22 20:09:31 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/soap/test_property.rb: remove duplicated test method.
+Mon Dec 22 18:22:04 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub, win32/Makefile.sub (config.h): remove
+ HAVE_ISINF definition to follow previous commits of missing.h
+ and win32/win32.h.
+Mon Dec 22 17:23:42 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (ac_cv_func_setitimer): moved from defines.h
+ * defines.h, rubysig.h, signal.c: removed macro handling which
+ should be done in configure.
+ * (intrinsics.h): check if present.
+ * ruby.h: include intrinsics.h if available.
+ * bignum.c, marshal.c: include ieeefp.h if available.
+ * missing.h (isinf): define as a macro if finite() and isnan()
+ are available. [ruby-core:02032]
+Mon Dec 22 17:07:31 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * (mingw): set isnan, finite and isinf to yes.
+Mon Dec 22 13:40:19 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/soap/property.rb: passing block by reference.
+Mon Dec 22 00:32:43 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_with_disable_interrupt): use ENABLE_INTS instead of
+ ALLOW_INTS which may switch context. [ruby-dev:22319]
+ * ext/syck/emitter.c (syck_emitter_write): str bigger than
+ e->bufsize causes buffer overflow. [ruby-dev:22307]
+Sun Dec 21 17:29:00 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c (rb_check_inheritable): new function. [ruby-dev:22316]
+ * intern.h: add prototype.
+ * eval.c (superclass): use rb_check_inheritable().
+ * object.c (rb_class_initialize): check argument validity.
+Sun Dec 21 16:25:10 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb (Pathname#+): re-implemented to resolve ".." in
+ beginning of the argument.
+ (Pathname#join): concatenate from the last argument.
+ (Pathname#parent): just use Pathname#+.
+Sun Dec 21 00:12:37 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: add new methods (TkScrollbar#assign, assign_list)
+ * ext/tk/sample/tkmultilistframe.rb: use TkScrollbar#assign method
+Sat Dec 20 21:59:03 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/httprequest.rb (HTTPRequest#meta_vars): refine regexp.
+ * lib/webrick/cgi.rb (CGI#start): NPH scripts return status line
+ instead of Status: header field.
+ * lib/webrick/cgi.rb (CGI::Socket): refine some coditions.
+Sat Dec 20 16:07:14 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser::Completion::complete): wrong
+ Regexp for word boundary. pointed out by Gavin Sinclair.
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser::make_switch): [no-] prefix was
+ missing.
+Sat Dec 20 11:40:10 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/yaml.rb (YAML::YAML): adjust Marshal version.
+Sat Dec 20 03:56:02 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_with_disable_interrupt): prohibit thread context
+ switch during proc execution. [ruby-dev:21899]
+Sat Dec 20 02:41:02 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/cgi.rb: add file. (yet another CGI library)
+ * MANIFEST: add lib/webrick/cgi.rb.
+Sat Dec 20 02:18:31 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-calculate-indent): proper indentation
+ inside of parentheses. [ruby-dev:22308]
+Fri Dec 19 21:24:22 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/httprequest.rb (HTTPRequest#meta_vars): should not set
+ * lib/webrick/https.rb (HTTPRequest#parse): should check presence
+ of cert() method to detect SSLSocket.
+Fri Dec 19 22:56:46 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/soap/property.rb (SOAP::Property#load): new method for loading
+ property value into existing property tree.
+ * test/soap/test_property.rb: add test.
+Fri Dec 19 19:21:49 2003 akira yamada <>
+ * lib/runit/cui/testrunner.rb (RUNIT::CUI::TestRunner::run):
+ should use Test::Unit::UI::{PROGRESS_ONLY,VERBOSE}.
+Fri Dec 19 17:36:49 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/sample/tkmultilistbox.rb: bug fix
+ * ext/tk/sample/tkmultilistframe.rb: new sample script
+Fri Dec 19 03:44:27 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/httputils.rb (parse_form_data): should return an
+ empty Hash if the body is empty.
+Thu Dec 18 21:47:35 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): should remove deffile if it's
+ made by miniruby. based on nobu's patch.
+Thu Dec 18 21:44:21 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * eval.c (stack_extend): ignore inline optimization on VC7.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (OS, RT): can override.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (LDFLAGS): ditto. shouldn't use pdb:none
+ option. based on Tietew's patch [ruby-dev:22289]
+Thu Dec 18 16:38:44 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (fnmatch): unlike find_dirsep(), rb_path_next() never
+ return NULL.
+Thu Dec 18 15:27:59 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/ipaddr.rb (IPSocket::getaddress): merge usa's patch.
+ [ruby-dev:21678]
+Wed Dec 17 15:15:30 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI::QueryExtension::Value::[]): should work like
+ String#[] if more than one arguments are specified.
+ * lib/delegate.rb: avoid using common instance name as "@obj".
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI::QueryExtension::Value): Value is no longer
+ subclass of String, but DelegateClass(String).
+ * ext/curses/extconf.rb: restore function check for init_color.
+ [ruby-list:38905]
+ * need to specify $(MAINLIBS) for the miniruby
+ generation rule.
+ * better FreeBSD -lc_r support.
+Wed Dec 17 00:16:14 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c: new method
+ StringScanner#beginning_of_line? (alias #bol?)
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c: new method StringScanner#concat and #<<.
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c: StringScanner#new(str) does not duplicate
+ nor freeze STR (allow destructive modification).
+ * test/strscan/test_stringscanner.rb: test new methods above.
+ * test/strscan/test_stringscanner.rb: test destructive string
+ modification.
+Tue Dec 16 21:20:47 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pp.rb: don't use local variable `pp'.
+ * lib/prettyprint.rb: ditto.
+Tue Dec 16 13:20:43 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: condition bug of if statement on
+ {pack,grid}_propagate methods
+Tue Dec 16 03:17:29 2003 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * lib/yaml/rubytypes.rb: comments in strings. [ruby-talk:88012]
+ * test/yaml/test_yaml.rb: add test.
+Tue Dec 16 01:14:44 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (catch_timer): check rb_thread_critical in main native
+ thread.
+ * eval.c (thread_timer): just sends signals periodically, to
+ prevent main native thread from receiving them in critical
+ section. [ruby-core:01959]
+Mon Dec 15 13:32:22 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (check_dirname): check string safety and remove extraneous
+ trailing directory separators. [ruby-dev:22279]
+ * file.c: renamed and externalized rb_path_next,
+ rb_path_skip_prefix, rb_path_last_separator, rb_path_end.
+ * intern.h: prototypes for rb_path_next, rb_path_skip_prefix,
+ rb_path_last_separator, rb_path_end.
+Mon Dec 15 09:27:46 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs12.c (ossl_pkcs12_initialize): first argument
+ of rb_protect should take an argument of VALUE.
+Sun Dec 14 18:46:48 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (Init_socket): IPv6 is not supported although
+ AF_INET6 is defined on MinGW.
+ * lib/ipaddr.rb (AF_INET6): workaround in the environment which does
+ not support IPv6.
+Sat Dec 13 18:55:16 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/iconv/charset_alias.rb: preserve original order.
+ * ext/iconv/extconf.rb: remove wrapper file at clean.
+Sat Dec 13 18:09:42 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (thread_timer): use timer by sub-thread and nanosleep.
+ [ruby-talk:87519]
+ * gc.c (Init_stack): no stack adjustment for THREAD_SAFE.
+Sat Dec 13 17:17:59 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (proc_alloc): cache the created object at first time.
+ [ruby-talk:61288], [ruby-dev:22240]
+Sat Dec 13 09:01:23 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * check ucontext.h.
+ * eval.c: use getcontext/setcontext() instead of setjmp/longjmp()
+ on ia64 or with native thread enabled. [ruby-core:01932]
+Sat Dec 13 03:09:14 2003 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * lib/yaml/rubytypes.rb: anonymous struct fix. [ruby-core:01946]
+ * test/yaml/test_yaml.rb: add test.
+Fri Dec 12 22:36:44 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/csv.rb: add Cell#to_str and Cell#to_s for /.../ =~ aCell,
+ "#{aCell}" and so on.
+ * test/csv/test_csv.rb: add tests.
+Fri Dec 12 19:33:06 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (mkdir): remove trailing `/' from pathes.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (rmdir): ditto. [ruby-dev:22238]
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (rmdir_r): ditto.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (fu_copy_dir): check if it is a directory after
+ mkdir(2).
+Fri Dec 12 06:06:09 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (proc_invoke): fix class name in warning message for
+ define_method. [ruby-dev:22235]
+Thu Dec 11 21:24:43 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs12.[ch]: new files. add OpenSSL::PKCS12.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.[ch]: ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/MANIFEST: add ossl_pkcs12.[ch].
+Thu Dec 11 20:54:28 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (mkdir_p): remove trailing `/' befere mkdir(2).
+ mkdir("nonexistdir/") does not work on NetBSD/Alpha 1.6.1.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (fu_list): call to_str for all arguments.
+Thu Dec 11 20:07:01 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/ftools.rb (makedirs): sync with fileutils.
+Thu Dec 11 19:53:03 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (mkdir_p): catch all SystemCallErrors.
+ (mkdir("C:\") causes EACCESS on Windows 2000/NTFS)
+Thu Dec 11 19:08:02 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (mkdir_p): check if it is a directory after
+ mkdir(2) instead of before mkdir(2), to avoid race condition.
+ [ruby-talk:87730]
+ Refer: mkinstalldirs sh script, GNU mkdir(1) (coreutils 5.0)
+Thu Dec 11 18:49:30 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: def m( arg ) -> def m(arg).
+Thu Dec 11 11:39:43 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (ieeefp.h), numeric.c: needed for finite() on
+ Solaris. [ruby-core:01921]
+ * file.c (rb_stat_inspect): adjust format specifier.
+ * parse.c (arg_prepend): nodetype() is for debug use.
+ * ruby.h (ISASCII, etc): cast to int to get rid of warning.
+ * ruby.h (alloca.h): include even in GCC. [ruby-core:01925]
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (GetVpValue): adjust format
+ specifier.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_prec, BigDecimal_coerce,
+ BigDecimal_divmod): use rb_assoc_new() to suppress memory usage.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_split): ditto.
+ * ext/dl/sym.c (rb_dlsym_guardcall): guard itself should be
+ volatile.
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (iconv_convert): ensure actual parameter with
+ format specifier.
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (MasterDevice, SlaveDevice, deviceNo): do not
+ define unless used.
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (getDevice): get rid of warning.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (port_str, sock_s_getaddrinfo,
+ sock_s_getnameinfo): FIX2INT() now returns long.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (init_inetsock_internal): uninitialized
+ variable.
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (syck_parser_assign_io): add prototype.
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (rb_syck_mktime, yaml_org_handler): use
+ ISDIGIT() instead of isdigit() to avoid warnings and for
+ platforms which don't support non-ascii charater.
+Wed Dec 10 19:28:56 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_read): set EOF flag at short read.
+ [ruby-dev:22223], [ruby-dev:22224]
+Wed Dec 10 18:07:25 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/erb.rb: new method ERB#filename(=). [ruby-dev:22208]
+Wed Dec 10 17:54:51 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_read): do not set EOF flag when
+ requested length is zero. [ruby-dev:22214]
+Wed Dec 10 17:17:18 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (read_all): should return given string even if data read is
+ empty. [ruby-dev:22207]
+Wed Dec 10 17:16:06 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_read): adjust behavior at reading
+ beyond EOF to IO. [ruby-dev:22205]
+ * test/ruby/ut_eof.rb (TestEOF::Seek): test behaviors at reading
+ beyond EOF.
+ * test/ruby/test_file.rb, test/stringio/test_stringio.rb: include
+ TestEOF::Seek test case.
+Wed Dec 10 15:01:19 2003 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * test/monitor/test_monitor.rb (test_cond): use Queue#deq
+ instead of sleep.
+Wed Dec 10 14:45:39 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (HAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H): need to include <sys/ioctl.h>
+ for TIOCSCTTY on *BSD. based on gotoyuzo's patch.
+ (ruby-bugs:PR#1211)
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (establishShell): should close descriptors if fork
+ failed.
+Wed Dec 10 12:53:05 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * win32/win32.h: define execv() using do_aspawn().
+ * process.c (proc_exec_v): remove #ifdef's which stopped needing.
+Tue Dec 9 23:32:23 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkcanvas.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkdialog.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tkentry.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkscrollbox.rb, ext/tk/lib/tktext.rb,
+ ext/tk/sample/tkalignbox.rb, ext/tk/sample/tkcombobox.rb,
+ ext/tk/sample/tkmultilistbox.rb, ext/tk/sample/tkoptdb.rb, ext/tk/sample/tktextframe.rb,
+ ext/tk/sample/demos-en/dialog1.rb, ext/tk/sample/demos-en/dialog2.rb,
+ ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/dialog1.rb, ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/dialog2.rb:
+ overrided instance methods, which are private methods on the super
+ class, are changed to 'private'
+Tue Dec 9 19:53:02 2003 akira yamada <>
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (URI::Generic#route_from0): make case insensitive
+ for host-part.
+ * test/uri/test_generic.rb (test_route): added tests for the above
+ change.
+Tue Dec 9 14:10:48 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_check_readable): don't call io_seek if EOF flag is set,
+ to avoid clearing EOF flag.
+ (rb_io_check_writable): ditto.
+Tue Dec 9 02:53:55 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/sample/tkalignbox.rb: new sample script
+Tue Dec 9 00:45:00 2003 Nathaniel Talbott <>
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb: renamed #assert_raises to #assert_raise
+ and made the former call the latter. [ruby-core:01890]
+ * test/testunit/test_assertions.rb: ditto.
+Tue Dec 9 00:07:35 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/soap/rpc/standaloneServer.rb: add 'shutdown' and 'status'
+ methods as delegates to WEBrick.
+ * test/soap/calc/{test_calc.rb,test_calc2.rb},
+ test/soap/helloworld/test_helloworld.rb,
+ test/wsdl/datetime/test_datetime.rb, test/wsdl/raa/test_raa.rb:
+ follow the change.
+Mon Dec 8 22:48:03 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit/autorunner.rb: remove dependency to a particular
+ runner. [ruby-core:01901], [ruby-list:38869]
+ * lib/test/unit/ui/testrunnerutilities.rb: moved output level
+ constants from Console.
+ * lib/test/unit/ui/console/testrunner.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/test/unit/ui/{fox,gtk,gtk2,tk}/testrunner.rb (initialize):
+ accept output_level.
+Mon Dec 8 15:03:30 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/syck/syck.c (syck_io_str_read): get rid of buffer overflow.
+Mon Dec 8 13:02:11 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb: new method URI.regexp. [ruby-dev:22121]
+ * test/uri/test_common.rb: add test for URI.regexp.
+Mon Dec 8 12:44:14 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * pack.c: define swap16 and swap32 only if they are not
+ defined. OpenBSD defines these macros. [ruby-dev:22181]
+Sun Dec 7 20:54:17 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (map_charset): make case sensitive.
+ ext/iconv/charset_alias.rb (charset_alias): don't ignore
+ config.charset's information. sort aliases.
+Sat Dec 6 22:58:03 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_start_ssl): new function to wrap
+ SSL_connect and SSL_accept; if SSL_connect (or SSL_accept) returned
+ but not finished the handshake process, we should retry it.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_connect): call ossl_start_ssl.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_accept): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_read): allow signal traps.
+Sat Dec 6 21:45:10 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * io.c (flush_before_seek): flush before seek on any platform.
+ * ditto.
+Sat Dec 6 17:23:00 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/soap/soap.rb(SOAP::Env.getenv): allow upcase environment variable
+ as well as downcase one.
+ * lib/soap/netHttpClient.rb(SOAP::NetHttpClient#proxy=): check URI.
+Fri Dec 5 23:22:30 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb (Test::Unit::Assertions::assert_raises,
+ Test::Unit::Assertions::assert_nothing_raised): use the last
+ argument as message unless class object.
+ * test/testunit/test_assertions.rb (test_assert_raises): test for
+ multiple exception list. [ruby-core:01891]
+ * test/testunit/test_assertions.rb (test_assert_nothing_raised): test
+ for non-exception classes.
+Fri Dec 5 22:23:04 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/soap/netHttpClient.rb: proxy support did not work. fixed.
+ * lib/soap/property.rb: add class methods for loading property from
+ stream/file/propertyfile. propertyfile is a file which is located at
+ somedir in $:.
+ * lib/soap/soap.rb, lib/soap/wsdlDriver.rb, lib/soap/rpc/driver.rb,
+ lib/wsdl/importer.rb: load property from propertyfile 'soap/property'
+ e.g. /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/soap/property.
+ * test/soap/test_property.rb, test/soap/test_streamhandler.rb: new file.
+Fri Dec 5 17:26:23 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_exec_end_proc): maintain tmp_end_procs.
+ [ruby-dev:22154]
+Fri Dec 5 13:36:59 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_exec_end_proc): should not clear end_procs and
+ ephemeral_end_procs before execution. [ruby-dev:22144]
+ * eval.c (rb_obj_extend): call Module#extended hook after
+ extended_object. [ruby-list:38866]
+ * object.c (Init_Object): Module#extended defined.
+Fri Dec 5 13:17:30 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_pipe.rb: use IO.pipe instead of IO.popen.
+Fri Dec 5 11:54:45 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_read): follow IO#read.
+ * test/ruby/ut_eof.rb, test/ruby/test_file.rb, test/ruby/test_pipe.rb,
+ test/stringio/test_stringio.rb: add EOF test.
+Fri Dec 5 02:49:35 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb (Test::Unit::Assertions::assert_raises):
+ allow multiple exception list. [ruby-core:01884]
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb (Test::Unit::Assertions::assert_nothing_raised):
+ check whether arguments are subclass of Exception.
+Thu Dec 4 23:54:00 2003 Rick Ohnemus <>
+ * dln.c (aix_loaderror): should not use member named 'errno' which
+ might be a macro (e.g. on AIX).
+Thu Dec 4 23:32:26 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (read_all): do not depend on lseek position.
+ [ruby-dev:22026]
+Thu Dec 4 22:37:26 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): preserve $! value when retry happens in the
+ rescue clause. [ruby-talk:86697]
+Thu Dec 4 21:50:07 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb (DRb::DRbMessage::send_request, send_reply):
+ should rescue errors and re-raise DRbConnError on write too.
+ [ruby-dev:22132]
+Thu Dec 4 16:41:17 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (exc_list): allow expanding list. [ruby-dev:22134]
+Thu Dec 4 14:09:24 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb (test_cp): test if the error is
+ kind of SystemCallError. It is needless details that which errno
+ is set on each systems.
+Thu Dec 4 13:24:13 2003 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/monitor.rb: use Object#__send__ instead of Object#send.
+Thu Dec 4 13:17:45 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/soap/streamHandler.rb: support latest released version of
+ http-access2.
+Thu Dec 4 13:04:44 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/soap/soap.rb: add SOAP::Env module for environment repository
+ such as HTTP_PROXY.
+ * lib/soap/property.rb: property implementation.
+ * lib/soap/streamHandler.rb, lib/soap/wsdlDriver.rb,
+ lib/soap/rpc/driver.rb: use soap/property.rb.
+ * lib/wsdl/importer.rb, lib/soap/wsdlDriver.rb, lib/soap/rpc/driver.rb:
+ use SOAP::Env.
+ * lib/soap/netHttpClient.rb: add basic_auth, ssl_config, and cookie
+ management interface, but ignored for now.
+ * lib/xsd/charset.rb: add XSD::Charset.encoding= interface to set
+ wiredump charset explicitly. it was fixed to 'utf-8' when iconv or
+ uconv module was found.
+Thu Dec 4 10:43:58 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/dl/sym.c (rb_dlsym_guardcall): __declspec(noinline) is VC7
+ feature.
+Thu Dec 4 10:27:12 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: update hyperlink to the Japanese document.
+Thu Dec 4 09:12:43 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c (asn1time_to_time): should check that
+ the underlying value of ASN1_TIME isn't NULL. [ruby-core:01881]
+Thu Dec 4 08:29:43 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/server.rb (GenericServer#start): should rescue
+ Exception to avoid unexpected aborting. [ruby-core:01853]
+ * lib/webrick/server.rb (GenericServer#start_thread): should check
+ that peeraddr isn't nil before printing.
+ * lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb (HTTPResponse#start_thread): should
+ rescue Exception to avoid unexpected aborting of thread.
+Thu Dec 4 03:48:59 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb (Pathname#link, Pathname#symlink): obsoleted.
+ (Pathname#make_link, Pathname#make_symlink): new method.
+Thu Dec 4 01:45:24 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (argf_read): should not terminate on empty string; wait
+ until real EOF. [ruby-dev:21969]
+ * io.c (argf_read): should adjust length to read, when length is
+ specified and read spans command line argument files.
+Wed Dec 3 19:38:36 2003 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb: correct fcntl parameter. [ruby-dev:22120]
+Wed Dec 3 13:49:07 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: 'format'==>'Kernel.format' (avoid override trouble)
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkafter.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkcanvas.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkdialog.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tktext.rb: ditto.
+Wed Dec 3 13:28:13 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (lex.c): try gperf first, and copy from the source
+ directory if failed. [ruby-dev:22123]
+ * ext/extmk.rb (MTIMES): let makefiles depend to mkmf.rb.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (configuration): DLDFLAGS was duplicated.
+Tue Dec 2 23:18:12 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: wrote the warning about HTTP_PROXY environment
+ variable.
+Tue Dec 2 21:31:42 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bin/testrb: new test runner. [ruby-core:01845]
+ * lib/test/unit/autorunner.rb (,
+ Test::Unit::AutoRunner#process_args): take test list to run and
+ options.
+ * lib/test/unit/autorunner.rb (Test::Unit::AutoRunner::RUNNERS,
+ Test::Unit::AutoRunner#run): should not exit inside a library,
+ just return the result instead.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: ditto.
+ * test/runner.rb: exit with the test result.
+Tue Dec 2 20:18:48 2003 Eric Sunshine <>
+ * (AC_PROG_YACC): AC_DEFINE(OLD_YACC) if Yacc is found
+ instead of Bison or byacc.
+ * parse.y: If OLD_YACC is defined, ensure that YYMAXDEPTH is at least
+ 10000 (Bison's default) since some old versions of Yacc define it as
+ low as 150 by default, which is too low for Ruby to parse some files,
+ such as date/format.rb. Among other issues, the parse problem causes
+ "make test" to fail.
+Tue Dec 2 20:03:20 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb: check if Pathnames are usable
+ for arguments.
+Tue Dec 2 04:22:00 2003 Nathaniel Talbott <>
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb: fixed #assert_no_match message.
+ * test/testunit/test_assertions.rb: ditto.
+Tue Dec 2 00:43:00 2003 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/syck.c: string buffering bug. decrementing by full
+ max_size now. [ruby-core:01834]
+Mon Dec 1 21:33:08 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * numeric.c (num_sadded): prohibit singleton method definition for
+ Numerics. fill yet another gap between Fixnum and Bignum.
+Mon Dec 1 17:33:47 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * pack.c (htov16): converts endian using swap16. htov32(), hton16,
+ hton32 as well. [ruby-talk:85377]
+ * pack.c (swap16): swap 2 bytes no matter how big short is on the
+ platform. swap32() is also prepared.
+ * numeric.c (rb_num2int): returns long to preserve information.
+ rb_fix2int(), rb_num2uint(), rb_fix2uint() as well.
+ [ruby-talk:85377]
+ * numeric.c (rb_num2uint): should not check for value range if the
+ source value is negative.
+Mon Dec 1 17:14:34 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sample/optparse/opttest.rb: added.
+Mon Dec 1 16:10:52 2003 Dave Thomas <>
+ * lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb: (etc) initial merge into main tree.
+Mon Dec 1 14:17:49 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (fu_each_src_dest0): call #to_str to allow
+ Pathname for arguments. [ruby-core:01795]
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb: does much strict test on
+ "same" files detecting.
+Mon Dec 1 09:28:14 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub, win32/Makefile.sub, wince/Makefile.sub
+ (XCFLAGS): re-export $(XCFLAGS).
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub, win32/Makefile.sub, wince/Makefile.sub
+ (ARCH_FLAG): export $(ARCH_FLAG) (perhaps empty value).
+Mon Dec 1 01:03:27 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (TRY_LINK, link_command): added support for DLDFLAGS
+ and ARCH_FLAG. [ruby-dev:22085]
+Sun Nov 30 20:18:07 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * keep ARCH_FLAG separate. export ARCH_FLAG.
+ [ruby-core:01819]
+ * add ARCH_FLAG to CFLAGS.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (link_command, cc_command): use ARCH_FLAG.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (configuration): add ARCH_FLAG to DLDFLAGS.
+ * should put getcwd in AC_CHECK_FUNCS, not
+ AC_REPLACE_FUNCS. [ruby-core:01826]
+Sun Nov 30 18:22:48 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * do not override CCDLDFLAGS, LDFLAGS, XLDFLAGS,
+ * XCFLAGS for compiling ruby itself. ARCH_FLAG is
+ reflected in CFLAGS.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: ditto. do not import XCFLAGS from config.status.
+Sun Nov 30 17:37:36 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: bug fix [ruby-talk:86746]
+Sun Nov 30 13:02:00 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/soap/encodingstyle/soapHandler.rb: refactoring - Simplifying
+ Conditional Expressions.
+ * lib/wsdl/soap/definitions.rb: refactoring - Move Method.
+ * test/xsd/{test_noencoding.rb,noencoding.xml}: new files. test for
+ encoding unspecified XML file parsing.
+ * test/wsdl/{test_fault.rb,map,datetime}: new files. test of
+ SOAPFault, dateTime and Apache's Map.
+Sun Nov 30 09:35:14 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_update): get rid of SEGV at just allocated String.
+ [ruby-core:01812]
+Fri Nov 28 23:19:34 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (gc_mark): explicitly check mark recursion levels, instead
+ of unreliable stack length.
+Fri Nov 28 22:49:56 2003 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/rinda/rinda.rb: fix TupleSpaceProxy#read, read_all.
+Fri Nov 28 21:44:40 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb (test_ln_s): should be a file, not
+ a directory for FreeBSD.
+Fri Nov 28 19:37:56 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (env_has_value, env_index): must match exactly.
+ * test/ruby/test_env.rb (test_has_value, test_index): condition for
+ aboves.
+Fri Nov 28 17:59:20 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_env.rb: add tests for ENV.
+Fri Nov 28 17:47:46 2003 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb (DRbMessage#load): rescue Errno::* and raise
+ DRbConnError.
+Fri Nov 28 15:41:15 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb (Pathname#realpath): obsolete the force_absolute
+ argument.
+Fri Nov 28 14:41:52 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/soap/streamHandler.rb: drop unused http parameters.
+ * lib/soap/encodingstyle/soapHandler.rb, lib/soap/mapping/factory.rb,
+ lib/soap/mapping/mapping.rb, lib/soap/mapping/registry.rb,
+ lib/wsdl/soap/complexType.rb: ApacheSOAP's map support was broken
+ under WSDL dynanic client environment. fixed.
+ * test/wsdl/raa/*: add tests.
+ * lib/xsd/datatypes.rb: dateTime precision bug fix (at least, I hope.)
+ bug of soap4r. XSDDateTimeImple.to_time passed a Float to
+ Time.local/ as an usec, and NUM2LONG(rb_num2long for Float)
+ causes rounding error.
+ * test/soap/test_basetype.rb, test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: add tests.
+Fri Nov 28 04:15:24 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (method_arity): used wrong Proc object. [ruby-talk:86504]
+Fri Nov 28 00:47:29 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_exit), process.c (rb_f_exit_bang): treat true as
+ success, false as failure. [ruby-dev:22067]
+ * eval.c (rb_f_abort, rb_thread_switch), process.c (rb_f_system): use
+ ANSI macro instead of hard coded value.
+ * eval.c (rb_f_exit), process.c (rb_f_exit_bang): use VALUEs not but
+ TYPEs.
+Thu Nov 27 22:05:48 2003 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * eval.c, gc.c: FreeBSD/ia64 currently does not have a way for a
+ process to get the base address for the RSE backing store, so
+ hardcode it for the moment.
+ [submitted by: Marcel Moolenaar <>]
+Thu Nov 27 17:36:42 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkafter.rb: bug fix on TkTimer#cancel_on_exception=(mode).
+ TkTimer#wait receives the exception of the callback.
+ The exception is kept on @return_value.
+Thu Nov 27 16:58:48 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_stat): remove _fullpath() for NUL: device.
+Wed Nov 26 15:38:47 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb (test_ln_s): should take the
+ existing symbolic link for OpenBSD.
+Wed Nov 26 04:48:42 2003 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/token.c: removed YYTOKTMP references which
+ were causing buffer overflows on large block scalars,
+ comments, quoted scalars and plain scalars.
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c: dynamic changing of buffer size.
+ * ext/syck/syck.h: default buffer size of 4k.
+Wed Nov 26 00:55:30 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb: add HTTPResponse#keep_alive=.
+ * lib/webrick/httpserver.rb (HTTPServer#run): should pass the
+ request's keep_alive flag to the response.
+Tue Nov 25 21:41:35 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * defines.h (ENV_IGNORECASE): should define when DOSISH without
+ human68k. [ruby-dev:22047]
+ * hash.c (env_has_value, env_index): don't ignore case of value.
+ [ruby-dev:22048]
+Tue Nov 25 21:39:37 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (path_check_1): honor sticky bits always.
+ [ruby-talk:86273]
+Tue Nov 25 20:02:14 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb: do test in more deep
+ directory.
+ * test/fileutils/test_nowrite.rb: ditto.
+Tue Nov 25 19:04:23 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb (URI::Generic#find_proxy): ENV case sensitivity test
+ refined.
+Tue Nov 25 18:13:30 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb: chdir Dir.tmpdir before each
+ test. [ruby-dev:22045]
+ * test/fileutils/test_nowrite.rb: ditto.
+Tue Nov 25 17:52:11 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb (URI::Generic#find_proxy): use http_proxy under CGI
+ if the environment variable is case sensitive.
+Tue Nov 25 16:41:33 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/wsdl/multiplefault.wsdl, test/wsdl/test_multiplefault.rb:
+ removed. this test requires extra libraries in soap4r/1.5.*.
+Tue Nov 25 16:24:42 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/soap/**/*.rb, lib/wsdl/**/*.rb, lib/xsd/**/*.rb: changed license;
+ GPL2 -> Ruby's.
+ * lib/soap/rpc/driver.rb, lib/soap/wsdlDriver.rb,
+ lib/soap/streamHandler.rb: add interface to streamhandler.
+ * lib/soap/marshal.rb: raise error if parse fails.
+ * lib/soap/netHttpClient.rb: add https support. Patched by
+ Oliver M. Bolzer.
+ * lib/soap/netHttpClient.rb: dump HTTP response message body by itself.
+ * lib/soap/rpc/driver.rb, lib/soap/rpc/proxy.rb,
+ lib/soap/wsdlDriver.rb: add driver#mandatorycharset interface to foce
+ using charset for parsing response from buggy server.
+ * lib/soap/encodingstyle/soapHandler.rb: support Apache Axis's half
+ typed multi-ref array.
+ * lib/soap/mapping/factory.rb, lib/soap/mapping/registry.rb: map
+ SOAPStruct which has multi-accessors which name are the same, to an
+ array.
+ * lib/soap/rpc/element.rb: fixed illegal parameter order.
+ * lib/soap/rpc/element.rb: element name of response message could have
+ the name other than 'return'.
+ * lib/wsdl/operation.rb, lib/wsdl/operationBinding.rb,
+ lib/wsdl/soap/classDefCreator.rb, lib/wsdl/soap/methodDefCreator.rb,
+ lib/wsdl/soap/methodDefCreatorSupport.rb: WSDL/1.1 allows plural
+ fault definition in a operation. [ruby-talk:84948]
+ * test/wsdl/multiplefault.wsdl, test/wsdl/test_multiplefault.rb: add
+ test for above fix.
+ * lib/wsdl/soap/complexType.rb: support WSDL array definition with
+ maxOccures="unbound".
+ * lib/xsd/charset.rb: use cp932 under emx. Patched by
+ Siena. / SHINAGAWA, Norihide in [ruby-dev:21972]
+ * lib/xsd/xmlparser/parser.rb: set @charset nil by default. Nil means
+ 'follow encoding declaration in XML'.
+ * sample/soap/digraph.rb, sample/wsdl/amazon/wsdlDriver.rb,
+ sample/wsdl/googleSearch/sampleClient.rb,
+ sample/wsdl/googleSearch/wsdlDriver.rb,
+ test/wsdl/test_emptycomplextype.rb,
+ test/wsdl/marshal/test_wsdlmarshal.rb,
+ test/xsd/test_xmlschemaparser.rb: use { |f| }
+ instead of [ruby-dev:21964]
+ * test/wsdl/emptycomplextype.wsdl, test/wsdl/test_emptycomplextype.rb:
+ simplify the test case.
+ * test/wsdl/axisArray/*: add tests for axis's array encoding.
+Tue Nov 25 16:15:29 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ruby.h: don't treat Cygwin as Windows.
+Tue Nov 25 15:18:28 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * change default value of --enable-pthread (default: no)
+Tue Nov 25 07:31:16 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (primary): allow newlines just before right argument
+ parenthesis. (ruby-bugs:PR#1221)
+Mon Nov 24 23:32:06 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb (OpenURI.open_loop, URI::HTTP#proxy_open): use
+ catch/throw for redirection instead of exception.
+ (OpenURI.open_loop, OpenURI.redirectable?): restrict redirection.
+Mon Nov 24 19:59:48 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb (URI::Generic#find_proxy): use CGI_HTTP_PROXY
+ instead of HTTP_PROXY in the CGI environment.
+Mon Nov 24 19:32:55 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/etc/extconf.rb: check for pw_passwd in struct passwd and
+ gr_passwd in struct group for DJGPP.
+ * ext/etc/etc.c: ditto.
+ * ext/ support for curses, etc, zlib.
+Mon Nov 24 17:00:00 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb: validate option names.
+ :content_length_proc and :progress_proc option implemented.
+Mon Nov 24 14:53:10 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub, win32/Makefile.sub, wince/Makefile.sub
+ (XCFLAGS): output empty value instead of `-DRUBY_EXPORT'.
+Sat Nov 22 23:09:45 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * set enable_pthread to no on MinGW.
+Sat Nov 22 22:56:20 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * add --enable-pthread option (default: yes)
+Sat Nov 22 22:48:46 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: add Tk.grab_release and fix bug of TkComposite
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkafter.rb: bug fix of TkAfter#start
+ * ext/tk/sample/tkcombobox.rb: new sample script
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c: add native thread check
+Sat Nov 22 18:49:47 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (window_nodelay): nodelay() of NetBSD's
+ libcruses returns no value, just like keypad().
+Sat Nov 22 17:36:36 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub, win32/Makefile.sub, wince/Makefile.sub
+ (HAVE_GETCWD): output to config.h.
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub, win32/Makefile.sub, wince/Makefile.sub
+ (XCFLAGS): output to config.status.
+Sat Nov 22 13:10:10 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (have_st_ino?): djgpp has valid st_ino.
+Sat Nov 22 11:28:48 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (Init_stack): stack region is far smaller than usual if
+ pthread is used.
+Sat Nov 22 07:30:00 2003 Nathaniel Talbott <>
+ * lib/test/unit/util/backtracefilter.rb: fixed a bug that occurred
+ when an exception had no backtrace.
+ * test/testunit/util/test_backtracefilter.rb: ditto.
+Fri Nov 21 16:44:18 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkentry.rb: fix the encoding trouble of percent
+ substitutions on validatecommand option of TkEntry widget
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: fix bug on {pack|grid}_propagate() method
+Fri Nov 21 16:12:11 2003 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ruby.1: Fix markups and grammar.
+Fri Nov 21 14:49:42 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ruby.1: wrote about ruby related environment variables.
+Fri Nov 21 12:28:03 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (w_extended): singleton methods should not be checked
+ when dumping via marshal_dump() or _dump(). [ruby-talk:85909]
+Fri Nov 21 01:40:00 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * check <pthread.h>
+ * ruby.h: include pthread.h if existence.
+ define is_ruby_native() macro when not HAVE_NATIVETHREAD
+ * eval.c: undef is_ruby_native() function when not HAVE_NATIVETHREAD
+Fri Nov 21 00:43:00 2003 Nathaniel Talbott <>
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb: use #__send__ instead of #send.
+ * lib/test/unit/testcase.rb: ditto.
+Thu Nov 20 19:19:22 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * don't find the Cygwin's pthread library on MinGW.
+Thu Nov 20 19:15:50 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (have_st_ino?): emx (OS/2 with EMX) does not
+ have st_ino (always 0). [ruby-dev:21972]
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (rename_cannot_overwrite_file?): emx does not
+ allow overwriting files by rename(2).
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb: windows? ->
+ have_drive_letter?, have_file_perm?
+Thu Nov 20 17:50:58 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/sample/tkballoonhelp.rb: new sample script
+ * ext/tk/sample/tkmultilistbox.rb: ditto
+ * ext/tk/sample/tktextframe.rb: ditto
+Thu Nov 20 13:37:34 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ruby.h: define is_ruby_native_thread() for no native thread
+ environment
+ * eval.c: ditto
+Thu Nov 20 12:42:47 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * always check existence of the pthread library
+ * ruby.h: define macros for ruby's native thread check
+ * eval.c: add ruby's native thread check
+ * gc.c: ditto
+Wed Nov 19 14:45:18 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (to_ary): print more friendly warning message.
+Wed Nov 19 14:32:08 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (fu_same?): add djgpp and wince.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (cannot_overwrite_file?): add wince.
+Wed Nov 19 11:04:47 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (cannot_overwrite_file?, have_st_ino?): bccwin32
+ is same as mswin32.
+Wed Nov 19 07:54:00 2003 Nathaniel Talbott <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: do not run tests if $! is set.
+ * lib/test/unit/assertionfailederror.rb: extend StandardError instead
+ Exception (irb catches the former but not the latter).
+Tue Nov 18 23:31:36 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * missing/memmove.c (memmove): take void *, not char *.
+ * missing.h (memmove): ditto.
+ * missing.h (strchr, strrchr): return char *, not int.
+Tue Nov 18 22:20:10 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (fu_same?): temporal fix for windows.
+Tue Nov 18 19:05:04 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (fu_same?): check by inode instead of path
+ name, to detect two hard links pointing to the same content.
+ * test/fileutils.rb: did not create correctly looped symlinks.
+Tue Nov 18 18:23:05 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_read): behave as IO at empty string.
+ [ruby-dev:21939], [ruby-dev:21941]
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_getc, strio_getline): set EOF flag.
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_rewind, strio_seek, strio_ungetc):
+ clear EOF flag.
+ * test/stringio/test_stringio.rb: imported from [ruby-dev:21941].
+Tue Nov 18 14:06:35 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (fu_each_src_dest): raise if src==dest.
+ [ruby-talk:85344] [ruby-core:01699]
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: use Object#is_a? instead of Class#=== to allow
+ e.g. remote objects for receivers.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: FileTest -> File.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: put parentheses for arguments of File.xxxx?
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb (test_cp): test "cp a a".
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb (test_mv): test "mv a a".
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb (test_ln): test "ln a a".
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb (test_ln_s): test "ln_s a a".
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb (test_install): test "install a a".
+ * test/fileutils/fileasserts.rb: new method assert_symlink.
+ * test/fileutils/fileasserts.rb: assert_is_directory -> assert_directory.
+Mon Nov 17 19:38:49 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (getcwdofdrv): avoid using getcwd() directly, use
+ my_getcwd() instead.
+ * merged NeXT, OpenStep, Rhapsody ports patch from Eric Sunshine
+ <>. [ruby-core:01596]
+Mon Nov 17 10:50:27 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser::Completion::complete): allow least
+ common completion for three or more candidates.
+Mon Nov 17 09:41:38 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit/ui/tk/testrunner.rb,
+ lib/test/unit/ui/gtk/testrunner.rb:
+ run GUI main loop in sub thread.
+ * lib/test/unit/ui/gtk2/testrunner.rb: imported from rough.
+ * lib/test/unit/autorunner.rb (keyword_display): sort keywords.
+Sun Nov 16 18:10:57 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): iterator should return value from next inside
+ begin/rescue/end. (ruby-bugs:PR#1218)
+Sun Nov 16 13:26:07 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (w_object): LINK check earlier than anything else,
+ i.e. do not dump TYPE_IVAR for already dumped objects.
+ (ruby-bugs:PR#1220)
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): call "inherited" only when a new class is
+ generated; not on reopening.
+ * eval.c (eval): prepend error position in evaluating string to
+ "mesg" attribute string only when it's available and is a
+ string.
+Sun Nov 16 12:16:10 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: logging response body. [experimental]
+ [ruby-list:38800]
+Sun Nov 16 10:49:38 2003 Gavin Sinclair <>
+ * lib/thread.rb (Thread.exclusive): wrap method definition in
+ class Thread to enable rdoc to process.
+Sun Nov 16 09:45:23 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (set_debug_output): warn if method is called
+ after #start. [ruby-dev:38798]
+Sun Nov 16 04:41:33 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (eval): do not re-raise exception to avoid unnecessary
+ exception copying, instead modify exception and internal
+ information to adjust eval().
+ * eval.c (backtrace): can return the current frame information
+ only if lev < -1.
+Sat Nov 15 22:16:42 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * /ext/openssl/ossl_x509ext.c (ossl_x509extfactory_create_ext):
+ refine error message.
+Sat Nov 15 10:05:40 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb (OpenURI.open_loop, OpenURI::HTTP#proxy_open):
+ refactored to support options.
+ (Buffer): maintain size by this class.
+Sat Nov 15 07:40:14 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_method_node): new API to retrieve method body.
+Fri Nov 14 13:21:30 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c: fix (en-bugged at 2003/11/07)
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkdialog.rb: accepts a parent widget
+ argument [ruby-talk:85066]
+Thu Nov 13 20:53:35 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb (Kernel[#.]open): hard coded URI schemes removed.
+ [ruby-ext:02251]
+Thu Nov 13 19:17:00 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * lib/test/unit/ui/tk/testrunner.rb: use grid and panedwindow
+ (if available)
+Thu Nov 13 17:56:41 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb (OpenURI.open_uri): use File::RDONLY.
+ reported by Take_tk <>.
+ [ruby-ext:02245]
+Thu Nov 13 16:45:53 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509req.c (ossl_x509req_to_der): add function for
+ X509::Request#to_der.
+Thu Nov 13 11:31:14 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser::Completion#complete): prior shorter
+ name to containing longer name.
+Thu Nov 13 06:08:54 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: stop freezing some classes
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: ditto.
+Wed Nov 12 17:32:49 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb (assert_throws, assert_nothing_thrown):
+ uncaught throw in sub thread raises ThreadError.
+ * lib/test/unit/ui/tk/testrunner.rb (setup_ui): "expand" is not
+ necessary.
+Wed Nov 12 14:09:43 2003 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * test/monitor/test_monitor.rb: fix the timing problem by Queue.
+Wed Nov 12 12:59:44 2003 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * test/monitor/test_monitor.rb: added.
+Wed Nov 12 10:14:28 2003 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/monitor.rb: refactored. Thanks, Gennady Bystritsky.
+Wed Nov 12 06:11:39 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c (ossl_x509_sk2ary, ossl_x509crl_sk2ary):
+ add functions to convert STACK into Array.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.h: add prototypes.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs7.c (ossl_pkcs7_set_certificates,
+ ossl_pkcs7_get_certificates, ossl_pkcs7_get_crls,
+ ossl_pkcs7_set_crls): add functions for PKCS7#certificates=
+ PKCS7#certificates, PKCS7#crls= and PKCS7#crls.
+Wed Nov 12 00:47:00 2003 Nathaniel Talbott <>
+ * lib/test/unit/ui/testrunnermediator.rb: should require 'test/unit'.
+Tue Nov 11 23:54:00 2003 Nathaniel Talbott <>
+ * lib/test/unit/ui/gtk/testrunner.rb: added a rescue clause to handle
+ the case when the requested font is not available.
+Tue Nov 11 22:44:08 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (appendline): file may not end with newline. a bug if
+ READ_DATA_PENDING_PTR is defined. [ruby-talk:84925]
+Tue Nov 11 10:42:41 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: raise an exception when creating TkWindow
+ object, because TkWindow class is an abstract class.
+Tue Nov 11 03:30:43 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/ext/openssl/ossl_conf.c (ossl_config_get_value): return nil
+ if the specified value doesn't exist.
+ * lib/ext/openssl/ossl_conf.c (ossl_config_get_section): return
+ a empty hash if the specified section doesn't exist.
+Mon Nov 10 11:40:29 2003 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/monitor.rb (wait): return true on signal/broadcastfalse and
+ false on timeout. Thanks Gennady Bystritsky.
+Mon Nov 10 00:07:10 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (primary): primary_value may be 0 when syntax error.
+ [ruby-talk:84893]
+Sun Nov 9 02:05:00 2003 Nathaniel Talbott <>
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb: un-deprecated #assert_not_nil to
+ maintain symmetry with #assert_nil. Also added better output for
+ #assert_kind_of.
+ * test/testunit/tc_assertions.rb: ditto.
+Sat Nov 8 18:50:20 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/wsdl/raa/*: add new testcase for WSDL loading, parsing and
+ reading.
+ * test/soap/marshal/*: backport from soap4r/1.5.1. all differences are
+ for ruby/1.6.
+ * lib/soap/*: backport from soap4r/1.5.1. all differences are for
+ ruby/1.6.
+ * lib/wsdl/data.rb, lib/wsdl/xmlSchema/data.rb: move definition of
+ ArrayTypeAttrName from ::WSDL::XMLSchema::* to ::WSDL::*.
+ [ruby-talk:84813]
+ * lib/wsdl/soap/definitions.rb: element name typo in custom exception
+ struct definition which is needed for wsdlDriver; camelCase ->
+ underscore_name.
+Sat Nov 8 13:49:50 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * improvement of pthread check
+Sat Nov 8 13:28:46 2003 Takaaki Tateishi <>
+ * ext/dl/sym.c: Add DL.win32_last_error and DL.last_error.
+ Thanks, Kaoru Shirai.
+Sat Nov 8 06:19:38 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c: To fix 'pthread-enabled Tcl/Tk' problem,
+ TclTkIp#_eval calls Tcl_Eval() on the mainloop thread only
+ (queueing a handler to the EventQueue).
+ * ext/tcltklib/README.1st: edit the description of '--with-pthread-ext'
+Fri Nov 7 23:23:04 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb (Pathname#+): if self or the argument is `.', return
+ another.
+ (Pathname#parent): if self is `.', return `..'.
+ (Pathname#children): if self is `.', don't prepend self for a
+ pathname in a result.
+ (Pathname#join): re-implemented using Pathname#+.
+ (Pathname#find): if self is `.', remove `./' prefix of yielding
+ pathname.
+Fri Nov 7 10:23:24 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (make_hostent): get rid of SEGV on aliases
+ lookup failure. (ruby-bugs:PR#1215)
+Fri Nov 7 04:08:05 2003 UENO Katsuhiro <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (Init_zlib): define Zlib::GzipReader#each_line as
+ an alias of Zlib::GzipReader#each.
+Fri Nov 7 01:03:16 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_load): save and restore rb_prohibit_interrupt.
+ [ruby-dev:21857]
+Thu Nov 6 18:05:07 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_inspect): show the path also at a closed file.
+ [ruby-dev:21851]
+Thu Nov 6 11:42:07 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_set_string, strio_reopen): check
+ tainted.
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_copy, strio_ungetc, strio_write,
+ strio_putc): add infection.
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_path): just nil. [ruby-dev:21846]
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): reserve searched script path in the
+ source file name table. [ruby-list:38765]
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser::Completion#complete): default not to
+ ignore case on completion. [ruby-talk:84726]
+ * win32/win32.c (make_cmdvector): process backslashes even if a quote
+ is not enclosed.
+Wed Nov 5 23:49:45 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * sample/openssl/gen_csr.rb: there (at least) is a CA which does not
+ accept DN in UTF8STRING format. it's a sample.
+Wed Nov 5 22:55:16 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ *, eval.c, signal.c: : add '--with-pthread-ext'
+ option to fix the pthread trouble on 'tcltklib'
+ * ext/tcltklib/README.1st: add the description of '--with-pthread-ext'
+ * ext/tk/lib/tktext.rb: add TkText#text_copy, text_cut, text_paste
+ to support Tcl/Tk8.4's tk_textCopy, tk_textCut, tk_textPaste
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: add TkMenu#set_focus support Tcl/Tk's
+ tk_menuSetFocus
+Wed Nov 5 17:33:45 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_load): allow interrupt during loaded program
+ evaluation. [ruby-dev:21834]
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_fetch): always warn if default argument and a
+ block are supplied at the same time. [ruby-dev:21842]
+ * hash.c (env_fetch): ditto.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_fetch): ditto.
+Wed Nov 5 19:08:47 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser::Switch::PlacedArgument::parse):
+ do not remove next argument if empty value is placed.
+ * test/optparse: added.
+Wed Nov 5 17:05:18 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit/ui/gtk/testrunner.rb: typo.
+Wed Nov 5 11:13:32 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * string.c: add #include "version.h". this file still depends on it.
+ *, bcc32/Makefile.sub, win32/Makefile.sub,
+ wince/Makefile.sub: add version.h dependency to string.c.
+Wed Nov 5 09:14:23 2003 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/monitor.rb: revert to the previous revision.
+Wed Nov 5 08:39:51 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/https.rb (HTTPRequest#parse): set @client_cert_chain.
+ * lib/webrick/https.rb (HTTPRequest#meta_vars): create
+ SSL_CLIENT_CERT_CHAIN_n from @client_cert_chain.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_get_peer_cert_chain): return nil
+ if no cert-chain was given.
+Tue Nov 4 23:44:48 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub, win32/Makefile.sub, wince/Makefile.sub:
+ remove needless version.h dependency.
+Tue Nov 4 23:38:43 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * class.c, hash.c, string.c: remove #include "version.h".
+ * remove needless version.h dependency.
+Tue Nov 4 06:54:52 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (read_all): fptr->f may be NULL, if IO is closed in the
+ signal handler.
+ * io.c (io_read): ditto.
+ * string.c (get_pat): remove 1.8.0 warning code.
+ * string.c (rb_str_match): extend warning until 1.8.2.
+ * string.c (rb_str_match2): ditto.
+ * class.c (class_instance_method_list): remove 1.8.0 warnings.
+ method_list now recurs. [ruby-dev:21816]
+ * class.c (rb_obj_singleton_methods): ditto.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_select): remove select with block.
+ [ruby-dev:21824]
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_select): ditto.
+ * hash.c (env_select): ditto.
+ * re.c (match_select): ditto.
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_select): ditto.
+Mon Nov 3 22:53:21 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/racc/parser.rb: synchronize with Racc 1.4.4.
+ * ext/racc/cparse/cparse.c: ditto.
+ * ext/racc/cparse/cparse.c (parse_main): should abort when
+ the length of LR state stack <=1, not ==0.
+Mon Nov 3 08:50:47 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * process.c (check_uid_switch): remove duplicated error messages.
+ * process.c (check_gid_switch): ditto.
+Sun Nov 2 02:28:33 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/ssl.rb: new option :SSLExtraChainCert.
+Sun Nov 2 01:02:04 2003 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_hash): Update the HASH_PERL alternative hash
+ algorithm in sync with Perl 5.8.
+ * st.c (strhash): Ditto.
+Sat Nov 1 18:21:09 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_peer_cert_chain): add new method
+ SSLSocket#peer_cert_chain.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509req.c (GetX509ReqPtr): new function
+ which returns underlying X509_REQ.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509ext.c (ossl_x509extfactory_set_issuer_cert,
+ ossl_x509extfactory_set_subject_cert, ossl_x509extfactory_set_crl,
+ ossl_x509extfactory_set_subject_req, ossl_x509extfactory_set_config):
+ use underlying C struct without duplication not to leak momory.
+Sat Nov 1 01:49:03 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/soap/mapping/factory.rb: mark marshalled basetype objects when
+ @allow_original_mapping is true. multi-referencing basetype node is
+ prohibited in SOAP/1.1 encoding but soap4r's original ruby object
+ mapping requires basetype to be marked to detect self referencing
+ loop. e.g. o = 1; o.instance_eval { @iv = o } soap4r's original
+ mapping is only used through soap/marshal API.
+ * test/soap/marshal/test_marshal.rb: add tests for self referencing
+ immutable objects.
+ * test/soap/calc/test_calc_cgi.rb: fix test name.
+Fri Oct 31 22:26:29 2003 Takaaki Uematsu <>
+ * wince/string_wce.c (strrchr): should decrement pointer.
+ * wince/Makefile.sub: correct a range of isdigit().
+Fri Oct 31 12:55:24 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ *, lib/mkmf.rb: add RPATHFLAG for NetBSD.
+ [ruby-dev:21791]
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub, win32/Makefile.sub, win32/Makefile.sub: ditto.
+Fri Oct 31 01:38:14 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * wince/Makefile.sub, win32/Makefile.sub (.y.c): allow white spaces
+ at the beginning of line to remove by sed. (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#580)
+Fri Oct 31 01:02:24 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * compar.c (cmp_equal): protect exceptions from <=> comparison
+ again. returns nil if any exception or error happened during
+ comparison.
+ * eval.c (search_required): should update *featurep when DLEXT2 is
+ defined. (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#581)
+Thu Oct 30 23:41:04 2003 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb: add DRbArray
+ * lib/drb/invokemethod.rb: fix Hash#each problem. [ruby-dev:21773]
+ * lib/drb/unix.rb: add LoadError. [ruby-dev:21743]
+Thu Oct 30 23:19:11 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/soap/generator.rb: better XML pretty printing.
+ * lib/soap/encodingstyle/soapHandler.rb: remove unnecessary namespace
+ assignment in the element which has "encodingStyle" attribute, and
+ add necessary namespace assignment for "arrayType" attribute.
+ * test/soap/calc/test_calc_cgi.rb: take over $DEBUG to ruby process
+ through CGI.
+Thu Oct 30 22:59:39 2003 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/yaml2byte.c: HASH const too long. Thanks, matz.
+Thu Oct 30 19:13:53 2003 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/syck/MANIFEST: Add yamlbyte.h.
+Thu Oct 30 14:25:31 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (READ_DATA_BUFFERED): new macro to detect whether stdio
+ buffer filled.
+ * io.c (rb_io_fptr_cleanup): move path deallocation to
+ rb_io_fptr_finalize (finalizer called by GC).
+Thu Oct 30 13:23:39 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (logop): left may be NULL. [ruby-talk:84539]
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): NODE_CASE nd_head may be NULL.
+Thu Oct 30 10:14:51 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/test/unit/autorunner.rb: make fox runner work.
+Thu Oct 30 09:32:26 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * process.c (rb_f_system): fixed lack of security check before
+ calling do_spawn() on win32. [ruby-talk:84555]
+Thu Oct 30 02:46:35 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (proc_invoke): single array value to normal Proc#call
+ (i.e. not via lambda call), should be treated just like yield.
+ [ruby-dev:21726]
+Thu Oct 30 02:25:48 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/buffering.rb (Buffering#initialize):
+ add new method to inherit @sync from @io.sync.
+ * ext/openssl/lib/net/protocols.rb (SSLIO#ssl_connect): no need to
+ set sync flag explicitly.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_sslctx_initialize): call super.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_sslctx_setup): set extra chain
+ certificates in @extra_chain_cert.
+Wed Oct 29 22:02:04 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/drb/drbtest.rb: use rbconfig.rb to make the path of ruby
+ interpreter to exec, instead of test/ruby/envutil.rb,
+Wed Oct 29 19:58:59 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c (CONST84): define CONST84 when it is not
+ defined and TCL_MAJOR_VERSION >= 8.
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c (VwaitVarProc, WaitVariableProc,
+ rb_threadVwaitProc): use CONST84 instead of CONST.
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c (ip_rbTkWaitCommand,
+ ip_rb_threadTkWaitCommand): use CONST84 always.
+Wed Oct 29 17:27:05 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_s_union, Init_Regexp): new method `Regexp.union'.
+ * lib/pathname.rb (realpath): examine Dir.pwd because it may have
+ symlinks.
+Wed Oct 29 17:16:31 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_longjmp): must not disturb original jump.
+ [ruby-dev:21733]
+Wed Oct 29 15:28:34 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (Init_Proc): taint preallocated exception object
+ sysstack_error. [ruby-talk:84534]
+Wed Oct 29 11:27:39 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (ret_args): node may be NULL. [ruby-talk:84530]
+Tue Oct 28 15:20:12 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c (VwaitVarProc, ip_rbVwaitObjCmd,
+ WaitVariableProc, WaitVisibilityProc, WaitWindowProc,
+ ip_rbTkWaitObjCmd, ip_rbTkWaitCommand, rb_threadVwaitProc,
+ rb_threadWaitVisibilityProc, rb_threadWaitWindowProc,
+ ip_rb_threadVwaitObjCmd, ip_rb_threadTkWaitObjCmd): prototype;
+ avoid VC++ warnings.
+Mon Oct 27 19:19:55 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_longjmp): ignore reentering error while warning.
+ [ruby-dev:21730]
+Mon Oct 27 00:23:50 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c (ip_ruby): bug fix on Win : hang-up when
+ calling 'exit' in the Tk callback procedure. [ruby-list:38656]
+Sat Oct 25 09:18:04 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_method_missing): protect exception from within
+ "inspect". (ruby-bugs:PR#1204)
+Fri Oct 24 23:26:34 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_each): Hash#each should yield single value.
+ [ruby-talk:84420]
+ * hash.c (env_each): ditto for ENV.each.
+Thu Oct 23 20:25:32 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/server.rb (GenericServer#start): should rescue
+ IOError from IO::accept. [ruby-dev:21692]
+Thu Oct 23 17:59:36 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_cleanup): initialize stack bottom for embedding.
+ [ruby-dev:21686]
+ * ext/dl/extconf.rb: move list of files to clean from DEPEND file,
+ to get rid of macro redefinitions.
+Thu Oct 23 13:44:00 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y: integrate operations for stack_type. [ruby-dev:21681]
+Thu Oct 23 00:41:45 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/soap/calc/*, test/soap/helloworld/*: set logging threshold
+ to ERROR.
+Wed Oct 22 12:53:31 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit/collector/dir.rb (Test::Unit::Collector::Dir#collect_file):
+ ignore tests which raised LoadError.
+ * test/drb/drbtest.rb, test/ruby/test_beginendblock.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_system.rb: avoid requiring same file twice.
+ * test/drb/test_drbssl.rb, test/drb/test_drbunix.rb: should not use
+ ARGV unless invoked directly. do not create test cases unless
+ required libraries are available.
+Wed Oct 22 02:31:34 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_cleanup): should not ignore exit_value in END
+ execution. [ruby-dev:21670]
+Tue Oct 21 23:16:26 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_cleanup): call finalizers and exit procs before
+ terminating threads.
+ * eval.c (ruby_cleanup): preserve ruby_errinfo before ruby_finalize_0().
+Tue Oct 21 15:57:11 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit/collector/dir.rb (Test::Unit::Collector::Dir#collect_file):
+ prepend the directory of target file to the load path.
+Tue Oct 21 15:08:53 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (do_spawn, do_aspawn): should wait child process even
+ if callded with P_OVERLAY.
+ * win32/win32.c (do_spawn, do_aspawn): should return child's exit
+ status to parent.
+Tue Oct 21 00:35:02 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/soap/calc/*, test/soap/helloworld/*: catch the exception from
+ test server thread and recover.
+Tue Oct 21 00:22:57 2003 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * test/drb/*: import drb/runit.
+Mon Oct 20 23:55:47 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): set current node after arguments evaluation.
+ [ruby-dev:21632]
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): set current node and keep it at local jump.
+Mon Oct 20 22:01:18 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_cleanup): keep thread group for main thread.
+ [ruby-dev:21644]
+Mon Oct 20 18:28:10 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_catch): backout.
+Mon Oct 20 17:31:46 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (PUSH_FRAME): generate unique number to be TAG_JUMP()
+ destination.
+ * eval.c (localjump_destination): use unique number in ruby_frame
+ for localjump destination.
+Mon Oct 20 11:31:44 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_signal.rb (test_signal): restore old trap.
+Mon Oct 20 11:00:46 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (gc_sweep): loosen page free condition to avoid add_heap()
+ race condition. [ruby-dev:21633]
+ * gc.c (gc_sweep): do not update malloc_limit when malloc_increase
+ is smaller than malloc_limit.
+Mon Oct 20 09:45:12 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/debug.rb (debug_command): remove debug print.
+Sun Oct 19 13:12:30 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb (foreachline, dir_foreach): add obsolete warning.
+Sun Oct 19 00:14:22 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/soap/calc/*, test/soap/helloworkd/*: changed port# of test
+ server. (17171)
+Sat Oct 18 23:01:32 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * missing/acosh.c (DBL_MANT_DIG): typo fix(ifdef -> ifndef).
+Sat Oct 18 05:48:59 2003 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c: YAML::Syck::compile method.
+ * ext/syck/syck.c: Buffer edge bug.
+ * ext/syck/yaml2byte.c: YAML to bytecode converter.
+ * ext/syck/yamlbyte.h: Ditto.
+ * ext/syck/bytecode.c: Bytecode parser fixes to empty collections
+ and empty strings.
+ * ext/syck/token.c: Ditto.
+Fri Oct 17 23:07:38 2003 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/enumerator/enumerator.c, ext/enumerator/enumerator.txt:
+ Provide Kernel#to_enum as an alias for Kernel#enum_for. Maybe
+ this is a better name.
+Fri Oct 17 23:00:30 2003 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/generator.rb: Add rdoc documentation.
+Fri Oct 17 22:16:42 2003 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/set.rb: Reword and fix Overview.
+ * lib/set.rb: It is not necessary to require
+ 'test/unit/ui/console/testrunner'.
+Fri Oct 17 11:15:22 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_range.rb: added.
+ * MANIFEST: add test/ruby/test_range.rb.
+Fri Oct 17 03:21:23 2003 William Sobel <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (make_hostent): h_aliases may be NULL.
+ (ruby-bugs:PR#1195)
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_gethostbyaddr): ditto.
+Fri Oct 17 00:12:41 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: (bug fix) instance variable @frame was used
+ without initializing on TkComposite module.
+Thu Oct 16 23:51:04 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: If $DEBUG == true and some exception is caused
+ in a callback operation, Ruby/Tk shows a (verbose) backtrace
+ information on the callback process.
+Thu Oct 16 17:09:19 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/debug.rb (DEBUGGER__::Context::debug_command): do not call
+ debug_silent_eval() when $1 is not set. (ruby-bugs:PR#1194)
+Thu Oct 16 16:54:57 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_upto): ("a"..."a").to_a should return [].
+ [ruby-core:01634]
+Thu Oct 16 16:40:51 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb:
+ Add Tk::EncodedString and Tk::UTF8_String class to support
+ characters using the \uXXXX escape to the UNICODE string.
+ * ext/tk/sample/{demos-en,demos-jp}/unicodeout.rb
+ new demo-scripts (samples of Tk::UTF8_String)
+ * ext/tk/sample/{demos-en,demos-jp}/widget
+ add entries for 'unicodeout.rb'
+Thu Oct 16 08:38:06 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/digest/test_digest.rb (test_eq): show failed class.
+ * test/ruby/test_iterator.rb (test_break, test_return_trace_func):
+ test localjump destination.
+Wed Oct 15 20:22:31 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/soap/netHttpClient.rb: use URI::HTTP#request_uri instead of
+ instance_eval('path_query'). [ruby-list:38575]
+Wed Oct 15 17:24:45 2003 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb (CGI::Cookie): tiny typo fix.
+Wed Oct 15 15:00:54 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_run): just return FAILURE instead of parse error
+ count. [ruby-list:38569]
+Wed Oct 15 13:17:02 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/digest/digest.c (rb_digest_base_alloc): need to initialize
+ buffer. [ruby-dev:21622]
+Wed Oct 15 11:23:05 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (w_object): dump extended modules as well.
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): TYPE_USRMARSHAL should restore extended
+ modules before invoking marshal_load. these two fixes are done
+ by Masatoshi Seki <>.
+Wed Oct 15 09:30:34 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/enumerator/enumerator.c (enumerator_each): avoid VC++ warning.
+ * ext/syck/syck.h: include stdio.h for definition of FILE.
+Wed Oct 15 08:09:07 2003 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/bytecode.c: Checkin of YAML bytecode support.
+ * ext/syck/gram.c: Ditto.
+ * ext/syck/syck.c: Ditto.
+ * ext/syck/token.c: Ditto.
+ * ext/syck/handler.c: Ditto.
+ * ext/syck/handler.c: Now using 'tag' rather than 'taguri' in type URIs.
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c: Ditto (on both counts).
+Wed Oct 15 05:05:53 2003 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/generator.rb: A new library which converts an internal
+ iterator to an external iterator.
+ * lib/abbrev.rb: A new library which creates an abbreviation table
+ from a list.
+Wed Oct 15 04:31:51 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/sample/demos-en/entry3.rb, ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/entry3.rb:
+ new demo-scripts
+ * ext/tk/sample/demos-en/widget, ext/tk/sample/demos-jp/widget:
+ add entries for 'entry3.rb'
+Wed Oct 15 04:31:47 2003 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * test/digest/test_digest.rb: Moved from ext/digest/test.rb.
+Wed Oct 15 03:53:20 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: fixed trouble on auto-load Tcl commands (enbug
+ on the last commit).
+Wed Oct 15 00:25:00 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (yylex): argument parentheses preceded by spaces should
+ be warned; not error. [ruby-talk:84103]
+Wed Oct 15 00:20:15 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c: replace Tcl/Tk's vwait and tkwait to
+ switch on threads smoothly and avoid seg-fault.
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c: add TclTkIp._thread_vwait and
+ _thread_tkwait for waiting on a thread. (Because Tcl/Tk's vwait
+ and tkwait command wait on an eventloop.)
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: support TclTkIp._thread_vwait and
+ _thread_tkwait.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: now, TkVariable#wait has 2 arguments.
+ If 1st argument is true, waits on a thread. If false, waits on
+ an eventloop. If 2nd argument is true, checks existence of
+ rootwidgets. If false, doesn't. Default is wait(true, false).
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: add TkVariable#tkwait(arg) which is equal to
+ TkVariable#wait(arg, true). wait_visibility and wait_destroy
+ have an argument for waiting on a thread or an eventloop.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: improve of accessing Tcl/Tk's special variables.
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkafter.rb: support 'wait on a thread' and 'wait on
+ an eventloop'.
+Wed Oct 15 00:10:24 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/soap/baseData.rb: Introduce SOAPType as the common ancestor of
+ SOAPBasetype and SOAPCompoundtype.
+ * lib/soap/generator.rb, lib/soap/element.rb, lib/soap/encodingstyle/*:
+ Encoding methods signature change. Pass SOAPGenerator as a parameter.
+ * lib/soap/mapping/*, test/soap/marshal/test_marshal.rb: Refactoring
+ for better marshalling/unmarshalling support. Now I think SOAP
+ marshaller supports all kind of object graph which is supported by
+ Ruby's original marshaller. Of course there could be bugs as always.
+ Find it. :-)
+ * lib/soap/rpc/standaloneServer.rb: Set severity threshould to INFO.
+ DEBUG is too noisy.
+ * lib/xsd/datatypes.rb: DateTime#of is obsoleted. Use DateTime#offset.
+ * test/wsdl/emptycomplextype.wsdl, test/xsd/xmlschema.xml: Avoid
+ useless warning.
+Tue Oct 14 19:09:35 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_finalize_0): return the given exit status unless
+ SystemExit got raised.
+Tue Oct 14 11:53:49 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * intern.h (ruby_stop): never return.
+ * ruby.h (ruby_run): ditto.
+Tue Oct 14 04:43:55 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb (realpath): make ELOOP check bit more robust.
+ (children): prepend self by default.
+ (chroot): obsoleted.
+Tue Oct 14 02:29:31 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_require_safe): segfault after loading .so.
+Tue Oct 14 02:05:23 2003 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/Setup*, ext/enumerator/*: Add ext/enumerator, a helper
+ module for the Enumerable interface.
+Mon Oct 13 23:55:59 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb: use Config::CONFIG["ruby_install_name"],
+ not "ruby".
+Mon Oct 13 23:57:29 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_feature_p): match by classified suffix.
+ * eval.c (rb_require_safe): require library in the specified safe
+ level.
+ * variable.c (rb_autoload, rb_autoload_load): restore safe level
+ when autoload was called. [ruby-dev:21338]
+ * intern.h: prototypes; rb_require_safe.
+ * test/runner.rb: accept non-option arguments.
+Mon Oct 13 20:49:51 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_new4): should not preserve FL_TAINT status in the
+ internal shared string. [ruby-dev:21601]
+ * string.c (rb_str_new4): ditto.
+ * eval.c: use EXIT_SUCCESS and EXIT_FAILURE for exit values.
+ * process.c: ditto. [ruby-list:38521]
+Mon Oct 13 19:51:02 2003 Koji Arai <>
+ * lib/debug.rb (debug_command): should enter emacs mode when
+ assigned any value to the environment variable "EMACS".
+ On Meadow, (getenv "EMACS") is "meadow".
+Sun Oct 12 14:45:03 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/win32ole/extconf.rb: check "windows.h", not "windows".
+ [ruby-talk:84051]
+Sat Oct 11 20:41:03 2003 Corinna Vinschen <>
+ * file.c (eaccess): Use access(2) on Cygwin.
+Sat Oct 11 17:09:21 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/rexml/quickpath.rb (REXML::QuickPath::match):
+ escape '[' to avoid warning.
+Sat Oct 11 16:08:41 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb (realpath): check existence of the file.
+ * lib/pathname.rb (realpath): re-implemented.
+ (realpath_root?, realpath_rec): removed
+Sat Oct 11 10:19:39 2003 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/monitor.rb: handle exceptions correctly. Thanks, Gennady
+ Bystritsky.
+Fri Oct 10 07:50:54 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (is_defined): inheritance line adjustment as like as
+ rb_call_super().
+Fri Oct 10 01:19:00 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509name.c (ossl_x509name_initialize): add
+ optional argument to specify the DirectoryString type
+ (ASN1::UTF8STRING by default). RFC3280 deprecates PrintableString
+ for DirectoryString, and strongly requires to use UTF8String for
+ all certificates issued after December, 31 2003.
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/x509.rb (X509::Name::parse): ditto.
+Thu Oct 9 23:50:21 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_start_0): prevent thread from GC.
+ [ruby-dev:21572]
+Thu Oct 9 19:11:44 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_start_0): non-volatile should be restored from
+ volatile.
+Thu Oct 9 17:43:36 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (proc_save_safe_level, proc_get_safe_level,
+ proc_set_safe_level): save/restore safe level 1..4.
+Thu Oct 9 16:33:23 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): remove unnecessary iv restoration for
+ USRMARSHAL. [ruby-dev:21582]
+ * marshal.c (w_object): dump generic instance variables from
+ a string from '_dump'.
+ * variable.c (rb_generic_ivar_table): return 0 if obj's FL_EXIVAR
+ is not set.
+ * time.c (time_dump): copy instance variables to dumped string, to
+ be included in the marshaled data.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big2ulong): add range check to ensure round trip.
+Thu Oct 9 15:45:27 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * pack.c (uv_to_utf8): change message to "out of range", since
+ negative values are not "too big". [ruby-dev:21567]
+Thu Oct 9 14:05:38 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_set_end_proc, rb_exec_end_proc): restore safe level.
+ [ruby-dev:21557]
+Thu Oct 9 10:51:04 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): no error if block is empty.
+Thu Oct 9 06:43:33 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (localjump_error): id should be ID.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): nd_rval is set in copy_node_scope().
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): unused variable.
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): nothing to do for empty node.
+ * eval.c (call_end_proc, proc_invoke): adjust backtrace in END.
+ [ruby-dev:21551]
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_start_0): set the value by break as the result.
+ [ruby-dev:21552]
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_start_0, rb_thread_raise, rb_callcc): save
+ variables across THREAD_SAVE_CONTEXT.
+Thu Oct 9 12:05:46 2003 Eric Sunshine <>
+ * revived NextStep, OpenStep, and Rhapsody ports which
+ had become unbuildable; enhanced --enable-fat-binary option so that
+ it accepts a list of desired architectures (rather than assuming a
+ fixed list), or defaults to a platform-appropriate list if user does
+ not provide an explicit list; made the default list of architectures
+ for MAB (fat binary) more comprehensive; now uses -fno-common even
+ when building the interpreter (in addition to using it for
+ extensions), thus allowing the interpreter to be embedded into a
+ plugin module of an external project (in addition to allowing
+ embedding directly into an application); added checks for
+ <netinet/in_systm.h> (needed by `socket' extension) and getcwd(); now
+ ensures that -I/usr/local/include is employed when extensions'
+ extconf.rb scripts invoke have_header() since extension checks on
+ NextStep and OpenStep will fail without it if the desired resource
+ resides in the /usr/local tree; fixed formatting of --help message.
+ * $(LIBRUBY_A) rule now deletes the archive before
+ invoking $(AR) since `ar' on Apple/NeXT can not "update" MAB archives
+ (see configure's --enable-fat-binary option); added rule for new
+ missing/getcwd.c.
+ * defines.h: fixed endian handling during MAB build (see configure's
+ --enable-fat-binary option) to ensure that all portions of the
+ project see the correct WORDS_BIGENDIAN value (some extension modules
+ were getting the wrong endian setting); added missing constants
+ GETPGRP_VOID, WNOHANG, WUNTRACED, X_OK, and type pid_t for NextStep
+ and OpenStep; removed unnecessary and problematic HAVE_SYS_WAIT_H
+ define in NeXT section.
+ * dir.c: do not allow NAMLEN() macro to trust dirent::d_namlen on
+ NextStep since, on some installations, this value always resolves
+ uselessly to zero.
+ * dln.c: added error reporting to NextStep extension loader since the
+ previous behavior of failing silently was not useful; now ensures
+ that NSLINKMODULE_OPTION_BINDNOW compatibility constant is defined
+ for OpenStep and Rhapsody; no longer includes <mach-o/dyld.h> twice
+ on Rhapsody since this header lacks multiple-include protection,
+ which resulted in "redefinition" compilation errors.
+ * main.c: also create hard reference to objc_msgSend() on NeXT
+ platforms (in addition to Apple platforms).
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: now exports XCFLAGS from configure script to extension
+ makefiles so that extensions can be built MAB (see configure's
+ --enable-fat-binary option); also utilize XCFLAGS in cc_command()
+ (but not cpp_command() because MAB flags are incompatible with
+ direct invocation of `cpp').
+ * ext/curses/extconf.rb: now additionally checks for presence of these
+ curses functions which are not present on NextStep or Openstep:
+ bkgd(), bkgdset(), color(), curs(), getbkgd(), init(), scrl(), set(),
+ setscrreg(), wattroff(), wattron(), wattrset(), wbkgd(), wbkgdset(),
+ wscrl(), wsetscrreg()
+ * ext/curses/curses.c: added appropriate #ifdef's for additional set of
+ curses functions now checked by extconf.rb; fixed curses_bkgd() and
+ window_bkgd() to correctly return boolean result rather than numeric
+ result; fixed window_getbkgd() to correctly signal an error by
+ returning nil rather than -1.
+ * ext/etc/etc.c: setup_passwd() and setup_group() now check for null
+ pointers before invoking rb_tainted_str_new2() upon fields extracted
+ from `struct passwd' and `struct group' since null pointers in some
+ fields are common on NextStep/OpenStep (especially so for the
+ `pw_comment' field) and rb_tainted_str_new2() throws an exception
+ when it receives a null pointer.
+ * ext/pty/pty.c: include "util.h" for strdup()/ruby_strdup() for
+ platforms such as NextStep and OpenStep which lack strdup().
+ * ext/socket/getaddrinfo.c: cast first argument of getservbyname(),
+ gethostbyaddr(), and gethostbyname() from (const char*) to non-const
+ (char*) for older platforms such as NextStep and OpenStep.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: include "util.h" for strdup()/ruby_strdup() for
+ platforms such as NextStep and OpenStep which lack strdup(); include
+ <netinet/in_systm.h> if present for NextStep and OpenStep; cast first
+ argument of gethostbyaddr() and getservbyname() from (const char*) to
+ non-const (char*) for older platforms.
+ * ext/syslog/syslog.c: include "util.h" for strdup()/ruby_strdup() for
+ platforms such as NextStep and OpenStep which lack strdup().
+Wed Oct 8 22:19:00 2003 Nathaniel Talbott <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: removed installation instructions.
+ * lib/test/unit/ui/testrunnermediator.rb: moved the run flag to a more
+ central location.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: extracted the running code in to AutoRunner.
+ * lib/test/unit/autorunner.rb: added.
+ * lib/test/unit/collector/objectspace.rb: extracted common test
+ collection functionality in to a module.
+ * lib/test/unit/collector.rb: ditto; added.
+ * test/testunit/collector/test_objectspace.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/test/unit/collector/dir.rb: added. Supports collecting tests out
+ of a directory structure.
+ * test/testunit/collector/test_dir.rb: added.
+ * test/runner.rb: simplified to use the new capabilities.
+Tue Oct 7 15:23:09 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/ruby/test_beginendblock.rb: add tests for nested BEGIN/END.
+ * test/ruby/beginmainend.rb: add tests for nested BEGIN/END.
+ * test/ruby/endblockwarn.rb: new file added to test of END-in-method
+ warning.
+Tue Oct 7 12:23:47 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/fcntl/fcntl.c (Init_fcntl): define Fcntl::O_ACCMODE.
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: useless assignment removed.
+Tue Oct 7 09:13:24 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_beginendblock.rb (test_endinmethod): END{} is now
+ allowed in eval.
+Tue Oct 7 04:15:25 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (stmt): should not expand mrhs if lhs is solely starred.
+Tue Oct 7 02:57:53 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (stmt): rhs of multiple assignment should not be
+ expanded using "to_a". [ruby-dev:21527]
+Tue Oct 7 01:42:34 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c (ossl_asn1_get_asn1type): use appropriate
+ free function for ASN1_OBJECT.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c (ossl_asn1obj_get_sn): add new function for
+ ASN1::ObjectId#sn; it returns short name text representation of OID.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c (ossl_asn1obj_get_ln): add new function for
+ ASN1::ObjectId#ln; it returns long name text representation of OID.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c (ossl_asn1obj_get_oid): add new function for
+ ASN1::ObjectId#oid; it returns numerical representation of OID.
+Mon Oct 6 22:59:46 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/csv.rb (IOReader, BasicWriter): call binmode when a given IO
+ respond_to?(:binmode). record separator was wrong when you gave
+ text mode IO to Reader.parse and Writer.generate.
+ * test/csv/test_csv.rb: add tests for above change.
+Mon Oct 6 16:23:38 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (w_object): wrong method name in the message.
+Mon Oct 6 16:02:05 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (stmt): END in method should cause warning.
+ [ruby-dev:21519]
+Mon Oct 6 15:17:23 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/ruby/test_iterator.rb (test_block_argument_without_paren):
+ added. (follows sample/test.rb)
+Mon Oct 6 11:57:06 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/ruby/test_beginendblock.rb, test/ruby/beginmainend.rb: added
+ test for eval-ed BEGIN END order.
+Mon Oct 6 09:19:54 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (w_object): should pass "weak" value to next level.
+ [ruby-dev:21496]
+ * eval.c (proc_alloc): should not use cached object if klass is
+ different. [ruby-talk:83685]
+Sun Oct 5 23:27:09 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: check recvmsg even if sendmsg is exists.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (thread_read_select): restored.
+ * lib/pathname.rb: version information is added in document.
+Sun Oct 5 23:07:03 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_END): block should be given. [ruby-dev:21497]
+Sun Oct 5 22:51:23 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/ext/openssl/extconf.rb: add check for some engine functions
+ unavailable in OpenSSL-0.9.6.
+ * lib/ext/openssl/ossl_engine.c: ditto.
+Sun Oct 5 17:56:30 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): fix evaluation order. [ruby-list:38431]
+Sun Oct 5 15:05:06 2003 akira yamada <>
+ * test/uri/*: translated RUNIT to Test::Unit.
+Sun Oct 5 14:37:39 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/xsd/datatypes.rb: Rational -> Decimal string bug fix.
+ * test/soap/marshal/test_marshal.rb: ditto.
+ * test/soap/calc/test_calc_cgi.rb: add Config::CONFIG["EXEEXT"] to
+Sun Oct 5 13:47:22 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/ruby/test_beginendblock.rb, test/ruby/beginmainend.rb: add tests
+ about scope, order and allowed syntax.
+Sun Oct 5 11:54:29 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb: added. split "rubybin" from test_system.rb.
+ * test/ruby/test_system.rb: use envutil.rb
+ * test/ruby/test_beginendblock.rb: added.
+ * test/ruby/beginmainend.rb: added. used in test_beginendblock.rb.
+Sun Oct 5 11:23:00 2003 Nathaniel Talbott <>
+ * test/testunit/runit/test_testresult.rb: removed some unnecessary
+ cruft.
+Sun Oct 5 11:14:00 2003 Nathaniel Talbott <>
+ * lib/rubyunit.rb: aliasing TestCase into the top level is
+ problematic.
+ * lib/runit/assert.rb: fixed a couple of bugs caused by recent
+ refactoring in Test::Unit.
+ * test/testunit/runit/*: added.
+Sun Oct 5 10:55:29 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb (URI::Generic#find_proxy): no_proxy support did not
+ work. [ruby-dev:21484]
+Sun Oct 5 09:52:00 2003 Nathaniel Talbott <>
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb: will use pp for output if available.
+ Can be disabled by setting Assertions.use_pp = false.
+ * test/testunit/test_assertions.rb: made a small change to exception
+ formatting.
+Sun Oct 5 07:42:00 2003 Nathaniel Talbott <>
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb: made small improvements to assertion
+ messages. Deprecated Assertions#assert_not_nil; use #assert instead.
+ * test/testunit/test_assertions.rb: ditto.
+ * test/testunit/util/test_procwrapper.rb: use #assert instead of
+ #assert_not_nil.
+Sun Oct 5 04:10:00 2003 Nathaniel Talbott <>
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb: refactored message building.
+Sun Oct 5 03:40:22 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.h: global symbols should be declared
+ as external.
+Sun Oct 5 03:03:20 2003 akira yamada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_exception.rb (test_else): added.
+Sun Oct 5 02:12:00 2003 Nathaniel Talbott <>
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb: changed assertion messages to rely more
+ heavily on #inspect. Added backtrace filtering for exceptions in
+ assertion messages.
+ * test/testunit/test_assertions.rb: ditto.
+Sun Oct 5 02:12:00 2003 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/drb/acl.rb, lib/drb/ssl.rb: added.
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb: exit from a thread using 'break'.
+Sat Oct 4 21:49:14 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * gc.c (Init_stack): the type of space is changed to unsigned int
+ from double. [ruby-dev:21483]
+Sat Oct 4 17:52:59 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/soap/netHttpClient.rb: follow http-access2. hosts which matches
+ ENV['no_proxy'] or ENV['NO_PROXY'] are not proxyed.
+ - [,:] separated. ("")
+ - no regexp. (give "", not "*")
+ - if you want specify host by IP address, give full address.
+ (",")
+ * lib/soap/rpc/cgistub.rb: return "Status: XXX MMM" line.
+ * test/runner.rb: give testsuite name.
+Sat Oct 4 15:16:02 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (w_object): instance variable dump do not cause error
+ for objects that cannot be dumped, if they traversed from
+ marshal_dump. they are just ignored.
+ * gc.c (Init_stack): cast "space" (doble value) into unsigned
+ int. should run on PowerPC.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): should not execute else part if any exception
+ is caught. [ruby-dev:21482]
+ * parse.y (f_args): should allow unparenthesized block argument.
+ * parse.y (f_rest_arg): should allow unparenthesized rest
+ argument.
+Sat Oct 4 14:59:51 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb (initialize): raise ArgumentError if argument has
+ '\0' character.
+ (relative_path_from): new method.
+ (each_entry): new method for replacement of dir_foreach.
+ (foreach, foreachline, dir_foreach, chdir): obsoleted.
+Sat Oct 4 12:58:48 2003 akira yamada <>
+ * test/uri/* (6 files): added.
+Sat Oct 4 12:44:45 2003 akira yamada <>
+ * lib/uri/ftp.rb, lib/uri/mailto.rb: renamed to #to_s from #to_str.
+Sat Oct 4 07:33:00 2003 Nathaniel Talbott <>
+ * lib/test/unit/testsuite.rb: changed #<< to return self, and added
+ #delete.
+ * test/testunit/test_testsuite.rb: ditto. Also slightly refactored
+ #test_size.
+ * lib/test/unit/collector/objectspace.rb: collector now preserves the
+ hierarchy of suites.
+ * test/testunit/collector/test_objectspace.rb: ditto.
+Sat Oct 4 04:48:49 2003 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c: default keys handled.
+ * ext/syck/syck.h: lowered default buffer size to 16k for increased
+ performance.
+ * test/yaml: checkin of basic unit tests.
+Sat Oct 4 04:24:19 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: add check for X509V3_set_nconf.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509ext.c (ossl_x509extfactory_set_config):
+ cannot implement if X509V3_set_nconf doesn't exist.
+Sat Oct 4 02:12:44 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/xsd/datatypes.rb: dump sign by itself. under the problematic
+ platform, sprintf("%+.10g", -0.0) => +0. sigh.
+ * sample/wsdl/amazon/*: update schema ver2 to ver3.
+Sat Oct 4 01:33:46 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb (initialize): duplicate and freeze argument.
+ (to_s): return duplicated string.
+ (children): new method.
+ (each_line): new alias to foreachline.
+Fri Oct 3 16:13:19 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c: add DER encoder and decoder.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.h: add OpenSSL::ASN1 module.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c (Init_openssl): call Init_ossl_asn1.
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: check if X509_ATTRIBUTE has field "single".
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509attr.c (ossl_x509attr_set_value): accept
+ DER encoded data argument.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509attr.c (ossl_x509attr_get_value): return
+ DER encoded data in OpenSSL::ASN1 types.
+Fri Oct 3 13:02:00 2003 Nathaniel Talbott <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: refactored to use optparse.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: added support for selecting the output
+ level from the command-line.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: added a command-line switch to stop processing
+ the command-line, allowing arguments to be passed to tests.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: changed the method for specifying a runner or a
+ filter from the command-line.
+ * lib/test/unit/collector/objectspace.rb: fixed a bug causing all
+ tests to be excluded when the filter was set to an empty array.
+ * test/testunit/collector/test_objectspace.rb: ditto.
+Fri Oct 3 08:14:32 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb (RubyLex::identify_identifier): support
+ 'class ::Foo' syntax. [ruby-talk:83514]
+Fri Oct 3 08:01:00 2003 Nathaniel Talbott <>
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb: added a default message for #assert,
+ #assert_block, and #flunk.
+ * test/testunit/test_assertions.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/test/unit/failure.rb: failures now show a better trace of where
+ they occurred.
+ * test/testunit/test_failure.rb: ditto (added).
+ * lib/test/unit/testcase.rb: ditto.
+ * test/testunit/test_testcase.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/test/unit/util/backtracefilter.rb: added.
+ * test/testunit/util/test_backtracefilter.rb: added.
+ * lib/test/unit/error.rb: changed to use BacktraceFilter and improved
+ output.
+ * test/testunit/test_error.rb: ditto.
+Thu Oct 2 20:33:49 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (iconv_failure_initialize): conform with
+ orthodox initialization method.
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (iconv_fail): initialize exception instance
+ from the class, and do not share instance variables with the
+ others. [ruby-dev:21470]
+Thu Oct 2 18:20:27 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * time.c (Init_Time): define initialize. [ruby-dev:21469]
+Thu Oct 2 17:39:38 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_engine.c: add a new module OpenSSL::Engine.
+ it supports OpenSSL hardware cryptographic engine interface.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_engine.h: ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/MANIFEST: add ossl_engine.c and ossl_engine.h.
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: add check for openssl/engine.h.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c: call Init_ossl_engine().
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.h: include openssl/engine.h.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_{rsa,dsa,dh}.c: check if underlying
+ EVP_PKEY referes engine.
+Thu Oct 2 17:22:37 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_load): restore instance variables (if any) before
+ loading from marshaled data.
+Thu Oct 2 14:19:15 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (iconv_fail): now yield erred substring, and
+ set error object to $!.
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (iconv_convert): error handler block should
+ return appended part and the rest. if rest is nil, the
+ conversion stops.
+Thu Oct 2 12:00:18 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c (rb_const_defined_0): look up constants in Object as
+ well. [ruby-dev:21458]
+ * test/ruby/test_defined.rb (TestDefined::test_defined): test for
+ constants.
+Thu Oct 2 11:17:00 2003 Nathaniel Talbott <>
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb: should not capture an
+ AssertionFailedError unless explicitly requested.
+ * test/testunit/test_assertions.rb: ditto.
+ * test/testunit/collector/test_objectspace.rb: fixed a test failure
+ caused by methods being returned in different orders on different
+ platforms by moving test sorting from TestSuite into the locations
+ where suites are constructed. [ruby-talk:83156]
+ * lib/test/unit/testcase.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/test/unit/testsuite.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/test/unit/collector/objectspace.rb: ditto.
+Thu Oct 2 03:25:01 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_raise): prototype; avoid VC++ warning.
+Thu Oct 2 01:37:34 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * time.c (time_mdump): new marshal dumper. _dump is still
+ available for compatibility.
+ * time.c (time_mload): new marshal loader.
+ * marshal.c (w_object): preserve instance variables for objects
+ with marshal_dump.
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): restore instance variables before calling
+ marshal_load.
+ * error.c (rb_warn_m): always return nil.
+Thu Oct 2 01:32:46 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_block_given_p): real required condition is
+ ruby_frame->prev->iter == ITER_CUR.
+ * eval.c (rb_block_given_p): ditto.
+ * eval.c (block_pass): update ruby_frame->iter only when previous
+ value is ITER_NOT.
+Thu Oct 2 01:02:35 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_const_defined_at): should exclude constants from
+ Object when TYPE(klass) == T_MODULE *and* exclude is on.
+ [ruby-dev:21458]
+ * variable.c (rb_const_get_0): do not lookup constants from Object
+ when TYPE(klass) == T_MODULE *and* exclude is on.
+Thu Oct 2 00:21:11 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/logger/test_logger.rb: unlinking file before close causes
+ problem under win32 box.
+ * lib/xsd/datatypes.rb(XSDFloat, XSDDouble): add +/- sign explicitly
+ when stringified and embedded into XML instance. Ruby's sprintf may
+ format -0.0 as "0.0" (no minus sign) depending on underlying C
+ sprintf implementation.
+ * test/xsd/test_xsd.rb, test/soap/test_basetype.rb: follow above change.
+ * test/soap/calc/*: give httpd config param "CGIInterpreter".
+ "/usr/bin/env ruby" thing does not work under non-Unix boxes.
+Thu Oct 2 00:25:21 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * signal.c (ruby_signal_name): adjust to the prototype.
+ * process.c (pst_inspect): ditto.
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (etc_getgrent, Init_etc): typo.
+Wed Oct 1 20:49:41 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (heaps): manage slots and limits together. [ruby-dev:21453]
+ * gc.c (add_heap): should not clear heaps slot even if realloc()
+ failed.
+Wed Oct 1 20:36:49 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * MANIFEST: add wince/mkconfig_wce.rb.
+Wed Oct 1 17:22:33 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/etc/etc.c: add new functions: setpwent, getpwent, endpwent,
+ setgrent, getgrent, endgrent.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_gethostbyname): do not reverse lookup.
+Wed Oct 1 17:01:30 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_load): Object scope had priority over required file
+ scope. [ruby-dev:21415]
+Wed Oct 1 14:09:53 2003 Takaaki Uematsu <>
+ * wince/mkconfig_wce.rb: sorry, forget to commit.
+Wed Oct 1 10:08:42 2003 Takaaki Uematsu <>
+ * wince/setup.mak: add sigmarionIII SDK support.
+ * wince/Makefile.sub: ditto.
+ * wince/mkexports.rb: fix linker error in SH4.
+ * wince/mkconfig_wce.rb: camouflage RUBY_PLATFORM for compiling ext.
+Wed Oct 1 08:02:52 2003 Takaaki Uematsu <>
+ * wince/time_wce.c (time): add zero check.
+Tue Sep 30 16:11:05 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * copy lex.c from $(srcdir) if it's not the current
+ directory. [ruby-dev:21437]
+Tue Sep 30 11:29:23 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (pst_inspect): describe stopped process "stopped".
+Tue Sep 30 09:31:56 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/runner.rb: glob for directories.
+Tue Sep 30 09:11:43 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): while/until should not capture break unless
+ they are destination of the break.
+Tue Sep 30 03:12:02 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (finish): revert to 1.93.
+ * lib/net/pop.rb (finish): revert to 1.60.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb (finish): revert to 1.67.
+ * lib/net/http.rb (do_start): ensure to close socket if failed to
+ start session.
+ * lib/net/pop.rb (do_start): ditto.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb (do_start): ditto.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: SMTP#started? wrongly returned false always.
+Tue Sep 30 02:54:49 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_iterator.rb: new test
+ test_break__nested_loop[123].
+Mon Sep 29 23:39:13 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (finish): does not raise IOError even if
+ !started?, to allow closing socket which was opened before
+ session started.
+ * lib/net/pop.rb (finish): ditto.
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb (finish): ditto.
+Mon Sep 29 19:06:51 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * ext/win32ole/extconf.rb: add windows.h checking.
+ (ruby-bugs:PR#1185)
+Mon Sep 29 16:18:30 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/logger.rb: check if the given logdevice object respond_to :write
+ and :close, not is_a? IO. duck duck.
+ * test/logger/test_logger.rb: self IO.pipe reading/writing may be
+ locked by the flood. use tempfile.
+ * lib/wsdl/xmlSchema/data.rb: wrong constant reference.
+Mon Sep 29 16:11:23 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb: clean up temporary symlink.
+ Patched by NaHi. [ruby-dev:21420]
+Mon Sep 29 11:16:55 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_atfork): wrong format specifier.
+ [ruby-dev:21428]
+ * process.c (pst_inspect): better description.
+Mon Sep 29 02:31:44 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/utils.rb (Utils::su): use setgid and setuid to
+ set real and effective IDs. and setup group access list by
+ initgroups.
+Sun Sep 28 11:14:19 2003 Koji Arai <>
+ * ext/digest/digest.c (Init_digest): `copy_object' was deprecated.
+ `initialize_copy' should be defined.
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (Init_stringio): ditto.
+Sat Sep 27 18:25:13 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/xsd/charset.rb: XSD::Charset.is_ces did return always true under
+ $KCODE = "NONE" environment. check added.
+ * test/xsd/test_xsd.rb: add tests for above fix.
+Sat Sep 27 15:58:50 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/soap/rpc/cgistub.rb: make logging severity threshold higher.
+ * lib/soap/rpc/standaloneServer.rb: defer WEBrick server start to give
+ a chance to reset logging severity threshold.
+ * test/soap/calc/test_*, test/soap/helloworld/test_helloworld.rb: run
+ silent.
+Sat Sep 27 09:44:18 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb: clear all errors on Windows.
+ [ruby-dev:21417]
+ * test/fileutils/test_nowrite.rb: ditto.
+Sat Sep 27 04:57:07 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/ruby/test_file.rb: new file. only asserts unlink-before-close
+ behaviour now.
+ * test/soap/marshal/test_digraph.rb: should close before unlink.
+ unlink-before-close pattern is not needed here.
+Sat Sep 27 03:32:37 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/soap/*, test/wsdl/*, test/xsd/*: move TestCase classes into
+ each module namespace. TestMarshal in
+ test/soap/marshal/test_marshal.rb crashed with
+ test/ruby/test_marshal.rb.
+Sat Sep 27 01:30:59 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (ruby_connect): on win32, type of the 4th
+ argument of getsockopt is char *.
+Fri Sep 26 18:35:40 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/resolv-replace.rb: 1.8 compliance. [ruby-talk:82946]
+Fri Sep 26 17:39:27 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/ruby/test_marshal.rb: add test for ruby's objects.
+Fri Sep 26 09:52:44 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * defines.h (flush_register_windows): use volatile only for gcc on
+ Solaris. [ruby-dev:21403]
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (xsystem): use system directly to honor shell meta
+ charaters.
+Fri Sep 26 00:10:13 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/README: updated.
+Thu Sep 25 17:48:10 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c (ossl_buf2str): fix type of 1st argument for
+ rb_protect.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_hmac.c (ossl_hmac_digest): should return meaningful
+ value.
+Thu Sep 25 09:00:00 2003 Nathaniel Talbott <>
+ * lib/ostruct.rb: Added OpenStruct#==.
+ * test/ostruct/test_ostruct.rb: Added.
+Thu Sep 25 07:55:26 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c, ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dsa.c,
+ ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_rsa.c, ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.h: must
+ not use C++ or C99 style comment yet. (ruby-bugs:PR#1184)
+Thu Sep 25 00:23:22 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+Thu Sep 25 00:13:15 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/soap/* (29 files): SOAP4R added.
+ * lib/wsdl/* (42 files): WSDL4R added.
+ * lib/xsd/* (12 files): XSD4R added.
+ * test/soap/* (16 files): added.
+ * test/wsdl/* (2 files): added.
+ * test/xsd/* (3 files): added.
+ * sample/soap/* (27 files): added.
+ * sample/wsdl/* (13 files): added.
+Wed Sep 24 02:08:11 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet/cgihandler.rb: conform to mswin32.
+ [ruby-talk:82735], [ruby-talk:82748], [ruby-talk:82818]
+Tue Sep 23 23:10:16 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/logger.rb: add Logger#<<(msg) for writing msg without any
+ formatting.
+ * test/logger/test_logger.rb: ditto.
+Tue Sep 23 20:47:51 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * error.c (rb_warn_m): should not warn if -W0 is specified.
+ [ruby-talk:82675]
+Mon Sep 22 21:28:57 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * MANIFEST: updated.
+Mon Sep 22 19:22:26 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * (AC_CHECK_FUNCS): add setuid and setgid.
+Mon Sep 22 12:34:55 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * util.c (ruby_strtod): skip preceding zeros before counting
+ digits in the mantissa. (ruby-bugs:PR#1181)
+Sun Sep 21 04:12:36 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ocsp.c (ossl_ocspreq_initialize): the argument
+ should be a String.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ocsp.c (ossl_ocspres_initialize): ditt.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509attr.c (ossl_x509attr_initialize): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509ext.c (ossl_x509ext_initialize): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509ext.c (ossl_x509ext_set_value): ditto.
+Sat Sep 20 11:49:05 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/logger.rb: typo fixed.
+ * test/logger/test_logger.rb: new file.
+Fri Sep 19 11:39:00 2003 Nathaniel Talbott <>
+ * test/testunit/*: Added.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: Documentation update.
+ * lib/test/unit/ui/console/testrunner.rb (TestRunner#initialize):
+ Ditto.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: Factored out an ObjectSpace collector.
+ * lib/test/unit/collector/objectspace.rb: Ditto.
+ * sample/testunit/*: Added.
+Fri Sep 19 01:00:48 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/log.rb (BasicLog#log): get rid of as ineffectual
+ condition.
+ * lib/webrick/log.rb (BasicLog#format): add "\n" to message.
+Thu Sep 18 22:43:20 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (proc_invoke): should push PROT_PCALL tag for orphans.
+ * eval.c (proc_invoke): should update "result" for orphans.
+Thu Sep 18 20:33:03 2003 Tietew <>
+ * parse.y (str_xquote): do not prepend escapes in
+ backqoute literals. [ruby-list:38409]
+Thu Sep 18 20:30:17 2003 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb: update document.
+Thu Sep 18 15:27:05 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/logger.rb: new file. Logger, formerly called devel-logger or
+ Devel::Logger.
+ * sample/logger/*: new file. samples of logger.rb.
+Wed Sep 17 23:41:45 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (localjump_destination): should not raise ThreadError
+ exception for "break". [ruby-dev:21348]
+ * eval.c (proc_invoke): use result instead of prot_tag->retval.
+ retval is no longer propagated to the ancestors.
+Wed Sep 17 20:34:00 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (tokadd_string, parse_string, yylex): escaped terminator
+ is now interpreted as is. [ruby-talk:82206]
+Wed Sep 17 18:52:36 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/fileutils/fileassertions.rb: new file.
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb: new file.
+ * test/fileutils/test_nowrite.rb: new file.
+Wed Sep 17 18:51:02 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/strscan/test_stringscanner.rb: require test/unit.
+Wed Sep 17 18:35:34 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/strscan/test_stringscanner.rb: new file.
+Wed Sep 17 18:03:30 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl: all files are reviewed to simplify and avoid memory leak.
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: add check for assert.h.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c (ossl_buf2str): new function to convert
+ C buffer to String and free buffer.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c (ossl_x509_ary2sk): new function to convert
+ Array of OpenSSL::X509 to STACK_OF(X509) with exception safe.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c (ossl_to_der, ossl_to_der_if_possible): new
+ functions to convert object to DER string.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.h: ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_bio.c (ossl_membio2str): new function to convert
+ BIO to String object and free BIO.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_bio.h: ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs7.c (ossl_pkcs7_to_der): add for "to_der".
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509name.c (ossl_x509name_to_der): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509ext.c (ossl_x509ext_to_der): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509ext.c (create_ext_from_array): removed
+ and reimplement in openssl/x509.rb.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509attr.c: reimplemented and disable some
+ method temporarily. this class doesn't work fine without ASN.1
+ data support;-) I'll rewrite in near future.
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/x509.c (X509::Attribute): get rid off
+ unused code.
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/x509.c (X509::ExtensionFactory): refine all.
+Tue Sep 16 22:25:06 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/csv/test_csv.rb: add negative tests of row_sep.
+Tue Sep 16 18:02:36 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * regex.c (re_compile_pattern): should not translate character
+ class range edge. [ruby-list:38393]
+Tue Sep 16 16:47:56 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * MANIFEST: add test/csv/mac.csv.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub, bcc32/Makefile.sub (test): add phony NUL target.
+Mon Sep 15 19:02:52 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/csv.rb: add extra pamameter to specify row(record) separater
+ character. To parse Mac's CR separated CSV, do like this.
+"mac.csv", "r", ?,, ?\r) { |row| p row.to_a }
+ The 3rd parameter in this example ?, is for column separater and the
+ 4th ?\r is for row separater. Row separater is nil by default. Nil
+ separater means "\r\n" or "\n".
+ * test/csv/test_csv.rb: add tests for above feature.
+ * test/csv/mac.csv: added. Sample CR separated CSV file.
+Fri Sep 12 22:41:48 2003 Michal Rokos <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c: move ASN.1 stuff to ossl_asn1.[ch]
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c: move BIO stuff to ossl_bio.[ch]
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.[ch]: new files
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_bio.[ch]: new files
+Fri Sep 12 12:30:41 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * intern.h (rb_disable_super, rb_enable_super): replace with dummy
+ expressions instead of prototypes. the functions remain yet for
+ binary compatibility. [ruby-talk:81758]
+Fri Sep 12 12:09:54 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_and): convert argument using 'to_int'.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_or): ditto.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_xor): ditto.
+Fri Sep 12 07:06:14 2003 David Black <>
+ * lib/scanf.rb: Took out useless @matched_item variable; some small
+ refactoring.
+Thu Sep 11 08:43:44 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_require): allow "require" on $SAFE>0, if feature
+ name is not tainted.
+ * lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb (REXML::Parsers::BaseParser::stream):
+ Supports StringIO.
+Wed Sep 10 22:47:30 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.h: add a workaround for win32 platform.
+ libeay32.dll doesn't export functions defined in conf_api.h.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_config.c (ossl_config_initialize): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_config.c (ossl_config_add_value): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_config.c (set_conf_section_i): should check
+ if the argument is Array.
+Wed Sep 10 22:41:54 2003 Tietew <>
+ * eval.c (win32_get_exception_list): avoid VC7 warning.
+ [ruby-win32:577]
+Tue Sep 9 10:39:51 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (struct tag): dst should be VALUE.
+ * eval.c (localjump_destination): stop at the scope where the current
+ block was created. [ruby-dev:21353]
+Tue Sep 9 05:17:04 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_config.rb: avoid compile error in OpenSSL-0.9.6.
+Tue Sep 9 02:41:35 2003 Michal Rokos <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_config.c: Refine compatibility.
+Tue Sep 9 01:50:45 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpserver.rb (HTTPServer#access_log): add "\n" to
+ the message.
+ * lib/webrick/log.rb (BasicLog#log): add "\n" only if needed.
+Mon Sep 8 22:15:33 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: modify security check at creating
+ a new interpreter
+Mon Sep 8 20:00:12 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb, lib/optparse/version.rb: search also all
+ capital versions.
+Mon Sep 8 19:26:33 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.h: include openssl/conf.h and openssl/conf_api.h.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_config.c: refine all with backward compatibility.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_config.h: export GetConfigPtr() and DupConfigPtr().
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509.c: added new constants under X509 module.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509ext.c (ossl_x509extfactory_free): don't free
+ the members of the struct. it's left to GC.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509ext.c (ossl_x509_set_config): add for config=.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509ext.c (Xossl_x509extfactory_initialize):
+ add attr readers: issuer_certificate, subject_certificate,
+ subject_request, crl and config.
+Mon Sep 8 18:26:41 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/accesslog.rb (AccessLog::setup_params): use req.port
+ instead of config[:Port] or req.request_uri.port.
+ * lib/webrick/httprequest.rb (HTTPRequest#meta_vars): ditto.
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb (FileHandler#dir_list): ditto.
+ * lib/webrick/config.rb: :Listen option never be used.
+ * lib/webrick/server.rb (GenericServer#initialize): don't use :Listen
+ option and add warning message.
+ * lib/webrick/log.rb (BasicLog#<<): shortcut of log(INFO, ...).
+ * lib/webrick/httpserver.rb (HTTPServer#accesslog): use << for logging.
+Sun Sep 7 16:08:28 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c (lib_mainloop_core): fixed signal-trap bug
+ * ext/tk/lib/*.rb: Ruby/Tk works at $SAFE == 4
+Sat Sep 6 02:26:34 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/ruby/test_*.rb: assert_same, assert_match, and so on.
+Sat Sep 6 18:45:46 2003 Mauricio Fernandez <>
+ * parse.y (assignable): call rb_compile_error(), not rb_bug().
+ [ruby-core:01523]
+Sat Sep 6 17:40:41 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ruby_missing.c: rid of unnecessary backward
+ compatibility stuff. and remove DEFINE_ALLOC_WRAPPER from
+ all sources.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509ext.c ( new method.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509ext.c (X509::Extension#oid=): new method.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509ext.c (X509::Extension#value=): new method.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509ext.c (X509::Extension#critical=): new method.
+Sat Sep 6 01:23:22 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (CreateChild): need to quote cmd if RUBYSHELL is set.
+ * win32/win32.c (CreateChild): fix condition about whether to call
+ shell or not.
+Sat Sep 6 00:36:20 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (test): phony target.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (have_library, find_library): configure by library
+ name.
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser#order, #permute, #parse): allow an
+ array as argument.
+ * test/ruby/test_*.rb: moved invariants to left side in
+ assert_equal, and use assert_nil, assert_raises and so on.
+ * win32/win32.c (isInternalCmd): distinguish and
+ cmd.exe.
+ * win32/win32.c (make_cmdvector): a character just after wildcard
+ was ignored. [ruby-core:01518]
+Fri Sep 5 20:27:08 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/ruby/test_*.rb: replace 'assert(a == b)' with assert_equal(a, b)'
+Fri Sep 5 18:00:51 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/x509.rb: new method X509::Name::parse.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_digest.c: add ossl_digest_new().
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_digest.h: ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_cipher.c: add ossl_cipher_new().
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_cipher.h: ditto.
+Fri Sep 5 15:32:04 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-font-lock-maybe-here-docs): should not
+ search delimiter forward if found in backward.
+Fri Sep 5 13:32:48 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/runner.rb: arguments should be keys.
+Fri Sep 5 12:09:55 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * test/ruby/test_system.rb (test_system): check existence of ruby
+ interpreter.
+Fri Sep 5 11:32:17 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (--version): fix assignment/reference order.
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser#help): new; OptionParser#to_s may
+ be deprecated in future.
+ * lib/optparse/version.rb (OptionParser#show_version): hide Object.
+ * test/runner.rb: fix optparse usage.
+ * test/runner.rb: glob all testsuits if no tests given.
+Fri Sep 5 10:42:58 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/runner.rb: added. gets testcases from command line and runs it.
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb: remove useless part which was for dumping test
+ result.
+Fri Sep 5 09:28:59 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb: added. splitter.rb which I made to split
+ sample/test.rb into test/ruby/test_* kindly removed GC test (the
+ last section in the original test) to reduce things to be worried.
+Fri Sep 5 03:00:04 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_iterator.rb (test_block_in_arg): add no block
+ given tests.
+ * test/ruby/test_iterator.rb (test_ljump): uncomment LocalJumpError
+ test.
+Fri Sep 5 01:10:11 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/ruby: tests for ruby itself.
+ * test/ruby/test_*.rb: split sample/test.rb into 28 test/unit testcases.
+ some tests could not be translates... search '!!' mark to see it.
+ * test/csv/test_csv.rb: should require 'csv', not '../lib/csv'. test
+ runner should set load path correctly.
+Fri Sep 5 01:03:59 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/csv/test_csv.rb: close opened files for CSV::IOBuf explicitly.
+ opened file cannot be removed under win32 box.
+Thu Sep 4 23:59:40 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (tokadd_string): newlines have no special meanings in
+ %w/%W, otherwise they are ignored only when interpolation is
+ enabled. [ruby-dev:21325]
+Thu Sep 4 19:38:25 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/io/wait/.cvsignore: added.
+ * ext/openssl/.cvsignore: added.
+Thu Sep 4 19:28:24 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * sample/openssl: added. Sample of standard distribution library
+ should be locate in sample/{module_name}/*.
+ * ext/openssl/sample/*: removed. move to sample/openssl/*.
+Thu Sep 4 18:02:15 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/csv/test_csv.rb: use remove_const to reduce warnings. use
+ Dir.tmpdir to locate working files.
+Thu Sep 4 17:41:31 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-here-doc-beg-re): underscore also is
+ valid delimiter.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-here-doc-end-match): must quote
+ arbitrary string to use as regexp.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-font-lock-maybe-here-docs): must not
+ call `ruby-here-doc-end-match' unless `ruby-here-doc-beg-re'
+ matched.
+Thu Sep 4 15:40:07 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test/csv/test_csv.rb: run on test/unit original layer.
+Thu Sep 4 12:54:50 2003 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/token.c: headerless documents with root-level spacing now
+ honored.
+Thu Sep 4 00:06:14 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (mark_frame_adj): need to adjust argv pointer if using
+ system's alloca. [ruby-core:01503]
+Wed Sep 3 21:33:20 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * test: add test directory. Test::Unit aware testcases and needed
+ files should be located in this directory. dir/file name convention;
+ test/{module_name}/test_{testcase_name}.rb
+ test/{module_name}/{needed_files}
+ someday, someone will write testrunner which searches test_*.rb and
+ run testcases automatically.
+ * test/csv/*: add testcase for lib/csv.rb.
+Wed Sep 3 01:37:09 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (rb_f_gets): should call next_argv() before type check
+ current_file. [ruby-list:38336]
+Tue Sep 2 20:37:15 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/net/protocols.rb (SSLIO#ssl_connect): warning
+ for skipping server verification.
+Tue Sep 2 23:36:57 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (proc_invoke): should retrieve retval when pcall is true.
+Tue Sep 2 14:09:20 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: check s6_addr8 in in6_addr (Tru64 UNIX).
+ the patch is submitted by nmu <>.
+ * ext/socket/getaddrinfo.c (getaddrinfo): should use in6_addr8 on
+ some platforms.
+ * ext/socket/getnameinfo.c (getnameinfo): ditto.
+Tue Sep 2 14:02:19 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c (ip_invoke): fixed bug on passing a exception
+ * ext/tk/lib/{tk.rb, tkcanvas.rb, tkfont.rb, tktext.rb}:
+ bug fix and improvement of font control
+Tue Sep 2 09:51:36 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): should not handle exceptions within rescue
+ argument. [ruby-talk:80804]
+Tue Sep 2 00:44:37 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * re.c (rb_memsearch): fix overrun. [ruby-talk:80759]
+Tue Sep 2 00:41:27 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (map_charset): use lower case keys.
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (iconv_fail): just yield error and return the
+ result if a block is given.
+ * ext/iconv/iconv.c (iconv_convert): yield error and append the
+ result if a block is given.
+ * ext/iconv/charset_alias.rb (charset_alias): optional third
+ argument.
+ * ext/iconv/charset_alias.rb (charset_alias): use CP932 instead of
+ SHIFT_JIS on cygwin.
+Mon Sep 1 18:34:25 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): make tail recursion in ELSE clause of
+ RESCUE a jump.
+Mon Sep 1 18:00:02 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (aref_args): forgot to call NEW_SPLAT(). reported by
+ Dave Butcher.
+ * eval.c (Init_Thread): protect thgroup_default. suggested by Guy
+ Decoux in [ruby-talk:80623]
+Mon Sep 1 16:59:10 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_switch): add RESTORE_EXIT; exit by another
+ thread termination.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_start_0): should not error_print() within
+ terminated thread, because $stderr used by it might be
+ overridden now. [ruby-dev:21280]
+Sun Aug 31 22:46:55 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * eval.c (TAG_DST()): take no argument.
+ * process.c (p_gid_sw_ensure): return VALUE.
+Sun Aug 31 22:27:10 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * process.c (p_gid_sw_ensure): lack of function type
+Sun Aug 31 12:25:06 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb: --version takes an optional argument; "all" or
+ a list of package names.
+Sun Aug 31 10:17:02 2003 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/date/format.rb: yyyy/mm is not an acceptable format.
+ * lib/time.rb: follow above.
+Sat Aug 30 14:25:43 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_iter_break): should not call TAG_JUMP directly.
+Sat Aug 30 03:58:21 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (struct BLOCK): remove BLOCKTAG, use scope instead.
+ * eval.c (POP_TAG): no longer propagate retval. retval is now set
+ directly by localjump_destination().
+ * eval.c (localjump_destination): new function to cast
+ return/break local jump.
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): stop TAG_RETURN/TAG_BREAK escaping.
+Fri Aug 29 22:35:00 2003 Shigeo Kobayashi <>
+ * bigdecimal.c *.html: The 2nd arg. for add,sub,mult, and div is 0,
+ then result will be the same as +,-,*,/ respectively.
+Fri Aug 29 17:30:15 2003 Hidetoshi NAGAI <>
+ * process.c: bug fix
+ * process.c: add rb_secure(2) to methods of Process::{UID,GID,Sys}
+ * process.c: deny handling IDs during evaluating the block given to
+ the Process::{UID,GID}.switch method
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c: some methods have no effect if on slave-IP
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c: can create a interpreter without Tk
+ * ext/tcltklib/tcltklib.c: bug fix on handling exceptions
+ * ext/tcltklib/MANUAL.euc: modify
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: freeze some core modules
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: more secure
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: --> treat the array as the
+ Tk's list
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: improve accessibility of TkVariable object
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkfont.rb, ext/tk/lib/tkcanvas.rb,
+ ext/tk/lib/tktext.rb: fix bug of font handling
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkfont.rb: accepts compound fonts
+Thu Aug 28 22:07:12 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_autoload_load): call const_missing if autoloading
+ constant is not defined to allow hook.
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): use rb_const_get_from() instead of
+ rb_const_get_at().
+ * eval.c (is_defined): forgot to check NODE_COLON3.
+Thu Aug 28 17:30:24 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_const_get_0): should check constants defined in
+ included modules, if klass is Object. [ruby-talk:79302]
+ * numeric.c (check_uint): check should be done using UINT_MAX, not
+ INT_MAX. this fix is submitted by Lyle Johnson
+ <> in [ruby-core:01486]
+Thu Aug 28 05:02:52 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (singleton): typo fixed (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#562)
+Thu Aug 28 02:37:45 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval): *a = [1,2] now assigns [[1,2]] to a.
+ consistent with *a = [1], which set [[1]] to a.
+ * node.h: merge NODE_RESTARY to NODE_SPLAT.
+ * parse.y: rules simplified a bit by removing NODE_RESTARY.
+ * sample/test.rb: updated for new assignment behavior.
+Wed Aug 27 22:33:24 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (rb_bug): should not use other methods; this function is
+ not for ordinary use. [ruby-dev:21259]
+Wed Aug 27 15:07:57 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb (check_response): AUTH CRAM-MD5 returns 334
+ response. [ruby-list:38279]
+Wed Aug 27 05:10:15 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (map_errno): support winsock error.
+ * win32/win32.c (pipe_exec, CreateChild, poll_child_status, waitpid,
+ kill, link, rb_w32_rename, unixtime_to_filetime, rb_w32_utime):
+ pass errno to map_errno().
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_select, rb_w32_accept, rb_w32_bind,
+ rb_w32_connect, rb_w32_getpeername, rb_w32_getsockname,
+ rb_w32_getsockopt, rb_w32_ioctlsocket, rb_w32_listen, rb_w32_recv,
+ rb_w32_recvfrom, rb_w32_send, rb_w32_sendto, rb_w32_setsockopt,
+ rb_w32_shutdown, rb_w32_socket, rb_w32_gethostbyaddr,
+ rb_w32_gethostbyname, rb_w32_gethostname, rb_w32_getprotobyname,
+ rb_w32_getprotobynumber, rb_w32_getservbyname, rb_w32_getservbyport,
+ rb_w32_fclose, rb_w32_close): use map_errno().
+ * win32/win32.h: add winsock errors.
+Tue Aug 26 23:53:23 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * lib/ostruct.rb (OpenStruct::method_missing): prohibit modifying
+ frozen OpenStruct. [ruby-talk:80214]
+Tue Aug 26 20:03:50 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_tmpsrc): add the hook for source.
+ [ruby-list:38122]
+Tue Aug 26 15:59:53 2003 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * implicit.c (syck_type_id_to_taguri): corrected detection of
+ x-private types.
+Sun Aug 24 01:02:48 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (file_expand_path): performance improvement.
+ [ruby-talk:79748]
+Sat Aug 23 23:41:16 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_expand_path): avoid calling rb_scan_args() for
+ apparent cases. [ruby-talk:79748]
+Sat Aug 23 18:56:53 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf.c (rb_nkf_putchar): should use rb_str_resize() to just
+ resize a string, rb_str_cat() disallows NULL. [ruby-dev:21237]
+Sat Aug 23 16:48:41 2003 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb: bug fix for "foo" !~ /bar/. [ruby-talk:79942]
+Sat Aug 23 15:59:58 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_eval, rb_iterate, block_pass): reduce PUSH/POP_TAG and
+ EXEC_TAG() for retry. [ruby-dev:21216]
+Sat Aug 23 02:32:33 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_splat): should check if "values" is array.
+ * enum.c (each_with_index_i): typo.
+Fri Aug 22 17:07:05 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enum.c (inject_i): use rb_yield_values.
+ * enum.c (each_with_index_i): ditto.
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_splat): new function to call "yield *values".
+ * string.c (rb_str_scan): use rb_yield_splat().
+Fri Aug 22 06:13:22 2003 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c: refactoring of the transfer method
+ dispatch. added yaml_org_handler for faster dispatch of
+ transfers to base types.
+ * lib/yaml/rubytypes.rb: removed handling of builtins from
+ Ruby library.
+ * ext/syck/token.c: quoted and block scalars are now implicit !str
+ * ext/syck/implicit.c: empty string detected as !null.
+Fri Aug 22 01:00:31 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (block_pass): improve passing current block.
+Fri Aug 22 00:13:00 2003 Shigeo Kobayashi <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c: Int. overflow bug in multiplication
+ fixed, and VpNmlz() speed up.
+Wed Aug 20 16:44:49 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (ruby_connect): many systems seem to have
+ a problem in select() after EINPROGRESS. [ruby-list:38080]
+Wed Aug 20 01:31:17 2003 why the lucky stiff <>
+ * ext/syck/syck.h: Parser definition problems on HP-UX.
+ [ruby-talk:79389]
+ * ext/syck/handler.c (syck_hdlr_get_anchor): Memory leak.
+ * ext/syck/syck.s (syck_io_file_read): Bad arguments to fread.
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c: Tainting issues.
+Tue Aug 19 23:20:00 2003 Shigeo Kobayashi <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c .h .html: to_s("+") implemented.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/math.rb: E implemented.
+Tue Aug 19 11:19:33 2003 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * io.c (next_argv): should not call GetOpenFile() if rb_stdout is
+ not a IO (T_FILE).
+Tue Aug 19 07:47:10 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/ssl.rb: new file; SSL/TLS enhancement for GenericServer.
+ * lib/webrick/https.rb: SSLSocket handling is moved to webrick/ssl.rb.
+ * lib/webrick/compat.rb (File::fnmatch): remove old migration code.
+ * lib/webrick/httpserver.rb (HTTPServer#run): ditto.
+ * lib/webrick/server.rb (GenericServer#listen): the body of this
+ method is pull out as Utils::create_lisnteners.
+ * lib/webrick/utils.rb (Utils::create_lisnteners): new method.
+ * lib/webrick/server.rb (GenericServer#start): should rescue
+ unknown errors. and refine comments.
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.rb (SSLServer#accept): should close
+ socket if SSLSocket raises error.
+Tue Aug 19 07:47:09 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c: sync_close is moved to SSLSocket as
+ a builtin.
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/buffering.rb (Buffering#close): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/buffering.rb (Buffering#puts): should
+ add a return to the tails of each line.
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.rb: new class OpenSSL::SSL::SSLServer.
+ * ext/openssl/lib/net/protocols.rb (SSLIO#ssl_connect): use sync_close.
+ * ext/openssl/sample/echo_svr.rb: use SSLServer.
+ * ext/openssl/sample/echo_cli.rb: add example of SSLSocket#sync_close.
+Tue Aug 19 01:24:34 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED): Mac OS X standard
+ headers are inconsistent at this macro. [ruby-core:01432]
+ * ext/curses/extconf.rb: check if _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED breaks.
+ * ext/tcltklib/stubs.c: Status macro in X11/Xthreads.h bothers
+ winspool.h
+ * instruby.rb: make list at first instead of iterator.
+ [ruby-talk:79347]
+Mon Aug 18 11:23:11 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): preserve raw order for **.
+Sun Aug 17 23:39:55 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb (HAVE_VA_ARGS_MACRO): need to compile.
+Sun Aug 17 17:10:03 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.rb (SSLSocket#sync_close=): add a
+ method to specify if the underlying IO will be closed in
+ SSLSocket#close.
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/buffering.rb: add forwarders to
+ setsockopt, getsockopt and fcntl.
+ * ext/openssl/lib/net/protocols.rb: enable sync for SSLSocket.
+Sun Aug 17 11:32:04 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): should not force to remake Makefile when
+ installation and so on.
+Sat Aug 16 23:58:18 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (w_symbol, w_object): get rid of warnings.
+ * re.c (rb_memsearch): ditto.
+ * time.c (time_dump): ditto.
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): not continue making when extconf.rb
+ failed.
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: check __VA_ARGS__ macro more precisely.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.h: remove version.h dependency.
+ * ext/openssl/ruby_missing.h: ditto.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (pkg_config): use --libs output except with
+ only-L for other options. [ruby-list:38099]
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): separate rule for static
+ library from shared object.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub, bcc32/Makefile.sub, wince/Makefile.sub:
+ define exec_prefix and libdir.
+Fri Aug 15 23:15:00 2003 Shigeo Kobayashi <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c .h: Bug in combination of limit & div
+ method fixed.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/math.rb: atan() & sqrt() added.
+Fri Aug 15 12:01:44 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (HUGE_ST_INO): check whether struct stat.st_ino
+ is larger than long. [ruby-dev:21194]
+ * error.c (syserr_eqq): errno might exceed Fixnum limit.
+ * error.c (Init_Exception): moved base initialization from
+ init_syserr().
+ * inits.c (rb_call_inits): postpone initializing errnos until
+ Bignum is available.
+Fri Aug 15 12:01:43 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED): needed to let
+ keyname() and so on be declared.
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (curses_resizeterm, window_resize):
+ arguments conflicted with macros in term.h.
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (Curses module methods): ensure
+ initialized. [ruby-dev:21191]
+Fri Aug 15 02:08:53 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (id2ref): recycle check should be done by klass == 0.
+ [ruby-core:01408]
+Fri Aug 15 01:34:23 2003 Michal Rokos <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey.c: move generate_cb here
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_{dh|dsa|rsa}.c: adapt to this cb
+ * ext/openssl/openssl_missing.[ch]: add (0.9.6x, x<j) missing BN funcs
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_bn.c: use supplied funcs from openssl_missing.c
+Fri Aug 15 00:38:00 2003 Shigeo Kobayashi <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c: Bug in div method fixed.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/math.rb: Newly added.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/sample/pi.rb: Changed so as to use math.rb.
+Thu Aug 14 21:19:14 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (Init_Thread): Continuation#[] added. [ruby-talk:79028]
+Thu Aug 14 20:03:34 2003 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (OLE_FREE): should not call
+ ole_message_loop.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_event_free): ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_initialize): stop calling
+ OleUninitialize at exit.
+Thu Aug 14 11:27:37 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * gc.c (rb_data_object_alloc): check type of 1st argument.
+ [ruby-dev:21192]
+Thu Aug 14 00:21:14 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (mlhs_node): should allow "::Foo" (colon3) as lhs.
+ * parse.y (lhs): ditto.
+ * parse.y (yylex): should return tCOLON3 right after kCLASS.
+ [ruby-talk:78918]
+ * error.c (exc_initialize): was converting argument to string too
+ eagerly. Only check was needed. [ruby-talk:78958]
+Wed Aug 13 23:31:00 2003 Shigeo Kobayashi <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c .h .html: Ambiguity of
+ BigDecimal::limit removed.
+Wed Aug 13 19:21:34 2003 Christian Neukirchen <>
+ * lib/webrick/https.rb (HTTPServer#run): should set syncing-mode
+ to SSLSocket. [ruby-talk:78919]
+Wed Aug 13 18:13:49 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (POP_BLOCK): turn on BLOCK_LEFT flag when leaving block.
+ * eval.c (proc_invoke): unpack return/break destination when block
+ is already left.
+Wed Aug 13 15:58:31 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * object.c (rb_class_s_alloc): add function prototype to avoid VC++
+ warning.
+Wed Aug 13 13:50:59 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/Win32API/Win32API.c (Win32API_initialize): should pass some
+ class to first argument of Data_Wrap_Struct(). (ruby-bugs:PR#1109)
+Tue Aug 12 16:55:11 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * static link libraries to LIBRUBY_SO with static linked
+ ext. [ruby-dev:21157]
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): sort extension library initialization order.
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): compact $extlibs.
+Tue Aug 12 02:48:56 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (THREAD_SAVE_CONTEXT): should explicitly turn off the
+ flag before calling getcontext(2).
+ * eval.c (struct thread): add member to save backing store on
+ IA64. (ruby-bugs PR1086)
+ * eval.c (thread_mark): mark IA64 backing store region.
+ * eval.c (thread_free): free saved IA64 backing store.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_save_context): save IA64 backing store as well.
+ * eval.c (rb_thread_restore_context): restore IA64 backing store.
+ * eval.c (THREAD_ALLOC): initialize IA64 members.
+Mon Aug 11 22:31:50 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/debug.rb(debug_command): inspection command should inspect
+ resulting value even if it's nil. [ruby-dev:21180] by OMAE, jun
+ <>.
+ * lib/debug.rb(debug_command): incomplete regexp.
+Mon Aug 11 17:33:07 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call_super): do not use rb_block_given_p() for
+ check. [ruby-talk:78656]
+ * eval.c (BEGIN_CALLARGS): push ITER_NOT only when ITER_PRE.
+Sun Aug 10 10:43:05 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/buffering.rb: increase BLOCK_SIZE
+ from 1k to 16k bytes. [ruby-talk:78603]
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_sslctx_s_alloc): enable
+ partial write to allow interruption in SSLSocket#write.
+Sun Aug 10 00:34:16 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * cygwin/GNUmakefile: remove unnecessary '--drive-name=$(CC)'
+ for ccache.
+Sat Aug 9 10:36:21 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * marshal.c (w_object): do not dump generic instance variable when
+ marshal_dump is defined.
+Sat Aug 9 00:35:00 2003 Shigeo Kobayashi <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal.c: F style output(like 1234.56789) implemented
+ to to_s method.
+ * ext/bigdecimal_??.html: F style output(like 1234.56789)
+ implemented to to_s method.
+Fri Aug 8 12:33:17 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * bcc32/Makefile.sub: rubyw.exe should be a Windows GUI program.
+ add the -aa option to WLDFLAGS.
+Fri Aug 8 11:29:26 2003 Koji Arai <>
+ * marshal.c (w_object): should set `c_arg' at first.
+Fri Aug 8 03:22:28 2003 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ * lib/webrick/httputils.rb (FormData#list): should not take
+ a side effect for the receiver.
+Thu Aug 7 14:40:37 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * cygwin/GNUmakefile: better --disable-shared option support.
+ * cygwin/GNUmakefile: add forwarding DLL target for cygwin.
+Thu Aug 7 14:21:05 2003 Corinna Vinschen <>
+ * Fix Cygwin specific naming of libraries to
+ be net distribution compliant. (ruby-bugs:PR#1077)
+ cygwin-ruby18.dll -> cygruby18.dll
+Thu Aug 7 12:51:38 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_at_exit): should not be called without a block.
+ block_given check added.
+Thu Aug 7 06:46:06 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): forgot to pop ruby_class.
+ * eval.c (rb_call0): update ruby_class as well as ruby_cref.
+ (ruby-bugs-ja:PR#540)
+Thu Aug 7 04:52:50 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_yield_0): remove ruby_frame->cbase and unify to
+ ruby_cref. [ruby-talk:78141]
+Thu Aug 7 04:19:15 2003 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * gc.c: FreeBSD/ia64's mcontext_t is a bit different from that of
+ Linux/ia64. This makes gc.c compile but miniruby coredumps for
+ the moment.
+Thu Aug 7 00:15:00 2003 Shigeo Kobayashi <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal.c: Comparison results adjusted to Float's.
+ * ext/bigdecimal.c: Use rb_num_coerce_????(x,y) instead of own.
+Wed Aug 6 22:58:00 2003 Nathaniel Talbott <>
+ * lib/test/unit/testcase.rb: Added equality checking.
+ * lib/test/unit/testsuite.rb: Added equality checking.
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb: Fixed a warning.
+Wed Aug 6 17:28:10 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): pass LIBPATH to make ruby. [ruby-dev:21137]
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): set library name as source file name in
+ Init_ext(). [ruby-dev:21137]
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (Logging::postpone): postpone logging messages after
+ heading message as the result of the block.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (macro_defined?): append newline to src unless ended
+ with it.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (have_library): treat nil function name as "main".
+ (ruby-bugs:PR#1083)
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (pkg_config): should append additional libraries to
+ $libs but not $LIBS. [ruby-dev:21137]
+ * ext/io/wait/extconf.rb: check DOSISH macro instead of platform.
+ * ext/digest/sha1/extconf.rb: have_library already appends library
+ name.
+Wed Aug 6 17:23:57 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c: initialize /* OK */ variables by Qnil to stop warnings.
+Wed Aug 6 04:58:32 2003 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/Setup*: add io/wait and openssl.
+Wed Aug 6 01:13:38 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_autoload): use ruby_cbase instead of ruby_class.
+ * eval.c (rb_f_autoload_p): ditto.
+ * class.c (rb_mod_init_copy): no longer implements independent
+ clone and dup methods. override "initialize_copy" instead.
+ [ruby-core:01352]
+ * object.c (rb_class_s_alloc): define Class allocation function.
+ this makes Classes to follow clone framework that uses
+ initialize_copy.
+ * object.c (rb_class_initialize): separate instantiation and
+ initialization.
+ * object.c (rb_obj_alloc): prohibit instantiation from
+ uninitialized class.
+ * object.c (rb_class_superclass): check uninitialized class.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_fill): wrong index processing with block. this
+ fix was done by Koji Arai <> [ruby-list:38029]
+ * marshal.c (w_object): should preserve generic ivar for nil,
+ true, false, symbols, and fixnums.
+ * marshal.c (w_uclass): base_klass check should be done after
+ rb_class_real().
+Wed Aug 6 01:18:50 2003 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: update document.
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: ditto.
+Wed Aug 6 00:48:37 2003 Koji Arai <>
+ * marshal.c (w_object): should recommend marshal_dump rather than
+ _dump_data.
+Tue Aug 5 17:58:57 2003 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (install): should preserve timestamp only.
+Tue Aug 5 17:31:59 2003 Ian Macdonald <>
+ * lib/shell/command-processor.rb (Shell::CommandProcessor::rmdir):
+ simple typo.
+Tue Aug 5 15:47:34 2003 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_load): should preserve current source file/line.
+Tue Aug 5 10:04:42 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * string.c (str_new4): ptr may refer to null_str.
+Mon Aug 4 17:25:18 2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * stable version 1.8.0 released.
+For the changes before 1.8.0, see doc/ChangeLog-1.8.0
+Local variables:
+add-log-time-format: (lambda ()
+ (let* ((time (current-time))
+ (system-time-locale "C")
+ (diff (+ (cadr time) 32400))
+ (lo (% diff 65536))
+ (hi (+ (car time) (/ diff 65536))))
+ (format-time-string "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y" (list hi lo) t)))
+indent-tabs-mode: t
+tab-width: 8
diff --git a/doc/ChangeLog/ChangeLog-2.0.0 b/doc/ChangeLog/ChangeLog-2.0.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e654db189
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/ChangeLog/ChangeLog-2.0.0
@@ -0,0 +1,24015 @@
+Fri Feb 8 19:56:54 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_dup): reverted r39004. see [Bug #7768], and
+ release manager finally decided to revert it.
+Fri Feb 8 16:09:45 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_ensure): preserve errinfo across ensure proc before
+ JUMP_TAG(). [ruby-core:52022] [Bug #7802]
+Fri Feb 8 16:08:28 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (assert_separately): check also terminating
+ signal not only if core dumped.
+Fri Feb 8 13:12:04 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/generator/darkfish.rb: Set encoding on output template to
+ user-specified encoding.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_generator_darkfish.rb: Test for above.
+ * lib/rdoc.rb: Bump version
+Fri Feb 8 11:53:33 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/security/policy.rb: Raise proper exceptions when
+ verifying unsigned gems (instead of crashing).
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_security_policy.rb: Tests for the above.
+Fri Feb 8 10:44:44 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_dependency_installer.rb: Improve coverage of
+ --install-dir feature of gem install.
+Fri Feb 8 10:11:09 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/config_file.rb: Add missing require for
+ user_interaction.rb
+ * lib/rubygems/dependency_installer.rb: Minor refactor for clarity.
+Fri Feb 8 09:35:17 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (MakeMakefile#configuration): set all ruby names.
+ hdrdir now needs RUBY_VERSION_NAME.
+Fri Feb 8 08:58:26 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/package/old.rb: Fix loading old format gems on ruby
+ 1.8. This commit is only so trunk and rubygems master have the same
+ code.
+Fri Feb 8 08:53:27 2013 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: fixing string quotation
+ when dumping Ruby strings. Thanks Ingy
+ * test/psych/test_psych.rb: appropriate tests.
+ * test/psych/test_yaml.rb: ditto
+Fri Feb 8 08:50:42 2013 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: change output reference
+ ids to be sequential numbers.
+Fri Feb 8 07:47:56 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/package/old.rb: Disallow installation of old-format
+ gems when a security policy is active.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_package_old.rb: Test for above.
+Fri Feb 8 07:34:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (HTTP.post_form): Fix module scope in documentation
+ Patch by David Albert [Bug #7794] [ruby-core:51955]
+Fri Feb 8 07:33:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * compar.c (cmp_equal): Document ignored exception and return false
+ By Makoto Kishimoto [Bug #7790] [ruby-dev:46925] [ruby-dev:46910]
+Fri Feb 8 07:17:00 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/dependency_installer.rb: Only install local gems if
+ they end in '.gem'. Fixes github rubygems issue #407.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_dependency_installer.rb: Test for the above.
+Fri Feb 8 00:02:48 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (obj2gid): use getgrnam_r() only if getgrnam_r() and
+ _SC_GETGR_R_SIZE_MAX is available.
+ MirOS BSD (MirBSD 10 GENERIC#1382 i386) have getgrnam_r() but
+ (obj2uid): use getpwnam_r() only if getpwnam_r() and
+ _SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX is available.
+ This is consistency for obj2gid.
+ MirOS BSD have neither getpwnam_r() nor _SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX.
+Thu Feb 7 22:01:18 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * define linker for shared library on MirOS BSD.
+Thu Feb 7 21:09:23 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_config_file.rb
+ (TestGemConfigFile#test_check_credentials_permissions): skip on
+ Windows. see [Bug #7784] [ruby-core:51864] and r39070.
+Thu Feb 7 20:52:40 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.status): added variables which were
+ missing at r39130.
+Thu Feb 7 15:33:17 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (MakeMakefile#merge_libs): insert following reversal
+ ordered elements just after the duplicated element, not overwriting
+ successive elements. [ruby-core:50314] [Bug #7467]
+Thu Feb 7 14:56:15 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/package.rb: Ensure digests are generated for signing.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_package.rb: Test for the above.
+ * lib/rubygems/security/policy.rb: Ensure digests are present when
+ verifying a gem and match the number of signatures bidirectionally.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_security_policy.rb: Test for the above.
+ * lib/rubygems.rb: Documentation improvements (by zzak)
+Thu Feb 7 05:52:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * doc/pty/README: Remove static documentation file
+ * ext/pty/pty.c: Add License to PTY module overview
+Thu Feb 7 02:31:10 2013 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: attr_writer should return its argument [Bug #7773]
+ * test/ruby/test_basicinstructions.rb: Test for above
+Thu Feb 7 01:35:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * doc/security.rdoc: Link to japanese version of CVE page patch by
+ nagachika
+Wed Feb 6 23:30:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * doc/pty/README.expect: Removed static documentation file
+ * ext/pty/lib/expect.rb: Documentation for IO#expect
+Wed Feb 6 22:25:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * hash.c (env_reject_bang): hide keys array from ObjectSpace
+ * hash.c (env_select_bang): ditto
+Wed Feb 6 17:33:01 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (multiarch): add option to move architecture dependent
+ directories. [Feature #6111]
+ * template/ add arch dependent paths.
+ * (rubyarchhdrdir, sitearchhdrdir, vendorarchhdrdir): add
+ options to customize architecture dependent header directories.
+ * (rubyarchprefix, sitearchdir, vendorarchdir): add
+ options to customize architecture dependent library directories.
+ * template/, tool/mkconfig.rb, tool/rbinstall.rb: use
+ configured values.
+ * tool/mkconfig.rb: expand rubyarchdir to extract prefix.
+ * (RUBY_VERSION_NAME), template/ add
+ substitution and define.
+ *, version.c: parametric architecture name for paths.
+ * (shvar_to_cpp): convert sh variable references
+ by replacing with string literal forms in cpp.
+Wed Feb 6 17:05:26 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc: Import RDoc 4.0.0.rc.2
+Mon Feb 4 02:22:49 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (test_setsid): ensure to call
+ Process.wait(). Reported by George Koehler. Thanks.
+Mon Feb 4 02:18:00 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (test_setsid): skip when platform is
+ OpenBSD. Contributed from George Koehler.
+ [Bug #7789] [ruby-core:51889]
+Wed Feb 6 13:35:20 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (rb_method_entry_location, rb_{mod,obj}_method_location): new
+ functions to obtain source location of method definition.
+ * vm_method.c (rb_obj_respond_to): show the location of old style
+ respond_to? method.
+Wed Feb 6 13:03:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * doc/security.rdoc: Add link to CVEs on
+Wed Feb 6 12:49:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * NEWS: Add note about removal of CSV::load and CSV::dump from r39077
+Wed Feb 6 05:57:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/racc/parser.rb: Hide copyright notice from Racc doc
+Wed Feb 6 05:50:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * doc/rubygems/*: Removed outdated documentation files
+ * lib/rubygems/LICENSE.txt: Include license file
+ * lib/rubygems.rb: Move Gem module documentation so rdoc can parse it
+ and link to LICENSE.txt
+ * lib/rubygems/*: Hide useless documentation from Gem module rdoc
+Wed Feb 6 03:45:19 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * doc/security.rdoc: Remove documentation for unsafe CSV.load which
+ was deleted in r39077
+Wed Feb 6 03:27:19 2013 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * lib/csv.rb: Remove the dangerous serialization feature.
+Wed Feb 6 00:56:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/irb.rb: Remove example from restrictions, it works [Github #246]
+ Based on patch by Ryunosuke SATO
+Wed Feb 6 00:46:53 2013 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_stack_to_heap): call rb_vm_get_binding_creatable_next_cfp
+ instead of rb_vm_get_ruby_level_next_cfp to prevent a segfault by
+ calling Kernel#callcc. See r39067 for more details.
+ [ruby-dev:46908] [ruby-trunk - Bug #7774]
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: add a test.
+Tue Feb 5 18:48:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * doc/security.rdoc: add regex, eval and drb sections
+Tue Feb 5 17:24:02 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/servlet.rb: Fixed root search paths, filesystem paths
+ instead of HTTP paths were returned.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_servlet.rb: Test for above.
+Tue Feb 5 16:37:00 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/config_file.rb: Ignore permissions check on windows.
+ Windows writes 0600 file as 0644 permissions making the check
+ useless.
+Tue Feb 5 16:25:25 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_obj_respond_to): drop optional include_all flag if
+ respond_to? method is defined in old style. [Bug #7722]
+Tue Feb 05 15:04:34 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * proc.c (rb_binding_new_with_cfp): permit to create binding object
+ of IFUNC frame.
+ When `rb_binding_new_with_cfp()' is called, VM finds out the first
+ normal (has iseq) frame and create a binding object of this frame
+ and create Env objects. `ep's of related frames are updated
+ (`ep's point Env object managed spaces).
+ However, `ep' of skipped IFUNC frame was not updated and
+ old invalid `ep' was remained. It causes serious problems.
+ To solve this issue, permit IFUNC to create binding.
+ (Maybe there is no problem on it)
+ [ruby-dev:46908] [ruby-trunk - Bug #7774]
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: add a test.
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_get_binding_creatable_next_cfp), vm_core.h: added.
+ * vm_trace.c: fix to use `rb_vm_get_binding_creatable_next_cfp()'.
+Tue Feb 5 14:43:15 2013 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb: Fix error message, patch by pypypy [Bug #7777]
+Tue Feb 5 14:36:04 2013 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_pow): Handle special cases when base is 0, -1 or +1
+ [Bug #5713] [Bug #5715]
+ * rational.c (nurat_expt): ditto
+Tue Feb 5 13:27:53 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/io/console/console.c (rawmode_opt): use default values by `stty
+ raw`.
+Tue Feb 5 12:50:47 2013 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * range.c: Use div instead of / for bsearch
+ * test/ruby/test_range.rb: Test showing bug when requiring mathn
+Tue Feb 5 12:48:38 2013 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * enumerator.c: Use to_enum for Enumerable methods returning
+ Enumerators.
+ This makes Lazy#cycle no longer needed, so it was removed.
+ Make Enumerator#chunk and slice_before return lazy Enumerators.
+ [Bug #7715]
+ * internal.h: Remove ref to rb_enum_cycle_size; no longer needed
+ * enum.c: Make enum_cycle_size static.
+ * test/ruby/test_lazy_enumerator.rb: Test for above
+Tue Feb 5 12:48:10 2013 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * enumerator.c: Finalize and document [Bug #7248]
+ Add Lazy#to_enum and simplify Lazy#size.
+ * test/ruby/test_lazy_enumerator.rb: tests for above
+Tue Feb 5 11:35:35 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/commands/push_command.rb: Fixed credential download for
+ `gem push --host`
+ * lib/rubygems/gemcutter_utilities.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_commands_push_command.rb: Test for the above.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_gemcutter_utilities.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rubygems/config_file.rb: Abort if the `gem push` credentials
+ file has insecure permissions.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_config_file.rb: Test for the above.
+ * lib/rubygems/ext/builder.rb: Do not look for Gemfile, Isolate, etc.
+ while building gem extensions.
+ * lib/rubygems/package.rb: Unset spec and files list if a gem's
+ signatures cannot be verified.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_package.rb: Test for the above.
+ * lib/rubygems/specification.rb: Reduce use of eval.
+ * lib/rubygems/test_case.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_specification.rb: Test setting
+ specification_version for legacy gems. Dup Gem.ruby before
+ untainting in case it's frozen.
+ * lib/rubygems.rb: Reduce use of eval. Only read files when looking
+ for Gemfile, Isolate, etc.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem.rb: Test for the above.
+Tue Feb 5 10:15:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * doc/security.rdoc: Wrap security guide at 80 columns
+Tue Feb 5 10:15:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * doc/security.rdoc: Grammatical error on security guide
+ Patch by Josh Bassett [Github fixes #245]
+Tue Feb 5 10:00:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/racc/parser.rb: Update #do_parse and #yyparse from upstream
+ See [Github tenderlove/racc@7d954b5]
+Tue Feb 5 09:55:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/racc: Merge Racc documentation downstream, add grammar ref file
+Tue Feb 5 08:03:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/irb.rb, lib/irb/ext/save-history.rb: Add documentation on how to
+ enabled irb history [ruby-core:51347] [Bug #7679]
+Tue Feb 5 07:35:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/irb.rb, lib/irb/context.rb: Add documentation on how to enable
+ auto-indentation and autocompletion using irbrc and irb_context
+ [ruby-core:51209] [Bug #7642] and [ruby-core:51348] [Bug #7680]
+Tue Feb 5 05:20:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * doc/standard_library.rdoc: Document list of libraries and extensions
+ and their purpose or short description
+ * lib/README: Remove lib/README in favor of doc/standard_library.rdoc
+Tue Feb 5 04:40:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/json/lib/json.rb: Move module overview definition for rdoc
+Tue Feb 5 03:00:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/tracer.rb: Move class overview definition and reformat
+Mon Feb 4 15:10:10 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/io/console/console.c (rawmode_opt): initialize options for the
+ case all options are not given.
+Mon Feb 4 12:44:13 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_dump.c (control_frame_dump): capitalize prefix of `ep'
+ if `ep' points an env object.
+Mon Feb 4 04:20:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/English.rb: Add English module for RDoc to parse, then
+ remove_const to avoid confusion. Include full list of aliases and
+ their associated global variable.
+Mon Feb 4 02:40:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/yaml.rb (YAML::EngineManager): Documentation for #yamler and
+ #yamler= for using the removed Syck gem as the YAML::ENGINE
+Sun Feb 3 16:54:27 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/io/console/io-console.gemspec: bump. [Bug #7762]
+ * test/io/console/test_io_console.rb (test_stringio_getch): use more
+ descriptive assertions.
+ * ext/io/console/console.c (rawmode_opt): min is minimum characters,
+ not tenths.
+Sun Feb 3 16:13:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * doc/security.rdoc: add first cut at a Ruby security document
+Sun Feb 3 10:25:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * random.c: Document range argument for Kernel#rand.
+ [ruby-core:51794] [Bug #7770]
+Sun Feb 3 10:00:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * numeric.c: Document Float constants [ruby-core:51484] [Bug #7709]
+Sun Feb 3 09:38:44 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/profiler.rb (PROFILE_CALL_PROC, PROFILE_RETURN_PROC): add b_call
+ and b_return to profile block calls.
+ * lib/profiler.rb (PROFILE_CALL_PROC, PROFILE_RETURN_PROC): split
+ PROFILE_PROC for call and return events.
+Sat Feb 2 14:32:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/minitest/mock.rb, lib/minitest/hell.rb: nodoc top-level module
+Sat Feb 2 14:05:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/debug.rb: Documentation for DEBUGGER__ class methods based on
+ patch by Vincent Batts [ruby-core:51253]
+Sat Feb 2 13:37:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: Fix rdoc title for Net::SMTP
+Sat Feb 2 13:32:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: Fix rdoc title for Net::POP3
+Sat Feb 2 13:00:11 2013 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/gserver.rb (GServer#start): fix a timing issue. patch from
+ Charles Nutter. [Bug #7081]
+Sat Feb 2 12:36:54 2013 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (copy_entry, wrap_traverse): preserve attributes of
+ directories on FileUtils.cp_r. The fix was proposed by Jan
+ Wedekind. [Bug #7246]
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb: add a test for above.
+Sat Feb 2 12:30:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/uri/ftp.rb (URI::FTP.new2): nodoc method from r39013 [Bug #7301]
+Sat Feb 2 12:15:36 2013 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/uri/ftp.rb (URI::FTP.new2): remove the rdoc because it is not
+ well tested yet. [Bug #7301]
+Sat Feb 2 12:07:41 2013 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ChangeLog: Forgot to add a reference to the ChangeLog of the
+ previous commit.
+Sat Feb 2 12:05:18 2013 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: chmod/chmod_R with a string mode (e.g., "+x")
+ caused error in verbose mode. [Bug #7373]
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb: add a test for above.
+Sat Feb 2 11:44:42 2013 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/English.rb: Remove some confusing words from rdoc. [Bug #7406]
+Sat Feb 2 10:17:12 2013 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * NEWS: add keyword arguments.
+Sat Feb 2 07:45:44 2013 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * proc.c (proc_curry): Fix arity check [Bug #5747]
+ * test/ruby/test_proc.rb: Test for above
+Sat Feb 2 07:44:15 2013 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * proc.c: Add {*}_min_max_arity and refactor.
+ [Bug #7765]
+ * test/ruby/test_proc.rb: Fix wrong test
+Fri Feb 2 00:46:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * marshal.c: add security considerations to marshal overview, refer to
+ overview from Marshal.load documentation [#7759]
+Fri Feb 1 23:04:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_dup): make returned array the same class as the original
+ array [Bug #7768] [ruby-core:51792]
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb (class TestArray): add test
+Fri Feb 1 16:35:34 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): prohibit setting instance variables of
+ existing class/module.
+Fri Feb 1 14:34:29 2013 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * ext/readline/extconf.rb, ext/readline/readline.c: check
+ readline.c. Patch by Zachary Scott. [Bug #7397] [ruby-core:49561]
+Thu Jan 31 21:55:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * marshal.c (marshal_load): Add documentation warning against using
+ Marshal.load on untrusted data [Bug #7759] [ruby-core:51765]
+Thu Jan 31 16:33:27 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (local_push_gen): no assigned but unused variable warnings
+ in eval as well as -e. [Feature #7730] [ruby-core:51580]
+Wed Jan 30 12:30:08 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/ruby/test_signal.rb (test_trap_puts): Fix typo. "sync"
+ should be "STDOUT.sync".
+Thu Jan 31 15:39:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_aset_m): Documentation for String#[]= fix
+ Raises an IndexError if Regexp match is out of range.
+ Github fixes #243 Patch by Dmtiriy Budnik
+Thu Jan 31 13:54:44 2013 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (rsock_unix_sockaddr_len): return
+ sizeof(sa_family_t) if path is empty. see "Autobind Feature" in
+ unix(7) for details.
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb (unix_socket_abstract_name?): treat an
+ empty path as an abstract name.
+ * test/socket/test_unix.rb: related test.
+Wed Jan 30 20:58:50 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/basicsocket.c (bsock_getsockname): ignore truncated
+ part of socket address.
+ (bsock_getpeername): ditto.
+ (bsock_local_address): ditto.
+ (bsock_remote_address): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/unixsocket.c (unix_path): ditto.
+ (unix_addr): ditto.
+ (unix_peeraddr): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/init.c (cloexec_accept): ditto.
+Wed Jan 30 17:08:20 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h (fstat): revert r37337, which uses _fstati64()
+ instead of fstati64() on mingw32. [Bug #7276]
+Wed Jan 30 15:26:37 2013 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * ext/socket/unixsocket.c (rsock_init_unixsock): use rb_inspect()
+ because rb_sys_fail_str() fails if its argument contains NUL.
+ * test/socket/test_unix.rb: related test.
+Wed Jan 30 15:21:30 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_dump.c (rb_vm_bugreport): show the most important message, Crash
+ Report log information, first.
+Wed Jan 30 15:00:05 2013 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_bsearch): Raise TypeError on bad return from block
+ * range.c (range_bsearch): ditto
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb (class): Test for above
+ * test/ruby/test_range.rb (class): ditto
+Wed Jan 30 14:46:28 2013 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * range.c: Restrict bsearch to integers [#7728]
+ * test/ruby/test_range.rb: Test for above
+Wed Jan 30 14:10:52 2013 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_bsearch): Return enumerator if no block [#7725]
+ * range.c (range_bsearch): ditto
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb: Test for above
+ * test/ruby/test_range.rb: ditto
+Wed Jan 30 13:53:43 2013 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb: Take conjugate for inner product
+ [rubyspec:5a01ad5719f2] [ruby-dev:46101]
+Wed Jan 30 13:22:05 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (local_push_gen): warn assigned but unused variables also in
+ toplevel, except for -e option. [Feature #7730] [ruby-core:51580]
+Wed Jan 30 13:17:53 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * cont.c (cont_restore_thread): svar should be separate per fibers.
+ [ruby-core:51331] [Bug #7678]
+Wed Jan 30 07:15:04 2013 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * re.c (reg_operand): Simplify and reuse error handling [Bug #7539]
+ * test/ruby/test_regexp.rb: Test for above
+Wed Jan 30 07:00:16 2013 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * object.c: Improve error for failed implicit conversions [Bug #7539]
+ * error.c: Adapt rdoc
+ * test/ruby/test_object.rb: Test for above
+Tue Jan 29 21:40:12 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/net/http/generic_request.rb (encode_multipart_form_data): remove
+ tempfile explicitly.
+Tue Jan 29 19:27:18 2013 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * array.c: Improve documentation about
+ comparison by hash for concerned methods. [ruby-core:51266]
+Tue Jan 29 17:03:28 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_backtrace.c: fix issue of rb_debug_inspector_open().
+ The order of making binding should be stack (frame) top to bottom.
+ [Bug #7635]
+ And also fix issue of collecting klass. Collecting klass is same
+ as TracePoint#defined_class.
+ (previous version, it returns T_ICLASS (internal objects).
+ * test/-ext-/debug/test_debug.rb: add a test.
+ * ext/-test-/debug/extconf.rb, init.c, inspector.c: ditto.
+ * vm_backtrace.c: remove magic number and add enum CALLER_BINDING_*.
+ * vm_backtrace.c, include/ruby/debug.h: add new C api (experimental)
+ rb_debug_inspector_frame_self_get().
+ * vm.c, vm_core.h, vm_trace.c: move decl. of
+ rb_vm_control_frame_id_and_class() and constify first parameter.
+Tue Jan 29 16:50:58 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_trace.c (rb_tracepoint_enable, rb_tracepoint_disable): check safe
+ level as well as set_trace_func.
+ * vm_trace.c (set_trace_func, thread_{add,set}_trace_func_m): check
+ safe level as well as 1.8.
+Tue Jan 29 16:49:19 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (rb_mod_method_arity): return original arity of the method if
+ aliased because of visibility change, like as Method#arity.
+Tue Jan 29 12:05:18 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_marshal.rb: remove temporally files early.
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb: ditto.
+ * test/psych/test_exception.rb: ditto.
+Tue Jan 29 09:26:20 2013 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_pack_sockaddr_un): calculate the
+ correct address length of an abstract socket.
+ * test/socket/test_unix.rb: related test.
+Mon Jan 28 18:02:16 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_backtrace.c (rb_debug_inspector_frame_{class,binding,iseq}_get):
+ use long as index as well as RARRAY_LEN().
+Mon Jan 28 17:51:38 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (assert_separately): imply no core dump.
+Mon Jan 28 12:32:31 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/fcntl/fcntl.c: update document. use "file descriptor" instead
+ of "file handle" because it is not used other Ruby documents and
+ it is confusing with Windows file handle.
+ correct F_DUPFD behavior.
+Sat Jan 26 22:39:12 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (w_object): dump instance variables of the result of
+ marshal_dump not the original object. [ruby-core:51163] [Bug #7627]
+ * complex.c (nucomp_marshal_dump): need to copy instance variables.
+ * rational.c (nurat_marshal_dump): ditto.
+Sat Jan 26 13:35:56 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/fcntl/fcntl.c: Document Fcntl constants
+Sat Jan 26 12:54:40 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * hash.c (rb_env_size): Restored documentation for ENV.size
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb: Documented DRb::DRb#run.
+ * lib/erb.rb (class ERB): Improved documentation of ERb.
+ * transcode.c: Documented Encoding::Converter constants.
+Sat Jan 26 10:09:57 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/webrick/accesslog.rb: Improved WEBrick documentation.
+ * lib/webrick/cgi.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/webrick/config.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/webrick/cookie.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/webrick/httpauth/authenticator.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/webrick/httpauth/basicauth.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/webrick/httpauth/digestauth.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/webrick/httpproxy.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/webrick/httprequest.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/webrick/https.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/webrick/httpserver.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet/cgihandler.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet/prochandler.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/webrick/httputils.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/webrick/httpversion.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/webrick/log.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/webrick/server.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/webrick/ssl.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/webrick/utils.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/webrick/version.rb: ditto.
+Sat Jan 26 08:29:33 2013 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo (rsock_unix_sockaddr_len): renamed from
+ rsock_unixpath_len, because it returns not the length of the path,
+ but the length of a socket address for the path.
+Sat Jan 26 01:12:23 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (test_ioctl_linux): skip if a platform is
+ not x86 because linux ioctl request number depend on cpu arch.
+ At least, alpha, mips, sparc and ppc have a different number.
+ [Bug #7718] [ruby-core:51544]
+Fri Jan 25 19:14:24 2013 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: use TlsAlloc instead of __declspec(thread)
+ to avoid SEGV if loaded with LoadLibrary in Windows
+ XP or earlier.
+Fri Jan 25 16:47:31 2013 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (rsock_unixpath_len, init_unix_addrinfo),
+ ext/socket/unixsocket.c (unixsock_connect_internal,
+ rsock_init_unixsock): calculate the correct address length of
+ an abstract socket. Without this fix, sizeof(struct sockaddr_un)
+ is specified as the length of an abstract socket for bind(2) or
+ connect(2), so the address of the socket is filled with extra NUL
+ characters. See unix(7) for details.
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb (unix_server_socket): don't access the
+ file system if the platform is Linux and path starts with NUL,
+ which means that the socket is an abstract socket.
+ * test/socket/test_unix.rb: related test.
+Fri Jan 25 13:02:27 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb: Updated documentation based on patch from Vincent
+ Batts. [ruby-trunk - Bug #7714]
+ * lib/drb/ssl.rb: ditto.
+Fri Jan 25 12:23:29 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb: Improved documentation by adding or hiding methods.
+ * lib/drb/eq.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/drb/extserv.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/drb/gw.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/drb/invokemethod.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/drb/observer.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/drb/ssl.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/drb/timeridconv.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/drb/unix.rb: ditto.
+ * sample/drb/gw_cu.rb: Fixed bug in DRb gateway sample.
+Fri Jan 25 12:01:56 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: modify a comment about rb_iseq_t::local_size.
+ A patch by davidbalbert (David Albert) [Bug #6750]
+Fri Jan 25 10:36:31 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: Documented MakeMakefile constants. Hide implementation
+ details from RDoc
+Fri Jan 25 10:04:07 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/compatibility.rb: Hide compatibility shims from RDoc
+ * lib/rubygems/config_file.rb: Hide RbConfig use from RDoc
+ * lib/rubygems/test_case.rb: Added note to use realpath when 1.8
+ support is dropped.
+Fri Jan 25 09:14:43 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/generator/darkfish.rb: Fixed debug message. RDoc bug #174
+ by Thomas Leitner.
+ * lib/rdoc/store.rb: Fixed deletion of ri attribute data when a class
+ was loaded then saved. RDoc bug #171 by Thomas Leitner.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_store.rb: Test for above.
+Thu Jan 24 19:55:25 2013 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * NEWS (yaml): Write about bundled libyaml.
+Thu Jan 24 16:54:34 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/syntax/calling_methods.rdoc: Added a Method Lookup section.
+ * doc/syntax/refinements.rdoc (Method Lookup): Clarified that
+ refinement methods are looked up in classes, not instances.
+Thu Jan 24 16:49:17 2013 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * enum.c (enum_zip): Fix error message
+ * array.c (take_items): Same, for Array#zip
+Thu Jan 24 16:47:26 2013 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * enumerator.c (lazy_zip): raise error for bad arguments
+ [Bug #7706]
+Thu Jan 24 16:05:08 2013 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * enumerator.c: Optimize Lazy#zip when passed only arrays
+ [Bug #7706]
+Thu Jan 24 15:21:17 2013 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * enumerator.c: Fix state handling for Lazy#zip,{drop_take}{_while}
+ [bug #7696] [bug #7691]
+Thu Jan 24 11:43:47 2013 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * eval.c (f_current_dirname): Add documentation about "__dir__
+ returns always an absolute path". [Bug #7729]
+Thu Jan 24 10:28:30 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * NEWS (RDoc): Added mention of page support and markdown support.
+Thu Jan 24 09:40:13 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/syntax/refinements.rdoc: Added refinements document based on
+ the specification from the wiki.
+ * doc/syntax.rdoc: Added link to refinements document.
+Wed Jan 23 16:29:09 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_spawn, rb_w32_aspawn_flags): fix missing
+ initialization. pointed out by phasis68 (Heesob Park) at
+ [ruby-core:51579]. [Bug #7721]
+Wed Jan 23 16:18:04 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (MakeMakefile#try_constant): fix for large unsigned.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (MakeMakefile#try_constant): fix for larger constants.
+ * test/mkmf/test_constant.rb: tests for try_constant.
+ TODO: define check_constant and use it.
+Wed Jan 23 13:35:37 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (ruby_init_stack): ignore `STACK_END_ADDRESS'
+ if Ruby interpreter is running on co-routine.
+ [Feature #2294]
+Wed Jan 23 12:28:22 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_spawn, rb_w32_aspawn_flags): check the results
+ of acp_to_wstr() which can return NULL. [ruby-core:51557] [Bug #7721]
+Wed Jan 23 10:40:49 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/syntax/assignment.rdoc (Implicit Array Assignment): Clarify
+ that "left-hand side" means "of the assignment". Suggested by Jorge
+ Dias.
+ * doc/syntax/assignment.rdoc (Multiple Assignment): ditto.
+Wed Jan 23 10:34:47 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/syntax/assignment.rdoc (Local Variables and Methods): Fixed
+ example showing caching of a method's results into a local variable.
+ Added not about using an explicit receiver to call a method that
+ matches a local variable. Suggested by markov_twain on twitter.
+Wed Jan 23 10:20:08 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/README: Fixed typo. Patch by Pradeep Sahoo.
+ Fixes #240 on github
+Wed Jan 23 09:53:39 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/servlet.rb: Fixed display of site and home documentation.
+ Fixes rdoc issue #170 by Thomas Leitner.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_servlet.rb: Test for above.
+ * lib/rdoc/code_object.rb: Split #initialize_visibility from
+ #initialize for reuse when loading a stored object.
+ Fixes rdoc issue #171 by Thomas Leitner.
+ * lib/rdoc/any_method.rb: Initialize visibility for #display? For
+ rdoc issue #171
+ * lib/rdoc/attr.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rdoc/class_module.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rdoc/top_level.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_any_method.rb: Test for above.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_attr.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_class_module.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_constant.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_top_level.rb: ditto.
+Wed Jan 23 06:43:26 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/test_case.rb: Use Dir.tmpdir for rubygems tests instead
+ of ./tmp/test. Fixes [ruby-trunk - Bug #7717]
+Tue Jan 22 22:58:03 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * misc/ruby-electric.el (ruby-electric-curlies): Fix the bug where
+ an open curly inserted in a string is always replaced with a
+ hash sign.
+Mon Jan 21 15:41:33 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/mkconfig.rb: BASERUBY is transient at core build.
+Mon Jan 21 13:51:21 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb ($extmk): traverse parent directories for the case
+ srcdir is a symlink.
+Sun Jan 20 23:55:37 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (w_object, r_object0): separate respond_to checks and
+ calling, and get back to the old behavior for 2.0. [Bug #7564]
+Sun Jan 20 22:24:28 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/vpath.rb (VPath#def_options): hack for msys make, which
+ converts a command line argument to non-msys command seems like a
+ path list automagically. [Bug #7710] [ruby-core:51489]
+Sat Jan 19 11:35:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * struct.c ( Document with block
+ Patch by Hiroyuki Iwatsuki [Bug #7674]
+Sat Jan 19 09:52:46 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/syntax/miscellaneous.rdoc: Added section on defined?
+Sat Jan 19 09:27:31 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/syntax/assignment.rdoc (Local Variables and Methods): Made it
+ more clear that local variables are created by the parser, not
+ execution. Thanks to John Hawthorn.
+Sat Jan 19 09:15:58 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/syntax/assignment.rdoc: Improved links
+ * doc/syntax/methods.rdoc: ditto.
+ * doc/syntax.rdoc: Added link to assignment document
+Sat Jan 19 08:47:33 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/syntax/assignment.rdoc: Added a syntax document on assignment.
+Fri Jan 18 14:11:01 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/syntax/methods.rdoc: Added Array Decomposition.
+Fri Jan 18 12:54:21 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb (gem): Gem.ensure_gem_subdirectories makes
+ subdirectories group-writable, so make them with $dir_mode.
+Fri Jan 18 11:24:33 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_initialize): uninitialize OLE at thread
+ ends. [Bug #2618] [ruby-core:27634]
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_initialize): initialize OLE for each
+ threads. [Bug #2618] [ruby-core:27634]
+Thu Jan 17 22:10:35 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rubygems/ext/builder.rb (Gem::Ext::Builder.make): Remove
+ .time dependency from *.rb install target. It causes needless
+ *.rb install. [Bug #7698] [ruby-core:51437]
+ Reported by Tadashi Saito. Thanks!!!
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_installer.rb
+ (TestGemInstaller#test_install_extension_and_script): Add a test
+ for the above change.
+Thu Jan 17 21:08:20 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * eval.c: Fix a typo in ruby_finalize() documentation.
+Thu Jan 17 20:28:18 2013 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * object.c: Typo in Kernel#hash documentation.
+ Patch by zed_0xff [Github Fixes #237]
+Thu Jan 17 10:48:56 2013 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/scalar_scanner.rb: use constants rather than
+ calculating Inf and NaN.
+Thu Jan 17 10:21:05 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/syntax/miscellaneous.rdoc: Added Ending an Expression and
+ indentation.
+Thu Jan 17 09:30:21 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/installer.rb: Untaint string when checking output
+ for $SAFE=1
+ * lib/rubygems/specification.rb: Keep previously loaded specs as
+ active. This prevents double loading when refreshing the gem list.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem.rb: Test for above
+ * lib/rubygems.rb: Bump version to 2.0.0.rc.2
+Thu Jan 17 09:08:37 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/syntax/control_expressions.rdoc: Added ? : ternary if
+Thu Jan 17 08:36:04 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/syntax/miscellaneous.rdoc: Added documentation for alias, undef,
+ * doc/syntax/modules_and_classes.rdoc (Constants): Fixed unwrapped
+ paragraph with trailing whitespace.
+ * doc/syntax/modules_and_classes.rdoc (Scope): Added section pointing
+ to alias and undef documentation.
+ * doc/syntax.rdoc: Added link to miscellaneous section.
+Thu Jan 17 07:50:26 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/syntax/control_expressions.rdoc (Flip-Flop): Added a section on
+ the flip-flop.
+Thu Jan 17 06:59:51 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/syntax/control_expressions.rdoc (if Expressions): Fixed markup
+ error. Fixes #235 on github by FlyingFoX.
+Thu Jan 17 06:53:58 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/syntax/literals.rdoc (Strings): Fixed typo. Fixes #236 on
+ github by Doug Yun.
+Wed Jan 16 18:45:46 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/win32ole/lib/win32ole.rb: use TracePoint to hook all thread
+ creation not only by and to get rid of interference with
+ svar scope. [Bug #7681] [ruby-core:51365]
+Wed Jan 16 09:35:53 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * .document: Removed extra space
+ * lib/irb/lc/.document: Hide help-message
+ * lib/minitest/.document: Hide README.txt
+ * lib/rake/lib/.document: Hide project.rake
+ * lib/rdoc/generator/template/json_index/.document: Hide JavaScript
+ files
+ * lib/rubygems/ssl_certs/.document: Hide PEM files.
+Wed Jan 16 03:54:28 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/syntax/control_expressions.rdoc: Omit optional "then" for if and
+ unless expressions. Improved description of "a if a ="
+ NameError. Note that "do" for for loop is optional.
+Wed Jan 16 03:28:47 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/syntax/calling_methods.rdoc: Link to defining methods.
+ * doc/syntax/methods.rdoc: Link to calling methods, fixed typo.
+Wed Jan 16 03:15:00 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/syntax/methods.rdoc: Fixed link
+ * doc/syntax/modules_and_classes.rdoc: Fixed link
+ * doc/syntax.rdoc: Updated with links to the recently added pages
+Wed Jan 16 03:05:50 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/syntax/control_expressions.rdoc (redo Statement): Added note
+ about retry.
+ * doc/syntax/exceptions.rdoc: Added retry statement
+Tue Jan 15 23:12:34 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/vpath.rb (VPath#list): default separator to PATH_SEPARATOR from
+ for make, not same name constant of File for use in ruby.
+Tue Jan 15 22:30:04 2013 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb/ext/save-history.rb: identify rightly a status of a
+ history file that already exists [Bug #7694]. Thanks Nobuhiro IMAI
+ for this patch.
+Tue Jan 15 15:55:28 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/syntax/control_expressions.rdoc: Added description of control
+ expressions in ruby.
+Tue Jan 15 13:33:00 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/syntax/methods.rdoc (Method Names): Added method names including
+ operator methods.
+ * doc/syntax/methods.rdoc (Return Values): Added note that assignment
+ methods ignore return values.
+ * doc/syntax/precedence.rdoc: Added document describing precedence.
+Tue Jan 15 11:49:31 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/syntax/methods.rdoc (Block Argument): Added section on block
+ argument. Thanks to Andy Lindeman.
+Tue Jan 15 10:54:59 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/syntax/calling_methods.rdoc (Arguments): Added improved
+ introduction to arguments including passing style and lazy
+ evaluation. Thanks to Matt Aimonetti.
+ * doc/syntax/calling_methods.rdoc (Positional Arguments): Added
+ description for sending a message to a method with *arguments
+ * doc/syntax/calling_methods.rdoc (Default Positional Arguments):
+ Added description. Thanks to Andy Lindeman.
+ * doc/syntax/calling_methods.rdoc (Block Local Arguments):
+ Added description of block locals. Thanks to Justin Collins.
+ * doc/syntax/calling_methods.rdoc (Hash to Keyword Arguments): Added
+ section describing ** operator. Thanks to Justin Collins.
+Tue Jan 15 10:40:18 2013 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * test_lazy_enumerator: Test that map & flat_map also require a block
+Tue Jan 15 09:22:47 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (gvl_init): Reset gvl.wait_yield explicitly when
+ fork()ing. Patch by Apollon Oikonomopoulos. Thanks!
+ [Bug #7693][ruby-core:51424]
+Tue Jan 15 09:27:56 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/syntax/calling_methods.rdoc (Receiver): Added :: as pointed out
+ by Tony Arcieri
+ * doc/syntax/calling_methods.rdoc (Block Argument): Fixed { } block
+ examples as pointed out by David Copeland.
+Tue Jan 15 09:10:29 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/syntax/methods.rdoc (Array/Hash Argument): Moved above Keyword
+ Arguments
+ * doc/syntax/methods.rdoc (Keyword Arguments): Described ** for
+ gathering arbitrary keyword arguments.
+Tue Jan 15 08:56:37 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/syntax/calling_methods.rdoc: Added document describing method
+ calls.
+Tue Jan 15 07:39:21 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/top_level.rb: Fixed extension trimming for page names in
+ RDoc HTML output. [ruby-trunk - Bug #7673]
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_top_level.rb: Test for above.
+Mon Jan 14 23:06:41 2013 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb/ext/save-history.rb: outputs its history to
+ owner-only-readable file and change the permission of a file that
+ already exists [Bug #7694]. Thanks Nobuhiro IMAI for bug reports.
+Mon Jan 14 17:12:48 2013 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * enumerator.c (lazy_flat_map_func): flat_map should call each only
+ when the value of a block returns a forcable object.
+ [ruby-core:51401] [Bug #7690]
+ * enumerator.c (lazy_flat_map): add documentation.
+ * test/ruby/test_lazy_enumerator.rb: related test.
+Mon Jan 14 16:42:28 2013 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * enumerator.c: Require block for Lazy#{take|drop}_while [Bug #7692]
+Mon Jan 14 14:41:00 2013 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_to_s): use CRuby style.
+Mon Jan 14 14:39:00 2013 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c: use `RB_TYPE_P(x, t)` instead of
+ `TYPE(x) == t`.
+Mon Jan 14 10:18:56 2013 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * enumerator.c: Fix size for Enumerator::Lazy#flat_map
+Mon Jan 14 07:12:52 2013 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix/lup_decomposition: Fix bugs with LUP Decomposition of
+ rectangular matrices. [rubyspec:ba849801a85]
+Mon Jan 14 06:46:53 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regparse.c (add_ctype_to_cc): don't check dup warn on adding
+ negative ctype to cclass. [Bug #7471] [ruby-core:50344]
+Mon Jan 14 06:06:03 2013 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix/eigenvalue_decomposition: Backport bugfix of Jama 1.0.3
+ [rubyspec:df87040be371]
+Sun Jan 13 16:45:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/psych/yaml/scanner.c: Fix typos, patch by James Dabbs
+ [Github tenderlove/psych#118]
+Sun Jan 13 15:00:00 2013 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_sub):
+ need to specify precision for converting Rational and Float.
+ [ruby-dev:46544] [Bug #7404]
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_mult): ditto.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_divide): ditto.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_DoDivmod): ditto.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_divremain): ditto.
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb: add tests for the above fixes.
+Sun Jan 13 14:48:55 2013 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix/eigenvalue_decomposition: Fix eigensystem with complex
+ eigenvectors. Patch by pypypy567.
+ [Bug #7208] [ruby-dev:46251] [rubyspec:242f8e55bd]
+ * lib/matrix/lup_decomposition.rb: Fix error for rectangular matrices
+ [bug#7620] [ruby-core:51118] [rubyspec:41f833ee2]
+Sun Jan 13 14:06:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/irb.rb, lib/prime.rb: Typos in overview
+ Patch by Ershad K [Github Fixes #234]
+Sun Jan 13 13:40:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/open3.rb : Typo in Open3 overview. Patch by zed_0xff
+ [Github Fixes #233]
+Sat Jan 12 17:42:00 2013 Kenta Murata <>
+ * numeric.c (do_coerce): fix for the exceptions which the coerce
+ method raises. The optimization done by r38756 is preserved.
+ [Bug #7645] [ruby-core:51213]
+Sat Jan 12 16:12:46 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/setup.mak (-runtime-): see msvcrt from link header on mswin
+ instead of running testing executable file, for cross compiling.
+Sat Jan 12 08:58:47 2013 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb: merge key values that
+ contain something besides a hash should be left in tact.
+ * test/psych/test_merge_keys.rb: test for change
+Sat Jan 12 07:52:47 2013 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_set_byref): support VT_UI8|VT_BYREF,
+ VT_I8|VT_BYREF in cygwin and mingw.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_variant2val): ditto.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_variant.rb (test_s_new_with_i8_byref):
+ ditto.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_variant.rb (test_s_new_with_ui8_byref):
+ ditto.
+Sat Jan 12 02:45:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * man/ruby.1 (options): include --*-encoding from r38784
+Fri Jan 11 23:34:48 2013 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * ruby.c (usage): sort --*-encoding in help. (same order of -E)
+Fri Jan 11 16:56:29 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/mkconfig.rb: use configured libdir value to fix
+ --enable-load-relative on systems where libdir is not default value,
+ overridden in files. [ruby-core:47267] [Bug #6903]
+Fri Jan 11 11:59:32 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (dispose_string): use rb_str_free for freeing string in
+ parse.y. by Sokolov Yura <>
+ fix GH-87
+Fri Jan 11 09:56:22 2013 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * insns.def (defineclass): private constants should not be accessed
+ by scoped module definitions. The bug was introduced in r38495.
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb: related test.
+Fri Jan 11 02:11:59 2013 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/rbconfig/obsolete.rb (respond_to_missing?): use send because
+ RbConfig.respond_to_missing? is now private.
+Thu Jan 10 22:00:58 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h (VM_DEBUG_BP_CHECK): set 0 as default.
+ This flag specifies checking BP consistency on each frame popping.
+ Now, we don't have any trouble on it, so I remove it.
+ If you feel any bugs about VM execution, then set it to 1.
+Thu Jan 10 21:03:05 2013 TAKANO `takano32' Mitsuhiro <>
+ * cont.c: define FIBER_USE_NATIVE as 0 in ia64.
+Thu Jan 10 19:39:05 2013 TAKANO `takano32' Mitsuhiro <>
+ * thread.c: fix RB_GC_SAVE_MACHINE_REGISTER_STACK define for ia64.
+Thu Jan 10 17:45:39 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, win32/Makefile.sub ($(MKFILES)): continue if Makefile
+ unchanged.
+Thu Jan 10 16:31:20 2013 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_search_super_method): raise a TypeError
+ instead of a NotImplementedError if self is not an instance of the
+ current class. [ruby-dev:39772] [Bug #2402]
+Thu Jan 10 16:47:18 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/tk/extconf.rb (find_tcltk_header): use have_header instead of
+ try_cpp, which is incredibly slow with VC.
+Thu Jan 10 15:55:28 2013 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * numeric.c (do_coerce): remove an unused variable.
+Thu Jan 10 15:35:55 2013 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * tool/gen_dummy_probes.rb: remove comments in probes.d to fix the
+ compilation error introduced by r38755.
+Thu Jan 10 11:15:04 2013 Kenta Murata <>
+ * numeric.c (do_coerce): speed optimization by using rb_check_funcall
+ instead of rb_rescue + rb_funcall.
+ This fix is based on the patch by Benoit Daloze.
+ [Bug #7645] [ruby-core:51213]
+Thu Jan 10 11:15:04 2013 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * probes.d: updating probes to be more symmetrical, adding
+ documentation.
+ * load.c: ditto
+Thu Jan 10 04:23:07 2013 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/scalar_scanner.rb: strip trailing dots from
+ floats so that Float() will not raise an exception.
+ * test/psych/test_numeric.rb: test to ensure "1." can be loaded
+ * test/psych/test_string.rb: make sure "1." can round trip
+Thu Jan 10 03:38:40 2013 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: ascii only binary strings
+ will be dumped as unicode. Thanks Paul Kunysch!
+ * test/psych/test_string.rb: appropriate test
+Thu Jan 10 03:29:55 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (compile_array_): modify wrong optimization.
+ A script "[print(1)]; print(2)" should output "12".
+ However, the compiler had eliminated "[print(1)]" expression
+ because it is void expression (unused array).
+ Of course, side-effect should be remained.
+ This issue is reported by Masaya Tarui.
+ * bootstraptest/test_literal.rb: add a test.
+Wed Jan 9 22:07:42 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * load.c (load_lock): if thread shield is destroyed and there is no
+ waiting thread, insert new thread shield into load_table.
+ [Bug #7530] [ruby-core:50645]
+Wed Jan 9 21:43:32 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * load.c (load_lock): revert r38744. it should acquire new thread
+ shield.
+Wed Jan 9 15:40:18 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm.c (th_init, ruby_thread_init): initialize root_svar with Qnil,
+ since lep_svar_place() expects uninitialized svar to be nil, not 0.
+Wed Jan 9 13:20:23 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * test/ruby/test_require.rb: improve test for r38744.
+ fix to use Tempfile instead of temporary file in current directory.
+ the patch is from nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada).
+Wed Jan 9 09:53:23 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * load.c (load_lock): fix not to delete thread shield twice.
+ it may break the shield locked by another thread.
+ [Bug #7530] [ruby-core:50645]
+ * test/ruby/test_require.rb: a test for above.
+Wed Jan 9 02:13:22 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RBasic): to be aligned on a VALUE size
+ boundary. [Bug #7647]
+Tue Jan 8 14:41:41 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_core.h (rb_iseq_t): move flip_cnt from struct iseq_compile_data,
+ because it has same life span as enclosing iseq. [Bug #7671]
+ [ruby-core:51296]
+Mon Jan 7 23:43:00 2013 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (rmpd_power_by_big_decimal):
+ add RB_GC_GUARD to prevent the intermediate object is GCed too early.
+ This patch was made by Yusuke Endoh. [Bug #7044] [ruby-core:47632]
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb: add a reproduction test for
+ the issue [Bug #7044]
+Mon Jan 7 21:40:36 2013 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_method.c (Init_eval_method): main.public and main.private
+ should be private.
+ * proc.c (Init_Proc): main.define_method should be private.
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb: related test.
+Mon Jan 7 20:48:47 2013 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * eval.c (Init_eval): main.include should be private.
+ [ruby-core:51293] [Bug #7670]
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb (test_top_include_is_private): a new test
+ for the above change.
+Mon Jan 7 20:29:50 2013 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * NEWS: remove description about `require "refinement"'.
+Mon Jan 7 20:15:49 2013 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * eval.c (Init_eval): enable Refinements by default.
+ [ruby-core:51286] [Bug #7667]
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_refine, top_using): show a warning when
+ Module#refine or main.using is called at the first time.
+ * ext/refinement/*: removed the extension library "refinement".
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb: fix for the above changes.
+Mon Jan 7 17:34:22 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RUBY_EVENT_SPECIFIED_LINE): make it special.
+ This flag is not contained by RUBY_EVENT_TRACEPOINT_ALL.
+ This event is experimental one. It is possible to remove/rename
+ flag name after 2.0.1.
+ * vm_trace.c (get_event_id): return :line if SPECIFIED_LINE was
+ occurred. `:specified_line' never been returned.
+Mon Jan 7 15:42:10 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (f_kwrest): allow bare kwrest_mark as valid syntax. its
+ semantics is still undefined. [Bug #7662] [ruby-core:51269]
+Mon Jan 7 15:31:58 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (f_kwrest): reject duplicated kwrest argument name.
+Mon Jan 7 15:24:10 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_trace.c (rb_threadptr_exec_event_hooks_orig): pop tag before
+ JUMP_TAG() if frame is `finish' frame.
+ Without this patch, there is an inconsistency between control
+ frame stack and tags stack.
+ [Bug #7668]
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: add a test for above.
+Mon Jan 7 15:21:48 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ *, (fake, yes-fake, no-make): these dependencies
+ are not platform dependent.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub ($(arch)-fake.rb): workaround.
+Mon Jan 7 12:09:24 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_callee_setup_arg_complex, vm_yield_setup_block_args):
+ set keyrest hash after making rest array, so that the last element
+ will not be overwritten. [ruby-core:51278] [Bug #7665]
+Mon Jan 7 09:37:24 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * NEWS: add a NEWS entry about RubyVM.
+Sun Jan 6 19:06:57 2013 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: Fix build with VC.
+ Patch by Charlie Savage. Fixes [ruby-core:51261]
+Sun Jan 6 18:43:48 2013 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_io.rb: add a test for [ruby-dev:46834].
+ * io.c (rb_cloexec_fcntl_dupfd) Use an emulation with dup(2) when
+ fcntl(2) and/or F_DUPFD is unavailable.
+ Suggested by akr.
+ * (HAVE_FCNTL): NativeClient does not provide fcntl(2).
+Sun Jan 6 11:11:26 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/syntax/modules_and_classes.rdoc: Fixed typo.
+Sun Jan 6 05:35:18 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/syntax/modules_and_classes.rdoc: Added singleton classes
+ documentation.
+Sun Jan 6 02:22:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet/abstract.rb (WEBrick::HTTPServlet): Typo in
+ example. Patch by shlensky [Fixes #232 on github]
+Sat Jan 5 21:15:10 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http/generic_request.rb:
+ Amazon ECA API and GTE/1.3 disallow requests whose host has port
+ number if its port number equals to default port number of the
+ scheme. [Bug #7650]
+Sat Jan 5 13:58:59 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/syntax/modules_and_classes.rdoc: Improved description of methods
+ on a module or class as suggested by Tobias Buhlmann
+Sat Jan 5 13:38:07 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_enumerate_lines): fix invalid byte sequence error
+ when a separator is passed. The patch is from yoshidam (Yoshida
+ Masato).
+ [Bug #7646] [ruby-dev:46827]
+ * test/ruby/test_string.rb: a test for above.
+Sat Jan 5 12:25:42 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (Test::Unit::Assertions#assert_in_out_err):
+ check stdout and stderr both.
+Sat Jan 5 10:21:54 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/syntax/modules_and_classes.rdoc: Added documentation of syntax
+ for Modules and Classes.
+ * doc/syntax/methods.rdoc: Moved some text to the Modules and
+ Classes syntax document.
+Sat Jan 5 08:38:27 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/syntax/methods.rdoc: Added return values and scope sections,
+ slightly modified from the original patch. Fixes #227 from github by
+ Dave Brown.
+Sat Jan 5 08:21:41 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (rb_cloexec_fcntl_dupfd): improve #ifdef condition.
+ * io.c (rb_maygvl_fd_fix_cloexec): ditto.
+Sat Jan 5 07:54:59 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/commands/cleanup_command.rb: Clean all possible gems
+ using multiple passes. Fixes RubyGems bug #422. Refactored for
+ maintainability.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_commands_cleanup_command.rb: Test for above.
+Sat Jan 5 05:04:39 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * gc.c (vm_xrealloc): add a few comment why we avoid realloc(ptr,0).
+Fri Jan 4 20:17:06 2013 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * (RBCONFIG): Moved from in order to use the
+ variable in
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (RBCONFIG): Ditto.
+Fri Jan 4 19:45:50 2013 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * (run, parse): Use BTESTRUBY instead of MINIRUBY to handle
+ cross-compiling cases, e.g. NativeClient.
+Fri Jan 4 17:58:16 2013 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * (yes-btest): btest depends on also $(arch)-fake.rb and
+ rbconfig.rb on building for NativeClient.
+ * (fake): Avoid generating $(arch)-fake.rb unless cross
+ compiling.
+ * (CROSS_COMPILING): New substitution.
+Fri Jan 4 16:26:45 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/doctor.rb: Process directories in order in case the
+ filesystem doesn't. [ruby-trunk - Bug #7618]
+ Process specifications before other directories in case of bugs.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_doctor.rb: Test for above.
+ * lib/rubygems.rb: Updated version.
+ * test/rubygems/test_require.rb: Fixed double require of
+ benchmark.rb. RubyGems bug #420.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_commands_check_command.rb: Fixed unused
+ variable warnings.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_commands_query_command.rb: ditto
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_installer.rb: ditto
+Fri Jan 4 15:05:25 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/cross_reference.rb: Fixed matching of C#=== or #===. RDoc
+ bug #164
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_cross_reference.rb: Test for above.
+ * lib/rdoc/parser/changelog.rb: Fixed parsing of dates. RDoc bug #165
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_parser_changelog.rb: Test for above.
+ * lib/rdoc/parser.rb: Fixed parsing multibyte files with incomplete
+ characters at byte 1024. [ruby-trunk - Bug #6393]
+ Fixed handling of -E. [ruby-trunk - Bug #6392]
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_options.rb: Test for above.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_parser.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_parser_c.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_parser_changelog.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_parser_markdown.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_parser_rd.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_rdoc.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rdoc/tom_doc.rb: Fixed parsing of [] in TomDoc arguments list.
+ RDoc bug #167
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_tom_doc.rb: Test for above.
+ * lib/rdoc.rb: Update version.
+Fri Jan 4 11:51:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/forwardable.rb: Fix rdoc parameters for ::def_single_delegator.
+ Patch by Vladimir Andrijevik [Github Fixes #230]
+Fri Jan 4 00:35:11 2013 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ Fix failures on btest for NativeClient.
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb (nacl?): New method to distinguish NaCl
+ cross build.
+ * bootstraptest/test_io.rb: Skip unsupported operations.
+ * bootstraptest/test_literal.rb: ditto.
+Fri Jan 4 00:29:40 2013 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * io.c (rb_cloexec_fcntl_dupfd): Fix failures in
+ bootstrap_test/test_io.rb. NativeClient does not support F_DUPFD
+ but supports dup2(2).
+Thu Jan 3 17:46:50 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/element.rb (REXML::Elements#add): Remove too much
+ "elements" in document. Sorry...
+Thu Jan 3 17:42:32 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/element.rb (REXML::Elements#each): Add missing
+ "elements" in document. [ruby-talk:402713]
+ Reported by Wesley Rishel. Thanks!!!
+Thu Jan 3 15:13:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych.rb (Psych.load): Return value of
+ Psych::SyntaxError.message should be same as example.
+ Patch by Ippei Obayashi [ruby-core:51193] [Bug #7636]
+Thu Jan 3 14:58:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/forwardable.rb (SingleForwardable): Fix example in overview
+ Patch by Vladimir Andrijevik [Github Fixes #231]
+Thu Jan 3 14:32:47 2013 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * (OBJCOPY): Fixes build error for NativeClient.
+ Avoid disabling OBJCOPY for NativeClient.
+ * thread_pthread.c (rb_reserved_fd_p): USE_SLEEPY_TIMER_THREAD is
+ always defined. Fixes compilation error for NativeClient.
+Wed Jan 02 03:09:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (Zlib::GzipReader): Fix typo by zed_0xff
+ [Fixes Github #229]
+Wed Jan 02 02:29:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_update): Revert documentation from r38672
+ See:
+Wed Jan 02 02:16:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_update): Documentation for Hash#merge and shallow
+ copies Patch by Yorick Peterse [Fixes Github #228]
+Mon Dec 31 15:10:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * vm_backtrace.c: Add documentation for Kernel#caller_locations,
+ Kernel#caller, and Thread::Backtrace::Location
+Mon Dec 31 13:05:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * test/ruby/test_backtrace.rb: Add test for r37957 [Feature #7434]
+Sun Dec 30 23:33:36 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (simple_re_meta): escaped closing parenthesis has different
+ meaning. [Bug #7610] [ruby-core:51088]
+Sun Dec 30 12:09:47 2012 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * use 4 argument form of AC_CHECK_HEADERS to force
+ autoconf to use compiler's result
+Sun Dec 30 10:58:04 2012 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_keyword.rb: add a test for passing hash
+ as a last argument. [ruby-dev:46712] [Bug #7529]
+Sun Dec 30 10:51:29 2012 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: set keyword hash on Proc/block calls.
+ [ruby-core:51172] [Bug #7630]
+ * test/ruby/test_keyword.rb: add tests for above.
+Sat Dec 29 21:57:11 2012 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb/completion.rb: treat rightly completion for symbol on irb
+ [Bug #7632].
+Sat Dec 29 21:51:30 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (window_cury, window_curx, window_maxy,
+ window_maxx, window_begy, window_begx): use RB_UNUSED_VAR()
+ to suppress unused-but-set-variable warnings.
+Sat Dec 29 16:45:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * iseq.c (RubyVM::InstructionSequence): rdoc formatting
+Sat Dec 29 15:28:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * iseq.c (RubyVM::InstructionSequence): Add rdoc for new iseq features
+ added from r38085, this includes ::of, #path, #absolute_path,
+ #label, #base_label, #first_lineno, and #inspect
+Sat Dec 29 14:06:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_line_trace_all, rb_iseq_line_trace_specify): Add
+ rdoc for experimental C level api of iseq, from r38076
+Sat Dec 29 11:37:36 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_clone): attach clone to its singleton class during
+ cloning singleton class so that singleton_method_added will be called
+ on it. based on the patch by shiba (satoshi shiba)[Bug #5283] in
+ [ruby-dev:44477]. [Bug #5283]
+Sat Dec 29 10:10:39 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (crt_externs.h): use standard macro AC_CHECK_HEADERS.
+Fri Dec 28 23:12:44 2012 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * check for the whether crt_externs.h is present when compiling
+ for darwin (this header is missing in the iOS SDK)
+ * eval_intern.h: check HAVE_CRT_EXTERNS_H before including crt_externs.h, if
+ not defined, include missing/crt_externs.h instead
+ * hash.c: ditto
+ * missing/setproctitle.c: ditto
+ * missing/crt_externs.h: declare _NSGetEnviron() function and define environ
+ for iOS
+Fri Dec 28 21:40:36 2012 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb/context.rb: IRB::Context#new: Check from JobManager
+ inside IRB namespace [Bug #7628]. Thanks rafaelfranca for bug
+ report and its patch.
+Fri Dec 28 17:06:17 2012 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * misc/ruby-electric.el (ruby-electric-curlies): Automatically
+ indent closing curly brackets when
+ ruby-electric-newline-before-closing-bracket is true.
+Fri Dec 28 11:50:42 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_yield_setup_block_args): pass single argument to
+ single optional parameter unchanged without splatting. [Bug #7621]
+ [ruby-dev:46801]
+Fri Dec 28 11:17:47 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * proc.c (method_eq): fix the documentation to refer to owner.
+ [ruby-core:51105] [Bug #7613]
+ * test/ruby/test_method.rb (test_alias_onwer): new test to confirm
+ that `a == b' returns false if owners of a and b are different.
+Fri Dec 28 07:07:43 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * def/id.def: use split(/^/) instead of String#lines to support
+ Ruby 1.8.5 as BASERUBY.
+Thu Dec 27 21:56:56 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * variable.c (rb_mod_remove_const): fix segv caused by r38558.
+Tue Dec 28 01:13:48 2012 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * lib/csv.rb: Added more Hash methods to CSV::Row.
+Thu Dec 27 23:27:15 2012 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb: make lex_state to EXPR_END when next token
+ is an operator after SYMBEG [Bug #6378].
+Thu Dec 27 21:30:21 2012 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb: allow to handle recursive heredocs on
+ irb[Bug #5648].
+Thu Dec 27 20:45:29 2012 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_getline): fix not to raise TypeError
+ when limit is nil.
+ [Bug #7232] [ruby-core:48531]
+ * test/stringio/test_stringio.rb: a test for above.
+Thu Dec 27 21:08:23 2012 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * vm_core.h (VM_DEFINECLASS_TYPE): explicit cast to enum type to avoid 64->32
+ shorten warning
+Thu Dec 27 20:11:29 2012 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_ungetc): raise IOError instead of RuntimeError
+ if the string is frozen.
+ [Bug #7231] [ruby-core:48530]
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_ungetbyte): ditto.
+ * test/stringio/test_stringio.rb: a test for above.
+Wed Dec 26 23:55:18 2012 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb/context.rb: fix IRB::Inspector#keys_with_inspector [Bug #7598]
+Wed Dec 26 23:26:15 2012 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb/context.rb: IRB::Context#use_readline= has been obsolete
+ [Bug #6339].
+Wed Dec 26 21:32:46 2012 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb/context.rb: make a correct prompt from
+ IRB.conf[:IRB_NAME] on irb [Bug #6338]. Patched by sho-h.
+Wed Dec 26 21:09:19 2012 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb/ext/math-mode.rb: make not able to change math-mode
+ after irb starting [Bug #6302]. Patched by sho-h.
+Wed Dec 26 12:52:36 2012 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb/init.rb: change default debug level for
+ irb[ruby-dev:46805], [Bug #6301].
+Wed Dec 26 11:54:11 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * enable -fPIE when checking -pie for fixing
+ OpenBSD build error. Patch by George Koehler. Thank you!
+ [Bug #7606] [ruby-core:51082]
+Wed Dec 26 07:31:24 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_enc_cr_str_copy_for_substr): empty string is always
+ valid or 7bit.
+ * string.c (rb_str_enumerate_lines, rb_str_chop): reduce duplicated
+ code.
+ * string.c (rb_str_enumerate_chars): prevent shared copy from GC.
+Wed Dec 26 01:31:16 2012 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb/init.rb, lib/irb/context.rb: fix conf.debug_level=
+ [Bug #6301] and fix irb command option: -- irb_debug_level for irb.
+Wed Dec 26 00:59:18 2012 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb: improve RubyLex performance for large files
+ [Bug #5202]. Patch by ryanmelt.
+Tue Dec 25 22:21:06 2012 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb/output-method.rb: raise right exception when
+ IRB::OutputMethod#print don't defined [Bug #6657].
+Tue Dec 25 22:06:33 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_trace.c (rb_threadptr_exec_event_hooks_and_pop_frame):
+ pop a frame before JUMP_TAG() if exception occurred.
+ This change fix bug of Ruby 1.9.
+ [ruby-core:51128] [ruby-trunk - Bug #7624]
+ * vm_core.h (EXEC_EVENT_HOOK_AND_POP_FRAME): add to use
+ `rb_threadptr_exec_event_hooks_and_pop_frame()'.
+ * vm.c (vm_exec): use EXEC_EVENT_HOOK_AND_POP_FRAME() while
+ exception handling. While exception handling, if an exception
+ is raised in hooks, need to pop current frame and raise this
+ raised exception by hook.
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: add a test.
+Tue Dec 25 21:08:53 2012 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb/init.rb, lib/irb/lc/ja/error.rb, lib/irb/lc/error.rb:
+ raise exception when illegal RC_NAME_GENERATOR defined [Bug #6455].
+Tue Dec 25 19:22:17 2012 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb/workspace.rb: define method to private on top-level irb
+ [Bug #5776]. Patch by davidbalbert.
+Tue Dec 25 19:09:51 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * bignum.c, include/ruby/intern.h (rb_big_eql): exported.
+ * thread.c (recursive_check): object_id maybe a Bignum, not Fixnum on
+ LLP64. see also r38493 and r38548.
+ reported by Heesob Park at [ruby-core:51083] [Bug #7607], and patched
+ by shirosaki at [ruby-core:51095]
+Tue Dec 25 18:53:35 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h, eval_intern.h (CHECK_STACK_OVERFLOW): move
+ CHECK_STACK_OVERFLOW() to vm_core.h and rename to
+ This change is only move and rename.
+ * tool/instruction.rb: catch up above changes.
+ * vm.c, vm_insnhelper.c: ditto.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_stackoverflow): add a function to unify
+ raising vm stackoverflow exception.
+Tue Dec 25 16:16:54 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h (RUBY_VM_THREAD_VM_STACK_SIZE): change default
+ VM stack size (128 KB or 256 KB -> 512 KB or 1024 KB).
+ This re-sizing corrects smaller value introduced at r38478.
+ Newer value is same VM stack size of Ruby 1.9.
+ [ruby-dev:46797] [ruby-trunk - Bug #7603]
+Tue Dec 25 13:38:12 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (compile_err_append, compile_warn_print, warn_print): use
+ rb_write_error_str() instead of writing to rb_stderr directly.
+ * io.c (rb_write_error_str): a stopgap measure not to unblock GVL.
+ warning from require seems to still have race condition errors.
+Tue Dec 25 00:59:29 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * node.h (NODE_OP_CDECL), compile.c (iseq_compile_each),
+ parse.y (stmt, arg): allow scoped constant op-assignment.
+ [ruby-core:40154] [Bug #5449]
+Mon Dec 24 04:56:48 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http/generic_request.rb (Net::HTTPGenericRequest):
+ set content-length to zero on empty post requests
+ by Gregory Ostermayr <>
+ fix GH-201
+Sun Dec 23 19:09:16 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c: rename methods:
+ from Thread.async_interrupt_timing to Thread.handle_interrupt,
+ from Thread.async_interrupted? to Thread.pending_interrupt?.
+ Also rename option from `defer' to `never'.
+ [ruby-core:51074] [ruby-trunk - Feature #6762]
+ * vm_core.c, thread.c: rename functions and data structure
+ `async_errinfo' to `pending_interrupt'.
+ * thread.c: add global variables sym_immediate, sym_on_blocking and
+ sym_never.
+ * cont.c, process.c, vm.c, signal.c: ditto.
+ * lib/sync.rb, lib/thread.rb: catch up this renaming.
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb: ditto.
+Sun Dec 23 17:57:30 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/profiler.rb (Profiler__::PROFILE_PROC, print_profile): store
+ profile data per threads for concurrent-execution.
+ [ruby-core:22046] [Bug #1152]
+ * lib/profiler.rb (Profiler__::Wrapper): support calling singleton
+ methods of an instance of BasicObject.
+ * lib/profiler.rb (Profiler__::PROFILE_PROC): use TracePoint.
+Sun Dec 23 16:13:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/erb.rb: typos for ERB::new link
+Sun Dec 23 16:06:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/erb.rb: Document ERB::new trim_mode '-' for lines ending in -%>
+ [ruby-core:51084] [Bug #7608]
+Sun Dec 23 15:25:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb: Add handling for %i and %I quoting to irb
+ Patch by flori [ruby-core:49550] [Bug #7392] [Github Issue #157]
+Sun Dec 23 15:05:48 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_check_funcall_with_hook): rb_check_funcall with hook
+ which is called before calling method_missing or target method.
+ * marshal.c (w_object, r_object0): use rb_check_funcall_with_hook
+ instead of respond_to? and call.
+Sun Dec 23 14:52:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_eqq): doc: #=== is not a synonym for #=~, added example
+ [ruby-dev:46746] [Bug #7571]
+Sun Dec 23 14:35:13 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (BLOCKING_REGION): if fail_if_interrupted is false ignore
+ the result of blocking_region_begin(), since it always is true in
+ that case. suppress "uninitialized" warnings.
+Sun Dec 23 09:34:07 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/commands/check_command.rb: Added --doctor and --dry-run
+ options to clean up after failed uninstallation.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_commands_check_command.rb: Test for above.
+ * lib/rubygems/commands/push_command.rb: Allow pushes from RubyGems
+ 2.0.0.preview3
+ * lib/rubygems/commands/update_command.rb: Use Gem.ruby_version
+ * lib/rubygems/dependency.rb: Update style.
+ * lib/rubygems/installer.rb: Ensure installed gem specifications will
+ be useable. Refactor.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_installer.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rubygems/validator.rb: Fixed bug with unreadable files.
+ * lib/rubygems.rb: Fixed broken methods.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem.rb: Test for above.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_commands_push_command.rb: Fixed overridden
+ Gem.latest_rubygems_version
+Sun Dec 23 01:52:01 2012 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_lines, rb_io_bytes, rb_io_chars, rb_io_codepoints):
+ Deprecate IO#{lines,bytes,chars,codepoints} and those of ARGF.
+ [Feature #6670]
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_lines, strio_bytes, strio_chars)
+ (strio_codepoints): Deprecate
+ StringIO#{lines,bytes,chars,codepoints}. [Feature #6670]
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (rb_gzreader_lines, rb_gzreader_bytes):
+ Deprecate Zlib::GzipReader#{lines,bytes}. [Feature #6670]
+Sat Dec 23 01:35:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb: Documentation for OptionParser to remove 'shadowed
+ outer local variable' from example and make obvious ARGV with
+ non-option arguments.
+ Patch by Marcus Stollsteimer [ruby-core:47460] [Bug #6997]
+Sat Dec 23 00:08:00 2012 Kenta Murata <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: add the prototype declaration of
+ rb_num_coerce_bit.
+ * numeric.c (rb_num_coerce_bit): the new coerce function for bitwise
+ binary operation.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_and): use coerce to convert the argument, which isn't
+ a Fixnum nor a Bignum, to the corresponding Integer object so that
+ bitwise operations can support Integer-mimic objects.
+ [Bug #1792] [ruby-core:39491]
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_or): ditto.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_xor): ditto.
+ * numeric.c (bit_coerce): ditto.
+ * numeric.c (fix_and): ditto.
+ * numeric.c (fix_or): ditto.
+ * numeric.c (fix_xor): ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_integer.rb: add tests for the above changes.
+ * test/ruby/test_bignum.rb: ditto.
+Sun Dec 23 00:04:54 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * internal.h (QUOTE, QUOTE_ID): quote unprintable chars in strings and
+ IDs. [Bug #7574] [ruby-dev:46749]
+ * string.c (rb_str_quote_unprintable): ditto.
+Sat Dec 22 23:59:18 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (rb_compile_error, rb_compile_warn, rb_compile_warning),
+ (rb_warn, rb_warning): support PRIsVALUE.
+Sat Dec 22 22:04:58 2012 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * cont.c (rb_fiber_start): unify conditions.
+Sat Dec 22 21:47:55 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_wait_writable): use rb_thread_check_ints() instead
+ of rb_thread_fd_writable().
+ * io.c (rb_io_wait_readable): ditto.
+Sat Dec 22 20:31:10 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (rb_mod_const_get): symbol cannot be nested constant name.
+Sat Dec 22 19:26:35 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (rb_mod_const_get): check more strictly. [ruby-dev:46748]
+ [Bug #7573]
+Wed Dec 19 02:34:48 2012 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * cont.c (rb_fiber_start): in case of jump with TAG_FATAL,
+ enqueue error into async_errinfo_queue, because you cannot call
+ TH_TAG_JUMP() in this function. [ruby-dev:45218] [Bug #5993]
+ * thread.c (rb_threadptr_execute_interrupts): now INT2FIX(TAG_FATAL)
+ can be popped from async_errinfo_queue.
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_make_jump_tag_but_local_jump): revert r38441.
+ rb_vm_make_jump_tag_but_local_jump() shouldn't return exception
+ in case of state == TAG_FATAL.
+ * test/ruby/test_fiber.rb (test_exit_in_fiber): fix a test to illuminate
+ Thread.exit should terminate current Thread.
+Sat Dec 22 13:15:08 2012 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * gc.c (obj_id_to_ref): add a macro to treat Bignum object id.
+ This follows the change r38493.
+ * gc.c (id2ref): fix for working fine with Bignum object id on x64
+ Windows.
+ * gc.c (wmap_finalize): ditto.
+Sat Dec 22 11:30:21 2012 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * struct.c (make_struct): remove junk ID check to allow members who
+ have junk name like "foo\000".
+ * test/ruby/test_struct.rb: Test for above.
+ [Bug #7575] [ruby-dev:46750]
+Sat Dec 22 05:34:54 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: Requests may be created with a URI which sets the
+ Host header. Responses contain the requested URI for easier redirect
+ following. [ruby-trunk - Feature #6482]
+ * lib/net/http/generic_request.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/net/http/response.rb: ditto.
+ * NEWS (net/http): Updated for above.
+ * test/net/http/test_http.rb: Tests for above.
+ * test/net/http/test_http.rb: ditto.
+ * test/net/http/test_httpresponse.rb: ditto.
+Sat Dec 22 02:35:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/irb/slex.rb(#match): Typo, should be D_DETAIL
+ [ruby-core:51071] [Bug#7600]
+Sat Dec 22 02:29:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/irb/input-method.rb, lib/irb.rb: Typo in
+ InputMethod#readable_atfer_eof? to #readable_after_eof?
+ [ruby-core:51069] [Bug #7599]
+Sat Dec 22 02:19:38 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * vm_dump.c (rb_vm_bugreport): revert r38533.
+ * addr2line.c (fill_lines): add ELF sanity check.
+ [Bug #7597] [ruby-dev:46786]
+Sat Dec 22 02:05:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/irb/inspector.rb, lib/irb/context.rb: Move IRB::INSPECTORS and
+ class methods to IRB::Inspector [ruby-core:51067][Bug #7598]
+Sat Dec 22 00:28:46 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_hash): shouldn't assume object_id can be long.
+ based on a patch by Heesob Park at [ruby-core:51060].
+ cf. [Backport #7454]
+Fri Dec 21 23:15:25 2012 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * ext/fiddle/lib/fiddle/struct.rb (Fiddle::CStructEntity#set_ctypes):
+ CPtr -> Pointer.
+ * test/fiddle/test_c_struct_entry.rb
+ (Fiddle::TestCStructEntity#test_aref_pointer):
+ Added the test for the above.
+Fri Dec 21 23:12:05 2012 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * ext/fiddle/lib/fiddle/struct.rb (Fiddle::CStructEntity#set_ctypes):
+ CPtr -> Pointer.
+ * test/fiddle/test_c_struct_entry.rb
+ (Fiddle::TestCStructEntity#test_aref_pointer_array):
+ Added the test for the above.
+Fri Dec 21 22:43:36 2012 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * ext/fiddle/lib/fiddle/import.rb (Fiddle::Importer#sizeof):
+ CPtr -> Pointer.
+ * test/fiddle/test_import.rb (Fiddle::TestImport#test_sizeof):
+ Added the test for the above.
+Fri Dec 21 22:34:17 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_iseq.rb: disable a test which checks features
+ removed at r38532.
+Fri Dec 21 22:02:00 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/{dir.h,win32.c} (rb_w32_readdir): removed old rb_w32_readdir()
+ and renamed from rb_w32_readdir_with_enc().
+ [ruby-core:24864] [Feature #1927]
+ * dir.c (READDIR): follow above change.
+Fri Dec 21 21:12:54 2012 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * vm_dump.c (rb_vm_bugreport): commentout addr2line call temporarily
+ in order to avoid segv. anyone can fix addr2line?
+ [Bug #7597] [ruby-dev:46786]
+Fri Dec 21 20:38:28 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c (Init_ISeq): remove definition of the following methods:
+ ISeq#line_trace_all and ISeq#line_trace_specify because they are
+ half baked.
+ C APIs are remained as experimental. These functions will be
+ renamed, removed their parameters may be changed.
+ You can use these methods by C exts. Please give us your comments.
+Fri Dec 21 20:21:04 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_trace.c (tracepoint_new): add code to support specified thread.
+ But not tested and this feature is not supported officially.
+Fri Dec 21 19:37:15 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ruby.c (process_options): need to acquire env from TOPLEVEL_BINDING
+ each time.
+ `bind->env' may update after `eval()'.
+ [Bug #7536]
+Fri Dec 21 18:46:50 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/debug.h, vm_core.h: define rb_trace_arg_t at
+ include/ruby/debug.h (move from vm_core.h).
+Fri Dec 21 17:48:15 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h, vm_trace.c: fix multi-threading bug for tracing.
+ Move `trace_arg' from rb_tp_t::trace_arg to rb_thread_t::trace_arg.
+ `trace_arg' may changed by multiple threads.
+ rb_thread_t::trace_arg can represent rb_thread_t::trace_running
+ (null or non-null) and rb_thread_t::trace_running is removed.
+ After that, `rb_tp_t' is not needed to check tracing or not
+ (A running thread knows tracing or not). This is why I remove
+ tp_attr_check_active() and make new function get_trace_arg().
+ And this modification disable to work the following code:
+ TracePoint.trace{|tp|
+{p tp.event} # access `tp' from other threads.
+ }
+ I believe nobody mix threads at trace procedure.
+ This is current limitation.
+ [Bug #7590]
+ * cont.c (fiber_switch, rb_cont_call): use rb_thread_t::trace_arg
+ instead of rb_thread_t::trace_running.
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: add a multi-threading test.
+Fri Dec 21 16:38:08 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * template/id.h.tmpl (ID2ATTRSET): compile time constant macro for
+ * defs/id.def (KeywordError): check duplication.
+ * defs/id.def: support for other scope IDs,
+Fri Dec 21 14:45:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/irb.rb, lib/irb/*: Documentation for IRB
+Fri Dec 21 11:31:02 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rake/*: Updated to rake 0.9.6
+ * doc/rake/*: ditto
+ * test/rake/*: ditto
+Fri Dec 21 08:56:34 2012 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * vm_trace.c (rb_suppress_tracing): remove unused variable 'vm_tracing'
+Fri Dec 21 01:01:45 2012 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * lib/irb/completion.rb (CompletionProc): support completion of
+ instance variables. [ruby-dev:46710] [Bug #7520]
+Thu Dec 20 20:58:25 2012 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * vm_trace.c (rb_suppress_tracing): bugfix for vm->trace_running
+ counter. And if tracing is already true, vm_trace_running ops is
+ skipped to control overflow.
+Thu Dec 20 18:29:54 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RTEST, NIL_P): make bare expressions without
+ outermost parentheses.
+Thu Dec 20 17:29:00 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * NEWS: fix the description for Refinements.
+Thu Dec 20 16:53:59 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_core.h (rb_vm_defineclass_type_t),
+ compile.c (iseq_compile_each), insns.def (defineclass): change the
+ meaning of the third operand of defineclass as follows:
+ lower 3bits: the type of the defineclass
+ 0 = class, 1 = singleton class, 2 = module
+ 4th bit: a flag represents whether the defineclass is scoped
+ 0 = not scoped (e.g., class Foo)
+ 1 = scoped (e.g., class Bar::Baz)
+ 5th bit: a flag represents whether the superclass is specified
+ 0 = not specified (e.g., class Foo)
+ 1 = specified (e.g., class Bar < Foo)
+ If the superclass is specified and is not a class, a TypeError
+ should be raised. [ruby-dev:46747] [Bug #7572]
+ * test/ruby/test_class.rb: related test.
+Thu Dec 20 16:52:37 2012 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * NEWS: announce AEAD encryption support in the OpenSSL extension.
+Thu Dec 20 16:40:13 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * gc.c (nonspecial_obj_id): VALUE is not compatible with Fixnum on
+ LLP64 platform, such as 64bit Windows.
+ reported by Heesob Park at [ruby-core:50255] [Bug #7454], and the
+ fix is suggested by akr.
+Thu Dec 20 16:39:04 2012 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_cipher.c: fix errors for installations that do not
+ feature Authenticated Encryption.
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: detect presence of EVP_CTRL_GCM_GET_TAG to
+ determine whether Authenticated Encryption can be used.
+ [Feature #6980] [ruby-core:47426]
+Thu Dec 20 15:55:46 2012 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c: do not use FIPS_mode_set if not available.
+ * test/openssl/utils.rb: revise comment about setting FIPS mode to
+ false.
+ * test/openssl/test_fips.rb: remove tests that cause errors on
+ ruby-ci.
+ [Feature #6946] [ruby-core:47345]
+Thu Dec 20 15:22:59 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb: Ignore methods defined on constants to
+ prevent modules with the names of constants from appearing in the
+ documentation.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_parser_ruby.rb: Test for the above.
+Thu Dec 20 15:00:33 2012 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_cipher.c: add support for Authenticated Encryption
+ with Associated Data (AEAD) for OpenSSL versions that support the
+ GCM encryption mode. It's the only mode supported for now by OpenSSL
+ itself. Add Cipher#authenticated? to detect whether a chosen mode
+ does support Authenticated Encryption.
+ * test/openssl/test_cipher.rb: add tests for Authenticated Encryption.
+ [Feature #6980] [ruby-core:47426] Thank you, Stephen Touset for
+ providing a patch!
+Thu Dec 20 12:56:53 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/markup/to_html.rb (class RDoc): Added current heading and
+ top links to headings.
+ * lib/rdoc/generator/template/darkfish/rdoc.css: ditto
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_generator_markup.rb: Test for above
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_markup_to_html.rb: ditto
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_comment.rb: Removed trailing whitespace.
+Thu Dec 20 11:05:26 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (assert_valid_syntax): move from
+ test_syntax.rb.
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (assert_normal_exit): validate syntax before
+ running because this assertion passes even if the code fails by
+ SyntaxError.
+Thu Dec 20 10:29:58 2012 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * test/openssl/test_pkey_dh.rb: revert special treatment of
+ FIPS-capable installations since FIPS mode is now disabled for the
+ tests.
+Thu Dec 20 10:23:12 2012 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c: add OpenSSL.fips_mode= to allow enabling FIPS
+ mode manually.
+ * test/openssl/utils.rb: turn off FIPS mode for tests. This prevents
+ OpenSSL installations with FIPS mode enabled by default from raising
+ FIPS-related errors during the tests.
+ * test/openssl/test_fips.rb: add tests for FIPS-capable OpenSSL
+ installations.
+ [Feature #6946] [ruby-core:47345]
+Thu Dec 20 06:59:52 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c: support variable VM/Machine stack sizes.
+ Specified by the following environment variables:
+ - RUBY_THREAD_VM_STACK_SIZE: vm stack size used at thread creation.
+ default: 128KB (32bit CPU) or 256KB (64bit CPU).
+ - RUBY_THREAD_MACHINE_STACK_SIZE: machine stack size used at thread
+ creation. default: 512KB or 1024KB.
+ - RUBY_FIBER_VM_STACK_SIZE: vm stack size used at fiber creation.
+ default: 64KB or 128KB.
+ - RUBY_FIBER_MACHINE_STACK_SIZE: machine stack size used at fiber
+ creation. default: 256KB or 256KB.
+ This values are specified at launched timing. You can not change
+ these values at running time.
+ Environ variables are only *hints* because:
+ - They are aligned to 4KB.
+ - They have minimum values (depend on OSs).
+ - Machine stack settings are ignored by some OSs.
+ Default values especially fiber stack sizes are increased.
+ This change affect Fiber's behavior:
+ (1) You can run more complex program on a Fiber.
+ (2) You can not make many (thousands) Fibers because of
+ lack of address space (on 32bit CPU).
+ If (2) bothers you,
+ (a) Use 64bit CPU with big memory, or
+ (b) Specify RUBY_FIBER_(VM|MACHINE)_STACK_SIZE correctly.
+ You need to choose correct stack size carefully. These values
+ are completely rely on systems (OS/compiler and so on).
+ [Feature #4614], [Bug #7212]
+ * vm_core.h (rb_vm_t::default_params): add to record above settings.
+ * vm.c (RubyVM::DEFAULT_PARAMS): add new constant to see
+ above setting.
+ * thread_pthread.c: support RUBY_THREAD_MACHINE_STACK_SIZE.
+ * cont.c: support RUBY_FIBER_(VM|MACHINE)_STACK_SIZE.
+ * test/ruby/test_fiber.rb: add tests for above.
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb: ditto.
+Thu Dec 20 06:25:44 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_fiber.rb: remove a strange single quote character.
+ With this character, this script exits by SyntaxError.
+Thu Dec 20 01:03:00 2012 Zachary Scott <zachary@zacharyscott>
+ * ext/.document: Add missing ext modules to .document
+ Patch by Ryunosuke SATO [Fixes Github #224]
+Wed Dec 19 23:52:16 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ruby.c (load_file_internal): use original C string as the filename
+ for parser.
+ reported by whiteleaf at [ruby-list:49085] [ruby-dev:46738]
+ [Bug #7562]
+Wed Dec 19 23:36:12 2012 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * marshal.c (marshal_dump, marshal_load): fix SEGV during make rdoc
+ and test failure in TestMarshal#test_gc and test_context_switch
+ on SPARC Solaris 10 compiled with Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3.
+ [Bug #7591] [ruby-dev:46772]
+Wed Dec 19 19:34:03 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (rb_mod_const_get): nul byte is invalid as constant name.
+Wed Dec 19 17:54:18 2012 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * vm_trace.c (rb_threadptr_exec_event_hooks): get rid of race
+ condition. [Bug #7589] [ruby-dev:46763]
+Wed Dec 19 16:30:28 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/syntax/literals.rdoc: Added 0d decimal format. Thanks Nobu!
+Wed Dec 19 16:19:36 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/syntax/methods.rdoc: Fixed typo. Thanks to Josh Susser.
+Wed Dec 19 16:18:22 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/commands/query_command.rb: Refactored to improve
+ maintainability.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_commands_query_command.rb: Note default gems
+ in gem list details.
+ * lib/rubygems/uninstaller.rb: Detect all gems for uninstallation.
+ This allows duplicate installs of default gems to be removed.
+ * lib/rubygems/specification.rb: Allow use of ::each_spec.
+ * lib/rubygems/test_case.rb: Added install_default_gems.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_commands_uninstall_command.rb: Moved test
+ down to the uninstaller tests.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_uninstaller.rb: Test for uninstallation of
+ default gems and duplicate default gems.
+Wed Dec 19 15:23:50 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/syntax/methods.rdoc: Add () around keyword arguments example for
+ consistency. Thanks to Josh Susser.
+Wed Dec 19 01:51:24 2012 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_jump_tag_but_local_jump): remove unnecessary 2nd
+ argument.
+ * load.c (rb_load_internal): ditto.
+ * eval_intern.h (rb_vm_jump_tag_but_local_jump): ditto.
+Tue Dec 18 18:57:58 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_wait_writable): don't use rb_thread_wait_fd()
+ because it is for waiting until io readable.
+ * io.c (rb_io_wait_writable): always use rb_thread_fd_writable()
+ instead of bare rb_wait_for_single_fd(). we shouldn't ignore
+ return value.
+ * io.c (rb_io_wait_readable): ditto. always use rb_thread_wait_fd().
+Tue Dec 18 18:55:33 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_wait_fd_rw): fix infinite loop bug.
+ rb_wait_for_single_fd() never return positive number.
+Tue Dec 18 17:24:40 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/encoding.rb: Do not remove #! line from document when
+ setting encoding. This allows ruby executables to be parsed as ruby
+ files.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_encoding.rb: Test for above.
+ * lib/rdoc/parser.rb: Set the parser file name of ruby executables
+ correctly.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_parser.rb: Test for above.
+Tue Dec 18 16:46:15 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/syntax/literals.rdoc: Used simplified heredoc example that
+ doesn't include method definition. Added heredoc with backticks.
+Tue Dec 18 16:38:51 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/store.rb: Work around RDoc stores from older versions of
+ RDoc.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_store.rb: Test for above.
+Tue Dec 18 16:31:20 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/ruby_lex.rb: Return a TkHEREDOC instead of a TkSTRING when
+ the heredoc identifier is followed by a line-end. This allows proper
+ display of some HEREDOCs in source view.
+ * lib/rdoc/ruby_token.rb: Added TkHEREDOC
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_ruby_lex.rb: Test for above.
+Tue Dec 18 09:45:14 2012 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_make_jump_tag_but_local_jump): take care of the case
+ TAG_JUMP() with TAG_FATAL (ex. rb_fatal()). [ruby-core:50917]
+ [Bug #7570]
+ * test/ruby/test_fiber.rb (test_fatal_in_fiber): add a test for above.
+ * ext/-test-/fatal/extconf.rb, ext/-test-/fatal/rb_fatal.c: ditto.
+Tue Dec 18 13:17:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * vm_trace.c (tracepoint_attr_defined_class): Clean up rdoc for
+ TracePoint#defined_class
+Tue Dec 18 12:15:59 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/specification.rb: Fixed ruby output of requirements
+ with multiple version specifiers.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_ext_cmake_builder.rb: Only look for specific
+ lines in cmake output. Should fix [ruby-trunk - Bug #7579]
+Tue Dec 18 11:45:26 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/syntax/literals.rdoc: Added 0o octal integers.
+Tue Dec 18 12:28:52 2012 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb: Use :TLSv1_2_client explicitly in
+ test_tls_v1_2 to prevent upstream bug.
+ [Bug #7197] [ruby-dev:46240]
+Tue Dec 18 11:52:34 2012 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/ssl.rb: Enable insertion of empty fragments as a
+ countermeasure for the BEAST attack by default. The default options
+ of OpenSSL::SSL:SSLContext are now:
+ [Bug #5353] [ruby-core:39673]
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb: Adapt tests to new SSLContext default.
+ * NEWS: Announce the new default.
+Tue Dec 18 06:36:12 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * method.h: remove `VM_METHOD_TYPE_CFUNC_FRAMELESS' method type.
+ This method type is for optimized CFUNC such as Fixnum#+ and so on.
+ This feature is half-baked and no way to use them.
+ [Background]
+ Now, VM has opt_plus instructions to optimize `+' methods for
+ some Classes (such as Fixnum, Float (flonum)). We call this
+ type of instructions as `specialized instructions'.
+ This simple technique improve simple program dramatically.
+ However, we can make specialized instructions for only several
+ types (classes) and selectors (method names) because a large
+ instruction will be slow. In other words, this technique has no
+ extensibility.
+ To overcome this problem, VM_METHOD_TYPE_CFUNC_FRAMELESS was
+ introduced (r37198). This type is a variant of CFUNC, but called
+ their functions directly without building a method frame.
+ Any CFUNC method can be defined as frameless methods if a method
+ is not needed to make method frame. Frameless methods are faster
+ as specialized instructions (a bit slower, but no need to care).
+ No problem described at
+ because this technique doesn't see class, but see method body
+ itself. Alias is also no problem.
+ [Problem]
+ However, we can't set frameless method type for polymorphic methods
+ such as Array#[]. Necessity for method frame depends on which
+ parameter type. For example, Fixnum#+ needs method frame if
+ coerce is needed. Current VM_METHOD_TYPE_CFUNC_FRAMELESS is not
+ flexible and need more tuning to introduce it.
+ Expected behavior of frameless method type may be:
+ result = optimized_cfunc(params); /* call optimized cfunc */
+ if (result == Qundef) { result = normal_cfunc(); }
+ This is why I say this feature is half-baked.
+ We need to learn primitive method in Smalltalk more.
+ (I heard this name at RubyConf Taiwan this month. Thanks!)
+ [Conclusion]
+ I remove this feature and consider again.
+ This feature goes to next minor (2.1?).
+ Nobody may use this feature and there is no compatibility issue.
+ * proc.c (rb_method_entry_arity): ditto.
+ * vm_eval.c, vm_insnhelper.c, vm_method.c: ditto.
+Tue Dec 18 04:58:22 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_trace.c (fill_id_and_klass): TracePoint#defined_class returns
+ singleton class. `set_trace_func' passed attached class (which is
+ attached/modified by singleton class) by 6th block parameter if it
+ is singleton class. Previous behavior follows this spec.
+ However, this method named `defined_class' should return singleton
+ class directly because singleton methods are defined in singleton
+ class. There are no compatible issue because TracePoint is introduced
+ after 2.0.
+ But compatibility with `set_trace_func' is broken. This means that
+ you can not replace all `set_trace_func' code with TracePoint
+ without consideration of this behavior.
+ [Bug #7554]
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: change a test to catch up
+ an above change.
+Tue Dec 18 03:03:10 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb: speed up node mapping so
+ common cases are evaluated first. Thanks Kevin Menard!
+Tue Dec 18 02:35:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb: Remove 'developer documentation' section from rdoc
+ Patch by Marcus Stollsteimer [ruby-core:50526][Bug #7504]
+Tue Dec 18 02:35:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb (#lup): typo in example [ruby-core:50946][Bug #7582]
+Mon Dec 17 18:03:34 2012 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * class.c (rewrite_cref_stack, clone_method): rewrite a method's cref
+ stack when cloning into a new class to allow lexical const lookup to
+ work as expected [ruby-core:47834] [Bug #7107]
+ * test/ruby/test_class.rb (class TestClass): related test
+Mon Dec 17 13:56:55 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (io_flush_buffer_sync2): avoid to return 0. because
+ rb_thread_call_without_gvl2 uses 0 internally.
+ * io.c (io_flush_buffer_async2): adapt the above.
+Mon Dec 17 12:05:32 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/syntax/methods.rdoc: Added a description of singleton methods.
+Mon Dec 17 11:35:57 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/.document: Added doc/syntax
+Mon Dec 17 11:25:32 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/syntax.rdoc: Added syntax guide table of contents
+ * doc/syntax/exceptions.rdoc: Syntax guide for exceptions
+ * doc/syntax/literals.rdoc: Syntax guide for literals
+ * doc/syntax/methods.rdoc: Syntax guide for methods
+Mon Dec 17 07:59:40 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems.rb: Updated VERSION
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_installer.rb: Fixed ambiguous first argument
+ warning.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_rdoc.rb: RDoc generation depends on installed
+ version of RDoc.
+Sun Dec 16 02:04:41 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * signal.c (rb_sigaltstack_size): cast sysconf() return value
+ explicitly. Fix compile error on Mac OS X.
+Sun Dec 16 00:39:43 2012 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * cont.c (rb_fiber_start): don't enqueue Qnil to async_errinfo_queue.
+ rb_vm_make_jump_tag_but_local_jump() could return Qnil (ex. when
+ finished by Thread.exit). [ruby-dev:45218] [Bug #5993]
+ * test/ruby/test_fiber.rb (test_exit_in_fiber): add test for it.
+Sat Dec 15 23:56:51 2012 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * ext/fiddle/pointer.c (rb_fiddle_ptr2cptr): fix error message
+ forgotten to be changed from DL to Fiddle.
+Sat Dec 15 23:14:32 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * signal.c (default_handler): remove rb_register_sigaltstack()
+ call. sigaltstack was already registered when creating threads.
+Sat Dec 15 23:08:56 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * signal.c (rb_sigaltstack_size): new. calculate stack size for
+ sigsegv handler. enlarge value when x86 or x86_64 on Linux.
+ Linux has very small MINSIGSTKSZ size (2048 bytes) and
+ our sigsegv routine need 5KiB at least. [Bug #7141]
+ * internal.h: add declaration of rb_sigaltstack_size().
+ * vm_core.h: remove ALT_STACK_SIZE definition.
+ * signal.c (rb_register_sigaltstack): replace ALT_STACK_SIZE with
+ rb_sigaltstack_size();
+ * gc.c (Init_heap): ditto.
+ * vm.c (th_init): ditto.
+Sat Dec 15 18:24:21 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * rational.c (f_round_common): should check overflow.
+Sat Dec 15 18:00:00 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * rational.c (float_rationalize): reduced.
+Sat Dec 15 14:18:44 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (finish_writeconv): uses rb_write_internal2 if
+ fptr->write_lock have.
+Sat Dec 15 13:57:08 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_mutex_owned_p): remove static.
+ * io.c (io_flush_buffer): don't hold mutex if already have.
+ Now recursive lock may occur when following scenario.
+ fptr_finalize -> finish_writeconv_sync -> finish_writeconv
+ -> io_fflush.
+Sat Dec 15 13:38:30 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (io_flush_buffer): uses io_flush_buffer_async2 instead of
+ io_flush_buffer_async.
+ * io.c (io_flush_buffer_async2): new helper function for
+ io_flush_buffer. It uses rb_thread_call_without_gvl2() instead
+ of rb_thread_io_blocking_region.
+ * io.c (io_flush_buffer_sync2): new helper function for
+ io_flush_buffer_async2.
+Sat Dec 15 13:04:26 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (internal_write_func2): new helper function for rb_write_internal2().
+ * io.c (rb_write_internal2): new function. it uses
+ rb_thread_call_without_gvl2() instead of rb_thread_io_blocking_region().
+ * io.c (rb_binwrite_string): uses rb_write_internal2 instead of
+ rb_write_internal. [Bug #7134]
+Sat Dec 15 12:55:29 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_wait_writable): add to call rb_thread_wait_fd()
+ likes rb_io_wait_readable.
+Sat Dec 15 11:54:50 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_wait_writable): don't call rb_thread_fd_writable()
+ when EINTR. EINTR mean signal interrupt was happen. We don't
+ need any wait.
+Sat Dec 15 11:53:36 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_wait_fd_rw): remove silly rb_thread_alone()
+ check.
+Sat Dec 15 10:22:38 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_polling): revert but deprecate.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_thread_polling): deprecate.
+Sat Dec 15 08:37:01 2012 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_ext_cmake_builder.rb (test_self_build):
+ get rid of false positive.
+Sat Dec 15 08:05:56 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb (test_uninitialized, test_backtrace,
+ test_thread_timer_and_interrupt, test_thread_join_in_trap,
+ test_thread_join_current, test_thread_join_main_thread,
+ test_main_thread_status_at_exit, test_thread_status_in_trap,
+ test_thread_status_raise_after_kill, test_mutex_owned,
+ test_mutex_owned2): move these tests from TestThreadGroup class
+ to TestThread because they are not thread group tests.
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb (test_thread_status_raise_after_kill):
+ add t.join.
+ * test/ruby/test_threadgroup.rb: new file. moved ThreadGroup test
+ from test_thread.rb.
+Sat Dec 15 08:02:11 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb (TestThread::Thread::new.): remove
+ th.abort_on_exception change. Test template shouldn't change
+ global flag. It prevent to test a normal case.
+Sat Dec 15 06:15:14 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * (HAVE_GCC_ATOMIC_BUILTINS): Set -march=i486 to enable
+ __sync_val_compare_and_swap. Patch by KOSAKI Motohiro.
+ [ruby-trunk - Bug #7485]
+Sat Dec 15 03:42:34 2012 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * ext/.document: add fiddle/pointer.c, fiddle/handle.c, and
+ fiddle/win32/lib as documentation.
+Sat Dec 15 03:06:40 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_flock): use rb_thread_wait_for() instead of
+ rb_thread_polling(). When getting EAGAIN, we need to wait a
+ while even if no multi threading.
+ * thread.c (sleep_for_polling, rb_thread_polling) removed.
+Sat Dec 15 00:03:31 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * signal.c (rb_f_kill): remove rb_thread_polling() because this
+ has no good effect and makes meaningless 100ms delay. 1)
+ when sending signal to another process, waiting has just silly.
+ 2) when sending signal to current process, 100ms is often not
+ enough time to wait. It depend on kernel behavior. And,
+ rb_thread_polling() doesn't make sense anyway. When rb_thread_alone()
+ is true, it doesn't wait at all and Process.kill() users don't
+ expect threading changes Process.kill() behavior. [Bug #7560]
+Fri Dec 14 17:10:57 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_params): parser_tokline to track the line number at
+ which token started. [ruby-dev:46737] [Bug #7559]
+ * parse.y (fcall): operation with starting line number.
+ * parse.y (command, primary, method_call): point method name line.
+ * parse.y (gettable_gen): return token line for __LINE__.
+Fri Dec 14 16:56:59 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_super_method): remove volatile introduced
+ in r38365.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method): use __forceinline to prevent
+ VC++ to make vm_call_general and vm_call_super_method as the same
+ method. Thanks, Heesob Park. [Bug #7556] [ruby-core:50867]
+Fri Dec 14 14:59:14 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (Test::Unit::Assertions#assert_separately):
+ take file and line by using caller_locations if not given.
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (Test::Unit::Assertions#assert_separately):
+ count assertions in separated tests.
+Fri Dec 14 14:16:42 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/rubygems_hook.rb: Fixed generation of documentation.
+ Disabled rdoc generation by default to match RubyGems defaults.
+ Reduced diff with RubyGems::RDoc.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_rubygems_hook.rb: Tests for the above.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_rdoc.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rdoc/store.rb: Removed useless variable assignment
+Fri Dec 14 13:58:40 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/commands/rdoc_command.rb: When overwriting
+ documentation, remove existing documentation first.
+ * lib/rubygems/server.rb: Fixed documentation links.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_server.rb: Test for the above.
+ * lib/rubygems/rdoc.rb: Reduced diff with RDoc::RubyGemsHook
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_rdoc.rb: ditto
+Fri Dec 14 04:08:05 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (Test::Unit::Assertions#assert_separately):
+ added to execute given test source on separate process,
+ catch its resulted exception and raise it on main process.
+Fri Dec 14 07:43:44 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: quote strings that begin
+ with non-word characters. Thanks Alex Tambellini!
+ * test/psych/test_yaml.rb: appropriate test case
+Thu Dec 13 23:14:17 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_super_method): a workaround for the
+ failure of TestRefinement#test_refine_recursion in Windows.
+ See [ruby-core:50871] for details.
+Thu Dec 13 23:10:52 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * object.c (Init_Object): use rb_mod_init_copy for Class#initialize_copy
+ * class.c (rb_class_init_copy): rename to class_init_copy_check, performs type
+ checks on arguments to prevent reinitialization of initialized class
+ [ruby-core:50869] [Bug #7557]
+ * class.c (rb_mod_init_copy): use class_init_copy_check if receiver is T_CLASS
+ * test/ruby/test_class.rb (class TestClass): related test
+Thu Dec 13 16:53:10 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/class_module.rb: Fixed duplicate comments for classes and
+ modules from C.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_class_module.rb: Test for the above.
+ * lib/rdoc/parser/c.rb: Reload C variable names to allow proper
+ updates of an ri store for C files.
+ * lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rdoc/store.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_parser_c.rb: Test for the above.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_store.rb: ditto.
+Thu Dec 13 14:20:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/irb*: merge doc from doc/irb/ird.rd and improve overall
+ documentation of IRB
+ * doc/irb/irb.rd: remove stale documentation
+Thu Dec 13 14:10:00 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * marshal.c (r_entry0): don't taint classes and modules because
+ Marshal.load just returns the dumped classes and modules.
+ [Bug #7325] [ruby-core:49198]
+ * test/ruby/test_marshal.rb: related test.
+Thu Dec 13 14:10:13 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_require.rb (TestRequire#test_loaded_features_encoding):
+ need to check compatibility, not equality of encodings.
+Thu Dec 13 14:02:15 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_join): check encoding compatibility before joining
+ strings.
+Thu Dec 13 13:06:27 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (umethod_bind): allow another form of method transplanting
+ from a module via UnboundMethod. [ruby-core:34267][Feature #4254]
+Thu Dec 13 12:07:25 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RB_UNUSED_VAR): new macro to suppress
+ warnings for unused variables.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (ENTER): use RB_UNUSED_VAR() to
+ suppress annoying warnings by -Wunused-but-set-variable in gcc 4.6.
+Thu Dec 13 11:22:33 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * method.h: remove "VM_METHOD_TYPE__MAX" from rb_method_type_t.
+ rb_method_type_t is not a number and "_MAX" causes misunderstanding.
+ * proc.c (rb_method_entry_arity): ditto.
+ * vm_eval.c (vm_call0_body): ditto.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method): ditto.
+Wed Dec 12 21:40:45 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/tmpdir.rb (Dir::Tmpname#create): deal with a prefix name which
+ starts with tilde as a plain name, not expanding as home directory.
+ [ruby-core:50793] [Bug #7547]
+Wed Dec 12 19:48:59 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/json: merge JSON 1.7.5.
+ fix tests and other fixes.
+Wed Dec 12 18:30:29 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * class.c (rb_prepend_module): move refined methods from the origin
+ of a class to the class, because refinements should have priority
+ over prepended modules.
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb: related test.
+Wed Dec 12 18:27:09 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * time.c (zone_str): lookup or insert by using st_update() at once.
+Wed Dec 12 15:30:11 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * add -fno-omit-frame-pointer if libexecinfo is used.
+ At least on FreeBSD ruby will crash on getting C backtrace
+ when it is compiled with other than -O0.
+ * vm_dump.c: enable backtrace on FreeBSD even if with optimizations.
+Wed Dec 12 16:08:04 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_rdoc.rb (TestRDocRDoc#test_normalized_file_list_non_file_directory):
+ use File::NULL for portability if possible.
+Wed Dec 12 16:07:23 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * method.h (rb_method_flag_t): name a magic number for NOEX_SAFE and
+ * method.h (rb_method_type_t, method_optimized_type): C89 forbids a
+ comma after the last element in enum.
+ * proc.c (rb_method_entry_arity), vm_eval.c (vm_call0_body),
+ vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method): add VM_METHOD_TYPE__MAX case.
+Wed Dec 12 14:16:35 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/class_module.rb: Added RDoc::ClassModule#documented? which
+ checks comment_location. Hide RDoc::ClassModule#comment=.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_class_module.rb: Test for above.
+ * lib/rdoc/generator/template/darkfish/_sidebar_table_of_contents.rhtml:
+ Fix display of the table of contents in the sidebar.
+ * lib/rdoc/generator/template/darkfish/table_of_contents.rhtml:
+ Use #comment_location when displaying classes or modules.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_store.rb: Use comment_location.
+Wed Dec 12 13:40:52 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_getivar): no uninitialized instance variables
+ warnings for non-object if attr method.
+Wed Dec 12 06:43:37 2012 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_parameters): fix limit for optional arguments.
+ * test/ruby/test_keyword.rb: tests for above.
+ * vm_core.h (struct rb_iseq_struct): update documentation
+ with keyword arguments. [Bug #7540] [ruby-core:50735]
+Wed Dec 12 03:45:41 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm.c (vm_exec): pass exceptions while handling an exception.
+ * vm_trace.c (rb_threadptr_exec_event_hooks): propagate exceptions.
+ revert r38293 partially.
+Wed Dec 12 03:09:05 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sample/test.rb (Progress#initialize): add --verbose option and show
+ messages in one line unless --verbose is given.
+Wed Dec 12 01:47:02 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * eval.c (rb_using_refinement): make the method table of an iclass
+ for a refinement that of the refinement, not that of the origin of
+ the refinement, which is set by rb_include_class_new(). This
+ change is needed to make module prepend into a refinement work
+ properly.
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb: related test.
+Wed Dec 12 01:05:04 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/make-snapshot: add --disable-rubygem to both MINIRUBY and RUBY.
+ On making miniprelude.c, it seems use MINIRUBY. this fixes #7541
+ but rubygems also needs to be fixed for older rubies.
+Wed Dec 12 00:32:11 2012 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * test/dl/test_func.rb (test_name_with_block, test_bind, test_qsort1):
+ call unbind to release the callback closure because maximum number
+ of callbacks is limited to DL::MAX_CALLBACK (== 5) with pure DL
+ without Fiddle.
+Wed Dec 12 00:13:34 2012 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/func.rb (DL::Function#unbind, #bound?): suppress
+ NoMethodError when Fiddle is available. [ruby-core:50756] [Bug #7543]
+ * test/dl/test_func.rb (test_bound*, test_unbind*): tests for the above.
+Tue Dec 11 19:38:37 2012 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * ext/fiddle/function.c ( new keyword argument
+ :name to set the name attribute.
+ * ext/fiddle/lib/fiddle/import.rb (import_function, bind_function):
+ set function name by using the :name keyword argument.
+ Re-fixes r38243. [ruby-core:50566]
+ * test/fiddle/test_function.rb (test_name): test for the :name keyword
+ argument and Fiddle::Function#name.
+Tue Dec 11 16:57:33 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * Added --pages-dir to rdoc creation. Now doc/ items show
+ up at top-level.
+ * .document: Moved doc/* entries to doc/.document
+ * doc/.document: ditto
+Tue Dec 11 16:44:37 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/options.rb: Added --page-dir option for moving pages in
+ doc/ to the top-level.
+ * lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_options.rb: Test for the above.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_rdoc.rb: ditto.
+Tue Dec 11 15:24:05 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/pathname/lib/pathname.rb: Hide private methods from RDoc.
+Tue Dec 11 15:11:29 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/make-snapshot (BASERUBY): add --disable-gem to avoid load gems.
+ [Bug #7541] [ruby-core:50736]
+Tue Dec 11 12:00:19 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/dl/win32/extconf.rb: Fix typo
+ by Santiago Pastorino <>
+ fix GH-221
+Tue Dec 11 01:53:37 2012 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix: alias {row|column}_size to {row|column}_count and use
+ the latter.
+ [Bug #7369] [ruby-core:49409]
+Tue Dec 11 00:26:58 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * fix the behavior when a module is included into a refinement.
+ This change is a little tricky, so it might be better to prohibit
+ module inclusion to refinements.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RMODULE_INCLUDED_INTO_REFINEMENT): new flag
+ to represent that a module (iclass) is included into a refinement.
+ * class.c (include_modules_at): set RMODULE_INCLUDED_INTO_REFINEMENT
+ if klass is a refinement.
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_refine): set the superclass of a refinement to the
+ refined class for super.
+ * eval.c (rb_using_refinement): skip the above superclass (the
+ refined class) when creating iclasses for refinements. Otherwise,
+ `using Refinement1; using Refinement2' creates iclasses:
+ <Refinement2> -> <RefinedClass> -> <Refinement1> -> RefinedClass,
+ where <Module> is an iclass for Module, so RefinedClass is
+ searched before Refinement1. The correct iclasses should be
+ <Refinement2> -> <Refinement1> -> RefinedClass.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_search_normal_superclass): if klass is an
+ iclass for a refinement, use the refinement's superclass instead
+ of the iclass's superclass. Otherwise, multiple refinements are
+ searched by super. For example, if a refinement Refinement2
+ includes a module M (i.e., Refinement2 -> <M> -> RefinedClass,
+ and if refinements iclasses are <Refinement2> -> <M>' ->
+ <Refinement1> -> RefinedClass, then super in <Refinement2> should
+ use Refinement2's superclass <M> instead of <Refinement2>'s
+ superclass <M>'.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_search_super_method): do not raise a
+ NotImplementError if current_defined_class is a module included
+ into a refinement. Because of the change of
+ vm_search_normal_superclass(), the receiver might not be an
+ instance of the module('s iclass).
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb: related test.
+Mon Dec 10 18:35:25 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_entry_without_refinements): use
+ rb_resolve_refined_method() to search superclasses if
+ me->def->orig_me is 0. This change fixes make test-all
+ TESTS="json ruby/test_refinement.rb".
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb: related test.
+Mon Dec 10 17:59:07 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/fiddle/win32/*: library ports from DL to Fiddle.
+ * ext/dl/win32/extconf.rb: check fiddle. often case dl compiled prior
+ to fiddle, so this change is no meaning. in most cases, simply
+ fiddle/win32 overwrite dl/win32.
+Mon Dec 10 15:23:35 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_trace.c (rb_threadptr_exec_event_hooks): exceptions in event
+ hooks should not propagate outside.
+Mon Dec 10 15:11:06 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): count flip-flop state in local iseq
+ not in each iseqs, so that the keys can be other than hidden
+ strings. [ruby-core:47253] [Bug #6899]
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (lep_svar_get, lep_svar_set, vm_getspecial): store
+ flip-flop states in an array instead of a hash.
+ * iseq.c (set_relation): main iseq also can has local scope.
+Mon Dec 10 10:36:12 2012 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * lib/irb/magic-file.rb: set a encoding, which is detected from
+ the file to read, to the internal encoding.
+ [Bug #4281][ruby-dev:43036]
+Mon Dec 10 09:40:19 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/ext/cmake_builder.rb: Added a builder for cmake.
+ * lib/rubygems/ext.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rubygems/installer.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_ext_cmake_builder.rb: Test for above.
+Mon Dec 10 09:13:08 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/package.rb: Omit directories when packaging gems like
+ RubyGems 1.8.x
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_package.rb: Test for above.
+Sun Dec 9 17:36:59 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_opt_send): Kernel#send should not use
+ refinements.
+ * proc.c (mnew): Kernel#method, Kernel#public_method,
+ Module#instance_method, and Module#public_instance_method should
+ not use refinements.
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_boundp): Kernel#respond_to? should not use
+ refinements.
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb: related test.
+Sun Dec 9 06:19:04 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/markdown/entities.rb: Added documentation.
+ * lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb: Updated style
+ * lib/rdoc/ruby_lex.rb: Parse characters up to \u{FFFFF}
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_ruby_lex.rb: Test for above.
+Sat Dec 8 22:38:35 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_refine): don't override Module#include. It's
+ unnecessary now because refinements are activated only in refine
+ blocks.
+Sat Dec 8 22:33:26 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * eval.c: remove Module#refinements.
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb: remove tests for Module#refinements.
+Sat Dec 8 13:17:55 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * eval.c (top_using): raise a RuntimeError if using is called in a
+ module definition or a method definition.
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb: related test.
+Sat Dec 8 15:01:35 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/commands/cleanup_command.rb: Skip default gems when
+ cleaning up.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_commands_cleanup_command.rb: Test for above.
+ * lib/rubygems/commands/query_command.rb: Fixed listing remote gems.
+ * lib/rubygems/dependency_installer.rb: Ignore non-files when looking
+ for local gems.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_dependency_installer.rb: Test for above.
+ * lib/rubygems/uninstaller.rb: The user must confirm uninstalling gems
+ that have dependencies.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_uninstaller.rb: Test for above.
+ * lib/rubygems.rb (module Gem): Updated version.
+ * test/rubygems/*.pem: Updated to run in FIPS mode.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_security.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_security_signer.rb: ditto.
+Sat Dec 8 12:34:01 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_search_normal_superclass): super in a
+ refinement always uses the refined class as its superclass.
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb: related test.
+Sat Dec 8 11:59:59 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_refine): raise an ArgumentError if a given
+ block is of a Proc object.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method): store refined methods in inline
+ cache to improve performance. It's safe now because blocks cannot
+ be yielded with different refinements in the new specification.
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb: related test.
+Sat Dec 8 11:17:53 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_refine), vm_eval.c (rb_yield_refine_block):
+ Module#refine activates all refinements defined in that module
+ only in a given block.
+ * string.c (sym_to_proc, sym_call): don't use refinements.
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb: related test.
+Sat Dec 8 09:24:42 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509name.c: Completed documentation for
+ OpenSSL::X509::Name.
+Sat Dec 8 07:57:12 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c (iow_size): return size of internal object
+ for ObjectSpace.memsize_of().
+ * test/objspace/test_objspace.rb: add a test.
+Tue Dec 08 02:39:23 2012 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * lib/csv.rb: A fix for row comparison by Stephen Wattam. [Bug #7528]
+Sat Dec 8 01:27:23 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Runner#_run_parallel): no need to
+ check all reports.
+Sat Dec 8 00:10:34 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_eval.c (yield_under, eval_under): do not activate refinements
+ of the receiver in module_eval and instance_eval.
+ * eval.c (ruby_Init_refinement): undef Class#refine.
+ * eval.c (ruby_Init_refinement): remove Module#using.
+ * eval.c (ruby_Init_refinement): main.using should be private.
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_refine): the argument of Module#refine should not
+ be a module.
+ * insns.def (defineclass): do not activate refinements in a class or
+ module.
+Fri Dec 7 23:42:11 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * ext/refinement/refinement.c: include ruby/ruby.h instead of the
+ declaration of rb_warn().
+Fri Dec 7 16:07:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * doc/etc.rd: Removed stale documentation file
+ * ext/etc/etc.c: Merged documentation from doc/etc.rd and updated
+ rdoc, added documentation for Etc::Passwd and Etc::Group
+Fri Dec 7 16:00:57 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Runner#_run_parallel): no need to
+ retry skipped test. this fix makes 40% faster the whole test-all
+ with -j5 on Windows.
+Fri Dec 7 14:22:29 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/markup/to_joined_paragraph.rb: Completed documentation
+ * lib/rdoc/parser/c.rb: ditto
+ * lib/rdoc/parser/changelog.rb: ditto
+ * lib/rdoc/servlet.rb: ditto
+ * lib/rdoc/store.rb: ditto
+ * lib/rdoc/store.rb: Improved HTML error page. Completed
+ documentation
+ * lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb: Fixed bug attaching a comment to A::B = 42
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_parser_ruby.rb: Test for above
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_comment.rb: Removed garbage
+Fri Dec 7 14:03:59 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/timeout.rb (Timeout#timeout): since async_interrupt_timing
+ re-raises a deferred exception, replace the timeout exception with
+ Timeout::Error after it. [Bug #7503]
+Fri Dec 7 13:07:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * doc/forwardable.rd: Remove stale documentation file
+ * lib/forwardable.rb: Merge documentation from doc/forwardable.rd
+Fri Dec 7 09:47:35 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * time.c (time_mdump): dump timezone string to private instance variable
+ on marshaling.
+ * time.c (time_mload): load timezone string from private instance
+ variable named 'zone'.
+Fri Dec 7 01:15:07 2012 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * ext/fiddle/lib/fiddle/function.rb (Fiddle::Function#name): new
+ attribute needed to switch Win32::Registry from DL to Fiddle.
+ * ext/fiddle/lib/fiddle/import.rb (import_function, bind_function):
+ set function name to the returned Fiddle::Function object.
+Fri Dec 7 00:11:44 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb: fix some tests to use neither
+ Module#using nor Module#module_eval.
+Thu Dec 6 23:27:50 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_Init_refinement): a new function to enable
+ Refinements with a warning "Refinements are experimental...".
+ * ext/refinement/refinement.c, ext/refinement/extconf.rb: a new
+ extension library to enable Refinements.
+Thu Dec 6 18:23:05 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * revised r37993 to avoid SEGV/ILL in tests. In r37993, a method
+ entry with VM_METHOD_TYPE_REFINED holds only the original method
+ definition, so ci->me is set to a method entry allocated in the
+ stack, and it causes SEGV/ILL. In this commit, a method entry
+ with VM_METHOD_TYPE_REFINED holds the whole original method entry.
+ Furthermore, rb_thread_mark() is changed to mark cfp->klass to
+ avoid GC for iclasses created by copy_refinement_iclass().
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_entry_make): add a method entry with
+ VM_METHOD_TYPE_REFINED to the class refined by the refinement if
+ the target module is a refinement. When a method entry with
+ VM_METHOD_TYPE_UNDEF is invoked by vm_call_method(), a method with
+ the same name is searched in refinements. If such a method is
+ found, the method is invoked. Otherwise, the original method in
+ the refined class (rb_method_definition_t::body.orig_me) is
+ invoked. This change is made to simplify the normal method lookup
+ and to improve the performance of normal method calls.
+ * vm_method.c (EXPR1, search_method, rb_method_entry),
+ vm_eval.c (rb_call0, rb_search_method_entry): do not use
+ refinements for method lookup.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method): search methods in refinements if
+ ci->me is VM_METHOD_TYPE_REFINED. If the method is called by
+ super (i.e., ci->call == vm_call_super_method), skip the same
+ method entry as the current method to avoid infinite call of the
+ same method.
+ * class.c (include_modules_at): add a refined method entry for each
+ method defined in a module included in a refinement.
+ * class.c (rb_prepend_module): set an empty table to
+ RCLASS_M_TBL(klass) to add refined method entries, because
+ refinements should have priority over prepended modules.
+ * proc.c (mnew): use rb_method_entry_with_refinements() to get
+ a refined method.
+ * vm.c (rb_thread_mark): mark cfp->klass for iclasses created by
+ copy_refinement_iclass().
+ * vm.c (Init_VM), cont.c (fiber_init): initialize th->cfp->klass.
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb (test_inline_method_cache): do not skip
+ the test because it should pass successfully.
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb (test_redefine_refined_method): new
+ test for the case a refined method is redefined.
+Thu Dec 6 17:29:03 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_here_document): flush string content between new
+ line and :string_embexpr. [ruby-core:48703] [Bug #7255]
+Thu Dec 6 16:35:21 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * test/rake/helper.rb: Load envutil correctly. Removed useless rescue
+ for signal propagation tests
+ * lib/rake/file_utils.rb: Prefer the built ruby.
+ * test/rake/test_rake_functional.rb: ditto
+Thu Dec 6 15:20:34 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/context.rb: Don't warn for duplicate methods while loading.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_context.rb: Test for above.
+Thu Dec 6 14:26:22 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/command_manager.rb: Removed string concatenation
+ syntax. [Bug #6265]
+ * lib/rubygems/commands/install_command.rb: ditto
+ * lib/rubygems/commands/uninstall_command.rb: ditto
+ * lib/rubygems/indexer.rb: ditto
+ * lib/rubygems/security/policy.rb: ditto
+ * lib/rubygems/security.rb: ditto
+ * lib/rubygems/uninstaller.rb: ditto
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_commands_cert_command.rb: ditto
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_package.rb: ditto
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_security.rb: ditto
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_security_policy.rb: ditto
+Thu Dec 6 14:10:08 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/package.rb: Set rubygems_version before validation.
+ Fixes issue with bundler.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_package.rb: Test for above.
+ * lib/rubygems/remote_fetcher.rb: Only update the cache when we have
+ permission. [ruby-trunk - Bug #7509]
+ * lib/rubygems/source.rb (class Gem): ditto
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_remote_fetcher.rb: Test for above.
+ * lib/rubygems/test_utilities.rb: ditto
+ * lib/rubygems/specification.rb: Derive base_dir properly for default
+ gems. [ruby-trunk - Bug #7496]
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_specification.rb: Test for above.
+ * lib/rubygems.rb: Untaint Dir.pwd when searching for gemdeps files
+ for operation under $SAFE=1
+Thu Dec 06 12:07:11 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_trace.c: TracePoint#enable should not cause an error
+ when it is already enabled. TracePoint#disable is too.
+ [ruby-core:50561] [ruby-trunk - Bug #7513]
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: add tests.
+Thu Dec 6 07:19:58 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc*: Improved display of ChangeLog files as HTML.
+ * test/rdoc*: Test for above.
+Thu Dec 6 04:34:19 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_uninterruptible): helper function for providing
+ temporary async_interrupt_timing(Object => :defer)
+ * io.c (rb_f_p): use rb_uninterruptible.
+ * io.c (rb_f_p_internal): helper function for rb_f_p().
+ * io.c (struct rb_f_p_arg): new struct for rb_f_p_internal.
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb (test_async_interrupt_and_p): test for
+ the above.
+Thu Dec 6 04:27:10 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (io_binwrite): check interrupt before io issue.
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb (test_async_interrupt_and_io):
+ test for the above.
+Thu Dec 6 01:10:36 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_method_call_status): use Qundef as no self instead of
+ the current self.
+ * vm_eval.c (send_internal): public_send does not consider how it is
+ called, as mentioned in r14173. patched by charliesome (Charlie
+ Somerville). [ruby-core:50489] [Bug #7499]
+Wed Dec 5 23:50:23 2012 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c (getrusage_time): uses clock_gettime() with
+ CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID when available, which provides a 1ns
+ precision on linux. [ruby-core:50495] [Bug #7500]
+ patched by Aman Gupta.
+Wed Dec 5 22:46:02 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_make_proc): save the proc made from the given block so
+ that it will not get collected. [ruby-core:50545] [Bug #7507]
+Wed Dec 5 22:13:57 2012 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/func.rb (DL::Function#bind): When Fiddle is used,
+ @ptr should be updated. This fixes SEGV raised in DL::Function#call
+ after calling DL::Function#bind. [Bug #7516] [ruby-dev:46708]
+ * test/dl/test_func.rb (test_bind): test for the above
+Wed Dec 5 18:53:00 2012 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_s_async_interrupt_timing): have to check ints
+ before jumping out.
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb (test_async_interrupt_with_return): add test
+ rescue has to catch a queued async exception at the time of return.
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb (test_async_interrupt_with_break): add test
+ rescue has to catch a queued async exception at the time of break.
+Wed Dec 5 16:54:28 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/memory_status.rb: suppress warning.
+ A patch from NAKAMURA Usaku.
+Wed Dec 5 16:06:54 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parser/changelog.rb: Parse more ChangeLog file variations.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_parser_changelog.rb: Test for above.
+Wed Dec 5 12:17:11 2012 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/func.rb (DL::Function#initialize, DL::Function#bind):
+ ABI should be set by using CFunc#calltype even when Fiddle is used.
+ When Fiddle is used and a block is given, name should not be ignored.
+ [ruby-core:50562] [Bug #7514]
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/import.rb (DL::Importer#bind_function): should respect
+ abi and name when Fiddle is used.
+ * test/dl/test_func.rb (test_name_with_block): test for "name" method
+ with giving a block.
+Wed Dec 5 11:55:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * doc/shell.rd, doc/shell.rd.ja: Removed stale doc files
+ * lib/shell.rb, lib/shell/*: Merge and updates docs from doc/shell.rd*
+Wed Dec 5 11:42:38 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: disable trace.
+Wed Dec 5 11:37:37 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (MakeMakefile#macro_defined?): use clearly different
+ strings from conflict markers.
+Wed Dec 5 04:25:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/README: Add rdoc modeline directive and formatting libs
+Wed Dec 5 04:04:02 2012 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb (test_async_interrupt_blocking): bugfix
+ about deferred check
+Wed Dec 5 03:35:37 2012 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * vm_core.h (RUBY_VM_CHECK_INTS_BLOCKING): check async queue everytime.
+ * thread.c (sleep_forever): check RUBY_VM_CHECK_INTS_BLOCKING first.
+ * thread.c (sleep_timeval): ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb (test_async_interrupt_blocking): add a test
+ exceptions are correctly deferred and raised on :on_blocking context.
+Wed Dec 5 02:36:10 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, defs/id.def, template/id.c.tmpl: generate id.c as well as id.h.
+Wed Dec 5 00:56:21 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_mutex_owned_p): new method that return current
+ thread have the target mutex or not. [Feature #7505] [ruby-dev:46697]
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb (test_mutex_owned, test_mutex_owned2):
+ test for the above.
+ * NEWS: new for the above.
+Wed Dec 5 00:05:47 2012 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/erb.rb (make_compiler, add_put_cmd, add_insert_cmd): extract
+ methods.
+Tue Dec 4 18:21:04 2012 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * test/ruby/memory_status.rb (Memory): use fiddle/types if available.
+ * test/ruby/memory_status.rb (Memory::Win32): :stdcall is needed on
+ x86 WIN32. This commit partly reverts r38054.
+Tue Dec 4 18:05:58 2012 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * ext/fiddle/lib/fiddle/types.rb: copied from ext/dl/lib/dl/types.rb
+ and modified for Fiddle, needed for migration from DL to Fiddle.
+Tue Dec 4 17:57:09 2012 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * ext/fiddle/lib/fiddle/import.rb (import_function, bind_function):
+ should respect call_type for migration from DL to Fiddle.
+ [Bug #7484] [ruby-core:50405]
+Tue Dec 4 16:54:00 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * .document: Added ChangeLog and doc/ChangeLog-* as documentation
+Tue Dec 4 16:47:46 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parser/changelog.rb: Added a ChangeLog parser to RDoc.
+ * lib/rdoc/parser.rb: ditto
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_parser_changelog.rb: Test for above.
+Tue Dec 4 16:23:32 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (path2class, path2module): use PRIsVALUE.
+ * marshal.c (w_object, marshal_dump, marshal_load): use
+ rb_check_funcall if possible.
+ * marshal.c (w_object, marshal_dump, r_object0, marshal_load): use
+ RB_GC_GUARD() (directly or indirectly) instead of volatile.
+ * variable.c (rb_path_to_class): prevent the argument from GC.
+Tue Dec 04 13:55:07 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_opts.h: enable optimization - operand unification.
+ Operand unification technique enable to combine
+ an instruction and specific operands and make new
+ instruction.
+ * defs/opt_operand.def: add several configuration
+ of operand unification.
+ * insns.def: use `int' instead to suppress warning.
+Mon Dec 3 17:58:53 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * parse.y: replace parser->enc with current_enc.
+Tue Dec 4 08:33:46 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * README.EXT: Converted to RDoc format
+ * README.EXT.ja: ditto
+Tue Dec 4 08:32:10 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/driver.rb: Fixed ri page display for files with
+ extensions.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_ri_driver.rb: Test for above
+Tue Dec 4 04:11:50 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * .document: Add NEWS for `ri ruby:NEWS`
+ * NEWS: Set format as rdoc
+ * doc/NEWS-1.8.7: ditto
+ * doc/NEWS-1.9.1: ditto
+ * doc/NEWS-1.9.2: ditto
+ * doc/NEWS-1.9.3: ditto
+Mon Dec 3 20:37:22 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_exec.c: check VM_COLLECT_USAGE_DETAILS.
+Mon Dec 3 20:28:02 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_specialized_instruction):
+ change condition of using `opt_send_simple'.
+ More method invocations can be simple.
+Mon Dec 3 20:03:38 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_objectspace.rb: skip RuntimeError
+ which says a message "can't modify frozen File".
+ Is that correct behavior?
+Mon Dec 03 20:00:19 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_exec.c: vm_analysis_insn should be static.
+Mon Dec 3 19:10:12 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (Init_Random), rational.c (Init_Rational): make marshal
+ methods private. [Feature #6539]
+Mon Dec 3 18:29:27 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.h: iseq_catch_table_entry::catch_type should be
+ Fixnum because they are pushed into Array in a compiler.
+ [Bug #7502]
+ * test/ruby/test_objectspace.rb: add a test of this issue.
+Mon Dec 3 18:25:16 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * template/id.h.tmpl (preserved_ids): "empty?" is not an attribute name.
+Mon Dec 3 16:23:09 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_backtrace.c (vm_backtrace_to_ary): check negative size (2nd arg).
+Mon Dec 3 15:50:33 2012 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * misc/ruby-additional.el (ruby-mode-set-encoding): Unbreak by
+ fixing a typo, s/set/setq/.
+Mon Dec 3 14:14:19 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): joke shouldn't use id.h defined ids.
+ * id.c (Init_id): ditto.
+ * fix dependency.
+Mon Dec 3 12:43:35 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-block-end-re, ruby-delimiter)
+ (ruby-mode-syntax-table, ruby-parse-partial, ruby-beginning-of-indent):
+ merge from Emacs.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-calculate-indent): fix indentation of
+ argument lines in parentheses. [Bug #5140]
+Mon Dec 3 07:52:41 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parser.rb: Improved modeline support. Patch by nobu.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_parser.rb: Test for above.
+Sun Dec 3 00:06:00 2012 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_new): stop checking string
+ taintness. [Bug #5508] [ruby-core:40510]
+Sun Dec 2 19:26:47 2012 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * thread.c (RB_GC_SAVE_MACHINE_CONTEXT, rb_gc_save_machine_context):
+ extract rb_gc_save_machine_context to RB_GC_SAVE_MACHINE_CONTEXT.
+ NOTE: machine_regs and machine_stack_end must be set in current scope.
+Sun Dec 2 18:46:24 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * array.c, enum.c, insns.def, io.c, numeric.c, parse.y, process.c,
+ range.c: use prepared IDs.
+ A patch from charliesome (Charlie Somerville).
+ [Bug #7495]
+ * add dependency to id.h.
+ * replace ID_H_INCLUDES with id.h.
+Sun Dec 2 16:48:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/weakref.rb (rdoc): Clean up usage, add example,
+ note ArgumentError on
+Sun Dec 2 16:45:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * gc.c (WeakMap): Add doc for internal reference, use lib/weakref.rb
+Sun Dec 2 07:24:23 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parser.rb: Parse files with a -*- rdoc -*- modeline
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_parser.rb: Test for above
+Sun Dec 2 06:02:00 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * gc.h (SET_MACHINE_STACK_END): add volatile for preventing
+ harmful optimization. [ruby-dev:46665] [Bug #7468]
+Sun Dec 2 05:01:58 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_line_trace_each): iterate `line' event only.
+ * test/ruby/test_iseq.rb: add a test for this change.
+Sun Dec 2 02:46:04 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_trace.c: add TracePoint#inspect.
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: add a test for this change.
+Sat Dec 1 21:18:19 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_backtrace.rb: add a test for
+ Thread::Backtrace::Location#inspect.
+ BTW, tests for `caller_locations' are not enough.
+ Any volunteers are welcome.
+Sat Dec 1 21:06:58 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_backtrace.c (location_inspect_m): add
+ Thread::Backtrace::Location#inspect.
+ It same as loc_obj.to_s.inspect.
+Sat Dec 1 19:24:09 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_puts): recurse for the argument itself, not converted
+ array elements. [ruby-core:42444] [Bug #5986]
+Sat Dec 1 19:01:36 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (w_object, r_object0): call private marshal methods.
+ [Feature #6539]
+Sat Dec 1 18:52:22 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/commands/cleanup_command.rb: Fix cleanup command for
+ multiple gems. [ruby-trunk - #7481] by Kouhei Sutou
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_commands_cleanup_command.rb: Test for above.
+ * lib/rubygems.rb: Autoload Gem::Source to prevent test failures
+Sat Dec 1 18:17:00 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * complex.c (Init_Complex), time.c (Init_Time): make marshal methods
+ private. [Feature #6539]
+ * object.c (Init_Object): make remove_instance_variable public.
+ [Feature #6539]
+ * id.c (Init_id), template/id.h.tmpl: add initialize_{copy,clone,dup}
+ and respond_to_missing?.
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_entry_make): make above methods private.
+ [Feature #6539]
+Sat Dec 1 16:40:22 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb: move ConditionVariable related test
+ into test/thread/test_cv.rb.
+ * test/thread/test_cv.rb: new file.
+ * test/thread/test_cv.rb (test_condvar_empty_signal): new tests.
+ * test/thread/test_cv.rb (test_condvar_empty_broadcast): ditto.
+Sat Dec 1 15:14:25 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb (test_cv_wait_deadlock): enable
+ cv deadlock test.
+Sat Dec 1 14:23:33 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * lib/thread.rb (ConditionVariable): use hash instead of array for
+ @waiters.
+ * test/thread/test_queue.rb (test_sized_queue_and_wakeup): remove
+ a test because @waiters no longer have a chance to duplicated. Now it's
+ a hash.
+Sat Dec 1 17:16:54 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-electric.el (ruby-electric-curlies): use kill-region
+ instead of interactive command delete-backward-char.
+Sat Dec 1 17:12:55 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/inf-ruby.el (inferior-ruby-mode): fix the
+ compilation-shell-minor-mode configuration. a patch by
+ j2petkov (Jean-Christophe Petkovich) in [ruby-core:46518].
+ [Bug #6742]
+Sat Dec 1 15:05:30 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): use NAMLEN() to tell the length of d_name
+ instead of strlen(), which can access beyond the boundary.
+Sat Dec 1 13:48:13 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/specification.rb: Don't add default gems to $LOAD_PATH
+ as they are already there.
+Sat Dec 1 12:22:17 2012 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * re-added r38053 that is reverted by r38061. Problems by r38053
+ are resolved by r38096. r38096 removed GEM_SKIP configuration.
+ The below is ChangeLog of r38053:
+ * defs/default_gems: Add base directory column.
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb:
+ - Install .gemspecs of default gem to
+ #{GEM_HOME}/specifications/default/.
+ - Update files parameter of .gemspecs by relative path from
+ library directory.
+Sat Dec 1 11:09:12 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * variable.c (rb_class_path_no_cache): add a function to get the class
+ path without caching the computed path. Some classes are frozen, and
+ will raise an exception without this.
+ * probes.d (cmethod-entry, cmethod-return): separate cmethods from
+ regular methods to match set trace func.
+ * probes_helper.h: refactor macros. Fix probes to avoid calling
+ #inspect when profiling.
+ * insns.def: update for use with new macros.
+ * vm_eval.c: ditto
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: ditto
+ * test/dtrace/test_singleton_function.rb: fix test for new output.
+ * test/dtrace/test_cmethod.rb: test the cmethod probes.
+Sat Dec 1 09:44:16 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_options.rb: Windows drive letters are
+ case-insensitive.
+Sat Dec 1 09:42:13 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems.rb: Search for gem deps file up the directory tree.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem.rb: Test for above.
+Sat Dec 1 09:33:32 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * test/runner.rb: Set GEM_HOME, GEM_PATH and GEM_SKIP to empty set.
+ With default_gem support in RubyGems GEM_SKIP prevents loading of
+ built-in gems.
+Sat Dec 1 07:16:17 2012 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * compile.c (ADD_CATCH_ENTRY): add a cast to fix SEGV with x64 mingw
+ on Windows 8. Without cast, 0 might be non zero value at higher bits
+ in rb_ary_new3().
+ [ruby-core:50258] [Bug #7456]
+Sat Dec 1 04:07:57 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * parse.y (parser.utf8): remove unused property.
+ * parse.y (UTF8_ENC): remove unused macro.
+ * parse.y (parser_tokadd_utf8): use rb_utf8_encoding() directly.
+Sat Dec 1 03:49:45 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * lib/sync.rb (Sync_m#sync_synchronize): add Thread.async_interrupt_timing
+ for protecting from async interrupt.
+ * lib/sync.rb (Sync_m#sync_lock): ditto.
+Sat Dec 1 03:38:04 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * lib/thread.rb (ConditionVariable#broadcast): s/RuntimeError/StandardError/
+ * lib/thread.rb (ConditionVariable#signal): ditto.
+Sat Dec 1 03:29:52 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * lib/thread.rb (SizedQueue#pop): rewrite by using ConditionVariable.
+ * lib/thread.rb (SizedQueue#push): ditto.
+ * lib/thread.rb (SizedQueue#max): ditto.
+ * lib/thread.rb (Queue#pop): ditto.
+ * lib/thread.rb (Queue#push): ditto.
+ * lib/thread.rb (SizedQueue#num_waiting): adopt the above changes.
+ * lib/thread.rb (SizedQueue#initialize): ditto.
+ * lib/thread.rb (Queue#num_waiting): ditto.
+ * lib/thread.rb (Queue#initialize): ditto.
+ * test/thread/test_queue.rb (test_sized_queue_and_wakeup): ditto.
+Sat Dec 1 03:45:47 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c (Thread.async_interrupt_timing): fix RDoc.
+ :never is not used any more.
+Sat Dec 1 02:56:19 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c: add RubyVM::InstructionSequence (ISeq) inspection methods.
+ * ISeq#path returns path of this ISeq written.
+ * ISeq#absolute_path returns absolute path.
+ * ISeq#label returns label (method name and so on).
+ * ISeq#base_label returns base label (see Thread::Backtrace::Location).
+ * ISeq#first_lineno returns first line number of this ISeq.
+ * ISeq.of(obj) returns ISeq object which obj (Proc or Method)
+ is contains.
+ * test/ruby/test_iseq.rb: add tests.
+Sat Dec 1 02:58:51 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_event_flag_t): Maintain integer precision
+ for clang error (VALUE aka unsigned long vs unsigned int)
+Sat Dec 1 02:53:18 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_dependency_installer.rb: Use Gem.read_binary
+ instead of File.binread for ruby 1.8 compatibility in the rubygems
+ source repository. Updates r38075
+Sat Dec 1 02:33:20 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_threadptr_interrupt_mask, async_interrupt_timing_func):
+ merge into them into rb_thread_s_async_interrupt_timing.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_s_async_interrupt_timing): ditto.
+Sat Dec 1 02:11:47 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_threadptr_interrupt_mask): add argument check.
+ * thread.c (async_interrupt_timing_arg_check_i): helper function
+ for the above.
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb (test_async_interrupt_timing_invalid_argument):
+ test for the above.
+Sat Dec 1 01:19:34 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * lib/thread.rb (ConditionVariable#broadcast): protect from
+ async interrupt by using Thread.async_interrupt_timing.
+ * lib/thread.rb (ConditionVariable#signal): ditto.
+ * lib/thread.rb (ConditionVariable#wait): ditto.
+Sat Dec 1 02:04:23 2012 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (Test::Unit::Assertions#assert_in_out_err):
+ raise if assert_in_out_err misused.
+Sat Dec 1 02:08:16 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_rubygems_hook.rb
+ (TestRDocRubygemsHook#test_setup_unwritable): 1. check the existence
+ of the file(directory) before touch it. 2. remove test
+ file(directory) after the test. see [ruby-core:50388].
+Sat Dec 1 01:51:06 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c: add following two methods.
+ * ISeq#line_trace_all returns all line traces (line numbers)
+ * ISeq#line_trace_specify(pos, set) set `pos'th line event to
+ specified_line event (if set is true).
+ These features are introduced for debuggers (mainly to make
+ breakpoint).
+ * iseq.h: add decl. of C APIs.
+ * test/ruby/test_iseq.rb: add tests.
+ * vm_trace.c: add `specified_line' event.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: ditto.
+Sat Dec 1 01:49:52 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_dependency_installer.rb: gems are of course
+ binary files, so use a binary reading method when reading it.
+ see [ruby-core:50388].
+Sat Dec 1 01:21:07 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/rubygems/command.rb (Gem::Command#get_all_gem_names_and_versions):
+ who assumes that the pathname of a gem never contains ':' ?
+ yes, on Unixen pathnames can contain ':', and on Windows they almost
+ certainly contain ':'. see [ruby-core:50388].
+ * lib/rubygems/requirement.rb (Gem::Requirement::PATTERN_RAW): extract
+ the regexp to match the version specifier from PATTERN to use in
+ above method.
+Sat Dec 1 00:48:19 2012 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * ext/fiddle/extconf.rb, ext/fiddle/function.c
+ (Fiddle::Function::STDCALL): FFI_STDCALL is not a macro, but an
+ enumeration. [ruby-core:50398] [Bug #7483]
+Sat Dec 1 00:08:55 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_installer.rb
+ (TestGemInstaller#test_check_executable_overwrite_other_non_gem):
+ on Windows, rubygems always generate a wrapper .bat file when
+ installing a file into bin, so testing no-overwrite a wrapper file
+ and a non-wrapper file is nonsense. see [ruby-core:50388].
+Fri Nov 30 23:39:58 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_installer.rb
+ (TestGemInstaller#test_check_executable_overwrite_default_bin_dir):
+ if the executable to be overwritten was generated by rubygems, the
+ error message differs from the only copied one's.
+ see [ruby-core:50388].
+Fri Nov 30 23:27:26 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_ext_ext_conf_builder.rb
+ (TestGemExtExtConfBuilder::test_class_make): reading with binary mode
+ of course introduce \r on Windows. see [ruby-core:50388].
+Fri Nov 30 23:11:37 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/rubygems/specification.rb
+ (Gem::Specification.validate_permissions): don't check executability
+ of the source on Windows. they will be wrapped to .bat files when
+ installing. see [ruby-core:50388].
+Fri Nov 30 22:44:14 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * vm_core.h (rb_vm_struct): add thread_destruct_lock field.
+ * thread.c (Init_Thread): ditto.
+ * thread.c (rb_vm_gvl_destroy): ditto.
+ * thread.c (thread_start_func_2): make sure vm->running_thread
+ don't point to dead thread.
+ * thread.c (timer_thread_function): close a race against thread
+ destruction. [Bug #4911][ruby-dev:43859]
+ * vm_core.h (rb_thread_set_current): reset running time of
+ current thread instead of previous thread. We no longer
+ assume previous running thread still live.
+Fri Nov 30 21:57:43 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * revert r38053 because it causes too many test failures.
+ if you've already installed r38053 or later, remove the installed
+ lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0 directory and reinstall this revision or later.
+Fri Nov 30 21:07:56 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/test/unit/parallel.rb ( wrap LoadError
+ because it's Gem::LoadError sometimes. see [Bug #6882]
+Fri Nov 30 20:47:44 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c: TracePoint#self returns invoking/exiting thread object
+ at thread_begin/end event.
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: fix test.
+Fri Nov 30 19:55:17 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/memory_status.rb (Memory::Win32): use fiddle instead of dl,
+ but I doubt fiddle is not compatible with dl. (if you are interested,
+ see the diff.) [ruby-core:50194] [Bug #7443]
+Fri Nov 30 19:37:44 2012 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * defs/default_gems: Add base directory column.
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb:
+ - Install .gemspecs of default gem to
+ #{GEM_HOME}/specifications/default/.
+ - Update files parameter of .gemspecs by relative path from
+ library directory.
+Fri Nov 30 19:30:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * vm_trace.c:
+ tracepoint_attr_return_value (TracePoint#return_value):
+ include `:b_return` for method doc
+ tracepoint_enable_m, tracepoint_disable_m (#enable/#disable):
+ don't have block argument, document block scope
+Fri Nov 30 18:52:56 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_trace.c (tracepoint_disable_m, tracepoint_enable_m):
+ fix block parameter.
+ No argument should be given to a block which is passed
+ to TracePoint#enable (and disable).
+Fri Nov 30 18:23:26 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c: rename Thread.control_interrupt
+ to Thread.async_interrupt_timing.
+ The option name `:never' is also changed to `:defer'.
+ [ruby-core:50375] [ruby-trunk - Feature #6762]
+ * thread.c: remove Thread.check_interrupt.
+ This method is difficult to understand by name.
+ * thread.c: add Thread.async_interrupted?.
+ This method check any deferred async interrupts.
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb: change tests for above.
+Fri Nov 30 18:24:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * vm_trace.c: Documentation for TracePoint API
+ [ruby-core:47243] [Feature #6895]
+Fri Nov 30 17:43:50 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_cmp_m): try to compare with to_str result if
+ possible before calling <=> method. [ruby-core:49279] [Bug #7342]
+ * string.c (rb_str_cmp_m): use rb_check_funcall instead of respond_to
+ and call.
+ * string.c (rb_str_cmp_m): return fixed value, one of -1,0,+1 always.
+Fri Nov 30 16:19:14 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_dump.c (rb_vm_bugreport): get rid of calling methods in sigsegv
+ handler. based on a patch by charliesome (Charlie Somerville)
+ [ruby-core:49573] [Bug #7402]
+Fri Nov 30 16:05:44 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * NEWS: Added RubyGems 2.0.0
+Fri Nov 30 15:24:37 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): fix false usage of local variable, it cannot
+ appear in fname state [ruby-core:49659] [Bug #7408]
+Fri Nov 30 15:20:12 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/package.rb: Load YAML for building gems.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_commands_contents_command.rb: Sort expected
+ output of default gem contents. Re-fixes r38004 and r38005.
+Fri Nov 30 15:15:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * vm_trace.c (set_trace_func): Formatting of params and events
+Fri Nov 30 14:45:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: Net::HTTP::Patch to list of HTTP Request Classes
+ Patch by Ryunosuke SATO [Fixes #217 on github]
+Fri Nov 30 14:05:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb: CGI example for HTML generation
+ Patch by Marcus Stollsteimer [ruby-core:50303] [Bug #7465]
+Fri Nov 30 13:52:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * time.c: Documentation improvements, grammar and formatting
+ Patch by Bernd Homuth [ruby-core:49203] [Bug #7326]
+Fri Nov 30 13:48:33 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc.rb: Set version to 4.0.0.preview2
+ * lib/rubygems.rb: Set version to 2.0.0.preview2
+Fri Nov 30 13:11:53 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/commands/setup_command.rb: Remove old files on install
+ of RubyGems. (not by rbinstall.rb).
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_commands_setup_command.rb: Test for above.
+Fri Nov 30 12:47:59 2012 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/abbrev.rb (Abbrev#abbrev): A fixed string prefix pattern
+ should only match the beginning of each word, not the beginning
+ of every line in it.
+ * lib/abbrev.rb (Abbrev#abbrev): Stop using a regexp that causes a
+ false warning. [Bug #7471]
+Fri Nov 30 12:30:55 2012 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * test/test_abbrev.rb: Add tests for lib/abbrev.rb.
+Fri Nov 30 12:27:51 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/spec_fetcher.rb: Allow prerelease spec fetching to fail
+ for bundler.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_spec_fetcher.rb: Test for above.
+Fri Nov 30 12:20:53 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rake/backtrace.rb: Removed duplication in
+ Rake::Backtrace::SUPPRESSED_PATHS
+ * test/rake/test_rake_backtrace.rb: Skip tests when tmpdir is in the
+ suppressed pattern.
+Fri Nov 30 11:07:45 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * revert r37993 to avoid SEGV in tests.
+Fri Nov 30 10:38:54 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/driver.rb: Relaxed matching for pages to be more
+ user-friendly.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_ri_driver.rb: Test for above.
+Fri Nov 30 09:50:16 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/markdown.rb: Fixed warnings with -w
+Fri Nov 30 09:38:22 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RB_GC_GUARD_PTR): add note.
+ * vm_backtrace.c (backtrace_to_str_ary): use RB_GC_GUARD() instead of
+ RB_GC_GUARD_PTR() which has no effect.
+ (backtrace_to_location_ary): ditto.
+ (vm_backtrace_to_ary): ditto.
+Fri Nov 30 09:22:52 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/commands/contents_command.rb: Sort output from command.
+ Replaces r38004, r38005
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_commands_contents_command.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rubygems/defaults.rb: Use Gem.path_separator for jruby support.
+ * lib/rubygems/path_support.rb: ditto
+Fri Nov 30 08:34:03 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/generator/darkfish.rb: Silenced warning
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_rdoc.rb: ditto
+ * lib/rdoc/markup/parser.rb: Use byteslice when available for
+ performance
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_markup_parser.rb: Test for above
+ * lib/rdoc/test_case.rb: ditto
+ * lib/rdoc/parser/ruby.rb: Fixed bug parsing yield({})
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_parser_ruby.rb (end):
+ * lib/rdoc/rubygems_hook.rb: Skip default gems. Display generator
+ name properly.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_rubygems_hook.rb: Test for above
+ * lib/rdoc/servlet.rb: Fixed typo.
+Fri Nov 30 08:09:56 2012 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c : remove a unused function.
+Fri Nov 30 07:46:42 2012 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c (rb_objspace_call_finalizer): finalize_deferred may free up
+ a object which is reachable from a part after this function,
+ e.g. ruby_vm_destruct(). [ruby-dev:46647] [Bug #7452]
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb (test_finalizing_main_thread): add a test
+ for above.
+Fri Nov 30 07:43:44 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_interrupted): avoid warning of
+ implicit conversion.
+ * thread.c (rb_threadptr_execute_interrupts): ditto.
+Fri Nov 30 07:34:28 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_backtrace.c: add GC guards.
+Fri Nov 30 07:21:33 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_trace.c: add events
+ * :thread_begin - hook at thread beginning.
+ * :thread_end - hook at thread ending.
+ * :b_call - hook at block enter.
+ * :b_return - hook at block leave.
+ This change slow down block invocation.
+ Please try and give us feedback until 2.0 code freeze.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: ditto.
+ * compile.c (rb_iseq_compile_node): ditto.
+ * insns.def: ditto.
+ * thread.c: ditto.
+ * vm.c: ditto.
+ * include/ruby/debug.h: add a comment.
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: add a tests.
+Fri Nov 30 06:56:30 2012 Ryan Davis <>
+ * test/minitest/*: Imported minitest 4.3.2 (r8027)
+Fri Nov 30 04:16:29 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rake/*: Updated to rake 0.9.5
+ * test/rake/*: ditto.
+ * NEWS: ditto.
+Fri Nov 30 02:53:47 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * vm.c: add a return hook when a method raises an exception.
+ * probes_helper.h: look up klass and method if none are provided.
+ * eval.c: update macro usage.
+ * vm_eval.c: ditto.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: ditto.
+ * test/dtrace/test_function_entry.rb: test for change.
+Fri Nov 30 02:27:12 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * compile.c (compile_array_): refix r37991 remove assertion:
+ it is true only if type == COMPILE_ARRAY_TYPE_HASH.
+ [ruby-dev:46658] [Bug #7466]
+ * vm.c (m_core_hash_from_ary): add assertion instead of above.
+ * vm.c (m_core_hash_merge_ary): ditto.
+Thu Nov 29 19:15:14 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (compile_array_): hash elements must be paired even for
+ literal elements. [ruby-dev:46658] [Bug #7466]
+Thu Nov 29 22:39:35 2012 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ssl_npn_encode_protocol_i): fix byte order
+ issue on big-endian architecture [ruby-core:50292] [Bug #7463]
+Thu Nov 29 22:23:31 2012 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * test/openssl/test_cipher.rb (test_ctr_if_exists): add CTR mode test
+ if underlying OpenSSL supports it. See #4408
+Thu Nov 29 21:42:16 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_entry_make): add a method entry with
+ VM_METHOD_TYPE_REFINED to the class refined by the refinement if
+ the target module is a refinement. When a method entry with
+ VM_METHOD_TYPE_UNDEF is invoked by vm_call_method(), a method with
+ the same name is searched in refinements. If such a method is
+ found, the method is invoked. Otherwise, the original method in
+ the refined class (rb_method_definition_t::body.orig_def) is
+ invoked. This change is made to simplify the normal method lookup
+ and to improve the performance of normal method calls.
+ * vm_method.c (EXPR1, search_method, rb_method_entry),
+ vm_eval.c (rb_call0, rb_search_method_entry): do not use
+ refinements for method lookup.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method): search methods in refinements if
+ ci->me is VM_METHOD_TYPE_REFINED. If the method is called by
+ super (i.e., ci->call == vm_call_super_method), skip the same
+ method entry as the current method to avoid infinite call of the
+ same method.
+ * class.c (include_modules_at): add a refined method entry for each
+ method defined in a module included in a refinement.
+ * class.c (rb_prepend_module): set an empty table to
+ RCLASS_M_TBL(klass) to add refined method entries, because
+ refinements should have priority over prepended modules.
+ * proc.c (mnew): use rb_method_entry_with_refinements() to get
+ a refined method.
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb (test_inline_method_cache): do not skip
+ the test because it should pass successfully.
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb (test_redefine_refined_method): new
+ test for the case a refined method is redefined.
+Thu Nov 29 17:45:10 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c (rb_const_set): show namespace in warning messages.
+ [Feature #7190]
+Thu Nov 29 17:31:53 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/rubygems.rb (Gem.load_yaml): return if Kernel#gem is not defined
+ yet. This causes crash if test-all requires libraries in a certain
+ order. A simple reproducible code is
+ ruby --disable-gem -e'require"yaml";require"minitest/autorun"'
+Thu Nov 29 17:19:26 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/tracer.rb: Updated to match removal of custom_require from
+ RubyGems.
+ * test/test_tracer.rb: ditto. Improved failure message if the test
+ fails
+Thu Nov 29 17:15:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * gc.c: Documentation for GC, GC::Profiler, ObjectSpace, and
+ ObjectSpace::WeakMap [ruby-core:50245] [Bug #7449]
+Thu Nov 29 17:12:26 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/generic_erb.rb, tool/id2token.rb: add --path-separator option
+ for mingw where make and built ruby live in different world.
+ * tool/vpath.rb: extract from tool/instruction.rb.
+Thu Nov 29 17:11:06 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/io/wait/test_io_wait.rb (TestIOWait#fill_pipe):
+ Errno::EWOULDBLOCK may not be the same as Errno::EAGAIN. patch by
+ phasis68 (Heesob Park) at [ruby-core:49894]. [Bug #7420]
+Thu Nov 29 17:03:38 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/test_case.rb: Determine path to certificates to avoid
+ build-dir problems.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_security_signer.rb: Use predetermined paths
+ to avoid build-dir problems.
+Thu Nov 29 16:18:14 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/test_case.rb: Disable loading of keys and certificates
+ outside rubygems or ruby tests as the files are not available (or
+ necessary).
+Thu Nov 29 16:14:41 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_backtrace.c (rb_debug_inspector_open): use RARRAY_LENINT() for
+ int variable.
+Thu Nov 29 15:59:55 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/debug.h: add rb_debug_inspector_* APIs.
+ * vm_backtrace.c: ditto.
+ * add dependency from vm_backtrace.o to
+ include/ruby/debug.h.
+ * proc.c (rb_binding_new_with_cfp): constify.
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_get_ruby_level_next_cfp): constify.
+ * vm_core.h, vm_trace.c: move decls.
+Thu Nov 29 15:56:14 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/rdoc/test_case.rb (RDoc::TestCase#verbose_capture_io):
+ defined for asserts of warnings.
+ * test/rdoc: use verbose_capture_io on asserts of warnings.
+ they failed when tests was run with RUBYOPT=-W0.
+Thu Nov 29 15:53:38 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/psych/extconf.rb: added --enable-bundled-libyaml option. this
+ enforces using bundled libyaml.
+Thu Nov 29 15:51:54 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems*: Updated to RubyGems 2.0
+ * test/rubygems*: ditto.
+ * (prelude): Updated for RubyGems 2.0 source rearrangement.
+ * tool/change_maker.rb: Allow invalid UTF-8 characters in source
+ files.
+Thu Nov 29 15:38:14 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/debug.h: provide rb_tracearg_*() APIs,
+ instead of rb_tracepoint_attr_*().
+ These APIs are for debuggers/profilers.
+ They will be explained in another docs sometime.
+ * vm_trace.c: ditto.
+Thu Nov 29 15:10:45 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/minitest/test_minitest_unit.rb: restore orig_verbose only
+ if it is set. This broke rdoc's tests.
+Thu Nov 29 14:56:30 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_trace.c (rb_tracepoint_attr_method_id):
+ rename TracePoint#id to TracePoint#method_id.
+ * include/ruby/debug.h: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: ditto,
+Thu Nov 29 14:49:10 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_trace.c (rb_tracepoint_attr_defined_class):
+ rename TracePoint#klass to TracePoint#defined_class.
+ [ruby-core:50187] Re: [ruby-trunk - Feature #6895]
+ * include/ruby/debug.h: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: ditto.
+Thu Nov 29 14:27:57 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_stat): prepare Symbol objects at first time
+ to make it fast.
+Thu Nov 29 14:02:15 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_stat): GC.stat supports new information
+ * total_allocated_object: total allocated object number.
+ * total_freed_object: total freed object number.
+ Above two numbers are only accumulated and they will
+ overflow (return to 0). Please use them as a hint.
+Thu Nov 29 12:13:54 2012 Ryan Davis <>
+ * lib/minitest/*: Imported minitest 4.3.2 (r8026)
+ * test/minitest/*: ditto
+Thu Nov 29 11:06:06 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (thread_start_func_2): remove unused code. When
+ th->safe_level == 4, th->errinfo never be thrown. So, to
+ create new exception makes no sense.
+Thu Nov 29 10:29:53 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_backtrace.c: same as a last patch.
+Thu Nov 29 10:24:25 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_backtrace.c: use `long' for return values of `NUM2LONG()'.
+Thu Nov 29 09:52:08 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * thread.c (do_select): suppress warning (uninitialized value warning)
+Thu Nov 29 09:36:09 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_cleanup): delay THREAD_KILLED timing.
+ It should be located just before rb_thread_terminate_all().
+Thu Nov 29 09:10:17 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_backtrace.c (vm_backtrace_to_ary): support range argument
+ like Array#[].
+ [ruby-core:50092] [ruby-trunk - Feature #7434]
+ Test and document is not available. Please help us.
+Thu Nov 29 06:46:33 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (thread_start_func_2): small cleanups.
+Thu Nov 29 06:37:08 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (thread_start_func_2): remove unused code.
+ this function never be used for main thread.
+Thu Nov 29 06:27:55 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (thread_start_func_2): remove unused code.
+ errinfo = th->errinfo; and errinfo = rb_errinfo(); are
+ the same.
+Thu Nov 29 05:26:32 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_backtrace.c (backtrace_to_str_ary2): rename to backtrace_to_str_ary.
+ * vm_backtrace.c (rb_backtrace_to_str_ary): use `backtrace_to_str_ary()'.
+ * vm_backtrace.c (backtrace_to_frame_ary): rename to
+ backtrace_to_location_ary.
+Thu Nov 29 05:19:25 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * probes.d: Change function-entry probe to method-entry.
+ * insns.def: ditto
+ * probes_helper.h: ditto
+ * test/dtrace/test_function_entry.rb: ditto
+ * test/dtrace/test_singleton_function.rb: ditto
+ * vm.c: ditto
+ * vm_eval.c: ditto
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: ditto
+Thu Nov 29 04:45:17 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_backtrace.c: rename Class name from
+ ::RubyVM::Backtrace and ::RubyVM::Backtrace::Location
+ to ::Thread::Backtrace and ::Thread::Backtrace::Location.
+Wed Nov 28 23:52:02 2012 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * NEWS (Thread) remove incompatible changes about trap.
+Wed Nov 28 23:39:01 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_mutex_sleep): fix to allow spurious wakeup.
+ [ruby-dev:46654] [ruby-trunk - Bug #7455]
+ * NEWS: write about spurious wakeup.
+Wed Nov 28 22:57:23 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread_win32.c: catch up latest change of BLOCKING_REGION.
+Wed Nov 28 22:54:21 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method): fix undefined behavior.
+ Should not access scope local variable from outer scope.
+Wed Nov 28 22:20:55 2012 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb (test_thread_status_in_trap): change test for
+ thread status in trap. now can accept Thread#join and Thread#value in trap.
+Wed Nov 28 21:58:47 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/thread.h (rb_thread_call_without_gvl2): change
+ meaning of function.
+ This function is called with same parameters of
+ `rb_thread_call_without_gvl()'.
+ However, if interrupts are detected, then return immediately.
+ * thread.c: implement `rb_thread_call_without_gvl2()'.
+Wed Nov 28 21:31:21 2012 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * thread.c (thread_join_sleep): check spurious wakeup by itself for
+ corresponding status change in trap context.
+ * vm_core.h (struct rb_thread_struct): add rb_thread_list_t and use as join_list for
+ reentry by trap context.
+ * thread.c (thread_start_func_2): ditto.
+ * thread.c (remove_from_join_list): ditto.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_atfork): ditto.
+ * thread.c (thread_join): ditto. & remove trap handler check.
+ * thread.c (sleep_forever): add argument : spurious_check.
+ * thread.c (sleep_timeval): ditto.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_sleep_forever): set spurious_check.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_sleep_deadly): ditto.
+ * thread.c (sleep_for_polling): ditto.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_wait_for): ditto.
+ * thread.c (sleep_wait_for_interrupt): bypass spurious_check.
+Wed Nov 28 21:23:18 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/psych/yaml/emitter.c (yaml_emitter_write_indicator): constify.
+ * ext/psych/yaml/emitter.c (yaml_emitter_write_block_scalar_hints):
+ ditto.
+ * ext/psych/extconf.rb: mingw32 also needs macros for win32, not
+ only mswin32.
+ * ext/psych/extconf.rb: compile sources in the source directory
+ without copying by using VPATH.
+Wed Nov 28 21:18:57 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (MakeMakefile#each_compile_rules): splat $(*VPATH*) for
+ each VPATH elements.
+Wed Nov 28 16:40:14 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * vm_core.h (enum rb_thread_status): remove THREAD_TO_KILL
+ * vm_core.h (struct rb_thread_struct): add to_kill field
+ * thread.c (terminate_i): convert THREAD_TO_KILL to to_kill.
+ * thread.c (rb_threadptr_to_kill): ditto.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_kill): ditto.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_wakeup_alive): ditto.
+ * thread.c (thread_list_i): ditto.
+ * thread.c (static const char): ditto.
+ * thread.c (thread_status_name): ditto.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_status): ditto.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_inspect): ditto.
+ * vm_backtrace.c (thread_backtrace_to_ary): ditto.
+ * thread.c (rb_threadptr_execute_interrupts): fix thread status
+ overwritten issue. [Bug #7450] [ruby-core:50249]
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb (test_hread_status_raise_after_kill):
+ test for the above.
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb (test_thread_status_in_trap): test for
+ thread status in trap.
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb (test_status_and_stop_p): remove
+ Thread.control_interrupt unsafe test. Thread#kill no longer
+ changes thread status. Instead of, Thread#kill receiver changes
+ their own status when receiving kill signal.
+Wed Nov 28 16:21:46 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (struct rb_mutex_struct): add allow_trap field.
+ * internal.h (rb_mutex_allow_trap): added.
+ * thread.c (rb_mutex_lock, rb_mutex_unlock): check mutex->allow_trap.
+ * thread.c (mutex_sleep): remove trap check because it uses
+ rb_mutex_lock and rb_mutex_unlock internally.
+ * thread.c (rb_mutex_allow_trap): new helper function for the above.
+ * io.c (io_binwrite): mark fptr->write_lock as writable in trap.
+ * test/ruby/test_signal.rb (test_trap_puts): test for the above.
+Wed Nov 28 16:59:12 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * proc.c: remove Proc#== and Proc#eql?.
+ Proc objects compared with their object ids.
+ [Bug #4559]
+ * test/ruby/test_proc.rb: remove related test.
+Wed Nov 28 16:41:04 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/servlet.rb: Add support for serving documentation from a
+ subdirectory.
+ * lib/rdoc/generator/darkfish.rb: ditto
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_servlet.rb: Test for above
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_servlet.rb: ditto
+Wed Nov 28 15:37:17 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * fix r37924: run only on i[3-6]86-linux.
+Wed Nov 28 15:31:11 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (FMODE_SYNCWRITE): removed unused macro.
+Wed Nov 28 15:19:25 2012 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * revert r37911, r37906 and r37904 which break build
+ with non-gcc and/or non-IA32 compilers, e.g. Solaris Studio,
+ Fujitsu C Compiler. [ruby-dev:46646] [Bug #7451]
+Wed Nov 28 14:50:55 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/psych/extconf.rb: copy sources into build directory,
+ not into srcdir.
+Wed Nov 28 14:34:06 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_mutex_lock): moved trap context check from
+ rb_mutex_trylock because try_lock have no change to make
+ a deadlock.
+ * thread.c (rb_mutex_trylock): ditto.
+ * NEWS: news for the above.
+Wed Nov 28 13:39:54 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (thread_s_new): uses main_thread->status instead of
+ th->inhibit_thread_creation for preventing thread creation.
+ * vm_core.h (rb_vm_struct): remove inhibit_thread_creation field.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_terminate_all): ditto.
+Wed Nov 28 13:27:29 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/extconf.rb: use embedded libyaml if no system libyaml is
+ found. [ruby-core:49463]
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych.rb: updating to psych 2.0.0
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/deprecated.rb: updated docs
+ * ext/psych/psych.gemspec: updated to psych 2.0.0
+ * ext/psych/psych.h: fixing header file include for rename
+ * ext/psych/psych_emitter.c: renamed to avoid libyaml conflict.
+ * ext/psych/psych_emitter.h: ditto
+ * ext/psych/psych_parser.c: ditto
+ * ext/psych/psych_parser.h: ditto
+ * ext/psych/psych_to_ruby.c: ditto
+ * ext/psych/psych_to_ruby.h: ditto
+ * ext/psych/psych_yaml_tree.c: ditto
+ * ext/psych/psych_yaml_tree.h: ditto
+ * ext/psych/yaml/LICENSE: embedding libyaml 0.1.4
+ * ext/psych/yaml/api.c: ditto
+ * ext/psych/yaml/config.h: ditto
+ * ext/psych/yaml/dumper.c: ditto
+ * ext/psych/yaml/emitter.c: ditto
+ * ext/psych/yaml/loader.c: ditto
+ * ext/psych/yaml/parser.c: ditto
+ * ext/psych/yaml/reader.c: ditto
+ * ext/psych/yaml/scanner.c: ditto
+ * ext/psych/yaml/writer.c: ditto
+ * ext/psych/yaml/yaml.h: ditto
+ * ext/psych/yaml/yaml_private.h: ditto
+Wed Nov 28 12:54:59 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (thread_join): A trap handler check was moved from
+ thread_join_m because Thread#value should be raised an exception
+ too.
+ * thread.c (thread_join_m): remove trap handler check.
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb (test_thread_join_in_trap): add test
+ for thread#value.
+ * NEWS: documentation fix for the above.
+Wed Nov 28 11:07:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/fiddle/closure.c: Documentation for Fiddle
+ * ext/fiddle/lib/fiddle/import.rb: ditto
+ * ext/fiddle/lib/fiddle/value.rb: ditto
+ * ext/fiddle/lib/fiddle/pack.rb: ditto
+ * ext/fiddle/lib/fiddle/cparser.rb: ditto
+ * ext/fiddle/lib/fiddle/struct.rb: ditto
+ * ext/fiddle/lib/fiddle/function.rb: ditto
+Wed Nov 28 09:15:51 2012 Ryan Davis <>
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c: Added #charpos for multibyte string position.
+ * test/strscan/test_stringscanner.rb: ditto
+Wed Nov 28 09:00:34 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/fiddle/fiddle.c: adding alignment constants for compatibility
+ with DL.
+ * ext/fiddle/fiddle.h: ditto
+ * ext/fiddle/lib/fiddle/cparser.rb: importing the C parser for DL
+ backwards compatibility.
+ * ext/fiddle/lib/fiddle/import.rb: importing the import DSL for DL
+ backwards compatibility.
+ * ext/fiddle/lib/fiddle/pack.rb: importing structure pack for DL
+ backwards compatibility.
+ * ext/fiddle/lib/fiddle/value.rb: ditto
+ * ext/fiddle/lib/fiddle/struct.rb: importing struct DSL for DL backwards
+ compatibility.
+ * test/dl/test_c_struct_entry.rb: importing tests
+ * test/dl/test_c_union_entity.rb: ditto
+ * test/dl/test_cparser.rb: ditto
+ * test/dl/test_import.rb: ditto
+ * test/fiddle/test_c_struct_entry.rb: ditto
+ * test/fiddle/test_c_union_entity.rb: ditto
+ * test/fiddle/test_cparser.rb: ditto
+ * test/fiddle/test_import.rb: ditto
+Wed Nov 28 08:56:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * doc/globals.rdoc: Add documentation file for magic globals
+ [ruby-core:29048] [Bug #3022]
+Wed Nov 28 08:55:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * .document: Add README's to be included with docs
+Wed Nov 28 08:26:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl.rb: Deprecation notice for DL
+Wed Nov 28 08:25:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/fiddle/closure.c: Documentation for Fiddle
+ * ext/fiddle/pointer.c: ditto
+ * ext/fiddle/function.c: ditto
+ * ext/fiddle/lib/fiddle.rb: ditto
+ * ext/fiddle/fiddle.c: ditto
+ * ext/fiddle/handle.c: ditto
+Wed Nov 28 04:53:40 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/fiddle/handle.c: Make Fiddle independent of DL, copy DL::Handle
+ to Fiddle::Handle.
+ * ext/fiddle/pointer.c: Make Fiddle independent of DL, copy
+ DL::Pointer to Fiddle::Pointer.
+ * test/fiddle/test_func.rb: relevant tests
+ * test/fiddle/test_handle.rb: ditto
+ * test/fiddle/test_pointer.rb: ditto
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/struct.rb: use Fiddle::Pointer if available
+ * ext/fiddle/extconf.rb: check for dlfcn.h
+ * ext/fiddle/fiddle.c: add constants for sizeof() things
+ * ext/fiddle/fiddle.h: include dlfcn.h
+ * ext/fiddle/function.c: expose a C function for creating new
+ Fiddle::Function objects.
+ * ext/fiddle/lib/fiddle.rb: include constants for dl backwards compat
+ * ext/fiddle/lib/fiddle/function.rb: read the pointer from the
+ function for dl backwards compat.
+ * test/dl/test_callback.rb: check the addresses of the pointers rather
+ than their types.
+ * test/fiddle/helper.rb: remove dependency on dl
+ * test/fiddle/test_closure.rb: ditto
+ * test/fiddle/test_fiddle.rb: ditto
+Wed Nov 28 03:03:28 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (opt-dir): don't use non portable flag -E of sed.
+Wed Nov 28 02:55:35 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (ARCH_FLAG): __sync_val_compare_and_swap_4 needs
+ -march=$target_cpu on at least linux gcc 4.1.
+ patched by KOSAKI Motohiro
+Tue Nov 27 22:03:09 2012 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_enumerate_chars, rb_str_enumerate_codepoints)
+ (rb_str_enumerate_lines): Dummy initialization of ary has been
+ replaced with UNINITIALIZED_VAR().
+Tue Nov 27 21:29:00 2012 Kenta Murata <>
+ * bignum.c (bigdivrem): optimize the way to retry calculation of
+ bigdivrem so that the calculation is started from the point where
+ the last interruption was occurred.
+ * bignum.c (bigdivrem1): ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_bignum.rb: add a test case for rb_bigdivrem in the
+ case that an interruption is occurred during bigdivrem1 is running.
+Tue Nov 27 19:56:43 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_make_env_object): make Proc object if Env is possible
+ to point block.
+ [ruby-core:41038] [ruby-trunk - Bug #5634]
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_make_proc): No need to make Proc object here.
+ * bootstraptest/test_proc.rb: add tests.
+Tue Nov 27 18:51:06 2012 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * ruby_atomic.h (ATOMIC_CAS): added for Solaris and other platforms.
+ * ruby_atomic.h, signal.c (NEED_RUBY_ATOMIC_OPS): renamed from
+ * signal.c (ruby_atomic_compare_and_swap): naive, non-atomic
+ compare-and-swap implementation only used for platforms without
+ valid support for atomic operations.
+Tue Nov 27 17:43:46 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/*: Added --root option for building documentation outside
+ the source directory.
+ * test/rdoc/*: ditto
+ * (rdoc): Added --root to rdoc rule
+Tue Nov 27 16:24:45 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_ri_paths.rb: Fixed duplicate path bug which
+ caused windows failures.
+Tue Nov 27 16:06:00 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_generator_darkfish.rb: Updated tests for windows
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_options.rb: ditto
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_parser.rb: ditto
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_rdoc.rb: ditto
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_ri_driver.rb: ditto
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_servlet.rb: ditto
+Tue Nov 27 15:13:51 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * (rdoc): Set --debug for rdoc generation in case of bugs
+Tue Nov 27 14:56:45 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/rubygems_hook.rb: Updated for (upcoming) RubyGems 2
+ import.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_rubygems_hook.rb: ditto
+Tue Nov 27 13:59:29 2012 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * NEWS: add improvements of the garbage collector.
+Tue Nov 27 13:27:46 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc*: Updated to RDoc 4.0 (pre-release)
+ * bin/rdoc: ditto
+ * test/rdoc*: ditto
+ * NEWS: Updated with RDoc 4.0 information
+Tue Nov 27 12:17:11 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_terminate_all): retry broadcast only when
+ an exception is raised.
+Tue Nov 27 12:02:25 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_terminate_all): broadcast terminate event
+ not only an interrupt exception but any exceptions.
+Tue Nov 27 10:55:09 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_cleanup): set thread status to THREAD_KILLED
+ for preventing thr.raise.
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb (test_main_thread_status_at_exit):
+ test for the above.
+Tue Nov 27 10:31:29 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_terminate_all): suppress a warning.
+Tue Nov 27 09:29:11 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (thread_join): raises ThreadError if target thread
+ is a main thread.
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb (test_thread_join_main_thread):
+ test for the above.
+ * NEWS: news for the above.
+Tue Nov 27 09:24:47 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (thread_join): raises ThreadError if target thread
+ is a current thread.
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb (test_thread_join_current):
+ test for the above.
+ * NEWS: news for the above.
+Tue Nov 27 09:59:16 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): close mkmf.log for each libraries so that
+ failure messages are not mixed.
+Tue Nov 27 09:58:48 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/digest/*/extconf.rb, ext/openssl/extconf.rb: get git rid of
+ post-1.8 feature require_relative for cross compilation.
+ [ruby-core:50160] [Bug #7439]
+Tue Nov 27 09:17:59 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * NEWS: add TracePoint.
+Tue Nov 27 08:16:03 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_trace.c: rename TracePoint#file and TracePoint#line
+ to TracePoint#path and TracePoint#lineno respectively.
+ They are consistent to RubyVM::Backtrace::Location.
+ * include/ruby/debug.h: ditto.
+ * vm_core.h: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: ditto.
+Tue Nov 27 08:04:26 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_terminate_all): broadcast eTerminateSignal
+ again when Ctrl-C was pressed. [Feature #1952] [ruby-dev:39107]
+Tue Nov 27 07:58:03 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: add members to rb_trace_arg_t:
+ * `klass_solved' represents klass and id is checked.
+ * `line' represents line calculated from cfp.
+ * `file' represents line calculated from cfp.
+ * vm_trace.c: fix to use above data structures.
+ No need to calculate klass and id, line and file
+ pairs for each trace points.
+Tue Nov 27 07:47:09 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_terminate_all): add RUBY_VM_CHECK_INTS_BLOCKING().
+ Otherwise the loop in this function behave as busy loop because
+ native_sleep() return immediately when RUBY_VM_INTERRUPTED() is true.
+Tue Nov 27 04:12:49 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): git rid of post-1.8 features for cross
+ compilation. [ruby-core:50160] [Bug #7439]
+Tue Nov 27 00:13:41 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_mutex_trylock, rb_mutex_unlock, mutex_sleep):
+ raises ThreadError if called from trap handler as Thread#join.
+ * NEWS: news for the above.
+Mon Nov 26 23:55:33 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * NEWS: update for Thread#join incompatible change.
+Mon Nov 26 22:44:24 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_terminate_all): use native_sleep() instead
+ of rb_thread_schedule(). Otherwise, it consume 100% cpu meaninglessly.
+ [Bug #5368] [ruby-dev:44546]
+ * thread.c (thread_start_func_2): last sub-thread wakes up main thread.
+Mon Nov 26 21:16:04 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ (RUBY_VM_INTERRUPTED): use enum symbol instead of immediate value.
+ * thread.c (thread_join_m, rb_threadptr_execute_interrupts): ditto.
+ * signal.c (signal_exec): ditto.
+Mon Nov 26 20:23:20 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (thread_join_m): use th->interrupt_mask instead of
+ th->in_trap.
+ * vm_core.h (struct rb_thread_struct): remove in_trap member.
+ * signal.c (signal_exec): ditto.
+ * thread.c (thread_create_core): ditto.
+ * thread.c (Init_Thread): ditto.
+Mon Nov 26 20:23:49 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_argf.rb (TestArgf#test_chars): since marshal data is
+ binary, shouldn't pass via text mode. use base64 encoded data.
+Mon Nov 26 19:45:18 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * ruby_atomic.h (ATOMIC_CAS): new macro for compare-and-exchange.
+ * vm_core.h (struct rb_thread_struct): add interrupt_mask member.
+ * thread.c (thread_create_core, Init_Thread): initialize
+ th->thread_mask.
+ * vm_core.h (RUBY_VM_INTERRUPTED_ANY): new macro for avoiding
+ bare th->interrupt_flag.
+ th->interrupt_mask.
+ * thread.c (set_unblock_function, rb_thread_schedule): replace
+ th->interrupt_flag with RUBY_VM_INTERRUPTED_ANY()
+ * signal.c (signal_exec): set up thread->interrupt_mask for
+ preventing recursive trap handler.
+ * thread.c (rb_threadptr_execute_interrupts):
+ don't process interrupt if it is masked.
+ [Bug #6009] [ruby-core:42524]
+Mon Nov 26 19:43:42 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c (make_compile_option_value): add trace_instruction option.
+ a patch by davidbalbert (David Albert).
+ [Bug #6786]
+Mon Nov 26 19:10:53 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_thread.rb: try to `join' each 100
+ threads.
+ This benchmark seems consuming long time on travis-ci
+ several times (and make `failure').
+Mon Nov 26 18:22:56 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * specify label `built-ruby'.
+ * benchmark/driver.rb: quote path.
+Mon Nov 26 18:26:28 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * signal.c (signal_exec): add volatile to make sure setjmp safe.
+Mon Nov 26 18:19:47 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * signal.c (signal_exec): suppress "warning: variable 'signum'
+ might be clobbered by 'longjmp' or 'vfork'" warning.
+Mon Nov 26 18:15:47 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/driver.rb: accept multiple `-e'.
+ You don't need to use `;' separation character.
+ [ruby-core:50139] [ruby-trunk - Bug #7380]
+Mon Nov 26 17:10:04 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_enumerate_chars, rb_str_enumerate_codepoints)
+ (rb_str_enumerate_lines): suppress "may be used uninitialized in
+ this function" warning.
+Mon Nov 26 17:00:12 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * vm_core.h (rb_thread_struct): added 'in_trap' member for marking
+ running trap handler.
+ * signal.c (signal_exec): turn on in_trap when running trap.
+ * thread.c (Init_Thread, thread_create_core): initialize in_trap
+ when creating new threads.
+ * thread.c (thread_join_m): raise ThreadError when running trap
+ handler.Bug [#6416][ruby-core:44956]
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb (test_thread_join_in_trap): new test
+ for the above.
+Mon Nov 26 16:36:13 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (argf_each_codepoint): add missing ARGF#codepoints [Bug #7438]
+Mon Nov 26 15:50:29 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * bignum.c (bigdivrem): restart calculation when bigdivrem1 was
+ interrupted by signal. Otherwise, ruby script may see a garbage
+ value.
+Mon Nov 26 15:33:02 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * bignum.c (big_div_struct): added volatile to 'stop' member.
+ Otherwise, "if (bds->stop)" check in bigdivrem1 don't read
+ memory and ignore interrupt.
+ * bignum.c (bigdivrem, rb_big_stop): ditto.
+Mon Nov 26 12:11:09 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (DLNOBJ): missing in r37821.
+Mon Nov 26 10:50:19 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (test_setsid): added a few wait for
+ preventing that Process.getsid( makes Errno::ESRCH.
+Sun Nov 25 22:34:00 2012 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * array.c (ary_resize_smaller): new function to resize array.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_delete): refactoring to extract a function.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_delete_same): refactoring.
+ It renames function, reduces duplicated code and removes unused
+ code.
+ * gc.c (wmap_final_func): follow the above change.
+ * internal.h (rb_ary_delete_same): ditto.
+Sun Nov 25 22:27:33 2012 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * array.c: fixes for the updated documentation in r35858:
+ Typos and #take/#drop accept to take/drop 0 elements.
+Sun Nov 25 19:43:29 2012 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * NEWS: add a news about iconv.
+Sun Nov 25 03:49:23 2012 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/set.rb, test/test_set.rb: Move tests embedded in lib/set.rb
+ to test/test_set.rb.
+Sun Nov 25 03:44:50 2012 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_each_line, rb_str_lines): String#lines now
+ returns an array instead of an enumerator. Passing a block is
+ deprecated but still supported for backwards compatibility.
+ Based on the patch by yhara. [Feature #6670]
+ * string.c (rb_str_each_char, rb_str_chars): Ditto for
+ String#chars.
+ * string.c (rb_str_each_codepoint, rb_str_codepoints): Ditto for
+ String#codepoints.
+ * string.c (rb_str_each_byte, rb_str_bytes): Ditto for
+ String#bytes.
+ * NEWS: Add notes for the above changes.
+Sun Nov 25 02:07:37 2012 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (Test::Unit::Assertions#assert_warning)
+ (Test::Unit::Assertions#assert_warn), test/ruby/envutil.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_enumerator.rb, test/ruby/test_io_m17n.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_regexp.rb, test/ruby/test_syntax.rb:
+ assert_warn() and assert_warning() are reversed.
+Sat Nov 24 21:08:50 2012 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * gc.c (wmap_final_func): rename variables to clarify the meaning.
+ In wmap2obj the key is WeakRef and the value is referenced object.
+ In obj2wmap the key is referenced object and the value is an array
+ of WeakRef.
+ * gc.c (wmap_finalize): ditto.
+ [ruby-core:49044] [Bug #7304]
+Sat Nov 24 21:01:55 2012 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_delete_same_obj): new function for WeakRef.
+ This deletes same objects as item argument in the array.
+ * internal.h (rb_ary_delete_same_obj): add a declaration.
+ * gc.c (wmap_final_func): remove WeakRef object reference from the
+ array. rb_ary_delete() is not usable because it uses rb_equal() to
+ compare object references.
+ * gc.c (wmap_finalize): remove recycled object references from weak
+ map hash properly. How to get object reference from object id was
+ wrong. st_delete() doesn't work properly if key and value arguments
+ are same. The key of obj2wmap is referenced object and the value of
+ obj2wmap is WeakRef array.
+ * gc.c (wmap_aset): obj2wmap should contain WeakRef array in the
+ definition.
+ * test/test_weakref.rb
+ (TestWeakRef#test_not_reference_different_object,
+ TestWeakRef#test_weakref_finalize): add tests for above.
+ [ruby-core:49044] [Bug #7304]
+Sat Nov 24 19:44:41 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c (unicode_iconv_combine): returning flags are
+ nkf_char.
+Sat Nov 24 19:29:18 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb (test_usage, test_usage_long):
+ reduced, renamed.
+Sat Nov 24 13:10:14 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_trace.c (rb_tracepoint_attr_raised_exception): should not check
+ value before event checking.
+ * vm_trace.c (rb_tracepoint_attr_return_value): ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: add tests for TracePoint#return_value
+ and TracePoint#raised_exception.
+Sat Nov 24 12:47:27 2012 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (TestProcess#test_setsid): "./ruby-trunk"
+ doesn't work on all environments. EnvUtil.rubybin would be suitable.
+Sat Nov 24 12:28:04 2012 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_aref): fix Segmentation fault at TestArray#test_aref
+ on x64 mingw. Variable argument of rb_scan_args() should be a pointer
+ (VALUE *), but 0 of variable argument seems not equal to null pointer
+ on x64 mingw.
+Sat Nov 24 11:47:14 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * process.c (proc_getsid): adds new method for getting session id.
+ Contributed from fumiyas (Fumiyasu SATOH). Thank you!
+ [Feature #6757] [ruby-dev:45977]
+ * adds getsid check.
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (TestProcess#test_setsid): new test
+ for the above.
+ * NEWS: news for the above.
+Sat Nov 24 10:59:14 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (thread_create_core): don't use th->thread_id before
+ initialized.
+Sat Nov 24 00:00:53 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options, process_options, ruby_process_options): take
+ care of the case argc is 0, and check if argv has NULL.
+ [ruby-core:49889] [Bug #7423]
+Sat Nov 24 00:00:10 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (--disable-dln): option to disable dynamic linking
+ feature. [ruby-core:37676] [Feature #4946]
+Fri Nov 23 23:44:41 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (MakeMakefile#pkg_config): strip all white spaces for
+ mingw64+MSYS pkg-config which erroneously emits extra newlines.
+ [ruby-core:47998] [Bug #7163]
+Fri Nov 23 17:31:54 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (usage): wrap description lines if options are too long.
+Fri Nov 23 11:13:46 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb (TestRubyOptions#test_usage2): refine
+ assertion.
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb (TestRubyOptions#test_usage2): now
+ --help option is for modern terminals.
+Fri Nov 23 10:45:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/socket/ipsocket.c (IPSocket#peeraddr): Fix example
+ [ruby-core:46429] [Bug #6732]
+Fri Nov 23 02:40:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/cgi/core.rb: Documentation for CGI#header alias
+ Based on a patch by Marcus Stollsteimer
+ [ruby-core:49585] [Bug #7405]
+Thu Nov 22 23:48:10 2012 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c (is_swept_object): extract from is_dead_object().
+ * gc.c (rb_gcdebug_print_obj_condition): add the function for debug.
+ This function shows some conditions of given object (e.g.,
+ marked, in heap, swept).
+ * gc.c (rb_gcdebug_sentinel): add the function for debug.
+ This function allow check to inadvertently free up an object.
+Thu Nov 22 23:45:18 2012 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_shared_with_p): fix cache validity check.
+ If #pop or #shift has been called against $: or $", the array will
+ be still shared with the snapshot. We check array length for cache
+ validity.
+ [ruby-core:49518] [Bug #7383]
+ * test/ruby/test_require.rb
+ (TestRequire#test_require_with_array_pop,
+ TestRequire#test_require_with_array_shift): add tests for above.
+Thu Nov 22 21:48:48 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ *, win32/Makefile.sub (probes.dmyh): now be made in current
+ (=build) directory if build from the repository.
+Thu Nov 22 21:34:51 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb: added a test.
+Thu Nov 22 20:32:07 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (string_to_c_strict, string_to_c): check NUL.
+ * rational.c (string_to_r_strict, string_to_r): ditto.
+Thu Nov 22 20:21:45 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * (.dmyh.h): removed $(VPATH). GNU make don't
+ recognize suffix rule with VPATH.
+Thu Nov 22 18:11:27 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ *,, win32/Makefile.sub (.dmyh.h): nmake merges
+ explicit rules for same target, but not merges explicit rules and
+ implicit rules -- always explicit rules win. So, need to add an
+ explicit rule for probes.h. [Bug #7421] [ruby-core:49839]
+Thu Nov 22 18:01:28 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (probes.o): add -C to ignore #include in probes.d.
+ * probes.d: include vm_opts.h instead of vm_core.h.
+ * vm_opts.h (VM_COLLECT_USAGE_DETAILS): move definition from vm_core.h.
+Thu Nov 22 17:45:17 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8: Merge b0a6577a521d1bba5e19853f95d5c4b9be1072b5.
+ Support JIS X 0213 and some bugfixes.
+Thu Nov 22 17:39:37 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * tool/gen_dummy_probes.rb: don't change #include, #if and #endif
+ lines. [Bug #7370]
+Thu Nov 22 16:58:26 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * run preprocessor when making probe.h
+ * probes.d: define probe insn and insn__operand only when
+ VM_COLLECT_USAGE_DETAILS is 1. [Bug #7370]
+Thu Nov 22 16:20:49 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * vm.c: Don't define vm_collect_usage_operand() and
+ static void vm_collect_usage_insn() when disabling
+ VM_COLLECT_USAGE_DETAILS. (refix r37796)
+Thu Nov 22 15:26:02 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.h: partly revert r37631 (DTrace support).
+ "vm usage information is always collected, so uncomment the
+ functions." causes performance impact. [Bug #7370]
+ Off course this revert disables related probes.
+Thu Nov 22 14:14:36 2012 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * re.c (rb_memsearch_ss): Apply performance improvement to short
+ byte array search for platforms without memmem(3).
+ [Feature #6311] [ruby-dev:45530]
+Thu Nov 22 12:52:19 2012 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * test/ruby/test_string.rb (TestString#test_index): Add some
+ corner cases to tests for String#index, which might fail if ruby
+ directly used a buggy memmem(3) implementation.
+Thu Nov 22 08:06:42 2012 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb (test_profiler_clear): fix wrong method
+ calls [Bug #7419] [ruby-core:49828].
+Thu Nov 22 02:22:33 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * NEWS: edited (order etc).
+Wed Nov 21 22:52:59 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/io/wait/wait.c (io_wait_readable): add alias wait_readable.
+ * ext/io/wait/wait.c (io_wait_writable): this is easier to use than
+ for a single IO object and is immune to the
+ limitations/inefficiency of select() on platforms where poll/ppoll
+ is available. patched by Eric Wong. [Feature #4646]
+Wed Nov 21 22:27:52 2012 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c (garbage_collect): remove a duplicative probe.
+Wed Nov 21 22:08:48 2012 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c (gc_profile_clear): realloc profile records if its size is
+ higher than the threshold, GC_PROFILE_RECORD_DEFAULT_SIZE * 2.
+Wed Nov 21 21:53:29 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (nucomp_to_c): added.
+Wed Nov 21 21:35:38 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * include/ruby/util.h: removed extra semicolon in definition of
+ macro.
+ * compile.c: ditto.
+ * cont.c: ditto.
+ * math.c: ditto.
+ * node.c: ditto.
+ * parse.y: ditto.
+Wed Nov 21 18:46:37 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * rational.c (read_digits): due to a bit tighter rb_cstr_to_inum().
+Wed Nov 21 16:13:37 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/bm_so_nsieve_bits.rb: add an encoding pragma because
+ this benchmark using strings (literals) as binary sequence.
+ Now, they are UTF-8 strings. [ruby-dev:46578]
+Wed Nov 21 00:57:43 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * file.c (Init_File): null device definition uses rb_define_const
+ instead of rb_file_const.
+Wed Nov 21 00:28:18 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/ruby/test_m17n_comb.rb (test_str_crypt): Use RbConfig to get
+ libc's directory. Patched by Vit Ondruch [ruby-core:49763] [Bug #7312]
+Tue Nov 20 23:28:26 2012 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * marshal.c: add marshal readahead. marshalized Array, Hash and Struct
+ have size at least number of its elements, marshal readahead will
+ read the certain readable length and buffer when it needs more bytes.
+ marshal readahead prevents many calls to IO#getbyte and IO#read,
+ then it enables performance improvement.
+ [ruby-dev:45637] [Feature #6440]
+Tue Nov 20 22:35:02 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (.d.h): replace char * to const char * because somehow
+ current dtrace removes const of function declaration in probes.d.
+Tue Nov 20 21:41:04 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/debug.h: introduced.
+ Debugging/profiling features will be located.
+ * vm_trace.c: expose C-level TracePoint APIs.
+ Note that they are experimental.
+ * vm_trace.c, include/ruby/debug.h: rename `rb_hook_flag_t'
+ to `rb_event_hook_flag_t'.
+ Macro names `RUBY_HOOK_FLAG_*' are also renamed to
+ * debug.h, vm_debug.h: rename debug.h to vm_debug.h.
+ * ditto.
+ * debug.c, main.c, vm_core.h: ditto.
+Tue Nov 20 21:12:37 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (RUBY_DTRACE_AVAILABLE): only check dtrace availability.
+Tue Nov 20 21:22:44 2012 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_type.rb (test_implemented_ole_types):
+ IShellDispatch6 bundled in Windows 8. Thanks to phasis68 (Heesob
+ Park). [ruby-core:49580][Bug #7403]
+Tue Nov 20 21:06:41 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c: some improvements.
+ * rational.c: ditto.
+Tue Nov 20 21:01:16 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (incs): BSD make cannot deal with non-prefixed dependency
+ and prefixed target.
+Tue Nov 20 20:10:23 2012 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_bsearch): fix rdoc bug (O(n log n) -> O(log n)).
+ Patch by Charlie Somerville. [ruby-core:49661] [Bug #7409]
+ * range.c (range_bsearch): ditto.
+Tue Nov 20 19:02:44 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_trace.c: rename and add TracePoint APIs.
+ (1){...} creates a new trace point
+ but does not make it enable.
+ (2) TracePoint.trace(...){...} creates a new trace point
+ and enable it (same as old behavior).
+ (3) TracePoint#enable make it enable (renamed from TracePoint#retrace).
+ If block given, when enable only in block.
+ (4) TracePoint#disable make it disable (renamed from TracePoint#untrace).
+ If block given, when disable only in block.
+ (5) TracePoint#enabled? returns this trace is enable or not.
+ [Feature #6895]
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: add tests.
+Tue Nov 20 18:35:05 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_trace.c: add two methods:
+ (1) TracePoint#return_value which returns return
+ value on the :return and :c_return event.
+ (2) TracePoint#raised_exception which returns raised exception
+ value on the :raise event.
+ Each methods raise RuntimeError if it is called at unsupported
+ event.
+ Please review and give us feedback until next preview
+ release (Dec/2012) of Ruby 2.0.0.
+ [Feature #6895]
+ * insns.def, vm.c, vm_eval.c, vm_insnhelper.c, eval.c, thread.c:
+ ditto.
+ * vm_trace.c, vm_core.h: move definition of rb_trace_arg_t from
+ vm_trace.c to vm_core.h.
+ Caller fills rb_trace_arg_t and pass the pointer of this variable.
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: fix tests to test this change.
+Tue Nov 20 17:31:12 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * fix dtrace didn't work on darwin.
+Tue Nov 20 15:20:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * file.c (File.extname): Documentation for extname on dotfiles and
+ files ending with a dot. Also, added example for this.
+ [ruby-core:47852] [Bug #7112]
+Tue Nov 20 14:19:20 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/ruby/test_signal.rb (TestSignal#test_signame): fix windows
+ test failure. Process.kill on windows can't send a signal to
+ another process.
+Tue Nov 20 13:58:11 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (Init_IO): moved all rb_file_const() into file.c.
+ * file.c (Init_File): replace with rb_file_const() with
+ rb_define_const() because RDoc don't care rb_file_const.
+ [Bug #5530]
+Tue Nov 20 12:35:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ruby.c (usage_msg): Fix typo [ruby-core:49205] [Bug #7327]
+Tue Nov 20 12:35:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * file.c (File::NULL): Document File::NULL constant
+ [ruby-core:49384] [Bug #7365]
+Tue Nov 20 12:05:15 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_read): Windows 8 fixed one of a bug of console
+ API.
+ based on the patch by Heesob Park at [ruby-core:49479] [Bug #7379]
+Tue Nov 20 11:14:33 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (--enable-dtrace): always call RUBY_DTRACE_BSD_BROKEN
+ for portability.
+ As the note, FreeBSD 8 has DTrace as the optional
+ feature (it is enabled by the build option), but doesn't have USDT.
+ FreeBSD 9 has USDT but they are still optional. FreeBSD 10 will
+ enable them by default.
+ The variable $rb_cv_prog_dtrace_g is "yes" only on FreeBSD 9 with
+ optional DTrace or FreeBSD 10. If it is "no", you cannot know
+ whether it doesn't need -G or DTrace is disabled. (by checking
+ error code, you can know)
+Mon Nov 19 22:55:48 2012 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * (--enable-dtrace): change help message
+Tue Nov 20 11:05:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/tracer.rb (Tracer.trace_func): printf to stdout
+ Patch by Michal Fojtik [ruby-core:45219] [Bug #6490]
+Mon Nov 19 21:24:18 2012 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * vm_dump.c: not to include probes.h because the code does not depend
+ on it.
+ * (vm_dump.$(OBJEXT)): remove dependency on probes.h
+Tue Nov 20 10:14:22 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_s_check_interrupt): removed redundant
+Tue Nov 20 10:12:46 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_threadptr_async_errinfo_active_p): added a small
+ comment.
+Tue Nov 20 10:05:56 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_blocking_region_end): replaced GET_THREAD()
+ with ruby_thread_from_native(). We don't have GVL here.
+Tue Nov 20 09:56:15 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_threadptr_execute_interrupts) removed.
+ * thread.c (rb_threadptr_execute_interrupts_common) renamed to
+ rb_threadptr_execute_interrupts. I.e. unified
+ rb_threadptr_execute_interrupts and rb_threadptr_execute_interrupts_common.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_schedule, rb_thread_execute_interrupts) s/_common//.
+Tue Nov 20 09:48:34 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * signal.c (rb_get_next_signal): removed pointless signal
+ disabling. pthread_sigmask() only changes current thread
+ mask.
+Tue Nov 20 09:36:55 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * signal.c (install_sighandler): added comments why we need
+ rb_disable_interrupt().
+Tue Nov 20 09:31:33 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * signal.c (rb_disable_interrupt, rb_enable_interrupt): removed
+ * signal.c (trap_arg, trap_ensure): removed.
+ * signal.c (trap, sig_trap): removed pointless signal disabling.
+ We don't need it because we no longer run trap handler on signal
+ handler context.
+Tue Nov 20 09:20:49 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * prelude.rb: Moved Mutex#synchronize to
+ * thread.c (rb_mutex_synchronize_m): here. [Bug #4266]
+Tue Nov 20 08:36:15 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * signal.c (sig_signame): implements Signal.signame method
+ [Feature #5613]
+ * test/ruby/test_signal.rb (test_signame): adds test for above
+ * NEWS: add an item about above
+Mon Nov 19 16:30:59 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_each_pair): yield associated pairs so that
+ an unsplat argument can get both, for consistency with Hash,
+ OpenStruct, and etc. [ruby-dev:46533] [Bug #7382]
+Mon Nov 19 16:17:53 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (LIBS): libelf is need on only FreeBSD.
+Mon Nov 19 16:08:10 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBYLIB): purelib option in runruby.rb is deprecated
+ since r28841, so set to an empty list to get rid of a bogus path in
+ child processes, which caused an insecure operation exception in
+ test/ruby/test_encoding.rb:test_unsafe.
+Mon Nov 19 15:40:50 2012 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * .travis.yml (script): add OPTS=-v, requested by @_ko1.
+Mon Nov 19 15:09:07 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * fix didn't enable_dtrace=yes on auto.
+ * see enable_dtrace for adding libelf on FreeBSD.
+ * VPATH is not needed.
+Mon Nov 19 14:55:51 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c: add `Thread#backtrace_locations' method.
+ This method is similar to `caller_locations' method for
+ specific method.
+ And fix to accept `level' and `n' parameters for `Thread#backtrace'
+ and `Thread#backtrace_locations'.
+ `caller' (and `caller_locations') do not return `caller' method
+ frame.
+ However, `Thread#backtrace' (and `Thread#backtrace_locations')
+ return `Thread#backtrace' method frame itself
+ if `Thread.current.backtrace' was called.
+ * vm_backtrace.c: ditto.
+ * internal.h: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_backtrace.rb: add tests.
+Mon Nov 19 14:54:32 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ *, (probes.h): moved to and changed to
+ see $(srcdir).
+ * (probes.dmyh): now created it on $(srcdir) always.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (.SUFFIXES): removed common suffix.
+Mon Nov 19 10:00:10 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (.SUFFIX): bsdmake needs .SUFFIX is defined before use.
+ * fix path of probes.dmyh.
+ * (vm_dump.o): depend probes.h.
+ * FreeBSD's USDT requires libelf.
+Mon Nov 19 01:11:59 2012 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * vm_core.h, probes_helper.h (RUBY_DTRACE_FUNC_ENTRY_HOOK,
+ RUBY_DTRACE_FUNC_RETURN_HOOK): move from vm_core.h to new file
+ probes_helper.h for narrowing dependency to probes.h.
+ * (VM_CORE_H_INCLUDES): remove dependency to probes.h.
+ * (vm.$(OBJEXT)): add dependency to probes_helper.h.
+ * vm.c, vm_insnhelper.c: include probes_helper.h.
+Sun Nov 18 16:33:00 2012 Naohisa Goto <>
+ *,, support DTrace on Solaris 10,
+ based on r26235 by Yugui. On Solaris 10, low optimization level
+ may also be needed, e.g. optflags="-xO1" or "-xO0" with Oracle
+ SolarisStudio 12.3 cc.
+ * (--enable-dtrace): new option to enable/disable
+ DTrace support. By default, trying to enable if dtrace command
+ is found on the system. It is disabled when cross compiling.
+ * (RUBY_DTRACE_POSTPROCESS): new macro. checks whether
+ the dtrace on the system needs postprocessing with "dtrace -G".
+ The postprocessing is needed on Solaris 10 and other platforms.
+ * (RUBY_DTRACE_BSD_BROKEN): new macro. checks whether
+ the dtrace supports USDT.
+ * (LD): On Solaris, /usr/ccs/bin/ld is preferred.
+ *,, (DTRACE_OBJ): new macro for
+ DTrace probe object generated by postprocessing with "dtrace -G".
+ *, (probes.$(OBJEXT)): DTrace probe object
+ generated by the postprocessing. New file probes.stamp is for
+ rebuilding related objects that may be modified by "dtrace -G".
+ macro for DTrace static library hacks.
+ *, (LIBRUBY_A_OBJS): ditto.
+ *, (ruby-glommed.$(OBJEXT)): new target with
+ rule for DTrace static library hacks.
+ * (DTRACE_DEPENDENT_OBJS): objects depended on probes.h.
+Sun Nov 18 09:31:47 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (read_comp): mathn compliant.
+ * rational.c (read_num): ditto.
+Sun Nov 18 02:50:12 2012 Luis Lavena <>
+ * win32/file.c (replace_to_long_name): correct logic around wildcard
+ characters detection and ensure wide-chars are used as pattern.
+ [ruby-core:49451] [Bug #7374]
+Sun Nov 18 02:02:46 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (read_comp): modified handling of polar form.
+Sun Nov 18 00:50:44 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (read_comp): fixed handling of polar form.
+Sun Nov 18 00:14:46 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (string_to_c_strict, string_to_c): rewrote without regexp.
+ * rational.c (string_to_r_strict, string_to_r): ditto.
+Sat Nov 17 23:53:05 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (make_patterns): should not accept extra sign.
+Sat Nov 17 21:45:12 Luis Lavena <>
+ * win32/file.c (replace_to_long_name): skip expansion for all wildcard
+ characters.
+ [ruby-core:49451] [Bug #7374]
+ * test/ruby/test_file_exhaustive.rb: add more assertions to test.
+Sat Nov 17 12:14:50 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: use literal YAML style
+ when emitting multi-line strings. Thanks @atambo
+ * test/psych/test_yaml.rb: test for change.
+Sat Nov 17 12:03:41 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/scalar_scanner.rb: avoid raising exceptions when
+ parsing Floats and Integers. Thanks riffraff [ruby-core:44426]
+ * test/psych/test_numeric.rb: associated test
+Sat Nov 17 11:34:31 2012 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * st.c (st_update): pass the key in st_table so that we can free
+ memory of the key in st_table when deleting.
+ [ruby-core:49220] [Bug #7330]
+ * test/-ext-/st/test_update.rb
+ (Bug::StTable#test_pass_objects_in_st_table): add a test.
+Sat Nov 17 11:26:36 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/core_ext.rb: move Kernel#y so that it can
+ manually be required as 'psych/y'.
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/y.rb: ditto
+Sat Nov 17 08:13:48 2012 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * lib/abbrev.rb: fix r37113. Correct examples, fix style
+ and show explicit dependency (require 'abbrev').
+Sat Nov 17 07:35:15 2012 Luis Lavena <>
+ * win32/file.c (replace_to_long_name): skip automatic path expansion
+ when wildcard character is used. [ruby-core:49451] [Bug #7374]
+ * test/ruby/test_file_exhaustive.rb: add a test for above.
+Sat Nov 17 00:50:23 2012 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * marshal.c (w_object): add flonum to arg->data to keep reference index
+ consistency. [ruby-core:49323] [Bug #7348]
+ * test/ruby/test_marshal.rb: add a test for above.
+Sat Nov 17 00:40:25 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (incs): dist files need probes.dmyh.
+ * (probes.dmyh): depends on generator script.
+ *,,, win32/Makefile.sub (probes.h):
+ select generating with dtrace or copying dummy file by suffix rules.
+Fri Nov 16 19:24:10 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_call_without_gvl2): change the parameter of
+ `func' from `int *skip_interrupt' to `VALUE *flags'.
+ If (flags & RUBY_CALL_WO_GVL_FLAG_SKIP_CHECK_INTS) is not zero,
+ then skip checking interrupt.
+ [ruby-core:46547]
+ * include/ruby/thread.h: ditto.
+Fri Nov 16 18:59:05 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (no-dtrace-probes.h): dmyprobes.h is in srcdir.
+ * (dmyprobes.h): ditto.
+Fri Nov 16 17:57:15 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (probes.h): split build commands for dtrace-available
+ and unavailable platforms.
+ * (incs): probes.h is a platform dependent file, so it
+ cannot be a part of prereq target. move it to all-incs.
+ * (DTRACE): move after AC_PROG_CC since cross_compiling
+ is set in it.
+ * (DTRACE): ignore non-prefixed version if
+ cross-compiling.
+ *, win32/Makefile.sub (probes.h): fix copying dmyprobes.h
+ path when outplace-build.
+Fri Nov 16 15:27:36 2012 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * lib/net/pop.rb (POP3.certs): fix typo in comment.
+ patch from no6v (Nobuhiro IMAI) <>.
+ [ruby-dev:46519] [Bug #7355]
+Fri Nov 16 12:36:47 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/rake/helper.rb (Rake::TestCase#setup): revert r37669.
+ @orig_PWD should be the original pwd.
+ * test/rake/test_*.rb: don't use @orig_PWD to load libraries.
+ It should be specified with relative path from the file.
+Fri Nov 16 10:22:52 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/rake/helper.rb (Rake::TestCase#setup): @orig_PWD shouldn't be
+ Dir.pwd when the build directory is different from source directory.
+Fri Nov 16 09:41:08 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/rake/version.rb: workaround fix to build. see #7366
+ [ruby-dev:46522]
+Fri Nov 16 07:23:18 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rake*: Updated to rake 0.9.4
+ for
+ a list of changes in 0.9.4.
+ * test/rake*: ditto
+ * NEWS: ditto
+Fri Nov 16 06:58:52 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rake*: Updated to rake 0.9.3. See
+ for
+ a list of changes in 0.9.3.
+ * test/rake*: ditto
+ * bin/rake: ditto
+ * NEWS: ditto
+Thu Nov 15 22:39:32 2012 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * range.c (range_bsearch): fix some bugs: a documentation bug, a wrong
+ condition, missed break in switch/case, and workaround for GCC
+ optimization. See [ruby-core:49364] in detail. A great patch from
+ Heesob Park. [Bug #7352] [Feature #4766]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_bsearch): fix similar bug (missed break).
+ * test/ruby/test_range.rb: add two test cases for above.
+Thu Nov 15 22:41:57 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_exec.h (GENTRY): GENTRY should be pointer size.
+ A patch by yoshidam (Yoshida Masato) [Bug #7332].
+Thu Nov 15 13:20:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * man/erb.1: Fix grammar and copyright dates
+ * man/goruby.1: ditto
+ * man/irb.1: ditto
+ * man/rake.1: ditto
+ * man/ri.1: ditto
+ * man/ruby.1: ditto
+ Patch by Arthur Gunn
+ [Fixes Github #210]
+Thu Nov 15 11:35:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * man/ruby.1: Grammar edits for man page
+ Based on a patch by Michael Endsley [Fixes Github #183]
+Thu Nov 15 00:47:20 2012 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_bsearch): add Array#bsearch for binary search.
+ [ruby-core:36390] [Feature #4766]
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb: add a test for above.
+ * range.c (range_bsearch): add Range#bsearch for binary search.
+ [ruby-core:36390] [Feature #4766]
+ * test/ruby/test_range.rb: add a test for above
+ * NEWS: added the two new methods.
+Wed Nov 14 13:25:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (chmod): Add "X" to modes, convert format to table
+ [ruby-core:48965] [Bug #7288]
+Wed Nov 14 11:51:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/csv.rb (init_comments): Document private method #init_comments.
+ Based on a patch from Vincent Batts [ruby-core:49172] [Bug #7319]
+Wed Nov 14 00:54:00 2012 Kenta Murata <>
+ * (probes.h): create from probes.d
+Tue Nov 13 18:44:01 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_cfunc_with_frame): don't use ci after
+ EXEC_EVENT_HOOK because ci can be overridden.
+ * vm_eval.c: ditto.
+ * method.h: change invoker's parameters types.
+ * vm_method.c (call_cfunc_invoker_func): ditto.
+Tue Nov 13 18:01:54 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_using): raise an ArgumentError if cyclic using is
+ detected. based on the patch by Charlie Somerville.
+ [ruby-core:49092] Bug #7308
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb: related test.
+Tue Nov 13 17:40:04 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (vm_insnhelper.c): this target is useless and causes
+ ruby always need rebuild.
+Tue Nov 13 17:35:49 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (insn_data_to_s_detail): remove debug lines.
+Tue Nov 13 17:28:47 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_caller_setup_args): save and restore
+ ci->argc and ci->blockptr before and after method invocations
+ because these method dispatches can override call_info.
+ * bootstraptest/test_method.rb: add tests for this fix.
+Tue Nov 13 16:38:02 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (dmyprobes.h): always create for make dist.
+ * (probes.h): create or copy dmyprobes.h
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: only do copy dmyprobes.h.
+Tue Nov 13 15:37:21 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (.SUFFIX): .SUFFIX is needed here for .d.h on bsd make.
+Tue Nov 13 15:34:35 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (.d.h): it's not common.
+Tue Nov 13 12:27:11 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * disable dtrace because it doesn't work on FreeBSD.
+ * (clean-local): rm probes.h.
+ * (parse.o): depend $(PROBES_H_INCLUDES).
+ * (.d.h): moved from and use BASERUBY.
+ * tool/gen_dummy_probes.rb: reimplemented with ruby because sed is not
+ available on Windows Microsoft VC++ environment.
+Tue Nov 13 12:30:26 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/README.win32: added mention about build directory. currently
+ we can not build ruby in win32 directory. this problem is reported
+ by Masahiro Kitajima <>.
+Tue Nov 13 11:03:47 2012 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * re.c (rb_memsearch_ss): performance improvement by using memmem(3) if
+ possible. [ruby-dev:45530] [Feature #6311]
+ * check existence of memmem(3) and that it is not broken.
+Tue Nov 13 06:50:02 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * probes.d: add DTrace probe declarations. [ruby-core:27448]
+ * array.c (empty_ary_alloc, ary_new): added array create DTrace probe.
+ * compile.c (rb_insns_name): allowing DTrace probes to access
+ instruction sequence name.
+ * translate probes.d file to appropriate header file.
+ * declare dependencies on the DTrace header.
+ * add a test for existence of DTrace.
+ * eval.c (setup_exception): add a probe for when an exception is
+ raised.
+ * gc.c: Add DTrace probes for mark begin and end, and sweep begin and
+ end.
+ * hash.c (empty_hash_alloc): Add a probe for hash allocation.
+ * insns.def: Add probes for function entry and return.
+ * internal.h: function declaration for compile.c change.
+ * load.c (rb_f_load): add probes for `load` entry and exit, require
+ entry and exit, and wrapping search_required for load path search.
+ * object.c (rb_obj_alloc): added a probe for general object creation.
+ * parse.y (yycompile0): added a probe around parse and compile phase.
+ * string.c (empty_str_alloc, str_new): DTrace probes for string
+ allocation.
+ * test/dtrace/*: tests for DTrace probes.
+ * vm.c (vm_invoke_proc): add probes for function return on exception
+ raise, hash create, and instruction sequence execution.
+ * vm_core.h: add probe declarations for function entry and exit.
+ * vm_dump.c: add probes header file.
+ * vm_eval.c (vm_call0_cfunc, vm_call0_cfunc_with_frame): add probe on
+ function entry and return.
+ * vm_exec.c: expose instruction number to instruction name function.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: add function entry and exit probes for cfunc
+ methods.
+ * vm_insnhelper.h: vm usage information is always collected, so
+ uncomment the functions.
+Mon Nov 12 19:14:50 2012 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * (isinf, isnan): isinf() and isnan() are macros on
+ DragonFly which cannot be found by AC_REPLACE_FUNCS(). This
+ workaround enforces the fact that they exist on DragonFly.
+Mon Nov 12 15:59:38 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_core.h (rb_call_info_t::refinements), compile.c (new_callinfo),
+ vm_insnhelper.c (vm_search_method): revert r37616 because it's too
+ slow. [ruby-dev:46477]
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb (test_inline_method_cache): skip
+ the test until the bug is fixed efficiently.
+Mon Nov 12 14:28:01 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/mkexports.rb (each_export): skip garbage generated by VS2012's
+ nmake.
+ reported and patched by Yoshida Masato at [Bug #7333] [ruby-dev:46484]
+Sun Nov 11 18:58:55 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * test/date/test_date_{parse,strptime}.rb: changed the format of
+ some extra messages.
+Sun Nov 11 18:41:34 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_parse.c (date__parse): revised the tight parser
+ (about handling of apostrophes).
+Sun Nov 11 15:39:04 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_s_create): just warn for wrong elements now.
+ [ruby-dev:46440] [Bug #7300]
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_s_create): refine error messages.
+ * error.c (rb_builtin_class_name): share for above.
+Sun Nov 11 15:12:18 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * eval.c (top_using): remove Kernel#using, and add main.using instead.
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb: related test.
+Sun Nov 11 13:41:01 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * eval.c (rb_using_refinement, rb_mod_using, f_using): clear method
+ cache only when using is called explicitly.
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb: related test.
+Sun Nov 11 12:56:34 2012 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * lib/pstore.rb (PStore): fix not to replace ThreadError raised in
+ #transaction block with PStore::Error.
+ [ruby-core:39238] [Bug #5269]
+Sun Nov 11 11:36:19 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_core.h (rb_call_info_t::refinements), compile.c (new_callinfo):
+ add a new field for inline method cache.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_search_method): check rb_call_info_t::refinements
+ not to confuse inline method cache when module_eval is used with
+ refinements.
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb: related test.
+Sun Nov 11 08:45:45 2012 Martin Duerst <>
+ * ruby.c: removed a comma before "before"
+Sat Nov 10 23:02:31 2012 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c: move immutable fields from struct heaps_slot and struct
+ sorted_heaps_slot into struct heaps_header.
+ Based on a patch from Sokolov Yura [Feature #6199][ruby-core:43592]
+Sat Nov 10 19:28:16 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c: modified doc.
+ * rational.c: ditto.
+Sat Nov 10 18:20:10 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_parse.c: edited about era.
+Sat Nov 10 12:13:41 2012 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb: Don't install *.gemspec under lib/.
+ [ruby-core:48966] [Bug #7289]
+ Reported by Vit Ondruch. Thanks!!!
+Sat Nov 10 00:49:26 2012 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * ruby_atomic.h: renamed from atomic.h to avoid header file name
+ conflict on Solaris 10. [ruby-dev:46414] [Bug #7287]
+ * gc.c, signal.c, vm_core.h, reflect the rename from
+ atomic.h to ruby_atomic.h.
+Sat Nov 10 00:46:57 2012 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * atomic.h: Revert r37491 which is a temporary workaround.
+Sat Nov 10 00:33:31 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * siphash.h: check configure macros before include newer headers.
+Fri Nov 9 23:33:05 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/erb.rb (ERB#run, ERB#result): eval under isolated bindings for
+ safe concurrent use. [ruby-core:47638] [Bug #7046]
+Fri Nov 9 23:05:06 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (BYTE_ORDER): define using configured WORDS_BIGENDIAN.
+ * siphash.c (sip_init_state): use union to suppress warnings by gcc
+ 4.7.
+Fri Nov 9 19:40:03 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_splice): fix r37583 doesn't consider the case when
+ beg > array length.
+Fri Nov 9 16:11:58 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (rb_memhash): use siphash.
+Fri Nov 9 16:08:46 2012 Sokolov Yura funny-falcon <>
+ * array.c: speedup Array#unshift by using space in shared array.
+ [Feature #6638]
+ - when array owns its shared array (ARY_SHARED_NUM == 1), and there
+ is enough space then try unshift values directly into shared
+ array.
+ - when resulting array is big (~>64 items) then make it shared with
+ enough room for future #unshifts, and then insert into shared
+ array.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_splice): use shared array in rb_ary_slice.
+ [Feature #6638]
+ - use ary_ensure_room_for_push when rb_ary_slice used to add at the
+ end of array, cause rb_ary_concat use rb_ary_slice.
+ * array.c (ary_ensure_room_for_push): make array really suitable for
+ queue. [Feature #6638]
+ when array is shared (which happens after Array#shift), and
+ ARY_SHARED_NUM == 1 (which is very often when array used as queue),
+ then make rb_ary_push push directly into shared array.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_modify): steal shared array's container when
+ ARY_SHARED_NUM == 1. [Feature #6638]
+ - Do not allocate new memory in rb_ary_modify when ARY_SHARED_NUM == 1
+ and length almost same.
+ - Store ARY_CAPA instead of RARRAY_LEN in ary_make_shared, to make
+ it useful.
+ - Fix rb_ary_sort_bang accordantly.
+Fri Nov 9 16:00:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c: Documentation for BigDecimal
+ Based on a patch from Vincent Batts [ruby-core:49047] [Bug #7305]
+Fri Nov 9 15:25:42 2012 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/shellwords.rb (Shellwords#shellescape): Add back my original
+ real world example with some enhancement.
+ * lib/shellwords.rb (Shellwords#shelljoin): Undo part of the
+ previous rdoc change. This new example using a string-only
+ array was not in line with the description.
+Fri Nov 9 12:58:13 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_crypt): crypt(3) may return NULL.
+ Latest glibc (2.16?) crypt(3) actually returns NULL. [Bug #7312]
+Fri Nov 9 12:07:06 2012 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (alloca), eval_intern.h (alloca), gc.c
+ (alloca): Make alloca() globally available by moving the
+ ultimate ifdef's to ruby/ruby.h. Gcc hides its builtin alloca()
+ when compiling with -ansi, and linking thus fails on platforms
+ that lack their own alloca() implementation in libc, which
+ include OpenBSD and some ports of NetBSD. We use alloca()
+ everywhere including from within third party C extensions, so
+ alloca() must be made globally available. [Bug #7307]
+ * addr2line.c (alloca): Replace the alloca() part with the
+ ultimate ifdef's. [Bug #7307]
+Fri Nov 9 09:30:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * io.c (IO#new):
+ Fix indentation from r37444
+ [ruby-core:48052] [Bug #7179]
+Fri Nov 9 07:36:00 2012 Kenta Murata <>
+ * bignum.c (bigmul0): enable big_mul_toom3.
+ [ruby-core:48552] [Bug #7242]
+ * bignum.c (bigmul1_toom3): fix incorrect calculation.
+ the patch is made by Heesob Park.
+ [ruby-core:48552] [Bug #7242]
+Fri Nov 9 05:33:00 2012 Kenta Murata <>
+ * bignum.c (bigmul0): disable big_mul_toom3 temporarily.
+ [ruby-core:48552] [Bug #7242]
+ * test/ruby/test_bignum.rb (test_mul_large_numbers):
+ add a test for bigmul1_toom3 suggested in [Bug #7242].
+Thu Nov 8 21:57:59 2012 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * re.c (rb_memsearch): performance improvement by using memchr().
+ [ruby-dev:45397] [Feature #6173]
+Thu Nov 8 19:02:50 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb (Net::InternetMessageIO#each_crlf_line):
+ treat \r as newline as mame pointed. [ruby-dev:46425] [Bug #7278]
+Thu Nov 8 11:32:11 2012 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * (--with-opt-dir): Avoid nesting of double quotes
+ inside backquotes, since some traditional shells like PD KSH
+ (which OpenBSD's /bin/sh bases on) fail to parse them.
+Thu Nov 8 09:34:00 2012 Kenta Murata <>
+ * numeric.c: Add a caution that the results of the comparing
+ operations of two NaNs are undefined.
+ [#1720] [ruby-dev:38725] [ruby-core:36966]
+Thu Nov 8 04:45:21 2012 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: Restore rb_enumeratorize as it was before
+ r37497 and introduce rb_enumeratorize_with_size instead. [#7302]
+ * enumerator.c: ditto.
+Wed Nov 7 15:22:37 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * numeric.c (ruby_float_step): fix r37514: it yielded with NaN
+ if the unit is infinity.
+Wed Nov 7 15:46:12 2012 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * lib/webrick.rb: fix typo. reported by Rohit Arondekar.
+Wed Nov 7 15:34:12 2012 Takeyuki FUJIOKA <>
+ * lib/cgi/core.rb: alias CGI#http_header to CGI#header.
+Wed Nov 7 12:49:39 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_refine): set RMODULE_IS_REFINEMENT to a created
+ refinement module, and don't override method_added.
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_entry_make): check redefinition of
+ optimized methods when a method is added to a refinement module.
+ [ruby-core:48970] [Bug #7290]
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb: related test.
+Wed Nov 7 11:48:14 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-additional.el (ruby-mode-set-encoding): now encoding needs
+ to be set always explicitly actually. [Feature #6679]
+Wed Nov 7 09:15:58 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (rb_mod_const_get): avoid inadvertent symbol creation.
+Wed Nov 7 07:52:50 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enum.c (rb_enum_cycle_size): prefix with rb.
+Wed Nov 7 04:32:15 2012 Luis Lavena <>
+ * test/ruby/test_file_exhaustive.rb: Remove FIXME skip on Windows
+ specific test because the test in question was already fixed.
+Wed Nov 7 03:45:12 2012 Luis Lavena <>
+ * ext/zlib/extconf.rb: Recognize zlibwapi as linking library.
+ Patch by Daniel Berger.
+ [ruby-core:44979] [Feature #6421]
+Wed Nov 7 02:06:40 2012 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * enumerator.c: New method #size; constructor accepts size.
+ Have #to_enum accept a block
+ Warn when using deprecated form of constructor
+ Support #size for enumerators created from enumerators
+ Support for lazy.{map|flat_map|...}.size.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: RETURN_SIZED_ENUMERATOR for support of
+ sized enumerators.
+ * array.c: Support for various enumerator.size.
+ * enum.c: ditto.
+ * hash.c: ditto.
+ * numeric.c: ditto.
+ * range.c: ditto.
+ * string.c: ditto.
+ * struct.c: ditto.
+ * vm_eval.c: ditto.
+Tue Nov 6 20:40:28 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * object.c (rb_mod_const_get): Fix constant missing exception class
+ and message to maintain backwards compatibility. Constant search
+ should start at Object when constant starts with '::'
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb: test for fixes
+Tue Nov 6 16:50:00 2012 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb (Tempfile#inspect): fix confusing #inspect.
+ previous Tempfile#inspect says it is a File, but actually
+ it is not a File.
+ t ="foo") #=> #<File:/tmp/foo20121106-31970-1ffbum0>
+ t.is_a? File #=> false
+ now Tempfile#inspect returns like:
+ t ="foo")
+ #=> #<Tempfile:/tmp/foo20121106-31970-1ffbum0>
+ [ruby-core:47544] [Bug #7027]
+Tue Nov 6 16:22:30 2012 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * atomic.h: add #include <sys/atomic.h> for the workaround of
+ header file name conflict of atomic.h with /usr/include/atomic.h
+ on Solaris 10. [ruby-dev:46414] [Bug #7287]
+Tue Nov 6 14:38:00 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole.rb: now source encoding is UTF-8, so
+ binary strings in old scripts are dangerous.
+Tue Nov 6 14:25:09 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb (Net::InternetMessageIO#each_crlf_line):
+ don't use /n in universal regexp. [ruby-dev:46394] [Bug #7278]
+Tue Nov 6 09:42:26 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_b): Add String#b, returning a copied string
+ whose encoding is ASCII-8BIT. [ruby-dev:45992] [Feature #6767]
+Tue Nov 6 09:37:57 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ruby.c (load_file_internal): set default source encoding as
+ UTF-8 instead of US-ASCII. [ruby-core:46021] [Feature #6679]
+ * parse.y (parser_initialize): set default parser encoding as
+ UTF-8 instead of US-ASCII.
+Tue Nov 6 05:48:06 2012 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_require.rb
+ (TestRequire#test_require_to_path_redefined_in_load_path,
+ TestRequire#test_require_to_str_redefined_in_load_path):
+ Suppress method redefined warning when test-all with RUBYOPT=-w.
+Thu Nov 8 00:24:14 2012 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/curses/view.rb: Do not fail if the file to view is shorter
+ than the screen height.
+Mon Nov 5 11:40:00 2012 Mark Somerville <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (rb_reserved_fd_p): fix typo in macro check
+ that prevented the ifdef ever being true.
+ [Bug #7281] [ruby-core:48940]
+Mon Nov 5 23:28:57 2012 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * file.c (rb_get_path_check_to_string): extract from
+ rb_get_path_check(). We change the spec not to call to_path of
+ String object.
+ * file.c (rb_get_path_check_convert): extract from rb_get_path_check().
+ * file.c (rb_get_path_check): follow the above change.
+ * file.c (rb_file_expand_path_fast): remove check_expand_path_args().
+ Instead we call it in load.c.
+ * file.c (rb_find_file_ext_safe): use rb_get_expanded_load_path() to
+ reduce expand cost.
+ * file.c (rb_find_file_safe): ditto.
+ * internal.h (rb_get_expanded_load_path): add a declaration.
+ * internal.h (rb_get_path_check_to_string, rb_get_path_check_convert):
+ add declarations.
+ * load.c (rb_construct_expanded_load_path): fix for compatibility.
+ Same checks in rb_get_path_check() are added. We don't replace
+ $LOAD_PATH and ensure that String object of $LOAD_PATH are frozen.
+ We don't freeze non String object and expand it every time. We add
+ arguments for expanding load path partially and checking if load path
+ have relative paths or non String objects.
+ * load.c (load_path_getcwd): get current working directory for checking
+ if it's changed when getting load path.
+ * load.c (rb_get_expanded_load_path): fix for rebuilding cache properly.
+ We check if current working directory is changed and rebuild expanded
+ load path cache. We expand paths which start with ~ (User HOME) and
+ non String objects every time for compatibility. We make this
+ accessible from other source files.
+ * load.c (rb_feature_provided): call rb_get_path() since we changed
+ rb_file_expand_path_fast() not to call it.
+ * load.c (Init_load): initialize vm->load_path_check_cache.
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_mark): mark vm->load_path_check_cache for GC.
+ * vm_core.h (rb_vm_struct): add vm->load_path_check_cache to store data
+ to check load path cache validity.
+ * test/ruby/test_require.rb (TestRequire): add tests for require
+ compatibility related to cached expanded load path.
+ [ruby-core:47970] [Bug #7158]
+Mon Nov 5 23:26:05 2012 Greg Price <>
+ * load.c (rb_get_expanded_load_path): cache the expanded load
+ path. This saves 4KB of allocation and some stats for every
+ element of the load path (so nearly a MB in my Rails app)
+ on every require.
+ * load.c (rb_construct_expanded_load_path): ensure that $LOAD_PATH
+ entries are frozen strings. The user must mutate $LOAD_PATH
+ itself rather than its individual entries.
+ * vm_core.h (rb_vm_struct): add fields.
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_mark): mark new fields.
+ * ruby.c (process_options): modify $LOAD_PATH directly rather than
+ its elements.
+ Patch by Greg Price.
+ [ruby-core:47970] [Bug #7158]
+Mon Nov 5 23:24:42 2012 Greg Price <>
+ * load.c (rb_feature_p, rb_provide_feature): index $LOADED_FEATURES
+ so that require isn't so slow.
+ * load.c (rb_provide_feature, get_loaded_features_index): ensure
+ that $LOADED_FEATURES entries are frozen strings. The user
+ must mutate $LOADED_FEATURES itself rather than its individual
+ entries.
+ * load.c (reset_loaded_features_snapshot): add a new function to reset
+ vm->loaded_features_snapshot.
+ * load.c (get_loaded_features_index_raw): add a new function to get
+ the loaded-features index.
+ * load.c (features_index_add_single): add a new function to add to the
+ loaded-features index a single feature.
+ * load.c (features_index_add): add a new function to add to the
+ loaded-features index all the required entries for `feature`.
+ * vm_core.h (rb_vm_struct): add fields.
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_mark): mark new fields.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_hash_clear): declare function.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_clear): make function non-static.
+ Patch by Greg Price.
+ [ruby-core:47970] [Bug #7158]
+Mon Nov 5 23:23:51 2012 Greg Price <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_shared_with_p): new function.
+ Expose whether two arrays are shared (read-only, C only).
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_ary_shared_with_p): declare.
+ Patch by Greg Price.
+ [ruby-core:47970] [Bug #7158]
+Mon Nov 5 23:21:14 2012 Greg Price <>
+ * load.c (loaded_feature_path): clarify and briefly comment
+ function. These clarifications have no effect on the behavior
+ of the function.
+ * load.c (rb_feature_p): explain the search loop. Especially
+ useful because the logic is complicated as described in the
+ second paragraph.
+ Patch by Greg Price.
+ [ruby-core:47970] [Bug #7158]
+Mon Nov 5 22:45:03 2012 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * ext/dl/win32/lib/Win32API.rb (Win32API#call): use 64bit pointer for x64
+ Windows. This would fix
+ TestSecureRandom#test_s_random_bytes_without_openssl error.
+ [ruby-core:47451] [Bug #6990]
+Mon Nov 5 22:09:26 2012 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * cygwin/ ( link *.res.o.
+ EXTOBJES is defined in *.res.o setting should be below
+ [ruby-core:48858] [Bug #7277]
+Mon Nov 5 11:35:11 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_thread_init, native_thread_destroy):
+ removed HAVE_PTHREAD_CONDATTR_INIT check because this silly
+ #ifdef makes use-uninitialized-var issue and (2) native_cond_initialize()
+ already have a right platform and caller don't need any additional care.
+ [Bug #6825]
+Mon Nov 5 10:57:59 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/cgi/core.rb: check if Tempfile is defined before use it.
+ * lib/cgi/core.rb: remove tempfiles only if tempfiles exist
+Mon Nov 5 12:17:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/uri/http.rb ( Fix example
+ Patch by Carina C. Zona
+ [Fixes #209 Github]
+Mon Nov 5 09:55:05 2012 Takeyuki FUJIOKA <>
+ * lib/cgi/core.rb: remove tempfile more early.
+Sun Nov 4 20:29:46 2012 Takeyuki FUJIOKA <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb, lib/cgi/*/rb: rename CGI#header to CGI#http_header,
+ add and update HTML5 tag generator. [Bug #7110]
+ Patch provided by Marcus Stollsteimer, thank you !
+Sun Nov 4 11:47:39 2012 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (module FileUtils): repatch [ruby-core:39622]
+ [Feature #5337]. improve performance of FileUtils.compare_stream.
+ [ruby-core:47545] [Feature #7028]
+Sun Nov 4 11:27:54 2012 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * array.c (recursive_equal): fix to return true when self and other
+ are resized to same size and the current index become out of
+ range.
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb: add a test for the above.
+Sun Nov 4 10:19:03 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (file_s_fnmatch): match with expanding braces if FNM_EXTGLOB
+ is set. [ruby-core:40037] [Feature #5422]
+Sat Nov 3 23:38:15 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c: modified doc.
+ * rational.c: ditto.
+Sat Nov 3 22:38:55 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: modified doc.
+Sat Nov 3 18:35:55 2012 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_rewrite_ep_in_errinfo, vm_rewrite_ep_in_errinfo):
+ merge code and remove `rb_vm_rewrite_ep_in_errinfo'.
+Sat Nov 3 18:15:24 2012 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * vm.c, proc.c: avoid unnecessary `rb_vm_rewrite_ep_in_errinfo'
+ calls.
+Sat Nov 3 17:53:43 2012 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * bin/testrb: Use only Test::Unit::AutoRunner in test-unit gem
+ compatible API to be available by both test/unit bundled in Ruby
+ and test-unit gem.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::AutoRunner): Move codes from testrb.
+Sat Nov 3 14:56:21 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_parse.c (parse_eu): should capture apostrophe too.
+Sat Nov 3 14:46:15 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_parse.c (date__parse): revised the tight parser.
+Sat Nov 3 14:43:42 2012 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/xmldecl.rb (REXML::XMLDecl#content): Add missing \A
+ and \z.
+Sat Nov 3 14:42:55 2012 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/output.rb (REXML::Output#initialize): Use normalized
+ encoding name.
+Sat Nov 3 14:41:17 2012 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/output.rb (REXML::Output): Don't output BOM in middle
+ of the output string.
+ * test/rexml/test_document.rb: Add a test for the above change.
+Sat Nov 3 14:09:55 2012 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * NEWS: Add an item about REXML::Document#write.
+Sat Nov 3 13:46:49 2012 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_document.rb: Fix tests that expect encoding name
+ isn't normalized.
+Sat Nov 3 13:26:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * dir.c (Dir#glob):
+ Documentation for pattern section, backslash subsection
+ Patch by Eric Bouchut
+ [ruby-core:48528] [Bug #7230]
+Sat Nov 3 13:26:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * io.c (IO#new):
+ Documentation for IO#open modes and formatting
+ [ruby-core:48052] [Bug #7179]
+Sat Nov 3 13:01:02 2012 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_encoding.rb (EncodingTester#test_in_different_out):
+ Fix a test that expects encoding in XML declaration is changed by
+ Output's encoding. It is dropped feature.
+Sat Nov 3 12:49:45 2012 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/document.rb (REXML::Document#write): Document encoding
+ option. Now different encoding between XML file's encoding and
+ XML declaration's encoding is support.
+ [Feature #4872] (work in progress)
+ * lib/rexml/xmldecl.rb (REXML::XMLDecl#write): Always use XMLDecl's
+ encoding.
+ * test/rexml/test_document.rb: Update tests for the above change.
+Sat Nov 3 12:18:35 2012 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * array.c (recursive_equal): fix not to make invalid pointers when
+ self and other are resized to same size in #== of their elements.
+ [ruby-dev:46373] [Feature #6177]
+Sat Nov 3 12:06:15 2012 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_xml_declaration.rb (TestXmlDeclaration#test_*):
+ Remove needless prefix from test names.
+Sat Nov 3 12:04:52 2012 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_xml_declaration_parent_child.rb: Rename to ...
+ * test/rexml/test_xml_declaration.rb: ... this.
+Sat Nov 3 11:43:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_delete): Correct grammar
+ Patch by Glenn Oppegard
+ [Fixes #208 Github]
+Sat Nov 3 11:28:28 2012 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * NEWS: add a news about GC::Profiler.raw_data.
+Sat Nov 3 11:01:32 2012 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * NEWS: add a news about rb_newobj_of() and NEWOBJ_OF().
+Sat Nov 3 10:17:41 2012 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * eval.c (f_current_dirname): add the new method for Kernel.
+ This method almost same as File.dirname(__FILE__). One
+ different behavior is it returns nil when __FILE__ returns nil.
+ [Feature #3346]
+ * NEWS: ditto
+ * test/ruby/test_method.rb: related test.
+Sat Nov 3 09:03:34 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb (test_new_method_by_send,
+ test_new_method_by_method_object): add tests for Kernel#send and
+ Kernel#method with refinements.
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb (test_symbol_to_proc): add a test
+ calling a proc created by Symbol#to_proc outside the scope where
+ a refinement is closed over.
+Sat Nov 3 04:14:19 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_rewrite_ep_in_errinfo): rewrite all catch points in
+ errinfo, not only the topmost frame. based on the patch by
+ ktsj (Kazuki Tsujimoto) in [ruby-dev:45656]. [Bug #6460]
+Fri Nov 2 20:11:17 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (MakeMakefile#timestamp_file): remove @ which looks like
+ configure variables.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (MakeMakefile#timestamp_file): use .-. instead of !, a
+ special character of NMAKE and BSD make. [Bug #7265]
+Fri Nov 2 17:55:39 2012 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (_run_parallel): Delete status line before showing
+ results. Patch by Hiroshi Shirosaki. [Bug #6897] [ruby-core:47250]
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (_run_parallel): Fix strange result when disabled retrying.
+ Patch by Hiroshi Shirosaki. [Bug #6897] [ruby-core:47250]
+Fri Nov 2 17:52:12 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * object.c (rb_mod_to_s): Module#{to_s,inspect}, when invoked on
+ a refinement, returns a string in the format #<refinement:C@M>,
+ where C is a refined class and M is a module at which the refinement
+ is defined.
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_refine): store information on a refinement for the
+ above change.
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb: related test.
+Fri Nov 2 16:57:52 2012 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * vm_dump.c (rb_vm_bugreport): Because of many log directories,
+ making directory lists readable.
+Fri Nov 2 16:44:00 2012 Kenta Murata <>
+ * vm_dump.c (rb_vm_bugreport): add ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports
+ in the locations list of crash reports.
+Fri Nov 2 14:52:52 2012 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * array.c (recursive_equal): performance improvement by avoiding
+ overhead to call rb_ary_elt().
+ [ruby-dev:45412] [Feature #6177]
+Fri Nov 2 14:47:53 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * string.c (sym_to_proc, sym_call): A Proc created by Symbol#to_proc
+ should close over the current refinements.
+ [ruby-dev:46345] [Bug #7261]
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_call0, rb_search_method_entry,
+ rb_funcall_passing_block_with_refinements): add a new argument
+ `refinements' for the above changes.
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb: related test.
+Fri Nov 2 08:24:28 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (top_define_method): new method, main.define_method.
+ [ruby-core:45715] [Feature #6609]
+ * eval.c (top_include): fix a warning message, main is not a class or
+ module.
+Fri Nov 2 04:41:33 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (MakeMakefile#timestamp_file): use ! instead of %, a GNU
+ make special character.
+Fri Nov 2 04:40:10 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (test_execopts_preserve_env_on_exec_failure):
+ use never existing file in the current temporary directory.
+Fri Nov 2 04:23:20 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/merger.rb: add feature to tag preview/rc.
+Fri Nov 2 03:23:37 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: fix for if config["libdir"] is nil.
+Thu Nov 1 23:06:01 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/make-snapshot: fix wrong regexp for releasing preview.
+ patched by mame.
+Thu Nov 1 22:27:11 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * NEWS: add a news about objspace,
+ ObjectSpace.reachable_objects_from.
+Thu Nov 1 21:57:00 2012 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_new),
+ test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb:
+ Fix exception message of BigDecimal constructor with a Float.
+Thu Nov 1 21:52:20 2012 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_add),
+ test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb:
+ need to specify precision for converting Rational and Float.
+ [ruby-core:48045] [Bug #7176]
+Thu Nov 1 21:42:20 2012 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb: Revert r37404. My ubuntu box has
+ actually the directory named "/nonexistent"... Sorry.
+Thu Nov 1 21:28:28 2012 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb: Process.exec raised EACCES on Linux
+ 3.5.0-17-generic. This is a temporal fix to rescue that exception.
+ Needs kosaki's review.
+Thu Nov 1 21:19:56 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * iseq.c (set_relation): parent_iseq need to be set regardless iseq
+ type. fix r37397.
+Thu Nov 1 19:47:23 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (RUBY_STACK_MIN): may not a compile time constant.
+ fix r37079. [ruby-dev:46322] [Bug #7247]
+Thu Nov 1 16:44:36 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * NEWS: add note for Module#refine, Module#refinements,
+ Module#using, and Kernel#using.
+Thu Nov 1 14:41:47 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * eval.c (rb_using_module): using should be used indirectly.
+ [ruby-dev:46326] [Feature #7251]
+Wed Oct 31 18:17:38 2012 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c (gc_profile_record): don't define unused variables when
+Wed Oct 31 18:10:53 2012 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c (gc_prof_mark_timer_stop): count is not initialized.
+Wed Oct 31 09:28:24 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_call_without_gvl2): Note that ubf() may or may
+ not be called with the GVL. Hinted that rb_thread_call_with_gvl()
+ can be used to access ruby functionality.
+Wed Oct 31 09:06:54 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_call_without_gvl2): Update documentation to
+ natural English.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_call_with_gvl): ditto.
+Wed Oct 31 02:53:07 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/struct.rb: fix strange require order. [ruby-dev:45702]
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/value.rb: ditto
+ * test/dl/test_c_struct_entry.rb: remove strange require order from
+ tests.
+ * test/dl/test_c_union_entity.rb: ditto
+Tue Oct 30 23:59:32 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_refine): fix the error message when no block is
+ given. [ruby-dev:46319] [Bug #7244]
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb: related test.
+Tue Oct 30 19:27:48 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * process.c (redirect_dup2): set standard handles when new fd is stdio,
+ because if there is no allocated console at the moment Windows does
+ not automatically associate it for child process's standard handle.
+ this is adhoc workaround.
+ reported by Martin Thiede at [ruby-core:48542] [Bug #7239].
+ * io.c (rb_cloexec_dup2): ditto.
+Tue Oct 30 03:08:53 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rbconfig/obsolete.rb (Config): re-introduce warnings for a
+ lame-duck. [ruby-core:46836] [Bug #6809]
+Tue Oct 30 02:20:10 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * thread.c: added Thread#thread_variable_(get|set),
+ Thread#thread_variable?, and Thread#thread_variables for operating
+ on variables that are local to threads. [ruby-core:47790]
+ * vm.c: ditto
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb: tests for thread variables.
+Mon Oct 29 18:22:58 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_close): close separately per each
+ instances, as well as IO.
+Mon Oct 29 10:22:00 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/handlers/recorder.rb: added a class for
+ recording YAML parse and emit events.
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/handler.rb: adding a list of events so that
+ handler classes can more easily be meta-programmed.
+ * test/psych/handlers/test_recorder.rb: tests for the change.
+Mon Oct 29 05:48:52 2012 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/ostruct.rb: Add [] and []=, base on a patch by Thomas Sawyer.
+ Also accept {Open}Struct as argument to new.
+ Add #eql?, #hash & #each_pair
+ Protect new_ostruct_member
+Mon Oct 29 03:20:58 2012 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb: Fix determinant_e [ruby-dev:46305] [Bug #7228]
+Sun Oct 28 23:52:25 2012 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_document.rb: Add tests for parsing XML encoded
+ by UTF-8 with BOM.
+Sun Oct 28 23:47:09 2012 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/source.rb: Move encoding detection code to base class.
+ * lib/rexml/encoding.rb: Remove needless encoding detection code.
+Sun Oct 28 21:40:13 2012 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb: Fix a bug that UTF-8 is used
+ for UTF-16XX encoded XML that doesn't have encoding="UTF-16" in
+ XML declaration.
+ * test/rexml/test_document.rb: Add tests for the above change.
+Sun Oct 28 21:37:34 2012 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_document.rb: Group tests that they parse
+ UTF-16XX encoded XML that has encoding="UTF-16" in XML declaration.
+Sun Oct 28 21:25:11 2012 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/source.rb (REXML::IOSource#initialize): Reduce
+ @line_break initialize code. It should be done only in #encoding=.
+ * lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb: Don't set UTF-16 encoding to
+ source by encoding="UTF-16" in XML declaration because UTF-16XX
+ source encoding should be set in Source#initialize or
+ IOSource#initialize. They should handle BOM. Parser should not
+ consider about it.
+Sun Oct 28 21:18:37 2012 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_document.rb: Add tests for parsing XML encoded
+ by UTF-16 with BOM.
+Sun Oct 28 19:12:11 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_parse.c (iso8601_{ext,bas}_time): should not match
+ empty string.
+Sun Oct 28 18:51:33 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_parse.c (date__parse): revised the tight parser.
+Sun Oct 28 15:41:50 2012 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/document.rb (REXML::Document#write): Add :encoding option
+ to support custom XML encoding.
+ [Feature #4872] (work in progress)
+ * test/rexml/test_document.rb: Add tests for the above change.
+Sun Oct 28 15:00:19 2012 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/document.rb (REXML::Document#write): Remove needless
+ indent in document.
+Sun Oct 28 14:59:14 2012 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/document.rb (REXML::Document#write): Accept options
+ Hash as argument.
+ * test/rexml/test_document.rb: Add tests for the above change.
+Sun Oct 28 14:09:44 2012 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/document.rb (REXML::Document#write): Fix wrong usage
+ in document.
+Sun Oct 28 14:03:48 2012 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/document.rb (REXML::Document#write): Fix wrong method
+ names in document.
+Sun Oct 28 10:12:15 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: `tree` should return the
+ same thing on every call.
+ * test/psych/visitors/test_yaml_tree.rb: related test.
+Sun Oct 28 10:05:03 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: YAML Tree object should
+ be able to take an emitter object as it's output.
+ * test/psych/visitors/test_yaml_tree.rb: related test.
+Sun Oct 28 08:23:16 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * bignum.c (bignew_1): Bignum instances are frozen.
+ Feature #3222
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: Fixnum instances are also frozen.
+ * class.c (singleton_class_of): check Bignum before
+ singleton checking.
+ * test/ruby/test_bignum.rb: add a test.
+ * test/ruby/test_fixnum.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/marshaltestlib.rb, test/ruby/test_eval.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_object.rb: catch up above changes.
+Sun Oct 28 04:38:06 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (vm_define_method): remove type and frozen checking.
+ Checking is done in `rb_singleton_class()'.
+Sun Oct 28 00:49:06 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (assign_in_cond): warn for static content object assignments
+ in conditional statements. [ruby-dev:43083] [Feature #4299]
+Sat Oct 27 23:33:41 2012 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * gc.c (gc_profile_result, gc_profile_report): use internal structures
+ to avoid allocations and progressively print the output for #report.
+ [ruby-core:47163] [Bug #6865]
+Sat Oct 27 11:01:10 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_float_new_in_heap), include/ruby/ruby.h:
+ make all Float objects frozen.
+ [ruby-dev:46081] [ruby-trunk - Feature #6936]
+ Most part of patch by NARUSE, Yui <>.
+ * class.c (singleton_class_of): raise TypeError when
+ trying to define a singleton method on Float objects.
+ * vm.c (vm_define_method): ditto.
+ * test/ruby/marshaltestlib.rb: catch up above changes.
+ * test/ruby/test_class.rb: ditto.
+ * test/test_pp.rb: ditto.
+Sat Oct 27 10:50:53 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * object.c (rb_mod_const_get): make sure the constant name is
+ converted to a string before searching. [ruby-core:48405]
+Sat Oct 27 10:12:13 2012 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_compile_with_option): Instead of testing
+ respond_to, just check if the argument is actually a file,
+ because by calling user-defined gets something weired can
+ happen. Patch by Glass_saga. [ruby-dev:40202] [Bug #2861]
+ * parse.y (ripper_initialize): ditto.
+Sat Oct 27 10:07:57 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (enum lex_state_e): [EXPERIMENTAL] lex_state as bit field /
+ IS_lex_state() macro. based on the patch by Dave B in
+ [ruby-core:23503]. [Feature #1493]
+Sat Oct 27 10:05:03 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h (fstat): use _fstati64() instead of fstati64()
+ on mingw32.
+Sat Oct 27 06:28:33 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * object.c (rb_mod_const_get): const_get accepts qualified constant
+ strings. e.g. Object.const_get("Foo::Bar::Baz") [ruby-core:41404]
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb: tests for new behavior
+Fri Oct 26 13:24:20 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (literal_concat_gen): merge fixed strings across
+ concatenated literals, after an interpolation.
+Thu Oct 25 17:48:54 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (has_redirection): should use shell (cmd.exe) when
+ the commandline contains '&'.
+ reported by Roger Pack at [ruby-core:47912] [Bug #7143], and
+ patched by Heesob Park at [ruby-core:47931].
+Thu Oct 25 15:00:08 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h, class.c: remove (revert)
+ `rb_add_method_cfunc_frameless()' API.
+ This API is not mature to become an official API.
+ For example, we can not use this API with
+ `rb_define_private_method()'.
+ * method.h, vm_method.c (rb_add_method_cfunc_frameless): removed.
+Thu Oct 25 13:35:07 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * tool/mkconfig.rb: remove string literal concatenation.
+Wed Oct 24 18:49:16 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c (type2sym, count_objects_size): use enum
+ instead of size_t which may be larger than actual values.
+Wed Oct 24 17:41:24 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/driver.rb: add `-x' or `--exclude' option
+ to specify exclude benchmark name pattern.
+ You can specify "-x foo" if you want to exclude the benchmarks
+ if the name of benchmark contains `foo'.
+Wed Oct 24 11:57:24 2012 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c (gc_prepare_free_objects): rename to match the behavior of
+ this function.
+Wed Oct 24 11:55:19 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c (reachable_object_from_i): change data
+ structure of the result of reachable objects. Keys of table
+ contains object_id of each reachable objects. Value of table
+ is an object itself or an instance of InternalObjectWrapper.
+ To avoid duplication, we use st_table and object_id keys.
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c (type2sym): bug fix.
+ Should use `i' instead of `type'.
+Wed Oct 24 10:33:09 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (garbage_collect, gc_marks): move the location of
+ clear and restore rb_objspace_t::mark_func_data
+ from garbage_collect() to gc_marks().
+Wed Oct 24 10:17:45 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c (Init_objspace): add a new method
+ `ObjectSpace::InternalObjectWrapper#internal_object_id' which returns
+ an object id of a wrapped internal object.
+Wed Oct 24 08:55:04 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c (ObjectSpace.reachable_objects_from):
+ internal object support.
+ If given object `obj' has references to internal objects
+ (such as T_NODE objects), then this method returns instances of
+ `ObjectSpace::InternalObjectWrapper' instead of that internal objects.
+ This instance contains a reference to an internal object and you can
+ check the type of internal object using
+ `ObjectSpace::InternalObjectWrapper#type' method.
+ Rdoc of `InternalObjectWrapper' is not prepared yet.
+ * gc.c (rb_objspace_reachable_objects_from), gc.h: change
+ an interface of 'rb_objspace_reachable_objects_from()'
+ * gc.c, gc.h: add two APIs
+ - rb_objspace_markable_object_p(obj): check markable or not.
+ - rb_objspace_internal_object_p(obj): check internal or not.
+Wed Oct 24 05:52:36 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method): remove `default' and
+ add a case for `VM_METHOD_TYPE_UNDEF'.
+Wed Oct 24 05:41:18 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval_error.c (error_print), vm_eval.c (eval_string_with_cref),
+ vm_trace.c (rb_suppress_tracing): use TH_PUSH_TAG() instead of
+Wed Oct 24 05:17:52 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (vm_call0_body): remove RUBY_VM_CHECK_INTS()
+ after method invocation using rb_call0().
+ * vm_eval.c (vm_call0_body): remove default section on top of
+ switch statement and add cases for `VM_METHOD_TYPE_CFUNC_FRAMELESS'
+ * vm_eval.c (vm_call0_body): remove useless brackets.
+Tue Oct 23 22:34:49 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c (thread_raise_m): check interrupts after Thread#raise
+ if a target thread is the current thread because the behavior
+ of Thread.current.raise is expected to perform same as
+ Kernel.raise (by rubyspec).
+Tue Oct 23 17:08:39 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (usage, process_options): show more info in --help.
+ [EXPERIMENTAL] [ruby-core:48072] [Bug #7184]
+Tue Oct 23 14:20:43 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-electric.el using variable `last-command-event' instead of
+ obsolete `last-command-char', so that work with Emacs trunk.
+ a patch by Victor Deryagin <vderyagin AT>.
+Tue Oct 23 14:06:47 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (visibility_option): visibility attribute is not
+ available before GCC 4, so do not use -fvisibility option in that
+ case. [ruby-core:48147] [Bug #7205]
+Tue Oct 23 12:57:29 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h, vm_insnhelper.c, vm_eval.c (OPT_CALL_CFUNC_WITHOUT_FRAME):
+ add a new optimization and its macro `OPT_CALL_CFUNC_WITHOUT_FRAME'.
+ This optimization makes all cfunc method calls `frameless', which
+ is faster than ordinal cfunc method call.
+ If `frame' is needed (for example, it calls another method with
+ `rb_funcall()'), then build a frame. In other words, this
+ optimization delays frame building.
+ However, to delay the frame building, we need additional overheads:
+ (1) Store the last call information.
+ (2) Check the delayed frame building before the frame is needed.
+ (3) Overhead to build a delayed frame.
+ rb_thread_t::passed_ci is storage of delayed cfunc call information.
+ (1) is lightweight because it is only 1 assignment to `passed_ci'.
+ To achieve (2), we modify GET_THREAD() to check `passed_ci' every
+ time. It causes 10% overhead on my environment.
+ This optimization only works for cfunc methods which do not need
+ their `frame'.
+ After evaluation on my environment, this optimization does not
+ effective every time. Because of this evaluation results, this
+ optimization is disabled at default.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c, vm.c: add VM_PROFILE* macros to measure behaviour
+ of VM internals. I will extend this feature.
+ * vm_method.c, method.h: change parameters of the `invoker' function.
+ Receive `func' pointer as the first parameter.
+Tue Oct 23 06:21:05 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/parser.c: just get the constant defined in Ruby.
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/syntax_error.rb: Psych::SyntaxError now inherits
+ from StandardError rather than SyntaxError. Thanks Eric Hodel!
+ * test/psych/test_exception.rb: tests for change.
+Tue Oct 23 06:17:36 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/scalar_scanner.rb: Cache symbols while
+ tokenizing. Thanks Kevin Menard!
+Tue Oct 23 06:15:40 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/scalar_scanner.rb: Updated the RegExp to catch
+ Strings earlier in the tokenization process. Thanks Kevin Menard!
+Tue Oct 23 06:12:39 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb: Handle nil tags specially
+ to avoid slow method_missing calls. Thanks Kevin Menard!
+Tue Oct 23 06:07:57 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/scalar_scanner.rb: Ignore bad timestamps. If
+ something looks like a timestamp but has an invalid component, treat
+ it as a string instead of throwing an ArgumentError.
+ Thanks Rhett Sutphin!
+ * test/psych/test_scalar_scanner.rb: appropriate tests.
+Tue Oct 23 06:04:07 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/scalar_scanner.rb: Fix scalar_scanner to
+ understand strings starting with an underscore and containing only
+ digits. Thanks Kelley Reynolds.
+ * test/psych/test_scalar_scanner.rb: test for fix
+Tue Oct 23 06:00:41 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych.rb: Changed comment in psych.rb to update new
+ home page for libyaml. Thanks to Carolyn Ann.
+Sun Oct 21 19:12:59 2012 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * vm_core.h (rb_vm_t::trace_running): add a new field
+ `trace_running' to store vm global tracing status.
+ * vm_trace.c: fix SEGV bug. event_hook was free'd
+ even when the hook is still used in another thread.
+ [ruby-dev:46141] [Bug #7032]
+Sun Oct 21 19:12:42 2012 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * vm_core.h (rb_vm_t::trace_flag): remove `trace_flag'
+ which is no longer used.
+Sun Oct 21 18:34:27 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_parse.c (date__parse): uses more tight parser if
+ defined TIGHT_PARSER. now inactivated; because it introduces
+ incompatibilities and it is a bit slow.
+Sat Oct 20 15:35:06 2012 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: add C APIs.
+ VALUE rb_newobj_of(VALUE klass, VALUE flags)
+ #define NEWOBJ_OF(obj,type,klass,flags)
+ These allow to change a allocation strategy depending on klass
+ or flags.
+ * gc.c: ditto
+ * array.c: use new C API.
+ * bignum.c: ditto
+ * class.c: ditto
+ * complex.c: ditto
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c: ditto
+ * ext/socket/option.c: ditto
+ * hash.c: ditto
+ * io.c: ditto
+ * marshal.c: ditto
+ * numeric.c: ditto
+ * object.c: ditto
+ * random.c: ditto
+ * range.c: ditto
+ * rational.c: ditto
+ * re.c: ditto
+ * string.c: ditto
+ * struct.c: ditto
+ [Feature #7177][Feature #7047]
+Sat Oct 20 12:50:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: Documentation for Socket
+ Based on a patch by David Albert
+ [Bug #7105] [ruby-core:47828]
+Sat Oct 20 11:00:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb: Documentation for OpenURI
+Sat Oct 20 06:18:34 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * hash.c (initialize_copy): unset the default proc if there isn't one
+ for the target hash, call to_hash, check frozen status.
+Fri Oct 19 22:22:01 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_jump_tag_but_local_jump): pass through thrown objects.
+ [ruby-dev:46234] [Bug #7185]
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_eval_cmd): if state is non-zero, val should be nil and
+ rb_vm_jump_tag_but_local_jump() just jump tag.
+Fri Oct 19 22:11:55 2012 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): set encoding of the
+ 'H','h','B' and 'B' modifiers to US-ASCII.
+ * test/ruby/test_pack.rb: tests for the above.
+ [ruby-core:47653][Bug #7050]
+ * test/test_securerandom.rb: tests for SecureRandom.hex
+ from tenderlove. [ruby-core:46792][Bug #6799]
+Fri Oct 19 19:29:11 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * method.h (rb_method_cfunc_t::invoker): add new field (func ptr)
+ `invoker'. `invoker' function invoke cfunc body
+ (rb_method_cfunc_t::func).
+ `invoker' is set at method definition timing.
+ With this change, the big `switch' (branch) in `call_cfunc()'
+ is no longer needed.
+ However, the performance benefit is only a bit.
+ * vm_core.h (rb_call_info_t::aux::func): add a new field to store
+ cfunc body function pointer.
+ * vm_method.c (call_cfunc_invoker_func): add a new function which
+ returns a suitable invoke function.
+ * vm_method.c (setup_method_cfunc_struct): added.
+ * vm_method.c (rb_add_method): fix to set `invoker'.
+ * vm_eval.c (vm_call0_body): catch up above changes.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (call_cfunc): removed.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_cfunc): fix to call cfunc body
+ with `invoker' function.
+Fri Oct 19 16:55:58 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c, vm_eval.c: use TH_PUSH_TAG() instead of PUSH_TAG().
+Fri Oct 19 11:13:55 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/driver.rb: remove unexpected `output'.
+ (commit miss)
+Fri Oct 19 10:24:03 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_search_method): remove needless local variable.
+Fri Oct 19 10:22:26 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/bmx_temp.rb: removed.
+ This file should not be in repository.
+Fri Oct 19 10:20:10 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/driver.rb: add new option `--ruby-arg [ARG]'
+ which is passed as a launch parameter for each ruby's execution.
+ ($ ruby [ARG] [File])
+Thu Oct 18 18:42:35 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def (opt_send_simple): move the location of
+ `opt_send_simple' to the place near `send' definition.
+ (to take care about icache locality).
+Thu Oct 18 18:29:25 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def (send): remove unused condition.
+ This condition will be true after r37258.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_caller_setup_args): remove `UNLIKELY' on
+ checking blockiseq (it seems `LIKELY').
+Thu Oct 18 17:31:58 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def (opt_send_simple): introduce new instruction used
+ when no need to care about block and splat.
+ * compile.c: use the `opt_send_simple' instruction.
+Thu Oct 18 16:44:07 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_add_method_cfunc, rb_add_method_cfunc_frameless):
+ check arity earlier at definition time.
+Thu Oct 18 15:11:31 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: add `inline' keyword to several functions.
+ Compilers (gcc) are conservative than I expected.
+Thu Oct 18 15:01:15 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: add a decl. of
+ `rb_define_frameless_method()'.
+Thu Oct 18 14:31:17 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (new_callinfo): set a temporary index of callinfo
+ (used in `iseq_set_sequence()') to rb_call_info_t::aux::index.
+ rb_call_info_t::argc is initialized by same value of
+ rb_call_info_t::orig_argc.
+Thu Oct 18 14:11:08 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * class.c (rb_define_frameless_method): rename from
+ rb_define_method_fast(). Defined method with this C API
+ does not make a method frame. It is bit lightweight than
+ ordinal C functions. Now only 0 or 1 argc are permitted.
+ * method.h (VM_METHOD_TYPE_CFUNC_FRAMELESS): rename macro name
+ * vm_insnhelper.c, vm_method.c: rename related functions.
+ * proc.c (rb_method_entry_arity): catch up above changes.
+Thu Oct 18 10:30:34 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (assignable_gen): fail if yyerror occurred. fix a bug in
+ r36973.
+Thu Oct 18 09:23:03 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * hash.c (initialize_copy): duping should rehash the hash.
+ * test/ruby/test_hash.rb: added a test to ensure rehash.
+Wed Oct 17 21:16:47 2012 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * (WPROGRAM): need same dependencies as PROGRAM.
+ * cygwin/ ( move include position
+ below WPROGRAM definition to be defined in
+ * ext/extmk.rb (all, static): fix make rubyw.exe failure with make -jN.
+ If make of ruby.exe and rubyw.exe run in parallel, link dll and link
+ exe run in parallel, which causes link failure on mingw. To fix this,
+ we make ruby.exe and rubyw.exe in one make process.
+ [ruby-core:48007] [Bug #7165]
+Wed Oct 17 16:25:34 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/bm_vm2_method_missing.rb: add a benchmark to measure
+ performance of invoking `method_missing'.
+Wed Oct 17 16:23:17 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_getivar): fix to use `aux.index' instead of
+ `aux.opt_pc'.
+Wed Oct 17 16:03:54 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method_missing): make a refactoring
+ about method_missing process. Use `vm_call_method()' to invoke
+ `method_missing' method instead of `rb_funcall2()'.
+ In `vm_call_method()', set fastpath to `vm_call_method_missing()'
+ if it can be cached.
+ * vm_core.h (rb_call_info_t): add new field
+ `rb_call_info_t::aux::missing_reason' to pass the reason to
+ `vm_call_method_missing()'.
+Wed Oct 17 15:33:12 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (opt-dir): allow multiple directories separated by
+ $PATH_SEPARATOR as well as dir_config in mkmf.rb. [ruby-core:47868]
+ [Bug #7120]
+Wed Oct 17 15:08:13 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb: fix Net::IMAP::ResponseParser to accept
+ message/delivery-status ([ruby-core:47920] [Bug #7146]),
+ message/rfc822 attachments ([ruby-core:47921] [Bug #7147]), and
+ (BODY ("MIXED")) ([ruby-core:47951] [Bug #7153]).
+ patched by Tony Arkles.
+ * test/net/imap/test_imap_response_parser.rb: related test.
+Wed Oct 17 11:04:48 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_hash.rb (TestHash#test_dup_equality): added a new test
+ to show the problem of r37232.
+Wed Oct 17 10:48:40 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_search_method): fix a build error that occurs
+Wed Oct 17 08:46:47 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/bm_vm2_dstr.rb: add a benchmark to measure
+ performance of dynamic generated string ("foo#{bar}baz").
+Wed Oct 17 08:32:46 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (compile_dstr_fragments): use `putobject' instead of
+ `putstring' for all of strings used by NODE_DSTR because
+ ruby users can not grab this string.
+ For example, the string object of "baz" in "foo#{bar}baz"
+ is located by `putobject' (users can not touch "baz" object
+ directly). This change reduces GC pressure.
+ This improvement is suggested by Aaron Patterson.
+Wed Oct 17 08:02:57 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_threadptr_interrupt_mask): fix to check interrupt
+ after interrupt_mask changed.
+Wed Oct 17 06:42:47 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method): fix to return value immediately.
+ Remove CHECK_INTS() after that method dispatch.
+Wed Oct 17 06:25:56 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * hash.c (initialize_copy): copy the underlying st_table on dup,
+ rather than copying the hash key by key. [ruby-core:48009]
+ * test/ruby/test_hash.rb: relevant tests for initialize_copy
+Wed Oct 17 06:17:44 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_iseq_setup_2): separate tailcall and normal
+ method frame setup functions.
+ Add checking interrupts at the tailcall setup function.
+Wed Oct 17 05:35:37 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/bm_vm1_yield.rb: add a benchmark to measure `yield'
+ (invoke empty block) performance.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm2_method_with_block.rb: add a benchmark to measure
+ method invocation with empty block.
+Wed Oct 17 05:05:07 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_invoke_block): vm_caller_setup_args() can skip
+ when splat flag is not set.
+Wed Oct 17 01:53:47 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_getivar, vm_setivar): support index inline cache
+ with rb_call_info_t to speedup `attr' getter and setter.
+ Cached index is stored in rb_call_info_t::aux::index.
+ `index' == 0 means not cached. `index' > 0 means cached and cached
+ index is `index - 1'.
+ * insns.def ((get|set)instancevariable): use new wrapper functions
+ vm_(get|set)instancevariable() defined in vm_insnhelper.c.
+ * vm_core.h (rb_call_info_t::aux): introduce new union data because
+ opt_pc can share with index.
+Tue Oct 16 22:24:44 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/driver.rb (show_results): Show speedup ratio
+ with first executables score at last of results
+ if two or more executables are given.
+Tue Oct 16 21:59:01 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/driver.rb: some refactoring.
+ (1) Remove `average differential'.
+ In this benchmark driver, We should not care about `average'.
+ We use fastest score because this score should not include
+ any disturbances (affections of background process, etc).
+ If you care about timing affect, I recommend `median'
+ score with more than 5 examinations rather than simple
+ `average' score (`average' score was affected by error scores).
+ (2) Show log file name.
+ (3) Change default directory from './' to driver's directory.
+Tue Oct 16 14:56:23 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_join): need to check again after any conversion run.
+ [ruby-core:48012] [Bug #7168]
+Tue Oct 16 12:52:14 2012 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (Test::Unit::Assertions#assert_file):
+ rename from file_assertion.
+Tue Oct 16 11:30:18 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_join): hide the result under construction until
+ return.
+ * file.c (rb_file_join): check nul-byte only for strings, since
+ FilePathStringValue() does it. [ruby-core:48012] [Bug #7168]
+ * file.c (rb_file_join): path names must be ASCII-compatible.
+ [ruby-core:48012] [Bug #7168]
+ * file.c (check_path_encoding): new function to ensure path name
+ encoding to be ASCII-compatible.
+Tue Oct 16 09:40:04 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_regexp.rb
+ (TextRegexp#test_raw_hyphen_and_tk_char_type_after_range): use
+ instead of literal to ignore a parser warning.
+Tue Oct 16 09:30:30 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_regexp.rb
+ (TextRegexp#test_raw_hyphen_and_tk_char_type_after_range): ignoring
+ warnings are already set in setup method.
+Tue Oct 16 06:44:06 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (VM_CALLEE_SETUP_ARG): fix wrong condition.
+Tue Oct 16 06:29:18 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method): disable CI_SET_FASTPATH() if
+ this method call needs splat argument because cached functions
+ (vm_call_attrset, vm_call_ivar, vm_call_cfunc_fast_(unary|binary))
+ do not check an arity.
+ * bootstraptest/test_method.rb: add a test to check an above issue.
+Tue Oct 16 06:15:44 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * method.h: introduce new method type VM_METHOD_TYPE_CFUNC_FAST.
+ This method is similar to VM_METHOD_TYPE_CFUNC methods, but
+ called cfunc without building new frame (does not push new control
+ frame). If error is occurred in cfunc, the backtrace only shows
+ caller frame and upper.
+ This kind of methods can be added by rb_define_method_fast().
+ This feature is similar to specialized instructions (opt_plus, etc),
+ but more flexible (but a bit slower).
+ * class.c (rb_define_method_fast): added.
+ Maybe it will be renamed soon.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method): support method type
+ * proc.c (rb_method_entry_arity): catch up new method type.
+ * vm_method.c (rb_add_method_cfunc_fast): added.
+Tue Oct 16 02:32:29 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.h (CI_SET_FASTPATH): add new parameter `enabled'.
+ If `enable' is 0 then CI_SET_FASTPATH() doesn't work.
+ And add new configuration option OPT_CALL_FASTPATH. If this macro
+ was defined by 0, then CI_SET_FASTPATH() doesn't work any more.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method): Pass `0' for `enabled' parameter
+ of CI_SET_FASTPATH if this method is protected.
+Tue Oct 16 02:17:35 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h (VM_CALL_*): rename VM_CALL_*_BIT
+ to VM_CALL_* (remove `_BIT' suffix).
+ Add comments on each macros.
+ Remove unused macro VM_CALL_TAILRECURSION_BIT.
+ * compile.c, iseq.c, insns.def, vm_insnhelper.c: ditto.
+Mon Oct 15 22:14:44 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (Test::Unit::Assertions#file_assertion):
+ rewrite file assertions.
+Mon Oct 15 09:41:17 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (VM_CALLEE_SETUP_ARG): skip CI_SET_FASTPATH() if
+ it was called from vm_yield_setup_args().
+Mon Oct 15 05:20:13 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.h CI_SET_FASTPATH: introduce new macro
+ `CI_SET_FASTPATH(ci, func)'. This macro set `ci->call' as `func'.
+ `func' (ci->call) is called at the last of `send'
+ (and `invokesuper') instruction.
+ `CI_SET_FASTPATH' does not set `ci->call' when the method
+ (stored in `ci->me') is `protected'.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method): use `CI_SET_FASTPATH'.
+ After several checking (visibility, argc checking), the result of
+ checking can be reused until re-definition of this method
+ with inline method cache.
+ Note that this optimization is now experimental.
+ If you find any problem about it, please tell us.
+Mon Oct 15 04:51:55 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: refactoring.
+ - move all `call' related functions to the last of file.
+ - make functions for respective method types in vm_call_method().
+ (all functions have same function parameters)
+ * vm_core.h: add `opt_pc' field in `rb_call_info_t'
+ as temporal variable.
+ * vm_eval.c (vm_call0_body): catch up above changes.
+Mon Oct 15 03:51:46 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/bm_vm1_attr_ivar(_set).rb: added (for method dispatch speed).
+ * benchmark/bm_vm1_float_simple.rb: added (for flonum/float).
+Mon Oct 15 02:51:16 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (vm_call0_body): add new function.
+ `vm_call0()' makes call_info struct and calls `vm_call0_body()'
+ with this struct. In near future, `vm_call0()' will be removed
+ because all of `vm_call0()' users setup call_info struct by itself.
+Mon Oct 15 01:38:06 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def (send, invokesuper, invokeblock, opt_*), vm_core.h:
+ use only a `ci' (rb_call_info_t) parameter instead of using
+ parameters such as `op_id', 'op_argc', `blockiseq' and flag.
+ These information are stored in rb_call_info_t at the compile
+ time.
+ This technique simplifies parameter passing at related
+ function calls (~10% speedups for simple method invocation at
+ my machine).
+ `rb_call_info_t' also has new function pointer variable `call'.
+ This `call' variable enables to customize method (block)
+ invocation process for each place. However, it always call
+ `vm_call_general()' at this changes.
+ `rb_call_info_t' also has temporary variables for method
+ (block) invocation.
+ * vm_core.h, compile.c, insns.def: introduce VM_CALL_ARGS_SKIP_SETUP
+ VM_CALL macro. This flag indicates that this call can skip
+ caller_setup (block arg and splat arg).
+ * compile.c: catch up above changes.
+ * iseq.c: catch up above changes (especially for TS_CALLINFO).
+ * tool/instruction.rb: catch up above changes.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c, vm_insnhelper.h: ditto. Macros and functions
+ parameters are changed.
+ * vm_eval.c (vm_call0): ditto (it will be rewritten soon).
+Sun Oct 14 12:30:44 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (rb_f_sub, rb_f_gsub): pass the given block.
+ [ruby-core:47967] [Bug #7157]
+Sat Oct 13 23:15:39 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * regparse.c (parse_char_class): should match with a hyphen after a
+ range in a character class.
+ * test/ruby/test_regexp.rb (TestRegexp#test_char_class): fixed wrong
+ test.
+ * test/ruby/test_regexp.rb (TestRegexp#check): now can accept the
+ error message.
+ * test/ruby/test_regexp.rb
+ (TextRegexp#test_raw_hyphen_and_tk_char_type_after_range): renamed
+ because the previous name was wrong.
+ * test/ruby/test_regexp.rb
+ (TextRegexp#test_raw_hyphen_and_tk_char_type_after_range): added
+ more test pattern.
+Sat Oct 13 03:01:53 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (realpath_rec): prevent link from GC while link_names refers
+ the content.
+Sat Oct 13 01:37:48 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_regexp.rb
+ (TestRegexp#test_raw_hyphen_and_type_char_after_range): added new
+ test. ref [ruby-core:47115] [Backport #6853]
+Fri Oct 12 21:55:08 2012 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h (rb_w32_pow): set floating point precision
+ for mingw-w64 x86 pow(). This improves the precision of pow() on
+ Windows XP for TestFloat#test_round_with_precision failure.
+ [ruby-core:47911] [Bug #7142]
+Fri Oct 12 21:37:25 2012 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * test/webrick/test_cgi.rb (TestWEBrickCGI#test_cgi): skip a test
+ depending on locale on Windows. ENV[] doesn't work properly if
+ console code page is not equal to file system encoding.
+ [ruby-core:47910] [Bug #7140]
+Fri Oct 12 20:40:29 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (posix_sh_cmds): the command name of colon is ":".
+Fri Oct 12 18:18:03 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_get_path_check): path name must not contain NUL bytes.
+Fri Oct 12 16:06:20 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * tool/merger.rb: now can merge revision(s) without --ticket again.
+Fri Oct 12 14:10:41 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (dir_config, init_mkmf): use configured libdir value as
+ default library path. [ruby-core:43726] [Bug #6207]
+Fri Oct 12 05:25:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/timeout.rb (timeout):
+ Remove paragraph on wrong implementation detail.
+ [ruby-core:47739] [Bug #7088]
+Thu Oct 11 23:09:46 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_sub{seq,pos,str}, rb_str_each_{line,codepoint}):
+ prevent String copies from GC. [ruby-core:47881] [Bug #7135]
+Thu Oct 11 07:40:50 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * iseq.c (insn_operand_intern): cast op to rb_call_info_t* before
+ compare with iseq->callinfo_entries whose type is rb_call_info_t*.
+Thu Oct 11 03:37:08 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_block.rb: add tests for block with super.
+Thu Oct 11 02:54:07 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_dump.c: fix debug prints to catch up recent changes
+ such as VM data structures.
+Thu Oct 11 02:50:34 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c (insn_operand_intern): add support disasm TS_CALLINFO
+ operands.
+Wed Oct 10 15:12:48 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (TestProcess#test_execopts_gid): skip on
+ windows because the platform does not have method.
+ patched by Jon Forums in [ruby-core:47878] [Bug #7133].
+Tue Oct 9 23:18:03 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (assert_file, assert_file_not): more
+ descriptive assertions for File predicates.
+Tue Oct 9 18:01:37 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_sample): use rb_random_ulong_limited, since
+ precision of long may be larger than double.
+ * random.c (rb_random_ulong_limited): new function to return a random
+ value from 0 upto limit as unsigned long, similarly to
+ rb_genrand_ulong_limited but with arbitrary RNG object.
+Tue Oct 9 17:13:27 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (rb_execarg_addopt, rb_execarg_run_options): add :uid and
+ :gid options. [ruby-core:47414] [Feature #6975]
+Tue Oct 9 14:36:11 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c (iseq_free): fix memory leak.
+ rb_iseq_t::callinfo_entries should be freed.
+Tue Oct 9 14:28:18 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h (rb_call_info_t): add new type `rb_call_info_t'.
+ This data structure contains information including inline method
+ cache. After that, `struct iseq_inline_cache_entry' does not
+ need to contain inline cache for method invocation.
+ Other information will be added to this data structure.
+ * vm_core.h (rb_iseq_t): add `callinfo_entries' and `callinfo_size'
+ members to `rb_iseq_t'.
+ * insns.def, compile.c: Use CALL_INFO instead of IC.
+ * tool/instruction.rb: support CALL_INFO as operand type.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c, vm_insnhelper.h: ditto.
+Sun Oct 7 23:54:33 2012 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (zstream_run_func): don't call inflate() when
+ z->stream.avail_in == 0. it return Z_BUF_ERROR.
+ but deflate() could be called with z->stream->avail_in == 0 because
+ it has hidden buffer in z->stream->state (opaque structure).
+ fix for gem install error. [ruby-dev:46149] [Bug #7040]
+Mon Oct 8 23:55:41 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_refinements): new method Module#refinements.
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb: add new tests for the above changes.
+Mon Oct 8 23:02:19 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * eval.c, gc.c, iseq.c, node.h, vm_insnhelper.c, vm_insnhelper.h,
+ vm_method.c: rename omod and overlaid modules to refinements.
+ * eval.c (hidden_identity_hash_new): renamed from identity_hash_new.
+Sun Oct 7 04:50:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/abbrev.rb: Documentation examples for Abbrev.
+ [ruby-core:47442] [Bug #6985]
+Sun Oct 7 04:50:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_aref):
+ Grammar in Thread documentation.
+ Patch by Steve Klabnik [ruby-core:47799] [Bug #7099]
+Sun Oct 7 04:37:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_match):
+ Clarify behavior for captured strings and local variable assignment
+ Patch by Marcus Stollsteimer [ruby-core:47668] [Bug #7062]
+Sat Oct 6 18:31:36 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_opts.h (OPT_GLOBAL_METHOD_CACHE): new build option to
+ enable/disable global method caching. [ruby-dev:46203] [Bug #7111]
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_entry_get_with_omod): don't use global
+ method cache if OPT_GLOBAL_METHOD_CACHE is 0.
+Sat Oct 6 16:32:04 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_method.c (search_method): check omod only once for performance.
+Sat Oct 6 09:42:04 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/encdb.c, enc/utf_16_32.h (ENC_DUMMY_UNICODE): endian-less wide
+ UTF encodings are dummy but Unicode.
+ * encoding.c (rb_encdb_set_unicode): set Unicode flag.
+ * template/encdb.h.tmpl: allow ENC_DUMMY variants.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_unicode_p): oniguruma provides Unicode flag.
+Fri Oct 5 17:18:42 JST 2012 TAKANO Mitsuhiro <>
+ * template/Doxyfile.tmpl: remove SHOW_DIRECTORIES and
+ HTML_ALIGN_MEMBERS lines. They have been obsolete in
+ Doxygen version 1.8.2.
+Fri Oct 5 15:26:18 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c: add ObjectSpace#reachable_objects_from.
+ This method returns an array of objects referenced by given object.
+ If given object is special objects such as true/false/nil/Fixnum etc
+ then it returns nil. See rdoc for details.
+ [ruby-core:39772]
+ * test/objspace/test_objspace.rb: add a test for this method.
+ * gc.c: add rb_objspace_reachable_objects_from().
+ To make this function, add several member `mark_func_data'
+ to rb_objspace_t. If mark_func_data is not null, then
+ gc_mark() calls mark_func_data::mark_func.
+ * gc.h: export rb_objspace_reachable_objects_from().
+Thu Oct 4 23:40:04 2012 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c (init_heap): call init_mark_stack before to allocate
+ altstack. This change avoid the stack overflow at the signal
+ handler on 32bit, but I don't understand reason... [Feature #7095]
+Thu Oct 4 22:39:27 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def (getlocal, setlocal): remove old getlocal/setlocal
+ instructions and rename getdaynmic/setdynamic instructions
+ to getlocal/setlocal.
+ * compile.c: ditto.
+ * iseq.c: remove TS_DINDEX.
+ * vm_exec.h (dindex_t): remove type definition of `dindex_t'.
+ * tool/instruction.rb: ditto.
+Thu Oct 4 21:44:17 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (vm_analysis_insn|operand|register): use st_insert
+ instead of using rb_hash_aset() because rb_hash_aset()
+ check $SAFE.
+Thu Oct 4 21:15:26 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (VM_COLLECT_USAGE_DETAILS): make new VM usage analysis
+ hooks (old macro name is COLLECT_USAGE_ANALYSIS).
+ This feature is only for VM developers. (I'm not sure I can use
+ `VM developers' (the plural form) in this sentence).
+ If VM_COLLECT_USAGE_DETAILS is not 0, VM enables the following
+ usage collection features:
+ (1) instruction: collect instruction usages.
+ (2) operand: collect operand usages.
+ (3) register: collect register usages.
+ The results are stored in
+ RubyVM::USAGE_ANALYSIS_INSN for (1, 2),
+ You can stop collecting usages with
+ for (1), (2), (3) respectively.
+ You can also change the hook functions by setting
+ C level global variables
+ `ruby_vm_collect_usage_func_(insn|operand|register)'
+ for (1), (2), (3) respectively.
+ See codes for more details.
+ * tool/instruction.rb: fix macro names.
+ * iseq.c (insn_operand_intern): make it export (used in vm.c).
+ fix to skip several processes if not needed (pointer is 0).
+ * vm_dump.c: move codes for collection features to vm.c.
+ * vm_exec.h: rename macro and function names.
+ * vm_insnhelper.h: ditto.
+Thu Oct 4 18:59:14 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb (test_tracepoint):
+ remove unused test case.
+ (this test case is redefined by newer tests)
+Thu Oct 4 17:24:51 2012 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c (rb_objspace_call_finalizer): call gc_mark_stacked_objects
+ at suitable point.
+Thu Oct 4 16:31:29 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_objspace_call_finalizer): mark self-referencing finalizers
+ before run finalizers, to fix SEGV from btest on 32bit.
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_stacked_objects): extract from gc_marks().
+Thu Oct 4 11:43:28 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (ruby_init_stack): round stack limit to page size
+ boundary to calculate stack size more precisely. [ruby-dev:46174]
+ [Bug #7084]
+Wed Oct 3 19:51:57 2012 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c: Use the non-recursive marking instead of recursion. The
+ recursion marking of CRuby needs checking stack overflow and the
+ fail-safe system, but these systems not good at partial points,
+ for example, marking deep tree structures. [ruby-dev:46184]
+ [Feature #7095]
+ * (GC_MARK_STACKFRAME_WORD): removed. It's used by
+ checking stack overflow of marking.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (GC_MARK_STACKFRAME_WORD): ditto.
+Wed Oct 3 15:33:02 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (ruby_init_stack): use getrlimit() for the main
+ thread on Mac OS X, since pthread_get_stack{addr,size}_np()
+ return the default value always, but not the ulimit value.
+ [ruby-dev:46174] [Bug #7084]
+Wed Oct 3 11:43:15 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_reopen): improvement to accept optional arguments.
+ a patch by Glass_saga (Masaki Matsushita) in [ruby-core:47806].
+ [Feature #7103]
+Wed Oct 3 04:36:11 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509store.c (ossl_x509store_add_file): Added
+ documentation
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509store.c (ossl_x509store_set_default_paths):
+ ditto
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509store.c (ossl_x509store_add_cert): ditto
+Wed Oct 3 02:23:37 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * error.c (exc_to_s, name_err_to_s, name_err_mesg_to_str): do not
+ taint messages.
+Tue Oct 2 16:47:06 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (identity_hash_new): hide internal hashes for refinements.
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_refine): no default value.
+Mon Oct 1 22:54:02 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * eval.c (identity_hash_new): new function to create a new identity
+ hash.
+ * eval.c (rb_overlay_module, rb_mod_using, rb_mod_refine): use
+ identity_hash_new().
+Mon Oct 1 02:34:53 2012 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * (--with-opt-dir): Make this also work on DLDFLAGS
+ so LIBRUBY_SO links fine with libexecinfo installed in a
+ non-system directory.
+Sun Sep 30 23:32:00 2012 Kenta Murata <>
+ * vm_dump.c (rb_vm_bugreport): add /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports
+ in the list of locations of crash reports.
+Sun Sep 30 21:18:03 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_concat): use memcpy to copy a string which contains
+ NUL characters. [ruby-core:47751] [Bug #7090]
+Sat Sep 29 19:41:53 2012 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (EnvUtil#invoke_ruby): kill child process
+ before Timeout::Error is raised. rmdir of mktmpdir fails with
+ EACCES if child process is alive on Windows.
+ * test/thread/test_queue.rb (TestQueue): increase timeout.
+ This test takes long time on Windows XP.
+Sat Sep 29 19:41:33 2012 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * test/net/http/test_http.rb (TestNetHTTP#test_proxy_address):
+ clear environment variables. If http_proxy environment variable was
+ set, the test failed.
+ * test/net/http/test_http.rb (TestNetHTTP#test_proxy_port): ditto.
+Sat Sep 29 19:41:11 2012 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * test/drb/drbtest.rb (DRbCore#teardown):
+ Use Process.kill :KILL on Windows because Process.kill :INT silently
+ fails on Windows 7 and raises EINVAL on Windows XP for spawned
+ process with new_pgroup: false.
+ * test/drb/drbtest.rb (DRbAry#teardown): ditto.
+Sat Sep 29 19:40:32 2012 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_unicode_escape.rb (TestUnicodeEscape#test_basic):
+ set script encoding to work with LANG=C. It would work on both
+ Windows and Unix. Refix of r37051.
+Sat Sep 29 11:21:06 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (rb_vm_using_modules): use using_modules before
+ klass to fix method lookup order, and use klass even if klass is
+ not a module to make refinements in class_eval invoked on classes
+ work.
+ * eval.c (rb_using_module): accept a class as the second argument.
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_using, f_using): raise a TypeError if the argument
+ is not a module.
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb: add new tests for the above changes.
+Sat Sep 29 02:18:57 2012 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_unicode_escape.rb (TestUnicodeEscape#test_basic):
+ Use ruby only on Windows since the test fails on Unix with LANG=C.
+ [ruby-core:47709] [Bug #7076]
+Fri Sep 28 22:19:31 2012 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_unicode_escape.rb (TestUnicodeEscape#test_basic):
+ echo command doesn't work properly against non-ascii character on
+ Windows with chcp 437. Instead we use ruby.
+ [ruby-core:47709] [Bug #7076]
+Fri Sep 28 17:54:31 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_setup_method): refactoring.
+ Remove src_argc and use iseq->arg_size directly.
+Fri Sep 28 17:26:27 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/rubygems/installer.rb (check_that_user_bin_dir_is_in_path):
+ test_generate_bin_bindir_with_user_install_warning(TestGemInstaller)
+ fails on Windows with msys bash. It makes comparing paths
+ case-insensitive.
+ pick from upstream to fix a failure of test-all [ruby-core:47711]
+Fri Sep 28 15:44:45 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_method.c (search_method): copy refinement iclasses to search
+ superclasses correctly.
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb: related test.
+Fri Sep 28 15:15:41 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def (opt_checkenv): remove unused instruction `opt_checkenv'.
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): ditto.
+ * node.h: remove unused node `NODE_OPTBLOCK'.
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c, gc.c (gc_mark_children): ditto.
+Fri Sep 28 13:14:34 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: now VM_DEBUG_BP_CHECK should be 1.
+Fri Sep 28 12:51:54 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: remove rb_control_frame_t::bp (bp: base pointer).
+ `bp' can be calculate by `sp' (stack pointer) of previous frame.
+ Now, `bp_check' field is remained for debug. You can eliminate
+ this field by setting VM_DEBUG_BP_CHECK as 0.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_base_ptr): add `vm_base_ptr(cfp).
+ This function calculates base pointer from cfp.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_setup_method): push `recv' value on top of
+ value stack (before method parameters).
+ This change is for keeping consistency with normal method dispatch.
+ * insns.def: fix to use vm_base_ptr().
+ * vm.c (vm_exec): ditto.
+ * vm_dump.c: remove `bp' related dumps.
+ * cont.c (fiber_init): fix to check VM_DEBUG_BP_CHECK.
+Fri Sep 28 10:40:51 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_reopen): accept File::Constants as well as mode string.
+ based on the patch by Glass_saga (Masaki Matsushita) in
+ [ruby-core:47694]. [Feature #7067]
+Thu Sep 27 18:36:51 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * eval.c (rb_overlay_module, rb_mod_refine): accept a module as the
+ argument of Module#refine.
+ * vm_method.c (search_method): if klass is an iclass, lookup the
+ original module of the iclass in omod in order to allow
+ refinements of modules.
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb: add tests for the above changes.
+Thu Sep 27 18:12:20 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/syslog/lib/syslog/logger.rb: add a formatter to the
+ Syslog::Logger object. [Bug #7065]
+ * test/syslog/test_syslog_logger.rb: ditto.
+Wed Sep 26 16:39:57 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def: add new instruction `opt_empty_p' for optimize `empty?'
+ method. Apply a patch proposed at [ruby-dev:46120]
+ [ruby-trunk - Feature #6972] by Glass_saga (Masaki Matsushita).
+ * compile.c (iseq_specialized_instruction), vm.c, vm_insnhelper.h:
+ ditto.
+ * id.c, template/id.h.tmpl: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_optimization.rb: test for this changes.
+Tue Sep 25 09:59:26 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * insns.def (invokesuper): klass in cfp is not valid in at_exit and
+ END blocks. [ruby-core:47680] [Bug #7064]
+Tue Sep 25 08:11:11 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_defined_string): the index of defined_strings must
+ be the value of type - 1.
+Mon Sep 24 17:36:51 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (defined_expr), insns.def (defined): share single frozen
+ strings. [EXPERIMENTAL] [ruby-core:47558][Feature #7035]
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_defined_string): make expression strings.
+Mon Sep 24 11:22:36 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/merger.rb: add --ticket option to add ticket number.
+Sun Sep 23 21:51:59 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (String#unspace): unescape with backslashes. normal
+ makes need to escape spaces with backslashes. nmake is not the
+ case. [Bug #7036]
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): use timestamp file dependencies for
+ directories.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: unexpand macros.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (LIBPATHFLAG): no needs to escape library path here.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (MakeMakefile#configuration): make prefix paths
+ internal to deal with in Makefile.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (MakeMakefile#mkintpath): not a global function now.
+Sun Sep 23 02:33:37 2012 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * complex.c: Fix examples of r36993.
+ Keep the simple definition, mathematics define the result.
+ Based on patch by Robin Dupret. Fixes #188 on github.
+Sat Sep 22 07:15:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper.rb:
+ Match sample output to Ripper.sexp from current trunk version.
+ [Bug #6929]
+Thu Sep 20 23:05:11 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_cond_initialize): destroy condattr
+ after using it. Patch by Stanislav Sedov. Thank you.
+ [Bug #7041] [ruby-core:47619]
+Thu Sep 20 22:53:02 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_cond_initialize): clean up #ifdef condition.
+Thu Sep 20 16:42:44 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/drb/ssl.rb (DRb::DRbSSLSocket::SSLConfig::DEFAULT): add
+ SSLTmpDhCallback for configuration option.
+ * lib/drb/ssl.rb (setup_ssl_context): copy the value of tmp_dh_callback.
+ * test/drb/ut_array_drbssl.rb: set tmp_dh_callback to suppress warning.
+ * test/drb/ut_drb_drbssl.rb: ditto.
+Thu Sep 20 10:56:08 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/drb/ut_drb.rb: revert a part of r36987, and get rid of a warning
+ with another method. if the substitution is removed, the ExtSrv
+ object will be GC'ed and some tests will be blocked.
+Thu Sep 20 07:20:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * complex.c: Examples for Complex Documentation.
+ Patch by Robin Dupret.
+ Fixes #184 on github.
+Thu Sep 20 07:15:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper.rb: Documentation for Ripper.
+ +:void_stmt+ is meaningless
+ [Bug #6929] [ruby-core:47507]
+Thu Sep 20 07:05:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/csv.rb (Object#CSV, Array#to_csv, String#parse_csv):
+ Examples and documentation for CSV.
+ [Bug #6880] [ruby-core:47218]
+Thu Sep 20 00:42:20 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (take_items), enum.c (enum_zip): raise TypeError at
+ non-enumerable objects, not NoMethodError. [ruby-dev:46145]
+ [Bug #7038]
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_check_block_call): check_funcall variant with block
+ function.
+Tue Sep 18 17:51:29 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_sslctx_attrs): add npn_select_db to
+ suppress warning: instance variable @npn_select_cb not initialized
+Sun Sep 16 17:47:00 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * tool/change_maker.rb: Update svn detection for subversion 1.7's
+ single .svn directory.
+Sun Sep 16 11:39:12 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (io_set_read_length): if the read length equals to the buffer
+ string size then nothing to do. or ensure the string modifiable
+ before setting the length only when the former is shorter. based on
+ the patch in [ruby-core:47541] by Hiroshi Shirosaki.
+ [ruby-core:46586] [Bug #6764]
+Sun Sep 16 08:57:52 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (strict_warnflags): separate strict flags from
+ warnflags only for core. [ruby-dev:46105]
+Sun Sep 16 08:16:05 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * .editorconfig: add. [ruby-core:47548] [Feature #7030]
+Sat Sep 15 01:56:40 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c: Merge upstream: 50a383c84.
+ [ruby-dev:46128] [Bug #7005]
+Sat Sep 15 00:20:04 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf.c (rb_nkf_convert): suppress warning.
+Fri Sep 14 04:05:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_diff, rb_ary_uniq):
+ Enhance documentation for array uniqueness
+ Based on a patch by Robin Dupret
+ [Bug #6872] [ruby-core:47209]
+Fri Sep 14 03:30:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_select):
+ Update documentation for Array#select
+ * enum.c (enum_find_all, enum_reject):
+ Update documentation for Enumerable#find_all and Enumerable#reject
+ Based on a patch by Jeff Saracco
+ [Bug #6908] [ruby-core:47285] [Fixes #166 on github]
+Fri Sep 14 00:20:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * signal.c (rb_f_kill):
+ Update documentation for Process.kill to reflect kill(2)
+ Patch by Richo Healey
+Thu Sep 13 21:40:49 2012 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * lib/securerandom.rb (SecureRandom.random_bytes):
+ Use 64bit value as pointer for Windows x64 to fix SystemCallError.
+ * lib/securerandom.rb (SecureRandom.lastWin32ErrorMessage):
+ Set proper encoding to avoid invalid byte sequence error.
+ [ruby-core:47451] [Bug #6990]
+Thu Sep 13 11:20:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb: Remove unreachable email address from documentation
+ [Bug #6996] [ruby-core:47459]
+Thu Sep 13 11:20:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc.rb: Documentation for XMLRPC
+ * lib/xmlrpc/datetime.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/xmlrpc/parser.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/xmlrpc/client.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/xmlrpc/utils.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/xmlrpc/README.rdoc: ditto.
+ * lib/xmlrpc/create.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/xmlrpc/base64.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/xmlrpc/config.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/xmlrpc/httpserver.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/xmlrpc/server.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/xmlrpc/marshal.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/xmlrpc/README.txt: ditto.
+ [Bug #6909] [ruby-core:47286]
+Thu Sep 13 10:22:11 2012 Takashi Toyoshima <>
+ * Don't use PIE on Haiku because loader support is not
+ enough.
+Thu Sep 13 08:20:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/shellwords.rb: Documentation for Shellwords.
+Thu Sep 13 08:00:00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper.rb: Documentation for Ripper.
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper/lexer.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper/sexp.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper/filter.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper/core.rb: ditto.
+ [Bug #6929] [ruby-core:47309]
+Wed Sep 12 22:59:07 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_method_missing, vm_call_method): reuse arguments
+ on the VM stack and get rid of ALLOCA.
+Wed Sep 12 22:45::00 2012 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/pathname/lib/pathname.rb: Documentation for Pathname.
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c: ditto.
+ [Bug #6947] [ruby-core:47354]
+Mon Sep 10 10:19:34 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * enc/depend: fixed wrong change in a part of r34802.
+Sun Sep 9 22:02:50 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * ext/socket/basicsocket.c (rsock_bsock_send):
+ avoid unnecessary select() calls before doing I/O
+ Patch by Eric Wong. [Feature #4538] [ruby-core:35586]
+ * ext/socket/init.c (rsock_s_recvfrom): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/init.c (rsock_s_accept): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/udpsocket.c (udp_send): ditto.
+ * io.c (io_fflush): ditto.
+ * io.c (io_binwrite): ditto.
+ * io.c (rb_io_syswrite): ditto.
+Mon Sep 10 01:38:51 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (nogvl_close, maygvl_close, nogvl_fclose, maygvl_fclose):
+ suppress integer <-> pointer cast warnings.
+ [Feature #4570] [ruby-core:35711]
+Mon Sep 10 01:36:00 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_close): notify fd close before releasing gvl.
+ * io.c (fptr_finalize): modify fptr->mode before releasing gvl.
+ remove unnecessary rb_thread_fd_close().
+ [Feature #4570] [ruby-core:35711]
+Mon Sep 10 00:16:34 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * process.c: exec() requires to be single threaded also on Haiku.
+ by Takashi Toyoshima <>
+Sun Sep 9 21:21:15 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * lib/thread.rb (Queue#pop): Fixed double registration issue when
+ mutex.sleep is interrupted. [Bug #5258] [ruby-dev:44448]
+ * lib/thread.rb (SizedQueue#push): ditto.
+ * test/thread/test_queue.rb (test_sized_queue_and_wakeup,
+ test_queue_pop_interrupt, test_sized_queue_pop_interrupt,
+ test_sized_queue_push_interrupt): new tests.
+Sun Sep 9 20:20:31 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * lib/sync.rb (Sync_m#sync_lock): Fixed wakeup/raise unsafe code.
+ Patched by Masaki Matsushita. [Bug #5355] [ruby-dev:44521]
+ * test/thread/test_sync.rb (test_sync_lock_and_wakeup,
+ test_sync_upgrade_and_wakeup, test_sync_lock_and_raise):
+ new test.
+Sun Sep 9 18:39:46 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_thread_blocking_region): Added
+ a comment of recommended alternative way.
+Sun Sep 9 18:37:05 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * lib/sync.rb (Sync_m): Removed RCS_ID.
+Sun Sep 9 18:21:03 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (test_advise_pipe): new test to check
+ io.advise() against anonymous io object don't make crash.
+ made by Eric Wong. [Bug #6081] [ruby-core:42880]
+Sun Sep 9 16:47:12 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (nogvl_close, maygvl_close, nogvl_fclose, maygvl_fclose):
+ new functions.
+ * io.c (fptr_finalize): release GVL if possible.
+ Patched by Eric Wong. [Feature #4570] [ruby-core:35711]
+Sun Sep 9 16:08:48 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (io_bufread): removed unnecessary rb_thread_wait_fd().
+ Patch by Eric Wong. [Bug #6629] [ruby-core:45789]
+ * io.c (rb_io_sysread): ditto.
+ * io.c (copy_stream_fallback_body): ditto.
+Sun Sep 9 15:21:52 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_mutex_lock): stop multiple threads use
+ pthread_cond_timedwait() concurrently. [Bug #6278] [ruby-core:44275]
+Sat Sep 8 18:52:22 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * internal.h (struct rb_classext_struct): move allocator function into
+ rb_classext_t from ordinary method table. [ruby-dev:46121]
+ [Feature #6993]
+ * object.c (rb_obj_alloc): call allocator function directly.
+ * vm_method.c (rb_define_alloc_func, rb_undef_alloc_func)
+ (rb_get_alloc_func): use allocator function in rb_classext_t.
+Fri Sep 7 01:21:51 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake), lib/mkmf.rb (have_framework): fix splitting
+ options with an argument, not using NUL as special character.
+ [ruby-core:47447] [Bug #6987]
+Thu Sep 6 14:49:49 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * .gdbinit (rp): FLONUM support.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (ruby_special_consts): define FLONUM constants
+ always, so that they are available from gdb.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RB_FLOAT_TYPE_P): merge FLONUM and non-FLONUM
+ versions. inline TYPE() comparison and FLONUM_P() should be
+ optimized away on non-FLONUM.
+Thu Sep 6 08:20:55 2012 Ryan Davis <>
+ * lib/minitest/*: Imported minitest 3.4.0 (r7762)
+ * test/minitest/*: ditto
+Wed Sep 5 19:20:53 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * parse.y (rb_warn4S): renamed from rb_warn4(), because the case in
+ r36911 takes a string.
+ * parse.y (rb_warn4S): use ripper_warnS() for ripper.
+ * parse.y (ripper_warnS): now it is used.
+Wed Sep 5 15:51:52 2012 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * .travis.yml (notifications): [experimental] update notification
+ template.
+Wed Sep 5 15:21:12 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * parse.y (rb_warn4): added as a rb_warn variant to warn with explicit
+ source file name and line in parse.y.
+ * parse.y (warn_unused_var): use rb_warn4 to suppress warning on ripper.
+Wed Sep 5 13:30:04 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (glob_make_pattern): names under recursive need to be single
+ basenames to match for each name. [ruby-core:47418] [Bug #6977]
+Tue Sep 4 20:55:17 2012 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (EnvUtil#invoke_ruby): show Timeout::Error
+ instead of IOError if the timeout has expired.
+ * test/test_pstore.rb
+ (PStoreTest#test_pstore_files_are_accessed_as_binary_files):
+ increase timeout because this test is slow on Windows.
+ [ruby-core:47402] [Bug #6965]
+Tue Sep 4 11:28:57 2012 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * vm_eval.c (ruby_eval_string_from_file_protect): initializer
+ element is not computable at load time.
+Tue Sep 4 07:48:35 2012 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * test/openssl/test_asn1_rb:
+ test/openssl/test_ssl_session.rb:
+ test/openssl/test_x509name.rb:
+ test/openssl/test_buffering.rb:
+ test/openssl/test_x509cert.rb:
+ test/openssl/test_ssl.rb: Refactor code that leads to warnings on
+ Ruby CI.
+Tue Sep 4 07:02:56 2012 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * test/openssl/utils.rb: Use DSS1 as DSA signature digest for all
+ OpenSSL versions < 1.0.0.
+ [Feature #6946] [ruby-core:47405]
+Mon Sep 3 21:22:37 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_float_value): suppress warnings.
+ [ruby-core:47406][Bug #6971]
+Mon Sep 3 14:49:03 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb (Vector#magnitude): accumulate squares of absolute
+ values to fix for complex vector. [ruby-dev:46100] [Bug #6966]
+Mon Sep 3 10:09:36 2012 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: Detect OpenSSL_FIPS macro
+ ext/openssl/ossl.c: Expose OpenSSL::OPENSSL_FIPS constant to
+ indicate whether OpenSSL runs in FIPS mode.
+ test/openssl/test_pkey_dh.rb: Generate 256 bit keys for
+ non-FIPS installations to improve test performance (e.g. for
+ rubyci).
+ test/openssl/utils.rb: Replace DSS1 as certificate signature
+ digest with SHA1 for FIPS installations when using DSA by
+ introducing TestUtils::DSA_SIGNATURE_DIGEST.
+ test/openssl/test_x509cert.rb:
+ test/openssl/test_x509crl.rb:
+ test/openssl/test_x509req.rb: Use DSA_SIGNATURE_DIGEST
+ These changes allow running the OpenSSL tests in FIPS mode
+ while keeping a high performance for non-FIPS installations.
+ Introduction of OpenSSL::OPENSSL_FIPS allows for applications
+ to react to special requirements when using OpenSSL in FIPS mode.
+ [Feature #6946] [ruby-core:47345]
+Sun Sep 2 21:46:28 2012 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * test/openssl/utils.rb: Use a cached DH key instead of generating a
+ new one each time.
+Sun Sep 2 05:41:28 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/webrick/ssl.rb (WEBrick::Config::SSL): add new key
+ SSLTmpDhCallback to set SSLContext#tmp_dh_callback.
+ * lib/webrick/ssl.rb (WEBrick::GenericServer#setup_ssl_context):
+ follow above.
+Sat Sep 1 18:50:50 2012 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/set.rb (#initialize_copy, #eql): Use instance_variable_get
+ instead of instance_eval.
+Fri Aug 31 21:47:56 2012 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/test/unit/test-unit.gemspec: Make test/unit default gem.
+ [Feature #6875] [ruby-dev:46051]
+Fri Aug 31 18:35:02 2012 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: Check existence of OPENSSL_NPN_NEGOTIATED.
+ ext/ossl_ssl.c: Support Next Protocol Negotiation. Protocols to be
+ advertised by the server can be set in the SSLContext by using
+ SSLContext#npn_protocols=, protocol selection on the client is
+ supported by providing a selection callback with
+ SSLContext#npn_select_cb. The protocol that was finally negotiated
+ is available through SSL#npn_protocol.
+ test/openssl/test_ssl.rb: Add tests for Next Protocol Negotiation.
+ NEWS: add news about NPN support.
+ [Feature #6503] [ruby-core:45272]
+Fri Aug 31 17:38:43 2012 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/set.rb (Set#{each,reject!,select!}, SortedSet#each): Pass
+ the original block through instead of creating one that only
+ yields the passed argument.
+Fri Aug 31 16:23:20 2012 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/ipaddr.rb: Introduce several new error classes where only
+ ArgumentError and StandardError were used. IPAddr::Error is
+ their common ancestor class that inherits from ArgumentError for
+ backward compatibility. Submitted by Jon Daniel. Fixes #173 on
+ GitHub.
+Fri Aug 31 14:51:27 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb (TestBigDecimal#test_to_f): added
+ for previous commit.
+Fri Aug 31 14:32:05 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_to_f): use self's sign to
+ determine 0.0 and Inf's sign instead of internal double value's.
+ Reported by phasis68 (Heesob Park) at [ruby-core:47381] [Bug #6955]
+Fri Aug 31 14:31:17 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * template/id.h.tmpl, tool/id2token.rb: make id.h independent from
+ parse.h, and make parse.c dependent on it instead.
+Fri Aug 31 14:27:39 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): fix race conditions at install-ext.
+ target files need to depend on destination directory timestamp
+ files, not phony targets.
+Fri Aug 31 14:03:45 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_trace.c (clean_hooks): do not access freed memory.
+ * vm_trace.c (rb_threadptr_exec_event_hooks): fix uninitialized state
+ when no events is executed.
+Thu Aug 30 18:21:51 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_close): call rb_last_status_clear.
+Thu Aug 30 16:17:52 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_to_f): check underflow since
+ strtod() sets errno to ERANGE at underflow too. [ruby-core:47342]
+ [Bug #6944]
+Thu Aug 30 12:44:43 2012 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/set.rb (Set#{<,>,<=,>=}): Define comparison operators as
+ shorthand for the {proper_}{subset?,superset?} methods (finally).
+ Given a push by Alexander E. Fischer.
+Thu Aug 30 09:21:01 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/ftp.rb (URI::FTP#initialize): raise InvalidURIError if "//"
+ is not present [ruby-core:47344] [Bug #6945]
+Thu Aug 30 07:45:12 2012 Luis Lavena <>
+ * test/ruby/test_file_exhaustive.rb: fix test introduced in r36811 for
+ posix environments where HOME is not defined. [ruby-core:47322]
+Wed Aug 29 23:42:59 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h (rb_last_status_clear): declared.
+ * process.c (rb_last_status_clear): exported.
+ (rb_f_system): call rb_last_status_clear.
+ * io.c (rb_f_backquote): call rb_last_status_clear.
+Wed Aug 29 22:01:15 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_f_system): check failures of waitpid.
+ [ruby-talk:398687]
+Wed Aug 29 15:03:04 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (LIBDIR_BASENAME): use configured libdir value to fix
+ --enable-load-relative on systems where libdir is not default value,
+ overridden in files. [ruby-core:47267] [Bug #6903]
+ * ruby.c (ruby_init_loadpath_safe): ditto.
+Wed Aug 29 14:34:41 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * addr2line.c: SIZE_MAX is defined in stdint.h, so r36755 breaks
+ 32bit FreeBSD. [ruby-core:47360] [Bug #6948]
+Wed Aug 29 04:50:04 2012 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * test/openssl/utils.rb
+ test/openssl/test_pair.rb
+ test/openssl/test_pkey_dh.rb: Use 1024 bit DH parameters to satisfy
+ OpenSSL FIPS requirements. Patch by Vit Ondruch.
+ [Bug #6938] [ruby-core:47326]
+Tue Aug 28 22:31:49 2012 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * insns.def (checkmatch): suppress warnings. [ruby-core:47339]
+ [Bug #6930]
+Tue Aug 28 20:03:54 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * Fixing Haiku R1/alpha3 build with gcc-4.4.4.
+ - omit ANSI standard flags to compile socket extension where
+ anonymous union is required.
+ - remove redundant -be flags.
+ by Takashi Toyoshima <>
+Tue Aug 28 11:32:37 2012 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * nacl/ (.rbconfig.time): r36828 was incomplete.
+ It did not run correctly on clean build.
+Tue Aug 28 09:25:20 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (Makefile): make to depend on, to
+ stop and force to re-run make process when is changed.
+Mon Aug 27 20:19:49 2012 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * test/etc/test_etc.rb (TestEtc#test_getgrgid): fix for non unique GID.
+ No unixen systems guarantee that GID is unique. Etc.getgrgid would
+ not return the first entry in the order of for shared GID.
+ [ruby-core:47312] [Bug #6935]
+Mon Aug 27 18:19:36 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_float_value): optimize it.
+ This technique was pointed by shinichiro.hamaji
+ <>.
+Mon Aug 27 15:08:25 2012 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * (vm_trace.o): Added a missing dependency.
+Sun Aug 26 09:29:32 2012 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * nacl/ (package): make package should install
+ example.html for nacl build
+ Patch by Takashi Toyoshima <toyoshim AT>.
+Sun Aug 26 09:22:33 2012 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ Rewrites these variables instead of PATH.
+ NaCl port uses a toolchain which is specified by NACL_SDK_ROOT
+ environment variable. Originally, NaCl build added the toolchain
+ under the NACL_SDK_ROOT to the PATH. But updating PATH doesn't work
+ on Mac.
+ (RBCONFIG): Replaces configs with the variable updates above.
+ * Thus it is no longer necessary to check $PATH.
+ Based on a patch by Takashi Toyoshima <toyoshim AT>.
+Sun Aug 26 16:53:00 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * insns.def (checkmatch): suppress warnings. [ruby-core:47310]
+ [Bug #6930]
+ * vm_core.h (VM_FRAME_TYPE_FINISH_P): ditto.
+Fri Aug 24 15:42:28 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): use timestamp for destination
+ directories to make them before making or copying files there.
+ [ruby-dev:46067] [Bug #6904]
+Fri Aug 24 12:40:15 2012 Luis Lavena <>
+ * (mingw): add shlwapi to the list of dependency
+ libs for Windows.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (EXTSOLIBS): ditto.
+ * internal.h: declare internal functions rb_w32_init_file,
+ rb_file_expand_path_internal and rb_file_expand_path_fast.
+ * file.c (Init_File): invoke Windows initialization rb_w32_init_file
+ * win32/file.c (rb_file_load_path_internal): new function.
+ Windows-specific implementation that replaces file_expand_path.
+ [Bug #6836][ruby-core:46996]
+ * win32/file.c (rb_w32_init_file): new function. Initialize codepage
+ cache for faster conversion encodings lookup.
+ * file.c (file_expand_path): rename to rb_file_expand_path_internal.
+ Conditionally exclude from Windows.
+ * file.c (rb_file_expand_path_fast): new function. delegates to
+ rb_file_expand_path_internal without performing a hit to the
+ filesystem.
+ * file.c (file_expand_path_1): use rb_file_expand_path_internal without
+ path expansion (used by require).
+ * file.c (rb_find_file_ext_safe): ditto.
+ * file.c (rb_find_file_safe): ditto.
+ * load.c (rb_get_expanded_load_path): use rb_file_expand_path_fast.
+ * load.c (rb_feature_provided): ditto.
+ * file.c (rb_file_expand_path): use rb_file_expand_path_internal with
+ path expansion.
+ * file.c (rb_file_absolute_path): ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_file_exhaustive.rb: new tests to exercise
+ rb_file_expand_path_internal implementation and compliance with
+ existing behaviors.
+Fri Aug 24 07:35:24 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/net/http/backward.rb (class Net): Restored Net::HTTPSession to
+ fix backwards-compatibility with ancient Net::HTTP. [Bug #6889]
+Thu Aug 23 20:58:55 2012 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * support `make id.h` without `rm .id.h.time` after
+ `rm id.h`.
+Thu Aug 23 20:48:45 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_fixnum.rb (TestFixnum#test_singleton_method): new test.
+ * test/ruby/test_bignum.rb (TestBignum#test_singleton_method): ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_float.rb (TestFloat#test_singleton_method): ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_symbol.rb (TestSymbol#test_singleton_method): ditto.
+Thu Aug 23 20:34:32 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * class.c (singleton_class_of): flonum can't have singleton class.
+ * vm.c (vm_define_method): flonum can't have singleton method.
+Thu Aug 23 19:18:33 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * (win32/*): macro RUBY_H_INCLUDES is not defined there,
+ so need to move dependency rules under the definition of it.
+Thu Aug 23 19:16:20 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: refactoring. remove unused rules, and update
+ some rules which are not used usually to fit current macros.
+Thu Aug 23 16:46:10 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_find_file_ext_safe, rb_find_file_safe): default to
+ US-ASCII for encdb and transdb.
+ * load.c (search_required): keep encoding of feature name. set
+ loading path to filesystem encoding. [Bug #6377][ruby-core:44750]
+ * ruby.c (add_modules, require_libraries): assume default external
+ encoding as well as ARGV.
+Thu Aug 23 16:20:04 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: introduce flonum technique for
+ 64bit CPU environment (sizeof(double) == sizeof(VALUE)).
+ flonum technique enables to avoid double object creation
+ if the double value d is in range about between
+ 1.72723e-77 < |d| <= 1.15792e+77 or 0.0.
+ flonum Float value is immediate and their lowest two bits
+ are b10.
+ If flonum is activated, then USE_FLONUM macro is 1.
+ I'll write detailed in this technique on
+ * benchmark/bmx_temp.rb: add an benchmark for simple
+ Float calculation.
+ * gc.c (id2ref, rb_obj_id): add flonum Float support.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: move decl of rb_float_new(double)
+ to include/ruby/ruby.h.
+ * insns.def, vm.c, vm_insnhelper.c: add flonum optimization
+ and simplify source code.
+ * vm_insnhelper.h (FLONUM_2_P): added.
+ * marshal.c: support flonum output.
+ * numeric.c (rb_float_new_in_heap): added.
+ * parse.y: support flonum.
+ * random.c: ditto.
+Thu Aug 23 16:12:40 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): add dependency to header files when
+ depend files don't exist. now we can remove simple (and often
+ wrong) depend files in most cases.
+Thu Aug 23 16:02:20 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/date/depend: add dependency to $(ruby_headers).
+Thu Aug 23 12:51:39 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * insns.def (invokesuper): reverted r36640 partially to make super
+ in a thread work correctly. [ruby-core:47284] [Bug #6907]
+ * test/ruby/test_super.rb: related test.
+Thu Aug 23 12:30:20 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/configure.bat: support --with(out)?-ext(ensions) options.
+Thu Aug 23 11:52:04 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * Fixing Haiku build.
+ - -lbe is not required for linking
+ - stack protector doesn't work for now because of the default gcc's
+ bug
+ by Takashi Toyoshima <>
+ * signal.c (ruby_signal): haiku doesn't have SIGBUS.
+Thu Aug 23 11:32:44 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/open-uri/test_open-uri.rb (TestOpenURI#test_read_timeout): this
+ test expects that the server thread will be killed in sleep, but 0.01
+ sec is too short to reach there.
+Thu Aug 23 10:49:28 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * use the value of --with-opt-dir on building ruby
+ itself. [ruby-dev:46064] [Bug #6900]
+Thu Aug 23 10:36:35 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * (ID_H_TARGET): revert a part of r36724 and r36751. they
+ break mswin build from clean source.
+Thu Aug 23 02:37:35 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/syck: removed. Fixes [ruby-core:43360]
+ * test/syck: removed.
+ * lib/yaml.rb: only require psych, show a warning if people try to set
+ the engine to syck.
+Thu Aug 23 01:46:53 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * insns.def: search up the cf stack for an object that is an instance
+ of the recipient class. Fixes [ruby-core:47186]
+ * test/ruby/test_super.rb: related test.
+Wed Aug 22 19:46:24 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: [ruby-core:47266].
+Wed Aug 22 19:41:19 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: [ruby-core:47226].
+Wed Aug 22 16:57:04 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (configuration): extract least ruby headers list as
+ ruby_headers, so depend files can use default dependency
+ explicitly.
+Wed Aug 22 15:27:50 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_setup_method): fix last commit of
+ vm_insnhelper.c (r36771). [ruby-dev:46065] [Bug #6901]
+ Should not disable tail call opt on FINISH_FRAME.
+ This flag should be propagated correctly.
+Wed Aug 22 14:05:23 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_trace.c: support TracePoint. [ruby-trunk - Feature #6895]
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: add tests for above.
+ * proc.c (rb_binding_new_with_cfp): add an internal function.
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_control_frame_id_and_class): add an internal function.
+ * vm_trace.c: add rb_add_event_hook2() and rb_thread_add_event_hook2().
+ Give us the good name for them!
+Wed Aug 22 11:38:16 2012 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * .travis.yml (before_script): Turned out that make -j is broken.
+Wed Aug 22 11:23:35 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_setup_method): should not enable tail call
+ optimization for frames with VM_FRAME_FLAG_FINISH.
+ [ruby-dev:46065] [Bug #6901]
+Wed Aug 22 11:20:47 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/rubygems/test_case.rb: run test with psych if exist.
+Thu Aug 16 12:09:51 2012 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * nacl/pepper_main.c (init_loadpath): Pushes the correct load path on
+ other architectures than x86_64. Fixes #6873.
+Wed Aug 15 19:37:33 2012 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * (ac_cv_func_shutdown): shutdown(2) has a dummy
+ implementation but has no declaration and does not work in
+ NativeClient SDK pepper_20.
+Wed Aug 15 19:29:29 2012 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * (vm_backtrace.o): Added missing dependencies.
+ * ext/nkf/depend (nkf.o): ditto.
+ * ext/ripper/depend (ripper.o) ditto.
+Wed Aug 22 07:27:00 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/cgi/util.rb (CGI.escapeHTML): use &#39;
+ [ruby-core:47221] [Bug #6861]
+Tue Aug 21 21:59:22 2012 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * lib/observer.rb: fix typo. by
+ unsymbol (Philip Cunningham).
+Tue Aug 21 20:30:06 2012 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb (TestFileUtils#teardown):
+ do not assume cwd is TMPROOT and never remove current directory.
+ [ruby-core:47224][Bug #6884]
+Tue Aug 21 17:29:56 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * addr2line.c (fill_lines): need check and cast of the file size of
+ target binary because there are some platforms which off_t > size_t.
+Tue Aug 21 17:07:58 2012 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * .travis.yml (compiler): [experimental] clang support.
+Tue Aug 21 15:44:27 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/func.rb (DL::Function#bind): fixes an error in
+ test/dl/test_import.rb (DL::TestImport#test_carried_function)
+ introduced by r36718.
+ the instance of the anonymous class which wraps the block should have
+ same methods and instance variables of self.
+Tue Aug 21 14:29:22 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub ( no need to include twice.
+Tue Aug 21 10:52:08 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/unit/test.rb (Test::Unit::ProxyError): new exception class to
+ wrap exceptions raised in workers in parallel test mode.
+ * test/unit/parallel.rb (Test::Unit::Worker#puke): use above wrapper
+ exception.
+ [Bug #6882] [ruby-dev:46054]
+Tue Aug 21 10:40:06 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test_continuation.rb (tracing_with_thread_set_trace_func):
+ fix to use Thread#set_trace_func(nil), not set_trace_func(nil).
+Tue Aug 21 09:32:41 2012 Ryan Davis <>
+ * lib/minitest/*: Imported minitest 3.3.0 (r7676)
+ * test/minitest/*: ditto
+Tue Aug 21 09:05:32 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/testunit/tests_for_parallel/ptest_forth.rb: added a test case
+ which causes an error.
+ * test/testunit/test_parallel.rb: follow above change.
+ see [Bug #6882]
+Tue Aug 21 05:43:00 2012 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * lib/csv.rb: Fixes #161 on github
+ * lib/csv.rb: You can now specify a pattern for :skip_lines.
+ Matching lines will not be passed to the CSV parser.
+ * lib/csv.rb: Patch by Christian Schwartz.
+Tue Aug 21 05:25:41 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_initialize_m): Forgot to update output for or'd-options
+ example.
+Tue Aug 21 05:18:03 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_initialize_m): Update example to show that regexp
+ options use | an not || to avoid confusion.
+Mon Aug 20 23:02:27 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y: more descriptive token names in syntax error messages.
+Mon Aug 20 20:36:30 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method): follow iclasses as klass in cfp
+ but not included modules. [ruby-core:47241] [Bug #6891]
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_bmethod): pass defined_class to follow
+ proper ancestors. [ruby-core:47241] [Bug #6891]
+Mon Aug 20 11:40:27 2012 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * fix failed to make with -j2.
+Mon Aug 20 10:51:01 2012 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb, lib/test/unit/parallel.rb:
+ generate error message (String) in parallel.rb instead of
+ marshalling Exception. Fixes [Bug #6882] [ruby-dev:46054]
+Sun Aug 19 01:24:32 2012 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * enum.c: fix docs. by
+ richardkmichael (Richard Michael).
+Sun Aug 19 00:47:26 2012 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: fix typo.
+ by simonc (Simon COURTOIS).
+Sat Aug 18 09:57:46 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/depend: fix inplace-build condition. is generated with
+ setting $srcdir to enc, but pwd is still top build directory.
+ [ruby-core:47236] [Bug #6888]
+Fri Aug 17 23:28:54 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (rb_any_to_s, rb_obj_inspect): preserve encodings of class
+ name and instance variable names.
+Fri Aug 17 12:39:33 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/func.rb (DL::Function#bind): allow to return/break from
+ the callback method. (Fiddle already allows it.)
+ [Bug #6389] [ruby-dev:45604]
+Thu Aug 16 19:54:24 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_trace.c, vm_core.h: simplify tracing mechanism.
+ (1) add rb_hook_list_t data structure which includes
+ hooks, events (flag) and `need_clean' flag.
+ If the last flag is true, then clean the hooks list.
+ In other words, deleted hooks are contained by `hooks'.
+ Cleanup process should run before traversing the list.
+ (2) Change check mechanism
+ See EXEC_EVENT_HOOK() in vm_core.h.
+ (3) Add `raw' hooks APIs
+ Normal hooks are guarded from exception by rb_protect().
+ However, this protection is overhead for too simple
+ functions which never cause exceptions. `raw' hooks
+ are executed without protection and faster.
+ Now, we only provide registration APIs. All `raw'
+ hooks are kicked under protection (same as normal hooks).
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: remove internal data definition and
+ macros.
+ * internal.h (ruby_suppress_tracing), vm_trace.c: rename
+ ruby_suppress_tracing() to rb_suppress_tracing()
+ and remove unused function parameter.
+ * parse.y: fix to use renamed rb_suppress_tracing().
+ * thread.c (thread_create_core): no need to set RUBY_VM_VM.
+ * vm.c (mark_event_hooks): move definition to vm_trace.c.
+ * vm.c (ruby_vm_event_flags): add a global variable.
+ This global variable represents all of Threads and VM's
+ event masks (T1#events | T2#events | ... | VM#events).
+ You can check the possibility kick trace func or not
+ with ruby_vm_event_flags.
+ ruby_vm_event_flags is maintained by vm_trace.c.
+ * cont.c (fiber_switch, rb_cont_call): restore tracing status.
+ [Feature #4347]
+ * test/ruby/test_continuation.rb: ditto.
+Thu Aug 16 19:15:23 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (rb_class_initialize): forbid inheriting uninitialized
+ class. another class tree not based on BasicObject cannot exist.
+ [ruby-core:47148][Bug #6863]
+Thu Aug 16 11:52:06 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/-ext-/test_printf.rb (Test_SPrintf#test_{taint,untrust}): use
+ plain object so that the results of to_s and inspect are infected.
+ [ruby-dev:46053] [Bug #6881]
+Thu Aug 16 09:46:07 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * strftime.c: remove unnecessary macros to check traditional C.
+ by lateau (Daehyub Kim).
+ * vsnprintf.c: remove K&R.
+Wed Aug 15 20:47:49 2012 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_inspect): Kernel#inspect: do not call #to_s. A class
+ can now benefit from the nice default #inspect even if it defines #to_s.
+ Also, there is no more unexpected change in #inspect result.
+ * NEWS: Add note about the change.
+ * bignum.c, io.c, numeric.c, object.c, proc.c, vm.c (Init_*):
+ Adapt internal structures (by aliasing #inspect to #to_s) so they
+ don't rely on the removed behavior (#inspect calling overridden #to_s).
+ * test/ruby/test_object.rb (test_inspect): add tests for Kernel#inspect.
+ * lib/pp.rb (class PP): do not call #to_s anymore, as #inspect
+ no more does (mame).
+ * test/test_pp.rb (class PPInspectTest): remove related assertion (mame).
+ [ruby-core:43238][Feature #6130]
+ * test/drb/drbtest.rb (DRbCore#teardown, DRbAry#teardown):
+ adapt DRb tests with the new change (shirosaki).
+ [ruby-core:47182][Bug #6866]
+Wed Aug 15 18:05:37 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Runner#failed): need to delete the
+ status line if the status is skipped and -q is specified.
+Wed Aug 15 16:26:52 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sprintf.c (ruby__sfvextra): the result should be infected by the
+ given strings.
+ * sprintf.c (ruby__sfvwrite): set buffer length and exclude
+ uninitialized garbage to get correct coderange.
+Wed Aug 15 16:20:09 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (ID_H_TARGET): make timestamp file of id.h so that the
+ header will not be remade repetitively.
+Wed Aug 15 11:39:53 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_trace.c: separate trace_func related functions from
+ thread.c.
+ * thread.c: ditto.
+ * add vm_trace.o.
+ * inits.c: call Init_vm_trace().
+Tue Aug 14 16:25:46 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * test/erb/test_erb.rb (test_html_escape): add assertions for the
+ cases where the argument is not a String.
+Tue Aug 14 16:03:31 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (check_valid_dir): reject "..." as directory name.
+ [Bug #6851]
+Tue Aug 14 16:02:51 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_file_exhaustive.rb
+ (TestFileExhaustive#test_stat_dotted_prefix): added.
+Tue Aug 14 15:39:09 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_file_exhaustive.rb
+ (TestFileExhaustive#test_stat_drive_root): added.
+Tue Aug 14 10:38:17 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/erb.rb (ERB::Util.html_escape): fix r36687: call to_s before
+ passing it to CGI.escapeHTML.
+Mon Aug 13 13:13:19 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/erb.rb (ERB::Util.html_escape): use CGI.escapeHTML to escape
+ single quotes. [ruby-core:47138] [Bug #6861]
+Sun Aug 12 11:57:20 2012 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * vm.c (invoke_block_from_c): fix unintentional block passing.
+ [ruby-dev:45071] [Bug #5832]
+Fri Aug 10 08:41:28 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * gc.c (gc_malloc_allocated_size): RDoc does not process macros, so
+ mention this method is only available when ruby is built with
+ * gc.c (gc_malloc_allocations): ditto
+Thu Aug 9 23:46:51 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/mkrunnable.rb: see build_os instead of target arch for
+ cross-compiling.
+ * (MINIRUBY): use real path for include path.
+ * template/ (builddir): remove duplications
+Thu Aug 9 20:03:11 2012 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_file_exhaustive.rb
+ (TestFileExhaustive#test_stat_special_file): add a test.
+ GetFileAttributesExW fails to get attributes of special files
+ such as pagefile.sys.
+ * win32/win32.c (check_valid_dir): for performance, check the path
+ by FindFirstFileW only if the path contains "..."
+ * win32/win32.c (winnt_stat): use GetFileAttributesExW instead of
+ FindFirstFileW since GetFileAttributesExW is faster.
+ Based on the patch by Dusan D. Majkic.
+ [ruby-core:47083] [Feature #6845]
+Thu Aug 9 18:33:46 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): show version only once even if -v and
+ --version are given together.
+Thu Aug 9 12:37:22 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/openssl/test_config.rb (OpenSSL#test_constants): skip this
+ test if platform is Mac OS X or Windows. [Bug #6830]
+Wed Aug 8 22:51:30 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (eval_under): singletons other than special constants
+ don't need cref-scope hack.
+Wed Aug 8 22:45:38 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (.y.h): split from .y.c rule to manage dependency on
+ parse.h. [ruby-core:46741] [Bug #6789]
+ * (id.h): keep old file unless changed.
+Wed Aug 8 17:11:20 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (ADD_INSNL): make ADD_INSNL as alias of ADD_INSN1.
+Wed Aug 8 17:08:14 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * bootstrap/test_exception.rb: fix a last committed test.
+Wed Aug 8 16:27:58 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c, insns.def (checkmatch):
+ remove checkincludearray instruction and
+ add new instruction checkmatch.
+ This change is to solve
+ [Bug #4438] "rescue args type check omitted".
+ * iseq.c: increment ISEQ_MAJOR_VERSION because removal of
+ checkincludearray instruction.
+ * vm_core.h: add several definitions for
+ the checkmatch instruction.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (check_match): added.
+ * bootstraptest/test_exception.rb: add a test.
+ * test/ruby/test_exception.rb: ditto.
+Wed Aug 8 05:51:20 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * proc.c (method_clone): Added documentation. Patch by Robin Dupret.
+ Fixes #152 on github.
+Tue Aug 7 20:19:29 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (Init_readline): rl_catch_signals=0 returns
+ back. Without this, on FreeBSD9 and readline 6.2 irb can't catch ^C.
+ [Bug #5423]
+Tue Aug 7 20:12:39 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_exec.c, insns.def (leave): solve problems on
+ Catch up finish frame structure on OPT_CALL_THREADED_CODE.
+ * vm_core.h: add rb_thread_t#retval for temporary space on
+ * vm.c (th_init): clear rb_thread_t#retval as Qundef.
+ * vm_dump.c (rb_vmdebug_debug_print_pre): fix debug print format.
+Tue Aug 7 11:58:27 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_require.rb (TestRequire#test_require_twice): added.
+Tue Aug 7 11:35:37 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_redefine_opt_method): use RCLASS_ORIGIN to avoid
+ SEGV when a module-prepended class is refined.
+Tue Aug 7 10:46:37 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_file_exhaustive.rb
+ (TestFileExhaustive#test_expand_path*): refactoring. split the method
+ into some chunks of the same kind of tests.
+Tue Aug 7 00:31:09 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c (rb_special_singleton_class_of): utility function.
+ * vm_eval.c (eval_under): special deal for class variable scope with
+ instance_eval.
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_obj_instance_eval, rb_obj_instance_exec): allow method
+ definition in instance_eval of special constants. [ruby-core:28324]
+ [Bug #2788]
+Tue Aug 7 00:23:58 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c (CVAR_LOOKUP): split into helper functions.
+Mon Aug 6 19:15:11 2012 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_variant.rb: setting WIN32OLE.locale
+ to pass some assertion. Thanks to Hiroshi Shirosaki.
+ [ruby-core:46873][Bug #6814]
+Mon Aug 6 15:54:50 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * internal.h, class.c, eval.c, insns.def: find the appropriate
+ receiver for super called in instance_eval. If such a receiver is
+ not found, raise NoMethodError. [ruby-dev:39772] [Bug #2402]
+Mon Aug 6 14:54:38 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h, eval.c, vm_insnhelper.c: fix typo.
+Mon Aug 6 13:13:58 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (vm_call_super): since cfp->klass is always class or
+ iclass, no search from method entry.
+ * insns.def (defined): now should use klass in the current control
+ frame to search superclass, not me->klass. reported by naruse.
+Mon Aug 6 11:19:19 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/etc/test_etc.rb (TestEtc#test_getpwuid): `s' is never set to nil.
+Mon Aug 6 11:08:48 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/syslog/test_syslog_logger.rb: skip unless Syslog module is
+ available.
+Mon Aug 6 00:40:54 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigMath_s_log): fix format specifier.
+Mon Aug 6 00:39:24 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (NUM2ULONG): optimize by inline as well as
+ NUM2LONG, and cast to unsigned long explicitly for the platforms
+ where SIZEOF_VALUE is larger than SIZEOF_LONG.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (NUM2SSIZET): fix type to cast.
+Sun Aug 5 21:10:36 2012 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c : if ENABLE_VM_OBJSPACE is 1, rest_sweep is not defined.
+ remove unused declarations. [ruby-core:47004] [Bug #6837]
+Sun Aug 5 19:31:57 2012 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c: just move functions and so on. I don't touch any internal
+ implementation.
+Sun Aug 5 13:22:29 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * use gcc-4.2 prior to clang, gcc, and cc if exist for
+ the use of Snow Leopard's old clang. see also r36594, r36610, r36611.
+Sun Aug 5 06:55:10 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_{core,strftime}.c: [ruby-core:46990].
+Sat Aug 4 22:56:20 2012 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c: use inline functions instead of macros, and close up
+ related codes for the profiler.
+Sat Aug 4 20:37:56 2012 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_children): use gc_mark_ptr instead of marking
+ a object directly.
+Sat Aug 4 10:02:03 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * test/ruby/test_alias.rb (test_super_in_aliased_module_method):
+ add a test case for [ruby-dev:46028], which fails in 1.8.
+Sat Aug 4 01:56:06 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_search_normal_superclass): no longer needs
+ receiver, klass is always unique in the ancestors now.
+Sat Aug 4 01:27:40 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * insns.def (invokesuper): reverted r36612 so that super in an
+ aliased method will not call the same method.
+Fri Aug 3 19:26:10 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * insns.def (invokesuper): don't skip the same class. instead, use
+ rb_method_entry_get_with_omod() to avoid infinite loop when
+ super is used with refinements. [ruby-core:30450] [Bug #3351]
+Fri Aug 3 19:21:19 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * use clang prior to gcc only when self-compiling on
+ darwin. search default compilers on other platforms. [Bug #6816]
+Fri Aug 3 17:25:49 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * move RUBY_MINGW32 after AC_PROG_CC.
+ RUBY_MINGW32 uses AC_TRY_CPP and it sets CC and CPP. [Bug #6816]
+ * don't use AC_PROG_CC in AS_CASE.
+Fri Aug 3 17:21:52 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/runner.rb: get rid of loading previously installed gems.
+ [ruby-dev:46025]
+Fri Aug 3 16:40:01 2012 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * .travis.yml (notifications): [experimental] IRC notifications.
+Thu Aug 2 20:32:29 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_using): new method Module#using. [experimental]
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_refine): new method Module#refine. [experimental]
+ * eval.c (f_using): new method Kernel#using. [experimental]
+Thu Aug 2 20:08:02 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * class.c, insns.def, method.h, proc.c, vm.c, vm_core.h, vm_eval.c,
+ vm_insnhelper.c, vm_insnhelper.h, vm_method.c: add klass to
+ rb_control_frame_t to implement super correctly.
+Thu Aug 2 13:23:08 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (AC_PROG_CC): AC_PROG_CC tries clang at first on
+ darwin. [Bug #6816]
+Thu Aug 2 11:39:25 2012 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c: return true or false. Patch by Dirkjan Bussink. [Bug #6821]
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb: add test-case for this bug.
+Thu Aug 2 10:51:12 2012 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/digest.rb
+ test/openssl/test_digest.rb: Add Digest module function to OpenSSL
+ module and test it. Patch provided by Eric Hodel.
+ [ruby-core:46908][Feature #6819]
+Wed Aug 1 22:29:12 2012 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * ext/digest/digest.c (hexencode_str_new): return an ASCII string
+ * test/digest: tests for all kind of digests encodings
+ [ruby-core:46792][Bug #6799]
+Wed Aug 1 05:50:53 2012 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb (TestRubyOptions#test_encoding):
+ Fix test_encoding failure on Windows.
+ With chcp 65001, 1252 and 437, test_encoding failed. Test result
+ depends on locale because LANG environment variable doesn't affect
+ locale on Windows.
+ [ruby-core:46872] [Bug #6813]
+Wed Aug 1 00:33:19 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c (include_class_new): fix duplication of prepended module.
+ since m_tbl of prepended module is always zero, copy from its
+ copy iclass of original.
+Tue Jul 31 18:22:34 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c (classname): tell if found name is permanent. search
+ tmp_classpath only if class id is set. [ruby-core:42865][Bug #6078]
+ * variable.c (rb_class_path): duplicate found temporary path.
+ * variable.c (rb_set_class_path_string, rb_set_class_path): set class
+ id to find classpath.
+Tue Jul 31 10:36:12 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych.rb: updated to released version.
+ * ext/psych/psych.gemspec: ditto
+Tue Jul 31 06:18:06 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * time.c (time_sec): Remove extra wording about leap seconds and refer
+ directly to Wikipedia's leap second page for further information.
+ [Bug #6749]
+Mon Jul 30 23:01:47 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/rubygems/platform.rb (Gem::Platform#initialize): Support pattern
+ like x86_64-netbsd6.99.7.
+Mon Jul 30 21:00:53 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c (find_class_path): no retry when preferred is given.
+ * variable.c (classname): if classid is set try it to find full
+ qualified class path, and then try arbitrary class path. try
+ tmp_classpath at last even if enclosing namespace is anonymous.
+ fix r36574. [ruby-core:42865][Bug #6078]
+ * variable.c (rb_set_class_path_string, rb_set_class_path): set
+ tmp_classpath instead of classpath if the name is not permanent.
+Mon Jul 30 14:24:20 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c: store anonymous class path in tmp_classpath but not in
+ classpath. [ruby-core:42865][Bug #6078]
+Mon Jul 30 13:11:54 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (DLDFLAGS): on Darwin, deprecate -flat_namespace to get
+ rid of huge imported symbols table.
+ * (LIBRUBY_RELATIVE): libruby_so is not made when
+ disable-shared, so no absolute path is used for it and executable
+ file is runnable anywhere.
+Mon Jul 30 01:30:10 2012 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * add a dependency. [ruby-core:46741] [Bug #6789]
+Sun Jul 29 15:44:47 2012 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * thread.c (thread_create_core): hide th->async_errinfo_mask_stack from
+ ObjectSpace.each_object. refix of r36539.
+Sun Jul 29 23:57:27 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/option.c (inet_ntop): use rb_w32_inet_ntop, instead of
+ inet_ntop directly, which is unavailable on older version Windows.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_inet_ntop): type should be const.
+Sun Jul 29 14:20:34 2012 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * thread.c (Init_Thread): does not need to set klass
+ explicitly.
+Sun Jul 29 06:21:04 2012 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * win32/win32.c: suppress warning redeclared on mingw64.
+ *_s functions are declared if MINGW_HAS_SECURE_API is defined.
+ Follow up r36556.
+Sun Jul 29 00:28:46 2012 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c: remove unused initialization.
+Sat Jul 28 16:26:09 2012 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * win32/win32.c (gmtime_r): use _gmtime64_s() with x86_64-w64-mingw32.
+ * win32/win32.c (localtime_r): use _localtime64_s() with
+ x86_64-w64-mingw32. Since FileTimeToSystemTime() seems not work with
+ large value under x64. Mingw-w64 doesn't have these declaration.
+ [ruby-core:46780] [Bug #6794]
+Fri Jul 27 18:25:51 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_check_io): make public.
+ * process.c (check_exec_redirect): try conversion to IO on redirect
+ parameters. [ruby-core:44181] [Bug #6269]
+Fri Jul 27 17:58:12 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_CPPOUTFILE): get rid of variable conflict so
+ CPPFLAGS is not duplicated. [ruby-core:43097] [Bug #6119]
+Fri Jul 27 12:12:36 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/mkexports.rb: should not export DllMain().
+ reported by luis at [ruby-core:46743] [Bug #6790], solved by
+ Heesob Park, and confirmed by nobu.
+Thu Jul 26 14:51:29 2012 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * test/net/http/test_https.rb (TestNetHTTPS#test_session_reuse):
+ localhost is not (always) Don't expect that.
+Thu Jul 26 07:18:38 2012 <>
+ * ext/json/fbuffer/fbuffer.h: avoid compilation error on AIX by
+ -ansi -std=iso9899:199409 (r36038). [ruby-core:46744] [Bug #6791].
+Thu Jul 26 00:42:23 2012 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * thread.c (thread_create_core, Init_Thread): hide
+ th->async_errinfo_queue and th->async_errinfo_mask_stack from
+ ObjectSpace.each_object.
+Wed Jul 25 17:41:05 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * complex.c, rational.c: compatible marshal loader for compatibilities
+ with 1.8. [ruby-core:45775] [Bug #6625]
+Wed Jul 25 17:17:05 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * atomic.h: prefer GCC atomic builtins than Windows APIs, if possible,
+ since they are generic.
+Wed Jul 25 11:16:57 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/net/.document: Removed. All files in net/ should be included in
+ RDoc.
+Wed Jul 25 10:00:23 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/testunit/test_redefinition.rb: broken class/method names.
+Wed Jul 25 09:26:32 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/cgi/html.rb: Use << instead of +=.
+ `a += b` is syntax sugar of `a = a + b`; it creates a new string
+ object. `a << b` is concatenation and doesn't create new object.
+Wed Jul 25 09:16:26 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/cgi/html.rb (element_init): suppress redefine warning.
+ Don't define methods if they are already defined.
+Wed Jul 25 09:05:38 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: Added SSL session reuse across connections for a
+ single instance to speed up connection. [Feature #5341]
+ * NEWS: ditto
+ * test/net/http/test_https.rb: Tests for #5341
+Wed Jul 25 06:54:24 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/re.rdoc: Fix spelling
+Wed Jul 25 06:49:12 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_s_last_match): Update $~ to reference Regexp
+ documentation about "special global variables". [Bug #6723]
+Wed Jul 25 06:28:56 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * iseq.c: Added documentation. Patch by David Albert. [Bug #6785]
+Wed Jul 25 03:05:06 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * parse.y: added symbols and qsymbols productions for %i and %I
+ support. %i{ .. } returns a list of symbols without interpolation,
+ %I{ .. } returns a list of symbols with interpolation. Thanks to
+ Josh Susser for inspiration of this feature. [Feature #4985]
+ * ext/ripper/eventids2.c: added ripper events for %i and %I.
+ * test/ripper/test_parser_events.rb: ripper tests
+ * test/ripper/test_scanner_events.rb: ditto
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb: test for %i and %I behavior
+Tue Jul 24 23:34:43 2012 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h (rb_w32_pow): add new function.
+ We use powl() instead of broken pow() for x64-mingw32. This workaround
+ fixes test failures related to floating point numeric.
+ [ruby-core:46686] [Bug #6784]
+Tue Jul 24 15:01:24 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_socket, rb_w32_socketpair): remember the family
+ in the high word of socklist value.
+ * win32/win32.c (overlapped_socket_io, recvmsg, sendmsg, setfl): follow
+ above changes.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_getsockname): set remembered family to the
+ argument when OS's function fails.
+Tue Jul 24 12:35:13 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_dir_m17n.rb: remove a garbage.
+ * test/ruby/test_dir_m17n.rb: convert from ascii-8bit to other encoding
+ with 8bit bytes always fails.
+Tue Jul 24 12:32:18 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_dir_m17n.rb: sorry, typo.
+Tue Jul 24 12:13:26 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_dir_m17n.rb: refactoring. RE should be in the left side
+ of the =~ operator, and compare the result with nil is meaningless.
+Tue Jul 24 11:35:20 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_pack.rb (test_pack_unpack_M): was redefined
+ accidentally.
+Tue Jul 24 09:31:18 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Updated to RubyGems 1.8.24, a bugfix release.
+Tue Jul 24 08:30:15 2012 Luis Lavena <>
+ * test/ruby/test_dir_m17n.rb (create_and_check_raw_file_name): add new
+ helper method to ease encoding testing. Patch by Oleg Sukhodolsky.
+ [ruby-core:46589][Bug #6765]
+ * test/ruby/test_dir_m17n.rb (test_filename_extutf8): use filesystem
+ encoding when reading entries and comparing.
+ * test/ruby/test_dir_m17n.rb (test_filename_utf8_raw_name): removed.
+ * test/ruby/test_dir_m17n.rb (test_filename_utf8_raw_jp_name): split test.
+Tue Jul 24 08:09:30 2012 Luis Lavena <>
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_method.rb (is_ruby64?): Correct platform
+ used to identify mingw-w64 (x64-mingw32). Patch by Hiroshi Shirosaki.
+ [ruby-core:46651][Bug #6782]
+Tue Jul 24 07:22:58 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * time.c (time_sec): Updated description of leap seconds for accuracy.
+ Based on patch by Marcus Stollsteimer. [Bug #6749]
+Tue Jul 24 07:03:11 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_sub): Fixed wording of documentation to match the
+ replacement operation. Minor cleanup of markup. [Bug #6719]
+ * string.c (rb_str_sub_bang): Minor wording change for clarity, minor
+ cleanup of markup.
+Mon Jul 23 23:58:40 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ on some platforms. [ruby-core:46600] [Bug #6768]
+ * enc/depend: no longer needs tweaking DLDFLAGS for TARGET names.
+Mon Jul 23 22:48:19 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb: use respond_to? to test Tempfile.
+ [ruby-dev:45995] [Bug #6781] reported by hsbt (Hiroshi SHIBATA).
+Mon Jul 23 14:43:34 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (LIBPATHENV): LIBPATH is used on AIX, but not
+ SHLIB_PATH which was carelessly copied from HP/UX. suggested by
+ Perry Smith at [ruby-core:46397]. [Bug #6728]
+Mon Jul 23 01:55:08 2012 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/uri/test_generic.rb (URI#test_find_proxy): add tests with
+ empty *_proxy env variables.
+Mon Jul 23 01:47:26 2012 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/uri/test_generic.rb (URI#with_env): unset proxy related env
+ variables. [Bug #6774]
+ * test/uri/test_generic.rb (URI#test_find_proxy): fix failures
+ when proxy related env variables already set. [Bug #6774]
+Sun Jul 22 23:58:48 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * thread.c (rb_threadptr_execute_interrupts_common): increase
+ running_time_us on THREAD_TO_KILL like on THREAD_RUNNABLE.
+ This cause not to switch from a thread which is to be killed
+ on FreeBSD and Mac OS X. see also the test.
+ This issue maybe exist for long time but happens after r36430.
+Sat Jul 21 06:21:45 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: fixes for r36476. [Feature #6546]
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTP.newobj): return back for compatibility.
+ * lib/net/http.rb ( set default_port if proxy port is
+ not given.
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTP#initialize): ditto.
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTP#proxy?): return true or false.
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTP#proxy_address): check proxy_uri is not nil.
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTP#proxy_port): ditto.
+Sat Jul 21 23:12:53 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (ruby_init_stack): STACK_GROW_DIR_DETECTION is
+ necessary on platforms with unknown stack direction. [Bug #6761]
+Sat Jul 21 15:13:42 2012 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * lib/test/unit/testcase.rb (method_added): refactoring.
+Sat Jul 21 14:06:41 2012 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * lib/test/unit/testcase.rb: warn when test_* method is redefined.
+ Patch by mame (Yusuke Endoh). [Feature #2643] [ruby-core:27790]
+ * test/testunit/test_redefinition.rb: Test for above.
+ * test/testunit/test4test_redefinition.rb: Ditto.
+Sat Jul 21 08:41:14 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/logger.rb: Updated example in Logger comment to match other
+ examples and fixed a bug. Patch by Marcus Stollsteimer.
+ [Bug #6759]
+Fri Jul 20 17:20:54 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (rb_random_real): refine error message.
+Fri Jul 20 11:03:17 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * NEWS: Updated net/http for automatic proxy detection (#6546) and
+ automatic gzip and deflate compression (#6492, #6494).
+Fri Jul 20 10:55:38 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: Net::HTTP now automatically detects and uses
+ proxies from the environment. A proxy may also be specified as
+ before.
+ Net::HTTP::Proxy still creates anonymous classes, but these classes
+ are only used to store configuration information. When an HTTP
+ instance is created the configuration is now copied.
+ Additionally, Net::HTTP::ProxyDelta is no longer used by Net::HTTP
+ [Feature #6546]
+ * lib/open-uri.rb: Moved URI::Generic#find_proxy to uri/generic.
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb: Imported find_proxy from open-uri.
+ * test/open-uri/test_open-uri.rb: Moved proxy-discovery tests to URI.
+ * test/uri/test_generic.rb: Imported proxy-discovery tests from
+ open-uri.
+ * test/net/http/test_http.rb: Added tests for proxy behavior.
+Fri Jul 20 09:34:11 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * test/socket/test_socket.rb: Ignore IPv6 unique local addresses on OS
+ X (iCloud Back to my Mac addresses) for test_udp_socket since they do
+ not act as loopback addresses. [Bug #6692]
+Fri Jul 20 09:32:14 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (addrinfo_ipv6_unique_local_p): Added
+ Addrinfo#ipv6_unique_local? to detect RFC 4193 unique local
+ addresses. Part of #6692
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h: Add IN6_IS_ADDR_UNIQUE_LOCAL macro if
+ missing.
+ * test/socket/test_addrinfo.rb: Test for ipv6_unique_local?
+Fri Jul 20 07:40:32 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/net/http/response.rb: Automatically inflate gzip and
+ deflate-encoded response bodies. [Feature #6942]
+ * lib/net/http/generic_request.rb: Automatically accept gzip and
+ deflate content-encoding for requests. [Feature #6494]
+ * lib/net/http/request.rb: Updated documentation for #6494.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: Updated documentation for #6492 and #6494, removed
+ Content-Encoding handling now present in Net::HTTPResponse.
+ * test/net/http/test_httpresponse.rb: Tests for #6492
+ * test/net/http/test_http_request.rb: Tests for #6494
+ * test/open-uri/test_open-uri.rb (test_content_encoding): Updated test
+ for automatic content-encoding handling.
+Fri Jul 20 03:42:54 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * thread_pthread.c: use #ifdef, not #if.
+Thu Jul 19 15:08:40 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_s_control_interrupt,
+ rb_thread_s_check_interrupt): added for
+ Thread.control_interrupt and Thread.check_interrupt.
+ See details on rdoc.
+ I'll make an ticket for this feature.
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb: add a test for Thread.control_interrupt.
+ * thread.c (rb_threadptr_raise): make a new exception object
+ even if argc is 0.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_kill): kill thread immediately if target thread
+ is current thread.
+ * vm_core.h (RUBY_VM_CHECK_INTS_BLOCKING): added.
+ CHECK_INTS while/after blocking operation.
+ * vm_core.h (RUBY_VM_CHECK_INTS): require rb_thread_t ptr.
+ * cont.c (fiber_switch): use replaced RUBY_VM_CHECK_INTS().
+ * eval.c (ruby_cleanup): ditto.
+ * insns.def: ditto.
+ * process.c (rb_waitpid): ditto.
+ * vm_eval.c (vm_call0): ditto.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method): ditto.
+Thu Jul 19 22:46:48 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb: remove temporally files early.
+Thu Jul 19 15:38:35 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * variable.c (rb_mod_class_variables): return inherited variables
+ except when the optional argument is set to false.
+ [ruby-dev:44034] [Bug #4971]
+ * variable.c (rb_mod_constants): fix typo in documentation.
+Thu Jul 19 14:30:43 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * internal.h: move mark function declarations that should be private.
+Thu Jul 19 14:18:22 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/init.c (rsock_init_sock): need to update max fd on all
+ platforms.
+Thu Jul 19 14:15:48 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_gc_mark_threads): remove deprecated function.
+Thu Jul 19 13:28:03 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/net/http/test_http.rb (TestNetHTTPLocalBind#test_bind_to_local*):
+ re-enable the tests because now it's OK on windows.
+Thu Jul 19 13:26:25 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: now enable IPv6 by default on mswin.
+Thu Jul 19 09:33:46 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/emitter.c (initialize): allow a configuration object to be
+ passed to the constructor so that mutation isn't required after
+ instantiation.
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/handler.rb: add configuration object
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/emitter.rb: use configuration object if
+ extra configuration is present.
+Thu Jul 19 08:20:25 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_file.rb: remove temporally files early.
+Thu Jul 19 07:37:41 2012 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * test/drb/drbtest.rb: fixed: can't delete unix domain sockets problem.
+Thu Jul 19 03:41:20 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * bignum.c: Added #include <strings.h> for ffs(). Patch by Perry
+ Smith. Thank you. [Bug #6748]
+Thu Jul 19 01:56:02 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_num_zerodiv): Added NORETURN.
+ Patched by Xi Wang. [Bug #6736]
+Wed Jul 18 23:57:38 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): round down too long uuencode width. folding
+ width in uuencode format cannot be longer than 63 bytes.
+Wed Jul 18 23:04:18 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c (fdbm_empty_p): fix wrong condition introduced in r36438.
+ * ext/sdbm/init.c (fsdbm_empty_p): ditto.
+Wed Jul 18 23:08:57 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_beginendblock.rb: remove temporally files early.
+Wed Jul 18 22:43:02 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_autoload.rb: remove temporally files early.
+Wed Jul 18 21:59:46 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_argf.rb: use temporally directory.
+Wed Jul 18 19:41:19 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/openssl/test_config.rb: remove temporally files early.
+Wed Jul 18 17:45:26 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (rb_builtin_type_name): map by index.
+Wed Jul 18 16:17:40 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (have_framework): get rid of separating -framework
+ option and its argument and dealing with the argument as a library
+ or an object name. if $LDFLAGS were an array...
+Wed Jul 18 16:09:10 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * ext/curses/extconf.rb: support PDCurses. patched by Luis Lavena.
+ [ruby-core:46485] [Feature #6735]
+Wed Jul 18 15:50:25 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * parse.y (primary): allow an empty grouped expression as the
+ operand of the not operator (e.g., not ()).
+ [ruby-core:45976] [Bug #6674]
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): show no warning for a grouped expression
+ as the operand of the not operator (e.g., not (a)) or as an
+ argument of a method call without parentheses (e.g., foo (a)).
+ [ruby-core:39050] [Bug #5214]
+Wed Jul 18 15:33:21 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_call_without_gvl2): added.
+ it can skip last CHECK_INTS. See document for more details.
+ Document about it was updated a bit.
+ * include/ruby/thread.h (decl. of rb_thread_call_without_gvl2): added.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_call_with_gvl): remove "EXPERIMENTAL!"
+ warning from a document.
+Wed Jul 18 14:53:21 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (EXTDLDFLAGS): split options for each extension
+ libraries, and unused in ruby.pc. [Bug #6734]
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (MakeMakefile#configuration): add EXTDLDFLAGS.
+Wed Jul 18 14:47:23 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c: fix last commit miss.
+Wed Jul 18 14:16:51 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_threadptr_async_errinfo_*): manage async errors queue.
+ Async events such as an exception throwed by Thread#raise,
+ Thread#kill and thread termination (after main thread termination)
+ will be queued to th->async_errinfo_queue.
+ - clear: clear the queue.
+ - enque: enque err object into queue.
+ - deque: deque err object from queue.
+ - active_p: return 1 if the queue should be checked.
+ rb_thread_t#thrown_errinfo was removed.
+ * vm_core.h: add declarations of rb_threadptr_async_errinfo_*.
+ remove rb_thread_t#thrown_errinfo field and
+ add rb_thread_t#async_errinfo_queue (queue body: Array),
+ rb_thread_t#async_errinfo_queue_checked (flag),
+ rb_thread_t#async_errinfo_mask_stack(Array, not used yet).
+ * vm.c (rb_thread_mark): fix a mark function.
+ * cont.c (rb_fiber_start): enque an error.
+ * process.c (after_fork): clear async errinfo queue.
+Wed Jul 18 14:25:55 2012 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * pack.c: (ditto) bitwise operations are not char. Apply explicit
+ casts on them.
+Wed Jul 18 12:59:50 2012 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * encoding.c (load_encoding): explicit cast to suppress warning.
+ Though the cast truncates some bits, from heuristic analysis I
+ believe it is OK to do so here.
+ * bignum.c (rb_cstr_to_inum): ditto.
+Wed Jul 18 12:55:54 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/benchmark.rb: Fix Benchmark.benchmark output with an empty
+ caption. patched by Benoit Daloze. [ruby-core:45719] [Bug #6610]
+Wed Jul 18 10:00:54 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/debug.rb: Added toplevel documentation. Based on patch by Oscar
+ Del Ben. [Bug #6743], fixes #146 on github.
+Wed Jul 18 09:33:59 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_event.rb (TestWIN32OLE_EVENT): use
+ standard skip method to skip tests.
+Wed Jul 18 09:26:45 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/logger.rb: Updated typos and output to match modern Logger
+ output. Patch by Marcus Stollsteimer. [Bug #6738]
+Wed Jul 18 07:59:29 2012 Takeyuki FUJIOKA <>
+ * lib/cgi/util.rb (CGI.escapeHTML,unescapeHTML): Add &apos; for HTML5
+ escaping.
+ [Feature #6620]
+Tue Jul 17 22:17:13 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb: call io.close! for Tempfile.
+Tue Jul 17 16:41:32 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * proc.c (rb_proc_arity): return normal value (not -n-1) if it is not
+ a labmda, or it is a labmda and no arg_opts. [Bug #5694]
+Tue Jul 17 03:56:34 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb: strings with YAML anchors
+ are properly referenced. Patched by Joe Rafaniello via Github:
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: ditto
+ * test/psych/test_alias_and_anchor.rb: test for change
+Mon Jul 16 23:20:24 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_integer_float_cmp): use FIXNUM_MIN and FIXNUM_MAX,
+ instead of LONG_MIN and LONG_MAX.
+Mon Jul 16 22:50:41 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_to_s): use the exponential form if the integer part
+ is longer than or equal DBL_DIG.
+ [ruby-dev:45960] [ruby-trunk - Bug #6741]
+Mon Jul 16 22:01:00 2012 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c: fixed docs. [Bug #6740][ruby-core:46501]
+ patched by Nobuhiro IMAI.
+Mon Jul 16 19:24:01 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_integer_float_eq): new function.
+ (rb_big_eq): use rb_integer_float_eq.
+ * internal.h (rb_integer_float_eq): declared.
+ * numeric.c (flo_eq): use rb_integer_float_eq.
+ (fix_equal): ditto.
+Mon Jul 16 19:02:31 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_integer_float_cmp): rename a local variable.
+Mon Jul 16 18:40:26 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_integer_float_cmp): renamed from rb_big_float_cmp.
+ * internal.h: follow the above change.
+ * numeric.c: ditto.
+Mon Jul 16 17:57:54 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_float_cmp): compare an integer and float precisely.
+ [ruby-core:31376] [Bug #3589] reported by Tomasz Wegrzanowski.
+Mon Jul 16 17:29:45 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_float_cmp): support fixnum for argument x.
+ * numeric.c (fix_equal): use rb_big_float_cmp.
+ (fix_cmp): ditto.
+ (fix_gt): ditto.
+ (fix_ge): ditto.
+ (fix_lt): ditto.
+ (fix_le): ditto.
+ (flo_eq): ditto.
+ (flo_cmp): use rb_big_float_cmp for fixnum argument.
+ (flo_gt): ditto.
+ (flo_ge): ditto.
+ (flo_lt): ditto.
+ (flo_le): ditto.
+Mon Jul 16 17:05:53 2012 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb: add test for FileUtils#uptodate?
+Mon Jul 16 16:56:12 2012 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils.uptodate?): remove useless parameter.
+ patched by Oscar Del Ben.[Bug #6708][ruby-core:46256]
+Mon Jul 16 15:37:56 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_eq): use rb_big_float_cmp.
+Mon Jul 16 15:00:45 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h (rb_big_float_cmp): declared.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_float_cmp): extracted from rb_big_cmp and big_op.
+ (rb_big_cmp): use rb_big_float_cmp.
+ (big_op): ditto.
+ * numeric.c (flo_cmp): use rb_big_float_cmp.
+ (flo_gt): ditto.
+ (flo_ge): ditto.
+ (flo_lt): ditto.
+ (flo_le): ditto.
+Mon Jul 16 14:14:21 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (enum big_op_t): new type.
+ (big_op): use enum big_op_t.
+ (big_gt): ditto.
+ (big_ge): ditto.
+ (big_lt): ditto.
+ (big_le): ditto.
+Sat Jul 14 18:18:48 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_get_values_at): fill with nil out of range.
+ [ruby-core:43678] [Bug #6203]
+Sat Jul 14 17:17:55 2012 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * cont.c (cont_restore_0): improve docs. [Bug #6706][ruby-core:46243]
+ patched by Oscar Del Ben via
+Sat Jul 14 17:08:13 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_s_create): raise an exception, when input elements
+ are not one or two elements arrays. [ruby-core:39945] [Bug #5406]
+Sat Jul 14 16:16:48 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Runner#_run_parallel): use
+ Array#uniq!.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Runner#deal): deal tasks to workers.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Runner#quit_workers): close and kill
+ all workers.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Runner#delete_worker): delete dead
+ worker from working set.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Runner#launch_worker): add new worker
+ to working set.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Runner#launch_worker): extract.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Runner#start_watchdog): extract.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Runner#_run_parallel): move
+ initializations with nothing to release outside begin/ensure.
+Sat Jul 14 16:04:24 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_join): should not infected by separator if it is not
+ used. [ruby-core:42161][Bug #5902]
+Sat Jul 14 02:31:55 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_thread_blocking_region): fix declarations
+ prototypes without arguments in C++ have different meanings than C.
+Thu Jul 12 12:32:26 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/runner.rb: skip default gems to get rid of loading old versions
+ before installation.
+Thu Jul 12 11:44:23 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_new_frozen): since the result object should have
+ same tainted/untrusted bits with the original object, return new
+ object if the shared object unmatch. [ruby-core:39745][Bug #5374]
+Thu Jul 12 10:46:39 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/net/http/test_http.rb (TestNetHTTPLocalBind#test_bind_to_local*):
+ cannot cross between network interfaces on Windows, so skip this test
+ until we find better test.
+Thu Jul 12 08:48:33 2012 Ryan Davis <>
+ * lib/minitest/*: Imported minitest 3.2.0 (r7598)
+ * test/minitest/*: ditto
+Thu Jul 12 05:11:41 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * insns.def (defined): use method entry and id in cfp for proper
+ superclass, since klass in iseq is shared by dynamically defined
+ methods from the same block. [ruby-core:45831][Bug #6644]
+Thu Jul 12 01:49:07 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTP#connect): use local_host and local_port
+ if specified. patched by Ricardo Amorim [Feature #6617]
+Wed Jul 11 17:36:39 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb: append ENCOBJS to DLDOBJS but not EXTSOLIBS which is
+ not a target, to compile enc/encinit.c.
+Wed Jul 11 12:38:20 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_ec.c (ossl_ec_point_mul): nonstatic initializer
+ of an aggregate type is a C99ism.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_ec.c (ossl_ec_point_mul): get rid of VC++
+ warnings.
+Mon Jul 9 16:11:30 2012 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_eval_string_from_file,
+ rb_eval_string_from_file_protect): new functions to replace
+ rb_compile_main_from_string() and ruby_eval_main().
+ * nacl/pepper_ruby.c: Follows the change in vm_eval.c
+Mon Jul 9 14:05:42 2012 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ Reverts a half of r36079. As we discussed on ruby-dev@ and IRC,
+ we do not need to disclose intermediate representation of program.
+ The program embedding CRuby should use rb_eval_string family.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (ruby_opaque_t): removed.
+ (ruby_compile_main_from_file, ruby_compile_main_from_string,
+ ruby_eval_main): removed.
+ * eval.c (ruby_eval_main_internal): became ruby_exec_internal() again.
+ (ruby_eval_main): removed.
+ * ruby.c (PREPARE_PARSE_MAIN) reverted.
+ (parse_and_compile_main, ruby_compile_main_from_file,
+ ruby_compile_main_from_string): removed
+Wed Jul 11 10:16:38 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby.h (HAVE_RUBY_THREAD_H): to show ruby/thread.h to be
+ available. fixup of r36355.
+Wed Jul 11 03:26:47 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c: Added streaming support to inflate processing.
+ This allows zlib streams to be processed without huge memory growth.
+ [Feature #6612]
+ * NEWS: ditto
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (zstream_expand_buffer): Uses rb_yield when a block
+ is given for streaming support. Refactored to use
+ zstream_expand_buffer_into to remove duplicate code.
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (zstream_expand_buffer_protect): Added wrapper
+ function to pass jump state back through GVL-free section to allow
+ zstream clean-up before terminating the ruby call.
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (zstream_expand_buffer_without_gvl): Acquire GVL to
+ yield processed chunk of output stream.
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (zstream_detach_buffer): When a block is given,
+ returns Qnil mid-stream and yields the output buffer at the end of
+ the stream.
+ * test/zlib/test_zlib.rb: Updated tests
+Tue Jul 10 22:57:03 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/thread.h: new header file for thread stuff.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_call_without_gvl): export. [Feature#4328]
+ returns void* instead of VALUE. [Feature #5543]
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_blocking_region): deprecate. [ruby-core:46295]
+Tue Jul 10 10:48:59 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h (NT, NtInitialize): removed unused old macros.
+Tue Jul 10 10:43:37 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * removed --enable/disable-win95 options. (see r36342)
+Tue Jul 10 00:44:41 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: Removed RUBY_GLOBAL_SETUP completely. It is
+ no meaning definition since r24894.
+ * main.c: ditto.
+ * nacl/pepper_main.c: ditto.
+Mon Jul 9 23:59:36 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * dln.c: Simplify and make consistent an ifdef for Mac OS X.
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/stubs.c: ditto.
+ * io.c: ditto.
+ * process.c: ditto.
+ * signal.c: ditto.
+ * vm_dump.c: ditto.
+Mon Jul 9 17:37:35 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (win95_stat): removed unnecessary macro.
+Mon Jul 9 17:22:16 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/configure.bat, win32/setup.mak, win32/Makefile.sub: omitted
+ Win9x support. removed --enable/disable-win95 options.
+ * include/ruby/win32.h, file.c, win32/win32.c: ditto.
+ * win32/README.win32: ditto.
+Mon Jul 9 13:28:34 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (DLDFLAGS): use TARGET_ENTRY to specify an entry point
+ instead of TARGET which may contain non-identifier characters.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): add TARGET_NAME which is the first
+ part consists of only word characters. [ruby-core:46248][Bug #6709]
+Sun Jul 8 07:36:19 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (shadowing_lvar_gen, warn_unused_var): no warnings for
+ variables starting with _. [ruby-core:46160][Feature #6693]
+Sat Jul 7 23:07:30 2012 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * test/csv/test_features.rb: add require for Tempfile.
+ * test/csv/test_serialization.rb: ditto.
+Fri Jul 6 06:49:50 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_aref): Added a description of the behavior of
+ index positioning. [Bug #6680]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_aset): ditto. Reordered sentences for clarity.
+ * string.c (rb_str_aref_m): Added a description of the behavior of
+ index positioning
+Fri Jul 6 05:38:44 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_bytesize): Improve documentation. Patch by Oscar
+ Del Ben from github issue #138.
+ * string.c (rb_str_empty): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_times): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_dump): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_center): ditto.
+Fri Jul 6 04:05:59 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (zstream_expand_buffer_without_gvl): Use
+ ruby_xrealloc() to avoid crash with CALC_EXACT_MALLOC_SIZE.
+Thu Jul 5 17:32:19 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * internal.h: move ThreadShield declarations from intern.h.
+Thu Jul 5 16:00:24 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (ThreadShield): rename from Barrier.
+Thu Jul 5 15:14:50 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb (show_progress): refine error output. do not
+ count non-empty error message, but just warn.
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb (error): show errors immediately if tty.
+Thu Jul 5 12:28:11 2012 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * test/net/http/test_httpresponses.rb: Add a test file for
+ Net::HTTPResponses and put a test case for the previous bug.
+Thu Jul 5 06:33:52 2012 Mark Dodwell <>
+ * lib/net/http/responses.rb: Fix 4xx classes to inherit correctly
+ from Net::HTTPClientError. [Bug #6700]
+Wed Jul 4 21:55:35 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): warn only if -K and -w option is specified.
+ see also r36274 [Feature #5206]
+Wed Jul 4 21:41:44 2012 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * gc.c, atomic.h (ATOMIC_SIZE_*): moved from gc.c to atomic.h
+ [ruby-dev:45909]
+Wed Jul 4 19:13:15 2012 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole.rb (test_s_codepage_changed):
+ FileSystemObject only supports ANSI or UTF-16LE encoding.
+ Patch by h.shirosaki (Hiroshi Shirosaki) [ruby-trunk - Bug #6650]
+Wed Jul 4 11:52:12 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * gc.c (ATOMIC_SIZE_*): 64bit Windows support.
+Wed Jul 4 11:11:28 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_frame_callee, rb_f_callee_name): fix to return the
+ called id. this longstanding bug has been caused and blocked by
+ the structure of old rb_control_frame_t and rb_iseq_t.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_push_frame): set proper method entry.
+Wed Jul 4 08:29:31 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_aref): Updated documentation to indicate the
+ starting index is an index into the array or string. Updated
+ examples to show behavior of indexes at the end of an array or
+ string. Based on patch by Marcus Stollsteimer. [Bug #6680]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_aset): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_aref): ditto. Also added descriptive argument
+ names to call-seq section.
+Wed Jul 4 07:05:59 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * test/zlib/test_zlib.rb (test_inflate_partial_input): Added test for
+ inflating incomplete zlib streams.
+Tue Jul 3 23:14:16 2012 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * gc.c (ATOMIC_SIZE_EXCHANGE): fix function name on Solaris [Bug #6689]
+ [ruby-dev:45904]
+Tue Jul 3 16:07:49 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (vm_malloc_fixup, vm_xrealloc, vm_xfree, after_gc_sweep): use
+ atomic operations to update malloc_params.
+Tue Jul 3 14:50:16 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (zstream_run_func): Don't exit run loop for buffer
+ error. [Feature #6615]
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c: Fix style to match existing functions.
+Tue Jul 3 12:05:51 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/dl/cfunc.c (rb_dlcfunc_call): also needed the workaround for VC8
+ for x64. [ruby-dev:45875] [Bug #6676]
+ reported by aves_ramphastos (Seigo Ishigane)
+Tue Jul 3 11:56:46 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (zstream_detach_buffer): Refactored tainting of
+ output string, moving it from the callee to zstream_detach_buffer.
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (rb_zstream_finish): ditto
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (rb_zstream_flush_next_out): ditto
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (rb_deflate_deflate): ditto
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (rb_deflate_flush): ditto
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (rb_inflate_inflate): ditto
+Tue Jul 3 11:16:06 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (runnable): make symbolic links to run in build directory.
+Tue Jul 3 10:46:06 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): warn if -K option is specified. [Feature #5206]
+Tue Jul 3 06:12:13 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * object.c (Init_Object): Added RDoc location pointers for
+ Kernel#methods, Kernel#protected_methods, Kernel#private_methods and
+ Kernel#public_methods. [Bug #6666]
+Tue Jul 3 06:02:54 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (zstream_run): Process zlib streams without GVL.
+ [Feature #6615]
+ * NEWS: ditto.
+Mon Jul 2 22:13:04 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_aref): add explanation for why Thread#[] and
+ Thread#[]= are fiber-local and not thread-local.
+ reported by Julien A. [ruby-core:41606] [ruby-trunk - Bug #5750]
+Mon Jul 2 21:25:55 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (timew_out_of_timet_range): specialization for
+Mon Jul 2 17:06:32 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c (rb_include_module): include modules after the origin.
+ * class.c (include_modules_at): skip prepended modules.
+ * class.c (rb_prepend_module): now basic.klass in ICLASS refers the
+ old original class/module. [ruby-dev:45868][Bug #6662]
+ * class.c (rb_mod_ancestors): ditto.
+ * vm_method.c (search_method): search method entry from the origin
+ iclass.
+Mon Jul 2 05:54:58 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: [ruby-core:46058].
+Mon Jul 2 05:35:43 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (d_lite_marshal_load): accepts old dump.
+Mon Jul 2 03:21:53 2012 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * README.EXT.ja: fixed args of have_struct_member() ,
+ create_makefile() same as r35977. however, mkmf.rb include
+ no Japanese-docs, so Appendix C was not removed. [Bug #6597]
+Fri Jun 29 05:08:41 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/test/unit/parallel.rb: workaround fix for rubygems.
+ RubyGems can't find rake if the source directory is not equal to
+ the directory which is running the test. [Bug #6604]
+Thu Jun 28 20:33:15 2012 Luis Lavena <>
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole.rb (test_s_codepage_changed):
+ FileSystemObject only supports ANSI or UTF-16LE encoding.
+ Patch by bosko (Bosko Ivanisevic) [ruby-trunk - Bug #6650]
+Thu Jun 28 09:27:09 2012 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * class.c (class_instance_method_list): consider prepended Class/Module
+ when recur != 0. [ruby-dev:45863] [Bug #6660]
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb (test_prepend_instance_methods_false): add
+ a test for it.
+Thu Jun 28 06:12:42 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c (rb_mod_ancestors): fix ancestors order.
+ [ruby-core:45919][Bug #6658] [ruby-dev:45861][Bug #6659]
+Wed Jun 27 21:28:59 2012 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * lib/racc/parser.rb: NotImplementError is not exist.
+ * lib/irb/output-method.rb (IRB::OutputMethod#print): ditto.
+Wed Jun 27 21:31:13 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c (rb_prepend_module): ancestors of prepending module also
+ should be included. [ruby-core:45914][Bug #6654]
+Wed Jun 27 21:01:32 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c (class_instance_method_list): m_tbl in prepended
+ class/module is NULL. [ruby-core:45915][Bug #6655]
+Wed Jun 27 16:48:48 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c (rb_prepend_module): prepend module into another module.
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_prepend): new method Module#prepend. [Feature #1102]
+Wed Jun 27 09:15:46 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (is_popen_fork): check if fork and raise NotImplementedError if
+ unavailable.
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_popen): allow environment variables hash and exec
+ options as flat parameters, not in an array arguments.
+ [Feature#6651] [EXPERIMENTAL]
+ * process.c (rb_execarg_extract_options): extract exec options, but no
+ exceptions on non-exec options and returns them as a Hash.
+ * process.c (rb_execarg_setenv): set environment variables.
+Tue Jun 26 16:57:14 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (register_cached_thread_and_wait):
+ return immediately if malloc() failed.
+ [ruby-core:43960] [ruby-trunk - Bug #6235]
+ * thread_pthread.c (USE_THREAD_CACHE): check already defined or not.
+Tue Jun 26 10:01:56 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_popen): revert r36213 "popen: shell commands with
+ envvar" because it disabled to let single command bypass shell.
+Mon Jun 25 17:49:28 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c (rb_mix_module): revert Module#mix.
+Mon Jun 25 16:57:38 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (rb_mod_define_method): allow method transplanting from a
+ module to either class or module. [ruby-core:34267][Feature #4254]
+Mon Jun 25 11:34:45 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * internal.h: use rb_pid_t instead of pid_t because of there is no
+ definition of pid_t here on Windows.
+Mon Jun 25 00:25:01 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * (for stack end address): remove human68k specific
+ check. It is no longer supported.
+Sun Jun 24 23:02:17 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (pipe_open): merge win32 code using spawnv().
+Sun Jun 24 22:53:42 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (check_exec_fds): separate check_exec_fds_1() since
+ nonstatic initializer of an aggregate type is not allowed by C89.
+Sun Jun 24 07:47:17 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h (rb_execarg): options field removed.
+ * process.c: follow the rb_execarg change.
+Sat Jun 23 23:48:21 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (proc_spawn_cmd): unused variable removed to suppress a
+ warning.
+ (save_env): ditto.
+ [ruby-core:45797] reported by Luis Lavena.
+Sat Jun 23 23:19:31 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h (rb_execarg): add new_pgroup_given and new_pgroup_flag
+ fields.
+ * process.c (EXEC_OPTION_NEW_PGROUP): removed.
+ (proc_spawn_cmd): take a struct rb_execarg argument.
+ use the new fields.
+ (rb_execarg_addopt): use the new fields.
+ (rb_spawn_process): follow the proc_spawn_cmd change.
+ [ruby-core:45794] [ruby-trunk - Bug #6633] reported by Luis Lavena.
+Sat Jun 23 20:26:36 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h (rb_execarg): add fd_dup2, fd_close, fd_open,
+ fd_dup2_child fields.
+ * process.c (EXEC_OPTION_DUP2): removed.
+ (EXEC_OPTION_CLOSE): removed.
+ (EXEC_OPTION_OPEN): removed.
+ (EXEC_OPTION_DUP2_CHILD): removed.
+ (mark_exec_arg): mark the new fields.
+ (check_exec_redirect1): change condition for default option.
+ (check_exec_redirect): take a struct rb_execarg argument.
+ use the new fields.
+ (rb_execarg_addopt): follow the check_exec_redirect change.
+ (check_exec_fds): use the new fields.
+ (save_redirect_fd): ditto.
+Sat Jun 23 19:01:18 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_execarg_fixup): fix envopts condition.
+Sat Jun 23 18:44:13 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (check_exec_redirect1): extracted from
+ check_exec_redirect.
+Sat Jun 23 17:22:02 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (save_env): don't use EXEC_OPTION_UNSETENV_OTHERS.
+ (rb_execarg_run_options): ditto.
+Sat Jun 23 17:04:08 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h (rb_execarg): add env_modification field.
+ * process.c (EXEC_OPTION_ENV): removed.
+ (mark_exec_arg): mark env_modification field.
+ (rb_exec_fillarg): update the new field, instead of options array.
+ (rb_execarg_fixup): use the new field.
+ (save_env): ditto.
+ (rb_execarg_run_options): ditto.
+Sat Jun 23 16:27:01 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h (rb_execarg): add rlimit_limits field.
+ * process.c (EXEC_OPTION_RLIMIT): removed.
+ (mark_exec_arg): mark rlimit_limits field.
+ (rb_execarg_addopt): update the new fields, instead of options array.
+ (run_exec_rlimit): use the new field.
+ (rb_execarg_run_options): clear sarg using MEMZERO. use the new
+ field.
+Sat Jun 23 14:29:25 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h (rb_execarg): add chdir_given and chdir_dir fields.
+ * process.c (EXEC_OPTION_CHDIR): removed.
+ (mark_exec_arg): mark chdir_dir field.
+ (rb_execarg_addopt): update the new fields, instead of options array.
+ (rb_execarg_run_options): use the new fields.
+Sat Jun 23 13:20:47 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h (rb_execarg): add close_others_given, close_others_do and
+ close_others_maxhint fields.
+ * process.c (EXEC_OPTION_CLOSE_OTHERS): removed.
+ (rb_execarg_addopt): update the new fields, instead of options array.
+ (check_exec_fds): take eargp as an argument. update the
+ close_others_maxhint field.
+ (rb_execarg_fixup): follow the argument change of check_exec_fds.
+ (rb_execarg_run_options): use the new fields.
+Sat Jun 23 10:41:59 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h (rb_execarg): add unsetenv_others_given and
+ unsetenv_others_do fields.
+ * process.c (EXEC_OPTION_UNSETENV_OTHERS): removed.
+ (rb_execarg_addopt): update the new fields, instead of options array.
+ (rb_execarg_fixup): use the new fields.
+Sat Jun 23 09:35:47 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c: use the variable name "soptions" for sargp->options.
+Sat Jun 23 09:17:49 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c: use the name "sargp" for struct rb_execarg variables
+ consistently for saving process attributes.
+ * io.c: ditto.
+Sat Jun 23 07:59:57 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c: use the name "eargp" for struct rb_execarg variables
+ consistently except for saving process attributes.
+ * io.c: ditto.
+ * ext/pty/pty.c: ditto.
+Wed Jun 20 18:27:03 2012 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * Add missing dependencies.
+Fri Jun 22 20:27:39 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h (rb_execarg): add pgroup_given and pgroup_pgid fields.
+ * process.c (EXEC_OPTION_PGROUP): removed.
+ (rb_execarg_addopt): update the new fields, instead of options array.
+ (run_exec_pgroup): take a struct rb_execarg argument. refer the new
+ fields.
+ (rb_execarg_run_options): follow run_exec_pgroup change.
+Fri Jun 22 18:48:51 2012 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * README.EXT, README.EXT.ja: use "sval" for the third argument
+ name of Data_Wrap_Struct().
+ Suggested by @satoh_fumiyasu. Thanks!!!
+Fri Jun 22 18:04:26 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c, vm_eval.c: set th->base_block properly.
+ th->base_block is information for (a) parsing, (b) compiling
+ and (c) setting up the frame to execute the program passed by
+ `eval' method. For example, (1) parser need to know up-level
+ variables to detect it is variable or method without paren.
+ Befor (a), (b) and (c), VM set th->base_block by passed bindng
+ (or previous frame information). After execute (a), (b) and (c),
+ VM should clear th->base_block. However, if (a), (b) or (c)
+ raises an exception, then th->base_block is not cleared.
+ Problem is that the uncleared value th->balo_block is used for
+ irrelevant iseq compilation. It causes SEGV or critical error.
+ I tried to solve this problem: to clear them before exception,
+ but finally I found out that it is difficult to do it (Ruby
+ program can be run in many places).
+ Because of this background, I set th->base_block before
+ compiling iseq and restore it after compiling.
+ Basically, th->base_block is dirty hack (similar to global
+ variable) and this patch is also dirty.
+ * bootstraptest/test_eval.rb: add a test for above.
+ * internal.h: remove unused decl.
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_compile_with_option): add base_block parameter.
+ set th->base_block before compilation and restore it after
+ compilation.
+ * ruby.c (require_libraries): pass 0 as base_block instead of
+ setting th->base_block
+ * tool/compile_prelude.rb (prelude_eval): apply above changes.
+ * vm.c, vm_eval.c: ditto.
+ * vm_core.h: add comments.
+Fri Jun 22 18:19:38 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c: pass struct rb_execarg value instead of its options
+ field for saving process attribute changing functions.
+ (save_redirect_fd): take a struct rb_execarg argument.
+ (run_exec_dup2): ditto.
+ (run_exec_close): ditto.
+ (run_exec_open): ditto.
+ (run_exec_dup2_child): ditto.
+ (run_exec_pgroup): ditto.
+ (run_exec_rlimit): ditto.
+ (save_env): ditto.
+ (rb_execarg_run_options): follow the above functions change.
+Fri Jun 22 17:55:48 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_backtrace.rb: decrease recursion depth
+ to reduce consuming stack size.
+Fri Jun 22 13:36:50 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (random_init, random_load): cannot initialize frozen object
+ again, nor with tainted/untrusted object. [Bug #6540]
+Fri Jun 22 13:32:33 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (rb_check_copyable): new function, to ensure the target is
+ not frozen and the source is not tainted nor untrusted.
+Fri Jun 22 05:55:20 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_cleanup): Fixed typo. Patch by Trever Dawe.
+ Fixes #131 (github). [ruby-trunk - Bug #6619]
+Thu Jun 21 21:16:58 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_execarg_addopt): take a VALUE argument instead of
+ struct rb_execarg.
+ (rb_exec_arg_addopt): follow the rb_execarg_addopt change.
+ (check_exec_options_i): ditto.
+ * io.c (pipe_open): follow the rb_execarg_addopt change.
+ * internal.h (rb_execarg_addopt): follow the definition change.
+Thu Jun 21 20:34:19 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_exec_fillarg): take a VALUE argument instead of
+ struct rb_execarg.
+ (rb_check_exec_options): ditto.
+ (check_exec_options_i): ditto.
+Thu Jun 21 19:48:05 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_exec_async_signal_safe): use rb_execarg_run_options
+ instead of rb_run_exec_options_err.
+ (rb_spawn_process): ditto.
+Thu Jun 21 19:02:43 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_exec_fillarg): take a VALUE argument instead of
+ struct rb_execarg.
+ (rb_execarg_init): follow the rb_exec_fillarg change.
+Thu Jun 21 18:36:43 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_execarg_init): take a VALUE argument instead of
+ struct rb_execarg.
+ (rb_execarg_new): follow the rb_execarg_init change.
+ (rb_exec_arg_init): ditto.
+ * internal.h (rb_execarg_init): follow the definition change.
+Thu Jun 21 17:20:44 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (new_args_tail_gen): fix GC problem of keyword rest
+ argument. the wrapped struct should be bound to the wrapping node
+ before assignment of child nodes, to get rid of the case the
+ children are referred by only the struct pointer which is not a
+ subject of GC. [ruby-core:45744]
+Thu Jun 21 07:06:52 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * error.c (err_append): rename err_append() to compile_err_append()
+ and move definition body. err_append() is used only by compiling.
+Thu Jun 21 06:21:54 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_execarg_fixup): take a VALUE argument instead of
+ struct rb_execarg.
+ * internal.h (rb_execarg_fixup): follow the definition change.
+ * io.c (pipe_open): follow rb_execarg_fixup change.
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (establishShell): ditto.
+Wed Jun 20 21:25:37 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h (struct rb_execarg): add umask_given and umask_mask
+ fields.
+ * process.c (STATIC_ASSERT): removed.
+ (rb_execarg_addopt): follow the rb_execarg change.
+ (rb_execarg_run_options): ditto.
+Wed Jun 20 20:38:23 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h (struct rb_execarg) moved and renamed from
+ struct rb_exec_arg in intern.h.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (struct rb_exec_arg): refer Data object which
+ contains struct rb_execarg.
+ * process.c: use struct rb_execarg instead of struct rb_exec_arg
+ except functions declared in intern.h.
+ (rb_exec_arg_addopt): extract a pointer to struct rb_execarg from
+ struct rb_exec_arg.
+ (rb_exec_arg_init): ditto.
+ (rb_exec_arg_fixup): ditto.
+ (rb_run_exec_options_err): ditto.
+ (rb_run_exec_options): ditto.
+ (rb_exec_err): ditto.
+ (rb_exec): ditto.
+ * io.c: use struct rb_execarg instead of struct rb_exec_arg.
+ * ext/pty/pty.c: ditto.
+Wed Jun 20 19:13:25 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h (rb_execarg_new): declared.
+ (rb_execarg_get): ditto.
+ * process.c (mark_exec_arg): new function.
+ (free_exec_arg): ditto.
+ (memsize_exec_arg): ditto.
+ (exec_arg_data_type): defined.
+ (rb_execarg_new): new function.
+ (rb_execarg_get): ditto.
+ (rb_f_exec): use rb_execarg_new.
+ (rb_spawn_internal): ditto.
+ (rb_f_spawn): ditto.
+ * io.c (pipe_open_v): use rb_execarg_new.
+ (pipe_open_s): ditto.
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (establishShell): use rb_execarg_new.
+Wed Jun 20 16:36:14 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * missing/setproctitle.c (environ): use (*_NSGetEnviron()) instead of
+ environ on Darwin for namespace cleanness, same as [ruby-core:00537].
+ [ruby-core:45615] [Bug #6576]
+Wed Jun 20 11:33:04 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (rb_execarg_addopt): always make Fixnum, and ignore higher
+ bits in too large umask value.
+Wed Jun 20 11:24:35 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Runner#_run_parallel): deal with
+ sudden-death of workers.
+Mon Jun 18 20:34:20 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * time.c (init_leap_second_info): fix non-ANSI function declaration.
+Mon Jun 18 20:29:04 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * ruby.c (rb_f_sub): use ansi style declaration.
+ * ruby.c (rb_f_gsub): ditto.
+ * ruby.c (rb_f_chomp): ditto.
+Mon Jun 18 20:26:23 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * random.c (rb_random_int32): get rid of "warning: constant 0x100000000
+ is so big it is long" warning.
+Mon Jun 18 20:07:23 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * dir.c (dir_initialize): get rid of "unused return: argc = rb_scan_args()"
+ warning.
+Mon Jun 18 19:31:20 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * include/ruby/missing.h: include math.h before checking INFINITY
+ and NAN. Otherwise, strange macro redefinition will occur.
+Mon Jun 18 19:12:37 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * array.c (ary_reverse): use ansi style declaration.
+Tue Jun 19 18:43:50 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/backward/rubysig.h: fix visibility. [Bug #6607]
+Tue Jun 19 17:51:54 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (rb_execarg_run_options): do not call any methods in the
+ async-signal-safe function. mask has been checked with NUM2MODET()
+ already and converted with LONG2NUM().
+Tue Jun 19 11:59:56 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (Init_readline): don't set 0 to
+ rl_catch_signals and rl_catch_sigwinch. [Bug #5423]
+Tue Jun 19 11:52:59 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_s_get_special_prefixes): suppress
+ warning: uninitialized instance variable.
+Tue Jun 19 11:43:16 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_getc): fix editline compatibility
+ broken by r36123. [Bug #6601]
+Mon Jun 18 17:10:08 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_subpos): split from rb_str_substr. returns
+ adjusted position for substring.
+Mon Jun 18 10:42:57 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_getc): deal with ESC just followed
+ by ASCII as meta prefix in incremental search mode. based on the
+ patch from rctay (Tay Ray Chuan) at [ruby-core:45682]. [Bug #6601]
+Sun Jun 17 22:23:53 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (rb_file_directory_p): move documentation for Dir.exist? from
+ file.c so that the proper description will be shown instead of the
+ documentation of [ruby-core:45685]
+Sun Jun 17 16:21:01 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread_win32.h (rb_thread_lock_t): make a union for USE_WIN32_MUTEX.
+ this internal is used only in thread_win32.c, but has to be complete
+ to define rb_thread_t.
+ * thread_win32.c (native_mutex_lock, native_mutex_destroy): fix for
+ * thread_win32.c (native_cond_timedwait_ms): rename reserved pattern
+ name. user defined symbols should not start with __.
+Sat Jun 16 19:24:01 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: define date_sg_t.
+Sat Jun 16 18:46:57 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_tmx.h: offset in struct tmx_funcs is now int.
+ * ext/date/date_strftime.c: ditto.
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: ditto.
+Sat Jun 16 18:31:46 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_setup): set running state in the normal case before
+ popping a tag.
+Sat Jun 16 07:46:03 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Runner#_run_parallel): format workers
+ results in the parent.
+Sat Jun 16 07:12:56 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/runruby.rb (File.realpath): return real path of expanded path.
+ [Bug #6598]
+Sat Jun 16 07:12:28 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb (main): ignore -j option for compatibility
+ with test/unit.
+Sat Jun 16 07:11:52 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Runner#puke): modify only result and
+ drop useless reports, not override entirely.
+ * lib/test/unit/parallel.rb (Test::Unit::Worker#_run_suite): report
+ unformatted results. formatting messages is not a workers task.
+ * lib/test/unit/parallel.rb (Test::Unit::Worker#puke): store raw
+ results.
+Sat Jun 16 01:27:14 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych.rb: bumping psych to 1.3.3
+ * ext/psych/psych.gemspec: ditto
+Fri Jun 15 20:54:28 2012 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * vm_backtrace.c (backtrace_collect): rename from backtreace_collect.
+Fri Jun 15 19:22:13 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: remove VM_FRAME_MAGIC_FINISH (finish frame type).
+ Before this commit:
+ `finish frame' was place holder which indicates that VM loop
+ needs to return function.
+ If a C method calls a Ruby methods (a method written by Ruby),
+ then VM loop will be (re-)invoked. When the Ruby method returns,
+ then also VM loop should be escaped. `finish frame' has only
+ one instruction `finish', which returns VM loop function.
+ VM loop function executes `finish' instruction, then VM loop
+ function returns itself.
+ With such mechanism, `leave' instruction (which returns one
+ frame from current scope) doesn't need to check that this `leave'
+ should also return from VM loop function.
+ Strictly, one branch can be removed from `leave' instruction.
+ Consideration:
+ However, pushing the `finish frame' needs costs because
+ it needs several memory accesses. The number of pushing
+ `finish frame' is greater than I had assumed. Of course,
+ pushing `finish frame' consumes additional control frame.
+ Moreover, recent processors has good branch prediction,
+ with which we can ignore such trivial checking.
+ After this commit:
+ Finally, I decide to remove `finish frame' and `finish'
+ instruction. Some parts of VM depend on `finish frame',
+ so the new frame flag VM_FRAME_FLAG_FINISH is introduced.
+ If this frame should escape from VM function loop, then
+ the result of VM_FRAME_TYPE_FINISH_P(cfp) is true.
+ `leave' instruction checks this flag every time.
+ I measured performance on it. However on my environments,
+ it improves some benchmarks and slows some benchmarks down.
+ Maybe it is because of C compiler optimization parameters.
+ I'll re-visit here if this cause problems.
+ * insns.def (leave, finish): remove finish instruction.
+ * vm.c, vm_eval.c, vm_exec.c, vm_backtrace.c, vm_dump.c:
+ apply above changes.
+Fri Jun 15 19:11:23 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Runner#puke): always add skipped
+ results to the report for parallel test. [Bug #6595]
+Fri Jun 15 09:01:35 2012 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * nacl/pepper_main.c: Removed an unnecessary and erroneous inclusion.
+Thu Jun 14 22:59:56 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_CPPOUTFILE): check if output is really sent to
+ specified file to tell if -o option works. [ruby-dev:45742]
+ [Bug#6591]
+ * (RUBY_CPPOUTFILE): check if output file is actually
+ created. [ruby-dev:45742] [Bug#6591]
+Thu Jun 14 22:10:50 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (proc_exec_sh): don't strip leading spaces of the script.
+Thu Jun 14 15:54:02 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_basename, rb_file_s_dirname): documentation fix.
+ File.basename and File.dirname support File::ALT_SEPARATOR.
+Thu Jun 14 11:10:10 2012 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * nacl/pepper_main.c: Applies the new embedding API to pepper_ruby.
+Thu Jun 14 10:44:41 2012 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: Grouped APIs for embedding CRuby interpreter.
+ (ruby_setup, ruby_compile_main_from_file,
+ ruby_compile_main_from_string, ruby_eval_main,
+ ruby_set_script_name): new APIs to embed CRuby.
+ (ruby_opaque_t) Opaque pointer to an internal data, to NODE or iseq
+ in particular.
+ * eval.c (ruby_setup): Similar to ruby_init but returns an error code
+ instead of exit(3) on error.
+ (ruby_eval_main): Similar to ruby_exec_node but returns the
+ evaluation result.
+ (ruby_eval_main_internal): renamed from ruby_exec_internal.
+ * ruby.c (toplevel_context): new helper function.
+ (process_options): refactored with new functions.
+ (parse_and_compile_main) new helper function.
+ (ruby_compile_main_from_file, ruby_compile_main_from_string) new API
+ (ruby_set_script_name): new API.
+Thu Jun 14 10:39:48 2012 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * eval.c: Add doxygen comments.
+ * ruby.c: ditto.
+ * thread_pthread.c: ditto
+ * version.c: ditto.
+ * vm_core.h: ditto.
+Thu Jun 14 10:16:07 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * revert r36071 and add NetBSD to blacklist of -ansi.
+Thu Jun 14 07:59:12 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (get_stack): Linux is the only OS which includes
+ the size of guard page into the stack size.
+Thu Jun 14 06:21:00 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb: Replace broken links to the English DRb book.
+ Patch by Zachary Scott. [ruby-trunk - Bug #6544]
+Thu Jun 14 06:17:47 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/observer.rb: Update broken link to the Programming Ruby book.
+ Patch by Zachary Scott. [ruby-trunk - Bug #6536]
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb: ditto.
+Thu Jun 14 05:23:05 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regparse.c (PFETCH_READY): suppress Wunused-but-set-variable.
+ * regparse.c (is_onechar_cclass): restructured to clarify that c is
+ used iff found == 1.
+Thu Jun 14 02:54:17 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * use -fbuiltin with -ansi -std=iso9899:199409.
+ This prevents errors introduced by disabling builtin functions,
+ which is the sub-effect of -ansi/-std.
+ Now NetBSD can use -ansi -std=iso9899:199409.
+ Maybe mingw, cygwin and darwin can also.
+Thu Jun 14 02:53:30 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * don't remove macros. now name2ctype uses macros.
+ * tool/enc-unicode.rb: add comment why it uses Hash#index.
+ * enc/unicode/{name2ctype.kwd,name2ctype.src,name2ctype.h.blt}:
+ update to follow the current name2ctype.h.
+ FYI current Unicode version is 6.1.
+Thu Jun 14 00:16:59 2012 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/net/http/responses.rb, lib/webrick/httpstatus.rb: Add HTTP
+ response codes added in RFCs 2817 and 4918. [ruby-core:45547]
+ [Feature #6569]
+ * lib/net/http/responses.rb: Rename Net::HTTPMultipleChoice to
+ Net::HTTPMultipleChoices, leaving the former as alias to the
+ latter for backward compatibility. [ruby-core:45547]
+ [Feature #6569]
+ * lib/net/http/responses.rb: Add comments about unused,
+ still-in-draft and private extension response codes.
+ [ruby-core:45547] [Feature #6569]
+Wed Jun 13 22:44:32 2012 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * test/dl/test_func.rb (test_qsort1, test_qsort2): use TYPE_SIZE_T
+ for size_t variables. [ruby-dev:45733] [Bug #6584]
+Wed Jun 13 22:18:01 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * remove -ansi and -std options for lgamma_r() and
+ finite().
+Wed Jun 13 21:46:34 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * cygwin does not provide some declarations in strict
+ ANSI mode.
+Wed Jun 13 20:19:59 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_fork_internal): move a variable declaration.
+Wed Jun 13 17:54:38 2012 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * regparse.c (PFETCH_READY): this line was to suppress warning,
+ but did emit warnings if -Wuninitialized was set. Assigning
+ NULL instead if pfetch_prev should suffice the situation.
+Wed Jun 13 17:51:05 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * cygwin needs C99 for some stuff, e.g.,
+ pthread_attr_setstacksize, sched_yield.
+Wed Jun 13 17:50:43 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (.c.i): add warnflags to make the result consistent with
+ compilation.
+Wed Jun 13 15:12:07 2012 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * On Windows platforms, system provided headers are
+ VC++ optimized. That is, C++ habits are often contaminated into
+ various headers. Most frequent situation is the use of //
+ comments. We bypass ANSI C mode for them. Otherwise extension
+ libs cannot include those headers.
+Wed Jun 13 13:39:23 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h: get rid of C99 style one line comments.
+Wed Jun 13 13:39:04 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (enc_alias_internal): use strdup defined as macro.
+Wed Jun 13 10:20:27 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (rb_exec_fillarg): get rid of SIZE_T_MAX which may need
+ more headers.
+ * process.c (rb_exec_fillarg): fix array element size. "continue" and
+ "readonly" exceeded the size.
+ * process.c (rb_exec_fillarg): use shell if the first word is reserved
+ or special built-in name.
+ * process.c (rb_exec_fillarg): treat '=' only in the first word. if
+ the first word does not contain '=', it is the command name and
+ environment assignments cannot be anymore.
+Tue Jun 12 23:45:36 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: add dummy clean-static target to prevent errors for the
+ case real clean-static target doesn't exist.
+Tue Jun 12 22:49:42 2012 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * process.c (rb_exec_arg_fixup): fix compile error
+Tue Jun 12 21:40:13 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_exec_fillarg): treat '=' character as a meta
+ character to detect assignments preceding command name.
+Tue Jun 12 20:29:19 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_exec_arg_init): deprecated.
+ (rb_exec_arg_addopt): ditto.
+ (rb_exec_arg_fixup): ditto.
+ (rb_run_exec_options): ditto.
+ (rb_run_exec_options_err): ditto.
+ * internal.h (rb_execarg_init): declared.
+ (rb_execarg_addopt): ditto.
+ (rb_execarg_fixup): ditto.
+ (rb_execarg_run_options): ditto.
+ * process.c: call rb_execarg_addopt, rb_execarg_fixup,
+ rb_execarg_run_options, rb_execarg_init.
+ (rb_execarg_addopt): renamed from rb_exec_arg_addopt.
+ (rb_exec_arg_addopt): stub to call rb_execarg_addopt.
+ (rb_execarg_init): renamed from rb_exec_arg_init.
+ (rb_exec_arg_init): stub to call rb_execarg_init.
+ (rb_execarg_fixup): renamed from rb_exec_arg_fixup.
+ (rb_exec_arg_fixup): stub to call rb_execarg_fixup.
+ (rb_execarg_run_options): renamed from rb_run_exec_options_err.
+ (rb_run_exec_options_err): stub to call rb_execarg_run_options.
+ (rb_run_exec_options): call rb_execarg_run_options.
+ * io.c: call rb_execarg_addopt, rb_execarg_fixup,
+ rb_execarg_run_options, rb_execarg_init.
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (establishShell): call rb_execarg_init and
+ rb_execarg_fixup.
+Tue Jun 12 18:39:59 2012 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * enable strict ANSI mode by default in case of GCC,
+ requested by _ko1.
+Tue Jun 12 06:40:23 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_exec_fillarg): detect '#' as a meta character.
+Mon Jun 11 22:15:44 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_proc_exec_n): deprecated.
+ (rb_exec): ditto.
+ (rb_exec_err): ditto.
+ (rb_fork): ditto.
+ (rb_fork_err): ditto.
+Mon Jun 11 18:49:52 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * on checking libexecinfo, don't specify /use/local.
+ On FreeBSD people must specify --with-opt-dir or --with-execinfo-dir.
+Mon Jun 11 12:14:37 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: remove lfp (local frame pointer) and rename
+ dfp (dynamic frame pointer) to ep (environment pointer).
+ This change make VM `normal' (similar to other interpreters).
+ Before this commit:
+ Each frame has two env pointers lfp and dfp. lfp points
+ local environment which is method/class/toplevel frame.
+ lfp[0] is block pointer.
+ dfp is block local frame. dfp[0] points previous (parent)
+ environment pointer.
+ lfp == dfp when frame is method/class/toplevel.
+ You can get lfp from dfp by traversing previous environment
+ pointers.
+ After this commit:
+ Each frame has only `ep' to point respective environment.
+ If there is parent environment, then ep[0] points parent
+ environment (as dfp). If there are no more environment,
+ then ep[0] points block pointer (as lfp). We call such ep
+ as `LEP' (local EP). We add some macros to get LEP and to
+ detect LEP or not.
+ In short, we replace dfp and lfp with ep and LEP.
+ rb_block_t and rb_binding_t member `lfp' and `dfp' are removed
+ and member `ep' is added.
+ rename rb_thread_t's member `local_lfp' and `local_svar' to
+ `root_lep' and `root_svar'.
+ (VM_EP_PREV_EP(ep)): get previous environment pointer. This macro
+ assume that ep is not LEP.
+ (VM_EP_BLOCK_PTR(ep)): get block pointer. This macro assume
+ that ep is LEP.
+ (VM_EP_LEP_P(ep)): detect ep is LEP or not.
+ (VM_ENVVAL_BLOCK_PTR(ptr)): make block pointer.
+ (VM_ENVVAL_BLOCK_PTR_P(v)): detect v is block pointer.
+ (VM_ENVVAL_PREV_EP_PTR(ptr)): make prev environment pointer.
+ (VM_ENVVAL_PREV_EP_PTR_P(v)): detect v is prev env pointer.
+ * vm.c: apply above changes.
+ (VM_EP_LEP(ep)): get LEP.
+ (VM_CF_LEP(cfp)): get LEP of cfp->ep.
+ (VM_CF_PREV_EP(cfp)): utility function VM_EP_PREV_EP(cfp->ep).
+ (VM_CF_BLOCK_PTR(cfp)): utility function VM_EP_BLOCK_PTR(cfp->ep).
+ * vm.c, vm_eval.c, vm_insnhelper.c, vm_insnhelper.h, insns.def:
+ apply above changes.
+ * cont.c: ditto.
+ * eval.c, eval_intern.h: ditto.
+ * proc.c: ditto.
+ * thread.c: ditto.
+ * vm_dump.c: ditto.
+ * vm_exec.h: fix function name (on vm debug mode).
+Mon Jun 11 11:52:18 2012 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_set_sequence): nonstatic initializer of an
+ aggregate type is a C99ism.
+ * compile.c (enum compile_array_type_t): comma at the end of enum
+ list is a C99ism.
+ * vm_backtrace.c (enum LOCATION_TYPE): ditto.
+Mon Jun 11 06:31:33 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_proc_exec_n): revert the function removed at r35889.
+Mon Jun 11 06:20:50 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (rb_thread_create_timer_thread): assign return
+ value to the variable err.
+Mon Jun 11 06:17:06 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_cond_initialize): fix typo in r36022.
+ this cause a failure on FreeBSD 8.2 amd64.
+Mon Jun 11 05:21:57 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * .gdbinit (SDR): add SDR function. It's only for VM debugging.
+Sun Jun 10 21:50:45 2012 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * nacl/nacl_config.rb: Fixed for 32bit hosts.
+Sun Jun 10 20:23:14 2012 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ Fixes threading on NativeClient.
+ * thread_pthread.c (timer_thread_sleep): Extracted out a function from
+ thread_timer(). Added an alternative implementation for platforms
+ that lacks select(2) or pipe(2).
+ (rb_thread_create_timer_thread, native_cond_initialize,
+ native_cond_destroy): Replaced wrong HAVE_XXX checks.
+ * (pthread_attr_init): New check.
+Sun Jun 10 21:30:11 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_exec_without_timer_thread): renamed from rb_exec_err.
+ (rb_exec_err): new stub function to call
+ rb_exec_without_timer_thread.
+ (rb_f_exec): call rb_exec_without_timer_thread.
+ (rb_exec): call rb_exec_without_timer_thread.
+Sun Jun 10 21:13:10 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_fork): call rb_fork_internal instead of rb_fork_err.
+Sun Jun 10 20:55:59 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_fork_ruby): call rb_fork_internal directly.
+Sun Jun 10 20:19:40 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_fork_ruby): new function.
+ (rb_f_fork): use rb_fork_ruby instead of rb_fork.
+ (rb_daemon): ditto.
+ * io.c (pipe_open): use rb_fork_ruby instead of rb_fork.
+ * internal.h (rb_fork_ruby): declared.
+Sun Jun 10 18:58:16 2012 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/net/http/response.rb: Remove a duplicated rdoc and leave a
+ pointer.
+ * lib/net/http/responses.rb: Add RFC numbers to base on.
+Sun Jun 10 18:31:42 2012 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * (RUBY_NACL): Warns if $PATH does not contain the path
+ to NativeClient SDK. PATH variable redefinition in GNUmakefile does
+ not work for GNU make 3.81.
+Sun Jun 10 17:54:36 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.h (IS_STACK_DIR_UPPER): utility macro.
+ * thread_pthread.c (get_stack): seems stack size does not include
+ guard size on Mac OS X.
+ * thread_pthread.c (ruby_init_stack): adjust stack size for offset of
+ addr from the bottom.
+Sun Jun 10 15:49:47 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (retry_fork): call after_fork except in a child process.
+ (rb_fork_internal): restrict after_fork call condition.
+Sun Jun 10 14:19:33 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * NetBSD 6 adds libexecinfo but it only works on amd64.
+Sun Jun 10 12:43:23 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_f_exec): call rb_exec_async_signal_safe except on
+ Mac OS X. cf. the comment in before_exec_non_async_signal_safe.
+Sun Jun 10 12:15:18 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (popen_exec): don't call rb_thread_atfork_before_exec. use
+ rb_exec_async_signal_safe instead of rb_exec_err.
+ (pipe_open): use rb_fork_async_signal_safe instead of rb_fork_err.
+Sun Jun 10 11:44:57 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_fork_internal): call after_fork only unless
+ chfunc_is_async_signal_safe.
+Sun Jun 10 11:33:01 2012 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_ec.c
+ test/openssl/test_pkey_ec.rb: Add support for EC_POINT_mul.
+ Patch provided by Sambasiva Suda. Thanks!
+ [ruby-core:44408][ruby-trunk - Feature #6310]
+Sun Jun 10 10:48:15 2012 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * lib/openssl/ssl.rb: Use a simple random number to generate the
+ session id. MD5, as was used before, causes problems when
+ using a FIPS version of OpenSSL. Issue was found by Jared
+ Jennings, thank you!
+ [ruby-trunk - Bug #6137]
+Sun Jun 10 10:27:34 2012 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * NEWS: Add note about the new private key export behavior.
+Sun Jun 10 10:24:51 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_exec_async_signal_safe): exported.
+ * ext/pty/extconf.rb: modify $INCFLAGS to include internal.h
+ * ext/pty/pty.c: include internal.h.
+ (chfunc): don't call rb_thread_atfork_before_exec. use
+ rb_exec_async_signal_safe instead of rb_f_exec.
+ (establishShell): set up earg. use rb_fork_async_signal_safe
+ instead of rb_fork_err.
+ * internal.h (rb_exec_async_signal_safe): declared.
+ (rb_fork_async_signal_safe): declared.
+Sun Jun 10 10:21:37 2012 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c
+ ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_rsa.c
+ ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dsa.c
+ ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_ec.c: Forbid export passwords that are less
+ than four characters long, as OpenSSL itself does not allow this.
+ Issue found by Eric Hodel.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_ec.c: Add export as an alias of to_pem,
+ following the PKey interface contract.
+ * test/openssl/test_pkey_dsa.rb
+ test/openssl/test_pkey_rsa.rb
+ test/openssl/test_pkey_ec.rb: Add tests that assert correct
+ behaviour when dealing with passwords that are less than four
+ characters long.
+ [ruby-core: 42281][ruby-trunk - Bug #5951]
+Sun Jun 10 10:14:26 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_f_exec): use rb_exec_arg_prepare.
+Sun Jun 10 06:43:51 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c: split after_exec into async-signal-safe part and rest.
+ (after_exec_async_signal_safe): extracted from after_exec.
+ (after_exec_non_async_signal_safe): ditto.
+ (after_exec): call them.
+ (rb_exec_async_signal_safe): call after_exec_async_signal_safe.
+ (rb_exec_err): call after_exec_non_async_signal_safe instead of
+ after_exec.
+Sun Jun 10 06:21:10 2012 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * NEWS: document new features of Ruby OpenSSL.
+Sun Jun 10 03:09:41 2012 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c: Fix error in example. Patch by David Albert.
+ Add/extend existing documentation. Examples now also cover RSA
+ signatures and PBKDF2.
+ [ruby-core: 45154][ruby-trunk - Bug #6475]
+Sun Jun 10 01:41:45 2012 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c: Introduce SSLContext#renegotiation_cb and
+ remove SSLContext#disable_client_renegotiation and related
+ functionality introduced in r35797. The new callback approach
+ gives clients maximum flexibility to decide on their own what to
+ do on renegotiation attempts.
+ Add documentation for SSL module and SSLError.
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb: Add a test for
+ SSLContext#renegotiation_cb.
+Sun Jun 10 01:37:18 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_fork_internal): initialize exc.
+Sun Jun 10 00:19:25 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c: don't use non async-signal-safe functions in a child
+ process before exec, for invoking a command.
+ (rb_exec_atfork): call rb_exec_async_signal_safe only.
+ (retry_fork): take chfunc_is_async_signal_safe argument. call
+ before_fork and after_fork only unless chfunc_is_async_signal_safe.
+ (send_child_error): take chfunc_is_async_signal_safe argument.
+ send an exception only unless chfunc_is_async_signal_safe.
+ (recv_child_error): take chfunc_is_async_signal_safe argument.
+ receive an exception only unless chfunc_is_async_signal_safe.
+ (rb_fork_internal): renamed from rb_fork_err and take
+ chfunc_is_async_signal_safe argument.
+ use rb_protect only unless chfunc_is_async_signal_safe.
+ (rb_fork_err): call rb_fork_internal with false as
+ chfunc_is_async_signal_safe.
+ (rb_fork_async_signal_safe): call rb_fork_internal with true as
+ chfunc_is_async_signal_safe.
+ (rb_spawn_process): call rb_fork_async_signal_safe instead of
+ rb_fork_err.
+Sat Jun 9 23:57:03 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_fork_err): rewrite a complex "if" statement.
+Sat Jun 9 23:44:29 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (before_exec_async_signal_safe): extracted from
+ before_exec.
+ (before_exec_non_async_signal_safe): ditto.
+ (before_exec): call before_exec_async_signal_safe and
+ before_exec_non_async_signal_safe.
+ (rb_exec_async_signal_safe): call before_exec_async_signal_safe.
+ (rb_exec_err): call before_exec_non_async_signal_safe instead of
+ before_exec.
+Sat Jun 9 23:36:53 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * iseq.c (iseq_load, insn_operand_intern, rb_iseq_disasm)
+ (rb_iseq_parameters): use rb_id2str() instead of rb_id2name() to
+ keep encoding.
+ * string.c (rb_str_symname_p): new function that checks if the string
+ is valid as a symbol name. split from sym_inspect().
+Sat Jun 9 22:27:05 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (retry_fork): rewrite a complex "for" statement by
+ simple statements.
+Sat Jun 9 21:50:04 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (retry_fork): extracted from rb_fork_err.
+ (send_child_error): ditto.
+ (recv_child_error): ditto.
+Sat Jun 9 17:21:48 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * iseq.c (iseq_load): type is a symbol, and invalid as ID in common.
+Sat Jun 9 10:57:14 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_exec_async_signal_safe): extracted from rb_exec_err.
+Sat Jun 9 09:31:07 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c: simplified because close_others option is always
+ enabled by default.
+ (rb_f_exec): don't need to set the option.
+ (rb_exec_arg_prepare): don't need to set the option. don't need
+ default_close_others argument.
+ (rb_spawn_internal): don't need to give default_close_others
+ argument for rb_exec_arg_prepare. don't need default_close_others
+ argument.
+ (rb_spawn_err): don't need to give default_close_others
+ argument for rb_spawn_internal.
+ (rb_spawn): don't need to give default_close_others
+ argument for rb_spawn_internal.
+ (rb_f_system): don't need to give default_close_others argument for
+ rb_spawn_internal.
+ (rb_f_spawn): don't need to give default_close_others argument for
+ rb_exec_arg_prepare.
+Sat Jun 9 09:00:58 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_proc_exec): call before_exec() here addition to
+ rb_exec_err.
+Sat Jun 9 08:30:52 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (ruby_init_stack): use stack info if possible.
+Sat Jun 9 08:21:32 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * README.EXT (prepare extconf.rb): Added note to see MakeMakefile for
+ documentation of extconf.rb functions. Patch by Zachary Scott.
+ [ruby-trunk - Feature #6522]
+ * README.EXT (Appendix C): Removed in favor of MakeMakefile.
+ Patch by Zachary Scott.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: Merged documentation from README.EXT Appendix C. Patch
+ by Zachary Scott.
+Sat Jun 9 08:16:47 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/re.rdoc: Completed wording in the description of the =~ operator.
+ [ruby-trunk - Bug #6529]
+Sat Jun 9 08:09:38 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_start_with): Removed "p" from start_with? examples
+ to match other String method examples. [ruby-trunk - Bug #6553]
+ * string.c (rb_str_end_with): Updated end_with? to use code markup
+ instead of italic.
+Sat Jun 9 07:56:03 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/benchmark.rb: Updated formatting of Benchmark documentation for
+ consistency. [ruby-trunk - Bug #6533]
+Sat Jun 9 07:46:26 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb: Added documentation for Delegator#!. Patch by
+ Zachary Scott. [ruby-trunk - Feature #6534]
+Sat Jun 9 07:39:50 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/net/http/responses.rb: Add RFC 6585 response codes. Patch by
+ Sangil Jung. [ruby-trunk - Feature #6480]
+ * lib/net/http/response.rb: ditto
+ * lib/net/http.rb: ditto
+ * lib/webrick/httpstatus.rb: ditto
+Sat Jun 9 01:24:28 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_exec_err): before_exec() call moved from proc_exec_cmd
+ and proc_exec_sh.
+ (rb_proc_exec): ditto.
+Sat Jun 9 01:11:07 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_exec_arg_init): declaration changed to
+ return a value.
+ * process.c (rb_exec_arg_init): return a value.
+Fri Jun 8 23:44:14 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c: don't check the availability of FD_CLOEXEC. It should
+ be available if fork() is available.
+ * io.c: ditto.
+Fri Jun 8 22:39:32 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_fork_err): revert r35955. The condition needs !chfunc
+ to close ep[0] and ep[1]. The catched exception is re-raised
+ immediately after that if status is not NULL.
+Fri Jun 8 19:43:33 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_exec_err): after_exec() call moved from proc_exec_cmd
+ and proc_exec_sh.
+ (rb_proc_exec): ditto.
+Fri Jun 8 19:00:59 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (ARGV_COUNT): unused macro removed.
+ (ARGV_SIZE): ditto.
+ (ALLOC_ARGV): ditto.
+Fri Jun 8 16:19:33 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/runner.rb (src_testdir): expand real path so that
+ TestGem#test_self_find_files does not fail by aliased load path when
+ srcdir contains a symbolic link.
+ * tool/runruby.rb (srcdir): ditto.
+Fri Jun 8 12:04:39 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (rb_fork_err): error state in the child process is prior
+ to exceptions in proc_syswait().
+ * process.c (rb_fork_err): determine status on errors.
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (establishShell): reraise exception if something
+ raised during sleep.
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (establishShell): now needs status to protect from
+ exceptions in rb_fork_err().
+Thu Jun 7 22:13:05 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_fork_err): Fix the condition to use rb_protect.
+Thu Jun 7 20:29:12 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: rb_exec_arg and related stuff moved back from
+ internal.h
+Thu Jun 7 15:53:03 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * .gdbinit: add function `trace_machine_instructions' to trace
+ in native machine assemble.
+ See
+ for more details.
+Wed Jun 6 21:31:21 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (proc_exec_cmd) renamed from proc_exec_v.
+ (proc_exec_sh): renamed from rb_proc_exec_e.
+ (proc_spawn_cmd_internal): renamed from proc_spawn_v.
+ (proc_spawn_cmd): renamed from proc_spawn_n.
+ (proc_spawn_sh): renamed from proc_spawn.
+Wed Jun 6 21:18:47 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * process.c (try_with_sh): please take care of the macro defined by
+ you.
+Wed Jun 6 20:45:08 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (proc_exec_v): don't call dln_find_exe_r here because it
+ is not async-signal-safe and proc_exec_v is called in a child
+ process.
+ command_abspath field of rb_exec_arg.
+ (rb_exec_fillarg): call dln_find_exe_r and set command_abspath.
+ (rb_exec_err): Give the absolute path of the invoking command for
+ proc_exec_v, instead of the command name.
+ * internal.h: add command_abspath field for rb_exec_arg.
+Wed Jun 6 20:08:01 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (try_with_sh): take envp argument.
+ (exec_with_sh): ditto. use it for execve.
+ (proc_exec_v): provide envp for try_with_sh.
+Wed Jun 6 13:25:04 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c, include/ruby/win32.h (rb_w32_wrap_io_handle): new API.
+ this API wraps an I/O handle (HANDLE or SOCKET) and returns fd.
+ the second parameter should be combination of O_*, for example,
+ * win32/win32.c, include/ruby/win32.h (rb_w32_unwrap_io_handle): new
+ API. this API unwraps an I/O handle and close the fd (not closes
+ the handle itself).
+ [Feature #4906] [ruby-core:37227]
+Wed Jun 6 13:18:26 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_close): of course, console handle is not socket.
+Wed Jun 6 12:37:43 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * process.c (rb_run_exec_options_err): allocate a temporary buffer for
+ run_exec_dup2() for restoring fds on non-fork environments.
+Wed Jun 6 09:45:21 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/dl/test_c_{struct_entry,union_entity}.rb: sorry, typos.
+Wed Jun 6 05:27:54 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_exec_fillarg): check use_shell field before accessing
+ a union field.
+Wed Jun 6 04:58:44 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_spawn_process): prog variable is not used for Unix.
+Wed Jun 6 00:20:37 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h (rb_exec_arg_init): change return type to void.
+ * process.c (rb_exec_arg_init): don't return a value.
+ (rb_exec_arg_prepare): ditto.
+ (rb_spawn_process): don't take the prog argument. extract the
+ information from earg.
+ (rb_spawn_internal): follow rb_spawn_process change.
+ (rb_f_spawn): ditto.
+ * io.c (pipe_open): don't take the prog argument. extract the
+ information from eargp.
+ (pipe_open_v): follow pipe_open change.
+ (pipe_open_s): ditto.
+Tue Jun 5 23:51:33 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h (rb_exec_arg): use union to represent command invocation
+ with/without shell.
+ * process.c: follow the rb_exec_arg change.
+ * io.c (pipe_open): ditto.
+Tue Jun 5 22:28:46 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h: rb_exec_arg and related stuff moved from intern.h
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_proc_exec_n): removed.
+Tue Jun 5 21:57:22 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_exec_arg_fixup): allocate a temporary buffer for
+ run_exec_dup2 here because it should be async-signal-safe.
+ (run_exec_dup2): use the temporary buffer.
+ (run_exec_dup2_tmpbuf_size): new function.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_exec_arg): add dup2_tmpbuf field.
+Tue Jun 5 20:13:15 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_init_copy): should check if trusted too.
+Tue Jun 5 19:59:13 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (strtok): declaration removed because it is not used.
+Tue Jun 5 19:33:51 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (proc_spawn): don't detect simple command line here
+ because rb_exec_fillarg already did.
+Tue Jun 5 19:21:10 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_exec_fillarg): bail out a loop eagerly.
+Tue Jun 5 19:15:14 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c: add comments about async-signal-safe.
+ * io.c: ditto.
+Tue Jun 5 09:25:10 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * io.c: Edited documentation for IO and File open and new and
+ Kernel#open for consistency and clarity.
+Mon Jun 4 21:53:56 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_sysinit): let the system not display the
+ critical-error-handler message box and the Windows Error Reporting
+ dialog. [ruby-core:45389] [Bug #6535]
+Mon Jun 4 19:36:25 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_exec_fillarg): allocate one more element before
+ beginning in argv_str for try_with_sh.
+ * internal.h (ARGVSTR2ARGC): adjust for the above change.
+ (ARGVSTR2ARGV): ditto.
+Mon Jun 4 19:17:06 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h (ARGVSTR2ARGC): defined.
+ (ARGVSTR2ARGV): defined.
+ * process.c (proc_exec_v): use ARGVSTR2ARGV.
+ (rb_spawn_process): use ARGVSTR2ARGC and ARGVSTR2ARGV.
+ * io.c (pipe_open): use ARGVSTR2ARGV.
+Mon Jun 4 16:13:00 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.h: remove magical code "lfp[0] & 0x02".
+ Current VM doesn't use this bit.
+ * vm_core.h (RUBY_VM_GET_BLOCK_PTR): added.
+ * eval.c (rb_block_given_p): use RUBY_VM_GET_BLOCK_PTR().
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_f_block_given_p): ditto.
+Mon Jun 4 15:39:33 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (constat_apply): apply VT100 functions.
+ [ruby-core:44958] [Feature #6418]
+ * win32/win32.c (constat_parse): parse some VT100 escape sequence.
+Mon Jun 4 14:06:12 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * process.c (rb_exec_err): should preserve errno.
+Mon Jun 4 13:10:11 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/dl/test_c_{struct_entry,union_entity}.rb: broken require.
+Mon Jun 4 12:01:21 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_backtrace.rb: fix test.
+ Windows path includes `:' character.
+Mon Jun 4 11:42:39 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h (rb_location_t): fix type and field name.
+ (1) rename rb_location_t to rb_iseq_location_t.
+ (2) rename field names of rb_iseq_location_t to adjust
+ RubyVM::Backtrace::Location methods.
+ (2-1) filename -> path
+ (2-2) filepath -> absolute_path
+ (2-3) basename -> base_label
+ (2-4) name -> label
+ (3) rename filed name rb_iseq_location_t#line_no to
+ rb_iseq_location_t#first_lineno to clear purpose of this field.
+ (4) The field names rb_binding_t#(filename|line_no) are also renamed
+ to rb_binding_t#(path|first_lineno).
+ * compile.c: apply above changes.
+ * iseq.c: ditto.
+ * proc.c: ditto.
+ * vm*.c: ditto.
+Mon Jun 4 11:40:28 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): also load TYPE_USRMARSHAL, TYPE_DATA using
+ compatible loader.
+Mon Jun 4 11:33:42 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * process.c (rb_run_exec_options_err): restore save_env() call for
+ non-fork environments.
+ * process.c (rb_exec_err): restore environments after the failure of
+ exec to fix [ruby-core:44093] [Bug #6249] on non-fork environments
+Mon Jun 4 10:42:04 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (pipe_open): follow up changes in r35889.
+ * process.c (proc_spawn_n): now uses char ** instead of VALUE *.
+ * process.c (rb_spawn_process): prog is now VALUE of String, not char *.
+Mon Jun 4 06:12:43 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): remove old warning for _alloc.
+Mon Jun 4 04:24:06 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * marshal.c: experimental test aborted.
+ * complex.c: ditto.
+ * rational.c: ditto.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: ditto.
+Mon Jun 4 00:45:18 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_spawn_process): fix for Windows. not tested.
+Mon Jun 4 00:11:51 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_proc_exec_e): don't use ISSPACE(). \f, \r and \v
+ are not word separator in Bourne shell.
+Sun Jun 3 23:47:30 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_exec_arg): remove argc and argv fields.
+ add use_shell, argv_str and argv_buf fields.
+ * process.c (rb_proc_exec_e): don't split shell command line arguments
+ here to avoid memory allocation in a child process.
+ (rb_exec_fillarg): split shell command line arguments here.
+ (proc_exec_v): takes argv_str argument instead of argv.
+ (rb_proc_exec_ne): removed.
+ (rb_proc_exec_n): removed.
+ (rb_run_exec_options_err): don't initialize the removed fields.
+ (rb_exec_err): don't initialize the removed fields.
+ call proc_exec_v directly instead of rb_proc_exec_ne.
+ (rb_spawn_process): use use_shell field.
+Sun Jun 3 21:53:00 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * GPL: update text of GPLv2. [ruby-core:44488] [Bug #6328]
+Sun Jun 3 21:22:52 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_exec_getargs): remove rb_exec_arg argument.
+Sun Jun 3 21:14:26 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * marshal.c: calls directly rb_{Complex,Rational}_marshal_load().
+ But now disabled. [experimental]
+ * complex.c: followed the above.
+ * rational.c: ditto.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: ditto.
+Sun Jun 3 21:18:17 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_check_argv): use rb_str_new_frozen instead of
+ rb_str_new4.
+Sun Jun 3 20:10:52 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_proc_exec_e): extended version of rb_proc_exec() to
+ call execle().
+ (rb_proc_exec): use rb_proc_exec_e().
+ (rb_exec_err): use rb_proc_exec_e().
+Sun Jun 3 19:47:18 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * thread.c (vm_living_thread_num): suppress a warning.
+Sun Jun 3 17:23:52 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * use execve() to preserve environment variables when exec method is
+ failed. [ruby-core:44093] [ruby-trunk - Bug #6249]
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_exec_arg): add envp_str and envp_buf field
+ to store envp of execve().
+ * process.c (proc_exec_v): takes envp_str as an argument and use it
+ for execve().
+ (rb_proc_exec_ne): extended version of rb_proc_exec_n().
+ (rb_proc_exec_n): use rb_proc_exec_ne().
+ (rb_proc_exec): follow proc_exec_v() change.
+ (fill_envp_buf_i): new function.
+ (rb_exec_arg_fixup): set up envp_str and envp_buf.
+ (save_env_i): removed.
+ (save_env): removed.
+ (rb_run_exec_options_err): don't modify environment variables.
+ (rb_exec_err): use rb_proc_exec_ne().
+Sun Jun 3 16:33:58 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c: revert r35879 "now marshal_{load|dump} are external."
+ * complex.c (nucomp_marshal__{dump,load}): should use rb_marshal_{dump,load}.
+ * rational.c (nurat_marshal__{dump,load}): ditto.
+Sun Jun 3 14:13:58 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: checks whether the object is frozen or not.
+Sun Jun 3 14:00:51 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c: wrote Complex#_dump and Complex::load. But now
+ disabled (due to compatibility) [experimental].
+ * rational.c: wrote Rational#_dump and Rational::load. ditto.
+Sun Jun 3 10:23:32 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (nucomp_marshal_load): [ruby-core:45394]
+ * rational.c (nurat_marshal_load): ditto.
+Sun Jun 3 03:15:46 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regparse.c (onig_number_of_names): suppress a warning.
+Sun Jun 3 01:36:52 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_backtrace.c: change names.
+ (1) Class name: RubyVM::FrameInfo -> RubyVM::Backtrace::Location.
+ (2) Method name: RubyVM::FrameInfo.caller ->
+ Kernel.caller_locations.
+ (3) Instance methods of
+ RubyVM::FrameInfo (RubyVM::Backtrace::Location)
+ (3-1) name -> label
+ (3-2) basename -> base_label (basename is confusing with
+ File.basename)
+ (3-3) line_no -> lineno (We have already similar name
+ File#lineno, commented by kou [ruby-dev:45686]).
+ (3-4) filename -> path.
+ (3-5) filepath -> absolute_path.
+ (3-5) iseq -> removed (we will make other APIs to access iseq
+ and other information of frame for debugging).
+ * test/ruby/test_backtrace.rb: apply above changes.
+ And apply comment from kou [ruby-dev:45686].
+Sun Jun 3 00:49:11 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * fix to build vm_backtrace.c only itself (vm_backtrace.c
+ is no longer included from vm.c). I hope this separation reduce
+ compile time of vm.c.
+ * internal.h: ditto.
+ * vm.c, vm_core.h, vm_dump.c, vm_eval.c: ditto.
+ * vm_eval.c: some functions (callee, etc) moved to vm_backtrace.c.
+Sun Jun 3 00:20:53 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_backtrace.c: added. Separate backtrace related functions to
+ this file.
+ * vm.c, ditto.
+Sat Jun 2 18:09:02 2012 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/ipaddr.rb: Inhibit zero-filled octets in an IPv4 address in
+ all platforms. [ruby-dev:45671]
+ * lib/ipaddr.rb: Allow the x:x:x:x:x:x:d.d.d.d form not limited to
+ IPv4 mapped/compatible addresses. This change also makes it
+ possible for the parser to understand IPv4 mapped and compatible
+ IPv6 addresses in non-compressed form.
+ * lib/ipaddr.rb: Stop exposing IPSocket.valid*? methods which were
+ only usable on non-IPv6-ready platforms.
+Sat Jun 2 16:59:00 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_enc_cr_str_buf_cat): don't reset coderange as unknown.
+ the condition 'ptr_a8 && str_cr != ENC_CODERANGE_7BIT' means not
+ unknown, str is also ASCII-8BIT because str_encindex == ptr_encindex,
+ and nont (str_cr == ENC_CODERANGE_UNKNOWN) and
+ str_cr != ENC_CODERANGE_7BIT means str_cr is valid because ASCII-8BIT
+ can't be broken. [ruby-dev:45688] [Bug #6509]
+Sat Jun 2 07:04:48 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/re.rdoc (Performance): Replaced incorrect example of reducing
+ backtracking through anchoring with reduced backtracking through a
+ range. [ruby-trunk - Bug #6525]
+Sat Jun 2 06:34:15 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/re.rdoc (Performance): Removed useless sample output from final
+ performance example and switched from #match to #=~ for consistency.
+ [ruby-trunk - Bug #6524]
+Fri Jun 1 09:30:53 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (class_or_module_required): extract check for class or
+ module.
+Fri Jun 1 08:50:47 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * array.c: Updated Array documentation formatting. Patch by Zachary
+ Scott. [ruby-trunk - Feature #6517]
+Fri Jun 1 06:57:10 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/struct.rb (DL::CStructEntity#set_ctypes): Refactored
+ #set_ctypes using newer ruby features to simplify its implementation.
+ * test/dl/test_c_struct_entry.rb (class DL): Test to verify
+ refactoring.
+Fri Jun 1 06:40:25 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * object.c (Init_Object): Restored Kernel documentation based on
+ Pickaxe book documentation. Patch by Zachary Scott.
+ [ruby-trunk - Feature #6521]
+Fri Jun 1 06:29:42 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * object.c (rb_equal): Let Object be a link in #=== documentation.
+ Patch by Zachary Scott. [ruby-trunk - Feature #6518]
+Thu May 31 09:27:06 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/struct.rb (DL::CStructEntity::size): Refactored ::size
+ to remove unused variables and simplify using newer ruby features.
+ * test/dl/test_c_struct_entry.rb: Test to validate refactoring
+Thu May 31 08:40:34 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/struct.rb (DL::CUnionEntity#set_ctypes): Refactored
+ #set_types to reuse DL::CUnionEntity::size
+ * test/dl/test_c_union_entity.rb: Added test
+Thu May 31 08:20:14 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/struct.rb (DL::CUnionEntity::size): Fixed ::size to
+ return the size of the union.
+ * test/dl/test_c_union_entity.rb: Test for DL::CUnionEntity::size
+Thu May 31 07:45:43 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/dl: Added documentation. Patch by Vincent Batts.
+ [ruby-trunk - Bug #6496]
+Wed May 30 16:30:00 2012 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/jacobian.rb,
+ ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/newton.rb:
+ fix documentation comments.
+ Patch by alperakgun from
+Wed May 30 16:20:00 2012 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/jacobian.rb (Jacobian#dfdxi):
+ fix jacobian to get stuck in an infinite loop when a solution is not
+ found due to forget to increment nRetry counter.
+ Patch by alperakgun from
+Wed May 30 10:58:31 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * time.c (utc_offset_arg): utc offset can be precision in seconds.
+ e.g. old Europe/Lisbon (c.f. [ruby-dev:40066])
+Wed May 30 06:20:29 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * error.c (exc_set_backtrace): Updated documentation to indicate
+ set_backtrace allows a string as well as an array of strings.
+ [ruby-trunk - Bug #6501]
+Tue May 29 17:28:20 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * strftime.c (rb_strftime_with_timespec): support GNU extension triple
+ colons modifier. [EXPERIMENTAL]
+ * strftime.c (rb_strftime_with_timespec): check conversion with locale
+ modifier.
+ * strftime.c (rb_strftime_with_timespec): colons are valid only for
+ 'z' and must come just before it.
+Mon May 28 16:56:55 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Runner#_prepare_run): StatusLineOutput
+ needs job_status to be :replace.
+Mon May 28 13:35:33 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (do-install-*): fix dependencies. based on the patch by
+ nagachika at [ruby-dev:45683]. [Bug #6506]
+Mon May 28 12:03:04 2012 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c (obj_free): doesn't free a method table if it doesn't
+ exist. [ruby-dev:44436]
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb (class TestGc): added the test case for
+ this issue.
+Sun May 27 23:37:48 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/bm_vm1_lvar_init.rb: added.
+ This benchmark measures a initialize time of non-used variable.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm1_lvar_set.rb: added.
+ This benchmark measures a local variables initialization time.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm2_bigarray.rb: added.
+ This benchmark mesures a big array literal creation time.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm2_bighash.rb: added.
+ This benchmark mesures a big hash literal creation time.
+ * benchmark/bm*: change notation "i=0" to "i = 0".
+Sun May 27 13:33:26 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/driver.rb: fix to continue benchmarks when
+ an error is occurred.
+Sun May 27 11:27:50 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Runner#_prepare_run): fix operator
+ precedence, so that platform and TERM should be counted.
+Sun May 27 10:02:33 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_strftime.c: allows %Ok and %Ol.
+Sun May 27 09:29:20 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: modified doc.
+Sat May 26 19:04:34 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: added description.
+Sat May 26 18:14:57 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_strftime.c: reduced the code.
+Sat May 26 18:08:59 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * time.c: modified doc.
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: ditto.
+Sat May 26 17:05:45 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (backtrace_*): change type of lev and n from size_t to int.
+ Also set type of rb_backtrace_t#backtrace_size to int.
+ A patch from nobu.
+ * vm_eval.c: ditto.
+Sat May 26 16:26:30 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (realpath_rec): UNC prefix does not end with path separator,
+ so new separator is needed after it.
+Sat May 26 15:29:22 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_backtrace.rb (test_caller_lev):
+ decrease recursion size.
+Sat May 26 13:50:48 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * NEWS: add Kernel#caller's second argument.
+Sat May 26 13:40:29 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (RubyVM::FrameInfo): add a class to access each frame
+ information. You don't need to parse strings from caller().
+ FrameInfo has the following methods:
+ FrameInfo#name: method name, class name, etc with decorations.
+ FrameInfo#basename: name without decorations.
+ FrameInfo#line_no: line number.
+ FrameInfo#filename: file name.
+ FrameInfo#filepath: full filepath.
+ FrameInfo#iseq: iseq if it is iseq frame (defined by ruby script)
+ FrameInfo#to_s: return caller() method style string.
+ RubyVM::FrameInfo.caller(n, lev) returns array of FrameInfo objects.
+ The name "RubyVM::FrameInfo.caller" is long and ambiguous (it is
+ confusing with Kernel::caller() method), we need to change the name
+ before Ruby 2.0 release. Good names or comments are welcome.
+ * test/ruby/test_backtrace.rb: add a test for above change.
+Sat May 26 12:18:09 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (frame_info_to_str): add `break'.
+ * vm.c (backtrace_object): remove lev and n parameter.
+ backtrace_object always returns all of backtrace information.
+ * vm.c (rb_backtrace_to_str_ary): fix to use backtrace_object().
+ This change improve performance of caller(lev, n).
+ * benchmark/bm_vm3_backtrace.rb: added to check above improvement.
+ FYI: measurement on my laptop, 1.9.3p229 needs 5.125 sec,
+ and current trunk only needs 0.299sec.
+Sat May 26 11:05:09 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (rb_frame_info_t): keep previous ISEQ frame info for CFUNC
+ frame info. And fix to cache a calculated line_no of ISEQ frame
+ info.
+Sat May 26 09:54:53 2012 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c: Allow disabling client-side renegotiation.
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb: Simple tests for this.
+ Client-side renegotiation is still considered problematic, even
+ when used in the context of secure renegotiation (RI, RFC 5746).
+ The changes allow users to either completely disable client
+ renegotiation on the server, or to specify a maximum number of
+ handshakes allowed in total. The number of total handshakes is
+ counted in a callback set as SSL_set_info_callback. If the
+ maximum number of handshakes is exceeded an error will be raised
+ We do not support renegotiation in the OpenSSL extension, therefore
+ this feature can only be tested externally.
+ The feature is opt-in, the default setting will be to allow
+ unlimited client renegotiation, as was the case before.
+Fri May 25 23:38:58 2012 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb: Clarify the intention of errors to be
+ expected. Two errors are possible when connection is refused due
+ to a protocol version that was explicitly disallowed,
+ OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError or Errno::ECONNRESET, depending on the
+ OpenSSL version in use.
+Fri May 25 22:19:40 2012 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c: Revert r35583
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb: Handle ECONNRESET in code instead to avoid
+ the test failing in Ruby CI [1]
+ [1]
+Fri May 25 19:51:36 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_f_caller): caller() method accepts second optional
+ argument `n' which specify how many frames should return.
+ For example, `caller(0, 1)' returns only one frame information
+ which calls caller() method. If there are less than n frame
+ information, then all frame information are returned. If n is 0,
+ then always return [].
+ This fix is part of [ruby-dev:42345] [Ruby 1.9-Feature#3917].
+ However, performance and features are not enough.
+ RDoc is also not available.
+ * test/ruby/test_backtrace.rb: add a test for above.
+Fri May 25 17:05:07 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (oldbt_init, vm_backtrace_str_ary): arg->data should
+ be initialized before calling `backtrace_each()'.
+Fri May 25 16:11:27 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * trunk/ext/-test-/printf/printf.c: change function names because of
+ conflict with msvcrt. fixed build error of mswin.
+Fri May 25 10:52:52 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c: refactoring backtrace related functions.
+ (1) unify similar functions (rb_backtrace_each() and
+ backtrace_object()). backtrace_each() is a unified function.
+ variation:
+ a) backtrace_object(): create backtrace object.
+ b) vm_backtrace_str_ary(): create bt as an array of string.
+ c) vm_backtrace_print(): print backtrace to specified file.
+ d) rb_backtrace_print_as_bugreport(): print backtrace on
+ bugreport style.
+ (2) remove rb_backtrace_each(). Use backtrace_each() instead.
+ (3) change the type of lev parameter to size_t.
+ a) lev == 0 means current frame (exception, etc use it).
+ b) lev == 1 means upper frame (caller(0) use it).
+ * vm_core.h, vm_dump.c, vm_eval.c: ditto.
+ * vm.c (backtrace_object(), vm_backtrace_str_ary()): fix to return a
+ correct size of caller(lev) array.
+ Let n be a "caller(0).size" then ln as caller(lev).size should be
+ (n - lev). However, the previous implementation returns a wrong
+ size array (ln > n - lev). [ruby-dev:45673]
+ * test/ruby/test_backtrace.rb: add tests for backtrace.
+Fri May 25 08:51:39 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * enum.c (enum_count): Enumerable#count no longer uses #size when
+ counting elements. Patch by Nobuhiro IMAI. [ruby-trunk - Bug #6473]
+Fri May 25 01:15:39 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sprintf.c (ruby__sfvextra): [EXPERIMENTAL] use inspect instead of
+ to_s if plus flag is given.
+ * vsnprintf.c (BSD_vfprintf): pass sign flag.
+Fri May 25 00:37:22 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_indexer.rb (setup, teardown): save @tempdir
+ to remove it properly. [Bug #5348]
+Thu May 24 23:36:51 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vsnprintf.c (BSD_vfprintf): [EXPERIMENTAL] object representation in
+ rb_enc_vsprintf(). [Feature #5896]
+Thu May 24 15:33:01 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_defined_by): removed.
+ nobu pointed out that rb_method_basic_definition_p() is enough
+ for last commit.
+ * error.c, eval_error.c: change for above.
+Thu May 24 14:30:13 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c: add RubyVM::Backtrace object (btobj).
+ Backtrace information contains an array consists of location
+ information for each frames by string.
+ RubyVM::Backtrace object is lightweight backtrace information,
+ which contains complete information to generate traditional style
+ backtrace (an array of strings) with faster generation.
+ If someone accesses to backtrace information via
+ Exception#backtrace, then convert a RubyVM::Backtrace object to
+ traditional style backtrace.
+ This change causes incompatibility on marshal dumped binary
+ of Exception. If you have any trouble on it, please tell us
+ before Ruby 2.0 release.
+ Note that RubyVM::Backtrace object should not expose Ruby level.
+ * error.c, eval.c, vm_eval.c: ditto.
+ * internal.h: ditto.
+ * eval_error.c: fix to skip "set_backtrace" method invocation in
+ creating an exception object if it call a normal set_backtrace
+ method (defined by core).
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: fix for above change.
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_defined_by): added. This function
+ checks that the given object responds with the given method
+ by the given cfunc.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm2_raise1.rb, benchmark/bm_vm2_raise2.rb:
+ add to measure exception creation speed. raise1 create
+ exception objects from shallow stack frame. raise2 create
+ exception objects from deep stack frame.
+Thu May 24 12:07:46 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (io_strip_bom): check EOF. [Bug #6487][ruby-core:45203]
+Wed May 23 22:06:14 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http/header.rb (Net::HTTPHeader#range): fix broken parser of
+ HTTP Range request. Old one can't parse invalid specs and multiple
+ specs correctly.
+Wed May 23 10:18:54 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (finish_overlapped_socket, overlapped_socket_io):
+ replace ECONNABORTED to EPIPE in send, sendto and sendmsg to improve
+ BSD socket compatibility. this change removes a failure on the test
+ of net/ftp.
+Wed May 23 05:35:58 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: Broke up Net::HTTP into individual files.
+ [ruby-trunk - Feature #6435]
+ * lib/net/http/backward.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/net/http/response.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/net/http/exceptions.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/net/http/responses.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/net/http/generic_request.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/net/http/header.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/net/http/request.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/net/http/proxy_delta.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/net/http/requests.rb: ditto.
+Wed May 23 05:15:11 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * class.c (rb_mod_init_copy): Clear the cached inspect string of a
+ dup'd anonymous module or class. [ruby-trunk - Bug #6454]
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb (class TestModule): ditto
+Tue May 22 16:49:15 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: add a data type rb_location_t to store iseq location
+ information.
+ rb_location_t#filename, filepath, name and line_no was moved from
+ rb_iseq_t. rb_location_t#basename is a new field which is
+ similar to `name' field without any decoration.
+ `name' field contains some decoration such as `block in foo'.
+ `basename' only contains `foo'.
+ rb_iseq_t contains memory object of rb_location_t.
+ * iseq.c: setup rb_location_t for each rb_iseq_t memory objects.
+ * compile.c, proc.c, vm.c, vm_dump.c, vm_eval.c, vm_insnhelper.c,
+ vm_method.c: support about it.
+Tue May 22 00:45:05 2012 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_members): Refactoring. As Struct#members had
+ returned an array of String, the old code was needed to convert
+ Symbols to Strings. But it is almost unnecessary because the
+ method now returns an array of Symbols. A patch by Masaki
+ Matsushita <glass.saga at gmail dot com> [Feature #6218]
+ [ruby-dev:45451]
+Mon May 21 19:20:25 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (Net::FTP#retrbinary): close only if conn is not nil
+ because transfercmd may fail and return nil.
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (Net::FTP#retrlines): ditto.
+Mon May 21 15:10:28 2012 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/syslog/syslog.c: Classify constants and macros into several
+ sub-modules. (Syslog::Priority, Syslog::Level, Syslog::Option
+ and Syslog::Macros)
+ * ext/syslog/syslog.c (mSyslog_inspect): Use rb_sprintf().
+ * ext/syslog/syslog.c (mSyslog_inspect): Make sure self is a
+ module before calling rb_class2name().
+Mon May 21 12:44:11 2012 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * .travis.yml (install): It seems tcl/tk is skipped in Travis
+ CI. Trying to fix the situation.
+Mon May 21 12:11:25 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/depend (ENCOBJS): add dependencies.
+ * enc/make_encmake.rb (target_encodings): extract dependencies.
+Mon May 21 11:26:17 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (Net::FTP#transfercmd): rescue shutdown.
+Sun May 20 23:00:11 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): reopen $stdout to NULL, since setting
+ $stdout cannot affect child processes.
+Sun May 20 21:36:39 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/shift_jis.c (code_to_mbclen): return
+ ONIGERR_INVALID_CODE_POINT_VALUE if the code is invalid.
+ * string.c (tr_next): increment character until the code
+ is a valid character. [ruby-dev:45652] [Bug #6450]
+Sun May 20 12:25:10 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (LIBRUBY_SO): link EXTSOLIBS too.
+ * ext/extmk.rb (mf.macro): use EXTSOLIBS instead of SOLIBS to get rid
+ of discard libraries needed by default. [Bug #6462]
+Sat May 19 19:04:38 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (command_output): ENCOBJS is needed for all linked
+ ruby, if --disable-shared and --with-static-linked-ext.
+ * ext/extmk.rb (command_output): dmyext is needed as DLDOBJS if no
+ static linked extensions.
+ *, (PROGRAM): no extension libraries.
+ * (build-ext): pass macros for
+ * ext/extmk.rb (command_output): link extension libraries and encoding
+ libraries into, not ruby executable.
+ * ext/extmk.rb (command_output): fold long macro lines.
+ * (LIBEXT): add macro.
+ * (ENCOBJS, EXTOBJS): use LIBEXT, not hardcoded suffix.
+ * (LIBRUBY_A): fix typo. re-applying r35242.
+Sat May 19 04:46:53 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: Use Logging::message instead of message.
+ * ext/zlib/extconf.rb: ditto.
+Fri May 18 18:13:44 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (MakeMakefile#configuration): keep space at end of
+ OUTFLAG and COUTFLAG. [ruby-dev:45650]
+Fri May 18 17:39:42 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (rb_thread_create_timer_thread): Added error
+ check when failing fcntl(). [Bug #6147] [ruby-dev:45364]
+Fri May 18 17:41:00 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): link archives only, skip script only
+ extension libraries.
+Fri May 18 17:25:33 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * cont.c: bump up fiber machine stack size when running on 64bit
+ arch. [Bug #6344] [ruby-dev:45554]
+Fri May 18 15:20:56 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb ( duplicate args before adding
+ new items. (don't change arguments)
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb ( use URI::Generic::COMPONENT
+ if this method is called from URI::Generic.
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (URI::Generic.build2): escape only if the item is
+ a String.
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (URI::Generic.build2): use DEFAULT_PARSER because
+ it doesn't have parser method. [Bug #6420]
+Fri May 18 15:54:07 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * ext/zlib/extconf.rb: Use an exception instead of bare puts.
+Fri May 18 15:53:05 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * ext/psych/extconf.rb: Use an exception instead of bare abort.
+Fri May 18 15:51:32 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * ext/fiddle/extconf.rb: Use an exception instead of bare abort.
+Fri May 18 15:49:35 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * ext/readline/extconf.rb: Use an exception instead of bare exit.
+Fri May 18 15:38:11 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * ext/ripper/extconf.rb: Use an exception instead of bare
+ Logging.message.
+Fri May 18 15:23:06 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: Clarify a message when hit Apple
+ OpenSSL issue.
+Fri May 18 15:14:32 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb: Show a message when extconf.rb raised an exception.
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: Use exception raising instead of message
+ and/or abort. We want to display error message to console _and_
+ logging into mkmf.log.
+Fri May 18 06:14:07 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/syslog/lib/syslog/logger.rb: Added Syslog::Logger which was
+ ported from the SyslogLogger gem. [ruby-trunk - Feature #5096]
+ * NEWS: ditto.
+ * test/syslog/test_syslog_logger.rb: ditto.
+Fri May 18 01:28:21 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/parser.c (transcode_string): fix encoding index names.
+ Thanks markizko for reporting.
+Thu May 17 23:03:58 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * fix function name to be checked, to initialize
+ rb_thread_cond_t properly.
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_cond_initialize, native_cond_destroy):
+ fix macro name.
+Thu May 17 12:53:07 2012 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * thread.c, thread_pthread.c: Moved pthread-specific preprocessor
+ hacks to thread_pthread.c
+Thu May 17 12:18:47 2012 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * io.c: Fix a mistake on merging the patch in the previous commit.
+Thu May 17 11:33:07 2012 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ Imports Ruby's port to NativeClient (a.k.a NaCl).
+ Patch by Google Inc. [ruby-core:45073].
+ * (RUBY_NACL): New M4 func to configure variables for
+ NaCl.
+ (RUBY_NACL_CHECK_PEPPER_TYPES): New M4 func to check the old names
+ of Pepper interface types.
+ (BTESTRUBY): New variable to specify which ruby should be run on
+ "make btest". NaCl can run the built binary by sel_ldr, but it need
+ rbconfig.rb. So this variable is distinguished from $MINIRUBY.
+ * thread_pthread.c: Disabled some features on NaCl.
+ * io.c: ditto.
+ * process.c: ditto.
+ * signal.c: ditto.
+ * file.c: ditto.
+ * missing/flock.c: ditto.
+ * nacl/pepper_main.c: An example implementation of Pepper application
+ that embeds Ruby.
+ * nacl/example.html: An example of web page that uses the Pepper
+ application.
+ * nacl/nacl-config.rb: Detects variants of NaCl SDK.
+ * nacl/ Makefile template for NaCl specific build
+ process.
+ * nacl/package.rb: script for packaging a NaCl-Ruby embedding
+ application.
+ * nacl/reate_nmf.rb: Wrapper script of
+ * dln.c (dln_load): Added a hack to call on NaCl.
+ * util.c (ruby_getcwd): Path to the current directory is not available
+ on NaCl.
+Thu May 17 10:54:58 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/tk/extconf.rb: add -l options to $libs not $LDFLAGS,
+ to be passed to EXTLIBS in
+ * enc/encinit.c.erb: use %-lines to adjust indent in the generated file.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (MakeMakefile#have_framework): combine -framework option
+ and its argument with an equal sign not to be separated in merge_libs.
+ * ext/tk/extconf.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/extmk.rb: EXTLDFLAGS also needs to be passed.
+Wed May 16 15:44:22 2012 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * Fix an unbalanced quote.
+Wed May 16 15:43:10 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb ( use double quotes instead of single quotes
+ for commandline because it's not recognized as quotes on Windows.
+Wed May 16 15:15:55 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (LD): enclose with single quotes but not double quotes
+ not to expand command substitution.
+Wed May 16 14:19:51 2012 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ Supports static linking of extensions and encodings again.
+ Fixes --with-static-linked-ext.
+ Patch by Google Inc. [ruby-core:45073].
+ * (ENCOBJS, EXTOBJS): New variables to specify static
+ linked libraries. Also reintroduces extinit.o, introduces encinit.o
+ introduces encinit.o
+ * Builds static libraries rather than shared objects if
+ specified.
+ * (LD): new substitution.
+ * enc/depend: Supports static linked libraries
+ (libencs, libenc, libtrans): New target.
+ * enc/encinit.c.erb: new template to generate the initialization of
+ statically linked encodings.
+ * enc/make_encmake.rb (--module): new flag to specify whether static
+ or dynamic.
+ * transcode_data.h (TRANS_INIT): New macro to get rid of the name
+ collision of encoding initializers and transcoder initializers.
+ * ext/extmk.rb: Fixes the behavior on $extstatic is true.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (clean-static): new target to clean up static linked
+ libraries.
+ * ruby.c (process_options): New initializes statically linked
+ encodings here.
+Wed May 16 14:30:43 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c: fixed a merge mistake of r33878, reported by nobu via IRC.
+Wed May 16 06:59:41 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_strftime.c: should also be aware of flags on
+ complex specifier.
+Wed May 16 05:11:29 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb: fix a bug with string
+ subclass dumping and loading.
+ * test/psych/test_array.rb: pertinent tests
+ * test/psych/test_string.rb: ditto
+Wed May 16 01:31:21 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb: convert omap tagged maps to
+ Psych::Omap objects rather than hashes. [Bug #6425]
+ * test/psych/test_omap.rb: pertinent test.
+Wed May 16 01:15:45 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: keep a reference to
+ custom coders so that GC does not impact dumped yaml reference ids.
+Tue May 15 23:59:48 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Options#setup_options): add --color option.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Runner#_prepare_run): defer color code
+ initialization to regard --color option.
+Mon May 14 16:28:36 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (f_arglist): should reset lexical states after empty
+ argument list with no parenthesis as well as parenthesized list,
+ so that reserved name method definition work. [ruby-dev:45626]
+ [Bug #6403]
+Mon May 14 00:14:24 2012 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * enumerator.c (lazy_take_func, lazy_take): multiple calls of
+ force/to_a method to Enumerator::Lazy#take should return same
+ results. [ruby-dev:45634] [Bug #6428]
+ * test/ruby/test_lazy_enumerator.rb (test_take_recycle): add test for
+ above.
+Sun May 13 23:38:31 2012 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (test_flush_in_finalizer1): don't use IO.for_fd
+ to close IO objects. it create IO object with already closed fd, and
+ cause occasional Errno::EBADF in following tests. [ruby-core:45020]
+ [Bug #6228]
+Sun May 13 23:32:16 2012 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (TestIO): revert r35631. it broke the intent of
+ test_flush_in_finalizer1. [ruby-core:43951] [Bug #6228]
+Sun May 13 22:46:36 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (passwd_ensure): move endpwent() call from
+ passwd_iterate to close /etc/passwd on exception.
+ (group_ensure): move endgrent() call from group_iterate to close
+ /etc/group on exception.
+Sun May 13 18:10:43 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_strftime.c: removed unused code and changed the style.
+Sun May 13 17:37:56 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_strftime.c: refactored.
+Sun May 13 06:40:12 2012 Luis Lavena <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (class TestIO): Disable GC during IO tests to
+ avoid file descriptors being GC'ed. Suggestion by Tomoyuki Chikanaga
+ [ruby-core:43951][Bug #6228]
+Sat May 12 07:00:16 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/sdbm/init.c: Added documentation. Patch by Justin Collins,
+ cleanup by Zachary Scott. [ruby-trunk - #6410]
+Sat May 12 06:02:03 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (cp_r): Fixed cp_r example. Patch by TJ Koblentz
+ from pull request #114. [ruby-trunk - Bug #6411]
+Sat May 12 05:23:06 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * thread.c (rb_threadptr_execute_interrupts_common):
+ test_signal_requiring of test/ruby/test_signal.rb fail if the sub
+ process is killed on waiting IO in lex_io_gets in rb_load_file in
+ rb_load_internal in require.
+ This is because
+ (1) the process receive the killing signal in
+ rb_thread_io_blocking_region in rb_read_internal in lex_io_gets.
+ (2) set th->errinfo as INT2FIX(TAG_FATAL) at
+ rb_threadptr_execute_interrupts_common.
+ (3) escape rb_load_file in rb_load_internal and jump to EXEC_TAG()
+ without set loaded as TRUE.
+ (4) call first rb_exc_raise(GET_THREAD()->errinfo); because loaded
+ is FALSE as above. this errinfo should be an exception object
+ but this is INT2FIX(TAG_FATAL).
+ Don't call first rb_exc_raise if GET_THREAD()->errinfo is Fixnum.
+Fri May 11 14:23:11 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (primary): begin/end block should be isolated from outside.
+ [ruby-dev:45631][Bug #6419]
+Fri May 11 14:09:47 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (PUSH): to prevent VALUE from GC,
+ must not cast it to unsigned long, which may be shorter than
+ VALUE, and the result can be mere garbage.
+Fri May 11 09:51:07 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Runner#failed): no unnecessary
+ newlines if no reports to be displayed.
+Thu May 10 10:55:35 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/minitest/test_minitest_mock.rb: Correct requiring path to
+ metametameta.rb.
+ * test/minitest/test_minitest_unit.rb: Correct requiring path to
+ metametameta.rb.
+Thu May 10 10:18:10 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (lex_state_name): returns name for lex_state_e, for debug
+ use.
+Wed May 9 16:36:01 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (MakeMakefile#pkg_config): check if libs resulted from
+ pkg-config works actually.
+Wed May 9 16:01:38 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (decode_utf7, encode_utf7): refactored by
+ Nobuyoshi Nakada, to use String#encode.
+Wed May 9 13:26:25 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_remote_fetcher.rb: skip OpenSSL dependent
+ tests if not available.
+Wed May 9 08:09:38 2012 Ryan Davis <>
+ * lib/minitest/*: Imported minitest 3.0.0 (r7435)
+ * test/minitest/*: ditto
+ * test/rubygems/*: Imported fixes for buggy use of assert_match
+ and deprecated assert_block
+Wed May 9 06:28:59 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_equal): Removed incorrect example for Regexp#== with
+ "n" option. [ruby-talk - Bug #6415]
+Wed May 9 06:23:33 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: reverted.
+Wed May 9 04:31:26 2012 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/rinda/ring.rb (lookup_ring_any): fix Rinda::RingFinger.primary
+ hungs forever. [ruby-talk:395364]
+Tue May 8 21:09:00 2012 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h (FD_SET): change function to macro.
+ To avoid buffer overflow when smaller FD_SETSIZE is used in ext
+ libraries.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_fdset): this function is not used anymore.
+ But we leave this for compatibility.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_select_with_thread): fix SEGV when smaller
+ FD_SETSIZE is used in ext libraries. Dereference of fd_set pointer
+ causes SEGV.
+ * test/-ext-/win32/test_fd_setsize.rb(TestFdSetSize): add tests for
+ above.
+ * ext/-test-/win32/fd_setsize/depend: ditto.
+ * ext/-test-/win32/fd_setsize/extconf.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/-test-/win32/fd_setsize/fd_setsize.c: ditto.
+ [ruby-core:44588] [Bug #6352]
+Tue May 8 20:44:46 2012 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * io.c (io_unread): fix IO#pos with mode 'r' bug on Windows.
+ If the end of reading buffer is CR, io_unread() needs to unread one
+ more byte.
+ [ruby-core:44874] [Bug #6401]
+ * test/ruby/test_io_m17n.rb (TestIO_M17N#test_pos_with_buffer_end_cr):
+ add a test for above.
+Tue May 8 13:38:17 2012 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: improving introduction in Date/DateTime
+ documentation. patched by Daniel Kaufman via Github.
+Tue May 8 13:36:02 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (POSTLINK): default to : command to get rid of flag
+ only command, since BSD make does not work with it.
+Tue May 8 13:35:10 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (MiniTest#run_test): remove exact trace and get rid
+ of IndexError, which could caused by modified $@ sometimes.
+Tue May 8 11:21:27 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/minitest/metametameta.rb (MetaMetaMetaTestCase#assert_report):
+ support drive letter on Windows. yes, the original code is metameta.
+Tue May 8 08:54:48 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/abbrev.rb: Fixed typo in abbrev pattern documentation. Based on
+ patch by Mark Rushakoff. [ruby-trunk - #6346]
+Tue May 8 07:44:18 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_start_ssl): remove useless rb_sys_fail
+ before ossl_raise. this cause a test failure on Linux.
+Tue May 8 05:35:18 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * object.c (Init_Object): Added reference to variable.c where
+ public_constant and private_constant documentation lives. [#6381]
+Tue May 8 04:47:44 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Runner#output): prefer local output to
+ get rid of unexpected side effect in test/minitest/metametameta.rb.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (MiniTest#run_test): show the running test in $0.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::StatusLineOutput): new class to output
+ in status line.
+ * test/testunit/test_hideskip.rb (TestHideSkip#test_hideskip):
+ MiniTest#puke now reports Skipped messages only if verbose mode.
+ * test/testunit/test_sorting.rb (TestTestUnitSorting#test_sorting):
+ ditto.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Runner#puke): modify only result and
+ drop useless reports, not override entirely.
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb (exec_test, show_progress): show rotators
+ and pass/fail counts.
+ * sample/test.rb (PROGRESS): refine output.
+Tue May 8 02:34:26 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/minitest/unit.rb (assert_match): refix of r35563.
+ r35563 breaks the intention of the original change.
+ * lib/minitest/unit.rb (refute_match): ditto.
+Mon May 7 21:19:17 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/json: Merge JSON 1.7.1.
+Mon May 7 22:54:22 2012 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c: add support for option flags
+ OpenSSL::SSL::OP_NO_TLSv1_1
+ OpenSSL::SSL::OP_NO_TLSv1_2
+ to allow blocking specific TLS versions. Thanks to Justin Guyett for
+ pointing this out to me.
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb: add tests to assert correct behavior when
+ blocking certain versions of TLS/SSL both on server and client side.
+ Also refactored tests to reduce boilerplate code a little.
+ * test/openssl/utils.rb: rescue Errno::ECONNRESET for tests where
+ client rejects the connection because a forbidden protocol version
+ was used.
+Mon May 7 20:14:15 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/securerandom.rb (random_bytes): call to_int method for the
+ argument at first.
+Mon May 7 17:54:12 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/minitest/unit.rb (assert_match): replace matcher only if both
+ matcher and obj are String. fix r35541. [Bug #6405]
+ patched by ayumin.
+ * lib/minitest/unit.rb (refute_match): ditto.
+Mon May 7 13:41:00 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (PROGRAM), (POSTLINK): sign built program
+ using RUBY_CODESIGN identity.
+Mon May 7 13:03:55 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (body_type_attachment): parse body type
+ "ATTACHMENT". [ruby-core:44849] [Bug #6397]
+Mon May 7 10:49:36 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (Init_bigdecimal): define IDs before
+ they are used. [ruby-core:44900] [Bug #6406]
+Mon May 7 10:27:56 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/digest/rmd160/rmd160.c (RMD160_Update): fix for huge data.
+Mon May 7 10:23:04 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/fileutils/fileasserts.rb: use assert_equal, assert_match, and so on.
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_utf16.rb, test/ruby/enc/test_utf32.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_io_m17n.rb (assert_str_equal): ditto.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_remote_fetcher.rb
+ (assert_data_from_{server,proxy}): ditto.
+ * test/test_pstore.rb (test_thread_safe): ditto.
+Mon May 7 10:16:30 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_installer.rb (TestGemInstaller#test_dir): fix
+ argument order. expected value must come first.
+Mon May 7 09:14:11 2012 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c: support TLSv1.1 & TLSv1.2. Add
+ SSLContext#version to inspect the version that was negotiated for
+ a given connection.
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: detect TLS 1.1 & 1.2 support.
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb: add tests for TLS 1.1 & 1.2 given they
+ are supported by the native OpenSSL being used.
+Sun May 6 21:34:29 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (io_encoding_set): suppress warnings. [ruby-dev:45627]
+ this tmp1 is not required after r35538.
+ * addr2line.c: suppress warnings.
+Sun May 6 18:39:39 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): remove unused variable `size'.
+Sun May 6 14:50:03 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/securerandom.rb: show actual read length in an error message.
+Sat May 5 06:43:10 2012 Ryan Davis <>
+ * lib/minitest/*: Imported minitest 2.12.1 (r7323)
+ * test/minitest/*: ditto
+Sat May 5 01:47:33 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/zlib/test_zlib.rb (test_inflate): add a test for Zlib.inflate.
+ patched by headius (Charles Nutter). [ruby-core:44859] [Bug #6398]
+ * test/zlib/test_zlib.rb (test_deflate): add a test for Zlib.deflate.
+Sat May 5 00:53:55 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (parse_mode_enc): remove warnings 'Ignoring internal encoding'.
+ [ruby-core:44455] [Bug #6324]
+ * io.c (io_encoding_set): ditto.
+Fri May 4 07:19:02 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parser.rb (RDoc.binary?): fix wrong regexp.
+ [ruby-core:44798] [Bug #6393]
+Fri May 4 01:33:20 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rdoc/parser.rb (RDoc.alias_extension): a real file is irrelevant
+ to aliasing. [ruby-core:44796][Bug #6392]
+ * lib/rdoc/parser.rb ( non-existent file will not be a zip
+ file.
+ * lib/rdoc/parser.rb (RDoc.can_parse_by_name): accept aliased
+ extension file names.
+ * lib/rdoc/parser.rb (RDoc.binary?): binary read data may have
+ incomplete multibyte sequence. [ruby-core:44798][Bug #6393]
+Wed May 2 23:55:51 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::RequireFiles#non_options): expand
+ real path to get rid of loading same files via symlinks.
+Wed May 2 23:26:04 2012 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * cont.c (rb_fiber_m_transfer): improve sample code in Fiber#transfer
+ documentation. emphasize the difference between transfer and resume.
+Wed May 2 23:21:20 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): allow spaces between lambda arrow and
+ parenthesis. [ruby-dev:45605][Feature #6390]
+Wed May 2 19:06:30 2012 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * cont.c (rb_fiber_m_transfer): Improved Fiber documentation.
+ patched by Anuj Dutta. [ruby-core:44540][Bug #6343]
+Wed May 2 13:06:37 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * README, README.ja: reformatted using rdoc markup. based on the
+ patches by zzak (Zachary Scott) in [Feature #6388].
+ * README, README.ja: updated the author's mail address.
+Wed May 2 09:46:09 2012 Kouji Takao <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (Readline.special_prefixes=)
+ (Readline.special_prefixes): new function. An original patch was
+ created by nagachika. [Feature #5784]
+Tue May 1 22:18:45 2012 Kouji Takao <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (Readline.pre_input_hook)
+ (Readline.insert_text, Readline.redisplay): new function. An
+ original patch was created by nagachika. [Feature #5785]
+Tue May 1 15:46:48 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * "$(Q)-..." doesn't work on nmake.
+Tue May 1 15:32:10 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * replace '@' prefix to '$(Q)' to control build
+ process outputs.
+Tue May 1 14:17:59 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/openssl/deprecation.rb (OpenSSL.check_func): check if header is
+ available for macro compatibility.
+Tue May 1 10:53:54 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: ignore traces from another threads
+ because Kernel.set_trace_func affects other threads.
+Tue May 1 06:04:14 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/digest/sha2/sha2.c (REVERSE32): explicitly cast since unsigned
+ long may be larger than sha2_word32.
+ * ext/digest/sha2/sha2.c (SHA{256,512,384}_{Final,End}): should clear
+ whole content, not pointer size.
+ * ext/digest/*/extconf.rb: use pkg_config to use same library with
+ openssl. [ruby-core:44755][Bug #6379]
+ * ext/openssl/deprecation.rb: extract check for broken Apple OpenSSL.
+Tue May 1 05:02:30 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (optflags): disable unsafe optimizations.
+ [ruby-core:44679][Bug #6370]
+Mon Apr 30 23:36:49 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (copy_metadata): use File.lchown and File.lchmod to
+ update meta data of symlinks.
+Mon Apr 30 23:05:53 2012 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_continuation.rb (tracing_with_set_trace_func): don't
+ call Continuation from other threads. [ruby-dev:45596] [Bug #6382]
+Mon Apr 30 20:10:04 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/zlib/extconf.rb: detect z_crc_t type which will be defined
+ since zlib-1.2.7.
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (rb_zlib_crc_table): use z_crc_t if available.
+Mon Apr 30 09:02:15 2012 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.rb: add hostname to "hostname does not
+ match server cert." error. patched by Wes Morgan via Github.
+Mon Apr 30 04:43:53 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/json/yaml_events.rb: implicit styles should not
+ be changeable for JSON events.
+Sun Apr 29 06:12:02 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (assoc, parser_yylex): add syntax to splat keyword hash.
+ [ruby-core:44591][Feature #6353]
+ * compile.c (compile_array_): generate keyword splat insns.
+ * vm.c (m_core_hash_merge_kwd): merge keyword hash into intermediate
+ hash. leftward argument is prior currently.
+Fri Apr 27 12:34:23 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/dl/cfunc.c (rb_dlcfunc_call): should convert a Bignum value to
+ unsigned long long on Win64.
+ [ruby-core:44636][Bug #6364] reported by (ray linn)
+Fri Apr 27 10:58:17 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/readline/test_readline.rb (setup): avoid affected by user's
+ inputrc file. [ruby-dev:45584][Bug #6357]
+Fri Apr 27 01:45:05 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * thread.c (rb_threadptr_execute_interrupts_common):
+ handle timer_interrupt only on the first loop for the case to avoid
+ the infinite loop like following case:
+ * there is 2 Ruby threads (3 pthreads)
+ (1) main thread is waiting at gvl_yield:112 (native_cond_wait)
+ (2) sub thread works
+ (3) sub thread waits at gvl_yield:133 (native_mutex_unlock)
+ (4) main thread works
+ (5) main thread goes to gvl_acquire_common
+ (6) main thread call rb_wakeup_timer_thread
+ (7) timer thread set timer interrupt to the main thread
+ (8) main thread works
+ (9) main thread waits at gvl_acquire_common:64 (native_cond_wait)
+ (10) sub tread works
+ (11) set sub thread as the current thread
+ (12) run Ruby thread
+ (13) ...100ms
+ (14) sub thread goes to rb_threadptr_execute_interrupts_common
+ (15) sub thread call rb_thread_schedule_limits
+ (16) sub thread call gvl_release_common
+ (17) sub threads waits at gvl_yield:121 (native_cond_wait)
+ (18) main threads works
+ (19) main thread back to gvl_yield
+ (20) set main thread as the current thread
+ (21) main thread call gvl_yield
+ (22) main thread waits at gvl_yield:112 (native_cond_wait)
+ As described above, the main thread can't escape from
+ rb_threadptr_execute_interrupts_common.
+ See extended memo:
+Fri Apr 27 07:15:07 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_pack_sockaddr_un): support the longest
+ path in sockaddr_un, really.
+ reported by nagachika.
+Thu Apr 26 12:28:06 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (init_unix_addrinfo): support the longest
+ path in sockaddr_un.
+ (inspect_sockaddr): ditto.
+ (addrinfo_mdump): ditto.
+ (addrinfo_mload): ditto.
+ (rsock_unixpath_str): new function.
+ (rsock_unixpath): removed.
+ (rsock_unixaddr): use rsock_unixpath_str.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_pack_sockaddr_un): support the longest
+ path in sockaddr_un.
+ (sock_s_unpack_sockaddr_un): ditto.
+ (sock_s_gethostbyaddr): unused variable removed.
+ * ext/socket/unixsocket.c (rsock_init_unixsock): support the longest
+ path in sockaddr_un.
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h (rsock_unixpath_str): declared.
+ (rsock_unixpath): removed.
+ * test/socket/test_unix.rb: comment out test_nul because abstract unix
+ sockets may contain NULs.
+Thu Apr 26 01:32:33 2012 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * test/optparse/test_summary.rb (test_summary_containing_space): add
+ test for r35467. OptionParser#to_a shouldn't split banner by spaces.
+Wed Apr 25 23:02:46 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (init_unix_addrinfo): refine error message
+ format.
+ (addrinfo_mload): show more information on "too long AF_UNIX path"
+ error.
+ (addrinfo_unix_path): ditto for "too short AF_UNIX address" and
+ "too long AF_UNIX address" error.
+Wed Apr 25 05:46:12 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser#to_a): split for each lines.
+ [ruby-dev:45568][Bug #6348]
+Tue Apr 24 21:57:53 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (init_unix_addrinfo): show actual path length
+ when it is too long for Unix socket.
+ * ext/socket/unixsocket.c (rsock_init_unixsock): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_pack_sockaddr_un): ditto.
+Tue Apr 24 21:43:58 2012 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb (check_continue): raise an error with an explanatory
+ message. [ruby-core:35854] [Feature #4598]
+Tue Apr 24 21:11:31 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser#to_a): should split by end-of-line,
+ [ruby-dev:45568][Bug #6348]
+Tue Apr 24 19:59:31 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * enc/euc_jp.c: added EUC-JP-2004 and its alias EUC-JISX0213.
+ [ruby-dev:45571] [Feature #6349]
+ Requested by Kyouhei Yanagita <>.
+ * enc/trans/japanese_euc.trans: ditto.
+ * enc/trans/JIS/JISX0213-[12]%UCS@{BMP,SIP}.src: JIS X 0213:2004 ->
+ Unicode mapping table from NetBSD.
+ * enc/trans/JIS/UCS@{BMP,SIP}%JISX0213-[12].src: Unicode -> JIS X
+ 0213:2004 mapping table from NetBSD.
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: added SIP support.
+ * test/ruby/test_transcode.rb: tests of above changes.
+Tue Apr 24 18:12:13 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c: fix to output warning when the same literals
+ are available as a condition of same case clause.
+ And remove information ('#n') because we can find duplicated
+ condition with explicit line numbers.
+ [ruby-core:38343] [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5068]
+ * test/ruby/test_syntax.rb: add a test for above.
+Tue Apr 24 17:03:51 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (waitpid): need to check the return value of
+ FindChildSlotByHandle() before passing poll_child_status().
+ this fixed a SEGV in test-all. reported by ko1 via IRC.
+Tue Apr 24 16:04:39 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): EXPR_BEG by keywords is a start point of
+ commands. [ruby-dev:45563][Bug #6347]
+ * parse.y (superclass): ditto for superclass.
+ * parse.y (parser_parse_string, parser_here_document): ditto for
+ string interpolation.
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): ditto for singleton class.
+Tue Apr 24 15:51:41 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser#to_a): should split by end-of-line
+ [ruby-dev:45568][Bug #6348]
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser#to_a): String#to_a is no longer
+ defined. [ruby-dev:45568][Bug #6348]
+Tue Apr 24 12:46:50 2012 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * hash.c, object.c, struct.c, lib/ostruct.rb: add to_h methods.
+ [Feature #6276]
+Tue Apr 24 10:54:34 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/drb/drbtest.rb ({DRbCore,DRbAry}#teardown): cannot pass SIGTERM
+ to another process on Windows, so use SIGINT instead.
+Tue Apr 24 00:25:39 2012 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * thread.c (rb_check_deadlock): refine an error message of deadlock
+ detection. [ruby-core:44336] [Bug #6288]
+Tue Apr 24 00:14:42 2012 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * parse.y (primary): remove wrong "fixpos" that caused incorrect
+ source_location of blocks. [ruby-core:42232] [Bug #5930]
+ * test/ruby/test_proc.rb: add a test for above.
+Mon Apr 23 22:56:08 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/iconv: deprecated. [Feature #6322]
+Mon Apr 23 22:07:00 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/socket/test_unix.rb (bound_unix_socket): make temporary
+ filename shorter for less possibility of Unix socket path over
+ 107 bytes when TMPDIR has long path.
+Mon Apr 23 20:35:49 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (szInternalCmds, internal_match, internal_cmd_match):
+ get rid of a segmentation fault with GCC 4.7.0.
+ reported by (ray linn) at [ruby-core:44505]
+ [Bug #6333], and patched by mame.
+ * test/ruby/test_system.rb (TestSystem#test_system): test for it.
+Mon Apr 23 20:11:02 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/drb/ssl.rb: generate 1024 bits RSA key instead of 512 bits.
+ OpenSSL 1.0.1 rejects 512 bits RSA key for TLS1.2 with SHA512.
+ reported by Bohuslav Kabrda.
+ [ruby-core:43844] [ruby-trunk - Bug #6221]
+Mon Apr 23 19:54:33 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/drb/drbtest.rb: rescue Errno::ESRCH for Process.kill.
+ reported by NARUSE, Yui. [ruby-dev:45551]
+Mon Apr 23 14:16:45 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * .gdbinit (rb_ps_vm): follow st_table's packing change.
+Mon Apr 23 10:43:30 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * disable rubygems not to load rbconfig.rb before
+ fake.rb. [ruby-core:44492][Bug #6329]
+Sun Apr 22 20:26:06 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/drb/extservm.rb (DRb::ExtServManager): don't use /bin/sh to
+ invoke service subprocess. mark detach threads for clean up.
+ * test/drb/drbtest.rb: clean up the service subprocess in teardown.
+ * test/drb/test_drb.rb: set @service_name for teardown.
+ * test/drb/test_drbunix.rb: ditto.
+ * test/drb/test_drbssl.rb: ditto.
+ [ruby-dev:45547]
+Sun Apr 22 07:51:29 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/drb/ssl.rb: close accepted TCP socket if SSL accept is failed.
+ [ruby-dev:45541]
+Sat Apr 21 14:36:49 2012 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * test/rinda/test_rinda.rb: fix sticks on some tests problem
+ [Bug #6272]
+Fri Apr 20 12:24:04 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/ssl_certs/AddTrustExternalCARoot.pem: Removed to avoid
+ conflict with ca-bundle.pem
+ * lib/rubygems/ssl_certs/VerisignClass3PublicPrimaryCertificationAuthority-G2.pem:
+ ditto.
+ * lib/rubygems/ssl_certs/Entrust_net-Secure-Server-Certification-Authority.pem:
+ ditto.
+Fri Apr 20 08:07:06 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems 1.8.23 which contains security
+ fixes:
+ RubyGems now disallows redirection from HTTPS to HTTP.
+ RubyGems now verifies SSL connections.
+ See for
+ changes since 1.8.22.
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Thu Apr 19 16:33:53 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * strftime.c (rb_strftime_with_timespec): fix carry-up bug and
+ overwrite '+' with '-' if negative offset less than a hour.
+ [ruby-core:44447][Bug #6323]
+Thu Apr 19 09:39:57 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/-test-/win32/dln/extconf.rb: need import library for ordinal
+ entry even on mingw. [ruby-core:44441][Bug #6320]
+Thu Apr 19 09:35:15 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * random.c (random_init): Clarify that the default seed is
+ Random.new_seed, not zero. Based on patch by Roger Pack.
+ [ruby-trunk - Bug #6313]
+ * random.c (rb_f_srand): ditto.
+Thu Apr 19 08:59:02 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (window_nodelay): Fixed call-seq of nodelay to
+ include the '='.
+ Improved description window.nodelay=.
+Thu Apr 19 08:47:54 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * io.c (io_readpartial): Document the output buffer parameter is
+ overwritten with the read contents even when non-empty.
+ Patch by yu nobuoka. [ruby-trunk - Bug #6285]
+ * io.c (io_read_nonblock): ditto.
+ * io.c (io_read): ditto.
+ * io.c (rb_io_sysread): ditto.
+ * io.c (argf_read): ditto.
+ * io.c (argf_readpartial): ditto.
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_read): ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_argf.rb (class TestArgf): Add test for existing
+ behavior of read outbuf.
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (class TestIO): ditto.
+ * test/stringio/test_stringio.rb (class TestStringIO): ditto.
+Wed Apr 18 22:58:55 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (DOT, DOXYGEN): use AC_CHECK_PROGS instead of
+ AC_CHECK_PROG which needs the third argument. [ruby-core:44433]
+ [Bug #6316]
+ * (PKG_CONFIG): fix condition to skip older version
+ of pkg-config. continue in backticks does not affect outside.
+Wed Apr 18 13:59:40 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/file.c (INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES): define for old SDK.
+Wed Apr 18 10:22:54 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * strftime.c (rb_strftime_with_timespec): add an interim digit for
+ the timezone offset which is less than an hour.
+Wed Apr 18 09:58:29 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/version.rb: Fixed init_with warning by calling into
+ yaml_initialize (for syck) from psych's init_with
+Wed Apr 18 09:03:43 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems 1.8.22 plus r33517 and r35337 which
+ were ported to the rubygems git repository.
+ See for
+ changes since 1.8.11.
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Tue Apr 17 22:18:48 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * strftime.c (rb_strftime_with_timespec): fix padding of time zone
+ offset. [ruby-dev:43287][Bug #4458]
+Tue Apr 17 13:11:14 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dln.c (rb_w32_check_imported): skip ordinal entries. based on a
+ patch by phasis68 (Heesob Park) at [ruby-core:44381].
+ [ruby-core:44371][Bug #6303]
+Mon Apr 16 18:22:14 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * spec/default.mspec: expand relative path for ruby_exe which uses
+ them with Dir.chdir; it breaks relative paths, for example
+ core/kernel/exec_spec.rb.
+Mon Apr 16 16:22:40 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (gmtime_r, localtime_r): POSIX compliant reentrant
+ versions.
+ * (RUBY_MSVCRT_VERSION): define on mingw too.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.h): prefix RT_VER with RUBY and make
+ more descriptive to get rid of potential conflict.
+Mon Apr 16 15:19:39 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (NO_RUBY_VENDOR_LIB): fix missing comma.
+Mon Apr 16 12:17:12 2012 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb (hermitian?): Bug fix, patch by George Koehler
+ [Bug #6290] [rubyspec:4b9573d7613]
+Mon Apr 16 09:42:50 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/rubygems/remote_fetcher.rb (Gem::RemoteFetcher#download): should
+ use File.identical? to check the identity of the files.
+ this fixed an error of a test on Windows.
+Sat Apr 14 12:55:03 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (UNREACHABLE): gcc 4.4 eliminates unreachable code
+ if -O3 is given.
+ * win32/win32.c (child_result): dropped colon.
+Sat Apr 14 10:45:18 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/webrick/server.rb (WEBrick::GenericServer#start):
+ partially revert r35315.
+ * test/webrick/test_server.rb (test_start_exception):
+ received signal is delivered to the main thread, so it is needed to
+ emulate it. patched by Eric Hodel. [ruby-core:44348] [Feature #6236]
+Sat Apr 14 09:35:45 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * variable.c (trace_ev): Removed "not reached" comment as this line is
+ reached.
+ * variable.c (rb_obj_remove_instance_variable): Replaced "not reached"
+ comment with the UNREACHABLE macro.
+ * variable.c (rb_mod_const_missing): ditto.
+ * variable.c (rb_mod_remove_cvar): ditto.
+ * enum.c (first_i): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_aref): ditto.
+ * string.c (str_byte_aref): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_to_id): ditto.
+ * io.c (rb_io_fmode_modestr): ditto.
+ * io.c (rb_io_oflags_modestr): ditto.
+ * pack.c (num2i32): ditto.
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_method_missing): ditto.
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_f_throw): ditto.
+ * dir.c (dir_read): ditto.
+ * win32/win32.c (child_result): ditto.
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_getmember): ditto.
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_set): ditto.
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_aref_id): ditto.
+ * eval.c (rb_f_raise): ditto.
+ * process.c (rb_f_exit_bang): ditto.
+ * process.c (rb_f_exit): ditto.
+ * process.c (rb_f_abort): ditto.
+ * ext/-test-/iter/break.c (iter_break_value): ditto.
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (pty_check): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey.c (ossl_pkey_new): ditto.
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (rb_remove_history): ditto.
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_unimpl): ditto.
+ * numeric.c (num_sadded): ditto.
+ * numeric.c (num_init_copy): ditto.
+ * numeric.c (rb_num2ll): ditto.
+ * numeric.c (rb_num2ull): ditto.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (call_cfunc): ditto.
+ * ruby.c (opt_W_getter): ditto.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_coerce): ditto.
+ * file.c (rb_f_test): ditto.
+Sat Apr 14 08:38:20 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_codepoint_len): Use UNREACHABLE to avoid "control
+ reaches end of non-void function" warnings. [ruby-trunk - Bug #6066]
+ * re.c (name_to_backref_number): ditto.
+ * object.c (rb_Float): ditto.
+ * io.c (io_readpartial): ditto.
+ * io.c (io_read_nonblock): ditto.
+ * pack.c (rb_uv_to_utf8): ditto.
+ * proc.c (rb_method_entry_arity): ditto.
+ * vm_method.c (rb_f_notimplement): ditto.
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_aset_id): ditto.
+ * class.c (rb_scan_args): ditto.
+ * process.c (rlimit_resource_type): ditto.
+ * process.c (rlimit_resource_value): ditto.
+ * process.c (p_uid_switch): ditto.
+ * process.c (p_gid_switch): ditto.
+ * ext/digest/digest.c (rb_digest_instance_update): ditto.
+ * ext/digest/digest.c (rb_digest_instance_finish): ditto.
+ * ext/digest/digest.c (rb_digest_instance_reset): ditto.
+ * ext/digest/digest.c (rb_digest_instance_block_length): ditto.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimalCmp): ditto.
+ * ext/dl/handle.c (rb_dlhandle_close): ditto.
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c (pending_exception_check0): ditto.
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c (pending_exception_check1): ditto.
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c (ip_cancel_eval_core): ditto.
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c (lib_get_reltype_name): ditto.
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c (create_dummy_encoding_for_tk_core): ditto.
+ * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c (tk_hash_kv): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_session_reused): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_ec.c (ossl_ec_key_dsa_verify_asn1): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_ec.c (ossl_ec_point_is_at_infinit): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_ec.c (ossl_ec_point_is_on_curve): ditto.
+ * ext/fiddle/conversions.c (generic_to_value): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (rsock_io_socket_addrinfo): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_getnameinfo): ditto.
+ * ext/ripper/eventids2.c (ripper_token2eventid): ditto.
+ * cont.c (return_fiber): ditto.
+ * dmydln.c (dln_load): ditto.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_search_normal_superclass): ditto.
+ * bignum.c (big_fdiv): ditto.
+ * marshal.c (r_symlink): ditto.
+ * marshal.c (r_symbol): ditto.
+Fri Apr 13 17:12:09 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * hash.c (inspect_i): keep string's coderange.
+Fri Apr 13 15:26:51 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_aset, rb_hash_update, rb_hash_update_by): use
+ st_update() to reduce evaluation of hash values.
+Fri Apr 13 15:17:36 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/webrick/server.rb (WEBrick::GenericServer#stop): fix r35303;
+ this method is to deny new connections, not shutdown yet.
+ * lib/webrick/server.rb (WEBrick::GenericServer#start):
+ re-raise exception only when the exception is Interrupt (^C).
+Thu Apr 12 19:51:45 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: added some notes.
+Wed Apr 11 17:16:49 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (compile_array, compile_array_):
+ Divide big array (or hash) literals into several blocks and
+ concatenate them. There was a problem that a big array (hash)
+ literal causes SystemStackError exception (stack overflow)
+ because VM push all contents of the literal onto VM stack to
+ make an array (or hash). To solve this issue, we make several
+ arrays (hashes) and concatenate them to make a big array (hash)
+ object. [ruby-dev:37701] [Bug #982]
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each, setup_args): use modified
+ compile_array.
+ * vm.c (m_core_hash_from_ary, m_core_hash_merge_ary,
+ m_core_hash_merge_ptr): added for above change.
+ * id.c (Init_id), parse.y: add core method ids.
+ * bootstraptest/test_literal.rb: add simple tests.
+ * bootstraptest/test_eval.rb: remove rescue clause to catch
+ SystemStackError exception.
+ * test/ruby/test_literal.rb: add tests to check no stack overflow.
+Thu Apr 12 07:10:37 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (module URI): URI now downcases the scheme to
+ follow RFC 2396 section 3.1. [ruby-trunk - Feature #4551]
+ * test/uri/test_generic.rb (class URI): Test for above
+Thu Apr 12 06:15:44 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb (module Net): Added ReadTimeout to match
+ OpenTimeout. ReadTimeout is now raised by rbuf_fill instead of
+ Timeout::Error to help users distinguish what type of timeout
+ occurred. [ruby-trunk - Feature #6088]
+ * lib/net/pop.rb (module Net): Updated documentation for ReadTimeout
+ and OpenTimeout.
+ * lib/net/http.rb (module Net): ditto
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb (module Net): ditto
+ * lib/net/telnet.rb (module Net): Net::ReadTimeout is now raised in
+ waitfor to match Net::Protocol.
+ * test/net/http/test_http.rb: Updated Timeout::Error expectation to
+ Net::ReadTimeout.
+ * test/net/ftp/test_ftp.rb: ditto
+Thu Apr 12 05:27:01 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/webrick/server.rb (module WEBrick::GenericServer): A server
+ will now continue only when a StandardError subclass is raised. For
+ other exception types the error will be logged at the fatal level and
+ the server will safely stop. Based on a patch by Alex Young.
+ [ruby-trunk - Feature #6236]
+ * test/webrick/test_server.rb: Test for new exception handling
+ behavior. Join the server thread instead of busy-waiting for it to
+ shut down to remove race conditions.
+Thu Apr 12 03:50:44 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit:Runner::Worker#_run_suites):
+ call GC.start before running the test suites.
+Wed Apr 11 22:31:19 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (rb_check_id_cstr): new function to check if ID is
+ registered with NUL-terminated C string.
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): avoid inadvertent symbol creation.
+Wed Apr 11 20:28:36 2012 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_eof): use eof() instead of io_fillbuf(). It's because
+ io_unread() doesn't work properly when reading CRLF with read(length)
+ and mode 'r'.
+ [ruby-core:44189][Bug #6271]
+ * test/ruby/test_io_m17n.rb (TestIO_M17N#test_read_crlf_and_eof):
+ test for above.
+Wed Apr 11 07:38:33 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/digest/sha2/lib/sha2.rb (Digest#block_length): Fixed method name
+ in documentation examples. Patch by naleski via
+Wed Apr 11 07:33:13 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): Warn when an invalid character is found in the
+ format string when $VERBOSE is true. [ruby-trunk - Feature #5219]
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): ditto
+ * test/ruby/test_pack.rb (class TestPack): Test for warnings on
+ invalid format characters.
+Wed Apr 11 06:11:10 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_tr): Documented use of \ to escape characters.
+ [ruby-trunk - Bug #6161]
+ * string.c (rb_str_count): ditto
+Wed Apr 11 05:14:51 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/abbrev.rb: Clarified that Abbrev.abbrev returns a Hash instead
+ of an Array. Patch by Andrei Bocan. [ruby-trunk - Bug #6107]
+Wed Apr 11 03:02:24 2012 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper/sexp.rb: fix spelling. patched by
+ Jonathan Hinkle via
+Tue Apr 10 19:07:04 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (rb_enc_raise): new function to raise an exception with
+ the message in the given encoding. patched by now (Nikolai
+ Weibull) at [ruby-core:41160]. [Feature #5650]
+Tue Apr 10 18:19:32 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTP#send_request_with_body_stream):
+ use IO.copy_stream for requests using body_stream.
+ patched by Eric Wong. [ruby-core:40898] [Feature #5605]
+Tue Apr 10 16:53:21 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c: add prototype declarations for older Mac OS X.
+ [ruby-core:43376][Bug #6170]
+Tue Apr 10 15:35:21 2012 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_set_sequence): show a hint if there are duplicated
+ "when" clauses. [ruby-core:41502] [ruby-trunk - Feature #5716]
+Tue Apr 10 09:57:00 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_split_m): Documented behavior of split on the empty
+ string. [ruby-trunk - Feature #3575]
+Tue Apr 10 09:48:31 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (rb_deflate_s_deflate): Fixed ruby example replacing
+ NO_FLUSH with FINISH. [ruby-trunk - Bug #6273]
+Mon Apr 9 23:10:26 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (isUNCRoot, winnt_stat): support long UNC.
+ [ruby-core:30623][Feature #3399]
+Mon Apr 9 15:16:01 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (string_content, parser_yylex): count brace nesting to
+ dispatch embexpr_end. [ruby-core:43775][Bug #6211]
+Mon Apr 9 13:06:58 2012 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_set_default_proc): Accept nil, patch by Run Paint
+ [Feature #4234]
+ * test/ruby/test_hash.rb: test for above.
+Mon Apr 9 08:01:15 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_strftime.c: gets the value with range() consistently.
+ * ext/date/date_strftime.c (range): now just replaces the given item.
+Mon Apr 9 06:58:01 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c (nucomp_expt): [ruby-core:44170].
+Mon Apr 9 02:52:03 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * complex.c (nucomp_expt): the result of f_complex_new2 may be a fixnum
+ with mathn. [ruby-core:44170] [Bug #6267]
+Sun Apr 8 22:46:01 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/json/generator/generator.c (generate_json_bignum):
+ add RB_GC_GUARD.
+Sun Apr 8 07:26:40 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/webrick/utils.rb (WEBrick::Utils::TimeoutHandler): get keys
+ and fetch values from it to prevent @timeout_info's error
+ "can't add a new key into hash during iteration".
+Sun Apr 8 06:51:57 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (io_unread): cast as long the value for extra_max.
+ [ruby-core:44137] [Bug #6257]
+Sun Apr 8 06:46:48 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb (WEBrick::HTTPResponse#send_body_io):
+ use readpartial to get data even if the response is streaming data and
+ each data is smaller than @buffer_size.
+ patched by yu nobuoka. [ruby-dev:45471] [Bug #6230]
+Sat Apr 7 22:35:36 2012 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h (rb_w32_aspawn_flags): add the declaration of
+ new function.
+ * process.c (enum): add EXEC_OPTION_PGROUP and move the position
+ above for the usage in proc_spawn_n().
+ * process.c (proc_spawn_n): add an argument to pass new option
+ `new_pgroup`. The option specifies CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP flag to
+ CreateProcessW(). This flag is necessary for the usage of
+ Process.kill on the subprocess on Windows.
+ * process.c (rb_exec_arg_addopt): ditto.
+ * process.c (rb_spawn_process): ditto.
+ * process.c (documentation for rb_f_spawn): add documentation for new
+ option `new_pgroup` of spawn.
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (TestProcess#test_execopts_new_pgroup):
+ add tests for option `new_pgroup`.
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb
+ (TestThreadGroup#test_thread_timer_and_interrupt):
+ add option `new_pgroup: true` to spawn on Windows. It's needed for
+ Process.kill on a subprocess.
+ * win32/win32.c (CreateChild): add an argument to pass
+ dwCreationFlags of CreateProcessW().
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_spawn): ditto.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_aspawn_flags): add new function to pass
+ dwCreationFlags.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_aspawn): refactor to move the content to
+ rb_w32_aspawn_flags().
+ [ruby-core:43245][Bug #6131]
+Sat Apr 7 22:32:00 2012 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb
+ (TestThreadGroup#test_thread_timer_and_interrupt): skip on Windows.
+ Process.kill cannot kill a subprocess if CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP
+ flag is not specified in a call to CreateProcessW().
+ * win32/win32.c (CreateChild): revert the usage of
+ CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP flag for compatibility.
+ [ruby-core:43245][Bug #6131]
+Sat Apr 7 10:28:40 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych.rb: bumping up psych version to match release.
+ * ext/psych/psych.gemspec: ditto
+Sat Apr 7 02:07:00 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/parser.c: fall back to any encoding if the external
+ encoding is wrong. [ruby-core:44163]
+ * test/psych/test_encoding.rb: fix test
+Fri Apr 6 16:24:24 2012 Martin Duerst <>
+ * struct.c (documentation for rb_struct_members_m):
+ fix 'array of strings' to 'array of symbols'
+ [ruby-core:44152][Bug #6264]
+Fri Apr 6 14:27:04 2012 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * ($(LIBRUBY_A)): fix typo.
+Thu Apr 5 13:26:15 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * missing/alloca.c (xmalloc, xfree): use ruby version, not
+ depending on RUBY_LIB_PREFIX. [ruby-dev:45492][Bug #6255]
+Wed Apr 4 13:06:39 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/ftp/ftp.rb (Net::FTP#close): restore original read_timeout.
+Wed Apr 4 10:33:31 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/ftp/ftp.rb (Net::FTP#close): ignore exceptions from shutdown and
+ read on closing.
+Wed Apr 4 01:48:35 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/ftp/ftp.rb (Net::FTP#close): close socket more gracefully.
+ * lib/ftp/ftp.rb (Net::BufferedSocket#shutdown): added.
+ * test/net/ftp/test_ftp.rb (FTPTest#create_ftp_server): wait socket
+ with shutdown and read.
+Tue Apr 3 19:00:52 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/net/ftp/test_ftp.rb (FTPTest#create_ftp_server): should wait
+ a little before closing socket because if the client call
+ Net::FTP#getmultiline the socket is suddenly closed by the server in
+ the getline loop.
+Tue Apr 3 18:33:38 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (setreuid, setregid): suppress warnings.
+ [ruby-core:43374][Bug #6169]
+Tue Apr 3 10:18:27 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enumerator.c (inspect_enumerator): suppress uninitialized
+ instance variable warnings. [ruby-dev:45449][Bug #6214]
+ patched by no6v (Nobuhiro IMAI).
+Mon Apr 2 13:25:08 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse/ac.rb: autoconf-like options.
+Mon Apr 2 10:34:00 2012 eregon <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_start_with, rb_str_end_with): raise an error if
+ an argument is not convertible to a String.
+ [ruby-core:40623][Bug #5536]
+Mon Apr 2 03:35:25 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/webrick/server.rb (WEBrick::GenericServer): close socket only if
+ the socket is not closed yet.
+Sun Apr 1 23:03:18 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (Net::BufferedSocket): should delegate send() to @io
+ for Net::FTP#abort and Net::FTP#status.
+Sun Apr 1 00:41:56 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb: fixed the domain name in examples.
+Sat Mar 31 21:39:45 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/webrick/utils.rb (WEBrick::Utils::TimeoutHandler): dup to prevent
+ @timeout_info's "can't add a new key into hash during iteration".
+Sat Mar 31 14:22:59 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (hash_default_value): extract from rb_hash_aref(), to be
+ shared with rb_hash_shift(), so that overriding Hash#default
+ will be respected.
+Sat Mar 31 14:16:02 2012 Sokolov Yura (funny-falcon) <>
+ * hash.c: do not allocate st_table when it is not necessary.
+Sat Mar 31 13:42:39 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (read_timeout=, open_timeout=): supported timeout.
+Sat Mar 31 13:20:40 2012 Sokolov Yura (funny-falcon) <>
+ * hash.c: remove unnecessary checks for Qundef in hash iterations.
+ since hash use st_foreach_check for iterations, such checks are
+ needless.
+Sat Mar 31 12:05:01 2012 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509cert.c: Fix doc typo.
+Sat Mar 31 10:13:24 2012 Sokolov Yura (funny-falcon) <>
+ * st.c (st_foreach_check, st_foreach): remove ancient check. This
+ check are from initial ordered hash commit when first entry were
+ created with entry->fore = entry->back = entry.
+ * st.c (st_delete): use real_entries in st_delete for packed tables
+Sat Mar 31 07:53:23 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * st.c (st_foreach_check): remove the entry by replacing with never
+ when ST_DELETE.
+ * hash.c (st_foreach_safe): since table is not for VALUE, Qundef is
+ not special value, so use 0 instead. therefore this function can be
+ applied to only st_table which 0 is invalid as keys, e.g., IDs.
+ * hash.c: Qundef cannot be passed from st_foreach_check().
+ * hash.c, marshal.c, object.c, variable.c: fix callback argument types
+ of iterators.
+Thu Mar 29 23:50:15 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * st.c (st_update): pass pointer to key to the callback function.
+Thu Mar 29 16:36:10 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * st.c (st_update): add existing parameter to the callback function.
+Thu Mar 29 16:35:32 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (terminal_width, del_status_line, put_status):
+ extract as methods.
+Thu Mar 29 10:20:18 2012 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs7.c: fix crash when parsing garbage data.
+ * test/openssl/test_pkcs7.rb: assert correct behavior for it.
+ Thanks to Matt Venables for reporting the issue.
+ [ruby-core:43250][Bug #6134]
+Thu Mar 29 10:16:05 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * thread_win32.c (TIME_QUANTUM_USEC): 10ms(= old setting) [experimental]
+ cf. [Bug #6098]
+Thu Mar 29 10:12:12 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * thread.c (rb_threadptr_execute_interrupts_common): use defined
+ TIME_QUANTUM_USEC instead of a magic number. there is no meanings
+ to use different values for checking interval of interruption and
+ thread switching limits.
+ cf. [Bug #6098]
+Thu Mar 29 09:26:17 2012 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * test/openssl/test_x509cert.rb: exclude test that fails when issuing
+ a certificate with RSA signature and DSS1 digest for earlier
+ OpenSSL versions when used in conjunction with OpenSSL 1.0.1.
+ Thanks, Vit Ondruch, for reporting the issue.
+ [ruby-core:42949][Bug #6089]
+Thu Mar 29 08:25:35 2012 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * NEWS: add note about unified behavior of encoding nil values in
+ instances of OpenSSL::ASN1::ASN1Data.
+Thu Mar 29 07:45:36 2012 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c: raise TypeError when trying to encode nil
+ values for Primitive instances.
+ * test/openssl/test_asn1.rb: Assert consistent behavior when
+ encoding nil values: Primitives raise TypeError, Constructives
+ raise NoMethodError.
+ Fixes [ruby-core:43009][Bug #6102]
+Wed Mar 28 16:39:59 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (obj2uid, obj2gid): allow strings as input user/group id.
+ [ruby-core:40923][Feature #5610]
+Wed Mar 28 15:06:18 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (r_symreal): default to ASCII-8BIT for non-ascii symbols,
+ otherwise it should be converted to US-ASCII in rb_intern_str() if
+ possible. [ruby-core:43762][Bug #6209]
+Wed Mar 28 08:44:24 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych.rb: updating version to match gem
+ * ext/psych/psych.gemspec: ditto
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb: fixing deprecation warning
+Tue Mar 27 23:44:11 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (io_unread): fixed memory leak. report by nagachika via IRC.
+Tue Mar 27 22:44:23 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (verconf.h): separate load path specific stuff from
+ config.h.
+Tue Mar 27 22:43:40 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: fix config.h path to include.
+Tue Mar 27 17:08:08 2012 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * win32/win32.c (check_if_dir): fix memory leak.
+Tue Mar 27 13:13:51 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (str_new_empty): should copy also the encoding as an
+ empty substring. [ruby-dev:45441][Bug #6206]
+Mon Mar 26 23:43:04 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (parse227, parse228, parse229): don't use $~.
+Mon Mar 26 23:34:40 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (parse227, parse228, parse229): don't use local
+ variables defined by named capture for other Ruby implementations
+ such as Rubinius.
+Mon Mar 26 23:19:03 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (parse_pasv_port): refactored.
+Mon Mar 26 19:49:49 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * test/net/ftp/test_ftp.rb: add the test, which was forgotten in the
+ previous commit.
+Mon Mar 26 19:37:27 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (parse227, parse228, parse229): refactored.
+Mon Mar 26 11:46:23 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * enumerator.c (inspect_enumerator): show method arguments of
+ lazy enumerators correctly.
+Mon Mar 26 13:51:23 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (check_if_dir, check_if_wdir): fix for Visual C++
+ not to use S_ISDIR(). [Feature #2408][ruby-core:26925]
+ * ruby.c (load_file_internal): ditto.
+Mon Mar 26 11:46:01 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (load_file_internal): bail out if the script is a directory.
+ [Feature #2408][ruby-core:26925]
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_open, rb_w32_wopen): check if the file is a
+ directory when access denied, to set errno to EISDIR.
+Sun Mar 25 18:13:14 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (tr_setup_table): fix multiple non latin argument for
+ non latin (over 256 characters) tr-like methods.
+ [ruby-core:43371] [Bug #6167]
+Sun Mar 25 00:46:06 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * enumerator (lazy_initialize): set the instance variable "receiver"
+ to include the receiver to the return value of inspect on a lazy
+ enumerator directly created by
+ * enumerator (RETURN_LAZY): don't set the instance variable "receiver".
+Sat Mar 24 23:59:00 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * enumerator (enumerator_inspect): include the original receiver and
+ method name of Enumerator::Lazy in the result of inspect.
+ [ruby-core:43345] [Bug #6159]
+ * enumerator (InitVM_Enumerator): don't use rb_define_alias for
+ some methods such as collect in order to make rb_frame_this_func()
+ return the correct method names.
+Sat Mar 24 22:22:18 2012 Sambasiva Rao Suda <>
+ * time.c (time_init_1): will accept seconds as string or
+ int. [ruby-core:43569][Bug #6193]
+Fri Mar 23 15:12:12 2012 Martin Duerst <>
+ * transcode.c (documentation for str_encode): Explain
+ that transcoding to the same encoding is a no-op
+ (i.e. no exceptions, no replacements,...).
+ [ruby-core:43557][Bug #6190]
+Fri Mar 23 13:19:20 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_str_to_inum): must be ASCII compatible encoding as
+ well as String#hex and String#oct. [ruby-core:43566][Bug #6192]
+ * string.c (rb_must_asciicompat): check if ASCII compatible.
+Thu Mar 22 23:14:36 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * transcode.c (str_encode_bang, encoded_dup): if nothing was
+ transcoded, just set encoding but leave coderange unchanged as
+ force_encoding. [ruby-core:43557][Bug #6190]
+Thu Mar 22 22:30:44 2012 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * io.c (static int io_fflush): add the definition.
+ Use it in set_binary_mode_with_seek_cur().
+ * io.c (set_binary_mode_with_seek_cur): refactoring to split the
+ content into io_unread(). Fix the possibility of buffer overflow.
+ * io.c (io_unread): add new implementation for Windows. Previous one
+ caused invalid cursor position using IO#pos with OS text mode. New
+ one fixes the bug.
+ * test/ruby/test_io_m17n.rb
+ (TestIO_M17N#test_pos_dont_move_cursor_position): add a test for
+ above bug.
+ [ruby-core:43497] [Bug #6179]
+Thu Mar 22 19:55:08 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_fstat, rb_w32_fstati64): convert FILETIME
+ to time_t directly, not to be affected by TZ unnecessarily.
+ * win32/win32.c (unixtime_to_filetime): convert time_t to FILETIME
+ simply.
+Thu Mar 22 13:43:31 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_rsa.c (rsa_generate): fix argument type.
+ [Bug #6094]
+Thu Mar 22 11:14:10 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (TestIO#test_pos_with_getc): updated.
+ see [ruby-core:43550]
+Wed Mar 21 17:57:57 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regcomp.c: Merge Onigmo 3d855b30d574536d3ae600260208c6624ae4791c.
+ [Bug#6143] [Bug#6144] [Bug#6145]
+Wed Mar 21 17:01:55 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (TestIO#test_pos_with_getc): added.
+ see [Bug #6179][ruby-core:43518]
+Mon Mar 19 17:18:51 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * enumerator.c (lazy_flat_map_func): convert the block value to
+ Array if it doesn't respond to each. [ruby-core:43334]
+ [Bug #6155]
+Mon Mar 19 16:34:14 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * enum.c (zip_i): variadic argument needs explicit cast on the
+ platforms where VALUE is longer than int.
+Mon Mar 19 15:36:41 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * enumerator.c (enumerable_lazy): add an example of take and first
+ to the documentation. [ruby-core:43344] [Bug #6158]
+ add the description of the behavior when a block is given to zip
+ or cycle.
+Mon Mar 19 15:20:53 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_specialized_instruction): DRY and replace chain
+ of if-else with switch for special instructions. based on a
+ patch by Vasfed.
+Mon Mar 19 15:05:54 2012 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * test/test_pty.rb: same as r29280, skip tests when PTY allocation
+ failed (that's not our fault).
+Sun Mar 18 23:21:17 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (aligned_free): fix condition for free. memalign() and
+ posix_memalign() are not defined together normally.
+Sun Mar 18 18:31:45 2012 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * gc.c (aligned_malloc, aligned_free): added fallback implementations
+ for platforms like OSX Leopard.
+Sun Mar 18 17:17:48 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_pow): estimate result bit size more precisely.
+ [ruby-core:30735][Feature #3429]
+Sun Mar 18 17:17:36 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (free_method_entry_i): method entry may be in
+ unlinked_method_entry_list. [ruby-core:43383][Bug #6171]
+Sun Mar 18 15:27:31 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * compile.c: typo fix by Run Paint Run Run.
+ [ruby-core:28368] [Bug #2824]
+Sun Mar 18 10:01:02 2012 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * lib/profiler.rb: support calling singleton methods of
+ an instance of BasicObject.
+Sat Mar 17 06:56:58 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * object.c: Fix indentation of Class#inherited example.
+Sat Mar 17 01:46:05 2012 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * string.c (trnext): fix bug with string ending with '\\'.
+ [ruby-dev:45374][Bug #6160]
+ * test/ruby/test_string.rb (TestString#test_delete): test for
+ above.
+Fri Mar 16 20:06:24 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (trnext): should advance char-wise.
+ [ruby-core:43335][Bug #6156]
+Fri Mar 16 17:42:05 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (block_append_gen): fix unreachable warning line number.
+ should warn at the code, not jump.
+Fri Mar 16 17:33:08 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enum.c (enum_take): allocate buffer array before iteration, as well
+ as enum_first did.
+ * enum.c (enum_first): remove duplication.
+Fri Mar 16 14:43:18 2012 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * load.c (ruby_init_ext): don't free the given pointer itself.
+ It is not guaranteed even that the pointer is on heap.
+Fri Mar 16 14:37:57 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_mod_module_eval): fix the documentation of
+ class_eval to mention class variable lookup. [ruby-core:40649]
+ [Bug #5544]
+Fri Mar 16 14:27:11 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_mod_module_eval): fix the documentation of
+ class_eval to mention constant lookup. [ruby-core:41718]
+ [Bug #5777]
+Fri Mar 16 14:10:45 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (initialize): raise Net::IMAP::Error when the
+ connection is closed without a greeting response.
+ [ruby-core:40938] [Bug #5616]
+Fri Mar 16 13:50:12 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (rfc822_text): ignore [] after RFC822.
+ [ruby-core:40945] [Bug #5620]
+Fri Mar 16 12:00:42 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (argument_error): use line number at the beginning
+ of lambda, not the first code of its body.
+ [ruby-core:43314][Bug #6151]
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_first_lineno): constified.
+Fri Mar 16 11:20:07 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * enumerator.c (lazy_take): don't enumerate an extra value.
+ [ruby-dev:45370] [Bug #6152]
+Fri Mar 16 06:30:10 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enumerator.c (lazy_zip_func): variadic argument needs explicit cast
+ on the platforms where VALUE is longer than int.
+ * enumerator.c (lazy_init_iterator): no need to check overflow twice.
+Fri Mar 16 05:47:09 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * enumerator.c (lazy_init_iterator): Fix type error (int vs long).
+Thu Mar 15 23:13:36 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * enum.c (rb_enum_values_pack): rename from enum_values_pack, and
+ remove static.
+ * enumerator.c (lazy_init_iterator, lazy_init_yielder,
+ lazy_select_func, lazy_reject_func, lazy_grep_func): handle
+ multiple values correctly.
+ * enumerator.c (lazy_grep): change the behavior when a block is
+ given, to be consistent with Enumerable#grep.
+Thu Mar 15 19:12:31 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * enumerator.c (lazy_zip): rescue StopIteration returned by
+ Enumerator#next.
+Thu Mar 15 18:19:53 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * enumerator.c (lazy_zip, lazy_cycle): Enumerator::Lazy#{zip,cycle}
+ should be eager when a block is given, to be consistent with
+ Enumerable#{zip,cycle}.
+Thu Mar 15 17:45:27 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * enumerator.c (InitVM_Enumerator): renamed Enumerable::Lazy to
+ Enumerator::Lazy.
+Thu Mar 15 16:37:38 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * enumerator.c (enumerable_lazy): added cycle to the documentation.
+Thu Mar 15 15:37:42 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): fix warning line number.
+Thu Mar 15 15:19:38 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enumerator.c (lazy_cycle): check argument number overflow before
+ creating temporary array.
+Thu Mar 15 15:04:54 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * util.c (ruby_strtod): no need to check same digit for hexdigit
+ twice. [ruby-dev:45363][Bug #6146]
+ * parse.y (sym_check_asciionly): check ascii compatibility before
+ scanning for code range.
+ * parse.y (intern_str): set to us-ascii if ascii only.
+ [ruby-dev:45363][Bug #6146]
+ * file.c (ruby_enc_find_basename): allow NULL as alllen.
+ [ruby-dev:45363][Bug #6146]
+Thu Mar 15 14:49:31 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_conv_enc_opts): default to original encoding.
+Thu Mar 15 13:47:17 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * hash.c (env_str_new, rb_f_getenv, env_fetch): use rb_str_conv_enc()
+ instead of rb_str_encode() to simplify the code.
+Thu Mar 15 12:44:50 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c, include/ruby/win32.h (rb_w32_ugetenv): new API to
+ accept and to return UTF-8 strings.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_getenv): follow above change.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_get_environ): returns UTF-8 environment area.
+ * hash.c (env_str_new, rb_f_getenv, env_fetch): follow above changes.
+ [Bug #5570] [ruby-core:40737]
+Thu Mar 15 10:57:27 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * enumerator.c (lazy_cycle): add Enumerable::Lazy#cycle.
+Thu Mar 15 10:31:40 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_arity.rb (TestArity#err_mess): use assert_raise.
+Thu Mar 15 07:03:52 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * vm_eval.c (check_funcall): Raise ArgumentError if respond_to?
+ requires more than three arguments. [Bug #6000]
+ * test/ruby/test_object.rb (class TestObject): Test for respond_to?
+ requiring more than three arguments.
+Thu Mar 15 06:08:06 2012 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: Add rb_check_arity, rb_error_arity [#6085]
+ * array.c: Use rb_check_arity / rb_error_arity
+ * class.c: ditto
+ * enumerator.c: ditto
+ * eval.c: ditto
+ * file.c: ditto
+ * hash.c: ditto
+ * numeric.c: ditto
+ * proc.c: ditto
+ * process.c: ditto
+ * random.c: ditto
+ * re.c: ditto
+ * signal.c: ditto
+ * string.c: ditto
+ * struct.c: ditto
+ * transcode.c: ditto
+ * vm_eval.c: ditto
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: ditto & implementation of rb_error_arity
+ * test/ruby/test_arity.rb: tests for above
+Thu Mar 15 06:08:05 2012 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: improve number of arguments error in case of
+ optional parameters (issue #6085)
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: define UNLIMITED_ARGUMENTS
+ * test/ruby/test_arity.rb: test for above
+Thu Mar 15 00:58:04 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * enumerator.c (enumerable_lazy): fix the documentation of
+ Enumerable#lazy.
+Wed Mar 14 22:01:06 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * enumerator.c (lazy_init_iterator): break when Qundef is returned
+ to make obj.drop(3).take(2) work properly.
+ * enumerator.c (lazy_take_while): add Enumerable::Lazy#take_while.
+ * enumerator.c (lazy_drop): add Enumerable::Lazy#drop.
+ * enumerator.c (lazy_drop_while): add Enumerable::Lazy#drop_while.
+ * enumerator.c (InitVM_Enumerator): add Enumerable::Lazy#force as an
+ alias of to_a.
+Wed Mar 14 19:28:40 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * enumerator.c (lazy_take): add Enumerable::Lazy#take.
+Wed Mar 14 18:40:36 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * enumerator.c: use long for array indices.
+Wed Mar 14 18:25:18 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * enumerator.c: moved the comment of StopIteration.
+Wed Mar 14 17:55:29 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * numeric.c (flodivmod): must go through the same pass if HAVE_FMOD or
+ not. this is a bugfix of r35013.
+Wed Mar 14 16:41:55 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/test_tmpdir.rb (TestTmpdir#test_world_writable): skip on Windows.
+Wed Mar 14 15:09:23 2012 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * numeric.c: fix flodivmod for cornercases [Bug #6044]
+ add ruby_float_mod
+ * insns.def (opt_mod): use ruby_float_mod
+ * internal.h: declare ruby_float_mod
+ * test/ruby/test_float.rb: tests for above
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb: create helper assert_is_minus_zero
+Wed Mar 14 10:44:35 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enumerator.c (lazy_grep_func): should use === instead of =~, as
+ well as Enumerable#grep
+Wed Mar 14 08:15:54 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * enumerator.c (lazy_flat_map_func): use each for non-Array objects.
+Wed Mar 14 08:06:35 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * enumerator.c (lazy_zip): add Enumerable::Lazy#zip.
+ * enumerator.c (lazy_lazy): just returns self.
+Wed Mar 14 07:48:36 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (datetime_s_now): [ruby-core:43256].
+Tue Mar 13 22:00:14 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_set_arguments): keyword rest arg without keyword args.
+ * node.c (dump_node): dump kw_rest_arg too.
+ * parse.y (block_param, f_arg): more kwrest patterns.
+ [ruby-core:42455][Bug #5989]
+ * parse.y (new_args_gen): no extra kw_rest_arg if no keyword rest arg.
+Tue Mar 13 15:17:03 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (block_param, f_args): add rules for the case arguments
+ begin with kwrest. [ruby-core:42455][Bug #5989]
+Tue Mar 13 12:37:53 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (io_encoding_set): always warn if external encoding and internal
+ encoding are identical. [ruby-core:40727] [Bug #5568]
+Tue Mar 13 12:37:03 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c: add ObjectSpace::WeakMap. [ruby-dev:44565][Bug #5350]
+ * lib/weakref.rb: use WeakMap instead of _id2ref.
+Tue Mar 13 10:59:48 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb (prepare): skip if basedir is not defined.
+ [ruby-core:39135][Bug #5238]
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb (CONFIG.[]): check for mandatory
+ configurations.
+Tue Mar 13 00:09:18 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * enumerator.c (enumerable_lazy): added documentation.
+Mon Mar 12 20:19:25 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/tmpdir.rb (Dir::tmpdir): test the current directory suitable for
+ temporary directory.
+Mon Mar 12 20:08:16 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (fu_have_symlink?): specify TypeError for rescue
+ clause.
+Mon Mar 12 19:23:13 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_find_encoding): new function find encoding from
+ arbitrary object as a pointer to rb_encoding, and return NULL if
+ not found.
+ * io.c (io_encoding_set): just warn unsupported encodings, but not
+ exception. [ruby-core:40726] [Bug #5567]
+Mon Mar 12 19:03:32 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_method.c (Init_eval_method): respond_to? and
+ respond_to_missing? are public.
+Mon Mar 12 14:56:52 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * node.h (NEW_YIELD), parse.y (new_yield_gen): array-values flags
+ has been already obsolete. patch by Thomas Enebo.
+ [ruby-core:41929][Bug #5847]
+Mon Mar 12 12:44:33 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_method.c (Init_eval_method): copy basic methods to Exception.
+ [ruby-core:40287][Bug #5473]
+Mon Mar 12 10:13:36 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval_jump.c (rb_exec_end_proc): remember the latest exit status.
+ [ruby-core:43173][Bug #5218]
+Mon Mar 12 07:33:12 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/tmpdir.rb: update document for changing
+ FileUtils.remove_entry_secure to FileUtils.remove_entry.
+ * NEWS: add incompatibility note for lib/tmpdir.rb.
+Mon Mar 12 07:19:03 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/tmpdir.rb (Dir.tmpdir): should not use world-writable but
+ non-sticky directory.
+ * lib/tmpdir.rb (Dir.mktmpdir): check the parent directory.
+Mon Mar 12 07:04:11 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (Init_Random): removed rb_Random_DEFAULT and register as
+ mark-object instead of global variable.
+Mon Mar 12 07:03:32 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (random_s_rand): ensure default PRNG is re-initialized
+ after fork. patched by Eric Wong. [ruby-core:41209][Bug #5661]
+Sun Mar 11 23:57:29 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): when unpack('M') occurs an illegal byte
+ sequence, output the "=" character and the following character in
+ the decoded data without any transformation.
+ [ruby-dev:44875] [Bug #5635]
+Sun Mar 11 22:32:43 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/json: Merge 164a75c8bd2007d32c4d7665d53140d8fc126dcd.
+ [ruby-core:41917] [Bug #5846]
+Sun Mar 11 17:10:04 2012 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: Put error message into STDERR if failed to launch
+ worker (job) process. [ruby-dev:44802] [Bug #5577]
+ * lib/test/unit/parallel.rb: If failed to increment_io, exit with code
+ 2. [ruby-dev:44802] [Bug #5577]
+Sun Mar 11 15:46:45 2012 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * io.c: fix rdoc of `IO.binwrite` to show same as `IO.write` except
+ it opens file with mode "wb:ASCII-8BIT". [Bug #5782] [ruby-core:42592]
+Sat Mar 10 23:52:28 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * st.c: pack tables also generic keys. patched by Sokolov Yura at
+ * st.c: add st_foreach_check for fixing iteration over packed table
+ and st_delete_safe. patched by Sokolov Yura at
+ * st.c: fix packed num_entries on delete_safe. patched by Sokolov
+ Yura at
+Fri Mar 9 14:29:32 2012 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * enumerator.c (lazy_flat_map): add Enumerable::Lazy#flat_map.
+Fri Mar 9 06:29:22 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych.rb (load, parse): stop parsing or loading after
+ the first document has been parsed.
+ * test/psych/test_stream.rb: pertinent tests.
+Fri Mar 9 06:17:05 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych.rb (parse_stream, load_stream): if a block is
+ given, documents will be yielded to the block as they are parsed.
+ [ruby-core:42404] [Bug #5978]
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/handlers/document_stream.rb: add a handler that
+ yields documents as they are parsed
+ * test/psych/test_stream.rb: corresponding tests.
+Fri Mar 9 00:35:03 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enumerator.c (lazy_initialize, enumerable_lazy): no additional
+ arguments.
+Fri Mar 9 00:30:23 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enumerator.c: add Enumerable#lazy. based on the patch by
+ Innokenty Mikhailov at <>
+ [ruby-core:37164] [Feature #4890]
+Fri Mar 9 00:25:59 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_each, generator_each): pass arguments to
+ the block with yielder.
+Fri Mar 9 00:25:02 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_cat): new function to concat objects into array.
+Thu Mar 8 16:44:02 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * .gdbinit (rb_numtable_entry): update for recent refactoring of
+ st_table.
+Wed Mar 7 22:41:50 2012 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc/client.rb (module XMLRPC): fix typo.
+ * test/xmlrpc/test_client.rb (test_async_call): add test for
+ XMLRPC::Client#call_async to check above fix.
+Wed Mar 7 16:30:24 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (rb_load_fail): should honor encoding.
+ * load.c (load_failed): ditto.
+Wed Mar 7 12:26:25 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (rb_load_fail): use path as a string, not char*.
+ * internal.h: (rb_load_fail): moved from ruby/intern.h.
+ * ruby.c (load_file_internal): fname cannot be NULL.
+Wed Mar 7 08:32:43 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * error.c (rb_loaderror_with_path): Adding the missing file as an
+ instance variable to the LoadError exception.
+ [ruby-core:39079]
+ * load.c: call rb_loaderror_with_path so that the missing path is
+ added to the exception.
+ * ruby.c: call rb_loaderror rather than raising our own LoadError
+ exception.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: add declaration for rb_loaderror_with_path.
+ * test/ruby/test_require.rb: add supporting test for LoadError#path
+ method.
+Wed Mar 7 08:28:00 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc/parser.rb: support i8 types. Thanks Stas Kelvich!
+ [ruby-core:29246] [Feature #3090]
+ * test/xmlrpc/test_client.rb: supporting test
+Wed Mar 7 07:43:29 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc/client.rb: assume servers that do not send a Content-Type
+ header are sending 'text/xml'. Thanks Nathan Leavitt!
+ [ruby-core:41204] [Bug #5660]
+ * test/xmlrpc/test_client.rb: supporting test
+Wed Mar 7 07:39:28 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * test/xmlrpc/test_client.rb: adding a test for performing an XMLRPC
+ call.
+ * test/xmlrpc/data/blog.xml: supporting XML document for the response.
+Tue Mar 6 16:24:01 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_tokadd_string): escape simple regexp meta
+ character terminators.
+Tue Mar 6 10:11:43 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/io/console/console.c (set_rawmode): clear ECHOE and ECHOK
+ bits too.
+ * ext/io/console/console.c (echo_p): ignore ECHOE and ECHOK bits.
+ [ruby-dev:45309] [Bug #6116]
+ * ext/io/console/console.c (console_raw): fix rdoc.
+ * ext/io/console/console.c (console_set_echo): mentioned about
+ platform dependency.
+Tue Mar 6 07:18:10 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc/client.rb: switch net/http post2 calls to modern
+ `request_post` methods.
+Tue Mar 6 02:31:20 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/core_ext.rb: only extend Kernel if IRB is loaded
+ in order to stop method pollution.
+Tue Mar 6 01:34:19 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (block_call): rules for block_call after block_call.
+ based on a patch by pasberth
+ [ruby-dev:45308][Bug #6115]
+Tue Mar 6 01:24:13 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (block_command, block_call): simplified rules.
+Mon Mar 5 18:28:35 2012 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/ruby/test_regexp.rb (TestRegexp#test_source): fix typo.
+ * test/ruby/test_regexp.rb (TestRegexp#test_equal): ditto.
+Mon Mar 5 17:11:44 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/syck/lib/syck/rubytypes.rb (Exception.yaml_new): fix bug
+ that causes YAML serialization problem for Exception.
+ Exception#initialize doesn't use visible instance variable for
+ the exception message, so call the method with the message.
+ patched by Jingwen Owen Ou <jingweno AT>.
+Mon Mar 5 16:50:22 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_sleep.rb (TestSleep#test_sleep_5sec): syntax error.
+ * test/ruby/test_sleep.rb (TestSleep#test_sleep_5sec): call uname
+ only on linux because it's a workaround for linux only.
+Mon Mar 5 12:44:12 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * st.c (unpack_entries): chain entries directly. based on a patch
+ by Sokolov Yura <funny.falcon AT>.
+ * st.c (unpack_entries): use union instead of casted pointer.
+ patched by Sokolov Yura <funny.falcon AT>.
+ * st.c: use PACKED_ENT and FIND_ENTRY. patched by Sokolov
+ Yura <funny.falcon AT>.
+ * st.c (unpack_entries): reallocate bins if packed array size
+ is not same as initial bins size. based on a patch by
+ Sokolov Yura <funny.falcon AT>.
+Mon Mar 5 11:51:48 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/math.rb: remove description about
+ BigMath#log. patched by Sho Hashimoto [ruby-dev:45307] [Bug #6112]
+ * string.c (str_byteslice): fix typo.
+Sun Mar 4 23:21:10 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_tokadd_string): regexp engine doesn't need
+ terminators to be escaped. [ruby-core:40364][Bug #5484]
+Sat Mar 3 22:51:46 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_run_exec_options_err): chdir at last to interpret
+ relative pathnames from the current directory of the parent process.
+Sat Mar 3 12:20:44 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_strftime.c: reassigned some variables.
+Sat Mar 3 12:12:16 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_{parse,strptime}.c: [ruby-dev:45303].
+Sat Mar 3 10:09:21 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc/client.rb (initialize): net/http defaults to 1_2 in 1.8+,
+ so we can safely remove the call to enable it.
+Sat Mar 3 08:42:25 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc/client.rb (new2): use URI for uri parsing.
+ * test/xmlrpc/test_client.rb: test that query params are passed to the
+ client constructor.
+Sat Mar 3 08:20:10 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc/client.rb (new2): raises an ArgumentError on bad
+ arguments.
+ * test/xmlrpc/test_client.rb: tests for bad uris
+Sat Mar 3 08:08:11 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc/client.rb (new2): fix custom port specification when an
+ SSL uri is used.
+ * test/xmlrpc/test_client.rb: tests for XMLRPC::Client.new2
+Sat Mar 3 08:03:29 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/syck/rubyext.c (mktime_do): use ISDIGIT().
+ [ruby-core:43060] [Bug #6108]
+ * ext/syck/token.c (sycklex_yaml_utf8): cast as unsigned char.
+ [ruby-core:43060] [Bug #6108]
+Sat Mar 3 06:57:14 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (ruby_pc): make configurable. [Bug #6051]
+Fri Mar 2 17:49:03 2012 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * .travis.yml (branches): Enable TravisCI for ruby_1_9_3.
+Fri Mar 2 17:13:33 2012 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb (test_combination2): Make the test case for
+ [ruby-core:29240] more descriptive.
+ cf.
+Fri Mar 2 16:37:11 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (file_expand_path): use wcscasecmp().
+Fri Mar 2 16:36:31 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_cond_timeout): cast explicitly to suppress
+ a warning.
+Fri Mar 2 16:35:56 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (pipe_open): cmd is no longer used if fork is available.
+Thu Mar 1 16:13:18 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * internal.h (rb_file_const, rb_file_load_ok): moved functions for
+ internal use only.
+Thu Mar 1 15:40:05 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/makedirs.bat: new command to make intermediate
+ directories, and not to report any errors if the directory
+ already exists.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (MAKEDIRS): enable command extensions.
+Thu Mar 1 01:25:43 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regparse.c (is_onechar_cclass): optimize character class
+ Merge Onigmo 27278c12e6674043cc8affca6507e20e119a86ee.
+ * regparse.c (is_onechar_cclass): [bug] unexpected match occurs when a
+ char class contains no char
+ * enc/unicode.c (init_case_fold_table): define the sizes of case
+ folding tables in casefold.h
+Wed Feb 29 16:11:34 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (MAKEDIRS): use mkdir of cmd.exe instead of ruby.
+ [Bug #6103] [ruby-core:43012]
+ * win32/README.win32: added a notice about command extension of cmd.exe.
+Wed Feb 29 15:39:39 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (TestIO#test_readpartial_locktmp): skip on
+ windows because of the platform restriction.
+Wed Feb 29 15:38:50 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/memory_status.rb (Memory): syntax error.
+Wed Feb 29 13:06:42 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/memory_status.rb: use /proc/self/status if it is in
+ the expected format.
+Wed Feb 29 06:14:51 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: reverted r34825.
+Tue Feb 28 23:20:01 2012 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * (PLATFORM_DIR): add a variable for `win32` directory.
+ * (clean-platform): add new target.
+ It cleans `win32` directory.
+ * (clean): add a dependency for `win32` directory.
+ * (distclean): ditto.
+ * (distclean-platform): add new target.
+ It cleans `win32` directory.
+ * ($(PLATFORM_D)): add new target to make `win32` directory.
+ * (win32/win32.$(OBJEXT)): move win32.o into `win32`
+ directory.
+ * (win32/file.$(OBJEXT)): add new target for win32/file.c.
+ * move win32.o into `win32` directory and add
+ win32/file.o to MISSING.
+ * file.c (file_load_ok, rb_file_load_ok): replace static
+ file_load_ok() with public rb_file_load_ok().
+ It's to link Windows implementation in win32/file.c.
+ * file.c (rb_find_file_ext_safe): ditto.
+ * file.c (rb_find_file_safe): ditto.
+ * win32/file.c (rb_file_load_ok): new file. Add Windows specific
+ optimized implementation of rb_file_load_ok(). We created a
+ separated file to avoid too many #ifdef macro which is unreadable.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (PLATFORM_DIR): add a variable for `win32`
+ directory.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (MISSING): move win32.obj into `win32`
+ directory and add win32/file.obj to MISSING.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (MAKEDIRS): replace MINIRUBY with BASERUBY.
+ It's because miniruby doesn't exist when making `win32` directory.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (clean-platform): add new target to clean `win32`
+ directory.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub ({$(srcdir)}.c{}.obj): make it not match
+ win32/file.c to build properly.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (win32/win32.$(OBJEXT)): move win32.obj into
+ `win32` directory.
+ Patch created with Luis Lavena.
+ [ruby-core:42480] [Feature #5999]
+Tue Feb 28 20:27:25 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: [ruby-core:42998]
+Tue Feb 28 18:47:44 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (io_binwrite, rb_io_syswrite): use shared frozen source
+ strings.
+ * io.c (io_fread, io_getpartial, rb_io_sysread): set buffer size
+ after check if readable, which can cause thread switch.
+ [ruby-dev:45297][Bug #6099]
+Tue Feb 28 17:16:01 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/time.rb (Time#xmlschema): use strftime specifiers instead of
+ fractional exponential calculation which yields undesirable
+ result. [ruby-core:42997][Bug #6100]
+Tue Feb 28 14:15:29 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb: Add OpenTimeout subclass of Timeout::Error
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: Modernize Timeout usage. Patch by Eric Wong.
+ Use Net::OpenTimeout instead of Timeout::Error. [Bug #5765]
+ * lib/net/http.rb: ditto
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: ditto
+ * lib/net/telnet.rb: ditto
+Tue Feb 28 13:51:12 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: Retry HTTP requests for additional network errors.
+ Introduce OpenTimeout subclass of Timeout::Error. [Bug #6001]
+ * test/net/http/test_http.rb: Reduce timeout to 0.01s for faster test
+ * test/net/http/test_https.rb: ditto
+Tue Feb 28 11:44:49 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (debugflags): check if -ggdb is accepted.
+ [ruby-core:42875][Bug #6080]
+Tue Feb 28 10:28:51 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych.rb: default open YAML files with utf8 external
+ encoding. [ruby-core:42967]
+ * test/psych/test_tainted.rb: ditto
+Mon Feb 27 23:46:09 2012 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (opt_bv_decl): allow newline at the end. [ruby-dev:45292]
+Mon Feb 27 20:43:05 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_set_pos): add rdoc about textmode.
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (TestIO#test_setpos): use binmode.
+Mon Feb 27 17:00:15 2012 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_crypt): Update rdoc and state that this
+ function is system dependent. Reviewed by nobu, thanks to
+ @takai.
+Mon Feb 27 17:03:20 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (GetVpValueWithPrec): since methods
+ can be overridden, so should not make an assumption on the type
+ of results. [ruby-core:42969][Bug #6093]
+Mon Feb 27 10:54:20 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (try_cppflags, try_cflags, try_ldflags): replace the
+ target flags if the given flag is accepted.
+Mon Feb 27 10:53:44 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_specification.rb (test_self_from_yaml_syck_default_key_bug):
+ ignore the test for too old versions.
+Mon Feb 27 10:53:12 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Runner#puke): skips with no
+ messages should be trivial.
+Mon Feb 27 10:50:23 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c, process.c, time.c, ext: use rb_sys_fail_str instead of
+ rb_sys_fail.
+Mon Feb 27 10:48:49 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: suppress useless deprecation warnings
+ from OpenSSL added by Apple.
+Sun Feb 26 23:29:49 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regparse.c (add_code_range_to_buf0): wrong condition of duplicated
+ warnings.
+Sun Feb 26 11:26:44 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): call on special object instead of
+ self. since stabby lambda is a syntax, so it should not be
+ affected by the context. [ruby-core:42349][Bug #5966]
+ * insns.def (send): no special deal for FCALL. self should be put
+ on TOS instead.
+Sun Feb 26 05:35:43 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * error.c (report_bug): use buf and snprintf to avoid consuming stack.
+ [ruby-dev:45272] [Bug #6058]
+Sat Feb 25 17:41:19 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb (headers): try ambiguous headers at last.
+Sat Feb 25 17:07:15 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: use chomp(?/) instead of sub to optimize and avoid
+ to regexping invalid string.
+Sat Feb 25 16:18:24 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * complex.c (nucomp_marshal_load): raise error on invalid data.
+ reported by John Firebaugh [ruby-core:42860] [Bug #6076]
+Sat Feb 25 14:46:54 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/dl/dl.c (Init_dl): support intrinsic types, size_t, ptrdiff_t
+ and intptr_t. [ruby-core:42460][Feature #5992]
+ * ext/fiddle/fiddle.c (Init_fiddle): ditto.
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/cparser.rb (DL::CParser#parse_ctype): ditto.
+Sat Feb 25 11:08:28 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (Init_curses): use rb_define_const once for
+ Curses::VERSION.
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c (Init_dbm): ditto for DBM::VERSION.
+Sat Feb 25 10:34:22 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (Init_curses): make Curses::VERSION
+ understandable without context.
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c (Init_dbm): ditto for DBM::VERSION.
+Sat Feb 25 07:53:58 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_tokadd_string): insert a backslash only if
+ quoted by single quotes. [ruby-dev:45281] [Bug #6069]
+Sat Feb 25 07:53:49 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (dir_inspect), io.c (rb_io_inspect): keep encoding of path.
+ [Bug #6072]
+Sat Feb 25 07:53:40 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (dir_initialize): keep path in original encoding.
+ * error.c (syserr_initialize): prefer the encoding of message over
+ locale. [ruby-dev:45279][Bug #6071]
+Sat Feb 25 06:55:29 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (utime_internal): fix a variable missed to replace.
+ [ruby-core:42864] [Bug #6077]
+Fri Feb 24 18:21:55 2012 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * test/zlib/test_zlib.rb (TestZlibGzipReader#test_encoding): Add
+ encoding testcases for GzipReader#read. read() emits
+ Encoding.default_external in contrast to read(size) emits BINARY.
+ See also:
+Fri Feb 24 17:56:39 2012 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * test/ruby/test_literal.rb (TestRubyLiteral#test_special_const):
+ test for
+Fri Feb 24 16:48:29 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c, file.c, io.c (rb_sys_fail_path): use rb_sys_fail_str.
+ * error.c: new functions to deal exceptions with string instances.
+ * dir.c, file.c, io.c: use rb_sys_fail_path.
+Fri Feb 24 15:49:07 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (__builtin_unreachable): check for clang.
+ [ruby-core:42849]
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (UNREACHABLE): fallback definition.
+Fri Feb 24 13:54:33 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/parser.c: prevent a memory leak by protecting calls to
+ handler callbacks.
+ * test/psych/test_parser.rb: test to demonstrate leak.
+Fri Feb 24 12:07:34 2012 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: Fix documentation. Patched from Florian Mhun
+ via
+Fri Feb 24 11:48:07 2012 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_prepend): Fix documentation for String#prepend.
+ Patched from Franck Verrot via
+ and Andrew Horsman via
+Fri Feb 24 10:08:33 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTP#transport_request): Fix infinite loop
+ upon EOFError or Errno::ECONNRESET where count is reset to 0.
+ * test/net/http/test_http.rb (class TestNetHTTPKeepAlive): Test for
+ above.
+Fri Feb 24 09:05:40 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * complex.c (Init_Complex): Document Complex::I. Patch by Sylvain
+ Daubert. [Feature #5623]
+Fri Feb 24 08:52:09 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_tokadd_string, parser_yylex): insert a backslash
+ if the next character is non-ascii. [ruby-dev:45278] [Bug #6069]
+Fri Feb 24 08:13:20 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/profiler.rb: Add Profiler documentation by Gonzalo Rodriguez.
+ [Bug #5816]
+Fri Feb 24 08:08:38 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/parser.c: set parser encoding based on the YAML input
+ rather than user configuration.
+ * test/psych/test_encoding.rb: corresponding tests.
+ * test/psych/test_parser.rb: ditto
+ * test/psych/test_tainted.rb: ditto
+Fri Feb 24 08:02:52 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * hash.c (Init_Hash): Add section on how objects are used as Hash keys
+ and how to use custom classes as Hash keys.
+Fri Feb 24 07:36:11 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_eql): Improve equality documentation by adding an
+ example of equal? vs == and recommending eql? be aliased to == when
+ overridden.
+Fri Feb 24 07:21:15 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_hash): Added note that the hash value is not
+ deterministic on Marc-Andre's suggestion. Expanded description of
+ the purpose of the hash method. [Bug #6068]
+Thu Feb 23 23:01:21 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb: unused macro removed.
+Thu Feb 23 22:26:53 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/test_curses.rb: new file.
+Thu Feb 23 19:57:56 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/curses/rain.rb: trap SIGHUP, SIGINT, SIGQUIT and SIGTERM only.
+Thu Feb 23 19:56:48 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * signal.c (sig_trap): show signal name on error.
+Thu Feb 23 12:21:48 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb: use DBM_SUFFIX only to detect header of
+ Berkeley DB.
+Thu Feb 23 10:00:18 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_f_sync): Fix double-negative typo. [ruby-trunk - #5837]
+Thu Feb 23 09:57:21 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * load.c (rb_f_require): Add note to require for scope of items in the
+ loaded file. [ruby-trunk - #5910]
+Thu Feb 23 03:58:08 2012 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/ostruct.rb (delete_field): Bug fix so previous value is
+ returned. Patch by Nick Recobra [Bug #6063]
+Thu Feb 23 02:33:00 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_extract_modeenc): fail only if conflicting
+ text/binary modes given explicitly. [ruby-dev:45268][Bug #6055]
+Wed Feb 22 23:27:08 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/iconv/test_option.rb: enabled. [ruby-core:42802][Bug #6061]
+Wed Feb 22 21:45:56 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c: use defined() to suppress a warning.
+Wed Feb 22 21:44:29 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/curses/extconf.rb: refactored.
+Wed Feb 22 20:42:28 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/curses/extconf.rb: try to distinguish curses_version is a
+ function or variable.
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (Init_curses): refine Curses::VERSION.
+Wed Feb 22 19:47:03 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/curses/extconf.rb: show the chosen header and library.
+Wed Feb 22 19:22:31 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * reverted 34739 for test/date.
+Wed Feb 22 19:08:55 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/curses/extconf.rb: refactored.
+Wed Feb 22 18:44:41 2012 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (setup_options): add option "--retry" as opposite
+ for "--no-retry"
+Wed Feb 22 18:34:02 2012 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (setup_options): add option "--show-skip" to
+ cancel "--hide-skip" (-q)
+Wed Feb 22 17:36:22 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_foreach): argument check before making Enumerator.
+ [ruby-dev:31525]
+Wed Feb 22 17:07:35 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_foreach): return enumerator including keyword
+ arguments. [ruby-dev:45267][Bug #6054]
+Wed Feb 22 12:15:16 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * allow llvm-gcc because it work fine with r34278.
+Wed Feb 22 10:57:08 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regparse.c (fetch_token): don't use // comment.
+Wed Feb 22 10:32:11 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/mkmf/test_framework.rb: try CoreFoundation framework, than
+ Cocoa which is dependent on QuickTime SDK which has separated
+ since Xcode 4.3.
+Wed Feb 22 10:18:05 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (test-all, test-ruby): more dependencies.
+Wed Feb 22 06:48:55 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * file.c (rb_f_test): Fix formatting of Kernel#test rdoc.
+Wed Feb 22 06:12:15 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb: check DBM_SUFFIX for Mac OS X.
+ Its ndbm.h doesn't include db.h.
+Wed Feb 22 06:02:42 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c (fdbm_initialize): disable Berkeley DB error messages.
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb: check DBC type for above.
+ [ruby-dev:45269]
+Tue Feb 21 20:23:47 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (rb_any_hash): treat Qundef like as other special constants.
+ * hash.c (hash_foreach_iter): fix signature.
+Tue Feb 21 19:39:34 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (Init_curses): use curses_version() for
+ Curses::VERSION.
+Tue Feb 21 18:21:25 2012 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c : remove gc_clear_mark_on_sweep_slots() and use
+ rest_sweep() instead of it, because some dead objects might be
+ marked in next the mark phase by false pointers.
+ [ruby-core:42672]
+Tue Feb 21 16:08:17 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (rb_hash_proc): get wrapped pointer properly. [Bug #6048]
+Tue Feb 21 14:41:10 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * template/ added rubylibprefix, {rubylib,vendor,site}dir
+ and {ruby,vendor,site}archdir. [ruby-core:42766][Feature #6052]
+Tue Feb 21 09:13:25 2012 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * proc.c (method_hash, proc_hash): Fix {Unbound}Method#hash
+ [Bug #6048]. Isolate hash computation for proc
+ * internal.h: Declaration for above
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_definition_hash): Computation for
+ hash part of a method definition
+ * method.h: Declaration for above
+ * test/ruby/test_method.rb: Test for above
+Tue Feb 21 02:56:15 2012 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_rewind): update the documentation.
+ fixed: #6053
+Mon Feb 20 23:38:35 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * enc/depend: ignore mktable.c because it's not encoding library.
+ [ruby-core:42760] [Bug #6049]
+Mon Feb 20 21:40:53 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/curses/extconf.rb: fold too long lines.
+Mon Feb 20 21:16:48 2012 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: revert a line modified accidentally at r34669.
+ This fixes mingw test errors in TestDir_M17N.
+ [ruby-core:42728] [Feature #4970]
+Mon Feb 20 21:09:27 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (Init_curses): define Curses::VERSION.
+Mon Feb 20 21:08:00 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/curses/extconf.rb: restore $libs and $defs for each
+ header/library choice.
+Mon Feb 20 19:57:26 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb: weaken header/library consistency check if db is
+ "ndbm". It seems several (possibly historical) distributions
+ provide libndbm. However the content of libndbm vary: Berkeley DB,
+ GDBM or even 4.3BSD NDBM. (Mandriva, Tru64 UNIX, OpenSuSE,
+ SCO OpenServer, ...)
+ "ndbm" is not searched automatically now (dblib doesn't contain it)
+ but configure --with-dbm-type=ndbm choose libndbm and ndbm.h.
+Mon Feb 20 19:15:57 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb: refine variable names.
+Mon Feb 20 15:50:33 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * check if -fstack-protector is really available.
+Sun Feb 19 23:43:38 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb: show header and library found.
+Sun Feb 19 23:01:01 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c (Init_dbm): refine DBM::VERSION definition.
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb: provide RUBYDBM_GDBM_HEADER macro.
+Sun Feb 19 17:07:27 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/dbm/test_dbm.rb (test_dbmfile_suffix): check pag and dir is
+ empty for 4.3BSD ndbm.
+Sun Feb 19 03:00:30 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/dbm/test_dbm.rb (test_dbmfile_suffix): check magic numbers.
+Sun Feb 19 01:05:41 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb: detect GDBM's ndbm.h by testing dbm_clearerr is
+ an empty macro.
+Sun Feb 19 00:25:55 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb: don't choose 'dbm' if _GDB_H_ is defined which
+ is available since GDBM 1.9 because 'gdbm_compat' is appropriate
+ choice since GDBM 1.8.1.
+Sat Feb 18 23:27:00 2012 Kenta Murata <>
+ * random.c: remove a duplicated comment.
+Sat Feb 18 18:43:13 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb (dblib): prefer recent GDBM over older GDBM.
+ (have_declared_libvar): new function to check a declared variable
+ exists in a library.
+ (have_undeclared_libvar): renamed from renamed from have_libvar.
+ (headers.db_check2): check that GDBM version variable if GDBM header
+ is chosen.
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c (Init_dbm): use HAVE_DECLARED_LIBVAR_GDBM_VERSION and
+Sat Feb 18 13:53:01 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/dbm/test_dbm.rb (test_dbmfile_suffix): DBM::VERSION should
+ be Berkeley DB if foo.db is created by
+Sat Feb 18 13:40:37 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/dbm/test_dbm.rb (test_dbmfile_suffix): test dbm file suffix.
+Sat Feb 18 12:50:59 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c (DBM::VERSION): define it by detecting _GDBM_H_ or
+Sat Feb 18 07:52:45 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/enc-unicode.rb: don't use 1.9 feature on tools.
+Sat Feb 18 02:48:39 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: refactored FileUtil methods to use the
+ `define_command` API. Patch from 7rans <>
+ * test/fileutils/test_dryrun.rb: corresponding test refactoring
+ * test/fileutils/test_nowrite.rb: ditto
+ * test/fileutils/test_verbose.rb: ditto
+Fri Feb 17 21:39:36 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb: remove dbm.
+Fri Feb 17 21:18:39 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb: refine header/library mismatch detection.
+ check only for ndbm.h except libc. check _GDBM_H_ for gdbm.
+ check _DBM_IOERR for the original ndbm.
+Fri Feb 17 20:30:44 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb: don't check libdbm. It is not a ndbm
+ implementation. (libdbm in Version 7 Unix is database library
+ for single database per process.)
+Fri Feb 17 15:38:53 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * Merge Onigmo-5.13.1. [ruby-dev:45057] [Feature #5820]
+ cp reg{comp,enc,error,exec,parse,syntax}.c reg{enc,int,parse}.h
+ cp oniguruma.h
+ cp tool/enc-unicode.rb
+ cp -r enc/
+Fri Feb 17 15:20:30 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enum.c (enum_each_slice): arrays to be yielded can be newly
+ created in the block.
+ * enum.c: move work variables to objects not to let called blocks
+ access stack area out of scope. [Bug #5801]
+Fri Feb 17 12:35:55 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/merger.rb: remove borders from the commit message which is used
+ when the commit doesn't change ChangeLog.
+Fri Feb 17 11:50:11 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (btest, btest-ruby, test-sample test-knownbugs)
+ (test-all, test-ruby): depend on prog.
+Fri Feb 17 09:56:22 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_header): log the content of header.
+Fri Feb 17 09:44:55 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb (import_ucm): don't use \h because the
+ script should work with ruby 1.8.
+ * tool/enc-unicode.rb: ditto.
+Fri Feb 17 07:33:29 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enum.c (id_lshift): use constant ID.
+Fri Feb 17 07:30:53 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb: refactored to split too long conditions.
+Fri Feb 17 00:23:25 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/dbm/test_dbm.rb: fix skip condition for libgdbm 1.8.0 or prior.
+ reported by Bohuslav Kabrda.
+ [ruby-core:42685] [ruby-trunk - Bug #6036]
+Fri Feb 17 00:04:21 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb: check _DB_H_ macro unavailable except
+ Berkeley DB library.
+Thu Feb 16 05:41:35 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * insns.def (splatarray): make new array if flag is set.
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): make new array with
+ splat. [ruby-core:21901][Feature #1125]
+Thu Feb 16 00:14:04 2012 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * lib/abbrev.rb (Array#abbrev): add missing '"' in documentation.
+Wed Feb 15 22:20:19 2012 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * cont.c (rb_fiber_reset_root_local_storage): add a new function to
+ restore rb_thread_t::local_storage.
+ * cont.c (rb_obj_is_fiber): add a new function to tell finalizer to
+ prevent fibers from destroy.
+ * gc.c (rb_objspace_call_finalizer): don't sweep fibers at finalizing
+ objspace.
+ * internal.h (rb_fiber_reset_root_local_storage, rb_obj_is_fiber):
+ add prototypes.
+ * vm.c (ruby_vm_destruct): reset main thread's local_storage before
+ free main thread. rb_thread_t::local_storage is replaced by fiber's
+ local storage when forked from fiber, and it should be already freed
+ when the fiber was destroyed. [ruby-core:41456] [Bug #5700]
+ * test/ruby/test_fiber.rb (test_fork_from_fiber): add test for fork
+ from fiber.
+Wed Feb 15 19:57:02 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/fiddle/closure.c (callback): deal with unsigned integers.
+ [ruby-core:42458][Bug #5991][Bug #6022]
+ * ext/fiddle/conversions.c (value_to_generic, generic_to_value):
+ ditto.
+ * ext/fiddle/closure.c (callback): same as r34506.
+Wed Feb 15 17:41:31 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (io_strsetbuf): call rb_str_modify to make str independent
+ before calling rb_str_set_len for r34580.
+Wed Feb 15 12:30:10 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (Init_zlib): Added Zlib::TEXT and note that
+ Zlib::ASCII is deprecated in zlib 1.2.3 and newer.
+Wed Feb 15 12:24:40 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c: Move constant descriptions to constants. Remove
+ extra comment block at the top of Init_zlib().
+Wed Feb 15 12:30:46 2012 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/ostruct.rb: Create getters and setters after dup.
+ [Bug #6028] [rubyspecs:0380bcc]
+Wed Feb 15 10:59:52 2012 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c (HEAP_BITMAP_LIMIT): HEAP_BITMAP_LIMIT is computed on the
+ basis of HEAP_SIZE because it must covers a whole heap block.
+ [ruby-trunk - Bug #6006]
+Wed Feb 15 09:27:45 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (Init_zlib): Added Zlib::FIXED and Zlib::RLE
+ strategies.
+ * NEWS: Add note about the new Zlib constants.
+Wed Feb 15 09:11:36 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c: Improve documentation. [ruby-trunk - Bug #5948]
+Wed Feb 15 07:28:54 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * encoding.c (Init_Encoding): Add IO example of internal and external
+ encoding. Fixed a typo in the force_encoding example. [#5949]
+Wed Feb 15 06:58:21 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * encoding.c (Init_Encoding): Add Encoding documentation.
+ [ruby-trunk - Bug #5949]
+ * encoding.c (rb_set_default_external): Fix typo in documentation.
+Tue Feb 14 20:22:11 2012 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c (CEILDIV): rename to a appropriate name.
+Tue Feb 14 18:07:20 2012 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c (assign_heap_slot): SEGV happens cause on 64-bit platform
+ sometime there should be `objs-=2` instead of `objs--`.
+ [Bug #6006]
+ patched by Sokolov Yura.
+Tue Feb 14 16:00:30 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (io_setstrbuf): cut down the buffer if longer.
+Tue Feb 14 15:06:37 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb (build_message): skip escaped
+ question marks.
+Tue Feb 14 12:10:04 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c (autoload_const_set, autoload_require): fix
+ signatures.
+Tue Feb 14 05:23:40 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * process.c (proc_wait): Change typo "SystemError" to
+ "SystemCallError". [ruby-trunk - Bug #5962]
+ * process.c (proc_wait2): ditto
+Tue Feb 14 05:18:24 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * enumerator.c: Document use of for creating a lazy
+ enumeration for filtering/chaining. [ruby-trunk - Feature #707]
+Mon Feb 13 23:01:50 2012 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_boundp):
+ obj.respond_to?(:a_protected_method) should return false because
+ calling a protected method may cause NoMethodError if called
+ from outside the class inheritance tree. Kernel#respond_to? is
+ mostly used to test if it is safe to call a method, so the false
+ positive should be avoided. [ruby-dev:40461] [ruby-dev:41739]
+ [ruby-dev:41837]
+Mon Feb 13 21:52:06 2012 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ `sizeof(struct heaps_slot)` while heap is currently allocated
+ with `struct heaps_header`.
+ HEAP_BITMAP_LIMIT were calculated from
+ `HEAP_OBJ_LIMIT/sizeof(uintptr_t)` - one Byte for each object,
+ not one Bit. [Bug #6006]
+ patched by Sokolov Yura.
+Mon Feb 13 18:30:32 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (io_setstrbuf): defer resizing buffer string until data is
+ read actually.
+Mon Feb 13 10:24:39 2012 Loren Segal <>
+ * io.c (Init_IO): use directive hack to make ARGF documentable
+ in other tools. [ruby-core:42515][Bug #6007]
+Sun Feb 12 20:43:54 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_event_hook_func_t): add argument names.
+Sun Feb 12 16:30:23 2012 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * tool/merger.rb (#default_merge_branch): Add support for
+ Subversion 1.7 which adopted a whole new working directory
+ structure.
+Sun Feb 12 15:14:41 2012 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * benchmark/driver.rb: suppress unused/shadowing variable warnings.
+Sun Feb 12 03:14:40 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * vm_eval.c (check_funcall): Call respond_to? with matching arity for
+ legacy single-argument implementations. [ruby-trunk - Bug #6000]
+Sat Feb 11 12:04:05 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (defined_expr): guard the whole expression.
+ [ruby-dev:45021][Bug#5786]
+Sat Feb 11 08:34:42 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (rb_inflate_add_dictionary): Added
+ Zlib::Inflate#add_dictionary to allow users to pre-specify
+ for using during #inflate. [ruby-trunk - Feature #5937]
+Sat Feb 11 08:23:02 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (do_inflate): Inflate more data if buffered data
+ exists. Allows Zlib::Inflate#set_dictionary to work.
+ [ruby-trunk - Bug #5929]
+Sat Feb 11 06:00:48 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * dir.c (fnmatch): The * needs to be escaped to avoid formatting in
+ fnmatch comment.
+ patched by @dalton.
+Fri Feb 10 03:41:31 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/parser.c: removed external encoding setter, allow parser
+ to be reused.
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/parser.rb: added external encoding setter.
+ * test/psych/test_parser.rb: test parser reuse
+Fri Feb 10 01:30:41 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/dl/dl.h (ALIGN_OF): use offsetof().
+ * ext/dl/dl.h (DLALIGN): round up at once and get rid of overflow.
+Fri Feb 10 00:47:07 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (assert_no_memory_leak): new assertion to
+ check memory leak by invoking child ruby process and watch its
+ memory size.
+Thu Feb 9 23:41:44 2012 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * test/pathname/test_pathname.rb (test_binread): add assertion to
+ check encoding.
+Thu Feb 9 16:48:19 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/dl/dl.c (Init_dl): fix mangled document.
+Thu Feb 9 16:10:34 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/memory_status.rb (Memory::Win32): 64bit support.
+Thu Feb 9 16:08:55 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/dl/lib/value.rb (DL::ValueUtil.{unsigned_value,signed_value}):
+ currently pack/unpack does not accept "q!" and "Q!".
+Thu Feb 9 16:01:29 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/fiddle/conversions.c (value_to_generic): src is not guaranteed as
+ a Bignum if the type is LONG_LONG. it may be a Fixnum if the value
+ is small.
+Thu Feb 9 11:32:36 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/dl/lib/types.rb: Win64 support.
+Thu Feb 9 04:12:29 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/pathname/test_pathname.rb: not read but binread.
+ patched by Benoit Daloze, [ruby-core:42440] [Bug #5984]
+Wed Feb 8 22:29:59 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_modify_expand): fix memory leak.
+Wed Feb 8 14:06:59 2012 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c: Add SSL constants and allow to unset SSL
+ option to prevent BEAST attack. See [Bug #5353].
+ In OpenSSL, OP_DONT_INSERT_EMPTY_FRAGMENTS is used to prevent
+ TLS-CBC-IV vulnerability described at
+ It's known issue of TLSv1/SSLv3 but it attracts lots of attention
+ these days as BEAST attack. (CVE-2011-3389)
+ Until now ossl sets OP_ALL at SSLContext allocation and call
+ SSL_CTX_set_options at connection. SSL_CTX_set_options updates the
+ value by using |= so bits set by OP_ALL cannot be unset afterwards.
+ This commit changes to call SSL_CTX_set_options only 1 time for each
+ SSLContext. It sets the specified value if SSLContext#options= are
+ called and sets OP_ALL if not.
+ To help users to unset bits in OP_ALL, this commit also adds several
+ constant to SSL such as
+ OpenSSL::SSL::OP_DONT_INSERT_EMPTY_FRAGMENTS. These constants were
+ not exposed in Ruby because there's no way to unset bits in OP_ALL
+ before.
+ Following is an example to enable 0/n split for BEAST prevention.
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb: Test above option exists.
+Wed Feb 8 13:12:02 2012 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509name.c: Use the numerical representation of
+ unrecognized OIDs instead of the sn "UNDEF".
+ * test/openssl/test_x509name.rb: Add tests for the fixed behavior.
+ Patch provided by Paul Kehrer, thank you!
+ [ruby-core:41769] [Feature #5787]
+Wed Feb 8 09:49:58 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/merger.rb: don't abort, update first.
+Wed Feb 8 09:47:33 2012 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c: Call INT2NUM only once for GeneralString.
+ Thanks to Mantas Mikulenas for noticing and providing a patch!
+ [ruby-core:42358] [Bug #5972]
+Wed Feb 8 09:19:00 2012 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_cipher.c: Add warning about key as IV.
+Tue Feb 7 20:08:12 2012 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * error.c (exc_inspect): Fix typo. patch from Trent Ogren
+ via
+Tue Feb 7 19:37:35 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * st.c: refactor packed entries using structs.
+Tue Feb 7 14:52:10 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * st.c (st_update): table can be unpacked in the callback.
+ * st.c (st_foreach): should not yield same pair when checking
+ after unpacking.
+Mon Feb 6 21:55:13 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/merger.rb: abort if the working directory is dirty.
+ * tool/merger.rb: update the working directory after commit.
+Mon Feb 6 00:16:27 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_compatible): return ASCII-8BIT even if 2nd string
+ is ascii only string. [ruby-core:42354] [Bug #5968]
+Fri Feb 3 07:16:47 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/webrick.rb: Moved proxy rewriting to WEBrick::HTTPProxy.
+ * lib/webrick/httpproxy.rb: Add examples of creating a proxy server
+ and response rewriting using HTTPProxy.
+Fri Feb 3 06:53:22 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509store.c: Add class documentation for
+ OpenSSL::X509::Store
+Thu Feb 2 22:28:13 2012 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/net/http/test_https_proxy.rb
+ (HTTPSProxyTest#test_https_proxy_authentication):
+ add workaround to avoid to hang up without openssl.
+ see [ruby-dev:45021][Bug #5786]
+ * test/resolv/test_dns.rb (TestResolvDNS#test_query_ipv4_address):
+ ditto.
+Thu Feb 2 21:48:18 2012 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb: use meaningful names.
+Thu Feb 2 21:38:52 2012 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb, test/rexml/test_namespace.rb:
+ fix the default xml namespace URI validation.
+ [ruby-dev:45169] [Bug #5956]
+ Reported by Miho Hiramatsu. Thanks!!!
+Thu Feb 2 17:51:02 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (argf_next_argv): reset ARGF.next_p on ARGV.replace.
+ r34409 breaks replacing ARGV.
+ [ruby-dev:45160] [Bug #5952]
+Thu Feb 2 16:21:01 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/net/http/test_http.rb (TestNetHTTPKeepAlive#*): remove debug
+ output.
+Thu Feb 2 01:24:34 2012 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * parse.y (debug_lines, coverage): set file path encoding for coverage
+ result. [ruby-dev:44950]
+Wed Feb 1 14:38:31 2012 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb (Tempfile#unlink, Tempfile::Remover#call): Just
+ call File.unlink and ignore ENOENT because existence check
+ before unlinking does not help in terms of race condition.
+ * lib/tempfile.rb (Tempfile#unlink, Tempfile::Remover#call): My
+ comment about thread safeness is obsolete.
+Wed Feb 1 09:50:10 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * doc/re.rdoc (Repetition): fix typo. reported by Ori Avtalion
+ and patched by Zachary Scott. [Bug #5947]
+Wed Feb 1 06:38:54 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (argf_close): skip stdin, which should be readable again.
+ [ruby-dev:45160] [Bug #5952]
+ * io.c (argf_readlines): reinitialize after all read to be
+ readable again.
+Tue Jan 31 21:27:43 2012 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * (HEAP_ALIGN_LOG): HEAP_ALIGN_LOG should be page
+ size in OpenBSD. [ruby-core:42158][Bug #5901]
+ * gc.c : avoid to redefine.
+Tue Jan 31 14:27:22 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (EnvUtil.invoke_ruby): yield also child pid
+ in block form.
+Mon Jan 30 19:08:19 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (vm_call0): should pass block to enumerators. patched
+ by Kazuki Tsujimoto. [ruby-dev:44961][Bug #5731]
+ * vm_eval.c (method_missing), vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method):
+ ditto. patched by satoshi shiba.
+Mon Jan 30 12:31:05 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * file.c (append_fspath): need to set the encoding to result always.
+Mon Jan 30 10:38:37 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/irb/test_completion.rb: skip if cannot load irb/completion
+ (maybe readline does not exist).
+Sun Jan 29 22:47:19 2012 Yutaka Kanemoto <>
+ * tool/config.{guess,sub}: updated to automake-1.11.2.
+Sun Jan 29 12:17:56 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_attempted_completion_function):
+ respect encodings. [Bug #5941]
+Sat Jan 28 09:33:33 2012 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_read): fix an issue that $ doesn't
+ terminate by CTRL-C on Windows.
+ [ruby-dev:45149] [Bug #5812]
+Sat Jan 28 08:18:11 2012 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb
+ (TestThreadGroup#test_thread_timer_and_interrupt): skip exit status
+ assertion because we cannot get signal status on Windows.
+ * win32/win32.c (CreateChild): create process group to receive the
+ signal by GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent().
+ * win32/win32.c (kill): use CTRL_BREAK_EVENT instead of CTRL_C_EVENT
+ if a process group is specified. CTRL_C_EVENT signal cannot be
+ generated for process groups for the specification.
+ [ruby-dev:45149] [Bug #5812]
+Sat Jan 28 07:46:03 2012 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * thread_win32.c (rb_w32_wait_events_blocking): use
+ ruby_thread_from_native() instead of GET_THREAD() because
+ GET_THREAD() doesn't always return the current thread and
+ WaitForMultipleObjects() at rb_w32_read() doesn't return by
+ Thread#kill. This fixes TestQueue#test_thr_kill failure on
+ Windows.
+ * thread_win32.c (rb_w32_wait_events): use ruby_thread_from_native()
+ instead of GET_THREAD() for consistency with the above change.
+ * thread_win32.c (rb_w32_sleep): ditto.
+ * thread_win32.c (rb_w32_Sleep): ditto.
+ [ruby-dev:45149] [Bug #5812]
+Sat Jan 28 07:28:48 2012 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * test/zlib/test_zlib.rb (TestZlibGzipReader#test_reader_wrap): set
+ binmode explicitly for fixing test error on Windows. This is consistent
+ with r34243.
+ [ruby-dev:45149] [Bug #5812]
+Sat Jan 28 05:53:34 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/irb/completion.rb (IRB::InputCompletor::CompletionProc):
+ ignore non-string name modules. [ruby-core:42244][Bug #5938]
+Fri Jan 27 16:31:45 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (HEAP_ALIGN, HEAP_ALIGN_MASK): DRY, let compiler calculate
+Thu Jan 26 11:03:37 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb: Clean up extra whitespace in output documentation.
+Thu Jan 26 03:24:02 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/io/console/console.c (io_getch): default delegating method
+ for StringIO.
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c: moved some methods to hidden modules.
+Wed Jan 25 13:27:42 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_basename): ignore non-ascii extension in
+ different encoding, which cannot match.
+ * file.c (rmext): no extension to strip if empty string.
+ * file.c (rb_enc_path_next, rb_enc_path_skip_prefix)
+ (rb_enc_path_last_separator, rb_enc_path_end)
+ (ruby_enc_find_basename, ruby_enc_find_extname): encoding-aware
+ path handling functions.
+ * file.c (rb_home_dir, file_expand_path, rb_realpath_internal)
+ (rb_file_s_basename, rb_file_dirname, rb_file_s_extname)
+ (rb_file_join): should respect the encodings of arguments than
+ file system encoding. [ruby-dev:45145] [Bug #5919]
+ * dir.c (check_dirname, ruby_glob0): ditto.
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_sub_ext): ditto.
+Tue Jan 24 14:20:42 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm.c (rb_iter_break_value): new function to break a block with
+ the value. [ruby-dev:45132] [Feature #5895]
+Tue Jan 24 12:58:41 2012 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * object.c (rb_Hash): add Kernel#Hash conversion method like
+ Array() or Float(). a patch from Run Paint Run Run. Fix #3131
+Tue Jan 24 11:38:05 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (URI.encode_www_form_component): initialize on
+ requiring to support JRuby, which runs parallel multithreads.
+ [ruby-core:42222] [Bug #5925]
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (URI.decode_www_form_component): initialize on
+Mon Jan 23 20:33:11 2012 Jason Kay <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTP#connect): Writing entire packet at
+ once to avoid incomplete transmission. Current code using
+ writeline was causing sub-optimal conversing with a proxy due to
+ the connect tunnel request headers being split over multiple
+ packets. The modification I made allows the connect request to
+ be written as one packet, avoiding problems and optimizing the
+ conversation.
+ [Feature #5460]
+Mon Jan 23 17:06:17 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/mailto.rb ( follow Array#to_s change of
+ Ruby 1.9; use Array#join. [Bug #5840]
+Mon Jan 23 16:42:28 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (extract_binmode): raise an exception if binmode/textmode
+ is specified with both vmode and opthash.
+ [ruby-core:42199] [Bug #5918]
+Mon Jan 23 16:35:27 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_extract_modeenc): set ASCII-8BIT if binmode is specified
+ with opthash. [ruby-core:42197] [Bug #5917]
+Mon Jan 23 10:08:00 2012 Kenta Murata <>
+ * test/cgi/test_cgi_util.rb (test_cgi_escape_preserve_encoding):
+ add a test for CGI::escape to preserve encoding.
+ * test/cgi/test_cgi_util.rb (test_cgi_unescape_preserve_encoding):
+ add a test for CGI::unescape to preserve encoding.
+Mon Jan 23 00:45:34 2012 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * misc/rdoc-mode.el (rdoc-imenu-create-index): Add imenu support
+ to rdoc-mode.
+ * misc/rdoc-mode.el (rdoc-mode): Fix regexp patterns containing
+ "\s " where CR/LF is not supposed to match.
+Sun Jan 22 15:41:26 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (rb_intern3): split to registration check and new
+ registration.
+ * parse.y (rb_intern_str): make interned string shared with the
+ given string.
+ * parse.y (rb_intern3, rb_intern_str): check the coderange first.
+Sat Jan 21 22:21:07 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (FIXNUM_P): simple flag should be int.
+Sat Jan 21 21:51:19 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_compatible): fix segv on symbols.
+ [ruby-core:42204] [Bug #5921]
+Sat Jan 21 11:43:45 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (dir_chdir, check_dirname): get rid of optimization-out.
+Fri Jan 20 20:47:37 2012 Kenta Murata <>
+ * lib/cgi/util.rb (CGI.escape): support a string with invalid byte
+ sequence. [Bug #5913]
+ * test/cgi/test_cgi_util.rb
+ (test_cgi_escape_with_invalid_byte_sequence): test for the above
+ change.
+Fri Jan 20 17:37:37 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * vm.c (vm_exec): remove workaround for LLVM because r34278 fixes it.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_cfunc): ditto.
+Fri Jan 20 14:31:43 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTP#transport_request): retry a idempotent
+ request automatically. [ruby-dev:45030] [Bug #5790]
+ [ruby-core:41821] [Bug #5813]
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTP#keep_alive_timeout=): added to specify
+ the second to reconnect the TCP connection on Keep-Alive.
+ The default value is 2 second because current servers uses 2 sec.
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTP#begin_transport): reconnect TCP
+ connection on keep-alive timeout.
+Thu Jan 19 07:53:09 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_strptime.c: moved detector of leftover.
+Thu Jan 19 07:10:47 2012 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_parse.c: [ruby-core:42173].
+Wed Jan 18 18:11:02 2012 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * misc/rdoc-mode.el (rdoc-mode): Add provide so that requiring
+ this library succeeds.
+Wed Jan 18 18:06:45 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (cWindow, cMouseEvent): made typed data.
+Wed Jan 18 12:49:15 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb: Added support for loading
+ subclasses of String with ivars
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: Added support for dumping
+ subclasses of String with ivars
+ * test/psych/test_string.rb: corresponding tests
+Wed Jan 18 10:39:47 2012 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb: Added ability to load array
+ subclasses with ivars.
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: Added ability to dump
+ array subclasses with ivars.
+ * test/psych/test_array.rb: corresponding tests
+Tue Jan 17 17:18:41 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (SPT_TYPE): enable as SPT_REUSEARGV on Darwin.
+ * missing/setproctitle.c (ruby_init_setproctitle): changed prefix.
+Tue Jan 17 12:32:46 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (aligned_malloc, aligned_free): covered missing defined
+ operators and fixes for cygwin.
+Tue Jan 17 10:54:46 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * st.c (do_hash): it's the time to remove cast to unsigned int.
+Tue Jan 17 07:30:12 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * st.c (unpack_entries): Fix r34310: on unpacking, the position of
+ a hash must be do_hash-ed value.
+ * st.c (add_packed_direct): ditto.
+Mon Jan 16 16:41:53 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (Regexp): fix incorrect options when casting to
+ a Regexp, and suppress encoding option warnings.
+Mon Jan 16 11:22:38 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_chsize): no need to get the current file size.
+Mon Jan 16 00:41:33 2012 Sokolov Yura <>
+ * st.c: st use function instead of macro. In my current
+ environment (Ubuntu 11.04 32bit gcc-4.5.2) it gives 4%
+ performance improvement.
+Sun Jan 15 14:09:48 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * object.c (rb_inspect): raise the result is not compatible with
+ the default external encoding. [ruby-core:42095] [Bug #5848]
+ If the default external encoding is ASCII compatible, the encoding of
+ inspected result must be compatible with it.
+ If the default external encoding is ASCII incompatible,
+ the result must be ASCII only.
+Sun Jan 15 13:21:50 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/json/parser/parser.rl (json_string_unescape): workaround fix
+ for over optimization of GCC 4.7. [ruby-core:42085] [Bug #5888]
+Sat Jan 14 22:24:09 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/dl/callback/mkcallback.rb (gencallback): suppress unused
+ variables.
+Sat Jan 14 21:56:43 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * iseq.c (iseq_data_to_ary): check line info table boundary. line
+ number 0 means no line number info is needed. [ruby-dev:45130]
+ [Bug #5894]
+Sat Jan 14 18:24:13 2012 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * error.c (exc_equal): clear rb_thread_t::errinfo when ignore
+ an exception under rb_protect(). [ruby-core:41979] [Bug #5865]
+Sat Jan 14 12:02:55 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_enc_vsprintf): relaxed the restriction. since the
+ implementation deeply depends on plain char, so wchar_t based
+ encodings are not supported.
+Sat Jan 14 12:00:20 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (exc_equal): ignore exceptions during implicit
+ conversion. [ruby-core:41979] [Bug #5865]
+Sat Jan 14 05:58:54 2012 Eric Hodel <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_read): Fix formatting of open_args comment. Reported
+ by Adam Prescott.
+Fri Jan 13 18:41:19 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_enc_vsprintf): can be used for ASCII compatible
+ encodings only.
+Fri Jan 13 18:29:06 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_mutex_unlock_th): simplified.
+ * thread.c (rb_barrier_waiting): fix potential overflows.
+Fri Jan 13 17:23:38 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * load.c (load_unlock): update loading table at once.
+Fri Jan 13 16:44:45 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (exc_equal): try implicit conversion for delegator.
+ [ruby-core:41979] [Bug #5865]
+Fri Jan 13 03:46:53 2012 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/shellwords.rb (Shellwords#shellescape): shellescape() now
+ stringifies the given object using to_s.
+ * lib/shellwords.rb (Shellwords#shelljoin): shelljoin() accepts
+ non-string objects in the given array, each of which is
+ stringified using to_s.
+ * lib/shellwords.rb: Fix rdoc markups.
+Fri Jan 13 03:38:36 2012 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/shellwords.rb (Shellwords#shellsplit): Fix a bug where
+ consecutive backslashes in double quotes are all removed except
+ the one at the tail.
+Fri Jan 13 03:28:00 2012 Luis Lavena <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb (if ipv6): only define _WIN32_WINNT if was not
+ previously defined. This solve warnings with multiple defines in
+ command line with GCC 4.6.1
+Thu Jan 12 18:44:31 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: fix r33904 and revert r33905. initialize global
+ variables with init_mkmf before initializing constants.
+ [ruby-dev:45124] [Bug #5879]
+Thu Jan 12 13:51:00 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * cont.c (cont_restore_0): prevent optimizing out `sp'. sp is used for
+ reserving a memory space with ALLOCA_N for restoring machine stack
+ stored in cont->machine_stack, but clang optimized out it (and
+ maybe #5851 is also caused by this).
+ This affected TestContinuation#test_check_localvars.
+ * cont.c (cont_restore_1): revert workaround introduced in r32201.
+Thu Jan 12 02:14:43 2012 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * object.c: Added examples for Object#is_a? and
+ Object#instance_of? patched from Manoj Kumar.
+ [Bug #5880] [ruby-core:42057]
+Thu Jan 12 00:57:48 2012 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: verbose-mode can use by RM, RMDIRS, etc.
+ (e.g. make V=1 realclean)
+Wed Jan 11 23:40:21 2012 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_concat): set array element after definition
+ to fix compile error with Fujitsu C Compiler 5.6 on Solaris 10
+ on Sparc. [Bug #5878] [ruby-dev:45123]
+Wed Jan 11 22:52:51 2012 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * gc.c (ruby_mimmalloc): don't set allocated size to header.
+ ruby_mimmalloc() doesn't increment allocated_size/allocations and
+ decrement them in ruby_xfree() cause inconsistency.
+ * gc.c (ruby_xfree): don't decrement allocated_size/allocations if
+ allocated size record is 0.
+Wed Jan 11 22:36:43 2012 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * test/readline/test_readline.rb (test_completion_proc_empty_result):
+ ensure clearance of Readline's line_buffer after the test.
+Tue Jan 10 21:57:38 2012 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c (Init_dbm): fix a build error on mswin32.
+ use `extern __declspec(dllimport)` for dll link with VC.
+ [ruby-core:41996] [Bug #5869]
+Tue Jan 10 15:31:55 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * vm.c (vm_exec): refix r34162; suppress warning and add description.
+Tue Jan 10 15:13:58 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_attempted_completion_function):
+ use rb_memerror().
+Tue Jan 10 12:49:42 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * gc.c: in fact, i686-linux doesn't need to define _XOPEN_SOURCE 600.
+Tue Jan 10 12:44:11 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * gc.c (ruby_mimmalloc): defined for objects need not rb_objspace,
+ but should return pointer suitable for ruby_xfree;
+ main vm and main thread.
+ patched by Sokolov Yura.
+ * internal.h: ditto.
+ * vm.c (Init_BareVM): use ruby_mimmalloc.
+ * ext/dl/cfunc.c: #include <ruby/util.h>.
+ * ext/syslog/syslog.c: use xfree because it is allocated by
+ ruby_strdup.
+Tue Jan 10 12:13:56 2012 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_attempted_completion_function):
+ fix compile error.
+Tue Jan 10 10:41:11 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_attempted_completion_function):
+ empty completion result does not mean memory error.
+Tue Jan 10 02:19:22 2012 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (test_autoclose_true_closed_by_finalizer,
+ test_autoclose_true_closed_by_finalizer): skip if IO objects are
+ not recycled yet. [ruby-dev:45098] [Bug #5850]
+Tue Jan 10 00:41:28 2012 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb (Tempfile#_close): clear @tempfile and @data[1] even
+ when exception is raised at @tempfile.close. [ruby-dev:45113]
+ * lib/tempfile.rb (Tempfile#unlink): fix a typo.
+Tue Jan 10 00:32:17 2012 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * gc.c (run_finalizer): clear rb_thread_t::errinfo when ignore
+ an exception under rb_protect(). [ruby-dev:45113]
+Mon Jan 9 23:37:43 2012 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_attempted_completion_function):
+ fix typos.
+Mon Jan 9 20:55:34 2012 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c : don't embed struct heaps_slot to a heap block because it
+ can causes copy-on-write of memory page on heap block when its
+ free_next is rewritten.
+Mon Jan 9 20:26:33 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_entries): add document suggested by
+ the thread [ruby-core:41959] [Bug #5859].
+Mon Jan 9 20:14:13 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb (family_addrinfo): don't require protocol
+ equality. For example, protocol 0 and IPPROTO_TCP is not problem
+ for TCP.
+Mon Jan 9 20:08:52 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb (family_addrinfo): return the given
+ addrinfo object.
+ Patch by Ippei Obayashi. [ruby-dev:45095] [Bug #5845]
+Mon Jan 9 19:40:20 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/zlib/test_zlib.rb (TestZlibGzipWriter#test_writer_wrap): set
+ binmode explicitly.
+Mon Jan 9 14:42:41 2012 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c: free_slots is changed Singly linked list. clear
+ free_slots before sweep.
+Mon Jan 9 07:46:17 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * gc.c: i686-linux needs to define _XOPEN_SOURCE 600 for posix_memalign.
+Mon Jan 9 04:24:59 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * gc.c (rb_objspace_free): global_List is allocated with xmalloc.
+ patched by Sokolov Yura.
+ * dln_find.c: remove useless replacement of free.
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_attempted_completion_function):
+ strings for readline must allocated with malloc.
+ * process.c (run_exec_dup2): use free; see also r20950.
+ * re.c (onig_new_with_source): use malloc for oniguruma.
+ * vm.c (ruby_vm_destruct): use free for VMs.
+ * vm.c (thread_free): use free for threads.
+Mon Jan 9 04:24:59 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * dln_find.c: remove useless replacement of free.
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (filename_completion_proc_call):
+ matches should use xfree.
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (username_completion_proc_call): ditto.
+Mon Jan 9 01:12:35 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_enc_uint_char): raise RangeError when added codepoint
+ is invalid. [Feature #5855] [Bug #5863] [Bug #5864]
+ * string.c (rb_str_concat): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_concat): set encoding as ASCII-8BIT when the string
+ is US-ASCII and the argument is an integer greater than 127.
+ * regenc.c (onigenc_mb2_code_to_mbclen): rearrange error code.
+ * enc/euc_jp.c (code_to_mbclen): ditto.
+ * enc/shift_jis.c (code_to_mbclen): ditto.
+Sun Jan 8 20:31:45 2012 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c : consider header bytes which are used by malloc.
+Sun Jan 8 11:54:43 2012 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c (aligned_free): support MinGW. Patch by Hiroshi Shirosaki.
+Sun Jan 8 11:43:05 2012 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c (slot_sweep): add a assertion instead of a debug print.
+Sun Jan 8 01:18:19 2012 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * test/-ext-/old_thread_select/test_old_thread_select.rb:
+ avoid platform bug. [Bug #5858] [ruby-dev:45108]
+Sun Jan 8 00:46:34 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * gc.c: get rid of implicit narrowing conversion.
+Sun Jan 8 00:10:10 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * check posix_memalign(3) and memalign(3).
+ * gc.c (aligned_malloc): use configure's result instead of
+ _POSIX_C_SOURCE and _XOPEN_SOURCE because they can't be used
+ to check availability at least on FreeBSD.
+Sat Jan 7 22:25:50 2012 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c: use Bitmap Marking algorithm to avoid copy-on-write of
+ memory pages. See [ruby-dev:45085] [Feature #5839]
+ [ruby-core:41916].
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h : FL_MARK rename to FL_RESERVED1.
+ * node.h : ditto.
+ * debug.c : ditto.
+ * object.c (rb_obj_clone): FL_MARK move to a bitmap.
+ * class.c (rb_singleton_class_clone): ditto.
+Sat Jan 7 00:47:07 2012 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ [ruby-dev:45100] [Bug #5852]
+Fri Jan 6 23:11:20 2012 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * include/ruby/version.h: RUBY_API_VERSION 2.0.0
+Fri Jan 6 12:24:11 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * object.c (rb_inspect): raises Encoding::CompatibilityError if the
+ result is incompatible with the default external encoding.
+ [ruby-core:41931] [Bug #5848]
+Thu Jan 5 15:26:15 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (check_valid_dir): strict checking of root.
+ GetDriveType() succeeds with non root directory as the argument,
+ even if MSDN says that the API needs the root directory.
+ this patch fixes a failure of test/ruby/test_file_exhaustive.rb.
+Thu Jan 5 12:15:55 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_join): separator is appended by array length - 1
+ times. patched by Benoit Daloze [ruby-core:41901] [Bug #5841]
+Thu Jan 5 11:47:54 2012 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (URI::Parser#initialize_regexp):
+ use \A \z instead of ^ $. [Bug #5843]
+Wed Jan 4 17:55:53 2012 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_sample): add example for Array#sample
+ based on patch from
+Wed Jan 4 14:24:33 2012 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (str_nth_len): count ascii-only run at the end. this
+ bug appears only when single-byte-optimization is disabled due
+ to unknown coderange. [ruby-core:41896] [Bug #5836]
+Wed Jan 4 11:32:07 2012 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (check_valid_dir): special case for a root directory.
+ Reported by Masateru OKAMOTO at [Bug #5819].
+Wed Jan 4 00:19:54 2012 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb: use private instead of _xxx
+ method name. This is Ruby code not Python code.
+ refs #5696
+Tue Jan 3 23:57:37 2012 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb: rexml BaseParser uses
+ instance_eval unnecessarily on listener add.
+ patch from Charles Nutter. [Bug #5696] [ruby-core:41437]
+Tue Jan 3 20:44:13 2012 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * README: add comment for Git user. patch from Arun Agrawal.
+ * README.ja: ditto.
+Tue Jan 3 15:58:22 2012 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * thread.c: changed documentation for "thread-local" variables.
+ patch from Julien Ammous.
+Tue Jan 3 15:50:12 2012 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * process.c: Fix typo. patch from Aviv Ben-Yosef.
+Tue Jan 3 13:43:37 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * tool/merger.rb: allow r0123 style revision number.
+Tue Jan 3 11:17:55 2012 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * tool/merger.rb (#version_up): version.h date should be Japanese
+ locale date.
+Mon Jan 2 22:08:00 2012 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * tool/file2lastrev.rb (VCS::detect): Add support for Subversion
+ 1.7 which adopted a whole new working directory structure.
+ * tool/file2lastrev.rb (VCS::detect): Simply use .each instead of
+ .sort.reverse_each which looks too arbitrary. If you want SVN
+ to be tried first, then you just have to register it first as it
+ is right now.
+Mon Jan 2 20:53:36 2012 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/securerandom.rb (random_bytes): use IO#read instead of
+ IO#readpartial to make the intent more clear.
+Mon Jan 2 15:26:39 2012 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_object.rb (test_send_with_block): add a normal case.
+Mon Jan 2 15:18:54 2012 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_object.rb (test_send_with_block): moved from
+ bootstraptest/test_flow.rb.
+Mon Jan 2 15:10:11 2012 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * lib/test/unit/parallel.rb: use pack("m0") instead of
+ pack("m").gsub("\n","").
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Runner::Worker#run): ditto.
+Mon Jan 2 15:05:09 2012 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Runner::Worker#run): use
+ File.basename with suffix instead of gsub.
+Mon Jan 2 14:55:28 2012 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Runner#_run_parallel): find may
+ return nil and nil can not dup.
+Sun Jan 1 12:23:10 2012 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/shellwords.rb (Shellwords#shellescape): Drop the //n flag
+ that only causes warnings with no real effect. [Bug #5637]
+Sat Dec 31 06:28:37 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * thread.c (rb_barrier_waiting): save the number of waiting threads
+ in RBASIC()->flags. [ruby-dev:45002] [Bug #5768]
+ * thread.c (rb_barrier_wait): increment and decrement around
+ rb_mutex_lock, and use rb_barrier_waiting().
+ * thread.c (rb_barrier_release): use rb_barrier_waiting().
+ * thread.c (rb_barrier_destroy): ditto.
+Mon Dec 26 17:20:10 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * vm.c (vm_exec): add guard to prevent optimization for LLVM clang.
+Fri Dec 30 17:01:12 2011 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_f_send): fix obj.send() documentation issue.
+ [Bug #5125] [ruby-core:38633]
+Thu Dec 29 22:36:16 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Runner::Worker#_run_parallels): fix
+ premature exit when all workers' status are :ready or :prepare.
+ [ruby-dev:45061] [Bug #5822]
+Thu Dec 29 01:51:13 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: fix #error pragma. LLP64 platform is supported.
+ * include/ruby/st.h: ditto.
+Wed Dec 28 11:22:45 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils::Entry_#entries): use utility method
+ instead of typoed regexp. [ruby-core:41829] [Bug #5817]
+Wed Dec 28 02:08:04 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (unknown_keyword_error): add GC guard to prevent
+ intermediate object from GC.
+Tue Dec 27 22:34:54 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Worker#close): "closing IO if IO is closed"
+ should be "closing IO if IO isn't closed"
+Tue Dec 27 22:04:27 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * st.c (st_update): new function to lookup the given key and
+ update the value. [ruby-dev:44998]
+Tue Dec 27 21:17:33 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * node.h (rb_args_info): change pre_args_num and post_args_num as
+ int, to match with rb_iseq_t.
+ * parse.y (new_args_gen): check overflow.
+Mon Dec 26 22:38:35 2011 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (unknown_keyword_error): make it kind a error
+ message when unknown keyword is given. It require more work.
+ See [ruby-core:40518] and [ruby-core:40541] in detail.
+Mon Dec 26 22:31:07 2011 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * vm_core.h (struct rb_iseq_struct), compile.c (iseq_set_arguments),
+ iseq.c (rb_iseq_parameters), vm_insnhelper.c
+ (vm_callee_setup_arg_complex): support Method#parameters for keyword
+ arguments. The provisional spec is what Benoit Daloze proposed.
+ [ruby-core:40541]
+ * test/ruby/test_keyword.rb: add a test for above.
+Mon Dec 26 22:15:27 2011 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * vm_core.h (struct rb_iseq_struct), compile.c (iseq_set_arguments,
+ iseq_compile_each), vm_insnhelper.c (vm_callee_setup_arg_complex):
+ implement keyword arguments. See [ruby-core:40290]
+ The feature is promised to be included in 2.0, but the detail spec
+ is still under discussion; this commit is a springboard for further
+ discussion. Please try it and give us feedback.
+ This commit includes fixes for some problems reported by Benoit
+ Daloze <eregontp AT> [ruby-core:40518] and Marc-Andre
+ Lafortune <ruby-core-mailing-list AT>
+ [ruby-core:41772].
+ * iseq.c (iseq_free, prepare_iseq_build): bookkeeping.
+ * test/ruby/test_keyword.rb: add tests for keyword arguments.
+ * test/ripper/dummyparser.rb (class DummyParser): temporal fix for
+ ripper test.
+Mon Dec 26 22:00:17 2011 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * node.h, node.c, parse.y: implement a parser part for keyword
+ arguments.
+ This is a preparation for keyword argument (see [ruby-core:40290]).
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_children): bookkeeping.
+Mon Dec 26 21:03:18 2011 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * node.h, parse.y (new_args_gen), compile.c (iseq_set_arguments): use
+ struct rb_args_info instead of NODEs.
+ This is a preparation for keyword argument (see [ruby-core:40290]).
+ * node.c (dump_node), gc.c (gc_mark_children, obj_free): bookkeeping.
+Mon Dec 26 20:59:51 2011 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * node.h, parse.y (lambda, f_larglist): remove NEW_LAMBDA hack.
+ This is a preparation for keyword argument (see [ruby-core:40290]).
+Mon Dec 26 22:01:19 2011 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * io.c (rb_sys_fail_path): move the definition.
+ Move above for using it in set_binary_mode_with_seek_cur().
+ * io.c (set_binary_mode_with_seek_cur): fix improper seek cursor.
+ Seeking file cursor with setting binary mode has possibility to
+ cause infinite loop. Fixed the bug and refined error handling.
+ Introduced at r34043.
+ And cleanups as below.
+ Remove unnecessary parentheses of `fptr`.
+ Use return value of setmode().
+ * test/ruby/test_io_m17n.rb
+ (TestIO_M17N#test_seek_with_setting_binmode): add a test for above.
+ [ruby-core:41671] [Bug #5714]
+Mon Dec 26 17:01:14 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (LIBRUBY_A): depends on main.o since r33774.
+ [ruby-core:41786] [Bug #5796]
+Mon Dec 26 13:07:08 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (TestIO#test_autoclose): doesn't
+ accept the block argument.
+Mon Dec 26 13:06:52 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: Avoid zombie processes on "--separate" option
+ added at r34121.
+Mon Dec 26 04:01:23 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_cipher.c: Update and complete documentation.
+Sun Dec 25 23:16:11 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * test/testunit/test_parallel.rb (test_separate): Test for "--separate"
+ option (r34121)
+Sun Dec 25 22:39:49 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (_run_parallel):
+ New option "--separate" for test/unit; when running tests with this
+ option, a job process will be restarted after one test file has done.
+ This means all test files will run with separated process.
+ * lib/test/unit/parallel.rb: Fix for above. Now parallel.rb puts
+ "ready!" for first ready, "ready" for afters.
+Sun Dec 25 00:02:15 2011 Luis Lavena <>
+ * change --with-ntver to --with-winnt-ver to be more
+ descriptive in the context. [ruby-core:41794]
+Sat Dec 24 23:25:15 2011 Luis Lavena <>
+ * add --with-ntver option to match win32/configure.bat
+ functionality. Set 0x0501 as default. [ruby-core:35010]
+ [ruby-core:35035]
+Sat Dec 24 12:38:53 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (proc_call): get rid of optimization-out by clang.
+ * proc.c (rb_proc_call, rb_proc_call_with_block): ditto.
+Sat Dec 24 10:56:32 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_readline): check if outstream
+ is closed to get rid of a bug of readline 6. [ruby-dev:45043]
+ [Bug #5803]
+Sat Dec 24 06:59:49 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/readline/test_readline.rb (test_line_buffer__point): use
+ lambda not to exit entire method by "return". or "next" for
+ proc. [ruby-dev:45042] [Bug #5802]
+Sat Dec 24 01:20:39 2011 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * vm_eval.c (send_internal): PASS_PASSED_BLOCK_TH must be placed
+ just before calling rb_call0.
+ * bootstraptest/test_flow.rb: add a test for above.
+Sat Dec 24 00:55:16 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb (Tempfile#initialize): warn if a block is given.
+Fri Dec 23 16:14:30 2011 TAKAO Kouji <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_attempted_completion_function):
+ in Readline module with GNU Readline 6 case, Readline module
+ resets completion_append_character to " ", after it executes
+ completion. So, Readline module stores
+ completion_append_character, and Readline module always sets it
+ after Readline module executes completion. [ruby-dev:43456]
+ [Feature #4635]
+Fri Dec 23 15:59:05 2011 TAKAO Kouji <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (Init_readline): libedit check
+ rl_getc_function only when rl_initialize() is called, and
+ using_history() call rl_initialize(). This assignment should be
+ placed before using_history(). [ruby-core:40641] [Bug #5539]
+Fri Dec 23 10:14:47 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/thread/test_queue.rb (test_thr_kill): show the number of loop
+ run when the test failed.
+Fri Dec 23 09:23:48 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/test_pty.rb (test_pty_check_default): call PTY.check until
+ "cat" command is finished.
+Fri Dec 23 06:03:00 2011 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * add "check succeeded" message.
+ * README, README.ja: follow above change.
+Fri Dec 23 06:00:39 2011 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.h: add satisfy cc-mode comment.
+ * util.c: ditto.
+Fri Dec 23 00:08:25 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/test_pty.rb (test_pty_check_default): "cat" may not terminated
+ in the 0.1 second.
+Thu Dec 22 23:37:25 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb (test_condvar_timed_wait): don't test the
+ maximum sleep time. Ruby is not a real-time system.
+Thu Dec 22 22:37:45 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (ping_signal_thread_list): remove return value.
+ * thread_pthread.c (check_signal_thread_list): add a new function to
+ check if signal thread list is empty.
+ * thread_pthread.c (thread_timer): check signal thread list after
+ timer_thread_function(). main thread might be added into signal thread
+ list during timer_thread_function().
+Thu Dec 22 00:40:24 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (VpMult, VpCtoV, VpSqrt): remove assigned
+ but unused variables.
+Wed Dec 21 18:28:22 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * (newline.c, miniprelude.c): revert r33949 because the change
+ broke mswin build, and the changer said no reason about the change.
+ [ruby-dev:45016] [Bug #5783]
+Wed Dec 21 12:35:24 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_s_allocate): follow
+ Allocation Framework. [Bug #5775]
+Wed Dec 21 02:25:36 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/emitter.c: fixing clang warnings. Thanks Joey!
+Wed Dec 21 01:06:00 2011 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/README: Update to
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c: ditto
+ * test/-ext-/wait_for_single_fd/test_wait_for_single_fd.rb: ditto
+ * test/syck/test_yaml.rb: ditto
+ * doc/ChangeLog-1.9.3: ditto
+Tue Dec 20 23:50:12 2011 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * PStore content update perf optimization. Patch by Masaki Matsushita.
+ See #5248.
+ * lib/pstore.rb (save_data):
+ * Delete inadequate Marshal check.
+ * Deferred file truncation: when writing the new content, truncate
+ the saved file to the data size after writing the data, instead of
+ truncating whole bytes before writing data.
+ * Deferred MD5 calculation: when comparing MD5 hash to check the
+ content modification, calculate MD5 hash of new data iif the
+ content length is differ from the old one.
+ * Compare content size with String#bytesize instead of String#size.
+Tue Dec 20 21:00:30 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: uses to_integer instead.
+ * test/date/test_switch_hitter.rb: added a test.
+Tue Dec 20 15:04:18 2011 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * Make sure to clear $! when ignoring an exception
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c (ossl_pem_passwd_cb0, ossl_verify_cb):
+ pem_passwd_cb and verify_cb ignores the exception raised in a
+ callback proc so it should clear $! for subsequent execution.
+ That's said, both subsequent processes for pem_passwd_cb and
+ verify_cb raises another exception before leaking $! to Ruby world.
+ We cannot test this fix in Ruby land.
+ * test/openssl/test_pkey_rsa.rb
+ (test_read_private_key_pem_pw_exception): Test for pem_passwd_cb +
+ exception.
+Tue Dec 20 11:49:13 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/date/test_date_base.rb (test_jd): tests for
+ [ruby-dev:45008].
+Tue Dec 20 10:20:48 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (wholenum): fix the type of the return value.
+Tue Dec 20 05:03:24 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * README.ja: Update to
+ * README: ditto
+ * ditto
+ * man/erb.1: ditto
+ * man/irb.1: ditto
+ * man/ri.1: ditto
+ * man/ruby.1: ditto
+ * sparc.c: ditto
+ * tool/install-sh: ditto
+Tue Dec 20 02:15:18 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: [ruby-dev:45008].
+Sun Dec 18 18:52:37 2011 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * vm.c (vm_define_method): improve guard of iseq from GC. Fix
+ failure or segmentation fault in test_singleton_method(TestGc)
+ on sparc Solaris10 compiled with Oracle Solaris Studio 12.2.
+ [Bug #5762] [ruby-dev:45000] [Bug #4178]
+Sun Dec 18 14:34:31 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (Init_bigdecimal): does not follow
+ allocation framework right now. [ruby-core:41710] [Bug #5773]
+Sun Dec 18 12:42:48 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb: BigDecimals can be restored
+ from YAML.
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: BigDecimals can be dumped
+ to YAML.
+ * test/psych/test_numeric.rb: tests for BigDecimal serialization
+Sun Dec 18 12:03:13 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/scalar_scanner.rb: Strings that look like dates
+ should be treated as strings and not dates.
+ * test/psych/test_scalar_scanner.rb: corresponding tests.
+Sun Dec 18 09:43:21 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * test/thread/test_queue.rb (test_thr_kill): extend timeout.
+ this test takes a long time at slow machine.
+Sun Dec 18 09:36:51 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (invoke_ruby): remove :timeout option before
+ pass it to Kernel#spawn.
+Fri Dec 16 17:18:38 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * README, README.ja: 'make check' is preferable to 'make test'.
+Thu Dec 15 23:16:13 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * error.c (builtin_type_name): don't return pointer to the buffer of
+ temporary String object.
+Thu Dec 15 17:56:58 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (argf_type): make typed data.
+Thu Dec 15 17:40:28 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (rb_check_type): fix typo.
+Thu Dec 15 14:48:35 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c: use typed data with
+ onig_region_memsize().
+Thu Dec 15 14:33:33 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (rb_check_typeddata): refine error message with
+ including expected struct name.
+Thu Dec 15 13:15:51 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * regcomp.c (onig_region_memsize): implemented for memsize_of().
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c (memsize_of): use it.
+Thu Dec 15 10:44:54 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_reject_bang, rb_ary_delete_if): update rdoc.
+ documentation from Thomas Leitner <t_leitner AT> in
+ [ruby-core:41616]. [Bug #5752]
+Thu Dec 15 10:10:43 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_require.rb (test_race_exception): get rid of
+ not-guaranteed timing issue. [ruby-core:41655] [Bug #5754]
+Wed Dec 14 21:58:42 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io_m17n.rb
+ (TestIO_M17N#test_{read_with_binmode_and_get[cs]}): only for Windows.
+Wed Dec 14 19:57:23 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ *,,win32/Makefile.sub (ECHO1): move platform
+ specific hack from to (and win32/Makefile.sub).
+ [Bug #5711]
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: we can generate Makefile as we like.
+Wed Dec 14 19:22:33 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c, include/ruby/win32.h (rb_w32_fd_is_text): new function.
+ * win32/win32.c (init_stdhandle): set default mode of stdin as binmode.
+ * io.c (set_binary_mode_with_seek_cur): new function to replace
+ SET_BINARY_MODE_WITH_SEEK_CUR macro. now returns previous mode of the
+ fd and take care of LF in rbuf.
+ * io.c (do_writeconv): set text mode when needed.
+ * io.c (io_read): need to change the mode of the IO to binmode
+ temporally when the length for IO#read, because IO#read with length
+ must behave so.
+ * test/ruby/test_io_m17n.rb (TestIO_M17N#test_{read_with_length,
+ read_with_length_binmode,get[cs]_and_read_with_binmode,
+ read_with_binmode_and_get[cs],read_write_with_binmode}): tests for
+ above changes.
+ all patches are written by Hiroshi Shirosaki. [ruby-core:41496]
+ [Feature #5714]
+Wed Dec 14 15:28:31 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * transcode.c (str_encode): about the extension of :fallback
+ option since 1.9.3.
+Wed Dec 14 12:19:59 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * load.c (load_unlock): release loading barrier and then remove it
+ from loading_table if it is not in-use. [Bug #5754]
+ * thread.c (rb_barrier_release, rb_barrier_destroy): return
+ whether any other threads are waiting on it.
+Wed Dec 14 11:23:45 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (ubf_select): call rb_thread_wakeup_timer_thread()
+ only when it is not timer_thread. [Bug #5757] [ruby-dev:44985]
+ patched by Tomoyuki Chikanaga.
+Wed Dec 14 10:20:08 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * load.c (load_lock): delete the loading barrier if it has been
+ destroyed.
+ * thread.c (rb_barrier_wait): return nil for recursive lock
+ instead of false, to distinguish it from destroyed barrier.
+Wed Dec 14 01:24:55 2011 okkez <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (rb_thread_create_timer_thread): fix memory
+ leak. [ruby-dev:44904] [Bug #5688]
+Wed Dec 14 00:01:15 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (primary): point method name line. [ruby-core:40936]
+ [Bug #5614]
+Tue Dec 13 23:43:48 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * error.c (name_err_mesg_to_str): clear rb_thread_t::errinfo when
+ ignore exception under rb_protect(). [ruby-core:41612] [Bug #5755]
+ * test/ruby/test_exception.rb (test_exception_in_name_error_to_str):
+ add a corresponding test.
+Tue Dec 13 16:13:29 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * load.c (load_unlock): all threads requiring one file should
+ share same loading barrier, so it must be kept alive while those
+ are waiting on it. [ruby-core:41618] [Bug #5754]
+Tue Dec 13 07:30:14 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb (setup_header): 1xx responses
+ are allowed to have Keep-Alive connections.
+ * test/webrick/test_httpresponse.rb: corresponding test.
+Tue Dec 13 07:13:28 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb (setup_header): 204 and 304 responses
+ are allowed to have a Keep-Alive connection. [ruby-core:41581]
+ * test/webrick/test_httpresponse.rb: corresponding test.
+Tue Dec 13 06:29:39 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_magic_comment): should pass the proper value.
+ [ruby-dev:44984][Bug #5753]
+Tue Dec 13 05:50:07 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_yield_setup_block_args): splat single
+ argument if optional arguments are defined not only mandatory or
+ post arguments. [ruby-core:41557] [Bug #5730]
+Mon Dec 12 22:35:39 2011 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * parse.y (stmt_or_begin): changed the error message for BEGIN not
+ at toplevel. [ruby-dev:44963] [Bug #5738]
+Mon Dec 12 17:29:01 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * README: Fixed SupportedPlatforms URL in the README.
+ patched by eMxyzptlk.
+Mon Dec 12 17:26:51 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * load.c (rb_feature_p): lazy assigned load_path searched in
+ loading_table were not expanded, but all features, pushed to
+ loading table, are expanded. a patch by Yura Sokolov
+ <funny.falcon AT> in [ruby-core:41545]. [Bug #5727]
+Mon Dec 12 15:41:03 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_truncate): fix typo. patched by
+ Nick Howard <ndh AT>.
+Sun Dec 11 12:19:17 2011 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb: includes the sequence number of UID in a error
+ message. suggested by art lussos.
+ [ruby-core:41413] [Feature #5692]
+Sun Dec 11 11:42:10 2011 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * ext/syslog/syslog.c: fix a typo. [ruby-core:41585] [Bug #5740]
+Sun Dec 11 10:48:16 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (exit_initialize): deal with true and false as well as
+ Kernel#exit. [ruby-dev:44951] [Bug #5728]
+Sun Dec 11 10:37:47 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (rb_check_to_int): new function to convert a VALUE to
+ an Integer if possible, but returns nil instead of raising an
+ exception otherwise.
+Sun Dec 11 10:34:39 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (rb_exit_status_code): extract from rb_f_exit_bang and
+ rb_f_exit. assume 0 to be success in Kernel#exit! too.
+Fri Dec 9 19:24:31 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/trans/iso-8859-16-tbl.rb: add ISO-8859-16 converter.
+ * enc/trans/single_byte.trans: ditto.
+Fri Dec 9 14:28:40 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * file.c (file_path_convert): don't convert it when the path string is
+ ascii only. [ruby-core:41556] [Bug #5733]
+ tests are contributed by nobu.
+Fri Dec 9 08:00:15 2011 Luis Lavena <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h: undef stat to silence mingw-w64 stat
+ redefinition warnings (GCC 4.6.3).
+Thu Dec 8 23:38:24 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * variable.c (set_const_visibility): clear inline-cache when constant's
+ visibility is modified. [ruby-dev:44929]
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb (test_private_constants_clear_inlinecache):
+ add test for it.
+Thu Dec 8 23:26:11 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extract_makefile): should sort after map, not before
+ it. in this case there is no difference, but we should write better
+ code. this bad smell was caught by nagachika.
+Thu Dec 8 22:31:13 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extract_makefile): need to sort the array of current
+ srcs before comparing to the sorted old srcs.
+ fixed the problem that the configuring stage of exts were always
+ run, introduced at r33801.
+Thu Dec 8 13:26:24 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/rexml/test_order.rb (OrderTester#test_more_ordering): use
+ instead of with
+ fixed a test error on Windows introduced at r33946.
+Thu Dec 8 13:11:26 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (TestProcess#test_sete[gu]id): silently
+ skip if not implemented such functions (such as, on Windows).
+ fixed test errors on Windows introduced at r33953.
+Thu Dec 8 12:57:50 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: forgotten to define HAVE_SOCKETPAIR for
+ windows.
+ fixed test errors on Windows introduced at r33947.
+Thu Dec 8 12:11:06 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_WERROR_FLAG): append all warning flags which
+ are enabled to compile, so that printf format modifiers properly
+ fail. [ruby-core:41351] [Bug #5679]
+Thu Dec 8 07:20:15 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/re.rdoc: Document difference between match and =~, options with
+ and global variables. Patch by Sylvain Daubert.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5709]
+Thu Dec 8 06:53:10 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/re.rdoc: Fix example code to match documentation. Patch by
+ Jarno Lamberg. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5624]
+Wed Dec 7 19:04:22 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (rpath): fix typo in the help string. a patch from
+ Yuji Yamano <yyamano AT> in [ruby-list:48568].
+Wed Dec 7 18:55:56 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm.c (vm_set_top_stack, vm_set_eval_stack): check for stack
+ overflow with stack_max before push new frame. [ruby-core:41520]
+ [Bug #5720]
+ * vm.c (vm_set_main_stack): no stack overflow chances after
+ vm_set_eval_stack().
+Wed Dec 7 09:58:15 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c: Document +@, -@, hash, INFINITY, Nan.
+ Patch by Sylvain Daubert. [Ruby 1.9 - Feature #5622]
+Wed Dec 7 09:48:00 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * io.c (Init_IO): Mention io/console methods. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5602]
+ * ext/io/console/console.c: Mention that io/console must be required
+ similar to lib/time.rb
+Wed Dec 7 08:04:31 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych.rb (module Psych): parse and load methods take
+ an optional file name that is used when raising Psych::SyntaxError
+ exceptions
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/syntax_error.rb (module Psych): allow nil file
+ names and handle nil file names in the exception message
+ * test/psych/test_exception.rb (module Psych): Tests for changes.
+Tue Dec 6 18:26:33 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c: use db_version() instead of DB_VERSION_STRING to
+ detect runtime Berkeley DB version.
+ use dpversion instead of _QDBM_VERSION to detect runtime QDBM
+ version.
+ [ruby-dev:44948]
+Tue Dec 6 12:30:41 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb: detect gdbm_version in libgdbm.
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c: make DBM::VERSION more informative for gdbm, qdbm and
+ Berkeley DB 1.x. [ruby-dev:44944]
+Tue Dec 6 07:26:37 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * range.c: Improve documentation for Range. Patch by Chris Zetter.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5656]
+Mon Dec 5 19:08:04 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * regparse.c (PFETCH_READY): separate gcc specific trick.
+Mon Dec 5 19:01:59 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (proc_seteuid_m): fix argument.
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (test_geteuid): fix typo.
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (test_getegid, test_set[eg]uid): add.
+Mon Dec 5 18:56:55 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (big_rshift), compile.c (validate_label,
+ iseq_build_from_ary_exception), cont.c (cont_capture), dir.c
+ (dir_open_dir), gc.c (objspace_each_objects), io.c (pipe_open)
+ (rb_io_advise), parse.y (parser_compile_string)
+ (rb_parser_compile_file), proc.c (binding_free), process.c
+ (rb_proc_exec_n, rb_seteuid_core, proc_setegid, rb_setegid_core)
+ (p_uid_exchange, p_gid_exchange), regparse.c (strdup_with_null),
+ signal.c (sig_dfl), vm.c (rb_iseq_eval, rb_iseq_eval_main),
+ vm_insnhelper.c (vm_expandarray): suppress
+ unused-but-set-variable warnings.
+ * class.c (rb_obj_methods), compile.c (iseq_compile_each),
+ iseq.c(iseq_load, rb_iseq_parameters), pack.c (pack_pack),
+ regcomp.c (is_not_included, update_string_node_case_fold),
+ transcode.c (rb_econv_open0, make_replacement),
+ vm_eval.c (raise_method_missing): remove unused variable.
+ * signal.c (reserved_signal_p): static.
+Mon Dec 5 14:27:23 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/{subst.h,win32.h}, ext/socket/rubysocket.h: revert
+ r33876. [ruby-core:41475] [Bug #5706]
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: the alternative hack for [Bug #5675].
+Mon Dec 5 10:18:45 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (rb_gzreader_initialize): revert a part of r33937.
+ 1st, to change the mode of an IO is very sensitive problem, so
+ the maintainer of this library should judge it.
+ 2nd, usually is not called directly. #initialize
+ is called via .open, and in the method the I/O is opened in binary
+ mode, so there is no problem without changing the mode in #initialize.
+Sun Dec 4 22:53:12 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb: don't use lock directory. [ruby-dev:39197]
+Sun Dec 4 22:34:43 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb (Tempfile::MAX_TRY): remove unused constant.
+Sun Dec 4 12:11:28 2011 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * lib/pp.rb: fix rdoc.
+Sun Dec 4 12:03:16 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb (Delegator#methods): Kernel#methods receives
+ zero or one argument. [ruby-core:37118] [Bug #4882]
+Sun Dec 4 10:15:00 2011 Luis Lavena <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (rb_gzreader_initialize): use binary mode by default
+ under Windows. Patch by Hiroshi Shirosaki. [ruby-core:40706]
+ [Feature #5562]
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (void rb_econv_binmode): define NEWLINE
+ decorator.
+ * io.c (rb_cloexec_fcntl_dupfd): Introduce NEED_READCONV and
+ NEED_WRITECONV to replace universal newline decorator by CRLF only
+ when required to improve file reading and writing under Windows.
+ Patch by Hiroshi Shirosaki. [ruby-core:40706] [Feature #5562]
+ * io.c (do_writeconv): adjust binary mode if required.
+ * io.c (read_all, appendline, swallow, rb_io_getline_1): ditto.
+ * io.c (io_getc, rb_io_each_codepoint, rb_io_ungetc): ditto.
+ * io.c (rb_io_binmode, rb_io_ascii8bit_binmode): ditto.
+ * io.c (rb_io_extract_modeenc, rb_sysopen): ditto.
+ * io.c (pipe_open, prep_stdio, io_encoding_set): ditto.
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_pipe, copy_stream_body): ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_io_m17n.rb (EOT): add test for pipe and stdin in
+ binary mode.
+ * win32/win32.c (init_stdhandle): remove O_BINARY from stdhandle
+ initialization.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_write): use FTEXT mode accordingly.
+Sat Dec 3 20:49:16 2011 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * variable.c (set_const_visibility): print a warning when no argument
+ is passwd to Module#private_constant. [ruby-list:48558]
+ * vm_method.c (set_method_visibility): ditto for
+ Module#private_class_method.
+Sat Dec 3 20:43:14 2011 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * variable.c (set_const_visibility): Module#private_constant has
+ changed the visibility of only the first argument. Now it changes
+ all of them. [ruby-list:48558]
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb: add a test for above.
+Sat Dec 3 07:17:29 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (CFLAGS): append ARCH_FLAG.
+ * (ARCH_FLAG): exclude from CFLAGS.
+ * (UNIVERSAL_INTS): include short int. fix for
+ test/mkmf.
+Fri Dec 2 15:48:08 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (VpAllocReal): reduce extra frac.
+Fri Dec 2 15:41:24 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * check whether -pie or -Wl,-pie is valid as
+ LDFLAGS. [ruby-core:41438] [Bug#5697]
+ * use $linker_flag for LDFLAGS option which is not
+ limited to particular platforms.
+Thu Dec 1 23:21:58 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (thread_timer): call prctl(PR_SET_NAME) only if
+ PR_SET_NAME is available.
+Thu Dec 1 22:31:16 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (linux_get_maxfd): change local variable name.
+Thu Dec 1 16:59:24 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: add arguments for macro calls.
+ [ruby-core:41370] [Bug#5681]
+Thu Dec 1 16:20:16 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (MakeMakefile#try_func): fix broken patch at r33834.
+Thu Dec 1 14:43:17 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.h (Real): suppress false warning from
+ clang. [ruby-core:41418] [Bug#5693]
+Thu Dec 1 10:31:55 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (LDFLAGS): -fstack-protector is always needed to
+ link static library created with it. [ruby-core:41387]
+ [Bug#5686]
+Thu Dec 1 07:03:51 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * add sys/prctl.h test.
+ * thread_pthread.c (thread_timer): call prctl(PR_SET_NAME) to change
+ thread name. It may help to debug.
+Wed Nov 30 23:35:45 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * variable.c (rb_path2class): don't raise NameError when the middle
+ constant of the path is not defined but defined on toplevel.
+ [ruby-core:41410] [Bug #5691]
+Wed Nov 30 20:02:02 2011 Martin Duerst <>
+ * transcode.c: Simplified rb_econv_binmode, avoided a warning on cygwin.
+Wed Nov 30 08:57:07 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: Use MakeMakefile's rm_f to avoid conflict with Rake or
+ FileUtils.
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb: Hide MakeMakefile's inclusion in Object
+Wed Nov 30 09:12:43 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/rdoc/encoding.rb (RDoc::Encoding.read_file): fixup newline chars
+ on Windows.
+ see
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_markup_pre_process.rb
+ (TestRDocMarkupPreProcess#test_include_file,
+ TestRDocMarkupPreProcess#test_include_file_encoding_incompatible):
+ follow above change.
+Wed Nov 30 09:09:37 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/parser.c (parse): parse method can take an option file
+ name for use in exception messages.
+ * test/psych/test_parser.rb: corresponding tests.
+Tue Nov 29 09:07:59 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: Fix indentations of constants at end of module.
+ Document some constants.
+Tue Nov 29 09:58:23 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_write_error2): suppress unused variable warning.
+Tue Nov 29 07:45:26 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: Wrap comments to 78 columns and clean up formatting.
+Tue Nov 29 05:54:18 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: Wrap mkmf.rb in module MakeMakefile to clean up Object
+ documentation. [Ruby 1.9 - Feature #5658]
+ * ext/extmk.rb: Use MakeMakefile::CONFIG instead of Object::CONFIG
+ * test/mkmf/base.rb: ditto
+Tue Nov 29 00:08:57 2011 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * (INSTRUBY_ARGS): added --mantype to apply mdoc2man.rb
+ to man pages. Fixes #5598.
+ (do-install-nodoc, do-install-local, do-install-man,
+ dont-install-nodoc, dont-install-local, dont-install-man):
+ No longer needs --mantype.
+ Reported by Rainer Orth <ro AT>,
+ patch by George Koehler <xkernigh AT>.
+Mon Nov 28 22:26:31 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/rake/test_rake_directory_task.rb
+ (TestRakeDirectoryTask#test_directory_win32): shouldn't create any
+ file/directory on root directory. create on @tempdir (= Dir.pwd).
+ see
+Mon Nov 28 12:57:29 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_write_error2): fwrite() returns ssize_t.
+Mon Nov 28 12:47:19 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * parse.y (nodetype, nodeline): static. these functions are for
+ debugging, and not intend to be public.
+Mon Nov 28 12:37:54 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * gc.c (initial_params): static. it seems to be forgotten at r33501.
+Mon Nov 28 12:32:24 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h, win32/win32.c (GetCurrentThreadHandle): remove
+ unused old API.
+Mon Nov 28 12:29:20 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/mkexports.rb (Exports#initialize): remove old symbol name.
+Mon Nov 28 12:15:28 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/mkexports.rb (Exports#read_substitution): need to read
+ from subst.h too. [Bug #5675]
+Mon Nov 28 11:46:35 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_flush): release GVL during fsync() on Windows.
+Mon Nov 28 11:00:25 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/subst.h: typo of r33876.
+Mon Nov 28 10:36:00 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/subst.h: moved Windows specific substitutions from
+ win32.h.
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h: include ruby/subst.h. [Bug #5675]
+Mon Nov 28 10:20:58 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/{Makeilfe.sub,win32.c} (FILE_COUNT, FILE_READPTR): move the
+ definitions from config.h to win32.c. I dared to have left such
+ macros, for other future compiler support.
+ [ruby-core:41313] [Bug #5674]
+Mon Nov 28 09:28:30 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_uchmod): typo. [Bug#5671] [ruby-dev:44898]
+ * test/ruby/test_file.rb (TestFile#test_chmod_m17n): test of above bug.
+Sun Nov 27 21:25:33 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * added -fno-strict-overflow. it suppress annoying
+ -Wstrict-overflow warning.
+Sun Nov 27 20:58:02 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (rb_write_error2): get rid of warning on linux. fwrite
+ of glibc is tagged __attribute__ ((__warn_unused_result__))
+ if _FORTIFY_SOURCE != 0.
+ * vm_dump.c (rb_vm_bugreport): ditto.
+Sun Nov 27 19:09:02 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (stack_protector): disable on mingw. [Bug#5676]
+ * (DLDFLAGS): also needs -fstack-protector.
+ [Bug#5676]
+Sun Nov 27 14:13:33 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * add -fstack-protector into XLDFLAGS as well as
+ XCFLAGS if stack-protector is used.
+Sun Nov 27 13:09:25 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * workaround to avoid MacOS X build error.
+ Maybe autoconf 2.61 is slightly buggy. [ruby-core:41316]
+Sun Nov 27 04:57:11 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (--no-undefined): r33840 breaks FreeBSD and DragonFly
+ with gcc 4.4 or later. Their environ is in /usr/libexec/,
+ so it will be false negative.
+Sun Nov 27 04:55:45 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTP::SSL_IVNAMES): rerefix 33701.
+ SSL_ATTRIBUTES stores names for set_params, they are symbol.
+ SSL_IVNAMES stores instance variable names.
+Sun Nov 27 00:16:07 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (copy_stream_body): use 0666 for permission argument for open.
+ [ruby-core:40865]
+Sat Nov 26 23:01:38 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * test/openssl/test_engine.rb: remove side effect of generic engine
+ load by explicitly loading software-based "openssl" engine for
+ all tests.
+Sat Nov 26 20:41:48 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTP.get_response): enable use_ssl
+ if given URI object is https.
+ patched by Mark Ferlatte [ruby-core:40665] [Bug #5545]
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTP.post_form): ditto.
+Sat Nov 26 20:01:18 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTP::SSL_ATTRIBUTES): refix 33701.
+ store instance variable symbol names.
+Sat Nov 26 15:40:25 2011 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * .travis.yml (script): should be ./configure
+Sat Nov 26 15:39:18 2011 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * .travis.yml (before_script): wrong name, sorry.
+Sat Nov 26 15:31:34 2011 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * .travis.yml (before-script): autoconf required.
+Sat Nov 26 15:24:05 2011 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * .travis.yml: Travis enable.
+Sat Nov 26 10:47:50 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: remove checks for available functions.
+ * ext/openssl/missing.h: ditto.
+ Thanks, Tim Mooney for reporting this!
+ [Bug #5432] [ruby-core:40088]
+Sat Nov 26 10:22:28 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c: add comment on where to find implementation
+ of OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket#session.
+Sat Nov 26 05:00:25 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (--no-undefined): RUBY_TRY_CFLAGS does nothing for
+ linker flags. use RUBY_TRY_LDFLAGS.
+Fri Nov 25 11:37:07 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (ioctl_narg_len, linux_iocparm_len): reinstantiate linux
+ specific narg length calculation.
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (test_ioctl_linux2): add new test for old and
+ unstructured ioctl.
+Fri Nov 25 10:39:14 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * (EXTLDFLAGS): export it.
+ * add --no-undefined if --enable-shared is specified.
+ Gentoo enabled this option long time. Also, export EXTLDFALGS.
+Fri Nov 25 08:48:35 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * turn on PIE if --enable-shared is not specified.
+Fri Nov 25 08:05:07 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * add -fstack-protector. It help to protect us from
+ stack smashing attack.
+Fri Nov 25 08:03:28 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * add -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2. It provide some compile
+ time and runtime check for security.
+Fri Nov 25 08:00:23 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: get rid of warnings of mkmf.rb if -Wmissing-declarations
+ and/or -Wold-style-definition warnings if specified.
+ Patch by Nikolai Weibull. Thank you! [Bug #5459] [ruby-core:40200]
+Fri Nov 25 07:46:09 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * add -Wall always.
+Thu Nov 24 20:02:40 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/openssl/test_engine.rb: use IO#reopen to restore stderr.
+Thu Nov 24 19:59:56 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_reopen): re-initialize buffering mode for stdout and
+ stderr.
+Thu Nov 24 11:12:48 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_fsync,rb_io_fdatasync): release GVL during fsync().
+ fsync() and fdatasync() may take a long time on slow disks and/or
+ if there is much dirty data.
+ Patch by Eric Wong. [Feature #5665] [ruby-core:41247]
+Thu Nov 24 10:05:02 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * test/openssl/test_engine.rb: Suppress output from 'openssl'
+ engine's RC4 cipher.
+ [Bug #5633] [ruby-core:41026]
+Thu Nov 24 08:05:02 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dsa.c: remove redundant colon from error
+ message.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c: ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_rsa: ditto.
+ patched by Eric Hodel [Bug #5604] [ruby-core:40896]
+Wed Nov 23 20:03:43 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (ioctl_narg_len): don't use _IOC_SIZE macro on Linux.
+ On Linux some constants for ioctl(2) doesn't include the size of
+ its return value and 16bit value; for example FIONREAD 0x541B.
+ Moreover the manual, ioctl_list(2), says "Note that the size
+ bits are very unreliable: in lots of cases they are wrong,
+ either because of buggy macros using sizeof(sizeof(struct)),
+ or because of legacy values."
+ So we shouldn't use it.
+Tue Nov 22 18:07:32 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (_pioinfo): need to declare _pioinfo() before using
+ _osfhnd and other macros which uses _pioinfo() internally.
+Tue Nov 22 17:49:45 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (_pioinfo): make an inline function.
+Tue Nov 22 11:26:08 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+Tue Nov 22 11:33:58 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (dupfd): argument of _osfhnd and so on should not
+ have side effect.
+Tue Nov 22 11:26:08 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_divide): refix of r33536. Don't change behavior of Bignum#/.
+ [ruby-core:40429] [Bug #5490]
+Tue Nov 22 10:46:57 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * numeric.c (ruby_float_step): improve floating point calculations.
+ [ruby-core:35753] [Bug #4576]
+ * numeric.c (ruby_float_step): correct the error of floating point
+ numbers on the excluding case.
+ patched by Masahiro Tanaka [ruby-core:39608]
+ * numeric.c (ruby_float_step): use the end value when the current
+ value is greater than or equal to the end value.
+ patched by Akira Tanaka [ruby-core:39612]
+Tue Nov 22 06:59:21 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (test_fcntl_dupfd): there is no known platform
+ which don't have F_DUPFD. [ruby-dev:44874]
+Tue Nov 22 04:46:22 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych.rb: remove autoload from psych
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/json.rb: ditto
+Tue Nov 22 00:44:59 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (test_fcntl_dupfd): the argument of F_DUPFD is
+ minimum file descriptor.
+Tue Nov 22 00:25:17 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (linux_get_maxfd): get rid of a warning.
+Mon Nov 21 23:39:14 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (linux_get_maxfd): new function to find maximum fd on Linux.
+ (rb_close_before_exec): use linux_get_maxfd.
+Mon Nov 21 06:16:24 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * cont.c (fiber_switch): ignore fiber context switch
+ because destination fiber is same as current fiber.
+ With out this, it may segv on FreeBSD 9.
+ patched by Koichi Sasada.
+Sun Nov 20 23:22:42 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extract_makefile, extmake): regenerate makefiles
+ if globbed source file list is changed.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): store ORIG_SRCS.
+Sun Nov 20 22:43:03 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/unicode.c (PROPERTY_NAME_MAX_SIZE): +1.
+ reported by Ken Takata. [ruby-dev:44894][Bug #5652]
+Sun Nov 20 11:01:28 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/set.rb (SortedSet.setup): remove old_init after initialize
+ method is redefined. The remove before redefinition makes the
+ warning prevention fragile. [ruby-dev:44892]
+Sun Nov 20 04:01:45 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (enc/unicode/name2ctype.h): remove duplicated
+ ifdefs.
+Sat Nov 19 19:31:47 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (TIME_COPY_GMT): copy vtm.utc_offset and too.
+ patch by Tomoyuki Chikanaga.
+ [ruby-dev:44827] [Bug #5586]
+Sat Nov 19 16:36:57 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/net/http/test_http.rb: remove temporally files in ensure clause.
+Sat Nov 19 08:18:41 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/net/http/test_http.rb: remove temporally files.
+Fri Nov 18 17:18:16 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/io/console/console.c (console_raw, console_set_raw)
+ (console_getch): optional parameters. [EXPERIMENTAL]
+Fri Nov 18 16:12:11 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/io/console/console.c (console_cooked, console_set_cooked):
+ new methods to reset cooked mode. [EXPERIMENTAL]
+Fri Nov 18 13:20:26 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/unit/assertions.rb (MINI_DIR): quick dirty hack to get rid of
+ warnings when using assert/assert_respond_to.
+Fri Nov 18 13:03:38 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (rb_cloexec_open): set O_NOINHERIT instead of O_CLOEXEC if it is
+ available (for Windows).
+ * win32/win32.c (fcntl): on F_DUPFD, determine the inheritance of the
+ new handle by O_NOINHERIT flag of original fd.
+Fri Nov 18 08:00:41 2011 Ryan Davis <>
+ * lib/minitest/*: Imported minitest 2.8.1 (r6750)
+ * test/minitest/*: ditto
+ * Improved gcc-llvm error message to help people migrate.
+Thu Nov 17 20:43:34 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb: revert a part of the patch in [ruby-dev:41531].
+ don't use db.h with other headers. [ruby-dev:44884].
+Thu Nov 17 20:23:03 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * benchmark/bm_io_select[23].rb: use Process::RLIMIT_NOFILE only when
+ it is defined. if it is not defined, assume 64 as the max of fds.
+Thu Nov 17 10:36:46 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych.rb (load_file): make sure opened yaml files are
+ also closed. [ruby-core:41088]
+Wed Nov 16 18:13:52 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (LIBRUBY_A): check if generated linked library is
+ valid for extconf.
+Wed Nov 16 13:51:40 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big2ulong): need to calc in unsigned long, because
+ the range of VALUE is larger than it on LLP64 platform, such as Win64.
+ this change fixes the failures of test/-ext-/num2int.
+Wed Nov 16 12:02:47 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/webrick/test_cgi.rb (TestWEBrickCGI#start_cgi_server): there are
+ no guarantee of existence of RbConfig::CONFIG['LIBPATHENV'].
+ it only exists in Unix-like environments.
+ * test/webrick/test_filehandler.rb
+ (WEBrick::TestFileHandler#test_script_disclosure): ditto.
+Wed Nov 16 11:34:20 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (argf_next_argv): wrong timing of setting ecflags.
+ fixed the failure of TestArgf#test_textmode introduced at r33662.
+Wed Nov 16 10:45:00 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/-test-/num2int/num2int.c: remove an unnecessary and wrong decl
+ of rb_stdout. it's declared in ruby.h correctly.
+Wed Nov 16 10:26:41 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big2ull): add a cast to get rid of a VC++ warning.
+Wed Nov 16 09:39:27 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/minitest/unit.rb (assert_raises): experimental fix to run
+ correctly on chkbuild over 64bit linux. call exception_details only
+ when the detail is really needed to avoid create needless inspect
+ under ulimit-ed environment.
+Wed Nov 16 06:34:30 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb (test_condvar_timed_wait): use
+ assert_operator.
+Tue Nov 15 21:56:25 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_sleep.rb (test_sleep_5sec): 0.1sec tolerance is too
+ small for busy environment.
+Tue Nov 15 20:08:55 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c, thread.c, ext/pty/pty.c, ext/fiddle/closure.c: use
+ __linux__ macro for consistency.
+Tue Nov 15 14:45:15 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h(NUM2LONG, NUM2INT, NUM2SHORT, NUM2LL,
+ macros.
+Tue Nov 15 13:38:14 2011 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * include/ruby/defines.h (FLUSH_REGISTER_WINDOWS): move sparc asm code
+ to a separate file sparc.c for preventing inlining optimization.
+ Patched by Jurij Smakov. [Bug #5244] [ruby-core:40685]
+ * sparc.c (rb_sparc_flush_register_windows): ditto.
+ * ditto.
+Tue Nov 15 13:11:35 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: get rid of gcc specific rb_long2int(),
+ implementation. Because 1) They don't make any better code
+ at all. 2) Inline function have a better debugger supoort.
+Tue Nov 15 09:58:25 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (TestIO#test_fcntl_dupfd): fix OpenBSD test
+ failure. [ruby-dev:44872]
+Tue Nov 15 09:50:21 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regcomp.c (print_indent_tree): fix double printing of ENCLOSE_OPTION
+ children bug. patched by Suraj Kurapati. [ruby-core:40964]
+Tue Nov 15 01:53:48 2011 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (test_fcntl_dupfd): fix test error on
+ SnowLeopard. Pointed out by CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki. [ruby-dev:44866]
+Mon Nov 14 22:06:02 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey.c (ossl_pkey_new_from_file): set close-on-exec
+ flag.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509cert.c (rb_fd_fix_cloexec): ditto.
+Mon Nov 14 14:54:17 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big2ull): fix 32bit platform breakage. we must
+ not assume sizeof(VALUE) == sizeof(LONG_LONG).
+ * test/-ext-/num2int/test_num2int.rb (class TestNum2int):
+ fix false assumption on 32bit platform.
+Mon Nov 14 14:52:54 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_fix2ushort): fix typo. use num rb_num2ushort()
+ instead of num2uint().
+Sun Nov 13 10:31:03 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: add #ifdef comment.
+Sun Nov 13 10:28:18 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: add NUM2SHORT(), NUM2USHORT() macros.
+ * numeric.c: ditto.
+ * test/-ext-/num2int/test_num2int.rb: add testcases for NUM2SHORT().
+ * ext/-test-/num2int/num2int.c: ditto.
+Sun Nov 13 10:23:48 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big2ull): fix off-by-twice bug of NUM2ULL.
+ * test/-ext-/num2int/test_num2int.rb (class TestNum2int):
+ fix a testcase too.
+Sun Nov 13 10:22:44 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/-ext-/num2int/test_num2int.rb (class TestNum2int):
+ add FIXNUM tests.
+Sun Nov 13 09:57:29 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * numeric.c (check_uint): fix off-by-one bug of NUM2UINT.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big2ulong): fix off-by-one bug of NUM2ULONG.
+ * test/-ext-/num2int/test_num2int.rb: add a testcase for NUM2INT()
+ * ext/-test-/num2int/depend: ditto.
+ * ext/-test-/num2int/extconf.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/-test-/num2int/num2int.c: ditto.
+Sun Nov 13 23:47:29 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb: use convertible_int.
+Sun Nov 13 23:45:57 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (checking_for): should not modify the result.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (have_struct_member): accept compiler options.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (convertible_int): add restricted support of struct
+ member, and TYPEOF_ macro.
+Sun Nov 13 23:21:24 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/gdbm/gdbm.c (fgdbm_reorganize): set close-on-exec flag after
+ gdbm_reorganize(). gdbm_reorganize() opens a new database internally.
+Sun Nov 13 19:57:18 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb: rollback for each headers for each libraries.
+Sun Nov 13 16:24:48 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb: treat libc as a choice for a library which
+ provide ndbm API.
+Sun Nov 13 15:40:43 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb: duplicate $libs and $defs when save them.
+Sun Nov 13 12:43:48 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb: rollback $libs and $defs when db detection is
+ failed. It fixes -lgdbm -lqdbm when the system has qdbm and gdbm
+ without gdbm_compat.
+Sat Nov 12 21:14:51 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/webrick/test_cgi.rb (class TestWEBrickCGI): respect
+ RbConfig::CONFIG["LIBPATHENV"]. [Bug #5135] [ruby-core:38653]
+ * test/webrick/test_filehandler.rb (class WEBrick): ditto.
+Sat Nov 12 20:57:29 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (test_fcntl_dupfd): skip if Fcntl::DUPFD
+ is not defined. Pointed out by CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki. Thanks.
+Sat Nov 12 17:26:10 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (do_ioctl, ioctl_narg_len, setup_narg, rb_ioctl): use
+ ioctl_req_t.
+Sat Nov 12 17:01:49 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb (headers.db_check): reduce duplicated code.
+Sat Nov 12 15:59:42 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb: dbm_clearerr should be available in all ndbm
+ implementation. If it is not available, it is caused by
+ header/library mismatch such that Berkeley DB header & gdbm library.
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c (fdbm_store): use dbm_clearerr() unconditionally.
+ gdbm 1.9 provides it as a real function instead of a empty macro.
+Sat Nov 12 13:35:33 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb: don't suppress SIGINT.
+ [Feature #5612] [ruby-dev:44856]
+Sat Nov 12 11:20:36 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (fcntl_narg_len): introduce narg calculation for fcntl instead
+ of hard coded 256.
+ * io.c (setup_narg): ditto.
+Sat Nov 12 11:19:35 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (test_fcntl_dupfd): add another fcntl test.
+Sat Nov 12 11:18:17 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (test_fcntl_lock_freebsd): add a testcase
+ of fcntl lock for freebsd.
+Sat Nov 12 11:16:32 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (ioctl_narg_len): Linux doesn't have IOCPARM_LEN macro, but
+ has _IOC_SIZE. support it.
+Sat Nov 12 11:13:18 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (rb_ioctl): don't expose our sanity check value to ruby script.
+ It may change string value meaning if the value is string.
+ (e.g. MacOS X has F_GETPATH ioctl)
+ * io.c (rb_fcntl): ditto.
+Sat Nov 12 11:06:02 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (ioctl_req_t): Type of req argument of ioctl() depend on platform.
+ Moreover almost all linux ioctl can't be represented by 32bit integer
+ (i.e. MSB is 1). We need wrap ioctl argument type.
+ [Bug #5429] [ruby-dev:44589]
+ * io.c (struct ioctl_arg): ditto.
+ * io.c (rb_ioctl): ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (test_ioctl_linux): add a testcase for ioctl
+Sat Nov 12 11:00:42 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (struct io_cntl_arg): remove io_p member.
+ * io.c (nogvl_fcntl, do_fcntl, rb_fcntl): separated from ioctl functions.
+ * io.c (nogvl_io_cntl): remove fcntl depended logic.
+ * io.c (io_cntl): ditto.
+ * io.c (rb_io_ctl): ditto.
+ * io.c (rb_io_ioctl): ditto.
+Sat Nov 12 10:59:49 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (setup_narg): fix off by one bug.
+Sat Nov 12 10:56:43 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (+setup_narg): factor out length calculation logic.
+ * io.c (rb_io_ctl): ditto.
+Sat Nov 12 10:52:17 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (+ioctl_narg_len) new helper function.
+ * io.c (rb_io_ctl): don't use ioctl specific length check
+ if caller is fcntl.
+Fri Nov 11 23:00:46 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb: db_prefix is not required now.
+Fri Nov 11 21:13:30 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/gdbm/gdbm.c (fgdbm_initialize): use GDBM_CLOEXEC if available.
+Fri Nov 11 21:00:05 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb: fix dbm_pagfno and dbm_dirfno detection with
+ Berkeley DB. Macro definitions needs arguments to detect correctly.
+ SIZEOF_DSIZE needs -DDB_DBM_HSEARCH because db.h defines datum type
+ only if DB_DBM_HSEARCH is defined.
+Fri Nov 11 18:41:57 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (proc_seteuid): separate an internal wrapper function
+ from the method implementation.
+Fri Nov 11 17:21:15 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (have_library, find_library, have_func): allow
+ arguments of function to be checked.
+Fri Nov 11 17:09:45 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_dump.c (HAVE_BACKTRACE): fallback to 0.
+ * vm_dump.c (rb_vm_bugreport): show "Other runtime information"
+ header only when available.
+ * vm_dump.c (rb_vm_bugreport): get rid of modifying the content of
+ VM directly.
+ * vm_dump.c (rb_vm_bugreport): check if vm is non-null.
+ Pointed out by Ikegami Daisuke <>.
+ Thank you.
+Fri Nov 11 12:36:37 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (pipe_open): Remove fflush(stdin). it's no effect.
+ Pointed out by Ikegami Daisuke <>.
+ Thank you.
+Fri Nov 11 07:33:30 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTP::SSL_ATTRIBUTES): Use symbol keys instead
+ of string keys to avoid duplicating parameters in
+ OpenSSL::SSL:SSLContext#set_params.
+Thu Nov 10 15:02:37 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (have_library, have_func, have_var, have_header):
+ add compiler option parameter.
+Thu Nov 10 07:45:16 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.rb (class OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext):
+ Document #set_params.
+Wed Nov 9 11:36:53 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (gvl_yield): don't prevent concurrent sched_yield().
+ [Bug #5130] [ruby-core:38647]
+Wed Nov 9 23:20:22 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_update_max_fd): fstat(2) can fail with other than
+ EBADF. [ruby-dev:44837] [Bug #5593]. Cf.
+ * io.c (rb_sysopen): max fd is updated in rb_sysopen_internal()
+ already.
+Wed Nov 9 22:13:38 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_file.rb (TestFile#test_utime_with_minus_time_segv):
+ fixed previous commit.
+Wed Nov 9 19:53:45 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_file.rb (TestFile#test_utime_with_minus_time_segv):
+ add test for r33685.
+Wed Nov 9 19:00:44 2011 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_fiber.rb: add tests for r33684 (Fiber#resume).
+Wed Nov 9 16:40:49 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (unixtime_to_filetime): should check the return value
+ of localtime(). reported by snowjail at
+ [ruby-dev:44838] [Bug #5596]
+Thu Nov 9 13:17:25 2011 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * cont.c (rb_fiber_m_transfer, rb_fiber_resume): prohibit using
+ "resume" after "transfer" method are used. You should not mix
+ "resume" fiber and "transfer" fiber.
+ [Bug #5526]
+ * NEWS: add information about this change.
+Wed Nov 9 11:40:37 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * template/Doxyfile.tmpl (INCLUDE_PATH): add srcdir and include.
+ [ruby-core:40843] [Bug #5597]
+Wed Nov 9 11:02:54 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * thread.c (do_select): fix cast, tv_sec is time_t.
+Wed Nov 9 10:32:20 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * should not use test -e for portability.
+ [ruby-core:40841] [Bug #5594]
+Wed Nov 9 04:52:16 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/tree_builder.rb: dump complex numbers,
+ rationals, etc with reference ids.
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: ditto
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb: loading complex numbers,
+ rationals, etc with reference ids.
+ * test/psych/test_object_references.rb: corresponding tests
+Tue Nov 8 23:34:37 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c (fdbm_fetch, fdbm_key, fdbm_delete, fdbm_store)
+ (fdbm_has_key, fdbm_has_value): get rid of overflow.
+ * ext/gdbm/gdbm.c (rb_gdbm_fetch2, rb_gdbm_nextkey)
+ (rb_gdbm_delete, fgdbm_store, fgdbm_has_key): ditto.
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c (fdbm_delete_if): hide intermediate objects.
+ * ext/gdbm/gdbm.c (fgdbm_delete_if): ditto.
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb: check size of datum.dsize to get rid of
+ overflow.
+Tue Nov 8 23:30:21 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * addr2line.c (PATH_MAX): define if not defined. [ruby-core:40840]
+Tue Nov 8 23:26:49 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c (rb_thread_critical): fix type.
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c (eventloop_sleep, lib_eventloop_core): int is
+ enough for micro seconds. may need to check overflow in the
+ setter though.
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c (RSTRING_LENINT): check overflow if necessary.
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c (RbTk_ALLOC_N): wrapper for ckalloc() which
+ takes an int.
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c (ip_ruby_cmd_receiver_get, tcltklib_compile_info):
+ get rid overflow.
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c (tcltklib_compile_info): constified.
+Tue Nov 8 20:50:45 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/dbm/test_dbm.rb: split tests for read only database.
+ * test/gdbm/test_gdbm.rb: ditto.
+Tue Nov 8 18:59:07 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (MasterDevice): define only when used.
+ (SlaveDevice): ditto.
+ (deviceNo): ditto.
+Tue Nov 8 17:59:24 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_long2int): define as a macro always, so
+ that cpp conditionals can tell if it is provided.
+Tue Nov 8 17:30:50 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (cpp_command): remove multiple -arch flags since cpp
+ cannot work.
+Tue Nov 8 14:50:55 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (io_fwrite): call rb_w32_write_console() only if FMODE_TTY is
+ set. this is the one of the reason of IO writing slowness of Windows
+ in 1.9.3 or later.
+Tue Nov 8 11:01:04 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (get_device_once): FreeBSD 8 supported O_CLOEXEC flag
+ for posix_openpt, but FreeBSD 9's posix_openpt doesn't support
+ O_CLOEXEC and fails if specified.
+Tue Nov 8 02:36:45 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (ECONV_NEWLINE_DECORATOR_READ_MASK,
+ * io.c (rb_io_extract_modeenc, pipe_open, prep_stdio, argf_next_argv):
+ set TEXTMODE_NEWLINE_DECORATOR_ON_WRITE for textmode on creating IO
+ if the flag is available.
+ * io.c (make_writeconv): drop decorators for reading.
+ * io.c (make_readconv): drop decorators for writing.
+ * io.c (do_writeconv): existing writeconv is not the condition to raise
+ ArgumentError. should check textmode or not.
+ * test/ruby/test_io_m17n.rb
+ (TestIO_M17N#test_{cr,lf,crlf}_decorator_on_stdout): test above
+ changes.
+Mon Nov 7 22:03:47 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/gdbm/gdbm.c (fgdbm_initialize): set close-on-exec flag.
+Mon Nov 7 20:31:52 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/scalar_scanner.rb: make sure strings that look
+ like base 60 numbers are serialized as quoted strings.
+ * test/psych/test_string.rb: test for change.
+Mon Nov 7 20:26:37 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * test/psych/test_yamlstore.rb: make test case inherit from MiniTest,
+ load psych/helper so that psych is loaded.
+Mon Nov 7 20:18:29 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * test/psych/test_yamldbm.rb: Test case should inherit from MiniTest,
+ load psych/helper so that psych and friends are loaded.
+Mon Nov 7 20:15:44 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb: check dbm_pagfno() and dbm_dirfno().
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c: use above to set close-on-exec flag.
+Mon Nov 7 20:05:16 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (io_fflush): remove fsync().
+ * io.c (rb_io_flush, rb_io_rewind): fsync() here.
+ these changes reduces fsync() calls to improve performance.
+ first reported at [ruby-list:48515] by ak7 at .
+ [Bug #5585]
+Mon Nov 7 19:43:10 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_close_before_exec): use F_MAXFD if available.
+ F_MAXFD is available on NetBSD since NetBSD 2.0.
+Mon Nov 7 19:25:16 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io_m17n.rb
+ (TestIO_M17N#test_default_stdout_stderr_mode): new test for
+ r33627-33629. see [backport #5565]
+Mon Nov 7 01:14:22 2011 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * lib/debug.rb: add help for 'pp' and 'r[estart]'. patch
+ from Sho Hashimoto. [Bug #5093] [ruby-dev:44222]
+Sun Nov 6 14:49:58 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h (rsock_recvmsg): declared.
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (rsock_recvmsg): extracted from
+ nogvl_recvmsg_func.
+ (nogvl_recvmsg_func): use rsock_recvmsg.
+ * ext/socket/unixsocket.c (recvmsg_blocking): use rsock_recvmsg.
+Sun Nov 6 03:22:36 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * test/openssl/test_engine.rb: add test for engine cipher. RC4 is used
+ because AES is not supported by the "openssl" engine currently.
+Sun Nov 6 00:11:52 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Options#non_options): options[:ruby]
+ should be an array. This fixes
+ "./ruby test/runner.rb test/testunit/test_parallel.rb"
+ [ruby-dev:44782]
+Sat Nov 5 20:30:30 2011 Martin Duerst <>
+ * insns.def: Some fixes and tweaks to English explanations
+Sat Nov 5 19:11:50 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_cloexec_fcntl_dupfd): don't clear try_dupfd_cloexec if
+ fcntl(F_DUPFD) failed as fcntl(F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC).
+Sat Nov 5 18:05:12 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (rsock_socketpair0): refactored.
+Sat Nov 5 17:55:52 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/init.c (rsock_socket0): don't clear try_sock_cloexec if
+ SOCK_CLOEXEC is not a reason for EINVAL.
+Sat Nov 5 16:27:52 2011 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * ext/pathname/lib/pathname.rb, ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb,
+ ext/tk/sample/demos-en/widget, lib/benchmark.rb, lib/irb/cmd/fork.rb,
+ lib/mkmf.rb, lib/net/ftp.rb, lib/net/smtp.rb, lib/open3.rb,
+ lib/pstore.rb, lib/rexml/element.rb, lib/rexml/light/node.rb,
+ lib/rinda/tuplespace.rb, lib/rss/maker/base.rb,
+ lib/rss/maker/entry.rb, lib/scanf.rb, lib/set.rb, lib/shell.rb,
+ lib/shell/command-processor.rb, lib/shell/process-controller.rb,
+ lib/shell/system-command.rb, lib/uri/common.rb: remove unused block
+ arguments to avoid creating Proc objects.
+Sat Nov 5 15:45:04 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/init.c (rsock_socket0): extract single socket() call with
+ CLOEXEC handling from rsock_socket.
+Sat Nov 5 13:49:40 2011 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * lib/pathname.rb (Pathname#find): return an enumerator if
+ no block is given.
+ * test/pathname/test_pathname.rb: add tests for above.
+ [ruby-dev:44797] [Feature #5572]
+Sat Nov 5 11:18:12 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (rsock_socketpair0): don't clear
+ try_sock_cloexec if SOCK_CLOEXEC is not a reason for EINVAL.
+Fri Nov 4 14:08:19 2011 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_rsa.c (rsa_generate): [SECURITY] Set RSA
+ exponent value correctly. Awful bug. This bug caused exponent of
+ generated key to be always '1'. By default, and regardless of e
+ given as a parameter.
+ !!! Keys generated by this code (trunk after 2011-09-01) must be
+ re-generated !!! (ruby_1_9_3 is safe)
+ * test/openssl/test_pkey_rsa.rb: Add tests for default exponent and
+ specifying exponent by a parameter.
+Fri Nov 4 01:31:25 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * test/openssl/test_engine.rb: add first tests for builtin "openssl"
+ engine.
+Fri Nov 4 08:41:26 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb:
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_engine.c: add some missing OpenSSL engines.
+ Thanks, Yui Naruse, for providing the patch!
+ [Bug #5548] [ruby-core:40670]
+Fri Nov 4 04:54:10 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/configure.bat: disable delayed expansion of enironment variable.
+ [Bug #5517] [ruby-core:40531]
+Fri Nov 4 03:45:22 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (make_writeconv): fixed typo of previous commit.
+Fri Nov 4 01:56:30 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (make_writeconv): unversal_newline converter is for reading.
+ so, if the io is text mode and has ECONV_UNIVERSAL_NEWLINE_DECORATOR
+ flag, use crlf_newline converter for writing.
+ this change fixes the problem about the luck of CR up Kernel.p and
+ Kernel.puts to stdout/stderr on Windows.
+Fri Nov 4 01:04:48 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (Init_readline): like r18313, libedit's
+ replace_history_entry may use offset instead of which.
+ so introduce history_replace_offset_func and initialize it.
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (hist_set): use history_replace_offset_func.
+Fri Nov 4 00:53:35 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (Init_readline): fix wrong condition.
+Thu Nov 3 23:53:04 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_locale_charmap): ignore calling nl_langinfo_codeset()
+ on Windows except cygwin. [experimental]
+Thu Nov 3 22:45:09 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (rsock_socketpair0): extracted from
+ rsock_socketpair to set close-on-exec flag for each socketpair()
+ call.
+Thu Nov 3 22:12:41 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * ext/socket/init.c (rsock_socket): set close-on-exec flag when
+ SOCK_CLOEXEC is not available.
+Thu Nov 3 08:36:00 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * test/openssl/test_engine.rb: call Engine::cleanup on exit.
+ Patch provided by Yui Naruse, thanks!
+ [Bug #5547] [ruby-core:40669]
+Wed Nov 2 21:36:00 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * complex.c (nucomp_rationalize): fix function. [ruby-core:40667]
+ [Bug #5546]
+Wed Nov 2 08:16:45 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/webrick/utils.rb: fix fcntl call.
+ * lib/drb/unix.rb: ditto.
+Wed Nov 2 00:43:59 2011 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * test/psych/test_yamldbm.rb: avoid platform dependency.
+ patch by Naohisa Goto. [ruby-dev:44763] [Bug #5535]
+ * test/syck/test_yamldbm.rb: ditto.
+Wed Nov 2 00:14:15 2011 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * test/ruby/test_marshal.rb: renamed methods duplicated with those
+ of marshaltestlib.rb.
+Tue Nov 1 22:08:27 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * reject llvm-gcc.
+Tue Nov 1 21:39:00 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (rb_cloexec_pipe): remove workaround of r33587.
+ The bug of NetBSD is fixed on Mon Oct 31 21:31:29 UTC 2011.
+Tue Nov 1 19:49:08 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_reopen): call rb_fd_fix_cloexec instead of
+ rb_maygvl_fd_fix_cloexec.
+Tue Nov 1 19:00:30 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_reopen): call rb_maygvl_fd_fix_cloexec after freopen().
+Tue Nov 1 17:17:26 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * file.c (file_expand_path): reset coderange after expanding path.
+Tue Nov 1 14:55:29 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (nogvl_io_cntl): rb_cloexec_fcntl_dupfd's 2nd argument is int.
+ * process.c (move_fds_to_avoid_crash): ditto.
+Tue Nov 1 13:14:33 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * vsnprintf.c (BSD_vfprintf): support 'll' prefix.
+ * vsnprintf.c (__sfeof): rename to avoid the collision with NetBSD's
+ one.
+ * vsnprintf.c (__sferror): ditto.
+ * vsnprintf.c (__sclearerr): ditto.
+ * vsnprintf.c (__sfileno): ditto.
+Tue Nov 1 12:36:16 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h (rb_maygvl_fd_fix_cloexec): change the visibility for
+ ext/socket.
+Tue Nov 1 12:00:53 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_maygvl_fd_fix_cloexec): renamed from fd_set_cloexec.
+ * internal.h (rb_maygvl_fd_fix_cloexec): declared.
+ * ext/socket/init.c (cloexec_accept): use rb_maygvl_fd_fix_cloexec.
+ (rsock_s_accept_nonblock): use rb_update_max_fd.
+ (rsock_s_accept): use rb_update_max_fd.
+Tue Nov 1 08:24:40 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/init.c (cloexec_accept): new function to use accept4 if
+ available.
+ (rsock_s_accept_nonblock): use cloexec_accept.
+ (accept_blocking): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: check accept4.
+Tue Nov 1 07:31:55 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (nogvl_recvmsg_func): use MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC if
+ available.
+ * ext/socket/unixsocket.c (recvmsg_blocking): ditto.
+Tue Nov 1 05:59:41 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (rsock_socketpair): use SOCK_CLOEXEC if
+ available.
+Tue Nov 1 02:56:17 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ruby.c (load_file_internal): convert the encoding of load path if
+ needed by platform. calling open() was replaced by rb_cloexec_open()
+ at r33549, but the function expected UTF-8 pathname on Windows.
+ (open() expected "locale" pathname.)
+ reported by taco via IRC.
+ * ruby.c (load_file): change the type of the 2nd parameter to pass its
+ encoding to load_file_internal().
+ * ruby.c (process_options, rb_load_file): follow above change.
+ NOTE: we should pass encoding information to rb_load_file().
+Mon Oct 31 23:49:38 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (rsock_socketpair): extracted from
+ rsock_sock_s_socketpair.
+Mon Oct 31 23:31:53 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/init.c (rsock_socket): use SOCK_CLOEXEC if available.
+Mon Oct 31 21:47:44 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (rb_cloexec_pipe): NetBSD 6.0 will support pipe2(2),
+ but its return value is -1 or larger than 0.
+Mon Oct 31 22:04:54 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c (fdbm_initialize): use O_CLOEXEC if available.
+Mon Oct 31 21:47:48 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_fd_fix_cloexec): renamed from
+ rb_fd_set_cloexec.
+ * io.c: follow the above renaming.
+ * ext/pty/pty.c: ditto.
+ * ext/socket/init.c: ditto.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: ditto.
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c: ditto.
+ * ext/socket/unixsocket.c: ditto.
+Mon Oct 31 21:02:43 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::DNS): retry for premature wakeup.
+Mon Oct 31 20:14:22 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (fd_set_cloexec): clear CLOEXEC flag for standard file
+ descriptors.
+ (rb_cloexec_dup): use rb_cloexec_fcntl_dupfd.
+ (rb_cloexec_fcntl_dupfd): use F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC if available.
+Mon Oct 31 19:14:11 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/resolv/test_dns.rb: don't check maximum slept time.
+ ruby doesn't guarantee the maximum time because it is not a
+ realtime application.
+Mon Oct 31 13:10:06 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (setfl): extract from fcntl().
+ * win32/win32.c (dupfd): new function to support F_DUPFD. based on a
+ patch written by akr.
+ * win32/win32.c (fcntl): use above functions.
+ * include/ruby/win32.h (F_DUPFD): define. [experimental]
+ * include/ruby/win32.h (F_SETFL): change the value to correspond with
+ other platforms.
+Mon Oct 31 12:37:50 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (get_device_once): use O_CLOEXEC for posix_openpt if
+ available.
+Mon Oct 31 12:05:24 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_cloexec_dup2): check oldfd == newfd at first.
+ pointed by KOSAKI Motohiro. [ruby-dev:44713]
+Mon Oct 31 10:50:26 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (rb_cloexec_fcntl_dupfd): this function needs F_DUPFD.
+ * io.c (nogvl_io_cntl): use rb_cloexec_fcntl_dupfd() only if the
+ platform has F_DUPFD.
+Mon Oct 31 00:50:00 2011 Luis Lavena <>
+ * check -fno-omit-frame-pointer acceptance and usage
+ under MinGW. [ruby-core:39957] [Bug #5407]
+Mon Oct 31 00:16:11 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_cloexec_fcntl_dupfd): declared.
+ * io.c (rb_cloexec_fcntl_dupfd): new function.
+ (nogvl_io_cntl): use rb_cloexec_fcntl_dupfd.
+ * process.c (move_fds_to_avoid_crash): use rb_cloexec_fcntl_dupfd.
+Sun Oct 30 22:46:46 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * check pipe2.
+ * io.c (rb_cloexec_pipe): use pipe2 if available.
+Sun Oct 30 22:32:44 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ruby.c (fill_standard_fds): use fstat() instead of fcntl(F_GETFD)
+ for MinGW. reported by Luis Lavena. [ruby-core:40526] [Bug #5516]
+Sun Oct 30 21:12:47 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_cloexec_pipe): declared.
+ * io.c (rb_cloexec_pipe): new function.
+ (rb_pipe): use rb_cloexec_pipe.
+ * thread_pthread.c (rb_thread_create_timer_thread): use
+ rb_cloexec_pipe.
+Sun Oct 30 20:06:07 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_cloexec_dup): refine control flow.
+ (rb_cloexec_dup2): ditto.
+Sun Oct 30 18:45:50 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ruby.c (fill_standard_fds): new function to open closed standard
+ file descriptors.
+ (ruby_sysinit): call fill_standard_fds.
+Sun Oct 30 10:50:36 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb (install_recursive, bin-comm): split mere
+ string not path name. [ruby-core:40462] [Bug #5492]
+Sun Oct 30 10:47:20 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_cloexec_dup, rb_cloexec_dup2): CLOEXEC has been set if
+ dup3 succeeded.
+Sun Oct 30 09:58:48 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_cloexec_dup): don't allocate standard file descriptors.
+Sun Oct 30 08:29:51 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_cloexec_dup2): don't set CLOEXEC for standard file
+ descriptors.
+Sun Oct 30 07:47:10 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * check dup3.
+ * io.c (rb_cloexec_dup2): use dup3 if available.
+Sat Oct 29 22:06:37 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_cloexec_dup2): declared.
+ * io.c (rb_cloexec_dup2): new function.
+ (io_reopen): use rb_cloexec_dup2.
+Sat Oct 20 21:08:18 2011 Tajima Akio <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (CONFIG_H): have stdint.h if VC2010.
+ [Bug #5243]
+Sat Oct 29 20:59:08 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_cloexec_dup): use F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC if available.
+Sat Oct 29 20:00:26 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_cloexec_dup): declared.
+ * io.c (rb_cloexec_dup): new function.
+ (ruby_dup): use rb_cloexec_dup.
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (pty_getpty): use rb_cloexec_dup.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_bio.c (ossl_obj2bio): ditto.
+Sat Oct 29 16:11:34 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/sdbm/_sdbm.c (sdbm_prep): use O_CLOEXEC if available.
+Sat Oct 29 14:26:56 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_cloexec_open): use O_CLOEXEC if available.
+Sat Oct 29 12:57:15 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (ruby_setsid): use rb_cloexec_open.
+ (rb_daemon): ditto.
+ * ruby.c (load_file_internal): ditto.
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_truncate): ditto.
+ (file_load_ok): ditto.
+ * random.c (fill_random_seed): ditto.
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (chfunc): ditto.
+ (get_device_once): ditto.
+ * ext/io/console/console.c (console_dev): ditto.
+Sat Oct 29 10:40:19 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_cloexec_open): declared.
+ * io.c (fd_set_cloexec): extracted from rb_fd_set_cloexec.
+ (rb_cloexec_open): new function.
+ (sysopen_func): use rb_cloexec_open.
+ (rb_sysopen_internal): use rb_update_max_fd instead of
+ rb_fd_set_cloexec.
+Sat Oct 29 09:05:07 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread_pthread.h: no Structured Exception Handling like macros.
+ [ruby-core:40432] [Bug #5491]
+Fri Oct 28 22:05:34 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/sdbm/_sdbm.c: RCS $Id$ removed.
+Thu Oct 27 18:58:00 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * parse.y (parser_nextc): set encoding for the buffer of ripper.
+Fri Oct 28 06:06:08 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/sdbm/_sdbm.c (sdbm_prep): set FD_CLOEXEC flags for file
+ descriptors.
+ (fd_set_cloexec): new function.
+Fri Oct 28 03:01:27 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_cfunc): adding back useless hack. For some
+ reason, this fixes CFP errors on OS X 10.7.
+Fri Oct 28 00:09:31 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/sdbm/_sdbm.c (sdbm_prep): refactored for less nesting.
+Thu Oct 27 18:28:18 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_DEFINE_IF): revert r33534 partially to get
+ rid of AS_ECHO which is not available in autoconf 2.61.
+ [ruby-dev:44702]
+Thu Oct 27 16:10:46 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_divide): raise ZeroDivisionError if divisor is
+ zero, as well as Fixnum. [ruby-core:40429] [Bug #5490]
+Thu Oct 27 14:56:22 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE): unset temporary variable.
+ * (RUBY_STACK_GROW_DIRECTION): substitute CPU name as
+ shell variable name. based on the patch by The Written Word Inc. at
+ [ruby-core:40421]. [Bug #5488]
+Thu Oct 27 09:57:56 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (SIZE_MAX): define SIZE_MAX if not defined.
+ patched by The Written Word Inc. [ruby-core:40422] [Bug #5489]
+Thu Oct 27 08:47:38 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/psych/parser.c: remove unused variable.
+Thu Oct 27 08:38:41 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: add -Wall flag by default when compiler is
+ GCC.
+Wed Oct 26 15:24:25 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_join): honor input encodings than ASCII-8BIT.
+ [ruby-core:40338] [Bug #5483]
+Tue Oct 25 21:52:31 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/defines.h: use "__sparc" instead of "sparc" and
+ "__sparc__".
+ * dln.c: ditto.
+ [ruby-dev:44694]
+Tue Oct 25 06:34:39 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * re.c (match_aref): Use <code> around indexing examples to prevent
+ hyperlinks. [ruby-talk:389396]
+Mon Oct 24 23:55:31 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * complex.c: use "__sun" instead of "__sun__" to detect SunOS.
+ * math.c: ditto.
+ * hash.c: ditto.
+ * atomic.h: ditto.
+ * ext/io/wait/wait.c: ditto.
+ [ruby-dev:44693]
+Mon Oct 24 22:45:37 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c: use "__sun" instead of "sun" to detect SunOS.
+ * dln.c: ditto.
+ * cont.c: ditto.
+ * ext/sdbm/_sdbm.c: ditto.
+ [ruby-dev:44693]
+Mon Oct 24 22:38:08 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (get_device_once): delay rb_fd_set_cloexec() until
+ grantpt() on Solaris. grantpt() doesn't work with CLOEXEC on
+ Solaris 10.
+ reported by Naohisa GOTO. [ruby-dev:44688] [Bug #5475]
+Mon Oct 24 08:18:14 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (copy_stream_fallback_body): check nil for EOF of read method.
+ patch by Eric Wong. [ruby-core:39134] [Bug #5237]
+Sun Oct 23 18:21:23 2011 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * ext/tk/MANUAL_tcltklib.eng: fix typo.
+Sun Oct 23 18:03:31 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_infinity, rb_nan): aggregated member initializers
+ need braces.
+Sun Oct 23 16:43:43 2011 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * ext/io/wait/wait.c: ioctl(2) is declared in unistd.h on Solaris.
+Sun Oct 23 16:33:35 2011 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * ext/tk/MANUAL_tcltklib.eng: fix typo. reported by Mimura-san.
+ [ruby-dev:44683] [Bug #5471]
+Sun Oct 23 08:01:29 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_fd_set_cloexec): set close-on-exec flag only if F_GETFD is
+ defined. reported by Luis Lavena. [ruby-core:40281] [Bug #5470]
+Sat Oct 22 19:48:50 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb (test_multibyte_read_write): start server
+ for each length to avoid race condition.
+Sat Oct 22 18:49:24 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_fd_set_cloexec): declared.
+ * io.c (rb_fd_set_cloexec): new function.
+ (ruby_dup): call rb_fd_set_cloexec to set close-on-exec flag.
+ (rb_sysopen_internal): ditto.
+ (rb_pipe): ditto.
+ (io_reopen): ditto.
+ (io_cntl): ditto.
+ * process.c (rb_f_exec): change the default :close_others option to
+ true.
+ (rb_f_system): ditto.
+ (move_fds_to_avoid_crash): call rb_fd_set_cloexec to set
+ close-on-exec flag.
+ (ruby_setsid): ditto.
+ (rb_daemon): ditto.
+ * thread_pthread.c (rb_thread_create_timer_thread): call
+ rb_fd_set_cloexec to set close-on-exec flag.
+ * ruby.c (load_file_internal): ditto.
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_truncate): ditto.
+ (file_load_ok): ditto.
+ * random.c (fill_random_seed): ditto.
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (chfunc): ditto.
+ (get_device_once): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_bio.c (ossl_obj2bio): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/init.c (rsock_socket): ditto.
+ (rsock_s_accept_nonblock): ditto.
+ (rsock_s_accept): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (rsock_sock_s_socketpair): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (discard_cmsg): ditto.
+ (make_io_for_unix_rights): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/unixsocket.c (unix_recv_io): ditto.
+ * ext/io/console/console.c (console_dev): ditto.
+ [ruby-core:38140] [Feature #5041]
+Sat Oct 22 17:46:27 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb: fix a exception name in previous patch.
+Sat Oct 22 17:43:33 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb: make timeout configurable for DNS query.
+ patch by Eric Wong. [ruby-core:38533] [Feature #5100]
+Sat Oct 22 02:07:48 2011 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_infinity, rb_nan): use union to prevent bus error
+ caused by misalignment. [Bug #5469] [ruby-dev:44657]
+ * include/ruby/missing.h (INFINITY, NAN): ditto
+Fri Oct 21 22:02:17 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (initial_params): pack in a struct.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_set_params): set parameters always.
+ [ruby-dev:44648] [Bug #5467]
+Fri Oct 21 12:10:20 2011 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * atomic.h: change Solaris checking macro because atomic_ops can work
+ not only with Sun Studio but also with Fujitsu C Compiler.
+Fri Oct 21 02:11:00 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ns_spki.c: Complete documentation.
+ * test/openssl/test_ns_spki.rb: Integrate SPKI#to_text.
+Thu Oct 20 22:47:28 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (socklist_insert, socklist_lookup, socklist_delete):
+ new functions to wrap of st_insert(), st_lookup() and st_delete() to
+ socklist.
+ allocating socklist is deferred until it is really needed.
+ * win32/win32.c (exit_handler): delete socklist only if it is
+ initialized.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_sysinit, StartSockets): refactoring: move
+ initialization of select_mutex to StartSockets().
+ * win32/win32.c (exit_handler): refactoring: delete select_mutex only
+ if winsock is used.
+Thu Oct 20 22:38:53 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs5.c: add note on timing attacks and general
+ documentation.
+Thu Oct 20 21:19:15 2011 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * vm_eval.c (check_funcall): set array elements one-by-one to fix
+ compile error with Fujitsu C Compiler 5.6 on Solaris 10 on Sparc.
+ [Bug #5464] [ruby-dev:44632]
+Thu Oct 20 13:09:35 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/defines.h (flush_register_windows): use software
+ trap on Debian Sparc 32-bit userspace. [Bug #5244]
+Thu Oct 20 12:28:22 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * test/openssl/test_pkcs5.rb: add RFC 6070 tests for PBKDF2 with
+Thu Oct 20 11:42:23 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * util.c (mmprepare): fix for fragmental size.
+ * util.c (mmswap_, mmrot3_): portability improvement.
+Thu Oct 20 05:58:02 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ns_spki.c (Init_ossl_ns_spki): Stub documentation
+ for Netscape SPKI.
+Thu Oct 20 05:13:39 2011 Ryan Davis <>
+ * lib/minitest/*: Imported minitest 2.6.2 (r6712)
+ * test/minitest/*: ditto
+Thu Oct 20 06:55:32 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * lib/openssl/buffering.rb: Force multi-byte strings to be treated as
+ binary data.
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb: Add test for it.
+ Thanks to Niklas Baumstark for reporting the issue!
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5233] [ruby-core:39120]
+Wed Oct 19 17:06:54 2011 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version.h (RUBY_VERSION): finally declare start of 2.0 work!
+Wed Oct 19 11:48:44 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * error.c (Init_Exception): Document $! and $@. Provide
+ recommendations for creating exceptions for a library.
+Wed Oct 19 11:25:46 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * error.c (Init_Exception): Add hierarchy of Exception subclasses.
+ Based on patch by Sylvain Daubert. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5438]
+Wed Oct 19 11:04:47 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * enum.c: Reformat block args to a single standard, { |args| ... }.
+ Patch by b t. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5393]
+Wed Oct 19 12:11:26 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c: Remove set, but unused variables.
+ ext/openssl/ossl_pkey.c: ditto
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dh.c: Make functions passed to
+ rb_thread_blocking_region return VALUE instead of void.
+ ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dsa.c: ditto
+ ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_rsa.c: ditto
+Tue Oct 18 23:28:53 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (identhash): share with type_numhash.
+ * st.c (st_hashtype_num): rename from type_numhash.
+Tue Oct 18 23:07:30 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_core.h (ruby_current_thread): probeprofiler has been removed
+ long ago.
+Tue Oct 18 23:05:49 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/ripper/eventids2.c (ripper_init_eventids2): separate
+ initializations of IDs and objects.
+ * ext/ripper/tools/generate.rb (generate_eventids1): ditto.
+ * parse.y (Init_ripper, InitVM_ripper): fix inversed roles.
+Sun Oct 16 19:46:16 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.gemspec (files): fixed typo, and
+ removed nonexistent file.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.gemspec (homepage): added.
+ * ext/io/console/io-console.gemspec (homepage): ditto.
+Fri Oct 14 12:13:57 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (pty_check): should return nil until the child
+ terminates or stops. [ruby-dev:44600] [Bug #2642]
+Fri Oct 14 11:19:37 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_ary_rotate): export.
+Fri Oct 14 05:58:05 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * atomic.h (ATOMIC_INC, ATOMIC_DEC): return old values.
+ [ruby-dev:44596] [Bug #5439]
+ * signal.c (ruby_atomic_exchange): no needs to define on the
+ platforms where atomic.h is available.
+Thu Oct 13 19:29:40 2011 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * atomic.h (ATOMIC_*): use atomic_ops(3C) when SunStudio on Solaris.
+ [ruby-dev:44596] [Bug #5439]
+Thu Oct 13 18:13:04 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * atomic.h(ATOMIC_SET): add cast to void to prevent misuse.
+ [ruby-dev:44596] [Bug #5439]
+Thu Oct 13 18:04:27 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_finalize_deferred, rb_objspace_call_finalizer):
+ should use ATOMIC_EXCHANGE() to check the previous value.
+ [ruby-dev:44596] [Bug #5439]
+Wed Oct 12 23:39:58 2011 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb: Move duplicated tests for SSL::Session to
+ test_ssl_session.rb
+Tue Oct 11 08:49:40 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_initialize): Improve explanation of
+ parameters. Patch by Alvaro Pereyra Rabanal. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5425]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_s_try_convert): Fix typo (try => tries)
+ * array.c (rb_ary_rindex): Add spacing for block.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_uniq_bang): Describe block
+ * array.c (rb_ary_uniq): ditto
+Tue Oct 11 07:55:38 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * array.c: Add a description to Array, minor cleanups. Patch by
+ Andrea Singh. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5412]
+Tue Oct 11 06:09:52 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/pp.rb: Move PP documentation to top of class PP. Patch by
+ Sylvain Daubert. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5430]
+Tue Oct 11 06:06:29 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/coverage/coverage.c (Init_coverage): Change list format and
+ describe Coverage.result output. Patch by Sylvain Daubert.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5428]
+Tue Oct 11 05:53:23 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * object.c (Init_Object): Add reference to BasicObject, brief
+ explanation of constant lookup. Based on patch by Alvaro Pereyra
+ Rabanal.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5426]
+Sun Oct 9 11:06:52 2011 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * test/psych/test_yamldbm.rb: don't run test if the system
+ don't support yaml/dbm.
+ * test/syck/test_yamldbm.rb: ditto.
+Sat Oct 8 08:54:56 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * enum.c (group_by): Improve group_by description. Patch by b t.
+ [#5411]
+Sat Oct 8 03:17:51 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/shell.rb: Document some methods of Shell. Patch by Carol
+ Nichols. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5417]
+Fri Oct 7 17:54:28 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb (assert_send, assert_not_send):
+ parenthesize non-empty arguments.
+Fri Oct 7 06:35:50 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * array.c: Use + for arguments described in documentation to allow
+ rdoc -C2 to work better. Remove <code> from method references to
+ allow cross-references in HTML documentation.
+Thu Oct 6 18:46:23 2011 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * vm_eval.c (make_no_method_exception): fix typo.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c, vm_insnhelper.h: ditto.
+Thu Oct 6 16:29:30 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (make_no_method_execption): extract from
+ raise_method_missing().
+ * vm_eval.c (send_internal): remove inadvertent symbol creation
+ from public_send. based on a patch by Jeremy Evans <code AT
+> in [ruby-core:38576]. [Feature #5112]
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method): remove inadvertent symbol
+ creation from send and __send__, too.
+Thu Oct 6 14:59:11 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/time.rb: Clean up Time documentation. Patch by Jake Goulding.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5416]
+Thu Oct 6 10:00:54 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * enum.c (group_by): Improve documentation based on patch by b t.
+Thu Oct 6 09:56:30 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * enum.c: Clean up wording in Enumerable documentation. Patch by b t.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5411]
+Thu Oct 6 09:17:18 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * time.c (Init_Time): Remove editorial comments from Time
+ documentation, fix link.
+Thu Oct 6 09:14:20 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * time.c (Init_Time): Improve Time documentation. Patch by Shane
+ Emmons. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5404]
+ * lib/time.rb: Improve time.rb documentation including Time.strptime.
+ Patch by Shane Emmons. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5402]
+Thu Oct 6 08:54:05 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * random.c: Improve documentation of Random. Patch by Gregory
+ Parkhurst. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5410]
+Thu Oct 6 01:44:51 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * cont.c (cont_mark): mark original Thread object from saved_thread.
+ [ruby-dev:44571] [Bug #5386]
+Wed Oct 5 16:33:04 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_cfunc): remove useless hack.
+Wed Oct 5 05:56:39 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * hash.c (Init_Hash): Improve Hash documentation. Patch by Alvaro
+ Pereyra Rabanal. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5405]
+Wed Oct 5 05:47:59 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * random.c (Init_Random): Add a top-level comment for Random. Patch
+ by Brett Bim. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5403]
+Wed Oct 5 02:50:27 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/syntax_error.rb: Add file, line, offset, and
+ message attributes during parse failure.
+ * ext/psych/parser.c: Update parser to raise exception with correct
+ values.
+ * test/psych/test_exception.rb: corresponding tests.
+Wed Oct 5 01:52:16 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/parser.c (parse): Use context_mark for indicating error
+ line and column.
+Wed Oct 5 01:22:08 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/scalar_scanner.rb: use normal begin / rescue
+ since postfix rescue cannot receive the exception class. Thanks
+ nagachika!
+Tue Oct 4 21:10:08 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c (class_alloc): allocate extra memory after containing
+ object setup to get rid of rare-but-potential memory leak.
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_children): skip marking extended members if ptr is
+Tue Oct 4 16:17:50 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/time.rb (Time.strptime): use if d[:seconds] is set.
+ Reported by Christopher Eberz. [ruby-core:39903] Bug #5399
+Tue Oct 4 11:44:10 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_set_params): ruby_verbose can be Qnil, so use RTEST.
+Tue Oct 4 08:33:41 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/etc/etc.c: Document Etc, Etc.sysconfdir, Etc.systmpdir. Patch
+ by mathew murphy. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5396]
+Tue Oct 4 08:21:51 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/shellwords.rb: Update toplevel comment with an example. Patch
+ by Samnang Chhun. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5388]
+Tue Oct 4 08:15:50 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * proc.c (proc_call): Update documentation to match argument handling
+ of proc/>()
+Tue Oct 4 07:59:16 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * proc.c (proc_call): Fix documentation of Proc#call vs Proc#===.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5349]
+Tue Oct 4 07:43:18 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_initialize): Make description match
+ call-seq. Patch by Henry Maddocks. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5344]
+Tue Oct 4 07:35:23 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_initialize): Add output for examples. Patch by
+ Jonathan Mukai. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5216]
+Tue Oct 4 07:30:50 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_s_create): Add example results for Array::[]. Patch
+ by Jonathan Mukai. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5215]
+Tue Oct 4 07:15:17 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems 1.8.11. Move Deprecate into the
+ Gem namespace.
+Tue Oct 4 06:43:47 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych.rb: update psych version.
+ * ext/psych/psych.gemspec: generate new gemspec for new version.
+Tue Oct 4 06:29:55 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych.rb: calling `yaml` rather than `to_yaml`.
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/nodes/node.rb: Rename `to_yaml` to just `yaml`
+ in order to avoid YAML::ENGINE switching from replacing this method.
+ * test/psych/helper.rb: fix tests for method name change.
+ * test/psych/test_document.rb: ditto
+ * test/psych/visitors/test_emitter.rb: ditto
+Tue Oct 4 06:20:19 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/scalar_scanner.rb: Match values against the
+ floating point spec defined in YAML to avoid erroneous parses.
+ * test/psych/test_numeric.rb: corresponding test.
+Tue Oct 4 05:59:24 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb: ToRuby visitor can be
+ constructed with a ScalarScanner.
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: ScalarScanner can be
+ passed to the YAMLTree visitor.
+Tue Oct 4 05:47:23 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb: Define Regexp::NOENCODING
+ for 1.9.2 backwards compatibility.
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: Fix Date string
+ generation for 1.9.2 backwards compatibility.
+Mon Oct 3 23:56:39 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_set_params): output GC parameter change messages only
+ if -w/-v options are specified. these messages are output to stderr,
+ not to stdout. [ruby-core:39795] [Bug #5380]
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb (test_gc_parameter): add test for it.
+Sun Oct 2 20:05:32 2011 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * vm.c (rb_thread_mark), cont.c (cont_mark): revert r33369 and r33371
+ that may cause SEGV in certain environments.
+Sun Oct 2 12:14:06 2011 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * test/psych/test_yamldbm.rb: add test case.
+ * test/syck/test_yamldbm.rb: ditto.
+Sun Oct 2 11:28:09 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * lib/yaml/store.rb: make initialize method signature match the
+ superclass signature.
+Sun Oct 2 10:44:01 2011 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * io.c: fix documentation of ARGF.lineno=.
+Sat Oct 1 20:03:19 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (have_framework): try as Objective-C.
+Sun Oct 2 08:43:25 2011 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * vm.c (rb_thread_mark), cont.c (cont_mark): self pointer should not
+ be marked by itself. Patch by Koichi Sasada.
+ [ruby-dev:44567] [Bug #5386]
+Sun Oct 2 00:42:14 2011 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * vm.c (rb_thread_mark): rb_thread_t needs self to be marked.
+ [ruby-dev:44566] [Bug #5386]
+Sat Oct 1 09:48:53 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * gc.c (add_heap_slots, init_heap): reset heaps_inc zero when
+ heap slots are expanded by environment variable RUBY_HEAP_MIN_SLOTS.
+ [ruby-core:39777] [Bug #5380]
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb (test_gc_parameter): add test for it.
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (assert_normal_exit): add :child_env option to
+ enable pass environment variables to child process.
+Thu Sep 29 13:17:51 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (ary_join_1): should not copy the encoding of non-string
+ element after string element. [ruby-core:39776] [Bug #5379]
+Thu Sep 29 11:53:56 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (slot_sweep, rb_gc_finalize_deferred)
+ (rb_objspace_call_finalizer, rb_gc): run finalizers
+ sequentially. [ruby-dev:44562]
+Thu Sep 29 20:37:38 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/gdbm/gdbm.c (rb_gdbm_fatal): adjust argument type.
+Thu Sep 29 20:10:42 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (is_id_value, is_live_object): extract from id2ref().
+ * gc.c (run_finalizer): use object instead of object id.
+Thu Sep 29 20:07:36 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * use RB_TYPE_P which is optimized for constant types, instead of
+ comparison with TYPE.
+Wed Sep 28 09:20:37 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (pthread_np.h): needs pthread.h to be included
+ previously on OpenBSD. a patch by George Koehler <xkernigh AT
+> at [ruby-core:39752]. [Bug #5376]
+Wed Sep 28 04:41:35 2011 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * test/psych/test_yamlstore.rb: use tmpdir for tmpfile.
+ * test/syck/test_yamlstore.rb: ditto.
+Wed Sep 28 04:10:46 2011 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/README: update report to.
+Tue Sep 28 04:05:00 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal_en.html: removed because this file isn't
+ maintained now.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal_ja.html: ditto.
+Tue Sep 27 09:55:40 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread_pthread.c: make native_fd_select().
+ * thread.c (do_select): remove #ifdef _WIN32. Instead, use
+ native_fd_select() always.
+Tue Sep 27 09:44:59 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (do_select): remove cygwin specific hack. It's layer
+ violation and too large hack.
+ * thread.c (cmp_tv, subtract_tv): removed.
+Tue Sep 27 03:50:19 2011 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * test/rexml/test_sax.rb: add require 'rexml/document'.
+Tue Sep 27 03:32:27 2011 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * test/psych/test_yamldbm.rb: fix #setup and #teardown.
+ [Bug #5370] [ruby-core:39730]
+ * test/syck/test_yamldbm.rb: ditto.
+Mon Sep 26 11:27:38 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/webrick/httputils.rb: Add MIME Type definition of .js and .svg.
+ patched by Hal Brodigan. [ruby-core:39704] [Bug #5365]
+Mon Sep 26 09:20:44 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * remove DJGPP support. It's not longer supported
+ since ruby 1.9.0.
+Mon Sep 26 09:07:46 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * include/ruby/defines.h: remove NextStep, OpenStep, Rhapsody
+ support. Last activity of their OSes are 7 years ago.
+ * ditto.
+ * dir.c: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/extconf.rb: ditto.
+Mon Sep 26 09:02:49 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * remove a code for human68k. it's no longer
+ supported since r19677.
+Sun Sep 25 23:43:32 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c: fix int_ossl_asn1_decode0_cons when being
+ fed arbitrary string values.
+ Clearly distinguish between the cases "universal, infinite and
+ not a SEQUENCE or SET" and "universal SEQUENCE or SET, possibly
+ infinite". Raise error for universal tags that are not infinite.
+ * test/openssl/test_asn1.rb: add a test for this.
+ Thanks to Hiroshi Yoshida for reporting this bug.
+ [Bug #5363] [ruby-dev:44542]
+Sun Sep 25 20:57:18 2011 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * test/syck/test/yamldbm.rb: add test for Syck::DBM.
+ * test/psych/test_yamldbm.rb: add test for Psych::DBM.
+ * test/psych/test_yamlstore.rb: add test for Psych::PStore.
+Sun Sep 25 20:54:10 2011 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * lib/yaml/dbm/dbm.rb: fix #update, add #key for using instead #index.
+ [Bug #5305][ruby-dev:44485]
+Sun Sep 25 16:54:33 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (require_enc): reject only loading from untrusted
+ load paths. [ruby-dev:44541] [Bug #5279]
+ * transcode.c (load_transcoder_entry): ditto.
+Sun Sep 25 16:45:05 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ignore all warnings from an arbitrary
+ header in /usr/local/include.
+Sun Sep 25 03:43:03 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enum.c (slice_before_i): use rb_attr_get to suppress wrong warning
+ for internal instance variable slicebefore_initial_state.
+Fri Sep 23 14:20:14 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c: remove unused variable.
+Fri Sep 23 13:46:59 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl_session.rb: execute test_session_exts_read
+ only for OpenSSL versions >= 0.9.8k. Thanks, Eric Wong, for
+ reporting this.
+ [Bug #4961] [ruby-core:37726]
+Fri Sep 23 11:59:08 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl_session.rb: ensure server calls callbacks in
+ test_ctx_server_session_cb. Thanks to Eric Wong for the patch.
+ [Bug #5336] [ruby-core:39619]
+Thu Sep 22 02:53:19 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_cfunc): suppress a warning. note that
+ `volatile type *var' doesn't make var itself volatile.
+Thu Sep 22 01:52:48 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (ubf_select): activate timer thread when interrupt
+ blocking thread.
+ A patch created by Koichi Sasada. [ruby-core:39634] [Bug #5343]
+ to cover race condition, timer thread periodically send SIGVTARLM to
+ threads in signal thread list. so you should activate timer thread
+ when interrupt a thread.
+Wed Sep 21 16:55:26 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/io/wait/test_io_wait.rb (TestIOWait#setup): of course, the
+ behavior of mingw is just same with mswin.
+Tue Sep 20 18:08:51 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_get_cvar_base): reduce duplicated checks and
+ move a warning outside the loop.
+Mon Sep 19 18:55:51 2011 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (module FileUtils): improve performance of
+ FileUtils.compare_stream. a patch by Masaki Matsushita.
+ [Feature #5337] [ruby-core:39622]
+Mon Sep 19 18:42:58 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/-ext-/old_thread_select/test_old_thread_select.rb:
+ select() with timeout may return early in old Linux kernels
+ with 250 Hz tickrate and no dynticks, so skip everything older
+ than 2.6.32 (which has long term support).
+ And, Make the timing assertions consistently use assert_operator with
+ timing difference in error message
+ Patch by Eric Wong. [Bug #5335] [ruby-core:39618]
+Mon Sep 19 09:28:06 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb (class OpenSSL): Test
+ OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket#session and #session=.
+Mon Sep 19 07:54:17 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_clone): singleton class should be attached
+ singleton object to. a patch by Satoshi Shiba <shiba AT>
+ at [ruby-dev:44460]. [Bug #5274]
+Sat Sep 17 23:34:10 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_data_type): inherit the core type in ripper so
+ that checks in core would work. [ruby-core:39591] [Bug #5331]
+Sat Sep 17 12:44:04 2011 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * lib/find.rb (Find.find): add documentation that Find.find
+ without block returns an enumerator.
+Thu Sep 15 11:39:43 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (mark_entry, mark_key, mark_keyvalue): adjust callback
+ argument types.
+Thu Sep 15 01:44:10 2011 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * ext/tk/*: Change encoding from EUC-JP to UTF-8
+Wed Sep 14 11:43:37 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_fd_rcopy): added an argument guard.
+ Patch by NAKAMURA Usaku. [Bug #5306] [ruby-core:39435]
+Tue Sep 13 20:21:49 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/pstore.rb, test/test_pstore.rb: suppress warnings with -v.
+ * lib/pstore.rb (PStore): always open in binary mode even if
+ default encodings are set. [Bug #5311] [ruby-core:39503]
+Tue Sep 13 05:37:15 2011 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * io.c (Init_IO): update BINARY comment. it should not change the
+ encoding of the result to ASCII-8BIT. [ruby-talk:387719]
+Mon Sep 12 19:55:00 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_select): fix to ignore an argument
+ modification of rb_thread_fd_select().
+ based on a patch by Eric Wong. [Bug #5306] [ruby-core:39435]
+ * thread.c (rb_fd_rcopy): New. for reverse fd copy.
+ * test/-ext-/old_thread_select/test_old_thread_select.rb
+ (test_old_select_false_positive): test for bug5306.
+ * ext/-test-/old_thread_select/old_thread_select.c (fdset2array):
+ New. convert fdsets to array.
+ * ext/-test-/old_thread_select/old_thread_select.c (old_thread_select):
+ return 'read', 'write', 'except' argument of rb_thread_select()
+ to ruby script.
+Mon Sep 12 13:38:12 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * README.EXT, README.EXT.ja (2.2.2), parse.y (rb_check_id): add
+ documents for rb_check_id().
+Mon Sep 12 12:53:39 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/rake/file_list.rb (Rake::FileList#egrep): there is no need to
+ open files in binary mode.
+ see more details in
+Mon Sep 12 12:42:36 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_exception.rb (TestException#test_exit_success_p):
+ assert also the cases when exiting with true and false.
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb (assert_send): make arguments in
+ the default message clearer.
+Sun Sep 11 05:23:14 2011 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb: Deal with subclasses of Matrix [redmine #5307]
+Sat Sep 10 13:38:20 2011 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * dir.c (dir_s_aref):
+ * dir.c (dir_entries): Two small documentation fixes.
+ A patch from Aaron Lerch. [Bug #5302] [ruby-core:39404]
+Sat Sep 10 08:30:03 2011 Koichi Sasada <>
+ define macros only if they are not defined.
+ fixes: [Ruby 1.9 - Feature #5291]
+Sat Sep 10 08:25:47 2011 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (bv_decls): parse.y relies on $$ = $1 before action
+ routines. a patch from Michael Edgar. [Bug #5303]
+ [ruby-core:39429]
+Sat Sep 10 01:37:55 2011 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * sample/drb/dhasenc.rb: coding cookie of Emacs is coding,
+ not encoding.
+ * sample/mine.rb: ditto.
+Fri Sep 9 21:56:40 2011 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_sqrt): Fix comment.
+ BigDecimal#sqrt requires argument. Reported by Makoto Kishimoto.
+ Thanks for your contribution. [Bug #5267] [ruby-dev:44452]
+Fri Sep 9 11:00:55 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_commands_help_command.rb: Add one
+ `require` because if run test-all with test/unit parallel
+ running, sometimes this test fails by some constants not found.
+ The error reason is some worker doesn't require the file needed by
+ this test. This issue is related to [ruby-core:36168].
+Fri Sep 9 10:22:03 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_select): fix a typo to initialize efds
+ properly. [Bug #5299] [ruby-core:39380]
+Fri Sep 9 02:02:09 2011 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * template/yarvarch.ja:
+ Change encoding from Shift_JIS to UTF-8
+Thu Sep 9 01:14:00 2011 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * sample/drb/README.rd.ja:
+ * sample/drb/dhasenc.rb:
+ * sample/mine.rb:
+ Change encoding from EUC-JP to UTF-8
+Thu Sep 8 21:03:22 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c: import nkf 2.1.2 (be9c280)
+ Bump version number/release date only.
+Thu Sep 8 12:43:18 2011 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c (Init_GC): defined GC::Profiler.raw_data. based on the
+ patch by Eric Hodel. [ruby-core:37857] [Bug #4991]
+Thu Sep 8 09:02:53 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (id2ref): objects which are unmarked but not in sweep_slots
+ are not dead.
+Thu Sep 8 07:44:25 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_declare_transcoder, load_transcoder_entry): no
+ longer need to limit the length of transcoder library name.
+Thu Sep 8 07:36:36 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/syck/lib/syck/types.rb: use toplevel Syck.
+ for the case someone define Syck::Syck (or YAML::Syck).
+Thu Sep 8 07:33:12 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (id2ref): unmarked object is already dead while lazy
+ sweeping, and to it cannot come back since other objects
+ referred from it might have been freed already.
+Wed Sep 8 03:48:00 2011 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * ext/readline/README.ja:
+ Change encoding from EUC-JP to UTF-8
+Wed Sep 8 02:59:00 2011 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * test/rexml/test_encoding.rb:
+ Add require 'require 'rexml/document'
+Wed Sep 8 02:53:00 2011 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c:
+ Change encoding from ISO-2022 to UTF-8
+Wed Sep 7 23:41:24 2011 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb, test/rexml/test_comment.rb:
+ allow a single hyphen in comment. [Bug #5278] [ruby-core:39289]
+ Reported by Thomas Fritzsche. Thanks!!!
+Wed Sep 7 17:27:18 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/yaml.rb: explicitly specify ::Object to avoid the collision with
+ Syck::Object.
+Tue Sep 6 21:06:49 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (_run_suites): Now reports are written the
+ following order: Skip, Failure, Error. [Feature #5282]
+ * test_sorting.rb: test for above.
+ * test4test_sorting.rb: Ditto.
+ * lib/test/unit.rb (run): Put RUBY_DESCRIPTION before quitting.
+ [Feature #5282]
+Tue Sep 6 21:13:47 2011 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (INSNS): change command line option -Ks to -Ku
+ for generate *.inc. because insns.def encoding has been changed SJIS
+ to UTF-8. if $BASERUBY is 1.9, -Ks cause an error. [Feature #5128]
+ (same as r33194)
+Tue Sep 6 15:55:24 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * transcode.c (load_transcoder_entry): concatenate paths directly.
+ * encoding.c (load_encoding): predefined encoding names are safe.
+ [ruby-dev:44469] [Bug #5279]
+ * transcode.c (load_transcoder_entry): ditto.
+Tue Sep 6 12:07:10 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * transcode.c: enabled econv newline option.
+Tue Sep 6 06:44:57 2011 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * numeric.c (dbl2ival): Fix Float#divmod and #round for 32 bit
+ platform. part 1 of [bug #5276]
+Tue Sep 6 06:44:25 2011 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_round): Fix criteria for 32 bits platform
+ part 2 of [bug #5276]
+Tue Sep 6 05:37:11 2011 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * test/rinda/test_rinda.rb (test_core_03_notify): Fixed test failures
+ [ruby-dev:44430] [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #372]
+Mon Sep 5 20:59:30 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * insns.def: change encoding pragma for emacs (shift_jis to utf-8).
+Mon Sep 5 19:32:15 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * (INSNS): change command line option -Ks to -Ku for
+ generate *.inc. because insns.def encoding has been changed SJIS to
+ UTF-8. if $BASERUBY is 1.9, -Ks cause an error. [Feature #5128]
+Mon Sep 5 18:10:56 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_binmode): newline decorators are
+ exclusive.
+Mon Sep 5 15:03:37 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_security.rb
+ (test_class_build_self_signed_cert): reset opt[:trust_dir] to apply
+ temporary Gem.user_home.
+Mon Sep 5 10:04:35 2011 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * README.ja, README.EXT.ja: resolve conflicts. [ruby-dev:44459]
+Mon Sep 5 05:13:22 2011 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_round): Make Float#round round big values [bug
+ #5272]
+Mon Sep 5 04:28:25 2011 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * numeric.c (int_round): Integer#round always returns an Integer [Bug
+ #5271]
+Sun Sep 4 22:28:50 2011 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (default_port, default_imap_port,
+ default_tls_port, default_ssl_port, default_imaps_port):
+ added methods for consistency with Net::POP.
+ based on the patch by art lussos. [ruby-core:38997] [Bug #5198]
+Sun Sep 4 21:19:19 2011 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * Change encoding from EUC-JP to UTF-8. [Feature #5128]
+Sun Sep 4 00:47:39 2011 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_fiber.rb (TestFiber#test_no_valid_cfp):
+ add a test. Unlike TestThread#test_no_valid_cfp,
+ this test succeeds even if win32ole is required (see r33153).
+Sun Sep 4 00:11:49 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c (rb_const_set): show the previous definition
+ location. [EXPERIMENTAL]
+Sat Sep 3 23:56:24 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (sizeof_struct_dirent_too_small): check if struct
+ dirent.d_name is too small.
+ * (RUBY_MINGW32): take tool prefix from CC.
+Sat Sep 3 23:52:08 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (argf_next_argv): open in default text mode.
+ [ruby-core:39234] [Bug #5268]
+Sat Sep 3 18:40:57 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * lib/thread.rb (SizedQueue#max=): raise ArgumentError if max is not
+ positive number. patch by Masaki Matsushita.
+ [ruby-dev:44449] [Bug #5259]
+ * test/thread/test_queue.rb (test_sized_queue_initialize,
+ test_sized_queue_assign_max): add tests for it.
+Fri Sep 2 21:11:16 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (validate_enc_binmode, prep_stdio): default to text mode on
+ dosish platforms. [ruby-core:38822] [Bug #5164]
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_prepare_options): keep default ecflags
+ unchanged if no options.
+Fri Sep 2 14:36:47 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_search_const_defined_class): search
+ ancestors only when global scope. [ruby-core:39227] [Bug #5264]
+Fri Sep 2 09:58:08 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_tokadd_string, parser_yylex): ignore a backslash
+ which prefixes an non-ascii character, which has no escape
+ syntax. [ruby-core:39222] [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5262]
+Fri Sep 2 04:05:25 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: emit strings tagged as
+ ascii-8bit as binary in YAML.
+ * test/psych/test_string.rb: corresponding test.
+Fri Sep 2 01:07:14 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_round): substitute machine dependent magic number.
+Thu Sep 1 17:31:22 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * insns.def (defineclass), vm_insnhelper.c (vm_get_cvar_base): see
+ also inherited constants for classes without superclass and
+ modules. [ruby-core:37698] [Bug #3423]
+Thu Sep 1 16:18:44 2011 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * Release GVL while OpenSSL's public key generation.
+ t = { print "."; sleep 0.1 }
+ key =
+ #=> Thread t works in parallel with public key generation if
+ OS/machine allows it.
+ This works with OpenSSL >= 0.9.8. From this version, it has new
+ public key generation function which allows us to interrupt the
+ execution while pkey generation iterations.
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: Check existence of OpenSSL's new public key
+ generation function. (DH_generate_parameters_ex,
+ DSA_generate_parameters_ex and RSA_generate_key_ex.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey.{h,c} (ossl_generate_cb_2,
+ ossl_generate_cb_stop): Added new callback function for OpenSSL pkey
+ generation which handles Thread interruption by Ruby.
+ ossl_generate_cb_stop is the unblock function(ubf) for Ruby which
+ sets a stop flag. New pkey generation callback ossl_generate_cb_2
+ checks the stop flag at each iterations of OpenSSL and interrupts
+ pkey generation when the flag is set.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dsa.c (dsa_generate): Call
+ rb_thread_blocking_region with the above unblock function to release
+ GVL while pkey generation.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_rsa.c (rsa_generate): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dh.c (dh_generate): ditto.
+ * test/openssl/test_pkey_{dh,dsa,rsa}.rb: Test it.
+Thu Sep 1 14:06:54 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb (TestThread#test_no_valid_cfp): skip when
+ win32ole is required. in such case, win32ole redefines
+ Thread#initialize, and the block argument becomes to be not the top
+ of the thread, then this testcase always fails.
+Thu Sep 1 10:20:50 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io_m17n.rb (TestIO_M17N#test_{default_mode_on_dosish,
+ default_mode_on_unix,text_mode,binary_mode}): sorry for wrong test
+ committed in r33144. I'd misunderstood the spec of ruby's universal
+ newline.
+Thu Sep 1 09:27:57 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * variable.c (rb_autoloading_value): Fix the order of definitions.
+ It is used by autoload_defined_p.
+Wed Aug 31 17:28:23 2011 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * variable.c (rb_autoload): There was a chance to run GC (from
+ rb_str_new2()) before finishing autoload_data_i construction. It
+ caused SEGV at rb_gc_mark() at autoload_i_mark.
+ * variable.c (rb_autoload_load): Move RB_GC_GUARD() to proper
+ position based on suggestion by CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki at
+ * variable.c (autoload_defined_p): Fix incompatible autoload behavior
+ that causes Rails crash. Class definition instruction defined in
+ 'defineclass' in insns.def always invokes rb_autoload_load for a
+ constant. It's invoked for every class definition regardless of
+ existence of autoload definition. rb_autoload_load checks if a
+ constant is defined as autoloaded, but new thread-safe autoload
+ returned different value if the constant is under autoloading.
+Wed Aug 31 17:20:56 2011 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * Re-apply r33078, thread-safe autoload which is reverted at r33093.
+Wed Aug 31 16:28:04 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io_m17n.rb (TestIO_M17N#test_{default_mode_on_dosish,
+ default_mode_on_unix,text_mode,binary_mode}): tests for [Bug #5164].
+Wed Aug 31 15:54:11 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/json: Merge json gem v1.5.4 (3dab4c5a6a97fac03dac).
+Wed Aug 31 13:09:41 2011 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_round): Avoid overflow by optimizing for trivial
+ cases [Bug #5227]
+Wed Aug 31 00:50:01 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_select_with_thread): and my typo. we all must
+ be more careful.
+Wed Aug 31 00:48:38 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_select): critical typo in r33117.
+Wed Aug 31 00:30:49 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/-ext-/old_thread_select/test_old_thread_select.rb
+ (TestOldThreadSelect#test_old_select_read_timeout): if the machine
+ is fast enough, the time used by code around may be smaller
+ than Time implement threshold.
+Wed Aug 31 00:04:38 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/-test-/old_thread_select/old_thread_select.c (old_thread_select):
+ typo.
+ * test/-ext-/old_thread_select/test_old_thread_select.rb
+ (TestOldThreadSelect#test_old_select_signal_safe): use SIGINT instead
+ of SIGUSR1 because the former is general and the latter is platform
+ dependent.
+Tue Aug 30 23:59:36 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c, include/ruby/intern.h (rb_w32_fd_copy): implement
+ for rb_thread_select() in thread.c. the use of rb_fd_copy() is
+ introduced in r33117.
+ [Bug #5251] [ruby-core:39195]
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_select): must call rb_fd_init() before using
+ rb_fdset_t. see the implementations of rb_fd_init()s if you want to
+ know the reason.
+Tue Aug 30 22:34:45 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * test/dl/test_callback.rb (test_callback_with_string): prevents
+ temporary string from GC.
+Tue Aug 30 22:25:38 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_cfunc): revert r33112. RB_GC_GUARD macro
+ protect a VALUE from GC. It's not for general anti-optimizing
+ purpose.
+Tue Aug 30 11:06:19 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/json: Merge json gem 1.5.4+ (2149f4185c598fb97db1).
+ [Bug #5173] [ruby-core:38866]
+Tue Aug 30 09:57:50 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * lib/thread.rb (Queue#pop): fix a race against Thread.wakeup.
+ Patch by Masaki Matsushita <glass.saga at gmail dot com>
+ [Bug #5195] [ruby-dev:44400]
+Tue Aug 30 09:48:07 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * cont.c (fiber_entry): fix stack allocation failure on Debian
+ GNU/kFreeBSD.
+ Patch by Lucas Nussbaum <lucas at lucas-nussbaum dot net>.
+ [Bug #5241] [ruby-core:39147]
+Tue Aug 30 09:28:01 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_select): rewrite by using
+ rb_thread_fd_select(). old one is EINTR unsafe.
+ Patch by Eric Wong. [Bug #5229] [ruby-core:39102]
+ * test/-ext-/old_thread_select/test_old_thread_select.rb:
+ a testcase for rb_thread_select().
+ * ext/-test-/old_thread_select/old_thread_select.c: ditto.
+ * ext/-test-/old_thread_select/depend: ditto.
+ * ext/-test-/old_thread_select/extconf.rb: ditto.
+Tue Aug 30 09:08:22 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * fix a build failure on GNU Hurd.
+ Patch by Samuel Thibault <sthibault at debian dot org>. Thank you!
+ [Bug #5250] [ruby-core:39185]
+Sun Aug 29 23:22:00 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * test/ruby/test_numeric.rb (test_num2long): modify a test against the
+ change by r33108.
+Sun Aug 29 09:58:00 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * numeric.c (bit_coerce): A Fixnum and a Bignum are only permitted for
+ bitwise arithmetic with a Fixnum. #1792
+ * test/ruby/test_fixnum.rb: add tests for the above change.
+ * bignum.c (bit_coerce): A Fixnum and a Bignum are only permitted for
+ bitwise arithmetic with a Bignum. #1792
+ * test/ruby/test_bignum.rb: add tests for the above change.
+Sun Aug 28 15:38:17 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * ext/date/date_parse.c (date_zone_to_diff): keep a temporary string
+ stored in variable while the contents buffer is being used.
+ * ext/date/date_parse.c (date_zone_to_diff): get rid of out of bounds
+ memory read. [ruby-dev:44409] [Bug #5213]
+Sun Aug 28 05:29:50 2011 Ryan Davis <>
+ * lib/minitest/*: Imported minitest 2.5.1 (r6596)
+ * test/minitest/*: ditto
+Sat Aug 27 20:46:05 2011 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_rewrite_dfp_in_errinfo): change return type
+ to suppress a warning.
+ * vm_core.h: ditto.
+Sat Aug 27 19:04:06 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * internal.h (rb_strftime_timespec): moved from time.c and define only
+ if ruby/encoding.h is included.
+ * internal.h (rb_strftime): ditto.
+Sat Aug 27 18:53:51 2011 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * proc.c (proc_new): force to rewrite errinfo when calling in ensure.
+ [Bug #5234] [ruby-core:39125]
+ This code will be removed after changing throw mechanism (see r33064).
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_rewrite_dfp_in_errinfo): new function.
+ * vm.c (vm_make_env_each): changed accordingly.
+ * vm_core.h: ditto.
+ * bootstraptest/test_flow.rb: add tests for above.
+Sat Aug 27 18:44:06 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * internal.h (rb_strftime_timespec): move to time.c because it depends
+ encoding.h.
+Sat Aug 27 18:17:58 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * strftime.c (rb_strftime_with_timespec): get enc argument to specify
+ the encoding of the format. On Windows (at least Japanese Windows),
+ Time#strftime("%Z") includes non ASCII in locale encoding (CP932).
+ So convert locale to default internal. [ruby-core:39092] [Bug #5226]
+ * strftime.c (rb_strftime): ditto.
+ * strftime.c (rb_strftime_timespec): ditto.
+ * internal.h (rb_strftime_timespec): follow above.
+ * time.c (rb_strftime_alloc): ditto.
+ * time.c (strftimev): ditto.
+ * time.c (time_strftime): ditto.
+ * time.c (time_to_s): the resulted string of Time#to_s is always
+ ascii only, so this should be US-ASCII.
+ * time.c (time_asctime): ditto.
+Sat Aug 27 11:18:12 2011 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * Revert r33078. It caused a Rails application NoMethodError.
+ /home/nahi/git/emptyApp/ruby/1.9.1/gems/rack-mount-0.6.14/lib/rack/mount/utils.rb:157: warning: toplevel constant ScanError referenced by Regin::Parser::ScanError
+ /home/nahi/git/emptyApp/ruby/1.9.1/gems/rack-mount-0.6.14/lib/rack/mount/vendor/regin/regin/parser.rb:17:in `parse_regexp': undefined method `scan_str' for #<Regin::Parser:0x00000002344548> (NoMethodError)
+Sat Aug 27 08:44:58 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc: Import RDoc 3.9.4. Typo and grammar fixes by Luke Gruber.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5203]
+Sat Aug 27 07:53:34 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb: Fix indentation of OpenURI::OpenRead#open. Use ++
+ instead of `' for method arguments in open-uri.rb
+Sat Aug 27 07:22:07 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/pathname/lib/pathname.rb: Fix typos and grammar mistakes. Patch
+ by Luke Gruber. [#5203]
+ * ext/pty/lib/expect.rb: ditto
+ * lib/mathn.rb: ditto
+ * lib/net/http.rb: ditto
+ * lib/open-uri.rb: ditto
+ * lib/ostruct.rb: ditto
+ * lib/tempfile.rb: ditto
+ * lib/thread.rb: ditto
+ * lib/weakref.rb: ditto
+ * sample/webrick/httpproxy.rb: ditto
+Sat Aug 27 04:03:18 2011 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c (iseq_data_to_ary): fix type of variable
+ (long -> unsigned long) to suppress a warning.
+Sat Aug 27 04:02:11 2011 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: add a decl. of rb_autoloading_value().
+Fri Aug 26 19:12:08 2011 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * variable.c: Make autoload thread-safe. See #921.
+ What's the problem?
+ autoload is thread unsafe. When we define a constant to be
+ autoloaded, we expect the constant construction is invariant. But
+ current autoload implementation allows other threads to access the
+ constant while the first thread is loading a file.
+ What's happening inside?
+ The current implementation uses Qundef as a marker of autoload in
+ Constant table. Once the first thread find Qundef as a value at
+ constant lookup, it starts loading a defined feature. Generally a
+ loaded file overrides the Qundef in Constant table by module/class
+ declaration at very beginning lines of the file, so other threads
+ can see the new Module/Class object before feature loading is
+ finished. It breaks invariant construction.
+ How to solve?
+ To ensure invariant constant construction, we need to override
+ Qundef with defined Object after the feature loading. For keeping
+ Qundef in Constant table, I expanded autoload_data struct in
+ Module to have a slot for keeping the defined object while feature
+ loading. And changed Module's constant lookup/update logic a
+ little so that the slot is only visible from the thread which
+ invokes feature loading. (== the first thread which accessed the
+ autoload constant)
+ Evaluation?
+ All test passes (bootstrap test, test-all and RubySpec) and added
+ 8 tests for threading behavior. Extra logics are executed only
+ when Qundef is found, so no perf drop should happen except
+ autoloading.
+ * variable.c (rb_autoload): Prepare new autoload_data struct.
+ * variable.c (rb_autoload_load): Load feature and update Constant
+ table after feature loading is finished.
+ * variable.c (rb_const_get_0): When the fetched constant is under
+ autoloading, it returns the object only for the thread which starts
+ autoloading.
+ * variable.c (rb_const_defined_0): Ditto.
+ * variable.c (rb_const_set): When the specified constant is under
+ autoloading, it sets the object only for the thread which starts
+ autoloading. Otherwise, simply overrides Qundef with constant
+ override warning.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_get_ev_const): Apply same change as
+ rb_const_get_0 in variable.c.
+ * test/ruby/test_autoload.rb: Added tests for threading behavior.
+Fri Aug 26 10:10:37 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems 1.8.10. Fixes security issue in
+ creating ruby-format gemspecs. Fixes Gem.dir not being at the front
+ of Gem.path to fix uninstall and cleanup commands. Fixes gem
+ uninstall stopping on the first missing gem.
+Fri Aug 26 08:21:10 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * time.c (strftimev): Make Time#to_s default to US-ASCII encoding but
+ respect Encoding.default_internal. [ruby-core:39092]
+ * test/ruby/test_time.rb (class TestTime): Corresponding test.
+Thu Aug 25 09:43:16 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/bn.rb: Hide copyright info from RDoc.
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/digest.rb: ditto
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/x509.rb: ditto
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/cipher.rb: ditto
+Thu Aug 25 09:25:48 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_digest.c: Document OpenSSL::Digest::digest and add
+ an example to OpenSSL::Digest. Patch by Sylvain Daubert.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5166]
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/digest.rb (module OpenSSL): ditto
+Thu Aug 25 08:19:43 2011 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (vm_make_env_each): work around to solve Bug #2729.
+ fixes: Bug #2729
+ a patch from Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ This problem is caused by changing dfp (dynamic env pointer)
+ from saved dfp. Saved dfp is pointed env in VM stack. However,
+ the dfp can be moved because VM copies env from VM stack to
+ the heap. At this copying, dfp was also changed. To solve this
+ problem, I'll try to change throw mechanism (not save target dfp,
+ but save target cfp).
+ * bootstraptest/test_flow.rb: add a test for above.
+Thu Aug 25 07:57:33 2011 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * numeric.c (int_round): Fix Integer#round [ruby-core:39096]
+Thu Aug 25 07:00:00 2011 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.h, vm_insnhelper.c, vm.c, vm_method.c, insns.def:
+ Manage a redefinition of special methods for each classes.
+ A patch from Joel Gouly <>. Thanks!
+Thu Aug 25 06:51:08 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych.rb: Fixing psych version number.
+ * ext/psych/psych.gemspec: updating the gemspec.
+Thu Aug 25 06:11:35 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/nodes/node.rb: default `to_yaml` encoding to be
+ UTF-8.
+ * test/psych/test_encoding.rb: test yaml dump encoding.
+Thu Aug 25 01:24:33 2011 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb (test_chmod_symbol_mode): Solaris
+ seems to behave the same as FreeBSD.
+Thu Aug 25 01:11:36 2011 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb (test_script_from_stdin): slave pty
+ should be manipulated because master pty may not be a tty on some
+ environment (e.g. Solaris). [Bug:#5222] [ruby-dev:44420]
+Wed Aug 24 15:13:56 2011 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.h, iseq.c, compile.c: Change the line number data structure
+ to solve an issue reported at [ruby-dev:44413] [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5217].
+ Before this fix, each instruction has an information including
+ line number (iseq::iseq_insn_info_table). Instead of this data
+ structure, recording only line number changing places
+ (iseq::iseq_line_info_table).
+ The order of entries in iseq_line_info_table is ascending order of
+ iseq_line_info_table_entry::position. You can get a line number
+ by an iseq and a program counter with this data structure.
+ This fix reduces memory consumption of iseq (bytecode).
+ On my measurement, a rails application consumes 21.8MB for
+ iseq with this fix on the 32bit CPU. Without this fix, it
+ consumes 24.7MB for iseq [ruby-dev:44415].
+ * proc.c: ditto.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: ditto.
+ * vm_method.c: ditto.
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_get_sourceline): change to use rb_iseq_line_no().
+Wed Aug 24 09:49:10 2011 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def (defined): fix to checking class variable.
+ A patch by Magnus Holm <>. Thanks!
+ * test/ruby/test_variable.rb: add a test for above.
+Wed Aug 24 08:53:06 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc: Update to RDoc 3.9.3. Fixes RDoc with `ruby -Ku`. Allows
+ HTTPS image paths to be turned into <img> tags. Prevents special
+ markup inside <tt> from being processed.
+Wed Aug 24 07:57:43 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems 1.8.9. Fixes uninstalling multiple
+ gems and gem cleanup.
+Wed Aug 24 06:45:20 2011 Ryan Davis <>
+ * lib/minitest/*: Imported minitest 2.5.0 (r6557)
+ * test/minitest/*: ditto
+Wed Aug 24 00:38:22 2011 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * thread.c (update_coverage): skip coverage count up if the current
+ line is out of the way. rb_sourceline() is unreliable when source
+ code is big. [ruby-dev:44413]
+ * test/coverage/test_coverage.rb: add a test for above.
+Tue Aug 23 15:23:56 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * load.c (rb_f_require): Improve documentation of Kernel#require.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5210]
+Tue Aug 23 11:27:26 2011 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (gzfile_read_header): Ensure that each section of
+ gzip header is readable to avoid SEGV.
+ * test/zlib/test_zlib.rb (test_corrupted_header): Test it.
+Mon Aug 22 23:43:33 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): add RB_GC_GUARD to prevent temporary
+ strings from GC.
+Sun Aug 21 17:49:53 2011 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * iseq.c (iseq_s_disasm): remove variable which is no longer used
+ since r33013.
+Sun Aug 21 14:20:58 2011 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * use LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64 on 64-bit Solaris.
+Sat Aug 20 13:19:52 2011 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * iseq.c (iseq_s_disasm): fix a bug that may cause SEGV.
+ * test/ruby/test_method.rb (test_body): add a test for the above change.
+Sat Aug 20 10:43:24 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_read): return new string if nil
+ is explicitly given as a buffer ([Bug #5207]), otherwise set the
+ encoding. also removed dead code.
+Fri Aug 19 14:25:51 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (proc_spawn_v, proc_spawn): should not wait the
+ spawned process.
+ * process.c (proc_spawn_v): fix missing argument, and try with
+ /bin/sh only if failed with ENOEXEC.
+Fri Aug 19 14:12:57 2011 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (idle): raises a Net::IMAP::Error when the
+ connection is closed. based on the patch by Hugo Barauna.
+ [Bug #5190] [ruby-core:38930]
+Fri Aug 19 13:18:00 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * defines _DARWIN_UNLIMITED_SELECT if the target_os
+ is darwin.
+Fri Aug 19 13:14:00 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * thread.c: add a description for the behavior of select(2) on
+ Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion).
+Fri Aug 19 11:28:58 2011 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (msg_att): accepts extra space before ')'.
+ based on the patch by art lussos. [Bug #5163] [ruby-core:38820]
+Wed Aug 17 23:01:00 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (cannot_be_coerced_into_BigDecimal):
+ remove duplication.
+Wed Aug 17 15:27:00 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (cannot_be_coerced_into_BigDecimal):
+ add a new function for raising error when an object cannot coerce
+ into BigDecimal. [Bug #5172]
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimalValueWithPrec): use
+ cannot_be_coerced_into_BigDecimal function.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigMath_s_exp): ditto.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigMath_s_log): ditto.
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb: test for the above changes.
+ * test/bigdecimal/testbase.rb (under_gc_stress): add a new utility
+ method to run tests under the condition of GC.stress = true.
+Wed Aug 17 10:16:00 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * rational.c (nurat_coerce): Rational#coerce should converts itself
+ into Complex if the argument is a Complex with non-zero imaginary
+ part. [Bug #5020] [ruby-dev:44088]
+ * test/ruby/test_rational.rb (test_coerce): test for the above change.
+Wed Aug 17 06:33:19 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509cert.c: Add class documentation for
+ OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.
+Wed Aug 17 04:54:25 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey.c: corrected docs, OpenSSL::PKey::DH does
+ *not* support #sign/verify.
+Tue Aug 16 18:56:54 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm.c (ruby_threadptr_data_type): rename to hide.
+ [ruby-core:38972]
+Tue Aug 16 18:52:08 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/mkexports.rb (Exports::Mswin#each_export): exclude Init_
+ and _threadptr_ functions, as well as mingw.
+Tue Aug 16 09:31:44 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/dl: Add documentation. Patch by Vincent Batts.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5192]
+Tue Aug 16 08:48:26 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/.document (fiddle): Remove duplicate entry
+ * ext/fiddle: Complete documentation of Fiddle. Patch by Vincent
+ Batts. [#5192]
+Tue Aug 16 08:00:15 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/socket: Make Socket documentation appear. Add documentation for
+ Socket, TCPServer, SOCKSSocket. Patch by Sylvain Daubert.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Feature #5182]
+Mon Aug 15 09:58:55 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c: Support disabling OpenSSL compression.
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb: Add a test for it.
+ Thanks to Eric Wong for the patch.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Feature #5183] [ruby-core:38911]
+Sun Aug 14 05:57:01 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/socket/test_socket.rb (test_connect_timeout): added a test
+ based on a patch by Eric Wong. [ruby-core:38910]
+Sat Aug 13 22:17:27 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/mkconfig.rb: do not make the entries related to sitedir and
+ verdordir if disabled by --without options. [ruby-core:38922]
+ [Bug #5187]
+Sat Aug 13 17:03:22 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: [ruby-core:38861]
+Sat Aug 13 09:39:07 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * test/date/test_*.rb: added tests.
+Sat Aug 13 09:36:19 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * ext/date/date_parse.c (parse_ddd_cb): fix r32896. RB_GC_GUARD
+ insertion position was mistaken. [ruby-dev:44337] [Bug #5152]
+Sat Aug 13 09:26:24 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/core_ext.rb: Make Kernel#y private.
+ [ruby-core:38913]
+ * test/psych/test_yaml.rb: corresponding test.
+Sat Aug 13 09:05:16 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (date_strftime_alloc): followed the change
+ of r32885.
+ * doc/NEWS-1.9.3: followed the above change.
+Sat Aug 13 08:55:38 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/scalar_scanner.rb: Only consider strings
+ with fewer than 2 dots to be numbers. [ruby-core:38915]
+Sat Aug 13 08:47:20 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: [ruby-core:38855].
+Sat Aug 13 03:41:37 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb: Fix documentation of Patch by
+ Steve Klabnik. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5177]
+Sat Aug 13 02:19:57 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/digest/digest.c: Add documentation for the Digest module. Patch
+ by Sylvain Daubert. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5167]
+Sat Aug 13 01:56:11 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rake: Update to Rake Prevent pollution of toplevel
+ namespace by Commands. Remove unused variable and debugging
+ statement in tests.
+Fri Aug 12 11:39:35 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * Describe "no" configure option for site_ruby
+ and vendor_ruby. Patch by Vit Ondruch. [Bug #5187][ruby-core:38921]
+Fri Aug 12 09:00:24 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Import RubyGems 1.8.8. Fixes encoding of YAML gemspec
+ from gems. Github Issue #149
+Fri Aug 12 08:17:46 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ipsocket.c (init_inetsock_internal): use SOMAXCONN for
+ listen backlog.
+ * ext/socket/unixsocket.c (rsock_init_unixsock): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb (Addrinfo#listen): ditto.
+ (Socket.tcp_server_sockets_port0): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: define SOMAXCONN as 5 if not available.
+ [ruby-core:38493]
+Fri Aug 12 03:24:35 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc: Import RDoc 3.9.2. Fixes TIDYLINK for HTML output.
+Thu Aug 11 15:37:42 2011 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * variable.c (autoload_delete): An autoload entry is still in a
+ RCLASS_IV_TBL, not in a RCLASS_CONST_TBL, so take back the table
+ changed in r29600. And an autoload entry keeps not a
+ rb_const_entry_t but a NODE so remove rb_const_entry_t thing added
+ in r29602.
+Thu Aug 11 15:07:36 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (link_command): use LIBRUBYARG in rbconfig for
+ unbundled extensions. [ruby-core:38802] [Bug #5147]
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (init_mkmf): revert r32902. [ruby-core:38903]
+Wed Aug 10 23:03:55 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb: fix argument check in the previous commit.
+Wed Aug 10 22:12:28 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb (Socket.tcp): add :connect_timeout option.
+ (Addrinfo#connect_from): add :timeout option.
+ (Addrinfo#connect): ditto.
+ (Addrinfo#connect_to): ditto.
+ [ruby-core:38538]
+Wed Aug 10 21:27:19 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/net/pop.rb: fix typo in document.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/net/imap.rb: ditto.
+Wed Aug 10 19:30:00 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * complex.c (nucomp_rationalize): calls rationalize of real part if
+ imaginary part is exactly zero. The patch is made by Marc-Andre
+ Lafortune. fixes [Bug #5178] [ruby-core:38885]
+ * test/ruby/test_complex.rb (test_rationalize): add a test for the
+ above change.
+ * complex.c (nucomp_to_r): fix RDoc comment. The patch is made by
+ Marc-Andre Lafortune.
+Wed Aug 10 14:11:07 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (init_mkmf): set $LIBRUBYARG regardless of shared
+ option. [ruby-core:38802] [Bug #5147]
+Wed Aug 10 02:53:27 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: come back autoload. OpenSSL constant is used
+ some places, so it leads mistakes like HTTP.start.
+Tue Aug 9 22:57:45 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * ext/date/date_parse.c (date_zone_to_diff): add RB_GC_GUARD.
+ [ruby-dev:44337] [Bug #5152]
+ * ext/date/data_parse.c (parse_ddd_cb): ditto.
+Tue Aug 9 14:25:47 2011 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * ext/fiddle/conversions.c (generic_to_value): ffi_arg and ffi_sarg
+ should be used to handle shorter return value. fix [Bug #3861]
+ [ruby-core:32504]
+ * ext/fiddle/closure.c (callback): ditto
+ * ext/fiddle/conversions.h (fiddle_generic): ditto
+ * ext/fiddle/conversions.c (value_to_generic): char, short and int
+ are strictly distinguished on big-endian CPU, e.g. sparc64.
+Tue Aug 9 11:21:08 2011 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c (gc_lazy_sweep): if sweep target slots are not found, we
+ try heap_increment() because it might be able to expand the
+ heap. [Bug #5127] [ruby-dev:44285]
+ * gc.c (gc_clear_mark_on_sweep_slots): if a sweeping was
+ interrupted, we expand the heap if at all possible.
+Tue Aug 9 12:20:33 2011 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * test/fiddle/helper.rb (libc_so, libm_so): Solaris support added.
+ [ruby-core:38853] [Bug #5168]
+ * test/dl/test_base.rb (libc_so, libm_so): on Solaris, remove libc
+ and libm version numbers for detecting default libc and libm.
+Tue Aug 9 09:18:04 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (gzfile_wrap): Document encoding options.
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (rb_gzwriter_s_open): ditto
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (rb_gzreader_s_open): ditto
+Sun Aug 7 23:31:32 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * time.c (rb_strftime_alloc): raise ERANGE if width is too large.
+ Patch by Nobuyoshi Nakada. [Bug #4457] [ruby-dev:43285]
+ * test/ruby/test_time.rb (class TestTime): add a test for the
+ above change.
+Sun Aug 7 22:51:45 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c (decode_eoc): remove unused variables.
+ Patch by Eric Wong. [Feature #5157] [ruby-core:38798]
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c (ossl_asn1_decode): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey.c (ossl_pkey_new_from_data): ditto.
+Sun Aug 7 22:37:08 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * add -Wunused-variable to default CFLAGS.
+ Patch by Eric Wong. [Feature #5157] [ruby-core:38798]
+Sun Aug 7 15:37:35 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/digest/sha2/sha2ossl.c: use original SHA384_Final on DragonFly.
+Sun Aug 7 14:08:16 2011 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c: fix typos in a document.
+Sun Aug 7 07:14:57 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * cont.c (HAVE_GETCONTEXT): see getcontext(3) because DragonFly BSD
+ x64 port doesn't have it.
+Sun Aug 7 00:42:55 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/wm.rb (Tk::Wm.command): Add the missing receiver
+ before calling epath. patched by flori
+Sat Aug 6 07:06:34 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * marshal.c (w_object): Fix exception message when _dump_data is not
+ defined on a T_DATA object.
+Fri Aug 5 22:16:20 2011 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_infinity, rb_nan): use WORDS_BIGENDIAN to get endian.
+ fix [Bug #5160] [ruby-dev:44356]
+Fri Aug 5 17:14:11 2011 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * test/test_syslog.rb (TestSyslog#test_log): Do not be too
+ specific about the log line format. Fixes #5081.
+Fri Aug 5 15:57:10 2011 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * complex.c (f_signbit): fix compile error in gcc4 on Solaris with
+ CFLAGS="-std=gnu99". [ruby-dev:44355] fix [Bug #5159]
+ * math.c: ditto.
+Fri Aug 5 15:55:33 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_object.rb: tests that respond_to? returns false.
+Fri Aug 5 13:32:43 2011 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc/client.rb, lib/xmlrpc/server.rb: should use
+ String#bytesize instead of String#size.
+Fri Aug 5 12:18:20 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (check_funcall): try respond_to? first if redefined.
+ [Bug #5158]
+Fri Aug 5 09:48:22 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Import RubyGems 1.8.7:
+ Added missing require for `gem uninstall --format-executable`.
+ The correct name of the executable being uninstalled is now displayed
+ with --format-executable.
+ Fixed `gem unpack uninstalled_gem` default version picker.
+ RubyGems no longer claims a nonexistent gem can be uninstalled.
+ `gem which` no longer claims directories are requirable files.
+ `gem cleanup` continues cleaning up gems if one can't be uninstalled
+ due to permissions. Issue #82.
+ Gem repository directories are no longer created world-writable.
+ Patch by Sakuro OZAWA. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4930]
+Fri Aug 5 07:00:31 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/io/console/test_io_console.rb (test_noctty): daemon() on
+ Fedora Rawhide seems not to detach the controlling terminal,
+ when the argument noclose is non-zero. ref: [Bug #5135]
+Thu Aug 4 23:48:00 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_cond_signal): retry to call pthread_cond_signal
+ and pthread_cond_broadcast if they return EAGAIN in
+ native_cond_signal and native_cond_broadcast, respectively.
+ It is for the pthread implementation of Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion).
+ fixes #5155. [ruby-dev:44342].
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_cond_broadcast): ditto.
+ * thread_pthread.c (struct cached_thread_entry): stop using
+ pthread_cond_t and its functions directly.
+ * thread_pthread.c (register_cached_thread_and_wait): ditto.
+ * thread_pthread.c (use_cached_thread): ditto.
+Thu Aug 4 20:29:41 2011 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * when Solaris cc, use $(CC) to link shared libs.
+Thu Aug 4 20:19:11 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * error.c (report_bug): use a small message buffer instead of BUFSIZ.
+ It is needed for avoiding nested SIGSEGV on Linux.
+ Note: BUFSIZ is not proper buffer size. It's unrelated with maximum
+ filename length. :-/
+ [Bug #5139] [ruby-dev:44315]
+Thu Aug 4 16:08:45 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb (gem): install all gemspecs under lib and ext.
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb (Gem::Specification): may not be defined when
+ cross-compiling and BASERUBY is 1.8.
+Thu Aug 4 11:30:36 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * include/ruby/missing.h: define __syscall on OpenBSD as r32702.
+Thu Aug 4 03:02:54 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb: use rubygems to load gemspecs, copy actual
+ gemspecs on install rather than generate fake ones for all gems.
+Thu Aug 4 02:45:10 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * set CXX variable to the C++ compiler that matches the
+ C compiler specified by CC variable (e.g. use g++-4.2 for gcc-4.2).
+Thu Aug 4 02:21:10 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (link_command): use static library only for bundled
+ extensions. [Bug #5147]
+Thu Aug 4 02:02:10 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/psych.gemspec: installing psych as a gem.
+Wed Aug 3 16:01:35 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * util.c, include/ruby/util.h (ruby_add_suffix): remove the function.
+ [Bug #5153] [ruby-core:38736]
+ * io.c (argf_next_argv): remove the call of above function.
+ * ext/-test-/add_suffix, test/-ext-/test_add_suffix.rb: remove the test
+ extension module because this is only for testing ruby_add_suffix().
+ * LEGAL: remove the mention about a part of util.c, because now we
+ removed the part.
+ * io.c (argf_next_argv): now the new filename is not guaranteed to
+ use, so should check the return value of rename(2).
+ * test/ruby/test_argf.rb (TestArgf#test_inplace_rename_impossible):
+ now we expect same result with other platforms on no_safe_rename
+ platforms (=Windows).
+Wed Aug 3 09:18:08 2011 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * test/xmlrpc/webrick_testing.rb (WEBrick_Testing#start_server):
+ Like r32795, bind address should be specified.
+Wed Aug 3 07:46:30 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (enc_find): mistakenly remained !. [Bug #5150]
+Wed Aug 3 00:11:08 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/prettyprint.rb: update document. [ruby-core:36776]
+Tue Aug 2 22:04:46 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * gc.c (init_heap): allocate sigaltstack after heaps are allocated.
+ [ruby-dev:44315] [Bug #5139]
+ * vm.c (thread_free): use free because objspace is not ready.
+ * vm.c (th_init): use malloc because objspace is not ready.
+Tue Aug 2 20:10:16 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * test/testunit/test_parallel.rb: pass "--ruby" option to
+ test/testunit/tests_for_parallel/runner.rb. [Bug #5132] [ruby-dev:44303]
+Tue Aug 2 15:53:37 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * encoding.c (str_to_encoding): rename from to_encoding and
+ use str_to_encindex.
+ * encoding.c (str_to_encindex): split from to_encoding.
+ * encoding.c (rb_to_encoding): use str_to_encoding.
+ * encoding.c (rb_obj_encoding): don't bypass rb_encoding*.
+ If it uses rb_encoding*, it bypass encindex. If it uses encindex,
+ it doesn't bypass.
+ * encoding.c (enc_find): add shortcut for encoding object, use
+ str_to_encindex, and avoid bypass rb_encoding*.
+Tue Aug 2 12:03:16 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (recursive_hash): hash value of emptied hash should be
+ equal to an empty hash. [ruby-core:38650]
+Tue Aug 2 11:42:15 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (rb_enc_symname2_p): :! is valid symbol. [Bug #5136]
+Tue Aug 2 07:33:29 2011 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * test/net/http/test_http.rb (TestNetHTTP_version_1_1_methods#test_timeout_during_HTTP_session):
+ If you connect to localhost, you should listen localhost.
+ * test/net/http/test_https.rb (TestNetHTTPS#test_timeout_during_SSL_handshake):
+ ditto.
+Tue Aug 2 06:18:15 2011 Luis Lavena <>
+ * lib/rubygems/installer.rb (class Gem): Correct path check on Windows
+ Possible fix for [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5111]
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_installer.rb (load Gem): ditto
+Mon Aug 1 20:12:03 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (TestProcess#windows?): new method.
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (TestProcess#*): use above method.
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (TestProcess#test_execopts_redirect):
+ windows doesn't support FD_CLOEXEC.
+Mon Aug 1 15:45:23 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * test/rake/test_rake_functional.rb: Don't assume the binary name of
+ ruby is "ruby". [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5114]
+ * test/rake/helper.rb: ditto
+Mon Aug 1 15:31:14 2011 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * test/io/console/test_io_console.rb (TestIO_Console#test_sync):
+ Skip when PTY allocation failed (that's not our fault).
+Mon Aug 1 15:04:12 2011 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * test/xmlrpc/test_webrick_server.rb (Test_Webrick#setup_http_server):
+ XMLRPC::Client.new3(), when called without host: argument, tries
+ to connect to a host where "localhost" resolves to. On the
+ other hand a, when called without
+ BindAddress: argument, tries to listen all the address where
+ getaddrinfo(AF_UNSPEC) resolves to. This is a mismatch because
+ "localhost" might not resolve to one of those listening sockets.
+ We would better explicitly specify "localhost" here and if
+ failed, just skip the whole test.
+Mon Aug 1 14:24:56 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc.rb: Import RDoc 3.9.1. Fixes bugs in the RDoc::Markup
+ parser.
+Mon Aug 1 12:00:35 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * insns.def (concatstrings): don't use initial ASCII-8BIT string.
+ [ruby-core:38635] [Bug #5126]
+Sun Jul 31 22:57:16 2011 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * enc/ (ECHO1): Same as the recent fix in
+ ":" in a make variable replacement cause a syntax error with
+ /usr/ccs/bin/make on Solaris. Uses $(NULLCMD) instead.
+Sun Jul 31 21:16:02 2011 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * complex.c (f_signbit): gcc4 on Solaris DOES have signbit but does
+ not have it on header.
+ * math.c: ditto.
+Sun Jul 31 21:09:04 2011 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * ( Use $(Q) for consistency.
+ * (INSNS): ditto.
+Sun Jul 31 21:19:51 2011 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (configuration:ECHO1): Same as the recent fix in
+ ":" in a make variable replacement cause a syntax error with
+ /usr/ccs/bin/make on Solaris. Uses $(NULLCMD) instead.
+Sun Jul 31 20:39:12 2011 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * (ECHO1): nmake does not allow parenthesis in make variable
+ replacement.
+Sun Jul 31 23:06:57 2011 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * vm.c (check_env): print debug messages to stderr.
+ [Feature #4871] [ruby-dev:43743]
+Sun Jul 31 22:50:23 2011 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * vm.c (vm_make_env_each): don't save prev env value.
+ It is no longer used. [Feature #4871] [ruby-dev:43743]
+ * vm.c (check_env): changed accordingly.
+Sun Jul 31 20:21:36 2011 "Yuki Sonoda (Yugui)" <>
+ * (ECHO1): ":" in a make variable replacement cause a syntax
+ error with /usr/ccs/bin/make on Solaris. Uses $(NULLCMD) instead.
+ * (NULLCMD): new check.
+ * (NULLCMD): Reflects checking in configure.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (NULLCMD): new assignment.
+Sun Jul 31 18:58:59 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_pipe): pipe on cygwin can succeed half but fail
+ half.
+Sun Jul 31 11:31:07 2011 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * vm.c: check if cfp is valid. [Bug #5083] [ruby-dev:44208]
+Sun Jul 31 09:18:28 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc: Update to RDoc 3.9. Fixed `ri []`, stopdoc creating an
+ object reference, nodoc for class aliases, verbatim === lines.
+Sun Jul 31 01:29:08 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_each_byte): remove unused variable e.
+Sat Jul 31 01:23:45 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb (test_version): removed.
+Sat Jul 30 23:19:09 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * defs/default_gems: separate from tool/rbinstall.rb.
+Sat Jul 30 23:14:44 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_each_byte): rbuf can be refreshed during yield.
+ [Bug #5119]
+Sat Jul 30 22:35:50 2011 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * strftime.c (NEEDS): avoid SEGV due to integer overflow in
+ sparc-solaris2.10 and i686-linux. fix [Bug #4456] [ruby-dev:43284]
+Sat Jul 30 17:26:26 2011 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_variant.rb: use skip method to skip the test.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_variant_outarg.rb: ditto.
+Sat Jul 30 14:27:00 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_version): version 1.1.0.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.gemspec: turn into a default gem.
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb: ditto.
+Sat Jul 30 11:21:55 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * vm_core.h (ALT_STACK_SIZE): use MINSIGSTKSZ*2 instead of SIGSTKSZ*2.
+ [ruby-core:38607]
+Sat Jul 30 10:39:14 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * vm.c (th_init): preallocate alternative stack.
+ NoMemoryError is better than rb_bug, of course.
+ Patch by Eric Wong. [ruby-core:38572][ruby-core:38594].
+ * signal.c (rb_register_sigaltstack): ditto.
+ * vm_core.h: moved ALT_STACK_SIZE definition from signal.c.
+ * vm.c (thread_free): use xfree() instead of free().
+Sat Jul 30 07:20:49 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb (udp_server_sockets): unused variable
+ removed.
+ patch by Jeremy Evans. [ruby-core:38600]
+Fri Jul 29 23:56:32 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/securerandom.rb: call OpenSSL::Random.seed at the
+ SecureRandom.random_bytes call.
+ based on the patch by Masahiro Tomita. [ruby-dev:44270]
+Fri Jul 29 23:53:48 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_set_len): new function to set array length.
+ * vm_eval.c (method_missing): set the length of argv array, to mark
+ arguments.
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_apply): get rid of too large alloca.
+Fri Jul 29 20:48:39 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: fix typos.
+Fri Jul 29 20:28:56 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: use whitespaces as a separator.
+Fri Jul 29 18:59:07 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: add documents for constants.
+ patch by Eric Hodel. [ruby-core:37853] [Bug #4989]
+Fri Jul 29 16:00:43 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (enable_pthread): use -pthread on OpenBSD without
+ explicit option. patched by Jeremy Evans. [ruby-core:38572]
+Thu Jul 28 23:36:28 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * ext/fiddle/closure.c (callback): use rb_ary_tmp_new() instead of
+ xmalloc() to allocate an array for arguments of callback procedure,
+ to prevent arguments from being swept by GC. [ruby-core:38546]
+ [Bug #4929]
+Thu Jul 28 22:36:06 2011 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_cipher.c (ossl_cipher_initialize): Avoid possible
+ SEGV from AES encryption/decryption. Processing data by
+ Cipher#update without initializing key (meaningless usage of Cipher
+ object since we don't offer a way to export a key) could cause SEGV.
+ In OpenSSL, the EVP which has EVP_CIPH_RAND_KEY flag (such as DES3)
+ allows uninitialized key, but other EVPs (such as AES) does not
+ allow it. Calling EVP_CipherUpdate() without initializing key causes
+ SEGV so we set the data filled with "\0" as the key by default. See
+ #2768.
+ * test/openssl/test_cipher.rb: test it.
+Thu Jul 28 14:25:08 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/rubygems/user_interaction.rb (Gem::StreamUI#tty?): typo.
+Thu Jul 28 12:32:53 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/dl/callback/mkcallback.rb (gencallback): use PTR2NUM.
+ * ext/dl/cptr.c (rb_dlptr_aref, rb_dlptr_aset): check NULL pointer
+ dereference.
+ * ext/dl/cptr.c (rb_dlptr_s_to_ptr): use rb_check_funcall.
+ * ext/dl/cptr.c (rb_dlptr_s_to_ptr): fix wrapping condition.
+Thu Jul 28 04:53:31 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb: Move file-level documentation to the appropriate
+ classes.
+Thu Jul 28 02:15:04 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/dl/cfunc.c (dlcfunc_mark), ext/dl/cptr.c (dlptr_mark):
+ workaround to mark wrapped object. this is not a true fix,
+ because [Bug #4929] is caused by the interface design of DL.
+Thu Jul 28 00:28:15 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb: add OpenBSD case.
+ patched by Jeremy Evans [ruby-core:38530] see #5097
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb: ditto.
+Wed Jul 27 22:46:59 2011 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * test/rinda/test_rinda.rb (test_remote_array_and_hash):
+ add local variables to protect objects from GC. [ruby-dev:44253]
+ [Bug #5104]
+Wed Jul 27 17:55:54 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * include/ruby/missing.h: define __syscall if the platform has
+ __syscall in the library but doesn't define it in headers
+ for example Mac OS X.
+Wed Jul 27 15:39:14 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * object.c: Add usage documentation for BasicObject. Based on patch
+ by Thomas Sawyer. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5067]
+Wed Jul 27 12:24:17 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/uninstaller.rb: Add missing require and update
+ messaging to avoid confusion with uninstall --format-executable.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4062]
+Wed Jul 27 09:34:24 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems
+Wed Jul 27 09:27:59 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * test/openssl/test_pkcs12.rb: Add test and intermediate certificates.
+ [ Ruby 1.9 - Feature #3793 ] [ruby-core:32088]
+Wed Jul 27 01:05:32 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval_error.c (rb_print_undef_str): new function to raise
+ NameError for undefined method.
+ * load.c (rb_mod_autoload_p), object.c (rb_mod_const_get),
+ variable.c (rb_f_untrace_var, set_const_visibility), vm_method.c
+ (rb_mod_{remove,undef,alias}_method, set_method_visibility):
+ remove inadvertent symbol creation. based on the first patch by
+ Jeremy Evans at [ruby-core:38447]. [Feature #5089]
+ * vm_method.c (obj_respond_to): fix the respond_to_missing? override
+ case. based on the patch by Jeremy Evans at [ruby-core:38417].
+ [Feature #5072]
+ * parse.y (rb_check_id): make the given name a symbol or a string.
+ based on the second patch by Jeremy Evans at [ruby-core:38447]
+Wed Jul 27 00:50:00 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/util.rb (Rational#to_d):
+ zero or negative precision is error. fixes #5098.
+ [ruby-dev:44210]
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal_util.rb: add test for the above
+ change.
+Wed Jul 27 00:48:00 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/util.rb (Float#to_d): modified for
+ specifying precision. fixes #5098. [ruby-dev:44210]
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal_util.rb: add test for the above
+ change.
+Wed Jul 27 00:45:00 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/util.rb (Integer#to_d): added
+ for symmetry to BigDecimal() function with an Integer.
+ fixes #5098. [ruby-dev:44210]
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal_util.rb: add test for the above
+ change.
+Wed Jul 27 00:30:00 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/util.rb (BigDecimal#to_d): added
+ for adapting other Numeric subclasses. [ruby-dev:44245]
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal_util.rb: test for the above change.
+Wed Jul 27 00:27:00 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (VpDup) a new function for duplicating
+ a BigDecimal.
+ * bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_new): support generating a new
+ BigDecimal from another BigDecimal using BigDecimal global function
+ or constructor. [ruby-dev:44245]
+Tue Jul 26 23:33:24 2011 Igor Zubkov <>
+ * array.c: Fix typo.
+Mon Jul 25 23:51:01 2011 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * proc.c: pre-allocate the unlinked_method_entry_list_entry struct to
+ avoid memory allocation during GC. based on a patch from Eric Wong.
+ [ruby-core:38498]
+Mon Jul 25 23:39:33 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/rake/test_rake_directory_task.rb (TestRakeDirectoryTask#
+ test_directory_win32): fixed wrong test.
+Mon Jul 25 22:36:11 2011 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * proc.c (struct METHOD), gc.c (gc_marks), vm_method.c
+ (rb_gc_mark_unlinked_live_method_entries): fix SEGV bug.
+ rb_method_entry_t was free'd even when the method is still on the
+ stack if it is BMETHOD (i.e., Method#call). This is because
+ rb_method_entry_t is embedded in struct METHOD. This commit
+ separates them and marks the live method entries.
+ See [ruby-core:38449] in detail. fix [Bug #5047] [ruby-core:38171]
+Mon Jul 25 22:14:37 2011 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc/client.rb: Fix possible HTTP header formatting failure by
+ 'Basic' header. Long username caused the base64 String truncation in
+ HTTP header which is not allowed. See #5046.
+ * test/xmlrpc/test_webrick_server.rb: test it.
+Mon Jul 25 15:04:33 2011 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl.rb: End of transition period introduced by
+ [ruby-dev:38018]. From the next version of 1.9.3, you should use
+ require "openssl"
+ instead of
+ require "openssl/ssl"
+ and
+ require "openssl/x509"
+Mon Jul 25 13:46:38 2011 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/x509.rb: Cosmetic change: move definition
+ introduced in r30152 to x509-internal.rb.
+Mon Jul 25 13:09:42 2011 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_shutdown): Avoid randomly generated
+ SSLError from SSLSocket just after invoking SSLSocket#close.
+ OpenSSL's SSL_shutdown could try to send alert packet and it might
+ set SSLerr(global error stack) as the result. It causes the next
+ SSL read/write operation to fail by unrelated reason.
+ By design, we're ignoring any error at SSL_shutdown() so we clear
+ global error stack after SSL_shutdown is called. See #5039.
+Sun Jul 24 20:29:53 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: refine the recvmsg test.
+Sun Jul 24 20:02:31 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: fix the recvmsg test.
+Sun Jul 24 08:42:51 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: test recvmsg allocates file descriptors for
+ fd passing even with MSG_PEEK.
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c: use the above test result.
+Sun Jul 24 01:04:50 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/specification.rb: Restore behavior of
+ Gem::Specification#loaded. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5032]
+Sun Jul 24 00:05:00 2011 Jeremy Evans <>
+ * error.c (rb_name_error_str): new function to raise NameError
+ with the name string but not ID.
+ * object.c, proc.c, variable.c: more removal of inadvertent symbol
+ creation. [Feature #5079]
+Sat Jul 23 21:14:00 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * lib/cmath.rb (cbrt): should return a real number if possible.
+Sat Jul 23 20:12:52 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/rake/test_rake_functional.rb (setup): Use __FILE__ for the base
+ directory. Current directory is not the top source directory when
+ the building process runs on other than there.
+ * test/rake/test_rake_rake_test_loader.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rake/test_rake_task_argument_parsing.rb
+ (test_terminal_width_using_hardcoded_80): hardcoded 80 is used
+ when app.unix? is false.
+Sat Jul 23 20:11:50 2011 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: an issue that is same as [ruby-dev:44071].
+ * ext/date/date_strftime.c: identical to [ruby-dev:44112].
+Sat Jul 23 19:12:53 2011 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * test/win32ole/test_err_in_callback.rb (test_err_in_callback):
+ skip test if ADODB.connection is not available.
+Sat Jul 23 15:37:04 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * parse.y (rb_enc_symname_type): :$a!, @a! and so on are not
+ valid symbols, so they should be inspected with quotes.
+Sat Jul 23 17:06:25 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_update_max_fd): validate fd.
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h (rsock_discard_cmsg_resource): add
+ msg_peek_p argument for the declaration.
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (discard_cmsg): add msg_peek_p argument.
+ assume FreeBSD, NetBSD and MacOS X doesn't generate passed fd
+ when MSG_PEEK.
+ (rsock_discard_cmsg_resource): add msg_peek_p argument.
+ (bsock_recvmsg_internal): call rsock_discard_cmsg_resource with
+ msg_peek_p argument.
+ * ext/socket/unixsocket.c (unix_recv_io): call
+ rsock_discard_cmsg_resource with msg_peek_p argument.
+Sat Jul 23 14:38:28 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * test/rake*: Remove dependencies on flexmock and session gems.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4987]
+Sat Jul 23 12:19:04 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (rb_check_id): take care of attrset ID created
+ implicitly by local ID. [Bug #5084]
+ * parse.y (rb_check_id): conversion condition was inverse.
+ [Bug #5084]
+Fri Jul 22 21:46:54 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_cfunc): added volatile for a workaround
+ of cfp consistency error problem on OS X 10.7 (Lion). It's
+ suspected llvm optimization bug.
+ [Bug #5074] [ruby-dev:44185]
+Fri Jul 22 21:18:20 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (WFKV_): unroll the loop of regexp.
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (URI.decode_www_form_component): ditto.
+Fri Jul 22 21:06:39 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (rb_mod_{const,cvar}_defined, rb_obj_ivar_defined):
+ avoid inadvertent symbol creation in reflection methods. based
+ on a patch by Jeremy Evans at [ruby-core:38367]. [Feature #5072]
+ * vm_method.c (rb_mod_method_defined)
+ (rb_mod_{public,private,protected}_method_defined)
+ (obj_respond_to): ditto.
+ * parse.y (rb_check_id): new function returns already interned ID
+ or 0.
+Fri Jul 22 20:44:49 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (rb_is_global_id, rb_is_attrset_id): add missing
+ predicates.
+Fri Jul 22 20:24:38 2011 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/ruby/test_object.rb (TestObject#test_respond_to_missing):
+ 2nd argument of respond_to_missing? is not optional.
+Fri Jul 22 19:05:47 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (rb_enc_symname2_p): get rid of potential out-of-bound
+ access.
+Fri Jul 22 13:55:59 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: Net::HTTP#finish is used to manually close
+ connections. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5045]
+Fri Jul 22 13:51:29 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c: Add examples for Readline.completion_proc=.
+ [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5057]
+Fri Jul 22 13:03:12 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_hmac.c: Revert checking return type of
+ HMAC_Init_ex as it is not compatible with OpenSSL < 1.0.0.
+Fri Jul 22 12:10:21 2011 Eric Hodel <>
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb (default gems): Install executables into the fake
+ gem dir for Gem.bin_path. [#4485]
+Fri Jul 22 11:20:20 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_digest.c: Check return value of EVP_DigestInit_ex.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_hmac.c: Check return value of HMAC_Init_ex.
+ Thanks, Jared Jennings, for the patch.
+ [ Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4944 ] [ruby-core:37670]
+Fri Jul 22 09:09:43 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_engine.c: Avoid double free of ENGINE reference.
+ * test/openssl/test_engine.rb: Add a test for it.
+ Thanks to Ippei Obayashi for providing the patch.
+ [ Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5062 ] [ruby-dev:44173]
+Fri Jul 22 06:37:13 2011 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/csv.rb: Do not modify CSV.generate's argument [ruby-core:38356]
+Thu Jul 21 20:59:59 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (discard_cmsg): workaround for MacOS X Lion.
+Thu Jul 21 20:02:11 2011 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * thread.c (set_trace_func, thread_set_trace_func_m): reset tracing
+ state when set_trace_func hook is removed. This is workaround patch
+ to force to reset tracing state that is broken by continuation call.
+ a patch from James M. Lawrence. [Feature #4347] [ruby-core:34998]
+ * test/ruby/test_continuation.rb (class TestContinuation): add a test
+ for above. a patch from James M. Lawrence.
+Thu Jul 21 19:27:19 2011 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * node.c (dump_node): add today's knowledge. "init arguments (m)" and
+ "init arguments (p)" of compile.c indicates a Ruby code that
+ evaluates multiple assignments that is in method or block
+ parameters: def foo((m1,m2), (m3,m4), *r, (p1,p2), (p3,p4)); end
+ The former (init arguments (m)) evaluates the multiple assignments
+ before rest argument, that are (m1,m2) and (m3,m4). The letter
+ (init arguments (p)) does ones after rest argument, that are
+ (p1,p2) and (p3, p4).
+Thu Jul 21 18:11:07 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enum.c (enum_inject): remove empty line to notify rdoc
+ Enumerable#reduce is alias. patched by milki@github.
+Thu Jul 21 17:30:21 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_delete_at_m): use simple array literal in rdoc.
+ patched by samuel tonini. [ruby-core:38310] [Bug #5066]
+Thu Jul 21 17:14:21 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/webrick/httprequest.rb (WEBrick::HTTPRequest#each):
+ Allow HTTP/0.9 request which doesn't has any header or body.
+ patched by Felix Jodoin. [ruby-core:38040] [Bug #5022]
+Wed Jul 20 23:02:18 2011 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * io.c (rb_update_max_fd): remove parentheses. they are not in
+ macro.
+Wed Jul 20 22:22:23 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_update_max_fd): declaration moved from
+ internal.h.
+ * file.c: ditto.
+ * io.c: call rb_update_max_fd for each new fds.
+ * process.c: ditto.
+ * random.c: ditto.
+ * ruby.c: ditto.
+ * ext/io/console/console.c: ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_bio.c: ditto.
+ * ext/pty/pty.c: ditto.
+ * ext/socket/init.c: ditto.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: ditto.
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c: ditto.
+ * ext/socket/unixsocket.c: ditto.
+Wed Jul 20 15:16:22 2011 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/dl/handle.c (dlhandle_sym): clear previous error with dlerror()
+ before calling dlsym(). [ruby-dev:44091] [Bug #5021]
+Wed Jul 20 07:16:26 2011 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * NEWS: mention Kernel#warn. [ruby-core:38119] [Feature #5029]
+Tue Jul 19 16:40:45 2011 TAKANO Mitsuhiro (takano32) <>
+ * cont.c (cont_save_thread): fix missing semicolon.
+Tue Jul 19 16:25:15 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (UPDATE_MAXFD): removed.
+Tue Jul 19 16:07:45 2011 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_update_max_fd): new function.
+ * internal.h (rb_update_max_fd): declare rb_update_max_fd.
+ * thread_pthread.c (rb_thread_create_timer_thread): update max fd when
+ timer thread pipe is created.
+Mon Jul 18 13:36:47 2011 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych.rb: define a new BadAlias error class.
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb: raise an exception when
+ deserializing an alias that does not exist.
+ * test/psych/test_merge_keys.rb: corresponding test.
+Mon Jul 18 00:00:46 2011 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c: added the new class Curses::Pad, which
+ supports scrolling. patch by Eric Hodel. [Feature #4896]
+ [ruby-core:37206]
+Sun Jul 17 16:26:40 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (rb_check_trusted): new function to check an object is
+ trusted.
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_modify), time.c (time_modify): check by the
+ above function to show proper class names. [Bug #5036]
+Sun Jul 17 15:30:04 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (rb_warn_m): accept multiple args in like puts. rdoc
+ patch by Erik Price at [ruby-core:38119]. [Feature #5029]
+Sun Jul 17 07:56:31 2011 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl_session.rb: add PEM SSL session without TLS
+ extensions. Use this as the default for the tests to ensure
+ compatibility with OpenSSL 0.9.7.
+ [ Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4961 ] [ruby-core:37726]
+Sat Jul 16 17:29:20 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_UNIVERSAL_ARCH): restore arch flag.
+ Bug #4977
+Sat Jul 16 06:27:51 2011 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (module): Remove optional parser argument to
+ Kernel#URI
+ [ruby-core:38061]
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (module): ditto
+Sat Jul 16 03:19:45 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (is_socket, is_console): add prototypes to fix compile
+ problem with gcc introduced at r32549.
+ reported by Jon Forums. [Bug #5030] [ruby-core:38079]
+Sat Jul 16 00:55:38 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * time.c (time_dup): used rb_obj_class() instead of CLASS_OF().
+ The patch is made by Kazuki Tsujimoto. [Bug #5012] [ruby-dev:44071]
+ * test/ruby/test_time.rb (TestTime#test_getlocal_dont_share_eigenclass):
+ added a new test for eigenclass of time object.
+Fri Jul 15 19:11:00 2011 Kenta Murata <>
+ * bignum.c (bigsub_int): add RB_GC_GUARD. This patch is made by
+ Makoto Kishimoto. fixes #4223 [ruby-dev:42907]
+ * bignum.c (bigadd_int): ditto.
+Fri Jul 15 14:27:53 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c, include/ruby/win32.h (rb_w32_io_cancelable_p): renamed
+ from rb_w32_has_cancel_io(). now it takes a parameter as fd to check
+ the fd is console or not, because we cannot cancel console input even
+ if we have cancel_io function.
+ * io.c (WAIT_FD_IN_WIN32): call above function instead of the old one,
+ so now we can kill the thread which calls STDIN.gets.
+ the problem was reported by ko1 via IRC.
+Fri Jul 15 09:10:41 2011 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * ext/digest/sha2/sha2.c (SHA256_Update, SHA512_Update): avoid Bus
+ Error caused by unalignment access on Sparc-Solaris (and possibly on
+ other similar environment.) This patch just do memcpy always instead
+ of checking architecture. I see no perf drop on my 64bit env. For
+ more details, see #4320.
+ * test/digest/test_digest.rb: add test for unalignment access.
+Fri Jul 15 01:51:25 2011 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * regint.h (PLATFORM_UNALIGNED_WORD_ACCESS): Power PC does not
+ allow unaligned word access.
+ * st.c (UNALIGNED_WORD_ACCESS): x86_64 allows unaligned word
+ access as well as i386.
+Thu Jul 14 12:19:34 2011 Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c (ossl_verify_cb): trap the exception from
+ verify callback of SSLContext and X509Store and make the
+ verification fail normally. Raising exception directly from callback
+ causes orphan resources in OpenSSL stack. Patched by Ippei Obayashi.
+ See #4445.
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb
+ (test_exception_in_verify_callback_is_ignored): test it.
+Tue Jul 12 23:41:49 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * NEWS: add a description of Signal.trap change.
+Tue Jul 12 20:02:35 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * signal.c (reserved_signal_p): reverted a part of r32523.
+ chikanaga noticed trap(:CHLD) has some realworld usecase.
+ * test/ruby/test_signal.rb (TestSignal#test_reserved_signal):
+ ditto.
+Tue Jul 12 17:12:45 2011 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_add_method): should not call method_added hook
+ for undef operation. [Bug #5015]
+Tue Jul 12 16:58:44 2011 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb(Test::Unit::Options#process_args): Fix bug.
+ Fix process_args didn't return `@option` after r30939.
+Tue Jul 12 14:07:46 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * signal.c (install_sighandler): fixed a race.
+Tue Jul 12 13:49:32 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * signal.c (sig_trap): don't permit to change a signal handler which
+ the interpreter reserved.
+ * signal.c (reserved_signal_p): ditto.
+ [Bug #2616] [ruby-core:27625]
+ * test/ruby/test_signal.rb (TestSignal#test_reserved_signal):
+ added a test for reserved signal.
+Tue Jul 12 11:58:28 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/setup.mak: support x86-amd64 cross compile environment.
+Mon Jul 11 23:22:28 2011 Yutaka Kanemoto <>
+ * time.c: can't compile time.c on AIX due to missing declaration for
+ ffs(). It is declared in strings.h on AIX.
+Mon Jul 11 15:54:24 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * process.c: removed signal() macro. It's no longer used.
+Mon Jul 11 15:02:24 2011 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_num2ull): use FIX2LONG instead of FIX2ULONG. see
+ rb_num2ulong(). fixed the problem of ObjectSpace._id2ref of IL32LLP64
+ platforms, introduced at r32433.
+Mon Jul 11 05:38:05 2011 Yutaka Kanemoto <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (get_stack): need to adjust stack addr for
+ [Bug #1813] on AIX.
+Mon Jul 11 01:16:27 2011 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (rb_thread_create_timer_thread): removed
+ rb_disable_interrupt()/rb_enable_interrupt().
+ * vm_core.h: ditto.
+ * process.c (static void before_exec): ditto.
+ * process.c (static void after_exec): ditto.
+ [Bug #4765] [ruby-dev:43571]
+ * eval_intern.h: removed rb_trap_restore_mask().
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_throw_obj): ditto.
+ * eval.c (setup_exception): ditto.
+ * signal.c: removed trap_last_mask.
+ * signal.c (trap_restore_mask): removed.
+ * signal.c (init_sigchld): comment clarification why signal block
+ is needed. and removed trap_last_mask operation.
+ * signal.c (trap_ensure): removed trap_last_mask operation.
+ * signal.c (rb_disable_interrupt, rb_enable_interrupt): made
+ static and removed sigdelset(SIGVTALRM) and sigdelset(SIGSEGV).
+ * process.c (rb_syswait): removed implicit signal handler change.
+Sun Jul 10 23:49:12 2011 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * docs/NEWS-1.9.3: moved from NEWS.
+ * docs/ChangeLog-1.9.3: merged ChangeLog for 1.9.3.
+ * NEWS: NEWS for 1.9.4 that describes changes since 1.9.3
+ * ChangeLog: new ChangeLog for 1.9.4.
+Sun Jul 10 23:30:52 2011 Yuki Sonoda (Yugui) <>
+ * version.h (RUBY_VERSION): ruby_1_9_3 branch was forked.
+For the changes before 1.9.3, see doc/ChangeLog-1.9.3
+For the changes before 1.8.0, see doc/ChangeLog-1.8.0
+Local variables:
+coding: us-ascii
+add-log-time-format: (lambda ()
+ (let* ((time (current-time))
+ (system-time-locale "C")
+ (diff (+ (cadr time) 32400))
+ (lo (% diff 65536))
+ (hi (+ (car time) (/ diff 65536))))
+ (format-time-string "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y" (list hi lo) t)))
+indent-tabs-mode: t
+tab-width: 8
+change-log-indent-text: 2
+vim: tabstop=8 shiftwidth=2
diff --git a/doc/ChangeLog/ChangeLog-2.1.0 b/doc/ChangeLog/ChangeLog-2.1.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5b670b31c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/ChangeLog/ChangeLog-2.1.0
@@ -0,0 +1,18060 @@
+Fri Dec 20 17:52:50 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_method.c: check definition of
+Fri Dec 20 17:03:10 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: rename OBJ_WRITE and OBJ_WRITTEN into
+ * array.c, class.c, compile.c, hash.c, internal.h, iseq.c,
+ proc.c, process.c, re.c, string.c, variable.c, vm.c,
+ vm_eval.c, vm_insnhelper.c, vm_insnhelper.h,
+ vm_method.c: catch up this change.
+Fri Dec 20 16:01:35 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: add a comment for WB interfaces.
+Fri Dec 20 16:00:52 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * DLDFLAGS is defined in --with-opt-dir handler, so
+ ${DLDFLAGS=} does not work now. use RUBY_APPEND_OPTIONS instead.
+ [ruby-dev:47855] [Bug #9256]
+Fri Dec 20 14:19:12 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (AC_ARG_WITH): use withval directly.
+ fix failure on FreeBSD.
+Fri Dec 20 14:00:01 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (struct RClass): add super, remove iv_index_tbl.
+ since RCLASS_SUPER() is commonly used inside while loops, we move it
+ back inside struct RClass to improve cache hits. this provides a
+ small improvement (1%) in hotspots like rb_obj_is_kind_of()
+ * internal.h (struct rb_classext_struct): remove super, add
+ iv_index_table
+ * internal.h (RCLASS_SUPER): update for new location
+ * internal.h (RCLASS_SET_SUPER): ditto
+ * internal.h (RCLASS_IV_INDEX_TBL): ditto
+ * object.c (rb_class_get_superclass): ditto
+ * include/ruby/backward/classext.h (RCLASS_SUPER): ditto
+Fri Dec 20 07:07:35 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems master 03d6ae7. Changes include:
+ * Fixed typos.
+ * Relaxed Gem.ruby test for ruby packagers that do not use `ruby`.
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Thu Dec 19 14:03:04 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (heap_get_freeobj): improve hot path performance.
+ * gc.c (heap_get_freeobj_from_next_freepage): replace with
+ heap_get_freepage(). It returns freeobj instead of freepage.
+ This is not on hot path.
+Thu Dec 19 12:05:17 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems master af60443. Changes include:
+ * Improved speed of `gem install --ignore-dependencies`.
+ * Open read-write for exclusive flock. [ruby-trunk - Bug #9257]
+ * Remove specification before install to prevent infinite loop.
+Thu Dec 19 11:23:49 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_iseq_setup_normal): simple for loop
+ condition optimization. this area shows up as a hotspot in VM
+ profiles.
+Thu Dec 19 10:50:13 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (newobj_of): don't need to RBASIC_SET_CLASS() which includes WB
+ here because created obj is always YOUNG/INFANT.
+Thu Dec 19 10:48:37 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/gc/gcbench.rb: check GC::OPTS availability
+ for not MRI 2.1.0.
+Thu Dec 19 03:10:30 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * gc.c (heap_get_freeobj): remove redundant assignment. heap->freelist
+ is set after the while() loop already.
+Thu Dec 19 01:54:30 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/runner.rb: fix commit miss on r44278.
+Thu Dec 19 00:26:11 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (garbage_collect_body): lazy_sweep setting should work
+ without USE_RGENGC.
+Wed Dec 18 23:31:04 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_profile_dump_major_reason): fix this function because major_reason
+ can be OR of multiple reasons.
+ * gc.c (gc_profile_dump_on): ditto.
+Wed Dec 18 17:03:00 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_profile_record_get): should return an empty array
+ when profiling is active.
+Wed Dec 18 16:49:40 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_profile_clear, gc_profile_enable): remove rest_sweep().
+ * gc.c: check objspace->profile.current_record before inserting
+ profiling record by new macro gc_prof_enabled().
+Wed Dec 18 14:32:06 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_exec.h (VM_DEBUG_STACKOVERFLOW): added.
+ disable stack overflow check for every stack pushing as default.
+ * vm_exec.c (vm_stack_overflow_for_insn): ditto.
+Wed Dec 18 10:00:22 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems master d8f12e2. This increases the
+ speed of `gem install --ignore-dependencies` which helps bundler
+ tests.
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Wed Dec 18 09:00:17 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb (test_expand_heap): allow +/-1 diff.
+Tue Dec 17 23:44:15 2013 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb: fix duplicated test name.
+Tue Dec 17 20:15:00 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_reject): revert to deprecated behavior, with
+ warnings, due to compatibility for HashWithDifferentAccess.
+ [ruby-core:59154] [Bug #9223]
+Tue Dec 17 17:30:56 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * misc/ruby-electric.el: Import version 2.1.1 from
+ * ruby-electric-delete-backward-char: Enable support for number
+ prefix.
+ * ruby-electric-curlies: Fix electric operation after an open
+ curly.
+Tue Dec 17 16:19:09 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_trace.c (rb_postponed_job_flush): isolate exceptions in
+ postponed jobs and restore outer ones. based on a patch by
+ tarui. [ruby-core:58652] [Bug #9168]
+Tue Dec 17 10:48:04 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * (RUBY_DTRACE_POSTPROCESS): Fix compatibility with
+ systemtap on linux. stap requires `dtrace -G` post-processing, but
+ the dtrace compatibility wrapper is very strict about probes.d
+ syntax.
+Tue Dec 17 05:18:17 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems master 1c5f4b3. Allows rubygems
+ repackagers to disable backward-compatible shared gem directory
+ behavior.
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Tue Dec 17 05:14:35 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * NEWS (RDoc): Update version number so I don't have to change it
+ for the final release.
+Mon Dec 16 19:19:19 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_objspace_markable_object_p): should check special_const_p
+ first (by is_markable_object()).
+Mon Dec 16 19:12:54 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c (reachable_object_from_root_i): use
+ compare_by_identity hash to avoid hash modify problem
+ during iteration.
+ [Bug #9252]
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c (reachable_objects_from_root): ditto.
+Mon Dec 16 18:16:28 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_verify_internal_consistency): should not use
+ rb_objspace_each_objects() because it call rest_sweep().
+Mon Dec 16 18:07:30 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_objspace_markable_object_p): fix last commit (build error).
+Mon Dec 16 18:04:28 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_objspace_markable_object_p): it should be live objects.
+Mon Dec 16 18:00:51 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_objspace_each_objects): should not clear dont_lazy_sweep
+ flag in nested case.
+Mon Dec 16 16:40:35 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_entry_make): fix WB miss.
+ Note that rb_method_entry_t::klass is not constified.
+ We may constify this field.
+ * test/ruby/test_alias.rb: add a test.
+Mon Dec 16 14:14:22 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: use gc_verify_internal_consistency() instead of
+ gc_check_before_marks_i() for check consistency
+Mon Dec 16 14:01:48 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * process.c (make_clock_result): add :second as a unit for
+ Process.clock_gettime.
+Mon Dec 16 13:10:54 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: introduce GC.verify_internal_consistency method to verify GC
+ internal data structure.
+ Now this method only checks generation (old/young) consistency.
+Mon Dec 16 11:49:26 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * gc.c (gc_info_decode): Fix build errors when compiled with
+ * gc.c (objspace_malloc_increase): ditto
+Sun Dec 15 13:38:29 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c (reachable_object_from_root_i):
+ reachable objects should not include categories and
+ category_objects because it is noisy information.
+ In fact, objects created after calling
+ ObjectSpace.reachable_objects_from_root should not be included
+ as a returning hash objects. Currently, mswin64 platform has a
+ problem because of this behavior. Should we trace new objects?
+Sun Dec 15 07:09:28 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc: Update to RDoc master 263a9e5. This improves the
+ accessibility of the search box.
+Sat Dec 14 17:39:00 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_callee_setup_arg_complex): count post
+ arguments as mandatory arguments. [ruby-core:57706] [Bug #8993]
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_yield_setup_block_args): ditto.
+Sat Dec 14 16:26:46 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (rubylibprefix): replace exec_prefix as well as
+ bindir and libdir. a patch by kimuraw (Wataru Kimura) at
+ [ruby-dev:47852]. [Bug #9160]
+Sat Dec 14 14:42:53 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/logger.rb (lock_shift_log): no need to rotate the log file
+ if it has been rotated by another process. based on the patch
+ by no6v (Nobuhiro IMAI) in [ruby-core:58620]. [Bug #9133]
+Sat Dec 14 13:01:45 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (mnew_from_me): method by respond_to_missing? should be
+ owned by the original class.
+Sat Dec 14 11:55:31 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/scanf.rb (IO#scanf): fix mistaken use of rescue modifier.
+ a patch by Mon_Ouie at [ruby-core:52813]. [Bug #7940]
+Sat Dec 14 11:44:52 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * util.c (ruby_qsort): fix potential stack overflow on a large
+ machine. based on the patch by Conrad Irwin <conrad.irwin AT
+> at [ruby-core:51816]. [Bug #7772]
+Sat Dec 14 11:25:56 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (rb_mod_const_defined): support nested class path as
+ well as const_get. [Feature #7414]
+Sat Dec 14 01:31:52 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_rescue2): reuse tags pushed for body proc to protect
+ rescue proc too.
+Sat Dec 14 01:15:51 2013 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * gc.c (wmap_final_func): Bugfix. Should update *value to new pointer.
+Sat Dec 14 01:05:46 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb: Don't test $! in "ensure" clause because
+ it may be set before the body.
+ Reported by ko1 and mrkn. [ruby-core:59088] [Bug #9247]
+ * lib/cgi/core.rb: Ditto.
+ * lib/drb/ssl.rb: Ditto.
+Sat Dec 14 00:34:31 2013 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * internal.h (ruby_sized_xrealloc2): fix typo introduced in r44117,
+ which cause compile error on Solaris.
+Sat Dec 14 00:22:16 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c: (exec_recursive): use rb_catch_protect() instead of
+ rb_catch_obj() and PUSH_TAG(), and reduce pushing tags and
+ machine stack usage.
+Sat Dec 14 00:18:08 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (mnew_from_me): achieve the original defined_class from
+ prepended iclass, to fix inherited owner.
+ * proc.c (method_owner): return the defined class, but not the
+ class which the method object is created from.
+Fri Dec 13 22:29:21 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (method_owner): return the class where alias is defined, not
+ the class original method is defined.
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_entry_make, rb_alias): store the originally
+ defined class in me. [Bug #7993] [Bug #7842] [Bug #9236]
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_entry_get_without_cache): cache included
+ module but not iclass.
+Fri Dec 13 16:27:17 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * gc.c (gc_info_decode): Use :major_by=>:nofree as fallback reason
+ when other trigger conditions are present.
+Fri Dec 13 13:25:30 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * error.c: add Exception#backtrace_locations.
+ Now, there are no setter and independent from Exception#backtrace.
+ [Feature #8960]
+ * eval.c (setup_exception): set backtrace locations for `bt_location'
+ special attribute.
+ * vm_backtrace.c (rb_backtrace_to_location_ary): added.
+ * internal.h: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_backtrace.rb: add a test for
+ Exception#backtrace_locations.
+Fri Dec 13 12:01:07 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (garbage_collect_body): use rb_bug() and explicit error message
+ instead of using assert().
+ [Bug #9222]
+Fri Dec 13 11:52:41 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * array.c: fix comment to remove the word "shady".
+ * variable.c: ditto.
+Fri Dec 13 11:33:55 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: rename *shady* func/macros.
+ * rgengc_check_shady() -> rgengc_check_relation().
+ And fix some messages using "shady" to "non-WB-protected".
+Fri Dec 13 10:04:23 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/request_set/lockfile.rb: Import RubyGems master a8d0669
+ with a 1.8.7 compatibility fix.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_request_set_lockfile.rb: ditto.
+Fri Dec 13 09:50:49 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems master ddac51f. Changes:
+ * Allow override for the shared gem installation directory for
+ rubygems packagers.
+ * Lock gem cache files for read and write to improve thread safety.
+ * Use io/console when available.
+ * Minor cleanup.
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Fri Dec 13 08:15:31 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * class.c (include_modules_at): use RCLASS_M_TBL_WRAPPER for
+ equality checks. this avoids an unnecessary deference inside a tight
+ loop, fixing a performance regression from r43973.
+ * object.c (rb_obj_is_kind_of): ditto.
+ * object.c (rb_class_inherited_p): ditto.
+Wed Dec 13 02:00:00 2013 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (VpSetPTR): fix for limitation of the resulting
+ precision.
+ [ruby-core:50269] [Bug #7458]
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb (test_limit): add tests for the above
+ change.
+Wed Dec 13 01:56:00 2013 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (VpAddAbs): put out a conditional branch from
+ the inside of while-loop.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (VpSubAbs): ditto.
+Wed Dec 13 01:53:00 2013 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (VPrint): be a static function, support another
+ dump formats, and add more information of the given bigdecimal.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.h: ditto.
+Wed Dec 11 16:45:58 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_raise_jump): call c_return hook immediately after
+ popping `raise' frame.
+ Patches by deivid (David Rodriguez). [Bug #8886]
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: catch up this fix.
+Wed Dec 11 16:01:26 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_reject): return a plain hash, without copying
+ the class, default value, instance variables, and taintedness.
+ they had been copied just by accident.
+ [ruby-core:59045] [Bug #9223]
+Wed Dec 11 15:36:15 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_specialized_instruction): emit opt_aset instruction
+ to optimize Hash#[]= and Array#[]= when called with Fixnum argument.
+ [Bug #9227] [ruby-core:58956]
+Wed Dec 11 04:54:03 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems master ec8ed22. Notable changes
+ include:
+ * Renamed extension_install_dir to extension_dir (backwards
+ compatible).
+ * Fixed creation of gem.deps.rb.lock file from
+ TestGemRequestSet#test_install_from_gemdeps_install_dir
+ * Fixed a typo and some documentation.
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Wed Dec 11 03:18:08 2013 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * insns.def: Fix optimization bug of Float#/ [Bug #9238]
+Tue Dec 10 23:58:30 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/date/date_strptime.c (date__strptime_internal): unset
+ case-insensitive flag for [:alpha:], which already implies both
+ cases, to get rid of backtrack explosion. [ruby-core:58984]
+ [Bug #9221]
+Tue Dec 10 23:44:42 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_hash): add salt to differentiate false and empty
+ array. [ruby-core:58993] [Bug #9231]
+ * hash.c (rb_any_hash, rb_hash_hash): ditto.
+Tue Dec 10 18:16:09 2013 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * man/ruby.1: [DOC] Use instead of RAA.
+Tue Dec 10 17:21:30 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (wmap_finalize, wmap_aset_update): use simple malloced array
+ instead of T_ARRAY, to reduce GC pressure.
+Tue Dec 10 15:56:48 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * gc.c (reflist_add): revert changes from r44109. it is unnecessary
+ after r44113
+ * gc.c (allrefs_i): fix whitespace
+ * gc.c (allrefs_roots_i): fix whitespace
+Tue Dec 10 15:46:03 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (allrefs_add): push obj only if allrefs table doesn't have
+ obj.
+ * gc.c (allrefs_roots_i): ditto.
+Tue Dec 10 15:28:10 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (RGENGC_CHECK_MODE): separate checkers to different modes.
+ * 2: enable generational bits check (for debugging)
+ * 3: enable livness check
+ * 4: show all references
+Tue Dec 10 15:15:37 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_marks_check): disable GC during checking and
+ restore malloc_increase info.
+Tue Dec 10 14:41:53 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * gc.c (reflist_add): return 0 if reference already exists
+ * gc.c (allrefs_add): return 1 on newly added references
+ * gc.c (allrefs_i): follow references to construct complete object
+ graph. before this patch, RGENGC_CHECK could fail to verify some WB
+ miss issues. [Bug #9226] [ruby-core:58959]
+Tue Dec 10 11:20:56 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * ext/objspace/objspace_dump.c (dump_object): include fstring flag on
+ strings. include gc flags (old, remembered, wb_protected) on all objects.
+ * ext/objspace/objspace_dump.c (Init_objspace_dump): initialize lazy
+ IDs before first use.
+ * gc.c (rb_obj_gc_flags): new function to retrieve object flags
+ * internal.h (RB_OBJ_GC_FLAGS_MAX): maximum flags allowed for one obj
+ * test/objspace/test_objspace.rb (test_dump_flags): test for above
+ * test/objspace/test_objspace.rb (test_trace_object_allocations):
+ resolve name before dump (for rb_class_path_cached)
+Tue Dec 10 07:48:29 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_clear_method_cache_by_class): fire
+ ruby::method-cache-clear probe on global or klass-level method cache
+ clear [Bug #9190]
+ * probes.d (provider ruby): new dtrace probe
+ * doc/dtrace_probes.rdoc: docs for new probe
+ * test/dtrace/test_method_cache.rb: test for new probe
+Tue Dec 10 06:14:11 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/.document: Remove curses from documentable directories.
+Tue Dec 10 04:55:36 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/digest.rb: Deprecate OpenSSL::Digest::Digest
+ [Fixes GH-446]
+Tue Dec 10 00:41:42 2013 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * ext/thread/thread.c: [DOC] add call-seq alias for Queue#enq, #<<, etc.
+ * ext/thread/thread.c (Init_thread): use rb_define_alias instead of
+ rb_alias to document alias.
+Mon Dec 9 20:00:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * internal.h (RCLASS_SERIAL): Add RCLASS_SERIAL as a convenience
+ accessor for RCLASS_EXT(klass)->class_serial.
+ * class.c, vm_insnhelper.c, vm_method.c: Use RCLASS_SERIAL
+Mon Dec 9 19:50:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * compile.c, insns.def, test/ruby/test_rubyvm.rb, vm.c, vm_core.h,
+ vm_insnhelper.c, vm_insnhelper.h, vm_method.c: Rename method_serial
+ to global_method_state and constant_serial to global_constant_state
+ after discussion with ko1.
+Mon Dec 9 18:50:43 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_replace): fix segv on `{}.replace({})` introduced
+ in r44060 [Bug #9230] [ruby-core:58991]
+ * test/ruby/test_hash.rb: regression test for above
+Mon Dec 9 18:10:10 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (vm_stat): renamed from ruby_vm_stat.
+ Should not use ruby_ prefix here.
+Mon Dec 9 16:13:31 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (wmap_size): add ObjectSpace::WeakMap#size and #length.
+Mon Dec 9 15:26:17 2013 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * test/test_curses.rb: removed.
+Mon Dec 9 13:36:55 2013 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * ext/curses, sample/curses: removed curses.
+ * NEWS: added an entry for the above change.
+Mon Dec 9 12:26:05 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/objspace/object_tracing.c (newobj_i): use cached class path
+ only to get rid object allocation during NEWOBJ hook.
+ [ruby-core:58853] [Bug #9212]
+ * variable.c (rb_class_path_cached): returns cached class path
+ only, without searching and allocating new class path string.
+Mon Dec 9 11:14:26 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/date/date_parse.c (parse_time): unset case-insensitive flag
+ for [:alpha:], which already implies both cases, to get rid of
+ backtrack explosion. [ruby-core:58876] [Bug #9221]
+Mon Dec 9 08:40:40 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems master bf37240. Fixes useless
+ error message with `gem install -g` with no gem dependencies file.
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Mon Dec 9 04:52:25 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * NEWS: Update RubyGems entry with notable features.
+Mon Dec 9 04:43:54 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/.document: Add syslog/lib and thread/thread.c to documentable
+ items. [ruby-trunk - Bug #9228]
+Mon Dec 9 04:28:50 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems master 096db36. Changes include
+ support for PATH in Gemfile.lock and a typo fix from Akira Matsuda.
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Mon Dec 9 02:10:32 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http/responses.rb:
+ Add `HTTPIMUsed`, as it is also supported by rack/rails.
+ RFC -
+ by Vipul A M <>
+ fix GH-447
+Sun Dec 8 20:47:35 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c (rb_get_kwargs): when values is non-null, remove
+ extracted keywords from the rest keyword argument.
+Sun Dec 8 20:26:54 2013 Yutaka Kanemoto <>
+ * (ruby.imp): avoid circular dependency on AIX
+Sun Dec 8 20:21:00 2013 Kenta Murata <>
+ * bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_coerce): convert a Float to a BigDecimal instead
+ of converting the receiver to a Float. The reason is there are BigDecimal
+ instances with precisions that is smaller than the Float's precision.
+ [ruby-core:58756] [Bug #9192]
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb: add tests for the above change.
+Sun Dec 8 18:28:20 2013 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * NEWS: [DOC] update NEWS about GC.
+Sun Dec 8 17:52:24 2013 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * object.c: [DOC] document Module#singleton_class?.
+Sun Dec 8 16:19:28 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c (rb_get_kwargs): if optional is negative, unknown
+ keywords are allowed.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_callee_setup_keyword_arg): check unknown
+ keywords.
+Sun Dec 8 14:55:12 2013 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_shuffle_bang, rb_ary_sample): rename local variables.
+Sun Dec 8 13:59:38 2013 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_shuffle_bang, rb_ary_sample): check
+ unknown keywords.
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb (test_shuffle, test_sample): tests for
+ the above.
+Sun Dec 8 13:01:11 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * vm.c (ruby_vm_stat): add RubyVM.stat() for access to internal cache
+ counters. this methods behaves like GC.stat, accepting an optional
+ hash or symbol argument. [Bug #9190] [ruby-core:58750]
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyvm.rb: test for new method
+Sun Dec 8 11:59:40 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_replace): add a write barrier to fix GC mark miss on
+ hashes using Hash#replace [Bug #9226] [ruby-core:58948]
+Sun Dec 8 11:21:00 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: add RGENGC_WB_PROTECTED_NODE_CREF setting
+ In a large app, this reduces the size of
+ remembered_shady_object_count by 80%. [Bug #9225] [ruby-core:58947]
+ * gc.c (rb_node_newnode): add FL_WB_PROTECTED flag to NODE_CREF
+ * class.c (rewrite_cref_stack): insert OBJ_WRITE for NODE_CREF
+ * iseq.c (set_relation): ditto
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_clone): ditto
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_yield_refine_block): ditto
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_cref_push): ditto
+ * vm_insnhelper.h (COPY_CREF): ditto
+Sun Dec 8 10:45:05 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * hash.c (hash_aset_str): revert r43870 due to performance issue
+ [Bug #9188] [ruby-core:58730]
+ * parse.y (assoc): convert literal string hash keys to fstrings
+ * test/ruby/test_hash.rb (class TestHash): expand test
+Sun Dec 8 10:22:38 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * parse.y (register_symid_str): use fstrings in symbol table
+ [Bug #9171] [ruby-core:58656]
+ * parse.y (rb_id2str): ditto
+ * string.c (rb_fstring): create frozen_strings on first usage. this
+ allows rb_fstring() calls from the parser (before cString is created)
+ * string.c (fstring_set_class_i): set klass on fstrings generated
+ before cString was defined
+ * string.c (Init_String): convert frozen_strings table to String
+ objects after boot
+ * ext/-test-/symbol/type.c (bug_sym_id2str): expose rb_id2str()
+ * test/-ext-/symbol/test_type.rb (module Test_Symbol): verify symbol
+ table entries are fstrings
+Sun Dec 8 10:24:20 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems.rb: Update version for upcoming ruby 2.1.0 RC.
+Sun Dec 8 10:21:36 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems master 14749ce. This fixes bugs
+ handling of gem dependencies lockfiles (Gemfile.lock).
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Sun Dec 8 09:40:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_or): use RHASH_TBL_RAW instead of RHASH_TBL
+ * process.c (rb_execarg_fixup): use RHASH_TBL_RAW and insert write
+ barriers where appropriate
+ * vm.c (kwmerge_i): use RHASH_TBL_RAW
+ * vm.c (HASH_ASET): use rb_hash_aset instead of calling directly into
+ st_insert
+Sat Dec 7 11:15:52 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_reject): copy unrejected elements only to new hash,
+ so that the change on the original receiver can affect.
+ [ruby-core:58914] [Bug #9223]
+Sat Dec 7 08:25:00 2013 Richo Healey <>
+ * test/ruby/test_struct.rb: Add regression test for question marks and
+ bangs in struct members. [Closes GH-468]
+Fri Dec 6 19:33:39 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c (rb_extract_keywords, rb_get_kwargs): move from
+ vm_insnhelper.c.
+Fri Dec 6 19:18:02 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: change oldmalloc meaning.
+ Increase oldmalloc_increase with malloc_increase
+ instead of using obj_memsize_of().
+ This change will avoid the danger of memory full without major GC.
+Fri Dec 6 19:08:48 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (atomic_sub_nounderflow): not 0 but val itself.
+Fri Dec 6 18:37:11 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_objspace_alloc, Init_heap): initialize
+ oldmalloc_increase_limit at Init_heap.
+ rb_objspace_alloc() is not called on some platforms.
+Fri Dec 6 18:33:39 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (garbage_collect_body): bug fix.
+ initialize after recording.
+Fri Dec 6 17:49:46 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (atomic_sub_nounderflow): added to simplify atomic sub with
+ care about underflow.
+ * gc.c (objspace_malloc_increase): use it.
+Fri Dec 6 17:10:44 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (rb_get_kwargs): get keyword argument values from an
+ option hash, not only checking keys.
+ * dir.c (dir_initialize): use rb_get_kwargs.
+ * gc.c (gc_start_internal): ditto.
+Fri Dec 6 16:47:45 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-brace-to-do-end): split single line block.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-do-end-to-brace): shrink single line block
+ to one line.
+Fri Dec 6 16:16:30 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_start_internal): do not use rb_gc_start() and rb_gc().
+Fri Dec 6 15:24:30 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_start_internal, rb_gc): do not need
+ heap_pages_free_unused_pages() here.
+ It was done in after_sweep().
+ * gc.c (rb_gc): The reason is now GPR_FLAG_CAPI.
+Fri Dec 6 14:05:19 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * gc.c (gc_start_internal): GC.start() now accepts two optional
+ keyword arguments. These can be used to disable full_mark (minor
+ mark only) or disable immediate_sweep (use lazy sweep). These new
+ options are useful for benchmarking GC behavior, or performing minor
+ GC out-of-band.
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb (class TestGc): tests for new options.
+Fri Dec 6 11:51:28 2013 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/erb.rb: [DOC] fix broken link, Use and instead of RAA.
+ [Bug #9197]
+Fri Dec 6 10:50:54 2013 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/webrick/httprequest.rb: [DOC] Fix broken link of CGI specification by @udzura [fix GH-466]
+Thu Dec 6 01:27:00 2013 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (GetVpValueWithPrec):
+ treat 0.0 and -0.0 of floating-point numbers specially for an optimization
+ and to correctly propagate its signbit to the result.
+ [Bug #9214] [ruby-core:58858]
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb: add tests case for the above change.
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal_util.rb: ditto.
+Thu Dec 5 22:18:01 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (configuration): strip destdir part from prefix to get
+ rid of duplication. a patch by arton at [ruby-core:58859].
+ [ruby-core:58856] [Bug #9213]
+Thu Dec 5 21:53:29 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_or): lhs elements are preferred, so should not
+ replace with rhs elements.
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb (test_OR_in_order): import the test failed
+ by r43969 from rubyspec/core/array/union_spec.rb.
+Thu Dec 5 21:05:42 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_info_decode): fix to avoid syntax error on VS2012.
+Thu Dec 5 19:35:35 2013 Martin Duerst <>
+ * st.c: tweaked comment
+Thu Dec 5 19:21:10 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * gc.c (struct rb_objspace): rename internal last_collection_flags to
+ latest_gc_info
+ * gc.c (gc_latest_collection_info): add GC.latest_gc_info() with similar
+ behavior to GC.stat()
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_latest_gc_info): new c-api for above
+ * gc.c (gc_stat_internal): remove :last_collection_flags from GC.stat
+ * gc.c (gc_profile_decode_flags): remove GC::Profiler.decode_flags
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_gc_latest_gc_info): export new c-api
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb (class TestGc): test for new behavior
+ * NEWS: note about new api
+ * gc.c (gc_stat_internal): raise TypeError on wrong type
+ * gc.c (gc_stat): fix error message
+Thu Dec 5 18:18:08 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * ext/objspace/gc_hook.c: remove this file
+ * ext/-test-/tracepoint/gc_hook.c: new filename for above
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c: remove ObjectSpace.after_gc_start_hook=
+ * test/objspace/test_objspace.rb: remove test
+ * test/-ext-/tracepoint/test_tracepoint.rb: add above test for
+ tracepoint re-entry
+Thu Dec 5 17:44:53 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: change function names vm_ prefix to objspace_ prefix.
+ They are objspace_ functionality.
+Thu Dec 5 16:11:04 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: add rb_gc_stat() for access to GC.stat
+ variables from c-api
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_stat): new c-api method. accepts either VALUE hash like
+ GC.stat, or VALUE symbol key and returns size_t directly. the second
+ form is useful to avoid allocations, i.e. for usage inside
+ INTERNAL_EVENT_GC tracepoints.
+ * gc.c (gc_stat): add GC.stat(:key) to return single value instead of hash
+ * gc.c (gc_stat_internal): helper method to retrieve single or all stat values
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb (class TestGc): test for new behavior
+ * NEWS: note about this new api
+Thu Dec 5 14:40:41 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash): revert r43981 and bail out to the outermost frame
+ when recursion is detected.
+Thu Dec 5 13:47:15 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (vm_malloc_size): added.
+ return malloc_usable_size() if possible.
+ * gc.c (MALLOC_ALLOCATED_SIZE): add new setting macro to enable
+ GC.allocated_size.
+ If platform supports `malloc_usable_size()' (or similar one),
+ GC.allocated_size can be implemented with this function.
+ Default is 0.
+ * gc.c (vm_xmalloc, vm_xrealloc, vm_xfree): use vm_malloc_size()
+ to detect collect allocated size.
+ * gc.c (vm_malloc_increase): refactoring.
+Thu Dec 5 13:19:03 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: remove INTERNAL_EVENT_GC_END and replace with
+ two new events: GC_END_MARK and GC_END_SWEEP
+ * gc.c (gc_after_sweep): emit GC_END_SWEEP after lazy sweep is done
+ * gc.c (gc_marks_body): emit GC_END_MARK at end of minor/major mark
+ * ext/-test-/tracepoint/tracepoint.c (struct tracepoint_track): tests
+ for new events.
+ * test/-ext-/tracepoint/test_tracepoint.rb (class TestTracepointObj):
+ ditto.
+ * NEWS: remove ObjectSpace.after_gc_*_hook. These are only a sample,
+ and will be removed before ruby 2.1.
+ * ext/objspace/gc_hook.c: remove ObjectSpace.after_gc_end_hook=
+Thu Dec 5 10:47:56 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby_atomic.h (ATOMIC_PTR_EXCHANGE): atomic exchange function for
+ a generic pointer.
+Thu Dec 5 10:47:09 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (finalize_deferred): flush all deferred finalizers while other
+ finalizers can get ready to run newly by lazy sweep.
+ [ruby-core:58833] [Bug #9205]
+Thu Dec 5 09:07:59 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * gc.c (ruby_gc_set_params): Accept safe_level argument so GC tuning
+ settings can be applied before rb_safe_level() is available.
+ * internal.h (rb_gc_set_params): ditto.
+ * ruby.c (process_options): Apply GC tuning early during boot process
+ so boot-time allocations can benefit. This also benefits any code
+ loaded in via `ruby -r`.
+Wed Dec 4 13:02:13 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * vm_trace.c (rb_suppress_tracing): Fix initialization of stack
+ allocated rb_trace_arg_t structure. Without this patch, sometimes
+ INTERNAL_EVENT_GC would be skipped accidentally inside
+ rb_threadptr_exec_event_hooks_orig().
+Wed Dec 4 12:57:24 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * string.c (fstr_update_callback): Improve implementation in r43968
+ based on feedback from @nagachika. In the existing case, we can
+ return ST_STOP to prevent any hash modification. In the !existing
+ case, set both key and value to the fstr.
+Wed Dec 4 12:47:54 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb (Delegator#method_missing): ignore the target if not
+ set, and delegate to global methods. [ruby-core:58572] [Bug #9155]
+ * lib/delegate.rb (Delegator#respond_to_missing): ditto.
+ * lib/delegate.rb (SimpleDelegator#__getobj__): yield and return if
+ not delegated but a block is given, like as Hash#fetch.
+ * lib/delegate.rb (DelegateClass#__getobj__): ditto.
+Tue Dec 3 23:48:18 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * check malloc_size() availability.
+ * gc.c: use malloc_size() with malloc/malloc.h if available.
+Tue Dec 3 23:06:20 2013 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_clone): don't copy FL_WB_PROTECTED of a
+ original object.
+Tue Dec 3 22:32:18 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_recursive): make similar (recursive) constructs
+ return same hash value. execute recursively, and rewind to the
+ topmost frame with an object which .eql? to the recursive
+ object, if recursion is detected.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash): detect recursion for all `hash' methods. each
+ `hash' methods no longer need to use rb_exec_recursive().
+Tue Dec 3 21:53:15 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_catch_protect): new function similar to
+ rb_catch_obj(), but protect from all global jumps like as
+ rb_load_protect(), rb_protect(), etc.
+Tue Dec 3 20:18:46 2013 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_clone): Protect FL_PROMOTED and FL_WB_PROTECTED
+ flags of a destination object.
+Tue Dec 3 20:16:38 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * array.c (rb_hash_rehash): use hash_alloc() instead of rb_hash_new(),
+ to hide temporary object from ObjectSpace. [Bug #9187]
+Tue Dec 3 17:11:47 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * load.c (features_index_add_single): Move loaded_features_index array values off
+ the ruby heap. [Bug #9201] [ruby-core:58805]
+ * load.c (loaded_features_index_clear_i): Clean up off-heap array structure.
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_mark): Remove unnecessary mark_tbl for loaded_features_index.
+ This improves minor GC time by 15% in a large application.
+Tue Dec 3 17:01:45 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (struct RClass): Add wrapper struct around
+ RClass->m_tbl with serial. This prevents double marking method
+ tables, since many classes/modules can share the same method table.
+ This improves minor mark time in a large application by 30%.
+ * internal.h (struct method_table_wrapper): Define new
+ wrapper struct with additional serial.
+ * internal.h (RCLASS_M_TBL_INIT): New macro for initializing method
+ table wrapper and st_table.
+ * method.h (void rb_sweep_method_entry): Rename rb_free_m_table to
+ rb_free_m_tbl for consistency
+ * .gdbinit (define rb_method_entry): Update rb_method_entry gdb helper
+ for new method table structure.
+ * class.c: Use RCLASS_M_TBL_WRAPPER and
+ * class.c (rb_include_class_new): Share WRAPPER between module and
+ iclass, so serial can prevent double marking.
+ * eval.c (rb_prepend_module): ditto.
+ * eval.c (rb_using_refinement): ditto.
+ * gc.c: Mark and free new wrapper struct.
+ * gc.c (obj_memsize_of): Count size of additional wrapper struct.
+Tue Dec 3 14:05:49 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_uniq_bang): remove duplicate code.
+Tue Dec 3 13:40:42 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * array.c (ary_add_hash): set and return values because string keys
+ will be frozen. [ruby-core:58809] [Bug #9202]
+ * array.c (rb_ary_uniq_bang): ditto.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_or): ditto.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_uniq): ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb: tests for above.
+ The patch is from normalperson (Eric Wong).
+Tue Dec 3 12:20:21 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * string.c (rb_fstring): Use st_update instead of st_lookup +
+ st_insert.
+ * string.c (fstr_update_callback): New callback for st_update.
+Tue Dec 3 12:17:59 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rdoc/constant.rb (RDoc::Constant#documented?): workaround for
+ NoMethodError when the original of alias is not found.
+Tue Dec 3 10:43:58 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/buffering.rb: Return ASCII-8BIT strings from
+ SSLSocket methods. [ruby-trunk - Bug #9028]
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb: Test for the above.
+Tue Dec 3 09:42:27 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc: Update to RDoc master 900de99. Changes include:
+ Fixed documentation display of constants
+ Fixed handling of unknown parsers
+ * test/rdoc: ditto.
+Mon Dec 2 22:30:10 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * hash.c (getenv): fixed test failures introduced by r43950.
+ [ruby-core:58774] [Bug #9195] reported by phasis68 (Heesob Park).
+Mon Dec 2 21:49:19 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_rehash): make temporary st_table under the control
+ of GC. [Bug #9187]
+ * test/ruby/test_hash.rb: add a test for above.
+Mon Dec 2 17:23:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * variable.c (rb_mod_constants): when calling Module#constants with
+ inherit=false, there is no need to use a hashtable to deduplicate
+ constant names. [Feature #9196] [ruby-core:58786]
+Mon Dec 2 14:16:52 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb (Net::SMTP#critical): Always return a
+ Net::SMTP::Response. Patch by Pawel Veselov.
+ [ruby-trunk - Bug #9125]
+ * test/net/smtp/test_smtp.rb: Test for the above.
+Mon Dec 2 05:52:33 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems master baa965b. Notable changes:
+ Copy directories to lib/ when installing extensions. This completes
+ the fix for [ruby-trunk - Bug #9106]
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Mon Dec 2 02:03:47 2013 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * test/ruby/test_case.rb (test_nomethoderror):
+ Add test related to r43913, r43914
+Mon Dec 2 00:53:01 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * hash.c (getenv): use ANSI codepage version of getenv() for miniruby
+ on Windows.
+ [ruby-core:58732] [Bug #9189] reported by phasis68 (Heesob Park).
+Sun Dec 1 22:14:27 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * doc/contributors.rdoc: [DOC] Import contributors from redmine wiki
+ Many wiki pages have become outdated and spam-ridden, we will import
+ these to trunk and begin maintaining them in ruby-trunk. This will
+ also allow new contributors to easily contribute patches to update
+ these pages, where previously a redmine account with wiki access was
+ required. Another bonus is having a contributors file to show thanks
+ to all of the people who have submitted a patch to Ruby.
+Sun Dec 1 18:03:26 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * doc/maintainers.rdoc: [DOC] Current maintainers of Ruby
+Sun Dec 1 17:17:36 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * doc/contributing.rdoc: [DOC] Current branch maintainers
+Sun Dec 1 17:16:36 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * doc/contributing.rdoc: [DOC] Reporting other ( issues
+Sun Dec 1 17:15:51 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * doc/contributing.rdoc: [DOC] Current platform maintainers
+Sun Dec 1 17:14:55 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * doc/contributing.rdoc: [DOC] Reporting downstream distro issues
+Sun Dec 1 14:37:20 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_to_a): specify array capa.
+Sun Dec 1 14:15:36 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_rehash): fix to free new st_table when exception
+ is raised in do_hash(). [Bug #9187]
+Sun Dec 1 11:57:59 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/buffering.rb: Fix warning in copyright
+Sun Dec 1 08:27:28 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems master 66e5c39. Notable changes:
+ Implement gem.deps.rb (Gemfile) .lock support
+ Fixed `gem uninstall` for a relative directory in GEM_HOME.
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Sun Dec 1 06:00:49 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb (test_gc_reason): Force minor GC by consuming
+ free slots to fix test.
+Sat Nov 30 21:22:11 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (dir_initialize): check unknown keywords. [ruby-dev:47152]
+ [Bug #8060]
+Sat Nov 30 18:05:38 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (hash2named_arg): correct declaration to fix
+ build failure. a patch by phasis68 (Heesob Park) at
+ [ruby-core:58710]. [Bug #9184]
+Sat Nov 30 17:46:35 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_cleanup): determine exit status and signal to terminate
+ before finalization, to get rid of access destroyed T_DATA exception
+ object. [ruby-core:58643] [Bug #9167]
+Sat Nov 30 16:25:14 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_with_index): should not store local variable
+ address to memoize the arguments. it is invalidated after the return.
+ [ruby-core:58692] [Bug #9178]
+Sat Nov 30 13:28:13 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * siphash.c (sip_hash24): fix for aligned word access little endian
+ platforms. [ruby-core:58658] [Bug #9172]
+Sat Nov 30 13:21:15 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_yield_block): implement non-nil block argument.
+Fri Nov 29 20:59:39 2013 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * vm_dump.c (rb_vmdebug_debug_print_pre): Bugfix. Get PC directly.
+ PC is cached into local stack and cfp->pc is incorrect at next of
+ branch or jump.
+ * vm_exec.h (DEBUG_ENTER_INSN): catch up this change.
+ * vm_core.h: update signature of rb_vmdebug_debug_print_pre.
+Fri Nov 29 20:43:57 2013 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * compile.c: Bugsfix for dump_disasm_list.
+ rb_inspect denies a hidden object. So, insert wrapper that creates
+ the unhidden one.
+ adjust->label is null sometimes.
+ insn_data_line_no makes no sense at all.
+Fri Nov 29 18:06:45 2013 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * test/ruby/test_case.rb (test_method_missing): Test for r43913.
+Fri Nov 29 17:53:22 2013 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (check_match): Fix SEGV with VM_CHECKMATCH_TYPE_CASE
+ and class of `pattern` has `method_missing`
+ [Bug #8872] [ruby-core:58606]
+Fri Nov 29 17:06:09 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_yield_block): yield block with rb_block_call_func
+ arguments.
+ * range.c (range_each): use rb_yield_block.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RB_BLOCK_CALL_FUNC_ARGLIST): constify argv.
+ * enum.c (rb_enum_values_pack): ditto.
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_block_call, rb_check_block_call): ditto.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RB_BLOCK_CALL_FUNC_ARGLIST): for declaration
+ argument list of rb_block_call_func.
+Fri Nov 29 11:26:43 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_block_call_func): add blockarg. block
+ function can take block argument, e.g., proc {|&blockarg| ...}.
+Thu Nov 28 21:43:48 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * doc/dtrace_probes.rdoc: [DOC] Import dtrace probes doc from wiki
+Thu Nov 28 21:17:32 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * doc/contributing.rdoc: [DOC] Add heading above ChangeLog tips to
+ setup entry for commits, its not required. Actually easier if
+ contributors don't include a ChangeLog entry.
+Thu Nov 28 21:16:18 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * doc/contributing.rdoc: [DOC] Add coding style heading for patch
+ rules
+Thu Nov 28 21:15:45 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * doc/contributing.rdoc: [DOC] Add notes about deciding what to patch
+Thu Nov 28 19:43:45 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * benchmark/bm_hash_flatten.rb: added. r43896 is about 4 times faster
+ than 2.0.0p353.
+ * benchmark/bm_hash_keys.rb: added. r43896 is about 5 times faster
+ than 2.0.0p353.
+ * benchmark/bm_hash_values.rb: added. r43896 is about 5 times faster
+ than 2.0.0p353.
+Thu Nov 28 19:29:04 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * doc/contributing.rdoc: [DOC] Add notes about slideshow proposals
+ from wiki page: HowToRequestFeatures
+Thu Nov 28 17:34:42 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * st.c: add st_values() and st_values_check().
+ * include/ruby/st.h: add prototypes for above.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_values): use st_values_check() for performance
+ improvement if VALUE and st_data_t are compatible.
+Thu Nov 28 17:14:14 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * st.c (st_keys): fix not to use Qundef in st.c.
+ * include/ruby/st.h: define modified prototype.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_keys): use modified st_keys().
+Thu Nov 28 16:34:43 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * gc.c: Expose details about last garbage collection via GC.stat.
+ * gc.c (gc_stat): Add :last_collection_flags for reason/trigger/type of
+ last GC run.
+ * gc.c (gc_prof_sweep_timer_stop): Record HAVE_FINALIZE GPR even
+ * gc.c (gc_profile_flags): Add GC::Profiler.decode_flags to make sense
+ of GC.stat[:last_collection_flags]
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb (class TestGc): Test for above.
+Thu Nov 28 16:15:47 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_dup2): extract from rb_cloexec_dup2() and
+ redirect_dup2().
+Tue Nov 28 14:40:00 2013 Akira Matsuda <>
+ * lib/drb/ssl.rb: [Doc] Fix typo
+Thu Nov 28 13:56:05 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (Doxyfile): tool/file2lastrev.rb needs running with
+ BASERUBY since r43617. [ruby-dev:47823] [Bug #9169]
+Thu Nov 28 09:18:39 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * string.c (rb_fstring): fstrings should be ELTS_SHARED.
+ If we resurrect dying objects (non-marked, but not swept yet),
+ pointing shared string can be collected.
+ To avoid such issue, fstrings (recorded to fstring_table)
+ should not be ELTS_SHARED (should not have a shared string).
+Thu Nov 28 01:35:08 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * st.c (st_keys): fix to use st_index_t for size of hash.
+Thu Nov 28 00:36:52 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * st.c (st_keys): define st_keys(). it writes each key to buffer.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_keys): use st_keys() for performance improvement
+ if st_data_t and VALUE are compatible.
+ * include/ruby/st.h: define macro ST_DATA_COMPATIBLE_P() to predicate
+ whether st_data_t and passed type are compatible.
+ * check existence of builtin function to use in
+Thu Nov 28 00:07:28 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * ruby_atomic.h: remove duplicate definitions between ATOMIC_XXX
+Wed Nov 27 23:55:50 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * ruby_atomic.h: define ATOMIC_SIZE_CAS() with
+ __atomic_compare_exchange_n() and refactoring.
+Tue Nov 27 21:43:00 2013 Akira Matsuda <>
+ * lib/irb/notifier.rb: [Doc] Fix typo
+ * ext/json/lib/json/common.rb: Ditto.
+Tue Nov 27 18:04:57 2013 Akira Matsuda <>
+ * lib/irb/notifier.rb: Fix typo
+Wed Nov 27 17:54:57 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_stacked_objects): check only when check_mode > 0.
+Wed Nov 27 16:07:19 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb (class TestGc): Fix warning in
+ test_expand_heap.
+Wed Nov 27 15:55:52 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * gc.c (Init_GC): Add new GC::INTERNAL_CONSTANTS for information about
+ GC heap/page/slot sizing.
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb (class TestGc): test for above.
+Wed Nov 27 15:21:17 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * gc.c (gc_page_sweep): Fix compile warning from last commit.
+ * hash.c (hash_aset_str): Re-use existing variable to avoid
+ unnecessary pointer dereferencing.
+Wed Nov 27 15:12:55 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_page_sweep): disable debug print.
+Wed Nov 27 15:05:59 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_stat): add new information heap_eden_page_length and
+ heap_tomb_page_length.
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb: fix to use GC.stat[:heap_eden_page_length]
+ instead of GC.stat[:heap_length].
+ This test expects `heap_eden_page_length' (used pages size).
+Wed Nov 27 15:02:53 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * test/ruby/test_eval.rb (class TestEval): Use assert_same instead of
+ assert_equal.
+ * test/ruby/test_hash.rb (class TestHash): ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_iseq.rb (class TestISeq): ditto.
+Wed Nov 27 14:50:02 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rinda/ring.rb: Announce RingServer for the same process.
+ [ruby-trunk - Bug #9163]
+ * test/rinda/test_rinda.rb: Tests for the above.
+Wed Nov 27 14:37:33 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * test/ruby/test_eval.rb (class TestEval): Add test for shared eval
+ filenames via rb_fstring().
+ * test/ruby/test_iseq.rb (class TestISeq): Add test for shared
+ iseq labels via rb_fstring(). [Bug #9159]
+Wed Nov 27 14:24:55 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * hash.c (hash_aset_str): Use rb_fstring() to de-duplicate hash string
+ keys. Patch by Eric Wong. [Bug #8998] [ruby-core:57727]
+ * test/ruby/test_hash.rb (class TestHash): test for above.
+Wed Nov 27 10:39:39 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * gc.c: Rename rb_heap_t members:
+ used -> page_length
+ limit -> total_slots
+Wed Nov 27 08:24:49 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * compile.c: Use rb_fstring() to de-duplicate string literals in code.
+ [ruby-core:58599] [Bug #9159] [ruby-core:54405]
+ * iseq.c (prepare_iseq_build): De-duplicate iseq labels and source
+ locations.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_initialize): Use rb_fstring() for regex string.
+ * string.c (rb_fstring): Handle non-string and already-fstr arguments.
+ * vm_eval.c (eval_string_with_cref): De-duplicate eval source
+ filename.
+Wed Nov 27 07:13:54 2013 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych.rb: psych version 2.0.2
+ * ext/psych/psych.gemspec: ditto
+Wed Nov 27 06:40:18 2013 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/scalar_scanner.rb: fix support for negative
+ years.
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: ditto
+ * test/psych/test_date_time.rb: test for change.
+ Fixes:
+Wed Nov 27 04:46:55 2013 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/scalar_scanner.rb: fix regexp for matching TIME
+ strings.
+ * test/psych/test_date_time.rb: test for change.
+ Fixes:
+Wed Nov 27 02:26:58 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (str_new4): copy the original capacity so that memsize of
+ frozen shared string returns correct size.
+Wed Nov 27 02:20:13 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_hash): should not ignore the rest of recursive
+ constructs.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_hash): ditto.
+ * range.c (range_hash): ditto.
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_hash): ditto.
+ * test/-ext-/test_recursion.rb (TestRecursion): separate from
+ test/ruby/test_thread.rb.
+Tue Nov 26 22:43:36 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash): cut off if recursion detected to get rid of stack
+ overflow. [ruby-core:58567] [Bug #9151]
+Tue Nov 26 20:02:39 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: add tests for a_call/a_return
+ by Brandur <> [Feature #9120]
+Tue Nov 26 19:29:52 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * add useful config "set breakpoint pending on"
+ for run.gdb.
+Tue Nov 26 19:17:47 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/objspace/object_tracing.c (newobj_i): skip class_path if class
+ is frozen.
+ rb_class_path() can modify frozen classes (and causes errors).
+ This patch is temporary. We need no-modification/no-allocation
+ class path function.
+Tue Nov 26 18:12:13 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_trace.c: skip "exception check" and "reentrant check (only normal
+ events) for internal events.
+ Reentrant check for internal events are remaining.
+Tue Nov 26 17:38:16 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_trace.c: prohibit to specify normal events and internal events
+ simultaneously.
+ I will introduce special care for internal events later.
+ * ext/-test-/tracepoint/tracepoint.c: test this behavior.
+ * test/-ext-/tracepoint/test_tracepoint.rb: ditto.
+Tue Nov 26 16:30:31 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_readlink): fix buffer overflow on a long symlink. since
+ rb_str_modify_expand() expands from its length but not its capacity,
+ need to set the length properly for each expansion.
+ [ruby-core:58592] [Bug #9157]
+Tue Nov 26 14:23:17 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * ext/objspace/objspace_dump.c (dump_append_string_value): Escape
+ control characters for strict json parsers.
+ * ext/objspace/objspace_dump.c (objspace_dump): Document File/IO
+ output option.
+Tue Nov 26 11:43:19 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * ruby_atomic.h: use __atomic builtin functions supported by GCC.
+ __sync family are legacy functions now and it is recommended
+ that new code use the __atomic functions.
+ * check existence of __atomic functions.
+Tue Nov 26 10:57:49 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.gemspec: revert Gem::Specification#date
+ for snapshot/release tarballs.
+Tue Nov 26 06:42:50 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * NEWS: Add ObjectSpace.after_gc_{start,end}_hook=
+ * ext/objspace/objspace_dump.c: [DOC] catch up dump/dump_all to r43679
+Tue Nov 26 04:12:10 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems master 612f85a. Notable changes:
+ Fixed installation and activation of git: and path: gems via
+ Gem.use_gemdeps
+ Improved documentation coverage
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Mon Nov 25 22:23:03 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc.rb: [DOC] Fix link to xmlrpc4r site [Bug #9148]
+ Patch by Giorgos Tsiftsis
+Mon Nov 25 19:48:10 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb: [DOC] typo fixes by @vipulnsward [Fixes GH-456]
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb: [DOC] ditto.
+Mon Nov 25 14:34:42 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.gemspec: bump BigDecimal to 1.2.3 for
+ proper release date in RubyGems
+Mon Nov 25 14:25:08 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.gemspec: Remove Gem::Specification#date
+ We should rely on rubygems to create the date the gem was released
+ for each version.
+Mon Nov 25 06:53:30 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * internal.h: do not use ruby_sized_xrealloc() and ruby_sized_xfree()
+ if HAVE_MALLOC_USABLE_SIZE (or _WIN32) is defined.
+ We don't need these function if malloc_usable_size() is available.
+ * gc.c: catch up this change.
+ * gc.c: define HAVE_MALLOC_USABLE_SIZE on _WIN32.
+ * array.c (ary_resize_capa): do not use ruby_sized_xfree() with
+ local variable to avoid "unused local variable" warning.
+ This change only has few impact.
+ * string.c (rb_str_resize): ditto.
+Mon Nov 25 05:05:04 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/-ext-/tracepoint/test_tracepoint.rb: catch up GC.stat changes
+ at r43835.
+Mon Nov 25 04:45:59 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: continue to change OLDSPACE -> OLDMALLOC.
+ * gc.c: add a new major GC reason GPR_FLAG_MAJOR_BY_OLDMALLOC.
+Mon Nov 25 04:16:09 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: change terminology "..._num" to "..._slots" about slot operation.
+ * final_num -> final_slots
+ * objspace_live_num() -> objspace_live_slots()
+ * objspace_limit_num() -> objspace_limit_slots()
+ * objspace_free_num() -> objspace_free_slots()
+Mon Nov 25 04:03:12 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_stat): add internal information.
+ * heap_swept_slot
+ * malloc_increase
+ * malloc_limit
+ * remembered_shady_object
+ * remembered_shady_object_limit
+ * old_object
+ * old_object_limit
+ * oldmalloc_increase
+ * oldmalloc_limit
+ * gc.c (gc_stat): rename names.
+ * heap_live_num -> heap_live_slot
+ * heap_free_num -> heap_free_slot
+ * heap_final_slot -> heap_final_slot
+ Quote from RDoc of GC.stat():
+ "The contents of the hash are implementation specific and may
+ be changed in the future."
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb: catch up this change.
+Mon Nov 25 03:59:45 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb: catch up last commit.
+Mon Nov 25 03:10:46 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: change terminology OLDSPACE -> OLDMALLOC.
+ (oldspace -> oldmalloc for variable names)
+ OLDSPACE is confusing because it is not includes slots.
+ To more clearly, rename such as (oldspace_limit -> oldmalloc_limit).
+ It is clear that it measures (estimates) malloc()'ed size.
+Mon Nov 25 00:50:03 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * internal.h: use __builtin_bswap16() if possible.
+ * check existence of __builtin_bswap16().
+Sun Nov 24 22:24:19 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bigxor_int): Apply BIGLO for long in a BDIGIT expression.
+ (bigor_int): Ditto.
+ (bigand_int): Ditto.
+Sun Nov 24 18:13:23 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/defines.h (SIZEOF_ACTUAL_BDIGIT): Defined.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RBIGNUM_EMBED_LEN_MAX): Use
+ SIZEOF_BDIGITS can be different to sizeof(BDIGIT).
+Sun Nov 24 13:49:08 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/defines.h: Don't use int128_t for Bignum.
+ It's not always faster.
+ * bignum.c: Ditto.
+Sun Nov 24 10:18:15 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * NEWS: Add details about new debugging features and APIs.
+Sun Nov 24 09:37:20 2013 Andrew Vit <>
+ * lib/csv.rb: Optimize header hashes by freezing string keys.
+ [ruby-core:58510]
+Sun Nov 24 09:18:06 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * ext/objspace/objspace_dump.c (dump_object): Use PRIuSIZE to print
+ size_t for better win32 compatibility.
+ * test/objspace/test_objspace.rb (test_dump_all): Hold reference to
+ test string to avoid failure due to GC. Reduce size of failure message
+ using grep(/TEST STRING/).
+Sun Nov 24 08:38:00 2013 Kyle Stevens <>
+ * lib/csv.rb: If skip_lines is set to a String, convert it to a Regexp
+ to prevent the alternative, which is that each line in the CSV gets
+ converted to a Regexp when calling skip_lines#match.
+Sun Nov 24 01:03:00 2013 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_power): Use FIX2LONG instead
+ of FIX2INT to avoid conversion error.
+Sun Nov 24 00:44:30 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RBIGNUM_EMBED_LEN_MAX): define by macros
+ defined in defines.h, instead of complex and repeated expression.
+Sat Nov 23 22:22:26 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RBIGNUM_EMBED_LEN_MAX): Limit the value to
+ less than 8.
+Sat Nov 23 19:52:00 2013 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/math.rb (BigMath.E): Use BigMath.exp.
+ [Feature #6857] [ruby-core:47130]
+Sat Nov 23 19:46:00 2013 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigMath_s_exp): Optimize the
+ calculation algorithm to reduce the number of divisions.
+ This optimization was proposed by Rafal Michalski.
+ [Feature #6857] [ruby-core:47130]
+Sat Nov 23 19:20:00 2013 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_div2): The signature was
+ changed to allow us to pass arguments directly.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_div3): Added for the role of
+ the old BigDecimal_div2.
+Sat Nov 23 12:31:00 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: fix global variable name.
+ Now we have following environments (and related variable names).
+ * RUBY_GC_HEAP_GROWTH_FACTOR (new from 2.1)
+ * RUBY_GC_HEAP_GROWTH_MAX_SLOTS (new from 2.1)
+ * obsolete
+ * RUBY_GC_MALLOC_LIMIT_MAX (new from 2.1)
+ * RUBY_GC_OLDSPACE_LIMIT (new from 2.1)
+ * RUBY_GC_OLDSPACE_LIMIT_MAX (new from 2.1)
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb: catch up this change.
+Sat Nov 23 09:45:49 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * marshal.c (w_object): Use HASH_PROC_DEFAULT directly from internal.h
+Sat Nov 23 08:43:23 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * gc.c: Rename heap_pages_swept_num to heap_pages_swept_slots to
+ clarify meaning (number of slots, not pages).
+Sat Nov 23 08:23:23 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * lib/set.rb (class SortedSet): Fix source_location for methods
+ defined via eval.
+Sat Nov 23 03:44:03 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems master dcce4ff. Important changes
+ in this commit:
+ Remove automatic detection of gem dependencies files. This prevents a
+ security hole as described in [ruby-core:58490]
+ Fixed bugs for installing git gems.
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Fri Nov 22 22:30:00 2013 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_power):
+ Round the result value only if the precision is given.
+Fri Nov 22 17:20:50 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * transcode.c (str_transcode0): don't scrub invalid chars if
+ str.encode doesn't have explicit invalid: :replace.
+ workaround fix for see #8995
+Fri Nov 22 17:11:26 2013 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h, internal.h: Expose rb_gc_count().
+Fri Nov 22 17:07:00 2013 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.gemspec: version 1.2.2.
+Fri Nov 22 17:04:00 2013 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_data_type):
+ Use RUBY_TYPED_FREE_IMMEDIATELY only if it is available.
+Fri Nov 22 16:49:00 2013 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_power): Round the result value.
+ [Bug #8818] [ruby-core:56802]
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb: Add a test for the above fix.
+Fri Nov 22 16:25:43 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (heap_set_increment): accept minimum additional page number.
+ * gc.c (gc_after_sweep): allocate pages to allocate at least
+ [Bug #9137]
+Fri Nov 22 16:19:52 2013 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_gc_set_params): Deprecate
+ rb_gc_set_params because it's only used in ruby internal.
+ * internal.h (ruby_gc_set_params): Declare rb_gc_set_params's
+ alias function.
+ * gc.c: ditto.
+ * ruby.c: use ruby_gc_set_params.
+Fri Nov 22 14:55:00 2013 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigMath_s_exp): Insert rb_thread_check_ints.
+Fri Nov 22 14:35:00 2013 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigMath_s_exp): Fix the inserting points
+ of RB_GC_GUARDs.
+Fri Nov 22 14:31:00 2013 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c: Fix indentation.
+Fri Nov 22 14:03:00 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf: merge nkf 2.1.3 2a2f2c5.
+Fri Nov 22 12:43:52 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * util.c (ruby_strtod): ignore too long fraction part, which does not
+ affect the result.
+Fri Nov 22 12:17:14 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/buffering.rb (OpenSSL::Buffering#initialize):
+ initialize of a module should pass arguments to super.
+Fri Nov 22 12:02:58 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: Ignore events from other threads.
+Fri Nov 22 10:35:57 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (ruby_vm_destruct): do not use ruby_xfree() after freeing
+ objspace.
+ * gc.c (ruby_mimfree): added. It is similar to ruby_mimmalloc().
+ * internal.h: ditto.
+Fri Nov 22 09:42:35 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * test/digest/test_digest.rb: Reverse order of assert_equal
+ Reported by @splattael
+Fri Nov 22 09:03:16 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * gc.c: fix build failure on FreeBSD introduced by r43763.
+ malloc_usable_size() is defined by malloc_np.h on FreeBSD.
+ * check malloc.h and malloc_np.h.
+Fri Nov 22 08:27:13 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems master 50a8210. Important changes
+ in this commit:
+ RubyGems now automatically checks for gem.deps.rb or Gemfile when
+ running ruby executables. This behavior is similar to `bundle exec
+ rake`. This change may be reverted before Ruby 2.1.0 if too many bugs
+ are found.
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Thu Nov 21 22:33:59 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: RGENGC_CHECK_MODE should be 0.
+Thu Nov 21 21:40:00 2013 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (VpAlloc): Fix the expr to adjust the size
+ of the digit array.
+Thu Nov 21 21:36:00 2013 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_sqrt): Fix the precision of
+ the result BigDecimal of sqrt.
+ [Bug #5266] [ruby-dev:44450]
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb: add tests for the above changes.
+Thu Nov 21 18:49:02 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (vm_xrealloc, vm_xfree): use malloc_usable_size() to obtain old
+ size if available.
+Thu Nov 21 18:47:29 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb (SimpleDelegator#__getobj__): target object must be set.
+ * lib/delegate.rb (DelegateClass#__getobj__): ditto.
+Thu Nov 21 18:28:42 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb (Tempfile#initialize): use class method to get rid
+ of warnings when $VERBOSE.
+Thu Nov 21 17:43:29 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: rename initial_xxx variables to
+ They are not only used initial values.
+ Chikanaga-san: Congratulations on RubyPrize!
+Thu Nov 21 17:16:00 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: enable "RGENGC_ESTIMATE_OLDSPACE" option as default.
+ Without this option, some application consumes huge memory.
+ (and there are only a few performance down)
+ Introduced new environment variables:
+ * RUBY_GC_HEAP_OLDSPACE (default 16MB)
+ * RUBY_GC_HEAP_OLDSPACE_MAX (default 128 MB)
+ * gc.c (initial_malloc_limit): rename to initial_malloc_limit_min.
+Thu Nov 21 16:51:34 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/digest/bubblebabble/bubblebabble.c: Teach RDoc digest/bubblebabble
+Thu Nov 21 16:50:16 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * test/digest/test_digest.rb: Add more tests for digest/bubblebabble
+Thu Nov 21 16:32:47 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb (Delegator#method_missing): try private methods defined in
+ Kernel after the target. [Fixes GH-449]
+Thu Nov 21 16:25:08 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * test/uri/test_generic.rb (URI#test_merge): Test uri + URI(path)
+ in addition to uri + path.
+Thu Nov 21 15:36:08 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/buffering.rb: [DOC] Fix HEREDOC comment for
+ OpenSSL::Buffering which breaks overview because of RDoc bug
+Thu Nov 21 14:46:57 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * eval_intern.h (SAVE_ROOT_JMPBUF): workaround for the failure of
+ test/ruby/test_exception.rb on Windows.
+ wrap by __try and __exception statements on mswin to raise SIGSEGV
+ when EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW is occurred, because MSVCRT doesn't
+ handle the exception.
+ however, (1) mingw-gcc doesn't support __try and __exception
+ statements, and (2) we cannot retry SystemStackError after this
+ change yet (maybe crashed) because SEH and longjmp() are too
+ uncongenial.
+ * signal.c (check_stack_overflow, CHECK_STACK_OVERFLOW): now defined on
+ Windows, too.
+ * thread_win32.c (ruby_stack_overflowed_p): ditto.
+Thu Nov 21 14:18:24 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * object.c: [DOC] Clarify Object#dup vs #clone [Bug #9128]
+ Moving existing doc for this comparison to separate section of #dup
+ Adding examples to document behavior of #dup with Module#extend.
+ Based on a patch by stevegoobermanhill
+Thu Nov 21 14:06:02 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_marks_check): do not dump all refs.
+ * gc.c (allrefs_dump_i): fix output format.
+Thu Nov 21 13:43:07 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: change RGENGC_CHECK_MODE (>= 2) logic.
+ Basically, make an object graph of all of living objects before and
+ after marking and check status.
+ [Before marking: check WB sanity]
+ If there is a non-old object `obj' pointed from old object
+ (`parent') then `parent' or `obj' should be remembered.
+ [After marking: check marking miss]
+ Traversible objects with the object graph should be marked.
+ (However, this alert about objects pointed by machine context
+ can be false positive. We only display alert.)
+ [Implementation memo]
+ objspace_allrefs() creates an object graph.
+ The object graph is represented by st_table, key is object (VALUE)
+ and value is referring objects. Referring objects are stored by
+ "struct reflist".
+ * gc.c (init_mark_stack): do not use push_mark_stack_chunk() at init.
+ This pre-allocation causes failure on is_mark_stack_empty()
+ without any pushing.
+Thu Nov 21 13:40:20 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/observer.rb: [DOC] Clarify default observer method.
+ By @edward [Fixes GH-450]
+Thu Nov 21 13:32:53 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_engine.c: [DOC] Documentation for OpenSSL::Engine
+ This patch is based off work by @vbatts in GH-436 completing the
+ documentation for this class and its methods.
+Thu Nov 21 10:45:22 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/buffering.rb: Remove unused arguments from
+ [Fixes GH-445]
+Thu Nov 21 10:30:47 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * test/digest/test_digest.rb: Add test for Digest::SHA256.bubblebabble
+Wed Nov 20 20:54:01 2013 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * tool/instruction.rb : fix typo.
+Wed Nov 20 19:45:22 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * random.c (rand_init): Make it possible to specify arbitrary array
+ for init_genrand().
+Wed Nov 20 17:34:13 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * parse.y (rb_gc_mark_symbols): set global_symbols.minor_marked only
+ when full_mark is 0.
+ rb_gc_mark_symbols() (with full_mark == 1) can be called by other
+ than GC (such as rb_objspace_reachable_objects_from_root()).
+Wed Nov 20 11:46:38 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/json: merge JSON 1.8.1.
+ * Remove Rubinius exception since transcoding should be working now.
+ * Fix reported by Marc-Andre
+ Lafortune <>. Thanks!
+ * Applied patches by Yui NARUSE <> to suppress
+ warning with -Wchar-subscripts and better validate UTF-8 strings.
+ * Applied patch by ginriki@github to remove unnecessary if.
+ * Add load/dump interface to JSON::GenericObject to make
+ serialize :some_attribute, JSON::GenericObject
+ work in Rails active models for convenient
+ access to serialised JSON data.
+Wed Nov 20 01:39:02 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rdoc/constant.rb (RDoc::Constant#documented?): workaround for
+ NoMethodError when the original of alias is not found.
+Tue Nov 19 23:38:49 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (--with-os-version-style): option to transform target
+ OS version string.
+Tue Nov 19 21:27:33 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/net/http/utils.rb (spawn_server): Specify zero for port to
+ avoid reusing an allocated port.
+ * test/net/http/test_http.rb: Don't specify port here.
+ * test/net/http/test_https.rb: Ditto.
+Tue Nov 19 18:52:10 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (heap_is_swept_object): use heap_page::before_sweep flag.
+Tue Nov 19 18:49:32 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_objspace_reachable_objects_from_root): do major marking.
+Tue Nov 19 18:45:40 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_resurrect): added.
+ rb_fstring() used rb_gc_mark() to avoid freeing used string.
+ However, rb_gc_mark() set mark bit *and* pushes mark_stack.
+ rb_gc_resurrect() does only set mark bit if it is before sweeping.
+ * string.c (rb_fstring): use rb_gc_resurrect.
+ * internal.h: add decl.
+Tue Nov 19 09:47:02 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc: Update to RDoc master a1195ce. Changes include:
+ Improved accessibility of the main sidebar navigation.
+ Fixed handling of regexp options in HTML source highlighting.
+ * test/rdoc: ditto.
+Tue Nov 19 09:33:52 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems master 6a3d9f9. Changes include:
+ Compatibly renamed Gem::DependencyResolver to Gem::Resolver.
+ Added support for git gems in gem.deps.rb and Gemfile.
+ Fixed resolver bugs.
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+ * lib/rubygems/LICENSE.txt: Updated to license from RubyGems trunk.
+ [ruby-trunk - Bug #9086]
+ * lib/rubygems/commands/which_command.rb: RubyGems now indicates
+ failure when any file is missing. [ruby-trunk - Bug #9004]
+ * lib/rubygems/ext/builder: Extensions are now installed into the
+ extension install directory and the first directory in the require
+ path from the gem. This allows backwards compatibility with msgpack
+ and other gems that calculate full require paths.
+ [ruby-trunk - Bug #9106]
+Tue Nov 19 07:21:56 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * (LOCALTIME_OVERFLOW_PROBLEM): Define it for cross
+ compiling.
+ [ruby-core:58391] [Bug #9119] Reported by Luis Lavena.
+ Analyzed by Heesob Park.
+Tue Nov 19 05:55:05 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/rubygems_hook.rb: Remove debugging puts committed by
+ accident.
+Mon Nov 18 22:47:54 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval_intern.h (TH_PUSH_TAG, TH_EXEC_TAG): refine stack overflow
+ detection. chain local tag after setjmp() successed on it, because
+ calling setjmp() also can overflow the stack.
+ [ruby-dev:47804] [Bug #9109]
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_catch_obj): now th->tag points previous tag until
+ * thread_pthread.c (ruby_init_stack): set stack_start properly by
+ get_main_stack() if possible.
+Mon Nov 18 22:45:49 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval_jump.c (rb_exec_end_proc): unlink and free procs data before
+ calling for each procs. [Bug #9110]
+Sun Nov 17 06:33:32 2013 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * Use $LIBS for base of $SOLIBS, also in darwin.
+ By this fix, environment that libgmp is located in $LIBS can build
+ ruby.
+Sun Nov 17 01:56:32 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (rb_thread_create_timer_thread): Show error
+ message instead of error number.
+ (thread_create_core): Ditto.
+ * cont.c (fiber_machine_stack_alloc): Ditto.
+Sat Nov 16 18:28:08 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/parsers/ultralightparser.rb
+ (REXML::Parsers::UltraLightParser#parse): Fix wrong :start_doctype
+ position.
+ [Bug #9061] [ruby-dev:47778]
+ Patch by Ippei Obayashi. Thanks!!!
+ * test/rexml/parser/test_ultra_light.rb: Add a test for this case.
+Sat Nov 16 02:13:56 2013 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * cont.c : Introduce ensure rollback mechanism. Please see below.
+ * internal.h (ruby_register_rollback_func_for_ensure): catch up above change.
+ Add rollback mechanism API.
+ * vm_core.h (typedef struct rb_vm_struct): catch up above change.
+ Introduce ensure-rollback relation table.
+ * vm_core.h (typedef struct rb_thread_struct): catch up above change.
+ Introduce ensure stack.
+ * eval.c (rb_ensure): catch up above change.
+ Introduce ensure stack.
+ * hash.c : New function for rollback ensure, and register it to
+ ensure-rollback relation table. [ruby-dev:47803] [Bug #9105]
+ Ensure Rollback Mechanism:
+ A rollback's function is a function to rollback a state before ensure's
+ function execution.
+ When the jump of callcc is across the scope of rb_ensure,
+ ensure's functions and rollback's functions are executed appropriately
+ for keeping consistency.
+ Current API is unstable, and only internal use.
+ ruby_register_rollback_func_for_ensure(ensure_func,rollback_func)
+ This API create relation ensure's function to rollback's function.
+ By registered rollback's function, it is executed When jumping into
+ corresponding rb_ensure scope.
+Sat Nov 16 00:18:36 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * eval_jump.c (rb_exec_end_proc): fix double free or corruption error
+ when reentering by callcc. [ruby-core:58329] [Bug #9110]
+ * test/ruby/test_beginendblock.rb: test for above.
+Fri Nov 15 01:06:04 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/objspace/objspace_dump.c (dump_output): allow IO object as
+ output, and use Tempfile.create and return open file instead of
+ mkstemp() and path name for :file output.
+ [ruby-core:58266] [Bug #9102]
+ * test/objspace/test_objspace.rb (TestObjSpace#dump_my_heap_please):
+ remove temporary output file.
+Thu Nov 14 23:39:00 2013 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/util.rb: [DOC] remove example of
+ Rational#to_d without argument. [Bug #8958]
+Thu Nov 14 20:24:15 2013 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * ruby_atomic.h (ATOMIC_SIZE_CAS): fix compile error on Solaris
+ since r43460.
+Thu Nov 14 19:53:00 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/openssl/test_cipher.rb (test_aes_gcm_wrong_tag): Don't use
+ String#succ because it can make modified (wrong) auth_tag longer
+ than 16 bytes. The longer auth_tag makes that
+ EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl (and internally aes_gcm_ctrl) fail.
+ [ruby-core:55143] [Bug #8439] reported by Vit Ondruch.
+Thu Nov 14 11:33:47 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (foreach_safe_i, hash_foreach_iter): deal with error detected
+ by ST_CHECK.
+ * st.c (st_foreach_check): call with non-error argument in normal case.
+Thu Nov 14 02:37:14 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/thread/thread.c: [DOC] This patch accomplishes the following:
+ - Teach RDoc about ConditionVariable
+ - Teach RDoc about Queue
+ - Teach RDoc about SizedQueue
+ - Use fully-qualified namespace for Document-method
+ This is necessary to separate definitions between classes
+ - Fix rdoc bug in call_seq vs. call-seq
+ - Correct doc for SizedQueue#pop patch by @jackdanger [Bug #8988]
+Thu Nov 14 01:11:54 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/util.rb: [DOC] +precision+ is required
+Wed Nov 13 19:21:36 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/util.rb: [DOC] Document the required
+ +precision+ argument for Rational#to_d [Bug #8958]
+Wed Nov 13 19:02:05 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/digest/*: [DOC] Fix several typos and broken http links.
+ Improved examples for Digest overview and fixed a broken example in
+ Digest::HMAC overview. This patch also adds a description of
+ Digest::SHA256.bubblebabble to the Digest overview.
+ Patched by @stomar [Bug #9027]
+Wed Nov 13 18:32:12 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_config.c: [DOC] Document the following:
+ - OpenSSL::ConfigError
+ Patched by @vbatts via GH-436
+Wed Nov 13 18:03:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c: [DOC] Document parts of
+ OpenSSL::ASN1::ObjectId included a fix for the class overview, which
+ previously showed the documentation for Constructive due to missing
+ ObjectId overview. This patch also includes a note for Primitive.
+ Based on a patch by @vbatts via GH-436
+Wed Nov 13 17:19:36 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/config.rb: In #parse use +string+ for +str+
+Wed Nov 13 17:09:45 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/*.rb: [DOC] Document the following:
+ - Integer#to_bn
+ - OpenSSL::Buffering module
+ - Deprecated OpenSSL::Digest::Digest compatibility class
+ - OpenSSL::Config
+ These changes were based on a patch by @vbatts via GH-436
+Wed Nov 13 10:55:43 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * doc/regexp.rdoc: [DOC] Fix typo in Special global variables section.
+ Reported by Alex Johnson on
+Wed Nov 13 10:43:19 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * hash.c: [DOC] Adds an example for Hash#store
+Wed Nov 13 09:03:40 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * doc/regexp.rdoc: [DOC] add note about Bug #4044 as suggested by
+ duerst-san in [ruby-core:43612] [Fixes GH-443] Patched by @rosenfeld
+Tue Nov 12 10:15:14 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * test/rubygems/insure_session.rb: Remove unused test file.
+Tue Nov 12 09:16:24 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems master b9213d7. Changes include:
+ Fixed tests on Windows (I hope) by forcing platform for
+ platform-dependent tests.
+ Fixed File.exists? warnings.
+ Improved testing infrastructure.
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_rubygems_hook.rb: Switch to util_spec like
+ RubyGems.
+Mon Nov 11 18:31:12 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * internal.h: move common string/hash flags to include file.
+ * ext/objspace/objspace_dump.c: remove flags shared above.
+ * hash.c: ditto.
+ * string.c: ditto.
+Mon Nov 11 04:36:14 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/specification.rb: Include 2.2.0.preview.2 when checking
+ if extensions should be built. Fixes a ruby-ci failure.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_specification.rb: Test for the above.
+Mon Nov 11 03:15:56 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_trace.c (symbol2event_flag): add secret feature.
+ add a_call/a_return events.
+ a_call is call | b_call | c_call, and same as a_return.
+Mon Nov 11 02:51:17 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems master 4bdc4f2. Important changes
+ in this commit:
+ RubyGems now chooses the test server port reliably. Patch by akr.
+ Partial implementation of bundler's Gemfile format.
+ Refactorings to improve the new resolver.
+ Fixes bugs in the resolver.
+ * test/rubygems: Tests for the above.
+Mon Nov 11 01:02:06 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/timeout.rb: [DOC] Add note about change from #8730 [Fixes GH-440]
+ * NEWS: [DOC] Improve grammar on change to Timeout
+ Patched by @srawlins in
+Sun Nov 10 23:47:05 2013 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gcdebug_print_obj_condition): catch up recent changes
+ to compile on GC_DEBUG.
+Sun Nov 10 22:16:19 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (exc_cause): captured previous exception.
+ * eval.c (make_exception): capture previous exception automagically.
+ [Feature #8257]
+Sun Nov 10 08:37:20 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * thread.c: [DOC] Remove duplicate reference
+Sun Nov 10 08:09:29 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb: [DOC] promote better windows-safe filename regular
+ expression in DRb Logger example. Reported by Chris Pheonix
+ [Bug #9074]
+Sun Nov 10 08:03:05 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_define_finalizer, rb_undefine_finalizer): rename and export
+ finalizer functions.
+Sun Nov 10 07:41:22 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/weakref.rb: [DOC] fix typos by @xaviershay [Fixes GH-439]
+Sun Nov 10 06:14:39 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): emit opt_str_freeze if the #freeze
+ method is called on a static string literal with no arguments.
+ * defs/id.def (firstline): add freeze so idFreeze is available
+ * insns.def (opt_str_freeze): add opt_str_freeze instruction which
+ pushes a frozen string literal without allocating a new object if
+ String#freeze is not overridden
+ * string.c (Init_String): define String#freeze
+ * vm.c (vm_init_redefined_flag): define BOP_FREEZE on String class as
+ a basic operation
+ * vm_insnhelper.h: ditto
+ [Feature #8992] [ruby-core:57705]
+Sun Nov 10 01:34:14 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (vm_malloc_increase): sweep immediately on GC due to malloc().
+ To reduce memory usage, sweep as soon as possible.
+ This behavior is same as Ruby 2.0.0 and before.
+Sun Nov 10 00:39:26 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/gc/gcbench.rb: output version description and GC::OPTS.
+Sun Nov 10 00:36:42 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (should_be_callable): allow private call since rb_eval_cmd
+ calls even private methods.
+Sun Nov 10 00:33:17 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/racc/rdoc/grammar.en.rdoc: [DOC] fix typo by Tsuyoshi Sawada
+ [Bug #9077]
+Sat Nov 9 22:35:35 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb (Gem::Specification.load): obtain spec date from
+ VCS for the case using git, RUBY_RELEASE_DATE is the last resort.
+ probably fixes [Bug #9085].
+Sat Nov 9 20:56:12 2013 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * ext/objspace/object_tracing.c: use declarations in internal.h.
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c: ditto
+Sat Nov 9 20:32:59 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/objspace/test_objspace.rb (test_dump_all): Make the test string
+ shorter to be an embedded string on 32bit environment as well as
+ 64bit environment.
+Sat Nov 9 15:00:16 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * io.c: [DOC] ARGF.gets may return nil [Bug #9029] patch by znz
+Sat Nov 9 14:54:52 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/rss/*: [DOC] document various constants @steveklabnik [Bug #8812]
+Sat Nov 9 14:50:09 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb: [DOC] document Time#w3cdtf by @steveklabnik
+ [Bug #8821]
+Sat Nov 9 14:29:04 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/dl/cfunc.c: [DOC] fix typo in example [Bug #8944]
+ Patched by Heesob Park
+Sat Nov 9 13:59:58 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb: [DOC] better example for assert_send()
+ Patch by Andrew Grimm [Bug #8975]
+Sat Nov 9 12:45:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * insns.def: unify ic_constant_serial and ic_class_serial into one field
+ ic_serial. This is possible because these fields are only ever used
+ exclusively with each other.
+ * insns.def: ditto
+ * vm_core.h: ditto
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: ditto
+Sat Nov 9 12:31:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * class.c: unify names of vm state version counters to 'serial'.
+ This includes renaming 'vm_state_version_t' to 'rb_serial_t',
+ 'method_state' to 'method_serial', 'seq' to 'class_serial',
+ 'vmstat' to 'constant_serial', etc.
+ * insns.def: ditto
+ * internal.h: ditto
+ * vm.c: ditto
+ * vm_core.h: ditto
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: ditto
+ * vm_insnhelper.h: ditto
+ * vm_method.c: ditto
+Sat Nov 9 09:22:29 2013 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * gc.c (gc_page_sweep, rgengc_rememberset_mark): Refactoring.
+ Get bitmaps directly.
+Sat Nov 9 09:16:36 2013 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * gc.c (RVALUE_PROMOTE_INFANT): Refactoring. Remove duplicated nonsense
+ code.
+Sat Nov 9 09:04:48 2013 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * gc.c (gc_marks_test): Bugfix. Fix a struct member name for build
+Sat Nov 9 08:58:23 2013 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * gc.c : Add GC_PROFILE_DETAIL_MEMORY option.
+ maxrss, minflt and majflt are added to each profile record.
+Sat Nov 9 07:41:41 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * internal.h (rb_vm_backtrace_object, rb_gc_count): make prototype
+ declarations, not old-K&R style.
+Sat Nov 9 06:11:14 2013 vo.x (Vit Ondruch) <>
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb (Gem::Specification#collect): make stable
+ Gem::Specification.files in default .gemspecs the different order of
+ "files" in .gemspec files makes them different therefore possibly
+ conflicting in multilib scenario. patch by vo.x (Vit Ondruch) at
+ [ruby-core:57544] [Bug #8623].
+Sat Nov 9 01:59:18 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * ext/objspace/objspace_dump.c: Add experimental methods to
+ dump objectspace as json: ObjectSpace.dump_all and
+ ObjectSpace.dump(obj). These methods are useful for debugging
+ reference leaks and memory growth in large ruby applications.
+ [Bug #9026] [ruby-core:57893] [Fixes GH-423]
+ * test/objspace/test_objspace.rb: tests for above.
+Sat Nov 9 00:26:50 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (GetLastError): already defined in windows.h on nowadays
+ cygwin, and caused the confliction with the system provided
+ definition on cygwin64. by @kou1okada [Fixes GH-433].
+Fri Nov 8 18:35:31 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * lib/open3.rb: receive arguments as keyword arguments.
+Fri Nov 8 13:19:26 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_open_with_args): use RARRAY_CONST_PTR().
+ * io.c (rb_scan_open_args): use const qualifier for above.
+ * io.c (rb_open_file): ditto.
+ * io.c (rb_io_open_with_args): ditto.
+Fri Nov 8 11:35:06 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * dir.c, pack.c, ruby.c, struct.c, vm_eval.c: use RARRAY_CONST_PTR().
+Fri Nov 8 10:58:02 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_build_from_ary_exception): use RARRAY_CONST_PTR().
+ * compile.c (iseq_build_from_ary_body): ditto.
+Fri Nov 8 10:49:34 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * enumerator.c (append_method): use RARRAY_CONST_PTR().
+ * enumerator.c (lazy_init_iterator): ditto.
+Fri Nov 8 02:44:29 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (vm_malloc_increase): check GVL before gc_rest_sweep().
+ vm_malloc_increase() can be called without GVL.
+ However, gc_rest_sweep() assumes acquiring GVL.
+ To avoid this problem, check GVL before gc_rest_sweep().
+ [Bug #9090]
+ This workaround introduces possibility to set malloc_limit as
+ wrong value (*1). However, this may be rare case. So I commit it.
+ *1: Without rest_sweep() here, gc_rest_sweep() can decrease
+ malloc_increase due to ruby_sized_xfree().
+Fri Nov 8 02:50:25 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/securerandom.rb: [DOC] specify arguments passed to ::random_bytes
+ By @chastell [Fixes GH-412]
+Fri Nov 8 02:43:01 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/objspace/object_tracing.c: [DOC] trace_object_allocations_stop
+ By @srawlins [Fixes GH-421]
+Fri Nov 8 02:34:20 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb: [DOC] Document Net::FTP.mdtm and .set_socket and fix
+ spelling typo, based on patch by @artfuldodger [Fixes GH-426]
+Fri Nov 8 02:14:37 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * array.c: [DOC] Add note about negative indices in Array overview
+ By @ckaenzig [Fixes GH-427]
+Fri Nov 8 02:09:12 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/csv.rb: [DOC] Fix typo in CSV.parse_line by @funky-bibimbap
+ [Fixes GH-430]
+Fri Nov 8 01:01:54 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * golf_prelude.rb: syntax formatting for whitespace [Fixes GH-425]
+ Patch by @edward
+Thu Nov 7 19:36:09 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: modify malloc_limit strategy.
+ * fix default values:
+ * algorithm of malloc_limit increment.
+ if (malloc_increase < malloc_limit) {
+ next_malloc_limit = malloc_limit * factor
+ if (malloc_limit > malloc_limit_max) {
+ malloc_limit = malloc_increase
+ }
+ }
+ This algorithm change malloc_limit from
+ 16MB -> 32MB slowly.
+ If malloc_limit exceeds malloc_limit_max, then
+ increase with malloc_increase.
+Thu Nov 7 11:06:05 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_shuffle_bang): use RARRAY_PTR_USE() without WB
+ because there are not new relations.
+Thu Nov 7 10:34:12 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_sample): use rb_ary_dup().
+Thu Nov 7 09:39:41 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_trace.c (rb_threadptr_exec_event_hooks_orig): errinfo should not
+ be propagated to trace blocks so that no argument raise does not
+ throw internal objects. [ruby-dev:47793] [Bug #9088]
+Wed Nov 6 21:30:55 2013 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * gc.c (gc_before_sweep): Change algorithm of malloc_limit to
+ conservative for closing to memory consumption of ruby 2.0.
+ Adjust parameters for new algorithm.
+Wed Nov 6 21:16:51 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_shift_m): use RARRAY_PTR_USE() without WB because
+ there are not new relations.
+Wed Nov 6 21:05:20 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_reverse): use RARRAY_PTR_USE().
+Wed Nov 6 19:30:44 2013 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * (help): add texts about gcbench.
+Wed Nov 6 16:32:32 2013 Martin Duerst <>
+ * lib/open3.rb: tweaked grammar in comments
+Wed Nov 6 11:46:36 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_sample): use RARRAY_AREF() and RARRAY_PTR_USE()
+ instead of RARRAY_PTR().
+Wed Nov 6 10:37:07 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_and): defer hash creation and some refactoring.
+Wed Nov 6 09:14:31 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/bm_vm1_gc_short_lived.rb: added.
+ These GC benchmarks do not reflect practical applications.
+ They are only for tuning.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm1_gc_short_with_complex_long.rb: added.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm1_gc_short_with_long.rb: added.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm1_gc_short_with_symbol.rb: added.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm1_gc_wb_ary.rb: added.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm1_gc_wb_obj.rb: added.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm_thread_queue.rb: added.
+ This benchmark is added to know how fast C version of
+Wed Nov 6 09:13:32 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: define RGENGC_ESTIMATE_OLDSPACE == 0 if USE_RGENGC is 0.
+Wed Nov 6 07:13:18 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (Init_GC): add GC::OPTS to show options.
+Wed Nov 6 07:12:17 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/gc/gcbench.rb: add some options to make quiet.
+Wed Nov 6 04:14:25 2013 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb: process merge keys before
+ reviving objects. Fixes GH psych #168
+ * test/psych/test_merge_keys.rb: test for change
+Tue Nov 5 21:21:47 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb (test_thread_join_in_trap):
+ Run the test in a different process.
+Tue Nov 5 20:14:32 2013 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * gc.c (is_live_object): A hidden object may be a live object.
+ [ruby-dev:47788] [Bug #9072]
+Tue Nov 5 13:37:19 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: add support to estimate increase of oldspace memory usage.
+ This is another approach to solve an issue discussed at r43530.
+ This feature is disabled as default.
+ This feature measures an increment of memory consumption by oldgen
+ objects. It measures memory consumption for each objects when
+ the object is promoted. However, measurement of memory consumption
+ is not accurate now. So that this measurement is `estimation'.
+ To implement this feature, move memsize_of() function from
+ ext/objspace/objspace.c and expose rb_obj_memsize_of().
+ Some memsize() functions for T_DATA (T_TYPEDDATA) have problem to
+ measure memory size, so that we ignores T_DATA objects now.
+ For example, some functions skip NULL check for pointer.
+ The macro RGENGC_ESTIMATE_OLDSPACE enables/disables this feature,
+ and turned off as default.
+ We need to compare 3gen GC and this feature carefully.
+ (it is possible to enable both feature)
+ We need a help to compare them.
+ * internal.h: expose rb_obj_memsize_of().
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c: use rb_obj_memsize_of() function.
+ * cont.c (fiber_memsize): fix to check NULL.
+ * variable.c (autoload_memsize): ditto.
+ * vm.c (vm_memsize): ditto.
+Tue Nov 5 04:03:07 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (GC_MALLOC_LIMIT_MAX): fix default value 512MB -> 384MB.
+ 512MB is huge.
+Tue Nov 5 03:31:23 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: add 3gen GC patch, but disabled as default.
+ RGenGC is designed as 2 generational GC, young and old generation.
+ Young objects will be promoted to old objects after one GC.
+ Old objects are not collect until major (full) GC.
+ The issue of this approach is some objects can promote as old
+ objects accidentally and not freed until major GC.
+ Major GC is not frequently so short-lived but accidentally becoming
+ old objects are not freed.
+ For example, the program "loop{}" consumes huge
+ memories because short lived objects (an array which has 1M
+ elements) are promoted while GC and they are not freed before major
+ GC.
+ To solve this problem, generational GC with more generations
+ technique is known. This patch implements three generations gen GC.
+ At first, newly created objects are "Infant" objects.
+ After surviving one GC, "Infant" objects are promoted to "Young"
+ objects.
+ "Young" objects are promoted to "Old" objects after surviving
+ next GC.
+ "Infant" and "Young" objects are collected if it is not marked
+ while minor GC. So that this technique solves this problem.
+ Representation of generations:
+ * Infant: !FL_PROMOTED and !oldgen_bitmap [00]
+ * Young : FL_PROMOTED and !oldgen_bitmap [10]
+ * Old : FL_PROMOTED and oldgen_bitmap [11]
+ The macro "RGENGC_THREEGEN" enables/disables this feature, and
+ turned off as default because there are several problems.
+ (1) Failed sometimes (Heisenbugs).
+ (2) Performance down.
+ Especially on write barriers. We need to detect Young or Old
+ object by oldgen_bitmap. It is slower than checking flags.
+ To evaluate this feature on more applications, I commit this patch.
+ Reports are very welcome.
+ This patch includes some refactoring (renaming names, etc).
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: catch up 3gen GC.
+ * .gdbinit: fix to show a prompt "[PROMOTED]" for promoted objects.
+Tue Nov 5 00:05:51 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * node.h: catch up comments for last commit.
+Tue Nov 5 00:02:00 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: rename FL_OLDGEN to FL_PROMOTED.
+ This flag represents that "this object is promoted at least once."
+ * gc.c, debug.c, object.c: catch up this change.
+Mon Nov 4 22:20:16 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/xmlrpc: Don't use fixed ports: 8070 and 8071.
+Mon Nov 4 15:25:52 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/xmlrpc/webrick_testing.rb (start_server): Initialize the server
+ at main thread to fail early.
+Mon Nov 4 10:08:17 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval_intern.h (TH_EXEC_TAG, TH_JUMP_TAG): get rid of undefined
+ behavior of setjmp() in rhs of assignment expression.
+ [ISO/IEC 9899:1999]
+Sun Nov 3 23:06:51 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * sample/test.rb: Make temporary file names unique.
+Sun Nov 3 20:41:17 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/xmlrpc: Wrap definitions by TestXMLRPC module.
+Sun Nov 3 20:23:38 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/xmlrpc/webrick_testing.rb (stop_server): Don't try to shutdown
+ the server if the server is not started.
+Sun Nov 3 09:35:47 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * load.c (rb_feature_p): deal with default loadable suffixes.
+ * load.c (load_lock): initialize statically linked extensions.
+ * load.c (search_required, rb_require_safe): deal with statically
+ linked extensions.
+ * load.c (ruby_init_ext): defer initialization of statically linked
+ extensions until required actually. [Bug #8883]
+Sat Nov 2 15:14:33 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/logger.rb (Logger::LogDevice::LogDeviceMutex#lock_shift_log):
+ open file can't be removed or renamed on Windows. [ruby-dev:47790]
+ [Bug #9046]
+ * test/logger/test_logger.rb (TestLogDevice#run_children): don't use
+ fork.
+Sat Nov 2 07:08:43 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/logger.rb: Inter-process locking for log rotation
+ Current implementation fails log rotation on multi process env.
+ by sonots <>
+ fix GH-428 [Bug #9046]
+Fri Nov 1 23:24:31 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (wmap_mark_map): mark live objects only, but delete zombies.
+ [ruby-dev:47787] [Bug #9069]
+Fri Nov 1 22:45:54 2013 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * gc.c (struct heap_page, gc_page_sweep, gc_sweep): Refactoring for
+ performance. Add before_sweep condition to heap_page structure.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_force_recycle): Use before_sweep member.
+ * gc.c (heap_is_before_sweep, is_before_sweep): Remove. They have not
+ already been used.
+Fri Nov 1 22:20:28 2013 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * gc.c (make_deferred): Refactoring. Collect codes which should be
+ atomic.
+ * gc.c (make_io_deferred, obj_free, rb_objspace_call_finalizer,
+ gc_page_sweep): Correspond to the above.
+Fri Nov 1 21:40:35 2013 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * gc.c (typedef struct rb_objspace): Refactoring. Move some members
+ into profile member.
+ * gc.c (newobj_of): Correspond to the above.
+ * gc.c (finalize_list): Ditto.
+ * gc.c (objspace_live_num): Ditto.
+ * gc.c (gc_page_sweep): Ditto.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_force_recycle): Ditto.
+ * gc.c (garbage_collect_body): Ditto.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_count): Ditto.
+ * gc.c (gc_stat): Ditto.
+ * gc.c (gc_prof_set_heap_info): Ditto.
+ * gc.c (gc_profile_dump_on): Ditto.
+Fri Nov 1 20:53:56 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_scrub): fix typo, should yield invalid byte
+ sequence to be scrubbed. reported by znz at IRC.
+Fri Nov 1 17:25:30 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (is_live_object): finalizer may not run because of lazy-sweep.
+ [ruby-dev:47786] [Bug #9069]
+Fri Nov 1 16:55:52 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_scrub): export with fixed length arguments, and
+ allow nil as replacement string instead of omitting.
+Fri Nov 1 06:20:44 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_mutex_struct): reduce rb_mutex_t size by 8 bytes
+ on 64bit platform. Patch by Eric Wong. [Feature #9068][ruby-core:58114]
+Fri Nov 1 01:08:33 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/gc/gcbench.rb: print HWM (high water mark) if possible.
+Thu Oct 31 21:48:31 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/parsers/streamparser.rb: Add dependency file require.
+ [Bug #9062] [ruby-dev:47779]
+ Reported by Ippei Obayashi. Thanks!!!
+Thu Oct 31 14:09:32 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_entry_make): fix to pass an ISeq value.
+ OBJ_WRITTEN() accepts only VALUE.
+Wed Oct 30 19:07:57 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * misc/ruby-additional.el (ruby-brace-to-do-end)
+ (ruby-do-end-to-brace, ruby-toggle-block): Remove functions that
+ are already in the latest released version of Emacs (24.3).
+ [Bug #7565]
+Wed Oct 30 12:44:28 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.status): add missing variables,
+Wed Oct 30 12:20:32 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (v2w): Normalize a rational value to an integer if possible.
+ [ruby-core:58070] [Bug #9059] reported by Isaac Schwabacher.
+Wed Oct 30 12:08:41 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_uniq_bang): use rb_ary_modify_check() instead of
+ rb_ary_modify() because the array will be unshared soon.
+Wed Oct 30 03:25:10 2013 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: make less garbage when
+ testing if a string is binary.
+Wed Oct 30 03:08:24 2013 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: string subclasses should
+ not be considered to be binary. Fixes Psych / GH 166
+ * test/psych/test_string.rb: test for fix
+Tue Oct 29 23:01:18 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_zip): some refactoring.
+Tue Oct 29 22:11:37 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_uniq_bang): use st_foreach() instead of for loop.
+Tue Oct 29 20:01:58 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * add RUBY_TYPED_FREE_IMMEDIATELY to data types which only use
+ safe functions during garbage collection such as xfree().
+ On default, T_DATA objects are freed at same points as finalizers.
+ This approach protects issues such as reported by [ruby-dev:35578].
+ However, freeing T_DATA objects immediately helps heap usage.
+ Most of T_DATA (in other words, most of dfree functions) are safe.
+ However, we turned off RUBY_TYPED_FREE_IMMEDIATELY by default
+ for safety.
+ * cont.c: ditto.
+ * dir.c: ditto.
+ * encoding.c: ditto.
+ * enumerator.c: ditto.
+ * error.c: ditto.
+ * file.c: ditto.
+ * gc.c: ditto.
+ * io.c: ditto.
+ * iseq.c: ditto.
+ * marshal.c: ditto.
+ * parse.y: ditto.
+ * proc.c: ditto.
+ * process.c: ditto.
+ * random.c: ditto.
+ * thread.c: ditto.
+ * time.c: ditto.
+ * transcode.c: ditto.
+ * variable.c: ditto.
+ * vm.c: ditto.
+ * vm_backtrace.c: ditto.
+ * vm_trace.c: ditto.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c: ditto.
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c: ditto.
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c: ditto.
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c: ditto.
+Tue Oct 29 19:48:33 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: fix typo (FL_WB_PROTECT -> FL_WB_PROTECTED).
+Tue Oct 29 18:45:08 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_trace.c (tp_free): removed because empty free function.
+Tue Oct 29 18:37:33 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: introduce new flags for T_TYPEDDATA.
+ * RUBY_TYPED_FREE_IMMEDIATELY: free the data given by DATA_PTR()
+ with dfree function immediately. Otherwise (default), the data
+ freed at finalization point.
+ * RUBY_TYPED_WB_PROTECTED: make this object with FL_WB_PROTECT
+ (not shady).
+ * gc.c (obj_free): support RUBY_TYPED_FREE_IMMEDIATELY.
+Tue Oct 29 16:49:03 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (vm_malloc_increase): decrease it more carefully.
+Tue Oct 29 16:24:52 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (heap_page_resurrect): return a page in tomb heap even if
+ freelist is NULL.
+Tue Oct 29 15:46:30 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby_atomic.h (ATOMIC_SIZE_CAS): new macro, compare and swap size_t.
+Tue Oct 29 12:08:05 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_getc): Consider
+ NULL as input.
+Tue Oct 29 11:10:08 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * gc.c (gc_profile_total_time): fix off-by-one error in
+ GC::Profiler.total_time.
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb (class TestGc): test for above.
+Tue Oct 29 09:53:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * insns.def, vm.c, vm_insnhelper.c, vm_insnhelper.h, vm_method.c: split
+ ruby_vm_global_state_version into two separate counters - one for the
+ global method state and one for the global constant state. This means
+ changes to constants do not affect method caches, and changes to
+ methods do not affect constant caches. In particular, this means
+ inclusions of modules containing constants no longer globally
+ invalidate the method cache.
+ * class.c, eval.c, include/ruby/intern.h, insns.def, vm.c, vm_method.c:
+ rename rb_clear_cache_by_class to rb_clear_method_cache_by_class
+ * class.c, include/ruby/intern.h, variable.c, vm_method.c: add
+ rb_clear_constant_cache
+ * compile.c, vm_core.h, vm_insnhelper.c: rename vmstat field in
+ rb_call_info_struct to method_state
+ * vm_method.c: rename vmstat field in struct cache_entry to method_state
+Mon Oct 28 23:26:04 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/readline/test_readline.rb (teardown): Clear Readline.input and
+ Readline.output.
+Mon Oct 28 21:35:31 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/-test-/file/depend, ext/-test-/postponed_job/depend,
+ ext/-test-/tracepoint/depend: New files for dependencies.
+Mon Oct 28 15:32:18 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/openssl/depend (ossl.o): work around of dependency of
+ thread_native.h, which depends on headers by THREAD_MODEL.
+ [ruby-dev:47777]
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: need THREAD_MODEL.
+Mon Oct 28 14:57:01 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * load.c (ruby_init_ext): share feature names between frame name and
+ provided features.
+Mon Oct 28 14:41:27 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * misc/ruby-electric.el: Import ruby-electric.el 2.1 from
+ * Hitting the newline-and-indent key within a comment fires
+ comment-indent-new-line.
+ * Introduce a new feature
+ `ruby-electric-autoindent-on-closing-char`.
+ * Fix fallback behavior of ruby-electric-space/return that
+ caused error with auto-complete.
+Mon Oct 28 13:17:17 2013 Or Cohen <>
+ * error.c (name_err_to_s): remove no longer needed overriding, since
+ r30455 which made exc_to_s almost same. Fixes [GH-413].
+Mon Oct 28 12:42:11 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ *, ext/objspace/depend, ext/coverage/depend,
+ ext/-test-/debug/depend, ext/date/depend: Update dependencies.
+Mon Oct 28 09:29:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * vm.c: vm_clear_all_cache is not necessary now we use a 64 bit counter
+ for global state version.
+ * vm_insnhelper.h: ruby_vm_global_state_version overflow is unnecessary
+Mon Oct 28 07:47:32 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * vm_backtrace.c (rb_profile_frame_classpath): do not use rb_inspect
+ directly, since it might have a custom implementation or show ivars.
+Mon Oct 28 04:10:41 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * vm_backtrace.c (rb_profile_frame_classpath): handle singleton
+ methods defined directly on an object.
+ * test/-ext-/debug/test_profile_frames.rb: test for above.
+Mon Oct 28 00:52:36 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * struct.c (new_struct): fix warning message, class name and encoding.
+Sun Oct 27 20:53:08 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c: Include ruby/thread.h for
+ rb_thread_call_without_gvl2.
+ (readline_rl_instream, readline_rl_outstream): Record FILE
+ structures allocated by this extension.
+ (getc_body): New function extracted from readline_getc.
+ (getc_func): New function.
+ (readline_getc): Use rb_thread_call_without_gvl2 to invoke getc_func.
+ [ruby-dev:47033] [Bug #8749]
+ (clear_rl_instream, clear_rl_outstream): Close FILE structure
+ allocated by this extension reliably. [ruby-core:57951] [Bug #9040]
+ (readline_readline): Use clear_rl_instream and clear_rl_outstream.
+ (readline_s_set_input): Set readline_rl_instream.
+ (readline_s_set_output): Set readline_rl_outstream.
+ (Init_readline): Don't call readline_s_set_input because
+ readline_getc doesn't block other threads for any FILE structure now.
+ [ruby-dev:47033] [Bug #8749] reported by Nobuhiro IMAI.
+ [ruby-core:57951] [Bug #9040] reported by Eamonn Webster.
+Sat Oct 26 19:31:28 2013 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * gc.c: catch up recent changes to compile on GC_DEBUG,
+Sat Oct 26 19:08:00 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * range.c (range_initialize_copy): disallow to modify after
+ initialized.
+Sat Oct 26 17:48:54 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb (meta_add_field): : Re-implemented.
+ [ruby-core:58017] [Bug #9051] patch by Eamonn Webster.
+Sat Oct 26 14:35:09 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_profile_dump_on): use "Page" terminology.
+Sat Oct 26 13:25:45 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_sweep, gc_heap_lazy_sweep): fix measurement code.
+ We only need one sweep time measurement without lazy sweep.
+Sat Oct 26 11:59:13 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * addr2line.c: Include ELF header after system headers (especially
+ sys/types.h) to avoid compilation failure,
+ "usr/include/sh3/elf_machdep.h:4:2: error: #error Define _BYTE_ORDER!",
+ on NetBSD/sh3 (dreamcast, hpcsh, landisk, mmeye).
+Sat Oct 26 11:35:22 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: tuning parameters.
+ * gc.c (GC_MALLOC_LIMIT): change default value to 16MB.
+ * gc.c (GC_MALLOC_LIMIT_GROWTH_FACTOR): change default value to 2.0.
+ * gc.c (gc_before_sweep): change decrease ratio of `malloc_limit'
+ from 1/4 to 1/10.
+Sat Oct 26 11:30:07 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (vm_malloc_increase): do gc_rest_sweep() before GC.
+ gc_rest_sweep() can reduce malloc_increase, so try it before GC.
+ Otherwise, malloc_increase can be less than malloc_limit at
+ gc_before_sweep(). This means that re-calculation of malloc_limit
+ may be wrong value.
+Sat Oct 26 06:35:41 2013 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * gc.c (gc_before_heap_sweep): Restructure code to mean clearly.
+ heap->freelist is connected to end of list.
+Sat Oct 26 04:01:35 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_before_heap_sweep): fix freelist management.
+ After rb_gc_force_recycle() for a object belonging to heap->freelist,
+ `heap->using_page->freelist' is not null.
+Thu Oct 24 21:57:24 2013 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * parse.y: Remove +(binary) and -(binary) special cases
+ [Feature #9048]
+Thu Oct 24 12:45:53 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * object.c: [DOC] Document first argument also takes string for:
+ rb_mod_const_get, rb_mod_const_set, rb_mod_const_defined
+ Also added note about NameError exception for invalid constant name
+Thu Oct 24 12:23:58 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_terminate_all): add a comment why we need
+ state check and call terminate_i again.
+Thu Oct 24 12:15:02 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_terminate_all): add a comment why infinite
+ sleep is safe.
+Thu Oct 24 07:41:42 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * gc.c: add new initial_growth_max tuning parameter.
+ [ruby-core:57928] [Bug #9035]
+ * gc.c (heap_set_increment): when initial_growth_max is set,
+ do not grow number of slots by more than growth_max at a time.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_set_params): load optional new tuning value from
+ RUBY_HEAP_SLOTS_GROWTH_MAX environment variable.
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb (class TestGc): test for above.
+Thu Oct 24 01:34:12 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h (rb_infinity_float): suppress overflow in
+ constant arithmetic warnings. [ruby-core:57981] [Bug #9044]
+Thu Oct 24 00:11:24 2013 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/ostruct.rb: raise NoMethodError with a #name and #args.
+ Raise RuntimeError when modifying frozen instances
+ instead of TypeError.
+ (OpenStruct#each_pair): Return an enumerator with size
+ (OpenStruct#delete): Use the converted argument.
+ Patches by Kenichi Kamiya. [Fixes GH-383]
+ * test/ostruct/test_ostruct.rb: Added tests for above.
+Thu Oct 24 00:10:22 2013 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * array.c: Add Array#to_h [Feature #7292]
+ * enum.c: Add Enumerable#to_h
+Wed Oct 23 23:48:28 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * gc.c: Rename free_min to min_free_slots and free_min_page to
+ max_free_slots. The algorithm for heap growth is:
+ if (swept_slots < min_free_slots) pages++
+ if (swept_slots > max_free_slots) pages--
+Wed Oct 23 22:51:03 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.h): VC 2013 supports C99 mathematics
+ functions. [ruby-core:57981] [Bug #9044]
+Wed Oct 23 19:13:18 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: move increment from heap to heap_pages.
+ Share `increment' information with heaps.
+ * gc.c: change ratio of heap_pages_free_min_page
+ to 0.80.
+ This change means slow down page freeing speed.
+Wed Oct 23 17:52:03 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (heap_pages_free_unused_pages): cast to (int) for size_t
+ variable `i'.
+Wed Oct 23 17:39:35 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: introduce tomb heap.
+ Tomb heap is where zombie objects and ghost (freed slot) lived in.
+ Separate from other heaps (now there is only eden heap) at sweeping
+ helps freeing pages more efficiently.
+ Before this patch, even if there is an empty page at former phase
+ of sweeping, we can't free it.
+ Algorithm:
+ (1) Sweeping all pages in a heap and move empty pages from the
+ heap to tomb_heap.
+ (2) Check all existing pages and free a page
+ if all slots of this page are empty and
+ there is enough empty slots (checking by swept_num)
+ To introduce this patch, there are several tuning of GC parameters.
+Wed Oct 23 14:20:56 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_prof_sweep_timer_stop): catch up recent changes
+ to compile on GC_PROFILE_MORE_DETAIL=1.
+Wed Oct 23 11:43:27 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * file.c: [DOC] fix rdoc format of File#expand_path from r43386
+Tue Oct 22 21:58:28 2013 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * vm_core.h (enum): avoid syntax error.
+ * method.h: ditto.
+ * internal.h: ditto.
+Tue Oct 22 19:53:16 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (Init_heap): move logics from heap_pages_init() and remove
+ heap_pages_init().
+Tue Oct 22 19:19:05 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: allow multiple heaps.
+ Now, objects are managed by page. And a set of pages is called heap.
+ This commit supports multiple heaps in the object space.
+ * Functions heap_* and rb_heap_t manages heap data structure.
+ * Functions heap_page_* and struct heap_page manage page data
+ structure.
+ * Functions heap_pages_* and struct rb_objspace_t::heap_pages
+ maintains all pages.
+ For example, pages are allocated from the heap_pages.
+ See
+ and
+ for more details.
+ Now, there is only one heap called `eden', which is a space for all
+ new generated objects.
+Tue Oct 22 18:26:12 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pp.rb (object_address_group): Use Kernel#to_s to obtain the class
+ name and object address.
+ This fix a problem caused by %p in C generates variable length
+ address.
+ Reported by ko1 via IRC.
+Tue Oct 22 16:57:48 2013 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * file.c (File#expand_path): [DOC] improve documentation of File#expand_path.
+ Based on patch by Prathamesh Sonpatki. [ruby-core:57734] [Bug #9002]
+Tue Oct 22 15:59:51 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): don't skip current directories if FNM_DOTMATCH
+ is given. [ruby-core:53108] [Bug #8006]
+Tue Oct 22 14:53:11 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_trace.c: exterminate Zombies.
+ There is a bug that T_ZOMBIE objects are not collected.
+ Because there is a pass to miss finalizer postponed job
+ with multi-threading. This patch solve this issue.
+ * vm_trace.c (rb_postponed_job_register_one): set
+ RUBY_VM_SET_POSTPONED_JOB_INTERRUPT(th) if another same job
+ is registered.
+ There is a possibility to remain a postponed job without
+ interrupt flag.
+ * vm_trace.c (rb_postponed_job_register_one): check interrupt
+ carefully.
+ * vm_trace.c (rb_postponed_job_register_one): use additional space
+ to avoid buffer full.
+ * gc.c (gc_finalize_deferred_register): check failure.
+ * thread.c (rb_threadptr_execute_interrupts): check
+ `postponed_job_interrupt' immediately. There is a possibility
+ to miss this flag.
+Tue Oct 22 12:11:16 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * check if the given CFLAGS and LDFLAGS are working, and
+ bail out early if not.
+Tue Oct 22 00:06:57 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_exists_p): warn deprecated name. [Bug #9041]
+Mon Oct 21 23:57:53 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (load_encoding): should preserve outer errinfo, so that
+ expected exception may not be lost. [ruby-core:57949] [Bug #9038]
+Sun Oct 20 15:41:22 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_reopen): create a new, temporary FD via rb_sysopen and
+ call rb_cloexec_dup2 on it to atomically replace the file fptr->fd
+ points to. This leaves no possible window where fptr->fd is invalid
+ to userspace (even for any threads running w/o GVL). based on the
+ patch by Eric Wong <> at [ruby-core:57943].
+ [Bug #9036]
+Sun Oct 20 15:29:05 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (rb_syserr_fail_path_in): new function split from
+ rb_sys_fail_path_in to raise SystemCallError without errno.
+ * internal.h (rb_syserr_fail_path): like rb_sys_fail_path but without
+ errno.
+Sun Oct 20 13:58:47 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_obj_wb_unprotect, rb_obj_written),
+ (rb_obj_write): suppress unused-parameter warnings.
+Sun Oct 20 10:32:48 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update RubyGems to master 0886307. This commit
+ improves documentation and should bring ruby above 75% documented on
+ rubyci.
+Sun Oct 20 09:30:56 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems master 3de7e0f. Changes:
+ Only attempt to build extensions for newly-installed gems. This
+ prevents compilation attempts at gem activation time for gems that
+ already have extensions built.
+ Fix crash in the dependency resolver for dependencies that cannot be
+ resolved.
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Sun Oct 20 05:24:29 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c (rb_class2name): should return real class name, not
+ singleton class or iclass.
+Sun Oct 20 04:18:48 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * variable.c (rb_class2name): call rb_tmp_class_path() directly to
+ avoid extra rb_str_dup() from rb_class_name().
+Sat Oct 19 19:59:02 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/file.c (code_page): use simple array instead of st_table.
+ * encoding.c (rb_locale_encindex): defer initialization of win32 code
+ page table until encoding db loaded.
+Sat Oct 19 08:25:05 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: fix rb_objspace_t.
+ * make "struct heap" and move most of variables
+ in rb_objspace_t::heap.
+ * rename rb_objspace_t::heap::sorted to
+ rb_objspace_t::heap_sorted_pages
+ and make a macro heap_sorted_pages.
+ * rename rb_objspace_t::heap::range to
+ rb_objspace_t::heap_range and rename macros
+ lomem/himem to heap_lomem/heap_himem.
+Sat Oct 19 07:14:40 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems master 42543b6. Changes:
+ Fix `gem update` for gems with multiple platforms.
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Sat Oct 19 06:55:52 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems master 0a3814b. Changes:
+ Fixed extension directory in Gem::Specification#require_paths.
+ Allow installation of gems when $HOME is nonexistent or unwritable.
+ Use proper API in InstallCommand.
+ Improve support for path option in gem dependency files.
+ Remove warnings.
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Fri Oct 18 15:23:34 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: change terminology of heap.
+ Change "slot" to "page". "Slot" is a space of RVALUE.
+ 1. "Heap" consists of a set of "heap_page"s (pages).
+ 2. Each "heap_page" has "heap_page_body".
+ 3. "heap_page_body" has RVALUE (a.k.a. "slot") spaces.
+ 4. "sorted" is a sorted array of "heap_page"s, sorted
+ by address of heap_page_body (for "is_pointer_to_heap").
+ See
+Fri Oct 18 09:40:43 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems master cee6788. Changes:
+ Fix test failure on vc10-x64 Server on due to attempting
+ to File.chmod where it is not supported.
+ Continuing work on improved gem dependencies file (Gemfile) support.
+ * test: ditto.
+Fri Oct 18 06:02:49 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems master f738c67. Changes:
+ Fixed test bug for ruby with ENABLE_SHARED = no
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Fri Oct 18 00:57:07 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/tsort.rb (TSort.tsort): Extracted from TSort#tsort.
+ (TSort.tsort_each): Extracted from TSort#tsort_each.
+ (TSort.strongly_connected_components): Extracted from
+ TSort#strongly_connected_components.
+ (TSort.each_strongly_connected_component): Extracted from
+ TSort#each_strongly_connected_component.
+Thu Oct 17 18:50:08 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ This macro enable checker compare with allocated memory and
+ declared old_size of sized_xfree and sized_xrealloc.
+Thu Oct 17 18:45:41 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * string.c (STR_HEAP_SIZE): includes TERM_LEN(str).
+ * string.c (rb_str_memsize): use STR_HEAP_SIZE().
+Thu Oct 17 17:43:00 2013 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method): set ci->me to 0 when the
+ original method of a refined method is undef to avoid SEGV.
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_entry_without_refinements): return 0 when
+ the original method of a refined method is undef to avoid SEGV.
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb: related test.
+Thu Oct 17 17:38:36 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c, internal.h: rename ruby_xsizefree/realloc to
+ rb_sized_free/realloc.
+ * array.c: catch up these changes.
+ * string.c: ditto.
+Thu Oct 17 17:32:51 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * array.c, string.c: use ruby_xsizedfree() and ruby_xsizedrealloc().
+ * internal.h (SIZED_REALLOC_N): define a macro as REALLOC_N().
+Thu Oct 17 17:11:17 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (console_emulator_p): check by comparison between
+ module handle of WriteConsoleW and kernel32.dll.
+ *, win32/Makefile.sub, win32/setup.mak: no longer need
+ psapi.lib.
+Thu Oct 17 16:53:30 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c, internal.h: add new internal memory management functions.
+ * void *ruby_xsizedrealloc(void *ptr, size_t new_size, size_t old_size)
+ * void ruby_xsizedfree(void *x, size_t size)
+ These functions accept additional size parameter to calculate more
+ accurate malloc_increase parameter which control GC timing.
+ [Feature #8985]
+Thu Oct 17 14:21:34 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/file.c (rb_file_expand_path_internal): fix memory leaks at
+ a non-absolute home exception.
+Thu Oct 17 14:06:39 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/objspace/object_tracing.c (newobj_i): fix memory leak.
+ There is possibility to remain info due to missing FREEOBJ event.
+ FREEOBJ events are skipped while suppress_tracing state, for example,
+ during trace events are invoking.
+Thu Oct 17 12:30:16 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/tsort.rb (TSort.each_strongly_connected_component_from):
+ Extracted from TSort#each_strongly_connected_component_from.
+Thu Oct 17 11:07:06 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems master 941c21a. Changes:
+ Restored method bundler wants to remove for compatibility.
+ Improvements to Gemfile compatibility.
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Thu Oct 17 08:08:11 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/objspace/object_tracing.c (newobj_i): add workaround.
+ some bugs hits this check.
+ * ext/objspace/object_tracing.c (object_allocations_reporter_i): cast as pointer.
+Thu Oct 17 07:36:53 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems master 2abce58. Changes:
+ Fixed documentation generation when sdoc and json are installed as
+ gems.
+ Added some missing documentation.
+Thu Oct 17 07:10:26 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c: [DOC] Cleaned up formatting consistency of rdoc
+ comments for Curses, including period spacing and column width.
+ This patch also fixed some typos. Thanks to @postmodern for the patch!
+ [Fixes GH-420]
+Thu Oct 17 06:58:42 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: [DOC] plural grammar fixed by @scott113341
+ Contributed via documenting-ruby/ruby#16
+Thu Oct 17 05:52:31 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/io/nonblock/nonblock.c: [DOC] Document io/nonblock by reprah
+ [Fixes GH-418] based on the
+ original discussion from documenting-ruby/ruby#18
+Thu Oct 17 05:40:33 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (objspace_each_objects): do not skip empty RVALUEs.
+Thu Oct 17 05:31:31 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * error.c (rb_bug_reporter_add): return simply 0 if failed.
+ Please check return value.
+Thu Oct 17 05:17:33 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/objspace/object_tracing.c: add new method
+ ObjectSpace.trace_object_allocations_debug_start for GC debugging.
+ If you encounter the BUG "... is T_NONE" (and so on) on your
+ application, please try this method at the beginning of your app.
+Wed Oct 16 22:35:27 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/io/nonblock/nonblock.c: use rb_cIO instead of VALUE
+Wed Oct 16 17:45:13 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb: check nil before calling `signal?'
+ for a process status.
+Wed Oct 16 17:37:17 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * error.c, internal.h (rb_bug_reporter_add): add a new C-API.
+ rb_bug_reporter_add() allows to register a function which
+ is called at rb_bug() called.
+ * ext/-test-/bug_reporter/bug_reporter.c: add a test for this C-API.
+ * ext/-test-/bug_reporter/extconf.rb: ditto.
+ * test/-ext-/bug_reporter/test_bug_reporter.rb: ditto.
+Wed Oct 16 15:14:21 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * NEWS: add a line into NEWS for last commit.
+Wed Oct 16 15:09:14 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c: add a new method `reachable_objects_from_root'.
+ ObjectSpace.reachable_objects_from_root returns all objects referred
+ from root (called "root objects").
+ This feature is for deep object analysis.
+ * test/objspace/test_objspace.rb: add a test.
+Wed Oct 16 15:00:21 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems master b955554. Changes:
+ Fixed NameError for Gem::Ext due to re-entering file lookup in
+ RubyGems' overridden require. Bug by Koichi Sasada.
+ Fixed possible circular require warning in tests.
+ Used existing constant for `gem install -g` dependency file list.
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Wed Oct 16 09:42:42 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems master 278d00d. Changes:
+ Fixes building extensions without a "clean" make rule
+ Adds gem dependency file autodetection to "gem install -g"
+ * test/rubygems: Tests for the above.
+Wed Oct 16 09:12:23 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems master commit 2a74263. This fixes
+ several bugs in RubyGems 2.2.0.preview.1.
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Wed Oct 16 07:25:02 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_roots): rename roots to be categories
+ instead of function names.
+Tue Oct 15 19:18:13 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.h (rb_objspace_reachable_objects_from_root): added.
+ This API provides information which objects are root objects.
+ `category' shows what kind of root objects.
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_roots): separate from gc_marks_body().
+Tue Oct 15 17:47:59 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c: Fix a typo. MacOS X doesn't have ENOTSUPP.
+Mon Oct 14 12:32:52 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (process_options): load statically linked extensions before
+ rubygems, because of ext/thread.
+ * ruby.c (process_options): use gem_prelude instead of requiring
+ rubygems directly when --enable=gems is given.
+ * (DEFAULT_PRELUDES): always use gem_prelude regardless of
+ --disable-rubygems.
+Mon Oct 14 11:07:51 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (have_framework): should append framework options to
+ $LIBS, not $LDFLAGS. The former is propagated to when
+ enable-static-linked-ext.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): ranlib on static library, not DLLIB.
+Sun Oct 13 23:53:40 2013 Andrew Grimm <>
+ * vsnprintf.c: Fix spelling from compliment to complement.
+ Patch by @agrimm.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: ditto
+Sun Oct 13 20:59:27 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm.c (Init_BareVM): initialize defined_module_hash here,
+ Init_top_self() is too late to register core classes/modules.
+ * compile.c (compile_array_): no hash to merge if it is empty.
+ * vm.c (m_core_hash_merge_kwd): just check keys if only one argument
+ is given, without merging.
+Sat Oct 12 06:35:01 2013-10-11 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rake: Update to rake 10.1.0
+ * bin/rake: ditto.
+ * test/rake: ditto.
+ * NEWS: Update NEWS to include rake 10.1.0 and links to release notes.
+Sat Oct 12 03:26:04 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * class.c, variable.c, gc.c (rb_class_tbl): removed.
+ * vm.c, vm_core.h (rb_vm_add_root_module): added to register as a
+ defined root module or class.
+ This guard helps mark miss from defined classes/modules they are
+ only referred from C's global variables in C-exts.
+ Basically, it is extension's bug.
+ Register to hash object VM has.
+ Marking a hash objects allows generational GC supports.
+ * gc.c (RGENGC_PRINT_TICK): disable (revert).
+Sat Oct 12 03:24:49 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_gc_mark_unlinked_live_method_entries):
+ revert last commit to introduce debug prints.
+Fri Oct 11 21:05:19 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * internal.h, parse.y: use `full_mark' instead of `full_marking'.
+Fri Oct 11 20:58:16 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: use terminology `full_mark' instead of `minor_gc'
+ in mark functions.
+Fri Oct 11 20:46:09 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: use __GNUC__ instead of __GCC__.
+Fri Oct 11 20:35:59 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c, parse.y: support generational Symbol related marking.
+ Each symbols has String objects respectively to represent
+ Symbols.
+ These objects are marked only when:
+ * full marking
+ * new symbols are added
+ This hack reduce symbols (related strings) marking time.
+ For example, on my Linux environment, the following code
+ "20_000_000.times{''}"
+ with 40k symbols (similar symbol number on Rails 3.2.14 app,
+ @jugyo tells me) boosts, from 7.3sec to 4.2sec.
+ * internal.h: change prototype of rb_gc_mark_symbols().
+Fri Oct 11 19:27:22 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * misc/ruby-electric.el: Import ruby-electric.el 2.0.1 which fixes
+ a bug and a flaw with auto-end introduced in the revamp.
+ * ruby-forward-sexp is inappropriate here because it moves the
+ cursor past the keyword.
+ * Fix a reversed looking-back check in
+ ruby-electric--block-beg-keyword-at-point-p.
+ * Do not add end again if space or return is hit repeatedly
+ after a block beginning keyword.
+Fri Oct 11 18:12:47 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/objspace/gc_hook.c: prohibit reentrant.
+Fri Oct 11 18:11:34 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_trace.c (rb_postponed_job_flush): fix bit operation.
+Fri Oct 11 17:33:24 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * misc/ruby-electric.el: Import ruby-electric.el 2.0 from
+ which integrates changes
+ from another fork by @qoobaa.
+ * Allow ruby-electric-mode to be disabled by introducing a
+ dedicated key map. Electric key bindings are now defined in
+ ruby-electric-mode-map instead of overwriting ruby-mode-map.
+ * Add ruby-electric-mode-hook.
+ * Use a remap in binding ruby-electric-delete-backward-char.
+ * Totally revamp electric keywords and then introduce electric
+ return. Modifier keywords are now properly detected making
+ use of ruby-mode's indentation level calculator, and
+ * block-mid keywords (then, else, elsif, when, rescue and
+ ensure) also become electric with automatic reindentation.
+ * Add standardized comments for ELPA integration.
+ * Fix interaction with smartparens-mode by disabling its end
+ keyword completion, since ruby-electric has become more clever
+ at it.
+ * The custom variable `ruby-electric-keywords` is changed to
+ `ruby-electric-keywords-alist`, allowing user to fine-grained
+ configuration.
+Fri Oct 11 16:53:28 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_trace.c (rb_postponed_job_flush): simplify.
+Fri Oct 11 03:36:49 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_threadptr_execute_interrupts): flush postponed job only
+ once at last.
+ * vm_trace.c (rb_postponed_job_flush): defer calling postponed jobs
+ registered while flushing to get rid of infinite reentrance of
+ ObjectSpace.after_gc_start_hook. [ruby-dev:47400] [Bug #8492]
+Thu Oct 10 23:04:00 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_or): remove unused variables.
+Thu Oct 10 23:01:16 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_or): use rb_hash_keys().
+Thu Oct 10 21:36:16 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_compact_bang): use ary_resize_smaller().
+Thu Oct 10 17:25:28 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (vm_exec): support :b_return event for "lambda{return}.call".
+ [Bug #8622]
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: add a test.
+Thu Oct 10 13:52:37 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_trace.c (postponed_job): use preallocated buffer.
+ Pre-allocate MAX_POSTPONED_JOB (1024) sized buffer
+ and use it.
+ If rb_postponed_job_register() cause overflow, simply it
+ fails and returns 0.
+ And maybe rb_postponed_job_register() is signal safe.
+ * vm_core.h: change data structure.
+Thu Oct 10 11:11:33 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm.c (Init_VM): hide also the singleton class of frozen-core, not
+ only frozen-core itself.
+Thu Oct 10 06:02:08 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_rand.rb: fix r43224. local variable `e' is
+ no longer available.
+Thu Oct 10 00:02:35 2013 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_aref): avoid a possible undefined behavior.
+ 1L << 63 on 64-bit platform is undefined, at least, according to
+ ISO/IEC 9899 (C99) 6.5.7.
+Wed Oct 9 23:57:02 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (id_for_attr): avoid inadvertent symbol creation.
+Wed Oct 9 18:03:01 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_attr): preserve encoding of the attribute ID in
+ error message.
+Wed Oct 9 17:40:16 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_fstring): because of lazy sweep, str may be unmarked
+ already and swept at next time, so mark it for the time being.
+ [ruby-core:57756]
+Wed Oct 9 13:53:14 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compar.c (cmp_eq): fail if recursion. [ruby-core:57736] [Bug #9003]
+ * thread.c (rb_exec_recursive_paired_outer): new function which is
+ combination of paired and outer variants.
+Wed Oct 9 09:18:14 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/debug.h,
+ vm_backtrace.c (rb_profile_frame_full_label): add new C API
+ rb_profile_frame_full_label() which returns label with
+ qualified method name.
+ Note that in future version of Ruby label() may return
+ same return value of full_label().
+ * ext/-test-/debug/profile_frames.c,
+ test/-ext-/debug/test_profile_frames.rb: fix a test for this change.
+Wed Oct 9 00:55:51 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * load.c (load_lock): display backtrace to $stderr at circular
+ require.
+ * vm_backtrace.c (rb_backtrace_print_to): new function to print
+ backtrace to the given output.
+Tue Oct 8 21:03:35 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_backtrace.c, include/ruby/debug.h: add new APIs
+ * VALUE rb_profile_frame_method_name(VALUE frame)
+ * VALUE rb_profile_frame_qualified_method_name(VALUE frame)
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_klass), internal.h: add new internal function
+ rb_iseq_method_name().
+ * ext/-test-/debug/profile_frames.c (profile_frames),
+ test/-ext-/debug/test_profile_frames.rb: add a test.
+Tue Oct 8 16:11:11 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_uniq): use rb_hash_values(), as well as the case no
+ block is given.
+ * internal.h: define rb_hash_values() as internal API.
+Tue Oct 8 13:53:21 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_uniq): use rb_hash_keys().
+ * internal.h: define rb_hash_keys() as internal API.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_keys): ditto.
+Tue Oct 8 10:56:39 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * cont.c: disable FIBER_USE_NATIVE on GNU/Hurd because it doesn't
+ support a combination getcontext() and threads. Patch by
+ Gabriele Giacone ( [Bug #8990][ruby-core:57685]
+Tue Oct 8 05:58:12 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/time.rb (Time.strptime): Time.strptime('0', '%s') returns local
+ time Time object as Ruby 2.0 and before.
+Tue Oct 8 05:40:37 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * .travis.yml: Rebuild Travis CI's "ruby-head" version on successful
+ build. Patch by Konstantin Haase. [Fixes GH-417]
+Tue Oct 8 04:28:25 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el: Use preceding-char/following-char
+ (returning 0 at BOF/EOF) instead of char-before/char-after
+ (returning nil at BOF/EOF) to avoid error from char-syntax when
+ at BOF/EOF.
+Tue Oct 8 04:12:45 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * misc/ruby-additional.el (ruby-mode-set-encoding): Add a missing
+ else clause to unbreak with `cp932`, etc.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-mode-set-encoding): Ditto.
+Tue Oct 8 03:57:34 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * misc/ruby-additional.el (ruby-mode-set-encoding): Use
+ `default-buffer-file-coding-system` if the :prefer-utf-8
+ property is not available.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-mode-set-encoding): Ditto.
+ * misc/ruby-additional.el (ruby-encoding-map): Override the
+ default value.
+Tue Oct 8 03:19:19 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * misc/ruby-additional.el (ruby-mode-set-encoding): Add support
+ for `prefer-utf-8` which was introduced in Emacs trunk.
+ * misc/ruby-additional.el (ruby-encoding-map): Add a mapping from
+ `japanese-cp932` to `cp932` to fix the problem where saving a
+ source file written in Shift_JIS twice would end up having
+ `coding: japanese-cp932` which Ruby could not recognize.
+ * misc/ruby-additional.el (ruby-mode-set-encoding): Add support
+ for encodings mapped to nil in `ruby-encoding-map`.
+ * misc/ruby-additional.el (ruby-encoding-map): Map `us-ascii` and
+ `utf-8` to nil by default, meaning they need not be explicitly
+ declared in magic comment.
+ * misc/ruby-additional.el (ruby-encoding-map): Add type
+ declaration for better customize UI.
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el: Ditto for the above.
+Tue Oct 8 00:14:53 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * misc/ruby-additional.el: Add a standard header and footer,
+ including (provide 'ruby-additional).
+Mon Oct 7 22:52:45 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * misc/ruby-electric.el (ruby-electric-space-can-be-expanded-p):
+ Return nil to avoid "end" insertion when in smartparens-mode
+ that is configured to insert "end" for the same keyword.
+ * misc/ruby-electric.el (ruby-electric-keywords): New custom
+ variable to replace `ruby-electric-simple-keywords-re` with.
+Mon Oct 7 22:52:16 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * misc/ruby-additional.el: Use preceding-char/following-char
+ (returning 0 at BOF/EOF) instead of char-before/char-after
+ (returning nil at BOF/EOF) to avoid error from char-syntax when
+ at BOF/EOF.
+Mon Oct 7 22:45:20 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * cont.c (FIBER_USE_NATIVE): split long conditions.
+Mon Oct 7 20:29:31 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/time.rb: [DOC] typo in Time.rb overview by @srt32 [Fixes GH-416]
+Mon Oct 7 20:07:20 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/time.rb (Time.strptime): Use :offset.
+ Patch by Felipe Contreras. [ruby-core:57694]
+Mon Oct 7 16:47:27 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/-ext-/debug/test_profile_frames.rb: rename class C to
+ something long name because one test depends on absence of
+ class ::C.
+Mon Oct 7 16:33:10 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/-test-/debug/profile_frames.c:
+ test/-ext-/debug/test_profile_frames.rb: add a test for new C-APIs.
+Mon Oct 7 16:12:36 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/debug.h: add backtrace collecting APIs for profiler.
+ * int rb_profile_frames(int start, int limit, VALUE *buff, int *lines);
+ Collect information of frame information.
+ * VALUE rb_profile_frame_path(VALUE frame);
+ * VALUE rb_profile_frame_absolute_path(VALUE frame);
+ * VALUE rb_profile_frame_label(VALUE frame);
+ * VALUE rb_profile_frame_base_label(VALUE frame);
+ * VALUE rb_profile_frame_first_lineno(VALUE frame);
+ * VALUE rb_profile_frame_classpath(VALUE frame);
+ * VALUE rb_profile_frame_singleton_method_p(VALUE frame);
+ Get information about each frame.
+ These APIs are designed for profilers, for example, no object allocation,
+ and enough information for profilers.
+ In this version, this API collects only Ruby level frames.
+ This issue will be fixed after Ruby 2.1.
+ * vm_backtrace.c: implement above APIs.
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_klass): return local_iseq's class.
+Mon Oct 7 14:26:01 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * proc.c: catch up last commit.
+ Type of return value of rb_iseq_first_lineno() is now VALUE.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (argument_error): ditto.
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_entry_make): ditto.
+Mon Oct 7 14:07:45 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c, internal.h: change to public (but internal) functions
+ * VALUE rb_iseq_path(VALUE iseqval);
+ * VALUE rb_iseq_absolute_path(VALUE iseqval);
+ * VALUE rb_iseq_label(VALUE iseqval);
+ * VALUE rb_iseq_base_label(VALUE iseqval);
+ * VALUE rb_iseq_first_lineno(VALUE iseqval);
+ And new (temporary) function:
+ * VALUE rb_iseq_klass(VALUE iseqval);
+ * iseq.c. vm_core.h (int rb_iseq_first_lineno): remove
+ function `int rb_iseq_first_lineno(const rb_iseq_t *iseq)'.
+ Use `VALUE rb_iseq_first_lineno(VALUE iseqval)' instead.
+ * proc.c. vm_insnhelper.c, vm_method.c: catch up this change.
+Sun Oct 6 08:37:39 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/webrick.rb: [DOC] fix grammar in WEBrick overview [Fixes GH-413]
+ Based on patch by @chastell
+Sat Oct 5 11:21:01 2013 Aaron Pfeifer <>
+ * thread.c (terminate_atfork_i): fix locking mutexes not unlocked in
+ forks when not tracked in thread. [ruby-core:55102] [Bug #8433]
+Fri Oct 4 19:54:09 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c: [DOC] Fix wrong constant name in DBM by @edward
+ [Fixes GH-409]
+Fri Oct 4 19:49:42 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * gc.c: rename heap.free_num as heap.swept_num to clarify meaning and
+ avoid confusion with objspace_free_num().
+Fri Oct 4 19:02:01 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * gc.c (objspace_free_num): new method for available/free slots on
+ heap. [ruby-core:57633] [Bug #8983]
+ * gc.c (gc_stat): change heap_free_num definition to use new method.
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb: test for above.
+Fri Oct 4 18:53:42 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * gc.c: add rb_objspace.limit to keep accurate count of total heap
+ slots [ruby-core:57633] [Bug #8983]
+Fri Oct 4 09:32:33 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/csv.rb (CSV.foreach): support enumerator. based on a patch by
+ Hanmac (Hans Mackowiak) at [ruby-core:57643]. [ruby-core:57283]
+ [Feature #8929]
+Thu Oct 3 18:20:47 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (console_emulator_p, constat_handle): disable built-in
+ console colorizing when console-emulator-like DLL is injected.
+ [Feature #8201]
+Thu Oct 3 18:01:44 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: define gc_profile_record::allocated_size if
+Thu Oct 3 13:42:51 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (yes-test-sample): use RUNRUBY instead of MINIRUBY to set
+ runtime library path and run the built ruby. [Bug #8971]
+Thu Oct 3 00:17:15 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * misc/ruby-additional.el: Properly quote the body. An unquoted
+ body given to eval-after-load is evaluated immediately!
+Wed Oct 2 21:38:30 2013 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/socket/ifaddr.c (rsock_getifaddrs): fix possible memory leak.
+ When a system had no interface, this function used xmalloc for root
+ but did not return any reference to it. This patch fixes it by
+ immediately returning an empty array if no interface is found.
+ Coverity Scan found this bug.
+Wed Oct 2 21:37:04 2013 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * random.c (make_seed_value): a local array declaration was accessed
+ out of scope. Coverity Scan found this bug.
+Wed Oct 2 18:52:40 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: relax GC condition due to malloc_limit.
+ * gc.c (GC_MALLOC_LIMIT_MAX): change default value
+ (256MB -> 512MB) and permit zero to ignore max value.
+ * gc.c (vm_malloc_increase, vm_xrealloc): do not cause GC on realloc.
+ * gc.c (gc_before_sweep): change debug messages.
+Wed Oct 2 16:26:49 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_close_read): duplex IO should wait its child process
+ even after close_read.
+Wed Oct 2 15:39:13 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * vm_core.h: use __has_attribute() instead of __clang__major__ because
+ clang says "Note that marketing version numbers should not be used
+ to check for language features, as different vendors use different
+ numbering schemes. Instead, use the Feature Checking Macros."
+Wed Oct 2 14:19:57 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_close_write): detach tied IO for writing before closing
+ to get rid of race condition. [ruby-list:49598]
+ * io.c (rb_io_close_read): keep fptr in write_io to be discarded, to
+ fix freed pointer access when it is in use by other threads, and get
+ rid of potential memory/fd leak.
+Tue Oct 1 23:44:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * vm_core.h: use __attribute__((unused)) in UNINITIALIZED_VAR on clang
+ 4.0+ instead of just on 4.2. Clang has supported the unused attribute
+ since before version 4, so this should be safe.
+Tue Oct 1 22:03:48 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb (Tempfile#unlink): finalizer is no longer needed
+ after unlinking. patched by by normalperson (Eric Wong) at
+ [ruby-core:56521] [Bug #8768]
+Tue Oct 1 20:54:33 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (stat_new_0): constify.
+ * file.c (rb_stat_new): constify and export. based on a patch by
+ Hanmac (Hans Mackowiak) at [ruby-core:53225]. [Feature #8050]
+Tue Oct 1 16:03:42 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (ruby_safe_level_4_warning): needed by extension
+ libraries which check safe level 4. [ruby-dev:47517] [Bug #8652]
+Mon Sep 30 23:14:36 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c: [DOC] Cleaned up many rdoc formatting
+ issues and several duplicate grammar bugs.
+Mon Sep 30 23:01:01 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/objspace/object_tracing.c: [DOC] Adjust rdoc formatting and fix
+ small grammar typo
+Mon Sep 30 17:28:39 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/objspace/object_tracing.c: [DOC] add some notes for
+ ObjectSpace::trace_object_allocations.
+Mon Sep 30 16:46:58 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/objspace/object_tracing.c: add new 3 methods to control tracing.
+ * ObjectSpace::trace_object_allocations_start
+ * ObjectSpace::trace_object_allocations_stop
+ * ObjectSpace::trace_object_allocations_clear
+ And some refactoring.
+ * test/objspace/test_objspace.rb: add a test for new methods.
+ * NEWS: add a description for new methods.
+Mon Sep 30 11:18:04 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_disable): do rest_sweep() before disable GC.
+ This fix may solve a failure of
+ TestTracepointObj#test_tracks_objspace_events
+ [test/-ext-/tracepoint/test_tracepoint.rb:43].
+Mon Sep 30 10:40:20 2013 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_undef): raise a NameError if the original method
+ of a refined method is not defined.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (rb_method_entry_eq): added NULL check to avoid SEGV.
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb: related test.
+Sun Sep 29 23:45:42 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (rb_id_attrset, intern_str): allow junk attrset ID for
+ Struct.
+ * parse.y (rb_id_attrset): fix inconsistency with literals, allow
+ ID_ATTRSET and return it itself, but ID_JUNK cannot make ID_ATTRSET.
+ and raise a NameError instead of rb_bug() for invalid argument.
+Sun Sep 29 18:45:05 2013 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_callee_setup_arg_complex, vm_yield_setup_block_args):
+ clear keyword arguments to prevent GC bug which occurs
+ while marking VM stack.
+ [ruby-dev:47729] [Bug #8964]
+ * test/ruby/test_keyword.rb: tests for the above.
+Sat Sep 28 23:25:56 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * math.c (math_log, math_log2, math_log10): fix for Bignum argument.
+ numbits should be add only when right shifted.
+Sat Sep 28 14:30:29 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/dl/test_base.rb: {libc, libm} detection now handle GNU/Hurd
+ correctly. Patch by Gabriele Giacone (
+ [Bug #8937][ruby-core:57311]
+ * test/fiddle/helper.rb: ditto.
+Sat Sep 28 00:19:41 2013 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * ext/curses/extconf.rb: check the size of chtype.
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (NUM2CH, CH2NUM): use proper macros for
+ the size of chtype.
+ [ruby-core:56090] [Bug #8659]
+Fri Sep 27 18:33:23 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: add two GC tuning environment variables.
+ See r43067 for details.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_set_params): refactoring. And change verbose notation.
+ Mostly duplicated functions get_envparam_int/double is not cool.
+ Please rewrite it.
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb: fix a test for this change.
+Fri Sep 27 17:44:41 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (GC_MALLOC_LIMIT): 8,000,000 -> 8 * 1,024 * 1,024.
+Fri Sep 27 17:19:39 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_before_sweep): cast to size_t to suppress warnings.
+Fri Sep 27 17:07:55 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: add some fine-grained profiling codes to tuning marking phase.
+ If you enable RGENGC_PRINT_TICK to 1, then profiling results by RDTSC
+ (on x86/amd64 environment) are printed at last.
+ Thanks Yoshii-san.
+Fri Sep 27 16:32:27 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: simplify threshold of GC caused by malloc_increase.
+ Now, malloc_limit is increased/decreased by mysterious logic.
+ This fix simplify malloc_limit increase/decrease logic such as:
+ if (malloc_increase > malloc_limit) /* so many malloc */
+ malloc_limit += malloc_limit * (GC_MALLOC_LIMIT_FACTOR-1);
+ else
+ malloc_limit -= malloc_limit * (GC_MALLOC_LIMIT_FACTOR-1)/4;
+ Default value of GC_MALLOC_LIMIT_FACTOR is 1.8.
+ malloc_limit is bounded by GC_MALLOC_LIMIT_MAX (256MB by default).
+ This logic runs at gc_before_sweep(). So there are no effect from
+ caused by lazy sweep. And we can remove malloc_increase2.
+ Check them by `#ifndef' so you can specify these values outside gc.c.
+ * gc.c (ruby_gc_params_t): add initial_malloc_limit_factor and
+ initial_malloc_limit_max.
+ * gc.c (vm_malloc_prepare, vm_xrealloc): use vm_malloc_increase to
+ add and check malloc_increase.
+Fri Sep 27 01:05:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * re.c: [DOC] arguments of Regexp::union receive #to_regexp [Bug #8205]
+Fri Sep 27 00:39:27 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * struct.c: [DOC] grammar of ArgumentError in [Bug #8936]
+ Patch by Prathamesh Sonpatki
+Thu Sep 26 22:11:56 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c: [DOC] several fixes by @chastell
+ This includes fixing the capitalization of Infinity, return value of
+ example "'NaN') == 0.0", and code style in example.
+ [Fixes GH-398]
+Thu Sep 26 22:08:11 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/observer.rb: [DOC] syntax improvement in example by @chastell
+ [Fixes GH-400]
+Thu Sep 26 22:03:15 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/digest/digest.c: [DOC] typo in overview by @chastell
+ [Fixes GH-399]
+Thu Sep 26 22:00:42 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c: [DOC] typo in example by @zoranzaric
+ [Fixes GH-401]
+Thu Sep 26 21:07:49 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * misc/ruby-electric.el (ruby-electric-delete-backward-char): Add
+ support for smartparens-mode.
+ * misc/ruby-electric.el (ruby-electric-cua-replace-region-maybe)
+ (ruby-electric-cua-delete-region-maybe): New functions that
+ combine `ruby-electric-cua-*-region` with
+ `ruby-electric-cua-*-region-p`, using a slightly better way to
+ detect if it is in cua-mode.
+Thu Sep 26 16:51:00 2013 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * insns.def (opt_regexpmatch2): Check String#=~ hasn't overridden
+ before calling rb_reg_match().
+ * test/ruby/test_string.rb: Test for above.
+ * vm.c (vm_init_redefined_flag): Add BOP flag for String#=~
+ [ruby-core:57385] [Bug #8953]
+Thu Sep 26 16:43:42 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * misc/ruby-electric.el: Avoid use of the interactive function
+ `self-insert-command` which fires `post-self-insert-hook` and
+ `post-command-hook`, to make the ruby-electric commands work
+ nicely with those minor modes that make use of them to do
+ similar input assistance, such as electric-pair-mode,
+ autopair-mode and smartparens-mode.
+Thu Sep 26 16:24:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * insns.def (opt_regexpmatch1): check Regexp#=~ is not defined before
+ calling rb_reg_match()
+ * test/ruby/test_regexp.rb: add test
+ * vm.c (ruby_vm_redefined_flag): change type to short[]
+ * vm.c (vm_redefinition_check_flag): return REGEXP_REDEFINED_OP_FLAG if
+ klass == rb_cRegexp
+ * vm.c (vm_init_redefined_flag): setup BOP flag for Regexp#=~
+ * vm_insnhelper.h: add REGEXP_REDEFINED_OP_FLAG
+ [ruby-core:57385] [Bug #8953]
+Thu Sep 26 14:46:49 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (mark_locations_array): disable AddressSanitizer. based on a
+ patch by halfie (Ruby Guy) at [ruby-core:57372].
+ [ruby-core:56155] [Bug #8680]
+Wed Sep 25 17:41:29 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * README.EXT, README.EXT.ja: remove description of RARRAY_PTR()
+ and add a caution of accessing internal data structure directly.
+ Also add a description of rb_ary_store().
+ [Bug #8399]
+Wed Sep 25 17:12:08 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: rename RARRAY_RAWPTR() to RARRAY_CONST_PTR().
+ RARRAY_RAWPTR(ary) returns (const VALUE *) type pointer and
+ usecase of this macro is not acquire raw pointer, but acquire
+ read-only pointer. So we rename to better name.
+ RSTRUCT_RAWPTR() is also renamed to RSTRUCT_CONST_PTR()
+ (I expect that nobody use it).
+ * array.c, compile.c, cont.c, enumerator.c, gc.c, proc.c, random.c,
+ string.c, struct.c, thread.c, vm_eval.c, vm_insnhelper.c:
+ catch up this change.
+Wed Sep 25 16:58:33 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * internal.h (rb_float_value, rb_float_new): move inline functions
+ from ruby/ruby.h.
+ * numeric.c (rb_float_value, rb_float_new): define external functions
+ for extension libraries.
+Wed Sep 25 15:37:02 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_generator_darkfish.rb: add a guard for windows.
+Wed Sep 25 09:53:11 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Fix CVE-2013-4363. Miscellaneous minor improvements.
+ * test/rubygems: Tests for the above.
+Tue Sep 24 17:38:56 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_inspect): get rid of out-of-bound access.
+ * string.c (rb_str_inspect): when a UTF-16/32 string doesn't have a
+ BOM, inspect as a dummy encoding string.
+Tue Sep 24 17:15:10 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/encdb.c (ENC_DUMMY_UNICODE): make BOM-encodings dummy.
+ * encoding.c (enc_autoload): keep dummy encodings dummy.
+Tue Sep 24 16:41:15 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/win32/lib/win32/registry.rb (Win32::Registry#write): data size
+ is in bytes, not chars. terminators should be placed automatically.
+Tue Sep 24 16:39:36 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/win32/lib/win32/registry.rb (Win32::Registry#each_value): encode
+ name.
+ * ext/win32/lib/win32/registry.rb (Win32::Registry#each_key): ditto.
+ * ext/win32/lib/win32/registry.rb (Win32::Registry#export_string):
+ encode to locale encoding if default internal is not set.
+Tue Sep 24 16:35:09 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/win32/lib/win32/registry.rb (Win32::Registry::API#EnumKey):
+ size of the name is in WCHARs, not in bytes.
+Tue Sep 24 14:07:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * gc.c (free_method_cache_entry_i): unused function
+ * gc.c (rb_free_mc_table): ditto
+ * internal.h (method_cache_entry_t): unused struct
+ * vm_method.c (verify_method_cache): remove unused variable
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_entry): ditto
+Tue Sep 24 14:01:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * class.c (class_alloc): remove mc_tbl
+ * gc.c (obj_free): ditto
+ * internal.h (struct rb_classext_struct): ditto
+ * method.h (rb_method_entry): remove ent param
+ * vm_method.c: restore the global method cache. Per class cache tables
+ turned out to be far too slow.
+ [ruby-core:57289] [Bug #8930]
+Tue Sep 24 12:51:07 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/win32/lib/win32/registry.rb (Win32::Registry::API): need
+ Constants.
+ * ext/win32/lib/win32/registry.rb (Win32::Registry::API#EnumValue):
+ size of the name is in WCHARs, not in bytes.
+Mon Sep 23 22:16:09 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/encdb.c, enc/utf_16_32.h (ENC_DUMMY_UNICODE): Unicode with BOM
+ must be based on big endian variants, so that actual encodings would
+ work. [ruby-core:57318] [Bug #8940]
+Mon Sep 23 12:11:26 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * hash.c (env_each_pair): do not call rb_assoc_new() if
+ it isn't needed.
+Mon Sep 23 10:42:30 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb (TestModule#test_include_toplevel): test
+ for top level main.include. based on a part of the patch by
+ kyrylo at [GH-395].
+Mon Sep 23 05:07:49 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_ary_cat): move from internal.h, since it
+ is described in README.EXT.
+Sun Sep 22 20:55:20 2013 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_make_proc_with_iseq): fix bug message.
+ This is follow up to changes in r42637.
+Sun Sep 22 20:35:38 2013 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * ext/-test-/tracepoint/tracepoint.c (Init_tracepoint): prevent from GC.
+Sun Sep 22 19:00:28 2013 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * benchmark/bm_app_answer.rb: revert r42990, benchmark scripts should
+ be self-contained and avoid dependencies, especially such small one.
+ See
+Sat Sep 21 20:11:06 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (rb_fork_internal): remove cloexec setting on pipes
+ created by rb_cloexec_pipe. patch by normalperson (Eric Wong) at
+ [ruby-core:56523]. [Bug #8769]
+Sat Sep 21 01:04:25 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/benchmark.rb: [DOC] grammar of Benchmark#bm [Bug #8888]
+ Patch by Prathamesh Sonpatki
+Sat Sep 21 00:50:02 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * enumerator.c: [DOC] Enumerator#each arguments documentation [GH-388]
+ Patch by @kachick
+Sat Sep 21 00:49:16 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * enum.c: [DOC] Enumerable#to_a accepts arguments [GH-388]
+ Patch by @kachick
+Sat Sep 21 00:47:44 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_conv_enc_opts): make sure to scan coderange to get
+ rid of unnecessary conversion.
+Sat Sep 21 00:21:08 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.rb: [DOC] Document OpenSSL::SSLServer
+ Based on a patch by Rafal Lisowski [Bug #8758]
+Fri Sep 20 23:54:03 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/gserver.rb: [DOC] correct gserver.rb license [Bug #8913]
+Fri Sep 20 23:48:34 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/psych/yaml/yaml.h: [DOC] merge upstream typo fix by @GreenGeorge
+Fri Sep 20 23:37:40 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/securerandom.rb: [DOC] SecureRandom.hex length argument
+ [Fixes GH-394] Patch by @avdi
+Fri Sep 20 23:34:48 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * benchmark/bm_app_answer.rb: removed duplicate code [Fixes GH-393]
+ Patch by @gouravtiwari
+Fri Sep 20 23:24:08 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (btest, btest-ruby, test-knownbug): add $(RUN_OPTS) to
+ ruby to be run, so that tests are runnable before making exts.
+ * (test-sample): ditto, and use $(MINIRUBY) as rubytest.rb
+ does not need extension libraries.
+ * tool/rubytest.rb: pass $(RUN_OPTS) to testing ruby using --run-opt.
+Fri Sep 20 15:01:46 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (intern_str): sigil only names are junk, at least one
+ identifier character is needed. [ruby-dev:47723] [Bug #8928]
+ * parse.y (rb_enc_symname_type): fix out of bound access.
+Fri Sep 20 14:14:32 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/-test-/printf/printf.c (printf_test_call): Fix an end of buffer
+ argument.
+Thu Sep 19 16:59:02 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (lambda): adjust position to the beginning of the block.
+Thu Sep 19 16:25:06 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vsnprintf.c (BSD_vfprintf): initialize cp so that size is 0 in the
+ commented case. fix an accidental bug at r16716.
+Thu Sep 19 14:33:14 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * NEWS: add a news for r42974.
+Thu Sep 19 14:12:02 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: make Symbol objects frozen.
+ [Feature #8906]
+ I want to freeze this good day, too.
+ * test/ruby/test_eval.rb: catch up this change.
+ * test/ruby/test_symbol.rb: add a test to check frozen symbols.
+Thu Sep 19 09:11:33 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * NEWS: Update for RDoc 4.1.0.preview.1 and RubyGems 2.2.0.preview.1
+Thu Sep 19 08:59:41 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc/markdown/literals_1_9.rb: Fix trailing whitespace.
+ Previously kpeg (which generates this file) added trailing
+ whitespace, but this bug is now fixed.
+ * lib/rdoc/markdown.rb: ditto.
+Thu Sep 19 08:33:14 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc: Update to RDoc 4.1.0.preview.1
+ RDoc 4.1.0 contains a number of enhancements including a new default
+ style and accessibility support. You can see the changelog here:
+ * test/rdoc: ditto.
+Thu Sep 19 07:16:26 2013 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych.rb: updating Psych version
+ * ext/psych/psych.gemspec: ditto
+Thu Sep 19 06:39:40 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/dependency_resolver.rb: Switch the iterative resolver
+ algorithm from recursive to iterative to avoid possible
+ SystemStackError.
+Thu Sep 19 06:29:30 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems 2.2.0.preview.1
+ This brings several new features to RubyGems summarized here:
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Wed Sep 18 23:14:58 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_enumerate_lines): make String#each_line and
+ #lines not raise invalid byte sequence error when it is called
+ with an argument. The patch also causes performance improvement.
+ [ruby-dev:47549] [Bug #8698]
+ * test/ruby/test_m17n_comb.rb (test_str_each_line): remove
+ assertions which check that String#each_line and #lines will
+ raise an error if the receiver includes invalid byte sequence.
+Wed Sep 18 16:32:15 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (mnew_from_me): allocate structs after allocated wrapper
+ object successfully, to get rid of potential memory leak.
+Tue Sep 17 15:54:03 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/shell/command-processor.rb (Shell::CommandProcessor#find_system_command):
+ return executable file only, should ignore directories and
+ unexecutable files. [ruby-core:57235] [Bug #8918]
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb (Test::Unit::Assertions#assert_throw):
+ assertion for throw. MiniTest::Assertions#assert_throws discards
+ the caught value.
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb (Test::Unit::Assertions#assert_nothing_thrown):
+ returns the result of the given block.
+Tue Sep 17 12:55:58 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/regexp.rdoc: [DOC] Replace paragraphs in verbatim sections with
+ plain paragraphs to improve readability as ri and HTML.
+Mon Sep 16 07:32:35 2013 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c: removed meaningless lines.
+ * rational.c: ditto.
+Mon Sep 16 00:44:23 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: define MSG_FASTOPEN.
+ [ruby-core:57138] [Feature #8897]
+Sun Sep 15 13:31:23 2013 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * rational.c (nurat_div): reverted r28844, r28886 and r28887.
+ REASON: Nobuyoshi Nakada <>'s commits are buggy.
+ So Rational#/ may produce exact number with inexact number.
+ Moreover, without reducing.
+ A bug report by me [ruby-dev:44710] is also caused by this behavior.
+ Kenta Murata <> patched it up.
+ But he did not fix the origin.
+ Today, the bug is still alive in ruby 1.9.3 and 2.0.0.
+Sat Sep 14 06:08:10 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * dir.c (dir_s_glob): [DOC] Improve wording and layout.
+ * dir.c (file_s_fnmatch): ditto.
+ * dir.c (Init_Dir): [DOC] Document File::Constants::FNM_XXX
+ constants. (These won't show up in RDoc until a new RDoc is
+ imported.)
+Thu Sep 12 14:58:58 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (URI::Generic.find_proxy): return nil if
+ http_proxy environment variable is empty string.
+ [ruby-core:57140] [Bug #8898]
+Fri Sep 13 10:40:28 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems 2.1.3
+ Fixed installing platform gems
+ Restored concurrent requires
+ Fixed installing gems with extensions with --install-dir
+ Fixed `gem fetch -v` to install the latest version
+ Fixed installing gems with "./" in their files entries
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_package.rb: Tests for the above.
+ * NEWS: Updated for RubyGems 2.1.3
+Thu Sep 12 22:40:03 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_CHECK_SIGNEDNESS): macro to check signedness of a
+ type.
+ * (size_t): must be unsigned.
+ [ruby-core:57149] [Feature #8890]
+Thu Sep 12 22:37:08 2013 Anton Ovchinnikov <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c, ext/digest/md5/md5.c,
+ ext/json/fbuffer/fbuffer.h, ext/json/generator/generator.c:
+ Eliminate less-than-zero checks for unsigned variables.
+ According to section 4.1.5 of C89 standard, size_t is an unsigned
+ type. These checks were found with 'cppcheck' static analysis tool.
+ [ruby-core:57117] [Feature #8890]
+Thu Sep 12 21:35:46 2013 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * (libruby-static.a): change LDFLAGS order. LDFLAGS may
+ include library path that should be specified before LIBS.
+ [ruby-dev:47707] [Bug #8901]
+Thu Sep 12 20:07:29 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vsnprintf.c (MAXEXP, MAXFRACT): calculate depending on constants in
+ float.h.
+ * vsnprintf.c (BSD_vfprintf): limit length for cvt() to get rid of
+ buffer overflow. [ruby-core:57023] [Bug #8864]
+ * vsnprintf.c (exponent): make expbuf size more precise.
+Wed Sep 11 17:30:45 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUNRUBY): append -- only after runruby.rb, not
+ cross-compiling baseruby, so that $(RUN_OPT) can be command line
+ options. [ruby-dev:47703] [Bug #8893]
+Wed Sep 11 07:55:17 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (rb_mutex_unlock): Mutex#unlock no longer raise
+ an exception even if uses on trap. [Bug #8891]
+Tue Sep 10 14:37:01 2013 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * vm_backtrace.c (vm_backtrace_to_ary): Ignore the second argument if
+ it is nil. [Bug #8884] [ruby-core:57094]
+ * test/ruby/test_backtrace.rb (test_caller_with_nil_length):
+ Test for above.
+Tue Sep 10 12:39:17 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c (method_entry_i): should exclude refined methods from
+ instance method list. [ruby-core:57080] [Bug #8881]
+Tue Sep 10 12:05:04 2013 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * io.c (rb_f_printf): [DOC] add missing parenthesis in rdoc.
+Tue Sep 10 10:08:00 2013 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * NEWS: Update RubyGems note.
+Tue Sep 10 09:51:22 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems 2.1.0. Fixes CVE-2013-4287.
+ See
+ for CVE information.
+ See
+ for release notes.
+ * test/rubygems: Tests for the above.
+Mon Sep 9 21:31:45 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c: Remove spaces between SI prefix and unit to follow
+ SI brochure.
+ * time.c: Ditto.
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c: Ditto.
+Mon Sep 9 16:55:59 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_add_refined_method_entry): clear cache in the
+ refined class since refining a method entry is modifying the class.
+ [ruby-core:57079] [Bug #8880]
+Mon Sep 9 09:14:58 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb (Gem::Specification#initialize): default date to
+ RUBY_RELEASE_DATE. [ruby-core:57072] [Bug #8878]
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb (Gem::Specification#to_ruby): add date.
+Sun Sep 8 16:01:54 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * rational.c (f_gcd): Relax the condition to use GMP.
+Sun Sep 8 13:56:38 2013 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (folevariant_initialize): check type of
+ element of array.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_variant.rb (test_s_new_ary): ditto.
+Sat Sep 7 21:33:10 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * math.c (math_log): Test the sign for bignums.
+ (math_log2): Ditto.
+ (math_log10): Ditto.
+Sat Sep 7 20:25:47 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * math.c (math_log): Support bignums bigger than 2**1024.
+ (math_log2): Ditto.
+ (math_log10): Ditto.
+Sat Sep 7 15:36:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * vm_eval.c (vm_call0): fix prototype, the id parameter should be of
+ type ID, not VALUE
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (check_match): the rb_funcall family of functions
+ does not care about refinements. We need to use
+ rb_method_entry_with_refinements instead to call === with
+ refinements. Thanks to Jon Conley for reporting this bug.
+ [ruby-core:57051] [Bug #8872]
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb: add test
+Sat Sep 7 13:49:40 2013 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * variable.c (classname): the name of class that has
+ non class id should not be nil. This bug was introduced
+ in r36577.
+ * test/thread/test_cv.rb: test for change.
+Sat Sep 7 13:29:22 2013 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * lib/find.rb (Find.find): respect the encodings of arguments.
+ [ruby-dev:47530] [Feature #8657]
+ * test/test_find.rb: add tests.
+Sat Sep 7 10:40:32 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb (TCP_FASTOPEN): Defined for TCP fast open.
+ [ruby-core:57048] [Feature #8871] patch by Masaki Matsushita.
+Fri Sep 6 23:53:31 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * use RUNRUBY instead of MINIRUBY because MINIRUBY can't
+ require extension libraries. The patch is from nobu
+ (Nobuyoshi Nakada).
+ * ext/thread/extconf.rb: for build ext/thread/thread.c.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: ditto.
+ * thread.c: ditto.
+ * lib/thread.rb: removed and replaced by ext/thread/thread.c.
+ * ext/thread/thread.c: Queue, SizedQueue and ConditionVariable
+ implementations in C. This patch is based on patches from panaggio
+ (Ricardo Panaggio) and funny_falcon (Yura Sokolov) and ko1
+ (Koichi Sasada). [ruby-core:31513] [Feature #3620]
+ * test/thread/test_queue.rb (test_queue_thread_raise): add a test for
+ ensuring that killed thread should be removed from waiting threads.
+ It is based on a code by ko1 (Koichi Sasada). [ruby-core:45950]
+Fri Sep 6 22:47:12 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * Define ac_cv_func_clock_getres to yes for mingw*.
+Fri Sep 6 21:04:10 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * rational.c: Include gmp.h if GMP is used.
+ (GMP_GCD_DIGITS): New macro.
+ (rb_gcd_gmp): New function.
+ (f_gcd_normal): Renamed from f_gcd.
+ (rb_gcd_normal): New function.
+ (f_gcd): Invoke rb_gcd_gmp or f_gcd_normal.
+ * internal.h (rb_gcd_normal): Declared.
+ (rb_gcd_gmp): Ditto.
+ * ext/-test-/rational: New directory.
+ * test/-ext-/rational: New directory.
+Fri Sep 6 14:23:22 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (clock_getres): required as well as clock_gettime().
+ [ruby-dev:47699] [Bug #8869]
+Fri Sep 6 11:45:27 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_append): new function to append a string data
+ with converting its encoding. split from rb_econv_substr_append.
+Fri Sep 6 02:37:22 2013 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: use double quotes when
+ strings start with special characters.
+ * test/psych/test_string.rb: test for change.
+Fri Sep 6 00:05:14 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c (rewrite_cref_stack): remove recursion.
+Thu Sep 5 18:05:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * string.c (fstring_cmp): take string encoding into account when
+ comparing fstrings [ruby-core:57037] [Bug #8866]
+ * test/ruby/test_string.rb: add test
+Thu Sep 5 17:25:49 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_fstring, rb_str_free): use st_data_t instead of VALUE.
+ * string.c (rb_fstring): get rid of duplicating already frozen object.
+Thu Sep 5 14:01:22 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb: The Integer acceptable now allows binary and
+ hexadecimal numbers per the documentation. [ruby-trunk - Bug #8865]
+ DecimalInteger, OctalInteger, DecimalNumeric now validate their input
+ before converting to a number. [ruby-trunk - Bug #8865]
+ * test/optparse/test_acceptable.rb: Tests for the above, tests for all
+ numeric acceptables for existing behavior.
+Thu Sep 5 13:49:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: add RSTRING_FSTR flag
+ * internal.h: add rb_fstring() prototype
+ * string.c (rb_fstring): deduplicate frozen string literals
+ * string.c (rb_str_free): delete fstrings from frozen_strings table when
+ they are GC'd
+ * string.c (Init_String): initialize frozen_strings table
+Thu Sep 5 12:48:00 2013 Kenta Murata <>
+ * (with_gmp): set with_gmp no if it is empty.
+Thu Sep 5 10:41:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_getivar): use class sequence to check class
+ identity, instead of pointer + vm state
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_setivar): ditto
+Thu Sep 5 08:20:58 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (GMP_DIV_DIGITS): New macro.
+ (bary_divmod_gmp): New function.
+ (rb_big_divrem_gmp): Ditto.
+ (bary_divmod_branch): Ditto.
+ (bary_divmod): Use bary_divmod_branch.
+ (bigdivrem): Ditto.
+ * internal.h (rb_big_divrem_gmp): Declared.
+Thu Sep 5 06:22:42 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_divmod_normal): Reduce temporary array allocations.
+Thu Sep 5 02:17:06 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_divrem_normal): Add GC guards.
+Thu Sep 5 00:38:32 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_divrem_normal): New function.
+ * internal.h (rb_big_divrem_normal): Declared.
+ * ext/-test-/bignum/div.c: New file.
+ * test/-ext-/bignum/test_div.rb: New file.
+Thu Sep 5 00:08:44 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bigdivrem_normal): Removed.
+ (bary_divmod_normal): New function.
+ (bary_divmod): Use bary_divmod_normal.
+ (bigdivrem): Use bary_divmod_normal.
+Wed Sep 4 23:02:12 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bigdivrem): Useless declaration removed.
+Wed Sep 4 22:56:49 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (NUM_STEP_GET_INF): split from NUM_STEP_SCAN_ARGS(), since
+ inf is not used in num_step_size().
+Wed Sep 4 20:22:43 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bigdivrem_normal): Add assertions.
+Wed Sep 4 19:18:40 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * internal.h (vm_state_version_t): prefer LONG_LONG to uint64_t.
+Wed Sep 4 16:28:14 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * internal.h (vm_state_version_t): use uint64_t when it is larger than
+ LONG_LONG, and fallback to unsigned long.
+Wed Sep 4 15:37:05 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/trans/utf8_mac-tbl.rb: fix r42789.
+ Fix conversion table and logic. [ruby-dev:47680]
+Wed Sep 4 14:08:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * class.c, compile.c, eval.c, gc.h, insns.def, internal.h, method.h,
+ variable.c, vm.c, vm_core.c, vm_insnhelper.c, vm_insnhelper.h,
+ vm_method.c: Implement class hierarchy method cache invalidation.
+ [ruby-core:55053] [Feature #8426] [GH-387]
+Wed Sep 4 11:13:40 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (str_gsub): use BEG(0) for whole matched position not
+ return value from rb_reg_search(), for \K matching.
+ [ruby-dev:47694] [Bug #8856]
+Wed Sep 4 11:11:37 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (SOLIBS): LIBRUBY_SO also needs linking with gmp, to
+ run worker processes in test-all on non-ELF platforms.
+Tue Sep 3 23:01:41 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/parser/test_tree.rb
+ (TestTreeParser::TestInvalid#test_unmatched_close_tag):
+ Compute expected value from test value.
+Tue Sep 3 22:59:58 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/parsers/treeparser.rb (REXML::Parsers::TreeParser#parse):
+ Add source information to parse exception on no close tag error.
+ [Bug #8844] [ruby-dev:47672]
+ Patch by Ippei Obayashi. Thanks!!!
+ * test/rexml/parser/test_tree.rb: Add a test for the above case.
+Tue Sep 3 22:57:57 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/parser/test_tree.rb: Fix test name to describe test
+ content.
+Tue Sep 3 22:54:46 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/parsers/treeparser.rb (REXML::Parsers::TreeParser#parse):
+ Remove needless nested parse exception information.
+ [Bug #8844] [ruby-dev:47672]
+ Reported by Ippei Obayashi. Thanks!!!
+ * test/rexml/parser/test_tree.rb: Add a test for the above case.
+Tue Sep 3 22:03:49 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_enc_str_new_cstr): new function to create a string from
+ the C-string pointer with the specified encoding.
+Tue Sep 3 21:41:37 2013 Akira Matsuda <>
+ * eval.c (Init_eval): Make Module#include and Module#prepend public
+ [Feature #8846]
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb (class TestModule): Test for above
+Tue Sep 3 21:35:19 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (sys/dyntune.h): for gettune().
+ * thread_pthread.c (hpux_attr_getstackaddr): fix missing *.
+ [ruby-core:56983] [Feature #8793]
+Tue Sep 3 20:12:46 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (GMP_STR2BIG_DIGITS): New macro.
+ (str2big_gmp): New function.
+ (rb_cstr_to_inum): Use str2big_gmp for big bignums.
+ (rb_str2big_gmp): New function.
+ * internal.h (rb_str2big_gmp): Declared.
+Tue Sep 3 19:44:40 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/win32/lib/win32/registry.rb (Win32::Registry#values): added.
+ [Feature #7763] [ruby-core:51783]
+Tue Sep 3 18:26:00 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * misc/inf-ruby.el (inf-ruby-keys, run-ruby): Add magic autoload
+ comments.
+ * misc/rdoc-mode.el (rdoc-mode): Ditto.
+ * misc/ruby-electric.el (ruby-electric-mode): Ditto.
+ * misc/ruby-style.el (ruby-style-c-mode): Ditto.
+Tue Sep 3 17:06:15 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb
+ (TestRubyOptions::SEGVTest::ExpectedStderr): the URL was changed at
+ r42800.
+Tue Sep 3 14:48:25 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/thread.rb: [DOC] CV#wait typo by @avdi [Fixes GH-386]
+Tue Sep 3 14:37:53 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * error.c: [DOC] Update bug tracker url by @ScotterC [Fixes GH-390]
+Tue Sep 3 12:45:23 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_str2big_poweroftwo): New function.
+ (rb_str2big_normal): Ditto.
+ (rb_str2big_karatsuba): Ditto.
+ * internal.h (rb_str2big_poweroftwo): Declared.
+ (rb_str2big_normal): Ditto.
+ (rb_str2big_karatsuba): Ditto.
+ * ext/-test-/bignum/str2big.c: New file.
+ * test/-ext-/bignum/test_str2big.rb: New file.
+ * ext/-test-/bignum/depend: Add the dependency for str2big.c.
+Tue Sep 3 12:09:08 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_clock_gettime): Support times() based monotonic clock.
+ (rb_clock_getres): Ditto.
+Tue Sep 3 12:03:02 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (str2big_scan_digits): Extracted from rb_cstr_to_inum.
+Tue Sep 3 11:23:57 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_select_with_thread): rounding up the fraction of
+ tv_usec instead of rounding down.
+ this change is an experiment to get rid of failures on vc10-x64 CI.
+Tue Sep 3 11:00:28 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (do_select): constify timeout.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_select_with_thread): constify 10ms wait and
+ 0ms wait structs.
+Tue Sep 3 10:03:42 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/openssl/test_pair.rb
+ (OpenSSL::TestPair#test_write_nonblock_no_exceptions): on some CIs
+ such as Debian 6.0, Ubuntu 10.04, CentOS and vc10-x64 (maybe depend
+ on OpenSSL version), writing to SSLSocket after SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE
+ causes SSL_ERROR_SSL "bad write retry".
+Tue Sep 3 08:20:46 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/trans/utf8_mac-tbl.rb: update conversion table to recent OS X.
+ Previous table is used on Mac OS X 10.1 or prior.
+ This table is used on 10.2 or later. [ruby-dev:47680]
+Tue Sep 3 07:49:25 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * numeric.c (NUM_STEP_SCAN_ARGS): On second thought, keep
+ Numeric#step backward compatible in that it raises TypeError
+ when nil is given as second argument.
+ * test/ruby/test_float.rb (TestFloat#test_num2dbl): Revert.
+ * test/ruby/test_numeric.rb (TestNumeric#test_step): Fix test
+ cases for the above change.
+Tue Sep 3 07:39:58 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bytes_2comp): Define it only for little endian
+ environment.
+Tue Sep 3 07:31:29 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * numeric.c (NUM_STEP_SCAN_ARGS): Numeric#step should raise
+ TypeError if a non-numeric parameter is given.
+ * test/ruby/test_float.rb (TestFloat#test_num2dbl): Allow nil as
+ step, as with the keyword argument.
+ * test/ruby/test_numeric.rb (TestNumeric#test_step): Add tests for
+ nil as step or limit.
+Tue Sep 3 07:28:49 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h (bit_length): Add casts to fix compilation error with
+ clang 3.0 -Werror,-Wshorten-64-to-32.
+ [ruby-dev:47687] reported by SASADA Koichi.
+Tue Sep 3 03:17:26 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_search_super_method): use ci->argc instead of
+ ci->orig_argc. ci->argc can be changed by splat arguments.
+ [ruby-list:49575]
+ This fix should be applied to Ruby 2.0.0 series.
+ * test/ruby/test_super.rb: add a test for above.
+Mon Sep 2 23:46:29 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * numeric.c (num_step): Default the limit argument to infinity and
+ allow it to be omitted. Keyword arguments (by: and to:) are
+ introduced for ease of use. [Feature #8838] [ruby-dev:47662]
+ [ruby-dev:42194]
+ * numeric.c (num_step): Optimize for infinite loop.
+Mon Sep 2 22:55:59 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (ISDIGIT): Unused macro removed.
+Mon Sep 2 22:49:15 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (str2big_poweroftwo): Extracted from rb_cstr_to_inum.
+ (str2big_normal): Ditto.
+ (str2big_karatsuba): Ditto.
+Mon Sep 2 14:39:29 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ruby.c (Process#setproctitle): [DOC] Fix and improve rdoc.
+ * ruby.c (Process#argv0): [DOC] Improve rdoc.
+Mon Sep 2 14:15:00 2013 Kenta Murata <>
+ * NEWS: fix description of number literal suffixes.
+Mon Sep 2 14:01:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * test/rake/test_rake_rules.rb: add space after string literal to
+ prevent conflict with string options syntax "foo"opts
+ * test/rss/rss-assertions.rb: ditto
+Mon Sep 2 12:28:38 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_bignum.rb (test_interrupt_during_to_s): Disable it
+ when GMP is used.
+Mon Sep 2 07:02:10 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (Init_Bignum): Define Bignum::GMP_VERSION when GMP is used.
+Mon Sep 2 01:46:14 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (big2str_generic): Reduce arguments.
+ (big2str_gmp): Ditto.
+ (rb_big2str1): Follow the above change.
+Mon Sep 2 00:08:08 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (get_mach_timebase_info): Extracted from rb_clock_gettime.
+ (rb_clock_gettime): Use get_mach_timebase_info.
+Sun Sep 1 23:30:47 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (GMP_BIG2STR_DIGITS): New constant.
+ (big2str_gmp): New function.
+ (rb_big2str1): Use big2str_gmp for big bignums.
+ * internal.h (rb_big2str_gmp): Declared.
+ * ext/-test-/bignum/big2str.c (big2str_gmp): New method.
+Sun Sep 1 22:37:51 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_mul_gmp): Use mpz_init and mpz_clear instead of
+ mpz_inits and mpz_clears.
+ Older GMP don't have them.
+Sun Sep 1 21:17:54 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/net/http/test_http.rb (test_bind_to_local_port): Choose an open
+ port more reliably.
+Sun Sep 1 20:32:40 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (big2str_base_poweroftwo): Renamed from
+ big2str_base_powerof2.
+ (rb_big2str_poweroftwo): New function for test.
+ (big2str_generic): Extracted from rb_big2str1.
+ (rb_big2str_generic): New function for test.
+ * internal.h (rb_big2str_poweroftwo): Declared.
+ (rb_big2str_generic): Ditto.
+ * ext/-test-/bignum/big2str.c: New file.
+ * test/-ext-/bignum/test_big2str.rb: New file.
+Sun Sep 1 15:21:21 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (big2str_2bdigits): Renamed from big2str_orig.
+Sun Sep 1 13:02:24 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c: Remove BITSPERDIG >= INT_MAX test. The static assertion,
+ SIZEOF_BDIGITS <= sizeof(BDIGIT) is enough.
+Sun Sep 1 11:38:26 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (maxpow_in_bdigit): Removed.
+Sun Sep 1 10:30:42 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_fix_bit_length): Moved from bignum.c.
+Sun Sep 1 09:55:45 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h (bit_length): Moved from bignum.c.
+ (nlz_int): Ditto.
+ (nlz_long): Ditto.
+ (nlz_long_long): Ditto.
+ (nlz_int128): Ditto.
+Sun Sep 1 03:32:22 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bit_length): Renamed from bitsize.
+Sun Sep 1 00:07:09 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_bit_length): New method.
+ (rb_fix_bit_length): Ditto.
+ [ruby-core:56247] [Feature #8700]
+Sat Aug 31 22:18:29 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_clock_getres): New method.
+ (timetick2dblnum_reciprocal): New function.
+ * Check clock_getres.
+ [ruby-core:56780] [Feature #8809] accepted as a CRuby feature at
+ DevelopersMeeting20130831Japan
+Sat Aug 31 21:02:07 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c: Use GMP to accelerate big Bignum multiplication.
+ (bary_mul_gmp): New function.
+ (bary_mul): Use bary_mul_gmp.
+ (bigsq): Use different threshold with GMP.
+ * Detect GMP.
+ [ruby-core:56658] [Feature #8796]
+Sat Aug 31 15:03:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * compile.c (NODE_MATCH3): pass CALL_INFO to opt_regexpmatch2
+ * insns.def (opt_regexpmatch2): use CALL_SIMPLE_METHOD to call =~ if
+ the receiver is not a T_STRING [Bug #8847] [ruby-core:56916]
+Sat Aug 31 14:07:11 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/securerandom.rb (random_bytes): Use Process.clock_gettime.
+Sat Aug 31 00:25:15 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_{ascii8bit,utf8,usascii}_encindex): get
+ rid of conflict with macros defined in internal.h.
+Fri Aug 30 22:37:57 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_thread_init_stack): wait the creator thread
+ to fill machine stack info, if get_stack_of() is available.
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_thread_create): fill the created thread
+ stack info after starting, if get_stack_of() is available.
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_thread_create): define attr only if it is
+ used, and merge pthread_create() calls.
+ * thread_pthread.c (get_main_stack): separate function to get stack of
+ main thread.
+Thu Aug 29 18:05:33 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_define_without_accessor_under): added.
+ This function is similar to rb_define_class_under() against
+ rb_define_class().
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: add a declaration of this function.
+Thu Aug 29 17:03:10 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method): a method entry refers the based
+ class/module, so should search superclass from the origin i-class
+ where the entry belongs to, to get rid of infinite loop when zsuper
+ in a prepended class/module. [ruby-core:54105] [Bug #8238]
+Thu Aug 29 05:35:58 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (zstream_run): Fix handling of deflate streams that
+ need a dictionary but are being decompressed by Zlib::Inflate.inflate
+ (which has no option to set a dictionary). Now Zlib::NeedDict is
+ raised instead of crashing. [ruby-trunk - Bug #8829]
+ * test/zlib/test_zlib.rb (TestZlibInflate): Test for the above.
+Thu Aug 29 02:40:45 2013 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/scalar_scanner.rb: invalid floats should be
+ treated as strings.
+ * test/psych/test_string.rb: test for change
+Wed Aug 28 17:20:07 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (hpux_attr_getstackaddr): basic support for the
+ get_stack() under HP-UX. based on the patch by
+ (Michal Rokos) at [ruby-core:56645]. [Feature #8793]
+Wed Aug 28 11:24:20 2013 Michal Rokos <>
+ * (sys/pstat.h): fix missing header check for
+ missing/setproctitle.c on HP-UX. [ruby-core:56644] [Bug #8792]
+Wed Aug 28 04:54:33 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_read): Replace duplicate
+ wait_writable with wait_readable.
+Tue Aug 27 17:18:40 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/timeout.rb (Timeout#timeout): skip rescue clause only when no
+ exception class is given.
+Tue Aug 27 17:02:58 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (copy_stream_body): should write in binary mode. based on a
+ patch by godfat (Lin Jen-Shin) at [ruby-core:56556].
+ [ruby-core:56518] [Bug #8767]
+Tue Aug 27 17:02:33 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (copy_stream_body): move common open flags.
+Tue Aug 27 16:56:50 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_size): use rb_check_funcall() instead of
+ respond_to? and call.
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_each): ensure that argument array size
+ does not overflow at appending.
+Tue Aug 27 16:46:05 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_index, rb_ary_rindex): use optimized equality to
+ improve performance. [Feature #8820]
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (rb_equal_opt): optimized equality function.
+Tue Aug 27 16:11:05 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (opt_eq_func): use RBASIC_CLASS() instead of HEAP_CLASS_OF().
+ * insns.def (opt_plus, opt_minus, opt_mult, opt_div, opt_mod, opt_lt),
+ (opt_gt, opt_ltlt, opt_aref, opt_aset, opt_length, opt_size),
+ (opt_empty_p, opt_succ): ditto.
+Tue Aug 27 16:08:26 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_check_funcall, rb_check_funcall_with_hook): constify
+ argv.
+Tue Aug 27 13:03:33 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_read_nonblock): declare local
+ variables at the first of function.
+Tue Aug 27 11:51:37 2013 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * enumerator.c: Allow Enumerator size argument to be any callable.
+ Patch by Avdi Grimm. [bug #8641] [ruby-core:56032] [fix GH-362]
+ * test/ruby/test_enumerator.rb: Test for above
+Tue Aug 27 11:46:31 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_profile_clear): do rest_sweep() before clearing
+ profile.current_record.
+Tue Aug 27 07:35:05 2013 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * io.c (io_read_nonblock): support non-blocking reads without raising
+ exceptions. As in: `io.read_nonblock(size, exception: false)`
+ [ruby-core:38666] [Feature #5138]
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_read_internal): ditto
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_sysread): ditto
+ * io.c (rb_io_write_nonblock): support non-blocking writes without
+ raising an exception.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_write_internal): ditto
+ * test/openssl/test_pair.rb (class OpenSSL): tests
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (class TestIO): ditto
+ * test/socket/test_nonblock.rb (class TestSocketNonblock): ditto
+ * test/stringio/test_stringio.rb (class TestStringIO): ditto
+Tue Aug 27 05:24:34 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Import RubyGems 2.1.0 Release Candidate
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Mon Aug 26 16:24:58 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_nextc): warn carriage return in middle of line.
+ [ruby-core:56240] [Feature #8699]
+Mon Aug 26 15:27:39 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/timeout.rb (Timeout#timeout): should not be caught by rescue
+ clause. [Bug #8730]
+Mon Aug 26 14:44:26 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_splice): use RARRAY_PTR_USE() without WB because
+ there are not new relations.
+ * enum.c (enum_sort_by): ditto.
+ * struct.c (setup_struct): use RARRAY_RAWPTR().
+ * vm_eval.c (yield_under): ditto.
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_entries): use RARRAY_AREF().
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_s_glob): ditto.
+Mon Aug 26 13:11:10 2013 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * array.c (ary_ensure_room_for_push): fix typo in r42658.
+Mon Aug 26 12:37:10 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * template/sizes.c.tmpl: generate automatically by extracting
+Mon Aug 26 10:16:59 2013 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * process.c (gcd_timetick_int): Renamed from gcd_timtick_int.
+Sun Aug 25 21:02:15 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * sizes.c (Init_sizes): Define the size of clock_t.
+Sun Aug 25 01:47:47 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (BARY_SHORT_MUL): Renamed from BARY_MUL1.
+ (bary_short_mul): Renamed from bary_mul1.
+Sat Aug 24 10:35:09 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_clock_gettime): The emulated clock names changed.
+Fri Aug 23 22:22:07 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_clock_gettime): Add a cast to fix compile error by
+ -Werror,-Wshorten-64-to-32.
+Fri Aug 23 22:12:13 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (rb_intern): no symbol cache while initialization.
+Fri Aug 23 22:07:45 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (clock_t): needs time.h.
+Fri Aug 23 21:37:28 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (reduce_factors): New function.
+ (timetick2dblnum): Use reduce_factors.
+ (timetick2integer): Ditto.
+ (make_clock_result): Follow the above change.
+ (rb_clock_gettime): Ditto.
+Fri Aug 23 21:00:55 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (timetick_int_t): Renamed from timetick_giga_count_t.
+ (gcd_timtick_int): Renamed from gcd_ul and make the arguments
+ timetick_giga_count_t.
+ (reduce_fraction): Make the arguments timetick_int_t.
+ (timetick2integer): Ditto.
+ (make_clock_result): Ditto.
+ (timetick2dblnum): Fix the return type.
+ (rb_clock_gettime): Use timetick_int_t.
+Fri Aug 23 20:50:40 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (gcd_ul): New function.
+ (reduce_fraction): Ditto.
+ (reduce_fraction): Ditto.
+ (timetick2dblnum): Ditto.
+ (timetick2integer): Ditto.
+ (make_clock_result): Use timetick2dblnum and timetick2integer.
+ (rb_clock_gettime): Follow the make_clock_result change.
+Fri Aug 23 18:39:04 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * array.c (ary_make_shared): shared ary as shady. Need more effort to
+ make it normal object.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_modify): use RARRAY_PTR_USE() without WB because
+ there are not new relations.
+ * array.c (ary_ensure_room_for_unshift): use RARRAY_RAWPTR() because
+ there are not new relations.
+Fri Aug 23 11:25:57 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * array.c: introduce ARY_SHARED_OCCUPIED(shared).
+Fri Aug 23 11:07:08 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.h): now SIZEOF_CLOCK_T is needed for
+ unsigned_clock_t.
+Thu Aug 22 22:01:04 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_clock_gettime): Strip "s" from unit names.
+Thu Aug 22 20:14:59 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (unsigned_clock_t): Defined.
+ (rb_clock_gettime): Consider clock_t overflow for
+ * Check the size of clock_t.
+Thu Aug 22 16:22:48 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (build_postexe_iseq): fix to setup the local table.
+Thu Aug 22 15:42:43 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (rb_iseq_compile_node): accept NODE_IFUNC to support
+ custom compilation.
+ * compile.c (NODE_POSTEXE): compile to
+ "ONCE{ VMFrozenCore::core#set_postexe{...} }" with a new custom
+ compiler `build_postexe_iseq()'.
+ * vm.c (m_core_set_postexe): remove parameters (passed by a block).
+Thu Aug 22 06:54:15 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_clock_gettime): Change emulation symbols for
+ Process.clock_gettime.
+Thu Aug 22 06:24:54 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (make_clock_result): Extracted from rb_clock_gettime.
+Wed Aug 21 22:30:51 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_clock_gettime): clock() based CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID
+ emulation implemented.
+Wed Aug 21 21:02:37 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_proc_times): Use RB_GC_GUARD to guard objects from GC.
+Wed Aug 21 20:33:01 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (get_clk_tck): Extracted from rb_proc_times.
+ (rb_clock_gettime): times() based CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID emulation
+ is implemented.
+Wed Aug 21 19:31:48 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c: POSIX_GETTIMEOFDAY_CLOCK_REALTIME is renamed to
+Wed Aug 21 19:17:46 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_clock_gettime): CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID emulation
+ using getrusage is implemented.
+Wed Aug 21 17:34:27 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * gc.c (getrusage_time): Fallback clock_gettime to getrusage when
+ clock_gettime fails.
+ Reported by Eric Saxby. [ruby-core:56762] [Bug #8805]
+Wed Aug 21 02:32:32 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def: fix regexp's once option behavior.
+ fix [ruby-trunk - Bug #6701]
+ * insns.def: remove `onceinlinecache' and introduce `once' instruction.
+ `once' doesn't use `setinlinecache' insn any more.
+ * vm_core.h: `union iseq_inline_storage_entry' to store once data.
+ * compile.c: catch up above changes.
+ * iseq.c: ditto.
+ * vm.c, vm_insnhelper.c: ditto. fix `m_core_set_postexe()' which
+ is depend on `onceinlinecache' insn.
+ * test/ruby/test_regexp.rb: add tests.
+ * iseq.c: ISEQ_MINOR_VERSION to 1 (should increment major?)
+Wed Aug 21 02:30:15 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gcdebug_print_obj_condition): add printing information.
+Tue Aug 20 13:38:00 2013 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * test/gdbm/test_gdbm.rb: skip TestGDBM#test_s_open_lock on Solaris.
+ On Solaris (and platforms which do not have flock and have lockf),
+ with GDBM 1.10, gdbm_open(3) blocks when opening already locked
+ gdbm file. [Bug #8790] [ruby-dev:47631]
+Tue Aug 20 02:32:52 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/test/: [DOC] Document Test::Unit, hide most submodules and
+ classes from rdoc. Since lib/test is only present as a compatibility
+ layer with the legacy test suite many test/unit users will be using
+ minitest or the test/unit gem instead. It is recommended to use one
+ of these alternatives for writing new tests.
+ This patch was based on a patch submitted by Steve Klabnik.
+ [ruby-core:56694] [Bug #8778]
+Tue Aug 20 02:10:19 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb: [DOC] Document for constants by Steve Klabnik
+ [ruby-core:56705] [Bug #8798]
+Tue Aug 20 02:01:10 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/rss/xmlparser.rb: [DOC] Hide legacy constant from rdoc
+ Patch by Steve Klabnik [ruby-core:56708] [Bug #8799]
+Tue Aug 20 01:52:05 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/socket/unixserver.c: [DOC] Document #accept
+ * ext/socket/tcpserver.c: ditto
+ * ext/socket/udpsocket.c: [DOC] Fix indentation of documentation
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: ditto
+ Patches by David Rodr'iguez [ruby-core:56734] [Bug #8802]
+Tue Aug 20 01:19:22 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * Define ac_cv_func_clock_gettime to yes for mingw*.
+Mon Aug 19 21:31:35 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/defines.h: Fix a compilation error with
+ i586-mingw32msvc-gcc of gcc-mingw32 package on Debian squeeze.
+ ruby/missing.h should be included before include/ruby/win32.h
+ because struct timespec, used in the clock_gettime declaration in
+ include/ruby/win32.h, is defined in ruby/missing.h instead of
+ system headers.
+Mon Aug 19 20:55:12 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: fix around GC_DEBUG.
+ * gc.c (RVALUE::line): should be VALUE. On some environment
+ (such as mswin64), `int' introduces alignment mismatch.
+ * gc.c (newobj_of): add an assertion to check VALUE alignment.
+ * gc.c (aligned_malloc): `&' is low priority than `=='.
+ * gc.c: define GC_DEBUG everytime and use it as value 0 or 1.
+Mon Aug 19 17:43:44 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_fiber.rb: collect garbage fibers immediately.
+Mon Aug 19 17:41:49 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/profile_test_all.rb: add `failed?' information.
+Mon Aug 19 17:00:53 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (retry_fork): retry with GC if ENOMEM occurred, to free
+ swap/kernel space.
+Mon Aug 19 13:28:47 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h (CLOCK_MONOTONIC): typo.
+ * win32/win32.c: removed duplicated declarations.
+Mon Aug 19 13:03:08 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (clock_gettime): should not overwrite cache variable
+ with different condition. otherwise -lrt is not linked and the link
+ fails, after reconfig.
+Mon Aug 19 12:56:49 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (Init_process): Add constants: CLOCK_REALTIME_ALARM and
+Sun Aug 18 20:17:41 2013 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * variable.c, vm_method.c: remove dead code.
+ * test/ruby/test_fiber.rb, test/ruby/test_thread.rb:
+ change accordingly.
+Sun Aug 18 19:32:26 2013 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * error.c, file.c, gc.c, hash.c, thread.c, variable.c, vm_eval.c, bin/erb:
+ $SAFE=4 is obsolete.
+Sun Aug 18 14:30:47 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_clock_gettime): Rename POSIX_TIME_CLOCK_REALTIME to
+Sun Aug 18 14:22:45 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * Revert r42604. It causes linking librt on systems
+ with newer glibc uselessly.
+Sun Aug 18 13:18:38 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (Init_process): Add constants: CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE,
+Sun Aug 18 12:41:50 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (clock_gettime): need to check with -lrt prior to check
+ for the function only. otherwise -lrt is not linked and the link
+ fails, when ac_cv_func_clock_gettime is cached as yes.
+Sun Aug 18 10:05:12 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big2str1): Make an expression more explicit.
+Sun Aug 18 03:18:45 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big2str1): Use power_level instead of bitsize(xn).
+Sun Aug 18 00:44:58 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (BIGDIVREM_EXTRA_WORDS): Redefine to 1.
+ (bigdivrem_num_extra_words): Removed.
+ (bigdivrem_normal): Simplified.
+ (big2str_karatsuba): Ditto.
+Sat Aug 17 23:25:19 2013 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * test/ruby/test_time.rb: use the in_timezone() helper
+ and define it at the top with other helpers.
+Sat Aug 17 22:20:47 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * time.c (time_mload): ignore auxiliary data, offset and zone, if
+ invalid. [ruby-core:56648] [Bug #8795]
+Sat Aug 17 20:11:49 2013 Benoit Daloze <>
+ available emulation for a monotonic clock on Darwin.
+Fri Aug 16 18:12:05 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/profile_test_all.rb: fix typo.
+Fri Aug 16 18:09:20 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/profile_test_all.rb: remove space characters from test names.
+Fri Aug 16 17:32:02 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/profile_test_all.rb: refactoring memory profiling tool for
+ test-all.
+ Add profiling targets /proc/meminfo and /proc/self/status.
+ * test/runner.rb: accept other than 'true'.
+Fri Aug 16 11:23:35 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_size, rb_file_flock): improve performance of Windows.
+ * file.c (rb_file_truncate): removed unnecessary #ifdef.
+ * test/test_file.rb (TestFile#test_truncate_size): added an assertion
+ for File#size.
+Fri Aug 16 10:07:59 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bigdivrem_single1): Renamed from bigdivrem_single. Add
+ x_higher_bdigit argument.
+ (bigdivrem_single): Just call bigdivrem_single1.
+ (bigdivrem_restoring): Use bigdivrem_single1 to avoid memmove.
+Fri Aug 16 09:17:00 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_small_rshift): Specify the higher BDIGIT instead of
+ sign bit.
+ (big_shift3): Follow the above change.
+Fri Aug 16 02:20:39 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_mul_toom3): Reduce a branch.
+Fri Aug 16 02:14:09 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * process.c (rb_clock_gettime): add CLOCK_MONOTONIC support on OS X.
+ [Feature #8658]
+Fri Aug 16 01:37:43 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bigdivrem_single): Use shift when y is a power of two.
+Fri Aug 16 01:09:33 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bigdivrem_restoring): Use bigdivrem_single if non-topmost
+ BDIGITs of y are zero.
+Fri Aug 16 00:33:12 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big2str1): Truncate topmost zeros of x.
+Fri Aug 16 00:00:57 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_divmod): Simplify an expression.
+Thu Aug 15 23:26:12 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bigdivrem_normal): Remove a local variable.
+Thu Aug 15 23:08:32 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (big2str_karatsuba): Use bigdivrem_restoring directly to
+ reduce working buffer and memory copy.
+ (rb_big2str1): Allocate working buffer for big2str_karatsuba here.
+Thu Aug 15 20:51:29 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c, internal.h (rb_io_flush_raw): new function to select calling
+ fsync() (on Windows).
+ * io.c (rb_io_flush_raw): use above function.
+ * file.c (rb_file_truncate): use above function.
+ * test/ruby/test_file.rb (TestFile#test_truncate_size): test for
+ above changes.
+Thu Aug 15 18:39:31 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (clock_gettime): improve precision when freq is less
+ than and nearly equals 10**9.
+Thu Aug 15 17:43:15 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_lazy_sweep): remove heap_increment() here because heap_inc
+ may be 0.
+Thu Aug 15 16:59:56 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_rewind): remove fsync() for Windows to improve the
+ performance.
+Thu Aug 15 16:30:23 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb (TestFileUtils#test_rmdir):
+ FileUtils.rmdir ignores Errno::ENOTEMPTY, so, in such cases, this
+ assertion is nonsense.
+Thu Aug 15 15:49:35 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_clock_gettime): [DOC] FreeBSD 7.1 supports
+Thu Aug 15 14:30:23 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h, win32/Makefile.sub, win32/win32.c
+ (clock_gettime): [experimental] emulates clock_gettime(2) of posix.
+Thu Aug 15 02:32:40 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_aset): [DOC] Document key dup patch by @kachick
+ [Fixes GH-382]
+Wed Aug 14 14:28:39 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * proc.c (rb_mod_define_method): now they return the symbols of the
+ defined methods, not the methods/procs themselves.
+ [ruby-dev:42151] [Feature #3753]
+ * NEWS: documents about above change and def-expr (see r42337).
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb: tests about above change.
+Wed Aug 14 00:51:14 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bigdivrem_restoring): xn argument removed.
+ (bigdivrem_normal): Follow the above change.
+Wed Aug 14 00:18:39 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (big_div_struct): Remove xn and j field. Add zn field.
+ (bigdivrem1): Follow the above change.
+ (bigdivrem_restoring): Ditto.
+Tue Aug 13 23:38:17 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (big_div_struct): ynzero field removed.
+ (bigdivrem1): Follow the above change.
+ (bigdivrem_restoring): Ditto.
+Tue Aug 13 23:01:16 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bigdivrem_restoring): Extracted from bigdivrem_normal.
+Tue Aug 13 22:12:59 2013 Kenichi Kamiya <>
+ * random.c (rb_random_ulong_limited): coerce before check negative.
+ [Fixes GH-379]
+Tue Aug 13 21:52:15 2013 Kenichi Kamiya <>
+ * object.c (Init_Object): undef Module#prepend_features on Class, as
+ well as Module#append_features. [Fixes GH-376]
+ * test_class.rb: Added test for above. And ensure type checking
+ on similar methods as module_function.
+Tue Aug 13 08:52:18 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * doc/syntax/literals.rdoc: [DOC] String literal concat by @cknadler
+ [Fixes GH-380]
+Mon Aug 12 23:07:21 2013 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * gc.c (gc_marks_test): inhibit gc for st's operation.
+Mon Aug 12 15:59:50 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_whole_match_p): treat CR in middle of a line as a
+ mere whitespace.
+Mon Aug 12 15:16:58 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * class.c (rb_prepend_module): make T_ICLASS object shady because
+ this T_ICLASS object seems to share method table with other class
+ objects. It was causes WB miss.
+ TODO: need to know the data structure.
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb: add a test for WB miss.
+Mon Aug 12 13:47:54 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * process.c: [DOC] RDoc formatting of Process.clock_gettime
+Mon Aug 12 13:29:09 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/yaml/dbm.rb: [DOC] Document call-seq for YAML::DBM
+Mon Aug 12 12:57:26 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/dbm/extconf.rb: [DOC] Hide from RDoc
+ Some libraries might want to document extconf.rb so RDoc treats it
+ like any other ruby program. However, DBM users shouldn't care about
+ these methods.
+Mon Aug 12 12:53:39 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c: [DOC] Reformat headings of DBM class
+Mon Aug 12 12:46:31 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/yaml.rb, lib/yaml/: [DOC] Document YAML::DBM#key and add
+ references to similar methods with more detail. This patch brings
+ lib/yaml to 100% documentation coverage.
+Mon Aug 12 02:51:32 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_s_set_input): on OS X with editline,
+ Readline.readline doesn't work because readline_get doesn't use
+ rl_getc. The difference is introduced by r42402 [ruby-dev:47509]
+ [Bug #8644]. Before it rb_io_stdio_file set ifp->stdio_file.
+ Therefore add manually setting the value.
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_s_set_output): ditto.
+Sun Aug 11 23:27:00 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_str_encode_ospath): OS path encoding on Mac OS X is also
+ fixed.
+Sun Aug 11 22:57:24 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_require.rb (assert_require_nonascii_path): OS path
+ encoding on Windows is fixed, so encoding of __FILE__ should be it.
+ [ruby-core:56498] [Bug #8764]
+Sun Aug 11 19:11:45 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/parser/test_sax2.rb: Expand abbreviated class name.
+Sun Aug 11 19:06:03 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/sax2listener.rb (REXML::SAX2Listener#notationdecl): Fix
+ wrong number of arguments in the template listener.
+ [Bug #8731] [ruby-dev:47582]
+ Reported by Ippei Obayashi.
+ * test/rexml/parser/test_sax2.rb: Add tests for parsing notation
+ declarations with SAX2 API.
+Sun Aug 11 18:44:04 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/sax2listener.rb (REXML::SAX2Listener#elementdecl): Fix wrong
+ examples. [Bug #8731] [ruby-dev:47582]
+ Reported by Ippei Obayashi.
+Sun Aug 11 18:42:13 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/parsers/sax2parser.rb
+ (REXML::Parsers::SAX2Parser#handle_entitydecl): Extract.
+Sun Aug 11 18:40:25 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/parsers/sax2parser.rb (REXML::Parsers::SAX2Parser#parse):
+ Fix wrong "%" position in parameter entity declaration event argument.
+ * test/rexml/parser/test_sax2.rb: Add tests for the above case.
+Sun Aug 11 18:08:40 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/parsers/sax2parser.rb (REXML::Parsers::SAX2Parser#parse):
+ Support NDATA in external ID entity declaration.
+ * test/rexml/parser/test_sax2.rb: Add tests for the above case.
+Sun Aug 11 18:07:39 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb
+ (REXML::Parsers::BaseParser#pull_event): Support optional NDATA
+ in external ID entity declaration.
+Sun Aug 11 17:54:07 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * NEWS (REXML::Parsers::SAX2Parser): Add about this change.
+ * lib/rexml/parsers/sax2parser.rb (REXML::Parsers::SAX2Parser#parse):
+ Fix wrong number of arguments. Document says "an array of the
+ entity declaration" but it passes two or more arguments.
+ This is a bug but it break backward compatibility.
+ Reported by Ippei Obayashi. [Bug #8731] [ruby-dev:47582]
+ * lib/rexml/sax2listener.rb (REXML::SAX2Listener#entitydecl): ditto.
+ The listener template accepted two arguments.
+ * test/rexml/parser/test_sax2.rb: Add tests for external ID case.
+Sun Aug 11 17:41:41 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/parser/test_sax2.rb: Add SAX2 API test.
+Sun Aug 11 15:10:40 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (rb_enc_symname_type): allow ID_ATTRSET for ID_INSTANCE,
+ ID_GLOBAL, ID_CLASS, ID_JUNK too. [Bug #8756]
+Sun Aug 11 13:17:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h: Reduce ENCODING_INLINE_MAX to 127 as this
+ should be sufficient to represent all the encodings Ruby supports.
+Sun Aug 11 11:54:38 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_clock_gettime): New method.
+ This is accepted in the meeting:
+ This method is accepted as a CRuby feature.
+ I.e. Other Ruby implementations don't need to implement it.
+ [ruby-core:56087] [Feature #8658]
+Sun Aug 11 10:40:48 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/time.rb: [DOC] Correcting rdoc visibility of time.rb constants
+ Reported by Tanaka Akira [ruby-core:56517]
+Sun Aug 11 04:48:14 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * file.c (rb_str_normalize_ospath):
+ HFS Plus (Mac OS Extended) uses a variant of Normal Form D in which
+ U+2000 through U+2FFF, U+F900 through U+FAFF, and U+2F800 through
+ U+2FAFF are not decomposed (this avoids problems with round trip
+ conversions from old Mac text encodings).
+ Therefore fix r42457 to exclude the range.
+Sun Aug 11 03:26:07 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bitsize): Fix a conditional expression.
+Sun Aug 11 02:44:03 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/time.rb: [DOC] Document constants by @markijbema [Fixes GH-377]
+Sun Aug 11 01:28:52 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * Revert r42458.
+ It removes the HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME from config.h.
+Sat Aug 10 13:53:22 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (rb_id_attrset): allow other than ID_ATTRSET.
+ * parse.y (intern_str): ditto. try stem ID for ID_INSTANCE,
+ ID_GLOBAL, ID_CLASS, ID_JUNK too. [Bug #8756]
+Sat Aug 10 12:49:50 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb
+ (REXML::Parsers::BaseParser::CDATA_END): Use "\A" instead of "^".
+ It is not an used constant but I fix it. (Or should I remove it?)
+Sat Aug 10 12:47:19 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb (REXML::Parsers::BaseParser):
+ Fix wrong constant name. "]>" pattern match is the same but
+ it is used for "<!DOCTYPE" end mark not "<![CDATA[" end mark.
+Sat Aug 10 12:43:15 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb (REXML::Parsers::BaseParser):
+ Use "\A" instead of "^" in document type declaration patterns
+ because they are used as the head match in content not the head
+ match in line. They don't cause any problems in the current code
+ but it should be fixed.
+Sat Aug 10 12:39:00 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/parse/test_document_type_declaration.rb: Add tests for
+ parsing document type declaration.
+Sat Aug 10 12:00:45 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb (REXML::Parsers::BaseParser::SYSTEM):
+ Fix loose "head" match regular expression. It doesn't cause any
+ problem in the current code but it should be fixed because readers
+ may confuse it.
+ Patch by Ippei Obayashi. Thanks!!!
+Sat Aug 10 11:58:24 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/parse/test_notation_declaration.rb (#test_system_public):
+ Add a test for PUBLIC notation and SYSTEM notation order case.
+Sat Aug 10 11:31:35 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb (REXML::Parsers::BaseParser::PUBLIC):
+ Fix loose "head" match regular expression.
+ [Bug #8701] [ruby-dev:47551]
+ Patch by Ippei Obayashi. Thanks!!!
+ * test/rexml/parse/test_notation_declaration.rb (#test_system_public):
+ Add a test for the above case.
+Sat Aug 10 09:20:21 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * NEWS: [DOC] typo in example reported by @moretea
+Sat Aug 10 09:19:04 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * proc.c: [DOC] rdoc code formatting
+Sat Aug 10 09:12:01 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (rb_id_attrset): check if the argument is valid type as an
+ attribute.
+Sat Aug 10 05:44:08 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/rss/trackback.rb: [DOC] Hide RSS::Trackback from rdoc
+ Patch by Steve Klabnik [Bug #8755] [ruby-core:56456]
+Sat Aug 10 04:52:21 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (big_div_struct): Use size_t.
+ (bigdivrem1): Ditto.
+ (bigdivrem_num_extra_words): Ditto.
+ (bigdivrem_single): Ditto.
+ (bigdivrem_normal): Ditto.
+ (bary_divmod): Ditto.
+Fri Aug 9 23:47:15 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/rexmlparser.rb: Remove needless REXML version check.
+ Both RSS Parser and REXML are bundled in Ruby. RSS Parser can
+ always use the latest REXML. [Bug #8754] [ruby-core:56454]
+ Patch by Steve Klabnik. Thanks!!!
+Fri Aug 9 22:51:10 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (XLDFLAGS, LIBRUBYARG_STATIC): CoreFoundation framework
+ option is now needed always, regardless enable-shared.
+ [ruby-core:56467] [Bug #8759]
+Fri Aug 9 22:20:51 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (load_file_internal): use rb_parser_compile_string_path and
+ rb_parser_compile_file_path, String path name versions. [Bug #8753]
+Fri Aug 9 07:16:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * ext/io/console/console.c: delete redefinition of rb_cloexec_open.
+ drop support for 1.8 and 1.9 from the next release of io-console gem.
+Fri Aug 9 19:13:54 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * NEWS: update about new methods for Binding.
+Fri Aug 9 18:48:09 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * proc.c: add Binding#local_variable_get/set/defined?
+ to access local variables which a binding contains.
+ Most part of implementation by nobu.
+ * test/ruby/test_proc.rb: add a tests for above.
+ * vm.c, vm_core.h (rb_binding_add_dynavars): add a new function
+ to add a new environment to create space for new local variables.
+Fri Aug 9 14:02:01 2013 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * tool/make-snapshot: Fix order of priority for option parameter.
+Fri Aug 9 12:06:49 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_str_normalize_ospath): normalize to Normalization Form C
+ using CFString.
+Fri Aug 9 10:53:57 2013 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * time.c (get_timeval, get_new_timeval): use rb_obj_class()
+ instead of CLASS_OF() because CLASS_OF() may return
+ a singleton class.
+Fri Aug 9 10:42:11 2013 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_invoke_block): returning from lambda proc
+ now always exits from the Proc. [ruby-core:56193] [Feature #8693]
+ * NEWS, test/ruby/test_lambda.rb: ditto. Patch by nobu.
+Fri Aug 9 00:10:32 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enumerator.c (lazy_zip_func): fix non-single argument. fix
+ out-of-bound access and pack multiple yielded values.
+ [ruby-core:56383] [Bug #8735]
+Thu Aug 8 23:01:20 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (rb_mod_singleton_p): new method Module#singleton_class? to
+ return whether the receiver is a singleton class or not.
+ [ruby-core:51087] [Feature #7609]
+Thu Aug 8 21:56:44 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (time_overflow_p): Avoid signed integer overflow.
+ (rb_time_new): Fix overflow condition.
+Thu Aug 8 19:58:02 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_threadptr_pending_interrupt_check_mask):
+ use RARRAY_RAWPTR() instead of RARRAY_PTR() because
+ there is no new reference.
+Thu Aug 8 19:56:52 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_format_m): use RARRAY_RAWPTR() instead of
+ RARRAY_PTR() because there is no new reference.
+Thu Aug 8 19:55:51 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: define USE_RGENGC_LOGGING_WB_UNPROTECT.
+Thu Aug 8 16:44:25 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: add old macro name `RUBY_EVENT_SWITCH'.
+ This macro name is obsolete because it is renamed to
+ RUBY_INTERNAL_EVENT_SWITCH, but it has compatibility problem
+ using this macro name like ruby-prof.
+ I want to remove this macro after ruby 2.1.
+Thu Aug 8 15:37:53 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/coverage/test_coverage.rb (TestCoverage#test_big_code): use `1'
+ instead of `p' to get rid of a side effect.
+ Kernel#p without any argument seems to do nothing, but flushes stdout.
+ and, if stdout is redirected to file, fsync() will be called on
+ Windows. so, when running test-all on Windows with redirection, such
+ as CI environment, this test took a lot of time.
+Thu Aug 8 14:54:18 2013 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * NEWS: add description of incompatibility introduced by r42396.
+ [ruby-core:56329] [Bug #8722]
+Thu Aug 8 14:50:36 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (mini): portable target to build miniruby
+ * (bisect): run git-bisect with miniruby
+ * (bisect-ruby): run git-bisect with ruby
+ * tool/ script for git-bisect
+Thu Aug 8 12:11:43 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/webrick/test_httpresponse.rb (test_send_body_*_chunked): these
+ expectations assumes that the IOs are binmode. fixed test failures
+ introduced at r42427 on Windows.
+Thu Aug 8 10:27:18 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * range.c (range_last): revert r42400. [Bug #8739]
+Thu Aug 8 10:26:25 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_str_normalize_ospath): extract and move from dir.c.
+Thu Aug 8 05:59:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb: Fix test for CVE-2013-4073.
+ Patch by Antonio Terceiro. [Bug #8750] [ruby-core:56437]
+Thu Aug 8 03:37:38 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb: Allow #body to be an IO-like object
+ that responds to #readpartial and #read.
+ [ruby-trunk - Feature #8155]
+ * NEWS: NEWS for above
+ * test/webrick/test_httpresponse.rb: Tests for above.
+Wed Aug 7 23:06:26 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ruby.c (Process.argv0): New method to return the original value
+ of $0. [Feature #8696]
+Wed Aug 7 23:05:55 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ruby.c (Process.setproctitle): New method to change the title of
+ the running process that is shown in ps(1). [Feature #8696]
+Wed Aug 7 20:05:38 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_odd_p): Check the bignum length.
+ (rb_big_even_p): Ditto.
+Wed Aug 7 19:29:26 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (dbl2big): A condition simplified.
+Wed Aug 7 16:34:30 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/webrick/test_cgi.rb (TestWEBrickCGI#{start_cgi_server,test_cgi}):
+ mswin is not only mswin32 but also mswin64. [Bug #8746]
+Wed Aug 7 16:19:12 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * cont.c (rb_fiber_start): use RARRAY_RAWPTR() instead of
+ RARRAY_PTR() because there is no new reference.
+ * proc.c (curry): ditto.
+ * proc.c (rb_proc_call): remove line break.
+Wed Aug 7 13:20:12 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * random.c (random_load): use RARRAY_RAWPTR() instead of
+ RARRAY_PTR() because there is no new reference.
+Wed Aug 7 12:58:23 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c (thread_start_func_2): use RARRAY_RAWPTR() instead of
+ RARRAY_PTR() because there is no new reference.
+Wed Aug 7 09:00:24 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * string.c: [DOC] Description of rb_str_equal [Fixes GH-375]
+ Based on a patch by @markijbema
+Wed Aug 7 08:30:38 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_hmac.c: [DOC] Documentation for OpenSSL::HMAC
+ based on a patch by @repah documenting-ruby/ruby#14
+Wed Aug 7 07:46:23 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/rss/utils.rb: [DOC] RSS::Utils by Steve Klabnik [Bug #8745]
+Wed Aug 7 07:38:39 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (nlz16): Removed.
+ (nlz32): Ditto.
+ (nlz64): Ditto.
+ (nlz128): Ditto.
+ (nlz_int): New function.
+ (nlz_long): New function.
+ (nlz_long_long): New function.
+ (nlz_int128): New function.
+ (nlz): Follow above changes.
+ (bitsize): Follow above changes.
+Tue Aug 6 22:38:15 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * time.c: [DOC] Typo in Time overview by @sparr [Fixes GH-374]
+Tue Aug 6 22:35:32 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/rss/1.0.rb: [DOC] Document RSS10 by Steve Klabnik [Bug #8740]
+Tue Aug 6 22:14:11 2013 Kouji Takao <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_s_delete_text): remove
+ checking "$SAFE == 4".
+ * ext/readline/readline.c: fix rdoc, remove "Raises SecurityError"
+ and add "Raises NotImplementedError".
+Tue Aug 6 22:04:38 2013 Kouji Takao <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c, test/readline/test_readline.rb: fix
+ indent.
+Tue Aug 6 21:59:56 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * range.c (range_last): return nil for empty range, or in the case the
+ predecessor is smaller than the begin. [Bug #8739]
+Tue Aug 6 21:48:31 2013 Kouji Takao <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_s_set_point, Init_readline):
+ add Readline.point=(pos). Patched by naruse. [ruby-dev:47535]
+ [Feature #8675]
+Tue Aug 6 21:14:11 2013 Kouji Takao <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (Init_readline, readline_s_set_output)
+ (clear_rl_outstream, readline_s_set_input, clear_rl_instream)
+ (readline_readline): fix causing SEGV if closed IO object that is
+ set Readline.input or Readline.output. Patched by akr
+ [ruby-dev:47509] [Bug #8644]
+Tue Aug 6 17:56:40 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_push_frame): change type of stack_max to size_t.
+Tue Aug 6 17:42:47 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * range.c (range_last): exclude the last number of the exclusive range
+ if the end is Numeric. [ruby-dev:47587] [Bug #8739]
+Tue Aug 6 17:42:21 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_conv_from_wchar): converted string to CP_UTF8
+ should have UTF-8 encoding. otherwise no conversion takes place
+ later.
+Tue Aug 6 17:21:38 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_push_frame): fix stack overflow check codes.
+ Stack overflow check should be done *after* pushing a stack frame.
+ However, some stack overflow checking codes checked *before*
+ pushing a stack frame with iseq->stack_max.
+ To solve this problem, add a new parameter `stack_max' to specify
+ a possible consuming stack size.
+ * vm_core.h (CHECK_VM_STACK_OVERFLOW0): add to share the stack overflow
+ checking code.
+ * insns.def: catch up this change.
+ * vm.c, vm_eval.c: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_exception.rb: add a stack overflow test.
+ This code is reported by nobu.
+Tue Aug 6 17:02:17 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_conv_from_wchar): use WideCharToMultiByte(),
+ as like as mbstr_to_wstr(), in the first step of the conversion from
+Tue Aug 6 16:14:32 2013 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_eval.c (eval_string_with_cref): copy cref to limit the scope of
+ refinements in the eval string. [ruby-core:56329] [Bug #8722]
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb: related test.
+Tue Aug 6 12:23:12 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_realloc): Use VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_UNDEFINED to
+ declare undefined memory area.
+ (bignew_1): Ditto.
+ * internal.h (VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_DEFINED): Moved from gc.c
+Tue Aug 6 01:40:37 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * process.c: [DOC] Document caveats of command form of Process.spawn
+ with regard to the shell and OS. Patched by Steve Klabnik [Bug #8550]
+Tue Aug 6 01:28:35 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/rss/0.9.rb: [DOC] Typo in example [Bug #8732]
+Tue Aug 6 01:22:37 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/rss/2.0.rb: [DOC] Document RSS::Rss by Steve Klabnik #8740
+ * lib/rss/atom.rb: [DOC] Typo in rdoc by Steve Klabnik
+Mon Aug 5 23:47:59 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c: Rename local variables.
+Mon Aug 5 22:23:59 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * vm_trace.c: [DOC] Fix TracePoint return values in examples
+ Based on a patch by @sho-h [Fixes GH-373]
+Mon Aug 5 17:38:15 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_write_console): use MultiByteToWideChar() for
+ the last step of conversion to WCHAR, to get rid of warnings from
+ rb_enc_find() in miniruby. [ruby-dev:47584] [Bug #8733]
+ * win32/win32.c (wstr_to_mbstr, mbstr_to_wstr): fix wrong trimming.
+ WideCharToMultiByte() and MultiByteToWideChar() do not count
+ NUL-terminator in the size for conversion result, unless the input
+ length is -1.
+Mon Aug 5 11:51:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h: document which user flags are used by
+ ENCODING_MASK for better greppability
+Mon Aug 5 10:01:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * object.c (rb_class_inherited_p): allow iclasses to be tested for
+ inheritance. [Bug #8686] [ruby-core:56174]
+ * test/ruby/test_method.rb: add test
+Mon Aug 5 06:13:48 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * enumerator.c: [DOC] Remove reference to Enumerator::Lazy#cycle
+ Patch by @kachick [Fixes GH-372]
+Mon Aug 5 03:57:16 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/rss/0.9.rb: [DOC] Document RSS09 by Steve Klabnik [Bug #8732]
+Mon Aug 5 03:35:11 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/rexml/attribute.rb: [DOC] Update example for #namespace
+ Patch by Ippei Obayashi [Bug #8685] [ruby-core:56173]
+Sun Aug 4 21:08:29 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_zip): performance implement by using
+ ALLOCA_N() to allocate tmp buffer.
+Sun Aug 4 07:14:49 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * README.EXT, README.EXT.ja: Mention rb_integer_pack and
+ rb_integer_unpack.
+Sun Aug 4 01:54:45 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (BARY_TRUNC): New macro.
+ (bary_cmp): Use BARY_TRUNC.
+ (bary_mul_toom3): Ditto.
+ (bary_divmod): Ditto.
+ (abs2twocomp): Ditto.
+ (bigfixize): Ditto.
+ (rb_cstr_to_inum): Ditto.
+ (big2str_karatsuba): Ditto.
+ (bigdivrem): Ditto.
+Sun Aug 4 00:57:58 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (big2str_karatsuba): Don't allocate new temporary buffer
+ if the buffer is enough for current invocation.
+Sun Aug 4 00:22:34 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary2bdigitdbl): New function.
+ (bdigitdbl2bary): Ditto.
+ (bary_mul_single): Use bdigitdbl2bary.
+ (power_cache_get_power): Ditto.
+ (bary_divmod): Use bary2bdigitdbl.
+ (big2str_orig): Ditto.
+ (bigdivrem): Ditto.
+Sat Aug 3 22:47:11 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c: The branch condition of selecting multiplication
+ algorithms should check smaller argument because Karatsuba and Toom3
+ is effective only if both arguments are big.
+ (bary_mul_toom3_branch): Compare the smaller argument to
+ (bary_mul): Compare the smaller argument to KARATSUBA_MUL_DIGITS.
+Sat Aug 3 22:23:31 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (big2str_orig): Receive the number to stringize as
+ BDIGIT array and size.
+ (big2str_karatsuba): Receive the number to stringize as BDIGIT array
+ and size. Use an temporary array of BDIGIT.
+ (rb_big2str1): Follow the above change.
+Sat Aug 3 13:30:04 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (MAX_BASE36_POWER_TABLE_ENTRIES): Renamed from
+ (base36_power_cache): Renamed from big2str_power_cache.
+ (base36_numdigits_cache): Renamed from big2str_numdigits_cache.
+Sat Aug 3 10:33:52 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_set_integer_literal): use rb_rational_raw1() for
+ integral rational because no reduction is needed with 1.
+Sat Aug 3 09:46:07 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (setup_passwd, setup_group): set proper encodings to
+ string members.
+Sat Aug 3 09:30:57 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_define_under): new function to define Struct
+ under the given namespace, not under Struct. [Feature #8264]
+ * ext/etc/etc.c: use rb_struct_define_under.
+Sat Aug 3 06:55:29 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * parse.y (value_expr_gen): now NODE_DEFN and NODE_DEFS are not void
+ value expressions. get rid of wrong warning with -w, and make to
+ pass tests with chkbuild. ref. [Feature #3753]
+Sat Aug 3 04:23:48 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/syntax/refinements.rdoc: Remove mention of instance_eval and
+ module_eval from scope section per:
+Sat Aug 3 02:22:05 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (big2str_orig): Refactored.
+Sat Aug 3 01:20:19 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bigadd_core): Removed.
+ (bigadd): Use bary_add instead of bigadd_core.
+Sat Aug 3 00:52:43 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big2str1): Simplify power_level calculation.
+Sat Aug 3 00:34:20 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_zip): use rb_ary_new2() to create buffer
+ if rb_block_arity() > 1.
+Sat Aug 3 00:12:00 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * NEWS: Add the description that IO#seek supports SEEK_DATA
+ and SEEK_HOLE.
+Fri Aug 2 23:57:57 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * vm.c (m_core_define_method, m_core_define_singleton_method): now
+ the value of def-expr is the Symbol of the name of the method, not
+ nil.
+ ref. [ruby-dev:42151] [Feature #3753]
+ * test/ruby/test_syntax.rb (TestSyntax#test_value_of_def): test for
+ above changes.
+Fri Aug 2 23:54:11 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_zip): performance improvement by avoiding
+ array creation if rb_block_arity() > 1.
+Fri Aug 2 23:50:53 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (power_cache_get_power): Apply bigtrunc to the result of
+ bigsq.
+ (big2str_karatsuba): Fix number of leading zero characters.
+Fri Aug 2 23:48:36 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): calculate denominator directly as powers of
+ ten, not parsing string.
+ * parse.y (parser_number_literal_suffix): return bit set of found
+ suffixes.
+ * parse.y (parser_set_number_literal, parser_set_integer_literal):
+ split from parser_number_literal_suffix to set yylval.
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): parse rational number literal with decimal
+ point precisely.
+ * parse.y (simple_numeric): integrate numeric literals and simplify
+ numeric rules.
+ * ext/ripper/eventids2.c (ripper_init_eventids2): ripper support for
+ new literals, tRATIONAL and tIMAGINARY.
+Fri Aug 2 18:33:28 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (big2str_karatsuba): Reduce power_level more than one at
+ recursion, if possible.
+ (rb_big2str1): Follow the above change.
+Fri Aug 2 12:25:15 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_mul): Swap x and y for bary_mul1 if x is longer than y.
+ [ruby-dev:47565] [Bug #8719] Reported by Narihiro Nakamura.
+Fri Aug 2 10:39:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * parse.y (negate_lit): add T_RATIONAL and T_COMPLEX to the switch
+ statement, and call rb_bug() if an unknown type is passed to
+ negate_lit(). [ruby-core:56316] [Bug #8717]
+ * bootstraptest/test_literal_suffix.rb (assert_equal): add test
+Fri Aug 2 09:14:47 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/syntax/refinements.rdoc: Improve description of where you may
+ activate refinements.
+Fri Aug 2 07:45:55 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (big2str_orig): Remove len argument.
+ (big2str_karatsuba): Ditto.
+ (rb_big2str1): Follow above change.
+Thu Aug 2 02:32:00 2013 Kenta Murata <>
+ * NEWS: Add the description of number literal suffixes.
+Thu Aug 2 00:02:00 2013 Kenta Murata <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_literal_suffix.rb: add two test cases to
+ examine that "1if true" and "1rescue nil" are recognized as 1.
+Thu Aug 1 23:45:00 2013 Kenta Murata <>
+ * rational.c (rb_flt_rationalize_with_prec): new public C function
+ to rationalize a Float instance with a precision.
+ * rational.c (rb_flt_rationalize): new public C function to
+ rationalize a Float instance. A precision is calculated from
+ the given float number.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: Add rb_flt_rationalize_with_prec and
+ rb_flt_rationalize.
+ * parse.y: implement number literal suffixes, 'r' and 'i'.
+ [ruby-core:55096] [Feature #8430]
+ * bootstraptest/test_literal_suffix.rb: add tests for parser to scan
+ number literals with the above tsuffixes.
+Thu Aug 1 23:55:08 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big2str1): Remove a local variable.
+Thu Aug 1 23:33:01 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_cstr_to_inum): Use power_cache_get_power.
+Thu Aug 1 21:02:48 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big2str1): Raise an error for too big number.
+Thu Aug 1 20:46:29 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (power_cache_get_power): Hide cached Bignum objects.
+Thu Aug 1 19:15:05 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big2str1): Remove non-trim mode.
+ (rb_big2str0): Non-trim mode implemented here.
+ (big2str_find_n1): Change the result type to long again.
+ (big2str_base_powerof2): Don't take arguments: len and trim.
+ (rb_big2str): Follow above change.
+Thu Aug 1 12:37:58 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (big2str_alloc): New function to allocate the result string.
+ It is called after actual length is calculated.
+ (big2str_struct): Add fields: negative, result and ptr.
+ (big2str_orig): Write out the result via b2s->ptr.
+ (big2str_orig): Ditto.
+ (rb_big2str1): Don't allocate the result string at beginning.
+Thu Aug 1 07:36:27 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (big2str_orig): Use temporary buffer when trim mode.
+Thu Aug 1 06:28:48 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (big2str_orig): Simplified because RBIGNUM_LEN(x) <= 2 now.
+ (big2str_struct): Two fields added: hbase2, hbase2_numdigits.
+ (rb_big2str1): Initialize above fields.
+Thu Aug 1 04:06:17 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rdoc/options.rb (RDoc#finish): include root path in include
+ paths, to work in another directory than the source directory.
+ [ruby-core:56282] [Bug #8712]
+ * test/test_rdoc_markup_pre_process.rb (TestRDocMarkupPreProcess#setup):
+ fix input_file_name, as the test script is not pre-processed.
+Thu Aug 1 01:45:18 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (big2str_karatsuba): Fix a condition of power_level.
+Thu Aug 1 01:09:02 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (LOG2_KARATSUBA_BIG2STR_DIGITS): Removed.
+ (big2str_numdigits_cache): New variable.
+ (power_cache_get_power): Merged with power_cache_get_power0.
+ This function returns maxpow_in_bdigit_dbl(base)**(2**power_level).
+ (rb_big2str1): use power_cache_get_power.
+Wed Jul 31 23:59:28 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (big2str_find_n1): Change the return type to size_t.
+ (big2str_orig): Ditto.
+ (big2str_karatsuba): Ditto.
+ (rb_big2str1): Follow the above changes.
+Wed Jul 31 23:19:06 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (power_cache_get_power): Change numdigits_ret to size_t *.
+ (big2str_orig): Change len argument to size_t.
+ (big2str_karatsuba): Ditto.
+ (rb_big2str1): Follow the above changes.
+Wed Jul 31 22:59:47 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/parse/test_notation_declaration.rb: Change class
+ name to follow file name change.
+Wed Jul 31 22:57:50 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_notationdecl_parsetest.rb: Rename to ...
+ * test/rexml/parse/test_notation_declaration.rb: ... this.
+Wed Jul 31 22:54:39 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_notationdecl_mixin.rb: Remove duplicated tests.
+Wed Jul 31 22:52:55 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_notationdecl_parsetest.rb: Fix typos in expected
+ value.
+ pubilc ->
+ public
+ ^^
+Wed Jul 31 22:50:51 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_notationdecl_parsetest.rb: Add tests that focus
+ system literal in external ID system notation declaration.
+Wed Jul 31 22:36:21 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_cmp): Extracted from rb_big_cmp.
+ (power_cache_get_power): Change n1 argument (number of digits) to
+ power_level which is just passed to power_cache_get_power0.
+ (big2str_karatsuba): Ditto.
+ (rb_big2str1): Calculate the initial power_level.
+Wed Jul 31 22:04:36 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_notationdecl_parsetest.rb: Fix a typo.
+ Extern ID ->
+ ExternalID
+ ^^
+Wed Jul 31 22:01:36 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_notationdecl_parsetest.rb: Add tests that focus
+ public ID in external ID notation declaration.
+Wed Jul 31 22:01:24 2013 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * parse.y: fix build error with bison-3.0.
+Wed Jul 31 21:58:53 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_notationdecl_parsetest.rb: Split test patterns.
+Wed Jul 31 21:42:33 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_notationdecl_parsetest.rb: Group tests.
+Wed Jul 31 21:37:51 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_notationdecl_mixin.rb (TestNotationDecl#test_name):
+ Move to ...
+ * test/rexml/test_notationdecl_parsetest.rb
+ (TestNotationDecl#test_name): ... here.
+Wed Jul 31 21:37:47 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+Wed Jul 31 21:31:49 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_notationdecl_parsetest.rb: Remove setup because it
+ doesn't share anything with other tests.
+Wed Jul 31 21:24:55 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_attributes_mixin.rb: Remove a needless shebang.
+ * test/rexml/test_notationdecl_mixin.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rexml/test_doctype.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rexml/test_xml_declaration.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rexml/test_changing_encoding.rb: ditto.
+Wed Jul 31 21:20:08 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_notationdecl_parsetest.rb: remove a needless shebang.
+Wed Jul 31 20:11:01 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_rindex): fix bug introduced in r42269.
+ "".rindex("") should return 0.
+ (str_rindex): ditto.
+Wed Jul 31 19:55:33 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ (power_cache_get_power0): Add rb_bug call for too bit i argument.
+ (power_cache_get_power): Simplified.
+Wed Jul 31 18:32:25 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (URI.decode_www_form_component): Use String#b.
+Wed Jul 31 18:24:02 2013 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_refine, mod_using, top_using): don't show
+ warnings because Refinements are no longer experimental.
+ [ruby-core:55993] [Feature #8632]
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb: related test.
+ * NEWS: fixes for the above change.
+Wed Jul 31 17:55:55 2013 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (URI.decode_www_form_component):
+ Don't raise error when str includes multibyte characters.
+Wed Jul 31 17:45:39 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_rindex): performance improvement by using
+ memrchr(3).
+Wed Jul 31 16:43:30 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_rindex): refactoring and avoid to call str_nth() if
+ pos == 0.
+Wed Jul 31 14:41:36 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/set.rb: [DOC] Add a couple of notes on Hash as storage.
+ ref. [Feature #6589]
+Wed Jul 31 14:38:52 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/set.rb: [DOC] Fix example result. Hash is now ordered.
+Wed Jul 31 14:38:10 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/set.rb: [DOC] Use the term "sorted" instead of "ordered"
+ when mentioning SortSet.
+Wed Jul 31 12:18:47 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (big2str_struct): New structure.
+ (big2str_orig): Use big2str_struct.
+ (big2str_karatsuba): Ditto.
+ (rb_big2str1): Ditto.
+Wed Jul 31 12:02:16 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/rubygems.rb: [DOC] typo in url patch by @Red54 [Fixes #369]
+Wed Jul 31 07:09:07 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Import RubyGems from master as of commit 523551c
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Tue Jul 30 22:21:54 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * test/ruby/test_hash.rb: add a test for enumeration order of Hash.
+Tue Jul 30 18:52:27 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/set.rb (Set#intersect?, Set#disjoint?): Add new methods for
+ testing if two sets have any element in common.
+ [ruby-core:45641] [Feature #6588] Based on the code by marcandre.
+Tue Jul 30 17:16:15 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sprintf.c (ruby__sfvextra): add QUOTE flag to escape unprintable
+ characters.
+Tue Jul 30 11:00:52 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/curses/extconf.rb: [DOC] nodoc to reduce Object pollution
+Tue Jul 30 08:19:42 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * sizes.c (Init_sizes): Define sizes only if the type actually exists.
+Mon Jul 29 22:55:26 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sizes.c (Init_sizes): define RbConfig::SIZEOF. [Feature #8568]
+Mon Jul 29 22:25:20 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c: [DOC] Update location of samples
+ * samples/curses/*: Move Curses samples and refactor from mixin
+ The samples are included in rdoc for module and use of mixin is
+ confusing
+Mon Jul 29 22:16:11 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (LOG2_KARATSUBA_BIG2STR_DIGITS): Renamed from
+Mon Jul 29 22:04:45 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_compare_by_id): add function prototype.
+Mon Jul 29 21:53:41 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_compare_by_id): don't call rb_hash_rehash()
+ if self.compare_by_identity? == true.
+Mon Jul 29 21:29:48 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_assoc): performance improvement by replacing
+ compare function in RHASH(hash)->ntbl->type temporarily like r42224.
+ it falls back to rb_hash_foreach() if st_lookup() doesn't find the key.
+ * test/ruby/test_hash.rb: add a test for above.
+Mon Jul 29 21:15:30 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * test/ruby/test_lazy_enumerator.rb
+ (TestLazyEnumerator#test_initialize): Make sure
+ Enumerator::Lazy#initialize raises error if the object is
+ frozen. The check was performed by rb_ivar_set() before
+ rb_check_frozen() was added to enumerator_init().
+Mon Jul 29 21:06:42 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_init): Add a frozenness check to
+ prevent a frozen Enumerator object from being reinitialized with
+ a different enumerable object. This is the least we should do,
+ and more fixes will follow. [Fixes GH-368] Patch by Kenichi
+ Kamiya.
+ * enumerator.c (generator_init): Ditto.
+Mon Jul 29 20:14:24 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_assoc): revert r42224. table->type->compare is
+ called only if hashes are matched.
+ * test/ruby/test_hash.rb: add a test to check using #== to compare.
+Mon Jul 29 17:00:31 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (yycompile): store file name as String to keep the encoding.
+ * parse.y (rb_parser_compile_string_path, rb_parser_compile_file_path):
+ new functions to pass file name as a String.
+ * parse.y (gettable_gen): return a copy of the original file name, not
+ a copy in filesystem encoding.
+ * vm_eval.c (eval_string_with_cref): use Qundef instead of "(eval)".
+Mon Jul 29 16:53:18 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_initialize_copy): copy st_table type even if empty.
+ [ruby-core:56256] [Bug #8703]
+Mon Jul 29 16:34:29 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_initialize_copy): clear old table before copy new
+ table.
+Mon Jul 29 16:34:09 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_assoc): aggregate object can be initialized only
+ with link time constants.
+Mon Jul 29 14:54:44 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_assoc): performance improvement by replacing
+ compare function in RHASH(hash)->ntbl->type temporarily.
+Mon Jul 29 14:52:46 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (xsystem): expand environment variable in all macros not
+ expanded with RbConfig. [Bug #8702]
+ * test/mkmf/test_framework.rb (create_framework): replace all $@ not
+ only once.
+Mon Jul 29 06:54:30 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_pipe): use enum for compile time constants,
+ instead of const int for debugging.
+Mon Jul 29 00:11:49 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bigdivrem): Specialized implementation added for
+ nx == 2 && ny == 2
+Sun Jul 28 20:28:41 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * io.c (io_getpartial): use rb_str_locktmp_ensure().
+ [ruby-core:56121] [Bug #8669]
+ * io.c (rb_io_sysread): ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb: add tests for above.
+Sun Jul 28 20:10:49 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): should make static libraries for extensions
+ to be statically linked. [Bug #7948]
+Sun Jul 28 17:38:32 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * string.c: add internal API rb_str_locktmp_ensure().
+ * io.c (io_fread): use rb_str_locktmp_ensure().
+ [ruby-core:56121] [Bug #8669]
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb: add a test for above.
+Sun Jul 28 13:04:39 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * io.c (interpret_seek_whence): support SEEK_DATA and SEEK_HOLE.
+ These are whences for lseek(2) supported by Linux since version 3.1.
+ [ruby-core:56123] [Feature #8671]
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb: Add tests for above.
+Sun Jul 28 12:41:39 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (absint_numwords_generic): The char_bit variable changed
+ to static constant.
+Sun Jul 28 12:03:23 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c: Constify bary_* functions.
+Sun Jul 28 11:12:07 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_absint_size): Declaration moved from
+ internal.h to calculate required buffer size to pack integers.
+ (rb_absint_numwords): Ditto.
+ (rb_absint_singlebit_p): Ditto.
+ [ruby-core:42813] [Feature #6065]
+Sun Jul 28 10:54:26 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_pipe): fix pipe name formatting. as "%x" may
+ not contain '0' at all, fill at fixed position instead.
+Sun Jul 28 00:35:14 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_size): Return the bignum "bytewise" size.
+ [ruby-core:55578] [Feature #8553]
+ This is accepted by matz on DevelopersMeeting20130727Japan.
+Sun Jul 28 00:07:48 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_integer_pack): Declaration moved from
+ internal.h.
+ (rb_integer_unpack): Ditto.
+ [ruby-core:42813] [Feature #6065]
+Fri Jul 26 23:18:13 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * NEWS: Add a new feature that REXML::Parsers::StreamParser
+ supports "entity" event.
+Fri Jul 26 23:14:31 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/parsers/streamparser.rb
+ (REXML::Parsers::StreamParser#parse): Add "entity" event support to
+ listener. [Bug #8689] [ruby-dev:47542]
+ Reported by Ippei Obayashi.
+ * test/rexml/test_stream.rb (StreamTester#entity): Add a test for
+ the above case.
+Fri Jul 26 23:05:27 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): separate numeric literal from succeeding
+ token, and treat 'e' as floating point number only if followed by
+ exponent part.
+Fri Jul 26 22:14:10 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_exec.h (CHECK_VM_STACK_OVERFLOW_FOR_INSN): surround with
+ do/while (0), and remove unnecessary casts.
+Fri Jul 26 20:12:07 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/syslog/lib/syslog/logger.rb (Syslog::Logger): Add facility
+ to Syslog::Logger. [Fixes GH-305] patch by Max Shytikov
+Fri Jul 26 19:25:17 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_exec.h, tool/instruction.rb: not an error, but a BUG if stack
+ overflow checking failed just before/after the beginning of an
+ instruction. It should be treated as a BUG.
+ Please tell us if your code cause BUG with this problem.
+ This check will removed soon (for performance).
+Fri Jul 26 18:30:14 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * array.c (ary_memcpy): cast to int to suppress a warning.
+Fri Jul 26 18:21:58 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * array.c (ary_memcpy): try to enable optimization.
+ At least on my environments, I don't see any errors
+ with many trials. Please tell us if you find any GC bugs.
+Fri Jul 26 17:49:26 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/file.c (fix_string_encoding): fix target encoding. the
+ parameter `encoding' is not the target encoding but the original
+ encoding.
+Fri Jul 26 14:05:19 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/fiddle/*: [DOC] More doc on dlopen and RTLD_DEFAULT from r42184
+Fri Jul 26 13:08:53 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/fiddle/lib/fiddle.rb: [DOC] Document Fiddle.dlopen(nil)
+ * ext/fiddle/handle.c: [DOC] Document
+Fri Jul 26 13:04:15 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * load.c (rb_load_internal): use rb_load_file_str() to keep path
+ encoding.
+ * load.c (rb_require_safe): search in OS path encoding for Windows.
+ * ruby.c (rb_load_file_str): load file with keeping path encoding.
+ * win32/file.c (rb_file_load_ok): use WCHAR type API assuming incoming
+ path is encoded in UTF-8. [ruby-core:56136] [Bug #8676]
+ * file.c (rb_str_encode_ospath): simplify using rb_str_conv_enc().
+ * win32/file.c (fix_string_encoding): simplify with rb_str_conv_enc().
+ * win32/file.c (convert_mb_to_wchar): use bare pointer instead of
+ VALUE, and remove useless argument.
+Fri Jul 26 11:42:07 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * rational.c (f_round_common): Rational is expected to be returned by
+ Rational#*, but mathn.rb breaks that assumption. [ruby-core:56177]
+ [Bug #8687]
+Fri Jul 26 01:37:45 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: check defined(USE_RGENGC_LOGGING_WB_UNPROTECT)
+Fri Jul 26 01:21:41 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_expand_path_internal): fix r42160; skip '~'.
+Thu Jul 25 17:53:18 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTP#connect): disable Nagle's algorithm on
+ HTTP connection. [ruby-core:56158] [Feature #8681]
+Thu Jul 25 17:49:42 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_to_s): convert closing parenthesis to the target encoding
+ if it is ASCII incompatible encoding. [ruby-core:56063] [Bug #8650]
+Thu Jul 25 17:21:21 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (is_obj_encoding): new macro to check if obj is an
+ Encoding. obj can be any type while is_data_encoding expects T_DATA
+ only.
+Thu Jul 25 17:17:52 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_expand_path_internal): should clear coderange after
+ copying user name as binary data.
+Thu Jul 25 16:17:55 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * encoding.c (check_encoding): Check T_DATA or not.
+ is_data_encoding(obj) assumes that `obj' is T_DATA.
+Thu Jul 25 13:06:46 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (dir_s_home): use rb_home_dir_of and rb_default_home_dir.
+ * file.c (rb_home_dir_of): split from rb_home_dir() for the home
+ directry of the given user, and the user name is a VALUE, not a bare
+ pointer. should raise if the user does not exist.
+ * file.c (rb_default_home_dir): split from rb_home_dir() for the home
+ directry of the current user.
+Thu Jul 25 12:32:11 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c: support additional three thread synchronization
+ functions. [ruby-trunk - Bug #8386]
+Thu Jul 25 07:15:58 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Import RubyGems from master as of commit 4ff70cc
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Wed Jul 24 20:57:44 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_set_arguments): use RARRAY_RAWPTR() instead of
+ RARRAY_PTR() because there is no new reference.
+ * compile.c (iseq_set_exception_table): ditto.
+Wed Jul 24 19:49:54 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (find_proxy): raise BadURIError if the URI is
+ a relative URI. [Bug #8645]
+Wed Jul 24 18:56:06 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_expandarray): use RARRAY_RAWPTR() instead of
+ RARRAY_PTR() because there is no new reference.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_caller_setup_args): ditto.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_yield_setup_block_args): ditto.
+Wed Jul 24 18:40:11 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * array.c, gc.c: move ary_unprotect_logging() into
+ rb_gc_unprotect_logging() which is general version
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: add USE_RGENGC_LOGGING_WB_UNPROTECT
+ to enable.
+Wed Jul 24 17:37:50 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_expand_path_internal): preserve the file name
+ encoding in an exception message.
+Wed Jul 24 08:04:49 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/-ext-/tracepoint/test_tracepoint.rb: add GC on/off to count
+ GC events strictly.
+Tue Jul 23 23:19:24 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb (CRYPTO_THREADID): check exist or not.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c (ossl_thread_id): use rb_nativethread_self()
+ implemented at r42137 to allow threads which doesn't associated with
+ Ruby thread to use openssl functions.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c (Init_ossl_locks): If CRYPTO_THREADID is defined
+ (OpenSSL 1.0.0 or later has it) use CRYPTO_THREADID_set_callback()
+ instead of CRYPTO_set_id_callback() because its argument is
+ unsigned long; it may cause id collision on mswin64
+ whose sizeof(unsigned long) < sizeof(void*).
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c (ossl_threadid_func): defined for above.
+Tue Jul 23 20:47:36 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c: Move functions.
+Tue Jul 23 20:14:55 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_divmod): Add special cases for x < y easily detected
+ and nx == 2 && ny == 2.
+Tue Jul 23 19:48:38 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread_(pthread|win32).h: rename rb_thread_cond_t to
+ rb_nativethread_cond_t.
+ * thread.c, thread_pthread.c, thread_win32.c, vm_core.h: catch up
+ renaming.
+Tue Jul 23 19:44:32 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread_native.h: add rb_nativethread_self() which returns
+ current running native thread identifier.
+ * thread_[pthread|win32].c: implement rb_nativethread_self().
+Tue Jul 23 19:34:11 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread_pthread.h, thread_win32.h: rename rb_thread_id_t to
+ rb_nativethread_id_t.
+ * thread_pthread.c, vm_core.h: use rb_nativethread_id_t.
+Tue Jul 23 18:56:11 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c: use system native (system provided)
+ thread locking APIs added by last commit.
+ This patch fixes [Bug #8386].
+ "rb_mutex_*" APIs control only "Ruby" threads.
+ Not for native threads.
+Tue Jul 23 18:44:15 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread_native.h: added.
+ Move native thread related lines from vm_core.h.
+ And declare several functions "rb_nativethread_lock_*",
+ manipulate locking.
+ * add thread_native.h.
+ * thread.c: add functions "rb_nativethread_lock_*".
+ * thread.c, thread_[pthread,win32].[ch]: rename rb_thread_lock_t
+ to rb_nativethread_lock_t to make it clear that this lock is for
+ native threads, not for ruby threads.
+Tue Jul 23 16:14:57 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_before_sweep): fix spacing.
+Tue Jul 23 15:57:11 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (heap_get_freeobj): clear slot->freelist here.
+ This means that this slot doesn't have any free objects.
+ And store this slot with objspace->heap.using_slot.
+ * gc.c (gc_before_sweep): restore objspace->freelist
+ into objspace->heap.using_slot->freelist.
+ This means that using_slot has free objects which are
+ pointed from objspace->freelist.
+ * gc.c (gc_slot_sweep): do not need to clear slot->freelist.
+Tue Jul 23 09:34:49 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * sample/drb/README*.rdoc: [DOC] migrate DRb sample READMEs to rdoc
+Tue Jul 23 09:28:05 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/drb/invokemethod.rb: [DOC] nodoc InvokeMethod18Mixin
+Tue Jul 23 08:44:37 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c (asn1time_to_time): Implement YYMMDDhhmmZ
+ format for ASN.1 UTCTime. [ruby-trunk - Bug #8664]
+ * test/openssl/test_asn1.rb: Test for the above.
+Tue Jul 23 08:11:32 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/rexml/streamlistener.rb: [DOC] Fix examples in
+ REXML::StreamListener#entitydecl patch by Ippei Obayashi [Bug #8665]
+Tue Jul 23 07:44:59 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Import RubyGems from master as of commit b165260
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Tue Jul 23 07:14:31 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_mulsub_1xN): New function.
+ (bary_mul_toom3): Use bary_mulsub_1xN.
+Tue Jul 23 03:32:23 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (KARATSUBA_BALANCED): New macro.
+ (TOOM3_BALANCED): Ditto.
+ (bary_mul_balance_with_mulfunc): Use KARATSUBA_BALANCED and
+ (rb_big_mul_balance): Relax a condition.
+ (rb_big_mul_karatsuba): Use KARATSUBA_BALANCED.
+ (rb_big_mul_toom3): Use TOOM3_BALANCED.
+ (bary_mul_karatsuba_branch): Use KARATSUBA_BALANCED.
+ (bary_mul_toom3_branch): Use TOOM3_BALANCED.
+Tue Jul 23 01:34:45 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bigdivrem_mulsub): Extracted from bigdivrem1.
+ (bigdivrem1): Use bary_add.
+Mon Jul 22 18:39:52 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_enumerate_chars): specify array capa
+ with str_strlen().
+ * string.c (rb_str_enumerate_codepoints): ditto.
+Mon Jul 22 18:01:33 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_enumerate_chars): specify array capa.
+Mon Jul 22 17:24:14 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_each_char_size): performance improvement by
+ using rb_str_length().
+Mon Jul 22 16:32:48 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (eval_string_with_cref): check by Check_TypedStruct
+ instead of rb_obj_is_kind_of.
+Mon Jul 22 13:19:22 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * array.c (ary_resize_capa): use RARRAY_RAWPTR() because
+ this code creates no new references.
+Mon Jul 22 12:58:18 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * array.c (ary_memfill): added.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_initialize): use ary_memfill().
+ * array.c (rb_ary_fill): ditto.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_slice_bang): use RARRAY_RAWPTR() because
+ this code creates no new references.
+Mon Jul 22 10:09:46 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_slot_sweep): need to add empty RVALUE as freeobj.
+Mon Jul 22 09:48:31 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (eval_string_with_cref): use the given file name unless
+ eval even if scope is given. additional fix for [Bug #8436].
+ based on the patch by srawlins at [ruby-core:56099] [Bug #8662].
+Mon Jul 22 09:24:19 2013 Kouji Takao <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (Init_readline): added
+ Readline.delete_text. [ruby-dev:45789] [Feature #6626]
+ * ext/readline/extconf.rb: check for rl_delete_text() in Readline library.
+ Thanks, Nobuyoshi Nakada, for the patch.
+Mon Jul 22 03:15:54 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/date/date_parse.c (rfc2822_cb): check if wday is given, since it
+ can be omitted.
+Mon Jul 22 00:15:20 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_sq_fast): Refine expressions.
+Sun Jul 21 21:08:59 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_mul): Use simple multiplication if yl is small.
+ (rb_cstr_to_inum): Invoke bigsq instead of bigmul0.
+ (bigsq): Re-implemented.
+ (bigmul0): Invoke bigsq if two arguments are identical.
+Sun Jul 21 09:58:19 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_mul_toom3): New function based on bigmul1_toom3.
+ (bary_mul_toom3_branch): Call bary_mul_toom3.
+ (rb_big_mul_toom3): Ditto.
+ (bigmul1_toom3): Removed.
+ (big_real_len): Ditto.
+ (big_split): Ditto.
+ (big_split3): Ditto.
+Sun Jul 21 08:12:16 2013 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * proc.c (proc_to_s): use PRIsVALUE to preserve the result encoding.
+Sun Jul 21 03:36:18 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_flatten): use NUM2INT to raise TypeError on 32bit
+ platform. it's introduced by r42039
+Sun Jul 21 01:07:45 2013 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * (help): Fix environment variable name and argument.
+ Actually it can also be a directory or any argument for
+ test/unit runner. [Fixes GH-363]
+Sat Jul 20 22:44:50 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * Document running a single test [Fixes GH-363]
+ Patch by Avdi Grimm
+Sat Jul 20 22:39:56 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * sample/*: whitespace patch by Sergio Campama [Fixes GH-364]
+Sat Jul 20 22:33:13 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * doc/regexp.rdoc: [DOC] Fix typo in example [Fixes GH-365]
+ Patch by Juanito Fatas
+Sat Jul 20 17:46:03 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_succ): add missing case NEIGHBOR_WRAPPED.
+ r42078 caused buggy behavior like "\xFF".b -> "\x01\xFF".b
+Sat Jul 20 15:22:38 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_resize): use simple memcpy because there are no new
+ references.
+Sat Jul 20 15:02:51 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * safe.c (ruby_safe_level_4_warning): define for old extension
+ libraries. [Bug #8652]
+Sat Jul 20 14:38:00 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * array.c (ary_make_shared): make shared array shady.
+ Making non-shady shared array causes SEGV (see rubyci).
+ It seems a bug around shared array.
+Sat Jul 20 12:14:07 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (enc_succ_char, enc_pred_char): consider wchar case.
+ [ruby-core:56071] [Bug #8653]
+ * string.c (rb_str_succ): do not replace with invalid char.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_code_to_mbclen): add new function which returns
+ mbclen from codepoint like as rb_enc_codelen() but 0 for invalid
+ char.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_enc_code_to_mbclen): declaration and
+ shortcut macro.
+Fri Jul 19 21:59:12 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: declare type_name() at the beginning of file.
+Fri Jul 19 21:35:09 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * array.c: reduce shady operations.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_modify, ary_make_partial, rb_ary_splice,
+ rb_ary_replace, rb_ary_eql, rb_ary_compact_bang):
+ use RARRAY_RAWPTR() instead of RARRAY_PTR().
+ * array.c (rb_ary_shift): use RARRAY_PTR_USE() without WB because
+ there are not new relations.
+ * array.c (ary_ensure_room_for_unshift): ditto.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_sort_bang): ditto.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_delete_at): ditto.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_reverse_m): use RARRAY_RAWPTR() because
+ there are not new relations.
+Fri Jul 19 20:58:20 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * array.c: reduce shade operations.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_modify): use RARRAY_RAWPTR().
+ * array.c (ary_make_substitution, rb_ary_s_create, ary_make_partial,
+ rb_ary_splice, rb_ary_resize, rb_ary_rotate_m, rb_ary_times):
+ use ary_memcpy().
+Fri Jul 19 19:55:28 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * array.c (ary_mem_clear): added. This operation doesn't need WB
+ because this operation creates a reference to Qnil.
+ * array.c (ary_make_shared, rb_ary_store, rb_ary_shift_m,
+ rb_ary_splice, rb_ary_resize, rb_ary_fill): use ary_mem_clear()
+ instead of rb_mem_clear().
+ * array.c (ary_make_shared): use RARRAY_RAWPTR() instead of RARRAY_PTR().
+Fri Jul 19 19:18:51 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * array.c: fix commit miss.
+Fri Jul 19 19:15:30 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_resurrect): use RARRAY_RAWPTR() because there is no
+ writing.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_new_from_values): use ary_memcpy().
+Fri Jul 19 19:07:31 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * array.c (ary_memcpy): add a function to copy VALUEs into ary
+ with write barrier. If ary is promoted, use write barrier correctly.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_cat, rb_ary_unshift_m, rb_ary_dup,
+ rb_ary_sort_bang, rb_ary_replace, rb_ary_plus): use ary_memcpy().
+Fri Jul 19 15:32:57 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_store): use RARRAY_PTR_USE() instead of RARRAY_PTR().
+ Clearing memory space doesn't need WBs.
+Fri Jul 19 15:19:37 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * array.c (ary_ensure_room_for_push): use RARRAY_RAWPTR() instead of
+ RARRAY_PTR. In this code, there are no "write" operation.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_equal): ditto.
+ * array.c (recursive_equal): ditto.
+Fri Jul 19 15:09:22 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c, internal.h (rb_gc_writebarrier_remember_promoted): add a new
+ function to remember an specified object. This api is only
+ experimental (strongly depend on WB/rgengc strategy).
+Fri Jul 19 14:56:00 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * array.c (ary_unprotect_logging): use (void *) for first parameter
+ because VALUE is not defined before including ruby/ruby.h.
+Fri Jul 19 14:19:48 2013 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_inspect): use PRIsVALUE to preserve
+ the result encoding.
+Fri Jul 19 12:35:41 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/socket/test_tcp.rb (test_initialize_failure): Use EADDRNOTAVAIL
+ to test an error message generated by bind() failure.
+Fri Jul 19 11:27:38 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/racc/parser.rb: [DOC] Capitalize "Ruby" in documentation
+ Patch by Dave Worth
+Fri Jul 19 11:26:28 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych*: [DOC] Capitalize "Ruby" in documentation
+ Patch by Dave Worth
+Fri Jul 19 11:25:12 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/rdoc/*: [DOC] Capitalize "Ruby" in documentation
+ Patch by Dave Worth
+Fri Jul 19 11:23:55 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/rubygems*: [DOC] Capitalize "Ruby" in documentation
+ Patch by Dave Worth
+Fri Jul 19 11:16:54 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/set.rb (Set#to_set): Define Set#to_set so that aSet.to_set
+ returns self. [Fixes GH-359]
+Fri Jul 19 11:10:23 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/rake/*: [DOC] Capitalize "Ruby" in documentation
+ Patch by Dave Worth
+Fri Jul 19 01:04:14 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/-test-/bignum/intpack.c: Renamed from ext/-test-/bignum/pack.c.
+ (Init_intpack): Renamed from Init_pack.
+ Reported by Naohisa Goto. [ruby-dev:47526] [Bug #8655]
+Fri Jul 19 00:54:27 2013 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb (test_count): add a test case for #count
+ with an argument. See Bug #8654.
+Thu Jul 18 23:45:06 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_eql): compare RARRAY_PTR() for performance
+ improvement in case of that self and other are shared.
+Thu Jul 18 22:46:42 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb: [DOC] Capitalize "Ruby" in documentation [Fixes GH-341]
+ Patch by Dave Worth
+ * lib/webrick.rb: ditto
+ * lib/scanf.rb: ditto
+ * lib/xmlrpc/config.rb: ditto
+ * lib/resolv.rb: ditto
+ * lib/e2mmap.rb: ditto
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: ditto
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: ditto
+ * lib/cgi/session.rb: ditto
+ * lib/yaml.rb: ditto
+ * lib/erb.rb: ditto
+ * lib/irb.rb: ditto
+ * lib/tracer.rb: ditto
+ * lib/net/http.rb: ditto
+ * ext/syslog/lib/syslog/logger.rb: ditto
+ * sample/pty/expect_sample.rb: ditto
+Thu Jul 18 21:30:50 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_sq_fast): Specialize the last iteration of the
+ outer loop.
+ (bigfixize): A condition simplified.
+Thu Jul 18 21:15:41 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_equal): compare RARRAY_PTR() for performance
+ improvement in case of that self and other are shared.
+Thu Jul 18 20:44:51 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_fill): use memfill().
+Thu Jul 18 20:35:14 2013 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_count): check length to avoid SEGV
+ while iterating. Remove other pointer loop when arg is given.
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb (test_count): add test for bug.
+ [ruby-core:56072] [Bug #8654]
+Thu Jul 18 18:14:36 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_count): iterate items appropriately.
+ [Bug #8654]
+Thu Jul 18 17:35:41 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_flatten): performance improvement by not using
+ rb_hash_to_a() to avoid array creation with rb_assoc_new().
+Thu Jul 18 16:16:17 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * array.c: add logging feature for RGenGC's write barrier unprotect
+ event.
+Thu Jul 18 15:45:47 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RUBY_SAFE_LEVEL_CHECK): make only
+ rb_set_safe_level(4) an error always but make rb_secure(4) an error
+ only in the core. [ruby-dev:47517] [Bug #8652]
+Thu Jul 18 15:42:01 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: fix spell miss.
+Thu Jul 18 15:11:11 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (ruby_safe_level_4): get rid of special
+ character. [ruby-dev:47512] [misc #8646]
+Thu Jul 18 14:51:39 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * array.c (ary_alloc): slim setup process.
+Thu Jul 18 14:37:57 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * string.c (str_alloc): no need to clear RString (already cleared).
+Thu Jul 18 12:57:47 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (BDIGITS_ZERO): Defined.
+ (bary_pack): Use BDIGITS_ZERO.
+ (bary_unpack): Ditto.
+ (bary_mul_single): Ditto.
+ (bary_mul_normal): Ditto.
+ (bary_sq_fast): Ditto.
+ (bary_mul_balance_with_mulfunc): Ditto.
+ (bary_mul_precheck): Ditto.
+ (bary_mul_toom3_branch): Ditto.
+ (rb_cstr_to_inum): Ditto.
+ (big_shift3): Ditto.
+ (bigmul1_toom3): Ditto.
+ (bary_divmod): Ditto.
+Thu Jul 18 06:30:02 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: rename gc related functions with prefix "gc_".
+ * before_gc_sweep() -> gc_before_sweep().
+ * after_gc_sweep() -> gc_after_sweep().
+ * lazy_sweep() -> gc_lazy_sweep().
+ * rest_sweep() -> gc_rest_sweep().
+ * slot_sweep() -> gc_slot_sweep().
+ * gc.c: rename a heap management function with prefix "heap_".
+ * get_freeobj() -> heap_get_freeobj().
+ * gc.c: rename markable_object_p() to is_markable_object().
+Wed Jul 17 22:57:40 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * hash.c (delete_if_i): use ST_DELETE.
+Wed Jul 17 22:34:47 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c: An static assertion for relation of SIZEOF_LONG and
+ SIZEOF_BDIGITS is added.
+ (bary_mul_precheck): Reduce comparisons.
+ (bary_mul): Invoke bary_sq_fast or bary_mul1 if the bignum size is
+ small.
+ (bigfixize): Resize the argument bignum here.
+ (bignorm): Don't call bigtrunc after bigfixize.
+Wed Jul 17 22:13:26 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_replace): performance improvement by using
+ st_copy().
+Wed Jul 17 17:19:54 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: rename heap management functions with prefix "heap_".
+ * allocate_sorted_array() -> heap_allocate_sorted_array().
+ * slot_add_freeobj() -> heap_slot_add_freeobj().
+ * assign_heap_slot() -> heap_assign_slot().
+ * add_heap_slots() -> heap_add_slots().
+ * init_heap() -> heap_init().
+ * set_heap_increment() -> heap_set_increment().
+ * gc.c (initial_expand_heap): inlined in rb_gc_set_params().
+Wed Jul 17 17:12:23 2013 Matthew M. Boedicker <>
+ * hash.c (env_fetch): Add key name to message on ENV.fetch KeyError,
+ as well as Hash#fetch. [ruby-core:56062] [Feature #8649]
+Wed Jul 17 15:59:33 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: catch up last changes for debugging/checking mode.
+Wed Jul 17 15:50:10 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_objspace_free): free slot itself.
+ * gc.c (objspace_each_objects): fix condition.
+ Use slot->body instead of slot.
+ * gc.c (count_objects): use "slot" variable.
+Wed Jul 17 15:21:10 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (unlink_heap_slot): fix memory leak.
+ free slot itself at free_heap_slot().
+ Reproduce-able code is here:
+ N1 = 100_000; N2 = 1_000_000
+ N1.times{ary = []; N2.times{ary << ''}}
+ Maybe this problem is remaining in Ruby 2.0.0.
+ * gc.c (unlink_heap_slot): remove not working code.
+Wed Jul 17 14:31:13 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: re-design the heap structure.
+ (1) The heap is consists of a set of slots.
+ (2) Each "slot" has a "slot_body".
+ slot::start and slot::limit specify RVALUE beginning address
+ and number of RVALUE in a "slot_body".
+ (3) "slot_body" contains a pointer to slot (slot_body::header::slot)
+ and an array of RVALUE.
+ (4) heap::sorted is an array of "slots", sorted by an address of
+ slot::body.
+ See
+ for more details (figure).
+ * gc.c: Avoid "heaps" terminology. It is ambiguous.
+Wed Jul 17 13:29:16 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: fix heaps_header and heaps_slot to reduce memory consumption.
+ (1) move heaps_header::start and limit to heaps_slot.
+ (2) remove heaps_header::end which can be calculated by start+limit.
+ * gc.c: catch up above change.
+Wed Jul 17 12:30:05 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/st.h (st_strcasecmp): Macro defined for compatibility.
+ (st_strncasecmp): Ditto.
+Wed Jul 17 11:57:45 2013 Takeyuki FUJIOKA <>
+ * lib/cgi/util.rb (CGI::Util#escape, unescape): Avoid use of regexp
+ special global variable. [Feature #8648] Thanks to fotos.
+Wed Jul 17 11:57:10 2013 Takeyuki FUJIOKA <>
+ * lib/erb.rb (ERB::Util#url_encode): Avoid use of regexp special global
+ variable. [Feature #8648] Thanks to fotos.
+Wed Jul 17 08:12:41 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * st.c (st_locale_insensitive_strcasecmp): Renamed from st_strcasecmp.
+ (st_locale_insensitive_strncasecmp): Renamed from st_strncasecmp.
+ * include/ruby/st.h: Follow above changes.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: Ditto.
+Wed Jul 17 00:14:59 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bigmul1_toom3): Use bigdivrem_single instead of bigdivrem.
+ (big_three): Removed.
+ (Init_Bignum): Don't initialize big_three.
+Tue Jul 16 21:46:03 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * revert r42008. strcasecmp() uses the current locale.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: ditto.
+ * st.c (st_strcasecmp): ditto.
+Tue Jul 16 21:07:04 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * check strcasecmp().
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: use strcasecmp() as st_strcasecmp() if it
+ exists.
+ * st.c (st_strcasecmp): define the function only if strcasecmp()
+ doesn't exist.
+Tue Jul 16 20:21:28 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bigsq): Renamed from bigsqr.
+Tue Jul 16 19:42:08 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (USHORT): Unused macro removed.
+Tue Jul 16 19:18:51 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: slim a path of newobj_of().
+ * gc.c (objspace): add a new field objspace::freelist, which contains
+ available RVALUEs.
+ * gc.c (newobj_of): simply call new function `get_freeobj()'.
+ get_freeobj() returns objspace::freelist. If objspace::freelist
+ is not available, refill objspace::freelist with a slot pointed by
+ objspace::heap::free_slots.
+ * gc.c (before_gc_sweep): clear objspace::freelist.
+ * gc.c (slot_sweep): clear slot::freelist.
+ * gc.c (heaps_prepare_freeslot): renamed to heaps_prepare_freeslot.
+ * gc.c (unlink_free_heap_slot): remove unused function.
+ * gc.c (rb_free_const_table): remove unused function.
+Tue Jul 16 19:05:12 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (big_shift3): Big shift width is not a problem for right
+ shift.
+Tue Jul 16 18:50:08 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_count): [DOC] fix typo. Array#count uses ==, not
+ ===. a question at asakusa.rb ML.
+Tue Jul 16 18:35:48 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_mul_karatsuba): Avoid duplicate calculation when
+ squaring.
+ (bary_mul_toom3_branch): Ditto.
+Tue Jul 16 17:43:22 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (link_free_heap_slot): removed.
+ * gc.c (slot_sweep): use `heaps_add_freeslot' instead of
+ `link_free_heap_slot'.
+ * gc.c (assign_heap_slot): use local variable `slot' instead of
+ `heaps'.
+Tue Jul 16 17:21:39 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (assign_heap_slot): refactoring variable names.
+ * gc.c (slot_add_freeobj): added.
+ * gc.c (heaps_add_freeslot): added.
+ * gc.c (finalize_list, rb_gc_force_recycle, slot_sweep): use
+ `slot_add_freeobj' instead of modifying linked list directly.
+Tue Jul 16 16:30:58 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (lazy_sweep): refactoring.
+Tue Jul 16 13:32:06 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (enc_set_index): since r41967, old terminator is dealt
+ with in str_fill_term(). should not consider it here because this
+ function is called before any encoding is set.
+Tue Jul 16 11:12:03 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * proc.c (rb_block_arity): raise ArgumentError if no block given.
+Tue Jul 16 08:15:22 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/util.rb: [DOC] document top-level
+ classes from BigDecimal utils native extensions
+Tue Jul 16 03:23:03 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * numeric.c: [DOC] improve rdoc formatting for parameters and links
+Mon Jul 15 14:40:00 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_big2str0): Deprecated.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big2str1): Renamed from rb_big2str0.
+ (rb_big2str0): Deprecated wrapper for rb_big2str1.
+ (rb_big2str): Invoke rb_big2str1 instead of rb_big2str0.
+Mon Jul 15 14:13:02 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_each_pair): use rb_yield_values(2, key, value)
+ instead of rb_yield(rb_assoc_new(key, value)) if rb_block_arity()
+ is greater than 1.
+Mon Jul 15 13:46:26 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c: Add static assertions.
+Mon Jul 15 13:36:02 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_each_pair): performance improvement by using
+ rb_block_arity().
+Mon Jul 15 13:15:37 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * proc.c (rb_block_arity): create internal API rb_block_arity().
+ it returns arity of given block.
+Mon Jul 15 13:07:27 2013 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * lib/prime.rb (Prime::EratosthenesGenerator,
+ Prime::EratosthenesSieve): New implementation by
+ robertjlooby <robertjlooby AT>.
+ * test/test_prime.rb: updated with new method name
+Mon Jul 15 11:32:46 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_cNumeric): [DOC] Added comment for Numeric to fix doc
+Mon Jul 15 11:24:48 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (maxpow_in_bdigit_dbl): Useless #if removed.
+Mon Jul 15 11:10:46 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_coerce): [DOC] Add docs for Bignum#coerce
+ Based on patch by Juanito Fatas [Fixes GH-360]
+Mon Jul 15 10:56:01 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * thread.c (mutex_sleep): [DOC] Awake thread will reacquire lock
+ By Tim Abdulla [Fixes GH-342]
+Mon Jul 15 10:45:09 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (nlz16): Use __builtin_clz if possible.
+ (nlz32): Use __builtin_clz or __builtin_clzl if possible.
+ (nlz64): Use __builtin_clzl or __builtin_clzll if possible.
+ (nlz128): Use __builtin_clzll if possible.
+ * Check __builtin_clz, __builtin_clzl and
+ __builtin_clzll.
+Mon Jul 15 09:39:07 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (power_cache_get_power): Use bitsize instead of ceil_log2.
+ (ones): Removed.
+ (next_pow2): Removed.
+ (floor_log2): Removed.
+ (ceil_log2): Removed.
+ * (__builtin_popcountl): Don't check.
+Mon Jul 15 02:47:09 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * localeinit.c (rb_locale_charmap, Init_enc_set_filesystem_encoding):
+ move from encoding.c.
+ * miniinit.c (rb_locale_charmap, Init_enc_set_filesystem_encoding):
+ define miniruby specific functions only.
+Mon Jul 15 02:32:58 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_init): no longer needs NO_PRESERVED_ENCODING.
+ * encoding.c (enc_inspect): defer loading autoloaded encoding.
+ * encoding.c (enc_check_encoding): use is_data_encoding() to check
+ type consistently.
+ * encoding.c (must_encoding): return rb_encoding* instead of encoding
+ index.
+ * encoding.c (enc_check_encoding): use is_data_encoding() to check
+ type consistently.
+ * encoding.c (must_encoding): return rb_encoding* instead of encoding
+ index.
+Mon Jul 15 02:21:39 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (str_fill_term): consider old terminator length, and should
+ not use rb_enc_ascget since it depends on the current encoding which
+ may not be compatible with the new terminator. [Bug #8634]
+ * encoding.c (enc_inspect): use PRIsVALUE to preserve the result
+ encoding.
+Sun Jul 14 23:21:47 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * Check __builtin_popcountl, __builtin_bswap32 and
+ __builtin_bswap64.
+ * internal.h (swap32): Use the configure result for the condition to
+ use __builtin_bswap32.
+ (swap64): Use the configure result for the condition to use
+ __builtin_bswap64.
+ * bignum.c (ones): Use the configure result for the condition to use
+ __builtin_popcountl.
+ (bary_unpack_internal): Use appropriate types for swap argument.
+Sun Jul 14 22:21:11 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_subb): Support xn < yn.
+ (bigsub_core): Removed.
+ (bigsub): Don't compare before subtraction. Just subtract and
+ get the two's complement if the subtraction causes a borrow.
+Sun Jul 14 00:36:03 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (DIGSPERLONG): Unused macro removed.
+ (DIGSPERLL): Ditto.
+Sun Jul 14 00:32:51 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_aref): Less scan when the number is negative.
+Sun Jul 14 00:17:42 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (big_shift): Avoid signed integer overflow.
+Sun Jul 14 00:14:15 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_mul_precheck): Use bary_small_lshift or
+ bary_mul_normal if xl is 1.
+Sat Jul 13 22:58:16 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (big_shift3): New function.
+ big_lshift and big_rshift are merged.
+ (big_shift2): New function.
+ (big_lshift): Use big_shift3.
+ (big_rshift): Ditto.
+ (check_shiftdown): Removed.
+ (rb_big_lshift): Use big_shift2 and big_shift3.
+ (rb_big_rshift): Ditto.
+ (big_lshift): Removed.
+ (big_rshift): Ditto.
+Sat Jul 13 15:51:38 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_small_lshift): Use size_t instead of long.
+ (bary_small_rshift): Ditto.
+Sat Jul 13 15:33:33 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_small_lshift): Functions moved to remove
+ declaration.
+ (bary_small_rshift): Ditto.
+Sat Jul 13 12:27:34 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_associate_index): fill new terminator length, not
+ old one.
+Sat Jul 13 12:24:24 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/win32: move from ext/dl and ext/fiddle. since ext/extmk.rb
+ builds extensions in alphabetical order, compiled?('fiddle') under
+ ext/dl makes no sense.
+Sat Jul 13 09:26:09 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (biglsh_bang): Removed.
+ (bigrsh_bang): Ditto.
+ (bigmul1_toom3): Use bary_small_lshift and bary_small_rshift.
+Sat Jul 13 01:04:43 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/rubygems/psych_additions.rb: Ignore Psych docs here
+Fri Jul 12 18:10:46 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/fiddle/win32/lib/win32/registry.rb
+ (Win32::Registry::API#make_wstr): same as r41922.
+Fri Jul 12 16:28:37 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_associate_index): refill the terminator if it
+ becomes longer than before. [ruby-dev:47500] [Bug #8624]
+ * string.c (str_null_char, str_fill_term): get rid of out of bound
+ access.
+ * string.c (rb_str_fill_terminator): add a parameter for the length of
+ new terminator.
+Fri Jul 12 11:26:25 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_reject_bang): do not call rb_hash_foreach() if RHash
+ has ntbl and it is empty.
+Fri Jul 12 11:17:41 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * hash.c (recursive_hash): use RHASH_SIZE() to check hash size.
+Fri Jul 12 00:20:00 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_size): use RHASH_SIZE().
+Fri Jul 12 00:08:24 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_values): set array capa to RHASH_SIZE().
+Thu Jul 11 23:54:45 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_keys): set array capa to RHASH_SIZE().
+Thu Jul 11 21:30:17 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_pow): undef pow to get rid of infinite
+ recursive call. re-fix [Bug #8495]. [ruby-core:55923] [Bug #8621]
+Thu Jul 11 20:18:13 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/dl/win32/lib/win32/registry.rb (Win32::Registry::API#make_wstr):
+ remove workaround to append WCHAR terminator.
+ * transcode.c (str_encode_associate): fill terminator after conversion.
+ * string.c (rb_enc_str_new, rb_str_set_len, rb_str_resize): fill
+ minimum length of the encoding as the terminator.
+ * string.c (str_buf_cat, rb_str_buf_append, rb_str_splice_0): ditto.
+ * string.c (str_make_independent_expand, rb_str_modify_expand): make
+ the capacity enough for multi-byte terminator.
+ * string.c (rb_string_value_cstr): fill minimum length of the encoding
+ as the terminator.
+ * string.c (rb_string_value_cstr): check null char in char, not in
+ byte.
+Thu Jul 11 14:48:35 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * array.c: Replace confusing example for #reverse_each in overview
+ Patch by Earl St Sauver [Fixes documenting-ruby/ruby-12]
+Thu Jul 11 14:22:37 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * test/drb/ut_eq.rb: Use localhost for drb tests [Bug #7311]
+ Patch by Vit Ondruch [ruby-core:49101]
+ * test/drb/ut_array.rb: ditto
+ * test/drb/ut_array_drbssl.rb: ditto
+Thu Jul 11 13:48:03 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * sprintf.c: Fix typo patch by @hynkle [Fixes GH-357]
+Thu Jul 11 13:00:34 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/securerandom.rb: Refactor conditions by Rafal Chmiel
+ [Fixes GH-326]
+Thu Jul 11 12:04:47 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c: Don't use toom3 after once karatsuba is chosen.
+ (mulfunc_t): New type.
+ (bary_mul_toom3_start): Renamed from bary_mul.
+ (bary_mul_karatsuba_start): Renamed from bary_mul.
+ (bary_mul_balance_with_mulfunc): Renamed from bary_mul_balance and
+ new argument, mulfunc, is added.
+ (rb_big_mul_balance): Invoke bary_mul_balance_with_mulfunc with
+ bary_mul_toom3_start.
+ (bary_mul_karatsuba): Invoke bary_mul_karatsuba_start instead of
+ bary_mul.
+ (bary_mul_precheck): Extracted from bary_mul.
+ (bary_mul_karatsuba_branch): Extracted from bary_mul.
+ (bary_mul_karatsuba_start): New function to call bary_mul_precheck
+ and bary_mul_karatsuba_branch.
+ (bary_mul_toom3_branch): Extracted from bary_mul.
+ (bary_mul_toom3_start): New function to call bary_mul_precheck and
+ bary_mul_toom3_branch.
+ (bary_mul): Just call bary_mul_toom3_start.
+ Arguments for work memory are removed.
+ (rb_cstr_to_inum): Follow the bary_mul change.
+ (bigmul0): Ditto.
+Thu Jul 11 10:46:38 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/probes_to_wiki.rb: fix usage comment. use Enumerable#grep
+ which yields each elements to reduce unnecessary array.
+Thu Jul 11 10:09:18 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * process.c (rb_daemon): daemon(3) is implemented with fork(2).
+ Therefore it needs rb_thread_atfork(). (and revert r41903)
+Thu Jul 11 03:22:10 2013 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * tool/probes_to_wiki.rb: adding a script to convert probes.d to wiki
+ format for easy wiki updates.
+Thu Jul 11 00:54:07 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * man/ri.1: Incorrect use of .Dd macro [Bug #8620] by Tristan Hill
+Thu Jul 11 00:48:29 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb: Add example for __setobj__ and __getobj__
+ [Bug #8615] Patch by Caleb Thompson
+Wed Jul 10 23:29:22 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/logger.rb: Use :call-seq: for method signature rdoc
+Wed Jul 10 23:23:18 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/logger.rb (#add): Remove incorrect rdoc for return value
+ [Bug #8567] Reported by Tim Pease.
+Wed Jul 10 23:12:00 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_subpos): make public function.
+Wed Jul 10 22:44:19 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c: Add a static assertion for RBIGNUM_EMBED_LEN_MAX.
+Wed Jul 10 22:31:25 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_index): cache single byte flag and some
+ cosmetic changes.
+Wed Jul 10 22:03:27 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_2comp): Don't use bary_plus_one.
+ (bary_add_one): Replaced by the implementation of bary_plus_one.
+Wed Jul 10 20:48:22 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (sizeof_bdigit_dbl): check sizeof(BDIGIT_DBL).
+ * internal.h (STATIC_ASSERT): move from enum.c.
+Wed Jul 10 20:08:21 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (SIZEOF_BDIGIT_DBL): Add a ifdef guard for test.
+Wed Jul 10 14:18:59 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (fork_daemon): kill the other threads all and abandon the
+ kept mutexes.
+Wed Jul 10 11:35:36 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/net/http/test_http.rb (TestNetHTTP_v1_2#test_get,
+ TestNetHTTP_v1_2_chunked#test_get): shouldn't check
+ HttpResponse#decode_content if Zlib is not available.
+ ko1 complained via IRC.
+Wed Jul 10 10:20:07 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb: always require rubygems to stabilize rubygems
+ related status like whether Gem::Specification is defined or not.
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb (Gem::Specification.unresolved_deps): define stub.
+Wed Jul 10 08:21:15 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Import RubyGems 2.1
+ * test/rubygems: Ditto.
+Wed Jul 10 07:34:34 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/ext/ext_conf_builder.rb: Remove siteconf file after
+ building the gem.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_ext_ext_conf_builder.rb: Test for the above.
+ * lib/rubygems/psych_tree.rb (module Gem): Add backward compatibility
+ for r41148
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_package.rb: Add backward compatibility for
+ double-slash elimination.
+Wed Jul 10 06:22:27 2013 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_parse.c (date_zone_to_diff): [ruby-core:55831].
+Wed Jul 10 00:41:42 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_mul): x*1 is x.
+Tue Jul 9 22:24:39 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_mul1): No need to invoke MEMZERO at last.
+ (bary_mul_single): Invoke MEMZERO here.
+Tue Jul 9 21:40:01 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_text.rb: Add missing tests for Text#<<.
+ Reported by nagachika. Thanks!!!
+Tue Jul 9 18:02:38 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils#chown_R): Do not skip traversal even
+ if user and group are both nil, to be consistent with #chown and
+ other commands.
+Tue Jul 9 17:58:26 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb
+ (TestFileUtils#assert_output_lines): New utility assertion
+ method for testing verbose output.
+Tue Jul 9 17:43:57 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/test_tracer.rb: catch up recent rubygems changes.
+Tue Jul 9 16:58:30 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/{dl,fiddle}/win32/lib/win32/registry.rb: hope that the final
+ resolution to fix the failure of test-all. and includes Win64
+ support (fixed a potential bug).
+Tue Jul 9 15:57:20 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * object.c: Fix rdoc for Kernel#<=>. [Fixes GH-352]
+Tue Jul 9 15:53:51 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils#mode_to_s): Define mode_to_s() also
+ as singleton method, or FileUtils.chmod fails in verbose mode.
+Tue Jul 9 15:16:02 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * test/fileutils/fileasserts.rb
+ (Test::Unit::FileAssertions#assert_not_symlink): Add a missing
+ optional argument "message".
+Tue Jul 9 15:03:24 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils#chown, FileUtils#chown_R): If user
+ and group are both nil, print ":".
+Tue Jul 9 12:47:08 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * io.c (appendline): use READ_CHAR_PENDING_XXX macros and
+ * io.c (rb_io_getline_1): rewrite nested if statement into one
+ statement.
+Tue Jul 9 11:04:35 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/{dl,fiddle}/win32/lib/win32/registry.rb (Win32::Registry#check):
+ should report the position of the error.
+ * ext/{dl,fiddle}/win32/lib/win32/registry.rb
+ (Win32::Registry#QueryValue): workaround for test-all crash.
+Tue Jul 9 10:27:56 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/{dl,fiddle}/win32/lib/win32/registry.rb
+ (Win32::Registry.expand_environ): use suitable encoding for the
+ string.
+ * ext/{dl,fiddle}/win32/lib/win32/registry.rb (Win32::Registry#read):
+ should return REG_SZ, REG_EXPAND_SZ and REG_MULTI_SZ values with
+ the expected encoding -- assumed as the same encoding of name.
+Tue Jul 9 10:02:45 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/{dl,fiddle}/win32/lib/win32/registry.rb
+ (Win32::Registry::Error#initialize): use suitable encoding for the
+ string.
+Tue Jul 9 09:46:53 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/dl/win32/lib/win32/registry.rb (Win32::Registry.expand_environ):
+ use suitable encoding for the string. fixed a test-all error of
+ r41838.
+ * ext/fiddle/win32/lib/win32/registry.rb: same changes of r41838 and
+ this revision of dl's win32/registry.rb.
+Tue Jul 9 07:39:45 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems 2.0.4. See
+ for changes
+Tue Jul 9 01:47:16 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (biglsh_bang): Don't shift a BDIGIT with BITSPERDIG bits.
+ (bigrsh_bang): Ditto.
+Tue Jul 9 01:17:57 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bigrsh_bang): Fix bignum digits overrun.
+Tue Jul 9 00:46:22 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (biglsh_bang): Fix bignum digits under-run.
+Mon Jul 8 23:36:45 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/dl/win32/lib/win32/registry.rb (Error, API): use WCHAR
+ interfaces. c.f. [Bug #8508]
+Mon Jul 8 23:13:11 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_pow): move from win32.h and disable strict
+ ANSI mode macro to let _controlfp() stuff defined.
+ [ruby-core:55312] [Bug #8495]
+ * numeric.c (finite): add declaration for strict ANSI.
+ [ruby-core:55312] [Bug #8495]
+ * thread_win32.c (w32_thread_start_func, thread_start_func_1),
+ (timer_thread_func): use __stdcall instead of _stdcall which is
+ unavailable in strict ANSI mode. [ruby-core:55312] [Bug #8495]
+ * win32/win32.c (gettimeofday): use __cdecl instead of _cdecl.
+Mon Jul 8 22:41:12 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_mul): Arguments for work memory added.
+ (bary_mul_balance): Ditto.
+ (bary_mul_karatsuba): Ditto.
+Mon Jul 8 22:03:30 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_sq_fast): New function for testing.
+ (rb_big_mul_toom3): Ditto.
+ * internal.h (rb_big_sq_fast): Declared.
+ (rb_big_mul_toom3): Ditto.
+Mon Jul 8 21:59:34 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_mul_balance): Initialize a local variable to suppress
+ a warning.
+Mon Jul 8 20:55:22 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_mul_balance): Reduce work memory.
+Mon Jul 8 08:26:15 2013 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * test/openssl/test_pkey_ec.rb: Skip tests for "Oakley" curves as
+ they are not suitable for ECDSA.
+ [ruby-core:54881] [Bug #8384]
+Mon Jul 8 08:03:01 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_mul): Add a RB_GC_GUARD.
+Sun Jul 7 23:56:32 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_mul_karatsuba): Unreachable code removed. Remove
+ several branches.
+Sun Jul 7 22:59:06 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h (rb_big_mul_normal): Declared.
+ (rb_big_mul_balance): Ditto.
+ (rb_big_mul_karatsuba): Ditto.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_mul_normal): New function for tests.
+ (rb_big_mul_balance): Ditto.
+ (rb_big_mul_karatsuba): Ditto.
+Sun Jul 7 19:21:30 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c: Reorder functions to decrease forward reference.
+Sun Jul 7 14:41:57 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c: (bigsub_core): Use bary_sub.
+ (bary_sub): Returns a borrow flag. Use bary_subb.
+ (bary_subb): New function for actually calculating subtraction with
+ borrow.
+ (bary_sub_one): New function.
+ (bigadd_core): Use bary_add.
+ (bary_add): Returns a carry flag. Use bary_addc.
+ (bary_addc): New function for actually calculating addition with
+ carry.
+ (bary_add_one): New function.
+ (bary_muladd_1xN): Extracted from bary_mul_normal.
+ (bigmul1_normal): Removed.
+ (bary_mul_karatsuba): New function.
+ (bary_mul1): Invoke rb_thread_check_ints after bary_mul_normal.
+ (bary_mul): Remove most and least significant zeros before actual
+ multiplication. Use bary_sq_fast, bary_mul_balance,
+ bary_mul_karatsuba and bigmul1_toom3 as bigmul0.
+ (bigmul1_balance): Removed.
+ (bigmul1_karatsuba): Removed.
+ (bigsqr_fast): Removed.
+ (bary_sparse_p): Extracted from big_sparse_p.
+ (big_sparse_p): Removed.
+ (bigmul0): Use bary_mul.
+Sun Jul 7 11:54:33 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * NEWS: Add REXML::Text#<< related updates.
+Sun Jul 7 11:49:19 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/text.rb (REXML::Text#<<): Support appending in not
+ "raw" mode. [Bug #8602] [ruby-dev:47482]
+ Reported by Ippei Obayashi. Thanks!!!
+Sun Jul 7 11:43:13 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/text.rb (REXML::Text#<<): Support method chain use by "<<"
+ like other objects.
+Sun Jul 7 11:34:18 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/text.rb (REXML::Text#clear_cache): Extract common
+ cache clear code.
+Sun Jul 7 11:01:03 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_DTRACE_POSTPROCESS): dtrace version SUN D 1.11
+ introduces a check in the dtrace compiler to ensure that probes
+ actually exist. If there are no probes, then the -G step will
+ fail. As this test is only being used to determine whether -G is
+ necessary (for instance, on OSX it is not), adding a real probe to
+ the conftest allows it to succeed on newer versions of dtrace.
+ Patch by Eric Saxby <sax AT> at
+ [ruby-core:55826]. [Fixes GH-351], [Bug #8606].
+Sun Jul 7 10:07:22 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_sq_fast): Extracted from bigsqr_fast and
+ ensure not to access zds[2*xn].
+ (bigsqr_fast): Allocate the result bignum with 2*xn words.
+Sat Jul 6 07:37:43 2013 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_ec.c: Ensure compatibility to builds of
+ OpenSSL with OPENSSL_NO_EC2M defined, but OPENSSL_NO_EC not
+ defined.
+ * test/openssl/test_pkey_ec.rb: Iterate over built-in curves
+ (and assert their non-emptiness!) instead of hard-coding them, as
+ this may cause problems with respect to the different availability
+ of individual curves in individual OpenSSL builds.
+ [ruby-core:54881] [Bug #8384]
+ Thanks to Vit Ondruch for providing the patch!
+Sat Jul 6 07:12:39 2013 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * test/openssl/test_x509crl.rb: Remove unused variable.
+ [ruby-core:53501] [Bug #8114]
+ Thanks, Vipul Amler, for pointing this out!
+Sat Jul 6 06:37:10 2013 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c: Provide CRYPTO_set_locking_callback() and
+ CRYPTO_set_id_callback() callback functions ossl_thread_id and
+ ossl_lock_callback to ensure the OpenSSL extension is usable in
+ multi-threaded environments.
+ [ruby-core:54900] [Bug #8386]
+ Thanks, Dirkjan Bussink, for the patch!
+Sat Jul 6 06:06:16 2013 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * lib/openssl/ssl.rb: Fix SSL client connection crash for SAN marked
+ critical.
+ The patch for CVE-2013-4073 caused SSL crash when a SSL server returns
+ the certificate that has critical SAN value. X509 extension could
+ include 2 or 3 elements in it:
+ [id, criticality, octet_string] if critical,
+ [id, octet_string] if not.
+ Making sure to pick the last element of X509 extension and use it as
+ SAN value.
+ [ruby-core:55685] [Bug #8575]
+ Thank you @nahi for providing the patch!
+Sat Jul 6 04:49:38 2013 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: register time objects so
+ they are referenced as ids during output.
+ * test/psych/test_date_time.rb: corresponding test.
+Fri Jul 5 20:46:39 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_unicode_escape.rb (TestUnicodeEscape#test_basic): this
+ assertion doesn't seems to be checking the unicode string on command
+ line, but seems to be checking how to treat the unicode string from
+ stdin. so, should escape '\' before 'u'. this fixes a test failure
+ on Windows.
+Fri Jul 5 19:05:40 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils#chown, FileUtils#chown_R): Fix the
+ wrong output message when user is nil, which should be "chown
+ :group file" instead of "chown group file".
+Fri Jul 5 16:21:56 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * test/ruby/test_regexp.rb
+ (TestRegexp#test_options_in_look_behind)
+ (TestRegexp#assert_match_at): Add tests for another problem
+ fixed in Onigmo 5.13.5. Previously Onigmo did not allow option
+ enclosures in look-behind, which makes it impossible to
+ interpolate a regexp into another in the middle of a look-behind
+ pattern. cf.
+ * test/ruby/test_regexp.rb
+ (TestRegexp#test_options_in_look_behind)
+ (TestRegexp#assert_match_at): Parse regexps in run time rather
+ than in compile time.
+Fri Jul 5 12:14:40 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb (TestRubyOptions#test_notfound): after
+ r41710, the path of command uses backslash as the separator on
+ Windows.
+Fri Jul 5 11:29:47 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb (assert_raise_with_message): move from
+ test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb. this is still experimental and
+ the interface may be changed.
+Fri Jul 5 11:08:00 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (w32_spawn): r41710 made that if the command starts with
+ a quote and includes slash, removed the top quote and NOT removed the
+ last quote.
+ this fixes test failures on test/ruby/test_process.rb and
+ test/webrick.
+Fri Jul 5 09:53:15 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (CONFIG['CPPOUTFILE']): fix r41769; CONFIG['CPPOUTFILE']
+ may be nil.
+Fri Jul 5 05:39:53 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (BARY_MUL1): Renamed from BARY_MUL.
+ (bary_mul1): Renamed from bary_mul.
+ (bary_mul): Renamed from bary_mul2.
+Fri Jul 5 04:58:05 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_mul_balance): Extracted from bigmul1_balance and
+ use bary_mul2 and bary_add to decrease allocations.
+Fri Jul 5 02:14:00 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils#symbolic_modes_to_i): Fix the wrong
+ character class [+-=], which happened to match all desired
+ characters but also match undesired characters.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils.chmod{,_R}): Enhance the symbolic
+ mode parser to support the permission symbols u/g/o and multiple
+ actions as defined in SUS, so that chmod("g=o+w", file) works as
+ expected. Invalid symbolic modes are now rejected with
+ ArgumentError.
+Fri Jul 5 00:25:39 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (have_framework): allow header file to check.
+ [ruby-core:55745] [Bug #8593]
+Thu Jul 4 22:31:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_equal): Fixed an rb_obj_equal documentation typo
+ where "a" was used instead of "obj".
+ Fixes GH-349. Patch by @adnandoric
+Thu Jul 4 20:39:20 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/make-snapshot: Exit with EXIT_FAILURE when it fails.
+Thu Jul 4 20:20:23 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (maxpow_in_bdigit_dbl): Use tables if available.
+ (maxpow_in_bdigit): Ditto.
+ (U16): New macro.
+ (U32): Ditto.
+ (U64): Ditto.
+ (U128): Ditto.
+ (maxpow16_exp): New table.
+ (maxpow16_num): New table.
+ (maxpow32_exp): New table.
+ (maxpow32_num): New table.
+ (maxpow64_exp): New table.
+ (maxpow64_num): New table.
+ (maxpow128_exp): New table.
+ (maxpow128_num): New table.
+Thu Jul 4 18:25:25 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_cstr_to_inum): Avoid temporary buffer allocation except
+ very big base non-power-of-2 numbers.
+Thu Jul 4 15:51:56 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_succ): use ONIGENC_MBCLEN_CHARFOUND_P correctly.
+ * string.c (rb_str_dump): ditto.
+Thu Jul 4 10:04:11 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regcomp.c (): Merge Onigmo 5.13.5 23b523076d6f1161.
+ * [bug] (thanks Akinori MUSHA and Ippei Obayashi)
+ Fix a renumbering bug in condition regexp with a named
+ capture. [Bug #8583]
+ * [spec] (thanks Akinori MUSHA)
+ Allow ENCLOSE_OPTION in look-behind.
+Thu Jul 4 00:36:03 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * internal.h (SIGNED_INTEGER_MAX): suppress warning C4146 on VC6.
+ seems a logical ORed expression becomes unsigned.
+Thu Jul 4 00:13:01 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby_atomic.h (rb_w32_atomic_cas): call InterlockedCompareExchange
+ directly.
+ * ruby_atomic.h (ATOMIC_CAS): fix missing function call.
+Wed Jul 3 23:47:35 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby_atomic.h (ATOMIC_CAS): suppress C4022 and C4047 warnings in
+ VC6. only InterlockedCompareExchange is declared using PVOID.
+Wed Jul 3 22:29:20 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h (ruby_digit36_to_number_table): Declared.
+ * util.c (ruby_digit36_to_number_table): Moved from scan_digits.
+ * bignum.c (conv_digit): Use ruby_digit36_to_number_table.
+ * pack.c (hex2num): Ditto.
+Wed Jul 3 18:12:56 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (install_dirs): revert DESTDIR prefix by r39841, since
+ it is fixed by r41648. [ruby-core:55760] [Bug #8115]
+Wed Jul 3 14:15:25 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (do_stat): use rb_w32_ustati64() in win32.c to get rid of
+ mysterious behavior of FindFirstFile() Windows API which treat "<"
+ and ">" like as wildcard characters. [ruby-core:55764] [Bug #8597]
+Wed Jul 3 12:06:42 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (maxpow_in_bdigit): Renamed from calc_hbase and return
+ maxpow.
+Tue Jul 2 23:47:50 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (roomof): Cast to long.
+ (rb_ull2big): Fix bignew arguments.
+Tue Jul 2 21:17:37 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_cstr_to_inum): Merge two temporary buffers.
+Tue Jul 2 20:25:04 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_cstr_to_inum): Use BDIGIT_DBL to collect adjacent digits.
+ (BDIGIT_DBL_MAX): New macro.
+ (maxpow_in_bdigit_dbl): New function.
+Tue Jul 2 17:23:33 2013 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * doc/syntax/refinements.rdoc: add description of Module#using and
+ refinement inheritance by module inclusion.
+Tue Jul 2 17:22:44 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * internal.h: add EUC-JP and Windows-31J.
+ * re.c (rb_char_to_option_kcode): use built-in encoding indexes in
+ internal.h.
+ * internal.h: add UTF8-MAC.
+ * dir.c (rb_utf8mac_encoding): use built-in encoding indexes in
+ internal.h.
+ * internal.h: add UTF-{16,32} dummy encodings.
+ * string.c (rb_str_inspect, str_scrub0): use built-in encoding indexes
+ in internal.h.
+ * internal.h: add UTF-{16,32}{BE,LE}.
+ * io.c (io_strip_bom): use built-in encoding indexes in internal.h.
+ * internal.h (rb_{ascii8bit,utf8,usascii}_encindex): use built-in
+ encoding indexes for optimization.
+ * encoding.c (enc_inspect, rb_locale_encindex),
+ (enc_set_filesystem_encoding, rb_filesystem_encindex): use built-in
+ encoding indexes directly.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_set_index, rb_enc_associate_index): validate
+ argument encoding index.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (ENCODING_SET): use rb_enc_set_index()
+ instead of setting inlined bits directly.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_init): register preserved indexes.
+ * internal.h (ruby_preserved_encindex): move from encoding.c.
+Tue Jul 2 11:14:36 2013 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (try_config): Fix to not replace $LDFLAGS with $libs
+ (1.9.3 behavior) [ruby-core:55752] [Bug #8595]
+Tue Jul 2 00:39:59 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ipsocket.c (init_inetsock_internal): Don't try mismatched
+ address family if already failed.
+Mon Jul 1 23:07:38 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * template/encdb.h.tmpl: define encoding index macros to use the index
+ statically from C source.
+Mon Jul 1 22:57:19 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_mul2): New function.
+ (rb_cstr_to_inum): Use a better algorithm to compose the result
+ if input length is very long.
+Mon Jul 1 20:22:00 2013 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.h (RB_UNUSED_VAR, UNREACHABLE):
+ import macros from ruby.h for 1.9.3.
+ [Bug #8588] [ruby-core:55730]
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.gemspec: Bump version to 1.2.1.
+Mon Jul 1 20:03:39 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ipsocket.c (init_inetsock_internal): Use an address
+ family for local address which is different to the remote
+ address if no other choice.
+Mon Jul 1 15:05:00 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/csv.rb (CSV#<<): use StringIO#set_encoding instead of creating
+ new StringIO instance with String#force_encoding, forcing encoding
+ discards the cached coderange bits and can make further operations
+ very slow. [ruby-core:55714] [Bug #8585]
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_write): keep coderange of
+ ptr->string.
+ * string.c (rb_enc_cr_str_buf_cat, rb_str_append): consider an empty
+ string 7bit-clean and should not discard cached coderange of string
+ to be appended.
+Mon Jul 1 12:56:41 2013 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * eval.c (rb_using_module): activate refinements in the ancestors of
+ the argument module to support refinement inheritance by
+ Module#include. [ruby-core:55671] [Feature #8571]
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb: related test.
+Mon Jul 1 12:02:39 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_cstr_to_inum): Skip leading zeros.
+Mon Jul 1 00:59:23 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (nlz16): New function.
+ (nlz32): Ditto.
+ (nlz64): Ditto.
+ (nlz128): Ditto.
+ (nlz): Redefined using an above function.
+ (bitsize): New macro.
+ (rb_cstr_to_inum): Use bitsize instead of nlz.
+Sun Jun 30 22:40:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * lib/prime.rb: Corrected a few comments. Patch by @Nullset14.
+ Fixes GH-346.
+Sun Jun 30 21:53:38 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_cstr_to_inum): Use rb_integer_unpack if base is a power
+ of 2.
+Sun Jun 30 10:59:23 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (join_argv): use backslash instead of slash in program
+ path, otherwise cannot invoke "./c\u{1ee7}a.exe" for some reason.
+ [ruby-core:24309] [Bug #1771]
+ * io.c (spawnv, spawn): use UTF-8 spawn family. [Bug #1771]
+ * process.c (proc_exec_sh, proc_spawn_cmd, proc_spawn_sh): ditto.
+ * win32/win32.c (translate_char, join_argv, has_redirection): make
+ codepage aware.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_udln_find_exe_r, rb_w32_udln_find_file_r):
+ codepage independent versions.
+ * win32/win32.c (w32_spawn): extract codepage aware code from
+ rb_w32_spawn().
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_uspawn): add UTF-8 version function.
+ * win32/win32.c (w32_aspawn_flags): extract codepage aware code from
+ rb_w32_aspawn_flags().
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_uaspawn_flags, rb_w32_uaspawn_flags): add
+ UTF-8 version functions.
+ * win32/win32.c (w32_getenv): extract codepage aware code from
+ rb_w32_ugetenv() and rb_w32_getenv().
+ * win32/win32.c (w32_stati64): extract codepage aware code from
+ rb_w32_ustati64() and rb_w32_stati64().
+ * dln.h (DLN_FIND_EXTRA_ARG, DLN_FIND_EXTRA_ARG_DECL): allow extra
+ arguments to dln_find_{exe,file}_r().
+ * dln_find.c (dln_find_exe_r, dln_find_file_r): add extract arguments.
+ * process.c (EXPORT_STR, EXPORT_DUP): convert to default process
+ encoding if defined.
+ * process.c (check_exec_env_i): convert environment variables too.
+ * process.c (rb_exec_fillarg): convert program path and arguments too.
+Sun Jun 30 01:57:08 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (big_rshift): Use abs2twocomp and twocomp2abs_bang.
+Sun Jun 30 00:14:20 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (RBIGNUM_SET_NEGATIVE_SIGN): New macro.
+ (rb_big_neg): Inline get2comp to avoid double negation.
+Sat Jun 29 23:26:41 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_neg): Extracted from bary_2comp.
+ (bary_plus_one): Extracted from bary_2comp.
+ (bary_2comp): Use bary_neg and bary_plus_one.
+ (big_extend_carry): Extracted from get2comp.
+ (get2comp): Use big_extend_carry.
+ (rb_integer_unpack): Use big_extend_carry.
+ (rb_big_neg): Use bary_neg.
+Sat Jun 29 22:31:59 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_2comp): Simplified.
+Sat Jun 29 09:33:53 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bigor_int): Return -1 if y == -1.
+Sat Jun 29 09:07:16 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bigor_int): Use RB_GC_GUARD.
+ (bigxor_int): Take xn and hibitsx arguments. Use twocomp2abs_bang.
+ (rb_big_xor): Use abs2twocomp and twocomp2abs_bang.
+Sat Jun 29 08:19:58 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bigand_int): Don't apply bitwise and for BDIGIT and long.
+ (bigor_int): Take xn and hibitsx arguments. Use twocomp2abs_bang.
+ (rb_big_or): Use abs2twocomp and twocomp2abs_bang.
+Fri Jun 29 01:08:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_mul): remove FIT_SQRT_LONG test as it was causing
+ fix_mul to return an incorrect result for -2147483648*-2147483648
+ on 64 bit platforms
+ * test/ruby/test_integer_comb.rb (class TestIntegerComb): add test case
+Fri Jun 28 12:26:53 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_and): Allocate new bignum with same size to shorter
+ argument if it's high bits are zero.
+Fri Jun 28 12:14:04 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ipsocket.c (init_inetsock_internal): Don't use local
+ addresses which address family is different to remote address.
+Fri Jun 28 08:06:22 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bigand_int): Add arguments, xn and hibitsx.
+ Use twocomp2abs_bang.
+Thu Jun 27 23:58:13 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (abs2twocomp_bang): Removed.
+ (abs2twocomp): Take n_ret argument to return actual length.
+ (rb_big_and): Follow above change.
+Thu Jun 27 22:52:19 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (get2comp): Use bary_2comp.
+ (abs2twocomp_bang): New function.
+ (abs2twocomp): New function.
+ (twocomp2abs_bang): New function.
+ (rb_big_and): Use abs2twocomp and twocomp2abs_bang.
+Thu Jun 27 20:03:13 2013 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.rb (verify_certificate_identity): fix
+ hostname verification. Patched by nahi.
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb (test_verify_certificate_identity): test for
+ above.
+Thu Jun 27 00:23:57 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_pow): Retry if y is a Bignum and it is
+ representable as a Fixnum.
+ Use rb_absint_numwords.
+Wed Jun 26 23:53:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_save_rounding_mode): fix typo.
+ Fixes GH-343. Patch by @jgarber.
+Wed Jun 26 23:22:21 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enumerator.c (rb_enumeratorize_with_size): use strict definition
+ rb_enumerator_size_func.
+Wed Jun 26 23:11:14 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * gc.c (is_before_sweep): Add a missing space before a parenthesis.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_force_recycle): Add a missing space around a parenthesis.
+Wed Jun 26 22:44:00 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_enumeratorize_with_size): cast for
+ backward compatibility.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_enumerator_size_func): define strict
+ function declaration for rb_enumeratorize_with_size().
+Wed Jun 26 21:01:22 2013 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (TestIO#test_write_32bit_boundary): skip if
+ writing a file is slow.
+ [ruby-core:55541] [Bug #8519]
+Wed Jun 26 16:42:11 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: should use expanded values for header directories
+ unless extmk. patch by vo.x (Vit Ondruch) at [ruby-core:55653]
+ [Bug #8115], rhbz#921650.
+Wed Jun 26 12:48:22 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bigxor_int): Fix a buffer over read.
+Wed Jun 26 12:13:12 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bigand_int): Consider negative values.
+ (bigor_int): The allocated bignum should have enough size
+ to store long.
+ This fixes (bignum fits in a BDIGIT) | (fixnum bigger than BDIGIT)
+ on platforms which SIZEOF_BDIGITS < SIZEOF_LONG,
+ such as LP64 with 32bit BDIGIT (no int128).
+Wed Jun 26 12:08:51 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/socket/test_udp.rb: Close sockets explicitly.
+ Don't use fixed port number.
+Wed Jun 26 07:27:17 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bigand_int): Fix a buffer over read.
+Wed Jun 26 06:48:07 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bigadd_int): Fix a buffer over read.
+Wed Jun 26 01:18:13 2013 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * gc.c (is_before_sweep): Add new helper function that check the object
+ is before sweep?
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_force_recycle): Have to clear mark bit if object's slot
+ already ready to minor sweep.
+Wed Jun 26 01:17:29 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bigsub_int): Fix a buffer over read.
+Tue Jun 25 22:45:43 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_absint_singlebit_p): Use POW2_P.
+ (bary_pack): Ditto.
+ (rb_big2str0): Ditto.
+ (POW2_P): Moved to top.
+Tue Jun 25 22:28:07 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/rubygems/ext/builder.rb (Gem::Ext::Builder.make): Pass
+ DESTDIR via command line to override what's in MAKEFLAGS. This
+ fixes an installation problem under a package building
+ environment where DESTDIR is specified in the (parent) command
+ line. [Fixes GH-327]
+Tue Jun 25 21:43:13 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (big2dbl): Use (BDIGIT)1 instead of 1UL.
+ (bary_mul_normal): Remove a useless cast.
+Tue Jun 25 21:26:00 2013 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigMath_s_exp): Fix for the cases when
+ the argument x is not a BigDecimal.
+ This change is based on the patch made by Heesob Park and Garth Snyder.
+ [Bug #6862] [ruby-core:47145]
+ [Fixes GH-332]
+Tue Jun 25 20:36:31 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (big2ulong): "check" argument removed.
+ (rb_big2ulong): Follow above change.
+ (rb_big2long): Ditto.
+ (rb_big_rshift): Ditto.
+ (rb_big_aref): Ditto.
+Tue Jun 25 20:08:29 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big2ulong_pack): Use rb_integer_pack.
+ (rb_big_aref): Call big2ulong with TRUE for "check" argument.
+ It should be non-effective.
+Tue Jun 25 19:07:33 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (LSHIFTX): Revert r41611.
+ The redundant expression suppresses a warning, C4293, by Visual
+ Studio.
+Tue Jun 25 19:03:00 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (big2ulong): Add a cast.
+ (big2ull): Add a specialized code for SIZEOF_LONG_LONG <=
+Tue Jun 25 12:42:57 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (integer_unpack_single_bdigit): Use "1 + ~u" instead of
+ "-u" to suppress warning (C4146) by Visual Studio.
+ Reported by ko1 via IRC.
+Tue Jun 25 12:28:57 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (big2ulong): Add code specialized for SIZEOF_LONG <=
+ This prevents shift width warning from "num <<= BITSPERDIG".
+Tue Jun 25 12:23:30 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: fix oldgen/remembered_shady counting algorithm.
+ * gc.c (rgengc_check_shady): increment
+ `objspace->rgengc.remembered_shady_object_count' here.
+ * gc.c (rgengc_remember): return FALSE if obj is already remembered.
+ * gc.c (rgengc_rememberset_mark): make it void.
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_children): fix to double counting oldgen_object_count
+ at minor GC.
+Tue Jun 25 12:07:18 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (MSB): Removed.
+ (BDIGIT_MSB): Defined using BIGRAD_HALF.
+ (bary_2comp): Apply BIGLO after possible over flow of BDIGIT.
+ (get2comp): Ditto.
+ (bary_unpack_internal): Use BDIGIT_MSB.
+ Apply BIGLO after possible over flow of BDIGIT.
+ (rb_integer_unpack): Use BDIGIT_MSB.
+ (calc_hbase): Use BDIGMAX.
+ (big2dbl): Use BDIGMAX.
+ Apply BIGLO after possible over flow of BDIGIT.
+ (rb_big_neg): Apply BIGLO after possible over flow of BDIGIT.
+ (biglsh_bang): Ditto.
+ (bigrsh_bang): Ditto.
+ (bary_divmod): Use BDIGIT_MSB.
+ (bigdivrem): Ditto.
+ (bigxor_int): Apply BIGLO after possible over flow of BDIGIT.
+ * marshal.c (shortlen): Use SIZEOF_BDIGITS instead of sizeof(BDIGIT).
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_bn.c (ossl_bn_initialize): Use SIZEOF_BDIGITS
+ instead of sizeof(BDIGIT).
+Tue Jun 25 11:40:08 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (big2ulong): suppress shorten-64-to-32 warning. BDIGIT can
+ be bigger than long now.
+ * bignum.c (LSHIFTX): remove redundant never-true expression.
+Tue Jun 25 00:55:54 2013 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * gc.c (typedef struct rb_objspace): Change members for monitor objects.
+ * gc.c (gc_marks_test): Check all WriteBarrier Errors and track them in obj-tree.
+ * gc.c (rgengc_check_shady): Ditto.
+ * gc.c (gc_marks): Move 2 function calls to gc_marks_test for test initialize.
+Mon Jun 24 23:30:31 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (integer_unpack_single_bdigit): Refine code to filling
+ higher bits and use BIGLO.
+Mon Jun 24 22:26:31 2013 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * test/rinda/test_rinda.rb (RingIPv6#prepare_ipv6):
+ ifindex() function may not be implemented on Windows. We use another
+ check for the case.
+Mon Jun 24 22:11:37 2013 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * test/gdbm/test_gdbm.rb (TestGDBM#test_s_open_nolock):
+ skip a failing test on Windows because flock() implementation is
+ different from Unix.
+Mon Jun 24 22:06:14 2013 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_installer.rb (test_install_extension_flat):
+ use ruby in build directory in case ruby is not installed.
+ [ruby-core:53265] [Bug #8058]
+Mon Jun 24 22:04:02 2013 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * ext/dl/cfunc.c (rb_dlcfunc_call): fix conversion from Bignum to
+ pointer. sizeof(DLSTACK_TYPE) is larger than sizeof(long) on
+ Windows x64 and higher bits over sizeof(long) of DLSTACK_TYPE was
+ zero even if a pointer value was over 32 bits which causes SEGV on
+ DL::TestCPtr#test_to_ptr_io. Adding a cast solves the bug.
+Mon Jun 24 22:04:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * eval_error.c (warn_printf): use rb_vsprintf instead so ruby specific
+ extensions like PRIsVALUE can be used in format strings
+ * eval_error.c (error_print): use warn_print_str (alias for
+ rb_write_error_str) to print a string value instead of using
+ * eval.c (setup_exception): use PRIsVALUE instead of %s and RSTRING_PTR
+Mon Jun 24 20:31:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * compile.c (make_name_for_block): use PRIsVALUE in format string
+ instead of %s and RSTRING_PTR to protect objects from being garbage
+ collected too soon
+ * encoding.c (str_to_encindex): ditto
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_fetch_m): ditto
+ * io.c (rb_io_reopen): ditto
+ * parse.y (reg_fragment_check_gen): ditto
+ * parse.y (reg_compile_gen): ditto
+ * parse.y (ripper_assert_Qundef): ditto
+ * re.c (rb_reg_raise): ditto
+ * ruby.c (set_option_encoding_once): ditto
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_throw_obj): ditto
+Mon Jun 24 07:57:18 2013 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * gc.c (after_gc_sweep): Have to record malloc info before reset.
+ * gc.c (gc_prof_timer_start): Pick out part of new record creation as gc_prof_setup_new_record.
+ * gc.c (gc_prof_set_malloc_info): Move point of recording allocation size to front of mark.
+Mon Jun 24 02:53:09 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * array.c: Return value in Array overview example found by @PragTob
+ [Fixes GH-336]
+Mon Jun 24 02:45:51 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_zip): typo by @PragTob [Fixes GH-337]
+Mon Jun 24 02:42:01 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * win32/README.win32: grammar typo by @blankenshipz [Fixes GH-334]
+Mon Jun 24 00:59:35 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (BIGUP): Use LSHIFTX and avoid cast to consider the type
+ of x is bigger than BDIGIT_DBL.
+ (big2ulong): Use unsigned long to store the result.
+ (big2ull): Use unsigned LONG_LONG to store the result.
+ (bigand_int): Use long for num to avoid data loss.
+ (bigor_int): Ditto.
+ (bigxor_int): Ditto.
+Sun Jun 23 23:05:58 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/defines.h (BDIGIT): Define it only if it is not defined
+ yet. This eases tests and debug.
+ (BDIGIT_DBL): Ditto.
+ (PRIdBDIGIT): Define it only if PRI_BDIGIT_PREFIX is defined.
+ (PRIiBDIGIT): Ditto.
+ (PRIoBDIGIT): Ditto.
+ (PRIuBDIGIT): Ditto.
+ (PRIxBDIGIT): Ditto.
+ (PRIXBDIGIT): Ditto.
+ (PRIdBDIGIT_DBL): Ditto.
+ (PRIiBDIGIT_DBL): Ditto.
+ (PRIoBDIGIT_DBL): Ditto.
+ (PRIuBDIGIT_DBL): Ditto.
+ (PRIxBDIGIT_DBL): Ditto.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RBIGNUM_EMBED_LEN_MAX): Define it only if it is
+ not defined yet.
+Sun Jun 23 17:29:51 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (integer_unpack_single_bdigit): Use a cast.
+Sun Jun 23 15:38:07 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_thread.rb: rescue resource limitation errors.
+Sun Jun 23 08:19:27 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (integer_unpack_single_bdigit): Extracted from
+ bary_unpack_internal.
+Sun Jun 23 07:41:52 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_unpack_internal): Suppress warnings (C4146) on Visual Studio.
+ Reported by ko1 via IRC.
+Sun Jun 23 06:49:28 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h, gc.c: rename macros and functions:
+ rb_obj_wb_giveup() -> rb_obj_wb_unprotect(),
+ rb_gc_giveup_promoted_writebarrier() ->
+ rb_gc_writebarrier_unprotect_promoted(),
+ * class.c, eval.c, hash.c: use OBJ_WB_UNPROTECT().
+Sun Jun 23 05:41:32 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * class.c (rb_include_class_new), eval.c (rb_using_refinement):
+ make classes/modules (who share method table) shady.
+ If module `a' and `b' shares method table m_tbl and new method
+ with iseq is added, then write barrier is applied only `a' or `b'.
+ To avoid this issue, shade such classes/modules.
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_entry_make): add write barriers.
+Sun Jun 23 01:27:54 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bytes_zero_p): Removed.
+ (bary_pack): Don't call bytes_zero_p.
+Sun Jun 23 00:51:29 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bytes_zero_p): Extracted from bary_pack.
+ (bary_pack): Use bytes_zero_p.
+Sun Jun 23 00:16:57 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (MSB): New macro.
+ (bary_unpack_internal): Use MSB.
+ (bary_divmod): Ditto.
+ (bigdivrem): Ditto.
+Sat Jun 22 23:45:22 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_swap): New function.
+ (bary_pack): Use bary_swap.
+ (bary_unpack_internal): Ditto.
+Sat Jun 22 23:18:39 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bytes_2comp): Renamed from quad_buf_complement.
+ (bary_pack): Use bytes_2comp.
+ (rb_quad_pack): Use rb_integer_pack.
+ (rb_quad_unpack): Use rb_integer_unpack.
+Sat Jun 22 21:46:18 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_integer_unpack): Don't allocate a Bignum if possible.
+Sat Jun 22 21:03:58 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): Remove specialized unpackers for integers.
+Sat Jun 22 20:36:50 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_unpack_internal): Specialized unpacker implemented.
+Sat Jun 22 18:53:10 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_pack): Support
+ Fix byte order and word order handling in code specialized for
+ wordsize % SIZEOF_BDIGITS == 0.
+Sat Jun 22 15:41:25 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rgengc_check_shady): add new WB miss checking
+ (1) Save bitmaps before marking
+ (2) Run full marking
+ (3) On each traceable object,
+ (a) object was not oldgen (== newly or shady object) &&
+ (b) parent object was oldgen &&
+ (c) parent object was not remembered &&
+ (d) object was not remembered
+ then, it should be WB miss.
+ This idea of this checker is by Masaya Tarui <>.
+Sat Jun 22 15:25:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (setup_passwd): revert r41560, unnecessary
+Sat Jun 22 14:39:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (Init_etc): omit 'passwd' from definition of Etc::Passwd
+ if HAVE_STRUCT_PASSWD_PW_PASSWD is not defined to prevent mismatch of
+ fields and values in setup_passwd
+Sat Jun 22 14:35:40 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/dl/cfunc.c (rb_dlcfunc_call): Use rb_big_pack instead of
+ rb_big2ulong_pack and rb_big2ull.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_big2ulong_pack): Deprecated.
+Sat Jun 22 14:31:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (setup_passwd): pass 0 as VALUE to rb_struct_new to
+ prevent segfault if the compiler passes it as a 32 bit integer on
+ a 64 bit ruby
+Sat Jun 22 13:47:13 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_pack): MEMZERO can be used even if nails is not zero.
+Sat Jun 22 13:43:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (etc_getpwnam): use PRIsVALUE in format string instead
+ of %s and RSTRING_PTR
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (etc_getgrnam): ditto
+Sat Jun 22 13:07:15 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (CLEAR_LOWBITS): Rewritten without RSHIFTX.
+ (RSHIFTX): Removed.
+Sat Jun 22 10:38:03 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * pack.c (num2i32): Removed.
+ (pack_pack): Don't use num2i32.
+Sat Jun 22 09:55:13 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (LSHIFTX): Defined to suppress a warning.
+ (RSHIFTX): Ditto.
+ Reported by ko1 via IRC.
+Sat Jun 22 09:11:33 2013 Ryan Davis <>
+ * lib/minitest/*: Imported minitest 4.7.5 (r8724)
+ * test/minitest/*: ditto
+Sat Jun 22 07:20:30 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_prof_set_heap_info, after_gc_sweep): call
+ gc_prof_set_heap_info() just after sweeping to calculate
+ live object number correctly.
+ (live object number = total generated number (before marking) -
+ total freed number (after sweeping))
+ * gc.c (gc_marks): record `oldgen_object_count' into current profile`
+ record directly.
+ * gc.c (rgengc_rememberset_mark): same for remembered_normal_objects
+ and remembered_shady_objects.
+Sat Jun 22 06:46:04 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_objspace::profile): rename rb_objspace::profile::record to
+ records (because it points a set of records) and add a field
+ rb_objspace::profile::current_record to point a current profiling
+ record.
+ * gc.c: use above fields.
+Sat Jun 22 06:05:36 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_giveup_promoted_writebarrier): remove `rest_sweep()'
+ because all of remembered objects are called for gc_mark_children().
+Sat Jun 22 05:08:03 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rgengc_rememberset_mark): call gc_mark_children() for
+ remembered objects directly instead of pushing on the mark stack.
+Sat Jun 22 04:48:53 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (OBJ_WRITE): cast to (VALUE *) for second
+ parameter `slot'. You don't need to write a cast (VALUE *) any more.
+ * class.c, compile.c, hash.c, iseq.c, proc.c, re.c, variable.c,
+ vm.c, vm_method.c: remove cast expressions for OBJ_WRITE().
+Sat Jun 22 04:37:08 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (slot_sweep_body): rename to slot_sweep().
+ No need to separate major/minor GC.
+ * gc.c (gc_setup_mark_bits): remove gc_clear_mark_bits() and unify to
+ this function.
+Sat Jun 22 04:20:21 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (check_bitmap_consistency): add to check flag and bitmap consistency.
+ Use this function in several places.
+Sat Jun 22 02:18:07 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_pack): Specialized packers implemented.
+ (HOST_BIGENDIAN_P): New macro.
+ (ALIGNOF): New macro.
+ (CLEAR_LOWBITS): New macro.
+ (FILL_LOWBITS): New macro.
+ (swap_bdigit): New macro.
+ (bary_2comp): Returns an int.
+ * internal.h (swap16): Moved from pack.c
+ (swap32): Ditto.
+ (swap64): Ditto.
+Fri Jun 21 21:29:49 2013 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * gc.c (typedef enum): Introduce flags of major gc reason.
+ * gc.c (garbage_collect_body): Ditto.
+ * gc.c (gc_profile_flags): Ditto.
+ * gc.c (gc_profile_dump_on): Ditto.
+Fri Jun 21 21:11:53 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (allocate_sorted_heaps): remove unused variable `add'.
+Fri Jun 21 20:50:32 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: constify RArray::as::ary and RArray::heap::ptr.
+ Use RARRAY_ASET() or RARRAY_PTR_USE() to modify Array objects.
+ * array.c, gc.c: catch up above changes.
+Fri Jun 21 20:32:13 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (eval_string_with_cref): fix WB miss.
+Fri Jun 21 20:15:49 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: support write barrier protection for T_STRUCT.
+ Introduce the following C APIs:
+ * RSTRUCT_RAWPTR(st) returns pointer (do WB on your risk).
+ The type of returned pointer is (const VALUE *).
+ * RSTRUCT_GET(st, idx) returns idx-th value of struct.
+ * RSTRUCT_SET(st, idx, v) set idx-th value by v with WB.
+ And
+ * RSTRUCT_PTR(st) returns pointer with shady operation.
+ The type of returned pointer is (VALUE *).
+ * struct.c, re.c, gc.c, marshal.c: rewrite with above APIs.
+Fri Jun 21 19:38:37 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (BDIGMAX): Use BIGRAD.
+ (bigdivrem1): Ditto.
+ (bigor_int): Ditto.
+ (rb_big_or): Ditto.
+Fri Jun 21 19:18:48 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): Move the implementation for 'c' directive after
+ pack_integer label.
+Fri Jun 21 19:11:56 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h, re.c: support write barrier for T_REGEXP.
+ Note: T_MATCH object is also easy to support write barriers.
+ However, most of T_MATCH objects are short-lived objects.
+ So I skipped to support non-shady T_MATCH.
+Fri Jun 21 18:56:58 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bigsub_int): Use bdigit_roomof.
+ (bigadd_int): Ditto.
+ (bigand_int): Ditto.
+ (bigor_int): Ditto.
+ (bigxor_int): Ditto.
+Fri Jun 21 17:56:25 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/gc/gcbench.rb: fix summary of benchmark result notation.
+Fri Jun 21 16:38:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509attr.c: change OSSL_X509ATTR_IS_SINGLE and
+ OSSL_X509ATTR_SET_SINGLE macros to use ->value.set rather than
+ ->set to fix compile failure
+Fri Jun 21 15:26:45 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_sweep): profile sweep time correctly when LAZY_SWEEP is
+ disabled.
+ * gc.c (gc_marks_test): store oldgen count and shady count
+ before test marking and restore them after marking.
+Fri Jun 21 15:07:42 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: enable lazy sweep (commit miss).
+Fri Jun 21 14:31:29 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (ruby_setenv): refine error message so include the variable
+ name.
+Fri Jun 21 14:15:08 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: fix to use total_allocated_object_num and heaps_used
+ at the GC time for profiler.
+Fri Jun 21 12:35:35 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: RGENGC_CHECK_MODE should be 0.
+Fri Jun 21 11:18:25 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_marks_body): fix to get `th' in this function.
+Fri Jun 21 10:21:44 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (heaps_header/heaps_slot): embed bitmaps into heaps_slot.
+ no need to maintain allocation/free bitmaps.
+Fri Jun 21 09:22:16 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (slot_sweep_body): add counters at a time.
+ * gc.c (gc_profile_dump_on): fix line break position.
+Fri Jun 21 08:14:00 2013 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * gc.c: refactoring bitmaps. introduce bits_t type and some Consts.
+Fri Jun 21 08:04:32 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: fix to support USE_RGENGC == 0 (disable RGenGC).
+ If USE_RGENGC==0, it caused compilation error.
+Fri Jun 21 08:08:11 2013 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * gc.c (lazy_sweep): Use is_lazy_sweeping()
+ * gc.c (rest_sweep): Ditto.
+ * gc.c (gc_prepare_free_objects): Ditto.
+Fri Jun 21 07:34:47 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_profile_record::oldgen_objects): added.
+ * gc.c (gc_profile_dump_on): print the following information:
+ * Living object counts
+ * Free object counts
+ If RGENGC_PROFILE > 0 then
+ * Oldgen object counts
+ * Remembered normal object counts
+ * Remembered shady object counts
+Fri Jun 21 06:43:59 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_ull2big): Refactored.
+ (rb_uint2big): Useless code removed.
+Fri Jun 21 05:37:39 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_prof_sweep_timer_stop): accumulate sweep time only when
+ record->gc_time > 0.
+Fri Jun 21 00:37:31 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal: Workaround fix for bigdecimal test failures caused
+ by [ruby-dev:47413] [Feature #8509]
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.h (BDIGIT): Make it independent from the
+ definition for bignum.c.
+ (BDIGIT_DBL): Ditto.
+ (PRI_BDIGIT_PREFIX): Undefine the definition.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (RBIGNUM_ZERO_P): Use rb_bigzero_p.
+ (bigzero_p): Removed.
+ (is_even): Use rb_big_pack.
+Thu Jun 20 22:52:42 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bigmul1_toom3): Don't call bignorm twice.
+Thu Jun 20 22:49:27 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bignorm): Don't call bigtrunc if the result is a fixnum.
+Thu Jun 20 22:29:42 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_uint2big): Refactored.
+Thu Jun 20 22:24:41 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (dump_bignum): Use SIZEOF_BDIGITS.
+Thu Jun 20 22:22:46 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (big2ulong): Change the return type to unsigned long.
+ (rb_big2ulong_pack): Follow the above change.
+ (rb_big2long): Ditto.
+ (rb_big_lshift): Ditto.
+ (rb_big_rshift): Ditto.
+ (rb_big_aref): Ditto.
+Thu Jun 20 22:02:46 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_unpack_internal): Return -2 when negative overflow.
+ (bary_unpack): Set the overflowed bit if an extra BDIGIT exists.
+ (rb_integer_unpack): Set the overflowed bit.
+Thu Jun 20 21:17:19 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rgengc_rememberset_mark): record
+ (1) normal objects count in remember set
+ (2) shady objects count in remember set
+ each GC timing.
+ * gc.c (gc_profile_record_get): enable to access above information
+Thu Jun 20 18:29:26 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/gc/gcbench.rb: Do not use GC::Profiler::disable because
+ GC::Profiler::disable prohibit to access profiling data. It should
+ be spec bug.
+ Skip GC::Profiler::report if RUBY_VERSION < '2.0.0'
+Thu Jun 20 17:59:08 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/gc/gcbench.rb: stop GC::Profiler before output results.
+ Generating GC::Profiler result under profiling causes infinite loop.
+Thu Jun 20 17:24:24 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/gc/gcbench.rb: don't use __dir__ to make compatible
+ with ruby 1.9.3.
+Thu Jun 20 16:57:19 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/bm_app_aobench.rb: use attr_accessor/reader instead of
+ defining methods.
+Thu Jun 20 16:46:46 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/bm_app_aobench.rb: added.
+ * benchmark/gc/aobench.rb: added.
+Thu Jun 20 16:28:33 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/bm_so_binary_trees.rb: disable `puts' method
+ and change iteration parameter to increase execution time.
+ * benchmark/gc/binarytree.rb: added.
+Thu Jun 20 16:06:37 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/gc/pentomino.rb: added.
+ Simply load pentomino puzzle in the benchmark/ directory.
+Thu Jun 20 15:32:56 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/gc/redblack.rb: import red black tree benchmark from
+ * benchmark/gc/ring.rb: add a benchmark. This benchmark create many
+ old objects.
+Thu Jun 20 15:14:00 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/gc: create a directory to store GC related benchmark.
+ * benchmark/gc/gcbench.rb: moved from tool/gcbench.rb.
+ * benchmark/gc/hash(1|2).rb: ditto.
+ * benchmark/gc/rdoc.rb: ditto.
+ * benchmark/gc/null.rb: added.
+ * fix rule.
+Thu Jun 20 14:09:54 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * tool/hashbench1.rb: fix parameter too. Increase temporary objects.
+Thu Jun 20 14:01:35 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * tool/hashbench1.rb: fix parameters.
+Thu Jun 20 14:00:34 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * remove dependency from ruby.
+Thu Jun 20 13:14:06 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (rb_check_backtrace): evaluate RARRAY_AREF only once.
+ the first argument of RB_TYPE_P is expanded twice for non-immediate
+ types.
+Thu Jun 20 08:09:29 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * tool/gcbench.rb: Summary in one line.
+ * separate gcbench-hash to gcbench-hash1 and gcbench-hash2.
+Thu Jun 20 08:07:23 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (BIGSIZE): New macro.
+ (bigfixize): Use BIGSIZE.
+ (big2ulong): Ditto.
+ (check_shiftdown): Ditto.
+ (rb_big_aref): Ditto.
+Thu Jun 20 07:46:48 2013 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_writebarrier): give up rescan A and register B directly
+ if A has huge number of children.
+Thu Jun 20 07:30:35 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * add new rules `gcbench-rdoc', `gcbench-hash'.
+ * tool/gcbench.rb: separate GC bench framework and process.
+ * tool/hashbench1.rb, tool/hashbench2.rb: add two types GC bench.
+ hashbench1: many temporal objects (GC by newobj)
+ hashbench2: hash size becomes bigger and bigger (GC by malloc)
+ Two benches are executed by `gcbench-hash' rule.
+ * tool/rdocbench.rb: separated.
+Thu Jun 20 06:25:39 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * tool/rdocbench.rb: add summary.
+Thu Jun 20 06:18:01 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_profile_total_time): check objspace->profile.next_index > 0.
+Thu Jun 20 05:47:41 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_prof_sweep_timer_start): fix merge miss.
+ * gc.c (GC_PROFILE_MORE_DETAIL): set it 0.
+Thu Jun 20 05:38:56 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: Accumulate sweep time to GC time.
+ Now [GC time] is [mark time] + [sweep time] + [misc].
+ ([GC time] >= [mark time] + [sweep time])
+ * gc.c (gc_prof_sweep_slot_timer_start/stop): rename to
+ gc_prof_sweep_timer_start/stop and locate at lazy_sweep().
+ * gc.c (elapsed_time_from): add a utility function.
+Thu Jun 20 05:08:53 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_marks): fix wrong option. FALSE means major/full GC.
+ It should be TRUE (minor marking).
+Thu Jun 20 02:44:45 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (waitpid): should not return 0 but wait until exit
+ unless WNOHANG is given. waiting huge process may return while
+ active, for some reason.
+Thu Jun 20 01:34:15 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bdigit_roomof): Use SIZEOF_BDIGITS.
+ (bigfixize): Refine an ifdef condition.
+ (rb_absint_size): Use bdigit_roomof.
+ (rb_absint_singlebit_p): Ditto.
+ (rb_integer_pack): Ditto.
+ (integer_pack_fill_dd): Use BITSPERDIG.
+ (integer_unpack_push_bits): Use BITSPERDIG, BIGLO and BIGDN.
+Thu Jun 20 01:07:39 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (MARKED_IN_BITMAP, FL_TEST2): return boolean value since always
+ used as boolean value.
+ * gc.c (MARK_IN_BITMAP, CLEAR_IN_BITMAP): evaluate bits once.
+Thu Jun 20 00:05:07 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (RVALUE_PROMOTED): fix type.
+Wed Jun 19 23:39:01 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_marks_test): rewrite checking code.
+ When RGENGC_CHECK_MODE >= 2, all minor marking, run normal minor
+ marking *and* major/full marking. After that, compare the results
+ and shows BUG if a object living with major/full marking but dead
+ with minor marking.
+ After detecting bugs, print references information.
+ (RGENGC_CHECK_MODE == 2, show references to dead object)
+ (RGENGC_CHECK_MODE == 3, show all references)
+Wed Jun 19 23:51:48 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bigfixize): Use rb_absint_size.
+ (check_shiftdown): Ditto.
+ (big2ulong): Use bdigit_roomof.
+Wed Jun 19 23:32:23 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (RVALUE_PROMOTED): check consistency between oldgen flag and
+ oldgen bitmap if RGENGC_CHECK_MODE > 0.
+Wed Jun 19 23:29:29 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_force_recycle): clear oldgen bitmap, too.
+Wed Jun 19 21:02:13 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_uint2big): Consider environments BDIGIT is bigger than
+ long.
+ (big2ulong): Ditto.
+ (rb_big_aref): Ditto.
+ (rb_big_pack): Just call rb_integer_pack.
+ (rb_big_unpack): Just call rb_integer_unpack.
+Wed Jun 19 20:51:21 2013 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * gc.c (gc_stress_get): GC.stress can be Fixnum.
+Wed Jun 19 19:31:30 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (DIGSPERLONG): Don't define if BDIGIT is bigger than long.
+ (DIGSPERLL): Don't define if BDIGIT is bigger than LONG_LONG
+ (rb_absint_size): Consider environments BDIGIT is bigger than long.
+ Use BIGLO and BIGDN.
+ (rb_absint_singlebit_p): Ditto.
+ (rb_integer_pack): Ditto.
+ (bigsub_int): Consider environments BDIGIT is bigger than long.
+ Use SIZEOF_BDIGITS instead of sizeof(BDIGIT).
+ (bigadd_int): Ditto.
+ (bigand_int): Ditto.
+ (bigor_int): Ditto.
+ (bigxor_int): Ditto.
+Wed Jun 19 15:14:30 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (struct rb_data_type_struct), gc.c: add
+ rb_data_type_struct::flags. Now, this flags is passed
+ at T_DATA object creation. You can specify FL_WB_PROTECTED
+ on this flag.
+ * iseq.c: making non-shady iseq objects.
+ * class.c, compile.c, proc.c, vm.c: add WB for iseq objects.
+ * vm_core.h, iseq.h: constify fields to detect WB insertion.
+Wed Jun 19 15:11:13 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_children): show more info for broken object.
+Wed Jun 19 14:04:41 2013 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (EnvUtil#rubybin): remove unnecessary
+ unless expression.
+Wed Jun 19 07:47:48 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (garbage_collect_body): use FIX2INT for ruby_gc_stress.
+Wed Jun 19 07:44:31 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_objspace::gc_stress): int -> VALUE to store Fixnum object.
+Wed Jun 19 07:25:35 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (make_deferred): clear flags to T_ZOMBIE.
+ * gc.c (slot_sweep_body): fix indent.
+Wed Jun 19 07:18:47 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_aref): Apply BIGLO to ~xds[i] for environment which
+ BDIGIT is 16bit.
+Wed Jun 19 07:09:26 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rgengc_remember): fix output level.
+ * gc.c (rgengc_rememberset_mark): fix to output clear count.
+ (shady_object_count + clear_count = count of remembered objects)
+Wed Jun 19 07:06:21 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rgengc_remember): check T_NONE and T_ZOMBIE
+Wed Jun 19 07:02:19 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (RGENGC_CHECK_MODE): add new check mode `3'.
+ In this mode, show all references if there is
+ a miss-corrected object.
+Wed Jun 19 06:31:08 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_stress_set): add special option of GC.stress.
+ `GC.stress=(flag)' accepts integer to control behavior of GC.
+ See code for details. Of course, this feature is only for MRI.
+ You can debug RGenGC (WB) using `GC.stress = 1'.
+ Using this option, do minor marking at all possible places.
+ seem good to add.
+Wed Jun 19 06:29:31 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (kwmerge_i): add WB.
+Wed Jun 19 06:26:49 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * hash.c: `st_update()' also has same issue of last fix.
+ write barriers at callback function are too early.
+ All write barriers are executed after `st_update()'
+Wed Jun 19 04:33:22 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * variable.c (rb_const_set): fix WB miss.
+ WBs had located before creating reference between a klass
+ and constant value. It causes GC bug.
+ # pseudo code:
+ WB(klass, value); # WB and remember klass
+ st_insert(klass->const_table, const_id, value);
+ `st_insert()' can cause GC before inserting `value' and
+ forget `klass' from the remember set. After that, relationship
+ between `klass' and `value' are created with constant table.
+ Now, `value' can be young (shady) object and `klass' can be old
+ object, without remembering `klass' object.
+ At the next GC, old `klass' object will be skipped and
+ young (shady) `value' will be miss-collected. -> GC bug
+ Lesson: The place of a WB is important.
+Tue Jun 18 22:01:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method): ensure methods of type
+ VM_METHOD_TYPE_ATTR_SET are called with 1 argument
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb
+ (TestModule#test_attr_writer_with_no_arguments): add test
+ [ruby-core:55543] [Bug #8540]
+Tue Jun 18 22:36:23 2013 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * gc.c (gc_profile_record_flag): fix typo.
+Tue Jun 18 22:08:53 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/objspace/object_tracing.c: Return for ::allocation_generation
+Tue Jun 18 22:04:35 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/objspace/object_tracing.c: Document object_tracing methods.
+Tue Jun 18 21:58:17 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * gc.c: Rename rb_mObSpace -> rb_mObjSpace
+Tue Jun 18 20:55:05 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c: Document ObjectSpace::InternalObjectWrapper.
+Tue Jun 18 20:39:04 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/objspace/object_tracing.c: Teach rdoc object_tracing.c [Bug #8537]
+Tue Jun 18 20:29:47 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/.document: add object_tracing.c to document file
+Tue Jun 18 20:20:27 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c: rdoc on require to overview from r41355
+Tue Jun 18 18:39:58 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * Check __int128.
+ * include/ruby/defines.h (BDIGIT_DBL): Use uint128_t if it is available.
+ (BDIGIT): Use uint64_t if uint128_t is available.
+ (SIZEOF_BDIGITS): Defined for above case.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (PRI_64_PREFIX): Defined.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_pow): Don't use BITSPERDIG for the condition which
+ rb_big_pow returns Float or Bignum.
+ [ruby-dev:47413] [Feature #8509]
+Tue Jun 18 16:43:44 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_heredoc_restore): clear lex_strterm always to get
+ rid of marking recycled node. this bug is revealed by r41372 with
+ GC.stress=true.
+Tue Jun 18 12:53:25 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (nlz): Cast the result explicitly.
+ (big2dbl): Don't assign BDIGIT values to int variable.
+Tue Jun 18 12:25:16 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_xor): Non-effective code removed.
+Tue Jun 18 11:26:05 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_stat): add `generated_normal_object_count_types' for
+Tue Jun 18 11:02:18 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_maybe): check to skip T_NONE.
+ * gc.c (markable_object_p): do not need to check (flags == 0) here.
+Tue Jun 18 10:17:37 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * variable.c (rb_autoload): fix WB miss.
+Tue Jun 18 04:20:18 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_children): don't need to care about T_ZOMBIE here.
+Mon Jun 17 22:16:02 2013 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_proc.rb (TestProc#test_block_given_method_to_proc):
+ run test for r41359.
+Mon Jun 17 21:42:18 2013 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h, vm_eval.c (rb_funcall_with_block):
+ new function to invoke a method with a block passed
+ as an argument.
+ * string.c (sym_call): use the above function to avoid
+ a block sharing. [ruby-dev:47438] [Bug #8531]
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_yield_with_cfunc): don't set block
+ in the frame.
+ * test/ruby/test_symbol.rb (TestSymbol#test_block_given_to_proc):
+ run related tests.
+Mon Jun 17 21:33:27 2013 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h, proc.c (rb_method_call_with_block):
+ new function to invoke a Method object with a block passed
+ as an argument.
+ * proc.c (bmcall): use the above function to avoid a block sharing.
+ [ruby-core:54626] [Bug #8341]
+ * test/ruby/test_proc.rb (TestProc#test_block_persist_between_calls):
+ run related tests.
+Mon Jun 17 20:53:21 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * loadpath.c (RUBY_REVISION): Defined to suppress revision.h
+ inclusion actually. r41352 removes the dependency.
+Mon Jun 17 18:15:57 2013 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c: let rdoc know about objspace methods.
+ Specify 'objspace' should be required. See #8537.
+Mon Jun 17 17:44:31 2013 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * gc.c (ObjectSpace): is a module not a class.
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c: try to include overview in rdoc,
+ see #8537.
+Mon Jun 17 17:38:24 2013 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * gc.c: fix example of ObjectSpace.define_finalizer in overview
+Mon Jun 17 16:59:53 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c: use rb_sprintf(), rb_id2str(), and
+ rb_intern_str() instead of rb_intern() and RSTRING_PTR() with
+ RB_GC_GUARD(), to prevent temporary objects from GC.
+ [ruby-core:39000] [Bug #5199]
+Mon Jun 17 14:27:54 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * vm_backtrace.c: Update rdoc for Backtrace#label with @_ko1
+Mon Jun 17 13:04:01 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * tool/ifchange (until): Fix the condition, although harmless in
+ this case.
+Mon Jun 17 11:50:29 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_maybe): added. check `is_pointer_to_heap()' and
+ type is not T_ZOMBIE.
+ * gc.c: use `gc_mark_maybe()'. T_ZOMBIE objects should not be pushed
+ to the mark stack.
+Mon Jun 17 07:56:24 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_small_lshift): Renamed from bdigs_small_lshift.
+ (bary_small_rshift): Renamed from bdigs_small_rshift.
+Mon Jun 17 07:38:48 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (absint_numwords_bytes): Removed.
+ (rb_absint_numwords): Don't call absint_numwords_bytes.
+Sun Jun 16 23:14:58 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (BARY_ADD): New macro.
+ (BARY_SUB): Ditto.
+ (BARY_MUL): Ditto.
+ (BARY_DIVMOD): Ditto.
+ (BARY_ZERO_P): Ditto.
+ (absint_numwords_generic): Use these macros.
+Sun Jun 16 21:41:39 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_2comp): Extracted from get2comp.
+ (integer_unpack_num_bdigits): Extracted from
+ rb_integer_unpack_internal.
+ (bary_unpack_internal): Renamed from bary_unpack and support
+ (bary_unpack): New function to validate arguments and invoke
+ bary_unpack_internal.
+ (rb_integer_unpack_internal): Removed.
+ (rb_integer_unpack): Invoke bary_unpack_internal.
+ (rb_integer_unpack_2comp): Removed.
+ * internal.h (rb_integer_unpack_2comp): Removed.
+ * pack.c: Follow the above change.
+Sun Jun 16 18:41:42 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h (INTEGER_PACK_2COMP): Defined.
+ (rb_integer_pack_2comp): Removed.
+ * bignum.c (bary_pack): Support INTEGER_PACK_2COMP.
+ (rb_integer_pack): Invoke bary_pack directly.
+ (rb_integer_pack_2comp): Removed.
+ (rb_integer_pack_internal): Ditto.
+ (absint_numwords_generic): Follow the above change.
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): Ditto.
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): Ditto.
+Sun Jun 16 17:48:14 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (absint_numwords_generic): rb_funcall invocations removed.
+Sun Jun 16 16:04:38 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/config_files.rb: use to allow it runs with Ruby 1.8.5.
+Sun Jun 16 14:32:25 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_pack) Extracted from rb_integer_pack_internal.
+ (absint_numwords_generic): Use bary_pack.
+Sun Jun 16 11:01:57 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * NEWS (XMLRPC::Client#http): Add.
+ [ruby-core:55197] [Feature #8461]
+Sun Jun 16 10:38:45 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_add): New function.
+ (bary_zero_p): Extracted from bigzero_p.
+ (absint_numwords_generic): Use bary_zero_p and bary_add.
+ (bary_mul): Fix an argument for bary_mul_single.
+ (bary_divmod): Use size_t for arguments.
+Sun Jun 16 08:55:22 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bigdivrem): Use a BDIGIT variable to store the return
+ value of bigdivrem_single.
+Sun Jun 16 08:43:59 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_divmod): New function.
+ (absint_numwords_generic): Use bary_divmod.
+ (bigdivrem_num_extra_words): Extracted from bigdivrem.
+ (bigdivrem_single): Ditto.
+ (bigdivrem_normal): Ditto.
+Sun Jun 16 05:51:51 2013 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * gc.c: Fixup around GC by MALLOC.
+ Add allocate size to malloc_increase before GC
+ for updating limit in after_gc_sweep.
+ Reset malloc_increase into garbage_collect()
+ for preventing GC again soon.
+Sun Jun 16 05:15:36 2013 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * gc.c: Add some columns to more detail profile.
+ new columns: Allocated size, Prepare Time, Removing Objects, Empty Objects
+Sun Jun 16 02:04:40 2013 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * gc.c (gc_prof_timer_stop): Merge function codes of GC_PROFILE_MORE_DETAIL and !GC_PROFILE_MORE_DETAIL.
+ * gc.c (gc_prof_mark_timer_start): Ditto.
+ * gc.c (gc_prof_mark_timer_stop): Ditto.
+ * gc.c (gc_prof_sweep_slot_timer_start): Ditto.
+ * gc.c (gc_prof_sweep_slot_timer_stop): Ditto.
+ * gc.c (gc_prof_set_malloc_info): Ditto.
+ * gc.c (gc_prof_set_heap_info): Ditto.
+Sat Jun 15 23:50:24 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_sub): New function.
+ (absint_numwords_generic): Use bary_sub.
+ (bigsub_core): Skip unnecessary copy.
+Sat Jun 15 22:05:30 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_mul): New function.
+ (absint_numwords_generic): Use bary_mul.
+ (bary_mul_single): Extracted from bigmul1_single.
+ (bary_mul_normal): Extracted from bigmul1_normal.
+Sat Jun 15 20:13:46 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_unpack): Extracted from rb_integer_unpack_internal.
+ (absint_numwords_generic): Use bary_unpack.
+ (roomof): Defined.
+ (bdigit_roomof): Defined.
+ (BARY_ARGS): Defined.
+ (bary_unpack): Declared.
+Sat Jun 15 19:35:04 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (absint_numwords_bytes): Make it static.
+ (absint_numwords_small): Ditto.
+ (absint_numwords_generic): Ditto.
+Sat Jun 15 17:14:32 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bigmul1_normal): Shrink the result Bignum length.
+Sat Jun 15 10:19:42 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c: Update overview formatting of headers
+Sat Jun 15 10:19:06 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.gemspec: Update authors
+Sat Jun 15 10:02:26 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bdigs_small_rshift): Extracted from big_rshift.
+ (bigdivrem): Use bdigs_small_rshift.
+Sat Jun 15 08:37:28 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (eval_string_with_cref): propagate absolute path from the
+ binding if it is given explicitly. patch by Gat (Dawid Janczak) at
+ [ruby-core:55123]. [Bug #8436]
+Sat Jun 15 02:40:18 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bdigs_small_lshift): Extracted from big_lshift.
+ (bigdivrem): Use bdigs_small_lshift.
+Fri Jun 14 20:47:41 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bigdivrem): Reduce number of digits before bignew() for div.
+Fri Jun 14 20:12:37 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bigdivrem): Use bignew when ny == 1.
+Fri Jun 14 18:52:51 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (rb_iseq_compile_node): fix location of a `trace'
+ instruction (b_return event).
+ [ruby-core:55305] [ruby-trunk - Bug #8489]
+ (need a backport to 2.0.0?)
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: add a test.
+Fri Jun 14 18:18:07 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * class.c, include/ruby/ruby.h: add write barriers for T_CLASS,
+ * constant.h: constify rb_const_entry_t::value and file to detect
+ assignment.
+ * variable.c, internal.h (rb_st_insert_id_and_value, rb_st_copy):
+ added. update table with write barrier.
+ * method.h: constify some variables to detect assignment.
+ * object.c (init_copy): add WBs.
+ * variable.c: ditto.
+ * vm_method.c (rb_add_method): ditto.
+Fri Jun 14 14:33:47 2013 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * NEWS: add a note for Module#using.
+Fri Jun 14 13:40:27 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * .travis.yml (before_script): update config files.
+ * ($(srcdir)/tool/config.{guess,sub}): use get-config_files.
+ * tool/config_files.rb: split get-config_files.
+ * (update-config_files): rule to download config files.
+ * tool/config.guess, tool/config.sub: remove and download from the
+ upstream.
+ * tool/config_files.rb: download config files from GNU.
+Fri Jun 14 12:21:20 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RUBY_SAFE_LEVEL_CHECK): suppress warnings
+ "left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect", on gcc 4.4.
+Fri Jun 14 09:48:48 2013 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * NEWS: add notes for $SAFE.
+ * doc/security.rdoc: remove the description of $SAFE=4.
+Fri Jun 14 00:14:29 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bigdivrem): Zero test condition simplified.
+Thu Jun 13 23:43:11 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/*: improve documentation, nodoc samples with @mrkn
+Thu Jun 13 23:02:14 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc/client.rb (XMLRPC::Client#http): Add reader for raw
+ Net::HTTP. [ruby-core:55197] [Feature #8461]
+ Reported by Herwin Weststrate. Thanks!!!
+Thu Jun 13 22:44:52 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc/client.rb (XMLRPC::Client#parse_set_cookies): Support
+ multiple names in a response. [ruby-core:41711] [Bug #5774]
+ Reported by Roman Riha. Thanks!!!
+ * test/xmlrpc/test_client.rb (XMLRPC::ClientTest#test_cookie_override):
+ Add a test of the above case.
+Thu Jun 13 22:35:50 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc/client.rb (XMLRPC::Client#parse_set_cookies): Use
+ guard style.
+Thu Jun 13 22:12:32 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils#rmdir): fix traversal loop, not trying
+ remove same directory only.
+Thu Jun 13 21:30:14 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (opt-dir), tool/ifchange: get rid of "alternate value"
+ expansion for legacy sh. [ruby-dev:47420] [Bug #8524]
+Thu Jun 13 21:24:09 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bigdivrem): Refactored to use ALLOCV_N for temporary
+ buffers.
+Thu Jun 13 18:54:11 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * bignum.c (integer_unpack_num_bdigits_generic): reorder terms (but not
+ changed the intention of the expression) because VC++ reports a
+ warning for it. reported by ko1 via IRC.
+Thu Jun 13 18:53:14 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb (test_thread_local_security): Don't create
+ an unused thread.
+Thu Jun 13 18:34:20 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bigdivrem): Use nlz.
+Thu Jun 13 14:51:06 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RUBY_SAFE_LEVEL_CHECK): check constant safe
+ level at compile time.
+Thu Jun 13 14:39:08 2013 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * test/-ext-/test_printf.rb, test/rss/test_parser.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_array.rb, test/ruby/test_hash.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_m17n.rb, test/ruby/test_marshal.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_object.rb, test/ruby/test_string.rb: don't use
+ untrusted?, untrust, and trust to avoid warnings in case $VERBOSE is
+ true.
+Thu Jun 13 10:47:16 2013 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_autoload.rb, bootstraptest/test_method.rb:
+ remove tests for $SAFE=4.
+ * lib/pp.rb: use taint instead of untrust to avoid warnings when
+ $VERBOSE is set to true.
+Thu Jun 13 06:12:18 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (integer_unpack_num_bdigits_small): Fix a compile error on
+ clang -Werror,-Wshorten-64-to-32
+ Reported by Eric Hodel. [ruby-core:55467] [Bug #8522]
+Thu Jun 13 05:32:13 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: Enable RFC 3542 IPV6 socket options for OS X
+ 10.7+. [ruby-trunk - Bug #8517]
+Thu Jun 13 00:17:18 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_integer_unpack_2comp): New function.
+ (rb_integer_unpack_internal): Extracted from rb_integer_unpack and
+ nlp_bits_ret argument added.
+ (integer_unpack_num_bdigits_small): nlp_bits_ret argument added to
+ return number of leading padding bits.
+ (integer_unpack_num_bdigits_generic): Ditto.
+ * internal.h (rb_integer_unpack_2comp): Declared.
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): Use rb_integer_unpack_2comp and
+ rb_integer_unpack.
+Wed Jun 12 23:27:03 2013 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * eval.c (mod_using): new method Module#using, which activates
+ refinements of the specified module only in the current class or
+ module definition. [ruby-core:55273] [Feature #8481]
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb: related test.
+Wed Jun 12 22:58:48 2013 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * safe.c (rb_set_safe_level, safe_setter): raise an ArgumentError
+ when $SAFE is set to 4. $SAFE=4 is now obsolete.
+ [ruby-core:55222] [Feature #8468]
+ * object.c (rb_obj_untrusted, rb_obj_untrust, rb_obj_trust):
+ Kernel#untrusted?, untrust, and trust are now deprecated.
+ Their behavior is same as tainted?, taint, and untaint,
+ respectively.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (OBJ_UNTRUSTED, OBJ_UNTRUST): OBJ_UNTRUSTED()
+ and OBJ_UNTRUST() are aliases of OBJ_TAINTED() and OBJ_TAINT(),
+ respectively.
+ * array.c, class.c, debug.c, dir.c, encoding.c, error.c, eval.c,
+ ext/curses/curses.c, ext/dbm/dbm.c, ext/dl/cfunc.c,
+ ext/dl/cptr.c, ext/dl/dl.c, ext/etc/etc.c, ext/fiddle/fiddle.c,
+ ext/fiddle/pointer.c, ext/gdbm/gdbm.c, ext/readline/readline.c,
+ ext/sdbm/init.c, ext/socket/ancdata.c, ext/socket/basicsocket.c,
+ ext/socket/socket.c, ext/socket/udpsocket.c,
+ ext/stringio/stringio.c, ext/syslog/syslog.c, ext/tk/tcltklib.c,
+ ext/win32ole/win32ole.c, file.c, gc.c, hash.c, io.c, iseq.c,
+ load.c, marshal.c, object.c, proc.c, process.c, random.c, re.c,
+ safe.c, string.c, thread.c, transcode.c, variable.c,
+ vm_insnhelper.c, vm_method.c, vm_trace.c: remove code for
+ $SAFE=4.
+ * test/dl/test_dl2.rb, test/erb/test_erb.rb,
+ test/readline/test_readline.rb,
+ test/readline/test_readline_history.rb, test/ruby/test_alias.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_array.rb, test/ruby/test_dir.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_encoding.rb, test/ruby/test_env.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_eval.rb, test/ruby/test_exception.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_file_exhaustive.rb, test/ruby/test_hash.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_io.rb, test/ruby/test_method.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_module.rb, test/ruby/test_object.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_pack.rb, test/ruby/test_rand.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_regexp.rb, test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_struct.rb, test/ruby/test_thread.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_time.rb: remove tests for $SAFE=4.
+Wed Jun 12 22:18:23 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (integer_unpack_num_bdigits_generic): Rewritten without
+ rb_funcall.
+ (integer_unpack_num_bdigits_bytes): Removed.
+ (rb_integer_unpack): integer_unpack_num_bdigits_bytes invocation
+ removed.
+Wed Jun 12 20:18:03 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc/client.rb (XMLRPC::Client#parse_set_cookies): Extract.
+Wed Jun 12 18:19:41 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (validate_integer_pack_format): supported_flags argument
+ added and validate given flags.
+ (rb_integer_pack_internal): Specify supported_flags.
+ (rb_integer_unpack): Ditto.
+Wed Jun 12 16:41:38 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_sort_bang): remove duplicated assertions.
+ ARY_HEAP_PTR() implies ary not to be embedded. [ruby-dev:47419]
+ [Bug #8518]
+Wed Jun 12 12:44:45 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (io_getc): fix 7bit coderange condition, check if ascii read
+ data instead of read length. [ruby-core:55444] [Bug #8516]
+Wed Jun 12 12:35:13 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): Use rb_integer_pack_2comp.
+Wed Jun 12 12:07:04 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): Fix a dynamic format string.
+Wed Jun 12 12:04:09 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_uniq_bang): must not be modified once frozen even in
+ a callback method.
+Wed Jun 12 12:03:43 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_sort_bang): must not be modified once frozen even in
+ a callback method.
+Wed Jun 12 12:00:15 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (FL_SET_EMBED): shared object is frozen even when get
+ unshared.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_modify): ARY_SET_CAPA needs unshared array.
+Wed Jun 12 07:32:01 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * random.c (rand_int): Use rb_big_uminus.
+Wed Jun 12 07:12:54 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * struct.c: Improve documentation: replace "instance variable" with
+ "member", recommend the use of a block to customize structs, note
+ that member accessors are created, general cleanup.
+Wed Jun 12 06:35:01 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h (INTEGER_PACK_NEGATIVE): Defined.
+ (rb_integer_unpack): sign argument removed.
+ * bignum.c (rb_integer_unpack): sign argument removed.
+ Non-negative integers generated by default.
+ INTEGER_PACK_NEGATIVE flag is used to generate non-positive integers.
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): Follow the above change.
+ * random.c (int_pair_to_real_inclusive): Ditto.
+ (make_seed_value): Ditto.
+ (mt_state): Ditto.
+ (limited_big_rand): Ditto.
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): Ditto.
+Wed Jun 12 00:07:46 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/xmlrpc/test_client.rb (XMLRPC::ClientTest#test_cookie_simple):
+ Add a test for the extracted method.
+Tue Jun 11 23:56:24 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/xmlrpc/test_client.rb (XMLRPC::ClientTest::Fake::HTTP#started):
+ Add a missing empty line.
+Tue Jun 11 23:37:19 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (validate_integer_pack_format): Don't require a word order
+ flag if numwords is 1 or less.
+ (absint_numwords_generic): Don't specify a word order for
+ rb_integer_pack.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash): Ditto.
+ * time.c (v2w_bignum): Ditto.
+Tue Jun 11 23:01:57 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (validate_integer_pack_format): Refine error messages.
+Tue Jun 11 22:25:04 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (validate_integer_pack_format): numwords argument added.
+ Move a varidation from rb_integer_pack_internal and rb_integer_unpack.
+ (rb_integer_pack_internal): Follow above change.
+ (rb_integer_unpack): Ditto.
+Tue Jun 11 20:52:43 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_integer_pack_internal): Renamed from rb_integer_pack
+ and overflow_2comp argument added.
+ (rb_integer_pack): Just call rb_integer_pack_internal.
+ (rb_integer_pack_2comp): New function.
+ * internal.h (rb_integer_pack_2comp): Declared.
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): Use rb_integer_pack and
+ rb_integer_pack_2comp to format binary/octal/hexadecimal integers.
+ (ruby_digitmap): Declared.
+ (remove_sign_bits): Removed.
+ (BITSPERDIG): Ditto.
+ (EXTENDSIGN): Ditto.
+Tue Jun 11 16:15:03 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (ary_shrink_capa): shrink the capacity so it fits just with
+ the length.
+ * array.c (ary_make_shared): release never used elements from frozen
+ array to be shared. [ruby-dev:47416] [Bug #8510]
+Tue Jun 11 12:49:01 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * doc/re.rdoc: Rename to doc/regexp.rdoc
+ * re.c: Update rdoc include for rename of file
+Tue Jun 11 07:13:13 2013 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * eval_error.c (error_print): keep that errat is non-shady object.
+ and guard errat from GC.
+Tue Jun 11 05:04:25 2013 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * ext/racc/cparse/cparse.c: use rb_ary_entry() and
+ rb_ary_subseq() instead of RARRAY_PTR.
+ Based on a patch by Dirkjan Bussink. See Bug #8399.
+Mon Jun 10 23:51:51 2013 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_new_from_values): fix a typo. pointed out by
+ nagachika.
+Mon Jun 10 21:51:03 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (nogvl_getaddrinfo): Fix indent.
+Mon Jun 10 21:49:43 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (nogvl_getaddrinfo): Add missing return
+ value assignment.
+Mon Jun 10 20:58:11 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (nogvl_getaddrinfo): work around for Ubuntu
+ 13.04's getaddrinfo issue with mdns4. [ruby-list:49420]
+Mon Jun 10 19:34:39 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_integer_pack): Returns sign instead of words.
+ (absint_numwords_generic): Follow the above change.
+ (big2str_base_powerof2): Follow the above change.
+ * internal.h: Ditto.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash): Ditto.
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): Ditto.
+ * random.c (int_pair_to_real_inclusive): Ditto.
+ (rand_init): Ditto.
+ (random_load): Ditto.
+ (limited_big_rand): Ditto.
+ * time.c (v2w_bignum): Ditto.
+Mon Jun 10 17:20:01 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rgengc_remember): permit promoted object.
+ (rb_gc_writebarrier -> remember)
+Mon Jun 10 17:14:01 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (RVALUE_PROMOTE): fix parameter name (`x' to `obj')
+ and make it inline function (like RVALUE_PROMOTE).
+Mon Jun 10 16:22:50 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_new_from_values): add assertion
+ (ary should be young object).
+Mon Jun 10 16:05:59 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (wmap_mark): check allocation of `w->obj2wmap'.
+ (no-allocation `w->obj2wmap' will be NULL pointer reference)
+Mon Jun 10 15:36:00 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval_error.c (error_print): use checking functions instead of
+ catching exceptions.
+ * eval_error.c (error_print): restore errinfo for the case new
+ exception raised while printing the message. [ruby-core:55365]
+ [Bug #8501]
+ * eval_error.c (error_print): reduce calling setjmp.
+Mon Jun 10 12:10:06 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (integer_unpack_num_bdigits_small: Extracted from
+ rb_integer_unpack.
+ (integer_unpack_num_bdigits_generic): Ditto.
+ (integer_unpack_num_bdigits_bytes): New function.
+ (rb_integer_unpack): Use above functions.
+ Return a Bignum for INTEGER_PACK_FORCE_BIGNUM even when the result
+ is zero.
+Mon Jun 10 05:38:23 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (absint_numwords_small): New function.
+ (absint_numwords_generic): Use absint_numwords_small if possible.
+Mon Jun 10 01:07:57 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (absint_numwords_bytes): New function.
+ (absint_numwords_generic): Extracted from rb_absint_numwords.
+ (rb_absint_numwords): Use absint_numwords_bytes if possible.
+Sun Jun 9 21:33:15 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_absint_numwords): Return (size_t)-1 when overflow.
+ Refine variable names.
+ (rb_absint_size): Refine variable names.
+ * internal.h (rb_absint_size): Refine an argument name.
+ (rb_absint_numwords): Ditto.
+Sun Jun 9 16:51:41 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_absint_numwords): Renamed from rb_absint_size_in_word.
+ * internal.h (rb_absint_numwords): Follow the above change.
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): Ditto.
+ * random.c (rand_init): Ditto.
+ (limited_big_rand): Ditto.
+Sun Jun 9 14:41:05 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_integer_pack): numwords_allocated argument removed.
+ * internal.h (rb_integer_pack): Follow the above change.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash): Ditto.
+ * time.c (v2w_bignum): Ditto.
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): Ditto.
+ * random.c (int_pair_to_real_inclusive): Ditto.
+ (rand_init): Ditto.
+ (random_load): Ditto.
+ (limited_big_rand): Ditto.
+Sun Jun 9 09:34:44 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (big2str_base_powerof2): New function.
+ (rb_big2str0): Use big2str_base_powerof2 if base is 2, 4, 8, 16 or 32.
+Sun Jun 9 00:59:04 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash): Use rb_integer_pack to obtain least significant
+ long integer.
+Sat Jun 8 23:56:00 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_num_to_uint): Use rb_absint_size instead of
+Sat Jun 8 22:53:45 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): Use rb_integer_unpack.
+Sat Jun 8 22:18:57 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (v2w): Use rb_absint_size instead of RBIGNUM_LEN.
+Sat Jun 8 21:47:33 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (v2w_bignum): Simplified using rb_integer_pack.
+ (rb_big_abs_find_maxbit): Removed.
+Sat Jun 8 21:03:40 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_absint_singlebit_p): New function.
+ * internal.h (rb_absint_singlebit_p): Declared.
+ * time.c (v2w_bignum): Use rb_absint_singlebit_p instead of
+ rb_big_abs_find_minbit.
+ (rb_big_abs_find_minbit): Removed.
+Sat Jun 8 20:24:23 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (rb_big_abs_find_maxbit): Use rb_absint_size.
+ (bdigit_find_maxbit): Removed.
+Sat Jun 8 19:47:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * class.c (include_modules_at): invalidate method cache if included
+ module contains constants
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb: add test
+Sat Jun 8 19:31:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * random.c (limited_big_rand): declare rnd, lim and mask as uint32_t
+ to avoid 64 bit to 32 bit shorten warnings.
+Sat Jun 8 19:23:53 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: r41163 changed win32/win32.c and
+ but it didn't treat about mswin32/mswin64, so fix it.
+ NOTE: this needs a review by usa whether additional condition is
+ required or not.
+Sat Jun 8 19:06:26 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * random.c: Unused RBignum internal accessing macros removed.
+Sat Jun 8 19:04:15 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * random.c (limited_big_rand): The argument, limit, is changed to
+ VALUE. Use rb_integer_pack and rb_integer_unpack.
+Sat Jun 8 17:15:18 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * random.c (make_seed_value): Fix the length given for
+ rb_integer_unpack.
+Sat Jun 8 16:38:02 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_integer_unpack): Don't use rb_funcall if possible.
+ * random.c: Use uint32_t for elements of seed.
+ (make_seed_value): Use rb_integer_unpack.
+Sat Jun 8 15:58:18 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * random.c (rand_init): Add a cast to fix clang compile error:
+ random.c:410:32: error: implicit conversion loses integer precision:
+ 'size_t' (aka 'unsigned long') to 'int' [-Werror,-Wshorten-64-to-32]
+ This cast doesn't cause a problem because len is not bigger than
+Sat Jun 8 15:30:03 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * random.c (rand_init): Use rb_integer_pack.
+ (roomof): Removed.
+Sat Jun 8 14:58:32 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h (INTEGER_PACK_FORCE_BIGNUM): New flag constant.
+ * bignum.c (rb_integer_unpack): Support INTEGER_PACK_FORCE_BIGNUM.
+ * random.c (int_pair_to_real_inclusive): Use
+ INTEGER_PACK_FORCE_BIGNUM to use rb_big_mul instead of rb_funcall.
+Sat Jun 8 14:17:01 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * check for NET_LUID. header macro varies across
+ compiler versions.
+ * win32/win32.c: use configured macro.
+Sat Jun 8 11:59:55 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * random.c (int_pair_to_real_inclusive): Use rb_funcall instead of
+ rb_big_mul because rb_integer_unpack can return a Fixnum.
+Sat Jun 8 11:17:39 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * random.c (int_pair_to_real_inclusive): Use rb_integer_pack.
+Sat Jun 8 09:49:42 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * random.c (int_pair_to_real_inclusive): Use rb_integer_unpack.
+Sat Jun 8 08:12:22 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * random.c (random_load): Use rb_integer_pack.
+Sat Jun 8 06:15:46 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * random.c (numberof): Removed.
+Sat Jun 8 06:00:47 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * random.c: include internal.h.
+ (mt_state): Use rb_integer_unpack.
+Sat Jun 8 00:55:51 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (integer_pack_loop_setup): word_num_nailbytes_ret argument
+ removed.
+ (rb_integer_pack): Follow the above change.
+ (rb_integer_unpack): Follow the above change.
+Sat Jun 8 00:37:32 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (validate_integer_pack_format): Renamed from
+ validate_integer_format.
+ (integer_pack_loop_setup): Renamed from integer_format_loop_setup.
+ (integer_pack_fill_dd): Renamed from int_export_fill_dd.
+ (integer_pack_take_lowbits): Renamed from int_export_take_lowbits.
+ (integer_unpack_push_bits): Renamed from int_import_push_bits.
+Fri Jun 7 23:58:06 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_integer_pack): Arguments changed. Use flags to
+ specify word order and byte order.
+ (rb_integer_unpack): Ditto.
+ (validate_integer_format): Follow the above change.
+ (integer_format_loop_setup): Ditto.
+ * pack.c: Ditto.
+ * internal.h: Ditto.
+Fri Jun 7 22:10:50 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/rubygems/specification.rb (Gem::Specification#to_yaml):
+ use Gem::NoAliasYAMLTree.create instead of
+ to suppress deprecated warnings.
+Fri Jun 7 21:39:39 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_integer_pack): Renamed from rb_int_export.
+ (rb_integer_unpack): Renamed from rb_int_import.
+ * internal.h, pack.c: Follow the above change.
+Fri Jun 7 21:05:26 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (integer_format_loop_setup): Extracted from rb_int_export
+ and rb_int_import.
+Fri Jun 7 19:48:38 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (validate_integer_format): Extracted from rb_int_export and
+ rb_int_import.
+Fri Jun 7 19:23:15 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_absint_size): Use numberof.
+ (rb_int_export): Ditto.
+Fri Jun 7 18:58:56 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h (numberof): Gathered from various files.
+ * array.c, math.c, thread_pthread.c, iseq.c, enum.c, string.c, io.c,
+ load.c, compile.c, struct.c, eval.c, gc.c, parse.y, process.c,
+ error.c, ruby.c: Remove the definitions of numberof.
+Fri Jun 7 18:24:39 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_absint_size): Declare a variable, i, just before used
+ to suppress a warning.
+ (rb_int_export): Ditto.
+Fri Jun 7 17:41:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_absint_size): explicit cast to BDIGIT to avoid implicit
+ 64 bit to 32 bit shortening warning
+ * bignum.c (rb_int_export): ditto
+ * bignum.c (int_import_push_bits): ditto
+Fri Jun 7 17:31:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * internal.h (RCLASS_SUPER): use descriptive variable name
+ * internal.h (RCLASS_SET_SUPER): ditto
+Fri Jun 7 13:25:27 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/json/fbuffer/fbuffer.h (fbuffer_append_str): change the place of
+ RB_GC_GUARD. it should be after the object is used.
+Fri Jun 7 13:22:43 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * gc.c (before_gc_sweep): noinline can also avoid the segv instead of
+ -O0 of r41084. this way is expected less slow.
+Fri Jun 7 11:45:42 2013 Kenta Murata <>
+ * rational.c (numeric_quo): move num_quo in numeric.c to numeric_quo
+ in rational.c to refer canonicalization state for mathn support.
+ [ruby-core:41575] [Bug #5736]
+ * numeric.c (num_quo): ditto.
+ * test/test_mathn.rb: add a test for the change at r41109.
+Fri Jun 7 11:41:42 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * revert r41106. size_t may not be unsigned
+ * bignum.c (rb_absint_size_in_word, rb_int_export, rb_int_import): use
+ NUM2SIZET() and SIZET2NUM() already defined in ruby/ruby.h.
+Fri Jun 7 11:28:37 2013 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * gc.c: use oldgen bitmap as initial mark bitmap when major gc.
+ so can skip oldgen bitmap check around mark & sweep.
+ * gc.c (slot_sweep_body): change scan algorithm for performance:
+ from object's pointer base to bitmap one.
+Fri Jun 7 11:25:56 2013 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * gc.c: introduce oldgen bitmap for preparing performance tuning.
+Fri Jun 7 11:20:57 2013 Masaya Tarui <>
+ bitmap macros in one place, and introduce BITMAP_BIT.
+Fri Jun 7 11:18:35 2013 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * array.c (ary_new): change order of allocation in order
+ to remove FL_OLDGEN operation.
+Fri Jun 7 11:16:28 2013 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * tool/rdocbench.rb: add gc total time information.
+Fri Jun 7 10:12:01 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: remove "Sunny" terminology.
+ "Sunny" doesn't mean antonym of "Shady" (questionable, doubtful, etc).
+ Instead of "Sunny", use "non-shady" or "normal".
+Fri Jun 7 09:29:33 2013 Kenta Murata <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_int_import): explicitly casting BDIGIT_DBL to BDIGIT
+ to prevent warning.
+Fri Jun 7 07:29:33 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h (rb_int_export): countp argument is split into
+ wordcount_allocated and wordcount.
+ * bignum.c (rb_int_export): Follow the above change.
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): Ditto.
+Fri Jun 7 07:17:00 2013 Kenta Murata <>
+ * NEWS: describe a compatibility issue of Numeric#quo
+ introduced at r41109.
+Fri Jun 7 07:15:00 2013 Kenta Murata <>
+ * NEWS: fix style.
+Fri Jun 7 06:48:17 2013 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * numeric.c: remove unused ID id_to_r introduced in r41109.
+Fri Jun 7 06:15:31 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_int_import): New function.
+ (int_import_push_bits): Ditto.
+ * internal.h (rb_int_import): Declared.
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): Use rb_int_import for BER compressed integer.
+Thu Jun 6 22:24:00 2013 Kenta Murata <>
+ * numeric.c (num_quo): Use to_r method to convert the receiver to
+ rational. [ruby-core:41575] [Bug #5736]
+ * test/ruby/test_numeric.rb: add a test for the above change.
+Thu Jun 6 20:40:17 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * Invoke RUBY_REPLACE_TYPE for size_t.
+ Don't invoke RUBY_CHECK_PRINTF_PREFIX for size_t to avoid conflict
+ * internal.h (rb_absint_size): Declared.
+ (rb_absint_size_in_word): Ditto.
+ (rb_int_export): Ditto.
+ * bignum.c (rb_absint_size): New function.
+ (rb_absint_size_in_word): Ditto.
+ (int_export_fill_dd): Ditto.
+ (int_export_take_lowbits): Ditto.
+ (rb_int_export): Ditto.
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): Use rb_int_export for BER compressed integer.
+Thu Jun 6 19:31:33 2013 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: fixed coding error [ruby-core:55337].
+ reported by Riley Lynch.
+Thu Jun 6 14:16:37 2013 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * ext/objspace/object_tracing.c: rename allocation_info to
+ lookup_allocation_info. At times I confused "struct
+ allocation_info" with "function allocation_info".
+Thu Jun 6 13:57:06 2013 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * ext/objspace/object_tracing.c: allocation_info function isn't
+ called by any other file.
+Thu Jun 6 09:41:00 2013 Kenta Murata <>
+ * numeric.c (num_quo): should return a Float for a Float argument.
+ [ruby-dev:44710] [Bug #5515]
+ * test/ruby/test_fixnum.rb: Add an assertion for the above change.
+ * test/ruby/test_bignum.rb: ditto.
+Thu Jun 6 00:59:44 2013 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * gc.c (gc_mark): get rid of pushing useless objects.
+ * gc.c (rgengc_rememberset_mark): bypass gc_mark() in order to push
+ sunny old object at minor gc.
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_children): move sunny old check to gc_mark().
+ * gc.c (rgengc_check_shady): remove DEMOTE that already unnecessary.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_writebarrier): ditto.
+ change sunny old check point in order to save mark stack and
+ remove unnatural rest_sweep & demote.
+Thu Jun 6 00:52:42 2013 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * gc.c (rgengc_rememberset_mark): change scan algorithm for performance:
+ from object's pointer base to bitmap one.
+Thu Jun 6 00:30:04 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * win32/win32.c (NET_LUID): define it on MinGW32.
+ mingw-w64 has NET_LUID but mingw32 ( still doesn't have
+ NET_LUID. reported by taco on IRC
+Thu Jun 6 00:05:08 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * string.c (String#b): Allow code range scan to happen later so
+ ascii_only? on a result string returns the correct value.
+ [ruby-core:55315] [Bug #8496]
+Wed Jun 5 22:40:42 2013 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (capability_response): should ignore trailing
+ spaces. Thanks, Peter Kovacs. [ruby-core:55024] [Bug #8415]
+ * test/net/imap/test_imap_response_parser.rb: related test.
+Wed Jun 5 21:17:08 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (big_fdiv): Use nlz() instead of bdigbitsize().
+ (bdigbitsize): Removed.
+Wed Jun 5 20:32:00 2013 Kenta Murata <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: fix alignment in comment.
+Wed Jun 5 20:05:29 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * random.c (int_pair_to_real_inclusive): Add a cast to BDIGIT.
+ (random_load): Fix shift width for fixnums.
+ Re-implement bignum extraction without ifdefs.
+Wed Jun 5 15:26:10 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * gc.c (before_gc_sweep): don't optimize it to avoid segv on Ubuntu
+ 10.04 gcc 4.4.
+Wed Jun 5 09:46:46 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb (TestFileUtils#test_mkdir): add
+ EACCES for Windows.
+Wed Jun 5 08:13:37 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_pow): Don't need to multiply SIZEOF_BDIGITS.
+ Use nlz instead of bitlength_bdigit.
+ (bitlength_bdigit): Removed.
+Wed Jun 5 07:14:18 2013 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (d_lite_cmp, d_lite_equal): simplified.
+Wed Jun 5 07:07:01 2013 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: fixed a bug [ruby-core:55295]. reported
+ by Riley Lynch.
+Wed Jun 5 06:44:08 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems 2.0.3
+ * test/rubygems: Tests for the above.
+ * NEWS: Added RubyGems 2.0.3 note.
+Wed Jun 5 06:35:15 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/marshal.rdoc: Add description of Marshal format.
+Wed Jun 5 01:16:09 2013 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * array.c (Array#+): fix documentation example.
+ Patch by Logan Serman. [Fixes GH-324]
+Wed Jun 5 00:21:54 2013 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * lib/irb/lc/ja/help-message: update help messages.
+ following r41028. [ruby-dev:46707] [Feature #7510]
+Wed Jun 5 00:09:32 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): Generalize a round up expression.
+ Use BDIGIT instead of int.
+Tue Jun 4 23:44:02 2013 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * object.c (rb_Hash): fix docs. patched by Stefan Sch"ussler.
+ [ruby-core:55299] [Bug #8487]
+Tue Jun 4 23:16:49 2013 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * lib/irb/completion.rb: Use %w literal construction for long lists.
+ Patch by Dave Goodchild. [Fixes GH-299]
+Tue Jun 4 23:08:42 2013 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c: improve wording and remove duplicated comment.
+ Based on a patch by Dave Goodchild. [Fixes GH-299]
+Tue Jun 4 18:41:47 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bitlength_bdigit): Fix an off-by-one error.
+Tue Jun 4 15:30:00 2013 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/util.rb (Float#to_d): fix the number
+ of figures. Patch by Vipul A M <>.
+ fix GH-323
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal_util.rb: fix for the above change.
+Tue Jun 4 00:44:27 2013 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb (TestFileUtils#test_mkdir): add
+ EEXIST for Linux. (suggested by nurse)
+Mon Jun 3 23:58:19 2013 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils.rmdir): use remove_tailing_slash.
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb: test for above.
+Mon Jun 3 23:47:55 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bitlength_bdigit): New function.
+ (rb_big_pow): Use bitlength_bdigit instead of ffs.
+Mon Jun 3 23:11:19 2013 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: fix behavior when mkdir/mkdir_p accepted "/".
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb: add test for above change.
+ Patched by Mitsunori Komatsu. [GH-319]
+Mon Jun 3 19:02:20 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (is_hfs): use the file descriptor instead of a path.
+Mon Jun 3 07:15:17 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * removes AC_CHECK_FUNCS(readdir_r). readdir_r()
+ is only used from dir.c and it doesn't need readdir_r().
+ only used for readdir_r.
+ * dir.c: removes NAME_MAX_FOR_STRUCT_DIRENT. It is not right way
+ to detect maximum length of path len. POSIX require to use
+ fpathconf(). IOW, it might have lead to make a vulnerability
+ using stack smashing. Moreover, readdir() works enough for our
+ usage.
+ * dir.c (READDIR): removes an implementation which uses
+ readdir_r() and parenthesize in a macro body correctly.
+ * dir.c (dir_read): removes IF_HAVE_READDIR_R(DEFINE_STRUCT_DIRENT
+ entry), it is used only for readdir_r().
+ * dir.c (dir_each): ditto.
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): ditto.
+ * dir.c (READDIR): removes entry and dp argument.
+ * dir.c (dir_read): adjust for the above change.
+ * dir.c (dir_each): ditto.
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): ditto.
+Mon Jun 3 03:40:29 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_yield_setup_block_args): partially revert r41019.
+ The code is not useless.
+Mon Jun 3 01:25:25 2013 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * test/socket/test_sockopt.rb: change test name. follow r41037.
+Mon Jun 3 01:08:43 2013 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * test/rinda/test_rinda.rb: rename functions introduced in r41009.
+Sun Jun 2 23:33:42 2013 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * enc/trans/japanese_euc.trans, test/ruby/test_transcode.rb,
+ tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: change EUC-JP-2004 to EUC-JIS-2004.
+ This is follow up to changes in r41024.
+Sun Jun 2 22:44:42 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/socket/option.c: rename functions introduced in r41009
+ s/ip/ipv4/g because they are ipv4 functions.
+ (there's a policy that the name "ip" is for methods which supports
+ both ipv4 and ipv6)
+Sun Jun 2 16:15:29 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dln_find.c (dln_find_exe, dln_find_file): remove deprecated
+ non-reentrant functions.
+Sun Jun 2 15:04:35 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/cgi/util.rb, lib/erb.rb: Use String#b [Feature #8394] by znz
+Sun Jun 2 14:10:21 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/irb/lc/help-message: Apply english updates for irb --help #7510
+Sun Jun 2 12:03:58 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * range.c: Fix rdoc on Range#bsearch [Bug #8242] [ruby-core:54143]
+Sun Jun 2 02:08:37 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/euc_jp.c: fix typo: the name of EUC-JIS-2004.
+Sat Jun 1 23:17:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_mod_module_eval): mention in docs that arguments passed
+ to the method are passed to the block
+Sat Jun 1 17:58:13 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/set.rb (Set#freeze, taint, untaint): Save a "self" by
+ utilizing super returning self, and add tests while at it.
+Sat Jun 1 17:24:47 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_set_arguments): not a simple single argument if any
+ keyword arguments exist. [ruby-core:55203] [Bug #8463]
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_yield_setup_block_args): split single parameter
+ if any keyword arguments exist, and then extract keyword arguments.
+ [ruby-core:55203] [Bug #8463]
+Sat Jun 1 11:16:22 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (rb_exc_new_cstr): rename from rb_exc_new2.
+ * error.c (rb_exc_new_str): rename from rb_exc_new3.
+Sat Jun 1 10:13:17 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_new[2-5], rb_{tainted,usascii}_str_new2),
+ (rb_str_buf_new2): remove old interfaces.
+Sat Jun 1 08:00:46 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (gzfile_read, gzfile_read_all, gzfile_getc),
+ (gzreader_gets): check EOF. [ruby-core:55220] [Bug #8467]
+Sat Jun 1 07:32:15 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c: Use BDIGIT type for hbase.
+Sat Jun 1 02:37:35 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/socket/option.c (sockopt_s_byte): constructor of the sockopt
+ whose value's is byte.
+ * ext/socket/option.c (sockopt_byte): getter for above.
+ * ext/socket/option.c (inspect_byte): inspect for above.
+ * ext/socket/option.c (sockopt_s_ip_multicast_loop): constructor of
+ the sockopt whose optname is IP_MULTICAST_LOOP.
+ * ext/socket/option.c (sockopt_ip_multicast_loop): getter for above.
+ * ext/socket/option.c (sockopt_s_ip_multicast_ttl): constructor of
+ the sockopt whose optname is IP_MULTICAST_TTL.
+ * ext/socket/option.c (sockopt_ip_multicast_ttl): getter for above.
+ * ext/socket/option.c (sockopt_inspect): use above.
+Sat Jun 01 01:50:00 2013 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_power): use rb_dbl2big
+ to convert a double value to a Bignum.
+Sat Jun 1 00:19:50 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (calc_hbase): Make hbase the maximum power of base
+ representable in BDIGIT.
+Fri May 31 23:56:13 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (calc_hbase): Extracted from rb_big2str0.
+Fri May 31 23:22:24 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c: Don't hard code SIZEOF_BDIGITS for log_base(hbase).
+ (big2str_orig): hbase_numdigits argument added.
+ (big2str_karatsuba): Ditto.
+ (rb_big2str0): Calculate hbase_numdigits.
+Fri May 31 17:57:21 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * process.c: Improve Process::exec documentation
+Fri May 31 17:26:42 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_funcallv): add better names of rb_funcall2.
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_funcallv_public): ditto for rb_funcall3.
+Fri May 31 17:04:45 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_new_capa): add better names of rb_ary_new2.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_new_from_args): ditto for rb_ary_new3.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_new_from_values): ditto for rb_ary_new4.
+Fri May 31 16:35:44 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (HAVE_ATTRIBUTE_FUNCTION_ALIAS): define to tell if
+ alias attribute is available.
+Fri May 31 16:03:23 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * object.c, proc.c: s/call_seq/call-seq in rdoc. [Fixes GH-322]
+Fri May 31 15:56:36 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c: Add missing paren in rdoc [Fixes GH-321]
+Fri May 31 11:58:24 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_method.c (set_visibility): extract from rb_mod_public(),
+ rb_mod_protected() and rb_mod_private().
+Thu May 30 19:47:42 2013 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_callee_setup_keyword_arg,
+ vm_callee_setup_arg_complex): consider a hash argument for keyword
+ only when the number of arguments is more than the expected
+ mandatory parameters. [ruby-core:53199] [ruby-trunk - Bug #8040]
+ * test/ruby/test_keyword.rb: update a test for above.
+Thu May 30 17:55:04 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * process.c: RDoc on Process.spawn
+Thu May 30 00:08:14 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_profile_enable): rest_sweep() to finish last GC.
+ Profiling record is allocated at first of marking phase.
+ Enable at lazy sweeping may cause an error (SEGV).
+Wed May 29 10:33:27 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * hash.c: fix WB bug.
+ (1) Hash's key also needs WB.
+ (2) callback parameter *key and *value of st_update() is not a
+ storage of st_table itself (only local variable). So that
+ OBJ_WRITE() is not suitable, especially for `!existing'.
+ OBJ_WRITTEN() is used instead of OBJ_WRITE().
+Tue May 28 12:31:21 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/objspace/object_tracing.c: fix a bug reported at
+ "[ruby-core:55182] [ruby-trunk - Bug #8456][Open] Sugfault in Ruby Head"
+ Care about the case TracePoint#path #=> `nil'.
+ * ext/objspace/object_tracing.c: add two new methods:
+ * ObjectSpace.allocation_class_path(o)
+ * ObjectSpace.allocation_method_id(o)
+ They are not useful for because they are always
+ "Class" and :new.
+ To trace more useful information, we need to maintain call-tree
+ using call/return hooks, which is implemented by
+ ll-prof <>
+ * test/objspace/test_objspace.rb: add a test.
+Tue May 28 11:30:02 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): leave makefiles untouched if the content is
+ not changed, to get rid of unnecessary re-linking.
+Tue May 28 03:11:02 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/objspace/gc_hook.c, ext/objspace/objspace.c: add new methods to
+ hook GC invocation.
+ * ObjectSpace.after_gc_start_hook=(proc)
+ * ObjectSpace.after_gc_end_hook=(proc)
+ Note that hooks are not kicked immediately. Procs are kicked
+ at postponed_job.
+ This feature is a sample of new internal event and
+ rb_postponed_job API.
+Tue May 28 02:56:15 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_stat): remove wrong rest_sweep().
+Tue May 28 02:44:23 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (garbage_collect_body): fix GC_ENABLE_LAZY_SWEEP condition.
+ * gc.c (GC_NOTIFY): move debug print location and use stderr instead
+ of stdout.
+Tue May 28 02:07:21 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_trace.c (rb_postponed_job_register_one): fix iteration bug.
+ * ext/-test-/postponed_job/postponed_job.c,
+ test/-ext-/postponed_job/test_postponed_job.rb: add a test.
+Tue May 28 00:34:23 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h, gc.c: add new internal event
+ RUBY_INTERNAL_EVENT_GC_END. This event invokes at the end of
+ after_sweep().
+ Time chart with lazy sweep is:
+ (2) [gc_marks()]
+ (3) [lazy_sweep()]
+ (4) [... run Ruby program (mutator) with lazy_sweep() ...]
+ (5) [after_sweep()]
+ (7) [... run Ruby program (mutator), and go to (1) ...]
+ Time chart without lazy sweep (GC.start, etc) is:
+ (2) [gc_marks()]
+ (3) [gc_sweep()]
+ (4) [after_sweep()]
+ (6) [... run Ruby program (mutator), and go to (1) ...]
+ * ext/-test-/tracepoint/tracepoint.c,
+ test/-ext-/tracepoint/test_tracepoint.rb: modify a test.
+Tue May 28 00:18:57 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_trace.c (rb_postponed_job_flush): remove a wrong comment.
+Mon May 27 22:09:33 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RHASH_SIZE): Add a cast to suppress a
+ warning, comparison between signed and unsigned integer
+ expressions [-Wsign-compare], on ILP32.
+Mon May 27 19:25:47 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: rename RUBY_INTERNAL_EVENT_FREE to
+ * ext/-test-/tracepoint/tracepoint.c,
+ ext/objspace/object_tracing.c,
+ gc.c, vm_trace.c: catch up this change.
+Mon May 27 18:57:28 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c: support ObjectSpace.trace_object_allocations.
+ Read the following test to know HOWTO.
+ This feature is a sample of RUBY_INTERNAL_EVENT.
+ * test/objspace/test_objspace.rb: add a test.
+ * ext/objspace/object_tracing.c: ditto.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_count): add. This function returns GC count.
+ * internal.h: add decl. of rb_gc_count(). Same as `GC.count'.
+Mon May 27 17:33:28 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb (install_recursive): add maxdepth option.
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb (bin-comm): limit depth of bindir and reject empty
+ files. [ruby-core:55101] [Bug #8432]
+Mon May 27 16:16:18 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_trace.c (rb_postponed_job_flush, rb_postponed_job_register): use
+ ruby_xmalloc/xfree. It is safe during GC.
+Mon May 27 09:24:03 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/-ext-/postponed_job/test_postponed_job.rb: fix typo and class name.
+Mon May 27 09:05:17 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h, gc.c, vm_trace.c: add internal events.
+ * RUBY_INTERNAL_EVENT_NEWOBJ: object created.
+ * RUBY_INTERNAL_EVENT_FREE: object freed.
+ Internal events can not invoke any Ruby program because the tracing
+ timing may be critical (under huge restriction).
+ These events can be hooked only by C-extensions.
+ We recommend to use rb_postponed_job_register() API to call Ruby
+ program safely.
+ This change is mostly written by Aman Gupta (tmm1).
+ [Feature #8107]
+ * include/ruby/debug.h, vm_trace.c: added two new APIs.
+ * rb_tracearg_event_flag() returns rb_event_flag_t of this event.
+ * rb_tracearg_object() returns created/freed object.
+ * ext/-test-/tracepoint/extconf.rb,
+ ext/-test-/tracepoint/tracepoint.c,
+ test/-ext-/tracepoint/test_tracepoint.rb: add a test.
+Mon May 27 08:38:21 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/-test-/postponed_job/postponed_job.c: fix `init' function name.
+Mon May 27 06:22:41 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/debug.h, vm_trace.c: add rb_postponed_job API.
+ Postponed jobs are registered with this API. Registered jobs
+ are invoked at `ruby-running-safe-point' as soon as possible.
+ This timing is completely same as finalizer timing.
+ There are two APIs:
+ * rb_postponed_job_register(flags, func, data): register a
+ postponed job with data. flags are reserved.
+ * rb_postponed_job_register_one(flags, func, data): same as
+ `rb_postponed_job_register', but only one `func' job is
+ registered (skip if `func' is already registered).
+ This change is mostly written by Aman Gupta (tmm1).
+ [Feature #8107]
+ * gc.c: use postponed job API for finalizer.
+ * add dependency from vm_trace.c to debug.h.
+ * ext/-test-/postponed_job/extconf.rb, postponed_job.c,
+ test/-ext-/postponed_job/test_postponed_job.rb: add a test.
+ * thread.c: implement postponed API.
+ * vm_core.h: ditto.
+Mon May 27 02:26:02 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_stat): collect promote_operation_count and
+ types (RGENGC_PROFILE >= 2).
+Mon May 27 01:40:58 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_stat): collect shade_operation_count,
+ remembered_sunny_object_count and remembered_shady_object_count
+ for each types when RGENGC_PROFILE >= 2.
+ They are informative for optimization.
+Mon May 27 01:15:22 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_tbl_raw), internal.h: added.
+ Returns st_table without shading hash.
+ * array.c: use rb_hash_tbl_raw() for read-only purpose.
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): ditto.
+ * gc.c (count_objects): ditto.
+ * insns.def: ditto.
+ * process.c: ditto.
+ * thread.c (clear_coverage): ditto.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: ditto.
+Mon May 27 00:31:09 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/make-snapshot: use ENV["AUTOCONF"] instead of directly using
+ literal "autoconf".
+Sun May 26 21:31:46 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * hash.c, include/ruby/ruby.h: support WB protected hash.
+ * constify RHash::ifnone and make new macro RHASH_SET_IFNONE().
+ * insert write barrier for st_update().
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: declare rb_hash_set_ifnone(hash, ifnone).
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): use RHASH_SET_IFNONE().
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509name.c (Init_ossl_x509name): ditto.
+Sat May 25 23:22:38 2013 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * test/fiddle/test_c_struct_entry.rb,
+ test/fiddle/test_c_union_entity.rb,
+ test/fiddle/test_cparser.rb, test/fiddle/test_func.rb,
+ test/fiddle/test_handle.rb, test/fiddle/test_import.rb,
+ test/fiddle/test_pointer.rb: don't run test if the system
+ don't support fiddle.
+Sat May 25 21:29:34 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (get_device_once): FreeBSD 10-current and 9-stable
+ added O_CLOEXEC support to posix_openpt, so assume FreeBSD 9.2 or
+ later supports it.
+Sat May 25 18:46:23 2013 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * proc.c (rb_method_entry_min_max_arity): fix missing break in switch.
+ This was introduced in r38236, which is not intentional apparently.
+ This has caused no actual harm because VM_METHOD_TYPE_OPTIMIZED is
+ not used except for OPTIMIZED_METHOD_TYPE_SEND, but may do in
+ future. Coverity Scan found this inadequacy.
+Sat May 25 18:08:06 2013 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * dir.c (bracket): fix copy-paste error. When the first and last
+ characters of fnmatch range have different length, fnmatch may
+ have wrongly matched a path that does not really match.
+ Coverity Scan found this bug.
+Sat May 25 17:06:25 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (after_gc_sweep): reduce full GC timing.
+Sat May 25 11:28:49 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c (set_const_visibility): return without clearing method
+ cache if no arguments.
+ * vm_method.c (set_method_visibility): ditto.
+Sat May 25 11:27:32 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_method.c (set_method_visibility): quote unprintable method name.
+Sat May 25 11:24:24 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_frame_callee): returns the called name of the current
+ frame, not the previous frame.
+ * eval.c (prev_frame_callee, prev_frame_func): rename and make static,
+ as these are used by rb_f_method_name() and rb_f_callee_name() only.
+ * variable.c (set_const_visibility): use the called name.
+Sat May 25 08:58:23 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_quote_unprintable): check if argument is a string.
+Fri May 24 19:32:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * variable.c (set_const_visibility): use rb_frame_this_func() instead
+ of rb_frame_callee() for getting the name of the called method
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb: add test for private_constant with no args
+Fri May 24 18:53:10 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: do major/full GC when:
+ * number of oldgen object is bigger than twice of
+ number of oldgen object at last full GC.
+ * number of remembered shady object is bigger than twice of
+ number of remembered shady object at last full GC.
+ * number of oldgen object and remembered shady object is bigger
+ than half of total object space.
+ (please fix my English!)
+Fri May 24 17:07:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * intern.h: remove dangling rb_class_init_copy declaration
+ [ruby-core:55120] [Bug #8434]
+Fri May 24 16:31:23 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c (strscan_aref): raise error if given
+ name reference is not found.
+Fri May 24 15:48:18 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (after_gc_sweep, garbage_collect_body): do major GC (full GC)
+ before extending heaps.
+ TODO: do major GC when there are many old (promoted) objects.
+ * gc.c (after_gc_sweep): remove TODO comments.
+Fri May 24 11:04:00 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (LIBRUBY_RPATHFLAGS): do not append -L option with
+ runtime library directory if cross compiling, but only -R option.
+ runtime path makes no sense on the host system. [ruby-dev:47363]
+ [Bug #8443]
+Fri May 24 02:57:17 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_clone): should not propagate OLDGEN status.
+ This propagation had caused WB miss for class.
+Thu May 23 17:35:30 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * load.c (loaded_feature_path): fix invalid read by index underflow.
+ the beginning of name is also a boundary as well as just after '/'.
+Thu May 23 17:21:22 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_profile_dump_on): revert r40898. ok to show the record
+ accumulating while lazy_sweep().
+Wed May 22 16:50:18 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_profile_dump_on): use size_t to get rid of overflow and
+ show the header when next_index > 0, instead of next_index != 1.
+Wed May 22 15:18:59 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (setup_overlapped): check the error code in addition
+ to the result of SetFilePointer() to determine if an error occurred,
+ because INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER is a valid value.
+ [ruby-core:55098] [Bug #8431]
+ * win32/win32.c (setup_overlapped, finish_overlapped): extract from
+ rb_w32_read() and rb_w32_write().
+Wed May 22 14:19:56 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_prepare_free_objects, rest_sweep, lazy_sweep): fix position
+ of `during_gc' setting.
+Wed May 22 07:36:08 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (garbage_collect): all GC is start from garbage_collect()
+ (or garbage_collect_body()). `garbage_collect()' accept additional
+ two parameters `full_mark' and `immediate_sweep'.
+ If `full_mark' is TRUE, then force it full gc (major gc), otherwise,
+ it depends on status of object space. Now, it will be minor gc.
+ If `immediate_sweep' is TRUE, then disable lazy sweep.
+ To allocate free memory, `full_mark' and `immediate_sweep' should be
+ TRUE. Otherwise, they should be FALSE.
+ * gc.c (gc_prepare_free_objects): use `garbage_collect_body()'.
+ * gc.c (slot_sweep, before_gc_sweep, after_gc_sweep): add logging code.
+Tue May 21 22:47:06 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c (strscan_aref): support named captures.
+ patched by Konstantin Haase [ruby-core:54664] [Feature #8343]
+Tue May 21 21:48:44 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/ruby/test_dir_m17n.rb (TestDir_M17N#test_entries_compose):
+ Use #each instead of #map just for iteration.
+Tue May 21 19:57:22 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/lib/digest.rb (Digest::Class.file): Take optional
+ arguments that are passed to the constructor of the digest
+ class.
+Tue May 21 17:21:12 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: remove gc_profile_record::is_marked. always true.
+Tue May 21 17:13:40 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: fix to collect additional information for GC::Profiler.
+ * major/minor GC
+ * trigger reason of GC
+ * gc.c (gc_profile_dump_on): change reporting format with
+ added information.
+ * gc.c (gc_profile_record_get): return added information by
+ :GC_FLAGS => array.
+Tue May 21 16:45:31 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: GC::Profiler's sweeping time is accumulated all slot
+ sweeping time. At lazy GC, GC::Profiler makes new record entry
+ for each lazy_sweep(). In this change, accumulating all
+ slot_sweep() time.
+ And change indentation.
+Tue May 21 16:29:09 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * (rdoc-bench): add a benchmark rule
+ using RDoc. Generate all rdoc related files
+ (same as `make rdoc') in temporary directory
+ and remove them. Execution time, GC::Profiler
+ and results of GC.stat are printed.
+ * tool/rdocbench.rb: added for `rdoc-bench'.
+Tue May 21 16:25:05 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_profile_dump_on): `count' should be (int) because it
+ can be negative number.
+ And use pointer for `record' (don't copy).
+Tue May 21 03:11:18 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (dir_each): compose HFS file names from
+ UTF8-MAC. [ruby-core:48745] [Bug #7267]
+Tue May 21 03:08:52 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (assert_separately): require envutil in the
+ child process too.
+Tue May 21 03:07:26 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_conv_enc_opts): should infect.
+Mon May 20 22:24:45 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/set.rb (Set#delete_if, Set#keep_if): Avoid blockless call of
+ proc, which is not portable to JRuby. Replace &method() with
+ faster and simpler literal blocks while at it.
+Mon May 20 22:00:31 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/e2mmap.rb: Format of E2MM documentation
+Mon May 20 21:41:15 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb: nodoc this file
+Mon May 20 20:43:32 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/cmath.rb: Remove duplicate RDoc heading from overview
+Mon May 20 20:36:19 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/securerandom.rb: Update position of overview for RDoc
+Mon May 20 19:33:55 2013 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * math.c: improve and fix documentation of sin, tan and log
+Mon May 20 19:31:49 2013 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * lib/logger.rb (Logger::Application): show namespace in documentation
+Mon May 20 11:50:12 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/pp.rb: Revert part of r40834 and nodoc PP::ObjectMixin
+ [ruby-core:55068]
+Mon May 20 10:40:21 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/webrick/htmlutils.rb (WEBrick::HTMLUtils#escape): replace HTML
+ meta chars even in non-ascii string. [Bug #8425] [ruby-core:55052]
+ * lib/webrick/httputils.rb (WEBrick::HTTPUtils#{_escape,_unescape}):
+ fix %-escape encodings. [Bug #8425] [ruby-core:55052]
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb (set_dir_list): revert r20152
+ partially and fix misuse of bytesize and regexp repetition operator.
+Mon May 20 08:03:51 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/profiler.rb: Document Profiler__ methods
+Mon May 20 08:02:13 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb: nodoc Tempfile#inspect
+Mon May 20 07:48:24 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c: Correct position of method rdoc
+Mon May 20 07:27:41 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * math.c: RDoc formatting of Math core docs with domains and codomains
+ Patch by @eLobato [Fixes GH-309]
+Mon May 20 05:58:12 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c: Formatting for BigMath [Fixes GH-306]
+ Based on a patch by @eLobato.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/math.rb: ditto
+Mon May 20 04:56:59 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/forwardable.rb: Forwardable examples in overview were broken
+ Based on patch by @joem [Fixes GH-303] [Bug #8392]
+Mon May 20 03:35:26 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb: nodoc OptionParser::Version and SPLAT_PROC
+Mon May 20 03:16:52 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/pp.rb: Document PP::ObjectMixin [Fixes GH-312]
+Sun May 19 23:52:22 2013 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * test/webrick/test_htmlutils.rb: add test for WEBrick::HTMLUtils.
+Sun May 19 23:12:07 2013 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * encoding.c: document fix, change default script encoding.
+ patched by @windwiny [Fixes GH-310]
+Sun May 19 17:29:07 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/set.rb (Set#delete_if, Set#keep_if): Add comments.
+Sun May 19 11:37:36 2013 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * ext/fiddle/extconf.rb: ignore rc version of libffi to fix build failure.
+Sun May 19 10:38:50 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * misc/ruby-electric.el (ruby-electric-delete-backward-char): Use
+ delete-char instead of delete-backward-char, which is an
+ interactive function.
+Sun May 19 03:59:29 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (str_scrub0): added for refactoring.
+Sun May 19 03:48:26 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (URI.decode_www_form): scrub string if decoded
+ bytes are invalid for the encoding.
+Sun May 19 02:46:32 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/set.rb (Set#delete_if, Set#keep_if): Make Set#delete_if and
+ Set#keep_if more space and time efficient by avoiding to_a.
+Sun May 19 02:33:09 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * misc/ruby-electric.el (ruby-electric-setup-keymap): Make
+ backquotes electric as well. It was listed in
+ ruby-electric-expand-delimiters-list but not activated.
+ * misc/ruby-electric.el (ruby-electric-delete-backward-char):
+ Introduce electric DEL that deletes what the previous electric
+ command has input.
+ * misc/ruby-electric.el (ruby-electric-matching-char): Make
+ electric quotes work again at the end of buffer.
+Sun May 19 01:39:50 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (setjmp-type): check if setjmpex() is really available.
+ workaround for i686-w64-mingw32 which declares it but lacks its
+ definition.
+ * include/ruby/defines.h: include setjmpex.h only if also setjmpex()
+ is available.
+Sat May 18 23:57:46 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (setjmp-type): use setjmpex() on w64-mingw32 to get rid
+ of -Wclobbered warnings.
+ * include/ruby/defines.h: include setjmpex.h here becase setjmp.h is
+ included from win32.h via intrin.h, winnt.h, and so on.
+Sat May 18 20:28:12 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb (INTEGER2NUM): Make less comparisons.
+Sat May 18 20:15:28 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (str_scrub_bang): add String#scrub!. [Feature #8414]
+Sat May 18 16:59:52 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb (INTEGER2NUM): Renamed from INTEGER2VALUE.
+Sat May 18 16:57:58 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb (INTEGER2VALUE): Suppress a warning:
+ comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions
+Sat May 18 16:38:39 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): forward anonymous and first keyword
+ rest argument one. [ruby-core:55033] [Bug #8416].
+Sat May 18 15:49:14 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_core.h (rb_vm_tag): move jmpbuf between tag and prev so ensure to
+ be accessible.
+Sat May 18 11:05:14 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enumerator.c (inspect_enumerator): use VALUE instead of mere char*
+ by using rb_sprintf() and rb_id2str().
+ * enumerator.c (append_method): extract from inspect_enumerator().
+Sat May 18 09:00:32 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb (INTEGER2VALUE): Use LONG2FIX if possible.
+Sat May 18 00:38:47 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: Convert integer constants bigger than int
+ correctly.
+Fri May 17 22:02:15 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ifaddr.c: Use unsigned LONG_LONG to represent flags
+ because SunOS 5.11 (OpenIndiana) defines ifa_flags as uint64_t.
+Fri May 17 21:47:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * cont.c: Typo in constant MAX_MACHINE_STACK_CACHE from '..MAHINE..'
+ patch by @schmurfy [Fixes GH-307]
+Fri May 17 19:18:24 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * misc/ruby-electric.el (ruby-electric-matching-char): Do not put
+ a closing quote when the quote typed does not start a string, as
+ in $', ?\' or ?\".
+Fri May 17 18:06:15 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * Consider error messages to find out version option of
+ C compiler.
+ The C compiler of Sun Studio C emits "Warning: Option -qversion
+ passed to ld, if ld is invoked, ignored otherwise" and exit
+ successfully.
+Fri May 17 17:34:48 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_guarded_ptr): unoptimize on other compilers than gcc and
+ msvc.
+Fri May 17 11:06:48 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval_intern.h (TH_PUSH_TAG): ensure jmpbuf to be accessible before
+ pushing tag to get rid of unaccessible tag by stack overflow.
+Thu May 16 17:15:32 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_catch_obj): add volatile to tag to prevent crash
+ experimentally.
+Thu May 16 16:19:50 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub ( no longer used.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.status): fix typo.
+ *, template/ (RUBY_EXEC_PREFIX): fix for
+ default prefix.
+Thu May 16 13:12:27 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * template/ generate verconf.h from the template and
+ rbconfig.rb.
+Thu May 16 05:47:18 2013 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: fix syntax error.
+ Thanks @spastorino! [ruby-core:55011]
+Thu May 16 03:05:45 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_node_newnode): use newobj_of() instead of rb_newobj().
+Thu May 16 02:03:39 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/depend: Add a dependency for ifaddr.o.
+Thu May 16 01:44:45 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (verconf.h): $< cannot be used in explicit rules with
+ nmake.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (CONFIG_H): create instead of
+ verconf.h.
+Thu May 16 01:25:07 2013 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: only emit warnings when
+ -w is enabled.
+Wed May 15 18:58:17 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (newobj): rename to `newobj_of' and accept additional
+ three parameters v1, v2, v3. newobj_of() do OBJSETUP() and
+ fill values with v1, v2, v3.
+ * gc.c (rb_data_object_alloc, rb_data_typed_object_alloc):
+ use newobj_of().
+Wed May 15 17:55:49 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_PLATFORM): move to config.h as needed by
+ version.c.
+Wed May 15 17:04:11 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: add an additional RGENGC_PROFILE mode (2).
+ Profiling result can be check by GC.stat.
+ * gc.c (type_name): separate from obj_type_name().
+Wed May 15 16:58:24 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * save configured load path values into
+ * (verconf.h): create from with shvar_to_cpp.rb.
+ * tool/shvar_to_cpp.rb: turn shell variables into C macros.
+ [Bug #7959]
+ * loadpath.c: split load path staffs from version.c.
+ * dmyloadpath.c: miniruby has no builtin load paths, so verconf.h is
+ not needed.
+Wed May 15 03:56:09 2013 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: adding backwards
+ compatible method
+Wed May 15 02:22:16 2013 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych.rb: Adding Psych.safe_load for loading a user
+ defined, restricted subset of Ruby object types.
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/class_loader.rb: A class loader for
+ encapsulating the logic for which objects are allowed to be
+ deserialized.
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/deprecated.rb: Changes to use the class loader
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/exception.rb: ditto
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/json/stream.rb: ditto
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/nodes/node.rb: ditto
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/scalar_scanner.rb: ditto
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/stream.rb: ditto
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/streaming.rb: ditto
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/json_tree.rb: ditto
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb: ditto
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: ditto
+ * ext/psych/psych_to_ruby.c: ditto
+ * test/psych/helper.rb: ditto
+ * test/psych/test_safe_load.rb: tests for restricted subset.
+ * test/psych/test_scalar_scanner.rb: ditto
+ * test/psych/visitors/test_to_ruby.rb: ditto
+ * test/psych/visitors/test_yaml_tree.rb: ditto
+Wed May 15 02:06:35 2013 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * test/psych/helper.rb: envutil is not available outside Ruby, so
+ port the functions from envutil to the test helper.
+ * test/psych/test_deprecated.rb: ditto
+ * test/psych/test_encoding.rb: ditto
+Wed May 15 00:42:54 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * signal.c: need to include unistd.h for write(2).
+ unistd.h is now included via ruby/defines.h, but should explicitly
+ include here. (suggested by kosaki)
+Tue May 14 23:43:05 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/.document: Add ifaddr.c.
+Tue May 14 23:24:31 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: check for if_nametoindex() for
+ i686-w64-mingw32, and check for declarations of if_indextoname() and
+ if_nametoindex().
+ * ext/socket/ifaddr.c (ifaddr_ifindex): not-implement unless
+ if_nametoindex() is available.
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h: declare if_indextoname() and
+ if_nametoindex() if available but not declared.
+Tue May 14 19:58:17 2013 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * ext/dl/lib/dl/func.rb (DL::Function#call): check tainted when
+ $SAFE > 0.
+ * ext/fiddle/function.c (function_call): check tainted when $SAFE > 0.
+ * test/fiddle/test_func.rb (module Fiddle): add test for above.
+Tue May 14 14:51:52 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h (INTPTR_MAX, INTPTR_MIN, UINTPTR_MAX): split
+ from intptr_t and uintptr_t, since VC9 defines the latter only in
+ crtdefs.h.
+Tue May 14 12:21:28 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (NET_LUID): mingw may have NET_LUID and not defined
+ _IFDEF_.
+Tue May 14 03:33:17 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_new_frozen): remove debug print.
+Tue May 14 03:22:51 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: enable to generate write barrier protected
+ arrays (T_ARRAY).
+Tue May 14 03:21:42 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: enable to generate write barrier protected
+ strings (T_STRING).
+Tue May 14 03:19:59 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: enable to generate write barrier protected
+ objects (T_OBJECT).
+Tue May 14 03:17:15 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: enable to generate write barrier protected
+ objects for numeric types (Float, Complex, Rational, Bignum).
+Tue May 14 03:10:59 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: enable RGENGC (USE_RGENGC)
+ but no type creates write protected (sunny) objects
+Tue May 14 02:47:30 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: support RGENGC. [ruby-trunk - Feature #8339]
+ See this ticket about RGENGC.
+ * gc.c: Add several flags:
+ * RGENGC_DEBUG: if >0, then prints debug information.
+ * RGENGC_CHECK_MODE: if >0, add assertions.
+ * RGENGC_PROFILE: if >0, add profiling features.
+ check GC.stat and GC::Profiler.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: disable RGENGC by default (USE_RGENGC == 0).
+ * array.c: add write barriers for T_ARRAY and generate sunny objects.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RARRAY_PTR_USE): added. Use this macro if
+ you want to access raw pointers. If you modify the contents which
+ pointer pointed, then you need to care write barrier.
+ * bignum.c, marshal.c, random.c: generate T_BIGNUM sunny objects.
+ * complex.c, include/ruby/ruby.h: add write barriers for T_COMPLEX
+ and generate sunny objects.
+ * rational.c (nurat_s_new_internal), include/ruby/ruby.h: add write
+ barriers for T_RATIONAL and generate sunny objects.
+ * internal.h: add write barriers for RBasic::klass.
+ * numeric.c (rb_float_new_in_heap): generate sunny T_FLOAT objects.
+ * object.c (rb_class_allocate_instance), range.c:
+ generate sunny T_OBJECT objects.
+ * string.c: add write barriers for T_STRING and generate sunny objects.
+ * variable.c: add write barriers for ivars.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_setivar): ditto.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h, debug.c: use two flags
+ move flag bits.
+Tue May 14 01:54:48 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: remove rb_objspace_t::marked_num.
+ We can use `objspace_live_num()' instead of removed `marked_num'
+ if it is after `after_gc_sweep()' function call.
+ * gc.c (after_gc_sweep): use objspace_live_num() instead of removed
+ rb_objspace_t::marked_num.
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_ptr, gc_marks): remove rb_objspace_t::marked_num code.
+ * gc.c (gc_prepare_free_objects): do not call set_heaps_increment()
+ with checking objspace->heap.marked_num. At this point, we only
+ need to check availability of free-cell.
+ * gc.c (lazy_sweep): call after_gc_sweep() if there are no sweep_able entry.
+ * gc.c (rest_sweep, gc_prepare_free_objects): remove after_gc_sweep() call.
+Tue May 14 01:50:41 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: disable GC_PROFILE_MORE_DETAIL (fix last commit).
+ * gc.c (gc_prof_set_malloc_info): fix "objspace->heap.live_num" to
+ "objspace_live_num(objspace)". There is no such member variable.
+Tue May 14 01:25:55 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: refactoring GC::Profiler.
+ * gc.c (gc_prof_sweep_timer_start/stop): removed because
+ they doesn't support lazy sweep.
+ * gc.c (gc_prof_sweep_slot_timer_start/stop): added.
+ redefine `sweeping time' to accumulated time of all of
+ slot_sweep().
+ * gc.c (rb_objspace_t::profile::count): renamed to
+ rb_objspace_t::profile::next_index. `counter' seems ambiguous.
+ increment it when next record is acquired.
+Tue May 14 00:48:55 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: constify RRational::(num,den) and
+ RComplex::(real,imag).
+ Add macro to set these values:
+ This change is a part of RGENGC branch [ruby-trunk - Feature #8339].
+ TODO: API design. RRATIONAL_SET(rat,num,den) is enough?
+ TODO: Setting constify variable with cast has same issue of r40691.
+ * complex.c, rational.c: use above macros.
+Mon May 13 21:49:17 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: Check socketpair again.
+ It is required on Unix.
+Mon May 13 21:20:32 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (getipaddrs): use alternative interface name if
+ available, because if_nametoindex() requires them.
+Mon May 13 20:23:24 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c, include/ruby/win32.h (getipaddrs): [experimental]
+ emulate getipaddrs(3) on Unix.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub, (LIBS): need iphlpapi.lib for above
+ function.
+ * include/ruby/win32.h (socketpair): rb_w32_socketpair() doesn't
+ substitute for any function, so use non-prefixed name.
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb (socketpair); follow above change.
+Mon May 13 20:11:06 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c (prepare_iseq_build): remove additional line break.
+Mon May 13 19:29:54 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: constify RBasic::klass and add
+ RBASIC_CLASS(obj) macro which returns a class of `obj'.
+ This change is a part of RGENGC branch [ruby-trunk - Feature #8339].
+ * object.c: add new function rb_obj_reveal().
+ This function reveal internal (hidden) object by rb_obj_hide().
+ Note that do not change class before and after hiding.
+ Only permitted example is:
+ klass = RBASIC_CLASS(obj);
+ rb_obj_hide(obj);
+ ....
+ rb_obj_reveal(obj, klass);
+ TODO: API design. rb_obj_reveal() should be replaced with others.
+ TODO: modify constified variables using cast may be harmful for
+ compiler's analysis and optimization.
+ Any idea to prohibit inserting RBasic::klass directly?
+ If rename RBasic::klass and force to use RBASIC_CLASS(obj),
+ then all codes such as `RBASIC(obj)->klass' will be
+ compilation error. Is it acceptable? (We have similar
+ experience at Ruby 1.9,
+ for example "RARRAY(ary)->ptr" to "RARRAY_PTR(ary)".
+ * internal.h: add some macros.
+ * RBASIC_CLEAR_CLASS(obj) clear RBasic::klass to make it internal
+ object.
+ * RBASIC_SET_CLASS(obj, cls) set RBasic::klass.
+ without write barrier (planned).
+ * RCLASS_SET_SUPER(a, b) set super class of a.
+ * array.c, class.c, compile.c, encoding.c, enum.c, error.c, eval.c,
+ file.c, gc.c, hash.c, io.c, iseq.c, marshal.c, object.c,
+ parse.y, proc.c, process.c, random.c, ruby.c, sprintf.c,
+ string.c, thread.c, transcode.c, vm.c, vm_eval.c, win32/file.c:
+ Use above macros and functions to access RBasic::klass.
+ * ext/coverage/coverage.c, ext/readline/readline.c,
+ ext/socket/ancdata.c, ext/socket/init.c,
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c: ditto.
+Mon May 13 18:44:14 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * *.c, parse.y, insns.def: use RARRAY_AREF/ASET macro
+ instead of using RARRAY_PTR().
+Mon May 13 16:53:53 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: add new utility macros to access
+ Array's element.
+ * RARRAY_AREF(a, i) returns i-th element of an array `a'
+ * RARRAY_ASET(a, i, v) set i-th element of `a' to `v'
+ This change is a part of RGENGC branch [ruby-trunk - Feature #8339].
+Mon May 13 15:31:10 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_setup): added.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (OBJSETUP): use rb_obj_setup() instead of
+ a macro.
+Mon May 13 15:24:16 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_data_object_alloc): check klass only if klass is not 0.
+ klass==0 means internal object.
+Mon May 13 14:57:28 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_data_object_alloc, rb_data_typed_object_alloc):
+ use NEWOBJ_OF() instead of NEWOBJ().
+Mon May 13 14:51:59 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (rb_obj_singleton_method): new method Kernel#singleton_method
+ which returns a Method object of the singleton method.
+ non-singleton method causes NameError, but not aliased or zsuper
+ method, right now.
+ [ruby-core:54914] [Feature #8391]
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_entry_at): return the method entry for id at
+ klass, without ancestors.
+ * class.c (rb_singleton_class_get): get the singleton class if exists,
+ or nil.
+Mon May 13 10:20:59 2013 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c: Disabled OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket if
+ defined(OPENSSL_NO_SOCK).
+ This fixes a linkage error on platforms which do not have socket.
+ OpenSSL itself is still useful as a set of cryptographic functions
+ even on such platforms.
+Mon May 13 10:30:04 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * hash.c: Hash[] and {} are not equivalent by @eam [Fixes GH-301]
+Mon May 13 10:04:22 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * random.c: Document Random::DEFAULT by @eLobato [Fixes GH-304]
+Sun May 12 21:12:42 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (OFFT2NUM): RUBY_REPLACE_TYPE also defines macro
+ to convert int type to VALUE if found.
+Wed May 8 13:46:52 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_iv_set, rb_iv_get): removed. Because
+ ruby.h has a declaration for that.
+Wed May 8 13:49:06 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_uint2big, rb_int2big, rb_uint2inum)
+ (rb_int2inum, rb_ll2inum, rb_ull2inum): removed because ruby.h
+ has a declaration for these.
+Sun May 12 17:52:23 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * removes 'ac_cv_func_fseeko=yes' form MinGW
+ specific definitions.
+Sun May 12 17:25:46 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_truncate): use correct type. chsize takes
+ a long.
+Sun May 12 17:18:46 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * process.c: move '#define HAVE_SPAWNV 1' to win32/Makefile.sub.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: see above.
+Sun May 12 17:13:32 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * removes AC_CHECK_FUNCS(setitimer) because it's
+ unused.
+Sun May 12 17:08:16 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * removes AC_CHECK_FUNCS(pause) because it's unused.
+Sun May 12 17:05:18 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * signal.c (rb_f_kill): fixes typo. s/HAS_KILLPG/HAVE_KILLPG/.
+Sun May 12 17:03:27 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * abort if gettimeofday doesn't exist.
+Sun May 12 16:31:27 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * adds RUBY_REPLACE_TYPE(off_t) for creating
+ * file.c (rb_file_truncate): use correct type. chsize() take
+ a long.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (NUM2OFFT): use a definition created by
+ a configure script by default.
+Sun May 12 16:03:41 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * removes AC_CHECK_FUNC(fseeko, fseeko64, ftello,
+ ftello64). They are not used from anywhere.
+ * win32/win32.c (fseeko): removes.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_ftello): removes.
+ * include/ruby/win32.h: removes declarations of rb_w32_ftello and
+ rb_w32_fseeko.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: removes '#define HAVE_FTELLO 1'.
+Sun May 12 15:51:47 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * remove AC_CHECK_FUNC(close). It is not used from
+ anywhere.
+Sun May 12 15:50:45 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * adds comments for setjmp check.
+Sun May 12 15:38:09 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * move clock_gettime() check into regular place.
+Wed May 8 13:45:53 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * add getenv() declaration check.
+ * dln_find.c: add HAVE_DECL_GETENV test.
+Sun May 12 15:33:18 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * sorts AC_CHECK_FUNCS()s as alphabetical order.
+Wed May 8 13:41:57 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * bignum.c: remove redundant decl for big_lshift() big_rshift().
+Sun May 12 16:06:43 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h (rsock_inspect_sockaddr): as r40646
+Sat May 11 23:01:58 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h (HAVE_TYPE_STRUCT_SOCKADDR_DL):
+ MSVC has struct sockaddr_dl, but its content is broken.
+Sat May 11 22:07:42 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/rinda/test_rinda.rb: Socket.getifaddrs may returns an interface
+ which #addr method returns nil for venet0 in OpenVZ.
+Sat May 11 21:56:34 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (rsock_inspect_sockaddr): Add casts to
+ suppress warnings.
+Sat May 11 17:28:51 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket: New method, Socket.getifaddrs, implemented.
+ [ruby-core:54777] [Feature #8368]
+Sat May 11 00:47:22 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * gc.h (SET_MACHINE_STACK_END): Add !defined(_ILP32) to a defining
+ condition to avoid compilation error on x32.
+Fri May 10 23:56:34 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_peek_variable_name): treat invalid global, class,
+ and instance variable names as mere strings rather than errors.
+ [ruby-core:54885] [Bug #8375]
+Fri May 10 20:22:40 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * Move library checks into "Checks for libraries." part.
+Fri May 10 19:32:01 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * Reformat arguments of AC_CHECK_HEADERS and
+ AC_CHECK_FUNCS to track modifications easily.
+Fri May 10 12:01:36 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * Don't link librt if clock_gettime is available in
+ the main C library.
+ glibc 2.17 moves clock_* from librt to the main C library.
+Thu May 9 22:00:35 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (bsock_sendmsg_internal): controls_num should
+ not be negative.
+Thu May 9 21:09:57 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * file.c, ext/etc/etc.c, ext/socket/unixsocket.c,
+ ext/openssl/ossl.h, ext/openssl/openssl_missing.c: Use
+Thu May 9 20:43:41 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (bsock_sendmsg_internal): Always set
+ controls_num to raise NotImplementedError appropriately.
+ (bsock_recvmsg_internal): Raise NotImplementedError if
+ :scm_rights=>true is given on platforms which don't have
+ 4.4BSD style control message.
+Thu May 9 12:06:07 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h, ext/socket/unixsocket.c,
+ ext/socket/ancdata.c: Use HAVE_STRUCT_MSGHDR_MSG_CONTROL instead
+Thu May 9 11:30:02 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * string.c: Add call-seq alias for String#=== [Bug #8381]
+Thu May 9 11:14:18 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * doc/contributing.rdoc: Add guide for contributing to CRuby
+Thu May 9 04:55:49 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * Check socket library again. shutdown() is used in
+ io.c.
+Thu May 9 01:52:31 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * Don't check socketpair. socketpair is not used in
+ ruby command itself.
+Thu May 9 01:05:41 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c (rb_mod_included_modules): should not include non-modules.
+ [ruby-core:53158] [Bug #8025]
+Wed May 8 22:46:59 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c (rb_mod_included_modules): should not include the original
+ module itself. [ruby-core:53158] [Bug #8025]
+Wed May 8 17:43:55 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_ext_int_to_encs): ignore internal encoding if external
+ encoding is ASCII-8BIT. [Bug #8342]
+Wed May 8 13:49:38 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/json/generator/generator.c (isArrayOrObject): cast char to
+ unsigned char. [Bug #8378]
+Wed May 8 13:46:10 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/json/generator/depend: fix dependencies [Bug #8379]
+ * ext/json/parser/depend: ditto.
+Wed May 8 13:07:17 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): fail if $, @, @@ are not followed by a valid
+ name character. [ruby-core:54846] [Bug #8375].
+Wed May 8 13:06:31 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (ISGRAPH): add missing macro.
+Wed May 8 06:42:56 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (socket_s_ip_address_list): fix wrongly filled
+ sin6_scope_id on KAME introduced by r40593 for OpenIndiana.
+ KAME uses fe80:<scope_id>::<interface id> for link-local address
+ internally.
+ Setting sin6_scope_id causes it leaked.
+ see also comments of sockaddr_obj().
+Tue May 7 22:12:34 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (insert_ignore_escape): Add a cast to
+ unsigned char * before dereference.
+ This suppress a warning on Cygwin.
+Tue May 7 12:15:24 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (bsock_recvmsg_internal): Add a cast to
+ suppress warning.
+ Bionic defines socklen_t as int.
+ Bionic defines msg_controllen as unsigned int (__kernel_size_t)
+ instead of socklen_t as POSIX.
+Tue May 7 12:12:42 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (ancillary_inspect): Don't call
+ anc_inspect_ipv6_pktinfo if !HAVE_TYPE_STRUCT_IN6_PKTINFO.
+ anc_inspect_ipv6_pktinfo is not defined in the case.
+Tue May 7 12:10:52 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (socket_s_ip_address_list): Cast EXTRA_SPACE as
+ int. This suppress a warning.
+Tue May 7 12:09:29 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: Set close_fds false for Cygwin.
+ Cygwin doesn't support fd passing.
+ This enables socket extension library cross-compilable by default.
+Tue May 7 12:07:35 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * pack.c (swap32): Don't redefine it if it is already defined.
+ Bionic defines it.
+ (swap64): Ditto.
+Mon May 6 20:50:37 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (socket_s_ip_address_list): Fill sin6_scope_id
+ if getifaddrs() returns an IPv6 link local address which
+ sin6_scope_id is zero, such as on OpenIndiana SunOS 5.11.
+Sun May 5 18:56:52 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * insns.def (defined): use vm_search_superclass() like as normal super
+ call. based on a patch <> by
+ wanabe.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_search_superclass): return error but not raise
+ exceptions.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_search_super_method): check the result of
+ vm_search_superclass and raise exceptions on error.
+Sun May 5 16:29:41 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * insns.def (defined): get method entry from the method top level
+ frame, not block frame. [ruby-core:54769] [Bug #8367]
+Sun May 5 13:28:54 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * template/ (Cflags): use rubyarchhdrdir for multiarch.
+ [Bug #7874]
+Sat May 4 07:20:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * doc/security.rdoc: Add note about reporting security vulns
+Sat May 4 04:13:27 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * include/ruby/defines.h (RUBY_ATTR_ALLOC_SIZE): New for
+ attribute((alloc_size(params))).
+ * include/ruby/defines.h (xmalloc, xmalloc2, xcalloc)
+ (xrealloc, xrealloc2): Annotated by RUBY_ATTR_ALLOC_SIZE.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_alloc_tmp_buffer): ditto.
+Fri May 3 19:32:13 2013 Takeyuki FUJIOKA <>
+ * lib/cgi/util.rb: All class methods modulized.
+ We can use these methods like a function when "include CGI::Util".
+ [Feature #8354]
+Fri May 3 14:09:45 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: Make default_ipv6 true for Cygwin.
+ Cygwin supports IPv6 since Cygwin 1.7.1 (2009-12).
+Fri May 3 13:35:26 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/{getaddrinfo,getnameinfo}.c: define socklen_t if not
+ defined, e.g., older VC.
+Fri May 3 13:29:11 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h (INTPTR_MAX, INTPTR_MIN, UINTPTR_MAX): also
+ should be defined when defining intptr_t and uintptr_t.
+ bigdecimal.c requires the former two now.
+Fri May 3 13:22:12 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (poll_child_status): fix build error on older mingw.
+Fri May 3 00:15:58 2013 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * remove timestamps in distclean-ext realclean-ext.
+Thu May 2 23:23:49 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_is_kind_of): skip prepending modules.
+ [ruby-core:54742] [Bug #8357]
+ * object.c (rb_class_inherited_p): ditto.
+ [ruby-core:54736] [Bug #8357]
+Thu May 2 22:11:47 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bin/irb: remove dead code from sample/irb.rb.
+Thu May 2 17:32:45 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (copy_ivar_i): get rid of overwriting already copied
+ instance variables. c.f. [Bug #8276]
+Thu May 2 16:55:43 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (id_locals): use cached ID.
+ * vm.c (ruby_thread_init): ditto.
+ * defs/id.def: add more predefined IDs used in core.
+Thu May 2 13:42:42 2013 Ryan Davis <>
+ * lib/minitest/*: Imported minitest 4.7.4 (r8483)
+ * test/minitest/*: ditto
+Thu May 2 11:32:22 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (poll_child_status): [experimental] set the cause of
+ a child's death to status if its exitcode seems to be an error.
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (TestProcess#test_no_curdir): maybe now
+ we can test it.
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb (TestThread#test_thread_timer_and_interrupt):
+ ditto.
+Thu May 2 11:24:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/yaml.rb: nodoc EngineManager, add History doc #8344
+Wed May 1 21:11:17 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (localtime_with_gmtoff_zone): musl libc may return NULL for
+ tm_zone.
+Wed May 1 18:59:36 2013 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * enum.c (Enumerable#chunk): fix grammar of error message
+ for symbols beginning with an underscore [Bug #8351]
+Wed May 1 16:47:47 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/curses/extconf.rb (curses_version): try once for each tests, a
+ function or a variable. fallback to variable for old SVR4.
+Wed May 1 16:17:46 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): extensions not to be installed should not
+ make static libraries, but make dynamic libraries always.
+Wed May 1 12:20:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/rake/version.rb: Fix RDoc warning with :include: [Bug #8347]
+Wed May 1 11:40:25 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * defs/id.def (predefined): add "idProc".
+ * eval.c (frame_func_id): use predefined IDs.
+ * proc.c (mnew, mproc, mlambda): use predefined IDs.
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_control_frame_id_and_class): ditto.
+ * vm.c (Init_VM): ditto.
+Tue Apr 30 23:18:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/benchmark.rb: Update Benchmark results on newer CPU
+Tue Apr 30 12:31:40 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (mproc, mlambda): use frozen core methods instead of plain
+ global methods, so that methods cannot be overridden.
+ [ruby-core:54687] [Bug #8345]
+ * vm.c (Init_VM): define proc and lambda on the frozen core object.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_block_lambda): add declaration instead of
+ deprecated rb_f_lambda.
+Mon Apr 29 17:02:30 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.h: Bionic libc doesn't have locale.
+ [Feature #8338]
+Mon Apr 29 06:58:30 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_bn.c (ossl_bn_initialize): no need of alloca for
+ small fixed size array.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_bn.c (ossl_bn_initialize): check overflow first,
+ and use alloca for small size input.
+Mon Apr 29 00:40:13 2013 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * lib/yaml.rb: Clarify documentation about YAML being always Psych.
+ Give a tip about using Syck. See #8344.
+Sun Apr 28 23:34:01 2013 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * lib/yaml.rb: Use another trick to define the YAML module.
+Sun Apr 28 23:19:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/pp.rb: Update PP module overview by @geopet
+Sun Apr 28 22:04:37 2013 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_bn.c (ossl_bn_initialize): fix buffer overflow on
+ x64 Windows and memory leak when initializing with integer.
+ [ruby-core:54615] [Bug #8337]
+Sun Apr 28 12:38:04 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * README.EXT: correct method name to be used. [Bug #7982]
+ * README.EXT.ja: add notes too.
+Sun Apr 28 10:35:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * object.c: With feedback from Steve Klabnik, reverted a change to
+ #untrusted? and #tainted?. Also adjusted grammar for $SAFE levels
+Sun Apr 28 10:10:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/yaml.rb: Disable setting YAML const twice [ruby-core:54642]
+Sun Apr 28 09:50:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * object.c: Documentation for taint and trust [Bug #8162]
+Sun Apr 28 09:40:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * README.EXT: Copy note from r40505 for rb_sprintf() [Bug #7982]
+Sun Apr 28 08:28:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c: Update Curses::Window example for nicer output
+ Patch by Michal Suchanek [Bug #8121] [ruby-core:53520]
+Sun Apr 28 08:10:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * README.EXT: Update note from r40504, by Jeremy Evans [Bug #7982]
+Sun Apr 28 08:02:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * README.EXT: Add note to warn use of %i in Exceptions [Bug #7982]
+Sun Apr 28 02:41:05 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * Fix a typo. Should check endgrent() instead of
+ endgrnam().
+Sun Apr 28 00:35:45 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (obj2gid): Don't call endgrent() if not exist.
+ Bionic (Android's libc) don't have endgrent().
+ * Check endgrnam function.
+Sat Apr 27 23:53:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * lib/yaml.rb: add security warning to YAML documentation
+Sat Apr 27 23:25:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/yaml.rb: Documentation for YAML module [Bug #8213]
+Sat Apr 27 20:19:21 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (ruby_init_stack): Add STACK_GROW_DIR_DETECTION.
+ This fixes a compilation failure while cross-compiling for Tensilica
+ Xtensa Processor.
+Sat Apr 27 19:32:44 2013 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * thread.c: fix typos and documentation
+Sat Apr 27 19:04:55 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * sparc.c: Use __asm__ instead of asm for gcc.
+ gcc doesn't provide asm keyword if -ansi option is given.
+Sat Apr 27 17:22:50 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: Redundant test removed.
+Sat Apr 27 16:00:10 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb (test_recvmsg_with_msg_peek_creates_fds):
+ Extracted.
+Sat Apr 27 15:50:40 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h (SIGNED_INTEGER_TYPE_P): New macro.
+Sat Apr 27 10:52:52 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * thread.c (TIMEVAL_SEC_MAX, TIMEVAL_SEC_MIN): Consider environments,
+ sizeof(time_t) is smaller than sizeof(tv_sec), such as
+ OpenBSD 5.2 (amd64).
+Fri Apr 26 23:34:59 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/text.rb (REXML::Text.normalize): Fix a bug that all
+ entity filters are ignored. [ruby-dev:47278] [Bug #8302]
+ Patch by Ippei Obayashi. Thanks!!!
+ * test/rexml/test_entity.rb (EntityTester#test_entity_filter): Add
+ a test of the above change.
+Fri Apr 26 22:53:55 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/element.rb (REXML::Attributes#to_a): Support
+ namespaced attributes. [ruby-dev:47277] [Bug #8301]
+ Patch by Ippei Obayashi. Thanks!!!
+ * test/rexml/test_attributes.rb
+ (AttributesTester#test_to_a_with_namespaces): Add a test of the
+ above change.
+Fri Apr 26 21:48:29 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/atom.rb (RSS::Atom::Entry): Fix indent of document comment.
+Fri Apr 26 21:21:17 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/maker.rb (RSS::Maker): Fix indent of document comment.
+Fri Apr 26 18:41:04 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: Use a block of enable_config() for
+ --{enable,disable}-close-fds-by-recvmsg-with-peek configure option
+Fri Apr 26 18:08:08 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * dir.c (dir_set_pos): Fix a compilation error when seekdir() is not
+ exist.
+Fri Apr 26 17:41:17 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (ruby_init_stack): Add STACK_GROW_DIR_DETECTION.
+ This fixes a compilation failure while cross-compiling for ARM.
+Fri Apr 26 14:35:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/rss/atom.rb: Documentation for RSS::Atom based on a patch by
+ Michael Denomy
+ * lib/rss/maker.rb: Documentation for RSS::Maker also by @mdenomy
+Fri Apr 26 12:41:22 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/curses/extconf.rb: Test linkability of curses_version at first.
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: Test the behavior of fd passing with MSG_PEEK
+ only if recvmsg(), msg_control member, AF_UNIX and SCM_RIGHTS are
+ available.
+Fri Apr 26 00:07:52 2013 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * lib/rinda/ring.rb (Rinda::RingServer#initialize): accept array
+ arguments of address to specify multicast interface.
+ * lib/rinda/ring.rb (Rinda::RingServer#make_socket): add optional
+ arguments for multicast interface.
+ * test/rinda/test_rinda.rb
+ (TestRingFinger#test_ring_server_ipv4_multicast,
+ TestRingFinger#test_ring_server_ipv6_multicast): add tests for
+ above change.
+ * test/rinda/test_rinda.rb
+ (TestRingServer#test_make_socket_ipv4_multicast,
+ TestRingServer#test_make_socket_ipv6_multicast): change bound
+ interface address because multicast address is not allowed on Linux
+ or Windows.
+ [ruby-core:53692] [Bug #8159]
+Thu Apr 25 23:45:02 2013 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * lib/rinda/ring.rb (Rinda::RingServer#initialize): add a socket
+ to @sockets in make_socket() to close sockets on shutdown even if
+ make_socket() is called after initialize.
+ * lib/rinda/ring.rb (Rinda::RingServer#make_socket): ditto.
+Thu Apr 25 23:39:42 2013 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * test/rinda/test_rinda.rb (TupleSpaceProxyTest#test_take_bug_8215):
+ use KILL on Windows since TERM doen't work and ruby process remains
+ after test-all on Windows.
+Thu Apr 25 23:16:28 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/curses/extconf.rb: Implement
+ --with-curses-version={function,variable} configure option for
+ cross-compiling.
+Thu Apr 25 18:15:46 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: Don't use WIDE getaddrinfo by default.
+Thu Apr 25 17:56:39 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: Remove obsolete options: ---with-ipv6-lib and
+ --with-ipv6-libdir.
+Thu Apr 25 17:43:49 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: Implement
+ --{enable,disable}-close-fds-by-recvmsg-with-peek configure option
+ for cross-compiling.
+ Make --{enable,disable}-wide-getaddrinfo configure option
+ cross-compiling friendly.
+Thu Apr 25 16:11:06 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_ext_int_to_encs, parse_mode_enc): bom-prefixed name is
+ not a real encoding name, just a fallback. so the proper conversion
+ should take place even if if the internal encoding is equal to the
+ bom-prefixed name, unless actual encoding is equal to the internal
+ encoding. [ruby-core:54563] [Bug #8323]
+ * io.c (io_set_encoding_by_bom): reset extenal encoding if no BOM
+ found. [ruby-core:54569]
+Thu Apr 25 14:35:01 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_bn.c (ossl_bn_initialize): allow Fixnum and Bignum.
+ [ruby-core:53986] [Feature #8217]
+Thu Apr 25 14:26:32 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (URI.decode_www_form): follow current URL Standard.
+ It gets encoding argument to specify the character encoding.
+ It now allows loose percent encoded strings, but denies ;-separator.
+ [ruby-core:53475] [Bug #8103]
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (URI.decode_www_form): follow current URL Standard.
+ It gets encoding argument to convert before percent encode.
+ Now UTF-16 strings aren't converted to UTF-8 before percent encode
+ by default.
+Wed Apr 25 14:26:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * benchmark/bm_hash_shift.rb: add benchmark for Hash#shift
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_shift): use st_shift if hash is not being iterated to
+ delete element without iterating the whole hash.
+ * hash.c (shift_i): remove function
+ * include/ruby/st.h (st_shift): add st_shift function
+ * st.c (st_shift): ditto
+ [Bug #8312] [ruby-core:54524] Patch by funny-falcon
+Thu Apr 25 12:03:38 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: Extract C programs as toplevel constants.
+Thu Apr 25 02:23:28 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_RM_RECURSIVE): this hack is needed by only
+ autoconf 2.69 or earlier on darwin.
+Thu Apr 25 01:22:41 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/tracer.rb (get_line): simply read by File.readlines.
+ * lib/debug.rb (script_lines): get source lines from SCRIPT_LINES__ or
+ read from the file.
+ * lib/debug.rb (display_list): use script_lines instead of recursion.
+ [Bug #8318]
+ * lib/debug.rb (line_at): use script_lines same as display_list.
+ * lib/debug.rb (display_list): Fix debug listing when called from the
+ same file it has been required. patch by Dario Bertini <berdario AT
+> [Bug #8318] [fix GH-280]
+Wed Apr 24 21:51:13 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * Check mblen().
+ mblen() is optional in uClibc.
+ * eval_intern.h (CharNext): Don't use mblen() is not available.
+Wed Apr 24 15:55:06 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (rb_fd_fix_cloexec): use rb_update_max_fd().
+Wed Apr 24 14:08:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * numeric.c: Fix wiki link on Float imprecision in overview, patched
+ by Makoto Kishimoto [Bug #8304] [ruby-dev:47280]
+Wed Apr 24 14:03:59 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): disallow $- without following identifier
+ character. [ruby-talk:406969]
+ * parse.y (is_special_global_name): mere $- is not a valid global
+ variable name.
+Wed Apr 24 13:54:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * string.c: Document String#setbyte return value by @gjmurakami-10gen
+ [Fixes GH-294]
+Wed Apr 24 13:45:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * class.c: Example of Object#methods by @windwiny [Fixes GH-293]
+ * ruby.c: Document return values of Kernel #sub, #gsub, and #chop
+Wed Apr 24 12:54:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb: Doc typos by @vipulnsward [Fixes GH-292]
+Wed Apr 24 12:54:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb: Doc typos by @vipulnsward [Fixes GH-292]
+Wed Apr 24 12:27:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * array.c: Fix documentation for Array#index and #replace aliases
+ Based on a patch by @phiggins [Fixes GH-282]
+Tue Apr 23 21:14:38 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_inspect): refix r40413, on Ruby 1.9 usual character
+ escape uses hex/Unicode escapes, so fix to use Unicode escape on
+ Unicode strings and hex on others. [ruby-core:54458] [Bug #8290]
+Tue Apr 23 20:10:02 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * missing/isnan.c (isnan): Don't define if isnan() macro is defined.
+ This fixes a compilation failure on uClibc based Gentoo system.
+Tue Apr 23 17:40:40 2013 Martin Duerst <>
+ * lib/rexml/document.rb, lib/rexml/element.rb,
+ lib/rexml/formatters/pretty.rb: remove opinionated
+ language in documentation. [Bug #8309],
+ reported by Charles Beckmann
+Tue Apr 23 14:04:44 2013 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (getacl_response): parse the mailbox of an ACL
+ response correctly. [ruby-core:54365] [Bug #8281]
+Tue Apr 23 11:58:46 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_scrub): fix for UTF-32. strlen() on strings
+ contain NUL returns wrong result, use sizeof operator instead.
+ [ruby-dev:45975] [Feature #6752]
+Tue Apr 23 10:26:50 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb
+ (TestModule#test_const_get_invalid_name)
+ (test_const_defined_invalid_name): Fix expected values.
+Tue Apr 23 09:51:26 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_inspect): NUL should not be represented as "\0"
+ when octal digits may follow. [ruby-core:54458] [Bug #8290]
+Mon Apr 22 22:54:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * insns.def (opt_mod): Use % operator if both operands are positive for
+ a significant performance improvement. Thanks to @samsaffron.
+Mon Apr 22 17:09:37 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): copy all instance variables not only generic
+ ivars, before calling post proc. [ruby-core:51163] [Bug #7627]
+Mon Apr 22 10:25:21 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * util.c (ruby_hdtoa): revert r29729.
+ If you want ruby to behave as before on x86, specify to use SSE like
+ -msse2 -mfpmath=sse for gcc.
+Sun Apr 21 23:19:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * Revert using sigsetjmp by default due to performance
+ problems on some systems (eg. older Linux)
+Sun Apr 21 21:35:00 2013 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * Use sigsetjmp by default so jumping out of signal
+ handlers properly restores the signal mask and SS_ONSTACK flag.
+ [ruby-core:54175] [Bug #8254]
+ * Manually check for presence of sigsetjmp. It is not a
+ function on some systems, so AC_CHECK_FUNCS cannot be used.
+Sun Apr 21 08:00:55 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/csv/test_features.rb, test/logger/test_logger.rb
+ test/mkmf/test_have_macro.rb, test/net/http/test_http.rb,
+ test/openssl/test_config.rb, test/psych/test_encoding.rb,
+ test/psych/test_exception.rb, test/psych/test_psych.rb,
+ test/psych/test_tainted.rb, test/readline/test_readline.rb,
+ test/rexml/test_contrib.rb, test/ruby/test_autoload.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_beginendblock.rb, test/ruby/test_exception.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_file.rb, test/ruby/test_io.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_marshal.rb, test/ruby/test_process.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_require.rb, test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb,
+ test/syslog/test_syslog_logger.rb, test/webrick/test_httpauth.rb,
+ test/zlib/test_zlib.rb: Use Tempfile.create.
+Sun Apr 21 00:15:36 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb (Tempfile.create): Close when the block exits.
+Sat Apr 20 23:38:14 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpauth/htpasswd.rb: Use Tempfile.create to avoid
+ unintentional unlink() by the finalizer.
+ lib/webrick/httpauth/htdigest.rb: Ditto.
+Sat Apr 20 22:47:48 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb (Tempfile.create): New method.
+ The method name is proposed by Shugo Maeda. [ruby-dev:47220]
+ [ruby-core:41478] [Feature #5707]
+Sat Apr 20 14:22:10 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (w_object): dump no ivars to the original by marshal_dump.
+ [ruby-core:54334] [Bug #8276]
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): copy all ivars of marshal_dump data to the
+ result object instead. [ruby-core:51163] [Bug #7627]
+Sat Apr 20 02:33:27 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (str_scrub): add ruby method String#scrub which verify and
+ fix invalid byte sequence. [ruby-dev:45975] [Feature #6752]
+ * string.c (str_compat_and_valid): check given string is compatible
+ and valid with given encoding.
+ * transcode.c (str_transcode0): If invalid: :replace is specified for
+ String#encode, replace invalid byte sequence even if the destination
+ encoding equals to the source encoding.
+Fri Apr 19 21:55:40 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * README.EXT.ja (Data_Wrap_Struct): Remove a description about
+ orphan argument. Oh, I renamed the argument name without
+ changing description at r36180... Sorry....
+ Patch by Makoto Kishimoto. Thanks!!! [ruby-dev:47269] [Bug #8292]
+ * README.EXT.ja (Data_Make_Struct): Add a sample code that describes
+ how it works.
+ Patch by Makoto Kishimoto. Thanks!!! [ruby-dev:47269] [Bug #8292]
+Fri Apr 19 17:54:57 2013 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (body_type_msg): should accept
+ message/delivery-status with extra data.
+ [ruby-core:53741] [Bug #8167]
+ * test/net/imap/test_imap_response_parser.rb: related test.
+Fri Apr 19 13:03:14 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (w_object): do not dump encoding which is dumped with
+ marshal_dump data. [ruby-core:54334] [Bug #8276]
+Fri Apr 19 11:36:53 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (stack_protector): control use of -fstack-protector.
+ * (debugflags): let -fstack-protector precede and disable
+ debugflags, because they can't work together on SmartOS. [Bug #8268]
+Fri Apr 19 07:43:52 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/openssl/test_cipher.rb: Correct a typo
+ by jgls <>
+ fix GH-291
+Thu Apr 18 16:58:51 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_mod_public_method): fix visibility on anonymous
+ module. set visibility of singleton method, not method in base
+ class. [ruby-core:54404] [Bug #8284]
+Thu Apr 18 16:20:51 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): should skip dot directories only for recursion,
+ but should not if matching to the given pattern. [ruby-core:54387]
+ [Bug #8283]
+Thu Apr 18 16:20:21 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): increase buffer size to fix buffer overflow,
+ and fix garbage just after unpacking without missing paddings.
+ [Bug #8286]
+Thu Apr 18 13:35:54 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): output characters even if the input doesn't
+ have paddings. [Bug #8286]
+Thu Apr 18 08:20:48 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (clean-ext): remove timestamps.
+Wed Apr 17 22:07:50 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h (SOCKLEN_MAX): Expression simplified.
+Wed Apr 17 20:09:19 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_add_mark_object): Use new rb_iseq_add_mark_object().
+ * insns.def (setinlinecache): Ditto.
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_add_mark_object): New function to allocate
+ iseq->mark_ary on demand. [Bug #8142]
+ * iseq.h (rb_iseq_add_mark_object): Ditto.
+ * iseq.c (prepare_iseq_build): Avoid allocating mark_ary until needed.
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_build_for_ruby2cext): Ditto.
+Wed Apr 17 20:00:18 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h (SOCKLEN_MAX): Defined.
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (ext/socket/raddrinfo.c): Reject too long
+ Linux abstract socket name.
+Wed Apr 17 19:45:27 2013 Aman Gupta <>
+ * iseq.c (iseq_location_setup): re-use existing string when iseq has
+ the same path and absolute_path. [Bug #8149]
+Wed Apr 17 11:38:37 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/test/unit/assertions.rb (Test::Unit::Assertions#assert):
+ UNASSIGNED is not a valid message.
+Wed Apr 17 10:58:18 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (sleep_timeval): get rid of overflow on Windows where
+ timeval.tv_sec is not time_t but mere long.
+Tue Apr 16 23:07:12 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/unixsocket.c (unix_send_io): Suppress a warning by clang.
+ (unix_recv_io): Ditto.
+Tue Apr 16 12:27:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/sdbm/init.c: Fix comment indentation, by windwiny [Fixes GH-277]
+Tue Apr 16 12:25:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/socket/option.c: Document synonymous methods, by windwiny [GH-277]
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c: ditto
+ * ext/io/wait/wait.c: ditto
+ * ext/gdbm/gdbm.c: ditto
+ * ext/dl/cfunc.c: ditto
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c: ditto
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: ditto
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c: ditto
+ * ext/json/generator/generator.c: ditto
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: ditto
+Tue Apr 16 11:23:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/openssl/*: Document synonymous methods, by windwiny [GH-277]
+Mon Apr 15 22:21:42 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/fiddle/depend: New file.
+Mon Apr 15 22:01:02 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * misc/ruby-electric.el (ruby-electric-insert): Check
+ ruby-electric-is-last-command-char-expandable-punct-p here.
+ * misc/ruby-electric.el (ruby-electric-closing-char): New
+ interactive function bound to closing characters. Typing one of
+ those closing characters right after the matching counterpart
+ cancels the effect of automatic closing. For example, typing
+ "{" followed by "}" simply makes "{}" instead of "{ } }".
+Mon Apr 15 12:54:42 2013 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c: Correct shutdown behavior w.r.t GC.
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb: Add tests to verify correct behavior.
+ [Bug #8240] Patch provided by Shugo Maeda. Thanks!
+Mon Apr 15 10:23:39 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/coverage/depend: fix id.h place as r40283.
+ * ext/coverage/extconf.rb: add topdir and topsrcdir to VPATH.
+Sun Apr 14 19:46:14 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/-test-/debug/depend: New file.
+ * ext/-test-/exception/depend: Ditto.
+ * ext/-test-/printf/depend: Ditto.
+ * ext/-test-/string/depend: Ditto.
+ * ext/coverage/depend: Ditto.
+ * ext/io/console/depend: Ditto.
+ * ext/io/nonblock/depend: Ditto.
+ * ext/io/wait/depend: Ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/depend: Ditto.
+ * ext/pathname/depend: Ditto.
+ * ext/psych/depend: Ditto.
+ * ext/zlib/depend: Ditto.
+Sun Apr 14 02:46:50 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (MakeMakefile#create_makefile): remove {$(VPATH)} other
+ than nmake.
+ * ext/ripper/depend: use VPATH expecting removed by above.
+Sat Apr 13 23:06:20 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (timestamp_file): gather timestamp files in one
+ directory from each extension directories.
+Sat Apr 13 21:09:02 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (MakeMakefile#create_makefile): output new macro
+ disthdrdir to specify the path of id.h, parse.h and etc.
+ * ext/ripper/depend: use above macro.
+Sat Apr 13 20:28:08 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * Merge Onigmo 5.13.4 f22cf2e566712cace60d17f84d63119d7c5764ee.
+ [bug] fix problem with optimization of \z (Issue #16) [Bug #8210]
+Sat Apr 13 18:56:15 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/ripper/depend: parse.h and id.h may be created on topdir.
+Sat Apr 13 12:08:16 2013 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb: Add Vector#cross_product, patch by Luis Ezcurdia
+ [fix GH-276] [rubyspec:81eec89a124]
+Sat Apr 13 10:20:37 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_define_without_accessor, rb_struct_define),
+ (rb_struct_s_def): hide member names array.
+ * struct.c (anonymous_struct, new_struct, setup_struct): split
+ make_struct() for each purpose.
+Sat Apr 13 09:34:31 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: Add ruby/ruby.h, ruby/missing.h, ruby/intern.h,
+ ruby/st.h and ruby/subst.h for ruby_headers in generated Makefile.
+ * ext/-test-/old_thread_select/depend: Update dependencies.
+ * ext/-test-/wait_for_single_fd/depend: Ditto.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/depend: Ditto.
+ * ext/curses/depend: Ditto.
+ * ext/digest/bubblebabble/depend: Ditto.
+ * ext/digest/depend: Ditto.
+ * ext/digest/md5/depend: Ditto.
+ * ext/digest/rmd160/depend: Ditto.
+ * ext/digest/sha1/depend: Ditto.
+ * ext/digest/sha2/depend: Ditto.
+ * ext/dl/callback/depend: Ditto.
+ * ext/dl/depend: Ditto.
+ * ext/etc/depend: Ditto.
+ * ext/nkf/depend: Ditto.
+ * ext/objspace/depend: Ditto.
+ * ext/pty/depend: Ditto.
+ * ext/readline/depend: Ditto.
+ * ext/ripper/depend: Ditto.
+ * ext/sdbm/depend: Ditto.
+ * ext/socket/depend: Ditto.
+ * ext/stringio/depend: Ditto.
+ * ext/strscan/depend: Ditto.
+ * ext/syslog/depend: Ditto.
+ * ext/-test-/num2int/depend: Removed.
+ * ext/dbm/depend: Ditto.
+ * ext/fcntl/depend: Ditto.
+ * ext/gdbm/depend: Ditto.
+ * ext/racc/cparse/depend: Ditto.
+Sat Apr 13 00:15:54 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (Init_etc): move Passwd and Group under Etc namespace
+ as primary names.
+Fri Apr 12 21:06:55 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * pack.o depends on internal.h.
+Fri Apr 12 20:59:24 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (ones): Use __builtin_popcountl if available.
+ * internal.h (GCC_VERSION_SINCE): Macro moved from pack.c.
+ * pack.c: Include internal.h for GCC_VERSION_SINCE.
+Fri Apr 12 18:29:42 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * version.o depends on $(srcdir)/include/ruby/version.h
+ instead of {$(VPATH)}version.h to avoid confusion by VPATH between
+ top level version.h and include/ruby/version.h for build in-place.
+ [ruby-dev:47249] [Bug #8256]
+Fri Apr 12 15:21:24 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_callee_setup_keyword_arg): non-symbol key is not
+ a keyword argument, keep it as a positional argument.
+Fri Apr 12 11:58:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * array.c: Document synonymous methods, by windwiny [GH-277]
+ * bignum.c: ditto
+ * complex.c: ditto
+ * dir.c: ditto
+ * encoding.c: ditto
+ * enumerator.c: ditto
+ * numeric.c: ditto
+ * proc.c: ditto
+ * re.c: ditto
+ * string.c: ditto
+Thu Apr 11 23:41:46 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * Add dependencies for include/ruby.h
+ * tool/update-deps: Use "make -p all miniruby ruby golf" to extract
+ dependencies in makefiles.
+Thu Apr 11 23:21:17 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/update-deps: Use "make -p all golf" to extract dependencies in
+ makefiles.
+Thu Apr 11 21:02:19 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * Dependency updated.
+ * tool/update-deps: Rewritten.
+Thu Apr 11 19:59:48 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * partially revert r40183, which breaks building on
+ other than source directory. (its commit log also says the same
+ thing, but such failure is not reproducible on my environment
+ and the commit breaks build on my environment)
+Thu Apr 11 16:10:01 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/fiddle/closure.c (USE_FFI_CLOSURE_ALLOC): define 0 on
+ Mac OS X and Linux [Bug #3371]
+Thu Apr 11 13:19:22 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/drb/drbtest.rb (Drb{Core,Ary}#teardown): retry Process.kill
+ if it fails with Errno::EPERM on Windows (workaround).
+ [ruby-dev:47245] [Bug #8251]
+Thu Apr 11 11:11:38 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * dir.c: Fix a typo.
+Thu Apr 11 10:39:34 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/fiddle/closure.c (USE_FFI_CLOSURE_ALLOC): add missing case:
+ RUBY_LIBFFI_MODVERSION is not defined (usually on Windows).
+Thu Apr 11 09:27:04 2013 Konstantin Haase <>
+ * dir.c (file_s_fnmatch): Document File::FNM_EXTGLOB flag.
+Thu Apr 11 09:17:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * README: Fix typo by Benjamin Winkler [Fixes GH-281]
+Thu Apr 11 06:15:51 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regint.h: fix typo: _M_AMD86 -> _M_AMD64.
+ * siphash.c: ditto.
+ * st.c: ditto.
+Thu Apr 11 06:09:57 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/fiddle/extconf.rb: define RUBY_LIBFFI_MODVERSION macro.
+ * ext/fiddle/closure.c (USE_FFI_CLOSURE_ALLOC): define 0 or 1
+ with platform and libffi's version. [Bug #3371]
+Thu Apr 11 05:30:43 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (pkg_config): Add optional argument "option".
+ If it is given, it returns the result of
+ `pkg-config --<option> <pkgname>`.
+Thu Apr 11 03:33:05 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/fiddle/closure.c (initialize): check mprotect's return value.
+ If mprotect is failed because of PaX or something, its function call
+ will cause SEGV.
+Wed Apr 10 17:39:13 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (VpCtoV): Initialize a local variable
+ even when overflow.
+Wed Apr 10 12:32:37 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_ll2big): Don't overflow on signed integer negation.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (MUL_OVERFLOW_SIGNED_VALUE_P): New
+ macro.
+ (AddExponent): Don't overflow on signed integer multiplication.
+ (VpCtoV): Don't overflow on signed integer arithmetic.
+ (VpCtoV): Don't overflow on signed integer arithmetic.
+Wed Apr 10 06:32:12 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h (MUL_OVERFLOW_INT_P): New macro.
+ * sprintf.c (GETNUM): Don't overflow on signed integer multiplication.
+Tue Apr 9 20:38:20 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h (MUL_OVERFLOW_SIGNED_INTEGER_P): New macro.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_product): Don't overflow on signed integer
+ multiplication.
+ * numeric.c (fix_mul): Ditto.
+ (int_pow): Ditto.
+ * rational.c (f_imul): Ditto.
+ * insns.def (opt_mult): Ditto.
+ * thread.c (sleep_timeval): Don't overflow on signed integer addition.
+ * bignum.c (rb_int2big): Don't overflow on signed integer negation.
+ (rb_big2ulong): Ditto.
+ (rb_big2long): Ditto.
+ (rb_big2ull): Ditto.
+ (rb_big2ll): Ditto.
+Tue Apr 9 19:45:44 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb: Support multiple fields with same field
+ name (like Set-Cookie).
+ (OpenURI::Meta#metas): New accessor to obtain fields as a Hash from
+ field name (string) to field values (array of strings).
+ [ruby-core:37734] [Bug #4964] reported by ren li.
+Tue Apr 9 15:26:12 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): append keyword hash to argument array
+ to splat if needed. [ruby-core:54094] [Bug #8236]
+Tue Apr 9 10:02:39 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (timestamp_file): gather timestamp files in one
+ directory from each extension directories, with considering
+ target_prefix.
+Tue Apr 9 04:57:59 JST 2013 Charles Oliver Nutter <>
+ * error.c: Capture EAGAIN, EWOULDBLOCK, EINPROGRESS exceptions and
+ export them for use in WaitReadable/Writable exceptions.
+ * io.c: Create versions of EAGAIN, EWOULDBLOCK, EINPROGRESS that
+ include WaitReadable and WaitWritable. Add rb_readwrite_sys_fail
+ for nonblocking failures using those exceptions. Use that
+ function in io_getpartial and io_write_nonblock instead of
+ rb_mod_sys_fail
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c: Add new SSLError subclasses that include
+ WaitReadable and WaitWritable. Use those classes for
+ write_would_block and read_would_block instead of rb_mod_sys_fail.
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c: Use rb_readwrite_sys_fail instead of
+ rb_mod_sys_fail in bsock_sendmsg_internal and
+ bsock_recvmsg_internal.
+ * ext/socket/init.c: Use rb_readwrite_sys_fail instead of
+ rb_mod_sys_fail in rsock_s_recvfrom_nonblock and
+ rsock_s_connect_nonblock.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: Use rb_readwrite_sys_fail instead of
+ rb_mod_sys_fail in sock_connect_nonblock.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: Export rb_readwrite_sys_fail for use instead
+ of rb_mod_sys_fail. Introduce new constants RB_IO_WAIT_READABLE and
+ RB_IO_WAIT_WRITABLE for first arg to rb_readwrite_sys_fail.
+Tue Apr 9 02:44:32 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: $defs needs -D or -U. nothing is added
+ otherwize.
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: check struct in_addr6, which is defined in
+ VC6 instead of in6_addr.
+ * ext/socket/option.c (optname_to_sym): fix macro name.
+ * ext/socket/constants.c (rsock_cmsg_type_arg): fix macro name.
+Mon Apr 8 23:57:21 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (id_for_setter): extract common code from const, class
+ variable, instance variable setters.
+Mon Apr 8 23:55:53 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/depend (ENCOBJS, TRANSOBJS): use explicit path to ruby.h for
+ nmake.
+ * ext/depend (ENCOBJS, TRANSOBJS): fix header dependency, VPATH has
+ $(srcdir)/include/ruby but not $(srcdir)/include, so cannot find out
+ ruby/ruby.h. use ruby.h instead and ../ruby for include/ruby.h.
+Mon Apr 8 20:30:37 2013 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * ext/depend (ENCOBJS, TRANSOBJS): Add missing dependencies.
+Mon Apr 8 17:19:28 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (fole_missing): should check actual argument
+ count before accessing.
+Mon Apr 8 16:03:55 2013 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ Fixes a build failure of ext/ripper/ripper.c on building out of place.
+ * (id.h, id.c): Always generated in $(srcdir).
+ (ext/ripper/ripper.c): Passes $(PATH_SEPARATOR) too to the sub make.
+Mon Apr 8 12:05:02 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_ivar_set): call to_str for string only once.
+ to_str was called from rb_is_const_name and rb_to_id before.
+ * object.c (rb_mod_const_set): ditto.
+ * object.c (rb_mod_cvar_set): ditto.
+Sun Apr 7 13:56:16 2013 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/ruby/test_require.rb (TestRequire#test_require_nonascii_path):
+ RUBY_PLATFORM should escape as Regexp,
+ because RUBY_PLATFORM may contain '.'.
+Sun Apr 7 10:44:01 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/defines.h: Simplify the logic to include sys/select.h.
+ This fixes a compilation error on Haiku (gcc2 and gcc4).
+ * Use shared linker as $(CC) for Haiku.
+ This fixes a build error on Haiku (gcc2).
+Sun Apr 7 10:41:30 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (MDNSOneShot#sender): Delete an unused variable.
+Sun Apr 7 03:24:36 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * addr2line.c: use more generic type:
+ * u_char -> unsigned char
+ * u_short -> unsigned short
+ * u_int -> unsigned int
+ * u_long -> unsigned long
+ * quad_t -> int64_t
+ * u_quad_t -> uint64_t
+ * addr2line.c (imax): inline is defined by configure.
+Sun Apr 7 01:40:39 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * misc/ruby-electric.el (ruby-electric-hash): New electric
+ function that expands a hash sign inside a string or regexp to
+ "#{}".
+ * misc/ruby-electric.el (ruby-electric-curlies): Do not insert
+ spaces inside when the curly brace is a delimiter of %r, %w,
+ etc.
+ * misc/ruby-electric.el (ruby-electric-curlies): Insert another
+ space before a closing curly brace when
+ ruby-electric-newline-before-closing-bracket is nil.
+Sun Apr 7 01:01:26 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * strftime.c (rb_strftime_with_timespec): Test yday range.
+ [ruby-core:44088] [Bug #6247] reported by Ruby Submit.
+Sat Apr 6 23:46:54 2013 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * (AC_CHECK_HEADERS): atomic.h for Solaris atomic_ops.
+ * ruby_atomic.h: Skip using Solaris10 atomic_ops on Solaris 9 or
+ earlier if atomic.h is not available. [ruby-dev:47229] [Bug #8228]
+Sat Apr 6 23:40:40 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb: Support LOC resources.
+ [ruby-core:23361] [Feature #1436] by JB Smith.
+Sat Apr 6 23:38:09 2013 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * addr2line.c: quad_t and u_quad_t is not available on Solaris.
+ __inline is not available with old compilers on Solaris.
+ [ruby-dev:47229] [Bug #8227]
+Sat Apr 6 23:31:38 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb: Add one-shot multicast DNS support.
+ [ruby-core:53387] [Feature #8089] by Eric Hodel.
+Sat Apr 6 22:12:01 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::DNS.fetch_resource): New method to obtain
+ full result.
+ [ruby-dev:43587] [Feature #4788] proposed by Makoto Kishimoto.
+Sat Apr 6 20:17:51 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (rsock_sys_fail_raddrinfo): Renamed from
+ rsock_sys_fail_addrinfo.
+ (rsock_sys_fail_raddrinfo_or_sockaddr): Renamed from
+ rsock_sys_fail_addrinfo_or_sockaddr.
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h: Follow the above change.
+Sat Apr 6 19:24:59 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (rsock_sys_fail_sockaddr): Takes struct sockaddr
+ and socklen_t instead of String object.
+ (rsock_sys_fail_addrinfo_or_sockaddr): Follow the above change.
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h (rsock_sys_fail_sockaddr): Follow the above
+ change.
+Sat Apr 6 14:28:23 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h (SockAddrStringValueWithAddrinfo): New macro.
+ (rsock_sockaddr_string_value_with_addrinfo): New declaration.
+ (rsock_addrinfo_inspect_sockaddr): Ditto.
+ (rsock_sys_fail_addrinfo): Ditto.
+ (rsock_sys_fail_sockaddr_or_addrinfo): Ditto.
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (rsock_addrinfo_inspect_sockaddr): Renamed
+ from addrinfo_inspect_sockaddr and exported.
+ (rsock_sockaddr_string_value_with_addrinfo): New function to obtain
+ string and possibly addrinfo object.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (rsock_sys_fail_sockaddr): Don't use
+ rsock_sys_fail_host_port which is IP dependent. Invoke
+ rsock_sys_fail_addrinfo.
+ (rsock_sys_fail_addrinfo): New function using
+ rsock_addrinfo_inspect_sockaddr.
+ (rsock_sys_fail_addrinfo_or_sockaddr): New function.
+ (sock_connect): Use SockAddrStringValueWithAddrinfo and
+ rsock_sys_fail_addrinfo_or_sockaddr.
+ (sock_connect_nonblock): Ditto.
+ (sock_bind): Ditto.
+Sat Apr 6 13:34:20 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (rsock_sys_fail_sockaddr): Delete 2nd argument.
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h (rsock_sys_fail_sockaddr): Follow above
+ change.
+Sat Apr 6 13:13:39 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (rsock_sys_fail_path): Use rb_str_inspect only
+ for String to avoid SEGV.
+Sat Apr 6 12:40:16 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h (rsock_sys_fail_host_port): Wrap by NORETURN.
+ (rsock_sys_fail_path): Ditto.
+ (rsock_sys_fail_sockaddr): Ditto.
+Sat Apr 6 11:49:35 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (rsock_sys_fail_path): Use rb_str_inspect if the
+ path contains a NUL.
+Sat Apr 6 11:39:19 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket: Improve socket exception message to show socket address.
+ [ruby-core:45617] [Feature #6583] proposed Eric Hodel.
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h (rsock_sys_fail_host_port): Declared.
+ (rsock_sys_fail_path): Ditto.
+ (rsock_sys_fail_sockaddr): Ditto.
+ * ext/socket/udpsocket.c (udp_connect): Use rsock_sys_fail_host_port.
+ (udp_bind): Ditto.
+ (udp_send): Ditto.
+ * ext/socket/init.c (rsock_init_sock): Specify a string for rb_sys_fail
+ argument.
+ (make_fd_nonblock): Ditto.
+ (rsock_s_accept): Ditto.
+ * ext/socket/ipsocket.c (init_inetsock_internal): Use
+ rsock_sys_fail_host_port.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (rsock_sys_fail_host_port): Defined.
+ (rsock_sys_fail_path): Ditto.
+ (rsock_sys_fail_sockaddr): Ditto.
+ (setup_domain_and_type): Use rsock_sys_fail_sockaddr.
+ (sock_connect_nonblock): Ditto.
+ (sock_bind): Ditto.
+ (sock_gethostname): Specify a string for rb_sys_fail argument.
+ (socket_s_ip_address_list): Ditto.
+ * ext/socket/basicsocket.c (bsock_shutdown): Specify a string for
+ rb_sys_fail argument.
+ (bsock_setsockopt): Use rsock_sys_fail_path.
+ (bsock_getsockopt): Ditto.
+ (bsock_getpeereid): Refine the argument for rb_sys_fail.
+ * ext/socket/unixsocket.c (rsock_init_unixsock): Use
+ rsock_sys_fail_path.
+ (unix_path): Ditto.
+ (unix_send_io): Ditto.
+ (unix_recv_io): Ditto.
+ (unix_addr): Ditto.
+ (unix_peeraddr): Ditto.
+Sat Apr 6 11:23:18 2013 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_require.rb (TestRequire#test_require_nonascii_path):
+ fix load path for encoding to run the test as stand-alone.
+Sat Apr 6 09:54:20 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * pack.c (NATINT_LEN): fix definition order, must be after
+Sat Apr 6 03:11:07 2013 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: fix symbol keys in coder
+ emission. Thanks @tjwallace
+ * test/psych/test_coder.rb: test for change
+Sat Apr 6 02:54:08 2013 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/exception.rb: there should be only one exception
+ base class. Fixes tenderlove/psych #125
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych.rb: require the correct exception class
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/syntax_error.rb: ditto
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb: ditto
+Sat Apr 6 02:30:28 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (new_defined): remove all extra parentheses, and return
+ "nil" for defined? with empty expression.
+ [ruby-core:54024] [Bug #8224]
+Sat Apr 6 02:06:04 2013 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb: correctly register
+ self-referential strings. Fixes tenderlove/psych #135
+ * test/psych/test_string.rb: appropriate test.
+Sat Apr 6 01:21:56 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/init.c (cloexec_accept): Fix a compile error on
+ Debian GNU/kFreeBSD. Consider HAVE_ACCEPT4 is defined
+ but SOCK_CLOEXEC is not defined.
+Sat Apr 6 00:19:30 2013 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * load.c (features_index_add): use rb_str_subseq() to specify C string
+ position properly to fix require non ascii path.
+ [ruby-core:53733] [Bug #8165]
+ * test/ruby/test_require.rb (TestRequire#test_require_nonascii_path):
+ a test for the above.
+Fri Apr 5 20:41:49 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/defines.h (HAVE_TRUE_LONG_LONG): Defined to distinguish
+ availability of long long and availability of 64bit integer type.
+ * pack.c: Use HAVE_TRUE_LONG_LONG to distinguish q! and Q! support.
+Fri Apr 5 20:19:42 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * addr2line.c: Include ruby/missing.h to fix compile error on Debian.
+Fri Apr 5 19:39:52 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): fix of defined? with empty
+ expression. [ruby-core:53999] [Bug #8220]
+Fri Apr 5 13:22:59 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/curses/curses.c (Init_curses): fix implementation function,
+ crmode should be same as cbreak. [ruby-core:54013] [Bug #8222]
+Fri Apr 5 12:06:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/curses/hello.rb: Typo in Curses example by Drew Blas
+ [Fixes GH-273]
+Thu Apr 4 23:45:13 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (bind_random_port): Rescue EACCES for SunOS.
+ bind() on SunOS for port 2049 (nfs) and 4045 (lockd) causes
+ EACCES with unprivileged process. cf. PRIV_SYS_NFS in privileges(5)
+ [ruby-core:48064] [Bug #7183] reported by Frank Meier.
+Thu Apr 4 23:24:45 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: Remove condition for bcc.
+Thu Apr 4 22:53:23 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (FIX2LONG): Parenthesize the macro body.
+Thu Apr 4 22:32:32 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (time_strftime): Describe %L and %N truncates digits under
+ the specified length.
+ [ruby-core:52130] [Bug #7829]
+Thu Apr 4 22:08:46 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * object.c (rb_mod_cvar_set): Reverted "avoid inadvertent
+ symbol creation" to avoid SEGV by
+, 2).
+Thu Apr 4 20:07:19 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_write): New method.
+ (path_binwrite): Ditto.
+ [ruby-core:49468] [Feature #7378]
+Thu Apr 4 16:51:29 2013 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * thread_pthread.c: Fixes wrong scopes of #if USE_SLEEPY_TIMER_THREAD
+ .. #endif sections. This fixes a build error on NativeClient.
+Wed Apr 3 17:25:31 2013 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (ruby_init_stack): Avoid using uninitialized value.
+ stackaddr and size are not set if get_stack() fails.
+Thu Apr 4 16:55:08 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * struct.c (make_struct): avoid inadvertent symbol creation.
+ (rb_struct_aref): ditto.
+ (rb_struct_aset): ditto.
+Thu Apr 4 16:54:40 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (rb_mod_const_set): avoid inadvertent symbol creation.
+ (rb_obj_ivar_set): ditto.
+ (rb_mod_cvar_set): ditto.
+Thu Apr 4 15:46:48 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enum.c (enum_inject): avoid inadvertent symbol creation.
+Thu Apr 4 14:37:07 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_aref): avoid inadvertent symbol creation.
+ (rb_thread_variable_get): ditto.
+ (rb_thread_key_p): ditto.
+ (rb_thread_variable_p): ditto.
+Thu Apr 4 11:33:57 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_bn.c (ossl_bn_to_i): Use bn2hex to speed up.
+ In general, binary to/from decimal needs extra cost.
+Thu Apr 4 07:24:18 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: Specify arguments to test functions.
+Thu Apr 4 03:25:09 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_bn.c (ossl_bn_initialize): fix can't create from bn.
+Wed Apr 3 22:09:25 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: Test functions and libraries after headers.
+Wed Apr 3 21:23:29 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_seek_m): Accept :CUR, :END, :SET as "whence" argument.
+ (interpret_seek_whence): New function.
+ [ruby-dev:45818] [Feature #6643]
+Wed Apr 3 20:52:49 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c: Describe the behavior which Ruby invokes a commandline
+ directly without shell if the commandline is simple enough.
+ [ruby-core:50459] [Bug #7489]
+Wed Apr 3 20:27:37 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): Invoke Logging::log_close in a ensure
+ clause.
+Wed Apr 3 18:53:58 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): Use to switch stdout and
+ stderr. Delay Logging::log_close until the failure message is
+ written. Write the failure message only if log file is opened.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (Logging.log_opened?): New method.
+ [ruby-dev:47215] [Bug #8209]
+Wed Apr 3 17:11:15 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (constat_apply): pass through unknown sequence which
+ starts with ESC but is not followed by a bracket. [ruby-core:53879]
+ [Bug #8201]
+Wed Apr 3 16:35:32 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_eq): hide intermediate Bignums not just freeing
+ memory. [ruby-core:53893] [Bug #8204]
+ * object.c (rb_obj_hide): hide an object by clearing klass.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_eq): test as Fixnum if possible and get rid of zero
+ length Bignum. [ruby-core:53893] [Bug #8204]
+Tue Apr 2 23:56:03 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/securerandom.rb (SecureRandom.random_bytes): Use
+ OpenSSL::Random.random_add instead of OpenSSL::Random.seed and
+ specify 0.0 as the entropy.
+ [ruby-core:47308] [Bug #6928]
+Tue Apr 2 20:24:52 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * pack.c: Support Q! and q! for long long.
+ (natstr): Moved to toplevel. Add q and Q if there is long long type.
+ (endstr): Moved to toplevel.
+ (NATINT_PACK): Consider long long.
+ (NATINT_LEN_Q): New macro.
+ (pack_pack): Support Q! and q!.
+ (pack_unpack): Ditto.
+ [ruby-dev:43970] [Feature #3946]
+Tue Apr 2 19:24:26 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/-test-/num2int/num2int.c: Define utility methods
+ as module methods of Num2int.
+ * test/-ext-/num2int/test_num2int.rb: Follow the above change.
+Tue Apr 2 18:49:01 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/securerandom.rb: Don't use Array#to_s.
+ [ruby-core:52058] [Bug #7811] fixed by zzak (Zachary Scott).
+Tue Apr 2 17:38:20 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_to_s): suppress duplicated charclass warning.
+ Regexp#to_s suppress extra its whole regexp options by calling
+ onig_new with its source, but it doesn't call rb_reg_preprocess.
+ Therefore its Unicode escapes (\u{XXXX}) are given as is,
+ and it may cause duplicated charclass warning for example
+ "[\u{33}]" (3 is duplicated) or "[\u{a}\u{b}]" (u is duplicated).
+ [ruby-core:53649] [Bug #8151]
+Tue Apr 2 16:00:06 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * vm_dump.c (rb_print_backtrace): separate to ease showing C backtrace.
+ * internal.h (rb_print_backtrace): ditto.
+Tue Apr 2 15:22:09 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (assert_separately): stop_auto_run of
+ Test::Unit::Runner to prevent auto runner use ARGV.
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (assert_separately): add $: to separate process.
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (assert_separately): fail if stderr is not
+ empty and ignore_stderr is false.
+Tue Apr 2 06:46:59 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/-test-/num2int/num2int.c: Rename utility methods
+ to global functions to ease manual experiments.
+ * test/-ext-/num2int/test_num2int.rb: Follow the above change.
+Mon Apr 1 22:26:17 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (rb_gzfile_set_mtime): Use NUM2UINT.
+ The old logic doesn't work well on LP64 platforms as:
+ .. -2**63-1 => error,
+ -2**63 .. -2**62-1 => success,
+ -2**62 .. -2**31-1 => error,
+ -2**31 .. 2**31-1 => success,
+ 2**31 .. 2**62-1 => error,
+ 2**62 .. 2**64-1 => success,
+ 2**64 .. => error.
+Mon Apr 1 22:08:02 2013 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (
+ Fix documentation syntax and naming errors.
+ Based on patch by Robin Dupret. Fix GH-271.
+Mon Apr 1 21:22:31 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/-ext-/num2int/test_num2int.rb: Test small bignums.
+Mon Apr 1 21:10:56 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_num2ulong_internal): Don't cast a negative double value
+ into unsigned long, which is undefined behavior.
+ (rb_num2ull): Don't cast a value bigger than LLONG_MAX into
+ long long, which is undefined behavior.
+Mon Apr 1 20:57:57 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/-test-/num2int/num2int.c: Return string for result, instead of
+ printing.
+ * test/-ext-/num2int/test_num2int.rb: updated to follow above change.
+Mon Apr 1 20:08:07 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_num2long): Don't use SIGNED_VALUE uselessly.
+ (check_int): Ditto.
+ (check_short): Ditto.
+ (rb_num2fix): Ditto.
+ (rb_num2ulong_internal): Add a cast.
+Mon Apr 1 18:41:35 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * skip autoconf 2.64 and 2.66, 2.67 seems short-lived
+ but stick on it for Debian Squeeze.
+Mon Apr 1 14:22:52 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * check clang version by predefined macro values.
+ [Bug #8192]
+Mon Apr 1 12:05:15 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c (check_uint): Take the 1st argument as unsigned long,
+ instead of VALUE. Refine the validity test conditions.
+ (check_ushort): Ditto.
+Mon Apr 1 07:15:03 2013 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * use quadrigraph to put '[' or ']'. [Bug #8192]
+Mon Apr 1 04:16:41 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * kick old clang. [ruby-dev:47204] [Bug #8192]
+Mon Apr 1 01:12:46 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (FIX2ULONG): Make it consistent with NUM2ULONG.
+ * ext/-test-/num2int/num2int.c: Add utility methods for FIX2XXX tests.
+ * test/-ext-/num2int/test_num2int.rb: Add tests for FIX2XXX.
+Sun Mar 31 17:17:56 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (rb_mod_define_method): consider visibility in define_method.
+ patch by mashiro <mail AT>. fix GH-268.
+Sun Mar 31 15:40:30 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/configure.bat: try to fix option arguments split by commas and
+ equals here. this batch file no longer run with old
+ * tool/mkconfig.rb: no hacks for cmd.exe.
+Sun Mar 31 13:47:04 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_num2ulong_internal): New function similar to
+ rb_num2ulong but integer wrap around flag is also returned.
+ (rb_num2ulong): Use rb_num2ulong_internal.
+ (rb_num2uint): Use rb_num2ulong_internal and the wrap around flag is
+ used instead of negative_int_p(val).
+ (rb_num2ushort): ditto.
+Sun Mar 31 06:27:17 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c (HAVE_METACLASS_P): should check FL_SINGLETON flag before get
+ instance variable to get rid of wrong warning about __attached__.
+ [ruby-core:53839] [Bug #8188]
+Sat Mar 30 14:11:28 2013 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * bcc32: removed. agreed at
+Sat Mar 30 03:58:00 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/file.c (code_page): use cp1252 instead of cp20127 as US-ASCII.
+ fix [ruby-core:53079] [Bug #7996]
+ reported and patched by mmeltner (Michael Meltner).
+Sat Mar 30 03:49:21 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (wrename): use MoveFileExW instead of MoveFileW,
+ because the latter fails on cross device file move of some
+ environments.
+ fix [ruby-core:53492] [Bug #8109]
+ reported by mitchellh (Mitchell Hashimoto).
+Fri Mar 29 22:09:46 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_mutex_synchronize_m): yield no block params. patch by
+ splattael (Peter Suschlik) in [ruby-core:53773] [Bug #8097].
+ fix GH-266.
+Fri Mar 29 16:51:39 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (argf_next_argv): set init flag if succeeded to forward, after
+ skipping.
+ * io.c (argf_block_call_i, argf_block_call): no more forwarding if
+ forwarded after skipping. [ruby-list:49185]
+ * io.c (argf_close): deal with init flag.
+ * io.c (argf_block_call_i, argf_block_call): forward next file if
+ skipped while iteration, to get rid of IOError. [ruby-list:49185]
+Fri Mar 29 11:09:48 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (configuration): not include all CFLAGS in CXXFLAGS, to
+ use different set than C for C++. [ruby-core:45273] [Bug #6504]
+Fri Mar 29 10:24:10 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/io.h: undef POSIX compliant names on AIX, which are no
+ longer needed. patch suggested by edelsohn (David Edelsohn) in
+ [ruby-core:53815]. [Bug #8174]
+Fri Mar 29 06:39:42 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_num2ull): Cast double to unsigned LONG_LONG via
+ LONG_LONG instead of double to unsigned LONG_LONG directly.
+ This is a challenge to fix a test_num2ull(TestNum2int)
+ failure (NUM2ULL(-1.0) should be "18446744073709551615" but was "0")
+ on Mac OS X with 32bit clang.
+Fri Mar 29 00:54:54 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (MAIN_DOES_NOTHING): ensure symbols for tests to be
+ preserved. [ruby-core:53745] [Bug #8169]
+Thu Mar 28 23:11:25 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb: Test Windows platform by detecting LoadError when
+ require 'win32/resolv' suggested by Nobuyoshi Nakada [ruby-core:53389].
+ [ruby-core:53388] [Feature #8090] Reported by Charles Nutter.
+Thu Mar 28 23:10:10 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/io.h: rename SVR3,4 member names as POSIX compliant,
+ to get rid of conflict on AIX. [ruby-core:53765] [Bug #8174]
+Thu Mar 28 18:22:21 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/-ext-/num2int/test_num2int.rb: extract
+ assert_num2i_success_internal and assert_num2i_error_internal and
+ provide assertion messages as "NUM2XXX(NNN)".
+Thu Mar 28 07:05:25 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: Delete redundant inclusions caused by
+ AC_INCLUDES_DEFAULT in defines.h.
+ * include/ruby/defines.h: Ditto.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: Ditto.
+ * include/ruby/st.h: Ditto.
+Thu Mar 28 06:51:31 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/defines.h: Fix a compilation error on NetBSD,
+ "type of formal parameter 1 is incomplete" for the rb_thread_wait_for
+ invocation in rb_file_flock, by including header files as
+ AC_INCLUDES_DEFAULT of autoconf.
+Wed Mar 27 22:09:14 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c (LONG_MIN_MINUS_ONE_IS_LESS_THAN): New macro.
+ (rb_num2long): Use LONG_MIN_MINUS_ONE_IS_LESS_THAN.
+ (rb_num2ulong): Ditto.
+ (rb_num2ull): Ditto.
+ * test/-ext-/num2int/test_num2int.rb (assert_num2i_success): Test the
+ value converted into a Float if Float can represent the value
+ exactly.
+ (assert_num2i_error): Ditto.
+Wed Mar 27 20:59:47 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/-ext-/num2int/test_num2int.rb (assert_num2i_success): New
+ utility method.
+ (assert_num2i_error): Ditto.
+Wed Mar 27 20:37:59 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (num_exact): Use to_r method only if to_int method is
+ available.
+ [ruby-core:53764] [Bug #8173] Reported by Hiro Asari.
+Wed Mar 27 12:07:40 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/-ext-/num2int/test_num2int.rb (test_num2ll): test LLONG_MIN,
+ not LONG_MIN.
+Wed Mar 27 12:02:45 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h (TIMET_MAX_PLUS_ONE): definition simplified.
+Wed Mar 27 06:39:41 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (MAIN_DOES_NOTHING): force to refer symbols for tests
+ to be preserved. [ruby-core:53745] [Bug #8169]
+Wed Mar 27 05:15:37 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_REPLACE_TYPE): define SIGNEDNESS_OF_type same as
+ check_signedness of mkmf.rb.
+ * internal.h (TIMET_MAX, TIMET_MIN, TIMET_MAX_PLUS_ONE): use
+Wed Mar 27 00:28:45 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h (TIMET_MAX_PLUS_ONE): Defined.
+ * thread.c (double2timeval): Saturate out-of-range values.
+Tue Mar 26 23:41:18 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h: Define TIMET_MAX and TIMET_MIN here.
+ * time.c: Remove TIMET_MAX and TIMET_MIN definitions.
+ * thread.c: Ditto.
+ * thread_pthread.c: Remove TIMET_MAX definition.
+ * thread_win32.c: Ditto.
+Tue Mar 26 22:31:10 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sockaddr_len): return the shortest length for
+ unknown socket address.
+Tue Mar 26 22:14:46 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * thread.c (double2timeval): convert the infinity to TIME_MAX to avoid
+ SEGV by {}.join(Float::INFINITY) on
+ Debian GNU/Linux (amd64).
+Mon Mar 25 07:09:20 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rinda/tuplespace.rb: Only return tuple entry once on move,
+ either through port or regular return, not both. This results in a
+ 120% speedup when combined with #8125. Patch by Joel VanderWerf.
+ [ruby-trunk - Feature #8119]
+Mon Mar 25 06:59:01 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * test/rinda/test_rinda.rb: Skip IPv6 tests if no IPv6 addresses
+ exist. Skip fork-dependent test if fork is not available.
+ [ruby-trunk - Bug #8159]
+Sun Mar 24 10:38:24 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * addr2line.c (putce): suppress unused return value warning.
+Mon Mar 25 02:01:03 2013 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * proc.c (bm_free): need to clean up the mark flag of a free and
+ unlinked method entry. [Bug #8100] [ruby-core:53439]
+Sun Mar 24 22:13:51 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_rpartition): revert r39903, and convert byte offset
+ to char offset; the return value of rb_reg_search is byte offset,
+ but other than it of rb_str_rpartition expects char offset.
+ [Bug #8138] [ruby-dev:47183]
+Sun Mar 24 18:29:46 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_rpartition): Fix String#rpartition(/re/)
+ against a multibyte string. [Bug #8138] [ruby-dev:47183]
+Sun Mar 24 13:42:24 2013 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c (GC_ENABLE_LAZY_SWEEP): new macro to switch lazy sweeping
+ for debugging. [Feature #8024] [ruby-dev:47135]
+Sun Mar 24 12:55:47 2013 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c: We have no chance to expand the heap when lazy sweeping is
+ restricted. So collecting is often invoked if there is not
+ enough free space in the heap. Try to expand heap when this is
+ the case.
+Sun Mar 24 11:03:31 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_require.rb: Remove temporally files in the tests.
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb: Ditto.
+ * test/logger/test_logger.rb: Ditto.
+ * test/psych/test_psych.rb: Ditto.
+ * test/readline/test_readline.rb: Ditto.
+ * test/syslog/test_syslog_logger.rb: Ditto.
+ * test/webrick/test_httpauth.rb: Ditto.
+ * test/zlib/test_zlib.rb: Ditto.
+Sun Mar 24 05:36:29 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rinda/ring.rb: Added documentation for multicast support.
+ * NEWS: Point to above documentation.
+Sun Mar 24 05:32:39 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * test/rinda/test_rinda.rb: Restore tests commented out while fixing
+ test slowdown bug before r39895.
+Sun Mar 24 05:03:36 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rinda/ring.rb: Add multicast support to Rinda::RingFinger and
+ Rinda::RingServer. [ruby-trunk - Bug #8073]
+ * test/rinda/test_rinda.rb: Test for the above.
+ * NEWS: Update with Rinda multicast support
+Sun Mar 24 04:13:27 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * test/rinda/test_rinda.rb: Fixed test failures in r39890 and r39891
+ due to stopping DRb service.
+Sun Mar 24 03:34:02 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rinda/rinda.rb: Fixed loss of tuple when remote is alive but the
+ call stack was unwound. Patch by Joel VanderWerf.
+ [ruby-trunk - Bug #8125]
+ * test/rinda/test_rinda.rb: Test for the above.
+Sun Mar 24 02:14:53 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/mkmf/test_have_macro.rb: remove temporally files in the tests.
+Sat Mar 23 23:50:04 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * addr2line.c (kprintf): added from FreeBSD libstand's printf.
+ this is consided as async signal safe function.
+ * addr2line.c (rb_dump_backtrace_with_lines): use kfprintf.
+ [Bug #8144] [ruby-core:53632]
+Sat Mar 23 23:28:00 2013 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_divide): Use Qnil and NIL_P
+ instead of (VALUE)0 as a return value.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_div): ditto.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_divremain): ditto.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_remainder): ditto.
+Sat Mar 23 17:39:49 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (check_funcall_respond_to): preserve passed_block, which
+ is modified in vm_call0_body() via vm_call0(), and caused a bug of
+ rb_check_funcall() by false negative result of rb_block_given_p().
+ re-fix [ruby-core:53650] [Bug #8153].
+ [ruby-core:53653] [Bug #8154]
+Fri Mar 22 17:48:34 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/forwardable.rb (Forwardable::FILE_REGEXP): create regexp object
+ outside sources for eval, to reduce allocations in def_delegators
+ wrappers. //o option does not make each regexps shared. patch by
+ tmm1 (Aman Gupta) in [ruby-core:53620] [Bug #8143].
+Fri Mar 22 17:38:42 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * load.c (rb_feature_p), vm_core.h (rb_vm_struct): turn
+ loaded_features_index into st_table. patches by tmm1 (Aman Gupta)
+ in [ruby-core:53251] and [ruby-core:53274] [Bug #8048]
+Fri Mar 22 10:29:00 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c: Fix style.
+Fri Mar 22 05:30:49 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (ambiguous_operator): refine warning message, since this
+ warning is shown after literal too.
+Fri Mar 22 04:51:14 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_callee_setup_keyword_arg): should check required
+ keyword arguments even if rest hash is defined. [ruby-core:53608]
+ [Bug #8139]
+Fri Mar 22 01:00:17 2013 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * process.c (rb_execarg_addopt, run_exec_pgroup): use rb_pid_t
+ instead of pid_t.
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (raise_from_check, pty_check): ditto.
+Fri Mar 22 00:04:15 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * addr2line.c (rb_dump_backtrace_with_lines): output line at once.
+Thu Mar 21 23:17:08 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (ruby_kill): get rid of deadlock on signal 0.
+ [ruby-dev:47182] [Bug #8137]
+Thu Mar 21 22:39:46 2013 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * marshal.c (marshal_dump, marshal_load): workaround for segv on
+ Intel Solaris compiled with Oracle SolarisStudio 12.3.
+ Partly revert r38174. [ruby-core:52042] [Bug #7805]
+Thu Mar 21 16:48:06 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (simple_re_meta): escape all closing characters, not only
+ round parenthesis. [ruby-core:53578] [Bug #8133]
+Thu Mar 21 13:50:46 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_core.h (UNINITIALIZED_VAR): suppress warnings by clang 4.2.
+ [ruby-core:51742] [Bug #7756]
+Thu Mar 21 07:34:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: Typo in Date::MONTHNAMES by Matt Gauger
+ [GH fixes #261]
+Wed Mar 20 22:53:14 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (find_library): fix to format message.
+ [ruby-core:53568] [Bug #8130]
+Wed Mar 20 22:52:52 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (install_dirs, with_destdir): prefix with DESTDIR
+ directories to install only unless bundled extension libraries.
+ [ruby-core:53502] [Bug #8115]
+Wed Mar 20 17:47:53 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/win32ole/test_err_in_callback.rb (TestErrInCallBack#setup):
+ allow using different root for source and build directories.
+ this may fixes a minor problem of r39834.
+Wed Mar 20 16:40:48 2013 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_signal.rb (test_hup_me): skip if HUP isn't supported.
+ On Windows this test causes ArgumentError.
+Wed Mar 20 16:24:12 2013 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_installer.rb (test_install_extension_flat):
+ use ruby in build directory in case ruby is not installed.
+ [ruby-core:53265] [Bug #8058]
+Wed Mar 20 15:22:07 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/win32ole/test_err_in_callback.rb (TestErrInCallBack#setup): use
+ relative path to get rid of "too long commandline" error.
+Wed Mar 20 04:27:42 2013 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * test/rinda/test_rinda.rb: remove unused variables.
+ patched by Vipul A M <>
+Wed Mar 20 04:15:32 2013 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c: fixed typo.
+ patched by Vipul A M <>
+Sat Mar 16 03:40:49 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/ruby/test_signal.rb (test_hup_me): added a few comments.
+Sat Mar 16 03:39:38 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (ruby_kill): added a few comments.
+Sat Mar 16 03:36:56 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (ruby_kill): release GVL while waiting signal delivered.
+Tue Mar 19 19:50:48 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ruby_kill (internal.h, thread.c): use rb_pid_t instead of pid_t.
+ this fixes the build failure of mswin introduced at r39819.
+Tue Mar 19 17:09:30 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_conv_enc_opts): convert with one converter, instead
+ of re-creating converters for each buffer expansion.
+Tue Mar 19 17:06:50 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): compose HFS file names from UTF8-MAC.
+ [ruby-core:48745] [Bug #7267]
+Sat Mar 16 01:44:29 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * internal.h: added a declaration of ruby_kill().
+ * thread.c (ruby_kill): helper function of kill().
+ * signal.c (rb_f_kill): use ruby_kill() instead of kill().
+ * signal.c (rb_f_kill): call rb_thread_execute_interrupts()
+ to ensure that make SignalException if sent a signal
+ to myself. [Bug #7951] [ruby-core:52864]
+ * vm_core.h (typedef struct rb_thread_struct): added
+ th->interrupt_cond.
+ * thread.c (rb_threadptr_interrupt_common): added to
+ initialization of th->interrupt_cond.
+ * thread.c (thread_create_core): ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_signal.rb (TestSignal#test_hup_me): test for
+ the above.
+Sat Mar 16 00:42:39 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (linux_iocparm_len): enable only exist _IOC_SIZE().
+ Because musl libc doesn't have it. [Bug #8051] [ruby-core:53229]
+Tue Mar 19 10:05:04 2013 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c: Fix typo in doc. Patch by Sho Hashimoto.
+ [Bug #8116] [ruby-dev:47177]
+Tue Mar 19 02:13:00 2013 Kenta Murata <>
+ * set ac_cv_prog_cxx if CXX is supplied.
+Tue Mar 19 01:18:00 2013 Kenta Murata <>
+ * Fix c++ compiler auto-selection not only for
+ Darwin 11.x, but also the other versions of Darwin.
+Tue Mar 19 00:26:22 2013 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c: Improve accuracy of objspace_live_num() and
+ allocated/freed counters. patched by tmm1(Aman Gupta).
+ [Bug #8092] [ruby-core:53392]
+Mon Mar 18 21:42:48 2013 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c: Avoid unnecessary heap growth. patched by tmm1(Aman Gupta).
+ [Bug #8093] [ruby-core:53393]
+Mon Mar 18 17:58:36 2013 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c: Fix unlimited memory growth with large values of
+ RUBY_FREE_MIN. patched by tmm1(Aman Gupta).
+ [Bug #8095] [ruby-core:53405]
+Mon Mar 18 14:46:19 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/win32ole/test_err_in_callback.rb
+ (TestErrInCallBack#test_err_in_callback): shouldn't create a file in
+ the top of build directory.
+Mon Mar 18 13:29:52 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * vm_dump.c (backtrace): on darwin use custom backtrace() to trace
+ beyond _sigtramp. darwin's backtrace can't trace beyond signal
+ trampoline with sigaltstack.
+ * check execinfo.h on darwin.
+Mon Mar 18 11:03:23 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * vm_exec.h (END_INSN): revert r39517 because the segv seems fixed by
+ r39806.
+Mon Mar 18 10:41:06 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * vm_exec.c: Correct predefined macro name. This typo is introduced by
+ r36534 and should be backported to ruby_2_0_0.
+Mon Mar 18 03:18:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * array.c: Typo in Array#delete by Timo Sand [GH fixes #258]
+Mon Mar 18 01:14:56 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (io_fillbuf): show fd number on failure to debug.
+Sun Mar 17 02:38:21 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: include sys/time.h for avoiding implicit
+ declaration of gettimeofday().
+Sun Mar 17 00:55:31 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * include/ruby/missing.h: removed __linux__. it's unnecessary.
+Fri Mar 15 14:57:16 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c: disabled _FORTIFY_SOURCE for avoid to hit glibc bug.
+ [Bug #8080] [ruby-core:53349]
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (TestIO#test_io_select_with_many_files):
+ test for the above.
+Wed Mar 13 15:16:35 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * include/ruby/missing.h (__syscall): moved to...
+ * io.c: here. because __syscall() is only used from io.c.
+ * include/ruby/missing.h: move "#include <sys/type.h>" to ....
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: here. because it was introduced for
+ fixing NFDBITS issue. [ruby-core:05179].
+Wed Mar 13 14:38:53 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * include/ruby/missing.h (struct timespec): include <sys/time.h>
+Wed Mar 13 13:54:45 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * check struct timeval exist or not.
+ * include/ruby/missing.h (struct timeval): check HAVE_STRUCT_TIMEVAL
+ properly. and don't include sys/time.h if struct timeval exist.
+ * file.c: include sys/time.h explicitly.
+ * random.c: ditto.
+ * thread_pthread.c: ditto.
+ * time.c: ditto.
+ * ext/date/date_strftime.c: ditto.
+Fri Mar 15 14:45:02 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * (_FORTIFY_SOURCE): added a few comments.
+Fri Mar 15 14:17:55 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (numberof): renamed from ARRAY_SIZE() because
+ other all files use numberof().
+Say Mar 15 01:33:00 2013 Charles Oliver Nutter <>
+ * test/ruby/test_lazy_enumerator.rb (TestLazyEnumerator#test_drop_while):
+ Modify while condition to show dropping remains off after first false
+ value. This change was made in 39711.
+Fri Mar 15 23:06:18 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * time.c (GetTimeval): check if already initialized instance.
+ * time.c (GetNewTimeval): check if newly created instance.
+ * time.c (time_init_0, time_init_1, time_init_copy, time_mload): must
+ be newly created instance. [ruby-core:53436] [Bug #8099]
+Fri Mar 15 14:51:33 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_sys_fail_path_with_func): share same function, and path
+ may be nil.
+Fri Mar 15 08:24:51 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (rb_sys_fail_path): define & use rb_sys_fail_path0 like r39752
+Fri Mar 15 04:08:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * proc.c: Typo in Proc.arity found by Jack Nagel [Bug #8094]
+Thu Mar 14 16:59:09 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (rb_cv_function_name_string): macro for function name
+ string predefined identifier, __func__ in C99, or __FUNCTION__ in
+ gcc.
+ * file.c (rb_sys_fail_path): use RUBY_FUNCTION_NAME_STRING.
+Thu Mar 14 14:12:34 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * file.c (rb_sys_fail_path): use rb_sys_fail_path0 only on GCC.
+ __func__ is C99 feature.
+Thu Mar 14 12:59:59 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * file.c (rb_sys_fail_path0): add to append the name of called function
+ to ease debugging for example blow umask_spec failure.
+ * file.c (rb_sys_fail_path): use rb_sys_fail_path0.
+Thu Mar 14 12:53:15 2013 Luis Lavena <>
+ * win32/file.c (get_user_from_path): add internal function that retrieves
+ username from supplied path (refactored).
+ * win32/file.c (rb_file_expand_path_internal): refactor expansion of user
+ home to use get_user_from_path and cover dir_string corner cases.
+ [ruby-core:53168] [Bug #8034]
+Thu Mar 14 11:53:01 2013 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+Thu Mar 14 10:01:12 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/globals.rdoc: $? is thread-local
+Wed Mar 13 23:25:59 2013 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c: allow to tune growth of heap by environment variable
+ RUBY_HEAP_SLOTS_GROWTH_FACTOR. patched by tmm1(Aman Gupta).
+ [Feature #8015] [ruby-core:53131]
+Wed Mar 13 19:43:46 2013 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * doc/irb/irb.rd.ja: fix typo
+ * ext/tk/MANUAL_tcltklib.eng: fix typos
+ * ext/tk/sample/tktextframe.rb (Tk#component_delegates): fix typo
+Wed Mar 13 15:13:04 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c (rb_obj_singleton_methods): collect methods from the origin
+ class. [ruby-core:53207] [Bug #8044]
+Wed Mar 13 14:51:26 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_export_method): directly override the flag of method
+ defined in prepending class too, not adding zsuper entry.
+ [ruby-core:53106] [Bug #8005]
+Wed Mar 13 13:06:26 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (rm, shvar_to_cpp, unexpand_shvar): local is not
+ available on old shells.
+ * (shvar_to_cpp): escape quotes for old shells.
+ [Bug #7959] [Bug #8071]
+Wed Mar 13 11:11:07 2013 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * object.c (Init_Object): remove Module#used, which has been
+ introduced in Ruby 2.0 by mistake. [Bug #7916] [ruby-core:52719]
+Wed Mar 13 05:49:29 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/irb.rb: Fix typo
+Tue Mar 12 22:20:47 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_set_arguments, iseq_compile_each): support required
+ keyword arguments. [ruby-core:51454] [Feature #7701]
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_parameters): ditto.
+ * parse.y (f_kw, f_block_kw): ditto. this syntax is still
+ experimental, the notation may change.
+ * vm_core.h (rb_iseq_struct): ditto.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_callee_setup_keyword_arg): ditto.
+Tue Mar 12 17:02:53 2013 TAKANO Mitsuhiro <>
+ * date_core.c: clearly specify operator precedence.
+Tue Mar 12 17:00:45 2013 TAKANO Mitsuhiro <>
+ * insns.def: fix condition.
+Tue Mar 12 16:48:19 2013 TAKANO Mitsuhiro <>
+ * rational.c: fix dangling if, else-if and else.
+Tue Mar 12 06:27:59 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/commands/setup_command.rb: Don't delete non-rubygems
+ files when installing RubyGems.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_commands_setup_command.rb: Test for the
+ above.
+ * lib/rubygems/ext/ext_conf_builder.rb: Use full path to siteconf.rb
+ in case the extconf.rb changes directories (like memcached does).
+ * lib/rubygems/package.rb: Remove double slash from path.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_package.rb: Test for the above.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_package_old.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rubygems/source.rb: Revert automatic HTTPS upgrade
+ * lib/rubygems/spec_fetcher.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_remote_fetcher.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_source.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_spec_fetcher.rb: ditto.
+Tue Mar 12 02:25:19 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: Added Net::SMTP#rset method to implement the SMTP
+ RSET command. [ruby-trunk - Feature #5373]
+ * NEWS: ditto.
+ * test/net/smtp/test_smtp.rb: Test for the above.
+Mon Mar 11 22:44:57 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv-replace.rb (TCPSocket#initialize): resolve the 3rd
+ argument only if non-nil value is given.
+ [ruby-dev:47150] [ruby-trunk - Bug #8054] reported and analyzed by
+ mrkn.
+Mon Mar 11 19:22:54 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/mkmf/base.rb: class name conflict.
+Mon Mar 11 18:45:09 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_with_index): try to convert given offset to
+ integer. fix bug introduced in r39594.
+Mon Mar 11 17:27:57 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (EnvUtil.with_default_external): add for
+ changing Encoding.default_external without warnings.
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (EnvUtil.with_default_internal): ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_io_m17n.rb: use above with_default_external.
+Mon Mar 11 16:57:00 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (extract_binmode): raise error even if binmode and textmode
+ don't conflict. [Bug #5918] [ruby-core:42199]
+Mon Mar 11 12:25:12 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * Merge Onigmo d4bad41e16e3eccd97ccce6f1f96712e557c4518.
+ fix lookbehind assertion fails with /m mode enabled. [Bug #8023]
+ fix \Z matches where it shouldn't. [Bug #8001]
+Mon Mar 11 11:53:35 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (MakeMakefile#dir_config, MakeMakefile#_libdir_basename):
+ defer use of instance variable until needed. [Bug #8074]
+Thu Mar 7 10:42:28 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * lib/thread.rb (Queue#clear): return self.
+ Patch by Cubing Cube. Thank you! [Bug #7947] [ruby-dev:47098]
+ * lib/thread.rb (Queue#push): ditto.
+ * lib/thread.rb (SizedQueue#push): ditto.
+ * test/thread/test_queue.rb: add tests for the above.
+Thu Mar 7 10:40:49 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * tool/change_maker.rb (#diff2index): check Encoding::BINARY.
+ BASERUBY may still be 1.8.x.
+Thu Mar 7 08:47:42 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * NEWS (Mutex#owned?): no longer experimental.
+Sun Mar 10 23:38:15 2013 Luis Lavena <>
+ * win32/file.c (rb_file_expand_path_internal): Expand home directory when
+ used as second parameter (dir_string). [ruby-core:53168] [Bug #8034]
+ * test/ruby/test_file_exhaustive.rb: add test to verify.
+Sun Mar 10 23:27:05 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rubygems/ext/ext_conf_builder.rb (
+ it is impossible to predict which file will be installed to where,
+ by the arguments, so use intermediate destination directory always.
+ [Bug #7698]
+Sun Mar 10 17:00:22 2013 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c: edited rdoc.
+ * rational.c: ditto.
+Sun Mar 10 15:02:39 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * process.c (setup_communication_pipe): remove unused function.
+ it was unintentionally added r39683.
+Wed Mar 6 00:30:40 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * tool/gen_ruby_tapset.rb: add tapset generator.
+Wed Mar 6 03:27:43 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * probes.d (symbol-create): change argument name `string' to
+ `str'. `string' is a keyword for systemtap.
+Tue Mar 5 22:23:01 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * probes.d: added argument name
+Thu Mar 7 01:17:00 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/thread/test_queue.rb (TestQueue#test_thr_kill): reduce
+ iterations from 2000 to 250. When running on uniprocessor
+ systems, every th.kill needs TIME_QUANTUM_USEC time (i.e.
+ 100msec on posix systems). Because, " 1" is 3 steps
+ operations that 1) release GVL 2) read 3) acquire gvl and
+ (1) invoke context switch to main thread. and then, main
+ thread's th.kill resume (1), but not (2). Thus read interrupt
+ need TIME_QUANTUM_USEC. Then maximum iteration is 30sec/100msec
+ = 300.
+Thu Mar 7 00:14:51 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (rb_update_max_fd): use ATOMIC_CAS because this function
+ is used from timer thread too.
+Wed Mar 6 23:30:21 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (ARRAY_SIZE): new.
+ * thread_pthread.c (gvl_acquire_common): use low priority
+ notification for avoiding timer thread interval confusion.
+ If we use timer_thread_pipe[1], every gvl_yield() request
+ one more gvl_yield(). It lead to thread starvation.
+ [Bug #7999] [ruby-core:53095]
+ * thread_pthread.c (rb_reserved_fd_p): adds timer_thread_pipe_low
+ to reserved fds.
+Wed Mar 6 22:36:19 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (rb_thread_wakeup_timer_thread_fd): add fd
+ argument and remove hardcoded dependency of timer_thread_pipe[1].
+ * thread_pthread.c (consume_communication_pipe): add fd argument.
+ * thread_pthread.c (close_communication_pipe): ditto.
+ * thread_pthread.c (timer_thread_sleep): adjust the above changes.
+ * thread_pthread.c (setup_communication_pipe_internal): factor
+ out pipe initialize logic.
+Wed Mar 6 22:56:14 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (ubf_select): add to small comments why we
+ need to call rb_thread_wakeup_timer_thread().
+Wed Mar 6 21:42:24 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (rb_thread_create_timer_thread): factor out
+ creating communication pipe logic into separate function.
+ * thread_pthread.c (setup_communication_pipe): new helper function.
+ * thread_pthread.c (set_nonblock): moves a definition before
+ setup_communication_pipe.
+Sun Mar 3 02:42:29 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (consume_communication_pipe): retry when
+ read returned CCP_READ_BUFF_SIZE.
+Wed Mar 6 21:31:35 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (timer_thread_sleep): use poll() instead of
+ select(). select doesn't work if timer_thread_pipe[0] is
+ greater than FD_SETSIZE.
+ * thread_pthread.c (USE_SLEEPY_TIMER_THREAD): add a dependency
+ against poll.
+Wed Mar 6 21:00:23 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (USE_SLEEPY_TIMER_THREAD): use more accurate
+ ifdef conditions.
+Sun Mar 3 02:30:36 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (set_nonblock): new helper function for set
+ * thread_pthread.c (rb_thread_create_timer_thread): set O_NONBLOCK
+ to timer_thread_pipe[0] too.
+Sun Mar 10 09:12:51 2013 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * complex.c: described syntax of string form.
+ * rational.c: ditto.
+Sat Mar 9 11:58:39 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (w_extended): check for prepended object.
+ [ruby-core:53206] [Bug #8043]
+Sat Mar 9 08:36:58 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * load.c (features_index_add_single, rb_feature_p): store single index
+ as Fixnum to reduce the number of arrays for the indexes. based on
+ the patch by tmm1 (Aman Gupta) in [ruby-core:53216] [Bug #8048].
+Sat Mar 9 00:25:57 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): load prepended objects. treat the class of
+ extended object in the included modules as prepended singleton
+ class. [ruby-core:53202] [Bug #8041]
+Fri Mar 8 19:44:00 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * man/rake.1, man/ruby.1: Use the Pa macro to make URLs stand out.
+Fri Mar 8 13:20:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_f_pathname): rdoc for Pathname()
+Fri Mar 8 12:00:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * man/rake.1: Document ENVIRONMENT variables on RAKE(1) manpage
+Fri Mar 8 10:44:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpproxy.rb: Fix typos in HTTPProxyServer [Bug #8013]
+ Patch by Nobuhiro IMAI [ruby-core:53127]
+Fri Mar 8 03:16:15 2013 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * class.c (rb_mod_ancestors): Include singleton_class in ancestors
+ list [Feature #8035]
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb (class): test for above
+ * test/ruby/marshaltestlib.rb (module): adapt test
+ * NEWS: list change
+Thu Mar 7 14:21:37 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): pass keyword arguments to zsuper,
+ with current values. [ruby-core:53114] [Bug #8008]
+Thu Mar 7 12:53:47 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/commands/setup_command.rb: Install .pem files.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_commands_setup_command.rb: Test for the
+ above.
+ * lib/rubygems/spec_fetcher.rb: Test HTTPS upgrade with URI::HTTPS,
+ not URI::HTTP. Fixes bug in automatic HTTPS upgrade.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_spec_fetcher.rb: Test for the above.
+ * lib/rubygems.rb: Version 2.0.2
+ * lib/rubygems/test_utilities.rb: Ensure scheme and uri class match.
+Thu Mar 7 10:39:04 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb (gem): Gem.ensure_gem_subdirectories now has mode
+ option since r39607. refix of r38870.
+Wed Mar 6 13:14:28 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_spec_fetcher.rb: Removed unused variable.
+Wed Mar 6 08:10:15 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_require.rb: Fix tests when 'a.rb' exists.
+ [ruby-trunk - Bug #7749]
+Wed Mar 6 08:00:59 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems.rb: Allow specification of directory permissions.
+ [ruby-trunk - Bug #7713]
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem.rb: Test for the above.
+Wed Mar 6 07:40:21 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/commands/query_command.rb: Only fetch remote specs when
+ showing details. [ruby-trunk - Bug #8019] RubyGems bug #487
+ * lib/rubygems/remote_fetcher.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rubygems/security/policy.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_commands_query_command.rb: Test for the
+ above.
+ * lib/rubygems/security.rb: Make OpenSSL optional for RubyGems.
+ * lib/rubygems/commands/cert_command.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rubygems/config_file.rb: Display file with YAML error, not
+ ~/.gemrc
+ * lib/rubygems/remote_fetcher.rb: Only create gem subdirectories when
+ installing gems.
+ * lib/rubygems/dependency_resolver.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rubygems/test_utilities.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_commands_fetch_command.rb: Test for the
+ above.
+ * lib/rubygems/spec_fetcher.rb: Only try to upgrade
+ to HTTPS
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_spec_fetcher.rb: Test for the above.
+ * lib/rubygems.rb: Update win_platform? check for JRuby compatibility.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_installer.rb: Update for Ruby 1.9.2
+ compatibility
+Wed Mar 6 01:19:28 2013 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_with_index, lazy_take): use INT2FIX(0)
+ instead of INT2NUM(0).
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigMath_s_exp): ditto.
+ * ext/fiddle/function.c (function_call): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509store.c (ossl_x509store_initialize): ditto.
+ * process.c (proc_getsid): ditto.
+ * transcode.c (econv_finish): ditto.
+Tue Mar 5 21:36:43 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c (rb_prepend_module): check redefinition of built-in optimized
+ methods. [ruby-dev:47124] [Bug #7983]
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_check_redefinition_by_prepend): ditto.
+Tue Mar 5 20:29:25 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (mnew): revert r39224. [ruby-core:53038] [Bug #7988]
+Tue Mar 5 20:23:54 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_check_arity): make a static inline
+ function so it can be used as an expression and argc would be
+ evaluated only once.
+Tue Mar 5 12:30:55 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems.rb: Bump version to 2.0.1 for upcoming bugfix release
+ * lib/rubygems/ext/ext_conf_builder.rb: Restore ruby 1.8 compatibility
+ for [Bug #7698]
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_installer.rb: Ditto.
+ * lib/rubygems/package.rb: Restore ruby 1.8 compatibility.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_dependency_installer.rb: Fix warnings
+Tue Mar 5 12:24:23 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_with_index): Restore handling of a nil memo
+ from r39594.
+Tue Mar 5 10:40:22 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c (count_nodes): count also newly added nodes,
+ and fix key for unknown node. patch by tmm1 (Aman Gupta) in
+ [ruby-core:53130] [Bug #8014]
+Tue Mar 5 10:20:16 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_with_index_i): allow Bignum as offset, to
+ get rid of conversion exception and integer overflow.
+ [ruby-dev:47131] [Bug #8010]
+ * numeric.c (rb_int_succ, rb_int_pred): shortcut optimization for
+ Bignum.
+Tue Mar 5 10:02:48 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rubygems/ext/ext_conf_builder.rb (
+ clear DESTDIR so RUBYARCHDIR and RUBYLIBDIR are not be overridden.
+ [Bug #7698]
+Mon Mar 4 15:33:40 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rubygems/ext/ext_conf_builder.rb (
+ fix for unusual cases again. install to a temporary directory once
+ and move installed files to the destination directory, if it is same
+ as the current directory. [Bug #7698]
+Mon Mar 4 14:13:36 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (miniruby, ruby): move MAINLIBC because linker arguments
+ must appear after object files with newer versions of gcc. patch by
+ tmm1 (Aman Gupta) in [ruby-core:53121] [Bug #8009]
+Mon Mar 4 10:23:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * encoding.c: Typo in Encoding overview by Tom Wardrop [GH fixes #255]
+Sun Mar 3 12:35:08 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (MakeMakefile#libpath_env): set runtime library path for
+ the case rpath is disabled.
+Sun Mar 3 12:17:47 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rubygems/ext/ext_conf_builder.rb
+ (Gem::Ext::ExtConfBuilder.hack_for_obsolete_style_gems): remove
+ circular dependencies in install-so too. [ruby-core:52882]
+ [Bug #7698]
+Sun Mar 3 07:33:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/socket/tcpserver.c: Grammar for from r39554
+Sun Mar 3 01:17:20 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rubygems/ext/ext_conf_builder.rb
+ (Gem::Ext::ExtConfBuilder.hack_for_obsolete_style_gems): remove
+ circular dependencies for old style gems which locate extconf.rb on
+ the toplevel. [ruby-core:53059] [ruby-trunk - Bug #7698]
+ * lib/rubygems/ext/ext_conf_builder.rb (
+ use RUBYOPT instead of -r option, and revert some tests. [Bug #7698]
+ * lib/rubygems/ext/ext_conf_builder.rb (
+ revert use of temporary directory for build, to work some buggy
+ extconf.rb which cannot build outside the source directory.
+ [ruby-core:53056] [Bug #7698]
+Sun Mar 3 00:04:20 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/depend (CPPFLAGS), lib/mkmf.rb (MakeMakefile#create_makefile):
+ define RUBY_EXPORT for static-linked-ext mswin. [Bug #7960]
+Sat Mar 2 22:49:47 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (ENCOBJS, EXTOBJS, config.h): definitions for
+ static-linked-ext. [Bug #7960]
+Sat Mar 2 17:34:19 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/webrick/utils.rb: use Socket.tcp_server_sockets to create server
+ sockets.
+ fix [Bug #7100]
+ reported by sho-h (Sho Hashimoto).
+Sat Mar 2 02:45:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * array.c: typo in comment patch by Nami-Doc [Github fixes #253]
+Sat Mar 2 01:33:17 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * Merge Onigmo 0fe387da2fee089254f6b04990541c731a26757f
+ v5.13.3 [Bug#7972] [Bug#7974]
+Fri Mar 1 11:09:06 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: Revert r34669 which altered the way
+ metaprogramming in FileUtils occurred. [ruby-trunk - Bug #7958]
+ * test/fileutils/visibility_tests.rb: Refactored tests of FileUtils
+ options modules to expose bug found in #7958
+ * test/fileutils/test_dryrun.rb: ditto.
+ * test/fileutils/test_nowrite.rb: ditto.
+ * test/fileutils/test_verbose.rb: ditto.
+Fri Mar 1 09:18:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/psych.rb: specify in rdoc what object is returned in parser
+ By Adam Stankiewicz [Github tenderlove/psych#133]
+Fri Mar 1 07:21:41 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/ext/builder.rb: Fix incompatibilities when installing
+ extensions. Patch by Nobu.
+ [ruby-trunk - Bug #7698] [ruby-trunk - Bug #7971]
+ * lib/rubygems/ext/ext_conf_builder.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rubygems/installer.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_ext_ext_conf_builder.rb: Test for the above.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_installer.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rubygems/commands/sources_command.rb: Prefer HTTPS over HTTP.
+ * lib/rubygems/defaults.rb: ditto
+ * lib/rubygems/dependency_resolver.rb: Ditto.
+ * lib/rubygems/source.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rubygems/spec_fetcher.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rubygems/specification.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rubygems/test_utilities.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem.rb: Test for the above.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_commands_sources_command.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_dependency_resolver_api_set.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_remote_fetcher.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_source.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_spec_fetcher.rb: ditto.
+Fri Mar 1 03:25:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych.rb: rdoc for Psych overview by Adam Stankiewicz
+ [Github tenderlove/psych#134]
+Thu Feb 28 22:57:48 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): remove redundant trace(line)
+ instruction. for example, at the following script
+ def m()
+ p:xyzzy
+ 1
+ 2
+ end
+ compiler ignores `1' because there is no effect. However,
+ `trace(line)' instruction remains in bytecode.
+ This modification removes such redundant trace(line) instruction.
+ * test/ruby/test_iseq.rb: add a test.
+Thu Feb 28 22:23:27 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (inspect_sockaddr): don't show that Unix
+ domain socket filename is bigger than sizeof(sun_path).
+ This limit is not rigid on some platforms such as Darwin and SunOS.
+Thu Feb 28 21:33:01 2013 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * avoid warning "WARNING:
+ Unrecognized options: --with-PACKAGE".
+Thu Feb 28 20:22:04 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c (iseq_data_to_ary): fix condition.
+ r34303 introduces a bug to avoid all line information from
+ a result of ISeq#to_a. This is a regression problem from 2.0.0p0.
+ * test/ruby/test_iseq.rb: add a test of lines after ISeq#to_a.
+Thu Feb 28 08:20:33 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/available_set.rb: Undent for style
+ * lib/rubygems/dependency_installer.rb: Pick latest prerelease gem to
+ install. Fixes RubyGems bug #468.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_dependency_installer.rb: Test for the above.
+ * lib/rubygems/dependency_installer.rb: Don't display "Done installing
+ documentation" if documentation will not be installed.
+ * lib/rubygems/rdoc.rb: ditto
+ * lib/rubygems/dependency_list.rb: Use Array#concat for Ruby 1.x
+ performance.
+ * lib/rubygems/installer.rb: Use formatted program name when comparing
+ executables. RubyGems pull request #471
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_installer.rb: Test for the above.
+ * lib/rubygems/package.rb: Use more explicit feature check to work
+ around JRuby bug #552
+ * lib/rubygems/ssl_certs/GeoTrust_Global_CA.pem: Added GeoTrust root
+ certificate.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_source_list.rb: Use "example" instead of real
+ hostname
+Thu Feb 28 05:57:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * thread.c: rdoc formatting for Thread, ThreadGroup, and ThreadError
+Thu Feb 28 02:42:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * vm.c: Typo in overview for example of Thread#status returning false
+ Reported by Lee Jarvis
+Wed Feb 27 22:54:27 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h (union_sockaddr): make it longer for SunOS
+ and Darwin.
+Wed Feb 27 21:14:34 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/security.rb (REXML::Security): create.
+ * lib/rexml/rexml.rb: move entity_expansion_limit and
+ entity_expansion_text_limit accessors to ...
+ * lib/rexml/security.rb: ... here.
+ * lib/rexml/document.rb: use REXML::Security.
+ * lib/rexml/text.rb: use REXML::Security.
+ * test/rexml/test_document.rb: use REXML::Security.
+Wed Feb 27 19:53:32 2013 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * vm.c (Thread): fix typos in overview
+Wed Feb 27 13:21:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * vm.c (Thread): Typo in overview, swap setting and getting
+Wed Feb 27 13:02:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * vm.c (Thread): Documentation overview of Thread class
+Wed Feb 27 12:57:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_wakeup): rdoc formatting
+Wed Feb 27 12:53:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_group): rdoc formatting
+Wed Feb 27 12:33:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/ostruct.rb: Typo in OpenStruct overview [Github Fixes #251]
+ Patch by Chun-wei Kuo
+Wed Feb 27 12:13:32 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * vm_exec.h (END_INSN): llvm-gcc may optimize out reg_cfp and cause
+ Stack/cfp consistency error when the instruction doesn't use reg_cfp.
+ Usually instructions use PUSH() but for example trace doesn't.
+ This hack cause speed down but you shouldn't use llvm-gcc, use clang.
+ [Bug #7938]
+Wed Feb 27 10:23:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * thread.c (thread_raise_m): rdoc formatting
+Tue Feb 26 23:32:44 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/document.rb: move entity_expansion_limit accessor to ...
+ * lib/rexml/rexml.rb: ... here for consistency.
+ * lib/rexml/document.rb (REXML::Document.entity_expansion_limit):
+ deprecated.
+ * lib/rexml/document.rb (REXML::Document.entity_expansion_limit=):
+ deprecated.
+Tue Feb 26 23:26:13 2013 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/document.rb: move entity_expansion_text_limit accessor to ...
+ * lib/rexml/rexml.rb: ... here to make rexml/text independent from
+ REXML::Document. It causes circular require.
+ * lib/rexml/document.rb (REXML::Document.entity_expansion_text_limit):
+ deprecated.
+ * lib/rexml/document.rb (REXML::Document.entity_expansion_text_limit=):
+ deprecated.
+ * lib/rexml/text.rb: add missing require "rexml/rexml" for
+ REXML.entity_expansion_text_limit.
+ Reported by Robert Ulejczyk. Thanks!!! [ruby-core:52895] [Bug #7961]
+Tue Feb 26 15:12:11 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/mkconfig.rb: reconstruct comma separated list values. a
+ command line to Windows batch file is split not only by spaces
+ and equal signs but also by commas and semicolons.
+Tue Feb 26 15:04:19 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (unexpand_shvar): get rid of non-portable shell
+ behavior on OpenBSD, so no extra quotes. [Bug #7959]
+Tue Feb 26 10:24:49 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (IS_LABEL_POSSIBLE): allow labels for keyword arguments just
+ after method definition without a parenthesis. [ruby-core:52820]
+ [Bug #7942]
+Tue Feb 26 04:50:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * error.c: clarify reason for sleep in SignalException example
+Tue Feb 26 03:47:00 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * error.c: clarify a document of SignalException. Process.kill()
+ doesn't have any guarantee when signal will be delivered.
+ [Bug #7951] [ruby-core:52864]
+Mon Feb 25 23:51:04 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/version.h: bump RUBY_API_VERSION same as RUBY_VERSION.
+Mon Feb 25 21:03:34 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (str_byte_substr): don't set coderange if it's not known.
+ [Bug #7954] [ruby-dev:47108]
+Mon Feb 25 16:47:02 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (realclean-local): miniprelude.c is made by srcs, so it
+ should not removed by distclean but by realclean. [Bug #6807]
+Mon Feb 25 16:30:30 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/config_file.rb: Lazily load .gem/credentials to only
+ check permissions when necessary. RubyGems bug #465
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_config_file.rb: Test for the above.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_commands_push_command.rb: Remove duplicated
+ test.
+Mon Feb 25 15:47:18 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/depend (ARFLAGS): VisualC++ linker does not allow spaces between
+ output option and the output file name. [Bug #7950]
+ * enc/depend (RANLIB): set default command to do nothing, or make the
+ entire line a label on Windows.
+Mon Feb 25 14:41:07 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (MakeMakefile#init_mkmf): default libdirname to libdir.
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb: ditto.
+Mon Feb 25 13:12:39 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (setup): find Setup file from target_os 1. by
+ suffix (e.g. Setup.nacl, Setup.atheos), 2. by "platform"
+ option (e.g. Setup.nt, Setup.emx), and 3. default Setup. And
+ had been removed.
+Mon Feb 25 12:48:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * thread.c: Document Thread::new, clean up ::fork and mention calling
+ super if subclassing Thread
+Mon Feb 25 12:38:50 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: don't test ss_family and ss_len member of
+ struct sockaddr_storage. They are not used now except SunOS
+ specific code.
+Mon Feb 25 11:03:38 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * (unexpand_shvar): Use the numeric comparison
+ operator instead of '==' which is a ksh extension. [Bug #7941]
+Mon Feb 25 02:37:56 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket: define and use union_sockaddr instead of struct
+ sockaddr_storage for less casts.
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h (union_sockaddr): defined.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_accept): use union_sockaddr.
+ (sock_accept_nonblock): ditto.
+ (sock_sysaccept): ditto.
+ (sock_s_getnameinfo): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/basicsocket.c (bsock_getsockname): ditto.
+ (bsock_getpeername): ditto.
+ (bsock_local_address): ditto.
+ (bsock_remote_address): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (bsock_recvmsg_internal): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/init.c (recvfrom_arg): ditto.
+ (recvfrom_blocking): ditto.
+ (rsock_s_recvfrom): ditto.
+ (rsock_s_recvfrom_nonblock): ditto.
+ (rsock_getfamily): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (rb_addrinfo_t): ditto.
+ (ai_get_afamily): ditto.
+ (inspect_sockaddr): ditto.
+ (addrinfo_mdump): ditto.
+ (addrinfo_mload): ditto.
+ (addrinfo_getnameinfo): ditto.
+ (addrinfo_ip_port): ditto.
+ (extract_in_addr): ditto.
+ (addrinfo_ipv6_to_ipv4): ditto.
+ (addrinfo_unix_path): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/tcpserver.c (tcp_accept): ditto.
+ (tcp_accept_nonblock): ditto.
+ (tcp_sysaccept): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/ipsocket.c (ip_addr): ditto.
+ (ip_peeraddr): ditto.
+ (ip_s_getaddress): ditto.
+Sun Feb 24 21:15:05 2013 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: [ruby-core:52303]
+Sun Feb 24 15:33:46 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (rb_random_ulong_limited): limit is inclusive, but generic
+ rand method should return a number less than it, so increase for the
+ difference. [ruby-core:52779] [Bug #7935]
+Sun Feb 24 15:32:36 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (rb_random_ulong_limited): limit is inclusive, but generic
+ rand method should return a number less than it, so increase for the
+ difference. [ruby-core:52779] [Bug #7935]
+Sun Feb 24 15:14:43 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: Removed duplicate Accept-Encoding in Net::HTTP#get.
+ [ruby-trunk - Bug #7924]
+ * test/net/http/test_http.rb: Test for the above.
+Wed Feb 20 14:28:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * thread.c: Document ThreadGroup::Default
+Wed Feb 20 14:23:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * thread.c: Grammar for #backtrace_locations and ::handle_interrupt
+Sun Feb 24 13:35:57 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method): block level control frame does not
+ have method entry, so obtain the method entry from method top-level
+ control frame to be compared with refined method entry.
+ [ruby-core:52750] [Bug #7925]
+Wed Feb 20 13:23:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * object.c: Document methods receiving string and convert to symbol
+ Patch by Stefan Rusterholz
+ * vm_eval.c: ditto
+ * vm_method.c: ditto
+Wed Feb 20 07:20:56 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * signal.c (sigsegv): suppress unused result warning. Because
+ write(2) is marked __warn_unused_result__ on Linux glibc.
+Sun Feb 24 07:50:53 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_set_arguments): no keyword check if any keyword rest
+ argument exists, even unnamed. [ruby-core:52744] [Bug #7922]
+Sat Feb 23 16:51:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * thread.c: Documentation for Thread#backtrace_locations
+Sat Feb 23 16:05:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * vm.c: Typo in ObjectSpace::WeakMap overview
+Sat Feb 23 16:00:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * thread.c: Improved rdoc for ::handle_interrupt, ::pending_interrupt?
+ and #pending_interrupt?
+Sat Feb 23 12:26:43 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * misc/ruby-electric.el (ruby-electric-curlies)
+ (ruby-electric-matching-char, ruby-electric-bar): Avoid electric
+ insertion when there is a prefix argument.
+ * misc/ruby-electric.el (ruby-electric-insert)
+ (ruby-electric-cua-replace-region-p)
+ (ruby-electric-cua-replace-region): Avoid electric insertion and
+ fall back when cua-mode is enabled and a region is active.
+Sat Feb 23 12:35:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * array.c: Document #<=> return values and formatting
+ * bignum.c: ditto
+ * file.c: ditto
+ * object.c: ditto
+ * numeric.c: ditto
+ * rational.c: ditto
+ * string.c: ditto
+ * time.c: ditto
+Sat Feb 23 10:50:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_diff, rb_ary_and, rb_ary_or): Document return order
+ [RubySpec #7803]
+Sat Feb 23 10:17:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_comp): Documenting Object#<=> return values
+ Patch by Stefan Rusterholz
+Sat Feb 23 09:48:41 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (file_s_fnmatch, fnmatch_brace): encoding-incompatible pattern
+ and string do not match, instead of exception. [ruby-dev:47069]
+ [Bug #7911]
+Sat Feb 23 08:57:46 2013 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * doc/NEWS-*: Update NEWS from their respective branches
+Sat Feb 23 08:14:43 2013 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * NEWS: many additions for Ruby 2.0.0
+ * object.c: Add doc for Module.prepended
+Sat Feb 23 07:52:53 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * template/ reorder library flags which may refer library
+ names. [Bug #7913]
+Fri Feb 22 23:46:20 2013 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * lib/rexml/document.rb (REXML::Document.entity_expansion_text_limit):
+ fix a typo in comment in r39384.
+Fri Feb 22 18:31:46 2013 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * lib/rexml/document.rb (REXML::Document.entity_expansion_text_limit):
+ new attribute to read/write entity expansion text limit. the default
+ limit is 10Kb.
+ * lib/rexml/text.rb (REXML::Text.unnormalize): check above attribute.
+Fri Feb 22 17:36:23 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/test_rbconfig.rb (TestRbConfig): fix r39372.
+ It must see RbConfig::CONFIG instead of CONFIG.
+Fri Feb 22 14:55:41 2013 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * signal.c (ruby_abort): fix typo in r39354 [Bug #5014]
+Fri Feb 22 12:46:41 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (rb_random_ulong_limited): fix error message for negative
+ value. [ruby-dev:47061] [Bug #7903]
+Fri Feb 22 11:36:45 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/test_rbconfig.rb (TestRbConfig): skip user defined values by
+ configuration options. [Bug #7902]
+Fri Feb 22 11:33:42 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (MakeMakefile#init_mkmf): adjust default library path
+ for multiarch. [Bug #7874]
+Fri Feb 22 11:10:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * enum.c (Enumerable#chunk: Improved examples, grammar, and formatting
+ Patch by Dan Bernier and Rich Bruchal of newhaven.rb
+ [Github documenting-ruby/ruby#8]
+Fri Feb 22 11:00:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * numeric.c: Examples and formatting for Numeric and Float
+ Based on a patch by Zach Morek and Oren K of newhaven.rb
+ [Github documenting-ruby/ruby#5]
+Fri Feb 22 07:04:41 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/installer.rb (build_extensions): Create extension
+ install destination before building extension. Patch by Kenta Murata.
+ [ruby-trunk - Bug #7897]
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_installer.rb: Test for the above.
+Fri Feb 22 06:30:57 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/globals.rdoc: Document what setting $DEBUG does.
+ * doc/globals.rdoc: Added pointer to $-d for full documentation.
+Fri Feb 22 06:27:07 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/globals.rdoc: Document what setting $VERBOSE does. [Bug #7899]
+ * doc/globals.rdoc: Added pointer to $-w and $-v for full
+ documentation.
+Fri Feb 22 02:33:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/abbrev.rb: Add words parameter to Abbrev::abbrev
+ Patch by Devin Weaver [Github documenting-ruby/ruby#7]
+Thu Feb 21 17:28:14 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/merger.rb: add interaction when only ChangeLog is modified.
+Thu Feb 21 16:34:46 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * signal.c (check_stack_overflow): extract duplicated code and get rid
+ of declaration-after-statement. [Bug #5014]
+Thu Feb 21 14:14:13 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * signal.c (sigsegv): avoid to use async signal unsafe functions
+ when nested sigsegv is happen.
+ [Bug #5014] [ruby-dev:44082]
+Thu Feb 21 13:47:59 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * file.c (rb_group_member): added an error check. SUS says,
+ getgroups(small_value) may return EINVAL.
+Thu Feb 21 13:37:07 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * process.c (RB_MAX_GROUPS): moved to
+ * internal.h (RB_MAX_GROUPS): here.
+ * file.c (rb_group_member): use RB_MAX_GROUPS instead of
+ RUBY_GROUP_MAX. They are the same.
+Thu Feb 21 13:15:40 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * file.c (access_internal): removed.
+ * file.c (rb_file_readable_real): use access() instead of
+ access_internal().
+ * file.c (rb_file_writable_real): ditto.
+ * file.c (rb_file_executable_real): ditto.
+Thu Feb 21 13:04:59 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * file.c (eaccess): use access() when not using setuid nor setgid.
+ This is minor optimization.
+Thu Feb 21 12:56:19 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * file.c (rb_group_member): get rid of NGROUPS dependency.
+ [Bug #7886] [ruby-core:52537]
+Thu Feb 21 12:45:03 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (ruby_init_loadpath_safe): try two levels upper for stripping
+ libdir name. [Bug #7874]
+ * (libdir_basename): expand with multiarch in configure,
+ not to defer the expansion till and mkmf.rb. [Bug #7874]
+ * (libdir_basename): also -rpath and -install_name flags
+ are affected when libruby directory changes. [Bug #7874]
+Wed Feb 20 19:27:02 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (HAVE_RB_SCAN_ARGS_OPTIONAL_HASH): for
+ rb_scan_args() optional hash feature. [Bug #7861]
+Wed Feb 20 18:02:26 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (target_os): do not strip -gnu suffix on Linux if
+ --target is given explicitly. [Bug #7874]
+ * (libdirname): adjust library path name which libruby
+ files will be installed. [Bug #7874]
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb (libdir): ditto.
+Wed Feb 20 13:37:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/pty/pty.c: Documentation for the PTY module
+Wed Feb 20 12:18:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * object.c: Document Data class [Bug #7890] [ruby-core:52549]
+ Patch by Matthew Mongeau
+Wed Feb 20 11:50:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/mutex_m.rb: Add rdoc for Mutex_m module
+Wed Feb 20 09:34:43 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/commands/update_command.rb: Create the installer after
+ options are processed. [ruby-trunk - Bug #7779]
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_commands_update_command.rb: Test for the
+ above.
+Wed Feb 20 07:51:19 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/installer.rb: Use gsub instead of gsub! to avoid
+ altering @bin_dir. Fixes tests on windows. [ruby-trunk - Bug #7885]
+Tue Feb 19 20:50:00 2013 Kenta MURATA <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.gemspec: bump to 1.2.0.
+ [ruby-core:51777] [Bug #7761]
+Tue Feb 19 13:07:25 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/syslog/syslog.c (Init_syslog): Define inspect as a singleton
+ method and remove it as an instance method. [Bug #6502]
+Tue Feb 19 12:30:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * object.c: rdoc formatting for Kernel#Array()
+ * array.c: Add rdoc for Array() method to Creating Arrays section
+Tue Feb 19 10:35:52 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c (class OpenSSL): Use only inner parenthesis in
+ create_extension examples.
+Tue Feb 19 10:27:12 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c (class OpenSSL): Fixed ExtensionFactory example.
+ Patch by Richard Bradley. [ruby-trunk - Bug #7551]
+Tue Feb 19 08:32:11 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (vm_call0_body): check interrupts after method dispatch
+ from C methods. [Bug #7878]
+Tue Feb 19 08:14:40 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/installer.rb: Fixed placement of executables with
+ --user-install. [ruby-trunk - Bug #7779]
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_installer.rb: Test for above.
+Tue Feb 19 06:04:06 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * vm_dump: FreeBSD ports' libexecinfo's backtrace(3) can't trace
+ beyond signal trampoline, and as described in r38342 it can't
+ trace on -O because it see stack frame pointers.
+ libunwind unw_backtrace see dwarf information in the binary
+ and it works with -O (without frame pointers).
+ * remove r38342's hack and check libunwind.
+Tue Feb 19 04:26:29 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * check whether backtrace(3) works well or not.
+ * vm_dump.c: set HAVE_BACKTRACE 0 if BROKEN_BACKTRACE.
+Mon Feb 18 16:30:18 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/ipaddr.rb (IPAddr#in6_addr): Fix a typo with the closing
+ parenthesis.
+Mon Feb 18 12:32:24 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/ipaddr.rb (IPAddr#in6_addr): Fix the parser so that it can
+ recognize IPv6 addresses with only one edge 16-bit piece
+ compressed, like [::2:3:4:5:6:7:8] or [1:2:3:4:5:6:7::].
+ [Bug #7477]
+Mon Feb 18 10:09:54 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (unexpand_shvar): regularize a shell variable by
+ unexpanding shell variables in it.
+Sun Feb 17 20:55:44 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compar.c (rb_invcmp): compare by inversed comparison, with preventing
+ from infinite recursion. [ruby-core:52305] [Bug #7870]
+ * string.c (rb_str_cmp_m), time.c (time_cmp): get rid of infinite
+ recursion.
+Sun Feb 17 17:23:22 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: remove extra topdir in VPATH, which was in
+ win32/Makefile.sub for some reason and moved from there.
+ [ruby-dev:46998] [Bug #7864]
+Sun Feb 17 01:19:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/y.rb: Document Kernel#y by Adam Stankiewicz
+ [Github tenderlove/psych#127]
+Sun Feb 17 00:52:14 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/mkconfig.rb: remove prefix from rubyarchdir.
+ r39267 expands variables, it changes expansion timing,
+ breaks RbConfig::CONFIG["includedir"] and building
+ extension libraries with installed ruby.
+Sat Feb 16 20:51:17 2013 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * vm.c (ENV_IN_HEAP_P): fix off-by-one error.
+Sat Feb 16 20:47:16 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * (LIBRUBY_DLDFLAGS): Fix a bug where --with-opt-dir
+ options given were not reflected to LIBRUBY_DLDFLAGS on many
+ platforms including Linux and other GNU-based systems, NetBSD,
+ AIX and BeOS.
+Sat Feb 16 20:43:20 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (rsock_recvmsg): ignore truncated part of
+ socket address returned from recvmsg().
+ * ext/socket/init.c (recvfrom_blocking): ignore truncated part of
+ socket address returned from recvfrom().
+ (rsock_s_recvfrom_nonblock): ditto.
+Sat Feb 16 20:05:26 2013 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb: fixed typo
+ patched by Hiroki Matsue via
+Sat Feb 16 16:08:35 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (rb_thread_mark): mark a working Proc of bmethod
+ (a method defined by define_method) even if the method was removed.
+ We could not trace working Proc object which represents the body
+ of bmethod if the method was removed (alias/undef/overridden).
+ Simply, it was mark miss.
+ This patch by Kazuki Tsujimoto. [Bug #7825]
+ NOTE: We can brush up this marking because we do not need to mark
+ `me' on each living control frame. We need to mark `me's
+ only if `me' was free'ed. This is future work after Ruby 2.0.0.
+ * test/ruby/test_method.rb: add a test.
+Sat Feb 16 15:45:56 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * proc.c (rb_binding_new_with_cfp): create binding object even if
+ the frame is IFUNC. But return a ruby-level binding to keep
+ compatibility.
+ This patch fix degradation introduced from r39067.
+ [Bug #7774] [ruby-dev:46960]
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: add a test.
+Sat Feb 16 13:40:13 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (shvar_to_cpp): do not substitute exec_prefix itself
+ with RUBY_EXEC_PREFIX, which cause recursive definition.
+ [ruby-core:52296] [Bug #7860]
+Sat Feb 16 13:13:04 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/io/console/io-console.gemspec: bump to 0.4.2. now explicitly
+ requires ruby 1.9.3 or later. [Bug #7847]
+ * ext/io/console/console.c (console_dev): compatibility with ruby 1.8.
+ * ext/io/console/console.c (rawmode_opt, console_dev): compatibility
+ with ruby 1.9. [ruby-core:52220] [Bug #7847]
+Sat Feb 16 12:45:50 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * unexpand arch sitearch and exec_prefix values, so
+ directly specified bindir, libdir, rubyprefix, etc can be properly
+ substituted. [ruby-core:52296] [Bug #7860]
+Sat Feb 16 12:15:20 2013 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * parse.y: add dtrace probe for symbol create.
+ * probes.d: ditto
+Sat Feb 16 09:27:37 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: don't test sys/feature_tests.h which is not
+ used now.
+ It was included in r7901 as "bug of gcc 3.0 on Solaris 8 ?".
+Sat Feb 16 09:24:37 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: reorder header tests to consider inclusion
+ order in rubysocket.h.
+Sat Feb 16 08:42:58 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ *, ext/socket/extconf.rb: test netinet/in_systm.h in
+ ext/socket/extconf.rb instead of
+ Originally, netinet/in_systm.h is included for NextStep, OpenStep,
+ and Rhapsody. [ruby-core:1596]
+Sat Feb 16 07:55:40 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * don't test xti.h here.
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: test xti.h here.
+ Originally, xti.h is included for IRIX [ruby-core:14447].
+Sat Feb 16 07:16:49 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: test struct sockaddr_un and its member,
+ sun_len.
+ * ext/socket/sockport.h (INIT_SOCKADDR_UN): new macro defined.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_pack_sockaddr_un): use INIT_SOCKADDR_UN.
+ * ext/socket/unixsocket.c (rsock_init_unixsock): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (init_unix_addrinfo): ditto.
+ (addrinfo_mload): ditto.
+Sat Feb 16 07:05:59 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/sockport.h (INIT_SOCKADDR_IN): don't need family
+ argument. it is always AF_INET.
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (make_inetaddr): follow INIT_SOCKADDR_IN
+ change.
+ (addrinfo_ipv6_to_ipv4): ditto.
+Sat Feb 16 04:21:07 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: workaround for mswin/mingw build problem.
+ sendmsg emulation in win32/win32.c is not enough.
+Sat Feb 16 00:19:20 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: use all all tested available headers for
+ have_func.
+Fri Feb 15 22:21:37 2013 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * Fix a bug introduced in r38342 that the cflagspat
+ substitution is messed up by the way CFLAGS and optflags are
+ modified, which affected FreeBSD and NetBSD/amd64 when
+ configured to use libexecinfo. This bug resulted in CFLAGS and
+ CXXFLAGS in RbConfig::CONFIG having warnflags expanded in them,
+ forcing third-party C/C++ extensions to follow what warnflags
+ demands, like ANSI/ISO-C90 conformance. ref [Bug #7101]
+Fri Feb 15 20:29:11 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/sockport.h (SET_SIN_LEN): defined for strict-aliasing
+ rule.
+ (INIT_SOCKADDR_IN): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (make_inetaddr): use INIT_SOCKADDR_IN.
+ (addrinfo_ipv6_to_ipv4): ditto.
+Fri Feb 15 18:24:48 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (MakeMakefile#try_run): bail out explicitly if cross
+ compiling, because it cannot work of course.
+Fri Feb 15 12:34:58 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: test struct sockaddr_storage directly.
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h: use HAVE_TYPE_STRUCT_SOCKADDR_STORAGE.
+Fri Feb 15 12:26:13 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/getaddrinfo.c (GET_AI): don't cast 1st argument for
+Fri Feb 15 08:12:11 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/sockport.h (SET_SS_LEN): removed.
+ (SET_SIN_LEN): removed.
+ (INIT_SOCKADDR): new macro.
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (extract_ipv6_pktinfo): use INIT_SOCKADDR.
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (make_inetaddr): use INIT_SOCKADDR.
+ (addrinfo_ipv6_to_ipv4): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/getaddrinfo.c (GET_AI): use INIT_SOCKADDR.
+Fri Feb 15 07:49:27 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc.rb: Update to release version of 4.0.0
+ * lib/rubygems.rb: Update to release version of 2.0.0
+Fri Feb 15 07:07:27 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/sockport.h (SA_LEN): removed because unused now.
+ (SS_LEN): ditto.
+ (SIN_LEN): ditto.
+Thu Feb 14 10:45:31 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (test_setsid): Added a workaround for
+ MacOS X. Patch by nagachika. [Bug #7826] [ruby-core:52126]
+Fri Feb 15 00:15:31 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/sockport.h (VALIDATE_SOCKLEN): new macro to validate
+ sa_len member of 4.4BSD socket address.
+ * ext/socket/getnameinfo.c (getnameinfo): use VALIDATE_SOCKLEN,
+ instead of SA_LEN.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_getnameinfo): use VALIDATE_SOCKLEN
+ instead of SS_LEN.
+Thu Feb 14 22:25:54 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sockaddr_len): extracted from sockaddr_obj.
+ (sockaddr_obj): add an argument to length of socket address.
+ (socket_s_ip_address_list): call sockaddr_obj with actual socket
+ address length if given, use sockaddr_len otherwise.
+Thu Feb 14 20:11:23 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket: always operate length of socket address companion with
+ socket address.
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h (rsock_make_ipaddr): add an argument for
+ socket address length.
+ (rsock_ipaddr): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/ipsocket.c (ip_addr): pass length to rsock_ipaddr.
+ (ip_peeraddr): ditto.
+ (ip_s_getaddress): pass length to rsock_make_ipaddr.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (make_addrinfo): pass length to rsock_ipaddr.
+ (sock_s_getnameinfo): pass actual address length to rb_getnameinfo.
+ (sock_s_unpack_sockaddr_in): pass length to rsock_make_ipaddr.
+ * ext/socket/init.c (rsock_s_recvfrom): pass length to rsock_ipaddr.
+ (rsock_s_recvfrom_nonblock): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/tcpsocket.c (tcp_sockaddr): pass length to
+ rsock_make_ipaddr.
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (make_ipaddr0): add an argument for socket
+ address length. pass the length to rb_getnameinfo.
+ (rsock_ipaddr): ditto.
+ (rsock_make_ipaddr): add an argument for socket address length.
+ pass the length to make_ipaddr0.
+ (make_inetaddr): pass length to make_ipaddr0.
+ a local variable renamed.
+ (host_str): a local variable renamed.
+ (port_str): ditto.
+Thu Feb 14 14:31:43 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: Removed OpenSSL dependency from Net::HTTP.
+ * test/net/http/test_http.rb: Remove Zlib dependency from tests.
+ * test/net/http/test_http_request.rb: ditto.
+Thu Feb 14 11:08:15 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c (include_modules_at): detect cyclic prepend with original
+ method table. [ruby-core:52205] [Bug #7841]
+Thu Feb 14 10:30:41 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_method.c: call method_removed hook on called class, not on
+ prepending iclass. [ruby-core:52207] [Bug #7843]
+Thu Feb 14 10:05:57 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/net/http: Do not handle Content-Encoding when the user sets
+ Accept-Encoding. This allows users to handle Content-Encoding for
+ themselves. This restores backwards-compatibility with Ruby 1.x.
+ [ruby-trunk - Bug #7831]
+ * lib/net/http/generic_request.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/net/http/response.rb: ditto
+ * test/net/http/test_http.rb: Test for the above.
+ * test/net/http/test_http_request.rb: ditto.
+ * test/net/http/test_httpresponse.rb: ditto.
+Thu Feb 14 08:18:47 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: don't define HAVE_SA_LEN and HAVE_SA_LEN.
+ instead.
+Wed Feb 13 20:59:48 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: don't define socklen_t here, just test.
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h: define socklen_t if not available.
+Wed Feb 13 18:37:50 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (mnew): skip prepending modules and return the method bound
+ on the given class. [ruby-core:52160] [Bug #7836]
+Wed Feb 13 18:11:59 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (method_original_name): new methods Method#original_name and
+ UnboundMethod#original_name. [ruby-core:52048] [Bug #7806]
+ * proc.c (method_inspect): show the given name primarily, and
+ original_id if aliased. [ruby-core:52048] [Bug #7806]
+Wed Feb 13 17:56:39 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (warnflags): disable -Werror by default unless
+ development. [ruby-core:52131] [Bug #7830]
+Wed Feb 13 06:05:52 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems.rb: Return BINARY strings from Gem.gzip and Gem.gunzip.
+ Fixes intermittent test failures. RubyGems issue #450 by Jeremey
+ Kemper.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem.rb: Test for the above.
+Wed Feb 13 05:49:21 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: test functions just after struct members.
+Tue Feb 12 12:02:35 2013 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/json: merge JSON 1.7.7.
+ This includes security fix. [CVE-2013-0269]
+Mon Feb 11 23:08:48 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enable rb_cv_page_size_log test for MirOS BSD.
+Mon Feb 11 20:06:38 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * use -pthread on mirbsd*.
+Mon Feb 11 16:07:09 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * add SOLIBS and LIBRUBY_SO definition for mirbsd*.
+Mon Feb 11 13:17:20 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (rubysitearchprefix): sitearchdir and vendorarchdir
+ should use sitearch, not arch. [ruby-dev:46964] [Bug #7823]
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.status): site and vendor directories
+ should use sitearch, not arch. [ruby-dev:46964] [Bug #7823]
+Mon Feb 11 12:31:25 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * move OS specific header/function knowledge before
+ automatic header tests.
+Mon Feb 11 11:04:29 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * move the test for -march=i486 just after
+Sun Feb 10 23:42:26 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: test structure members just after types test.
+Sun Feb 10 20:58:17 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: test types just after headers test.
+Sun Feb 10 16:00:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/rake/doc/MIT-LICENSE: Add license file from upstream
+ * lib/rake/doc/README.rdoc: Link to license file from Rake README
+ * lib/rake/version.rb: Include README rdoc for Rake module overview
+Sun Feb 10 15:26:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/rake/doc/*: Sync Rake rdoc files from upstream
+Sun Feb 10 15:50:02 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * vm_exec.h (DISPATCH_ARCH_DEPEND_WAY): use __asm__ __volatile__
+ instead of asm volatile.
+Sun Feb 10 15:50:02 2013 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * gc.h (SET_MACHINE_STACK_END): use __volatile__ instead of volatile.
+Sun Feb 10 14:25:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * doc/rake/, lib/rake/doc/: Move Rake rdoc files to lib/rake
+Sun Feb 10 12:10:25 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: test headers at first.
+Sun Feb 10 12:00:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * doc/rake/*: Removed stale Rake static files
+Sun Feb 10 09:10:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/pp.rb, lib/prettyprint.rb: Documentation for PP and PrettyPrint
+ Based on a patch by Vincent Batts [ruby-core:51253] [Bug #7656]
+Sat Feb 9 21:11:21 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * move header files check to the beginning of
+ "header and library section".
+ test rlim_t with sys/types.h and sys/time.h for MirOS BSD.
+ sys/types.h and sys/time.h is guarded by #ifdef and the above
+ move is required for this change.
+Sat Feb 9 17:45:58 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, version.c: prevent duplicated load paths by empty
+ version string, it does not work right now.
+Sat Feb 9 17:38:41 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * fix arch parameters in help message. [Bug #7804]
+Sat Feb 9 13:13:00 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * vm_trace.c: Note about TracePoint events set, and comment on
+ Kernel#set_trace_func to prefer new TracePoint API
+Sat Feb 9 10:07:47 2013 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * BSDL: update copyright notice for 2013.
+Sat Feb 9 09:24:38 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/package/old.rb: Fix behavior only on ruby 1.8.
+ * lib/rubygems/package.rb: Include checksums.yaml.gz signatures for
+ verification.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_package.rb: Test for the above.
+Sat Feb 9 01:23:24 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/fiddle/helper.rb: specify libc and libm locations for MirOS BSD.
+ * test/dl/test_base.rb: ditto.
+Fri Feb 8 23:25:33 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * change CFLAGS temporally to test
+ ARCH_FLAG="-march=i486".
+Fri Feb 8 21:19:41 2013 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * don't define ARCH_FLAG="-march=i486" if it causes
+ compilation problem.
+For the changes before 2.0.0, see doc/ChangeLog-2.0.0
+For the changes before 1.9.3, see doc/ChangeLog-1.9.3
+For the changes before 1.8.0, see doc/ChangeLog-1.8.0
+Local variables:
+coding: us-ascii
+add-log-time-format: (lambda ()
+ (let* ((time (current-time))
+ (system-time-locale "C")
+ (diff (+ (cadr time) 32400))
+ (lo (% diff 65536))
+ (hi (+ (car time) (/ diff 65536))))
+ (format-time-string "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y" (list hi lo) t)))
+indent-tabs-mode: t
+tab-width: 8
+change-log-indent-text: 2
+vim: tabstop=8 shiftwidth=2
diff --git a/doc/ChangeLog/ChangeLog-2.2.0 b/doc/ChangeLog/ChangeLog-2.2.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5a7dbf826d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/ChangeLog/ChangeLog-2.2.0
@@ -0,0 +1,12157 @@
+Thu Dec 25 16:01:19 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_expand_path_internal): drop characters ignored
+ by filesystem on Mac OS X.
+Thu Dec 25 15:36:15 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (replace_real_basename): get the real name and replace the
+ base name with it by getattrlist(2) if available.
+ suggested by Matthew Draper at [ruby-core:67116]. [Bug #10015]
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): get the real name of the whole path, not
+ only the last name.
+Thu Dec 25 13:59:17 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (NET_LUID): include also ifdef.h as a workaround of
+ a bug in mingw-w64 header. [ruby-core:67103] [Bug #10640]
+Thu Dec 25 12:47:44 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (gettable_gen): warn possible reference to a local
+ variable defined in a past scope.
+Thu Dec 25 10:09:14 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/io/console/console.c (console_dev): id_console is not a
+ constant name, use rb_const_remove() to get rid of NameError.
+Thu Dec 25 09:18:55 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/resolv/test_dns.rb (TestResolvDNS#test_query_ipv4_address):
+ set timeout for recvfrom because if client thread is crashed, it
+ waits infinity.
+Thu Dec 25 08:42:11 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (split_userinfo): fstring for 1-byte split
+ (set_port): reduce bytecode size
+ (check_path): reduce garbage via opt_str_freeze
+ (query=): ditto
+ (fragment=): ditto
+ [misc #10628]
+ * lib/uri/rfc3986_parser.rb (regexp): cache as attr
+ (initialize): setup and freeze regexp attr once
+ (split): reduce bytecode size, use opt_str_freeze
+ (parse): minor bytecode and garbage reduction
+ (default_regexp): rename for initialize
+Wed Dec 24 20:38:16 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (glob_make_pattern): restrict searching case-insensitive
+ name from the filesystem to only last part, for the performance.
+ [ruby-core:63591] [Bug #10015]
+Wed Dec 24 18:21:27 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: remove unused rb_objspace_t::rgengc::old_objects_at_gc_start.
+Wed Dec 24 13:25:22 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/redmine-backporter.rb: require view_changesets permission.
+Wed Dec 24 13:00:24 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/downloader.rb ( fix the exception to
+ re-raise. initialize methods of subclasses of Exception may
+ have different parameters. [ruby-core:67086] [Bug #10639]
+Wed Dec 24 12:16:19 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.h (rb_data_type_t): revert r48647 and revise parent member.
+ [ruby-core:66969] [Bug #10621]
+Wed Dec 24 05:40:52 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/downloader.rb: use config.guess in gcc repo.
+Wed Dec 24 11:50:19 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_delete): return Qnil if there are no corresponding
+ entry. [Bug #10623]
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_delete_entry): try delete and return Qundef if there
+ are no corresponding entry.
+ * internal.h: add rb_hash_delete_entry()'s declaration.
+ * symbol.c: use rb_hash_delete_entry().
+ * thread.c: use rb_hash_delete_entry().
+ * ext/-test-/hash/delete.c: use rb_hash_delete_entry().
+Wed Dec 24 09:35:11 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/fiddle/extconf.rb: remove ffitarget.h generated by configure on
+ mswin, because it's not normal file (cygwin's symlink) and have
+ system attribute.
+Wed Dec 24 05:40:52 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/downloader.rb: support ruby 1.8.
+Wed Dec 24 02:44:06 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http/response.rb (Net::HTTPResponse): require one or more
+ spaces [Bug #10591].
+ by leriksen <>
+ fix GH-782
+ NOTE: returns without SP Reason-Phrase.
+Wed Dec 24 02:12:22 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/make-snapshot (package): VCS#branch_list expects glob a
+ pattern string but not a regexp. based on the patch by Vit
+ Ondruch. in [ruby-core:67064]. [Bug #10636]
+ * tool/vcs.rb (VCS::SVN#branch_list): strip newlines.
+ * tool/vcs.rb (VCS::GIT.get_revisions): retrieve modified time
+ from toplevel log too.
+ * tool/vcs.rb (VCS::GIT#branch_list): yield for each lines.
+Wed Dec 24 00:23:13 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * tool/extlibs.rb (do_extract): the pipe should be binmode.
+Wed Dec 24 00:21:44 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ *, move common-srcs to because
+ it breaks build on mswin.
+Wed Dec 24 00:04:45 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb (OpenURI.open_http): accept multiple certs path in
+ ssl_ca_certs.
+ * tool/downloader.rb: use certs of rubygems for downloading gems.
+Tue Dec 23 22:39:11 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/fiddle/extlibs: libffi-3.2.1 and patch for mswin.
+Tue Dec 23 22:04:38 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (URI::Generic#query=): don't escape [\]^
+ on both rfc2396 and rfc3986. [Bug #10619]
+Tue Dec 23 16:03:35 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/win32/lib/win32/registry.rb (Win32::Registry::Error#initialize):
+ try en_US message if the default message cannot be encoded to
+ locale. [ruby-core:65295] [Bug #10300]
+Tue Dec 23 11:42:14 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_cipher.c (ossl_cipher_update_long): update huge
+ data gradually not to exceed INT_MAX. workaround of OpenSSL API
+ limitation. [ruby-core:67043] [Bug #10633]
+Mon Dec 22 21:30:16 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_event.rb: some tests are
+ executed on standard Windows OS without ADO.
+Mon Dec 22 14:08:31 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * signal.c (received_signal): fix condition to define.
+ [ruby-core:67032] [Bug #10629]
+Sun Dec 21 10:51:51 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_event.rb: test_s_new_exception is
+ executed on standard Windows OS without ADO.
+Sun Dec 21 08:35:26 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (jemalloc): fix option argument, should use
+ `$withval` but not `yes` always. [ruby-core:66994] [Bug #10625]
+ * (jemalloc): defer adding the liner option to get
+ rid of linking contest against jemalloc, so that it works
+ without runtime dynamic load path.
+Sat Dec 20 17:49:03 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/tmpdir.rb (Dir.mktmpdir): Accept nil again, as Ruby 2.1.
+ [ruby-core:66943] [Bug #10616] Fixed by Alex Slynko.
+Sat Dec 20 11:22:58 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/fiddle/depend, ext/fiddle/extconf.rb: try to build bundled
+ libffi if existing.
+Sat Dec 20 05:21:00 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * test/test_weakref.rb (test_repeated_object_leak): increase timeout
+ [Bug #10618]
+Fri Dec 19 22:33:13 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/update-deps: Use $(hdrdir) if possible.
+Fri Dec 19 22:10:00 2014 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/depend: Fix dependencies to make bigdecimal
+ installable by rubygems.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.gemspec: version 1.2.6.
+Fri Dec 19 20:00:19 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (PRIsVALUE): put a space after string
+ literals not to be confused with C++11 string literal suffix.
+Fri Dec 19 15:36:02 2014 Simon Genier <>
+ * hash.c (hash_equal): prefer true than the result of implicit
+ conversion from int returned by rb_eql() to VALUE. [Fix GH-789]
+Thu Dec 18 17:45:26 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (rb_cv_binary_elf): get rid of -e option of cat
+ which is not available on BusyBox, use tr instead.
+ [ruby-core:64824] [Bug #10210]
+Thu Dec 18 14:25:17 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * signal.c (ruby_signal): since SIGKILL is not supported by MSVCRT,
+ should be treated before calling signal(3).
+ [Bug #10615]
+Wed Dec 17 12:20:56 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (rb_method_for_self_aref, rb_method_for_self_aset):
+ move from iseq.c to build from node instead of arrays.
+Wed Dec 17 10:50:09 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/gdbm/test_gdbm.rb: Added test for each_key called without a block.
+ Patch by @joeyates [fix GH-783]
+Wed Dec 17 10:18:42 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): check
+ iseq->compile_data->option->specialized_instruction for opt_* insn.
+ * test/ruby/test_iseq.rb: check no specialized_instructions option.
+Wed Dec 17 09:48:57 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): only emit opt_str_freeze,
+ opt_aref_with, and opt_aset_with insn when no block is given
+ [Bug #10557] [ruby-core:66595]
+ * test/ruby/test_optimization.rb (test_block_given_aset_aref):
+ new test for bug thanks to Bartosz Kopinski.
+ (test_string_freeze): additional assertion for object_id
+Wed Dec 17 01:06:47 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/win32/lib/Win32API.rb (Win32API#call): need to splat. hmm, when
+ was this broken?
+Tue Dec 16 15:18:23 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * iseq.c (rb_method_for_self_aref, rb_method_for_self_aset): call
+ accessor functions directly, not to be affected by [] and []=
+ methods. [ruby-core:66846] [Bug #10601]
+ * struct.c (define_aref_method, define_aset_method): ditto.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (rb_vm_opt_struct_aref, rb_vm_opt_struct_aset):
+ direct accessors of Struct.
+Tue Dec 16 12:01:29 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (test_deadlock_by_signal_at_forking):
+ extend timeout seconds to 60 for RGENGC_CHECK_MODE > 0 environment.
+Tue Dec 16 08:53:12 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * tool/vcs.rb: fix Ruby 1.8 compatibility harder
+Tue Dec 16 07:37:18 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * gc.c (GC_HEAP_FREE_SLOTS): move definition to match use order
+ (RUBY_GC_HEAP_GROWTH_SLOTS): s/factor/number of slots/
+ * man/ruby.1: add section for GC environment variables
+ [Feature #10197]
+Tue Dec 16 05:41:46 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * tool/vcs.rb: fix Ruby 1.8 compatibility
+Mon Dec 15 17:51:28 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c: ObjectSpace.memsize_of(obj) returns
+ with sizeof(RVALUE). [Bug #8984]
+ * gc.c (obj_memsize_of): ditto.
+ * NEWS: add a NEWS entry.
+ * test/objspace/test_objspace.rb: catch up this fix.
+ * test/ruby/test_file_exhaustive.rb: ditto.
+Mon Dec 15 16:19:23 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_enc_str_coderange): dummy wchar, non-endianness
+ encoding string cannot be ascii only.
+ [ruby-core:66835] [Bug #10598]
+Sun Dec 14 20:11:42 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (primary): restore current_arg so that circular
+ reference after a method definition is also warned.
+ [ruby-core:61299] [Bug #9593]
+Sat Dec 13 20:41:55 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_trace.c (rb_postponed_job_flush): mask signal trap interrupt
+ too to defer handling after finalizers finished.
+ [ruby-core:66825] [Bug #10595]
+Sat Dec 13 18:33:25 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/openssl/test_pkey_ec.rb: ignored tests with old OpenSSL.
+Sat Dec 13 18:01:57 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * signal.c (check_stack_overflow): check sp also on i386/x86_64
+ FreeBSD.
+Sat Dec 13 09:58:41 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * gc.c (define_final0): avoid duplicate blocks
+ [Bug #10537]
+ * test/test_weakref.rb (test_repeated_object_leak): new test
+Sat Dec 13 04:59:20 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bin/erb (ERB::Main#run): get rid of shadowing outer local
+ variables. [ruby-core:65772] [Feature #10395]
+Fri Dec 12 21:56:44 2014 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * gems/bundled_gems: Upgrade to test-unit 3.0.8. assert_throw and
+ assert_nothing_thrown in test-unit 3.0.7 were broken by
+ UncaughtThrowError change introduced in Ruby 2.2.0
+ preview2. These assertions in test-unit 3.0.8 work well with
+ UncaughtThrowError in Ruby 2.2.0 preview2.
+Fri Dec 12 19:48:55 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bin/erb (ARGV.switch, ERB::Main#run): allow variables to be set
+ from the command line. [ruby-core:65772] [Feature #10395]
+Fri Dec 12 19:31:44 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/erb.rb (ERB#lineno): accessor for line number to eval.
+ * lib/erb.rb (ERB#location=): setter of file name and line number.
+Fri Dec 12 13:09:13 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_latest_gc_info): return :state field to show current
+ GC state (none/marking/sweeping).
+ [Feature #10590]
+Fri Dec 12 10:49:18 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_crypt): check arguments more strictly.
+ * crypt() is not for wide char strings
+ * salt bytes should not be NUL
+Fri Dec 12 08:16:01 2014 Matt Hoyle <>
+ * io.c (io_read) Fix spelling in docco for read. [Fix GH-781]
+ try > tries
+Thu Dec 11 19:06:01 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * class.c (class_alloc): Start from age == 2.
+ Class and Module objects can be living long life.
+ * iseq.c: Same for ISeq objects.
+ * gc.c (RVALUE_AGE_RESET): added.
+ * gc.c (newobj_of): allow to generate (age != 0) objects.
+ * gc.c (rb_copy_wb_protected_attribute): reset age for wb unprotected
+ objects.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: add RUBY_TYPED_PROMOTED1 as an unrecommended
+ flag.
+Thu Dec 11 05:37:52 2014 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/prime.rb: Remove useless loop and block capture.
+ See [#10354]
+Thu Dec 11 04:27:24 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: introduce new field
+ rb_thread_t::local_storage_recursive_hash_for_trace to store
+ recursive hash to avoid creating new recursive (nested) hashes
+ for each trace events.
+ [Bug #10511]
+ * vm_trace.c (rb_threadptr_exec_event_hooks_orig): use it.
+ * cont.c: catch up this fix.
+ * vm.c (rb_thread_mark): ditto.
+Wed Dec 10 13:39:27 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * struct.c (define_aref_method, define_aset_method): use iseq
+ VALUE instead of rb_iseq_t to prevent from GC, as RB_GC_GUARD
+ makes sense only for local variables. [Feature #10575]
+Wed Dec 10 09:38:40 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (exec_recursive): use the same last method name as
+ recursive_push in the error message when recursive_pop failed.
+ [ruby-core:66742] [Bug #10579]
+Wed Dec 10 02:48:46 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/net/http/test_https.rb
+ (TestNetHTTPS#test_certificate_verify_failure): on Windows,
+ Errno::ECONNRESET will be raised when the verify is failure at the
+ client side, and it'll be eaten by WEBrick.
+ * test/open-uri/test_ssl.rb (TestOpenURISSL#test_validation_failure):
+ ditto.
+Wed Dec 10 00:42:13 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * iseq.c (rb_method_for_self_aref, rb_method_for_self_aset):
+ new methods to generate bytecode for struct.c
+ [Feature #10575]
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_ref, rb_struct_set): remove
+ (define_aref_method, define_aset_method): new functions
+ (setup_struct): use new functions
+ * test/ruby/test_struct.rb: add test for struct >10 members
+ * benchmark/bm_vm2_struct_big_aref_hi.rb: new benchmark
+ * benchmark/bm_vm2_struct_big_aref_lo.rb: ditto
+ * benchmark/bm_vm2_struct_big_aset.rb: ditto
+ * benchmark/bm_vm2_struct_small_aref.rb: ditto
+ * benchmark/bm_vm2_struct_small_aset.rb: ditto
+Tue Dec 9 20:24:41 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * string.c: [DOC] Add missing documentation around String#chomp.
+ Patch by @stderr [ci skip][fix GH-780]
+Tue Dec 9 18:20:02 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c: [DOC] Revise documentation by Marcus Stollsteimer at
+ [ruby-core:66368]. [Bug #10526]
+ * #inspect: be more specific about generated string, remove
+ obsolete example.
+ * #nil?: use code examples instead of different call-seq's.
+ * #tap: clarify what is yielded.
+ * Integer(): be more specific about to_int and to_i, remove
+ reference to Ruby 1.8.
+ * Array(): fix error.
+ * Class: fix variable name style and indentation in example.
+ * improve consistency, fix typos and formatting.
+Tue Dec 9 12:48:32 2014 Josef Simanek <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_eval_string_wrap): [DOC] Fix `rb_eval_string_wrap`
+ documentation. It is referencing `require` instead of `load`.
+ The former does not have the optional argument. [Fix GH-779]
+Tue Dec 9 10:16:24 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_frame_last_func): return the most recent frame method
+ name.
+ * thread.c (recursive_list_access): use the last method name,
+ instead of the current method name which can be unset in some
+ cases, not to use a symbol by the invalid ID.
+ [ruby-core:66742] [Bug #10579]
+Sun Dec 7 19:36:12 2014 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * ext/socket/basicsocket.c, ext/socket/sockssocket.c:
+ remove code for $SAFE=4.
+Sun Dec 7 10:20:55 2014 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc: Update to RDoc 4.2.0.
+ * test/rdoc: ditto.
+Sun Dec 7 09:52:30 2014 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems 2.4.5.
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Sat Dec 6 10:05:08 2014 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb: Fix undefined variable usage & refactor/DRY
+ code. Patch by @aledovsky. [Fixes GH-770]
+ * test/net/test_imap.rb: related test.
+Sat Dec 6 10:09:44 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * thread.c (do_select): rename parameters to avoid shadowing
+Sat Dec 6 09:22:45 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rake: Update to rake 10.4.2
+ * test/rake: ditto.
+Sat Dec 6 06:48:03 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * compile.c (rb_iseq_build_from_ary): remove misc handling
+Sat Dec 6 06:14:23 2014 Vit Ondruch <>
+ * (RUBY_LIB_VERSION): Fix --with-ruby-version
+ configuration option. get rid of quoting in config.status.
+ * template/verconf.h.tmpl: quote RUBY_LIB_VERSION here.
+ [ruby-core:66724] [Bug #10572]
+Sat Dec 6 04:33:52 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/pp.rb (File::Stat#pretty_print): some platforms (such as Windows)
+ does not have major/minor parts of device.
+Fri Dec 5 22:43:04 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych.rb: bump version to 2.0.8
+ * ext/psych/psych.gemspec: ditto.
+ * ext/psych/psych_emitter.c: ditto.
+ * ext/psych/psych_parser.c: ditto.
+Fri Dec 5 17:09:09 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/option.c (inet_ntop): link aliased inet_ntop in
+ libruby on mswin not rb_w32_inet_ntop which fails to link for
+ unknown reason.
+Fri Dec 5 11:09:54 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * iseq.c (prepare_iseq_build): remove unused block_opt param
+ (rb_iseq_new_with_bopt_and_opt): remove
+ (rb_iseq_new_with_opt): inline removed function
+ (rb_iseq_new_with_bopt): remove
+ (iseq_load): adjust prepare_iseq_build call
+ [Feature #10565]
+Fri Dec 5 09:46:05 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): fix lex_state after tLABEL_END, should
+ be EXPR_LABELARG to be followed by "paren with arg".
+ [ruby-core:66705] [Feature #4935]
+Fri Dec 5 02:27:47 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb: as all extension objects including initializations
+ of ext and enc should be linked to libruby if enable-shared,
+ EXTOBJS should not be linked to main programs.
+ [ruby-core:66675] [Bug #10566]
+Thu Dec 4 07:06:02 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * compile.c (rb_iseq_build_from_exception): entry->sp is unsigned
+ (iseq_build_callinfo_from_hash): account for kw_arg
+ (iseq_build_from_ary_body): update for r35459
+ (CHECK_STRING, CHECK_INTEGER): remove unused checks
+ (int_param): new function for checking new `params' hash
+ (iseq_build_kw): new function for loading rb_iseq_param_keyword
+ (rb_iseq_build_from_ary): account for `misc' entry and general
+ structure changes
+ [Feature #8543]
+ * iseq.c (CHECK_HASH): new macro (for `misc' and `param' entries)
+ (iseq_load): account for `misc' and `params' hashes
+ (iseq_data_to_ary): add final opt to arg_opt_labels,
+ fix kw support, account for unsigned entry->sp
+ * ext/-test-/iseq_load/iseq_load.c: new ext for test
+ * ext/-test-/iseq_load/extconf.rb: ditto
+ * test/-ext-/iseq_load/test_iseq_load.rb: new test
+Thu Dec 4 06:56:57 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * iseq.c (iseq_free): avoid segfault on incomplete iseq
+ * test/ruby/test_syntax.rb (test_invalid_next): new test
+ for syntax error, not segfault
+Thu Dec 4 04:20:34 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * load.c (ruby_require_internal): ignore error detail, just return
+ an error.
+Wed Dec 3 17:13:24 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (load_encoding): use rb_require_internal instead of
+ calling rb_require_safe with protection.
+Wed Dec 3 16:47:35 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * load.c (register_init_ext, ruby_init_ext): defer running the
+ registered initialization function until required, not to enable
+ extensions which have global effects just by loading, e.g.,
+ mathn/complex and mathn/rational. fix `make test` with
+ --with-static-linked-ext.
+ * enc/encinit.c.erb (Init_enc): initialize encdb and transdb
+ directly.
+Wed Dec 3 14:51:26 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * load.c (ruby_require_internal): separate from rb_require_safe,
+ not to raise exceptions.
+ * ruby.c (process_options): remove unnatural encoding search.
+Wed Dec 3 14:34:07 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (setup_fake_str): fake string does not share another
+ string, but just should not free.
+Wed Dec 3 11:14:14 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (w32_spawn): `v2` is used not only for `shell` but also
+ `cmd`, so must not free before using `cmd`.
+ [ruby-core:66648] [Bug #10563]
+Wed Dec 3 09:48:57 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/racc/cparse/cparse.c (cparse_params_type): use typed data.
+Tue Dec 2 21:33:56 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: use typed data for com_hash.
+Tue Dec 2 15:30:30 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_plus): in documentation, added note about
+ inefficiency of repeated += operations.
+Tue Dec 2 07:20:21 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * iseq.c (iseq_data_to_ary): keep hidden variables
+ Thanks to wanabe [ruby-core:66566]
+Tue Dec 2 06:46:57 2014 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych.rb: bumping version
+ * ext/psych/psych.gemspec: ditto
+Tue Dec 2 06:34:08 2014 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb: support objects that are
+ marshalable, but inherit from basic object.
+ Thanks Sean Griffin <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: ditto
+ * test/psych/test_marshalable.rb: test for fix
+Tue Dec 2 06:32:02 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (ripper_flush_string_content): preserve the dispatched
+ results at tSTRING_CONTENT. [ruby-dev:48714] [Bug #10437]
+ * parse.y (regexp_contents): check in ripper only if the whole
+ content is a single regexp without interpolation.
+ [ruby-dev:48714] [Bug #10437]
+Tue Dec 2 06:30:55 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_region_copy): new function to try with GC if copy
+ failed and return the error.
+Tue Dec 2 04:43:08 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * re.c (CHECK_REGION_COPIED): onig_region_copy() can fail when
+ memory exhausted but returns nothing, so check by if allocated.
+Tue Dec 2 02:53:00 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (magic_comment_encoding): enable in ripper, since the
+ encoding is necessary to parse non-default encoding scripts.
+Tue Dec 2 02:30:25 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (
+ use hostname= to detect and wrap IPv6 hosts.
+ Build is accepting URI components and users may not expect
+ that a host component needs to be wrapped with square brackets
+ since it's not providing a URI.
+ Note: initialize with arg_check => true does not wrap IPv6 hosts.
+ by Joe Rafaniello <>
+ fix GH-765
+ * test/uri/test_generic.rb: Add more tests
+Mon Dec 1 20:01:12 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: use typed data for WIN32OLE.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.h: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_event.c: ditto.
+Mon Dec 1 17:20:42 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (verconf.h): so depends on, which
+ is rebuilt by setup.mak.
+Mon Dec 1 11:05:46 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * proc.c: fix grammar by @BenMorganIO [fix GH-764][ci skip]
+Mon Dec 1 10:49:53 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * man/rake.1: Update latest man content by @aledovsky
+ [fix GH-771][ci skip]
+Mon Dec 1 10:42:31 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * doc/syntax/refinements.rdoc: refinements are no longer experimental.
+ patch by @gaurish [fix GH-775][ci skip]
+Sun Nov 30 20:05:55 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (regexp_contents): fix a typo. pointed out by wanabe.
+ [ruby-dev:48741] [Bug #10543]
+Sun Nov 30 18:55:32 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (test_deadlock_by_signal_at_forking):
+ Don't raise Interrupt.
+Sun Nov 30 17:11:05 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (test_deadlock_by_signal_at_forking): Use
+ assert_separately.
+Sun Nov 30 00:02:52 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (process_options, ruby_script): transcode script name and
+ program name to locale encoding as well as argv.
+ [ruby-dev:48752] [Bug #10555]
+ * ruby.c (translit_char_bin): should not use code page dependent
+ CharNext on UTF-8 string. [ruby-dev:48752] [Bug #10555]
+Sat Nov 29 16:53:14 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (ruby_set_argv): convert argv from UTF-8.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_sysinit, cmdglob, w32_cmdvector): convert
+ wide char command line to UTF-8 argv, and glob in UTF-8 so that
+ metacharacters would match multibyte characters.
+ [ruby-dev:48752] [Bug #10555]
+Sat Nov 29 10:49:23 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (win32_direct_conv, rb_w32_readdir): convert UTF-8
+ and filesystem code page by using Win32 API directly.
+Sat Nov 29 09:37:10 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (syserr_initialize): simplify message building and get
+ rid of potential invalid byte sequence.
+Sat Nov 29 06:09:44 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * eval_error.c (error_print): respect the encoding of the message.
+ * io.c (rb_write_error_str): use rb_w32_write_console() on Windows
+ if stderr is a tty.
+Fri Nov 28 05:10:23 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (--with-setup): add option to select ext/Setup file.
+Fri Nov 28 05:02:29 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dmyenc.c (Init_enc): separate from dmyext.c for statically
+ linked extension excluding encoding libraries.
+Thu Nov 27 21:58:30 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * (miniprelude.c): It does not depend on prelude.rb now.
+Thu Nov 27 21:49:49 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/update-deps: List up files built always in the source directory
+ and source files built always in the build directory.
+Thu Nov 27 21:24:55 2014 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * NEWS: add obsolete callcc.
+Thu Nov 27 19:59:49 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): remove duplicated line event.
+ [Bug #10449]
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: add and fix tests.
+Thu Nov 27 19:04:50 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_args.c: fix backtrace location for keyword related exceptions.
+ For example, the following program
+ def foo(k1: 1); end # line 1
+ foo(k2: 2) # line 2
+ causes "unknown keyword: k2 (ArgumentError)".
+ Before this patch, the backtrace location is only line 2.
+ However, error should be located at line 1 (over line 2 in
+ stack trace). This patch fix this problem.
+ * class.c (rb_keyword_error_new): separate exception creation logic
+ from rb_keyword_error(), to use in vm_args.c.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (rb_arg_error_new): rename to rb_arity_error_new().
+ * vm_args.c (argument_arity_error): rename to argument_arity_error().
+ * vm_args.c (argument_kw_error): added to fix backtrace.
+ * test/ruby/test_keyword.rb: add tests.
+Thu Nov 27 17:31:58 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (prelude.c): no longer depends on miniruby, since not
+ depending on rbconfig.rb.
+Thu Nov 27 17:12:14 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (miniprelude.c): miniruby needs no preludes.
+Thu Nov 27 17:10:19 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * template/prelude.c.tmpl: no code if no prelude code is given.
+Thu Nov 27 13:11:00 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (objspace_malloc_increase): enable lazy sweep on GC by malloc()
+ (malloc_increase) to make GC incrementally.
+ This change can increase memory consumption. Report us if you find
+ any problem.
+Thu Nov 27 12:46:38 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (time_s_mkutc): [DOC] Time.utc's 10 arguments form
+ doesn't examine wday, yday, isdst and tz.
+ (time_s_mktime): [DOC] Time.mktime's 10 arguments form
+ doesn't examine wday, yday and tz.
+ Suggested by naruse.
+Thu Nov 27 11:45:33 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * iseq.c (iseq_data_to_ary): add missing GC guard
+Thu Nov 27 10:51:59 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: add rb_thread_t::local_storage_recursive_hash
+ to speed up Thread#[:__recursive_key__] access.
+ [Bug #10511]
+ * thread.c (threadptr_local_aref): add fast path for
+ :__recursive_data__.
+ * thread.c (threadptr_recursive_hash, threadptr_recursive_hash_set):
+ add special accessor for recursive hash.
+ * cont.c: store/restore local_storage_recursive_hash.
+ * vm.c: init and mark local_storage_recursive_hash.
+ * vm_trace.c (rb_threadptr_exec_event_hooks_orig): clear and restore
+ local_storage_recursive_hash directly.
+Thu Nov 27 07:11:00 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_calc_param_size): hoist out of iseq_set_arguments
+Wed Nov 26 22:28:12 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_get_kwargs, rb_extract_keywords): export
+ keyword argument functions.
+Wed Nov 26 21:18:40 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/inlinetest.rb: removed unused test helper.
+Wed Nov 26 20:47:28 2014 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * ext/continuation/continuation.c (Init_continuation): obsolete callcc.
+ first step of [Feature #10548].
+Wed Nov 26 19:57:54 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb (test_latest_gc_info): do test separately
+ to avoid mysterious behavior.
+Wed Nov 26 19:54:31 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (constat_reset): do nothing on non-standard
+ console emulators. [ruby-core:66471] [Bug #10546]
+Wed Nov 26 19:44:13 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/tsort.rb: Returns an enumerator if no block is given.
+ [ruby-core:66270] [Feature #10508] Proposed by Andrey Savchenko.
+Wed Nov 26 17:25:45 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (f_label, f_kw, formal_argument_gen): ignore invalid
+ formal argument in keyword argument definition.
+ [ruby-dev:48742] [Bug #10545]
+Wed Nov 26 15:32:06 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_set_sequence): use "nop" insn instead of
+ "jump to next insn".
+Wed Nov 26 11:01:35 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * iseq.c (iseq_s_compile_file): close IO when done
+Wed Nov 26 06:06:23 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * encdb.h and transdb.h depends on $(PREP).
+ So prebuild files for them in tarball are useless.
+Wed Nov 26 02:08:44 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/make-snapshot: Don't generate enc/trans/newline.c in tarball.
+Wed Nov 26 00:41:44 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * (prereq): Don't depends on prelude.c and golf_prelude.c.
+ Since they depend on $(PREP) which is miniruby, they are rebuilt
+ after miniruby is built, even if tarball contains them.
+Wed Nov 26 00:20:48 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * template/prelude.c.tmpl: Don't expand RbConfig::Config[...].
+ It is not used now.
+ * prelude.c and golf_prelude.c doesn't depend on rbconfig.
+Tue Nov 25 17:07:06 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * NEWS: add an "Implementation changes" section.
+Tue Nov 25 16:09:28 2014 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: Do not attempt SSL session resumption when the
+ session is expired. [Bug #10533]
+Tue Nov 25 15:59:46 2014 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rake: Update to rake 10.4.0
+ * test/rake: ditto.
+ * NEWS: ditto.
+ * test/lib/minitest/unit.rb: Add compatibility shim for minitest 5.
+ This only provides minitest 5 unit test naming compatibility.
+Tue Nov 25 15:26:33 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/vcs.rb (get_revisions): use instead of Time.mktime
+ which does not accept UTC offset, and offset manually for older
+ versions than 1.9.
+Tue Nov 25 12:14:43 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (Init_process): initialize static IDs before constant
+ definitions. [ruby-core:66445]
+Tue Nov 25 10:32:23 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_build_callinfo_from_hash): hoist out
+ (iseq_build_from_ary_body): shorten callinfo case
+Mon Nov 24 23:03:21 2014 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * gems/bundled_gems: Update to test-unit 3.0.7.
+Mon Nov 24 12:44:35 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (check_exec_redirect_fd, check_exec_redirect),
+ (rb_execarg_addopt): get rid of inadvertent ID pindown.
+Mon Nov 24 02:03:40 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_setter): preserve encoding of global variable
+ name in error message.
+Mon Nov 24 02:03:30 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * iseq.c (rb_insn_operand_intern): preserve encoding of method
+ name in CALL_INFO at disassembling.
+Mon Nov 24 02:02:59 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (must_respond_to): preserve encodings of variable name and
+ class name in warning message.
+Sun Nov 23 10:46:23 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * internal.h (struct rb_execarg): 160 => 144 bytes on x86-64
+ * ruby.c (struct load_file_arg): 48 => 40 bytes on x86-64
+ * vm_args.c (struct args_info): ditto
+Sun Nov 23 07:46:54 2014 Andy Maloney <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_sysread): Remove redundant assignment of 'n'.
+ [Fix GH-767]
+Sat Nov 22 09:48:33 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/make-snapshot: Specify PWD macro for make.
+ PWD environment variable may not exist.
+Fri Nov 21 11:58:58 2014 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb: fall back if canonicalization fails.
+ Thanks Vit Ondruch for the patch! [ruby-core:65836]
+ * test/resolv/test_dns.rb: test for patch
+Sat Nov 22 01:11:53 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (rb_mod_const_get, rb_mod_const_defined): ditto.
+ * variable.c (rb_const_missing, rb_mod_const_missing): call
+ const_missing without new ID to get rid of inadvertent ID
+ creation.
+Fri Nov 21 19:32:57 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (ext/ripper/ripper.c): revert about srcdir and top_srcdir.
+ * (ext/ripper/ripper.c): use $(PWD) for Unix,
+ $(MAKEDIR) for Windows.
+Fri Nov 21 18:12:37 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/update-deps: Refactored.
+Fri Nov 21 14:25:40 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (top_srcdir): added because lacking this macro
+ causes build error at r48526.
+Fri Nov 21 12:00:58 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/update-deps (in_makefile): Use FILES_NEED_VPATH and
+ * ext/objspace/extconf.rb: Add VPATH for id.h
+Fri Nov 21 09:10:23 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (ext/ripper/ripper.c): fix dependencies for the case
+ to make ripper.y and id.h under the build directory.
+Fri Nov 21 08:42:21 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (ext/ripper/ripper.c): id.h in VPATH may exist in the build
+ directory.
+ * (ext/ripper/ripper.c): $(RM) was not defined.
+Fri Nov 21 00:36:09 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/x509.rb
+ (OpenSSL::X509::Name::RFC2253DN::StringChar): get rid of a false
+ positive assertion in ripper's test.
+Fri Nov 21 00:29:51 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (Net::IMAP::ResponseParser::BEG_REGEXP): no need to
+ use embed string.
+Fri Nov 21 00:19:17 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/uri/mailto.rb (URI::MailTo::EMAIL_REGEXP): should escape `#`.
+Thu Nov 20 23:17:11 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/update-deps: Insert all dependencies found by compiler.
+Thu Nov 20 15:51:01 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/depend (nkf.o): add nkf.c as dependency.
+ bsdmake tries to make nkf.o with nkf-utf8/nkf.c without this.
+Thu Nov 20 08:54:56 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (struct parser_params): reduce size by reordering
+ members and an unused member.
+Thu Nov 20 02:44:27 2014 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb: Vector#independent? and associated class method
+ patch by gogo tanaka [#10451]
+Thu Nov 20 02:32:34 2014 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb: Add Vector#angle_with
+ Patch by Egunov Dmitriy [#10442]
+Thu Nov 20 02:10:31 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (ripper_flush_string_content, parser_parse_string):
+ preserve parsed string content. [ruby-dev:48714] [Bug #10437]
+ * parse.y (ripper_new_yylval): abstract function to create ripper
+ wrapper, and make it able to hold another object.
+Thu Nov 20 01:00:59 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (reg_named_capture_assign_gen): use predefined ID
+ instead of rb_intern.
+Thu Nov 20 00:54:57 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h (ruby_init_setproctitle): Declare here.
+Thu Nov 20 00:26:37 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_here_document): append byte sequence directly to
+ the delayed content instead of creating an intermediate string
+ object.
+Wed Nov 19 21:11:01 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (ext/json/parser/parser.c): don't touch parse.c,
+ ruby repo is a downstream.
+Wed Nov 19 20:38:11 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (ext/ripper/ripper.c): use $(PWD) to get
+ <build-directory>/ext/ripper.
+Wed Nov 19 18:12:17 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/downloader.rb ( Don't download gem if the
+ version is already downloaded. A gem file is versioned and
+ it must be identical if the version is the same.
+Wed Nov 19 17:59:25 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (ext/ripper/ripper.c): pass build directory as VPATH.
+ * ext/ripper/depend (.y.c): use VPATH for
+Wed Nov 19 10:07:57 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * template/prelude.c.tmpl (Prelude#translate): strip VPATH prefix
+ from prelude names, so that srcdir differences do not make the
+ generated code different.
+Wed Nov 19 07:45:11 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_write): should set the error of
+ GetOverlappedResult()'s, not WriteFile()'s (it's always
+ ERROR_IO_PENDING, of course).
+Tue Nov 18 14:16:47 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_record): add information for debug print.
+Wed Nov 19 04:49:07 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * debug.c (set_debug_option): need the declaration.
+ * debug.c (set_debug_option): use the same macro with the implementation
+ at win32/win32.c.
+Wed Nov 19 04:16:24 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (symbol_list): fix the node type of literal symbol list
+ with no interpolation. [ruby-core:66343]
+Wed Nov 19 00:26:15 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/update-deps: Sort dependencies.
+Wed Nov 19 00:24:18 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enc/encdb.c: Include internal.h.
+Tue Nov 18 23:23:45 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h: Gather declarations in non-header files.
+Tue Nov 18 23:45:52 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * debug.c (SET_WHEN): Don't declare debug variables here.
+ ruby_initial_gc_stress_ptr is changed int* to VALUE* at r41406.
+ * internal.h (ruby_initial_gc_stress_ptr): Declared.
+ (ruby_enable_coredump): Ditto.
+Tue Nov 18 18:06:43 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/io.h (FMODE_WSPLIT): Removed. The write() system call
+ is not required to split. It was useful to avoid whole process
+ blocking in Ruby 1.8 but not useful since write() is invoked without
+ GVL.
+ * io.c (wsplit_p): Removed.
+ (io_writable_length): Removed.
+ (rb_fcntl): Don't update the removed flags.
+Tue Nov 18 03:23:06 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (check_setter_id): show the original argument instead
+ of nil on TypeError.
+Tue Nov 18 03:20:19 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * symbol.h (is_{local,global,instance,attrset,const,class,junk}_sym):
+ fix ID type names.
+Mon Nov 17 20:17:59 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_event.c: use typed data.
+Mon Nov 17 12:54:56 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rubygems/*, test/rubygems/*: Update to RubyGems 2.4.4
+ master (2f6e42e).
+Mon Nov 17 06:13:06 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (proc_binding): use the original iseq on a binding from
+ proc from method object to get the location.
+Sun Nov 16 19:38:10 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_current_receiver): new function to return the
+ receiver in the current control frame. [Feature #10195]
+Sun Nov 16 19:11:04 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/timeout.rb (Timeout::ExitException#exception): rescue
+ UncaughtThrowError which is specific for throw, instead of
+ ArgumentError.
+Sun Nov 16 18:22:18 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * tool/update-deps: warning to disable ccache
+Sun Nov 16 13:11:35 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * (CCAN_LIST_INCLUDES): Unused variable removed.
+Sun Nov 16 11:07:25 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (test_readpartial_locktmp):
+ remove unnecessary begin/end
+Sun Nov 16 00:45:23 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * Specify dependencies for generated C sources.
+Sat Nov 15 23:10:45 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * No need to declare dependencies which
+ will be detected by inference rules.
+Sat Nov 15 20:34:23 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h: Include ruby.h and ruby/encoding.h to be
+ includable without prior inclusion.
+Sat Nov 15 20:46:44 2014 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_document.rb
+ (REXMLTests::TestDocument::EntityExpansionLimitTest):
+ Group tests by general entity and parameter entity.
+Sat Nov 15 20:43:31 2014 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_document.rb
+ (REXMLTests::TestDocument::EntityExpansionLimitTest): Define
+ test XML in each test method because (1) each XML in used only
+ one test and (2) related data and code should be close.
+Sat Nov 15 20:39:06 2014 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_document.rb
+ (REXMLTests::TestDocument::EntityExpansionLimitTest): Use
+ one test method for one test.
+Sat Nov 15 20:16:59 2014 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_document.rb
+ (REXMLTests::TestDocument::EntityExpansionLimitTest): Use
+ setup and teardown instead of ensure in test.
+Sat Nov 15 20:11:34 2014 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_document.rb (REXMLTests::TestDocument): Group
+ entity expansion limit related tests.
+Sat Nov 15 20:09:00 2014 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_document.rb (REXMLTests::TestDocument::BomTest):
+ Fix wrong parent class. It doesn't need inherit tests in
+ TestDocument class.
+Sat Nov 15 19:48:59 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (depend_rules): support comments during a line.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (depend_rules): apply RULE_SUBST even if the dependency
+ file contains path.
+Sat Nov 15 19:25:46 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * Remove comments in Dependency lines.
+ Notified by usa.
+ * enc/depend: Ditto.
+ * ext/**/depend: Ditto.
+Sat Nov 15 16:28:05 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_throw_obj): throw UncaughtThrowError instead of
+ ArgumentError. [Feature #10480]
+Sat Nov 15 14:13:38 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/update-deps: Extend to fix dependencies.
+ * Dependencies updated by tool/update-deps.
+ * enc/depend: Ditto.
+ * ext/**/depend: Ditto.
+Fri Nov 14 17:36:48 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * tool/update-deps: Support GNU Make 4.0.
+Fri Nov 14 16:59:53 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (default_proc_for_compat_func): check arguments number and
+ type, and get rid of reentering this default proc.
+Fri Nov 14 16:33:06 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_stat_internal): support compatible layer for
+ GC.stat(symbol) type access.
+Fri Nov 14 16:19:08 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_stat_internal): add compatible layer.
+ From Ruby 2.2, keys of GC.stat are changed [Feature #9924].
+ To provide compatible layer, GC.stat add a default_proc
+ (if default_proc of given Hash object is not set).
+ At first use of this compatible layer of interpreter process,
+ show a warning message like that:
+ program: GC.stat[:total_allocated_object]
+ warning message: "warning: GC.stat keys were changed from Ruby
+ 2.1. In this case, you refer to obsolete `total_allocated_object'
+ (new key is `total_allocated_objects').
+ Please check <>
+ for more information."
+ Please correct my English message :)
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_set_default_proc): export (in internal).
+ * internal.h: ditto.
+Fri Nov 14 10:41:25 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: guard by #if/#endif with GC_ENABLE_INCREMENTAL_MARK
+ to hide unused codes.
+ * gc.c: similar to GC_ENABLE_LAZY_SWEEP.
+Fri Nov 14 10:23:35 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_eval_cmd): use pre-defined idCall
+Fri Nov 14 09:25:44 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_yield_splat): add missing GC guard
+ [Bug #10509]
+Fri Nov 14 08:12:40 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * gc.c: fix build error caused by implicit conversion with clang.
+Fri Nov 14 06:54:06 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * insns.def (opt_succ): remove Time#succ optimization
+ [Feature #10501]
+Fri Nov 14 05:29:46 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: refactoring.
+ * gc.c (gc_start): check FORCE_MAJOR_GC.
+Fri Nov 14 04:51:18 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: Tuning RincGC parameters.
+ Before this patch, gc_marks_step() marks (white -> grey) fixed
+ number objects. However, this strategy does not fit practical
+ cases, for example too slow to make progress.
+ This patch changes this strategy how many objects the
+ gc_marks_step() should handle.
+ We can estimate how many times gc_marks_step() is called during
+ this major marking (== C) with the free slot number in pooled
+ pages. We also can estimate the living object number (== L)
+ using last marked_slots value. We can solve this problem (how
+ many objects should be process in gc_marks_step()) by L/C.
+ * gc.c (rb_objspace_t): add rb_objspace_t::rincgc::pooled_slots and
+ step_slots.
+Fri Nov 14 01:26:47 2014 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (search_response): parse MODSEQ in SEARCH
+ responses properly. [ruby-core:64203] [Bug #10112]
+Fri Nov 14 01:03:17 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/lib/envutil.rb: Moved from test/ruby/.
+ * test/lib/find_executable.rb: Ditto.
+ * test/lib/memory_status.rb: Ditto.
+ * test/lib/test/unit.rb: require envutil.
+ * test/: Don't require envutil in test files.
+Thu Nov 13 21:59:58 2014 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * lib/rexml/document.rb: add REXML::Document#document.
+ reported by Tomas Hoger <> and patched by nahi.
+Thu Nov 13 21:51:56 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/monitor/test_monitor.rb: Use assert_join_threads.
+Thu Nov 13 21:45:13 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/openssl: Don't specify port number.
+Thu Nov 13 21:22:35 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/openssl/ssl_server.rb: Unused file removed.
+ It is not used since r16111, Ruby 1.9.1.
+Thu Nov 13 18:50:14 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_ensure): remove obsolete prot_tag comment. patch by
+ Jack Danger at [ruby-core:66238]. [misc #10502]
+Thu Nov 13 18:10:38 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_make_proc_lambda): similar to rb_vm_make_proc() with
+ is_lambda argument.
+Thu Nov 13 12:11:18 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_fstat{,i64}): speed up. adjusting
+ timestamps in this function is to get rid of the side effect of
+ ENV["TZ"]. then, if ENV["TZ"] is not set, no need to adjust.
+ this change makes File#stat about 60% faster.
+Thu Nov 13 11:56:12 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * st.c: include "internal.h" for STATIC_ASSERT.
+Thu Nov 13 03:56:38 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * gc.c (struct heap_page): trivial packing
+ 304 => 296 bytes on x86-64
+Wed Nov 12 22:50:12 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * gems/bundled_gems: Update to test-unit 3.0.6 and minitest 5.4.3.
+Wed Nov 12 22:30:52 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rubygems/*: Update to RubyGems 2.4.3 master (7b1f684).
+Wed Nov 12 00:26:37 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_object.rb: Specify an exception class for rescue clause.
+ * test/dbm/test_dbm.rb: Ditto.
+ * test/gdbm/test_gdbm.rb: Ditto.
+ * test/sdbm/test_sdbm.rb: Ditto.
+Tue Nov 11 23:43:51 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb: Use assert_join_threads.
+Tue Nov 11 22:51:14 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/resolv/test_dns.rb: Use assert_join_threads.
+Tue Nov 11 22:33:08 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/net/pop/test_pop.rb: Use assert_join_threads.
+Tue Nov 11 22:07:20 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/net/http/test_https_proxy.rb: Use assert_join_threads.
+Tue Nov 11 18:09:11 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * template/prelude.c.tmpl: move from tool/compile_prelude.rb and
+ expand by generic_erb.rb.
+Tue Nov 11 13:01:31 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/rubygems/commands/contents_command.rb (files_in_default_gem):
+ remove useless sort. show_files will sort the result and
+ another branch, files_in_gem, doesn't sort.
+ it should be removed for consistency.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_commands_contents_command.rb
+ (test_execute_default_gem): adjust the sort algorithm with
+ Gem::Commands::ContentsCommand#show_files, which sort items
+ as array of [prefix, basename] not strings.
+Tue Nov 11 10:37:09 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * string.c (sym_equal): use rb_obj_equal().
+ rb_obj_equal() is specially optimized in
+ opt_eq_func()@vm_insnhelper.c.
+ This fix is made from this discussion:
+Tue Nov 11 09:38:55 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rdoc/known_classes.rb: reverted regression changes of
+ rdoc known class.
+Tue Nov 11 00:21:50 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/net/imap/test_imap.rb: Don't ignore exceptions on server
+ threads.
+Mon Nov 10 23:34:13 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/net/ftp/test_ftp.rb (create_ftp_server): Don't ignore
+ exceptions on server thread.
+ Delete read_timeout method call to fix NoMethodError.
+Mon Nov 10 20:20:53 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_read): retry with reduced length if cannot to
+ write any data but no error occurs.
+Mon Nov 10 20:04:16 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/webrick/server.rb: Setup shutdown pipe in listen method.
+Mon Nov 10 19:37:09 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c, include/win32/win32.h (rb_w32_set_nonblock): new
+ function to support nonblock-mode of pipes.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_read): nonblock-mode pipe returns ERROR_NO_DATA
+ if there is no data, but also returns it if remote-end is closed.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_write): if cannot to write any data, it may be
+ blocking.
+ * io.c (rb_io_set_nonblock): use rb_w32_set_nonblock for Windows.
+ * ext/io/nonblock/nonblock.c (rb_io_nonblock_set): use ruby's API when
+ setting nonblock-mode.
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb: test nonblock pipes on Windows.
+Mon Nov 10 17:24:34 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (etc_getlogin): set login name encoding properly.
+ [ruby-core:66163] [Bug #10493]
+Mon Nov 10 16:20:42 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rubygems/*.rb: Update to RubyGems master(3e36528).
+Mon Nov 10 16:09:43 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * signal.c (rb_f_kill): [DOC] mention known signal list.
+ [ruby-core:66162] [Bug #10492]
+Mon Nov 10 14:17:58 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rdoc/*.rb: Update to RDoc 4.2.0.alpha(579a11c)
+Mon Nov 10 12:44:39 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/webrick/server.rb: Less instance variables.
+Mon Nov 10 12:19:43 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/webrick/server.rb (shutdown): Use close() on @shutdown_pipe_w to
+ notify readability on the read side of the pipe.
+ write_nonblock() is not usable for pipe on Windows.
+ (cleanup_shutdown_pipe): Rescue IOError for @shutdown_pipe_w.close.
+Mon Nov 10 07:31:59 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/webrick/server.rb (initialize): Initialize shutdown pipe here
+ to avoid race condition.
+ (cleanup_shutdown_pipe): New private method.
+ (cleanup_listener): Extracted from shutdown method.
+ Call this method from start method to avoid race condition.
+Mon Nov 10 05:57:53 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/webrick/webrick.cgi: Don't use debug mode.
+ * test/webrick/webrick_long_filename.cgi: Ditto.
+Sun Nov 9 23:25:49 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (vm_call_super): allow bound proc method to call super
+ method.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_yield_with_cfunc): push defined class and
+ bound proc method entry to the control frame.
+Sun Nov 9 22:46:13 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/open-uri: Test server log in server thread.
+ * test/webrick: Ditto.
+Sun Nov 9 22:28:34 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpstatus.rb: require webrick/accesslog for AccessLog.
+Sun Nov 9 21:03:59 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/webrick: Fix the argument order of assert_equal.
+Sun Nov 9 20:29:01 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/webrick: Store log in an array.
+ * test/net/http: Ditto.
+ * test/open-uri: Ditto.
+Sun Nov 9 18:35:36 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/xmlrpc: Refine log test.
+Sun Nov 9 18:33:33 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * lib/unicode_normalize/normalize.rb: Replaced if-else by
+ case in self.normalized? in parallel to r48309.
+Sun Nov 9 18:07:00 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/xmlrpc: Use assert_join_threads.
+Sun Nov 9 14:06:13 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/xmlrpc: Test webrick error log is empty.
+Sun Nov 9 13:47:02 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (is_incremental_marking): use #if/#else because
+ rb_objspace_t::flags::during_incremental_marking is not defined
+ * gc.c (will_be_incremental_marking, is_full_marking): similar fix.
+Sun Nov 9 12:16:22 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/securerandom.rb (SecureRandom.gen_random): separate
+ implementation details and select at the load time.
+Sun Nov 9 12:09:38 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/win32/lib/win32/registry.rb (Win32::Registry::API#Enum{Value,Key):
+ ditto.
+Sun Nov 9 11:48:40 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/net/http: Examine webrick log.
+Sun Nov 9 11:45:19 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * gems/bundled_gems: upgraded to test-unit 3.0.5.
+Sun Nov 9 11:40:50 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * defs/known_errors.def: More errors for FreeBSD.
+Sun Nov 9 11:25:11 2014 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * gems/bundled_gems: upgraded to power_assert 0.2.0.
+Sun Nov 9 10:31:03 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/securerandom.rb: set the script encoding to make a string
+ literal in SecureRandom::Kernel32.last_error_message single byte
+ encoding so msg[] works in bytes, since FormatMessage() returns
+ the size in TCHARs, not in characters.
+Sun Nov 9 09:50:22 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/webrick: Refine log tests.
+Sun Nov 9 08:58:05 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * defs/known_errors.def (EHWPOISON): New errno symbol.
+ It is defined by glibc-2.16.
+Sun Nov 9 05:00:23 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/securerandom.rb (initialize): call the special method for Win32
+ before checking `/dev/urandom` because we know windows doesn't have it.
+Sun Nov 9 04:01:46 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/securerandom.rb (SecureRandom::AdvApi32): split from `initialize`.
+ thanks @zzak to remember it.
+Sun Nov 9 02:05:33 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/net/http/utils.rb: Don't connect to spawned server
+ before actual test.
+Sun Nov 9 01:51:50 2014 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * object.c (Module#const_defined?): [DOC] Revise the documentation.
+ Patch by Xavier Noria.
+ [Fixes GH-754]
+Sun Nov 9 00:37:44 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/webrick: Examine log and use assert_join_threads.
+Fri Nov 7 00:00:12 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * template/unicode_norm_gen.tmpl: expand kompatible_table so that
+ recursive expansion is not needed at runtime.
+Thu Nov 6 23:58:40 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): escape unprintable characters and preserve
+ the encoding of warning message.
+Thu Nov 6 23:55:18 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (sym_printable): QUOTE() should not raise an exception
+ even on invalid byte sequence.
+Thu Nov 6 21:44:36 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/test_unicode_normalize.rb: Rename TestNormalize to
+ TestUnicodeNormalize.
+ Define constants under TestUnicodeNormalize.
+Thu Nov 6 21:22:59 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/open-uri/test_open-uri.rb: Check empty webrick log.
+Thu Nov 6 19:27:34 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * re.c (unescape_nonascii): cast -1 for the case char is unsigned char.
+ If char is signed char, for example gcc for ARM or ppc64, it caused
+ infinite loop.
+Thu Nov 6 09:53:18 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * lib/uri/rfc2396_parser.rb (initialize): reduce bytecode size
+ 2088 => 1332 bytes on 32-bit x86
+Thu Nov 6 08:49:49 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * lib/unicode_normalize/normalize.rb: Comment clarification.
+Wed Nov 5 23:43:24 2014 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * compile.c (compile_data_alloc): add padding when strict alignment
+ is required for memory access. Currently, the padding is enabled
+ only when the CPU is 32-bit SPARC and the compiler is GCC.
+ [Bug #9681] [ruby-core:61715]
+ * compile.c (STRICT_ALIGNMENT): defined if strict alignment is required
+ new macros for alignment word size, bit mask, max size of padding.
+ * compile.c (calc_padding): new function to calculate padding size.
+Wed Nov 5 23:24:45 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/open-uri/test_open-uri.rb: Don't ignore webrick's log.
+Wed Nov 5 19:20:08 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/webrick/server.rb: Stop listener loop properly.
+ [ruby-core:66085] [Bug #10478] Fixed by Charles Nutter.
+Wed Nov 5 17:20:29 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_disable_super, rb_enable_super): warn
+ as deprecated at build time, instead of ignoring silently or
+ warning at runtime only.
+Wed Nov 5 16:55:52 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (rb_f_lambda): remove deprecated function, which has been
+ unavailable from extension libraries.
+Wed Nov 5 16:26:58 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_clear_cache): mark as deprecated, not
+ only warnings at runtime.
+Wed Nov 5 15:05:12 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_{,l,r}strip_bang): rb_str_subseq() will not
+ NUL-terminate the result string, in the future, so it will not
+ be needed in other cases.
+Wed Nov 5 14:11:30 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (lib/unicode_normalize/tables.rb): do nothing unless
+ BASERUBY is available. MINIRUBY cannot load extension libraries,
+ so cannot update Unicode data.
+Wed Nov 5 12:13:54 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_lstrip, rb_str_strip): reduce memory copy by
+ copying necessary part only.
+ * string.c (rb_str_strip_bang, rb_str_strip): ditto.
+Wed Nov 5 12:13:48 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_lstrip, rb_str_strip): reduce memory copy by
+ copying necessary part only.
+ * string.c (rb_str_strip_bang, rb_str_strip): ditto.
+Wed Nov 5 10:54:19 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_lstrip_bang, rb_str_rstrip_bang): terminate
+ wchar strings with wchar 0.
+Tue Nov 4 21:23:22 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/win32/lib/Win32API.rb: Fiddle::Importer is defined in
+ fiddle/import.rb and it's not loaded implicitly.
+ * ext/win32/lib/Win32API.rb (Win32API#initialize): `import` is a string.
+ * ext/win32/lib/Win32API.rb (Win32API#initialize):
+ Fiddle::Importer::CALL_TYPE_TO_ABI is private constant.
+Tue Nov 4 21:20:07 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/securerandom.rb (SecureRandom.random_bytes): use fiddle directly
+ instead of using Win32API.
+Tue Nov 4 21:04:30 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_request_set_lockfile.rb
+ (test_relative_path_from): driveletter support.
+Tue Nov 4 16:23:57 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_remote_fetcher.rb (RemoteFetcherCleanup):
+ close all pooled connections for each tests to fix leaked file
+ descriptors.
+Tue Nov 4 12:51:31 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (PRIsVALUE), vsnprintf.c (BSD_vfprintf): add
+ RUBY_PRI_VALUE_MARK to reduce danger of accidental conflict with
+ plain "%i". binary incompatible with extension libraries using
+ PRIsVALUE and built for 2.1 and earlier. [EXPERIMENTAL]
+Tue Nov 4 12:33:44 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * object.c: fix document of Kernel#String by @suzukaze
+ [fix GH-743][ci skip]
+Tue Nov 4 12:21:45 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/csv.rb: added documentation for skip_blanks option by @decasia
+ [fix GH-744][ci skip]
+Tue Nov 4 12:09:18 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/open3.rb: fix code formatting in documentation by @JoshCheek
+ [fix GH-747][ci skip]
+Tue Nov 4 08:57:37 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * encoding.c (enc_memsize): remove unnecessary function
+ [ruby-core:65304]
+Mon Nov 3 18:09:39 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/openssl/utils.rb: The default of :ignore_listener_error is
+ changed to false.
+Mon Nov 3 14:42:37 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c (iseq_free): resolve memory leak.
+Mon Nov 3 13:49:18 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c (iseq_memsize): catch up recent changes.
+Mon Nov 3 13:38:28 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: change semantics of opt_num and opt_table.
+ `opt_num' was the number of optional parameters + 1.
+ `opt_table' has "opt_num" entries.
+ Change them to:
+ `opt_num' is the number of optional parameters.
+ `opt_table' has "opt_num + 1" entries.
+ This change simplify parameter fitting logics.
+ * compile.c: catch up this change.
+ * iseq.c: ditto.
+ * proc.c: ditto.
+ * vm_args.c: ditto.
+Mon Nov 3 11:47:44 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * NEWS: added period into Matrix section. [ci skip]
+ [misc #10446][ruby-core:65987]
+Mon Nov 3 09:43:30 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * vm_args.c: fixed build error with clang
+Mon Nov 3 09:32:46 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/rfc3986_parser.rb (URI::RFC3986_Parser::RFC3986_URI):
+ allow '[' and ']' for URI input (and escape). [Bug #10402]
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (URI#query=): escape '[', '\', and ']'.
+Mon Nov 3 07:49:34 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: change iseq parameter data structure.
+ * change terminology `arg' to `param'.
+ * move rb_iseq_t::arg_* to rb_iseq_t::param.
+ * move rb_iseq_t::arg_size to rb_iseq_t::param::size.
+ * move rb_iseq_t::argc to rb_iseq_t::param::lead_num.
+ * move rb_iseq_t::arg_opts to rb_iseq_t::param::opt_num.
+ * move rb_iseq_t::arg_rest to rb_iseq_t::param::rest_start.
+ * move rb_iseq_t::arg_post_num to rb_iseq_t::param::post_num.
+ * move rb_iseq_t::arg_post_start to rb_iseq_t::param::post_start.
+ * move rb_iseq_t::arg_block to rb_iseq_t::param::block_start.
+ * move rb_iseq_t::arg_keyword* to rb_iseq_t::param::keyword.
+ rb_iseq_t::param::keyword is allocated only when keyword
+ parameters are available.
+ * introduce rb_iseq_t::param::flags to represent parameter
+ availability. For example, rb_iseq_t::param::flags::has_kw
+ represents that this iseq has keyword parameters and
+ rb_iseq_t::param::keyword is allocated.
+ We don't need to compare with -1 to check availability.
+ * remove rb_iseq_t::arg_simple.
+ * compile.c: catch up this change.
+ * iseq.c: ditto.
+ * proc.c: ditto.
+ * vm.c, vm_args.c, vm_dump.c, vm_insnhelper.c: ditto.
+ * iseq.c (iseq_data_to_ary): support keyword argument.
+Mon Nov 3 03:39:04 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_method.rb: r48239 makes this test green.
+Mon Nov 03 03:02:38 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * rewrite method/block parameter fitting logic to optimize
+ keyword arguments/parameters and a splat argument.
+ [Feature #10440] (Details are described in this ticket)
+ Most of complex part is moved to vm_args.c.
+ Now, ISeq#to_a does not catch up new instruction format.
+ * vm_core.h: change iseq data structures.
+ * introduce rb_call_info_kw_arg_t to represent keyword arguments.
+ * add rb_call_info_t::kw_arg.
+ * rename rb_iseq_t::arg_post_len to rb_iseq_t::arg_post_num.
+ * rename rb_iseq_t::arg_keywords to arg_keyword_num.
+ * rename rb_iseq_t::arg_keyword to rb_iseq_t::arg_keyword_bits.
+ to represent keyword bitmap parameter index.
+ This bitmap parameter shows that which keyword parameters are given
+ or not given (0 for given).
+ It is referred by `checkkeyword' instruction described bellow.
+ * rename rb_iseq_t::arg_keyword_check to rb_iseq_t::arg_keyword_rest
+ to represent keyword rest parameter index.
+ * add rb_iseq_t::arg_keyword_default_values to represent default
+ keyword values.
+ to represent
+ (ci->flag & (SPLAT|BLOCKARG)) &&
+ ci->blockiseq == NULL &&
+ ci->kw_arg == NULL.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c, vm_args.c: rewrite with refactoring.
+ * rewrite splat argument code.
+ * rewrite keyword arguments/parameters code.
+ * merge method and block parameter fitting code into one code base.
+ * vm.c, vm_eval.c: catch up these changes.
+ * compile.c (new_callinfo): callinfo requires kw_arg parameter.
+ * compile.c (compile_array_): check the last argument Hash object or
+ not. If Hash object and all keys are Symbol literals, they are
+ compiled to keyword arguments.
+ * insns.def (checkkeyword): add new instruction.
+ This instruction check the availability of corresponding keyword.
+ For example, a method "def foo k1: 'v1'; end" is compiled to the
+ following instructions.
+ 0000 checkkeyword 2, 0 # check k1 is given.
+ 0003 branchif 9 # if given, jump to address #9
+ 0005 putstring "v1"
+ 0007 setlocal_OP__WC__0 3 # k1 = 'v1'
+ 0009 trace 8
+ 0011 putnil
+ 0012 trace 16
+ 0014 leave
+ * insns.def (opt_send_simple): removed and add new instruction
+ "opt_send_without_block".
+ * parse.y (new_args_tail_gen): reorder variables.
+ Before this patch, a method "def foo(k1: 1, kr1:, k2: 2, **krest, &b)"
+ has parameter variables "k1, kr1, k2, &b, internal_id, krest",
+ but this patch reorders to "kr1, k1, k2, internal_id, krest, &b".
+ (locate a block variable at last)
+ * parse.y (vtable_pop): added.
+ This function remove latest `n' variables from vtable.
+ * iseq.c: catch up iseq data changes.
+ * proc.c: ditto.
+ * class.c (keyword_error): export as rb_keyword_error().
+ * depend vm_args.c for vm.o.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_has_key): export.
+ * internal.h: ditto.
+Mon Nov 3 02:35:32 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * sample/simple-bench.rb: added to measure performance of simple
+ lines.
+Mon Nov 3 02:33:43 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (obj_info): show T_STRING more details.
+Sun Nov 2 01:30:32 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb: Don't ignore errors on listener threads,
+ as much as possible.
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl_session.rb: Ditto.
+ * test/openssl/test_partial_record_read.rb: Ditto.
+Sat Nov 1 23:11:05 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/openssl/utils.rb (start_server): Don't close sockets before
+ threads finished.
+Sat Nov 1 22:06:24 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl_session.rb (test_ctx_client_session_cb): Don't
+ ignore errors of SSL accept.
+ (test_ctx_server_session_cb): Ditto.
+ * test/openssl/utils.rb (server_loop): Add ignore_ssl_accept_error
+ argument.
+ (start_server): Refine threads waits.
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (assert_join_threads): Show a thread before
+ backtrace.
+Sat Nov 1 20:40:18 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/openssl/utils.rb (start_server, server_loop): Use a
+ pipe to stop server instead of shutdown/close a listening socket.
+Sat Nov 1 19:24:59 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (assert_join_threads): New assertion to
+ join multiple threads without exceptions.
+Sat Nov 1 17:09:32 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_mul_balance_with_mulfunc): Fix free work area
+ location.
+ [ruby-dev:48723] [Bug #10464]
+ [ruby-core:66044] [Bug #10465]
+ Reported by Kohji Nishihama.
+Sat Nov 1 15:45:15 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parse_atmark): mere atmark and two atmarks without
+ succeeding identifiers are invalid as instance/class variable
+ names.
+Sat Nov 1 06:31:41 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_variant.c: use typed data.
+Fri Oct 31 13:55:28 2014 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/dl/*: remove DL as it is replaced by Fiddle.
+ [Feature #5458] Thanks to Jonan Scheffler <>
+ for this patch
+ * test/dl/*: ditto.
+Fri Oct 31 15:26:02 2014 Charles Oliver Nutter <>
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb: Add certificate verification chain
+ test from JRuby community.
+Fri Oct 31 18:58:02 2014 Charles Oliver Nutter <>
+ * test/psych/test_emitter.rb: Fix line_width test...initial value
+ is impl-specific and attr assignment always returns LHS.
+Fri Oct 31 22:19:30 2014 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/lib/digest.rb (Digest()): This function should now be
+ thread-safe. If you have a problem with regard to on-demand
+ loading under a multi-threaded environment, preload "digest/*"
+ modules on boot or use this method instead of directly
+ referencing Digest::*. [Bug #9494]
+ cf.
+Fri Oct 31 21:33:17 2014 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * test/digest/test_digest.rb: Drop #!. This no longer runs
+ stand-alone because it depends on ruby/envutil.
+Fri Oct 31 17:22:19 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/setup.mak: $(APPEND) with some arguments insert a space before
+ the arguments, so it causes error if the arguments are expected to be
+ a macro definition. this fix resolve the build error introduced at
+ r48210.
+Fri Oct 31 16:47:35 2014 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/syslog/lib/syslog/logger.rb (Syslog::Logger::VERSION): Bump
+ the VERSION to 2.1.0. [ruby-core:64483] [Bug #10159]
+Fri Oct 31 16:33:46 2014 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (Net::IMAP#fetch): [DOC] Document that
+ Net::IMAP#fetch will return nil instead of an empty array.
+Fri Oct 31 12:54:43 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (.unicode-tables.time): needs Unicode files always,
+ and should update after downloading these files.
+ [ruby-core:66026] [Bug #10461]
+Fri Oct 31 10:16:42 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * .travis.yml: reverted r48199, it's unrelated configuration.
+Fri Oct 31 09:58:14 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/test_unicode_normalize.rb: added unicode version number to
+ test data location.
+Fri Oct 31 09:56:41 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * .gitignore: ignored unicode data with version directories.
+Fri Oct 31 09:35:30 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * .travis.yml: tweak build scripts for unicode_normalize.rb.
+Thu Oct 30 18:47:04 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * fix for the case ALWAYS_UPDATE_UNICODE=no
+Thu Oct 30 13:23:23 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * tool/downloader.rb: changed Unicode data download location
+ from latest Unicode version to Unicode 7.0.0.
+Thu Oct 30 11:16:13 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_callee_setup_arg{_complex,}): try conversion
+ by to_ary for a lambda, as well as a proc.
+ [ruby-core:65887] [Bug #9605]
+Wed Oct 29 21:13:23 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (gettable_gen): warn circular argument reference, for
+ transition from 2.1 and earlier. [ruby-core:65990] [Bug #10314]
+Wed Oct 29 20:41:01 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_params): remove unused member `cur_mid`.
+ this has been taken over by `in_def` since 1.6.
+Wed Oct 29 14:44:27 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * load.c (rb_f_load): path name needs to be transcoded to OS path
+ encoding. [ruby-list:49994]
+Wed Oct 29 11:48:23 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (__builtin_setjmp): disable with gcc/clang earlier
+ than 4.3 on Mac OS X. [ruby-core:65174] [Bug #10272]
+Wed Oct 29 11:43:43 2014 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb: Generalize Vector#cross_product to arbitrary
+ dimensions
+ based on a patch by gogo tanaka [#10074]
+Wed Oct 29 11:43:11 2014 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb: Add Matrix#adjucate
+ patch by gogo tanaka [#10056]
+Wed Oct 29 11:42:33 2014 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb: Add aliases for Vector#cross & dot
+ patch by gogo tanaka [#10352]
+Wed Oct 29 10:00:18 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * gems/bundled_gems: Update latest version of bundled gems.
+Tue Oct 28 16:52:07 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * signal.c (install_sighandler): remove rb_disable_interrupt and
+ rb_enable_interrupt calls
+ (init_sigchld): ditto
+ (Init_signal): disable and enable interrupt once around all
+ install_sighandler and init_sigchld to reduce syscalls at start
+ [Feature #9345] [ruby-core:59480]
+Tue Oct 28 16:22:41 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (process_options, load_file_internal2): should not
+ require other files when dump option is given.
+ [ruby-dev:48712] [Bug #10435]
+Tue Oct 28 14:51:38 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * remove apple-gcc4.2 from CC candidates.
+Mon Oct 27 20:13:37 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/rexml/entity.rb: keep the entity size within the limitation.
+ reported by Willis Vandevanter <> and
+ patched by nahi.
+Mon Oct 27 17:17:24 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (method_proc): the receiver of binding from method should
+ be same as the receiver of the method.
+ [ruby-core:65917] [Bug #10432]
+Mon Oct 27 16:26:37 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_super.rb: add a test to check block passing.
+Mon Oct 27 15:59:26 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: is_incremental_marking(), will_be_incremental_marking():
+ use `&&' with GC_ENABLE_INCREMENTAL_MARK instead of using
+ #if/#else/#endif.
+Mon Oct 27 13:40:11 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_sweep_rest): sweep rest pages regardless of whether
+ lazy sweep is enabled or not. based on the patch by Masahiro
+ Ide at [ruby-dev:48706]. [Bug #10431]
+Mon Oct 27 11:18:32 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (test_deadlock_by_signal_at_forking):
+ reduce garbage during forks
+Sun Oct 25 12:26:26 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * template/,,,
+ fixed path of generating script.
+Sun Oct 26 12:24:15 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper/sexp.rb (Ripper.sexp, Ripper.sexp_raw):
+ return nil on error. [ruby-dev:48678] [Bug #10405]
+Sun Oct 25 11:24:24 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * string.c: improved comment.
+Sun Oct 26 07:40:11 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_val2variant, ole_invoke): refactoring.
+ use ole_variant2variant to convert WIN32OLE_VARIANT object to
+ VARIANT object.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_variant.c: refactoring. add
+ ole_variant2variant.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_variant.h: ditto.
+Sat Oct 25 22:28:17 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (io_binwrite_string): Test writev() failure.
+Sat Oct 25 20:19:19 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/test-unicode_normalize.rb: added test_us_ascii.
+Sat Oct 25 20:09:09 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * lib/unicode_normalize/normalize.rb: added US_ASCII
+ as trivially supported encoding (is always normalized,
+ and may appear mixed in with UTF-8 or other Unicode
+ encodings).
+Sat Oct 25 20:01:01 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/test-unicode_normalize.rb: added
+ test_raise_exception_for_non_unicode_encoding.
+Sat Oct 25 19:30:30 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/test-unicode_normalize.rb: removed unused function.
+Sat Oct 25 18:41:41 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * template/unicode_norm_gen.tmpl: Adjusted name of generating file.
+Fri Oct 24 22:49:42 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): dispatch newline and space at fluent
+ interface, so that the following identifier does not include the
+ space. [ruby-dev:48684] [Bug #10411]
+Fri Oct 24 20:41:36 2014 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * signal.c (check_reserved_signal_): fix write count since r47991.
+Thu Oct 23 21:42:54 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_delete): now does not call the block given to
+ the current method. [ruby-core:65861] [Bug #10413]
+Thu Oct 23 19:13:26 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_entry_make): warn redefinition only for
+ already defined methods, but not for undefined methods.
+ [ruby-dev:48691] [Bug #10421]
+Thu Oct 23 17:19:04 2014 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/source.rb (REXML::IOSource#encoding_updated): Fix a
+ bug that can't parse XML correctly when
+ Encoding.default_internal is different with XML
+ encoding. REXML::Source converts XML encoding on read. So IO
+ should not convert XML encoding.
+ Based on patch by NAKAMURA Usaku.
+ [ruby-dev:48686] [Bug #10418]
+ * test/rexml/test_encoding.rb
+ (REXMLTests::EncodingTester#test_parse_utf16_with_utf8_default_internal):
+ Add the for the above case.
+Thu Oct 23 16:29:02 2014 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_encoding.rb
+ (REXMLTests::EncodingTester#test_parse_utf16): Use meaningful
+ test name. "ticket" in the old test name means the ticket in
+ REXML's issue tracker. The REXML's issue tracker was gone. So
+ "ticket" is meaningless.
+ * test/rexml/data/ticket_110_utf16.xml: Rename to ...
+ * test/rexml/data/utf16.xml: ... this.
+Thu Oct 23 16:18:11 2014 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_encoding.rb
+ (REXMLTests::EncodingTester#test_ticket_110): Fix expected and
+ actual order.
+ Patch by NAKAMURA Usaku. Thanks!!!
+Thu Oct 23 10:47:16 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * insns.def (getlocal,setlocal): add comment to def/opt_operand.def
+Thu Oct 23 10:22:41 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (test_deadlock_by_signal_at_forking):
+ use IO#wait_readable instead of timeout
+Thu Oct 23 10:22:24 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (test_deadlock_by_signal_at_forking):
+ ensure exit! during fork failure
+Thu Oct 23 10:21:21 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * NEWS: Added String#unicode_normalize(|!|d?) [ci skip]
+Thu Oct 23 03:41:51 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c (unknown_keyword_error): delete expected keywords
+ directly from raw table, so that the given block is not called.
+ [ruby-core:65837] [Bug #10413]
+Thu Oct 23 02:33:01 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (update-unicode): invert dependency to run every times.
+ [ruby-core:65842] [Bug #10415]
+ * (after-update): update files under source tree.
+ [ruby-core:65840] [Bug #10414]
+Wed Oct 22 22:38:59 2014 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.rb (DEFAULT_PARAMS): override
+ options even if OpenSSL::SSL::OP_NO_SSLv3 is not defined.
+ this is pointed out by Stephen Touset. [ruby-core:65711] [Bug #9424]
+Wed Oct 22 21:31:56 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * (prelude.c): add dependency to LIB_SRCS because
+ enc/prelude.rb requires lib/unicode_normalize.rb, and it's also
+ requires lib/unicode_normalize/tables.rb (=LIB_SRCS).
+Wed Oct 22 21:09:51 2014 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * (nacl_cv_cpu_nick): fix typo in PNaCl.
+ (XCFLAGS) Add -isystem flag to pnacl and nacl-newlib
+ (CXX): added
+ * nacl/ (CXX): Added
+ (PPROGRAM): Use clang++ instead of clang because libnacl_io
+ depends on c++ std lib.
+Wed Oct 22 21:07:32 2014 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * (build-ext): avoid trying to build dynamic libraries
+ if configured --with-static-linked-ext.
+Wed Oct 22 20:33:33 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * Fixed grammar in comment [ci skip]
+Wed Oct 22 19:18:18 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * tool/unicode_norm_gen.rb: Fixed escaping of backslash and
+ double quote ('\\\&' -> "\\\\\\\&"; double quoted string
+ is needed to make \& mean last match; double double
+ backslashes are needed because of two layers of escaping).
+Wed Oct 22 18:13:29 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/test-unicode_normalize.rb: as often said, ruby is sometimes built
+ at non-srcdir.
+Wed Oct 22 18:12:12 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/test-unicode_normalize.rb: Adjusted path for test
+ data file (now ../enc/unicode/data/NormalizationTest.txt).
+Wed Oct 22 18:07:07 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/test-unicode_normalize.rb: Removed explicit require,
+ changed method names, adjusted copyright.
+Wed Oct 22 18:00:00 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/test-unicode_normalize.rb: Importing from
+ (removing trailing whitespace, fixing EOLs and adding EOL property)
+Wed Oct 22 08:21:09 2014 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * nacl/pepper_main.c (Instance_DidCreate): mount devfs and rebind fd 0
+ .. 2 so that stderr goes to the console of the browser.
+Wed Oct 22 03:47:43 2014 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (etc_nprocessors_affin): maximum "n" should be 16384.
+Wed Oct 22 03:37:00 2014 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (etc_nprocessors_affin): minor spell fix.
+Wed Oct 22 03:33:58 2014 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (etc_nprocessors_affin): optimize memory usage a
+ bit. Typical rubyist never use 8k cpus machine.
+Wed Oct 22 00:01:09 2014 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * (XCFLAGS): Add include path for NaCl libraries.
+ (XLDFLAGS): ditto.
+ (NACL_LIB_PATH): new substitution
+ * nacl/nacl-config.rb: support NACL_LIB_PATH
+ * nacl/package.rb: ditto.
+ * nacl/pepper_main.c: replace old implementations with nacl_io.
+ * nacl/ link nacl_io to pepper_ruby
+ * ruby.c (rb_load_file): remove __attribute__((weak)) because the old
+ override hack was replaced with nacl_io.
+ * file.c (rb_file_load_ok): ditto.
+Tue Oct 21 17:32:32 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * Adding explicit creation of directory
+ enc/unicode/data because git doesn't handle empty
+ directories. [patch by Masahiro Ide, filed with r48073]
+Tue Oct 21 17:12:12 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * lib/unicode_normalize/tables.rb: Committing to make version
+ update easier and more predictable, and reducing compilation
+ time.
+Tue Oct 21 15:56:56 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * lib/unicode_normalize/normalize.rb: Added comment to point to
+ relevant portion of Unicode standard for Hangul (de)composition
+ identifiers and algorithm.
+Tue Oct 21 11:49:16 2014 Andreas Schwab <>
+ * gc.c (mark_current_machine_context) [__mc68000__]: Update stack
+ marking.
+ (rb_gc_mark_machine_stack) [__mc68000__]: Also handle it here.
+Mon Oct 20 23:59:38 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * enc/prelude.rb: we sometimes run ruby without library path (especially
+ for test), so should permit to run ruby if unicode_normalize.rb is
+ missing.
+Mon Oct 20 23:57:58 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * (lib/unicode_normalize/tables.rb): enable running (n)make
+ in non-srcdir.
+Mon Oct 20 23:58:04 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/downloader.rb: add -a option to always download regardless
+ existing files.
+Mon Oct 20 23:18:18 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: no need to convert path separator for COPY because it's
+ ruby -run cp and it can treat '/' on any platform.
+Mon Oct 20 19:54:54 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * Added missing data files as targets for
+ prerequisite update_unicode.
+Mon Oct 20 19:06:06 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * lib/unicode_normalize.rb: revert r48046. The s in sIndex
+ is not hungarian notation. The variable name sIndex is
+ directly taken from the relevant part of the Unicode
+ Standard, where it is written SIndex and stands for
+ 'syllable index'. See pp. 144/145 of
+Mon Oct 20 12:46:46 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * lib/unicode_normalize.rb: removing unnecessary 'self'.
+Mon Oct 20 12:37:37 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * lib/unicode_normalize.rb: change method names
+ in commented-out code. Followup to r48027.
+Mon Oct 20 02:23:27 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c (rb_ivar_get), vm_insnhelper.c (vm_getivar): improve
+ instance variable retrieval performance by checking ruby_verbose
+ before call of rb_warning and evaluation of its argument.
+ [ruby-core:65786] [Feature #10396]
+Sun Oct 19 23:31:29 2014 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * lib/unicode_normalize.rb: (unicode_normalize!): change method name.
+ catch up the method name change at r48014. [Feature #10084]
+Sun Oct 19 20:05:58 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tile/treeview.rb: fix syntax error.
+Sun Oct 19 18:39:39 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/prelude.rb: Added automatic loading of
+ lib/unicode_normalize.rb. This makes sure that all
+ the methods that are available on String are
+ available without explicit require.
+Sun Oct 19 18:35:35 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * lib/unicode_normalize/normalize.rb: Added a missing
+ file extension in require statement.
+Sun Oct 19 18:13:13 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * Added a rule to generate
+ lib/unicode_normalize/tables.rb. This rule still
+ needs to be integrated into the overall make process.
+Sun Oct 19 17:53:53 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * lib/unicode_normalize.rb: Changed to dynamic
+ loading of actual normalization code and tables.
+Sun Oct 19 17:37:37 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * lib/unicode_normalize.rb: Small documentation fix.
+Sun Oct 19 17:26:26 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * lib/unicode_normalize.rb: Added documentation.
+Sun Oct 19 11:09:09 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * tool/unicode_norm_gen.rb, lib/unicode_normalize.rb:
+ File name change from lib/unicode_normalize/normalize_tables.rb
+ to lib/unicode_normalize/tables.rb.
+Sun Oct 19 10:12:12 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * lib/unicode_normalize.rb: Changing method names, see
+Sun Oct 19 10:10:10 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * lib/unicode_normalize.rb: Changing module name.
+Sun Oct 19 10:08:08 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * lib/unicode_normalize.rb: Changing require statement,
+ adjusting copyright.
+Sun Oct 19 10:04:04 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * lib/unicode_normalize.rb: Importing from
+ (removing trailing whitespace, fixing EOLs and adding EOL property)
+Sun Oct 19 09:56:56 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * tool/unicode_norm_gen.rb: Changed module name.
+Sun Oct 19 09:48:48 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * lib/unicode_normalize/normalize.rb: Changed module name,
+ adjusted copyright.
+Sun Oct 19 09:38:38 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * lib/unicode_normalize/normalize.rb: Importing from
+Sat Oct 18 20:40:52 2014 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * vm_core.h, proc.c, vm_backtrace.c, vm_trace.c:
+ remove rb_binding_new_with_cfp, and use rb_vm_make_binding instead.
+Sat Oct 18 20:38:48 2014 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * vm_core.h, vm.c, proc.c: fix GC mark miss on bindings.
+ [ruby-dev:48616] [Bug #10368]
+ * test/ruby/test_eval.rb: add a test code.
+Fri Oct 17 22:47:11 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): Add casts for char references for 'u'.
+ Fix line ending recognition algorithm.
+Fri Oct 17 21:49:52 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): Add casts for char references for 'b' and 'h'.
+Fri Oct 17 17:50:10 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * Avoid undefined behaviors found by gcc -fsanitize=undefined.
+ gcc (Debian 4.9.1-16) 4.9.1
+ * string.c (rb_str_sum): Avoid undefined behavior.
+Fri Oct 17 17:43:50 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * Avoid undefined behaviors found by gcc -fsanitize=undefined.
+ gcc (Debian 4.9.1-16) 4.9.1
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (INT2FIX): Avoid undefined behavior.
+ * node.h (nd_set_line): Ditto.
+ * pack.c (encodes): Ditto.
+ (pack_unpack): Ditto.
+ * regint.h (BIT_STATUS_AT): Ditto.
+ (BS_BIT): Ditto.
+ * time.c (time_mdump): Ditto.
+ (time_mload): Ditto.
+ * vm_core.h (VM_FRAME_MAGIC_MASK): Ditto.
+ * vm_trace.c (recalc_add_ruby_vm_event_flags): Ditto.
+Fri Oct 17 15:06:49 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * re.c (unescape_nonascii): make dynamically compiled US-ASCII
+ regexps ASCII-8BIT encoding if binary (hexadecimal, control,
+ meta) escapes are contained, as well as literal regexps.
+ [ruby-dev:48626] [Bug #10382]
+Fri Oct 17 03:05:08 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * test/-ext-/bug_reporter/test_bug_reporter.rb
+ (test_bug_reporter_add): revert r47972
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb (test_segv_test): revert r47971
+ [ruby-core:65764]
+Thu Oct 16 23:17:40 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * signal.c (rb_sigaltstack_size): double default size to get rid
+ of heap corruption by alternate stack overflow in SEGV handler.
+ typically happened at fprintf() in control_frame_dump().
+Thu Oct 16 22:43:12 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * vm_backtrace.c (id2str): Fix a variable name.
+ [ruby-dev:48642] [Bug #10389]
+Thu Oct 16 20:01:26 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (assert_pattern_list): Show number of matched
+ patterns and characters.
+Thu Oct 16 16:26:09 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * cont.c (fiber_store): fix WIN32 fibers
+ [ruby-core:65745] [ruby-core:65758]
+Thu Oct 16 15:05:07 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_here_document): do not append already appended
+ and disposed code fragment. [ruby-dev:48647] [Bug #10392]
+Thu Oct 16 10:35:33 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * test/-ext-/bug_reporter/test_bug_reporter.rb
+ (test_bug_reporter_add): fix race
+Thu Oct 16 10:09:02 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb (test_segv_test): fix race
+Thu Oct 16 09:17:48 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * cont.c (rb_fiber_t): fix compile error caused by move to
+ vm_core.h at r47964. [Feature #10341]
+Thu Oct 16 08:58:11 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (test_deadlock_by_signal_at_forking):
+ avoid killing wrong parent
+Thu Oct 16 08:40:04 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * cont.c (fiber_store): restore references to next_fib (fix typo)
+Thu Oct 16 08:26:08 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * cont.c (fiber_store): remove references to nextfib
+ fix build when FIBER_USE_NATIVE is 0
+Thu Oct 16 06:51:35 2014 Knut Franke <>
+ * vm_core.h: declare rb_fiber_t typedef
+ (rb_thread_t): fiber and root_fiber become rb_fiber_t * (from VALUE)
+ * vm.c (rb_thread_mark): use rb_fiber_mark_self
+ * cont.c (rb_fiber_t): prev becomes rb_fiber_t * (from VALUE)
+ (cont_mark, cont_free): simplify conditions
+ (rb_fiber_mark_self): new function
+ (fiber_mark): use rb_fiber_mark_self
+ (cont_save_thread, cont_restore_thread): inline
+ (cont_restore_thread): simplify
+ (fiber_setcontext): simplify conditions
+ (rb_cont_call): remove dereference
+ (fiber_t_alloc): update for rb_fiber_t->prev type change
+ (rb_fiber_start): ditto
+ (fiber_current): extract from rb_fiber_current
+ (return_fiber): move, simplify type checks
+ (rb_fiber_current): use fiber_current
+ (fiber_store): simplify type checks
+ (fiber_switch): ditto, simplify call to fiber_setcontext,
+ use fiber_current
+ (rb_fiber_transfer): update for type changes
+ (rb_fiber_terminate): move, use fiber_switch
+ (rb_fiber_resume): update for type changes
+ (rb_fiber_reset_root_local_storage): ditto
+ (rb_fiber_yield): use rb_fiber_switch instead of rb_fiber_transfer
+ (rb_fiber_m_transfer): ditto
+ [ruby-core:65518] [Feature #10341]
+Thu Oct 16 06:25:29 2014 Knut Franke <>
+ * cont.c (rb_context_t): comment on saved_thread
+ (cont_save_thread): sparse copy
+ (cont_init): copy extra fields
+ (fiber_init): use current thread VM stack size
+ [ruby-core:65518] [Feature #10341]
+Thu Oct 16 06:13:09 2014 Knut Franke <>
+ * cont.c (cont_capture): remove unnecessary variable
+ [ruby-core:65518] [Feature #10341]
+Thu Oct 16 05:02:31 2014 Knut Franke <>
+ * cont.c (fiber_store, fiber_switch): simplify
+ [ruby-core:65518] [Feature #10341]
+Thu Oct 16 04:28:41 2014 Knut Franke <>
+ * cont.c (rb_fiber_t): remove prev_fiber/next_fiber
+ (fiber_link_join, fiber_link_remove): remove functions
+ (fiber_free, fiber_init, root_fiber_alloc):
+ remove references to removed fields and functions
+ [ruby-core:65518] [Feature #10341]
+Wed Oct 15 22:08:37 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (etc_nprocessors_affin): Test CPU_ALLOC availability.
+ CentOS 5 don't have CPU_ALLOC().
+Wed Oct 15 18:26:19 2014 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (etc_nprocessors_affinity): use sched_getaffinity
+ for getting precious number of available cpus.
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (etc_nprocessors): use etc_nprocessors_affinity if
+ possible.
+ [Feature #10267] etc-nprocessors-kosaki2.patch
+Wed Oct 15 17:53:28 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (assert_pattern_list) Renamed from
+ assert_regexp_list.
+ Show multiline string in multi lines.
+ * test/-ext-/bug_reporter/test_bug_reporter.rb: Use
+ assert_pattern_list.
+Wed Oct 15 12:26:58 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (assert_regexp_list): New assertion method.
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb: Use assert_regexp_list.
+Wed Oct 15 07:21:09 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enum.c: min(n) drops elements bigger than the n-th maximum element.
+ (struct nmin_data): New field to record the n-th maximum element, limit
+ (nmin_filter): Update limit field.
+ (nmin_i): Drop too big elements.
+ (nmin_run): Initialize limit field.
+Wed Oct 15 07:00:14 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * test/ruby/test_optimization.rb (test_string_size): new test
+Wed Oct 15 06:51:13 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * test/ruby/test_optimization.rb (test_string_eq_neq): new test
+ (test_string_ltlt): ditto
+Wed Oct 15 06:50:29 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * test/ruby/test_optimization.rb (test_hash_aset_with):
+ assert assignment
+Wed Oct 15 04:56:27 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * gc.c (rb_obj_id): [DOC] Fix typo, clean up sentence, and wrap cols
+Wed Oct 15 04:53:30 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * error.c: [DOC] Fix case of type in exception message by @tricknotes
+ [Fixes GH-740]
+ * object.c: ditto
+Tue Oct 14 21:39:16 2014 Vit Ondruch <>
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb (gem): Fix permissions of bundled gems
+ specification files. [ruby-core:65700] [Bug #10383]
+Tue Oct 14 19:15:31 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_record.c: use typed data.
+Tue Oct 14 16:23:12 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * symbol.c (global_symbols): make ids two-dimensional array of
+ strings and symbols, for write-barrier.
+ * symbol.c (global_symbols): make IDs immortal always, instead
+ of treating dynamic symbols as IDs.
+ * iseq.c, marshal.c, string.c: use rb_str_intern instead of
+ rb_str_dynamic_intern.
+ * symbol.c (rb_str_intern): rename rb_str_dynamic_intern.
+Tue Oct 14 10:19:10 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * test/ruby/test_optimization.rb (test_string_freeze): new test
+ (test_hash_aref_with): ditto
+ (test_hash_aset_with): ditto
+Tue Oct 14 01:27:54 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enum.c (nmin_run): max(n) and max_by(n) returns an array in
+ descending order.
+ [ruby-core:65452] Suggested by David Grayson.
+Mon Oct 13 20:44:49 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (update-gems): chdir to the target directory and then
+ add the tool directory to load paths, for older BASERUBY.
+ [Bug #10372][ruby-core:65630]
+Mon Oct 13 17:53:01 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc/parser.rb: added new parser class using libxml-ruby gem.
+ [Feature #9379][ruby-core:59633]
+ * lib/xmlrpc/config.rb: ditto.
+Mon Oct 13 16:32:56 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/find.rb (Find.find): Call to_path for arguments to obtain
+ strings.
+ [ruby-core:63713] [Bug #10035] Reported by Herwin.
+Mon Oct 13 15:42:25 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * use relative load path for bundled_gems directory.
+ [Bug #10372][ruby-core:65630]
+Mon Oct 13 08:44:06 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * README.EXT: [DOC] fix example missing typedef with patch by
+ @steveklabnik [Fixes GH-739]
+ * README.EXT.ja: ditto.
+Mon Oct 13 06:52:09 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * array.c (ary_recycle_hash): add RB_GC_GUARD
+ (rb_ary_diff): remove volatile
+ [Bug #10369]
+Mon Oct 13 03:20:23 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: [DOC] Clean up whitespace, examples, and typos
+ in date_core based on a patch by @vipulnsward [Fixes GH-724]
+Mon Oct 13 02:39:26 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (remove_duplicate_keys): should not simply eliminate all
+ value nodes, which may have side effects.
+ [ruby-core:65625] [Bug #10315]
+Sun Oct 12 10:39:16 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * vm.c: [DOC] fix typo by @yui-knk [Fixes GH-738]
+Sun Oct 12 09:24:15 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/lib/test/unit.rb: Hide skips by default.
+Sun Oct 12 01:37:11 2014 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * file.c: include sys/time.h only if HAVE_SYS_TIME_H
+Sat Oct 11 22:29:40 2014 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * file.c (HAVE_UTIMENSAT): disabled for NativeClient.
+ Fixes build error.
+Sat Oct 11 22:11:58 2014 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb: generates the rule for extinit.$(OBJEXT).
+ extinit.$(OBJEXT) used to be generated by the builtin rule, thus
+ didn't accept custom $(CC) and caused linkage error for cross
+ compiling.
+Sat Oct 11 18:46:50 2014 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_fd_select): declare struct timeval, or the
+ struct gets local to the function in C99.
+ * file.c (#include): add nacl/stat.h for PNaCl.
+ (utimes): added a declaration for PNaCl.
+ (stat_atimespec): stat::st_atimensec is long long but
+ timespec::tv_nsec is long in PNaCl.
+ (stat_mtimespec, stat_ctimespec): ditto.
+ (rb_group_member): disable getgroups unless HAVE_GETGROUPS.
+ (eaccess): unify the fallback to generic defined(USE_GETEUID).
+ * io.c: include sys/time.h for struct timeval.
+ (rb_close_before_exec): nothing we can do if F_GETFD is not
+ available.
+ (ioctl): pnacl newlib actually doesn't have ioctl.
+ * process.c (maxgroups): it is used iff
+ defined(_SC_NGROUPS_MAX) || defined(NGROUPS_MAX) but not
+ defined(HAVE_GETGROUPS) || defined(HAVE_SETGROUPS).
+ (obj2gid): fail unless the object is a Fixnum if getgrnam is not
+ available.
+ (disable_child_handler_fork_child): sigaction is not available in
+ PNaCl newlib.
+ * (warnflags, strict_warnflags): avoid -ansi for strlcpy.
+ (rb_cv_gcc_atomic_builtins): also check
+ __atomic_or_etch because it is used in ruby_atomic.h.
+ (rb_cv_gcc_sync_builtins): ditto.
+ (HAVE_GETGRNAM): added.
+Sat Oct 11 15:32:08 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_build_from_ary_exception): move RB_GC_GUARD
+ (iseq_build_from_ary_body): use PRIsVALUE instead of RB_GC_GUARD
+Sat Oct 11 14:57:08 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_intern): remove unnecessary RB_GC_GUARD
+Sat Oct 11 13:47:13 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (remove_duplicate_keys): remove duplicate literal keys,
+ i.e., symbols and strings. [ruby-core:65368] [Bug #10315]
+ * vm.c (kwmerge_i): override existing keys by new keys.
+ [ruby-core:65368] [Bug #10315]
+ * parse.y (assocs): concatenate splatted literal hashes. the
+ former key has precedence even if duplicated literal keys
+ follow. [ruby-core:65368] [Bug #10315]
+Sat Oct 11 12:27:03 2014 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * (RUBY_NACL): automatically locate pnacl-clang.
+ (RUBY_PLATFORM): pnacl instead of le32-nacl.
+Sat Oct 11 11:27:14 2014 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * io.c: fix issues in the last two commits. don't disable cloexec for
+ platforms other than NativeClient.
+ * ChangeLog: ditto. add entries for the last two commits.
+Sat Oct 11 11:12:00 2014 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * signal.c (install_signalhandler, init_sigchld): allow failure because it
+ always fails with ENOSYS on NaCl.
+Sat Oct 11 11:11:53 2014 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * (RUBY_NACL and others): merge patch from naclports. Supports PNaCl.
+ * dln.c: ditto. replace the old hacky dynamic loading over HTTP with nacl_io.
+ * file.c: ditto. tentatively use access(2) instead of eaccess.
+ (rb_file_load_ok): weaken with attribute but not by postprocess.
+ * io.c: ditto.
+ (socket.h): now NaCl has socket.h
+ (flock): disable here instead of nacl/ioctl.h
+ * nacl/ ditto.
+ respect path to them if they are absolute.
+ This helps naclports to build ruby in their source tree.
+ (PROGRAM_NMF, .SUFFIXES): support .pnexe for PNaCl.
+ (ruby.o, file.o): move the hack to attributes in ruby.c and file.c
+ * nacl/ioctl.h: ditto. removed. move the hack to io.c.
+ * nacl/nacl-config.rb: ditto. support arm, pnacl and others.
+ * nacl/pepper_main.c: ditto. support build in a naclports tree.
+ * ruby.c (rb_load_file): ditto. weaken with attribute but not by postprocess.
+Sat Oct 11 09:32:00 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/socket/unixsocket.c: [DOC] Fix example to render in HTML
+ properly, with a patch by @eval [Fixes GH-733]
+Sat Oct 11 04:14:41 2014 Kir Shatrov <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb (OpenURI::Options): add :open_timeout default
+ * (def OpenURI.open_http): check :open_timeout option
+ * (module OpenURI): rdoc for :open_timeout
+ * test/open-uri/test_open-uri.rb (test_open_timeout): new test
+ [Feature #10361]
+Fri Oct 10 11:27:49 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/io.h (rb_io_mode_flags, rb_io_modenum_flags):
+ deprecate old macros for compatibility for ruby 1.8 and older.
+Thu Oct 9 23:31:47 2014 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * bignum.c (absint_numwords_generic): set an array element after
+ definition of a variable to fix compile error with older version
+ of fcc (Fujitsu C Compiler) 5.6 on Solaris 10 on Sparc.
+ [Bug #10350] [ruby-dev:48608]
+Thu Oct 9 16:15:26 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/-test-/st/foreach/extconf.rb: new file
+ * ext/-test-/st/foreach/foreach.c: ditto
+ * test/-ext-/st/test_foreach.rb: ditto
+ [Feature #10321]
+Thu Oct 9 12:40:28 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * benchmark/bm_hash_aref_sym*.rb: force static symbols
+Thu Oct 9 12:38:28 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * hash.c (rb_any_hash): remove unnecessary dsym check
+Thu Oct 9 07:20:30 2014 Rei Odaira <>
+ * missing/setproctitle.c: Avoid invalidating argv[1], argv[2],
+ etc. until the first call to Process.setproctitle, because
+ the ps command of AIX refers to the argv array.
+ [Bug #10090]
+Thu Oct 9 00:53:15 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (dir_s_aref): fix rdoc. `Dir.glob` allows an array but
+ `Dir[]` not. the former accepts an optional parameter `flags`,
+ while the latter accepts arbitrary number of arguments but no
+ `flags`. [ruby-core:65265] [Bug #10294]
+Wed Oct 8 21:44:10 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_variable.c: use typed data.
+Wed Oct 8 16:36:47 2014 gogo tanaka <>
+ * test/ruby/test_syntax.rb: added syntax tests of underscore
+ arguments. [Feature #10340][ruby-core:65496]
+Wed Oct 8 07:42:39 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (URI#inspect): remove Object id.
+ URI is considered that it doesn't require id.
+Wed Oct 8 05:22:42 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (etc_systmpdir): set default tmplen correctly
+ Fixup r47826
+Wed Oct 8 05:16:32 2014 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb: Add @- and @+ for Matrix and Vector.
+ patch by gogo tanaka [#10068] [#10069]
+Wed Oct 8 04:58:48 2014 John Bachir <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_io.rb (assert_finish):
+ normalize rescue for Timeout::Error
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (Net#read_timeout): ditto for doc
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::ResolvTimeout): ditto for subclass
+ * lib/webrick/httprequest.rb (_read_data): ditto for rescue
+ * sample/timeout.rb (p timeout): ditto for call
+ * test/drb/drbtest.rb (test_06_timeout): ditto
+ * test/ruby/test_readpartial.rb (test_open_pipe): ditto
+ * test/thread/test_queue.rb (test_queue_thread_raise): ditto
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_s_handle_interrupt): ditto for doc
+ [ruby-core:65481] [misc #10339]
+Wed Oct 8 04:38:29 2014 Rei Odaira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (TestProcess#test_setsid): AIX
+ does not allow Process::getsid(pid) when pid is in a
+ different session.
+Wed Oct 8 04:33:04 2014 Rei Odaira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb (TestRubyOptions#test_encoding):
+ On AIX, locale_charmap is ISO-8859-1 with LANG=C. This means
+ the source encoding of stdin is ISO-8859-1, so "invalid
+ multibyte char" error does not occur.
+Wed Oct 8 04:30:29 2014 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb: Add Matrix#laplace_expansion.
+ patch by gogo tanaka [#10073]
+Wed Oct 8 04:29:21 2014 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb: Add Vector.basis.
+ Based on patch by gogo tanaka [#10072]
+Tue Oct 7 23:40:16 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * signal.c (rb_f_kill): get rid of deadlock as unhandled and
+ discarded signals do not make interrupt_cond signaled.
+ based on the patch by Kazuki Tsujimoto at [ruby-dev:48606].
+ [Bug #9820]
+Tue Oct 7 22:43:44 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_method.c: use typed data.
+Tue Oct 7 21:47:05 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_param.c: refactoring.
+Tue Oct 7 21:40:17 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_method.c: refactoring. add
+ olemethod_data_get_struct to wrap Data_Get_Struct.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_method.h: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_param.c (oleparam_ole_param):
+ call olemethod_data_get_struct instead of Data_Get_Struct.
+Tue Oct 7 11:17:08 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (etc_systmpdir): try user temporary directory by
+ confstr() on Mac OS X.
+ c.f.
+Tue Oct 7 10:48:17 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (struct stat.st_size): prefer off_t over int, long,
+ and so on. inspired by
+Tue Oct 7 10:37:39 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_UNIVERSAL_ARCH): fix missing quoting
+ brackets. incorporated from
+Mon Oct 6 23:34:42 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_param.c: use typed data.
+Mon Oct 6 22:37:09 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * symbol.h (struct RSymbol): move from internal.h.
+Mon Oct 6 21:43:03 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * error.c: update exception tree. [DOC]
+ reported by @hemge via twitter.
+Mon Oct 6 18:43:03 2014 Rei Odaira <>
+ * Fix typo. [Bug #9914]
+Mon Oct 6 16:23:30 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * signal.c (rb_f_kill): should not ignore signal unless the
+ default handler is registered. [ruby-dev:48592] [Bug #9820]
+Mon Oct 6 16:07:11 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_string.rb (test_LSHIFT_neary_long_max): enable
+ only on platforms where string size range is smaller than memory
+ space. this test does not make sense but just wastes memory and
+ time on other platforms, as it is hardly possible that a string
+ size becomes neary LONG_MAX if long size equals pointer size.
+ [ruby-core:65410] [Bug #10325]
+Mon Oct 6 11:21:21 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * tool/unicode_norm_gen.rb: Adding/tweaking comments.
+Mon Oct 6 10:57:57 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * tool/unicode_norm_gen.rb: Adjusted directory paths.
+Mon Oct 6 10:27:27 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * tool/unicode_norm_gen.rb: Data generation script imported from
+Mon Oct 6 10:15:15 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * tool/downloader.rb: Adjust example in documentation for
+Mon Oct 6 10:07:07 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * lib/unicode_normalize: New folder for Unicode normalization
+ functionality
+Sun Oct 5 11:04:13 2014 Luiz Angelo Daros de Luca <>
+ * ext/digest/{md5,rmd160,sha1,sha2}/extconf.rb: configure OpenSSL
+ only if bundled libraries is not used, so that OpenSSL is not
+ linked unnecessarily. [ruby-core:65404] [Bug #10324]
+Sun Oct 5 10:39:11 2014 Luiz Angelo Daros de Luca <>
+ * ext/digest/rmd160/extconf.rb: fix transform function name to
+ check. [ruby-core:65091] [Bug #10252]
+Sun Oct 5 05:46:00 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (zstream_mark, zstream_free): update signature
+ (gzfile_mark, gzfile_free): ditto
+ (zstream_memsize): new function for rb_data_type->dsize
+ (gzfile_memsize): ditto
+ (zstream_data_type, gzfile_data_type): new data types
+ (zstream_new): Data_Make_Struct => TypedData_Make_Struct
+ (gzfile_new): ditto
+ (get_zstream, get_gzfile): Data_Get_Struct => TypedData_Get_Struct
+ (rb_zstream_flush_next_in): ditto
+ (rb_zstream_flush_next_out): ditto
+ (rb_zstream_avail_out): ditto
+ (rb_zstream_avail_in): ditto
+ (rb_zstream_closed_p): ditto
+ (rb_deflate_initialize): ditto
+ (rb_deflate_init_copy): ditto
+ (rb_inflate_initialize): ditto
+ (gzfile_ensure_close): ditto
+ (rb_gzfile_closed_p): ditto
+ (rb_gzfile_path): ditto
+ (rb_gzwriter_initialize): ditto
+ (rb_gzreader_initialize): ditto
+ (rb_gzreader_unused): ditto
+ [ruby-core:65377] [Feature #10319]
+Sat Oct 4 16:24:41 2014 Rei Odaira <>
+ * test/test_syslog.rb (TestSyslog#test_log): In AIX, each output
+ line of LOG_PERROR to stderr has an additional empty line appended,
+ so skip that line.
+Sat Oct 4 16:05:49 2014 Rei Odaira <>
+ * test/socket/test_unix.rb (TestSocket_UNIXSocket#test_too_long_path):
+ sockaddr_un.sun_path in AIX is defined as char[1024],
+ so "a" * 300 is not too long. "a" * 3000 would be enough.
+Sat Oct 4 09:12:03 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/win32ole/sample/example*.rb: Add wait input to quit for examples
+ with patch provided by @windwiny [Fixes GH-705]
+Sat Oct 4 09:08:18 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: [DOC] Fix typo in :nodoc: reported by
+ @windwiny to [Fix GH-705]
+ * ext/pty/pty.c: ditto
+Sat Oct 4 08:59:45 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_rand.c: [DOC] Add call signature for pseudo_bytes
+ and random_bytes, wrap lines at 80 chars, and remove useless
+ comments.
+Sat Oct 4 08:49:34 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_rand.c: [DOC] Add rdoc for method descriptions
+ By @vipulnsward [Fixes GH-657]
+Sat Oct 4 08:23:48 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_rand.c: Use rb_define_module_function instead of
+ macro. [Fixes GH-686]
+Sat Oct 4 06:04:56 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_method.c(olemethod_set_member): remove
+ redundant NULL check.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_type.c(oletype_set_member): ditto.
+Sat Oct 4 00:25:04 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * .travis.yml: removed needless preparation for gcc.
+Fri Oct 3 23:41:20 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * .travis.yml: enabled gcc build with osx on travis.
+Fri Oct 3 23:22:23 2014 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * template/ fix make install failure due to MSYS path
+ with mingw on MSYS environment.
+ [ruby-core:64965] [Bug #10230]
+Fri Oct 3 21:02:32 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (TestIO#test_advise): avoid to infinite loop.
+Fri Oct 3 19:26:01 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * .travis.yml: enabled test results of linux.
+Fri Oct 3 18:52:16 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (TestIO#test_advise): added workaround of fadvise(2)
+ with tmpfs and old linux kernel. [ruby-core:65355][Bug #10313]
+Fri Oct 3 18:22:45 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * .travis.yml: Disabled to generate document on travis.
+ Reduce test running time.
+Fri Oct 3 12:42:15 2014 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb: Add hstack & vstack methods.
+ Based on a patch by creasywuqiong. [Fix GH-344]
+Fri Oct 3 12:37:48 2014 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb: Fix Matrix.rows copy bug.
+ Patch by Arron Mabrey. [Fix GH-707]
+Fri Oct 3 06:06:28 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * st.c (next_pow2): new function (from old bignum.c)
+ (new_size): use next_pow2 function
+Fri Oct 3 05:58:58 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * vm_trace.c (rb_tp_t): pack 56 => 48 bytes on 64-bit
+Thu Oct 2 18:41:45 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (etc_nprocessors): Windows support.
+ see [Feature #10267]
+Thu Oct 2 12:21:52 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (etc_nprocessors): New method.
+ Accepted by matz at RubyKaigi 2014.
+ [ruby-core:65142] [Feature #10267]
+Thu Oct 2 07:56:49 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_line_trace_each): explicit cast
+ Fix
+Thu Oct 2 05:40:05 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * ruby.h: set rb_event_flag_t to uint32_t
+ [ruby-core:65315] [misc #10249]
+Thu Oct 2 05:32:17 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * io.c (fptr_finalize): free memory before GC sweep
+ [ruby-core:65269] [Feature #10295]
+Thu Oct 2 05:27:24 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * marshal.c (w_class): check dump_arg->compat_tbl before lookup
+ (w_object): lazy init ->compat_tbl before insert
+ (obj_alloc_by_class): ditto
+ (clear_dump_arg): free only non-NULL ->compat_tbl
+ (clear_load_arg): ditto for ->compat_tbl
+ (marshal_dump): ->compat_tbl defaults to zero
+ (marshal_load): ditto for ->compat_tbl
+ (r_entry0): check l->compat_tbl before lookup
+ (r_fixup_compat): ditto
+ [ruby-core:65305] [Feature #10302]
+Wed Oct 1 21:14:34 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_type.c: use typed data.
+Wed Oct 1 18:15:42 2014 Nolan Evans <>
+ * compile.c: remove commented out code.
+Wed Oct 1 17:38:53 2014 Rei Odaira <>
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb: AIX does not allow
+ a sticky bit on a regular file.
+Wed Oct 1 17:31:41 2014 Eric Hodel <>
+ * NEWS: Add RubyGems update.
+Wed Oct 1 17:28:58 2014 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems 2.4.2.
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Tue Sep 30 22:25:32 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_data_type): separate ripper data type for from
+ parser.
+Tue Sep 30 18:46:31 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_typelib.c: use typed data.
+Tue Sep 30 09:51:46 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * fixed broken reference of update-config_files task
+Mon Sep 29 22:54:51 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/file.c (append_wstr): set expanded length, not length of
+ appended string. fix "probable buffer overflow" bug.
+ [ruby-core:65317] [Bug #10304]
+ * string.c (str_make_independent_expand): drop NOFREE flag after
+ reallocation, static buffer is not pointed anymore.
+ [ruby-core:65317] [Bug #10304]
+Sun Sep 28 23:59:17 2014 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gcdebug_print_obj_condition): use RVALUE_REMEMBERED
+ because GET_HEAP_REMEMBERSET_BITS is obsoleted.
+Sun Sep 28 11:14:14 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * Created new target update-unicode to download
+ some Unicode data files.
+Fri Sep 26 15:03:19 2014 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * lib/uri/rfc3986_parser.rb: raise URI::InvalidURIError when
+ uri doesn't respond to #to_str. [ruby-core:64453] [Bug #10150]
+ * test/uri/test_parser.rb: test for above.
+Sat Sep 27 10:31:48 2014 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * gems/bundled_gems: upgraded to power_assert 0.1.4.
+Fri Sep 26 12:52:36 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_write): ASCII-8BIT StringIO
+ should be writable any encoding strings, without conversion.
+ [ruby-core:65240] [Bug #10285]
+Fri Sep 26 05:21:01 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * object.c (rb_class_real): do not dereference 0 VALUE
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb (test_inspect_segfault):
+ Test case and bug report by Thomas Stratmann.
+ [ruby-core:65214] [Bug #10282]
+Fri Sep 26 05:12:10 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * man/ruby.1: document stack size env variables
+ [Feature #10197]
+Thu Sep 25 19:37:34 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * io.c (free_io_buffer): new function for a common pattern
+ (clear_readconv): use free_io_buffer
+ (rb_io_fptr_finalize): ditto
+Thu Sep 25 07:51:07 2014 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb: Fix docs. Patched by Ben Woodall. [GH-726]
+Wed Sep 24 19:04:04 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/unicode/data: New directory for downloaded Unicode
+ data files.
+Wed Sep 24 18:59:59 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * tool/downloader.rb: Adjusting example for
+ to implementation changes in r47693.
+Wed Sep 24 18:06:06 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * tool/downloader.rb: Removing unused method
+ Downloader.download_if_modified_since.
+ (if ever used, just replace with
+Wed Sep 24 17:59:59 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * tool/downloader.rb: Fixing raise after return.
+Wed Sep 24 17:55:55 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * tool/downloader.rb: Made Unicode data file location available
+ via :unicode Symbol.
+Wed Sep 24 10:45:45 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * tool/downloader.rb: Small fix to documentation comment.
+Tue Sep 23 22:00:20 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parse_ident): just after a label, new expression should
+ start, cannot be a modifier. [ruby-core:65211] [Bug #10279]
+Tue Sep 23 16:07:07 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * tool/downloader.rb: added Downloader.download_if_modified_since
+ to reduce downloads of large files that change only rarely.
+ [ruby-core:65164] [CommonRuby - Feature #10084]
+Tue Sep 23 11:55:09 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * .travis.yml: added rubyspec into travis tasks and eliminate to stdout.
+Mon Sep 22 20:00:29 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_variant.rb
+ (test_conversion_time2date_with_msec): test by using only
+ assert_in_delta to avoid to fail when converting Time object with
+ 999999999 nanoseconds into VT_DATE Variant.
+Mon Sep 22 19:49:12 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * doc/syntax/methods.rdoc: [DOC] [] and []= methods by @process
+ [Fixes GH-662]
+Mon Sep 22 18:21:35 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * .travis.yml: Only osx build is enabled. linux builds is random failure
+ and test results of major linux is covered by rubyci.
+Mon Sep 22 12:10:29 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_time_tz.rb: Fix test error with tzdata-2014g.
+ [ruby-core:65058] [Bug #10245] Reported by Vit Ondruch.
+Mon Sep 22 09:28:43 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c ({send,recv}msg_args_struct): 24 => 16 bytes
+ * ext/socket/init.c (connect_arg): ditto
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (getnameinfo_arg): 56 => 48 bytes
+ (reductions only for 64-bit systems)
+Mon Sep 22 02:04:25 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb: Support graceful shutdown.
+ (DRbTCPSocket#initialize): Create a pipe for shutdown notification.
+ (DRbTCPSocket#close): Invoke close_shutdown_pipe.
+ (DRbTCPSocket#close_shutdown_pipe): New private method.
+ (DRbTCPSocket#accept): Use accept_or_shutdown.
+ (DRbTCPSocket#accept_or_shutdown): New private method which returns
+ nil on shutdown.
+ (DRbServer#stop_service): Use shutdown instead of Thread#kill.
+ (DRbServer#run): Break infinite loop when main_loop returns nil.
+ (DRbServer#main_loop): @protocol.accept may return nil.
+ * lib/drb/ssl.rb: Follow above change.
+ * lib/drb/unix.rb: Ditto.
+Sun Sep 21 13:54:36 2014 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * time.c: raise exception when minutes of utc_offset is out of 00-59.
+ patch is from Kenichi Kamiya.
+ [ruby-dev:47539] [Bug #8679]
+ * test/ruby/test_time.rb: test for above.
+ patch is from Kenichi Kamiya.
+Sun Sep 21 19:04:08 2014 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * st.c (do_hash_bin): unused macro.
+Sun Sep 21 18:45:01 2014 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * parse.y (parser_class_nest): unused variable after YARV
+ merged (r11439).
+Sun Sep 21 18:14:03 2014 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * st.c (numberof): unused. internal.h has same macro.
+ * node.c (F_CUSTOM2): unused.
+Sun Sep 21 14:11:23 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_set_thread_name): New function to
+ set thread name visible with ps command on GNU/Linux.
+ Ex. ps -o %c -L
+ * thread.c (thread_start_func_2): Call native_set_thread_name at
+ beginning.
+ (rb_thread_inspect_msg): Extract from rb_thread_inspect.
+Sun Sep 21 12:49:11 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_defined_string): trim redundant semi-colon
+Sun Sep 21 12:19:29 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * file.c (rb_find_file_ext_safe): clear tmp buffer on failure
+ (rb_find_file_safe): ditto
+Sat Sep 20 04:42:18 2014 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * lib/csv.rb: avoid unnecessary object allocations.
+ patch is from Andrew Vit. [ruby-core:63215] [Feature #9952]
+Sun Sep 21 12:10:18 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rexml/**/*.rb: removed commented-out code.
+Sat Sep 20 03:46:58 2014 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * array.c: use rb_equal_opt() for performance improvement.
+ [ruby-core:64954] [Feature #10227]
+Sun Sep 21 11:16:56 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (rbtime2vtdate, vtdate2rbtime): fix
+ the bug in conversion of milliseconds. [Bug #10258]
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_variant.rb
+ (test_conversion_dbl2date_with_msec,
+ test_conversion_time2date_with_msec): use assert_in_delta instead
+ of assert_equal to treat an acceptable error range.
+Sun Sep 21 11:03:32 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * signal.c (ruby_signal): although "EINVAL from sigaction(2) is
+ not a bug", but even it is a failure. pointed at toRuby/guRuby
+ in RubyHiroba.
+Sat Sep 20 03:00:26 2014 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb: define parameters appropriately and some
+ refactoring.
+ * lib/tmpdir.rb: ditto.
+Sat Sep 20 23:58:21 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enum.c (enum_chunk): Deprecate the state management.
+ (enum_slice_before): Ditto.
+Sat Sep 20 15:39:11 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enum.c (enum_slice_when): New method: Enumerable#slice_when.
+ (slicewhen_i): New function.
+ (slicewhen_ii): New function.
+ * enumerator.c (InitVM_Enumerator): New method:
+ Enumerator::Lazy#slice_when.
+ [ruby-core:62499] [Feature #9826]
+Sat Sep 20 11:55:19 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * .travis.yml: added new configurations for osx on travis ci.
+ [fix GH-723]
+ * test/ruby/test_object.rb: tweaked to memory leak limit for osx build.
+Sat Sep 20 10:48:41 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (assoc): allow quoted ID as a key of a hash literal.
+ [ruby-core:34453] [Feature #4276]
+Sat Sep 20 10:23:00 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_set_arguments): store local variable IDs in
+ temporary list as Symbols. previously these are stored as
+ Fixnums to prevent from GC, but IDs of dynamic symbols can
+ exceed Fixnum range and cause RangeError at inverting from
+ Fixnum. [ruby-dev:48564] [Bug #10266]
+Sat Sep 20 10:02:51 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/x509.rb (OpenSSL::X509::Name#pretty_print):
+ New method.
+ (OpenSSL::X509::Certificate#pretty_print): Ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/bn.rb (OpenSSL::BN#pretty_print): Ditto.
+Sat Sep 20 07:55:57 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (eval_string_with_cref): fix super from eval with
+ scope. set klass in the current control frame to the class of
+ the receiver in the context to be evaluated, this class/module
+ must match the actual receiver to call super.
+ [ruby-core:65122] [Bug #10263]
+Fri Sep 19 20:06:00 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * symbol.c (rb_str_dynamic_intern): check if the stem ID of
+ attrset ID is already registered as a static ID.
+ [ruby-dev:48559] [Bug #10259]
+Fri Sep 19 15:48:09 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (VCSUP): nothing to do if this worktree is not
+ under any VCS (it means that the worktree may be from the release
+ package).
+Fri Sep 19 10:47:03 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_math.rb (TestMath#assert_infinity): Float#finite?
+ returns true also for NaN, so use Float#infinite? instead.
+ [ruby-core:65117] [Feature #10261]
+Fri Sep 19 05:36:16 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * NEWS: note --with-jemalloc option [ci skip]
+Thu Sep 18 16:26:27 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_commands_setup_command.rb: @ui uses StringIO
+ as its streams, and Encoding.default_external does not effect to
+ StringIOs already exist. so, we need to set external_encoding of
+ @ui.outs directly. this problem (test failure) does not appear in
+ the environments default_external is us-ascii or utf-8.
+Thu Sep 18 15:02:15 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_specification.rb: '/' is not always the root.
+Thu Sep 18 09:36:37 2014 Scott Francis <>
+ * vm_method.c (Init_Method): make global method cache size
+ configurable by environment variable
+Thu Sep 18 07:03:36 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * test/-ext-/string/test_modify_expand.rb: increase limit
+ for {je,tc}malloc [Bug #10236]
+Thu Sep 18 06:41:18 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (struct gzfile): pack (288 => 272 bytes) on 64-bit
+Thu Sep 18 05:44:05 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/socket/init.c (rsock_connect): refactor for blocking
+ (wait_connectable): clear error before wait
+ [Bug #9356]
+Wed Sep 17 23:12:36 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/rfc3986_parser.rb: specify a regexp for :OPAQUE; generic.rb
+ assumes it is present, and will refuse all values otherwise.
+ by Matthew Draper <>
+ fix GH-718
+Wed Sep 17 16:22:58 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (zlib_mem_alloc): check overflow
+Wed Sep 17 11:33:35 2014 Laurent Arnoud <>
+ * test/fiddle/test_import.rb (Fiddle::TestImport#test_sizeof):
+ added test for long long [fix GH-716]
+Wed Sep 17 11:09:21 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb: fixed invalid options with latest rubygems.
+Tue Sep 16 19:19:00 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * benchmark/bm_app_aobench.rb: update outdated links to the
+ original program. [ruby-dev:48550] [Feature #10247]
+Tue Sep 16 01:06:40 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * reg*.c: Merge Onigmo 5.15.0 38a870960aa7370051a3544
+Mon Sep 15 16:21:10 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * io.c (struct io_advise_struct): 32 => 24 bytes on 64-bit
+ * io.c (struct io_internal_writev_struct): 24 => 16 bytes on 64-bit
+ * process.c (struct waitpid_arg): ditto
+Mon Sep 15 10:29:25 2014 Natalie Weizenbaum <>
+ * ext/pathname/lib/pathname.rb (SAME_PATHS):
+ Pathname#relative_path_from uses String#casecmp to compare strings
+ on case-insensitive filesystem platforms (e.g., Windows). This can
+ return nil for strings with different encodings, and the code
+ previously assumed that it always returned a Fixnum. [Fix GH-713]
+Mon Sep 15 09:43:18 2014 Sho Hashimoto <>
+ * ext/fiddle/lib/fiddle/import.rb (Fiddle::Importer#sizeof): fix typo,
+Mon Sep 15 08:13:40 2014 Matthew Draper <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): rational 'f' format works for more
+ values. [fix GH-717]
+Sun Sep 14 16:57:27 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * template/ "insns.c" => "insns.def"
+ * tool/instruction.rb: typo fix
+Sun Sep 14 12:29:52 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/test_tracer.rb: fixed testcase for rubygems update.
+Sun Sep 14 12:29:02 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems 2.4.1 master(713ab65)
+ Complete history at:
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Sun Sep 14 11:03:24 2014 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych.rb: update version
+ * ext/psych/psych.gemspec: ditto
+Sun Sep 14 08:43:37 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * ccan/container_of/container_of.h (container_of_or_null): added
+ [ccan 7ec5b8e06b2fd5fa98b1fcde1158c286d2d429d8] (David Gibson)
+Sun Sep 14 08:41:44 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * ccan/list/list.h (list_del_init, list_node_init): new functions
+ for multiple list_del() calls
+ [ccan ec8654d94d3c5c47aa5f82698f7e8048c79765b1] (Rusty Russell)
+Sat Sep 13 22:19:26 2014 Bernard Potocki <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_aset): fix misleading example which may suggest
+ that will return self instead of value - Hash#store
+ is returning value and update itself, as well as Hash#[]=.
+ [Fix GH-715]
+Sat Sep 13 15:16:31 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * class.c: use ALLOC(rb_subclass_entry_t)
+Sat Sep 13 14:14:00 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * process.c (free_exec_arg): remove
+ (memsize_exec_arg): ptr is never NULL
+ (exec_arg_data_type): use RUBY_TYPED_DEFAULT_FREE
+ * variable.c (autoload_i_free): remove
+ (autoload_data_i_type): use RUBY_TYPED_DEFAULT_FREE
+ (autoload_memsize): ptr is never NULL
+ * vm_backtrace.c (location_free): remove
+ (location_mark): ptr is never NULL
+ (location_data_type): use RUBY_TYPED_DEFAULT_FREE
+ (backtrace_mark): ditto
+ (backtrace_free): ditto
+Sat Sep 13 13:43:07 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * doc/NEWS-2.0.0: fix typo for default RUBY_FIBER_MACHINE_STACK_SIZE
+ [ci skip]
+Sat Sep 13 11:16:58 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_event.c(ev_advise, ole_event_free,
+ fev_s_allocate, fev_unadvise): avoid segmentation fault when COM
+ server freed before calling Unadvise from WIN32OLE_EVENT object.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: ditto.
+Sat Sep 13 09:47:44 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * man/ruby.1: use https for * links
+Sat Sep 13 06:31:23 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * vm.c (thread_alloc): remove needless volatile
+Sat Sep 13 06:13:55 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * proc.c (proc_free): remove, use RUBY_TYPED_DEFAULT_FREE
+ (proc_mark, proc_memsize): remove needless branching
+ * vm.c (env_free): remove, use RUBY_TYPED_DEFAULT_FREE
+ (env_mark, env_memsize): remove needless branching
+Sat Sep 13 05:52:15 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * proc.c (rb_proc_alloc): inline and move to vm.c
+ (rb_proc_wrap): new wrapper function used by rb_proc_alloc
+ (proc_dup): simplify alloc + copy + wrap operation
+ [ruby-core:64994]
+ * vm.c (rb_proc_alloc): new inline function
+ (rb_vm_make_proc): call rb_proc_alloc
+ * vm_core.h: remove rb_proc_alloc, add rb_proc_wrap
+ * benchmark/bm_vm2_newlambda.rb: short test to show difference
+Sat Sep 13 04:40:04 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * process.c (Init_process): subclass Thread as Process::Waiter
+ (rb_detach_process): use Process::Waiter instead of singleton class
+ Thanks to headius and nobu. [Bug #10231]
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (test_process_detach): new test
+ * inits.c (rb_call_inits): call Init_Thread before Init_process to
+ ensure Process::Waiter may be a subclass of Thread
+Fri Sep 12 18:14:28 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * vm.c (env_alloc): inline to avoid extra zeroing
+ tiny speedup [ruby-core:64980]
+Fri Sep 12 17:13:29 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_entry_make, remove_method): ditto.
+Fri Sep 12 14:39:55 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * gems/bundled_gems: Upgraded to test-unit-3.0.1 and minitest-5.4.1
+Fri Sep 12 06:55:40 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * string.c (Init_frozen_strings): use st_init_table_with_size
+Fri Sep 12 06:15:37 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (sym_find): remove Symbol.find because we have Symbol GC now.
+ If you still want this, request again on Redmine. [Feature #7854]
+ * ext/-test-/symbol/init.c (sym_find): moved from string.c for tests.
+Fri Sep 12 04:24:03 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * insns.def (once): define and use fake RUNNING_THREAD_ONCE_DONE
+ pointer to indicate is->once.running_thread is done.
+ * vm_core.h (iseq_inline_storage_entry): remove done field,
+ allowing the union to be reduced from 24=>16 bytes on 64-bit
+ [Feature #10187]
+Thu Sep 11 20:10:00 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (rb_thread_mark): use rb_gc_mark_values() to mark VM stack.
+Thu Sep 11 19:50:57 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_register_special_exception): make new function to
+ make and register special exceptions.
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_mark): do not need to mark special exceptions
+ because they are registered by rb_gc_register_mark_object().
+ * eval.c (Init_eval): use rb_vm_register_special_exception().
+ * gc.c (Init_GC): ditto.
+ * proc.c (Init_Proc): ditto.
+ * thread.c (Init_Thread): ditto.
+Thu Sep 11 19:32:30 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_mark_values): added.
+ This function is similar to rb_gc_mark_locations(), but not
+ conservative.
+ * internal.h: ditto.
+ * vm.c (env_mark): use rb_gc_mark_values() because env values should
+ be Ruby VALUEs.
+Thu Sep 11 19:16:39 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_ptr): rename to gc_mark_set.
+ * gc.c (gc_mark): add gc_mark_ptr() to skip is_markable_object()
+ check. gc_mark_maybe() can use gc_mark_ptr() directly because
+ passed pointer is checked by is_pointer_to_heap().
+Thu Sep 11 18:40:16 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * .gitignore: ignored temporary files and coverage results.
+Thu Sep 11 18:15:30 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * .gitignore: ignored only simplecov.
+ * coverage/README: Added coverage docs.
+Thu Sep 11 17:25:31 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h, gc.c: add new internal events
+ When invoking GC process, GC_ENTER event is called.
+ When exiting from GC process, GC_EXIT event is called.
+ Incremental GC (incremental marking and lazy sweep) can call
+ these events many times.
+ For example (minor marking):
+ (1) GC_ENTER
+ - (2) GC_START (minor GC)
+ (minor marking)
+ - (3) GC_END_MARK
+ (start lazy sweep)
+ (4) GC_EXIT
+ (ruby process)
+ (5) GC_ENTER
+ (lazy sweep)
+ (6) GC_EXIT
+ (ruby process)
+ (... repeat (5), (6))
+ (7) GC_ENTER
+ (finish lazy sweep)
+ - (8) GC_END_SWEEP
+ (9) GC_EXIT
+ 2nd example (incremental major marking):
+ (1) GC_ENTER
+ - (2) GC_START (minor GC)
+ (start incremental marking)
+ (3) GC_EXIT
+ (ruby process)
+ (4) GC_ENTER
+ (incremental marking)
+ (5) GC_EXIT
+ (ruby process)
+ (... repeat (4), (5))
+ (6) GC_ENTER
+ (finish incremental marking)
+ - (7) GC_END_MARK
+ (start lazy sweep)
+ (8) GC_EXIT
+ (ruby process)
+ (9) GC_ENTER
+ (lazy sweep)
+ (10) GC_EXIT
+ (ruby process)
+ (... repeat (9), (10))
+ (11) GC_ENTER
+ (finish lazy marking)
+ - (12) GC_STOP_SWEEP
+ (13) GC_EXIT
+ These internal events enable to measure GC pause time completely.
+Thu Sep 11 17:04:54 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * lib/benchmark.rb: remove CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW support
+ Thanks to Vit Ondruch for reporting the issue on ARM.
+ [Bug #10202]
+Thu Sep 11 14:31:57 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: freeze nil/true/false.
+ [Feature #8923]
+ * gc.c (should_be_finalizable): check frozen after checkin FL_ABLE.
+ * object.c (rb_obj_taint): check
+ * object.c (rb_obj_freeze): remove immediate_frozen_tbl
+ because all of immediate values are frozen. YAY!
+ * object.c (rb_obj_frozen_p): ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_eval.rb: skip instance_variable_set for
+ frozen objects.
+ * test/ruby/test_weakmap.rb: check ArgumentError instead of
+ RuntimeError.
+Thu Sep 11 10:03:16 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rdoc.rb, lib/rdoc, test/rdoc: Update to RDoc 4.2.0.alpha(21b241a)
+Wed Sep 10 17:52:25 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (rb_vm_addr2insn): rename to rb_vm_insn_addr2insn
+ to clear what address.
+Wed Sep 10 16:22:26 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb: fix condition.
+Wed Sep 10 15:29:46 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * vm_core.h (rb_call_info_t): ci->flag becomes 32-bit unsigned int
+ ci->index becomes a 32-bit signed int (from signed long).
+ Reorder for better packing on 64-bit, giving an 8 byte reduction
+ from 104 to 96 bytes for each ci.
+ [Feature #10187]
+ * compile.c (new_callinfo, setup_args, iseq_compile_each,
+ iseq_build_from_ary_body): adjust for type changes
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_getivar): ditto
+Wed Sep 10 15:07:35 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * compile.c (rb_iseq_translate_threaded_code):
+ modify in-place w/o copy
+ (rb_vm_addr2insn): new function for debug
+ (rb_iseq_original_iseq): ditto
+ (iseq_set_sequence): assign iseq_encoded directly
+ [Feature #10185]
+ * vm_core (rb_iseq_t): move original ->iseq to bottom
+ * iseq.c (iseq_free, iseq_free): adjust for new layout
+ (rb_iseq_disasm): use original iseq for dump
+ (iseq_data_to_ary): ditto
+ (rb_iseq_line_trace_each): ditto
+ (rb_iseq_build_for_ruby2cext): use iseq_encoded directly
+ * vm_dump.c (rb_vmdebug_debug_print_pre): use original iseq
+Wed Sep 10 15:00:11 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * time.c (time_mark): remove NULL check
+ (time_memsize): ditto
+ (time_free): remove, use RUBY_TYPED_DEFAULT_FREE instead
+ [Feature #10219]
+Wed Sep 10 14:14:57 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * (encs enc trans libencs libenc libtrans): force to run
+ because does not know the dependency, but
+ knows. [ruby-dev:48530] [Bug #10220]
+Wed Sep 10 11:59:10 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_stat): update rdoc.
+Wed Sep 10 11:52:08 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_stat_internal): rename:
+ * malloc_increase -> malloc_increase_bytes
+ * malloc_limit -> malloc_increase_bytes_limit
+ * oldmalloc_increase -> oldmalloc_increase_bytes
+ * oldmalloc_limit -> oldmalloc_increase_bytes_limit
+ ref: [Feature #9924]
+Wed Sep 10 11:45:40 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_stat_internal): rename `heap_used' to `heap_allocated_pages'.
+ ref: [Feature #9924]
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb: add constraints test for gc stat information.
+Wed Sep 10 11:31:16 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_stat_internal): rename:
+ * remembered_shady_object -> remembered_wb_unprotected_objects
+ * remembered_shady_object_limit -> remembered_wb_unprotected_objects_limit
+ * old_object -> old_objects
+ * old_object_limit -> old_objects_limit
+ ref: [Feature #9924]
+Wed Sep 10 11:12:25 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_stat_internal): support:
+ * total_allocated_pages
+ * total_freed_pages
+ ref: [Feature #9924]
+Wed Sep 10 10:48:04 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb: catch up last fix.
+Wed Sep 10 10:36:08 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (objspace_total_slot): rename objspace_available_slots.
+ * gc.c (objspace_live_slot, objspace_free_slot): rename
+ ..._slot() to ..._slots().
+ * gc.c (objspace_free_slot): should subtract heap_pages_final_slots.
+ * gc.c (gc_stat_internal):
+ * add `heap_available_slots' field
+ * rename heap_live_slot to heap_live_slots
+ * rename heap_free_slot to heap_free_slots
+ ref: [Feature #9924]
+Wed Sep 10 07:22:53 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: refactoring for RGENGC_PROFILE > 0.
+ * rename rb_objspace_t::profile::..._count
+ to rb_objspace_t::profile::total_..._count
+ * rename promote_infant_types to promote_types
+ * gc.c (gc_remember_unprotected): count remembered shady objects here.
+Wed Sep 10 03:12:12 2014 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * gc.c (init_mark_stack): MEMZERO() receive type as 2nd argument instead
+ of size.
+ Coverity Scan found this bug.
+Tue Sep 9 21:55:39 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/sample/excel2.rb: remove some commented-out code.
+ rotate graph more slowly to see graph clearly.
+Tue Sep 9 19:52:33 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: rename rb_objspace_t::marked_objects to marked_slots.
+ * gc.c (gc_marks_start): should be clear first.
+ * gc.c (gc_marks_start): remembered shady objects are also marked.
+ * gc.c (gc_stat_internal): add heap_marked_slots.
+Tue Sep 9 18:58:48 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: rename
+ * total_allocated_object_num -> total_allocated_objects
+ * total_allocated_object_num_at_gc_start -> total_allocated_objects_at_gc_start
+ * total_freed_object_num -> total_freed_objects
+ * gc.c (gc_stat_internal):
+ * rename total_allocated_object -> total_allocated_objects
+ * rename total_freed_object -> total_freed_objects
+Tue Sep 9 18:51:36 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_stat_internal): fix symbol names
+ * heap_final_slot -> heap_final_slots
+ * heap_swept_slot -> heap_swept_slots
+Tue Sep 9 18:18:07 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_objspace_t::heap_pages): rename field names:
+ * used -> allocated_pages
+ * increment -> allocatable_pages
+ * length -> sorted_length
+ And remove unused `limit' field.
+ * gc.c: rename macros:
+ * heap_pages_used -> heap_allocated_pages
+ * heap_pages_length -> heap_pages_sorted_length
+ * heap_pages_increment -> heap_allocatable_pages
+ * gc.c (gc_stat_internal): fix symbol names
+ * heap_used -> heap_allocated_pages
+ * heap_eden_page_length -> heap_eden_pages
+ * heap_tomb_page_length -> heap_tomb_pages
+ * heap_increment -> heap_allocatable_pages
+ * heap_length -> heap_sorted_length
+ ref: [Feature #9924]
+ Yellow color fields in this table are changed.
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb: catch up this change.
+Tue Sep 9 14:56:03 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: continue layout changing.
+ newobj_of() also touch:
+ (4) increment total_allocated_object_num
+ (5) check hook_events
+ And gather fields related to marking phase.
+Tue Sep 9 14:21:50 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: fix layout of rb_objspace_t to improve cache locality.
+ newobj_of() accesses:
+ (1) rb_objspace_t::flags
+ (2) rb_objspace_t::eden_heap::freelist
+ (3) and rb_objspace_t::eden_heap::free_pages if freelist is NULL.
+Tue Sep 9 14:09:36 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: move rb_objspace_t::flags::gc_stressful after during_gc
+ to make accessing both parameters easy.
+ * gc.c (heap_get_freeobj): add LIKELY() hint.
+ * gc.c (heap_get_freeobj_from_next_freepage): ditto.
+ * gc.c (newobj_of): check both parameters at once for exceptional
+ case.
+Tue Sep 9 13:51:32 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: add rb_objspace_t::flags::gc_stressful and
+ ruby_gc_stressful macro.
+ Rename objspace->gc_stress to objspace->gc_stress_mode.
+ If objspace->gc_stress_mode is true (!nil and !false) then
+ ruby_gc_stressful becomes TRUE.
+ ruby_gc_stressful will speedup newobj_of() slightly.
+ * gc.c: initialize ruby_gc_stress(full|_mode) by gc_params.gc_stress
+ even if ENABLE_VM_OBJSPACE is false.
+Tue Sep 9 13:05:50 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: remove ruby_disable_gc_stress and add ruby_disable_gc
+ to speed-up newobj_of().
+ * gc.c (ready_to_gc): check ruby_disable_gc.
+ * signal.c: use ruby_disable_gc.
+Tue Sep 9 12:11:41 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: rename gc_stat entries and check stat transition.
+Tue Sep 9 12:06:03 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_sweep_rest): remove wrong modification of during_gc flag.
+Tue Sep 9 11:39:41 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: pack boolean values into rb_objspace_t::flags with bit fields
+ to improve cache locality.
+Tue Sep 9 11:11:05 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_object.rb: extend timeout.
+Tue Sep 9 09:02:07 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (MakeMakefile#pkg_config): append --cflags to also
+ $CXXFLAGS, as they are often used by C++ compiler.
+ [ruby-core:54532] [Bug #8315]
+Tue Sep 9 07:03:22 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * compile.c: remove needless SYM2ID <-> ID2SYM conversions
+ [misc #10207]
+Tue Sep 9 05:48:42 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * symbol.c (rb_intern_cstr_without_pindown): check dsymbol on return
+ This is not a complete fix for bug 10206, but seems to reduce
+ that crash and also looks correct.
+Tue Sep 9 04:36:24 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * vm_core.h (rb_env_t): use flexible array
+ This reduces allocations and speeds up the lambda calculus
+ fizzbuzz (bm_app_lc_fizzbuzz.rb) benchmark [ruby-core:64858]
+ * proc.c (get_local_variable_ptr): deconst to adjust for flex array
+ * vm.c (env_mark, env_free, env_memsize): remove check for env->env
+ * vm.c (env_alloc): single allocation for flex array
+ * vm.c (vm_make_env_each): adjust env_alloc call
+Mon Sep 8 16:08:22 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/bm_app_lc_fizzbuzz.rb: should skip output on benchmark.
+Mon Sep 8 16:04:02 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/bm_app_lc_fizzbuzz.rb: `answer.to_a' does not return
+ a string, but an array.
+Mon Sep 8 13:18:37 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/bm_app_lc_fizzbuzz.rb: added.
+ This program is described closely in "Understanding Computation"
+ chapter 6 by Tom Stuart. <>
+ Japanese translation will be published soon.
+ <>
+Mon Sep 8 12:01:39 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: add incremental GC algorithm. [Feature #10137]
+ Please refer this ticket for details.
+ This change also introduces the following changes.
+ * Remove RGENGC_AGE2_PROMOTION and introduce object age (0 to 3).
+ Age can be count with FL_PROMOTE0 and FL_PROMOTE1 flags in
+ RBasic::flags (2 bit). Age == 3 objects become old objects.
+ * WB_PROTECTED flag in RBasic to WB_UNPROTECTED bitmap.
+ * LONG_LIVED bitmap to represent living objects while minor GCs
+ It specifies (1) Old objects and (2) remembered shady objects.
+ * Introduce rb_objspace_t::marked_objects which counts marked
+ objects in current marking phase. marking count is needed to
+ introduce incremental marking.
+ * rename mark related function and sweep related function to
+ gc_(marks|sweep)_(start|finish|step|rest|continue).
+ * rename rgengc_report() to gc_report().
+ * Add obj_info() function to get cstr of object details.
+ * Add MEASURE_LINE() macro to measure execution time of specific line.
+ * and many small fixes.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: add flag USE_RINCGC.
+ Now USE_RINCGC can be set only with USE_RGENGC.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: introduce FL_PROMOTED0 and add FL_PROMOTED1
+ to count object age.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: rewrite write barriers for incremental marking.
+ * debug.c: catch up flag name changes.
+ * internal.h: add rb_gc_writebarrier_remember() instead of
+ rb_gc_writebarrier_remember_promoted().
+ * array.c (ary_memcpy0): use rb_gc_writebarrier_remember().
+ * array.c (rb_ary_modify): ditto.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_keys): ditto.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_values): ditto.
+ * object.c (init_copy): use rb_copy_wb_protected_attribute() because
+ FL_WB_PROTECTED is moved from RBasic::flags.
+ * test/objspace/test_objspace.rb: catch up ObjectSpace.dump() changes.
+Sun Sep 7 12:47:06 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c: PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE is not defined on Android.
+Sat Sep 6 20:59:06 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (has_privilege): The gid zero is not a privilege.
+Sat Sep 6 20:19:16 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (struct child_handler_disabler_state): cancelstate field
+ added.
+ (disable_child_handler_before_fork): Record cancelstate.
+ (disable_child_handler_fork_parent): Restore cancelstate.
+Sat Sep 6 19:27:10 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (struct child_handler_disabler_state): Defined.
+Sat Sep 6 18:31:32 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rake.rb, lib/rake/*, test/rake/*: Update latest rake master(e47d023)
+Sat Sep 6 16:38:08 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_variant.c (ole_val2variant_err,
+ ole_val2variantdata, Init_win32ole_variant): support VT_ERROR
+ variant with error code. add WIN32OLE_VARIANT::NoParam.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_variant.rb(test_c_noparam,
+ test_vt_error_noparam): ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: ditto.
+Sat Sep 6 11:08:52 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (arg_ambiguous_gen): fix warning message, "even" does
+ not mean the number of spaces here. state the place to put a
+ space and the operator. [ruby-core:64790] [Bug #10204]
+Sat Sep 6 08:44:40 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/rdoc/generator/template/darkfish/js/jquery.js: Backport
+ rdoc/rdoc@74f60fcb04fee1778fe2694d1a0ea6513f8e67b7
+Sat Sep 6 08:10:44 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (test_readpartial_locktmp): use IO#nonblock=
+ Old fcntl invocation may drop necessary flags on some platforms.
+Sat Sep 6 07:46:51 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (test_readpartial_locktmp): avoid EBADF
+ [ruby-core:64773] [ruby-core:64775]
+Sat Sep 6 01:34:31 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_f_exec): Call before_exec_async_signal_safe and
+ after_exec_async_signal_safe around rb_exec_async_signal_safe.
+ (rb_exec_async_signal_safe): Don't call
+ before_exec_async_signal_safe and after_exec_async_signal_safe.
+ (rb_exec_without_timer_thread): Call before_exec and
+ after_exec.
+ (disable_child_handler_fork_child): Make SIGPIPE handler SIG_DFL.
+Sat Sep 6 00:49:41 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * signal.c (ruby_signal): Don't set SA_SIGINFO for SIG_IGN and
+Fri Sep 5 21:45:33 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (disable_child_handler_before_fork): New function.
+ (disable_child_handler_fork_parent): Ditto.
+ (disable_child_handler_fork_child): Ditto.
+ (retry_fork_async_signal_safe): Call above functions to disable
+ signal handlers in child process.
+Fri Sep 5 21:02:54 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (handle_fork_error): Make try_gc_p argument volatile to
+ suppress "clobbered" warning.
+Fri Sep 5 20:48:06 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (handle_fork_error): Don't need state_p argument.
+Fri Sep 5 20:35:52 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (has_privilege): Fix a return value.
+Fri Sep 5 19:00:40 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/shellwords.rb: proofreading documentation.
+ [Bug #10155][ruby-core:64471]
+Fri Sep 5 18:34:33 2014 Laurent Arnoud <>
+ * test/csv/test_row.rb: Added some missing tests in CSV.
+ [fix GH-710]
+ * test/csv/test_table.rb: ditto.
+Fri Sep 5 12:57:52 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (has_privilege): Refine uid/gid check.
+Fri Sep 5 12:40:55 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * Check sys/id.h, getuidx and getgidx for AIX.
+ * process.c (getresuid): Defined for AIX.
+ (getresgid): Ditto
+ AIX don't have getresuid/getresgid but getuidx/getgidx.
+Fri Sep 5 12:28:21 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (has_privilege): Fix assignments.
+Fri Sep 5 11:10:13 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rdoc/generator/pot/po.rb: fixed broken tests for trailing whitespace.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_generator_pot.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_generator_pot_po.rb: ditto.
+Fri Sep 5 10:41:07 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_rdoc.rb (TestRDocRDoc#test_parse_file_encoding):
+ typofix.
+Fri Sep 5 10:39:14 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rdoc.rb, lib/rdoc, test/rdoc: Update to RDoc 4.2.0.alpha(313287)
+Fri Sep 5 06:04:22 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * vm.c: remove unused USE_THREAD_RECYCLE [misc #10198]
+Fri Sep 5 00:29:08 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * (dirfd): Check function.
+ * dir.c (dir_fileno): New method.
+ [ruby-dev:48265] [Feature #9880]
+Thu Sep 4 23:39:52 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (has_privilege): New function.
+ (retry_fork_async_signal_safe): Don't use vfork() for privileged
+ process.
+ * (getresuid): Check function.
+ (getresgid): Ditto.
+Thu Sep 4 20:22:14 2014 Laurent Arnoud <>
+ * test/pathname/test_pathname.rb: added testcase for Pathname#mountpoint?.
+ [fix GH-709]
+Thu Sep 4 20:09:21 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * symbian/*: removed Symbian support.
+ [Feature #10199][ruby-core:64725]
+ * dln.c: ditto.
+ * include/ruby/defines.h: ditto.
+ * thread_pthread.c: ditto.
+ * vm.c: ditto.
+Thu Sep 4 17:44:40 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): use #ifdef instead of #if.
+ gcc's -Wundef option shows warning for undefined macro.
+ * numeric.c (flo_is_finite_p): ditto.
+ * vm_dump.c (rb_vmdebug_thread_dump_state): ditto.
+ * vm_core.h: define VM_DEBUG_VERIFY_METHOD_CACHE to 0.
+Thu Sep 4 03:57:46 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * man/ruby.1: spelling fix ("bellow" => "below") [ci-skip]
+Thu Sep 4 03:52:16 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * man/ruby.1: add trailing slash to URLs [ci-skip]
+Wed Sep 3 19:10:28 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (before_fork_ruby): Renamed from before_fork.
+ (after_fork_ruby): Renamed from after_fork.
+Wed Sep 3 18:56:05 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (forked_child): Removed.
+Wed Sep 3 16:56:07 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_copy_ivar): allocate no memory for empty
+ instance variables. [ruby-core:64700] [Bug #10191]
+Wed Sep 3 12:05:17 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (retry_fork_async_signal_safe): Use vfork() if available.
+ vfork() is still faster than fork() especially when the parent
+ process uses big memory.
+ ruby -rbenchmark -e 'a = "a" * 1_000_000_000; puts Benchmark.measure { system("true") }'
+ fork: 0.000000 0.010000 0.010000 ( 0.014968)
+ vfork: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ( 0.000912)
+ on Debian sid.
+Wed Sep 3 11:33:08 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/openssl/test_pkey_rsa.rb (OpenSSL#test_sign_verify_memory_leak):
+ added timeout into testcase for low performance environment.
+ [Bug #9984][ruby-core:63367]
+Wed Sep 3 07:50:15 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c: Use HAVE_WORKING_FORK instead of HAVE_FORK.
+ * process.c: Ditto.
+Wed Sep 3 00:12:44 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (retry_fork_async_signal_safe): Don't return on in child
+ process.
+Tue Sep 2 23:47:35 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (retry_fork_async_signal_safe): Specialized version of
+ retry_fork respect to rb_fork_async_signal_safe.
+ (retry_fork_ruby): Specialized version of retry_fork respect to
+ rb_fork_ruby.
+ (rb_fork_ruby): Removed.
+Tue Sep 2 23:26:26 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (send_child_error): Simplified.
+ (recv_child_error): Ditto.
+Tue Sep 2 22:56:25 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_fork_async_signal_safe): Inline rb_fork_internal.
+ (rb_fork_ruby): Ditto.
+ (rb_fork_internal): Removed.
+ (chfunc_protect): Removed.
+Tue Sep 2 22:43:52 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (test_new_with_block): Set autoclose to avoid
+Tue Sep 2 22:01:51 2014 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * (update-coverage): Remove a never executed line.
+Tue Sep 2 19:48:26 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (handle_fork_error): Extracted from retry_fork.
+Tue Sep 2 17:02:53 2014 Vit Ondruch <>
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb: fixed error of local installation.
+ [Bug #10192][ruby-core:64702]
+Tue Sep 2 16:58:03 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/runner.rb: reporting test coverage for test-all with COVERAGE env.
+ [Feature #10189][ruby-core:64681][fix GH-708]
+ * added task for coverage report.
+ * added definition of forked simplecov url.
+ * .gitignore: ignored coverage directory.
+Mon Sep 1 20:11:02 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (rbtime2vtdate): try to convert millisecond
+ of Time object to millisecond of VT_DATE VARIANT.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_variant.rb
+ (test_conversion_time2date_with_msec): ditto.
+Sun Aug 31 16:58:49 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/benchmark.rb: Fix a syntax error.
+Sun Aug 31 08:46:44 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (gzfile_reset): preserve ZSTREAM_FLAG_GZFILE
+ [Bug #10101]
+ * test/zlib/test_zlib.rb (test_rewind): test each_byte
+Sat Aug 30 19:22:47 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * symbol.c (rb_sym2id): do not return garbage object
+Sat Aug 30 06:39:48 2014 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: fix NameError dumping and
+ loading. Fixes GH #85. Thanks @brentdax for the patch!
+ * test/psych/test_exception.rb: test for fix
+Sat Aug 30 06:23:40 2014 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/scalar_scanner.rb: fix loading strings that
+ look like integers but have a newline. Fixes GH #189
+ * test/psych/test_string.rb: test for fix
+Sat Aug 30 06:10:39 2014 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb: merge keys with a hash
+ should merge the hash in to the parent.
+ * test/psych/test_merge_keys.rb: test for change. Fixes GH #202
+Sat Aug 30 06:00:26 2014 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb: quoted "<<" strings
+ should not be treated as merge keys.
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: hashes with keys
+ containing "<<" should roundtrip.
+ * test/psych/test_merge_keys.rb: test for change. Fixes GH #203
+Fri Aug 29 17:56:44 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/net/imap/test_imap_response_parser.rb: removed needless code.
+Fri Aug 29 17:36:58 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/rinda/test_rinda.rb: removed useless assignment variables.
+ * test/rss/rss-assertions.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rss/test_maker_itunes.rb: ditto.
+Fri Aug 29 16:18:26 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * string.c: revert part of r47311, add rb_vm_fstring_table(),
+ remove vm_core.h dependency. [ruby-core:64627]
+Fri Aug 29 15:17:13 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * string.c: remove static frozen_strings
+ * string.c (Init_frozen_strings): new function
+ * string.c (rb_fstring): remove check for frozen strings,
+ use per-VM table
+ * string.c (rb_str_free): use per-VM table
+ * string.c (Init_String): use per-VM table
+ * vm_core.h (rb_vm_t): add frozen_strings table
+ * internal.h (Init_frozen_strings): new function prototype
+ * eval.c (ruby_setup): call Init_frozen_strings
+ [Feature #10182]
+Wed Aug 27 23:10:24 2014 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb: remove "require 'thread'". its features are no
+ longer used.
+Wed Aug 27 21:19:40 2014 gogo tanaka <>
+ * lib/drb/acl.rb: Removed meaningless #to_s methods in interpolation.
+ [Feature #10174][ruby-core:64584]
+ * lib/erb.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/observer.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rake/invocation_chain.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rubygems/command_manager.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rubygems/config_file.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/uri/common.rb: ditto.
+Wed Aug 27 21:08:20 2014 gogo tanaka <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb: use attr_reader instead of Module#attr.
+ [Feature #10172][ruby-core:64582]
+ * lib/irb/ruby-token.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/net/telnet.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rdoc/ruby_token.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/thwait.rb: ditto.
+Wed Aug 27 19:52:33 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (vtdate2rbtime): try to convert millisecond
+ of VT_DATE VARIANT to nsec of Time object.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_variant.rb
+ (test_conversion_dbl2date_with_msec): ditto.
+Wed Aug 27 09:57:29 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/ruby/test_complex.rb: removed unreachable code.
+ * test/ruby/test_rational.rb: ditto.
+Wed Aug 27 07:59:17 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_set_sequence): check for multiplication overflow
+Tue Aug 26 22:07:42 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/ruby/test_complex.rb: cherry-picked working assertions from r47251.
+ * test/ruby/test_rational.rb: cherry-picked working assertions from r47263.
+Tue Aug 26 21:07:56 2014 gogo tanaka <>
+ * lib/mathn.rb (Fixnum#**, Bignum#**, Float#**, Rational#**):
+ remove as these are now built-in. [ruby-core:63973] [Bug #10086]
+Tue Aug 26 20:46:55 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (rb_time_unmagnify_to_float): Avoid double rounding.
+ Reported by Tsuyoshi Sawada.
+Tue Aug 26 17:12:47 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (io_close): ignore only "closed stream" IOError and
+ NoMethodError, do not swallow other exceptions at the end of
+ block. [ruby-core:64463] [Bug #10153]
+Tue Aug 26 13:46:33 2014 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * template/ fix failed to make install when @srcdir@ is
+ absolute path.
+Tue Aug 26 13:43:50 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/ruby/test_range.rb: added workaround for VERBOSE message.
+Tue Aug 26 12:38:02 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/test_mathn.rb: added workaround for VERBOSE messages.
+Tue Aug 26 11:44:04 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/shell/process-controller.rb: removed commented-out code.
+Tue Aug 26 11:39:01 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/thwait.rb (ThreadsWait): removed needless constant.
+Tue Aug 26 09:27:10 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/mathn.rb: mathn library is deprecated on ruby 2.2.
+ [Feature #10169][ruby-core:64553]
+Tue Aug 26 09:25:03 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/mathn.rb: removed commented-out code.
+Mon Aug 25 20:15:50 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c(fole_s_connect, fole_initialize): raise a
+ security error with the tainted string object.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_event.c(ev_advise): ditto.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole.rb(test_s_new_exc_svr_tainted,
+ test_s_new_exc_host_tainted): ditto.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_event.rb(test_s_new_exc_tainted): ditto.
+Mon Aug 25 12:56:54 2014 Ivan Korunkov <>
+ * lib/logger.rb (format_datetime): use "%6N" to show microsecond.
+ [Fix GH-704]
+Mon Aug 25 11:02:07 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * vm_core.h (rb_iseq_location_t): change first_lineno type to VALUE
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_build_for_ruby2cext): update based on argument
+Sun Aug 24 16:14:46 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/e2mmap.rb: remove needless instance variables.
+ * lib/irb.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/irb/**/*.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/shell.rb: ditto.
+Sun Aug 24 12:44:26 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/ruby/test_complex.rb: removed needless conditions.
+ * test/ruby/test_rational.rb: ditto.
+Sun Aug 24 11:47:39 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/ruby/test_rational.rb: fixed indent.
+Sun Aug 24 11:44:11 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/ruby/test_rational.rb: remove commented-out code.
+Sun Aug 24 11:09:29 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * lib/benchmark.rb (measure): reduce allocations as in r47260
+Sun Aug 24 10:35:54 2014 Pete Higgins <>
+ * lib/benchmark.rb (module Benchmark): define BENCHMARK_CLOCK
+ (realtime): use Process.clock_gettime(BENCHMARK_CLOCK)
+ Reduces allocations to improve performance [Feature #10165]
+ * test/benchmark/test_benchmark.rb (test_realtime_output): new test
+Fri Aug 22 20:23:54 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * string.c (rb_fstring): fix condition (easy to cause infinite loop!).
+Fri Aug 22 20:07:43 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * string.c (rb_fstring, fstr_update_callback): simply delete garbage
+ key first.
+ Garbage keys can be swept by lazy sweeping invoked by creating new
+ fstring. So that simply do:
+ (1) delete garbage key and return `fstr_update_callback' immediately
+ (2) try again `fstr_update_callback()' to create a new fstr.
+ This bug can be cause memory corruption, reported by
+Fri Aug 22 19:30:39 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/ruby/test_complex.rb: removed commented-out code.
+Fri Aug 22 19:25:28 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/ruby/test_complex.rb: fixed broken tests. Math is not
+ compatible CMath now.
+Fri Aug 22 15:36:09 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (Doxyfile): revert r43888, not to require preinstalled
+ ruby. [ruby-core:64488] [Bug #10161]
+Fri Aug 22 12:32:15 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/shell.rb: removed commented-out code.
+ * lib/shell/builtin-command.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/shell/command-processor.rb: ditto.
+Fri Aug 22 12:21:46 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/complex.rb: removed deprecated library.
+ * lib/rational.rb: ditto.
+Fri Aug 22 11:38:49 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/prettyprint.rb: removed PrettyPrint#first?
+ because it is obsoleted method since Ruby 1.8.2
+Thu Aug 21 17:10:31 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (constat_attr): manage reverse video internally
+ since Windows console window does not manage it. based on the
+ patch by white leaf in [ruby-dev:48483]. [Bug #10158]
+Thu Aug 21 14:45:41 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/e2mmap.rb: removed commented-out code.
+Thu Aug 21 13:23:34 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rinda/ring.rb: split executable code into sample directory.
+ * sample/rinda-ring.rb: ditto.
+Thu Aug 21 13:21:45 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/drb/acl.rb: split executable code into sample directory.
+ * sample/drb/acl.rb: ditto.
+Thu Aug 21 12:55:35 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * .gitignore: ignored temporary file for Changelog.
+Thu Aug 21 12:40:22 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb: split executable code into sample directory.
+ * sample/net-imap.rb: ditto.
+Thu Aug 21 12:23:56 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb: removed commented-out code.
+Wed Aug 20 17:27:02 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ (RUBY_STACK_GROW_DIRECTION): quote defun names, for some
+ versions of autoconf possibly. [ruby-core:64473] [Bug #10156]
+Tue Aug 19 22:28:32 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): fix condition to round.
+ [ruby-core:64454] [Bug #10151]
+Tue Aug 19 22:22:45 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/trans/euckr-tbl.rb (EUCKR_TO_UCS_TBL): add missing euro and
+ registered signs. [ruby-core:64452] [Bug #10149]
+Tue Aug 19 13:59:43 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compar.c (rb_cmperr): preserve encodings of arguments in the
+ message.
+Tue Aug 19 10:13:23 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/thread/thread.c (get_array): check instance variables are
+ initialized properly. [ruby-core:63826][Bug #10062]
+Mon Aug 18 17:06:27 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): support rational 'f' format.
+ [ruby-core:64382] [Bug #10136]
+Mon Aug 18 08:03:46 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * spec/default.mspec: use 2.2 definition.
+Sun Aug 17 19:41:40 2014 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * gc.c (obj_memsize_of): don't calculate memsize of T_NODE
+ when called from check_gen_consistency. It fixes segmentation
+ fault on RGENGC_CHECK_MODE >= 1 introduced by r47188.
+Sun Aug 17 17:08:12 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_invoke): use RHASH_SIZE instead of
+ calling Hash#length method.
+Sat Aug 16 19:32:06 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_event.c (evs_length): use RARRAY_LEN instead
+ of calling Array#length method.
+Sat Aug 16 10:20:17 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * time.c (time_timespec): fix tv_nsec overflow
+ [Bug #10144]
+Fri Aug 15 20:34:17 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: separate WIN32OLE_EVENT src from
+ win32ole.c.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.h: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_event.c: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_event.h: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/depend: ditto.
+Fri Aug 15 19:38:00 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_clone): Should not insert write barrier from
+ non-RVALUE data (to non-RVALUE data, of course).
+ Ruby 2.1 also has a same problem.
+Fri Aug 15 19:34:33 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * string.c (setup_fake_str): fake strings should not set class by
+ RBASIC_SET_CLASS() because it insert write barriers to fake
+ (non-RVALUE) structure.
+ It can cause unexpected behaviour.
+ Ruby 2.1 also have a same problem (setup_fake_str() in parse.y).
+ * symbol.c (setup_fake_str): ditto.
+Fri Aug 15 19:27:25 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_tmp_new_fill): added.
+ This function creates internal use only array (which is completely
+ hided by ObjectSpace.each_object) with filling nil.
+ Otherwise, it can be includes strange VALUEs.
+ * internal.h: added.
+ * node.h: use rb_ary_tmp_new_fill() for MEMO.
+Fri Aug 15 10:13:37 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/gserver.rb: removed unmaintained code.
+ [ruby-core:40313][Feature #5480]
+ * lib/xmlrpc/httpserver.rb: ditto.
+Fri Aug 15 09:22:12 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * vm_core.h (rb_thread_struct): reorder to pack
+ * cont.c (rb_context_struct, rb_fiber_struct): ditto
+ On x86-64, these changes reduces:
+ rb_thread_struct to 1000 bytes (from 1016)
+ rb_context_struct to 1288 bytes (from 1312)
+ rb_fiber_struct to 2272 bytes (from 2304)
+Fri Aug 15 09:06:31 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * thread_pthread.h: define RB_NATIVETHREAD_LOCK_INIT and
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_mutex_lock, native_mutex_unlock,
+ native_mutex_trylock, native_mutex_initialize,
+ native_mutex_destroy, native_cond_wait):
+ use rb_nativethread_lock_t instead of pthread_mutex_t
+ [Feature #10134]
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_mutex_debug): make argument type-agnostic
+ to avoid later cast.
+ * thread_pthread.c (register_cached_thread_and_wait):
+ use native_mutex_{lock,unlock}
+ * thread_pthread.c (use_cached_thread):
+ use native_mutex_{lock,unlock}
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_sleep):
+ use rb_nativethread_lock_t to match th->interrupt_lock,
+ use native_mutex_{lock,unlock}
+ * thread_pthread.c (timer_thread_lock): use rb_nativethread_lock_t type
+Fri Aug 15 08:10:29 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * cont.c (cont_mark): fix typo in unused path [ci skip]
+Fri Aug 15 06:00:56 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * vm.c (rb_thread_mark): update comment about marking `me'
+ [ruby-core:64340] [ruby-core:64341]
+Fri Aug 15 05:53:59 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * README.EXT: preliminary documentation for RB_GC_GUARD
+ [Bug #10100] [ruby-core:60741]
+Thu Aug 14 00:26:19 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: separate WIN32OLE_RECORD src from
+ win32ole.c
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.h: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_record.c: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_record.h: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/depend: ditto.
+Wed Aug 13 21:41:04 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: separate WIN32OLE_VARIANT src from
+ win32ole.c.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.h: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_variant.c: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_variant.c: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/depend: ditto.
+Wed Aug 13 20:09:37 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: remove unused variable.
+Wed Aug 13 19:31:27 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_search_handler_method, rescue_callback,
+ folerecord_inspect): use PRIsVALUE in rb_sprintf.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_param.c (foleparam_inspect): ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_variable.c (folevariable_inspect): use
+ PRIsVALUE in rb_sprintf, use rb_inspect.
+Wed Aug 13 11:54:41 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/irb/completion.rb: reverted r47163.
+ because another case can't be show completion target.
+Wed Aug 13 11:17:00 2014 Shimpei Makimoto <>
+ * lib/irb.rb: Prevent irb from crashing when exception with
+ nil backtrace is raised.
+ [fix GH-434][ruby-core:58078][Bug #9063]
+ * test/irb/test_raise_no_backtrace_exception.rb: ditto.
+Wed Aug 13 11:08:55 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/irb/completion.rb: fixed broken completion list with
+ String including spaces. Contributed from @dunric. [fix GH-465]
+Wed Aug 13 00:07:01 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: separate WIN32OLE_PARAM src from win32ole.c
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.h: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_param.c: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_param.h: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/depend: ditto.
+Tue Aug 12 23:17:47 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: refactoring. move some methods
+ into win32ole_type.c / win32ole_method.c
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.h: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_method.c: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_method.h: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_type.h: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_type.h: ditto.
+Tue Aug 12 22:59:48 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: refactoring. move
+ ole_typelib_from_itypeinfo into win32ole_typelib.c.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.h: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_typelib.h: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_typelib.h: ditto.
+Tue Aug 12 21:49:40 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_create_dcom): use the converted
+ result if the argument can be converted to a string, to get rid
+ of invalid access. Thanks to nobu. [ruby-dev:48467] [Bug #10127]
+Tue Aug 12 14:22:58 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ignored working directory same as prefix value.
+ [ruby-core:54999] [Bug #8409]
+Tue Aug 12 13:34:25 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: enable to remove with non-owner directory.
+ [ruby-dev:45976] [Bug #6756]
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb: add testcase for #6756.
+Tue Aug 12 12:57:28 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * vm_exec.c: improve performance in ppc64 arch.
+ [ruby-core:63437] [Feature #9997]
+Tue Aug 12 12:14:52 2014 Akira Matsuda <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: fix typo.
+ [ruby-dev:47831] [Bug #9180]
+Tue Aug 12 10:10:42 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * vm_method.c (release_method_definition): use rb_free_method_entry
+Tue Aug 12 06:16:09 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: separate WIN32OLE_METHOD src from
+ win32ole.c.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.h: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_method.c: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_method.h: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/depend: ditto.
+Mon Aug 11 22:19:15 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_variable.c (folevariable_inspect): refactoring.
+Mon Aug 11 20:47:27 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: separate WIN32OLE_VARIABLE src from
+ win32ole.c
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.h: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_variable.c: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_variable.h: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/depend: ditto.
+Mon Aug 11 16:17:21 2014 Tony Miller <>
+ * dir.c (rb_dir_exists_p): [DOC] Document that Dir.exists? is
+ deprecated. [ruby-core:64135] [Bug #10102]
+Mon Aug 11 11:26:33 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb: start rdoc parsing inside singleton class
+ definition to include the document there.
+ [ruby-core:64157] [Bug #10105]
+Sun Aug 10 12:22:43 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_type.c: refactoring.
+Sun Aug 10 10:34:00 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/cgi/session/pstore.rb: separated sample code.
+ * lib/open3.rb: ditto.
+Sun Aug 10 10:03:24 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/irb/ext/multi-irb.rb: removed commented-out code.
+Sat Aug 9 11:02:07 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/irb.rb: removed commented-out code.
+ * lib/irb/**/*.rb: ditto.
+Sat Aug 9 10:35:30 2014 Laurent Arnoud <>
+ * lib/cmath.rb: fixed indent. [fix GH-696]
+ * lib/drb/ssl.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/irb/**/*.rb: ditto.
+Sat Aug 9 10:28:03 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/minitest/test_minitest_unit.rb: removed obsoleted condition
+ for Ruby 1.8.
+ * test/ruby/test_time_tz.rb: ditto.
+Sat Aug 9 10:18:00 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/cgi/test_cgi_core.rb: removed obsoleted condition for Ruby 1.8.
+ * test/cgi/test_cgi_header.rb: ditto.
+ * test/cgi/test_cgi_multipart.rb: ditto.
+ * test/cgi/test_cgi_tag_helper.rb: ditto.
+Sat Aug 9 00:34:37 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: separate WIN32OLE_TYPE src from win32ole.c.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.h: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_type.c: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_type.h: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/depend: ditto.
+Fri Aug 8 01:53:37 2014 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * lib/securerandom.rb: use OpenSSL::BN for performance improvement.
+ * benchmark/bm_securerandom.rb: benchmark script.
+Fri Aug 8 17:19:57 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb: remove needless condition for old ruby version.
+ * test/open-uri/test_open-uri.rb: ditto.
+Fri Aug 8 16:40:59 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/irb/init.rb: removed unreachable code.
+Fri Aug 8 16:34:22 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb: removed unreachable code.
+Fri Aug 8 14:33:49 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpproxy.rb: remove needless condition
+ for old ruby version.
+Fri Aug 8 01:07:10 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): fix invalid char in eval, should raise
+ an syntax error too, as well as directly coded.
+ [ruby-core:64243] [Bug #10117]
+Thu Aug 7 23:25:29 2014 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * lib/open3.rb: avoid unnecessary write if stdin_data is empty.
+Thu Aug 7 21:42:49 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_typelib.c (foletypelib_version): return
+ version string.
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_typelib.rb (test_version): ditto.
+Thu Aug 7 15:13:13 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb: remove needless condition for old ruby version.
+Thu Aug 7 06:04:49 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_yyerror): preserve source code encoding in
+ syntax error messages. [ruby-core:64228] [Bug #10114]
+Wed Aug 6 20:56:02 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: separate src of WIN32OLE_TYPELIB from
+ win32ole.c
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.h: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_typelib.c: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_typelib.h: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/depend: ditto.
+Wed Aug 6 20:44:07 2014 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * enum.c (enum_one): [DOC] Move documentation before the
+ relevant method. Submitted by @vipulnsward. [Fixes GH-687]
+Wed Aug 6 20:25:47 2014 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/set.rb (Set#replace): Check if an object given is enumerable
+ before clearing self. Reported by yui-knk. [GH-675]
+Wed Aug 6 20:07:26 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (olerecord_ivar_set): remove rb_str_subseq.
+Wed Aug 6 19:09:27 2014 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/set.rb (Set): Implement Set#clone by splitting
+ initialize_copy into initialize_dup and initialize_clone.
+ Submitted by yui-knk. [Fixes GH-661]
+Wed Aug 6 18:42:58 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: separate src of WIN32OLERuntimeError
+ from win32ole.c.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.h: ditto
+ * ext/win32ole/depend: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_error.c: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_error.h: ditto.
+Wed Aug 6 04:33:58 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTP.proxy_uri): use initializer instead
+ of parser to handle IPv6 address. [Bug #9129]
+Wed Aug 6 04:16:05 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http/requests.rb (Net::HTTP::Options::RESPONSE_HAS_BODY):
+ OPTIONS requests may have response bodies. [Feature #8429]
+Wed Aug 6 03:18:04 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http/generic_request.rb (Net::HTTP::GenericRequest#exec):
+ handle req['host'] in update_uri.
+ * lib/net/http/generic_request.rb
+ (Net::HTTP::GenericRequest#update_uri):
+ use req['host'] if it is explicitly set. Even if URI is given,
+ it is already used for the initial value of req['host'].
+ Therefore overwritten value should be respected. [Bug #10054]
+Wed Aug 6 03:17:34 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http/generic_request.rb
+ (Net::HTTP::GenericRequest#update_uri):
+ handle scheme, host, and port to reflect connection to @uri.
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTP#begin_transport): move trivial handling
+ to Net::HTTP::GenericRequest#update_uri.
+Wed Aug 6 02:16:43 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http/generic_request.rb
+ (Net::HTTP::GenericRequest#initialize):
+ optimize object allocation.
+Wed Aug 6 01:16:47 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (URI::Generic#path_query): remove a private method.
+Wed Aug 6 01:15:47 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (URI::Generic#normalize!): use String#empty?
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (URI::Generic#path_query): optimized.
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (URI::Generic#to_s): optimized.
+Wed Aug 6 00:15:10 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/http.rb (URI::HTTP#request_uri): optimized.
+ decrease object allocation, and ensure always create at least one new
+ object for return value.
+Wed Aug 6 03:41:21 2014 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb: backwards compatibility for
+ hashes emitted by Syck. Github #198
+ * test/psych/test_hash.rb: test for change.
+Tue Aug 5 19:27:59 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_invoke): skip VariantClear when
+ argument is VT_RECORD variant.
+Tue Aug 5 15:52:51 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * gems/bundled_gems: Upgrade to test-unit-3.0.0 and minitest-5.4.0.
+Mon Aug 4 21:50:09 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_record.rb: add for WIN32OLE_RECORD
+ test(need .NET Framework 3.5 to run test).
+Mon Aug 4 19:49:34 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_invoke): call rb_hash_foreach instead
+ of rb_block_call.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: add comment for rdoc of WIN32OLE_VARIANT
+ class.
+Mon Aug 4 09:12:47 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * variable.c: cleanup to use rb_const_lookup
+ [Feature #10107]
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: ditto
+Sun Aug 3 10:55:07 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_check_symbol_cstr): ditto.
+Sun Aug 3 10:43:08 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method): unusable super class should cause
+ method missing when BasicObject is refined but not been using.
+ [ruby-core:64166] [Bug #10106]
+Sat Aug 2 23:47:45 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: separate WIN32OLE::VARIANT src file
+ from win32ole.c
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.h: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_variant_m.c: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_variant_m.h: ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/depend: ditto.
+ * ext/.document: ditto.
+Sat Aug 2 14:34:58 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: add comments for rdoc.
+Sat Aug 2 10:26:57 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_itself): new method Object#itself. based on the
+ patch by Rafael Franca in [ruby-core:64156].
+ [EXPERIMENTAL] this method may be renamed due to compatibilities.
+ [ruby-core:44704] [Feature #6373]
+Fri Aug 1 22:30:40 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (folerecord_initialize): accept
+ only 2 arguments. The 2nd argument should be WIN32OLE object or
+ WIN32OLE_RECORD object.
+Fri Aug 1 20:17:33 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_variant2val): call
+ folerecord_s_allocate instead of
+Fri Aug 1 18:39:57 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/date/test_date.rb: remove commented-out code.
+ * test/date/test_date_arith.rb: ditto.
+ * test/date/test_date_attr.rb: ditto.
+ * test/date/test_date_parse.rb: ditto.
+Fri Aug 1 16:35:32 2014 Evan Miller <>
+ * numeric.c (flodivmod): all results are NaN if divisor is NaN.
+ [fix GH-692]
+Thu Aug 01 07:28:12 2014 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c: [DOC] Add description of
+ `` exceptions. Patched by @joker1007 and
+ @prathamesh-sonpatki [Fixes GH-690]
+Thu Jul 31 22:20:12 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: add WIN32OLE_RECORD#inspect.
+Thu Jul 31 20:35:32 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: add
+ WIN32OLE_RECORD#ole_instance_variable_set and
+ WIN32OLE_RECORD#ole_instance_variable_get
+Wed Jul 30 23:28:10 2014 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): like r47006, get rid of
+ function calls in RSTRING_PTR().
+Wed Jul 30 22:10:29 2014 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * process.c (rlimit_resource_type, rlimit_resource_value):
+ get rid of inadvertent dynamic symbol pin-down.
+ * re.c (match_backref_number): ditto.
+ * signal.c (esignal_init, rb_f_kill, trap_signm): ditto.
+ * transcode.c (econv_opts): ditto.
+ * vm_trace.c (symbol2event_flag): ditto.
+Wed Jul 30 21:29:39 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_invoke): pass WIN32OLE_RECORD variant
+ by reference when invoke OLE methods at first.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (olerecord_set_ivar): release
+ IRecordInfo interface before setting another IRecordInfo interface.
+Wed Jul 30 13:17:35 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: remove unused macros.
+Tue Jul 29 22:21:37 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (hash2olerec): ignore WIN32OLE_RECORD
+ instance variable if the variable is nil.
+Tue Jul 29 19:43:27 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (folerecord_method_missing): refactoring.
+ divide functionality of folerecord_method_missing into
+ olerecord_ivar_set and olerecord_ivar_get.
+Mon Jul 28 20:20:08 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win23ole.c (folerecord_method_missing): support
+ setter of member of WIN32OLE_RECORD object.
+Mon Jul 28 06:37:19 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * vm_eval.c: [DOC] Fix rdoc formatting of patch from [Bug #9551]
+Mon Jul 28 06:34:43 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * vm_eval.c: [DOC] [Bug #9551] Improve clarity of Kernel::catch
+ documentation, patch by Jesse Sielaff.
+Mon Jul 28 06:24:54 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb: [DOC] [Bug #9563] Recommend using URI.escape
+ before parsing a uri to avoid invalid characters. Reported by
+ Evgeniy Serykh.
+Mon Jul 28 05:55:56 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * time.c: [DOC] Clarify %Y in strftime, which can accept any digits
+ and will output at least 4 digits as the year. Reported by Yury
+ Trofimenko [Bug #10049]
+ * lib/time.rb: ditto
+Mon Jul 28 05:32:06 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb: [DOC] [Bug #10075] Clarify how URI.join arguments
+ are handled by RFC3986, originally reported by John Feminella.
+Mon Jul 28 05:21:41 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * file.c: [DOC] Clarify how File.file? handles symbolic links. Also
+ cleaned up the rdoc style for this method, more to follow.
+ Originally reported by Michael Renner [Bug #10067]
+Mon Jul 28 05:12:22 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * time.c: [DOC] Remove dead link and old bug report, which hasn't been
+ reproduced in a few years. Reported by Federico Builes [Bug #10071]
+Mon Jul 28 04:39:58 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c: [DOC] Remove default value of Zlib constants, as
+ they may change in the implementation without notice. Patched by
+ @robin850 [Fixes GH-682]
+Mon Jul 28 04:35:35 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_hmac.c: Fix NO_HMAC warning [Fixes GH-665]
+ Patched by @vipulnsward
+Sun Jul 27 19:49:36 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/cgi/core.rb: remove unused variables.
+ * lib/erb.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/net/http/response.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/optparse/version.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/prime.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/racc/parser.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rexml/document.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rexml/dtd/dtd.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rexml/element.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rexml/functions.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rexml/parsers/xpathparser.rb: ditto.
+Sun Jul 27 05:11:21 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/irb.rb: [DOC] PROMPT_I cannot be nil, patch by @hgillane
+ Fixes documenting-ruby/ruby#37
+Sun Jul 27 02:41:50 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/shell/command-processor.rb: remove unused variable.
+ * lib/shell/system-command.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/tmpdir.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb: ditto.
+Sun Jul 27 02:08:31 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/weakref.rb: split executable code into sample directory.
+ * sample/weakref.rb: ditto.
+Sun Jul 27 02:06:55 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb: split executable code into sample directory.
+ * sample/delegate.rb: ditto.
+Sun Jul 27 01:46:34 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * proc.c (method_super_method): [DOC] Method#super_method
+Sun Jul 27 01:22:39 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (method_super_method): new method Method#super_method,
+ which returns a method object of the method to be called by
+ `super` in the receiver method object.
+ [ruby-core:62202] [Feature #9781]
+Sat Jul 26 17:22:14 2014 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * ext/objspace/objspace_dump.c (dump_append): avoid fflush.
+ because dump_append_string_value() iterates over each chars,
+ fflush()-ing here effectively issues system calls on every single
+ bytes exist in a ruby process.
+Sat Jul 26 16:55:18 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * iseq.h (struct iseq_compile_data_storage): reduce overhead
+ to 16 bytes (from 32) on 64-bit
+Sat Jul 26 16:28:06 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * vm_core.h (struct rb_iseq_struct): reduce to 280 bytes
+ (from 288 bytes) on 64-bit
+Sat Jul 26 06:44:43 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * parse.y (struct parse_params): shrink to 320 to 304 bytes on 64-bit
+Sat Jul 26 05:58:35 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (ZALLOC, ZALLOC_N): implement
+ (Data_Make_Struct, TypedData_Make_Struct):
+ ZALLOC replaces ALLOC+memset
+ [ruby-core:63951][Feature #10082]
+ * compile.c (iseq_seq_sequence): ZALLOC_N replaces ALLOC_N+MEMZERO
+ * cont.c (fiber_t_alloc): ZALLOC replaces ALLOC+MEMZERO
+ * io.c (rb_io_reopen): ditto
+ * iseq.c (prepare_iseq_build): ditto
+ * parse.y (new_args_tail_gen, parser_new, ripper_s_allocate): ditto
+ * re.c (match_alloc): ditto
+ * variable.c (rb_const_set): ditto
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (get_addrinfo): ditto
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c (strscan_s_allocate): ditto
+ * gc.c (rb_objspace_alloc): calloc replaces malloc+MEMZERO
+Sat Jul 26 05:54:54 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * symbol.c (dsymbol_check): remove unneeded semi-colon
+Fri Jul 25 14:07:27 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: change objspace::rgengc::parent_object_is_old (boolean)
+ to objspace::rgengc::parent_object (VALUE).
+ Use Qfalse or RVALUE pointer instead of FALSE and TRUE.
+ * gc.c (gc_marks_body): should clear parent_object just before
+ gc_mark_roots() because there are no parents objects
+ for root objects.
+Fri Jul 25 13:45:39 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_writebarrier_remember_promoted): should remember only
+Fri Jul 25 13:42:02 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_stacked_objects): fix error message.
+Fri Jul 25 13:18:00 2014 Will Farrington <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_gethostname): Use NI_MAXHOST to support
+ hostnames longer than 64 characters if the system supports it.
+ [fixes GH-683]
+Fri Jul 25 12:21:11 2014 Santiago Pastorino <>
+ * compile.c (defined_expr): make the condition if the receiver
+ is explicit or implicit cleaner. [fix GH-681]
+Fri Jul 25 03:53:52 2014 Eric Hodel <>
+ * doc/keywords.rdoc: [DOC] Describe each keyword.
+Thu Jul 24 22:40:24 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (Init_win32ole): add WIN32OLE_RECORD#initialize
+ method.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_val2variant): convert WIN32OLE_RECORD
+ object to VT_RECORD variant.
+Thu Jul 24 20:10:59 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: fix major GC flags.
+ * add GPR_FLAG_MAJOR_BY_FORCE, which indicates
+ major GC by METHOD, CAPI and so on (see GC_BY).
+ * remove GPR_FLAG_MAJOR_BY_RESCAN because not used.
+ * remove GPR_FLAG_MAJOR_BY_STRESS, use FORCE instead.
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb: catch up.
+Thu Jul 24 15:55:02 2014 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * include/ruby/io.h (struct rb_io_buffer_t): PACKED_STRUCT should not
+ be used for platform-specific optimization. PACKED_STRUCT_UNALIGNED
+ should be used. [ruby-core:63988] [Bug #10088]
+Thu Jul 24 04:42:13 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/benchmark.rb: split executable code into sample directory.
+ * sample/benchmark.rb: ditto.
+Thu Jul 24 04:36:49 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb: split executable code into sample directory.
+ * sample/tempfile.rb: ditto.
+Thu Jul 24 04:29:36 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/pstore.rb: split executable code into sample directory.
+ * sample/pstore.rb: ditto.
+Wed Jul 23 23:50:11 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/defines.h, siphash.c, st.c (UNALIGNED_WORD_ACCESS):
+ add PowerPC64 too, which is capable to access unaligned words.
+ patched by Gustavo Frederico Temple Pedrosa in [ruby-core:63937].
+ [Feature #10081]
+Wed Jul 23 04:04:38 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/drb/extserv.rb: remove duplicate code with sample directory.
+ contributed from @vipulnsward. [fix GH-679]
+Tue Jul 22 12:56:24 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_count): fix wrong single-byte optimization.
+ 7bit ascii can be a trailing byte in Shift_JIS.
+ [ruby-dev:48442] [Bug #10078]
+Tue Jul 22 01:48:38 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * include/ruby/io.h (rb_io_buffer_t): fix packing on gcc
+ r46892 caused packing to be a no-op on gcc (4.7.2-5, Debian)
+ [Bug #10079][ruby-core:63912]
+Mon Jul 21 15:55:42 2014 fuji70 <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (getopts): print default values and descriptions
+ in the help message. [fix GH-676]
+Sun Jul 20 14:26:27 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * vm_core.h (rb_proc_t): reduce to 64 bytes from 72 on 64-bit
+Sun Jul 20 13:50:34 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_t): reduce to 184 bytes from 200 on 64-bit
+Sun Jul 20 12:44:23 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * include/ruby/io.h (rb_io_buffer_t): pack structure
+ Reduces rb_io_t from 200 to 192 bytes, allowing rb_io_t to
+ occupy one less cache line.
+ [Feature #10050]
+Sun Jul 20 12:41:53 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * include/ruby/io.h (rb_io_t): shrink to 200 bytes from 216 on 64-bit
+ This puts us within 8 bytes of being three cache lines instead of
+ four lines on x86-64. This breaks the ABI.
+ [Feature #10050]
+Sun Jul 20 12:36:46 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * include/ruby/oniguruma.h (struct re_pattern_buffer): shrink to 448
+ bytes from 464 bytes on 64-bit. This breaks the ABI.
+ [Feature #10034]
+Sun Jul 20 01:06:06 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c: use encryptor instead of encrypter in doc.
+ contributed from @vipulnsward. [fix GH-663]
+Sun Jul 20 00:32:44 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_initialize): [DOC] fix rdoc of append mode. it does
+ not move the pointer at open. [ruby-core:63747] [Bug #10039]
+Sat Jul 19 12:40:50 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): allow to access private attribute
+ reader in op_assign. [ruby-core:63817] [Bug #10060]
+Sat Jul 19 11:56:36 2014 Grey Baker <>
+ * lib/time.rb (Time#apply_offset): Guards against a `nil` return
+ value from `Time.month_days` when offsetting date. Out of range
+ values are then caught when `Time.utc` is called (as usual).
+ Previously a `nil` return value from `Time.month_days` would
+ have the `<` operator called on it, and raise `NoMethodError`.
+ [fix GH-667]
+ * lib/rdoc/parser/changelog.rb (RDoc#parse_entries): fix dirty hack.
+Sat Jul 19 06:19:01 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: refactoring.
+Fri Jul 18 22:34:41 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (folevariant_initialize): WIN32OLE_VARIANT
+ does not support VT_RECORD. VT_RECORD should be supported in
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_variant.rb (test_s_new_vt_record_exc):
+ ditto.
+Fri Jul 18 19:54:03 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (folevariant_initialize): remove unnecessary
+ code.
+Fri Jul 18 19:11:03 2014 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix/eigenvalue_decomposition: Style fix
+ Patch by Gogo Tanaka [#10058]
+Fri Jul 18 19:03:53 2014 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb: Avoid using `and`.
+ Patch by gogo tanaka [#10058]
+Fri Jul 18 17:41:54 2014 GoGo tanaka <>
+ * test/matrix/test_matrix.rb: Add tests for Matrix class.
+ [Feature #10057][ruby-core:63809]
+Fri Jul 18 10:14:42 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: added missing options of FileUtils.touch by @Domon.
+ [fix GH-669]
+Thu Jul 17 19:57:27 2014 Herwin <>
+ * ext/thread/thread.c (rb_szqueue_push): add optional parameter,
+ non_block defaulted to false. [ruby-core:63794] [Feature #10052]
+Wed Jul 16 23:01:43 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_variant2val): support array of
+ VT_RECORD variant.
+Wed Jul 16 20:21:49 2014 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * vm_core.h (struct rb_iseq_struct): stack_max is changed to int
+ because all calculations related to stack_max in compile.c
+ (iseq_set_sequence) and vm_insnhelper.c (vm_push_frame) are
+ conducted by using int. This partly reverts r23945.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_push_frame): ditto. This reverts r42401.
+Wed Jul 16 19:55:32 2014 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * vm_core.h (struct rb_iseq_struct): temporal workaround of [Bug 10037].
+ Add padding on big-endian 64-bit architecture (e.g. sparc64).
+Wed Jul 16 19:32:23 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (fole_record_method_missing): call
+ rb_hash_fetch instead of rb_hash_aref.
+Wed Jul 16 18:08:47 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_defined_string): use rb_gc_mark_object() instead of
+ marking from vm_mark().
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_mark): ditto.
+Wed Jul 16 18:03:50 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_roots): call rb_vm_mark directly.
+ * vm.c: remove mark function for RubyVM object because
+ RubyVM object marked manually.
+Wed Jul 16 12:25:39 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regcomp.c: Merge Onigmo 5.14.1 25a8a69fc05ae3b56a09.
+ this includes Support for Unicode 7.0 [Bug #9092].
+Tue Jul 15 23:59:27 2014 Jared Jennings <>
+ * ext/digest: make built-in digest function implementations
+ indicate success or failure of init and final functions.
+ [ruby-core:61614] [Bug #9659]
+ * ext/digest/digest.c: expect digest init and finish functions to
+ indicate success or failure; raise exception on failure.
+ [ruby-core:61614] [Bug #9659]
+Tue Jul 15 20:31:40 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: modify document for WIN32OLE_RECORD.
+Tue Jul 15 12:42:23 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * defs/default_gems: change version definition file of rake.
+Tue Jul 15 12:00:03 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rake.rb, lib/rake/*.rb: Upgrade to rake-10.3.2
+ [fix GH-668]
+ * test/rake/*.rb: ditto.
+Mon Jul 14 19:14:51 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: modify WIN32OLE class document and
+ add comment for constants of WIN32OLE.
+Mon Jul 14 16:38:45 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * vm_core.h (struct rb_iseq_struct): reduce to 288 bytes
+ on x86-64 (from 296 bytes)
+Mon Jul 14 16:07:25 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * iseq.h (struct iseq_catch_table_entry): shrink to 32 bytes
+ on x86-64 (from 48 bytes)
+Mon Jul 14 16:04:41 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * iseq.h (struct iseq_catch_table): new flexible array struct
+ (iseq_catch_table_bytes): allocated size function
+ * vm_core.h (struct rb_iseq_struct): update catch_table member
+ This reduces the struct from 304 to 296 bytes on x86-64.
+ * compile.c (iseq_set_exception_table): update for struct changes
+ * iseq.c (iseq_free): ditto
+ * iseq.c (iseq_memsize): ditto
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_disasm): ditto
+ * iseq.c (iseq_data_to_ary): ditto
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_build_for_ruby2cext): ditto (untested)
+ * vm.c (vm_exec): ditto
+ * vm_core.h (struct rb_iseq_struct): ditto
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_throw): ditto
+Sun Jul 13 17:49:52 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_cipher.c: Fix call to ciphers class method and
+ spell out `encryption` by @vipulnsward [fix GH-664]
+Sun Jul 13 17:31:51 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/gdbm/gdbm.c: fix wrong arguments in GetDBM2 macro.
+ * ext/sdbm/init.c: ditto.
+Sun Jul 13 17:25:50 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c: fix wrong arguments in GetDBM2 macro by @v2e4lisp.
+ [fix GH-655]
+Sun Jul 13 16:44:56 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * vm_core.h (struct rb_call_info_struct): improve packing
+ This reduces the struct from 112 to 104 bytes on x86-64.
+Sun Jul 13 15:53:25 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * vm_core.h (struct rb_iseq_struct): stack_max is uint32_t
+ This reduces the struct from 312 to 304 bytes on x86-64.
+Sun Jul 13 10:56:26 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (rb_cv_broken_backtrace): exit with failure
+ normally, no needs to abort. [ruby-core:63678] [Bug #10008]
+Sat Jul 12 15:10:22 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (fole_record_method_missing): correct
+ fields Hash key.
+Sat Jul 12 04:17:40 2014 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb (Net::SMTP#data): enable buffering while
+ 'data' send for optimizing Net::SMTP#send_message.
+ [ruby-dev:48329] [misc #9981]
+ patch by Masahiro Tomita.
+Sat Jul 12 01:13:45 2014 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (assert_no_memory_leak): On Solaris 9 or later,
+ if possible, execute child ruby with environment variables
+ UMEM_OPTIONS="backend=mmap". With these
+ variables, freed memory is immediately returned to the OS.
+ [Bug #10020] [ruby-dev:48391]
+Fri Jul 11 20:49:10 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: add WIN32OLE_RECORD class to support
+ VT_RECORD OLE variables.
+Fri Jul 11 17:15:08 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/abbrev.rb: remove executable.
+Fri Jul 11 16:45:39 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: handle ENOENT error with symlink targeted to
+ non-exists file. [ruby-dev:45933] [Bug #6716]
+Fri Jul 11 15:59:42 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * array.c: Clarify documentation for Array#insert.
+ [ruby-core:62934] [Bug #9901]
+Fri Jul 11 15:39:36 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * io.c: Improve Documentation by @dapplebeforedawn.
+ [fix GH-658] [ruby-core:63579] [Bug #10012]
+Fri Jul 11 14:19:14 2014 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb: Fix sign for cross_product [#9499]
+Fri Jul 11 11:11:50 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/prepare_so_k_nucleotide.rb: use require_relative.
+ * benchmark/prepare_so_reverse_complement.rb: ditto.
+Fri Jul 11 10:09:03 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * pack.c (encodes): fix buffer overrun by tail_lf. Thanks to
+ Mamoru Tasaka and Tomas Hoger. [ruby-core:63604] [Bug #10019]
+Thu Jul 10 23:51:36 2014 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * hash.c (ruby_setenv): Fix TestEnv#test_aset failure on Solaris 9.
+ When name contains '=', ruby_setenv raises Errno::EINVAL.
+ That is the same behavior as Solaris 10.
+ NULL check for malloc return value is also added.
+Thu Jul 10 15:02:55 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_callee_setup_keyword_arg): adjust VM stack
+ pointer to get rid of overwriting splat arguments by arguments
+ for `to_hash` conversion. [ruby-core:63593] [Bug #10016]
+Thu Jul 10 01:09:57 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * symbol.c: remove rb_gc_mark_symbols().
+ fstrings referred by static symbols and pinned dynamic symbols
+ are registered by rb_gc_register_mark_object().
+ fstrings referred by dynamic symbols (not pinned symbols)
+ are referred from global_symbols.dsymbol_fstr_hash (Hash object).
+ Note that fstrings referred from dynamic symbols must live logger
+ than symbol objects themselves because rb_gc_free_dsymbol() uses
+ fstrings to remove from symbol tables.
+ This is why we can not mark fstrings from dynamic symbols.
+ This technique reduces root objects for GC marking.
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_roots): ditto.
+ * internal.h: ditto.
+Thu Jul 10 00:24:18 2014 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * (DTRACE_DEPENDENT_OBJS): fix build failure on Solaris
+ introduced in r46768. Object files containing dtrace probes should
+Wed Jul 9 17:07:28 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * symbol.c, symbol.h: Symbol class implementation and internals,
+ split from parse.y.
+Wed Jul 9 14:45:39 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * parse.y: change Symbol <-> ID relationship to avoid
+ exposing IDs from collectable symbols.
+ [Bug #10014]
+ Now, rb_check_id() returns 0 if corresponding symbol is
+ pinned dynamic symbol.
+ There is remaining intern_cstr_without_pindown(), it can return
+ IDs from collectable symbols. We must be careful to use it
+ (only used in parse.y). I think it should be removed if
+ it does not have impact for performance.
+ * parse.y:
+ add:
+ rename:
+ * rb_pin_dynamic_symbol() -> dsymbol_pindown()
+ * internal.h:
+ remove:
+ * rb_check_id_without_pindown()
+ * rb_sym2id_without_pindown()
+ add:
+ * rb_check_symbol()
+ * rb_check_symbol_cstr()
+ * load.c: use rb_check_id() or rb_check_id_cstr().
+ * object.c: ditto.
+ * struct.c: ditto.
+ * thread.c: ditto.
+ * vm_method.c: ditto.
+ * string.c (sym_find): use only rb_check_symbol().
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): use rb_check_symbol_cstr().
+Wed Jul 9 12:21:55 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * parse.y (symbols_i): delete garbage symbols for Symbol.all_symbols.
+Wed Jul 9 05:49:08 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * thread_pthread.h (struct rb_global_vm_lock_struct):
+ do not expose pthread type for lock
+Wed Jul 9 05:41:40 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * thread_pthread.h: remove unneeded semaphore.h include
+Wed Jul 9 00:12:28 2014 Keiju Ishitsuka <>
+ * lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb: fix counting indent in identify_string_dvar.
+Tue Jul 8 16:58:02 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/memory_status.rb (Memory::PSCMD): use ps command which
+ outputs expected result. [ruby-dev:48370] [Bug #10010]
+Tue Jul 8 14:45:17 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * parse.y (dsymbol_alloc): set global_symbols.minor_marked to 0.
+ * parse.y (dsymbol_check): set RSYMBOL(sym)->fstr to 0
+ because we should not touch fstr after that.
+ * parse.y (rb_gc_free_dsymbol): skip deleting str and sym
+ from tables if fstr == 0.
+Mon Jul 7 14:31:52 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * parse.y: remove global_symbols::pinned_dsym
+ (and ::pinned_dsym_minor_marked).
+ Mark pinned dsymbols by rb_gc_register_mark_object() because
+ they are immortal.
+ * parse.y (rb_gc_free_dsymbol): rename parameter name `ptr' to `sym'.
+Mon Jul 7 12:45:51 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: revert miss-commit.
+Mon Jul 7 12:40:59 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * parse.y: need to use updated (re-created) symbols.
+Mon Jul 7 11:02:55 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/mkconfig.rb: remove not to require rbconfig/obsolete.rb.
+ * lib/rbconfig/obsolete.rb: removed.
+Mon Jul 7 10:52:03 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * parse.y: do not use rb_gc_resurrect(), but create a new dynamic
+ symbol for garbage dynamic symbol.
+ * use gc.h by parse.y.
+Mon Jul 7 02:18:42 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * string.c (fstr_update_callback): do not use rb_gc_resurrect()
+ any more.
+ Make new frozen string and replace with garbage frozen string.
+ * use gc.h from string.c.
+Mon Jul 7 00:36:13 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: rename is_dying_object() to is_garbage_object().
+ * gc.h: rb_objspace_garbage_object_p() as an exported function.
+Sun Jul 6 21:30:35 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (is_dying_object): fix missed condition.
+ * gc.c (is_live_object): move frequent path first.
+Sun Jul 6 21:00:11 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: rename is_dead_object() to is_dying_object().
+ This function is not opposite against is_live_object()
+ because is_dying_object() does *not* check object type.
+ * gc.c (is_dying_object): change condition.
+ * gc.c (is_live_object): use T_NONE instead of 0.
+ * gc.c (rb_objspace_dying_object_p): added.
+Sun Jul 6 13:37:27 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_register_mark_object): change data structure.
+ From single array, to array of arrays. Each array only has 1024
+ entries.
+ * vm.c (Init_vm_objects): change default capa from 1 to 128.
+Sat Jul 5 05:05:53 2014 Vipul A M <>
+ * lib/irb/locale.rb (IRB::Locale#modifier): fix wrong attr_reader
+ `modifieer` => `modifier` from irb locale. [fix GH-656]
+Fri Jul 4 20:45:26 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * parse.y: rename symbols::sym_id to symbols::str_id.
+ This table is not {Symbol => ID} table, but
+ {String => ID} table.
+ * parse.y (lookup_sym_id): also rename lookup_sym_id() to
+ lookup_str_id() because key is not Symbol, but String.
+Fri Jul 4 18:42:04 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * parse.y (must_be_dynamic_symbol): fix missed-condition.
+Fri Jul 4 18:38:11 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * parse.y (rb_pin_dynamic_symbol): should be `static' function.
+Fri Jul 4 18:03:35 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * parse.y (must_be_dynamic_symbol): refactoring.
+ * add `inline'.
+ * use UNLIKELY().
+ * check only DYNAMIC_SYM_P(), otherwise it is a bug.
+ * lookup_id_str() is not needed in second condition.
+Fri Jul 4 11:53:56 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * parse.y: remove unused code
+ surrounded by `#if ENABLE_SELECTOR_NAMESPACE'
+Fri Jul 4 10:08:24 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_package.rb: avoid tempfile leaks using Tempfile#close!
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_request_set.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_request_set_gem_dependency_api.rb: ditto.
+Fri Jul 4 04:42:05 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http/response.rb (Net::Inflater#inflate_adapter):
+ prevent automatic encoding conversion.
+Fri Jul 4 04:39:52 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http/response.rb (Net::HTTPResponse.each_response_header):
+ raise first exception even if inflate_body_io.finish raises error.
+ when begin block raises error, finish usually raises error too.
+Fri Jul 4 02:56:04 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (URI::Generic#query=): remove validation, just
+ escape. [Feature #2542]
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (URI::Generic#fragment=): ditto.
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (URI::Generic#check_query): removed.
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (URI::Generic#set_query): ditto.
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (URI::Generic#check_fragment): ditto.
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (URI::Generic#set_fragment): ditto.
+Thu Jul 3 12:40:22 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (--with-static-linked-ext): fix for extensions to
+ be linked statically.
+ *, use ENCSTATIC for enc directory.
+ * ext/extmk.rb: supply dependencies of statically linked extension
+ libraries.
+Wed Jul 2 15:45:49 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_heap_lazy_sweep): simplify logic.
+ * gc.c (gc_page_sweep): return TRUE if empty slots are available.
+Wed Jul 2 09:48:42 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * logger.rb: removed unmaintained code.
+ [Feature #9860][ruby-core:62724]
+ * test/logger/test_application.rb: ditto.
+Wed Jul 2 03:20:00 2014 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * node.c (dump_node): handle nd_value == (NODE *)-1 to mean this
+ keyword argument is required
+Wed Jul 2 02:57:27 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_env_local_variables): returns array of local
+ variable name symbols in the environment by envval.
+ * proc.c (bind_local_variables): use rb_vm_env_local_variables.
+Wed Jul 2 02:23:52 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (bind_receiver): new method to return the bound receiver
+ of the binding object. [ruby-dev:47613] [Feature #8779]
+Wed Jul 2 02:14:37 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (bind_local_variables): update env from envval for each
+ iterations. [ruby-dev:48351] [Bug #10001]
+Tue Jul 1 23:46:34 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * NEWS: [DOC] mention about Binding#local_variables, introduced at
+ r44392 (see [Feature #8773]).
+Tue Jul 1 23:30:51 2014 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * numeric.c (num_step_scan_args): table argument of rb_get_kwargs() is
+ array of IDs, not Symbols. [ruby-dev:48353] [Bug #9811]
+Tue Jul 1 16:18:22 2014 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * ext/digest/lib/digest/hmac.rb, test/digest/test_digest_hmac.rb:
+ Digest::HMAC is finally removed as previously noticed.
+ [fix GH-648]
+Tue Jul 1 11:13:43 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/date/lib/date/format.rb: removed empty file by @vipulnsward.
+ * ext/date/lib/date.rb: removed needless require.
+ [fix GH-647]
+Mon Jun 30 16:42:52 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_stat_internal): return size_t value instead of VALUE
+ and remove `out' parameter.
+ * gc.c: add braces for `if' statements.
+ * gc.c (gc_stat_internal): fix comment.
+Mon Jun 30 15:07:34 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: support `USE_RGENGC == 0'.
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb: ditto.
+Mon Jun 30 11:36:04 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * file.c: [DOC] document File.join returns a string.
+ Contributed by @dapplebeforedawn. [fix GH-646]
+Sat Jun 28 22:57:01 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_birthtime): Windows support.
+ see [Feature #9857] [ruby-dev:48339]
+Sat Jun 28 22:44:16 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_birthtime): New method,
+ Pathname#birthtime.
+ Proposed by Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA. [ruby-dev:48232] [Feature #9857]
+Sat Jun 28 20:29:03 2014 Simon Baird <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/math.rb (BigMath#PI): change error
+ message about zero or negative precision for clarity and
+ consistency with other methods. [GH-644]
+Sat Jun 28 15:32:57 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/webrick/utils.rb (create_listeners): Close socket objects.
+Sat Jun 28 13:58:48 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (setup_exception): should not overwrite SystemStackError
+ backtrace if set already. [ruby-core:63377] [Feature #6216]
+ * eval.c (setup_exception): get rid of method calls before raising
+ stack overflow, not to cause stack overflow again.
+ * defs/id.def: add IDs for backtraces.
+Sat Jun 28 04:08:22 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/mailto.rb: update to latest specs, RFC 6068 and HTML5.
+ * lib/uri/mailto.rb (HEADER_PATTERN): removed.
+ * lib/uri/mailto.rb (HEADER_REGEXP): use RFC 6068 hfields.
+ * lib/uri/mailto.rb (EMAIL_REGEXP): use HTML5 email regexp.
+ * lib/uri/mailto.rb ( support multiple to addresses.
+ * lib/uri/mailto.rb (URI::MailTo#initialize): Support multiple to
+ addresses. Don't check with regexp, only split.
+ * lib/uri/mailto.rb (URI::MailTo#check_to): verify by matching
+ URI path-rootless and HTML5 email regexp with unescaped one.
+ * lib/uri/mailto.rb (URI::MailTo#check_headers): verify only by
+ * lib/uri/mailto.rb (URI::MailTo#set_headers): don't check by
+ HEADER_REGEXP, only split it.
+Sat Jun 28 00:35:10 2014 Lauri Tirkkonen <>
+ * tool/mkconfig.rb: fix empty RbConfig::CONFIG["prefix"] when
+ configured --with-rubyarchprefix, remove prefix from rubyarchdir
+ after expansion for the case it does not start with '$(prefix)'.
+ [fix GH-643]
+Fri Jun 27 15:20:12 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rubygems/test_case.rb: rescue Gem::LoadError in Gem::TestCase.
+ because it's effected by removing minitest from stdlib.
+Fri Jun 27 12:29:37 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rubygems/specification.rb: fixed broken condition caused
+ by removing YAML::ENGINE.
+ * lib/rubygems/package/old.rb: ditto.
+Fri Jun 27 05:33:26 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (env_shift): fix memory leak on Windows, free environment
+ strings block always. [ruby-dev:48332] [Bug #9983]
+Fri Jun 27 03:41:53 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sprintf.c (GETASTER): should not use the numbered argument to be
+ formatted, raise ArgumentError instead.
+ [ruby-dev:48330] [Bug #9982]
+Thu Jun 26 18:18:28 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/with_different_ofs.rb: move into test library directory.
+ * test/csv/base.rb: fix require path for with_different_ofs.rb.
+ * test/digest/test_digest_extend.rb: ditto.
+Thu Jun 26 18:06:50 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/profile_test_all.rb: move into test library directory.
+ * test/runner.rb: fix require path for profile_test_all.rb.
+Thu Jun 26 17:57:57 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpproxy.rb: remove useless assigned variables.
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet/cgihandler.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet/erbhandler.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/webrick/server.rb: ditto.
+Thu Jun 26 08:28:01 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (env_select): fix memory leak and crash on Windows, make
+ keys array first instead of iterating on environ directly.
+ [ruby-dev:48325] [Bug #9978]
+Thu Jun 26 02:45:04 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval_error.c (error_print): put a newline after an anonymous
+ exception class name.
+Wed Jun 25 22:31:32 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (ruby_setenv): fix memory leak on Windows, free
+ environment strings block after check for the size.
+ [ruby-dev:48323] [Bug #9977]
+Wed Jun 25 15:44:12 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * ccan/container_of/container_of.h (container_off_var):
+ avoid warning with -Wcast-qual
+ [ccan ba5ad771af4aa9e085498de6c3c665c52694460f (Rusty Russell)]
+Wed Jun 25 10:19:59 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (env_aset, env_has_key, env_assoc, env_has_value),
+ (env_rassoc, env_key): prohibit tainted strings if $SAFE is
+ non-zero. [Bug #9976]
+Tue Jun 24 14:46:17 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/gserver.rb: remove redundant use of to_s in interpolation.
+ * lib/logger.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/optparse.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/rbconfig/obsolete.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/resolv.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb: ditto.
+Tue Jun 24 10:50:06 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (env_path_str_new): make PATH environment variable
+ string, to be frozen.
+Tue Jun 24 10:40:52 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * tool/make-snapshot: download bundle gems when package making.
+ [Feature #9852][ruby-core:62676]
+ * gems/bundled_gems: listed bundled gems for Ruby 2.2.
+Tue Jun 24 10:20:35 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * tool/downloader.rb: make Downloader class to general download utility.
+ It can be used without config.guess and config.sub.
+ * tool/get-config_files: ditto.
+ * tool/make-snapshot: ditto.
+Tue Jun 24 06:17:52 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * eval.c (setup_exception): "mesg == sysstack_error" and
+ sysstack_error_p(mesg) are duplicated.
+ r46502 seems to want to use latter.
+Tue Jun 24 06:15:36 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: fix format specifiers for VALUE and
+ Tcl_Interp*. [ruby-core:63283] [Bug #9972]
+Tue Jun 24 05:40:41 2014 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * nacl/nacl-config.rb: Use File.exist? instead of executable?
+ for irt_core. Recent nacl_sdk has non-executable irt_core.
+ Patch by Shinichiro Hamaji.
+ [Fixes GH-529]
+Mon Jun 23 18:44:45 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * tool/config_files.rb: rename class ConfigFiles to Downloader.
+ * tool/get-config_files: ditto.
+ * tool/make-snapshot: ditto.
+Mon Jun 23 18:03:13 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb: support to install bundle gems.
+Mon Jun 23 17:33:11 2014 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (Net::IMAP#fetch): [DOC] Describe how a range in
+ +set+ is interpreted, and mention -1 which can be used for '*'.
+Mon Jun 23 16:22:50 2014 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (struct RHash): no longer. [Feature #9889]
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RHASH): ditto.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RHASH_ITER_LEV): deprecated. Will be deleted later.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RHASH_IFNONE): ditto.
+ * internal.h (struct RHash): moved here.
+ * internal.h (RHASH): ditto.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_iter_lev): do not use this.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_ifnone): ditto.
+Mon Jun 23 13:30:11 2014 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (struct RComplex): no longer. [Feature #9888]
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RCOMPLEX): ditto.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RCOMPLEX_SET_REAL): deprecated. Will be deleted later.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RCOMPLEX_SET_IMAG): ditto.
+ * internal.h (struct RFloat): moved here.
+ * internal.h (RCOMPLEX): ditto.
+ * complex.c (rb_complex_set_real): do not use this.
+ * complex.c (rb_complex_set_imag): ditto.
+Mon Jun 23 13:10:15 2014 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (struct RFloat): no longer. [Feature #9863]
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RFLOAT): ditto.
+ * internal.h (struct RFloat): moved here.
+ * internal.h (RFLOAT): ditto.
+Mon Jun 23 12:01:42 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (check_port): allow strings for port= as
+ described in rdoc.
+ * lib/uri/rfc3986_parser.rb (regexp): implementation detail of above.
+Mon Jun 23 11:35:01 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (setup_exception): set backtrace in system stack error
+ other than the pre-allocated sysstack_error. [Feature #6216]
+ * proc.c (Init_Proc): freeze the pre-allocated sysstack_error.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_stackoverflow): raise new instance for each
+ times without calling any methods to keep the backtrace with no
+ further stack overflow.
+ * object.c (rb_obj_copy_ivar): extract function to copy instance
+ variables only for T_OBJECT from init_copy.
+Mon Jun 23 11:11:16 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * signal.c (check_stack_overflow): drop the last tag too close to
+ the fault page, to get rid of stack overflow deadlock.
+ [Bug #9971]
+Sun Jun 22 09:11:15 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb: remove registry.
+ 'registry' is not used and RFC3986 doesn't use it.
+Sun Jun 22 09:10:09 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/rfc3986_parser.rb: raise exception when given a URI string
+ has non ASCII in order to keep the regexp compiled for US-ASCII.
+Sun Jun 22 09:05:42 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (URI::REGEXP): move to lib/uri/rfc2396_parser.rb.
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (URI::Parser): ditto.
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (URI.split): use RFC3986_Parser. [Feature #2542]
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (URI.parse): ditto.
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (URI.join): ditto.
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (URI.extract): deprecated.
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (URI.regexp): ditto.
+ * lib/uri/rfc2396_parser.rb: added.
+ * lib/uri/rfc3986_parser.rb: added.
+Sun Jun 22 09:04:50 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/mailto.rb (initialize): as previous commit, fix arg_check
+Sun Jun 22 09:01:47 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/ftp.rb (initialize): argument checking flag is arg_check,
+ but arg[-1] is fragment.
+ * lib/uri/ftp.rb (initialize): explicitly specify arguments.
+Sat Jun 21 12:50:32 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/fiddle/extconf.rb: supply 0 to fill RUBY_LIBFFI_MODVERSION
+ with 3-digit. libffi 3.1 returns just 2-digit.
+ [ruby-core:62920] [Bug #9897]
+Sat Jun 21 07:06:13 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (enc_find): [DOC] never accepted a symbol.
+ [ruby-dev:48308] [Bug #9966]
+Fri Jun 20 17:15:43 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/lib/tracepointchecker.rb: add to check TracePoint healthiness.
+ * test/runner.rb: use it.
+Fri Jun 20 07:26:44 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: rewrite tests with
+ assert_consistent_call_return().
+ assert_consistent_call_return() is also modified to check
+ consistency.
+Fri Jun 20 07:07:28 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (rb_iseq_compile_node): put start label of block after
+ trace (b_call).
+ [Bug #9964]
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: add a test.
+ added assert_consistent_call_return() method check call/return
+ consistency.
+Fri Jun 20 05:26:27 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_catch_protect): fix same problem of [Bug #9961].
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_iterate): ditto.
+Thu Jun 19 21:41:30 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_rewind_cfp): add new function to rewind specified cfp
+ with invoking RUBY_EVENT_C_RETURN.
+ [Bug #9961]
+ * vm_core.h: ditto.
+ * eval.c (rb_protect): use it.
+ * eval.c (rb_rescue2): ditto.
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_iterate): ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: add a test.
+ * vm_core.h (rb_vm_rewind_cfp): add the prototype declaration.
+Thu Jun 19 19:47:21 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (invoke_block_from_c): move call/return event timing for
+ bmethod. It can invoke inconsistent call event if this call raises
+ argument error.
+ [Bug #9959]
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_bmethod_body): ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: add a test.
+Thu Jun 19 18:14:47 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: add VM_FRAME_MAGIC_RESCUE to recognize normal block or
+ rescue clause.
+ * vm.c (vm_exec): use VM_FRAME_MAGIC_RESCUE on at rescue/ensure.
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: should not invoke b_return at rescue
+ clause.
+ [Bug #9957]
+ * vm_dump.c (control_frame_dump): check VM_FRAME_MAGIC_RESCUE.
+ * vm_dump.c (vm_stack_dump_each): ditto.
+Thu Jun 19 13:39:11 2014 Arne Brasseur <>
+ * proc.c (rb_method_curry): Implement Method#curry, which delegates
+ to to_proc.curry. [ruby-core:62212] [Feature #9783]
+Tue Jun 17 16:41:49 2014 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (gets, readline): read lines without LF properly.
+ [ruby-core:63205] [Bug #9949]
+ * test/net/ftp/test_buffered_socket.rb: related test.
+Tue Jun 17 12:35:24 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (extract_raise_opts): pass unknown options to the
+ exception, so that exception class can receive a hash argument.
+ [ruby-core:63203] [Feature #8257]
+Tue Jun 17 12:24:57 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (obj_memsize_of): memsize_of(T_ZOMBIE) returns 0, not a rb_bug.
+ ObjectSpace.count_objects_size() uses memsize_of(T_ZOMBIE).
+ This bug introduced at r46348.
+Mon Jun 16 19:00:11 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/runner.rb: failure message should be passed as an argument.
+Mon Jun 16 18:42:57 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/runner.rb: capture TracePoint stat before setup and compare
+ it after teardown.
+Mon Jun 16 14:33:56 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (open): use UTF-8 version function to support
+ non-ascii path properly. [ruby-core:63185] [Bug #9946]
+Sat Jun 14 10:54:08 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rcombinate0): remove recursion, by looping with indexes
+ stored in `p`.
+ * array.c (rpermute0): remove recursion, by looping with indexes
+ stored in `p`.
+ * array.c (permute0): remove recursion, by looping with indexes
+ stored in `p`. [ruby-core:63103] [Bug #9932]
+Sat Jun 14 10:52:15 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_resize): update capa only when buffer get
+ reallocated.
+Sat Jun 14 08:28:59 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * man/rake.1: [DOC] Update links for Rake, patch by @hsbt [Bug #9904]
+ [Fixes GH-628]
+Fri Jun 13 17:58:58 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_trace.c: add new method TracePoint.stat to debug
+ TracePoint mechanism.
+ Ruby users should not use this method. So I don't note this method
+ in the NEWS file.
+ * test/runner.rb: detect zombie active TracePoints with
+ TracePoint.stat.
+Fri Jun 13 17:46:31 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_trace.c: clear and restore recursive checking thread local data
+ to avoid unexpected throw from TracePoint.
+ [Bug #9940]
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: add a test.
+ * thread.c: added
+ * rb_threadptr_reset_recursive_data(rb_thread_t *th);
+ * rb_threadptr_restore_recursive_data(rb_thread_t *th, VALUE old);
+ * vm_core.h: ditto.
+Fri Jun 13 17:33:14 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_combination): iterate on a shared copy, and use
+ array of indexes instead of array of chosen objects.
+ [ruby-core:63149] [Bug #9939]
+ * array.c (yield_indexed_values): extract from permute0(),
+ rpermute0(), and rcombinate0().
+Fri Jun 13 13:42:58 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_permutation): `p` is the array of size `r`, as
+ commented at permute0(). since `n >= r` here, buffer overflow
+ never happened, just reduce unnecessary allocation though.
+Thu Jun 12 20:32:28 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_resize): should consider the capacity instead
+ of the old length, as pointed out by nagachika.
+Thu Jun 12 18:31:01 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/net/http/responses.rb: added Net::HTTPPermanentRedirect(308)
+ Contributed by @yorkie [fix GH-638]
+Thu Jun 12 13:27:38 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_freeze): shrink the buffer before freezing, as
+ pointed out by Eric Wong at [ruby-core:63119].
+Thu Jun 12 13:09:03 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (expand_path): shrink expanded path which no longer needs
+ rooms to append. [ruby-core:63114] [Bug #9934]
+Wed Jun 11 17:37:48 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (rb_cv_scalar_pthread_t): pthread_t is not required
+ to be a scalar type.
+ * thread.c (fill_thread_id_string, thread_id_str): dump pthread_t
+ in hexadecimal form if it is not a scalar type, assume it can be
+ represented in a pointer form otherwise. based on the patch by
+ Rei Odaira at [ruby-core:62867]. [ruby-core:62857] [Bug #9884]
+ * thread_pthread.c (Init_native_thread, thread_start_func_1),
+ (native_thread_create): set thread_id_str if needed.
+ * vm_core.h (rb_thread_t): add thread_id_string if needed.
+Wed Jun 11 01:53:22 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: invoke GC before memory allocation (xmalloc/xrealloc)
+ when GC.stress = true.
+ [Bug #9859]
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb: add a test.
+Tue Jun 10 13:20:14 2014 Takeyuki FUJIOKA <>
+ * lib/cgi/core.rb: Provide a mechanism to specify the
+ max_multipart_length of multipart data.
+ [Feature #8370] patch by Leif Eriksen <>
+Tue Jun 10 10:57:07 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/csv.rb (CSV#<<): honor explicitly given encoding. based on
+ the patch by DAISUKE TANIWAKI <daisuketaniwaki AT> at
+ [ruby-core:62113]. [Bug #9766]
+Mon Jun 9 20:40:48 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: change full GC timing to keep lower memory usage.
+ Extend heap only at
+ (1) after major GC
+ or
+ (2) after several (two times, at current) minor GC
+ Details in
+ [Bug #9607]
+Mon Jun 9 16:01:41 2014 Masahiro Ide <>
+ * gc.c (gcdebug_sentinel): fix typo, "sentinel" not "sential".
+ [fix GH-634]
+Mon Jun 9 00:04:25 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (posix_fadvise): disable use of posix_fadvise
+ itself on 32-bit AIX. [ruby-core:62968] [Bug #9914]
+Sun Jun 8 23:28:00 2014 <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_advise): AIX currently does not support a 32-bit call to
+ posix_fadvise() if _LARGE_FILES is defined. Patch by Rei Odaira.
+ [ruby-core:62968] [Bug #9914]
+Sun Jun 8 04:52:40 2014 Jun Hiroe <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_slice_bang): [DOC] update return value against
+ a fixnum, which has changed because of M17N. [fix GH-631]
+Sat Jun 7 22:13:42 2014 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * numeric.c (do_coerce): Add a warning when an exception is raised
+ or an invalid value is returned in #coerce called by
+ numeric comparison operators and the exception
+ thrown by the caller has no information on the failure.
+ In the next release such exception should not be rescued or
+ should be the cause of the caller exception. nil is accepted
+ as the "no possible coercion" return value. See #7688.
+ * test/ruby/test_numeric.rb: Add corresponding test.
+Sat Jun 7 18:15:33 2014 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * numeric.c (bit_coerce): remove constant parameter `err'
+ (always TRUE) of bit_coerce().
+Sat Jun 7 16:01:57 2014 Yutaka Kanemoto <>
+ * cont.c (rb_fiber_struct): keep context.uc_stack.ss_sp and context.uc_stack.ss_size
+ for later use. Patch by Rei Odaira. [ruby-core:62945] [Bug #9905]
+Sat Jun 7 12:51:51 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (read_all): truncate the buffer before appending read data,
+ instead of truncating before reading.
+ [ruby-core:55951] [Bug #8625]
+Sat Jun 7 12:28:53 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/digest/digest.c (rb_digest_instance_equal): no need to call
+ `to_s` twice. [Bug #9913]
+Sat Jun 7 11:35:01 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * object.c (rb_mod_initialize_clone): Override Kernel#initialize_clone
+ to avoid an exception on
+ Reported by Andrew Grimm. [ruby-core:41858] [Bug #5828]
+Sat Jun 7 06:03:11 2014 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * ext/digest/digest.c (rb_digest_instance_equal):
+ fix #== for non-string arguments. [ruby-core:62967] [Bug #9913]
+ * test/digest/test_digest.rb: add test for above.
+Fri Jun 6 22:19:26 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (private_recv_p): check by node type, instead of a
+ magic number.
+ * node.h (NODE_PRIVATE_RECV), parse.y (attrset_gen): remove
+Fri Jun 6 17:07:08 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each), parse.y (new_attr_op_assign_gen):
+ allow op assign to a private attribute.
+ [ruby-core:62949] [Bug #9907]
+Fri Jun 6 13:39:32 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (io_setstrbuf, io_read): should not shorten the given buffer until
+ read succeeds. [ruby-core:55951] [Bug #8625]
+Fri Jun 6 07:41:41 2014 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: dump empty symbols with a
+ tag so that they can be parsed on input. [Bug #9873] [ruby-core:62825]
+ * test/psych/test_symbol.rb: test for change
+Thu Jun 5 16:08:39 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_page_sweep): refactoring.
+ * gc.c (gc_page_sweep): should not set, but add final_slots into
+ sweep_page->final_slots.
+Thu Jun 5 14:36:24 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (jemalloc): check for the header regardless drop-in
+ libjemalloc is found, for `malloc_conf` declaration.
+ * version.c (ruby_show_version): show `malloc_conf` if set.
+ [Feature #9113]
+ * (with-jemalloc): also check for header, for ABIs
+ which JEMALLOC_MANGLE is needed, i.e., Mach-O and PE-COFF
+ platforms. [ruby-core:62939] [Feature #9113]
+ * include/ruby/missing.h: include alternative malloc header to
+ replace memory management functions.
+ * dln.c, io.c, parse.y, st.c: undef malloc family before
+ re-definition to suppress warnings.
+Thu Jun 5 12:52:18 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * man/ruby.1: remove rubyforge entry.
+Thu Jun 5 12:45:32 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * misc/README: use github link instead of rubyforge.
+Thu Jun 5 10:03:29 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (obj_free): check also FL_PROMOTED bit by RVALUE_OLD_P().
+Thu Jun 5 03:45:28 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * add --with-jemalloc option
+ [ruby-core:62912]
+Wed Jun 4 22:28:14 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: introduce RZombie to manage zombie objects.
+ Rewrite finalizing logics with this type.
+ * gc.c (gc_verify_internal_consistency): verify zombie (finalizing)
+ objects count.
+Wed Jun 4 22:09:53 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * re.c (match_aref, rb_reg_regsub): consider encoding of captured
+ names, encoding-incompatible should not match.
+ [ruby-dev:48278] [Bug #9903]
+Wed Jun 4 21:23:52 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * re.c (match_aref): should not ignore name after NUL byte.
+ [ruby-dev:48275] [Bug #9902]
+Wed Jun 4 04:08:37 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm.c (core_hash_merge_kwd): should return the result hash, which
+ may be converted from and differ from the given argument.
+ [ruby-core:62921] [Bug #9898]
+Tue Jun 3 23:32:34 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ruby.c (load_file_internal2): Extracted from load_file_internal.
+ (load_file_internal): Invoke load_file_internal2 using rb_protect.
+ Close an opened FD if load_file_internal2 raises an exception.
+Tue Jun 3 19:11:45 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_objspace_free): should not rest_sweep() here.
+ Some data structures are already freed.
+Tue Jun 3 18:43:51 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb: allocate more objects to invoke GC by newobj.
+ GC allows extending pages depends on heap_increment.
+Tue Jun 3 18:01:27 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_call_finalizer_at_exit): add
+ gc_verify_internal_consistency() when RGENGC_CHECK_MODE >= 2.
+Tue Jun 3 17:54:21 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: change the counting method for young objects.
+ clear counter at the beginning of every GC and
+ count promoted (infant->young) objects.
+ Some promotions (infant->young) are transition of promoting to old
+ objects. We should not count such promotions.
+ With this technique, we don't need to check young objects
+ at obj_free().
+Tue Jun 3 16:38:19 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: add verifying counters code in gc_verify_internal_consistency().
+ gc_verify_internal_consistency() counts all
+ - live objects
+ - young objects (if age2 promotion)
+ - old objects
+ in all pages and compares with objspace managing counters.
+ * gc.c (gc_after_sweep): do gc_verify_internal_consistency()
+ when RGENGC_CHECK_MODE >= 2.
+Tue Jun 3 13:14:04 2014 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (body_type_1part): Gmail IMAP reports a body
+ type as "MIXED" followed immediately by params
+ [ruby-core:62864] [Bug #9885]
+ Patch by @rayners (David Raynes). [Fixes GH-622]
+Tue Jun 3 13:18:24 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (objspace_live_slot): live slot count should not include final
+ slot (contains T_ZOMBIE) count.
+Tue Jun 3 13:03:21 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (obj_free): fix spacing.
+Tue Jun 3 12:59:32 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (check_gen_consistency): fix error message.
+Tue Jun 3 12:40:23 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: count old/young objects more correctly.
+ * gc.c (RVALUE_DEMOTE_FROM_OLD): decrement old object count.
+ * gc.c (RVALUE_DEMOTE_FROM_YOUNG): decrement young object count.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_resurrect): increment old object count.
+ * gc.c (gc_marks_body): should not add old object count.
+ This code is completely my misunderstanding.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_force_recycle): decrement young or old object count
+ correctly.
+Tue Jun 3 12:26:47 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/memory_status.rb: add $LOAD_PATH to load test/unit
+ correctly for fiddle/import unavailable environments.
+Tue Jun 3 09:45:13 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb (OpenSSL::TestSSL#test_verify_result):
+ shouldn't use same server for respective tests, because the 1st
+ test sometimes kills the server main loop silently.
+ [Bug #9881] [ruby-dev:48266]
+Tue Jun 3 01:34:59 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * README.EXT: [DOC] Add rb_call_super when subclassing from @robin850
+ [Fixes GH-623]
+Mon Jun 2 17:14:49 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (ruby_vm_destruct): remove useless call of
+ rb_gc_force_recycle().
+ At this line, a VM object is already freed
+ (is changed to T_NONE) by rb_gc_call_finalizer_at_exit().
+Mon Jun 2 15:50:24 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_using_refinement): add write-barriers for
+ cref->nd_refinements.
+Mon Jun 2 12:26:08 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * added contributing guide for github. [fix GH-625]
+Mon Jun 2 07:30:33 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb (default_warning): New method.
+ * test/ruby/test_autoload.rb: Use EnvUtil.default_warning.
+Mon Jun 2 07:05:59 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h: constify `rb_encoding` arguments.
+ * include/ruby/oniguruma.h: constify `OnigEncoding` arguments.
+Sun Jun 1 12:05:10 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/drb: Wrap tests definitions by DRbTests module. This makes
+ several tests (ACLEntryTest, TestBug4409, etc.) easier to understand
+ that they are tests for DRb.
+Sun Jun 1 11:36:25 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/rinda/ring.rb (RingFinger#make_socket): Close the socket on
+ exception.
+Sun Jun 1 06:55:26 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (intern_str): dynamic attrset ID is registered by
+ `rb_id_attrset()` already, so no further registration is needed.
+ [ruby-core:62861]
+Sun Jun 1 04:52:47 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/English.rb: [DOC] $LOADED_FEATURES moved to load.c [Fixes GH-620]
+ Patch submitted by @leafac in
+ * doc/globals.rdoc: Added $LOADED_FEATURES to list
+Sat May 31 22:30:14 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/lib/leakchecker.rb: Leak checker extracted from
+ test/lib/minitest/unit.rb.
+Sat May 31 21:15:43 2014 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_atfork_internal): My compiler complains
+ about this variable being used before initialized. I looked at
+ the code and expanded the macro and turned out it was actually
+ USED for pointer arithmetic, not dereferenced. So this was
+ never a serious bug. But is annoying indeed to see warnings
+ every time. I added `=0` and all went healthy.
+ * Also, I found that the problematic macro expansion
+ only happens when we lack __typeof__ C extension, which shall
+ not be the case of my compiler. I added AC_C_TYPEOF to kick ass.
+Sat May 31 16:32:50 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/ipaddr.rb: extracted inline tests into test dir.
+ * test/test_ipaddr.rb: ditto.
+Sat May 31 16:29:21 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/digest/lib/digest/hmac.rb: extracted inline tests into test dir.
+ * test/digest/test_digest_hmac.rb: ditto.
+Sat May 31 16:02:03 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/test_syslog.rb: remove executable.
+Sat May 31 08:58:32 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/unicode.c (init_case_fold_table): no longer need to
+ initialize tables at runtime.
+ * enc/unicode/case-folding.rb (lookup_hash): make perfect hash to
+ lookup case unfolding table 3.
+ * enc/unicode/case-folding.rb (lookup_hash): make perfect hash to
+ lookup case unfolding table 2.
+ * enc/unicode/case-folding.rb (lookup_hash): make perfect hash to
+ lookup case unfolding table 1.
+ * enc/unicode/case-folding.rb (lookup_hash): make perfect hash to
+ lookup case folding table.
+ * enc/unicode/case-folding.rb (print_table): merge non-locale and
+ locale tables, and reduce initializing loops.
+ * enc/unicode/case-folding.rb (CaseFolding): modularize, and add
+ --output-file option.
+ * enc/unicode/case-folding.rb: script to convert CaseFolding.txt,
+ translated from
+Sat May 31 08:31:41 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/lib/minitest/unit.rb: Check Tempfile leaks for each test method
+ again.
+Sat May 31 03:50:50 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb: [DOC] Document raise in Delegator class
+ Patch by @lucasmazza. [Fixes GH-621]
+Fri May 30 21:23:26 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/webrick/server.rb: Use a pipe to detect server shutdown.
+ shutdown() or close() for listening socket is not a reliable.
+ Actually, both doesn't work (doesn't wake up select()) on
+ DragonFly BSD 3.6.2.
+ * test/webrick/utils.rb: :ShutdownSocketWithoutClose is not required
+ now to immediate server shutdown detection.
+ This fixes fd leaks.
+ * test/net/http/utils.rb: Ditto.
+Fri May 30 20:58:37 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/lib/minitest/unit.rb (check_fd_leak): Sort the inspected
+ objects list for a FD.
+Fri May 30 18:06:55 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/lib/minitest/unit.rb (check_fd_leak): Try GC to delete leaked
+ FDs.
+Fri May 30 12:05:59 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/lib/test/unit/parallel.rb (_run_suite): orig_stdout may be nil
+ though I don't know the reason.
+Fri May 30 11:33:35 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_substr): need to reset code range for shared
+ string too, not only copied string.
+ [ruby-core:62842] [Bug #9882]
+Fri May 30 10:22:21 2014 Mark Lorenz <>
+ * lib/erb.rb (result): [DOC] no longer accepts a Proc, as
+ Kernel.eval does not. [fix GH-619]
+Fri May 30 07:25:46 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/-test-/dir: Dir#fileno implemented.
+ * test/lib/minitest/unit.rb (find_fds): Don't return the fd used to
+ scan /proc/$$/fd.
+Fri May 30 04:48:00 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * parse.y (rb_gc_mark_parser): remove, empty since r8758
+ * internal.h: ditto, not usable from extensions since 2.0.0
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_roots): remove checkpoint for parser
+Thu May 29 23:27:50 2014 Rei Odaira <>
+ * signal.c (ruby_signal): should return either `old.sa_sigaction`
+ or `old.sa_handler`, depending on whether `SA_SIGINFO` is set in
+ `old.sa_flags`, because they may not be a union.
+ [ruby-core:62836] [Bug #9878]
+Thu May 29 23:11:20 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (pipe_open): Close pipes when rb_execarg_fixup() raises
+ an exception.
+ (rb_execarg_fixup_v): New function.
+Thu May 29 22:18:57 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/lib/minitest/unit.rb (capture_subprocess_io): Close fds.
+Thu May 29 19:47:08 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_pipe): Close pipes if io_encoding_set() raises an
+ exception.
+ (io_encoding_set_v): New function.
+Thu May 29 19:42:49 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/csv.rb ( Close the opened file when an exception
+ occur.
+Thu May 29 19:31:10 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.rb (SSLServer#accept): Close a socket
+ if any exception occur.
+Thu May 29 05:05:29 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: Hide Symbol internals.
+ (struct RSymbol): moved to internal.h
+ (RSYMBOL): ditto
+Thu May 29 00:28:56 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/unixsocket.c (rsock_init_unixsock): Open a socket
+ after path length check.
+ This fixes a fd leak by TestSocket_UNIXSocket#test_too_long_path.
+Wed May 28 23:04:35 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (test_flush_in_finalizer1): Use
+ ObjectSpace.each_object to close files.
+ GC.start is not reliable.
+Wed May 28 19:00:31 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (Net::IMAP#initialize): Close the opened socket when
+ any exception occur.
+ This fixes a fd leak by IMAPTest#test_imaps_post_connection_check
+ which start_tls_session() raises an exception.
+Wed May 28 18:06:13 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_close): Fix sync_close to work
+ when SSL is not started.
+ This fix the fd leak by test_https_proxy_authentication in
+ test/net/http/test_https_proxy.rb.
+Wed May 28 10:29:28 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_living_threads_foreach): remove function
+ [ruby-core:62745]
+ * thread.c (terminate_i): remove
+ * thread.c (terminate_all): implement (inlines old terminate_i)
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_terminate_all): use terminate_all
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_fd_close_i): remove
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_fd_close): iterate inline
+ * thread.c (thread_list_i): remove
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_list): iterate inline
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_atfork_internal): iterate inline
+ * thread.c (terminate_atfork_i): update types to remove casts
+ * thread.c (terminate_atfork_before_exec_i): ditto
+ * thread.c (struct thgroup_list_params): remove definition
+ * thread.c (thgroup_list_i): remove
+ * thread.c (thgroup_list): iterate inline
+ * thread.c (check_deadlock_i): remove
+ * thread.c (debug_deadlock_check): implement (inlines check_deadlock_i)
+ * thread.c (debug_i): remove
+ * thread.c (rb_check_deadlock): iterate inline
+ * vm.c (vm_mark_each_thread_func): remove
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_mark): iterate inline
+ * vm_core.h (rb_vm_living_threads_remove): remove
+ * vm_trace.c (clear_trace_func_i): remove
+ * vm_trace.c (rb_clear_trace_func): iterate inline
+Wed May 28 09:30:51 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * signal.c (signal_exec): ignore immediate cmd for SIG_IGN
+ * signal.c (trap_handler): set cmd to true for SIG_IGN
+ * signal.c (trap): handle nil and true values for oldcmd
+ [Bug #9835]
+Wed May 28 01:02:54 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb (Tempfile#inspect): Show "(closed)" if the tempfile
+ is closed.
+Wed May 28 00:38:09 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/lib/minitest/unit.rb: Use Tempfile#close! instead of
+ Tempfile#unlink to close file descriptors.
+ * test/openssl/test_config.rb: Ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb: Ditto.
+Wed May 28 00:06:18 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (transfercmd): Close TCP server socket even if an
+ exception occur.
+Tue May 27 23:50:07 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/cgi/core.rb: Use Tempfile#close! instead of Tempfile#unlink
+ to close file descriptors.
+Tue May 27 23:06:46 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_number_literal_suffix): refine error message for
+ extra dot and digits.
+Tue May 27 22:44:20 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/rexml: Avoid fd leaks.
+Tue May 27 22:24:25 2014 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_document.rb: Indent.
+Tue May 27 22:15:29 2014 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_document.rb: Wrap by REXMLTests module.
+Tue May 27 22:11:10 2014 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_encoding_2.rb: Remove a needless file.
+Tue May 27 22:10:30 2014 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_contrib.rb: Indent.
+Tue May 27 21:28:16 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/socket/ifaddr.c (ifaddr_inspect_flags): support IFF_SIMPLEX.
+Tue May 27 21:03:03 2014 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/: Use REXMLTests as wrapping module for REXML tests.
+ I avoid using the same module for library in test because
+ it provides "include REXML" environment in test. Normally,
+ users don't use REXML on "include REXML" environment. So I
+ don't want to write tests on "include REXML" environment.
+Tue May 27 20:59:37 2014 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_comment.rb: Remove needless REXML module wrapping.
+Tue May 27 20:56:49 2014 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/openssl/test_pkcs7.rb: Fix inverted expected and actual values.
+Tue May 27 20:26:06 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (test_flush_in_finalizer1): some opened fds are
+ remain before GC, so unlink the tempfile is failed.
+Tue May 27 19:07:26 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_autoclose_p): Don't raise on frozen IO.
+ * test/lib/minitest/unit.rb: IO#autoclose? may raise IOError.
+Tue May 27 19:01:49 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/openssl/test_pair.rb: Modify TestSSL#test_read_and_write
+ to handle partial sysreads. [Bug #7398][ruby-core:49563]
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb: ditto.
+Tue May 27 18:46:23 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/openssl/test_pkcs7.rb: Add tests for PKCS7#type= and add_data.
+ [Feature #7399][ruby-core:49565]
+Tue May 27 17:45:09 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/openssl/test_hmac.rb (test_binary_update): Added Test for
+ HMAC signing with UTF-8 String. [Bug #7512][ruby-core:50559]
+Tue May 27 17:10:14 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/runner.rb: fixed randomly test failure.
+ [Bug #6573][ruby-core:45563]
+Tue May 27 16:58:12 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/test_timeout.rb (test_timeout): inverted test condition.
+ [Bug #8523]
+Tue May 27 12:24:22 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/lib/minitest/unit.rb: Show leaked file descriptors.
+Tue May 27 11:12:56 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_fileno, rb_io_inspect): non-modification does not
+ error on frozen IO. [ruby-dev:48241] [Bug #9865]
+Tue May 27 00:00:21 2014 yui-knk <>
+ * insns.def (defineclass): fix typo in the instruction comment.
+ [fix GH-618]
+Mon May 26 16:33:15 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_file.rb: skip the test of atime on Windows, because
+ Windows delays updating atime about 1 hour.
+ see more details:
+Mon May 26 12:25:36 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optionparser.rb, lib/optparse.rb (OptParse): aliases.
+ [ruby-core:62751] [Feature #9864]
+Mon May 26 07:59:34 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/lib/minitest/unit.rb: Show Finished threads line-by-line.
+Mon May 26 01:39:02 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/csv.rb: Reject nil as data source for, patch by @Peeja.
+ [Fixes GH-580]
+Mon May 26 01:07:51 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/lib/minitest/unit.rb: Show leaked threads and tempfiles
+ line-by-line.
+Sun May 25 23:02:06 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/lib/minitest/unit.rb (MiniTest::Assertions#diff): Remove
+ tempfiles.
+Sun May 25 22:42:27 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/lib/minitest/unit.rb: Check tempfile leak for each test class.
+Sun May 25 20:31:49 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (ac_cv_func_{getcontext,setcontext}): do not
+ disable ucontext.h entirely, but disable use of functions only.
+ `ucontext_t` is necessary in the signal handler now.
+Sun May 25 20:00:23 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * signal.c (check_stack_overflow): revert part of r46100, the
+ previous condition was correct, and fix compilation error on
+ other architecture linux. [ruby-core:62746] [Bug #9862]
+Sun May 25 17:09:13 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/lib/minitest/unit.rb: Less ObjectSpace.each_object(Tempfile)
+ invocation.
+Sun May 25 16:54:06 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/lib/minitest/unit.rb: Use Thread.list instead of
+ ObjectSpace.each_object(Thread).
+Sun May 25 15:53:54 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/rinda/ring.rb (Rinda::RingServer#shutdown): Join the killed
+ threads.
+Sun May 25 15:26:17 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/webrick/utils.rb: Override the inspect method of the thread
+ used in WEBrick::Utils::TimeoutHandler.
+Sun May 25 14:22:30 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/openssl: Join threads.
+Sun May 25 12:46:47 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (rb_bug_context): new function to report bug with
+ context.
+ * vm_dump.c (rb_vm_bugreport): accepts `ucontext_t` argument to
+ dump machine registers. based on [GH-584].
+ * signal.c (sigbus, sigsegv): dump machine registers if available.
+Sun May 25 12:32:42 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/lib/minitest/unit.rb: Sort leaked threads and tempfiles.
+Sun May 25 12:15:30 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * signal.c (check_stack_overflow): fix condition to use ucontext
+ register, mcontext_t dereference, and its member names, on Mac
+ OS X.
+Sun May 25 11:58:26 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * enumerator.c: [DOC] Fix example to show Enumerator#peek behavior
+ Patch by Erik Hollembeak [Bug #9814]
+Sun May 25 11:56:33 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vsnprintf.c (BSD_vfprintf): fix string width when precision is
+ given. as the result of `memchr` is NULL or its offset from the
+ start cannot exceed the size, the comparison was always false.
+ [ruby-core:62737] [Bug #9861]
+Sun May 25 11:32:42 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/yaml.rb: Remove Psych::EngineManager [Bug #8344]
+ * test/psych/*: ditto.
+Sun May 25 10:34:15 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * doc/regexp.rdoc: [DOC] Clarify whitespace matching by @allolex
+ [Fixes GH-606]
+Sun May 25 10:19:34 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * enum.c: [DOC] Use #find in example to clarify alias by @rachellogie
+ Patch submitted via documenting-ruby/ruby#34
+Sun May 25 10:16:43 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * cont.c: [DOC] Fix rdoc in example for Fiber#transfer by @majjoha
+ Patch submitted via documenting-ruby/ruby#33
+Sun May 25 10:01:11 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/irb.rb: [DOC] Fixed syntax error in example by @jasdeepsingh.
+ Patch submitted via documenting-ruby/ruby#32
+Sun May 25 09:58:02 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb (test_chown_R): Add tests for
+ chown_R. [Feature #9383][ruby-core:59641]
+Sun May 25 09:57:09 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb: Added recursively chown tests.
+ [Feature #9303][ruby-core:59325]
+Sun May 25 09:41:56 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * class.c: [DOC] Fixed grammar and examples of instance_methods.
+ By @alex-frost via documenting-ruby/ruby#31
+Sun May 25 09:40:44 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/lib/minitest/unit.rb: Show leaked threads and tempfiles.
+Sun May 25 08:54:38 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/openssl/test_partial_record_read.rb: Testing read_nonblock on
+ a partial TLS record results in IO::WaitReadable by @mohamedhafez.
+ [fix GH-547]
+Sun May 25 08:43:16 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/logger.rb: refactored to include Logger::Period.
+Sun May 25 06:50:19 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * vm_eval.c: [DOC] Improve instance_eval description when given a
+ block or String arguments. By @nathanl via documenting-ruby/ruby#28
+Sun May 25 06:29:39 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * array.c: [DOC] Clarify default argument for
+ By @Elffers [Fixes GH-610]
+Sat May 24 22:37:20 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * array.c: [DOC] Add more documents to shuffle! and shuffle.
+ Contributed by @JuanitoFatas [ci skip][fix GH-612]
+Sat May 24 22:28:55 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/lib/minitest/.document: removed unused configuration.
+Sat May 24 19:08:47 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/lib/minitest/spec.rb: Unused file removed.
+ * test/lib/minitest/autorun.rb: Don't require minitest/spec.
+ * test/lib/minitest/benchmark.rb: Ditto.
+Sat May 24 18:45:30 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/benchmark/test_benchmark.rb: Use test/unit.
+Sat May 24 16:20:59 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * process.c (proc_getgroups, proc_setgroups): use ALLOCV_N
+ [Bug #9856]
+Sat May 24 15:49:39 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/lib/minitest/unit.rb (parallelize_me!): Removed.
+ This fixes the line-by-line structure of the test result in verbose
+ mode. [ruby-core:54905]
+ * test/lib/minitest/parallel_each.rb: Removed.
+ * test/minitest/test_minitest_mock.rb: Don't call parallelize_me!.
+ * test/minitest/test_minitest_spec.rb: Ditto.
+ * test/minitest/test_minitest_unit.rb: Ditto.
+ Tests for parallel feature removed.
+Sat May 24 15:29:10 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/lib/minitest/hell.rb: Unused file removed.
+ * test/lib/minitest/pride.rb: Ditto.
+Sat May 24 15:05:32 2014 yui-knk <>
+ * enumerator.c (yielder_yield_push): Insert a break after the
+ method return value. [fix GH-617]
+Sat May 24 14:59:12 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/lib/minitest: Remove comments not appropriate now.
+ * test/minitest: Ditto.
+Sat May 24 14:02:04 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * NEWS: added minitest changes.
+Sat May 24 13:42:46 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/lib/test/unit/test-unit.gemspec: removed needless gemspec file.
+Sat May 24 09:39:06 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * defs/default_gems: removed minitest entry.
+Sat May 24 06:17:33 2014 Ryan Davis <>
+ * lib/minitest: minitest 4.7.5 removed. Need to support proper
+ gem packaging / installation before minitest 5 can be added.
+Sat May 24 05:54:06 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: More constants
+Sat May 24 00:25:34 2014 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * NEWS: add information of incompatibility about
+ * lib/prime.rb: fix docs.
+Fri May 23 21:36:28 2014 Josh Goebel <>
+ * net/protocol.rb (using_each_crlf_line): fix SMTP dot-stuffing
+ for messages not ending with a new-line.
+ [ruby-core:61441] [Bug #9627] [fix GH-616]
+Fri May 23 03:48:08 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * gc.c (rb_free_m_tbl): mark function as static
+ * method.h (rb_free_m_tbl): remove prototype
+Thu May 22 22:58:27 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: More TCP option constants.
+ Describe Linux and glibc versions.
+Thu May 22 20:38:10 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * file.c (stat_birthtime): add birthtime support [Feature #9647]
+ * file.c (rb_stat_birthtime): add File::Stat.birthtime
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_birthtime): add File.birthtime
+ * file.c (rb_file_birthtime): add File#birthtime
+ * check struct stat.st_birthtimespec.
+Thu May 22 19:38:14 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * file.c: remove IO::Statfs because of reject. [Feature #9772]
+Thu May 22 14:02:13 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/jis/props.kwd: constify character property tables of JIS
+ based encodings by perfect hash.
+ * enc/euc_jp.c, enc/shift_jis.c: use character property functions.
+Wed May 21 12:21:10 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/option.c: Fix compilation error on Android.
+ Bionic doesn't define TCP state constants.
+Wed May 21 11:42:31 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * workaround for Info.plist to get rid of `dsymutil`
+ crash by wrong files in parent directories.
+ [ruby-core:62594] [Bug #9840]
+Tue May 20 20:57:34 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/ruby/test_dir.rb (test_glob): added testcase of double
+ slash path.
+Tue May 20 04:58:54 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: Don't check fields of struct tcp_info if the
+ structure is not available.
+Mon May 19 23:13:33 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/option.c (inspect_tcp_info): Permit longer data. (glibc
+ 2.7 adds tcpi_rcv_rtt, tcpi_rcv_space and tcpi_total_retrans to
+ struct tcp_info.)
+Mon May 19 20:49:07 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/option.c (inspect_tcp_info): New function to inspect
+ struct tcp_info.
+ (sockopt_inspect): Use inspect_tcp_info.
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: Check tcp_info related things.
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h: Include netinet/tcp_fsm.h if available.
+Mon May 19 19:36:39 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/dbm/test_dbm.rb: Use Etc.uname.
+ * test/gdbm/test_gdbm.rb: Ditto.
+Mon May 19 16:54:22 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/etc/etc.c (etc_uname): add support for Windows using
+ GetVersionExW(), GetSystemInfo(), and GetComputerNameExW() with
+ `ComputerNameDnsHostname`. [Feature #9842]
+Mon May 19 16:29:48 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_pat_search): advance by byte offset but not by char
+ offset. [ruby-core:62669] [Bug #9849]
+Mon May 19 14:06:18 2014 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * bin/testrb: Removed. Forgot to remove in r45971.
+ [Feature #9711] [ruby-core:62620]
+Sun May 18 16:42:08 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_m17n_comb.rb (test_str_crypt): Use Etc.confstr to
+ detect the glibc version.
+ is not an executable on Debian GNU/kFreeBSD 7.0 (wheezy).
+Sun May 18 12:15:54 2014 Jonathan Mukai-Heidt <>
+ * io.c (argf_each_line, argf_inplace_mode_set): [DOC] Update ARGF
+ documentation examples. `ARGF.lines` has been deprecated in
+ favor of `ARGF.each_line`. [Fixes GH-615]
+Sun May 18 11:59:25 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * missing/nextafter.c: Include ruby/missing.h.
+Sun May 18 11:09:28 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: Add nextafter.obj to MISSING.
+Sun May 18 10:46:04 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/etc/etc.c: Etc.sysconf, Etc.confstr and IO#pathconf implemented.
+ * ext/etc/extconf.rb: Check sysconf(), confstr() and fpathconf().
+ * ext/etc/mkconstants.rb: New file.
+ [ruby-core:62600] [Feature #9842]
+Sun May 18 09:58:17 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/etc/etc.c: Etc.uname method implemented.
+ * ext/etc/extconf.rb: Check uname() function.
+ [ruby-core:62139] [Feature #9770]
+Sun May 18 09:16:33 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * Check nextafter() availability.
+ * include/ruby/missing.h (nextafter): New optional declaration.
+ * missing/nextafter.c: New file.
+ * numeric.c: Float#next_float and Float#prev_float implemented.
+ [ruby-core:62562] [Feature #9834]
+Sun May 18 09:02:17 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enum.c: Enumerable#slice_after implemented.
+ * enumerator.c: Enumerator::Lazy#slice_after implemented.
+ Requested by Tsuyoshi Sawada. [ruby-core:58123] [Feature #9071]
+Sun May 18 08:22:25 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (io_setstrbuf): always check if the buffer is modifiable.
+ [ruby-core:62643] [Bug #9847]
+Sun May 18 01:21:23 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: Hide Rational internal.
+ (RRational): Moved to internal.h
+ (RRATIONAL): Ditto.
+ (RRATIONAL_SET_NUM): Moved to rational.c.
+ * rational.c (rb_rational_num): New function.
+ (rb_rational_den): Ditto.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_rational_num): Declared.
+ (rb_rational_den): Ditto.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c: Follow the above change.
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: Ditto.
+ [ruby-core:60665] [Feature #9513]
+Sat May 17 17:04:32 2014 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * NEWS: Add news about removal of lib/test/**/*.rb.
+Sat May 17 16:57:33 2014 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * lib/test: Removed because ruby's test cases now independent to
+ lib/test by r45970. [Feature #9711] [ruby-core:62620]
+ I'm still considering about the future of lib/minitest, lib/test.
+ (bundling gems?)
+Sat May 17 15:06:40 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/runner.rb: remove dependency test-unit and minitest
+ from stdlib when running with test-all.
+ [Feature #9711][ruby-core:61890]
+ * test/testunit/*.rb: ditto.
+ * test/lib: ditto.
+Sat May 17 11:02:49 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): try match PLAIN as well as ALPHA, which are
+ separated by previous commits. [ruby-core:61552] [Bug #9648]
+ * dir.c (glob_make_pattern): set PLAIN for non-magical path to
+ skip parts which not need to glob.
+ [ruby-core:61552] [Bug #9648]
+ * dir.c (has_magic): return ALPHA at alphabetical name regardless
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): fix conditions for ALPHA.
+ [ruby-core:61552] [Bug #9648]
+Sat May 17 01:49:27 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): reduce matching at non-magical path on
+ Windows.
+Sat May 17 01:49:23 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (glob_pattern_type): separate names with alphabet but no
+ magical from plain.
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): match plain names as-is to treat super-root
+ same as the root. [ruby-core:61552] [Bug #9648]
+Fri May 16 17:38:22 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_marks, gc_marks_body): increase the counter of young objects
+ at the major GC because AGE2Promotion changes all old objects into
+ young objects at major GC.
+Fri May 16 17:26:24 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_before_sweep): heap_pages_swept_slots should contains
+ heap_pages_increment.
+ For example, GC by exceeding malloc_limit can remain
+ heap_pages_increment.
+Thu May 15 21:18:43 2014 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * enable SSE2 on mingw. target='i386-pc-mingw32'.
+ [ruby-core:62095] [Bug #8358]
+Thu May 15 21:04:06 2014 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * lib/test/unit/parallel.rb: fix test-all parallel failure if a test
+ is skipped after raise.
+ DL::TestFunc#test_sinf is skipped after raise on mingw ruby.
+ But it causes Marshal.load failure due to undefined class/module
+ DL::DLError when doing test-all parallel and test-all doesn't
+ complete. We create new MiniTest::Skip object to avoid Marshal.load
+ failure.
+ [ruby-core:62133] [Bug #9767]
+ * test/testunit/test_parallel.rb (TestParallel): add a test.
+ * test/testunit/tests_for_parallel/ptest_forth.rb: ditto.
+Thu May 15 18:57:23 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (garbage_collect_body): move gc_heap_prepare_minimum_pages()
+ from gc_sweep().
+Thu May 15 18:51:25 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (heap_extend_pages): calculate next growing heap size.
+ * gc.c (heap_set_increment): accept addition pages instead of
+ minimum pages.
+ * gc.c (gc_after_sweep): use heap_etend_pages().
+ * gc.c (gc_heap_prepare_minimum_pages): add only 1 page.
+ * gc.c (heap_ready_to_gc): add only 1 page.
+Thu May 15 18:42:49 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: introduce macros to remove magic number.
+ GC_HEAP_FREE_SLOTS_MIN_RATIO = 0.3: guarantee minimum empty slots
+ ratio after sweep.
+ GC_HEAP_FREE_SLOTS_MAX_RATIO = 0.8: allow to free pages 0.2 (= 1-0.8)
+ of current existing slots.
+Thu May 15 17:32:51 2014 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * thread_win32.c (rb_w32_stack_overflow_handler): use Structured
+ Exception Handling by AddVectoredExceptionHandler() for machine
+ stack overflow on mingw.
+ This would be equivalent to the handling using __try and __except
+ on mswin introduced by r43748.
+Wed May 14 19:31:03 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/openssl/depend: remove dependency from internal headers.
+ [Feature #9612]
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c (ossl_fips_mode_set): ditto.
+ * ext/coverage/depend: ditto.
+ * include/ruby/thread_native.h: added.
+ This header file only provides wrapper functions to control
+ native threads. These wrapper functions are used by MRI
+ implementation.
+ * vm_core.h: use include/ruby/thread_native.h.
+ * thread.c: ditto.
+ * thread_pthread.h: ditto.
+ * thread_win32.h: ditto.
+ * thread_native.h: removed.
+Wed May 14 18:03:28 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: enable RGENGC_AGE2_PROMOTION.
+Wed May 14 18:02:30 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rgengc_rememberset_mark): promote remembered object earlier.
+Mon May 12 23:57:15 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (rb_cv_atan2_inf_c99): check whether runtime atan2
+ handles Inf as C99. [ruby-core:62536] [Bug #9831]
+Mon May 12 20:33:01 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * Invoke AC_REPLACE_FUNCS for each function.
+Mon May 12 19:52:11 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: count young object correctly and show it in GC.stat
+ * gc.c (RVALUE_PROMOTE_YOUNG): decrement young object count on
+ * gc.c (obj_free): decrement young object count when young object
+ freed.
+ * gc.c (gc_marks): should not clear young object count.
+ * gc.c (gc_stat_internal): GC.stat :young_object information.
+Mon May 12 01:30:59 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ifaddr.c (IS_IFADDRS): Unused macro removed.
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c (BUFSIZE): Ditto.
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (OBJ_IS_FREED): Ditto.
+Sun May 11 22:27:18 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * compile.c (BUFSIZE): Unused macro removed.
+ * vm.c (BUFSIZE): Ditto.
+ * pack.c (INT64toNUM): Ditto.
+ (UINT64toNUM): Ditto.
+ (BYTEWIDTH): Ditto.
+ * time.c (lshift): Ditto.
+ (UINT64toNUM): Ditto.
+ (id_lshift): Unused variable removed.
+Sun May 11 21:23:27 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * pack.c (swaps): Unused macro removed.
+ (swapi): Ditto.
+ (swapl): Ditto.
+ (swapll): Ditto.
+Sun May 11 08:02:49 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * vm_core.h (rb_vm_t): list_head and counter for living_threads
+ (rb_thread_t): vmlt_node for living_threads linkage
+ (rb_vm_living_threads_init): new function wrapper
+ (rb_vm_living_threads_insert): ditto
+ (rb_vm_living_threads_remove): ditto
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_living_threads_foreach): new function wrapper
+ * thread.c (terminate_i, thread_start_func_2, thread_create_core,
+ thread_fd_close_i, thread_fd_close): update to use new APIs
+ * vm.c (vm_mark_each_thread_func, rb_vm_mark, ruby_vm_destruct,
+ vm_memsize, vm_init2, Init_VM): ditto
+ * vm_trace.c (clear_trace_func_i, rb_clear_trace_func): ditto
+ * benchmark/bm_vm_thread_close.rb: added to show improvement
+ * ccan/build_assert/build_assert.h: added as a dependency of list.h
+ * ccan/check_type/check_type.h: ditto
+ * ccan/container_of/container_of.h: ditto
+ * ccan/licenses/BSD-MIT: ditto
+ * ccan/licenses/CC0: ditto
+ * ccan/str/str.h: ditto (stripped of unused macros)
+ * ccan/list/list.h: ditto
+ [ruby-core:61871][Feature #9632 (part 1)]
+Sun May 11 01:10:31 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * signal.c (rb_f_kill): directly enqueue an ignored signal to self,
+ except for SIGSEGV and SIGBUS. [ruby-dev:48203] [Bug #9820]
+Sat May 10 22:37:56 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (push_glob): match in UTF-8 on Mac OS X.
+ [ruby-dev:48213] [Bug #9825]
+Sat May 10 13:32:18 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (thread_start_func_2): stop if forked in a sub-thread,
+ the thread has become the main thread.
+ [ruby-core:62070] [Bug #9751]
+Sat May 10 09:32:19 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * man/ruby.1: remove deadlink. [ruby-core:62145][Bug #9773]
+Sat May 10 08:47:36 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * signal.c (trap): Return "SYSTEM_DEFAULT" if SIG_DFL is set.
+Fri May 9 14:27:05 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_SETJMP_TYPE): check for setjmp type after
+ CCDLFLAGS is appended to CFLAGS, since __builtin_setjmp can be
+ affected. [ruby-core:62469] [Bug #9818]
+Fri May 9 03:59:06 2014 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb: Fix example of using delegator.
+ patched from Andrey Koleshko. [Fixes GH-505]
+Fri May 9 03:42:43 2014 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * lib/shell.rb: add documentation in lib/shell.rb
+ patched from reprah. [Fixes GH-516]
+Fri May 9 03:28:04 2014 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: show fileutils require at top.
+ patched from Richard Schneeman. [Fixes GH-604]
+Fri May 9 03:07:09 2014 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * lib/prime.rb (Prime#prime?): negative numbers can't be primes
+ by definition. reported by Ivan Kataitsev. [Bug #7395]
+ * test/test_prime.rb: add test.
+Thu May 8 14:34:29 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c (rb_mod_init_copy): always clear instance variable,
+ constant and method tables first, regardless the source tables.
+ [ruby-dev:48182] [Bug #9813]
+Thu May 8 10:53:14 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * OpenBSD needs to include sys/param.h before include
+ sys/mount.h. [ruby-dev:48167]
+Thu May 8 10:17:04 2014 Karsten Sperling <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpserver.rb (WEBrick::HTTPServer#run): stop
+ handling requests on shutdown, even if the socket is readable
+ and returns true. [Fixes GH-607]
+ * lib/webrick/server.rb (WEBrick::GenericServer#start):
+ raises ENOTSOCK on shutdown on Windows.
+Wed May 7 21:45:00 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.rb (OpenSSL::SSL::SSLServer#accept):
+ Consider Socket#accept as well as TCPServer#accept.
+ Reported by Sam Stelfox. [ruby-core:62064] [Bug #9750]
+Wed May 7 17:24:07 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (num_step_scan_args): check keyword arguments and fail
+ if they conflict with positional arguments.
+ [ruby-dev:48177] [Bug #9811]
+Wed May 7 12:06:14 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/driver.rb: remove debug output and output results into
+ specified file.
+Wed May 7 11:55:40 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/driver.rb: add '--rawdata-output=[FILE] option to output
+ raw results into FILE.
+Wed May 7 11:25:41 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_f_local_variables): exclude variables hidden by
+ shadowing. [ruby-core:60501] [Bug #9486]
+ * vm.c (collect_local_variables_in_iseq): ditto.
+Tue May 6 23:29:05 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (new_bv_gen): no duplicated names, if already added in
+ shadowing_lvar().
+ * parse.y (local_tbl_gen): remove local variables duplicated with
+ arguments.
+ [ruby-core:60501] [Bug #9486]
+Tue May 6 18:48:50 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/time.rb (Time.make_time): Adjust the time zone of "now".
+Tue May 6 18:33:12 2014 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * io.c (io_{read,write}_nonblock): use rb_get_kwargs instead of
+ rb_hash_aref.
+Tue May 6 18:03:05 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/time.rb (Time.make_time): Argument validation code moved from
+ Time.parse and Time.strptime.
+Tue May 6 17:27:06 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/time.rb (Time.parse): [DOC] Fix an example in the documentation
+ to use EST.
+ Reported by Marcus Stollsteimer.
+ [ruby-core:60778] [Bug #9521] and [ruby-core:61718] [Bug #9682]
+Tue May 6 04:31:48 2014 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * file.c (rb_f_test): removed meaningless "case 'a'".
+Tue May 6 01:28:14 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb (OpenURI.open_uri): Call StringIO#close only if
+ the StringIO object is not closed yet.
+ Reported by Jordi Massaguer Pla. [ruby-core:42538] [Bug #6010]
+Tue May 6 01:08:01 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/driver.rb: define File::NULL if not defined and /dev/null
+ is available to run benchmark driver on ruby 1.9.2.
+Mon May 5 23:53:24 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/mkconstants.rb: Add IP_TRANSPARENT.
+ IP_TRANSPARENT is provieded since glibc-2.12.
+ Reported by Eliezer Croitoru. [ruby-core:50372] [Bug #7476]
+Mon May 5 22:29:47 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (check_exec_redirect): Open the file in write mode for
+ redirect from [:out, :err].
+ Proposed and implemented by Yusuke Endoh.
+ [ruby-dev:41430] [Feature #3348]
+Mon May 5 21:52:35 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/lib/pathname.rb (cleanpath_aggressive): make all
+ separators File::SEPARATOR from File::ALT_SEPARATOR.
+ Reported by Daniel Rikowski.
+ Fixed by Nobuyoshi Nakada. [Bug #9618]
+ * ext/pathname/lib/pathname.rb (cleanpath_conservative): ditto.
+Mon May 5 21:48:04 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/lib/pathname.rb (Pathname#/): Aliased to Pathname#+.
+ Suggested by Alexey Muranov. [ruby-core:61432] [Feature #9625]
+Mon May 5 17:26:09 2014 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * math.c (rb_math_sqrt): omitted exporting an unused function,
+ anyway.
+ * internal.h: follows the above change.
+Mon May 5 11:44:03 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/time.rb (Time.strptime): Raise ArgumentError if Date._strptime
+ doesn't extract date information.
+ Reported by tadayoshi funaba. [ruby-core:62349]
+Mon May 5 01:12:27 2014 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (rt_rewrite_frags): a new feature (not a
+ bug fix) of strptime. applies offset even if the given date is
+ not local time (%s and %Q). This is an exceptional feature and
+ I do NOT recommend to use this at all. Thank you git community.
+Sun May 4 20:51:32 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/time.rb (Time.force_zone!): Use usual local time if it has
+ expected offset from UTC.
+Sun May 4 17:58:12 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/time.rb (Time.force_zone!): New private method.
+ (Time.make_time): Use Time.force_zone!.
+ (Time.strptime): Ditto.
+ (Time.rfc2822): Ditto.
+ (Time.xmlschema): Ditto.
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb (Time.w3cdtf): Use Time.force_zone!.
+Sun May 4 10:22:59 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * math.c (math_atan2): return values like as expected by C99 if
+ both two arguments are infinity. based on the patch by cremno
+ phobia <cremno AT> in [ruby-core:62310]. [Feature #9799]
+Sun May 4 03:46:42 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/time.rb (Time.httpdate): Always return a UTC Time object.
+Sun May 4 03:26:39 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/time.rb (Time.make_time): Refactored.
+Sun May 4 02:53:17 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/time.rb (Time.rfc2822): Fix year completion.
+ Produce fixed-offset time object if appropriate.
+ (Time.xmlschema): Produce fixed-offset time object if appropriate.
+Sat May 3 23:52:20 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/time.rb (make_time): Produce fixed-offset time object if
+ appropriate.
+ (Time.strptime): Use d[:zone] instead of d[:offset].
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb (Time.w3cdtf): Produce fixed-offset time object if
+ appropriate.
+Sat May 3 20:21:38 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/time.rb (Time.strptime): Use d[:offset] if d[:seconds] is not
+ given.
+ Reported by tadayoshi funaba. [ruby-core:62322]
+Sat May 3 04:04:16 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * complex.c (parse_comp): replace ALLOCA_N with ALLOCV_N/ALLOCV_END
+ [Bug #9608]
+ * rational.c (read_digits): ditto
+Sat May 3 00:06:30 2014 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * file.c (HAVE_STRUCT_STATVFS_F_BASETYPE): File::Statfs#fstypename
+ is supported on AIX, HP-UX, and Solaris, by using the value of
+ struct statvfs.f_basetype.
+ statvfs.f_basetype which is available on AIX, HP-UX, and Solaris.
+Fri May 2 21:04:02 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (next_id): no reason to set ID_STATIC_SYM here, as ID
+ returned by rb_intern3 can be a dynamic symbol and the static
+ symbol flag is set otherwise. [Bug #9787]
+Fri May 2 11:32:51 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (test_seek, test_seek_symwhence): defer
+ File::Statfs#type call which may not be implemented, to mitigate
+ errors on platforms where SEEK_DATA is available but f_type in
+ struct statfs is not. [ruby-dev:48154] [Bug #9789]
+Fri May 2 10:37:55 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (rb_id_attrset): turn dynamically interned Symbol into
+ an ID, since rb_str_dynamic_intern returns a Symbol but not an
+ ID. [ruby-core:62226] [Bug #9787]
+Thu May 1 22:19:34 2014 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * file.c: Change AND condition to nested condition.
+Thu May 1 00:36:26 2014 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * file.c (FSTATFS): check availability of struct statfs and
+ struct statvfs in addition to fstatfs(2) and fstatvfs(2).
+ This fixes error in Solaris. [Bug #9788] [ruby-dev:48145]
+Wed Apr 30 19:46:23 2014 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c (gc_after_sweep): suppress unnecessary expanding heap.
+ Tomb heap pages are freed pages here, so expanding heap is
+ not required.
+Wed Apr 30 17:58:40 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (invoke_block_from_c): add VM_FRAME_FLAG_BMETHOD to record
+ it is bmethod frame.
+ * vm.c (vm_exec): invoke RUBY_EVENT_RETURN event if rollbacked frame
+ [Bug #9759]
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: add a test for TracePoint/set_trace_func.
+ * vm_core.h: rename rb_thread_t::passed_me to
+ rb_thread_t::passed_bmethod_me to clarify the usage.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_bmethod_body): use renamed member.
+Wed Apr 30 17:06:49 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (rb_id_attrset): pin down dynamic symbol only. it is
+ possible that attrset ID can be registered as a static symbol
+ after the corresponding attrget ID has been registered as a
+ dynamic, and then the latter may be collected.
+ [ruby-core:62226] [Bug #9787]
+Tue Apr 29 14:17:57 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/tmpdir.rb: Rescue LoadError on for miniruby.
+ Revert r45707, r45711, r45717.
+Tue Apr 29 12:50:02 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: Don't need to define fu_get_gid and fu_get_gid in
+ rescue LoadError on 'etc'.
+Tue Apr 29 10:21:38 2014 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * parse.y (symbols_i): like r45492, call rb_gc_resurrect().
+Tue Apr 29 04:29:05 2014 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * file.c (HAVE_STRUCT_STATFS_T_F_FSTYPENAME): Add new macro for
+ statfs_t.
+ * file.c (HAVE_STRUCT_STATFS_T_F_TYPE): ditto.
+ * file.c (rb_io_statfs): check FSTATFS macro only instead of
+ * file.c (statfs_type): use new macro.
+ * file.c (statfs_fstypename): ditto.
+ * file.c (statfs_inspect): ditto.
+Tue Apr 29 00:20:26 2014 Rajarshi Das <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_literal.rb: fix typo of "dynamic". [ci skip]
+ * regexp.rdoc: fix typo of "organized". [ci skip]
+ * lib/session.rb: fix typo of "recognized". [ci skip]
+Mon Apr 28 21:40:27 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (HAVE_STRUCT_STATFS_F_TYPE): check struct statfs.f_type
+ to support OpenBSD.
+ * file.c (statfs_type): use above macro to switch.
+ * file.c (statfs_inspect): ditto.
+Mon Apr 28 18:06:08 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * check struct statvfs and struct statvfs.f_fstypename.
+ * on NetBSD fstatfs is obsoleted.
+ * file.c: support NetBSD for File::Statfs.
+Mon Apr 28 17:42:42 2014 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c: This argument must be a pointer.
+Mon Apr 28 17:40:15 2014 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * gc.c: Fix typos. These are undefined variables.
+Sun Apr 27 19:39:42 2014 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_strptime.c (date__strptime_internal): do not
+ overwrite century.
+Sat Apr 26 11:50:08 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/ruby/test_enum.rb (test_flat_map): Added test for flat_map.
+ Contribute from @igaiga. [fix GH-598]
+Sat Apr 26 10:55:33 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (compile_array_): make copy a first hash not to modify
+ the argument itself. keyword splat should be non-destructive.
+ [ruby-core:62161] [Bug #9776]
+Sat Apr 26 08:05:36 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (test_rlimit_nofile): Don't limit
+ RLIMIT_NOFILE too small.
+ This fix sporadic "[ASYNC BUG] thread_timer: select" on GNU/Linux.
+Fri Apr 25 22:54:34 2014 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (rmdir): rescue Errno::EEXIST in addition to
+ ENOTEMPTY (and ENOENT), because SUSv3 describes that "If the
+ directory is not an empty directory, rmdir() shall fail and set
+ errno to [EEXIST] or [ENOTEMPTY]" and Solaris uses EEXIST.
+ [Bug #9571] [ruby-dev:48017]
+Fri Apr 25 19:16:30 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/webrick/utils.rb: Don't rescue LoadError for 'etc' extension.
+Fri Apr 25 14:55:59 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (rb_cv_func___builtin_unreachable): try with an
+ external variable not only by a warning, which might not be
+ shown due to the optimization. [ruby-core:61647] [Bug #9665]
+Fri Apr 25 13:11:49 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * NetBSD's ksh, used by configure, needs escapes.
+Fri Apr 25 12:51:08 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * correct pthread_setname_np's prototype on NetBSD.
+ [Bug #9586]
+Thu Apr 24 23:17:25 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (fu_get_uid, fu_get_gid): Etc.getpwnam/getgrnam may
+ returns nil.
+ * lib/webrick/utils.rb (su): ditto.
+Thu Apr 24 22:55:22 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_io.rb: Add to $" before require 'tmpdir'.
+Thu Apr 24 21:09:55 2014 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * man/ruby.1: fix broken link.
+Thu Apr 24 20:53:02 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/tmpdir.rb: Don't need to rescue LoadError for
+Thu Apr 24 17:39:53 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * file.c (statfs_inspect): suppress warnings.
+ assume those values won't be larger than LONG_LONG_MAX.
+Thu Apr 24 11:53:28 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c (ossl_asn1_initialize): SYMID on a value
+ other than Symbol is an undefined behavior. fix up r31699.
+ [ruby-core:62142] [Bug #9771]
+Thu Apr 24 11:21:37 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (rb_sym2id, rb_sym2id_without_pindown): return 0 for
+ non-symbol values, for the time being.
+Thu Apr 24 05:50:13 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * parse.y (dsym_node_gen): like r45492, call rb_gc_resurrect().
+Wed Apr 23 20:36:22 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/etc/extconf.rb: Build ext/etc unconditionally.
+Wed Apr 23 14:10:50 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * file.c (statfs_fsid): remove statfs.f_fsid because it doesn't return
+ meaningful value portably.
+Wed Apr 23 11:03:41 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_write): use rb_str_append to
+ reuse coderange bits other than ASCII-8BIT, and keep
+ taintedness. [ruby-dev:48118] [Bug #9769]
+Wed Apr 23 00:43:00 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c, include/ruby/win32.h (ustatfs): implementation of
+ statfs(2) clone. [EXPERIMENTAL]
+ * file.c (rb_io_statfs): use above function.
+ *, win32/Makefile.sub (struct statfs): available.
+Tue Apr 22 23:56:24 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * file.c (rb_io_stafs): use statfs(2) if fstatfs(2) is unavailable.
+ * (fstatfs): check it.
+Tue Apr 22 22:15:51 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * file.c (rb_io_statfs): need to define even if the system doesn't have
+ fstatfs(2).
+ * test/ruby/test_file.rb (TestFile#test_statfs): skip if IO#stafs is not
+ implemented.
+Tue Apr 22 19:32:48 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * file.c: newly added a class File::Statfs. (experimental)
+Tue Apr 22 08:22:33 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (objspace_malloc_increase): don't cause GC by malloc_increase
+ when memop type is MEMOP_TYPE_REALLOC.
+ GC at realloc is not well maintained.
+ We need a time to make it safe.
+ [ruby-dev:48117]
+Tue Apr 22 06:54:15 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (objspace_malloc_increase): run full mark if 0x04 bit is
+ set in ruby_gc_stress. [ruby-core:62103] [Feature #9761]
+ * gc.c (objspace_malloc_increase): run GC after realloc not only
+ malloc and calloc by GC.stress. [ruby-core:62103] [Feature #9761]
+Mon Apr 21 19:12:20 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_coderange_scan_restartable): coderange is always
+ ENC_CODERANGE_VALID if the string is ASCII-8BIT and already has a non
+ ASCII character.
+Mon Apr 21 19:02:44 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (coderange_scan): remove useless condition `p < e` after
+ search_nonascii.
+ * string.c (rb_str_coderange_scan_restartable): ditto.
+Mon Apr 21 18:55:21 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/-test-/string/coderange.c: add
+ to explicitly scan coderange.
+Mon Apr 21 18:19:35 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (coderange_scan): remove unused logic.
+ * string.c (rb_str_coderange_scan_restartable): ditto.
+Mon Apr 21 14:11:48 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_putc): fix for non-ascii
+ encoding, like as IO#putc. [ruby-dev:48114] [Bug #9765]
+Sun Apr 20 12:57:15 2014 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * st.c (st_foreach_check): change start point of search at check
+ from top to current. [ruby-dev:48047] [Bug #9646]
+Sun Apr 20 08:41:33 2014 Andrew DeMaria <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (link_command, libpathflag, create_makefile): prefer
+ user specified `$LIBPATH` than `$DEFLIBPATH`. [ruby-core:62100]
+ [ruby-trunk - Bug #9760]
+Sun Apr 20 06:01:18 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_writebarrier): drop special case for big hash/array
+ [Bug #9518]
+Sat Apr 19 15:38:29 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (primary): flush cmdarg flags inside left-paren in a
+ command argument, to allow parenthesed do-block as an argument
+ without arguments parentheses. [ruby-core:61950] [Bug #9726]
+Sat Apr 19 10:07:24 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h (struct RBignum): Use size_t for len.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_big_new): Use size_t instead of long to
+ specify the size of bignum.
+ (rb_big_resize): Ditto.
+ * bignum.c: Follow above changes.
+ * rational.c: Follow above changes.
+ * marshal.c: Follow above changes.
+Sat Apr 19 00:32:07 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_num2long): Returns a long.
+ (rb_num2ulong): Returns a unsigned long.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big2long): Returns a long.
+ (rb_big2ulong): Returns a unsigned long.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: Follow above changes.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: Follow above changes.
+ (rb_num2long_inline): No need to cast.
+ (rb_num2ulong_inline): Ditto.
+Sat Apr 19 00:17:20 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (SHARABLE_SUBSTRING_P): predicate if substring can be
+ shared with the original string. true if just at the end of the
+ original string, for the time being. all substring will be able to
+ be shared in the future.
+Fri Apr 18 21:48:24 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_new_frozen): consider the shared string at
+ middle.
+ * string.c (rb_str_subseq, rb_str_substr, str_byte_substr): share
+ middle of a string.
+Fri Apr 18 15:40:05 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c: use uintptr_t instead of VALUE because they are not ruby
+ object.
+Fri Apr 18 14:51:42 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c: check str_strlen's argument, and add comment or
+ use NULL if simply it uses str's enc.
+Fri Apr 18 14:32:40 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (str_strlen): use enc_strlen if the coderange is known.
+Fri Apr 18 14:21:21 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (enc_strlen): move UTF-8 optimization from str_strlen to
+ enc_strlen.
+Fri Apr 18 08:50:18 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (rb_cv_getcwd_malloc): check if getcwd allocates
+ buffer if NULL is given [ruby-core:62072] [Bug #9752]
+Thu Apr 17 16:28:10 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * prelude.rb: [DOC] Update Thread::exclusive docs by @stevenharman.
+Thu Apr 17 10:03:53 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils#copy_entry): update rdoc about
+ preserve option and permissions, following r31123.
+ [ruby-core:62065] [Bug #9748]
+Wed Apr 16 23:47:36 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enum.c (dont_recycle_block_arg): fix condition to recycle block
+ argument. lambda with rest can get internal array directly.
+ [ruby-core:62060] [Bug #9749]
+Wed Apr 16 09:51:16 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey.c (ossl_pkey_verify): as EVP_VerifyFinal()
+ finalizes only a copy of the digest context, the context must be
+ cleaned up after initialization by EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup() or a
+ memory leak will occur. [ruby-core:62038] [Bug #9743]
+Tue Apr 15 19:36:42 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h (rb_w32_cmdvector): removed.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_sysinit): use WCHAR version of GetCommandLine()
+ internally.
+ * win32/win32.c (w32_cmdvector): renamed from rb_w32_cmdvector. use
+ WCHAR* instead of char* internally.
+ these changes are expected to not changing the behavior yet.
+Tue Apr 15 19:26:05 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb: Re-generate and dummy makefiles only if
+ really required.
+ This fixes a problem to run multiple test-all concurrently as:
+ make test-all & make test-all & make test-all & ...
+Tue Apr 15 12:49:53 2014 Sam Rawlins <>
+ * enum.c (enum_each_slice, enum_each_cons): make more efficient by
+ allocating less and recycling block argument arrays if possible.
+ [Fixes GH-596]
+Mon Apr 14 18:44:45 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * addr2line.c (fill_lines): get base addrs in fill_lines to use it
+ with dladdr_fbases introduced at r45563.
+ it didn't get before if the executable is not pie.
+Mon Apr 14 18:05:48 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * addr2line.c (main_exe_path): support FreeBSD.
+ At least sh, csh, tcsh, bash, and zsh sets realpath of the main
+ executable for dladdr, but gdb doesn't.
+Mon Apr 14 17:20:10 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (umethod_bind): use the ancestor iclass instead of new
+ iclass to get rid of infinite recursion, if the defined module
+ is already included. [ruby-core:62014] [Bug #9721]
+Sun Apr 13 12:46:58 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (SIZEOF_BDIGIT): Renamed from SIZEOF_BDIGITS.
+ * internal.h: Ditto.
+ * marshal.c: Ditto.
+ * rational.c: Ditto.
+Sun Apr 13 10:18:09 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * Unused target, $(MKMAIN_CMD), removed.
+ * (MKMAIN_CMD): Unused macro removed.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (MKMAIN_CMD): Ditto.
+Sat Apr 12 22:11:10 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (sym_to_proc), proc.c (rb_block_clear_env_self): clear
+ caller's self which is useless, so that it can get collected.
+ [Fixes GH-592]
+Sat Apr 12 09:26:48 2014 Eric Hodel <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ocsp.c: [DOC] Document OpenSSL::OCSP.
+Fri Apr 11 18:52:38 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * array.c (ARY_SET): added.
+ ARY_SET() is same functionality of RARRAY_ASET(), but
+ it has an assertion (`ary' doesn't have shared array).
+Fri Apr 11 16:54:26 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * array.c: make shared arrays WB-protected objects.
+ Shared arrays were WB-unprotected object because
+ sharing array can modify shared array's buffer
+ if it occupied shared array.
+ [sharing array (ary)] -> [shared array (shared)] -> <buff>
+ | A
+ +---------------------------------------+
+ write `buff' with WB(ary, &buff[i], obj)
+ -> if `ary' and `shared' are old, then only `ary'
+ will be remembered.
+ -> traverse from `ary'. But `shared' is old, so
+ that written `obj' is not marked.
+ It cause WB miss so that shared arrays were WB-unprotected.
+ (WB-unprotected objects are marked everytime if it is living)
+ This patch insert WB() for `shared' if it is needed.
+Fri Apr 11 15:05:26 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (rb_method_call_with_block, umethod_bind): call with
+ IClass including the module for a module instance method.
+ [ruby-core:61936] [Bug #9721]
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_search_super_method): allow bound
+ UnboundMethod case.
+Fri Apr 11 12:02:30 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * addr2line.c (rb_dump_backtrace_with_lines): set base address
+ which is retrieved from dladdr to dladdr_fbases, to skip already
+ parsed objects.
+Fri Apr 11 12:44:50 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (ary_reject): may be turned into a shared array during
+ the given block. [ruby-dev:48101] [Bug #9727]
+Thu Apr 10 23:41:21 2014 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (Net::FTP#login): [DOC] The default password for
+ anonymous login was changed to "anonymous@" in r25313.
+Thu Apr 10 19:22:58 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb: remove useless `assert'.
+Thu Apr 10 19:11:11 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_modify): remember shared array owner if a shared
+ array owner is promoted and a shared array is not promoted.
+ Now, shared array is WB-unprotected so that shared arrays are not
+ promoted. All objects referred from shared array should be marked
+ correctly.
+ [ruby-core:61919] [ruby-trunk - Bug #9718]
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb: add a test for above.
+Thu Apr 10 18:57:12 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_verify_internal_consistency): move lines and enable
+ allrefs_dump() on RGENGC_CHECK_MODE >= 4.
+Thu Apr 10 15:01:06 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * addr2line.c (append_obj): clear allocated memory.
+ * addr2line.c (rb_dump_backtrace_with_lines): free `base_addrs'.
+Thu Apr 10 14:40:18 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_writebarrier_unprotect_promoted): disable to dump debug
+ message when RGENGC_CHECK_MODE == 0.
+Thu Apr 10 08:13:47 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * signal.c (check_stack_overflow): Don't use ucontext_t if ucontext.h
+ is not available.
+ Fixes build on Android (x86).
+Wed Apr 9 23:22:44 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * gc.c (mark_current_machine_context): Call SET_STACK_END.
+ This reverts a hunk of r40703 by ko1.
+ This fixes [ruby-dev:48098] [Bug #9717].
+Wed Apr 9 21:02:04 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (OBJ2UID1): Defined even if getpwnam_r is not usable.
+ (OBJ2GID1): Defined even if getgrnam_r is not usable.
+ This fixes compilation error on Android.
+Wed Apr 9 15:16:59 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_default_internal): fix rdoc. `__FILE__` is
+ in filesystem encoding but not `default_internal`.
+ [ruby-core:61894] [Bug #9713]
+Wed Apr 9 14:43:00 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb: more long timeout.
+ This test failed under RGENGC_CHECK_MODE >= 2.
+Wed Apr 9 13:07:13 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * get rid of __builtin_setjmp/__builtin_longjmp on
+ x64-mingw, which causes SEGV with callcc.
+ [ruby-core:61887] [Bug #9710]
+Wed Apr 9 12:44:54 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (str_buf_cat): should round up the capacity by 4KiB,
+ but not number of rooms. [ruby-core:61886] [Bug #9709]
+Tue Apr 8 22:55:32 2014 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (MakeMakefile#dir_config): [DOC] Improve
+ documentation.
+Tue Apr 8 22:31:44 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rgengc_rememberset_mark): don't promote, but remain in
+ remember set for infant objects.
+ in these functions.
+Mon Apr 7 21:11:49 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_s_getnameinfo): Save errno for EAI_SYSTEM.
+ Reported by Saravana kumar. [ruby-core:61820] [Bug #9697]
+ Fixed by Heesob Park. [ruby-core:61868]
+Mon Apr 7 07:20:23 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc/client.rb (do_rpc): don't check body length.
+ If HTTP content-encoding is used, the length may be different.
+ [Bug #8182] [ruby-core:53811]
+Mon Apr 7 02:39:48 2014 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb: Add Matrix#cofactor [fix GH-568]
+ Add first_minor [fix GH-568]
+ Handle empty diagonal matrix case [fix GH-576]
+ Patches by gogotanaka
+Sun Apr 6 08:52:50 2014 Bugra Barin <>
+ * dln.c (dln_load): use wchar version to load a library in
+ non-ascii path on Windows. based on the patch by Bugra Barin
+ <bugrabarin AT> in [ruby-core:61845]. [Bug #9699]
+Sat Apr 5 19:36:33 2014 Tadayoshi Funaba <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (d_lite_cmp): should compare with #<.
+Sat Apr 5 00:31:21 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/readline/extconf.rb (rl_hook_func_t): check pointer type.
+ [ruby-dev:48089] [Bug #9702]
+Fri Apr 4 07:13:44 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (ac_cv_func___builtin_setjmp): should not skip
+ flags restoration in RUBY_WERROR_FLAG by `break`.
+ [ruby-dev:48086] [Bug #9698]
+Wed Apr 2 21:50:06 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (ac_cv_func___builtin_setjmp): __builtin_longjmp()
+ in Apple LLVM 5.1 (LLVM 3.4svn) uses `void**`, not `jmp_buf`.
+ [Bug #9692]
+Wed Apr 2 20:57:15 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c, gc.h (rb_objspace_each_objects_without_setup):
+ Add a new (hidden) C-API to iterate objspace snapshot.
+ This API is not safe to call any C-APIs in a given callback
+ function. Be careful to use this C-API.
+Wed Apr 2 17:43:17 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (ac_cv_func___builtin_setjmp): gcc 4.9 disallows a
+ variable as the second argument of __builtin_longjmp().
+ [ruby-core:61800] [Bug #9692]
+Wed Apr 2 15:12:18 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * Use redmine-2.x url for DeveloperHowto wiki.
+ [ruby-core:60657] [Bug #9511]
+Wed Apr 2 11:46:29 2014 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * ext/pathname/lib/pathname.rb (Pathname#join): Fix error with
+ empty args. Reported by ko1 via IRC.
+ * test/pathname/test_pathname.rb (TestPathname#test_join): Add the
+ test for above case.
+Tue Apr 1 11:39:57 2014 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * lib/csv.rb: Symbol HeaderConverter: strip leading/trailing space.
+ Reported by Skye Shaw
+ [Fixes GH-575]
+Tue Apr 1 11:34:04 2014 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * lib/csv.rb: Don't attempt to convert nil headers.
+ Reported by Skye Shaw
+Tue Apr 1 17:29:35 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/config_files.rb ( show failed URI.
+ [ruby-core:61792] [Bug #9690]
+Tue Apr 1 12:06:49 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * addr2line.c (rb_dump_backtrace_with_lines): don't depend hard coded
+ symbol '_start'.
+ * addr2line.c (fill_lines): instead of above, get a dynamic symbol
+ in the main executable and use it to know the base address.
+ * addr2line.c (follow_debuglink0): use obj_info_t instead of
+ line_info_t to handle object related data.
+ * addr2line.c (main_exe_path): defined for Linux.
+Tue Apr 1 08:58:39 2014 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * parse.y (rb_str_dynamic_intern): set mark bit if dynamic symbol
+ is before sweeping.
+Tue Apr 1 07:37:00 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * addr2line.c (fill_lines): use dynsym, which is used for dynamic
+ linking and always exists, if there's no symtab.
+Tue Apr 1 07:27:15 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * vm_dump.c (rb_print_backtrace): current implementation
+ uses dladdr to get the path of objects.
+Mon Mar 31 23:57:45 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/readline/extconf.rb: fix typo, `$defs` not `$DEFS`.
+ [ruby-core:61756] [Bug #9578]
+Mon Mar 31 17:23:50 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/memory_status.rb: require envutil before accessing EnvUtil
+ module. reported by ko1 via twitter.
+Mon Mar 31 10:28:01 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * st.c (st_init_table_with_size): update comment
+ [Feature #9425]
+Sun Mar 30 23:39:26 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_accept, open_ifs_socket, socketpair_internal):
+ reset inherit flag of socket to avoid unintentional inheritance of
+ socket. note that the return value of SetHandleInformation() is not
+ verified intentionally because old Windows may return an error.
+ [Bug #9688] [ruby-core:61754]
+Sat Mar 29 13:04:22 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_before_sweep): cap `malloc_limit' to
+ gc_params.malloc_limit_max. It can grow and grow with such case:
+ `loop{"a" * (1024 ** 2)}'
+ [Bug #9687]
+ This issue is pointed by Tim Robertson.
+Fri Mar 28 19:32:13 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * struct.c (not_a_member): extract name error and use same error
+ messages. based on the patch by Marcus Stollsteimer <sto.mar AT
+> at [ruby-core:61721]. [Bug #9684]
+Fri Mar 28 09:21:54 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/psych/psych.gemspec: update gemspec for psych-2.0.5
+Fri Mar 28 09:11:06 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych.rb: Merge psych-2.0.5. bump version to
+ libyaml-0.1.6 for CVE-2014-2525.
+ * ext/psych/yaml/config.h: ditto.
+ * ext/psych/yaml/scanner.c: ditto.
+ * ext/psych/yaml/yaml_private.h: ditto.
+Thu Mar 27 18:58:10 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * re.c (match_regexp): set regexp for MatchData from string.
+ * re.c (rb_backref_set_string): create MatchData from string and
+ set backref.
+ * string.c (rb_pat_search, rb_str_sub, rb_str_sub_bang, str_gsub),
+ (scan_once, rb_str_scan, rb_str_partition): use rb_str_index
+ instead of rb_reg_search() when pattern is a String. based on
+ the patch by Sam Rawlins <> [Fixes GH-579]
+Thu Mar 27 11:58:55 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * addr2line.c (fill_lines): check shdr[i].sh_type because even if
+ .symtab section exists, the section's type can be SHT_NOBITS and
+ actual data doesn't exist in the file.
+ revert r45441.
+Wed Mar 26 14:57:35 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * parse.y: inline must be static (for mswin).
+ fixed build error introduced at r45426.
+Wed Mar 26 14:33:00 2014 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * internal.h (USE_SYMBOL_GC): enable Symbol GC by default (USE_SYMBOL_GC == 1).
+Tue Mar 25 22:57:11 2014 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * parse.y: support Symbol GC. [ruby-trunk Feature #9634]
+ See this ticket about Symbol GC.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h:
+ Declare few functions.
+ * rb_sym2id: almost same as old SYM2ID but support dynamic symbols.
+ * rb_id2sym: almost same as old ID2SYM but support dynamic symbols.
+ * rb_sym2str: almost same as `rb_id2str(SYM2ID(sym))` but not
+ pin down a dynamic symbol.
+ Declare a new struct.
+ * struct RSymbol: represents a dynamic symbol as object in
+ Ruby's heaps.
+ Add few macros.
+ * STATIC_SYM_P: check a static symbol.
+ * DYNAMIC_SYM_P: check a dynamic symbol.
+ * RSYMBOL: cast to RSymbol
+ * gc.c: declare RSymbol. support T_SYMBOL.
+ * internal.h: Declare few functions.
+ * rb_gc_free_dsymbol: free up a dynamic symbol. GC call this
+ function at a sweep phase.
+ * rb_str_dynamic_intern: convert a string to a dynamic symbol.
+ * rb_check_id_without_pindown: not pinning function.
+ * rb_sym2id_without_pindown: ditto.
+ * rb_check_id_cstr_without_pindown: ditto.
+ * string.c (Init_String): String#intern and String#to_sym use
+ rb_str_dynamic_intern.
+ * template/id.h.tmpl: use LSB of ID as a flag for determining a
+ static symbol, so we shift left other ruby_id_types.
+ * string.c: use rb_sym2str instead `rb_id2str(SYM2ID(sym))` to
+ avoid pinning.
+ * load.c: use xx_without_pindown function at creating temporary ID
+ to avoid pinning.
+ * object.c: ditto.
+ * sprintf.c: ditto.
+ * struct.c: ditto.
+ * thread.c: ditto.
+ * variable.c: ditto.
+ * vm_method.c: ditto.
+Wed Mar 26 13:25:54 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * addr2line.c (fill_lines): loop reverse order not to overwrite
+ the basis of base addresses comparison.
+ * addr2line.c: use uintptr_t instead of intptr_t for pointers.
+ * addr2line.c (rb_dump_backtrace_with_lines): don't use syms.
+ * vm_dump.c (rb_print_backtrace): ditto.
+ * addr2line.h: ditto.
+Wed Mar 26 11:20:50 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (w_object): internal objects are not dumpable.
+ [ruby-core:61677] [Bug #9674]
+ * ext/thread/thread.c (undumpable): ConditionVariable and Queue
+ are not dumpable. [ruby-core:61677] [Bug #9674]
+Wed Mar 26 10:36:39 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * addr2line.c (follow_debuglink): show message if it closes opened
+ (and maybe used) elf binary.
+Wed Mar 26 10:34:25 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * addr2line.c (fill_line): pass and use offset instead of
+ curobj_baseaddr.
+Wed Mar 26 09:07:48 2014 Yutaka Kanemoto <>
+ * add --disable-pie. [Feature #9673]
+Wed Mar 26 08:47:04 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * addr2line.c (fill_lines): don't run fill_lines multiple times.
+Wed Mar 26 08:45:00 2014 Sam Rawlins <>
+ * internal.h: add prototype for rb_reg_search0
+ * re.c: rename rb_reg_search to rb_reg_search0, add set_backref_str
+ argument to allow callers to indicate that they don't require the
+ backref string to be allocated.
+ * string.c: don't allocate backref str if replacement string is provided
+ [GH-578] [Bug #9676] [ruby-core:61682]
+Wed Mar 26 08:29:43 2014 mo khan <>
+ * lib/rubygems.rb: fix spelling of Jim Weirich. [Fixes GH-577]
+Wed Mar 26 01:55:45 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * addr2line.c (rb_dump_backtrace_with_lines): a function to get must
+ be a function in the main executable, whose absolute path is not
+ available by dladdr, and ruby get it by /proc/self/exe on Linux.
+Wed Mar 26 01:34:50 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * addr2line.c (fill_lines): skip if path is NULL.
+Tue Mar 25 23:57:17 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): only a newline after label should be
+ significant. [ruby-core:61658] [Bug #9669]
+Tue Mar 25 23:32:25 2014 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * ext/pathname/lib/pathname.rb (Pathname#join): remove unnecessary
+ unshift.
+ * test/pathname/test_pathname.rb (TestPathname#test_join): add tests.
+Tue Mar 25 16:47:36 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (lex_state_e, parser_params, f_arglist, parser_yylex):
+ separate EXPR_LABELARG from EXPR_BEG and let newline significant,
+ so that required keyword argument can place at the end of
+ argument list without parentheses. [ruby-core:61658] [Bug #9669]
+Mon Mar 24 22:19:56 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (ripper_initialize): filename can not be modified.
+Mon Mar 24 15:19:47 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * addr2line.c (rb_dump_backtrace_with_lines): fetch path of the
+ executable from /proc/self/exe on Linux.
+Mon Mar 24 14:14:37 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * gc.c: Fix up default GC params by @csfrancis [fix GH-556]
+Mon Mar 24 13:13:36 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * addr2line.c (parse_debug_line_cu): explicitly specify signed char
+ because DWARF's line_Base is signed char and char maybe unsigned.
+ patched by Rei Odaira. [ruby-dev:48068] [Bug #9654]
+Sun Mar 23 11:03:50 2014 Kohei Suzuki <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_entry_get_without_cache): me->klass is 0
+ for a method aliased in a module. [ruby-core:61636] [Bug #9663]
+Sun Mar 23 08:12:27 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * st.c (hash_pos): use bitwise AND to avoid slow modulo op
+ (new_size): power-of-two sizes for hash_pos change
+ (st_numhash): adjust for common keys due to lack of prime modulo
+ [Feature #9425]
+ * hash.c (rb_any_hash): right shift for symbols
+ * benchmark/bm_hash_aref_miss.rb: added to show improvement
+ * benchmark/bm_hash_aref_sym_long.rb: ditto
+ * benchmark/bm_hash_aref_str.rb: ditto
+ * benchmark/bm_hash_aref_sym.rb: ditto
+ * benchmark/bm_hash_ident_num.rb: added to prevent regression
+ * benchmark/bm_hash_ident_obj.rb: ditto
+ * benchmark/bm_hash_ident_str.rb: ditto
+ * benchmark/bm_hash_ident_sym.rb: ditto
+Sat Mar 22 22:56:45 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * addr2line.c (fill_lines): compare the file names of object in which
+ symbols exist. [Bug #9654] [ruby-dev:48058]
+Sat Mar 22 06:46:16 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/cgi/util.rb (escape_html, unescape_html): make synonyms
+ aliases instead of wrapper methods.
+ * lib/cgi/util.rb (escape_element, unescape_element): ditto.
+ [Fixes GH-573]
+Fri Mar 21 21:57:34 2014 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * Fix a build problem with clang and --with-opt-dir.
+ If ruby is configured with --with-opt-dir=dir when using clang
+ as compiler, a warning `clang: warning: argument unused during
+ compilation: '-I dir'` is emitted almost every time clang
+ compiles a file. Unfortunately, RUBY_CHECK_PRINTF_PREFIX takes
+ any output from the compiler as fatal error, and the check thus
+ fails due to the warning. This is an attempt to fix the problem
+ by adding a flag -Qunused-arguments to CFLAGS locally in the
+ function to suppress the warning. [ruby-dev:48062] [Bug #9658]
+ [Fixes GH-571]
+Fri Mar 21 16:31:56 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * gc.c: [DOC] Fix call-seq for GC.start by @jasonrclark [Fixes GH-572]
+Thu Mar 20 11:37:28 2014 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * lib/csv.rb: Fixed a broken regular expression that was causing
+ CSV to miss escaping some special meaning characters when used
+ in parsing.
+ Reported by David Unric
+ [ruby-core:54986] [Bug #8405]
+Thu Mar 20 16:53:07 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (objspace_malloc_increase): should not invoke
+ garbage_collect_with_gvl() here on non-ruby threads.
+ Should just ignore the malloc_increase.
+ This issue is pointed by Eric Wong [ruby-core:61519].
+Thu Mar 20 13:05:16 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_alloc): use RARRAY_CONST_PTR() instead of
+Thu Mar 20 12:59:39 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_obj_call_init, rb_class_new_instance):
+ constify a parameter (VALUE *).
+ I believe this incompatibility doesn't break any code.
+ However, if you have trouble, please tell us.
+ * eval.c, object.c: ditto.
+Thu Mar 20 12:31:26 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_entry_get_without_cache): get rid of
+ infinite recursion at aliases in a subclass and a superclass.
+ return actually defined class for other than singleton class.
+ [ruby-core:60431] [Bug #9475]
+Wed Mar 19 17:13:06 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * time.c (time_mload): freeze and preserve marshal-loaded time zone
+ * test/ruby/test_time.rb: add test for GC on loaded object
+ [Bug #9652]
+Tue Mar 18 23:20:12 2014 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * vm_eval.c (eval_string_with_cref): Unify to use NIL_P.
+Tue Mar 18 22:03:41 2014 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * vm_eval.c (eval_string_with_cref): Use file path even if scope is
+ given. Related to [ruby-core:56099] [Bug #8662] and r42103.
+Mon Mar 17 13:17:47 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * enumerator.c (enumerator_block_call): use RARRAY_CONST_PTR()
+ instead of RARRAY_PTR().
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_popen): ditto.
+ * numeric.c (num_step_size): ditto.
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_apply): ditto.
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_eval_cmd): ditto.
+Mon Mar 17 10:11:59 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * variable.c (rb_const_set): delete existing entry on redefinition
+ [Bug #9645]
+ * test/ruby/test_const.rb (test_redefinition): test for leak
+Sun Mar 16 21:33:01 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/time.rb: [DOC] Fix timezone in example of Time.parse [Bug #9521]
+ Based on patch by @stomar
+Sun Mar 16 13:21:40 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (DLDFLAGS): insert a space between option and its
+ argument for non-GCC compilers. [ruby-core:61429] [Bug #9624]
+Sun Mar 16 08:05:06 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * gc.c (objspace_xcalloc): fix GC accounting
+Sun Mar 16 06:33:35 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * addr2line.c (fill_lines): return address is just after calling
+ address. Therefore noreturn function with tail call's return
+ address may be in another function.
+Sun Mar 16 05:51:55 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/gserver.rb: [DOC] Fixed typo in example by @stomar [Bug #9543]
+Sat Mar 15 18:54:03 2014 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * ext/.document: remove refinement from documentable directories.
+Sat Mar 15 11:02:58 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (DLDFLAGS): check for each options to control
+ symbol resolution. [ruby-core:61429] [Bug #9624]
+Sat Mar 15 07:02:35 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * st.c (st_update): remove unnecessary assignment
+Fri Mar 14 14:58:38 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * addr2line.c (fill_lines): fetch symbol names from ELF binary's
+ symbol table if it is built with cc -g and not stripped.
+ Now ruby can show static symbols on Linux though glibc's
+ backtrace_symbols(3) don't show them.
+ * addr2line.c (rb_dump_backtrace_with_lines): use dladdr(3) to
+ detect what object file declares the symbol because
+ dl_iterate_phdr can't detect the main executable file
+ and codes on the stack.
+ NOTE: signal trampolines sometimes on the user stack. (FreeBSD)
+ * addr2line.c (rb_dump_backtrace_with_lines): stop showing
+ backtrace if the function's name is main.
+ NOTE: FreeBSD's backtrace (libexecinfo) shows _start and
+ an additional address. Why it doesn't remove them on dladdr phase
+ is, dladdr may fail to detect the main function but detect
+ as _start function. Therefore it must be after scanning
+ the symbol table and getting correct name.
+Fri Mar 14 12:07:46 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * doc/syntax/literals.rdoc: [DOC] Single quote strings allows escape
+ of backslash as well, patch by @idupree [Fixes GH-553]
+Fri Mar 14 01:18:24 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm.c (invoke_block_from_c): add splattable argument.
+ * vm.c (vm_invoke_proc): disallow to splat when directly invoked.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_callee_setup_arg_complex, vm_callee_setup_arg):
+ relax arity check of yielded lambda. [ruby-core:61340] [Bug #9605]
+ * test/ruby/test_yield.rb (TestRubyYieldGen#emu_bind_params): no
+ longer raise ArgumentError when splatting to lambda.
+Thu Mar 13 23:51:02 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/-test-/win32/dln/libdlntest.c (dlntest_ordinal): no need to
+ specify export in the source file because .def file do it.
+ get rid of warning on linking.
+Wed Mar 12 11:19:03 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_callee_setup_arg): disable fastpath if splat
+ argument, since argc may differ for each calls.
+ [ruby-core:61422] [Bug #9622]
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_callee_setup_arg): turn a macro into an
+ inline function.
+Wed Mar 12 07:26:05 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * insns.def (opt_regexpmatch2): respect redefined match op
+ Thanks to Sam Rawlins for the fix.
+ * test/ruby/test_string.rb: test based on Tsuyoshi Sawada's report
+ [Bug #9581]
+Tue Mar 11 22:31:25 2014 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * ext/.document: add objspace/objspace_dump.c to document file.
+Tue Mar 11 22:22:38 2014 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * test/objspace/test_objspace.rb (TestObjSpace#test_dump_uninitialized_file):
+ remove dependency on json library.
+Tue Mar 11 10:55:10 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * README.EXT{,.ja} (Appendix B): update contents of `ruby_options`
+ and replace `ruby_run` with `ruby_run_node`. based on the patch
+ by Kaneko Yuichiro at [ruby-dev:48030] [Bug #9619].
+Tue Mar 11 06:54:00 2014 Scott Francis <>
+ * ext/objspace/objspace_dump.c: Check fptr before trying to dump RFILE
+ object fd. [GH-562]
+ * test/objspace/test_objspace.rb: add test
+Tue Mar 11 02:04:36 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * vm_dump.c (rb_vm_bugreport): show vm maps on FreeBSD.
+ * vm_dump.c (procstat_vm): copied from FreeBSD.
+Mon Mar 10 12:14:26 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * always check dladdr(1).
+ * addr2line.c (fill_lines): show the line number in C backtrace if
+ ruby is built without --enable-shared (PIE) on Linux.
+ patch is originally by Shinichiro Hamaji
+ NOTE: ld doesn't insert __executable_start for PIE.
+ dladdr(3)'s argument must be a function pointer.
+Mon Mar 10 10:51:17 2014 ksss <>
+ * test/ruby/test_enumerator.rb (test_iterators): fix test for hash
+ iterators. [Fixes GH-558]
+Sun Mar 9 14:14:49 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * class.c (rb_class_subclass_add): use xmalloc
+ * class.c (rb_module_add_to_subclasses_list): ditto
+ * class.c (rb_class_remove_from_super_subclasses): use xfree
+ * class.c (rb_class_remove_from_module_subclasses): ditto
+ [Bug #9616]
+Sun Mar 9 13:51:16 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/fiddle/function.c (function_call): fix memory leak when an
+ exception occurs at argument conversion or the function call.
+Sun Mar 9 06:42:40 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * variable.c (struct global_variable): shrink by 8 bytes on 64-bit
+Sat Mar 8 17:42:51 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * vm.c (add_opt_method): cleanup to use rb_method_entry_at
+Sat Mar 8 13:46:40 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/dl/cptr.c (dlptr_free), ext/dl/handle.c (dlhandle_free),
+ ext/fiddle/handle.c (fiddle_handle_free),
+ ext/fiddle/pointer.c (fiddle_ptr_free): fix memory leak.
+ based on the patch Heesob Park at [ruby-dev:48021] [Bug #9599].
+Sat Mar 8 13:30:39 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (obj2uid, obj2gid): now getpwnam_r() and getgrnam_r()
+ may need larger buffers than sysconf values, so retry with
+ expanding the buffer when ERANGE is returned.
+ [ruby-core:61325] [Bug #9600]
+Fri Mar 7 19:29:13 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * vm_eval.c (vm_call0_body): use RARRAY_CONST_PTR
+ (check_funcall_exec): ditto
+ [ruby-core:61360]
+Fri Mar 7 19:14:11 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * vm_eval.c (vm_call0_body): fix RB_GC_GUARD location
+ (check_funcall_exec): ditto
+ [Bug #9609]
+Fri Mar 7 14:48:17 2014 Narihiro Nakamura <>
+ * parse.y (ENC_SINGLE): Unused macro removed.
+Fri Mar 7 12:06:19 2014 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb: Reuse TLS default options from
+Thu Mar 6 15:15:24 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * doc/syntax/assignment.rdoc: [DOC] Fix assignment directions
+ By @idupree [Fixes GH-555]
+Thu Mar 6 15:07:18 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * doc/syntax/methods.rdoc: [DOC] Fix example for block arguments
+ By @idupree [Fixes GH-554]
+Thu Mar 6 10:33:31 2014 Martin Bosslet <>
+ * lib/openssl/ssl.rb: Explicitly whitelist the default
+ SSL/TLS ciphers. Forbid SSLv2 and SSLv3, disable
+ compression by default.
+ Reported by Jeff Hodges.
+ [ruby-core:59829] [Bug #9424]
+Wed Mar 5 15:56:18 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (f_arg_asgn): define optional arguments as argument
+ variables in the rhs default expressions.
+ [ruby-core:61299] [Bug #9593]
+Wed Mar 5 11:58:30 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c (ossl_make_error): check NULL for unknown
+ error reasons with old OpenSSL, and insert a colon iff formatted
+ message is not empty.
+Wed Mar 5 00:42:00 2014 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * ext/pathname/lib/pathname.rb (Pathname#find): add "ignore_error"
+ keyword argument defaulted to true as well as Find#find.
+Tue Mar 4 23:00:18 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_eval.rb (TestEval#make_test_binding): renamed.
+ it's not test method.
+Tue Mar 4 20:50:59 2014 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * st.c (st_foreach): fix type of hash. not st_data_t but st_index_t.
+Tue Mar 4 19:41:40 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ".DEFAULT" target removed because it is not for
+ specifying default target.
+Tue Mar 4 00:25:35 2014 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * lib/find.rb (Find#find): should pass ignore_error option to enumerators.
+Mon Mar 3 13:27:35 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/test_find.rb (TestFind#test_unsearchable_dir): ruby cannot make
+ directory unreachable by owner on Windows.
+Mon Mar 3 08:10:04 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_entry_get_without_cache): disable GMC
+ writing if GMC is disabled.
+ [ruby-core:61218]
+Mon Mar 3 07:47:17 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * README.EXT: wrap GetDBM with do/while(0)
+ * README.EXT.ja: ditto
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c: ditto, likewise for GetDBM2
+ * ext/gdbm/gdbm.c: ditto
+ * ext/sdbm/init.c: ditto
+ [ruby-core:61217]
+Mon Mar 3 07:17:31 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * NEWS: [DOC] Update doc regarding filesystem load when flushing IO
+Mon Mar 3 04:37:50 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_fsync): need to fsync even if on Windows. fixed mistake
+ of r45254 and r45256.
+Mon Mar 3 04:21:34 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/win32ole: get rid of warnings (unused variable).
+Mon Mar 3 02:53:53 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_flush_raw): [EXPERIMENTAL] remove force syncing for Win32
+ to speed up IO. this may break some tests, and they'll be fixed
+ later.
+ [ruby-core:58570] [Bug #9153]
+Mon Mar 3 00:17:43 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_backtrace.rb: get rid of warnings. unused variable,
+ shadowing.
+Sun Mar 2 11:15:10 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/find.rb (Find#find): add "ignore_error" keyword argument
+ defaulted to true. [ruby-core:51025] [Feature #7596]
+Sun Mar 2 11:13:30 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/readline/extconf.rb (rl_hook_func_t): define as Function for
+ very old readline versions. [ruby-core:61209] [Bug #9578]
+Sun Mar 2 10:47:58 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * load.c (ruby_init_ext): make idempotent to suppress warnings
+Sat Mar 1 19:51:42 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open3.rb (Open3.capture3): Ignore Errno::EPIPE for writing
+ stdin_data.
+ (Open3.capture2): Ditto.
+ (Open3.capture2e): Ditto.
+Sat Mar 1 19:06:47 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * gc.c (ruby_gc_set_params): simplify condition
+Sat Mar 1 16:18:40 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (Init_readline): Use rl_hook_func_t instead
+ of Function to support readline-6.3. (rl_hook_func_t is available
+ since readline-4.2.)
+ Reported by Dmitry Medvinsky. [ruby-core:61141] [Bug #9578]
+Sat Mar 1 16:05:58 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * gc.c (ruby_gc_set_params): fix building without RGenGC
+Sat Mar 1 11:08:00 2014 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: support dumping Encoding
+ objects.
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb: support loading Encoding
+ objects.
+ * test/psych/test_encoding.rb: add test
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych.rb: add version
+Sat Mar 1 10:52:34 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * README.EXT.ja: [DOC] Fix typo "macro macro" @utenmiki [Fixes GH-551]
+Fri Feb 28 11:16:55 2014 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * numeric.c: Fix Numeric#step with 0 unit [Bug #9575]
+Thu Feb 27 17:59:01 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb: [DOC] Add example of generating help with optparse.
+ Patch by @joelmccracken documenting-ruby/ruby#19
+Thu Feb 27 12:10:09 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (ruby_num_interval_step_size): check signs and get rid
+ of implementation dependent behavior of negative division.
+ [ruby-core:61106] [Bug #9570]
+Thu Feb 27 03:55:45 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * thread.c: [DOC] Typo in comment for _FORTIFY_SOURCE [Fixes GH-548]
+ Patch by @qnet-herwin
+Wed Feb 26 18:43:43 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (heap_pages_free_unused_pages): check tomb page availability
+ at first.
+ And return immediately if we don't touch sorted list any more.
+Wed Feb 26 14:10:44 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (setup_exception): preserve exception class name encoding
+ in debug mode messages.
+ * eval.c (setup_exception): preserve errinfo across calling #to_s
+ method on the exception. [ruby-core:61091] [Bug #9568]
+Wed Feb 26 01:29:27 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (sym_find): Add Symbol.find(str), which returns whether given
+ string is defined as symbol or not. [Feature #7854]
+Tue Feb 25 22:52:02 2014 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * ext/dl/dl.c (rb_dl_realloc): use NUM2SIZET instead of NUM2INT.
+ * ext/fiddle/fiddle.c (rb_fiddle_realloc): ditto.
+Tue Feb 25 22:49:30 2014 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * ext/dl/dl.c (rb_dl_malloc): use NUM2SIZET instead of NUM2INT.
+ Coverity Scan found this bug.
+ * ext/fiddle/fiddle.c (rb_fiddle_malloc): ditto.
+Tue Feb 25 12:06:13 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: define PACKED_STRUCT.
+Mon Feb 24 21:41:56 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ *, removed (wrong) mode setting for emacs.
+Mon Feb 24 20:05:41 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * define PACKED_STRUCT_UNALIGNED for x86*
+ * timev.h (struct vtm): use PACKED_STRUCT_UNALIGNED
+ * time.c (struct time_object): ditto
+ [Bug #9558] non-x86 cannot safely access unaligned addresses
+Mon Feb 24 18:10:02 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/fiddle/test_function.rb: remove unused variables.
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb: ditto.
+ * test/io/console/test_io_console.rb: ditto.
+Mon Feb 24 12:37:51 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * use -Wno-packed-bitfield-compat for GCC 4.4+
+ use __attribute__((packed)) if available
+ * timev.h: shrink and pack struct vtm
+ * time.c: pack struct time_object and adjust/introduce helpers
+ [ruby-core:60794]
+Sun Feb 23 17:55:50 2014 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/xmltokens.rb: Add missing non ASCII valid characters
+ to element name characters. Now, REXML name tokens exactly
+ match "[5] Name" in the XML spec and "[4] NCName" in the
+ Namespaces in XML spec. See comment about the details.
+ [Bug #9539] [ruby-core:60901]
+ Reported by Mario Barcala. Thanks!!!
+ * test/rexml/xpath/test_node.rb: Add tests for the above case.
+Sun Feb 23 12:18:54 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (inet_pton): use rb_w32_inet_pton, instead of
+ inet_pton directly, which is unavailable on older version Windows.
+ * include/ruby/win32.h, win32/win32.c (rb_w32_inet_pton): add a
+ wrapper function for inet_pton minimum supported client is
+ Vista, as well as inet_ntop.
+Sun Feb 23 11:33:25 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/net/imap/test_imap.rb: remove unused variables.
+ * test/net/imap/test_imap_response_parser.rb: ditto.
+ * test/net/pop/test_pop.rb: ditto.
+Sun Feb 23 02:19:51 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (bind_random_port): Rescue EPERM for FreeBSD which
+ security.mac.portacl.port_high is changed.
+ See mac_portacl(4) for details.
+ Reported by Jakub Szafranski. [ruby-core:60917] [Bug #9544]
+Sat Feb 22 23:17:01 2014 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb: Fix indent.
+Sat Feb 22 23:15:35 2014 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/xpath/test_attribute.rb: Simplify.
+Sat Feb 22 20:28:47 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * tool/redmine-backporter.rb: more friendly.
+Sat Feb 22 20:24:43 2014 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/test_xpath*.rb: Move to ...
+ * test/rexml/xpath/*.rb: ... here.
+Sat Feb 22 20:04:41 2014 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * test/rexml/listener.rb: Untabify.
+Sat Feb 22 19:07:31 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/io/console/console.c (console_dev): need read access for conout$
+ because some functions need it. [Bug#9554]
+Sat Feb 22 18:40:58 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * .gitignore: ignore benchmark files
+Sat Feb 22 01:22:24 2014 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * bignum.c (bary_mul_precheck): fix a copy-paste error.
+ Coverity Scan found this bug.
+Sat Feb 22 00:58:51 2014 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (rb_getaddrinfo): second argument of
+ MEMZERO is type. Coverity Scan found this bug.
+Fri Feb 21 23:47:24 2014 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * ext/socket/init.c (wait_connectable): break if the socket is
+ writable to avoid infinite loops on FreeBSD and other platforms
+ which conforms to SUSv3. This problem cannot be reproduced with
+ loopback interfaces, so it's hard to write test code.
+ rsock_connect() and wait_connectable() are overly complicated, so
+ they should be refactored, but I commit this fix as a workaround
+ for the release of Ruby 1.9.3 scheduled on Feb 24.
+ [ruby-core:60940] [Bug #9547]
+Fri Feb 21 23:03:39 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/redmine-backporter.rb: added to handle redmine tickets.
+Fri Feb 21 20:42:01 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c (rb_mod_init_copy): do nothing if copying self.
+ [ruby-dev:47989] [Bug #9535]
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_initialize_copy): ditto.
+Fri Feb 21 16:45:54 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/logger.rb (next_rotate_time, previous_period_end): consider
+ DST change.
+ * lib/logger.rb (Logger::LogDevice#check_shift_log): compare the
+ current time with the time for the next rotation to fix rotation
+ miss when date changed between the comparison and log writing.
+ based on the patch by megayu <yuhg2310 AT>.
+ [Fixes GH-539]
+Fri Feb 21 10:39:33 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/monitor/test_monitor.rb: remove unused variables.
+ * test/resolv/test_dns.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rexml/test_functions.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rss/test_setup_maker_itunes.rb: ditto.
+Fri Feb 21 09:48:56 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (bsock_sendmsg_internal): only retry on error
+ (bsock_recvmsg_internal): ditto
+ * test/socket/test_unix.rb: test above for infinite loop
+Fri Feb 21 08:27:19 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RB_GC_GUARD):
+ use rb_gc_guarded_ptr_val on non-GCC/MSC
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_guarded_ptr_val): rename and adjust argument.
+ RB_GC_GUARD should be robust enough for any compiler.
+ [ruby-core:60816] [Bug #7805]
+Thu Feb 20 22:21:26 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (numeric_getaddrinfo): Use xcalloc.
+ Suggested by Eric Wong.
+Thu Feb 20 11:21:13 2014 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_flatten): fix behavior of flatten(-1).
+ [ruby-dev:47988] [Bug #9533]
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb: test for above.
+Wed Feb 19 18:57:02 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket: Bypass getaddrinfo() if node and serv are numeric.
+ Reporeted by Naotoshi Seo. [ruby-core:60801] [Bug #9525]
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: Detect struct sockaddr_in6.sin6_len.
+ * ext/socket/sockport.h (SET_SIN6_LEN): New macro.
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h (struct rb_addrinfo): Add
+ allocated_by_malloc field.
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (numeric_getaddrinfo): New function.
+ (rb_getaddrinfo): Call numeric_getaddrinfo at first.
+ (rb_freeaddrinfo): Free struct addrinfo properly when it is
+ allocated by numeric_getaddrinfo.
+Wed Feb 19 18:31:48 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket: Wrap struct addrinfo by struct rb_addrinfo.
+Wed Feb 19 17:47:01 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ipsocket.c (ip_s_getaddress): Don't access freed memory.
+Wed Feb 19 11:39:41 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * it must see rb_cv_broken_memmem not rb_cv_func_memmem.
+Tue Feb 18 23:18:41 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/socket/test_socket.rb: unix socket is required by test case.
+Tue Feb 18 20:48:38 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/socket/test_addrinfo.rb: remove unused variables.
+ * test/socket/test_nonblock.rb: ditto.
+ * test/socket/test_socket.rb: ditto.
+ * test/socket/test_unix.rb: ditto.
+ * test/testunit/test_parallel.rb: ditto.
+ * test/webrick/test_filehandler.rb: ditto.
+ * test/xmlrpc/test_features.rb: ditto.
+ * test/zlib/test_zlib.rb: ditto.
+Tue Feb 18 14:27:18 2014 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * lib/test/unit.rb: Requires minitest < 5.0.0 if Gem is available.
+Tue Feb 18 14:24:07 2014 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * lib/test/unit/test-unit.gemspec: Add minitest < 5.0.0 dependency
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb: Add empty implementations for `add_dependency`,
+ `add_runtime_dependency`, `add_development_dependency` for
+ Gem::Specification.
+Tue Feb 18 12:06:39 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * (FILE_COUNT): Removed. (win32.c defines it in itself.)
+ (FILE_READPTR): Ditto.
+Tue Feb 18 09:35:44 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/test/psych/test_string.rb: remove unused variables.
+ * test/test/psych/test_yaml.rb: ditto.
+Mon Feb 17 21:31:31 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb: ignore warning messages for running with -w
+ option such as chkbuild.
+Mon Feb 17 20:00:27 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h: Move BDIGIT and related definitions from
+ include/ruby/defines.h.
+Mon Feb 17 17:41:55 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (marshal_dump, marshal_load): do not recycle wrapper
+ objects, to prevent from segfault with continuation.
+ [ruby-dev:47970] [Bug #9523]
+Mon Feb 17 15:43:59 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * doc/keywords.rdoc: [DOC] Add keywords doc by documenting-ruby/ruby#29
+Mon Feb 17 12:31:31 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (get_envparam_double): fix a warning message.
+Mon Feb 17 12:09:52 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: introduce new environment variable
+ "RUBY_GC_HEAP_OLDOBJECT_LIMIT_FACTOR" to control major/minor GC
+ frequency.
+ Do full GC when the number of old objects is more than R * N
+ where R is this factor and
+ N is the number of old objects just after last full GC.
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb: add a test.
+Mon Feb 17 11:28:40 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/test_pty.rb: ignore warnings to unused variables.
+Mon Feb 17 11:27:36 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/test_find.rb: remove unused variables.
+Sun Feb 17 02:12:00 2014 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_initialize): Insert GC guard.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_global_new): ditto.
+Sun Feb 16 15:53:36 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/test_securerandom.rb: File.exists? is deprecated. use File.exist?
+Sun Feb 16 15:05:00 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/pathname/test_pathname.rb: File.exists? is deprecated. use File.exist?
+Sun Feb 16 15:00:28 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/net/ftp/test_ftp.rb: remove unused variables.
+ * test/logger/test_logger.rb: ditto.
+Sun Feb 16 14:52:46 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * dir.c (dir_s_glob): RB_GC_GUARD instead of volatile
+Sun Feb 16 14:33:52 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RBIGNUM_SIGN): Defined for compatibility.
+Sun Feb 16 12:46:47 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * io.c (rb_f_backquote): trade volatile for manual recycle
+ rb_gc_force_recycle ensures object is visible until recycle
+Sun Feb 16 11:55:14 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * marshal.c (marshal_dump): use rb_gc_force_recycle for GC-safety
+ (marshal_load): ditto
+ [ruby-core:60730] [Bug #7805]
+Sun Feb 16 08:11:23 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * README.EXT.ja: [DOC] Fix typo by @utenmiki [Fixes GH-534]
+Sun Feb 16 07:48:20 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BIGNUM_ZERO_P): Unused macro removed.
+Sun Feb 16 06:12:23 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h: Rename macro names: RBIGNUM_FOO to BIGNUM_FOO.
+ (BIGNUM_LEN): Renamed from RBIGNUM_LEN.
+ * bignum.c: Follow the above change.
+ * gc.c: Ditto.
+ * marshal.c: Ditto.
+ * math.c: Ditto.
+ * numeric.c: Ditto.
+ * random.c: Ditto.
+ * rational.c: Ditto.
+ * sprintf.c: Ditto.
+ * ext/-test-/bignum/bigzero.c: Ditto.
+ * ext/-test-/bignum/intpack.c: Ditto.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c: Ditto.
+Sat Feb 15 20:48:49 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * (FILE_READEND): Don't detect it because it is not used.
+Sat Feb 15 13:22:28 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * probes_helper.h (RUBY_DTRACE_HOOK): correct type for _id
+Sat Feb 15 11:47:47 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_cmp): Avoid bignum allocation for comparison
+ between bignum and fixnum.
+Sat Feb 15 10:55:12 2014 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * ext/-test-/win32/fd_setsize/depend: fix wrong dependencies.
+ [ruby-dev:47253]
+Sat Feb 15 00:38:54 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enum.c: Enumerable#{min,min_by,max,max_by} extended to take an
+ optional argument.
+ (nmin_cmp): New function.
+ (nmin_block_cmp): Ditto
+ (nmin_filter): Ditto.
+ (nmin_i): Ditto.
+ (nmin_run): Ditto.
+ (enum_min): Call nmin_run if the optional argument is given.
+ (nmin_max): Ditto.
+ (nmin_min_by): Ditto.
+ (nmin_max_by): Ditto.
+ * range.c: Range#{min,max} extended to take an optional argument.
+ (range_min): Call range_first if the optional argument is given.
+ (range_max): Call rb_call_super if the optional argument is given.
+ [ruby-core:57111] [Feature #8887]
+Sat Feb 15 00:27:46 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h,
+ internal.h,
+ ext/-test-/bignum/bigzero.c: Hide a Bignum definition.
+ [ruby-core:42891] [Feature #6083]
+Sat Feb 15 00:13:14 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h,
+ include/ruby/io.h,
+ include/ruby/ruby.h,
+ include/ruby/win32.h,
+ include/ruby/backward/rubysig.h,
+ bignum.c,
+ gc.c,
+ io.c,
+ process.c,
+ safe.c,
+ struct.c,
+ thread.c,
+ ext/socket/rubysocket.h,
+ ext/-test-/old_thread_select: Remove deprecated definitions
+ [ruby-core:60581] [Feature #9502]
+Fri Feb 14 18:38:46 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_format_m): trade volatile for RB_GC_GUARD
+ RB_GC_GUARD meaning is clear and has better code generation.
+ [ruby-core:60688]
+Thu Feb 13 23:30:30 2014 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method): should check ci->me->flag of
+ a refining method in case the method is private.
+ [ruby-core:60111] [Bug #9452]
+ * vm_method.c (make_method_entry_refined): set me->flag of a refined
+ method entry to NOEX_PUBLIC in case the original method is private
+ and it is refined as a public method. The original flag is stored
+ in me->def->body.orig_me, so it's OK to make a refined method
+ entry public. [ruby-core:60111] [Bug #9452]
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb: related tests.
+Thu Feb 13 18:38:15 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_raise): remove volatile
+ Unnecessary since r41597
+Thu Feb 13 18:28:51 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_regcomp): remove volatile
+ Unnecessary since r13261
+Thu Feb 13 16:54:32 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb: Ensure flatten! is used for test_flatten
+ Patch by @ksss [Fixes GH-530]
+Thu Feb 13 15:43:16 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (IDSET_ATTRSET_FOR_INTERN): fix off-by-one bug.
+ * parse.y (rb_enc_symname_type): junk ID succeeded by '=' is also
+ attrset ID. [ruby-core:60668] [Bug #8756]
+Thu Feb 13 11:06:32 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * check if pthread_setname_np is available.
+ * thread_pthread.c: pthread_setname_np is not available on old
+ Darwins. [ruby-core:60524] [Bug #9492]
+Thu Feb 13 00:56:59 2014 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * revert r44922. I should have used AC_CHECK_FUNCS()
+ to just define a symbol if the function is available.
+Thu Feb 13 00:20:58 2014 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * use AC_CHECK_FUNC instead of AC_CHECK_FUNCS
+ if available.
+Thu Feb 13 00:15:10 2014 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * fix to undefine HAVE_MEMMEM correctly if it is broken.
+Tue Feb 11 23:54:40 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_cmp): Specialize a comparison to zero.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (is_negative): Use rb_big_cmp instead of
+ (BigMath_s_log): Ditto.
+Tue Feb 11 22:59:10 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_bn.c (ossl_bn_initialize): Use rb_integer_pack.
+ Fix SEGV by << (2**34)).
+Tue Feb 11 17:00:38 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/tk/README.tcltklib: [DOC] Fix typo by @xta [Fixes GH-532]
+Sun Feb 9 13:59:29 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * Fix compilation error.
+Sun Feb 9 05:20:24 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (rb_cv_gnu_qsort_r): use compile error "conflicting
+ types for 'qsort_r'" instead of AC_RUN_IFELSE.
+Sun Feb 9 04:07:34 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/yaml.rb: [DOC] Add links to syck and psych on github [Bug #9501]
+ Based on a patch by Giorgos Tsiftsis
+Sun Feb 9 02:13:53 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (OBJ_TAINTABLE, OBJ_TAINT, OBJ_INFECT),
+ marshal.c (r_entry0): all Numerics never be tainted now.
+ [ruby-core:57346] [Bug #8945]
+Sat Feb 8 23:40:35 2014 Vit Ondruch <>
+ * add quoting brackets and append wildcard for the
+ rest after target_cpu, to properly detect platform for SSE2
+ instructions. [ruby-core:60576] [Bug #8358]
+Sat Feb 8 21:44:07 2014 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * check qsort_r(3) and whether it is GNU version.
+ BSD version has different prototype.
+ * util.h: use qsort_r() as ruby_qsort() if it is GNU version.
+ * util.c: define ruby_qsort() if needed.
+Sat Feb 8 16:34:36 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::DNS::Message::MessageDecoder#get_labels):
+ Make it iterative.
+Sat Feb 8 15:54:12 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c, gc.h (rb_objspace_marked_object_p): added.
+ This function *ONLY* works just after marking phase,
+ before any sweeping.
+ This function is highly depending current GC implementation
+ and can be removed future version.
+Sat Feb 8 15:41:37 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb: Don't set CLOEXEC flag explicitly. (Ruby set it by
+ default.)
+Sat Feb 8 15:27:02 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::DNS::Message::MessageDecoder): Raise
+ DecodeError if no data before the limit.
+ Reported by Will Bryant. [ruby-core:60557] [Bug #9498]
+Sat Feb 8 15:11:21 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (SMALLBUF): Unused macro removed.
+Fri Feb 7 23:37:49 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb: Ignore name servers which cause EAFNOSUPPORT on
+ socket creation.
+ Reported by Bjoern Rennhak. [ruby-core:60442] [Bug #9477]
+Fri Feb 7 21:58:48 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb: [DOC] use lower case version of core classes, same
+ as commit r44878, based on patch by Jonathan Jackson [Bug #9483]
+Fri Feb 7 21:54:53 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper/lexer.rb: [DOC] use lower case version of core
+ classes when referring to return value, since we aren't directly
+ talking about the class. Patch by Jonathan Jackson [Bug #9483]
+Fri Feb 7 05:28:38 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * constant.h: reduce rb_const_entry_t size on 64-bit
+ Patch by Adam Avilla [ruby-core:60542] [Feature #9496]
+Thu Feb 6 15:27:46 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (get_envparam_int): correct warning messages.
+ * gc.c (get_envparam_double): ditto.
+Thu Feb 6 15:17:30 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (get_envparam_int): don't accept a value equals to lowerbound
+ (changed by last commit) because "" or "foo" (not a number) strings
+ are parsed as 0. They should be rejected.
+ * gc.c (get_envparam_double): ditto.
+Thu Feb 6 09:00:35 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (ruby_gc_set_params): if RUBY_GC_OLDMALLOC_LIMIT is provided,
+ then set objspace->rgengc.oldmalloc_increase_limit.
+ Without this fix, the env variable RUBY_GC_OLDMALLOC_LIMIT
+ does not work.
+ * gc.c (get_envparam_int): accept a value equals to lowerbound.
+ * gc.c (get_envparam_double): ditto.
+Thu Feb 6 08:23:28 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/thread/thread.c (rb_szqueue_max_set): use correct queue and
+ limit wakeups. [Bug #9343][ruby-core:60517]
+ * test/thread/test_queue.rb (test_sized_queue_assign_max):
+ test for bug
+Thu Feb 6 07:18:01 2014 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems 2.2.2. Complete history at:
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Wed Feb 5 20:56:32 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (to_be_skipped_id): ignore anonymous attributes.
+ * pack.c (Init_pack): use anonymous ID so that associated objects
+ do not appear in the packed result.
+ * parse.y (rb_make_internal_id): return an anonymous ID for
+ internal use.
+Wed Feb 5 14:41:56 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vsnprintf.c: remove duplicated def of `UNINITIALIZED_VAR()'.
+Wed Feb 5 14:40:16 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/objspace/objspace_dump.c (dump_object): use STR_SHARED_P()
+ instead of removed STR_NOCAPA_P() macro.
+Wed Feb 5 13:51:33 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * internal.h, vm_core.h: move LIKELY/UNLIKELY/UNINITIALIZED_VAR()
+ macros from vm_core.h to internal.h.
+ * string.c: remove dependency to "vm_core.h".
+ * ditto.
+Wed Feb 5 13:29:01 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_free): use FL_TEST(str, STR_SHARED) directly
+ because str is not embed.
+ * string.c (str_replace): remove `FL_SET(str, STR_SHARED)' line
+ because STR_SET_SHARED() set STR_SHARED.
+Wed Feb 5 13:18:08 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * internal.h: remove macros STR_NOCAPA and STR_NOCAPA_P().
+ * string.c (rb_str_resize): remove `STR_SET_NOEMBED(str)' because
+ str_make_independent_expand() set NOEMBED flag.
+ * string.c (rb_str_resize): remove `STR_NOCAPA_P(str)' check because
+ `str' is independent (not shared).
+Wed Feb 5 12:54:25 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * string.c: refactoring, especially about string flags.
+ * string.c (STR_UNSET_NOCAPA): removed.
+ * string.c (rb_str_capacity): check STR_SHARED directly
+ because it is not a embed string.
+ * string.c (rb_str_modify_expand): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_shared_replace): use STR_SET_SHARED().
+ * string.c (str_make_independent_expand): remove STR_UNSET_NOCAPA()
+ because `str' is not shared string.
+Wed Feb 5 12:11:04 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * string.c (RESIZE_CAPA): should not resize shared string.
+Wed Feb 5 11:46:42 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_children): STR_ASSOC is no longer available.
+ Reported by @nagachika.
+Wed Feb 5 11:27:22 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_new_frozen): refactoring code.
+ * Move code from str_new_frozen_with_klass() (and remove it)
+ * `aux.shared' should not be 0 for STR_SHARED strings.
+Wed Feb 5 04:23:41 2014 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych.rb: New release of psych.
+ * ext/psych/psych.gemspec: ditto
+Wed Feb 5 04:16:41 2014 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/yaml/emitter.c: merge libyaml 0.1.5
+ * ext/psych/yaml/loader.c: ditto
+ * ext/psych/yaml/parser.c: ditto
+ * ext/psych/yaml/reader.c: ditto
+ * ext/psych/yaml/scanner.c: ditto
+ * ext/psych/yaml/writer.c: ditto
+ * ext/psych/yaml/yaml_private.h: ditto
+Tue Feb 4 19:10:29 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * string.c: use long allocator names instead of numbered
+ allocator names.
+ * rb_str_new2 -> rb_str_new_cstr
+ * rb_str_new4 -> rb_str_new_frozen
+ * rb_str_new5 -> rb_str_new_with_class
+ * str_new3 -> str_new_shared
+ * str_new4 -> str_new_frozen_with_klass
+Tue Feb 4 17:20:03 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): return the filename with actual cases on
+ the filesystem if it is case-insensitive. [ruby-core:42469]
+ [Feature #5994]
+Tue Feb 4 16:16:58 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * string.c: use STR_SHARED instead of ELTS_SHARED.
+ (same value, but more clear meaning)
+Tue Feb 4 16:09:14 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * string.c: remove STR_ASSOC related code.
+ By r44804, string objects can not have STR_ASSOC flag.
+ * internal.h: ditto.
+ * ext/objspace/objspace_dump.c (dump_object): ditto.
+Tue Feb 4 14:07:20 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * pack.c (str_associate, str_associated): keep associated objects
+ in an instance variables, instead of in the internal structure.
+ * string.c (rb_str_associate, rb_str_associated): deprecate.
+Tue Feb 4 12:55:31 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_modify_expand): enable capacity and disable
+ association with packed objects when setting capa, so that
+ pack("p") string fails to unpack properly after modified.
+Tue Feb 4 12:45:15 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (glob_make_pattern): all alphabets are magic characters on
+ case-insensitive filesystems. [ruby-core:42469] [Feature #5994]
+Tue Feb 4 09:47:57 2014 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems 2.2.2 prerelease to check fixes to
+ CI.
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Mon Feb 3 12:04:47 2014 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * error.c: [DOC] Exception#cause may return nil. [ci skip]
+Sun Feb 2 05:48:42 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_syswrite): add RB_GC_GUARD
+ [Bug #9472][ruby-core:60407]
+Sat Feb 1 15:09:16 2014 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_typedesc2val): add VT_RECORD case.
+Sat Feb 1 06:38:51 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb: [DOC] Add note about start_service for each process
+ Based on a patch by @rosenfeld [Fixes GH-514] [ci skip]
+Sat Feb 1 06:30:20 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * error.c: [DOC] Document Exception#cause by @jasonrclark [ci skip]
+ [Fixes GH-519]
+Sat Feb 1 06:10:49 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/securerandom.rb: [DOC] Add note on require for examples
+ Based on a patch by @schneems [Fixes GH-518] [ci skip]
+Sat Feb 1 06:04:56 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * numeric.c: [DOC] Fix typo in example for #step [ci skip]
+ Patch by @ksss [Fixes GH-522]
+Fri Jan 31 17:01:47 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/socket/init.c (rsock_socket0): split out SOCK_CLOEXEC version
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (rsock_socketpair0): ditto
+ [ruby-core:60377]
+Fri Jan 31 03:48:40 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * benchmark/driver: avoid large alloc in driver process
+ [ruby-core:59869] [Bug #9430]
+Thu Jan 30 14:45:49 2014 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * use $@ instead of $(.TARGET) because .TARGET is not
+ supported by GNU make.
+Thu Jan 30 08:26:21 2014 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * ext/fiddle/closure.c: use sizeof(*pcl) for correct sizeof value.
+ [ruby-core:57599] [Bug #8978].
+Wed Jan 29 20:08:15 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (nogvl_copy_stream_sendfile): check socket on other than
+ linux, as sendfile(2) on non-socket fd works only on linux.
+ [Feature #9427]
+Wed Jan 29 18:09:48 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * io.c (nogvl_copy_stream_sendfile): remove socket check
+ [ruby-core:59856][Feature #9427]
+Wed Jan 29 04:29:54 2014 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c: pass read_nonblock options to underlying IO
+ when SSL session has not been started.
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb: test for change.
+Wed Jan 29 03:49:36 2014 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/fiddle/closure.c: use sizeof(*pcl) for correct sizeof value.
+ [ruby-core:57599] [Bug #8978]. Thanks mame!
+Wed Jan 29 03:36:42 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * doc/contributing.rdoc: allow/encourage other git hosts
+ [ruby-core:59807][misc #9421]
+Tue Jan 28 23:36:01 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket: Avoid redundant fcntl/fstat syscalls for cloexec
+ sockets.
+ Patch by Eric Wong. [ruby-core:59429] [Feature #9330]
+Tue Jan 28 20:51:07 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (READ_FROM_CHILD): Apply the last hunk of
+ 0001-process.c-avoid-EINTR-from-Process.spawn.patch written by
+ Eric Wong in [Bug #8770].
+Tue Jan 28 16:31:13 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (ruby_init_stack, ruby_stack_overflowed_p):
+ place get_stack above others to get stack boundary information.
+ [ruby-core:60113] [Bug #9454]
+Tue Jan 28 15:27:36 2014 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * thread_pthread.c: rlimit is only available on Linux.
+ At least r44712 breaks FreeBSD.
+ [ruby-core:60113] [Bug #9454]
+Tue Jan 28 15:17:59 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/set.rb: [DOC] Add examples for Set#intersect? and Set#disjoint?
+ Patch by xavier nayrac [Bug #9331] [ci skip]
+Tue Jan 28 15:12:22 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (rb_zlib_adler32): [DOC] Add example for adler32
+ Patch by Vajrasky Kok [Bug #9307] [ci skip]
+Tue Jan 28 08:56:00 2014 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_build_from_ary_body): Use :blockptr instead of :block
+ as hash key when loading serialized instruction sequences from arrays.
+ [Bug #9455] [ruby-core:60146]
+Mon Jan 27 21:52:55 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c: get current main thread stack size, which may
+ be expanded than allocated size at initialization, by rlimit().
+ [ruby-core:60113] [Bug #9454]
+Sat Jan 25 22:17:02 2014 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ *, update the controller address of
+ mailing lists.
+Sat Jan 25 14:50:42 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * process.c (send_child_error): retry write on EINTR to fix
+ occasional Errno::EINTR from Process.spawn.
+ * process.c (recv_child_error): retry read on EINTR to fix
+ occasional Errno::EINTR from Process.spawn.
+Sat Jan 25 14:21:06 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): result of assignment should be
+ its rhs instead of returned value from a method.
+ [ruby-core:60071] [Bug #9448]
+Sat Jan 25 11:16:19 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c (rb_extract_keywords): treat nil keyword_hash same as 0,
+ for the case rb_scan_args returns nil if no keyword hash.
+Fri Jan 24 15:13:20 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/racc/rdoc/grammar.en.rdoc: [DOC] Correct grammar and typos
+ Patch by Giorgos Tsiftsis [Bug #9429] [ci skip]
+Thu Jan 23 20:20:17 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb: try to wait a bit (0.1sec) when ruby process
+ exits by signals because some SEGV tests fail because of not enough
+ error output.
+Thu Jan 23 20:06:27 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: check the target thread.
+Thu Jan 23 19:59:16 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: check the target thread.
+Thu Jan 23 14:26:44 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: [DOC] Fix typo in options_of() example [Bug #9392]
+ Patch by Giorgos Tsiftsis
+Thu Jan 23 13:56:16 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * README -> [DOC] Format README with Markdown [Bug #9255]
+ * README.ja -> ditto
+Wed Jan 22 15:59:39 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/thread/thread.c (Init_thread): ConditionVariable and Queue
+ are not able to copy. [ruby-core:59961] [Bug #9440]
+Tue Jan 21 20:14:55 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (rb_thread_create_timer_thread): fix for platforms
+ where PTHREAD_STACK_MIN is a dynamic value and not a compile-time
+ constant. [ruby-dev:47911] [Bug #9436]
+Tue Jan 21 17:55:09 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb: [DOC] Use static uri [ci skip]
+ Patch by @ykzts [Fix GH-484]
+Tue Jan 21 16:43:22 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * enum.c: [DOC] Add simple example of Enumerable#zip [ci skip]
+ Patch by @nruth on documenting-ruby/ruby#22
+Tue Jan 21 16:26:44 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (rb_thread_create_timer_thread): expand timer
+ thread stack size to get rid of segfault on FreeBSD/powerpc64.
+ based on the patch by Steve Wills at [ruby-core:59923].
+ [ruby-core:56590] [Bug #8783]
+Tue Jan 21 04:31:23 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/option.c: Use "int" for IP_MULTICAST_LOOP and
+ IP_MULTICAST_TTL on Mac OS X and Windows.
+Tue Jan 21 00:39:15 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/option.c: Use "byte" as default argument for
+ IP_MULTICAST_LOOP and IP_MULTICAST_TTL socket option to follow
+ the original multicast implementation.
+Mon Jan 20 20:20:27 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/option.c: Use preprocessor macros to avoid repeated
+ conditionals.
+Mon Jan 20 13:55:03 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/rubygems/version.rb: [DOC] Use gender-neutral pronouns [ci skip]
+ * lib/rubygems/security.rb: ditto
+Sun Jan 19 06:38:48 2014 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * compar.c (cmp_equal): warn for this release and still rescue
+ standard exceptions for a nicer transition. See #7688.
+ Partly reverts r44502.
+ * test/ruby/test_comparable.rb: adapt assertion to match new behavior.
+Sun Jan 19 06:27:18 2014 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * test/ruby/test_comparable.rb: specify behavior for the different
+ kind of exceptions rescued (or not) by Comparable#==.
+Sat Jan 18 23:12:19 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket: Avoid unnecessary ppoll/select on Linux.
+ Patch by Eric Wong. [ruby-core:57950] [Bug #9039]
+Sat Jan 18 22:57:44 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::DNS::Resource::TXT#data): Return concatenated
+ string.
+ Patch by Ryan Brunner. [ruby-core:58220] [Bug #9093]
+Sat Jan 18 22:35:15 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_update_max_fd): Return immediately if the given fd is small
+ enough.
+Sat Jan 18 22:25:53 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c: Test O_CLOEXEC only once.
+ Patch by Eric Wong. [ruby-core:59419] [Feature #9328]
+Sat Jan 18 21:24:49 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/option.c: IP_MULTICAST_LOOP and IP_MULTICAST_TTL socket
+ option takes a byte on OpenBSD.
+ Fixed by Jeremy Evans. [ruby-core:59496] [Bug #9350]
+Sat Jan 18 21:19:04 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb: Make proxy disabling working again.
+ Fixed by Christophe Philemotte. [ruby-core:59650] [Bug #9385]
+Fri Jan 17 20:05:02 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb (Delegator): keep source information methods
+ which start and end with '__'. [ruby-core:59718] [Bug #9403]
+Fri Jan 17 17:58:04 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_s_constants): return its own constants for other
+ than Module itself. [ruby-core:59763] [Bug #9413]
+Tue Jan 16 00:17:00 2014 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.gemspec: bigdecimal version 1.2.5.
+Wed Jan 15 20:30:31 2014 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * io.c (io_binwrite): use writev(2) to avoid double write if available.
+ * check writev(2)
+Wed Jan 15 14:04:33 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (get_encoding): respect BOM on pseudo encodings.
+ [ruby-dev:47895] [Bug #9415]
+Wed Jan 15 14:03:47 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (get_actual_encoding): get actual encoding according to
+ the BOM if exists.
+ * string.c (rb_str_inspect): use according encoding, instead of
+ pseudo encodings, UTF-{16,32}. [ruby-core:59757] [Bug #8940]
+Tue Jan 14 21:07:22 2014 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * ext/thread/thread.c (rb_szqueue_clear): notify SZQUEUE_WAITERS
+ on SizedQueue#clear. [ruby-core:59462] [Bug #9342]
+ * test/thread/test_queue.rb: add test. the patch is from
+ Justin Collins.
+Tue Jan 14 15:58:43 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (CLASS_NAME): macro to wrap
+ depending on PRIsVALUE for 1.9. [Backport #9406]
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (DECIMAL_SIZE_OF_BITS): fallback
+ definition for 2.1 or older. [ruby-core:59750] [Backport #9406]
+Tue Jan 14 11:28:44 2014 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * vm_exec.c (cfp): Fixes a SEGV issue in r44554.
+ r11 can be broken by subroutine and sometimes causes SEGV at
+ runtime. Use r13 instead.
+Tue Jan 14 02:20:00 2014 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_divide): Add an additional
+ digit for the quotient to be compatible with bigdecimal 1.2.1 and
+ the former. [ruby-core:59365] [#9316] [#9305]
+ * test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb: tests for the above change.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.gemspec: bigdecimal version 1.2.4.
+Mon Jan 13 14:55:31 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc/client.rb: [DOC] Remove note about SSL package on RAA
+ Since RAA has been deprecated, and the SSL package has been replaced
+ with net/https this statement is entirely false and should be
+ deleted. [Bug #9152]
+Mon Jan 13 14:47:07 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: [DOC] Remove dead link to RAA by Giorgos Tsiftsis
+ Fixes the following bugs: [Bug #9152] [Bug #9268] [Bug #9394]
+ * lib/open-uri.rb: ditto
+Mon Jan 13 14:25:55 2014 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dh.c: Fixed typo by Sandor Szuecs [Bug #9243]
+Mon Jan 13 12:03:00 2014 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * ext/thread/thread.c (rb_szqueue_push): check GET_SZQUEUE_WAITERS
+ instead of GET_QUEUE_WAITERS to prevent deadlock. Patch by Eric Wong.
+ [Bug #9302] [ruby-core:59324]
+ * test/thread/test_queue.rb: add test
+Sun Jan 12 16:41:10 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * iseq.c (iseq_load): keep type_map to get rid of memory leak.
+ based on a patch by Eric Wong at [ruby-core:59699]. [Bug #9399]
+Sun Jan 12 09:21:35 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/util.h (DECIMAL_SIZE_OF_BITS): a preprocessor
+ constant macro to approximate decimal representation size of n-bits
+ integer.
+ * iseq.c (register_label): use DECIMAL_SIZE_OF_BITS for better
+ approximation.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigMath_s_log): ditto.
+ * (iseq.o), ext/bigdecimal/depend (bigdecimal.o): add
+ dependency to ruby/util.h for DECIMAL_SIZE_OF_BITS.
+Fri Jan 10 16:27:20 2014 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * vm_exec.c (cfp): Avoid generating invalid binary for
+ NativeClient.
+ r15 on x86_64 is reserved by NativeClient. So r15 to cfp used to
+ generate invalid binary under some combinations of compiler
+ optimization flags.
+Fri Jan 10 18:01:41 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_search_super_method): allow bound method from a
+ module, yet another method transplanting.
+Fri Jan 10 13:34:04 2014 Aman Gupta <>
+ * insns.def (opt_aref_with): new instruction to optimize Hash#[],
+ removing any allocation overhead when used with a string literal
+ key. Patch by normalperson (Eric Wong). [ruby-core:59640] [Bug #9382]
+ * insns.def (opt_aset_with): new instruction to optimize Hash#[]=
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): compiler shortcuts for new
+ instructions
+ * hash.c (static VALUE rb_hash_compare_by_id_p): fix documentation for
+ Hash#compare_by_identity to reflect frozen string sharing
+ * test/ruby/test_hash.rb (class TestHash): test for new behavior
+Fri Jan 10 06:23:21 2014 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * range.c (Range#size): [DOC] improve description and add examples.
+ Patch by @skade. [Fixes GH-501]
+Fri Jan 10 00:47:52 2014 Josef Stribny <>
+ * ext/tk/extconf.rb: fix to pass arrays instead of strings to
+ libpathflag. patch at [ruby-core:59665]. [Bug #9386]
+Thu Jan 9 20:49:22 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * -mstackrealign is necessary for -msse2 working.
+ [ruby-core:54716] [Bug #8349]
+ * use SSE2 instructions to drop unexpected precisions on
+ other than mingw. [ruby-core:59472] [Bug #8358]
+Thu Jan 9 20:31:10 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * hash.c (rb_objid_hash): should return `long'. brushup r44534.
+ * object.c (rb_obj_hash): follow above change.
+Thu Jan 9 19:12:37 2014 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_pop_cfunc_frame): added. It cares c_return event.
+ The patch base by drkaes (Stefan Kaes).
+ [Bug #9321]
+ * variable.c (rb_mod_const_missing): use rb_vm_pop_cfunc_frame()
+ instead of rb_frame_pop().
+ * vm_eval.c (raise_method_missing): ditto.
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_iterate): ditto.
+ * internal.h (rb_vm_pop_cfunc_frame): add decl.
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: add tests.
+ provided by drkaes (Stefan Kaes).
+ * vm.c, eval.c, include/ruby/intern.h (rb_frame_pop):
+ move definition of rb_frame_pop() and deprecate it.
+ It doesn't care about `return' events.
+Thu Jan 9 17:40:28 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * hash.c (rb_any_hash): should treat the return value of rb_objid_hash()
+ as `long', because ruby assumes the hash value of the object id of
+ an object is `long'.
+ this fixes test failures on mswin64 introduced at r44525.
+Thu Jan 9 09:55:20 2014 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: dumping strings with
+ quotes should not have changed. [ruby-core:59316] [Bug #9300]
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych.rb: fixed missing require.
+ * test/psych/test_string.rb: test
+Thu Jan 9 09:51:00 2014 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb: anonymous structs
+ should be able to roundtrip. Thanks @splattael!
+ * test/psych/test_object_references.rb: test for change
+Wed Jan 8 22:53:16 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_search_super_method): when super called in a
+ bound UnboundMethod generated from a module, no superclass is
+ found since the current defined class is the module, then call
+ method_missing in that case. [ruby-core:59619] [Bug #9377]
+Wed Jan 8 15:55:21 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (rb_objid_hash): return hash value from object ID with a
+ salt, extract from rb_any_hash().
+ * object.c (rb_obj_hash): return same value as rb_any_hash().
+ fix r44125. [ruby-core:59638] [Bug #9381]
+Wed Jan 8 13:12:41 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/timeout.rb (Timeout::ExitException.catch): pass arguments
+ for new instance.
+ * lib/timeout.rb (Timeout::ExitException#exception): fallback to
+ Timeout::Error if couldn't throw. [ruby-dev:47872] [Bug #9380]
+ * lib/timeout.rb (Timeout#timeout): initialize ExitException with
+ message for the fallback case.
+Tue Jan 7 12:43:06 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/timeout.rb (Timeout#timeout): should not rescue ordinarily
+ raised ExitException, which should not be thrown.
+ * lib/timeout.rb (Timeout::ExitException.catch): set @thread only if
+ it ought to be caught.
+ * lib/timeout.rb (Timeout#timeout): when a custom exception is given,
+ no instance is needed to be caught, so defer creating new instance
+ until it is raised. [ruby-core:59511] [Bug #9354]
+Tue Jan 7 10:16:02 2014 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems master 21e409d / RubyGems 2.2.1.
+ See
+ for a list of bug fixes.
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Tue Jan 7 10:10:46 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/json/generator/depend: add build dependencies for json extension
+ [Bug #9374] [ruby-core:59609]
+ * ext/json/parser/depend: ditto
+Tue Jan 7 04:35:46 2014 Aman Gupta <>
+ * array.c (ary_add_hash): Fix consistency issue between Array#uniq and
+ Array#uniq! [Bug #9340] [ruby-core:59457]
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb (class TestArray): regression test for above.
+Mon Jan 6 21:28:48 2014 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * .gitignore: ignore *-fake.rb generated even when CROSS_COMPILING = no
+ since r42862.
+Sun Jan 5 20:14:14 2014 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * compar.c (cmp_equal): remove error hiding in Comparable#==.
+ Comparable#== no longer rescues exceptions silently.
+ This was the cause of quite a couple bugs. See #7688. [EXPERIMENTAL]
+ * test/ruby/test_comparable.rb: adapt assertion to match new behavior.
+ * lib/rdoc/method_attr.rb: fix bugs discovered by this change.
+ * test/rdoc/test_rdoc_normal_class.rb: fix bugs in tests.
+Sat Jan 4 22:44:00 2014 Charlie Somerville <>
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_set): return assigned value from setter method
+ rather than struct object. [Bug #9353] [ruby-core:59509]
+ * test/ruby/test_struct.rb (test_setter_method_returns_value): add test
+Sat Jan 4 21:44:31 2014 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb (TestGc#test_latest_gc_info): use
+ GC.stat(:key) instead of GC.stat.
+Sat Jan 4 19:15:29 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (rsock_syserr_fail_host_port): use format flags,
+ '+' to inspect, ' ' to quote unprintables.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (rsock_syserr_fail_path): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (rsock_syserr_fail_raddrinfo): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (rsock_syserr_fail_host_port): add errno
+ argument version and use rb_syserr_fail_str() instead of
+ rb_sys_fail_str() with restoring errno.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (rsock_syserr_fail_path): ditto, and
+ rb_syserr_fail().
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (rsock_sys_fail_sockaddr): ditto, use
+ rsock_syserr_fail_raddrinfo().
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (rsock_sys_fail_raddrinfo): ditto.
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (setup_domain_and_type): ditto.
+Sat Jan 4 17:18:58 2014 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * vm.c (RubyVM::OPTS): get rid of a garbage character.
+Sat Jan 4 10:17:54 2014 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rinda/ring.rb (Rinda::RingFinger#make_socket): Use
+ ipv4_multicast_ttl option for portability.
+Sat Jan 4 10:15:47 2014 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rinda/ring.rb (Rinda::RingFinger#make_socket): Use
+ ipv4_multicast_loop option for portability. Patch by Jeremy Evans.
+ [ruby-trunk - Bug #9351]
+Fri Jan 3 19:09:00 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (rsock_sys_fail_host_port): save and restore errno
+ before calling rb_sys_fail_str to prevent [BUG] errno == 0.
+ Patch by Eric Wong. [ruby-core:59498] [Bug #9352]
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (rsock_sys_fail_path): ditto
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (rsock_sys_fail_sockaddr): ditto
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (rsock_sys_fail_raddrinfo): ditto
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (rsock_sys_fail_raddrinfo_or_sockaddr): ditto
+Fri Jan 3 10:43:57 2014 Aman Gupta <>
+ * test/net/imap/cacert.pem: generate new CA cert, since the last one
+ expired. [Bug #9341] [ruby-core:59459]
+ * test/net/imap/server.crt: new server cert signed with updated CA.
+ * test/net/imap/Makefile: add `make regen_certs` to automate this
+ process.
+Fri Jan 3 00:09:54 2014 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal: update class method call style from :: to .
+ in documentation and usage.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/lib/bigdecimal/math.rb: [DOC] fix examples values.
+ Computations were made using ruby 2.0.0p247 to ensure
+ no effect of the recent BigDecimal bug.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/sample/nlsolve.rb: fix indent.
+Thu Jan 2 16:07:21 2014 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * io.c (io_fwrite): freeze converted str.
+Thu Jan 2 04:15:13 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_longjmp): remove an extra modifier from the forward
+ declaration to match the actual definition. [ruby-core:59451]
+ [Bug #9338]
+Thu Jan 2 01:23:30 2014 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * vm_eval.c (method_missing): use ALLOCV_N() instead of
+ ALLOCA_N() and rb_ary_tmp_new().
+Thu Jan 2 00:53:16 2014 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_zip): use ALLOCV_N() instead of ALLOCA_N().
+Thu Jan 2 00:04:29 2014 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_keys): make rb_hash_keys() static.
+ it is no longer used from array.c since r43969.
+ the patch is from normalperson (Eric Wong).
+ [ruby-core:59449] [Feature #9336]
+ * internal.h: remove definition of rb_hash_keys().
+Wed Jan 1 18:19:35 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * reset LDFLAGS and DLDFLAGS for opt-dir again after
+ LIBPATHFLAG and RPATHFLAG are set. [ruby-dev:47868] [Bug #9317]
+Wed Jan 1 11:12:29 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * use SSE2 instructions for drop unexpected
+ precisions. [ruby-core:54738] [Bug #8358]
+Tue Dec 31 23:49:07 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_f_raise): add cause: optional keyword argument.
+ [ruby-core:58610] [Feature #8257] [EXPERIMENTAL]
+Tue Dec 31 21:44:17 2013 Akio Tajima <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: remove HAVE_FSEEKO because fseeko removed from win32/win32.c
+ Fixed [Bug #9333].
+Tue Dec 31 21:02:27 2013 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * io.c (io_fwrite): allocate frozen str only when str is not converted.
+Tue Dec 31 15:44:48 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (RbConfig): expand RUBY_SO_NAME for extensions
+ backward compatibility. [ruby-core:59426] [Bug #9329]
+Mon Dec 30 23:33:07 2013 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * variable.c: [DOC] adding extra example in docs.
+ patched by Steve Klabnik. [Bug #9210]
+Mon Dec 30 18:34:18 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (must_encindex, rb_enc_from_index, rb_obj_encoding): mask
+ encoding index and ignore dummy flags. [ruby-core:59354] [Bug #9314]
+Mon Dec 30 16:11:52 2013 WATANABE Hirofumi <>
+ * tool/make-snapshot: needs CXXFLAGS. [ruby-core:59393][Bug #9320]
+Sun Dec 29 18:36:54 2013 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (configuration): Make CXXFLAGS customizable.
+ Patch by Kohei Suzuki (eagletmt). [Fixes GH-492]
+Sun Dec 29 12:11:11 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (mnew_from_me): keep iclass as-is, to make inheritance
+ chain consistent. [ruby-core:59358] [Bug #9315]
+ * proc.c (method_owner): return the original defined_class from
+ prepended iclass, instead.
+Sun Dec 29 08:47:24 2013 Lucas Allan Amorim <>
+ * test/ruby/test_sprintf.rb (test_hash): Added tests for sprintf
+ with a hash as parameter. [Fixes GH-491]
+Sun Dec 29 07:27:51 2013 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * compar.c (cmp_eq_recursive): Fix the return value, the value for
+ failed #<=> should be nil. It was raising a NoMethodError for
+ the test case TestComparable#test_no_cmp (undefined method `>'
+ for false:FalseClass). Yet one more reason for #7688.
+Sat Dec 28 22:21:59 2013 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * object.c (Kernel#<=>) surround Comparable operators with <code> tags.
+ The #== method was hidden in ri/rdoc's output and was highlighting
+ the line instead.
+Sat Dec 28 17:24:00 2013 DV Suresh <>
+ * benchmark/bm_so_meteor_contest.rb: [DOC] Fix a few typos
+ * ext/fiddle/lib/fiddle/import.rb: ditto
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych.rb: ditto
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/nodes/sequence.rb: ditto
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: ditto
+ * ext/tk/lib/tcltk.rb: ditto
+Sat Dec 28 00:42:37 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (local_push_gen, local_pop_gen): save cmdarg_stack to
+ isolate command argument state from outer scope.
+ [ruby-core:59342] [Bug #9308]
+Fri Dec 27 13:25:03 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/{setup.mak,Makefile.sub}: update fake.rb like
+ template/
+Thu Dec 26 16:10:41 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (fake.rb): should depend on version.h because
+ if RUBY_VERSION is updated, fake.rb need to say the new version
+ to avoid install error in rbconfig.rb.
+Thu Dec 26 14:25:03 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (HASH_REJECT_COPY_EXTRA_STATES): turn off the old
+ behavior, copying extra states by accident.
+Thu Dec 26 10:49:14 2013 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version.h (RUBY_VERSION): 2.2.0 development has started.
+Thu Dec 26 10:27:53 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * tool/merger.rb (tag): support 2.1.1 semi-automatic tagging and 2.2.0
+ explicit tagging.
+Thu Dec 26 06:35:25 2013 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * proc.c: Having any mandatory keyword argument increases min arity
+ [#9299]
+Thu Dec 26 06:27:08 2013 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * proc.c: Having optional keyword arguments makes maximum arity +1,
+ not unlimited [#8072]
+Thu Dec 26 01:09:57 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * tool/ make symbolic links.
+Thu Dec 26 00:45:33 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * tool/make-snapshot: support new version scheme.
+Wed Dec 25 22:44:14 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_set_arguments): set arg_keyword_check from
+ nd_cflag, which is set by parser. internal ID is used for
+ unnamed keyword rest argument, which should be separated from no
+ keyword check.
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_parameters): if no keyword check, keyword rest is
+ present.
+ * parse.y (new_args_tail_gen): set keywords check to nd_cflag, which
+ equals to that keyword rest is not present.
+Wed Dec 25 22:32:19 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/abbrev.rb: [DOC] rdoc format patch by Giorgos Tsiftsis [Bug #9146]
+Wed Dec 25 20:30:10 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_parameters): push argument type symbol only for
+ unnamed rest keywords argument.
+Wed Dec 25 20:28:48 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (rb_iseq_min_max_arity): maximum argument is unlimited if
+ having rest keywords argument. [ruby-core:53298] [Bug #8072]
+Wed Dec 25 18:29:22 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (argument_error): insert dummy frame to make
+ a backtrace object intead of modify backtrace string array.
+ [Bug #9295]
+ * test/ruby/test_backtrace.rb: add a test for this patch.
+ fix test to compare a result of Exception#backtrace with
+ a result of Exception#backtrace_locations.
+Wed Dec 25 13:00:54 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * let mingw do something black-magic, and check if
+ _gmtime64_s() is available actually.
+ * win32/win32.c (gmtime_s, localtime_s): use _gmtime64_s() and
+ _localtime64_s() if available, not depending on very confusing
+ mingw variants macros. based on the patch by phasis68 (Heesob
+ Park) at [ruby-core:58764]. [ruby-core:58391] [Bug #9119]
+Wed Dec 25 12:33:41 2013 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * sample/trick2013/: added the award-winning entries of TRICK 2013.
+ See for the contest outline.
+ (Matz has approved the attachment.)
+Wed Dec 25 10:42:02 2013 Yamashita Yuu <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (Init_ossl_ssl): Declare a constant
+ `OP_MSIE_SSLV2_RSA_PADDING` only if the macro is defined. The
+ `SSL_OP_MSIE_SSLV2_RSA_PADDING` has been removed from latest
+ snapshot of OpenSSL 1.0.1. [Fixes GH-488]
+Wed Dec 25 01:03:00 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (bind_local_variables): allowing binding to list its
+ local variables. patch by Jack Danger Canty <jackdanger AT
+> at [ruby-core:56543]. [Feature #8773]
+Tue Dec 24 23:20:38 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/fileutils/fileasserts.rb (assert_ownership_user): new
+ assertion for user ownership.
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb (test_chown_error),
+ (test_chown_without_permission, test_chown_with_root):
+ based on the patch by vajrasky (Vajrasky Kok) at
+ [ruby-core:59298]. [Feature #9292]
+Tue Dec 24 16:28:05 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (rb_mod_define_method): consider visibility only if self
+ in the caller is same as the receiver, otherwise make public as
+ well as old behavior. [ruby-core:57747] [Bug #9005]
+ [ruby-core:58497] [Bug #9141]
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_cref_in_context): return ruby level cref if self is
+ same.
+Tue Dec 24 14:13:14 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * README.EXT: add a refer to URL.
+Tue Dec 24 13:48:45 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * README.EXT: add a document about RGenGC.
+ Reviewed by havenwood.
+ [misc #8962]
+ * README.EXT.ja: ditto.
+Tue Dec 24 12:11:43 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RARRAY_ASET): try to avoid compiler warning.
+ [Bug #9287]
+Tue Dec 24 05:04:56 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb (setup): should not call
+ Process.groups for Windows. get rid of many errors introduced by
+ r44364.
+Mon Dec 23 18:37:16 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/fileutils/fileasserts.rb (assert_ownership_group): new
+ assertion for group ownership.
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb (test_chown{,_verbose,_noop}):
+ based on the patch by vajrasky (Vajrasky Kok) at
+ [ruby-core:59281]. [Feature #9286]
+Mon Dec 23 15:53:45 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (HAS_EXTRA_STATES): warn extra states only when something
+ differ. [ruby-core:59254] [Bug #9275]
+Mon Dec 23 12:42:13 2013 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * array.c: Have to_h raise on elements that are not key-value pairs
+ [#9239]
+ * enum.c: ditto
+Mon Dec 23 05:01:55 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * doc/syntax/methods.rdoc: [DOC] Added example for underscore
+ conventions in method names. Also added doc to clarify encoding
+ character set support for Ruby programs and elaborated on defining
+ predicate and bang methods. Based on a patch by @gaurish
+ [Fixes GH-477]
+Mon Dec 23 03:18:09 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * doc/ChangeLog-1.9.3: [DOC] Fix typos by @dvsuresh
+ [Fixes GH-485]
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_config.c: ditto
+ * lib/rss/utils.rb, lib/time.rb: ditto
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb: ditto
+Sun Dec 22 23:56:56 2013 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/{rake,rdoc,rss}/*, test/rexml/test_listener.rb: [DOC] Fix typos
+ by @dvsuresh [Fixes GH-486]
+Sun Dec 22 11:08:47 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_ext_builder.rb: Fix warning due to ambiguous
+ expression.
+Sun Dec 22 11:05:53 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems/commands/install_command.rb: Restore gem install
+ --ignore-dependencies for remote gems
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_commands_install_command.rb: Test for the
+ above.
+Sun Dec 22 10:23:40 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rdoc.rb: Set RDoc to release version.
+Sun Dec 22 10:19:07 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems.rb: Set RubyGems to release version.
+Sun Dec 22 10:16:08 2013 Eric Hodel <>
+ * lib/rubygems.rb (module Gem): Fix comment for
+ Gem::load_path_insert_index.
+Sun Dec 22 04:07:55 2013 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (ruby_gc_set_params): don't show obsolete warnings for
+ [Bug #9276]
+Sat Dec 21 13:00:20 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c: remove unnecessary the source path from EEXIST error
+ messages and show the destination path only. [ruby-core:59202]
+ [Feature #9263]
+Sat Dec 21 12:37:19 2013 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::Hosts#lazy_initialize): should not
+ consider encodings in hosts file. [ruby-core:59239] [Bug #9273]
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::Config.parse_resolv_conf): ditto.
+Sat Dec 21 05:43:27 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * tool/make-snapshot: replace RUBY_PATCHLEVEL_STR in version.h to
+ show users that this ruby is a preview/rc version.
+Sat Dec 21 05:03:49 2013 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (fake.rb): fixed wrong RUBY_PLATFORM, to correctly
+ install win32.h.
+ [ruby-core:58801][Bug #9199] reported by arton.
+For the changes before 2.1.0, see doc/ChangeLog-2.1.0
+For the changes before 2.0.0, see doc/ChangeLog-2.0.0
+For the changes before 1.9.3, see doc/ChangeLog-1.9.3
+For the changes before 1.8.0, see doc/ChangeLog-1.8.0
+Local variables:
+coding: us-ascii
+add-log-time-format: (lambda ()
+ (let* ((time (current-time))
+ (system-time-locale "C")
+ (diff (+ (cadr time) 32400))
+ (lo (% diff 65536))
+ (hi (+ (car time) (/ diff 65536))))
+ (format-time-string "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y" (list hi lo) t)))
+indent-tabs-mode: t
+tab-width: 8
+change-log-indent-text: 2
+vim: tabstop=8 shiftwidth=2
diff --git a/doc/ChangeLog/ChangeLog-2.3.0 b/doc/ChangeLog/ChangeLog-2.3.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..94996cffd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/ChangeLog/ChangeLog-2.3.0
@@ -0,0 +1,12188 @@
+Thu Dec 24 23:01:57 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * NEWS: added entry for CGI.escapeHTML optimization.
+Thu Dec 24 18:43:19 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (rb_compile_error_with_enc, rb_compile_error),
+ (rb_compile_bug): deprecate internal functions.
+ * parse.y (parser_yyerror): construct exception message with
+ source code and caret.
+Thu Dec 24 17:25:42 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (append_compile_error), parse.y (compile_error):
+ preserve encoding of source file name in exceptions.
+ * error.c (rb_compile_error_str, rb_compile_bug_str): add.
+Thu Dec 24 16:17:47 2015 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (fake.rb): $(arch)-fake.rb must depend on miniruby because
+ it may depend on miniruby.
+Thu Dec 24 16:13:05 2015 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (ripper.c): r50045 wrongly replace $(PWD) with ../..
+ It is the top of build directory, not topsrcdir.
+Thu Dec 24 15:02:42 2015 sorah (Shota Fukumori) <>
+ * tool/vcs.rb (IO.popen): Refactor. Avoid assigning in condition.
+Thu Dec 24 15:01:38 2015 sorah (Shota Fukumori) <>
+ * tool/file2lastrev.rb: Fix ArgumentError to work on Ruby 1.8.7.
+Thu Dec 24 14:44:08 2015 sorah (Shota Fukumori) <>
+ * tool/vcs.rb (IO.popen): Enable on Ruby 1.9 where chdir option is not
+ supported on IO.popen
+ * tool/vcs.rb (IO.popen): Fix NoMethodError. I guess r49705 was not
+ tested... :/
+Thu Dec 24 14:57:03 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * NEWS: rename
+ "Implementation changes" section to
+ "Supported platform changes" section.
+ * NEWS: add "Implementation improvements" and add several entries.
+ * NEWS: add NEWS entries by Eric Wong. [ruby-core:72450]
+Thu Dec 24 00:26:05 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/io/console/extconf.rb: fix gem build failure on Windows.
+ only is included in the gem and no dependencies for
+ the header, so that gperf will not be mandatory.
+ [ruby-core:72453] [Bug #11866]
+ * ext/io/console/io-console.gemspec: include depend file and
+ win32_vk header.
+Wed Dec 23 23:58:44 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_readwrite_syserr_fail): works with the given errno than
+ thread local errno.
+Wed Dec 23 17:57:45 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c, io.c, util.c: prefer rb_syserr_fail with saved errno
+ over setting errno then call rb_sys_fail, not to be clobbered
+ potentially and to reduce thread local errno accesses.
+Wed Dec 23 11:58:52 2015 Yuichiro Kaneko <>
+ * string.c: Fix document. Default value of the first
+ argument of `String#split` is not `$;` but `nil`.
+ When `nil` is passed as first argument, `$;` is used.
+ [ci skip] [Bug #11729] [ruby-dev:49378]
+Wed Dec 23 07:15:17 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/socket/init.c (rsock_init_sock): reject reserved FDs
+ [ruby-core:72445] [Bug #11862]
+Wed Dec 23 02:59:26 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (__STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__): necessary to use memset_s
+ in strict C99 mode.
+Wed Dec 23 02:34:36 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * regexec.c (match_at): move direct threaded VM code to get rid of
+ mixed declarations and code, and enable it only for gcc since it
+ depends on a gcc extension.
+Wed Dec 23 02:23:19 2015 Yuki Nishijima <>
+ * gems/bundled_gems: Upgrade the did_you_mean gem to 1.0.0
+ * NEWS: Add news about the did_you_mean gem
+Wed Dec 23 02:18:57 2015 Jake Worth <>
+ * doc/contributing.rdoc: [DOC] remove an extra word "here".
+ [Fix GH-1169]
+Wed Dec 23 01:58:20 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * regexec.c (USE_DIRECT_THREADED_VM): enable direct threaded VM by
+ the default.
+Tue Dec 22 22:15:53 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (internal_object_p): should not expose singleton classes
+ without a metaclass. based on patches by ko1 and shugo.
+ [Bug #11740]
+ * class.c (rb_singleton_class_object_p): added.
+Tue Dec 22 22:15:08 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/io/console/io-console.gemspec: bump up to 0.4.4.
+Tue Dec 22 22:11:06 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * NEWS: Added news entry of Psych 2.0.17
+Tue Dec 22 22:09:01 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * NEWS: Added news entry of RDoc 4.2.1
+Tue Dec 22 21:20:00 2015 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.gemspec: bump version to 1.2.8.
+Tue Dec 22 21:08:05 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rdoc.rb: bump version to 4.2.1. It contains following fixes.
+ * lib/rdoc/*: ditto.
+ * test/rdoc/*: ditto.
+Tue Dec 22 20:25:33 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych.rb: bump version to 2.0.17
+ * ext/psych/psych.gemspec: ditto.
+Tue Dec 22 20:14:47 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: move vm_callee_setup_block_arg() (and related
+ functions) to the latter location.
+ This moving recovers performance a little.
+ [Bug #11829]
+Tue Dec 22 15:21:11 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (str_compat_and_valid): as scrub does nothing for dummy
+ encoding string now, incompatible encoding is not a matter.
+Tue Dec 22 14:31:28 2015 Toru Iwase <>
+ * ext/cgi/escape/escape.c (optimized_escape_html): CGI.escapeHTML
+ should return unfrozen new string.
+ [ruby-core:72426] [Bug #11858]
+Tue Dec 22 05:39:58 2015 Takashi Kokubun <>
+ * ext/cgi/escape/escape.c (preserve_original_state): Preserve
+ original state for tainted and frozen. [Fix GH-1166]
+ [ruby-dev:49451] [Bug #11855]
+Tue Dec 22 03:57:20 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/socket/init.c (rsock_init_sock): check FD after validating
+ * test/socket/test_basicsocket.rb (test_for_fd): new
+ [ruby-core:72418] [Bug #11854]
+Mon Dec 21 21:29:45 2015 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * variable.c (struct ivar_update): rename "extended" to "iv_extended"
+ to avoid name conflict with /usr/include/floatingpoint.h on
+ Solaris. [Bug #11853] [ruby-dev:49448]
+Mon Dec 21 12:15:32 2015 Kimura Wataru <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb: handled rlimit value same as r52277
+ [Bug #11852][ruby-dev:49446]
+Mon Dec 21 10:21:22 2015 Ilya Vassilevsky <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (open_timeout): update default value in RDoc
+ [ruby-core:72413]
+Mon Dec 21 10:18:46 2015 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * vm_backtrace.c (rb_profile_frames): ignore ifunc frames as it
+ did before. [ruby-core:72409] [Bug #11851]
+Mon Dec 21 09:33:17 2015 Karol Bucek <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.rb (OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket): fix
+ NotImplementedError typo. [Fix GH-1165]
+Sun Dec 20 20:54:51 2015 Takashi Kokubun <>
+ * cgi/escape/escape.c: Optimize CGI.escapeHTML for
+ ASCII-compatible encodings. [Fix GH-1164]
+Sun Dec 20 15:36:46 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/erb.rb: revert r53123. It breaks compatibility like thor and
+ rspec-rails.
+ We should try with Ruby 2.4 or 3.0.
+ [Bug #11842][ruby-core:72374]
+ * lib/rdoc/erb_partial.rb: ditto.
+ * template/verconf.h.tmpl: ditto.
+Sun Dec 20 11:43:31 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): allow here documents in labeled
+ argument. [ruby-core:72396] [Bug #11849]
+Sun Dec 20 11:14:11 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * proc.c (rb_mod_define_method): should check Symbol or not.
+ [Bug #11850]
+ * test/ruby/test_method.rb: add a test.
+Sun Dec 20 11:01:57 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * proc.c (rb_mod_define_method): fix notation.
+Sun Dec 20 10:54:15 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * proc.c (proc_new): fix notation.
+Sun Dec 20 00:29:00 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (rb_proc_get_iseq): proc made from symbol does not have
+ iseq. fix infinite loop. [ruby-core:72381] [Bug #11845]
+Sat Dec 19 20:06:10 2015 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * enc/windows_1250.c: Should not use C++ style comments (C99 feature).
+ [Bug #11843]
+Sat Dec 19 17:17:04 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/webrick/utils.rb (WEBrick::Utils::TimeoutHandler#initialize):
+ use WEBrick::Utils::TimeoutHandler::Thread, which is ignored by
+ LeakChecker#find_threads, instead of ::Thread to get rid of
+ thread leak checker. since this TimeoutHandler is resident
+ during tests because of Singleton, it waits for the next timeout
+ if it has any schedules. in the case of nested timeouts, inner
+ timeout does not cancel outer timeouts and then those schedules
+ still remain.
+Sat Dec 19 14:28:01 2015 Jake Worth <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (Init_zlib): [DOC] Fix double-word typo and
+ grammatical error. [Fix GH-1162]
+Sat Dec 19 14:23:59 2015 Jake Worth <>
+ * lib/csv.rb (CSV#initialize): [DOC] Fix double-word typo.
+ [Fix GH-1161]
+Sat Dec 19 10:33:33 2015 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/iso_8859_2.c, enc/windows_1250.c: separate Windows-1250
+ from ISO-8859-2 to fix 0x80..0x9e range (from Kimihito Matsui)
+Fri Dec 18 21:26:54 2015 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * lib/webrick/utils.rb (WEBrick::Utils::TimeoutHandler): To prevent
+ potential deadlocks, Queue is used to tell update of @timeout_info
+ instead of sleep and wakeup. [Bug #11742] [ruby-dev:49387]
+Fri Dec 18 17:24:09 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (ibf_load_object_string): use fstring if frozen string.
+Fri Dec 18 16:54:38 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_set_encoding): add StringIO's own
+ encoding and separate it from the buffer string to override the
+ encoding of string when reading. [ruby-core:72189] [Bug #11827]
+ note that setting the encoding of its buffer string directly
+ without StringIO#set_encoding may cause unpredictable behavior.
+Fri Dec 18 16:50:35 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (ibf_load_setup): check tainted string argument.
+Fri Dec 18 16:12:13 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: define USE_LAZY_LOAD if it is not defined.
+Fri Dec 18 15:40:06 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_unget_bytes): extract from
+ strio_ungetbyte to share with strio_ungetc.
+Fri Dec 18 12:39:42 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * doc/syntax/*.rdoc: separated modifier at sentence.
+ [ci skip][fix GH-1121] Patch by @clandry94
+Fri Dec 18 12:09:21 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_ungetbyte): pad with \000 when
+ the current position is after the end.
+Fri Dec 18 11:24:48 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_entry_make, check_override_opt_method):
+ should check whether a newly created method overrides an optimize
+ method in case the method is defined in a prepended module of a
+ built-in class.
+ [ruby-core:72226] [Bug #11836]
+Fri Dec 18 11:09:38 2015 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * vm.c (vm_exec): call RUBY_DTRACE_CMETHOD_RETURN_HOOK instead of
+Fri Dec 18 10:24:44 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb: fixed parse error for striped heredocument syntax.
+ [fix GH-1127] Patch by @koic
+Fri Dec 18 09:44:47 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/pty/pty.c: fix double words typo.
+ [ci skip][fix GH-1157] Patch by @jwworth
+Fri Dec 18 09:42:45 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/utf8tbl.c: fix a typo.
+ [ci skip][fix GH-1159] Patch by @akshay-vishnoi
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/utf8tbl.h: ditto.
+Fri Dec 18 07:39:01 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_check_redefinition_opt_method): should check the real
+ class instead of the origin iclass.
+ [ruby-core:72188] [Bug #11826]
+Thu Dec 17 22:13:10 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_args.c (vm_caller_setup_arg_block): remove code for ifunc
+ because it was made unnecessary by r52138.
+Thu Dec 17 16:13:10 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * proc.c (rb_block_arity): should not call GetProcPtr() for symbols.
+ [ruby-core:72205] [Bug #11830]
+Thu Dec 17 14:16:29 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_scrub): the result should be infected by the
+ original string.
+Thu Dec 17 13:35:27 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_substr_append, econv_primitive_convert):
+ the result should be infected by the original string.
+Thu Dec 17 09:46:08 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * re.c (reg_names_iter): should consider encoding of regexp.
+ [ruby-core:72185] [Bug #11825]
+Thu Dec 17 03:52:10 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (vm_make_env_each): should not compare with Qfalse and FALSE.
+ Pointed at
+Thu Dec 17 03:15:25 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method_each_type): should not set fastpath
+ with keyword arguments for VM_METHOD_TYPE_ATTRSET type methods.
+ Normally, we can not use keyword arguments for this kind of methods,
+ ( = 1), but we can set alias names for them.
+ [Bug #11657]
+ * test/ruby/test_keyword.rb: add a test for this fix.
+Wed Dec 16 20:32:43 2015 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * ext/fiddle/handle.c: check tainted string arguments.
+ Patch provided by tenderlove and nobu.
+ * test/fiddle/test_handle.rb (class TestHandle): add test for above.
+Wed Dec 16 19:30:56 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm.c (vm_make_proc_from_block): should convert a Symbol to a Proc.
+ [ruby-core:72083] [Bug #11811]
+Wed Dec 16 16:17:34 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb: fix spelling errors
+Wed Dec 16 16:04:49 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * NEWS: note IO#advise change [ruby-core:72168]
+Wed Dec 16 15:35:13 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c: fix mark miss for proc given as passed block.
+ [Bug #11750]
+ * vm.c (vm_make_proc_from_block): should return a Proc object
+ if block is given. Previous implementation returns
+ a Proc object only when corresponding Proc object is not
+ available.
+ * vm.c (vm_make_env_each): ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_proc.rb: add a test for this bug.
+Wed Dec 16 12:24:59 2015 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * test_struct.rb: Test that initialize is overridable [#11708]
+Wed Dec 16 10:49:51 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (block_command, block_call): fix `&.` calls after
+ block_call. [Feature #11537]
+Wed Dec 16 00:53:45 2015 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * lib/webrick/utils.rb (WEBrick::Utils::TimeoutHandler): Acquire
+ TimeoutMutex only when accessing @timeout_info for avoiding
+ potential deadlock. [Bug #11742] [ruby-dev:49387]
+Wed Dec 16 00:39:27 2015 Jake Worth <>
+ * doc/extension.rdoc: [DOC] fix double-word typo. [Fix GH-1153]
+Wed Dec 16 00:25:41 2015 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * lib/webrick/utils.rb (WEBrick::Utils::TimeoutHandler#initialize):
+ TimeoutMutex should be acquired when accessing @timeout_info.
+ To avoid deadlock, interrupt() calls are delayed.
+ Due to the mutex, it is safe to treat ary without ary.dup.
+ [Bug #11742] [ruby-dev:49387]
+Tue Dec 15 23:13:10 2015 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * gc.c: Delete excess semicolon after RUBY_ALIAS_FUNCTION().
+ Suppress "syntax error: empty declaration" warnings by
+ Oracle Solaris Studio 12.x on Solaris. [Bug #11821]
+ * hash.c: ditto, after NOINSERT_UPDATE_CALLBACK().
+Tue Dec 15 18:04:04 2015 Martin Duerst <>
+ * NEWS: added news about EBCDIC encoding
+Tue Dec 15 17:57:57 2015 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/ebcdic.h, enc/trans/ebcdic.trans,
+ test/ruby/test_transcode.rb: Fixed encoding name
+ to the correct one in the IANA registry (IBM037)
+ and added an alias (ebcdic-cp-us)
+Tue Dec 15 16:19:26 2015 Takashi Kokubun <>
+ * lib/erb.rb: Render erb with array buffer for function call optimization.
+ [fix GH-1143]
+ * lib/rdoc/erb_partial.rb: ditto.
+ * template/verconf.h.tmpl: ditto.
+Tue Dec 15 13:50:05 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_oct): [DOC] mention radix indicators.
+ [ruby-core:71310] [Bug #11648]
+Tue Dec 15 12:20:30 2015 Takashi Kokubun <>
+ * lib/erb.rb: Simplify regexp to optimize erb scanner.
+ [fix GH-1144]
+Tue Dec 15 11:56:24 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb: make code block for rdoc.
+ [ci skip][fix GH-1152] Patch by @Tonkpils
+Tue Dec 15 11:55:08 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c: fix a typo.
+ [ci skip][fix GH-1149] Patch by @crismali
+Tue Dec 15 09:14:14 2015 Martin Duerst <>
+ * tool/transcode_tablegen.rb: detailed documentation
+ for transcode_tblgen function [ci skip]
+Mon Dec 14 22:11:11 2015 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/ebcdic.h: new dummy encoding EBCDIC-US
+ * enc/trans/ebcdic.trans: transcodings between EBCDIC-US
+ and iso-8859-1 [with code from Andrea Ribuoli]
+ * test/ruby/test_transcode.rb: tests for above
+ * tool/transcode_tablegen.rb: additional argument for
+ method transcode_tblgen
+Mon Dec 14 17:04:14 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb: use safe navigation operator.
+ [fix GH-1142] Patch by @mlarraz
+ * lib/drb/extservm.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/net/http/response.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/scanf.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb: ditto.
+Mon Dec 14 17:03:05 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb: use safe navigation operator.
+ [fix GH-1142] Patch by @mlarraz
+ * test/openssl/test_pair.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_econv.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: ditto.
+ * test/thread/test_queue.rb: ditto.
+Mon Dec 14 14:33:35 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc.rb: added documentation for parser details.
+ [ci skip][fix GH-1124] Patch by @jrafanie
+Mon Dec 14 11:46:52 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * enum.c: fix a typo in documentation.
+ [ci skip][fix GH-1140] Patch by @jutaz
+ * io.c: ditto.
+ * iseq.c: ditto.
+ * numeric.c: ditto.
+ * process.c: ditto.
+ * string.c: ditto.
+ * vm_trace.c: ditto.
+Mon Dec 14 11:41:59 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/cgi.rb: fix a typo in documentation.
+ [ci skip][fix GH-1140] Patch by @jutaz
+Mon Dec 14 11:31:00 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * compile.c: fix typos.
+ [ci skip][fix GH-1140] Patch by @jutaz
+ * dir.c: ditto.
+ * gc.c: ditto.
+ * io.c: ditto.
+ * node.h: ditto.
+ * thread_pthread.c: ditto.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: ditto.
+ * vsnprintf.c: ditto.
+Mon Dec 14 11:27:01 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * enc/iso_2022_jp.h: fix typos.
+ [ci skip][fix GH-1140] Patch by @jutaz
+ * enc/utf_16_32.h: ditto.
+ * enc/utf_7.h: ditto.
+Mon Dec 14 11:25:57 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * benchmark/bm_app_aobench.rb: fix typos.
+ [ci skip][fix GH-1140] Patch by @jutaz
+ * benchmark/bm_vm_thread_pipe.rb: ditto.
+Sun Dec 13 23:46:10 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (trace_lex_state): trace lex_state changes if yydebug is
+ set, and send the messages to rb_stdout.
+ * parse.y (rb_parser_printf): store YYPRINTF messages per lines
+ so that lex_state traces do not mix.
+ * tool/ytab.sed: add parser argument to yy_stack_print too.
+Sun Dec 13 20:41:16 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (build_lex_state_name, trace_lex_state): lex_state is
+ now bit flags and can be set 2 bits or more.
+Sun Dec 13 20:26:30 2015 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * test/ruby/test_syntax.rb: fix typo in test
+Sun Dec 13 20:12:14 2015 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * parse.y (parse_percent): Allow %-literals in labeled arg as
+ r51624 did for parentheses.
+ Fixes [ruby-core:72084] [Bug #11812].
+Sun Dec 13 20:02:15 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ChangeLog: fix a typo
+Sun Dec 13 19:54:26 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/lib/envutil.rb: move envutil's assertions under Test::Unit::Assertion.
+ * test/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb: ditto.
+Sun Dec 13 19:24:20 2015 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * parse.y (lex_state_name): Make it return the correct names.
+ Add new names to follow r51617; Indices ffs(2) returns are 1-origin.
+Sun Dec 13 18:40:45 2015 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * parse.y: debug output of lex_state transition if PARSER_DEBUG
+Sun Dec 13 18:49:25 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (parse_mode_enc): preserve encoding of mode string in
+ warnings.
+ * io.c (io_encname_bom_p): check BOM prefix only, not including
+ UTF prefix.
+ * io.c (parse_mode_enc): warn BOM with non-UTF encoding.
+ * io.c (parse_mode_enc): fix buffer overflow.
+Sun Dec 13 18:35:57 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/fiddle/function.c (initialize): check all arguments first.
+ reported by Marcin 'Icewall' Noga of Cisco Talos.
+ * ext/fiddle/conversions.h (PTR2NUM): use signed integer to make
+ Fixnum for negative values.
+Sun Dec 13 18:33:41 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): always check index range against the
+ receiver array length, which can be shortened by elements
+ conversion. reported by Marcin 'Icewall' Noga of Cisco Talos.
+Sun Dec 13 18:28:52 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/psych/psych_emitter.c (start_document): should not exceed
+ tags array range.
+ * ext/psych/psych_emitter.c (start_document): ensure string before
+ encoding conversion.
+Sun Dec 13 18:26:31 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c (tk_hash_kv): check types of array
+ argument. reported by Marcin 'Icewall' Noga of Cisco Talos.
+ * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c (cbsubst_table_setup): check length of
+ argument arrays for each access, as callback methods can modify
+ them. reported by Marcin 'Icewall' Noga of Cisco Talos.
+ * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c (cbsubst_table_setup): check types of
+ argument elements. reported by Marcin 'Icewall' Noga of Cisco
+ Talos.
+Sun Dec 13 18:19:20 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_vstr2wc): check argument type, vstr
+ must be a String here. reported by Marcin 'Icewall' Noga of
+ Cisco Talos.
+Sun Dec 13 16:41:01 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (BOOTSTRAPRUBY): make BASERUBY full path before
+ building ruby to get rid of unexpectedly invoking built ruby.
+ [ruby-core:72065] [Bug #11807]
+ unless cross compiling. [ruby-core:72065] [Bug #11807]
+Sun Dec 13 14:17:19 2015 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * test/test_shellwords.rb (TestShellwords): Add many more tests
+ for handling whitespace characters and frozenness.
+Sun Dec 13 14:16:09 2015 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/shellwords.rb (Shellwords#shellsplit): Document that this
+ method does not treat shell metacharacters as such.
+Sun Dec 13 12:17:43 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * lib/shellwords.rb (shellescape): duplicate frozen literal
+ * test/test_shellwords.rb (test_stringification): new test
+Sun Dec 13 11:47:35 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * object.c (rb_inspect): check the default internal encoding as
+ String#inspect do.
+ [ruby-dev:49415] [Bug #11787]
+Sun Dec 13 11:38:12 2015 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/shellwords.rb: Turn on frozen-string-literal after fixing
+ shellsplit.
+Sun Dec 13 10:44:44 2015 Martin Duerst <>
+ * KNOWNBUGS.rb: Fixed typo, made more explicit [ci skip]
+Sun Dec 13 10:26:47 2015 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ssl_npn_select_cb_common): fix parsing
+ protocol list.
+ The protocol list from OpenSSL is not null-terminated.
+ patched by Kazuki Yamaguchi [Bug #11810] [ruby-core:72082]
+Sun Dec 13 06:40:30 2015 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/ostruct.rb: Have OpenStruct#dig raise if argument is not a
+ symbol
+ nor a string. See [#11762]
+Sun Dec 13 00:05:42 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method_missing): method_missing should
+ not be refined.
+ [ruby-core:72080] [Bug #11809]
+Sat Dec 12 23:00:17 2015 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c: Merge nkf 2.1.4.
+Sat Dec 12 18:52:26 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_dig): raise TypeError if an element does not
+ have #dig method. [ruby-core:71798] [Bug #11762]
+Sat Dec 12 17:59:07 2015 Yuichiro Kaneko <>
+ * test/ruby/test_regexp.rb: Add test cases for `$KCODE` and `$=` warning
+ [Misc #11770][ruby-dev:49398]
+Sat Dec 12 17:11:57 2015 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * doc/NEWS-0.2.2: add description about incompatible change in Hash
+ duplicated key overriding policy. [Bug #10315] [Bug #11501]
+Sat Dec 12 07:44:38 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * io.c (do_io_advise): do not raise on ENOSYS
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (test_advise): do not skip on Errno::ENOSYS
+ (test_advise_pipe): ditto
+ [ruby-core:72066] [Feature #11806]
+Sat Dec 12 07:05:29 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/windows_1252.c: separate from ISO-8859-1 to fix 0x80..0x9e
+ range. [ruby-core:64049] [Bug #10097]
+Fri Dec 11 23:33:40 2015 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * sample/trick2015/: added the award-winning entries of TRICK 2015.
+ See for the contest outline.
+Fri Dec 11 17:59:05 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * insns.def (opt_case_dispatch): avoid converting Infinity
+ * test/ruby/test_optimization.rb (test_opt_case_dispatch_inf): new
+ [ruby-dev:49423] [Bug #11804]'
+Fri Dec 11 16:48:57 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * hash.c (rb_num_hash_start): avoid pathological behavior
+ [ruby-core:72028] [Feature #11405]
+Fri Dec 11 11:58:46 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * NEWS: Mentioned rubygems-2.5.1
+Fri Dec 11 11:52:39 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems 2.5.1
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Fri Dec 11 11:38:14 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each, ibf_load_object_hash): rehash
+ case-dispatch hash to reduce collisions.
+Fri Dec 11 03:44:43 2015 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * object.c (rb_inspect): dump inspected result with rb_str_escape()
+ instead of raising Encoding::CompatibilityError. [Feature #11801]
+ * string.c (rb_str_escape): added to dump given string like
+ rb_str_inspect without quotes and always dump in US-ASCII
+ like rb_str_dump.
+Thu Dec 10 14:59:59 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb (test_expand_heap): relax condition (1->2).
+Thu Dec 10 14:15:59 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * cont.c: fix a double word typo.
+ [Bug #11313][ruby-core:69749]
+Thu Dec 10 14:13:34 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/multi-tk.rb: fix typos.
+ [Bug #11764][ruby-core:71800]
+Thu Dec 10 11:33:34 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): reduce needless rb_str_dup
+ [ruby-core:72018] <>
+Thu Dec 10 09:32:51 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb, lib/shellwords.rb: disable frozen-string-literal.
+ [ruby-core:72011] [Bug #11800]
+Thu Dec 10 06:33:39 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * marshal.c (memsize_dump_arg): remove NULL check
+ (memsize_load_arg): ditto
+Thu Dec 10 05:53:18 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/mkconfig.rb: rbconfig must not be frozen-string-literal to
+ expand CONFIG hash. [ruby-core:72006] [Bug #11798]
+Thu Dec 10 05:03:51 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/socket/ifaddr.c (ifaddr_mark): remove empty function
+ (ifaddr_type): pass zero to rb_data_type_t.function.dmark
+Thu Dec 10 04:49:16 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * proc.c (bm_free): remove, use default free
+ (method_data_type): use RUBY_TYPED_DEFAULT_FREE
+Thu Dec 10 02:01:41 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): do not add debug information
+ without --debug or --debug=frozen-string-literal option
+ because String#dup slows down with debug information.
+ [Feature #11725]
+ * NEWS: apply about it.
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb: catch up this fix with refactoring.
+Thu Dec 10 00:06:56 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c: rename methods
+ RubyVM::InstructionSequence#to_binary_format -> #to_binary
+ RubyVM::InstructionSequence.from_binary_format -> .load_from_binary
+ RubyVM::InstructionSequence.from_binary_format_extra_data ->
+ .load_from_binary_extra_data
+ * iseq.c: fix document of iseq.to_binary.
+ [Fix GH-1134]
+ * sample/iseq_loader.rb: catch up this change.
+ * test/lib/iseq_loader_checker.rb: ditto.
+Wed Dec 9 17:02:03 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * regparse.h (SET_NTYPE): get rid of breaking strict aliasing.
+ patch by Zarko Todorovski in [ruby-core:71953]. [Bug #11790]
+Wed Dec 9 16:10:37 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_cref_in_context): Module#define_method in non-class
+ expression should be public.
+ [Bug #11754]
+ * test/ruby/test_method.rb: add a test.
+Wed Dec 9 14:45:27 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_stacked_objects): fix typo.
+ reported by XIE Zhibang. [Bug #11763]
+Wed Dec 9 14:37:51 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * doc/syntax/refinements.rdoc: remove outdated description.
+Wed Dec 9 09:58:09 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/**/*.c (*_memsize): same as r52986 for extensions.
+Wed Dec 9 09:46:19 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * .gitignore: ignored ISeq binary format.
+Wed Dec 9 09:34:41 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * *.c (*_memsize): do not check ptr.
+ NULL checking is finished Before call of memsize functions.
+ See r52979.
+Wed Dec 9 09:25:29 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/net/smtp/test_response.rb: use Test::Unit. We should use Test::Unit
+ without rubygems and rdoc.
+Wed Dec 9 06:26:23 2015 Colin Kelley <>
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb: enable frozen_string_literal
+ (split_userinfo): remove explicit .freeze for string literals
+ (check_path): ditto
+ (query): ditto
+ (fragment): ditto
+ (to_s): ditto
+ [ruby-core:71910] [Bug #11759]
+Wed Dec 9 06:25:47 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * test/uri/test_generic.rb (to_s): new test
+ [ruby-core:71820]
+Wed Dec 9 02:18:52 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (ibf_dump_memsize): should check NULL.
+Wed Dec 9 01:46:35 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_init): now accepts new option parameter `encoding'.
+ [Feature #11785]
+Wed Dec 9 00:52:37 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_stat_wr, rb_stat_ww): call get_stat only once and
+ reduce checking struct. patch by Yuki Kurihara in
+ [ruby-core:71949]. [Misc #11789]
+Wed Dec 9 00:24:33 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_ibf_dump): dump extra data just string length.
+ * sample/iseq_loader.rb: add using
+ RubyVM::InstructionSequence.from_binary_format_extra_data method
+ (commented out).
+Mon Dec 9 00:21:19 2015 Yuki Nishijima <>
+ * gems/bundled_gems: Upgrade the did_you_mean gem to 1.0.0.rc1
+Wed Dec 9 00:17:49 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (ibf_load_setup): cast to int.
+Wed Dec 9 00:13:09 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (ibf_setup_load): rename to ibf_load_setup().
+ * compile.c (iseq_load_setup): check binary format.
+Tue Dec 8 23:30:07 2015 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * test/io/console/test_io_console.rb (run_pty): Avoid waiting twice
+ for a process. Fix Errno::ECHILD in TestIO_Console#test_close and
+ TestIO_Console#test_sync.
+Tue Dec 8 23:05:47 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_ibf_dump): fix for clang type checker.
+Tue Dec 8 23:04:02 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c (iseq_s_load): fix mysterious bug.
+Tue Dec 8 22:31:58 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * introduce new ISeq binary format serializer/de-serializer
+ and a pre-compilation/runtime loader sample.
+ [Feature #11788]
+ * iseq.c: add new methods:
+ * RubyVM::InstructionSequence#to_binary_format(extra_data = nil)
+ * RubyVM::InstructionSequence.from_binary_format(binary)
+ * RubyVM::InstructionSequence.from_binary_format_extra_data(binary)
+ * compile.c: implement body of this new feature.
+ * load.c (rb_load_internal0), iseq.c (rb_iseq_load_iseq):
+ call RubyVM::InstructionSequence.load_iseq(fname) with
+ loading script name if this method is defined.
+ We can return any ISeq object as a result value.
+ Otherwise loading will be continue as usual.
+ This interface is not matured and is not extensible.
+ So that we don't guarantee the future compatibility of this method.
+ Basically, you shouldn't use this method.
+ * iseq.h: move ISEQ_MAJOR/MINOR_VERSION (and some definitions)
+ from iseq.c.
+ * encoding.c (rb_data_is_encoding), internal.h: added.
+ * vm_core.h: add several supports for lazy load.
+ * add USE_LAZY_LOAD macro to specify enable or disable of
+ this feature.
+ * add several fields to rb_iseq_t.
+ * introduce new macro rb_iseq_check().
+ * insns.def: some check for lazy loading feature.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: ditto.
+ * proc.c: ditto.
+ * vm.c: ditto.
+ * test/lib/iseq_loader_checker.rb: enabled iff suitable
+ environment variables are provided.
+ * test/runner.rb: enable lib/iseq_loader_checker.rb.
+ * sample/iseq_loader.rb: add sample compiler and loader.
+ $ ruby sample/iseq_loader.rb [dir]
+ will compile all ruby scripts in [dir].
+ With default setting, this compile creates *.rb.yarb files
+ in same directory of target .rb scripts.
+ $ ruby -r sample/iseq_loader.rb [app]
+ will run with enable to load compiled binary data.
+Tue Dec 8 21:21:16 2015 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * NEWS: mention about Enumerator::Lazy#grep_v.
+ [ruby-core:71845] [Feature #11773]
+Tue Dec 8 17:36:36 2015 Martin Duerst <>
+ * string.c: removed unused variable
+Tue Dec 8 16:23:40 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enumerator.c (lazy_grep_v): add Enumerator::Lazy#grep_v as well
+ as Enumerable, to enumerate lazily.
+ [ruby-core:71845] [Feature #11773]
+Tue Dec 8 14:27:07 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (name_err_local_variables): new method
+ NameError#local_variables for internal use only.
+ [Feature #11777]
+Tue Dec 8 14:20:38 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (w_objivar): skip internal instance variables in
+ T_OBJECT too.
+Tue Dec 8 12:58:04 2015 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * test/io/console/test_io_console.rb (test_getpass): s.getpass
+ should be tested. Narrow ensure block. This reverts r52911.
+ [Bug #11780] [ruby-dev:49412]
+Tue Dec 8 10:40:21 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * benchmark/bm_vm2_case_lit.rb: new benchmark
+ * compile.c (case_when_optimizable_literal): add nil/true/false
+ * insns.def (opt_case_dispatch): ditto
+ * vm.c (vm_redefinition_check_flag): ditto
+ * vm.c (vm_init_redefined_flag): ditto
+ * vm_core.h: ditto
+ * object.c (InitVM_Object): define === explicitly for nil/true/false
+ * test/ruby/test_case.rb (test_deoptimize_nil): new test
+ * test/ruby/test_optimization.rb (test_opt_case_dispatch): update
+ (test_eqq): new test
+ [ruby-core:71923] [Feature #11769]
+ Original patch by Aaron Patterson <>
+Tue Dec 8 10:19:02 2015 Jake Worth <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb: fix double word typo in the document.
+ [Misc #10608] [Fix GH-1126]
+Tue Dec 8 09:03:19 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (d_lite_lshift): should check the argument
+ before negation.
+Tue Dec 8 08:56:16 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * insns.def (opt_case_dispatch): check Float#=== redefinition
+ * test/ruby/test_optimization.rb (test_opt_case_dispatch): new
+ [ruby-core:71920] [Bug #11784]
+Tue Dec 8 03:56:05 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/lib/iseq_loader_checker.rb: add iseq dumper/loader checker.
+ If you enable this checker (remove `#' in test/runner.rb),
+ you can see comparison results between an original iseq disassembed
+ result and dumped and loaded iseq disassembed result.
+ There are several bugs around there, because of inexact stack depth
+ calculation. Now, I leave these bugs because they are not critical
+ and difficult to solve completely.
+ * test/runner.rb: require test/lib/iseq_loader_checker.rb but
+ disabled at default (commented out).
+Tue Dec 8 03:45:47 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * doc/extension.rdoc: warn about kwargs performance in C
+ [Feature #11339] [ci skip]
+Tue Dec 8 03:44:51 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c (iseq_load): disable peephole optimization option
+ because apply it multiple times change the sequence.
+ (iseq != peephole_optimize(load(iseq.to_a)))
+Tue Dec 8 03:43:21 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (rb_iseq_build_from_ary): do not allocate table
+ if table_size is 0.
+Tue Dec 8 03:30:34 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/socket/unixsocket.c (unix_send_io): document args
+ (unix_recv_io): ditto
+ * test/socket/test_unix.rb (test_fd_passing_class_mode): added
+Tue Dec 08 02:21:35 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c (iseq_translate): at the end of constructing an iseq,
+ call RubyVM::InstructionSequence.translate(iseq) if this method
+ is defined. If the return value is also an object of
+ RubyVM::InstructionSequence, then use it instead of created one.
+ For example, this method is useful to test iseq dumper/loader
+ such as RubyVM::InstructionSequence#to_a and rb_iseq_load().
+ Because this method is for such internal experimental usage,
+ the interface is not matured. For example, this interface has
+ no extensibility. Two or more translators can not run
+ simultaneously.
+ So that we don't guarantee future compatibility of this method.
+ Basically, do not use this method.
+Tue Dec 8 01:57:13 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/*: update psych to 2.0.16
+ * test/psych/*: ditto
+Mon Dec 7 23:45:20 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * string.c: introduce String#+@ and String#-@ to control
+ String mutability.
+ [Feature #11782]
+Mon Dec 7 23:39:49 2015 Ben Miller <>
+ * parse.y: add heredoc <<~ syntax. [Feature #9098]
+Mon Dec 7 23:06:16 2015 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * prelude.rb (IO#read_nonblock): [DOC] add missing options to
+ call-seq. [ruby-core:71627] [Bug #11730]
+Mon Dec 7 15:50:50 2015 Martin Duerst <>
+ * .gitignore: added cygruby*.def for Cygwin
+Sun Dec 6 19:52:31 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_autoload): deprecate
+ * internal.h (rb_autoload_str): declare
+ * load.c (rb_mod_autoload): use rb_autoload_str
+ * variable.c (rb_autoload): become compatibility wrapper
+ (rb_autoload_str): hoisted out from old rb_autoload
+ [ruby-core:71369] [Feature #11664]
+Sun Dec 6 18:25:22 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/webrick/test_cgi.rb (TestWEBrickCGI#test_cgi): gave up the test
+ of binary path info test on Windows because the test had passed
+ occasionally as the comment said.
+Sun Dec 6 15:25:06 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/io/console/console.c (console_getpass): add IO#getpass
+ method.
+Sun Dec 6 08:39:05 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/json/json.gemspec: bump version to json 1.8.3. CRuby already contained
+ upstream changes.
+ * ext/json/lib/json/version.rb: ditto.
+Sat Dec 5 17:48:25 2015 Lars Kanis <>
+ * tool/fake.rb: Fix cross build when srcdir is an absolute path.
+ * PREP dependency is needed when cross build too, not
+ "-r$(arch)-fake" to be used before created. [Fix GH-1125]
+Sat Dec 5 17:26:24 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (env_str_new, env_path_str_new): make default string
+ UTF-8 for the case conversion is not possible. [Bug #8822]
+ * hash.c (get_env_cstr): convert non-ASCII string to UTF-8 string.
+ * hash.c (ruby_setenv): use wide char version to put environment
+ variable to deal with non-ASCII value.
+Sat Dec 5 09:56:50 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby_atomic.h (ATOMIC_CAS): old value to be swapped should be
+ same as the destination. immediate value may need type
+ promotion.
+ * ruby_atomic.h (ATOMIC_SIZE_CAS): fix the argument order of
+ InterlockedCompareExchange64. new value and then old value is
+ the last.
+Sat Dec 5 09:23:34 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (fill_random_seed): fix the size to be filled, not the
+ size of element, but the whole size of array.
+Sat Dec 5 06:03:54 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * vm.c (ruby_vm_verbose_ptr): make static
+ (ruby_vm_debug_ptr): ditto
+Sat Dec 5 00:56:29 2015 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RB_OBJ_TAINT): follow-up of r52881.
+ Turn into void expression not to use unexpected result.
+ Fix "operands have incompatible types" error with
+ Oracle Solaris Studio 12.x on Solaris.
+Fri Dec 4 19:52:52 2015 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/iso_8859_13.c: Added three missing lower/upper-case
+ character pairs (from Kimihito Matsui)
+Fri Dec 4 18:57:57 2015 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/iso_8859_4.c: Added missing lower/upper-case character
+ (from Kimihito Matsui)
+Fri Dec 4 16:48:19 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_obj_as_string): fstring should not be infected.
+ re-apply r52872 and fix a typo.
+ TODO: other frozen strings also may not be.
+Fri Dec 4 15:21:45 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems 2.5.0+ HEAD(fdab4c4).
+ this version includes #1396, #1397, #1398, #1399
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Fri Dec 4 11:22:40 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_setname): name must be ascii-compatible, as
+ pthread APIs do not accept legacy wide char strings.
+Thu Dec 3 15:39:21 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/scanf.rb: fixed double words typo.
+ [ci skip][fix GH-1123] Patch by @jwworth
+Thu Dec 3 15:37:56 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/ruby/test_mixed_unicode_escapes.rb: fixed typo.
+ [fix GH-1122] Patch by @davydovanton
+ * test/ruby/test_object.rb: ditto.
+ * test/socket/test_tcp.rb: ditto.
+Thu Dec 3 15:33:08 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): fix wrong shifting position in
+ Rational conversion when not at the beginning of the result.
+ [ruby-core:71806] [Bug #11766]
+Thu Dec 3 14:22:16 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * range.c (range_to_s): should be infected by the receiver.
+ str2 infects by appending. [ruby-core:71811] [Bug #11767]
+Thu Dec 3 11:57:12 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * separate SET_CURRENT_THREAD_NAME, which can set
+ the name of current thread only, and SET_ANOTHER_THREAD_NAME,
+ which can set the name of other threads.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_setname): use SET_ANOTHER_THREAD_NAME. OS X
+ is not possible to set another thread name.
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_set_thread_name, thread_timer): use
+Wed Dec 02 22:57:46 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h, iseq.h: remove rb_iseq_t::variable_body.
+ Fields in rb_iseq_t::variable_body are contained by
+ rb_iseq_t::body::mark_ary (hidden Array object).
+ Index 0 to 2 of mark_ary are reserved by these objects.
+ * iseq.c: catch up this fix.
+ * compile.c (rb_iseq_original_iseq): trivial rewrite.
+Wed Dec 2 17:19:02 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.h: introduce ISEQ_ORIGINAL_ISEQ() and
+ * compile.c: use them to access original iseq buffer.
+ * iseq.c: ditto.
+ * vm_core.h: rename iseq field to support this fix.
+Wed Dec 2 17:10:32 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.h: introduce ISEQ_FLIP_CNT_INCREMENT() macro.
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): use it.
+ * vm_core.h: rename flip_cnt field to support this fix.
+Wed Dec 2 17:05:15 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.h: introduce ISEQ_COVERAGE() and ISEQ_COVERAGE_SET() macro.
+ * compile.c: use them.
+ * iseq.c: ditto.
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_coverage): added.
+ * thread.c (update_coverage): use rb_iseq_coverage().
+ * vm_core.h: rename coverage field name to support this fix.
+Wed Dec 2 17:00:54 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (enc_name, rb_enc_name_list_i, rb_enc_aliases_enc_i):
+ make fstring instead of making each copies.
+Wed Dec 2 16:32:08 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.h: introduce ISEQ_COMPILE_DATA() macro.
+ * compile.c, iseq.c: use ISEQ_COMPILE_DATA().
+ * vm_core.h: rename compile_data field to support this fix.
+Wed Dec 2 16:27:19 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (enc_m_loader): defer finding encoding object not to
+ be infected by marshal source. [ruby-core:71793] [Bug #11760]
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): enable compatible loader on USERDEF
+ class. the loader function is called with the class itself,
+ instead of an allocated object, and the loaded data.
+ * marshal.c (compat_allocator_table): initialize
+ compat_allocator_tbl on demand.
+ * object.c (rb_undefined_alloc): extract from rb_obj_alloc.
+Wed Dec 2 15:12:43 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * Fixed double negative comments.
+ [Bug #11698][ruby-core:71506]
+Wed Dec 2 14:55:01 2015 yui-knk <>
+ * test/ruby/test_string.rb: removed non executing tests.
+ [Misc #11757][ruby-dev:49397]
+Wed Dec 2 11:23:06 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/csv.rb: enable frozen_string_literal.
+ [fix GH-1116] Patch by @marshall-lee
+Wed Dec 2 10:36:25 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c: Fix double word typo.
+ [ci skip][fix GH-1120] Patch by @jwworth
+Wed Dec 2 07:43:51 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (mSSLExtConfig): make static
+ (eSSLError): ditto
+ (ID_callback_state): ditto
+ (ossl_ssl_ex_vcb_idx): ditto
+ (ossl_ssl_ex_store_p): ditto
+ (ossl_ssl_ex_ptr_idx): ditto
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.h: remove extern declarations for
+ mSSLExtConfig and eSSLError
+Wed Dec 2 07:41:08 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * missing/explicit_bzero.c (explicit_bzero): fixup r52839
+ for compilers with "weak" attribute
+Wed Dec 2 06:47:25 2015 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * missing/explicit_bzero.c: add ruby_explicit_bzero_hook_unused
+ for preventing optimization. Inspired from OpenBSD.
+Tue Dec 1 23:36:39 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_setname): allow to reset thread name.
+Tue Dec 1 23:14:04 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_setname): check the argument if valid
+ string. [ruby-core:71774] [Bug #11756]
+Tue Dec 1 17:13:41 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_string_value_cstr): should not raise on frozen
+ string.
+Tue Dec 1 09:35:29 2015 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * missing/explicit_bzero.c: add a few comment.
+Tue Dec 1 09:31:19 2015 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * missing/explicit_bzero.c: add disabling optimization on gcc.
+Tue Dec 1 07:50:33 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * missing/explicit_bzero.c: new file. define explicit_bzero.
+ Fixup r52806
+Thu Oct 22 12:54:43 2015 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (register_ubf_list): renamed from
+ add_signal_thread_list.
+ * thread_pthread.c (unregister_ubf_list): renamed
+ from remove_signal_thread_list.
+ * thread_pthread.c (ubf_wakeup_all_threads): renamed from
+ ping_signal_thread_list.
+ * thread_pthread.c (ubf_wakeup_thread): renamed from
+ ubf_select_each.
+ * thread_pthread.c (ubf_threads_empty): renamed from
+ check_signal_thread_list().
+ * thread_pthread.c (ubf_list_lock): renamed from
+ signal_thread_list_lock.
+ * thread_pthread.c (register_ubf_list): large simplification
+ by using ccan/list.h.
+ bonus: removed malloc() and exit(EXIT_FAILURE).
+ * thread_pthread.c (unregister_ubf_list): ditto.
+ * thread_pthread.c (ubf_threads_empty): ditto.
+ * thread_pthread.c (ubf_wakeup_all_threads): ditto.
+ * thread_pthread.c (print_signal_list): removed.
+Thu Oct 22 08:03:49 2015 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/ruby/test_rand.rb (TestRand#test_default_seed): add
+ srand case.
+Thu Oct 22 06:33:38 2015 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * random.c (InitVM_Random): move Random::DEFAULT initialization
+ bits to Init_Random_default.
+ * random.c (Init_Random_default): renamed from Init_RandomSeed2.
+ * random.c (Init_RandomSeedCore): renamed from Init_RandomSeed.
+Thu Oct 22 06:20:48 2015 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * random.c (Init_RandomSeed): move all Random::DEFAULT
+ construction bits to Init_RandomSeed2. Random::DEFAULT
+ and Ruby internal hashes are no longer shared their seed.
+ * random.c (Init_RandomSeed2): ditto. And, kill evil
+ rb_obj_reveal() stuff.
+ * random.c (init_hashseed): add MT argument.
+ * random.c: (init_siphash): ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_rand.rb (TestRand#test_default_seed): new
+ test for Random::DEFAULT::seed.
+Thu Oct 22 05:23:48 2015 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * random.c (init_hashseed, init_siphash): extract initialize
+ functions.
+Thu Oct 22 01:01:34 2015 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * sort AC_CHECK_HEADERS() by alphabetical order.
+Thu Oct 22 00:19:07 2015 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * random.c (init_randomseed): remove "initial" argument. It never
+ be used from outside of this function.
+Thu Oct 22 00:12:33 2015 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * lib/securerandom.rb (SecureRandom::gen_random): use /dev/urandom
+ for initialize OpenSSL's rand.
+Wed Oct 21 12:10:04 2015 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_rand.c (ossl_rand_bytes): RAND_bytes could
+ be return -1 as an error. Therefore, added error handling.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dsa.c (dsa_generate): ditto.
+Wed Oct 21 09:04:09 2015 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * include/ruby/util.h: remove a warning suppression C4723
+ (potential divide by zero) for VisualC++. It's meaningless.
+ Before r26197, there is ruby_div0() in this place and it
+ actually made divide by zero. But now it's just garbage.
+Wed Oct 21 08:23:36 2015 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * random.c: random_raw_seed don't use GRND_NONBLOCK. GRND_NONBLOCK
+ mean the result might not have an enough cryptic strength and
+ easy predictable. That's no good for SecureRandom.
+Sun Oct 18 17:26:53 2015 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * add a rule for explicit_bzero.o.
+ * detect explicit_bzero and memset_s.
+ * include/ruby/missing.h: add explicit_bzero.
+ * random.c (init_randomseed): use explicit_bzero() instead of
+ memset(). memset could be eliminated by compiler optimization.
+Mon Nov 30 18:46:44 2015 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/readline/extconf.rb: call dir_config("libedit")
+ if --enable-libedit is specified. [Bug #11751]
+ patched by John Hein
+Mon Nov 30 08:44:29 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * variable.c: remove spurious #define for globals
+ [ruby-core:71735] [Feature #11749]
+Sun Nov 29 09:13:03 2015 Conor Landry <>
+ * NEWS: [DOC] Various grammar corrections and clarifications to
+ increase readability. [Fix GH-1115]
+Sat Nov 28 19:33:55 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_here_document): store dispatched result of
+ on_tstring_content at the last fragment of a here document.
+Fri Nov 27 19:19:44 2015 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (connect): detect closed connection and reconnect
+ If the server closes a keep-alive http connection, the client socket
+ reaches EOF. To avoid an EOFError, detect the closed connection and
+ reconnect.
+ Added test to ensure HTTP#post succeeds even if the
+ keep-alive-connection has been closed by the server.
+ by Kristian Hanekamp <>
+ fix GH-1089
+Thu Nov 26 21:36:40 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_peephole_optimize): enable tail call
+ optimization for specialized indexers.
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): blockiseq should be NULL, but not
+ Qnil.
+Thu Nov 26 17:22:53 2015 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regcomp.c, regenc.c, regexec.c, regint.h, enc/unicode.c:
+ Merge Onigmo 58fa099ed1a34367de67fb3d06dd48d076839692
+ +
+Thu Nov 26 09:50:02 2015 yui-knk <>
+ * test/coverage/test_coverage.rb: Added test-case for Coverage.restart.
+ [Misc #11732][ruby-dev:49379]
+Thu Nov 26 09:46:36 2015 yui-knk <>
+ * test/coverage/test_coverage.rb: Added test-case for Coverage.peek_result
+ without Coverage.start. [Misc #11726][ruby-core:71622]
+Thu Nov 26 07:22:55 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb (test_copy_stream): new test
+Wed Nov 25 21:23:39 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (copy_stream_body): try to_io conversion before read,
+ readpartial, and write methods. [ruby-dev:49008] [Bug #11199]
+Wed Nov 25 10:55:21 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * io.c (argf_getpartial): should not resize str if the second
+ argument is not given.
+ [ruby-core:71668] [Bug #11738]
+Tue Nov 24 23:56:25 2015 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * On Solaris, it is safe to define _LARGEFILE_SOURCE
+ when _FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 is defined (= when 32-bit compile).
+Tue Nov 24 10:00:10 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rubygems/installer.rb: Fix two double-word typos.
+ [ci skip][fix GH-1108] Patch by @jwworth
+Tue Nov 24 09:17:02 2015 Alexander von Gluck IV <>
+ * beos: Drop support for BeOS now that Haiku is stable.
+ [Fix GH-1112]
+Tue Nov 24 09:16:35 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * internal.h (rb_gc_for_fd): move to export, as referred by
+ ext/socket.
+Tue Nov 24 09:04:29 2015 David Rodriguez <>
+ * file.c: [DOC] add a missing period to File docs, to terminate
+ the sentence and separate from the next sentence. [Fix GH-1111]
+Tue Nov 24 08:30:06 2015 JuanitoFatas <>
+ * NEWS: Fix the issue number of `Struct#dig`, which should be
+ [Feature #11688]. [Fix GH-1110]
+Tue Nov 24 07:56:54 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/socket/init.c (rsock_s_accept): handle ENOMEM
+Tue Nov 24 07:50:15 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * dir.c (dir_initialize): use rb_gc_for_fd for ENOMEM
+ * ext/socket/init.c (rsock_socket): ditto
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (rsock_socketpair): ditto
+ * internal.h (rb_gc_for_fd): prototype
+ * io.c (rb_gc_for_fd): remove static
+ [ruby-core:71623] [Feature #11727]
+Tue Nov 24 06:46:27 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * io.c (rb_gc_for_fd): new helper function
+ (ruby_dup): use rb_gc_for_fd
+ (rb_sysopen): ditto
+ (rb_fdopen): ditto
+ (rb_pipe): ditto
+ [ruby-core:71623] [Feature #11727]
+Tue Nov 24 05:13:35 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/fiddle/function.c (struct nogvl_ffi_call_args):
+ new struct for GVL release
+ (nogvl_ffi_call): new function
+ (function_call): adjust for GVL release
+ [ruby-core:71642] [Feature #11607]
+ * ext/fiddle/closure.c (struct callback_args):
+ new struct for GVL acquire
+ (with_gvl_callback): adjusted original callback function
+ (callback): wrapper for conditional GVL acquire
+ * ext/fiddle/depend: add dependencies
+ * ext/fiddle/extconf.rb: include top_srcdir for internal.h
+ * internal.h (ruby_thread_has_gvl_p): expose for fiddle
+ * vm_core.h (ruby_thread_has_gvl_p): moved to internal.h
+ * test/fiddle/test_function.rb (test_nogvl_poll): new test
+Mon Nov 23 19:53:12 2015 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * On Solaris, with gcc, "-std=iso9899:1999"
+ in $ansi_options is often also needed in CPPFLAGS,
+ because some feature definitions vary depending on such
+ standards options.
+Mon Nov 23 12:54:39 2015 Hamish Morrison <>
+ * remove obsolete workarounds for Haiku.
+ * dln.c, file.c, io.c: remove obsolete Haiku workarounds.
+ * thread_pthread.c: add stack bounds detection for Haiku.
+ * signal.c: get stack pointer from signal context on Haiku.
+ [ruby-core:67923] [Bug #10811] [Fix GH-1109]
+Mon Nov 23 11:44:11 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * gems/bundled_gems: bump version to minitest-5.8.3
+Mon Nov 23 08:55:00 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ChangeLog: fix wrong reference for r52714
+Sun Nov 22 22:23:37 2015 Rei Odaira <>
+ * gc.c (rb_raw_obj_info): fix compile errors when USE_RGENGC
+ is 0.
+Sun Nov 22 21:58:09 2015 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * lib/cmath.rb: methods which has suffix '!' are now deprecated.
+ Re-apply r52469 made by Kazuki Tanaka, with fixing bug about
+ mathn.rb compatibility. [ruby-core:68528] [Feature #10974]
+Sun Nov 22 19:36:51 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c: fix brew command for installation of openssl.
+ [ci skip][fix GH-1107] Patch by @arthurnn
+Sun Nov 22 17:59:50 2015 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * On Solaris, add -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=n only when both
+ AC_TRY_CPP and AC_TRY_COMPILE pass, because some options
+ (e.g. -std=iso9899:1999) are not set when running C preprocessor
+ or building ext.
+Sun Nov 22 16:53:34 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_peephole_optimize): remove unreachable code
+ chunk after jump/leave.
+ * parse.y: move dead code elimination of logical operation to
+ compile.c. not to warn logical operation of literal constants.
+Sun Nov 22 16:37:10 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_peephole_optimize): eliminate always/never
+ branches after a literal object and when the value is used after
+ the branch.
+Sun Nov 22 01:23:43 2015 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * Add -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=500 (or 600 or 700) on Solaris
+ if available, mainly for enabling some features in sockets.
+Sun Nov 22 00:17:22 2015 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * test/socket/test_socket.rb (test/socket/test_socket.rb): skip
+ the test when Socket::SO_TIMESTAMP is not defined. Fix error
+ on Solaris 10. [Bug #11728] [ruby-dev:49377]
+Sat Nov 21 18:57:28 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (need_argument): move frozen-string-literal-debug option
+ from --enable to --debug. [Feature #11725]
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): fix pointer overrun. do not advance argv
+ until it is valid.
+Sat Nov 21 13:59:09 2015 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/digest/sha1/extconf.rb: OpenSSL's struct name for SHA1 is
+Sat Nov 21 13:31:52 2015 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/digest/*/*.[ch]: include ruby.h before digest.h to avoid
+ including ext/digest/extconf.h. [Bug #3231]
+ * ext/digest/*/extconf.rb: remove ext/digest from include search path
+ to avoid confusion of cl.exe.
+ * ext/digest/*/*.[ch]: explicitly specify def.h's path.
+Sat Nov 21 13:05:16 2015 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.h: LibreSSL doesn't have and need e_os2.h.
+Sat Nov 21 09:18:10 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread_sync.c: reduce the specification of Queue#close.
+ * Queue#close accepts no arguments.
+ * deq'ing on closed queue returns nil, always.
+ [Feature #10600]
+ * test/thread/test_queue.rb: catch up this fix.
+Sat Nov 21 08:44:21 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): add debug information to NODE_STR
+ strings as default.
+ [Feature #11725]
+ * insns.def (freezestring): add new instruction to support adding
+ debug information for dynamically constructed strings.
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): support adding debug information
+ for NODE_DSTR with freezestring instruction.
+ * error.c (rb_error_frozen): change the debug information ID name
+ id_debug_created_info and this field should have a 2 element array
+ containing path and line information.
+ * defs/id.def: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb: catch up this fix.
+ * test/ruby/test_iseq.rb: now frozen strings are not same.
+Sat Nov 21 04:34:16 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * symbol.c (rb_str_intern): should not freeze the receiver itself
+ unexpectedly. [ruby-core:71611] [Bug #11721]
+Fri Nov 20 23:15:18 2015 Naotoshi Seo <>
+ * lib/logger.rb: expose logger mutex
+ [fix GH-541] Patch by @arthurnn
+Fri Nov 20 15:05:28 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * Added missing reference of GitHub
+Fri Nov 20 14:57:01 2015 Trevor Rowe <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: Fixed regression for Net::HTTP::PUT with "Expect-100"
+ header. [fix GH-949]
+ * test/net/http/test_http.rb: added test.
+Fri Nov 20 14:39:56 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: set hostname before call ossl_ssl_set_session.
+ [Bug #11401][ruby-core:70152][fix GH-964] Patch by @mkarnebeek
+Fri Nov 20 12:53:19 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * array.c: clarify docs for take_while/drop_while samples.
+ [ci skip][fix GH-1028] Patch by @leriksen
+Fri Nov 20 12:48:04 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: remove mention of :UNIX in getaddrinfo().
+ It's typically not a support option.
+ [ci skip][fix GH-990] Patch by @eam
+Fri Nov 20 12:44:06 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rss/syndication.rb: Add nodoc marker for #validate_sy_updatePeriod.
+ [ci skip][fix GH-1105] Patch by @davydovanton
+Fri Nov 20 09:05:21 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_cref_replace_with_duplicated_cref): added.
+ CREFs should not be shared by methods between `using'.
+ [Bug #11247]
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_cref_replace_with_duplicated_cref): ditto.
+ * vm.c (vm_cref_dup): should copy refinements correctly.
+ * eval.c: use rb_vm_cref_replace_with_duplicated_cref().
+ * eval_intern.h: add a decl. of
+ rb_vm_cref_replace_with_duplicated_cref().
+ * vm_eval.c (eval_string_with_cref): do not need to pass
+ scope's CREF because VM can find out CREF from stack frames.
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb: add a test.
+Fri Nov 20 06:52:53 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * .gitattributes: new file for git users
+ [ruby-core:71578] [Feature #11713]
+Thu Nov 19 22:35:31 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c: Check buffer full and ignore MSG_TRUNC flag.
+ buffer fullness is more robust to detect the message is too big for
+ the buffer.
+ AIX 7.1 recvmsg doesn't set MSG_TRUNC for rflags when MSG_PEEK is
+ given.
+Thu Nov 19 21:55:11 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_start): force to invoke GC by GC.start
+ even if it is GC.disable'd.
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb: add a test.
+Thu Nov 19 20:08:59 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: trivial performance improvements.
+ name modified
+ vm1_gc_short_lived* 1.015
+ vm1_gc_short_with_complex_long* 1.014
+ vm1_gc_short_with_long* 1.000
+ vm1_gc_short_with_symbol* 1.016
+ vm1_gc_wb_ary* 1.002
+ vm1_gc_wb_ary_promoted* 0.996
+ vm1_gc_wb_obj* 1.045
+ vm1_gc_wb_obj_promoted* 1.014
+ vm3_gc 1.021
+ * gc.c (gc_writebarrier_generational): reorder parameters to optimize
+ register passing function call.
+ * gc.c (gc_writebarrier_incremental): ditto.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_writebarrier): remove LIKELY().
+ LIKELY() seems to move related functions not better places.
+Thu Nov 19 19:45:05 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (ruby_prog_init): [DOC] ARGV does not contain the name of
+ the executable. [ruby-core:71561] [Bug #11711]
+Thu Nov 19 15:53:21 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * signal.c: should also clear ruby_disable_gc.
+ [Bug #11692]
+Thu Nov 19 15:31:45 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): T_IMEMO/iseq objects should be
+ wrap with ISeq wrappers. [Bug #11676]
+Thu Nov 19 15:16:12 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems 2.5.0+ HEAD(c6b4946).
+ this version includes #1114, #1314, #1322, #1375, #1383, #1387
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Thu Nov 19 14:14:37 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (finish_overlapped_socket): return value of this
+ function should be only 0 or SOCKET_ERROR.
+Thu Nov 19 14:12:12 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_tailcall_optimize): apply tail call optimization
+ before conversion to specialized instructions. when looking
+ back from `leave` instruction, `send` instructions have been
+ translated already.
+Thu Nov 19 13:57:58 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (finish_overlapped_socket): ignore EMSGSIZE when input,
+ because POSIX platforms just do so. fixes test errors revealed by
+ r52647.
+Thu Nov 19 02:52:30 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (bsock_recvmsg_internal): stretch the buffer size
+ only when vmaxdatlen is nil.
+Thu Nov 19 02:20:11 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/socket/test_socket.rb (test_udp_recvmsg_truncation): rflags is
+ nil on Solaris 10 which have no HAVE_STRUCT_MSGHDR_MSG_CONTROL.
+ Reported by Naohisa Goto. [ruby-core:71557] [Bug #11709]
+Thu Nov 19 01:48:05 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * add -static-libgcc for mingw automatically if available.
+Thu Nov 19 00:53:26 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (--extflags): new option to pass EXTLDFLAGS to children,
+ especially
+ * (EXTMK_ARGS): use above option.
+Wed Nov 18 22:50:43 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_class_clear_method_cache): should clear all
+ RCLASS_CALLABLE_M_TBLs of all sub-classes (T_ICLASS).
+ RCLASS_CALLABLE_M_TBL() caches complemented method entries.
+ It should be cleared when the modules are cleared.
+ On previous version clears only for direct children.
+ It is enough for normal modules because corresponding T_ICLASSes
+ are direct children.
+ However, refinements create complex data structure. So that
+ we need to clear all children (and descendants).
+ [ruby-core:71423] [Bug #11672]
+ * vm_method.c (rb_clear_method_cache_by_class): rb_mKernel
+ doesn't call rb_class_clear_method_cache, so that
+ clear child T_ICLASSes.
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb: enable disabled test.
+Wed Nov 18 21:09:08 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_method.c (prepare_callable_method_entry): use
+ RCLASS_CALLABLE_M_TBL() instead of accessing a filed directly.
+Wed Nov 18 17:08:18 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * method.h: introduce the following field and macros.
+ * rb_method_definition_t::complemented_count to count shared method
+ entries because of complemented method entries and separate from
+ alias_count.
+ Shared `def' only by complemented method entries should not prevent
+ method re-definition warning.
+ * METHOD_ENTRY_COMPLEMENTED(me) to represent complemented method entry.
+ * METHOD_ENTRY_COMPLEMENTED_SET(me) to check it as complemented me.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (aliased_callable_method_entry): should also
+ check me->def->complemented_count.
+ * vm_method.c (method_definition_addref_complement): add to count
+ complemented method entries number.
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_definition_release): release `def' iff
+ alias_count == 0 and complemented_count == 0.
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb: add a test.
+Wed Nov 18 17:06:19 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_raw_obj_info): fix trivial issues.
+ * support SPECIAL_CONSTs.
+ * fix IMEMO/ment outputs.
+Wed Nov 18 11:32:15 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_peephole_optimize): eliminate always/never
+ branches after a literal object. this sequence typically
+ appears by defined? operator for a method call on a local
+ variable.
+Wed Nov 18 10:33:06 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (bsock_recvmsg_internal): stretch the buffer size
+ when EMSGSIZE occurs on non HAVE_STRUCT_MSGHDR_MSG_CONTROL platforms
+ (such as, Windows). fixes a test error revealed by r52625.
+Wed Nov 18 10:12:36 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (bsock_recvmsg_internal): use 4096 as
+ default size to match pre-r52610, which also maps to a common
+ page size.
+Wed Nov 18 10:05:25 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * doc/syntax/refinements.rdoc: update documentation to reflect
+ recent changes.
+ [ci skip] [ruby-core:71466] [Misc #11681] Patch by James Adam
+Wed Nov 18 09:50:21 2015 Naotoshi Seo <>
+ * test/logger/test_logdevice.rb: Fix tests of logger to make it work on
+ windows (windows can not remove opened file) [Bug #11702]
+Wed Nov 18 06:59:52 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (bsock_recvmsg_internal): grow buffer
+ on unspecified maxdatlen
+ [ruby-core:71517] [Bug #11701]
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb (Socket#recvmsg): nil default for dlen
+ (Socket#recvmsg_nonblock): ditto
+ * test/socket/test_socket.rb (test_recvmsg_udp_no_arg): new test
+Tue Nov 17 19:50:06 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (fstat): declare for mingw.
+Tue Nov 17 19:02:59 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * (BASERUBY): use Kernel#print instead of Kernel#p because
+ the baseruby may output CRLF as end of line.
+Tue Nov 17 15:34:34 2015 Martin Duerst <>
+ * NEWS: Added update from Unicode 7.0.0 to 8.0.0 [ci skip]
+Tue Nov 17 15:30:30 2015 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/unicode/casefold.h, name2ctype.h: Change Unicode
+ Version for regular expressions from 7.0.0 to
+ 8.0.0 (with help from Kimihito Matsui) [Feature #11563]
+Tue Nov 17 14:36:00 2015 Kenichi Kamiya <>
+ * lib/ostruct.rb (dig): Implement OpenStruct#dig
+ [Feature #11688]
+Tue Nov 17 14:04:14 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb (Socket#recvmsg{,_nonblock}): default values
+ of clen must be nil.
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (bsock_sendmsg_internal): handle nil of clen.
+ fixes test errors introduced at r52602.
+Tue Nov 17 13:43:46 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb: UNIXSocket is not always exists. fixes
+ install error on Windows, introduced at r52601.
+Tue Nov 17 11:27:23 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb (Socket#recvfrom_nonblock):
+ UDPSocket#recvfrom_nonblock):
+ update doc for `exception: false` and destination buffer
+ [ruby-core:69542] [Feature #11229]
+ [ruby-core:69543] [Feature #11242]
+Tue Nov 17 11:25:05 2015 Eric Turner <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_dig), hash.c (rb_hash_dig): [DOC] Update
+ comments describing dig methods. [Fix GH-1103]
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_dig): [DOC] add rdoc.
+Tue Nov 17 11:22:22 2015 Martin Duerst <>
+ * NEWS: Small grammatical fix [ci skip]
+Tue Nov 17 10:12:30 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb (Socket.accept_loop): avoid exceptions
+ (Socket.udp_server_recv): ditto
+Tue Nov 17 09:59:00 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (bsock_sendmsg_internal): avoid arg parsing
+ [ruby-core:71439] [Feature #11339]
+ (rsock_bsock_sendmsg): make private, adjust for above
+ (rsock_bsock_sendmsg_nonblock): ditto
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h: adjust prototypes
+ (rsock_opt_false_p): remove
+ * ext/socket/basicsocket.c (rsock_init_basicsocket):
+ define private methods
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb (BasicSocket#sendmsg): new wrapper
+ (BasicSocket#sendmsg_nonblock): ditto
+Tue Nov 17 09:45:18 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (bsock_recvmsg_internal): avoid arg parsing
+ (rsock_bsock_recvmsg): adjust for above change
+ (rsock_bsock_recvmsg_nonblock): ditto
+ [ruby-core:71439] [Feature #11339]
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h: adjust prototypes for above
+ * ext/socket/basicsocket.c (rsock_init_basicsocket):
+ adjust private methods
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb (BasicSocket#recvmsg): wrapper method
+ (BasicSocket#recvmsg_nonblock): ditto
+Tue Nov 17 08:36:34 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/socket/init.c (rsock_s_accept_nonblock): avoid parsing args
+ [ruby-core:71439] [Feature #11339]
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h: adjust prototype
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_accept_nonblock): make private
+ * ext/socket/tcpserver.c (tcp_accept_nonblock): ditto
+ * ext/socket/unixserver.c (unix_accept_nonblock): ditto
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb (Socket#accept_nonblock):
+ implement as wrapper, move RDoc
+ (TCPServer#accept_nonblock): ditto
+ (UNIXServer#accept_nonblock): ditto
+Tue Nov 17 08:25:57 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_connect_nonblock):
+ avoid argument parsing in C.
+ [ruby-core:71439] [Feature #11339]
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb (Socket#connect_nonblock):
+ new wrapper for private method, move RDoc
+Tue Nov 17 08:16:09 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/socket/init.c (rsock_s_recvfrom_nonblock):
+ avoid arg parsing with C API
+ [ruby-core:71439] [Feature #11339]
+ * ext/socket/basicsocket.c (bsock_recv_nonblock):
+ adjust for above change, make private
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_recvfrom_nonblock): ditto
+ * ext/socket/udpsocket.c (udp_recvfrom_nonblock): ditto
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb (BasicSocket#recv_nonblock):
+ new wrapper for private method, move RDoc
+ (Socket#recvfrom_nonblock): ditto
+ (UDPSocket#recvfrom_nonblock): ditto
+Mon Nov 16 21:27:54 2015 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * test/dtrace/helper.rb (Dtrace::TestCase#trap_probe): dtrace buffer
+ size is set as 8m on Solaris (default 4m). [Bug #11697]
+Mon Nov 16 20:03:14 2015 Naotoshi Seo <>
+ * lib/logger.rb: Add Logger#reopen
+Mon Nov 16 18:21:52 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_dig): dig in nested structs too.
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_dig): new method Struct#dig.
+ [Feature #11688]
+Mon Nov 16 17:41:33 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_peephole_optimize): optimize tail calls on aref
+ and aset specialized instructions.
+ * compile.c (iseq_peephole_optimize): optimize replaced leave
+ instruction copied to jump instruction too.
+Mon Nov 16 16:39:38 2015 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/set.rb: Enable frozen_string_literal.
+ * lib/set.rb: Move << out of the begin block that ensures pop.
+Mon Nov 16 16:28:30 2015 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/set.rb (Hash#flatten!, #add?, #delete?, #collect!, #reject!,
+ #select!, #^, #classify): Micro-optimize some methods for
+ performance and readability.
+Mon Nov 16 16:17:58 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ChangeLog: fixed accidentally commit.
+Mon Nov 16 16:10:51 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * mkconfig.rb: Add some high-level documentation.
+ [ci skip][fix GH-1081] Patch by @ulfalizer
+Mon Nov 16 15:59:14 2015 yui-knk <>
+ * proc.c: Add call-seq of `Method#super_method`
+ [ci skip][fix GH-1094]
+Mon Nov 16 15:58:39 2015 Kenichi Kamiya <>
+ * struct.c: Standardize a method signature of Struct#[]=.
+ [ci skip][fix GH-1095]
+Mon Nov 16 15:42:36 2015 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/set.rb (#>=, #>, #<=, #<): Make use of Hash#>=, #>, #<, and
+ #<= when comparing against an instance of the same kind.
+Mon Nov 16 15:37:11 2015 Naotoshi Seo <>
+ * lib/logger.rb: Support symbol and string log level setting
+Mon Nov 16 15:33:11 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb: fix wrong permission for gem specification without
+ zlib runtime. [Bug #11685][ruby-dev:49343]
+Mon Nov 16 12:11:11 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpauth/basicauth.rb: fix a typo.
+ [ci skip][fix GH-1099] Patch by @jwworth
+ * lib/webrick/httpauth/digestauth.rb: ditto.
+Sun Nov 15 18:28:43 2015 Kenichi Kamiya <>
+ * vm_method.c (set_method_visibility): should fail if the receiver
+ is frozen. [ruby-core:71489] [Bug #11687]
+Sat Nov 14 22:15:07 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb: Specify frozen_string_literal: true.
+Sat Nov 14 21:44:56 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/time.rb: Use "<<" to reduce string allocation.
+Sat Nov 14 17:45:49 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/tsort.rb: Specify frozen_string_literal: true.
+Sat Nov 14 17:25:15 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv-replace.rb: Specify frozen_string_literal: true.
+Sat Nov 14 17:00:13 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/time.rb: Specify frozen_string_literal: true.
+Sat Nov 14 16:43:02 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open3.rb: Specify frozen_string_literal: true.
+Sat Nov 14 05:04:09 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * node.h: remove old comments.
+Sat Nov 14 04:55:36 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * refactoring CREF related code.
+ * eval_intern.h: remove unused setter functions.
+ * eval_intern.h: rename flags:
+ and use IMEMO_FL_USER1/2.
+ * vm.c (vm_cref_new): accept push_by_eval parameter.
+ * vm.c (vm_cref_new_use_prev): added for rb_vm_rewrite_cref().
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_cref_push): accept pushed_by_eval parameter.
+ * vm_insnhelper.h: remove unused macros:
+ * vm_eval.c, insns.def: catch up this fix.
+Sat Nov 14 02:58:03 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (vm_define_method): refactoring.
+ * get CREF in this function.
+ * cbase is no longer needed (CREF_CLASS(cref) is enough).
+ * compile.c: RubyVM::FrozenCore.define_method only accept 2 args.
+Sat Nov 14 02:34:43 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (vm_define_method): do not use current CREF immediately,
+ but check CREF in environment or methods. Methods defined in methods
+ should be public.
+ [Bug #11571]
+ * vm_method.c (rb_scope_module_func_check): check CREF in env or me.
+ if CREF is contained by `me', then return FALSE.
+ * test/ruby/test_method.rb: add a test.
+Sat Nov 14 02:19:16 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * method.h: constify rb_cref_t::scope_visi;
+ * eval_intern.h (CREF_SCOPE_VISI_COPY): catch up this fix.
+ * vm_method.c: ditto.
+Sat Nov 14 01:53:52 2015 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack, AVOID_CC_BUG): Very ugly workaround for
+ optimization bug of Oracle Solaris Studio 12.4 on Solaris
+ with -xO4 optimization option. [Bug #11684]
+Fri Nov 13 23:00:23 2015 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * unset LD_PRELOAD on mingw. msys2 child processes
+ crash at make test-all with LD_PRELOAD.
+ [ruby-core:71461] [Bug #11680]
+Fri Nov 13 14:00:43 2015 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey.c: Merge ruby/openssl@b9ea8ef [Bug #10735]
+Fri Nov 13 13:09:16 2015 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c: Merge ruby/openssl@81e1a30
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb: ditto
+Fri Nov 13 13:05:37 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * prelude.rb (Thread.exclusive): warn as deprecated.
+Fri Nov 13 10:36:39 2015 Victor Nawothnig <>
+ * parse.y (new_unless): optimize constant condition for `unless`
+ as well as `if`. [Fix GH-1092]
+Fri Nov 13 10:08:41 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/psych/psych.gemspec: bump version to 2.0.15
+Thu Nov 12 18:44:26 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_magic_comment): should match exactly.
+ [ruby-core:71460] [Bug #11679]
+Thu Nov 12 16:16:20 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * template/prelude.c.tmpl: enable tail call optimization.
+Thu Nov 12 14:17:01 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): ANDDOT at the head of the line denote
+ line continuation from previous one to support fluent interface,
+ as well as single dot.
+Thu Nov 12 13:49:50 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems 2.5.0+ HEAD(db78980).
+ this version includes #1367 , #1373 , #1375
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Thu Nov 12 10:53:41 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * benchmark/bm_io_nonblock_noex2.rb: new benchmark based
+ on bm_io_nonblock_noex.rb
+ * io.c (io_read_nonblock): move documentation to prelude.rb
+ (io_write_nonblock): ditto
+ (Init_io): private, internal methods for prelude.rb use only
+ * prelude.rb (IO#read_nonblock): wrapper + documentation
+ (IO#write_nonblock): ditto
+ [ruby-core:71439] [Feature #11339]
+Wed Nov 11 18:30:28 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): look up the key, then get default
+ value and raise KeyError if the returned value is nil.
+ [ruby-dev:49338] [Ruby trunk - Bug #11677]
+Wed Nov 11 17:38:24 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (local_var_list_add): skip internal local variable
+ name by its type but not if it has a name. internal local
+ variable names are just unique per frame, not globally.
+ [ruby-core:71437] [Bug #11674]
+Wed Nov 11 14:14:33 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * transcode.c: fix a typo
+ [ci skip][fix GH-1091] Patch by @jwworth
+Wed Nov 11 11:58:38 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (initialize): Connections are in passive mode per
+ default now. The default mode can be changed by
+ Net::FTP.default_passive=.
+ [ruby-core:71146] [Feature #11612]
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (default_passive=, default_passive): new methods.
+Wed Nov 11 09:03:12 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): respect default value of a hash. no
+ longer raises KeyError unless the default value of the hash is
+ nil. [ruby-core:71354] [Bug #11661]
+Tue Nov 10 20:35:12 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb: Remove indicator for "frozen_string_literal: true".
+ * lib/pp.rb: Ditto.
+ * lib/prettyprint.rb: Ditto.
+ * lib/resolv.rb: Ditto.
+ * lib/securerandom.rb: Ditto.
+ * lib/tmpdir.rb: Ditto.
+ * lib/unicode_normalize/tables.rb: Ditto.
+ * test/net/ftp/test_buffered_socket.rb: Ditto.
+ * test/net/ftp/test_mlsx_entry.rb: Ditto.
+ * test/open-uri/test_open-uri.rb: Ditto.
+ * test/open-uri/test_ssl.rb: Ditto.
+ * test/pathname/test_pathname.rb: Ditto.
+ * test/test_pp.rb: Ditto.
+ * test/test_prettyprint.rb: Ditto.
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: Ditto.
+ * ext/pathname/lib/pathname.rb: Ditto.
+Tue Nov 10 18:42:24 2015 Aleksandrs Ledovskis <>
+ * defs/id.def, parse.y: Switch internal token name to reflect
+ current form of safe-call operator. [Fix GH-1090]
+Tue Nov 10 18:25:56 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_to_proc): use rb_func_proc_new to make light
+ weight proc. [Feature #11653]
+Tue Nov 10 18:23:35 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (cfunc_proc_t): add room for me.
+ * proc.c (cfunc_proc_new): generalise for cfunc proc without env.
+ * proc.c (rb_func_proc_new, rb_func_lambda_new): new functions to
+ make proc/lambda without env from cfunc.
+Tue Nov 10 17:32:35 2015 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_fork.rb ([ruby-dev:37934]): :NPROC (RLIMIT_NPROC)
+ is not supported on some platforms (e.g. Solaris 10).
+Tue Nov 10 16:57:14 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_to_proc): new method Hash#to_proc.
+ [Feature #11653]
+Tue Nov 10 14:34:09 2015 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * time.c (rb_time_timespec_new): swap utc and localtime
+ to generate gmt flag by INT_MAX - gmtoff.
+Tue Nov 10 14:01:59 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_{le,lt,ge,gt}): new methods, Hash#<=, Hash#<,
+ Hash#>=, Hash#>, to test if all elements of a hash are also
+ included in another hash, and vice versa.
+ [ruby-core:68561] [Feature #10984]
+Tue Nov 10 11:25:29 2015 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * time.c (rb_timespec_now): added. [Feature #11558]
+ * time.c (rb_time_timespec_new): added. [Feature #11558]
+Tue Nov 10 06:17:17 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * variable.c (rb_autoload_load): allow recursive calls
+ [ruby-core:71345] [Bug #11658]
+ * test/ruby/test_autoload.rb (test_autoload_while_autoloading):
+ new test by: Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ [ruby-core:71390]
+Tue Nov 10 00:36:46 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::DNS::Message::MessageEncoder#put_labels):
+ Prevent overflow of pointer to labels.
+ Patch by Hannes Georg. [ruby-core:71248] [Bug #11632]
+Tue Nov 10 00:25:41 2015 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * gems/bundled_gems: update to power_assert 0.2.6.
+Mon Nov 9 21:48:17 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_check_funcall_default): split from
+ rb_check_funcall to return the given fallback value.
+ * object.c (rb_obj_dig): use rb_check_funcall_default so that tail
+ call optimization will be possible. [Feature #11643]
+Mon Nov 9 21:27:23 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_dig): new method Array#dig.
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_dig): new method Hash#dig.
+ * object.c (rb_obj_dig): dig in nested arrays/hashes.
+ [Feature #11643]
+Mon Nov 9 18:00:47 2015 Yuki Nishijima <>
+ * gems/bundled_gems: Upgrade the did_you_mean gem to 1.0.0.beta3
+Mon Nov 9 17:38:14 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/runner.rb: use official repository for coverage tool.
+ * ditto.
+ * ditto.
+ * .gitignore: ignored third party repositories.
+Mon Nov 9 17:29:09 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): Dynamic string literals should be
+ frozen.
+ [ruby-core:57574] [Feature #8976]
+Mon Nov 9 15:56:07 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * Use ruby organization url for simplecov repository.
+Sun Nov 8 16:24:09 2015 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * NEWS: describe addition of File::TMPFILE
+Sun Nov 8 15:19:17 2015 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * file.c: Add O_TMPFILE.
+Sun Nov 8 14:24:43 2015 windwiny <>
+ * method.h (METHOD_ENTRY_{VISI,BASIC,FLAGS}_SET): suppress
+ shift-op-parentheses warnings. [Fix GH-1082]
+Sun Nov 8 14:01:22 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/psych/psych_emitter.c: backport 5bd7744 from tenderlove/psych.
+ support backward compatibility of Ruby 2.0
+Sun Nov 8 10:55:10 2015 Anton Davydov <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_gets_m): Update IO#gets doc for characters more than
+ 1 byte. [Fix GH-1085]
+Sun Nov 8 10:37:58 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/uri/ftp.rb: fix a typo.
+ [fix GH-1084][ci skip] Patch by @windwiny
+Sun Nov 8 08:10:31 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_trace.c (exec_hooks_precheck): check need_clean everytime
+ to clean-up unused hooks.
+ * vm_trace.c (list->need_clean): use as boolean value.
+Sun Nov 8 01:31:27 2015 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTP#initialize):
+ default value of Net::HTTP#open_timeout is now 60 (was nil).
+Sat Nov 7 12:18:05 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * string.c (id_to_s): remove redundant variable
+ (rb_obj_as_string): trade id_to_s for idTo_s
+ (rb_str_equal): replace rb_intern(...) with pre-defined ID
+ (rb_str_cmp_m): ditto
+ (rb_str_match): ditto
+ (str_upto_each): ditto
+ (rb_str_sum): ditto
+ (Init_String): remove id_to_s initialization
+Sat Nov 7 11:40:05 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * thread.c (rb_cThreadShield): make static
+Sat Nov 7 09:51:38 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_trace.c (rb_threadptr_exec_event_hooks_orig):
+ maintain trace_running counter on internal events.
+ This patch is made by Takashi Kokubun <>.
+ [Bug #11603]
+Sat Nov 7 03:32:27 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RSTRUCT_PTR): need a close parenthesis.
+Sat Nov 7 01:32:06 2015 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * dir.c (dir_fileno, dirfd): support of Dir#fileno on Solaris 10.
+ Solaris 10 does not have dirfd, but the file descriptor of a
+ directory is stored in the d_fd or dd_fd member in the DIR struct.
+ Note that Solaris 11 has dirfd(3C).
+ * checks for DIR.d_fd and DIR.dd_fd on Solaris 10.
+Fri Nov 6 23:13:53 2015 Kazuki Tanaka <>
+ * array.c: clarifies Array#reject! documentation.
+ [fix GH-894][ci skip] Patch by @GxSplinter
+Fri Nov 6 20:18:25 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/runner.rb: extracted test helper.
+ * test/lib/zombie_hunter.rb: ditto.
+Fri Nov 6 18:07:47 2015 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_array_const_ptr, rb_struct_const_ptr):
+ Suppress pointer type mismatch warnings occurred with old version
+ of Fujitsu C Compiler (fcc) on Solaris 10. The warnings cause
+ failure of TestMkmf::TestConvertible. [Bug #11644] [ruby-dev:49326]
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (FIX_CONST_VALUE_PTR): macro for the above,
+ only effective with fcc.
+Fri Nov 6 12:39:21 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * defs/id.def (token_ops), parse.y (parser_yylex): change DOTQ
+ from ".?" to "&.". [ruby-core:71363] [Feature #11537]
+Fri Nov 6 09:01:26 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (kwd_append): fix segv after invalid keyword argument,
+ preceding keyword list is NULL when syntax error is there.
+ [ruby-core:71356] [Bug #11663]
+Fri Nov 6 06:59:37 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * test/ruby/test_autoload: hoist out ruby_impl_require
+Thu Nov 5 13:03:58 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * defs/id.def (token_ops): gather associations between IDs,
+ operators, and parser tokens.
+Thu Nov 5 10:17:17 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (make_addrinfo): use RARRAY_ASET for
+ write-barrier.
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c ({call,eval,invoke}_queue_handler): ditto.
+ * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c (ary2list, ary2list2): ditto.
+Thu Nov 5 10:09:12 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/**/*.c: prefer RARRAY_AREF to indexing RARRAY_CONST_PTR.
+ pointed out by hanmac.
+Wed Nov 4 17:33:24 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/debug.rb: Add documentation for #thread_list_all.
+ [Misc #11580][ci skip]
+Wed Nov 4 15:45:59 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * class.c: fix documentation for rb_define_class{_id}_under.
+ [fix GH-991][ci skip] Patch by @kachick
+Wed Nov 4 15:40:45 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * method.h: fix typo. Patch by @davydovanton
+ [fix GH-1076][ci skip]
+Wed Nov 4 15:39:32 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * hash.c: use correct grammar. Patch by @tveastman
+ [fix GH-1079][ci skip]
+Wed Nov 4 11:38:23 2015 Jake Worth <>
+ * process.c (proc_getsid): [DOC] Fix double word 'for' and typo.
+ [Fix GH-1080]
+Wed Nov 4 06:01:52 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (struct RObject): hide iv_index_tbl type
+ [ruby-core:71306] [Feature #11647]
+Tue Nov 3 06:48:58 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * variable.c (find_class_path): remove cast for rb_class_ivar_set
+ (rb_ivar_set): ditto
+ (rb_cvar_set): ditto
+Tue Nov 3 06:18:21 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * variable.c (rb_global_tbl): convert to id_table
+Tue Nov 3 01:58:46 2015 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * parse.y (NO_QCALL): fix type mismatch of operands that causes
+ compile error with Oracle Solaris Studio on Solaris.
+ [Bug #11645] [ruby-dev:49327]
+Sun Nov 1 17:14:36 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * id_table.c (mix_id_table_insert): do not touch list during
+ list->hash transition because GC can run during transition.
+Sun Nov 1 11:07:31 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * iseq.c (iseq_memsize): account for rb_call_cache entries
+Sun Nov 1 09:12:10 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_yylex): ':' separated by a comment and a newline
+ is not valid as symbol.
+Sat Oct 31 20:15:48 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/openssl/test_pair.rb: skipped tests if openssl doesn't support
+ ECDH cipher.
+Sat Oct 31 14:58:10 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * man/ruby.1 (SYNOPSIS): remove extraneous space for -F option as
+ it does not allow spaces before its argument.
+ [ruby-core:71283] [Bug #11641]
+Sat Oct 31 14:58:01 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * man/ruby.1 (SYNOPSIS): remove extraneous space for -F option as
+ it does not allow spaces before its argument.
+ [ruby-core:71283] [Bug #11641]
+Sat Oct 31 10:22:49 2015 yui-knk <>
+ * eval_error.c (undef_mesg_for): fix typo. Before this commit
+ `ArgumentError: malformed format string - %$` was raised when
+ `NameError#message` is called. [ruby-core:71282] [Bug #11640]
+ [Fix GH-1077]
+Fri Oct 30 21:12:45 2015 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * gems/bundled_gems: update to power_assert 0.2.5.
+Fri Oct 30 19:29:52 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (newobj_slowpath): do not need to use flags hack (commit miss).
+Fri Oct 30 19:08:48 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (heap_get_freeobj_from_next_freepage): not so UNLIKELY.
+Fri Oct 30 18:09:51 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (newobj_slowpath): reduce 1 parameter to use only registers
+ for performance.
+ On my laptop, 'N.times{x = []}' (where N = 29_000_000) is
+ 1.86 sec -> 1.74 sec.
+Fri Oct 30 12:53:21 2015 yui-knk <>
+ * test/ruby/test_call.rb: added test for safe navigation operator.
+ [fix GH-1066]
+Fri Oct 30 12:47:34 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ChangeLog: fix wrong commit name.
+Fri Oct 30 12:36:16 2015 yui-knk <>
+ * vm_method.c: added documentation of protected/private methods.
+ [fix GH-1072]
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb: added testcase for method_defined?
+ [fix GH-1071]
+Fri Oct 30 12:06:59 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c (rb_class_ivar_set): rename as class specific ivar
+ setter, and st_table is no longer involved.
+Fri Oct 30 11:36:33 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * variable.c (generic_ivar_remove): adjust type, set valp
+ (rb_obj_remove_instance_variable): simplify call
+ * test/ruby/test_object.rb (test_remove_instance_variable):
+ expand for implementation details
+Fri Oct 30 10:37:56 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * internal.h (rb_st_insert_id_and_value): update prototype
+ * variable.c (rb_st_insert_id_and_value): reduce args
+ (find_class_path): adjust call for less args
+ (rb_ivar_set): ditto
+ (rb_cvar_set): ditto
+ * class.c (rb_singleton_class_attached): ditto
+Fri Oct 30 09:57:22 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * gems/bundled_gems: update latest gems.
+ test-unit-3.1.5 and minitest-5.8.2
+Fri Oct 30 09:54:05 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems HEAD(60d7972).
+ this version contains pull requests number of #1343, #1356, #1357, #1363
+ at
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Fri Oct 30 07:38:29 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def (getinlinecache/setinlinecache): compare ic->ic_cref and
+ current cref only when cached CREF list includes singleton class.
+ Singleton classes have own namespaces, so that we need to check
+ cref as a key (#10943).
+ However, if current CREF list does not include singleton class,
+ no need to check CREF because it should be same name space.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_get_const_key_cref): add a function returns
+ CREF only when it includes singleton class.
+ * vm_core.h: constify iseq_inline_cache_entry::ic_cref.
+Fri Oct 30 06:43:50 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_env_cref): make it inline for performance.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (rb_vm_get_cref): use NULL instead of 0.
+Fri Oct 30 06:20:40 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def: nobody set ic->ic_value.value to Qundef.
+Fri Oct 30 06:15:50 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c: add ifndef guard for VM_CHECK_MODE.
+Fri Oct 30 06:13:10 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_check_frame_detail): should require me for
+Thu Oct 29 18:42:30 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_ptr): specify NOINLINE so that gc_mark() can return
+ immediately when obj is not a markable object.
+Thu Oct 29 18:05:22 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_check_str): add for performance.
+ This function only accepts T_STRING (and T_REGEXP).
+ This patch improves performance of a tiny_segmenter benchmark
+ (num=2) 2.54sec -> 2.42sec on my machine.
+ * encoding.c: add ENC_DEBUG and ENC_ASSERT() macros.
+ * internal.h: add a decl. of rb_enc_check_str().
+ * string.c (rb_str_plus): use rb_enc_check_str().
+ * string.c (rb_str_subpat_set): ditto.
+Thu Oct 29 17:16:40 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * internal.h: export rb_wb_(un)protected_newobj_of()
+ because some extensions include internal.h.
+Thu Oct 29 16:42:19 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_imemo_new): should not pass FL_WB_PROTECTED flag.
+ * gc.c (rb_wb_protected_newobj_of): add more assertions.
+ * gc.c (rb_wb_unprotected_newobj_of): ditto.
+Thu Oct 29 16:20:26 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: introduce rb_wb_unprotected_newobj_of() and
+ rb_wb_protected_newobj_of(), pass the WB_PROTECTED
+ information explicitly.
+ * internal.h: use introduced functions by NEWOBJ_OF().
+ `flag' is immediate value, so that C compilers can
+ solve them at compile time.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: add a comment about that.
+Thu Oct 29 14:52:03 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: add rb_objspace::flags::has_hook to represent hook availability.
+ * gc.c: add gc_event_hook_available_p(objspace) to check that flag.
+ * gc.c (newobj_of): use gc_event_hook_available_p() instead of
+ checking gc_event_hook_needed_p(objspace, RUBY_INTERNAL_EVENT_NEWOBJ).
+ for performance.
+ * gc.c (newobj_init): add UNLIKELY() for FL_WB_PROTECTED flag.
+ * gc.c (newobj_init): change parameters order (trivial change).
+Thu Oct 29 14:45:15 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_core.h (rb_thread_struct): move forward declarations before
+ used.
+Thu Oct 29 14:07:54 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_ptr): remove debug code for #11244.
+Thu Oct 29 10:08:33 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * variable.c (struct autoload_state): usable as wait-queue head
+ (struct autoload_data_i): remove 2 words of overhead
+ (autoload_i_mark): remove marking for thread
+ (autoload_reset): adjust for struct changes
+ (rb_autoload): ditto
+ (rb_autoloading_value): ditto
+ (rb_autoload_load): ditto
+ (const_update): ditto
+Thu Oct 29 08:48:05 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * variable.c (struct autoload_data_i): add waitq_head
+ (struct autoload_state): new struct
+ (autoload_require): save result in autoload_state for use
+ in autoload_reset
+ (autoload_reset): wake up other waiters with open-coded
+ wait-queues
+ (rb_autoload_load): add ensure autoload_const_set happens
+ atomically w.r.t. autoload-triggered "require"
+ [ruby-core:70075] [ruby-core:71239] [Bug #11384]
+Wed Oct 29 00:39:50 2015 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_commands_server_command.rb
+ (test_handle_options_port): change port from http to discard.
+ Solaris does not include "http 80/tcp" in its default
+ /etc/inet/services. AFAIK, discard (9/tcp) is older than http
+ and it is expected that all OS can resolve the service name.
+ [Bug #10004] [ruby-core:63518]
+Wed Oct 28 23:52:48 2015 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * probes_helper.h (RUBY_DTRACE_HOOK): add RB_GC_GUARD, though paranoic.
+Wed Oct 28 15:36:11 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (rb_name_err_new): store the receiver directly.
+ * error.c (name_err_receiver): return directly stored receiver.
+ [Feature #10881]
+ * error.c (name_err_mesg_to_str): quote the name if unprintable.
+ * object.c (check_setter_id): use rb_check_id to convert names.
+ * variable.c (uninitialized_constant): use NameError::message to
+ keep the receiver of uninitialized constant. [Feature #10881]
+ * error.c (rb_name_err_new): new function to create NameError
+ exception instance. [Feature #10881]
+Wed Oct 28 13:29:39 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (new_attr_op_assign): fix op_assign type, which is
+ already an ID since r52284. [Feature #11537]
+Tue Oct 27 23:14:14 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * defs/id.def: enable anonymous IDs not to expose internal IDs for
+ frozen-string-literal-debug by Marshal.dump.
+Tue Oct 27 17:06:55 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * defs/id.def: move internal IDs for frozen-string-literal-debug.
+Tue Oct 27 16:41:05 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (rb_error_frozen_object): use rb_attr_get instead of
+ rb_ivar_get to get rid of warnings for string objects created
+ when frozen-string-literal-debug is disabled.
+Tue Oct 27 16:18:12 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/logger.rb (Logger::Period#previous_period_end): as weekly
+ rotation shifts the log file on Sundays, the end date of the
+ previous period should be Saturdays. fix r45072.
+ [ruby-dev:49314] [Bug #11622]
+Tue Oct 27 16:12:37 2015 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * vm_dump.c (rb_print_backtrace): our addr2line doesn't work on sparc.
+Tue Oct 27 12:00:33 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/logger.rb (Logger::Period#next_rotate_time): get rid of
+ adding to mday not to exceed the days of the month.
+ [ruby-core:71185] [Bug #11620]
+Mon Oct 26 22:43:03 2015 yui-knk <>
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb (test_method_defined): Add test cases
+ for `public/protected/private _method_defined?`
+ These methods accept string as argument, so add string argument
+ cases. [Fix GH-1067]
+Mon Oct 26 22:23:30 2015 SimonDKnight <>
+ * lib/racc/rdoc/grammar.en.rdoc: Grammatical errors fixed.
+ [Fix GH-1070]
+Mon Oct 26 18:36:43 2015 Shota Fukumori (sora_h) <>
+ * vm_method.c(rb_method_entry_make):
+ [DOC] [ci skip] Remove a needless space from comment
+ [Fixes GH-1069] Patch by @yui-knk
+Mon Oct 26 17:30:13 2015 Ryan Hosford <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: rename tailing to trailing.
+ [Misc #11548]
+Mon Oct 26 17:11:53 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (call_op, call_op2): fix values on ripper. [Feature #11537]
+Mon Oct 26 12:55:06 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (call_op2): separate from call_op and also allow "::",
+ while dot_or_colon should not allow ".?". [Feature #11537]
+Mon Oct 26 01:03:23 2015 Rei Odaira <>
+ * thread_pthread.c: fix compile errors when
+Sun Oct 25 10:12:05 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * symbol.c (op_tbl): add DOTQ for ripper. [Feature #11537]
+Sat Oct 24 22:51:18 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * fixed build failure of Haiku.
+ [fix GH-984] Patch by @kallisti5
+ * ext/socket/getaddrinfo.c: ditto.
+ * ext/socket/getnameinfo.c: ditto.
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h: ditto.
+Sat Oct 24 21:16:53 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb (test_uptodate): relax error
+ message format. [Feature #9025], [ruby-core:71178] [Bug #11617]
+Sat Oct 24 21:06:43 2015 Shota Fukumori (sora_h) <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: Revert r45640 because it may lead to link
+ with different libruby. [Bug #9760]
+Sat Oct 24 15:42:20 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_method.rb: relax error message format.
+ * test/ruby/test_arity.rb (err_mess): ditto.
+ [Feature #9025], [ruby-core:71178] [Bug #11617]
+Sat Oct 24 12:47:47 2015 Martin Duerst <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: improved error message for "wrong number
+ of arguments", distinguishing given and expected argument
+ numbers clearly. [Feature #9025]
+Sat Oct 24 11:57:59 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: remove the typedef redeclaration of
+ vm_call_handler.
+Sat Oct 24 07:29:12 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/forwardable.rb (def_instance_delegator, def_single_delegator):
+ match backtraces against ::Forwardable in case the target class
+ is a subclass of BasicObject and does not include Kernel.
+ [ruby-core:71176] [Bug #11616]
+Sat Oct 24 04:10:13 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c (make_compile_option_value): include frozen_string_literal*
+ in a made option value.
+ * vm_opts.h: forgot to add OPT_FROZEN_STRING_LITERAL_DEBUG
+ at last commit.
+Sat Oct 24 03:58:02 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ruby.c: introduce --enable-frozen-string-literal-debug option.
+ If this option is enabled, the modify error will be:
+ can't modify frozen String (RuntimeError) =>
+ can't modify frozen String, created at test.rb:3 (RuntimeError)
+ * iseq.h: add compile option frozen_string_literal_debug.
+ * compile.c: catch up this fix.
+ * error.c (rb_error_frozen): ditto.
+ * iseq.c (set_compile_option_from_hash): ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb: add a test for this fix.
+Sat Oct 24 02:02:24 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: introduce new call handler for simple ISeqs.
+ vm_call_iseq_setup_normal_0start() is simple, however it has
+ some loops/conditions depends on ISeq::param.size and
+ ISeq::local_size (in vm_push_frame(), inlined into this function).
+ There are many simple methods which has a few parameters and local
+ variables. So that this patch introduces several special functions
+ generated in by
+ tool/mk_call_iseq_optimized.rb.
+ This script makes
+ vm_call_iseq_setup_normal_0start_Xparams_Ylocals()
+ where X is 0 to 3 and Y is 1 to 6 (as current setting).
+ In this case, X * Y = 24 functions are created.
+ These functions creates fast method dispatch by inlining
+ vm_push_frame() with immediate params/locals sizes.
+ On my laptop, we can have the following results.
+ vm2_method* 1.083 (8.3% faster)
+ vm2_poly_method* 0.961 (3.4% slower)
+ It shows 8.3% faster for inner loop method dispatch (hit inline
+ cache), but 3.4% slower when inline cache miss because we need
+ to find a suitable call handler.
+ * add a rule for
+ * tool/mk_call_iseq_optimized.rb: added.
+ * vm.c: include
+Sat Oct 24 01:58:50 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: define vm_call_handler.
+Sat Oct 24 01:56:01 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h, vm_insnhelper.h: move definition of VMDEBUG
+ from vm_insnhelper.h to vm_core.h.
+Sat Oct 24 01:51:01 2015 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * NEWS: [DOC] In the new safe call syntax, arguments are evaluated
+ only if a call is made.
+ * doc/syntax/calling_methods.rdoc: Fix a typo.
+Sat Oct 24 00:38:34 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/forwardable (def_instance_delegator, def_single_delegator):
+ rescue ::Exception instead of Exception in case Exception is
+ defined under the target class.
+ [ruby-core:71175] [Ruby trunk - Bug #11615]
+Fri Oct 23 21:10:37 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (name_err_mesg_to_str): separate class names from the
+ receiver description.
+ * vm_eval.c (make_no_method_exception, raise_method_missing): add
+ format specifiers for class names.
+Fri Oct 23 18:10:32 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * .gitignore: ignored environmental wrapper files.
+Fri Oct 23 17:55:29 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/irb.rb: Ignored assignment of STDOUT.sync = true
+ when irb.rb loaded. It's affected to IDE such as Jetbrain.
+ [fix GH-864] Patch by @os97673
+Fri Oct 23 16:35:08 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/ipaddr.rb, test/test_ipaddr.rb: Reject invalid address contained
+ EOL string. Patch by @kachick [fix GH-942][Bug #11513]
+Fri Oct 23 16:03:26 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * file.c: fix indent style. [fix GH-977]
+ * test/ruby/test_string.rb: indent. [fix GH-975]
+ [ci skip] These patches are contributed from @yui-knk
+Fri Oct 23 15:46:09 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * string.c: Added method signature to include hash. It's inconsistency
+ with `gsub` method signature.
+ [ci skip][fix GH-1023] Patch by @danielevans
+Fri Oct 23 15:25:51 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb: remove an empty comment line and -*-.
+Fri Oct 23 15:20:02 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (gettextfile, getbinaryfile): use the safe
+ navigation operator.
+Fri Oct 23 13:51:33 2015 yui-knk <>
+ * test_call.rb (test_safe_call): Add test cases for safe
+ navigation operator assignment. [Fix GH-1064]
+ Validate:
+ * can assign an attribute which is `nil`
+ * can "or assign" an attribute which is `nil`
+Fri Oct 23 11:58:21 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_peephole_optimize): optimize lengthy safe
+ navigation method chain. [Feature #11537]
+Fri Oct 23 10:58:41 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/matrix/eigenvalue_decomposition.rb (tridiagonalize): fix
+ indentation to avoid a warning when the command line option -w of
+ ruby is specified.
+ * lib/matrix/eigenvalue_decomposition.rb (hessenberg_to_real_schur):
+ change the name of a block parameter to avoid a warning when the
+ command line option -w of ruby is specified.
+Fri Oct 23 10:49:36 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): support safe navigation of simple
+ attribute assignment. [Feature #11537]
+ * parse.y (mlhs_node, lhs, attrset_gen): ditto. keep mid
+ non-attrset as the sign of safe navigation.
+Fri Oct 23 07:17:11 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * test/io/wait/test_io_wait.rb (test_wait_eof): test return value
+Fri Oct 23 00:32:02 2015 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ssl_npn_select_cb): explicitly raise error
+ in ext/openssl instead of OpenSSL itself because LibreSSL
+ silently truncate the selected protocol name by casting the length
+ from int to unsigned char. [Bug #11369]
+ Patch by Jeremy Evans <>
+Fri Oct 23 00:49:45 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/un.rb (help): change the name of a block parameter to avoid
+ a warning when the command line option -w of ruby is specified.
+Fri Oct 23 00:22:20 2015 Josef Simanek <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_tr): [DOC] Escape backslash in String#tr
+ documentation. [Fix GH-1063]
+Fri Oct 23 00:19:04 2015 yui-knk <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_collect): [DOC] Fix space of code example of
+ Array#map. [Fix GH-1062]
+Thu Oct 22 18:52:53 2015 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_f_loop): When a loop is stopped by a StopIteration
+ exception, return what the enumerator has returned instead of
+ nil. [ruby-core:71133] [Feature #11498]
+Thu Oct 22 18:25:10 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (idle): add a new argument timeout for keep-alive.
+ [ruby-core:63693] [Bug #10031]
+Thu Oct 22 15:30:08 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_peephole_optimize): peephole optimization for
+ branchnil jumps.
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): generate save navigation operator
+ code.
+ * insns.def (branchnil): new opcode to pop the tos and branch if
+ it is nil.
+ * parse.y (NEW_QCALL, call_op, parser_yylex): parse token '.?'.
+ [Feature #11537]
+Thu Oct 22 13:16:19 2015 Guilherme Reis Campos <>
+ * dir.c (ruby_brace_expand): glob brace expansion edge case fix.
+ When there are closing braces '}' before a open brace '{' it
+ must be ignored and considered as literal.
+ [ruby-core:71138] [Bug #11609]
+Thu Oct 22 13:13:49 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (argf_next_argv): check ARGV element type, and try
+ conversion if necessary. [ruby-core:71140] [Bug #11610]
+Thu Oct 22 11:11:16 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * test/net/ftp/test_ftp.rb: add tests for getbinaryfile and
+ gettextfile.
+Wed Oct 21 18:34:06 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_magic_comment): allow a sole magic comment without
+ indicators, neither other non-space comments. [Feature #8976]
+Tue Oct 20 12:17:56 2015 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/prime.rb: Add basic argument checking to
+ [Bug #11606]
+Tue Oct 20 12:17:50 2015 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/prime.rb: Optimize Integer#prime?
+ Patch by Nick Slocum [Bug #10354]
+Tue Oct 20 08:12:47 2015 Rei Odaira <>
+ * pthread_getattr_np is broken on AIX.
+ More specifically, the stack address and size returned are
+ not correct.
+Tue Oct 20 05:54:46 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/fiddle/closure.c (callback): static function
+Mon Oct 19 10:33:46 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/init.c (rsock_raise_socket_error): get rid of a glibc
+ bug. [ruby-core:71100] [Bug #11600]
+Mon Oct 19 01:26:26 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_identical_p): not necessary to compare the paths after
+ comparing the file indexes on Windows. designate by kosaki.
+Sun Oct 18 21:17:27 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb: Specify frozen_string_literal: true.
+Sun Oct 18 14:37:56 2015 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * random.c (fill_random_bytes_urandom): add a comment why using
+Sun Oct 18 13:24:17 2015 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * random.c (fill_random_bytes_syscall): use ATOMIC_SET() for
+ updating try_syscall.
+Sun Oct 18 13:03:52 2015 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * include/ruby/backward/util.h: Good-by Borland-C.
+Sun Oct 18 13:03:09 2015 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * add a comment how to use "make test-all"
+Sun Oct 18 12:59:22 2015 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * add comments how to use "make benchmark"
+Sun Oct 18 12:58:15 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/securerandom.rb: Specify frozen_string_literal: true.
+Sun Oct 18 11:22:52 2015 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * dln.c: remove defined(__WATCOMC__).
+Sun Oct 18 11:16:33 2015 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: Good-by Borland-C.
+Sun Oct 18 11:04:36 2015 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * numeric.c: Good-by Borland-C.
+ * include/ruby/backward/rubyio.h: ditto.
+ * include/ruby/backward/st.h: ditto.
+ * include/ruby/backward/util.h: ditto.
+ * include/ruby/backward/rubysig.h: ditto.
+ * include/ruby/backward/classext.h: ditto.
+ * dln.c: ditto.
+ * gc.c: ditto.
+ * win32/resource.rb: ditto.
+ * win32/dir.h: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: ditto.
+ * NEWS: announce that Borland-C is no longer supported.
+Sun Oct 18 10:54:52 2015 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * dln.c: simplify #ifdef. _WIN32 and __CYGWIN__ are exclusive.
+ see include/ruby/defines.h
+ * gc.c: ditto.
+ * ext/sdbm/_sdbm.c: ditto.
+Sun Oct 18 10:42:19 2015 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * ruby.c (open_load_file): add a comment.
+Sun Oct 18 10:12:46 2015 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_identical_p): simplify ifdefs
+Sun Oct 18 10:01:40 2015 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * ChangeLog: Good-bye OS/2.
+ * ditto.
+ * ditto.
+ * dln_find.c: ditto.
+ * ext/Setup.emx: ditto.
+ * ext/extmk.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/zlib/extconf.rb: ditto.
+ * file.c: ditto.
+ * include/ruby/defines.h: ditto.
+ * io.c: ditto.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: ditto.
+ * missing/os2.c: ditto.
+ * process.c: ditto.
+ * ruby.c: ditto.
+ * NEWS: announce OS/2 is no longer supported.
+Sun Oct 18 08:50:15 2015 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * include/ruby/defines.h (DOSISH): add comments.
+Sun Oct 18 08:26:51 2015 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * io.c (fptr_finalize): don't release gvl if fptr is not writable.
+ writable fd may block on close(2) when it's on NFS. But readonly
+ fd doesn't. [Bug #11559]
+ result: make benchmark OPTS="-p bm_require_t -e ruby-trunk -e ruby-2.2.2"
+ build-ruby: 0.171
+ ruby 2.3.0dev(r52151): 0.659
+ ruby 2.2.0p95 (r50295): 0.834
+Sun Oct 18 09:32:58 2015 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * file.c (ruby_is_fd_loadable): this should be fail if st_mode is
+ not regular file nor FIFO.
+Sun Oct 18 09:20:17 2015 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * ruby.c (open_load_file): use rb_thread_wait_fd() instead of reopen.
+Sun Oct 18 05:11:22 2015 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * ruby.c (open_load_file): reset O_NONBLOCK after open.
+ Even if S_ISREG() is true, the file may be file on FUSE filesystem
+ or something. We can't assume O_NONBLOCK is safe.
+ Moreover, we should wait if the path is point to FIFO. That's
+ FIFO semantics. GVL should be transparent from ruby script.
+ Thus, just reopen without O_NONBLOCK for filling the requirements.
+ [Bug #11060][Bug #11559]
+ * ruby.c (loadopen_func): new for the above.
+ * file.c (ruby_is_fd_loadable): new. for checks loadable file type
+ of not.
+ * file.c (rb_file_load_ok): use ruby_is_fd_loadble()
+ * internal.h: add ruby_is_fd_loadble()
+ * now, ruby.o depend on thread.h.
+ * test/ruby/test_require.rb
+ (TestRequire#test_loading_fifo_threading_success): new test.
+ This test successful case that loading from FIFO.
+ * test/ruby/test_require.rb
+ (TestRequire#test_loading_fifo_threading_raise): rename from
+ test_loading_fifo_threading. You shouldn't rescue an exception
+ if you test raise or not.
+ Moreover, this case should be caught IOError because load(FIFO)
+ should be blocked until given any input.
+Sat Oct 17 13:55:32 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_expand_path_internal): concatenate converted
+ string to the result instead of making converted string and
+ append it.
+ * string.c (rb_str_cat_conv_enc_opts): from rb_str_conv_enc_opts,
+ separate function to concatenate with transcoding.
+Sat Oct 17 13:19:10 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (load_file): unify each preparations and clean-ups by
+ merging load_file_internal and load_file_internal2, and remove
+ nested rb_protect and rb_ensure.
+Sat Oct 17 05:28:32 2015 Rei Odaira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_symbol.rb (test_symbol_fstr_leak): add a warm-up
+ code and check RSS to avoid false positive on AIX and false
+ negative on Mac OS X. [Bug #10686]
+Fri Oct 16 15:54:37 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_load_ok): open in non-blocking mode withoout
+ releasing GVL. don't care about others than regular files and
+ directories. [ruby-dev:49272] [Bug #11559]
+ * ruby.c (load_file_internal): ditto.
+Thu Oct 15 23:56:03 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (rb_sym_to_proc): make void env.
+Thu Oct 15 13:37:23 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (rb_sym_to_proc): move from string.c and create a Proc
+ with no environments. [ruby-core:71088] [Bug #11594]
+Thu Oct 15 01:57:03 2015 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * test/objspace/test_objspace.rb
+ (test_trace_object_allocations_start_stop_clear): clear object
+ allocation table first to get rid of erroneous detection for obj3.
+ [ruby-dev:49095] [Bug #11271]
+Thu Oct 15 01:53:38 2015 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * test/ostruct/test_ostruct.rb: Add tests for OpenStruct#respond_to.
+ Patch by @jeremy in [GH-1041]:
+Thu Oct 15 01:49:25 2015 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * lib/ostruct.rb: Finish defining OpenStruct attributes lazily.
+ Patch by @sferik in [GH-1037]:
+ This commit is an addendum to
+ It:
+ 1. lazily defines attribute accessors for copied and marshaled objects,
+ 2. returns nil when an attribute reader is not defined, and
+ 3. defines respond_to_missing? to maintain the same respond_to? behavior
+Wed Oct 14 16:56:50 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * check for libunwind.h, which is not available in
+ very old OS X SDK. [ruby-core:71080] [Bug #11591]
+Wed Oct 14 14:11:42 2015 Brian Black <>
+ * iseq.c (rb_insn_operand_intern): change kw in callinfo disasm from the
+ number of keyword arguments to an ordered list of the keywords used.
+ [Feature #11589]
+Wed Oct 14 13:58:44 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_nextc): send a warning to ripper, not to STDERR
+ always.
+ * parse.y (rb_warn1, rb_warning1): move argument conversions to
+ callers. PRIsVALUE is not valid in String#%.
+Wed Oct 14 13:37:23 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/racc/rdoc/grammar.en.rdoc: fix spell error.
+ [fix GH-1053][ci skip] Patch by @Matrixbirds
+Tue Oct 13 22:06:50 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (rsock_fd_family): Check sa_len.
+Tue Oct 13 12:14:10 2015 Craig Davison <>
+ * ext/socket/rsock_addrinfo (rsock_addrinfo): specify address
+ family. [Fix GH-1052]
+ * ext/socket/udpsocket.c (udp_connect, udp_bind, udp_send):
+ address family by the receiver.
+Sun Oct 11 07:09:19 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_push_frame): initialize other than sp (and ep)
+ first for performance.
+Sun Oct 11 06:21:50 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_eval.c, internal.h (rb_yield_1): added for performance which
+ doesn't check Qundef.
+ * numeric.c (int_dotimes): use rb_yield_1.
+Sun Oct 11 06:19:49 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_iseq_setup_normal): setup sp first
+ for performance.
+Sun Oct 11 05:29:51 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (invoke_block_from_c): split this function into several
+ functions.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_yield_callee_setup_arg): remove this function
+ because it is only delegation function.
+Sun Oct 11 03:48:46 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (newobj_of_slowpass): fix typo (pass -> path).
+ Pointed out by Yukihiro Matsumoto <>.
+ * gc.c (newobj_of_...): `of' is unnecessary.
+Sat Oct 10 19:04:42 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/udpsocket.c (udp_connect, udp_bind): get open files
+ inside ensure functions.
+Sat Oct 10 18:35:12 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method0): do not propagate enable_fastpath,
+ but pass dummy CC to prevent wrong caching.
+Sat Oct 10 15:28:45 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * import a github pull request
+ by Kazuho Oku <>.
+ This pull request has the following commits.
+ * gc.c: reduce # of args to 6 (max. of register args on x86-64) so
+ that the `newobj_of_slowpass` can be called via TCO.
+ * gc.c (newobj_of), string.c (str_duplicate): for performance,
+ the hot functions must be inlined.
+ * gc.c: for performance, preceding arguments of `.*newobj_of.*`
+ must be same, so that the arg registers can be reused in case of
+ TCO.
+Sat Oct 10 08:52:21 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/udpsocket.c (udp_connect, udp_bind, udp_send): fix
+ memory leaks at closed socket.
+Fri Oct 9 17:29:07 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (parse257): refactor.
+Fri Oct 9 16:42:26 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb: use frozen_string_literal: true.
+ * test/net/imap/test_imap.rb: ditto.
+ * test/net/imap/test_imap_response_parser.rb: ditto.
+Fri Oct 9 15:52:28 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb: use frozen_string_literal: true.
+ * test/net/ftp/test_buffered_socket.rb: ditto.
+ * test/net/ftp/test_ftp.rb: ditto.
+ * test/net/ftp/test_mlsx_entry.rb: ditto.
+Fri Oct 9 14:12:35 2015 Shota Fukumori (sora_h) <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.rb: Revert r52082 because it was
+ dropping TLS v1.1 support too. Supporting only TLS v1.2 is too
+ early, because many popular websites still don't support it.
+ For instance, Servers where aws-sdk connects to still don't support
+ TLS v1.2 and it became broken.
+ We should consider more carefully about this.
+ [Fix GH-873] [Feature #11524]
+Fri Oct 9 12:52:08 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): Dynamic string literals (e.g.,
+ "#{x}") should not be frozen because they don't literally
+ represent strings.
+Fri Oct 9 06:52:49 2015 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * benchmark/prepare_require.rb: skip file creation if it already
+ exist. Suggested by ko1.
+Fri Oct 9 06:18:04 2015 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * benchmark/bm_require.rb: new benchmark for require.
+ * benchmark/bm_require_thread.rb: new benchmark for conflicting
+ require vs thread. like [Bug #11559]
+ * prepare_require.rb: new file for preparing above tests.
+ * prepare_require.rb: ditto.
+Thu Oct 8 14:10:45 2015 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.rb: Default to TLSv1.2 and drop TLS v1
+ Patch provided by @claudijd [Fixes GH-873] [Feature #11524]:
+Wed Oct 7 22:55:02 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/minitest/metametameta.rb (with_output): restore output to
+ fix mixing test result output in worker responses.
+Wed Oct 7 21:32:51 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (str_duplicate): move from rb_str_resurrect to short
+ circuit initialization.
+Wed Oct 7 20:43:14 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_resurrect): fix resurrection of short enough to
+ be embedded but not embedded string.
+Wed Oct 7 20:17:29 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (newobj_of): divide fast path and slow path
+ to avoid register savings for fast path.
+ This idea is given by Kazuho Oku <>.
+Wed Oct 7 17:30:50 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_times): optimize for the argument 0 and 1.
+Wed Oct 7 01:20:46 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.h, gc.c: introduce new debug function rb_obj_info_dump(VALUE obj)
+ which prints the result of rb_raw_obj_info(..., obj).
+Wed Oct 7 01:16:11 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_args.c: remove an unused field args_info::calling.
+Tue Oct 6 23:43:10 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * proc.c (rb_method_entry_min_max_arity): should support
+Tue Oct 6 21:29:08 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/tmpdir.rb (Dir.tmpdir): return duplicated string to be
+ modify safely even when $SAFE > 0.
+Tue Oct 6 19:24:38 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method0): use switch() for visibilities
+ (for readability).
+Tue Oct 6 19:23:58 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * proc.c (Init_Proc): Proc#call and others should be public.
+Tue Oct 6 18:51:51 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * method.h: IMEMO_FL_USER3 and IMEMO_FL_USER4 is not needed any more.
+Tue Oct 6 18:47:45 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * method.h: remove METHOD_ENTRY_SAFE(me) and related code
+ because $SAFE = 3 and 4 is not available.
+ Now, $SAFE is not checked on method dispatch at all.
+ * vm_eval.c, vm_insnhelper.c, vm_method.c: ditto.
+Tue Oct 6 13:56:14 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: turn function macros into inline functions,
+ for debuggers.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: turn constant macros into enums, for
+ debuggers.
+Tue Oct 6 13:48:05 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * method.h: typo fix. Patch by @davydovanton [fix GH-1032][ci skip]
+Tue Oct 6 06:54:34 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_free): free iseq::variable_body to avoid memory
+ leak.
+Tue Oct 6 06:32:52 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * proc.c: enable optimization of Proc#call.
+ [Feature #11569]
+ * NEWS: write about this optimization and incompatibilities.
+ * test/ruby/test_backtrace.rb: catch up this fix.
+Tue Oct 6 04:41:03 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: solve goto spaghetti.
+ Change all goto statement across blocks to tail call functions.
+Tue Oct 6 02:29:38 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_resurrect): optimize by short circuit to copy
+ hidden string without checking length, encoding and so on.
+Mon Oct 5 23:08:17 2015 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb (test_handle_interrupt_blocking): check if
+ exception handling was postponed until sleep.
+Mon Oct 5 22:25:49 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pp.rb: Use frozen_string_literal: true.
+ * lib/prettyprint.rb: Ditto.
+ * lib/resolv.rb: Ditto.
+ * lib/tmpdir.rb: Ditto.
+ * test/test_pp.rb: Ditto.
+ * test/test_prettyprint.rb: Ditto.
+ * tool/transcode-tblgen.rb: Ditto.
+Mon Oct 5 20:39:32 2015 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb: fix potential race condition.
+ The thread could have a "sleep" status because it tries
+ to acquire the mutex, but does not have it yet.
+Mon Oct 5 15:39:30 2015 Zachary Scott <>
+ * numeric.c: [DOC] Overview for Numeric class by Joe Corcoran
+ This patch was created at ROSSConf Berlin 2015 [Bug #11555]
+Mon Oct 5 15:34:56 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (proc_new): link ep to calling block.
+ [ruby-core:70980] [Bug #11566]
+Mon Oct 5 00:53:51 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (rb_dir_getwd): make ASCII-8BIT if filesystem encoding is
+ US-ASCII, like as Dir.glob.
+Sun Oct 4 23:39:09 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enum.c (nmin_filter): Fix limit value.
+ patch by Helder Pereira.
+ [Bug #11471] [ruby-core:70477]
+Sun Oct 4 15:11:48 2015 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/euc_jp.c (mbc_case_fold): check given string is valid or not,
+ and if invalid, return 1. [Bug #11486]
+Sun Oct 4 10:09:57 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (rb_dir_getwd): normalize OS path to UTF-8 on OS X.
+Sun Oct 4 00:09:45 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * template/ wrapper to set dynamic loading path
+ environment variable. /bin/sh on Mac OS X 10.11 (El Capitan)
+ it must:
+ - do nothing even if current directory is not present
+ - do not set other environment variables, e.g. PWD, SHLVL, etc
+ - do not open other FDs, e.g. pipes for timer thread
+Sun Oct 2 10:59:00 2015 schneems <>
+ * ext/pathname/lib/pathname.rb: freeze string literals for
+ reduced object allocation.
+ [Feature #11375] [ruby-core:70043]
+Fri Oct 2 09:20:20 2015 Martin Duerst <>
+ *, lib/unicode_normalize/tables.rb: Change Unicode
+ Version for character normalization data from 7.0.0 to
+ 8.0.0.
+Fri Oct 2 00:18:39 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (proc_mark): block.ep of Proc from Symbol is now NULL.
+ [ruby-core:70961] [Bug #11560]
+Wed Sep 30 15:47:13 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_args.c (vm_caller_setup_arg_block): bypass Symbol#to_proc
+ call to optimize symbol block passing.
+Wed Sep 30 01:34:34 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_free): fix memory leak at syntax error when
+ warn-indent is enabled.
+Tue Sep 29 22:27:50 2015 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * parse.y: fix minor typo. [ci skip][fix GH-1038].
+ Patch by @ltratt.
+Tue Sep 29 16:53:53 2015 Martin Duerst <>
+ * tool/unicode_norm_gen.tmpl, lib/unicode_normalize/tables.rb:
+ get rid of many .freeze commands by using frozen_string_literal
+ pragma.
+Tue Sep 29 16:37:29 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (compile_dstr_fragments): fix performance by omitting
+ the first empty string only for keeping literal encoding if
+ other literals are too. [ruby-core:70930] [Bug #11556]
+ * string.c (rb_str_append_literal): append but keep encoding non
+Mon Sep 28 17:40:17 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (mtime): use usec instead of fractions to parse
+ decimal fractions of a second correctly when the number of digits
+ is not 6.
+Mon Sep 28 16:07:08 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (mtime): parse decimal fractions of a second as
+ specified in RFC 3659.
+Mon Sep 28 10:31:12 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/test_forwardable.rb: Write basic tests for lib/forwardable.
+ [fix GH-1035] Patch by @kachick
+Sun Sep 27 23:32:46 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c (rb_define_class, rb_define_class_id_under): refine
+ error messages.
+ * class.c (rb_define_module, rb_define_module_id_under): ditto,
+ and make consistent with class.
+Sun Sep 27 18:44:43 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ChangeLog: removed duplicated message.
+Sun Sep 27 15:46:58 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (process_options): add an option to enable/disable
+ frozen-string-literal. [Feature #8976]
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): override compile option by option
+ given by pragma.
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_make_compile_option): extract a function to
+ overwrite rb_compile_option_t.
+ * parse.y (parser_set_compile_option_flag): introduce pragma to
+ override compile options.
+ * parse.y (magic_comments): new pragma "frozen-string-literal".
+ [Feature #8976]
+Sun Sep 27 08:16:35 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/ostruct.rb (delete_field): do not raise NameError for
+ existing keys. [Fix GH-1033]
+Sun Sep 27 00:34:31 2015 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/ostruct.rb: Move method definitions for getter/setter to be lazy
+ Patch by @sferik in [GH-1033]:
+Fri Sep 25 10:07:25 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: removed unused variable. It's removed at r13648.
+ [fix GH-1022] Patch by @nkondratyev
+Fri Sep 25 09:48:27 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * gems/bundled_gems: upgrade to minitest-5.8.1
+Fri Sep 25 09:47:12 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * id_table.c: fix typo. [ci skip][fix GH-1031] Patch @davydovanton
+Fri Sep 25 07:54:05 2015 Rei Odaira <>
+ * test/gdbm/test_gdbm.rb (TestGDBM#test_s_open_lock): skip
+ this test on AIX. The issue is the same as on Solaris.
+ [ruby-dev:47631]
+Thu Sep 24 17:25:09 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (paren_args): fix separator token at `foo::bar()` in
+ ripper.
+Thu Sep 24 00:00:17 2015 Rei Odaira <>
+ * complex.c: ruby/config.h must be included before math.h
+ because it defines _LARGE_FILES on AIX and _LARGE_FILES
+ must be defined before sys/types.h is included from math.h.
+ [Bug #11483]
+Wed Sep 23 22:22:38 2015 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs12*: Remove svn commit id macro
+Wed Sep 23 01:11:28 2015 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/openssl/*: Remove svn commit id macros to make sync easier
+Tue Sep 22 04:20:01 2015 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * test/drb/test_drb.rb: Run Rinda/DRb tests on localhost. [Fix GH-1027]
+ patch by voxik.
+ * test/rinda/test_rinda.rb: ditto
+Mon Sep 21 20:53:39 2015 tbpgr <>
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_event.rb: fix typo.
+ swbemsink_avairable? => swbemsink_available? [Fix GH-1025]
+Sun Sep 20 10:07:35 2015 Anton Davydov <>
+ * cont.c (rb_callcc): [DOC] append continuations example across
+ methods. [Fix GH-1026]
+Sun Sep 20 03:20:21 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_free): free rb_iseq_t::body::cc_entries.
+Sun Sep 20 02:46:34 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: split rb_call_info_t into several structs.
+ * rb_call_info (ci) has compiled fixed information.
+ * if ci->flag & VM_CALL_KWARG, then rb_call_info is
+ also rb_call_info_with_kwarg. This technique reduce one word
+ for major rb_call_info data.
+ * rb_calling_info has temporary data (argc, blockptr, recv).
+ for each method dispatch. This data is allocated only on
+ machine stack.
+ * rb_call_cache is for inline method cache.
+ Before this patch, only rb_call_info_t data is passed.
+ After this patch, above three structs are passed.
+ This patch improves:
+ * data locality (rb_call_info is now read-only data).
+ * reduce memory consumption (rb_call_info_with_kwarg,
+ rb_calling_info).
+ * compile.c: use above data.
+ * insns.def: ditto.
+ * iseq.c: ditto.
+ * vm_args.c: ditto.
+ * vm_eval.c: ditto.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: ditto.
+ * vm_insnhelper.h: ditto.
+ * iseq.h: add iseq_compile_data::ci_index and
+ iseq_compile_data::ci_kw_index.
+ * tool/instruction.rb: introduce TS_CALLCACHE operand type.
+Sun Sep 20 02:18:10 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/lib/envutil.rb: mkfifo command based File.mkfifo method
+ definition removed.
+Fri Sep 18 20:11:11 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_mkfifo): implement File.mkfifo.
+ [Feature #11536]
+Fri Sep 18 16:56:19 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * NEWS: add Net::FTP#mlst and Net::FTP#mlsd.
+Fri Sep 18 07:39:22 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/objspace/objspace_dump.c (obj_type): add IMEMO types to the heap
+ dump information.
+Thu Sep 17 22:33:07 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * fix command error with outside builddir.
+Thu Sep 17 17:42:09 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * separated test for test-framework from test-all task.
+ They should be invoke at first before tests of test-all.
+Thu Sep 17 12:05:54 2015 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/ruby/test_dir.rb (TestDir#test_fileno): s/?x/"x"/. Don't
+ use tricky code, please.
+Wed Sep 16 20:49:56 2015 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * encindex.h: fix typo of last #endif comment. [ci skip]
+Wed Sep 16 20:39:26 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c (set_const_visibility): fail if the class/module is
+ frozen. [ruby-core:70828] [Bug #11532]
+Wed Sep 16 17:16:43 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_core.h (ENABLE_VM_OBJSPACE): enable per-VM object space on
+ Windows by default, as rb_w32_sysinit() no longer depends on
+ ruby_xmalloc.
+Wed Sep 16 15:08:17 2015 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * doc/syntax/literals.rdoc (Strings): [DOC] Revise the character
+ literal part.
+Wed Sep 16 14:55:33 2015 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * doc/syntax/literals.rdoc (Strings): [DOC] Document the full list
+ of supported escape sequences in string literals.
+Wed Sep 16 14:49:58 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_setbyte): keep the code range as possible.
+Wed Sep 16 13:23:48 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * doc/syntax/literals.rdoc (Strings): mention about ?a literal.
+Wed Sep 16 12:06:53 2015 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): check pathtype once again by lstat(2) if
+ dp->d_type is DT_UNKNOWN. XFS may return DT_UNKNOWN.
+Wed Sep 16 03:49:19 2015 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * test/ruby/test_thread.rb (TestThread#test_mutex_synchronize):
+ insert waste loop for invoking preemptive thread context switch.
+ [Bug #11496]
+Tue Sep 15 19:38:55 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_objspace_alloc, rb_objspace_free): define always
+ regardless ENABLE_VM_OBJSPACE, and free heap pages.
+Tue Sep 15 15:15:41 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_sysinit, rb_w32_readdir): compare by
+ encoding index to get rid of encoding initialization before VM
+ object space allocation.
+ * dir.c (fundamental_encoding_p, push_glob): compare by encoding
+ index immediately.
+ * enc/{ascii,us_ascii,utf_8}.c: set encoding indexes of
+ fundamental built-in encodings so that usable as well as
+ allocated rb_encoding before rb_enc_init().
+ * encindex.h: separate encoding index constants from internal.h.
+Tue Sep 15 13:13:13 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_sort_bang, rb_ary_sort): [DOC] correct block
+ return values, which may be a negative or positive integer, not
+ only -1 or +1.
+Tue Sep 15 12:49:10 2015 Jason Barnabe <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_sort_bang, rb_ary_sort): [DOC] Correct
+ description of array sort block return values. And also fix up
+ the grammar a bit. [Fix GH-1020]
+Tue Sep 15 12:44:32 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * util.c (ruby_qsort): use BSD-style qsort_r if available.
+Mon Sep 14 19:26:34 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (parse_mlsx_entry): parse pathnames including
+ space correctly.
+Mon Sep 14 11:12:10 2015 Anton Davydov <>
+ * lib/racc/rdoc/grammar.en.rdoc: [DOC] fix typo, "convertion" to
+ "conversion". [Fix GH-1016]
+Sun Sep 13 11:03:13 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: prefix RUBY or RB to global symbols to get
+ rid of name conflicts with other headers.
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h, include/ruby/intern.h: ditto.
+Sun Sep 13 09:38:51 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (size, modify, create, type, unique, perm, lang,
+ media_type, charset): new methods to return standard facts.
+Sat Sep 12 19:43:49 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_iseq_setup_normal): do not clear local
+ variables here. vm_push_frame() clears.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_iseq_setup_tailcall): ditto.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_push_frame): move check code to
+ vm_check_frame().
+ Reorder initialization timing to reuse same values (sp).
+ * compile.c (rb_iseq_compile_node): use
+ iseq_set_exception_local_table() for ISEQ_TYPE_DEFINED_GUARD.
+Sat Sep 12 23:06:51 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (file?, directory?, appendable?, creatable?,
+ deletable?, enterable?, renamable?, listable?, directory_makable?,
+ purgeable?, readable?, writable?): new methods.
+Sat Sep 12 21:27:22 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (FACT_PARSERS): support system dependent facts
+ UNIX.mode, UNIX.owner,, UNIX.ctime, and UNIX.atime.
+Sat Sep 12 19:08:58 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_dup2): should return the new fd on
+ success, while msvcrt returns 0 wrongly.
+Sat Sep 12 18:14:11 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (parse_mlsx_entry, mlst) raise an FTPProtoError
+ when parsing failed.
+Sat Sep 12 18:00:35 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (TIME_PARSER): use "Z" instead of "+00:00" to
+ get UTC time. Thanks, Wilson Bilkovich.
+Sat Sep 12 17:55:24 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (mlst, mlsd): support new commands MLST and MLSD
+ specified in RFC 3659.
+Sat Sep 12 16:14:31 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * file.c: access()/eaccess() wrapping methods check more than just uid.
+ [fix GH-1007][ci skip] Patch by @eam
+Sat Sep 12 16:07:01 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * improve markdown rendering for readability.
+ [fix GH-1015][ci skip] Patch by @Matrixbirds
+Sat Sep 12 14:30:03 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (save_redirect_fd): make saved FDs close-on-exec not
+ to be inherited.
+ * process.c (run_exec_dup2): restore close-on-exec flags too.
+ * win32/win32.c (fcntl): implement F_GETFD, F_SETFD, and
+Sat Sep 12 05:35:24 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * rational.c (string_to_r_strict): preserve encoding in exception
+Fri Sep 11 20:23:35 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: remove rb_call_info_t::aux.opt_pc.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: introduce shortcut functions for opt_pc == 0
+ because opt_pc is always 0 on shortcut function.
+Fri Sep 11 17:49:36 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c: disable ISeq.load. It enabled accidentally at r51794.
+Fri Sep 11 11:15:12 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (size, mdtm, system): parse responses according to
+ RFC 959 and 3659, where reply codes must be followed by SP.
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (system): remove LF from the return value.
+Thu Sep 10 22:48:49 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (literal_concat_gen, evstr2dstr_gen): keep literal
+ encoding beginning with an interpolation same as the source file
+ encoding. [ruby-core:70703] [Bug #11519]
+Thu Sep 10 22:15:51 2015 Joe Rafaniello <>
+ * process.c (rb_f_spawn): Be more specific regarding "other
+ values" by having "non-zero positive integers" Add nil, the
+ default value, as a possible value and what it means.
+ Try to use more consistent language.
+ [Fix GH-1008]
+Thu Sep 10 15:16:02 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (getmultiline): refactor.
+Thu Sep 10 12:17:28 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_build_from_ary_body): register cdhash to the
+ iseq constant body instead of compile time mark array, not to
+ get GCed. [ruby-core:70708] [Feature #8543]
+Wed Sep 9 18:16:14 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/rubygems/stub_specification.rb (Gem::StubSpecification#data):
+ should not change the value of $. when `require`ing gems.
+ this fixed test failures introduced by r51813.
+Wed Sep 9 16:55:45 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ruby.c (usage, enable_option, disable_option, process_options): new
+ option `--disable-did_you_mean`.
+ * gem_prelude.rb: now requires did_you_mean gem by default if available.
+Wed Sep 9 13:38:56 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/extlibs.rb (do_patch): let "patch" command change the
+ working directory and open the patch file there, instead of
+ spawn options, so that proper error message will be shown by the
+ command not just "chdir" or "open".
+Wed Sep 9 11:33:05 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * (update-gems): use BASERUBY instead of RUNRUBY.
+Wed Sep 9 11:08:59 2015 Zachary Scott <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb: Remove backtrace cleaning for delegated methods
+ This patch was provided by Rafael Franca and greatly improves
+ performance when an exception is raised. [Bug #11461]
+Wed Sep 9 10:05:41 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_config.rb: fix broken tests for Windows platform.
+Wed Sep 9 07:46:32 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems HEAD(fe61e4c112).
+ this version contains new feature that warn invalid SPDX license
+ identifiers.
+ and #1032, #1023, #1332, #1328, #1306, #1321, #1324
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Tue Sep 8 23:17:36 2015 Yuki Nishijima <>
+ * gems/bundled_gems: Upgrade the did_you_mean gem to 1.0.0.beta2.
+Tue Sep 8 23:09:28 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_popen): do not wait the child process during being
+ killed. [ruby-core:70671] [Bug #11510]
+Tue Sep 8 22:18:04 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * gems/bundled_gems: revert because ruby trunk never be able to install
+ the did_you_mean gem. retry after enough test.
+Tue Sep 8 21:48:22 2015 Yuki Nishijima <>
+ * gems/bundled_gems: Automatically install the did_you_mean gem
+ as a bundled gem. [Feature #11252]
+Tue Sep 8 17:17:48 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: remove rb_call_info_t::blockiseq.
+ * insns.def (send, invokesuper): pass blockiseq explicitly.
+ * compile.c: catch up this fix.
+ * iseq.c: ditto.
+ * vm_args.c: ditto.
+ * iseq.c (ISEQ_MINOR_VERSION): 2->3 because instruction spec was
+ changed.
+Tue Sep 8 15:01:19 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (list): fetch all the lines before yielding a block
+ to allow other commands in the block. [Feature #11454]
+ Patched by Srikanth Shreenivas.
+Tue Sep 8 12:05:00 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_read_reparse_point): return correct required
+ buffer size for IO_REPARSE_TAG_MOUNT_POINT.
+Tue Sep 8 00:14:43 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (rb_execarg_parent_start1): raise with the target path
+ name when open() failed.
+Mon Sep 7 23:45:28 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (rb_exec_fail): raise with the target directory name
+ when chdir() failed. pointed out by sorah.
+Mon Sep 7 22:05:28 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (insert): should use plain strdup() instead of
+ ruby_strdup() at startup time, and plain free()ed in cmdglob().
+Mon Sep 7 16:49:30 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_core.h (rb_vm_struct): define objspace always regardless
+Mon Sep 7 15:54:58 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby_atomic.h (ATOMIC_VALUE_CAS): fix typo.
+ TODO: make arguments of all CAS macros consistent.
+Sun Sep 6 16:07:22 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * ccan/list/list.h: suppress unused argument warnings
+ [ccan commit 6aaca17e07588997417a73fac19dcf0ff17ed81b]
+Sat Sep 5 11:39:52 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb (Time#w3cdtf): fix zero-trimmed width of fraction
+ digits. [ruby-core:70667] [Bug #11509]
+Sat Sep 5 08:28:58 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_equal, rb_hash_eql): [DOC] the orders of each
+ hashes are not compared. [Bug #11508]
+Fri Sep 4 23:26:22 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h: fix macro name for VC runtime version,
+ RT_VER is only in Makefile.
+Fri Sep 4 17:46:17 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * doc/contributing.rdoc: fix configuration option.
+ [ci skip] [fix GH-1009]
+Fri Sep 4 04:46:54 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c (iseq_memsize): functions for wrapper object should have
+ iseqw_ prefix.
+Thu Sep 3 21:12:12 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/cgi/session.rb (create_new_id): use SHA512 instead of MD5.
+ pointed out by SARWAR JAHAN.
+Thu Sep 3 20:29:18 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_raw_obj_info): iseq->body->location.first_lineno is Fixnum.
+Thu Sep 3 17:54:26 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (raise_method_missing): "names" should be singular.
+ pointed out by Filip Bartuzi.
+Thu Sep 3 17:50:09 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_raw_obj_info): should support IMEMO/iseq.
+Thu Sep 3 10:07:49 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (raise_method_missing): refine error messages when a
+ symbol is not given. [Fix GH-1013]
+Wed Sep 2 18:49:55 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/psych/*: merge psych master(8737e5b). It contains following fixes.
+ [ruby-list:50219]
+ * test/psych/*: ditto.
+Wed Sep 2 18:04:13 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.h (GET_PC_COUNT): remove unused macro.
+Wed Sep 2 17:18:37 2015 Chris Schneider <>
+ * process.c (proc_detach): [DOC] fix typo "intent" as "intend" in
+ rdoc. [Fix GH-1011]
+Wed Sep 2 16:58:21 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_realpath_internal): use filesystem encoding if the
+ argument is in ASCII encodings.
+ * win32/file.c (rb_readlink): needs the result encoding.
+Tue Sep 1 18:37:15 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/thread/test_queue.rb: catch up last commit.
+Tue Sep 1 18:16:32 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread_sync.c (queue_do_close): ignore multiple close to allow
+ multiple producers.
+Tue Sep 1 18:06:26 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread_tools.c: rename thread_tools.c to thread_sync.c.
+Mon Aug 31 17:04:45 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * class.c (move_refined_method): should insert a write barrier
+ from an original class to a created (cloned) method entry.
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb: add a test.
+Sun Aug 30 02:42:22 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_method_tab): Only add SSLv3 support
+ if the SSL library supports it. Thanks Kurt Roeckx <>
+ [Bug #11376]
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: check for SSLv3 support in the SSL
+ implementation.
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb (class OpenSSL): Skip tests that need SSLv3
+ if there is no support.
+Fri Aug 28 16:05:09 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rdoc/*: Update rdoc master(cfffed5)
+Fri Aug 28 10:16:20 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (hook_before_rewind): prevent kicking :return event while
+ finishing vm_exec func because invoke_block_from_c() kick a :return
+ event for bmethods.
+ [Bug #11492]
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: add a test.
+Thu Aug 27 18:05:42 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/webrick/server.rb: use IO::NULL instead of '/dev/null'
+ * test/ruby/test_string.rb: ditto.
+Thu Aug 27 15:24:57 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_set_sequence): rename variable names
+ to make it readable.
+Thu Aug 27 07:45:34 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread_tools.c: add Queue#close(exception=false) and
+ SizedQueue#close(exception=false).
+ [Feature #10600]
+ Trying to deq from a closed empty queue return nil
+ if exception parameter equals to false (default).
+ If exception parameter is truthy, it raises
+ ClosedQueueError (< StopIteration).
+ ClosedQueueError inherits StopIteration so that you can write:
+ loop{ e = q.deq; (using e) }
+ Trying to close a closed queue raises ClosedQueueError.
+ Blocking threads to wait deq for Queue and SizedQueue will be
+ restarted immediately by returning nil (exception=false) or
+ raising a ClosedQueueError (exception=true).
+ Blocking threads to wait enq for SizedQueue will be
+ restarted by raising a ClosedQueueError immediately.
+ The above specification is not proposed specification, so that
+ we need to continue discussion to conclude specification this
+ method.
+ * test/thread/test_queue.rb: add tests originally written by
+ John Anderson and modify detailed behavior.
+Wed Aug 26 10:52:02 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * re.c (rb_memsearch_wchar, rb_memsearch_qchar): test matching
+ till the end of string. [ruby-core:70592] [Bug #11488]
+ * test/ruby/test_m17n.rb (test_include?, test_index): add tests by
+ Tom Stuart.
+Wed Aug 26 09:26:00 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * id_table.c (list_table_extend, hash_table_extend): remove C99
+ features. [ruby-dev:49239] [Bug #11487]
+Tue Aug 25 06:34:43 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (w32_symlink): implement symlink().
+Mon Aug 24 16:01:19 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (rb_locale_encindex): find encoding index without
+ making a string object every time. [ruby-core:58160] [Bug #9080]
+Sat Aug 22 15:43:12 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (check_funcall_failed, check_funcall_missing): cache
+ results of respond_to? and respond_to_missing?, and search a
+ public method only for compatibility with rb_respond_to.
+Sat Aug 22 08:23:32 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/thread/thread.c: move definitions of Queue, SizedQueue
+ and ConditionalVariables to thread_tools.c. In other words,
+ such classes are built-in.
+ [Feature #8919]
+ At first, I planned to embed only a Queue class.
+ However, rubygems requires 'thread.rb' (rubygems are
+ required at first, when launch MRI without --disable-gems).
+ So most of people require 'thread.rb' as an embedded library.
+ Now, ext/thread/thread.c is empty, only for a dummy for
+ compatibility.
+ * thread.c: move a definition of Mutex class to thread_tools.c.
+ And define Mutex class under Thread (so now Mutex is Thread::Mutex).
+ Because other thread related classes are also defined under Thread.
+ We remain ::Mutex as Thread::Mutex. Only an inspect result is changed.
+ * add dependency from thread.o to thread_tools.c.
+Sat Aug 22 05:31:37 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_opts.h, iseq.c, iseq.h: add compile option to force frozen
+ string literals.
+ [Feature #11473]
+ This addition is not specification change, but to try frozen
+ string literal world discussed on [Feature #11473].
+ You can try frozen string literal world using this magical line:
+ RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile_option =
+ {frozen_string_literal: true}
+ Note that this is a global compilation option, so that you need to
+ compile another script like that:
+ p 'foo'.frozen? #=> false
+ RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile_option =
+ {frozen_string_literal: true}
+ p 'foo'.frozen? #=> false, because this line is already compiled.
+ p eval("'foo'.frozen?") #=> true
+ Details:
+ * String literals are deduped by rb_fstring().
+ * Dynamic string literals ("...#{xyz}...") is now only frozen,
+ not deduped. Maybe you have other ideas.
+ Now, please do not use this option on your productions :)
+ Of course, current specification can be changed.
+ * compile.c: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_iseq.rb: add a test.
+Sat Aug 22 02:53:12 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/*: update to Psych 2.0.14
+ * test/psych/*: ditto
+Fri Aug 21 19:58:48 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c: add a new method ObjectSpace.count_symbols.
+ [Feature #11158]
+ * symbol.c (rb_sym_immortal_count): added to count immortal symbols.
+ * symbol.h: ditto.
+ * test/objspace/test_objspace.rb: add a test for this method.
+ * NEWS: describe about this method.
+Fri Aug 21 19:48:17 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub ($(LIBRUBY_SO)): needs additional libraries
+ for extension libraries to link statically.
+ [ruby-core:70499] [Feature #9018]
+Fri Aug 21 18:49:22 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h, cont.c, vm_trace.c: add a new event
+ fiber_switch. We need more discussion about this feature
+ so that I don't write it on NEWS.
+ [Feature #11348]
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: add tests.
+Fri Aug 21 17:32:42 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_invoke_block): we should not expect ci->argc is
+ stable after invoking a block. [Bug #11451]
+ * test/ruby/test_yield.rb: add a test. This test script is given by
+ Alex Dowad.
+Fri Aug 21 06:35:50 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl_session.rb: Fix tests so that they take in to
+ account OpenSSL installations that have SSLv3 disabled by default.
+ Thanks Jeremy Evans <> for the patches.
+ [Bug #11366] [Bug #11367]
+Thu Aug 20 22:19:17 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_method.c (basic_obj_respond_to): call respond_to_missing?
+ only when redefined. [ruby-core:70460] [Bug #11465]
+Thu Aug 20 14:13:27 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (check_funcall_respond_to): share the behavior with
+ rb_obj_respond_to. [ruby-core:70460] [Bug #11465]
+ * vm_method.c (vm_respond_to): extract from rb_obj_respond_to and
+ merge r39881.
+Thu Aug 20 08:53:09 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_obj_respond_to): reuse found method entry
+ instead of searching same entry repeatedly.
+Thu Aug 20 08:31:17 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (replace_real_basename), win32/win32.c (opendir_internal):
+ check reparse point tags and treat supported tags only as
+ symbolic links. [ruby-core:70454] [Bug #11462]
+Wed Aug 19 23:59:28 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.rb (module OpenSSL): add OP_ALL to
+ existing options rather than just setting it. Some vendors apply
+ custom patches to their versions of OpenSSL that set default values
+ for options. This commit respects the custom patches they've
+ applied.
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb (class OpenSSL): check that OP_ALL has been
+ added to the options.
+Wed Aug 19 23:55:29 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (rb_f_spawn): [DOC] elaborate environment variable
+ values. [ruby-core:70456] [Bug #11463]
+Wed Aug 19 23:48:06 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (winnt_lstat): check reparse point tags and treat
+ supported tags only as symbolic links.
+ [ruby-core:70454] [Bug #11462]
+Tue Aug 18 20:05:49 2015 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (reserve_stack): ensure the memory is really
+ allocated. [Bug #11457]
+Tue Aug 18 17:19:21 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (IS_BEG): include labeled argument state, which was
+ EXPR_LABELARG. [ruby-dev:49221] [Bug #11456]
+Tue Aug 18 16:16:21 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RClass): define only in C, `__attribute__`
+ between `struct` and the name can't compile with g++.
+ [ruby-core:70297] [Bug #11426]
+Mon Aug 17 20:56:36 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y: fix syntax error at do-block after a conditional
+ operator. separate label-allowed and after-a-label states from
+ others as bit flags. [ruby-dev:48790] [Bug #10653]
+Mon Aug 17 11:57:36 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_each_codepoint): raise an exception at incomplete
+ character before EOF when conversion takes place. [Bug #11444]
+Sun Aug 16 17:33:45 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * gems/bundled_gems: update latest version of bundled gems.
+ It includes minitest-5.8.0 and test-unit 3.1.3.
+Sun Aug 16 17:24:10 2015 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_children): check if RCLASS_EXT is valid
+ before marking. This fixes the following test failure
+ introduced in r51126:
+ make test-all TESTOPTS='--gc-stress ruby/test_refinement.rb'
+Sat Aug 15 10:51:08 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/win32/lib/win32/registry.rb (API#SetValue): data size should
+ be in bytes, not in chars. [ruby-core:70365] [Bug #11439]
+Sat Aug 15 10:15:20 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_each_codepoint): read more data when read partially.
+ [ruby-core:70379] [Bug #11444]
+Sat Aug 15 04:33:39 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * hash.c (any_hash): skip rb_objid_hash for static syms
+ (rb_num_hash_start): extract from rb_ident_hash
+ (rb_objid_hash): call rb_num_hash_start
+ (rb_ident_hash): ditto
+ [ruby-core:70181] [Feature #11405]
+Sat Aug 15 04:16:13 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_mark): reduce NULL checks
+Fri Aug 14 18:50:57 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * method.h (METHOD_ENTRY_VISI_SET): cast visi to int
+Fri Aug 14 18:43:11 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * process.c (close_unless_reserved): add extra check
+ (dup2_with_divert): remove
+ (redirect_dup2): use dup2 without divert
+ (before_exec_non_async_signal_safe): adjust call + comment
+ (rb_f_exec): stop timer thread for all OSes
+ (rb_exec_without_timer_thread): remove
+ * eval.c (ruby_cleanup): adjust call
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_stop_timer_thread): always close pipes
+ * thread_pthread.c (struct timer_thread_pipe): add writing field,
+ mark owner_process volatile for signal handlers
+ (rb_thread_wakeup_timer_thread_fd): check valid FD
+ (rb_thread_wakeup_timer_thread): set writing flag to prevent close
+ (rb_thread_wakeup_timer_thread_low): ditto
+ (CLOSE_INVALIDATE): new macro
+ (close_invalidate): new function
+ (close_communication_pipe): removed
+ (setup_communication_pipe_internal): make errors non-fatal
+ (setup_communication_pipe): ditto
+ (thread_timer): close reading ends inside timer thread
+ (rb_thread_create_timer_thread): make errors non-fatal
+ (native_stop_timer_thread): close write ends only, always,
+ wait for signal handlers to finish
+ (rb_divert_reserved_fd): remove
+ * thread_win32.c (native_stop_timer_thread): adjust (untested)
+ (rb_divert_reserved_fd): remove
+ * vm_core.h: adjust prototype
+ [ruby-core:70386] [Bug #11336]
+Fri Aug 14 18:40:43 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/win32/lib/win32/registry.rb (API#SetValue): add terminator
+ size, not 1 byte. [ruby-core:70365] [Bug #11439]
+Thu Aug 13 22:49:42 2015 Juanito Fatas <>
+ * lib/timeout.rb (Timeout#timeout): freeze a string message to
+ reduce string allocations. [Fix GH-996]
+Thu Aug 13 17:42:34 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h (rb_call_info_kw_arg_bytes): move the definition
+ to iseq.h because this function is shared with iseq.c and compile.c.
+Thu Aug 13 14:36:31 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (rb_num_to_dbl): move from num2dbl_with_to_f in math.c.
+Thu Aug 13 09:01:25 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * load.c (features_index_add): avoid repeat calculation
+Wed Aug 12 21:57:31 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * id_table.c: IMPL() macro accept op as _opname instead of opname
+ because jemalloc seems to replace the word `free' to `je_free'.
+Wed Aug 12 21:51:11 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * id_table.c (mix_id_table_insert): fix memory leak.
+Wed Aug 12 21:17:38 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * iseq.c (iseq_memsize): reimplement for wrapper
+ (param_keyword_size): extracted from iseq_memsize
+ (iseqw_mark): new mark function
+ (iseqw_data_type): new data type
+ (iseqw_new): wrap as iseqw_data_type
+ (iseqw_check): adjust for wrapper
+ (Init_ISeq): remove iseqw_iseq_key initialization
+ * test/objspace/test_objspace.rb: new test
+ [ruby-core:70344] [Feature #11435]
+Wed Aug 12 21:15:27 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * vm_core.h (rb_call_info_kw_arg_bytes): extract from compile.c
+ * compile.c (iseq_build_callinfo_from_hash): use above function
+Wed Aug 12 18:00:17 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * class.c (move_refined_method): same as the last commit.
+Wed Aug 12 17:57:53 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * class.c, gc.c vm.c: use ID_TABLE_* instead of ST_*
+ (such as ST_CONTINUE) for enum rb_id_table_iterator_result.
+Wed Aug 12 17:05:36 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * id_table.h: introduce ID key table.
+ [Feature #11420]
+ This table only manage ID->VALUE table to reduce overhead of st.
+ Some functions prefixed rb_id_table_* are provided.
+ * id_table.c: implement rb_id_table_*.
+ There are several algorithms to implement it.
+ Now, there are roughly 4 types:
+ * st
+ * array
+ * hash (implemented by Yura Sokolov)
+ * mix of array and hash
+ The macro ID_TABLE_IMPL can choose implementation.
+ You can see detailes about them at the head of id_table.c.
+ At the default, I choose 34 (mix of list and hash).
+ This is not final decision.
+ Please report your suitable parameters or
+ your data structure.
+ * symbol.c: introduce rb_id_serial_t and rb_id_to_serial()
+ to represent ID by serial number.
+ * internal.h: use id_table for method tables.
+ * class.c, gc.c, marshal.c, vm.c, vm_method.c: ditto.
+Wed Aug 12 05:19:11 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * parse.y (rb_parser_compile_cstr): remove volatile arg
+ (rb_parser_compile_string): ditto
+ (rb_parser_compile_file): ditto
+ (rb_parser_compile_string_path): ditto
+ (rb_parser_compile_file_path): ditto
+ [ruby-core:70323] [Misc #11431]
+Tue Aug 11 22:59:57 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c (Init_Numeric): Fix document for Float::MIN and
+ Float::EPSILON.
+Tue Aug 11 15:22:31 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (ALLOCV_N): check integer overflow, as well
+ as ruby_xmalloc2. pointed out by Paul <pawlkt AT>.
+Tue Aug 11 14:57:09 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_repeated_permutation): fix buffer size, ALLOCV_N
+ already multiplies element size.
+Tue Aug 11 12:13:20 2015 Jeremy Evans <>
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb: Fix LocalJumpErrors being raised
+ in OpenSSL tests. [ruby-core:70020][Bug #11368]
+Tue Aug 11 11:54:13 2015 Alexey Lipnyagov <>
+ * string.c: Fix documentation for String#slice
+ [ruby-core:70298][Bug #11427]
+Tue Aug 11 11:53:28 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (superclass): make superclass rule optional and allow
+ any contents without a terminator. [EXPERIMENTAL]
+Tue Aug 11 10:58:42 2015 Juanito Fatas <>
+ * string.c: [DOC] Make #end_with? example doc symmetry
+ with #start_with? [fix GH-992][ci skip]
+Tue Aug 11 10:51:19 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb: Add test for `Array#flatten` with level 1
+ [fix GH-986] Patch @yui-knk
+Tue Aug 11 10:48:16 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * enum.c: added doc for Enumerable#zip
+ [fix GH-985] Patch by @yui-knk
+ * test/ruby/test_enum.rb: added tests for Enumerable#zip
+ [fix GH-985] Patch @yui-knk
+Tue Aug 11 10:33:26 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * vm_method.c: typo fix [fix GH-993][ci skip] Patch by @0x0dea
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb: ditto.
+Sun Aug 9 14:15:54 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm.c (Init_vm_objects, rb_vm_fstring_table): use frozen_strings
+ table in rb_vm_t. [ruby-core:70274] [Bug #11423]
+Sat Aug 8 03:59:51 2015 Zachary Scott <>
+ * object.c: [DOC] Improve grammar for Module#===
+ Patch by @SkyBirdSoar in documenting-ruby/ruby#52:
+Sat Aug 8 03:39:33 2015 Zachary Scott <>
+ * hash.c: [DOC] Improve description of symbol key syntax
+ Patch by Raphael Das Gupta in documenting-ruby/ruby#51:
+Fri Aug 7 21:04:19 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_params): turn in_def and in_single into bit
+ flags and reduce the size by 2-words.
+ * parse.y (parser_params): remove redundant prefixes.
+ * parse.y (yylex): non-pure parser has not been supported since
+ merger of ripper. change argument types from void pointers.
+Fri Aug 7 17:07:56 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (method_super_method): uncallable method entry does not
+ have the defined class, use the owner instead.
+ [ruby-core:70254] [Bug #11419]
+ * test/ruby/test_method.rb (test_super_method_unbound): add test
+ by Akira Matsuda.
+Thu Aug 6 10:49:57 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * node.c (rb_alloc_tmp_buffer): round up the size and check the
+ range.
+ atomic operations for VALUE.
+Thu Aug 6 08:15:49 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.rb (module OpenSSL): move
+ SSLSocket#sysclose to Ruby.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_close): ditto
+Thu Aug 6 07:57:21 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.rb (module OpenSSL): move nonblock
+ enable to SSLSocket#initialize and remove Nonblock module.
+Thu Aug 6 07:53:47 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.rb (module OpenSSL): move
+ OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket#initialize to Ruby.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c: ditto
+Thu Aug 6 02:25:31 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * node.c (rb_alloc_tmp_buffer): use NODE_ALLOCA to mark locations
+ like as builtin alloca. [ruby-core:70251] [Bug #11418]
+Wed Aug 5 14:37:55 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_open0): rb_econv_t::source_encoding_name
+ and rb_econv_t::destination_encoding_name should refer static
+ strings always or NULL. [ruby-core:70247] [Bug #11416]
+Tue Aug 4 16:53:43 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.rb (module OpenSSL): extract callback
+ lookup to private Ruby methods. This means we can keep the default
+ DH callback logic hidden from consumers. Also, since the SSLSocket
+ always has a context, we can remove conditionals about that
+ instance.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c: move callback lookup methods to private Ruby
+ methods.
+Tue Aug 4 16:40:26 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb: should not expect a method table ordering.
+ [Feature #11414]
+Tue Aug 04 15:30:04 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * proc.c (rb_block_clear_env_self): clear by Qfalse instead of Qnil.
+ [Bug #11409]
+ * test/ruby/test_eval.rb: add tests for this issue,
+ written by @0x0dea.
+Tue Aug 4 12:12:14 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * variable.c: wrap long lines
+Tue Aug 4 09:32:30 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * proc.c: Removing duplicate doc [fix GH-987][ci skip]
+ Patch by @ronakjangir47
+Tue Aug 4 09:21:58 2015 Richard Schneeman <>
+ * doc/contributing.rdoc: fixed wrong instructions with OS X
+ [fix GH-989][ci skip] Patch by @schneems
+Mon Aug 3 10:08:33 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * re.c (rb_memsearch): should match only char boundaries in wide
+ character encodings. [ruby-core:70220] [Bug #11413]
+Sun Aug 2 07:01:17 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/buffering.rb (gets):
+ avoid comparing fixnum with nil
+ * test/openssl/test_pair.rb: test gets with limit when EOF is hit
+ Thanks to Bar Hofesh <> for the bug report
+ and testing.
+ [ruby-core:70149] [Bug #11400]
+Sat Aug 1 17:13:15 2015 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * lib/net/http/response.rb (Net::HTTPResponse::Inflater#finish):
+ fix a bug that empty gzipped response body causes Zlib::BufError.
+ [ruby-core:68846] [Bug #11058]
+ * test/net/http/test_httpresponse.rb: tests for the above.
+Sat Aug 1 17:05:18 2015 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * lib/net/http/response.rb (Net::HTTPResponse#inflater):
+ fix TypeError. An exception object might be nil.
+ [ruby-core:68846] [Bug #11058]
+Sat Aug 1 09:09:46 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_sslctx_setup): Implement
+ SSLContext#options and options= using SSL_CTX_set_options and
+ SSL_CTX_get_options. This reduces the number of ivars we need and
+ simplifies `ossl_sslctx_setup`.
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.rb (module OpenSSL): Default `options`
+Sat Aug 1 06:54:36 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (Init_ossl_ssl): OpenSSL declares these
+ constants as longs, so we should follow that and use LONG2NUM.
+Sat Aug 1 04:06:29 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_call_tmp_dh_callback): change callback
+ to return the Ruby dh (or ecdh) object that the caller cares about
+ instead of doing rb_iv_get / set to communicate. This means we can
+ remove an rb_iv_get call, and only use the set calls for their
+ intended purpose (to prevent the object from being GC'd).
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_tmp_dh_callback): ditto
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_call_tmp_ecdh_callback): ditto
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_tmp_ecdh_callback): ditto
+Sat Aug 1 03:49:31 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_call_tmp_dh_callback): Similarly to the
+ tmp_ecdh_callback, the SSLSocket instance always holds a reference
+ to the SSLContext object (it's always set in `initialize`). The
+ SSLContext holds a reference to the tmp_dh_callback. Ask the
+ context for the callback instead of storing the callback in two
+ places.
+Sat Aug 1 03:43:10 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_call_tmp_dh_callback): create an array
+ and use `rb_apply` to clean up calls to `rb_protect`.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_tmp_dh_callback): ditto
+Sat Aug 1 03:27:12 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_call_tmp_ecdh_callback): The SSL socket
+ always holds a reference to the SSLContext object, which will have
+ the callback object. Ask the context for the callback instead of
+ storing the callback in two places.
+Sat Aug 1 03:14:07 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.rb (module OpenSSL): convert
+ `tmp_dh_callback` to Ruby, and call it when setting up an SSL
+ connection. This allows us to move the "default" behavior to the
+ reader method.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c: call the tmp_dh_callback instead of
+ accessing the SSLContext's internals.
+Fri Jul 31 23:34:27 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * .travis.yml: update libssl before running tests.
+ Thanks to Chris Sinjakli <> for figuring out the
+ travis settings!
+Fri Jul 31 21:34:49 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * load.c (rb_require_internal): use rb_load_internal0 not to raise
+ a exception to be caught.
+Thu Jul 30 13:19:54 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c (rb_const_get_0): warn deprecated constant reference.
+ * variable.c (rb_mod_deprecate_constant): mark constants to be
+ warned as deprecated. [Feature #11398]
+Thu Jul 30 11:53:54 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_s_handle_interrupt): make identity hash, to
+ compare masking classes just by their IDs.
+Thu Jul 30 11:52:55 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * load.c (rb_load_internal0): stop separating exits at loading
+ from exits from execution. TAG_FATAL is the only case that
+ `errinfo` is a Fixnum, and should continue to exit by JUMP_TAG
+ but not raising as an ordinary exception.
+ [ruby-core:70169] [Bug #11404]
+Thu Jul 30 10:42:27 2015 Alex Dowad <>
+ * load.c (rb_load_internal0): extra check before returning
+ TAG_RAISE when a non-local transfer of control happens while
+ loading and parsing a Ruby source file.
+ [ruby-core:70169] [Bug #11404]
+Thu Jul 30 08:48:42 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * st.c (find_entry): constify st_table*
+ (find_packed_index_from): ditto
+ (find_packed_index): ditto
+ (get_keys): ditto
+ (get_values): ditto
+Thu Jul 30 04:29:25 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * benchmark/bm_hash_aref_dsym.rb: new benchmark
+ * benchmark/bm_hash_aref_dsym_long.rb: ditto
+ * benchmark/bm_hash_aref_fix.rb: ditto
+Wed Jul 29 21:38:41 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (any_hash), symbol.c (dsymbol_alloc): fix dynamic symbol
+ hash value by restricting in Fixnum range, that is `long`.
+Wed Jul 29 17:25:46 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (rb_obj_hash): move in order to share with rb_any_hash.
+Wed Jul 29 16:00:22 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (str_buf_cat): consider empty non-embed string case,
+ not to loop infinitely. [ruby-core:70074] [Bug #11383]
+Wed Jul 29 15:25:19 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (send_internal): set method_missing_reason before
+ invoking overriding method_missing method so that the default
+ method_missing can achieve it properly.
+ [ruby-core:68515] [Bug #10969]
+Wed Jul 29 14:54:16 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (rb_sym_hash): return same value as rb_any_hash() of
+ Symbol. [Bug #9381]
+ * hash.c (rb_any_hash): fix Float hash. rb_dbl_hash() returns a
+ Fixnum, but not a long. [Bug #9381]
+Wed Jul 29 11:07:10 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * internal.h (LIKELY, UNLIKELY): make a boolean to enforce 1 or 0.
+Wed Jul 29 10:44:43 2015 Alex Dowad <>
+ * gc.c: document argument passed to finalizer proc.
+ [fix GH-976][ci skip] Patch by @alexdowad
+Wed Jul 29 10:36:58 2015 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_extract_modeenc): add option parameter `flags'
+ to append extra oflags to normal mode.
+ [Feature #11253] [ruby-core:69539]
+Wed Jul 29 04:54:47 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_remote_fetcher.rb: pre-generate test key
+ [ruby-core:70151] [Bug #11397]
+Tue Jul 28 10:32:09 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * internal.h (struct RClass): moved from ruby/ruby.h to hide the
+ internals.
+Tue Jul 28 08:48:29 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE): attribute declaration for
+ types.
+Tue Jul 28 07:23:03 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * symbol.h (struct RSymbol): add hashval field
+ * symbol.c (dsymbol_alloc): setup hashval field once
+ * hash.c (rb_any_hash): return RSymbol->hashval directly
+ * hash.o depends on symbol.h
+ Thanks to Bruno Escherl <> for the bug report
+ [ruby-core:70129] [Bug #11396]
+Tue Jul 28 03:26:15 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.rb (module OpenSSL): raise a more
+ helpful exception when verifying the peer connection and an
+ anonymous cipher has been selected. [ruby-core:68330] [Bug #10910]
+ Thanks to Chris Sinjakli <> for the patch.
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb (class OpenSSL): test for change
+Mon Jul 27 13:24:11 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * template/id.h.tmpl (ID2ATTRSET): remove an unused macro.
+Mon Jul 27 12:21:15 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb: run tests on non-Unix platforms.
+Sun Jul 26 19:21:31 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_alpn_protocol): fix condition
+ to compile, needs ALPN to be available. [Feature #9390]
+Sun Jul 26 11:29:01 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * signal.c (default_handler, Init_signal): discard SIGSYS, ENOSYS
+ should raise a SystemCallError always instead.
+Sun Jul 26 10:26:35 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_call_servername_cb): set the ssl context
+ object returned by the servername callback on to the socket as an
+ instance variable. If the callback allocated a new context object
+ and didn't keep a reference to it, it could be GC'd out from under
+ the socket object.
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb (class OpenSSL): test for change.
+Sun Jul 26 10:07:26 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb (class OpenSSL): add test coverage around
+ OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext#servername_cb
+Sun Jul 26 09:10:32 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * gems/bundled_gems: update latest version of bundled power_assert.
+Sun Jul 26 08:49:28 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_remote_fetcher.rb: backport rubygems upstream
+ change for OpenSSL key length. see detail to
+Sun Jul 26 08:33:03 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/pkey.rb: implement DEFAULT_512 and
+ DEFAULT_1024 constants in Ruby.
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.rb (module OpenSSL): Ask PKey for the
+ default DH callback since it already must check whether openssl has
+ been compiled with DH support.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dh.c (OSSL_PKEY_BN): Remove C definitions of
+ DEFAULT_512 and DEFAULT_1024
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dh.c (Init_ossl_dh): ditto
+ * test/openssl/test_pkey_dh.rb (class OpenSSL): add test to ensure the
+ Ruby definitions are the same as the C definitions were.
+Sun Jul 26 08:14:59 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.rb (module OpenSSL): support
+ specifically setting the tmp_dh_callback to nil.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (Init_ossl_ssl): ditto
+ * test/openssl/test_pair.rb (module OpenSSL): add a test
+Sun Jul 26 07:47:14 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.rb (module OpenSSL): move the default
+ tmp_dh_callback Ruby code and set it as a default in `initialize`.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dh.c (static unsigned char DEFAULT_DH_512_GEN):
+ move this constant to Ruby.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dh.c (static unsigned char DEFAULT_DH_1024_GEN):
+ ditto
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dh.c (Init_ossl_dh): ditto
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_tmp_dh_callback): ditto
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_sslctx_setup): tmp_dh_callback should
+ always be set, so we can remove this conditional
+Sun Jul 26 06:22:24 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * test/openssl/test_pair.rb: add a test ensuring that the default DH
+ callback is used when no DH callback is specified.
+Sun Jul 26 04:08:27 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.rb (module OpenSSL): add missing
+ instance variables to squash warnings with alpn.
+Sun Jul 26 03:42:19 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.rb (module OpenSSL): move
+ OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext#initialize implementation to pure Ruby.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_sslctx_initialize): ditto
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (Init_ossl_ssl): ditto
+Sat Jul 25 21:03:45 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (fill_random_bytes_syscall): get rid of blocking when
+ no entropy is available. based on the patch by mame in
+ [ruby-core:70114]. [Bug #11395]
+Sat Jul 25 11:05:31 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (str_replace_shared_without_enc): fill the terminator
+ of embedded strings in wide char encodings.
+Sat Jul 25 06:38:36 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: size should be unsigned.
+ * rb_call_info_t::index
+ * rb_iseq_constant_body::stack_max
+ * rb_iseq_constant_body::local_size
+ * rb_iseq_constant_body::param::size
+ * rb_iseq_constant_body::local_table_size
+ * rb_iseq_constant_body::is_size
+ * rb_iseq_constant_body::callinfo_size
+ * iseq.h: same for iseq_catch_table::size.
+ * compile.c: catch up these fix.
+ * iseq.c: ditto.
+ * proc.c: ditto.
+ * vm.c: ditto.
+ * vm_args.c: ditto.
+ * vm_eval.c: ditto.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: ditto.
+Sat Jul 25 06:00:09 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: constify rb_iseq_constant_body::line_info_table.
+ * iseq.c: catch up this fix.
+Sat Jul 25 05:56:43 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: constify rb_iseq_constant_body::param::opt_table and
+ rb_iseq_constant_body::param::keyword.
+ * compile.c: catch up this fix.
+Sat Jul 25 04:47:01 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: constify rb_iseq_constant_body::catch_table.
+ * compile.c (iseq_set_exception_table): catch up this fix.
+ * iseq.c: ditto.
+ * vm.c (vm_exec): ditto.
+Fri Jul 24 21:29:54 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * st.c (EQUAL, st_delete_safe): fix arguments order to compare
+ function, searching key is the first and stored key is the
+ second always.
+Fri Jul 24 21:27:29 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (fstr_update_callback): fstring must not be a shared
+ string, or the content without RSTRING_FSTR may be freed.
+ [ruby-dev:49188] [Bug #11386]
+Fri Jul 24 20:09:43 2015 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * test/rinda/test_rinda.rb (RingIPv6#prepare_ipv6): prevent to use
+ IPv6 loopback interface for
+ Rinda::TestRingFinger#test_make_socket_ipv6_multicast and
+ Rinda::TestRingFinger#test_make_socket_ipv6_multicast_hops.
+ The tests are skipped if there are no IPv6 devices other than the
+ loopback device. [Bug #11394] [ruby-dev:49199]
+ * test/rinda/test_rinda.rb (test_make_socket_ipv6_multicast): ditto
+ for Rinda::TestRingServer#test_make_socket_ipv6_multicast.
+ * test/rinda/test_rinda.rb (test_ring_server_ipv6_multicast): ditto
+ for Rinda::TestRingServer#test_ring_server_ipv6_multicast.
+Fri Jul 24 16:35:55 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (fstr_update_callback): pool bare strings only.
+ * string.c (rb_fstring): return the original string with sharing a
+ fstring if it has extra attributes, not the fstring itself.
+ [ruby-dev:49188] [Bug #11386]
+Fri Jul 24 16:35:34 2015 yui-knk <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_s_extname): [DOC] add an example.
+ * test/ruby/test_path.rb (test_extname): add tests. [Fix GH-978]
+ * path starts with dot ('.a.rb')
+ * path includes dir name ('a/b/d/test.rb')
+ * path includes dir name and dir name starts with dot
+ ('.a/b/d/test.rb')
+Thu Jul 23 18:50:43 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: constify rb_iseq_constant_body::local_table and
+ rb_iseq_param_keyword::table and
+ rb_iseq_param_keyword::default_values.
+ * compile.c: catch up this fix.
+ * iseq.c: ditto.
+Thu Jul 23 17:30:43 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: constify rb_iseq_constant_body::iseq_encoded and
+ rb_control_frame_t::pc.
+ * compile.c (rb_iseq_translate_threaded_code): catch up this fix.
+ * iseq.c: ditto.
+ * vm_exec.c (vm_exec_core): ditto.
+Thu Jul 23 10:25:46 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: add raw FL macros, which assume always the
+ argument object is not a special constant.
+ * internal.h (STR_EMBED_P, STR_SHARED_P): valid only for T_STRING.
+ * string.c: deal with taint flags directly across String instances.
+Thu Jul 23 09:05:28 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (lambda_body): pop cmdarg stack for lookahead
+ token. [ruby-core:70067] [Bug #11380]
+Thu Jul 23 04:03:03 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c: fix tests by not setting the instance
+ variable on the frozen ssl instance.
+Thu Jul 23 03:32:26 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c: add ECDH callback support. [Feature #11356]
+ * test/openssl/test_pair.rb: test for ECDH callback support
+Thu Jul 23 03:29:49 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c: add ALPN support. [Feature #9390]
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: detect ALPN support in OpenSSL
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb: test for ALPN
+Wed Jul 22 23:44:17 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_reverse): reversed string is not a substring,
+ and should not set coderange of the original string.
+ [ruby-dev:49189] [Bug #11387]
+Wed Jul 22 20:17:51 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: modify layout of rb_iseq_constant_body.
+ Move frequent accessing fields to upper part.
+Wed Jul 22 19:57:47 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: remove unused declaration of
+ iseq_compile_data_ensure_node_stack.
+Wed Jul 22 19:52:45 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: separate rb_iseq_body into rb_iseq_constant_body and
+ rb_iseq_variable_body (rb_iseq_t::variable_body).
+ rb_iseq_variable_body can be modified after compilation.
+ * compile.c: use rb_iseq_t::variable_body.
+ * iseq.c: ditto.
+ * thread.c: ditto.
+Wed Jul 22 17:50:35 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/matrix/eigenvalue_decomposition.rb: refine code style.
+ [fix GH-959][ci skip] Patch by @bogdanvlviv
+Wed Jul 22 15:48:47 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/ruby/test_range.rb: Add test case for Range#end with
+ exclude_end true case. [fix GH-968] Patch by @yui-knk
+Wed Jul 22 09:45:31 2015 Maksim Sitnikov <>
+ * numeric.c (num_coerce): [DOC] fix doc for Numeric#coerce,
+ missing '+'. [Fix GH-974]
+Wed Jul 22 07:24:18 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * make rb_iseq_t T_IMEMO object (type is imemo_iseq).
+ All contents of previous rb_iseq_t is in rb_iseq_t::body.
+ Remove rb_iseq_t::self because rb_iseq_t is an object.
+ RubyVM::InstructionSequence is wrapper object points T_IMEMO/iseq.
+ So RubyVM::ISeq.of(something) method returns different wrapper
+ objects but they point the same T_IMEMO/iseq object.
+ This patch is big, but most of difference is replacement of
+ iseq->xxx to iseq->body->xxx.
+ (previous) rb_iseq_t::compile_data is also located to
+ rb_iseq_t::compile_data.
+ It was moved from rb_iseq_body::compile_data.
+ Now rb_iseq_t has empty two pointers.
+ I will split rb_iseq_body data into static data and dynamic data.
+ * compile.c: rename some functions/macros.
+ Now, we don't need to separate iseq and iseqval (only VALUE).
+ * eval.c (ruby_exec_internal): `n' is rb_iseq_t (T_IMEMO/iseq).
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c (count_imemo_objects): count T_IMEMO/iseq.
+ * gc.c: check T_IMEMO/iseq.
+ * internal.h: add imemo_type::imemo_iseq.
+ * iseq.c: define RubyVM::InstructionSequence as T_OBJECT.
+ Methods are implemented by functions named iseqw_....
+ * load.c (rb_load_internal0): rb_iseq_new_top() returns
+ rb_iseq_t (T_IMEMO/iesq).
+ * method.h (rb_add_method_iseq): accept rb_iseq_t (T_IMEMO/iseq).
+ * vm_core.h (GetISeqPtr): removed because it is not T_DATA now.
+ * vm_core.h (struct rb_iseq_body): remove padding for
+ [Bug #10037][ruby-core:63721].
+Wed Jul 22 07:15:33 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c (total_i): no need to skip singleton classes.
+Wed Jul 22 06:37:54 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: constify rb_call_info_t::kw_arg,
+ rb_control_frame_t::iseq and rb_control_frame_t::block_iseq.
+ * iseq.c (iseq_free): catch up this fix.
+ * vm.c: ditto.
+ * vm_dump.c: ditto.
+Wed Jul 22 06:25:45 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: constify rb_call_info_t::blockiseq and rb_block_t::iseq.
+ * vm.c, vm_insnhelper.c: catch up this fix.
+ * iseq.c (iseq_data_to_ary): constify the first iseq parameter.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_make_proc_with_iseq): ditto.
+Wed Jul 22 06:17:35 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * method.h: constify rb_method_iseq_t::iseqptr.
+ * proc.c (rb_method_entry_min_max_arity): catch up this fix.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (def_iseq_ptr): constify.
+Wed Jul 22 03:37:39 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (internal_object_p): Now a singleton classes appear by
+ ObjectSpace.each_object. [Bug #11360]
+ * test/ruby/test_objectspace.rb: add a test about it.
+Tue Jul 21 21:21:33 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (do_select): replace switch and goto with a loop to
+ suppress maybe-uninitialized warnings by gcc6.
+ * thread.c (set_unblock_function, rb_wait_for_single_fd): ditto.
+Tue Jul 21 20:32:33 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/ruby/test_range.rb: Add test for Range#hash
+ [fix GH-969] Patch by @yui-knk
+Tue Jul 21 19:43:20 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c: constify the first parameter (iseq).
+ * iseq_add_mark_object()
+ * iseq_add_mark_object_compile_time()
+ * iseq.c, iseq.h (rb_iseq_add_mark_object): ditto.
+Tue Jul 21 16:18:48 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * test/socket/test_nonblock.rb: increase buffer sizes
+ to OpenBSD limits. Thanks to Jeremy Evans <>
+ [ruby-core:70058]
+Tue Jul 21 16:08:53 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * load.c (ruby_dln_librefs): make static
+Tue Jul 21 13:36:54 2015 yuuji.yaginuma <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (complete): [DOC] fix typo. [Fix GH-973]
+Tue Jul 21 05:20:21 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * io.c (nogvl_wait_for_single_fd): new function for Linux
+ (maygvl_copy_stream_wait_read): Linux-specific version
+ (nogvl_copy_stream_wait_write): use nogvl_wait_for_single_fd
+ [ruby-core:70051] [Feature #11377]
+Mon Jul 20 15:04:30 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * parse.y (parser_initialize): avoid redundant zero-ing
+Mon Jul 20 12:12:05 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * parse.y (struct parser_params): pack: 88 => 256 bytes on 64-bit
+ [ruby-core:70034] [Feature #11371]
+Sun Jul 19 14:29:18 2015 windwiny <>
+ * ext/pty/pty.c: [DOC] fix example typo, an old name at move from
+ [Fix GH-972]
+Sat Jul 18 21:29:19 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (vm_check_ints_blocking): gather common statements at
+ the end, and prefer LIKELY for Visual C optimization.
+Sat Jul 18 20:44:56 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * load.c (rb_load_internal0): do not raise any exceptions but
+ return the result tag state.
+ * load.c (rb_load_protect): reduce nested EXEC_TAGs.
+Sat Jul 18 19:52:17 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (run_finalizer): set and restore safe level here to reduce
+ nested EXEC_TAGs.
+Sat Jul 18 18:45:22 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_cleanup): error_handle() returns exit status to the
+ system, not internal error state, do not convert the exit status
+ again.
+Sat Jul 18 10:29:03 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb: test thread+sigs work after failed exec
+Sat Jul 18 07:20:18 2015 Jeremy Evans <>
+ * test/socket/test_nonblock: use smaller buffer for sendmsg
+ [ruby-core:70016] [Bug #11364]
+Sat Jul 18 07:04:24 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * signal.c (trap_handler): cleanup to use RSTRING_GETMEM + memcmp
+Sat Jul 18 02:53:06 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * io.c (argf_read_nonblock): support `exception: false'
+ (io_nonblock_eof): new function
+ (io_read_nonblock): use io_nonblock_eof
+ (argf_getpartial): accept kwargs hash for `exception: false'
+ * test/ruby/test_argf.rb (test_read_nonblock): new test
+ * NEWS: add item for ARGF.read_nonblock
+ [ruby-core:70000] [Feature #11358]
+Fri Jul 17 23:51:31 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_eval_cmd): $SAFE=4 has been deprecated.
+Fri Jul 17 22:18:09 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): use enum ruby_tag_type names.
+ * vm_core.h (ruby_tag_type): move from eval_intern.h for compiling
+ break/next/redo/return.
+Fri Jul 17 15:39:19 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (ENC_CODERANGE_CLEAN_P): predicate that
+ tells if the coderange is clean, that is 7bit or valid, and no
+ needs to scrub.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_expr_str): use ENC_CODERANGE_CLEAN_P.
+ * string.c (enc_strlen, rb_enc_cr_str_buf_cat, rb_str_scrub):
+ ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_enumerate_chars): ditto, and suppress a warning
+ by gcc6.
+Fri Jul 17 15:36:52 2015 yui-knk <>
+ * test/ruby/test_range.rb (test_first_last): Add test for
+ ``. [Fix GH-971]
+Fri Jul 17 15:36:40 2015 yui-knk <>
+ * test/ruby/test_range.rb (test_first_last): Add assertions to
+ test of `Range#last` with exclude_end true case. [Fix GH-970]
+Fri Jul 17 09:59:14 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_alone): simplify
+Fri Jul 17 09:58:32 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * lib/rinda/tuplespace.rb: remove enumerator require
+ * test/pathname/test_pathname.rb: ditto
+Fri Jul 17 05:33:58 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_compile_with_option): reuse result of previous
+ GET_THREAD() call
+ * thread.c (thread_create_core): ditto
+ (rb_mutex_trylock): ditto
+ (rb_mutex_lock): ditto
+ * process.c (rb_waitpid): avoid multiple eval from RUBY_VM_CHECK_INTS
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_check_ints): ditto
+Thu Jul 16 19:12:30 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * thread.c (mutex_alloc): remove needless volatile
+Thu Jul 16 22:05:29 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: constify rb_iseq_t::parent_iseq.
+ rb_iseq_t::local_iseq is not constant data because
+ local_iseq::flip_cnt can be modified (commented).
+ * compile.c: catch up this fix.
+ * iseq.c: ditto.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: ditto.
+Thu Jul 16 21:47:47 2015 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * process.c (redirect_dup2): when the new FD of dup2() conflicts
+ with one of the timer thread FDs, the internal FD is diverted.
+ [Bug #11336] [ruby-core:69886] [Bug #11350] [ruby-core:69961]
+ * process.c (dup2_with_divert): new function for the above purpose.
+ * thread_pthread.c (rb_divert_reserved_fd): new function for
+ diverting reserved FD. If the given FD is the same as one of the
+ reserved FDs, the reserved FD number is internally changed.
+ It returns -1 when error. Otherwise, returns 0. It also returns
+ 0 if there is no need to change reserved FD number.
+ * thread_win32.c (rb_divert_reserved_fd): always returns 0 because
+ of no reserved FDs.
+ * internal.h (rb_divert_reserved_fd): prototype declaration.
+ It is Ruby internal use only.
+Thu Jul 16 21:47:46 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_disasm): rename rb_iseq_t *iseqdat to iseq
+ and VALUE *iseq to code.
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_disasm_insn): ditto.
+Thu Jul 16 14:34:24 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm.c (REWIND_CFP): keep the arguments region inside the valid
+ value stack. [ruby-core:69969] [Bug #11352]
+Thu Jul 16 11:38:21 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * process.c (close_unless_reserved): declare type of `fd' arg
+Thu Jul 16 08:47:29 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * load.c (rb_construct_expanded_load_path): fstring expanded path
+ (get_loaded_features_index): fstring feature path
+ (rb_provide_feature): ditto
+ [ruby-core:69871] [Feature #11331]
+Thu Jul 16 02:56:14 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * thread.c (thread_initialize): avoid RSTRING_PTR and NUMT2INT
+Thu Jul 16 01:00:46 2015 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (test_exec_close_reserved_fd): test for
+ [Bug #11353]
+Thu Jul 16 00:35:42 2015 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * .gitignore: ignore version.i.
+Wed Jul 15 23:40:32 2015 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (test_deadlock_by_signal_at_forking):
+ use RUBY (= EnvUtil.rubybin)
+Wed Jul 15 23:01:22 2015 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * process.c (redirect_close, parent_redirect_close): should not close
+ reserved FD. It should be closed in the exec system call due to the
+ O_CLOEXEC or FD_CLOEXEC flag. [Bug #11353] [ruby-core:69977]
+ * process.c (close_unless_reserved): new function to close FD unless
+ it is reserved for internal communication.
+ * thread_pthread.c (rb_reserved_fd_p): should check owner_process pid
+ to avoid false positive in forked child process.
+Wed Jul 15 18:31:18 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * proc.c (proc_mark): remove redundant check
+ * vm.c (env_mark): ditto
+Wed Jul 15 17:27:40 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * iseq.c (iseq_mark): remove check for data pointer
+ * proc.c (binding_mark): ditto
+ * vm.c (rb_thread_mark): ditto
+ * vm_trace.c (tp_mark): ditto
+Wed Jul 15 16:55:04 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * encoding.c (enc_autoload): drop dummy encoding flag from
+ the loaded encoding index. this flag is used only in this
+ source.
+Wed Jul 15 14:39:29 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (vm_make_env_each): add comments about env layout.
+ Do not use `i' to specify `new_ep'.
+ * vm.c (rb_proc_create, rb_vm_make_proc_lambda): envval is not used.
+Wed Jul 15 08:59:19 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.h (RUBY_MARK_UNLESS_NULL): evaluate the argument only once
+ to get rid of inadvertent side effects.
+Wed Jul 15 02:53:11 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h, vm.c: remove rb_proc_t::envval because we can know it via
+ rb_proc_t::block::ep.
+ rb_vm_proc_envval(const rb_proc_t *proc) returns an Env object which
+ the Proc object use.
+ * proc.c: catch up this fix.
+ * vm_dump.c (rb_vmdebug_proc_dump_raw): ditto.
+Wed Jul 15 02:27:22 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h, vm.c: remove rb_env_t::prev_envval because we can know it
+ via env->ep.
+ rb_vm_env_prev_envval(env) returns prev_envval via env->ep.
+ * vm_core.h (rb_vm_env_local_variables): change parameter type
+ from VALUE (T_DATA/env) to `const rb_env_t *' to make same as
+ rb_vm_env_prev_envval().
+ * proc.c: catch up these changes.
+ * vm_dump.c: ditto.
+ * vm.c: rename macros.
+ * ENV_IN_HEAP_P() to VM_EP_IN_HEAP_P() because it uses ep.
+ * ENV_VAL() to VM_ENV_EP_ENVVAL() because it is too short.
+Wed Jul 15 01:09:09 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c: refactoring Proc/Env related code.
+ * vm_core.h: remove blockprocval field from rb_proc_t and rb_binding_t.
+ Instead of this field, mark given block in Proc at rb_env_t::env.
+ * vm.c (vm_make_env_each): make an Env object with this layout.
+ And also simplify parameters.
+ * proc.c: catch up this fix.
+ * vm_core.h: remove rb_env_t::local_size because it is not used.
+ * vm_dump.c (rb_vmdebug_env_dump_raw): catch up this fix.
+ * vm_core.h (rb_vm_make_env_object): remove rb_vm_make_env_object()
+ because it is only referred from vm.c.
+ * vm_eval.c (eval_string_with_cref): catch up this fix.
+Wed Jul 15 00:03:36 2015 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * gc.c (__has_feature): move into internal.h.
+ * internal.h (__has_feature): ditto.
+ * internal.h (__has_extension): new macro.
+ * internal.h (STATIC_ASSERT): use _Static_assert with
+ clang. [ruby-core:69931] [Bug #11343]
+Wed Jul 15 00:00:00 2015 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * random.c (fill_random_bytes_syscall): fix compile error with
+ clang. [ruby-core:69931] [Bug #11343]
+Tue Jul 14 11:22:42 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/webrick/utils.rb (WEBrick::Utils::TimeoutHandler#register):
+ notify the handler thread of new timeout registration.
+ * lib/webrick/utils.rb (WEBrick::Utils::TimeoutHandler#initialize):
+ make sleep intervals adaptive than fixed period intervals.
+ * lib/webrick/server.rb (WEBrick::GenericServer#start): flush
+ shutdown pipe.
+ * lib/webrick/server.rb (WEBrick::GenericServer#stop): request the
+ server to stop immediately by sending data via shutdown pipe.
+Mon Jul 13 23:58:08 2015 Stefano Tortarolo <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpproxy.rb (WEBrick::HTTPProxyServer#do_CONNECT):
+ fix typos in debugger statements. [Fix GH-967]
+Mon Jul 13 19:11:35 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/timeout.rb (timeout): warn as deprecated for a long time.
+Mon Jul 13 01:37:27 2015 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c: [DOC] Backport ruby/openssl@dbb3fdb [Bug #11345]
+ Thanks to Tomoya Chiba for the report and help with patch.
+Sun Jul 12 09:20:02 2015 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * ext/socket/basicsocket.c: [DOC] typo (Errno::AGAIN -> Errno::EAGAIN)
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: ditto
+ * ext/socket/tcpserver.c: ditto
+ * ext/socket/udpsocket.c: ditto
+ * ext/socket/unixserver.c: ditto
+ * io.c: ditto
+Sun Jul 12 06:42:23 2015 ksss <>
+ * test/stringio/test_stringio.rb (test_sysread): add a test for
+ StringIO#sysread. [Fix GH-966]
+Sat Jul 11 21:16:34 2015 ksss <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (Init_stringio): [DOC] Fix an example,
+ StringIO#puts should be set "\n" at last. [Fix GH-965]
+Sat Jul 11 12:45:51 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/timeout.rb (Timeout#timeout): remove regexp with wrong line
+ number and fix caller depth.
+Fri Jul 10 22:05:50 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/timeout.rb (ExitException): removed internal exception class
+ and use Timeout::Error instead, as using throw/catch to isolate
+ each timeouts now. [ruby-dev:49179] [Bug #11344]
+Fri Jul 10 17:41:54 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (is_case_sensitive): get attributes by the file descriptor
+ of open directory, instead of using mount point name.
+Fri Jul 10 10:46:02 2015 ksss <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (writable): remove unnecessary check for
+ deprecated safe level 4. [Fix GH-963]
+Thu Jul 9 15:07:12 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (waitpid): return immediately if interrupted.
+ reported by <takkanm AT> [ruby-dev:49176] [Bug #11340]
+Thu Jul 9 13:03:46 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_search_super_method): use CI_SET_FASTPATH().
+Thu Jul 9 11:07:06 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: remove rb_call_info_t::klass because
+ rb_callable_method_entry_t has information about defined class.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_search_method): don't set ci->klass because
+ it is removed.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (rb_equal_opt): ditto.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_search_superclass): removed because it is too
+ simple to write code directly.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_defined): don't use vm_search_superclass().
+ This fix avoid searching current callable `me' twice.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_search_super_method): ditto.
+Thu Jul 9 10:03:10 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/net/http/responses.rb: Added 308 status to CODE_TO_OBJ list.
+ [fix GH-961] Patch by @billinghamj
+Thu Jul 9 09:34:14 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h (rb_control_frame_t): fix comments (layout index).
+Thu Jul 9 09:25:50 2015 Zachary Scott <>
+ * parse.y: Improve duplicate key warning with patch by @andremedeiros
+ [Fix GH-938] [Bug #11327]
+Wed Jul 8 07:43:01 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/csv.rb: typo fix [ci skip][fix GH-958] Patch by @henrik
+Wed Jul 8 04:42:27 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * iseq.c (iseq_data_to_ary): dump kw_arg as symbol
+ * test/-ext-/iseq_load/test_iseq_load.rb: test kw_arg roundtrip
+ [ruby-core:69891] [Bug #11338]
+Tue Jul 7 18:18:41 2015 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * random.c (fill_random_bytes_syscall): fix compile error.
+Tue Jul 7 16:47:30 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * compile.c (COMPILE_ERROR): reduce GET_THREAD() calls
+Tue Jul 7 16:39:04 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * random.c (fill_random_bytes_syscall): return -1 for error
+ * random.c (fill_random_bytes): try urandom on syscall failure
+Tue Jul 7 15:02:18 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_str_normalize_ospath): skip invalid byte sequence not
+ to loop infinitely. this case usually does not happen as the
+ input name should come from real file systems.
+Tue Jul 7 14:40:08 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_backtrace.c: remove debug flag introduced accidentally.
+Tue Jul 7 12:05:37 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * cont.c (cont_free): remove mysterious fflush()
+ introduced at r19890, maybe accidentally.
+Tue Jul 7 11:45:14 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * proc.c (rb_method_call): because data->me should be non-NULL,
+ do not check data->me
+ * proc.c (method_inspect): ditto.
+Tue Jul 7 11:37:25 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: remove rb_iseq_t::orig because rb_iseq_clone()
+ no longer exists.
+ * iseq.c: don't use rb_iseq_t::orig.
+Tue Jul 07 11:25:57 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c, internal.h (rb_iseq_clone): removed because we don't need to
+ clone iseq any more.
+ * class.c (clone_method): share iseq between cloned methods. All of
+ method dependent information are able to refer from method entry.
+Tue Jul 7 04:42:25 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * string.c (Init_String): use rb_str_freeze for String#freeze
+ to resize internal buffer
+ [ruby-core:69870] [Feature #11330]
+Tue Jul 7 04:12:32 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (vm_define_method): remove an unused local variable.
+Tue Jul 7 03:57:28 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: remove rb_iseq_t::defined_method_id because it is not
+ needed.
+ * eval.c (frame_func_id): simplify. rb_callable_method_entry_t
+ has enough information.
+ * eval.c (frame_called_id): ditto.
+ * iseq.c (prepare_iseq_build): catch up this fix.
+ * proc.c (rb_mod_define_method): ditto.
+ * vm.c (vm_define_method): ditto.
+Tue Jul 7 03:47:26 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: remove a useless declaration.
+Tue Jul 7 03:33:20 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: remove rb_iseq_t::klass to reduce dynamic data.
+ * internal.h, iseq.c (rb_iseq_klass): remove it because
+ rb_iseq_t::klass is removed.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_super_outside): do not see cfp->iseq, but
+ check callable method entry on a frame.
+ This fix simplify the logic to search super class.
+ * test/ruby/test_method.rb: support super() from Proc.
+ Now, [Bug #4881] and [Bug #3136] was solved.
+ * proc.c (rb_mod_define_method): catch up this change.
+ * vm.c (vm_define_method): ditto.
+ * vm_backtrace.c (rb_profile_frames): now, each `frame' objects
+ are rb_callable_method_entry_t data or iseq VALUEs.
+ This fix introduce minor compatibility issue that
+ rb_profile_frame_label() always returns
+ rb_profile_frame_base_label().
+ * test/-ext-/debug/test_profile_frames.rb: catch up this change.
+Tue Jul 7 01:52:14 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * cont.c (fiber_init): initialize control frame correctly.
+ This fix does not affect any ordinal execution, but
+ affects debug prints.
+Mon Jul 6 17:59:05 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_search_super_method): do not skip calling
+ same methods in super.
+ [Bug #3351]
+ * test/ruby/test_super.rb: fix a test.
+Mon Jul 6 17:59:11 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c: removed deprecated safe level.
+Mon Jul 6 17:16:37 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * method.h, proc.c (rb_method_entry_location): make it static
+ and remove prefix `rb_' because it is used only in proc.c.
+Mon Jul 6 16:42:10 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/lib/memory_status.rb: removed redundant path.
+Mon Jul 6 01:18:11 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/lib/test/unit/parallel.rb: make @@project_dir one level
+ upper as this file had moved one level deeper.
+Sun Jul 5 23:54:10 2015 mizokami <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb: [DOC] Fix typo.
+Sun Jul 5 18:25:37 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * gc.c (gc_profile_record_get): fix spelling error in keys
+Sun Jul 5 14:49:01 2015 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * fix a typo pointed out by raoulvdberge.
+Sun Jul 5 12:56:20 2015 Irvi Firqotul Aini <>
+ * Added link HowToReport bugs.
+Sun Jul 5 10:51:48 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_sort_bang): the original array may not be
+ embedded even if a substitution array is embedded, as it is
+ embedded when the original array is short enough but not
+ embedded. [ruby-dev:49166] [Bug #11332]
+Sun Jul 5 09:31:40 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb: test for fd=3 usability in child
+Sat Jul 4 19:43:31 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * Add test case for empty array and first method with args.
+ Patch by @yui-knk [fix GH-955]
+Sat Jul 4 19:39:08 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * Add test for `Enumerable#sort` with block. Patch by @yui-knk
+ [fix GH-954]
+Sat Jul 4 14:38:43 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * enum.c (zip_ary): remove volatile, use RB_GC_GUARD
+ (zip_i): ditto
+Sat Jul 4 10:42:57 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rubygems/test_case.rb (teardown): do not delete features
+ loaded from the original load paths, the same libraries should
+ be loaded again when the same features are required.
+ [ruby-dev:49031] [Bug #11222]
+Sat Jul 4 09:38:52 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_mark): reduce branches for always-set VM fields
+ (rb_vm_add_root_module): ditto
+Fri Jul 03 20:05:10 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * method.h: introduce rb_callable_method_entry_t to remove
+ rb_control_frame_t::klass.
+ [Bug #11278], [Bug #11279]
+ rb_method_entry_t data belong to modules/classes.
+ rb_method_entry_t::owner points defined module or class.
+ module M
+ def foo; end
+ end
+ In this case, owner is M.
+ rb_callable_method_entry_t data belong to only classes.
+ For modules, MRI creates corresponding T_ICLASS internally.
+ rb_callable_method_entry_t can also belong to T_ICLASS.
+ rb_callable_method_entry_t::defined_class points T_CLASS or
+ rb_method_entry_t data for classes (not for modules) are also
+ rb_callable_method_entry_t data because it is completely same data.
+ In this case, rb_method_entry_t::owner == rb_method_entry_t::defined_class.
+ For example, there are classes C and D, and includes M,
+ class C; include M; end
+ class D; include M; end
+ then, two T_ICLASS objects for C's super class and D's super class
+ will be created.
+ When is called, then M#foo is searched and
+ rb_callable_method_t data is used by VM to invoke M#foo.
+ rb_method_entry_t data is only one for M#foo.
+ However, rb_callable_method_entry_t data are two (and can be more).
+ It is proportional to the number of including (and prepending)
+ classes (the number of T_ICLASS which point to the module).
+ Now, created rb_callable_method_entry_t are collected when
+ the original module M was modified. We can think it is a cache.
+ We need to select what kind of method entry data is needed.
+ To operate definition, then you need to use rb_method_entry_t.
+ You can access them by the following functions.
+ * rb_method_entry(VALUE klass, ID id);
+ * rb_method_entry_with_refinements(VALUE klass, ID id);
+ * rb_method_entry_without_refinements(VALUE klass, ID id);
+ * rb_resolve_refined_method(VALUE refinements, const rb_method_entry_t *me);
+ To invoke methods, then you need to use rb_callable_method_entry_t
+ which you can get by the following APIs corresponding to the
+ above listed functions.
+ * rb_callable_method_entry(VALUE klass, ID id);
+ * rb_callable_method_entry_with_refinements(VALUE klass, ID id);
+ * rb_callable_method_entry_without_refinements(VALUE klass, ID id);
+ * rb_resolve_refined_method_callable(VALUE refinements, const rb_callable_method_entry_t *me);
+ VM pushes rb_callable_method_entry_t, so that rb_vm_frame_method_entry()
+ returns rb_callable_method_entry_t.
+ You can check a super class of current method by
+ rb_callable_method_entry_t::defined_class.
+ * method.h: renamed from rb_method_entry_t::klass to
+ rb_method_entry_t::owner.
+ * internal.h: add rb_classext_struct::callable_m_tbl to cache
+ rb_callable_method_entry_t data.
+ We need to consider about this field again because it is only
+ active for T_ICLASS.
+ * class.c (method_entry_i): ditto.
+ * class.c (rb_define_attr): rb_method_entry() does not takes
+ defined_class_ptr.
+ * gc.c (mark_method_entry): mark RCLASS_CALLABLE_M_TBL() for T_ICLASS.
+ * cont.c (fiber_init): rb_control_frame_t::klass is removed.
+ * proc.c: fix `struct METHOD' data structure because
+ rb_callable_method_t has all information.
+ * vm_core.h: remove several fields.
+ * rb_control_frame_t::klass.
+ * rb_block_t::klass.
+ And catch up changes.
+ * eval.c: catch up changes.
+ * gc.c: ditto.
+ * insns.def: ditto.
+ * vm.c: ditto.
+ * vm_args.c: ditto.
+ * vm_backtrace.c: ditto.
+ * vm_dump.c: ditto.
+ * vm_eval.c: ditto.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: ditto.
+ * vm_method.c: ditto.
+Fri Jul 3 14:30:18 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/file.c: some mingw compilers need a tweek for the
+ declarations of _wfreopen_s. [Bug #11320]
+Fri Jul 3 12:25:19 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * transcode.c (rb_econv_set_replacement): target encoding name can
+ be empty now. [ruby-core:69841] [Bug #11324]
+Fri Jul 3 07:21:06 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * benchmark/bm_io_nonblock_noex.rb: new benchmark
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (no_exception_p): new function
+ (ossl_start_ssl): adjust for no_exception_p
+ (ossl_ssl_connect): adjust ossl_start_ssl call
+ (ossl_ssl_connect_nonblock): ditto
+ (ossl_ssl_accept): ditto
+ (ossl_ssl_accept_nonblock): ditto
+ (ossl_ssl_read_internal): adjust for no_exception_p
+ (ossl_ssl_write_internal): ditto
+ (ossl_ssl_write): adjust ossl_write_internal call
+ (ossl_ssl_write_nonblock): ditto
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_read_nonblock):
+ delay exception check
+ * io.c (no_exception_p): new function
+ (io_getpartial): call no_exception_p
+ (io_readpartial): adjust for io_getpartial
+ (get_kwargs_exception): remove
+ (io_read_nonblock): adjust for io_getpartial,
+ check no_exception_p on EOF
+ (io_write_nonblock): call no_exception_p
+ (rb_io_write_nonblock): do not check `exception: false'
+ (argf_getpartial): adjust for io_getpartial
+ [ruby-core:69778] [Feature #11318]
+Fri Jul 3 07:13:11 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (replace_real_basename): Win32 API does not set errno, get
+ the last error by GetLastError() and map to errno. [Bug #10015]
+Thu Jul 2 21:32:06 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (replace_real_basename): show warnings at errors.
+ [Bug #10015]
+Thu Jul 2 18:39:20 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: remove `#define RGENGC_OBJ_INFO 1' line introduced to
+ debug Bug #11244.
+Thu Jul 2 18:34:26 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_raw_obj_info): separated from rb_obj_info().
+ Fill internal object information into passed buffer.
+ * gc.h: declare rb_raw_obj_info().
+Thu Jul 2 16:15:04 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (replace_real_basename): update path type by the target
+ attributes if possible, to improve the performance. [Bug #10015]
+Thu Jul 2 14:45:53 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * st.c: get rid of VC++'s warnings of C4700 (uninitialized local
+ variable used). I think that these are wrong, but should shut them
+ up.
+Thu Jul 2 14:15:50 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rubygems.rb (Gem.load_path_insert_index): search
+ @gem_prelude_index first.
+ * lib/rubygems/test_case.rb (Gem::TestCase#setup): keep already
+ expanded paths to preserve instance variables.
+Thu Jul 2 14:12:01 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (process_options): also copy initial load path marks at
+ setting load paths encoding.
+Thu Jul 2 12:26:11 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_server.rb (process_based_port): use
+ dynamically chosen port numbers to get rid of conflicts.
+Thu Jul 2 11:58:59 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_specification.rb: skip tests which the
+ platform does not permit the filename of its test file.
+Thu Jul 2 11:36:20 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_resolver_git_specification.rb: require
+ rubygems/installer.rb before Gem::TestCase#setup runs, otherwise
+ as Gem::TestCase#teardown restores $LOADED_FEATURES to the state
+ at that time, the requiring the file in GitSpecification#install
+ method causes a lot of constant redefinitions.
+Thu Jul 2 10:43:36 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h: flags for common socket families
+ (rsock_getfamily): update signature
+ * include/ruby/io.h: comment socket FMODE flags
+ * ext/socket/init.c (rsock_getfamily): memoize family
+ * ext/socket/basicsocket.c: adjust rsock_getfamily calls
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c: ditto
+ [ruby-core:69713] [Feature #11298]
+Thu Jul 2 10:30:01 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rubygems/resolver.rb: fixed NameError of Gem::Util::NULL_DEVICE.
+Thu Jul 2 09:51:44 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rubygems/resolver.rb: fix error of null device reference with DOSISH
+ platform.
+Thu Jul 2 06:49:44 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems HEAD(c202db2).
+ this version contains many enhancements see
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Wed Jul 1 23:50:34 2015 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/net/http/test_httpresponse.rb
+ (HTTPResponseTest#test_read_body_content_encoding_deflate_uppercase):
+ fix a failure without zlib.
+Wed Jul 1 10:54:56 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * Add test for Enumerable#none? [fix GH-950] Patch by @yui-knk
+Wed Jul 1 09:30:36 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * struct.c (struct_set_members): hide internal back_members
+ object, and members object does not need to be duped as it
+ should be frozen and hidden.
+Wed Jul 1 09:28:47 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * struct.c (struct_member_pos): revert r51080 to fix other
+ implicit conversions but cast the return value to fix the
+ previous implicit conversion.
+Wed Jul 1 08:47:24 2015 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * struct.c (struct_member_pos): avoid implicit conversion loses
+ integer precision: 'long' to 'int'.
+Wed Jul 1 05:57:03 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_add_method_iseq): add RB_GC_GUARD
+ * class.c (clone_method): remove RB_GC_GUARD
+ * struct.c (define_aref_method): ditto
+ (define_aset_method): ditto
+ * vm.c (vm_define_method):
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_clone): add RB_GC_GUARD
+Wed Jul 1 05:43:58 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * struct.c (AREF_HASH_THRESHOLD): new macro
+ (id_back_members): new ID
+ (struct_member_pos_ideal): new function
+ (struct_member_pos_probe): ditto
+ (struct_set_members): ditto
+ (struct_member_pos): ditto
+ (rb_struct_getmember): use struct_member_pos for O(1) access
+ (rb_struct_aref_sym): ditto
+ (rb_struct_aset_sym): ditto
+ (setup_struct): call struct_set_members
+ (struct_define_without_accessor): ditto
+ (Init_Struct): initialize __members_back__
+ [ruby-core:66851] [ruby-core:69705] [ruby-core:69821]
+Tue Jun 30 23:12:08 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_reopen): FilePathValue() ensures the path
+ NUL-terminated and frozen, so it is unnecessary to make it shared.
+Tue Jun 30 23:11:53 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (check_dirname): ensure path name NUL-terminated for
+ * io.c (rb_sysopen): ditto.
+Tue Jun 30 18:38:16 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/file.c (rb_freopen): need to terminate by NUL.
+Tue Jun 30 17:28:25 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_reopen): freopen(3) with OS encoding path.
+ [ruby-core:69780] [Bug #11320]
+ * win32/file.c (rb_freopen): wrapper of wchar version freopen(3).
+ use _wfreopen_s() if available.
+Tue Jun 30 08:24:08 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_oflags_modestr): handle O_TRUNC correctly
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (test_reopen_stdio): new test
+ Patch-by: cremno phobia <>
+ [ruby-core:69779] [Bug #11319]
+Tue Jun 30 02:47:02 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * include/ruby/st.h (struct st_table): hide struct list_head
+ * st.c (struct st_table_entry): adjust struct
+ (head, tail): remove shortcut macros
+ (st_head): new wrapper function
+ (st_init_table_with_size): adjust to new struct and API
+ (st_clear): ditto
+ (add_direct): ditto
+ (unpack_entries): ditto
+ (rehash): ditto
+ (st_copy): ditto
+ (remove_entry): ditto
+ (st_shift): ditto
+ (st_foreach_check): ditto
+ (st_foreach): ditto
+ (get_keys): ditto
+ (get_values): ditto
+ (st_values_check): ditto
+ (st_reverse_foreach_check): ditto (unused)
+ (st_reverse_foreach): ditto (unused)
+ [ruby-core:69726] [Misc #10278]
+Mon Jun 29 17:38:01 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * insns.def (defineclass): do not quote unprintable characters at
+ raising an exception.
+Mon Jun 29 16:01:24 2015 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http/response.rb (inflater): CONTENT_ENCODING can be upper
+ case. [ruby-core:69670] [Bug #11285] patched by Andy Chu
+Mon Jun 29 14:50:08 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * eval.c (add_activated_refinement): should not include the original
+ class.
+Mon Jun 29 12:09:10 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * tweak styles. [fix GH-945][ci skip] Patch by @bryndyment
+Mon Jun 29 07:23:55 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * template/sizes.c.tmpl: extract RUBY_DEFINT to define sizes of
+ types checked by, and fix size of intptr_t in
+ universal binary.
+Mon Jun 29 02:10:10 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * insns.def (defineclass): preserve encoding of name in error
+ messages for super class mismatch.
+ * insns.def (defineclass): preserve encoding of name in error
+ messages for non-class super.
+ * insns.def (defineclass): preserve encoding of name in error
+ messages when already defined but type mismatch.
+Sun Jun 28 12:07:35 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c (rb_define_class_id_under): raise TypeError exception
+ same as ruby level class definition when superclass mismatch.
+Sun Jun 14 19:02:03 2015 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (makeport): close the TCPServer
+ when sending the port fails.
+ * test/net/ftp/test_ftp.rb: test for above.
+Fri Jun 26 12:48:37 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * transcode.c (load_transcoder_entry): fix transcoder loading race
+ condition, by waiting in require. [ruby-dev:49106] [Bug #11277]
+Fri Jun 26 07:53:56 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * enum.c (enum_minmax): simplify return value creation
+ * test/ruby/test_enum.rb: test behavior on empty
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_fetch_m): remove unnecessary volatile since r41597
+ (env_reject_bang): trade volatile for GC guard
+ (env_select): ditto
+ (env_select_bang): ditto
+ (env_keep_if): ditto
+ (rb_env_clear): ditto
+Thu Jun 25 21:24:28 2015 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * test/-ext-/popen_deadlock/test_popen_deadlock.rb: test [Bug #11265]
+ * ext/-test-/popen_deadlock/infinite_loop_dlsym.c: new ext to call
+ dlsym(3) infinitely without GVL, used in the above test.
+ * ext/-test-/popen_deadlock/extconf.rb: extconf.rb for the above
+ ext. Currently, only enabled on Solaris (main target) and Linux
+ (as a reference platform and for debugging the ext).
+Thu Jun 25 19:24:25 2015 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * not to use vfork on Solaris to avoid deadlock
+ occurred in vfork(2) with multi-threading and dynamic linker
+ on Solaris. [Bug #11265] [ruby-dev:49089]
+Thu Jun 25 18:25:41 2015 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * test/lib/envutil.rb (Test::Unit::Assertions#assert_no_memory_leak):
+ to reduce child executions during test-all on Solaris.
+ * test/lib/memory_status.rb (Memory::NO_MEMORY_LEAK_ENVS): ditto.
+Thu Jun 25 17:32:33 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_entry_create): need to call
+ method_definition_reset() if def is given.
+ Actually, `me' is a new object, so we don't need to call it.
+ It is just to make sure.
+ * vm_method.c (method_definition_reset): remove duplicated insertion.
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_entry_clone): assign dst->def here,
+ not in method_definition_reset().
+Thu Jun 25 16:44:54 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_method.c: make a rb_method_definition_t data (def) *after* making
+ a rb_method_entry_t data (me).
+ Normally, `me' points `def'. Some Ruby objects pointed from `def'
+ and objects are marked by `me' (mark_method_entry() in gc.c).
+ However, `def' is built before making a `me', then nobody can mark
+ objects pointed from `def' before making (and pointing from) `me'.
+ I hope this patch solve #11244.
+ * vm_method.c: remove `rb_' prefix from some static functions.
+ * method.h (rb_method_entry_create): constify
+ * gc.c (mark_method_entry): add checking `def' and
+ `def->body.iseq.iseqptr' availability because they can be NULL.
+Thu Jun 25 14:14:16 2015 takiy33 <>
+ * test/test_prime.rb (test_eratosthenes_works_fine_after_timeout):
+ use spaces instead of TABs in ruby codes. [Fix GH-944]
+Thu Jun 25 07:08:35 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (obj_info, method_type_name): show method type name in a string
+ instead of a number.
+Thu Jun 25 06:49:25 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (obj_info): show more details for T_IMEMO/imemo_ment.
+Thu Jun 25 06:40:46 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_definition_reset): need a WB for
+Thu Jun 25 03:33:21 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (RGENGC_OBJ_INFO, obj_info): add a macro to enable/disable
+ rich obj_info() output.
+ At the default, the value of RGENGC_OBJ_INFO is
+ * gc.c (RGENGC_OBJ_INFO): force enable it to debug #11244.
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_ptr): print more details with obj_info().
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_children): remove useless debug prints.
+Thu Jun 25 02:40:33 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_read_internal):
+ do not process kwargs in blocking mode
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb: test sysread
+Wed Jun 24 16:54:11 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_children): add additional debug code for #11244.
+Wed Jun 24 16:05:42 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_justify): use RB_GC_GUARD
+Wed Jun 24 14:25:17 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_ptr): add a check code for #11244.
+ It should be removed later. But we can remain this check
+ because it is only a branch.
+Wed Jun 24 12:49:11 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_fstring_cstr): new function to make a fstring from
+ a string literal.
+ * internal.h (rb_fstring_lit): new macro to make a fstring from a
+ string literal.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_strlen_lit): new macro to get the
+ length of a string literal, borrowed from mruby/mruby@e4afd53.
+Wed Jun 24 12:21:16 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * re.c: Update documentation for Regexp class.
+ [fix GH-937][ci skip] Patch by @davydovanton
+Wed Jun 24 09:23:03 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * variable.c (generic_ivar_set): remove FL_ABLE check
+ (gen_ivar_copy): ditto
+ [ruby-core:69715]
+Wed Jun 24 08:28:15 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (bsock_recvmsg_internal): reduce stack use
+ [ruby-core:69595] [Feature #11263]
+Tue Jun 23 14:32:42 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (name_err_receiver): raise ArgumentError if no receiver
+ is available on this exception object. [Feature #10881]
+Tue Jun 23 09:48:34 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * dir.c (check_dirname): avoid volatile, use return value
+ (dir_s_chroot, dir_s_mkdir, dir_s_rmdir): adjust callers
+Tue Jun 23 06:37:10 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * struct.c (struct_ivar_get): cache member definition in a subclass
+ Thanks to Sokolov Yura aka funny_falcon <>
+ in
+Tue Jun 23 04:58:06 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * benchmark/bm_vm2_struct_big_href_hi.rb: new benchmark
+ * benchmark/bm_vm2_struct_big_href_lo.rb: ditto
+ * benchmark/bm_vm2_struct_big_hset.rb: ditto
+ * benchmark/bm_vm2_struct_small_href.rb: ditto
+ * benchmark/bm_vm2_struct_small_hset.rb: ditto
+ Thanks to Sokolov Yura aka funny_falcon <>
+ in
+Mon Jun 22 18:08:48 2015 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * test/lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Parallel#start_watchdog): removed
+ because it has been meaningless since r36385. [Bug #11288]
+ * test/lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Parallel#_run_parallel): delete
+ lines related to the removed start_watchdog method
+Sun Jun 21 23:52:46 2015 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * NEWS: mention about Array#bsearch_index and Hash#fetch_values.
+Sun Jun 21 23:46:27 2015 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * NEWS: add a reference to a ticket.
+Sun Jun 21 20:28:09 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * internal.h (roomof): extract from type_roomof, and move from
+ bignum.c.
+Sun Jun 21 18:32:37 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby_atomic.h (ATOMIC_PTR_CAS): define by generic CAS macro, not
+ via size_t, to suppress a warning by mingw gcc.
+Sun Jun 21 05:31:41 2015 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * ext/objspace/objspace_dump.c(dump_object): Return empty JSON object when
+ passed object is a special const, instead of SEGV.
+ Based patch by Kohei Suzuki (eagletmt). [ruby-core:69692] [Bug #11291]
+ * test/objspace/test_objspace.rb(test_dump_special_consts): Test for above fix.
+Sat Jun 20 03:56:58 2015 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * enc/make_encmake.rb: the list of encoding extension libraries must
+ not include encinit.c itself. It caused "undefined reference to
+ Init_encinit".
+Sat Jun 20 02:03:53 2015 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * process.c (rb_execarg_parent_start1): new macro ALWAYS_NEED_ENVP
+ to generate envp_str anytime on Solaris 10 (or earlier version
+ of Solaris) to avoid calling execv() which is async-signal unsafe
+ on Solaris 10. [Bug #11265] [ruby-dev:49089]
+ * process.c (exec_with_sh, proc_exec_cmd): On Solaris 10,
+ because ALWAYS_NEED_ENVP is 1 and envp_str is always generated,
+ execv() in exec_with_sh() and proc_exec_cmd() are never called.
+ To guarantee this, execv() is replaced by a macro to print
+ out error message on Solaris 10.
+ * process.c (proc_exec_sh): Because proc_exec_sh() may be called
+ by rb_proc_exec() with envp_str = Qfalse, execl() is replaced
+ by a macro that calls execle() with "extern char **environ"
+ traditional global variable on Solaris 10.
+ TODO: This may be unsafe and should be changed in the future.
+ Although rb_proc_exec() is not used from inside current version
+ of ruby, it may be called by third-party extensions.
+Sat Jun 20 01:10:13 2015 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * NEWS: mention about $SAFE.
+Fri Jun 19 14:53:35 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (rb_mod_define_method): now requires a block direct to
+ this method call. [ruby-core:69655] [Bug #11283]
+Fri Jun 19 13:54:43 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (rb_mod_define_method): get rid of inadvertent ID
+ creations at error.
+Fri Jun 19 07:58:11 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb: if no with-ext option is given, default to
+ enable everything. [ruby-dev:49108] [Bug #11280]
+Fri Jun 19 06:30:07 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * bootstraptest/test_method.rb: remove a test because $SAFE=2 was
+ obsolete.
+ Please check btest, too.
+Thu Jun 18 23:51:51 2015 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * bin/erb: $SAFE=3 is obsolete.
+Thu Jun 18 23:45:11 2015 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * safe.c: removed needless doc related $SAFE=2
+Thu Jun 18 23:38:07 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_safe_level): fix document. $SAFE=3 is obsolete.
+ [ci skip]
+Thu Jun 18 23:25:51 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb: configure intersection of with-ext and not
+ without-ext, as withouts is no longer true by default if
+ with-ext option is given. [ruby-dev:49108] [Bug #11280]
+Thu Jun 18 23:20:46 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: $SAFE=2 is now obsolete.
+ * dir.c, ext/fiddle/handle.c, ext/socket/basicsocket.c, file.c
+ gc.c, io.c, process.c, safe.c, signal.c, win32/file.c:
+ removed code for $SAFE=2
+ * test/erb/test_erb.rb, test/fiddle/test_handle.rb
+ test/ruby/test_env.rb: removed tests for $SAFE=2.
+Thu Jun 18 22:50:07 2015 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * enc/make_encmake.rb: added --transes and --no-transes options.
+Thu Jun 18 18:24:12 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * test/socket/test_unix.rb: replace sleep with select
+Thu Jun 18 17:59:06 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_control_frame_id_and_class): remove useless codes.
+ `me' knows ID and owner class.
+Thu Jun 18 16:58:35 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * method.h: constify rb_method_alias_struct::original_me and
+ rb_method_refined_struct::orig_me.
+ * class.c (move_refined_method): use RB_OBJ_WRITE() for
+ me->def->body.refined.orig_me.
+Thu Jun 18 14:35:28 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c (count_imemo_objects): support imemo_ment.
+Thu Jun 18 13:32:46 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (name_err_receiver): add NameError#receiver method.
+ [Feature #10881]
+Thu Jun 18 10:00:06 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * safe.c: removed needless doc related $SAFE=3
+Thu Jun 18 09:59:23 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * safe.c: rename old method name for $SAFE=3
+Thu Jun 18 06:02:42 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * compile.c (get_exception_sym2type, iseq_build_from_ary_body):
+ rely on %+PRIsVALUE instead of calling rb_inspect directly
+Wed Jun 17 20:59:25 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (ENC_MK): needs fake.rb if cross compilation.
+ [ruby-dev:49098] [Bug #11272]
+Wed Jun 17 20:23:29 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/rbconfig/sizeof/extconf.rb: Check __float80.
+Wed Jun 17 15:15:53 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * safe.c (safe_setter): of course, don't have to warn the limitation of
+ $SAFE=3 after it's removed.
+Wed Jun 17 14:29:43 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: $SAFE=3 is now obsolete.
+ * ext/socket/init.c, ext/socket/socket.c, ext/socket/tcpsocket.c
+ ext/socket/udpsocket.c, gc.c, object.c, re.c, safe.c: removed code
+ for $SAFE=3
+ * bootstraptest/test_method.rb, test/erb/test_erb.rb, test/ruby/test_dir.rb
+ test/ruby/test_file.rb, test/ruby/test_method.rb, test/ruby/test_regexp.rb
+ test/ruby/test_thread.rb: remove tests for $SAFE=3
+Wed Jun 17 12:13:33 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ChangeLog: added contributor name.
+Wed Jun 17 10:57:28 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/csv.rb: accept to use Range object for row selection.
+ contributed by Mitsutaka Mimura.
+ [Feature #11267][ruby-dev:49091]
+Wed Jun 17 09:50:12 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rdoc/servlet.rb (documentation_search, root_search):
+ requires json for JSON.dump and fix sporadic failures due to
+ the loading order.
+Tue Jun 16 19:19:53 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/rbconfig/sizeof/extconf.rb: Check several types defined in C99
+ and x86_64 ABI.
+ * template/sizes.c.tmpl: Relax a pattern for types.
+Tue Jun 16 17:37:01 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/objspace/test_objspace.rb: relax pattern because uncollectible
+ flag and marked flag can be false at major GC.
+ [Bug #10852]
+Tue Jun 16 04:50:44 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/socket/basicsocket.c (bsock_recv): document outbuf
+ * ext/socket/unixsocket.c (unix_recvfrom): ditto
+ * ext/socket/init.c (rsock_strbuf, recvfrom_locktmp): new functions
+ (rsock_s_recvfrom): support destination buffer as 3rd arg
+ (rsock_s_recvfrom_nonblock): ditto
+ * string.c (rb_str_locktmp_ensure): export for internal ext
+ * test/socket/test_nonblock.rb: test recv_nonblock
+ * test/socket/test_unix.rb: test recv
+ [ruby-core:69543] [Feature #11242]
+Tue Jun 16 04:38:02 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (bsock_sendmsg_internal,
+ bsock_recvmsg_internal):
+ support "exception: false" kwarg
+ * ext/socket/init.c (rsock_s_recvfrom_nonblock):
+ ditto
+ * ext/socket/init.c (rsock_s_recvfrom_nonblock): use rsock_opt_false_p
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_connect_nonblock): ditto
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h (rsock_opt_false_p): new function
+ * ext/socket/basicsocket.c (bsock_recv_nonblock): update rdoc
+ * ext/socket/udpsocket.c (udp_recvfrom_nonblock): ditto
+ * test/socket/test_nonblock.rb: new tests
+ [ruby-core:69542] [Feature #11229]
+Mon Jun 15 14:33:02 2015 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/set.rb: Make Set#each and SortedSet#each generate a sized
+ enumerator. [GH-931] by kachick (Kenichi Kamiya)
+ * test/test_set.rb: Import tests from Set into SortedSet. [GH-931]
+ by kachick (Kenichi Kamiya)
+Mon Jun 15 02:26:34 2015 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTP#connect): use connect_nonblock and
+ io/wait to eliminate timeout use. fix GH-899
+Sat Jun 13 07:21:18 2015 KOSAKI Motohiro <>
+ * thread.c (thread_start_func_2): don't interrupt when last thread
+ exit unless main thread is already exited. Otherwise main thread
+ could be wrongly interrupted when it uses rb_thread_call_without_gvl().
+ Patch by Takehiro Kubo. [Bug #11237][ruby-dev:49044][GH-898]
+ * test/-ext-/gvl/test_last_thread.rb: new test for the above fix.
+ * ext/-test-/gvl/call_without_gvl/call_without_gvl.c: new ext for
+ the above test.
+ * ext/-test-/gvl/call_without_gvl/extconf.rb: ditto.
+Mon Jun 15 00:14:33 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/lib/pathname.rb (descend): Blockless form supported.
+ (ascend): Ditto.
+ [ruby-core:68820] [Feature #11052] Patch by Piotr Szotkowski.
+Sun Jun 14 20:09:25 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (time_getlocaltime): [DOC] Add examples of valid utc_offset
+ formats.
+ [ruby-core:68306] [Misc #10905] Patch by Charles Korn.
+Sun Jun 14 18:49:56 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (parse_numeric_port): Detect
+ port overflow.
+ (numeric_getaddrinfo): Use parse_numeric_port.
+ numeric_getaddrinfo fails if port is too big now.
+ This makes rb_getaddrinfo invokes the real getaddrinfo()
+ on such condition.
+ This change is related to [ruby-core:69355] [Bug #11179].
+Sun Jun 14 17:26:03 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enum.c (enum_chunk_while): New method Enumerable#chunk_while.
+ [ruby-core:67738] [Feature #10769] proposed by Tsuyoshi Sawada.
+Sun Jun 14 17:20:40 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_load_ok): try opening file without gvl not to
+ lock entire process. [Bug #11060]
+Sun Jun 14 10:43:50 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * tool/runruby.rb: just remove the lines of RUBY_VERSION check and raise
+ instead of replacing the check to `true`, for getting rid of a
+ warning `possibly useless use of true in void context`.
+Sun Jun 14 10:13:55 2015 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/source.rb (REXML::IOSource#scan): Fix a typo in
+ document. [fix GH-934]
+ Patch by Anton Davydov. Thanks!!!
+Sun Jun 14 10:09:48 2015 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/attlistdecl.rb (REXML::AttlistDecl): Fix a typo in
+ document. [fix GH-934]
+ Patch by Anton Davydov. Thanks!!!
+Sun Jun 14 06:24:57 2015 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb: add test for IO.binread fd leak.
+ See r50881.
+Sun Jun 14 05:23:51 2015 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_binread): close fd if seek offset is invalid.
+Sun Jun 14 04:40:32 2015 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * test/lib/leakchecker.rb (check): refactor.
+Sun Jun 14 04:34:14 2015 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * test/lib/leakchecker.rb: Return false for no leaks.
+ Otherwise the GC could run for nothing.
+Sun Jun 14 04:15:40 2015 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb: [DOC] Update SimpleDelegator example. [ci skip]
+Sat Jun 13 20:28:14 2015 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * file.c (rb_stat_ino): get inode from the interval of struct st.
+ * win32/win32.c (stati64_set_inode): get nFileIndexHigh/Low, and set it
+ to the interval of struct st as inode.
+ [Feature #11216]
+ * win32/win32.c (stati64_set_inode_handle): call stati64_set_inode.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_fstati64): call stati64_set_inode_handle.
+ * win32/win32.c (stati64_handle): call stati64_set_inode.
+Sat Jun 13 19:44:53 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/io/console/depend (.list.chksum): revert a part of r50859, because
+ it was not mentioned at its commit log and it caused a build error on
+ Windows ($(MAKE) is already quoted).
+Sat Jun 13 17:35:11 2015 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * vm_core.h (rb_thread_t): add th->name.
+ * vm.c (th_init): initialize th->name.
+ * thread.c (Init_Thread): add and name=. [Feature #11251]
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_inspect): show thread's name if set.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_getname): defined.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_setname): ditto.
+Sat Jun 13 11:39:43 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb: Fix typo. [fix GH-933] Patch by @Zorbash
+Sat Jun 13 11:38:00 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ocsp.c: fix documentation on ocsp response cert status.
+ [fix GH-932] Patch by @chrisholmes
+Sat Jun 13 11:35:19 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.gemspec: Fix require paths for released gem.
+ [fix GH-929] Patch by @voxik
+ * ext/io/console/io-console.gemspec: ditto.
+Sat Jun 13 00:45:08 2015 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/prime.rb: Return sized enumerators.
+ Patch by Kenichi Kamiya [GH-931]
+Sat Jun 13 00:45:06 2015 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/prime.rb: Fix with_object with no block given
+Sat Jun 13 00:44:59 2015 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/prime.rb: Have with_index accept an offset parameter.
+ Based on patch by T Yamada. [#11007]
+Fri Jun 12 22:21:12 2015 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/ruby/test_extlibs.rb (TestExtLibs::check_existence): fix
+ error. [Bug #11255] [ruby-dev:49079]
+Fri Jun 12 21:17:46 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * pack.c (pack_{un,}pack): new template character `j` and `J`, pointer
+ with signed and unsigned integers.
+ * NEWS: mention about this feature.
+ [Feature #11215] [ruby-dev:49015]
+Fri Jun 12 21:01:44 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * file.c (File::SHARE_DELETE): new flag to be able to delete opened file
+ on Windows.
+ * include/win32/win32.c (O_SHARE_DELETE): new pseudo file mode flag.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_{w,}open): support above flag. [EXPERIMENTAL]
+ * NEWS: mention about this feature.
+ [Feature #11218] [ruby-dev:49022]
+Fri Jun 12 18:21:45 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ChangeLog: added missing commit message.
+Fri Jun 12 18:20:37 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * sample/exyacc.rb: Fix some typos. [fix GH-927] Patch by @davydovanton
+ * sample/list.rb: ditto.
+ * sample/trick2013/kinaba/remarks.markdown: ditto.
+Fri Jun 12 17:34:14 2015 Wojciech Mach <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_fetch_values): add `Hash#fetch_values`.
+ [Feature #10017] [Fix GH-776]
+Fri Jun 12 16:28:17 2015 Radan Skoric <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_bsearch_index): Implement Array#bsearch_index
+ method, which is similar to bsearch and returns the index or
+ nil. [Feature #10730]
+Thu Jun 11 19:11:22 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c: Fix indentation for rdoc.
+ [Bug #11221][ruby-core:69465]
+Thu Jun 11 16:23:37 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * method.h (METHOD_ENTRY_BASIC_SET): fix last commit (unbalanced parens).
+Thu Jun 11 15:14:16 2015 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * define SET_THREAD_NAME if it has pthread_set_name_np
+ for FreeBSD, and don't define it if both pthread_setname_np
+ and pthread_set_name_np don't exist.
+ * thread_pthread.c (SET_THREAD_NAME): don't define if they don't exist.
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_set_thread_name): run if SET_THREAD_NAME
+ is defined.
+Thu Jun 11 15:53:31 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * method.h (METHOD_ENTRY_BASIC_SET): should clear last bit.
+Thu Jun 11 14:34:45 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rubygems.rb: bump version to 2.4.7 and 2.4.8. these versions fixed
+ CVE-2015-3900.
+ * lib/rubygems/remote_fetcher.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_remote_fetcher.rb: added testcase for CVE-2015-3900
+Thu Jun 11 14:18:51 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rubygems.rb: bump version to 2.4.6. It's missing change at r49774.
+Thu Jun 11 13:50:19 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (ary_ensure_room_for_push): check if array size will
+ exceed maximum size to get rid of buffer overflow.
+ [ruby-dev:49043] [Bug #11235]
+ * array.c (ary_ensure_room_for_unshift, rb_ary_splice): ditto.
+Thu Jun 11 13:17:34 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/test_cmath.rb (TestCMath#test_trigonometric_functions): should
+ not compare float values (in complex values) by `==`.
+Thu Jun 11 08:52:01 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * method.h: embed rb_method_entry_t::attr::flags (5 bits) into
+ rb_method_entry_t::flags to make one word spare space.
+ Add some macros to access these flags.
+ * vm_method.c: use these macros.
+ * internal.h: define IMEMO_FL_USHIFT and IMEMO_FL_USER[0-4]
+ for T_IMEMO local flags.
+Thu Jun 11 08:27:06 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c: use VM_ASSERT instead of assert().
+ * vm_args.c: ditto.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: ditto.
+ * vm_method.c: ditto.
+Thu Jun 11 08:16:48 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: define VM_ASSERT() for assertion
+ enabled only when (VM_CHECK_MODE > 0).
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: move definition VM_CHECK_MODE
+ from vm_insnhelper.c to vm_core.h.
+ * vm.c: remove <assert.h>
+Thu Jun 11 06:46:07 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (check_frame): check type of cref_or_me first.
+Thu Jun 11 04:34:39 2015 Kazuki Tanaka <>
+ * test/test_cmath.rb: Add some assertions.
+Thu Jun 11 00:34:39 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * template/ expanded macro result may have spaces
+ between tokens. [ruby-dev:49047] [Bug #11243]
+Wed Jun 10 22:27:32 2015 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: revert r50804 because of build failure when specifying
+ LDFLAGS during configure, observed on Solaris with GCC 4.6.
+ [Bug #11245]
+Wed Jun 10 21:59:51 2015 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * fix markup miss.
+Wed Jun 10 11:06:25 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * template/ turn into erb template from autoconf
+ template to fake more accurately.
+ * (fake.rb): needs preprocessed file now.
+ * version.c (Init_version): add dummy expression to
+Tue Jun 9 12:31:25 2015 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/prime.rb: Simplify and optimize EratosthenesSieve
+Tue Jun 9 11:45:00 2015 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/prime.rb: Simplify and optimize EratosthenesSieve
+ based on patch by Ajay Kumar. [Fixes GH-921]
+Mon Jun 8 05:09:58 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (obj_info): print method id for T_IMEMO/ment.
+Sun Jun 7 07:05:43 2015 Kazuki Tanaka <>
+ * Move test cases from test/ruby/test_complex.rb to test/test_cmath.rb
+Sat Jun 6 18:23:41 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * method.h: back to share rb_method_definition_t by
+ rb_method_entry_t.
+ r50728 changed sharing `def's to isolating `def's
+ on alias and so on. However, this change conflicts
+ future improvement plan. So I change back to sharing approach.
+ * method.h: move rb_method_definition_t::flags to
+ rb_method_entry_t::attr::flags.
+ rb_method_entry_t::attr is union with VALUE because this field
+ should have same size of VALUE. rb_method_entry_t is T_IMEMO).
+ And also add the following access macros to it's fields.
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_definition_addref): added instead of
+ rb_method_definition_clone().
+ Do not create new definition, but increment alias_count.
+ * class.c (clone_method): catch up this fix.
+ * class.c (method_entry_i): ditto.
+ * proc.c (mnew_internal): ditto.
+ * proc.c (mnew_missing): ditto.
+ * vm_eval.c: ditto.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: ditto.
+ * vm_method.c: ditto.
+Sat Jun 6 15:59:38 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * class.c: ins_methods_push() needs rb_method_visibility_t type on
+ 2nd arg.
+Sat Jun 6 15:05:47 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * class.c (ins_methods_push): Change type and name of parameters
+ to make more clear.
+Sat Jun 6 08:52:13 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * test/socket/test_nonblock.rb: try to avoid EMSGSIZE
+ [ruby-core:69466]
+Sat Jun 6 07:58:30 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: remove struct mark_tbl_arg and pass objspace directly
+ to avoid indirect access overhead.
+Sat Jun 6 07:08:45 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (bsock_sendmsg_internal): drop redundant assignment
+Sat Jun 6 01:00:06 2015 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (bsock_sendmsg_internal): all arguments are
+ parsed even on systems without HAVE_STRUCT_MSGHDR_MSG_CONTROL
+ to prevent SEGV caused by passing Qnil to RARRAY_LENINT and
+ to preserve behavior before r50776.
+ [Bug #11224] [ruby-core:69468] [Bug #11225] [ruby-core:69469]
+Fri Jun 5 22:37:42 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * class.c (ins_methods_push): change 3rd parameter's type
+ from long to rb_method_visibility_t.
+ * class.c (ins_methods_i): catch up this fix.
+ * class.c (method_entry_i): cast to st_data_t instead of `long'.
+Fri Jun 5 20:37:10 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * internal.h: move definition of rb_cref_t to method.h.
+ * eval_intern.h: move definition of rb_scope_visibility_t
+ to method.h.
+ * method.h: change rb_cref_t::scope_visi from VALUE to
+ rb_scope_visibility_t.
+ [Bug #11219]
+ * vm.c (vm_cref_new): accept rb_method_visibility_t directly.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (rb_vm_rewrite_cref): don't use 0,
+ * vm_method.c (rb_scope_visibility_set): don't need to use cast.
+ * vm_method.c (rb_scope_module_func_set): ditto.
+Fri Jun 5 17:27:30 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (bsock_sendmsg_internal): avoid msg_control
+ ptr if msg_controllen is zero to fix portability problems.
+Fri Jun 5 09:17:45 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (bsock_sendmsg_internal): fix build error
+ from r50776
+Fri Jun 5 07:05:58 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * io.c (sym_wait_readable, sym_wait_writable): declare
+ (io_getpartial): use sym_wait_readable
+ (io_write_nonblock): use sym_wait_writable
+ (Init_IO): initialize sym_wait_*able
+Fri Jun 5 06:43:00 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * doc/extension.rdoc: note rb_get_kwargs changes keywords_hash
+ [ruby-core:68507]
+Fri Jun 5 05:50:29 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (bsock_sendmsg_internal): use rb_scan_args
+ [ruby-core:69439] [Feature #11207]
+Fri Jun 5 02:20:06 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/lib/envutil.rb (assert_no_memory_leak): change default value
+ of limit from 1.5 to 2.0. It is ad-hoc fix to solve test failure
+ in travis-ci.
+Fri Jun 5 01:17:21 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_defined): no need to use cast.
+Fri Jun 5 01:14:02 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_defined): show additional messages on rb_bug().
+Fri Jun 5 01:06:02 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_add_method_iseq): use intermediate struct to
+ avoid initializing struct with variables.
+ [Bug #11217]
+ * method.h: add a comment about it.
+Fri Jun 5 00:55:21 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * method.h: constify rb_method_refined_t::orig_me.
+ Also constify the following functions.
+ * rb_resolve_refined_method()
+ * rb_method_entry_with_refinements()
+ * rb_method_entry_without_refinements()
+ * rb_method_entry_copy()'s parameter.
+ * class.c: catch up this fix.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: ditto.
+ * vm_method.c: ditto.
+Thu Jun 4 12:47:54 SGT 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * array.c: Revert r50763. because "reentered" is not typo.
+Thu Jun 4 11:12:29 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c: fix a typo. Patch by @davydovanton
+ [fix GH-923]
+ * include/ruby/st.h: ditto.
+ * include/ruby/util.h: ditto.
+Thu Jun 4 10:54:30 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * array.c: fix a typo. Patch by @manish-shrivastava
+ [fix GH-922]
+Thu Jun 4 09:52:02 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.rb: use io/nonblock instead of fcntl
+ [ruby-core:69382] [Feature #11190]
+Thu Jun 4 07:22:45 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * method.h: introduce rb_method_refined_t for refined method entry.
+ * class.c (move_refined_method): catch up this fix.
+ * gc.c (mark_method_entry): ditto.
+ * vm_eval.c (vm_call0_body): ditto.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method): ditto.
+ * vm_method.c: ditto.
+Thu Jun 4 07:12:20 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (dirent_match): match short names only when FNM_SHORTNAME
+ flag is given, for the backward compatibility, and the new
+ behavior is often dangerous. [ruby-core:69435] [Bug #11206]
+Thu Jun 4 05:44:01 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * variable.c (special_generic_ivar): remove flag
+ (givar_i, rb_mark_generic_ivar_tbl): remove functions
+ (rb_free_generic_ivar, rb_ivar_lookup, rb_ivar_delete,
+ generic_ivar_set, rb_ivar_set, rb_ivar_defined,
+ rb_copy_generic_ivar, rb_ivar_foreach, rb_ivar_count,
+ rb_obj_remove_instance_variable):
+ adjust for lack of ivar support in special constants
+ * test/ruby/test_variable.rb: test ivars for special consts
+ * internal.h: remove rb_mark_generic_ivar_tbl decl
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_roots): remove rb_mark_generic_ivar_tbl call
+ [ruby-core:69441] [Feature #11208]
+Thu Jun 4 05:13:34 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (def_iseq_ptr): `iseqval' is not available any more.
+Thu Jun 4 04:50:12 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * class.c (method_entry_i): mtbl should not have `me' as NULL.
+Thu Jun 4 04:28:45 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * class.c (clone_method): do not use me->klass, but use explicitly
+ passed argument.
+Thu Jun 4 04:10:43 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h (rb_vm_rewrite_cref_stack): rename to rb_vm_rewrite_cref().
+ * class.c (clone_method): use renamed name.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (rb_vm_rewrite_cref): do not use `node' in variable
+ names.
+Wed Jun 3 23:03:50 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_method.c: rename `rb_frame_...' to `rb_scope_...'.
+ * eval_intern.h: move decl. of rb_scope_visibility_set() to method.h.
+ * load.c: catch up this fix.
+Wed Jun 3 21:14:20 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/rbconfig/sizeof/extconf.rb: Check C99 standard integer types.
+Wed Jun 3 21:00:47 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * Don't check __int128.
+ * ext/rbconfig/sizeof/extconf.rb: Check __int128.
+ * ext/rbconfig/sizeof/depend: sizes.c depends on
+ ext/rbconfig/sizeof/extconf.rb.
+ * template/sizes.c.tmpl: Detect check_sizeof.
+Wed Jun 3 20:07:07 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * class.c (clone_method): remove redundant check for me->def != NULL.
+ Now, all `me` have `me->def`.
+ * proc.c (rb_method_entry_location): ditto.
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_check_redefinition_opt_method): ditto.
+ * vm.c (add_opt_method): ditto.
+ * vm_eval.c (vm_call0_body): ditto.
+Wed Jun 3 19:24:12 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: rename enum missing_reason to enum method_missing_reason.
+ * vm_core.h: use enum method_missing_reason for
+ rb_thread_t::method_missing_reason.
+ * vm_eval.c: catch up this fix.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: ditto.
+Wed Jun 3 16:17:21 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * vm.c: eagerly allocate `loading_table`. This eliminates the need to
+ do NULL checks when looking up the `loading_table` hash.
+ * load.c: remove various NULL checks
+Wed Jun 3 11:47:15 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * method.h: change fields order to gather frequent access fields.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method): add LIKELY().
+Wed Jun 03 10:35:45 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * method.h: split rb_method_definition_t::flag to several flags.
+ `flag' contains several categories of attributes and it makes us
+ confusion (at least, I had confused).
+ * rb_method_visibility_t (flags::visi)
+ * NOEX_SAFE(flag) -> safe (flags::safe, 3 bits)
+ * NOEX_BASIC -> basic (flags::basic, 1 bit)
+ * NOEX_MODFUNC -> rb_scope_visibility_t in CREF
+ * NOEX_SUPER -> MISSING_SUPER (enum missing_reason)
+ * NOEX_VCALL -> MISSING_VCALL (enum missing_reason)
+ Now, NOEX_NOREDEF is not supported (I'm not sure it is needed).
+ Background:
+ I did not know what "NOEX" stands for.
+ I asked Matz (who made this name) and his answer was "Nothing".
+ "At first, it meant NO EXport (private), but the original
+ meaning was gone."
+ This is why I remove the mysterious word "NOEX" from MRI.
+ * vm_core.h: introduce `enum missing_reason' to represent
+ method_missing (NoMethodError) reason.
+ * eval_intern.h: introduce rb_scope_visibility_t to represent
+ scope visibility.
+ It has 3 method visibilities (public/private/protected)
+ and `module_function`.
+Wed Jun 3 08:06:30 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * gem/bundled_gems: updated to test-unit 3.1.1 and minitest 5.7.0.
+Wed Jun 3 04:48:05 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_defined): check respond_to_missing?
+ at defined?(func()).
+ [Bug #11212]
+ * test/ruby/test_defined.rb: add a test for this fix.
+Wed Jun 3 04:34:39 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_defined): skip respond_to_missing? when
+ a method is available.
+ [Bug #11211]
+ * test/ruby/test_defined.rb: add a test for this fix.
+Wed Jun 3 04:14:13 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def (defined), vm_insnhelper.c (vm_defined):
+ move instruction body to the vm_defined() function.
+Wed Jun 3 02:29:25 2015 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb: Do not assume class variable order.
+ Patch by @enebo.
+Wed Jun 3 01:10:38 2015 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_definition_set): remove a double assignment.
+ Coverity Scan found this bug.
+Wed Jun 3 00:04:51 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_alias): rename parameter names.
+Tue Jun 2 23:27:18 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * method.h: remove rb_method_iseq_t::iseqval.
+ While making a r50728, iseqval is needed (to mark correctly),
+ but now just iseqptr is enough.
+ * class.c: catch up this fix.
+ * gc.c: ditto.
+ * proc.c: ditto.
+ * vm_method.c: ditto.
+Tue Jun 2 21:29:28 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * proc.c (proc_curry): remove a debug line.
+Tue Jun 2 12:43:46 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * method.h: make rb_method_entry_t a VALUE.
+ Motivation and new data structure are described in [Bug #11203].
+ This patch also solve the following issues.
+ * [Bug #11200] Memory leak of method entries
+ * [Bug #11046] __callee__ returns incorrect method name in orphan
+ proc
+ * test/ruby/test_method.rb: add a test for [Bug #11046].
+ * vm_core.h: remove rb_control_frame_t::me. me is located at value
+ stack.
+ * vm_core.h, gc.c, vm_method.c: remove unlinked_method... codes
+ because method entries are simple VALUEs.
+ * method.h: Now, all method entries has own independent method
+ definitions. Strictly speaking, this change is not essential,
+ but for future changes.
+ * rb_method_entry_t::flag is move to rb_method_definition_t::flag.
+ * rb_method_definition_t::alias_count is now
+ rb_method_definition_t::alias_count_ptr, a pointer to the counter.
+ * vm_core.h, vm_insnhelper.c (rb_vm_frame_method_entry) added to
+ search the current method entry from value stack.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (VM_CHECK_MODE): introduced to enable/disable
+ assertions.
+Tue Jun 2 10:46:36 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * test/socket/test_nonblock.rb: new test for sendmsg_nonblock
+Tue Jun 2 09:04:14 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * lib/benchmark.rb: just use Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC
+ [ruby-core:69390]
+Mon Jun 1 22:01:27 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (pkg_config): split --libs if --libs-only-l option
+ is not available. patch in [ruby-core:69428] by Hans Mackowiak.
+ [ruby-core:69421] [Bug #11201]
+Mon Jun 1 21:18:24 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_children): remove a garbage character
+ introduced at the last commit.
+Mon Jun 1 19:24:42 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_entry_make): do not show warning message
+ when method_entry is an alias.
+Mon Jun 1 15:47:16 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * internal.h: move class related definitions.
+Mon Jun 1 15:43:03 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * class.c: remove needless include pragma for method.h.
+ * struct.c: ditto.
+ * vm_method.c: ditto.
+Mon Jun 1 05:42:00 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval_intern.h, vm_method.c: move macros to functions.
+ * SCOPE_TEST(f) -> rb_frame_visibility_test(flag).
+ * SCOPE_CHECK(f) -> rb_frame_visibility_check(flag).
+ * SCOPE_SET(f) -> rb_frame_visibility_set(flag).
+ * load.c (load_ext): use it.
+Mon Jun 1 04:47:37 2015 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: [DOC] Add comparison of Time and DateTime
+ Patch provided by @pixeltrix
+Mon Jun 1 04:22:09 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h (VM_FRAME_MAGIC_DUMMY): introduce new frame type to
+ recognize dummy frame.
+ * vm.c (th_init): use new frame type.
+ * vm_args.c (raise_argument_error): ditto.
+Mon Jun 1 04:15:42 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * class.c (rb_class_has_methods): added to reduce dependency
+ to internal class data structure.
+ * internal.h: ditto.
+ * hash.c (has_extra_methods): use added function.
+Mon Jun 1 04:11:48 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c , gc.h (rb_obj_info): export obj_info(VALUE) for debugging.
+Mon Jun 1 03:52:55 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb: increase timeout seconds for GC stressful
+ debugging.
+Sun May 31 04:18:06 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * method.h: fix typo of comments.
+Sun May 31 03:36:42 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * method.h: add VM_METHOD_TYPE_ALIAS rb_method_definition_t::type
+ to fix [Bug #11173].
+ Now, inter class/method alias creates new method entry
+ VM_METHOD_TYPE_ALIAS, which has an original method entry.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (find_defined_class_by_owner): added.
+ Search corresponding defined_class from owner class/module.
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_entry_get_without_cache): return me->klass
+ directly for defined_class.
+ Now, no need to check me->klass any more.
+ * vm_method.c (method_entry_set0): separated from method_entry_set().
+ * vm_method.c (rb_alias): make method entry has VM_METHOD_TYPE_ALIAS.
+ * vm_method.c (release_method_definition): support VM_METHOD_TYPE_ALIAS.
+ * vm_method.c (rb_hash_method_definition): ditto.
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_definition_eq): ditto.
+ * vm_method.c (release_method_definition): ditto.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method): ditto.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_method_cfunc_entry): ditto.
+ * vm_eval.c (vm_call0_body): ditto.
+ * gc.c (mark_method_entry): ditto.
+ * proc.c (method_def_iseq): ditto.
+ * proc.c (method_cref): ditto.
+ * proc.c (rb_method_entry_min_max_arity): ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_alias.rb: add tests.
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb: fix a test to catch up current behavior.
+Sun May 31 03:34:25 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_unlink_method_entry): make it static.
+Sun May 31 03:26:58 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * method.h, vm_method.c (rb_free_method_entry): constify a parameter.
+ * vm_core.h: remove useless declaration about rb_unlink_method_entry().
+Sat May 30 18:05:02 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb (Remover#call): fixed wrong condition. introduced at
+ r50682.
+Sat May 30 16:12:35 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c: use RB_GC_GUARD instead of volatile
+ [ruby-core:69419] [Feature #11198]
+Sat May 30 15:59:10 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb (Tempfile#initialize): initialize @unlinked to fix
+ test failures introduced at r50682. I hope that check the results of
+ tests before committing, at least the tests about the changed feature.
+Sat May 30 11:02:55 2015 Martin Englund <>
+ * doc/dtrace_probes.rdoc: change lingering dtrace probe documentation
+ from function- to method-
+Sat May 30 10:26:09 2015 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb: refactoring.
+ * use warn instead of STDERR.print
+ * remove @tmpname and use @tmpfile.path
+ * introduce @unlinked flag
+ * Remover takes only @tmpfile
+ * mode will be modified just before file reopen
+Sat May 30 09:02:51 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_generic_ivar_table): deprecate
+ * internal.h (rb_attr_delete): declare
+ * marshal.c (has_ivars): use rb_ivar_foreach
+ (w_ivar): ditto
+ (w_object): update for new interface
+ * time.c (time_mload): use rb_attr_delete
+ * variable.c (generic_ivar_delete): implement
+ (rb_ivar_delete): ditto
+ (rb_attr_delete): ditto
+ [ruby-core:69323] [Feature #11170]
+Sat May 30 09:14:28 2015 Scott Francis <>
+ * cont.c (cont_free): check if ruby_current_thread is still valid.
+ [Fix GH-914]
+Sat May 30 08:36:04 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * variable.c (static int special_generic_ivar): move
+ (rb_generic_ivar_table): rewrite for compatibility
+ (gen_ivtbl_bytes): new function
+ (generic_ivar_get): update to use ivar index
+ (generic_ivar_update): ditto
+ (generic_ivar_set): ditto
+ (generic_ivar_defined): ditto
+ (generic_ivar_remove): ditto
+ (rb_mark_generic_ivar): ditto
+ (givar_i): ditto
+ (rb_free_generic_ivar): ditto
+ (rb_mark_generic_ivar_tbl): ditto
+ (rb_generic_ivar_memsize): ditto
+ (rb_copy_generic_ivar): ditto
+ (rb_ivar_set): ditto
+ (rb_ivar_foreach): ditto
+ (rb_ivar_count): ditto
+ (givar_mark_i): remove
+ (gen_ivtbl_mark): new function
+ (gen_ivar_each): ditto
+ (iv_index_tbl_extend): update for struct ivar_update
+ (iv_index_tbl_newsize): ditto
+ [ruby-core:69323] [Feature #11170]
+Sat May 30 08:10:46 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * variable.c (iv_index_tbl_make): extract from rb_ivar_set
+ (iv_index_tbl_extend): ditto
+ (iv_index_tbl_newsize): ditto
+ (rb_ivar_set): use extracted functions
+ [ruby-core:69323] (Part 1)
+Fri May 29 17:39:14 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * tool/make_hgraph.rb: added.
+Fri May 29 14:39:00 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): out of range NTH_REF is always
+ nil.
+ * parse.y (parse_numvar): check overflow of NTH_REF and range.
+ [ruby-core:69393] [Bug #11192]
+ * util.c (ruby_scan_digits): make public and add length parameter.
+Fri May 29 11:18:58 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (bsock_sendmsg_internal,
+ bsock_recvmsg_internal):
+ avoid redundant fcntl on Linux
+ [ruby-core:69154] [Feature #11145]
+ * ext/socket/init.c (rsock_s_recvfrom_nonblock): ditto
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h (MSG_DONTWAIT_RELIABLE): new macro
+Fri May 29 10:30:34 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * lib/net/resolv.rb (request): use monotonic clock
+ * lib/net/http.rb (begin_transport, end_transport): ditto
+ [ruby-core:69384] [Feature #11124]
+Fri May 29 04:37:38 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c: add two methods to debug internals.
+ * ObjectSpace.internal_class_of: return RBASIC_CLASS(obj).
+ * ObjectSpace.internal_super_of: return RCLASS_SUPER(cls).
+ * NEWS: add information about both methods.
+ * test/objspace/test_objspace.rb: add tests for both methods.
+Thu May 28 06:55:53 2015 Anton Davydov <>
+ * ext/tk/sample/figmemo_sample.rb (open_file),
+ ext/tk/sample/tktextio.rb (TkTextIO): fix typo in messages.
+ [Fix GH-916]
+Wed May 27 09:50:51 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c (ossl_asn1_traverse, ossl_asn1_decode,
+ ossl_asn1_decode_all): use RB_GC_GUARD instead of volatile
+ [ruby-core:69371] [Bug #11185]
+Wed May 27 09:27:30 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb (set_sockopt): remove redundant fcntl call
+ * lib/drb/unix.rb (set_sockopt): ditto
+ [ruby-core:69128] [Feature #11137]
+Tue May 26 22:10:43 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_alias): should resolve refined methods.
+ [ruby-core:69360] [Bug #11182]
+Tue May 26 21:35:13 2015 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * include/ruby/defines.h (RUBY_ATTR_ALLOC_SIZE): fix condition.
+Mon May 25 22:35:58 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * tool/redmine-backporter.rb (rel): after the relations is changed,
+ @changesets is no longer right.
+Mon May 25 11:27:14 2015 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * win32/win32.c (setup_overlapped): seek to the file end only when
+ writing (mode:a), not reading (mode:a+, read).
+Mon May 25 00:27:37 2015 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * numeric.c (Numeric#negative?): [DOC] Fix call-seq.
+ Patch by @yui-knk. [Fixes GH-908]
+Sun May 24 01:35:22 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * debug.c (ruby_debug_print_id): use rb_id2name() for fprintf().
+Sat May 23 18:38:46 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * man/*.1: updated dates in man pages.
+ [ruby-dev:48988] [Bug #11171]
+Sat May 23 03:10:58 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_write_console): should return the count of
+ actually eaten characters, include escape sequences.
+Fri May 22 22:36:14 2015 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/prime.rb: Remove obsolete
+ patch by Ajay Kumar. [Fixes GH-891]
+Fri May 22 21:13:12 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_sym_count): move `rb_sym_all_symbols`
+ to a symbol.c specific section. a part of patch by Lourens
+ Naude.
+Fri May 22 20:56:33 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * complex.c (f_complex_polar): simple bug reproduced only when y is
+ a float but x is not a float.
+Fri May 22 19:42:06 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (rb_spawn_process): do not discard global escape
+ status. [ruby-core:69304] [Bug #11166]
+ * process.c (rb_execarg_spawn): extract the start procedure in a
+ parent process with ensuring the end procedure.
+Fri May 22 16:48:32 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * NEWS: added news for net-telnet and rake
+Thu May 21 20:27:07 2015 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (RUBY_DTRACE_POSTPROCESS): cmp -b is GNU extension.
+ darwin uses GNU cmp, and FreeBSD and Solaris are not.
+ Note that accidentally equals to expected result.
+Thu May 21 18:00:19 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c: constify.
+ * iseq.h: ditto.
+ * method.h: ditto.
+ * proc.c: ditto.
+ * vm_method.c: ditto.
+Thu May 21 17:44:53 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * proc.c: fix issues caused by binding created from Method#to_proc.
+ [Bug #11163]
+ * vm.c (vm_cref_new_toplevel): export as rb_vm_cref_new_toplevel().
+ * test/ruby/test_method.rb: add some assertions.
+Thu May 21 17:29:26 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb: added documentation for Matrix#empty and Matrix#/
+ [Feature #10070][ruby-dev:48433] Patch by @gogotanaka
+Thu May 21 17:02:43 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * proc.c: rename functions.
+ * method_get_def() -> method_def()
+ * method_get_iseq() -> method_def_iseq()
+ * method_get_cref() -> method_cref()
+Thu May 21 16:52:44 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * proc.c (rb_method_get_iseq): rename to rb_method_iseq.
+ * iseq.c: catch up this fix.
+ * iseq.h: commit ditto.
+Thu May 21 15:41:45 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/net/telnet.rb: gemify net-telnet.
+ [Feature #11083]
+ * gems/bundled_gems: added net-telnet to bundled gems.
+Thu May 21 15:37:32 2015 Zachary Scott <>
+ * vm_method.c: Remove private attribute warning [Bug #10967]
+ Patch by @spastorino [Fixes GH-849]
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb: Update test for changes
+Thu May 21 10:59:43 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * proc.c (method_proc): rename to method_to_proc.
+Thu May 21 10:51:54 2015 Jake Worth <>
+ * io.c (rb_f_select): [DOC] Fixes for grammar and style.
+ [Fix GH-906]
+Thu May 21 08:25:19 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * variable.c (Init_var_tables): init generic_iv_tbl
+ (rb_generic_ivar_table, generic_ivar_get, generic_ivar_set,
+ generic_ivar_defined, generic_ivar_remove,
+ rb_mark_generic_ivar, givar_i, rb_mark_generic_ivar_tbl,
+ rb_free_generic_ivar, rb_copy_generic_ivar, rb_ivar_foreach,
+ rb_ivar_count): remove checks for uninitialize generic_iv_tbl
+ [ruby-core:69155] [Feature #11146]
+Thu May 21 04:11:03 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c (exception_type2symbol): show correct bug message.
+Wed May 20 23:19:05 2015 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/base64.rb: Fix rdoc-formatting for padding argument.
+ [fix GH-905][ci skip] Patch by @davydovanton
+Wed May 20 13:16:23 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (DEPRECATED_BY): deprecate warning with preferable
+ alternative.
+ * (RUBY_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE): allow attribute arguments in
+ the macro.
+Wed May 20 11:23:24 2015 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * vm_dump.c (rb_print_backtrace): return value of libexec's backtrace
+ is size_t, so simply cast as int.
+Tue May 19 18:54:41 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_compile_with_option): check source type, must be
+ an IO or a String. [ruby-core:69219] [Bug #11159]
+Tue May 19 17:15:03 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/benchmark.rb: Update Benchmark documentation and formatting.
+ [fix GH-903][ci skip] Patch by @davydovanton
+Tue May 19 13:10:08 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (num_positive_p): should false on Bignum 0.
+ [ruby-core:69173] [Feature #11151]
+Tue May 19 11:22:28 2015 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/rfc2396_parser.rb (initialize_pattern):
+ should accept port as a string.
+ pattern[:PORT] is not defined for long.
+ by Dave Slutzkin <>
+ fix GH-804
+Tue May 19 11:18:46 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_data_typed_object_alloc),
+ (rb_data_object_alloc): add old names for source level backward
+ compatibilities.
+ * gc.c (rb_data_object_alloc, rb_data_typed_object_alloc): add
+ aliases for binary level backward compatibilities.
+Tue May 19 09:54:44 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (Data_Make_Struct0): needs function pointer
+ casts to fix function overloading in C++.
+Tue May 19 09:43:56 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (Data_Make_Struct0, TypedData_Make_Struct0):
+ explicit cast from void* is necessary as implicit cast is
+ disallowed in C++.
+Mon May 18 15:31:31 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_f_notimplement): should not respond to
+ not-implemented methods. as the address inside a DLL and the
+ imported address are different on Windows, use an exported
+ variable to share the same address.
+Mon May 18 13:55:01 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/monitor.rb (mon_try_enter, mon_enter): should reset @mon_count
+ just in case the previous owner thread dies without mon_exit.
+ [fix GH-874] Patch by @chrisberkhout
+Sun May 17 17:21:29 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * lib/webrick/utils.rb (set_non_blocking): use IO#nonblock=
+ * (set_close_on_exec): use IO#close_on_exec=
+ [Feature #11136]
+Sun May 17 15:01:26 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (num_positive_p, num_negative_p): add methods
+ Numeric#positive? and Numeric#negative?.
+ [ruby-core:69173] [Feature #11151]
+ * numeric.c (flo_positive_p, flo_negative_p): specialized
+ functions for Float.
+ * complex.c (Init_Complex): Complex do not have positive? and
+ negative? methods
+Sun May 17 14:57:42 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * lib/webrick/server.rb (accept_client): avoid redundant fcntl call
+ [Feature #11137]
+Sun May 17 12:13:33 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/socket/init.c (cloexec_accept): support nonblock flag and
+ use SOCK_NONBLOCK if possible
+ * ext/socket/init.c (rsock_s_accept_nonblock):
+ update cloexec_accept call
+ * ext/socket/init.c (accept_blocking): ditto for blocking
+ * test/socket/test_nonblock.rb: check nonblock? on accepted socket
+ [Feature #11138]
+Sun May 17 03:58:59 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * load.c (loaded_feature_path): stop returning false negatives for
+ filenames which are trailing substrings of file extensions. For
+ example, 'b', which a trailing substring of ".rb" should not return
+ false. [Bug #11155][ruby-core:69206]
+ * test/ruby/test_autoload.rb: test for fix
+Sat May 16 21:41:24 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * string.c: added documentation for character sequence \' with String#sub
+ [Bug #11132][ruby-core:69121][fix GH-900][ci skip] Patch by @shishir127
+Sat May 16 21:38:05 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * enum.c: fix a sample code. Patch by @eagletmt
+ [fix GH-901][ci skip]
+Sat May 16 21:17:11 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_data_object_wrap, rb_data_typed_object_wrap): rename
+ alloc as wrap. these functions do not allocate data pointers
+ but just wrap the given pointers.
+Sat May 16 19:59:24 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_accept): simplified.
+Fri May 15 18:28:20 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_assoc, rb_ary_rassoc): [DOC] the result when key
+ was found is the existing element, not a new array. reported by
+ Giau Nguyen <giaunv AT>.
+Fri May 15 08:24:28 2015 Takeyuki FUJIOKA <>
+ * lib/cgi/cookie.rb: Implement HttpOnly flag for cookies.
+ [fix GH-887] Patch by @martinpovolny
+Fri May 15 06:54:19 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * variable.c: Change autoload to call `require` through Ruby rather
+ than directly calling `rb_require_safe`. This allows things like
+ RubyGems to intercept file loading done though `autoload`.
+ [Feature #11140]
+ * test/ruby/test_autoload.rb: Test for change.
+Wed Apr 8 19:18:02 2015 Shota Fukumori (sora_h) <>
+ * enum.c (enum_grep_v, grep_i, grep_iter_i, Init_enum):
+ Implement Enumerable#grep_v. [Feature #11049]
+Thu May 14 15:54:13 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/pathname/lib/pathname.rb: Remove condition of RUBY_VERSION <= 1.9.
+ [Feature #11082]
+Wed May 13 17:10:37 2015 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * enum.c (enum_to_a): revert r50457.
+ it requires recursion check.
+ then, it doesn't make performance improvement.
+ [Bug #11130] [Feature #9118]
+Wed May 13 11:13:40 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parse_gvar): separate message for gvar without
+ non-space characters from message for invalid identifiers.
+Tue May 12 22:18:27 2015 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * enum.c (enum_to_a): fix incompatibility introduced in r50457.
+ [Bug #11130]
+ * test/ruby/test_enum.rb: test for above.
+Tue May 12 17:08:03 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * method.h: remove unused declaration.
+Mon May 11 10:58:45 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * gems/bundled_gems: Update minitest-5.6.1 and power_assert-0.2.3.
+Mon May 11 00:20:31 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (Data_Make_Struct, TypedData_Make_Struct):
+ allocate wrapper data object before allocating DATA_PTR to get
+ rid of possible memory leak when the former failed.
+Sun May 10 21:32:45 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_children): call dmark function for non-NULL
+ pointers only, so that DATA_PTR can be NULL safely now.
+Sun May 10 16:23:58 2015 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * proc.c (proc_binding): fix segmentation fault on marking phase.
+ envptr of newenvval should not be NULL.
+ You can reproduce by
+ make test-all TESTS='--gc-stress -n test_to_proc_binding ruby/test_method.rb'
+Sun May 10 12:41:18 2015 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (rb_gzreader_external_encoding):
+ define GzipReader#external_encoding.
+ [Bug #10900]
+ * test/zlib/test_zlib.rb: test for above.
+Sun May 10 11:57:48 2015 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_variant.c: fix typo "indicies".
+ the patch is from davydovanton <antondavydov.o at>.
+ [fix GH-892]
+ * lib/rubygems/indexer.rb: ditto.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_indexer.rb: ditto.
+Sun May 10 11:44:37 2015 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_crypt): Raise ArgumentError when
+ string passed to String#crypt contains null.
+ the patch is from jrusnack <jrusnack at>.
+ [Bug #10988] [fix GH-853]
+ * test/ruby/test_string.rb: test for above.
+Sun May 10 11:23:03 2015 Masaki Matsushita <>
+ * enum.c (enum_to_a): Use size to set array capa when possible.
+ the patch is from HonoreDB <aweiner at>.
+ [fix GH-444]
+Sat May 9 06:48:36 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/socket/ancdata.c (bsock_recvmsg_internal): GC guard
+ [Bug #11123]
+Fri May 8 22:57:24 2015 takiy33 <>
+ * test/matrix/test_matrix.rb (test_determinant): refactor test on
+ Matrix#determinant, by merging with test_det for an alias method
+ det. [Fix GH-897]
+Fri May 8 15:43:11 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (body_ext_mpart): should work even if body-fld-dsp
+ is omitted. [ruby-core:69093] [Bug #11128]
+Fri May 8 15:05:57 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * doc/syntax/control_expressions.rdoc: fix a missing "a"
+ [fix GH-888][ci skip] Patch by @riffraff
+Fri May 8 12:11:33 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_method_call_status): resolve refined method entry
+ to check if undefined. [ruby-core:69064] [Bug #11117]
+Thu May 7 22:22:59 2015 Sho Hashimoto <>
+ * proc.c: [DOC] fix Binding#local_variable_set example. [ci skip]
+Thu May 7 11:32:57 2015 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (rbconfig.rb): add rule to make.
+Thu May 7 05:14:39 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb (connect_nonblock): use IO#wait_writable
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb (DRB::DRbTCPSocket#alive?): use IO#wait_readable
+ * lib/webrick/httpserver.rb (run): ditto
+ * lib/resolv.rb (request): ditto for single socket case
+ [ruby-core:68943] [Feature #11081]
+Wed May 6 22:49:54 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_method_call_status): undefined refined method is
+ not callable unless using. [ruby-core:69064] [Bug #11117]
+Sun May 3 22:40:06 2015 Rei Odaira <>
+ * ext/-test-/file/fs.c: need to include sys/statvfs.h
+ to use statvfs().
+ * ext/-test-/file/extconf.rb: check the existence of
+ sys/statvfs.h
+Sun May 3 21:59:48 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/yaml.rb: fix typo. [ci skip][fix GH-890]
+ Patch by @miketheman
+Sun May 3 10:02:12 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * range.c (linear_object_p, range_include): test if covered for
+ linear objects. [ruby-core:69052] [Bug #11113]
+Fri May 1 13:30:24 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dln.c (dln_load): check if a different libruby is loaded by the
+ extension library, and then bail out to get rid of very
+ frequently reported stale bug reports.
+Thu Apr 30 19:51:11 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): revert r46873 and r46875, not to
+ allow to execute private readers by pretending op assign.
+ [ruby-core:68984] [Bug #11096]
+Thu Apr 30 17:02:33 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * rational.c: Added documentation for rational literal.
+ [Bug #11075][fix GH-885][ci skip] Patch by @shishir127
+Thu Apr 30 16:39:44 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/ipsocket.c (init_inetsock_internal): preserve errno
+ before other library calls and use rb_syserr_fail.
+ [ruby-core:68531] [Bug #10975]
+Thu Apr 30 16:22:16 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (lambda): push and reset cmdarg_stack in lambda body.
+ [ruby-core:69017] [Bug #11107]
+Sun Apr 26 07:36:48 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/utf_8.c (code_to_mbclen, code_to_mbc): reject values larger
+ than UTF-8 max codepoints. [Feature #11094]
+Sat Apr 25 14:26:19 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (str_buf_cat): expand later so that the buffer can be
+ larger for further use. [Bug #11080] [Bug #11095]
+Fri Apr 24 23:48:45 2015 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * misc/ruby-electric.el: Import version 2.2.3 from
+Fri Apr 24 10:40:02 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_{getc,putc}): removed. they are needed for old
+ ruby (before 1.8), but not now.
+Fri Apr 24 08:40:13 2015 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * win32/win32.c: remove bcc related code.
+ * include/ruby/win32.h: ditto.
+Fri Apr 24 08:21:07 2015 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_acrt_lowio_lock_fh): wrap _pioinfo(i)->lock.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_acrt_lowio_unlock_fh): ditto.
+Fri Apr 24 06:47:19 2015 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * win32/win32.c (_filbuf): msvc14 doesn't have it, use _fgetc_nolock.
+ * win32/win32.c (_flsbuf): msvc14 doesn't have it, use _fputc_nolock.
+ * win32/win32.c (vcruntime_file): define vcruntime_file on msvc14
+ because it doesn't export FILE's internal structure.
+ * win32/win32.c (FILE_COUNT): added to abstract FILE->_cnt.
+ * win32/win32.c (FILE_READPTR): added to abstract FILE->_ptr.
+ * win32/win32.c (FILE_FILENO): added to abstract FILE->_file.
+ * win32/win32.c (init_stdhandle): use FILE_FILENO.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_getc): use FILE_COUNT and FILE_READPTR.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_putc): ditto.
+Fri Apr 24 06:37:07 2015 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * win32/win32.c (dupfd): use _set_osfhnd.
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_wopen): use _set_osflags.
+Thu Apr 24 05:38:01 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_roots): fox to work PRINT_ROOT_TICKS.
+Fri Apr 24 04:49:05 2015 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub: MSVC14 have struct timespec.
+ * win32/rtname.cmd: support vcruntime140.dll.
+ * time.c (localtime_with_gmtoff_zone): MSVC14 doesn't have tzname and
+ daylight but have _tzname and _daylight.
+Thu Apr 23 11:35:55 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_obj_instance_eval, rb_obj_instance_exec): allow
+ symbols to just instance_eval/exec, except for definition of
+ singletons. [ruby-core:68961] [Bug #11086]
+Thu Apr 23 10:01:36 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb: fix a typo.
+ [fix GH-881][ci skip] Patch by @Zorbash
+Wed Apr 22 18:36:50 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (move, uid_move): support the MOVE command defined
+ in RFC6851. Patch by ojab ojab.
+ [ruby-core:68960] [Feature #11077]
+Tue Apr 22 12:42:12 2015 Kazuki Tanaka <>
+ * test/ruby/test_object.rb: add tests for Kernel#String and Kernel#Array.
+ [fix GH-879][fix GH-880] Patch by @yui-knk
+Tue Apr 21 20:46:02 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/ruby/test_object.rb: renamed tests to explicitly class name.
+ [fix GH-877] Patch by @yui-knk
+Tue Apr 21 05:31:00 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb (connect_internal): avoid common exceptions
+ from connect_nonblock. [ruby-core:68909]
+Mon Apr 20 23:46:53 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_wreadlink): follow the official format of
+Mon Apr 20 20:23:04 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ($(arch)-fake.rb): revert r50354 because bsdmake seems not
+ to handle such substitution.
+ * tool/expand-config.rb: convert path separators here.
+Mon Apr 20 16:52:20 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * tool/fake.rb: don't fake libdir. use libdirname instead.
+Mon Apr 20 16:49:52 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (MakeMakefile#configuration): DESTDIR should never affect
+ top_srcdir and builddir.
+Mon Apr 20 16:18:17 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ($(arch)-fake.rb): fix the path separator up for Windows.
+Mon Apr 20 15:02:47 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_wreadlink): fixed a bug that a junction misses
+ its drive letter.
+Mon Apr 20 12:54:56 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/openssl/*: use license instead of licence.
+ [fix GH-876][ci skip] Patch by @davydovanton
+ * lib/net/https.rb: ditto.
+Mon Apr 20 12:42:40 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * benchmark/bm_so_meteor_contest.rb: fix a typo.
+ [fix GH-876][ci skip] Patch by @davydovanton
+ * tool/ ditto.
+ * tool/update-deps: ditto.
+Mon Apr 20 11:10:46 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_connect_nonblock): do not raise EISCONN
+ [ruby-core:68926] [Feature #11072]
+ * test/socket/test_nonblock.rb: check non-EISCONN on 2nd connect
+Sun Apr 19 12:19:17 2015 Chad Brewbaker <>
+ * ext/{etc,openssl,tk}: Adding parens and comparisons around
+ assignments to get rid of Wparentheses warnings. [Fix GH-875]
+Sun Apr 19 10:42:54 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (get_env_cstr): environment variables must be ASCII
+ compatible, as dummy encodings and wide char encodings are
+ unsupported now.
+Sat Apr 18 15:18:56 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/json/parser/parser.rl: raise with messages in UTF-8
+ encoding. [ruby-core:67386] [Bug #10705]
+Fri Apr 17 11:58:34 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (STR_SET_EMBED): clear NOFREE flag at embedding as
+ embedded strings no longer refer static strings.
+ [ruby-core:68436] [Bug #10942]
+Thu Apr 16 05:15:50 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * NEWS: note IO#wait_readable change in r50263
+Thu Apr 16 05:09:36 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb (rbuf_fill): use IO#wait_*able
+ * lib/net/http/generic_request.rb (wait_for_continue): ditto
+ [ruby-core:68891] [Feature #11056]
+Wed Apr 15 18:43:43 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_trace.c (rb_tracepoint_new): fix documentation.
+ Commented by @emilsoman.
+Wed Apr 15 17:36:51 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_trace.c (rb_tracepoint_new): Add documentation for
+ rb_tracepoint_new C level API [ci skip]
+ Provided by @emilsoman. [fix GH-869]
+Wed Apr 15 10:37:40 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * doc/contributors.rdoc: fix a typo. Patch by @davydovanton
+ [fix GH-872][ci skip]
+ * doc/syntax/methods.rdoc: ditto.
+ * ext/digest/sha2/sha2.c: ditto.
+ * ext/socket/ipsocket.c: ditto.
+ * ext/tk/*: ditto.
+Wed Apr 15 07:51:23 2015 Yuki Yugui Sonoda <>
+ * doc/extension.ja.rdoc: Added description of TypedData_XXX.
+ Deprecated the old DATA_XXX.
+ Reviewed by ko1 and nobu.
+ Fixes [ruby-dev:40881] #3064
+ * doc/extension.rdoc: ditto.
+Wed Apr 15 07:34:49 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (reserve_stack): keep sp safe zone to get rid
+ of crash by -fstack-check. [ruby-core:68740] [Bug #11030]
+Tue Apr 14 16:03:49 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * tool/merger.rb (versionup): should also increment revision when
+ changing teeny.
+Tue Apr 14 11:24:56 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/-test-/printf/printf.c (uint_to_str): renamed to get rid of
+ conflict on cygwin. [ruby-core:68877] [Bug #11065]
+Tue Apr 14 08:59:04 2015 Zachary Scott <>
+ * gc.c: [DOC] Improve documentation for ObjectSpace.count_objects
+ with regards to `:TOTAL` key, with patch by @schneems [Fixes GH-871]
+ [Bug #11067]
+Mon Apr 13 22:44:07 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/lib/envutil.rb (File.mkfifo): Defined using mkfifo command.
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb: Use File.mkfifo.
+ * test/ruby/test_file_exhaustive.rb: Ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb: Ditto.
+Mon Apr 13 21:20:20 2015 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.rb: stricter hostname verification
+ following RFC 6125. with the patch provided by Tony Arcieri and
+ Hiroshi Nakamura [ruby-core:61545] [Bug #9644]
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb: add tests for above.
+Sun Apr 12 18:40:04 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/json/json.gemspec: bump version to 1.8.2.
+ * ext/json/lib/json/version.rb: ditto.
+Sun Apr 12 18:12:07 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/json/json.gemspec, lib/rdoc/rdoc.gemspec: added gemspec directly.
+ * defs/default_gems, tool/rbinstall.rb: removed default_gems definition.
+ it make simple installation for default gems.
+Sun Apr 12 17:35:17 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/json/*, test/json/*: Reverted r50231. Because it's not
+ working with cross-compile environment.
+Sun Apr 12 15:34:59 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (arg): fix segfault by null caused by syntax error.
+ [ruby-core:68851] [Bug #10957]
+Sun Apr 12 15:11:16 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rubygems/test_case.rb: use explicitly exception class and reverted
+ to require JSON library for rubygems tests with Ruby 2.2.0 or earlier.
+Sun Apr 12 15:10:18 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/io/wait/wait.c (io_wait_readable): simply returns that IO is
+ readable without blocking, but no longer returns EOF.
+ * ext/io/wait/wait.c (io_ready_p, io_wait_readable): try polling
+ first and check FIONREAD optionally to see if EOF.
+ [ruby-core:36805] [Feature #4849]
+Sun Apr 12 14:53:23 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rubygems/test_case.rb: fixed json load error for rubygems tests.
+Sun Apr 12 14:13:28 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * gc.c: Document require name for ObjectSpace methods.
+ [ci skip][fix GH-860] Patch by @schneems
+Sun Apr 12 13:54:05 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb: New test that open(fifo) doesn't block other
+ threads.
+Sun Apr 12 13:52:18 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/coverage/coverage.c: Remove extension from require argument.
+ [ci skip][fix GH-870] Patch by @yui-knk
+Sun Apr 12 10:29:14 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_connect_nonblock):
+ support `exception: false'
+ * (get_no_exception): move function location
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_connect_nonblock):
+ support `exception: false'
+ * test/openssl/test_pair.rb (test_connect_accept_nonblock_no_exception):
+ test `exception: false' on connect,
+ rename from `test_accept_nonblock_no_exception'
+ * test/socket/test_nonblock.rb (test_connect_nonblock_no_exception):
+ new test
+Sun Apr 12 09:57:16 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_file_exhaustive.rb: Test a block device on GNU/Linux.
+Sun Apr 12 09:24:03 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_file_exhaustive.rb: Test a file not owned.
+Sun Apr 12 09:05:44 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/fiddle/depend: Fix "Wrong mix of special targets" error with
+ OpenBSD make.
+Sun Apr 12 09:04:37 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_file_exhaustive.rb: Windows doesn't support Unix file
+ modes.
+Sun Apr 12 08:56:44 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/-test-/file/fs.c: OpenBSD needs sys/param.h before sys/mount.h.
+Sun Apr 12 08:52:01 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_file_exhaustive.rb: Test suid, sgid and sticky file.
+Sat Apr 11 23:48:30 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * template/ Don't assign baseruby, Because it's affect to
+ Makefile of native gem like json on bundled gems.
+Sat Apr 11 23:33:22 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * file.c (rb_f_test): Consider nsec for "=", "<" and ">" for "test"
+ method.
+Sat Apr 11 23:26:05 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb: support destdir for native extension gem.
+Sat Apr 11 21:02:06 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_file_exhaustive.rb
+ (TestFileExhaustive#test_stat_socket_p): r50226 accidentally missed
+ the guard for non-unix environments.
+Sat Apr 11 20:14:21 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/json/*, test/json/*, defs/default_gems: Gemify JSON library.
+ [fix GH-867][Feature #11057]
+ * test/ruby/test_extlibs.rb: removed json gem from existence extensions.
+ * gems/bundled_gems: added json gem into bundled gem.
+ * lib/rdoc/rubygems_hook.rb: ignored no json environment.
+ * lib/rubygems/test_case.rb, test/rubygems/*: ditto.
+ * lib/rdoc/test_case.rb, test/rdoc/*: ditto.
+Sat Apr 11 15:56:58 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_file_exhaustive.rb: Create sample files lazily.
+Sat Apr 11 14:03:47 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_file_exhaustive.rb: Test character device using
+ /dev/null.
+Sat Apr 11 10:59:58 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (append_cppflags, append_cflags, append_ldflags):
+ utility methods to append compiler options.
+Sat Apr 11 08:22:24 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rdoc/text.rb: removed duplicated code.
+Sat Apr 11 04:46:42 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb (rbuf_fill): avoid exception with read_nonblock
+ [ruby-core:68787] [Feature #11044]
+Fri Apr 10 23:57:44 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (need_normalization): use getattrlist() if fgetattrlist()
+ is unavailable, on OSX 10.5. [ruby-core:68829] [Bug #11054]
+Fri Apr 10 22:29:21 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (try_compile): pass the given werror flag to try_do
+ to check if stderr is empty.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (try_cflags, try_ldflags): default werror to true.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (WERRORFLAG): remove useless option. VC does
+ not make warnings of unknown command option an error.
+Fri Apr 10 19:34:24 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_file_exhaustive.rb: Test socket.
+Fri Apr 10 19:38:46 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/objspace/test_objspace.rb: remove debug prints.
+Fri Apr 10 19:35:51 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c: add ObjectSpace.count_imemo_objects method
+ to count imemo objects for each type.
+ * test/objspace/test_objspace.rb: add a test.
+ * NEWS: describe about this addition.
+Fri Apr 10 19:34:24 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_file_exhaustive.rb: Test anonymous pipe.
+Fri Apr 10 19:31:56 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_file_exhaustive.rb: Test named pipe.
+Fri Apr 10 19:10:34 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c (setup_hash): unify common routine.
+Fri Apr 10 18:29:49 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (rb_execarg_parent_start1): Handle EINTR.
+Fri Apr 10 17:27:58 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (vm_exec): check other events when RETURN is thrown.
+ [Bug #10724]
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: add a test.
+Fri Apr 10 11:44:09 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/date/extconf.rb: check warnings.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (try_cflags): pass options to try_compile.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (WERRORFLAG): make unknown command line
+ options an error.
+Fri Apr 10 08:00:17 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb: unfortunately, windows is not POSIX...
+ cygwin has mkfifo command, but it does not affect system-wide.
+Fri Apr 10 02:18:53 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb: Use mkfifo command instead of mknod
+ command to create a named pipe. mkfifo command is defined by POSIX.
+Fri Apr 10 01:29:05 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c: Release GVL when opening a file in spawn() to avoid whole
+ process blocking when opening a named pipe.
+ (open_func): New function.
+ (rb_execarg_parent_start1): Extracted from rb_execarg_parent_start and
+ use rb_thread_call_without_gvl2 to release GVL when opening a file.
+ (rb_execarg_parent_start): Invoke rb_execarg_parent_start1 via
+ rb_protect and invoke rb_execarg_parent_end when error.
+Thu Apr 9 22:19:19 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (redirect_open): Removed.
+Thu Apr 9 21:38:20 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h (rb_execarg_parent_end): Declared.
+ * process.c: "spawn" opens files in the parent process.
+ (check_exec_redirect): Add an placeholder for fd in parameters
+ for fd_open.
+ (check_exec_fds_1): Delete fd_open condition.
+ (check_exec_fds): Don't call check_exec_fds_1 with fd_open.
+ (rb_execarg_parent_start): Open files specified as "spawn" options
+ and add "dup2" options.
+ (rb_execarg_parent_end): New function to close opened fds.
+ (run_exec_open): Removed.
+ (rb_execarg_run_options): Don't call run_exec_open.
+ (rb_spawn_internal): Call rb_execarg_parent_end.
+ * io.c (pipe_open): Call rb_execarg_parent_end.
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (establishShell): Call rb_execarg_parent_end.
+Thu Apr 9 20:52:31 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * internal.h (rb_execarg_parent_start): Renamed from rb_execarg_fixup.
+ * process.c: Follows the above change.
+ * io.c: Ditto.
+ * ext/pty/pty.c: Ditto.
+Thu Apr 9 20:35:12 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c (fd_clear_cloexec): Extracted from run_exec_dup2.
+Thu Apr 9 09:26:47 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * ccan/list/list.h: sync with ccan upstream
+ [ccan commit c2fbfe5282ba264f3485586e7efa8a5967f2d386]
+Thu Apr 9 08:24:03 2015 Masahiro Tomita <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (addrinfo_mload): fix memory leak of
+ addrinfo. [ruby-dev:48923] [Bug #11051]
+Wed Apr 8 17:45:02 2015 Shannon Skipper <>
+ * version.c (Init_version): the version of the engine or
+ interpreter. [Fix GH-858]
+Wed Apr 8 16:15:30 2015 Kenta Murata <>
+ * bigdecimal: conform to ruby's license. [ruby-core:68466] [Bug #10952]
+Wed Apr 8 14:57:06 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_wreadlink): should treat junctions like as
+ symlinks.
+Wed Apr 8 14:03:47 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_symbol.rb: fix syntax error.
+Wed Apr 8 13:01:06 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (rb_any_hash): Symbols are compared by the identities
+ always. [ruby-core:68767] [Bug #11035]
+Tue Apr 7 10:22:51 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * internal.h: fix typo. Patch by @sferik [fix GH-865]
+Mon Apr 6 22:52:35 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enum.c: Enumerable#chunk and Enumerable#slice_before no longer takes
+ the initial_state argument. [Feature #10958]
+Mon Apr 6 16:09:58 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_args.c: protect value stack from calling other methods
+ during complex parameter setting process (splat, kw, and so on).
+ [Bug #11027]
+ * vm_core.h: remove rb_thread_t::mark_stack_len.
+ With this modification, we don't need to use th->mark_stack_len.
+ * test/ruby/test_keyword.rb: add a test.
+ * cont.c (cont_capture): catch up this fix.
+ * vm.c (rb_thread_mark): ditto.
+Mon Apr 6 11:26:42 2015 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/downloader.rb (http_options): prevent content auto decoding
+ because this is a downloader.
+Sun Apr 5 09:55:18 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * doc/contributing.rdoc: update Maintainers list.
+Sun Apr 5 09:11:00 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb: fix bin script permission of bundled gems.
+Sun Apr 5 08:46:08 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb: support --program-suffix option.
+Sat Apr 4 21:31:18 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rake/*: Gemify rake [fix GH-862][Feature #11025]
+ * test/rake/*: ditto.
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb: ditto.
+Sat Apr 4 11:30:24 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_setbyte): check the argument first not to
+ discard shared string and code range unnecessarily until
+ actually changing the contents. pointed out by headius.
+Sat Apr 4 08:16:43 2015 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (edit_path): use path which is absolute ftp url
+ on using ftp_proxy.
+Fri Apr 3 11:43:17 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (vm_call0_cfunc): update invoker arguments.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_cfunc_latter): ditto.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (rb_vm_call_cfunc_push_frame): ditto, and prefix
+ with rb_.
+Thu Apr 2 16:26:59 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, tool/mkconfig.rb: check the running ruby version in
+ rbconfig.rb with the program version, as RUBY_VERSION has never
+ been affected by --with-ruby-version option.
+ [ruby-core:68639] [Bug #11002]
+ * (LIBRUBY_DLDFLAGS): compatibility_version must be
+ valid version numbers, not an arbitrary string.
+Wed Apr 1 11:09:15 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (push_glob): remove indirect links of arguments for
+ trampoline.
+Wed Apr 1 09:59:12 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils#mv): show the exact target path in
+ the error message instead of the destination parent directory
+ name. patched by Joao Britto <jabcalves AT> at
+ [ruby-core:68706]. [Bug #11021]
+Tue Mar 31 15:25:07 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * doc/ChangeLog-0.06_to_0.52: added archived Changelog.
+ [ruby-list:50105]
+ * doc/ChangeLog-0.50_to_0.60: ditto.
+ * doc/ChangeLog-0.60_to_1.1: ditto.
+Mon Mar 30 22:02:55 2015 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * README.EXT.ja: add redirect [ruby-core:68631]
+Mon Mar 30 14:42:41 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (fileattr_to_unixmode, winnt_lstat): deal with
+ symbolic link than directory, and set executable bits.
+Mon Mar 30 11:27:54 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (copy_stream_body): use the arguments without conversion if
+ having read, readpartial, and write methods, than conversion by
+ to_path method. [ruby-core:68676] [Bug #11015]
+Sun Mar 29 21:08:37 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * gc.c (objspace_allrefs_destruct_i): fix a typo.
+ [Bug #11013]
+Sun Mar 29 11:51:32 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (proc_binding): replicate env from method object, and
+ allocate the local variable area for the iseq local table.
+ [ruby-core:68673] [Bug #11012]
+Sat Mar 28 09:19:41 2015 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/date/extconf.rb: try_cflags("-std=iso9899:1999") [Bug #10906]
+ ruby itself (including numeric.c) is built with strict compile
+ options including -std=iso9899:1999, but ext/date is not.
+ By the way -std=iso9899:1999 is not only a warning option but also
+ changes behavior like MACRO definitions for example INFINITY.
+ gcc on Solaris affect this.
+Fri Mar 27 16:34:16 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * revert using BOOTSTRAPRUBY for, as
+ enc/depend uses CONFIG. [ruby-core:68647] [Bug #11004]
+Thu Mar 26 10:05:13 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/test_observer.rb: add tests for Observable module.
+ [fix GH-859] Patch by @brightbits
+Thu Mar 26 06:35:10 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * README.EXT: add redirect [ruby-core:68631]
+Wed Mar 25 16:46:49 2015 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb: Solaris 11 has struct tcp_info.tcpi_ca_state,
+ but it is a dummy.
+ * ext/socket/option.c: Solaris 11 doesn't have u_intN_t.
+ * ext/socket/option.c: Solaris 11 needs inspect_tcpi_msec.
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c: Solaris 11 has AF_PACKET but doesn't have
+ related macros.
+Wed Mar 25 17:03:08 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/-test-/file/fs.c (get_fsname): try magic number only if
+ f_type is included. [ruby-dev:48913] [Bug #11000]
+Wed Mar 25 11:20:40 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * benchmark/bm_hash_aref_flo.rb: make more realistic data.
+ [ruby-core:68632] [[Bug #10999]
+Wed Mar 25 10:39:06 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * .document: removed needless entries.
+Wed Mar 25 08:07:28 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * doc/extension.rdoc: fix spelling of filename
+ * doc/extension.ja.rdoc: ditto.
+Tue Mar 25 06:55:43 2015 Kazuki Tanaka <>
+ * complex.c (k_inexact_p, k_exact_zero_p): use k_exact_zero_p macro
+ to remove k_inexact_p macro.
+ * complex.c (k_exact_one_p): remove unused macro k_exact_one_p.
+Tue Mar 24 22:23:33 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * doc/extension.rdoc: move from toplevel document and added extname.
+ * doc/extension.ja.rdoc: ditto.
+Tue Mar 24 22:06:58 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * doc/standard_library.rdoc: strip.
+Tue Mar 24 22:06:27 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * doc/standard_library.rdoc: move Thread to Extensions.
+Tue Mar 24 21:59:10 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * doc/contributing.rdoc: update Maintainers list.
+Tue Mar 24 19:10:24 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_writebarrier_generational): fix messages for rb_bug().
+ Remove `rb_' prefix.
+ * gc.c (gc_writebarrier_incremental): ditto.
+Tue Mar 24 17:34:01 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * should be chunibyo.
+Tue Mar 24 17:30:12 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/-test-/file/fs.c (get_fsname): return filesystem name by
+ statfs/statvfs. [ruby-core:68624] [Bug #10998]
+Tue Mar 24 16:46:02 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * tool/redmine-backporter.rb: now doesn't required spaces just after
+ `!`.
+Mon Mar 23 23:18:27 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (dir_close): don't raise on double close for consistent to
+ IO#close. [Feature #10950]
+Mon Mar 23 21:22:07 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/file.c (rb_readlink): move from file.c for better buffer
+ allocation and the result encoding.
+ * win32/win32.c (wreadlink, rb_w32_ureadlink): implement readlink().
+Mon Mar 23 14:40:45 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (winnt_stat): stat with following symbolic links.
+ * win32/win32.c (winnt_lstat): rename old winnt_stat, which does
+ not follow symbolic links.
+Mon Mar 23 01:44:35 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (r_symreal): register symbol names as strings first so
+ that r_symlink always returns valid names.
+ [ruby-core:68587] [Bug #10991]
+ * marshal.c (r_ivar, r_object0): now need to intern symbol names.
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): compare with symbol names.
+Sun Mar 22 22:07:40 2015 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * doc/etc.rd.ja: Fix wrong coding for Emacs.
+Sun Mar 22 09:53:15 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/make-snapshot (package): add default CONFIGURE name to
+ follow r50039.
+ * tool/make-snapshot (package): substitute configuration variables
+ in instead of passing by the command line, and make
+ temporary Makefile instead of a pipe.
+Sun Mar 22 08:09:47 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (ext/ripper/ripper.c, ext/rbconfig/sizeof/sizes.c):
+ strip autogenerated dependencies which have invalid syntax in
+ other than nmake.
+Sat Mar 21 15:01:26 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/io/console/console.c (console_set_winsize): use handle for
+ writing. GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo seems failing on a handle
+ for reading.
+ * io.c: [DOC] update the example of IO#winsize to use $stdout
+ instead of $stdin, which does not work on Windows. a patch by
+ Jan Lelis <mail AT> at [ruby-core:68574].
+ [Bug #10986]
+Fri Mar 20 18:41:03 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (respond_to_missing_p): check if the receiver responds to
+ the given method by respond_to_missing?.
+ * proc.c (mnew_missing): create Method object for method_missing.
+ [ruby-core:68564] [Bug #10985]
+Fri Mar 20 17:43:18 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * .travis.yml: enabled email notification.
+Fri Mar 20 17:39:52 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * .travis.yml: removed Ruby 1.9.3 build on Travis CI
+Fri Mar 20 12:38:36 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (obj_info): obj_info() can receive internal objects.
+ * gc.c (check_rvalue_consistency): obj_info() returns const char *.
+Fri Mar 20 12:14:37 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (obj_info): show class name and T_DATA type_name.
+Thu Mar 19 22:12:46 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_copy_wb_protected_attribute): `dest' can be WB unprotected.
+Thu Mar 19 21:25:25 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_copy_wb_protected_attribute): demote `dest' object.
+Thu Mar 19 16:18:00 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c, internal.h: export rb_gc_verify_internal_consistency().
+Thu Mar 19 16:15:24 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (obj_info): show allocation site if GC_DEBUG is not 0.
+Thu Mar 19 16:12:01 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (newobj_of): fix RGENGC_OLD_NEWOBJ_CHECK logics.
+ * skip on incremental marking because not sure what happen :p
+ * rb_gc_writebarrier_remember() is enough to mark children.
+Thu Mar 19 16:08:42 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_copy_wb_protected_attribute): need demote for old objects.
+Thu Mar 19 10:31:00 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (fill_random_bytes): release the handle in the static
+ variable, not a local variable.
+Thu Mar 19 06:30:35 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_clone): do not touch age (FL_PROMOTED[01]) because
+ rb_obj_alloc() can return old object in debug.
+Thu Mar 19 06:29:28 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/objspace/test_objspace.rb: flag name was changed
+ (long_lived -> uncollectible).
+Thu Mar 19 05:30:13 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c (iseq_mark): skip some marking if iseq->orig is available.
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_clone): need WB for iseq1->klass = iseq0->klass
+ (done in MEMCPY).
+Thu Mar 19 04:55:53 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * internal.h (IMEMO_DEBUG): added.
+ * internal.h: remove unused FL_IMEMO_MARK_V[0-3].
+ * gc.c (rb_imemo_new_debug): added.
+ * gc.c (obj_info): show imemo type name.
+Thu Mar 19 04:52:26 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (RGENGC_OLD_NEWOBJ_CHECK): add check mechanism.
+ If RGENGC_OLD_NEWOBJ_CHECK > 0, then create old objects
+ (not new objects) periodically.
+ Create one old objects per RGENGC_OLD_NEWOBJ_CHECK objects are
+ created.
+Thu Mar 19 04:46:36 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * enum.c (enum_sort_by): add WBs.
+Thu Mar 19 03:37:52 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (check_rvalue_consistency): refactoring.
+ * not inline on RGENGC_CHECK_MODE > 0.
+ * check SPECIAL_CONST_P(obj) first.
+ * add a check that remembered_bit is only TRUE when old (age == 3).
+ * gc.c (RVALUE_DEMOTE): should clear RVALUE_REMEMBERED bit.
+ remembered_bit should be TRUE only for old (age == 3) objects.
+ Actually there are no effect because demoted objects will be
+ uncollectible WB unprotected objects (marked at the beginning of
+ every minor GC).
+Thu Mar 19 02:52:48 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: rename terminologies.
+ * long_lived -> uncollectible:
+ because this bitmap does not mean "long lived objects in past",
+ but means "prohibit collection these objects until next major GC".
+ Uncollectible objects consist of two types objects, one is old
+ objects (WB protected objects which age == 3) and another is
+ uncollectible WB unprotected objects which are referred from old
+ objects
+ * remembered_wb_unprotected_objects ->
+ uncollectible_wb_unprotected_objects:
+ because uncollectible objects does not mean remembered objects.
+Wed Mar 18 17:21:12 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_writebarrier_generational): add an alternative write
+ barrier (WB) implementation.
+ When finding reference from [Old obj] to [New obj] by WB, current
+ implementation marks [Old obj] as remembered old objects and marks
+ children of [Old obj] at the beginning of marking.
+ Added (but disabled) code changes current behaviour. This fix promote
+ [New obj] to old and marks as a remembered old object. We can assume
+ "new objects referred from old objects are maybe long-lived old
+ objects".
+ Disadvantage of added algorithm is we may promote unwilling
+ short-lived objects. For example, consider many new objects push and
+ pop to an old stack object. All of new objects (short-lived objects)
+ promote to old objects unexpectedly.
+ To compare these behaviour, I add this new code (but disabled it).
+Wed Mar 18 17:14:39 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ to make clear.
+Wed Mar 18 17:10:01 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (check_rvalue_consistency): do not need to check is_sweeping().
+Wed Mar 18 14:13:22 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/bm_vm1_gc_wb_ary.rb: run GC to finish "marking" phase.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm1_gc_wb_obj.rb: ditto.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm1_gc_wb_ary_promoted.rb: add parameter
+ full_mark: false to invoke only minor GC.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm1_gc_wb_obj_promoted.rb: ditto.
+Wed Mar 18 12:07:36 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * string.c: add a comment about RSTRING_FSTR.
+Wed Mar 18 12:01:53 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (rb_any_hash): use same hash values with Float#hash so
+ that -0.0 and +0.0 will be identical.
+ [ruby-core:68541] [Bug #10979]
+Wed Mar 18 05:34:32 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * string.c: introduce STR_FAKESTR to show string is FAKESTR or not.
+ * string.c (STR_SET_SHARED): ignore FAKESTR because only Ruby objects
+ can use write barrier.
+Tue Mar 17 18:59:16 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: use rb_gc_writebrrier() simply.
+ For incremental GC, we need to get a pointer to the objspace.
+ We can share this pointer for the following WB process.
+ And considering icache hit ratio, process in the GC.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_writebarrier): added.
+ * gc.c (gc_writebarrier_generational, gc_writebarrier_incremental):
+ make them NOINLINE because inlining them into rb_gc_writebarrier()
+ makes a prologue code of rb_gc_writebarrier() longer (storing callee
+ save registers).
+ This patch improve the performance of WB on micro-benchmarks.
+ name ruby 2.1 trunk modified
+ vm1_gc_wb_ary* 0.511 0.632 0.532
+ vm1_gc_wb_ary_promoted* 0.578 0.701 0.674
+ vm1_gc_wb_obj* 0.419 0.575 0.492
+ vm1_gc_wb_obj_promoted* 0.537 0.664 0.618
+ (sec)
+Tue Mar 17 18:51:43 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/bm_vm1_gc_wb_ary(_promoted).rb: separate fastpath and
+ slowpath for WB.
+ Before this change bm_vm1_gc_wb_ary.rb tried to check the performance
+ for WB slowpath (making a reference from oldobj to newobj). However,
+ from Ruby 2.2, 3 GCs are needed to promote new objects because
+ only 3 age objects are promoted objects.
+ To compare fastpath and slowpath, introduce new "promoted" version
+ benchmark.
+ bm_vm1_gc_wb_ary.rb is for fastpath and
+ bm_vm1_gc_wb_ary_promoted.rb is for slowpath.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm1_gc_wb_obj(_promoted).rb: ditto.
+Tue Mar 17 17:23:11 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): distinguish not-yet-stated and DT_UNKNOWN
+ by readdir, and traverse recursively for the former. Linux
+ readdir returns DT_UNKNOWN on some filesystems, e.g., smbfs,
+ iso9660.
+Mon Mar 16 17:43:21 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/webrick/server.rb: Fix regression bug in WEBrick's
+ :DoNotReverseLookup config option implementation.
+ [fix GH-731] Patch by @vais
+ * test/webrick/test_do_not_reverse_lookup.rb: ditto.
+Sat Mar 14 20:05:23 2015 Kazuki Tanaka <>
+ * math.c (math_gamma): optimization for passed small integer.
+Sat Mar 14 18:07:23 2015 Kazuki Tanaka <>
+ * enum.c: [DOC] Fixes Enumerable#member? documentation
+ [fix GH-756][ci skip] Patch by @shamanime
+Sat Mar 14 12:23:53 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): use d_type to reduce lstat system calls.
+ * win32/dir.h (struct direct): add d_type instead of d_isdir and
+ d_isrep. SYMLINKD is unreliable, since the target can be
+ replaced after a link was created.
+ * win32/win32.c (readdir_internal): set d_type.
+Sat Mar 14 02:14:50 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (primary): empty parentheses at cmdarg can be null.
+ [ruby-core:68477] [Bug #10957]
+Fri Mar 13 15:04:36 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_close): don't raise on double
+ close for consistent to IO#close.
+Fri Mar 13 15:03:20 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_close_read, rb_io_close_write): don't raise after
+ close same as IO#close.
+Fri Mar 13 12:29:07 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/readline/test_readline.rb: Restore environment variables:
+Fri Mar 13 11:37:46 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/fiddle/extconf.rb: needs --enable-shared when linked to
+ libruby or since --with-static-linked-ext does no
+ longer link extensions to ruby program with --enable-shared, the
+ only combination needs --enable-static is --disable-shared and
+ --with-static-linked-ext. [ruby-dev:48901] [Bug #10960]
+Fri Mar 13 07:02:20 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/socket/init.c (rsock_s_accept_nonblock): use rb_hash_lookup2
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (get_no_exception): new function
+ (ossl_ssl_accept_nonblock): use get_no_exception
+ (ossl_ssl_read_internal): ditto
+ (ossl_ssl_write_nonblock): ditto
+ [ruby-core:68511]
+Fri Mar 13 07:01:38 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c: predefine wait_*able symbols
+Thu Mar 12 22:59:53 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/lib/leakchecker.rb: Check environment variables.
+Thu Mar 12 05:54:27 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/socket/init.c (rsock_s_accept_nonblock):
+ support exception: false
+ [ruby-core:66385] [Feature #10532]
+ * ext/socket/init.c (rsock_init_socket_init): define new symbols
+ * ext/socket/rubysocket.h: adjust prototype
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_accept_nonblock): support exception: false
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_accept_nonblock): ditto
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (Init_socket): adjust accept_nonblock definition
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (Init_ossl_ssl): ditto
+ * ext/socket/tcpserver.c (rsock_init_tcpserver): ditto
+ * ext/socket/unixserver.c (rsock_init_unixserver): ditto
+ * ext/socket/tcpserver.c (tcp_accept_nonblock): adjust
+ rsock_s_accept_nonblock call
+ * ext/socket/unixserver.c (unix_accept_nonblock): ditto
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_start_ssl): support no_exception
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_connect): adjust ossl_start_ssl call
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_connect_nonblock): ditto
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_accept): ditto
+ * test/socket/test_nonblock.rb (test_accept_nonblock): test for
+ "exception :false"
+ * test/socket/test_tcp.rb (test_accept_nonblock): new test
+ * test/socket/test_unix.rb (test_accept_nonblock): ditto
+ * test/openssl/test_pair.rb (test_accept_nonblock_no_exception): ditto
+Thu Mar 12 10:53:06 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * internal.h, node.h: move a definition of `struct rb_global_entry'
+ and related functions from node.h to internal.h.
+ * variable.c: remove unused include pragma.
+ * remove unused dependency.
+Thu Mar 12 10:32:39 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * remove unused dependency.
+Thu Mar 12 08:20:14 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * load.c: removed unused header file "node.h".
+ * method.h: ditto.
+ * symbol.c: ditto.
+Thu Mar 12 08:14:48 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: RGENGC_CHECK_MODE should be 0.
+Thu Mar 12 07:44:17 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * internal.h: use T_IMEMO to represent `struct MEMO' value.
+ memo->v1 and memo->v2 is WB protected values.
+ So use MEMO_V1/V2_SET() macros to set these values.
+ memo->u3 is ambiguous (sometimes a VALUE, sometimes an integer
+ value), so use gc_mark_maybe() in gc.c to mark it.
+ Rename NEW_MEMO() to MEMO_NEW().
+ Move MEMO_FOR and NEW_MEMO_FOR macros from node.h.
+ Export a rb_imemo_new() function for ext/ripper.
+ * node.h: remove NODE_MEMO.
+ * enum.c: catch up these change.
+ * enumerator.c: ditto.
+ * load.c: ditto.
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c (count_nodes): ditto.
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_children): mark imemo_memo type.
+ * parse.y (new_args_gen): use T_IMEMO.
+ (I'm not sure it is working correctly...)
+Wed Mar 11 22:36:34 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c (frame_called_id): it should use vm_ifunc type.
+ * eval.c (frame_func_id): ditto.
+Wed Mar 11 22:27:05 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * node.h: remove NODE_IFUNC, NEW_IFUNC.
+ * internal.h: use T_IMEMO for IFUNC.
+ rename `struct IFUNC' to `struct vm_ifunc' and move the definition
+ from vm_insnhelper.h. Add imemo_ifunc.
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_children): mark imemo_ifunc type T_IMEMO object.
+ * compile.c: catch up these changes.
+ * proc.c: ditto.
+ * vm_core.h (RUBY_VM_IFUNC_P): ditto.
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_iterate): ditto.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: ditto.
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c: ditto.
+Wed Mar 11 21:53:43 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * internal.h, eval_intern.h: move CREF accessors.
+ List IMEMO supported types in internal.h.
+Wed Mar 11 21:45:36 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.h: use T_IMEMO to create THROW_DATA.
+ * internal.h: move definition of `struct THROW_DATA'
+ from vm_insnhelper.h to internal.h.
+ Rename `THROW_DATA' to `vm_throw_data'.
+ * eval_intern.h (THROW_DATA_P): move to internal.h.
+ THROW_DATA is no longer T_NODE, so check T_IMEMO.
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_children): mark THROW_DATA.
+ * vm.c: catch up these changes.
+ * vm_eval.c: ditto.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: ditto.
+Wed Mar 11 21:21:56 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: use T_IMEMO to create SVAR.
+ * internal.h, vm_insnhelper.h: move definition `struct SVAR'
+ from vm_insnhelper.h to internal.h. And rename it to struct vm_svar.
+ new imemo_type imemo_svar is added.
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_children): mark imemo_svar.
+ * node.c (rb_gc_mark_node): remove useless marking.
+Wed Mar 11 19:35:46 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: introduce new type T_IMEMO.
+ T_IMEMO is Internal Memo type, internal use only.
+ T_IMEMO has same purpose of NODE_MEMO.
+ To insert T_IMEMO, type numbers are modified a little.
+ * internal.h: define struct RIMemo. Each RIMemo objects
+ has imemo_type. We can observe it by the imemo_type() function.
+ * gc.c (rb_imemo_new): added.
+ * node.h: remove NODE_CREF and NEW_CREF().
+ * node.c (rb_gc_mark_node): ditto.
+ * vm.c (vm_cref_new): use rb_imem_new().
+ * vm_eval.c: ditto.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: use RIMemo objects for CREF.
+ * ext/objspace/objspace.c: support T_IMEMO.
+Wed Mar 11 17:03:20 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: fix memory leak by prepend method.
+ It is easy to reproduce with such script:
+ module M; def bar; end; end
+ loop{
+ do
+ def foo; end
+ prepend M
+ end
+ }
+ * gc.c (obj_free): free T_ICLASS::m_tbl if it is created by prepend.
+ To recognize it, check RICLASS_IS_ORIGIN flag.
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_children): T_ICLASS objects only need to mark
+ T_ICLASS::m_tbl if RICLASS_IS_ORIGIN is set.
+ * gc.c (obj_memsize_of): count T_ICLASS if RICLASS_IS_ORIGIN is set.
+ * internal.h (RCLASS_SET_ORIGIN): add to set RCLASS_SET_ORIGIN.
+ TODO: The word `origin' seems not good name. We need to invent
+ another good name.
+ * class.c: use RCLASS_SET_ORIGIN().
+ * class.c (class_alloc): zero clear rb_classext_t.
+Wed Mar 11 13:28:49 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * check also procstat_getvmmap, which is not
+ available on FreeBSD 9. [ruby-core:68468] [Bug #10954]
+ * vm_dump.c (procstat_vm): use kinfo_getvmmap instead if
+ procstat_getvmmap is not available.
+Wed Mar 11 09:15:21 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * internal.h: define struct MEMO.
+ * enum.c: use MEMO.
+ * enumerator.c: ditto.
+ * load.c: ditto.
+ * node.h: return (struct MEMO *) pointer.
+Wed Mar 11 06:26:21 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.h (THROW_DATA_STATE): return int, not VALUE.
+ * vm_insnhelper.h (THROW_DATA_STATE_SET): accept int value.
+Wed Mar 11 05:06:46 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_catch_protect): use THROW_DATA_VAL().
+Wed Mar 11 04:56:04 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.h: define struct IFUNC.
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_iterate): use it.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_yield_with_cfunc): ditto.
+Wed Mar 11 03:52:12 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval_intern.h (THROW_DATA_P): use RB_TYPE_P() instead of
+ * thread.c (thread_join): use THROW_DATA_P().
+Wed Mar 11 03:48:01 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * proc.c: use RUBY_VM_IFUNC_P() to recognize IFUNC or not.
+ * vm.c: ditto.
+ * vm_dump.c: ditto.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: ditto.
+ * vm_core.h (RUBY_VM_IFUNC_P): use RB_TYPE_P() instead of
+Wed Mar 11 03:21:37 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.h: define struct THROW_DATA to represent
+ throwing data. Also define accessor functions.
+ * eval_intern.h: move related changes into vm_insnhelper.h.
+ Now these MACROs (functions) are only used in vm*.c.
+ There is only THROW_DATA_P(err) to check this data type or not.
+ * vm.c: catch up these changes.
+ * vm_eval.c: ditto.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: ditto.
+Wed Mar 11 00:57:00 2015 Rei Odaira <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_security_trust_dir.rb: The return value of
+ File::Stat#mode is OS dependent. In AIX, 0200000 is set.
+Tue Mar 10 20:03:41 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/webrick/server.rb: Invoke setup_shutdown_pipe in start method
+ instead of listen method.
+ [ruby-core:68476] [Bug #10956] Reported by Shintaro Kojima.
+Tue Mar 10 17:27:27 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c (thread_join): Fixnum (except TAG_FATAL) and
+ NODE should not be reached here.
+Mon Mar 9 21:42:10 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (ep_cref): rename to lep_cref() because it should be
+ local ep.
+Mon Mar 9 16:34:36 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_close): don't raise on double
+ close for consistent to IO#close.
+Mon Mar 09 06:44:48 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.h: define struct SVAR for SVAR.
+ This data type is also same layout of NODE (NODE_IF).
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: catch up this change.
+Mon Mar 9 06:43:21 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (lep_svar_set): add WBs.
+Mon Mar 9 06:19:06 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * internal.h: define rb_cref_t and change to use it.
+ rb_cref_t is data type of CREF. Now, the body is still NODE.
+ It is easy to understand what is CREF and what is pure NODE.
+Mon Mar 9 06:00:37 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.h (COPY_CREF_OMOD): fix translation miss.
+Mon Mar 9 04:47:58 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * internal.h: define CREF accessor macros.
+ * CREF_CLASS(cref)
+ * CREF_NEXT(cref)
+ * CREF_VISI(cref)
+ * CREF_VISI_SET(cref, v)
+ This is process to change CREF data type from NODE.
+Sun Mar 8 22:50:57 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (rb_gzfile_close): Don't raise on double
+ close for consistent to IO#close.
+Sun Mar 8 16:57:35 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): match patterns against legacy short names
+ too, not only ordinary names. [ruby-core:67954] [Bug #10819]
+ * win32/dir.h (struct direct): add short name members.
+ * win32/win32.c (opendir_internal, readdir_internal): ditto.
+Sat Mar 7 09:36:05 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * array.c: document that first element is kept when using
+ Array#uniq and #uniq! [fix GH-845][ci skip]
+ Patch by @riffraff
+Sat Mar 7 09:28:02 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * thread.c: Mutex#owned? is no longer experimental since 2.1.0
+ [fix GH-839][ci skip] Patch by @takiy33
+Sat Mar 7 09:18:42 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * tool/merger.rb: Added documentation to version method.
+ [fix GH-847][ci skip] Patch by @magikid
+Fri Mar 6 22:50:36 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * class.c (rb_prepend_module): need a WB for klass -> origin.
+Fri Mar 6 20:18:38 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * fix namespace issue on singleton class expressions. [Bug #10943]
+ * vm_core.h, method.h: remove rb_iseq_t::cref_stack. CREF is stored
+ to rb_method_definition_t::body.iseq_body.cref.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: modify SVAR usage.
+ When calling ISEQ type method, push CREF information onto method
+ frame, SVAR located place. Before this fix, SVAR is simply nil.
+ After this patch, CREF (or NULL == Qfalse for not iseq methods)
+ is stored at the method invocation.
+ When SVAR is required, then put NODE_IF onto SVAR location,
+ and NDOE_IF::nd_reserved points CREF itself.
+ * vm.c (vm_cref_new, vm_cref_dump, vm_cref_new_toplevel): added.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_push_frame): accept CREF.
+ * method.h, vm_method.c (rb_add_method_iseq): added. This function
+ accepts iseq and CREF.
+ * class.c (clone_method): use rb_add_method_iseq().
+ * gc.c (mark_method_entry): mark method_entry::body.iseq_body.cref.
+ * iseq.c: remove CREF related codes.
+ * insns.def (getinlinecache/setinlinecache): CREF should be cache key
+ because a different CREF has a different namespace.
+ * node.c (rb_gc_mark_node): mark NODE_IF::nd_reserved for SVAR.
+ * proc.c: catch up changes.
+ * struct.c: ditto.
+ * insns.def: ditto.
+ * vm_args.c (raise_argument_error): ditto.
+ * vm_eval.c: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_class.rb: add a test.
+Fri Mar 6 18:19:13 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/webrick/test_filehandler.rb: on vboxsf (on VirtualBox
+ on Windows 7), file name and permissions are strange (can access
+ by short file name and so on).
+ Simply skip on such tests on such FS. To detect strange FS, this
+ patch use a part of code `File.executable?(__FILE__)`.
+ Please correct them if there are better ways.
+Fri Mar 6 17:31:29 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_beginendblock.rb: do not change directory.
+ Run system command in the directory mounted by vboxsf on Windows 7
+ and get warning like that "warning: Insecure world writable dir...".
+Fri Mar 6 10:31:00 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (vm_call_super): search next super class from the
+ original class, to get rid of infinite recursion with
+ prepending. a patch by Seiei Higa <hanachin AT> at
+ [ruby-core:68434]. [ruby-core:68093] [Bug #10847]
+Fri Mar 6 08:45:26 2015 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/matrix.rb: Add Vector#round. Patch by Jordan Stephens.
+ [Fixes GH-802]
+Fri Mar 6 07:33:03 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (obj_info): show node name too.
+Fri Mar 6 07:00:44 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * internal.h: remove struct method_table_wrapper.
+ struct method_table_wrapper was introduced to avoid duplicate marking
+ for method tables.
+ For example, `module M1; def foo; end; end` make one method table
+ (mtbl) contains a method `foo`. M1 (T_MODULE) points mtbl.
+ Classes C1 and C2 includes M1, then two T_ICLASS objects are created
+ and they points mtbl too. In this case, three objects (one T_MODULE
+ and two T_ICLASS objects) points same mtbl. On marking phase, these
+ three objects mark same mtbl. To avoid such duplication, struct
+ method_table_wrapper was introduced.
+ However, created two T_ICLASS objects have same or shorter lifetime
+ than M1 (T_MODULE) object. So that we only need to mark mtbl from M1,
+ not from T_ICLASS objects. This patch tries marking only from M1.
+ In other words, original module (M1) has responsibility to mark mtbl.
+ Because of no duplicate marking, we don't need method_table_wrapper
+ any more.
+ Note that one `Module#prepend` call creates two T_ICLASS objects.
+ One for referring to a prepending Module object, same as
+ `Module#include`. We don't need to care this T_ICLASS.
+ One for moving original mtbl from a prepending class. We need to
+ mark such mtbl from this T_ICLASS object. To mark the mtbl,
+ we need to use `RCLASS_ORIGIN(klass)` on marking from a prepended
+ class `klass`.
+ * class.c: ditto.
+ * eval.c (rb_using_refinement): ditto.
+ * gc.c: ditto.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: define m_tbl directly. The definition of
+ struct RClass should be moved to (srcdir)/internal.h.
+ * method.h: remove decl of rb_free_m_tbl_wrapper().
+ * object.c: use RCLASS_M_TBL() directly.
+Fri Mar 6 02:50:12 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * dir.c (replace_real_basename): need to check the return value of
+Fri Mar 6 02:26:03 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * dir.c (replace_real_basename): shouldn't create Ruby object before
+ the object system is loaded.
+ [ruby-core:68430] [Bug #10941]
+Wed Mar 5 16:58:43 2015 Kazuki Tanaka <>
+ * hash.c: [DOC] #delete method actually returns nil, if the key
+ is not found. [fix GH-844][ci skip] Patch by @ivdma
+Wed Mar 5 12:22:23 2015 Kazuki Tanaka <>
+ * math.c: refactoring: remove unnecessary variable d0 to unify code
+ appearance.
+Thu Mar 5 11:50:54 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_eval.c (eval_string_with_cref): A binding should keep
+ refinements activation information and the refinements should be
+ activated in subsequent eval calls with the binding.
+ [ruby-core:67945] [Bug #10818]
+Thu Mar 5 11:16:55 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb: There is no need anymore to suppress
+ warnings.
+Thu Mar 5 08:31:02 2015 Rei Odaira <>
+ * random.c (random_raw_seed): Avoid calling fill_random_bytes()
+ if the requested size is 0. AIX returns -1 for 0-byte read from
+ /dev/urandom, while other UNIX returns 0. With this change,
+ Random.raw_seed(0) consistently returns "" in any UNIX.
+Wed Mar 4 12:43:32 2015 Kazuki Tanaka <>
+ * test/ruby/test_math.rb (assert_float_and_int): Refactor test cases
+ by introducing assert_float_and_int. [misc #10810]
+Wed Mar 4 11:52:30 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * symbol.c (Init_sym): make dsym_fstrs a hash compared by identity
+ as the keys are unique fstrings, to get rid of running hash and
+ compare methods and causing new object allocation during garbage
+ collection phase. [ruby-dev:48891] [Bug #10933]
+Wed Mar 4 10:16:57 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * enum.c: Fix typo in slice_after's exception message.
+ [fix GH-842][ci skip] Patch by @jsyeo
+Wed Mar 4 10:15:37 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * doc/syntax/methods.rdoc: add some missing spaces and
+ fix a grammatical error in method docs.
+ [fix GH-843][ci skip] Patch by @nikolas
+Wed Mar 4 02:13:06 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * tool/redmine-backporter.rb (backport_command_string): pick up only
+ when the revision exists in trunk.
+Wed Mar 4 00:44:56 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_io_blocking_region): assigned variables
+ inside EXEC_TAG() should be volatile.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_s_handle_interrupt): ditto.
+ * thread.c (exec_recursive): ditto.
+Wed Mar 4 00:29:18 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * tool/redmine-backporter.rb: now can specify shorten form of commands.
+Tue Mar 3 23:41:42 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * tool/redmine-backporter.rb (Readline.readline): drop untreated control
+ characters.
+Tue Mar 3 22:25:24 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/lib/envutil.rb (EnvUtil.invoke_ruby): need to rescue because
+ Signal.signame may raise exception.
+Tue Mar 3 16:57:39 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * tool/redmine-backporter.rb: use 'b' instead of 's' for showing
+ Backport options for merger.rb.
+Tue Mar 3 16:55:23 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * tool/redmine-backporter.rb: show selected ticket number at prompt.
+Tue Mar 3 14:47:30 2015 Kazuki Tanaka <>
+ * math.c (num2dbl_with_to_f): direct casting from Rational to double.
+ [Feature #10909]
+ * test/ruby/test_math.rb: add tests for the above change.
+Tue Mar 3 07:52:20 2015 Rei Odaira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_symbol.rb: avoid a false positive in AIX.
+Tue Mar 3 00:59:39 2015 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * set PRELOADENV in Solaris to avoid "wrong ELF class"
+ error. [Bug #10926] [ruby-dev:48888]
+ * set LIBPATHENV for 32-bit compile in Solaris
+ in addition to 64-bit.
+Mon Mar 2 15:36:10 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * do not check _setjmp unless _longjmp is available,
+ so that configure results will not be changed by cache.
+Mon Mar 2 14:44:56 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_REPLACE_TYPE): restore unsigned type from
+ cached variable only if the target type is not available.
+Mon Mar 2 13:04:27 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * signal.c (sig_signame): return nil if the argument is a valid
+ signal number.
+Mon Mar 2 12:05:04 2015 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * test/net/ftp/test_ftp.rb (create_ftp_server): set SO_OOBINLINE
+ for receiving OOB data which is sent with MSG_OOB flag in
+ portable way. [Bug #10915] [ruby-dev:48885]
+ * test/net/ftp/test_ftp.rb (test_abort, test_status): use gets
+ for receiving OOB data in portable way.
+Mon Mar 2 11:43:07 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_REPLACE_TYPE): restore unsigned type from
+ cached variable.
+Mon Mar 2 06:01:41 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/io/wait/wait.c (io_nread): wrap return value with INT2FIX
+ Thanks to Yura Sokolov <>
+ [ruby-core:68369] [Bug#10923]
+ * test/io/wait/test_io_wait.rb (test_nread_buffered):
+ fix broken test
+Sun Mar 1 20:21:16 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_REPLACE_TYPE): restore convertible type from
+ cached variable, so that configured results will be stable.
+Sun Mar 1 18:10:34 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (rb_cv_broken_memmem): check before adding the
+ result HAVE_MEMMEM macro to confdefs.h, so that configured
+ results will be stable.
+Sun Mar 1 11:17:56 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (id2ref): prohibit from accessing internal objects.
+ [ruby-core:68348] [Bug #10918]
+Sun Mar 1 09:06:11 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/time.rb (strptime): Support %s.%N.
+ [ruby-core:68301] [Bug #10904] Patch by Sadayuki Furuhashi.
+Sat Feb 28 17:18:39 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enum.c (enum_each_slice, enum_each_cons): limit elements size by
+ the enumerator size. suggested by Hans Mackowiak <hanmac AT
+> at [ruby-core:68335]
+Sat Feb 28 15:44:20 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_dump.c (rb_vm_bugreport): get rid of making new strings
+ inside signal context.
+ * variable.c (rb_tmp_class_path): defer making temporary class
+ path string.
+ * variable.c (rb_search_class_path): search class path or return
+ Qnil or Qfalse if unnamed, not creating a temporary path.
+Sat Feb 28 15:02:02 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c (rb_tmp_class_path): preserve name encoding of an
+ anonymous instance of module/class subclass.
+Sat Feb 28 08:24:30 2015 Rei Odaira <>
+ * ext/pty/pty.c: AIX supports autopush.
+ Patch by Perry Smith [ruby-core:58539] [Bug #9144]
+Fri Feb 27 22:00:05 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems 2.4.6 and HEAD(800f2e6).
+ Fixed #1159, #1171, #1173 on rubygems/rubygems
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Fri Feb 27 20:55:42 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rake: Update to rake (9237e74), typo fix and remove needless
+ private syntax.
+ * test/rake: ditto.
+Fri Feb 27 17:06:44 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: define vm_svar_index.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c, vm.c, compile.c: use vm_svar_index names.
+ * iseq.h: remove DEFAULT_SPECIAL_VAR_COUNT.
+Fri Feb 27 13:57:48 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (setup_narg): wipe away expanded part of buffer to get rid
+ of revealing uncleaned data. reported by Dongkwan Kim <dkay AT
+Wed Feb 25 22:25:07 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * spec/default.mspec: use default configuration file name.
+Wed Feb 25 22:21:56 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * spec/default.mspec: remove specific version number.
+Wed Feb 25 22:04:04 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/win32/Win32API.rb (initialize): accept both a string and an array
+ for the arguments of the imported function.
+ reported by Aaron Stone [ruby-core:68208] [Bug #10876] [Fixes GH-835]
+Wed Feb 25 18:12:11 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * signal.c (sighandler): preserve errno
+ Patch by Steven Stewart-Gallus <>
+ [ruby-core:68172] [Bug #10866]
+Wed Feb 25 15:59:35 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (push_pattern, push_glob): make globbed file names same
+ encoding to the given pattern.
+Wed Feb 25 15:27:16 2015 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/merger.rb: support 2.1+ versioning scheme.
+Tue Feb 25 08:49:12 2015 Kazuki Tanaka <>
+ * lib/cmath.rb (log): raise ArgumentError when more than 2 arguments
+ are passed. [ruby-core:66143] [Bug #10487]
+Tue Feb 25 02:15:17 2015 Kazuki Tanaka <>
+ * test/ruby/test_math.rb: Use assert_infinity instead of assert_equal(1.0/0, ...).
+ * test/ruby/test_math.rb: Add tests for overriding Integer#to_f.
+ [ruby-core:67919] [Misc #10809]
+Tue Feb 24 22:58:48 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * complex.c (nucomp_mul): calculate as rotation in complex plane
+ if matrix calculation resulted in NaN.
+Tue Feb 24 21:45:39 2015 Kazuki Tanaka <>
+ * test/ruby/test_math.rb(test_cbrt): Add an assertion for Math.cbrt(1.0/0)
+ and move #test_cbrt to more proper place.
+Tue Feb 24 19:09:25 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (lep_svar_place, lep_svar_get): do not create
+ additional T_NODE object (svars holder) when only getting
+ svars.
+Tue Feb 24 11:49:48 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * time.c (time_zone_name): should be US-ASCII only if all 7-bits,
+ otherwise locale encoding. [ruby-core:68230] [Bug #10887]
+Tue Feb 24 09:47:07 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (chompped_length): enable smart chomp for all non-dummy
+ encoding strings, not only default_rs.
+ [ruby-core:68258] [Bug #10893]
+Mon Feb 23 23:19:42 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/vcs.rb (IO.popen): support :chdir option.
+ * tool/vcs.rb (VCS::GIT.get_revisions): use :chdir option instead
+ of -C option which is not supported by older git.
+ [ruby-dev:48880] [Bug #10890]
+Mon Feb 23 15:26:39 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_split_m): raise ArgumentError at broken string
+ not RegexpError, as Regexp is not involved in.
+ [ruby-core:68229] [Bug #10886]
+Mon Feb 23 07:25:29 2015 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * time.c: Zone encoding should be US-ASCII if all 7-bits. Fix r46907.
+ * test/ruby/test_time.rb, test/ruby/test_time_tz.rb: Update tests.
+Sun Feb 22 18:33:42 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * use ruby organization for rubyspec.
+Sun Feb 22 15:56:06 2015 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (rb_vm_rewrite_cref_stack): copy nd_refinements
+ of original crefs. It fixes segmentation fault when calling
+ refined method in duplicate module. [ruby-dev:48878] [Bug #10885]
+ * vm_core.h, class.c: change accordingly.
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb: add a test for above.
+Sun Feb 22 10:43:37 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_objspace_call_finalizer): control GC execution during
+ force firnalizations at the end of interpreter process.
+ [Bug #10768]
+ 1) Prohibit incremental GC while running Ruby-level finalizers
+ to avoid any danger.
+ 2) Prohibit GC while invoking T_DATA/T_FILE data structure
+ because these operations break object relations consistency.
+ This patch can introduce another memory consuming issue because
+ Ruby-level finalizers can run after (2), GC is disabled.
+ However, basically object consistency was broken at (2) as I
+ described above. So that running Ruby-level finalizers contains
+ danger originally. Because of this point, I need to suggest to
+ remove these 3 lines (invoking remaining finalizers). And add a
+ rule to add that finalizers should not add new finalizers, or
+ say there is no guarantee to invoke finalizers that added by
+ another finalizer.
+Sun Feb 22 04:07:05 2015 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c: [DOC] RDoc formatting fixes for
+ ASN1::ObjectId with patch from @vbatts [Fixes GH-834]
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_bn.c: ditto.
+Sat Feb 21 19:51:49 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * re.c (match_aref): RMatch::regexp is Qnil after matching by a
+ string since r45451. [ruby-core:68209] [Bug #10877]
+Sat Feb 21 16:18:42 2015 Stefan Schuler <>
+ * compar.c (Init_Comparable): [DOC] Replace camelcase variable name.
+ [Fix GH-833]
+Fri Feb 20 17:27:12 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_file_identical_p): fix handle leak, ensure to close
+ the handle of the first argument.
+Fri Feb 20 17:19:23 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (different_device_p): compare by volume serial
+ numbers, not by path names. [ruby-core:68162] [Bug #10865]
+Thu Feb 19 01:58:10 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/file.c (rb_file_expand_path_internal): neither the drive
+ of base directory nor the current drive are involved in the
+ result if different than the drive of path.
+ [ruby-core:68130] [Bug #10858]
+Wed Feb 18 10:48:56 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (wrename): return EXDEV if moving a directory to
+ another drive, since MoveFileExW does not set proper error code.
+ [ruby-core:68162] [Bug #10865]
+Wed Feb 18 03:13:52 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych.rb: bump psych version.
+ * ext/psych/psych.gemspec: ditto
+ * ext/psych/yaml/scanner.c: add latest libyaml change.
+ * test/psych/helper.rb: support newer minitest
+ * test/psych/test_to_yaml_properties.rb: ditto
+Tue Feb 17 11:47:17 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::DNS::Resource#==, #hash): elements
+ returned by Kernel#instance_variables are Symbols now.
+ [ruby-core:68128] [Bug #10857]
+Tue Feb 17 10:59:10 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * doc/syntax/calling_methods.rdoc: Fix documentation for "calling_methods"
+ Patch by @sos4nt [fix GH-830][ci skip]
+Tue Feb 17 10:53:29 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/file.c (rb_file_expand_path_internal): do not make invalid
+ (or ADS) path if the path has a drive letter, the result also
+ should have be under it. [ruby-core:68130] [Bug #10858]
+Tue Feb 17 10:47:20 2015 Iain Beeston <>
+ * hash.c: Added docs to explain that #include? and #member? do not
+ check member equality
+ * lib/set.rb: ditto
+Mon Feb 16 20:58:49 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (compile_massign): optimization for special case,
+ assignments by aset or attrset.
+Sun Feb 15 10:41:23 2015 Sho Hashimoto <>
+ * doc/standard_library.rdoc: [DOC] delete removed libraries.
+ [misc #10843] [ci skip]
+Sat Feb 14 12:20:01 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (rand_random_number): add a method to return a random
+ number like SecureRandom to Random::Formatter.
+ * lib/securerandom.rb (random_bytes): move to Random::Formatter,
+ the base method of the module.
+Sat Feb 14 12:01:32 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (random_raw_seed): extract platform dependent random
+ seed initialization function as a new method Random.raw_seed.
+ * lib/securerandom.rb (SecureRandom): use Random.raw_seed.
+Sat Feb 14 00:49:37 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/coverage/coverage.c: Add Coverage.peek_result. Allows you to
+ capture coverage information without stopping the coverage tool.
+ [ruby-core:67940] [Feature #10816]
+ * test/coverage/test_coverage.rb: test for change.
+Fri Feb 13 21:52:05 2015 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * string.c (str_discard): does not free for STR_NOFREE string.
+ [Bug #10853][ruby-core:68110]
+ * bootstraptest/test_string.rb: test for above.
+Fri Feb 13 21:16:00 2015 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * lib/base64.rb: make urlsafe mode user-friendly.
+ * lib/base64.rb (Base64.urlsafe_encode64): a new option "padding" to
+ suppress the padding character ("=").
+ * lib/base64.rb (Base64.urlsafe_decode64): now it accepts not only
+ correctly-padded input but also unpadded input.
+ [Feature #10740][ruby-core:67570]
+ * test/base64/test_base64.rb: Test for above
+Fri Feb 13 14:19:06 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/json: merge upstream from flori/json
+ change usage of TypedData. [Feature #10739][ruby-core:67564]
+Thu Feb 12 18:34:01 2015 multisnow <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: check RAND_edg to support libressl.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_rand.c (ossl_rand_egd): define only if RAND_edg
+ is available. [Fix GH-829]
+Thu Feb 12 10:46:14 2015 Eric Hodel <>
+ * proc.c (proc_call): Improve Proc#call documentation. Patch by
+ Hsing-Hui Hsu. [fix GH-761]
+Thu Feb 12 04:33:02 2015 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * compar.c (cmp_equal): no more error hiding for Comparable#==.
+ It now behaves as other Comparable methods. See #7688.
+ * test/ruby/test_comparable.rb: update related test.
+Thu Feb 12 03:28:05 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * lib/set.rb (initialize): internal hash defaults to false
+ * lib/set.rb (include?): use Hash#[] for optimized dispatch.
+ Patch by Ismael Abreu <>
+ [ruby-core:67664] [Misc #10754]
+Wed Feb 11 11:09:52 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/digest/digest_conf.rb (digest_conf): check for CommonDigest.
+ * ext/digest/*/*cc.h: for Apple CommonCrypto/CommonDigest.h.
+ * ext/digest/digest.h (DEFINE_FINISH_FUNC_FROM_FINAL): macro for
+ finish functions, by inverting arguments order.
+ * ext/digest/digest_conf.rb (digest_conf): extract common
+ configurations.
+Wed Feb 11 11:01:33 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/json/generator/generator.c (generate_json): get rid of
+ unnecessary recursive calls which can cause infinite recursion.
+ T_STRING may not have rb_cString.
+Wed Feb 11 07:53:35 2015 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * test/win32ole/test_word.rb: use skip method to skip test.
+Tue Feb 10 11:38:28 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_method): stop method search when a method
+ is not found in a refinement, to support undef in refinements.
+ [ruby-core:66741] [Bug #10578]
+Tue Feb 10 11:19:11 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (chdir, delete, gettextfile, mdtm, mkdir, nlst,
+ putbinaryfile, puttextfile, rename, rmdir, size): support
+ Pathname. Patch by Joe Rafaniello. [fix GH-828]
+Mon Feb 9 16:36:12 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/make-snapshot (package): get rid of loading unbundled and
+ unexpected libraries. [ruby-core:67977] [Bug #10822]
+Sun Feb 8 20:09:37 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/net/http/header.rb: pass header names as symbols.
+ Patch by @DamirSvrtan [fix GH-805]
+ * test/net/http/test_httpheader.rb: added test.
+Sun Feb 8 13:04:25 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/getaddrinfo.c (get_addr): reject too long hostname to
+ get rid of GHOST vulnerability on very old platforms.
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (make_hostent_internal): ditto, paranoic
+ check for the canonical name.
+Sun Feb 8 12:48:38 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/win32/lib/win32/registry.rb (Win32::Registry::API): use wide
+ versions of RegDeleteValue and RegDeleteKey.
+ [ruby-core:67958] [Bug #10820]
+Sat Feb 7 22:13:08 2015 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_record.rb: remove test using .NET
+ Framework 3.5 because it is not included in Windows 8/8.1.
+Sat Feb 7 19:25:25 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (has_magic): always get long path name on Windows even if
+ no tilde is there. [ruby-core:68011] [Bug #10819]
+ * dir.c (replace_real_basename): FindFirstFile ignore redirection
+ character, check if exists before call it. cf. [Bug #8597]
+Sat Feb 7 13:30:11 2015 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * test/win32ole/test_win32ole_record.rb
+ (test_ole_instance_variable_get): correct VT_RECORD type and
+ instance variables.
+Fri Feb 6 17:47:05 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: register nodes when
+ dumping objects with custom coders. [ruby-core:66215] [Bug #10496]
+ * test/psych/test_coder.rb: test for fix
+Fri Feb 6 16:58:31 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb: fix support for regular
+ expressions with newlines. tenderlove/psych#222
+ * test/psych/test_yaml.rb: test for change.
+Fri Feb 6 10:31:50 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_core.h (rb_call_info_kw_arg_struct): make keywords a symbols
+ list to get rid of inadvertent creation by variable keyword
+ arguments. [ruby-core:68031] [Bug #10831]
+Thu Feb 5 22:42:34 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems HEAD(5c3b6f3).
+ Fixed #1156, #1142, #1115, #1142, #1139 on rubygems/rubygems
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Thu Feb 5 13:41:01 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (send_internal), vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_opt_send):
+ convert String method name into a Symbol, as method_missing
+ method expects its first argument to be a Symbol. [Bug #10828]
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (ci_missing_reason): return the reason of method
+ missing in call info.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_opt_send): re-apply r49500 with the
+ proper missing reason. [Bug #10828]
+Thu Feb 5 10:31:46 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * class.c (rb_obj_singleton_methods): should use RTEST() to convert
+ VALUE to int.
+Thu Feb 5 03:59:33 2015 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: Fix symbol leak with +send+ [Bug #10828]
+Wed Feb 4 20:26:54 2015 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (Init_win32ole): should not use atexit to
+ free allocated hash table to avoid error on Cygwin.
+Wed Feb 4 15:34:25 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * class.c (method_entry_i, class_instance_method_list,
+ rb_obj_singleton_methods): should not include methods of
+ superclasses if recur is false. [ruby-dev:48854] [Bug #10826]
+Wed Feb 4 16:32:40 2015 Matt Hoyle <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (VpSetPTR): fix a typo, 'expoennt'
+ to 'exponent'. [ruby-core:67980] [Bug #10823] [Fix GH-825]
+Wed Feb 4 15:55:38 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/sdbm/_sdbm.c: include ruby/ruby.h for PRIdPTRDIFF when a
+ macro `DEBUG` is defined. based on the patch by Owen Rodley in
+ [ruby-core:67987]. [Bug #10825]
+Wed Feb 4 11:12:43 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (probes.stamp): rebuild dtrace dependent objects
+ only when `dtrace -G` modifies its input files.
+Tue Feb 3 19:27:16 2015 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * (ruby-glommed.o): dependency on $(OBJ) should be written
+ in (in which OBJ is defined) because of Makefile include
+ and parse order. This partly reverts r49419.
+ [ruby-dev:48849] [Bug #10808]
+ * (ruby-glommed.o): ditto.
+ * (ruby-glommed.o): remove excess $(DTRACE_OBJ) because
+ it is included in $(OBJS) since r49451.
+ * (probes.o): should depend on $(DTRACE_DEPENDENT_OBJS)
+Tue Feb 3 17:15:45 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (try_cppflags, try_cflags, try_ldflags): get rid of
+ interference by modifying global variables in have_devel? method.
+ [ruby-core:67962] [Bug #10821]
+Tue Feb 3 15:23:58 2015 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_method.c (remove_method): When remove refined
+ method, raise a NameError if the method is not
+ defined in refined class.
+ But if the method is defined in refined class,
+ it should keep refined method and remove original
+ method.
+ Patch by Seiei Higa. [ruby-core:67722] [Bug #10765]
+Tue Feb 3 14:04:47 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): obtain real name with FindFirstFile API
+ instead of matching all entries, on Windows.
+ [ruby-core:67954] [Bug #10819]
+Tue Feb 3 12:26:35 2015 Katsuhiko Nishimra <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (configuration): set the default cxxflags, which is
+ referred from the default CXXFLAGS, for extension libraries.
+ [Fix GH-823]
+Tue Feb 3 05:52:00 2015 Aman Gupta <>
+ * gc.c (rb_objspace_free): cause rb_bug if lazy sweep is in progress
+ during rb_objspace_free. Adds extra protection for r46340.
+ Patch by Vicent Marti. [Bug #10768] [ruby-core:67734]
+ * gc.c (rb_objspace_call_finalizer): Ensure GC is completed after
+ finalizers have run. We already call gc_rest() before invoking
+ finalizers, but finalizer can allocate new objects and start new GC
+ cycle, so we call gc_rest() again after finalizers are complete.
+Mon Feb 2 10:51:34 2015 Ari Pollak <>
+ * doc/security.rdoc (Symbols): update about Symbol GC. Symbols
+ explicitly converted from Strings now can be collected, but
+ reflection/metaprogramming still can cause memory flooding.
+ [Fix GH-725]
+Sun Feb 1 13:46:52 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb (bin-comm): drop batch file installation.
+ Windows 95 support has not been supported already.
+ [Feature #10806]
+Sat Jan 31 12:06:23 2015 Scott Francis <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (reserve_stack): fix intermittent SIGBUS on
+ Linux, by reserving the stack virtual address space at process
+ start up so that it will not clash with the heap space.
+ [Fix GH-822]
+Fri Jan 30 17:28:29 2015 Kazuki Tanaka <>
+ * math.c (num2dbl_with_to_f): make faster when Bignum passed by
+ direct conversion using rb_big2dbl(). [Feature #10800]
+Thu Jan 29 23:30:00 2015 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (rb_rational_num): add fallback function
+ for rubies lower than 2.2.0.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (rb_rational_den): ditto.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/extconf.rb: check the existences of struct RRational,
+ rb_rational_num, and rb_rational_den.
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.bundle: bump version.
+Thu Jan 29 20:28:25 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * tool/make-snapshot: removed md5 digest with package information
+Thu Jan 29 10:41:52 2015 Kazuki Tanaka <>
+ * math.c (Get_Double): direct casting from Fixnum to double.
+ [Feature #10785]
+Thu Jan 29 02:34:27 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb: fix parsing hashes with
+ instance variables when it is referenced multiple times.
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych.rb: bump version
+ * ext/psych/psych.gemspec: bump version
+ * test/psych/test_hash.rb: test for fix
+Thu Jan 29 02:06:09 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * thread.c (struct join_arg): restructure and make smaller
+ (thread_join_sleep): avoid timeofday() call if forever
+ (thread_join): pass join_arg.delay directly
+ (rb_thread_inspect_msg): remove, inline into rb_thread_inspect
+ (rb_thread_inspect): reduce branching and string creation
+ * thread_pthread.c (native_set_thread_name): create string directly
+ to avoid reparsing. [Misc #10723]
+Wed Jan 28 21:32:24 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * thread.c: Improve documentation for Thread#value
+ [Bug #10694][ruby-core:67324][ci skip]
+Tue Jan 27 16:04:19 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * tool/redmine-backporter.rb: added `!` command.
+Tue Jan 27 15:58:23 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * tool/redmine-backporter.rb: added history feature for platforms which
+ lack readline.
+Mon Jan 26 22:09:35 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * .gitignore: ignored temporary file with git.
+Mon Jan 26 18:06:03 2015 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * misc/ruby-electric.el: Import version 2.2.2 from
+Mon Jan 26 11:37:49 2015 Dave Stevens <>
+ * string.c (str_make_independent_expand): terminate String when
+ moved from heap to embedded. [Fix GH-821].
+Sun Jan 25 12:04:12 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (flatten): no need to call to_ary method on elements
+ beyond the given level. [ruby-core:67637] [Bug #10748]
+Sun Jan 25 00:42:24 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/fiddle/win32/ assemble without directory prefix.
+ workaround of a bug of VC12 ml, by unak at [ruby-core:67792].
+ [ruby-core:67789] [Bug #10780]
+Sat Jan 24 19:56:25 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dln_find.c (dln_find_1): search regular files only. based on
+ the patch by Alex Coomans in [ruby-core:67766]. [Bug #10776]
+Fri Jan 23 23:57:05 2015 Misumi Rize <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_throw_start): search the target to break
+ from a block with nested rescue, from the nested blocks.
+ [ruby-core:67765] [Bug #10775] [Fix GH-820]
+Fri Jan 23 20:00:59 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (w_object, marshal_dump): use identity tables for
+ arbitrary VALUE keys, because of performance of FLONUM.
+ [Bug #10761]
+ * marshal.c (obj_alloc_by_klass, marshal_load): ditto.
+Fri Jan 23 17:12:33 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * benchmark/bm_marshal_dump_flo.rb: new benchmark for [Bug #10761]
+Thu Jan 22 18:03:19 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * tool/redmine-backporter.rb (find_svn_log): use double quotes instead
+ of single quotes because cmd.exe doesn't handle them.
+ * tool/redmine-backporter.rb (done): the 2nd element of matched data
+ is the offset of the end of matched string, not length.
+Thu Jan 22 16:45:24 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * st.c (st_numhash): mix float value for flonum
+ * hash.c (rb_any_hash): ditto
+ * benchmark/bm_hash_aref_flo.rb: new benchmark
+ * benchmark/bm_hash_ident_flo.rb: ditto
+ [Bug #10761]
+Wed Jan 21 22:33:51 2015 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * misc/ruby-electric.el: Import version 2.2.1 from
+ Improve compatibility
+ with and optimize for Emacs 24.4.
+Wed Jan 21 09:40:52 2015 Zachary Scott <>
+ * file.c: Document other cases of missing birthtime on OS with patch
+ provided by @sho-h similar to GH-817. [ci skip] [DOC]
+Wed Jan 21 09:09:19 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * NEWS: References to tickets added.
+ [ruby-core:67701] [Bug #10760] Suggested by Zachary Scott.
+Tue Jan 20 22:59:54 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * tool/vcs.rb: fix the exception given remote-url of svn.
+Tue Jan 20 12:58:33 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * tool/redmine-backporter.rb: now can change the page of `ls`.
+Tue Jan 20 12:28:37 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * tool/redmine-backporter.rb (readline): fallback to normal gets on
+ Windows because IO.console.getch is not always do as expected.
+Tue Jan 20 11:31:07 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * tool/redmine-backporter.rb: update usage.
+Tue Jan 20 11:23:47 2015 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/redmine-backporter.rb (mygets): to support Backspace
+ implement gets by itself.
+Tue Jan 20 02:54:11 2015 Zachary Scott <>
+ * file.c: NotImplementedError is raised if birthtime is unavailable.
+ Patch by @y-yagi san and [Fixes GH-817] [ci skip] [DOC]
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c: ditto.
+Mon Jan 19 22:08:26 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c (include_modules_at): allow to prepend each module up to
+ once for each classe. [EXPERIMENTAL]
+Sun Jan 18 18:32:20 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * math.c (math_atan2): revive documentation before r49220.
+Sun Jan 18 15:57:32 2015 Seiei Higa <>
+ * vm_method.c (check_definition): Module#public_method_defined?,
+ Module#private_method_defined?, Module#protected_method_defined?
+ should not use refinements. [ruby-core:67656] [Bug #10753]
+Sun Jan 18 15:50:39 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_dump.c (rb_vm_bugreport): check by configured result instead
+ of system name for old FreeBSD. based on a patch by Steve Wills
+ at [ruby-core:67655]. [Bug #10752]
+Sun Jan 18 12:56:49 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (VPATH, NEWLINE_C), (common-srcs): make
+ and use newline.c under enc/trans directory, not toplevel. no
+ longer search enc directory implicitly.
+ prefix respective directory names to builtin encodings and
+ transcoder source names.
+Sun Jan 18 11:49:46 2015 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_invoke): avoid SEGV when VT_RECORD
+ variable is passed by reference. [ruby-dev:48803] [Bug #10697]
+Sat Jan 17 23:59:15 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb (visit_String):
+ anchors like `\Z` are not valid inside character class. use
+ negative-lookahead instead.
+ Fixes:
+Sat Jan 17 23:42:27 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * get rid of pattern substitution, which is not
+ supported by ash, and ash on NetBSD parses whole source first
+ and fails to start. [ruby-dev:48823] [Bug #10750]
+Fri Jan 16 18:42:58 2015 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/redmine-backporter.rb: support adding related revisions
+ to issues.
+Fri Jan 16 17:20:33 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ vm.c, vm_core.h: constify VM_CF_LEP, VM_CF_PREV_EP, VM_CF_BLOCK_PTR
+ and rb_vm_control_frame_block_ptr.
+Fri Jan 16 15:41:21 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych.rb: bump version
+ * ext/psych/psych.gemspec: ditto
+Fri Jan 16 15:37:49 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: only dump hash
+ subclasses. Thanks Joe Eli McIlvain <>
+ * test/psych/test_hash.rb: test for change
+Fri Jan 16 15:35:21 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych.rb: bump version
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: fix line width wrapping
+ for long strings. Thanks Jakub Jirutka <>
+ * test/psych/test_string.rb: test for change
+Fri Jan 16 11:44:44 2015 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * eval_intern.h, vm.c, vm_eval.c, vm_insnhelper.c:
+ change throw mechanism (not save target ep, but save target cfp).
+ It fixes `unexpected break' bug that occurs when
+ TracePoint#binding is called.
+ [ruby-dev:48797] [Bug #10689]
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: add a test.
+Thu Jan 15 23:55:15 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_close_m): Don't raise when the IO object is closed.
+ [ruby-core:67444] [Feature #10718]
+Thu Jan 15 21:34:57 2015 Seiei Higa <>
+ * proc.c (rb_obj_singleton_method): Kernel#singleton_method should
+ not use refinements, as well as Kernel#method.
+ [ruby-core:67603] [Bug #10744]
+Thu Jan 15 10:45:04 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_select_bang, ary_reject_bang): linear
+ performance. [ruby-core:67418] [Feature #10714]
+Wed Jan 14 18:06:06 2015 Martin Duerst <>
+ * lib/uri/mailto.rb: raising URI::InvalidComponentError instead
+ of failing with undefined method `split' for nil:NilClass for
+ mailto: URIs without opaque part. [Bug #10738]
+ * test/uri/testuri.rb: Test for above
+Wed Jan 14 16:45:24 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/downloader.rb ( verify downloaded gem
+ packages. LowSecurity to allow untrusted certificates now.
+Wed Jan 14 15:43:48 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_s_refresh_line): initialize
+ before rl_refresh_line(), as some function make the internal
+ state non-clean but rl_refresh_line() does not re-initialize it.
+ [ruby-core:43957] [Bug #6232]
+Tue Jan 13 21:59:24 2015 Michal Papis <>
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb (gem): fix changing permissions of installed
+ bundled gems. [Fix GH-812]
+Tue Jan 13 21:57:12 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (distclean-local): remove autom4te.cache generated by
+ autoconf.
+ * (realclean-local): remove id sources and dummy header
+ for dtrace. [ruby-core:67562] [Bug #10737]
+Tue Jan 13 21:08:22 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/json, test/json: merge JSON HEAD(259dee6)
+ separate implementation of Typed_Data macro.
+Tue Jan 13 14:16:35 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/net/http/test_http.rb: get rid of accessing DNS actually
+ for some servers returning wrong results.
+ [ruby-core:67454] [Bug #10721]
+Mon Jan 12 23:21:57 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * gems/bundled_gems: update test-unit to 3.0.9.
+Mon Jan 12 18:35:44 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * numeric.c (bit_coerce): use original value for error message
+ [ruby-core:67405] [Bug #10711]
+ * test/ruby/test_numeric.rb (test_coerce): check error message
+Mon Jan 12 18:01:24 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rdoc/text.rb (expand_tabs): get rid of infinite loop with
+ CR. should check if substitution occurred too.
+ [ruby-dev:48813] [Bug #10732]
+Mon Jan 12 16:45:46 2015 Seiei Higa <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_alias): raise a NameError when creating alias to
+ a refined method if the original method of the refined method is
+ not defined. [ruby-core:67523] [Bug #10731]
+Mon Jan 12 13:53:17 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * math.c (math_atan2): improve documentation.
+ [Feature #10323][ruby-core:65400][ci skip]
+Mon Jan 12 13:50:49 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c: fixes documentation like labeled lists,
+ code examples etc. [ruby-core:66730][Bug #10576][ci skip]
+Mon Jan 12 13:36:44 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb: improvements for OptionParser documentation.
+ [misc #10608][ruby-core:66901][ci skip]
+Mon Jan 12 13:33:52 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_each): documented return value.
+ [misc #10469][ruby-core:66063]
+Sun Jan 11 15:11:38 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/webrick/test_utils.rb (test_create_listeners): use
+ dynamically chosen port number, not hardcoded port number.
+ [ruby-core:67508]
+Sat Jan 10 12:57:12 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c: fix document of method signatures.
+ [Bug #10668][ruby-core:67186][ci skip]
+Sat Jan 10 12:32:44 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * eval_error.c (error_print): pos and len parameters of rb_str_substr()
+ are counted by characters, not bytes. use rb_str_subseq() instead.
+ [Bug #10727] [ruby-core:67473]
+Sat Jan 10 10:58:55 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * complex.c: removed commented-out code.
+Sat Jan 10 10:57:19 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * rational.c: removed commented-out code.
+ [Feature #10376][ruby-core:65643]
+Sat Jan 10 10:12:15 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_select_bang): keep the array consistent by
+ removing unselected values soon. [ruby-dev:48805] [Bug #10722]
+Fri Jan 9 23:20:04 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems HEAD(e53c54a).
+ * test/rubygems: ditto.
+Fri Jan 9 11:13:01 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (assocs, assoc): eliminate splatting empty literal
+ hashes. [ruby-core:67446] [Bug #10719]
+ * compile.c (compile_array_): support splatted hash in hash type.
+Fri Jan 9 10:57:09 2015 Vit Ondruch <>
+ * (RUBY_SETJMP_TYPE): Remove superfluous semicolon
+ which causes a syntax error with autoconf 2.63.
+ [ruby-core:67429] [Bug #10716]
+Fri Jan 9 07:23:32 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: correctly quote non-ascii
+ letters. Thanks @jirutka for the patch.
+ * test/psych/test_string.rb: test for change
+Fri Jan 9 07:13:55 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb: call `allocate` on hash
+ subclasses. Fixes
+ * test/psych/test_hash.rb: test for change
+Fri Jan 9 06:58:43 2015 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb: revive hashes with ivars
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb: dump hashes with ivars.
+ Fixes
+ * test/psych/test_hash.rb: test for change
+Thu Jan 8 17:05:00 2015 Seiei Higa <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_method_entry): if no super class, no original
+ method entry. [ruby-core:67389] [Bug #10707]
+Thu Jan 8 16:31:43 2015 Seiei Higa <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_export_method): bail out if the original method
+ is undefined when the method is refined.
+ [ruby-core:67387] [Bug #10706]
+Thu Jan 8 12:53:44 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (glob_helper): match in case-folding only if the directory
+ resides on a case-insensitive file system, on OSX.
+ [ruby-core:67364] [Bug #10700]
+Thu Jan 8 11:39:18 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * .travis.yml: Remove redundant configuration option.
+ [fix GH-809] Patch by @gxworld
+Thu Jan 8 07:17:14 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb: consider ENETUNREACH as ResolvTimeout
+ [ruby-core:67411] [Bug #10712]
+Thu Jan 8 00:13:52 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open3.rb: Open3 properly passes non-keyword hash args to spawn.
+ Fixed by Josh Cheek. [Fix GH-808]
+ Related to [ruby-core:67347] [Bug #10699]
+Wed Jan 7 19:19:26 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (dir_initialize): workaround of opendir failure at symlink
+ directories on Windows via CIFS.
+Wed Jan 7 18:52:50 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (need_normalization): not only HFS+, CIFS (SMB) is also
+ decomposed. [Bug #10704]
+ * dir.c (NORMALIZE_UTF8PATH): Unicode decomposition seems to
+ perform in an upper layer than file systems on OSX, as all path
+ names are always decomposed regardless of file system types.
+Tue Jan 6 21:41:04 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (timelocalw): Set tm_isdst field -1 if vtm->isdst is
+ VTM_ISDST_INITVAL. This bug is introduced at packing struct
+ vtm (r45155).
+ [ruby-core:67345] [Bug #10698] Reported by Boris Ruf.
+Tue Jan 6 03:10:54 2015 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/fiddle/test_handle.rb: fix syntax.
+Tue Jan 6 00:16:10 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/fiddle/test_handle.rb (test_NEXT): use -test-/dln/empty
+ which is always a shared object and is not used by others.
+ [ruby-dev:48629] [Bug #10384]
+Mon Jan 5 14:58:01 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb: added timeout for AIX environment.
+ [ruby-core:62983][Bug #9917]
+Sun Jan 4 22:33:33 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/lib/test/unit.rb (ExcludesOption): add "excludes" support
+ to test suite, for alternative implementations and platforms.
+ [Feature #10682]
+Sun Jan 4 22:32:42 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit): reorder modules and merge
+ each modules.
+ * test/lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit): split the large class into
+ each modules.
+Sun Jan 4 21:32:52 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (f_label): return tLABEL value as it is.
+ [ruby-core:67315] [Bug #10693]
+Sun Jan 4 14:02:37 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/lib/test/unit/parallel.rb (run): expand the file name to be
+ loaded, so that relative paths work in parallel mode.
+Sun Jan 4 13:36:56 2015 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * test/test_tempfile.rb: use assert_file for more descriptive message.
+ following r49131.
+Sun Jan 4 13:05:09 2015 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * string.c: improve docs for String#<=>. [ruby-core:65399][Feature #10322]
+ Patch by gogo tanaka.
+Sun Jan 4 12:42:24 2015 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * array.c: improve docs for Array#reject. [ruby-core:65324][misc #10307]
+ Patched by Nebu Pookins.
+Sun Jan 4 12:24:11 2015 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * string.c: improve docs for String#strip and variations.
+ [ruby-core:66081][Bug #10476]
+Sun Jan 4 09:21:04 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb: removed unused argument. Patch by @vipulnsward
+ [fix GH-515]
+Sun Jan 4 09:18:31 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb: provide default basename parameter.
+ [fix GH-523] Patch by @dissolved
+ * test/test_tempfile.rb: ditto.
+Sun Jan 4 00:43:41 2015 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * add guidance of mailing list and bugs.r-l.o.
+Sat Jan 3 23:56:28 2015 Ayumu AIZAWA <>
+ * hash.c: fix docs for Hash#invert. [ruby-core:66917] [Bug #10612]
+Sat Jan 3 19:52:12 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_str_new_literal): define on all
+ platforms, not only gcc.
+Sat Jan 3 18:53:28 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/fiddle/lib/fiddle/cparser.rb (parse_ctype): limit split word
+ number as the rest are not used.
+Sat Jan 3 18:19:50 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/fiddle/lib/fiddle/cparser.rb: r49110 broke Fiddle::Import with
+ type_alias.
+ * test/fiddle/test_cparser.rb: added type_alias test for parse_ctype
+ and parse_struct_signature.
+Sat Jan 3 11:50:16 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.h: avoid to build failure of Windows environment.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl_session.c: ditto.
+Sat Jan 3 11:27:46 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * array.c: Improve performance of Array#shift. use shared instead of
+ MEMMOVE if with arguments. Patch by @ksss [fix GH-537]
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb: ditto.
+ * benchmark/bm_array_shift.rb: Added benchmark of GH-537 issue.
+Sat Jan 3 10:38:52 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: More descriptive error message when net/http fails
+ to connect to a server. Patch by @xaviershay [fix GH-700]
+ * test/net/http/test_http.rb: ditto.
+Sat Jan 3 10:14:51 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.h: Make `SSL_SESSION_cmp` use `CRYPTO_memcmp`
+ [fix GH-591] Patch by @PiPeep
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl_session.c: ditto.
+Sat Jan 3 09:54:32 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/fiddle/lib/fiddle/cparser.rb: Support for Fiddle::CParser
+ to handle rich signatures including parameter names and function
+ pointer types. Patch by @theryan [fix GH-590]
+ * test/fiddle/test_cparser.rb: ditto.
+Sat Jan 3 09:01:43 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * NEWS: added compatibility entry of r49101.
+Fri Jan 2 21:06:59 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTP#send_request): there is no response body
+ with HEAD request. Patch by @rodrigosaito [fix GH-520]
+Fri Jan 2 21:04:36 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/net/http/test_http.rb (_test_send_request__HEAD): Added
+ failing test for send_request with HEAD method.
+Fri Jan 2 18:41:20 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_init): Print ruby_setup() error only in debug mode.
+ Unsuppressable error message is not a good idea.
+ Note that the message is printed sometimes with following
+ code (highly timing dependent, though):
+ pid = spawn("ruby -e ''"); Process.kill(:TERM, pid)
+Fri Jan 2 16:18:44 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb: Refactor invalid testcase.
+ [fix GH-472][ruby-core:59035][Bug #9240]
+Fri Jan 2 15:53:00 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/webrick/utils.rb: removed unused argument variable.
+ [fix GH-356] Patch by @vipulnsward
+ * lib/webrick/server.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/webrick/ssl.rb: ditto.
+ * test/webrick/test_utils.rb: added test for WEBrick::Utils#create_listeners.
+Fri Jan 2 15:35:53 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/securerandom.rb: improve syntax and grammar of documentation.
+ [fix GH-796][ci skip] Patch by @Erol
+Fri Jan 2 15:10:01 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl_session.rb (OpenSSL#test_ctx_client_session_cb):
+ fix test failure with OpenSSL disabled SSLv3 protocol.
+ [ruby-core:63772] [Bug #10046]
+Fri Jan 2 09:08:31 2015 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::DNS::Label::Str#==): Check class equality.
+ (Resolv::DNS::Name#initialize): Normalize labels as
+ Resolv::DNS::Label::Str objects.
+Thu Jan 1 21:41:49 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * doc/regexp.rdoc: fix regexp docs for whitespace character.
+ [ruby-dev:48765] [Bug #10624]
+Thu Jan 1 17:50:52 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb: try locale encoding name.
+ [ruby-core:67109] [Bug #10643]
+Thu Jan 1 11:07:12 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * symbol.c (rb_gc_free_dsymbol): delete from global fstr hash
+ * test/ruby/test_symbol.rb (test_symbol_fstr_leak): test for bug
+ [ruby-core:67268] [Bug #10686]
+Thu Jan 1 09:14:21 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_args.c (keyword_hash_p): fix non-symbol keys hash.
+ rb_extract_keywords() returns 0 not Qnil when no symbol keys is
+ included. [ruby-core:67264] [Bug #10685]
+Wed Dec 31 17:48:43 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::DNS::Label::Str#initialize): Set encoding
+ ASCII-8BIT before downcase. case insensitivity of DNS labels doesn't
+ apply non-ASCII characters. [RFC 4343]
+Wed Dec 31 16:48:44 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (gettable_gen): disable warnings of possible reference
+ to a local variable defined in a past scope.
+ [ruby-core:67162] [Bug #10661]
+Wed Dec 31 13:43:48 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::DNS::Name#==): Compare an array of Label:Str
+ objects. Label#Str#== is case-insensitive.
+Tue Dec 30 16:16:12 2014 Ben Miller <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::DNS::Name#==): DNS is case-insensitive, so the
+ comparison should be case-insensitive as well.
+ [ruby-core:66498] [Bug #10550]
+Tue Dec 30 16:03:45 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::DNS::Name): names with different dots
+ should be different.
+Tue Dec 30 13:16:56 2014 Martin Duerst <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb: Initialize HTML5ASCIIINCOMPAT to empty Array
+ to avoid error during bootstrap when encodings are not yet defined.
+ [Bug #10678]
+Tue Dec 30 09:29:26 2014 Bernhard M. Wiedemann <>
+ * ext/dbm/dbm.c (Init_dbm): [DOC] as UNIX permissions are octal
+ numbers, needs to be prefixed by 0. [Fix GH-800]
+Tue Dec 30 08:57:39 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/unicode_normalize.rb: typo fix. [ci skip]
+ [ruby-dev:48794][misc #10675]
+Mon Dec 29 19:38:01 2014 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version.h (RUBY_VERSION): 2.3.0 development has started.
+Mon Dec 29 18:58:46 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * re.c (unescape_nonascii): append escape sequence as-is not
+ unescaped character, to get rid of unexpected meta-character.
+ [ruby-core:67193] [Bug #10670]
+Mon Dec 29 14:27:33 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * doc/syntax/literals.rdoc (Symbols): now Symbols created by
+ interpolation can be garbage collected. patch by Yihang Ho in
+ [ruby-core:67194]. [Bug #10671]
+Mon Dec 29 11:18:17 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_variable_get): fix dynamic symbol keys.
+ rb_check_id() returns non-zero only for static symbols, whereas
+ thread local variable keys can be dynamic symbols.
+ [ruby-core:67185] [Bug #10667]
+Mon Dec 29 10:37:27 2014 Thiago Lewin <>
+ * io.c (rb_f_select): [DOC] workaround for YARD doc. [Fix GH-799]
+ * process.c (proc_detach): [DOC] fix missing closing parenthesis.
+ [Fix GH-799]
+Mon Dec 29 07:27:23 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/json, test/json: merge JSON HEAD(17fe8e7)
+Sun Dec 28 23:49:37 2014 Michal Papis <>
+ * rbinstall.rb: fix target location for installing bundled gems.
+ install to the prepared directory instead of default Gem.dir,
+ not to be affected GEM_HOME environment variable. [Fix GH-798]
+Sun Dec 28 18:19:28 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * test/-ext-/iseq_load/test_iseq_load.rb
+ (test_next_in_block_in_block): test using ISeq#eval
+ (test_break_ensure): ditto
+ [ruby-core:66988]
+Sun Dec 28 16:25:12 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * cygwin/ (EXTOBJS): override to add resource files
+ always. [ruby-core:67153] [Bug #10657]
+Sun Dec 28 13:54:26 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (f_kwrest, new_args_tail_gen): unnamed rest keyword and
+ keywords bits arguments should be unique. since internal IDs
+ depend on the local variable index in the current scope, new ID
+ should be made before popping those vtables.
+ [ruby-core:67157] [Bug #10659]
+Sat Dec 27 20:12:55 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/json/generator/generator.c (JSON_Generator_State_type): add
+ #ifdef for backward compatibility.
+ * ext/json/parser/parser.rl (JSON_Parser_type): ditto.
+ * ext/json/generator/generator.h (ZALLOC): add fallback definition.
+ * ext/json/parser/parser.h (ZALLOC): ditto.
+Sat Dec 27 16:54:05 2014 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * process.c: Unused code removed.
+ It seems waitpid() is universally available on POSIX platforms.
+Sat Dec 27 15:08:27 2014 Eric Wong <>
+ * vm_core.h (rb_vm_living_threads_insert): preserve order
+ [Bug #10660] [ruby-core:67154] [ruby-core:67159]
+Sat Dec 27 13:08:20 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c: improved document for YARD doc.
+ [fix GH-795][ci skip] Patch by @tlewin
+Sat Dec 27 10:11:21 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/plotchart.rb: fix to invoke correct function
+ of tcllib. Patch by @zalt50 [fix GH-787]
+Sat Dec 27 10:03:41 2014 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * tool/make-snapshot: show sha1 digest when making packages.
+ it's request from
+ [fix GH-794]
+Fri Dec 26 15:32:16 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c (ip_invoke_core): remove probably duplicate
+ dead code.
+Fri Dec 26 15:28:27 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/tk/tcltklib.c (ip_ruby_cmd_receiver_const_get): simply use
+ rb_path2class() to get a class/module from its name.
+Fri Dec 26 15:20:54 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * marshal.c (w_long): append at once by w_nbyte() instead of
+ appending byte by byte.
+Fri Dec 26 15:13:13 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/json/parser/parser.rl (unescape_unicode): check if valid
+ before bit-or assignments.
+ reported by Denis Denisov <denji0k AT>.
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c (nkf_iconv_t): fix a missing semicolon.
+ reported by Denis Denisov <denji0k AT>.
+ * process.c (rb_spawn_process): get rid of usage of uninitialized
+ variable.
+ reported by Denis Denisov <denji0k AT>.
+ * regexec.c (match_at): ditto.
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_wc2mb_alloc, ole_vstr2wc, ole_mb2wc):
+ ditto.
+ * dir.c (ruby_glob0): no need to check never-NULL pointer.
+ reported by Denis Denisov <denji0k AT>.
+ * win32/file.c (rb_file_expand_path_internal): ditto.
+ * win32/file.c (code_page_i): handle realloc failure.
+ reported by Denis Denisov <denji0k AT>.
+ * win32/stub.c (stub_sysinit): ditto.
+ * fix printf format conversion specifiers.
+ reported by Denis Denisov <denji0k AT>.
+Fri Dec 26 01:41:40 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb: skip installing bundle gems if zlib is unavailable.
+ [Bug #10647] [ruby-dev:48787]
+Fri Dec 26 01:24:42 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * tool/downloader.rb: support old versions of ruby.
+ * tool/downloader.rb: now can download gems by http if openssl is not
+ available (this may be danger!)
+Fri Dec 26 00:13:48 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_extlibs.rb: check existence of extension libraries
+ which not depend on outer libraries. (experimental)
+Thu Dec 25 21:58:15 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/fiddle/extconf.rb: make PIC objects if it will be linked as
+ a shared object eventually. [ruby-core:67128]
+Thu Dec 25 19:01:13 2014 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/fiddle/win32/libffi-3.2.1-mswin.patch: support mswin32.
+Thu Dec 25 17:30:40 2014 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * gc.c (wmap_final_func): fix memory size shortage when realloc wmap.
+ Fix SEGV during finalize of WeakRef on Solaris (though the SEGV
+ could occur on all OS/platforms). [ruby-dev:48779] [Bug #10646]
+Thu Dec 25 17:27:06 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (NET_LUID): include winsock2.h instead of windows.h.
+ patch by Jon Forums in [ruby-core:67125]. [Bug #10640]
+Thu Dec 25 16:14:10 2014 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/io/console/console.c (console_dev): send the given arguments
+ to the opened console. as a special case, do nothing if :close
+ is given.
+ * test/lib/leakchecker.rb (LeakChecker#check_fd_leak): close if
+ console.
+For the changes before 2.2.0, see doc/ChangeLog-2.2.0
+For the changes before 2.1.0, see doc/ChangeLog-2.1.0
+For the changes before 2.0.0, see doc/ChangeLog-2.0.0
+For the changes before 1.9.3, see doc/ChangeLog-1.9.3
+For the changes before 1.8.0, see doc/ChangeLog-1.8.0
+Local variables:
+coding: us-ascii
+add-log-time-format: (lambda ()
+ (let* ((time (current-time))
+ (system-time-locale "C")
+ (diff (+ (cadr time) 32400))
+ (lo (% diff 65536))
+ (hi (+ (car time) (/ diff 65536))))
+ (format-time-string "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y" (list hi lo) t)))
+indent-tabs-mode: t
+tab-width: 8
+change-log-indent-text: 2
+vim: tabstop=8 shiftwidth=2
diff --git a/doc/ChangeLog/ChangeLog-2.4.0 b/doc/ChangeLog/ChangeLog-2.4.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a297a579d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/ChangeLog/ChangeLog-2.4.0
@@ -0,0 +1,9492 @@
+Mon Nov 7 00:32:45 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/ruby/test_optimization.rb (test_tailcall_interrupted_by_sigint):
+ ignore on Windows because we cannot handle signaled status of child
+ ruby process on this platform.
+Sun Nov 6 23:36:07 2016 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * test/ruby/test_optimization.rb (test_tailcall_interrupted_by_sigint):
+ send SIGKILL if the child process doesn't die within 1 second.
+Sun Nov 6 21:54:28 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/vcs.rb (export_changelog): generate ChangeLog file from
+ vcs's log. [Feature #12283]
+ * tool/make-snapshot (package): overwrite ChangeLog by generated
+ ChangeLog.
+Sun Nov 6 21:36:33 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * NEWS: Added entry for RDoc 5.
+Sun Nov 6 21:35:37 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * NEWS: ordered entries and adjust styles.
+Sun Nov 6 18:23:31 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * NEWS: Added entry for [Feature #12160][ruby-core:74239]
+Sun Nov 6 18:18:25 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * NEWS: Added entry for r56624.
+Sun Nov 6 15:53:03 2016 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * (-Wno-maybe-uninitialized): gcc 6 also shows the same
+ warnings as described in r49410.
+Sun Nov 6 14:42:50 2016 takkanm <>
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_include, rb_mod_prepend): check if arguments are
+ given, as well as Kernel#extend. [ruby-dev:49854] [Bug #12887]
+ [Fix GH-1470]
+Sun Nov 6 11:59:05 2016 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * test/rinda/test_rinda.rb (test_make_socket_ipv6_multicast,
+ test_make_socket_ipv6_multicast_hops): skip if IPv6 multicast
+ address is not available.
+Sun Nov 6 11:53:23 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/irb.rb (Binding#irb): new method like Binding#pry.
+Sun Nov 6 11:48:55 2016 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * test/net/smtp/test_smtp.rb (test_tls_connect, test_tls_connect):
+ use Socket.tcp_server_sockets in case localhost is resolved to ::1.
+Sun Nov 6 11:49:47 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/irb.rb (IRB::Irb#run): split from IRB.start.
+Sun Nov 6 11:45:11 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/e2mmap.rb (E2MM.def_exception): remove old definition if
+ exists so that works multiple times.
+Sun Nov 6 10:03:00 2016 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * test/ruby/test_optimization.rb (test_tailcall_interrupted_by_sigint):
+ don't use sleep to run faster.
+Sun Nov 6 09:58:47 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (rb_exec_fillarg): honor the given path environment
+ variable. [ruby-core:53103] [Bug #8004]
+Sun Nov 6 01:52:31 2016 Akira Matsuda <>
+ * lib/erb.rb: Alias regist_scanner to register_scanner
+Sun Nov 6 01:39:36 2016 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * compile.c (tailcallable_p): disable tail call optimization for
+ toplevel, eval, and load to avoid SEGV when interrupted by SIGINT.
+ [ruby-core:76327] [Bug #12576]
+Sun Nov 6 01:28:41 2016 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.h: rename REG_(CFP|PC|SP|EP) to VM_REG_....
+ [Bug #12527]
+ * vm_exec.c: ditto.
+Sun Nov 6 00:25:11 2016 Sho Hashimoto <>
+ * enumerator.c (InitVM_Enumerator): Enumerator::Lazy#chunk_while
+ defined. [Fix GH-1186]
+Sun Nov 6 00:22:51 2016 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * vm_eval.c (vm_call0_cfunc_with_frame): pass method id to
+ dtrace hook. follow up r56592.
+Sun Nov 6 00:06:38 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::LOC::Coord.create): fixed.
+ [ruby-core:72567] [Bug #11912] fixed by Eric Wong and Kazuhiro
+Sun Nov 6 00:03:09 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (-Wimplicit-fallthrough): gcc7 introduces case
+ fall through warnings but it is too noisy.
+Sat Nov 5 23:58:32 2016 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_int_round): cast to SIGNED_VALUE to suppress
+ warnings by -Wsign-compare.
+Sat Nov 5 23:48:27 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * file.c (rb_home_dir_of): convert given username into filesystem
+ encoding. [ruby-core:76682] [Bug #12652]
+ patched by Davis Mosans
+Sat Nov 5 23:46:03 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * time.c (vtm_add_offset): Fix yday on last day of year.
+ [ruby-core:72878] [Bug #11994] Fixed by Andrew White.
+Sat Nov 5 23:30:41 2016 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb ( new convenience method to send
+ a POST request. [ruby-core:75484] [Feature #12375]
+Sat Nov 5 23:03:54 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (transport_request): other than HTTPContinue
+ in 1xx (HTTPInformation) also needs to continue. [Bug #12890]
+Sat Nov 5 22:51:06 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/time.rb (make_time): "now" argument as nil works again.
+ This is broken since Ruby 2.2.
+ Mathieu Jobin pointed a problem.
+Sat Nov 5 22:50:13 2016 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/ipaddr.rb (IPAddr#==): If coercion fails, return false
+ instead of passing through the exception. [ruby-core:77451]
+ [Bug #12799]
+ * lib/ipaddr.rb (IPAddr#<=>): If coercion fails, return nil
+ instead of passing through the exception. [ruby-core:77451]
+ [Bug #12799]
+Sat Nov 5 22:11:33 2016 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * vm_trace.c (tracepoint_attr_callee_id, rb_tracearg_callee_id):
+ add TracePoint#callee_id. [ruby-core:77241] [Feature #12747]
+ * cont.c, eval.c, gc.c, include/ruby/intern.h, insns.def, thread.c,
+ vm.c, vm_backtrace.c, vm_core.h, vm_eval.c, vm_insnhelper.c, vm_trace.c: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: tests for above.
+Sat Nov 5 22:09:48 2016 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * eval.c, method.h, proc.c, vm.c, vm_eval.c, vm_insnhelper.c, vm_method.c:
+ TracePoint#method_id should return method_id, not callee_id.
+ [ruby-core:77241] [Feature #12747]
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: change accordingly.
+Sat Nov 5 18:49:37 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_round, int_round): support round-to-nearest-even
+ semantics of IEEE 754 to match sprintf behavior, and add `half:`
+ optional keyword argument for the old behavior.
+ [ruby-core:76273] [Bug #12548]
+Sat Nov 5 18:17:54 2016 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/set.rb (Set#compare_by_identity, Set#compare_by_identity?):
+ New methods. [Feature #12210]
+Sat Nov 5 18:17:08 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rdoc/*, test/rdoc/*: Update rdoc-5.0.0
+ Release note:
+Sat Nov 5 17:29:06 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::DNS#extract_resources): Use each_resource
+ instead of each_answer.
+ [ruby-core:75461] [Bug #12372] reported by Rafael Fernandez Lopez.
+Sat Nov 5 17:18:24 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/-test-/file/fs.c (get_atime_p): Updating of file access times
+ is enabled or not.
+Sat Nov 5 16:28:07 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (extract_getline_opts): extract chomp option.
+ [Feature #12553]
+Sat Nov 5 15:58:24 2016 Sho Hashimoto <>
+ * tool/mkconfig.rb: [DOC] add rbconfig documentation.
+Sat Nov 5 15:42:52 2016 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb (tlsconnect): support timeout for TLS handshake.
+ [ruby-core:76893] [Bug #12678]
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb (ssl_socket_connect): new method to implement
+ timeout for TLS handshake.
+ * lib/net/http.rb (connect): use Net::Protocol#ssl_socket_connect.
+Sat Nov 5 14:17:20 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (brace_body, do_body): since cmdarg_stack is saved in
+ VALUE val, should restore from the same member. on big-endian
+ platforms where VALUE is larger than int, it restored 0 in the
+ upper word. [ruby-core:77920] [Bug #12900]
+Sat Nov 5 13:52:52 2016 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * lib/shellwords.rb (Shellwords#shellsplit): Fix the handling of
+ the backslash in double quotes to conform to the standard.
+ [ruby-core:63807] [Bug #10055]
+Sat Nov 5 12:14:31 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (Pathname#empty?): New method.
+ [ruby-core:76404] [Feature #12596] Proposed by John Backus.
+Sat Nov 5 11:53:02 2016 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb (test_refine_alias_in_subclass):
+ add a test to check that alias in subclasses can be refined.
+ [ruby-core:69374] [Bug #11186]
+Sat Nov 5 11:20:57 2016 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * cont.c (cont_new): disable optimization if clang's version is
+ 3.8.0. [ruby-core:77894] [Bug #12893]
+Sat Nov 5 10:07:18 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_file.rb (TestFile#test_stat): fix noatime case.
+ [ruby-core:77943] [Bug #12903]
+Fri Nov 4 17:52:44 2016 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (heap_page_resurrect): do not return tomb_pages when
+ page->freelist == NULL.
+ [Bug #12670]
+Fri Nov 4 16:31:45 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * util.c (ruby_dtoa): round to even, instead of rounding to
+ nearest. [ruby-core:77864] [Bug #12889]
+Fri Nov 4 15:31:00 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * Add compiler version message into rbconfig
+ as RbConfig::CONFIG['CC_VERSION_MESSAGE']. [Feature #12896]
+Fri Nov 4 13:03:00 2016 Kenta Murata <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_int_digits): Fix exception message
+ [ruby-core:77502] [Bug #12815]
+Fri Nov 4 10:51:16 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/pathname/pathname.c (path_hash): fix unnormalized Fixnum
+ value bug on mingw/mswin.
+Fri Nov 4 10:35:47 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils::Entry_#copy): ensure that the
+ source entry exists first, to fix error for non-existent entry.
+ [ruby-core:77885] [Bug #12892]
+Thu Nov 3 21:45:00 2016 Kenta Murata <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c: Import changes from ruby/bigdecimal
+ repository.
+Thu Nov 3 15:01:29 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c: include sys/sysmacros.h for ArchLinux which deprecated
+ use of major() and minor() in sys/types.h.
+Wed Nov 2 08:45:49 2016 Dmitry Gritsay <>
+ * doc/extension.rdoc: set ANYARGS as arguments for func1 and func2.
+ * doc/extension.rdoc: mention the exception object which is passed
+ to func2 as the second argument. [Fix GH-1471]
+Wed Nov 2 07:34:27 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_num_coerce_bit): enable bit operations with
+ coercing by non-integer object. [ruby-core:77783] [Bug #12875]
+Tue Nov 1 01:31:09 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (ac_cv_func_round): round(3) in x86_64-w64-mingw32
+ is not accurate in an edge case. [ruby-core:77794] [Bug #12878]
+Mon Oct 31 17:36:04 2016 Code Ahss <>
+ * test/test_forwardable.rb (TestForwardable#test_on_private_method):
+ add test for [Bug #12782] [Bug #12840]
+Mon Oct 31 11:08:51 2016 Samuel Williams <>
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (URI::Generic#merge): merge merge0.
+ [GH-1469]
+Sun Oct 30 15:32:43 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rubygems.rb, lib/rubygems/*, test/rubygems/*: Update
+ rubygems to 2.6.8.
+ Release note of 2.6.8:
+Sun Oct 30 06:39:37 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/windows_1254.c: Fix typo. Reported by k-takata at
+ Thanks!
+Sat Oct 29 19:59:37 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (cond0): !-operator is a method call, no warning for
+ literal in condition. [ruby-core:77801] [Bug #12881]
+Sat Oct 29 10:09:38 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): turn flip-flop in a not-operator
+ into a boolean value. fix up r56315
+Sat Oct 29 09:39:14 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (vm_call0_body): follow the original class, not to
+ loop the prepended module. [ruby-core:77784] [Bug #12876]
+Sat Oct 29 00:14:30 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/trans/windows-1255-tbl.rb: update mapping from 0xCA to
+ U+05BA. [Feature #12877]
+Fri Oct 28 23:22:32 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/depend: extract transcode_tblgen method calls for libraries
+ loaded by dynamically generated names, in single_byte.trans.
+Fri Oct 28 16:05:03 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * insns.def (opt_case_dispatch): extract float value only if the
+ Float method is not redefined.
+Fri Oct 28 15:58:16 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * internal.h (RB_OBJ_BUILTIN_TYPE): special-const safe
+Fri Oct 28 15:20:18 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * complex.c (id_finite_p, id_infinite_p, id_rationalize, id_PI):
+ initialize static IDs.
+ * complex.c (FINITE_TYPE_P): extract predicate.
+ * complex.c (rb_complex_finite_p, rb_complex_infinite_p): use
+ dedicated predicates instead of switch by TYPE.
+Thu Oct 27 23:28:12 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_integer_type_p): turn into macro to help
+ clang based on old gcc to eliminate CSE.
+Thu Oct 27 16:33:47 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * tool/redmine-backporter.rb (rel): check the exception and show right
+ message.
+Thu Oct 27 14:57:33 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/socket/lib/socket.rb (UDPSocket#recvfrom_nonblock): [DOC] Remove
+ a false statement "If _maxlen_ is omitted, its default value is
+ 65536." maxlen, the first parameter, cannot be omitted as the method
+ signature indicates. This hasn't changed ever since it was first
+ implemented.
+Thu Oct 27 09:42:09 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (rb_convert_to_integer): convert a fixable float to a
+ fixnum directly without the conversion method, as well as bignum
+ case.
+ * object.c (rb_convert_to_integer): should not drop the converted
+ string.
+Wed Oct 26 17:09:59 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_intern): use prefixed version macro
+Wed Oct 26 11:28:25 2016 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * NEWS: added several entries which (if I remember correctly) are
+ added in a year.
+Tue Oct 25 12:54:07 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (mnew_internal): follow the original class, not to loop
+ the prepended module. [ruby-core:77591] [Bug #12832]
+Mon Oct 24 10:52:17 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::Parallel#deal): update the
+ job status after a task finished, to show idling workers.
+Mon Oct 24 10:51:09 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * complex.c (Init_Complex): undefine methods inherited from
+ Comparable, because Complex does not have <=> method.
+ [Bug #12866]
+ * class.c (rb_undef_methods_from): undefine methods defined in
+ super from klass.
+Mon Oct 24 10:19:44 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * complex.c (Init_Complex): undefine Complex#clamp, which does not
+ work like other Comparable methods, because Complex does not
+ have <=> method. patched by Tim Peters <zomg.tim AT>
+ in [ruby-core:77720]. [Bug #12866]
+Sun Oct 23 11:41:41 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h: include "ruby/ruby.h" explicitly for
+ enum ruby_fl_type and VALUE.
+Sat Oct 22 23:33:55 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (reg_compile_gen): always append error message to the
+ error buffer.
+Sat Oct 22 22:33:32 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (num_funcall1): check recursion by inverse pair, to
+ fix fake infinite recursion. [ruby-core:77713] [Bug #12864]
+Sat Oct 22 18:52:32 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_compact_bang): should return nil if no elements
+ is deleted. [ruby-core:77709] [Bug #12863]
+Sat Oct 22 10:28:28 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (DLDFLAGS): fallback to LDFLAGS.
+ [ruby-core:72444] [Bug #11863]
+ the option to be appended/prepended when matching, as well as
+Sat Oct 22 09:52:57 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (setup_args): duplicate splatting array if more
+ arguments present to obey left-to-right execution order.
+ [ruby-core:77701] [Bug# 12860]
+Fri Oct 21 16:44:44 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (do_opendir): retry after GC when the limit for open file
+ descriptors reached.
+Fri Oct 21 16:06:25 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (open_load_file): retry after GC when the limit for open
+ file descriptors reached.
+Fri Oct 21 11:34:17 2016 Pascal Schmid <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_sub, rb_str_gsub): [DOC] 'backlash' should read
+ 'backslash'. [Fix GH-1461]
+Thu Oct 20 17:02:56 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb: added documentation for deprecated method.
+ [Misc #11960][ruby-core:72733][ci skip]
+Thu Oct 20 16:57:23 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/digest/digest.c: Add documentation for Digest.
+ [Feature #10452][ruby-core:66001][ci skip]
+ * remove HMAC from list of digest algorithms,
+ * add MD5 in list of digest algorithms,
+ * add information about writing a C digest implementation using Digest::Base,
+ * add documentation for Digest::Base public methods.
+ * ext/digest/md5/md5init.c: add examples for MD5.
+ * ext/digest/rmd160/rmd160init.c: add examples for Digest::RMD160.
+ * ext/digest/sha1/sha1init.c: add examples for Digest::SHA1.
+Thu Oct 20 16:19:51 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb: Improved documentation grammar for
+ open-uri#open option. [Misc #11329][ruby-core:69868][ci skip]
+Wed Oct 19 21:48:40 2016 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * NEWS: mention refinements with Kernel#send and
+ BasicObject#__send__. [Feature #11476]
+Wed Oct 19 17:02:15 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_call_opt_send): enable refinements with
+ Kernel#send and BasicObject#__send__. [Feature #11476]
+Wed Oct 19 14:22:49 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * basictest/runner.rb: do not clobber the option by --run-opt with
+ RUBYOPT. reported by Allen Hewes <rallenh AT>.
+Wed Oct 19 00:09:06 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * addr2line.c (parse_debug_line_cu): boundary checks for
+ compressed debug sections. [ruby-dev:49840] [Bug #12850]
+Tue Oct 18 16:36:40 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (DLDFLAGS): append --compress-debug-sections=zlib
+ if available, which reduces the size of LIBRUBY_SO by half or
+ more.
+Mon Oct 17 16:20:37 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/configure.bat: add option to enable/disable to install
+ static ruby library. defaulted to "no". [Feature #12845]
+ * (install-static-library): add option to enable/
+ disable to install static ruby library. defaulted to "no" if
+ enable-shared. [Feature #12845]
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb (local-arch-lib): respect the option.
+Sun Oct 16 15:09:06 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/windows_1254.c, test/ruby/enc/test_case_comprehensive.rb:
+ Implement non-ASCII case conversion for Windows-1254.
+Sat Oct 15 14:17:05 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_args.c (refine_sym_proc_call): search and call method with
+ refinements.
+ * vm_args.c (vm_caller_setup_arg_block): enable refinements when
+ enabled in the caller. [Feature #9451]
+Sat Oct 15 00:54:01 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (proc_exec_cmd): use UTF-8 version aspawn.
+ [ruby-dev:49838] [Bug #12841]
+Fri Oct 14 22:26:10 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse/kwargs.rb (OptionParser#define_by_keywords):
+ [EXPERIMENTAL] extract command line option definitions from the
+ information of keyword arguments.
+Fri Oct 14 18:27:18 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * object.c: Improve documentation for Float conversion.
+ [ruby-core:71661][Bug #11736][ci skip]
+Fri Oct 14 18:00:20 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/logger.rb: Improve option documentation.
+ [Feature #12803][ruby-core:77467]
+Fri Oct 14 17:20:24 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (make_switch, parse_in_order): unify underscores
+ to hyphens.
+Fri Oct 14 10:48:37 2016 Eric Wong <>
+ * lib/webrick/utils.rb (TimeoutHandler): use monotonic clock
+ (watch): ditto
+Thu Oct 13 19:41:32 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (copy_stream_body): use IO to write to copy to duplex IO.
+Thu Oct 13 17:05:57 2016 Dwain Faithfull <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_compact, rb_hash_compact_bang): Removes nil
+ values from the original hash, to port Active Support behavior.
+ [Feature #11818]
+Thu Oct 13 11:35:33 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_sort_bang, rb_ary_sort, rb_ary_sort_by_bang):
+ [DOC] describe that sort may not be stable.
+ * enum.c (enum_sort, enum_sort_by): ditto.
+Thu Oct 13 11:31:40 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/rexml/xpath/test_text.rb (test_ancestors): Array#sort may
+ not be stable. [ruby-core:76088] [Bug #12509]
+ * test/rss/test_maker_{0.9,1.0,2.0}.rb (test_items): ditto.
+Thu Oct 13 10:37:31 2016 Eric Wong <>
+ * doc/extension.rdoc: wording fix
+Thu Oct 13 00:39:08 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb (test_sort_bang_with_freeze): make a
+ clone to copy a <=> singleton method, instead of dup. which
+ element will be called is not predictable.
+ [ruby-core:76088] [Bug #12509]
+Thu Oct 13 00:21:27 2016 Simon Soriano <>
+ * doc/extension.rdoc: Replace "You can defined hooked variables"
+ with "You can define hooked variables". [Fix GH-1460]
+Wed Oct 12 21:05:50 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ruby.c (open_load_file): revert r56385. it introduced incompatibility
+ about `DATA.binmode?`.
+Wed Oct 12 15:24:53 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * tool/downloader.rb: Removed verification of gem certification.
+ Because signed gem is not working on rubygems ecosystem.
+ * tool/gem-unpack.rb: ditto.
+Tue Oct 11 22:08:24 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (prep_io): fix typo of struct member name.
+ [ruby-core:77550] [Bug #12829]
+Tue Oct 11 16:45:24 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (URI.find_proxy): Add an optional argument, env.
+Tue Oct 11 16:38:32 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/pp.rb (String#pretty_print): Defined to print a string as
+ multiple lines.
+ [ruby-core:76800] [Feature#12664] proposed by Petr Chalupa.
+Mon Oct 10 15:22:27 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (open_load_file): bind the open fd to an IO instance
+ before waiting FIFO, not to leak the fd if interrupted.
+Mon Oct 10 12:40:54 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (open_load_file): compare with EXEEXT instead of hard
+ coded name, and do not match with mere EXEEXT.
+ * ruby.c (open_load_file): open in binary mode if available, as
+ parser deals with EOLs.
+ * io.c (prep_io): reduce isatty call (and its system call) on
+ Cygwin.
+Sun Oct 9 23:05:53 2016 Prathamesh Sonpatki <>
+ * array.c, class.c: Fixed documentation where Fixnum was referred
+ directly to use Integer, as Fixnum and Bignum are now unified
+ into Integer and direct usage is deprecated. [Fix GH-1459]
+Sun Oct 9 11:37:19 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_core.h (VM_ASSERT): stringify expr here before expansion in
+Sat Oct 8 10:54:22 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/-test-/memory_status/memory_status.c (read_status): use
+ Win32 GetProcessMemoryInfo API.
+ * ext/-test-/memory_status/memory_status.c: get memory sizes by
+ mach task_info system call.
+Sat Oct 8 09:06:55 2016 Aurelien Jacobs <>
+ * lib/logger.rb (Logger::Period#next_rotate_time): fix monthly log
+ rotate when DST is applied during a month of 31 days.
+ [Fix GH-1458]
+Fri Oct 7 20:21:39 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_prof_setup_new_record): fix the condition to get
+ rusage.
+ * gc.c (gc_profile_dump_major_reason): remove undefined flags.
+Fri Oct 7 19:18:33 2016 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/*.c, ext/win32ole/win32ole.h: use RB_INT2FIX instead of
+ INT2FIX, and so on.
+Fri Oct 7 14:18:40 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * basictest/test.rb: Adjust spaces in class declarations
+ with inheritance. [fix GH-1227] Patch by @adrfer
+ * lib/irb/*: ditto.
+ * lib/prime.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/shell/builtin-command.rb: ditto.
+ * object.c: ditto.
+ * sample/*.rb: ditto.
+ * test/-ext-/method/test_arity.rb: ditto.
+Thu Oct 6 17:29:44 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * load.c (rb_require_safe): SyntaxError created by the parser just
+ has the message and needs to set up the backtrace.
+ [ruby-core:77491] [Bug #12811]
+ * load.c (rb_load_internal0): load/require is not the main
+ script.
+Thu Oct 6 13:35:15 2016 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * enum.c: [DOC] Improve doc [ci-skip]
+Thu Oct 6 11:38:14 2016 Chris Jones <>
+ * ext/readline/extconf.rb: Update error message with correct words.
+ [fix GH-1453][ci skip] Patch by @magikid
+Thu Oct 6 11:01:49 2016 Tieg Zaharia <>
+ * lib/uri/common.rb (WEB_ENCODINGS_): Update URI::WEB_ENCODINGS_
+ hash, and fix documented command to grab it. [Fix GH-1430]
+Thu Oct 6 10:37:13 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * enum.c: Add reduce/inject alias note.
+ [fix GH-1400][ci skip] Patch by @getaaron
+Thu Oct 6 10:30:27 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (update_coverage): check coverage values, and ignore
+ non-fixnum values.
+Thu Oct 6 09:19:21 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (fptr_finalize): use dedicated macro RB_INTEGER_TYPE_P.
+Wed Oct 5 18:02:44 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/net/http/response.rb: Improve document readability.
+ [fix GH-1411][ci skip] Patch by @stz-seongheon
+Wed Oct 5 15:43:32 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * node.c (dump_node): flatten statements in NODE_BLOCK.
+Wed Oct 5 14:27:36 2016 Byron Bowerman <>
+ * range.c: Add docs for max/min behavior with exclusive range.
+ [fix GH-1433][ci skip] Patch by @BM5k
+Wed Oct 5 12:57:21 2016 Richard Schneeman <>
+ * ext/socket/*.c: Add proper require for example to work.
+ [fix GH-1378][ci skip] Patch by @schneems
+Wed Oct 5 11:47:19 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * io.c: Fixed equivalent ruby code with core implementation.
+ [fix GH-1429][ci skip] Patch by @sos4nt
+Wed Oct 5 11:36:21 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb: Added missing spaces and Removed needless spaces.
+ [fix GH-1454][ci skip] Patch by @bogdanvlviv
+Wed Oct 5 03:24:55 2016 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * enum.c: Make Enumerable#chunk with no block return
+ an Enumerator [#2172]
+Wed Oct 5 01:19:45 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * internal.h (ST2FIX): new macro to convert st_index_t to Fixnum.
+ a hash value of Object might be Bignum, but it causes many troubles
+ especially the Object is used as a key of a hash. so I've gave up
+ to do so.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_hash): use above macro.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_hash): ditto.
+ * hash.c (rb_obj_hash, rb_hash_hash): ditto.
+ * numeric.c (rb_dbl_hash): ditto.
+ * proc.c (proc_hash): ditto.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_hash, match_hash): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_hash_m): ditto.
+Tue Oct 4 12:59:44 2016 Koichi ITO <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_dig): [DOC] update an example of error message
+ by Array#dig, because of Integer Unification. [Fix GH-1455]
+Tue Oct 4 09:55:12 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (BigDecimal_div2): need more room
+ for precision to round. [ruby-core:77475] [Bug #12805]
+Tue Oct 4 06:05:46 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regcomp.c (onig_print_compiled_byte_code): make the shown address
+ look relative.
+Tue Oct 4 05:53:11 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regexec.c (OPCODE_EXEC_HOOK): op is p-1 because p is already
+ incremented.
+ * regexec.c (OPCODE_EXEC_HOOK): use the exact end address.
+ * regexec.c (match_at): don't call OPCODE_EXEC_HOOK in CASE()
+ when it comes from goto fail.
+Mon Oct 3 21:24:41 2016 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * NEWS: mention Readline.quoting_detection_proc{,=}.
+Mon Oct 3 21:19:46 2016 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * lib/logger.rb: [DOC] Fix default value of shift_age.
+Mon Oct 3 17:20:05 2016 George Brocklehurst <>
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_s_set_quoting_detection_proc):
+ support rl_char_is_quoted_p. [Feature #12659]
+ * ext/readline/readline.c (readline_s_get_quoting_detection_proc):
+ ditto.
+Sun Oct 2 08:22:28 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RB_INT2FIX, RB_LONG2FIX): prefix RB to
+ global symbols to get rid of name conflicts with other headers.
+Sun Oct 2 07:51:20 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_hash_m): hash values may be negative.
+Sun Oct 2 02:04:12 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_hash_m): st_index_t is not guaranteed as the same
+ size with int, and of course also not guaranteed the value can be
+ Fixnum.
+Sun Oct 2 02:03:06 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_fix2str): detect unnormalized Fixnum value.
+Sat Oct 1 23:08:47 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/date/date_parse.c (date_zone_to_diff): it's nonsense and really
+ harm that to use unary minus operator with unsigned value.
+ get rid of test failures introduced at r56312.
+Sat Oct 1 22:17:49 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): move numeric literal range
+ optimization from fixup_nodes() in parse.y.
+Sat Oct 1 19:19:34 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (compile_flip_flop): simplify generated code.
+ * compile.c (compile_branch_condition): flip-flop can appear only
+ in conditional expressions.
+Sat Oct 1 02:02:02 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (poll_child_status): rb_w32_wait_events_blocking() sets
+ errno internally, then should not set it here.
+Fri Sep 30 19:06:21 2016 Anton Davydov <>
+ * lib/uri/http.rb: Documentation and code style improvements.
+ * test/uri/test_http.rb: Added test for coverage.
+ [fix GH-1427][ruby-core:77255][Misc #12756]
+Fri Sep 30 18:43:20 2016 Jason Yeo <>
+ * doc/syntax/control_expressions.rdoc: Add missing 'as'
+ [ci skip][fix GH-1448] Patch by @jsyeo
+Thu Sep 29 23:38:04 2016 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * lib/yaml/store.rb (YAML::Store#dump): use table argument instead
+ of @table directly.
+Thu Sep 29 22:22:22 2016 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * lib/yaml/store.rb (YAML::Store#initialize): Fix arguments.
+ [ruby-dev:49821] [Bug #12800]
+ * test/yaml/test_store.rb: Add tests from test/test_pstore.rb.
+ * test/yaml/test_store.rb (YAMLStoreTest#test_with_options): Add options test.
+ * lib/yaml/store.rb (YAML::Store#dump): Revert to to_yaml.
+ * lib/yaml/store.rb (YAML::Store#empty_marshal_data): Use to_yaml with options.
+ * lib/yaml/store.rb (YAML::Store#empty_marshal_checksum): Use CHECKSUM_ALGO.
+Thu Sep 29 19:34:23 2016 Pete Higgins <>
+ * thread_sync.c (rb_queue_pop, rb_szqueue_push, rb_szqueue_pop):
+ Document exception types, ThreadError, raised by Queue and
+ SizedQueue. [Fix GH-1451]
+Thu Sep 29 19:21:02 2016 Pete Higgins <>
+ * thread_sync.c (Init_thread_sync): Remove confusing doc comments,
+ which are picked up by rdoc unexpectedly, from Queue and
+ SizedQueue. [Fix GH-1450]
+Wed Sep 28 23:14:19 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/pstore.rb (PStore::CHECKSUM_ALGO): find available hashing
+ algorithm for checksum. MD5 is not available in FIPS mode.
+ [Feature #6943]
+Wed Sep 28 13:00:25 2016 ksss <>
+ * signal.c (sig_signame): [DOC] Add documentation in the case of
+ return nil. [Fix GH-1449]
+Wed Sep 28 10:43:27 2016 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * .travis.yml: delete comments. They were outdated.
+Wed Sep 28 09:57:48 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rubygems.rb, lib/rubygems/*, test/rubygems/*: Update
+ rubygems to 2.6.7.
+ Release note of 2.6.7:
+Wed Sep 28 00:21:00 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (rb_warning_s_warn): the argument must be an
+ ASCII-compatible string. [ruby-core:77430] [Bug #12793]
+Tue Sep 27 23:22:31 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (symbol, dsym, parser_set_number_literal): set state to
+ ENDARG, so that `do` after a literal should be `do_block` and
+ bound to the outer method. [ruby-core:72482] [Bug #11873]
+ * parse.y (parse_ident): revert r56198.
+ * parse.y (warn_balanced): the state of symbol and numeric
+ literals is now EXPR_ENDARG, do not exclude it.
+Tue Sep 27 22:59:42 2016 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * NEWS: news about Warning.warn.
+Tue Sep 27 18:10:18 2016 Jeremy Evans <>
+ * error.c: This makes all warnings raised call Warning.warn, which
+ by default does the same thing it does currently
+ (rb_write_error_str). You can override Warning.warn to change
+ the behavior. [ruby-core:75016] [Feature #12299]
+Tue Sep 27 17:35:28 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * iseq.c (iseqw_s_compile_file): deal with syntax error as well as
+ compile, and should not abort when rescued.
+Tue Sep 27 12:07:17 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/cgi/cookie.rb (parse): don't allow , as a separator. [Bug #12791]
+ * lib/webrick/cookie.rb (parse): ditto.
+Mon Sep 26 21:37:21 2016 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * man/erb.1, man/irb.1, man/ri.1, man/ruby.1: Remove Ns before
+ punctuation.
+Mon Sep 26 16:23:49 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_seek): Avoid signed integer overflow.
+ It's not harmful in practice here, but is still undefined behavior.
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_extend): Check that the new length does
+ not exceed LONG_MAX. This fixes the invalid write on the overflow.
+ * test/stringio/test_stringio.rb (test_write_integer_overflow): Add a
+ test case for the above fix in strio_extend().
+Mon Sep 26 15:43:34 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * eval_intern.h (TH_PUSH_TAG): Initialize struct rb_vm_tag::tag with
+ Qundef rather than 0 which is equal to Qfalse. Since Kernel#throw(obj)
+ searches a tag with rb_vm_tag::tag == obj, throw(false) can
+ accidentally find an unrelated tag which is not created by
+ Kernel#catch. [ruby-core:77229] [Bug #12743]
+ * test/ruby/test_exception.rb (test_throw_false): Add a test case for
+ this.
+Mon Sep 26 14:36:12 2016 Naotoshi Seo <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb: provide default basename parameter for
+ Tempfile.create. [Feature #11965] Patch by Yuki Kurihara
+ * test/test_tempfile.rb: ditto.
+Mon Sep 26 14:10:54 2016 Ary Borenszweig <>
+ * string.c (lstrip_offset): add a fast path in the case of single
+ byte optimizable strings, as well as rstrip_offset.
+ [ruby-core:77392] [Feature #12788]
+Mon Sep 26 12:00:12 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gems/bundled_gems: update to minitest-5.9.1.
+Mon Sep 26 11:50:03 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb (gem): Don't install gemspec if no files will be
+ installed for the gem. This happens when the extension library is not
+ compiled.
+Mon Sep 26 11:06:47 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * string.c (enc_strlen, rb_enc_strlen_cr): Avoid signed integer
+ overflow. The result type of a pointer subtraction may have the same
+ size as long. This fixes String#size returning an negative value on
+ i686-linux environment:
+ str = "\x00" * ((1<<31)-2))
+ str.slice!(-3, 3)
+ str.force_encoding("UTF-32BE")
+ str << 1234
+ p str.size
+Sun Sep 25 22:48:06 2016 namusyaka <>
+ * lib/erb.rb (ERB::Compiler::TrimScanner#stag): The :stag accessor
+ has already been available because it is defined in parent
+ Scanner class. [Fix GH-1445]
+Sun Sep 25 19:21:26 2016 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * node.c (dump_array): remove duplicate header of NODE_ARRAY/
+Sat Sep 24 22:26:20 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extract_makefile, extmake, configuration): store
+ extra libraries to be installed.
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb (ext-arch): install extra libraries.
+ * ext/zlib/extconf.rb: install zlib if built.
+Sat Sep 24 14:24:55 2016 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * spec/README: update URL.
+Sat Sep 24 11:28:22 2016 Koichi ITO <>
+ * fix typos, "a" before "Integer" to "an". [Fix GH-1438]
+Sat Sep 24 10:19:41 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/misc/test_ruby_mode.rb (assert_indent): since write-region
+ in Emacs 25.1 no longer displays the "Wrote file" message, shows
+ the explicit message to check if successfully finished.
+ [ruby-core:77355] [Bug #12785]
+ * test/misc/test_ruby_mode.rb (EXPR_SAVE): use a numeric prefix
+ argument of 0, not to make the previous version into a backup
+ file, instead of backup-inhibited.
+ * test/misc/test_ruby_mode.rb (run_emacs): always save the buffer
+ if modified.
+Fri Sep 23 23:57:40 2016 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_method.c (make_method_entry_refined): fix wrong use of ||.
+Fri Sep 23 21:38:58 2016 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * tool/mdoc2man.rb (Mdoc2Man#parse_macro): Add support for the
+ `Lk` macro.
+ * tool/mdoc2man.rb (Mdoc2Man#shift_arg): A new function to extract
+ a possibly quoted argument.
+Fri Sep 23 20:36:05 2016 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_refine): refine modules as well.
+ [ruby-core:76199] [Feature #12534]
+Fri Sep 23 20:19:09 2016 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * man/ruby.1: Update the paragraphs in "Rich Libraries" which
+ included a dead link.
+Fri Sep 23 20:05:27 2016 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * man/ruby.1, man/erb.1, man/irb.1, man/ri.1: Use the `Lk` macro
+ for hyperlinks, which has been available since mdocml 1.5.1
+ (released more than seven years ago).
+Fri Sep 23 15:47:04 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/forwardable.rb (_delegator_method): allow private methods to
+ be delegated, with warnings. [ruby-core:77341] [Bug #12782]
+Fri Sep 23 12:15:29 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_peephole_optimize): enable tail call
+ optimization inside a conditional block.
+Thu Sep 22 13:00:04 2016 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * gc.c (gc_start_internal): [DOC] methods without arguments
+ like r56194. [Bug #12777]
+Wed Sep 21 17:43:53 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * process.c (InitVM_process): Support CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW_APPROX,
+ CLOCK_UPTIME_RAW, and CLOCK_UPTIME_RAW_APPROX which are introduced
+ by macOS 10.12.
+Wed Sep 21 13:47:33 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (brace_body, do_body): preserve cmdarg_stack so that
+ `do` after cmdarg in a block should be `do_block` and bound to
+ the outer method. [ruby-core:72482] [Bug #11873]
+ * parse.y: `do` after cmdarg in parentheses should be `do_block`
+ and bound to the outer method. [ruby-core:72482] [Bug #11873]
+ * parse.y (brace_body, do_body): extract block bodies.
+Tue Sep 20 23:02:50 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_start_internal): [DOC] add ObjectSpace.garbage_collect
+ and fix GC#garbage_collect. [Bug #12777]
+Tue Sep 20 21:24:01 2016 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * doc/extension.ja.rdoc: translate r56189 (rb_gc_adjust_memory_usage).
+Tue Sep 20 17:52:28 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * gems/bundled_gems: Update rake-11.3.0
+Tue Sep 20 16:52:23 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_adjust_memory_usage): notify memory usage to the GC
+ engine by extension libraries, to trigger GC. [Feature #12690]
+Mon Sep 19 17:05:22 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (Init_Numeric), bignum.c (Init_Bignum): deprecate
+ Fixnum and Bignum. this may be reverted after previews.
+ [Feature #12739]
+Mon Sep 19 10:36:53 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enumerator.c (lazy_init_yielder): directly call stored functions.
+ [Feature #6183]
+ * enumerator.c (lazy_add_method): create lazy enumerator which
+ uses lazy_init_yielder().
+Sun Sep 18 22:48:54 2016 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb (RSS::BaseModel): Remove needless codes.
+ [Bug #12773][ruby-dev:49813]
+ Reported by Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA. Thanks!!!
+Sun Sep 18 19:23:47 2016 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * lib/sync.rb: Fix NameError when error.
+Sat Sep 17 22:46:02 2016 Koichi ITO <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_throw_start): Remove too much ";"
+ [fix GH-1432]
+Sat Sep 17 19:19:06 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb (test_ctx_options): Fix test failure on
+ Ubuntu 16.04. The fix in r56147 was incomplete. This is a cherry-pick
+ of the commit b039f3e268c2 at ruby/openssl.
+Sat Sep 17 10:49:35 2016 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * doc/extension.ja.rdoc: translate r56130 (rb_check_arity).
+Sat Sep 17 02:40:52 2016 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * ext/objspace/objspace_dump.c: Fix stream processing support for heap
+ dumps. Full heap dumps should use JSON lines (
+ so that we can process very large heaps without loading the entire
+ heap dump in to memory at once.
+Fri Sep 16 22:10:31 2016 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ssl_npn_select_cb_common): Fix compile error
+ with old version of fcc (Fujitsu C Compiler) on Solaris 10.
+ [Bug #12769] [ruby-dev:49809]
+Fri Sep 16 21:28:25 2016 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * internal.h (MAYBE_UNUSED): The fallback definition is needed.
+ Fix compile error with some non-GCC compilers such as
+ Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 on Solaris 10.
+ [Bug #12767] [ruby-dev:49807]
+ * internal.h (WARN_UNUSED_RESULT): ditto.
+Fri Sep 16 21:19:51 2016 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * hash.c (each_pair_i_fast): Fix compile error with old version of
+ fcc on Solaris 10. [Bug #12768] [ruby-dev:49808]
+Fri Sep 16 19:46:05 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (config.h): fixed compile error with VC introduced
+ by previous commit.
+Fri Sep 16 14:54:34 2016 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * internal.h (WARN_UNUSED_RESULT): moved to, to
+ actually check its availability rather to check GCC's version.
+ * (WARN_UNUSED_RESULT): moved to here.
+ * (RUBY_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE): change function declaration
+ to return int rather than void, because it makes no sense for a
+ warn_unused_result attributed function to return void.
+ Funny thing however is that it also makes no sense for noreturn
+ attributed function to return int. So there is a fundamental
+ conflict between them. While I tested this, I confirmed both
+ GCC 6 and Clang 3.8 prefers int over void to correctly detect
+ necessary attributes under this setup. Maybe subject to change
+ in future.
+ * internal.h (UNINITIALIZED_VAR): renamed to MAYBE_UNUSED, then
+ moved to for the same reason we move
+ * (MAYBE_UNUSED): moved to here.
+ * internal.h (__has_attribute): deleted, because it has no use now.
+ * string.c (rb_str_enumerate_lines): refactor macro rename.
+ * string.c (rb_str_enumerate_bytes): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_enumerate_chars): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_enumerate_codepoints): ditto.
+ * thread.c (do_select): ditto.
+ * vm_backtrace.c (rb_debug_inspector_open): ditto.
+ * vsnprintf.c (BSD_vfprintf): ditto.
+Fri Sep 16 14:35:55 2016 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * ChangeLog (add-log-time-format): Not exactly sure when but
+ recently (25.x maybe), emacs changed its API to take optional
+ two arguments. We have to follow that.
+Fri Sep 16 06:43:25 2016 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (def check_password): don't include bad password
+ in URI exception output
+ * test/uri/test_generic.rb (def test_set_component): test for behavior
+Thu Sep 15 21:40:03 2016 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * doc/extension.ja.rdoc: Fix file name.
+Thu Sep 15 00:59:30 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * benchmark/: add vnmakarov's benchmarks around hash [ruby-core:75265]
+Wed Sep 14 07:02:31 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * hash.c (each_pair_i_fast): use rb_yield_values2 to avoid var args.
+Tue Sep 13 21:32:54 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * string.c (STR_HEAP_SIZE, RESIZE_CAPA_TERM, str_new0, rb_str_buf_new,
+ str_shared_replace, rb_str_init, str_make_independent_expand,
+ rb_str_resize): Avoid overflow by casting the length to size_t. size_t
+ should be able to represent LONG_MAX+termlen.
+ * string.c (rb_str_modify_expand): Check that the new length is in the
+ range of long before resizing. Also refactor to use RESIZE_CAPA_TERM
+ macro.
+ * string.c (str_buf_cat): Fix so that it does not create a negative
+ length String. Also fix the condition for 'string sizes too big', the
+ total length can be up to LONG_MAX.
+ * string.c (rb_str_plus): Check the resulting String length does not
+ exceed LONG_MAX.
+ * string.c (rb_str_dump): Fix integer overflow. The dump result will be
+ longer then the original String.
+Tue Sep 13 21:30:53 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * gc.c (heap_extend_pages, get_envparam_size, ruby_malloc_size_overflow,
+ gc_profile_dump_on): Use PRIuSIZE instead of PRIdSIZE as the passed
+ value is size_t, not ssize_t.
+ * iseq.c (get_line_info, rb_iseq_disasm_insn): Ditto.
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): Ditto.
+ * thread_win32.c (native_thread_create): Ditto.
+ * vm.c (get_param): Ditto.
+ * ext/objspace/objspace_dump.c (dump_append_string_content,
+ dump_object): Ditto.
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (host_str, port_str): Ditto.
+Tue Sep 13 21:27:35 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * string.c (STR_EMBEDDABLE_P): Renamed from STR_EMBEDABLE_P(). And use
+ it in more places.
+Tue Sep 13 21:23:51 2016 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * Drop support for BeOS now that Haiku is stable since
+ 2.3.0.
+ * ditto.
+Tue Sep 13 21:11:56 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (STR_EMBEDABLE_P): extract the predicate macro to tell
+ if the given length is capable in an embedded string, and fix
+ possible integer overflow.
+Tue Sep 13 18:37:08 2016 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_exception.rb: fix thread issues.
+ * use Queue instead of a local variable for synchronization.
+ * join created thread to solve leaking threads warning.
+Tue Sep 13 16:07:26 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_set_len): The buffer overflow check is wrong. The
+ space for termlen is allocated outside the capacity returned by
+ rb_str_capacity(). This fixes r41920 ("string.c: multi-byte
+ terminator", 2013-07-11). [ruby-core:77257] [Bug #12757]
+ * test/-ext-/string/test_set_len.rb (test_capacity_equals_to_new_size):
+ Test for this change. Applying only the test will trigger [BUG].
+Tue Sep 13 06:03:34 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (benchmark): fix lib path.
+Tue Sep 13 00:39:47 2016 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * class.c (singleton_class_of): Copy superclass serial number to
+ singleton class. This improves singleton class IMC hit rates.
+ [Feature #12364] [ruby-core:75425]
+Mon Sep 12 13:46:23 2016 Anton Davydov <>
+ * lib/uri/mailto.rb: Removed needless `return` and use `.` instead of `::`
+ with class method.
+ * test/uri/test_mailto.rb: Added tests for coverage.
+ [fix GH-1426][Misc #12750][ruby-core:77242]
+Sun Sep 11 21:30:26 2016 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * NEWS: News about Module.used_modules.
+Sun Sep 11 19:06:49 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_write_console): should set written length as the
+ return value. [Bug #12748] [ruby-dev:49786]
+Fri Sep 9 22:43:29 2016 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * gems/bundled_gems: sort lines.
+Fri Sep 9 17:59:46 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_threadptr_raise): set cause from the called thread,
+ but not from the thread to be interrupted.
+ [ruby-core:77222] [Bug #12741]
+Fri Sep 9 13:50:05 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * doc/extension.rdoc, doc/extension.ja.rdoc: fix file name.
+ pointed out by @takkanm in the RubyKaigi talk.
+Fri Sep 9 13:14:53 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * News: Announcing update to Unicode version 9.0.0 [ci skip]
+Fri Sep 9 10:10:00 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c (rb_const_search): warn with the actual class/module
+ name which defines the deprecated constant.
+ * variable.c (rb_const_search): raise with the actual class/module
+ name which defines the private constant.
+Thu Sep 8 17:47:18 2016 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * array.c (flatten): use rb_obj_class instead of rb_class_of
+ because rb_class_of may return a singleton class.
+ [ruby-dev:49781] [Bug #12738]
+Thu Sep 8 17:40:15 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb (gem): use the bindir of each gemspec instead
+ of hardcoded 'bin', since rdoc 5.0.0 overrides it.
+Thu Sep 8 16:47:03 2016 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_s_used_modules): rename Module.used_refinements to
+ Module.used_modules. [Feature #7418] [ruby-core:49805]
+Thu Sep 8 14:21:48 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/psych/psych.gemspec, lib/rdoc/rdoc.gemspec: Use file list instead of
+ git output. It shows warning message when invoke `make install`
+ [Bug #12736][ruby-dev:49778]
+Thu Sep 8 13:41:46 2016 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * insns.def (setclassvariable, setconstant): warn when self is a
+ refinement. [Bug #10103] [ruby-core:64143]
+Thu Sep 8 11:29:00 2016 Kenta Murata <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_transform_values, rb_hash_transform_values_bang):
+ Rename map_v to transform_values.
+ [Feature #12512] [ruby-core:76095]
+ * test/ruby/test_hash.rb: ditto.
+Thu Sep 8 10:08:35 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * {ext,test}/openssl: Import Ruby/OpenSSL 2.0.0.beta.2. The full commit
+ history since v2.0.0.beta.1 can be found at:
+Thu Sep 8 07:23:34 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rdoc/*, test/rdoc/*: Update rdoc-5.0.0.beta2
+ Fixed ri parse defect with left-hand matched classes.
+Thu Sep 8 01:12:47 2016 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_s_used_refinements): new method
+ Module.used_refinements. based on the patch by Charlie
+ Somerville. [Feature #7418] [ruby-core:49805]
+Wed Sep 7 17:50:38 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/util.h (setenv): remove POSIX-noncompliant
+ definition with 2 arguments.
+Wed Sep 7 17:35:37 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * unicode/8.0.0/casefold.h, name2ctype.h, unicode/data/8.0.0:
+ removing directories/files related to Unicode version 8.0.0
+Wed Sep 7 17:21:55 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/timeout.rb (Timeout#timeout): add custom error message
+ argument. [Feature #11650]
+Wed Sep 7 17:13:05 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * Updated Unicode version to 9.0.0 [Feature #12513]
+ * unicode/9.0.0/casefold.h, name2ctype.h, unicode/data/9.0.0:
+ new directories/files for Unicode version 9.0.0
+Wed Sep 7 16:00:45 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb: Allow http to https redirection.
+ Note that https to http is still forbidden.
+ [ruby-core:20485] [Feature #859] by Roman Shterenzon.
+Wed Sep 7 14:56:59 2016 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * lib/csv.rb (CSV::{Row,Table}#{each,delete_if}): returns an enumerator
+ if no block is given. [ruby-core:75346] [Feature #12347]
+ * test/csv/test_row.rb: add test for above.
+ * test/csv/test_table.rb: ditto.
+Wed Sep 7 14:50:01 2016 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * gems/bundled_gems: update to power_assert 0.3.1.
+Wed Sep 7 12:16:09 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/psych/*, test/psych/*: Update psych-2.1.1
+ This version fixed following pull requests.
+Wed Sep 7 11:51:06 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rdoc/*, test/rdoc/*: Update rdoc-5.0.0.beta1
+ This version is mostly same as r56072. It contains to remove code
+ for Ruby 1.8
+Tue Sep 6 09:23:06 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rdoc/rdoc.gemspec: partly reverted for default gem installer.
+ upstream configuration is not working on ruby core repository.
+Mon Sep 5 19:35:22 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rdoc/*, test/rdoc/*: Update rdoc/rdoc master(f191513)
+Sun Sep 4 00:17:55 2016 Sho Hashimoto <>
+ * proc.c: [DOC] fix Object#define_singleton_method and
+ main.define_method return value. [ci skip]
+Sat Sep 3 11:28:29 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (ruby_init_stack): check stack bounds even if
+ get_main_stack succeeded, on the "co-routine" case.
+Fri Sep 2 16:06:59 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * internal.h (MEMO_V1_SET, MEMO_V2_SET): fix typos. use the macro
+ parameter, not the local variable.
+Fri Sep 2 00:55:11 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (timestamp_file): move extmk.rb specific tricks
+ from lib/mkmf.rb. keep RUBYCOMMONDIR prefix not to conflict
+ with a timestamp file in the toplevel.
+Thu Sep 1 14:24:16 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (gems): move dirty hacks for bundled gems from
+ mkmf.rb.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): yield all configuration strings.
+Wed Aug 31 17:39:19 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (create_makefile): make gem.build_complete file
+ under TARGET_SO_DIR and install it only when the gem build
+ succeeded. [ruby-core:77057] [Bug #12681]
+Wed Aug 31 15:36:10 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb: move TARGET_SO_DIR stuffs to mkmf.rb.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): create target shared object files
+ under $(TARGET_SO_DIR) which is $sodir if it is defined with
+ $extout. [ruby-core:77058] [Bug #12681]
+Wed Aug 31 01:56:55 2016 Yuichiro Kaneko <>
+ * doc/extension.ja.rdoc: [DOC] Fix a typo. [ci skip]
+Wed Aug 31 00:52:23 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb: make the gems target directory under the expanded
+ name. [ruby-core:77102] [Bug #12714]
+Tue Aug 30 15:27:27 2016 Kouhei Yanagita <>
+ * ext/json/lib/json/add/ostruct.rb (OpenStruct.json_create):
+ Correct documentation, fix the name of values. [Fix GH-1421]
+Tue Aug 30 14:53:34 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * io.c (nogvl_fsync, nogvl_fdatasync): on Windows, just ignore if the
+ fd is associated to non-disk device. if call fsync and/or fdatasync
+ with such fds, it causes Errno::EBADF exception and the behavior is
+ incompatible with ruby 2.1 and earlier unintentionally introduced.
+Tue Aug 30 03:38:35 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * vm_dump.c (backtrace): use rip in the saved context for the case
+ the SIGSEGV is received when the process is in userland.
+ Note that ip in the stack should be used if the signal is received
+ when it is in kernel (when it is calling syscall) [Bug #12711]
+Sat Aug 27 10:26:14 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_concat_multi): take multiple arguments. based
+ on the patch by Satoru Horie. [Feature #12333]
+ * string.c (rb_str_concat_multi, rb_str_prepend_multi): ditto.
+Thu Aug 25 00:42:31 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/file.c (append_wstr): remove a codepage argument, and use
+ INVALID_CODE_PAGE for conversion by econv.
+ * win32/file.c (append_wstr): exclude the terminator from the
+ result length when input len == -1.
+Wed Aug 24 22:41:30 2016 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * gc.c (gc_reset_malloc_info): Remove too much ";".
+Wed Aug 24 20:07:57 2016 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * include/ruby/defines.h (ALWAYS_INLINE): Add alternative definition.
+ Fix compile error with compilers that do not have force inline
+ attribute, including old version of fcc on Solaris 10.
+ [ruby-dev:49773] [Bug #12701]
+Wed Aug 24 16:56:26 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * .gdbinit: follow r55766's VM change.
+Wed Aug 24 12:57:56 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (rb_mod_initialize, rb_class_initialize): [DOC] these
+ methods do not invoke module_eval/class_eval, just eval the
+ given block under the new module/class but sharing the context
+ with the surrounding scope like those methods.
+ [ruby-core:77023] [Bug #12696]
+Tue Aug 23 10:34:40 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/psych/test_psych.rb (test_load_file_with_fallback): fix
+ Tempfile leak.
+Tue Aug 23 10:15:01 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_fs_setter): check and convert $; value at
+ assignment.
+Tue Aug 23 02:09:57 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_split_m): show $; name in error message when it
+ is a wrong object.
+Mon Aug 22 16:29:52 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/csv.rb (CSV#shift): store partial quoted strings in an array
+ and join at last, to improve performance with very long quoted
+ lines. [ruby-core:76987] [Bug #12691]
+Mon Aug 22 14:35:57 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * man/irb.1: remove useless -width option.
+ [ruby-dev:49767] [Bug #12692]
+Mon Aug 22 09:02:56 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * iseq.c (Init_ISeq): undefine allocator of InstructionSequence,
+ to get rid of segfaults at method call on uninitialized object.
+Sat Aug 21 05:47:00 2016 Kenta Murata <>
+ * enum.c (enum_sort): prevent wasteful array duplication.
+Sat Aug 20 11:20:32 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * rubystub.c: generalize win32/stub.c.
+Fri Aug 19 11:39:06 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (primary): allow parenthesised statement as a method
+ argument. [Feature #12686]
+Fri Aug 19 09:12:45 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm.c (vm_set_main_stack): TOPLEVEL_BINDING must be built.
+ [ruby-core:76973]
+Fri Aug 19 01:00:53 2016 Yuichiro Kaneko <>
+ * proc.c (mnew_missing): Remove an unused argument.
+ After r51126 rid is not used.
+Thu Aug 18 09:26:52 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * gems/bundled_gems: bump to test-unit-3.2.1
+Thu Aug 18 02:36:26 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb: skip gems which failed to build extensions.
+ [ruby-dev:49764] [Bug #12683]
+Wed Aug 17 23:35:12 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gems/bundled_gems (tk): bump up to 0.1.1.
+Wed Aug 17 23:14:42 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb: build gem extensions into separate directories
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb: install pre-built gem extension files gem
+ extension directories. [ruby-core:76931] [Bug #12681]
+Tue Aug 16 21:04:30 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (UNICODE_HDR_DIR): separate unicode header files from
+ unicode data files. [ruby-core:76879] [Bug #12677]
+Tue Aug 16 11:17:51 2016 Koichi ITO <>
+ * lib/net/http/header.rb: Fix typo. [ci skip][fix GH-1407]
+ * transcode.c: ditto.
+Tue Aug 16 11:02:31 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/make-snapshot (package): save generated header files from
+ unicode data. [ruby-core:76879] [Bug #12677]
+Mon Aug 15 20:31:34 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * node.c (dump_array): show nd_alen field in NODE_ARRAY only in
+ the first node. it is nd_end in the rest nodes.
+Mon Aug 15 16:41:32 2016 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * appveyor.yml: Update libressl version to 2.3.7.
+Mon Aug 15 11:46:50 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb (extmake): extension libraries in gems cannot link
+ statically.
+Sun Aug 14 22:35:40 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * id_table.c (hash_table_extend): should not shrink the table than
+ the previous capacity. [ruby-core:76534] [Bug #12614]
+Sun Aug 14 18:51:24 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gems/bundled_gems: add gemified tk 0.1.0.
+ this needs `extract-gems` to build.
+Sun Aug 14 14:54:14 2016 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * object.c (InitVM_Object): Update referenced document path.
+Sat Aug 13 23:08:01 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (num_funcall0, num_funcall1): get rid of infinite
+ recursion in fallback methods of Numeric.
+Sat Aug 13 11:10:08 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (command_asgn, arg): fix syntax errors with chained
+ assignment with op assign. [Bug #12669]
+Sat Aug 13 10:52:19 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (stmt, arg): rescue modifier in command op assignment
+ should be limited to rhs only. [ruby-core:75621] [Bug #12402]
+Sat Aug 13 07:51:40 2016 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_val2variant): fix integer conversion in
+ cygwin64.
+Fri Aug 12 21:05:19 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/webrick/config.rb (WEBrick::Config::General):
+ disable reverse lookup by default. [ruby-core:45514] [Feature #6559]
+ Socket.do_not_reverse_lookup is true by default but WEBrick
+ overwrote it.
+ patch by Eric Hodel [ruby-core:45527]
+Fri Aug 12 12:50:31 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (rb_syntax_error_append): fix newline in syntax error
+ message to the beginning, not after file name and line number.
+ [Feature #11951]
+Thu Aug 11 16:24:23 2016 Ferdinand Niedermann <>
+ * compar.c (cmp_clamp): Introduce Comparable#clamp. [Feature #10594]
+Thu Aug 11 03:16:59 2016 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/prime.rb: Optimize prime?
+ Adapted from patch by Jabari Zakiya [#12665]
+ * test/test_prime.rb: Improve test
+Wed Aug 10 22:37:01 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (command_rhs, arg_rhs): introduce new rules to reduce
+ repeated rules with rescue modifier.
+Wed Aug 10 17:26:43 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (command_asgn): rescue modifier in command assignment
+ should be limited to rhs only. [ruby-core:75621] [Bug #12402]
+Wed Aug 10 15:35:03 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/win32/resolv/resolv.c: needs windows.h for iphlpapi.h on
+ cygwin. [ruby-core:76791] [Bug #12663]
+ * ext/win32/resolv/resolv.c (w32error_make_error): use
+ Win32::Resolv::Error, an alias of Win32::Registry::Error.
+Tue Aug 9 17:50:00 2016 Kenta Murata <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_map_v, rb_hash_map_v_bang): implement Hash#map_v and
+ Hash#map_v! [Feature #12512] [ruby-core:76095]
+ * test/ruby/test_hash.rb: add tests for above change.
+Tue Aug 9 16:09:03 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_getivar): use always_inline because
+ gcc7 doesn't inline this without always_inline.
+Tue Aug 9 15:41:24 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/tk: Tk is removed from stdlib. [Feature #8539]
+ is the new upstream.
+Tue Aug 9 00:12:31 2016 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * doc/maintainers.rdoc: Remove moved file section.
+Mon Aug 8 20:56:46 2016 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/sample/excel1.rb, ext/win32ole/sample/excel2.rb,
+ ext/win32ole/sample/excel3.rb, ext/win32ole/sample/ie.rb,
+ ext/win32ole/sample/ienavi.rb, ext/win32ole/sample/ienavi2.rb: use
+ true instead of deprecated TRUE. [ci skip]
+Mon Aug 8 12:51:12 2016 Zarko Todorovski <>
+ * internal.h (RBASIC_CLEAR_CLASS): Reroute ANSI C's strict
+ aliasing rule.
+ [ruby-core:74427][Bug #12191][ruby-core:76747][Bug #12657]
+Sun Aug 7 18:08:27 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (InitVM_Object): deprecate toplevel constants TRUE,
+ FALSE, and NIL. [Feature #12574]
+Sun Aug 7 06:48:21 2016 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_write_internal):
+ avoid undefined behavior
+ * test/openssl/test_pair.rb (test_write_zero): new test
+ [ruby-core:76751] [Bug #12660]
+Sat Aug 6 09:35:30 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * id_table.h (rb_id_table_iterator_result): add dummy sentinel
+ member because C standard prohibits a trailing comma.
+Sat Aug 6 00:39:44 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (env_enc_str_new): make string for an environment
+ variable name or value.
+ * hash.c (env_name_new): make environment value string with the
+ encoding for its name.
+Fri Aug 5 23:18:35 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * hash.c (env_str_new): taint the string. get rid of a test failure
+ introduced at r55811.
+Fri Aug 5 17:04:02 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (w32_getenv): call rb_w32_getenv and rb_w32_ugetenv via
+ this pointer without further comparisons.
+Thu Aug 4 11:54:30 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (env_assoc): the encoding of the value should be the
+ locale, as well as other methods, [], fetch, values, etc.
+Wed Aug 3 21:31:23 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (reg_fragment_enc_error): compile_error is different
+ between parser and ripper. [ruby-core:76397] [Bug #12651]
+Wed Aug 3 17:15:06 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_clone2): restrict freeze option to true other
+ than false which only has the effect. [Feature #12300]
+Wed Aug 3 10:47:07 2016 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: introduce VM_FRAME_RUBYFRAME_P()
+ Most of case, RUBY_VM_NORMAL_ISEQ_P() is no
+ longer needed.
+ * vm_core.h: introduce rb_obj_is_iseq().
+ * cont.c, vm.c: VM_FRAME_MAGIC_DUMMY with
+Wed Aug 3 09:25:16 2016 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: rename macros and make them inline functions.
+Wed Aug 03 09:15:02 2016 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: introduce VM_FRAME_FLAG_CFRAME to represent cfp->iseq
+ type.
+Tue Aug 2 21:42:40 2016 Chia-sheng Chen <>
+ * math.c (tanh): make faster by the extract form if three
+ hyperbolic functions are unavailable. [Feature #12647]
+Tue Aug 2 12:37:00 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/option.c, ext/socket/rubysocket.h (inet_ntop): share
+ the fallback definition. [ruby-core:76646] [Bug #12645]
+Tue Aug 2 04:07:29 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (set_pioinfo_extra): use more reliable way to search
+ the position of pioinfo of VC14, and also support debug library of it.
+ patched by davispuh AT
+ [ruby-core:76644] [Bug #12644]
+ this fixes also [Bug #12631]
+Mon Aug 1 21:39:52 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb: [EXPERIMENTAL] build extension libraries in
+ extracted gems.
+Mon Aug 1 16:07:18 2016 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (struct RStruct): no longer.
+ * internal.h (struct RStruct): moved here.
+ * struct.c (rb_struct_ptr): a compensation function for the lack
+ of RSTRUCT_PTR. But now that we have RSTRUCT_GET/SET, that must
+ not be used anyway. I mark this deprecated. Dont use it.
+Mon Aug 1 14:50:06 2016 Jeremy Evans <>
+ * object.c (rb_obj_clone2): Allow Object#clone to take freeze:
+ false keyword argument to not freeze the clone.
+ [ruby-core:75017][Feature #12300]
+ * test/ruby/test_object.rb (TestObject): test for it.
+Mon Aug 1 12:16:19 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/json/*, test/json/json_parser_test.rb: Update json-2.0.2.
+Sun Jul 31 16:17:23 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/win32/resolv/resolv.c (get_dns_server_list): [Win32] get DNS
+ servers only for connected network devices by GetNetworkParams
+ API. [Bug #12604]
+Sat Jul 30 12:13:26 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * string.c (String#downcase), NEWS: Mentioned that case mapping for all
+ of ISO-8859-1~16 is now supported. [ci skip]
+Sat Jul 30 12:00:01 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/iso_8859_2.c, test/ruby/enc/test_case_comprehensive.rb:
+ Implement non-ASCII case conversion for ISO-8859-2, by Yushiro Ishii.
+Fri Jul 29 20:57:12 2016 chuanshuo <>
+ * *.c: rename rb_funcall2 to rb_funcallv, except for extensions
+ which are/will be/may be gems. [Fix GH-1406]
+Fri Jul 29 10:51:34 2016 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * proc.c (env_write): remove unused function.
+Fri Jul 29 10:49:52 2016 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h (VM_LOCAL_P): should return an integer value.
+ reported at
+Fri Jul 29 04:23:08 2016 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h (VM_ENV_LOCAL_P): return truthy (0 or not) value.
+ * vm.c (rb_vm_make_proc_lambda): use VM_ENV_ESCAPED_P() macro.
+Fri Jul 29 03:49:04 2016 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c, internal.h: remove RubyVM::Env class and all of env objects
+ are imemo objects (imemo_env).
+ * NEWS: describe this change. I believe nobody touch these objects
+ because there are no method defined.
+ * vm_core.h: remove the following definitions.
+ * rb_cEnv decl.
+ * GetEnvPtr() because Env is no longer T_DATA object.
+ * vm_core.h (rb_env_t): fix layout for imemo values.
+ * vm_core.h (vm_assert_env): added.
+ * vm_core.h (vm_env_new): added.
+Thu Jul 28 19:53:21 2016 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_core.h: revisit the structure of frame, block and env.
+ [Bug #12628]
+ This patch introduce many changes.
+ * Introduce concept of "Block Handler (BH)" to represent
+ passed blocks.
+ * move rb_control_frame_t::flag to ep[0] (as a special local
+ variable). This flags represents not only frame type, but also
+ env flags such as escaped.
+ * rename `rb_block_t` to `struct rb_block`.
+ * Make Proc, Binding and RubyVM::Env objects wb-protected.
+ Check [Bug #12628] for more details.
+Thu Jul 28 15:05:12 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (ruby_fl_type): use __extension__ to get rid
+ of pedantic warning against RUBY_FL_USER19.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_mul_size_overflow): ditto for use of
+ int128.
+Wed Jul 27 10:32:59 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/windows_1253.c: Remove dead code found by Coverity Scan.
+Tue Jul 26 22:43:36 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (run_finalizer): make saved running finalizer state
+ volatile to ensure not to be clobbered by longjmp.
+Tue Jul 26 19:26:00 2016 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c: introduce rb_vm_pop_frame() and use it
+ instead of setting rb_thread_t::cfp directly.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_pop_frame): return the result of
+ finish frame or not.
+Tue Jul 26 19:06:39 2016 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (rb_raw_obj_info): support to show Proc obj.
+Tue Jul 26 18:55:55 2016 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_mark): add `inline' explicitly.
+ I expected to inline this function implicitly at the loop
+ (ex: marking T_ARRAY objects) but sometimes it remains as
+ normal call.
+Tue Jul 26 16:33:16 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/windows_1257.c, test/ruby/enc/test_case_comprehensive.rb:
+ Implement non-ASCII case conversion for Windows-1257, by Sho Koike.
+Tue Jul 26 16:19:41 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/windows_1250.c, test/ruby/enc/test_case_comprehensive.rb:
+ Implement non-ASCII case conversion for Windows-1250, by Sho Koike.
+ * ChangeLog: Fixed order of previous two entries.
+Tue Jul 26 15:54:17 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/windows_1253.c, test/ruby/enc/test_case_comprehensive.rb:
+ Implement non-ASCII case conversion for Windows-1253, by Takumi Koyama.
+Tue Jul 26 15:30:37 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/windows_1251.c, test/ruby/enc/test_case_comprehensive.rb:
+ Implement non-ASCII case conversion for Windows-1251, by Shunsuke Sato.
+Tue Jul 26 13:04:59 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_case_comprehensive.rb: Add explicit skip test for
+ availability of Unicode data files.
+Mon Jul 25 21:33:13 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * range.c (check_step_domain): check step argument domain by <=>
+ method, instead of < and >.
+Mon Jul 25 21:11:32 2016 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * doc/maintainers.rdoc: fix filenames.
+Mon Jul 25 16:59:00 2016 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * debug.c (ruby_debug_printf): use rb_raw_obj_info()
+ instead of rb_inspect() because it is more robust way
+ to see object internal.
+Sun Jul 24 16:33:13 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * regenc.h/c, include/ruby/oniguruma.h, enc/ascii.c, big5.c, cp949.c,
+ emacs_mule.c, euc_jp.c, euc_kr.c, euc_tw.c, gb18030.c, gbk.c,
+ iso_8859_1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|13|14|15|16.c, koi8_r.c, koi8_u.c,
+ shift_jis.c, unicode.c, us_ascii.c, utf_16|32be|le.c, utf_8.c,
+ windows_1250|51|52|53|54|57.c, windows_31j.c, unicode.c:
+ Remove conditional compilation macro ONIG_CASE_MAPPING. [Feature #12386].
+Sun Jul 24 12:53:42 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * doc/maintainers.rdoc: xmlrpc is bundled gem from Ruby 2.4.
+Sun Jul 24 12:07:39 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * doc/maintainers.rdoc: Update OpenSSL maintainer.
+Sat Jul 23 22:43:41 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * internal.h (Check_Type): inline check for the object type.
+Sat Jul 23 04:06:04 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RTEST, NIL_P): use RUBY prefixed name in
+ macros.
+Sat Jul 23 01:41:29 2016 Eric Wong <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet/cgihandler.rb (do_GET): delete HTTP_PROXY
+ * test/webrick/test_cgi.rb (test_cgi_env): new test
+ * test/webrick/webrick.cgi (do_GET): new endpoint to dump env
+ [ruby-core:76511] [Bug #12610]
+Fri Jul 22 19:55:20 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm.c (vm_set_main_stack): remove unnecessary check. toplevel
+ binding must be initialized. [Bug #12611] (N1)
+ * win32/win32.c (w32_symlink): fix return type. [Bug #12611] (N3)
+ * string.c (rb_str_split_m): simplify the condition.
+ [Bug #12611](N4)
+Fri Jul 22 17:13:37 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * string.c (String#dump): Change escaping of non-ASCII characters in
+ UTF-8 to use upper-case four-digit hexadecimal escapes without braces
+ where possible [Feature #12419].
+ * test/ruby/test_string.rb (test_dump): Add tests for above.
+Fri Jul 22 10:35:35 2016 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/rexml/attribute.rb (REXML::Attribute#to_string): Fix wrong
+ entry reference name of double quote.
+ [Bug #12609][ruby-core:76509]
+ Patch by Joseph Marrero. Thanks!!!
+Fri Jul 22 10:32:13 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * template/unicode_norm_gen.tmpl: Remove
+ UnicodeNormalize::UNICODE_VERSION at origin [Feature #12546].
+Fri Jul 22 09:23:51 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * LEGAL: Added entries for files under the USD license.
+ [Bug #12598][ruby-core:76428][ci skip]
+Fri Jul 22 09:19:57 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * LEGAL: Added entry for `lib/rdoc/generator/template/darkfish/css/fonts.css`
+ [Misc #12550][ruby-core:76255][ci skip]
+Fri Jul 22 06:28:32 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (run_finalizer): push and exec tag just once, instead of
+ protecting for each finalizer.
+ * gc.c (gc_start_internal, rb_gc_start): set finalizing flag
+ whenever calling deferred finalizers not to recurse.
+Thu Jul 21 22:26:40 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * missing/strl{cat,cpy}.c: Update latest upstream files.
+ [Misc #12205][ruby-core:74487]
+ * LEGAL: Update license for missing/strl{cat,cpy}.c.
+Thu Jul 21 21:53:30 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * LEGAL: added file list with Public domain license.
+ [ruby-core:76254][Bug #12549]
+Wed Jul 20 17:44:07 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enumerator.c (lazy_uniq): new method Enumerator::Lazy#uniq.
+ [Feature #11090]
+ * enum.c (enum_uniq): new method Enumerable#uniq.
+ [Feature #11090]
+Wed Jul 20 17:35:23 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_add_new_element): add new element or do nothing
+ if it is contained already.
+ * array.c (ary_add_hash, ary_add_hash_by): use
+ rb_hash_add_new_element.
+Tue Jul 19 18:21:17 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * lib/unicode_normalize/tables.rb: Remove
+ UnicodeNormalize::UNICODE_VERSION (#12546).
+Tue Jul 19 15:38:59 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c (rb_local_constants_i): exclude private constants
+ when excluding inherited constants too. [Bug #12345]
+Sun Jul 17 23:42:00 2016 Kenta Murata <>
+ * numeric.c (num_finite_p, num_infinite_p): Add Numeric#finite? and
+ Numeric#infinite? [Feature #12039] [ruby-core:73618]
+ * complex.c (rb_complex_finite_p): Add Complex#finite?
+ * complex.c (rb_complex_infinite_p): Add Complex#infinite?
+ * test/ruby/test_bignum.rb: Add test for Integer#finite? and
+ Integer#infinite?
+ * test/ruby/test_fixnum.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_rational.rb: Add test for Rational#finite? and
+ Rational#infinite?
+ * test/ruby/test_complex.rb: Add test for Complex#finite? and
+ Complex#infinite?
+Sun Jul 17 20:59:24 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, enc/depend (casefold.h, name2ctype.h): move to
+ unicode data directory per version.
+Sat Jul 16 06:26:00 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, enc/ moved timestamp files for
+ directories under the specific directory, to get rid of match
+ with files under the source directory.
+Fri Jul 15 22:05:13 2016 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * string.c (str_buf_cat): Fix potential integer overflow of capa.
+ In addition, termlen is used instead of +1.
+Fri Jul 15 21:30:38 2016 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * string.c (str_buf_cat): Fix capa size for embed string.
+ Fix bug in r55547. [Bug #12536]
+Fri Jul 15 18:13:15 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * gems/bundled_gems: update latest gems.
+Fri Jul 15 17:08:57 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * util.c (ruby_strtod): do not underflow only by preceding zeros,
+ which may be canceled out by the exponent.
+Fri Jul 15 09:53:48 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/unicode/case-folding.rb, tool/enc-unicode.rb: check if
+ Unicode versions are consistent with each other.
+Fri Jul 15 08:25:15 2016 Jeremy Evans <>
+ * string.c (STR_BUF_MIN_SIZE): reduce from 128 to 127
+ [ruby-core:76371] [Feature #12025]
+ * string.c (rb_str_buf_new): adjust for above reduction
+Thu Jul 14 17:26:00 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (enc/unicode/name2ctype.h): remove stale recipe,
+ which did not support Unicode age properties.
+ * (enc/unicode/name2ctype.h): update by --header option
+ of tool/enc-unicode.rb. enc/unicode/name2ctype.kwd file has not
+ been used.
+ * (enc/unicode/name2ctype.kwd): rule to create from
+ Unicode data files, used only when the target does not exist.
+Thu Jul 14 13:10:54 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/json/lib/json/ext: remove stale directory. bundled
+ extension libraries are placed under the directory for each
+ architectures, but not mixed with plain text script libraries.
+Thu Jul 14 12:48:47 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/json/**/*.rb: merge original files from upstream repository.
+ It only fixes styles of frozen string literal.
+Wed Jul 13 22:23:03 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/json/json_common_interface_test.rb: use assert_raise instead of
+ assert_raises.
+Wed Jul 13 22:14:23 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/lib/test/unit.rb: added test files with `_test` suffix for json
+ upstream.
+ * test/json: merge original test files from json upstream.
+Wed Jul 13 18:09:42 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/iso_8859_9.c, test/ruby/enc/test_case_comprehensive.rb:
+ Implement non-ASCII case conversion for ISO-8859-9, by Kazuki Iijima.
+ * enc/iso_8859_9.c: Exclude dotless i/I with dot from case-insensitive
+ matching because they are not a case pair.
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_iso_8859.rb: Make test coverage for ISO-8859-9
+ a bit more complete.
+Wed Jul 13 17:21:24 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/windows_1252.c, test/ruby/enc/test_case_comprehensive.rb:
+ Implement non-ASCII case conversion for Windows-1252, by Serina Tai.
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_case_comprehensive.rb: Fix order of encodings.
+Wed Jul 13 16:19:14 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/iso_8859_7.c, test/ruby/enc/test_case_comprehensive.rb:
+ Implement non-ASCII case conversion for ISO-8859-7, by Kosuke Kurihara.
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_case_comprehensive.rb: Fix order of encodings.
+Wed Jul 13 16:08:08 2016 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_roots): should mark the VM object itself to mark
+ singleton class of the VM object.
+ Before this patch, we only set mark bit for the VM object and
+ invoke mark function separately.
+ [Bug #12583]
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb: add a test.
+Wed Jul 13 15:59:59 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * math.c (_USE_MATH_DEFINES): it must be set before including internal.h
+ because internal.h includes ruby.h, ruby.h includes win32.h, and
+ win32.h includes system's math.h.
+ this change is to get rid of a compiler warning (redefinition of
+ a macro) introduced at r55641.
+Wed Jul 13 15:19:03 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/iso_8859_1.c, enc/iso_8859_4.c: Avoid setting modification flag if
+ there is no modification.
+Wed Jul 13 14:40:04 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/iso_8859_5.c, test/ruby/enc/test_case_comprehensive.rb:
+ Implement non-ASCII case conversion for ISO-8859-5, by Masaru Onodera.
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_case_comprehensive.rb: Fix order of encodings.
+Wed Jul 13 14:28:33 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * math.c (rb_math_sqrt): r55646 must use f_signbit.
+Wed Jul 13 14:22:50 2016 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c (Init_ISeq): undef ISeq.translate and ISeq.load_iseq
+ to prevent calling super classes' methods.
+ Without this patch, you can write workaround like:
+ class << RubyVM::InstructionSequence
+ def translate; end
+ undef translate
+ end
+ * test/ruby/test_iseq.rb: add a test.
+Wed Jul 13 14:16:03 2016 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_method.c (method_entry_get_without_cache): check
+ undefined method even if ruby_running is FALSE.
+ We haven't call "undef"ed methods before ruby_running.
+ So that this issue does not make troubles.
+Wed Jul 13 14:15:22 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/windows_1254.c: Adjust variable/macro names.
+Wed Jul 13 13:19:12 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/iso_8859_9.c, enc/windows_1254.c: Split Windows-1254 from
+ ISO-8859-9 to be able to implement different case conversions.
+Wed Jul 13 13:08:30 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/iso_8859_7.c, enc/windows_1253.c: Split Windows-1253 from
+ ISO-8859-7 to be able to implement different case conversions.
+Wed Jul 13 10:50:12 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/iso_8859_13.c, test/ruby/enc/test_case_comprehensive.rb:
+ Implement non-ASCII case conversion for ISO-8859-13, by Kanon Shindo.
+Wed Jul 13 10:31:39 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/iso_8859_13.c, enc/windows_1257.c: Split Windows-1257 from
+ ISO-8859-13 to be able to implement different case conversions.
+Wed Jul 13 09:02:30 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/iso_8859_3.c, test/ruby/enc/test_case_comprehensive.rb:
+ Implement non-ASCII case conversion for ISO-8859-3, by Takuya Miyamoto.
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_case_comprehensive.rb: Extend special treatment
+ for Turkic.
+ * enc/iso_8859_3.c: Exclude dotless i/I with dot from case-insensitive
+ matching because they are not a case pair.
+Wed Jul 13 08:40:21 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_iso_8859.rb: Exclude dotless i/I with dot from
+ case-insensitive matching because they are not a case pair.
+Tue Jul 12 23:13:43 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * math.c (rb_math_sqrt): [EXPERIMENTAL] move Complex sqrt support
+ from mathn.rb.
+Tue Jul 12 01:25:09 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ *, lib/mkmf.rb, win32/Makefile.sub (CSRCFLAG): make the
+ compiler option replacable in Makefile.
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (OUTFLAG, COUTFLAG): ditto.
+ * win32/Makeile.sub, win32/setup.mak (CC): should not append `-nologo`
+ option forcely.
+Mon Jul 11 18:05:40 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/iso_8859_1.c: Moved test for lowercase characters without
+ uppercase equivalent.
+Mon Jul 11 17:49:25 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/iso_8859_4.c, enc/iso_8859_10.c, enc/iso_8859_14.c,
+ enc/iso_8859_15.c, enc/iso_8859_16.c: Replace case-by-case code with
+ lookup in ENC_ISO_8859_xx_TO_LOWER_CASE table.
+Mon Jul 11 16:00:56 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_each, strio_readlines): convert
+ arguments just once before reading, instead of conversions for
+ each lines, as r55603.
+Sun Jul 10 19:53:41 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/iso_8859_10.c, test/ruby/enc/test_case_comprehensive.rb:
+ Implement non-ASCII case conversion for ISO-8859-10, by Toya Hosokawa.
+Sun Jul 10 19:33:47 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_case_comprehensive.rb: Changed testing logic to
+ catch unintended modifications of characters that do not have a case
+ equivalent in the respective encoding.
+ * enc/iso_8859_1.c, enc/iso_8859_15.c: Fixed unintended modifications of
+ micro sign and y with diaeresis.
+Sun Jul 10 17:05:36 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/iso_8859_4.c, test/ruby/enc/test_case_comprehensive.rb:
+ Implement non-ASCII case conversion for ISO-8859-4, by Kotaro Yoshida.
+Sun Jul 10 16:17:47 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_case_comprehensive.rb: Fixed a comment
+ (message belongs to last commit). [ci skip]
+Sun Jul 10 14:27:25 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * util.c (ruby_dtoa): [EXPERIMENTAL] adjust the case that the
+ Float value is close to the exact but unrepresentable middle
+ value of two values in the given precision, as r55604.
+Sun Jul 10 08:57:20 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * thread.c: Fixed implicit conversion error with Apple clang-800.0.31
+Sat Jul 9 12:43:09 2016 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/getoptlong.rb: use false instead of FALSE.
+Fri Jul 8 21:49:28 2016 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * thread.c (rb_wait_for_single_fd): Clean up fds.revents every time
+ before calling ppoll(2). [Bug #12575] [ruby-dev:49725]
+Fri Jul 8 14:16:48 2016 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_args.c (vm_caller_setup_arg_block): call rb_sym_to_proc()
+ directly to reduce method dispatch overhead.
+Fri Jul 8 08:43:31 2016 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_read): add description of pipes to the documentation
+ of
+Fri Jul 8 03:54:22 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * vm_args.c (setup_parameters_complex): don't raise ArgumentError
+ if an array is given for instance_exec with optional argument.
+ [ruby-core:76300] [Bug #12568]
+Fri Jul 8 00:47:36 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * vm_eval.c (yield_under): change prototype to get argc/argv.
+ * vm_eval.c (specific_eval): change for above.
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_obj_instance_exec): avoid object allocation.
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_mod_module_exec): ditto.
+Thu Jul 7 20:08:37 2016 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm_args.c (vm_caller_setup_arg_block): disable symbol block
+ argument optimization when tail call optimization is enabled,
+ in order to avoid SEGV. [ruby-core:76288] [Bug #12565]
+Thu Jul 7 16:37:53 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_round): [EXPERIMENTAL] adjust the case that the
+ receiver is close to the exact but unrepresentable middle value
+ of two values in the given precision.
+Thu Jul 7 16:31:07 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_io_s_foreach, rb_io_s_readlines): convert arguments
+ just once before reading, instead of conversions for each lines.
+Wed Jul 6 19:54:17 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/iso_8859_14.c, test/ruby/enc/test_case_comprehensive.rb:
+ Implement non-ASCII case conversion for ISO-8859-14, by Yutaro Tada.
+Wed Jul 6 19:24:48 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/iso_8859_1.c, enc/iso_8859_15.c, enc/iso_8859_16.c:
+ Align indenting to onigmo convention.
+Wed Jul 6 18:59:13 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/iso_8859_15.c, test/ruby/enc/test_case_comprehensive.rb:
+ Implement non-ASCII case conversion for ISO-8859-15, by Maho Harada.
+Wed Jul 6 18:34:21 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/iso_8859_16.c, test/ruby/enc/test_case_comprehensive.rb:
+ Implement non-ASCII case conversion for ISO-8859-16, by Satoshi Kayama.
+Wed Jul 6 14:44:56 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): store $headers in LOCAL_HDRS for
+ depend files.
+ * ext/digest/digest_conf.rb (digest_conf): add implementation
+ specific headers to $header.
+ * ext/digest/{md5,rmd160,sha1,sha2}/depend: add LOCAL_HDRS to the
+ dependencies.
+Wed Jul 6 08:59:35 2016 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/http/generic_request.rb (write_header): A Request-Line must
+ not contain CR or LF.
+Wed Jul 6 07:11:27 2016 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb (putline): raise an ArgumentError when
+ CR or LF is included in a line.
+Tue Jul 5 20:49:30 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/json/*, test/json/*: Update json-2.0.1.
+ Changes of 2.0.0:
+ Changes of 2.0.1:
+ [Feature #12542][ruby-dev:49706][fix GH-1395]
+Tue Jul 5 19:39:49 2016 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_change_terminator_length): New function to change
+ termlen and resize heap for the terminator. This is split from
+ rb_str_fill_terminator (str_fill_term) because filling terminator
+ and changing terminator length are different things. [Bug #12536]
+ * internal.h: declaration for rb_str_change_terminator_length.
+ * string.c (str_fill_term): Simplify only to zero-fill the terminator.
+ For non-shared strings, it assumes that (capa + termlen) bytes of
+ heap is allocated. This partially reverts r55557.
+ * encoding.c (rb_enc_associate_index): rb_str_change_terminator_length
+ is used, and it should be called whenever the termlen is changed.
+ * string.c (str_capacity): New static function to return capacity
+ of a string with the given termlen, because the termlen may
+ sometimes be different from TERM_LEN(str) especially during
+ changing termlen or filling terminator with specific termlen.
+ * string.c (rb_str_capacity): Use str_capacity.
+Tue Jul 5 11:07:14 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * pack.c (pack_pack): use union instead of bare variable to ease
+ optimizations and avoid assigning x87 floating point number.
+ [ruby-core:74496] [Bug #12209]
+ * pack.c (pack_unpack): ditto.
+Mon Jul 4 13:56:34 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * process.c: define sig_t if not exist.
+ at least Solaris 10 and 11 doesn't have sig_t.
+Mon Jul 4 13:08:48 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * random.c (random_ulong_limited): avoid left shift count >= width of
+ type on 32bit environment.
+Sun Jul 3 18:51:42 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_case_comprehensive.rb, test_regex_casefold.rb,
+ test/test_unicode_normalize.rb: Replace UNICODE_VERSION from
+ UnicodeNormalize with RbConfig::CONFIG['UNICODE_VERSION'] from
+ feature 12460.
+Sun Jul 3 06:04:09 2016 Eric Wong <>
+ * process.c (disable_child_handler_fork_child): simplify
+ [ruby-core:75781] [Misc #12439]
+Sun Jul 3 05:25:46 2016 Eric Wong <>
+ * tool/asm_parse.rb: add description
+ * tool/change_maker.rb: ditto
+ * tool/downloader.rb: ditto
+ * tool/eval.rb: ditto
+ * tool/expand-config.rb: ditto
+ * tool/extlibs.rb: ditto
+ * tool/fake.rb: ditto
+ * tool/file2lastrev.rb: ditto
+ * tool/gem-unpack.rb: ditto
+ * tool/gen_dummy_probes.rb: ditto
+ * tool/gen_ruby_tapset.rb: ditto
+ * tool/generic_erb.rb: ditto
+ * tool/id2token.rb: ditto
+ * tool/ifchange: ditto
+ * tool/insns2vm.rb: ditto
+ * tool/instruction.rb: ditto
+ * tool/jisx0208.rb: ditto
+ * tool/merger.rb: ditto
+ * tool/mkrunnable.rb: ditto
+ * tool/node_name.rb: ditto
+ * tool/parse.rb: ditto
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb: ditto
+ * tool/rbuninstall.rb: ditto
+ * tool/rmdirs: ditto
+ * tool/runruby.rb: ditto
+ * tool/strip-rdoc.rb: ditto
+ * tool/vcs.rb: ditto
+ * tool/vtlh.rb: ditto
+ * tool/ytab.sed: ditto
+ * tool/enc-unicode.rb: fix typo
+ * tool/mk_call_iseq_optimized.rb: ditto
+ * tool/update-deps: ditto
+ [ruby-core:76215] [Bug #12539]
+ by Noah Gibbs <>
+Sat Jul 2 18:04:24 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/mailto.rb (initialize): RFC3986_Parser#split sets opaque
+ only if the URI has path-rootless, not path-empty.
+ [ruby-core:76055] [Bug #12498]
+ patched by Chris Heisterkamp <>
+Sat Jul 2 04:26:14 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regcomp.c (noname_disable_map): don't optimize out group 0
+ Ruby's Regexp doesn't allow normal numbered groups if the regexp
+ has named groups. On such case it optimizes out related NT_ENCLOSE.
+ But even on the case it can use \g<0>.
+ This fix not to remove NT_ENCLOSE whose regnum is 0.
+ [ruby-core:75828] [Bug #12454]
+Sat Jul 2 03:09:27 2016 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * string.c: Partially reverts r55547 and r55555.
+ ChangeLog about the reverted changes are also deleted in this file.
+ [Bug #12536] [ruby-dev:49699] [ruby-dev:49702]
+Sat Jul 2 02:22:22 2016 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * string.c (str_fill_term): When termlen increases, re-allocation
+ of memory for termlen should always be needed.
+ In this fix, if possible, decrease capa instead of realloc.
+ [Bug #12536] [ruby-dev:49699]
+Fri Jul 1 20:20:20 2016 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * string.c: Specify termlen as far as possible.
+ Additional fix for [Bug #12536] [ruby-dev:49699].
+ * string.c (str_new_static): Specify termlen from the given encoding
+ when creating a new String object is needed.
+ * string.c (rb_tainted_str_new_with_enc): New function to create a
+ tainted String object with the given encoding. This means that
+ the termlen is correctly specified. Currently static function.
+ The function name might be renamed to rb_tainted_enc_str_new
+ or rb_enc_tainted_str_new.
+ * string.c (rb_external_str_new_with_enc): Use encoding by using the
+ above rb_tainted_str_new_with_enc().
+Fri Jul 1 19:38:57 2016 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * test/fiddle/test_pointer.rb (test_to_str, test_to_s, test_aref_aset):
+ Attempt to use independent strings for destructive tests that
+ directly modify values on memory by using Fiddle::Pointer.
+ [Bug #12537] [ruby-dev:49700]
+Fri Jul 1 18:20:00 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * .gdbinit (rb_ps_thread): show the detail of cfunc in ruby level
+ backtrace.
+Fri Jul 1 13:26:39 2016 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_subseq, str_substr): When RSTRING_EMBED_LEN_MAX
+ is used, TERM_LEN(str) should be considered with it because
+ embedded strings are also processed by TERM_FILL.
+ Additional fix for [Bug #12536] [ruby-dev:49699].
+Fri Jul 1 12:11:01 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * .gdbinit (rb_count_objects): added gdb version of count_objects().
+Fri Jul 1 04:32:52 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * .gdbinit (rb_ps_thread): show ruby level backtrace.
+ Usually you can call `rb_ps` to show ruby level backtraces
+ for all living threads.
+ Note that it can call with core file like `gcore <pid>`
+ and `gdb ruby core.<pid>`.
+Thu Jun 30 19:15:13 2016 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * string.c: Fix memory corruptions when using UTF-16/32 strings.
+ [Bug #12536] [ruby-dev:49699]
+ * string.c (rb_str_new_with_class): Use TERM_LEN of the "obj".
+ * string.c (rb_str_plus, rb_str_justify): Use str_new0 which is aware
+ of termlen.
+ * string.c (str_shared_replace): Copy +termlen bytes instead of +1.
+ * string.c (rb_str_times): termlen should not be included in capa.
+ * string.c (RESIZE_CAPA_TERM): When using RSTRING_EMBED_LEN_MAX,
+ termlen should be counted with it because embedded strings are
+ also processed by TERM_FILL.
+ * string.c (rb_str_capacity, str_shared_replace, str_buf_cat): ditto.
+ * string.c (rb_str_drop_bytes, rb_str_setbyte, str_byte_substr): ditto.
+Wed Jun 29 22:24:37 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych_jars.rb: removed needless file required to JRuby.
+Wed Jun 29 22:21:38 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ocsp.c: The "reuse" behavior of d2i_ functions does
+ not work well with OpenSSL 1.0.0t. So avoid it.
+Wed Jun 29 15:18:28 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * insns.def (opt_succ): optimize like r55515. (but this argument is
+ constant)
+Wed Jun 29 12:41:58 2016 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb: skip
+ test_prepend_after_refine_wb_miss on ARM or MIPS.
+ [ruby-core:76031] [Bug #12491]
+Wed Jun 29 08:45:53 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (passed_block): convert passed block symbol to proc.
+ based on the patch by Daisuke Sato in [ruby-dev:49695].
+ [Bug #12531]
+Wed Jun 29 03:34:41 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big2ulong): the old logic seems to try to avoid
+ calculating `-(long)(num-1)-1` if `num` is not LONG_MIN. (Note that
+ `-LONG_MIN` may be larger than LONG_MAX) But C compilers can
+ optimize it into single NEG instruction.
+ Therefore those two conditions can be single if-body.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big2long): ditto.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big2ull): ditto.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big2ll): ditto.
+Tue Jun 28 22:55:00 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/pstore.rb (PStore::CHECKSUM_ALGO): extract the algorithm for
+ checksum, instead of qualified names for each times.
+Tue Jun 28 22:29:36 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bootstraptest/runner.rb: do not use safe navigation operator.
+ this runner may run on older ruby. partially revert r53110
+ (GH-1142 patched by @mlarraz).
+Tue Jun 28 22:09:09 2016 Akio Tajima <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: rescue Errno:EACCES for chown.
+ [Bug #12520]
+Tue Jun 28 18:38:09 2016 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * ext/digest/md5/md5ossl.h: Remove excess semicolons.
+ Suppress warning on Solaris with Oracle Solaris Studio 12.
+ [ruby-dev:49692] [Bug #12524]
+ * ext/digest/md5/md5cc.h: ditto.
+ * ext/digest/sha1/sha1cc.h: ditto.
+ * ext/digest/sha1/sha1ossl.h: ditto.
+ * ext/digest/sha2/sha2cc.h: ditto.
+ * ext/digest/sha2/sha2ossl.h: ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_rsa.c: ditto.
+Tue Jun 28 15:56:48 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_case_comprehensive.rb: noting to test if
+ Unicode data files are available.
+ [ruby-core:76160] [Bug #12433]
+ * test/test_unicode_normalize.rb: ditto.
+Tue Jun 28 15:20:18 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb (Net::HTTP#proxy_uri): cache the case no proxy
+ is used.
+Tue Jun 28 09:56:29 2016 Stefan Schussler <>
+ * object.c (rb_mod_eqq): [DOC] Fix typo in RDoc. [Fix GH-1393]
+Tue Jun 28 02:41:32 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * insns.def (opt_plus): use `- 1` instead of `& (~1)` to allow
+ compilers to use x86 LEA instruction (3 operand).
+ Even if 3 operand LEA's latency is 3 cycle after SandyBridge,
+ it reduces code size and can be faster because of super scalar.
+ * insns.def (opt_plus): calculate and use rb_int2big.
+ On positive Fixnum overflow, `recv - 1 + obj` doesn't carry
+ because recv's msb and obj's msb are 0, and resulted msb is 1.
+ Therefore simply rshift and cast as signed long works fine.
+ On negative Fixnum overflow, it will carry because both arguments'
+ msb are 1, and resulted msb is also 1.
+ In this case it needs to restore carried sign bit after rshift.
+Mon Jun 27 16:58:32 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils#install): accecpt symbolic mode, as
+ well as chmod.
+ * lib/fileutils.rb (FileUtils#install): add owner and group
+ options.
+Mon Jun 27 08:56:55 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (ADD_TRACE): ignore trace instruction on non-positive
+ line.
+ * parse.y (coverage): get rid of ArgumentError when the starting
+ line number is not positive. [ruby-core:76141] [Bug #12517]
+Sun Jun 26 10:20:25 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/win32/lib/Win32API.rb (Win32API#initialize): Cygwin
+ 2.5.2-1 (perhaps) seems to no longer append ".dll" suffix
+ implicitly.
+ * ext/win32/lib/win32/resolv.rb (Win32::Resolv): ditto. Fix the
+ error reported by yamataka AT in
+ [ruby-list:50339], and pointed out and patched by cerberus AT
+ in [ruby-list:50341].
+Sat Jun 25 10:07:52 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * test/openssl/test_ocsp.rb: Ignore errors caused by bugs that exist in
+ LibreSSL >= 2.3.1.
+Sat Jun 25 02:33:33 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_method.c (vm_respond_to): try method_missing if respond_to?
+ is undefined, as if it is the default definition.
+ [ruby-core:75377] [Bug #12353]
+Fri Jun 24 17:04:21 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/psych/*, test/psych/*: Update psych 2.1.0
+ This version fixed [Bug #11988][ruby-core:72850]
+Fri Jun 24 13:12:41 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rubygems.rb, lib/rubygems/*, test/rubygems/*:
+ Update rubygems 2.6.5 and 2.6.6.
+ Release note of 2.6.5:
+ Release note of 2.6.6:
+Fri Jun 24 09:17:15 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (lib/unicode_normalize/tables.rb): should not depend
+ on Unicode data files unless ALWAYS_UPDATE_UNICODE=yes, to get
+ rid of downloading Unicode data unnecessary. [ruby-dev:49681]
+ * (enc/unicode/casefold.h): update Unicode files in a
+ sub-make, not to let the header depend on the files always.
+ * enc/unicode/case-folding.rb: if gperf is not usable, assume the
+ existing file is OK.
+Tue Jun 21 19:44:54 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_regex_casefold.rb: Add Windows-1251, KOI8-R, and
+ KOI8-U to encodings; definitely removed EUC-JP.
+Tue Jun 21 19:32:23 2016 Mark St.Godard <>
+ * lib/webrick/httprequest.rb (setup_forwarded_info): Use the first
+ value in X-Forwarded-Proto, if header contains multiple comma
+ separated values. Some middlewares may add these values to the
+ list, not replacing. [Fix GH-1386]
+Tue Jun 21 17:17:42 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb: Skip test_readpartial_with_not_empty_buffer,
+ test_read_buffer_error, test_read_unlocktmp_ensure,
+ test_readpartial_unlocktmp_ensure, and
+ test_sysread_unlocktmp_ensure on cygwin,
+ because these tests repeatedly hang. This makes test_io.rb
+ complete in finite time on cygwin.
+ * ChangeLog: Fix test_in.rb -> test_io.rb (two instances).
+Tue Jun 21 16:38:14 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_casemap): do not put code with side effects
+ inside RSTRING_PTR() macro which evaluates the argument multiple
+ times.
+Tue Jun 21 16:13:45 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_casemap): fix memory leak.
+Tue Jun 21 16:12:21 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_casemap): int is too small for string size.
+Tue Jun 21 15:42:22 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb: Skip test_read_buffer_error on cygwin,
+ because this test repeatedly hangs.
+Tue Jun 21 15:35:14 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * LEGAL: Added filenames and copyrights for some files in
+ enc/trans/JIS.
+Tue Jun 21 00:56:47 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (get_special_folder): fix calling convention of
+ SHGetPathFromIDListEx, which should be WINAPI. pointed out by
+ @arton at
+Tue Jun 21 00:22:02 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, include/ruby/defines.h (RUBY_USE_SETJMPEX):
+ include setjmpex.h only when using setjmpex() for RUBY_SETJMP.
+ the header of mingw32 overrides setjmp() by setjmpex().
+Mon Jun 20 18:39:16 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb: Skip test_open_fifo_does_not_block_other_threads
+ on cygwin. Fifos seem to work okay in cygwin, but this test repeatedly
+ hangs.
+Mon Jun 20 13:35:06 2016 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * vm.c (invoke_bmethod, invoke_block_from_c_0): revert r52104
+ partially to avoid "self has wrong type to call super in this
+ context" errors.
+ [ruby-core:72724] [Bug #11954]
+Mon Jun 20 12:53:38 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_remote_fetcher.rb: OpenSSL::PKey::DH#priv_key=
+ is not defined when ext/openssl is built with OpenSSL 1.1.0.
+ [ruby-core:75225] [Feature #12324]
+Sun Jun 19 21:25:43 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ocsp.c: Add OCSP::SingleResponse that represents an
+ OCSP SingleResponse structure. Also add two new methods #responses
+ and #find_response to OCSP::BasicResponse. A BasicResponse has one or
+ more SingleResponse. We have OCSP::BasicResponse#status that returns
+ them as an array of arrays, each containing the content of a
+ SingleResponse, but this is not useful. When validating an OCSP
+ response, we need to look into the each SingleResponse and check their
+ validity but it is not simple. For example, when validating for a
+ certificate 'cert', the code would be like:
+ # certid_target is an OpenSSL::OCSP::CertificateId for cert
+ basic = res.basic
+ result = basic.status.any? do |ary|
+ ary[0].cmp(certid_target) &&
+ ary[4] <= && (!ary[5] || <= ary[5])
+ end
+ Adding OCSP::SingleResponse at the same time allows exposing
+ OCSP_check_validity(). With this, the code above can be rewritten as:
+ basic = res.basic
+ single = basic.find_response(certid_target)
+ result = single.check_validity
+ * test/openssl/test_ocsp.rb: Test this.
+Sun Jun 19 18:40:19 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ocsp.c (ossl_ocspbres_add_status): Allow specifying
+ the times (thisUpdate, nextUpdate and revocationTime) with Time
+ objects. Currently they accepts only relative seconds from the current
+ time. This is inconvenience, especially for revocationTime. When
+ Integer is passed, they are still treated as relative times. Since the
+ type check is currently done with rb_Integer(), this is a slightly
+ incompatible change. Hope no one passes a relative time as String or
+ Time object...
+ Also, allow passing nil as nextUpdate. It is optional.
+ * ext/openssl/ruby_missing.h: Define RB_INTEGER_TYPE_P() if not defined.
+ openssl gem will be released before Ruby 2.4.0.
+Sun Jun 19 18:39:38 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ocsp.c: Implement OCSP::{CertificateId,Request,
+ BasicResponse,Response}#initialize_copy.
+ [ruby-core:75504] [Bug #12381]
+ * test/openssl/test_ocsp.rb: Test them.
+Sun Jun 19 18:29:50 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dh.c, ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dsa.c,
+ ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_ec.c, ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_rsa.c: Implement
+ initialize_copy method for OpenSSL::PKey::*.
+ [ruby-core:75504] [Bug #12381]
+ * test/openssl/test_pkey_dh.rb, test/openssl/test_pkey_dsa.rb,
+ test/openssl/test_pkey_ec.rb, test/openssl/test_pkey_rsa.rb: Test they
+ actually copy the OpenSSL objects, and modifications to cloned object
+ don't affect the original object.
+Sun Jun 19 16:55:16 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/ruby/test_dir_m17n.rb: Skip tests with non-UTF-8 encodings
+ on cygwin. Cygwin can use the Unicode PUA (private use area) to store
+ bytes from non-UTF-8 filenames (see
+ but we are not supporting this. [Bug #12443]
+Sun Jun 19 15:01:18 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * localeinit.c: Fix filesystem encoding for cygwin to UTF-8 (see
+Sun Jun 19 14:31:07 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey.h, ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dh.c,
+ ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dsa.c, ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_rsa.c: A few days
+ ago, OpenSSL changed {DH,DSA,RSA}_get0_*() to take const BIGNUM **.
+ [ruby-core:75225] [Feature #12324]
+Sun Jun 19 11:19:43 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c (rb_path_to_class): consider the string length
+ instead of a terminator.
+ * variable.c (rb_path_to_class): search the constant at once
+ instead of checking if defined and then getting it.
+Sat Jun 18 14:01:40 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem_installer.rb: Fixed broken test with extension
+ build.
+Sat Jun 18 13:59:54 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rubygems.rb, lib/rubygems/*, test/rubygems/*: Update rubygems
+ HEAD(2c6d256). It contains to update vendored Molinillo to 0.5.0.
+Sat Jun 18 10:13:37 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (build-ext), ext/extmk.rb: use variable EXTENCS
+ different than ENCOBJS, to get rid of circular dependency.
+ build libencs when linking encodings statically.
+ [ruby-core:75618] [Bug #12401]
+Sat Jun 18 08:52:46 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_getline): fix pointer index
+ overflow. reported by Guido Vranken <guido AT>.
+Thu Jun 16 16:35:35 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c (Init_class_hierarchy): prevent rb_cObject which is the
+ class tree root, from GC. [ruby-dev:49666] [Bug #12492]
+Thu Jun 16 12:17:52 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (tr_trans): adjust buffer size by processed and rest
+ lengths, instead of doubling repeatedly.
+Thu Jun 16 11:15:25 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (tr_trans): consider terminator length and fix heap
+ overflow. reported by Guido Vranken <guido AT>.
+Thu Jun 16 00:02:32 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ocsp.c (ossl_ocspreq_verify, ossl_ocspbres_verify):
+ Use ossl_clear_error() so that they don't print warnings to stderr and
+ leak errors in the OpenSSL error queue. Also, check the return value
+ of OCSP_*_verify() correctly. They can return -1 on verification
+ failure.
+Wed Jun 15 19:52:23 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ocsp.c (ossl_ocspreq_sign, ossl_ocspbres_sign): Allow
+ specifying hash algorithm used in signing. They are hard coded to use
+ SHA-1.
+ Based on a patch provided by Tim Shirley <>.
+ [ruby-core:70915] [Feature #11552] [GH ruby/openssl#28]
+ * test/openssl/test_ocsp.rb: Test sign-verify works.
+Wed Jun 15 01:46:16 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c: [DOC] fix rdoc directive, and an example of negative
+ value. [ruby-core:76025] [Bug #12487]
+Wed Jun 15 01:44:42 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/mkconfig.rb: provide Unicode Version information as
+ [ruby-core:75845] [Feature #12460]
+Wed Jun 15 00:01:18 2016 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_case_comprehensive.rb
+ (TestComprehensiveCaseFold::read_data): use \A and \z instead of
+ ^ and $ in regexp.
+Tue Jun 14 23:43:00 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/backward.h (rb_cFixnum, rb_cBignum): remove the
+ backward compatibility macros, to fail incompatible extension
+ libraries early. [Bug #12427]
+Tue Jun 14 22:22:07 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * strftime.c (rb_strftime_with_timespec): limit the result string
+ size by the format length, to get rid of unlimited memory use.
+Tue Jun 14 22:11:11 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ocsp.c (ossl_ocspcid_get_issuer_name_hash,
+ ossl_ocspcid_get_issuer_key_hash, ossl_ocspcid_get_hash_algorithm):
+ Add accessor methods OCSP::CertificateId#issuer_name_hash,
+ #issuer_key_hash, #hash_algorithm.
+ Based on a patch provided by Paul Kehrer <>.
+ [ruby-core:48062] [Feature #7181]
+ * test/openssl/test_ocsp.rb: Test these new methods.
+Tue Jun 14 22:07:25 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/date/date_strftime.c (date_strftime_with_tmx): reject too
+ large precision to get rid of buffer overflow.
+ reported by Guido Vranken <guido AT>.
+Tue Jun 14 21:40:42 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ocsp.c (ossl_ocspbres_to_der, ossl_ocspcid_to_der):
+ Implement #to_der methods for OCSP::BasicResponse and
+ OCSP::CertificateId.
+ (ossl_ocspreq_initialize, ossl_ocspres_initialize): Use GetOCSP*()
+ instead of raw DATA_PTR().
+ (ossl_ocspbres_initialize, ossl_ocspcid_initialize): Allow
+ initializing from DER string.
+ (Init_ossl_ocsp): Define new #to_der methods.
+ * test/openssl/test_ocsp.rb: Test these changes. Also add missing tests
+ for OCSP::{Response,Request}#to_der.
+Tue Jun 14 21:35:00 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/openssl_missing.h (DH_set0_pqg, RSA_set0_key):
+ DH_set0_pqg() allows 'q' to be NULL. Fix a typo in RSA_set0_key().
+ Fixes r55285. [ruby-core:75225] [Feature #12324]
+Mon Jun 14 10:19:00 2016 Kenta Murata <>
+ * NEWS: describe Integer#digits.
+Mon Jun 13 21:09:40 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * thread.c (debug_deadlock_check): show thread lock dependency and
+ backtrace [Feature #8214] [ruby-dev:47217]
+ * thread.c (thread_status_name): show "sleep_forever" instead of
+ "sleep" if called from inspect.
+Mon Jun 13 20:50:07 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (reg_named_capture_assign_iter): remove named capture
+ conflict warnings. it is just annoying rather than useful.
+ [ruby-core:75416] [Bug #12359]
+Mon Jun 13 20:04:00 2016 Kenta Murata <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_int_digits, rb_fix_digits, rb_int_digits_bigbase):
+ Add Integer#digits to extract columns in place-value notation
+ [Feature #12447] [ruby-core:75799]
+ * test/ruby/test_integer.rb: Add tests for the above change.
+ * test/ruby/test_bignum.rb: ditto.
+Mon Jun 13 20:34:53 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RUBY_INTEGER_UNIFICATION): macro to tell if
+ Integer is integrated. [ruby-core:75718][Bug #12427]
+ * include/ruby/backward.h, internal.h (rb_cFixnum, rb_cBignum):
+ fallback to rb_cInteger.
+ * bignum.c, numeric.c, ext/json/generator/generator.{c,h}: use the
+ macro.
+Mon Jun 13 16:58:53 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_case_comprehensive.rb: Add tests for full Unicode
+ swapcase.
+Sun Jun 12 14:48:00 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_case_comprehensive.rb: Add tests for ASCII-only
+ swapcase; store calculated values in hashes.
+Sun Jun 12 14:05:45 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_cipher.c (ossl_cipher_get_auth_tag,
+ ossl_cipher_set_auth_tag): Check if the cipher flags retrieved by
+ EVP_CIPHER_CTX_flags() includes EVP_CIPH_FLAG_AEAD_CIPHER to see if
+ the cipher supports AEAD. AES-GCM was the only supported in OpenSSL
+ 1.0.1.
+ (Init_ossl_cipher): Fix doc;, :GCM) can't
+ work.
+ * ext/openssl/openssl_missing.h: Define EVP_CTRL_AEAD_{GET,SET}_TAG if
+ missing. They are added in OpenSSL 1.1.0, and have the same value as
+Sun Jun 12 13:47:42 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * test/openssl/test_engine.rb (test_openssl_engine_builtin,
+ test_openssl_engine_by_id_string): Skip test if 'openssl' engine is
+ already loaded. And test the number increased by Engine.load{_by_id,},
+ not the total count of loaded engines. Previously, we called
+ OpenSSL::Engine.cleanup every time running a test case, but we no
+ longer can do it.
+ [ruby-core:75225] [Feature #12324]
+Sun Jun 12 09:24:34 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (append_fspath): normalize directory name to be appended
+ on OS X. [ruby-core:75957] [Ruby trunk Bug#12483]
+Sat Jun 11 23:07:32 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * lib/forwardable.rb (_delegator_method): get rid of a warning which
+ causes test failures introduced at r55376.
+Sat Jun 11 18:37:58 2016 Marcus Stollsteimer <>
+ * ext/json/lib/*.rb: Removed some comments. Because these are unnecessary
+ class description. [ci skip][Bug #12255][ruby-core:74835]
+Sat Jun 11 15:19:38 2016 takiy33 <>
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb: [DOC] Remove dead link on documentation for
+ Japanese of SMTP. [Fix GH-1380]
+Sat Jun 11 15:02:45 2016 Grant Hutchins <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_oct): [DOC] fix typo, hornored -> honored.
+ [Fix GH-1379]
+Sat Jun 11 14:04:19 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/objspace/objspace_dump.c: generate valid JSON for dump_all.
+Sat Jun 11 13:52:33 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/forwardable.rb (_delegator_method): remove __send__ call if
+ possible, so that more optimizations will be enabled.
+Sat Jun 11 11:24:36 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/iso_8859.h (SHARP_s): name frequently used codepoint.
+Sat Jun 11 09:58:45 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/iso_8859_1.c: Revert to older version of code.
+Sat Jun 11 09:46:17 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/iso_8859_1.c: Implement non-ASCII case mapping.
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_case_comprehensive.rb: Tests for above.
+ * string.c: Add iso-8859-1 to supported encodings.
+Sat Jun 11 09:31:28 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/forwardable.rb (_delegator_method): leave the backtrace
+ untouched during accessor. forwardable.rb does not appear in
+ the backtrace during delegated method because of tail-call
+ optimization.
+Sat Jun 11 01:38:31 2016 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * include/ruby/defines.h (GCC_VERSION_SINCE): Fix logic error by
+ adding parentheses. Fix failures of TestMkmf::TestConvertible
+ with GCC 3.4.3 on Solaris 10. [Bug #12479] [ruby-dev:49660]
+Fri Jun 10 21:54:24 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/forwardable.rb (Forwardable._delegator_method): extract
+ method generator and deal with non-module objects.
+ [ruby-dev:49656] [Bug #12478]
+Fri Jun 10 17:35:11 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * string.c: Special-case :ascii option in rb_str_capitalize_bang and
+ rb_str_swapcase_bang.
+Fri Jun 10 17:12:24 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * string.c: Special-case :ascii option in rb_str_upcase_bang (retry).
+Fri Jun 10 14:48:36 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * hash.c (get_env_cstr): ensure NUL-terminated.
+ [ruby-dev:49655] [Bug #12475]
+ * string.c (rb_str_fill_terminator): return the pointer to the
+ NUL-terminated content.
+Thu Jun 9 21:42:00 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c (asn1integer_to_num): Use
+ ASN1_ENUMERATED_to_BN() to convert an ASN1_ENUMERATED to a BN.
+ Starting from OpenSSL 1.1.0, ASN1_INTEGER_to_BN() rejects
+ non-ASN1_INTEGER objects. The format of INTEGER and ENUMERATED are
+ almost identical so they behaved in the same way in OpenSSL <= 1.0.2.
+ [ruby-core:75225] [Feature #12324]
+ * test/openssl/test_asn1.rb (test_decode_enumerated): Test that it
+ works.
+Thu Jun 9 21:10:04 2016 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * tool/ifchange: fix timestamp error when target without
+ directory.
+Thu Jun 9 19:46:22 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c: Add define guards for OPENSSL_NO_EC.
+ SSL_CTX_set_ecdh_auto() is defined even when ECDH is disabled in
+ OpenSSL's configuration. This fixes r55214.
+ * test/openssl/test_pair.rb (test_ecdh_curves): Skip if the OpenSSL does
+ not support ECDH.
+ * test/openssl/utils.rb (start_server): Ignore error in
+ SSLContext#ecdh_curves=.
+Thu Jun 9 18:12:42 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (un-runnable): fail with proper error message.
+ [ruby-core:75905] [Bug #12472]
+Thu Jun 9 15:32:17 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RBCONFIG): use ifchange tool to see if the content is
+ changed and update the timestamp file.
+ * tool/mkconfig.rb: remove ifchange features.
+ * tool/ifchange: make target directory if it does not exist with
+ its parent directories.
+ * win32/ifchange.bat: drop support for used on old
+ systems.
+Thu Jun 9 15:03:35 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: Check for CRYPTO_malloc() and SSL_new().
+ OpenSSL_add_all_digests() and SSL_library_init() are deprecated and
+ converted to macros in OpenSSL 1.1.0.
+ [ruby-core:75225] [Feature #12324]
+Wed Jun 8 23:09:51 2016 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_ascii_casemap): fix compile error.
+Wed Jun 8 22:22:24 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * string.c: Revert previous commit (possibility of endless loop).
+Wed Jun 8 21:57:41 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * string.c: Special-case :ascii option in rb_str_upcase_bang.
+Wed Jun 8 21:28:36 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * string.c: New static function rb_str_ascii_casemap; special-casing
+ :ascii option in rb_str_upcase_bang and rb_str_downcase_bang.
+ * regenc.c: Fix a bug (wrong use of unnecessary slack at end of string).
+ * regenc.h -> include/ruby/oniguruma.h: Move declaration of
+ onigenc_ascii_only_case_map so that it is visible in string.c.
+Wed Jun 8 20:33:44 2016 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h: Remove excess semicolons in PUREFUNC().
+ Fix failure of TestMkmf::TestConvertible on Solaris with
+ Oracle Solaris Studio 12. [ruby-dev:49651] [Bug #12470]
+ * internal.h: ditto.
+Wed Jun 8 16:03:09 2016 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb (getok, get_response): raise an ArgumentError when
+ CR or LF is included in a line, because they are not allowed in
+ RFC5321. Thanks, Jeremy Daer.
+Tue Jun 7 21:27:25 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * test/rubygems/*_{cert,cert_32}.pem: Regenerate test certificates for
+ OpenSSL 1.1.0. This is already in upstream.
+ [ruby-core:75225] [Feature #12324]
+Tue Jun 7 21:27:17 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * test/open-uri/test_ssl.rb: Regenerate test certificates. The test CA
+ certificate was incorrectly generated. A CA certificate must have the
+ basic constraints extension with cA bit set to TRUE. OpenSSL <= 1.0.2
+ allowed the error when the certificate is in the trusted store but
+ OpenSSL 1.1.0 no longer does.
+ [ruby-core:75225] [Feature #12324]
+Tue Jun 7 21:20:38 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * test/openssl/test_x509name.rb: Don't register OID for 'emailAddress'
+ and 'serialNumber'. A recent change in OpenSSL made OBJ_create()
+ reject an already existing OID. They were needed to run tests with
+ OpenSSL 0.9.6 which is now unsupported.
+ [ruby-core:75225] [Feature #12324]
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl_session.rb (test_server_session): Duplicate
+ SSL::Session before re-adding to the session store. OpenSSL 1.1.0
+ starts rejecting SSL_SESSION once removed by SSL_CTX_remove_session().
+ * test/openssl/test_pkey_ec.rb (setup): Remove X25519 from @keys. X25519
+ is new in OpenSSL 1.1.0 but this is for key agreement and not for
+ signing.
+ * test/openssl/test_pair.rb, test/openssl/test_ssl.rb,
+ test/openssl/utils.rb: Set security level to 0 when using aNULL cipher
+ suites.
+ * test/openssl/utils.rb: Use 1024 bits DSA key for client certificates.
+ * test/openssl/test_engine.rb: Run each test in separate process.
+ We can no longer cleanup engines explicitly as ENGINE_cleanup() was
+ removed.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_engine.c (ossl_engine_s_cleanup): Add a note to the
+ RDoc for Engine.cleanup.
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/digest.rb: Don't define constants for DSS,
+ DSS1 and SHA(-0) when using with OpenSSL 1.1.0. They are removed.
+ * test/openssl/test_digest.rb, test/openssl/test_pkey_dsa.rb,
+ test/openssl/test_pkey_dsa.rb, test/openssl/test_ssl.rb,
+ test/openssl/test_x509cert.rb, test/openssl/test_x509req.rb: Don't
+ test unsupported hash functions.
+Tue Jun 7 17:49:52 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_case_comprehensive: Change test for encodings
+ without any non-ASCII case conversions from ASCII-only test
+ to full test.
+Tue Jun 7 17:18:39 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_upcase_bang, rb_str_capitalize_bang,
+ rb_str_swapcase_bang): Switch to use primitive.
+Tue Jun 7 16:44:16 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_downcase_bang): Switch to use primitive except if
+ conversion can be done ASCII-only.
+Tue Jun 7 16:13:36 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_case_comprehensive: Add regression tests for
+ current ASCII-only case conversion.
+Tue Jun 7 15:28:38 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_case_comprehensive: Fix method name
+ (generate_casefold_tests -> generate_case_mapping_tests).
+Tue Jun 7 15:05:13 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * regenc.h/c: Rename onigenc_not_support_case_map to
+ onigenc_ascii_only_case_map.
+ * regenc.h: Add definition of onigenc_single_byte_ascii_only_case_map.
+ * enc/iso_8859_X.c, windows_125X.c, ascii.c, us-ascii.c, koi8_x.c:
+ Replace onigenc_not_support_case_map by
+ onigenc_single_byte_ascii_only_case_map.
+ * enc/big5.c, cp949.c, emacs_mule.c, euc_X.c, gbX.c, shift_jis.c,
+ windows_31j.c: Replace onigenc_not_support_case_map by
+ onigenc_ascii_only_case_map.
+Tue Jun 7 14:57:09 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: Check for SSL_CTX_set_min_proto_version()
+ macro added in OpenSSL 1.1.0. Version-specific methods, such as
+ TLSv1_method(), are deprecated in OpenSSL 1.1.0. We need to use
+ version-flexible methods (TLS_*method() or SSLv23_*method()) and
+ disable other protocol versions as necessary.
+ [ruby-core:75225] [Feature #12324]
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c: Use SSL_CTX_set_{min,max}_proto_version() to
+ fix the protocol version.
+Tue Jun 7 12:55:34 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * regenc.c (onigenc_not_support_case_map): Move to end of file;
+ (onigenc_single_byte_ascii_only_case_map): Add new function.
+Tue Jun 7 09:26:37 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * regenc.c (onigenc_not_support_case_map): Rewrite to work correctly
+ in ASCII range.
+Mon Jun 6 23:00:00 2016 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * appveyor.yml: Update libressl version to 2.3.5.
+Mon Jun 6 18:37:57 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_throw_start): check if the iseq is symbol
+ proc, class definition should not be a symbol proc.
+ [ruby-core:75856] [Bug #12462]
+Mon Jun 6 18:36:34 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * string.c: Added UTF-16BE/LE and UTF-32BE/LE to supported encodings
+ for Unicode case mapping.
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_case_comprehensive.rb: Tests for above
+ functionality; fixed an encoding issue in assertion error message.
+Mon Jun 6 17:29:35 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_case_comprehensive.rb: Speed up testing for small
+ encodings by preselecting codepoints.
+Mon Jun 6 17:10:50 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_cipher.c (ossl_cipher_free): Use EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free()
+ to free EVP_CIPHER_CTX allocated by EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new().
+ [ruby-core:75225] [Feature #12324]
+Mon Jun 6 13:37:08 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * string.c Change rb_str_casemap to use encoding primitive
+ case_map instead of directly calling onigenc_unicode_case_map.
+Mon Jun 6 13:16:46 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_case_mapping.rb:
+ Remove :lithuanian guard for Unicode case mapping.
+Mon Jun 6 10:39:56 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/openssl_missing.h: Include ruby/config.h. r55285 added
+ some inline functions but VC does not recognize 'inline' keyword.
+Mon Jun 6 09:25:34 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (thread_start_func_2): report raised exception if
+ report_on_exception flag is set. [Feature #6647]
+Mon Jun 6 01:36:24 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: Check existence of SSL_is_server(). This
+ function was introduced in OpenSSL 1.0.2.
+ [ruby-core:75225] [Feature #12324]
+ * ext/openssl/openssl_missing.h: Implement SSL_is_server() if missing.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ssl_info_cb): Use SSL_is_server() to see if
+ the SSL is server. The state machine in OpenSSL was rewritten and
+ SSL_get_state() no longer returns SSL_ST_ACCEPT.
+ (ossl_ssl_cipher_to_ary, ossl_sslctx_session_get_cb): Add some
+ `const`s to suppress warning.
+Mon Jun 6 01:18:10 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c (decode_bool): Do the same thing as
+ d2i_ASN1_BOOLEAN() does by ourselves. This function is removed in
+ OpenSSL 1.1.0.
+ [ruby-core:75225] [Feature #12324]
+Mon Jun 6 00:34:16 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: Check existence of accessor functions that
+ don't exist in OpenSSL 0.9.8. OpenSSL 1.1.0 made most of its
+ structures opaque and requires use of these accessor functions.
+ [ruby-core:75225] [Feature #12324]
+ * ext/openssl/openssl_missing.[ch]: Implement them if missing.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl*.c: Use these accessor functions.
+ * test/openssl/test_hmac.rb: Add missing test for HMAC#reset.
+Mon Jun 6 00:00:13 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/openssl_missing.[ch]: Implement EVP_PKEY_get0_*() and
+ {RSA,DSA,EC_KEY,DH}_get0_*() functions.
+ OpenSSL 1.1.0 makes EVP_PKEY/RSA/DSA/DH opaque. We used to provide
+ setter methods for each parameter of each PKey type, for example
+ PKey::RSA#e=, but this is no longer possible because the new API
+ RSA_set0_key() requires the 'n' at the same time. This commit adds
+ deprecation warning to them and adds PKey::*#set_* methods as direct
+ wrapper for those new APIs. For example, 'rsa.e = 3' now needs to be
+ rewritten as 'rsa.set_key(rsa.n, 3, rsa.d)'.
+ [ruby-core:75225] [Feature #12324]
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey*.[ch]: Use the new accessor functions. Implement
+ RSA#set_{key,factors,crt_params}, DSA#set_{key,pqg}, DH#set_{key,pqg}.
+ Emit a warning with rb_warning() when old setter methods are used.
+ * test/drb/ut_array_drbssl.rb, test/drb/ut_drb_drbssl.rb,
+ test/rubygems/test_gem_remote_fetcher.rb: Don't set a priv_key for DH
+ object that are used in tmp_dh_callback. Generating a new key pair
+ every time should be fine - actually the private exponent is ignored
+ in OpenSSL >= 1.0.2f/1.0.1r even if we explicitly set.
+Sun Jun 5 22:06:00 2016 Kenta Murata <>
+ * Fix the timing to detect the appropriate C++ compiler
+ in OS X.
+Sun Jun 5 21:42:24 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: Check absence of CRYPTO_lock() to see if the
+ OpenSSL has the new threading API. In OpenSSL <= 1.0.2, an application
+ had to set locking callbacks to use OpenSSL in a multi-threaded
+ environment. OpenSSL 1.1.0 now finds pthreads or Windows threads so we
+ don't need to do something special.
+ [ruby-core:75225] [Feature #12324]
+ Also check existence of *_up_ref(). Some structures in OpenSSL have
+ a reference counter. We used to increment it with CRYPTO_add() which
+ is a part of the old API.
+ * ext/openssl/openssl_missing.h: Implement *_up_ref() if missing.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c: Don't set locking callbacks if unneeded.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey.c, ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c,
+ ext/openssl/ossl_x509cert.c, ext/openssl/ossl_x509crl.c,
+ ext/openssl/ossl_x509store.c: Use *_up_ref() instead of CRYPTO_add().
+Sun Jun 5 21:38:13 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: Check if RAND_pseudo_bytes() is usable. It is
+ marked as deprecated in OpenSSL 1.1.0.
+ [ruby-core:75225] [Feature #12324]
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_rand.c: Disable Random.pseudo_bytes if
+ RAND_pseudo_bytes() is unavailable.
+ * test/openssl/test_random.rb: Don't test Random.pseudo_bytes if not
+ defined.
+Sun Jun 5 19:06:40 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * NEWS: Add news about Unicode-wide case mapping for
+ String/Symbol#upcase/downcase/swapcase/capitalize(!).
+Sun Jun 5 15:24:33 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_case_comprehensive.rb:
+ Remove :lithuanian guard for Unicode case mapping.
+Sun Jun 5 14:46:34 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * string.c: Remove :lithuanian guard for Unicode case mapping.
+Sat Jun 4 10:54:52 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * missing/crypt.h (struct crypt_data): remove unnecessary member
+ "initialized".
+ * missing/crypt.c (des_setkey_r): nothing to be initialized in
+ crypt_data.
+ * (struct crypt_data): check for "initialized" in
+ struct crypt_data, which may be only in glibc, and isn't on AIX
+ at least.
+Sat Jun 4 10:38:39 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c: unify MAX_PATH, _MAX_PATH, and MAXPATHLEN to
+ PATH_MAX, except for MAX_PATH in get_special_folder for an API
+ limit.
+Fri Jun 3 21:27:22 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (process_options): rb_str_conv_enc() never set encoding
+ of the source string, but returns the string itself if the
+ conversion failed. then the instance variable does not need to
+ be set again.
+Fri Jun 3 18:04:37 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ruby.c (process_options): need to duplicate path before passing it to
+ rb_str_conv_enc() because the function might call rb_enc_associate()
+ internally. this fixes test failures on Windows introduced at r55260.
+Fri Jun 3 17:44:25 2016 Reiner Herrmann <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (create_makefile): sort lists of source and object
+ files in generated Makefile, unless given by extconf.rb.
+ [Fix GH-1367]
+Thu Jun 2 21:18:10 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/win32.c (get_special_folder): use SHGetPathFromIDListEx if
+ available instead of old SHGetPathFromIDListW, to check the
+ buffer size.
+Thu Jun 2 17:05:19 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (ruby_init_loadpath_safe): remove MAXPATHLEN restriction
+ for Windows 10.
+Thu Jun 2 16:51:35 2016 Koichi ITO <>
+ * misc/ruby-mode.el (ruby-here-doc-beg-re),
+ (ruby-here-doc-beg-match, ruby-parse-partial): Support for
+ `squiggly heredoc' syntax in ruby-mode. [Fix GH-1372]
+Thu Jun 2 10:24:48 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * string.c: Raise ArgumentError when invalid string is detected in
+ case mapping methods.
+ * enc/unicode.c: Check for invalid string and signal with negative
+ length value.
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_case_mapping.rb: Add tests for above.
+ * test/ruby/test_m17n_comb.rb: Add a message to clarify test failure.
+Wed Jun 1 21:41:05 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: Check existence of ASN1_TIME_adj(). The old
+ ASN1_TIME_set() is not Year 2038 ready on sizeof(time_t) == 4
+ environment. This function was added in OpenSSL 1.0.0.
+ [ruby-core:45552] [Bug #6571]
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c (ossl_time_split): Added. Split the argument
+ (Time) into the number of days elapsed since the epoch and the
+ remainder seconds to conform to ASN1_TIME_adj().
+ (obj_to_asn1utime, obj_to_asn1gtime): Use ossl_time_split() and
+ ASN1_*TIME_adj().
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.h: Add the function prototype for
+ ossl_time_split().
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509.[ch]: Add ossl_x509_time_adjust(). Similarly to
+ obj_to_asn1*time(), use X509_time_adj_ex() instead of X509_time_adj().
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509cert.c, ext/openssl/ossl_x509crl.c,
+ ext/openssl/ossl_x509revoked.c: Use ossl_x509_time_adjust().
+Wed Jun 1 15:58:20 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * revert r55237. replace crypt, not crypt_r, and
+ check if crypt is broken more.
+ * missing/crypt.c: move crypt_r.c
+ * string.c (rb_str_crypt): use crypt_r if provided by the system.
+Wed Jun 1 14:07:53 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * missing/crypt_r.c (a64toi): initialize statically and fix out of
+ bounds access when salt is not 7bit clean.
+Wed Jun 1 11:34:59 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (MISSING): fixed build error introduced at r55237.
+Wed Jun 1 09:48:06 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_crypt): use reentrant crypt_r.
+Wed Jun 1 09:37:26 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * missing/crypt.c (des_setkey): void function never returns any value.
+Wed Jun 1 09:16:22 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * crypt.h: separate header file from missing/crypt.c.
+ * missing/crypt.c (crypt_r, setkey_r, encrypt_r): add reentrant
+ versions.
+Wed Jun 1 02:25:38 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * missing/crypt.c: fix size macros to use configured values
+ for platforms long is larger than 32bit.
+ [ruby-core:75792] [Bug #12446]
+Tue May 31 17:28:46 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser::Completion.candidate): get rid of
+ nil as key names. [ruby-core:75773] [Bug #12438]
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser#make_switch): char class option
+ cannot be NoArgument, default to RequiredArgument.
+Tue May 31 00:30:11 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (host_str, port_str): Use StringValueCStr
+ instead of (Safe)StringValue, to detect NUL byte in the string.
+Mon May 30 22:02:01 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c (time_to_time_t): Use NUM2TIMET() instead of
+ NUM2LONG(). time_t may be larger than long.
+ [ruby-core:45552] [Bug #6571]
+Mon May 30 21:15:37 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * string.c: Document current behavior for other case mapping methods
+ on String. [ci skip]
+Mon May 30 20:00:25 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * string.c: Document current situation for String#downcase. [ci skip]
+Mon May 30 18:29:28 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_sslctx_s_alloc): Enable the automatic
+ curve selection for ECDH by calling SSL_CTX_set_ecdh_auto(). With
+ this a TLS server automatically selects a curve which both the client
+ and the server support to use in ECDH. This changes the default
+ behavior but users can still disable ECDH by excluding 'ECDH' cipher
+ suites from the cipher list (with SSLContext#ciphers=). This commit
+ also deprecate #tmp_ecdh_callback=. It was added in Ruby 2.3.0. It
+ wraps SSL_CTX_set_tmp_ecdh_callback() which will be removed in OpenSSL
+ 1.1.0. Its callback receives two values 'is_export' and 'keylength'
+ but both are completely useless for determining a curve to use in
+ ECDH. The automatic curve selection was introduced to replace this.
+ (ossl_sslctx_setup): Deprecate SSLContext#tmp_ecdh_callback=. Emit a
+ warning if this is in use.
+ (ossl_sslctx_set_ecdh_curves): Add SSLContext#ecdh_curves=. Wrap
+ SSL_CTX_set1_curves_list(). If it is not available, this falls back
+ to SSL_CTX_set_tmp_ecdh().
+ (Init_ossl_ssl): Define SSLContext#ecdh_curves=.
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: Check the existence of EC_curve_nist2nid(),
+ SSL_CTX_set1_curves_list(), SSL_CTX_set_ecdh_auto() and
+ SSL_CTX_set_tmp_ecdh_callback().
+ * ext/openssl/openssl_missing.[ch]: Implement EC_curve_nist2nid() if
+ missing.
+ * test/openssl/test_pair.rb (test_ecdh_callback): Use
+ EnvUtil.suppress_warning to suppress deprecated warning.
+ (test_ecdh_curves): Test that SSLContext#ecdh_curves= works.
+ * test/openssl/utils.rb (start_server): Use SSLContext#ecdh_curves=.
+Mon May 30 16:28:53 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/raddrinfo.c (host_str, port_str): use RSTRING_LEN
+ instead of strlen, since RSTRING_PTR StringValueCStr may not be
+ NUL-terminated when SHARABLE_MIDDLE_SUBSTRING=1. reported by
+ @tmtms,
+Mon May 30 16:20:26 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (str_fill_term): return new pointer reallocated by
+ filling terminator.
+Mon May 30 14:54:58 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (enc_subseq): share the return value and
+ the buffer as possible.
+Mon May 30 14:50:25 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (str_substr, rb_str_aref): refactor not to create
+ unnecessary empty string.
+ * string.c (str_byte_substr, str_byte_aref): ditto.
+Mon May 30 00:09:37 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/-test-/auto_ext.rb: fixed a heedless bug introduced at r55198.
+ this change will make RubyCI green.
+Sun May 29 22:58:19 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regexec.c (ONIGENC_IS_MBC_ASCII_WORD): redefine optimized one.
+ WORD of Ruby's ascii compatible encoding is always [a-zA-Z0-9_].
+Sun May 29 22:44:19 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regexec.c (match_at): make compilers optimize harder.
+Sun May 29 12:08:42 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/-test-/auto_ext.rb (auto_ext): utility method to create
+ extension libraries for tests.
+Sat May 28 20:40:57 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * misc/ruby-additional.el (ruby-insert-heredoc-code-block): insert
+ here document code block for assert_separately mainly.
+Sat May 28 20:34:19 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/test_unicode_normalize.rb: Add test to check for availability of
+ Unicode data file; refactoring; fix an error with tests for destructive
+ method (unicode_normalize!).
+Sat May 28 19:08:36 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_case_comprehensive.rb: Add error messages to tests
+ for data file availability; refactoring.
+Sat May 28 14:00:10 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.rb (SSLSocket): Move the implementation of
+ SSLSocket#initialize to C. Initialize the SSL (OpenSSL object) in it.
+ Currently this is delayed until ossl_ssl_setup(), which is called from
+ SSLSocket#accept or #connect. Say we call SSLSocket#hostname= with an
+ illegal value. We expect an exception to be raised in #hostname= but
+ actually we get it in the later SSLSocket#connect. Because the SSL is
+ not ready at #hostname=, the actual call of SSL_set_tlsext_host_name()
+ is also delayed.
+ This also fixes: [ruby-dev:49376] [Bug #11724]
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_initialize): Added. Almost the same
+ as the Ruby version but this instantiate the SSL object at the same
+ time.
+ (ossl_ssl_setup): Adjust to the changes. Just set the underlying IO to
+ the SSL.
+ (ssl_started): Added. Make use of SSL_get_fd(). This returns -1 if not
+ yet set by SSL_set_fd().
+ (ossl_ssl_data_get_struct): Removed. Now GetSSL() checks that the SSL
+ exists.
+ (ossl_ssl_set_session): Don't call ossl_ssl_setup() here as now the
+ SSL is already instantiated in #initialize.
+ (ossl_ssl_shutdown, ossl_start_ssl, ossl_ssl_read_internal,
+ ossl_ssl_write_internal, ossl_ssl_stop, ossl_ssl_get_cert,
+ ossl_ssl_get_peer_cert, ossl_ssl_get_peer_cert_chain,
+ ossl_ssl_get_version, ossl_ssl_get_cipher, ossl_ssl_get_state,
+ ossl_ssl_pending, ossl_ssl_session_reused,
+ ossl_ssl_get_verify_result, ossl_ssl_get_client_ca_list,
+ ossl_ssl_npn_protocol, ossl_ssl_alpn_protocol, ossl_ssl_tmp_key): Use
+ GetSSL() instead of ossl_ssl_data_get_struct(). Use ssl_started().
+ (Init_ossl_ssl): Add method declarations of SSLSocket#{initialize,
+ hostname=}.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.h (GetSSL): Check that the SSL is not NULL. It
+ should not be NULL because we now set it in #initialize.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl_session.c (ossl_ssl_session_initialize): No need
+ to check if the SSL is NULL.
+Sat May 28 10:47:40 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * gems/bundled_gems: Update latest releases, power_assert-0.3.0,
+ test-unit 3.1.9, minitest 5.9.0, did_you_mean 1.0.1
+Sat May 28 10:45:40 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * addr2line.c: drop support for ATARI ST platform. It was
+ discontinued more than two decades ago. [fix GH-1350] Patch by
+ @cremno
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: ditto.
+ * io.c: ditto.
+Sat May 28 10:39:47 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_case_comprehensive.rb: Converted exception for
+ unavailable Unicode data files to failed assertion.
+Sat May 28 10:26:18 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/cgi/util.rb: added missing quote.
+ [fix GH-1363][ci skip] Patch by @dwaller
+Fri May 27 17:38:49 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c (rb_local_constants_i): exclude hidden constants.
+ [ruby-core:75575] [Bug #12389]
+Fri May 27 17:09:44 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * transcode.c (str_transcode0): scrub in the given encoding when
+ the source encoding is given, not in the encoding of the
+ receiver. [ruby-core:75732] [Bug #12431]
+Fri May 27 15:07:32 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_scan_args): remove nul padding which
+ caused syntax error if fmt is not a string literal.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_scan_args_verify): suppress array-bounds
+ warnings by old clang.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_scan_args0): make extractor macros
+ inline functions, which do not validate the format and are
+ unnecessary to be expanded.
+Fri May 27 01:00:36 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * symbol.c (is_identchar): use ISDIGIT instead of rb_enc_isalnum.
+ Though rb_enc_isalnum is encoding aware function, its argument here
+ is *m, which is a single byte. Therefore ISDIGIT is faster.
+ * symbol.c (is_special_global_name): ditto.
+ * symbol.c (rb_enc_symname_type): ditto.
+Fri May 27 00:39:40 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_scan_args): add nul padding here to
+ apply to all references.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_scan_args_verify): move length mismatch
+ check outside conditional operators.
+Thu May 26 14:21:10 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dh.c (ossl_dh_compute_key): Check that the DH
+ has 'p' (the prime) before calling DH_size(). We can create a DH with
+ no parameter but DH_size() does not check and dereferences NULL.
+ [ruby-core:75720] [Bug #12428]
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dsa.c (ossl_dsa_sign): Ditto. DSA_size() does
+ not check dsa->q.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_rsa.c (ossl_rsa_public_encrypt,
+ ossl_rsa_public_decrypt, ossl_rsa_private_encrypt,
+ ossl_rsa_private_decrypt): Ditto. RSA_size() does not check rsa->n.
+Thu May 26 14:13:52 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_scan_args_count): verify length with
+ counting variables together.
+Thu May 26 09:45:41 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_case_comprehensive.rb: Add set of comprehensive
+ (across most Unicode characters; later across most character encodings)
+ tests for case mapping.
+Thu May 26 05:00:13 2016 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * class.c (rb_define_class): Fix documentation.
+Wed May 25 20:50:12 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * re.c (unescape_nonascii): scan hex up to only 3 characters.
+ [Bug #12420] [Bug #12423]
+Wed May 25 19:07:19 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/unicode.c: Handle DOTLESS_i by hand because it isn't involved in folding.
+Wed May 25 18:30:53 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regparse.c (fetch_token_in_cc): raise error if given octal escaped
+ character is too big. [Bug #12420] [Bug #12423]
+Wed May 25 17:45:15 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl, test/openssl: Drop OpenSSL < 0.9.8 support.
+Wed May 25 17:43:30 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/openssl_missing.h, ext/openssl/ossl.h: Remove
+ unnecessary 'extern "C"' blocks. We don't use C++ and these headers
+ are local to ext/openssl, so there is no need to enclose with it.
+Wed May 25 17:42:58 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: Remove check of OPENSSL_FIPS macro. This is
+ unneeded because we can check the macro directly in source code,
+ just as we already do for OPENSSL_NO_* macros.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c: Replace occurrences of HAVE_OPENSSL_FIPS with
+Wed May 25 17:13:35 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c (rb_scan_args): merge code for n_trail.
+Wed May 25 17:11:34 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_scan_args_validate): move failed
+ condition to the terminal. [ruby-core:75714] [Bug #12426]
+Wed May 25 13:13:37 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regcomp.c: remove condition for debug output because prelude
+ doesn't use regexp now.
+Wed May 25 13:10:30 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regcomp.c (compile_length_tree): return error code immediately
+ if compile_length_tree raised error [Bug #12418]
+Wed May 25 08:01:39 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/unicode.c: Fix flag error for switch from titlecase to lowercase.
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_case_mapping.rb: Tests for above error.
+Wed May 25 01:13:55 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_ec.c (ec_key_new_from_group): Create a new
+ EC_KEY on given EC group. Extracted from ossl_ec_key_initialize().
+ (ossl_ec_key_s_generate): Added. Create a new EC instance and
+ generate a random private and public key.
+ (ossl_ec_key_initialize): Use ec_key_new_from_group().
+ (Init_ossl_ec): Define the new method EC.generate. This change is
+ for consistency with other PKey types. [ruby-core:45541] [Bug #6567]
+ * test/openssl/test_pkey_ec.rb: Test that EC.generate works.
+Wed May 25 00:37:16 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_ec.c (ossl_ec_key_generate_key): Fix up RDoc.
+ (Init_ossl_ec): Rename EC#generate_key to EC#generate_key!. Make the
+ old name an alias of #generate_key!. This change is for consistency
+ with other PKey types. [ruby-core:45541] [Bug #6567]
+ * test/openssl/test_pkey_ec.rb: Use EC#generate_key! instead of
+ EC#generate_key.
+Wed May 25 00:23:05 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_scan_args_set): check the arity after
+ adjusting argc for an option hash, for optimization in simpler
+ cases.
+Wed May 25 00:21:52 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (XCFLAGS): merge flags only for ruby itself from
+ ruby_cflags.
+Tue May 24 22:04:15 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_cipher.c (ossl_cipher_set_key, ossl_cipher_set_iv):
+ Reject too long values as well as too short ones. Currently they
+ just truncate the input but this would hide bugs and lead to
+ unexpected encryption/decryption results.
+ * test/openssl/test_cipher.rb: Test that Cipher#key= and #iv= reject
+ Strings with invalid length.
+Tue May 24 21:32:21 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509ext.c (ossl_x509ext_set_value): Use
+ ASN1_OCTET_STRING_set() instead of M_ASN1_OCTET_STRING_set(). Macros
+ prefixed by "M_" are discouraged to be used from outside OpenSSL
+ library[1].
+ (ossl_x509ext_get_value): Likewise, use ASN1_STRING_print() instead
+ of M_ASN1_OCTET_STRING_print().
+ [1];a=blob;f=CHANGES;h=bf61913d7b01212b4d8b2f3c13d71d645914f67c;hb=b6079a7835f61daa9fb2cbf9addfa86049523933#l878
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.h: Include openssl/asn1.h instead of
+ openssl/asn1_mac.h. It just includes openssl/asn1.h and defines some
+ additional "M_" macros.
+Tue May 24 18:52:11 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_scan_args_verify): verify the format to
+ scan if no invalid chars and variable argument length matching,
+ at the compile time if possible.
+Tue May 24 17:18:46 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/defines.h (ERRORFUNC, WARNINGFUNC): add fallback
+ definitions.
+Tue May 24 16:37:43 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (ruby_cflags): separate from optflags [Bug #12409]
+ -fexcess-precision=standard and -fp-model precise are set to this now.
+ * (cflags): use ruby_cflags.
+Tue May 24 16:20:53 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (ERRORFUNC, WARNINGFUNC): __error__ and __warning__
+ attributes take a parenthesized string literal.
+Tue May 24 12:35:56 2016 URABE Shyouhei <>
+ * sort lines, and add missing dependencies suggested
+ by tool/update-deps
+Mon May 23 21:33:36 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/missing.h (isfinite): move from numeric.c.
+Mon May 23 21:09:06 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c (Init_openssl): Avoid reference to unset global
+ variable. ossl_raise() may be called before dOSSL is set. Since
+ global variables default to 0 and the default value of dOSSL set in
+ Init_openssl() is also Qfalse, there is no real issue but confusing.
+ Patch by Bertram Scharpf <>
+ [ruby-core:58264] [Bug #9101]
+Mon May 23 20:32:16 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_asn1.c, ext/openssl/ossl_bn.c,
+ ext/openssl/ossl_cipher.c, ext/openssl/ossl_digest.c
+ ext/openssl/ossl_engine.c, ext/openssl/ossl_ns_spki.c
+ ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs12.c, ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs7.c
+ ext/openssl/ossl_pkey.c, ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_ec.c
+ ext/openssl/ossl_rand.c, ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c
+ ext/openssl/ossl_x509attr.c, ext/openssl/ossl_x509cert.c
+ ext/openssl/ossl_x509ext.c, ext/openssl/ossl_x509store.c: Use
+ StringValueCStr() where NUL-terminated string is expected.
+Mon May 23 20:20:12 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (isfinite): get rid of a warning on
+ cygwin. [Bug #12417][ruby-core:75691]
+Mon May 23 19:41:27 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_rand.c (ossl_rand_egd, ossl_rand_egd_bytes):
+ RAND_egd{_bytes,}() return -1 on failure, not 0.
+ Patch by cremno phobia <>
+ [ruby-core:63795] [Bug #10053]
+ (ossl_pseudo_bytes): Similar, RAND_pseudo_bytes() may return 0 or
+ -1 on failure.
+Mon May 23 15:52:07 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (isfinite): isfinite does not always
+ exist. fixed build error on Windows introduced at r55123.
+Mon May 23 13:19:41 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_scan_args0): make compile error if the
+ format is wrong or does not match with the variable argument
+ length if possible.
+Mon May 23 12:47:09 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_scan_args0): raise fatal error if
+ variable argument length does not match, it is a bug in the code
+ which uses rb_scan_args, not a runtime error.
+Mon May 23 12:30:29 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c (GetVpValueWithPrec): consider
+ non-finite float values not to raise FloatDomainError.
+ [ruby-core:75682] [Bug #12414]
+Mon May 23 12:21:18 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_fill): suppress warnings: 'item' may be used
+ uninitialized in this function
+Mon May 23 07:41:49 2016 Eric Wong <>
+ * dir.c (dir_close): update RDoc for 2.3 #close change
+ [ruby-core:75679] [Bug #12413]
+Sun May 22 20:01:21 2016 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/drb/timeridconv.rb: use finalizer trick instead of thread.
+ * test/drb/ut_timerholder.rb: ditto.
+Sun May 22 17:25:18 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_case_options.rb: adjust test class name
+ to match file name
+Sun May 22 17:24:07 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * rename test/ruby/enc/test_casing_options.rb to test_case_options.rb
+ for consistency
+Sun May 22 17:06:55 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * transcode.c (enc_arg, str_transcode_enc_args, econv_args):
+ remove volatile, and add GC guards in callers.
+ [ruby-core:75664] [Bug #12411]
+Sun May 22 16:27:00 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/-test-/integer/core_ext.c: move testutil/integer.c.
+ * test/lib/-test-/integer.rb: extract implementation details from
+ test/unit/assertions.rb. [Bug #12408]
+Sun May 22 14:57:43 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * include/ruby/oniguruma.h: Extend OnigEncodingTypeDefine to define a
+ new encoding primitive 'case_map' for case mapping
+ * enc/utf-8.c, utf_16be/le.c, utf_32be/le.c:
+ add onigenc_unicode_case_map as case_map primitive
+ * enc/ascii.c, big5.c, cp949.c, emacs_mule.c, euc_jp/kr/tw.c, gb18030.c,
+ gbk.c, iso_8859_1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/13/14/15/16.c, koi8_r/u.c,
+ shift_jis.c, us_ascii.c, windows_1250/1251/1252.c:
+ add onigenc_not_support_case_map as case_map primitive
+Sun May 22 14:45:45 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * regenc.h/c: Define new function onigenc_not_support_case_map
+Sun May 22 12:14:06 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_scan_args): use original rb_scan_args
+ when fmt is dynamic.
+Sun May 22 11:41:12 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * class.c (rb_scan_args): moved to bottom of the file to make the
+ effect of `#undef rb_scan_args` the minimum.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_scan_args): overwrite only if GCC and
+ optimized. Visual C++ 14 or later can compile it but make it
+ conservative.
+Sat May 21 22:45:50 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_scan_args): don't use ALWAYS_INLINE with
+ `inline`. if gcc needs this duplication, do in ALWAYS_INLINE macro.
+Sat May 21 21:11:56 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_scan_args): use __VA_ARGS__ instead of
+ va_arg to allow compilers optimize more aggressive.
+ rb_scan_args is now expected to be statically resolved.
+Sun May 22 02:41:52 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c: remove hacky macro introduced at r30437.
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (gzfile_make_header): cast as long (instead of int).
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c (gzfile_make_footer): ditto.
+Sat May 21 21:07:18 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (ALWAYS_INLINE): force compilers the function inlined.
+Sat May 21 16:16:03 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_stop): Don't free the SSL struct
+ here. Since some methods such as SSLSocket#connect releases GVL,
+ there is a chance of use after free if we free the SSL from another
+ thread. SSLSocket#stop was documented as "prepares it for another
+ connection" so this is a slightly incompatible change. However when
+ this sentence was added (r30090, Add toplevel documentation for
+ OpenSSL, 2010-12-06), it didn't actually. The current behavior is
+ from r40304 (Correct shutdown behavior w.r.t GC., 2013-04-15).
+ [ruby-core:74978] [Bug #12292]
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl.rb (sysclose): Update doc.
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb: Test this.
+Sat May 21 14:41:14 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c: [DOC] Fix SSL client example. The variable name
+ was wrong. Patch by Andreas Tiefenthaler <> (@pxlpnk).
+ [GH ruby/openssl#32]
+Sat May 21 14:25:38 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_ec.c: rename PKey::EC#private_key? and
+ #public_key? to #private? and #public? for consistency with other
+ PKey types. Old names remain as alias. [ruby-core:45541] [Bug #6567]
+ * test/openssl/test_pkey_ec.rb (test_check_key): check private? and
+ public? works correctly.
+Sat May 21 12:40:36 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/buffering.rb (read_nonblock, readpartial):
+ Remove impossible EOFError raise. Patch by Zach Anker
+ <>. [GH ruby/openssl#23]
+Sat May 21 11:18:42 2016 Evgeni Golov <>
+ * lib/ipaddr.rb: [DOC] fix documentation of IN6MASK to mention
+ IPv6. [Fix GH-1349]
+Sat May 21 11:12:53 2016 Dan Martinez <>
+ * io.c (Init_IO): [DOC] define dummy ARGF instead of ARGF.class to
+ re-enable the generation of ARGF documentation. [Fix GH-1358]
+Sat May 21 11:07:29 2016 0x01f7 <>
+ * doc/syntax/methods.rdoc (Method Names): add proper closing tag.
+ [Fix GH-1356]
+Sat May 21 09:26:28 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_CHECK_SETJMP): fix missing macro definition
+ for the configured result. fix up r55021.
+Sat May 21 00:36:32 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (rb_execarg_commandline): build command line string
+ from argument vector in rb_execarg.
+ [ruby-core:75611] [Bug #12398]
+Fri May 20 23:25:42 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c (ossl_pem_passwd_value): Added. Convert the
+ argument to String with StringValue() and validate the length is in
+ 4..PEM_BUFSIZE. PEM_BUFSIZE is a macro defined in OpenSSL headers.
+ (ossl_pem_passwd_cb): When reading/writing encrypted PEM format, we
+ used to pass the password to PEM_def_callback() directly but it was
+ problematic. It is not NUL character safe. And surprisingly, it
+ silently truncates the password to 1024 bytes. [GH ruby/openssl#51]
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.h: Add function prototype declaration of newly
+ added ossl_pem_passwd_value().
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey.c (ossl_pkey_new_from_data): Use
+ ossl_pem_passwd_value() to validate the password String.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dsa.c (ossl_dsa_initialize, ossl_dsa_export):
+ ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_ec.c (ossl_ec_key_initialize,
+ ossl_ec_key_to_string): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_rsa.c (ossl_rsa_initialize, ossl_rsa_export):
+ ditto.
+ * test/openssl/test_pkey_{dsa,ec,rsa}.rb: test this.
+Fri May 20 23:45:53 2016 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * id_table.c (list_id_table_init): When unaligned word access is
+ prohibited and sizeof(VALUE) is 8 (64-bit machines),
+ capa should always be even number for 8-byte word alignment
+ of the values of a table. This code assumes that sizeof(ID) is 4,
+ sizeof(VALUE) is 8, and xmalloc() returns 8-byte aligned memory.
+ This fixes bus error on 64-bit SPARC Solaris 10.
+ [Bug #12406][ruby-dev:49631]
+Fri May 20 22:30:09 2016 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * symbol.h (rb_id2sym): Use HAVE_BUILTIN___BUILTIN_CONSTANT_P
+Fri May 20 22:19:00 2016 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c: [DOC] fix typos.
+ [fix GH-1360] patched by @soundasleep
+Fri May 20 21:26:58 2016 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * include/ruby/defines.h (RB_GNUC_EXTENSION, RB_GNUC_EXTENSION_BLOCK):
+ macros for skipping __extension__ on non-GCC compilers.
+ * eval_error.c (warn_print): use RB_GNUC_EXTENSION_BLOCK instead of
+ __extension__ because __extension__ is a GNU extension.
+ Fix compile error on Solaris 10 with Oracle Solaris Studio 12.x.
+ [Bug #12397] [ruby-dev:49629].
+ * internal.h (rb_fstring_cstr, rb_fstring_enc_cstr): ditto
+ * include/ruby/encoding.h (rb_enc_str_new, rb_enc_str_new_cstr): ditto
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_str_new, rb_str_new_cstr,
+ rb_usascii_str_new, rb_utf8_str_new, rb_tainted_str_new_cstr,
+ rb_usascii_str_new_cstr, rb_utf8_str_new_cstr,
+ rb_external_str_new_cstr, rb_locale_str_new_cstr,
+ rb_str_buf_new_cstr, rb_str_cat_cstr, rb_exc_new_cstr): ditto
+Fri May 20 21:17:13 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (fole_missing): make substring or dup to
+ share the content if possible.
+Fri May 20 19:48:48 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * internal.h (NEW_PARTIAL_MEMO_FOR): shrink buffer array not to
+ mark non-VALUE fields. fix check_rvalue_consistency abort with
+ * internal.h (NEW_CMP_OPT_MEMO): exclude struct cmp_opt_data from
+ the valid array range.
+ * enum.c (slicewhen_i): exclude inverted too.
+Thu May 19 21:21:57 2016 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_match_m_p): [DOC] fix return value in rdoc.
+ * test/ruby/test_regexp.rb (TestRegexp#test_match_p): add some
+ tests from document.
+Thu May 19 13:22:44 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c (Init_openssl): register an ex_data index for
+ X509_STORE and X509_STORE_CTX respectively. Since they don't share
+ the ex_data index registry, we can't use the same index.
+ (ossl_verify_cb): use the correct index.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_verify_callback): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509store.c (ossl_x509store_set_vfy_cb): ditto.
+ (ossl_x509stctx_verify): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.h (void ossl_clear_error): add extern declarations
+ of ossl_store_{ctx_,}ex_verify_cb_idx.
+ * ext/openssl/openssl_missing.c: remove X509_STORE_set_ex_data and
+ X509_STORE_get_ex_data.
+ * ext/openssl/openssl_missing.h: implement X509_STORE_get_ex_data,
+ X509_STORE_set_ex_data and X509_STORE_get_ex_new_index as macros.
+Thu May 19 13:11:35 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509attr.c (ossl_x509attr_set_value): check that the
+ argument is an OpenSSL::ASN1::Data before converting to ASN1_TYPE.
+ This fixes SEGV on OpenSSL::X509::Attribute#value=(non-asn1-value).
+ * test/openssl/test_x509attr.rb: add tests for OpenSSL::X509::Attribute.
+Thu May 19 12:10:10 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_match_m_p): fix match against empty string.
+ rb_str_offset returns the end when the position exceeds the
+ length. fix the range parameter of onig_search.
+ [ruby-core:75604] [Bug #12394]
+Thu May 19 11:37:36 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_match_m_p): should return false if no match, as the
+ document says. [Feature #8110]
+Thu May 19 00:17:01 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * re.c (reg_names_iter): specify capacify
+Wed May 18 21:29:59 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * thread.c (recursive_list_access): a object id may be a Bignum. so,
+ the list must be a objhash, instead of a identhash.
+ this fixes many test errors on mswin64 CI.
+Wed May 18 19:33:54 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_match_m_p): Introduce Regexp#match?, which returns
+ bool and doesn't save backref.
+Wed May 18 16:52:03 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs12.c (ossl_pkcs12_initialize): pop errors
+ leaked by PKCS12_parse(). This is a bug in OpenSSL, which exists
+ in the versions before the version 1.0.0t, 1.0.1p, 1.0.2d.
+Wed May 18 16:04:54 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/downloader.rb ( verify gems
+ only if RubyGems is 2.4 or later. old RubyGems fails to verify
+ almost all of bundled gems.
+Wed May 18 14:52:38 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_modify_expand): check integer overflow.
+ [ruby-core:75592] [Bug #12390]
+Wed May 18 13:11:44 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * re.c (match_ary_subseq): get subseq of match array without creating
+ temporary array.
+ * re.c (match_ary_aref): get element(s) of match array without creating
+ temporary array.
+ * re.c (match_aref): Use match_ary_subseq with handling irregulars.
+ * re.c (match_values_at): Use match_ary_aref.
+Wed May 18 13:03:07 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509cert.c (ossl_x509_verify): X509_verify()
+ family may put errors on 0 return (0 means verification failure).
+ Clear OpenSSL error queue before return to Ruby. Since the queue is
+ thread global, remaining errors in the queue can cause an unexpected
+ error in the next OpenSSL operation. [ruby-core:48284] [Bug #7215]
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509crl.c (ossl_x509crl_verify): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509req.c (ossl_x509req_verify): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_x509store.c (ossl_x509stctx_verify): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dh.c (dh_generate): clear the OpenSSL error
+ queue before re-raising exception.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dsa.c (dsa_generate): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_rsa.c (rsa_generate): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_start_ssl): ditto.
+ * test/openssl: check that OpenSSL.errors is empty every time after
+ running a test case.
+Wed May 18 12:07:42 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c (ossl_clear_error): Extracted from
+ ossl_make_error(). This prints errors in the OpenSSL error queue if
+ OpenSSL.debug is true, and clears the queue.
+ (ossl_make_error): use ossl_clear_error().
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.h: add prototype declaration of ossl_make_error().
+ (OSSL_BIO_reset) use ossl_clear_error() to clear the queue. Clearing
+ silently makes debugging difficult.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_engine.c (ossl_engine_s_by_id): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ns_spki.c (ossl_spki_initialize): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkcs7.c (ossl_pkcs7_verify): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_dsa.c (ossl_dsa_initialize): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_ec.c (ossl_ec_key_initialize): ditto.
+ (ossl_ec_group_initialize): ditto.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_shutdown): ditto.
+Wed May 18 11:53:49 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey_ec.c (ossl_ec_point_mul): Validate the
+ arguments before passing to EC_POINT(s)_mul(). Add description of this
+ method. [ruby-core:65152] [Bug #10268]
+ * test/openssl/test_pkey_ec.rb (test_ec_point_mul): Test that
+ OpenSSL::PKey::EC::Point#mul works.
+Wed May 18 11:19:59 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_bn.c (try_convert_to_bnptr): Extracted from
+ GetBNPtr(). This doesn't raise exception but returns NULL on error.
+ (GetBNPtr): Raise TypeError if conversion fails.
+ (ossl_bn_eq): Implement BN#==.
+ (ossl_bn_eql): #eql? should not raise TypeError even if the argument
+ is not compatible with BN.
+ (ossl_bn_hash): Implement BN#hash.
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_bn.c (Init_ossl_bn): Define #== and #hash.
+ * test/openssl/test_bn.rb: Test BN#eql?, #== and #hash
+Wed May 18 10:17:41 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RB_INTEGER_TYPE_P): new macro and
+ underlying inline function to check if the object is an
+ Integer (Fixnum or Bignum).
+Wed May 18 09:52:00 2016 Kenta Murata <>
+ * enum.c (enum_sum, hash_sum, hash_sum_i, enum_sum_i, sum_iter):
+ Optimize for hashes when each method isn't redefined.
+Wed May 18 09:14:00 2016 Kenta Murata <>
+ * enum.c (enum_sum, int_range_sum): Extract int_range_sum from
+ enum_sum.
+Wed May 18 03:16:06 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * re.c (match_values_at): fix regression at r55036.
+ MatchData#values_at accepts Range.
+Wed May 18 02:02:58 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * re.c (match_aref): remove useless condition and call rb_fix2int.
+ rb_reg_nth_match handles negative index.
+Wed May 18 01:57:43 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * re.c (match_values_at): MatchData#values_at supports named captures
+ [Feature #9179]
+ * re.c (namev_to_backref_number): separated.
+Wed May 18 00:05:00 2016 Kenta Murata <>
+ * enum.c (enum_sum): Optimize for a range from int to int.
+ * test/ruby/test_enum.rb (test_range_sum): Move from test_range.rb,
+ and add assertions for some conditions.
+ * test/ruby/test_enum.rb (test_hash_sum): Move from test_hash.rb.
+ * test/ruby/test_hash.rb, test/ruby/test_range.rb: Remove test_sum.
+Tue May 17 23:08:00 2016 Kenta Murata <>
+ * enum.c (enum_sum): [DOC] Write documentation.
+Tue May 17 22:53:00 2016 Kenta Murata <>
+ * enum.c (enum_sum): Implement Enumerable#sum.
+ * test/ruby/test_enum.rb (test_sum): Test sum for Enumerable.
+ * test/ruby/test_hash.rb (test_sum): Test sum for Hash.
+ * test/ruby/test_range.rb (test_sum): Test sum for Range.
+Tue May 17 22:11:41 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * object.c, numeric.c, enum.c, ext/-test-/bignum/mul.c,
+ lib/rexml/quickpath.rb, lib/rexml/text.rb, lib/rexml/xpath_parser.rb,
+ lib/rubygems/specification.rb, lib/uri/generic.rb,
+ bootstraptest/test_eval.rb, basictest/test.rb,
+ test/-ext-/bignum/test_big2str.rb, test/-ext-/bignum/test_div.rb,
+ test/-ext-/bignum/test_mul.rb, test/-ext-/bignum/test_str2big.rb,
+ test/csv/test_data_converters.rb, test/date/test_date.rb,
+ test/json/test_json_generate.rb, test/minitest/test_minitest_mock.rb,
+ test/openssl/test_cipher.rb, test/rexml/test_jaxen.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_array.rb, test/ruby/test_basicinstructions.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_bignum.rb, test/ruby/test_case.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_class.rb, test/ruby/test_complex.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_enum.rb, test/ruby/test_eval.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_iseq.rb, test/ruby/test_literal.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_math.rb, test/ruby/test_module.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_numeric.rb, test/ruby/test_range.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_rational.rb, test/ruby/test_refinement.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_rubyvm.rb, test/ruby/test_struct.rb,
+ test/ruby/test_variable.rb, test/rubygems/test_gem_specification.rb,
+ test/thread/test_queue.rb: Use Integer instead of Fixnum and Bignum.
+Tue May 17 15:26:10 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * [Feature #12005] Unify Fixnum and Bignum into Integer
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_class_of): Return rb_cInteger for fixnums.
+ * insns.def (INTEGER_REDEFINED_OP_FLAG): Unified from
+ * vm_core.h: Ditto.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (opt_eq_func): Use INTEGER_REDEFINED_OP_FLAG instead
+ * vm.c (vm_redefinition_check_flag): Use rb_cInteger instead of
+ rb_cFixnum and rb_cBignum.
+ (C): Use Integer instead of Fixnum and Bignum.
+ * numeric.c (fix_succ): Removed.
+ (Init_Numeric): Define Fixnum as Integer.
+ * bignum.c (bignew): Use rb_cInteger instead of rb_cBignum.
+ (rb_int_coerce): replaced from rb_big_coerce and return fixnums
+ as-is.
+ (Init_Bignum): Define Bignum as Integer.
+ Don't define ===.
+ * error.c (builtin_class_name): Return "Integer" for fixnums.
+ * sprintf.c (ruby__sfvextra): Use rb_cInteger instead of rb_cFixnum.
+ * ext/-test-/testutil: New directory to test.
+ Currently it provides utilities for fixnum and bignum.
+ * ext/json/generator/generator.c: Define mInteger_to_json.
+ * lib/mathn.rb (Fixnum#/): Redefinition removed.
+Tue May 17 11:58:58 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ to suppress warnings by -Wsuggest-attribute=noreturn.
+ [ruby-core:75510] [Bug #12383]
+Tue May 17 10:40:18 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_CHECK_SETJMP): needs the header and proper
+ arguments for builtin setjmp functions.
+Mon May 16 20:00:30 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/unicode.h: Additional uses of ONIG_CASE_MAPPING compilation switch
+Mon May 16 19:46:33 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * include/ruby/oniguruma.h: Introducing ONIG_CASE_MAPPING compilation
+ switch
+ * include/ruby/oniguruma.h, enc/unicode.h: Using ONIG_CASE_MAPPING
+ compilation switch
+Mon May 16 19:29:31 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * gems/bundled_gems: Update xmlrpc-0.1.1. xmlrpc-0.1.0 didn't allow
+ to install on 2.4.0dev.
+Mon May 16 13:28:59 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ macro names explicitly to the old names, which are accidentally
+ changed at r54985, for backward compatibilities.
+ fiddle also depends on these names to fallback to ANSI names.
+ [ruby-core:75494] [Bug #12377]
+Mon May 16 11:39:02 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc.rb, lib/xmlrpc/*, test/xmlrpc: XMLRPC is bundled gem
+ on Ruby 2.4. It is extracted to
+ [Feature #12160][ruby-core:74239]
+ * gems/bundled_gems: ditto.
+Mon May 16 06:06:21 2016 Eric Wong <>
+ * proc.c: fix RDoc of Proc#===/call/yield/[]
+ [Bug #12332]
+Sun May 15 20:55:31 2016 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/drb/timeridconv.rb: don't use keeper thread. [Bug #12342]
+ * test/drb/ut_timerholder.rb: ditto.
+Sun May 15 16:15:25 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_entry): extract rb_ary_elt to organize if-conditions
+ and check whether is embedded at once.
+Sun May 15 10:57:26 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_get_ev_const): warn deprecated constant even
+ in the class context. [ruby-core:75505] [Bug #12382]
+Sun May 15 03:13:01 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * iseq.h (struct iseq_compile_data): use struct rb_id_table
+ instead of st_table.
+ * iseq.c (prepare_iseq_build): don't allocate ivar_cache_table
+ until it has at least one element.
+ * iseq.c (compile_data_free): free ivar_cache_table only if it
+ is allocated.
+ * compile.c (get_ivar_ic_value): allocate if the table is not
+ allocated yet.
+Sat May 14 09:04:34 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (pkg_config): use xsystem consistently to set up
+ library path environment variable as well as latter pkg-config
+ calls. [ruby-dev:49619] [Bug #12379]
+Sat May 14 00:16:54 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (make_seed_value): append leading-zero-guard and get
+ rid of making a local copy of the seed.
+Fri May 13 08:46:42 2016 cremno <>
+ * NEWS: drop FreeBSD < 4 support. [Fix GH-1339]
+ The most recent version affected by this is 3.5 and was released
+ in 2000.
+Fri May 13 03:12:09 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * include/ruby/defines.h (GCC_VERSION_SINCE): moved from internal.h.
+Fri May 13 03:11:20 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (__builtin_constant_p): check.
+Fri May 13 03:10:39 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * use alternative keyword
+ to avoid macros conflicts with them.
+Thu May 12 01:54:08 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (try_func): get rid of conflict of declarations of
+ main(). checking local symbol reference does not make sense.
+Thu May 12 00:18:19 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/Makefile.sub (HAVE_QSORT_S): use qsort_s only for Visual Studio
+ 2012 or later, because VS2010 seems to causes a SEGV in
+ test/ruby/test_enum.rb.
+Wed May 11 23:59:47 2016 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_getivar): describe fast-path explicit
+ (compiler friendly). [Bug #12274].
+Wed May 11 21:30:07 2016 Masaya Tarui <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each): share InlineCache during same
+ instance variable accesses. Reducing memory consumption,
+ rising cache hit rate and rising branch prediction hit rate
+ are expected. A part of [Bug #12274].
+ * iseq.h (struct iseq_compile_data): introduce instance
+ variable IC table for sharing.
+ * iseq.c (prepare_iseq_build, compile_data_free):
+ construct/destruct above table.
+Wed May 11 17:18:53 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * util.c (ruby_qsort): use qsort_s if available, for Microsoft
+ Visual Studio 2005 (msvcr80.dll) and mingw.
+Wed May 11 10:33:26 2016 Marcus Stollsteimer <>
+ * COPYING: Remove trailing-whitespaces.
+ [ci skip][fix GH-1348]
+Tue May 10 21:05:45 2016 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * insns.def (defineclass): Also raise an error when redeclaring the
+ superclass of a class as Object and it has another superclass.
+ [Bug #12367] [ruby-core:75446]
+ * test/ruby/test_class.rb: test for above.
+Tue May 10 14:57:09 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (obj_random_bytes): base on bytes method instead of
+ rand method, not to call toplevel rand method.
+Tue May 10 13:07:28 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (-fexcess-precision=standard): before r54895 -std=c99
+ is specified and it implied -fexcess-precision=standard.
+ Now with -std=gnu99, it should be explicitly specified.
+Mon May 9 10:51:59 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_atfork_internal): move th to an argument.
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_atfork): do not repeat GET_THREAD().
+Mon May 9 10:46:36 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_atfork, rb_thread_atfork_before_exec): do
+ nothing unless working fork is available.
+ * thread_sync.c (rb_mutex_abandon_all): define only if working
+ fork is available.
+ * thread_sync.c (rb_mutex_abandon_keeping_mutexes): ditto.
+ * thread_sync.c (rb_mutex_abandon_locking_mutex): ditto.
+ * thread_win32.c (gvl_init): never used.
+Mon May 9 07:18:06 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/{defines,ruby}.h: need to define function attributes
+ alternatives in defines.h instead of ruby.h, because they are used
+ in oniguruma.h and the header used without including ruby.h at
+ encoding library sources.
+Mon May 9 06:30:12 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (CONSTFUNC, PUREFUNC): fixed build errors on
+ non-gcc build environments introduced at r54952.
+Mon May 9 02:51:51 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_unprotect_logging): throw rb_memerror when it cannot
+ allocate memory. This is pointed out by Facebook's Infer.
+ * gc.c (gc_prof_setup_new_record): ditto.
+ * regparse.c (parse_regexp): ditto.
+ * util.c (MALLOC): use xmalloc and xfree like above.
+Mon May 9 02:39:16 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * check function attribute const and pure,
+ and define CONSTFUNC and PUREFUNC if available.
+ Note that I don't add those options as default because
+ it still shows many false-positive (it seems not to consider
+ longjmp).
+ * vm_eval.c (stack_check): get rb_thread_t* as an argument
+ to avoid duplicate call of GET_THREAD().
+Sun May 8 21:01:14 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: assume it doesn't have SSLv2 related
+ functions when OPENSSL_NO_SSL2 is defined.
+ Usually openssl's header and the library (libssl) have the same
+ set of functions, but on some environment the library has functions
+ whose headers doesn't declare. (openssl/opensslconf.h and
+ aren't be synchronized)
+ To detect such case explicitly check feature macro and remove
+ related functions.
+Sun May 8 18:51:33 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_home_dir_of): return the default home path if the
+ user name is the current user name, on platforms where struct
+ pwd is not supported. a temporary measure against
+ [Bug #12226].
+Sun May 8 08:51:38 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * add -Wsuggest-attribute=format and suppress warnings.
+Sun May 8 08:31:03 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * add -Wsuggest-attribute=noreturn and suppress warnings.
+Sun May 8 08:19:16 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * add -Werror=implicit-int to avoid missing type of
+ function declaration.
+Sat May 7 22:22:37 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/webrick/ssl.rb: Accept string value for SSLCertName. It is used
+ to invoke ssl server with command line.
+ [fix GH-1329] Patch by @kerlin
+ * test/webrick/test_ssl_server.rb: Added test for GH-1329
+Sat May 7 21:55:12 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/webrick/test_ssl_server.rb: Added basic test for `webrick/ssl`
+Sat May 7 16:22:13 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (int_pair_to_real_inclusive): optimize to multiply
+ without Bignum.
+Sat May 7 07:58:02 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * process.c (rb_exec_getargs): honor the expected argument types
+ over the conversion method. the basic language functionality
+ should be robust. [ruby-core:75388] [Bug #12355]
+Fri May 6 08:16:26 2016 David Silva <>
+ * enum.c (enum_find): [DOC] add more examples to the documentation
+ of Enumerable#detect, to show that it equals to Enumerable#find.
+ [Fix GH-1340]
+Thu May 5 18:08:31 2016 Yuichiro Kaneko <>
+ * test/ruby/test_complexrational.rb: Remove duplicated raise.
+Thu May 5 14:41:05 2016 Yuichiro Kaneko <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_sub): Fix a special match variable name.
+ [ci skip]
+Thu May 5 12:22:17 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_eval_cmd, rb_catch_obj): use TH_JUMP_TAG with the
+ same rb_thread_t used for TH_PUSH_TAG, instead of JUMP_TAG with
+ the current thread global variable.
+Thu May 5 10:49:33 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * random.c (fill_random_bytes_syscall): use arc4random_buf if
+ available.
+Wed May 4 23:13:58 2016 Yuichiro Kaneko <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_plus): Remove rb_nucomp_add prototype
+ declaration.
+ * numeric.c (fix_mul): Remove rb_nucomp_mul prototype
+ declaration.
+ * internal.h (rb_nucomp_add, rb_nucomp_mul): add prototype
+ declarations.
+Wed May 4 18:38:00 2016 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * lib/net/http/header.rb (Net::HTTPHeader#{each_header,each_name,
+ each_capitalized_name,each_value,each_capitalized}): Return
+ sized enumerators.
+ * test/net/http/test_httpheader.rb: add test for above.
+Wed May 4 17:53:15 2016 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * lib/set.rb (Set#{delete_if,keep_if,collect!,reject!,select!,classify,divide},
+ SortedSet#{delete_if,keep_if}): Return sized enumerators.
+ * test/test_set.rb: add test for above.
+Tue May 3 23:25:48 2016 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * numeric.c: [DOC] Update result of 123456789 ** -2.
+ [ruby-dev:49606] [Bug #12339]
+Tue May 3 23:13:16 2016 Yuichiro Kaneko <>
+ instead of duplicated undef RCOMPLEX_SET_REAL.
+Tue May 3 22:55:07 2016 Yuichiro Kaneko <>
+ * complex.c (rb_complex_set_imag): Fix to properly set imag
+ of complex.
+Tue May 3 22:19:55 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (warnflags): use -std=gnu99 instead of
+ -std=iso9899:1999. [Feature #12336]
+Tue May 3 22:10:09 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (count_utf8_lead_bytes_with_word): Use __builtin_popcount
+ only if it can use SSE 4.2 POPCNT whose latency is 3 cycle.
+ * internal.h (rb_popcount64): use __builtin_popcountll because now
+ it is in fast path.
+Tue May 3 14:19:18 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (new_if_gen): set newline flag to NODE_IF to trace all
+ if/elsif statements. [ruby-core:67720] [Bug #10763]
+Tue May 3 05:35:54 2016 Eric Wong <>
+ * process.c (disable_child_handler_fork_child):
+ initialize handler for SIGPIPE for !POSIX_SIGNAL
+Mon May 2 23:03:42 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c, include/ruby/win32.h (rb_w32_utruncate): implements new
+ truncate alternative which accepts UTF-8 path.
+ * file.c (truncate): use above function.
+ [Bug #12340]
+Mon May 2 20:59:21 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * re.c (str_coderange): to avoid function call when the string already
+ has coderange information.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_prepare_enc): add shortcut path when the regexp has
+ the same encoding of given string.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_prepare_re): avoid duplicated allocation of
+ onig_errmsg_buffer.
+Mon May 2 12:34:52 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_refinement.rb (test_inspect): Use Integer instead of
+ Fixnum.
+Mon May 2 06:58:38 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * complex.c: Don't refer rb_cFixnum and rb_cBignum.
+ (k_fixnum_p): Use FIXNUM_P.
+ (k_bignum_p): Use RB_TYPE_P.
+Mon May 2 01:27:59 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_numeric.rb (test_step): Use Integer::FIXNUM_MAX.
+Mon May 2 01:15:01 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb (test_name): Use Integer instead of Fixnum.
+Mon May 2 01:00:04 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb (assert_fixnum): Defined.
+ (assert_bignum): Defined.
+ * test/ruby/test_bignum.rb: Use assert_bignum.
+ * test/ruby/test_integer_comb.rb: Use assert_fixnum and assert_bignum.
+ * test/ruby/test_optimization.rb: Ditto.
+Mon May 2 00:41:53 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * vm_trace.c (recalc_remove_ruby_vm_event_flags): Add a cast to
+ avoid signed integer overflow.
+Mon May 2 00:06:04 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/lib/envutil.rb: Define Integer::{FIXNUM_MIN,FIXNUM_MAX}.
+ * test/ruby/test_bignum.rb: Use Integer::{FIXNUM_MIN,FIXNUM_MAX}.
+ * test/ruby/test_bignum.rb: Ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_integer_comb.rb: Ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_marshal.rb: Ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_optimization.rb: Ditto.
+Sun May 1 23:59:59 2016 Kenta Murata <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_sum): fix for mathn
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb (test_sum): ditto.
+Sun May 1 23:51:54 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * test/lib/test/unit.rb (Options#non_options): fixed wrong regexp.
+ if both positives and negatives were specified, positives had to
+ be specified from the beginning.
+Sun May 1 21:00:07 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c: drop Win2K support.
+Sun May 1 20:39:47 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * cont.c, hash.c, random.c, win32/win32.c: cleanup some Win9x/ME/NT4
+ support leftovers.
+ [fix GH-1328] patched by @cremno
+Sun May 1 07:30:44 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (search_nonascii): use nlz on big endian environments.
+ * internal.h (nlz_intptr): defined.
+Sun May 1 00:03:30 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (__builtin_ctz): check.
+ * (__builtin_ctzll): check.
+ * internal.h (rb_popcount32): defined for ntz_int32.
+ it can use __builtin_popcount but this function is not used on
+ GCC environment because it uses __builtin_ctz.
+ When another function uses this, using __builtin_popcount
+ should be re-considered.
+ * internal.h (rb_popcount64): ditto.
+ * internal.h (ntz_int32): defined for ntz_intptr.
+ * internal.h (ntz_int64): defined for ntz_intptr.
+ * internal.h (ntz_intptr): defined as ntz for uintptr_t.
+ * string.c (search_nonascii): unroll and use ntz.
+Sat Apr 30 21:54:13 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c (Init_Numeric): Gather Fixnum method definitions.
+Sat Apr 30 21:28:14 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_int_div): Define Integer#/.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_div): Don't define Bignum#/.
+ * lib/mathn.rb (Integer#/): Replace Integer#/ instead of Bignum#/.
+Sat Apr 30 21:11:08 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_int_plus): Define Integer#+.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_plus): Don't define Bignum#+.
+Sat Apr 30 21:01:20 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_int_minus): Define Integer#-.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_minus): Don't define Bignum#-.
+Sat Apr 30 20:53:33 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_int_mul): Define Integer#*.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_mul): Don't define Bignum#*.
+Sat Apr 30 20:30:44 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_int_modulo): Define Integer#%.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_modulo): Don't define Bignum#%.
+Sat Apr 30 20:17:08 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c (int_equal): Define Integer#==.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_eq): Don't define Bignum#==.
+Sat Apr 30 19:41:15 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c (int_gt): Define Integer#>.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_gt): Don't define Bignum#>.
+ Renamed from big_gt.
+ * internal.h (rb_big_gt): Declared.
+Sat Apr 30 19:24:40 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c (int_ge): Define Integer#>=.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_ge): Don't define Bignum#>=.
+ Renamed from big_ge.
+ * internal.h (rb_big_ge): Declared.
+Sat Apr 30 19:20:40 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * doc/standard_library.rdoc: Remove obsoleted classes and modules.
+Sat Apr 30 19:09:23 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c (int_lt): Define Integer#<.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_lt): Don't define Bignum#<.
+ Renamed from big_lt.
+ * internal.h (rb_big_lt): Declared.
+Sat Apr 30 18:44:05 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c (int_le): Define Integer#<=.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_le): Don't define Bignum#<=.
+ Renamed from big_le.
+ * internal.h (rb_big_le): Declared.
+Sat Apr 30 18:11:44 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (Init_Bignum): Define Integer::GMP_VERSION.
+Sat Apr 30 16:58:18 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c (int_remainder): Define Integer#remainder.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_remainder): Don't define Bignum#remainder.
+ * internal.h (rb_big_remainder): Declared.
+Sat Apr 30 15:29:24 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_int_uminus): {Fixnum,Bignum}#-@ is unified into
+ Integer.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_uminus): Don't define Bignum#-@.
+Sat Apr 30 14:42:20 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_int_idiv): {Fixnum,Bignum}#div is unified into
+ Integer.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_idiv): Don't define Bignum#div.
+Sat Apr 30 14:25:55 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_int_modulo): {Fixnum,Bignum}#modulo is unified into
+ Integer.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_modulo): Don't define Bignum#modulo.
+Sat Apr 30 14:04:30 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c (int_divmod): {Fixnum,Bignum}#divmod is unified into
+ Integer.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_divmod): Don't define Bignum#divmod.
+Sat Apr 30 13:20:00 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c (int_fdiv): {Fixnum,Bignum}#fdiv is unified into
+ Integer.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_fdiv): Don't define Bignum#fdiv.
+Sat Apr 30 12:25:43 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_int_pow): {Fixnum,Bignum}#** is unified into
+ Integer.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_pow): Don't define Bignum#**.
+Sat Apr 30 12:28:59 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_comp): Renamed from rb_big_neg.
+ * numeric.c (fix_comp): Renamed from fix_rev.
+Sat Apr 30 12:25:43 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c (int_comp): {Fixnum,Bignum}#~ is unified into
+ Integer.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_neg): Don't define Bignum#~.
+ * internal.h (rb_big_neg): Declared.
+Sat Apr 30 12:07:42 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c (int_and): {Fixnum,Bignum}#& is unified into
+ Integer.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_and): Don't define Bignum#&.
+Sat Apr 30 11:56:15 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/thread: removed dummy extension library. thread_sync.c
+ provides "thread.rb" already.
+Sat Apr 30 11:53:48 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c (int_or): {Fixnum,Bignum}#| is unified into
+ Integer.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_or): Don't define Bignum#|.
+Sat Apr 30 11:18:47 2016 Yuichiro Kaneko <>
+ * vm_trace.c: Fix typos. [ci skip]
+Sat Apr 30 10:09:04 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/pty/pty.c (establishShell): honor USER environment variable
+ and login name over uid, one uid can be shared by some login
+ names.
+Fri Apr 29 22:40:28 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * doc/maintainers.rdoc (ext/io/nonblock): still maintained, as
+ well as ext/io/wait, which is the origin.
+Fri Apr 29 21:18:12 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * doc/maintainers.rdoc (ext/win32): of course, it's still maintained.
+Fri Apr 29 21:03:10 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * gems/bundled_gems: Update latest gems, test-unit-3.1.8 and rake-11.1.2.
+Fri Apr 29 20:43:02 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * doc/maintainers.rdoc: Update latest maintainers list on Ruby 2.4
+Fri Apr 29 19:52:45 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * doc/maintainers.rdoc: Removed deprecated entries. These are already deleted.
+Fri Apr 29 19:48:45 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * doc/maintainers.rdoc: Removed Ruby 1.8 entries. It's not necessary to
+ Ruby 2.4 or later.
+Thu Apr 28 17:03:17 2016 Nicholas Maccharoli <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_update_{block,func}_callback): dry up hash
+ update callback code. [Fix GH-1338]
+Thu Apr 28 16:52:05 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_prepare_enc): use rb_enc_asciicompat(enc) instead of
+ rb_enc_str_asciicompat_p(str) to avoid useless rb_enc_get(str) call.
+Thu Apr 28 16:33:41 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb: [DOC] fix example code. base on the code by
+ Semyon Gaivoronskiy in [ruby-core:75224]. [Bug #12323]
+Thu Apr 28 09:33:03 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rubygems.rb, lib/rubygems/*, test/rubygems/*: Update rubygems-2.6.4.
+ Please see entries of 2.6.4 on
+Thu Apr 28 04:49:07 2016 Rei Odaira <>
+ * (rb_cv_lgamma_r_pm0): check if lgamma_r(+0.0)
+ returns positive infinity, in addition to lgamma_r(-0.0).
+ AIX returns an incorrect result of negative infinity.
+ * math.c (ruby_lgamma_r): handle +0.0, in addition to -0.0.
+Thu Apr 28 01:11:14 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * time.c: define _DEFAULT_SOURCE because glibc 2.20 deprecates
+Thu Apr 28 00:27:55 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c (int_xor): {Fixnum,Bignum}#^ is unified into
+ Integer.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_xor): Don't define Bignum#^.
+Wed Apr 27 20:53:59 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c (int_aref): {Fixnum,Bignum}#[] is unified into
+ Integer.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_aref): Don't define Bignum#<<.
+ * internal.h (rb_big_aref): Declared.
+Wed Apr 27 16:10:35 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/instruction.rb: fix to follow current implementation.
+Wed Apr 27 15:47:54 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_s_new): warn if a block is given,
+ as well as
+Wed Apr 27 14:29:47 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (ruby_only_for_internal_use): raise fatal error when
+ deprecated function only for internal use is called, not just a
+ warning.
+Tue Apr 26 23:42:30 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * tool/redmine-backporter.rb (rel): should not raise exceptions even if
+ the user input is wrong. only reports the error and continue process.
+Tue Apr 26 23:35:23 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (process_options): convert -e script to the encoding
+ given by a command line option on Windows. assume it is the
+ expected encoding. [ruby-dev:49461] [Bug #11900]
+Tue Apr 26 21:11:02 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_int_lshift): {Fixnum,Bignum}#<< is unified into
+ Integer.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_lshift): Don't define Bignum#<<.
+Tue Apr 26 20:59:40 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_int_rshift): {Fixnum,Bignum}#>> is unified into
+ Integer.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_rshift): Don't define Bignum#>>.
+Tue Apr 26 20:46:16 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c (int_size): {Fixnum,Bignum}#size is unified into Integer.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_size_m): Don't define Bignum#size.
+ * internal.h (rb_big_size_m): Declared.
+Tue Apr 26 20:09:08 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_int_bit_length): {Fixnum,Bignum}#bit_length is
+ unified into Integer.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_bit_length): Don't define Bignum#bit_length.
+ * internal.h (rb_big_bit_length): Declared.
+Tue Apr 26 19:56:16 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * numeric.c (int_abs): Integer#{abs,magnitude} moved from
+ Fixnum and Bignum.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_abs): Don't define Bignum#{abs,magnitude}.
+ * internal.h (rb_big_abs): Declared.
+Mon Apr 25 14:39:11 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/rbconfig/sizeof/extconf.rb: just check the existence of each
+ types, to reduce configuration time, especially cross-compiling.
+ * template/sizes.c.tmpl: calculate sizes of checked types at
+ compilation time.
+Mon Apr 25 11:27:27 2016 Marcus Stollsteimer <>
+ * doc/extension.rdoc: Improvements to english grammars.
+ [Bug #12246][ruby-core:74792][ci skip]
+Mon Apr 25 11:17:50 2016 Marcus Stollsteimer <>
+ * encoding.c: Fix return value of ``
+ [Bug #12313][ruby-core:75147][ci skip]
+ * ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c: Fix code sample of ``
+Sun Apr 24 23:29:16 2016 Rei Odaira <>
+ * add missing -lm for AIX.
+Sun Apr 24 18:33:58 2016 Kazuki Tsujimoto <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (INLINE): disable r54738 if __NO_INLINE__ is defined.
+ It caused "undefined reference to `vm_getivar'".
+Sun Apr 24 09:32:12 2016 Yuichiro Kaneko <>
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb: Add test cases for Array#sum with
+ non-numeric objects.
+Sun Apr 24 04:21:27 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (INLINE): define as `inline` when it is optimized.
+ define as `static inline` when it is not optimized to keep
+ the symbol generated.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_getivar): use `INLINE` to force inline
+ so that a compiler inlines it into vm_getinstancevariable
+ and optimizes out is_attr and related branches.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_getivar): use `inline` to recommend inline.
+ Without this vm1_ivar_set is degraded.
+ benchmark results:
+ minimum results in each 5 measurements.
+ Execution time (sec)
+ name ruby 2.4.0dev (2016-04-23 trunk 54727) [x86_64-linux] ruby 2.4.0dev (2016-04-23 trunk 54733) [x86_64-linux] built-ruby
+ loop_whileloop 0.641 0.642 0.646
+ vm1_ivar* 1.002 0.999 0.831
+ vm1_ivar_set* 0.369 1.106 0.362
+ Speedup ratio: compare with the result of `ruby 2.4.0dev (2016-04-23
+ trunk 54727) [x86_64-linux]' (greater is better)
+ name ruby 2.4.0dev (2016-04-23 trunk 54733) [x86_64-linux]
+ built-ruby
+ loop_whileloop
+ 0.998 0.991
+ vm1_ivar*
+ 1.003 1.205
+ vm1_ivar_set*
+ 0.334 1.018
+Sat Apr 23 18:01:21 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_getivar): specify inline instead of static inline.
+ vm_getivar is called by vm_call_ivar and vm_getinstancevariable.
+ At least with GCC 4.8 and 5.3 on Linux, they are inlining it into
+ vm_call_ivar but not vm_getinstancevariable.
+ By `inline`, they correctly inline it and gains performance.
+ Speedup ratio: compare with the result of `ruby 2.4.0dev (2016-04-23
+ trunk 54727) [x86_64-linux]' (greater is better)
+ name built-ruby
+ loop_whileloop 1.001
+ vm1_ivar* 1.189
+ vm1_ivar_set* 1.024
+ Note the `inline`'s meaning is different between old GCC
+ and C99. Old GCC's inline means C99's extern inline.
+ Since Ruby specify -std=iso9899:1999, it works like C99.
+Sat Apr 23 16:11:39 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_mul_size_overflow): use UNLIKELY
+ by user side to improve generality.
+Sat Apr 23 16:10:02 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RB_LIKELY): use prefix in ruby.h.
+ * intern.h (LIKELY): define with RB_LIKELY.
+Sat Apr 23 13:27:25 2016 Yuichiro Kaneko <>
+ * NEWS: Add descriptions for Time#to_time updates.
+ [Bug #12271]
+Sat Apr 23 13:21:24 2016 Yuichiro Kaneko <>
+ * NEWS: Add descriptions for DateTime#to_time updates.
+ [Bug #12189]
+Sat Apr 23 11:21:27 2016 Marcus Stollsteimer <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (Init_date_core): [DOC] Convert DateTime
+ documentation to RDoc from Markdown.
+ [ruby-core:75136] [Bug #12311]
+Sat Apr 23 09:03:35 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c: cygwin does not use w32_cmdvector, command line can be
+ other than UTF-8. [ruby-dev:49519] [Bug #12184]
+Sat Apr 23 01:00:03 2016 Rei Odaira <>
+ * don't use the system-provided round(3) on AIX.
+ In AIX, round(0.49999999999999994) returns 1.0.
+ Use round() in numeric.c instead.
+Fri Apr 22 21:00:44 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_time_tz.rb: Tests depends on Europe/Moscow removed
+ to avoid test failures due to the tzdata change.
+ Found by naruse.
+Fri Apr 22 20:18:40 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_mul_size_overflow): added to handle
+ mul overflow efficiently.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_alloc_tmp_buffer2): use rb_mul_size_overflow
+ and avoid division where it can define DSIZE_T.
+ * gc.c (xmalloc2_size): moved from ruby.h and use rb_mul_size_overflow.
+Fri Apr 22 20:34:04 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * time.c (time_asctime): [DOC] add ctime example, not only
+ asctime. [ruby-core:75126] [Bug #12310]
+Fri Apr 22 18:44:32 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * variable.c: use uint32_t instead of long to avoid confusion about
+ the type of ivtbl->numiv.
+Fri Apr 22 15:09:27 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval_jump.c (exec_end_procs_chain): restore previous error info
+ for each end procs. [ruby-core:75038] [Bug #12302]
+Fri Apr 22 15:04:56 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * tool/redmine-backporter.rb: the fullpath of merger.rb is too long to
+ copy&paste on Windows. show shorter name instead on the platform.
+ I'm sure that the user of this command on Windows is only me.
+Fri Apr 22 14:52:04 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * tool/merger.rb: remove temporary file.
+Fri Apr 22 11:27:03 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/net/http.rb: Improve documentation for SSL requests via GET method.
+ [fix GH-1325][ci skip] Patch by @jsyeo
+Fri Apr 22 10:51:13 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/webrick/ssl.rb: Support to add SSLCiphers option.
+ [fix GH-1321] Patch by @rhadoo
+Fri Apr 22 10:43:19 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * file.c, win32/file.c: Removed obsoleted safe level checks.
+ [fix GH-1327] Patch by @cremno
+Fri Apr 22 10:01:48 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * benchmark/bm_so_meteor_contest.rb: fix a typo.
+ [fix GH-1330][ci skip] Patch by @sachin21
+Fri Apr 22 04:57:01 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * gc.c (rb_alloc_tmp_buffer_with_count): added like xmalloc2 to
+ avoid duplicated check of size.
+ * gc.c (ruby_xmalloc2): added to keep separate layers.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_alloc_tmp_buffer2): added to check
+ the size more statically.
+Fri Apr 22 04:54:40 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (LIKELY): moved from internal.h.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (UNLIKELY): ditto.
+Thu Apr 21 01:44:19 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * gc.c (objspace_malloc_prepare): remove size check because it is
+ used by objspace_xmalloc and objspace_xcalloc.
+ objspace_xmalloc introduces its own check in this commit.
+ objspace_xcalloc checks with xmalloc2_size (ruby_xmalloc2_size).
+ * gc.c (objspace_xmalloc0): common xmalloc function.
+ * gc.c (objspace_xmalloc): introduce its own size check.
+ * gc.c (objspace_xmalloc2): separated from ruby_xmalloc2 to clarify
+ the layer who has the responsibility to check the size.
+ * gc.c (objspace_xrealloc): remove duplicated size check.
+ * gc.c (ruby_xmalloc2): use objspace_xmalloc2.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (ruby_xmalloc2_size): follow the size limit
+ as SSIZE_MAX. Note that ISO C says size_t is unsigned integer.
+Thu Apr 21 12:14:04 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * check if succeeded in creating config.h.
+ * tool/ifchange: ignore failures when TEST_COLORS unmatched. just
+ use the default value if expected name is not contained in it.
+ [ruby-core:75046] [Bug #12303]
+Wed Apr 20 17:33:31 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/cgi/escape/escape.c (cgiesc_unescape): define unescape
+ method instead of _unescape, and should pass the optional
+ argument to the super method.
+ * lib/cgi/util.rb (CGI::Util#_unescape): remove intermediate
+ method.
+Wed Apr 20 15:52:28 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (syntax_error_initialize): move the default message,
+ "compile error", from parse.y. the default parameter should
+ belong to the class definition.
+ * parse.y (yycompile0): use the default parameter.
+Wed Apr 20 10:25:53 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (append_compile_error): use rb_syntax_error_append.
+ * error.c (rb_syntax_error_append): append messages into a
+ SyntaxError exception instance.
+ * parse.y (yycompile0): make new SyntaxError instance in main
+ mode, otherwise error_buffer should be a SyntaxError if error
+ has occurred.
+Tue Apr 19 17:42:47 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (err_vcatf): rename, and separate appending message from
+ creating a string buffer.
+ * error.c (rb_syntax_error_append): merge rb_error_vsprintf and
+ rb_compile_err_append.
+ * parse.y (parser_compile_error): use rb_syntax_error_append.
+Tue Apr 19 13:46:19 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (append_compile_error, compile_bug): pass iseq and get
+ error info and file from it, not by the thread error info.
+ * error.c (rb_report_bug_valist): take va_list instead of variadic
+ arguments, and just report the bug but not abort.
+Tue Apr 19 13:18:12 2016 Naotoshi Seo <>
+ * lib/time.rb: revert r54167 because it would break
+ backward compatibilities, and it is documented that
+ Time.parse does not take into account time zone
+ abbreations other than ones described in RFC 822
+Tue Apr 19 13:12:03 2016 Naotoshi Seo <>
+ * ChangeLog: Fix dates of previous commits
+Tue Apr 19 12:45:03 2016 Naotoshi Seo <>
+ * ChangeLog: Add descriptions for logger updates
+ * NEWS: Add descriptions for logger updates
+Tue Apr 19 12:45:02 2016 Naotoshi Seo <>
+ * lib/logger.rb: Add shift_period_suffix option
+Tue Apr 19 12:45:01 2016 Naotoshi Seo <>
+ * lib/logger.rb: Allow specifying logger parameters in constructor
+ such as level, progname, datetime_format, formatter.
+Mon Apr 18 16:07:01 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_peephole_optimize): should not replace the
+ current target INSN, not to follow the replaced dangling link in
+ the caller. [ruby-core:74993] [Bug #11816]
+Mon Apr 18 12:56:31 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_truncate): add an optional parameter, digits, as
+ well as Float#round. [Feature #12245]
+ * numeric.c (int_truncate): add an optional parameter, digits, as
+ well as Integer#round. [Feature #12245]
+Sun Apr 17 04:18:56 2016 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * tool/redmine-backporter.rb: revisions are strings.
+Sat Apr 16 14:26:49 2016 Yuichiro Kaneko <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c : remove not used f_getlocal macro.
+ After r54553 f_getlocal macro is not used.
+Sat Apr 16 14:15:24 2016 Yuichiro Kaneko <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c : remove not used f_utc6 macro.
+ After r54169 f_utc6 macro is not used.
+Sat Apr 16 10:00:11 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * struct.c (struct_make_members_list, rb_struct_s_def): member
+ names should be unique. [ruby-core:74971] [Bug #12291]
+ * struct.c (struct_make_members_list): extract making member name
+ list from char* va_list, with creating symbols without
+ intermediate IDs.
+Sat Apr 16 01:33:27 2016 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * tool/redmine-backporter.rb: sort revisions.
+Sat Apr 16 01:16:02 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_sum): Don't yield same element twice.
+ Found by nagachika.
+Sat Apr 16 01:03:32 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_sum): Fix SEGV by [1/2r, 1].sum.
+Fri Apr 15 23:52:00 2016 Kenta Murata <>
+ * rational.c (rb_rational_plus): rename from rb_rational_add
+ to be aligned with rb_fix_plus.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_sum): ditto.
+ * internal.h: ditto.
+Fri Apr 15 23:42:00 2016 Kenta Murata <>
+ * rational.c (rb_rational_add): rename from nurat_add.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_sum): use rb_rational_add directly.
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb (test_sum): add assertions for an array of
+ Rational values.
+Fri Apr 15 22:31:00 2016 Kenta Murata <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_sum): apply the precision compensated algorithm
+ for an array in which Rational and Float values are mixed.
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb (test_sum): add assertions for the above
+ change.
+Fri Apr 15 22:30:01 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_setname): defer setting native thread name
+ set in initialize until the native thread is created.
+ [ruby-core:74963] [Bug #12290]
+Fri Apr 15 20:27:16 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/irb/ext/save-history.rb: Fix NoMethodError when method is not defined.
+Fri Apr 15 15:38:58 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (benchmark): order options for built-ruby and compare-ruby.
+Fri Apr 15 14:14:00 2016 Kenta Murata <>
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb (test_sum): add assertions for Rational and
+ Complex numbers.
+Fri Apr 15 10:07:11 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/io/console/console.c (console_key_pressed_p): raise the same
+ exception, "unknown virtual key code", for names with nul chars.
+ though console_win32_vk() considers the length and can deal with
+ nul chars, rb_sprintf() raised at PRIsVALUE previously, so quote
+ it if it is unprintable.
+Fri Apr 15 09:02:58 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/io/console/console.c (rb_sym2str): fallback definition for
+ older ruby. [ruby-core:74953] [Bug #12284]
+Thu Apr 14 21:46:36 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_sum): Support the optional argument, init, and
+ block.
+Thu Apr 14 19:02:41 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/irb/ext/save-history.rb: suppress warning: method redefined;
+ discarding old save_history=.
+Thu Apr 14 14:58:14 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c (tk_hash_kv): the third argument can be
+ nil not only an Array. reported by @windwiny at
+Thu Apr 14 14:28:55 2016 cremno phobia <>
+ * cont.c (fiber_initialize_machine_stack_context): fix wrong
+ _MSC_VER check, should be decimal but not hexadecimal.
+ [ruby-core:74936] [Bug #12279]
+Wed Apr 13 22:51:38 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_sum): Array#sum is implemented.
+ Kahan's compensated summation algorithm for precise sum of float
+ numbers is moved from ary_inject_op in enum.c.
+ * enum.c (ary_inject_op): Don't specialize for float numbers.
+ [ruby-core:74569] [Feature #12217] proposed by mrkn.
+Wed Apr 13 15:56:35 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (flo_ceil): add an optional parameter, digits, as
+ well as Float#round. [Feature #12245]
+ * numeric.c (flo_floor): add an optional parameter, digits, as
+ well as Float#round. [Feature #12245]
+ * numeric.c (int_ceil): add an optional parameter, digits, as
+ well as Integer#round. [Feature #12245]
+ * numeric.c (int_floor): add an optional parameter, digits, as
+ well as Integer#round. [Feature #12245]
+Wed Apr 13 14:47:47 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (Init_File): add alias File.empty? to
+ [Feature #9969]
+Wed Apr 13 14:36:24 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (assign_in_cond): allow multiple assignment in
+ conditional expression. [Feature #10617]
+Wed Apr 13 14:11:59 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_size): add wrapper function of BIGSIZE and
+ rename the method function with _m suffix.
+ * numeric.c (int_round_zero_p): extracted from rb_int_round.
+ optimize for Bignum, and convert VALUE returned by Numeric#size
+ to long.
+Wed Apr 13 12:00:08 2016 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_basicinstructions.rb: add a test to check access
+ instance variables on special const objects.
+ All of such objects are frozen, so that we can not set instance
+ variables for them. But we can read instance variables and return
+ default value (nil).
+Tue Apr 12 20:40:35 2016 Kaneko Yuichiro <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (time_to_time): should preserve timezone
+ info. [ruby-core:74889] [Bug #12271]
+Tue Apr 12 11:51:18 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (new_label_body): initialize bit fields, since
+ compile_data_alloc does not clear the memory. [Bug #12082]
+Mon Apr 11 20:18:43 2016 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_backtrace.c (frame2klass): filter only for imemo_ment.
+ T_IMEMO/imemo_iseq can be passed here.
+Mon Apr 11 17:43:04 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_optimize): disable tail call optimization in
+ rescued, rescue, and ensure blocks.
+ [ruby-core:73871] [Bug #12082]
+Mon Apr 11 06:54:39 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (apply2files): apply to a VALUE vector instead of a
+ temporary array.
+Sun Apr 10 20:54:16 2016 Joe Swatosh <>
+ * ext/win32/lib/win32/registry.rb (DeleteValue, DeleteKey): fix
+ API names. [ruby-core:74863] [Bug #12264]
+Sun Apr 10 17:47:42 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (rb_realpath_internal): no argument conversions since
+ this internal function does not need to_path and encoding
+ conversions, not to be affected by the default internal
+ encoding.
+Sat Apr 9 10:03:12 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * load.c (rb_f_load): raise with the original path name before
+ encoding conversion.
+Sat Apr 9 02:05:10 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_cstr_parse_inum): [EXPERIMENTAL] new function to
+ parse integer in C-string with length. the name and the
+ arguments may be changed in the future.
+ * bignum.c (rb_str_to_inum): preserve encoding of the argument in
+ error messages, and no longer needs to copy non-terminated
+ strings.
+ * bignum.c (rb_str2big_{poweroftwo,normal,karatsuba,gmp}): ditto.
+Thu Apr 7 19:04:03 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * doc/regexp.rdoc (comments): [DOC] terminators cannot appear in
+ comments. [ruby-core:74838] [Bug #12256]
+Thu Apr 7 11:24:14 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/tk/tkutil/tkutil.c (cbsubst_initialize): fix out-of-bound
+ access when no arguments given. `p` crashed.
+Fri Apr 1 01:26:00 2016 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * ext/coverage/coverage.c: Fully reset coverage to not persist global state.
+ It was returning old file coverages as empty arrays to the user.
+ [ruby-core:74596] [Bug #12220]
+ * ext/coverage/coverage.c (rb_coverages): remove unused static state.
+ * thread.c: Moved and renamed coverage_clear_result_i to reset_coverage_i.
+ * test/coverage/test_coverage.rb: improve precision of tests.
+Wed Apr 6 22:41:31 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (rb_cv_lgamma_r_m0): fix the condition for
+ lgamma_r(-0.0). [Bug #12249]
+Wed Apr 6 17:38:42 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * tool/downloader.rb ( follow the change of the
+ rubygems ssl_certs directory tree introduced by previous commit.
+Wed Apr 6 15:00:27 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rubygems.rb, lib/rubygems/*, test/rubygems/*: Update rubygems-2.6.3.
+ Please see entries of 2.6.3 on
+Wed Apr 6 14:13:28 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (rb_cv_lgamma_r_m0): check if lgamma_r(-0.0)
+ returns negative infinity. [Bug #12249]
+ * math.c (ruby_lgamma_r): define by the configured result.
+Wed Apr 6 10:56:15 2016 Anton Davydov <>
+ * lib/logger.rb (Logger#level=): remove unnecessary local
+ variable.
+ * lib/logger.rb (Logger#initialize, Logger#reopen): [DOC] mention
+ the default values. cherrypicked from [GH-1319].
+Wed Apr 6 10:17:53 2016 cremno phobia <>
+ * math.c (ruby_lgamma_r): missing/lgamma_r.c is used on Windows,
+ since msvcrt does not provide it.
+ * missing/lgamma_r.c (lgamma_r): fix lgamma(-0.0).
+ [ruby-core:74823] [Bug #12249]
+Wed Apr 6 01:22:55 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * math.c (ruby_lgamma_r): mswin's lgamma_r also seems to be wrong.
+ cf. [Bug #12249]
+Wed Apr 6 00:53:31 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * math.c (ruby_lgamma_r): fix lgamma(-0.0) on mingw and OSX.
+ * math.c (ruby_tgamma): fix tgamma(-0.0) on mingw.
+ [ruby-core:74817] [Bug #12249]
+Tue Apr 5 14:50:28 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c (mime_putc): fix typo.
+ [Bug #12202] [ruby-core:74802]
+Tue Apr 5 00:06:44 2016 Aeris <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_ssl_tmp_key): Access to ephemeral
+ TLS session key in case of forward secrecy cipher. Only
+ available since OpenSSL 1.0.2. [Fix GH-1318]
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: Check for SSL_get_server_tmp_key.
+Mon Apr 4 23:37:05 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_core.h (rb_vm_struct): make at_exit a single linked list but
+ not RArray, not to mark the registered functions by the write
+ barrier. based on the patches by Evan Phoenix.
+ [ruby-core:73908] [Bug #12095]
+Mon Apr 4 17:43:45 2016 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: change default value of
+ These values are same as Ruby 2.0.0.
+ This change cause GC counts.
+ However, generational GC reduced each (minor) GC time and
+ increase memory locality. So that not so big impact on my
+ benchmarking results.
+ (surprisingly, this fix speed up programs on some cases)
+ You can change these values by environment variables
+ if you feel wrong.
+Mon Apr 4 17:36:52 2016 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (get_envparam_double): take an upper_bound.
+ And also take an accept_zero flag which allow to accept zero
+ even if lower_bound is set.
+ * gc.c (ruby_gc_set_params): fix parameters.
+ RUBY_GC_HEAP_FREE_SLOTS_MAX_RATIO set 0.9 as *lower_bound*, so that
+ it should be upper_bound.
+ Also set lower/upper bound of RUBY_GC_HEAP_FREE_SLOTS_GOAL_RATIO to
+Mon Apr 4 16:41:32 2016 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (Init_VM): should pass tokens.
+Sun Apr 3 09:34:29 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (flodivmod): round division if it is a finite number
+ and module is required.
+ * numeric.c (dbl2ival): do not round here.
+ * numeric.c (flo_ceil): use dbl2ival.
+ * numeric.c (flo_round): round explicitly.
+Sat Apr 2 15:24:18 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_check_arity): returns argc.
+Fri Apr 1 20:58:33 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/unicode/case-folding.rb, casefold.h: Data generation to implement
+ swapcase functionality for titlecase characters. Swapcase isn't defined
+ by Unicode, because the purpose/usage of swapcase is unclear anyway.
+ The implementation follows a proposal from Nobu, swapping the case of
+ each component of a titlecase character individually.
+ This means that the titlecase characters have to be decomposed.
+ * enc/unicode.c: Code using the above data.
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_case_mapping.rb: Tests for the above.
+Fri Apr 1 14:55:28 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * (AC_CONFIG_FILES): $srcdir/.git can be a file pointing
+ the real git_dir, such as when the git working tree is a "linked
+ working tree" (a working tree created by git-worktree). So use
+ git-rev-parse --git-dir to check if $srcdir is the top-level of a git
+ repository, not just checking if the $srcdir/.git directory does exist
+ or not. [ruby-core:74759] [Bug #12239]
+ * tool/change_maker.rb: use tool/vcs.rb to detect VCS. This used to have
+ its own VCS detection code, while we have tool/vcs.rb.
+ * tool/vcs.rb (detect): remove code duplication
+Fri Apr 1 04:50:44 2016 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_sslctx_s_alloc):
+ [Bug #12126]
+Fri Apr 1 01:13:55 2016 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * thread.c (update_coverage): Do not track coverage in loaded files
+ after Coverage.result. Avoids out-of-bounds access. [Bug #12237]
+ * ext/coverage/coverage.c (coverage_clear_result_i): document.
+Thu Mar 31 19:16:16 2016 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: need to set initial value of GC_HEAP_FREE_SLOTS_GOAL_RATIO.
+Thu Mar 31 17:50:27 2016 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: change additional allocation policy.
+ Introduce new environment variable
+ RUBY_GC_HEAP_FREE_SLOTS_GOAL_RATIO (goal_ratio) to calculate the
+ ratio of additional memory.
+ Before this change, we add pages with the following formula
+ (when free_slots < total_pages * RUBY_GC_HEAP_FREE_SLOTS_MIN_RATIO):
+ next_pages = total_pages * RUBY_GC_HEAP_GROWTH_FACTOR
+ This addition can allocate too much.
+ With this change, we increase pages to satisfy the following formula:
+ next_free_slots = next_total_slots * goal_ratio
+ where
+ next_free_slots = free_slots + adding_slots
+ next_total_slots = total_slots + adding_slots.
+ If you want to prepare many free slots, increase this ratio.
+ If this variable is 0, then simply multiply
+ * gc.c (get_envparam_double): enable to accept 0.
+Thu Mar 31 17:48:25 2016 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_marks_finish): fix syntax error.
+Thu Mar 31 16:49:36 2016 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: simplify allocate/free detecting logic at the end of marking.
+ Before this change, heap_pages_min_slots are calculated at the
+ beginning sweeping phase. And this value is used at the end of
+ *next* marking phase.
+ To simplify it, we use this value at the end of this marking phase.
+ It means that we don't need to store this value as global state.
+ Also heap_pages_max_slots is calculated at the begging of sweeping
+ phase and used at the end of sweeping phase.
+ To simplify this logic, we introduced new global value
+ heap_pages_freeable_pages it means extra pages count we can free.
+ gc_sweep_step() checks this value and moves empty pages to tomb_heap
+ not more than this value.
+ Because of this fix, heap_pages_swept_slots is no longer needed.
+ * gc.c (rb_objspace_t::heap_pages): restruct the objspace global
+ status.
+ remove the following fields
+ * swept_slots (and heap_pages_swept_slots)
+ * min_free_slots (and heap_pages_min_free_slots)
+ * max_free_slots (and heap_pages_max_free_slots)
+ And add the following filed.
+ * freeable_pages (and heap_pages_freeable_pages)
+ * gc.c (heap_pages_free_unused_pages): unlink tomb heap pages
+ because tomb heap should have only freeable pages.
+ * gc.c (heap_extend_pages): add parameters for future extension.
+Thu Mar 31 16:43:02 2016 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: add GC parameters to configure the following values:
+ allocate additional pages when free slots is lower than
+ the value (total_slots * (this ratio)).
+ allow to free pages when free slots is greater than
+ the value (total_slots * (this ratio)).
+ Before this change, these values are hard coded.
+ * gc.c (ruby_gc_params_t): ditto.
+ * gc.c (ruby_gc_set_params): ditto.
+Thu Mar 31 15:59:17 2016 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_verify_heap_page): check the number of zombies.
+ * gc.c (gc_verify_heap_pages): check also tomb heap.
+Thu Mar 31 15:48:18 2016 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c (gc_page_sweep): return free slots count.
+ * gc.c (gc_sweep_step): use returned free slots count.
+ * gc.c (gc_sweep_step): change variable name `next'
+ to `next_sweep_page'.
+Thu Mar 31 11:33:49 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (d_lite_strftime, dt_lite_strftime): [DOC]
+ fix indent not to be a big sole verbatim.
+Thu Mar 31 11:18:19 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (Init_date_core): [DOC] fix misplaced doc
+ of DateTime. [ruby-core:74729] [Bug #12233]
+Thu Mar 31 03:41:02 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c: Merge upstream 69f7e74dde.
+ fix indent.
+Wed Mar 30 16:33:19 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * extension.rdoc, extension.ja.rdoc: [DOC] Fix some errors.
+ Renamed files, wrong method names or argument types; the example
+ GetDBM macro is now updated to the current version of the actual
+ code. patch by Marcus Stollsteimer in [ruby-core:74690].
+ [Bug #12228]
+Wed Mar 30 09:46:01 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/open-uri.rb: Use `userinfo` for authenticated proxy.
+ [fix GH-1148] Patch by @SokichiFujita
+ * test/open-uri/test_open-uri.rb: ditto.
+ [fix GH-1309] Patch by @jdamick
+Wed Mar 30 01:56:06 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c: Merge upstream 4f3edf80a0.
+ patched by Anton Sivakov [Bug #12201] [Bug #12202]
+Wed Mar 30 01:54:30 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/redmine-backporter.rb: add given revision to current changesets
+ on associating the revision to the related ticket.
+Wed Mar 30 01:53:17 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/merger.rb: update revision.h before merge.
+Tue Mar 29 19:33:54 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * addr2line.c: define toupper for its use. fix r54391.
+Tue Mar 29 19:23:46 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_isupper, rb_islower, rb_isalpha, rb_isdigit,
+ rb_isalnum, rb_isxdigit, rb_isblank, rb_isspace, rb_isblank,
+ rb_iscntrl, rb_isprint, rb_ispunct, rb_isgraph,
+ rb_tolower, rb_toupper): use inline function to avoid function call.
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (rb_isascii): use inline function to clarify
+ the logic.
+Tue Mar 29 18:56:55 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/redmine-backporter.rb (backport): show merger.rb's path.
+ * tool/redmine-backporter.rb (show): show current issue again if no
+ ticket number is given.
+ * tool/redmine-backporter.rb (rel): show error message if current
+ doesn't support the API.
+Tue Mar 29 18:54:34 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * tool/merger.rb: support to backport header as backport identifier.
+ Now you can specify by 'merge revision(s) 49254: [Backport #10738]'.
+Tue Mar 29 16:53:44 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/unicode/case-folding.rb, casefold.h: Tweaked handling of 6
+ special cases in CaseUnfold_11_Table.
+ * enc/unicode.c: Adjustments for above.
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_case_mapping.rb: Tests for the above: Some tests in
+ test_titlecase activated; test_greek added. A test in test_cherokee fixed.
+Tue Mar 29 13:31:00 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/unicode.c: Cleaned up some comments.
+Tue Mar 29 13:24:56 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/unicode/case-folding.rb, casefold.h: Removing data for idempotent
+ titlecasing.
+ * enc/unicode.c: Adjust code to data removal.
+Tue Mar 29 12:45:18 2016 Laurent Arnoud <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb: Move error_body to method. It allow to
+ override the body more easily. [fix GH-1307]
+ * test/webrick/test_httpresponse.rb: ditto.
+Tue Mar 29 06:40:53 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (rb_compile_err_append): rb_thread_t::base_block is no
+ longer used.
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_compile_with_option): ditto, no protection is
+ needed.
+Tue Mar 29 06:39:22 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (struct parser_params): move parse_in_eval flag from
+ rb_thread_t.
+ * parse.y (rb_parser_set_context): set parsing context, not only
+ mild error flag.
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_compile_with_option): the parser now refers no
+ thread local states to be restored.
+ * vm_eval.c (eval_string_with_cref): ditto.
+Mon Mar 28 21:24:02 2016 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * numeric.c (int_pos_p): fix typos.
+Mon Mar 28 14:54:49 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/unicode.c: Refactoring in preparation for data reduction for
+ titlecase.
+Mon Mar 28 14:36:36 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/unicode.c: Minor refactoring for I WITH DOT ABOVE.
+Mon Mar 28 14:26:24 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/unicode.c: Removed code now covered by data from table.
+Mon Mar 28 11:49:21 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/unicode.c: Adding comments. [ci skip]
+Mon Mar 28 11:30:23 2016 Shinichi Maeshima <>
+ * lib/rubygems.rb: Fix `Gem.find_spec_for_exe` picks oldest gem.
+ * test/rubygems/test_gem.rb: ditto.
+Mon Mar 28 11:26:31 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rubygems.rb, lib/rubygems/*, test/rubygems/*: Update rubygems-2.6.2.
+ Please see entries of 2.6.2 on
+Mon Mar 28 11:02:31 2016 Hiroshi Shirosaki <>
+ * lib/rubygems/test_case.rb: Fix test on Windows for inconsistent temp path.
+ [Bug #12193][ruby-core:74431]
+Mon Mar 28 08:19:49 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): refactor floating point format of
+ Rational by using generic Integer functions.
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): fix buffer overflow, length must be
+ greater than precision. reported by William Bowling <will AT
+Sun Mar 27 12:13:37 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): convert Rational to floating point
+ format by using generic Integer functions, not by methods which
+ can be overwritten.
+Sat Mar 26 10:55:12 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_int2str): conversion function to String for
+ generic Integer.
+ * numeric.c (rb_int_round): rounding function for generic
+ Integers.
+ * numeric.c (rb_int_{uminus,plus,minus,mul,idiv,modulo}): basic
+ arithmetic functions for generic Integers.
+ * numeric.c (FIXNUM_{POSITIVE,NEGATIVE,ZERO}_P): predict macros
+ only for Fixnum.
+Sat Mar 26 06:34:24 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * localeinit.c (rb_locale_charmap_index): fix prototype.
+ patched by Andreas Schwab [Bug #12218]
+Fri Mar 25 16:40:48 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_case_mapping.rb: Additional tests title case;
+ some not yet activated.
+Fri Mar 25 13:38:11 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * ext/openssl/extconf.rb: check SSL_CTX_set_next_proto_select_cb
+ function rather than OPENSSL_NPN_NEGOTIATED macro. it exists
+ even if it is disabled by OpenSSL configuration.
+ [ruby-core:74384] [Bug #12182]
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c: update #ifdef(s) as above.
+ * test/openssl/test_ssl.rb: skip NPN tests if NPN is disabled.
+Fri Mar 25 11:08:37 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/uri/http.rb (URI::HTTP#initialize): [DOC] fix example,
+ missing mandatory arguments. [ruby-core:74540] [Bug #12215]
+Fri Mar 25 01:50:58 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (reserve_stack): fix reserving position where
+ the stack growing bottom to top. [Bug #12118]
+Fri Mar 25 01:10:42 2016 Sebastian Schuberth <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (find_executable0): On Windows, it is actually valid
+ to surround individual PATH directory entries with double
+ quotes. Remove these before joining the path as otherwise the
+ literal quotes would become part of the path, resulting in the
+ executable not to be found. [Fix GH-1305]
+Thu Mar 24 22:38:18 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * strftime.c (FMT, FMTV): remove recursive-assignments to get rid
+ of undefined behavior. [ruby-core:74532] [Bug #12213]
+Thu Mar 24 17:44:02 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * strftime.c (FMT_PADDING): extract format for padding.
+ * strftime.c (FMT_PRECISION): extract precision formula.
+ * strftime.c (FMTV): append formatted string to expand the result.
+Thu Mar 24 14:20:21 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * strftime.c (STRFTIME): deal with case conversion flags for
+ recursive formats.
+Thu Mar 24 12:43:26 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (dt_lite_iso8601): strftimev() always
+ returns a String, so append them directly.
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (d_lite_jisx0301, iso8601_timediv),
+ (dt_lite_jisx0301): format by the format string in local buffer
+ to prevent intermediate strings from GC.
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (mk_inspect_raw, mk_inspect): inspect by
+ "%+"PRIsVALUE, to prevent intermediate strings from GC.
+Thu Mar 24 11:43:32 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * strftime.c (rb_strftime_with_timespec): remove unnecessary
+ check, as `s` equals to `endp` when recursed STRFTIME resized
+ the capacity same as the size.
+Wed Mar 23 21:48:00 2016 Kenta Murata <>
+ * enum.c (ary_inject_op): put subtract operation out of if-clause.
+Wed Mar 23 21:38:00 2016 Kenta Murata <>
+ * enum.c (ary_inject_op): Use Kahan's compensated summation algorithm
+ for summing up float values.
+Wed Mar 23 20:56:59 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * strftime.c (rb_strftime_with_timespec): append formatted results
+ to the given string with expanding, and also deal with NUL chars.
+ * strftime.c (rb_strftime, rb_strftime_timespec): return formatted
+ string, not the length put in the given buffer.
+ * time.c (rb_strftime_alloc): no longer needs to retry with
+ reallocating buffers.
+ * time.c (time_strftime): no longer needs to split by NUL chars.
+Wed Mar 23 14:23:54 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/driver.rb (interactive): rescue NotFoundError raised in
+ expand_name. (display_name rescues NotFoundError by itself,
+ the original logic looks buggy...)
+Wed Mar 23 11:44:53 2016 cremno <>
+ * marshal.c (r_long): cast to `signed char`, which is used
+ already, instead of SIGN_EXTEND_CHAR.
+ * parse.y: SIGN_EXTEND_CHAR is no longer used. [Fix GH-1302]
+Wed Mar 23 11:38:47 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * cygwin/ (MSYS2_ARG_CONV_EXCL_PARAM):
+ * add missing parentheses and remove double quotes.
+ * rename to get rid of recursive references.
+ * as --excludes-dir option is for a path name, its argument
+ should be converted.
+ [ruby-dev:49526] [Bug #12199]
+Wed Mar 23 10:39:38 2016 Koichi ITO <>
+ * variable.c: Added documentation about order of `Module#constants`
+ [ci skip][Bug #12121][ruby-dev:49505][fix GH-1301]
+Tue Mar 22 21:08:30 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * include/ruby/oniguruma.h: Additional flag for characters that are titlecase.
+ * enc/unicode/case-folding.rb, casefold.h: Using above flag in data.
+ * enc/unicode.c: Marking capitalized character as unmodified if it is
+ already titlecase.
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_case_mapping.rb: Tests for above functionality.
+Tue Mar 22 14:18:59 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (lambda_body, parser_yylex): warn mismatched indentation
+ of lambda block.
+Tue Mar 22 11:36:49 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * time.c (wmul): wrong condition.
+ fixed many test failures on 32bit and LLP64 platforms.
+Tue Mar 22 10:31:34 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * time.c (wdiv, wmod): wdivmod0() assumes the 3rd and the 4th arguments
+ are valid pointers.
+ maybe checking them in wdivmod0() is better manner, but I guess that
+ passing real dummy pointers may be faster than checking and branching
+ in wdivmod0().
+ this commit fixes SEGV on 32bit and LLP64 platforms.
+Tue Mar 22 10:24:04 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * time.c (divmodv): void function never returns any value.
+Tue Mar 22 10:11:01 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::StatusLine#failed): print
+ failed messages only if replacing mode, otherwise defer them
+ until the end, to get rid of interleaving failures with progress
+ messages. refix r54195.
+Tue Mar 22 03:45:03 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * time.c (MUL_OVERFLOW_FIXWV_P): defined for FIXWV.
+ * time.c (wmul): use MUL_OVERFLOW_FIXWV_P and only switch.
+ * time.c (wmul): use mul which has Fixnum optimization.
+ * time.c (rb_time_magnify): If WIDEVALUE_IS_WIDER, wmul() has the same
+ optimized logic, else mul() has also the similar logic for Fixnum.
+ * time.c (rb_time_unmagnify): almost ditto.
+Tue Mar 22 03:10:09 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * time.c (divmodv): add the case both arguments are Fixnum.
+ * time.c (wquo): use quo which has Fixnum optimization.
+ * time.c (wdivmod0): added for WIDEVALUE_IS_WIDER.
+ * time.c (wdivmod): use wdivmod0 and divmodv.
+ divmodv has Fixnum optimization.
+ * time.c (wdiv): use wdivmod0 and div to avoid the use of divmodv which
+ calls id_quo whose return value is array.
+ * time.c (wmod): use wdivmod0 and mod to avoid the use of divmodv which
+ calls id_quo whose return value is array.
+Mon Mar 21 22:32:50 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * internal.h (rb_fix_divmod_fix): like r54213, use FIX2NUM only if
+ x == FIXNUM_MIN && y == -1. This must be a rare case and it is
+ expected compiler to handle well.
+Mon Mar 21 22:15:11 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * time.c (mod): Add Fixnum case.
+ * time.c (quo): c can be Fixnum except a == FIXNUM_MIN && b == -1.
+ Such case can be optimized out because quo()'s argument is constant.
+Mon Mar 21 22:09:24 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * internal.h (rb_fix_mul_fix): multiply converted values, not
+ object VALUEs.
+Mon Mar 21 20:18:29 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ long option.
+ * cygwin/ (MSYS2_ARG_CONV_EXCL): suppress path name
+ conversions by msys2. [ruby-dev:49525] [Bug #12199]
+Mon Mar 21 19:09:31 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (enc_succ_alnum_char): try to skip an invalid character
+ gap between GREEK CAPITAL RHO and SIGMA.
+ [ruby-core:74478] [Bug #12204]
+Mon Mar 21 18:55:49 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * node.c (rb_gc_mark_node): NODE_MATCH2 can have nd_args, u3,
+ since r54100.
+Sun Mar 20 21:17:13 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * internal.h (rb_int128t2big): declare only when HAVE_INT128_T.
+ fixed a compile error with VC++ introduced at r54203.
+Sun Mar 20 20:10:14 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * internal.h (DLONG): defined if long is 32bit (and LONG_LONG is 64bit;
+ but LONG_LONG is always defined as 64bit), or there's int128_t.
+ * internal.h (DL2NUM): defined if DLONG is defined.
+ * internal.h (rb_fix_mul_fix): defined for `Fixnum * Fixnum`.
+ * insns.def (opt_mul): use rb_fix_mul_fix().
+ * numeric.c (fix_mul): ditto.
+ * time.c (mul): ditto.
+Sun Mar 20 18:53:49 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_gt, fix_ge, fix_lt, fix_le): optimize comparisons
+ Fixnum against Bignum by rb_big_cmp in inversed order without
+ new Bignum instance.
+Sun Mar 20 18:44:52 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * time.c (add): remove FIXABLE() which is in LONG2NUM().
+ * time.c (sub): ditto.
+ * time.c (mul): ditto.
+Sun Mar 20 04:46:02 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_cmp): reduce the code.
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_eq): If normalized bignum is still bignum,
+ it must be larger than fixnum.
+Sat Mar 20 00:58:00 2016 Kenta Murata <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_big_odd_p, rb_big_even_p): move to
+ internal.h so that they are exported only for ruby itself.
+ * internal.h (rb_big_odd_p, rb_big_even_p): ditto.
+Sat Mar 19 21:56:23 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/lib/test/unit.rb (Test::Unit::StatusLine#failed): defer
+ failed messages until the end in verbose mode, to get rid of
+ interleaving failures with progress messages.
+Sat Mar 19 21:53:35 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_cmp): invert the result as the comparison is
+ inverted.
+Sat Mar 19 18:32:00 2016 Kenta Murata <>
+ * numeric.c (int_to_f): raise NotImplementedError when a receiver
+ class is unknown.
+ * test/-ext-/integer/test_my_integer.rb (test_my_integer_to_f): modify
+ a test for the above change.
+Sat Mar 19 18:21:00 2016 Kenta Murata <>
+ * bignum.c (Bignum#<=>): remove it because they are unified with
+ Integer#<=>.
+ * numeric.c (Integer#<=>, Fixnum#<=>): move <=> method from Fixnum to
+ Integer.
+ * numeric.c (int_cmp): add this method for Integer#<=>.
+ * test/-ext-/integer/test_my_integer.rb (test_my_integer_cmp): add a
+ test to examine Integer#<=> for unknown subclasses.
+Sat Mar 19 14:46:18 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_compile_with_option): make the parser in mild
+ error.
+ * load.c (rb_load_internal0): ditto.
+ * parse.y (yycompile0): return the error message within the error
+ to be raised. [Feature #11951]
+ * parse.y (parser_compile_error): accumulate error messages in the
+ error_buffer.
+Sat Mar 19 03:57:13 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * time.c (LOCALTIME): organize #ifdefs.
+ * time.c (GMTIME): define only ifndef HAVE_STRUCT_TM_TM_GMTOFF.
+Sat Mar 19 03:53:31 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (rb_cv_member_struct_tm_tm_gmtoff): For Linux (glibc)
+ define _BSD_SOURCE for time.h to define struct tm.tm_gmtoff.
+ * time.c: define _BSD_SOURCE at the top.
+Sat Mar 19 03:00:50 2016 Rei Odaira <>
+ * test/-ext-/time/test_new.rb (test_timespec_new): change a gmtoff
+ test to a better one that does not depend on whether the current
+ time is in summer time or not.
+Fri Mar 19 00:00:00 2016 Kenta Murata <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_to_f, Bignum#to_f): removed them because they are
+ unified with int_to_f and Integer#to_f.
+ * numeric.c (int_to_f): treat Bignum values directly.
+Fri Mar 18 23:41:00 2016 Kenta Murata <>
+ * numeric.c (int_to_f, fix_to_f): rename fix_to_f to int_to_f, and add
+ treatment for subclasses which don't have definitions of to_f method.
+ * numeric.c (Integer#to_f, Fixnum#to_f): move to_f method from Fixnum
+ to Integer.
+ * ext/-test-/integer/my_integer.c: define helper class for testing
+ to_f method for a subclass of Integer.
+ * ext/-test-/integer/extconf.rb: ditto.
+ * ext/-test-/integer/init.c: ditto.
+ * test/-ext-/integer/test_my_integer.rb: examine to_f method for a
+ subclass of Integer.
+Fri Mar 18 22:32:00 2016 Kenta Murata <>
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_big_hash): Move to internal.h.
+ * internal.h: ditto.
+Fri Mar 18 22:10:00 2016 Kenta Murata <>
+ * bignum.c (Bignum#eql?): remove its definition because it is unified
+ with Numeric#eql?.
+ * numeric.c (num_eql): treat Bignum values directly.
+Fri Mar 18 21:57:00 2016 Kenta Murata <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_to_s, Bignum#to_s): remove its definition because
+ it is unified with Integer#to_s.
+ * numeric.c (int_to_s): treat Bignum values directly.
+Fri Mar 18 21:30:00 2016 Kenta Murata <>
+ * numeric.c (int_to_s): Move from fix_to_s.
+ * numeric.c (Integer#to_s): Move from Fixnum#to_s.
+Fri Mar 18 16:22:24 2016 Victor Nawothnig <>
+ * parse.y (parse_numvar): NTH_REF must be less than a half of
+ INT_MAX, as it is left-shifted to be ORed with back-ref flag.
+ [ruby-core:74444] [Bug#12192] [Fix GH-1296]
+Fri Mar 18 12:25:30 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * gc.c (tick): fix missing close parenthesis. [Fix GH-1291]
+Fri Mar 18 10:24:12 2016 Naotoshi Seo <>
+ * ext/date/date_core.c (datetime_to_time): preserve timezone info
+ [Bug #12189] [Fix GH-1295]
+Fri Mar 18 10:17:00 2016 Kenta Murata <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_hash): make it public function to be available in
+ other source files, and remove documentation comment for Bignum#hash.
+ * bignum.c (Bignum#hash): remove its definition because it is unified
+ with Object#hash.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_big_hash): add a prototype declaration.
+ * hash.c (any_hash): treat Bignum values directly.
+Fri Mar 18 02:35:12 2016 Naotoshi Seo <>
+ * lib/time.rb (parse, strptime): Fix Time.parse/strptime does not
+ have compatibility with DateTime.parse/strptime in terms of parsing
+ timezone [Bug #12190] [Fix GH-1297]
+Fri Mar 18 02:17:00 2016 Kenta Murata <>
+ * numeric.c (fix_zero_p, fix_even_p, fix_odd_p): remove needless
+ functions.
+Fri Mar 18 02:15:00 2016 Kenta Murata <>
+ * numeric.c (int_even_p): treat Fixnum and Bignum values directly.
+Fri Mar 18 02:07:00 2016 Kenta Murata <>
+ * bignum.c (Bignum#even?, Bignum#odd?): remove definitions
+ because they are unified with Integer#even? and Integer#odd?.
+ * numeric.c (Fixnum#zero?, Fixnum#even?, Fixnum#odd?): remove
+ definitions because they are unified with Numeric#zero?,
+ Integer#even?, and Integer#odd?.
+ * numeric.c (num_zero_p, int_odd_p): treat Fixnum and
+ Bignum values directly.
+ * test/ruby/test_integer.rb (test_odd_p_even_p): remove meaningless
+ test case.
+Fri Mar 18 01:51:00 2016 Kenta Murata <>
+ * bignum.c (rb_big_even_p, rb_big_odd_p): make them public functions
+ to be available in other source files.
+ * include/ruby/intern.h (rb_big_even_p, rb_big_odd_p): add prototype
+ declarations.
+Fri Mar 18 00:25:56 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enum.c (ary_inject_op): Implement the specialized code for sum of
+ float numbers.
+Fri Mar 18 00:15:05 2016 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * numeric.c (num_step): use rb_equal for zero check. rb_num_coerce_cmp
+ created an object which caused extra overhead.
+Thu Mar 17 22:21:34 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h (RB_GC_GUARD_PTR): remove intermediate
+ macro, and expand for each RB_GC_GUARD. [Fix GH-1293]
+Thu Mar 17 22:08:33 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_specialized_instruction): move specialization
+ for opt_newarray_max/min from translation phase.
+Thu Mar 17 21:52:09 2016 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * array.c, enum.c: make rdoc format consistent.
+Thu Mar 17 21:47:57 2016 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * NEWS: add Array#max, #min, and the optimization. [Feature #12172]
+Thu Mar 17 21:45:02 2016 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * compile.c (NODE_CALL): add optimization shortcut for Array#max/min.
+ Now `[x, y].max` is optimized so that a temporal array object is not
+ created in some condition. [Feature #12172]
+ * insns.def (opt_newarray_max, opt_newarray_min): added.
+Thu Mar 17 21:35:52 2016 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_max, rb_ary_min): implement Array#max and min with
+ arguments. replace super call with rb_nmin_run.
+ * enum.c (nmin_run): exported (as rb_nmin_run).
+ * internal.h: added a prototype for rb_nmin_run.
+Thu Mar 17 21:24:52 2016 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_max, rb_ary_min): implement a block by itself instead
+ of delegating Enumerable#max/min.
+Thu Mar 17 21:09:34 2016 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_max, rb_ary_min): Array#max and Array#min added.
+ [Feature #12172]
+ * internal.h (OPTIMIZED_CMP): moved from enum.c so that array.c can
+ use it.
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb (test_max, test_min): tests for Array#max
+ and Array#min.
+ * test/ruby/test_enum.rb (test_max, test_min): revised a bit to test
+ Enumerable#max and #min explicitly.
+Thu Mar 17 21:02:42 2016 Yusuke Endoh <>
+ * internal.c: struct cmp_opt_data added for refactoring out a data
+ structure for CMP_OPTIMIZABLE
+ * array.c (struct ary_sort_data): use struct cmp_opt_data.
+ * enum.c (struct min_t, max_t, min_max_t): use struct cmp_opt_data.
+Thu Mar 17 20:55:21 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enum.c (ary_inject_op): Extracted from enum_inject.
+Thu Mar 17 18:39:04 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enum.c (enum_inject): Implement the specialized code for sum of
+ integers including Bignums.
+ * internal.h (rb_fix_plus): Declared to be usable from enum_inject.
+ * numeric.c (rb_fix_plus): Defined.
+Thu Mar 17 17:20:28 2016 Anton Davydov <>
+ * thread_sync.c: [DOC] Update documentation for Queue class
+ description. [Fix GH-1292]
+Thu Mar 17 17:14:51 2016 Dinar Valeev <>
+ * gc.c (tick): Use __builtin_ppc_get_timebase for POWER arch.
+ [Fix GH-1291]
+Thu Mar 17 11:51:48 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/securerandom.rb (gen_random): to avoid blocking on Windows.
+ On Windows OpenSSL RAND_bytes (underlying implementation is
+ RAND_poll in crypto/rand/rand_win.c) may be blocked at
+ NetStatisticsGet.
+ Instead of this, use Random.raw_seed directly (whose implementation
+ CryptGenRandom is one of the source of
+ entropy of RAND_poll on Windows).
+ Note: CryptGenRandom function is PRNG and doesn't check its entropy,
+ so it won't block. [Bug #12139]
+Thu Mar 17 12:09:00 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/unicode.c: Fixed two macro definitions.
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_case_mapping.rb: Test cases that detected
+ the above bugs.
+Thu Mar 17 11:36:27 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/option.c (inspect_tcpi_msec): more accurate condition
+ for TCPI msec member inspection function.
+ [ruby-core:74388] [Bug #12185]
+Thu Mar 17 08:13:43 2016 Rei Odaira <>
+ * test/-ext-/time/test_new.rb (test_timespec_new): Time#gmtoff values
+ are the same only when both or neither of the Time objects are in
+ summer time (daylight-saving time).
+Thu Mar 17 07:17:36 2016 Eric Hodel <>
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): raise ArgumentError when linking to undefined
+ object.
+Thu Mar 17 00:45:00 2016 Kenta Murata <>
+ * test/ruby/test_bignum.rb: Make sure to use Bignum values in the tests.
+Wed Mar 16 23:10:25 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * defs/keywords (alias, undef): symbol literals are allowed.
+ * parse.y (parse_percent): should parse symbol literals for alias
+ and undef. [ruby-dev:47681] [Bug #8851]
+Wed Mar 16 21:39:39 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * enc/trans/JIS: update Unicode's notice. [Bug #11844]
+Wed Mar 16 20:03:35 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * proc.c (proc_binding): proc from symbol can not make a binding.
+ [ruby-core:74100] [Bug #12137]
+Wed Mar 16 18:42:45 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_case_mapping.rb: Fixed and activated a test for Cherokee.
+Wed Mar 16 17:58:56 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_case_mapping.rb: Fixed a logical error.
+Wed Mar 16 17:57:34 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_case_mapping.rb: Adding tests for Cherokee.
+ One test not yet working.
+ (with Kimihito Matsui)
+Wed Mar 16 15:44:05 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_case_mapping.rb: Adding tests for actual Unicode
+ case mapping. Fixing some aliasing issues.
+ (with Kimihito Matsui)
+Tue Mar 15 21:38:28 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enum.c (enum_inject): Consider redefinition of Fixnum#+.
+ [ruby-dev:49510] [Bug#12178] Reported by usa.
+Tue Mar 15 20:32:57 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enum.c (enum_inject): Implement the specialized code for :+ operator
+ for Fixnums.
+Tue Mar 15 20:21:01 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * enum.c (enum_inject): Implement the specialized code for self is an
+ array and a symbol operator is given.
+Tue Mar 15 16:29:51 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/unicode.c: Eliminating common code.
+ (with Kimihito Matsui)
+Tue Mar 15 16:17:09 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/unicode.c: Expansion of some code repetition in preparation for
+ elimination of common code pieces.
+ (with Kimihito Matsui)
+Tue Mar 15 13:49:23 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/unicode.c: Additional macros and code to use mapping data in
+ CaseMappingSpecials array.
+ (with Kimihito Matsui)
+Tue Mar 15 13:41:22 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * internal.h (rb_gc_mark_global_tbl): should be private,
+ but was accidentally exported.
+Tue Mar 15 12:51:06 2016 Marcus Stollsteimer <>
+ * doc/extension.ja.rdoc: Fix RDoc markup in doc/extension*.rdoc.
+ [ci skip][Bug #12143][ruby-core:74143]
+ * doc/extension.rdoc: ditto.
+Tue Mar 15 09:56:41 2016 Ian Lunderskov <>
+ * time.c: Minor typo in Time#dst? documentation.
+ [ci skip][fix GH-1290]
+Tue Mar 15 04:36:41 2016 Charles Oliver Nutter <>
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb (test_disable): add tests for
+ --disable-gems and --disable-did_you_mean.
+Tue Mar 15 03:35:04 2016 Eric Hodel <>
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): Fix Marshal crash for corrupt extended object.
+Tue Mar 15 01:22:27 2016 Charles Oliver Nutter <>
+ * test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb: make version matching support
+ JRuby's version output.
+Mon Mar 14 19:05:39 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * bignum.c (big2str_2bdigits): reduce div instruction.
+Mon Mar 14 18:39:53 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * include/ruby/oniguruma.h, enc/unicode.c: Adjusting flag assignments
+ and macros to work with unified CaseMappingSpecials array.
+ (with Kimihito Matsui)
+Mon Mar 14 16:53:37 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (compile_named_capture_assign): optimize named capture
+ assignments, by replacing repeating global variable accesses
+ with `dup`, and by returning the matched result instead of
+ re-getting it from the MatchData.
+ * parse.y (reg_named_capture_assign_gen): build just assignment
+ nodes for the optimization.
+Mon Mar 14 16:02:59 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * file.c (ruby_is_fd_loadable): now return -1 if loadable but
+ may block.
+ * ruby.c (open_load_file): wait to read by the result of
+ ruby_is_fd_loadable, without fstat.
+Mon Mar 14 13:38:38 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * numeric.c (fix2str): improve r54092 like rb_int2big().
+Mon Mar 14 10:02:23 2016 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_ssl.c (ossl_sslctx_setup): document as MT-unsafe
+ [ruby-core:73803] [Bug #12069]
+Sun Mar 13 09:43:23 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/win32.h (O_SHARE_DELETE): change to fit Fixnum
+ limit. [ruby-core:74285] [Bug #12171]
+Sun Mar 13 09:15:45 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (rb_fix2str): fix edge case, accidentally generated
+ wrong Fixnum from LONG_MIN.
+Sat Mar 12 09:50:27 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_f_catch): [DOC] fix malformed RDoc syntax, "+...+"
+ cannot enclose non-identifier characters.
+ a patch by Sebastian S in [ruby-core:74278]. [Bug#12170]
+Sat Mar 12 02:44:48 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * test/lib/test/unit.rb: describe !/REGEXP/ in the help message.
+Fri Mar 11 17:03:09 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/lib/test/unit.rb (Options#non_options): make regexp name
+ options prefixed with "!" negative filters.
+ * (TEST_EXCLUDES): use negative filter to exclude memory
+ leak tests. -x option excludes test files, not test methods.
+Fri Mar 11 16:11:27 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/unicode/case-folding.rb, casefold.h: Streamlining approach to
+ case mapping data not available from case folding by unifying all
+ three cases (special title, special upper, special lower).
+ * enc/unicode.c: Adjust macro names for above (macros are currently inactive).
+ (with Kimihito Matsui)
+Thu Mar 10 17:34:16 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * iseq.c (prepare_iseq_build): enable coverage by coverage_enabled
+ option, not by parse_in_eval flag in the thread context.
+ * iseq.h (rb_compile_option_struct): add coverage_enabled flag.
+ * parse.y (yycompile0): set coverage_enabled flag if coverage
+ array is made.
+Thu Mar 10 15:19:54 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * node.c (dump_option): nd_compile_option is a hidden hash object,
+ cannot call inspect on it.
+Thu Mar 10 09:49:54 2016 Rei Odaira <>
+ * test/socket/test_socket.rb (test_udp_recvmsg_truncation):
+ AIX does not set the MSG_TRUNC flag for a message partially read
+ by recvmsg(2) with the MSG_PEEK flag set.
+Wed Mar 9 16:48:45 2016 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/driver.rb: fix my last commit (syntax error).
+Wed Mar 9 16:41:44 2016 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/driver.rb: fix output messages.
+ * benchmark/memory_wrapper.rb: use respond_to? because
+ member? does not work well.
+Wed Mar 9 16:20:25 2016 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/driver.rb: support memory usage benchmark.
+ use `--measure-target=[target]'.
+ Now, we can use the following targets:
+ * real (default): real time which returns process time in sec.
+ * peak: peak memory usage (physical memory) in bytes.
+ * size: last memory usage (physical memory) in bytes.
+ * benchmark/memory_wrapper.rb: ditto.
+Wed Mar 9 15:04:22 2016 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/bm_vm3_gc_old_full.rb: add GC.start benchmark.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm3_gc_old_immediate.rb: ditto.
+ * benchmark/bm_vm3_gc_old_lazy.rb: ditto.
+Wed Mar 9 14:59:11 2016 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/driver.rb: exit benchmarking if a benchmark process
+ receives signals.
+Wed Mar 9 13:22:49 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * test/lib/memory_status.rb: make Memory::Status independent of
+ MiniTest::Skip.
+ * test/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb (assert_no_memory_leak): skip
+ if Memory::Status is not available.
+Wed Mar 9 09:19:55 2016 Rei Odaira <>
+ * test/io/wait/test_io_wait.rb (test_wait_readwrite_timeout):
+ select(2) in AIX returns "readable" for the write-side fd
+ of a pipe, so it is not possible to use a pipe to test
+ the read-write timeout of IO#wait on AIX.
+Wed Mar 9 03:35:22 2016 Charles Oliver Nutter <>
+ * test/ruby/test_require.rb (test_require_with_loaded_features_pop):
+ Only remove PATH so threads don't accidentally double-pop.
+Wed Mar 9 00:29:46 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_method.c (rb_alias): the original name should be properly
+ available method_added method, set the name before calling the
+ hook.
+Wed Mar 9 00:07:03 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/logger.rb (Logger::LogDevice#initialize): define using
+ keyword arguments.
+Tue Mar 8 23:37:07 2016 Charles Oliver Nutter <>
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb: split out the test for no stack error
+ on large input for test_permutation, test_repeated_permutation,
+ and test_repeated_combination, and make them all timeout:30.
+Tue Mar 8 17:20:21 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * intern.h (rb_divmod): assume compilers `/` and `%` comply C99
+ and reduce branching. If a compiler doesn't comply, add #ifdefs.
+ * intern.h (rb_div): added for Ruby's behavior.
+ * intern.h (rb_mod): added for Ruby's behavior.
+ * insns.def (opt_div): use rb_div.
+ * insns.def (opt_mod): use rb_mod.
+ * numeric.c (fixdivmod): removed.
+ * numeric.c (fix_divide): use rb_div.
+ * numeric.c (fix_mod): use rb_mod.
+ * numeric.c (fix_divmod): use rb_divmod.
+Tue Mar 8 17:53:09 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * insns.def (opt_mod): show its method name on ZeroDivisionError.
+ [Bug #12158]
+Tue Mar 8 17:33:38 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_write_console): now no need to check
+ ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED because it is for old Win9X.
+Tue Mar 8 16:54:29 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_write_console): stop the VT100 emulation if the
+ console supports it natively.
+Tue Mar 8 08:13:01 2016 Rei Odaira <>
+ * test/net/imap/test_imap.rb (test_idle_timeout): Because of the
+ timeout specified in "imap.idle(0.2)", there is no guarantee that
+ the server thread has done all the work before the client thread
+ performs the assertions. It depends on the thread scheduling.
+ Add checks to avoid false positives (on AIX, particularly).
+Tue Mar 8 00:42:22 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * ruby.c (warn_cr_in_shebang): meaningless check on DOSISH platforms.
+ fixed a test failure introduced at r53998.
+Tue Mar 8 00:27:53 2016 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/tablelist_tile.rb: fix method name typo.
+ [ruby-core:72513] [Bug #11893] The patch provided by Akira Matsuda.
+Tue Mar 8 00:25:08 2016 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/tcllib/toolbar.rb: fix method name typo.
+ [ruby-core:72511] [Bug #11891] The patch provided by Akira Matsuda.
+Tue Mar 8 00:21:58 2016 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/blt/tree.rb: fix method name typo.
+ [ruby-core:72510] [Bug #11890] The patch provided by Akira Matsuda.
+Tue Mar 8 00:11:47 2016 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * ext/tk/lib/tk/menubar.rb: fix a typo in font name. [ruby-core:72505]
+ [Bug #11886] The patch provided by Akira Matsuda.
+ * ext/tk/sample/*.rb: ditto.
+Mon Mar 7 13:32:58 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * class.c (rb_define_class, rb_define_class_id_under): raise
+ ArgumentError if super is 0, deprecated behavior which has been
+ warned long time.
+Mon Mar 7 13:28:30 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * internal.h: move function declarations for class internals from
+ include/ruby/intern.h.
+Mon Mar 7 10:58:07 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole_event.c (rescue_callback): use
+ rb_write_error_str instead of rb_write_error, to respect
+ the encoding and prevent the message from GC.
+ * internal.h (rb_write_error_str): export.
+Mon Mar 7 01:38:41 2016 Rei Odaira <>
+ * test/ruby/test_process.rb (test_execopts_gid): Skip a test
+ that is known to fail on AIX. AIX allows setgid to
+ a supplementary group, but Ruby does not allow the "-e"
+ option when setgid'ed, so the test does not work as intended.
+Sun Mar 6 22:43:41 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * io.c (rb_obj_display): [DOC] fix output of Array, as Array#to_s
+ is same as Array#inspect since 1.9.
+Sat Mar 5 09:50:58 2016 Rei Odaira <>
+ * test/socket/test_addrinfo.rb (test_ipv6_address_predicates):
+ on AIX, so skip related tests.
+Sat Mar 5 09:17:54 2016 Rei Odaira <>
+ * test/rinda/test_rinda.rb (test_make_socket_ipv4_multicast):
+ The fifth argument to getsockopt(2) should be modified to
+ indicate the actual size of the value on return,
+ but not in AIX. This is a know bug. Skip related tests.
+ * test/rinda/test_rinda.rb (test_ring_server_ipv4_multicast):
+ ditto.
+ * test/rinda/test_rinda.rb (test_make_socket_unicast): ditto.
+ * test/socket/test_basicsocket.rb (test_getsockopt): ditto.
+ * test/socket/test_sockopt.rb (test_bool): ditto.
+Sat Mar 5 07:36:27 2016 Rei Odaira <>
+ * test/-ext-/float/test_nextafter.rb: In AIX,
+ nextafter(+0.0,-0.0)=+0.0, and nextafter(-0.0,+0.0)=-0.0,
+ but they should return -0.0 and +0.0, respectively. This is
+ a known bug in nextafter(3) on AIX, so skip related tests.
+Sat Mar 5 07:14:10 2016 Rei Odaira <>
+ * test/zlib/test_zlib.rb (test_adler32_combine, test_crc32_combine):
+ Skip two tests on AIX because zconf.h in zlib does not correctly
+ recognize _LARGE_FILES in AIX. The problem was already reported
+ to zlib, and skip these tests until it is fixed.
+Sat Mar 5 03:07:40 2016 Rei Odaira <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (getstack): __pi_stacksize returned by
+ pthread_getthrds_np() is wrong on AIX. Use
+ __pi_stackend - __pi_stackaddr instead.
+Fri Mar 4 19:19:42 2016 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: use 2 bits with unsigned int for rb_objspace::flags::mode
+ because it always returns 0 to 2 (non-negative value).
+Fri Mar 4 18:42:08 2016 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: rename "enum gc_stat" to "enum gc_mode"
+ because there is a same name (no related) function gc_stat().
+ Also gc_stat_* are renamed to gc_mode_*,
+ gc_stat_transition() to gc_mode_transition(),
+ rb_objspace::flags::stat is renamed to rb_objspace::flags::mode.
+ Change rb_objspace::flags::mode from 2 bits to 3 bits because VC++
+ returns negative enum value with 2 bits.
+ * gc.c (gc_mode): add a macro to access rb_objspace::flags::mode
+ with verification code (verification is enabled only on
+ * gc.c (gc_mode_set): same macro for setter.
+Fri Mar 4 09:28:18 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rubygems.rb, lib/rubygems/*, test/rubygems/*: Update rubygems-2.6.1.
+ Please see entries of 2.6.0 and 2.6.1 on
+ [fix GH-1270] Patch by @segiddins
+Thu Mar 3 14:09:00 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/ostruct.rb (modifiable?, new_ostruct_member!, table!):
+ rename methods for internal use with suffixes and make private,
+ [ruby-core:71069] [Bug #11587]
+Wed Mar 2 16:28:48 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (method_missing): call by found method entry and get
+ rid of searching the same method entry twice.
+ * vm_eval.c (vm_call0_body): calling method_missing method is
+ method_missing().
+Wed Mar 2 15:13:33 2016 herwinw <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc.rb: Removed broken parser named XMLScanStreamParser.
+ It's not works with current Ruby version.
+ [fix GH-1271][ruby-core:59588][Bug #9369]
+ * lib/xmlrpc/config.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/xmlrpc/parser.rb: ditto.
+Wed Mar 2 15:08:33 2016 herwinw <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc.rb: Removed broken parser named XMLTreeParser.
+ Required gem of its parser didn't compile on newer Ruby versions.
+ [fix GH-1271][ruby-core:59590][Bug #9370]
+ * lib/xmlrpc/config.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/xmlrpc/parser.rb: ditto.
+Tue Mar 1 11:25:48 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb: use keyword arguments instead of option
+ hashes.
+Mon Feb 29 16:50:20 2016 hanachin <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_push_m): [DOC] Remove trailing comma from
+ Array#push example, as other Array examples doesn't put trailing
+ comma. [Fix GH-1279]
+Mon Feb 29 16:31:01 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, tool/mkconfig.rb: set cross_compiling option from
+ Makefile, but not from rbconfig.rb, which is just going to be
+ created by this command.
+Sun Feb 28 23:13:49 2016 C.J. Collier <>
+ * Add summary to end of configure output.
+ [Fix GH-1275]
+Sun Feb 28 20:23:36 2016 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/drb/drb.rb (error_print): Add verbose failure messages and
+ avoid infamous DRb::DRbConnError. [Feature #12101]
+Sun Feb 28 13:40:46 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (nometh_err_initialize): add private_call? parameter.
+ * error.c (nometh_err_private_call_p): add private_call? method,
+ to tell if the exception raised in private form FCALL or VCALL.
+ [Feature #12043]
+ * vm_eval.c (make_no_method_exception): append private_call?
+ argument.
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (ci_missing_reason): copy FCALL flag.
+Sun Feb 28 10:19:47 2016 Ryan T. Hosford <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_and): clarify that set intersection returns the
+ unique elements common to both arrays.
+ * array.c (rb_ary_or): clarify that union preserves the order from
+ the given arrays.
+Sat Feb 27 17:05:29 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/unicode/case-folding.rb, casefold.h: Reducing size of TitleCase
+ table by eliminating duplicates.
+ (with Kimihito Matsui)
+Fri Feb 26 14:40:48 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (num_step_scan_args): comparison String with Numeric
+ should raise TypeError. it is an invalid type, but not a
+ mismatch the number of arguments. [ruby-core:62430] [Bug #9810]
+Fri Feb 26 14:39:39 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * doc/extension.rdoc, doc/extension.ja.rdoc: add editor local
+ variables, with commenting out by :enddoc: directives which are
+ just ignored unless code object mode. [Bug #12111]
+Fri Feb 26 12:25:56 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * doc/extension.ja.rdoc: removed rendering error caused by editor specific
+ configuration on .
+ [Bug #12111][ruby-core:73990]
+Fri Feb 26 11:21:41 2016 herwinw <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc.rb: Removed references to NQXML. It's obsoleted parser.
+ [fix GH-1245][ruby-core:59593][Feature #9371]
+ * lib/xmlrpc/config.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/xmlrpc/parser.rb: ditto.
+Fri Feb 26 11:10:19 2016 Rick Salevsky <>
+ * lib/tmpdir.rb: Unify to coding-style for method definition.
+ [fix GH-1252]
+Fri Feb 26 11:02:04 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * update markdown syntax for anchor tag.
+ [fix GH-1265] Patch by @lukBarros
+Fri Feb 26 10:52:29 2016 Alex Boyd <>
+ * lib/irb.rb: avoid to needless truncation when using back_trace_limit option.
+ [fix GH-1205][ruby-core:72773][Bug #11969]
+Fri Feb 26 08:11:58 2016 Aaron Patterson <>
+ * gem_prelude.rb: Reduce system calls by activating the `did_you_mean`
+ gem before requiring the gem. Activating the gem puts the gem on
+ the load path, where simply requiring the file will search every gem
+ that's installed until it can find a gem that contains the
+ `did_you_mean` file.
+Thu Feb 25 19:04:13 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/unicode/case-folding.rb: Adding possibility for debugging output
+ for TitleCase table in casefold.h.
+ (with Kimihito Matsui)
+Wed Feb 24 22:31:13 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * include/ruby/oniguruma.h: Rearranging flag assignments and making
+ space for titlecase indices; adding additional macros to add or
+ extract titlecase index; adding comments for better documentation.
+ * enc/unicode.c: Moving some macros to include/ruby/oniguruma.h;
+ activating use of titlecase indices.
+ (with Kimihito Matsui)
+Wed Feb 24 21:03:04 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * random.c (limited_rand): Add a specialized path for when the limit fits
+ in 32 bit.
+Tue Feb 23 21:52:24 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/unicode/case-folding.rb, casefold.h: Outputting actual titlecase
+ data (new table, with indices from other tables).
+ * enc/unicode.c: Ignoring titlecase data indices for the moment.
+ (with Kimihito Matsui)
+Tue Feb 23 15:21:14 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/unicode/case-folding.rb, casefold.h: Reading casing data from
+ SpecialCasing.txt.
+ (with Kimihito Matsui)
+Mon Feb 22 18:33:55 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/unicode/case-folding.rb, casefold.h: Adding flag for title-case,
+ not yet operational.
+ (with Kimihito Matsui)
+Mon Feb 22 18:17:03 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/unicode/case-folding.rb, casefold.h: Fixed bug that avoided inclusion
+ of compatibility characters in upper-/lower-case mappings.
+ (with Kimihito Matsui)
+Sun Feb 21 13:57:18 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * cgi/escape/escape.c: Optimize CGI.unescape performance by C ext
+ for ASCII-compatible encodings. [Fix GH-1250]
+Sun Feb 21 13:56:57 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * cgi/escape/escape.c: Optimize CGI.unescapeHTML performance by C
+ ext for ASCII-compatible encodings. [Fix GH-1242]
+Sat Feb 20 15:38:16 2016 Eric Wong <>
+ * doc/extension.rdoc: update paths for defs/ directory
+Sat Feb 20 14:44:15 2016 Lucas Buchala <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_mod_module_eval): [DOC] Fix documentation
+ signature for Module#module_eval. [Fix GH-1258]
+Sat Feb 20 14:40:44 2016 Adam O'Connor <>
+ * a few grammatical changes to the main Ruby
+ [Fix GH-1259]
+Sat Feb 20 13:04:22 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (push_pattern, push_glob): deal with read paths as UTF-8
+ to stat later, on Windows as well as OS X.
+ [ruby-core:73868] [Bug #12081]
+Sat Feb 20 01:53:33 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (rb_mod_const_get): make error message at uninterned
+ string consistent with symbols. [ruby-dev:49498] [Bug #12089]
+Fri Feb 19 23:37:52 2016 Masahiro Tomita <>
+ * lib/find.rb (Find#find): raise with the given path name if it
+ does not exist. [ruby-dev:49497] [Bug #12087]
+Fri Feb 19 12:44:57 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/unicode.c: Activated use of case mapping data in CaseUnfold_11 array.
+ (with Kimihito Matsui)
+Fri Feb 19 11:08:32 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/extmk.rb: add cygwin case, nothing excluded.
+ [ruby-core:73806] [Bug#12071]
+Thu Feb 18 21:32:15 2016 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * man/irb.1: fix output in EXAMPLES.
+Thu Feb 18 21:05:47 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (sym_match_m): delegate to String#match but not
+ String#=~. [ruby-core:72864] [Bug #11991]
+Thu Feb 18 14:15:38 2016 Shota Fukumori <>
+ * re.c: Add MatchData#named_captures
+ [Feature #11999] [ruby-core:72897]
+ * test/ruby/test_regexp.rb(test_match_data_named_captures): Test for above.
+ * NEWS: News about MatchData#named_captures.
+Wed Feb 17 21:41:29 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * defs/id.def (predefined): add idLASTLINE and idBACKREF for $_
+ and $~ respectively.
+ * parse.y: use idLASTLINE and idBACKREF instead of rb_intern.
+Wed Feb 17 20:23:38 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_init): fix segfault and memory leak, consider
+ wide char encoding terminator.
+Wed Feb 17 12:14:59 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_init): introduce size)
+ [Feature #12024]
+Tue Feb 16 19:10:08 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/unicode/case-folding.rb, casefold.h: Used only first element
+ (rather than all) of target in CaseUnfold_11 array.
+ (with Kimihito Matsui)
+Tue Feb 16 18:24:38 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * numeric.c (compare_with_zero): fix variable name, rb_cmperr
+ requires VALUEs but not an ID.
+Tue Feb 16 17:34:18 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * dir.c (rb_dir_s_empty_p): add Dir.empty? method, which tells the
+ argument is the name of an empty directory. [Feature #10121]
+Tue Feb 16 09:51:20 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb (without_destdir): just strip a drive letter
+ which is prepended by with_destdir.
+ pointed out by @DavidEGrayson.
+Tue Feb 16 04:42:13 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * insns.def (opt_plus): simply use LONG2NUM() instead of wrongly
+ complex overflow case.
+ * insns.def (opt_sub): ditto.
+Tue Feb 16 02:49:41 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/rbinstall.rb (without_destdir): compare with the destdir
+ after stripping a drive letter, on dosish platforms.
+ pointed out by @DavidEGrayson.
+Mon Feb 15 15:44:09 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parse_ident): allow keyword arguments just after a
+ method where the same name local variable is defined.
+ [ruby-core:73816] [Bug#12073]
+Mon Feb 15 14:43:28 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/unicode/case-folding.rb: Added debugging option
+ (with Kimihito Matsui)
+Sun Feb 14 17:31:50 2016 Lars Kanis <>
+ * lib/mkmf.rb (with_{cpp,c,ld}flags): copy caller strings not to
+ be modified, in append_{cpp,c,ld}flags respectively.
+ [Fix GH-1246]
+Sun Feb 14 16:18:57 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (setup_exception): set the cause only if it is explicitly
+ given or not set yet. [Bug #12068]
+Sat Feb 13 21:44:58 2016 Tanaka Akira <>
+ * hash.c (rb_hash_invert): [DOC] more examples.
+Sat Feb 13 17:30:49 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (URI::Generic#find_proxy): support CIDR in
+ no_proxy. [ruby-core:73769] [Feature#12062]
+Sat Feb 13 17:11:58 2016 Fabian Wiesel <>
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (find_proxy): exclude white-spaces and allow
+ for a leading dot in the domain name in no_proxy.
+ [ruby-core:54542] [Feature #8317]
+Fri Feb 12 12:20:56 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * error.c (name_err_initialize, nometh_err_initialize): [DOC] fix
+ argument positions. optional parameters except for the message
+ are placed at the last.
+Fri Feb 12 11:49:49 2016 Anthony Dmitriyev <>
+ * net/ftp.rb: add NullSocket#closed? to fix closing not opened
+ connection. [Fix GH-1232]
+Fri Feb 12 11:17:38 2016 Bogdan <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_initialize_m): [DOC] fix missing right bracket.
+ [Fix GH-1243]
+Thu Feb 11 14:57:58 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (RUBY_CHECK_SIZEOF, RUBY_DEFINT): fix for types
+ which are conditionally available depending on architectures
+ when universal binary, e.g., __int128.
+Thu Feb 11 06:26:18 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (RUBY_DEFINT): use Parameter Expansion.
+Thu Feb 11 05:33:24 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (int128_t): don't check HAVE_XXX (for example
+ HAVE___INT128) because RUBY_CHECK_SIZEOF() don't define it for
+ config.h and use of $ac_cv_sizeof___int128 alternates the check.
+ (and don't need to define because users shouldn't know that)
+Wed Feb 10 12:03:41 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * (ARFLAGS): check if deterministic mode flag is
+ effective, which is on by default on Ubuntu.
+Tue Feb 9 16:36:23 2016 Naotoshi Seo <>
+ * lib/logger.rb: Remove block from Logger.add as it's not needed
+ patch provided by Daniel Lobato Garcia [fix GH-1240] [Bug #12054]
+Tue Feb 9 14:32:23 2016 Zachary Scott <>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c: Document mtime header behavior with patch by @schneems
+ Fixes [GH-1129]:
+Tue Feb 9 13:52:49 2016 Zachary Scott <>
+ * re.c: Remove deprecated kcode argument from and compile
+ patch provided by Dylan Pulliam [Bug #11495]
+Mon Feb 8 21:26:19 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/unicode/case-folding.rb, enc/unicode/casefold.h: Flags for
+ upper/lower conversion added (titlecase and SpecialCasing still missing)
+ (with Kimihito Matsui)
+Mon Feb 8 20:43:57 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * string.c, enc/unicode.c: Disassociating ONIGENC_CASE_FOLD flag from
+ (with Kimihito Matsui)
+Mon Feb 8 13:00:17 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/unicode.c: Shortened macros for enc/unicode/casefold.h to
+ single-letter; use flags in casefold.h for logic.
+ * enc/unicode/case-folding.rb: Added flag for case folding.
+ Changed parameter passing.
+ * enc/unicode/casefold.h: New flags added.
+ (with Kimihito Matsui)
+Mon Feb 8 10:30:10 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (feature_option): raise a runtime error if ambiguous
+ feature name is given, in the future. [Bug #12050]
+Mon Feb 8 09:43:57 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * Removed enc/unicode/casefold.h from automatic build because
+ some CI systems don't have gperf. Creation of enc/unicode/casefold.h
+ is now possible with make unicode-up. This is intended as a temporary measure.
+Sun Feb 7 22:10:08 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * Added two more precondition files for enc/unicode/casefold.h
+ * enc/unicode.c: Added shortening macros for enc/unicode/casefold.h
+ * enc/unicode/case-folding.rb: Fixed file encoding for CaseFolding.txt
+ to ASCII-8BIT (should fix some ci errors). Clarified usage. Created
+ class MapItem. Partially implemented class CaseMapping.
+ (with Kimihito Matsui)
+Sun Feb 7 14:12:32 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/unicode/case-folding.rb: Fixing parameter passing.
+ (with Kimihito Matsui)
+Sun Feb 7 11:44:03 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/unicode/case-folding.rb: New classes CaseMapping/CaseMappingDummy
+ to pass as parameters; not yet implemented or used.
+ (with Kimihito Matsui)
+Sun Feb 7 11:16:00 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * using new option in recipe for enc/unicode/casefold.h
+ * enc/unicode/case-folding.rb: Correctly specify argument to new option.
+ (with Kimihito Matsui)
+Sun Feb 7 10:43:27 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ (this commit message applies to the previous commit)
+ * explicit recipe for enc/unicode/casefold.h
+ * enc/unicode/case-folding.rb: Adding -m option to prepare for using
+ multiple data files.
+ (with Kimihito Matsui)
+Sat Feb 6 22:30:57 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/cgi/util.rb (escapeHTML, unescapeHTML): consider
+ ASCII-incompatible encodings. [Fix GH-1239]
+Sat Feb 6 15:18:28 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_regex_casefold.rb: Added data-based testing for
+ String#downcase :fold.
+ * enc/unicode.c: Fixed a range error (lowest non-ASCII character affected
+ by case operations is U+00B5, MICRO SIGN)
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_case_mapping.rb: Explicit test for case folding of
+ MICRO SIGN to Greek mu.
+ (with Kimihito Matsui)
+Sat Feb 6 14:51:23 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_regex_casefold.rb: Tests for three case folding
+ primitives (mbc_case_fold, get_case_fold_codes_by_str,
+ apply_all_case_fold) in the various encodings. Currently only known
+ good encodings are tested to avoid test failures. For bug hunting,
+ start by adding more encodings with
+ generate_test_casefold encoding
+ (with Kimihito Matsui)
+Sat Feb 6 14:37:16 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/unicode.c, test/ruby/enc/test_case_mapping.rb: Implemented :fold
+ option for String#downcase by using case folding data from
+ regular expression engine, and added a few simple tests.
+ (with Kimihito Matsui)
+Fri Feb 5 20:08:59 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_case_mapping.rb: added tests for :ascii option.
+ (with Kimihito Matsui)
+Fri Feb 5 12:22:20 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * insns.def (opt_mult): Use int128_t for overflow detection.
+ * bignum.c (rb_uint128t2big): added for opt_mult.
+ * bignum.c (rb_uint128t2big): added for rb_uint128t2big..
+ * define int128_t, uint128_t and related MACROs.
+ Initially introduced by r41379 but reverted by r50749.
+Thu Feb 4 21:05:17 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/unicode.c: Activated :ascii flag for ASCII-only case conversion
+ (with Kimihito Matsui)
+Thu Feb 4 17:38:01 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * re.c (reg_set_source): make source string frozen without
+ copying.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_initialize_m): refactor initialization with
+ encoding.
+Thu Feb 4 15:35:29 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * string.c (rb_fstring_enc_new, rb_fstring_enc_cstr): functions to
+ make fstring with encoding.
+Thu Feb 4 14:42:29 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * Added Unicode data file SpecialCasing.txt to be additionally
+ downloaded (with Kimihito Matsui)
+Thu Feb 4 12:39:08 2016 joker1007 <>
+ * cgi/escape/escape.c: Optimize CGI.escape performance by C ext
+ for ASCII-compatible encodings. [Fix GH-1238]
+Thu Feb 4 11:53:56 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * Introduce two variables (UNICODE_DATA_DIR and
+ UNICODE_SRC_DATA_DIR) to eliminate repetitions.
+Wed Feb 3 12:13:20 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * string.c (str_new_frozen): if the given string is embeddedable
+ but not embedded, embed a new copied string. [Bug #11946]
+Wed Feb 3 08:25:38 2016 boshan <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl_pkey.c (Init_ossl_pkey): [DOC] Fix typo
+ "encrypted" to "decrypted". [Fix GH-1235]
+Wed Feb 3 08:21:32 2016 Seiei Miyagi <>
+ * ext/ripper/lib/ripper/lexer.rb (on_heredoc_dedent): Fix
+ Ripper.lex error in dedenting squiggly heredoc. heredoc tree is
+ also an array of Elem in the outer tree. [Fix GH-1234]
+Wed Feb 3 02:33:39 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_prepare_enc): use already compiled US-ASCII regexp
+ if given string is ASCII only.
+ 121.2s to 113.9s on my x86_64-freebsd10.2 Intel Core i5 661
+Tue Feb 2 13:02:03 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * re.c: Introduce RREGEXP_PTR.
+ patch by dbussink.
+ partially merge
+ * include/ruby/ruby.h: ditto.
+ * gc.c: ditto.
+ * ext/strscan/strscan.c: ditto.
+ * parse.y: ditto.
+ * string.c: ditto.
+Tue Feb 2 09:08:27 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rubygems/specification.rb: `coding` is effective only first
+ line except shebang.
+ * lib/rubygems/package.rb, lib/rubygems/package/*: ditto.
+Mon Feb 1 21:41:58 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/rubygems.rb, lib/rubygems/*, test/rubygems/*: Update rubygems-2.5.2.
+ It supports to enable frozen string literal and add `--norc` option for
+ disable to `.gemrc` configuration.
+ See 2.5.2 release notes for other fixes and enhancements.
+Sun Jan 31 12:33:13 2016 Dan Kreiger <>
+ * test/drb/ut_large.rb (multiply, avg, median): add additional
+ math operations to DRbLarge. [Fix GH-1086]
+Sun Jan 31 12:19:15 2016 Kuniaki IGARASHI <>
+ * test/ruby/test_file_exhaustive.rb (test_lstat): Add lacking test
+ for File#lstat. [Fix GH-1231]
+Sun Jan 31 12:15:33 2016 Prayag Verma <>
+ * doc/standard_library.rdoc: fix typo [Fix GH-1230]
+ Spelling mistakes -
+ outputing > outputting
+ publich > publish
+Sat Jan 30 15:18:07 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_eval.c (rb_check_funcall_with_hook): also should call the
+ given hook before returning Qundef when overridden respond_to?
+ method returned false. [ruby-core:73556] [Bug #12030]
+Fri Jan 29 17:40:07 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * win32/file.c (rb_readlink): drop garbage after the substitute
+ name, as rb_w32_read_reparse_point returns the expected buffer
+ size but "\??\" prefix is dropped from the result.
+ * win32/win32.c (w32_readlink): ditto, including NUL-terminator.
+Fri Jan 29 17:07:27 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * win32/win32.c (fileattr_to_unixmode, rb_w32_reparse_symlink_p): volume
+ mount point should be treated as directory, not symlink.
+ [ruby-core:72483] [Bug #11874]
+ * win32/win32.c (rb_w32_read_reparse_point): check the reparse point is
+ a volume mount point or not.
+ * win32/file.c (rb_readlink): follow above change (but this pass won't
+ be used).
+Fri Jan 29 16:17:07 2016 Lucas Buchala <>
+ * enum.c (enum_take_while, enum_drop_while): rename block
+ parameter to obj, since they are generic objects. [Fix GH-1226]
+Fri Jan 29 14:15:26 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/erb.rb (ERB::Compiler#detect_magic_comment): allow
+ frozen-string-literal in comment as well as encoding.
+ * lib/erb.rb (ERB#def_method): insert def line just before the
+ first non-comment and non-empty line, not to leave duplicated
+ and stale magic comments.
+Fri Jan 29 11:13:33 2016 Jeremy Evans <>
+ * lib/erb.rb (ERB#set_eoutvar): explicitly make mutable string as
+ a buffer to make ERB work with --enable-frozen-string-literal.
+ [ruby-core:73561] [Bug #12031]
+Fri Jan 29 10:44:56 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/net/http/header.rb: Warn nil variable on HTTP Header.
+ It caused to NoMethodError. [fix GH-952][fix GH-641] Patch by @teosz
+ * test/net/http/test_httpheader.rb: Added test for nil HTTP Header.
+Thu Jan 28 17:31:43 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/socket.c (sock_gethostname): support unlimited size
+ hostname.
+Wed Jan 27 21:03:45 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/-ext-/string/test_capacity.rb: Added missing library.
+Wed Jan 27 18:53:40 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/unicode.c: Fixed bit mask in macro OnigCodePointCount
+Wed Jan 27 17:54:42 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/unicode.c: Protect code point count by macro, in order to
+ be able to use the remaining bits for flags.
+ (with Kimihito Matsui)
+Wed Jan 27 16:34:35 2016 boshan <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb (Tempfile#initialize): [DOC] the first parameter
+ `basename` is optional and defaulted to an empty string since
+ [GH-523]. [Fix GH-1225]
+Wed Jan 27 16:25:54 2016 Koichi ITO <>
+ * array.c (rb_ary_dig): [DOC] fix the exception class to be raised
+ when intermediate object does not have dig method. TypeError
+ will be raised now. [Fix GH-1224]
+Tue Jan 26 19:36:15 2016 Aggelos Avgerinos <>
+ * array.c (permute0, rpermute0): [DOC] Substitute indexes ->
+ indices in documentation for consistency. [Fix GH-1222]
+Tue Jan 26 15:21:37 2016 Eric Wong <>
+ * compile.c (caller_location): use rb_fstring_cstr for "<compiled>"
+ (it is converted to fstring anyways inside rb_iseq_new_with_opt)
+ * iseq.c (iseqw_s_compile): ditto
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_new_main): use rb_fstring_cstr for "<main>"
+ * vm.c (Init_VM): ditto, share with with above
+ * iseq.c (iseqw_s_compile_file): rb_fstring before rb_io_t->pathv
+ share "<main>" with above
+ * vm.c (rb_binding_add_dynavars): fstring "<temp>" immediately
+Tue Jan 26 15:14:01 2016 Kazuki Yamaguchi <>
+ * compile.c (iseq_peephole_optimize): don't apply tailcall
+ optimization to send/invokesuper instructions with blockiseq.
+ This is a follow-up to the changes in r51903; blockiseq is now
+ the third operand of send/invokesuper instructions.
+ [ruby-core:73413] [Bug #12018]
+Tue Jan 26 14:26:46 2016 Eric Wong <>
+ * signal.c (sig_list): use fstring for hash key
+ * test/ruby/test_signal.rb (test_signal_list_dedupe_keys): added
+Tue Jan 26 13:08:34 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * signal.c (rb_f_kill): should immediately deliver reserved
+ signals SIGILL and SIGFPE, not only SIGSEGV and SIGBUS.
+Tue Jan 26 07:57:28 2016 Joseph Tibbertsma <>
+ * gc.c (RVALUE_PAGE_WB_UNPROTECTED): fix a typo of argument name.
+ [Fix GH-1221]
+Mon Jan 25 17:26:54 2016 Eric Wong <>
+ * ruby_assert.h (RUBY_ASSERT_WHEN): fix reference to macro name
+ * vm_core.h: include ruby_assert.h before using
+ [ruby-core:73371]
+Mon Jan 25 15:55:30 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * symbol.c (sym_check_asciionly): more informative error message
+ with the encoding name and the inspected content.
+ [ruby-core:73398] [Feature #12016]
+Mon Jan 25 09:38:26 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/ruby/test_string.rb: added testcase for next!, succ and succ!
+ [fix GH-1213] Patch by @K0mAtoru
+Mon Jan 25 09:32:25 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb: fix documentation for namespace.
+ [fix GH-1219][ci skip] Patch by @leafac
+Sun Jan 24 19:34:23 2016 Eric Wong <>
+ * vm_insnhelper.c (vm_check_if_namespace): tiny size reduction
+Sun Jan 24 18:12:36 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * Simplifying Unicode data file download logic to make
+ it more reliable (including additional fix not in r53633) [Bug #12007]
+Sun Jan 24 16:54:11 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/io/wait/wait.c (io_wait_readwrite): [EXPERIMENTAL] allow to
+ wait for multiple modes, readable and writable, at once. the
+ arguments may change in the future. [Feature #12013]
+Sat Jan 23 22:30:59 2016 K0mA <>
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb (test_keep_if): Add test for
+ Array#keep_if separate from Array#select! [Fix GH-1218]
+Sat Jan 23 20:54:26 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * revert r53633. It broke rubyci and travis.
+Sat Jan 23 20:10:29 2016 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * range.c (range_eqq): revert r51585 because rb_call_super() is
+ called in range_include() and thus r51585 doesn't work when the
+ receiver Range object consists of non linear objects such as Date
+ objects.
+ [ruby-core:72908] [Bug #12003]
+Sat Jan 23 18:37:37 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * ChangeLog: Fixing wrong time on previous commit, and adding
+ previous commit message to svn [ci skip]
+Sat Jan 23 18:30:30 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * Simplifying Unicode data file download logic to make
+ it more reliable [Bug #12007]
+Sat Jan 23 16:29:42 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * tool/downloader.rb: Fixed a logical error, improved documentation
+Sat Jan 23 11:42:43 2016 Peter Suschlik <>
+ * Use SVG Travis badge over PNG for better quality and
+ device support. [Fix GH-1214] [Fix GH-1216]
+Sat Jan 23 11:29:16 2016 Pascal Betz <>
+ * lib/csv.rb: Update documentation of CSV header converter for
+ r45498, [GH-575]. [Fix GH-1215]
+Fri Jan 22 17:36:46 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * vm_core.h (VM_ASSERT): use RUBY_ASSERT instead of rb_bug.
+ * error.c (rb_assert_failure): assertion with stack dump.
+ * ruby_assert.h (RUBY_ASSERT): new header for the assertion.
+Fri Jan 22 00:25:57 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * regparse.c (fetch_name_with_level): allow non word characters
+ at the first character. [Feature #11949]
+ * regparse.c (fetch_name): ditto.
+Thu Jan 21 17:34:01 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * marshal.c (r_object0): honor Marshal.load post proc
+ value for TYPE_LINK. by Hiroshi Nakamura <>
+ fix GH-1204
+Thu Jan 21 16:37:50 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * (update-rubyspec): fix r53208 like r53451.
+Wed Jan 20 20:58:25 2016 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ *, update-config_files is only for Unix
+ platforms.
+Wed Jan 20 17:13:39 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/extlibs.rb: add --cache option to change cache directory.
+Tue Jan 19 17:03:40 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * Added Unicode data file CaseFolding.txt to be additionally
+ downloaded (with Kimihito Matsui)
+Tue Jan 19 10:09:58 2016 Sho Hashimoto <>
+ * lib/shell.rb (Shell.debug_output_exclusive_unlock): remove
+ because Mutex#exclusive_unlock was already deleted. [fix GH-1185]
+Tue Jan 19 09:38:27 2016 Nick Cox <>
+ * vm_method.c: fix grammar in respond_to? warning.
+ [fix GH-1047]
+Mon Jan 18 14:37:07 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_here_document): an escaped newline is not an
+ actual newline, and the rest part should not be dedented.
+ [ruby-core:72855] [Bug #11989]
+Mon Jan 18 12:04:34 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/ruby/test_string.rb: Added extra testcase for test_rstrip_bang
+ and test_lstrip_bang. [fix GH-1178] Patch by @Matrixbirds
+Mon Jan 18 11:47:27 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * string.c: fix a typo. [fix GH-1202][ci skip] Patch by @sunboshan
+Sun Jan 17 21:15:30 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * improve ICC (Intel C Compiler) support.
+ * (CXX): The name of icc's c++ compiler is `icpc`.
+ * (warnings): Add `-diag-disable=2259` to suppress
+ noisy warnings: "non-pointer conversion from "..." to "..." may
+ lose significant bits".
+ * (optflags): Add `-fp-model precise` like -fno-fast-math.
+ * lib/mkmf.rb: icc supports -Werror=division-by-zero
+ and -Werror=deprecated-declarations, but doesn't support
+ -Wdivision-by-zero and -Wdeprecated-declarations.
+Sun Jan 17 20:40:10 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * string.c: Any kind of option is now taking the new code path for
+ upcase/downcase/capitalize/swapcase. :lithuanian can be used for
+ testing if no specific option is desired.
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_case_mapping.rb: Adjusted to above.
+ (with Kimihito Matsui)
+Sun Jan 17 20:10:10 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/unicode.c: Fixed a logical error and some comments.
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_case_mapping.rb: Made tests more general.
+ (with Kimihito Matsui)
+Sun Jan 17 17:41:41 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/unicode.c: Removed artificial expansion for Turkic,
+ added hand-coded support for Turkic, fixed logic for swapcase.
+ * string.c: Made use of new case mapping code possible from upcase,
+ capitalize, and swapcase (with :lithuanian as a guard).
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_case_mapping.rb: Adjusted for above.
+ (with Kimihito Matsui)
+Sun Jan 17 15:30:57 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/option.c (sockopt_bool): relax boolean size to be one
+ too not only sizeof(int). Winsock getsockopt() returns a single
+ byte as a boolean socket option. [ruby-core:72730] [Bug #11958]
+Sun Jan 17 14:43:01 2016 Kuniaki IGARASHI <>
+ * test/ruby/test_env.rb: [Fix GH-1201]
+ * Extract test code for ENV#keep_if from ENV#select_bang
+ * Add a test case for ENV#select_bang,keep_if
+Sun Jan 17 14:42:25 2016 Kuniaki IGARASHI <>
+ * test/ruby/test_env.rb: [Fix GH-1201]
+ * Extract test code for ENV#delete_if from ENV#reject_bang
+ * Add a test case for ENV#reject_bang,delete_if
+Sun Jan 17 14:40:22 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ext/socket/option.c (check_size): extract a macro to check
+ binary data size, with a consistent message.
+ * ext/socket/option.c (sockopt_byte): fix error message,
+ sizeof(int) differs from sizeof(unsigned char) in general.
+Sat Jan 16 21:16:21 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (xstring): reset heredoc indent after dedenting,
+ so that following string literal would not be dedented.
+ [ruby-core:72857] [Bug #11990]
+Sat Jan 16 17:24:24 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * enc/unicode.c: Artificial mapping to test buffer expansion code.
+ * string.c: Fixed buffer expansion logic.
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_case_mapping.rb: Tests for above.
+ (with Kimihito Matsui)
+Sat Jan 16 16:47:14 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ext/openssl/lib/openssl/pkey.rb: Added 2048 bit DH parameter.
+ * test/openssl/test_pkey_dh.rb: ditto.
+Sat Jan 16 10:51:19 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * enc/unicode.c: fix implicit conversion error with clang. fixup r53548.
+ * string.c: ditto.
+Sat Jan 16 10:31:00 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test-sample was changed to test-basic.
+ [Feature #11982][ruby-core:72823]
+ * basictest/runner.rb: ditto. rename from tool/rubytest.rb.
+ * basictest/test.rb: ditto. rename from sample/test.rb.
+ * defs/ picked from r53540
+ * sample/test.rb: backward compatibility for chkbuild.
+Sat Jan 16 10:23:23 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * string.c, enc/unicode.c: New code path as a preparation for Unicode-wide
+ case mapping. The code path is currently guarded by the :lithuanian
+ option to avoid accidental problems in daily use.
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_case_mapping.rb: Test for above.
+ * string.c: function 'check_case_options': fixed logical errors
+ (with Kimihito Matsui)
+Fri Jan 15 20:20:20 2016 Naohisa Goto <>
+ * regint.h (PLATFORM_UNALIGNED_WORD_ACCESS): The value of
+ UNALIGNED_WORD_ACCESS should be used to determine whether
+ unaligned word access is allowed or not. After this commit,
+ ./configure CPPFLAGS="-DUNALIGNED_WORD_ACCESS=0" disables
+ unaligned word access even on platforms that support the feature.
+Fri Jan 15 16:12:10 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (string1): reset heredoc indent for each string literal
+ so that concatenated string would not be dedented.
+ [ruby-core:72857] [Bug #11990]
+Thu Jan 14 20:01:00 2016 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * lib/uri/generic.rb (URI::Generic#to_s): change encoding to
+ UTF-8 as Ruby 2.2/ by Koichi ITO <>
+ fix GH-1188
+Thu Jan 14 17:36:16 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c (rb_f_global_variables): add matched back references
+ only, as well as defined? operator.
+Thu Jan 14 16:12:09 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * sprintf.c (rb_str_format): format exact number more exactly.
+Thu Jan 14 15:08:43 2016 Tony Arcieri <>
+ * Remove 512-bit DH group. It's affected by LogJam Attack.
+ [fix GH-1196][Bug #11968][ruby-core:72766]
+Thu Jan 14 11:44:29 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * variable.c (rb_f_global_variables): add $1..$9 only if $~ is
+ set. fix the condition removed at r14014.
+Wed Jan 13 17:21:45 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * .travis.yml: removed commented-out code.
+Wed Jan 13 17:14:54 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * .travis.yml: removed osx code. follow up with r53517
+Wed Jan 13 16:56:19 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_mark): mark parent iseq to prevent dynamically
+ generated iseq by eval from GC. [ruby-core:72620] [Bug #11928]
+Wed Jan 13 03:42:58 2016 Eric Wong <>
+ * class.c (Init_class_hierarchy): resolve name for rb_cObject ASAP
+ * object.c (rb_mod_const_set): move name resolution to rb_const_set
+ * variable.c (rb_const_set): do class resolution here
+ [ruby-core:72807] [Bug #11977]
+Wed Jan 13 00:37:12 2016 Satoshi Ohmori <>
+ * man/ruby.1: fix double word typo. [Fix GH-1194]
+Tue Jan 12 21:01:09 2016 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * update URL and name for the Ruby spec suite.
+Tue Jan 12 19:52:19 2016 sorah (Shota Fukumori) <>
+ * lib/forwardable.rb: Convert given accessors to String.
+ r53381 changed to accept only Symbol or String for accessors, but
+ there are several rubygems that pass classes (e.g. Array,
+ Hash, ...) as accessors. Prior r53381, it was accepted because Class#to_s
+ returns its class name. After r53381 given accessors are checked
+ with define_method, but it accepts only Symbol or String, otherwise
+ raises TypeError.
+ def_delegator Foo, :some_method
+ This change is to revert unexpected incompatibility. But this behavior
+ may change in the future.
+Mon Jan 12 18:41:41 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * string.c: made a variable name more grammatically correct
+Mon Jan 12 18:34:34 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * string.c: minor grammar fix [ci skip]
+Mon Jan 12 16:09:09 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * test/ruby/enc/test_casing_options.rb: Tests for option
+ parsing/checking for upcase/downcase/capitalize/swapcase
+ (see r53503; with Kimihito Matsui)
+Mon Jan 12 16:03:03 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * string.c: Added option parsing/checking for upcase/downcase/
+ capitalize/swapcase (with Kimihito Matsui)
+Mon Jan 11 21:28:28 2016 Martin Duerst <>
+ * include/ruby/oniguruma.h: Added flags needed for upcase/downcase
+ Unicode addition (with Kimihito Matsui)
+Mon Jan 11 09:50:24 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * check if the API version number is consistent with
+ the program version number.
+Sun Jan 10 20:57:25 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (compile_massign_lhs): when index ends with splat,
+ append rhs value to it like POSTARG, since VM_CALL_ARGS_SPLAT
+ splats the last argument only. [ruby-core:72777] [Bug #11970]
+Sun Jan 10 15:45:10 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/missing.h (explicit_bzero_by_memset_s): remove
+ inline implementation by memset_s, which needs a macro before
+ including headers and can cause problems in extension libraries
+ by the order of the macro and headers.
+Sun Jan 10 13:41:36 2016 Eric Wong <>
+ * io.c (rb_deferr): remove long obsolete global
+Sun Jan 10 09:14:42 2016 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb (visit_String):
+ eliminate chomp
+ * lib/net/http.rb (connect): eliminate delete
+ * lib/net/http/header.rb (basic_encode): ditto
+ * lib/net/imap.rb (authenticate): eliminate gsub
+ (self.encode_utf7): shorten delete arg
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb (base64_encode): eliminate gsub
+ * lib/open-uri.rb (OpenURI.open_http): eliminate delete
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb: ditto
+ * lib/securerandom.rb (base64): ditto
+ (urlsafe_base64): eliminate delete!
+ * lib/webrick/httpauth/digestauth.rb (split_param_value):
+ eliminate chop
+ * lib/webrick/httpproxy.rb (do_CONNECT): eliminate delete
+ (setup_upstream_proxy_authentication): ditto
+ [ruby-core:72666] [Feature #11938]
+Sat Jan 9 23:19:14 2016 Kuniaki IGARASHI <>
+ * test/ruby/test_hash.rb (test_try_convert): Add test for
+ Hash.try_convert. [Fix GH-1190]
+Sat Jan 9 23:15:25 2016 Jon Moss <>
+ * ext/openssl/ossl.c: Add missing variables to documentation
+ examples. [Fix GH-1189]
+Sat Jan 9 18:25:57 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * symbol.h (is_attrset_id): ASET is an attrset ID. fix
+ unexpected safe call instead of an ordinary ASET.
+Sat Jan 9 10:44:33 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ *, win32/setup.mak: extract RUBY_PROGRAM_VERSION from
+ RUBY_VERSION in version.h instead of RUBY_API_VERSION numbers in
+ include/ruby/version.h, and cut it into version numbers.
+Sat Jan 9 07:13:33 2016 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: rename PAGE_* to HEAP_PAGE_* because PAGE_SIZE is used
+ in Mac OS X.
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb: catch up this fix.
+Sat Jan 9 05:45:40 2016 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: PAGE_BITMAP_PLANES (the number of bitmap) is 4, not 3.
+Sat Jan 9 05:42:57 2016 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: rename constant names HEAP_* to PAGE_*.
+ Keys of GC::INTERNAL_CONSTANTS are also renamed.
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb: catch up this fix.
+Fri Jan 8 22:30:06 2016 Akinori MUSHA <>
+ * doc/regexp.rdoc: [DOC] Elaborate on the \G anchor. [ci skip]
+Fri Jan 8 19:49:27 2016 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: remove heap_page::body. Instead of this field,
+ heap_page::start field works well.
+Fri Jan 8 19:31:52 2016 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: rename rb_heap_t::page_length to rb_heap_t::total_pages.
+ `page_length' is not clear (we may understand with length of
+ a page).
+Fri Jan 8 17:07:14 2016 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c: remove heap_page::heap. This field is only used to recognize
+ whether a page is in a tomb or not. Instead of this field,
+ heap_page::flags::in_tomb (1 bit field) is added.
+ Also type of heap_page::(total|free|final)_slots are changed from
+ int to short. 2B is enough for them.
+Fri Jan 8 09:33:59 2016 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * iseq.c (rb_iseq_compile_with_option): move variable initialization
+ code to avoid maybe-uninitialized warnings by gcc 4.8.
+Fri Jan 8 00:03:22 2016 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * enum.c (enum_min, enum_max): do the same optimization as r53454.
+Thu Jan 7 22:32:21 2016 Kenta Murata <>
+ [ruby-core:72736] [Bug #11962]
+Thu Jan 7 22:02:21 2016 Shugo Maeda <>
+ * enum.c (enum_minmax): optimize object comparison in
+ Enumerable#minmax.
+Thu Jan 7 14:49:12 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_pending_interrupt_p): no pending interrupt
+ before initialization.
+ * thread.c (thread_raise_m, rb_thread_kill): uninitialized thread
+ cannot interrupt. [ruby-core:72732] [Bug #11959]
+Thu Jan 7 11:34:14 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * include/ruby/backward.h (ruby_show_copyright_to_die): for source
+ code backward compatibility.
+ * ruby.c (process_options): return Qtrue to exit the process
+ successfully.
+ * version.c (ruby_show_copyright): no longer exit.
+Wed Jan 6 17:22:53 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/optparse.rb (OptionParser#order!): add `into` optional
+ keyword argument to store the results. [Feature #11191]
+Tue Jan 5 21:44:37 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * ChangeLog: fix wrong class name.
+Tue Jan 5 21:43:50 2016 Kuniaki IGARASHI <>
+ * test/ruby/test_string.rb(test_chr): added test for String#chr
+ [fix GH-1179]
+Tue Jan 5 21:32:26 2016 Kuniaki IGARASHI <>
+ * test/ruby/test_numeric.rb (test_nonzero_p): added test for Numeric#nonzero?
+ [fix GH-1187]
+Tue Jan 5 11:47:23 2016 Damir Gaynetdinov <>
+ * doc/marshal.rdoc: Clarify object references example, that the
+ reference is same object. [Fix GH-1156]
+Tue Jan 5 05:06:51 2016 Eric Wong <>
+ * ext/stringio/stringio.c (strio_binmode): implement to set encoding
+ * test/stringio/test_stringio.rb (test_binmode): new test
+ [ruby-core:72699] [Bug #11945]
+Mon Jan 4 15:44:37 2016 Sho Hashimoto <>
+ * variable.c (rb_mod_deprecate_constant): [DOC] added
+ documentation for Module#deprecate_constant. [ci skip]
+Mon Jan 4 15:36:38 2016 Sho Hashimoto <>
+ * thread_sync.c: [DOC] remove SizedQueue#close argument.
+ [ci skip]
+Mon Jan 4 10:14:24 2016 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * test/coverage/test_coverage.rb: ignored test when enabled to coverage.
+ It lead to crash with `make test-all`.
+Mon Jan 4 08:10:44 2016 Yuichiro Kaneko <>
+ * insns.def (opt_case_dispatch): Move a comment to the
+ appropriate position.
+ [ci skip]
+Sun Jan 3 23:55:13 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/rubygems/security.rb (DIGEST_ALGORITHM, KEY_ALGORITHM):
+ should check same name as the used constants.
+ [ruby-core:72674] [Bug #11940]
+Sun Jan 3 19:22:01 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * aclocal.m4: add fallback file for non-aclocal environments.
+ [ruby-core:72683] [Bug #11942]
+Sun Jan 3 13:56:49 2016 Yuichiro Kaneko <>
+ * eval_error.c (rb_print_undef): Use `rb_method_visibility_t`
+ instead of `int`.
+ * eval_intern.h (rb_print_undef): ditto
+ * proc.c (mnew_internal): ditto
+ * vm_method.c (rb_export_method): ditto
+ [Misc #11649] [ruby-core:71311] [fix GH-1078]
+Sun Jan 3 12:12:09 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * acinclude.m4: rename aclocal.m4, which should be generated by
+ aclocal. [ruby-core:72675] [Bug #11941]
+Sat Jan 2 21:07:55 2016 Eric Wong <>
+ * thread_sync.c (queue_do_pop): avoid cast with Qfalse
+ (rb_szqueue_push): ditto, use queue_sleep wrapper
+Sat Jan 2 16:16:14 2016 Masatoshi SEKI <>
+ * lib/erb.rb: Allow ERB subclass to add token easily.
+ [Feature #11936]
+ * test/erb/test_erb.rb: ditto.
+Sat Jan 2 14:44:31 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (regexp): set_yylval_num sets u1, should use nd_tag
+ instead of nd_state. [ruby-core:72638] [Bug #11932]
+Sat Jan 2 02:27:22 2016 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/ostruct.rb: Fix case of frozen object with initializer.
+ Bug revealed by RubySpec [ruby-core:72639]
+Fri Jan 1 22:01:52 2016 Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA <>
+ * NEWS: mention CSV's liberal_parsing option.
+Fri Jan 1 19:38:23 2016 okkez <>
+ * doc/NEWS-2.3.0: fix double words typo.
+ [ci skip][fix GH-1183]
+Fri Jan 1 15:28:56 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (remove_unreachable_chunk): decrease count of
+ call_info in removed instructions. fix up r53402.
+Fri Jan 1 12:05:53 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * compile.c (remove_unreachable_chunk): remove unreferred label
+ to optimize away unreachable chunk.
+Fri Jan 1 11:42:57 2016 James Edward Gray II <>
+ * lib/csv.rb (CSV): Add a liberal_parsing option.
+ Patch by Braden Anderson. [#11839]
+ * test/csv/test_features.rb: test liberal_parsing
+Fri Jan 1 10:27:28 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * tool/mkconfig.rb (RbConfig): prefix SDKROOT to oldincludedir
+ not includedir, the latter is outside the ruby installation.
+ [ruby-core:72496] [Bug #11881]
+Fri Jan 1 08:53:02 2016 Yuki Kurihara <>
+ * test/ruby/test_lazy_enumerator.rb (test_take_bad_arg): Add test
+ code in case of Enumerator::Lazy#take called with negative number.
+ [ruby-dev:49467] [Bug #11933]
+Fri Jan 1 05:06:20 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (parser_here_document): update indent for each line in
+ indented here document with single-quotes.
+ [ruby-core:72479] [Bug #11871]
+Fri Jan 1 03:26:44 2016 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/ostruct.rb (freeze): define deferred accessors before
+ freezing to get rid of an error when just reading frozen
+ OpenStruct.
+Thu Dec 31 14:36:45 2015 Marc-Andre Lafortune <>
+ * lib/ostruct.rb: Fix new_ostruct_member to correctly avoid
+ redefinition [#11901]
+Thu Dec 31 02:45:12 2015 NARUSE, Yui <>
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb (test_classpath): r53376 may change
+ the order of m.constants.
+ `make TESTS='-v ruby/test_class.rb ruby/test_module.rb' test-all`
+ may fail after that.
+Thu Dec 31 02:20:00 2015 Benoit Daloze <>
+ * (help): Fix typo.
+Wed Dec 30 20:53:09 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/net/http/responses.rb: Added new response class for 451 status code.
+ * lib/net/http.rb: documentation for HTTPUnavailableForLegalReasons
+Wed Dec 30 20:45:45 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * lib/webrick/httpstatus.rb: Added HTTP 451 Status Code.
+ [fix GH-1167] Patch by @MuhammetDilmac
+Wed Dec 30 20:25:52 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * doc/syntax/calling_methods.rdoc: fix old operator for safe navigation
+ operator. [ci skip][fix GH-1182] Patch by @dougo
+Wed Dec 30 16:43:23 2015 Kuniaki IGARASHI <>
+ * test/ruby/test_string.rb (test_ord): Add test for String#ord.
+ [Fix GH-1181]
+Wed Dec 30 11:28:57 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/forwardable.rb (def_instance_delegator): adjust backtrace of
+ method body by tail call optimization. adjusting the delegated
+ target is still done by deleting backtrace.
+ * lib/forwardable.rb (def_single_delegator): ditto.
+Wed Dec 30 11:18:42 2015 Elliot Winkler <>
+ * lib/forwardable.rb (def_instance_delegator) fix delegating to
+ 'args' and 'block', clashing with local variables in generated
+ methods. [ruby-core:72579] [Bug #11916]
+ * lib/forwardable.rb (def_single_delegator): ditto.
+Wed Dec 30 09:58:56 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * object.c (rb_class_inherited_p): search the corresponding
+ ancestor to prepended module from prepending class itself.
+ [ruby-core:72493] [Bug #11878]
+Wed Dec 30 09:20:00 2015 Yuki Kurihara <>
+ * test/stringio/test_io.rb (test_flag): add assertion for error when
+ text and binary mode are mixed.
+ [ruby-dev:49465] [Feature #11921]
+Wed Dec 30 08:43:59 2015 Yuki Kurihara <>
+ * test/stringio/test_stringio.rb (test_initialize): add test for
+ StringIO#initialize. [ruby-core:72585] [Feature #11920]
+Wed Dec 30 05:19:24 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * class.c (struct clone_const_arg): adjust for id_table
+ (clone_const): ditto
+ (clone_const_i): ditto
+ (rb_mod_init_copy): ditto
+ (rb_singleton_class_clone_and_attach): ditto
+ (rb_include_class_new): ditto
+ (include_modules_at): ditto
+ * constant.h (rb_free_const_table): ditto
+ * gc.c (free_const_entry_i): ditto
+ (rb_free_const_table): ditto
+ (obj_memsize_of): ditto
+ (mark_const_entry_i): ditto
+ (mark_const_tbl): ditto
+ * internal.h (struct rb_classext_struct): ditto
+ * object.c (rb_mod_const_set): resolve class name on assignment
+ * variable.c (const_update): replace with const_tbl_update
+ (const_tbl_update): new function
+ (fc_i): adjust for id_table
+ (find_class_path): ditto
+ (autoload_const_set): st_update => const_tbl_update
+ (rb_const_remove): adjust for id_table
+ (sv_i): ditto
+ (rb_local_constants_i): ditto
+ (rb_local_constants): ditto
+ (rb_mod_const_at): ditto
+ (rb_mod_const_set): ditto
+ (rb_const_lookup): ditto
+ [ruby-core:72112] [Feature #11614]
+Wed Dec 30 04:10:13 2015 CHIKANAGA Tomoyuki <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (rb_thread_create_timer_thread): destroy attr even
+ if pthread_create() failed.
+Wed Dec 30 02:55:09 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * thread_pthread.c (setup_communication_pipe): delay setting owner
+ (rb_thread_create_timer_thread): until thread creation succeeds
+ [ruby-core:72590] [Bug #11922]
+Tue Dec 29 19:12:46 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * ruby.c (proc_options): -W command line option should be able to
+ override -w in RUBYOPT environment variable.
+Tue Dec 29 17:54:16 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * eval.c (ignored_block): warn if a block is given to `using`,
+ which is probably for ``.
+Tue Dec 29 12:48:34 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * lib/ostruct.rb (OpenStruct): make respond_to? working on
+ just-allocated objects for workaround of Psych.
+ [ruby-core:72501] [Bug #11884]
+Tue Dec 29 10:35:00 2015 Kenta Murata <>
+ * test/mkmf/test_have_func.rb (test_have_func):
+ Add assertion to examine the existence of HAVE_RUBY_INIT.
+ * test/mkmf/test_have_func.rb (test_not_have_func):
+ Add assertion to examine the absence of HAVE_RUBY_INIT.
+Tue Dec 29 06:50:42 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * thread_sync.c: static classes
+Tue Dec 29 05:30:30 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * lib/resolv.rb (Resolv::IPv6.create): avoid modifying frozen
+ * test/resolv/test_dns.rb (test_ipv6_create): test for above
+ [Bug #11910] [ruby-core:72559]
+Mon Dec 28 14:55:57 2015 Kuniaki IGARASHI <>
+ * test/ruby/test_string.rb (TestString#test_rstrip_bang): Add test
+ for String#rstrip!. [Fix GH-1176]
+Mon Dec 28 09:18:53 2015 Kuniaki IGARASHI <>
+ * test/ruby/test_string.rb (TestString#test_lstrip_bang): Add test
+ for String#lstrip!. [Fix GH-1176]
+Sun Dec 27 23:32:26 2015 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_variant2val): refactoring.
+Sun Dec 27 21:14:42 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * process.c (rb_execarg_parent_start1): need to convert the encoding to
+ ospath's one.
+Sun Dec 27 20:54:22 2015 NAKAMURA Usaku <>
+ * process.c: use rb_w32_uchdir() instead of plain chdir() on Windows.
+ reported by naruse via twitter.
+ * process.c (rb_execarg_addopt): need to convert the encoding to
+ ospath's one.
+Sun Dec 27 20:00:31 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * enc/x_emoji.h: fix dead-link.
+Sun Dec 27 19:55:55 2015 SHIBATA Hiroshi <>
+ * doc/NEWS-2.3.0: fix a typo.
+Sun Dec 27 18:08:15 2015 Kuniaki IGARASHI <>
+ * string.c (rb_str_lstrip_bang, rb_str_rstrip_bang): [DOC] Fix
+ ruby-doc comments for String#rstrip! and lstrip!. It looks like
+ dropped bang. [Fix GH-1175]
+Sun Dec 27 15:14:20 2015 Eric Wong <>
+ * io.c (io_getpartial): remove unused kwarg from template
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb (test_readpartial_bad_args): new
+ [Bug #11885]
+Sun Dec 27 11:50:53 2015 Kuniaki IGARASHI <>
+ * test/ruby/test_string.rb (test_rstrip, test_lstrip): Add tests
+ for String#lstrip and rstrip. The test cases are used from
+ string.c ruby-doc comments. [Fix GH-1174]
+Sun Dec 27 11:47:46 2015 Kuniaki IGARASHI <>
+ * test/ruby/test_string.rb (test_insert): Add test for
+ String#insert. The test cases are written in string.c
+ comments as a reference. [Fix GH-1173]
+Sun Dec 27 11:03:33 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * parse.y (show_bitstack): trace stack_type value if yydebug.
+Sun Dec 27 10:03:14 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * enc/depend (enc, trans): fix version dependency, shared object
+ files depend on the RUBY_SO_NAME value for runtime link.
+Sun Dec 27 09:47:20 2015 Masaki Suketa <>
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c (ole_vstr2wc, ole_variant2val): fix blank
+ string conversion.
+ [Bug #11880]
+ Thanks Akio Tajima for the patch!
+Sun Dec 27 09:34:53 2015 craft4coder <>
+ * doc/extension.rdoc: [DOC] `nul` should be uppercase.
+ change 'nul' => 'NUL'. [Fix GH-1172]
+Sat Dec 26 18:29:01 2015 Kouhei Sutou <>
+ * lib/xmlrpc/client.rb: Support SSL options in async methods of
+ XMLRPC::Client.
+ [Bug #11489]
+ Reported by Aleksandar Kostadinov. Thanks!!!
+Sat Dec 26 11:26:38 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * miniinit.c (Init_enc): add some common aliases of built-in
+ encodings. [ruby-core:72481] [Bug #11872]
+Fri Dec 25 22:43:26 2015 Nobuyoshi Nakada <>
+ * extract RUBY_RELEASE_DAY at generating Makefile.
+ * version.h (RUBY_RELEASE_DATE): construct from RUBY_RELEASE_YEAR,
+Fri Dec 25 21:33:06 2015 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * version.h (RUBY_VERSION): 2.4.0 development has started.
+Fri Dec 25 14:12:12 2015 Martin Duerst <>
+ * doc/ChangeLog-2.3.0, ext/tk/lib/tkextlib/SUPPORT_STATUS,
+ include/ruby/version.h: minor grammar fixes [ci skip]
+Fri Dec 25 08:23:22 2015 Tadashi Saito <>
+ * compile.c, cont.c, doc, man: fix common misspelling.
+ [ruby-core:72466] [Bug #11870]
+For the changes before 2.3.0, see doc/ChangeLog-2.3.0
+For the changes before 2.2.0, see doc/ChangeLog-2.2.0
+For the changes before 2.1.0, see doc/ChangeLog-2.1.0
+For the changes before 2.0.0, see doc/ChangeLog-2.0.0
+For the changes before 1.9.3, see doc/ChangeLog-1.9.3
+For the changes before 1.8.0, see doc/ChangeLog-1.8.0
+Local variables:
+coding: us-ascii
+add-log-time-format: (lambda (&optional x y)
+ (let* ((time (or x (current-time)))
+ (system-time-locale "C")
+ (diff (+ (cadr time) 32400))
+ (lo (% diff 65536))
+ (hi (+ (car time) (/ diff 65536))))
+ (format-time-string "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y" (list hi lo) t)))
+indent-tabs-mode: t
+tab-width: 8
+change-log-indent-text: 2
+vim: tabstop=8 shiftwidth=2
diff --git a/doc/ChangeLog/ChangeLog-YARV b/doc/ChangeLog/ChangeLog-YARV
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..83df05c52c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/ChangeLog/ChangeLog-YARV
@@ -0,0 +1,6917 @@
+# $Id: ChangeLog 590 2006-12-31 09:02:34Z ko1 $
+# YARV ChangeLog
+# from Mon, 03 May 2004 01:24:19 +0900
+Sun Dec 31 18:01:50 2006 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * bin/* : ruby/trunk/bin 11437
+Sun Dec 31 17:42:05 2006 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c : remove old Kernel#funcall definition
+2006-12-30(Sat) 07:59:26 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * catch up ruby/trunk 11437
+ * eval_intern.h : reorder tag initialization
+ * eval.c : fix to support __send!, funcall and prohibit funcall as
+ send
+ * eval_error.h, eval_jump.h, eval_safe.h : fix prototypes
+ * eval_method.h, vm.c : check re-definition at rb_add_method()
+ * yarvcore.h : fix typo
+ * compile.c : fix white spaces
+ * lib/delegate.rb : fix to support __send, ...
+ * lib/getoptlong.rb : fix to work on YARV
+ * lib/rss/parser.rb : use __send! instead of __send__
+ * sample/test.rb : comment out codes which use |&b| type block parameter
+ * ext/ripper/extconf.rb : turn off
+ * test/ripper/test_files.rb, test_parser_events.rb,
+ test_scanner_events.rb : fix to check it has ripper module
+ * vm_dump.c : remove showing file path length limitation
+ * yarvtest/test_eval.rb : use __send! instead of __send__
+2006-12-19(Tue) 11:46:08 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * doc/* : added
+ * ext/openssl : added
+ * ext/ripper : added
+ * test/openssl : added
+ * test/ripper : added
+ * misc : added
+ * rb/ -> tool/ : renamed
+ * : fixed for above change
+ * ruby_doc/* : move to topdir
+ * sample/* : added
+ * test2.rb : removed
+2006-12-15(Fri) 09:42:46 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : remove obsolete codes
+ * insns.def : fix a comment of getconstant
+2006-12-13(Wed) 16:26:06 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * blockinlining.c, compile.c, compile.h, debug.c, debug.h,
+ insnhelper.h, insns.def, iseq.c, thread.c,,
+ thread_pthread.h,, thread_win32.h, vm.c, vm.h,
+ vm_dump.c,, vm_opts.h.base, yarv.h,
+ yarv_version.h, yarvcore.c, yarvcore.h :
+ add a header includes copyright
+2006-12-12(Tue) 13:13:32 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * rb/insns2vm.rb : add PREFETCH() statement
+ * vm.h : ditto
+ * yarvcore.h : fix LIKELY(x) and
+ remove main_thread_val field from yarv_vm_t
+ * yarvcore.c : ditto
+ * thread.c : support fork
+ * eval_thread.c : ditto
+ * process.c : ditto
+ * signal.c : ditto
+ * test/ruby/test_signal.rb :
+ * : rename timer thread functions
+ * : ditto
+2006-11-10(Fri) 21:29:13 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : fix to compile arguments
+ * insns.def : fix to duplicate first array value on concatarray
+ instruction
+ * yarvtest/test_bin.rb : add a test for above change
+ * sample/test.rb : fix to catch up Ruby HEAD (fix to remove test about
+ module duplicate)
+2006-11-10(Fri) 12:49:11 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_macro.def : fix to inherit visibility on
+ NODE_SUPER method invocation
+2006-11-10(Fri) 09:13:46 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * class.c : revert module duplicate inclusion
+ * parse.y : catch up current Ruby HEAD
+ * node.h : ditto
+ * compile.c : ditto
+ * gc.c : ditto
+ * iseq.c : ditto
+ * eval_thread.c : define Continuation (null class)
+ * vm_dump.c : fix to output backtrae to stderr
+ * yarvtest/test_block.rb : remove unsupported test
+ * yarvtest/test_class.rb : add a test about super
+ * yarvtest/test_syntax.rb : add a test about case/when
+2006-11-09(Thu) 10:22:59 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * call_cfunc.h -> : renamed
+ * vm_evalbody.h, : ditto
+ * thread_pthread.h, : separate declaration and
+ implementation
+ * thread_win32.h, : ditto
+ * thread.c : use *.ci instead of *.c as implementation
+ * vm.c : ditto
+ * : fix rules for above changes
+2006-11-08(Wed) 17:23:23 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_dump.c : show C level backtrace (pointer only) with
+ backtrace() function (glibc feature)
+ * : ditto
+ * yarvcore.c : add NSDR method (show C level backtrace)
+ * error.c : fix indent
+2006-11-07(Tue) 13:17:10 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c (rb_set_errinfo) : added
+ * ruby.h : ditto
+ * version.h : fix version number
+ * lib/webrick/utils.rb : fix to remove Thread.critical
+ * ext/dbm, dl, gdbm, iconv, io, pty, sdbm : added
+ * test/dbm, gdbm, io, logger, net, readline, sdbm, soap,
+ webrick, win32ole, wsdl, xsd : added
+2006-11-06(Mon) 22:32:18 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * array.c : import Ruby HEAD
+ * ext/socket/extconf.rb : ditto
+ * ext/socket/socket.c : ditto
+ * gc.c : ditto
+ * lib/date.rb : ditto
+ * lib/net/imap.rb : ditto
+ * lib/rss/0.9.rb : ditto
+ * lib/set.rb : ditto
+ * lib/soap/mapping/rubytypeFactory.rb : ditto
+ * lib/soap/mimemessage.rb : ditto
+ * lib/soap/property.rb : ditto
+ * lib/webrick/httprequest.rb : ditto
+ * lib/webrick/httputils.rb : ditto
+ * lib/xmlrpc/create.rb : ditto
+ * lib/xsd/codegen/gensupport.rb : ditto
+ * object.c : ditto
+ * ruby.h : ditto
+ * string.c : ditto
+ * version.h : ditto
+ * rb/ir.rb : fix to use "diffs" directory
+ * vm_dump.c : add "const"
+2006-11-06(Mon) 16:36:47 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval_proc.c : remove "static" from external global variables
+ * eval_thread.c : ditto
+ * array.c : fix indent
+ * insns.def : add a suitable cast
+ * vm_macro.def : allow scalar value on splat arguments
+ * yarvtest/test_block.rb : fix to synchronize Ruby HEAD
+ * rb/insns2vm.rb : remove String#each for 1.9
+ * template/ : ditto (remove String#each_with_index)
+2006-11-06(Mon) 13:22:34 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * iseq.c : fixed GC debugging outputs
+ * rb/parse.rb : fixed output format
+2006-11-04(Sat) 09:46:50 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : fix to duplicate "#{'foo'}" string
+ * yarvtest/test_bin.rb : add a test for above
+ * ext/readline/readline.c : import Ruby HEAD
+ * keywords : ditto
+ * lex.c : ditto
+ * parse.y : ditto
+ * lib/mkmf.rb : ditto
+ * test/ruby/test_hash.rb : fix to current specification
+ * test/ruby/test_string.rb : ditto
+2006-11-03(Fri) 20:58:36 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/utf8tbl.h : missed to add
+ * : import ruby HEAD
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb : ditto
+ * test/ruby/test_assignment.rb : ditto
+ * test/ruby/test_clone.rb : ditto
+ * test/socket/test_socket.rb : ditto
+ * test/socket/test_unix.rb : ditto
+ * test/strscan/test_stringscanner.rb : ditto
+ * test/testunit/collector/test_dir.rb : ditto
+2006-11-03(Fri) 20:22:24 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * array.c : import current ruby HEAD and apply API changes
+ This version has some known bugs
+ * bignum.c : ditto
+ * blockinlining.c : ditto
+ * class.c : ditto
+ * compile.c : ditto
+ * dir.c : ditto
+ * dln.c : ditto
+ * enum.c : ditto
+ * enumerator.c : ditto
+ * error.c : ditto
+ * eval.c : ditto
+ * eval_error.h : ditto
+ * eval_jump.h : ditto
+ * eval_load.c : ditto
+ * eval_proc.c : ditto
+ * ext/*
+ * file.c : ditto
+ * gc.c : ditto
+ * hash.c : ditto
+ * insns.def : ditto
+ * instruby.rb : ditto
+ * intern.h : ditto
+ * io.c : ditto
+ * iseq.c : ditto
+ * lib/*
+ * marshal.c : ditto
+ * math.c : ditto
+ * missing/vsnprintf.c : ditto
+ * mkconfig.rb : ditto
+ * node.h : ditto
+ * numeric.c : ditto
+ * object.c : ditto
+ * oniguruma.h : ditto
+ * pack.c : ditto
+ * parse.y : ditto
+ * prec.c : ditto
+ * process.c : ditto
+ * random.c : ditto
+ * range.c : ditto
+ * rb/ir.rb : ditto
+ * re.c : ditto
+ * regcomp.c : ditto
+ * regerror.c : ditto
+ * regexec.c : ditto
+ * regint.h : ditto
+ * regparse.c : ditto
+ * regparse.h : ditto
+ * ruby.c : ditto
+ * ruby.h : ditto
+ * rubytest.rb : ditto
+ * runruby.rb : ditto
+ * sample/test.rb : ditto
+ * signal.c : ditto
+ * sprintf.c : ditto
+ * st.c : ditto
+ * st.h : ditto
+ * string.c : ditto
+ * struct.c : ditto
+ * test/*
+ * thread.c : ditto
+ * time.c : ditto
+ * util.c : ditto
+ * variable.c : ditto
+ * version.h : ditto
+ * vm.c : ditto
+ * vm_dump.c : ditto
+ * vm_macro.def : ditto
+ * win32/*
+2006-10-31(Tue) 22:47:50 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * parse.y : fix NEWHEAP bugs (import HEAD)
+ * ruby.c, intern.h, yarvcore.c (rb_load_file) : change to
+ return parsed node pointer
+ * rb/ir.rb : add check mode
+2006-09-01(Fri) 22:05:28 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : fix a bug of peephole optimization and enable
+ regexp optimization
+2006-08-21(Mon) 05:27:48 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * lib/mathn.rb : remove "remove_method :gcd2"
+ * opt_insn_unif.def : unset opt setting
+ * opt_operand.def : ditto
+2006-08-18(Fri) 17:55:31 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * : add dependency of yarvcore.h to thread.o
+ * gc.c : change comment line
+ * thread.c : remove some line break
+ * yarvcore.c : reorder initialize sequence to mark main thread
+2006-08-18(Fri) 16:51:34 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.h : add a support for cache values per thread
+ * yarvcore.c : ditto
+ * gc.c : ditto
+ * thread.c : move a expression after acquiring lock
+ * compile.c : add a cast to remove warning
+2006-08-18(Fri) 02:07:45 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : fix to return rhs value on ATTRASGIN
+ * insns.def (setn) : add insn setn
+ * yarvtest/test_bin.rb : add tests for above
+2006-08-17(Thu) 22:46:08 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c : clear callee_id ([yarv-dev:1073])
+2006-08-17(Thu) 22:14:15 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread_pthread.h : fix error message
+2006-08-17(Thu) 12:23:52 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c : change initialize routine order ([yarv-dev:1067])
+ * yarvcore.c (Init_yarv) : init th->machine_stack_start
+ * thread_pthread.h : add malloc value check ([yarv-dev:1066])
+ * insns.def (opt_eq) : fix typo ([yarv-dev:1072])
+ * yarvtest/test_opts.rb : add a test for above
+ * yarvtest/test_class.rb : add a test for last commit
+2006-08-17(Thu) 11:02:16 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * class.c (clone_method) : check undef-ed method ([yarv-dev:1068])
+2006-08-15(Tue) 15:07:43 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def : fix opt_plus routine ([yarv-dev-en:149])
+ * yarvtest/test_opts.rb : add tests for above
+2006-08-06(Sun) 06:24:51 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * : fix build rule (build only ruby binary when benchmark)
+ * yarvcore.[ch] : fix and add yarv_iseq_new_with_* API
+ * blockinlining.c : ditto
+ * compile.c : ditto
+ * compile.h : ditto
+ * iseq.c : ditto
+ * eval_method.h : check redefinition for specialized instruction
+ * insnhelper.h : ditto
+ * insns.def : ditto
+ * vm.c : ditto
+ * vm.h : ditto
+ * numeric.c : add Fixnum#succ
+ * thread.c : remove duplicated method Thread#current
+ * yarvcore.c : remove duplicated method Proc#clone
+ * yarvtest/test_opts.rb : added
+2006-07-20(Thu) 04:10:13 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : fix [yarv-dev:1041] problem (raise TypeError)
+ * eval.c : rb_funcall2 send as NOEX_PRIVATE and check scope
+2006-07-20(Thu) 03:38:46 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.c : fix [yarv-dev:1040] bug
+2006-07-18(Tue) 18:45:52 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * some files : set property "svn:eol-style" as native
+2006-07-18(Tue) 18:35:55 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.h : fix a static function name
+ * vm.c : remove Japanese comments
+ * yarvcore.c : add a comment
+ * some files : set property "svn:eol-style" as native
+2006-07-18(Tue) 16:48:01 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c : remove unused code
+ * compile.c : add checking value
+ * iseq.c : ditto
+ * yarvcore.c : fix yarv_th_eval prototype declaration
+ * yarvtest/yarvtest.rb : use compile instead of parse method
+2006-07-12(Wed) 15:18:58 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarv_version.h : 0.4.1
+ * Changes : ditto
+2006-07-12(Wed) 13:38:03 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c : fix indent
+ * gc.h : fix syntax bug
+ * thread_pthread.h : vanish warnning message
+ * iseq.c : ditto
+ * compile.c : ditto
+ * thread.c : ditto
+ * vm.c : ditto
+ * yarvcore.c : prohibit tail call optimization to mark
+ iseq object
+ * yarvcore.h : add some allocator function declaration
+ * yarvtest/test_eval.rb : remove output
+2006-07-12(Wed) 05:01:23 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.c : undef alloc funcs
+ * eval_proc.c : ditto (use factory faction)
+ * thread.c : ditto
+ * vm.c : ditto
+ * iseq.c : fix compile option creation
+ * rb/allload.rb : use compile_file method
+ * rb/compile.rb : ditto
+ * rb/parse.rb : ditto
+ * template/insnstbl.html : hide mail addr
+2006-07-11(Tue) 21:34:29 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_dir.rb: new test test_JVN_13947696.
+2006-07-11(Tue) 21:26:41 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_alias.rb: new test test_JVN_83768862.
+2006-07-11(Tue) 11:33:49 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : fix compile error on C90
+2006-07-11(Tue) 10:40:23 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * disasm.c : removed
+ * iseq.c : added
+ * : ditto
+ * blockinlining.c : Get*Val => Get*Ptr
+ * eval.c : ditto
+ * yarvcore.c : ditto
+ * eval_proc.c : ditto
+ * vm_dump.c : ditto
+ * vm_macro.def : ditto
+ * signal.c : ditto
+ * vm.c : ditto
+ * thread.c : ditto
+ * compile.c : rename local variable insnobj => iobj
+ * compile.c : support yarv_compile_option_t
+ * gc.h : added
+ * insns.def : use OPT_CHECKED_RUN instead of IGNORE_OPTIMIZE
+ * rb/compile.rb : use compile option
+ * template/ : fix function name
+ * vm_opts.h.base : change macros
+ * rb/insns2vm.rb : ditto
+ * yarv.h : fix yarvcore_eval_parsed parameter type
+ * yarvcore.c : fix some interfaces (functions)
+ * yarvcore.h : add a type yarv_compile_option_t
+2006-07-06(Thu) 13:45:20 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * lib/yasm.rb : pass builder object if block arity == 1
+2006-07-05(Wed) 11:23:50 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * lib/yasm.rb : fix method name
+ * vm.c (th_set_top_stack) : check toplevel or not
+2006-07-04(Tue) 20:05:38 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * rb/compile.rb : added
+ * yarvtest/yarvtest.rb : disable load/store test
+2006-07-04(Tue) 18:17:15 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : fix some bugs about load iseq data
+ * disasm.c : ditto (store)
+ * eval.c (rb_f_local_variables) : fix bugs
+ * insns.def : fix otp_ltlt condition bug
+ * vm.c : ditto
+ * yarvcore.c : rename some functions
+ * yarvtest/yarvtest.rb : add iseq load/store tests
+ (to enable this, remove comment)
+2006-07-03(Mon) 01:54:23 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval_thread.c : add parameter "th" to thread_set_raised
+ * yarvcore.h : ditto
+ * eval_intern.h : ditto
+ * eval.c : ditto
+ * eval_error.h : declare with ANSI style
+ * disasm.c : rename iseq_iseq2simpledata() to iseq_data_to_ary
+ * lib/yasm.rb : rename Instruction#to_simpledata to
+ Instruction#to_a
+ * yarvcore.c : ditto
+ * vm.c : fix bug ({|*args| p args}.call(1) #=> 1)
+ * yarvtest/test_proc.rb : add a tests for above
+2006-06-21(Wed) 09:19:06 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : remove yarv_iseq_t#catch_table_ary and
+ add yarv_iseq_t#compile_data#catch_table_ary
+ * compile.h : ditto
+ * yarvcore.c : ditto
+ * yarvcore.h : ditto
+ * eval_thread.c : remove unused code
+ * thread.c : add rb_gc_mark_threads() (from eval_thread.c)
+2006-05-31(Wed) 21:26:38 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * parse.y : prohibit tail call optimization to mark vparsr
+ object
+2006-05-25(Thu) 15:37:11 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * blockinlining.c : support NEW_ATTRASGN node
+ * class.c : skip undefined method to collect ([yarv-dev:999])
+ * yarvtest/test_class.rb : add a test for above
+ * compile.c : fix opt_regexpmatch1 condition
+ * lib/monitor.rb : fix [yarv-dev:1009]
+ * rb/insns2vm.rb : fix typo
+ * thread.c : prohibit unlock by not mutex owner thread
+ * vm_opts.h.base : change default option
+2006-05-18(Thu) 16:00:50 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * intern.h : fix prototype declarations for last re.c change
+2006-05-18(Thu) 12:12:03 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * rb/runruby.rb : added
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_alone) : check if vm->living_threads
+ is available
+2006-05-18(Thu) 12:05:35 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * signal.c : not mask SIGSEGV
+ * thread.c : fix debug output on Win32
+ * thread.c, thread_pthread.h : add some debug prints
+ * yarvcore.c : mark machine registers on thread_mark
+2006-05-17(Wed) 18:09:20 +900 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * dir.c (sys_warning): should not call a vararg function
+ rb_sys_warning() indirectly. [ruby-core:07886]
+2006-05-17(Wed) 16:41:41 +900 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * re.c (rb_reg_initialize): should not allow modifying literal
+ regexps. frozen check moved from rb_reg_initialize_m as well.
+ * re.c (rb_reg_initialize): should not modify untainted objects in
+ safe levels higher than 3.
+ * re.c (rb_memcmp): type change from char* to const void*.
+ * dir.c (dir_close): should not close untainted dir stream.
+ * dir.c (GetDIR): add tainted/frozen check for each dir operation.
+2006-05-07(Sun) 21:06:28 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c : remove Mutex#unlock_and_stop and add Mutex#sleep
+ * lib/monitor.rb : ditto
+ * lib/thread.rb : ditto
+ * thread_pthread.h : fix stack size
+ * thread_win32.h : fix sleep
+ * yarvcore.h : disable to use get/setcontext
+ * lib/webrick/server.rb : add experimental implementation
+ using thraeds pool
+2006-05-05(Fri) 13:59:00 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_signal.rb : disable a test
+ * thread.c : do trylock before lock on mutex_lock
+ * thread_win32.h : use CriticalSection instead of Mutex
+2006-05-05(Fri) 03:03:22 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * : vtune rule make run test.rb
+ * disasm.c : fix syntax errors (on VC)
+ * yarvcore.c : ditto
+ * lib/thread.rb : Mutex#synchronize is defined here
+ * lib/*.rb : ditto
+ * signal.c : separate pthread or not
+ * thread.c : support lightweight wakeup
+ * thread_pthread.h : ditto
+ * thread_win32.h : ditto
+ * yarvcore.h : ditto
+ * yarvtest/test_thread.rb : restore last change
+2006-05-04(Thu) 18:11:43 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval_thread.c : remove rb_thread_interrupt
+ * intern.h : ditto
+ * signal.c : change signal transfer route
+ * thread.c : ditto
+ * thread_pthread.h : ditto
+ * thread_win32.h : ditto
+ * yarv.h : support GET_VM()
+ * yarvcore.h : change yarv_thread_t/yarv_vm_t structure
+ * yarvtest/test_thread.rb : decrease threads to test
+2006-05-04(Thu) 00:26:18 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread_pthread.h : experimental support of thread cache
+2006-04-25(Tue) 22:30:14 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.h : remove struct yarv_cmethod_info, add
+ data structure for profiling and extend yarv_control_frame_t
+ * vm.c : make pop_frame() and apply above change
+ * eval.c : ditto
+ * vm_dump.c : ditto
+ * vm_macro.def : ditto
+ * insns.def (leave): use pop_frame() instead of
+ * insnhelper.h : remove some macros
+ * yarvcore.c : change th_set_top_stack() prototype
+2006-04-18(Tue) 18:37:08 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c, disasm.c : support export/import exception
+ information
+ * yarvcore.h : change "struct catch_table_entry" member variable
+ order
+2006-04-13(Thu) 17:11:30 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * bignum.c : import ruby 1.9 HEAD (Ruby 1.9.0 2006-04-08)
+ * dir.c : ditto
+ * enumerator.c : ditto
+ * ext/.document : ditto
+ * ext/extmk.rb : ditto
+ * ext/nkf/lib/kconv.rb : ditto
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c : ditto
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/utf8tbl.c : ditto
+ * ext/nkf/nkf.c : ditto
+ * ext/nkf/test.rb : ditto
+ * ext/socket/.cvsignore : ditto
+ * ext/win32ole/sample/excel2.rb : ditto
+ * ext/win32ole/tests/testOLEMETHOD.rb : ditto
+ * ext/win32ole/tests/testOLEPARAM.rb : ditto
+ * ext/win32ole/tests/testOLETYPE.rb : ditto
+ * ext/win32ole/tests/testOLETYPELIB.rb : ditto
+ * ext/win32ole/tests/testOLEVARIABLE.rb : ditto
+ * ext/win32ole/tests/testOLEVARIANT.rb : ditto
+ * ext/win32ole/tests/testWIN32OLE.rb : ditto
+ * ext/win32ole/tests/testall.rb : ditto
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c : ditto
+ * gc.c : ditto
+ * instruby.rb : ditto
+ * io.c : ditto
+ * lib/delegate.rb : ditto
+ * lib/fileutils.rb : ditto
+ * lib/find.rb : ditto
+ * lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb : ditto
+ * lib/mkmf.rb : ditto
+ * lib/net/http.rb : ditto
+ * lib/open-uri.rb : ditto
+ * lib/pathname.rb : ditto
+ * lib/rational.rb : ditto
+ * lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_rb.rb : ditto
+ * lib/rdoc/ri/ri_paths.rb : ditto
+ * lib/resolv.rb : ditto
+ * lib/test/unit/collector/objectspace.rb : ditto
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet/cgihandler.rb : ditto
+ * math.c : ditto
+ * mkconfig.rb : ditto
+ * object.c : ditto
+ * oniguruma.h : ditto
+ * pack.c : ditto
+ * parse.y : ditto
+ * re.c : ditto
+ * re.h : ditto
+ * regcomp.c : ditto
+ * regerror.c : ditto
+ * regparse.c : ditto
+ * ruby.h : ditto
+ * rubytest.rb : ditto
+ * runruby.rb : ditto
+ * string.c : ditto
+ * test/digest/test_digest.rb : ditto
+ * test/pathname/test_pathname.rb : ditto
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb : ditto
+ * test/ruby/test_float.rb : ditto
+ * test/ruby/test_pack.rb : ditto
+ * time.c : ditto
+ * util.c : ditto
+ * version.h : ditto
+ * win32/mkexports.rb : ditto
+ * win32/resource.rb : ditto
+ * win32/win32.c : ditto
+2006-04-11(Tue) 11:26:53 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * rb/yasm.rb : move to lib/yasm.rb
+2006-04-09(Sun) 03:04:04 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : change to accept method iseq object when loading from
+ simple data
+ * yarvcore.c : add a debug output
+ * rb/yasm.rb : change some interfaces
+2006-04-07(Fri) 20:25:03 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : fix miss about range of catch "next"
+ * eval.c : add braces
+2006-04-07(Fri) 11:09:43 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * : fix some make rules
+ * insns.def : rename some instructions name
+ * rb/insns2vm.rb : change some operand type name
+ * vm_evalbody.h : ditto
+ * template/ : add YARV_MAX_INSTRUCTION_SIZE macro
+ * compile.c, disasm.c, yarvcore.c : support load/store iseq from/to simple
+ data structure such as array, literals, and so on
+ * rb/yasm.rb : supported
+ * vm.c : change interface of eval_define_method
+ * yarvcore.h : remove unused externals
+2006-03-08(Wed) 10:31:29 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/delegate.rb (DelegateClass): do not delegate #send and
+ #funcall.
+2006-02-27(Mon) 22:39:17 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/thread.rb: last commit causes busy loop, revert it. [yarv-dev:990]
+ * lib/thread.rb: non_block=true wrongly caused ThreadError.
+2006-02-27(Mon) 21:33:49 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * : fix to display command line
+ * compile.c : fix comparison between a pointer and 0
+ * debug.c : fix to output stder
+ * disasm.c : add debug function
+ * vm_dump.c : ditto
+ * eval_proc.c : fix to skip class definition
+ * ruby.h : fix T_VALUE to T_VALUES
+ * gc.c : ditto
+ * node.h : fix prototypes
+ * vm.c : add VM_DEBUG macro
+ * vm.c : fix compile error on VC++
+ * vm.c : fix to inherit last lfp[0] on th_set_finish_env
+ * vm.c : fix to add one svar location for any frame
+ * vm_macro.def : ditto
+ * yarvcore.h : add YARV_CLASS_SPECIAL_P() and YARV_BLOCK_PTR_P()
+ * rdoc/ : removed
+ * insns.def : fix to propagete throw state
+2006-02-27(Mon) 13:54:47 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/syslog: imported from Ruby CVS trunk HEAD.
+ * ext/racc: ditto.
+2006-02-27(Mon) 12:47:10 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * parse.y: follow coding style change.
+2006-02-27(Mon) 11:53:07 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/README: imported from Ruby CVS trunk HEAD.
+ * lib/gserver.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/readbytes.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/parsearg.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/racc: ditto.
+ * lib/rinda: ditto.
+2006-02-27(Mon) 11:27:19 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/thread.rb (Queue#pop): faster code. [yarv-dev:973]
+ * lib/thread.rb (Queue#pop): avoid to push same thread in to
+ @waiting.
+2006-02-23(Thu) 23:32:53 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/open3.rb: imported from Ruby CVS trunk HEAD (rev 1.12).
+2006-02-23(Thu) 15:10:09 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c : support rb_frame_self()
+ * eval_intern.h (th_get_ruby_level_cfp) : return 0 if no cfp
+ * eval_load.c : comment out scope set
+ * yarvcore.c : fix to initialize/free process of iseq
+ * vm.c (th_invoke_proc) : fix to set special cref always
+ * yarvtest/test_proc.rb : add a test for above
+2006-02-22(Wed) 23:33:47 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * : add rule "runruby"
+ * eval_thread.c : remove obsolete comment
+ * eval.c : remove unused functions
+ * signal.c : ditto
+ * gc.c : add rb_register_mark_object() and use it
+ * eval_load.c : ditto
+ * eval_proc.c : ditto
+ * ext/etc/etc.c : ditto
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c : ditto
+ * ruby.h : ditto
+ * yarvcore.h : ditto
+ * thread.c : add rb_thread_run_parallel()
+ * yarvcore.c : change bootstrap
+2006-02-22(Wed) 19:27:33 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ext/win32ole/.cvsignore : removed
+ * ext/win32ole/.document : ditto
+2006-02-22(Wed) 18:17:06 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.c : set Binding as YARVCore::VM::Binding
+2006-02-22(Wed) 12:54:45 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ChangeLog : remove needless line
+2006-02-22(Wed) 12:49:02 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * rubysig.h : remove CHECK_INTS
+ * eval.c : ditto
+ * eval_load.c : ditto
+ * ext/readline/readline.c : ditto
+ * thread.c : ditto
+ * win32/win32.c : ditto
+ * yarv_version.h : 0.4.0
+ * Changes : ditto
+2006-02-22(Wed) 11:36:04 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test.rb : removed
+2006-02-22(Wed) 11:12:17 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * README : renewed
+ * version.c : fixed version message
+ * yarvext/ : removed
+2006-02-22(Wed) 10:33:04 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * lib/.document : imported from Ruby 1.9 HEAD
+ * .document : ditto
+ * ext/.document : ditto
+ * lib/ftools.rb : ditto
+ * lib/rdoc/ : ditto
+ * eval_thread.c : remove unused functions
+ * process.c : ditto
+ * rb/insns2vm.rb : compare modified date of vm_opts.h and
+ vm_opts.h.base
+ * ruby.h : rename RValue to RValues
+ * gc.c : ditto
+ * vm.c : ditto
+2006-02-22(Wed) 06:32:10 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * : remove last commit
+2006-02-22(Wed) 06:18:53 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * : add default program prefix "-yarv"
+2006-02-22(Wed) 06:11:36 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * : change default rule (same as HEAD)
+ * configure : removed
+ * eval.c : remove last commit
+ * vm.c : fix stack traverse
+ * yarvcore.c : initialize top of control frame
+ * version.c : 2.0
+ * version.h : ditto
+2006-02-22(Wed) 04:50:42 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c : change to rewind C level control frame
+ * vm.c : change to initialize cfp#proc and fix comparison of
+ cfp and limit_cfp
+ * yarvcore.c : remove last commit
+2006-02-22(Wed) 03:25:56 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.c : initialize each stack of thread
+2006-02-22(Wed) 00:02:08 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c : fix synchornize return value ([yarv-dev:957])
+ and some synchornization error
+ * thread_pthread.h : add debug helper function
+2006-02-21(Tue) 20:54:28 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c : fix place of rb_thread_terminate_all()
+ * eval_thread.c : remove unused functions
+ * yarv.h : remove GET_VM()
+ * eval_jump.h : ditto
+ * insns.def : ditto
+ * vm_dump.c :
+ * intern.h : change rb_thread_signal_raise/exit interface
+ * signal.c : ditto
+ * thread.c : ditto
+ * test/ruby/test_beginendblock.rb : use block with IO.popen
+ * thread_pthread.h : fix interrupt process
+ * thread_win32.h : ditto
+ * yarvcore.c : fix thread free process
+ * yarvcore.h : remove yarv_vm_t#thread_critical, etc
+2006-02-21(Tue) 12:42:44 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval_thread.c : remove unused function rb_thread_schedule()
+ * thread.c : rename yarv_thread_schedule to rb_thread_schedule()
+ * thread.c, eval.c : fix to terminate all thread and barrier at
+ eval.c#ruby_cleanup()
+ * thread_win32.h : remove native_thread_cleanup()
+ * thread_pthread.h : ditto
+ * yarvcore.c : ditto
+ * yarvtest/test_thread.rb : separate assertions to tests
+2006-02-21(Tue) 02:13:33 +900 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * parse.y (f_arglist): should set command_start = Qtrue for
+ command body. [ruby-talk:180648]
+2006-02-20(Mon) 20:41:07 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c : fix to synchronize signal_thread_list access
+ and fix typo
+2006-02-20(Mon) 17:54:58 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval_proc.c : remove unused Binding functions and
+ set is_lambda of Proc used define_method
+ * yarvcore.c : support Proc#dup/clone, Binding#dup/clone
+ * sample/test.rb : remove unsupported features (Proc as Binding)
+2006-02-20(Mon) 16:28:59 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * : add a dependency to vm.c on eval_intern.h
+ * eval_intern.h : fix to initialize tag->tag
+ * yarvtest/test_jump.rb : add tests for above
+ * eval_jump.h : use local variable
+2006-02-20(Mon) 15:13:24 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/bm_vm3_thread_create_join.rb : added
+ * test/yaml/test_yaml.rb : imported from Ruby CVS trunk HEAD
+2006-02-20(Mon) 14:49:46 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/yaml.rb: imported from Ruby CVS trunk HEAD.
+ * lib/yaml: ditto.
+ * ext/syck: ditto.
+2006-02-20(Mon) 13:58:03 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : support block parameter which is NODE_ATTRASGN
+ * yarvtest/test_block.rb : add tests for above
+ * compile.c : fix NODE_DASGN_CURR level check
+ * compile.c : fix "||=" (at firtst, check "defined? val")
+ * compile.c : fix NODE_MATCH3 (permute receiver and argument)
+ * yarvtest/test_bin.rb : add tests for above
+ * eval.c : add rb_each()
+ * test/ruby/test_signal.rb : increment a timeout value
+ * thread.c, yarvcore.h : fix "join" flow
+ * thread_pthread.h : ditto
+ * thread_win32.h : ditto
+ * yarvtest/test_thread.rb : add a test for above
+ * vm.h, vm.c, vm_dump.c, insns.def : add FRAME_MAGIC_LAMBDA and
+ support return from lambda (especially return from method defined
+ by "define_method")
+ * yarvtest/test_method.rb : add a test for above
+ * yarvcore.c : remove unused functions
+2006-02-20(Mon) 11:22:31 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_eval.rb: now Object#funcall is defined.
+2006-02-20(Mon) 11:04:32 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/irb/lc/ja/CVS: removed.
+2006-02-20(Mon) 10:55:59 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/mutex_m.rb: imported from Ruby CVS trunk HEAD.
+ * lib/observer.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/wsdl: ditto.
+ * lib/monitor.rb: ditto (removing Thread.critical=).
+ * lib/xsd: ditto.
+ * lib/soap: ditto.
+ * lib/drb.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/drb: ditto.
+2006-02-20(Mon) 10:49:31 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * yarvcore.c (Init_yarvcore): fix typo (duo -> dup).
+2006-02-19(Sun) 01:27:08 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c : "return" from lambda{} break block
+ * eval.c : Unsupported Proc as Binding
+ * test/ruby/test_eval.rb : apply above changes
+ * yarvcore.c : remove unused function yarv_yield_values()
+2006-02-18(Sat) 03:19:36 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c, insns.def : fix passing value when thread killed
+ * yarvtest/test_thread.rb : add tests for above
+2006-02-19(Sun) 01:19:42 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/thread.rb (SizedQueue): didn't work. This patch was
+ contributed by yukimizake. [yarv-dev:916]
+2006-02-18(Sat) 03:19:36 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c, insns.def : fix passing value when thread killed
+ * yarvtest/test_thread.rb : add tests for above
+2006-02-18(Sat) 02:40:18 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def, vm.c, vm_macro.def : change BMETHOD algorithm
+ ([yarv-dev:914])
+ * yarvtest/test_class.rb : add a test for above
+2006-02-17(Fri) 23:59:51 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c, yarv.h : change th_invoke_proc() interface
+ * eval_proc.c : ditto
+ * signal.c : ditto
+ * thread.c : ditto
+ * yarvcore.c : ditto
+ * vm_macro.def : ditto and fix NODE_BMETHOD call
+ * vm.c : change name ("th_set_env()" to "push_frame()") and
+ change interface
+ * insns.def : ditto
+ * eval.c : remove proc_jump_error()
+ * benchmark/bm_app_answer.rb : added
+ * vm_opts.h.base : add optimize option
+2006-02-17(Fri) 13:37:57 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c, ruby.h : add rb_errinfo()
+ * eval_error.h (error_pos) : fix process order
+ * bin/erb : imported from ruby 1.9
+ * bin/irb : ditto
+ * bin/rdoc : ditto
+ * bin/ri : ditto
+ * bin/testrb : ditto
+ * ext/curses/.cvsignore : ditto
+ * ext/curses/curses.c : ditto
+ * ext/curses/depend : ditto
+ * ext/curses/extconf.rb : ditto
+ * ext/curses/hello.rb : ditto
+ * ext/curses/mouse.rb : ditto
+ * ext/curses/rain.rb : ditto
+ * ext/curses/view.rb : ditto
+ * ext/curses/view2.rb : ditto
+ * ext/fcntl/.cvsignore : ditto
+ * ext/fcntl/depend : ditto
+ * ext/fcntl/extconf.rb : ditto
+ * ext/fcntl/fcntl.c : ditto
+ * ext/readline/README : ditto
+ * ext/readline/README.ja : ditto
+ * ext/readline/depend : ditto
+ * ext/readline/extconf.rb : ditto
+ * ext/readline/readline.c : ditto
+ * ext/win32ole/.document : ditto
+ * ext/zlib/doc/zlib.rd : ditto
+ * ext/zlib/extconf.rb : ditto
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c : ditto
+ * lib/cgi/.document : ditto
+ * lib/cgi/session.rb : ditto
+ * lib/cgi/session/pstore.rb : ditto
+ * lib/shell/builtin-command.rb : ditto
+ * lib/shell/command-processor.rb : ditto
+ * lib/shell/error.rb : ditto
+ * lib/shell/filter.rb : ditto
+ * lib/shell/process-controller.rb : ditto
+ * lib/shell/system-command.rb : ditto
+ * lib/shell/version.rb : ditto
+ * lib/xmlrpc/.document : ditto
+ * lib/xmlrpc/README.rdoc : ditto
+ * lib/xmlrpc/README.txt : ditto
+ * lib/xmlrpc/base64.rb : ditto
+ * lib/xmlrpc/client.rb : ditto
+ * lib/xmlrpc/config.rb : ditto
+ * lib/xmlrpc/create.rb : ditto
+ * lib/xmlrpc/datetime.rb : ditto
+ * lib/xmlrpc/httpserver.rb : ditto
+ * lib/xmlrpc/marshal.rb : ditto
+ * lib/xmlrpc/parser.rb : ditto
+ * lib/xmlrpc/server.rb : ditto
+ * lib/xmlrpc/utils.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/README : ditto
+ * rdoc/code_objects.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/diagram.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/dot/dot.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/generators/chm_generator.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/generators/html_generator.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/generators/ri_generator.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/generators/template/chm/chm.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/generators/template/html/hefss.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/generators/template/html/html.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/generators/template/html/kilmer.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/generators/template/html/old_html.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/generators/template/html/one_page_html.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/generators/template/xml/rdf.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/generators/template/xml/xml.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/generators/xml_generator.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/markup/sample/rdoc2latex.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/markup/sample/sample.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/markup/simple_markup.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/markup/simple_markup/fragments.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/markup/simple_markup/inline.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/markup/simple_markup/lines.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/markup/simple_markup/preprocess.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/markup/simple_markup/to_flow.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/markup/simple_markup/to_html.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/markup/simple_markup/to_latex.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/markup/test/AllTests.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/markup/test/TestInline.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/markup/test/TestParse.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/options.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/parsers/parse_c.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/parsers/parse_f95.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/parsers/parse_rb.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/parsers/parse_simple.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/parsers/parserfactory.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/rdoc.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/ri/ri_cache.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/ri/ri_descriptions.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/ri/ri_display.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/ri/ri_driver.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/ri/ri_formatter.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/ri/ri_options.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/ri/ri_paths.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/ri/ri_reader.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/ri/ri_util.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/ri/ri_writer.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/template.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/tokenstream.rb : ditto
+ * rdoc/usage.rb : ditto
+ * test/xmlrpc/data/bug_bool.expected : ditto
+ * test/xmlrpc/data/bug_bool.xml : ditto
+ * test/xmlrpc/data/bug_cdata.expected : ditto
+ * test/xmlrpc/data/bug_cdata.xml : ditto
+ * test/xmlrpc/data/bug_covert.expected : ditto
+ * test/xmlrpc/data/bug_covert.xml : ditto
+ * test/xmlrpc/data/datetime_iso8601.xml : ditto
+ * test/xmlrpc/data/fault.xml : ditto
+ * test/xmlrpc/data/value.expected : ditto
+ * test/xmlrpc/data/value.xml : ditto
+ * test/xmlrpc/data/xml1.expected : ditto
+ * test/xmlrpc/data/xml1.xml : ditto
+ * test/xmlrpc/test_datetime.rb : ditto
+ * test/xmlrpc/test_features.rb : ditto
+ * test/xmlrpc/test_marshal.rb : ditto
+ * test/xmlrpc/test_parser.rb : ditto
+ * test/xmlrpc/test_webrick_server.rb : ditto
+ * test/xmlrpc/webrick_testing.rb : ditto
+ * test/zlib/test_zlib.rb : ditto
+2006-02-17(Fri) 09:41:35 +900 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * thread.c (sleep_timeval): sleep should always sleep for
+ specified amount of time. [ruby-talk:180067]
+2006-02-17(Fri) 02:20:32 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval_safe.h, ruby.h : remove ruby_safe_level and add
+ rb_safe_level() and rb_set_safe_level_force()
+ * eval.c : use above functions
+ * eval_jump.h : ditto
+ * eval_load.c : ditto
+ * eval_method.h : ditto
+ * eval_proc.c : ditto
+ * eval_thread.c : ditto
+ * gc.c : ditto
+ * signal.c : ditto
+ * variable.c : ditto
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c : ditto
+ * vm.c (th_invoke_proc) : save and restore safe level
+ * yarvtest/test_proc.rb : add tests for above
+ * thread.c : remove unused functions
+2006-02-17(Fri) 01:08:23 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c, insns.def : remove a setspecial second unused operand
+ * eval_load.c : remove unused variable th
+ * eval_proc.c, yarvcore.c : remove some functions from eval_proc.c
+ and move to yarvcore.c
+ * insns.def : fix to delete warnings
+ * sample/test.rb : comment out Proc#clone tests
+ * version.c : add constant RUBY_VM_DATE
+ * vm.c : fix some functions
+2006-02-16(Thu) 22:58:27 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def, vm.c : use th_yield_setup_args at yield and Proc#call
+2006-02-16(Thu) 19:51:52 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : fix analysis of block parameter
+ * disasm.c : remove rb_bug() (temporarily)
+ * insns.def, vm.c : fix passing block parameter
+ * sample/test.rb : add "Proc = YARVCore::VM::Proc"
+ * test/ruby/test_readpartial.rb : disable on mswin32
+ * test/socket/test_tcp.rb : ditto
+ * thread.c : fix syntax error (for non GCC)
+2006-02-15(Wed) 22:34:04 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval_method.h : move rb_clear_cache_by_id position
+ * thread.c : fix Thread#kill
+ * test/ruby/test_readpartial.rb : enable tests except cygwin version
+ * test/ruby/test_signal.rb : ditto and enable timeout
+2006-02-15(Wed) 22:13:29 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/runit: forgot to commit.
+2006-02-15(Wed) 22:12:25 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/weakref.rb: do not use Thread.critical=.
+ * lib/singleton.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/timeout.rb: ditto.
+ * lib/thread.rb: ditto.
+ * test/inlinetest.rb: forgot to commit.
+2006-02-15(Wed) 21:34:17 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/test_pp.rb: imported from Ruby CVS trunk HEAD.
+ * test/test_shellwords.rb: ditto.
+ * test/test_set.rb: ditto.
+ * test/test_time.rb: ditto.
+ * test/test_ipaddr.rb: ditto.
+ * test/test_prettyprint.rb: ditto.
+ * test/test_tsort.rb: ditto.
+ * test/strscan: ditto.
+ * test/testunit: ditto.
+2006-02-15(Wed) 20:03:21 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval_method.h : duplicate NODE_METHOD at make an alias
+ * yarvtest/test_method.rb : add a test for above
+2006-02-15(Wed) 19:48:59 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/rss: imported from Ruby CVS trunk HEAD.
+2006-02-15(Wed) 19:47:51 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def, compile.c, vm.c : remove methoddef, singletonmethoddef
+ instructions and make new insn definemethod
+ * yarvcore.c : set toplevel visibility to private
+2006-02-15(Wed) 17:39:16 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval_intern.h :
+ * eval_jump.h, vm.c : localjump_error() and jump_tag_but_local_jump()
+ move to th_localjump_error and th_jump_tag_but_local_jump at vm.c
+ * eval.c : ditto
+ * eval_load.c : ditto
+ * insns.def : ditto
+ * vm.c : ditto
+ * vm.c (th_make_jump_tag_but_local_jump) : added
+ * opt_insn_unif.def : fix indnet (revert change)
+ * opt_operand.def : ditto
+ * rb/insns2vm.rb : fix error message
+ * thread.c : raise exception at join if illegal local jump
+2006-02-15(Wed) 14:21:45 +900 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * ChangeLog: add local variables line to support Emacs.
+ * eval.c (rb_obj_instance_exec): add new method from 1.9.
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_module_exec): ditto.
+ * eval.c (yield_under_i): should not pass self as an argument to
+ the block for instance_eval. [ruby-core:07364]
+ * eval.c (rb_obj_instance_eval): should be no singleton classes for
+ true, false, and nil. [ruby-dev:28186]
+2006-02-14(Tue) 19:30:20 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * array.c : fix indent
+ * eval.c : fix block_given
+ * gc.c : add STACK_START and use it as a substitute for
+ rb_gc_stack_start
+ * vm.c : fix to raise error if th_yield doesn't have block given
+ * yarvcore.c : fix to skip iseq mark array at ObjectSpace.each_object
+2006-02-14(Tue) 18:15:03 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * : enable pthread by default
+ * ascii.c : import ruby 1.9 HEAD
+ * bignum.c : ditto
+ * compar.c : ditto
+ * configure : ditto
+ * defines.h : ditto
+ * dln.c : ditto
+ * dln.h : ditto
+ * enum.c : ditto
+ * enumerator.c : ditto
+ * euc_jp.c : ditto
+ * ext/win32ole/tests/testWIN32OLE.rb : ditto
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c : ditto
+ * file.c : ditto
+ * hash.c : ditto
+ * io.c : ditto
+ * lex.c : ditto
+ * lib/irb/init.rb : ditto
+ * lib/rexml/document.rb : ditto
+ * main.c : ditto
+ * marshal.c : ditto
+ * math.c : ditto
+ * missing.h : ditto
+ * object.c : ditto
+ * oniguruma.h : ditto
+ * pack.c : ditto
+ * process.c : ditto
+ * random.c : ditto
+ * range.c : ditto
+ * rb/ir.rb : ditto
+ * re.c : ditto
+ * regcomp.c : ditto
+ * regenc.c : ditto
+ * regenc.h : ditto
+ * regerror.c : ditto
+ * regexec.c : ditto
+ * regint.h : ditto
+ * regparse.c : ditto
+ * regparse.h : ditto
+ * ruby.c : ditto
+ * ruby.h : ditto
+ * rubyio.h : ditto
+ * sjis.c : ditto
+ * sprintf.c : ditto
+ * st.c : ditto
+ * st.h : ditto
+ * struct.c : ditto
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb : ditto
+ * test/ruby/test_struct.rb : ditto
+ * time.c : ditto
+ * utf8.c : ditto
+ * util.c : ditto
+ * util.h : ditto
+ * version.h : ditto
+ * win32/Makefile.sub : ditto
+ * win32/win32.c : ditto
+2006-02-14(Tue) 16:40:01 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.c, eval_proc.c : fix rb_proc_arity
+ * eval.c : declare funcall same as send (temporarily)
+ * lib/thread.rb : added
+ * test/pathname/test_pathname.rb : imported from ruby 1.9
+ * test/scanf/data.txt : ditto
+ * test/scanf/test_scanf.rb : ditto
+ * test/scanf/test_scanfblocks.rb : ditto
+ * test/scanf/test_scanfio.rb : ditto
+ * test/socket/test_socket.rb : ditto
+ * test/socket/test_tcp.rb : ditto
+ * test/socket/test_udp.rb : ditto
+ * test/socket/test_unix.rb : ditto
+ * test/stringio/test_stringio.rb : ditto
+ * test/uri/test_common.rb : ditto
+ * test/uri/test_ftp.rb : ditto
+ * test/uri/test_generic.rb : ditto
+ * test/uri/test_http.rb : ditto
+ * test/uri/test_ldap.rb : ditto
+ * test/uri/test_mailto.rb : ditto
+2006-02-14(Tue) 15:59:28 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c : Change Thread.critical warnning message
+ * lib/webrick.rb : imported from ruby 1.9
+ * lib/webrick/accesslog.rb : ditto
+ * lib/webrick/cgi.rb : ditto
+ * lib/webrick/compat.rb : ditto
+ * lib/webrick/config.rb : ditto
+ * lib/webrick/cookie.rb : ditto
+ * lib/webrick/htmlutils.rb : ditto
+ * lib/webrick/httpauth.rb : ditto
+ * lib/webrick/httpauth/authenticator.rb : ditto
+ * lib/webrick/httpauth/basicauth.rb : ditto
+ * lib/webrick/httpauth/digestauth.rb : ditto
+ * lib/webrick/httpauth/htdigest.rb : ditto
+ * lib/webrick/httpauth/htgroup.rb : ditto
+ * lib/webrick/httpauth/htpasswd.rb : ditto
+ * lib/webrick/httpauth/userdb.rb : ditto
+ * lib/webrick/httpproxy.rb : ditto
+ * lib/webrick/httprequest.rb : ditto
+ * lib/webrick/httpresponse.rb : ditto
+ * lib/webrick/https.rb : ditto
+ * lib/webrick/httpserver.rb : ditto
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet.rb : ditto
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet/abstract.rb : ditto
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet/cgi_runner.rb : ditto
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet/cgihandler.rb : ditto
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet/erbhandler.rb : ditto
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet/filehandler.rb : ditto
+ * lib/webrick/httpservlet/prochandler.rb : ditto
+ * lib/webrick/httpstatus.rb : ditto
+ * lib/webrick/httputils.rb : ditto
+ * lib/webrick/httpversion.rb : ditto
+ * lib/webrick/log.rb : ditto
+ * lib/webrick/server.rb : ditto
+ * lib/webrick/ssl.rb : ditto
+ * lib/webrick/utils.rb : ditto
+ * lib/webrick/version.rb : ditto
+2006-02-14(Tue) 14:55:51 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c, insns.def : support "defined?($1)", ...
+ * yarvtest/test_syntax.rb : add a test for above
+ * rb/makedocs.rb : fix template directory path
+ * vm.c : fix to handle break from proc
+2006-02-14(Tue) 12:42:59 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c : fix rb_iterate hook
+ * yarvtest/test_block.rb : add a tests for above
+ * vm.c : remove unused comment
+2006-02-14(Tue) 12:01:06 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c : fix to check passed block at block_given_p
+ * eval_proc.c : fix to pass block at Method#call
+ * runruby.rb : fix to apply ruby
+ * test/runner.rb : GC.stress (comment out)
+ * vm.c : fix indnet
+2006-02-14(Tue) 08:04:33 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/tempfile.rb: use Mutex instead of Thread.critical.
+ * lib/rss/dublincore.rb: |x,| -> |x,_| to avoid YARV bug (tmp).
+ * lib/rexml: imported from ruby CVS trunk HEAD.
+ * test/digest: ditto.
+ * test/fileutils: ditto.
+ * test/ostruct: ditto.
+ * test/erb: ditto.
+ * test/optparse: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_signal.rb: turn off a test to avoid unknown error
+ (tmp).
+2006-02-14(Tue) 07:52:03 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/digest: imported from ruby CVS trunk HEAD.
+ * test/fileutils: ditto.
+ * test/ostruct: ditto.
+ * test/erb: ditto.
+ * test/optparse: ditto.
+2006-02-14(Tue) 06:26:21 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c, parse.y : support BEGIN{} (remove local scope)
+ * test/ruby/beginmainend.rb : fix to apply YARV's specification
+ * test/ruby/test_beginendblock.rb : enable BEGIN{} test
+ * signal.c : exit at double segv
+ * insns.def (preexe) : remove instruction "preexe"
+2006-02-14(Tue) 05:53:56 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_cleanup): th->errinfo contains a NODE while
+ break'ing, check it before referring klass.
+2006-02-14(Tue) 05:45:07 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def : fix stack calc of send
+ * sample/test.rb : remove SEGV causing code
+2006-02-14(Tue) 02:24:21 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb: list order is not a matter.
+ * test/csv: imported from ruby CVS trunk HEAD.
+2006-02-14(Tue) 02:06:25 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_beginendblock.rb: unlock tests.
+ * test/ruby/beginmainend.rb: new file (imported from ruby CVS
+ trunk HEAD).
+ * test/ruby/endblockwarn.rb: new file (imported from ruby CVS
+ trunk HEAD).
+ * test/ruby/test_file.rb: new file (imported from ruby CVS trunk
+ HEAD).
+2006-02-14(Tue) 01:42:11 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * error.c : fix include file position
+ * test/ruby/test_signal.rb : skip test_exit_action on cygwin
+2006-02-14(Tue) 01:36:57 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_class.rb: new file (imported from rubicon).
+2006-02-14(Tue) 01:32:23 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb: ignore PP mixins.
+2006-02-14(Tue) 01:24:56 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_lambda.rb: removed (->(){...} syntax is
+ obsolete).
+2006-02-14(Tue) 01:20:54 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb: import many tests from rubicon.
+2006-02-14(Tue) 01:06:57 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : fix to avoid stack consistency error
+ * yarvtest/test_exception.rb : add a test for above
+2006-02-14(Tue) 00:42:47 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.h, vm_macro.def : rename VM_CALL_SUPER to VM_CALL_SUPER_BIT
+ * insns.def (send) : set a flag of super as fcall
+ * yarvtest/test_class.rb : add a test for above
+2006-02-14(Tue) 00:31:24 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_eval.rb: fix typo.
+ * test/ruby/test_signal.rb: unlock tests.
+2006-02-13(Mon) 23:53:27 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def, vm_macro.def : fix NODE_ZSUPER dispatch and
+ fix error message when super without suitable method ([yarv-dev:846])
+ * yarvcore.h : add VM_CALL_SUPER definition
+ * yarvtest/test_method.rb : add a test of Module#private_class_method
+2006-02-13(Mon) 22:49:42 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def : traverse all iseq to find super method ([yarv-dev:859])
+ * yarvtest/test_class.rb : add a test for above
+ * yarvcore.c : add clear iseq->defined_method_id
+ * signal.c : fix to prohibit double segv handler kicked
+2006-02-13(Mon) 22:09:12 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : support NODE_DECL, NODE_CLASS with NODE_CLON3 prefix
+ * yarvtest/test_class.rb : add tests for above
+2006-02-13(Mon) 21:20:57 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : fix indent
+ * compile.c : fix to prohibit "redo" from eval expression
+2006-02-13(Mon) 20:36:06 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c : fix constant search bug ([yarv-dev:788])
+ * yarvtest/test_class.rb : add a test of [yarv-dev:788]
+2006-02-13(Mon) 18:09:28 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/ruby/test_clone.rb : enable tests with Class#clone
+ * test/ruby/test_marshal.rb : ditto
+2006-02-13(Mon) 17:42:37 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * class.c : support Class#clone
+ * compile.c, insns.def : remove popcref
+ * yarvcore.h, vm.c, insns.def : remove yarv_thread_t#cref_stack
+ * eval.c, eval_intern.h, eval_load.c : ditto
+ * yarvtest/test_class.rb : add tests for singleton class
+ * gc.c : remove "FRAME *" unused variable
+ * insnhelper.h : fix COPY_CREF
+ * rb/mklog.rb : add default message
+ * vm_macro.def : support NODE_ZSUPER as method type
+2006-02-13(Mon) 00:11:17 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * blockinlining.c : refoctoring with CFLAGS+=-Wunused
+ * eval.c : ditto
+ * eval_intern.h : ditto
+ * eval_load.c : ditto
+ * eval_method.h : ditto
+ * eval_proc.c : ditto
+ * eval_thread.c : ditto
+ * insns.def : ditto
+ * parse.y : ditto
+ * thread.c : ditto
+ * vm.c : ditto
+2006-02-13(Mon) 02:32:34 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_const.rb: show better message.
+ * test/ruby/test_eval.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_module.rb: new file.
+2006-02-12(Sun) 22:22:35 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * array.c : revert last commit
+ * ascii.c : ditto
+ * bignum.c : ditto
+ * class.c : ditto
+ * compar.c : ditto
+ * defines.h : ditto
+ * dir.c : ditto
+ * dln.c : ditto
+ * dln.h : ditto
+ * enum.c : ditto
+ * enumerator.c : ditto
+ * error.c : ditto
+ * euc_jp.c : ditto
+ * file.c : ditto
+ * gc.c : ditto
+ * hash.c : ditto
+ * intern.h : ditto
+ * io.c : ditto
+ * lex.c : ditto
+ * main.c : ditto
+ * marshal.c : ditto
+ * math.c : ditto
+ * missing.h : ditto
+ * node.h : ditto
+ * numeric.c : ditto
+ * object.c : ditto
+ * oniguruma.h : ditto
+ * pack.c : ditto
+ * prec.c : ditto
+ * process.c : ditto
+ * random.c : ditto
+ * range.c : ditto
+ * rb/mklog.rb : ditto
+ * re.c : ditto
+ * regcomp.c : ditto
+ * regenc.c : ditto
+ * regenc.h : ditto
+ * regerror.c : ditto
+ * regex.h : ditto
+ * regexec.c : ditto
+ * regint.h : ditto
+ * regparse.c : ditto
+ * regparse.h : ditto
+ * ruby.c : ditto
+ * ruby.h : ditto
+ * rubyio.h : ditto
+ * rubysig.h : ditto
+ * signal.c : ditto
+ * sjis.c : ditto
+ * sprintf.c : ditto
+ * st.c : ditto
+ * st.h : ditto
+ * string.c : ditto
+ * struct.c : ditto
+ * time.c : ditto
+ * utf8.c : ditto
+ * util.c : ditto
+ * util.h : ditto
+ * variable.c : ditto
+ * version.c : ditto
+2006-02-12(Sun) 21:33:10 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * array.c : fix to ruby's indent
+ * ascii.c : ditto
+ * bignum.c : ditto
+ * blockinlining.c : ditto
+ * call_cfunc.h : ditto
+ * class.c : ditto
+ * compar.c : ditto
+ * compile.c : ditto
+ * compile.h : ditto
+ * debug.c : ditto
+ * debug.h : ditto
+ * defines.h : ditto
+ * dir.c : ditto
+ * disasm.c : ditto
+ * dln.c : ditto
+ * dln.h : ditto
+ * enum.c : ditto
+ * enumerator.c : ditto
+ * error.c : ditto
+ * euc_jp.c : ditto
+ * eval.c : ditto
+ * eval_error.h : ditto
+ * eval_intern.h : ditto
+ * eval_jump.h : ditto
+ * eval_load.c : ditto
+ * eval_method.h : ditto
+ * eval_proc.c : ditto
+ * eval_safe.h : ditto
+ * eval_thread.c : ditto
+ * file.c : ditto
+ * gc.c : ditto
+ * hash.c : ditto
+ * insnhelper.h : ditto
+ * insns.def : ditto
+ * intern.h : ditto
+ * io.c : ditto
+ * lex.c : ditto
+ * main.c : ditto
+ * marshal.c : ditto
+ * math.c : ditto
+ * missing.h : ditto
+ * node.h : ditto
+ * numeric.c : ditto
+ * object.c : ditto
+ * oniguruma.h : ditto
+ * opt_insn_unif.def : ditto
+ * opt_operand.def : ditto
+ * pack.c : ditto
+ * prec.c : ditto
+ * process.c : ditto
+ * random.c : ditto
+ * range.c : ditto
+ * re.c : ditto
+ * re.h : ditto
+ * regcomp.c : ditto
+ * regenc.c : ditto
+ * regenc.h : ditto
+ * regerror.c : ditto
+ * regex.h : ditto
+ * regexec.c : ditto
+ * regint.h : ditto
+ * regparse.c : ditto
+ * regparse.h : ditto
+ * ruby.c : ditto
+ * ruby.h : ditto
+ * rubyio.h : ditto
+ * rubysig.h : ditto
+ * signal.c : ditto
+ * sjis.c : ditto
+ * sprintf.c : ditto
+ * st.c : ditto
+ * st.h : ditto
+ * string.c : ditto
+ * struct.c : ditto
+ * test.rb : ditto
+ * thread.c : ditto
+ * thread_pthread.h : ditto
+ * thread_win32.h : ditto
+ * time.c : ditto
+ * utf8.c : ditto
+ * util.c : ditto
+ * util.h : ditto
+ * variable.c : ditto
+ * version.c : ditto
+ * vm.c : ditto
+ * vm.h : ditto
+ * vm_dump.c : ditto
+ * vm_evalbody.h : ditto
+ * vm_macro.def : ditto
+ * yarv.h : ditto
+ * yarv_version.h : ditto
+ * yarvcore.c : ditto
+ * yarvcore.h : ditto
+2006-02-12(Sun) 15:53:21 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * lib/abbrev.rb : added
+ * lib/base64.rb : ditto
+ * lib/cgi-lib.rb : ditto
+ * lib/csv.rb : ditto
+ * lib/date2.rb : ditto
+ * lib/eregex.rb : ditto
+ * lib/ipaddr.rb : ditto
+ * lib/irb.rb : ditto
+ * lib/irb/cmd/chws.rb : ditto
+ * lib/irb/cmd/fork.rb : ditto
+ * lib/irb/cmd/help.rb : ditto
+ * lib/irb/cmd/load.rb : ditto
+ * lib/irb/cmd/nop.rb : ditto
+ * lib/irb/cmd/pushws.rb : ditto
+ * lib/irb/cmd/subirb.rb : ditto
+ * lib/irb/completion.rb : ditto
+ * lib/irb/context.rb : ditto
+ * lib/irb/ext/change-ws.rb : ditto
+ * lib/irb/ext/history.rb : ditto
+ * lib/irb/ext/loader.rb : ditto
+ * lib/irb/ext/math-mode.rb : ditto
+ * lib/irb/ext/multi-irb.rb : ditto
+ * lib/irb/ext/save-history.rb : ditto
+ * lib/irb/ext/tracer.rb : ditto
+ * lib/irb/ext/use-loader.rb : ditto
+ * lib/irb/ext/workspaces.rb : ditto
+ * lib/irb/extend-command.rb : ditto
+ * lib/irb/frame.rb : ditto
+ * lib/irb/help.rb : ditto
+ * lib/irb/init.rb : ditto
+ * lib/irb/input-method.rb : ditto
+ * lib/irb/lc/error.rb : ditto
+ * lib/irb/lc/help-message : ditto
+ * lib/irb/lc/ja/CVS/Entries : ditto
+ * lib/irb/lc/ja/CVS/Repository : ditto
+ * lib/irb/lc/ja/CVS/Root : ditto
+ * lib/irb/lc/ja/error.rb : ditto
+ * lib/irb/lc/ja/help-message : ditto
+ * lib/irb/locale.rb : ditto
+ * lib/irb/notifier.rb : ditto
+ * lib/irb/output-method.rb : ditto
+ * lib/irb/ruby-lex.rb : ditto
+ * lib/irb/ruby-token.rb : ditto
+ * lib/irb/slex.rb : ditto
+ * lib/irb/version.rb : ditto
+ * lib/irb/workspace.rb : ditto
+ * lib/irb/ws-for-case-2.rb : ditto
+ * lib/irb/xmp.rb : ditto
+ * lib/jcode.rb : ditto
+ * lib/logger.rb : ditto
+ * lib/mailread.rb : ditto
+ * lib/mathn.rb : ditto
+ * lib/parsedate.rb : ditto
+ * lib/pathname.rb : ditto
+ * lib/ping.rb : ditto
+ * lib/pstore.rb : ditto
+ * lib/resolv-replace.rb : ditto
+ * lib/resolv.rb : ditto
+ * lib/rss.rb : ditto
+ * lib/rss/0.9.rb : ditto
+ * lib/rss/1.0.rb : ditto
+ * lib/rss/2.0.rb : ditto
+ * lib/rss/content.rb : ditto
+ * lib/rss/converter.rb : ditto
+ * lib/rss/dublincore.rb : ditto
+ * lib/rss/image.rb : ditto
+ * lib/rss/maker.rb : ditto
+ * lib/rss/maker/0.9.rb : ditto
+ * lib/rss/maker/1.0.rb : ditto
+ * lib/rss/maker/2.0.rb : ditto
+ * lib/rss/maker/base.rb : ditto
+ * lib/rss/maker/content.rb : ditto
+ * lib/rss/maker/dublincore.rb : ditto
+ * lib/rss/maker/image.rb : ditto
+ * lib/rss/maker/syndication.rb : ditto
+ * lib/rss/maker/taxonomy.rb : ditto
+ * lib/rss/maker/trackback.rb : ditto
+ * lib/rss/parser.rb : ditto
+ * lib/rss/rexmlparser.rb : ditto
+ * lib/rss/rss.rb : ditto
+ * lib/rss/syndication.rb : ditto
+ * lib/rss/taxonomy.rb : ditto
+ * lib/rss/trackback.rb : ditto
+ * lib/rss/utils.rb : ditto
+ * lib/rss/xml-stylesheet.rb : ditto
+ * lib/rss/xmlparser.rb : ditto
+ * lib/rss/xmlscanner.rb : ditto
+ * lib/rubyunit.rb : ditto
+ * lib/scanf.rb : ditto
+ * lib/shell.rb : ditto
+ * lib/singleton.rb : ditto
+ * lib/tsort.rb : ditto
+ * lib/weakref.rb : ditto
+ * eval_jump.c : removed
+2006-02-12(Sun) 15:39:09 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * parse.y : fix to remove including env.h
+ * yarvtest/test_exception.rb : fix syntax (add 'end')
+2006-02-12(Sun) 15:14:44 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * env.h : removed
+ * : remove env.h dependency
+ * compile.c, eval_intern.h : remove include env.h
+ * vm.c : ditto
+ * ruby.h, gc.c, error.c : remove T_SCOPE, T_VARMAP
+ * parse.y, eval.c : use rb_parse_in_eval() instead of ruby_in_eval
+ * yarvcore.c, yarvcore.h : add a prase_in_eval member to yarv_thread_t
+ * insns.def : add push value to throw instruction
+ for stack consistency
+ * yarvtest/test_exception.rb : add a test for above
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb : fix typo
+2006-02-12(Sun) 05:05:02 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c, eval_intern.h, eval_load.c, eval_proc.c, node.h,
+ insnhelper.h, insns.def, vm.c, yarvcore.c, yarvcore.h :
+ change cref data structure and unify ruby_class and ruby_cbase
+ and some refoctoring
+2006-02-11(Sat) 23:41:11 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def (methoddef) : fix method declaration in method
+ * thread.c : Thread.critical to show warning (no effect)
+2006-02-11(Sat) 20:20:18 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def : fix [yarv-dev:831]
+ * yarvtest/test_class.rb : add a test for above
+2006-02-11(Sat) 14:29:01 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * rb/mklog.rb : use svk
+ * error.c : remove newline
+ * eval.c (rb_block_call) : added
+ * eval_thread.c : remove some unused functions, comments
+ * thread.c : add comments (move from eval_thread.c) and support Mutex
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_select) : supported
+ * thread_pthread.h (native_mutex_trylock) : added (macro)
+ * thread_win32.h (native_mutex_trylock) : added
+ * yarvcore.c : remove unused code
+ * array.c : import ruby 1.9
+ * compar.c : ditto
+ * dln.c : ditto
+ * enum.c : ditto
+ * enumerator.c : ditto
+ * ext/digest/digest.c : ditto
+ * ext/digest/digest.h : ditto
+ * ext/digest/sha2/sha2.c : ditto
+ * ext/etc/etc.c : ditto
+ * ext/win32ole/win32ole.c : ditto
+ * hash.c : ditto
+ * intern.h : ditto
+ * io.c : ditto
+ * main.c : ditto
+ * missing.h : ditto
+ * missing/flock.c : ditto
+ * missing/isinf.c : ditto
+ * missing/vsnprintf.c : ditto
+ * lib/cgi.rb : ditto
+ * lib/complex.rb : ditto
+ * lib/delegate.rb : ditto
+ * lib/erb.rb : ditto
+ * lib/fileutils.rb : ditto
+ * lib/matrix.rb : ditto
+ * lib/mkmf.rb : ditto
+ * lib/optparse.rb : ditto
+ * lib/ostruct.rb : ditto
+ * lib/pp.rb : ditto
+ * lib/timeout.rb : ditto
+ * lib/tmpdir.rb : ditto
+ * lib/test/unit/autorunner.rb : ditto
+ * node.h : ditto
+ * object.c : ditto
+ * parse.y : ditto
+ * ruby.c : ditto
+ * sample/test.rb : ditto
+ * sprintf.c : ditto
+ * st.c : ditto
+ * test/ruby/test_whileuntil.rb : ditto
+ * test/runner.rb : ditto
+ * time.c : ditto
+ * lib/net/.document : added
+ * lib/net/ftp.rb : ditto
+ * lib/net/http.rb : ditto
+ * lib/net/https.rb : ditto
+ * lib/net/imap.rb : ditto
+ * lib/net/pop.rb : ditto
+ * lib/net/protocol.rb : ditto
+ * lib/net/smtp.rb : ditto
+ * lib/net/telnet.rb : ditto
+ * lib/open-uri.rb : ditto
+2006-02-10(Fri) 08:07:34 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c, insns.def, yarvcore.h : support defined?(private_method) and
+ defined?(protected_method) (separate DEFINE_METHOD / DEFINE_FUNC)
+ * yarvtest/test_syntax.rb : add a test for above
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each) : fix NODE_RETURN bug
+ (double ensure invoke)
+ * yarvtest/test_flow.rb : add a test for above
+ * eval.c (get_errinfo) : fix to search $!
+ * yarvtest/test_exception.rb : add tests for above
+ * eval_safe.h : support $SAFE
+ * ext/socket/socket.c : import ruby 1.9
+ * gc.c (gc_mark_children) : fix making T_VALUE
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb : use GC.stress
+ * signal.c (sighandler) : send interrupt signal if thread blocked
+ * test/ruby/test_proc.rb : remove assert false
+ * test/ruby/test_readpartial.rb : change fail message
+ * test/ruby/test_signal.rb : remove assert false
+ * thread.c (thread_start_func_2) : set local_lfp/local_svar
+ at thread creation
+ * thread_pthread.h : export native_thread_interrupt
+ * thread_win32.h : export native_thread_interrupt
+ * version.h : import ruby 1.9
+ * vm.c (lfp_svar), yarvcore.h : fix to use Thread local svar
+ * yarvtest/test_thread.rb : add a test for above
+ * win32/Makefile.sub : import ruby 1.9
+ * win32/dir.h : ditto
+ * win32/setup.mak : ditto
+ * win32/win32.c : ditto
+ * yarvtest/yarvtest.rb : fix to remove using ARGV
+2006-02-10(Fri) 01:04:58 +0900 Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_call_finalizer_at_exit): turn on during_gc while
+ invoking finalizers.
+ * gc.c (rb_gc_finalize_deferred): ditto.
+2006-02-08(Wed) 23:17:44 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_proc.rb: method names were wrongly duplicated.
+2006-02-08(Wed) 21:30:01 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * ext/nkf: added (imported from ruby CVS trunk HEAD).
+ * ext/nkf/depend: new file (rev 1.5).
+ * ext/nkf/extconf.rb: new file (rev 1.2).
+ * ext/nkf/nkf.c: new file (rev 1.12).
+ * ext/nkf/test.rb: new file (rev 1.7).
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/nkf.c: new file (rev 1.17).
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/config.h: new file (rev 1.4).
+ * ext/nkf/nkf-utf8/utf8tbl.c: new file (rev 1.6).
+ * ext/nkf/lib/kconv.rb: new file (rev 1.13).
+ * test/nkf: added (imported from ruby CVS trunk HEAD).
+ * test/nkf/test_kconv.rb: new file (rev 1.1).
+ * test/nkf/test_nkf.rb: new file (rev 1.1).
+2006-02-08(Wed) 21:07:36 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/find.rb: new file (imported from ruby CVS trunk HEAD,
+ rev 1.15).
+2006-02-07(Tue) 17:58:18 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c, insns.def : support BEGIN{} and add preexe instruction
+ * insns.def : fix getspecial/setspecial instructions
+ to catch up svar change
+ * test/ruby/test_system.rb : remove stopper
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_fd_writable) : add a debug output
+ * thread.c (rb_thread_wait_fd) : add a debug output
+ * vm.c (lfp_svar) : refactoring and fix some problems
+ * vm_dump.c (yarv_bug) : add branch
+ * yarv.h : remove unused declarations
+ * yarvcore.c (vm_free) : VM object should not free by GC
+2006-02-07(Tue) 14:42:25 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c, eval_load.c : remove rb_thread_start_1()
+ * eval.c : fix some prototypes and indents
+ * eval_thread.c, thread.c : move some functions
+ from eval_thread.c to thread.c
+ * signal.c (sighandler) : add line braek in error message
+ * yarvcore.c, yarvcore.h, thread.c : support ThreadGroup
+ * ruby.h, gc.c, vm.c : make new basic type RValue and T_VALUE.
+ RValue includes three values in itself. RValue is used as
+ svar
+2006-02-06(Mon) 23:51:41 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_hash.rb: import many tests from rubicon.
+2006-02-04(Sat) 18:36:41 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb: import many tests from rubicon.
+2006-02-04(Sat) 17:47:44 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_signal.rb (test_exit_action): lib/timeout.rb is
+ not implemented yet.
+2006-02-04(Sat) 17:42:31 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_readpartial.rb: lib/timeout.rb is not implemented
+ yet.
+2006-02-04(Sat) 16:22:38 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_pipe.rb: remove useless require.
+ * test/ruby/test_signal.rb: turn off the test case which causes
+ segmentation fault (tmp).
+2006-02-04(Sat) 08:19:50 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * : add dependency to yarvcore.h on signal.o
+ * compile.c (iseq_compile_each) : fix [yarv-dev:795] problem
+ (prohibit "break", "next" jump from eval)
+ * eval.c : fix indent
+ * eval_thread.c, thread.c : remove some functions and move to thread.c
+ * insns.def, vm.c : fix [yarv-dev:799] and [yarv-dev:800]
+ * yarvtest/test_class.rb : add a test for above
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb : remove GC.debug_flag control
+ * test/ruby/test_readpartial.rb : disable
+ * test/ruby/test_signal.rb : disable
+ * thread.c : fix thread_debug() and many bugs
+ * thread.c (yarv_thread_s_new) : move living_threads setting
+ * thread.c (yarv_thread_join) : fix
+ * thread_pthread.h : add type native_thread_data_t (dummy)
+ and support interrupt blocking thread
+ * thread_pthread.h (native_thread_apply_priority) : added
+ * thread_win32.h : add type native_thread_data_t (dummy)
+ and support interrupt blocking thread
+ * yarvcore.h : use win32 thread system on cygwin and fix
+ some struct members
+ * yarvtest/test_thread.rb : added
+2006-02-03(Fri) 00:08:09 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_string.rb: import many tests from rubicon.
+2006-02-02(Thu) 23:20:13 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/ruby/envutil.rb: new file (imported from ruby trunk HEAD).
+ * test/ruby/marshaltestlib.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_array.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_beginendblock.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_clone.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_dir.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_env.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_file.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_float.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_fnmatch.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_hash.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_io.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_marshal.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_math.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_pack.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_path.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_pipe.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_rand.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_range.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_readpartial.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_regexp.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_settracefunc.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_signal.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_sprintf.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_string.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_stringchar.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_struct.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_symbol.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_system.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/test_time.rb: ditto.
+ * test/ruby/ut_eof.rb: ditto.
+2006-02-02(Thu) 22:53:44 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_proc.rb: test [yarv-dev:777].
+2006-02-01(Wed) 03:51:39 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * gc.c : add GC.debug_flag= method
+ * insns.def : support method definition in method
+ * yarvtest/test_method.rb : add tests for above
+2006-01-29(Sun) 11:40:26 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval_proc.c (proc_alloc) : fix [yarv-dev:777]
+ * yarvtest/test_proc.rb : add a test for above
+ * insns.def : fix [yarv-dev:782] and add YARV_CHECK_INTS()
+ * yarvtest/test_class.rb : add a test for above
+ * thread_win32.h : fix [yarv-dev-en:23]
+ * vm.c (th_call0) : add YARV_CHECK_INTS()
+2006-01-09(Mon) 11:56:34 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * yarvcore.h: add prototype (remove warning).
+ * vm.c (th_invoke_proc): make save variables volatile.
+ * eval.c (eval): initialize local variables (remove warnings).
+ * eval_thread.c (rb_exec_recursive): ditto.
+ * yarvcore.c (thread_mark): ditto.
+ * vm.c (th_invoke_proc): ditto.
+ * eval.c: remove useless prototypes.
+2006-01-09(Mon) 10:25:12 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * eval_thread.c: rb_thread_join is required to build ruby on
+ Linux.
+ * compile.c: unify coding style.
+ * yarvcore.c: ditto.
+2006-01-06(Fri) 09:21:34 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * vm.c: coding style change only.
+2006-01-04(Wed) 14:12:47 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c (ruby_init), eval_intern.h : use POP_TAG_INIT() at bootstrap
+ * eval_thread.c : remove unused functions and comments
+ * intern.h : expose rb_make_exception()
+ * signal.c : support signal
+ * thread.c (yarv_thread_execute_interrupts) : added
+ * thread_pthread.h (thread_timer) : set interrupt_flag of
+ current running threads
+ * vm.c (th_invoke_proc) : jump with JUMP_TAG() if some exception
+ occurs
+ * yarv.h : add yarv_set_current_running_thread_raw() for bootstrap
+ * yarvcore.c : add yarv_segv() and segv() method for test
+ * yarvcore.c (Init_yarvcore) : set yarv_thread_t#running_thread
+ * yarvcore.h : fix yarv_thread_t members
+2006-01-03(Tue) 22:25:04 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * disasm.c (insn_operand_intern) : fix to add child iseq
+ * eval.c, gc.c : remove obsolete static variables (ruby_scope,
+ ruby_dyna_vars, ruby_frame)
+ * eval.c (rb_mod_s_constants) : use ruby_cref()
+ * eval.c (eval) : use th_restore_klass()
+ * eval_proc.c (rb_f_binding) : use th_store_klass()
+ * insns.def (concatarray) : fix insn ([expr, *nil] => [expr])
+ * vm.c (th_set_env), insnhelper.h : remove macro
+ * vm.c (eval_get_cvar_base) : use get_cref
+ * vm.c (th_make_proc) : use th_store_klass()
+ * vm_macro.def (macro_eval_invoke_func) : fix option args size
+ * vm_macro.def (macro_eval_invoke_func) : raise stack overflow error
+ * yarvcore.h : add yarv_stored_klass_t type
+ * yarvcore.c : fix mark functions around yarv_stored_klass_t
+2006-01-01(Sun) 05:14:26 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * lib/benchmark.rb: new file (imported from original ruby, rev
+ 1.10).
+2006-01-01(Sun) 03:51:10 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * yarvcore.c: add prototype.
+ * re.c: remove warning: long -> unsigned long.
+ * debug.c: adjust coding style.
+ * yarv.h: ditto.
+2006-01-01(Sun) 03:43:33 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * variable.c: add prototype.
+ * eval.c: ditto.
+ * eval_load.c: ditto.
+2006-01-01(Sun) 02:41:21 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * : add address analyse to vtune rule
+ * rb/vtlh.rb : added for above
+ * rb/insns2vm.rb, template/ : insert #line directive
+ to reference above
+ * vm_macro.def (macro_eval_invoke_cfunc) : fix indent
+ * yarvtest/test_method.rb : fix indent, spacing
+ and add a test for alias
+2005-12-31(Sat) 12:42:05 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * : add Intel VTune rule (make vtune)
+ * eval.c, yarvcore.h : fix to remove yarv_thread_t#local_*
+ * parse.y (top_local_init_gen) : fix a problem ([yarv-dev:765])
+ * yarvtest/test_eval.rb : add a test for above
+ * vm.c (thread_eval) :remove unused function
+ * yarvcore.c (Init_yarvcore) : remove YARVCore::Thread::eval method
+ * yarvcore.c (thread_eval) : remove unused function
+2005-12-31(Sat) 06:05:00 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (eval_search_super_klass) : pass block to method missing
+ * vm_macro.def (macro_eval_invoke_method) : ditto
+ * yarvtest/test_method.rb : add a test for above
+2005-12-31(Sat) 03:11:14 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c (eval), eval_proc.c (rb_f_binding) : save klass, etc to
+ binding and use it at eval
+ * eval_intern.h : ditto
+ * yarvtest/test_eval.rb : add tests for above
+ * yarvcore.c (th_get_special_cref) : added
+ * yarvcore.h : add a prototype of above
+ * vm.c (th_get_cref) : refactoring
+ * vm.c (eval_get_ev_const) : fix SEGV at A::B (A is not class/module)
+ ([yarv-dev:758])
+ * yarvtest/test_bin.rb : add a test for above
+ * rb/mklog.rb : use external diff command and show function name
+2005-12-30(Fri) 19:07:51 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.c, yarvcore.h, eval.c, eval_proc.c : support
+ Ruby's Binding
+ * yarvcore.c : support TOPLEVEL_BINDING
+ * yarvtest/test_eval.rb : add tests for above
+2005-12-30(Fri) 13:12:28 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_eval.rb: more tests for
+ module_eval/instance_eval.
+2005-12-30(Fri) 05:06:49 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * : add dependency (yarvcore.h) for gc.c
+ * eval.c, eval_intern.h, eval_load.c, eval_method.h,
+ insns.def, insnhelper.h, vm.c, yarvcore.c, yarvcore.h :
+ re-write class reference
+ * yarvtest/test_eval.rb : added
+ * yarvtest/test_proc.rb :
+2005-12-29(Thu) 12:27:12 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c, yarvcore.h :
+ remove needless yarv_iseq_t#rewind_frame_size
+2005-12-29(Thu) 11:17:58 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * : add dependency to test-all rule
+ * eval.c (rb_sourceline), vm.c (th_get_sourceline) :
+ fix to skip process if iseq is ifunc
+ * test/ruby/test_lambda.rb : assert(fail, ...) instead of assert_fail
+ * test/ruby/test_proc.rb : ditto
+ * vm_dump.c : fix stack dump (iseq name)
+ * vm_macro.def : store proc (block proc) to cfp#proc for GC mark
+ * yarvcore.c : mark above on thread_mark
+ * eval.c (exec_under) : replace block#self ([yarv-dev:751])
+2005-12-29(Thu) 01:56:46 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c : fix setting of Proc cref ([yarv-dev:741])
+ * yarvcore.c : fix indent
+2005-12-29(Thu) 00:17:03 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * disasm.c : show (block) local variable simple (not as symbol)
+ * gc.c : fix syntax error
+2005-12-28(Wed) 23:35:06 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * class.c (method_entry) : fixed for undefed method ([yarv-dev:743])
+ * compile.c : fix errinfo dvar id (#$!)
+ and fix NODE_ERRINFO compilation
+ * eval_proc.c, yarvcore.c : support
+ * insns.def : remove useless TODO comments
+ * insns.def : fix to use strict array conversion on
+ checkarrayinclude
+ * insns.def : fix defined?(yield) ([yarv-dev:744])
+ * yarvcore.h : change yarv_iseq_t layout
+2005-12-28(Wed) 16:49:55 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_eval.rb: add TODO comment.
+ * test/ruby/test_iterator.rb: rename YARVCore::VM::Proc -> Proc
+ (tmp).
+ * test/ruby/test_lambda.rb: use assert_fail.
+ * test/ruby/test_proc.rb: ditto.
+2005-12-28(Wed) 16:28:35 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_clone.rb: removed (tmp).
+ * test/ruby/test_eval.rb: define missing method Object#funcall
+ (tmp).
+ * test/ruby/test_lambda.rb: turn off tests for "->".
+ * test/ruby/test_proc.rb: turn off tests for |&b|.
+ * test/ruby/test_proc.rb: turn off tests for $SAFE setter.
+2005-12-28(Wed) 15:31:46 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : fix calculation of stack_max
+ * eval.c (rb_iter) : fix block/retry handling
+ * yarvtest/test_flow.rb : add tests for above
+ * insns.def : fix block passing on super (super(&nil))
+ * vm_macro.def, insns.def : fix convert method of object to array
+ * yarvtest/test_method.rb : fix a test for above
+ * vm.c : fix backtrace generate algorithm
+2005-12-28(Wed) 10:36:45 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c, compile.h : refactoring (remove self passing, etc)
+ * disasm.c : support showing ID of method/dynamic local variables
+ * rb/allload.rb : add verbose version (it's enable by $DEBUG)
+ * template/, template/,
+ template/, template/,
+ template/, template/,
+ template/ : fix a comment
+ * variable.c (mod_av_set) : fix to clear inline cache ([yarv-dev:720])
+ * eval_method.h : fix to clear inline method cache
+ * vm.c, rb/insns2vm.rb, template/, compile.c,
+ insns.def, vm_evalbody.h, vm_macro.def :
+ fix operands types (ulong -> num_t, ...)
+ * vm_macro.def : fix to check SPECIAL_CONST_P() at splat array
+ ([yarv-dev:722])
+ * yarvcore.c : fix to throw syntax error
+ * yarvcore.h, eval.c, eval_error.h, eval_jump.h :
+ add yarv_vm_t#exit_code to fix problem at cleanup ([yarv-dev:723])
+ * insns.def : fix to invoke zsuper in method defined by define_method
+ ([yarv-dev:704])
+ * yarvtest/test_class.rb : add tests for above
+ * yarvtest/test_method.rb : fix comments
+2005-12-27(Tue) 01:52:07 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * array.c, intern.h, insns.def : expose rb_ary_replace and use it
+ in insns.def
+ * eval.c : fix to use SCOPE_* to NOEX_*
+ * eval_intern.h : remove SCOPE_*
+ and fix SCOPE_TEST() and SCOPE_SET(f)
+ * eval_load.c : save and store klass and visibility
+ at require and load
+ * eval_method.h : fix undefed method node ([yarv-dev-en:8])
+ * eval_proc.c : fix define_method ([yarv-dev:704])
+ * insnhelper.h, vm.h : remove GET_VM_STATE_VERSION(),
+ INC_VM_STATE_VERSION() and move these to vm.h
+ * insns.def : supportintg visibility
+ * node.h : remove NOEX_RECV
+ * variable.c, vm.c : add rb_vm_change_state() and use it in
+ remove_const
+ * vm.c, insns.def, yarvcore.h, yarvcore.c : add eval_push_cref(),
+ eval_pop_cref() and th_cref_init to manage current visibility
+ * yarv.h : add a prototype of rb_vm_change_state()
+ * yarvcore.h, insns.def : add defined_method_id and support
+ super in define_method scope
+ * yarvtest/test_class.rb : add tests for above
+2005-12-26(Mon) 20:44:38 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_basicinstructions.rb: new file.
+2005-12-26(Mon) 08:40:02 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c (eval_get_ev_const) : fix to skip nil
+2005-12-26(Mon) 08:27:15 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insnhelper.h : fix GET_CVAR_EV_KLASS [yarv-dev:703]
+2005-12-26(Mon) 07:51:01 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : add emptstack insn for all NODE_RETURN
+ and optimize it if it's not needed
+ * yarvtest/test_flow.rb : add a test for above
+2005-12-26(Mon) 07:08:22 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c, gc.c : add "gc_debug_flag" to debug gc
+ * insns.def : add emptstack
+ * compile.c, rb/insns2vm.rb, template/ :
+ change interface of insn_stack_increase
+ * compile.c : fix return from ensure in method [yarv-dev:702]
+ * yarvtest/test_flow.rb : add tests for above
+2005-12-26(Mon) 02:15:02 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/ruby/test_alias.rb: do not use unimplemented defined?.
+2005-12-26(Mon) 02:00:11 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * test/runner.rb: new file.
+ * test/ruby/test_alias.rb: new file.
+ * test/ruby/test_clone.rb: new file.
+ * test/ruby/test_eval.rb: new file.
+ * test/ruby/test_iterator.rb: new file.
+ * test/ruby/test_lambda.rb: new file.
+ * test/ruby/test_proc.rb: new file.
+ * test/ruby/test_super.rb: new file.
+ * test/ruby/test_assignment.rb: new file.
+ * test/ruby/test_bignum.rb: new file.
+ * test/ruby/test_call.rb: new file.
+ * test/ruby/test_case.rb: new file.
+ * test/ruby/test_condition.rb: new file.
+ * test/ruby/test_const.rb: new file.
+ * test/ruby/test_defined.rb: new file.
+ * test/ruby/test_exception.rb: new file.
+ * test/ruby/test_gc.rb: new file.
+ * test/ruby/test_ifunless.rb: new file.
+ * test/ruby/test_method.rb: new file.
+ * test/ruby/test_trace.rb: new file.
+ * test/ruby/test_variable.rb: new file.
+ * test/ruby/test_whileuntil.rb: new file.
+2005-12-25(Sun) 07:40:08 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * blockinlining.c, compile.c : fix block inlining
+ * rb/insns2vm.rb : fix to support tracing stack depth
+ with operands unification
+ * vm_dump.c : fix to print Qundef on stack dump
+2005-12-25(Sun) 01:45:55 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def, compile.c, rb/insns2vm.rb, template/ :
+ trace stack depth at compile time
+ and use it as cont_sp for exception handling
+ * yarvtest/test_exception.rb : add tests for above
+ * yarvtest/test_flow.rb : ditto
+ * Merry Xmas :)
+2005-12-24(Sat) 19:34:04 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c, compile.h : fix ADD_CATCH_ENTRY and add LABEL#sp
+ * eval_jump.h : fix catch to remove illegal error
+2005-12-24(Sat) 09:05:23 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval_method.h : change data structure for RClass#m_tbl
+ * class.c, eval.c, eval_proc.c : fix for above changes
+ * node.h, gc.c : change NODE_FBODY, NODE_METHOD members
+ for above changes
+ * insns.def : support private/protected visibility
+ * vm_macro.def : ditto
+ * vm.c : ditto
+ * thread.c : fix typo
+ * thread_pthread.h : fix typo
+ * thread_win32.h : fix typo
+ * eval.c, yarvcore.h : add yarv_thread_t#method_missing_reason
+ to pass method_missing reason and use it to build error message
+ * compile.c : use ADD_CALL instead of ADD_SEND for
+2005-12-22(Thu) 02:45:27 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarv_version.h, Changes : 0.3.3
+2005-12-20(Tue) 04:04:45 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : fix self::Const access
+ * yarvtest/test_bin.rb : add a test for above
+2005-12-20(Tue) 01:52:52 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def : fix to expand VALUES value
+ * yarvtest/test_massign.rb : add a test for above
+2005-12-20(Tue) 01:32:35 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def, insnhelper.h : fix cvar in singleton method/class
+ * yarvtest/test_bin.rb : add tests for above
+2005-12-20(Tue) 01:03:34 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c, yarvcore.h : support all defined?() syntax
+ * compile.c : fix NODE_COLON2
+ * yarvtest/test_bin.rb : add or fix tests for above
+ * win32/* : update all
+2005-12-17(Sat) 10:46:08 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * vm_macro.def: fix printf type mismatch for LP64 system (again).
+ * parse.y: introduce descriptive macro for special values of
+ lvtbl->dvars.
+2005-12-17(Sat) 09:39:27 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * vm_macro.def (macro_eval_invoke_method): fix printf type mismatch
+ for LP64 system.
+2005-12-14(Wed) 03:49:40 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : change rescue/ensure iseq name
+ * eval.c, intern.h : fix a prototype
+ * insns.def, yarvcore.h : add trace_function
+ * vm.c : fix deadly bug (illegal pointer cast)
+ * vm_dump.c : remove unused local variables
+ * vm_macro.def : add parameter size check
+ * yarvtest/test_bin.rb : comment out 2 assertions
+2005-12-13(Tue) 03:55:27 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval_proc.c : fix indent
+ * insns.def : fix getspecial instruction to return nil
+ if no entry
+ * yarvtest/test_syntax.rb : add a test for above
+ * lib/un.rb : added
+ * template/*.tmpl : fix typo
+2005-12-13(Mon) 01:38:17 +0900 Minero Aoki <>
+ * yarv.h: add prototypes.
+ * intern.h: ditto.
+ * eval.c: ditto.
+ * debug.c: ditto.
+ * thread_pthread.h: fix printf type mismatch for LP64 system
+ (Linux/AMD64).
+ * variable.c: ditto.
+ * object.c: ditto.
+ * gc.c: ditto.
+ * process.c: ditto.
+ * error.c: ditto.
+ * vm.c: ditto.
+ * vm.h: ditto.
+ * vm_dump.c: ditto.
+ * disasm.c: ditto.
+ * marshal.c: ditto.
+ * eval_thread.c: ditto.
+2005-12-11(Sun) 22:00:34 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def : call "inherited" method when a class is inherited
+ * yarvcore.h : fix yarv_iseq_t field layout
+ * : add dependence on yarvcore.h to eval*.o files
+ * compile.c : fix NODE_POSTEXE logic
+ * insnhelper.h : use GC_GUARDED_PTR_REF instead of magic number
+ * eval_proc.c : fix indent
+ * configure : re-autoconf
+2005-12-10(Sat) 03:57:20 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * : fix blockinlining.o build rule
+ * insns.def : remove logic for zsuper
+ * template/ :
+ * vm.c : remove thread_yield_light_prepare, thread_yield_light_invoke
+ * compile.c : support NODE_ZSUPER with optargs, restarg
+ * yarvtest/test_class.rb : add tests for above
+2005-12-09(Fri) 01:13:37 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * array.c, numeric.c, range.c : add prototype of
+ block inlining function
+ * blockinlining.c, vm_opts.h.base : add block inlining flag
+ *, debug.h, debug.c : add debug_breakpoint() for gdb
+ * compile.c : fix to use size_t on compile_data_alloc(),
+ fix illegal cast, fix to set arg_simple at compiling block,
+ * compile.c, vm.c : fix NODE_NEXT, NODE_BREAK logic
+ * yarvtest/test_flow.rb : add a test for above
+ * yarvcore.c, yarvcore.h, compile.c, eval.c : remove
+ yarv_iseq_t#root_iseq and add yarv_iseq_t#local_iseq and fix
+ to use this member field
+ * eval_method.h : fix indent
+ * gc.c : fix indent
+ * insns.def, compile.c : remove "zsuper" instruction (use "super"
+ instead). This is because NODE_ZSUPER represent with only "super"
+ instruction
+ * yarvcore.c : add proc_arity
+2005-12-05(Mon) 03:58:30 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * array.c, blockinlining.c : support block inlining for Array#each
+ * disasm.c : fix catch table format
+ * insns.def : fix stack consistency error message
+ * vm.c : fix to skip pushing value at "next"
+ * yarvcore.h : move definition of
+ "struct iseq_compile_data_ensure_node_stack" to compile.c
+ * compile.c : fix ensure catch table creation
+ * yarvtest/test_flow.rb : add tests for above
+2005-12-03(Sat) 22:27:08 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * blockinlining.c, compile.c, yarvcore.c, yarvcore.h,
+ numeric.c, range.c : collect block inlining logic to blockinlining.c
+2005-12-03(Sat) 20:24:07 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * blockinlining.c, : add blockinlining.c
+ * yarvcore.c, yarvcore.h, blockinlining.c, compile.c, compile.h,
+ gc.c, node.h, numeric.c, range.c :
+ support block inlining for Integer#times, Range#each
+ * compile.c : fix to set block redo/next point at last,
+ and fix NODE_OP_ASGN1
+ * compile.c, vm.c : add specialized instruction "opt_le"
+ * disasm.c : fix to show block, and to show catch type as string
+ and change node_name logic
+ * eval_thread.c : fix function type declaration
+ * insns.def : add instruction "putundef", "opt_checkenv"
+ to support block inlining and add stack check routine
+ * lib/cgi.rb : add global variable $CGI_DONTINPUT
+ * opt_operand.def : add some operand unification rules
+ * rb/insns2vm.rb : fix operand unification logic for BLOCKISEQ
+ * vm.c : fix exception handling routine (collect stack operations)
+ * vm_macro.def : fix macro_eval_invoke_bmethod
+ * yarvsubst.c : removed
+ * yarvtest/test_syn.rb : rename to yarvtest/test_syntax.rb
+ * yarvtest/yarvtest.rb : remove tempfile explicitly
+2005-11-30(Wed) 01:13:57 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * : add vm_opts.h rule
+ * vm.c, insns.def : fix proc creation under class and block
+ environment
+2005-11-29(Tue) 16:39:07 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c, eval_proc.c, vm.c, vm_macro.def :
+ support define_method and invoke NODE_BMETHOD method
+2005-11-29(Tue) 13:18:06 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : add iseq_add_mark_object, iseq_add_mark_object_compile_time
+ and use it to mark objects on iseq
+ * compile.h, compile.c : remove cast on NEW_CHILD_ISEQVAL, NEW_ISEQVAL
+ and interface
+ * compile.c, disasm.c, insns.def, vm_macro.def, rb/insns2vm.rb :
+ add BLOCKISEQ parameter type
+ * gc.c : fix garbage_collect to return true if only allocate memory
+ * vm.c : fix insertion order of proc/env
+ * vm_evalbody.h : add typedef yarv_iseq_t *BLOCKISEQ
+ * yarvcore.c, yarvcore.c : add idTimes
+ * yarvcore.c : fix proc_mark, env_mark around iseq mark
+2005-11-28(Mon) 09:02:57 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c, insns.def, vm_evalbody.h : support super
+ with splat argument and block (and zsuper with block)
+ * yarvtest/test_class.rb : add tests for above
+ * compile.c, yarvcore.h, yarvcore.c, insns.def, time.c, string.c :
+ add opt_succ insn
+ * eval_method.h : fix indent
+ * eval_thread.c : apply cast to vanish a warning
+ * lib/tempfile.rb, lib/tmpdir.rb : added
+ * vm.c : eval_method_missing added
+ * vm_macro.def : refactoring
+2005-11-21(Mon) 21:21:33 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c, compile.h, yarvcore.c : remove "iseqobj"
+ variables and rename to "iseq"
+2005-11-21(Mon) 07:31:50 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : fix block parameter error
+ * ext/* : added
+ * lib/optparse* : added
+ * benchmark/bm_so_sieve.rb : fix parameter
+2005-11-21(Mon) 03:47:28 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : optimize condition in literal
+ * thread_win32.h : fix win32 thread function prototype
+2005-11-20(Sun) 17:58:24 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : fix NODE_AND/OR bug
+ * eval.c : support rb_frame_this_func()
+2005-11-20(Sun) 12:32:31 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c, yarvcore.c, yarvcore.h : support NODE_OPT_N
+ * compile.h : add macro ADD_CALL
+ * debug.c : add debug_v() and change to use only printf
+ on debug_id()
+ * sample/test.rb :
+ * vm.c : fix make_proc_from_block
+2005-11-19(Sat) 14:55:17 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * import ruby 1.9.0 (2005-11-18)
+2005-11-19(Sat) 06:08:37 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * lib/test : added
+2005-11-19(Sat) 05:48:50 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : useless jump elimination (if/unless destination)
+ * eval.c : rb_iter_break support,
+ fix rb_iterate (clear errinfo if break)
+ * eval_proc.c : support rb_node_arity (YARV_METHOD_NODE)
+ * insns.def : change variable name
+ * vm.c : fix th_invoke_yield and add th_iter_break()
+ * vm_dump.c : fix yarv_bug()
+ * yarvcore.c : fix proc_mark to check IFUNC node and add
+ global ruby method SDR() for debug
+ * yarvtest/test_syn.rb : add a test for all condition combination
+2005-11-15(Tue) 05:52:58 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * lib/forwardable.rb : added
+ * : remove "vm.o : CFLAGS += -fno-crossjumping" rule
+ * compile.c, yarvcore.h, insns.def : add FCALL/VCALL flag
+ * compile.c, insns.def : add onceinlinecache instruction
+ * eval.c : support $!, $@, raise (== raise $!)
+ * opt_operand.def : add some unification rule (send flags)
+ * vm.c : fix return process
+ * vm_macro.def : fix option parameters
+ * yarvtest/test_method.rb : add tests for above
+2005-11-15(Tue) 00:42:49 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c : support rb_frame_pop() and rb_frame_callee(),
+ add rb_sourcefile(), rb_sourceline(),
+ * compile.c : support postposition while/until,
+ fix block parameter index
+ * yarvtest/test_syn.rb : add tests for above
+ * yarvcore.c : fix env_mark
+ * vm.h, yarvcore.h : move vm.h#cmethod_info to
+ yarvcore.h#yarv_cmethod_info
+ * vm.c : add th_get_sourceline()
+ * eval_intern.h : fix PASS_PASSED_BLOCK()
+ * eval_load.c : fix re-enter require (temporarily)
+ * insns.def : permit re-open class when superclass is same
+2005-11-11(Fri) 01:20:15 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * : add "allload" rule
+ * compile.c, yarvcore.h, insns.def, vm_macro.def, disasm.c :
+ change arg_rest, arg_block offset (1)
+ * insns.def : add postexe instruction
+ * insns.def, vm.c : support rest block parameter
+ * yarvtest/test_block.rb : add tests for above
+ * rb/allload.rb : get path from ARGV
+ * vm_opts.h.base : set default off
+2005-11-01(Tue) 08:28:19 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/other-lang/eval.rb : fix path
+ * lib/English.rb, lib/cgi.rb, lib/complex.rb, lib/delegate.rb :
+ added
+2005-11-01(Tue) 08:18:33 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : push and pop values after checkincludearray for
+ stack caching
+2005-10-31(Mon) 15:37:09 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/bm_app_mandelbrot.rb : added
+ * benchmark/bm_app_factorial.rb : fixed parameter
+ * benchmark/bm_so_count_words.rb, benchmark/run_rite.rb : use
+ real file
+ * : add "ext" rule, add some dependencies and add option
+ to bench-each rule (renamed from bench-item)
+ * compile.c : fix get_root_iseq_object (check iseq type),
+ support splat case/when. support //o (regexp)
+ * eval.c : support *_eval, fix rb_obj_call_init to pass block
+ * eval_jump.h : support throw/catch
+ * eval_load.c : save klass_nest_stack when require
+ * eval_method.h : fix ruby_cbase()
+ * insnhelper.h : GET_EV_KLASS checks toplevel or not
+ * insns.def, yarvcore.c : fix singleton method definition and fix
+ super class's method
+ * lib/shellwords.rb : use String() instead of
+ * vm.c : check class iseq or not when making Proc and
+ add eval_search_super_klass function
+ * vm.h : CMETHOD_INFO_P to yarvcore.h
+ * vm_macro.def : splat if object type is T_ARRAY
+ * vm_opts.h, vm_opts.h.base : rename to vm_opts.h.base
+ insns2vm.rb will copy it to build directory
+ * yarvcore.c : add Proc#[]
+ to 512
+ * yarvtest/test_* : invalidate splat non array code (like: "*1")
+ * yarvtest/yarvtest.rb : use tempfile instead of popen
+2005-10-28(Fri) 09:11:53 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvtest/test_method.rb : fix test
+2005-10-28(Fri) 08:43:29 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/run_rite.rb : add -I options to run benchmark
+ * : pass options to some rules with RUNOPT
+ and add -I options
+ * compile.c : fix massign with constant
+ * yarvtest/test_massign.rb : add tests for above
+ * eval_load.c : fix load_wait()
+ * eval_method.h : support ruby_cbase()
+ * lib/*.rb : add or modify libraries to run on yarv
+ * parse.y : change to ANSI C style
+ * vm.c : fix making proc process under cfunc/ifunc environment
+ * vm_macro.def : fix block pass
+ * yarvtest/test_method.rb : add tests for above
+ * yarvcore.c : add yarv_obj_is_proc()
+ * eval.c : fix rb_obj_is_proc to use yarv_obj_is_proc()
+2005-10-27(Thu) 11:50:15 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * some files : import from ruby 1.9.0 (2005-10-12)
+2005-10-16(Sun) 14:50:02 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def, compile.c, yarvcore.h, yarvcore.c : add insns "bitblt" and "answer"
+2005-10-11(Tue) 17:01:13 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarv_version.h, Changes : 0.3.2
+2005-10-11(Tue) 13:35:25 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def : add YARV_CHECK_INTS()
+ * thread.c, thread_pthread.h, thread_win32.h : kick timer thread
+ when another thread kicked
+ * vm.c : remove debug print
+ * vm_opts.h : add OPT_CALL_THREADED_CODE
+ * yarvtest/yarvtest.rb : remove "\r" from answer
+2005-10-07(Fri) 09:36:36 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.h : add member variable "interrupt_flag" to yarv_thread_t
+2005-10-05(Wed) 21:20:13 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eva.c, eval_thread.c, ruby.h, eval_error.h, eval_jump.h,
+ eval_load.c, thread.c, error.c, compile.h : remove ruby_errinfo
+ * thread_win32.h, thread_pthread.h : set stack size to 4KB
+ * vm.c : fix making env routine
+ * vm_dump.c, vm.h : support frame type "EVAL" and fix magic number
+ * yarvcore.c : fix some mark/free routine
+2005-10-05(Wed) 09:08:11 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c, eval_intern.h, vm.c, eval_jump.h, yarvcore.h :
+ re-define PUSH/POP/EXEC/JUMP_TAG to use thread local tag
+ * inits.c, yarvcore.c : fix bootstrap
+2005-10-03(Mon) 22:28:24 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : fix NODE_COLON2 bugs
+ * compile.h : fix debug routine
+ * disasm.c : add space between insn and operand
+ * insns.def : add comment of classdef, singletonclassdef
+ * vm.c, yarv.h : fix invoke_light routine
+ * yarvcore.c : fix to mark each threads
+2005-10-02(Sun) 05:55:34 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread_pthread.h : add "system_working" global variable
+2005-10-02(Sun) 01:23:44 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c : add raw gets (for test), and fix indent
+2005-10-01(Sat) 23:06:21 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread_win32.h, : add thread_win32.h
+ * thread.c : support _WIN32 thread
+ * thread.c, thread_pthread.h : fix some interface
+ * eval_thread.c : remove debug print
+ * gc.c : fix stack region
+ * win32/Makefile.sub : add -MD flag to LDFLAGS
+ * yarvcore.c : fix mark and sweep debug print
+ * yarvcore.h : fix VM#living_threads data type to st_table
+2005-10-01(Sat) 00:25:28 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c, yarvcore.h : rename GIL (Global Interpreter Lock) to
+ GVL (Global VM Lock)
+ * thread_pthread.h : fix pthread mutex initialize
+2005-09-30(Fri) 20:11:19 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c : support join with timeout
+ * yarvcore.h : use GET_VM()
+2005-09-30(Fri) 14:59:29 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * thread.c, : add thread.c
+ * thread.c, gc.c, eval_thread.c, yarvcore.c, yarvcore.h :
+ support native thread (on pthread)
+ * insns.def : add YARV_CHECK_INTS() check
+ * yarv.h : add GET_VM() macro
+2005-09-29(Thu) 22:43:08 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval_intern.h, eval_thread.c : move thread_status to eval_intern.h
+ * yarvcore.c : fix thread/vm value
+ * yarvcore.h : add some parameter to yarv_thread_t
+2005-09-29(Thu) 01:52:33 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c, yarvcore.h : add line number on last end instruction
+ * vm.c : fix line no detection
+2005-09-28(Wed) 00:02:10 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ *, eval_load.c, eval.c, eval_intern.h : add eval_load.c
+ * disasm.c : fix around block local variables
+ * eval_proc.c : fix typo
+2005-09-27(Tue) 16:45:20 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c : remove debug print
+2005-09-27(Tue) 16:41:47 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c : support Kernel.local_variables
+ * parse.y, yarvcore.c : move some functions
+ (rb_(backref|lastline)_(get|set)) from parse.y to yarvcore.c
+ * yarvcore.h : fix typo of YARV_PREVIOUS_CONTROL_FRAME
+2005-09-26(Mon) 18:51:29 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c, compile.c, parse.y, vm.c, yarvcore.h :
+ eval() works with binding (Env)
+ * vm.c : add th_set_eval_stack
+ * yarvtest/test_syn.rb : remove an assert "defined?(local_var)"
+2005-09-25(Sun) 19:30:59 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/bm_vm2_send.rb : added
+ * : add rule "bench-item"
+ * eval_intern.h : add PASS_PASSED_BLOCK()
+ * eval_proc.c : support some functions
+ * rb/mklog.rb : added
+ * vm.c : fix prototype style and coding style
+ * yarv.h : add some prototypes of functions
+ * yarvcore.c, yarvcore.h, eval.c : yarv_thread_t#ifuncnode -> passed_block,
+ and add yarv_proc_t#safe_level
+2005-09-25(Sun) 11:01:17 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * some files : import from ruby 1.9.0 (2005-09-25)
+ * eval*, vm.c, vm_macro.def : remove frame, scope, ...
+ * yarvcore.c : remove yarv_block_given_p()
+ * yarvcore.h, insnhelper.h : move some macro from insnhelper.h to yarvcore.h
+ to use these in eval.c
+2005-09-24(Sat) 15:51:42 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval* : remove dependency to ruby_dyna_vars and ruby_class
+2005-09-23(Fri) 20:39:14 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval_*.[ch] : split eval.c to some files
+ * *.[ch] : import ruby 1.9.0 (2004-09-23)
+ * parse.y : remove dependency to ruby_dyna_vars and ruby_scope
+2005-09-15(Thu) 16:51:06 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c, yarvcore.h : fix "for" scope
+ * yarvtest/test_block.rb : add tests for above
+2005-09-14(Wed) 06:11:43 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.h, vm_evalbody.h, vm.h, vm_dump.c,
+ compile.c, yarvcore.c : use #ifdef instead of #if for recognize
+ vm options
+ * vm_opts.h : fix default options
+2005-09-10(Sat) 14:10:08 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_opts.h : added
+ * yarvcore.h, rb/insns2vm.h : use vm_opts.h
+2005-09-10(Sat) 04:53:22 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.h, insns.def, compile.c : add DEFINED_YIELD
+ * yarvtest/test_yield.rb : add test_1_ary_and_1_params
+ * insns.def : fix splat and svalue
+ * vm.c : fix to perform with proc with ifunc (incomplete)
+ * sample/test.rb : added (comment out unsupported features)
+ * : add rule "runtest"
+2005-09-09(Fri) 19:32:11 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def, compile.c : add splatarray
+ * yarvtest/test_massign.rb : add tests for above
+2005-08-31(Wed) 22:55:15 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.c (yarvcore_eval_parsed): fix to return value
+ * yarv_version.h, Changes : 0.3.1
+2005-08-20(Sat) 10:19:27 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * rb/ir.rb : add some check
+ * import today's ruby HEAD
+2005-08-18(Thu) 23:29:52 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * : fix object file extension
+ * rb/ir.rb : added (import ruby script)
+ * rb/diff.rb : removed
+ * import today's ruby HEAD
+2005-08-18(Thu) 12:59:38 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * : rule test -> test2, test1 -> test
+ * compile.c : fix when clause bug and splat argument
+2005-08-17(Wed) 05:22:31 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : fix block local parameter setting routine and support
+ massign in block parameter initialize
+ * yarvtest/test_yield.rb : add tests for above
+ * insns.def, compile.c : support array concat (ex: "[x, *y]")
+ * yarvtest/test_bin.rb : add tests for above
+2005-08-16(Tue) 19:51:19 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : support nested massign
+ * yarvtest/test_massign.rb : add tests for above
+2005-08-16(Tue) 10:25:29 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c : support rb_yield_0 with 0 args
+2005-08-16(Tue) 09:09:21 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * lib/fileutils.rb : imported
+ * insns.def : fix yield argument (same as last commit)
+ * yarvtest/test_yield.rb : add tests for above
+2005-08-16(Tue) 08:29:47 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c : fix to support rb_yield_0 with multiple values
+ * : add parse, run1p ruelse
+ * compile.c : support yield with ARGSCAT/SPLAT
+ * vm.c, insns.def : fix yield arguments to do compatible behaviour
+ * yarvtest/test_yield.rb : added for above
+2005-08-16(Tue) 06:00:17 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def : fix to set klass_nest_stack on singleton
+ method definition
+ * yarvtest/test_method.rb : add a test for above
+2005-08-16(Tue) 05:34:48 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test1.rb : added. gdb and run1 rule run this script
+ * compile.c : fix error handled variable access
+ * yarvtest/test_exception.rb : add tests for above
+2005-08-16(Tue) 04:26:08 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * base ruby : ruby 1.9.0 (2005-08-15)
+2005-08-16(Tue) 03:54:17 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ *, : move some rules to
+ * rb/diff.rb : added
+ * yarvtest/yarvtest.rb : fix to compare output last value
+2005-08-15(Mon) 18:27:58 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * Changes : 0.3.0
+2005-08-15(Mon) 17:56:09 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.c : fix to add prototype
+ * all files : propset svn:eol-style native
+2005-08-15(Mon) 10:48:53 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * eval.c : support rb_load
+2005-08-15(Mon) 09:42:01 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.h : define SDR()
+ * vm_dump.c : stack_dump_raw() -> vm_stack_dump_raw()
+ * yarvtest/yarvtest.rb : add rite test scheme
+ * benchmark/run_rite.rb : added
+ * yarvcore.c, inits.c : add Init_vm()
+ * yarv.h : add some prototype declarations, GET_THREAD()
+ * eval.c : remove unused functions
+ * eval.c : support Kernel.eval, some schemes (same as evalc.patch)
+2005-08-15(Mon) 00:53:28 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarv_version.h : move configurations to yarvcore.h
+ * yarvcore.c : remove VALUE yarv_get_current_running_thread() and
+ add yarv_thread_t *yarv_get_current_running_thread(), ...
+ * yarvcore.h : yarv_thread_t#vm -> vm_value
+ * compile.c : fix "break from nested classes"
+ * yarvext/extconf.rb : use have_func instead of defined?(YARV_PACHED)
+ * depend : fix pass
+ * eval.c : change to kick VM
+ * version.c : fix to show yarv version
+ * : fix dependent
+ * inits.c : fix to kick Init_yarvcore
+2005-08-14(Sun) 02:05:15 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * README : add description
+ * yarvext/depend : move to topdir/depend
+2005-08-14(Sun) 01:50:43 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * merge yarv to ruby (prepare)
+ * make yarvext/ to build as extension
+2005-08-13(Sat) 09:36:26 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * evalc.patch, insns.def, compile.c : fix to support current
+ ruby HEAD.
+ * 0.2.3
+2005-08-08(Mon) 19:13:02 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * version.h, Changes : 0.2.2
+2005-08-08(Mon) 17:17:50 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.h, vm.c, insns.def, yarvcore.h, yarvcore.c :
+ remove yarv_iseq_t#iseq_dt and add yarv_iseq_t#encoded.
+ use yarv_iseq_t#encoded anytime
+ * vm_evalbody.h, vm.h, extconf.rb, version.h :
+ support call threaded code (incomplete)
+2005-08-01(Mon) 05:26:12 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.c : support yield with multiple values
+ * compile.c : fix dynavars
+ * yarvcore.h : fix to mark defined method
+2005-07-31(Sun) 23:27:24 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.c, vm.c, insns.def : fix search object path
+ * compile.c : fix "for" statement
+ * vm_macro.def : fix rest, opt arguments
+2005-07-31(Sun) 14:52:06 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm_macro.def : fix block parameter
+ * compile.c : fix to unuse compile_data->in_ensure
+ * insns.def : add orphan check when return
+2005-07-31(Sun) 03:25:05 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c, compile.c, yarvcore.h, insns.def :
+ support jump from rescue/ensure/class/module
+ * test/test_flow.rb : add tests for above fix
+2005-07-30(Sat) 04:44:33 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.h : struct iseq_compile_data_ensure_node_stack is added
+ * compile.c : insert ensure clause before break/next/redo
+ * vm.c : fix return/break handling
+ * yarv.h, vm.c : fix lightweight yield
+ * vm.c, insns.def, vm_macro.def : change arguments of th_set_env (add sp)
+ * test/test_flow.rb : added
+ * test/yarvtest.rb : add ae_flow
+ * compile.c, vm_macro.def : add tail-call/tail-recursion optimization
+ (experimental)
+2005-07-29(Fri) 20:14:11 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : make_name_for_block and make_name_with_str
+ are added
+ * insns.def : fix if unmatched size arg size to yield
+ * test/test_block.rb : add test for above fix
+ * vm.c : add th_backtrace_each and fix backtrace notation
+ * yarvcore.c : set top level iseq name to "<main>"
+2005-07-29(Fri) 13:20:19 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.h : fix yarv_iseq_t to pass VC (cl)
+ * vm_dump.c : ditto
+ * compile.h : ditto
+ * insnhelper.h : ditto
+ * vm_evalbody.h : include 'math.h'
+ * insns.def, vm.c : raise error when yield without block
+ * vm.c : implement thread_backtrace
+ * vm.c, yarvsubst.c, yarv.h : implement thread_yield_light_prepare and
+ thread_yield_light_invoke
+ * yarvcore.c : Integer#times uses yarv specific version
+2005-07-28(Thu) 21:35:09 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.c : add another mark function for thread/stack
+ * vm_evalbody.h : fix register allocation for x86_64
+ * vm.h : use asm for tc on x86_64
+2005-07-28(Thu) 20:17:09 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.c : add mark/free message to debug gc
+ * insnhelper.h, insns.def, vm_macro.def : remove and
+ add new RESTORE_REGS
+ * vm_evalbody.h : fix register allocation
+2005-07-28(Thu) 02:00:42 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c, etc : change VM stack structure. re-write all
+ vm functions to do it
+ * vm_macro.def : added
+2005-07-08(Fri) 01:36:49 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def : don't use fmod on AMD64
+2005-07-08(Fri) 00:14:22 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * Changes : added
+2005-07-07(Thu) 23:54:37 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * version.h : 0.3.0
+2005-07-07(Thu) 23:52:03 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * 0.2.1 : released
+2005-07-07(Thu) 23:50:22 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * version.h : 0.2.1
+2005-07-07(Thu) 23:47:55 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * rb/insns2vm.rb, extconf.rb : add --[enable|disable]-opt-unify-all-combination
+ and --disable-opts
+ * vm.h : DISPATCH_ARCH_DEPEND_WAY is only enabled on GCC 3.x
+2005-07-06(Wed) 13:20:27 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * depend, rb/eval.rb : add ITEMS option to benchmark rule
+ * benchmark/* : changed
+ * benchmark/other-lang/* : added
+2005-07-04(Mon) 04:02:15 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.h. yarvcore.c : add idDIV, idMOD, idEq, idLength
+ * compile.c, insns.def : add specialized insn for above method id
+ * test/test_bin.rb : add tests for above
+2005-07-03(Sun) 20:31:09 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.c, yarvcore.h : remove cYarvThrowObject (unused)
+ * yarvcore.c, yarvcore.h, insns.def :
+ thread_object#stack_mark_poinetr
+ * depend, rb/eval.rb : BOPT, TOPT -> OPT
+2005-07-03(Sun) 13:53:47 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c, compile.h : INSN_OBJECT, LABEL_OBJECT -> INSN, LABEL,
+ and some fixes
+ * tmpl/ : ditto
+ * yarvcore.c, yarvcore.h : remove label_object, insn_object
+ prepare_iseq_build, cleanup_iseq_build are added
+ * insns.def : remove unused variable from send
+2005-07-02(Sat) 04:19:22 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def : add GC protect for opt_aset
+2005-07-02(Sat) 03:49:17 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * extconf.rb : add option -fno-reorder-blocks to vm.asm rule
+ * insns.def : fix opt_aset bugs
+ * test/test_bin.rb : add tests for aset, aref
+2005-07-02(Sat) 03:05:12 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/run.rb : fix output
+ * vm_evalbody.h : add register for x86_64
+ * rb/asm_parse.rb : fix to shor size and length
+2005-07-02(Sat) 02:56:31 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : move specialized instruction point (new_insn_send)
+ * insns.def : add opt_aref, opt_aset
+2005-07-01(Fri) 11:04:11 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.h : fix to pass VALUE type to new_insn_body
+ * insnhelper.h : add cast
+ * compile.c : fix getdynamic argument (0 == Qfalse -> I2F(0))
+2005-06-30(Thu) 23:34:10 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * rb/eval.rb : add and fix some rules
+ * rb/insns2vm.rb : generate all
+ * benchmark/run.rb : add -r (ruby only) option
+2005-06-30(Thu) 23:25:23 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * tmpl/ : add const prefix
+ * /rb/asm_parse.rb, extconf.rb : added and make assembler analysed output
+ * opt_operand.def : add send operands unification
+ * insnhelper.h : add HEAP_CLASS_OF(obj)
+ * insns.def : fix opt_plus, opt_ltlt
+ * vm_evalbody.h : move _tag
+ * benchmark/run.rb : fix file select
+2005-06-30(Thu) 06:07:04 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * extconf.rb : add collect-usage-analysis option
+ * opt_operand.def, opt_insn_unif.def : add some rules
+2005-06-29(Wed) 23:28:44 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.h, extconf.rb, vm.h, compile.c :
+ if at least one of then is defined, OPT_THREADED_CODE is defined
+ * benchmark/* : fix name and parameters
+ * rb/eval.rb : added for YARV evaluation
+2005-06-29(Wed) 16:16:52 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/run.rb : fix output format
+ * -> call_cfunc.h
+ * vm.h : add sign by asm statement
+2005-06-28(Tue) 22:28:40 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c : fix method search
+2005-06-28(Tue) 22:26:34 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * extconf.rb : fix options
+2005-06-28(Tue) 21:50:58 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/run.rb : fix output format
+2005-06-28(Tue) 21:34:54 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * depend : add option TOPT to test rules
+ * benchmark/run.rb : fix output format
+2005-06-28(Tue) 21:15:54 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : fix opt_case_dispatch instruction
+ * benchmark/run.rb : output all usertimes when exit benchmark
+2005-06-28(Tue) 20:35:55 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * extconf.rb, compile.c, tmpl/, vm.c :
+ change extconf options
+2005-06-28(Tue) 13:20:59 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/run.rb : add -y, --yarv-only option
+ * depend : add BOPT to tbench rule
+2005-06-27(Mon) 23:31:12 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * depend : add gdb rule
+ * vm.h : use inline assembler for x86 (to support gcc 3.4.x)
+2005-06-27(Mon) 20:04:10 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.c, compile.c, disasm.c : remove unused variables
+ * vm.h, insnhelper.h, debug.h : fix to reduce warning
+ * vm.c, vm_dump.c : move VM state dump (debug) functions to vm_dump.c
+ * depend : adde reconf rule
+ * insnhelper.h :
+ * : rename to vm_evalbody.h
+2005-06-27(Mon) 16:50:31 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns2vm.rb : fix generating unif insn
+ * compile.c : add useless pop/swap insn elimination with stack caching
+ * depend : remove compiled.o dependency
+2005-06-26(Sun) 14:06:22 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/run.rb : use tmpfile instead of popen
+ * rb/insns2vm.rb : fix generating insn unification logic
+ * opt_insn_unif.def : add some unification rules
+ * compile.c : add verify_list function and fix unification logic
+2005-06-22(Wed) 12:58:26 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.h, yarvcore.c, insns.def, compile.c : add mult optimization
+ * test/test_bin.rb : add test_fact
+2005-06-21(Tue) 22:34:07 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.h, compile.[ch], tmpl/, rb/insns2vm.rb :
+ change data structure (don't use Ruby's array to represent a
+ instruction sequence)
+ * disasm.c : add separator
+2005-06-14(Tue) 07:48:58 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : support "for" statement
+ * test/test_block.rb : add test for above
+ * yarvcore.[ch] : add global id idEach
+2005-06-08(Wed) 22:30:44 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : add if/unless(L1) jump (L2) :L1 => unless/if(L2)
+ optimize (condition reversal) and fix typo
+2005-06-07(Tue) 08:29:41 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.c : fix to remove compiler warning
+ * version.h : 0.2.1
+2005-06-07(Tue) 08:16:22 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.h : iseq_link_element changed to double linked list
+ * disasm.c : support dump struct iseq_link_element
+ * compile.c : use double linked list instead of array
+ for intermediate representation
+2005-06-06(Mon) 15:38:44 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.h, yarvcore.c : add link structure to insn and label object
+ * compile.h, compile.c : remove some variables in function top scope
+ of iseq_compile_each and some optimization (now working)
+2005-06-04(Sat) 16:12:59 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : fix previous commit
+2005-06-04(Sat) 15:56:21 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : fix stack caching (after jump state)
+2005-06-04(Sat) 09:12:13 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : fix some point for previous commit
+2005-06-04(Sat) 07:31:21 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c, insns.def : optimize case/when statement
+ (dispatch on constant time)
+ * yarvcore.h, disasm.c, rb/insns2vm.rb : fixed for above
+ * test/test_syn.rb : add test for above
+2005-06-04(Sat) 03:41:29 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.h, yarvcore.c : add some temporary variable test
+ (it'll be vanished)
+ * compile.c : NODE_CASE optimize (use topn instead of dup/swap)
+2005-06-03(Fri) 00:54:38 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : apply flow optimization for while/until statement
+2005-03-04(Fri) 19:34:32 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * rb/insns2vm.rb : fix category (comment)
+ * depend : remove space between target name and colon
+2005-03-04(Fri) 15:55:51 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * tmpl/yarvarch.ja : fix typo
+2005-03-04(Fri) 13:30:19 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * depend : add a rule for jitcompile.o
+ * vm.h : fix a macro argument
+ * version.h : 0.2.0
+2005-03-03(Thu) 08:35:14 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * extconf.rb : remove from clean target
+2005-03-03(Thu) 00:54:15 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * tmpl/ : fixed typo
+ * insns.def : store th->pc to current pc
+2005-03-03(Thu) 00:31:47 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * tmpl/yarvarch.ja, doc/yarv.rb : write current architecture of yarv
+2005-03-01(Tue) 13:50:04 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.c (yarvcore_eval_parsed) : added
+ (separated from yarvcore_eval)
+ * yarvcore.c, compile.c : iseq_translate_direct_threaded_code
+ is moved to compile.c
+ * depend : add rule for yasmdata.rb
+ * rb/yasm.rb : support top-level and method-level assemble
+2005-02-26(Sat) 08:09:57 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * rb/insns2vm.rb, compile.c, vm.h : change type long to OFFSET
+ * tmpl/yasmdata.rb.tmpl : added
+ * rb/insns2vm.rb : add yasmdata_rb method
+ * rb/yasm.rb : fix some interface (incomplete)
+ * compile.c : iseq_setup added
+ * yarvcore.c : YARVCore::InstructionSequence::Instruction#make added
+2005-02-24(Thu) 07:45:37 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * rb/yasm.rb : added
+2005-02-24(Thu) 01:13:33 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : remove useless statements
+2005-02-24(Thu) 00:46:44 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * rb/insns2vm.rb (InsnInfo) : add @is_sc attr and remove
+ is_sc method
+ * compile.c : fix NODE_CASE/NODE_WHEN bug (cond at 'when'
+ must not be popped)
+ * compile.c : support NODE_OP_ASGN1 to &&= and ||=
+ * test/test_bin.rb : add tests for above
+2005-02-23(Wed) 09:17:01 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c, yarvcore.c : thread_svar added and fix svar location
+2005-02-21(Mon) 08:38:02 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.h : make type "struct iseq_compile_data"
+ * yarvcore.h : iseq_object#insn_info_ary to iseq_object#insn_info_tbl
+2005-02-21(Mon) 05:24:01 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.c (compile_string) : remove null check of node
+2005-02-19(Sat) 03:52:45 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * version.h : 0.1.1
+2005-02-18(Fri) 20:57:18 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.h, yarvcore.c : add idLTLT, idMethodMissing
+ * compile.c : suopport lval (or others) block parameter
+ * test/test_block.rb : add tests for above
+ * insns.def (send) : support method_missing
+ * test/test_method.rb : add tests for above
+ * insns.def : opt_ltlt and
+2005-02-18(Fri) 08:54:40 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/runc.rb : added
+ * benchmark/contrib/pentomino.rb : added opt_ltlt
+ and Float, String plus specialization
+2005-02-18(Fri) 07:49:42 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : remove debug print
+ * rb/aotcompile.rb : skip if is not created
+2005-02-18(Fri) 06:46:13 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : fix block passing
+ and block argument
+2005-02-18(Fri) 05:52:41 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c : thread_get_ev_const, thread_get_ev_defined is added
+ (separated from insns.def)
+ * insnhelper.h : GET_EV_KLASS(klass) is added
+ (separated from insns.def)
+ * yarvcore.h, insns.def, compile.c : support defined? expression (limited)
+ * test/test_syn.rb : tests for above is added
+ * compile.c, insns.def : support block passed method dispatch
+ * test/test_method.rb : tests for above is added
+ * compile.h : CALL_ARGS_SPLAT is removed
+2005-02-16(Wed) 13:32:37 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * disasm.c : fix ID to String method
+ * compile.c : NODE_SUPER, NODE_ZSUPER check 'popped'
+ and NODE_RETURN check outer type
+ and NODE_DREGX_ONCE supported (temporarily)
+ * test/test_syn.rb : add a test
+ * test/test_jump.rb : add a test
+2005-02-16(Wed) 06:07:41 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.[hc] : use Symbol instead of Fixnum to represent ID
+ * rb/insns2vm.rb : add attr_reader :insns, :insn_map
+ * vm.h, rb/insns2vm.rb : END_INSN have one arg
+ * jitcompile.c : jit compiler framework (experimental)
+ * rb/aotcompile.rb : refactoring
+ * compiled.c : add constant pool
+ *,, vm.c : separated from vm.c
+ * insns.def : fix return val
+ * depend : add rules for compiled.o
+2005-02-14(Mon) 13:09:01 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insnhelper.h, yarvcore.h: move YARV_METHOD_NODE to yarvcore.h
+ * yarvcore.h : add 2 members jit_compiled and iseq_orig
+ to struct iseq_object
+ * yarvcore.c : add yarv_jitcompile and global function jitcompile
+ * insns.def : insn opt_call_native_compiled added
+ * jitcompile.c : added
+2005-02-12(Sat) 05:38:51 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def (putstring) : fixed to duplicate string object
+ * rb/insns2vm.rb, tmpl/, compile.c : support
+ instructions unification (aka super instruction)
+ * opt_insn_unif.def : added for above
+ * benchmark/bm_unif1.rb : added to measure efficiency of unification
+ * depend : fixed for above
+ * extconf.rb : add option --(enable|disable)-opt-insns-unification
+2005-02-11(Fri) 12:14:39 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.c, vm.c, insns.def : permit to access svar from
+ cfunc environment
+ * test/test_method.rb : add tests for above
+2005-02-09(Wed) 19:31:06 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ite.rb : added (ruby -rite [script file])
+2005-02-09(Wed) 02:25:43 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.[hc] : add member compile_data (hash) to iseq_object
+ * compile.c, yarvcore.h : check label is already set
+ * compile.c, extconf.rb : support __goto__ and __label__ statement
+2005-01-25(Tue) 12:49:27 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/test_block.rb : add break test to test_times
+2005-01-25(Tue) 03:34:04 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * extconf.rb : check ruby version if yarv patch is applied or not
+ * evalc.patch : fixed for rb_call_super and above check
+2005-01-25(Tue) 03:21:48 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * rb/insns2vm.rb : refactoring (mainly, make InsnsDef::InsnInfo
+ to represent each instruction information)
+ * depend, rb/makedocs.rb : fixed for above
+ * yarvcore.c (thread_call_super) : added
+ * vm.c (thread_call_super) : added
+ * vm.h : add struct cmethod_info
+ * insns.def, vm.c : use cmethod_info to represent C method info
+ * insns.def : use iseq_object#klass_nest_stack
+ to search super/zsuper's class
+ * prosym.rb : removed
+ * ToDo : write todo things on wiki
+2005-01-18(Tue) 23:44:47 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/run.rb : check ENV['RUBY'] to use ruby binary
+2005-01-10(Mon) 08:44:40 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * version.h : 0.1.0
+2005-01-09(Sun) 22:01:29 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * repository : svn propset svn:eol-style native *.c *.h tmpl/*.tmpl
+2005-01-09(Sun) 21:48:38 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.c : FREE_UNLESS_NULL, MARK_UNLESS_NULL macros are added
+ * yarvcore.c : some insn/label methods are added
+ * yarvcore.h : add structure menber "insns_ary" to iseq_object
+ * vm.c, insns.def (thread_eval_body) : return values with throw
+ * prosym.rb : added
+ * insns.def : add YARV_AOT_COMPILED and some procedure
+ * depend : add compiled.c
+ * compiled.c : added to build compiled Ruby program (C source)
+ by AOT compiler
+ * rb/aotcompile.rb : AOT compiler
+ * aotct.rb, rb/aotctest.rb : test and benchmark AOT compiler
+ * rb/allload.rb : added
+2005-01-09(Sun) 08:30:38 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.c (yarv_yield_values) : added
+ * vm.c (thread_call0) : change interface. substitute rb_call0 in
+ yarv environment
+ * yarvcore.c (yarv_call0) : fix for above
+ * yarvcore.c (yarv_call0_cfunc) : removed
+ * yarvcore.c : change passing items for yarv_setup
+ * evalc.patch : fix for above
+ * benchmark/bm_lists.rb : fix (unsupported block passing)
+ * benchmark/run.rb : use full path to ruby
+ * insns.def (yield): raise error if argc > expected argc
+2005-01-08(Sat) 16:07:48 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * extconf.rb : add descrioptions
+ * compile.c : fix bugs (getinlinecache operands)
+ * yarvcore.c : initial value of yarvGlobalStateVersion
+ to 1
+2005-01-08(Sat) 14:39:04 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.c, vm.c, evalc.patch : support making backtrace
+ (incompatible with current ruby interpreter)
+2005-01-08(Sat) 11:25:46 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * evalc.patch : commit for previous commit change
+ * yarvcore.h, compile.c, insns.def : MC to IC (inline cache),
+ and changed to using IC by set/getinlinecache
+2005-01-08(Sat) 10:04:33 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.c : add global variable sym[IC]FUNC
+ * yarvcore.c (yarv_iterate, yarv_call0_cfunc) : added
+ (each called from rb_iterate, rb_call0 with NODE_CFUNC)
+ * vm.c (stack_dump_raw) : fixed to prints more detail
+ * vm.c (stack_dump_th, stack_dump_thobj) : added to
+ dumps thread_object states (for VALUE, struct pointer)
+ * vm.c (thread_dump_regs) : added
+ * vm.c (thread_call0, thread_call0_cfunc, thread_invoke_yield,
+ thread_invoke_yield_cfunc), insns.def (yield, send) :
+ fixed, added to support IFUNC
+ * vm.c, yarvcore.c, insns.def : change type purpose
+ thread_object#block_ptr (it holds IFUNC block information,
+ so this type was changed to 'NODE *')
+ * vm.c (stack_dump_each) : fixed for above
+ * test/test_block.rb (test_ifunc) : test for above
+ * vm.c (get_block_object, thread_make_env_object) : fixed bugs
+ * test/test_bin.rb (test_xstr) : remove `ls` test
+2005-01-06(Thu) 21:35:18 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarv : trying to support NODE_IFUNC (rb_iterate)
+2005-01-05(Wed) 06:50:42 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.h, insns.def, disasm.c, rb/insns2vm.rb, compile.[ch] :
+ support inline method cache
+ * extconf.rb : add -*-inline-method-cache (default: enable)
+ * test/test_method.rb : add a test for above
+ * benchmark/bm_poly_method.rb : added
+ * yarvcore.c : add option string
+2005-01-04(Tue) 17:15:41 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def, compile.c : add compile_array and duparray insn
+ to optimize only literal array creation
+ * benchmark/bm_array.rb : added
+2005-01-04(Tue) 10:02:40 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * README : fix version
+2005-01-04(Tue) 09:57:25 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * ToDo : reflect current status
+2005-01-04(Tue) 09:43:54 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : support NODE_VALUES, NODE_ARGSCAT, NODE_SPLAT
+ * test/test_massign.rb : add tests for above
+ * benchmark/bm_swap.rb : added
+2005-01-04(Tue) 06:25:45 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.h : COMPILE_ERROR break control (instead of return)
+ * compile.c : support NODE_MASGN
+ * insns.def : change expandarray for massign and add topn insn
+ * test/test_massign.rb : added
+2005-01-03(Mon) 21:20:28 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c : store block when create proc
+ * test/test_proc.rb : add a test for above change
+ * yarvcore.c : add global function "once"
+2005-01-02(Sun) 00:40:08 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/bm_super.rb : fix bug (remove infinite loop)
+2005-01-01(Sat) 23:45:49 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/bm_z?super.rb : added
+2005-01-01(Sat) 23:37:38 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/bmx_so_object.rb : rename to benchmark/bm_so_object.rb
+2005-01-01(Sat) 23:19:02 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : support NODE_OP_ASGN2, NODE_OP_ASGN_AND, NODE_OP_ASGN_OR,
+ * insns.def : support super, zsuper (currently, super can't
+ handle with block)
+ * test/test_bin.rb : add test for op_assign2, op_assign_and/or
+ * test/test_class.rb : add test for super, zsuper
+2005-01-01(Sat) 20:39:29 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : support NODE_MATCH
+ * yarvcore.c : fix yarv_svar bug (fix condition boundary)
+ * insnhelper.h : save cfp/lfp/dfp vars to thread_object (th)
+2005-01-01(Sat) 20:03:10 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * version.h : 0.0.1
+ * yarvcore.h : add idIntern declaration
+ * insns.def : add getspecial, setspecial.
+ implement getclassvariable, setclassvariable.
+ store lfp before reg match (opt_regexpmatch1)
+ * compile.c : support ditto, flipflop
+ * yarvcore.c : support svar
+ * test/test_syn.rb : add test for flipflop
+ * test/test_bin.rb : add test for dsym, cvar, backref
+2005-01-01(Sat) 09:09:32 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def : add getspecial insn
+ * compile.c : support NODE_NTH_REF, NODE_BACK_REF
+2005-01-01(Sat) 06:53:38 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def, compile.c : support alias, undef
+ * test/test_method.rb : test for above
+ * rb/insns2vm.rb : fix enbug
+2005-01-01(Sat) 06:00:32 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/test_jump.rb : add test (next with value)
+ * yarvcore.h, yarvcore.c, compile.c, compile.h :
+ raise compile error exception instead of rb_bug
+ * yarvcore.c, evalc.patch : support "require"
+ * test.rb : restore $" after evaluation with ruby
+ * rb/insns2vm.rb : remove unnecessary each
+2004-12-17(Fri) 18:56:38 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def : fix newhash
+2004-12-15(Wed) 13:29:27 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.c : add version string
+ * compile.c : fix rescure clause bug
+2004-12-14(Tue) 22:46:30 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def : add reput insn
+ * vm.h : show stack cache registers when stack dump
+ * rb/insns2vm.rb, compile.c : fix stack caching bugs
+2004-12-14(Tue) 00:51:58 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns2vm.rb, compile.c, tmpl/ : fix bugs
+ * rb/mixc-asm.rb : added
+2004-12-14(Tue) 00:17:02 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.h, yarvcore.c, compile.c : fix SC bugs
+ (SC state management)
+ * extconf.rb : add option -[enable|disable]-opt-stack-caching
+ * insns2vm.rb : accept CPPFLAGS options
+ * vm.c : support restrore register for pc
+2004-12-13(Mon) 16:53:42 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * rb/insns2vm.rb : add macro INSN_IS_SC()
+2004-12-11(Sat) 10:51:44 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def, compile.c : support singleton method definition
+ * test/test_method.rb : add test for above
+2004-12-11(Sat) 03:17:54 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/*.rb : modify
+ * extconf.rb : add $cleanfiles
+2004-12-08(Wed) 13:01:38 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c, insns.def : change to disable stack caching
+2004-12-07(Tue) 19:37:13 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * rb/insns2vm.rb : add default after
+ * insns.def : fix to work on stack caching
+2004-12-07(Tue) 15:07:13 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * depend : add some dependency to *.inc files
+ * vm.c : add "register" and asm("regname") descriptor
+ * rb/insns2vm.rb, compile.c : add stack caching support
+ * tmpl/ : added to above change
+ * rb/makedocs.rb : fix file path
+ * extconf.rb : fix option selection
+2004-12-06(Mon) 11:20:11 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * extconf.rb : add vm.asm target if compiler is gcc
+2004-12-06(Mon) 09:56:24 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.h : rename method_frame's member block to block_ptr
+ * extconf.rb : add "-fno-crossjumping" option when compiler
+ is gcc
+ * opt_operand.def : add unification insn send
+ * rb/insns2vm.rb : define symbol instead of declare const
+ variable (for more optimize on VC)
+ * insns.def : move enter point in send
+2004-12-06(Mon) 04:53:51 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c, opt_operand.def, rb/insns2vm.rb, depend :
+ support operand unification
+2004-12-05(Sun) 03:16:10 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c, insns.def : speed up throw/catch scheme
+2004-12-05(Sun) 01:47:05 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c : fix catch handler bugs
+ * test/test_jump.rb : test_complex_jump added
+2004-12-03(Fri) 20:39:05 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/contrib/mcq.rb : added
+ (from URABE Syouhei)
+2004-12-03(Fri) 20:35:28 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c : support break in rb_yield block
+2004-12-03(Fri) 14:26:35 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : support block local variable in current
+ ruby specification (patche from Kent Sibilev)
+ * insns.def : support attr_* (patch from Kent Sibilev)
+2004-12-02(Thu) 21:04:27 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * opt_operand.def : added
+2004-12-02(Thu) 13:20:41 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.c, vm.h, vm.c, insns.def, insnhelper.h, yarvutil.rb :
+ add usage analysis framework
+ * disasm.c : insn_operand_intern to separate function
+ * benchmark/run.rb : run each benchmark on another process
+2004-12-01(Wed) 10:26:49 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c : yield check block is given
+ * benchmark/bm_lists.rb : rename to bmx_lists.rb
+ (because it's not work ... bug?)
+ * insns.def : opt_* support other type calc
+2004-11-30(Tue) 16:14:54 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/bm_so_array.rb : added
+ * benchmark/bm_so_matrix.rb : added
+2004-11-30(Tue) 14:11:30 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * rb/getrev.rb : added
+ * yarvcore.c : add YARVCore::REV, YARVCore::DATE constant
+2004-11-30(Tue) 13:05:42 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : support NODE_OP_ASGN1 (incomplete)
+ * insns.def : add dupn
+2004-11-30(Tue) 08:52:01 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * version.h : 0.0.0.f
+2004-11-30(Tue) 08:43:59 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/test_class.rb : add test_initialize and test_to_s
+ * yarvsubst.c : use rb_funcall instead of yarv_funcall
+ * evalc.patch : fix ruby's patch
+ * benchmark/bm_so_*.rb : change naming rule. "bm_so_*" from
+ language shootout
+ * depend : tbench target item is ITEM env val (default: bmx_temp)
+ * vm.c : show raw address if environment is in heap at dumping stack trace
+ * vm.c : thread_call0 added
+ * vm.c : fix thread_yield_light_invoke
+ * yarv.h, yarvcore.c : remove yarv_funcall
+2004-11-29(Mon) 11:37:08 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/test/test_proc.rb : add test test_nestproc
+ * yarvsubst.c : comment out yarv_Array_each
+ * insns.def : restore lfp/dfp after call_cfunc
+ * vm.c : fix stack dump routine
+ * vm.c : implement thread_funcall (temporarily)
+ * yarvcore.c : remove check with yarv_in_work
+ * evalc.patch : added
+2004-11-27(Sat) 00:19:52 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.c : free -> ruby_xfree
+2004-11-26(Fri) 02:11:11 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm,c : fix bug
+2004-11-22(Mon) 11:19:48 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/bm_ackermann.rb, bm_proc.rb, bm_simpleiter.rb,
+ bm_so_exception.rb, bm_wc.rb, wc.input added
+2004-11-22(Mon) 02:31:56 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/test_proc.rb : add some test
+ * yarvcore.c, vm.c : support yield in C method (as rb_yield)
+ * vm.c (thread_yield_light_(prepare|invoke)) : support lightweight
+ yield
+ * yarv.h : added
+ * yarvcore.c, yarv.h : support yarv_is_working, yarv_block_given_p,
+ yarv_yield, yarv_funcall (only dummy function)
+ * vm.c : thread_eval_body changed return value
+ * yarvsubst.c : added and add yarv_Integer_times, yarv_Array_each
+ * yarvcore.h : block_ptr is added to struct thread_object
+ * insns.def : pass block when C method call
+ * insnhelper.h : add GET_ISEQOBJ(cfp) macro
+2004-11-21(Sun) 07:25:49 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c : support Proc#call
+ * test/test_proc.rb : added
+2004-11-19(Fri) 18:04:10 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def, vm.c : support creating Proc object
+2004-11-15(Mon) 14:19:27 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def (send) : use clear_local_size to specify
+ clear local table vars.
+ * insns.def : block represent data shares lfp, dfp with frame data
+2004-11-13(Sat) 18:19:41 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.h, insns.def : add VM_CALL_ARGS_SPLAT_BIT and
+ * compile.c, compile.h : add ADD_SEND, ADD_SEND_R
+2004-11-10(Wed) 08:26:25 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * add "vm_" prefix to (block_object, proc_object, env_object)
+2004-11-03(Wed) 15:52:14 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.h, yarvcore.c, disasm.c, compile.c, insns.def, vm.c :
+ fix to move x86_64 (illegal cast, etc)
+2004-11-01(Mon) 04:45:54 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.h, compile.c, debug.c, version.h :
+ redesign gc debug scheme (GC_CHECK())
+ * yarvcore.c : mark iseqobj->current_block on GC
+ * insns.def, compile.c : last "throw" in ensure/rescue block
+ use operand throwobj and before this insn, use "getdynamic 0, 1"
+ * benchmark/bm_temp.rb : move to benchmark bmx_temp.rb
+ * depend : change some targets
+2004-10-25(Mon) 19:57:58 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : push exception iseq to iseqobj->iseq_mark_ary
+ to mark for GC
+2004-10-10(Sun) 16:25:03 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : remove $_, $' area from method local frame
+ and provide that's special method local variables pointer(LFP[-1])
+ * disasm.c : change environment showing format
+ * yarvcore.(h|c) : add YarvProc, YarvEnv
+ * yarvcore.h : add arg_block field to iseq_object
+ and init -1 as default value
+2004-09-30(Thu) 19:50:48 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c, insns.def : support passing splat argument
+ * compile.c, insns.def : support rest argument
+ * compile.c, insns.def : support optional argument initializer
+ * test/test_method.rb : add tests for above
+2004-09-29(Wed) 10:50:03 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : fix rescue clause popped
+ * benchmark/bm_random.rb : move to benchmark/bmx_random.rb
+2004-09-29(Wed) 01:25:35 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * many many files: change stack frame design
+2004-09-16(Thu) 08:51:37 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c, yarvcore.h : support 'return' from method
+ in ensure clause
+2004-09-13(Mon) 21:56:40 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : support inline cache constant access
+ * depend : add 'vtest' rule(verbose test)
+2004-09-13(Mon) 10:58:44 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c, yarvcore.h : support redo/next/break in
+ while/until
+2004-09-13(Mon) 08:50:19 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/test_jump.rb : added(correctly)
+ * benchamark/bm_(ensure|rescue|simplereturn).rb added
+2004-09-12(Sun) 23:30:20 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/test_jump.rb : added
+ * insns.def, compile.c : add 'putnil' insn
+ * compile.c : use '===' when rescue check
+ * insns.def : remove 'rescuecheck' insn
+ * compile.c : support retry in begin/rescue clause
+ * ToDo : added
+2004-09-08(Wed) 12:34:04 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.h, yarvcore.c : add idThrow*
+ * insns.def, compile.c, vm.c : support retry, break,
+ next, redo, return(incomplete)
+2004-09-03(Fri) 13:40:08 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : add nop after rescue body
+ * insns.def, vm.c : support stack rewind when thrown
+2004-09-01(Wed) 17:31:01 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/test_exception.rb : added
+2004-09-01(Wed) 13:15:14 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.c, insns.def : implementing exception handling
+2004-09-01(Wed) 00:18:54 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def : add 'throw' insn
+ * compile.c : support 'rescue' and 'ensure' clause
+ * yarvcore.c, yarvcore.h : add 'catch_table' to iseq_struct
+2004-08-30(Mon) 19:06:12 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.h : NEW_ISEQOBJ don't pass self as parent
+ * compile.c : use NEW_CHILD_ISEQOBJ explicitly
+2004-08-29(Sun) 21:09:55 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : trying to implement rescue/ensure
+ * insns.def : fix yield bug(lfp, dfp link)
+2004-08-28(Sat) 13:52:15 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : fix dvar bug
+ * test/test_block.rb : add test
+ * insns.def, insnhelper.h : remove unused source code
+2004-08-28(Sat) 08:51:26 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : support NODE_DASGN
+ * test/test_block.rb : add test
+2004-08-28(Sat) 08:13:04 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c, insns.def : support access to instance variable
+ * test/test_class.rb : add test of instance variable
+ * benchmark/bm_block.rb : added
+2004-08-28(Sat) 07:48:43 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/test_block.rb : fix block parameter name
+2004-08-28(Sat) 07:27:52 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c, insns.def : support method call with block
+ and yield and add some functions
+ * compile.c, insns.def : support dynavars accessor
+ * test/test_block.rb : added
+ * vm.c : fix block parameter stack dump
+2004-08-27(Fri) 23:56:47 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c(iseq_compile) : remove parameter iseqtype
+ (this information can access via self)
+2004-08-27(Fri) 17:13:35 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/test_bin.rb : add test(absolute path constant)
+ * yarvcore.h, compile.c(iseq_compile) : change parameter
+ * insns.def(classdef) : fix bug
+2004-08-27(Fri) 04:53:13 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def : support setconstant, getconstant, classdef,
+ moduledef
+ * vm.h : fix debug levels and so on
+ * vm.h : foo_WORD -> foo_WC
+ * test/test_class.rb : added
+2004-08-25(Wed) 17:51:50 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def : fix getconstant/setconstant/classdef
+2004-08-25(Wed) 14:27:10 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * debug.[ch] : added
+ * compile.c, disasm.c : use debug interface
+ * compile.c : support some nodes
+ * compile.c, rb/insns2vm.rb : remove TS_CPATH
+ * insns.def : modify classdef/moduledef/singletonclassdef
+ and add popcref
+ * and others...
+2004-08-18(Wed) 20:16:45 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : fix case/when statement with empty else clause
+ * insns.def : enable compile
+ * yarvcore.h : add class search path scheme
+ * test/test_syn.rb : add switch/case test case
+ * tmpl/yarvarch.ja : update documents
+2004-05-22(Sat) 01:30:44 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvutil.rb : add eval_in_wrap
+ * test/test_*.rb : change to use eval_in_wrap
+2004-05-20(Thu) 02:50:32 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * support global variables
+ * benchmark/bm_*.rb : add some benchmarks
+ * compile.c : support NODE_ATTRASGN
+ * compile.c : add debugi(...)
+2004-05-19(Wed) 23:19:38 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * test/test_method.rb : added
+2004-05-19(Wed) 22:56:09 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def : fix typo
+ * benchmark/run.rb : sort benchmark order by filename
+ * extconf.rb : use --enable/disable-xxx
+ * version.h : ditto(don't touch to change yarv options)
+2004-05-19(Wed) 21:18:55 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvutil.rb : added
+ * test.rb, test/*, benchmark/run.rb : use yarvutil.rb
+ * version.h : USE_OPTIMIZED_REGEXP_MATCH added
+ * yarvcore.h : add idEqTilde
+ * yarvcore.c(yarvcore_parse, yarvcore_eval) : require file and line
+ parameter
+ * test/test_bin.rb : add regexp test
+ * benchmark/bm_regexp.rb : added
+2004-05-19(Wed) 13:57:31 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : add compile_dstr(self, node)
+ * compile.c : support NODE_MATCH2, NODE_MATCH3, NODE_DXSTR
+ * insns.def : add toregexp
+2004-05-18(Tue) 10:12:20 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : support NODE_XDSTR
+ * test/test_bin.rb : add test for above change
+2004-05-18(Tue) 09:46:33 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def(send) : store regs before call_cfunc
+2004-05-18(Tue) 08:55:17 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : support NODE_DSTR, NODE_EVSTR
+ * compile.c : support NODE_XSTR
+ * insns.def : add tostring operation
+ * rb/makedocs.rb : fix directory path
+ * depend : add tbench rule
+ * yarvcore.h : add 'extern ID idBackquote'
+2004-05-18(Tue) 00:09:48 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * yarvcore.h(struct thread_object) : add 'VALUE stat_insn_usage'
+2004-05-17(Mon) 11:28:55 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * version.h, insns.def, yarvcore.c : add FAKE_INLINE_METHOD_CACHE
+2004-05-17(Mon) 09:05:53 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * compile.c : fix generating opt_* insn process
+2004-05-17(Mon) 08:58:49 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/(bm_tarai.rb, bm_fib.rb) : added
+2004-05-17(Mon) 08:20:12 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/(bm_tak.rb, bm_reccount.rb) : added
+ * insns.def : test method cache(incomplete)
+ * insns.def : add expandarray insn
+ * yarvcore.c(iseq_init) : add parameter 'parent'
+2004-05-17(Mon) 01:49:48 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * benchmark/run.rb, bm_factorial.rb, bm_whileloop.rb : added
+ * insns.def(send) : set id to ruby_frame->orig_func
+ * check behavior on mswin32 and cygwin
+ * insns.def(send) : check stack overflow
+2004-05-16(Sun) 08:00:55 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * change frame structure(debugging)
+2004-05-14(Fri) 15:06:02 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns2vm.rb : support file name arguments
+2004-05-14(Fri) 04:33:09 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * insns.def : support (easy) constant
+2004-05-12(Wed) 01:51:48 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * rb/insns2vm.b : set directory prefix
+ * disasm.c : fix bug
+2004-05-12(Wed) 00:00:17 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.h, compiler.h, version.h : move *DEBUG defs to version.h
+2004-05-11(Tue) 23:00:11 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * vm.h, version.h, yarvcore.h : move gcc ver check to version.h
+ and include version.h from yarvcore.h
+2004-05-11(Tue) 19:16:26 +0900 Koichi Sasada <>
+ * 0.0.0.d : imported
+Local variables:
+add-log-time-format: (lambda ()
+ (let* ((time (current-time))
+ (diff (+ (cadr time) 32400))
+ (lo (% diff 65536))
+ (hi (+ (car time) (/ diff 65536))))
+ (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d(%a) %H:%M:%S +900" (list hi lo) t)))
+indent-tabs-mode: t
+tab-width: 8